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Name: 20181119_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 19, 2018
3103 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics related to current events, including the midterm elections and censorship of conservative voices on social media. He also talks about reports by Paul Joseph Watson regarding race brainwashing of children and mentally retarded children being told they are transgender. Roger Stone praises President Trump for his efforts in passing prison sentencing reform and criticizes some Democrats for voting against the bill simply because Trump sponsored it. He also addresses the FBI's classification of the Proud Boys as an extremist terrorist organization, the lack of transparency regarding surveillance during the Obama administration, and different standards of justice for Nixon and Trump when it comes to spying on political opponents. The segment encourages listeners to support conservative media outlets and use their purchasing power to fight against censorship, urging them to visit WriteTrump.com to sign a letter urging President Trump to direct his Justice Department to take antitrust action against internet giants. Roger Stone refutes false news stories stating that he is on the brink of being indicted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and encourages listeners to support him in his legal battle. Lastly, the segment promotes the InfoWars store, which offers emergency supplies including Bodies, a turmeric formula for aches and pains, at great prices while supporting the fight for internet freedom.

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The answer to--
1984 is 1776. You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm watching the midterms.
Man, you would think our country is Mad Max Thunderdome.
This guy is like, they're coming from Guatemala, they're coming from Mexico.
There's a liberal mob that's coming.
You want a drop?
You want a drop?
Who are the presidents?
And you would think everybody in the country is just like, to the bunker.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to the Monday, November 19th, 2018 Global Transmission.
I am Alex Jones, your host, and you will get next year's news today here.
As we speak, they're in the control room printing off news articles from a year ago, and two months ago, and about a week ago.
Well, I said that Facebook's collapse will signal the new digital dark age coming in, where the globalists are going to then terrorize these companies into going under full deep state control and the merger with the chi-comps.
And that if Trump doesn't get ahead of this curve, we're going to lose it all.
I predicted that I would be totally deplatformed as the beta test To make the debate about Alex Jones being taken off and not everyone else.
Now, they've got top professors, top globalist operatives, all over the news in elite publications like Wired Magazine, Atlantic Monthly, The New York Times, today.
Saying the takedown of Jones is only the beginning.
We're taking everyone down.
And we're taking them down by the time the Democrats take office in the House in two months, in January.
January 20th.
And they have got incredible graphics and wired of me being basically grabbed by hand and drug into the darkness.
Like I'm being thrown in the back of a van, a snatch and grab operation.
This is real authoritarian behavior.
And who wrote it?
An authoritarian out of Turkey, now working in US so-called academia, in that special group countering Foreign Disinformation and Propaganda Act.
So these people are Here, they've brought in foreign operatives.
They've even hired former Stasi.
Google's even moving in to the former Stasi headquarters in East Germany.
You can not make this up.
You know, I was going to tell them when I mentioned this, showing me being thrown in the back of a van, a snatch and grab, to get Scanner Darkly and show a clip of that from Fiction.
And I didn't tell them to do it, but great minds think alike.
Great job to the crew in there doing that.
And if you're a radio listener, you're not seeing this, you're hearing it.
I'll go over all of it today.
This is the next big move.
It's been announced.
And we can sit here like idiots and let them do it, or we can call the White House, call Congress, call talk radio.
You can make a big noise.
We can stop this.
They want me off the air.
They want us curtailed back to nothing.
They thought I'd already give up.
Give up?
I've only begun to fight.
While you're looking at my ship on fire, you might turn around and look at yours.
It's going under the water right now.
And over the horizon, new fleets are on their way, flying my flag.
Your flag.
The blood red flag of 1776 worldwide.
I'm Alex Jones, and we are the resistance.
Hey, by now I'm sure that most of you know that there are always big discounts and unbelievable savings on a regular basis at InfoWarsStore.com.
But check this out.
Now you can earn even bigger discounts at the InfoWars Store by using our Patriot Points.
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call 1888 25331 39. Yep.
You are listening to an info wars dot com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
(upbeat music)
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this 7th, 19th day of November.
We're gonna be live here for the next four hours.
And let me just now tell you what's on the plate and then beg you to stay tuned and beg you to take notes and beg you to take action because we have the absolute, total, Complete battle plan of the globalists to take down the West, to take down our prosperity, to take our free speech, to take your pension funds, to take control of your life, your children, everything.
And it's all coming up here today.
I'm going to air Paul Joseph Watson's blistering report dealing with the race brainwashing
of children via YouTube programs put on by the left, but understand this is actually
what's shown in the public schools.
This is the actual training that is going on.
We covered some of this Friday but Paul's done a bigger report on it.
Kids brainwashed to hate white people.
It's up on Infowars.com and I suggest everyone get this out to everybody you know.
There's another even more devastating report that I mentioned yesterday that I'm going to get to.
A 22 page report out of the Daily Mail where they are taking mentally retarded children in the UK, it's happening here too, and telling them you're transgendered So they can then basically sterilize them.
But let's go to Paul Joseph Watson's report, where they're also teaching these little girls this as well.
And just understand, this is the most hardcore Marxist brainwashing you can get.
This is how you create Weatherman terrorists.
Here it is.
Welcome to Radical Cram School.
We're going to learn about social justice revolution.
Hello, my young comrades!
Just when you thought we'd run out of cancer, along comes a fresh supply.
Now to be clear, I'm not being mean to these kids.
I feel sorry for them.
They're victims of brainwashing.
They've obviously been coached on what to say by either their parents, Christina Wong, or both.
I'm gonna show a picture.
This is my way of figuring out if you've been tainted by the patriarchy.
Who's that?
Who do you think it is?
It's Harvey Weinstein!
Because inside every white man, there's a serial rapist just fighting to get out, right?
All these white rape gangs everywhere.
It's an epidemic.
But wait, it gets worse.
There's just like this thing about white people that just makes me feel... Like, I'm like in there, like right there, in a pool, and I'm just like walking into the pool, and they just give me the desk there, and then I'm just like... What?
There's just like this thing about white people that just makes me feel...
What kind of parent would teach their child to be afraid of a person based on their skin color?
What kind of person could possibly do such a thing?
Oh yeah, a racist!
So in a class for teaching kids that racism is bad, you're actually teaching them to be racist.
Hello Kitty!
It is Hello Kitty, what is she missing?
Imagine being such a pathetic f***ing snowflake that you think Hello Kitty not having a mouth is some vast racist, sexist conspiracy.
Her mouth!
Why doesn't she have a mouth?
The people who created her didn't want Asian girls to speak up about who they are.
Yeah, to speak up about who they are.
Very profound.
Very profound.
Yeah, you obviously just told her to say that.
Very profound.
The person who designed Hello Kitty is an Asian woman.
She explained why it was designed without a mouth years ago.
And it's got nothing to do with silencing Asian women.
Again, the designer...
I mean Hello Kitty doesn't have feet either!
Is an Asian woman?
Is that a racist throwback to Asian women having bound feet?
Or is it just a harmless design feature and you're a hysterical moron?
I'm guessing it's the latter.
Very profound.
Donald Trump!
What do we know about him?
What do we know about him?
He's dead!
Orange man bad!
How do we feel about this wall?
It is blocking opportunity for people that don't live in America to come here for a better opportunity.
And we all came at some point from some other place.
Yeah, so let me teach you something.
If you don't have any borders and you allow everyone from some other place to come to America, it stops being My dad came here and my mom came here too.
They came here from where?
What do you think they think that they came from all the way to Cambodia and this is what they get to look at on the TV screen all the time?
Oh wow.
Right, because I'm sure they'd prefer to look at something else.
Oh, I don't know.
Maybe the 23,000 mass graves containing the bodies of 1.3 million Cambodians who were all slaughtered as a result of a left-wing government genocide.
Now that I think of it, Christina and Pol Pot have similar tastes in headwear.
Oh yeah, and after Cambodia's communist regime got done killing a quarter of its own population, the United States accepted 158,000 Cambodian refugees.
You know, because it's so racist and all.
What does gender fluid mean?
Like, you can be any gender you want to be.
You're not just a boy, you're not just a girl.
Does anybody know anyone who's gender non-binary?
I am gender fluid.
You're gender fluid?
That's a wonderful thing.
Yeah, sounds more like child abuse to me.
I have friends in the pool and I was telling them that I wanted to be a boy girl.
And one of my friends said I can't because I was born as a girl and God made you as a girl.
What does a six-year-old know about anything?
Yet you're imposing sexuality and your warped ideas about gender.
On a six-year-old?
That's just creepy!
I have lived in America my whole life!
This is a case of structural racism.
Say it with me.
Structural racism!
Structural racism.
So structural, it gives non-white people giant public corporate-sponsored media platforms to endlessly lecture white people about how evil they are.
When Donnie the Bully was calling Hannah Rochelle Ching Chong Choo or things like that, has anybody ever had that happen to them?
No it didn't.
So that kind of suggests that America is nowhere near as racist as you relentlessly claim it to be.
White women earn 75% of what white men earn.
Why do they get to earn more?
Because they work longer hours and when that factor is eliminated, the gender wage gap virtually disappears.
That's what we would have to do to get a full cookie, is form a union.
No, you just have to work the same hours, because in most evil white western countries, gender employment discrimination is illegal!
So what are the few things that fathers have to think about?
Well, baby, rest.
Resting, yeah.
Now I'm not calling Christina Wong a c***.
But she did literally dress up as a vagina before proceeding to reel off politically correct statements.
Always ask what someone's preferred gender pronoun is!
And called it comedy.
Yeah, really.
My aging vagina does have the power to end racism!
I'm gonna have sex with the entire state of Alabama now!
Weird flex, but okay.
Believe it or not, according to Salon.com, that video was one of the funniest political comedy moments of 2014.
Yeah, I had funnier bowel movements in 2014.
But then again, Salon's number one political comedy moment of 2014 was a stand-up show about white people in the United States becoming a minority.
Because racism is so hilarious!
Here's the point.
This is just some crappy YouTube web series.
Look at that ratio!
Comments disabled!
But wait, I thought people being silenced was a bad thing.
Except when they're trying to criticize you!
Imagine that!
So it's just a crappy YouTube web series.
But schools and colleges across the West are already imposing elements of this on your kids.
This is what they want.
Your children brainwashed, indoctrinated, and turned into NPCs.
Orange man.
Teaching hatred to fight hatred.
Teaching racism to fight racism.
There's just, like, this thing about white people that just makes me feel... Using kids as political weapons to amplify racist, regressive lies that foster more division and more bigotry.
Yet another perfect illustration of why everyone should homeschool.
We'll be right back with a live global transmission.
As many of you know, we have just offered in the last few months the biggest sales in InfoWars history because the globalists have been trying to literally take our credit card processing away.
They've been trying to hack our sites and bring them down.
They have not been successful.
Now, a lot of times, other companies claim they have the best deals of the year on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving.
And it's been in the news that a lot of those are scams.
You know, have things in a limited amount to lure you in and have the retail jacked up above what it's supposed to be and then lowered it down.
There's a lot of scams going on.
Zero of that is going on at Infoworkstore.com.
And you're getting great deals.
And we've got everything in stock right now, almost everything.
And obviously you're funding the information war against the globalists.
So it's a 360 win.
Don't fight the traffic for Christmas shopping.
Know you're supporting an organization and group that is absolutely driving the globalists crazy and raising the alarm worldwide.
It is a 360 win on this Black Friday.
But the sale isn't just this Black Friday.
Monday through next Sunday, We are bringing back the biggest sales in our history.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, free shipping storewide.
Let me read this to you.
Black Friday InfoWars store sale, free shipping and double Patriot points.
In fact, this is even... Okay, this is the best sale ever.
Because we're doing the sale from a while back that was the best ever, with the free Chevy 50% off storewide, and double Patriot points, which normal Patriot point is 5%, and so now this is 10%.
So this makes a bunch of these complete lost leaders.
This is insane.
Okay, so let me be clear here.
And just put this out like this.
It's so much to say, we'll just put it out.
No teleprompters here.
Black Friday.
InfoWars store sale, free shipping and double Patriot points.
All InfoWars Life supplements, 50% off with the free shipping and the double Patriot points.
Up to 50% off on storable food, super high quality, that is huge.
Alexa Pure Pro Water Filtration System.
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$127, or 49% off, Alexa Pure Pro Gravity Fed Filters.
One of the best systems out there.
Leading competitors, $300, $400.
They usually retail at $240.
Six, that's a great deal.
We now have it at 127 because they ordered too many and want to, again, sell them out before the new year so they don't have to pay inventory tax to the feds and the state.
Alexa Pure Breeze, air filtration, now at 40% off.
That's right at Lost Leader, again, to get rid of inventory.
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It's an amazing system.
Also, there's a bunch of special sections where we've got other deals at InfoWareStore.com.
too many to name. Up to 75% storewide, plus free shipping and double Patriot points. Up
to 75% off storewide, plus free shipping and double Patriot points. So, actually now that
I'm here looking at this and thinking, this is the best deal we've ever done. So it actually
tops the last deal.
And you know what?
Just put this out like it is.
Because it just shows how we're being transparent here.
And this is so insane.
They're trying to shut down our credit card processors.
They're trying to shut down InfoWars.
They're trying to defund us.
So I said, everything must go by the end of the year.
All of our inventory, I intend to have gone.
So that we're at least have the cash to continue operating for a while.
InfoWarsTore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Support the InfoWars, get great products, get your Christmas shopping done early, and battle the globalists.
A total 360 win at InfoWarsTore.com.
I want to thank you all for your support.
I'm going to be doing a lot of work on this.
I'm going to be doing a lot of work on this.
I'm going to be doing a lot of work on this.
I'm going to be doing a lot of work on this.
I'm going to be doing a lot of work on this.
I'm going to be doing a lot of work on this.
I'm going to be doing a lot of work on this.
I'm going to be doing a lot of work on this.
I'm going to be doing a lot of work on this.
I'm going to be doing a lot of work on this.
I'm going to be doing a lot of work on this.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm just an average man with an average life.
I work from 9 to 5.
Hell, I pay the price.
All I want is to be left alone in my average home.
But why do I always feel like It is November 19th, 2018 on this Monday Global Broadcast as we head into National Turkey Day, Thanksgiving.
Celebrating the original successful mission to begin the development of this continent by our illustrious ancestors.
Let's do this in this segment, because when I'm about to cover something so momentous, I have trouble getting into it, because I want to be calm about it, but I also want to cover all the facets.
It'd be much easier if I just told the audience what's happening and what I believe is going to happen next.
And a lot of folks do pay attention, because they know that I know what I'm talking about on most issues.
Establishments certainly aren't paying attention, that's why they don't want me to be able to reach new people.
That's where you come in, carrying the football down the field, by word of mouth.
When you take action, you're unstoppable.
When you don't, we're done.
I was told, covering Bilderberg, in 2006, that the whole meeting was basically about, large portions of it, was about social media being the future of things.
And then the next year, we covered it in Istanbul, and Zuckerberg was there.
We had a reporter there.
Jim Tucker, rest in peace.
And so, I heard a lot of this then, and Tucker's asked me on the phone when he gets back from Turkey, he goes, what do you know about them internets?
They got this young whippersnapper, they think this thing will spy on everybody, so they'll be able to control all the elections with this thing, and that's what I got from the sources in there.
The only guy with more of a gravelly voice than me was old Jim, smoking those filterless Pall Malls.
Yeah, that's it.
That's Bilderberg, a few years later.
And, maybe a radio listener putting images up on TV.
To the TV viewers.
And, now in hindsight, and now from what we know, and now what Steve Pachinick said a year ago, and two months ago here on air, and what we've broken down, we know What's going to happen to Facebook?
And we know what's that's going to trigger.
Now, obviously, if people would have listened to us a couple of years ago, you'd made a lot of money in the stock market knowing this.
But people always remember that we were right later.
Because we actually go crawl around the ground and sneak into buildings and get thrown off and get arrested.
and Tim Tucker's been shot at.
So the system is doing everything it can to keep you from getting this information because
the average political talk is nothing but a distraction.
It's nothing but a diversion from the real things going on in the world.
I mean, people will look at Jim Acosta clearly pushing the woman's arm down, jerking the mic back from her, and he says, I didn't touch her.
It's meant just to create a debate about, did he touch her or not?
And while we're debating whether he touched her or not, and I can't help it because I'm in the middle of it, They're claiming we're lying.
They give us offers we can't refuse.
When they make it about us, almost all the time, we've got to respond or people will believe we actually lied.
So while we're delayed fighting with the disinfo, the roadblocks they throw out there, the whole future's being stolen from us.
So it's very frustrating to know what's going to happen.
Don't know exactly when or exactly how, but we know in the main what's going down.
Real accurate.
And the globalists hear this and they say, you gotta get that off the air.
You gotta shut that down, whatever you do, or we're screwed.
Everybody ought to go, oh, if this is what they want shut down so bad, maybe something's getting said here that's important.
And I know most of you understand that, but folks, This isn't a thing now of, were we right about Facebook?
A lot of people say, good, I hope Facebook got his belly up.
I hope, that's one dimensional thinking.
Yes, I told you when they were first setting up Facebook, it was gonna be a pump and dump.
And we were sure of it, then like eight years ago, when Zuckerberg went again over in Germany.
So we've been laying it all out for you here.
But out of the collapse of Facebook, and the reorganization of it, is going to come the new rules of the internet, and a global social score, and draconian censorship, and the web will now be a surveillance grid, commanded by the new officer class, professors and corporate operatives, who will oversee armies of bots, armies of censors, To shut down all thought they don't agree with.
There's a Chinese gentleman running in New York for national office, presidency.
He's already getting all this big hype, but he's just there to put these issues in.
And he wants us to adopt the Chinese communist social score.
Oh, but you'll be paid $1,000 a month to do it.
Income, which then is meant to control your whole life.
It's called slavery.
We surveil everything you do and you get a thousand dollars, you young idiots.
And they're just here, pitching it to all the young millenniums that want something free.
Yeah, his name's what?
Andrew Yang.
So, it's here.
This is the invasion, this is the takeover, and Trump can win on jobs, and he can win on the economy, and he can do so many things.
He can defend the border.
But if he doesn't stop the digital invasion, and the digital usurpation, and the takeover of the internet, we'll lose everything.
Because the internet is the industry, it is the communications, it is the jobs, it is the whole system!
And there are sickening articles in the New York Times, and Wired Magazine, and others today, Salivating over how they're going to shut everybody's communications down and how they're going to shut nationalists and Christians and conservatives banking down when they're done.
They're coming for you.
And there's no amount of submission that'll get you out of it.
We're going to have to fight our way out of this one, folks.
So get ready.
Now when we come back, I'm going to get into the nuts and bolts of this.
Then we've got incredible SJW footage we're going to premiere here of our crew down at the border, showing the caravan invasion that they said didn't exist.
And the local Antifa shows up.
So we're going to show you this bleeped video, but it is unbelievable.
No one's seen it yet.
Meanwhile, Mexicans agree with Trump, call migrant caravan an invasion.
The mayor in Tijuana says they're a bunch of criminals.
They're waving foreign flags.
They're burning American flags.
And Trump's like, they want to get in, and they're burning flags.
And now the Mexicans are marching against the Hondurans because they know an invasion when they see one.
They've got their heads screwed on straighter than the average dumbass American.
Which is a real shame.
So good for the Mexicans.
It's all coming up.
And it's on InfoWars.com.
Article, Mexicans agree with Trump, call migrant caravan an invasion.
Get this out to everyone.
I was at a barbershop this morning, I got to, in South Austin.
Kind of a blue collar barbershop, most of the folks work there are Hispanics.
Get great haircuts, really nice people.
And they don't really know who I am, but they were bringing up to me about, yeah, the Mexicans want them out, and they're burning American flags, and why are we letting these people in, and they're criminals.
And those Mexicans, by the way, a lot of them are like 60-year-old guys, they were not virtue signaling at me, because they're Americans.
They just have a Mexican background.
So that's what we're dealing with here, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, when we come back, you want to know how Facebook's going to collapse and how it's all going to play out?
I'm going to tell you.
You're going to hear the future when we come back.
I have an opportunity for viewers and listeners that is the best in my 23 years on air.
Obviously, water filtration is a great thing.
And I've had water filtration sponsors since the day I got on air.
It's a good thing.
And over the years, I learned a lot about water filtration.
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And Alexa Pure family of stainless steel gravity filters take the already decent and good systems that were out there and took it to the next level of quality, durability, customer service, replacement filters, you name it.
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For your home, business, your kitchen, your RV, whatever, it's amazing.
Cuts out all the bad stuff, leaves the good stuff in, the good minerals.
Matt Redhawk and the Patriots over at MyPatriotsSupply that have developed these filters.
Ordered a huge amount of them this year.
He has a glut of them at the end of the year.
That's when you get the best deals on cars, is when, you know, the new model or whatever's coming out, or the next year's coming and they've got to pay tax on the inventory.
$25,000 car, you're probably paying $4,000 or $5,000 in tax on it.
And that's not counting state taxes, a lot of states have.
Texas has that too.
Now this inventory tax, franchise tax, that's why we try to sell everything out by the end of the year.
So he's offering a filter that's a good deal at $249.
Leading competitors are $300 to $400 for a unit this big, not even this good.
We normally sell for $249, it's a great deal.
When it's discounted, it's usually $200.
It's $127.
He's selling them to us at cost, and we're making 20-something bucks on them.
I'm doing this as a favor to him.
I said, my God, you're cutting the whole market out.
I mean, I'm all for great deals.
This is insane.
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Folks, Everything we do makes the globalists pull their hair out for a reason.
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InfoWarsTore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, X3.
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Just like our info changes the world, this changes your body and your life.
X3, you can't lose.
It helps fund the info war and it's great for you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Live, raw, and unfiltered by globalist propaganda.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Tomorrow's news today.
Well, super-brain and super-model, Savannah Hernandez was out there with our intrepid cameraman, Drew, and I told him, I said, take the Action 7 mic flag, don't go to the border with an M4 Wars.
But they're tough.
They did it.
They'll probably get a bonus for it.
For that insubordination.
And we're going to play this coming up next segment because it dovetails with the Mexicans over the side of the border and their mayor saying, we've never seen such criminals.
And that's what other Mexican towns said when these people are coming through by the tens of thousands.
Robbing, stealing, raping, smuggling kids.
It's insane.
The Mexicans are saying, get the hell out of here.
This is out of control.
Here's a little snippet of what's coming up with Savannah.
What racist agenda?
Look at my skin tone.
Do you think that I'm a sh**?
Dude, we just had a f****** black guy over here come over and tell us he's hunting f****** people and gave us a Nazi salute.
You think f****** color matters?
You think your people aren't f****** celebs?
Check it out.
You guys are all... I'm standing here and I am trying to show everyone f****** what's going on out here.
You know what?
This is an important issue to me as a f****** Alex Jones because I f****** have a bunch of f****** members that are all... Y'all are part of a racist organization.
Alright, let's stop right there.
Yeah, you're funded by George Soros, a real Nazi.
You're the one spewing race.
Why do you have to look like a meth head to be an Antifa?
So we're going to be getting to this exchange coming up, and then tying it in with all the amazing footage that they got, but also local news, what Mexico is actually saying about tens of thousands of people, 80 plus percent military age men, engaging in all sorts of crime, attacking police, killing people, you name it.
It's simply Crazy.
All right, let's stop right there.
And I always have this quandary.
Should I just get into all the proof?
Or should I just get directly to what's about to happen?
Or should I point out that we told you this was coming?
Because this is bigger than Facebook.
It's bigger than the economy.
This is the next domino to fall to get our free speech.
And you just saw how they were able to steal many of the elections because they totally shut down all their opposition, which became an in-kind donation to the Democrats by big tech.
And you saw how that's now emboldened the Democrats to call for even more censorship.
We're going to get to that.
But how is Facebook going to go down?
Why would the establishment do this to Facebook?
Why were we able to predict the pump and dump you're about to see a long time ago?
Because we watch the globe as we study them.
We also talk to insiders like Dr. Steve Pichinik.
Former head of Psychological Warfare Operations for a three-letter word agency.
He doesn't like it when I say the name of the agency, even though it's in history books, which agency he's worked for.
He'll be joining us to get into this as well.
One of the founders of Delta Force.
And let's just say he knows where a lot of the bodies are buried.
So that is coming up at the bottom of the next hour.
We'll continue with this discussion.
So we're going to plunge into this here in just a moment and then at the start of the
next hour I'm going to specifically get into how the new censorship will be implemented
and the phases it's going to be rolled out in until everyone realizes it wasn't just
censorship of conservatives.
It's a total social score of everything you're doing being surveilled in live time.
To then literally oppress and control everyone.
No amount of submission is going to be enough, because this is a post-industrial, economy-killing form of siege, or a post-industrial world, technotronic, technocracy era.
So how do I know exactly where we're going?
Because the destination's been announced by the globalists.
Now they can drive the train faster or slower, maybe make a few more stops or a few less stops, but we know where this train track grows.
This is not like a highway with a car where you go wherever you want.
This is the driver takes you where he was told to take you.
So again, I suggest everyone pay particular attention.
We'll go to that information here in just a moment.
I was about to do a plug this weekend for the Black Friday specials that run all week.
And I just come up with the specials.
Not really even a formula to it.
I just make sure they're massive in the belief that if we have the best prices out there, people will buy more and that that'll equal out.
It's certainly been the case so far.
But I was doing an ad about how Black Friday usually isn't the best time to buy products.
That stores raise their retail then lower them the day before.
Or they have a really sought after item in a limited amount.
When you get there, it's not really there.
You go ahead and impulse buy things that say they're a sale, but they're not really as big a sale as they say.
Plus there's the big crowds and all the rest of it.
And I was saying, so this isn't our best sale of the year, but it's one of our biggest.
And you know, the best time of the year is generally right after Christmas,
when any inventory we have left, we need to shell so we don't have to pay income tax on it, which is basically inventory
And in Texas, they say we don't have an income tax.
If you got a company, they do.
It's called a franchise tax.
And I got to pay on every desk, every light bulb, everything in here, I got to pay a few percentage points on.
And over the years, it's growing.
That's how they did it.
So Texas is lower than some states, but it ain't as good as they tell you.
But I'm digressing.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry.
So I'm sitting here reading the specials I came up with a few days before.
While I'm cutting the live ad, and by ad, I mean I cut a lot of these ads like it's live.
There's not a lot of editing.
Maybe we put a few articles over it, but it's usually, if it's a two minute ad, one minute ad, four minute ad, I just have a clock and I talk for four minutes.
And halfway through I go, wait a minute.
This is the best sale we've ever offered.
You're like, well, wait a minute.
The one you had a few weeks ago was the best ever.
Yeah, because they're trying to take our credit card processing away and shut us down.
So I want to shell everything we've got in the warehouse, including stuff that I had for us to go into February.
There'll probably be a situation here where we don't even I don't have any products, really, for a few months at the New Year, but that's better than them taking our credit card processing and things like that while I file lawsuits and stuff, and for a few months can't sell anything.
It's better to have those nuts for winter to be able to fund the operations.
That's why you are getting the best sales we've ever had, because if the Army's coming over the hill to destroy you and you've got a shop, you might as well, a dry good place, you know, back in the Old West, might as well sell everything you've got before the Union Army slams in and burns your ass to the ground.
Then they're just getting a building, not your goods.
Now, we don't think that's going to happen.
We think we're going to beat all this, but we're not going to just sit here on our thumbs, as they say.
So, this is, with the double Patriot points, the biggest sale we've ever had.
Because it's the sale we had earlier, everything must go, Christmas, Black Friday, Rolled in One.
Plus, it's double Patriot points, so instead of 5%, you get 10% on your next purchase.
So it's literally money in the bank.
So instead of 5%, it's 10%.
You add all these specials in, like, sign up for auto, ship an additional 10%, a bunch of these are big loss leaders.
So this is everything must go, biggest sale ever.
It's not a secret they're trying to shut us down.
And I'm not believing they are going to be able to shut us down.
But they're all over the news today, licking their lips, saying, here's how we're going to do it.
And after we get his ass, everybody else.
Wait till I cover this stuff.
They have images of me being choked and pulled into darkness and killed.
By horrible, evil Turkish writers that come from a dictatorship where they do that to you if you are a political dissident.
I mean, they are important people, folks, that are very wicked.
There are a lot of good Turkish people I know as well who fled the evil.
A lot of Armenians, I can tell you about.
They've been enslaving and taking people down and silencing them since the Muslims took over Turkey when it was the Byzantine Empire.
Zoom out of that for folks and show them Wired Magazine.
And the Turkish writer doing all this for TV viewers.
You can just show it full screen if you'd like.
There it is.
He who must not be named, what Alex Jones and Voldemort have in common, and then they image themselves as a big dark blackness, sucking me in to a snatch and grab.
I think that's Voldemort, so that's coming up.
So we have 50% off storewide, up to 50% off the high quality storable food, that's unbelievable.
Alexa Pure Water Filtration System at $127, 49% off, because that's an overstock issue with them, we've never gone that low.
It's the very best system.
Alexa Pure Breeze, 40% off, the air purification, and a bunch of other huge specials.
Up to 75% off, store-wide, everything must go.
Fund our spacecraft engines for the next jump.
We've already launched the new 1776 revolution.
When we come back, I'll tell you the next level.
You know why I love President Trump so much?
It's because I know he's for real.
He's trying the best he can.
He's gotten so much done despite the enemies arrayed against him.
And I've been really persecuted at a level we've never experienced before.
50 times the level I've ever experienced.
The demonization, the lies, the harassment, the fake lawsuits.
Because I've supported Trump.
Now why is that?
It's because Trump supports the idea of the nation-state, a pro-human future, not a globalist technocracy.
And he really does love this country.
And nation-states stand in the way of mega-corporations allied with authoritarian regimes like China and the EU dominating and oppressing and controlling populations.
These people lust after controlling and running our lives.
They want power.
I just wanted to state here, with this being the week of Thanksgiving, that I am extremely thankful for President Trump and I stand with President Trump.
And I'm also extremely thankful to all of you out there.
And I'm appreciative of you, and I love you, and I want to thank you.
And I am very, very humble for the support and the prayers for all of you that have stood with them full wars over the years and put up with my annex sometimes when I get off the rails.
None of us are perfect.
And I just want you to know that we are all unified in our love of God, our love of justice, Our love of freedom, our love of the rule of law, our love of sovereignty, and this great experience of human life we're all experiencing together, and the long saga, the long march of humanity towards freedom.
And the last 144 years of the American experience, what our ancestors have gone through together.
America's destiny is very, very special.
So no matter where you are in the world, What color you are or even what your religion is, if you have a sense of justice and a sense of wanting to stand up for the innocent and wanting to build a better world, and you understand that evil people come in and manipulate that goodness in our heart so that we give up our will, our free will, to them.
So these vampires can direct us when they don't have consciences, but they know we have consciences.
So it's a very...
Delicate balance between being loving and being open and wanting to help people and being deceived and manipulated by bad people to end up doing evil things.
But with Trump and with the American people, what you see with nationalism and patriotism and Christianity reawakening around the world, It's a very, very, very special time.
And this is real.
And we're all in this together.
And Trump is fighting to deliver and to not betray.
But he's not perfect, and he can't act alone.
He can't do this on his own.
And so we shouldn't be two-faced, any of us.
Where we're friends and family and neighbors and virtue signal when they attack Trump and throw him under the bus.
We have to stand up for Trump when that happens because he is a microcosm or an archetype or a figurehead of the spirit of resistance and who we are.
And when we don't sit there and deny the fact that we respect and love him, it gives the enemy power.
So we have to stand and be strong in the face of these bullies and say we're not backing
And you have supported InfoWars.
You've made it all possible.
And so I want to thank all of you out there for what you've done.
And I want to remind some of those out there that get depressed.
I know I do sometimes.
This is a long journey.
And good ruling this planet is not going to be easy.
That's why it's the Animated Contest of Liberty that Thomas Jefferson talked about.
But we've done incredible things.
We've come from way behind.
Now the enemy's launching their counter-assault.
And we're living in history right now.
God bless you all.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.
And again, thank you all for your support of InfoWars.
(siren blaring)
Look, I know the supernatural is something that isn't supposed to happen, but it does happen.
(upbeat music)
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live November 19, 2018 global transmission.
Okay, now remember, liberty and freedom is not a spectator sport.
And that's why they hate this show, and that's why they hate this audience, because you are the info war.
If I'm not telling you something you're not already doing, great job.
Let's keep doing it.
Let's absolutely go into the thick of battle every time.
We're going to win this thing.
We're promoting freedom.
The Globalist is promoting authoritarianism, poverty, lies, fraud.
Big corporations have set up the internet that DARPA designed to control and track and consolidate power and shut down their competition.
They're going into that phase faster than they were planning because the internet has been taken away from them and is being used by human intelligence to go out and actually educate and inform others.
And so nationalists and populists are being elected everywhere.
And so when you read these different CIA-funded professors that are in the news from the leftist stay-behind network, just like they left the Justice Department, they left the CIA and funded the John Warner Defense Authorization Act 2017 that Obama signed before he left office in December 2016.
It says we have a global crisis of nationalists.
We're going to fix our global order.
Google gave speeches that was sent out in the internal Google video that got released a few months ago, two years ago, saying, oh my God, we're going to start censoring to stop the conservatives.
They were already doing it, but they said, we've got to do it completely.
Now, in the midst of all this, I had been told that Facebook Set up whatever it was, 14 years ago or whatever, and then promoted to the top of the food chain in the last 8-9 years, was meeting with Bilderberg, meeting with Top Globalist, and we later confirmed Zuckerberg had been going to these meetings right out of Harvard.
He wasn't on the list, he was an unannounced guest at a few of the earlier ones, but by about 10 years ago, he was at the front of Bilderberg.
Then they went public.
Hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars came in.
The top people at Facebook now for about three years have been quietly taking their money out.
That's the pump.
Now here comes the dump.
And so we said, they don't just have people in there because they've set up a social system to track people.
They're going to want this for social control.
They're going to want this for political control.
They're going to want this to track and trace everything you're doing for behavioral modification.
That's what we heard from sources over 10 years ago that were inside the meetings.
Six years ago, we get documents that Google is helping China design a social credit score that will track everything you do in real time.
InfoWords is first to publish.
As usual.
Outside of academic circles.
That pisses them off.
Now you see, oh, the guy from China who loves Communist China, he says we need a social score like China, and he's running for president, and oh, the New York Times and Washington Post, oh, Zuckerberg's gonna have a social score, and face scanning to even, you know, park your car.
And see, if you're not a good globalist, your face cam turns off and you can't park your car, you can't get on a bus, you can't get on a plane, and China is already doing it.
This year, 11 million flights for people cancelled because they got lowered in their social score.
So this is the most naked, out-of-control authoritarianism the galaxy's ever seen.
I use that term because lawyers in, like, contracts for rights, they will say, in all known universes and this galaxy, So imagine, and then it's a pump and dump, meaning they pump it up, they get all the schmucks in it, they quietly take their money out of the Ponzi scheme, and then they decide when to implode it, but you don't stop there.
You then say it happened because they helped Trump win, when that was like not even 1% of what went on with people paying Facebook for analytics.
Trump just publicly scraped names of his conservatives to contact him.
Facebook in live time, and it's in the WikiLeaks, said the Democrats own us.
He told Merkel, you own us, whatever you want.
They give them everything.
But see, they let the EU come in and start regulating Facebook and Twitter and Google.
By Trump and the Republicans not regulating for two years and saying no regulation, it's allowed the EU, because our government hasn't protected our companies, to come in and take over regulation by fiat.
And Trump gets that now.
But we gotta get moving.
And so, then when they implode Facebook, saying, oh, it spies on people, it won't be for all the real reasons, and out of that will come these new laws and regulations that the Democrats have written up, and the EU have written up, and the China have written up, that will allow the internet globally, under EU, Chinese, and US rules, to merge.
Under a new, censored, controlled system.
And this has all been announced now.
We first saw it coming.
We first knew about it.
We first went to bars and local hotels and said, after work hours were over, we go there at midnight, buy people drinks, and say, hey, so you work over there at that hotel.
It's going to be closed next week, we hear.
You got to have advance teams go to these things.
And they'd say, oh, we already told us.
We can't talk to you.
I'd say, here's my number.
When you see how evil they are and how you can't look them in the eyes, and when you hear all the evil things they say, I want you to get stuff out of the trash can.
I want you to bring it to me.
We've got flows.
Your car's following us and chasing us and, you know, Tucker in Istanbul and, you know, guys on walkie-talkies, I mean, and then ducking in and out of things trying to get documents and they tell you, go here to get it.
And I mean, this is, this really goes on.
And then you find out they're going to have a social score system and control everything and track everything you do and if you don't comply they'll not even allow you to operate in society.
And I'm like, this is Mark of the Beast.
So I'm on the air.
I put the film out 11 years ago, Endgame, where I say they're going to have a cashless society, Mark of the Beast, where everything you do is track live time on the internet with a score you have.
This is in the film.
A score you have.
That they can then stop you from having a job, or getting on an airplane, or buying food if you're not a good globalist.
That's in the three-hour film, because it's from the Bilderberg Group!
Now, it's all over the news, it's here.
Take microchips, microchip your kids, blah blah blah.
And they now have a huge article written by an authoritarian from Turkey, where they put people in dungeons, saying Alex Jones should not even be allowed to be on the air, period.
He lies and says vaccines can hurt you.
The damn insert says that.
And they lie to you and don't tell you.
And they list all these things I've supposedly done.
They either lie about what I say or they twist it.
But the point is, it has me being grabbed by a black hand and drug into darkness.
And, again, they've got an authoritarian from Turkey who specializes in annihilating free speech.
Zeynep Tufekci.
And what's the message?
And they say, we're taking control of the internet, we're gonna censor everybody, for everyone's good, and Alex Jones is the devil.
But they're the devil, coming in the dark to grab you and pull you into the dark and saying you don't have speech and then lying about you.
But see, they get to be ruling class now.
They've been prepared and trained at the universities, they're really intelligence operatives of the deep state, to come in And take control of civilization.
They're going to come in and they're going to run your life.
They're going to dominate you.
They are rightful rulers of you.
And they will control your speech.
There it is, ex-Stasi agent hired to censor xenophobic Facebook posts.
That was four years ago.
Now, last week, Google is looking at moving into the former Stasi headquarters in East Berlin.
You cannot make this up.
So here's the big news.
They're going to take Facebook in to be the new MySpace.
It's going to go way down, then it's going to go back up some, and then it's going to go down again.
Within two years, it will be a dead stock.
At their current rate.
But there'll be some more hills and valleys.
But out of this, they'll terrorize everyone else, all the other tech companies, everyone else, that you better get in line or this will happen to you.
But not because they were spying, only because they were designed to be a pump and dump.
This will be the cover of someone being punished for spying while Apple and Google and Twitter spy and do whatever they want.
So it's a big spectacle.
And it's designed to be a huge distraction.
From everyone of what's really going on.
Let's look at it.
InfoWars was right.
Facebook using ChaiCom's social score for users.
August 21st.
Dr. Kamshot, please.
Intelligence Insider.
Google, Facebook, and Twitter are about to collapse and are desperately seeking Chinese help.
Dr. Steve Pachinick's coming on later.
World-exclusive Facebook to completely collapse in pre-planned operation to end free speech as we know it.
Insiders told Alex Jones over a year ago that the globals are going to use Facebook as a sacrificial lamb to terrorize other tech companies into adopting total censorship.
And now we've got Senator Warner and all of them calling for it and doing it.
Oh, survival of our democracy depends on banning sites like InfoWars.
Dem Senator says, isn't that sweet?
Oh my gosh, isn't it just cute?
It's all coming up, and now Facebook is posting its longest losing streak ever, as they prepare to bring it down.
Tomorrow's news today, straight ahead.
I have an opportunity for viewers and listeners that is the best in my 23 years on air.
Obviously, water filtration is a great thing.
It's a good thing.
And I've had water filtration sponsors since the day I got on air.
And over the years, I learned a lot about water filtration.
I learned what the best was.
And Alexa Pure family of stainless steel gravity filters take the already decent and good systems that were out there and took it to the next level of quality, durability, customer service, replacement filters, you name it.
Now, the Alexa Pure Pro is their biggest, nicest stainless steel unit that does the most gallons an hour.
For your home, business, your kitchen, your RV, whatever.
It's amazing.
Cuts out all the bad stuff, leaves the good stuff in, the good minerals.
Matt Redhawk and the Patriots over at MyPatriotSupply that have developed these filters.
Ordered a huge amount of them this year.
He has a glut of them at the end of the year.
That's when you get the best deals on cars, is when, you know, the new model or whatever's coming out or the next year's coming and they've got to pay tax on the inventory.
$25,000 car, you're probably paying $4,000 or $5,000 in tax on it.
And that's not counting state taxes.
A lot of states have.
Texas has that too.
Now this inventory tax, franchise tax, that's why we try to sell everything out by the end of the year.
So he's offering a filter that's a good deal at $249.
Leading competitors are $300 to $400 for a unit this big, not even this good.
We normally sell for $249 and it's a great deal.
When it's discounted, it's usually $200.
It's $127!
He's selling them to us at cost, and we're making 20-something bucks on them.
And I'm doing this as a favor to him.
I said, my God, you're cutting the whole market out.
I mean, I'm all for great deals.
This is insane.
So they're going to sell out very, very quickly.
You want to get Alexa Pure Pro for you and your family, get the best, the best deal.
This is the gift of life, the gift of health.
It's amazing.
Alexa pure pro at info wars life calm and for store calm or call triple a two
five three three one three nine if you are receiving this transmission you are the
resistance big brother mainstream media government cover-ups you want
to stop tyranny well so does he live from the info wars dot-com studios it's
Alex Jones okay
I just spent much of the last hour getting into the establishment, getting ready to take down Facebook.
It'll take about two years, but it'll be gone.
And they might decide to change course and resurrect it, but they generally don't do things like that.
We have Dr. Steve Pachetnik joining us that predicted a lot of this on air at the bottom of the hour.
And again, a lot of folks will say, good, I hope Facebook goes away.
They're corrupt and bad.
It's not about that.
It's about a pump and dump on investors.
The big boys getting their money out years ago.
And it's about using the spectacle of its ongoing collapse.
To sell new forms of censorship and to muddy the waters and act like Facebook's being punished for surveilling people by focusing in on things that weren't even illegal to cover up all the real crimes that Facebook and others have been engaged in and to create fear in the other tech giants that they could be regulated because there's fear in the tech giants That they could be taken over by government, but government has acted so pliant and pliable with it, that now big tech's gotten big britches and thinks that it actually runs things.
So, you've got corporate powers vying with each other, you've got the Chi-Coms, the EU, Russia, the United States, and the globalists hate anybody who has allegiance to their country, allegiance to free market, allegiance to anything decent.
We've got top Dem Senator, the one that's been running the censorship in the Senate, who demanded I be taken off the Internet four months ago, and you saw the effect one month after he gave the order, because he represents the globalists, Mark Warner.
Google must do more to censor YouTube.
And other Dem Senators are saying the same thing.
So, they're making their move.
Because the establishment's decided that an open and somewhat free Internet will destroy them.
And so we have to know what's next and get Trump and the Congress to take action.
Because the Republicans are, hey, you're free market companies, we're going to leave you alone.
But the Democrats are working through the EU and the CHICOMS to put regulations from overseas on these companies.
And so you're allowing them, by not coming into the vacuum, Mr. President, to take control.
And they're also fearful that ignorance by the Republican leadership of how the Internet works may allow them to get regulations through regardless.
So the Republican establishment are extremely stupid.
Trump's not.
And I sat there in a committee hearing, headed up with Warner a few months ago, and I watched the only Senator Cotton bring up the chi-coms and the spy chips and all of our electronics and how this is so dangerous and how Google won't even work with the Pentagon on things now, but it'll work with China on AI.
Yeah, the globalists are anti-America.
Google's moved there.
Apple's moved there.
Turns out, as big tech makes bigger profits, they cut the pay to their own employees.
They don't pay taxes.
They're the most ruthless, evil, godless people.
They own the worst factories.
These tech companies are run by demons.
But because they dress like hippies, And you know, Jack Dorsey has a little nose ring, a little booger collector.
I'm not saying you're bad if you like nose rings.
It's just like, oh, I'm an average guy.
I have a nose ring.
Look, I have tattoos.
It's like that deal where billionaires will drive some old Ford Taurus, and while they jump on some $7 million, you know, jet copter, it flies them to the airport where they get in their $100 million jet.
It's all just virtue signaling crap.
These people are ruthless authoritarians.
Absolutely enjoy making you poor.
Want to suppress you.
Want to take away your liberties and freedoms, and then give you race-based identities.
While they say they're fighting racism, 180 degrees different from Martin Luther King.
Yeah, China's been executing more gays, but Tim Cook, it's okay, because Tim Cook's gay.
Look, if you support China, The slave factories and killing gays, as long as you're gay, it's cool.
I mean, everybody knows some gay people are mean to other gay people.
Look at that.
Everybody else is just like yellow or clear, and that's because it's been denatured, it's been watered down.
We didn't do that.
You think I would metaphysically tell you something that is the very best I can get?
I'd rather go to hell than do that.
I will only give you the maximum best info, the maximum truth, the maximum product, because I want that goodwill!
What I do to you, I do to myself.
Don't you get the big secret?
You ever seen fish oil look like that?
No, you've never seen that, have you?
And this little jewel right here is solid liquid consciousness.
Look it up!
Find out!
How even the FDA and the government admits fish oil is incredible.
The number one thing anybody can do for themselves is take the fish oil or krill oil.
Just like our information is dynamite, so are our products at FullRestore.com.
Coming at you live, live, live.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It's a reliable source of information.
50,000 unstoppable watts.
Androx and Radial.
So, in case you didn't hear, I'm sure you did, it's the top story on DrudgeReport.com.
For three straight quarters, Facebook's been going straight down and a lot of people say it's not really profitable.
It's a giant pump and dump.
And there's a big...
A fight taking place over who's going to control Facebook.
Well let me tell you, Facebook was set up over a decade ago with Bilderberg money, back when Zuckerberg just got out of Harvard.
He was going to Bilderberg meetings and they were planning it as a social control mechanism that would then basically privatize illegal NSA spying and get people to opt into illegal spying.
And then if they wanted to use NSA data on somebody illegally, they would just go pay Facebook to reverse engineer it so they could have claims in court that it came from that.
And, you know, you saw the judge just ordered a Lexus last week with Amazon, its little spy droid, in a double murder case.
And then Amazon had to confirm, yeah, it was recording from the day they plugged it in, even when it's off, to the day it was unplugged by the police.
And it's got the audio, everyone being murdered, recorded.
That's the whole point of AI.
And, you know, beware Greeks bearing gifts.
They bring you the Trojan horse, you put it in your house, and then you wonder what's going on.
You're like, well, I'm not murdering anybody.
That doesn't matter.
It's run so they get a detailed profile on you and know everything about you and have high-tech AI scanning it all, putting it into a database.
They are getting ready to destroy Facebook.
They'll drive it way down, it'll go back up a little bit the next year, and then finally plain out forever.
They'll want to sucker.
The suckers again.
Remember Zuckerberg said, our users trust us, they're dumb effers.
I can't believe how pathetic they are.
They're so stupid.
That's a quote.
He just loves screwing you over.
And he will, don't you?
Because he acts liberal.
Ah, I'm a liberal.
Oh, oh, oh.
But as long as you go, oh, oh, oh, then everything's OK, literally.
Just like Tim Cook, just like all of it.
It's very, very funny.
It's very, very funny.
And then, if you want to censor the Internet and take over, well, you first demonize somebody for two years, saying they're the dark heart, they're the worst person on the planet, they're a Nazi.
And then, finally, oh, they have their moral moment, the slave factory owning Apple, that's given all the code keys to Communist China.
Tim Cook bans me, and then everyone else follows suit.
And then all these other little virtue signaling companies, they come along and they do the same thing.
Show that no one stands up for me except Matt Rudge and Tucker Carlson and our listeners.
And then the precedent set for everyone else.
And it's wild how they were calling for me to be taken off a year ago and six months ago.
It was because I'd done horrible things.
They never showed what I did.
They'd lie about it.
But now they just say, oh, we're in a crisis against nationalists.
We've got to shut them all down and Alex Jones was just the beginning.
And they have major academic papers working with the federal government.
You say, well, Trump's the federal government.
No, he's not.
90 plus percent of it does not follow his orders.
This is called mutiny against the nation.
Against the people.
By these multinational corporations allied with the most murderous regimes on earth.
So this is the whole shooting game, ladies and gentlemen.
I've got lots of other incredible news, but this right now is everything.
Because if they take your communications away, if they can selectively control what you can see and what you can do, it's the ultimate form of discrimination.
So let's go over the latest news and then Senator Warner, but let's first look back a little bit.
Because when I come back, I'm going to read you the most sickening authoritarian babble.
You've ever heard out of a foreigner that comes from an authoritarian country licking their lips about silencing you and your family.
They create authoritarian regimes in the universities, they bring in the controllers, and then they deploy them to run your life.
Horrible, spoiled, rotten, evil little authoritarians.
Does the banning of Alex Jones signal a new era of big tech responsibility?
The Guardian, oh, the liberals, the leftists are suddenly, oh, they're so responsible!
The Guardians for bringing jihadis back that killed women and children to the UK and giving them free housing to rehabilitate them.
They mean to run the country.
But, oh, Alex Jones.
He, it's such a good thing to take him off air.
Here's another one.
Does the ban, oh, InfoWars.
How Alex Jones lost the InfoWars.
Remember, Colbert and all of them celebrated.
He's gone.
InfoWars was right.
Facebook using ChiCom social score for users.
We told you.
And then it goes on from there.
World exclusive Facebook to completely collapse in pre-planned operation in free speech as we know it.
Dem Senator demands more censorship of conservative media.
Survival of our democracy depends on banning sites like InfoWars.
Yes, you must defend people's open right.
Speech being first most in a supposed democracy or a republic that guards the minority rights even more.
It's like a super democracy but a protected one.
So you can't have 51% say enslave the other 49%.
Oh, but notice that being a patriot means you don't like your nation.
Up is down, down is up.
Survival of our democracy depends on banning sites like InfoWars, says Dem Senator.
And now they've done it.
Alex Jones calls out Tim Cook.
Everything they're doing in China will come to America.
WikiLeaks points to Democrats after InfoWars takedown.
Warns it could be next.
And now, it's happening.
Soros issues death threat to Google and Facebook.
Totally censor, let my people run what you're doing, or all implode your stock.
Which he's now doing.
That's what this is about.
Use them, make them do the illegal stuff, and then when they won't totally ban everybody and commit suicide, Soros says, I will pump and dump you faster if you don't submit to me.
We told you months ago, tech investors start to panic as Facebook stock price plunged more than 20%.
That was a few months ago.
So, here we are in 2012 at InfoWars.com calling Facebook a pump and dump in the future.
So there's some background for you.
And now it's here, and now it's happening, and now they're going to bring in a social score where every... because that's what the... suddenly the professors are all proposing it, and the New York Times is proposing it, and a nice man from China who's running for President, you know, to be on the stage and call for censorship being a good thing, you'll be paid $1,000 a month, you don't have to work, but everything you do will be tracked by your smartphone the government gives you.
It's called slavery.
That's all over the news.
And then the Senators come out and act like they're pressuring big tech to do it, when it's all part of the larger plan.
Top Dem Senator Mark Warner, Google must do more to censor YouTube!
That's out today!
YouTube is one of the most censored places out there now unless you're promoting child molestation or devil worship or teaching six-year-old Asian girls that white people are inherently bad.
We played video last hour.
You can't allow stuff like that to be challenged.
It has to be in an echo chamber to succeed.
And so now he's come out and he's pushing this whole thing.
We must act against this.
We are allowing China and the EU and big tech with the Democrats to come in by fiat with regulation, take total control of the internet, censor everyone, and then say that we're bad people.
And when I read when we come back this article and I play the clip, he who must not be named what Alex Jones and Voldemort have in common, it is the most incredible projection I've ever heard.
We need to drag Alex Jones off into the darkness and silence him.
She comes from an authoritarian country where they do that, Turkey.
She goes on to tell all these lies and twist things and then talks about how we need to move to censor everyone that opposes us in this emergency we're in.
Yes, some people in Brazil and Italy and the United States and even Mexico and other areas are upset about this.
And people know this is bad.
And so you're calling it an emergency that people want to run their own countries and not have the globalists run them from afar.
It's just astounding.
It's completely incredible.
But you can override the censors.
You can override these tyrants.
They're going to have to bring people in from foreign regimes, former Stasi, and authoritarians out of Turkey to rule us.
All you got to do is share the link, share the article, spread the word, call C-SPAN, call Trump Radio, newswars.com, newswars.com, infowars.com.
As many of you know, we have just offered in the last few months the biggest sales in InfoWars history because the globalists have been trying to literally take our credit card processing away.
They've been trying to hack our sites and bring them down.
They have not been successful.
Now, a lot of times, other companies claim they have the best deals of the year on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving.
And it's been in the news that a lot of those are scams.
You know, have things in a limited amount to lure you in and have the retail jacked up above what it's supposed to be and then lowered it down.
There's a lot of scams going on.
Zero of that is going on at InfoWorksStore.com.
And you're getting great deals.
And we've got everything in stock right now, almost everything.
And obviously you're funding the information war against the globalists.
So it's a 360 win.
Don't fight the traffic for Christmas shopping.
Know you're supporting an organization and group that is absolutely driving the globalists crazy and raising the alarm worldwide.
It is a 360 win on this Black Friday.
But the sale isn't just this Black Friday.
Monday through next Sunday, we are bringing back the biggest sales in our history.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, free shipping storewide.
Let me read this to you.
Black Friday InfoWars store sale, free shipping and double Patriot points.
In fact, this is even... Okay, this is the best sale ever.
Because we're doing the sale from a while back that was the best ever, with the free shipping 50% off storewide.
And double Patriot points, which normal Patriot point is 5%.
And so now this is 10%.
So this makes a bunch of these complete lost leaders.
This is insane.
Okay, so let me be clear here.
And just put this out like this.
It's so much to say, we'll just put it out.
No teleprompters here.
Black Friday.
InfoWars store sale, free shipping and double Patriot points.
All InfoWars life supplements, 50% off with the free shipping and the double Patriot points.
Up to 50% off on storable food, super high quality, that is huge.
Alexa Pure Pro water filtration system.
Oh, this is the one that is the best ever.
I can say on Black Friday, we've been running this sale a few weeks, this is the best we've ever done.
127, or 49% off, Alexa Pure Pro Gravity Fed Filters.
One of the best systems out there.
Leading competitors, $300, $400.
They usually retail at $240.
$6, that's a great deal.
We now have it at $127 because they ordered too many and want to, again, sell them out before the new year so they don't have to pay inventory tax to the feds and the state.
Alexa Pure Breeze, air filtration, now at 40% off.
That's right at Lost Leader.
Again, to get rid of inventory.
So take advantage of that.
It's an amazing system.
Also, there's a bunch of special sections where we've got other deals at InfoWareStore.com.
Too many to name.
Up to 75% storewide, plus free shipping and double Patriot Points.
Up to 75% off.
Storewide, plus free shipping and double Patriot points.
So, actually, now that I'm here looking at this and thinking, this is the best deal we've ever done.
So it actually tops the last deal.
And you know what?
Just put this out like it is, because it just shows how we're being transparent here.
And this is so insane that they're trying to shut down our...
Credit card processors, they're trying to shut down InfoWars, they're trying to defund us.
So I said, everything must go by the end of the year.
All of our inventory, I intend to have gone, so that we're at least have the cash to continue operating for a while.
InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Support the InfoWars, get great products, get your Christmas shopping done early, and battle the globalists.
A total 360 win at InfoWarsStore.com.
I want to thank you all for your support.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind We are back live broadcasting worldwide
Very powerful article by Jamie White just went up on Infowars.com.
Veteran GOP congressman schools Dems who claim Trump attacks press freedom.
That video's coming up.
Also Democrat presidential candidate wants government-sponsored social credit system compatible to China's.
It's all coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
And if you're on welfare, you'll have to be on it.
But you can opt in and get $1,000 a month to be totally tracked.
That's just a beginning.
It's called slavery.
It's how you domesticate wild animals.
You start feeding them a little bit.
You build a cage, a pen.
You put the food inside the pen.
They go in.
You close the gate.
The circle is now complete.
All right.
So, bringing this to a head.
They're trying to bring down Facebook right now to terrorize the other big tech companies to get in line for total censorship.
George Soros is threatening Google and others that you'll go like Facebook if you don't submit, we will absolutely take your stock down.
This is economic terrorism.
And the President and others going, oh, we're a free market, we'll leave it alone, is allowing the vacuum of the CHICOMS, the EU, Soros, and others to come in.
Meanwhile, Obama declared an emergency, signed the emergency into law in the Defense Authorization Act in December of 2016 for the next fiscal year.
That's done before the year.
And recruited stay-behind networks of operatives for the emergency To stop the Russian takeover.
And that's just it.
They know it's all a joke.
That's the cover.
Then they had congressional hearings and said, Jones is a Russian operative.
We must get him off the internet in 2017.
By the middle of 2018, they'd begun to do that.
So if you're outside globalists taking down the country, you call the loyal nationalists the outsiders.
Because the Achilles heel of the globalists is, they are the outsiders usurping and enslaving the country.
And now, the president says we're a nation, we shouldn't have one-sided trade deals where Canada has a 280% tariff on milk and we don't.
They go, that's the most racist, evil thing.
Your nation doesn't exist.
But Alex Jones is evil, and he works for the Russians.
Because he's red, white, and blue and loves the country.
I know you know this as an audience, but this is what they're doing.
Then they bring in a bunch of former Stasi, they bring in people out of Turkey, out of the Middle East.
Real authoritarians.
A lot of Chinese operatives are brought in.
Most of these Democrat senators actually have a Chinese officer from the intelligence board as part of the Chinese funding of any high-level dim.
You have to have one of their operatives, usually as a chief of staff or as their top assistant, like Dianne Feinstein, who then runs the whole op.
We, of course, were the first to expose that she was Chinese-run.
We already knew that was known, but we've got that out there.
Let me continue here.
So, He Who Must Not Be Named, and then it shows me, and this is going to be reportedly one of the cover stories, on the December Wired Magazine coming out here in just a week, is total darkness with a black hand.
That means an assassin's hand.
This image means, in intelligence operations, this image But it's normally just a normal-looking face, not my face, is the symbol of a snatch-and-grab.
When it's a total darkness and a black hand grabbing over the mouth, it means you're going into a dungeon, which Turkey is very famous for.
So we have this Turkish individual over here, whose thesis is about women's rights, of course.
Don't the Islamists always do that?
He who must not be named what Alex Jones and Voldemort have in common, this demon snake creature from Harry Potter.
That I'm not into magical thinking so I haven't followed Harry Potter.
If you want to be into that, that's fine.
I've seen pieces of them.
But you read this, she's the one calling for censorship.
She's part of the big evil cabal.
And then she's talking about how I'm the devil and the one that must not be named.
Remember David Hogg talking about this?
And said, ooh, I'm not supposed to say his name because you're not supposed to say my name.
Here it is.
I don't want to mention his name.
When individuals say these things to us, I think it's important for their viewing audience to realize they're simply trying to make money off them.
For example, one of the main people in this situation that I don't want to name the name of, but as you said, he's from Infowars, he shouts a lot.
I'll just give you that hint.
He looks red.
He's advertising many of these things, and the power lies in these advertisers to pull out of these fear-mongering, hate-loving people that just want to spread hate and division in America.
For example, on InfoWars, one of the main things that he spoke, one of his famous things is saying that, uh, one of his most famous statements was saying that, Tapwater is turning the frogs gay and will turn you gay too.
First off, gay people are awesome.
I don't think that's a problem at all.
And secondly, if you notice at the end of that video, he advertises water filters.
Yeah, that's the point.
The water's toxic and here's the best water filter at the best price.
By the way, we have the best deal ever on...
Alexa Pure Pro.
That's their biggest, nicest stainless steel model.
The one that does the most water.
The best model out there.
Leading competitors for something similar are $350,000, $400,000.
They're normally a great deal at $240,000.
They're selling it to us at cost because they ordered too many of them.
They don't want to get hit, obviously, with the end of year inventory tax.
So it's never been a better time to get Alexa Pure Breeze.
It is literally 1-27 right now at mpolwarsstore.com, mpolwarslive.com, or 888-253-3139.
See, he is an actor, not a crisis actor.
The shooting happened.
He's an actor on the acting deal, a Democrat.
He admits he's given lines, and his lines are, don't say Alex Jones' name, and turn the frogs gay, even though the chemicals are actually sterilizing the frogs, is what we said.
Now, he who must not be named.
I got Dr. Steve Pichinik.
Coming back on the broadcast, and he's predicted a lot of this.
We're going to look at how big this is and what this really means to everything.
This is a lot bigger than just Facebook.
And then when he leaves, I'll get into all the latest Antifa and the rest of it.
But to read this authoritarian's article, she says the most ridiculous things in here.
It shows how childlike their minds are.
These wannabe authoritarians.
She goes on to say, I will now say his name, because now he has no more Voldermort power.
He has been banished and is nothing.
And I think she must believe in Harry Potter.
Like, she's saying this?
She's a five-year-old girl and it just happened?
Hey, Cupcake!
I have some smart advisors, but I do what I think I should do.
They've begged me not to tell you this.
But I will, because my weapon is the truth.
Lady, we're on fire, like a sun exploding.
You're a moron!
But you evil people never get it, do you?
I mean, you're a grown woman talking about shutting down all nationalist conservatives' free speech in a giant Big Brother grid beyond anything Orwell ever dreamed of, and you've got yourself all dressed up in, like, Gaelic pib outfits, with bows and arrows on your side, as you're force-fed on Twitter, dreaming about taking people offline because they're Voldemort, and then now you've diminished them, that my last gasp That was going to Congress!
Oh my God, you better believe this lady runs around in circles around a fire and thinks she's got magical powers.
I mean, look at that little witchy poo outfit.
Hey lady, why don't you get your ass back on an airplane and fly back over to Turkey where the men tell you to keep your damn mouth shut?
We don't do that over here.
We're the West.
I understand your ancestors raided the beautiful Constantinople and crapped all over it.
So, I understand your IQ is not high, but let me just give you a little newsflash, lady.
You and your authoritarian trash will never defeat us.
You'll never prevail.
In the name of Jesus, I just hope that God brings justice to you in a loving way.
God is merciful and loving.
But you got somebody from the authoritarian regime where she wouldn't be allowed to shoot her mouth off,
over here, trying to dominate men.
She's like this big ol' fat Turkish Islamist.
You know why I love President Trump so much?
It's because I know he's for real.
He's trying the best he can.
He's gotten so much done despite the enemies arrayed against him.
And I've been really persecuted at a level we've never experienced before.
50 times the level I've ever experienced.
The demonization, the lies, the harassment, the fake lawsuits.
Because I've supported Trump.
Now why is that?
It's because Trump supports the idea of the nation-state, a pro-human future, not a globalist technocracy, and he really does love this country.
And nation-states stand in the way of mega-corporations allied with authoritarian regimes like China and the EU, dominating and oppressing and controlling populations.
These people lust after controlling and running our lives.
They want power.
I just wanted to state here, with this being the week of Thanksgiving, that I am extremely thankful for President Trump, and I stand with President Trump.
And I'm also extremely thankful to all of you out there.
And I'm appreciative of you, and I love you, and I want to thank you.
And I'm very, very humbled for the support and the prayers.
For all of you that have stood with them for wars over the years and put up with my annex sometimes when I get off the rails, none of us are perfect.
And I just want you to know that we are all unified in our love of God, our love of justice, our love of freedom, our love of the rule of law, our love of sovereignty.
And this great experience of human life we're all experiencing together and the long saga, the long march of humanity towards freedom.
And the last 144 years of the American experience.
What our ancestors have gone through together.
America's destiny is very, very special.
So no matter where you are in the world or what color you are or even what your religion
is, if you have a sense of justice and a sense of wanting to stand up for the innocent and
wanting to build a better world, and you understand that evil people come in and manipulate that
goodness in our heart so that we give up our will, our free will to them.
So these vampires can direct us when they don't have consciences, but they know we have
So it's a very delicate balance between being loving and being open and wanting to help
people and being deceived and manipulated by bad people to end up doing evil things.
But with Trump and with the American people, what you see with nationalism and patriotism and Christianity reawakening around the world It's a very, very, very special time.
And this is real.
And we're all in this together.
And Trump is fighting to deliver and to not betray.
But he's not perfect, and he can't act alone.
He can't do this on his own.
And so we shouldn't be two-faced, any of us.
When we're friends and family and neighbors and virtue signal when they attack Trump and throw him under the bus.
We have to stand up for Trump when that happens because he is a microcosm or an archetype or a figurehead of the spirit of resistance and who we are.
And when we don't sit there and deny the fact that we respect and love him, it gives the enemy power.
So we have to stand and be strong in the face of these bullies and say we're not backing down.
And you have supported InfoWars.
You've made it all possible.
And so I want to thank all of you out there for what you've done.
And I want to remind some of those out there that get depressed.
I know I do sometimes.
This is a long journey.
Good ruling this planet is not going to be easy.
That's why it's the Animated Contest of Liberty that Thomas Jefferson talked about.
But we've done incredible things.
We've come from way behind.
Now the enemy's launching their counter-assault.
And we're living in history right now.
God bless you all.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.
And again, thank you all for your support of InfoWars.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones Show!
We are in the middle of a epic move by different powers and different forces to openly take control of the internet and censor nationalists, conservatives, Christians, you name it.
And then use it for a social score that tracks everything you do and only favors elite corporations.
And it's being now promoted everywhere.
We first told you about this six years ago.
Now they have the New York Times.
All of them today.
Wired Magazine, you name it.
Saying, he who must not be named what Alex Jones and Voldemort have in common.
And it has me being snatched and grabbed and drug off into the dark pit.
So I love how it's some woman who fled authoritarian Turkey to come over here and be a professor and do it here.
But that's what they're pushing.
That's what they are bringing in.
Now you've got all these Democratic Senators saying, oh, Google hasn't done enough to censor pro-Trump people.
Oh, Facebook, you're going down because you let Cambridge Analytica publicly scrape some names, when that's nothing compared to what Facebook, Google, and Twitter have done.
So I wanted to get Dr. Steve Pucinich on, because he's talked about a lot of this.
He's predicted a lot of it.
He was on a few months ago with Owen and said that, and it was pretty obvious then, but he talked about it before that, that Facebook It was being prepared to be taken down.
It was obviously set up as a pump and dump a long time ago and to spy on people.
But out of that process, they're going to try to sell all this censorship.
So there's a war for the internet happening right now.
And because Trump hasn't come in and put prohibitions on it, that's allowed other outside interests, in my view, to come in, like the Chi-Coms, the EU, with their own regulations, and basically take control of the web.
So I wanted to get Steve Pucinich's take on this because he knows a lot of folks that are involved at the upper levels with at least how this was created and what it was supposed to do versus how it's been hijacked for authoritarianism.
And to me, this is one of the biggest issues globally right now.
So, Doc, thanks for joining us.
No problem.
What I told you well over a year ago was that Facebook was in financial trouble.
I don't need any information from above or elsewhere.
I was tracking it and I was shorting a lot of that stock.
Right now, Facebook is not in great shape.
The maximum value of Facebook was $212.
And now it's at 138 at the bottom.
That's the fifth 52 week high and low.
And what I was saying, well, a couple of months ago is that Zuckerberg doesn't know how to run the company.
Sandberg doesn't know how to run it.
She has been a serious problem to this company and other people.
And as a woman, she wanted to talk about how great it was as a woman, how she could lead a company
and how smart she was and blah, blah, blah.
Basically what you get is two Jewish exceedingly narcissistic characters who are very self-destructive.
I said it years ago and ironically she used her Jewishness to basically hire the Pro-Trump or let's say the opposition party company to create anti-Semitism and then make it sound as if they were being attacked for being Jews, which is despicable.
I mean, I think that should be enough to get rid of her and to deface it completely.
But the other part that was a real problem for Facebook, which I've been monitoring, and I said years ago, And that is the concept that Facebook, in some ways, was a positive force in the world, when in fact it was a facilitator to the genocide that occurred in Minamar.
And I had talked about that.
And that's when the 700,000 Ruangis, the Muslims, were getting killed by another so-called liberal, who is the Prime Minister of Minamar, Burma, named Aung Suu Kyi.
So the notion that women Are specially entitled to run anything and are better than men is really not proven by Sandberg or NCC.
So what we have here in Facebook is a very serious problem both financially, politically, and in terms of viability.
If I were the board of directors I would throw out Zuckerberg even though he owns 60% of the company.
But at this rate, the company will go probably down to its lowest value right now in 52 weeks, which is 132.
And my suspicion is it'll go below 120 and then to 110 and possibly 100.
If it does that, then it will bring down the other thing stops.
So Zuckerberg is not in a position to really run anything right now.
The issue of Zuckerberg was very interesting to me because eight years ago, when I saw his social network, it was obvious to me that this was a young man who was self-aggrandizing, who was a misogynist, quite frankly, because what he did in order to create Facebook was to basically ask all his friends at Harvard to rate the looks of the women at Harvard.
And if that's not misogyny, I don't know what it is.
And in turn, he didn't turn out to be a geek.
He really went to Phillips Exeter and in New Hampshire was the head of the fencing team.
So everything about him that speaks for grandiosity and narcissism that's so out of control but has no sense.
And I should add, you're a psychiatrist too, so we're not just having people randomly up here saying this.
But expanding on the bigger picture here, They're going after Facebook for supposed spying on people, but they're going after the least of it.
And then they're using it to threaten the other tech companies to go along with the Democratic Party and others that won't even increased censorship.
And this is one reason that the Republicans didn't keep the House in the midterms.
And now they're saying all over the news, they're going to intensify it.
They're even trying to take my banking away.
They're going after everybody I know.
This is real authoritarianism.
Well, I'm not sure you've got more censorship here than you think.
think about what needs to be done to counter the fact that this is just
green-lighted even more censorship that Trump says he's about to take action but
we haven't seen it yet? Well whoa I'm not sure you've got more censorship here
than you think. The notion why the Democrats won on the midterms and I was
involved at the local level It was very clear.
Nancy Pelosi ran an incredibly effective race, whereas Trump did not.
And I have to, you know, I'm not a fan of Nancy Pelosi, but I understand national politics.
When they came into every area of the country, she ran a very effective, very streamlined campaign which was highly focused.
But that's exactly what I'm saying is that Trump got elected because we had internet superiority and the grassroots went out and did the job for him.
They ran the same campaign because his people told him, no sir, you really want it, going and doing rallies.
One Trump supporter putting a viral video out is bigger than a whole Trump rally.
And so they undercut everything and literally allowed the complete shadow banning basically of everybody and dialing back nationalist, conservatives, or anybody that is an anti-America 96%.
That's why they lost and then allowed the targeting that Pelosi engaged in.
Well, I'm not in agreement.
I think we lost and here in Florida, it was even clearer to me.
I voted for DeSantis and I gave him money and we came in by only a few points.
The same thing with Rick Scott.
It had nothing to do with anything other than the fact that the campaigns on both sides were not effectively run.
The Republican Party had a very poor leadership issue.
Paul Ryan had left and we had no basic message.
It wasn't a type of, you know, just censorship that you were talking about.
This was really operational problems.
And what it meant for the future of the Republican Party is that we're in trouble.
The same way I said to you about Facebook, the same way I'm telling you now, the Republican Party is in trouble because it has no leadership.
If Trump is, in fact, the leader, which he's not, he's mercurial.
He has his own problems.
He's really out of control in many ways.
The Republican Party doesn't know which way to go, and it doesn't have a leadership.
Well, at least he's a cheerleader for the country, and is trying to do better deals on trade and things.
But I agree that he doesn't have people around him that are really trying to turn the country around.
Most of them are just trying to be popular with both sides and make a bunch of money.
And the fact that... Take campaigns out of this.
The fact that they're letting the Democrats come in with this mass targeting by cartels and censorship of certain groups is discriminatory.
It's very, very dangerous, and it's a dereliction of duty if they don't start doing something.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Look, from the very beginning, I told you, he has a problem.
If you want to put Jared Kushner in there, who has supported Mohammed bin Salman, who in turn killed Basaji, If you want to put in Ivana Trump, who has done absolutely nothing... Boy, you're right.
You did say two years ago that you liked Trump, but the fact that Jared Kushner, you believe, could destroy Trump, and now continually... I was right!
I was right!
We got a war in Yemen.
My generals do not want that war.
They want to pull out, and that's what's happening.
We had a Prime Minister of Lebanon who was taken hostage... Well, let's talk about it when we come back.
Let's talk about it when we come back.
As many of you know, we have just offered in the last few months the biggest sales in InfoWars history because the globalists have been trying to literally take our credit card processing away.
They've been trying to hack our sites and bring them down.
They have not been successful.
Now, a lot of times, other companies claim they have the best deals of the year on Black Friday that they have for Thanksgiving.
And it's been in the news that a lot of those are scams.
You know, have things in a limited amount to lure you in and have the retail jacked up above what it's supposed to be and then lower it down.
There's a lot of scams going on.
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Let me read this to you.
Black Friday InfoWars store sale, free shipping and double Patriot points.
In fact, this is even... Okay, this is the best sale ever.
Because we're doing the sale from a while back that was the best ever, with the free Chevy, 50% off, storewide.
And double Patriot points, which normal Patriot point is 5%, and so now this is 10%.
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This is insane.
Okay, so let me be clear here.
And just put this out like this.
It's so much to say, we'll just put it out.
No teleprompters here.
Black Friday.
InfoWars store sale, free shipping and double Patriot points.
All InfoWars life supplements, 50% off with the free shipping and the double Patriot points.
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Up to 75% off, storewide, plus free shipping and double Patriot points.
So, actually, now that I'm here, looking at this and thinking, this is the best deal we've ever done.
So it actually tops the last deal.
And you know what?
Just put this out like it is.
Because it just shows how we're being transparent here.
And this is so insane.
They're trying to shut down our credit card processors.
They're trying to shut down InfoWars.
They're trying to defund us.
So I said, everything must go by the end of the year.
All of our inventory, I intend to have gone.
So that we're at least have the cash to continue operating for a while.
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You may be an ambassador to England or France.
You may like to gimbal.
You might like to dance.
You may be the heavyweight champion.
It may be a socialite with a long string of pearls, but you're gonna have to serve some.
Alright, we're back.
We're talking to Dr. Steve Pchenik.
Co-wrote a bunch of books with Tom Clancy.
Really smart guy.
Worked in the U.S.
Intelligence State Department.
We're gonna hear more about history sometime.
Really interesting stories he can tell.
But specifically looking at internet censorship, I understand you can sit there and say the Republicans ran incompetent campaigns.
Yeah, Hillary said you shut down Alex Jones, you shut down the conservatives, you kick them off YouTube and Facebook.
They had hearings and they did it!
And it wasn't me they were really blocking.
It was all the little old ladies that might put out 20, 30 videos, but one of them gets 50 million views.
We were getting 20, 30 million views on videos on Facebook for Trump.
And then Karl Rove doesn't want that.
He'd rather get a $5 million package on Fox News and run those ads that only reach maybe the same 5 million, 6 million viewers over and over again who are already going to vote Republican.
So I get it, Dr. Pichinik.
Yeah, targeted.
The Democrats actually went after swing voters in key areas.
I get it.
The Republicans didn't even really do that.
I get the incompetence.
They're going to continue to be incompetent because the blue bloods just want the money.
I'm saying Trump coming in with some anti-trust busting or threatening he's going to go after him, like the Democrats threatened Senator Warner and others to take over Facebook, Google, and Twitter, and they rolled over and peed all over themselves like a dog, and that's why the Democrats were able to win.
Okay, because Trump had his legs cut out from under him.
So I agree, it is incompetent that Republicans have allowed this.
That's what I was getting at.
The censorship of the internet is something that you correctly brought out and you've
been part of it and I've been part of it.
So I'll give you an example.
When I have my own YouTube and we have 50 or 60,000 people who view it, we're getting demonetized or we're getting less money.
Is there a fascist element to Google, YouTube, Facebook and the others?
The answer is absolutely yes.
To what degree is that fascist element?
It's to the degree that people like myself who will trade on a daily basis will either start shorting the stock or anonymous will come in or the others in the intelligence community will say it's enough.
This no longer serves our national service.
The truth of the matter is the Chinese are ahead of us.
They have quantum encryption.
We're not anywhere near them.
But at the same time, we're wasting money on F-38s and fighter jets that are sitting there for $385 million with parts that came from China.
But I don't have enough money to make a senior general the secretary of cyber war instead of putting him on the homeland security.
You are absolutely correct.
But the problem also lies in the White House.
He is now changing elements and relying on his own family.
Kushner, Ivana, Melania correctly fired a woman who was anti-Mattis.
But if John Kelly leaves and you bring in Nick Ayers, who's a Republican operative and is going to run the White House, you're going to have troubles.
I can predict that.
If you keep John Bolton there, and he has been a neocon his whole life, has had no national security experience on the ground, avoided the draft, avoided going into Vietnam, although he was a proponent of war, and I've worked with John.
I don't personally dislike him, but I don't admire him.
I think he's a coward, as is the neocons.
Then you will have trouble.
And the problem is we have put in Mattis, Kelly, Nakasone, Abizaid, all these generals and Pompeo because the civilians have not done a good job.
I don't know how many times I've had to say it since the beginning of the Obama administration, the Bush Jr.
The fact that we have military generals is not an accident.
And I will repeat it again, if civilians intend to go to war, and if the President does not know what he is doing, we will keep squeezing on the military side.
And it's as simple as that.
You can call me treasonous, you can call me whatever you want, but I said it years ago.
I wrote about it in Maximum Vigilance 20 years ago.
We can no longer force civilians who have had no military experience.
It's not that they're warlike, it's the other way around.
Mattis wants to get out of Afghanistan.
And who do we appoint?
Zalmay Khalilzad.
One of the most corrupt, incompetent... No, I understand all that.
Here's the difference.
You have the Democrats openly allied with the Qaikoms.
Out to get the country.
Alex, the neocons, the liberals have nothing to do with the Qaikoms.
No, I know the neocons.
I get it.
I know the neocons are heavily involved too.
So the neocons are bad, the liberal establishment's bad.
All I'm saying is at least Trump's trying to get jobs back and promote that a nation-state exists.
I'm not even here defending Trump.
I'm very upset that more isn't happening and that people like Jared Kushner having dinner with the head of Google, who sits there and glad hands him.
Uh, and so I'm not enemies with Jared Kushner, uh, but, but, you know, certainly he's the guy that sold Trump reportedly, uh, on this whole deal with this Prince whoever.
And then it looks like this whole thing has blown up spectacularly.
The point is Alex, you, you have to direct some of your attacks to really where the incompetency lies within our own administration.
Trump can only do what he can do.
He came in, he's charismatic, he's mercurial.
We've tried to stabilize that mercurial, but he will continue.
But if he cannot build an infrastructure, and he did a brilliant job of appointing Nancy Pelosi, who's 80 years old, to say, look, she has to remain the Speaker of the House.
Because she and he are very much alike.
They both come out of a background of the mafia construction.
I remember Pelosi's father was the mayor of Baltimore when I had hotels there.
Trump's father was in the mob.
He had to build construction in Queens and Brooklyn.
They both understand what it takes to create a unity function, but they have to build infrastructure.
We don't have it.
We need to keep moving on.
We need to put more money into Cyber Command.
I need more money into schools.
I have kids whose education level is so bad.
I'm in a state where the kids' education is the 46th in the state in Florida, and they say to me, oh, give the teachers more money.
Well, Rick Scott didn't do anything.
Bill Nelson hasn't done it.
Let's see what the state... But what I'm saying is, Soros is a figurehead of it, obviously, but the whole UN Globalist Combine wants to collapse nation states, discredit the borders, discredit any ethos of believing in your nation.
If we lose that, we're done.
And so the big thing that Trump's doing versus the Democrats...
Alex, I always enjoy your analogies in your description.
have radicalized with Eric Swallowell, you know, saying, "We're going to confiscate all the guns.
If you don't like it, we'll nuke your ass." I mean, the Democrats have literally
degenerated into a group of like, Day of the Dead zombies.
Alex, I always enjoy your analogies in your description.
The truth of the matter is, Soros is one of the few people who went after Facebook and
said, "This is a very dangerous entity."
And he particularly went after Zuckerberg and Sandberg saying she has no idea what's going on.
Because he wanted to bully them into letting him direct them.
No, not direct him, but telling them exactly where the problem would lie in terms of the ongoing genocide.
Look, I met him 40 years ago when we were in the Soviet Union.
I didn't know who he was.
He used his own money to take Sakharov off.
No, I know he was used during the Cold War and I get all that, but it came out in the WikiLeaks.
He wants to control what can be published.
He has a database.
Google and people are using him to say what should be up and what should be down.
He's the real threat.
Look, he's been in and out of so many things.
There's no one man.
I mean, honestly, he's not the threat that you think.
No, I know what he represents, though.
But what does he represent?
The Council on Foreign Relations, which I left, isn't even relevant.
Do you understand?
I mean, the relevancy of all these institutions are gone, thanks to you, others, myself.
They're not relevant.
No, no, I agree that's going on, but still, when they give orders, things happen.
Doesn't mean it does what they want, but it still has repercussions.
Like, they thought censoring me would get rid of us.
It actually caused us to, like, mutate, get even more powerful in a way, but I don't even want to tell them that.
The point is, is that... No, but the point is, you are more powerful.
They made a big that's my point.
They made a serious judgment call.
And I said it when you were on the air, we would not let you go off the air.
But in fact, what happened is, you became even more popular than before.
And people talk about it.
But the answer is, how are you getting transmitted?
You know how you're getting transmitted.
We know how you're getting transmitted, but the truth is, Soros isn't the problem.
The Democrats are finished.
That's not an issue.
Do five more minutes then.
We're going to come back.
Give me your view on that, because you were the guy, I remember like, you were coming on 18 years ago, but 15 years ago you go...
The East is going to collapse and the West Coast is all going to move into the Midwest and Texas will be the new capital and you know all that stuff so I know you're a smart guy so I want to get where you think the way we keep the country going and we don't have a nuclear war and I agree that Mattis and people have been trying to stop wars that's a good thing and I agree the neocons are a big problem in fact really if you look at it in fact the neocons were bragging at a defense deal in Germany last month that they're going to take even more conservatives out.
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five three three one three nine leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World
Order it's Alex Jones
Alex Jones here, back live.
I'm going to get into all the news we haven't covered.
A bunch of other breaking news in the next few segments.
We're talking to Dr. Steve Pichenik of stevepichenik.com, best-selling author, researcher, former psychological operations head of the State Department.
And we're getting into what happens next.
When I said after we, quote, lost the election a few weeks ago that I'm taking a new direction, it isn't that I don't like Trump as much as I ever did.
It's that Trump's done so much good, I've been persecuted for supporting him.
So instead of that making me not support him, it makes me support him more.
Because I'm getting persecuted because of it.
I think, oh, that he must be really good because they're attacking him.
But really, it's just a power struggle going on.
And Trump does care about the country.
He doesn't want to screw the country over just to screw it over.
The fact is, we have to get back to basic issues and talking about the news we cover, instead of just the tug-of-war battling with the Democrats, you know, over whether Trump's an officer or not.
Because I don't want to say I lost respect for Trump, but when he, he's one of the only people who even talked about censorship, so did Ted Cruz, so did Rand Paul, and said something should be done, but when he didn't act, that really was the big area that he showed he didn't get what was going on.
But I wanted to ask Steve McChinney, in the last three and a half minutes we have, what you think's coming next?
What the other big trends are and thanks for joining us.
Well, if Facebook goes under and they're going to keep going under there, their R.S.
rating is 16.
That means 84 percent of all the other stocks are more valuable than than Facebook.
So you're going to have problems with Google.
You're going to have problems with Netflix.
You're going to have problems with Amazon.
So the FAANG stocks are going to go down.
They primarily account for about 30 to 40 percent of our economy.
So that's why we have a serious problem right there.
Number two, Trump has to start making the overture to Nancy Pelosi.
Pelosi has to take over the Democrats.
The Democrats have to be united.
We need an infrastructure program because it'll keep our economy going.
There's fear in the markets that we have unemployment coming in and we also have a deflation.
I don't agree with it, but the markets today are terrible.
They're uncertain.
They've been vibrating up and down because they really don't know which way to go with Trump.
Trump has to allow the markets to have a certain amount of certainty.
Otherwise, the markets will go against him and the economy will do very poorly.
And everything he wants to say or do will mean nothing.
If the markets don't respond to a certain amount of certainty and a sense of the future, then Trump is in trouble.
Secondly, Trump has to understand he can't keep picking at Ed Helman and the people he thinks are close to him or hasn't been, you know, effective.
That doesn't work here in the White House.
The White House needs a certain amount of consistency and reliability.
70% of the world thinks right now that Trump is not reliable.
That's not relevant to me as much as it is to the stock markets, which feel that... Isn't that our own corporate media doing the undermining?
They blame Trump for that.
I mean, isn't it Maxine Waters, when she gets control of that financial committee, she says she's going to roll back in the regulations, and they're the problem.
Well, they're not the problem right now because the markets are six months ahead.
They don't even know about Maxine Waters at this point.
What happened at the markets before midterm is that it allowed itself to go up and then it came down with the fear that the Democrats would take over certain elements.
But at the same time, if you build an infrastructure program, it'll eliminate any doubts whatsoever.
So, the key issue right now isn't whether Maxine Waters can run it or not.
Once you get into Congress, you don't become a Republican or Democrat, you become socialized as a congressional representative.
The same thing with Kavanaugh.
Once he gets into the Justice Department or he goes into among his colleagues, Sotomayor said it very clearly.
She said, welcome.
Sorry, Hillary Clinton literally broke into our feed.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
It's my dog.
No, no, no, no, no, it's Hillary!
No, no, just don't... Oh, OK, I thought that was my dog.
No, no, it's Hillary.
Hey, I'm going to call you today at 3 o'clock my time, 4 o'clock your time.
We've got to talk about that thing.
All right, see you later, buddy.
A real character right there.
All right, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today, straight ahead.
Owen Schroer here for InfoWars.com and I want to tell you guys about a great product that we have and it is the Knockout Sleep Aid Formula.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, I'm Alex Jones, your host on this live Monday, November 19th, 2018 Global Transmission.
If you're watching or listening to this, you are the resistance to the globalists.
Their movement is the resistance to the nation-state, free market and capitalism.
You know, I really love President Trump, and not because he's in power.
I remember many years ago when I had then-governor, becoming president-elect, Bush, and they sent some federal marshals Because he was president-elect over to Access Television.
And they said, the governor's gonna be watching, or the president-elect's gonna be watching tonight, and he wants you to say some nice things about him, and then he, you know, sometime, go to dinner with you.
Because you could be the next Rush Limbaugh.
Now, I've since heard that from President Trump, like, they say you're the next Rush Limbaugh, and I'm like, well, I've already had bigger audiences than him, but okay, I'll take it, thanks.
Even though I'd already won and become number one on talk radio a long time ago.
And yes, since they deplatformed me, it did kill some of the mega audiences.
I mean, sometimes we would have, you know, 30 million people tuning in a day.
It wasn't always like that, but it was, you know, every day was four or five million.
But some days, you know, it'd be like, what the hell?
We'd be like numero uno.
But for me as a guy, it's not like, I've already been there.
So it's kind of like I already climbed that mountain and people go, you know, someday you'll be up on that mountain.
So I don't support Trump because he's the president and has a super hot supermodel wife and flies around on helicopters and that impresses me.
Because I already came from access television 24 years ago.
I already have come from nowhere and so them trying to take it away from me doesn't do anything because what I want is freedom.
What I want is America and the world to be successful.
What I want is a future for my children.
A car that runs nice, not having to worry about bills, that's good, but I don't worship money.
You could say I'm taking it all away, and I'd say I'm going to try to take you out.
Because you're a tyrant.
You shouldn't be able to do that to people.
I wouldn't then say, oh, let me kiss your ass, I'll get ahead more, in this giant group of people going up a pyramid in a spiral staircase, kissing each other's butts, but they all got daggers out for when the guy looks away to stab him.
That's not how I operate.
It's not what I do.
And when I talk about what I stand for, It's not that narcissistically some people say, me, me, me, me, me, me.
Why are they so obsessed with InfoWars?
Why do they hate me so much?
Why do they want me off air?
Because we remind them, the sellouts, what scum they are.
So yes, I criticized Trump some in the last hour, and I agree with almost everything Pachenik was saying.
He's a smart guy.
But the good things Trump is doing so outweigh his failings that it's not even the same universe.
Now Pchenik was signaling what's going on.
Trump has said, I'll work with you Democrats.
I'll share power.
I'll give you some of the money you want on pork deals.
He was trying not to do that.
But just get off the country's back.
Just let us have jobs.
You already run the country.
Why the hell do you want to run it in the ground?
See, that's his big failing with them is he doesn't like running you in the ground.
And so Pchenik signaling, hey, This is going on.
And because Kushner hadn't been in the military, hadn't been in the intelligence agency for 30, 40 years, you know, there's this attitude from professionals like Pchenik that, oh, that guy doesn't know what the hell he's doing.
If there's one thing I've learned, I don't know what's going on up at that level.
And at so many levels, the top level's not the top level.
It's what we're doing here that really changes things at the greatest level.
And then the establishment, once they figure out they can't stop something, or once they figure out something worked, they'll take credit for it.
And that's great!
I'm all about people taking credit for what you've done.
I'm gonna say that again.
It isn't some patronization where I just include you with a participation trophy on air and say, man, you've really done a great job, listener, spreading the word and taking action and standing up for the bullies, and you've changed the world.
People are waking up to capitalism being a better system, nationalism.
People are waking up that Christianity's under attack, the family's under attack, the very genders are under attack.
A lot of really good things are happening.
And it's because of you.
And that's not me up here including you.
You're not just included.
You're not just essential.
You are the war.
You're not part of it.
You're it.
I'm just saying things you already inherently knew in your gut, and creating a focal point so that you are given further confidence to see and to hear, because we're mammals, we communicate, we care about each other, we live in communal groups, to have a community.
The left is all about taking people that have no community, first they take your community, then they create a new artificial community to control you.
We're promoting an original Americana community that was the best community ever that everyone wanted to get involved in, because despite the fact that our community was terrible, compared to others it was the best.
Because the ideals of it were high and noble.
It believed in the individual, it believed in the group, it believed in ideas, it believed in building something better.
It believed in not just riding off the poor and the old and the infirm, but building them up.
So the enemy came in and took our greatest strength.
We cared about the children.
We cared about those that are childlike.
And they turned that against us and said, now you must be like the childlike, or you must be mentally retarded, or you must be down and ignorant because, well, you can't be better than somebody, which again is the ultimate tyranny.
So that's where we are.
And I never got all these clips I have.
I have a bunch of them.
I'll get to them next segment.
I'm going to get to them.
But Trump's done a great job pointing out we have borders, pointing out we have one-sided trade deals, standing up against the controlled corporate media, showing that they're a bunch of enemies.
And he's done a great job trying to get regulations that were written to shut down our nation out of the way and medical laws that were meant to suppress new innovations.
That's out of the way.
I mean, Trump's doing a way better job than I could do.
So it's very hard to criticize.
But then I realized if we don't criticize, We'll lose everything.
Because it's the few areas that he's not operating properly on that the enemy then puts everything behind.
And those are the areas where if we fail, we will fail magnificently.
So I could do a better radio show that had more listeners today, where every five minutes I had an incredible new article or clip to talk about that was very interesting, that would keep you interested.
But I'm not just trying to keep you interested.
I'm trying to keep you engaged in your own destiny because we're in this together.
And I'm trying to get people to focus in on the big enchilada that our speech is being taken, which means our right to commerce, which means our right to the digital system with digital IDs and a world social score that is The system of absolute control and absolute tyranny.
And it must be opposed, just like Christ said to John the Revelator on the Isle of Patmos 2,000 years ago.
This is the big one.
Woe to you, on the planet, for the devil sends a beast with wrath.
And it's numbered at 666, the number of a man, neither by nor sell without the mark on the right hand or the forehead, the biometric scan.
And it's here.
And you say, well I don't believe in God.
Believe in reality that China is using it to control their people and it's now being exported here and to Venezuela to suppress people.
This is the ultimate system of degradation.
Just like they're trying to take our credit card processing and shut us down financially so we don't have the speech to warn you about what's happening.
It's here, it's not coming.
World government, all of it.
This is the desperate fight to stop it!
That said, please fund our operation and realize we're running.
The sale a few weeks ago was the biggest ever.
Now this one's even bigger because it's the same sale.
More expanded with double Patriot points on every purchase at a 5% off each dollar.
It's 10% off on your next purchase.
Double Patriot points, storewide free shipping, 50% off all the supplements, 50% off on high quality storable food, 49% off Alexa Pure Pro, their biggest, best water filter, normally like $240-something bucks, now $127 at cost.
We're selling it for them at cost as a favor because they ordered too many at the end of the year for an inventory issue.
Now is the time to act on that and a bunch of other specials.
Look, 75% off storewide plus free shipping.
Everything must go clearance sale to fund ourselves into next year.
Thank you for your support.
You are the InfoWar.
Hunters as many of you know we have just offered in the last few months the biggest sales in in for its history
Because the globalists have been trying to literally take our credit card processing away
They've been trying to hack our sites and bring them down.
They have not been successful Now a lot of times other companies claim. They have the
best deals of the year on Black Friday the day after Thanksgiving
And it's been in the news that a lot of those are scams.
You know, have things in a limited amount to lure you in and have the retail jacked up above what it's supposed to be and then lower it down.
There's a lot of scams going on.
Zero of that is going on at Infoworkstore.com.
And you're getting great deals.
And we've got everything in stock right now, almost everything.
And obviously you're funding the information war against the globalists.
So it's a 360 win.
Don't fight the traffic for Christmas shopping.
Know you're supporting an organization and group that is absolutely driving the globalists crazy and raising the alarm worldwide.
It is a 360 win on this Black Friday.
But the sale isn't just this Black Friday.
Monday through next Sunday, we are bringing back the biggest sales in our history.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, Free shipping storewide.
Let me read this to you.
Black Friday InfoWars store sale, free shipping and double Patriot points.
In fact, this is even... Okay, this is the best sale ever, because we're doing the sale from a while back that was the best ever, with the free Chevy 50% off storewide, and double Patriot points, which normal Patriot point is 5%, and so now this is 10%.
So this makes a bunch of these complete lost leaders.
This is insane.
Okay, so let me be clear here.
And just put this out like this.
It's so much to say.
We'll just put it out.
No teleprompters here.
Black Friday.
InfoWars store sale, free shipping and double Patriot points.
All InfoWars life supplements, 50% off with the free shipping and the double Patriot points.
Up to 50% off on storable food, super high quality, that is huge.
Alexa Pure Pro Water Filtration System.
Oh, this is the one that is the best ever.
I can say on Black Friday.
We've been running this sale a few weeks.
This is the best we've ever done.
$127 or 49% off Alexa Pure Pro Gravity Fed Filters.
One of the best systems out there.
Leading competitors $300, $400.
They usually retail at $240.
Six, that's a great deal.
We now have it at $127 because they ordered too many and want to, again, sell them out before the new year so they don't have to pay inventory tax to the feds and the state.
Alexa Pure Breeze, air filtration, now at 40% off.
That's right at Lost Leader, again, to get rid of inventory.
So take advantage of that.
It's an amazing system.
Also, there's a bunch of special sections where we've got other deals at InfoWareStore.com.
Too many to name.
Up to 75% storewide, plus free shipping and double Patriot points.
Up to 75% off storewide, plus free shipping and double Patriot points.
So actually now that I'm here looking at this and thinking, this is the best deal we've
ever done.
So it actually tops the last deal.
And you know what?
Just put this out like it is.
Because it just shows how we're being transparent here.
And this is so insane.
They're trying to shut down our credit card processors.
They're trying to shut down InfoWars.
They're trying to defund us.
So I said, everything must go by the end of the year.
All of our inventory, I intend to have gone.
So that we're at least have the cash to continue operating for a while.
InfoWarsTore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Support the InfoWars, get great products, get your Christmas shopping done early, and battle the globalists.
A total 360 win at InfoWarsTore.com.
I want to thank you all for your support.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, I don't want to make the news about me, but it is.
Because they've decided to make us the heart of the debate.
So they can then take us off the air and then misrepresent who we are.
Because the populist movement, the Americana movement, the Second Amendment free speech movement had such a big victory when Trump got in, that they had to then not let us be folk heroes.
And continue on to have great victories.
They had to make us these shameful, horrible, bad people that were banned because they were so bad, and were who, like, Voldemort from the Harry Potter series.
It's all archetypal.
So here's the new article up on Infowars.com.
Petition launched to give Alex Jones White House press pass.
I want to be clear, unless you go grandstand and make yourself the news like Jim Acosta, having these things is not really worth that much.
So we had passes, and CNN and others lobbied that we were fake news, and somebody in the administration took it away from us.
Jerome Corsi wanted it, we got an office there, did it all properly.
We were there a few weeks, Corsi never even got questions in.
And they act like, again, if I wanted to live in Hollywood, I'd move out there.
I just want to be able to have my own broadcast and not be banned on other platforms, but everybody's pointing out that why is Jim Acosta there, but Alex Jones isn't?
So that's people signing that petition to send it to the White House.
It's pretty funny.
Also, again, I never really read this article.
I mentioned it.
It's really powerful.
Powerfully evil by this person from Turkey who has the image of me being kidnapped and taken into the night and says after Alex Jones, we'll ban everybody else.
It's just very authoritarian.
And I thought I'd get to that later, but you know what?
In the interest of time, I made you a special report on that because there's so much other really important news I want to get into like this.
In England and in Germany and Sweden, by law, Every year, elementary students, middle school students, high school students, and college students at public schools are taken to mosques.
You take your shoes off, you worship Allah, you're given paperwork.
If you're a 14-year-old girl, they introduce you to a 25-year-old man.
They have made-for-TV, state-sponsored television that says, 14-year-old German girls, Muslim men from Africa and the Middle East are here.
They are good men.
You need to learn to be with them.
That pedophilia is legal by fiat in Europe if it's a Muslim with your daughter.
We've played these clips here.
I'm not kidding.
This is the social engineering.
German schoolgirls asked to wear hijabs for social experiment.
It's attested German citizens acted racist towards them.
Paul Watson has an article.
Racist, even though it's a religion, that doesn't let you not be in their religion.
It's the cult coming in, just like Heaven's Gate, Hale-Bopp cult made you cut your testicles off and your penis, and then you were going to be beamed up to be with the space aliens.
Now they teach that to your five-year-old son.
It's a good thing.
Continuing, China just dumped the biggest load of U.S.
Treasuries in eight months.
Now we're in a war with China.
Chinese homoerotic router gets 10 years in jail.
Well, it's okay because Tim Cook's gay.
And it goes on from there.
So that's just some of what we're going to be covering here.
But what I want to get to now is the fact that Conservatively, there's dozens of migrant caravans funded by the UN at UN bases in Guatemala and Honduras, the other staging grounds in each country, below them in Central America, down all the way to Chile.
These are just stopping off points, but to make sure you don't get the big sum up front of, you know, $10,000 to get all the way to El Norte, You're given, on average, whatever it takes to get from that country to the next.
So it's a couple hundred dollars here.
Once you've been a good person and gotten all the way up, say, from Venezuela, seven countries up to Mexico, you get a thousand dollars on a MasterCard prepaid visa with no name on it, with a pin code on the back, from U.S.
taxpayers through the State Department to George Soros.
I mean, that's on record.
We first broke that.
Now it's mainstream news.
And so, That's why they caught Beto, or whatever his name is, Bevo O'Rourke.
Beto, I guess they said.
Funding millions out of the taxpayer money and out of campaign matching to sit there and send money down to a caravan that was arriving a month ago.
You're like, but the caravan hadn't gotten here then.
They're always arriving.
We first showed them six years ago.
With our reporters, we broke this was going on under Obama.
So Trump's just saying no, we don't randomly let buses full of men, women and children, a lot of them smuggled kids in.
And the media says no to that.
Like it's a bad thing.
Well now, Mexicans agree with Trump, call migrant caravan an invasion.
It's all in Spanish.
But I'm going to play some of it with audio here in just a moment.
Paul Joseph Watson, powerful video.
Protesters in Tijuana demand migrants go home.
Because at least 10,000 of the hundreds of thousands that are in Mexico at any one time are robbing, stealing, killing.
Many of them are multi-time felons.
And the Mexicans know what's going on.
They're saying, what in the hell is going on?
You can't do this.
Mexico has laws about their southern border which got smashed over.
Mexicans all saw that happen.
They understand it's an invasion.
And so let's play some of the audio of the Mexicans.
conservative. Out Hondurans we don't want you here.
Which is a normal response when hundreds of thousands of people ram over your borders and almost all military age men are stomping around waving their flags and burning American flags.
First thing the Mexicans noticed was they aren't even waving Mexican flags.
They're waving Honduran and others.
The protesters didn't want tax dollars spent on humanitarian aid.
They get the people coming up from Central South America are the dregs, the communists, who are an invasion force who want a bunch of free crap.
You're not welcome here, you're a traitor if you help them.
Right now, there are detention centers in the United States, which are similar.
Go to hell, go to hell.
May the peace with you.
Oh, they have concentration camps.
Oh, my God.
Immigrants, yes.
Illegals, no.
No to xenophobia.
Yes, it goes on.
We don't want them here.
I mean, how obvious is it when hundreds of thousands of people come to your country running over your police, waving flags and burning things and raping and killing people?
So when we come back, that's Tijuana.
Just north of that, a few miles, is the border near San Diego.
And our own Savannah Hernandez and crew were there.
And here come the Antifa people.
Of course.
Screaming that we're all Nazis when George Soros, the collaborator, actual Nazi collaborator, is running this.
And of course, you don't see these little Antifa guys going to Mexico and getting people a bunch of men's face.
They get their ass kicked in about two seconds.
No, they wanted to mess with one man and one woman, ten to one.
Bunch of thugs.
You know why?
I love President Trump so much.
It's because I know he's for real.
He's trying the best he can.
He's gotten so much done despite the enemies arrayed against him.
And I've been really persecuted at a level we've never experienced before.
50 times the level I've ever experienced.
The demonization, the lies, the harassment, the fake lawsuits.
Because I've supported Trump.
Now why is that?
It's because Trump supports the idea of the nation-state, a pro-human future, not a globalist technocracy.
And he really does love this country.
And nation-states stand in the way of mega-corporations allied with authoritarian regimes like China and the EU, dominating and oppressing and controlling populations.
These people lust after controlling and running our lives.
They want power.
I just wanted to state here, with this being the week of Thanksgiving, that I am extremely thankful for President Trump, and I stand with President Trump.
And I'm also extremely thankful to all of you out there.
And I'm appreciative of you, and I love you, and I want to thank you.
And I'm very, very humbled for the support and the prayers for all of you that have stood with them full wars over the years and put up with my annex sometimes when I get off the rails.
None of us are perfect.
And I just want you to know that we are all unified in our love of God, our love of justice, Our love of freedom, our love of the rule of law, our love of sovereignty, and this great experience of human life we're all experiencing together, and the long saga, the long march of humanity towards freedom.
And the last 244 years of the American experience, what our ancestors have gone through together.
America's destiny is very, very special.
So no matter where you are in the world, What color you are or even what your religion is, if you have a sense of justice and a sense of wanting to stand up for the innocent and wanting to build a better world, and you understand that evil people come in and manipulate that goodness in our heart so that we give up our will, our free will, to them.
So these vampires can direct us when they don't have consciences, but they know we have consciences.
So it's a very Delicate balance between being loving and being open and wanting to help people and being deceived and manipulated by bad people to end up doing evil things.
But with Trump and with the American people, what you see with nationalism and patriotism and Christianity reawakening around the world, It's a very, very, very special time.
And this is real.
And we're all in this together.
And Trump is fighting to deliver and to not betray.
But he's not perfect.
And he can't act alone.
He can't do this on his own.
And so we shouldn't be two-faced, any of us.
When we're friends and family and neighbors and virtue signal when they attack Trump and throw him under the bus.
We have to stand up for Trump when that happens because he is a microcosm or an archetype or a figurehead of the spirit of resistance and who we are.
And when we don't sit there and deny the fact that we respect and love him, It gives the enemy power.
So we have to stand and be strong in the face of these bullies and say we're not backing down.
And you have supported InfoWars.
You've made it all possible.
And so I want to thank all of you out there for what you've done.
And I want to remind some of those out there that get depressed.
I know I do sometimes.
This is a long journey.
Good ruling this planet is not going to be easy.
That's why it's the Animating Contest of Liberty that Thomas Jefferson talked about.
But we've done incredible things.
We've come from way behind.
Now the enemy's launching their counter-assault.
And we're living in history right now.
God bless you all.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.
And again, thank you all for your support of InfoWars.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
♪ The boys tell how Poncho fell ♪ ♪ And left his living in a cheap hotel ♪
♪ And there's this quiet Cleveland's pole ♪ ♪ So the story ends we're told ♪
♪ Poncho needs your friend ♪ - You know, people are telling me all the time
I should take off a few months, but I may never come back.
♪ He only did what he had to ♪ I was about 24, and I was already on air
and busy all the time, I need to work out like an hour and a half a day, two hours.
And at one point I quit doing it, then I stopped for about 10 years.
That's why I gotta stay on this horse.
Can't get off now, because I never come back.
All right, so if you just tuned in, our own Savannah Hernandez and Drew go down to the border.
And I was griping at him, I said, because it was kind of bad camera work.
Drew does great camera work, but he's got the camera hanging on the side because there are a bunch of men up there basically threatening a woman.
They call themselves Cop Watch, but that's really just the Antifa group now.
They're all dressed like Antifa.
They all look like they haven't seen daylight in about 50 years.
And they're screaming, F you Nazi, all this stuff.
And Drew had to put his camera down because he was getting ready to have to fight.
And finally they left him alone, but I said, hey, I told you not to have the Infowars flag on the microphone.
They said, listen, we did that.
They knew who we were.
And I guess they do know who Savannah is.
And said, Savannah's a brave lady.
She's in the control room running things right now.
One of the producers.
And she said, no, I mean, I'm proud of who I am.
So I'm going to say my last name.
A lot of folks on TV and radio have a fake name just because you can protect your identity with that.
Some of the other folks like Leanne McAdoo is not Leanne's name.
Her first name is Leanne.
But, but, you know, and she got harassed quite a bit.
They didn't run her off.
She had to take care of some sick family.
She's getting ready to come back and work with us soon.
But, uh, and I don't blame her.
You know, if I knew all this now before, I might have used another name just to throw people off, you know, so they don't really know what your real name is, you know, but it's really Alex Jones.
Uh, but you're just a nice woman doing a fair report down the border.
Here come these thugs and they know who she is.
They recognize Drew and they get on them.
I was talking to them.
You only see a few of them because Drew was getting ready to defend Savannah and she was getting ready to defend herself.
There's about 10 guys got around them.
You see four or five, but they got around them and were really thugging out like they were gonna, I mean, don't they get how disgraceful it is to encircle a man and a woman who are journalists and get in their face and start threatening people and calling them racist?
The Mexicans have, it's estimated 5,000 have now arrived in Tijuana, mainly men.
And you look, these are thugs that were paid to come up here.
Many of them have been deported before.
And so people know what's going on.
But here are these guys, they have this magic word, you're a racist, you're a racist, you're a racist.
And they go, oh, a black guy came over here and howled Hitler.
Well, you don't have proof of that, but the whole point is, they're so sick of you calling everyone a racist, it becomes a joke.
I have a stack of news articles here.
I never got to.
Let's do a document cam shot, then I'm going to play this.
Because one thing they put in the Wired Magazine article, which is important because these are the top of operatives that are running the shutdown of free speech, In the whole stay behind group Obama set up and they say in there over and over and over again that Jones claims Jews stage attacks on themselves and that Jews are the Nazis are really Jews.
I never said that you lion weasel.
I said in almost every case at the Air Force Academy or the University or wherever somebody burns a cross in somebody's yard, it's almost always either the husband of the black lady that's mad at her because he's thrown out of the house and he does it as a publicity stunt.
I mean, you know, the KKK are a bunch of idiots, but you go around trying to burn crosses in people's yard, get your ass blown off!
This isn't like the 1930s or something, or even 1960s in Alabama or Mississippi.
And so I read the news every day.
There are very few cases that I can remember where there were some real Racist white people out killing black people or doing something.
Now, there was the case in East Texas where the guy had been one of the leaders of the black gang and they were the leaders of their white gang and they got him and drug him to death so his head came off and it was terrible.
But they'd all been in rival race-based gangs and they're driving down the road one day and they go, look, there's a leader of one of the black gangs.
Let's kill his ass.
Terrible is wrong.
What I'm getting at is, can you remember a swastika getting painted on a dorm?
Or a black woman claiming five white guys raped her?
The lacrosse team, where it was real?
And the answer is, you can't.
There's also cases where white women claim black men all rape them and do this, and it turns out that's fake too.
There's a lot of fakeness going on is the point.
But not with the Islamist raping people, that's really going on, and that's being covered up.
So let's go over this.
639 acts of media-approved violence and harassment against Trump supporters.
That's nothing.
They don't even list half the ones we know of.
Meanwhile, what the Air Force Academy hate crime hoax teaches us about mainstream media and race.
Year in Review.
17 campus hate crimes that turned out to be hoaxes.
Fake Hate Crimes, a database of hate crime fake hoaxes in the U.S., fakehatecrimes.org.
We should get the director of that on.
Fabricating hate crimes is a byproduct of victimhood ideology on college campuses.
Ohio University student Senate member who claimed to have received a death threat arrested for making false claims.
False alarms.
Racist note, this is yesterday, on Kansas student door, was written by himself.
Beware N-words live here.
Did it to themselves.
I'm gonna stop reading all these, we'll run out of time.
But I said the left is staging attacks, the Jewish leftists that turned over the gravestones and attacked synagogues.
Trump already had been told by the state police in New Jersey that it was the leftists doing it.
Trump said, I think that's probably fake.
They said, oh my God, you're saying no one attacks Jews?
He had to do a special State of the Union to say he didn't hate Jews.
Turned out the day after he was right, the Jewish guy pled guilty.
He's attacking himself.
He's not blaming Jews, he's blaming criminals that do self-inflicted wounds.
Here's the video of Savannah and Drew down on the border with this scum in their face.
What's your name?
My name's Savannah Hernandez.
It's nice to meet you guys.
It's not nice to meet you.
Why not?
What have I done that is offensive to you today?
You're part of a f***ing piece of s*** organization.
Why are you cussing at a woman like that?
I'll cuss at whoever I want to, bro.
F*** you too.
F*** you too.
I'm just asking, what have I done personally to you that has- F*** Infowars, f*** Alex Jones.
Well, what have I done?
I'm trying to show people- I don't give a f***.
I don't give a f***.
F*** Infowars and f*** everything they stand for.
It's anything.
I'm trying to show that everyone here- How about that?
How about that?
What Trump is doing with the border to secure it, I guess, here.
He's got the barbed wire going up, f***ing this f***ing barrier.
I don't give a f*** Infowars.
How about that?
F*** Infowars.
Okay, thank you.
Let's go.
The f*** out of here.
Nobody wants him here.
I mean, I'm out here talking, like, you guys are the ones forming me, so... What racist agenda?
Look at my skin tone!
Do you think that I'm a sh**?
Dude, we just had a f****** black guy over here come over and tell us he's hunting f****** people and gave us a Nazi salute.
You think f****** color matters?
You think your people aren't f******...
Y'all are part of a racist organization, man.
I am standing here and I am trying to show everyone,
what's going on out here?
You know what, this is an important issue to me
as a white man.
In forward, Alex Jones.
Because I have a bunch of family members that are all-
Y'all are part of a racist organization, man.
A racist organization that furthers the white nationalism.
Racism is awful.
Shut the f**k up, man.
I don't even want to hear this.
F**k InfoWars.
F**k both of y'all.
Y'all both are a piece of s**t. I'll cuss at whoever I want, homie.
Freedom of speech.
F**k your camera.
F**k Alex Jones.
It's all good, bro.
You're trying to block your freedom of speech, saying it's freedom of speech.
You need to expect it, man.
Alex Jones gets his own f***.
This is Marxist ideology.
F***in' Alex Jones is a protege.
You're gonna get it too, man.
Not very big vocabularies.
They know the word F-U.
Hey, you know what?
This is America and I'm allowed to have my own f*** in here.
I'm sorry, who did?
Oh, this guy.
My bad.
I'm sorry, who did?
This guy, my bad.
I don't give a, Alex Jones, and for words of you too.
I don't give a f**k. Alright, thank you.
I'm glad that this is the America that... You know, it's good to know these guys have never used meth.
This is stolen f**king land.
This is Turtle Island.
Shut the f**k up with that f**k. So get out of here, but everybody's allowed in.
And it goes on and on.
The video's on InfoWars.com.
My goodness.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm not saying that arson was used to burn down millions of acres in California in the last month.
But the regulations that were put in place the last 30 years by the BLM and state authorities, not just federal, of not letting there be controlled burns or firebreaks put in, directly caused The fires to be able to travel unimpeded.
And thousands of years of fire management and land management were thrown out the window.
And that's why now we've got all of the big firefighter associations and the big land management associations and others coming out saying President Trump was right.
We don't build fire breaks.
In most areas of the country.
The military builds them around bases.
Corporations do it.
And by zoning, under regulations that George Herbert Walker Bush signed onto in 92, the UN tells us where we can and can't have firebreaks or land management.
Under rewilding regulations, much of the nation, in fact about half the West, you can't trim out underbrush.
A tree falls over, you can't cut it up and use it or sell it.
And that creates all that fuel for lightning strikes to really get giant infernos going that are able to cause the incredible devastation.
So here's some of these articles right here.
I'm going to show TV viewers.
Loggers support Trump's claim that wildfires are caused by poor forest management.
Remember the media claimed a week and a half ago, oh, the firefighters are mad, but they didn't quote any firefighters.
Even the Autobahn Society comes out and says, no, it's time for firebreaks.
We were wrong.
Secretary Zinke backed Trump's claims that years of mismanagement led to out of control record fires.
That's what's going on.
And then we've got all the history of it, and what firebreaks do, and why they're needed, and the fact that they're trying to block us even having firebreaks.
There's San Francisco Chronicle calling for firebreaks.
That was in July of this year.
Here's Autobahn saying it's now time for fire breaks.
Here's stuff from a hundred years ago.
Posters telling farmers to build.
You ever notice around fields, old fields or old houses, there's like a two foot wide, three foot wide, two foot tall hump of rocks or dirt.
You're like, what does that keep out?
What does that do?
Well, there's a flood.
Most floods are only a foot or two high.
It doesn't flood your house.
And fire doesn't jump it on average.
There are water breaks and there are fire breaks before we got insurance.
You can look up fire breaks for yourself.
And the fact that Trump brings this up and they act like he's a liar is incredible.
So, going to the next level, our own Greg Reese hit a breakdown.
There's a lot of people online notice whole houses are burned, but trees aren't burned.
And then cars are burned with grass they're parked next to not burned, but they're melted down.
I don't know what's going on.
No one can break down what this mystery is.
The internet's on fire with it.
But regardless, not building firebreaks, not allowing controlled burns for at least 30 years, since the time of George Herbert Walker Bush, has allowed this to happen and all the experts agree.
So bottom line, policy allowed this to get out of control.
So this is a form of de-industrialization, just like getting rid of the dams or not building new ones.
This is a form of feudalism, a form of siege.
Was it energy beams from, you know, Krypton?
I'm not ready to say that.
I'm being sarcastic.
But something's going on that should be investigated.
It's always good to ask questions.
Here's the report.
2017, the Tubbs Fire began in Northern California.
And by the time the sun came up, over a thousand homes were destroyed.
Videos and photographs show how this so-called forest fire seemed to spare the wild and somehow jump from house to house.
CNN reported that the so-called forest fire jumped to the freeway.
Hundreds of photographs show cars with melted trails of aluminum alloys from what must have been an unprecedented amount of power.
The average forest fire burns at 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit.
Aluminum alloys will melt at temperatures between 1,200 and 2,000 degrees.
But many of these cars were nowhere near a forest fire.
Some cars were flipped over.
The heat must have been intense.
Not only was it able to melt aluminum alloy, but consistently, every home that caught fire was leveled to white powdery ash in less than 12 hours.
By October 31st, the Tubbs fire had destroyed 5,643 buildings.
5,643 buildings. PG&E, Pacific Gas and Electric. PG&E was found responsible for 16 of the
fires, over $10 billion in damages.
All of this while producing $1 billion a year in profits for the Rothschild Investment Group.
PG&E warned the public that the fires will not just continue, but will grow larger every season.
They warned their investors that future liability will force PG&E into bankruptcy.
In June, utility officials told state lawmakers that they needed protection to survive the coming fire season.
And on August 31st, California state legislature passed a utility bailout bill to protect PG&E, its shareholders, and Rothschild Investment.
At sunrise on Thursday, November 8th, the Camp Fire wildfire began in California.
It has all the same anomalies as the Tubbs Fire, and is already twice as devastating.
Many people are asking the same question.
Is this an attack?
In 2003, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and General Richard Myers admit to the development of directed energy weapons and microwave technology.
In 2017, Lockheed Martin shoots drones out of the sky with an invisible laser beam that burns them from the inside out.
The technology exists.
The evidence is there.
But the motive?
Perhaps it could be found in the United Nations Agenda 21, wherein certain areas of the country are proposed to be off limits to human use.
It just so happens that these strange California fires seem to all be within the proposed no human use areas.
New regulations and insurance policies are preventing homeowners from rebuilding.
And meanwhile, they claim it is the new normal, and are now claiming it is a phenomenon of global warming.
One thing is for certain, the Governor of California has already assured that the people will pay for all of the damages.
This is Greg Reese, reporting for InfoWars.com.
The video is posted at Infowars.com right now.
If you're a radio listener and you want to see this, please spread this to everybody you know.
Must watch the California wildfires on Agenda 21.
And regardless, Agenda 21 is the global treaty and policy to not create firebreaks or control burns that let these fires do this.
But then, I was looking at this last week when Reese was working on this.
He's a smart guy, former Marine, Patriot journalist.
You know, he does engineering stuff, and I said, you know what's weird?
That car's right by grass.
It's dry.
It's not even burned.
And these houses, and it is weird.
But regardless, they set the policy they knew would allow this to happen in the last 30 years, not allowing the firebreaks.
So regardless, policy by GEN21 and the UN Treaty on Biological Diversity caused this.
But now the Audubon Society's own members are like, cut the fire breaks, that'll save the kangaroo rat and everything else.
It's not about the kangaroo rat, it's about taking property.
It's like a Northern California and Southern Oregon with what they've done with Klamath Falls and all that huge high mountain lakes with dams, so you can't have the water for farmers because of an endangered fish that's not endangered and isn't even indigenous.
It's invasive.
That's all the joke.
Hey, let's use an invasive species.
Because humans are invasive, the globalists say.
They act like they're aliens.
Down this hill, let's not let them have their damn water that farmers paid for in the last 80 years.
Farmers would pay to have those state dams built.
But then farmers, 80 years later, they don't know what granddaddy did.
They just hear, you don't get the water anymore, sonny boy.
They're like, but the lake's full of water.
Sorry, we're gonna Shut it all down.
We're going to not let you use the water and we're going to run you off your property, but then we're going to turn the water right back on later and have your farming and have your houses and have it all for pennies on the dollar.
That's how globalism works.
And that's why they want to bankrupt InfoWars so that we don't have a voice to fund ourselves.
They want to make us all poor in the third world model.
That's why it's imperative that listeners realize that buying products, InfoWarsStore.com, They're great products, but more importantly, it funds our operation.
So I want to thank all of our supporters and encourage those that haven't gone to InfoWarshaw.com to take action today.
50% off on all the nutraceuticals.
Storewide free shipping.
But better even than the last sale, we have double Patriot points.
Not 5%, but 10% for the week of Black Friday.
This is the biggest sale we've ever done.
We just keep escalating it.
It can never go bigger than this.
A lot of these are lost leaders.
Thanks for your support.
Get your Christmas shopping done early.
I have an opportunity for viewers and listeners that is the best in my 23 years on air.
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Matt Redhawk and the Patriots over at MyPatriotSupply that have developed these filters.
Ordered a huge amount of them this year.
He has a glut of them at the end of the year.
That's when you get the best deals on cars, is when, you know, the new model or whatever's coming out, or the next year's coming and they've got to pay tax on the inventory.
$25,000 car, you're probably paying $4,000 or $5,000 in tax on it.
And that's not counting state taxes, a lot of states have.
Texas has that too.
Now this inventory tax, franchise tax, that's why we try to sell everything out by the end of the year.
So, he's offering a filter that's a good deal at $249.
Leading competitors are $300 to $400 for a unit this big, not even this good.
We normally sell for $249, it's a great deal.
When it's this child, usually $200.
It's $127!
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, Roger Stone's taking over the fourth hour in the war rooms coming up here in just a moment.
But I wanted to introduce a very important report by our own David Knight.
Dealing with World War I and really how it's a precursor to the Nazi regime and then the European Union and where the next world war, many experts believe, is going to start.
This is a powerful report with David Knight put together by Harrison Smith.
I hope all of you watching will spread this link to everyone you know.
Stay with us.
We have been in a continual state of war since we bought into the idea of a permanent standing army after World War II.
We have a Saudi-led attack on Yemen, on the port, escalating in just a 24-hour span.
At least 150 people killed after weeks of deadly fighting.
Tens of thousands of people have been killed in Yemen.
Any reporting on that?
They don't care about the lives of people.
They don't care about the lives of these Yemenis.
They don't care about the lives of their own soldiers.
And they don't care about the principles that these soldiers thought they were fighting for either.
The principles, just like the lives of the soldiers, are expendable in these manufactured wars for empire.
And we've got something that is much more dangerous that is coming up right now.
We're coming up to a cycle in human history, a generational turning point.
And again, you should read the book Fourth Turning if you haven't.
Strauss and Howe went back 500 years in American and English-British history to see this recurring cycle about every 80 years having a major restructuring of society.
Frequently, these restructurings are accompanied by wars.
Things like the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War II.
Those were all fourth term.
Now, as we talk about resurging old demons, that's what I see coming.
I see history being recycled.
And when you have these standing armies, when you have these politicians who have an empire mindset like Macklemore, who are trying to accrue and concentrate power to themselves, those are the elements that create things like World War I.
It was the type of thing that the founders had always looked at Europe as having.
These constant, eternal European wars.
Not a remaking of society.
Because, you know, people look at that and they say, that was a just war.
That was a justifiable war, whatever.
They look at the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, they look at World War II and they say, yeah, that was a time when we were really fighting for something.
World War I, they weren't fighting for anything.
Patriotism was summed up by Smedley Butler.
He said, talking about true patriotism, he said, we fight to protect our home.
And our Constitution.
So we fight to defend our lives.
To defend our lives.
Not in foreign wars of empire.
Not for regime change in the Middle East.
We fight to defend our homes.
He said, everything else is a racket.
It is organized crime.
And he was exactly right.
We fight to defend our Constitution.
We're fighting to defend our values.
That is what nationalism is about.
Patriotism is about fighting to defend your homeland.
Nationalism is about fighting to defend your political system and the values embodied in that political and legal system in our Constitution.
And if we had stuck to those values, we would have never been drawn into World War I.
Maybe Emmanuel Macron should read the writing of our former president James Madison, father of the Bill of Rights.
He said throughout Europe.
The armies kept under the pretext of defending have enslaved the people.
And quite frankly, that is the true purpose of Macron's EU army.
He's not going to be putting that up there to protect them from foreign invasions.
He's inviting the foreign invaders.
The fifth column coming into the country.
He's opened up the borders.
He's part of the globalist open border cartel.
He is not going to defend people.
He's going to use the army to attack the people who object to that.
Who object to having their homes destroyed.
Armies and debts and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.
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Thank you!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone, and I'm proud to be sitting in for my colleague Alex Jones.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm looking forward to a peaceful and restful and prosperous Thanksgiving.
And I know you are, too.
But until we get there, there's a lot in the news we've got to review.
I think among the President's greatest accomplishments to date are his shepherding of a prison sentencing reform bill through the Congress.
That has now gone through the House, where it passed, and now heads to the Senate.
This is the single most important piece of social justice legislation that I have seen in my lifetime.
And as President Trump pointed out only days ago, it reverses a number of the policies of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Policies under which People who were convicted of first-time non-violent crimes, such as marijuana possession, were sentenced to long, mandatory sentences in prison.
This not only caused the breakup of families, the destruction of lives, but also an enormous cost to the taxpayers in the costs of incarceration.
Nobody was being rehabilitated.
Nobody was being helped.
But it was politically motivated in 1994 when President Bill Clinton felt it was important for him to look tough on crime to get reelected.
In truth, the President was courageous in pushing this legislation because there were and are conservatives in his own party who oppose it.
So, bravo for President Trump.
But, look at some of the Democrats in the House who voted against this landmark legislation.
Congresswoman Maxine Waters.
Congressman John Lewis of Georgia.
Congressman Al Green.
This is extraordinary where African-American members of Congress would actually vote against a piece of badly needed legislation to redress historic wrongs just because Donald Trump sponsored it.
That, I think, tells you the moral bankruptcy and the hypocrisy of those who voted no.
It's really extraordinary.
I'd go so far as to say disgraceful.
This will go down as one of the president's signature accomplishments.
And yes, even though I've talked to him about this need for many years, I have to give some credit to Kim Kardashian, who I think brought his attention to this important So, bravo to the President for his brave and courageous stand in standing up to those, yes, some in our own party, who opposed this legislation.
Interestingly enough, a new news story in The Guardian says that the FBI now classifies the Proud Boys as an extremist terrorist organization.
What do they think Antifa is, a bunch of peace-loving pacifists?
This is extraordinary because I know a number of individual Proud Boys and I have yet to meet one who is a white supremacist or a bigot or advocates violence.
They do advocate self-defense.
They do advocate physical fitness.
They do advocate clean living.
They do advocate love of country.
They do advocate patriotism.
But anyone who's met Gavin McGinnis knows that he is not a bigot, not a white supremacist, and most certainly not a terrorist.
I guess this is what to be expected when you appoint a man like Chris Wray as the head of the FBI.
Chris Wray is a deep stater from the word go.
If you look at him, he looks like he'd be more comfortable as a croupier behind one of the tables in Atlantic City or Las Vegas.
His response to the exposure of the excesses during the FBI's Obama period was sensitivity training.
This is truly among the president's worst appointments, Christopher Wray.
And, sadly, he has been part and parcel of the efforts to hide from the American people the truth regarding the surveillance of the Obama administration on President Donald Trump's campaign for president.
Today, we still do not have the unredacted FISA warrants that would tell the true story of how the Obama administration abused power and utilized both the authority and the extraordinary capability of the state to spy on the Republican candidate for president.
Wait a minute!
Isn't that what they removed Richard Nixon for?
Spying on his opponent?
Why are there two standards of justice?
Well, it's a question we're going to dig into here on the Alex Jones Show as we go forward.
But in the meantime, I want to take this opportunity to remind you that if you enjoy the great programming that we have here at InfoWars, If you like David Knight with the news in the morning, if you like the iconic Alex Jones Show, and if you're enjoying what Owen Schroer and I are doing on The War Room...
Well then, you need to go to the Infowars.com store to look at our terrific specials.
You see, unlike other conservative media outlets and other mainstream media outlets, we don't have giant, multinational sponsors who pay our way.
We are completely and totally listener and viewer supported.
That's right.
Without you, there would be no InfoWars.
And Alex Jones and his team of scientists and specialists come up with some of the finest cutting-edge nutraceuticals available in America today.
And there are some incredible sales going on.
Our Black Friday sale is something to behold.
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This is a great product because it gives you mental clarity and mental energy and mental sorting.
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Yeah, later in the evening when I am ready to go to bed around 11, 1130, I don't have that jacked up feeling that you get from the energy drinks you can buy at CVS or Whole Foods or pretty much anywhere else.
So I find that this gives you smooth Even mental energy without jacking you up the way some of the ephedra-laced drinks do.
And now, you can get it at the Infowars.com store at a special price.
With over 6,000 satisfied customers, Brain Force Plus is among our very best products, and one that I can recommend personally.
So, go to the Infowars.com store now, take advantage of our terrific specials, and while you're there, get a t-shirt, get a book, get some of our other great nutraceuticals.
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But do so Solid and confident in the knowledge that when you buy at the Infowars.com store, you're not only getting a great product, but you're helping finance the fight for freedom.
You're helping finance the fight for an uncensored and free internet.
It's vitally important that you do your Christmas shopping at the InfoWars.com store.
You'll be helping yourself, you'll be helping InfoWars, and you'll be helping your country.
I'm Roger Stone, this is the Alex Jones Show, and I'll be right back.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
As many of you know, we have just offered in the last few months the biggest sales in InfoWars history because the globalists have been trying to literally take our credit card processing away.
They've been trying to hack our sites and bring them down.
They have not been successful.
Now, a lot of times, other companies claim they have the best deals of the year on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving.
And it's been in the news that a lot of those are scams.
You know, have things in a limited amount to lure you in and have the retail jacked up above what it's supposed to be and then lower it down.
There's a lot of scams going on.
Zero of that is going on at Infoworkstore.com.
And you're getting great deals.
And we've got everything in stock right now, almost everything.
And obviously you're funding the information war against the globalists.
So it's a 360 win.
Don't fight the traffic for Christmas shopping.
Know you're supporting an organization and group that is absolutely driving the globalists crazy and raising the alarm worldwide.
It is a 360 win on this Black Friday.
But the sale isn't just this Black Friday.
Monday through next Sunday, we are bringing back the biggest sales in our history.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, free shipping storewide.
Let me read this to you.
Black Friday InfoWars store sale, free shipping and double Patriot points.
In fact, this is even... Okay, this is the best sale ever.
Because we're doing the sale from a while back that was the best ever, with the free Chevy 50% off storewide, and double Patriot points, which normal Patriot point is 5%, and so now this is 10%.
So this makes a bunch of these complete lost leaders.
This is insane.
Okay, so let me be clear here.
And just put this out like this.
It's so much to say, we'll just put it out.
No teleprompters here.
Black Friday.
InfoWars store sale, free shipping and double Patriot points.
All InfoWars life supplements, 50% off with the free shipping and the double Patriot points.
Up to 50% off on storable food, super high quality, that is huge.
Alexa Pure Pro Water Filtration System.
Oh, this is the one that is the best ever.
I can say on Black Friday.
We've been running this sale a few weeks.
This is the best we've ever done.
$127 or 49% off Alexa Pure Pro Gravity Fed Filters.
One of the best systems out there.
Leading competitors $300, $400.
They usually retail at $240.
Six, that's a great deal.
We now have it at 127 because they ordered too many and want to again sell them out before the new year so they don't have to pay inventory tax to the feds and the state.
Alexa Pure Breeze, air filtration, now at 40% off.
That's right at Lost Leader, again to get rid of inventory.
So take advantage of that, it's an amazing system.
Also, there's a bunch of special sections where we've got other deals at InfolwerStore.com.
Too many to name.
Up to 75% off, storewide, plus free shipping and double Patriot points.
Up to 75% off, storewide, plus free shipping and double Patriot points.
So, actually, now that I'm here, looking at this and thinking, this is the best deal we've ever done.
So it actually tops the last deal.
And you know what?
Just put this out like it is.
Because it just shows how we're being transparent here.
And this is so insane.
They're trying to shut down our credit card processors.
They're trying to shut down InfoWars.
They're trying to defund us.
So I said, everything must go by the end of the year.
All of our inventory, I intend to have gone.
So that we're at least have the cash to continue operating for a while.
InfoWarsTore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Support the InfoWars, get great products, get your Christmas shopping done early, and battle the globalists.
A total 360 win at InfoWarsTore.com.
I want to thank you all for your support.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
Roger Stone.
Roger Stone.
Roger Stone.
Roger Stone.
Roger Stone.
Welcome back.
No, I'm not Alex Jones.
Stone. Roger Stone. Roger Stone. Roger Stone. Roger Stone.
Roger Stone. Roger Stone. Roger Stone. Roger Stone. Roger Stone. Roger Stone. Roger Stone.
Roger Stone. Roger Stone. Roger Stone. And now, Roger Stone. Welcome back. No, I'm not Alex
Jones. I'm Roger Stone, and we're on The Alex Jones Show. An extraordinary story on
page one of the New York Times yesterday that says that Democrats are upset about the explosion of
right-wing rhetoric on Facebook.
Are these people on drugs?
We have seen over the last year the wholesale censorship of conservative voices, starting with Infowars.com, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Google, on Apple, on YouTube.
And now we learn that Facebook executives have given Chuck Schumer, a man who says he's opposed to corporate welfare, $50,000 in campaign contributions in this cycle alone.
But oh no, that's not enough.
Chuck Schumer's, no doubt, highly talented daughter, is paid $160,000 a year on the Facebook
payroll to do God knows what. The single most important fight that we face really has to
do with censorship of the most modern technique of communications, the Internet.
There's no question in my mind that Republicans would have held the House of Representatives if we had had free, unfettered, and balanced access to the Internet.
But that was not to be.
And although the President has talked in tweets and in interviews about doing something regarding the Racketeering and anti-trust activities that are being used to kneecap InfoWars and dozens of other conservative media outlets, sites and bloggers.
Well, so far we have talk, but no action.
That's why if you're angry about the recent elections, if you're upset about the fact that we lost the House, if you think we got cheated, you can do something about it right now.
You can go to WriteTrump.com.
That's right.
That's W-R-I-T-E Trump dot com.
We're going to put that graphic up for you here in a second.
This is a very important project that we're spearheading right here at InfoWars.
Our goal is to deliver one million letters to the President urging him to direct his Justice Department to bring immediate antitrust action against the Internet giants.
We as conservatives, generally speaking, are against regulation.
But in this case, we have no choice.
Because we have seen conservatives decapitated across the board on Facebook.
Literally, millions of people deplatformed.
Thousands and thousands of pages disappearing overnight.
My own friend Jacob Engels finds that overnight he's no longer on Facebook.
Because he's a conservative.
Because he is a Trump supporter.
And nobody has borne the brunt of this more than InfoWars.com.
Why is that?
It's because Alex Jones is a man of enormous courage.
It's because Alex Jones is a man of enormous energy.
It's because Alex Jones has the fortitude to say what others will not say.
And the saddest thing is that other conservatives have stood by and said and done nothing while InfoWars has been censored.
There's a few standouts.
Matt Drudge, Tucker Carlson.
These are men of enormous courage who haven't been afraid to jump in this fight and point out that if it's Alex Jones today, Well, who will it be tomorrow?
Maybe even little Ben Shapiro.
Oh, Ben thought it was perfectly alright when InfoWars was being censored, but now that he's being censored, why?
He screams like a little bitch.
So, Ben, get on board.
Fight internet censorship.
Let me explain the importance of going to WriteTrump.com.
When you get there, you can sign a letter to the President.
You can put your own handwritten P.S.
into that letter and then Alex Jones has agreed to personally pay for the postage to deliver one million letters to the president urging him to take immediate action.
This is a true grassroots effort to express to the president the importance of this struggle.
Because without a free, vibrant, and robust internet, there will be no Trump reform agenda, there will be no Trump re-election, there will be no Donald Trump legacy.
You see, they realize that in 2016 they lost control of the political narrative in this country.
ABC, NBC and CBS no longer calling the shots.
And now they seek to put the toothpaste back in the tube.
Please take action and do it today.
And spread the word among your friends and fellow Info Warriors.
Go to WriteTrumpTrump.com now, and if you scroll down, you will see the letter that we hope to deliver to the President.
Now, you can print the letter out yourself and mail it on your own if you wish, but we're going to mail a copy ourselves.
And as I say, Alex Jones has agreed to pay for the postage.
The postage for $1 million ain't chump change.
That's how strongly we feel about this vital program.
So instead of complaining, instead of pissing and moaning about the results of the election, instead of complaining to your friends about how we should have done better, take immediate action.
If you don't want to see a repeat of 2018 in 2020, then we must have free and open access to the Internet, and we must stop those who are using Monopolistic, antitrust-oriented, racketeering practices colluding together to strangle our First Amendment rights.
If you love what Alex Jones does here on InfoWars, and you want it to continue, if you want to continue to get the truth, what you won't get from MSNBC and CNN and CBS, Well then, go to WriteTrump.com now and urge the President to take action.
I must tell you, I worked with Michael Zimmerman and Alex Jones and others on this vital program, and I know the President reads his mail.
So please go to WriteTrump.com now and send this emergency letter to the White House.
Help us in the struggle for a free and open Internet.
I'm Roger Stone.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
We've got more great stuff coming up for you.
But before we leave, one more time, go to RightTrump.com.
The time for action is now.
I have an opportunity for viewers and listeners that is the best in my 23 years on air.
*BOOM* Obviously, water filtration is a great thing.
It's a good thing.
And I've had water filtration sponsors since the day I got on air.
And over the years, I learned a lot about water filtration.
I learned what the best was.
An Alexa Pure family of stainless steel gravity filters take the already decent and good systems that were out there and took it to the next level of quality, durability, customer service, replacement filters, you name it.
Now, the Alexa Pure Pro is their biggest, nicest stainless steel unit that does the most gallons an hour.
For your home, business, your kitchen, your RV, whatever, it's amazing.
Cuts out all the bad stuff, leaves the good stuff in, the good minerals.
Matt Redhawk and the Patriots over at MyPatriotSupply that have developed these filters.
Ordered a huge amount of them this year.
He has a glut of them at the end of the year.
That's when you get the best deals on cars.
It's when, you know, the new model or whatever's coming out or the next year's coming and they've got to pay tax on the inventory.
$25,000 car, you're probably paying $4,000 or $5,000 in tax on it.
And that's not counting state taxes.
A lot of states have it.
Texas has that too.
This inventory tax, franchise tax.
That's why we try to sell everything out by the end of the year.
So he's offering a filter that's a good deal at $249.
Leading competitors are $300 to $400 for a unit this big, not even this good.
We normally sell for $249 and it's a great deal.
When it's discounted, it's usually $200.
It's $127.
He's selling them to us at cost, and we're making 20-something bucks on them.
I'm doing this as a favor to him.
I said, my God, you're cutting the whole market out.
I mean, I'm all for great deals.
This is insane.
So they're going to sell out very, very quickly.
You want to get Alexa Pure Pro for you and your family.
Get the best, the best deal.
This is the gift of life, the gift of health.
It's amazing.
Alexa Pure Pro at InfoWarsLife.com or InfoWarsStore.com or call 888-253-3139.
Chase the Patriot from California.
Paul Alex.
Chase, welcome to the Airwaves.
This is Chase the Patriot from the front lines of California.
So, I took your reporter challenge on YouTube, Chase the Patriot.
I've been filing reports every single day, but I've noticed a trend.
And there's this false confidence of the Democrats again.
The same thing we saw in the 2016 election.
2016 election. So it's up to us to counter the narrative and to counter their lies.
And one way I do it is with my YouTube page, but also it's through your t-shirts and your
hat, Alex. I want to promote your t-shirts to everyone out there. They are great ways
to meet people who have like-minds, and they start conversations, and you find patriots.
And it's a great way to spread good messages out there. So I highly recommend it, Alex.
When I say these shirts are like shoes you're on adventure.
Wear a mohawn lambe, you'll only meet fellow patriots and gun owners, which is great.
Wear a, you know, big obnoxious InfoWars shirt in red or a Trump-Pence shirt, you're gonna meet your friends and your enemies.
So it's a really great way to spread the word and exercise free speech in the third dimension.
Hey, and one more suggestion on that.
You know, a lot of us have, we might have, I don't want to give away anything, but some of us might have a concealed carry.
And I would like to see a button-up shirt long enough that I can wear untucked so I can still carry on my hip a pistol.
And that's something if you put like a little American flag on the armband.
Oh, it's total genius.
The Info Wars, the Info Wars concealed carry shirt for men and women.
Kind of like a cargo shirt or like a bowling shirt or like a...
A utility shirt, and it's got an American flag, it's black, and it's got that, you know, it's not tapered, it kind of flanks out.
That's perfect.
Yeah, and you know, something you can wear to the office and nobody really knows what's going on.
It just looks like a normal shirt they got from the mall.
But if you can support the cause, you know, if somebody asks, hey, where'd you get that shirt?
It'll say Infowars.com on the inside.
We need to branch out.
We've got so many great t-shirts.
So many for men and women.
Ball caps.
I don't even promote them anymore.
We've got the best shirts we've ever had, and that's something I never even talk about.
So thanks for calling Chase.
God bless you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
Welcome back, I'm Roger Stone and you're on the Alex Jones Show.
You know, it's an extraordinary experience to wake up in the morning and see at least five fake news stories that say that you are on the cusp of being indicted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller on the basis of Russian collusion or collaboration with WikiLeaks.
Last week, I think I blew wide open the falsity of those who said that I had corresponded directly with WikiLeaks or Julian Assange, and I proved by releasing a series of text messages that after Julian Assange said on CNN in June of 2016 that he had a substantial amount of material on Hillary Clinton and he would release it, I was tipped by Randy Credico, a New York City-based talk show host on WBAI, who told me that the WikiLeaks disclosures were both significant and that they would roil the race.
Mr. Credico has denied that repeatedly on MSNBC and I get the impression he's also denied it before the Mueller grand jury and in interviews with the FBI.
The problem is I released this week a series of text messages that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Randy Credico was my source for the significance of those emails and that his long-held defense That he couldn't have told me in June of 2016 that the WikiLeaks disclosures were significant because he did not meet Julian Assange until late August is irrelevant.
Because in these text messages, he reveals that his source was not Assange or anyone else at WikiLeaks, but a woman attorney that he describes as his best and closest friend.
Perhaps that's why the special counsel now wishes to re-interview Mr. Credico.
The notion that I have somehow intimidated him because I urged David Lugo, a filmmaker who's appeared here on InfoWars, to either make a video or write an op-ed piece Truthfully stating that Credico confirmed to him that he was my source regarding the significance of the WikiLeaks disclosures and that he was my source who told me they would come in October is laughable.
How do you intimidate somebody through the exercise of your First Amendment rights and in telling the truth, the provable truth?
Also, the question became, on October 2nd, when Assange held a press event but didn't release any information that particular day, he did, in fact, announce a very specific schedule for future releases.
Saying that there would be a release of material every week through the election and that all US election related material would be released before Election Day.
The Washington Post reported that, and if I may quote, Assange made some vague pledge for future disclosures.
No, Roz, that's not what he said.
Correction demanded.
Typical of the fake news of the Washington Post.
So this whole idea that Randy Credico was not my source has been disproved.
That Randy Credico couldn't have been my source because he didn't meet Assange till August is proven irrelevant.
And the fact that he tells me in the text messages that Assange has concerns about his own security and that that was the reason for the delay between October 2nd and October 7th for the release of the bombshell material.
It's all there for you to read.
Then there's the other falsehood that somehow I, along with my colleague Jerry Corsi, knew about the NBC Billy Bush grab them by the genitals tape and somehow communicated to WikiLeaks so that they would release their material to change the public narrative.
That is a fairy tale.
A fairy tale for which there is no evidence whatsoever.
In fact, on October 2nd, actually the 3rd in US time, Assange had already announced his schedule for future releases.
I knew nothing about the NBC disclosures.
I was as shocked about them as everyone else.
And yes, I feared that they would damage Donald Trump's candidacy, which, strangely enough, they did not.
But the idea that I somehow reached out to WikiLeaks and coordinated their disclosure in order to change the public narrative, Well, that's just delusional.
There's no proof about that whatsoever.
Now, some may say, well, you spoke to Jerry Corsi on the 7th and the 8th of October.
Yes, true, but not about that.
I also spoke to him before that and after that.
Many times.
This proves absolutely nothing.
What we have here is a mainstream media feeding frenzy.
So, for example, Vanity Fair a week ago said Paul Manafort is dishing on Roger Stone.
But then ABC reported later in the week that Paul Manafort doesn't seem to have anything to give the special prosecutor regarding Roger Stone.
So, proof again that Vanity Fair is among the very worst fake news You have to take what you see in the mainstream media with an enormous grain of salt.
What you see is based on speculation, conjecture, and in many cases, wishful thinking.
Yes, I am the conservatives that liberals love to hate.
Maybe this is payback for 40 years of defeating Democrats.
Or maybe I've been targeted because I wrote the Clinton's War on Women.
And because I co-produced the film, Banished, the Danny Williams story.
The true story of Bill Clinton's abandoned African-American son, banished by Hillary.
So I believe that I've been targeted for destruction, not because I have broken the law, not because I've done anything wrong, but because I stood tall for Donald Trump and I helped defeat Hillary Clinton.
Now I need your help.
Please go to StoneDefenseFund.com.
My legal expenses in fighting the deep state could top $2 million.
That's right, two million dollars.
This threatens to destroy me and my family personally, and therefore I need your help.
Not only to fend off the witch hunt investigations by the Senate Judiciary and Intelligence Committee, but the onslaught of Robert Mueller's investigation, which seeks to destroy
my Fourth Amendment rights, and is being led by a woman attorney who was Hillary Clinton's
legal representative at the Clinton Foundation in the illegal email server and missing email
So the same Democrats who say that Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker should recuse
himself based on his previous political activities now say it's perfectly all right for Hillary
Clinton's personal legal attack dog to lead the charge against Roger Stone.
Hypocrisy, thy name is a Democrat.
I'm Roger Stone, here on the InfoWars Network, specifically on the Alex Jones Show.
Please take a quick minute to go to the InfoWars.com store now, because without your loyal support there, we cannot continue these broadcasts.
Our Black Friday specials are really something to behold.
Remember, we have no giant corporate sponsors.
We depend only on you.
So whether it's one of our great nutraceuticals, one of our t-shirts, one of our books, check out these specials now.
But do your Christmas shopping at the InfoWars.com store.
I'm Roger Stone, and I'll be right back.
It's because I know he's for real.
He's trying the best he can.
He's gotten so much done despite the enemies arrayed against him.
And I've been really persecuted at a level we've never experienced before.
50 times the level I've ever experienced.
The demonization, the lies, the harassment, the fake lawsuits.
Because I've supported Trump.
Now why is that?
It's because Trump supports the idea of the nation state, a pro-human future, not a globalist technocracy.
And he really does love this country.
And nation-states stand in the way of mega-corporations allied with authoritarian regimes like China and the EU, dominating and oppressing and controlling populations.
These people lust after controlling and running our lives.
They want power.
I just wanted to state here, with this being the week of Thanksgiving, that I am extremely thankful for President Trump, and I stand with President Trump.
And I'm also extremely thankful to all of you out there.
And I'm appreciative of you, and I love you, and I want to thank you.
And I'm very, very humble for the support and the prayers for all of you that have stood with them for wars over the years and put up with my annex sometimes when I get off the rails.
None of us are perfect.
And I just want you to know that we are all unified in our love of God, our love of justice, Our love of freedom, our love of the rule of law, our love of sovereignty, and this great experience of human life we're all experiencing together, and the long saga, the long march of humanity towards freedom.
And the last 144 years of the American experience, what our ancestors have gone through together.
America's destiny is very, very special.
So no matter where you are in the world, What color you are, or even what your religion is, if you have a sense of justice and a sense of wanting to stand up for the innocent and wanting to build a better world, and you understand that evil people come in and manipulate that goodness in our heart so that we give up our will, our free will, to them.
So these vampires can direct us when they don't have consciences, but they know we have consciences.
So it's a very Delicate balance between being loving and being open and wanting to help people and being deceived and manipulated by bad people to end up doing evil things.
But with Trump and with the American people, what you see with nationalism and patriotism and Christianity reawakening around the world, It's a very, very, very special time.
And this is real.
And we're all in this together.
And Trump is fighting to deliver and to not betray.
But he's not perfect, and he can't act alone.
He can't do this on his own.
And so we shouldn't be two-faced, any of us.
Where we're friends and family and neighbors and virtue signal when they attack Trump and throw him under the bus.
We have to stand up for Trump when that happens because he is a microcosm or an archetype or a figurehead of the spirit of resistance and who we are.
And when we don't sit there and deny the fact that we respect and love him, It gives the enemy power.
So we have to stand and be strong in the face of these bullies and say we're not backing down.
And you have supported InfoWars.
You've made it all possible.
And so I want to thank all of you out there for what you've done.
I want to remind some of those out there that get depressed.
I know I do sometimes.
This is a long journey.
Good ruling this planet is not going to be easy.
That's why it's the Animated Contest of Liberty that Thomas Jefferson talked about.
But we've done incredible things.
We've come from way behind.
Now the enemy's launching their counter-assault.
And we're living in history right now.
God bless you all.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.
And again, thank you all for your support of InfoWars.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen, right here on The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone, and you're on The Alex Jones Show.
Well, the Florida recount is over, and the results are pretty satisfying.
Former Congressman Ron DeSantis, a supporter of Donald Trump and a strong critic of the Russian collusion investigation in the U.S.
Congress, was elected governor of Florida by about 33,000 votes.
Former current governor Rick Scott, who ran for the U.S.
Senate, was elected to the U.S.
Senate by a margin of about 12,000 votes, and then, sadly, second amendment advocate Matt Caldwell, a member of the State House who ran for the position of Commissioner of Agriculture, seems to have lost his bid to medicinal marijuana advocate Nikki Freed by around 6,000 votes.
Two major victories for the Republicans, one major victory for the Democrats.
Now, it's extraordinary that once again the election results came down to Broward County.
Which just happens to be my home county.
There's big news in Broward County over the last two weeks.
First, of course, is the ineptitude, the incompetence, and the corruption of the recount under Brenda Snipes, the elected supervisor of the Board of Elections.
If I were a betting man, which of course I'm not, I would guess that Governor Ron DeSantis will exercise his authority to terminate Ms.
Snipes and appoint a successor, which he has the authority to do.
It's not as if we had no advance notice of the rank corruption and voter fraud that has manifested itself inside the Broward County Board of Elections.
Two years ago, in the Democratic primary for Congress, progressive Tim Canova, who was a Bernie Sanders supporter and was challenging the ever-lovely Deborah Wasserman Schultz, was cheated when his name did not appear on almost a third of the ballots within the congressional district in which he was running.
In some districts, more Democrats voted in the primary than are registered to vote in the district.
And the Broward County Board of Elections steadfastly refused to give him the breakdown of early votes, the breakdown of absentee ballots, and the breakdown of Election Day voting.
He went to court, and the courts ruled that Brenda Snipes had violated both state and federal law.
In fact, the court ordered a recount, only to find out that while the case was pending in the courts, Brenda Snipes had skillfully destroyed all of the ballots, making a recount literally impossible.
Now we have extraordinary additional news from Broward County.
News that was first reported here on InfoWars and turns out to be correct.
We found that during the Parkland shooting, the tragic Parkland shooting, that as many as seven Broward County Sheriff's officers arrived on the scene but stood down along with Scott Peterson, the one officer who was assigned as a school monitor while active shooting was still going on.
This was revealed in an extraordinary article, first in the Miami Herald.
Now, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement is zeroing in on Ron Gunsberger, the counsel to the Broward County Sheriff.
They want to know whether Gunsberger is the man who coordinated The perjury of the BSO command staff who man-to-man-to-man went before the official inquiry and perjured themselves about whether there was any delay between BSO officers arriving at the school and entering to stop the active shooting.
Now I learned that Gunsberger's domestic partner of almost 20 years has left him in anticipation of his impending arrest for directoring the cover-up that caused the tragic deaths of 17 individual students.
Why is it that Broward County seems to be the centerpiece of this kind of corruption?
I think it's because we are essentially a one-party county.
I think it is essentially because you don't have the checks and balances that exist with two-party government, where the Republicans watch the Democrats and vice versa.
This county is so heavily Democratic that there is no oversight on behalf of the taxpayers.
There is no balance.
The one Republican member of the county commission, Chip Lamarca, quite fortunately was successfully elected to the state house.
He now is the only Republican state legislator elected from the county of Broward to go to Tallahassee.
That means there will be no oversight on the County Board of Commissioners.
No oversight on the Broward County Board of Elections.
We saw this graphically when Republican observers were not allowed to watch the recount in violation of the state's Sunshine Law.
My prediction for you is quite simple.
I think Brenda Snipes will resign before the new governor, Ron DeSantis, can fire her.
And I would predict to you today that the governor will also terminate Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, who has profoundly disappointed me by his prevarications Because he assured me that there was no delay between the time that BSO officers showed up at the Parkland High School and the time they entered.
They were standing by while active shooting was still going on.
I do want to remind you we have the war room coming up and we will be taking your calls.
Hopefully we can put that number up on the screen for you.
Owen Schroyer and I are going to be talking about Internet censorship, we'll be talking about the Florida recount, and there you see the number for the War Room, 888-201-2244.
Those are the numbers for the hotline on the War Room coming up in about two minutes.
Lastly, folks, if you like the War Room, If you like the news with David Knight in the morning, if you like the iconic Alex Jones Show, then please give us your support on the InfoWars.com site.
If you go to the InfoWars.com store, you can do all your Christmas shopping early.
Look at some of these terrific specials.
Brain Force Plus, now reduced to $19.95.
Silver Bullet, the best colloidal silver supplement available in the country today, only $14.98.
Alpha Power, this builds stamina for the athlete.
Survival Shield X3, superior to X2.
One of Owen Schroyer's favorites, BODYZ, a turmeric formula that helps with the aches and pains from hard exercise or for people who have jobs where you're on your feet all the time.
These are terrific stocking stuffers that you can get at extraordinary prices.
You'll be satisfied with the product.
But you'll be even more satisfied knowing that you're helping to underwrite the fight for internet freedom.
You'll be helping to underwrite our struggle against those who would snuff out our First Amendment rights.
So please, do your Christmas shopping at the InfoWars store.
It's what Alex Jones would call a 360-degree win.
You get great, effective products, and you help fund the fight for freedom.
I'm Roger Stone.
Thanks for joining me here on the Alex Jones Show.
I'll be right back on The War Room with my colleague, Owen Schroyer, where we're going to talk about the fight over internet censorship.
We're going to recap the results in Florida for you.
And we're going to talk about the need for ballot security if Donald Trump is going to have any chance of getting reelected in 2020.
Thank you and God bless you.
I have an opportunity for viewers and the best in my 23 years on air.
*BOOM* Obviously, water filtration is a great thing.
It's a good thing.
And I've had water filtration sponsors since the day I got on air.
And over the years, I learned a lot about water filtration.
I learned what the best was.
An Alexa Pure family of stainless steel gravity filters take the already decent and good systems that were out there and took it to the next level of quality, durability, customer service, replacement filters, you name it.
Now, the Alexa Pure Pro is their biggest, nicest stainless steel unit that does the most gallons an hour.
For your home, business, your kitchen, your RV, whatever, it's amazing.
Cuts out all the bad stuff, leaves the good stuff in, the good minerals.
Matt Redhawk and the Patriots over at MyPatriotSupply that have developed these filters.