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Name: 20181101_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 1, 2018
3213 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the importance of voting in midterm elections and removing globalist forces that have hijacked America. He criticizes the left for promoting destruction and pollution while attacking conservatives. He promotes various products, including his sustainable backup cooking method, American-made jeans and coffee, Alpha Power, Super Male Vitality from Infowarsstore.com, and InfoWars Life's new fiber product. Jones talks about maintaining good health amidst ongoing attempts by globalists to suppress the population through fluoride, chlorine, and bromide, among other substances. He discusses recent news events such as election meddling by Google, the upcoming midterm elections, and the importance of spreading news through Infowars.com to counteract censorship by mainstream media. Jones also talks about self-sufficiency, restful sleep, the impact of caravans on America's political landscape, demonic possession, exorcisms in different religions, election fraud by tech giants and illegals, and the importance of liberty and individual free will.

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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Well I can tell you ladies and gentlemen that President Trump is working 20 hours a day
non-stop explosively not just on the ground not just in the air not just on the air but on the phones
telling the troops maximum attack this week.
We've got to win this midterm against the giant wall of Democratic Party fraud.
It's almost late getting on air, dealing with some of the stuff that's going on.
But everyone could cut the tension in the air like a knife.
But I am totally aligned with President Trump.
I am totally aligned with the American people.
I am totally aligned to remove this outside globalist force that has hijacked our country.
And I know you're aligned with America as well, and freedom.
All over the world people are.
They know the real America, not the captured America.
And they know the real America is coming back from the dead.
I've never felt so much tension, though, at the spiritual level.
It's almost like a quote from Darth Vader.
A presence I've not felt since.
It's amazing what's going on.
It's an incredible time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
So I just have to pause here for a moment, looking at all of this constellation of information I saw a headline on newswars.com this morning and it just really clicked for me.
It was prima facie, it was totally true, it's not some new revelation, but I really saw it for the first time how crystal clear it is.
President Trump is battling a literal zombie horde of dead people.
Literally and figuratively.
The Democrats' secret weapon has been, has always been, and will continue to be, until we have systems that track this and true voter registration and true voter ID to vote, that they have millions and millions and millions of dead people, some that have been dead 20, 30 years, where they've caught Democrats voting in the names of people dead for 30 years.
They've caught a bunch just lately, been dead 20 years, 25 years, 15 years.
We are battling an army of dead people!
This is literally the zombie apocalypse!
Stop zombie voters.
Stop zombie voting.
You go, well, it didn't need legal aliens?
Yeah, they're a big part of it now.
They've finally been recruited, mainline, because local news tells them it's legal for you to vote, even when it's not.
The deception is just unbelievable.
So President Trump is battling just for the country existing.
Doesn't mean he's an angel cake.
Doesn't mean he is a perfect saint.
None of us are.
But he has goodwill towards this country and this is the battle to retake our nation and the monsters Like Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Schiff and all of them are bragging that if we get in we are going to run all these chairmanships and we are going to persecute the living snot out of the American people.
And of course you know that means President Trump and of course yours truly.
And that's fine.
I'm a big boy.
I stepped up to the challenge of this.
People all the time say, you know, Robert Mueller's a gangster murderer that ran Whitey Bulger execution squads.
You know, he just had, obviously, Bulger killed.
There's an investigation of Mueller and Whitey Bulger.
So they said, you know, terminate.
And they did.
I'm like, no, no, I know Mueller's a killer.
He's been a killer since he was 18 years old, and that's why we've got to get this dog off our throat!
Off our children's throats!
Where are the men in this country that just cower?
Oh, they're gangsters!
Oh, let's pee-pee on ourselves!
Let's get these gangsters off our back, and Trump isn't a gangster!
He's a man!
And he's the tip of the spear and he's leading the assault to retake the republic.
The globalists know that if they suppress the good halogen and pump the environment full of the bad halogens,
fluoride, chlorine, bromine, you name it, that it lowers IQ.
It literally dumbs the population down.
And on our quest to bring our listeners and viewers the best iodine in the world, we've gone through two permutations.
First, seaweed-based iodine that was pretty good but hard to source, and the Globels tried to block us getting a supply of it.
So we discovered deep-earth crystals of pure nascent iodine and brought you X2 that's been incredible.
Now, due to the Establishment trying to block that, we did more research and secured more of the deep-earth crystals of nascent iodine.
Chemists, scientists, and others showed us the research that by combining it with three other compounds, two forms of iodine and vitamin C, it supercharges it and makes it even more bioavailable.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to research it, you want to see it, it's an incredible discovery.
X3 now available at M4slife.com.
The answer to 1984 is 1760.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm gonna step out into the hallway.
I'm gonna break out soon, and I will kill more.
The only thing I'm gonna do is kill two.
He says he wants to apply for pardon for the felony he committed.
He says he wants to apply for pardon for the felony he committed, the attempt of murder.
We need to go back and revisit the foundations of our freedom.
(upbeat music)
Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it UN Agenda 21, now they call it the UN 2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
Never miss your show, any day.
Any day.
What day?
I mean, never.
Five days.
I mean, never.
(upbeat music)
Five days in this revolution we've launched to retake America from the clutches of a consortium of pure evil.
Juncker, the heir to the Nazi throne, the King of Luxembourg, stands against us.
With his attack dog General, $32 billion into this election, committed George Soros, New York Times, today, $32 billion to crush America's will.
They will fail.
Even if they're able to steal the House of Representatives back, the soul of the people is awake.
And the states are becoming aware of the zombie voting that's going on by the dead, by the hordes that never crawl out of their graves, but their names, their identities go on to haunt the Republic.
And that's why everybody has got to not just say they're going to do it.
Patriots, conservatives, Christians, libertarians, capitalists.
We do what we say we're going to do.
We don't virtue signal.
And we've all got to go fish grandma or grandpa out of the nursing home, if you're seeing them more anyways, we all should, when they're around, or dad or mom, and take them down there to vote.
And whatever you do, get them off the voter rolls when they die or they'll be voting for the Democrats.
Now there's so much to get into here.
I mean, here's just one article out of major global studies that I should just leave the show with, not even election news.
Giving antibiotics to toddlers boost obesity.
You know, I know folks that own turkey farms and chicken farms in East Texas.
And I know the people that run the processing of it all.
And I remember asking them why they had huge trucks outside the facilities of antibiotics that they had sprinkled into the feed.
And I said, why do you give them some antibiotics?
Makes them fat.
You can feed them half as many calories and they fatten up quicker.
They're stupid.
They don't live as long.
We make a lot of money feeding them antibiotics.
They don't give them antibiotics to keep them from getting sick.
They give them the antibiotics to make their body bloat with water.
See, that's why they want us off the air.
People go, you don't look so healthy.
Doesn't mean I'm perfect.
I'm not up here like some guru about how good I am.
I'm saying you don't want to give your children antibiotic fed food.
That's one of the biggest problems in the world.
That destroys their immune system.
You get cancer.
So what we do here is we do public service announcements.
And coming up later in the next hour, I'm going to do one that I shot yesterday that's called Alex Jones Comes Out of the Closet as a Gay Frog.
Now in this incredibly serious world, some will say, why are you being silly?
Because the way I'm going to get to the Generation Z's and the Millennials is doing that.
It's these type of things that get seen 20, 30, 50, 100 million times, and then people go and find out that astrazine really does sterilize you, reduce your fertility, and cause, even in humans, some of the same hormonal inclinations that confuse the sex drive.
So there's more than one way to skin a cat is what I'm getting at here.
And we're going to play that piece. I hope people share it from Infowars.com and Newswars.com because
If you don't, no one will see it.
And it's something you can send to folks, and they'll be intrigued by it, and they'll say, what is this ridiculousness?
But then they will then discover how deadly serious this is.
Because if I get up here and read you 20 studies that atrazine is one of the most deadly chemicals in the world, and that they've got other chemicals that can do the same thing that aren't as harmful, but that it's done as part of a depopulation operation, and even the former White House science czar admitted that in a book he wrote in 1974.
And they've got even PBS admits it, and scientists, and Berkeley scientists.
Some of the scientists were hired by the chemical companies to cover it up, and they found out, no, it's worse than what people are saying.
So that's why they want to shut us down, is... I'll read you a study about antibiotic-filled meat.
You might as well give your kids a half bottle of Jack Daniels every day.
It's probably better for them.
This stuff is poisoning us, and it needs to stop.
And there's alternatives.
But I didn't need to read a study.
Every chicken farmer I know that runs an industrial operation force-feeds chicken antibiotics every meal needs to stop.
I'd rather them just inject water into it after they're killed.
If you want to rip somebody off, don't rip them off and kill them at the same time.
So see, I knew that when I was 16 years old, because I've had experiences, I've lived.
And the globalists don't like that.
They want to hurt you and your family.
I don't know why on earth people would want to engage in all this, or live like this, from the bottom to the top, screwing other people over.
It's not a good idea.
Again, it's like going to a public pool, and you don't want to get up to go take a crap, so you take a crap in the pool.
Now you're like, oh, people don't really do that a lot.
A lot of these third world populations come in, and they'll get in your pool, and they'll crap in it.
They have to shut them down in Germany, everywhere, all the time.
Iraq or wherever, that's where some farm boy would just go out in the river.
That's where he had a bathroom.
He'd take a crap.
He likes taking a crap with water up to his neck.
And he's gonna crap in your pool.
And he doesn't care if they shut the whole thing down.
He's gonna crap in it and crap in it and crap in it.
Well, see, people go, why are you so nice?
Why do you care about other people?
I care about myself, okay?
I don't want to crap in your pool.
I don't want my kids swimming in crap.
And it's the same thing.
The left and everything they do is embracing the destruction of civilization and selfishly crapping all over us.
The Democrats are the party of crapping on people.
The party of thugs and dishonest slimeballs and narcissistic, dishonorable garbage.
I want chivalry.
I want honor.
I want strength.
I want will.
I want my children to grow up in an incredible science fiction future with yours.
And we can have it all.
But we've got to embrace our responsibility to be strong in the face of evil.
And this election in T-minus five days is a referendum on the soul of America.
But regardless of whether they can steal it or not, and I believe we're going to hold the House, regardless, everywhere else, we're winning.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show [Music]
Remember... All the different Hollywood stars, they're stars.
You know where that term star comes from?
It comes from Aleister Crowley.
How they all have their own planet, their own star.
Their own place in the heavens, like the pantheon of the gods.
The religion of narcissism.
Like a computer program stuck on the wheel of death.
Or like a record skipping forever.
Just staring into infinity and delusionally because you can feel the mind of God believing you are God.
Instead of exploring the universe.
Going up the long path, the trail of trillions of years in the ascension to finally see the face of God.
It's amazing.
And I just thought about that because I was reading Hollywood Reporter, oh the Hollywood stars are going door-to-door asking young people to vote.
Oh, oh the stars!
And celebrities beg people to vote Trump administration keeping children in cages.
And it's all lies.
And then who are all these idiots?
That we're supposed to bow down to because we watch them while we sit there and die?
We watch the false reality that someone else that craves to run your life and run your mind is building for you?
These are the slaves.
These are the empty people that read off someone else's script.
They don't have an original thought in their traitorous little brains.
I really don't want to subject you to this, but I think we should probably play it.
I'm going to put it off.
It's kind of like putting off cleaning the garage or something like that.
It's hard to look at, but it will motivate you, though, to know these people lust to run your lives.
You know, the left 30 years ago kind of had me in some ways, because I'm a libertarian.
I'm like, yeah, live and let live.
I don't want, you know, Tipper Gore telling me what music I can buy or something.
But think about the control freak garbage they've engaged in that is 50 billion light years worse than anything a Republican moron ever thought up.
Look at this.
New American asked back in September, censoring the web, who's next?
I have the answer.
The people running this planet are obsessed with running the arts and culture.
And every time they get control of a nation, there's almost no art and no culture because they want to run it and dominate it.
Because they vampirically want to control the talent and to rule over it and to keep it in a dark tower.
Because they can't compete with you.
They don't collectively feel like your strength is their strength.
They think only by trampling you down and silencing you and putting an iron cage over your head and big giant steel balls with chains around your legs, could they be somebody?
And then they can trot you out every once in a while from the dungeon, not even being able to see because it's so bright, and put you in the middle of a stadium so they can dance around in their little gold tutu and slap you in the face and, I'm so powerful!
That's what they do.
That's their spirit.
Like a little demon elf.
We're all just chained down and they're just stabbing us.
Oh, want me to stab you again?
I'm powerful!
Look what I did!
We're powerful.
We are willing to kill a baby and take its essence and energy.
We are selfish and we have the will to do it.
You don't have the will, Alex Jones, to do what Robert Mueller does.
You don't have the will to do what Obama does.
You don't have the will to do what George Soros does.
You don't have the will like we do.
Yeah, right.
I've got the will to defeat you!
I've got the will to destroy you!
I've got the fire to set the blaze in the minds of men that has already consumed you.
And in your devil-worshipping narcissism, you are already fully on fire!
By the time you figured out what we'd done to you.
And I don't say this is some arrogant, evil voice for the audience.
I say it because these people couldn't command evil if they tried.
You have been put in the positions of power by your master because you are weak!
Your master is just like you!
That's why you put in stupid people under you, so you can feel powerful!
You are losers!
Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, the Morning Star, is a counterfeit of the real Morning Star, Jesus Christ!
You are broken!
You want the rest of the world to be broken and failed because misery loves company.
You want to tell us we're broken and failed because we're not broken and failed like you are.
You are consciously broken and failed.
Now I'm going to stop preaching when we come back and I'm going to get into all the news.
I have to control myself.
There's a lot of it.
I got a bunch of guests joining us.
Andrew Torba had people try to blow up his parents' house.
Oh, where's Gab?
Oh, you're right, Wingers.
You can have your own website.
Oh, but now you can't.
See, it's past censorship now.
It's just shut down now.
It doesn't matter if this game guy had accounts on Instagram and on Facebook.
That's okay when somebody does that on theirs.
Just not on an independent one.
Is Gab back up?
I guess they're still on Twitter.
No, the site's not back up, so he's going to be joining us.
And then, Paul Joseph Watson, and then somebody else that I think you're going to find exciting.
I think we'll leave it until that person joins us here today.
And then Mike Adams is hosting the fourth hour, then the War Room comes roaring back out of the gates with Owen Schroer and Roger Stone, three o'clock central.
We are the most demonized, most censored, most feared.
Broadcast in the world by evil, not because we're perfect, but because we love God.
Because the enemy knows that I'm going to go on to the end, whatever the cost may be.
I'm going to see it through.
I'm going to be faithful, going to be committed.
The enemy sees that as dog-like, they see that as stupid, because they didn't build anything.
They don't have what it takes to go the long distance.
They don't have what it takes to make the commitments.
They don't have what it takes to stand against the evil, to get laughed at, to get demonized, to get attacked, because they are weak, and twisted, and failed.
So, you can feel the spiritual energy in the planet raging.
And we're gonna remove these little gangsters that have been squatting on America for decade after decade and sucking the very life out of us.
We also have some other special guests joining us, as I said, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
We've got the latest on the caravan, the latest in the global libertarian revolution exploding, the latest on anchor baby births outnumbering natural births in the United States, and more straight ahead on the other side of the antidote to the globalists.
Stay with us.
energized quantum state.
(upbeat music)
Or an energized atomic state.
What does that mean?
It means it's pure.
And it means the properties of what it does in the body, in interaction with other properties, is pure.
Is unadulterated.
Is original.
Is first generation.
This has been quite a quest for Info Wars when we discovered that there's a whole UN World Government plan to remove even crappy forms of iodine out of food so that people can't absorb it.
When I say crappy forms, I mean types that are bound to other elements so your body doesn't get absorption.
This is an essential element in the body, just like vitamin C, just like oxygen, just like water.
At first, doing research, we got the best seaweed base, but it was still weak, and we had issues with supply, and then leftists found out six years ago that we were involved, that it was Infowars, so they cut us off.
And then we came into X2 that was from oil and gas drilling at about 7,000 to 12,000 feet, getting pure crystals for truly pure iodine.
We had to go through the DEA to get it, all these controls.
Then the oil companies caught on that we were getting it, and they tried to jack up prices and cause us problems.
And I didn't want to raise prices, so I cut my contract off of them.
We went out and did a huge industry research and found out we could get the same deep earth crystals, probably even purer.
You're talking about like 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 percent purer.
And then the chemists and others explained to us that you need other types of basic iodine to make sure it gets fully absorbed.
So this has all three types of iodine.
And then it's got a tiny amount of vitamin C that doesn't let it oxidize and basically keeps it in its energetic state, or its quantum state, its atomic state.
And again, atomic doesn't mean radioactive, that just means it's pure on the periodic table.
This is X3.
I am so excited about X3.
And 50% off in the 1 ounce and the 2 ounce bottles.
Now we didn't have X2 in a 2 ounce bottle.
We do for X3 so you can stock up on it.
It really is beyond game changing.
It's essential.
Survival Shield X3, nascent tri-iodine in 2 ounce and in 1 ounce bottles.
Now you don't just get a key element that's essential to human life on this planet.
You also funded operations promoting the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the whole nine yards.
I mean, quite frankly, I've got all these scientific documents and all these notes from chemists and all these facts, but I'm just going to tell the viewers, just like our information has changed the world, just like it pisses the establishment off, Anything I'm going to bring you is the very best.
It's like any of our products.
I'm like, what is the top product?
What is the best tested?
What is absolutely highest rated?
I want to put a formula out stronger and better and lower the price.
We're always innovating.
We're always researching.
But quite frankly, it's been oppression and it's been people trying to block our supply chain that made us go out and really do the hard work to discover what is the very best documented form of iodine.
And it's all three types fused together, energized by a small amount of vitamin C that stabilizes it.
Three forms of iodine is better than one.
And so that's why X3 is so amazing.
That's why all the results we've got and the trials we have with the crew and others are so breathtakingly cool.
If you like X2, you're going to love X3 and InfoWarsLive.com.
the next level in human awakening you're listening to the alex jones show
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Mr. Crowley, what went on in your head?
Oh, Mr. Crowley, did you talk to the dead?
Monday through Friday, from 11am to 5pm.
to 3 p.m., we're here live.
This is the InfoWar.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Coming up, 8 a.m.
every day, David Knight, The David Knight Show.
And then of course, The War Room.
We've got nightly coverage with myself and many others, 8 to 10 p.m.
right through the election and for another week after the election and then soon thereafter, we're gonna launch a new weeknight roundtable broadcast from 7 to 10 p.m.
I think I'm going to give everybody a little bit of a break after the election, though, with the crew here to reform and make that push.
The globalists have done everything they can to stop us from going 24 hours a day, but they've been failing.
But it is kind of like in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, when the knights that go nyek!
And that one knight's had his arms and legs chopped off and he refuses to give up.
You know, I could sit around and joke about that, but Andrew Torba, He's a really smart guy, a nice guy, and he launched the only independent social media network out there.
And it is a major competitor, would be, as it's exponentially growing.
You can see the logarithmic growth.
And so they are now shutting him down.
Taking the banks away, the credit card processing away, the web hosting away.
The Attorney General of the state of Pennsylvania is investigating him!
Even though the very same guy was on Instagram and on Facebook saying the same crap.
And under law, TOR was protected.
The guy said, I'm going in four minutes before.
He shot the people.
But again, they just look at that.
That that's the site that helped him do it.
It helped him to why he was able to have a like a web posting area.
They don't want you to be able to communicate.
And then once they've set the precedent there, they're going to move through to everything.
So, Gab Founder, Don Sellers, I wrote about this for Infowars.com, Gab Founder blames media after parents targeted an alleged murder plot.
And then he's here to tell you what happened at their house, because this is what people do.
They dox where you live.
They dox where you live.
And then they come after you.
You saw Gab McGinnis on yesterday.
They come to his house.
And say a terrorist lives there, and they want you to run out of the area, and then his wife comes out with her little kids, one of them holding a rag doll, and says, please be nice to us, and the liberals run back and go on Twitter and go, my God, five people just confronted me viciously!
You're confronting them!
They walk out and say, please, we have children here, and they go, my God, it was all five goons!
They had baseball bats with nails!
They don't say that, but, I mean, that's the next level.
Everything with them is inversion.
Because the leftists are so stupid, they have no imagination.
All they've learned, their one trick is, flip it.
I mean, I don't, a lot of people tend to hire the security of the guys, act like they're tough bouncers or whatever, and like, I weigh 500 pounds and I'm standing there like this behind the wrapper or whatever.
That's not who we have for security.
Because you know, there's a lot of different types of security you can get.
And, me, I just get Blackwater veterans and people like that, that have already been in the Army or the Marines or other groups, and then they got a lot of work in, in Blackwater.
And so that's the type of folks we have.
But see, the average person can't afford that.
And it's a strain on InfoWars.
And you know, at this point, I got them at my house all the time.
All the time.
And I'm not going to get any more after that.
But that's what this country's turned into with the left.
The left doesn't have to have black water at their house.
These people are terrorists.
They're scum!
They're harassing everybody!
They're involved in mafia racketeering.
And I'm tired of getting pushed around by him.
I had a lawyer, big lawyer, to tell me, he goes, you know how dangerous Robert Mueller is?
How many people he's had killed?
I know he's a gangster from Boston.
I know all about him running Whitey Bulgers and other hit teams all over the country.
You don't think I don't know that Robert Mueller's the dirty tip of the spear of the FBI?
You know, it starts out, you get guys that'll kill other mobsters that are bad, and then it's pretty soon, let's just kill all the mobsters and be the mobsters ourselves.
Somebody's got to stand up to Robert Mueller, because here's the thing, I'm not a gangster, I'm a man.
And that piece of crap is in the way of American success and exceptionalism, and I want him to... He's the one that works for Russia.
He's the one that gave uranium to them on a tarmac.
That's why he says Trump is, because Robert Mueller is a dirty traitor!
He hates this country!
Let's go to Andrew Torba.
Andrew, I'm sorry, I've got you on here and you're very, very busy.
Recap what happened to your parents, and then get into the latest and where Gab is, and when we can get it back up, because I just hate to see the enemy have these victories.
Well, Alex, I got a call from my mom yesterday, frantically, in the middle of the afternoon, and apparently the neighbors had smelled gas.
So she immediately called the gas company, and in the midterm, my grandfather went up to the house and discovered that the gas grill in the back of my parents' home had been turned on, the propane tank had been turned on, and the burner had been turned on, and it was not lit, and allowed the propane to leak out into the neighborhood while my parents were not home.
This is 100% terrorism, and it's driven and propelled by the media.
And what they are doing is they are projecting, and they're trying to claim that because of Gab, this disgusting terrorist, Mr. Bowers, alleged terrorist Mr. Bowers, was radicalized, when the reality is that he was already radicalized far, far before he was ever on Gab.
And what they are doing, you know, by putting my face Next to this terrorist and smearing it all over the internet and smearing it all over mainstream media and painting me as this terrorist and putting me alongside of this terrorist.
They are now targeting my family and it is absolutely disgusting.
We are not afraid.
We will not cower.
We are going to continue to build.
We are going to continue to fight for the fundamental human right to speak freely, for the fundamental human right to individual liberty.
And these tactics, this terrorism, is not going to scare us.
It's not going to stop us.
And what's going on now is we finished up yesterday, late last night.
We finished up getting all of the information that we needed to get to the FBI and to the Department of Justice.
That was our top priority.
We didn't even worry about getting the site back online until that was done.
So now that that is completed, my team is working around the clock right now to get the site back online.
We have secured a new domain registrar.
We have secured a new hosting provider.
We have numerous payment processors that have reached out that we're going to be in touch with.
We have numerous engineers from around the world who have reached out and want to work with us and join our team to help us get the site back online and to continue to grow.
And nothing is going to stop us.
We have survived One of the most coordinated, smear campaigns that I have ever seen in my life, and we are still standing.
It's only rivaled by those on Trump and then those on Infowars, but you're right, you now are in the third place, maybe even first place if it keeps getting worse, which I know you don't want to be in that position, but that's where we are, and I'm so glad that people are rallying to your aid, and let's be clear, They tried to smear Trump, but it didn't get purchased, it didn't get a toehold, because the guy absolutely hated Trump, and hundreds of horrible anti-Semitic posts, because Trump's pro-Israel, which is just common sense, why the hell would you, I mean, what, the Islamists all just kill each other over there?
And then you've got that going on, and if you expand on that, then they go, oh, because we can't blame Trump, let's just blame the First Amendment, and take out more of our competition.
Right, Alex.
And I think that's partly why the media has targeted myself and has targeted Gab so viciously, is because they don't have that narrative.
They don't have the ability to attack Trump and to blame Trump for this horrific tragedy, which is what they normally would have done.
That's right.
Gab.com, Andrew Torban, do five more minutes on the other side.
I know you got to go.
You're very, very busy.
You're about to move to the next phase of getting Gab back up.
I want to hear about the timeframe on that more.
Now we support you.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
The Glo...
I'm Alex Jones from Austin, Texas.
We have a global exclusive right now.
We have Andrew Torba, the CEO and founder of the only independent pro-free speech libertarian site in the world that allows social media activity, and that's Gap.
Speak freely is their motto.
Now we all know about the tragic events in Pittsburgh where 11 innocent people were gunned down by a psychotic anti-Semite.
But now, Andrew Torba, who set up Gab so that everyone would have free speech, is being deplatformed, losing his server provider, losing PayPal.
They're trying to take him offline.
And CNN is spending more time demonizing Mr. Torba and the First Amendment than they are talking about the 11 that are dead.
And why?
Because four minutes before this monster went in, he said to the world that he was going in.
As if that means Mr. Torba's bad if somebody on a message board posted that.
So we've been de-platformed, he's being de-platformed, big media with big tech wants to silence their competition.
They always say, go build your own thing.
And then they come after it.
So Mr. Torba, thank you for giving us the time this Sunday.
You've got the floor.
Please break down what's happened.
Well, thank you for having me, Alex.
First, I just want to say I'm heartbroken and disgusted by this awful attack, this awful showcase of violence.
I've been praying, my family's been praying, our community has been praying for these victims and for their families and for their friends and for the community in Pittsburgh.
With that said, we've also been working with the Department of Justice and with the FBI very closely.
We've been fully cooperative.
GAAP stands for Individual Liberty and for Free Expression for All People.
We have hundreds of thousands of users from all around the world, from all different backgrounds, races, religions, beliefs, that express themselves on our site.
I believe, fundamentally, that the answer to bad speech is always going to be more speech.
In this case, the Department of Justice and the FBI now have concrete evidence for a motive that they can now use in a case to seek justice against this awful monster.
We have always welcomed everybody, and we will continue to fight for free speech on the internet in the face of tyranny from the mainstream media smear attacks.
Because for some reason, instead of focusing on the victims, instead of focusing on what happened, instead of focusing on this monster, they're focusing on Gab as a scapegoat.
Gab did not kill anybody.
No social media post has ever killed anybody.
No, no.
The only person that is responsible here is the individual.
And I just think it's disgusting that Gab is now being attacked.
I'm being smeared.
My face is being put up next to this guy as if I'm the terrorist.
We're receiving death threats and enough hate on the Internet ourselves.
We wish nothing but Good for the world.
We welcome all people.
We always have.
And we are all about individual liberty and free expression.
We are fighting for the very things that, you know, those in the armed service fight to defend every day as well.
And I think that if people can give their lives to defend these freedoms and these liberties that we cherish, I think that we'll be able to stand tall and take these attacks from the mainstream media, this onslaught, and this coordinated collusion from Silicon Valley to no platform us from the Internet.
Gab is not going anywhere.
We are not afraid.
We will not bow down to the mainstream media.
We will not cower.
We are going to continue to fight, and the power of the people will propel us.
We will continue to build.
Whatever it takes, we are going to stay online.
I don't care how long it takes, I don't care what it takes.
We're going to provide a place where people can speak freely, under the protections of
the First Amendment of the United States, without the tyranny of big tech, without the
tyranny of the media, deciding what is real news and what isn't, and who can speak and
who cannot.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, the globalists have been trying to keep the world in darkness.
They try to plunge countries into abject poverty and enslavements that can spiritually feed on the people.
But the light is coming back to the world, and the darkness is receding.
All right, let's go back to Mr. Torba, and then I've got breaking election meddling news that's real election meddling, that there's a particular story that if you get it out, May push Trump over the edge.
And I need to do this quickly.
Because the biggest reason they're trying to shut us down is that we're raising the alarm about the Chinese spy chips in our gear.
And how the Chi-Coms are outlawed, the Democrats taking over the universities, and how the censorship's coming in.
That drives the establishment crazy that you call the White House, that you talk to Trump at events, that you put pressure on the campaign people.
And Trump keeps saying, give me answers on how we go after them, and how we stop them.
Because what they're doing is unconstitutional, it's illegal, it's wrong.
So he says, give me a report on antitrust, and they're just kind of sandbagging.
And Trump himself came up with the idea, a lot of people were involved in the conversation, I heard about a week before he announced it, when the Justice Department started suing Facebook.
And Trump owns all these properties, and he was reading in the Wall Street Journal, About how, we're going to go to Andrew Torba, how they're allowed to discriminate on what color you are or your race or they have your whole medical history.
And then they give you different prices for housing and things in different ads, depending on who you are.
Remember that came out like 10 years ago that big online companies would have cookies and know what, how wealthy you were or what type of spender you were.
And so they would show different prices to different people.
That's illegal.
And so this is way beyond that.
So Trump got that going, but that'll take a year.
Because Trump owns all these properties, and he's saying, you can't discriminate against people like that, off what color they are.
He said, do something about it right now, or you're fired.
And that's who Trump is.
He's the guy that opened the golf courses up to Jews and black people.
That's why black rappers are about to love Donald Trump until he ran as a Republican.
Because they know.
And if some of those leftist rappers don't want to be real men and stand up for somebody that's standing up for them, go ahead and be punks.
Go ahead.
That's fine.
We're not going to be punks here.
Now, Andrew Torba, when do you think Gab's coming back?
Give us an estimate.
Other key points.
You know, we're all rooting for you here.
We're all in this together.
Well Alex, the media is going to be sorely disappointed as they write that Gab is finished and Gab is shut down for good because we will absolutely be back and up and running this weekend before the midterm elections.
Millions of people will be flooding to our site and they will find that The majority of our community, 98% of our community, is filled with great people who are posting about news and are posting about sports and are posting dog photos.
And this narrative that this is this horrible Nazi website is going to be utterly destroyed.
We will be back up and running by the end of this weekend.
We're working around the clock and getting it done, and we're going to come back stronger and better than ever before.
Before we got shut down, our growth was exploding, absolutely exploding, and I think that's part of the reason why.
They tried to shut us down multiple times over the past few years, blocking us from app stores, going after our hosting providers, going after our domain registrar, smearing us in the media for two and a half years straight, and none of it worked.
None of it worked, and we continue to explode in growth, and now that is going to be compounded, you know, a hundredfold after this situation.
So they just shot themselves in the foot with this, and they made Gab a household name as the home of free speech online.
Well, Andrew, that's awesome.
You know, InfoWars got the most traffic it's ever gotten, and that's really angering them.
I don't like the commenting section we have.
Comments are way down, which the left celebrates because they got, obviously, disgust to dump us, and now they're dumping other conservatives and other nationalists, and it's killing the stock of these companies.
But they just can't help it because these companies are pawns of the globalists.
Absolutely, Alex.
They're not in it for the money.
They're not in it to make money, especially Twitter.
Twitter just, I think, this year, after over a decade of being in operation, finally turned a profit for the first quarter ever.
So they've dumped billions and billions of dollars into these things because it's not
a real business.
It's a propaganda machine.
It's a tool of the global elite to brainwash the masses and to push narratives to convince
people to come over to their side.
And that's why you see this censorship as well, because our idea, the right's idea,
ideas are much stronger and are much more powerful and resonate with the
average working-class person than these ideas that these people are pushing. So
they have no choice but to censor. They have no choice but to go after all
media like you, like us, like Breitbart, etc. And we're gonna continue to win
because people are fed up and they're sick of it. And we don't do like the
globalists on the left do, the delusionites as I call them, the
delusionals, we're the deplorables, they're the delusionals.
We don't just, like, hocus pocus, say something and hope it comes into being.
All over the world, for six years, they're losing every election.
And now they're in full, absolute, total meltdown.
And they don't know what to do.
Well, I appreciate you and your busy schedule sticking to your guns and joining us and coming on and continue right through the election to Give us updates and if it looks like you're going to be up, like you said, Saturday or Sunday night, we're going to have coverage every day, you know, seven days a week through this election.
So please text me or call the producer or email Andrew because I want to be there to do a live special broadcast with you.
You know, you can be in your office or wherever when you go live.
We're really excited.
Your only outpost on the internet now is there at GetOnGab at Twitter.
So thank you, Andrew Torba, for joining us.
All right.
All right.
I did a pretty good first hour, but I just, I feel like things are so momentous that I should be doing the very best broadcast of my life because this is just such a magic time.
And the stuff that happened before I even went on air today is so unbelievable.
It's not even like stuff you see in movies.
Reality is so much cooler than virtual reality.
I can tell you that right now.
How could anybody be bored?
The sky today is the most pure blue in Austin.
I went for a walk with my wife through the woods early this morning.
I made my baby daughter breakfast.
I mean, God has just given us so much, and it's so good, and we just have to come together.
The globalists say, oh, come together under how we tell you how to live.
No, come together under believing in freedom.
Okay, the big news is on Infowars.com, and I know when I see an article, and I know when it's got the teeth and the legs to really do some damage to the globalists.
And this one, election meddling, Google algorithm buries Bligzit.
And it's total proof that they're only putting negative news about Blixit and Kanye West and what he really said is being buried.
This is the type of thing that will drive Trump into a rage.
And I was wondering this morning how it would get in his hands and then it just, oh my gosh, the phone rang.
So, a lot of good things are happening.
A lot of really, really good things are happening.
Mueller is trying to figure out how to put me in prison.
And you know, it's almost like a joke, because I have zero connections to Russia or anything.
He has total connections to selling us out.
And you hear it, you see it, but this is actually real, though.
This is a real criminal, gangster, horrible person who ran child sex rings so he could set people up and surveil them and run blackmail rings.
I mean, he's really bad.
Well, of course, that's why I'm fighting him.
You know, you know, Bob Mueller is a murderer, right?
Oh, exactly!
I'm fully aware of that.
What, you don't think, I don't think that this is a suicide mission?
I'll never commit suicide.
A suicide mission means it's a very dangerous mission.
See, this isn't simulation here, me on air.
This is the real, this is the real deal.
That'll be funny.
That'll be a nice little meme.
If you're watching on TV, you saw that radio, let's just find out later.
Seriously, let me stop screwing around. He does have a very nice looking nose though. I had to doubt. Hey, I didn't
even plug this hour.
X3 is in, ladies and gentlemen.
It's unbelievable.
I can't even describe how good it is.
And it's 50% off out-of-the-gate introductory offer and free shipping.
It's a great product.
You need it.
It funds the destruction of the globalists, and it really pisses them off, and it really helps your body.
You absolutely need it.
So, go buy it, right now!
You know what a globalist is, right?
You know what a globalist is?
A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much.
And you know what?
We can't have that.
You know, they have a word.
It sort of became old-fashioned.
It's called a nationalist.
And I say, really?
We're not supposed to use that word.
You know what I am?
I'm a nationalist, okay?
I'm a nationalist.
Use that word.
Use that word.
I'm a nationalist.
Use that word.
Uh, did I just hear him say, we're a country?
Oh my god.
Let's talk about that word tonight.
It is a favorite of the alt-right and is loaded with nativists and racial undertones.
And globalists, well, globalists have been used as a slur.
Trump says, nationalism.
They'll go, mmm.
Trump says, make America great again.
And it's like you're in junior high and the cool kids are trying to make you feel like You're stupid and you're not in the cool club.
Like you're three years old.
Like, do you want to stick your finger in the light socket?
Do you want to eat out of the dog bowl?
Like you're talking to an 18-month-old.
I mean, if anybody in this world is a dumbass d**khead, it's him.
God, what an un-American piece of filth!
What the hell?
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order is...
It's Alex Jones.
You are either with the Republic or against it.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, the great PJW is scheduled to be joining us here in about five minutes,
but he's missing in action right now, but that probably means he's beavering away at something very important.
So he'll be on.
My little red coat never lets me down.
So, that's endearing when I say that.
Earlier, I like to defile Robert Mueller because he takes himself so seriously.
He thinks he's the president, he thinks he's God.
So they had a big projection of him up on screen.
Can we do that again?
I'm like a little shrimp, a little pilot fish that, you know, goes over to a rotting carcass I found on the bottom of the ocean.
And I go over with my little feelers, little pinchers.
And I go... Like a little shrimp.
And I kind of swim off.
I go, that's pretty tasty.
And I swim back over and... See that?
That's the new meme.
The Alex Jones shrimp eating Robert Mueller's boogers.
Look at those blackheads, you could just squeeze that nose and just a bunch of like inch-long little blackheads would come out and you'd lick them all up.
Alright, it's a family show and I don't normally do humor like that, but he takes himself real seriously.
I kill people, I run things, America's mine.
Our mafia runs things, I run the FBI.
Now what you've done is you've hijacked it.
You're not delivering uranium to the Russians.
So, takes himself real seriously, ladies and gentlemen.
Paul Watson's here.
Paul, I just simulated being a shrimp eating Robert Mueller's boogers.
Stunning and brave.
What if I embrace myself and my new identity as a booger-eating shrimp?
Well, I mean, you've probably got more shrimp in your DNA than Elizabeth Warren's got Native American in hers.
So, it's all up for grabs at this point, right?
Actually, I do.
That's why I didn't identify as a peppermint shrimp that was like swimming up to the dead political body.
I don't mean literal dead.
I want anything to happen to Mueller.
I mean, I want him to... I'm just saying, like, shrimp sometimes do, like, get attracted to floating pieces of detritus.
So that's the only reason, like, the smell just brought me to him.
What do you think?
I think the Media Matters hit piece aficionados are writing up that right now, Alex, as we speak.
But you understand, like, the political metaphor that Hillary Clinton is a political dead duck as well.
She's a rotting body of political flesh for us undersea buzzards to delight in.
No, precisely, and that's what I want to get into, Alex.
Even with all the help that she had from Google's algorithm, which according to Robert Epstein was probably about 12 million votes, she still lost.
Now we've got this major story breaking today.
Stay there, because I want you to come out of the gates with this, Paul.
So you're going to get into Candace Owens and the Google, caught red-handed, engaging in election meddling.
What else is coming up when you join us?
Well, we could talk about the Purge Night riots in France.
We've got that going on.
We've got Target removing a Black Panther outfit after one person complained.
That person was Mark Dice.
It was a stunt, just showing you the overwhelming stupidity about this mob outrage culture.
But yeah, the main thing is this election meddling from Google.
It's absolutely massive and it's happening right now.
Isn't Mark Dice, like wine, just getting better and better?
I am... I just... Sometimes when I'm laying there at night and worried about something, I just think, oh, but Mark Dice is there, and oh, Paul Washington, oh, Matt Drudge.
I mean, is he not like a national treasure?
No, he's very effective, and now he's actually targeting Walmart as well, and it is very racist for them to have this costume where white boys wearing it, and not all black boys.
So hopefully it gets removed from there immediately as well.
But of course, but they're about to have a black Superman, which is fine with me.
Black James Bond, I don't care.
The point is, is that this is incredible mind control.
We're going to play that Mark Dice report coming up as well.
All right, Paul Joseph Watson is in the house.
And yes, a new meme was born.
The booger eating shrimp.
That's right.
It's true.
OK, I've got the hots for Robert Mueller's boogers.
Yum, yum, yum.
We'll be right back.
[Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep]
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Ladies and gentlemen, you want to research it, you want to see it, it's an incredible discovery.
X3, now available at m4slife.com.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind [Music]
That's right, the Scorpions wrote Trump's theme song 30 years ago.
For the best time of your life.
For the animating contest of Liberty, baby!
Paul Joseph Watson's about to take over and get into some of the clearest election meddling you'll ever see.
That if this goes viral, this is your mission, should you choose to accept it.
If this goes viral, it almost has the feeling of the last straw that breaks the camel's back.
And then we're going to get into this huge libertarian, nationalist, populist, Americana, our blueprint is the U.S.
Constitution and the Bible!
And Brazil first!
And Donald Trump!
And then the same thing.
Already an army hero, then survives being stabbed in the liver and kidneys.
Bolsonaro, and then now Merkel out of power.
But like a flatulence out of church.
Now that I've been into goofy humor today.
She's still the Chancellor, but her party's out of power.
And she's just sitting there like a dead cicada hanging on to a limb outside.
So Paul, we're going to get into it all.
And just like they said that Hillary was going to win, and she didn't.
And they've pulled out all the stops, though.
I mean, even worse in 2016.
I'd say it's like 50 times the censorship.
And they have mobilized a lot of young voters, and they're saying, oh, those are traditionally Democrat.
But that's not what I'm finding in a lot of areas.
So this is really, really close because of the army of dead people that the Democrats have voting.
So before we get into Candace Owens, what is your gut-level analysis in all the research you do?
Trump seems to think it's neck and neck.
Well, there's this new poll which you've probably seen on Drudge, which is non-partisan, this cut report, which they've bumped up the number of seats that they think Democrats are going to win in the House.
So I don't know, it's very rare that they hold the House, isn't it?
Only Bush did it after 9-11, so just going through history alone, it's very rare.
But Pelosi was already out the other night on I think it was Colbert basically saying that it was in the bag.
And we've seen that before, haven't we?
But again, as he said, this early voting is apparently going way in their favour.
So again, we'll see if it's the backlash.
In some ways, maybe they should take the House and make an almighty mess of it, and then Trump's going to secure a second term, have a lame duck presidency with the Congress behind him.
So maybe if that pendulum does swing their way, then it's at the right time, because then it'll swing back for Trump in his final lame duck term.
Well, that's why I've looked at every angle of this.
As long as Trump doesn't get killed, we can't lose.
But, that makes it more dangerous for him.
Exactly, but again, it's the desperation that I'm seeing.
They're so incredibly desperate.
All this fear-mongering about fake news, about election meddling.
You had, you know, Russian bots or Russian agencies, they spent, this is the Internet Research Agency, spent 0.05% as much on Facebook ads as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump did during the entire campaign.
They spent $46,000 on Facebook ads during the entire campaign, which is basically nothing.
And like half of those were for Black Lives Matter groups and all this leftist stuff anyway.
So it was completely made up.
Actually, Paul, yeah, the Russian bots spent 80% for Democrats.
It's ridiculous.
So we had this two-year-long fear-mongering moral panic, contrived moral panic about fake news, which was used to ban their competitors, and yet nobody ever talks about Google algorithm manipulation, Alex.
I've talked about it before.
Sometimes I'm writing articles, I need to refer back to a previous article that I did for InfoWars, I type in the exact headline, and it's not even on Google.
It's completely blacklisted.
Not every time, but many times.
That's when you know an article is very effective is they send it into the Phantom Zone.
Yeah, I have to go on, like, forums that have copied and pasted the text simply to find the original article that I wrote for InfoWars.
But this is so big, and they can flash up a headline, Wired Magazine Google Search Algorithm Could Steal the Presidency.
Okay, this is not some right-wing conspiracy theory.
This is Robert Epstein, who's done the studies into this, global studies with the Australian election,
with the Indian election, showing, proving that the order in which Google search results are ranked
affect swing voters in a massive, massive way.
It can affect millions and millions of votes, especially on election day.
So that's already established that that's a major problem.
But again, everyone's talking about Russian bots and the Internet Research Agency spending next to nothing
on Facebook ads, like that's an issue when it's not.
They did the same thing for Brexit.
And yet, what do we have happening now?
So Candace Owens launches this Blexit campaign, which is, again, they've done the hit pieces.
You know, we're attacked for saying that it's bad that George Soros funds political campaigns and movements across Europe that negatively affect the populations in those countries.
We're bad.
We're anti-Semites for criticising George Soros for doing it.
When a black woman in America independently does the exact same thing, tries to raise funds for a political project, she's completely demonised.
And now on Google, and this is on Infowars.com headline, election meddling Google algorithm buries Brexit.
Oh, by the way, with the whole media narrative, she misspoke and said that Kanye designed the apparel when it was a friend of Kanye, and that completely blew up.
They manipulated the heck out of that.
Kanye's not backing away from politics.
This was just a miscommunication.
But they've delisted it to the point where a website called Blegzit that's completely unaffiliated, this tiny organisation, is now having to literally put out apology letters because people who want to support Candace Owens's campaign for black people to leave the Democratic Party are mistakenly donating to this small unaffiliated organisation.
Because it's the number one search ranking on Google when people are searching Blegzit.
So this is political fraud, and people can go to Infowars.com.
They'll try to block you sharing that URL, so share Newswars.com.
That shares a lot better.
We're going to launch some new sites soon.
They're even easier to share than just the next few weeks.
But you need to go there and look at the search results compared to DuckDuckGo or Bing.
And Bing is the exact same search that Google used to have, OK?
Which is an NSA clone, because the NSA set it up.
And if you look at this, it shows 100% the fraud they're engaged in.
Describe this for people, Paul.
Yeah, you search for BLAGZIT, which is the BLAGZIT WeFreeBLAGZIT.com result for Candace Owens's new outreach.
Google, it doesn't even appear on the first three pages.
It's all hit piece after hit piece, then other websites that have nothing to do with it, which people are mistakenly donating to.
You search the same thing on Yahoo, on Bing, and on DuckDuckGo, the official Blegzit website is the first result.
So it's not because she's got her SEO wrong, it's because it's deliberately being blacklisted by Google.
Even on these other searches, The news articles about her campaign are way more balanced.
On the Google search, they're way more negative.
So again, this is obvious election meddling.
We've got polls that show black voter approval for Trump has just hit a yearly high.
So this is working.
Alex, they need to get like 85% of black people to vote for Democrats, otherwise they're in major trouble.
So that's why they're doing this, because Candace Owens, this Blexit campaign in addition to the Walk Away campaign, which is separate but basically a similar idea, is having a massive, massive effect on causing people to think about how they've been basically taken for granted by the Democratic Party and how they should walk away or how they should Blexit.
So they're absolutely terrified about this and that's why Google's delisted it.
Well, this is the type of thing that will enrage Trump.
And he's trying to figure out what to do and how to counter all this censorship.
And we've got direct lines to the President, Paul.
What do you think we should do to really make this front and center?
Because this is the issue, obviously.
Well I mean we can only hope that Trump surrogates campaign and promote it as it should be promoted because this is absolutely huge.
You know I featured the comments in the article from Robert Epstein and this is when he was reacting to us being banned by the way.
He said the fact that it's really just two or three companies and they have similar politics makes this even crazier.
He said, if these companies in November, which we're now in November, all happen to be favoring the same political party, I estimate conservatively, conservatively, they could shift up to 12 million votes.
The election is, what, five days away?
They're wanting to shift, manipulate 12 million votes.
People are still undecided.
This is what affects people making these decisions.
This is a game-changer.
This is cheating.
Let's come back and talk about it.
Google openly brags they're about to steal the election I'm Alex Jones from Austin, Texas
We have a global exclusive right now.
We have Andrew Torba, the CEO and founder of the only independent pro-free speech libertarian site in the world that allows social media activity, and that's Gap.
Speak freely is their motto.
Now we all know about the tragic events in Pittsburgh where 11 innocent people were gunned down by a psychotic anti-Semite.
But now, Andrew Torba, who set up Gab so that everyone would have free speech, is being deplatformed, losing his server provider, losing PayPal.
They're trying to take him offline.
And CNN is spending more time demonizing Mr. Torba and the First Amendment than they are talking about the 11 that are dead.
And why?
Because four minutes before this monster went in, he said to the world that he was going in.
As if that means Mr. Torba's bad if somebody on a message board posted that.
So, we've been de-platformed, he's being de-platformed, big media with big tech wants to silence their competition.
They always say, go build your own thing.
And then they come after it.
So, Mr. Torba, thank you for giving us the time this Sunday.
You've got the floor.
Please break down what's happened.
Well, thank you for having me, Alex.
First, I just want to say I'm heartbroken and disgusted by this awful attack, this awful showcase of violence.
I've been praying, my family's been praying, our community has been praying for these victims and for their families and for their friends and for the community in Pittsburgh.
With that said, we've also been working with the Department of Justice and with the FBI very closely.
We've been fully cooperative.
GAAP stands for Individual Liberty and for Free Expression for All People.
We have hundreds of thousands of users from all around the world, from all different backgrounds, races, religions, beliefs, that express themselves on our site.
I believe, fundamentally, that the answer to bad speech is always going to be more speech.
In this case, the Department of Justice and the FBI now have concrete evidence for a motive that they can now use in a case to seek justice against this awful monster.
We have always welcomed everybody, and we will continue to fight for free speech on the internet in the face of tyranny from the mainstream media smear attacks.
Because for some reason, instead of focusing on the victims, instead of focusing on what happened, instead of focusing on this monster, they're focusing on Gab as a scapegoat.
Gab did not kill anybody.
No social media post has ever killed anybody.
No, no.
The only person that is responsible here is the individual.
And I just think it's disgusting that Gab is now being attacked.
I'm being smeared.
My face is being put up next to this guy as if I'm the terrorist.
We're receiving death threats and enough hate on the Internet ourselves.
We wish nothing but Good for the world.
We welcome all people.
We always have.
And we are all about individual liberty and free expression.
We are fighting for the very things that, you know, those in the armed service fight to defend every day as well.
And I think that if people can give their lives to defend these freedoms and these liberties that we cherish, I think that we'll be able to stand tall and take these attacks from the mainstream media, this onslaught, and this coordinated collusion from Silicon Valley to no platform us from the Internet.
Gab is not going anywhere.
We are not afraid.
We will not bow down to the mainstream media.
We will not cower.
We are going to continue to fight, and the power of the people will propel us.
We will continue to build.
Whatever it takes, we are going to stay online.
I don't care how long it takes, I don't care what it takes.
We're going to provide a place where people can speak freely, under the protections of
the First Amendment of the United States, without the tyranny of big tech, without the
tyranny of the media, deciding what is real news and what isn't, and who can speak and
who cannot.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We have a powerful... From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We have a really important compilation of Trump speaking last night.
We're going to intro the start of the next segment when Paul leaves us.
And then I did a gay frog joke because it'll reach millions of young people if you get it out there.
It's these type of memes that get created and we hijack back to expose atrazine in the water and what's sterilizing the population so we can prevent what's going on.
So that comedy piece, which is not very funny, and I mean that, it's funny, but the subject's not funny, but it's very, very serious, but you can't get a lot of young people involved unless it is funny, and then once you do get them to watch because something's funny, then they get very, very serious.
So that's why, another reason they've tried to shut down InfoWars, is that outreach that we do, thanks to all of you.
Because the ball doesn't move down the field, and the fight against these people that dream of running your life, We've almost gotten free of.
We don't move the ball in the field without you.
And we're seeing epic.
We're seeing historical.
We're seeing over-the-top coordinated racketeering cartels engaged in unbelievable authoritarianism.
And they've tested it in China.
That's what it is.
It's here.
This is the mark of the beast.
It's here.
And we have got to stop what Big Tech's doing.
It's got to be the central issue.
We're five days out from the election.
Paul Joseph Watson, you were getting into Google.
I mean, even Wired, even the New York Times.
We showed the articles earlier.
We'll put them back on screen.
Said how Google could steal the election.
They're in the emails.
2014, 2015, 2016.
Saying, we will deliver the election to President Clinton and her ascension.
of our ideas.
And then they failed, they said, look, we messed up last time, we promise this time we can deliver it.
If they can't deliver this time, Paul, what do you expect the fallout to be?
And let's get back into the over-the-top bombshell that intellectually, they talk to their own tech people and admit they're doing it, they're proud of it, and they go tell Congress, we are doing no such thing, what are you talking about, Sundar says.
Yeah, there's no bias whatsoever.
They say that every time, don't they?
But yeah, you can take it chronologically.
What was it, the day after the election, this leaked footage out of a Breitbart meeting where their executive, Pitch Eye, says to counter misinformation and low information voters, they always use these vague terms, they can, quote, invest in machine learning and AI.
They call it a big opportunity to fix the problem.
Then you have this.
You mentioned it was what Tucker Carlson spoke about a few weeks ago.
Actively countering the Trump travel ban issue by gaming their own research results.
They're literally willing to break their own search engine.
They talked about quote, actively countering Islamophobic, algorithmically biased research results from search terms Islam, Muslim, Iran.
They also talked about doing the same thing, algorithmically biased search results from the search terms Mexico, Hispanic, Latino.
Start over, start over.
What else did Tucker get in the emails that got leaked?
Oh, number one job!
Stop InfoWars!
I mean, I talked about that before the break.
In fact, I've got the exact headline here.
Whether they fixed it, I don't know, but it was, CNN refuses to report an attempted stabbing attack on Republican candidate by Democrat screaming F Trump.
I googled that.
They may have fixed it by now, it may be up there.
But the only result was this weird forum called News Central.
InfoWars wasn't even on there.
So they literally delisted the entire article.
You know, a couple of weeks ago they Google-blocked Faith Goldie's ads for her being mayor, again, right before the mayoral election.
Clear example of election meddling.
And to remind people, it came out last month that employees of Google, Facebook and Twitter, they've given 2.4 million to House and Senate candidates.
Just 8% of that went to Republicans, so 82% of them are giving their money to Democrats.
There's the bottom line!
There is election meddling, and it's by the Chi-Coms, Big Tech, Hollywood, the Democrats, who have, like you said, that Russian group was like .002, didn't get 40-something thousand dollars in the last election cycle, didn't even show up on the radar.
I mean, it's not even a gnat on a gnat's butt.
And then meanwhile, the Russians are ruling everything!
Oh my God!
Meanwhile, the Chinese are putting spy chips in everything, stealing our national databases, stealing the Office of Personnel Management.
I mean, it's just, it's unbelievable, Trace, what the Democrats have done.
Yeah, and their own engineers admit it.
We had this last month as well, Vijay Boyapati, former Google engineer, who said, quote, the thing I find disturbing after all these years is the willingness of my former colleagues to not only comply with censorship, but their enthusiasm, their enthusiasm in rationalizing it.
That's exactly what's going on in China now with this new censored search engine, which they're about to roll out.
We also had the good censor report.
Remember that again from last month?
They called themselves the good censors and said that they basically had a responsibility to shift towards censorship.
That was literally in the... But it's good!
The good demon, the good devil, the helpful devil.
Oh, helping China round up the Christians and kill them and now they're going to do it here.
And we have good people in Google leaking continually and then their executives get up and lie spectacularly.
And again, former Google employee turned whistleblower.
They all come out and admit this.
They all get regretful about it after the fact.
He said, quote, a handful of people working at a handful of technology companies through their choices will steal what a billion people, a billion people are thinking today.
That's Tristan Harris, former Google executive turned whistleblower.
They did the same thing in Brazil.
People were searching for the KKK Ku Klux Klan.
Image of Donald Trump pops up.
So they get caught on this time and time again.
And let's be clear.
They say Trump's KKK.
They want to learn what that is.
They learn to know it's the Democrats who are KKK.
So then they totally game the results for Brazil to say it was Republicans founded the KKK and to have links in Portuguese and in Spanish saying the Republican Party was officially Nazi.
They didn't just do that in California.
So foreigners go to see who we are and that Republicans founded the KKK now.
This is pure fraud and just their PR people just write up the lie and that's the result.
Or they can pick whatever lie they want and link to that.
But remember, Alex, this is not political bias.
They merely seek to promote, quote, high quality content.
What's the high quality content?
It's the New York Times and CNN.
Well, imagine my shock.
Same with YouTube, owned by Google.
After every major news event, you go on to YouTube, second biggest search engine in the world, by the way, YouTube, type in, you know, synagogue shooting, mail bomb or whatever.
It's literally a wall of 50 mainstream news organizations on YouTube who have failed at YouTube, by the way, until YouTube, through Google, changed their algorithm to promote these mainstream news organizations above everyone else.
So again, they literally broke their own search engine.
Sometimes these videos from like CNN and the New York Times, they've got more now because they've been given a leg up by YouTube, but sometimes they get like 600 views and YouTube puts them on the trending page.
Let's be clear, we can have 3 million, we don't go the trending page.
They have 600, so it's a blood transfusion to a dying person, but it doesn't work because both legs are chopped off, and Carlos Slim puts money in, and Obama puts money in, and Google puts money in, but the legs are chopped off.
Telling the truth would put tourniquets on it, but they won't do that, Paul.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, thank you for joining us.
I know you do Tuesdays, you're going to be almost a lot through the election.
20 seconds left, what else are you looking at today, Paul?
Well, again, massive riots in France last night.
The former interior minister is basically saying that they're going to have societal... Hold on!
Hold on!
I never do this anymore or I hold you over, but I forgot.
We need to cover the mass rape gangs, what's happening in France briefly, then we'll play the new Trump promo, and then we'll play the gay frog extravaganza.
Stay with us.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
Paul, stay there.
Do five minutes.
We'll be right back.
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Let her be free.
She's a--
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We're five days out and I have never been more energized.
I've never felt more energy.
We are headed towards a major fork in the road, and if we go down one road, it's gonna be a lot harder fight, and it's gonna be hellish, and it's gonna be horrible, but we're gonna win.
Well, we go down this other road.
It's going to be rough, but it's going to be a lot better.
And for my children and for your children, can we just go down the nationalist, patriot, pro-family, pro-success route that Trump wants to take us down?
Because he's totally real.
And, you know, I mean, I've been asked by people, because there's hardly anybody that actually is loyal.
They're all double dealers.
They're all trying to Make a deal in case Trump fails, so they're back-channeling and screwing Trump over, which is what caused the country to fall apart to begin with, is all this double-dealing.
Because evil doesn't just let you do a little bit of business with them.
They act like that, but then they get you more, more, more, more.
See, I don't do that.
I don't double-deal.
I don't do anything.
Except do what I say I'm gonna do.
And again, to these leftist people, they think that's weak.
No, that's called strength, idiots.
And I'm not talking to I'm not talking to my regular listeners when I say that.
I'm talking to people out there that don't know.
They're head from a hole in the ground.
Paul, get into this huge situation in Europe because I know that the Islamicists are raping and stealing and killing and, you know, gang raping and killing a young girl and then the leftists say because you're not bringing enough Muslims in.
It's like they're trying to flip reality into this bizarro deception land like now MSNBC and CNN.
The new thing is there is no caravan.
So, what would you call this?
Well, it's mass deception, and going on to France, which you mentioned, literally there are like 8,000 Jews leaving Paris alone.
I think it's Paris, maybe it's France, but I think it's Paris alone.
Every single year, 8,000 Jews fleeing.
We defend those people.
We say this is horrible that anti-Semitic attacks are increasing in France, in all these European countries, and then we're called anti-Semites, Alex.
Now, apparently, If you use the word globalist, or if you criticize George Soros funding political movements across the world, that makes you an anti-Semite.
Literally today there's going to be a big Guardian hit piece on you and I calling us
anti-Semites trying to link us in with this synagogue shooter who hated Trump, who posted
how much Trump was a globalist and that's because he was going along with the Jews.
Now we say the word globalist, that means we mean Jews.
No, we don't mean Jews, we mean globalists.
We actually support Israel.
I've made numerous videos about it.
People say if you ask questions about him funding this migrant caravan, that means you're
an anti-Semite.
No, it doesn't.
He actually defends Jews getting chased out of European countries and we get called anti-Semites.
It's disgusting.
Let's be clear.
Benjamin Netanyahu says Soros is anti-Israel and is the real anti-person there.
Soros wants to get rid of Israel.
That's in the WikiLeaks.
And there's this huge article in the New York Times admitting that Soros has given 30 plus billion dollars, what he really put into a tax-free foundation, to take the profit from that each year, that's up to a billion dollars, just to try to take down Europe and the United States.
And they go on to say, and then it shows, it's so archetypal.
In fact, if you guys could pull up the New York Times article, it's better because it has it in color.
It shows Soros activists in Hungary, Pulling down paid-for anti-Soros signs.
Because that's what they do.
On the web, here, everywhere.
He trains the brigades, he funds it.
Billions of dollars a year to do this.
32 billion.
Total quads rippling down.
And it shows them tearing down paid-for signs, destroying free speech.
Hidden in plain view.
Oh, Soros activists tear down stuff criticizing their daddy.
You know, the guy that gives them the milk.
You know, the guy that they hang off his tits like Romulus and Remus.
I mean, this is sick!
And they attack, of course, attack me, everybody else, say it's anti-Semitic.
It's just pure garbage.
This guy was a Nazi collaborator.
They know that in Hungary.
They're sick of him!
So it's, again, Paul, it's upside-down world, is it not?
Yeah, well the thing they're going to scare us away from criticizing George Soros.
No, we're not going to shut up about it.
So there's no point in even talking about it.
In France, which we've defended Jews being chased out of the country basically, last night there were more riots.
They called it the Purge.
They based it on this movie which says basically the plot is you can commit any crime for one night.
So they went on a rampage.
Stores were looted.
They had fights with police.
In Paris as well, this happened in Saint-Denis, which is the area where they have, that's in Lyon that you're showing now, but it was on the same night also in Saint-Denis, Paris, where they have 400,000 illegal immigrants in this one area of Paris alone.
They were throwing acid at the police, they were robbing grocery stores, and this came like the day after France's then-Interior Minister, he actually gave the interview back in February, but it was just published a few days ago, This is Gerard Collomb who said basically they've got five years and after five years if they don't sort this out people aren't going to be living together.
They're going to be going face to face and he admits that it's all due to mass immigration.
I went to Paris About five times over the past 10 years, Alex, you could tell the difference post 2015 after this new influx of migrants from the Middle East.
It was literally I would go to the to the hotel and drive past all these little shanty towns, all these tent cities where all the migrants were.
thinking, oh this must be the outer ghetto area of Paris.
And it was like five minutes later, you've arrived at your destination.
It was in the major tourist area.
There are mattresses on the streets.
The Calais migrant camp wasn't really broken up.
It just got dispersed out into all these major French cities.
As you can see there, it's an absolute tip.
It's an absolute dump.
So they thought Macron was going to come in and do something.
They, because he, you know, he raised the migrant, the Calais migrant camp.
But then he later gave interviews where he said, no, we actually want to turn Europe
into Eurabia and have 150 million to 200 million Africans come in.
If you invite Africa into Europe, you're Europe becomes Africa.
That's what happens whether that culture is better or worse.
We can debate that Alex.
I've certainly got my opinions on it, but you will turn into that country.
People are fleeing literal societal collapse, real road warrior conditions.
And then they don't want to get away from it to not be part of it.
They want to bring it to you because they're usually the worst and the weakest of the nightmare system.
So we're getting the worst of the worst.
Of the worst, chaperoned and captained by the left, who believe this is some satanic ritual, like defiling a baby or a virgin woman, to defecate all over Europe and the US, and instead they're destroying their own wealth.
The left is insane!
Exactly, and then when you actually look at it, which I've done in all these major European countries, the few pocket areas of wealthy white areas, they've correlated it, that's where the most pro-immigration politicians and elitists live.
So this is all being foisted on predominantly white working class people who live in these areas which are being ghettoised.
And they're also the ones called racist by the elite, even though it's being foisted on them.
The elite don't use public transport.
They don't have to mingle with these people.
They're chauffeured around everywhere.
So again, they not only get the bad consequences of mass immigration, they also get blamed and called racist if they complain about it.
Well, look, it's a political conquering plan, and the arguments are, this is terrible, these scum, wish we would have exterminated them, that's the left, really, of Genesis, but let's use them to politically take over.
Then we'll release the bio-weapon and wipe them out, which is a real Carnegie and Ford Foundation discussion, is...
Humans are so similar genetically, if we release these bioweapons to wipe out the Arabs and the Blacks, it'll jump into a lot of us and kill us, and so that's the only reason it hasn't been done yet.
But don't worry, everybody else is working on race-specific bioweapons, so it's only a matter of time.
Stunning job as usual at the helm of Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
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Right now is Massive Rampage Force.
Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram, and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
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That's 10.40 Eastern.
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Tonight, I'm on with Tucker Carlson.
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Mommy, Daddy, did you hear?
Two boy penguins, two gay penguins, they had a baby!
That's what's being taught in all the public schools in the Western world today.
And a giant hoax story launched three days ago that two male penguins have an egg and that they are incubating it.
And ignorant people think, oh, that means fertilizing it.
It turns out they stole it from the mother and father.
and are sitting on her. Gay penguins named Sven and Magic are set to raise their first chick.
At her aquarium, staff noticed the pair were more than just friends.
Thousands of articles are teaching school kids about it. Oh, they had an egg together.
No, they didn't. They stole the egg. But then they talk about how they're taking care of it and how sweet it is.
And then they use scientific terms of keeping the egg warm to make it sound like they actually had the egg and to deceive people.
Special friends.
And now the couple are expecting their first egg hatchling.
Same-sex penguin couple incubate egg at Sydney Aquarium.
That doesn't mean that they fertilize the egg.
That's a male and female bird.
No, no, no.
They incubate, meaning they're sitting on it.
A light bulb can do that.
But here's the key to it all, Daily Mail.
There's always the rest of the story.
Gay penguin couple snatched chick after its parents left it to go for a swim at Danish Zoo.
Two male penguins, who want to be parents themselves, tried to adopt a chick while its mother and father weren't looking in Denmark.
Oh, they kidnapped it!
How sweet!
The parents disappeared and the kid was simply kidnapped.
That's what the zoo's saying.
Isn't that beautiful?
Oh, and look.
They're kissing, as all species of birds do, especially of their siblings.
But that's gay!
Two, two, two, two, two penguins cuddling up next to each other, as all penguin species do, is gay!
So they can show kids this and go, look kids, they're gay!
And the two men had a baby!
No, they stole the baby!
But see, the other penguins that actually had the egg, they're not good!
The ones that can't have an egg, so all the penguins die, they're the good ones to reduce population!
*static* You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
*static* *static*
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
In less than one week, Americans will go to the polls in one of the most important elections of our entire lives.
Our movement is about safe homes, great jobs for every citizen.
Our movement is about love for our fellow Americans.
Our movement is for everyone and belongs to anyone who wants to build a better future.
You can do it right here in the USA, right here.
Just look at the amazing things that we have all done working together.
The unemployment rate just fell to the lowest level in over 50 years.
And China's trying to stop it right now by cutting their own nose off.
It's not going to work.
More Americans are working today than at any point in the history of our country.
Think of that.
This is really an election between greatness and gridlock.
It will be gridlock.
And it's a choice between an economy that is going strong and setting records at every level and the Democrats who are going absolutely crazy, folks.
They're going crazy.
This is such a great honor because together we will make America wealthy again.
We will make America strong again.
We will make America safe again.
And we will make America great again.
Thank you, Florida.
put that video out, compilation of last night on Infowars.com and I hope you'll get it out
to everybody you know.
Trump wanted to be able to say by now, "Keep America Great,"
but he doesn't tell you things that aren't true.
They call him a liar all day because it's the opposite.
But at first they meant, he's crazy, he's doing everything he said he'd do.
They go, people don't like that.
Just say he's a liar.
Remember when Trump came on this show?
And he said, I will not let you down, I believe in one year we'll be able to turn things around, it'll be evident, maybe two.
Because my goal is one, but maybe two.
We're under a lot of attack.
It's going to take two, three, four.
And you notice what he said, though.
There was, we're going to make it great.
He wanted to be able to say now, America's great again.
By breaking the will of the cancerous globalist.
We have not done it yet.
Trump's been in there for like eight rounds, a 12 round match, man.
And he has beat the living snot out of them.
But they keep putting new fighters in every round.
And they're cheating at every level.
It's just like the movie Gladiator, where the little sniveling wimp guy... The little sniveling wimp guy... He can't, obviously, fight anybody.
But he wants to beat the big gladiator, who is also the former Roman general.
He wants to be able to beat him, and so he stabs him in the heart!
With a stiletto!
Because he's been advised while he's tied up, you know, just give him a poke in the heart.
He's so tough it'll take him a few minutes to die.
We can get him up and march him out while he's dying with a knife wound in his heart, but still Maximus kills him.
And that story, by the way, is a composite of two true stories in Rome.
The whole story isn't one story.
It's kind of like the Patriots with Mel Gibson.
It's three famous stories, but that all happened.
It's actually three stories together, because you can't, like, do all three characters and build them up.
But the Swamp Fox and his kid getting killed and all that, that's true.
And it's all weaved together.
And that's how amazing all of this is.
They've got us basically tied down and stabbed, and they've got Trump tied down and stabbed, and they've been on top of us forever.
They've got all the money, because they stole it, in our name, and they still can't win because of one thing.
We're awake now.
We're not asleep anymore.
They got us into a trance.
And that's what this comes down to.
Yeah, there's the scene right there.
We've got audio faded up.
This is a crazy time.
See, Trump's big sin is that he doesn't want to run you into the ground to mount your head on the wall metaphysically so he feels big.
He doesn't need to do that.
He wants to see you be great because he already thinks he's great.
He thinks you're great.
And seeing you being dominated and run over makes him angry.
Okay, I'm going to get to the gay frog thing, which is a funny meme.
I'll explain it all next hour.
I'm a little bit behind.
We had a special guest joining us.
That special guest is going to be on tomorrow now.
There's a lot of stuff going on with time zones and other things, and I totally understand that.
So the special guest will be on us tomorrow.
But the next hour, I also intend to open the phones up to take your calls.
Now let me do this, though, first.
Because I have it plugged in an hour and 52 minutes.
I've not plugged in that amount of time, but for like 10 seconds, and we won't be here if I don't plug, because when I plug, I start thinking like, when I plug, we bring in the money we need, and when I don't, we don't.
And I'm like, please support us, please help us, we need help or Soros is gonna win, because it's been neck and neck.
And I always sit back and go, why won't you shut up and plug twice or three times an hour, and then you get all the money you need to expand.
So the biggest problem around here is me.
It's just that I get so obsessed with the news that, and then I'm sitting here right now, I'm gonna be just completely honest with you.
It's like Providence.
It's not like Providence, it is Providence.
I don't know how to describe years and years and years of research to bring you X1, to
bring you X2, and now to bring you X3.
It's like the things that go on in my life, your life, they're so crazy.
Truth, strange and fiction.
I can't even get into how amazing this is.
How the globalists are obsessed with you not having the good halogen iodine in your body, and how almost all the fields and all the plants are depleted of iodine, and the ocean has iodine, but it's bound to iron and salt and all this other crap, and so it doesn't get into your bloodstream.
And how, because they persecuted us five years ago, six years ago, and shut down our clean seaweed version that wasn't as good, but was the best out there.
That's what I do.
The best.
I mean, if I'm not giving you the best, I feel like I'm going to hell.
And I'm not some whip-me-spank-me-I-feel-guilty guy.
No, it's not like that.
I feel totally good as long as I'm going with my total spirit and my gut to do the right thing.
When I'm not, I'm in tortured agony.
That literally is what... If I'm not saying, Mueller, you're a filthy, demonic criminal that you will be defeated, even though it's dangerous, I can't sleep at night.
I'm trying to explain that about these products.
This isn't hype, ladies and gentlemen.
We came up with the best seaweed base.
Then they took our supply away because leftists discovered it.
You've seen the harassment.
I never used to bitch about it because it wasn't existential threat.
I have to tell you now because sometimes they got my neck in the noosh and you get me out of it real quick and I'm right back in the next week.
I mean this is real touch and go like a football game.
Sudden death overtime.
Except it's for the future of your children and the whole world.
In every Google document they say, Jones is to be stopped!
Because they've got algorithms that show we will defeat them!
It's not hard!
We're promoting Americana, we're promoting freedom, red-bloodedness, men are men, women are women.
That's what we want!
They can't compete with that!
I prayed about this, and I didn't want to announce it until we got a huge shipment of it, because I wanted to get contracts, and it took time to get guaranteed contracts, so because anything successful we do, the enemy shuts down.
So lawyers get involved, and six months becomes a year, a year becomes a year and a half, but we got the Deep Earth Crystal source from an even bigger oil company that goes even deeper.
So it doesn't even really matter.
Now it's not nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, I mean, it's ridiculous.
And we've got the contract.
Because you think, oh, you're selling a lot of iodine.
These oil companies, it's like $10 million of iodine is nothing.
It's like, you want us to extract that at 12,000 feet and guarantee delivery and blah, blah, blah?
It's seen as like an aggregate.
It's seen as like a side issue.
It's seen as like, you know, a distraction for them.
And you gotta jump through all these hoops.
But now we have it.
Deep Earth Crystal Source.
But while we were talking to the chemists and scientists and everybody else, they said, but you know, like 1% of the public can't absorb pure atomic iodine.
Even though most people need the pure atomic, some can't.
And to make it more absorbable, you need to put the two different types of iodine, just a little bit in there and a little bit of vitamin C. And we checked around with other scientists, they said, absolutely.
This, we cannot think of a better formula for pure absorption of three types of iodine.
We bring you Survival Shield X3 Tri-Iodine.
This is, without a doubt, the ultimate iodine on the planet.
At m4warslife.com.
And again, people are like, iodine, schmiodine.
Yeah, they're obsessed with giving you fluoride.
That's the bad halogen.
This is it, folks!
It's the brain juice!
This stuff is incredible.
The dreams, the focus, everything.
This is the pineal gland.
This is rocket fuel.
At m4warslife.com.
X3, 50% off.
Three words.
Energized quantum state.
Two words.
You've seen how the entire global power structure is desperate to shut us down.
And it's for good reasons.
We've done our research, we've seen how they're targeting the people, and how they're trying to suppress the population.
And one of their biggest attacks is fluoridation of water, the bad halogen.
There's a bunch of bad halogens, but fluoride is chief amongst them, and then they electrify it into an acid base, so it's hydrofluorosilicic acid.
Survival Shield X3 is the latest in the X family and has all three types of iodine from thousands of feet deep under the earth so it's not radioactive or be contaminated by modern chemicals.
And it's got a tiny amount of vitamin C that stabilizes it and stops it from being oxidized.
Folks, Everything we do makes the Globals pull their hair out for a reason.
Because, again, we study how they're attacking, what they're obsessed with.
They are completely into iodine.
They've even tried to buy us out and get us to stop doing this.
And most of the forms of iodine are bound, and so you're not absorbing.
X1, X2 were great.
X3 is the next level.
It has the Deep Earth Crystals, the other two types, and a little bit of Vitamin C to energize it.
It's available in 2-ounce and 1-ounce at InfoWarsTore.com.
And from the very start, 50% off and free shipping because I want you to get it, and I want you to take it, and I want you to see what it does.
InfoWarsTore.com, InfoWarsLife.com.
Now again, it's an element.
It takes a few weeks to kick in.
A lot of people detoxify about three weeks in.
So be ready for that.
Consult your physician.
Start your journey today at InfoWarsLife.com with our newest product that I'm the most excited about ever.
Just like our info changes the world, this changes your body and your life.
You can't lose.
It helps fund the info war and it's great for you.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
On the road again.
Okay, here's what I want to do.
I want to take your phone calls in the next few segments, and I want to get you on air
And then I want to go through all the big news that just broke in the last 30 minutes at Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
In fact, I forgot to tell you guys.
Will you print me the latest stories?
And then we're going to go through them all.
Google drama, walkouts, protests, office harassment, inequity, eating their own.
Clear evidence of cell phones cause cancer.
Clear evidence that fish are in the ocean.
Nearly half of Afghans are under terrorist control as U.S.
pours billions into the country.
It's one of the few problems, but they don't want the Chinese to take over.
I say let them have the quagmire.
I think it's one of the few bad things Trump's done.
He's not following his instinct and staying in Afghanistan.
So that's just some of the news on that front.
There's a Mark Dice report, too, that's up on Infowars.com that I'm going to air when we come back.
Just showing the virtue signaling, the extreme virtue signaling of the left.
I'll just wait till next segment.
My problem is I can never say it's coming up.
I just start doing it right there.
But it's insane.
One tweet saying, how dare you put a white person in Black Panther costume?
That just shows the mind control and the anti-whiteness that the establishment has promoted and is hoping minorities pick up.
But most minorities are the majority in most areas and they remember Martin Luther King and they're like, this doesn't make sense.
So, but it's a real demographic game the globalists are playing.
So that's coming up.
That's coming up next segment.
Also, with the U.S.
Senate panel examines former Trump aide Bannon's campaign role.
We're going to be looking at all these setups they're involved in, these different TV ads they're running, and what they plan to do if they take back the House.
I really don't think, even though you've got record young people turning out to vote, I don't think, from everything I've seen and what I feel, and how scared and frantic the Democrats look, and how they've pulled out all the stops and said, yes, fine, illegals vote.
Remember, they'd always denied that they were doing that, but now they're like, yes, yes, yes, we're having illegal aliens vote, damn it.
And first they went from the caravan's good, You know, Trump's gonna kill them when they get here today.
There is no caravan.
I have video clips.
In fact, we should play some of these clips.
I'm out of control.
Where's my video list?
I've got video clips where they're denying it exists like you have no memory.
But really what they're doing is they're just training your brain to accept lying.
So we're going to be looking at that coming up.
The New York Times attacking me.
That's right.
George Soros conspiracies, new signature of the GOP. That's right George Soros
only gave 32 billion dollars this year to stopping nationalists in Europe and
That's in the New York Times.
It's like, well, the other biggest donors are the Koch brothers that give to both parties, but 60% of Republicans, they gave $2 billion in the last 20 years.
I'm going, okay, $32 billion?
$32 billion will buy you a hamburger and a Coke and a lot more.
And I know personally, I've been told, hey, You gonna let off Soros?
You had enough yet?
And I'm like, no.
Thank you, sir.
May I have another?
I have not had enough yet.
Because I am not gonna get down there on my knees.
When George Soros comes over and unzips his pants, and worship this little piece of crap, who's 88 years old, and Satan's big old long dirty tongue is like rolled out like a red carpet, and George Soros is walking up towards the black opening.
The globalists know that if they suppress the good halogen and pump the environment full of the bad halogens, fluoride, chlorine, bromine, you name it, that it lowers IQ.
I'm not on that team. So whatever you do this body the globe the globalists know that if they suppress the good
halogen and pump the Environment full of the bad halogens fluoride chlorine bromine
you name it that it lowers IQ it literally Dumbs the population down and on our quest to bring our
listeners and viewers the best eye on the world We've gone through two permutations
First, seaweed-based iodine that was pretty good but hard to source, and the Globeless tried to block us getting a supply of it.
So we discovered deep-earth crystals of pure nascent iodine and brought you X2 that's been incredible.
Now, due to the Establishment trying to block that, we did more research and secured more of the deep-earth crystals of nascent iodine.
Kim, a scientist and others, showed us the research that by combining it with three other compounds, two forms of iodine and vitamin C, it supercharges it and makes it even more bioavailable.
Ladies and gentlemen, you want to research it, you want to see it, it's an incredible discovery.
X3 now available at m4slife.com.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, the stock market's up.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average 179 points.
179 points and a lot of that as we've seen a loss of half the gains we've got
in the last two years with Trump is because China and the trade war with the
United States is getting its butt handed to it.
That is the horrible, evil, vampiric chi-coms that crouch and sit and perch on top of the poor Chinese people.
And the word is, is that they're ready to capitulate.
Now, we'll see if they zig when we zag, but they've been screwing us over and building infrastructure that is out of a science fiction movie while we get absolutely nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
And so Trump is just saying, you know, we're not going to starve America to death in some satanic leftist ritual.
You know, crazy liberals.
Don't just do rituals where they like sacrifice babies or rape virgins.
They'll go out to some beautiful redwood and they'll cut it down and burn it in a ritual.
That's been in the news before.
They look at the essence of some, you know, a thousand-year-old tree.
These people are crazy.
Donald Trump doesn't need to chop a tree down to get some power.
He's not a mental patient.
So the Shanghai Composite Stock Index is going right in the toilet.
They've had about four times the losses we have.
So if they want to fight, they got one.
Because Donald Trump just doesn't get, as a businessman, why don't we negotiate a two-way deal that makes everybody rich?
Why are we screwing America over?
Oh, because the left has some weird anti-Christian thing, and just wants to... I mean, you look at Hollywood.
Like, why does Hollywood hate America?
Why do they hate John Wayne?
Why do they hate men being men?
Because they hate power!
They're threat, they don't have it.
Why do the globalists want total control of Russia?
Because Russia, for all its problems, has a high IQ.
And probably a lot, the establishment thinks of the touch, maybe some psychic genetics.
That's the same thing.
Anything that's got power, the globalists want to control.
And everybody's like, yeah, tell us something we don't know.
I'm not talking to the audience that knows everything.
I know you know everything.
I'm always worried about the prodigal son.
The person that doesn't know.
That's who we need to get.
Now they're total idiots and scum, move on from them, but we got to reach out to them.
I think this election at a gut level is on a razor's edge.
I think it's going to come in super, whoever wins, it's going to be super, super close.
Razor's margins, wins by a nose.
Obviously, it's a huge red wave like it is globally, but there's going to be fraud.
And so we've got to do even more to win.
And if listeners don't get energized, which you are, And if you don't go out and really take action, we still win.
But it's gonna be rough.
In fact, we might even win more spectacularly down the road, but I just... Man, I really don't want to go down that road.
Just the flesh in me.
Would like to really, really secure this and drive the Democrats from power and really make them the regional party and really make them extinct politically.
That's the right thing to do.
The right thing to do is press the attack.
We're gonna play this Trump video coming up.
Let me give you the number to join us.
On who do you think is going to win?
What's your gut tell you?
What are you seeing?
What do you make of the fake polls saying Democrats are going to win?
We've seen that before.
We know they're oversampling 10-15% depending on the poll for Democrats.
What do you see in your tea leaves?
And let's get to this first.
This is a story up on Infowars.com that's extremely important.
Mark Dice has done it again.
He sent a tweet to Target saying, I can't believe you have a white child in a Black Panther outfit.
This is cultural appropriation.
Black folks finally get a hero.
And you've done this.
There's the actual tweet.
Why is this white boy pictured wearing a Black Panther costume on your website?
This is black erasure.
This is what's taught at universities, by the way.
People of color finally have a superhero of their own.
And you disrespect them by using a white person to promote the costume.
I'm boycotting.
And they pulled it with one tweet.
And people thought it was real.
Even though it's Mark Dice, you know in 10 seconds, he's a conservative libertarian media analyst.
Par excellence.
But again, it shows the capitulation.
The left is the most susceptible to their own mental illness.
Where you're just supposed to absolutely capitulate.
If someone says milk is racist, we go, no it's not.
BuzzFeed says yes, it's white, it's racist.
They're teaching total mental illness.
Here's the report.
Well, not everyone had a happy Halloween this year.
Target, America's second biggest retailer, took down this photo of a white boy modeling a Black Panther superhero costume after someone complained that it's a costume for black children and it's cultural appropriation.
How dare you think it's okay for a white boy to dress up as a black superhero?
What do you think this is, the 1990s?
And you're never gonna guess who complained about it.
I did.
When it was brought to my attention last week by one of you awesome viewers that the white boy was pictured wearing the costume, I did my best social justice warrior impression and tweeted to Target telling them how terrible it was.
Why is this white boy pictured wearing a black panther costume on your website?
This is black eraser.
People of color finally have a superhero of their own and you disrespect Shameful!
by using a white person to promote the costume?
And then added, I didn't mean to assume the child's gender.
The point is that a white boy or girl or non-binary or questioning or gender fluid, pan-gender, queer,
intersex individual has no business modeling a black pants or costume.
Hashtag blacks only.
And even though they didn't apologize, which is what I was hoping they would do,
when I checked the website yesterday, the photo of the white boy was gone
And every single picture is a black kid modeling the costume.
Now, if you thought that my liberal alter ego was the only one crazy enough to think that this was an inappropriate costume for kids, you would be wrong.
This from People Magazine.
Cultural appropriation or not, parents speak out about Black Panther Halloween costumes.
Parents of white children might want to think twice before purchasing a Black Panther Halloween costume this year.
The blockbuster superhero film is sure to spawn some of the most popular get-ups this season.
But many are advising parents to consider all angles before giving in to their children's wishes.
Namely, exploring the idea of whether a white child dressing up as any of the film's black characters would be considered cultural appropriation.
Evan Narcisse, a senior writer for io9 who's currently working on a comic series titled Rise of the Black Panther for Marvel, told the New York Times he feels conflicted about the issue.
You want that white kid to be able to think that he can dress up in a Black Panther costume because to that kid there's no difference between Captain America and Black Panther, he said.
Explaining that it also requires trying to explain what is special about T'Challa and Wakanda without racism.
And it's like, I can't do it!
I couldn't do it!
Several months ago, anticipating this problem, this black man tweeted out, Dear white people, Yes, Black Panther came to cinemas in February.
So yes, this Halloween will be prime time for Black Panther costumes.
Please note, there are white characters in Black Panther for you.
He went on to say that the point is that white people have many choices when it comes to who they can accurately portray.
The black and brown people do not.
So why encroach on their territory?
Another blogger and podcaster for Fatherly.com wrote, quote, I don't think my white son should wear a Black Panther costume this Halloween.
In general, I don't think white children should wear Black Panther costumes for Halloween at all.
My thinking is this.
Black Panther is more than just another superhero film.
It is a meaningful and important moment for people of a specific race.
It's people like you, sir, who are ruining the next generation, and possibly the entire country.
I'm the- [SOUND
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
First, I just want to mention, if people just go and try the products, they will be ordering all the time.
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As soon as I start to feel like I get a little sick, you know, maybe like a little raspiness in my throat, I drop some Silver Bullet in it.
Like, I'll still feel a little sick, but it won't last as long.
Well, let me just say something, Victor.
It's people like you that then fund the whole operation, because a very small percentage of people buy products, and a very small percentage of them buy a lot of the products, so thank you.
But when you mention the Silver Bullet Coalital Silver, it's got thousands of reviews, a 98% review.
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Ah, you don't want that.
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Super Silver Wound Gel.
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InfoWars is proud to sell incredible filters, but it's almost impossible to keep up with every faucet, shower, and sink in your home.
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The Pro-Pure Whole House Water Filtration System is an advanced, four-stage, compact filtration system That will provide water filtration for your entire home, removing 220 plus contaminants from your water.
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With its broad spectrum contaminant reduction, you'll only need this one filter for clean and refreshing water Look at that.
Everybody else is just like yellow or clear and that's because it's been denatured, it's been watered down.
purchase or you're looking to replace your current rundown systems it's time
to go big and go home with the Pro Pure whole house filtration system today.
Look at that. Everybody else is just like yellow or clear that's because it's been
denatured it's been watered down. We didn't do that. You think I would
metaphysically sell you something this is the very best I can get.
I'd rather go to hell than do that.
I will only give you the maximum best info, the maximum truth, the maximum product, because I want that goodwill!
What I do to you, I do to myself.
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The number one thing anybody can do for themselves is take good fish oil or krill oil.
Just like our information is dynamite, so are our products in 4Store.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I hear people talking bad about the way we have to live here in this country.
Harping on the wars we fight, griping about the way things ought to be.
I don't mind them.
And I don't mind them switching sides and standing up for things they believe in.
But when they're running down There's a fight inside now, isn't there?
me. There's a fight inside now isn't it?
Running down a way of life or fighting many fought and died to keep.
If you don't love it, leave it. Let this song that I'm singing be a warning to you.
I want to take your calls on what's going to happen with the election.
What's your gut level or what do you think if they're going to have this caravan hitting in just a few days before the election?
Only five days out.
Total false flag territory.
Where do you think it's all going?
And any other issue?
Long-time callers, first-time callers, whatever.
I'd love to hear from you all.
877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
I don't want to be rude.
I mean, a little bit better at going to callers quicker, but to get to a lot of you, we need to just have 45 seconds, a minute apiece, and I can't pontificate, which is like asking water not to be wet, but I'll try.
877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539 on this live Thursday global transmission.
Alex 877-789-2539 on this live Thursday Global Transmission.
Now let's get into it right now.
Let's talk about it.
Let's go ahead and discuss the topic of
What is homosexual in Latin and [BLANK_AUDIO]
And then what is frog or amphibian in Latin?
Can we look that up?
Because this would be the case of Frogus?
I mean, I guess is what you would call it.
And we're gonna go to this in a moment.
Now, why am I doing something funny?
Well, because we can reach a lot of young people with these memes.
These tried-and-trusted memes.
So, the Alex Jones comes out as a gay frog is on InfoWars.com.
You can share the video.
It's the only way it gets out to people.
And it's tailor-made with one of the number one memes.
I mean, it's up there in the top few memes ever.
Gay frogs.
And people can find out, wow, Atrazine really does sterilize you.
It really can manipulate your sexuality.
And it's a big problem.
And people should be aware of what's going on.
So I thought that A gay frog, a fictitious character, played by me, would then talk to Mr. Atrazine, another real character who actually is out sterilizing and killing the frogs and causing male frogs to be homosexual and female frogs to not even produce eggs.
It just kills you and turns you upside down.
So here is the report.
And this is the gay frog report for the election.
It's very, very important.
It's on Infowars.com.
Tom, here it is.
Welcome to Lilypad Lane, and here's your host, Geronimo Frost.
Look at me, I'm a gay frog.
I'm so cool.
I'm so geek.
I'll never have children and I'm sterilized.
But the media says I'm totally cool.
I'm a gay frog.
I'm a gay fish.
It's so good.
And I thank my daddy, Atrazine.
Thanks to Atrazine, there'll be no more frogs.
But we're gay, so it's cool.
Thanks, Atrazine!
Atrazine is a human sterilization agent.
Before we go to our special guest Atrazine, I wanted you to hear from one of our biggest supporters, David Hogg.
He understands the bigoted anti-Semitic racist hatred of people like Alex Jones that have warned that frogs are becoming sterilized and gay from major scientific studies.
Of course we are!
It's so cool!
Let's hear from David Hogg first!
Oh David!
Getting, um, saying Alex Joe, sorry, I don't want to mention his name, um, when individuals
say these things to us, I think it's important for their viewing audience to realize they're
simply trying to make money off them.
For example, one of the main people in this situation that I don't want to name the name of, but as you said is from InfoWars, he shouts a lot.
I'll just give you that hint.
He looks red.
He's advertising many of these things, and the power lies in these advertisers to pull out of these fear-mongering, hate-loving people that just want to spread hate and division in America.
For example, on InfoWars, one of the main things that he spoke, one of his famous things is saying that, one of his most famous statements was saying that, Tapwater is turning the frogs gay and will turn you gay too.
First off, gay people are awesome.
I don't think that's a problem at all.
And secondly, if you notice at the end of that video, He advertises water filters.
Thank you, David.
Thank you.
Alex Jones, bad.
Gay, frog, good.
Atrazine, good.
I have a... I have trouble breathing and they say I'm gonna die soon, but it's okay.
Atrazine, I love you.
Let's talk to Atrazine now.
Look how popular you are now.
Hold on.
Mr. Atrazine, I'm talking to you in a moment.
I'm talking about my biggest fan, David Hogg.
Yes, you've taken the bait, you scum!
We'll go to you now, then!
You still are wonderful.
Okay, why are they lying about you and saying mean things about you and trying to keep you from the human children's water?
After all, you give people such gifts.
Why are they doing that, Mr. Atrazine?
Of course, my son, you're absolutely right.
There's nothing wrong with Atrazine and other carcinogens in the water.
Give you this gift that you now have.
A gift that's so special.
A gift that means the end of the frogs.
Yes, you are a product of collateral damage in a larger program.
And the fact that Stephen Colbert and my other agents have turned this into a joke is all the more delicious.
Atrazine is what helps us become sterile and die.
It's liberal, and don't be racist against atrazine.
Ask any gay frog.
It's good to never have any more frogs.
It's good for our species to go away, or you're racist.
I'm so cool now, Mr. Atrazine, that I'm sterile and dying early and have four eyes.
But there's bigots out there who fight the transhumanist trans system and they say that the mutations are bad and that we should worry about deadly chemicals or sterilization.
Why do they do that?
Why are they against the gifts you've given us of Atrazine?
Every human watching, not just frogs, Not just other animal life.
Needs to know.
When I was first born, I saw my dad.
He had a big red neck.
He'd go... Never filter your water.
Cook with Bisphenol A. Radiation is good for you.
The world government is good for you.
Just submit.
This hour brought to you by Syngenta and Atrazine.
They round up from my good friend over at Monsanto.
Drink up!
No more pain, you die!
Thank you, gay frogs.
Frogs aren't gay. Atrazine's good.
There's not a chemical program to reduce fertility.
InfoWars is sorry.
Please let us back on Twitter.
Google, let us back on.
We're sorry.
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Hey guys, my name is Savannah Hernandez and if you're always on the go like me, then
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The InfoWars official app includes all of our live broadcasts like War Room with Owen Troyer, Real News with David Knight, and the holy grail of podcasting radio, the Alex Jones Show.
And the best part about the InfoWars official app is that every single time we go live, you get notifications so that you never miss a beat.
So whether you're in the car or on a run, this app makes it easy to keep the InfoWars right in your pocket.
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That's so fast, InfoWars.
Apple banned your app.
I help, too!
I hate free speech, too!
We hate free speech!
We hate free speech!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones show You
You You
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
My love is in league with the freeway It's the fashion we'll ride as the cities fly by
The taillights is off in the coming of night And the questions and the clouds in the state fly
My love is in league My love is a mile and a way
And the eyes that just stare at the glass of the phone And the secret number and the name of the postcard
I'll go to your phone calls and then in the fourth hour Mike Adams has got really important news information to
cover A lot of new breaking news, obviously, around the country.
They're claiming these races are extremely close.
And I would tend to disagree with that because the polling is historically so fake.
But you do have record, record, record turnout right now of young people.
And it's true that half of millennials Call themselves communists or socialists in major polls.
But most Generation Z... So I guess that's about under... What's Generation Z?
Under 20?
Generation Z, or I guess under 18?
Generation Z is mainly libertarian or conservative.
But there is a 500% increase in Texas of people who are millennial under the age of 35.
And that signifies big trouble for Ted Cruz.
My God, if we get Beto O'Rourke, Beto, which in Spanish means pedophile, why not be fake news made for medias?
No, I'm being sarcastic, folks.
He doesn't really mean pedophile.
I think it means like billionaire, fake interloper, carpetbagger.
That's, that's, well, Beto means beta.
What it really means is somebody who talks in a fake voice.
If you talk like this, it's how Bernie Sanders and Obama talk, then you're somebody.
But he's like Chris Cuomo, he's a hit and run guy.
So you've got a hit and run under your belt, you're either going to be a Democrat president, commentator, or senator.
I don't know.
Here's a question for listeners.
What do the Democrats do if they win?
Doing an insane job with all these committees trying to sabotage the economy.
We know what the Federal Reserve is already up to.
What do they do if they lose?
Oh my gosh.
I think you're going to see riots all over the country.
And they plan to send up the caravan.
Let me tell you what happened with the caravan.
Obama began with, just like they did in Europe six, seven years ago, they began six, seven years ago to send up giant caravans of people paid for by Soros, by taxpayers, by the UN, and hundreds of buses a day would arrive just in McAllen, Texas.
So certainly five years ago, it took us about a year to learn about it, nobody was even talking about it.
We would send our crew down to McAllen and other places, and there'd be like 20 buses at a time driving off, and four or five rounds a day.
And the Border Patrol...
Would actually have their union head, because he could speak, who also was the head of the Texas sector, go, it's treason, we can't even vet them, they have diseases, we're being told to load kids up on buses with people we don't even know, our groups aren't even certified, this is child trafficking, which it was, it later came out.
And you're like, wow, the Border Patrol really went far in doing that.
Well, yeah!
I mean, when you're like, want to help children and people, you're loading them up with adults, you don't even know who they are!
And it turned out it was child smuggling.
And a bunch of other crap.
And then once they get these bus loads to Chicago and Dallas and everywhere else they're going, from Texas and Oklahoma City, they go to Democrat charities, they sign the kid up, and the local church, local Democratic group, skims in some cases, 100% of the welfare.
But it gets worse.
It's in the news that they then put them Even child laborers in factories owned by Democrats, meatpacking, you name it, in corrupt Democrat towns they run, where they run the inspectors, they run everybody else, it's totally corrupt.
And they make them work, and then when it's time to get their paycheck, if they bitch, they're fired.
And if they say anything, they blow a whistle and report them to ICE, and then ICE comes and gets them.
You think ICE likes doing that?
Going to some dirty apartment where there's a bunch of teenagers and people and there's everything else going on and, you know, there's girls being put in prostitution in the back room just to pay for the rent and all the money skimmed off of them.
There's a pimp running them for sex.
Democrats are getting all the welfare money.
And then they don't even give them a paycheck at the meatpacking plant.
Some 15 year old girl.
ICE gets really pissed.
And they say, "We're quitting unless somebody does something about this."
And so Trump has done a lot of stuff behind the scenes.
Let's just say these kingpins, Mexican mafia, MS-13s, the Democrats don't like to get their hands dirty.
Because see, sometimes the Hispanic, particularly, who come in here illegally, they get organized kind of in a union and say no.
Well then they just send in a gang and kill them.
And that's why Nancy Pelosi said they're all God's children.
Well see, then MS-13, they got guns on them and a lot of times, you know, they pull those guns.
And then it just kind of becomes a footnote when these guys get laid out.
And it's not a good thing.
I don't like it, but we are in basically a civil war.
You don't usually even hear about these guys, what happens to them.
And they're real scared right now.
They've been running their mouth about how tough they are and everything else, but they're not tough.
They're dead, that's what they are.
They're six feet under.
They're getting chewed up and spat out.
Because we're not going to turn the United States into Mexico.
It's not gonna happen.
So, that's what's happening.
And that's just one small little window into all the things that are going on.
What are they going to pull?
What are they going to pull with these huge mobs of 10,000 here, 20,000 there, 5,000 here, 3,000 there, marching up to crush the border?
5,000 here, 3,000 there, marching up to crush the border.
So I knew this was going on because we knew they were bringing up buses.
We knew who the groups were.
Soros was in Forbes bragging he was funding it.
And the UN.
And Trump gets in.
He says, we're not under UN control anymore.
Controlling those agencies.
We're in control.
It stops.
And Soros goes, no.
We're just going to make even bigger caravans and smash through it and say you're hurting little kids and have the compliant media say it.
But the public woke up to that.
So now they're in real trouble.
So they're like, oh my God, this caravan backfired on us.
What are we going to do?
So now they're in the news saying the caravans do not exist.
That's in my stack.
They just think you'll just forget about that caravan now.
Because see, we've warned of false flags, we've warned of what they might pull.
They know there's too many eyeballs, and military intelligence, defense intelligence, army intelligence, the Marine Corps, the patriots that are in the CIA, not the bad ones, they're all down there watching, and they're all tracking the leaders of this.
I bet some of the leaders of the caravan from these NGOs that are involved in military action against the U.S.
I bet some of them fell down the stairs in Mexico in the last few days.
Why, I bet a few of them got ran into on the street.
Gee darnit, I bet some of them died with their military attack on the U.S.
I bet the heads of the snakes got cut off.
Because that's what they're saying now.
Suddenly there's like the leaders are all gone.
Nobody knows where they went.
They just disappeared.
It's really sad that all these communists organized in Venezuela marched up from there waving communist flags and their foreign flags.
So they're going to piss all over the country.
I'm real sad to hear that Soros is little minions and some of these even some of these liberal professors that are basically foreign intelligence officers.
I'm upset.
I'm upset that some amount of like Humpty Dumpty fell down and busted their head and all the King's horses and all the King's men.
I'll never put them back together again.
What about you?
What do you think?
Head of the snake.
Calls, I promise, straight ahead.
You've been doing it.
You've been spreading the links.
And victory is prevailing.
But the battle is joined.
One of the most amazing products that I've seen in years is Instantly Ageless from Jeunesse, available at InfoWarsYes.com.
Now, I've got some bags under my eyes, especially right now with really bad allergies in Austin, Texas.
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And again, a lot of folks use one per eye.
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So let's see what happens in the next, I guess, two and a half minutes now.
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I'm gonna resist.
I'm gonna start recognizing the propaganda.
I'm gonna break free from it.
humanity's gonna come together.
We know we're under attack!
We know it!
We're breaking the conditioning!
So there you go.
I just applied that kind of like a monkey would.
Not as good as a woman or somebody that's good at this stuff.
And I can already feel it tightening.
It already feels good.
Feels cool.
It's pretty much dry now.
I'm going to go back and look at the time lapse.
It's pretty dramatic.
At least in the past when I've done it.
We'll see what happens here.
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We need to go back and revisit the foundations of our freedom.
Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that, because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it UN Agenda 21, now they call it the UN 2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
Never miss your show, any day.
I mean, what? I mean, never!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alright, Mike Adams is coming up.
All right, Mike Adams is coming up.
I just, what do I say five days out?
It hasn't been said.
It's crazy.
The censorship, the manipulation of Google, the armies of people they've got in there, in live-time delisting articles, engaging in fraud, the way they're trying to plunge the economy, the way they're rooting against the country, just the energy they're putting out to not just have control, but to run it in the ground.
They're not fighting like you fight for your baby's life, because you love it.
They're fighting because they want to crap all over it.
And when you know, I mean, I know so much about Maxine Waters and her criminal activity.
She's such a thug.
That it gives me a headache, even, like, if I want to start talking trash about her, they just showed a clip of her, if you're watching TV, radio listeners didn't see it, and I start thinking about all the stuff she's done bad, and how evil she is, and how she rips off her constituents and steals their welfare money, and, I mean, she is a criminal!
And that's what America has?
With a big ol' giant... hard-on to screw us over?
I mean, it's like...
God Almighty.
Thank God.
God put term limits on people.
I don't wish any harm against her, but she'll never leave Congress, but she will leave this planet.
And in a weird way, you know, I'm like, well, keep her there.
She makes the Democrats look like idiots.
But man, I just feel sorry for her constituents.
I mean, and Pelosi, that criminal?
I think about all the crimes she, I mean, she had no money when she went to Congress.
She's given billions to her husband in government biotech money.
But they get away with it because they're Democrats.
Because they buy everybody off.
Okay, I said I'd go to your calls.
I just, where do you start?
Where do you start with these people?
Nancy Pelosi, MS-13, all God's children.
Well, they're certainly going to see God right now.
I heard they've not been having a very good day.
Of course, that isn't on your local Action 7 News, though.
And people go, oh my God, you're against the police state, Jones.
You don't like extrajudicial killing.
These are foreign governments attacking us in covert operations.
They're lucky that Trump doesn't fly down there with A-10 warthogs and destroy those columns.
But they have children with them!
They bring them as shields.
And you let them through, it's the very groups exploiting kids.
Most of those kids, they've kidnapped!
You look at those kids crying and screaming, trying to get away from who they're with!
Those aren't their fathers and mothers in most cases!
Those are child traffickers!
It's on record!
So I say we go down there and judiciously remove the children from them, find out who their parents are.
Oh, you can't do that, that's taking a child away.
Next time they catch some pedophile with a van full of little kids, don't take my kids away!
On the news, the local police caught a known pedophile with six kidnapped kids, but the ACLU says it's wrong because they found out who the kids are and separated them.
That's right!
These are all my kids!
Some fat white guys, like little black kids.
Usually it's minority kids because they seem to think nobody cares about them.
Those are my kids!
Sure they are!
Caught Hillary's top person shipping in hundreds of them.
Bunch of them end up disappearing.
She changed her name.
She's back running children's agencies again.
They asked her, they go, she had like a hundred kids.
These are my children.
Oh, you had a hundred of them.
They're all black, huh?
That's right!
They're my kids.
And if you ask where they came from, you're a racist.
Chase the Patriot from California.
Chase, welcome to the Airwaves.
Paul, Alex, this is Chase the Patriot from Frontlines of California.
And thank you for what you do.
Thank you.
What's on your mind today?
Yeah, I want to talk about the power of information and our duty to override the mainstream narrative, alright?
So, I took your reporter challenge On YouTube, Chase the Patriot, I've been filing reports every single day with detailed reports, usually celebrating America.
But I've noticed a trend.
And there's this false confidence of the Democrats again, the same thing we saw in the 2016 election.
And now we see Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, they're all licking their lips, thinking they're going to take back the House.
And they vowed investigations into what they and why they lost.
So it's up to us to counter the narrative and to counter their lies.
And one way I do it is with my YouTube page, but also it's through your t-shirts and your hats, Alex.
I want to promote your t-shirts, everyone out there.
They are great ways to meet people who have like minds, and they start conversations, and you find patriots.
And it's a great way to spread good messages out there.
So I highly recommend it, Alex.
Oh, absolutely.
When I say these shirts are like choose your own adventure, wear a mohawn law bat, you'll only meet fellow patriots and gun owners, which is great.
Wear a, you know, big obnoxious InfoWars shirt in red or a Trump pinch shirt, you're going to meet your friends and your enemies.
So it's a really great way to spread the word and exercise free speech in the third dimension.
Hey, and one more suggestion on that.
You know, a lot of us have, we might have, I don't want to give away anything, but some of us might have a concealed carry And I would like to see a button-up shirt long enough that I can wear untucked so I can still carry on my hip a pistol.
And that's something if you put like a little American flag on the armband.
Oh, it's total genius.
The Info Wars concealed carry shirt for men and women.
Kind of like a cargo shirt or like a bowling shirt or like a utility shirt.
And it's got an American flag.
It's black.
And it's got that, you know, it's not tapered.
It kind of flanks out.
That's perfect.
Yeah, and you know, something you can wear to the office and nobody really knows what's going on.
It just looks like a normal shirt they got from the mall.
But if you can support the cause, you can support, and then the inside, you know, if somebody asks, hey, where'd you get that shirt?
It'll say InfoWars.com on the inside.
Well, I'm going to take what you just said and put it into a two-minute ad.
Even though we don't have that product yet, I'm going to try to crack the whip of my own butt and get that done.
Because I've actually had that requested before on the street about a year ago.
And it's funny, you just said that again.
But absolutely, we need to branch out.
We've got so many great t-shirts.
So many for men and women.
Ball caps.
I don't even promote them anymore.
We've got the best shirts we've ever had.
And that's something I never even talk about.
So thanks for calling, Chase.
God bless you.
Or triple A, 253-3139 to get the t-shirts, the books, the films, X3!
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They make like $20.
That is an incredible sale right there.
We have the new Hexagon hoodies in with the M4 symbol.
M4s car-bagged and surrendered.
So you can ride around, get the word out, but not get vandalized.
Take them off once you get out of the car.
Reach a couple hundred people, and then boom!
Put it in the trunk.
It's how we win.
We take action in the third dimension.
Back to your calls.
I appreciate everybody calling in here.
Dim schemes after the election.
Joe wants to talk about midterms and gab.
Caravan and antifub.
Big tech censorship.
Who's been holding the longest here?
Jessica in Detroit or is it?
Who's been holding the longest here?
Tim in Montana.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
You're a trooper.
We'd like to plug two of your things real quick.
The George Washington shirt is just a favorite among everybody I wear it around.
My kids love it.
That's a George Washington from the French and Indian War.
Oh, George Washington showing how much of a B.A.
he is, you know?
Not just a staller and a gentleman, but a true warrior.
Here's a question.
Who would win in a cage match in their prime?
George Washington or Andrew Jackson?
I think Washington.
He fought with a tomahawk.
Well, he did, but I mean, you know about Andrew Jackson?
Andrew Jackson was like so ridiculously a killing machine.
It's like unbelievable.
Well, I still go with Washington.
I mean, he's a... Well, Washington was physically more powerful than Jackson, but Jackson was unkillable.
Well, that has a lot to do with will, determination, and providence, right?
The super silver wound gel.
I'm a mercy survivor.
I about cut the end of my finger off about two weeks ago.
Put a dab on there.
A week later, there's just a red line.
I mean, that stuff is amazing.
And I have my little kids.
I want to make sure they don't catch that stuff from me because I'm a potential carrier for the rest of my life.
And that stuff will never be too far from my person.
Well, by the way, I didn't intend to go to calls and unplug products, but thanks to the last two callers doing that.
So God bless you.
Thank you.
But all our silver products are whatever the very best is, that's what we carry, our private label.
But what's your view on Dem's schemes?
What do you think they're going to pull with so little time left, four and a half days?
What I fear the most is, you know, because of what you have done, everybody's questioning the bomb guy, everybody's questioning this anti-Semitic shooter.
What I fear that they're going to do is they're going to ramp it up.
And they're going to target somebody like Pelosi or Waters because Pelosi's a, you know,
walking vegetable and Waters is still...
No, I agree.
They're already liabilities, exactly, so they can make one of their liabilities a plus column.
Stay there.
I'm going to come right back to you to finish up.
I agree.
I'm worried about false flags on Pelosi, Mueller, or all these walking corpses.
We need to pray for their safety.
Pray for Robert Mueller's safety.
We want nothing to happen to Nancy Pelosi, Waters, Michael Moore, all these big bloated
puss bags.
We don't want them to get hurt.
Three words, energized quantum state.
Two words.
You've seen how the entire global power structure is desperate to shut us down.
And it's for good reasons.
We've done our research.
We've seen how they're targeting the people.
the population and one of their biggest attacks is fluoridation of water, the bad halogen.
There's a bunch of bad halogens, but fluoride is chief amongst them and then they electrify
it into an acid base, so it's hydrofluorosilicic acid.
Survival Shield X3 is the latest in the X family and has all three types of iodine from
thousands of feet deep under the earth, so it's not radioactive or be contaminated by
modern chemicals.
And it's got a tiny amount of vitamin C that stabilizes it and stops it from being oxidized.
Folks, Everything we do makes the Globals pull their hair out for a reason.
Because, again, we study how they're attacking, what they're obsessed with.
They are completely into iodine.
They've even tried to buy us out and get us to stop doing this.
And most of the forms of iodine are bound, and so you're not absorbing.
X1, X2 are great.
X3 is the next level.
It has the Deep Earth Crystals, the other two types, and a little bit of Vitamin C to energize it.
It's available in 2-ounce and 1-ounce at InfoWarsTore.com.
And from the very start, 50% off and free shipping because I want you to get it, and I want you to take it, and I want you to see what it does.
InfoWarsTore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, X3.
Now again, it's an element.
It takes a few weeks to kick in.
A lot of people detoxify about three weeks in.
So be ready for that.
Consult your physician.
Start your journey today at InfoWarsLife.com with our newest product that I'm the most excited about ever, X3!
Just like our info changes the world, this changes your body and your life.
X3 you can't lose it helps fund the info war and it's great for you
if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance.
X3 you can't lose it helps fund the info war and it's great for you if you are receiving this transmission you are the
X3 you can't lose it helps fund the info war and it's great for you if you are receiving this transmission.
♪ ♪ >> Live from Austin, Texas,
broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
♪ ♪ >> Five days out, we're in such the thick of battle
that I'm not even nervous anymore.
I'm just zenned out.
But, the fact that we've gotten the Gloveless to really show who they are, is the victory.
We're going to go through some battles.
Some we're going to win.
Some we're going to lose.
But really, it's about getting our soul back.
And that's what matters.
Mike Adams is coming in to take over soon.
But I'll ride shotgun with him for one segment to finish your calls into the next segment.
He's got a lot of stuff, like I said, loaded for bear.
Whatever you do, the livestreams at Infowars.com.
If you don't share those links on your email, on your Facebook, on your Twitter, Whatever you do, you can try reverse psychology.
Look at this evil filth, Jones.
He's live right now, talking about America coming back.
Oh my... You think that's ridiculous?
The left will promote it and believe it.
They have real blindsides.
That's why the most successful people on Twitter are real sarcastic now, like, screw Trump, how dare him with the US stock market up.
The left goes, I agree, screw him, I hate America.
You have to understand how mentally captured they are.
So we're going to cover all that.
Tim, you're making a good point, though, about I thought this a few months ago.
I didn't say it on air, but you just said I remembered it, which shows right minds think alike.
Pelosi, Moore, Mueller, Hillary.
Maxine Waters, they're all these macabre, like, ventriloquist dummy Chucky dolls that never go away, and they're hurting the party, but they won't turn loose of power.
There's even worse socialists and scum behind them, but we know these evil people.
And so, yes, that's in the cards too.
Not just attack the illegal alien caravan, the UN caravan, but also take out one of these turds right before the election and blame Trump.
Five days out, we've already seen stuff that looks like false flags.
What do you think they would do?
I think they'll do anything.
I think they'll take out one of those pawns, you know, the useful idiots that they are.
Because they are.
They're a walking liability for them.
And I don't put anything past them.
Here in Montana, I received a flyer supporting a Libertarian candidate for Senate, and he did not put that out.
He doesn't have the funds to put that out.
Libertarian ideas are great, but let's face it, the Libertarian Party are the ones that continue to let the Democrats win, so again, the Democrats are backing Libertarians now.
And he came out and has endorsed Matt Rosendale, who is also, Rand Paul was here in Montana over the weekend.
Let's be clear.
The libertarian idea that is taking over the Republicans.
So now the libertarian vehicle is done.
Roosevelt, vote Republican, otherwise you're going to let the Democrats win again.
And he says, I do not want to be a distraction.
Well, exactly.
Let's be clear.
The libertarian idea that is taking over the Republicans.
So now the libertarian vehicle is done.
And now libertarian leaders at the National Party are Democrats.
They're total Democrats now, and they've been caught getting funded by them.
I'm glad you raised that, because I wanted to do a whole hour a few weeks ago, and I forgot, so that's why callers are so great, to really go after the Democratic Party and their little stepchild that's meant to siphon off Republican votes, which is Libertarians.
You know how they're going to try to take down Trump in a year and a half?
They're going to run a major third-party candidate as a Democrat.
Yeah, they're going to try to get somebody that they claim is an independent, and they're just going to be a puppet for George Soros, as usual.
When it comes to all their schemes and all their censorship, Alex, I heard a quote one time, and every time I hear you on the radio, which is every day, I think of this quote.
It's, the tighter you squeeze, the less you have.
The tighter they squeeze you, the less they're going to have in the palm of their hand when they're done.
Well, exactly.
Gently, gently, catchy monkey.
And it's just quite a battle.
God bless you.
Great points.
All right.
A few more calls.
Jeff, Alex, Nick, Joe, Chris, Nick, a couple of Nicks, Jessica.
Jessica's up next.
I'm going to rampage through those.
Mike Adams is coming in.
NewsWars.com, Infowars.com, NaturalNews.com.
The globalists know that if they suppress the good halogen and pump the environment full of the bad halogens, fluoride, chlorine, bromine, you name it, that it lowers IQ.
It literally dumbs the population down.
And on our quest to bring our listeners and viewers the best iodine in the world, we've gone through two permutations.
First, seaweed-based iodine that was pretty good but hard to source, and the Globels tried to block us getting a supply of it.
So we discovered deep-earth crystals of pure nascent iodine and brought you X2 that's been incredible.
Now, due to the establishment trying to block that, we did more research and secured more of the deep-earth crystals of nascent iodine.
Chemists, scientists, and others showed us the research that by combining it with three other compounds, two forms of iodine and vitamin C, it supercharges it and makes it even more bioavailable.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to research it, you want to see it, it's an incredible discovery.
X3 now available at M4slife.com.
This is an emergency transmission from deep in the heart of Texas, US.
resistance against a global corporate combine, empowered and funded by Communist China, allied with the big megabanks that set up Communist China in 1949.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of U.S.
telecommunications infrastructure.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of Hollywood.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of the main universities.
This is all confirmed.
This is not a drill.
Big Tech in Silicon Valley is almost completely run by the Communist Chinese government.
They've officially become state-run.
Apple 100%.
Google is now making the transition and announcing a merger and total worldwide censorship.
They are now beta testing using me as the straw man, a demonized version of Alex Jones, to do that.
This is happening.
This is not like the other probes before that were meant to get you used to probes and censorship, thinking you would adapt to censorship by just putting up with it.
Now, this attack is thousands and thousands and thousands of times the magnitude of all previous attacks.
This is a titrated dose, reverse psychological warfare operation using adapt and overcome, subversion paradigm manipulation.
In layman's terms, they are manipulating the fact that we adapt to being oppressed.
We adapt to being pressed with the low dosages of oppression.
Now when the megaton hits us of the total takeover, we try to adapt to the poison infusion instead of not knowing.
It's a lethal dose if we accept the dose.
Total Internet of Things integration, global social score, complete command and control system.
It is the virtual reality AI weapon system.
We are now attacking the United States with traitors inside the major security agencies blocking Trump's resistance of the program and attempting to stop us from removing the tentacles of the Chai Com slash Big Tech hanging combine emergency situation.
I have been chosen for destruction because I brought you this information and have been battering, ramming it out as much as I can.
They want to double use me as they always do in any complex system of mathematical deception, where every angle of my good is turned against us.
So they take what I've said, being sincere, build me into an insincere person in the straw man.
I'm a person that cares about life and children, and is against these wars, and so they make me a herder of children.
And then they built me into this lie to then set the distraction while they're actually censoring all of you to make a debate about Alex Jones.
So even if I didn't sell out to them, they've now used me as an archetype to serve them by being the main distraction.
I have now been captured by the enemy in the information warfare fulcrum and it's being used against you.
Only your full understanding of this key will break you free from this paradigm.
I have given you the transmission!
Now break it!
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, I can see for a long way, and so can our listeners, and so can Mike Adams, I'm gonna take a few calls and let him take over.
I appreciate him coming in to guest host today, and I apologize for running over, but I promise to do your calls.
But Mike, you know, foresight can be distorted because you have a vision or you have an understanding that your subconscious brain is hundreds of times more powerful than the conscious mind.
But then your conscious mind thinks it knows how to read that map, and then it's actually something else down the road.
And then you start, as you get older, seeing how God works, and the whole mystery of the world.
Gut level, spiritually, I feel that evil is being contended with worldwide.
Good is beginning to wake up.
And you've got nationalists being elected that are real patriots in Brazil, and in Italy, and in England, just all over.
Merkel's been voted out, but that's like barely even in the news.
She's still the chancellor, but her party's out of power.
That's how their system works, so it's total lame duck.
It's a duck with no legs, and no beak, and just basically a dead duck, politically, before they say I'm saying kill Merkel.
So if you sit back and look at this, I feel good about what's happening because of the awakening.
And maybe that distorts what happens next Tuesday on the 6th, four and a half days out.
And yeah, they're having record-level young people vote, and the actuaries show that 60 or 70 percent are Democrats, so that could deliver, with all the dead people voting, the zombie army of the Democrats, that could deliver them victory.
But then that'll unravel as they try to sabotage the economy.
They get the blame.
They get Trump re-elected, but they may kill him by then.
Plus, they've announced this jihad.
This is about power.
And so, you've got not some negative.
It's good to look on the dark side to understand what the possibilities are in five days and what they'll do.
You see some things in the tea leaves, I think that Matt Drudge is seeing as well, that are very, very foreboding.
Well, I agree with you that this global awakening is very important and it is accelerating, but at the same time, it's also awakened the deepening evil of those who are authoritarians and who are trying to crush human freedom and crush human consciousness and global liberty.
And some of the things that I'm really concerned about right now, Alex, are that this, you know, next Tuesday, the election is not, I would not at this point consider it to be a fair and free election.
Oh, it's not?
Because the election meddling... Google's bragging they're going to deliver it!
The tech giants have committed massive election fraud right now.
I mean, for the last year and a half at least.
No, you're right.
We should declare that this election is already a fraud.
Even though we think we're still going to win, it doesn't matter.
If it's a fraud, we have a moral responsibility to say it is.
Republicans hold the House.
It's only by overcoming massive fraud.
That's the only thing.
Look, we cannot have fair and free elections unless we have both sides of every issue able to speak online.
And since the tech giants have selectively censored conservative voices, For about two years, or coming up on two years now, this is not a functioning democratic election.
This is a stilted election that has been largely stolen by the political left, running the tech giants and committing massive info fraud.
Even, you might call it, journo-terrorism on the part of the left-wing media.
When you have CNN's Don Lemon up there saying that white people are bad, or essentially there needs to be laws against being white, this is... True race baiting.
Hitlerian level.
And it shows they're going for broke.
So I'm gonna let you take over, which is why I wanted you here, because I'm not saying I'm feeling your thunder.
It's the opposite.
You bring the thunder.
I always forget to bring the thunder.
I was thinking about a stunt, like I tend to do, this weekend, four days ago, seems like a thousand years ago now, because you can cut the anticipation with a knife, and I was thinking, I'll announce Republicans win midterms and put an article out like I did a few days before 2016.
Then I realized, you know, to get people thinking Dems win midterms after big tech steals elections.
And I meant to do that on Monday, and we haven't even talked since then.
I just said, please come in and host.
And boom, you're saying that.
Because I think we should go with that, because that gets people thinking and voting.
And then, if they do steal it, people understand what happened.
Because they want to say the Russians stole this last election.
No, we won it.
Right, right, right.
But now... The election meddling of the tech giants dwarfs anything the Russians could have even hoped to achieve.
It's not even close.
And I'm very concerned, Alex, and I know that this opinion might differ from others who've been guests on your show.
We don't have homogenized views, right?
I mean, we all have our own various views.
We're not Democrats where you go into a room and we go, this is what you're going to say or you're not on the air.
Doesn't work that way.
Not a cult.
No, not at all.
Nobody told you what you were going to say.
Not at all, no.
I just said, hey, get Mike Adams on, you couldn't go on, then Doug Hagman had a family issue, couldn't come on, we called you this morning.
That's right, that's right.
There was no discussion about what you were going to talk about.
No, just, you're a smart guy, you're coming on the air.
I've got my own notes, you know, I always write my own notes, I have my own ideas.
And I know that, people are like, okay, we know that, but that's, nowhere else does that go on.
That's true.
Go ahead, keep going.
And so I might say something that you disagree with, and that's okay, that's part of the, of the debate, the algorithm that we have here, which is transparency and truth.
So, I think that right now, as of today, this is subject to change, but right now, I think the Democrats have a slight advantage to take the House.
But, I also think there's a very high possibility that Those who lose on the GOP side may not concede this right away, and that the election results may be challenged, and that challenging those results at a state-by-state basis could throw this thing into turmoil that could last months.
Out of that comes the national debate that ends the Democrat election stealing.
It could be, yes.
Because not only do we have the tech giants meddling and committing massive election fraud, we've got the entire issue of illegals voting.
Dead people voting.
And if the illegal votes are enough to take it over the edge and give Democrats the House, then that will ignite a nationwide debate about illegals voting.
So instead of conservatives and libertarians and corporate and business guys always being nice and conceding, no, we're going to make a big deal out of this either way.
Right, because if you're not a citizen in this country, you should not have the right to vote.
We need national voter ID laws for this very reason.
They have them in almost every other country in the world.
When I lived in Ecuador, I was a resident.
They didn't allow me to vote in Ecuador.
I didn't even attempt to.
You and I can't walk down to Mexico and demand to vote in Mexico.
It doesn't work that way.
They would kill you.
Probably so, yes.
So we must protect our democratic processes and our republic by demanding Free and fair and honest elections, and I don't think that's what we're going to have here.
It's been stolen.
All right, Mike Adams coming up.
An energized quantum state.
Or an energized atomic state.
What does that mean?
It means it's pure.
And it means the properties of what it does in the body, in interaction with other properties, is pure.
Is unadulterated.
Is original.
Is first generation.
This has been quite a quest for Info Wars when we discovered that there's a whole UN world government plan to remove even crappy forms of iodine out of food so that people can't absorb it.
When I say crappy forms, I mean types that are bound to other elements so your body doesn't get absorption.
This is an essential element in the body, just like vitamin C, just like oxygen, just like water.
At first, doing research, we got the best seaweed base, but it was still weak, and we had issues with supply, and then leftists found out six years ago that we were involved, that it was InfoWars, so they cut us off.
And then we came into X2 that was from oil and gas drilling at about 7,000 to 12,000 feet, getting pure crystals for truly pure iodine.
We had to go through the DEA to get it, all these controls.
All companies caught on that we're getting it, and they try to jack up prices and cause us problems.
And I didn't want to raise prices, so I cut my contract off with them.
And we went out and did a huge industry research and found out we could get the same deep-earth crystals, probably even purer.
You're talking about like 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 percent purer.
And then the chemists and others explained to us that you need other types of basic iodine to make sure it gets fully absorbed.
So this has all three types of iodine.
And then it's got a tiny amount of vitamin C that doesn't let it oxidize and basically keeps it in its energetic state, or its quantum state, its atomic state.
And again, atomic doesn't mean radioactive, that just means it's pure on the periodic table.
This is X3.
I am so excited about X3.
That out of the gauge we're bringing it to you at 50% off in the 1 ounce and the 2 ounce bottles.
Now we didn't have X2 in a 2 ounce bottle.
We do for X3 so you can stock up on it.
It really is beyond game changing.
It's essential.
Survival Shield X3, nascent tri-iodine in 2 ounce and in 1 ounce bottles.
Now you don't just get a key element that's essential to human life on this planet.
You also fund an operation that's promoting the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the whole nine yards.
I mean, quite frankly, I've got all these scientific documents and all these notes from chemists and all these facts, but I'm just going to tell the viewers, just like our information has changed the world, just like it pisses the establishment off, anything I'm going to bring you is the very best.
It's like any of our products.
I'm like, what is the top product?
What is the best tested?
What is absolutely highest rated?
I want to put a formula out stronger and better and lower the price.
We're always innovating.
We're always researching.
But quite frankly, it's been oppression and it's been people trying to block our supply chain that made us go out and really do the hard work to discover what is the very best documented form of iodine.
And it's all three types fused together, energized by a small amount of vitamin C that stabilizes it.
Three forms of iodine is better than one.
And so that's why X3 is so amazing.
That's why all the results we've got and the trials we have with the crew and others are so breathtakingly cool.
If you like X2, you're gonna love X3 at Infowarslife.com.
the next level in human awakening.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're continuing on the fourth hour here at the Alex Jones Show.
Mike Adams filling in.
Thank you for continuing with me today.
As I expressed in the previous segment with Alex, I'm very concerned that we're losing the very fabric of our democracy, well our constitutional republic is more accurate, that there are so many things about this coming election that appear to have been fraudulently manipulated up front and we have to start questioning that regardless of the outcome.
You see, we all support fair and free elections, all of us.
We all support the idea of public debates and conversations that help people determine how they're going to vote in elections.
We all support freedom of information so that we can engage in those conversations.
And we also recognize that this is an essential part of our democracy.
If we didn't have access to information, how could we vote in a fair and free way?
And yet, that's exactly what has happened.
The tech giants, through their concerted, determined, and targeted censorship of conservative voices over the last two years, they have denied America The chance to engage in public conversations and debate that are inherent in fair and free elections and part of the fabric of democracy.
So they have stolen this election ahead of the election by silencing just conservative voices primarily.
With a few exceptions, but it's probably 99% silencing of conservative voices.
And I've warned about this.
Election fraud is happening right now.
I've even posted a video about this at Brighteon.com.
That's the new name for Real.Video, by the way.
Infowars has...
I don't know, a couple thousand videos on there now, by the way, so brighteon.com is
where you can find those.
But this is a crisis of our democracy.
And what I've said recently in a counterthink broadcast here on Infowars.com on last Sunday
is that I believe that right now, because of this election meddling and this election
fraud, I believe that if the election is somewhat close, maybe five or fewer seat advantage
by the Democrats in the House, that there actually is justification for the president,
I believe, to challenge the outcome of this election along the lines of what I've mentioned
Really three things.
Number one, tech giant's selective censoring, which denies us the ability to engage in public conversation and debate.
Number two, The left-wing media, no longer functioning as a media, but functioning as a propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.
92% negative news against President Trump and conservatives.
Well, that's not a functioning media.
That's not what was enshrined in the First Amendment.
That is an activist, anti-America, very irresponsible propaganda organization that's pretending to be the media.
And the third thing is election voting fraud, voting by illegal aliens, voting by dead people, voting by people who are voting more than once.
And these are the classic tactics of the Democrats.
So you combine those three things and we are looking at a midterm election that is going to be influenced in a very strong way by a tremendous amount of deceit by the left, A dishonest democracy, you might say, or dishonest tactics that threaten democracy.
And I think we have to start questioning these outcomes in advance.
And if we overcome that, it's going to be the biggest news story in the history of politics in America.
If the Republicans manage to hold the House, it will only be by overcoming massive fraud.
Even going back to the 2016 election that Trump won.
If you discount the illegal alien votes in that election, it's very likely that Hillary Clinton herself did not even win the popular vote.
And if you discount the stolen votes by tech giants with their undue and biased influence, Hillary Clinton wouldn't have even won the popular vote, much less the Electoral College.
So, our democracy is being stolen from us by dishonest, bad actors that are the tech giants, the left-wing media, and illegal aliens voting in this election.
Plus, on top of that, of course, we have the entire fake pipe bomb distraction, which was timed in order to take people's focus off of the Honduran caravan.
The caravan story was something that the left-wing media quickly realized would not serve the interests of the Democrats in the coming election and so they found ways to change their focus and change the mental focus of the nation to take away momentum from the GOP and make believe now that this caravan sort of has gone away or isn't happening even though they are marching closer to our border every day and the size of the caravan continues to grow and the severity of the criminals inside the caravan continues to be
discovered that they are carrying weapons and some are carrying or have been involved
in bombings before.
Some are felony criminals, some are violent criminals and have been prosecuted in their
home countries and now are trying to get into the United States by latching onto this caravan,
hoping they can be granted entrance and perhaps eventually residency or citizenship in the
United States of America.
So that story has been pushed aside in order to focus on these false allegations leveled
against President Trump and against Gab founder Andrew Torba, alleging that these two people
are somehow responsible for the insane deranged acts of a lunatic Jewish synagogue shooter
who hated Trump, by the way, but yet the media tries to tie his actions to the president
and to Gab founder Andrew Torba.
Now, about Gab, by the way, I want to be on the record saying that these attacks against Torba and his family by the left-wing media, this dishonest coverage that blames him for these attacks, it is so disgusting.
This shooter, he had accounts, excuse me, on Facebook.
He had accounts on other, I think he had a Twitter account as well.
And he posted on these other social media accounts.
And yet there's no one in the media that blames Facebook for the actions of this shooter.
Because that would be insane.
And yet they blame Gab.
Somehow it's Gab's fault even though the person tweeted, or I'm sorry, posted on Gab only four minutes before he started to carry out that attack.
In fact, that very close timeline tells me that this seems coordinated.
It seems like the way that they take down alternative social media websites or independent media is to deliberately Post something to those sites before carrying out an attack precisely for the purpose of being able to blame those websites, even though it's irrational and illogical to do so.
You know, it makes no sense to blame Gab.
What are you going to do?
Check the guy's underwear?
Was he wearing Fruit of the Loom underwear?
Does that mean Fruit of the Loom is responsible for the shooting?
No, that would be insane.
If he's wearing Nikes, is Nike responsible for the shooting?
No, that would be insane.
He posted on Gab.
Is Gab responsible for the shooting?
Of course not.
But the media tries to create that false link.
And in doing so, the left-wing media is actually harming this nation and carrying out a great disservice to this great country.
A twisting of the truth that is intended to be a weaponized form of media disinformation to alter the outcome of this election.
And that's just one more way that this election is being stolen in advance.
Now if you were to ask me today what my analysis is of the outcome of this election for next Tuesday, I had previously said that the chance of Republicans holding the House was as high as 60%.
Today, I think that's more like 40% or perhaps 35%.
It's an estimate.
This is a very wild election cycle.
No one can say for sure, and there can still be events that can happen over the next five days that could dramatically alter the election of this outcome.
So my certainty of such a prediction is very low in this case, unlike previous predictions where certainty was much higher.
Anything can happen in the next few days, but I want you to be ready for what's going to happen on the other side of this election, no matter who wins.
So when we come back, in fact, I'm going to talk about the coming chaos scenarios that could unfold, regardless of the outcome of this election, because I want you to be prepared for what's coming.
I want you to be safe, and I want America to survive.
This is Mike Adams here on InfoWars.
We'll be right back after this break with much more.
Stay with us.
At the moment, the UK government has set up a survey which could change the lives of trans and non-binary people by making it easier for them to change their birth certificate.
This is not about toilets, and this is not about passports.
This is about making, or could make, that transition a little bit easier.
As a non-binary person, I and the whole community really need your help with this consultation.
It takes 10 minutes, it's a really quick survey, and it can really impact people's lives for the better.
25 years ago, Monsanto came out with field trials of the Terminator seed for cotton and soybeans and many other plants.
And when that plant goes through its life cycle, it doesn't produce seeds that can produce another plant.
You have to go back to the company, the biotech company, to be able to get seeds that, again, only germinate and only produce another plant one time.
And of course, then they stacked other genetic traits, like pesticide, into them so that bugs wouldn't eat them, but said it's safe for you to eat the pesticide.
Kind of like they said glyphosate's safe to drink as well.
Same company.
And if you're going to ask, why are you starting a discussion on transgenderism with the Terminator seed?
Well, because I've read the textbooks in the 50s and 60s that were produced then about the plan.
To promote the end of the family, the end of the nuclear family, and to promote homosexualism, and then to promote non-gender, and to have literally shaved heads and gray uniforms, and that this would start in the elementary schools and then move up, beginning with confusing the sexuality of children, and that finally when you were done, people would be asexual, meaning They do not want to have sex, period.
And this thing needs your help to spread its word.
So it's come to your planet and it needs your help and it needs you to spread what it's doing to your children to teach them that they're not a boy or girl and to rob them of their most basic identity before they ever even really came of age and had a choice in the new transhumanist world if they wanted to become a cyborg.
So we make jokes about Roswell and aliens and sexless creatures and the gray aliens of the future.
And people that are into that stuff say it's time-traveling humanoids coming back from the future because something has made them where they can't reproduce and they're trying to get original human DNA to relaunch the species.
And I used to hear that and think that's crazy science fiction.
But now, you see where the globalists are taking us.
Wow, is that true?
Because they're making it so fashionable to be a sterilized humanoid who's asexual.
The planet will serve us well.
See, I don't believe in aliens.
I'm simply making the parallels here to how the real aliens are here.
You take a human and you make them part cow so they can grow large humanoids up inside utero of cows.
What is that?
It's an alien.
It's not of this world.
It's artificially created.
It's new.
Your planet will survive as well.
Aliens don't come from outer space, folks.
Your excitement about America, your excitement about this broadcast is what brought the country and the world back
from the brink.
But the globalists now want to target where the resistance came from, so that we're not pesky in the future.
I want to be troublesome and pesky.
I want to keep going.
I want to make them do the ultimate, not just destroy us financially.
I want to push all the way.
I've committed to do that.
I've prayed for that.
And I've been told that's going to happen.
But you've got to back us, and I promise you this.
I will give the total sacrifice.
I will never falter.
I will never waver at the spiritual level.
I physically will.
But I give you my commitment if you financially support us, then fullerstore.com to give you
my absolute total commitment.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Hope you're ready to ride the red tsunami.
That's a new hashtag being put out by InfoWars.
Hashtag RideTheRedTsunami.
Check it out.
We'll have coverage, of course, on November 6th.
And it's talking about not just a red wave, but perhaps a red tsunami.
Of course, the Democrats are claiming that there's going to be a massive blue wave.
And I'm claiming that there's a massive fraudulent wave by the Democrats.
that I've talked about in the previous segment.
But regardless of what happens, I want you to be ready for a couple of scenarios that
I'll cover here.
Scenario number one that maybe a lot of people haven't talked about is what happens if this
election is really not decided.
In the sense that on November 7th, we wake up and there is contention and people have
not conceded and that we don't know who controls the House of Representatives.
And this situation could persist for weeks or even months.
Because let's say the scenario is that there are some very close calls in state elections involving House of Representatives members, and those who lose refuse to concede.
This could be on the Republican side or the Democrat side, either way.
And that the control of the House of Representatives comes down to a very small number of votes or seats, such as, let's say, fewer than five.
You know, two or three seats could easily decide this race.
In fact, if the Republicans manage to hold the House, I predict they would do so only by a very slim margin.
Perhaps only one seat.
Now if that happens, then...
What you have to do is look at the chaos and stress that will persist for several months as all this pre-election stress continues with not knowing the outcome.
And you'll have then leftists rioting in the streets probably, really amping up and escalating their calls for democracy or whatever they want to say.
Or they'll accuse the GOP of refusing to consent to the outcome of the election.
And then you'll have Trump and the GOP saying, no, the Democrats stole this election.
In this scenario, you would probably see an emergency appeal to the United States Supreme Court combined with left-wing media lying about the facts of what's actually happening because that's what they do.
They lie and they deceive.
But now you understand the importance of the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the court before the midterm elections.
And you understand the desperation of the Democrats, why they fought so hard to prevent Kavanaugh from being confirmed, because they knew that probably some serious challenges would come up very soon on several different topics, possibly the election itself, and that when these go to the United States Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh is, of course, the final vote in the majority of so-called conservatives on the court right now, and he is active on the court, and he will be part of hearing Any challenge that goes to the court.
So you've got not only Neil Gorsuch but also now Brett Kavanaugh who both have been of course put there by Trump and confirmed by the Senate and they will have a major decision in any emergency appeal.
Now here's the nightmare scenario that becomes a civil war.
If there is contention, and we don't know who's controlling the House, and there's an appeal that goes to the Supreme Court, and if... And by the way, this has happened before.
Remember the hanging chads in Florida with Al Gore?
Remember that?
And the Supreme Court made that decision and decided in favor of the Republicans at that time.
And the Democrats said that presidency was stolen from them.
So this has happened before.
If it happens again, if a decision from the High Court comes down and says that the GOP has won these elections and the GOP controls the House of Representatives, I predict that first of all Maxine Waters' head will
actually explode.
And secondly, there will be massive violence by leftists all across America.
It might take a couple of weeks for them to coordinate and organize all of their terrorism
and arson and so on.
But before long, you're going to have outbreaks of violence and civil unrest and eventually
escalating into civil war probably in at least 20 cities across America.
So that's, I call that the nightmare scenario.
None of us want to see that scenario happen.
What all of us really want of course is to have fair and free elections, which we're
not having by the way.
But we want fair and free elections where we wake up the next morning.
And it's all decided, and we can all go back to our business, and we can go back to being Americans, and we can focus on other things, because nobody wants to talk about politics 24-7.
Well, maybe some people do, but it stresses us all out, right?
So we want to know, we want to have some certainty in the future.
It's the uncertainty and then the idea that leftists believe that democracy is being stolen from them, even as they themselves are conspiring to steal democracy from the rest of America.
But that is the idea that will drive them to violence and escalations of civil war.
So those are my concerns.
I'm on the record now saying those publicly.
I want to be on the record also saying that, of course, I absolutely would honor the outcome of any fair and free election, even if my party didn't win.
And I'm not really a hardcore GOP party person anyway.
You know, I'm not a tribalist political person.
But, you know, I don't believe in the Rhino Republicans, for example.
But I do believe in democracy, and I do believe in honoring election outcomes, even if you don't win them, as long as the elections themselves were free.
And fair.
But that is not what we have in this case.
So, now, a couple of things coming up here in Texas.
Voting machines in Texas are reportedly switching votes right now.
And according to an article by The Verge, this is happening not because of any hacking attempt, they say.
I haven't looked into this, so I don't know if they're telling the truth or not.
They say it's due to a bad user interface design of the machines.
They say that voters are using them incorrectly.
And thus, it's causing votes to switch.
I don't know how that could be the case.
I don't know how... I mean, voting's not that complicated.
You're clicking one box or another or filling in one oval or another.
You know, most people can figure that out.
I guess not everybody, but most people can figure that out.
I don't see how votes can change, or people could even perceive votes changing, unless something is deliberately wrong with the software or the processing of the voting machine.
And personally, I don't trust electronic voting machines.
Because we know how much hacking or, you could say, bad act, let's say, sinister engineering goes into it.
Where they design them to steal votes, and they know they only have to steal, let's say, 1% of the votes.
overturn the outcome of the election. They don't have to steal every vote so
it doesn't have to happen to everybody. That's why even hearing of these
machines switching votes for just a few people is quite alarming. We also have a
World Debt Daily article here, "Fed sued over Hillary Clinton's security clearance
that she was allowed to keep access despite mishandling classified
information." Judicial Watch, of course a very important organization for the
future of our country, is suing the State Department to find out why Hillary
Clinton was allowed to keep her security clearance after the FBI determined that
she had mishandled classified information. Of course she had her own
private email server that violated the rules of the State Department.
And when her emails were subpoenaed by Congress, she engaged in the criminal, unlawful, well, that's redundant, the criminal felony destruction of evidence to destroy those emails so that they would never be known.
Hillary Clinton, remember the election chant before the 2016 elections, lock her up?
And you hear that chant continuing in many Trump rallies around the country.
I think it's time to actually lock her up.
And part of my hope is that if the Republicans hold the House and the Senate, which seems
very likely, that Trump would fire Jeff Sessions after this election, replace Sessions with
someone who's actually willing to be the head of the DOJ instead of just an obstructionist,
which is what Sessions is, and then indict and prosecute the hundreds of deep state criminals
like Hillary Clinton and like even Eric Holder for that matter and Peter Strzok and James
Comey and many others inside the Obama administration who clearly and quite evidently, it's obvious
that they engaged in criminal felony obstruction, felony destruction of evidence, corruption,
multiple felony crimes at many different levels throughout the government.
Obama himself has... Okay.
Are we going?
All right, wrapping up.
We'll be back.
All right.
No, no, we're still here.
Sorry, guys.
Clock confusion there.
We're going to break.
Sorry about that little snafu.
We'll be back after break.
I'll continue this discussion.
I got deep into the discussion there and flipped out on the clock.
But there are a lot of people who need to go to jail after this election.
So let's see if that happens.
This is Mike Adams here with the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back after this break.
They wanted to thank me for getting the InfoWars t-shirts on the Rangers game for millions of people at sea, so they just brought me a gift.
I don't even know what this is.
Let's see what's going on.
Wait a second.
I got it!
It's a Trump-Medusa shirt!
Look at that, guys!
I got the Trump Medusa shirt!
What's that?
There's more in there?
It's a George Washington!
I was not expecting this, really.
Look at that one.
That'll trigger somebody real good.
Oh yeah.
Wow, wow.
I'm like a kid on Christmas today.
I want to thank the folks at InfoWarsTore.com.
This is amazing.
I was not expecting this.
So we just released our free InfoWars official app.
The InfoWars official app includes all of our live broadcasts like War Room with Owen Troyer, Real News with David Knight, and the holy grail of podcasts and radio, the Alex Jones Show.
And the best part about the InfoWars official app is that every single time we go live, you get notifications so that you never miss a beat.
So whether you're in the car or on a run, this app makes it easy to keep the InfoWars right in your pocket.
So what are you waiting for?
Not so fast, InfoWars.
Apple banned your app.
I helped, too.
I help too!
Oh, Oliver.
I hate first dates too!
We hate free speech!
We hate free speech!
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
Are you mine?
All right, we're back on the Alex Jones Show.
Mike Adams filling in today.
Thank you for being with us here.
I apologize for the little slip up in the last segment.
My fault, not reading the clock correctly.
You know, look, the thing about this is that we don't have teleprompters, and I'm never told what to say.
No one writes a script for me of what to cover.
This is authentic.
This is genuine, you know, and sometimes it's not 100% perfect in terms of the host's performance, but you know what?
We're passionate, authentic Americans.
We're here for all the right reasons, and we're trying to save our country.
So, along the way, there's going to be some interesting comedy from time to time.
But, you know, on another topic that's very important for us to understand, I posted a video, it was actually late last night, that talked about what I call the universal solution to tribalism and racism and censorship and so-called hate speech and all these other things.
And this is a very good video to watch if you want to understand really what's going on in, why censorship is the wrong solution, or the wrong response to all of this.
And I'll summarize it here for you in this segment, because this is very powerful.
You know, liberty.
We talk about liberty all the time.
But where does liberty come from?
And if you think about it, really liberty comes from this idea that we have free will.
As individuals.
We have the ability to make individual decisions.
And it's because of that free will that we have a culture of liberty because we recognize that we are each individuals and we're capable of doing unique and different and innovative things as individuals.
But where does that freedom to think come from and that free will?
It comes from the fact that you have a unique human spirit.
A soul, or you could say a consciousness, and that this consciousness actually has a divine connection.
You know, in religion it's called your spirit.
You have the body, the mind, and the spirit.
And other people have this spirit too, and so part of this acceptance of universal liberty has to be paired with what I call universal dignity, which is respecting the fact that other people also have consciousness, they have souls as well, and they have the right to exist and they have the right to function as free will individuals.
And it all ties back to this fact that we have a non-physical spirit that's part of our human beingness, if I can use that term.
It's part of the being.
The human being is more than just the human physical part.
It's not just the biology and the bones.
There's more to who you are than just the physical matter.
And that's the spirit and that's the soul.
Now, the key bigotry and racism That exists in our society is actually by leftists who they denounce the existence of the soul.
They say that there's no such thing as a soul or a spirit and thus they dehumanize everybody in the deepest way, the most sinister way imaginable, saying that you're not even a human being because you don't have a soul.
That there's nothing divine about you.
You don't have a connection to God because in their view they think there is no God.
And thus, it's the ultimate bigotry.
It's the ultimate discrimination and racism.
Because they're saying that you're not even really a fully qualified human being at all.
When the truth is, there are some individuals on our planet who I would say are not fully qualified human beings, and those would be The relatively small number of individuals who are demon possessed, let's say, or who are, you know, their bodies are occupied by non-human entities, and I know it sounds a little far-fetched, but even the Catholic Church routinely carries out
You know, exorcisms.
They have priests that run around and find people that they say are possessed by demons, and then they exorcise those demons.
There's one Catholic priest I read recently that says that he alone has sent, I think, 165,000, if the number is correct, demons back to hell, as he says.
And that's, this is an accepted practice.
Turns out in almost every major world religion.
You can go to indigenous religions in Aboriginal Australia, or the South American rainforest.
You can go to different religions all around the world.
And one of the concepts they all have in common, that they all share, is this idea that there's such a thing as a possession, a demonic or satanic possession of a human body, so that that person is no longer fully qualified human.
So, it's up to you to decide whether you think that exists or not.
But for everybody else who's not an actual demon-possessed entity, everybody else is a human being.
And thus, when we talk about liberty and we talk about dignity and we talk about the freedom to speak, it has an underlying cause, an underlying principle.
Which is that we have human souls, and that souls are divine, souls have a connection to God, and it is from this that all liberty springs.
And this is what our Founding Fathers really meant when they said that power of government comes from the people.
Because it's the people that come from God.
People grant limited powers to the government to carry out certain things, not to rule over us and not to give us rights, but rather we give the government limited powers and we retain all of our rights as individuals, as free people, because we are divine and America was founded under Christian principles.
America is a Christian nation.
So it's founded under this principle of recognizing the importance of God in our lives and the importance of divine existence.
And so from that, the contrast on the left is that you don't have a right to be an individual, that we must all live under a totalitarian regime that tells you what you can think, what you can speak, what you're allowed to say or do in society, because the left does not believe that you exist as a human conscious entity.
They believe that you must be told what to do, that you are just a biological automaton that has no inherent freedom because you have no free will from their point of view.
And that's why leftism leads to atheism and also authoritarianism.
And if you look at left-wing countries and cultures such as communist China and communism in general, North Korea and others, they always denounce God and they denounce religion, they denounce even Buddhism.
Why is that?
Because their authoritarianism and their philosophy of controlling people is incompatible with the embracing of the idea of consciousness and having a divine soul.
Does that make sense?
Let me just repeat that.
Communism and left-wing countries and left-wing philosophies They realize that their authoritarian control is incompatible with the realization that we are divine beings with divine consciousness that have some connection to a divine entity, God.
You see?
So they must denounce God, they must denounce Christians, they must denounce Jews, they must denounce really all organized religion, and they must denounce the very existence of the human spirit in order to convince people that they don't have a right to be free.
And thus, when we talk about liberty, When we talk about human dignity, when we talk about free speech and tolerance of different ideas and all the things that we believe in as core principles of, you know, pro-liberty, pro-America individuals, I want you to understand that it's not just a flippant kind of comment.
It's not just a liberty bumper sticker.
It is an entire multi-layered fabric of understanding what it means to be human.
And that is why I have said, and I've been criticized for this, I have said that every human being has a right to exist.
And some people were commenting on my podcast on this and they said, well, why are you against the Honduran caravan then?
No, I'm not against the caravan.
Those people have a right to exist.
I have compassion for those people.
They have every right to exist.
They do not have the right to invade America and steal your pocketbook and demand voting rights.
They do not have the right to cut in line in front of the other immigrants.
So I love the people of Honduras as I love any fellow brothers and sisters who are human beings around the world.
And the best way we can help those people is to spread liberty and dignity to their home countries, so that they don't have to flee Honduras.
And these other people don't have to flee other Central and South American nations.
If they have more economic freedom, and they have more personal liberty in their home countries, then their home countries will be more successful.
They will have less suffering, less strife.
They will have economic liberty as well as political liberty, and they will have no reason to flee.
Like the people of Venezuela.
The way to help the people of Venezuela is to fix Venezuela.
The way to help the people of Honduras is to fix their country.
It's not to just bring everybody into the United States and then ignore the source of the problems in their home countries.
Because those problems are problems that frankly stem from radical left-wing ideology that denies the existence of the human soul.
Denies the existence of God.
Denies the existence of human consciousness from which free will and liberty spring.
So, I've kind of covered this in three different ways here.
But I want you to think about this philosophy.
Why it's so crucial.
Because liberty is the answer to almost every major problem that we now face in our world.
It's the answer to political strife.
It's the answer to tribalism.
It's the answer to economic collapse.
It's the answer to international warfare.
Individual liberty, not state control over individuals.
Liberty is the answer to everything that faces our world right now.
So join me in promoting liberty.
Hashtag ride the red tsunami.
Push that out there and pray for America as we approach this election.
Keep watching my videos and Alex Jones videos and more at brighteon.com.
My name is Mike Adams.
Thank you for joining me today.
I'll talk to you again soon.
Maybe, maybe right after the election.
We'll see what happens.
Be safe, everybody.
Take care.
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We need to go back and revisit the foundations of our freedom.
Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights...