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Name: 20181205_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 5, 2018
3384 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics such as globalism, populism, millennials, communism, socialism, energy levels, storage food, super male vitality, and the globalist agenda. He emphasizes the importance of staying informed and not giving up in the ongoing battle for the future. Jones mentions the Yellow Vest protests in France and how this movement is spreading across Europe. He encourages people to share information and support alternative news sources like Infowars.com and NewsWars.com. Jones discusses a new product called Alpha Power, which is claimed to be an over-the- top stamina, libido, workout, brain formula that is safe. He talks about millennials spending less than previous generations due to having less money. Jones also discusses the globalist elites and their plans, stating that Trump is trying to fix things while being attacked by these elites. The speaker discusses education and how it is designed to indoctrinate young people into a socialist or communist viewpoint. He mentions the consequences of this indoctrination, including millennials' desire for socialism and their willingness to control others' lives. Jones also talks about the recent passing of George H.W. Bush and how his funeral was attended by members of the globalist elite. Jones promotes Infowars Select storable foods at InfoWarsStore.com, which are available at a discounted price. He talks about how millennials have been brainwashed by globalists in leftist areas and that they have had their intelligence hijacked through education systems. Mike Adams is then set to come on air and discuss serious issues such as terraforming and chemtrails. The episode ends with a huge sale at InfowarsStore.com with free shipping, 50-75% discounts, double Patriot points and a free gift with every order.

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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, things really came into view for me this morning here reading the news.
And I'm not even going to get started right now.
I'm just going to go to this important report and come back and get into it.
But we're really connected some dots here that are, quite frankly, horrifying.
There's a lot of good things happening too, but by admitting how much trouble we're in and admitting the bad, we have a chance to avert some really serious situations.
But look at Europe.
They're a few years down the road from where we're going to be.
Here's John Bowne's report on what's happening right now.
Excuse me, Ms.
Your country is on fire again.
Rothschild pawn President Macron can't escape the inferno he left raging back in his home country after flying off to the G20 summit in Argentina.
So much so, he was symbolically greeted by what appeared to be yellow vest protesters after touching down in Buenos Aires, but were coincidentally airport workers.
Everyone forgot to receive Macron for the G20 Summit in Argentina, except this guy at the airport.
I love my country.
The Argentine news outlet, The Bubble, saying, if you've ever felt forgotten or unloved, remember that there weren't any government officials on hand to welcome Macron to Argentina.
Meanwhile, over another Saturday of protests, upwards of 100 people were injured.
After the first round of Yellow Vest protests that left two dead, 750 injured, and an estimated 1.5 million euro in damages, Macron told the French thugs, as he called them, to essentially eat cake.
This movement has given rise to major demonstrations and also unacceptable violence.
I have understanding for these fellow citizens.
But I will not give anything to those who want destruction and disorder, because the Republic is both public order and the free expression of opinions.
Since the 1950s, the French government has subsidized the production of diesel engines, and France leads Europe in car sales of diesel-powered vehicles.
According to the French Union of Petroleum Industries, the price of diesel fuel per liter increased by 22% between October 2017 and October 2018.
Yet, regardless of the massive response by average citizens to an impossible cost-of-living hike, Macron is staying the course on the tax increase of 7.6 cents per liter on diesel and a further increase of 6.5 cents on diesel planned for the 1st of January 2019.
Aggressive measures intended on ending diesel and petrol cars by 2040.
I can assure you, France will not give up the fight.
I reaffirm clearly that the Paris Agreement remains irreversible and will be implemented, not just by France, but by all the other nations.
To add insult to injury, literally, in a recent speech, Macron reminded the French that the wording of the Paris Agreement would shut down 14 of the country's 58 nuclear reactors currently in operation by the target date of 2035.
Three quarters of France's electricity comes from its nuclear plants.
But these protests are nothing new.
Protests against the taxation of petrol in France go back to the 1930s.
The Yellow Vest protests are simply a concentrated version of earlier protests in the face of the elite's rampaging madness to ram carbon taxation down the throats of a republic.
In case you forgot, Globalist, a republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people.
...and their elected representatives, which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
The globalist model is essentially inoperable within a true republic, which is why the globalists have sought to bastardize the oversight and culture within these republics.
The mainstream media would have us look the other way and believe that the 245 French people killed since the Charlie Hebdo attack, the unyielding sexual assaults by refugees, and the Islamification of France aren't part and parcel to the Yellow Vest's outrage.
But we all know this isn't just about taxes.
The people have had enough, and the protests are spreading.
The Yellow Vest protests have spread to Italy, where the EU's dominance is unwanted by a populace that supports its own government.
And in Brussels on November 30th, demonstrations led to 60 arrests for disturbing the public order.
Populism, a tsunami of natural proportions, is something the globalists are unequipped to deal with.
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We are drugged out!
We are following other people's opinions!
We are controlled by the media.
Today, it all changes.
This reality has been forced upon us.
It is a choice, just like when I said slavery is a choice.
Einstein says the death of insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different result.
So we keep on saying, I hate you, I hate you, f*** you, f*** you, f*** you.
How are we going to get a different result out of hate?
Why don't we just try love?
Why don't we just try love?
We have the resources.
You know, sometimes you need some crazy motherf***ers to change something.
Steve Jobs is crazy.
Now we all on Steve Jobs' phones.
They say Trump's crazy.
They say I'm crazy.
But I'm here to show love.
It's a bigger plan, and I'm just doing what the universe told me.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
We are transferring power from Washington, D.C.
and giving it back to you, the people.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
This is the heart of 1776.
Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
Huge nationwide protests erupted once again on President Donald Trump's second weekend in office.
"People, not the bus! People, not the bus! Bus!"
When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.
When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.
Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States.
And most importantly, we will be protected by God.
From the front lines of the info room, it's Alex Jones.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
A lot of really good things are happening.
Christians worldwide now realize that they're under attack by the corporate power structure, by radical Islam, by the whole Hollywood cartel.
Nation-states are being reborn, capitalism and free market is being rediscovered.
Crony capitalism has never been in bigger trouble.
Mainstream media, corporate media, is being propped up with hundreds of billions of dollars a year across the world, and still they can't get viewers, still they can't get listeners, and I've got a big stack of news on that front.
But the bad news is, Incredible wealth and incredible success always breeds entropy, it breeds decadence, it breeds spoiled, rotten gangs and cartels of individuals that will ally themselves with the worst sorts in the power structure, and then who will systematically go out and hunt down, every time in history, their bettors.
Because they don't like the fact that we exist.
And the fact that we're moral and strong always is a reminder of what horrible little globalists they are.
Now there's different types of people that join evil, obviously, but I've had some conversations with globalists on record that I've been able to tell you about.
Others have been off record, and I haven't violated those confidences.
And I've made the point thousands of times that they collect Probably the greatest, and I'll put that in quotes, head of the private Federal Reserve ever, was Alan Greenspan.
Alan Greenspan was friends with Ron Paul.
Alan Greenspan admired Barry Goldwater and Larry McDonald.
Alan Greenspan in the 60s and 70s was a Von Mies Institute-type economist.
If you heard him in the 70s, On a radio show, and we've played clips before, it sounded like Ron Paul or Rand Paul.
But he got bought off.
He sold out to the system.
He was a very eloquent challenger of it.
And so the only reason I tell you the story here of why I have it sold out is so you can understand their mindset.
Almost everyone else sells out.
And there's a lot of reasons people do that.
But the biggest one is, they learned that the general public is dumbed down and decadent and stupid, and doesn't want to be told the truth.
And so, many of the best and brightest minds who are not consciously evil, they're not out trying to hurt people, they join the corrupt system because they basically give up.
Now, I am never going to give up, and I see incredibly positive things happening, but the toll they will take on you personally to try to distract you, divert you, or stop you is massive.
And that's why I know so many other talk show hosts and so many other prominent people who openly sell out to the system.
And who start towing the line and saying we need open borders and we need world government and hey let them teach two-year-olds that they're really boys or really girls and ruin their lives.
And they run up the white flag and they hide from the system and hope it doesn't get their kids.
And if they had any understanding of history that might have worked the last 50 years or so while the evil was building.
You may have been able to hide out and stay away from it with your money.
You're not going to be able to hide from this, ladies and gentlemen, because if you look at the constellation of information, and what's being taught in public schools nationwide, that we detail here every day, it is so unbelievably evil, abusive, criminal, over-the-top, that words cannot describe it.
And that's why they don't want any opposition to their system on air.
Is because what they're doing is so horrible that it has to have no opposition to have any hope of succeeding.
I have mainstream news articles here with a straight face, saying now they're teaching two-year-olds that they're another gender, without telling the parents at daycares, and when the parents complain, the ADL comes out and attacks them in the news.
These are adults coming and talking about sex with your two-year-old.
This is hardcore abuse, in my view.
And again, if you can be trained to let your small children be with people you don't even know, dressed up in weird outfits, saying that your children belong to them, basically, you'll put up with anything!
So our instincts are coming back, our common sense, our spirit's coming back.
But I looked at a group of articles today, a lot of which you would think would be positive from our side.
But when you really pull back, it lets you know how serious it is.
I'm going to cover all those when we come back.
Make no mistake, our children are being targeted, and not just by the sexualization NAMBLA lobby.
No, they're being targeted by a lot of other groups and individuals.
And the children are the future, so this is a war for the future.
And I'm going to break it all down when we come back and tie it together.
Because it is The key to everything.
And it is the fight we face.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back.
Two things as we go to break.
Please remember that the enemy is test marketing shutting us down for everybody else.
And that's in the news today.
They're actually admitting that.
They say, now that we've test-marketed shutting down Alex Jones, we'll take everybody down.
Of course, they didn't really do that, but they need to create that illusion so other people get scared and won't speak out.
There's a lot of facets to this, but that's one of them.
But remember, when you tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, people at the grocery store, people at a four-way stop, about NewsWars.com and Infowars.com, and about that local TV or radio station that you're listening to, Or watching, or you spread the word, or you print out an article and leave it at the barbershop, or at the dentist's office.
It changes the world.
When you buy a book at Infowarsstore.com, like The Killing of Uncle Sam, the history of this thing, and donate it to the library, that's how we win the war, one mind at a time.
Because the globalists, they can reapply their lies over and over again because they have to because it's upside down world.
People read or see the truth, they know it at a gut level, they understand it.
And I would also just ask all of you to remember we have the biggest sales in our history, a clearance sale for the new year, getting rid of everything ahead of the taxes, where you can get a free t-shirt with every order, at least a $5 value, storewide free shipping, 50 to 75% off.
Many of these deals we lose money on, but we want to get all of this material out to everybody in the belief you'll love the products so much.
Like X3 or like Ultimate Bone Broth, you'll become a regular customer.
Take advantage of our biggest sales ever and beat the traffic and crowds with your Christmas shopping at infowarstore.com.
If you're a TV viewer, you can see this limited run shirt.
But the crew had the idea to do because there's a popular saying on the internet, we're all Alex Jones, don't censor me.
And it's got the Gadsden coiled snake instead of don't tread on me or won't tread on me.
It says, we're all Alex Jones, don't censor me.
It's a very soft, nice fabric, black on white t-shirt.
It is absolutely free at InfowarStore.com with any purchase.
That means one tube of toothpaste, fluoride-free, colloidal silver, iodine-fortified, super blue, or a water filtration system.
Or you buy another t-shirt, you get this one free.
There's store-wide free shipping, and there's 50 to 75% off across the board on thousands of items.
50% is the lowest special, 75% is the highest.
We are selling all of our inventory out to go leaner and meaner into the new year, because you've seen how Soros and the Globals are trying to shut down InfoWars, trying to take our payment processors, trying to shut us down.
So this way, you don't battle the crowds, you don't battle the traffic, you get hands-down the best deals we've ever offered on best-selling items that would still probably sell out some of the stuff we've got by February or so.
I'm selling the entire warehouse right here in Austin, Texas out by the end of this year.
And we're on line to do it.
So everything's for sale.
Some things are about to sell out.
Some things have already sold out.
We still have, I'd say, 90% of our different items.
But in the next few days, obviously, those numbers are going to start going down.
But right now, it's all there.
X3, X2, Bobby's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
Let me say that again.
You get store-wide free shipping, 50-75% off, double Patriot points on your next order.
So instead of 5% on each dollar, you get 10 cents on every dollar.
This is insane.
And this free t-shirt.
Now, they printed 5,000 of these up.
So that means by the end of this week, because Christmas sales are always heavy, these shirts will be sold out.
This is a limited edition.
We're all Alex Jones.
Don't censor me.
And then it'll be a new shirt that will be the free gift that you get with it.
It'll be another one of these great shirts we've got.
They're all there at infowarestore.com, so you cannot beat this deal.
This is way above even the specials I've been running the last two months that have already been our biggest ever.
So take advantage of it.
Help us fund ourselves into next year.
Try some of the great products you've never tried.
Try Alphaphone.
Try RainForce.
Try X3.
Try Super Male and Super Female Vitality, which is incredibly high-quality, cold-pressed herbs, five-star ratings.
We've had it out for four years.
I'm discontinuing because it's so expensive for us to make.
It's so proprietary where we get it from Utah, one of the biggest firms out there, and I'm just done.
So that's it for Supermelt Vitality.
Supermelt Vitality, it's amazing.
We want it.
It's there.
Alpha Power is organic.
It's a similar formula.
It's even stronger, but it's not cold-pressed.
So some people like Supermelt Vitality more.
Alpha Power is amazing, and it costs a fraction of what Supermelt is.
I do, but right now they're 50% off, and there's just a bunch of other specials at mfullerstore.com.
So I would just encourage you all to go to mfullerstore.com for the next 12 days.
The unprecedented 12 days of Christmas sale launches today.
75% off pre-shipping.
Double Patriot points, exclusive 24-hour specials, and get a free t-shirt, limited edition, with every order.
You cannot beat the deal.
InforceLife.com takes you right to the supplement page.
Please promote our local radio affiliates.
It is so vital that if you're listening to us in California or Texas or New York, however you're listening, remember, you're the only person that can get past the censors.
So tell people about that local radio station, about that local TV station, and tell folks about their local URL as well.
Word of mouth is king in this fight.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
We have George Herbert Walker Bush lying in state.
We have the Clintons running up to Trump and turning away in fear like a scared dog.
We have it all and it's coming up.
We have what's happening in the global markets as the IMF and World Bank and Goldman Sachs openly threaten nation-states with collapse.
Italy, the UK, The United States, if we don't acquiesce to their financial terrorism, that's all coming up next segment.
But we could defeat all of that bullying, all of that corruption, if we have morals.
It's morals that build civilization.
It's morals that build families.
It's morals that build security.
But then it builds wealth, and then the children become spoiled.
And their children become corrupt, and their children become devils.
It's historic fact.
It's incontrovertible.
So I saw a, what I call a constellation.
People never use that term.
That's the old term of connecting the dots.
I saw Rand Paul talking about the deep state, the definition of it, being these agencies not giving Congress what they're doing.
That's them making their own branch of government.
He used the term a constellation of facts.
That's a term I use.
I hope that you don't hear in modern nomenclature are par loss, but we're going to use it today because here's a constellation of articles that all tie together.
It's a theme.
You won't see this theme in the news.
It's not a theme the corporate news is pushing, but it's hidden in the news and it's hidden in plain view.
So here's a few examples of it.
Remember this from last year and this year, they had big national studies and polls done by universities, the annual report on U.S.
Majority of millennials want to live in a socialist, fascist, or communist nation.
Because they're being told at the university they're going to be in charge of it.
Imagine how sick that is.
And there's a bunch of studies that show the same thing.
I could talk for an hour on this, but I'm not going to.
You know about that.
44% of millennials prefer socialism.
Do they know what it means?
Millennials, communism sounds pretty chill.
Well, if you mean being room temperature, it is pretty chill.
Millennials think socialism would create a great safe space.
Study finds.
They create these false realities on these universities.
Now here's the new article out today out of CNBC.
Millennials spend Less than previous generations because they literally have less money.
And studies show, this just came out, they have lower IQs.
They can be black, they can be white, they can be Hispanic.
They have physically lower IQs.
They're in worse physical shape.
Only what, 11% of Americans now are in even passable shape, their metabolic system.
But it's even worse for Millennials.
I'm not saying all Millennials are bad, this is an average.
It's like saying, this group of people live the longest.
It doesn't mean that coastal Japanese all live the longest.
It means that it's a curve.
So I'm just getting to one stack here.
It's probably taking an hour.
This is so critical, folks.
Millennials spend less than previous generations because they literally have less money.
And it goes on to report, these big studies, they don't want money and they don't care, except they don't like you if you've got it, but they want your money.
You're like, well, that doesn't make sense.
Oh, they're what?
Depending on the study, nine times more likely to say they're giving to charity but don't.
Six times more likely to steal.
Bernie Sanders spent $300,000 a month on average this year, his numbers are public, on private jets.
But he says we need carbon taxes on the average worker.
But you see, he is an elite.
It is different.
So, millennials spend less than previous generations because they literally have less money, and then it goes into this whole article detailing the Federal Reserve's own study.
The private bankers.
Remember Hillary is in the WikiLeaks bemoaning horrible supporters?
She says they're just a bunch of baristas that don't want to work.
And they want everything free!
I'm so sick of these people!
And Trump's promising them all these jobs and he could probably deliver it.
And if he does that, that's it for us.
I mean, you're reading this stuff and it's like the end of their system.
But see, they just changed the subject to Russia, Russia, Russia.
And the Millennials don't want to go read how the state's laughing at them and how the Democrats hate them and how Trump wants to save them and wake them up and make them men.
No, they want to join mainstream TV and feel like they're part of the winning crew and hate Trump.
Because he trumps the guy who believes in them because he believes in himself and doesn't want to sign off on humanity's destruction.
But Trump, just like I've been in these meetings, he's been in many more, you better believe it.
Probably a hundred times more.
The globalists go, you're never going to save these people, they'll tear you apart.
And you go ahead and you try to fix things and make it better, they'll hate you more.
And Trump's seeing that right now, isn't he?
But see, you can't lose your soul, is the key.
You still just can't join the globalists and feed on the public because the public's asking for it because God's watching.
And then it gets back to, oh, God doesn't exist, on and on and on.
No, God does exist.
Plus, you look at these globalists.
I mean, almost every one of the robber baron families has no viable sons, no viable daughters.
They almost all commit suicide or end up in mental institutions.
Anderson Cooper sits on top of reportedly more than $500 billion.
And that's why you hear all day that he didn't take the robber baron money from the five families he's the only heir of, and his brother committed suicide, and all the other heirs in the rest of the family, they all committed suicide, or they're in lunatic asylums.
You could go read this.
Boy, it's not like that in my family.
Because we follow Jesus Christ, see?
We may lay our lives down for somebody, but we're certainly not killing ourselves.
See, now you're getting the secret.
I'm going to come back from break and get into this, because this is going to be a couple of segments, but I've only hit one part of the stack.
I haven't even gotten into the rest of it.
Want to know what's coming?
Want to know what's happening?
This is critical.
This is why they don't want us on air.
Because the enemy doesn't like hearing their whole plan's going to fail.
Because they've bet against you.
They've bet against themselves.
So imagine this.
You've got a bunch of communists and socialists.
And fascist!
The Millennials are asking, like you said, we want authoritarianism because we heard we get some free stuff.
Yeah, for a couple years.
Then you're Venezuela.
Because they're good at bullying their parents or bullying somebody in class in front of the professor that's a conservative and they get, you know, A pluses.
I went to college for two years and I noticed when I wrote pro-America stuff, I would get a C-, and when I wrote horrible globalist garbage, I would get A+.
So I did it as a joke to see that they were discredited, then I just left, and then I was immediately successful in everything I touched.
And I'm not saying college is bad for everybody, but it's been designed to be an indoctrination scam, but I'm digressing.
When you come back, millennials on average say, 44% I want to be a socialist.
10% want to be a communist.
9% want to be a fascist.
So we're up above right at 70% lust after black uniforms and checkpoints and starvation and food lines as long as they're running it.
Why did this happen?
And how do we stop it?
And what's the rest of the story?
Because I haven't even gone there yet.
I haven't even gotten to the really big issue.
There are a lot of different schools of thought in marketing and in advertising and in sales.
Now, I've been on the radio and TV for 23 plus years.
I never went to any professional schools.
But over the years, I learned a lot about those professional schools and the different perspectives.
There's five or six different ways that people pitch things.
And there's different permutations and commutations of that.
But I just come from it with the golden rule.
Treat others like you want to be treated.
Do unto others as you would like to be done unto you.
We've taken that philosophy to the next level with all the products we sell at InfoWarsTore.com.
Now, let's just look at two different systems of sales.
The one that we fall into and then the one that targets about 25% of the population that is currently still the most successful and the most lucrative system.
The corrupt form I wouldn't say it's completely evil because it's targeting folks that just always want to pay more.
It's a system where you put everything into it being elite and being top end and the most expensive.
And in almost every case, what's in it does not measure up even close to what it's costing.
Now, I've got a little bit of money.
And so if I wanted to buy something fancy just because it's fancy, I could do it.
But there's a lot of things that if it's a rip-off, even though I want it and I need it, I'm gonna go find the alternative that's as good, a lot of times better for less, just because I'm not into Wasting for no reason.
I'd rather give it to charity or something like that.
But that's the two different schools of thought I wanted to get into.
The one where they know that if something's supposedly the best, you say it's the best, even though it's not, and you charge an outrageous amount, people believe it must be the best because it's an outrageous amount.
Now, here's what I do.
I go out of my own life and I find what is the best for the very lowest price.
And here's an example.
I have a Dodge Hellcat that came out four years ago.
I didn't want a really fast sports car.
I didn't want to be flashy.
I was at the Dodge dealership about to buy a truck.
The guy was illiterate.
He said, have you heard of Hellcats?
They've been coming out about a year.
And I said, uh, no.
And he said, well, it's a Dodge Challenger.
700 plus horsepower.
It's only $63,000.
And Ferrari owns us now.
And to have a car like this would cost like half a million dollars.
And it didn't stick out, but I like a really fast, cool car, so I have the best of both worlds.
Looks like a Challenger, but I've driven one of my friend's Ferraris.
It's as fast.
It's insane.
That's my mindset.
I want a badass black Ferrari for $63,000 instead of a half million or a million.
I mean, go for two million for a Ferrari.
I don't want the bling, I want the zing.
We sold out, for their year of in-sale, of the Alexa Pure Pro gravity-fed filter.
We sold it all out.
They didn't think we could do it.
You bought it, it's a great system.
You got it for basically 49% off, half off.
They've never done that.
Now, they're going to do the Alexa Pure Breeze, that is.
An ion filter, normally $250.
Leading competitors aren't as good, they're $800.
Same deal.
Similar systems, 4-stage ions, that aren't even as good, $400, $600, $800 depending on the unit.
This is normally $2.40, $2.50.
It's $1.27.
Again, they're selling them to us at cost.
We make like $30, and it clears out their end-of-year inventory.
And it's so good for your house, so good for your family.
It's amazing.
AlexaPureBreeze and InfoWareStore.com.
It is the Hellcat of air filtration compared to the Ferraris that aren't even as good but have a so-called bling and cost five times more.
Get yours today at m4warstore.com.
Alexa Pure Breeze.
There's only a couple thousand of these and they're going to sell out.
You can't lose.
It supports the M4 and your own health for you and your children.
Get it today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
When you wake up in the morning and the light has hurt your head, the first thing you do when you get up out of bed is hit that street surrounding and try to meet the masses.
Go get yourself some cheap sunglasses.
Oh yeah!
Oh yeah!
Oh yeah!
Find a little thing and I'll follow you...
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
♪ In a funky ♪ Don't worry, we're going to show some of the incredible spectacle that's been ongoing with the entire Blue Blood, neocon, leftist, globalist, anti-American establishment encamped in Washington, D.C., in a cathedral around the dead body of George Herbert Walker Bush.
And the laurels, the lies, the disinfo, the beautiful Choral orchestra singing angelic hymns to Christ around a member of an admitted satanic death cult.
It is in classical blaspheming style.
So we're going to be looking at all of that coming up.
Now, let me get back here to what's really important.
And that's that I'm telling everyone something you already know.
Prosperity creates a bunch of decadent slobs.
Then those of us that are still producers are attacked and intimidated and bullied so that the pigs on the animal farm, if you go with George Orwell's allegory, can stay in charge.
And that's all that's happening here.
This entire system is about intimidating us and making us submit, and so everything this system engaged in is a test of breaking our will and ensuring that we will never revolt against what they're doing.
So they take our children, they manipulate them, they give them a globalist ideology, they give them an ideology that they are the proper ruling elite, And once they've then done that, they move to the revolutionary phase, which is overturning any rights, any freedom, any hard-fought compacts of private property, of the right to defense, of the right to religion, or not to be religious.
All of that is being erased by the new corporate leftist priesthood.
That's what political correctness is, is a new religion.
And then you think about what they've been able to do with just the current college generation, the millennials, the people under, what is it, 30 years old or so? 25?
These individuals in every study love to rob people, love to steal, love to lie, love to tell you how virtuous they are all day, love to not work, love to not save, and love to try to get in gangs and control other people's lives.
And in national studies, they want communism, they want socialism, they want fascism.
All they know is they don't like this current system.
Because they don't want to work, they don't want to do anything, they just want to control.
And it's perfect that Bernie Sanders, globally, is the biggest socialist or communist leader today, worldwide,
because he never had a paying job until he was 44 years old.
But he's going to tell you how to live your life.
And he's going to racially divide people by saying white people do not know what it's like to be poor.
And then he has a $300,000 a month private jet bill, three $1 million houses, and multiple $100,000 vehicles, and flies helicopters around in Connecticut.
But I am a Commissar!
I am a leader!
I honeymooned in the Soviet Union in the 70s!
We're going to do that to you here, Americans!
You see?
I don't work, I rule you!
And so he's the patron saint of the Millennials, The majority of millennials would prefer to live in a socialist, communist, or fascist nation, rather than a capitalist one, according to a new national poll.
And then here's another one.
Millennials spend less than previous generations because they literally have less money.
In recent years, slow home construction, oh yeah right, declining new car sales, and the poor performance of brick and mortar retailers have all been blamed on the unique taste and preferences of those born between 81 and 97.
That means millennials have been accused of killing everything from can tuna to the suburbs.
And then it just goes on to say, the Federal Reserve study just shows they're poor, they got low IQs, and they're basically idiots.
Well, yeah, you think they grow up in this country of incredible opportunity and they hate it?
And they think Venezuela or North Korea would be better?
And they want to bring in radical Islamists that are opposed to their leftist ideology, all because they hate America even more than they do?
And that leads us, in summation, to the other news.
Because you already know about the Millennials, and that this is the one group the globalists were really able to hypnotize and get control of.
Generation Z is the opposite.
Because they're under such Millennial hen-pecking, and the rest of it, that they actually have that instinct to rebel, which God put in us, for just such times as that.
But now there's this.
All the big corporate media flooded with massive money, all the fake digital sites, all the corporate news, to try to wrest control of the nation back from nationalists, back into globalist hands.
Didn't completely happen.
And all the world the globalists are losing, so they're stopping to spend their money at the New York Times, the Washington Post.
Vanity Fair, all of it.
And so here's the headline.
Everyone's for Sale!
Generation of Digital Media Darlings Prepares for a Frigid Winter.
Vice, Vox, BuzzFeed, among other companies that once heralded the dawn of the new media age, censoring all their competition, which supposedly gets them out, are now grappling with decidedly old media platforms.
And all this is, is The Globe was pulling their money back.
No one was already reading this to begin with.
And they all get the order to demonize something and they all lockstep, you know, get in gear to do it.
Then you read the articles in Vanity Fair and Salon and Huffington Post and just everywhere.
Wired Magazine, oh, the successful deplatforming of Alex Jones means we can do it to everybody.
The successful deplatforming of Milo Yiannopoulos means we can get everybody.
Let's go!
Then we'll be somebody once we censor everyone else, once there's no competition.
Then everything just collapses and people hate your guts even more.
See, the globalists didn't care about a vibrant free press.
They cared about power.
So you were used, yet again, as I told you you would be.
Here's Vox.
Milo Yiannopoulos' collapse shows that no platforming can work.
That's because Milo was funded by the Mercers and didn't have his own infrastructure.
They don't care.
They just announced we're gone, even though we're not.
In some ways, we're stronger.
He who must not be named.
M4 is Alex Jones.
This is Wired.
It goes on to say, now that he's been successfully deplatformed, we can say his name.
As if you shang my name ever did anything.
We always had our great audience of red-blooded humans that love freedom.
You've never been part of it.
It's like you're another universe.
Or how cold it is on Mars at night.
Does that affect me?
But it's interesting into your sick little brains.
There's big, breathless New York Times articles and CNN ones.
The neocon, warmongering, war criminal, equally standard.
No one reads it and the people that own it aren't funding it.
And it may be illegal.
There are other conservative websites and groups, but Weekly Standard may be shut down.
They hate Trump.
They're good.
Help them!
Help the Weekly Standard!
Help the anointed ones, the Trotskyites.
That's who set it up.
Help them!
Help them!
You see this burial of George Herbert Walker Bush.
It is symbolic.
It is emblematic.
It is archetypal.
It is a ritual of the burying of the Clintons.
The burying of the globalists.
This year has been amazing.
David Rockefeller, dead.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, dead.
Herbert Walker Bush dead, and a bunch of others dead, dead, dead, dead.
Introducing the final and biggest sale of 2018, InfoWars is proud to introduce the 12 Days of Christmas.
And it's bigger than any previous sale before as this sale just escalates as we attempt to clear out all of our amazing inventory to escape the dreaded inventory tax at the end of the year.
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2018 has been an incredible year.
As we prepare to close it out, I want to thank you all again for making the entire InfoWar possible.
Again, you are the resistance.
In the last few months, InfoWars has been escalating our sales to clear out inventory of many of our best-selling items.
And then I came up with the idea last week.
Let's not just extend the sale of free shipping store-wide, 50-75% off, double Patriot points.
Let's extend that sale, but also add a free gift with every order.
Even if it's a tube of fluoride-free, colloidal silver, iodine-fortified, super blue, that we make like three bucks on at this sale, you'll get a free gift of a best-selling t-shirt while supplies last and what I mean by that is everyone will get a t-shirt but these are going to be selling out so whatever you order that day they'll be the shirt of the day that's there until it sells out then there'll be another shirt that goes up for the next group of orders so in the next 12 days we are going to have beyond any other sale we've ever had the free gift so this is a loss leader
We are losing money on this, but we're going to help fund ourselves because we won't get hit with the inventory taxes, federal and state.
Everybody says Texas doesn't have income tax.
I love my state, but if you've got a business and a company here and you've got merchandise, BS.
It's big.
It's bad.
So we are clearing everything out so that we have the funds to go at least a few months into next year.
You know they've been trying to shut us down, but you've been supporting us.
So to thank you, ladies and gentlemen, this is the best deal ever.
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And for myself and for his family, God bless you and thank you for your support.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm about to play for you some of what's ongoing with the beautiful...
(upbeat music)
Choral Choir Orchestra playing at George Herbert Walker Bush's third day of worship.
But know this, at the start of the next hour I'm going to cover something that you're not going to hear anywhere else that is the heart of where the globalist attack on humanity is going.
Remember the Proud Boys?
They're the folks who are inclusive of Race, religion, sexuality, classical liberal, and they believe in free speech.
These universities, they saw the footage of Antifa hitting women, they have bike locks, and stabbing people, and firebombing, and the rest of it, and saw the police stand down, and leftist controlled hellholes like Berkeley and Portland.
And so you heard about a month ago, That they got listed as a domestic extremist group by the FBI.
And then, they got removed off of Twitter and all these other places, and the FBI came out today and said, we never did that.
And that's the big story I haven't gotten to yet, because we're going to have to file lawsuits over it.
The FBI, Trump didn't do this.
Reality winner type folks inside the government, remember she was the anti-fob,
al-Qaeda, white hating, blonde girl who had a high level security clearance,
was giving the information to ISIS, changed her name to reality winner.
Somebody at InfraGard infrastructure level, at CEO level, and these companies put in my banking
record for Infowars that we are a certified terror group like Hezbollah.
Now, this is going to be a huge deal when it all comes out.
We have the documents, but we're... this stuff's classified.
But you wonder why we had our banking taken away.
The plan is to do it to all of you.
They just gave Tim Cook an award two days ago for banning me off the internet, and the ADL said this is the model.
So Hitler took Jews' right to commerce away.
First put them in ghettos.
Now the ADL is literally trying to put me in a digital ghetto.
Like Hitler did the Jews.
But of course, the ADL supports Soros, the ones that overthrow Israel now.
The ADL is now an anti-Jew, anti-Israeli, anti-Israeli state group.
And I'm not just saying that.
They are.
Of course, if you're going to take down Israel, you act like you're for it.
Oh man, the chutzpah!
That's next level, man.
That is next level, let me tell you.
To say that Trump's an anti-Semite, as the left does, and many members of the ADL do, that's pure crap and everyone knows it.
I'm pro-nation state.
And I'm pro-nation states that are successful and that have vibrant societies.
I support nation states, whether it be Nigeria, or South Africa, or Russia, or Israel, or the U.S.
I support people.
But you think about it, Proud Boys was banned on thousands of platforms.
They had bank accounts taking away everything because they were good men.
Black, white, old, young, straight, gay, who would go out to events and not attack anybody, but when meth-head professors in black outfits would come over to hit women in the head with metal batons, they'd knock their clock off.
They'd knock their block off.
Instead of clocking them, I just said knock their clock off.
It's double.
They knock their block off.
They clock them.
Over and over again.
And they just can't handle that.
Meth-head professors can't handle that.
So, what's been done to them has been done to me.
And it's going to be coming out soon.
We're just figuring out which group's the right one to sue.
But we even know the groups that are putting out the filings.
Southern Property Law Center.
You say, oh, just sue them.
They got a half billion dollars offshore.
They're a mafia organization hooked into German intelligence, the EU, basically financed by Juncker.
We got documents on that.
Oh, Southern Poverty Law Center is crapping their pants right now.
Yeah, we got the docs.
Just like I got all the Soros docs earlier this year.
How you guys are staging the riots.
That'll be very useful in court, won't it?
Especially when you're bringing cases against me saying I'm making it up.
Oh, you got a tiger by the tail, it's plain to see.
And you know what happens when you get a tiger by the tail.
So to put bookends on what I just covered, you have the successful conversion
of a large portion of people say 35 to about 15.
That doesn't mean everybody in that group.
We're not group thinkers.
This is the average.
This is how the establishment sees you, that literally believe in authoritarianism because they think they get something free.
You know, real authoritarianism comes in, they'll be begging people like me to work for them.
They'll be shooting you in the back of the head or putting you in a work camp.
You're so stupid.
People that think that the type of morons that lay around and help bring down a system, you think you get hired?
You think you get put in positions of power?
You don't get anything.
They don't leave you above ground.
You're just like the Palestinians!
They won't take one Palestinian in Saudi Arabia or Jordan or Egypt because they know Palestinian just means an Arab that wants to take over some free land.
It's a constant political group that wants to overthrow everybody.
And that's what Millennials are.
They're just a bunch of angry, pissed off, stupid people that want to take everything over.
Probably routinely, out in public, and it's usually some white liberal, saddles up to me, sidles up to me, and says, how dare you not support the Palestinian state and all the horrible things Israel does?
Blah, blah, blah.
And I say, OK, the Palestinians have said they want to drive Israel into the sea and kill all the Jews, right?
Hamas and Hezbollah.
Oh, shut up, you racist.
I mean, they said that, right?
So when somebody says that to you, I'm going to kill you.
You're supposed to go, oh, here's a white flag.
Let me expand on that.
Do any of the other Arab states take in Palestinians?
You don't have any history!
You don't have any facts!
You didn't do any research!
And I'm sick of stupid leftists that go sit in universities and hear how elite and how smart they are all day, coming in and getting in my face, telling me about political stuff I should support.
Here's the deal.
If I have no chance of doing something political because of all the people involved, and Israel has hundreds of nuclear weapons, Israel's going nowhere.
It's going nowhere.
It's going nowhere.
And the reason I obsess on this Israel thing is...
It is the demarcation line, or the crossroads, with the super right wing, and the crazy left wing, and the establishment, and Google, and Facebook, and all of them, their whole operating system is this weird, crazy anti-semitic thing, while they then ban everyone saying they're anti-semitic, who's not anti-semitic on record, and it's just total mental illness.
I don't hate Israel, but I'm sure as hell sick of hearing about it.
It's a diversion.
The Chinese are the system.
Not Israel.
Israel is just like America.
It's a bunch of different groups fighting over power.
They're not fighting over power in China.
They're fighting to take over the world.
And people need to grow up.
And they need to stop it!
Israel's just like the United States, just like Germany, just like all those countries.
Hell, half of... Israel's Russian!
Talk about the Russian... It's all crap!
Western countries are under attack, the worth ethics under attack, free markets under attack, things that people fought wars for, free speech, the right to commerce, the right to live, the right to worship, the right to not worship, is all being taken away.
Your birthright, I don't care whether you're a Jew or a Muslim or you're Mexican or you're English or who you are, if you don't take the birthright of freedom and a future and say you're willing to stand up for it, then you're a chump!
Like these dumbass millennials.
Half of them want to be communists or fascists.
70% actually.
45% want to be commies.
10% want to be socialists.
9% want to be fascists.
They're just idiots!
They're morons!
As if you're going to have a seat at the table in a fascist government!
You don't get a seat in a fascist government unless you're a commando in the military, idiot!
And you don't get a seat in a communist government unless you are the most murderous piece of bank-robbing garbage, child-molesting crap you can imagine!
You don't get free welfare, you get nothing in China but slave labor.
And these dumbass commies, these dumbass millennials want that and have no idea what they're talking about because of these evil professors funded by the big banks in there.
We'll be right back.
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the republic and our constitution, our rights and our way of life.
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Now there's lots of philosophies about having something really, really expensive and a certain percentage will buy it, believing it's the best.
That's not what I do.
I try to find the very best products that are popular, Get the best deal on it, so I can sell the most of it.
That seems to be like common sense.
Whatever people like the best, whatever I like the best, whatever's the best value, then I'll sell it for the lowest price, but then I'll dominate the market and be the biggest seller of it.
And I am, at InfoWars, the biggest distributor of Alexa Pure, Pro, water filtration, gravity-fed systems, because they're the very best.
They can give us the best deals to sell them to you at the lowest price, and so we are the biggest distributor.
Now, year of end came, and they gave us the biggest deal ever.
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They also make the Alexa Pure Breeze Air Filtration four-stage ion filter.
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your support Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World
Order, it's Alex Jones I
I God
I Won't be much when you get through me
♪ Hey ♪ He never gives up.
He's Alex Jones, broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas, worldwide.
Well, I thought the day I met you, you were meek as a lamb, just the kind to fit my dreams and plans.
There won't be much left.
Well, the Proud Boys, they were designated basically as a terror group.
Of course, none of it was true.
There won't be much left.
Well the Proud Boys, they were designated a terror group.
Of course, none of it was true.
By the anti-professors that populate the mainstream media.
But it mattered.
The false accusation, the yellow star pinned to them, they were sent to the ghetto and hopefully to the gulag if the leftists get their way like they did in the Soviet Union.
The ADL is working around the clock to bring that gulag future to America.
They want people arrested for criticizing open borders and radical Islam.
Because after all, they're pro-Israel over at the ADL.
That's why they support George Soros that wants it blown off the map.
Good luck jumping the shark, ADL.
Southern Poverty Law Center.
You guys have really gone too far, haven't you?
You really exposed who you're working for.
Shame on you.
But I guess there were a lot of Jews that worked for Hitler, weren't there?
Like George Soros.
So now it's pretty clear.
And Tim Cook's got his slave factories in China and talked about how it's a sin to have Alex Jones on the air and taking Alex Jones off is a sacrament to God.
What a blaspheming little turd.
But the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.
And the Proud Boys are going to be joining us on the other side of this break.
We're also going to come in with some of the choral choir music of H.W.
Bush's ongoing worship fest, and just juxtapose that.
Can we cue back up what Skull and Bones admitted was very accurate?
Robert De Niro's production of The Good Shepherd, that piece we played yesterday?
You know, bathing in feces, men having sex with each other in giant vats of feces and pissing on each other.
And Matt Damon dressed up like a woman as they bend him over and have sex in the feces.
Oh yeah, so why not have the coffin there and everybody else can get in the coffin and you can channel the devil?
Or this pantheon of other gods and goddesses entering your body?
And then people can pee-pee on you?
I'll be your guide for the next few weeks.
The revealing process is our most sacred ritual.
It's been a skull tradition since the late 1700s, and it is the foundation of your class's commitment to each other.
Each soulmate pair will be placed within a device, and then you may ask them any question you want about anything that you want.
The object is to learn all that you can about each other.
After they've revealed all to your satisfaction, Release them.
Which pair wants to go first?
Caleb and I will.
We're gonna go to break.
And then, of course, there's the having sex in the coffins.
I wonder if they're going to have sex in the coffin today with George Herbert Walker Bush.
We're going to come back, but that's a really good satanic ritual, you see.
That's a really good satanic ritual, when you can have it right in the middle of a church, and most of the people there don't even know that you've turned it into a satanic ritual.
That's called a real satanic ritual.
That's the good ones you want.
That's a... George Herbert Walker has moved on from smearing human feces all over his face, masturbating in it.
Sorry to talk like that, but that is 41 for you.
And George W. for you.
He's moved on to the whole country watching while he does it.
But this time it's not a ritual.
It's not a simulation.
You rea- [Music]
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, George Herbert Walker Bush is laying in rest there in Washington, D.C.
right now.
And we've seen Trump walk by the Clintons and the Clintons jump back like he's a big dog and they're a black cat.
We'll be talking to some of the Proud Boys, who we all heard got banned off the internet because the FBI, that's the new God, like Mueller, said they were extremists.
Well, my God, if you say somebody's extreme, it turns out they never even said that.
It's Antifa that's been listed as a terror group.
But this is all part of the Disinfo Op.
We'll be talking to them here in a moment.
But here's some of the choral choir music being played for TV viewers.
I'm going to then, well for radio listeners you'll hear it too in a moment, play the trailer from The Good Shepherd, which they admit is an accurate depiction of just some of the rituals that George Herbert Walker Bush and George W. Bush went through.
And look, it's a free country.
Guys want to roll around a bunch of feces in devil worship, that's their deal.
It's just we should talk about that in the hindsight.
So, let's go ahead and play some of this.
This is what they want us to think they are.
What they think they do, but... You know, talk about how great they are.
About all the millions of dead from the wars he started.
Anti-national sovereignty.
He wanted the NRA abolished.
He also lied about not raising taxes.
Read my lips.
A new world order is coming into view.
We have the very real prospect of a global government run by the UN.
But all over the world, they're being voted out.
The globalists are being removed.
And here they are coming, this is live, to get the sarcophagus, the sarcophagi, to use the Egyptian term, and to carry it to lay and rest.
Did they say, is he going to Arlington Cemetery?
Is he going to Kennebuckport, Maine?
I forgot.
Nothing against folks from Kennebuckport, Maine.
I just, I love the, the whole Texas lost a great patriot today.
Might as well have like a platypus from Australia.
The platypus is a famous Texan.
Again, I don't want to speak ill of the dad.
It's just the worshipping of this guy.
Like he is a... God.
Oh, they're gonna bury him in Texas.
Oh, I knew it.
College Station.
Named after him now.
Well, there you go.
He helped set the country on a course of deindustrialization and almost destruction.
Now we've got to worship him, but that's corporate media.
You know, most people watching this see absolutely through it.
You got all these people just sycophantically worshiping in D.C.
What a swamp!
What a... What a diseased rat hole!
Okay, let's go ahead and then show you a Hollywood depiction of just some of the lighter stuff that goes on at Skull & Bones.
Superimposed with this.
Here it is.
Buttercup, Sconebones, accept or reject?
Not a word to anyone.
How does it feel being a woman?
Why do you want to know?
Gentlemen, I will remind you, you have all taken an oath of secrecy.
You have been chosen to become members of the marriage of our secret society.
100 years, Skull and Bones members included a president, vice presidents, Supreme Court justices,
congressmen and senators, captains of science and industry, the very best of America.
We're going to school with an advisor, their veteran, Lord Kaiser,
for a long, long life.
He's very nice.
Can't take it personally.
Getting pissed on is personal, Mr. Russell.
I take it very personally.
We're all in this together.
Come back inside.
We're brothers for life.
Tell us, Mr. Wilson, brother to brother, something you've never told anyone before.
Your most guarded secret.
There's George W. getting in the coffin, and now he's really in it.
He's not simulating now.
All right, joining us for the balance of the hour, Roger Stone's popping in for one segment with huge exclusiveness.
Rufio Panman, that needs no introduction here, and Mega Titan.
Proud Boys, and they're launching a new Facebook show, at Titans of Liberty News Wars.
Titans of Liberty, at Titans of Liberty is how you find it.
And isn't it funny?
AP, Reuters are all being forced to admit it.
FBI says it did not designate Proud Boys as extremist group.
Did not actually do that.
But the mainstream corporate press, the same ones that told us that Paul Manafort met with Julian Assange, or that General Flynn said he was a Russian agent.
None of it was true, ladies and gentlemen.
The truth is, Antifa, funded by Soros on record and others, goes out.
A bunch of meth-head professors and attacks women and children.
Gavin McGinnis, founder of Vice, so much more, just said, hey, we've got to have a pro-Western, pro-male group.
You can be straight, gay, black, white, whatever, that just promotes Americana.
It became very popular.
He got demonized for it.
He says, hey, I've given birth to a lot of things.
He's not against it, but he's saying, I don't run it.
It's out on its own.
Because they're even attacking his house, his studio.
They don't want me to get into all of it.
They're trying to take his bank accounts away.
They're trying to destroy him off of the extremism designation.
The truth is, Homeland Security has said Antifa is a true terror organization.
So another big hoax is about to bite the dust here on air.
But remember, I haven't filed lawsuits yet.
But we got the documents through banking.
Now we got the more internal documents.
And these are national security level.
With who is inside the big banks.
And who is doing this?
Because this isn't even government.
They've given governmental power to 800,000 contractors.
They have, whether you work in a big bank or a dam or wherever, key people have been given basically government power.
Totally rogue.
And they're then going into the designation and putting a designation in that Don't call the police on this person, but don't do business.
They're a terrorist.
Didn't matter.
My credit's perfect on both sides.
Perfect banking record.
And of course, you can only learn this from other banks.
So we're having to parallel construct for our lawsuits.
But the feds will know what that means.
But we have them.
This is such a scandal, folks.
And this is what it is, where you're a group that goes out as peaceful, but Defensively stands up to people being attacked.
When we come back from break, we'll roll some famous Antifa footage for a team of yours.
But gentlemen, good to have you with us.
Thank you for joining us.
I know Antifa attacked some Proud Boys in New York a few months ago, and even though it's on video, they're trying to indict the Proud Boys.
What an incredible time that when you fight back against meth heads that attack you, you're a bad person.
Yeah, definitely.
that's the new norm nowadays.
Um, you know, no matter
how it comes across, whether we even have video like you saw
with the New York guys, It seems like we consistently get the blame and the information that was false that went out to I don't know how many articles against us.
We were deplatformed, silence censored, refused business all the way, you know, all for defending ourselves.
Well, I'm going to give you the next few days off air a blueprint looking at things.
I would imagine you've been putting the Interpol database as well.
No judge, no jury.
It's like a Jew having a yellow star put on him under Hitler in 35.
They just did.
It's going to be a huge scandal.
It's light years ahead of Facebook mining user data, which I'm not defending.
They're making that a big international deal.
Imagine the banks and the left, not just the IRS going after Patriot groups, as we know they did, and auditing them or arresting them.
Now it's literally putting a secret designation In there, in your file, saying you're a terrorist.
Isn't that incredible?
Yeah, well I think that's all they can really do these days is try and do the best they can to label you an extremist.
Obviously, the FDLC has played a huge part in slandering people's names.
So, you know, we see their tactics and the best we can do is just adjust and keep pushing forward.
Well, you've got to file lawsuits.
We're going to come back.
We're going to talk to the gentleman we haven't had on the air yet, but I know of his work.
We're going to talk to Jason, aka Mega Titan.
What do you want to do with your life?
I wanna rock!
When this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious s***.
Those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed by gun control laws.
I happen to know this from personal experience.
I don't think that you should look back and whine and beliate or try to hold somebody else guilty for everything you did.
All right, what is the Trilateral Commission?
An organization founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller.
You see, what they're really up to is a scheme to plant their own loyal members in positions of power in this country.
To work to erase national boundaries, create an international community, and, in time, bring about a one-world government with David Rockefeller calling the shots!
As Oliver North's public battle over government secrets and the illegal supply of weapons to the Nicaraguan Contras is waged in Washington, Congressional investigators in recent months have tried to learn if Mena, Arkansas was an illegal staging area for shipping guns to the U.S.-backed Contra rebels.
It all begins in 1982, when this man, Adler Berryman Seal, showed up in Mena, Arkansas.
He used to smuggle drugs.
Then he got caught and he became one of the government's most valuable informants in the war against cocaine.
But last night in Louisiana, Barry Seale's enemies caught up with him and killed him.
17-year-old Kevin Ives and 16-year-old Don Henry were struck by a train.
The medical examiner has said that the boys were asleep and drugged with marijuana.
The parents, however, disputed that claim.
The boys were killed because they had stumbled upon a large shipment of drugs dropped from an airplane.
Tears in the fabric indicate that Don had been stabbed before he was run over by the train.
In light of this new evidence, the grand jury changed its ruling from probable homicide to definite homicide.
I'm scared of these people.
I'm very scared of them.
How do you think the crackdrop gets into the country?
We don't own any planes.
We don't own no ships.
We are not the people who are flying and floating that shit in here.
I will tell you, Director Deutch, as a former Los Angeles police narcotics detective, that the agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time.
The men who were working for the CIA's army were responsible for bringing all that cocaine into Los Angeles that sparked the crack epidemic.
My boss goes on a fishing trip with George Bush and when they come back they say the ends justify the means.
Sir, the Republicans are trying to blame you for the existence of a small air base at Mena, Arkansas.
This base was set up by George Bush and Oliver North and the CIA to help the Iran contras And they brought in plane load after plane load of cocaine there for sale in the United States.
And then they took the money and bought weapons and took them back to the Congress, all of which was illegal, as you know, under the Bowling Act.
But tell me, did they tell you that this had to be in existence because of national security?
We had nothing, zero, to do with it.
And everybody who's ever looked into it knows that.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms.
These allegations are false.
If you are pursuing this transmission, you are in the resistance.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Well, and a final joke on the country, and I don't blame Trump for being nice about it.
He's got to do that to respect the office of president.
But we are watching of your TV viewer, George W. Bush, waved bye to his dad as he's put in the back of the hearse
to be sent away.
And let's be clear, I think George W. Bush is a lot better person than his dad.
Not just because I know George W. Bush.
Not very well, but I know him.
And I'll just leave it at that, because his daughters went to the school of my sister when he was governor.
And I met him a few times, sat at the same table with him, and ate.
And I know people that know him, and I know people that know his dad.
His dad was seriously, seriously bad news and a globalist and not for the sovereignty of this country.
And I just can't sit here and watch all this worship like with McCain and not say what the guy did.
He's the guy that gave us the New World Order speech and launched all these wars to take out non-radical Muslims and put the bad ones in.
Now, getting back to Jason, who's known as Make America Great Again, Titan, Titans of Liberty, at Titans of Liberty at News Wars.
Owen Schroeder is going to be on the show with him tonight.
But the big deal, think about how big this is.
That these guys go out to dozens and dozens and dozens of events and they never get in
And then we hear in the news, the FBI said they're an extremist group.
No judge, no jury, and then suddenly they're kicked off Facebook, kicked off Twitter, kicked off all these places.
Hundreds of groups across the nation, a pro-Western, pro-America, diverse group that believes in free speech.
Well you can't have people stand up to the left's bullies of Antifa who are on CNN, MSNBC, saying We're going to come out and not let conservatives or libertarians or nationalists have demonstrations.
Our own Owen Schroyer tried to go out and cover a demonstration for the young lady that got shot in the back by the illegal alien.
And the San Francisco jury let him off, said, well, you're allowed to kill him.
You're an illegal alien.
And the ultimate versus signal.
We tried to go to an event at a local park.
Antifa had guns and wouldn't let a reporter in in front of police.
We got armed men on the streets in Texas.
Bullying reporters like we're a third world country wearing communist masks.
This is how far it's gone.
And then Rufio.
And Megatitan.
They try to go out and simply be there and defend people.
This is just the one knockout we show.
There's like 10 of them.
And there's so many other... So much footage of them attacking people first and getting their asses knocked on the ground.
And then they're the bad guys.
So going back to Megatitan.
We haven't talked to you yet.
Break down why you got into Proud Boys and how big a deal this is that this just came out and has gotten, you know, it's been in some of the major publications, but that the FBI says they never designated you as an extremist group and this is just made up, but it's been used to censor you everywhere.
This is just incredible.
Well, first of all, it is an extreme honor to finally be here on InfoWars with the real resistance.
Um, I've been watching you guys for years and I'm actually not a proud boy officially.
Um, so I know they say this is something we can't do, but I do, I do, uh, support the proud boys a hundred percent.
Well, that's wonderful.
And I know, and I know staying a middle man is what I need to do in order not to be censored and thrown into these categories.
Cause they like to throw us into boxes that way they can censor us.
Why do you think they're so threatened by the idea of men going out to rallies and if they get attacked, fighting back?
In England and in Europe, if you fight back against people robbing your house, they'll throw you in prison for 20 years and the armed robbers get a month.
Well, Alex, our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
Martin Luther King said that.
It doesn't matter your color.
They're afraid of people speaking the truth like you, Alex.
We're all Alex Jones.
We're all Donald Trump.
God bless Infowars, God bless Donald Trump, and God bless the United States of America.
They don't want to hear people like me, a Hispanic Trump supporter, say, I love President Trump.
They don't want to hear that.
They want to push this agenda down our system that's anti-American, it's anti-male, and at the end of the day it's anti-human and it is satanic and we're here to talk about it.
We're not going to throw it under the rug.
We know what George Bush was.
And we know what the Bushes are, we know about the Carlisle Group, we know about Al-Qaeda.
I thought it was un-American to fund and arm radical terrorists, uh, Mr. Obama.
I thought it was un-American, uh, Operation Fast and Furious arming the Mexican cartel.
I thought it was un-American Operation Jade Helm.
And, uh, the Patriot Act labeling us as terrorists.
This is where it all began.
This is how I woke up.
I saw how they folded the $20 bill.
If you guys have ever seen this, it's tuning in right now.
It's very interesting.
Sure, it shows the World Trade Center.
Yes, sir.
It shows the World Trade Center on one side, the Pentagon on the other side.
Right where it was hit, right where the smoke was coming out.
9 plus 11 is 20.
United Airlines on one side, American Airlines on the other side.
I started looking into 9-11, and of course, 9-11 the road to tyranny popped up.
The Obama deception popped up.
And I woke up.
And at that moment, I knew I couldn't be silent.
It was too late.
I was already red-pilled, and there was no other way of turning back.
And I decided, in 2016, instead of arguing with all my friends, arguing with all my family, you know what I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna start my own page like Alex said.
And I did.
I actually was David Knight's very first caller.
And I started a page called... It's amazing.
But I started a page called Not Alt-Right, Just Right.
And I didn't have any logos, I didn't make any of that stuff up, so I just put your guys' pictures in the back, you are the resistance, you know, and they took my page off.
They said I was impersonating you because I go on my New World Order rants, like I just did right now, and I called myself Chico Alex Jones.
So that's how MAGA Titan was born.
Oh yeah, I'm familiar with your work.
That's awesome.
You've reached millions of people.
That's exciting, man.
Thank you, sir.
I really appreciate it, Alex.
I mean, you're really an inspiration.
You are the truth.
You are the resistance.
And that's what... Listen, we're all in this together.
We're all in this together.
I'm just excited that you guys are hosting a show, you know, now.
And all this is happening.
And the good news is, you know, you guys need to go on the offense, obviously, with the other Proud Boys groups.
We'll talk about this with Rufio.
We'll get his mic fixed a little bit when we come back.
Because this is a big deal.
This has been done to me.
It's a huge scandal.
The press comes out and says the FBI says basically you're a terror group, you're an extremist group, and then it's this nebulous thing, and then all of a sudden your whole life gets ruined.
This is an expansion of the IRS persecuting Christians and conservatives in the last 10 years, and it's got to stop.
Finishing up here, before we go to segment, has any of this been reversed, Rufio, now that the FBI admits it wasn't true?
No, we're just in the beginning stages right now.
We just got our new chairman in to represent Proud Boys.
His name's Enrique and he's actually a Cuban-American.
And a lot of people, they try and pin us, you know, the racial card on us.
And we're just taking it one step at a time and hoping that we can, you know, start to reach out to the public in a legitimate way.
Well, it's going to blow up the fact that you guys have tried to ban you and the fact that you're standing up against Antifa.
I mean, you guys are heroes.
I mean, the Antifa are literally a bunch of meth-head professors that want to come out and hit women in the head with bike locks and nobody's putting up with it.
We'll be right back.
If you're a TV viewer, you can see this limited run shirt.
But the crew had the idea to do it because there's a popular saying on the internet, "We're all Alex Jones."
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So this way, you don't battle the crowds, you don't battle the traffic, you get hands-down the best deals we've ever offered on best-selling items that would still probably sell out some of the stuff we've got by February or so.
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So everything's for sale.
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Word of mouth is king in this fight.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, when you think about George Herbert Walker Bush, who was in bed with the Clintons and others,
and his whole world government project for the Rockefellers, and everything we're fighting against, and you see our
military order to be out there worshipping him, you witness this big state funeral.
They've hijacked our country, they're working against it, and then they get all the trappings of it.
That's what makes me angry.
So I'm not here putting down someone that's dead.
In fact, I don't even like doing it.
But are we sad Hitler's dead?
Are we sad Stalin's dead?
Are we sad Mao Zedong's dead?
Are we sad Jeffrey Dahmer's dead?
Because George Herbert Walker Bush told This came out in congressional hearings.
Saddam Hussein threw the U.S.
Ambassador April Gillespie to go ahead and invade.
He was trained by the CIA for two years in Egypt in 1957-58.
This is all congressional hearings.
He was put into power in 79 in a coup the U.S.
Saddam was put in there as a stabilizing force.
He was in order to attack Iran.
He did what he was told.
Then they said, you're going to pay us $30 billion back.
And he said, I was promised.
That would be forgiven.
We just lost hundreds of thousands of people.
We just killed millions of Iranians.
And they said, no, we're going to lower your credit rating and basically cut you off.
He said, the hell you're not.
I'll go in Kuwait.
They've been slant drilling.
And they told him, we don't get involved in inner Arab affairs.
On video in a meeting, Saddam videoed it.
He shook her hand and said, really?
And she said, you do whatever you need to.
We're not going to get involved.
He was told the same thing a decade before to invade Iran.
I'm not lionizing Saddam Hussein.
I was there.
I studied it.
I've been covering this for 24 years.
I had family that was over there.
And then the chemical weapons dumps got blown up to cover them up.
Bush and others had sold them to him.
And then the nerve gas rained down.
They told our troops, oh, the detectors are all going off.
25,000 detectors went off.
For Sarin and VX.
And they told our troops, you weren't hit with nerve gas.
And hundreds of thousands died in the next few years.
And they'd have hearings in Congress, begging in wheelchairs.
And they would get no funding.
Because they weren't hit in a war.
You weren't injured in war, even though you were hit with nerve gas.
Because George Herbert Walker Bush didn't want to pay for it.
And they didn't want to admit that the war he launched killed 300,000 of our troops.
I'm supposed to just forget about them.
And we've got our guests on.
We've got Roger Stone popping in.
Gentlemen, what is it like?
Because, you know, I mean, some of the Proud Boys are big guys like you guys.
Some are just regular-sized guys.
And, you know, I've met a lot of you guys.
You're not out looking for trouble.
But talking to you, when you see guys with, again, clubs and bike locks and knives stabbing and punching and hitting mainly women.
When I first ran into Antifa over a decade ago, I noticed that they would target, at some gun rally we'd have, there'd be an old guy in a wheelchair and they'd like push him over.
Or there'd be an old guy, we have some of this from our abortion protests years ago, there'd be a guy on crutches, you know, that has a neural, and they would go knock him down.
And then we'd run over there to knock him upside the head and they'd run!
And it's like, archetypally, you think of the ultimate coward, hitting a woman in the back of the head, a big group dragging a woman into a crowd, beating her up, stomping her face in, we have all these videos.
And then you think of the image of the ultimate coward being groups of men beating up disabled people and women and then that's who they are and we've seen all the mainstream media praise them and then say you're the terror group when the FBI never even said it.
It's just incredible.
So whoever wants to take that question, here's we talk to you guys.
I'll jump in real quick.
I haven't experienced anything violent yet.
I have gone out and gone to events where there was openly communists here in St.
Petersburg, Florida.
I'm in Tampa, Florida.
But I did go to the Alex Jones rally, and I was expecting there to be opposition there.
It's funny how Antifa isn't getting that George Soros money anymore.
And if you remember, Alex, I was the guy at the end that gave you the t-shirt that said Trump Pence 2020.
And I took a picture with you and I told you to rev your engine from the Hellcat.
You like that?
I love that Hellcat.
It's awesome.
It's awesome.
But when it comes to these cowards out there, imagine, imagine What would happen if we didn't stand up now and speak up now?
We're just going to let them do what they want?
What's going to happen when they send in the hit teams dressed like Antifa to take people like us out because we're labeled offensive?
Or we're labeled racist or white supremacist just for loving America?
It's crazy.
You know, we've got to put a compilation together.
I've been talking about this a couple of years.
We haven't done it.
I don't know why.
of just the antifa violence because it's so incredible that one has to, but I know a lot of it doesn't get on tape.
Uh, Rufio, what have you experienced personally?
Because I mean, there's at least 10 videos of people trying to hit you with steel clubs and you knocking them out.
We always just show one clip, but, but there's, there's at least 10 videos I've seen and the hair lips, the Admiral, we're going to put that together and be airing that soon.
But, um, what are some of the things that weren't caught on tape?
Well, you know, there's been a lot of incidences.
There was an incident in Seattle after a rally where we were attacked and one of my guys was hit over the back of the head with a glass bottle.
And, you know, he could have easily been killed or severely injured.
Thank God he was, you know, the bottle broke over his head evenly and it was fine.
But I mean, it's just another example.
I've seen women pepper sprayed in the face.
Uh, unarmed, doing nothing.
I've seen women, and I've seen teenage girls jumped by, you know, three men, three grown men.
And if we weren't there, I mean, you know, I know this sounds kind of boastful, but I can honestly say that, you know, Proud Boys and other like-minded patriot groups, their presence being at some of these events has potentially saved some people's lives.
Or at least from severe injury.
And again, how do these men do this?
Like a man like you or I, just a normal man, gets physically angry when they see this.
You can't even believe it's happening.
But they do it on purpose.
I've personally seen them do it.
I've seen it all over the internet, where they will just beat it, like roundhouse kick a woman in the head for no reason, and then the media praises it.
They're pathetic.
They are truly pathetic.
I don't understand how people can sit back and not speak up, or they can't see who the enemy is by now.
I don't call them Democrats anymore.
I don't call them liberals.
They're fake liberals.
And they're the anti-American party.
They go out.
Look at this.
I mean, this is disgusting.
Anybody should be upset right now.
You know, they go out and they say that they're for women, they're for children, but they want to kill their babies.
They're Satanists.
They go over there to do these rituals, and you've got the A-Team, we call them, the abortion team, on tape.
You've experienced this, and, you know, it's sick.
It's just sick.
These people are anti-American.
At the end of the day, I think they're just Satanists, or they're just paid losers.
They're paid to go out there and run amok, and we all know who's funding all this crap.
By the way, we don't just say George Soros.
Every time I dig down to the bottom, it's him.
I mean, he's the one fighting the lawsuits against me.
This guy is incredible.
You know, we started the Times of Liberty Show to keep hammering, hammering, hammering, like you say, hammering.
We want to talk about the fluoride in the water.
We want to talk about CNN as an asshole.
We want to talk about the geoengineering that was a conspiracy before, but now it's a solution.
We want to talk about how on the Colbert Show, the scientist went on there, a geoengineering scientist, and he admitted it kills up to a million people a year.
And we want to talk about those things, the GMO in the water.
We want to talk about these people dressing up little kids and putting them in pageants and bringing them out.
You know, we have no problem with your sexuality at Signs of Liberty.
We don't care what color you are.
We don't care what you are.
All we care about is if you love that red, white, and blue.
If you black, Back the country, and if you back President Trump.
You don't have to agree with everything we say.
That's not what we're about.
We're not a cult.
If we're extremists, we're extreme about America.
We're extreme about loving the Constitution.
And that's what Infowars has taught me.
People come to me with that cute crap on my page and tell me, oh, you gotta watch out with Alex Jones.
He's probably a Mossad agent.
Well, guess what?
I like to write poems.
And I read it on air and Air Force One gave me a commercial with my poem.
And when I called in and talked to you earlier this year, they gave me another commercial.
Two commercials.
They didn't have to do that.
You guys let me plug Titans of Liberty.
That was before I even linked up with Rufio.
The only agents we are is Agents of Liberty, brother.
Introducing the final and biggest sale of 2018, InfoWars is proud to introduce the 12 Days of Christmas.
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Santa Claus isn't real, but the New World Order and the Globalists are trying to destroy our nation's sovereignty.
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Right now is massive rampage force.
Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram, and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
I'd done The War Room.
She's not on until 9.40 Central.
That's 10.40 Eastern.
I was exhausted.
I popped two Brain Force Plus, and I was good as new.
I mean, it really is mentally stabilizing, mentally energizing.
Tonight, I'm on with Tucker Carlson.
The same thing.
I'm going to put in a full day here at InfoWars.
I'm going to go on the Tucker tonight.
Thank goodness for this great product.
This is my all-time favorite because it's so effective and it doesn't give you that jacked-up energy drink feeling, you know?
You can sleep with it.
And when you stack it with the Red Pill, the mind-body combination, that is the best.
That supercharges your energy, your vitality.
This is the best combination I have found.
It really works.
It's the best mineral-vitamin combination I have found and I've tried them all.
Believe me. You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, I don't normally have 50 seconds of bumper music, but I was talking to Roger Stone about very exciting things behind the scenes.
Believe me.
Folks know that when I tell you we got a big show or a big surprise coming up, we deliver.
So in the next week or so, You're going to want to be watching the show.
And then after that, you're going to want to be watching, let's just say Shani Claus is going to be bringing some very nice presents this year.
And I'm going to stop talking at that point.
Riding shotgun with us, Rufio had to go.
We're going to mail him an external mic for his audio.
He's a wonderful patriot.
We've got Jason.
Also known as mega Titan and and so let me do this Let me have you back up because you're amazing in fact soon
as I saw you I know that guy I've been following your work the last year and a half or
so a lot of it's super viral And so plug the new show Titans of Liberty, but also plug
the big one you've been doing for a while You know the best way to plug Titans of Liberty is to plug
the regular show you've already been doing tell folks how they can
find that Okay, well first of all I just want to see if I didn't
notice me because I always wear this hat This beautiful. Yes, I recognize it info wars calm, baby
Um, and I just want to say, um, the titans of Liberty news wars is the media page.
My, um, I just did that cause we have to get the news out there and we have to, to report what's going on.
I mean, NASA just reported, was it yesterday?
Um, that they admitted that they had a intelligent life, small human, uh, being our, our alien beings here on earth before.
Um, but, MAGA Titan was, uh, really a troll.
That's how, uh, it was born, uh, MAGA Titan.
I like to make memes.
Um, my adjacent low page is my main page on Facebook now.
I do have a real dot video, MAGA Titan, YouTube MAGA Titan, um, at MAGA underscore Titan Twitter.
But all of my, um, funny videos, I like to do comedy too.
I know I seem very serious, but I like to bring light to the situation, because that's what we need.
There's no more comedy at night.
Stephen Colbert.
We see Mr. Fake News think he's real news now.
It's just so sad.
You got Jimmy Kimmel.
And you know, I thought that was pretty funny, the whole pickle thing he did with you on air, Alex.
But at the same time, you know, they make everything a joke when we know it's for real.
But the MAGA Titan page on Facebook is where you'll find my comedy.
And also we have the Times of Liberty Truth Wars public group.
So we have that as well.
But that's basically it right there.
If you want the comedy at MAGA Titan 1776, that's on Facebook.
But we are going to move off of Facebook.
We're just using it for now.
If we get censored, we're going to start taping and putting it on Real.Video since I'm already set up there.
Thanks to the great Mike Adams.
I know he'll be adding the live feature on there soon.
Okay, well listen, you're awesome.
Great work.
We'll talk to you soon.
God bless.
Good job.
So, the Proud Boys were never said to be extremists by the FBI.
But how could they then just designate someone as that and then have them removed from the internet?
It shows where the left is going.
It's very, very frightening.
Now, Roger Stone has got to get on an airplane here in a few minutes.
We've got a little bit of this segment and then the next segment coming up.
But before we do that, just briefly, because I don't plug this hour.
If I don't plug, we don't get funded.
We shut down.
I'm our biggest problem.
When I plug, you buy the products.
But I tend to get busy and don't do it.
We have the biggest sales.
I've been saying that for about two months because we're doing year-end clearance.
These are the biggest sales in our history.
Double Patriot points on every future order.
Um, you get 50 to 75% off 50 50% off the lowest level discount storewide and free shipping storewide.
And we've got the incredible ultimate bone broth best formulation out there with the chaga mushroom, the tumeric.
The Bee Pollen, everything.
It's 50% off, but every order, whether it's an order of Brain Force, or it's another t-shirt you order, or a water filter, or whatever you order, you get a free, limited edition, we are all Alex Jones, don't censor me, Gadsden flag, black on white, t-shirt.
So, take something like the Brown Broth.
At $19.95, that's at cost.
Then you add free shipping, that's another $5.
Then you add a $5 free shirt, We're losing a lot of money on this, but I want to get the t-shirts out there.
So every order, every order at InfoWarsTore.com, we'll get a free t-shirt.
Now, this particular design, we only had like 5,000 of them, so it's going to be gone in a day or two.
It'll be one of the other shirts we've got.
And then another shirt, as those sell out, there'll be a new free shirt you get.
So infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139, your purchase makes it all possible.
Whatever you do, please spread the word about local radio stations and TV stations that you're listening and watching to.
That is just as critical as financially supporting us while you get great products.
Okay, Roger, thanks for waiting to go to the airport to pop in with us.
You're one of the top stories in the country.
We hear that General Flynn cooperated totally, so he's not going to get any jail time, Mueller says.
And then we hear you took the Fifth and all the rest of this stuff.
And what's really going on, Roger Stone?
Well, Alex, I decided to invoke my Fifth Amendment rights pertaining to the Senate Intelligence and Judiciary Committees some time ago.
Uh, and I informed them of that prior to the president's tweet.
So those who say that, ah, you see this witness intimidation by Trump encouraged Stone not to cooperate, that's false.
Why did I do so?
Well, you know, I wanted to testify for the House Intelligence Committee in open session.
Let the American people see the whole thing.
I was not allowed to do so.
I elected to cooperate anyway.
And since that time, Adam Schiff and Eric Swallowswell and Congressman Quigley and other lowlifes on that committee have misrepresented what I said.
Let me be very clear.
My testimony is entirely accurate and truthful.
I did disclose that Randy Credico, the New York radio talk show host, was the source who told me about both the significance and the October disclosure date of the WikiLeaks matters.
completely reject the suggestions by the special counsel's office to Dr. Jerry
Corsi that he was any kind of source regarding WikiLeaks.
We know that's all bull. I'm asking you about Flynn. I'm asking you about the
next shoe to drop.
Trump has signaled he's taking the gloves off. Yeah, we don't know anything
about Flynn because so much of the document they released was redacted.
They say he cooperated, but they don't tell us the substance of his cooperation.
As far as I know, General Flynn is a great patriot.
I believe that he was euchared into pleading guilty to something he did not do.
And I'm going to reserve judgment as to whether General Flynn has turned on the president or whether he has rendered any testimony that is harmful to the chief executive.
We just don't know that yet.
Sure, because they could just use him as a cutout and say, ooh, he told everybody, ooh, just like Joey Behar said, oh, he admits Trump's a Russian, they're all Russians.
That wasn't true.
They keep using Flynn as a cutout because they know nothing was ever there to begin with.
And I agree with you.
It looks like it's another replay of the same thing they've done before.
During the time that Donald Trump is the President-elect, and after General Flynn had been designated as the incoming National Security Advisor, it's well within the President's authority to direct him to speak to the Russian Ambassador or anyone else.
So this notion that he did something You know, illegal or improper, I'm just not seeing it.
Yes, yes, Roger.
Everyone knows Russiagate's fake to try to overthrow the election and cover up for Hillary and Mueller that were involved with the Russians.
I mean, everyone knows that.
I'm just getting to you, because you're an expert and talk to a lot of people, about when does Trump, he says he's taking the gloves off.
Well, we're ready.
Don't wait.
Let's go.
Well, perhaps he's going to declassify all this material on the same day that Mr. Mueller issues his report.
That would be quite a day if that is the case.
I don't know how he could have sent the signal more clearly in that New York Post interview that he has the detonator in his hands.
He's got the goods on Bill and Hillary and Barack and Brennan and Clapper and Mueller.
And Rosenstein.
And others.
And he will unleash it at the time of his choosing.
It would be brilliant political strategy to release it on the very day Mr. Mueller releases his report.
Although that would be speculation on my part.
The President does need to act in good time though, Alex, because if he waits until it is too late, Then he will find himself besieged, and the people he's surrounded him with in many cases cannot be counted on in the court.
Well, that's right.
And look, we know what he's got.
They've got Hillary's emails.
The NSA has it.
We have the illegal warrants.
We have them spying.
We have Obama launching it.
That's such a scandal that Obama spied on the campaign.
So he's got a lot to release.
Just like WikiLeaks timed it, I think he should release a major trudgeon, a major slice, a major juicy, every, let's say, uh, Monday morning or Tuesday morning, keep them off their balance, every week, just a nice big juicy.
And let them try to say he doesn't have the power to do it, he does under the Constitution.
He needs to give them hell now!
In the last few months, InfoWars has been escalating our sales to clear out inventory of many of our best-selling items.
And then I came up with the idea last week.
Let's not just extend the sale of free shipping store-wide, 50-75% off, double Patriot points.
Let's extend that sale, but also add a free gift with every order.
Even if it's a tube of fluoride-free, colloidal silver, iodine-fortified, super blue, that we make like three bucks on at this sale, you'll get a free gift of a best-selling t-shirt while supplies last and what I mean by that is everyone will get a t-shirt but these are going to be selling out so whatever you order that day they'll be the shirt of the day that's there until it sells out then there'll be another shirt that goes up for the next order so in the next 12 days we are going to have beyond any other sale we've ever had the free gift so this is a loss leader
We are losing money on this, but we're gonna help fund ourselves because we won't get hit with the inventory taxes, federal and state.
Everybody says, Texas doesn't have income tax.
I love my state, but if you got a business and a company here and you got merchandise, BS.
It's big.
It's bad.
So we are clearing everything out so that we have the funds to go at least a few months into next year.
You know they've been trying to shut us down, but you've been supporting us.
So to thank you, ladies and gentlemen, this is the best deal ever.
Storewide free shipping.
That's been going on for over a month.
50 to 75% off.
That's been going on for a couple weeks.
The Double Patriot points.
That's what happened in about a week.
Now, for the next 12 days of Christmas, every day a free gift on top of it and special mega-sales every day.
InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, or 888-253-3139.
This is our biggest sale ever.
Get your free gift, your free shipping, everything.
And don't fight the crowds at InfoWarsStore.com.
And for myself and the Boris family, God bless you and thank you for your support.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm gonna open the phones up.
(upbeat music)
I'm gonna open the phones up in the next segment and cover all the breaking news that's taking place.
Roger Stone's here with us.
A lot of people ask, hey, you've already done two hours of broadcast today, David Knight, three hours before that.
Why haven't you played more of George Herbert Walker Bush's funeral?
Because it's painful for me to look at.
I mean, this is Mr. David Rockefeller's minion.
The globalist, all the things he did, I start thinking about it, it makes my head spin.
The war crimes, the anti-gun, the open borders, the selling us out to China, giving us the Clintons.
I mean, it's just, it's monstrous.
And Roger Stone's the best-selling author of the Bush crime family.
And, you know, he worked for him.
He did stuff for him.
So, you know, he's one to know.
But he got his soul back the last 15 years exposing him, which he did, putting himself out there in the dark for doing it.
But I see this footage of Trump walking by and the Clintons kind of jumping back.
Let's roll this footage.
I'll describe it for radio listeners.
Here it is.
Melania goes over to Obama and to Michael Obama.
And then Trump looks over at the Clintons and nothing happens.
Clintons don't.
Oh, how you doing there?
I can't believe that Trump isn't loyal to their evil system and has already aced them.
Hillary's so pissed.
An amazing moment right there, Martha.
So, Roger, what do you make of that?
And just in closing, Where this fight is, because we kept the Senate, we didn't get the House because of election fraud.
Populists just wanted Spain.
I mean, we've had 68 elections, only two have been lost to populists.
Venezuela, and then what happened here a month ago because of election fraud.
This shows an invincible wave of nationalism if fraud doesn't block it.
You know, Alex, there is one segment from the Bush funeral that I really wish you would find and put on the air, and that's which American patriot Bob Dole struggles to his feet in salutes the passing chief executive.
Bob Dole, never a member of the Trilateral Commission, never a member of the Council on Foreign Relations,
an outsider from Kansas, a true conservative, a man who at 91 years old was stumping
for the Trump-Pence ticket through the Midwest.
There is no greater living American today than Senator Bob Dole.
And I know you basically ran his campaign, and I like Bob Dole just overall,
even though they kind of put him in there to take a dive, even though he didn't know
he was doing it to, to, uh, Harry Clinton.
But I did see that footage and I meant to play that.
Uh, boy, how old is he now?
He looks like he's not doing too well.
Like 93?
No, I think he's in very poor health.
It's amazing that he continues to hang on.
But here's a man of enormous courage and enormous patriotism.
A true American hero, not just in his military service, but in his service to his country.
So today, I want to salute Bob Dole.
This was the most moving moment of the Bush funeral, in my opinion.
You know, it's just funny how these things work.
I read an article about his service in North Africa and then Italy.
It was very similar to my dad's dad's service.
So, definitely was some rough going there for Bob Dole.
He basically got cut in half by a German machine gun.
He was hit by a shell, and they told him he would never walk again, he would never be able to feed himself, he would never be able to dress himself, and he struggled back, not only to a brilliant career in the U.S.
Senate, but to a true life of integrity, unlike the globalists, someone who believed in American sovereignty.
Now, it's a shame that by 1996, and he finally could win the nomination, his time had passed, but I still believe today he could be The greatest living American.
And people forget he did support Trump.
That's a good thing.
Well, while the Bushes took a powder when George W. and George H.W.
were refusing to endorse him, at 93 years old, Bob Dole, in a wheelchair, is stumping through Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, for the Trump-Pence ticket.
There's a man of real courage and real integrity.
So how old is he now?
Is he the same age as W. was?
Or H.W.? ?
That sounds about right.
I mean, given the enormous... Hey, Roger, great job.
We'll talk to you soon.
Okay, so I have a gift here from the folks at InfoWarsStore.com.
They wanted to thank me for getting the InfoWars t-shirts on the Rangers game for millions of people at sea, so they just brought me a gift.
I don't even know what this is.
Wait a second.
I got it!
It's a Trump-Medusa shirt!
Look at that, guys!
I got the Trump-Medusa shirt!
What's that?
There's more in there?
It's a George Washington!
I was not expecting this, really.
Look at that one.
That'll trigger somebody real good.
Oh, yeah.
Wow, wow.
I'm like a kid on Christmas today.
I want to thank the folks at InfoWarsTore.com.
This is amazing.
I was not expecting this.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region six, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I'm not gonna screen your phone calls in the shower.
All I'm gonna do He's asked that you have a good, clear phone and that you call in on a couple of big items I'm throwing out here, but just please call in on these three items.
Number one, George Herbert Walker Bush.
I mean, you know, I thought I got a headache watching all the worship of John McCain, but George Herbert Walker Bush Was even worse.
I mean, this is the guy that helped put this country on the trajectory of deindustrialization, gun control, open borders, you know, narcotics trafficking, the Finders Group, child kidnapping, the CIA.
I mean, all these people kiss his ass because he's like super evil and a big murderer.
And it's like, wow, that's what some men just like bow down to murderous men.
No, I'm not doing it.
I'm not bowing down to him and that whole sycophantic swamp in D.C.
that is so traitorous, I can't even imagine how bad it is.
Every time I think I know how bad it is, it just gets worse.
So what do you think of him?
Maybe you disagree with him.
Maybe I'm a bad guy.
Lines are open.
The big mega banks, I've got articles right here I'm going to cover in a moment, trying to plunge the economy, trying to threaten the UK, Italy, other nations that are trying to pull out of the globalist system.
They're saying, we'll plunge your economy, we'll target you, that's in the news.
What do we do about that?
Trump was right, raise all these interest rates, do all this, drive down the economy, they're doing it to kill our recovery.
What do you make of that?
That's exactly, can we pull up Bill Maher maybe?
Next segment?
That was just four months ago, he said, I hope we can plunge the economy and create a stock market crash to hurt Trump.
Jeez, man.
Talk about working against your interest.
And then thirdly, I covered it in the first hour.
More big studies, more Federal Reserve study.
Federal Reserve study showing millennials don't just want communism, fascism or socialism.
They just want authoritarianism where they believe it gives them something free.
But, on average, they're the lowest IQ, most unhealthy, poorest people.
So, of course, they want your money.
Just like Venezuela, or just like North Korea.
They have no idea what planet they're even living on.
Just like corporate media and the whole digital bubble that's imploding.
All these thousands of establishment sites that had almost no viewers.
You'd see the order go out from Media Matters and George Soros.
And within hours they would all rewrite, word for word, what was said.
They'd just change it around a little bit.
And put the lie out.
Didn't matter what it was.
It was usually about me or Trump or somebody.
To create this artificial consensus.
And now, they're shutting them all down.
The Neocon Weekly Standard, Vox, Vice, all of it's either massive layoffs or just shutting down.
Because there's no need for you, once all the competition's censored off the internet, dumbasses.
You were just there to create that artificial consensus.
Now you're gone.
But they'll have a new job for you to graduate down to being a local commissar at the university.
They'll put you in charge of the student newspaper, making sure they don't criticize.
You know, they'll devolve your job down to nothing, and you'll watch your whole country go to hell.
But you don't care.
You don't want real power.
You don't want real leadership.
You don't want to see, laboring in the fields against the wind, incredible crops of human potential sprouting.
You want the dead crops of tyranny, as long as you think you're the head skeleton in charge of it.
So, the out-of-control web censorship now coming home to roost for the establishment.
George Herbert Walker Bush, lying in state, now being sent to Texas to be buried.
God, the carpetbagging never ends.
It's mind-boggling, isn't it?
And, of course, the subject of the attempt to openly kill the economy.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789.
I haven't given the number out and I see the phone lines are loaded.
That's kind of a crazy sign there, but let's do this.
Let's keep Kevin and Brandon on hold.
But let's kill those other lines real quick.
Because, let's just kill him, kill him.
I'm trying to be good here, to get new callers, or people that haven't got a chance to get on air.
Okay, the race is on!
I want to hear from you.
And if you're a first-time caller, or you've been on hold, never got on the air, or hadn't been on the air in, say, a year, I want to give you a chance to get on air.
877-789-2539. And as negative as a lot of this news is, the good news is
humanity is awake and nationalism is exploding right now.
But just look at these headlines.
Just today you've got big corporate media that has almost no readers or viewers rubbing their hands together and saying, we need to de-platform all the nationalists and we need to take Trump off Twitter too.
Then they also admit everyone's for sale, except those that aren't for sale.
A generation of digital media darlings preps for a frigid winter.
Vice, Vox, BuzzFeed, among other companies that once, I mean criminal syndicates, heralded the dawn of the new media age.
Oh yeah, where you shut everybody down and you're on air, are now grappling with decidedly old media problems.
Milo Yiannopoulos collapse shows that no platforming can work.
They have other articles saying, since Jones' no platforming has been successful, since Mark Twain's dead, and of course they attacked me in this article too, they say we can get them all.
No, I'm not funded by the Mercer's.
I'm funded by the listeners and viewers.
We're on hundreds of radio and TV stations and our core audience is bigger than ever.
But our reach to new people has been stunted unless the audience takes action.
He who must not be named.
What info is Alex Jones and Voldemort have in common?
It says now that he's successfully been deplatformed, we can talk about him.
And it's some weird lady from Turkey who left authoritarianism to come here and bring it to us.
As a college professor.
Yeah, you pay the senior young people to college to learn to hate America, to learn how to censor.
There's articles everywhere about student newspapers.
If they're critical of anything the school does, they're shut down.
Journalism school is about murdering truth, about murdering questioning.
It's all about having mainstream media say the Proud Boys are listed as terrorists.
It turns out the FBI never said it.
But that's how this works.
But they're not going to win.
The globalists aren't going to win, ladies and gentlemen.
Truth is on our side.
But I did want to hit this little piece of news.
And we'll do it after we take a raft of calls.
Just the latest.
Now they're targeting your two-year-olds.
Weirdos that come to the school when you're not there, talk to your two-year-old about sex and their sexuality.
It's usually a pot-bellied man in a weird outfit that's like, oh, men come to talk to my child about sex.
As long as it's liberal, it's okay.
Think about how far this has gone.
German government's been caught putting out brochures that tell kids to spy on their right-wing parents as young as age five if they don't agree with them having their testicles chopped off.
It's all coming up.
We're going to break.
Please remember that Jordan Soros has tried to shut down all of our merchant accounts, and even though we were able to get more when he shut down five of the six, I'm not operating as if we'll be here six months from now, even though I intend to be.
So, we have quite a warehouse of great products, and I usually keep enough to have stuff in January and February.
Well, this year, it'll be slim pickings because Everything must go.
50 to 75% off storewide.
Much of it's a loss leader.
Right now, Super Silver Wound Gel.
FDA approved.
Whole 9 yards.
Very best system.
60% off.
50 to 75% off.
Double Patriot Points.
Storewide free shipping.
at m4warstore.com. You cannot beat these deals. Don't fight the traffic, don't fight the mall
crowds. Just go to m4warstore.com and I forgot the biggest part of the deal. On top of free
shipping, 50% off, a free "We're all Alex Jones, don't censor me" shirt with every order, making
them all lost leaders. Hunter. There are a lot of different schools of thought in marketing
and in advertising and in sales. Now I've been on the radio and tv for 23 plus years.
I never went to any professional schools.
But over the years, I learned a lot about those professional schools and the different perspectives.
There's five or six different ways that people pitch things.
And there's different permutations and commutations to that.
But I just come from it with the golden rule, treat others like you want to be treated.
Do unto others as you would like to be done unto you.
And we've taken that philosophy to the next level with all the products we sell at InfoWarsTore.com.
Now, let's just look at two different systems of sales.
The one that we fall into and then the one that targets about 25% of the population that is currently still the most successful and the most lucrative system.
The corrupt form I wouldn't say it's completely evil, because it's targeting folks that just always want to pay more.
It's a system where you put everything into it being elite and being top end and the most expensive.
And in almost every case, what's in it does not measure up even close to what it's costing.
Now, I've got a little bit of And so if I wanted to buy something fancy just because it's fancy, I could do it.
But there's a lot of things that if it's a rip-off, even though I want it and I need it, I'm gonna go find the alternative that's as good, a lot of times better, for less just because I'm not into wasting for no reason.
I'd rather give it to charity or something like that.
But that's the two different schools of thought I wanted to get into, is the one where they know that if something's supposedly the best, you say it's the best, even though it's not, and you charge an outrageous amount, people believe it must be the best because it's an outrageous amount.
Now, here's what I do.
I go out of my own life and I find what is the best for the very lowest price.
And here's an example.
I have a Dodge Hellcat that came out four years ago.
I didn't want a really fast sports car because I didn't want to be flashy.
I was at the Dodge dealership with my truck.
The guy was illiterate.
He said, have you heard of Hellcats?
They've been coming out about a year.
And I said, uh, no.
And he said, well, it's a Dodge Challenger, 700 plus horsepower.
It's only $63,000.
And Ferrari owns us now.
And to have a car like this would cost like half a million dollars.
And it didn't stick out, but I like a really fast, cool car, so I have the best of both worlds.
Looks like a Challenger, but I've driven one of my friend's Ferraris.
It's as fast.
It's insane.
That's my mindset.
I want a badass, black Ferrari for $63,000 instead of a half million or a million.
I mean, you can go up to $2 million for a Ferrari.
I don't want the bling, I want the zing.
We sold out for their year of in-sale of the Alexa Pure Pro gravity-fed filter.
We sold it all out.
They didn't think we could do it.
You bought it, it's a great system.
You got it for basically 49% off, half off.
They've never done that.
They're going to do the Alexa Pure Breeze, that is, an ion filter, normally $250.
Leading competitors aren't as good, they're $800.
It's the same deal.
Similar systems, four-stage ions, that aren't as good, $400, $600, $800 depending on the unit.
This is normally $240, $250.
It's $127.
Again, they're selling them to us at cost.
We make like $30 and it clears out their end-of-year inventory and it's so good for your house, so good for your family.
It's amazing.
Alexa Pure Breeze at InfoWareStore.com.
It is the Hellcat of air filtration compared to the Ferraris that aren't even as good but have a so-called bling and cost five times more.
Get yours today at Infowarshore.com at Lexington Pier Breeze.
There's only a couple thousand of these and they're going to sell out.
You can't lose.
It supports the Infowar and your own health for you and your children.
Get it today.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
All I want for Christmas is to not live under the mark of the beast, you know.
The big banks, the Chi-Coms, Facebook, Twitter, Google.
They all think they just invented this new plan to have a face scan or hand scan and then track everything you do.
And if you're not a good globalist, you can't buy or sell.
They thought that they just invented this new ultimate class system, but you know, 2,000 plus years ago, the Bible, the New Testament was written, the Book of Revelations.
Here it is, it just went up on InfoWars.com.
It's a new horrifying Kit Daniels article, I hope you get it out to folks.
The same folks working with the ADL to ban conservatives off the internet.
Using the digital system to ban people like Hitler did Jews.
Mastercard Microsoft to develop digital identity system and your new global social score.
Critics blast frightening plan as a system of a totalitarian regime can only dream of.
And there's a race now with all the big tech giants to get little robots in your house like Alexa that spy on you and Google Assistant.
It's all happening.
The microchipping, the whole thing we warned you of.
And that's why we're so discredited.
That's why we've got to be taken off air, because we're right so much.
You can't have people warning about this, that Tim Cook has slave factories, or Tim Cook's become state-run in China, or that China's putting spy devices on Apple devices.
No, no, you just go to the ADL.
So there's my, you know, Soros, and who wants to overthrow Israel, and you just talk about it.
Everyone's an anti-Semite that doesn't want to go into the Mark of the Beast.
Isn't that nice?
Isn't that sick?
Isn't that disgusting of these soulless leftists?
God help us.
And now they want our children!
From the U.S.
to Sweden, state-run, kindergarten, bans the word he-she, makes boys wear dresses!
In Germany, they hand out brochures saying your parents don't want you to wear dresses or have your testicles chopped off.
They're right-wingers!
They've got secret police ready to come after you.
That's on InfoWars.com.
That's right.
We're gonna have adults come talk to your children as young as age two about their sex, about their genitals.
And if you don't like it, the ADL's coming for you.
You're not with Hitler, are you?
Well, no, I'm not with Soros, who you give awards to.
Now you ain't with Hitler, you ain't nobody according to the ADL.
And now we learn the secret in World War II.
I said I'd go to your calls, but I'm about to go there, I'm about to go there, I'm about to go there.
Here, type in Haratz, Haratz.com.
Just type it in the search term and then say, meet the SS Nazi who worked for Mossad.
And this is not an attack on Mossad or any of this.
It just shows where this goes.
And I already knew about it.
He was called the most dangerous man in Europe.
He was the head of the SS commando units.
He was a major, you know, colonel.
They called him Major Colonel in the Germans, not a full colonel.
And there it is.
The strange case of the Nazi who became an Israeli hitman.
There it is.
Here, let's scroll down and look at Otto.
And see, the story kind of begins there, you see.
Because there were a few thousand Jews in Europe who worked with Hitler, and they helped rob all the other Jews.
Madeleine Albright's father reportedly stole more than a hundred billion today's numbers from Jews.
He was Jewish.
But let's just stop right there.
We'll talk about the ADL another day.
Truly disgusting.
But, we'll get to that another time.
Very sick.
See, if you help round up and kill Jews, and you're Jewish, it's a good thing.
Like Soros.
But if you never hurt a Jew in your life, you're bad.
And then these evil people, in the name of Jews, go out and do horrible things.
And they get all these other people angry, to then attack normal, regular Jews, who aren't involved in this.
And then those regular normal Jews run to the actual evil people that are setting them up and give them all their money.
In a protection racket!
Isn't that sick?
But it's not if you're Julian Soros.
It's fun!
And if you're a radio listener, the crew just in seconds just search engines what I said and found it.
And of course, that Haritz Herat story is a very small amount of the real story about that particular fellow.
That particular fellow.
But see, my family lives in Texas.
And some of them were in the military, and some of them were in other groups.
And they were ordered to be around these people.
So I didn't need to read about it in a Jewish newspaper to know about it.
Oh no, I didn't have to read about it in a newspaper.
I heard all about it growing up.
And imagine, you're a little kid and your mom's like, your grandfather's a little eccentric.
He wasn't eccentric.
He'd seen it.
But that's the word they use when you're like, You fight and you help kill Hitler, and by alchemy, you become Hitler.
And the people that helped Hitler, they become the guardians of the Jews.
And then Benjamin Netanyahu says, we're not going to do this.
Oh, and he's now anti-Semitic.
sick. Of course you know most of Benjamin Netanyahu's family has died fighting for Israel.
And I'm not here lionizing Benjamin Netanyahu, but because I'm always being attacked as being a Mossad agent, which I have no connections to Israel, I have a connection to history and reality, I will then start exposing all this because I'm sick of it.
I'm getting real tired of the ADL and your crap.
You know damn well what you've been up to.
Shame on you.
None of you got killed fighting people trying to blow up Israel.
You all sit around working with Iran, and working with Obama, and working with people.
Let me tell you, Israel's biggest problem is leftist Jews.
Because we all know about leftists.
They can be black, they can be Hispanic, they can be white.
They'll sell their mother out for a stick of bubble gum.
All right.
If the water doesn't rise over Bear Creek, we'll go to break.
I'm going to come right back with your calls directly.
I'm going to do this again because I keep swearing I'm going to plug at least twice an hour and then I don't.
That would fix all our problems if I just did it while I'm still on air and able to do it.
So please take action.
Do your Christmas shopping at Inforestore.com.
We have amazing products, books, videos, t-shirts, water filtration, air filtration, game-changing supplements, and they're all clearance level.
In fact, the accountants came to me yesterday.
I was up here like 7 at night working and they said, they said, hey Alex, on this turmeric slash bone broth deal you've got running for $19.95, you realize that basically costs $18 a canister.
Leading competitors sell for $60, you sell it for $39 normally, usually discount at $30.
They said, you're selling this for $19.95 with a $5 t-shirt, that's what it cost us, $5, not even counting shipping it from the factory.
And then free shipping was $5.
You're losing $10 on every order.
And I said, I don't care.
I want those t-shirts out there.
So, Ultimate Bone Broth, $19.95.
Free t-shirt.
Everything's free t-shirt.
Everything's free shipping.
Just get it.
Free bumper stickers.
Just shop with Infowarsstore.com.
You got a guarantee you're getting great products and funding an operation that's hellbent on promoting humanity.
In the last few months, InfoWars has been escalating our sales to clear out inventory of many of our best-selling items.
And then I came up with the idea last week.
Let's not just extend the sale of free shipping store-wide, 50-75% off, double Patriot points.
Let's extend that sale, but also add a free gift with every order.
Even if it's a tube of fluoride-free, colloidal silver, iodine-fortified, super blue, that we make like three bucks on at this sale, you'll get a free gift of a best-selling t-shirt while supplies last and what I mean by that is everyone will get a t-shirt but these are going to be selling out so whatever you order that day they'll be the shirt of the day that's there until it sells out then there'll be another shirt that goes up for the next order so in the next 12 days we are going to have beyond any other sale we've ever had the free gift so this is a loss leader
We are losing money on this, but we're gonna help fund ourselves because we won't get hit with the inventory taxes, federal and state.
Everybody says, Texas doesn't have income tax.
I love my state, but if you got a business and a company here and you got merchandise, BS.
It's big.
It's bad.
So, we are clearing everything out so that we have the funds to go at least a few months into next year.
You know, they've been trying to shut us down, but you've been supporting us.
So, to thank you, ladies and gentlemen, this is the best deal ever.
Storewide free shipping.
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That's been going on for a couple weeks.
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InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, or 888-253-3139.
This is our biggest sale ever.
Get your free gift, your free shipping, everything.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
♪ ♪ Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Go back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Doesn't matter if you live in Japan, Russia, Chile, the United States.
There are always going to be people that want to sell you out to special interests.
There's always going to be people that want to stand up for what's right.
Let's go to your phone calls right now on the three big topics.
The globalists openly trying to plunge the world economy.
That is on record.
We'll cover some of those stories.
The riots going on all over the world.
The George Herbert Walker Bush lying in state now being shipped back down here to Texas for more ceremonies at College Station.
I guess it's sunset tonight, and where do you see all this going?
We should just start at the top, because I went over millennial stats earlier.
Now they're on average, not all millennials are like this.
Communists, fascists, socialists, they want authoritarianism.
They don't want to work, but they want to run your life.
Kevin in New Mexico, you're on the air, thanks for calling.
Hello Alex.
Well, sir, I would like to say I appreciate you letting me get on your show.
I've been listening for about 15 years now.
I'm 33 years old.
I have a family of my own.
I'm very successful in life.
I'm a Bible-believing Christian, and I believe in this country.
But also, I believe that some of that demographic that you gave out earlier could be a lot of disinformation, largely because of The friends that I've graduated with, almost everyone in my graduating class, are now business owners and own their own homes.
And we've been pretty successful.
I guess it's because of the way we were raised in the South and Louisiana, where I'm from.
So outside from that, I'm just here to spread a little hope to you, let you know that we're all out here fighting for you and believing for the cause of saving this country and promoting liberty and freedom.
And trust me, a lot of it is just smear campaign to bring people down and keep their mind off of the task of bringing things forward.
Well, I tend to agree with you that a lot of polls are skewed toward the left.
You're absolutely right.
And I think if you are in a conservative or Christian area, millennials are some of the best people out there.
In fact, some of the best folks I know are millennials.
A lot of our crews are millennials.
I mean, I'm not much past one.
I'm 45.
And Generation Z is super awake, but that doesn't mean there aren't some bad guys in there.
But in general, in blue city areas and blue state areas, the millennials are, when you go out, the antifa, I mean, they're the most whacked out group there is.
And so I think these polls are skewed, like you're saying.
But, you know, when you get 40-something percent saying, I want to be a socialist and 10 percent want to be a communist and 10 percent want to be a fascist, I mean, I think it does illustrate that there is that type of group out there.
So, yeah, I mean, I think you're right.
They're skewing the numbers, but it's still pretty bad.
Yes, sir.
Well, let me ask you this in general.
I mean, what do you see in your area of New Mexico?
Because, I mean, I agree, Trump and Americana is way more popular than they're saying.
They clearly stole the last election.
We have the evidence.
I agree, but what do you do when every other election worldwide goes for capitalism, nationalism, Christianity, but Venezuela and America?
Well, for what I see in New Mexico, what I have seen, I used to work for a telecom company here, and almost every customer that I went to was pro-America.
and completely against the Clinton agenda and what they were pushing.
Now as far as where it's headed, I think it's on a biblical scale, man, honestly,
because you know the Bible says that when evil runs rampant in the world, the Spirit of the Lord raises a
standard against it.
I believe that we are that standard against it.
And the enemy knows that its days are done.
So as far as New Mexico is concerned, I think that they stole the
midterms from us because...
Oh, there's no doubt.
God bless you, Kevin.
Great points.
I don't focus on the negative to be negative.
I focus so we don't get complacent.
But I agree with you that world government, cashless society, market of the beast, even if we don't believe in God or Christianity, it's happening, it's being done to control us, and out of the gates, big tech is abusing their power like we knew they'd do.
So all I'm saying is, I know in your towns and cities you think you're secure, you're around a bunch of other normal people.
You're not in Austin, Texas.
You're not in San Francisco.
And these people in Austin, Texas and in San Francisco and in D.C.
and New York, there are a lot of good folks in Austin, a lot of good folks in D.C., a lot of good folks in New York.
But the people running the show are bad actors.
So I'm just shooting up the bat signal to everybody here that here's why a lot of people are thanking me for how great I am.
This is self-preservation.
I want to do a better job for you.
I appreciate you calling.
I appreciate you listening for 15 years.
And I don't want to be like, oh, we're glad Alex is out there.
He'll all handle it.
I've said this 5,000 times.
I'll say it again.
You are the power.
It's you.
They don't like InfoWars because it's a focal point for you.
They don't like things like DrudgeReport.com because If Obama said, you can keep your doctor, and then two years later said he never said it, Drudge wouldn't do a thing.
He'd just put two links up, show them what Obama did.
They don't like that memory.
So Drudge acts as like a memory, and Infowars acts as kind of like a motivator, and they just don't want that.
And so that's why I've got to continue to bring up the negative points.
Let's talk to Griffin Utah.
Everybody wants to talk about Millennials and Bush's death.
Griffin Utah, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, what's going on Alex?
How you doing, bud?
I am doing super good talking to you, brother.
Alright, that's great.
Alright, so I wanted to talk about the Millennials.
So, I work with a ton of them, day in, day out.
There's one particular one that I really want to focus on because I had a debate.
I was using the Tomorrow's News Today model.
He always makes fun of me, but he loses.
It's like a time-bomb trolling, and I love doing it, but He likes being a slave because he doesn't want to stand up.
He's afraid.
And he thinks that if he's a good boy, they're going to pass over him.
Oh, yeah.
They get this reflected power, like they even know we're right.
But they go, but I'm with the system.
You're going to lose.
And it's terrifying to me because it's like, wow, all of you guys are focused on talking about socialism, talking about how it's helping society and all that.
But yet they don't want to go back to work and help the other guys working on the project.
Which is weird, but anyway, it's just the thing about this guy is that he's a coward.
He's scared and I'm trying to wake him up.
He listens to Joe Rogan and I'm like, wow.
So you listen to a guy that knifed Alex Jones in the back when he was your friend.
I mean, I don't want to say anything bad about Joe.
Joe's an entertainer.
He's even said it.
But then, you know, he says, oh, let's open the borders up to this migrant invasion.
And then Eddie Bravo says, Joe, you live in a gated community?
Joe, you live in a gated community?
And, you know, it's just right there.
And look, hey, and I get it.
Joe's not a warrior.
Joe said it.
He's an entertainer.
And he wants to kind of be on the hind end of what's left of Hollywood.
I wish him well.
It's good for him.
I just I don't know how to get through his head that he's He's not going to be protected.
He thinks that he will be protected if he's a good slave, but he's going to get it bad.
I think I'd rather drop dead than live under this system that they're bringing in.
Well, everybody keeps betting on the system.
And, you know, because they think they've got something to lose.
What they're losing is their soul by always being supportive of it.
And I'm not bashing Joe.
Joe's right.
He's not a revolutionary.
He's not.
He's doing entertainment.
And so I respect that.
I mean, and you know, Joe told me, he said, listen, I'm an entertainer.
I don't want to be in the fight.
So he's just a guy that talks about fighting and being tough.
And then, you know, but then actually he's in that world, which is fine.
That's fine.
In fact, Joe's a great guy.
Let's just take him off, though.
I don't want to look at him.
There are a lot of people, when the rubber meets the road, they're gonna put their tail between their legs and piss all over themselves.
And that's fine.
It's not our job to worry about them, it's our job to move on, but you're right.
The average millennial doesn't know that once the globalists take over, they're the first group that'll be targeted.
I appreciate your call, Griff.
Alright, now I gotta move quick because we have a guest host coming up and I want them to be able to get their airtime here on air today.
I actually pulled my sheet out.
Who's doing the fourth hour today, guys?
So I can plug that, please.
Oh my God, I totally forgot.
Mike Adams has this bombshell report I totally agree with on the geoengineering, which they first denied, now they totally admit, and they're already terraforming the Earth.
this report is the most important thing we've probably ever covered when it comes to the planet's atmosphere.
If you're a TV viewer, you can see this limited run shirt that the crew had the idea to do
because there's a popular saying on the internet where all Alex Jones, don't censor me.
And it's got the Gadsden coiled snake instead of don't tread on me or won't tread on me.
It says, we're all Alex Jones, don't censor me.
It's very soft, nice fabric, black on white t-shirt.
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trying to shut down InfoWars, trying to take our payment processors, trying to
shut us down. So this way you don't battle the crowds, you don't battle the
traffic, you get hands down the best deals we've ever offered on best-selling
items that would still probably sell out some of the stuff we've got by
February or so.
I'm selling the entire warehouse right here in Austin, Texas out by the end of this year.
And we're on line to do it.
So everything's for sale.
Some things are about to sell out.
Some things have already sold out.
We still have, I'd say, 90% of our different items.
But in the next few days, obviously, those numbers are going to start going down.
But right now, it's all there.
X3, X2, bodies, ultimate turmeric formula.
But let me say that again.
You get store-wide free shipping, 50% to 75% off, double Patriot points on your next order.
So instead of 5% on each dollar, you get 10 cents on every dollar.
This is insane.
And this free t-shirt.
Now, they printed 5,000 of these up.
So that means by the end of this week, Christmas sales are always heavy, these shirts will be sold out.
This is a limited edition.
We're all Alex Jones.
Don't censor me.
And then it'll be a new shirt that will be the free gift that you get with it.
It'll be another one of these great shirts we've got.
They're all there at InfoWorks4.com, so you cannot beat this deal.
This is way above even the specials I've been running the last two months that have already been our biggest ever.
So take advantage of it.
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I do, but right now they're 50% off, and there's just a bunch of other specials at InfoWarsStore.com.
So I would just encourage you all to go to InfoWarsStore.com.
For the next 12 days, the unprecedented 12 days of Christmas sale launches today.
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InfoWarsStore.com or InfoWarsLife.com.
Takes you right to the supplement page.
Please promote our local radio affiliates.
It is so vital that if you're listening to us in California or Texas or New York, however you're listening, remember, you're the only person that can get past the censors.
So tell people about that local radio station, about that local TV station, and tell folks about their local URL as well.
Word of mouth is king in this fight.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is The Alex Jones Show.
I hear people talking right about the way we have to live here in this country.
Again, a lot of people think about how do they advance their own personal agenda.
Which is fine, as long as you promote the agenda of freedom.
If those two work together, that's great, but if you try to promote your own agenda at the expense of other people's freedom, well then you're a tyrant.
You're an idiot, too, because all that does is create the breakdown of society.
We'll go right back to your phone calls.
We've got to call her Sovereign Millennial.
We're going to go to him in a minute.
We've got Stefan of Pennsylvania.
We've got Cody.
We've got Brandon.
We've got Robert.
We've got so many others.
Stefan of Pennsylvania.
Let's talk about George Herbert Walker Bush's death and the three plus day extravaganza.
He sure didn't like American sovereignty.
He sure didn't like American power.
But boy, before they get ready to stick him in the Texas dirt, Which I love folks from up north, it's just that him posing as a Texan is pretty annoying.
I don't go up to Kennebunkport, Maine and say I'm from Texas, or I'm from Maine.
But I'm going to stop digressing.
Stefan, what do you think about this whole situation?
I don't know, Alex.
I think it's just a big, I don't know, ploy to put everyone's face to make a coward who's responsible for the deaths of millions of people.
You know, as somebody who's a righteous man who did the right thing.
And you know, made sacrifices that put, that basically, you know, made the country a better place.
Well, that's not the case at all.
What he did is he sold us out to pretty much any, the highest bidder.
And that goes the same for anybody in his clique.
And as you can see, all those people that, you know, basically attended his funeral are the same ones that do just that, but not including Trump.
As you can see, he's fighting every day harder and harder and against all the weight being Pushed on him from the media and the corporations and the world leaders who aren't world leaders.
I mean, it's pretty clear to see.
Well, you're right, and it's not an ass-kissing contest, the President.
I get attacked when I'm loyal to the President.
I'm not like these globalists that, you know, get power from groveling to the system.
I see Trump surrounded.
I see him being steadfast, trying to do the best job he can.
We see him make mistakes, try to fix them.
And then to see the average American, even though clearly it's in their interest to support the President, Buying into media hype, not all of them, but a large minority of people, particularly white trendies, is actually shameful that we have this many stupid people.
It really is disappointing, and back to the millennial thing, I mean, I myself am a millennial, but I can't relate to most people in my age group just because of their level of uninformed kind of bias.
That they just walk through life thinking that everything is just, they're entitled to everything and they don't have to work for anything, and that this magical system is just going to come forth and envelop them and aid them and give them comfort, when really they're just trying to put them to sleep so they, like a parasite, they can drain them of everything that they're worth.
And that's what they want.
They want a slave colony.
They don't want free peoples.
They want slaves.
And that's not what America's about.
So I think all these people need to really find a new place that they can destroy, because America's not that.
Oh, you're right.
And it's a philosophy that either the public's idiots, go ahead and use them as food, or the public is part of you, build them up.
And the globalists have made that decision that the public's a bunch of scum, but they themselves become scum.
God bless you.
I'm going to take more calls, but it's six after.
Mike Adams is going to take over.
He was going to cover this on CounterThink Sundays, 6 p.m.
that premieres here on InfoWars, and he will as well, but here's the article.
Transformation and transforming has begun.
Let's just do a document cam shot.
Global dimming is a plot to exterminate humanity by terraforming the atmosphere with smog pollution, killing Earth's food crops, and unleashing ecological collapse.
And he goes over their documents, their admissions.
It's not even our opinion that chemtrails are happening.
But you see the list of things that a Joe Rogan show says.
There is no chemtrails.
George Soros fought Hitler.
He wasn't a collaborator.
There is no world government.
Open the borders to migrants.
Which is great.
Joe's an entertainer.
We get it.
He's got sponsors.
We're not.
You'll read his article.
It's filled with links to NASA.
And the Department of Energy with what's happening and Trump needs to kill these earth dimming programs.
NASA admits, BBC admits, the earth is 30% darker than it was 40 years ago.
They are manipulating it.
Now they're saying, get ready for the ice age.
In fact, let's show his article while we talk to the next caller.
Let's just show his article on Infowars.com or NaturalNews.com and just slowly scroll through it.
And we'll show you where they're announcing it ready for the Ice Age, which is what this whole cover will do.
All right, let's go ahead and take some calls here.
Let's talk to Jeffrey in California.
Jeffrey, you're on the air.
Yeah Alex, huge fan.
Just wanted to tell you that I love what you do.
I appreciate you enlightening the world and those of us that have the opportunity to listen to you.
It's truly a blessing.
Thank you.
Considering you don't have as much time as most do to advertise, I thought I'd give you a little bit of love.
Huge fan of the Alpha Power, the Super Blue.
The toothpaste was awesome.
I love wearing the shirts around.
I like triggering the snowflakes out here in Sacramento.
So when I walk around downtown, I love wearing my Info Wars gear.
When it comes to George Bush and the globalism, there's so many things that just jump into my mind.
Him being involved with the killing of Kennedy.
Technically, he's not involved, but he doesn't know where he was, but we all know where he was that day.
The UN globalist deal.
I know he was involved with the signing.
Oh, he signed us on to UNESCO.
He signed us on the Biological Diversity Assessment that would take half our land off.
I mean, you name it, George W. Bush did it.
He was George W. Bush raped America even more than Bill Clinton and Barack Obama combined.
You know, the more I've watched you and the more I've listened and not just tried to listen biasly, I actually study a lot of what you say when you bring things up.
I go out and look at your links and it's just fascinating how involved these people are in everything.
And when you see it, like the previous caller said, The funeral.
You can see who his real fans were and who the people involved with this man were just by who showed up at his funeral.
And all of these people have helped slowly erode our country.
Oh no, and like Trump's like, we had all the power, even from a power position, why'd you do it?
Because they hate the spirit of America and they sold our industry out.
They did everything to screw the country and Trump's saying, Even from a power position, you'll negotiate better if we're powerful.
He goes, why have you done this?
He goes, because we hate America, Bush.
We hate America.
That's what Bush stands for.
That's what he wants to do.
Bush stands for hating America, posing as a conservative, when you're a Clinton globalist.
Jeffrey, great points.
God bless you.
Sovereign Millennial in from Arizona.
Sovereign Millennial, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I just wanted to say a couple things, more of a statement to anybody that is enemy, foreign, or domestic.
You will not come against our sovereign rights.
George Herbert Walker, you did not impose or you cannot take our sovereign rights.
We put Trump in.
We did.
We elected him.
We have the power.
We have the authority.
You will not hold us down.
We're going to rise up.
We have sovereignty.
The Lord Jesus gives us our sovereign rights, and we will protect them, no matter what age, color, race, no matter any of that.
And by the way, you're not just saying that.
All over the world, nationalists and patriots and capitalists are getting elected.
That's the good news.
We're going to see election fraud.
We're going to see counter-offensives.
But if we can't beat a bunch of meth-head antifa, then, you know, we don't have any business even being here.
We have sovereignty, sir.
That's the number one keyword they hate.
They hate because they think they hold all the power, and they hold all the authority, where they do not.
We are going to keep winning, and they cannot stop us.
Well, if people keep acting, we will.
Thank you, Sovereign Millennial from Arizona.
By the way, here's the article on Infowars.com.
Here's the article from NaturalNews.com.
It's an excellent article.
It's got all their admissions.
The terraforming is ongoing.
You say, for what aim?
Well, they're collapsing the atmosphere.
And then telling us that it's our fault, give them carbon tax, but they want to collapse it to blame us, then use a population reduction to get control of humanity up front.
So this is their main move, and it's admitted.
And again, if you won't admit Soros is a Nazi, when he said he was on 60 Minutes at NPR, if you won't admit there's terraforming, geoengineering going on, if you won't admit world government's happening, or that socialism's a nightmare, or that nations exist, you're a globalist.
It's that simple.
And the globalists are race-based.
They see the demographic of whites being 7% of the world population.
And they know that mainly whites are Christian and we're for not being racially based.
The globalists use our strength against us, try to turn the third world into a bunch of race-based idiots, but that's not going to go well as they thought it would because people want prosperity at the end of the day.
In fact, that's why the world's rejected communism and socialism, so the Marxists have shifted back to race-based systems.
Fourth Hour with Mike Adams and your phone call straight ahead.
I'll take a few more in a moment.
Please stay with us.
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its Alex Jones You
You You
You You
(upbeat music)
Well, Mike Adams has got really game-changing info coming up in the next segment.
So please tell everybody you know to tune in right now, whether it's on AM, FM, television, you name it.
But look at this, government tax takes a record high with France in the top.
That's the Organization for Economic Co-operative Development.
That's actually the global scrup it's set up, the Marshall Plan, everything.
And look at this, IMF urges US and others to reject dystopian path.
France's protesters are part of a global backlash against climate change taxes.
That's what it all is.
It's global government taxes.
And Macron's the one that's supposed to ram it all through.
It has nothing to do with empowering humanity, everything to do with enslaving humanity.
I'm trying to take as many calls as possible here before Mike Adams comes in here and takes over.
Robert in Kansas, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
It's unbelievable what you said about the millennial generation.
I can't believe that would even come out of your mouth.
Who put us in this position, Alex?
Who's in charge of the education system?
You're going to blame the kids?
For the conditions that we see now with H.W.?
Was he a millennial?
Hold on a minute.
I didn't say it wasn't the globalists and previous generations.
I said that they've gotten 50% of millennials to support communism and things like that, which shows the danger of the brainwashing.
I didn't blame them.
Well, you knocked their wage base out.
You destroyed their chance to even have decent wages.
I did.
Like their parents and grandparents.
I did.
And you blamed them for being most susceptible to some sort of... I did.
Well, you said that they didn't have the wages that are necessary to upkeep the economy.
That's true, Alex.
Do you think that's fair?
Well, sir, I'm fighting NAFTA, and I'm fighting GATT, and I'm fighting all these things.
So I'm trying to get the jobs restored.
So, you know, I'm not the one lying in state right now like George Walker Bush.
And I did not say millennials run things or wreck the country.
So that's a classic straw man argument.
They're probably some of the most awake, most intelligent and dynamic generation that there is.
Well, I mean, I said that there are a lot of them that are awake.
I said.
But the leftist areas are the very, very worst.
Well, they're brainwashed, Alex, but that's not them.
They're victims, okay?
And you blaming the victim, I just haven't heard you do that, and I didn't like it.
I appreciate your call.
I don't think they're victims.
If you go to the colleges right now, it is millennials.
I said that group of millennials where they've had their brainwashing going, the globalists.
I said the old professors, that they've really created a bunch of authoritarians.
So that's a mischaracterization.
So I'm not going to debate a mischaracterization with you.
We've got 20 phone lines, and I have this new rule where we only take 10, but my rules are not followed.
So we took like 20, 30 phone calls.
That's about 10 a year on hold when we end this show.
So sorry I can't go to you.
But I don't have any guilt anymore because I said under the new system, we're putting systems in here to organize things to go to the next level.
We take 10 phone calls at a time, and then we open the phones up again and take the calls.
But that didn't happen, so I'm out of here.
I'll be listening to Mike Adams.
He's loaded for bear.
Coming up to cover a whole host of issues.
A very serious time.
It'll be a lot of huge things happening.
And so we're going to be getting into all of it on the other side.
These articles are absolutely critical.
We can't tweet this out.
You're going to have to tweet it out.
It's on newswars.com.
It's on infowars.com.
About an hour ago, I said put it back on the front page.
I'm going to go in during the break and find out how that's happened.
Uh, it's, uh, terraforming has begun.
Global dimming plot to exterminate humanity revealed.
And so it's at naturalnews.com.
You want to hear this.
This is, this is the truth about the condensation trails.
This is the truth about the geoengineering.
This is the truth about all of it.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Greetings, welcome.
So, Latin America is for President Trump and Alex Jones.
Anything else any other person, Hispanic, who wants to consider themselves an American
or anything other than a real Jesus Christ believer is a fake and is a terrorist.
So, what I'm bringing out to you, brother, is may God bless you, the Infowars team.
I appreciate all of your products.
I couldn't, I just received it on Monday and I see the results.
It's beautiful, it's awesome.
I've been a long-time listener and I hope to hear from you again and I will always keep
God bless you, Etion.
I never plug Icarin.
All we do is go out and see what is the best product already out there, and then make it even stronger and better.
What has the best ratings, name it.
So for kidney and liver, Icarin as a flush, it's powerful.
But if you're already in a weird state, consult a physician.
A lot of companies have a bunch of marketing, but they sell kind of filler, because they're scared of real supplements.
I mean, real supplements can really help you, but also, you know, if you're in a weird place, you can get crazy.
Visit currentinformershore.com Aborted babies incinerated to heat in UK hospitals.
(rock music)
Soylent Green, ladies and gentlemen, is made out of people.
But now, children are literally being passed through the furnace in order to fuel hospitals in the UK.
They're being sacrificed on the altar of efficiency and prosperity.
That is the secret of The powdered flesh from dead babies.
Some people believe they can cure disease.
Because of its enormous popularity, Soylent Green is in short supply.
Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day.
The supply of Soylent Green has been exhausted.
You must evacuate the area.
The shareholders of PepsiCo, Big Bilderberg Group Company, are not allowed to know what they're using the baby parts for in the flavoring, but we already know.
So enjoy the flavors.
We're going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death penalties and sales taxes.
I'm consistently pro-death.
I'm for assisted suicide.
I'm for regular suicide.
I'm for whatever gets the freeway moving.
He is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient.
Would it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that trade up in medical costs?
But that's called the death panel and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
They told me to say that they were sorry, but that you had become unreliable.
Is this the kind of society that you want to live in?
Any kind of society that would do this to its children will do it to its senior citizens.
It will do it to its dissidents.
That kind of society will also eventually turn on its police, on its army, on its prison guards, on the quizlings and the collaborators who make that possible.
This is nothing but a suicide cult.
The scoops are on their way.
The scoops are on their way.
I repeat, the scoops are on their way.
You will find out why Soylent Green means life.
You will find out why Soylent Green means death.
Figure it out!
That is the secret meaning of Soylent Green.
Soylent Green is people!
All right, welcome to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
This is Mike Adams guest hosting this hour.
Great to join you today.
Unfortunately, I don't have the best news to share with you.
A lot of realizations That are now coming to the surface.
I'm going to be covering that in this broadcast today.
The terraforming of our planet.
And at first this concept sounds outlandish.
But then you dig into the climate change alarmists and what they are actually doing.
And what they are proposing to do to escalate their activities even more.
And if you dig into the science, and that's what I do every day, we monitor over 1,300 science and medical journals.
And we cover the science every day.
I'm a lab scientist.
I'm a published scientist and a science author.
And when I look at the science of what they want to do in the name of halting global warming or climate change, it turns out that this plan would exterminate humanity.
I'm going to get into that some here today, but also to let you know that the full episode of CounterThink, which airs on Infowars.com, Sunday at 6pm, that full episode, I've already recorded that episode, it's in production right now, and it has even more details than what I'll be able to present here today, because I've got some other points to cover.
But the big, big story is, They are now conducting and advocating what's called Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, SAI.
And there's a science paper on that that's in, what is it, the Environmental Research Letters.
And I've cited that science journal.
And this is basically the new science-y sounding term for what most people would call chemtrails or geoengineering.
And in this science paper, they propose spraying at very high altitudes, for example, 20 kilometers of altitude, sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere in order to dim the sun.
They want to partially block out the sun.
And they propose building an entire new fleet of aircraft with specialization just to spray this pollution all around the world.
Now, you and I would call sulfur dioxide smog.
Or technically, you would say it results in the creation of smog.
And even the EPA says that sulfur dioxide is a toxin to humans and makes it difficult to breathe.
If you have enough sulfur dioxide in the air, you will asphyxiate and die.
In fact, all mammals will, because sulfur dioxide is a poison to humans.
So why are they altering the atmosphere?
Why are they wanting to spray this by running 4,000 flights a year, with a proposed cost of $2.25 billion a year, in order to spray this pollution into the upper atmosphere?
The answer is, terraforming operations are underway.
They are terraforming planet Earth.
They are altering the atmosphere.
And if you look at the implications of this sun dimming, this global dimming that they want to create, the implications are catastrophic for the survival of the human race.
And I'm going to cover those implications here in this show today in upcoming segments, but one of them that you need to know right up front is the depletion of oxygen from the atmosphere.
Currently, oxygen levels, you could say, are roughly at about 20% at sea level.
Those oxygen levels will plummet because global dimming will harm the photosynthesis metabolism, you could say, of plants that produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis.
This oxygen depletion will, if allowed to continue, it will asphyxiate humans.
It will create Earth as a habitat that is not survivable by human beings.
They're altering the atmosphere, they're altering our planet.
They are terraforming planet Earth.
And you might ask, why?
Gosh, what's the reason behind this?
Maybe we'll get to some of that.
But the important thing to realize is that as we fight against globalists today, Globalists want humanity to surrender to their tyranny on a political level, on an economic level.
Globalists want to control all thought, all speech, all news and information, all science, medicine, history, and even the very definition of truth.
And many of you, and myself included, we've been operating on the understanding that globalists just want to enslave humanity under their control.
What if that's not the big picture here?
What if that's only step one to the bigger picture, which is that globalists are actually, perhaps unknowingly on their part, and perhaps with knowledge, they're actually working to exterminate the human race and to prepare the planet for a post-human era.
What if that's actually the bigger picture?
Once you come to understand that, everything else starts to make sense.
Why the abortion centers?
Why the promotion of abortion?
The killing of human babies?
Why the mass poisoning of the food supply with glyphosate and cancer-causing chemicals?
Why the mass poisoning of Africans in Kenya with hidden infertility chemicals that are put into the UN-approved, World Health Organization-approved vaccines that the Catholic bishops in Kenya actually exposed?
They sent those vaccines to a lab and found out, oh my gosh, that there are infertility chemicals in here and all these African women are having spontaneous abortions.
Why the drive to depopulate the planet?
Why are globalists so fixated on eliminating 90% of the human population?
And more importantly, what might they be willing to do to accomplish that goal of extermination?
You see, I believe that we're not just fighting for liberty here.
We're not just fighting... It's not, you know, Republicans versus Democrats.
It's not even populists versus globalists, although that's part of it.
But there's a much bigger picture.
There's an outer layer to this.
Which is that many people, especially globalists and insiders, and some of them are up front about this, are quite literally working to exterminate the human race.
And they're doing it by claiming to be taking actions that will save the planet.
So they say that to save the planet, you have to surrender to them.
And you have to spray the atmosphere with poison.
You have to pollute the planet to save the planet.
Well, that makes no sense, does it?
When they say climate change, it's because they want to change the climate.
Understand that.
When they say climate change, it's because they want to change the climate.
They want to change the atmosphere.
They want to chemically alter the atmosphere.
They want to reduce sunlight exposure of the plants on Earth.
And they want to collapse the food supply and exterminate human beings.
So we are fighting for much more than just geopolitical liberty.
We're fighting for the future of the human race.
I'll cover that in more detail as we continue here on the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Mike Adams.
We'll be right back after this break.
(upbeat music)
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Word of mouth is king in this fight.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones with Mike Adams.
And we're back, continuing here on the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you for joining me today.
Mike Adams here, guest hosting for the rest of this fourth hour.
There's so much going on today.
I've got a couple of programming notes to share with you.
But we are going to continue to share the truth about this terraforming operation that is underway to alter Earth's atmosphere, to collapse the global food supply, deplete oxygen, and exterminate the human race.
And that is not hyperbole.
That is the actual plan.
They call it a climate change plan, because their plan is to change the climate.
So I will get into a lot more details on that today, but several programming notes that are very important.
Number one, of course, this entire subject is covered in more detail in the CounterThink episode that airs Sunday at 6 p.m.
at InfoWars.com.
If you missed that, you can catch that video a couple days later at CounterThink.com.
Also, the video website, Brighteon.com, which hosts thousands of InfoWars videos, as well as my entire channel and thousands of other channels.
That video site will host that video a couple days later.
We now have RSS feeds for every channel at Brighteon.com, which means you can have an RSS reader, an app on your mobile device, your desktop device.
You can, in essence, subscribe to the InfoWars channel or the David Knight channel, and you can then be alerted on your app Without having to subscribe with an email address or something like that.
So the RSS feed, just go to the top of any channel page, you'll see the RSS feed.
You can get all the new videos that way.
Now today, by the way, I've also put out a podcast that sort of gives you the highlights of this terraforming operation.
That podcast is available now at brighteon.com.
You can just go there and search for the term terraforming, or you can go to naturalnews.com.
It's the number one story on there right now.
And in addition, when you put together the dots of how humanity is being exterminated, because that's what we're dealing with now, and I've kind of walked into this conclusion cautiously over time, but now it's so evident, it's so obvious, the extermination of the human race is on.
It has begun.
It's playing out every single day, and the evidence is irrefutable.
And part of that extermination is through the EPA.
The EPA is the Environmental Pollution Agency.
And I have a whistleblower from the EPA who has gone on camera and filmed an extraordinary interview.
And his name is Dr. David Lewis.
He's a former top-level scientist with the EPA.
And David Lewis is on camera.
I'm going to release this video in the next few days.
Maybe I'll be back on InfoWars to talk about this next week.
He says on camera that the EPA And I'm paraphrasing, his exact words are close to this, but he says the EPA is enabling bioterrorism through the mass pollution of our soils through bio-sludge and that the EPA is committing crimes against our world, crimes against the environment and that the EPA will, when historians look back at the EPA, it will be seen as
Betraying humankind, polluting our world, causing cancer, infertility, outbreaks, superbugs, viral, almost bioweapons.
The EPA is doing that.
And if you look at that issue by itself, you wonder, why is the EPA doing this?
It doesn't make any sense.
They're supposed to be stopping pollution.
What's going on?
And by the way, you won't be surprised by this, all of this The regulatory framework to allow this was approved by Bill Clinton back in the 1990s.
This is a Bill Clinton EPA operation.
That's when the EPA became the Environmental Pollution Agency.
And it continued under Bush and Obama and even today under Trump.
It continues to be a scourge on humanity.
But this interview with Dr. David Lewis is coming out over the next few days and it's bombshell.
And we're releasing the transcript, as well as the interview.
So this is another can't-miss video that you'll see at Brighteon.com.
Probably Infowars.com will post an article and a video about it, I'm guessing, because it's so bombshell.
But the big picture here is, why is the EPA doing this?
Connect the dots now.
Now that you understand terraforming is underway, there is a deliberate goal to poison the planet and make it inhospitable, let's say, to humans.
So that humans cannot survive on the planet.
How would you do that?
Well, you would poison the planet.
You would pollute the planet.
And how would you accomplish that?
Well, let's see.
You would spray poison into the atmosphere.
That's what they're doing now with their stratospheric aerosol injections.
You would take smog.
You would take poison, sulfur dioxide.
You'd spray it into the air.
But you'd also poison the soils.
You would poison the farmlands.
The croplands.
You would poison the forests.
You would poison the rivers and the oceans.
And you'd need a government agency to pull that off, wouldn't you?
Because the people wouldn't just naturally want to poison their own world.
That would be suicide, right?
That would cause cancer.
That would cause infertility.
So you'd need a government agency to push it and call it recycling.
They poison the atmosphere and they call it saving the planet from climate change.
They poison the soils and they call it recycling and nutrient-rich fertilizer.
They poison the water, they poison the air, they poison the soil, and they poison the crops.
And right now, today, I've got an interview on NaturalNews.com from a citizen activist named Craig Monk.
And he has gone public with the truth about how bio-sludge being spread on farm crops.
Now, they have to send in men in hazmat suits to pick up, and I'm not kidding, and I apologize if this sounds too graphic, They have to pick up the used feminine hygiene products that are spread on the farmlands because they're in the bio-sludge.
Bio-sludge is human sewage.
It's everything that's flushed down the toilet.
And so cities, including the city of Austin, Texas, they spread this bio-sludge on the food, on the crops, on the farmland.
And it contains everything that's flushed down the toilet.
It is a biohazard.
And they have to send hazmat teams there to go pick that up.
To actually get the, again, I'm sorry about the graphic nature of this, to get the used feminine hygiene products to take them off the corn crops.
And then that corn becomes your breakfast cereal, by the way.
That's happening right now.
And we've got all the whistleblowers.
We've got the film.
It's called BioSludged.
And it's out there right now.
You can watch it for free.
In fact, you can download it for free and you can share the files.
And that's at BioSludged.com if you want to go get those files.
This is happening right now.
That's why I'm sharing all these programming notes, because there are so many whistleblowers and so many interviews coming out, including, again, EPA scientist, whistleblower, Dr. David Lewis.
And his book is called Science for Sale.
And he talks about how the EPA has sold out the world by fabricating science.
And he says that the only science that's allowed in the EPA today is fake science.
That there's no real science allowed anymore inside the EPA.
Every study is faked.
Every data set is faked.
And the purpose of the EPA is to pollute our world.
And it makes sense now when you understand the terraforming, poisoning operation that's taking place.
And so the globalists, their plan is not just to enslave you politically and economically.
The globalists have a plan to destroy you.
Not just to destroy your speech and silence you off YouTube and Facebook.
Not just to demonetize and de-platform you.
That's just their warm-up.
You know, they take InfoWars offline.
That's not even a warning shot.
That's just the tip of the iceberg.
What they really want to do is poison your family, or poison Alex Jones' family.
They want to murder every human being on the planet, and they figured out how to do it.
They convinced the Millennials and the Liberals that poisoning the planet is saving the planet.
And then everybody goes along with it and says, yeah, let's save our planet as they're committing mass suicide.
Because liberalism and globalism is a suicide cult.
And many humans are trapped in that suicide cult.
And our job is to free you from that cult with good information.
And that's what we're sharing with you right now.
We'll be back much more straight ahead on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Mike Adams guest hosting.
Stay with us.
much more ahead.
There are a lot of different schools of thought in marketing and in advertising and in sales.
Now, I've been on the radio and TV for twenty-three plus years.
I never went to any professional schools.
But over the years I learned a lot about those professional schools
and the different perspectives.
There's five or six different ways that people pitch things.
And there's different permutations and commutations of that.
But I just come from it with the golden rule.
Treat others like you want to be treated.
Do unto others as you would like to be done.
We've taken that philosophy to the next level with all the products we sell at InfoWarsTore.com.
Now, let's just look at two different systems of sales.
The one that we fall into and then the one that targets about 25% of the population that is currently still the most successful and the most lucrative system.
The corrupt form I wouldn't say it's completely evil, because it's targeting folks that just always want to pay more.
It's a system where you put everything into it being elite and being top end and the most expensive.
And in almost every case, what's in it does not measure up even close to what it's costing.
Now, I've got a little bit of money.
And so if I wanted to buy something fancy just because it's fancy, I could do it.
But there's a lot of things that if it's a rip-off, even though I want it and I need it, I'm gonna go find the alternative that's as good, a lot of times better for less, just because I'm not into Wasting for no reason.
I'd rather give it to charity or something like that.
But that's the two different schools of thought I wanted to get into.
The one where they know that if something's supposedly the best, you say it's the best, even though it's not, and you charge an outrageous amount, people believe it must be the best because it's an outrageous amount.
Now, here's what I do.
I go out of my own life and I find what is the best for the very lowest price.
And here's an example.
I have a Dodge Hellcat that came out four years ago.
I didn't want a really fast sports car because I didn't want to be flashy.
I was at the Dodge dealership.
I bought a truck.
The guy was illustrative.
He said, have you heard of Hellcats?
They're going to be coming out in about a year.
And I said, uh, no.
And he said, well, it's a Dodge Challenger.
700 plus horsepower.
It's only $63,000.
And Ferrari owns us now.
And to have a car like this would cost like half a million dollars.
And it didn't stick out, but I'd like a really fast, cool car.
So I have the best of both worlds.
Looks like a Challenger, but I've driven one of my friends' Ferraris.
It's as fast.
It's insane.
That's my mindset.
I want a badass black Ferrari for $63,000 instead of a half million or a million.
I don't want the bling.
I want the zing.
We sold out for their year of in-sale of the Alexa Pure Pro gravity-fed filter.
We sold it all out.
They didn't think we could do it.
You bought it.
It's a great system.
You got it for basically 49% off, half off.
They've never done that.
Now, they're going to do the Alexa Pure Breeze, that is.
An ion filter, normally $250.
Leading competitors aren't as good, they're $800.
Same deal.
Similar systems, 4-stage ions, that aren't even as good, $400, $600, $800 depending on the unit.
This is normally $240, $250.
It's $127.
Again, they're selling them to us at cost.
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And it's so good for your house, so good for your family.
It's amazing.
Alexa Pure Breeze at M4WareStore.com.
It is the Hellcat of air filtration compared to the Ferraris that aren't even as good but have a so-called bling and cost five times more.
Get yours today at M4WareStore.com.
Alexa Pure Breeze.
There's only a couple thousand of these, and they're going to sell out.
You can't lose what supports the M4 and your own health for you and your children.
Get it today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Mike Adams.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
For years, anyone who dared mention the word chemtrails was mocked as a lunatic or a conspiracy theorist, and now the synonymous term geoengineering is found throughout the scientific literature.
You see it advocated by scientists now on a daily basis as a solution to climate change and global warming and they are openly advocating the spraying of the atmosphere with pollutants in order to dim the sun and they say save the planet.
It's called stratospheric aerosol injection and there are now published scientific studies that propose thousands of flights a year and releasing millions of tons of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere.
In this segment here on the Alex Jones Show, we're going to cover the science of what this causes.
What happens?
Let's talk about cause and effect from a scientific point of view.
What happens when you release sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere at any altitude?
It doesn't have to be the stratosphere, it could be lower altitudes.
What happens?
Because you need to understand the effects of this and how this is a threat to humanity.
And I cover this in more detail in the full episode that's airing this Sunday, but I'll give you some highlights here.
Number one.
Every person, you should have learned this in high school, that photosynthesis is required for plants to live.
It's part of their metabolism and essentially respiration.
It's basic botany.
So photosynthesis.
Plants take in sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water.
And through that, they produce metabolic energy to grow food, to grow fruits and vegetables, leaves and tree trunks and so on, grasses and everything.
But as a byproduct of photosynthesis, they release oxygen.
Now the inputs of photosynthesis being sunlight and carbon dioxide are now deemed bad by the globalists.
The globalists say carbon dioxide is a pollutant.
They say carbon dioxide is bad.
They have a war on carbon.
They want to destroy all carbon dioxide, which would of course kill essentially all life on the planet except maybe anaerobic microbes and so on.
But they want to kill They want to kill forests, they want to kill humans and collapse the entire food supply by eliminating carbon dioxide.
That's what it would do.
But now they want to kill the sun.
They want to dim the sun by releasing pollution into the upper atmosphere.
So with this, they are collapsing the two primary inputs that all plants need to perform photosynthesis.
If you shut off the sunlight and you shut off... Well, I mean, let me just ask you.
What happens in your backyard if you put a bucket, let's say, over a patch of grass?
What happens?
Well, the grass turns yellow and it dies, right?
No sunlight, no plant life.
Everything dies.
So you might ask, well, why are they trying to dim the sun now?
Why are they trying to starve all plants of their source of energy?
Yeah, that's the point.
That's what they're trying to do.
Also, if you take away carbon dioxide, what happens?
Well, greenhouses out there, they have to purchase carbon dioxide generators to make carbon dioxide so that their greenhouse plants grow more efficiently and produce more flowers or more crops.
Why do they have to do that?
Because carbon dioxide is so low in the atmosphere today, it's barely 400 parts per million.
It's a very tiny fraction of the atmosphere.
It's so low that plants are starving for CO2.
And that's why we have deserts.
It's part of the reason why.
Also, of course, lack of water.
But you could reclaim a lot of deserts that have sufficient rainfall right now, but there's just not enough CO2 for those plants to survive.
If you had more CO2 and sufficient sunlight, plants would flourish all over the world.
So why do the globalists and the climate change alarmists want to shut off sunlight and shut off carbon dioxide?
Because they're trying to murder the world.
There's no other conclusion.
They're trying to murder the world.
So, if you cut off those two things, what happens to the global food supply?
You know, maybe you purchased some storable food recently.
That's a pretty good idea, because if the globalists get their way, they will collapse the global food supply.
Food crops can't produce food without sunlight.
They can't produce food without CO2.
The food supply will collapse, and this will, of course, lead to civil unrest, And mass migration.
As the food supply collapses in third-world countries, you'll see more migrant caravans heading into first-world nations to try to invade them.
You might think that the globalists love this plan, and they do.
They want emergencies in third-world countries.
They want mass starvation and crises all over the world, in Africa, in the Middle East, in Central and South America, and so on.
Because they know that will invade first-world countries.
And that will cause first world countries to be overrun to where they will politically surrender to the globalist agenda, which is necessary for them to complete their plan to exterminate human life on the planet.
Other effects of dimming the sun.
Well, what happens if you cut off plant metabolism?
You also cut off the production of oxygen.
The oxygen that you are breathing comes from trees, and rainforests, and grasses, and even ocean life.
There's a lot of life in the ocean near the surface of the water that uses photosynthesis.
Seaweeds and seagrasses and algae in the ocean.
They use sunlight as a form of energy.
And throughout the ocean there are mammals, for example, whales and dolphins and so on, that need oxygen just like you and I do.
And if the oxygen levels drop to any of those life forms, including us, then we die.
You could go maybe a month without food.
You can survive maybe two, three days without water.
How long can you survive without oxygen?
Maybe three minutes, maybe five minutes max.
And even then you'd probably be in a coma for the rest of your life with severe permanent brain damage.
The globalists know that the most effective way to destroy humanity and literally exterminate the human race is to cut off the oxygen.
And that's what this plan is doing.
So if you spray sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, and you keep doing it enough, you dim the sun, and just to review here, you dim the sun, you slow the metabolism of plants, plants produce less oxygen, oxygen levels drop.
The world asphyxiates if you continue that enough.
And that is part of the plan.
This is why I call this terraforming.
Why would they want to reduce oxygen on the planet?
Why would they want to alter the atmosphere?
Why would they want to dim the sun and collapse the food supply?
Who would do that?
Nobody that loves humanity, that's for sure.
You would also, by the way, have massive global acid rain.
So when you spray sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, you cause, of course, acid rain.
If the sulfur dioxide gets low enough to where it mixes with the rain clouds and rain storms...
Rain clouds and large super storms can exist at altitudes that are very, very high.
Over 60,000 feet, for example.
Much higher than where airplanes typically fly.
Some storms can do that.
Not all, but some.
So you'd have sulfur dioxide mixing with those rain clouds.
And then you'd be raining down acid rain on every river, every forest, every farm, every city, every ocean.
So you'd be contributing to ocean acidification You'd be contributing to the acid rainfall on food crops and the acidification of soils.
What would be the effect of this?
Well, of course, massive death of both food crops as well as forest ecosystems.
You can't just rain down acid on the world and expect everything to be okay.
In fact, you know, it's funny because environmentalists for years have been telling us that coal-fired power plants are bad.
Well, because they're releasing sulfur into the atmosphere.
And CO2.
And they say CO2's bad, and they say sulfur's bad.
It's a pollutant.
It's horrible, they say.
Of course, they also think CO2's a pollutant.
But now, the climate change pushers are saying they want to release sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere with chemtrailing, with geoengineering.
They want to do it.
They're calling for it.
They want a budget to do it.
Even more.
Of course they're already doing it now.
So if that's the case, then what's the argument against coal-fired power plants then?
I thought you told us those were polluting the world.
Now you want to pollute the world and call it green?
See, everything that liberals believe is a contradiction.
Everything is a fairy tale.
And they don't know real science, because the real science of this situation is a death sentence for humanity.
And it's a death sentence for ecology.
It's a death sentence for the fragile food webs of the ocean.
It's a death sentence for the natural world from which we derive our food, our water, our land, our very survivability, our sustainability.
The globalists want to destroy it all.
And believe it or not, I've got even more details about this when we come back here on the Alex Jones Show.
We are being targeted by the globalists for termination.
It's not a science fiction movie.
It's reality and it's happening right now.
That's why we better fight back.
Much more straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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visit us at www.comicbookstore.com. You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
What I hate is looking up and seeing chemtrails in a clear blue sky today.
What I hate is hitting roadblocks on a highway in my way.
The most important thing to remember here is that when you're fighting against the globalists, you're fighting not just for political freedom or economic freedom, you're fighting for the very survival of the human race.
That's what's become apparent in all of this.
Let me show you how the globalists push propaganda to convince the human race to commit suicide.
Because that's really what's happening here.
Humanity has become a suicide cult that's following a script that's been handed to them by globalists who are intending on exterminating the human race.
To the producers, find this screenshot.
It's Time Magazine here.
Sorry, 1977.
And it talks about global cooling.
And the cover of the magazine says, How to Survive the Coming Ice Age.
Time Magazine, 1977.
How to Survive the Coming Ice Age.
And it shows a Penguin there.
They always try to use Arctic animals, it seems, like polar bears or penguins.
So back in the 1970s and even in the early 1980s, they said, no, the world's going to freeze.
It's going to be a giant frozen ice ball like the ice planet Hoth from The Empire Strikes Back.
And if you're going to survive the coming ice age, they said, then you have to take all these actions.
You have to give up your power to the globalists.
And even in this Time magazine cover, they have 51 things you can do to make a difference.
Because the planet's going to freeze, they said.
And this is what all the scientists of the time were taught.
And I know this, I work with a lot of scientists and some of the colleagues that I work with, they were telling me how, I mean, they're close to retirement today, but when they were students, their professors told them, oh my gosh, the planet's going to freeze, the ice age is coming, and if we don't do something, if we don't let the government take control, we're all going to freeze to death.
Well, they flipped the script in the 1990s.
They said, oh no, no, it's global warming.
That's what's going to kill everybody, so you have to give all your power to the government to stop global warming.
And then, after 15 years of no warming data, they said, well gosh, we can't go back to global cooling because nobody will believe that again.
So they came up with climate change.
And climate change, of course, now can encompass anything, because the natural climate is always changing.
The history of the planet is a history of tornadoes, hurricanes, forest fires, droughts, long before the Industrial Age.
In fact, these liberals today, they're so ignorant of reality, they think that there were no forest fires before the year 1920, because that's when the combustion engine really came on the scene in mass production.
So they actually think there were no earthquakes, There were no plate tectonics.
Nothing bad happened on Earth.
It was the serene, tranquil paradise before 1920, they think.
Well, have they ever looked around at, I don't know, mountain ranges?
Have they looked at the Earth from satellite?
Have they seen the incredible cataclysmic events, the volcanoes, the earthquakes, the fires that obviously have been taking place ever since forests and lightning have existed?
The Earth has not been a serene place, but now by saying it's climate change, well, they can blame everything on human activity, and they can push this agenda to exterminate humanity.
Now, let's go into a little bit of a what-if science fiction scenario here, because I want to explore some thoughts with you.
You might be wondering, well, who's really behind this?
If it's not the globalists, who are the globalists taking orders from?
I can't prove this scenario.
This is a what-if scenario.
It's science fiction.
But let's go into this science fiction scenario and see where it takes us.
Now, if you were an advanced civilization, and you wanted to conquer and colonize planets all across the universe, you would build, probably, artificial intelligence space drones, and you would unleash them Just like actually in The Empire Strikes Back, come to think of it.
They had little drones that would go, you know, check out the planets and see where there's life and gather data and so on.
And this is what we've done.
This is what NASA has done with the landers on Mars and other spacecraft going out, you know, into the universe, frankly, beyond our current solar system.
This is a natural thing to send automated units out to explore other planets and see what's going on.
But let's say that there are other civilizations that are millions of years more advanced than ours.
So they've had millions of years to send out AI drones.
All across the universe, to find the best planets.
Planets that are just the right distance from the sun.
Planets that have liquid water.
Planets that have an atmosphere.
Planets that have the right minerals.
Gosh, sounds like Earth, Earth, Earth, doesn't it?
Huh, Earth is a really valuable planet.
And that's a universal thing that anyone would recognize in the universe.
Any living system would recognize that.
Just like we recognize it.
You know, carbon-based life forms are probably very, you know, carbon is the universal element for life, probably everywhere.
And so, if these drones were to come across a planet like Earth, and found, gosh, well, there's indigenous life forms living there.
That's us, by the way.
They're indigenous life forms.
What do you do with those life forms?
Well, if you go back to old, like, Star Trek episodes, and you find stories of aliens that would try to exterminate life on those planets so they could take them over.
But we need to think in a more advanced way than that.
That's kind of old school, just to go kill off all the life forms and then take over their planet and steal their water and everything else you've seen in science fiction movies, including Oblivion with Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman, which I highly recommend you watch again.
That's a very interesting parallel to that film.
It's called Oblivion.
But a more advanced AI system, which has millions of years of R&D technology behind it, would be smarter than to just kill off the lifeforms.
That AI system would convince the indigenous lifeforms to kill themselves.
That AI lifeform would make contact with the leaders of that planet and convince them to maybe terraform the planet so that your own indigenous species dies off and the planet is ready for whatever comes next.
Is that?
Is that happening?
I don't know.
Again, this is a what-if scenario.
But isn't it interesting that our globalists appear to be acting against the interests of Earth and against the interests of humans?
They appear to be acting with some otherworldly agenda, and you could even go into the spiritual realm and you could say, well, maybe it's a spiritual war and they are satanic.
They're demons.
They're possessed by demons.
What if those demons are actually, perhaps, artificial intelligence systems that have been able to influence globalists into destroying their own planet?
See, I'm just exploring what-if scenarios.
Maybe this is a spiritual battle.
In fact, I'm sure it is.
But maybe there's also an AI system that has targeted us and has convinced our globalists to destroy humanity.
And they've convinced people To commit suicide in the name of saving their own planet.
Now that would be genius from the point of view of a conquering civilization that is trying to spread itself out across the cosmos.
Again, I'm not saying that this is actually the case.
I'm just exploring what-if scenarios.
Because when you have your own world leaders who are committing suicide, who are trying to line up Earth in the target zone to be exterminated, you have to start asking really big questions like the questions I'm asking today.
Questions of, what's driving these people?
What is their big picture mission here?
Are they insane?
Or are they actually following some other script?
And where is that script coming from?
Who is influencing their thoughts?
Their decision processes.
Where is this coming from?
So, I invite you, as we all move through, you know, our lives here together, we're on the same timeline here, we all exist today, the same moment, on the same planet, and we're dealing with the same politics, the same environment, the same pollution, I invite you to start observing who is anti-human versus who is pro-human.
Because that's the division that matters most.
Now, President Trump is pro-human.
That's become very clear.
InfoWars is pro-human.
Alex Jones is pro-human.
And no matter what else you think about Trump or InfoWars or myself or others, we are all pro-human.
We love humanity.
We want to see humanity survive.
But the anti-human forces are the, you know, the environmentalists, believe it or not, who are pushing this climate change, global pollution, spraying high altitude, you know, stratospheric aerosol injections.
They're anti-human.
The abortion pushers are anti-human.
The globalists are anti-human.
The EPA is poisoning the world for humanity, meaning the EPA is anti-human.
This is the delineation that matters most.
It's not whether you're Republican or Democrat.
It's not even populism versus globalism.
It's about whether you are pro-human or anti-human.
That is what matters most, and I dare say, as I wrap up this show today, we must stop these mad scientists, and we must stop these globalists, Using every legal means at our disposal or we, the human race, will cease to exist.
They will exterminate us if we allow them to.
But don't surrender to the globalists or we lose forever.
We lose our future.
We lose our planet.
We lose our grandchildren.
We lose our gene pool.
It's over.
Fight for liberty but fight for humanity as well.
That's the big picture.
Thanks for joining me today.
Mike Adams here for the Alex Jones Show.
Take care.
And then I came up with the idea last week.
Let's not just extend the sale of free shipping store-wide, 50-75% off, double Patriot points.
Let's extend that sale, but also add a free gift with every order.
Even if it's a tube of fluoride-free, colloidal silver, iodine-fortified, super blue, that we make like three bucks on at this sale, you'll get a free gift of a best-selling t-shirt while supplies last.
And what I mean by that is everyone will get a t-shirt, but these are going to be selling out.
So whatever you order that day, they'll be the shirt of the day that's there until it sells out.
Then there'll be another shirt that goes up for the next group of orders.
So in the next 12 days, we are going to have, beyond any other sale we've ever had, the free gift.
So this is a loss leader.
We are losing money on this, but we're gonna help fund ourselves because we won't get hit with the inventory taxes, federal and state.
Everybody says Texas doesn't have income tax.
I love my