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Name: 20181104_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 4, 2018
1588 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, Jones discusses his experience being banned by major tech companies such as YouTube, Apple, Spotify, and others. He argues that these bans are part of a coordinated effort by the deep state to silence conservative voices and control the narrative. Jones also talks about how censorship has affected other alternative media outlets like Infowars, Prison Planet, and Natural News. He urges listeners to stand up against this censorship and fight for freedom of speech. Additionally, Jones mentions an upcoming interview with a whistleblower who claims to have evidence of vote tampering in the midterm elections. Finally, he promotes his book The Great Reset and encourages people to buy it as a way to support InfoWars.

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Waging War on Corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
My mind always swims through the data.
And I get very, very frustrated, sometimes for days, weeks, or even months.
And then... The big picture.
The endgame.
The master plan.
The destination that I think we should go.
Winning the war crystallizes before my eyes.
We cannot lose the fight for populism, for capitalism, for real freedom,
for true classical liberalism, not modern leftist fascism, if we understand that no matter what the globalists pull or
what they do, if we don't give up and if we don't give in,
If we keep identifying who they are and attacking them from their soft flank, the fact that they're tax-exempt mega-millionaires who don't pay taxes but then lobby for communism and socialism against the general public to control them, if we do that, the point that their world government is unelected and out of control, they will fail no matter what they do.
Now that said, I have done a lot of thinking, a lot of cogitating today about different permutations, different outcomes, different scenarios.
The most important thing we can do is remember just to do the right thing and tell the truth and be moral.
And no matter how the chips fall down the road, things almost always end up ending up good for decent people.
But yes, there is massive unprecedented voter fraud, election fraud by the Democrats.
There is massive suppression of people's free speech in America.
There is incredible outside foreign globalist funding pouring in.
This is the most highly funded campaign ever, they're now reporting.
Yes, there is a giant seawall they've built, a blue seawall, to stop the red wave.
I'm still at a gut level.
I believe that Republicans are going to hold onto the House and Senate, but just barely, because of the fraud.
This is an absolute down-to-the-wire situation.
I shot a live special report about an hour and a half ago titled, Emergency Alert to Trump Concerning Foreign Election Meddling, Voter Fraud, and Censorship.
So here's what I want to get out of the gates right away.
And I had this epiphany as we were going live, as I was permutating the answer.
The election fraud and the suppression of free speech is more important than these midterms.
And allowing the suppression of free speech and the election fraud is the only hope Democrats had of winning via fraud.
So the fact that they let that happen is the only reason they have a shot of winning.
And so after this election, no matter what happens, We need to force the investigation of the fact that it is a federal elections violation for the Democrats to block tens of thousands of conservative, Christian, pro-military groups, pro-gun groups from Facebook, from Twitter, from Google, and admit they're doing it, and then let Democrats operate out in the open, and let Democrats even direct what Twitter and Facebook pages are taking down.
That was on CNBC this Friday.
So it's the criminal actions they're involved in, in and around this historic campaign, the fact that they've been so desperate to go for broke, try to steal back power before America can get its recovery going, and prove that they've been suppressing us.
That's why they're so desperate.
So, as they say, a lot of times it's not the destination, it's the journey.
I still believe we're going to win.
But the fraud is so over-the-top, so evil, that it's almost like if we squeak it out and win, then the blue-blood Republicans and the senile Republican leadership that doesn't understand election fraud or voter fraud or massive high-tech, big-tech suppression, they'll go to sleep even more and allow even more draconian censorship and control into the next election two years from now.
So it really hit me that the number one thing is not even this midterm.
It's defining that Democrats hate America and are not Americans.
That's now their official ideology.
That's not rhetoric.
It's really true.
It's a shickening realization.
I wish that wasn't the case.
And that they're engaged in total criminal activity and are organizing, getting even more radical, and must be dealt with.
That's the real takeaway here.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
We're not even two days out from the kickoff of the 2018 incredible midterm elections.
We're 36 hours out.
And we're live Sunday at 4.06 Central Time from Central Texas.
As loyal Americans broadcasting worldwide, trying to save our republic from foreign mega-banks and a cartel of corporations allied with the unelected EU dictator Juncker and the Chinese communist unelected dictator Xi.
They have been suppressing and bleeding off our jobs, our industry and one-sided deals for decades.
They've been sowing the seeds of racial and cultural and sexual division in this nation.
They have been trying to demoralize this country and break our will.
But all over the world, there is a populist awakening, a red wave.
Of red-blooded people of every race, color, and creed that realize big multinational corporations and banks are working in concert to suppress their populations and enslave them and consolidate wealth.
And so from Brazil to Germany, the globalists were voted out last week.
From England to Italy to the United States in the last few years, the globalists were voted out.
In every major election that's free around the world, populist capitalists are being elected.
And like, day following night, like the sun rising, Suddenly, the floodgates of prosperity open.
I have an emergency message to the President.
I have an emergency message to the American people.
And I have my view and my breakdown of what's about to happen.
If you look at the red wave globally, The populist, nationalist, conservative, Christian wave worldwide.
It's in a response to globalist policies that are meant to make you poor, and meant to overrun you with third world populations that are brought in to de-industrialize, to drive down wages, and to be a client group that goes on welfare that the local socialists manage and feed off of, and skim off of, and use as a permanent underclass, and as a political time bomb.
All over Europe, hundreds and hundreds of fires a night, every day, as the Islamic hordes burn down the cities.
The French Interior Minister on Thursday said, most of our major cities are now failed states.
Tourism is non-existent.
Within five years, if we don't act now, France will be no more.
You ask why would the UN Refugee Agency, why would the UN, why would they build refugee centers up against Europe's borders?
Why would they pay to bring in military age men of the worst type and then let 15 million in and then let them burn and kill and rape?
Because the megacorporations don't want opposition out of Europe or the United States or Australia to form to their global corporate takeover plan like we did in World War II.
They don't want any opposition, any industrialized countries, any powerful governments that can organize and fight them.
The big mega-cores are allied with the unelected head of the EU.
Giving you the axis of evil here folks, the real one.
Radical Islam.
Communist Chinese, Hollywood, the big banks, the globalists, and now they're brainwashing giant third world hordes out of Venezuela and marching them up through northern South America into Central America and the United States and slamming in to the border.
A third migrant caravan of over 7,000 people, it's estimated, smashed through Mexican defenses in Guatemala Friday.
That footage is there.
It's unbelievable.
But don't worry, the national news doesn't show you the images, just like similar things that started six years ago in Europe and led to 15 million.
No, ladies and gentlemen, they don't show you that.
They tell you it's made up or they're peaceful women and children, even though less than 2% are children.
About 16% are women and they're hardcore communists, trained in Venezuela and other areas, living in UN camps for up to a year, given $1,000 mastercards per leg.
This is Reuters.
They're in Reuters and AP and New York Times saying George Soros isn't involved in anything.
The UN's not involved.
But they'll have a separate article going, look how sweet George Soros is giving $1,000 of U.S.
taxpayer money, he gets it through USAID, the State Department, to them.
And then how they give them the training, everything else.
It's incredible.
I'm going to show you.
And for radio listeners, I'll read it off coming up.
But then they then dispatch out Jon Stewart.
He comes out from under a rock.
And he attacks Trump on CNN Thursday, saying, you'd think it's road warrior beyond Thunderdome.
And then I just showed maybe a minute of the fires and the burnings and the shootings and the rapings in just the last week or so.
So again, you ask, what is this about?
Allowing total chaos.
We've already got 35 million illegal aliens in this country.
And again, you say, oh, bring them in.
They're hardworking.
They're put on welfare.
They're taught to have a chip on their shoulder about the country.
They're organized with the Democrats.
It's all admitted.
Democratic, quote, charities that get taxpayer money, they meet at the border in McAllen, in other cities, and they put them on buses and ship them in to different cities to be managed by Democrats who house them and control their identities and skim off them.
This is a giant refugee skimming business.
It's organized crime.
Even the Washington Post admits many of the little girls taken across end up in sex slavery.
Washington Post.
So here is Jon Stewart sticking his foot in his mouth.
I'm watching the midterms.
Man, you would think our country is Mad Max Thunderdome.
This guy is like, they're coming from Guatemala, they're coming from Mexico.
There's a liberal mob that's coming. You wanna drop? You wanna drop? Yeah! >> You're
supporting the president. You don't need support. >> Muslims.
You would think everybody in the country's just like to the bunker.
And it's the UN and the big multinationals literally using the six billion third world population as a weapon, using our social safety net to bring them in and literally, literally own and control them.
They admit that six years after the first illegal aliens were brought in by the EU to Germany and Sweden, 90 plus percent don't have jobs because they're not supposed to.
They live on welfare.
And they're managed in buildings owned by Socialists and Democrats and others.
They are using these people as their slaves.
Meanwhile, CNN refused to run an ad produced by the Trump campaign showing a famous illegal alien cop killer that is sentencing, laughing, saying, I wish I only would have killed more.
And CNN didn't air it, won't let you pay for advertising, which is a form of campaign violation, claiming it's racist.
What, to show the horrible crime wave coming out of Latin America?
To show a guy that's sentencing, who came here illegally, saying I'm going to kill more cops?
Here it is.
The 7,000 migrant caravan crossing Mexico, marching toward our border.
Dangerous illegal criminals like cop killer Luis Fragamontes don't care about our laws.
America cannot allow this invasion.
The migrant caravan must be stopped.
President Trump and his allies will protect our border and keep our families safe.
America's future depends on you.
Stop the caravan.
Vote Republican.
I'm Donald Trump and I approve this message.
Now, illegal aliens commit double the amount of crime of an average American.
It's just a statistical fact.
But again, CNN that helped fund the Arab Spring, and that produces propaganda for the communist Chinese here in America, they tell you you're bad if you point that out.
But you don't see CNN living down in Mexico or living in Guatemala or Venezuela.
Venezuela is a failed state.
All the other countries around it have built walls and fences to stop their collapse, but you're just supposed to say, come on up here and do whatever you want to us.
So when we come back, I think we're going to win this election, but the fraud is so intense we may not.
The key is whether we win or lose the election fraud, the censoring, the intimidation, the next big issue, the next big talking point.
The next thing to secure our future, all of us, no matter what color we are, where we came from, we're Americans, is to stop the Democrats who are anti-American from all of their persecution and bullying and criminal activity.
Win, lose, or draw, they need to go to prison.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show We've got it! This transmission is coming to you.
Coming to you.
(upbeat music)
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
All right, I'm not bragging here.
In fact, I wish I didn't have to be on this treadmill like this, but the country and my children's future demands it.
I have done probably six hours of research today for this show.
I probably did five hours yesterday, and I was up here for about four hours.
And I've been up since 4 a.m.
And that's because I understand what we're up against.
Folks have to really, really get this.
And I know the audience gets it, but for new listeners especially, on my knees I'm begging you, please.
The Communist Chinese have killed 115 million of their own people.
They brag.
Corrupt, robber baron elites that our country fought with, multinational money that came in here in the last 150 years to try to conquer us, Couldn't do it.
So they went and they funded Hitler, that blew up in their face.
They funded the Bolsheviks, that blew up in their face.
To consolidate control, it's on record.
And then they funded Mao Zedong in 49.
Even before that.
It's all been declassified.
And David Rockefeller wrote a book on it.
And they've given them all our industry, all our jobs, to leverage us out.
We have been under attack for decades.
And China owns our debt.
It owns Hollywood.
They have hundreds and hundreds of billionaires.
It's all the Communist Party members.
They are a very evil nation.
Communism doesn't exist.
It's just a name for enslaving your people and they live in slave factories and slave farms and the elite live in palaces.
Everybody knows that about Venezuela or Cuba or North Korea or China or Soviet Russia.
Or the EU for that matter.
The EU exempts the heads of the EU permanent bureaucracy from the EU tax.
So as Trump said, the stock market is up massively since the election, but it's now taking a little pause.
People want to see what happens with the midterms, the President said.
If you want your stocks to go down, I strongly suggest you vote Democrat.
They like Venezuela's financial model.
High taxes and open borders.
And that's it.
Because the elite can then consolidate everything.
There's too much diversity in an open free market nation.
So here's what I'm going to say to everybody.
I wrote today in an article, emergency alert to Trump concerning foreign election meddling, voter fraud, and censorship.
And at the end I wrote, bottom line, Democrats are America hating traitors.
This is a fact.
This is a maxim that they embrace.
Better put, they are not Americans.
Powerful multinational corporations allied with foreign dictatorships knew they could never take down the U.S.
from without.
It had to be done from the inside.
You're witnessing that attempted takedown.
We are literally fighting for the very existence of our Republic.
You understand, that's not rhetoric.
I wish every millisecond that they hadn't converted Democrats to foaming at the mouth anti-Americans, who literally hate God, capitalism, wealth, success, families.
But they sure want wealth and power for themselves, and they believe that if this system takes over, and if they can bring in enough illegal aliens, that then the government is going to socialize everything and give them all a bunch of wealth, when every time they do this, they do the opposite.
All the big globalists, 99% of the billionaires, even the New York Times admits, 99% of the billionaires did not support Trump.
They don't support Brexit.
They don't support getting out of the EU.
99%, Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, General Electric, right down the line, they support globalism, And they don't pay taxes and are offshore.
And you sit there and you look at these professors and their students.
The elite pay for the colleges.
They control the colleges.
Every major college in this country is an anti-American, anti-free speech factory of evil.
Every rich group in the country, except Trump, And Adelson, and to a certain extent, the Koch brothers used to give more to the Clintons and they gave more to Republicans.
Now they're 50-50.
I mean, it's literally, the Kochs have given $2 billion in their history.
Soros has given $32 billion this year.
Carlos Slim, he used to be the richest man in the world, he's number two.
He's given billions to influence U.S.
How are all these foreign millionaires coming here and doing this?
So, here's what I'm saying.
This is election meddling.
The censoring of conservatives and everybody off the internet ahead of this is election meddling.
Not letting Republicans run ads on Facebook or Twitter, but letting Democrats do whatever they want.
That's election meddling.
It violates the Federal Elections Commission rules.
I've talked to top experts on it.
The bottom line is, they are going Completely and absolutely, insanely for broke.
They are going absolutely and completely, insanely for broke.
And they'll do anything.
And so, if they win this election, It's not a referendum that people want Democrats or Socialism.
It's a referendum that breaking all the rules, having people vote by the millions in the names of dead people off the voter rolls, which is confirmed everywhere, and intimidating people and taking foreign money and letting foreign meddling happen, which they blame Republicans for because they're doing it, works and will be the model of suppressing people all over the world from Brazil and Germany just this week voting out globalists and voting in nationalists.
And in Brexit, and in Spain, and in Italy, and in Scotland.
Everywhere where they're allowed to vote, they're voting to get out of the EU.
They're voting to not.
Even the communists and socialists in Europe are now joining the conservatives in Sweden and Germany, saying, yeah, we bring in 50 million more illegal aliens.
They admit they're going to take our pension funds.
We paid for that.
We don't want that.
Yeah, exactly.
Because they're not trying to help these migrants.
They're bringing them in because they're military age men who don't have women with them.
What's that tell you?
So this is make it or break it, folks.
And so whether we win this election or not, it hit me that what matters is Prosecuting the Democrats, prosecuting and stopping the election meddling, the foreign money, the bullying, the censorship, that's the big issue.
And it's a referendum showing the Republicans were too stupid or rolled over or whatever.
Ted Cruz talked about it, President Trump talked about it, Donald Trump Jr.
warned about all the election fraud and Democrats voting, that they're skewing the election and doing all this.
But we didn't do anything about it!
Because we're America and we're free and that can't be happening here.
No, it has happened here.
Got all the undercover videos, all the admissions.
It's insane.
And now they won't take Republican ads on Facebook or on CNN.
I just covered that earlier.
So you understand what's going on.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back, we're going to talk more about this, but there's a very powerful video that just went live minutes ago on newswars.com and infowars.com that I'm going to premiere here, dealing with the class warfare of the Democrats and how they're trying to create classical class warfare and race warfare in this country, and the monster that is Michael.
The Pig Demon Moore.
All this and more straight ahead on the other side.
Whatever you do, spread the live link to the local radio station you're listening to or to InfoWars.com.
I can't believe there's so many traitors and pieces of crap in this country that actively have an inferiority complex with the Republic and a spiritual hatred of it.
And it's spiritual!
Because they will go out of their way to destroy this country and their own future.
Because they have some existential envy that they have to act out.
Working with the worst, most murderous, radical Islam.
Orthodox Islam, the Chai Koms, Juncker.
And it's like, Juncker's the heir to the top Nazis and has all the stolen wealth.
And Soros is.
And it's like, it's so crazy that everyone we're fighting are like super villains.
And their whole histories are pure evil, and then the good guys are under attack!
Let me explain something.
I don't feel sorry for myself being lied about and demonized.
I know I'm in a war.
And I feel good to see America waking up and coming back from the dead to a certain extent.
But you know, people should be way more active and way more aggressive.
Because this is serious, folks.
I mean, we're fighting people as bad as Hitler and Stalin.
I mean, they are really wicked.
And they are doing horrible things to our genetics.
They're doing horrible things to our environment.
The things that globalists are up to are so out of control and so bad it makes the head spin.
And it just makes me sad to see America in this position.
Again, it's mixed feelings.
Good things are happening.
We're coming back from the dead.
But still, it's so cut and dry that people fighting against this country, people fighting against the reassurgence of our republic, They are not Americans.
They're globalists, they want to overthrow the country, they're allied with the most murderous regimes in history, and they know they're involved in a conquering operation.
It's cut and it's dry.
I mean, where are your instincts?
Where is your common sense?
We have to stop going along with the globalists and their minions, and we have to stop trying to placate them and be friends with them and sit here and play nice.
They're not playing nice.
They're a bunch of bullying, evil jerks.
And they now know that InfoWars has the spirit, the program, the code to relaunch it all.
And that's why they treat us like we're death.
Because to them, we are death.
To George Soros, and to Hillary Clinton, and to Barack Obama, and to Lord Rothschild, you understand I'm the Grim Reaper.
Come to their door.
I'm death.
And they know it.
I'm death of their system.
And you're death to them.
We really just love life.
But see, to them, we're death.
And if we won't stand against these possessed people, then we deserve to be enslaved by them, and God will hold us in judgment for allowing them to endanger the innocent and the children.
So I tell you now, those of you that have stood idly by, your soul, your immortal soul, is on the line.
And if you don't stand for the unborn, and if you don't stand for the innocent, and if you don't stand against these monsters, you stand before God.
God will say, I know you not.
You didn't do anything.
But the Holy Spirit touched you to fight these people, and you were of the devil.
So go back from which you came forever.
You are not amongst us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
America, and the few quasi-free countries that haven't been totally taken over by the multinational corporations and their allied consortium of authoritarian nations like China, are just a few you can count on your hand.
And we're under attack.
And the globalists use our open, free societies and our open, free media and our universities and our systems to go train weak-minded collaborators to work to destroy the very fabric of the nation and to call for unfair trade deals and to call for being disarmed and to call for taking the pension funds of old people and to call for the borders to be wide open.
These people have lived so long in an open, free society, they have no survival instincts, no nothing.
But those of us that still do have to get focused and have to understand the threat that we're facing.
It's not about a red wave.
It's not about a blue wave.
It's about The wave of tyranny, the wave of oppression versus the wave of nationalism and populism.
And the wave of tyranny has been rising for 50 years.
But the wave of populism just began to rise and it is huge and it is powerful.
So it's not about every battle that we win or lose.
It's about exposing the globalists and who controls it and moving forward.
And that means exposing the election fraud.
That means exposing the foreign meddling.
The Democrats have jumped the shark bringing in all this EU and Chinese money.
They have jumped the shark and actually meddled.
And the not-need Republicans, whether they win or lose, have to go after these crooks or it's a dereliction of duty.
Now Paul Watson, as he often does, has zeroed in on one of the main sickening evil Culprits of this, and that's Michael Moore, the globalist propagandist.
We're gonna play this on radio and TV right now.
It's Paul Joseph Watson.
Whatever you do, go to newswars.com or infowars.com and get the video and share it.
Because this is how we wake people up to show the class warfare of the KKK Democratic Party and what sick filth they are.
The angry white guy, which actually I'm really Trump's demographic.
You're a Michigan angry white guy.
I'm an angry white guy over 50 with a high school education.
So that's me.
So if I could just speak to my fellow angry white American guys.
Who are semi-uneducated like me?
Oh yeah, you're really a man of the people, aren't you, Michael?
You can really reach out and connect with blue-collar, white, working-class Trump voters who are financially struggling.
You can really sympathize with their plight.
I'm really Trump's demographic.
Give me a f***!
Bray, your net worth is $50 million!
You own nine f***ing houses!
You literally spent $2 million on an extension!
You own a Manhattan condo that was once three apartments!
Oh, but you really represent Trump's demographic!
I'm really Trump's demographic!
Your own neighbors say you don't even talk to them!
You live like the very 1% you condemn, but then claim to have retained the common touch!
I'm really Trump's demographic!
Shut the f*** up!
Listen, I don't care if you're a multi-millionaire.
I'm glad we live in a society where someone who trashes capitalism for a living can get filthy rich from doing so.
But for God's sake, save us the sanctimonious torture of you claiming to represent white working-class people.
And then in the next breath, welcoming the demographic decline of those very same people.
They are fanatical about this because they know Their time is up.
Listen, wearing a baseball cap, refusing to visit a barbershop, and failing to maintain basic levels of personal hygiene isn't fooling anyone.
You're not working class.
You're a smug, conceited New York elitist who spends 99% of his time rubbing shoulders with other smug, conceited New York elitists.
It's going on talk shows where literally every host holds the same pompous liberal establishment opinion, insisting that Trump voters are all angry, illiterate, uneducated rednecks who need to shut up and die out.
Funny thing is that while you laugh it up at old white people dying off, there's one thing that's dying off even quicker.
Your career, your anti-Trump diatribe Fahrenheit 11.9, was a total flop.
It grossed one twentieth of the money you made from Fahrenheit 9.11.
Guess that next two million dollar extension will have to be put on hold.
Your Broadway show was also a complete financial failure.
Even left-wing publication Variety admits you lost your audience.
Because you're a total sellout.
You've become the epitome of of the very thing you started out railing against.
Your first movie was about American jobs being offshored because of globalist trade deals.
Now we get a president who tries to roll back those very trade deals
and you do everything in your power to tear him down.
You're also a relentless hypocrite.
You started off the 2016 election by calling Hillary Clinton
a Goldman Sachs corporate warmonger.
I just heard on the streets of Belfast earlier you supported Hillary Clinton.
[crowd noise]
I'm such a mercenary.
She voted for the Iraq War.
She's funded by Goldman Sachs.
This is not good.
Now we have Hillary Clinton and you to blame for this.
Only to turn around months later and endorse her after the DNC screwed over Bernie Sanders.
You should be out there doing what you can do to get Hillary Clinton elected because every minute counts now.
I mean, this is a pretty good person.
She's a decent person.
I believe that she has made incredible Changes that the left should embrace and we should get out there and get excited about her.
She voted for the Iraq war.
She's funded by Goldman Sachs.
I mean, this is a pretty good person.
She's a decent person.
You literally made an entire movie about the evils of capitalism and the joys of socialism.
Only to stab the only actual socialist candidate in the back.
You initially denounced Clinton as a danger to the world.
Then put on a stage show where you literally stand in front of romanticised photos of a young Hillary, while calling her your forbidden love, while invoking the audience to engage in cult-like North Korean-style adulation in her honour.
Oh, but at least you really support women, right?
Dudes, give it up!
We've been running the show for 10,000 years!
We've had a long run as men, running everything, so why don't we just take a break?
Let the majority gender run the show!
So is Michael Moore really keen for women to take power because he's such a fantastic feminist?
Or is he only saying that because there are more women running on the ballot as Democrats?
Gee, I wonder, who could we possibly ask to get the answer to this question?
I know.
Let's ask Michael Moore.
You know there are so many women on the ballot.
Well, imagine my shock.
Turns out there are nearly four times the number of women running as Democrats compared to Republicans.
You know there are so many women on the ballot.
That's why he wants women to take power.
Not because he cares about women.
Because he cares about power.
Remember when Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a feckless c**t?
Do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless c**t.
The backlash was so severe that even the normally unrepentant bee was forced to apologize.
I crossed the line, I regret it, and I do apologize for that.
Guess what Michael Moore said about that?
He called it brilliant!
Yeah, he really loves women, but only if they're Democrats.
Michael Moore loves women so much, he applauds when they're compared to genitalia.
You feckless...
Such a good feminist.
Michael Moore loves women so much, he paled around with serial rapist Harvey Weinstein for years, calling him quote, one of the best people to work with in this town.
Then when Weinstein was exposed, Moore went quiet for eight straight days.
When asked about it by the media, he refused to comment.
Then when he finally did say something, he basically just blamed all white men.
Funny that, isn't it Michael, that while you were smearing Trump supporters as rapists, if you Hold down the woman while the rapist is raping her and you didn't rape her.
Are you a rapist?
You were best buds with an actual rapist.
Michael Moore loves women so much he bought nine properties then threw his ex-wife under a bus for spending too much money.
So many women on the ballot?
Listen, when your entire relevancy is completely dependent on the very corporate media establishment you used to rage against.
And your only real platform is the corporate media establishment.
Then as a fat, putrid, hypocritical sellout whose career is on the wane, what else are you gonna do but shill for that very same corporate media establishment?
So listen, Michael, keep making your little movies and your stage shows, keep cashing in on that elitist leftist arrogance, and keep being pimped out as a mouthpiece for the very system you once opposed.
But please, Just stop pretending to represent ordinary working class Americans because you're so far away from them at this point.
It's quite frankly shameful and embarrassing.
If the majority of the people had their say on Michael Moore, I think it would be shut down.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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Victor, you're calling.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(dramatic music)
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
You know, there's a place That I really have a blind spot for, and I drop the ball on a lot because I'm always focusing on the new news.
But did you know that three of the five Kavanaugh accusers, after they began to get indicted, or after the police came after them, admit they made it up?
They never met Kavanaugh, he never raped him, it never happened.
Three of the five!
But you barely even see that, you've got to like search for it, and Trump's got a tweet about it, but I have that.
But it gets crazier.
I saw this on Friday, and I did a special show yesterday and never covered it, and I should have, and you gotta go to like the Daily Caller or InfoWars or Drugs Report to find it.
It was in a local New York news, and that was it, that the man they arrested reportedly, he's the suspect, but he's been arrested, for spray-painting dyed Jewish rats and all this horrible stuff on the synagogue Was a black boy, when he was a child, adopted by liberal Jewish parents, and he's gay, and he works at the anti-hate crime center for the police department.
Literally. 99%.
I've got to make a documentary about this for something.
Of the hate crimes.
A poop swastika.
Somebody putting no N-words aloud at the Air Force Academy.
This, the guy that attacked the Jewish Center, not a week and a half ago, but that was real and tragic.
But the guy was knocking over tombstones and spray painting stuff on synagogues.
It was a leftist Jew who hated Trump.
This is just insane!
And then if enough of it gets stirred up, there's going to be some super right-wing crazies that respond.
It's terrible!
But Trump, a vicious accuser of Justice Kavanaugh, has just admitted that she was lying.
Her story was totally made up or fake.
Can you imagine if he didn't become a Justice of the Supreme Court because of her disgusting false statements?
What about the others?
Yeah, he didn't rape anybody on a boat.
He didn't rape anybody in Colorado.
He didn't hold down...
One of the women.
I mean, it's all coming out to be fake.
And the woman said, well, don't indict me.
I've got the quotes here.
She said, you know, I was just a tactic because, you know, he's bad.
Yeah, just a tactic on his two daughters and his wife, too.
You think somebody like Kavanaugh, and out of people that know him, he is neurotic about being Mr. Goody Two-Shoes, top of his class in college and high school and clerking and the Supreme Court.
I mean, this guy literally works like 30 days out of the month.
And would never.
He didn't lose his virginity, reportedly, until he met his wife.
They thought that was embarrassing, so they said, well, just say, not until you're out of college.
He's had sex with one woman!
You ought to be proud of that!
But the point is, is that it's unbelievable.
It's just unbelievable that they do this type of stuff.
And I have experienced it.
And I even found out the people that were there in the meetings, that the lawyers are like, well, that's not enough.
Here, make this up, say this.
And of course they were for the Democrats.
And I'm not going to get into it, but man, when you experience people that will 100% whole cloth, just make up something completely false about you, because you support America and because you support fair trade deals, and because you support your president, It's mind-blowing.
And it doesn't scare me that they're attacking me.
It scares me that they've got so many Americans brainwashed or into the whole groupthink or into peer pressure that they even have a chance of winning these midterm elections.
Because years ago the Republican Party was corrupt and so were the Democrats.
The Democrats were clearly the worst of the two, but the Republicans were a bunch of established bluebloods.
Things have gotten so bad, And Patriots targeted the Republican Party.
We've basically taken 80% of it over with Libertarians and Christians and a Nationalist.
And we've reached out to all the quote minorities.
And that's why the system is willing to get rid of checks and balances.
The two-party system, they want a one-party Democrat monopoly because they're so scared.
Because, I mean, listen, Ronald Reagan got 13 to 15 points in major polls with blacks, and he was the top Republican president in modern history.
You know, back, Eisenhower, when, you know, when He was getting the Civil Rights Act passed.
Martin Luther King was a supporter.
That was like in the late 1950s.
He was getting, you know, like 60%.
But the Democrats flipped the script under Nixon and billed him as the KKK.
None of it was true.
The people bought it because the media said it.
People who'd been, you know, anti-racist joined the Democrats.
Total bamboozle con job.
Well, it's taken decades, but now Trump gets 40% in multiple major polls.
Multiple, multiple, multiple major polls, 40%.
The highest recorded since Nixon is 15.
The Democrats are conniption fitting.
Every indicator shows a huge red wave.
A nationalist wave everywhere globally.
But there's so much fraud, so much election fraud, so many people voting the names of dead people, so much censorship of conservatives.
A bunch of different voting machine companies.
It's actually true that Soros owns a part of or controls 50% of the voting machine companies.
So, they busted Democrats everywhere in these houses, in these mills.
They bust them in California and Illinois and Texas and Maryland and Florida with Democrat women organizing off voter rolls who's dead and then having it filled out by illegal aliens or sent in by them in absentee voting or early voting.
So I don't know.
But can you imagine actually being so brainwashed with Democrats that you go sit in a house all day for 20 bucks an hour and engage in fraud?
But they have converted, from the top to the bottom, Democrats are hardcore American haters.
I challenge you to go to a Democrat event and say, I love America, America's back.
It's like you brought out a wheelbarrow of garlic in front of a vampire.
Or a silver bullet in front of a werewolf.
Or you drug Count Dracula out into the high noon sun.
I mean, you just say that to them at an event.
We've got the videos of it.
They go crazy and begin hissing like you're Linda Blair and the Exorcist.
You say, in the name of Jesus Christ, I command Satan out of you.
When you say, I love America to them, they go... These people are crazy!
They are completely power-mad because their whole ideology is from multinational corporations and foreign governments that want to run our nation.
And I know you're like, Alex, we've heard this five times today.
I know.
I know you know this.
But it's not just me saying it.
It's true.
We're going to go to break.
We've got a special guest coming up.
He's been censored completely off the web, Andrew Torma.
We're going to open the phones up after that.
I've got a bunch of clips I haven't gotten to yet.
We've got ABC News saying, are you ready for your chip implant?
It's so cool, and it's written like a PR piece out of some dystopic movie.
Oh, are you ready for your chip?
It's totally cool.
Everyone's going to get one.
Go ahead and get one.
Oh, 4,000 just got it.
Oh, my God.
You'll buy and sell with it.
If you're not a good globalist, we'll turn it off.
Which is already here with the social score.
It's here.
We're going to go to break.
The crew's been reminding me that I never plugged the Thunder Operation.
Yes, everyone that wants to spread the word on the street for being censored on the web, get an InfoWars.com t-shirt, or a Molong Labe, or a Trump shirt.
We got the best.
They're amazing.
Mean like a wolverine.
Re-elect 45.
And there is a big iodine conspiracy.
Without iodine, you die.
Without oxygen, you die.
Without water, you die.
There's lots of water and air, though.
What there's not is good atomic iodine in the soil.
And it's not in the food.
And if you eat it in fish, there's a lot of mercury.
Well, none of that's in here.
And we came out with an even better deep-earth crystal source, and it's mixed with the other two types of iodines, because it got explained to us by top chemists, it's even better for absorption, and a little bit of vitamin C.
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more. But whatever you do, spread the live links to Infowars.com/show.
And I'll see you next time.
But the globalists now want to target where the resistance came from, so that we're not pesky in the future.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, the founder of Gab, Andrew Torr, was with us for two segments.
I'm going to open the phones up and get your take on what you think is about to happen in 36 hours and a day and a half.
And I see some comments on InfoWars.com.
My left is posing as listeners going, ah, Trump's a big liberal Democrat from New York.
He's not real.
He's going to sell us out, the Democrats.
Oh, is that why we have populist winning in Brazil and Italy?
Is that why the globalists are going so crazy and suing everybody?
No, this is real.
Is there election fraud?
Is there voter fraud?
But Trump's for real.
The globalists have been selling our country out.
And we're going to break that down, too.
But if you want to call and disagree, that's fine.
Agree, whatever.
877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
About 15-20 minutes, we're going to go to some of your phone calls.
But, there's an anti-human agenda, a globalist agenda, and there's a populist nationalist agenda.
There's a renaissance agenda and an enslavement agenda.
Donald Trump's not out there like ABC News saying, are you ready for your chip?
Trump's not attacking your family.
Trump's not saying we need to open borders and drive down wages.
He's a good populist.
And you know he is because they hate his guts and the country's turned around in only 21 months or 23 months like magic.
It's about to go straight back down again.
The cynics out there, I guess you haven't been as deep as a foxhole as I've been.
Let me tell you something.
They're working around the clock to shut Trump and his family down.
They're working to shut me down.
They're voting to de-platform us, take our banking away.
They've done it to Andrew Torba of Gab.com, blamed for that horrible person that shot people at a Jewish center.
The rabbi there is not blaming him.
He hated Trump.
He hated populism.
He had Facebook and Instagram accounts and never said any of this stuff on Gab.
But see, Gab's independent, so Gab had to get blamed.
But Andrew's got updates for us and reportedly is about to go back online, rising like the phoenix.
Andrew, thanks for coming on with us.
Thanks for having me, Alex, and we are back.
You're getting the world exclusive right now on Infowars.com.
Gab.com is back online.
We have the most traffic that we've ever seen in our existence, and we are proud to be back online defending free speech and individual liberty.
You know, the media tried to smear us.
They tried to smear myself and my business and our community of over 800,000 people from around the world.
We were taken down off the internet for an entire week.
Our team worked around the clock.
We found some amazing new partners, including epic.com, B-P-I-K.com to be our domain registrar,
to stand by us, to say, we are gonna support these guys.
We're gonna support this community of over 800,000 people.
And thanks to all of this hard work and all the support from our community and our new partners,
we are back on the internet.
We are going to come back with a vengeance and be back bigger and better than ever before
and prove the media wrong and show the world that our community is filled with patriots,
is filled with great people from around the world, from all different backgrounds, from all different races,
from all different religions, who support individual liberty
and free expression on the internet.
And we're proud to be back online and happy to be announcing that live on InfoWars as we speak.
Well, we appreciate you coming on and doing that, and we'll come back in the next segment and talk about this, what you've gone through, the latest developments, and we're going to go from here.
Started two years ago, exponentially rising.
At current rate, in like two years, you'll have more than 10 million users.
That's why they're trying to shut you down.
And if you pull back, think about how they're persecuting me, you, everybody.
We're going to now find our own communities, find our own infrastructure, and build a system that challenges Silicon Valley, exactly what you set out to do two years ago.
Absolutely, Alex.
They can't control us, and that's why we're so dangerous to them, and that's why they try to smear us and our community and myself and the business.
We're not going anywhere.
We're going to keep fighting, and we're going to win.
We're going to come back and get into all that, but as we speak, Gab.com literally just went up in the last 30 minutes.
Everybody, get on the establishment platforms, Twitter, Facebook, Google, all of them.
Let them know, A, Gab's back up.
B, this guy said the exact same stuff on their platforms, and they used it to try to shut him down.
So shame on them.
They always say, go do your own platform.
Yeah, right.
They want to shut everybody down.
They want a monopoly.
They're working with Communist China.
Think about that.
Google and all them work with China the biggest mass murderers in history.
We need to go back and revisit the foundations of our freedom.
Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it UN Agenda 21, now they call it the UN 2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
Never miss your show, any day.
I mean, what? I mean, never!
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Well, big tech has been working with the Democrats, the EU and other authoritarian regimes like
China to openly begin to censor nationalists, patriots, conservatives, Christians, Falun Gong, Buddhists,
you name it, that don't play ball with the globalists.
And then Gab.com, around two years with 800,000 users, accelerating towards 10 million and a logarithmic growth rate, scared Twitter and Facebook and Microsoft, so they've been trying to shut it down.
Then that monster that went into the Jewish Center a week and a half ago, Had sent four minutes before he went in on Gab, I'm going in, screw your optics.
He'd also said similar things on Instagram and Facebook.
That wasn't a problem for them.
They have live murders and you name it.
No, it was all about Gab.
Because they couldn't blame the president.
Because on Gab, he talked for hundreds of pages how much he hated President Trump.
Because President Trump was pro-Israel.
And all this other crud.
And really wasn't even a capitalist.
And so they had to get rid of Gab and get rid of the evidence.
So why not do that and blame the First Amendment and legitimize the purge of free speech off Big Tech?
Andrew Torba joins us now to give us the update that Gab, World Exclusive, has just gone back online, and then his response to what he expects them to do next, who the great folks are that are working with him, and what he makes of this election, I think, being a referendum on free speech, because regardless of who wins, we need the Republicans and others to go after the Democrats and big tech for their massive censorship.
To me, that's really the big wave, is the authoritarian censorship, Andrew, because they say, build your own site.
Then they all celebrated when you went down a week ago.
Absolutely, Alex.
They tried to take us down in every means necessary.
They went after our hosting providers.
They went after our payment processors.
They went after our domain registrars.
They went after us on the app stores and kicked us off both app stores.
And yet here we are, still standing, 100% powered by the people.
We've got an inbound of hundreds of engineers who want to work with us.
Hundreds of different investors who want to help fund and support Gap.
Hundreds of thousands of people from around the world who have seen our story, who have seen how the media has treated us, who has treated myself and my family and attacked us.
Try to label us as the terrorists putting my photo up alongside of this disgusting, despicable human being who allegedly committed this terrorist attack and trying to take down Gab, take down me, and take down our community of 800,000 people from around the world in the process.
And we stood up and looked these people, these deceivers, in the face and said, no, we will not be defined by the actions of one individual on our website.
We are a massive community of people from around the world who believe in individual liberty and free speech.
We will get back online and we will come back with a vengeance and be greater and bigger than ever before.
That's a real hallmark of authoritarianism in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia.
If somebody down the street did something wrong, you'd get sent to the gulag.
And again, the way they took you off the web and then lied about what you stood for and what you did, that's the essence of the censor, is they don't just silence you, it then allows them to build straw men and defame you.
Well, Alex, the scary thing about this is they wouldn't even let us get our side of the story out.
And that's why I refuse to do interviews with the mainstream media.
That's why I came on InfoWars.
That's why I talked to a local news anchor, someone who watched me grow up, who knew my character, knew my family.
He's an objective reporter.
He's an actual real journalist.
I gave him, you know, one of the world exclusives for the mainstream media and CNN and everybody else picked it up because He actually gave me a chance.
You actually gave me a chance to tell our side of the story.
The rest of them smeared us like no tomorrow, put my face alongside of this terrorist, painted the Gap community of 800,000 people as a bunch of Nazis and racists and white supremacists, which is totally not true.
And we came out and we emerged stronger than ever before, and I hope we woke up a lot of people.
I hope we woke up a lot of people who are saying, wait a minute, you know, I see stuff on Facebook and on Twitter and everywhere else on the Internet every single day that is insane.
And they're not blaming these companies or calling for Mark Zuckerberg to be arrested or calling for Twitter to be taken off the Internet.
So why are they pointing at this social network that says it stands for free speech?
So people are questioning what they're told, and I hope that this helps in some small way to propel the Republicans to victory on Tuesday with a massive red wave, and we can look back on this and say it was all worth it, and Gab is going to be bigger and greater than ever before because of it.
That's right.
And I was so busy, even though I had, you know, like five, six million followers on Twitter with all my accounts.
I barely tweeted myself.
They've taken almost all those away, which is fine because they'd already had a shadow man.
But I know the crew's on Gab.
We have an M4's on Gab with like 55,000 people.
That's going to be back now.
I'm going to be plugging in.
I want to get it up to a million.
And again, the way you're exponentially growing, logarithmically, just starting, what, two years ago?
Already at 800,000.
It's your growth rate that scares them.
What's your projections for how fast gab.com can explode up to, say, 10 million users?
Alex, after this, I wouldn't be surprised if we hit something like that in the next couple of years, you know, very, very quickly.
And that's what scares them.
And we're not on app stores.
We've been barred.
We've been smeared by media outlets for two and a half years, and yet we continue to grow.
Before we went offline, we had, you know, some of our best metrics of all time, you know, the month prior, the past 30 days before this horrific terrorist attack and this horrific smear by the mainstream media.
And that's why they're afraid, because they kicked us off the app stores, they kicked us off hosting providers and all these other things, and yet we still kept growing, and they couldn't stop it no matter what.
So they took the opportunity this monster being on GAB and used it to try and bury us,
to try to put the nail in the coffin, to make sure that GAB never came back and
nobody would ever take GAB seriously and yet now what's going to happen is
people are waking up they saw this nonsense, they're questioning it and they're
gonna sign it for GAB, and you're gonna see that GAB is filled with great
people. Well they want to set the precedent to be able to shut down anybody they want anytime
they want.
The site just went back up.
It's propagating.
Everybody needs to use it.
Everybody needs to get on there.
There's Infowars.com.
I know we have another one on there with 55,000 people using it, but that's great.
People can follow us there or on the Alex Jones one that's there at Gab.com.
Again, whoever wins this election coming up on Tuesday, 36 hours out, The Republicans, and everybody's making an issue out of their draconian, deplatforming, depersoning, need to make an issue out of the incredible censorship and foreign money and foreign meddling coming into metal.
The Democrats have claimed Republicans meddled.
There's no evidence, there's massive evidence of election meddling with the censorship.
And I think Congress and others need to take action.
That's really the big issue for me, Andrew.
Absolutely, and hopefully the President will come forward.
You know, he knows what's going on.
He's tweeted a few times about the censorship from Twitter and Facebook and Silicon Valley and others.
So I think he is aware.
I think he's waiting until after the midterms over to tackle this problem, and hopefully He tackles it soon because it might be too late if he waits too long, you know, before the 2020 election cycle starts.
Because that's when you think that they're going crazy right now.
You think that there are no platforming people right now.
Just wait until you see what they have up their sleeves based on what my sources inside of Facebook, inside of Twitter, inside of Google have told me.
Based on what I know about how these people think and where they're going in the direction of the future, you can expect massive amounts of censorship and no platforming over the next 18 months.
And I hope, I hope that the president will take action before it is too late.
You're absolutely right, because you again, you worked in Silicon Valley and saw the citizenship beginning, that's why you left and sort of gapped, thank God, two years ago.
And I've talked to a lot of folks, the President specifically talked about, you can't just get rid of one guy, then it's everybody about me.
He's talked about it on the campaign trail, so has Ted Cruz, but others go, oh, it's their own company.
No, they don't follow their own rules.
They let the left call for violence to whoever they want.
They lie about us.
They let us promote their sites forever and then kick us off.
It's a violation of terms of service to us.
It's false advertising.
It's racketeering that these companies work as cartels in conjunction and admit they are.
And now they've gotten away with it, with you and others and me.
Now they're very naked.
Now they're not even giving excuses for thousands of Twitter and Facebooks being taken down a week.
Because they know there's a rebellion against the repression.
Andrew, I want to get you on soon to celebrate Gab's relaunch and what's happening and how you're going to handle them trying to set you up and what your inside sources in Silicon Valley are telling you.
Gab.com, Andrew Torba, fighting back from the dead.
God bless you, we really appreciate you.
Thanks, Alex.
We'll be back with your phone calls and a lot more.
This is an important election.
It's 36 hours away.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Look, here's the big takeaway.
Whether we win this election or lose it.
And I think all the evidence points towards winning, except there's such a wall of fraud, people voting in the names of dead people that they're stealing their identities from, electronic voting machine manipulation, all the censorship.
Regardless, we have really seen The Republican Party act like a bunch of lobotomized baboons when it comes to dealing with concerted, cartel-level censorship and suppression and deplatforming and harassment of nationalist and patriotic Americans.
This is mafia activity.
And it's just so big and so hard to tackle, Congress doesn't know what to do.
It's very alien to our country.
I understand that.
But it's estimated Trump has lost $2 billion in his businesses and life since he ran for president.
Well, they've tried to ruin InfoWars, and my mission is just getting the word out.
My goal is not just to make money, and that's not a bad thing if you're a business person.
Money, to me, is a weapon to fight and try to grow and do more.
I'm totally committed to this fight.
And if we lose this election, it'll be a big wake-up call and we'll rally a lot of people to take action and do something about the censorship and the foreign meddling and the things that are confirmed.
Everything the Democrats have blamed Republicans for, they have done openly.
China is in the open buying ads, full-page, four-page ads in magazines, newspapers, radio ads, putting down Trump and America and buying up Hollywood and all this.
And Trump's talked about that.
But we need to take action against this, and then the censorship and the rest of it.
Because the Democrats are like mad dogs.
And then they lie about everything.
They let the UN build, with U.S.
taxpayer money, these big refugee centers, and they recruit leftists and others into it, so that they can then ship them up here to be part of the Democratic Party plantation.
And it's just, it's criminal!
The Democratic Party has converted to pure criminal activity.
And so, red wave, blue wave, how about the censorship wave?
How about the UN crushing our borders wave?
That's what I care about, and Trump is taking action.
Trump is taking action, but there could be some real tricks up the globalist's sleeves.
The deep state's already committed so many crimes publicly.
Election fraud.
Voter fraud.
We know what's going on.
So, the tea leaves, and the red wave global, and record turnout by conservatives, and people, and these huge crowds for Trump, and little crowds for Democrats, that all bodes for a Republican victory.
But then, the level of things I've seen in persecution have been so amazing, That I'm not so sure.
And I'm not hedging my bet here.
But regardless, let's not cry on election night if we lose.
We want a major, major battle getting Trump in and turning the economy back on.
And the Democrats try to get in and run that, the dirt will blow up in their face.
But if we don't fight back against their criminal tactics and stop the censorship and push back, maybe that means all of you file lawsuits, whatever.
If we don't do that, They are going to win, just as sure as the sun came up.
Now, I'm going to start going to your phone calls right now.
One more thing I want to say, I saw in the comments in the article, Red Alert, Dems, Deep State set to steal 2018 midterms.
Warren's Alex Jones.
They're set to do it.
They're trying to do it.
And I see commenters going, Oh, Trump's from New York.
He's a big Democrat.
Oh, Trump not.
Let me tell you something.
Trump's real.
I'm real.
They're trying to destroy us.
The globalists are fighting so hard it'll make your head spin.
And what we are is real Americans who just want the country back and don't want to be run by foreign interest.
And so everybody needs to quit lying to themselves.
This isn't like past campaigns.
This isn't like past Republicans and Democrats.
We're corrupt.
We're working together.
I'm the king of exposing that.
Trump's a populist and is for real, just like The new leader of Brazil, or the new leader of Italy.
And people are trying to kill him!
They stabbed him with a big ol' butcher knife in front of everybody!
They're trying to kill Trump!
Believe me, I know I don't work for the establishment.
Boy, they're after me with dogs!
Let me tell ya!
And it only makes me want to fight harder.
Now we got sent some video, and we're looking at to see if it's real or not, of what looks like the same engineering equipment that I saw being brought down to the Arizona-Mexico border that we showed video of last week that was linked on DrudgeReport.com.
Other folks have sent in video that to me looks like Afghanistan in a lowland area or something.
I almost think I've seen the video before.
And it's U.S.
Army, regular Army getting shot at.
And they're ducking for cover.
But callers are calling in about this and it's going viral.
So I'm going to play some of it.
Not with audio because there's cussing all over it obviously.
And I'm going to discuss it, not saying it, it's obviously real footage of troops getting shot at, but I just, gut level, I think I saw it a couple years ago, but the point is, somebody's talking about, look, here's our troops down there, but it's the same colored vehicles, it looks like the same vehicles, which is like, well, I saw those exact same weird-looking engineering vehicles.
They have these weird grates on the side that I've only seen in this video of stuff on the border with Arizona.
Then I'm like, where have I seen it before?
So I'm not doubting that our troops are down there getting shot at because they shot at the Mexican troops.
That's been confirmed.
They've killed some Mexican troops.
You go down to the Texas border, Arizona border, you get shot at.
People get killed all the time.
And so, I mean, there's cartels down there.
God, Lord only knows.
So I don't know.
You guys can find some parts that don't have cussing.
I'll play that when we come back.
But regardless, they've had three caravans smash over the Guatemalan border going into Mexico.
And then there they are, like we told you.
They're on trucks.
They're on buses.
They said, oh, you're a conspiracy terrorist.
And now they admit they are.
And then George Soros is in Reuters.
Got the article right here saying, yeah, we're funding it all.
So they deny it and say you're anti-Semitic.
Document cam shot, please, for TV viewers.
And then they admit in another article, here's Reuters, George Soros, MasterCard, a partner to aid migrants and refugees, Reuters, that's two years ago, or 22 months ago.
And I got a stack of it now, where they're bragging that they are funding it, that half of Beto's campaign is funded by Soros, and I've got MasterCard.com saying it.
They give $1,000 per leg from Venezuela through each country is $1,000.
You can take luxury bus trips on that.
And stay in hotels and have all your meals.
It's paid for by USAID, given to the State Department, given to the U.N.
MasterCard's supplying migrants with prepaid bank cards.
Sorry, the MasterCard.com one here.
So, it's all there.
And aren't you insulted when you see the New York Times going, anti-Semites are saying George Soros He's funding migrant caravans.
It's not true.
He's a philanthropist banker.
George Soros renounced Judaism.
George Soros helped round Jews up.
George Soros said, I am not a Jew on 60 Minutes.
He doesn't believe Israel should exist.
Benjamin Netanyahu says he's an enemy of Israel.
But then if I play a clip of him saying he helped round up Jews, I'm a bad person.
Yeah, there's the MasterCard article.
MasterCard and George Soros.
That's, again, two years ago.
I mean, you know, it's ridiculous.
What did I tell you?
I said they give them $1,000 per card.
I said that last week just from memory.
Because I remembered seeing that, and there it is.
Tomorrow's news today.
Your calls, straight ahead.
You might have heard of the GRA, which is the Gender Recognition Act.
At the moment, the UK government has set up a survey which could change the lives of trans and non-binary people by making it easier for them to change their birth certificate.
This is not about toilets, and this is not about passports.
This is about making, or could make, that transition a little bit easier.
As a non-binary person, I and the whole community really need your help with this consultation.
It takes 10 minutes, it's a really quick survey, and it can really impact people's lives for the better.
25 years ago, Monsanto came out with field trials.
...of the terminator seed for cotton and soybeans and many other plants.
And when that plant goes through its life cycle, it doesn't produce seeds that can produce another plant.
You have to go back to the company, the biotech company, to be able to get seeds that, again, only germinate and only produce another plant one time.
And, of course, then they stack other genetic traits like pesticide into them So that bugs wouldn't eat them.
But said it's safe for you to eat the pesticide.
Kind of like they said glyphosate's safe to drink as well.
Same company.
And if you're gonna ask, why are you starting a discussion on transgenderism with the Terminator seed?
Well, because I've read the textbooks in the 50s and 60s that were produced then about the plan.
To promote the end of the family, the end of the nuclear family, and to promote homosexualism, and then to promote non-gender, and to have literally shaved heads and gray uniforms, and that this would start in the elementary schools and then move up, beginning with confusing the sexuality of children, and that finally when you were done, people would be asexual, meaning they do not want to have sex.
And this thing needs your help to spread its word.
So it's come to your planet and it needs your help and it needs you to spread what it's doing to your children to teach them that they're not a boy or girl and to rob them of their most basic identity before they ever even really came of age and had a choice in the new transhumanist world if they wanted to become a cyborg.
So we make jokes about Roswell and aliens and sexless creatures and the gray aliens of the future.
And people that are into that stuff say it's time-traveling humanoids coming back from the future because something has made them where they can't reproduce and they're trying to get an original human DNA to relaunch the species.
And I used to hear that and think that's crazy science fiction.
But now, you see where the globalists are taking us.
Wow, is that true?
Because they're making it so fashionable to be a sterilized humanoid who's asexual.
The planet will serve us well.
See, I don't believe in aliens.
I'm simply making the parallels here to how the real aliens are here.
You take a human and you make them part cow so they can grow large humanoids up inside utero of cows.
What is that?
It's an alien.
It's not of this world.
It's artificially created.
It's new.
Your planet will serve us well.
Aliens don't come from outer space, folks.
Right now is Massive Rampage Force.
Go ahead.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live, raw and unfiltered.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm watching the midterms.
Man, you would think our country is Mad Max Thunderdome.
This guy is like, they're coming from Guatemala, they're coming from Mexico.
There's a liberal mob that's coming.
You voted Trump!
You voted Trump!
You're the president.
And you would think everybody in the country is just like, to the bunker.
If you're a radio listener, we show footage of gates being smashed down, police being attacked, helicopters being attacked, burning buildings, burning cars, borders collapsing, and then Jon Stewart making a big joke out of it.
All right, we're going right to your phone calls now.
We've got to Lee and Travis and Jefferson and Joe and Johnny and Kevin and Bruce and Joe and Patrick Sam and
Nathan and everybody else.
We're good to everybody.
Let's go ahead and take a call here from.
Kevin in West Virginia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I hope you're having a great and wonderful day.
I actually moved to Maryland and I had to vote in Maryland for the early election, or for early voting.
And one thing that I witnessed, people had already voted and they're letting them vote again.
And this was in Hagerstown, Maryland.
And I don't quite understand how they can do that.
What were you saying?
Well, I'm blind so I didn't see it.
I could hear them saying, You know, oh, you voted yesterday, but you can go ahead and recast your vote again today.
I mean, it's insane, and I wish I could have pulled my phone out or recorder at the time and got this.
On audio or something, because I usually carry a recorder.
Well, sir, I believe you because they busted Democrats, it's funny, this year in Maryland and in Texas and all over doing the exact same type of crap, and it's always Democrats because they have no morals.
And what do you do when you're dealing with a group of criminals like this?
So you're sitting there listening, and I love it how the most confident folks you run into when it comes to listening are blind, and so I guess they think you've got your white cane or whatever and you, you know, You're not to be paid attention to, but meanwhile, you heard them.
Obama said, vote early, vote often.
Hillary said that.
Remember Obama, two and a half years ago, told illegal aliens, if you are in the U.S., you're a citizen.
Yeah, absolutely.
One thing that I had on my mind, and somebody in a prominent position like you would be one to ask, How can I use my blindness to infiltrate and get in them and get close to them and run ops like Veritas does?
Oh, they'll never think of somebody.
You're the perfect spy for America.
I would talk to Veritas and I would talk to others.
Or, a lot of these people run mafia operations.
Democrats are a criminal group.
You've got to be very, very careful because they're running Child trafficking, female trafficking, drugs.
I mean, they're usually running multiple rackets.
But, I mean, if you just try to volunteer for one of their get-out-the-vote organizations, and then you have, say, a 24-hour little recorder on you, you know, that can record for long periods of time, you just get in there, and you, and just guarantee, like, it's like Project Veritas's head has said many times here, You go to any Democrat meeting, they're talking about running whores, they're talking about tax evasion, they're talking about stealing money, they're talking about welfare fraud.
I mean, everywhere Veritas goes, every time, it's criminal.
Because the Democrats are a wall of criminal scum.
And when you finally realize that, I've been on air 23 years, and it took me at least 15 to realize, man, they are so bad, that it just makes your hair stand up on end.
It's crazy, and yeah, I want to do this.
I have nothing to lose, and I'm definitely willing to put my life down on the line for my country, no matter what the cost is.
Well, the big thing is having a platform so they don't know it's you.
You go to the operation, you do it for a while, you disappear for a while, and then, you know, somebody works with you who's visually, you know, able to do it.
Helps put it up on YouTube, helps put it out as a story, and then they're willing to, you know, take the heat as the reporter that did it.
You need a teammate or somebody to work with you, and Kevin, so God bless you.
I appreciate your call, but be safe.
But I agree, it's time to take action.
Let me tell you.
I've sent Democrats to prison in Austin, did one sting, went into the meeting, knew the Telecommunications Commission was selling out people, running a scam.
I confirmed it myself, this is like 12 years ago.
Busted the guy, he spent seven years in Huntsville.
One operation, two hours work, sent his ass to Huntsville.
You go to a Democrat meeting, they're engaging in criminal activity.
I've never not seen it.
And that's part of the wake-up calls.
You're like, you see movies where criminals are like, yeah, I'll rip this off, I'll screw them, I'll take it all.
You're like, people aren't like that.
Yeah, they are.
Yeah, they are.
They are just evil.
So, it's like fishing, the best fishing you ever fished in.
You drop your line in a Democrat cesspool, just look out what you might pull out, though.
Because let me tell you, they're crooks.
Okay, let's take another call here.
Let's talk to Jefferson in Virginia.
Jefferson, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Alex, it's a real pleasure to speak with you.
A true American patriot you are.
Thank you, brother.
What's on your mind?
First off, George Soros admitted to being an atheist.
He can't be a Jew and not believe in Yahweh.
That's right.
So, let's use that on him every time we can.
Speak about anti-Semitism.
He's not a Semite.
He's not a Jew.
He gave it up.
But as far as the election goes, I believe five to seven of the House races are going to be so close that they're going to go into automatic recount mode.
And then who's ever at the losing end of the stick there will file suit in state court and they'll go to the Supreme Court of each state.
So this will be like Bush versus Gore all over again.
That's what I was saying is we have to contest every race because we know there's fraud.
Even if we win, we have to contest all the stuff we lose because we have to fight them.
We can't just keep letting them do this.
It's an enormous opportunity to expose an awful lot of fraud and corruption going on in the election process and put it to bed, finally, using the legal system.
I don't know if it's going to get to the Supreme Court before February of next year.
I don't know how quickly they can get to it.
But at least we have that in our favor in the end.
But it's going to be a weird lame duck session in Congress here when the investigating committees are run by Republicans and they're investigating voter fraud by Democrats.
Well, if the Republicans had huevos, and we win, We could have already, the last two years, destroyed them with all the stuff they did.
Instead, the Republicans play nice.
And so if the Democrats get in, they're going to go on a jihad.
That's what we've got to get on the immediate offense as the public.
No, contesting like Democrats did the election.
But instead of there being no beef, no proof, we've got total proof.
The Chinese government bought full-page ads and four-page spreads and hundreds of newspapers and put their name on it!
I agree with you.
It's time for us to take off the gloves and finish this thing off, using the legal system at the very least.
Oh, absolutely.
Listen, I wish the Democrats were normal.
I wish they weren't so evil and it wasn't such a death battle.
I'm not happy about having to say all this on air, but it only steals my resolve because these people are unspeakably bad.
Do you think we're going to win on Tuesday?
I think it's neck and neck.
It's going to be so close, it's just going to be a mess for a long time to straighten this out.
And if there wasn't total fraud, I think the Republicans would gain, what, 25 houses in the House?
25 seats in what, six, seven seats in the Senate?
What do you think?
I think it'll be a narrow win at the House if we can manage that, but the Senate's not going to be a problem.
No, no, I'm saying if there wasn't all this fraud, I think there'd be a Republican landslide.
But, you know, the fraud's been going on for a long, long time.
Somebody's just got to prove it.
They prove it all the time!
That's what's crazy!
Thank you for the call.
But we've got to prove who it's coming from.
Hell, Veritas got the head Democrats in New York admitting, yeah, we have people vote ten times apiece.
We bust them around.
That's what they do!
Illegal aliens, homeless people themselves.
They walk them in there and they vote over and over and over again.
I just can't bring myself to cheat, but man, I've almost thought about it, I tell you.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Just a heads up here, Alex Jones back live.
We're gonna be live at 8 a.m.
tomorrow until midnight.
David Knight, my show, Owen Schroer, Roger Stone's flying and he lands in about an hour.
We may do a special live broadcast tonight.
And then on election day, we're gonna go throughout the entire night.
A little 36 hours.
We'll kick off at 8 a.m.
and then just go right through the next day.
Whatever fireworks there are, we'll cover it.
One day, 17 hours, 12 minutes, 28 seconds.
The most money's been spent on this election ever.
All the foreign money's flowing in.
And the Republican establishment just sits there, never breaks the rules, always.
Believe me, I study it all.
They just follow the law exactly.
And the Democrats just run around like the demonic leftists they are, doing whatever they want, and never get in trouble.
Well, that falls on the Republicans now.
Trump's been trying to do something, but I'm telling you, It's time for citizens to go to D.C.
and start lobbying that they get these censors off our backs, and that Washington stop being scared of the Democrats in the mainstream media.
All right, Bruce in Illinois, you're on the air, and then Travis, welcome.
Yes, thank you, Alex.
Alex, I'm very concerned about the election, not only at the federal level, but at the state level.
Here in Illinois, we have a billionaire running for governor by the name of J.B.
Pritzker on the Democrat ticket.
He has already spent more money of his own personal wealth to become the governor of the failed state of Illinois than Donald Trump has spent of his own personal wealth to become President of the United States.
I saw that.
Pritzker is actually running for the express purpose of literally trying to take as many guns and as many magazines as he can possibly take, and he's said that publicly in Chicago Tribunaz, our stories.
He's also wanting to raise our income tax, our property tax.
The Democrats as a whole at the state level are looking for a statewide rent control.
So they're bringing in Venezuela-level control.
He spent $80 million so far, right?
Actually, I think it's more than that.
I think it's $140 million.
Well, that's an old article I had.
Well, you know Beto's got a billion-dollar wife, Eris.
He is a complete fraud.
It is over $100 million that he's laundering to bring in illegal aliens and the caravan.
Well, see, Alex, they're doing this at the local and state level, and that's the reason why I'm calling.
See, I was also the caller to your show on this Sunday before you went to see Piers Morgan.
And I made a comment during that call that there was a purge coming.
And I was able to make that call because the Democratic Party are the new Bolsheviks.
And the Bolsheviks are masters at deception, disinformation.
Oh, no, I agree.
They're following a Bolshevik plan.
They're following a Bolshevik plan.
And they mean to absolutely, literally kill us if they get full control.
You don't have to tell me.
They've told me.
I mean, I know.
Because, see, when the Bolsheviks take power, Like what they want to do with J.B.
Pritzker here in Illinois.
They don't share it with another party.
They purge.
Use the policing powers of the state to go after their opposition.
And that's why we have to vote at the local, state, and level.
And I'm trying to explain to people, when you look at the last two and a half years, Alex, we have had nothing but calls of violence by the Democratic Party and their willing accomplices in the media.
We've had the massive censorship that I told you was coming, you know, Back on the call that I talked to you about before you went to Piers Morgan.
That purge is coming.
And if the Democrats win at the local, at the state level, they're going to continue that purge.
No, I agree.
The whole Strong Cities thing, killing cops, the Democrats were funding that, was to intimidate police to go under their control.
They didn't fully.
But they want control of police power.
You're absolutely right, Bruce.
God bless you.
We'll be taking a ton of calls tomorrow and right through all these shows.
All right, let's go ahead and talk to Travis in California.
Let's talk about microchipping and cashless society.
Says he was in China where they now have loudspeakers saying, you are tracked live by internet and computers and face scans.
Submit to communism or you will be starved to death.
And here's ABC News today, even Fox News too.
Are you ready for a chip?
And they report it like it's so wonderful and so sexy and so cool.
Everyone's getting microchips.
Oh, it's so fun.
What's your take on that, Travis?
Hello Alex, thank you for having me.
It was kind of an amazing experience.
I had the opportunity to go to mainland China and parts of Hong Kong for a short period of time, and I really was not prepared.
I understood that it doesn't have the luxuries such as, you know, the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth amendments, but I really wasn't ready to be bombarded with signage saying, go cashless, You know, cashless sales only, or, you know, cell phone sales only, and facial recognition, just to get on a bus.
It was really amazing, and I really wasn't prepared for that.
Oh yeah, China has totally submitted with big tech, and they're practicing their model for the Europe, for there and here.
And in China, as you know, I saw a dead deer on the road last night, and I thought, in China, there's a dead body.
You don't stop.
It's no big deal.
It's like a dead deer.
That's how dehumanizing it is.
Yeah, I mean, I watch a lot of movies.
I recently just watched a movie called Children of Men and Scanner Darkly, and it was like one of those films.
I walked into the airport and they checked my temperature with lasers to see for illnesses, and it was amazing.
I mean, it sounds like a sci-fi novel, and I don't think that People in the U.S.
really understands what it looks like to live under Chaicom tech.
And on the train, pull up that train video.
They're like, if you do not do as you're told, you'll be permanently detained.
We are now watching USA Scanning AI run by Google and Apple.
And Google and Apple just think we're a joke.
Americans don't know.
We don't understand it.
And it's all going into place.
And here's Fox News.
Are you ready for your chip?
Which is Americans everywhere getting the chip.
It's cool, and it helps stop fake news.
The chip will tell you if there's fake news.
I'm not, I'm not kidding.
The chip will make sure you're good, and you'll have a better social score and get discounts.
And AI will help you fight Alex Jones and fake news.
See right there?
Oh, so sweet.
See, Fox News is helping too.
True as that is, yes, there is also a global scale red wave that I do believe is very real.
While I was there, I met many merchants, I met some rock bands, some local artists.
Of course, everybody, they have thousands of riots a week in China.
The people are great.
They're just suppressed by American tech allied with China.
American evil, the globalist evil, that's trying to suppress us is there with them trying to hold their people down.
It was amazing.
I mean, they work in OnlyCash, or Bitcoin, and all of their artworks, and they do graffiti and music, and it's all awesome, but we really don't see any of that because it's all been deplatformed.
None of it gets out.
It's all on the OnlyCash list.
It's sad.
It's really sad because the people there are great.
Well, I can't go to China, but I ought to finance people like you to go in there undercover and get all that out for people so they can see what's five years from now.
God bless you.
Thanks for calling, Travis.
Yeah, folks have no idea.
In the same day, ABC News and Fox News are like, are you ready for your chip?
It's just... And if angels ran the government, it'd be fine to have a chip.
Devils run it, you see.
And this is the real world, folks.
This is what's happened.
And you've got a bunch of conformists here going for it.
Joe in North Carolina, midterms.
What the Dems plan to do?
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Well, I think that the biggest thing that's going to happen coming up in the midterms is the fact that the wall is going to be actually shown to a lot of people that how important it is and that it wasn't just about keeping drugs out from the country and things like that, that it had more Trump's been advised.
There's a U.N.
invasion plan to bring down Europe and the U.S.
when the globals collapse Latin America and Africa with a bioweapon.
And we better have a big wall up when the bioweapons get released or we're all dead.
I mean really, walls now are about stopping bioweapons.
Yeah, well, completely that.
And I think that, you know, as another note to the midterms and will to, I think, the fact that he's got a lot of these judges in will help as far as any recounts that go on if there are, you know, any needed or anything like that.
And really just, you know, very, very anxious to see what the people do on really both sides, depending on the win or the loss, because it's going to be a very, very interesting Very interesting election that happens and I think it's going to show people a lot that they, you know, how much, how important local elections are as well too.
But I think a lot of people... No, I agree.
If Democrats lose, they're going to riot and go crazy.
If they win, they're going to riot and go crazy.
I think about what we're going to do.
I'm not putting up with the censorship.
I'm not putting up with the foreign interference.
If the Republicans win, we should get mad and get angry.
It almost would be better if they lose, because people will actually wake up, but I don't want that.
We're going to see what happens, Joe.
God bless you.
It is going to be a three-ring circus.
You know, I said we'd get to all the calls, but there's just too many to get to everybody.
I will be back live tomorrow at 11 a.m.
David Knight's on at 8 a.m.
in the morning.
Central, Lee, Nick, Timothy.
Johnny, Joe, Pastor Sam, Nathan, others, I will go to your calls tomorrow.
We're going to go from 8 a.m.
to midnight tomorrow, and then we're going to have a 24-hour plus broadcast kicked off the next day for the big election.
So, remember, they're trying to censor everybody.
They're trying to block everybody because we're effective and we're telling the truth.
So when you share InfoWars.com forward slash show or the articles or the videos or my emergency message to the President, it changes the world.
You're the legs, the guts, the bloods, the eyes, the brains of this operation.
You are the InfoWar.
God bless you all.
Counterthink with Mike Adams coming up.
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Right now is massive rampage force.
Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram and I