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Name: 20181030_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 30, 2018
3362 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics related to politics and globalism, including the manipulation of the stock market by globalist enemies, President Trump declaring himself a nationalist, his experience at a Trump rally, censorship by the media, dangers of illegal aliens voting in mass, high-quality coffee beans, the globalist agenda, human cloning in laboratories, and financial support for InfoWars. He also promotes various products throughout the show.

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Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We're only seven days out from Tuesday, November 6, 2018.
It's October 30th, 2018, on this Tuesday Global Transmission.
The world is heating up.
The world is speeding up.
This is going to be an important broadcast, as usual, but again, just every day, things get more intense, more insane.
Second migrant caravan has stormed into Mexico.
Attacking police with rocks, Molotov cocktails, you name it.
Ripping down gates, ripping down fences, waving their Honduran, Guatemalan, and Venezuelan flags.
And overrunning the police.
Second caravan believed to be armed with bombs and guns.
Hmm, a true invasion force.
Crossed into Mexico on Monday despite a huge police presence.
Most wars in the past were caused by things like this.
Hundreds, I love how mainstream media says hundreds, AP and others know it's thousands and thousands.
Hundreds of migrants following the footsteps of the first caravan headed to the U.S.
border crossed a river for Guatemala.
A low-flying police helicopter hovered overhead as the migrants waded in large groups through the river's murky waters, apparently trying to use the downdraft from its rotors to discourage them.
They got buses!
Illegal immigrant caravan organizers load up!
They load up the illegal immigrants onto the buses for comfy rides.
And Trump's sending 5,200 additional troops, regular military, out of Northern Command to augment the besieged Border Patrol and ICE agents and National Guard.
Ladies and gentlemen, there are caravans every day slamming into Texas, slamming into Arizona, slamming into Southern California, slamming, slamming.
Groups of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds at a time, constantly.
So much, you just got Border Patrol standing there, two or three guys, and there'll be a thousand people just running past them.
Two hundred here, five hundred there.
To get passage by the coyotes, they've got to agree to carry heroin, cocaine, or marijuana on their backs to a designated position.
Then they're moved in higher up El Norte, into Dallas, into Chicago, into other areas.
And then they've got to distribute, and they've got to run scams, and they've got to be part of the criminal network that the Democratic Party controls, that the different law firms and refugee groups manipulate.
They've got the major churches and synagogues of well-meaning people.
I've talked about church where my mom went for decades now.
It's like Bill and Melinda Gates this, Bill and Melinda Gates that, refugee that.
They're not bad people.
She's left that church.
They're just under leftist control.
The left has taken over the churches in this country.
And it's all happening.
And then meanwhile, as I keep harping, Fox News and Judicial Watch point out That this is all paid for by U.S.
taxpayer money into the U.N., which then goes down to the NGOs, like Soros' group, that gets about half the money on average.
That's a fact.
Congressional hearings, thousands of pages of documents this year, last year.
Judicial Watch goes on TV and says they're criminally organizing people that are violently crossing international borders.
They've got children with them.
This is illegal and should be criminally investigated.
Here are the documents.
Lou Dobbs had the show removed.
Lou Dobbs is in trouble.
Judicial Watch is banned.
Judicial Watch is leader for anti-Semitism for pointing out that George Soros is a criminal.
So, political correctness reaches the next level.
I don't think George Soros counts as being Jewish, do you?
I think when you're a Nazi collaborator, then you fund Nazis that took over, literal Nazi party that took over Ukraine and brag about it.
I think you lose your Jewish identity a little bit, I think so.
But I don't think you can protect yourself just by saying you're Jewish and commit any crime you want.
You know, just ask Bugsy Siegel.
All right, we'll be right back.
back on the other side I'm Alex Jones.
Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
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Well, let me just say something, Victor.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Seven days!
Seven days and I have been on the edge of my seat for months and we have seen a radical transformation of the left from being authoritarians to being naked authoritarians.
And we have seen purges of speech all over the world, coordinated internationally by the UN and NGOs.
We have seen borders of Europe trampled, destroyed, smashed.
And 15 million military age men invading, raping, killing, stealing, all being protected by the criminal socialist governments, trying to entice even bigger hordes to invade.
And we're seeing the same thing happen now with the very worst people out of Venezuela that collapsed several years ago.
They've put up military encampments, fences, all around their border with Brazil.
The other countries have contained the collapsed Venezuela, which is in total road warrior level hell.
The family pets were eaten a few years ago.
Cannibalism is now rampant.
Thousands die a week of starvation.
Even though the country is incredibly rich with minerals, it's soil is one of the richest countries in the hemisphere.
Until socialism, and now it is a toilet.
A nightmare toilet.
In fact, most of their sewage plants and power plants have failed, so it is a literal, you know, waddle.
And so I watched two years ago Soros and the UN and USAID and the Normal Care Foundations and MacArthur Foundation and Ford Foundation all go down there and on the borders of the countries surrounding Venezuela to the west Because it's in northeastern South America, set up the refugee centers on their border, and promised the countries that they wouldn't stay there if they gave them passage up the rail lines, or on buses that were paid for by US taxpayers, to Honduras and Guatemala.
And now, hundreds of thousands are spilling across You just see it on the news when a big group of 5, 10, 15,000 builds up and smashes through a gate and overruns police.
You're just seeing that.
Some of the photos I've got here in this Daily Mail article are unbelievable.
The wading across the river, the smashing the fences, and the 18 wheelers And buses with air conditioning picking them up at the UN staging ground to criminally transport them up through Mexico to California and Arizona.
Most of them aren't going to hit in Texas because they know we've got our act together and most of them will get grabbed.
But ladies and gentlemen, this is old-fashioned military invasion.
In the old days, people just started marching and would just take over the next country.
The women and children would follow behind the military.
They're called camp followers.
And it says that they are armed with bombs and guns and Molotov cocktails that they're attacking police with.
But that's okay.
Because if you call them any names, like criminals or bandits, you're a bad person and you're anti-Semitic.
If you point out that George Soros' Open Society Foundation is on the paperwork getting half the money.
He gets taxpayer money to the State Department and then he does this criminal activity and then Lou Dobbs... I keep going back to this because this is everything.
Fox News Well, it's new management is, you know, they were somewhat anti-Trump about a year and a half ago.
And about two years ago during the election.
But then they lost a bunch of their ratings, so they backed off.
But I know for a fact they've been trying to run Sean Hannity out.
They're really messing with Tucker Carlson.
They are messing with Laura Ingram.
They're keeping him on a very short leash.
And then Lou Dobbs, who had twice as many viewers as any of those people ever dreamed of having.
Till CNN fired him.
Has the head of judicial watch on.
Think about this, and he says the sky is blue, the sun is yellow.
And they show the documents, that they got through a lawsuit, which confirms Soros is funding it, with US taxpayer money, and that it's illegal!
The child smuggling, going across international borders, attacking police with firebombs!
And then we're like, wow, George Soros is really evil.
He's not this international currency speculator that overthrows countries and bankrupts nations and was a Nazi collaborator when he was a teenager.
I mean, this is all true!
Now on Fox News, you can't show the official documents.
I mean, they don't go look at who runs the MacArthur Foundation.
I bet it's a...
A wasp or something.
And go, why?
Let's look at who runs the MacArthur Foundation.
Just look it up.
I forget.
I haven't looked it up in years.
Or let's see who heads up the Ford Foundation.
And they don't look if there's an Irish person or a Hispanic person and go, oh look, you're being anti-Irish.
You're being anti-Patty.
Because you're criticizing someone that's Irish.
This is the next level of mental illness where we've got Real anti-semitism on the left, who supports the Palestinians, who firebomb and suicide bomb and shoot and kill Israelis almost every day.
And it's like, oh they're little sweeties, oh they're so nice, oh they're perfect, when they kill Jews.
But when some mentally ill, degenerate, loner, Always the same.
Goes and does his horrific act.
It's Trump's fault!
And America's fault!
And Alex Jones's fault!
When if you want to look at who really is obsessed with Israel, and who really has mainlined giving Jews mythical, evil, leprechaun status, it's the left.
They're the ones.
I mean, it's on record.
All of it.
I started thinking about the left this morning when they have this leftist, quote, progressive Jewish group saying Trump shouldn't come to Pittsburgh because he is an enabler of white supremacy and he needs to renounce his support of white nationalism.
He never said that.
He said nationalism.
There's a hundred different flavors of nationalism.
He just said you have a country.
Iran is an Islamic nationalism.
America is a free market, open society nationalism.
Truly progressive.
And I just thought about that, and then you got the rabbi saying, no, he's my president, it would be an honor to have him here.
That's what brings unity, is having everybody together with the president, left and right, Christian, Jew, agnostic, Muslim, whatever.
But they can't let there be any decency.
The left will seize on anything they can to project racism and bigotry onto their opposition when they're the authors of identity politics, which is, at its very basis, run by the Ford Foundation and social engineers that are bringing in all these different groups and playing them off against each other.
But thank God for Infowars, thank God for this crew, thank God for you, the listeners and viewers, thank God for David Knight.
Speaking of David Knight, here's a promo.
Here's a promo for David Knight.
We'll be right back.
We need to go back and revisit the foundations of our freedom.
Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it UN Agenda 21, now they call it the UN 2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
Never miss your show, any day.
I mean, what?
I mean, never!
I mean, fuck, I mean, never!
8am *BOOM*
Or the morning fits.
Take a dive.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We'll be back, strap yourselves in.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We are seven days out from the most important election in world history.
Getting Trump in was only a beachhead.
It was only a landing ground.
Now we're in the thick of the fight.
This is it.
The globalists kind of launched their operation Barbarossa against the world.
Now we've been pushed back, pushed back, pushed back.
Now we're just starting to push back against the globalist force, and we're winning, but these are the big battles of the war for national sovereignty and human determination against the globalist plan.
Now there's an incredible video, and I mean incredible, on Infowars.com from Information Liberation.
A glimpse of the dystopian future our big tech overlords desire.
We first broke, six years ago, the communist Chinese social credit score.
That was in Google and Apple patents and that was being discussed by the Chinese government.
Google supposedly pulled out of planning it with the Chinese because Congress threatened to go after them.
Well, that's not the case anymore, as you know.
And they have decided to bring the Communist Chinese social score here.
So let's go ahead and play this short clip on a Chinese bullet train, a glimpse of the dystopian future our big tech overlords desire.
Why are we allowing these authoritarians to spy on us and control our data?
The Orwellian clip is a visitor to China's recorded while on a Beijing Shanghai bullet train gives a solid picture of the type of future society our big tech overlords want to create in America.
In the video, a female voice announces over the intercom in English that people who travel without a ticket or behave disorderly, like smoking in public places, would be punished according to regulations and the behavior will be recorded in the individual's credit information system.
And then it's, don't be a Christian, don't be a pro-America, don't be a conservative, don't be a capitalist.
And they can always add, add, add, add to this until you can't even get on a train or get on a plane.
In fact, 11 million flights this year have already been canceled in China because people didn't have perfect social scores that big data tracks and integrates with everything else on the ground.
It's not clear what the orders and regulations are, we know, but previous government notices have focused on transport-specific offenses like loitering at airport check-in desks and boarding gates.
The social credit system is due to roll out in 2020, but various cities have launched pilot programs, and they've issued these blacklists.
And they call that integrated system, wait for it, Skynet.
Here, let's go ahead and roll this video and audio.
Here it is.
Dear passengers, people who travel without tickets or behave disorderly or smog in public areas will be punished
according to regulations and the behavior will be recorded in the individual credit information system.
To avoid any negative record of personal credit, please follow the relevant regulations and help with the orders on
the train and at the station.
Now just over the weekend it was on C-SPAN, it was picked up by major publications that they had a big security
conference funded by NATO and the Pentagon and just like...
The State Department and USAID is run by globalists and actually works against the President, works against our borders.
It's not the general military that's like this.
It's not even NATO that is.
On average, people in the military are patriots and get what's going on.
But this was a security conference, and they were there with the EU and everybody saying, you've censored here, we're censoring there.
You've seen thousands of sites that have been removed.
We're going to remove all the nationalists, all the conservatives, everybody in the next year.
Now remember, Matt Drudge got told two and a half years ago by a Supreme Court justice that is to be unnamed, but let's just say he's black.
Anyways, the point is, is that It's come out in the news that Thomas has made similar statements since then about this, but they basically got told, oh, Hillary's going to be elected, it's an EU-UN takeover, and there's going to be a global social score, everything you do is going to be tracked, and if you haven't followed all the orders we give you, we're just going to turn you off where you can't even buy or sell.
It's not just going to be...
Censoring people on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and Google putting out deceptive results and covering up crimes in the establishment.
It's going to be, you don't bank, you don't get a job.
And when I was talking to people high level in the campaign and in the White House, when I had an opportunity to about a month ago, They made it very clear.
They said, Alex, we're on it, and we know about Google, and we know about Facebook, and we know about all the censorship, but we're looking at executive orders to stop them basically going after conservatives, and nationalists, and Trump voters, and people, and their banking.
Your ability to even have a bank or a credit card.
The left is trying to develop a plan to start censoring people, and then start deplatforming people, and then go after your banking.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's here.
And the universities are telling people, oh, you followed President Trump.
On Twitter, you followed Alex Jones.
We're not, even though you've got a 3.9 grade point average, we're not letting you into this college.
They're actually doing it!
And you know, a lot of folks out there will say, well, I better just roll over to this then.
I better kiss butt now.
And then I'll be okay.
No, no, no.
Once they get you to cave into it, it's going to be one-child policy.
It's going to be you got to have all the vaccines.
It's going to be your children have to be sent for sensitivity training when they're three years old, literally with a bunch of perverts.
Teaching them to be open and loving so they can sexualize and abuse your children and prepare them for hormone treatment to have their genitals cut off.
This is already being done in England, and done in San Francisco, and done in other globalist enclaves.
And it's scientific!
So, if you want to see an image of the future, to quote 1984 Winston, it's a boot stomping on a human face forever.
We don't want to make beautiful civilization.
No, no, no.
We want to tear it apart for raw, ravenous power.
We're going to trample and be trampled upon, Winston.
We're going to destroy your soul.
We're vampires.
And on Fox News, everybody smiles like this, too, huh?
And the...
Who does Patrick Bateman aspire to be in life?
You know, American Psycho, Christian Bale, powerful performance.
He aspires to be...
A certain Fox News host, Bill Hemmer.
And I want to start seeing memes of Bill Hemmer as the real American Psycho.
Because you watch that guy, he is the real Patrick Bateman.
I'm not saying he's really killing people, I'm just saying he's got it down.
And that's what Matt Drudge, I think, is pinning at.
Not about him, but about Fox News in general when we come back.
You know, it's been said that a lot of people miss the forest for the trees.
And I'm one of those people.
I just want to tell the viewers and listeners of InfoWars that you've changed the world.
And the globalists want to shut down InfoWars because it's a place where we can come together and share ideas and where we have culture, where we have kinship, where we are able to interface and realize how similar we really are.
It's a place where we know that we're not alone.
And that's why they filed fake lawsuits against us and written hundreds of thousands of fake news stories that have been syndicated across the world.
It's why they've got HBO and Showtime shows with characters based on me that do horrible, evil, racist things.
But that said, I wanted to just celebrate the fact that, yeah, we're under attack now, and we'll be under attack in the future.
But the globalists are trying to punish Infowars for what you did, what I did, what others did in the past.
So they're literally fighting a past war, like generals always do, instead of fighting the new war.
So, at so many levels, they're already winning when I debate them or I confront them or I try to counter their lies.
They can only disrupt.
And it's important to say where they're lying, but to move on with our truths and the things that we're saying that they're trying to silence.
They tell all these lies because they want us to then debate them for our honor.
But they're dishonorable.
They've been proven to be liars.
Our answer is, you're a pack of liars.
Here's my idea.
Here's what I'm promoting, that you don't want to be hurt.
And that's what's happening at InfoWars.com from 8 a.m.
past 10 o'clock at night, every night now, with live broadcast.
Our election coverage, David Knight, Owen Schroyer, myself, and so many others, bringing you true, truth-based information that comes from research and historical understanding and proven sources, not from globalist talking points and disinformation.
But in closing, it takes a lot of money to carry out this fight.
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So Christmas, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, all rolled into one.
I think we'll make it through this, thanks to your prayers.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, John Guandallo is a former FBI agent, counterterrorism expert, veteran.
And he's been tweeting out that it is the Democrats and leftists that support an ideology of killing Jews in particular, and that's just a fact.
And that bizarrely, on Twitter and Facebook and everywhere, they let people talk about Jews being blood-sucking demons and rats that need to be killed.
And conservatives need to be killed, and Mike Pence needs to be killed, and I need to be killed, and Donald Trump needs to be killed, and Barron needs to be kidnapped and raped, and Melania needs to be kidnapped and raped, and on and on and on, just, congressman Scalise, yay, he got shot!
Too bad more aren't dead!
Hashtag hunt Republicans!
That's on MSNBC.
The things I'm quoting happen.
So many examples, it gives me a headache.
When I try to think of all the times prominent Democrats, every couple days, We don't let them eat outside, we don't let them get gas, we run them out of there!
And then major professors that run giant Antifa groups with hundreds of thousands of members on Twitter saying, good, you know, go after Scalise, go after these people, kill them!
They should have done more running Ted Cruz out of that restaurant.
We need to go to their houses!
So he puts out a meme of liberals that have killed Jews and says they're the ones that are guilty.
In fact, put it back on screen already so the radio listeners know.
And he's suspended on Twitter.
Laura Loomer is too.
So this is what they're so upset at.
Shooter in Pittsburgh, Robert Bowers is a product of the Marxist Party of America, called for violence.
Democrats, remember, Nazis were socialists.
Leftists, remember, the KKK is a Democrat organization.
That's a fact!
But because it's so true, everyone that he retweeted or that he linked there, they all got banned too.
Laura Loomer, you name it.
And so, as fast as they can ahead of the election, They're just going through Twitter, suppressing anyone responding to Democrats blaming Trump, blaming me, blaming America.
They tried to blame Matt Drudge.
Oh, I bet whoever's mailing the fake pipe bombs likes Matt Drudge and Fox News.
Just crazy!
And so I was thinking this morning when I saw that he was banned, and that Laura Loomer was, and they're both coming on the show in the third hour, It just made me mad because I sat back while I was working out and I just started trying to think of all the stuff I've seen the left and universities and the Ford Foundation and Soros' Open Society.
And it just, it was so many examples.
I mean, George Soros wants the state of Israel removed and thinks it doesn't have a right to exist.
And then, if you criticize him, you're anti-Semitic.
Oh, and he's a former Nazi collaborator.
Oh, and he's best buddies with the unelected dictator of the EU, Juncker, whose grandfather ran Nazi Germany, financially, for Hitler.
I mean, top Nazi!
The biggest arms makers in world history are the Yonkers.
They're so rich, nobody even knows how much cash they got.
They got it all.
Oh, and they're royal.
Forgot that little part.
So that's why Soros kisses his butt.
And Soros works for Yonker, basically.
So, that's sick.
And if you point it out, I mean, I see it all the time, where you'll have some Palestinian that's on a work program in Israel, and he'll stab or shoot a whole family, and the left's like, well, they deserve it, they're occupying.
Well, here's the deal.
The left can't have it where, oh my God, this monster went in and killed 11 Jews, which was terrible.
And then wring your hands and blame people that aren't involved in it, like myself or Trump, and then your whole party and your whole system's involved in it.
But it gets worse than that.
And I want to find the clips from five years ago, four years ago, three years ago, when the Justice Department, under Eric Holder, was funding all this racial strife and taking every police shooting they could and trying to foment a race war.
We later got Soros documents again.
Well, Alexander Soros, now basically in command, Trying to cause a race war, trying to get blacks to riot with staged Antifa groups and blue city police in Democrat areas.
And you look at that, and I want to pull up those clips.
I want to put a piece together in the next few days.
This is important.
Democrats say they're against violence, but not even focusing on the bike locks or the hot coffee or the firebombing or Republican offices getting shot up every day around the country.
I mean, every day new ones get shot up.
People just drive by and machine gun the building.
Not even national news.
Shotgun the windows out, firebomb them, spray paint rapists all over it, Nazis all over it.
That's all okay.
To them.
But what no one points out was that, do you remember when CNN and MSNBC, when the cops got shot in Dallas, protecting a Black Lives Matter rally, and then the more cops got shot in Louisiana, they would go on and say, well, the police have to deal with this because of what bad officers have been doing and the public's angry.
So you, A, most of those cases lie about what cops had done, when they hadn't done anything wrong, and the evidence came out to that, fomented it, cops get killed, and then you say, well, that's what they deserve.
And then you turn around like we have no memory, and there it is, Chris Cuomo, defends Antifa, attacks on police journalists, not equal.
There's all these examples.
We should cull all these together and say, remember when they defended killing cops?
Remember when they defended the Palestinian Authority?
Remember when they defended Hamas?
And just show them doing that.
Yeah, black cops doing Black Lives Matter for 500 million.
I'm from the hood.
Ask about me.
And you get cops getting killed.
Like, a random cop got shot in the back of the head.
We don't even know his name because they never even humanized him.
His name was in the news five minutes.
Let's look up who got shot a few years ago.
There's been a bunch of cops shot in the back of the head pumping gas or changing tires in places like Oakland, California.
So many, sometimes like five cops get killed in one day.
Barely even news.
We don't know who they are.
Like, eh, move on.
They deserve it.
Eh, whatever.
Who was the cop who got shot in the back of the head in Houston pumping gas?
By a racist whack job taught by the media that all cops are bad, and you know, go randomly kill them.
And the media defends that.
Like, well, people are angry, well, you know.
And then they turn around when I've done nothing to foment any of this against the Jewish Center, or Donald Trump's done nothing, and they point their finger at us and say, we caused a climate of violence, we're causing all this, when they're the ones openly stirring it up, they're the ones openly doing it.
By the way, it's a religion to hate Israel.
By the left, the extreme right wing, they're mental patients.
They aspire that no one can be successful unless the Jews did it for you.
And I am so sick of that crap.
And if you look at where you find most of it, it's in the left.
You've got the leftist Jewish groups that never talk about that.
They falsely then project it onto conservatives and nationalists and Christians, and it's disgusting.
Houston police officer ambushed at gas station was shot 15 times.
Let's read his name.
I forget his name.
Let's humanize him.
Shannon J. Miles appeared briefly in state district court.
That's who killed him.
Who's the officer that... Darren Goforth, a 10-year veteran.
Pumping gas at 8.20pm, shot 15 times in the back.
See, we don't know his name, do we?
Oh, but we know Trayvon Martin!
And again, I'm sad for what happened to Trayvon Martin, and I think Zimmerman's a little weird.
Has had some problems.
Probably overreacted.
But he wasn't cold-bloodedly shooting somebody 15 times in the back.
I don't want anybody to die.
Black, white, whoever.
The point is, the media is fomenting it.
They're manipulating it.
They're hyping it up.
And we come back, I'll give you the biggest news of the day yet.
You'll want to stay with us for this.
And I'll look at, was Matt Grudge right to say Fox News should wipe those sick smiles off their faces?
Stay with us.
This is a caravan.
And this is an invasion.
If you can't tell the difference, then you are part of the problem.
Let's talk a little bit about Hillary Clinton, because there's all of this news about Elizabeth Warren's
ancestries coming out.
There was some breaking news from Babylon Bee, the satire site.
And they said shortly after Elizabeth Warren released a DNA test that may not show that she is 1,024th Native American, the failed presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton showed her DNA test that conclusively proved that she is only 50% reptilian.
A test showed that only 50% of her blood comes from reptilian humanoids from space bent on destroying humanity.
Babylon Bee quotes Hillary Clinton saying on an interview Sunday, I am happy to announce that I am only half reptile.
I hope my critics will think twice before calling me a space reptile now, since that's only half true.
I'm only part lizard person.
Thank you very much.
Well, that's not the worst thing that's been said about Hillary Clinton.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am Pindar, the Reptoid Ruler of Earth, and I've taken over InfoWall so that it will be politically correct now.
Mr. Knight read from a satire article, BabylonBee.com, Hillary Clinton's release of DNA test results proving she's only half lizard.
And Mr. Knight made a joke, comparing it to Elizabeth Warren, and well, he's now gotten banned.
Joining us is David Knight, still broadcasting on hundreds of radio and TV stations, and of course at Infowars.com, Forbes 5 show.
Though Soros and I are working hard to stop that.
But now you can't even make a joke, David!
Perhaps we'll all be arrested for what we're doing now!
Or is it that you know who's in command, by who you can't criticize?
Is it actually that David Icke could be correct, and that I am actually A real reptoid, 14 trillion years old from the planet Pindarius, and that Hillary is one of my hatchlings of true royal lineage, and that's why you're not allowed to criticize her.
What do you think, Mr. Knight?
Well, I think if we could show that she was at least 0.09% reptilian DNA, then she would qualify, just like Elizabeth Warren qualifies for being a Cherokee.
But no, Alex, you know, we look at the Elizabeth Warren thing, it was, it should have been considered to be satire.
And I thought it was perfect that the Babylon Bee did that story, saying that after looking at Elizabeth Warren's thing, Hillary had her own DNA test.
And she said, those conservatives are lying.
I'm not 100% reptilian DNA.
I'm only 50%.
Now, what the Daily Beast did was really reprehensible on a number of levels.
They came out yesterday at 5.26 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time.
They came out and said Alex Jones and his InfoWars outlet were permanently banned from Twitter in September.
The move seemed to be a death blow for InfoWars.
Just weeks before, they'd been kicked off of platforms like YouTube and Facebook.
Now, of course, they don't mention the fact that YouTube and Facebook and Apple were colluding.
They did it within hours of each other.
All of them doing it at the same time.
And then, of course, they also colluded with the press.
And we saw this pattern happen again last week.
So they're wringing their hands of the Daily Beast saying, well, they should be down, but they're still up.
How are they still up?
How are they still communicating with people?
And how do we get them off of the remaining social media sites?
And so they then cite me.
They said, in fact, two months after Jones and InfoWars were supposedly shunned, a number of accounts remained live and tweeting.
On Tuesday, the Twitter account for InfoWars, Real News Show, with host David Knight, promoted Knight's claim that Hillary Clinton is quote, 50% reptilian DNA.
So they put that out there as if I'm taking that seriously.
No, it is a satire.
Elizabeth Warren's claims are satire.
And you joke about a satire article and make jokes.
They then misrepresent that we're saying that we believe reptoids are running things when that's not what we've said, that's not what we do.
This is a gore mask.
From Star Trek.
This is not real.
It's a joke.
And everybody knows that.
They'll probably say, in fact the last time I did this like five years ago, they said Jones thinks lizards are real and dressed up like one on the show.
Because they think their own readers don't get satire.
This is the incredible mental illness of what these people are doing.
And it just gets more and more and more insane, David.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
Knock them dead!
Knock them!
Knock them dead!
Knock them dead, kid!
Knock them dead!
Let's listen to a little bit of The Crew.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
That's right, InfoWars and our audience are the heavyweight global champions of the world.
Knockin' out the most powerful, corrupt, sinister corporate empires on the planet.
Knockin' them almost out of the United States.
Knockin' them out in Brazil.
Knockin' them out with Brexit.
Knockin' them out!
We are the detonator!
We are recognized by the globalists as patient zero in the disease that threatens to destroy their world.
One man's disease is another man's cure.
I've already fulfilled my destiny.
I am an eternal winner.
You are all winners.
You have had this country come back from the dead.
Fight's on.
But when they demonize us and they lie about us, it's a badge of honor.
And it's that spirit Trump has, that's why he's gone through them.
He's a leader.
It's that spirit people like Matt Drudge have.
It's the spirit that people like Brett Kavanaugh had going through that, of standing against the lies and not letting them break you, that they fear.
Now I want to finish up with what I was getting into earlier and get into something important here because it's a point I make to myself and Drudge made it and I'm glad he did.
And this isn't some running dog thing, my adulation of Matt Drudge.
I've looked at all the angles and I know the enemy already knows this so I'll say it.
We would be effed if we didn't have Matt Drudge.
It's just the absolute catalyst Nine times out of ten for our wins.
And it's people like that that lay the groundwork for somebody like Trump.
And it's people like you.
And I keep going back to that.
That without all of you, we wouldn't be fighting back and having a fighting chance.
without people that are willing to be demonized and lied about and attacked.
And again I'm not up here trying to ring the alarm and say oh look how great we
I'm saying, for me, it's like being out in a rough ocean and a bigger storm's coming and you look and you see the land and you know, oh, I'm glad the land's there.
And that's kind of what I see like the president and this audience and people like Matt Drudge is without it I wouldn't even have survived or been here we wouldn't have had these victories and so it becomes like it's almost like my dad who's always been there for me and always helped me my whole life.
I mean, he made me basically do everything myself, but he's always there for me.
I can have the flu at 3 a.m., you know, and I can call him and he'll come and, you know, take care of me.
And I'm serious.
I was thinking last night, what is the thought of what I think of this audience and people like Matt Drudge, people like President Trump, that without you, I mean, we really are one thing.
And it's like you always expect it to be there.
So see, for me, I don't look at somebody like Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson, who are very talented and have giant audiences, and think, man, someday I want to be on Fox News.
Someday I want to make it.
Boy, I'm jealous that they're so slick.
I go, thank God there are people at some level smarter and harder working than I am who are reaching people.
And so I think of them as our community wealth.
That they're not traitors, they're not scum, they're not globalists.
And so there's not even really a point to what I'm saying other than then I get around some of the other people that you'd see at CNN or MSNBC or Fox and you can see the shows that are kind of the actor types that are all just handled and told what to say and do versus shows where it's real personalities and real people.
Where Tucker Carlson's serious, focused, and you know, is a smart guy.
Sean Hannity, smart guy.
Mike Levin, you can tell he knows what he's talking about.
He's a smart guy.
Don't agree with everything that all those guys say, but about 95% of it.
And then you see somebody like Bill Hemmer.
Where I work out in the morning and I turn Fox on and off, you know, the audio, and then I got music in the background.
Obviously during those horrible catheter ads and stuff, I go back to music.
And I just watch him, because a lot of times that's when I'm working out in the morning.
And you watch him with the audio off, and all of the staged mannerisms and everything, it's like a puppet, like a ventriloquist doll, and just how he fakely acts like he's listening to people, how he Has every mannerism dialed down to an exact science?
And then you watch the other shows, and it's even worse, because I was working out earlier yesterday than I did today, and I was watching shows in the morning, and it was these women on there, and they were laughing and giggling and trying to look like they were really excited, because you can tell they've been trained to do that by the people that they work with in television, and it's just macabre.
They're all like, It's like, oh, the show's back there!
Everyone's like... I mean, I can't watch the five, because once you've watched any of those shows with the audio off, it looks crazy.
And so, I haven't talked to Matt Grudge about this, but I bet he had the audio off.
Because it's on the chyron that, you know, these people are all murdered and all this terrible stuff's happening, and then it's going on in the background, and they're all laughing and giggling and slapping their knees.
And it's obscene.
And so some people say, "Oh, well, they're just having fun.
They didn't mean it."
Or the chyron should have been up there.
My issue with it is, and we'll show Drudge's tweets is what I want to show.
Hell, I have them right here, I'll show them to you.
Yeah, there it is.
The cracking up, the laughing, the snickering, the giggling.
It's a product of how fake this is, and these are a bunch of actresses.
These are just a bunch of people that wanted to be in Hollywood, and they just read off teleprompters and talking points, and they're told to laugh and giggle and act excited, so people watching think, hey, I'm part of the cool club.
And it's all just a facsimile.
It's not real.
It's like when Infobabes look at the camera and smile.
Like you're a man that they want to have sex with.
We've got raw satellite feeds in here.
I do a whole show just for raw satellite feeds and it's NBC, ABC, all of them.
I go to the channels and it's them getting ready and them looking at themselves in the mirror and going, And oh yeah, there's one of them right now.
And trying to act like they're real serious and real believable.
And you just realize it's a joke.
So I think that's what Matt Drudge is saying is, this isn't just some production like you're in a movie.
Find your soul when you're in the makeup chair.
And she's not doing it right now.
She's been on there all day on the satellite feed and they're just primping and trying to look like she's real serious and trying to look like she really means what she's saying.
And there's just something obscene about it.
And they turn on the emotions, they turn them on, they turn them off.
Yeah, she's gonna start primping here in a minute.
I've got just banks of TVs of this crap in here.
Yeah, there she is trying to make that... You like test all her fake faces!
That's what Matt Grudge is talking about.
We're gonna go to break.
I should be plugging every segment.
I'm mad at myself again.
I went to the end of the hour again.
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support. Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order is
It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
So, Matt Drudge came out with a group of tweets that I agree with.
He was watching some of the Fox shows, and they were laughing and giggling while they were talking about the horrible massacre at the Jewish synagogue temple in Pittsburgh.
Trump's going to speak soon.
We'll carry that live, obviously.
And he just said it's disgusting.
A segment on Fox News this morning where hosts laughing and joked their way through a discussion on political impact of terror was bizarre.
Not even 48 hours since blood flowed at the synagogue.
Check your soul in the makeup chair.
And what he's getting at is the teleprompter culture.
Where the executives load the teleprompter, and then the people read off the teleprompter, and then the public regurgitates that.
But then there's not just the teleprompter, There are the people being trained to look sincere, and to look happy, and to look like you're having the best time of your life, and because they're so fake and so disconnected, then they don't get when they're being extremely inappropriate.
And so Drudge is recoiling from the bizarreness.
But see, that's a window into, Matt, how bizarre it all is, because there's...
Three different types of people in television news, especially if you look at Fox.
There's the real personalities that are smart and earnest and real, and come at things from an earnestness and a legitimacy.
So it looks scripted, it looks polished, but it's earnestness.
That'd be somebody like you when you were on Fox, or somebody like Tucker Carlson.
But then you've got the people that just want to be movie stars.
And they're totally fake, so you can't expect them to act like that.
And I'm not saying you're wrong, and I did notice this morning on those same shows I tuned in, because it makes me sick as well.
I watched it with the audio off, just to see, and they were not smiling during inappropriate times.
But again, it's a window into how baloney it is.
It's plastic banana.
It's not real.
Now, one more thing I want to say.
We got seven days left till this historic election.
You know the Globals are going to try to pull a bunch of crap.
They got 18-wheelers and buses.
They're going to be hitting the border right around election time.
I'm really worried about some massacre against them or something that's easily staged in Mexico.
That place is beyond Road Warrior.
So we're going to be watching all that very, very carefully.
But what really gets to me is that the political left is so classically anti-Jew and so classically anti-Semitic and that all these professors and all these media outlets and the Ford Foundation and all of it teaches anti-Semitism in college and they praise the Palestinians when they bomb and kill and shoot people and don't even criticize them for blowing up their own children.
Then they promote cop killing.
Remember all during that with Black Lives Matter saying, well, the cops have done bad stuff, that's why they're all getting ambushed and killed.
And it wouldn't even be the cops they were claiming did something wrong, even though almost always that wasn't true.
They would just go randomly kill a cop a thousand miles away, shoot him in the back of the head, say, well, you know, people are angry.
A lot of anger out there.
You need to watch your behavior.
You need to go under U.N.
You need to go under strong cities.
You need to go under the Obama Justice Department.
And that was the left terrorizing local government police to make them bow to their globalist demands and the police didn't.
But to have the left now say Trump shouldn't come to Pittsburgh and Trump is an anti-Semite because he said nationalist, Israel's nationalist.
Is sick and a lie.
And we need a few days out from the election to point out all the times on CNN and MSNBC and everywhere else they praised cop killing.
And Twitter leaves up all these professors that say kill more cops.
What I want for Christmas is more dead cops and the chance.
Jingle bells, jingle bells.
What do I want for Christmas?
Dead cops?
I mean, all those stupid chants that the media promotes and acts like is good, and then they turn around when some other psychotic goes and kills some innocent people, and then they blame Trump and the Internet for it?
These people are sick, and they think you're stupid, and they think you're not paying attention.
Well, we are paying attention.
We'll be right back.
Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram, and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
I'd done the War Room.
She's not on until 9.40 Central.
That's 10.40 Eastern.
I was exhausted.
I popped two Brain Force Plus, and I was good as new.
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Tonight, I'm on with Tucker Carlson.
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Waging war on corruption.
on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we are live, we are broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We have a very well-known retired FBI agent, who's a counterterrorism expert, who got banned on Twitter for pointing out that it's the left supporting the Palestinians that are saying kill Jews, and pointing out that it's the left saying kill cops.
So now, even retired, respected FBI agents who run major organizations cannot be on Twitter and report that Trump has nothing to do with the shooting up of the synagogue Or he's going to be speaking today, despite leftist groups saying you're not welcome here, or we demand you make a public statement renouncing your support of white nationalism.
Think about that fraud.
The rhetoric of that.
I've got the group's statement right here.
I'm going to read it in a few minutes.
Think about that statement.
That's not the synagogue, that's just a leftist group saying that they represent Jews.
Renounce your support of white nationalism.
That's like saying, Alex, renounce your support of NAMBLA.
And I'm like, I don't support NAMBLA.
Show me what I do.
I don't support the North American Man-Boy Love Association like the UN and Salon and HBO do, doing pieces favorable to them.
Let your five-year-old daughter be free.
Let them come to your door and I'm here to take Alice out.
Show me.
But you see, That's exactly what they do rhetorically here.
I saw the statement this morning on the news, they showed like, we demand you renounce your white nationalism.
That was on CNN.
About an hour and a half later, I'm watching Fox News while I'm working out, and they've got the Fox News reporter from Pittsburgh, and he's sitting there going, and the group is asking him to renounce his white nationalist support.
You put these press releases out saying Trump needs to say that the moon is not made of cheese and renounce it.
It's insane.
It's not made of cheese.
Trump never said it was made of cheese.
But if the group says, we demand you say the moon's not made out of cheese, they'll read that on Fox News?
It is despicable.
And then the rest of the statement is all neuro-linguistic.
Bravo, Sierra.
Balderdash, poppycock, fraud.
And then now the rabbi's under attack going, Trump's not involved in this.
He's my president.
I welcome him here.
Why wouldn't you want unity?
Notice Trump's saying, let's have unity.
Let's be loving to each other.
This is wrong.
This is terrible.
This guy hated me.
He hated, you know, what we're doing.
He hates Israel.
And let's all come together and help these folks.
No, you're not welcome, says the Democrat sheriff in Pittsburgh.
No, you're not welcome, says the Democrat mayor.
What Republican would ever do something like this if there was a Democrat president in and there had been an event like this?
What Republican would ever act like that?
So the statement of Nancy Pelosi and of Michael Obama and all these people that They go low, we go high.
You always go low.
That's all you do.
Well, now you've got Hillary saying, we've got to get nasty.
And you've got the Democrats, Pelosi saying, well, go high, go low, I don't care.
We just got to win.
It's incredible.
So finally get a little bit of truth out of their mouth that they're a pack of liars.
And rarely do we see any truth out of these people.
They just do it ironically sometimes because they just get talking points from lawyers and spend doctors that come up with stuff to deceive the public.
But after a while, it just doesn't work anymore.
Alex Jones, do you renounce white supremacism?
I routinely have leftists come to me and say that.
And it's like, I'm not a talking parrot.
But I'll go, yeah, yeah, I do, but I don't need to, because I never supported it.
You're funded by George Soros, and that's clever.
Oh, whatever.
I don't want to talk to you.
F off.
They have like one line they say at you, like you're not a person, you're a wall.
They're talking to, and they regurgitate their teleprompter nation garbage at you.
And then you respond back with actual facts, and they don't know what to say.
They always go, F you.
You're going to prison, Russian!
I want to give the number out.
I want to take phone calls.
And I want to hit all the other news as well, but it really is next level when even Fox News, who again, was somewhat anti-Trump during the campaign, played both sides.
Rupert Murdoch had actually endorsed Hillary previously.
Then it kills their ratings.
They wanted to get their merger deal done.
And now that they got their merger done, and Trump didn't stand in the way of it, they are knifing him in the back.
And this is bigger than Fox News.
It shows the culture of these power mavens, and these powerhouses of media control, how they're playing both sides.
When they're already in the position of power, they don't have to play both sides.
They could restore the republic, restore decency to a great extent, not have people that are pushing division and hatred and absolute societal rot in positions of power.
If the power structure stopped acting like demon possessed Count Dracula, we would have a future.
You idiots are creating the societal global collapse that will destroy the planet.
You're not dumbing people down and making them stupid and making them weak and making them evil so you can control them.
You're doing it because you are evil.
You're doing it because you have given in to wickedness.
And so, even though it would serve you better, You are going to destroy the planet if God doesn't hold your hand back.
Which God tells us He will, and I believe it.
I've seen revelation all being confirmed.
Not the fake revelations of the distorted churches.
Don't you know the devil would put people in to totally deceive so you wouldn't get what's actually there?
You read it, you study it, it's happening.
But not the way the churches tell you.
So we're going to play those clips of the Democrats and others saying that Trump has radicalized more people than ISIS, and he's not welcome because of his white nationalist garbage.
They think you're so stupid.
They think that nationalist means white nationalist.
There's hundreds of types of nationalists around the world, different permutations, but nationalist itself means we are the nation state, we are a country, we have a heritage, we're not run by unelected foreign global systems.
All right.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
I specifically want to get your take on what do you think they're going to pull with seven days left?
What do you think of the migrant caravans?
What do you think about how the Chinese economy is being plunged, trying to take ours down?
What do you make of all of this and more?
On the other side, we'll start taking calls at the bottom of the hour.
hour 877-789-ALEX or 877-789-2539.
And there's so much news to get into.
And a bunch of clips we'll play in the next segment and then go to your calls.
Please don't forget.
We're running the biggest shale in our history.
Christmas, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday all rolled into one.
Because they were trying to take all of our payment processors.
They got five of the six.
Then we got a couple more in contracts, so we're backed up now, thank God.
At least for now.
The harassment and sabotage is incredible.
So, I've sold out a lot of the product we'd have through the rest of the year, you know, for the Christmas sales.
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expensive to produce. Knock out the amazing Sleep Aid. InfowarStore.com or 888-253-3139.
888-253-3139. And again, do your Christmas shopping early and support the broadcast.
We want to thank you all for your support. You are the InfoWar.
You are everything. You are the resistance. I love you all.
We are a family in this fight.
This is an amazing battle we're in together.
Senator Elizabeth Warren has released results of a DNA test showing she does have Native American ancestry.
Massachusetts Senator and possible presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren released results of a DNA test she says proves she has some Native American heritage.
Strong evidence that she has Native American heritage.
DNA analysis proves she has Native American heritage.
Elizabeth Warren can now officially say that she is part Native American.
It's past time to separate politics from fact.
And the fact is, the people calling Warren a liar just don't have a leg to stand on.
President Trump, who calls her Pocahontas, has suggested he would pay a million dollars to a charity if she took a DNA test to prove her heritage.
When told of the test results today, here's what President Trump said.
Who cares?
Who cares?
You care!
You care!
You're literally the only person who cares!
I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test that it shows you're an Indian, you know.
Donald Trump promised he'd donate $1 million to charity if Senator Elizabeth Warren could prove she had Native American ancestry.
Well, the DNA results are in!
Yes, he is!
Even though Elizabeth Warren took the test, now he says he's not going to pay the million dollars.
When confronted about his million dollar pledge this afternoon, he chickened out.
The president is scoffing at the results.
How much?
One one thousand?
Do you owe her an apology?
No, I don't.
What about the money?
I owe her.
She owes the country an apology.
We don't have to wait for the president's DNA.
He is 100% douche.
Elizabeth Warren taking the bait.
Now, the president likes to call my mom a liar.
What do the facts say?
The facts suggest that you could absolutely have a Native American ancestor in your pedigree.
This is absolute pure bull.
Don't believe the crap you see from these people.
The fake news.
I'm an Indian outlaw.
Half Cherokee and Choctaw.
My baby, she's a Chippewa.
Oh, she's a one-of-a-kind.
Elizabeth Warren is whiter than your average white person.
My papa had high cheekbones, like all of the Indians do.
Oh, yikes.
Death and bounce.
Pocahontas is on the warpath.
They call her Pocahontas.
What does Warren translate into Cherokee as?
Spreading bull?
If Senator Warren sets the standard, you too could claim a minority preference.
But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee and part Delaware.
So my parents had to alone.
The other children always laughed at me.
Give her a feather, she's a Cherokee.
Most white Americans have more Native American blood than Senator Warren.
She's potentially one, one thousandth, and twenty-fourth Indian, which is 0.09%.
I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage.
The university actually celebrated her as the first minority woman to receive tenure.
Warren posed as a victim because on the left, victimhood is power.
Warren is trying to play the victim.
I'm 13% victim.
I'm 21% victim.
Order now and find out if your friends should be more sympathetic towards you, DNA and me.
Are you in?
Hell f***ing yes I'm in.
*Explosion* *Explosion*
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
*Explosion* *Outro Music*
I know you loved me a long time ago.
Man, I'd love to turn things around.
At least stabilize the planet.
Not have people actively trying to put the most evil systems in they can.
Because that's what the globalists do.
They know it's hard to be good.
It's easy to be evil.
And just cynically do the most horrible thing you can.
Say, hey, this Mark of the Beast sounds like a really good plan.
Let's put it in play.
And you think, in your wisdom, that there isn't a God.
You're just Using what somebody wrote 2,000 years ago, but in truth, you've been deceived.
But that's actually the mid-level people.
People at the top worship Lucifer.
They tried to get me to join them.
I didn't.
Devil's real.
That's why there's people that torture children to death.
That's why that guy went in that Jewish center and shot those people.
And us being domesticated, and us not being armed, isn't the answer.
The answer is good people being strong and standing against that type of crap.
You know, and I'm not virtue signaling here, it's the truth.
We've assessed, and experts have assessed, you know who's most dangerous?
You know who is believed to be, statistically, up until just recently, who it would be that would Take me out.
Because they've tried before.
They've done some things that law enforcement and others have asked me not to even get into on air.
there. It's white supremacists. Now Antifa has eclipsed that to a certain extent but
they're not as determined.
Well, it's the same people, isn't it?
Stuart Soros.
I mean, most of these Nazi ideologies are run by globalists, and it's come out.
And they, it's a very simple ideology, and you believe you're right, and everyone else is bad, and you ascribe mythical powers to Jews.
And then you take any evil that Jewish groups do, which certainly goes on.
There's evil cults and bad groups in every group.
And there sure is in branches of what came out of Judaism.
I mean, those people are all over the planet.
I've read some of the later books.
It's some pretty wicked stuff.
Every culture's written stuff like that.
But you think the Jews are the only ones that have black magic?
Yeah, there have been Jewish groups in history that sacrifice and kill babies.
And there's been every other group does it too.
And they do the same damn rituals in different parts of the world that never even knew each other.
Because the devil's real.
You know, like the Bible, there's good Jews and there's bad Jews.
And there's good Gentiles and there's bad Gentiles.
But Jesus Is saying, I have had a covenant with you, and now my covenant is to everyone that follows these rules.
And the rules, if you follow them, give you incredible productivity, incredible success, and good fruits.
And the world wants to destroy true Judaic and then Christian systems.
And they are the two religions.
And Christianity did come out of Judaism.
Oh, the white supremacists, when I say Judaic Christian values, they pull their hair out.
Because it's true!
And then you've got the whole bastard child of it, Islam, that came out 400, 500 years after Christianity.
But Christianity came out of Judaism.
And there was the corruption that had gotten into Judaism, like any other group, and Christ was reforming that.
Like Martin Luther.
Or other reformers.
And the Protestant Church needs to be reformed.
And the Catholic Church needs to be reformed.
And Judaism needs to be reformed.
There's always different veins in any group, but Christianity and Western civilization and what we have today would not have been there if it wasn't for Judaism.
So the West Went from its barbarism and all the things it was involved in, some beautiful, some bad, to its heights with the mixture of Judaism that was very, very similar to a lot of the ancient Anglo-Saxon common law, if you study it.
And so that's why they accepted it so much, because so much of it made sense.
And so I'm a real historian.
I'm a real scholar.
I find it fascinating.
And I've read wide-ranging stuff.
And I've read the anti-Semite crap.
I've read what Hitler wrote.
I've read what black magic rabbis wrote.
I've written what the good rabbis wrote.
I mean, I've read a lot.
What the original people.
I've read Plato.
I've read Aristotle.
I've read Julius Caesar.
And I know the different world systems.
Just like there's a fight over America's destiny because it's special and it's powerful, there is a fight over the Judaic system.
Because it's powerful.
And there's a fight over anything else that's powerful.
Everybody wants to take over Japan.
There's something powerful there.
Everybody wants to take over Russia.
There's something powerful there.
Wherever there's power, people try to take it over.
And so, it's a very sophisticated paradigm, but I've experienced it, I've looked at it, and we must come together around a set of values and ideas, because humans are tribal, and then transcend all of the artificial division that evil people use to control us, So I'm the ultimate individualist, I'm the ultimate collectivist.
I am an individual, but I collectively want to promote goodwill and an open, free society, and by all of our individual actions, by good men doing the right thing, and good women doing the right thing, we build that world.
The collectivists are the ultimate tyrants because they're not collectivists, they come in with a centralized vision, a centralized control.
And they lose their humanity and they're all cold-blooded, the globalists, playing us off because we have values and we stand for things, because we have levers in our heart and levers in our soul.
They think we're weak because we feel, but really we're already into the next dimensions.
We already are transcendent.
They're just like cancer, the globalists, manipulating our humanity and our emotions to control us and then thinking they're ascendant when they're the opposite.
So I'm going to say this again.
There's good and evil in everybody.
We need to come together and love God and love justice.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it UN Agenda 21, now they call it the UN 2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
Never miss your show, any day.
I mean, what?
And I mean, what? I mean, never!
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At the moment, the UK government has set up a survey which could change the lives of trans and non-binary people by making it easier for them to change their birth certificate.
This is not about toilets and this is not about passports.
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As a non-binary person, I and the whole community really need your help with this consultation.
It takes 10 minutes, it's a really quick survey, and it can really impact people's lives for the better.
Remember 25 years ago Monsanto came out with field trials?
of the terminator seed for cotton and soybeans and many other plants.
And when that plant goes through its life cycle, it doesn't produce seeds that can produce another plant.
You have to go back to the company, the biotech company, to be able to get seeds that again only germinate and only produce another plant one time.
And of course then they stacked other genetic traits like pesticide into them so that bugs wouldn't eat them.
But said it's safe for you to eat the pesticide.
Kind of like they said glyphosate is safe to drink as well.
Same company.
And if you're going to ask, why are you starting a discussion on transgenderism with the Terminator seed?
Well, because I've read the textbooks in the 50s and 60s that were produced then about the plan.
To promote the end of the family, the end of the nuclear family, and to promote homosexualism, and then to promote non-gender, and to have literally shaved heads and gray uniforms, and that this would start in the elementary schools and then move up, beginning with confusing the sexuality of children, and that finally when you were done, people would be asexual, meaning They do not want to have sex, period.
And this thing needs your help to spread its word.
So it's come to your planet and it needs your help and it needs you to spread what it's doing to your children to teach them that they're not a boy or girl and to rob them of their most basic identity before they ever even really came of age and had a choice in the new transhumanist world if they wanted to become a cyborg.
So we make jokes about Roswell and aliens and sexless creatures and the gray aliens of the future.
And people that are into that stuff say it's time-traveling humanoids coming back from the future.
Because something has made them where they can't reproduce and they're trying to get original human DNA to relaunch the species.
And I used to hear that and think that's crazy science fiction.
But now, you see where the globalists are taking us.
Wow, is that true?
Because they're making it so fashionable to be a sterilized humanoid who's asexual.
Your planet will serve us well.
See, I don't believe in aliens.
I'm simply making the parallels here to how the real aliens are here.
You take a human and you make them part cow so they can grow large humanoids up inside utero of cows.
What is that?
It's an alien.
It's not of this world.
It's artificially created.
It's new.
Your planet will serve us well.
Aliens don't come from outer space folks You're listening to the Alex Jones show
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(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
All right, we've got major breaking news and I'm going right to your calls.
And I was just able to call Roger Stone and get him on in the nick of time.
Former head of the Trump campaign, author, political operative, lobbyist.
Mueller investigators probe Roger Stone conference calls.
Long-time Trump advisor spoke with WikiLeaks plans, spoke of WikiLeaks plans to release emails ahead of 2016 election.
WikiLeaks said all over the news for months and months they were going to release him teasing him.
Assange was on Fox News, CNN, New York Times, you know, TV, saying that.
But again, it's not about defending Roger Stone.
It's about defending the truth.
I was there.
Roger Stone was working with us then.
I hadn't hired him on as a consultant.
He was because he was working at Fox News at the time.
I remember going, can we get Assange?
Well, I know this talk show host that talks to him occasionally and he just says it's big, whatever it is, but I'm like, Roger, I'll hire you if you can get Julian Assange on the show.
Stuff like that.
He was wanting to obviously work for Infowars, which is great.
I mean, I remember the conversations, like I was telling Paul Watson, can you go to the embassy and get Assange on?
So I remember all this.
And then to hear that we're secretly, because I'm under investigation for it too, like with Assange and all this crap.
I've never talked to Assange.
One time, when nobody knew who he was, like 10 years ago, Jones Dottier, that's her last name, I forget her first name, was like one of the leaders of the Reykjavik Parliament of Iceland.
And he was in the room behind her.
And I'll go, is that Julian Assange?
Well, yes, but he can't come on.
He's like getting his bags and leaving.
Kind of like that time Christopher Walken was on.
I'm interviewing, and also Christopher Walken sits in the guy's lap and is on the show for 10 minutes.
Yes, that happened.
But I don't know Christopher Walken.
So, I have seen Julian Assange over Skype feed, walking around in a room getting his bag.
He is known as being quite the ladies man.
And here's another one.
Special counsel refers scheme targeting Mueller to the FBI.
This is a whole new one.
He offered to pay off all my credit card debts plus bring me a check for $20,000 if I could do one thing, the woman wrote to the journalist in email, a copy of which I obtained.
In one more effort to get him to go away than anything else.
I don't even know what this crap is.
So, they're now, you know, they claim the Russia investigation is going to be over.
They send over Rosenstein and tell Trump, you're not implicated, it's going away.
And then now they've got all these weird stories that make no sense.
The woman was not willing to speak to the reporters on the phone, so portions of her story have gone uncooperated.
And this is the Atlantic, which is basically the leftist CIA.
You're like, this makes no sense, what are you talking about?
No, this is worse.
than Balazi Ford or the Jane Doe's that said Trump raped them that turned out weren't true.
There's just articles that don't even make sense.
I was reading them, it was like, uncooperated woman says somebody wanted to be mean to Mueller, we don't know who, and Trump was mean to Mueller through somebody we don't know, who can't cooperate.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller accusers.
Accuses opponents of offering women money to make false claims about him.
You know what this sounds like?
Sounds like there's some women, all fired up by me too, that want to say old Mueller did something to them.
Sounds like they're trying to cover their bases ahead of time.
And so they're putting out nebulous women who don't say their name and don't even say who they are, just random phone call.
You know, Big Bird called and said, Mueller did never do anything.
Why, Trump offered me money.
I'm not going to say who I am.
Trump raped me, by the way, five times.
So, if you just tuned in and none of this makes any sense, it's because it doesn't.
It's all just BS.
Roger, I want to get into this first, what you think of it, and what you make of them now saying they're honing in on witnesses that were part of conference calls that you shed.
WikiLeaks plans to release emails.
This reminds me of two months after they'd released the Wikileaks keys, where Wikileaks would release something and then email out on an email list to people they wanted to get it first, the keys to it, and we'd all scramble to have somebody send us the keys, and then we'd write articles about it.
They go, oh my God, Donald Trump Jr.
sent his father an email with the keys to Wikileaks, and it was almost two months after they were released.
I'm kind of ashamed that Don Jr.
was What was it?
Six and a half weeks or whatever behind here?
This was over two months.
The point is, it scrambles the brain, Roger.
It scrambles the brain that when you're alert and awake and know the facts, this is all complete baloney.
So what I'm asking you is, what does this signify?
Is the witch hunt really over?
Or are they going to put your head on a spike before they do that?
Because everybody says they're circling in on you.
That you are the cherry on top, the crap sundae.
Well Alex, this is a pathetic attempt by the Wall Street Journal to recycle old news.
Over a 10-day period, including on the Alex Jones Show, one of the specific times they cited, I said that I had communicated with Assange.
And I clarified at that time, and later under oath before the House Intelligence Committee, that that communication was through a third party, Randy Credico.
That was the truth then.
It's the truth now.
I never received any information regarding the source or the content.
By the way, I flogged you.
I mean, I'm interrupting, but I flogged you.
And we don't have to repeat the old stuff.
I mean, we know it's a lie, what they're saying.
I flogged you.
And you're like, I have a source.
I'm trying to get info.
I mean, we had these conversations 50 times!
Which is why I think they keep asking about you in front of the grand jury.
But you don't have the information either because we never got it.
They are chasing a ghost.
Yeah, I blew up on Assange when he didn't release it when he was into that press conference.
Remember that overnight show?
And I called him a very mean name.
I said he was Hillary Clinton's butt plug.
Yes, but what people don't realize is that it was October 2nd, I believe, On that date, he announced a release schedule for the next six weeks past the election, and he met that schedule.
So now you have Washington Post reporters saying, ah, Assange released this material right after the Billy Bush tape became public at your direction.
No, actually, he had announced the schedule for releases prior to the Billy Bush tape being released.
It's a witch hunt.
If the decision in front of the Grand Jury... No, I know.
They're trying to trick the Grand Jury about times and things that have been said.
They're totally trying to trick the Grand Jury.
But in the end of the day, it requires facts, evidence, proof.
And if the decision whether or not to charge me is made on the basis of facts and evidence and truth, I will not be charged.
So Roger, that's my question to you.
That's my question to you.
How far is this going to go?
I mean, is it over?
Do you think they're going to charge you?
Well, they're still taking grand jury testimony as of last Friday and this Friday.
They may be actually interviewing some exculpatory witnesses because Credico, my back channel, the guy who gave me my tip, told other people firsthand that he was indeed the back channel.
So therefore, I have witnesses.
He has none.
My email trail, my text message trail shows that Jerry Corsi never told me that Julian Assange's emails had been acquired in advance.
That's a new development.
I don't know that he now claims that he knew it.
It's not clear from the... Well, I didn't say things bad about Corsi last week to be mean to him.
I have seen him in a dementia-like state the last few times I saw him.
We're very, very sad.
That's what happens when you get older.
I hope he gets better.
I'm not sure what's wrong with him, but he doesn't know what planet he's on.
I may just be the demon rum.
But in any event, there is no evidence or proof that I've done anything illegal in connection with my activities to defeat Hillary Clinton and elect Donald Trump.
So I think the special counsel is frustrated because they're looking for something that doesn't exist.
Were we trying to find out what it was that Assange had?
I got loaded phone lines.
I'm going to go right to your callers, but two more minutes on the other side.
What do you make of this new nebulous?
Women are about to come out against Mueller.
It's Trump.
It's all fake.
And they go, but none of us cooperated.
We got a phone call.
What is that?
We'll be right back.
Straight ahead.
Did you hear?
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Cyber Monday's coming in October.
What's really coming in October is incredible deals, 50% off at InfoWars4.com and free shipping.
And it's all to stand up against the censors that are really pushing to shut down InfoWars.com and to shut down your voice.
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And until things sell out, or until we are successful, or until they shut us down, who the hell knows?
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InfoWars is in your hands.
InfoWars has always been in your hands, and we were the number one media organization in the world, after Drudge Report, who went ahead and did video and audio, number one in the election of Trump.
And so they shadow banned us, and they took our sponsors, and they wouldn't let us advertise, and they strangled us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, Project Veritas has released a new video we're posting at NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com.
It's got to go viral.
Democrat Congresswoman Kristen Sinema, who is running against Republican Congresswoman Martha McSally, is on video saying people can join the Taliban.
She loves it.
And that, oh, they can't say they're going to ban guns, but as soon as they get in, they want to ban the Second Amendment.
Arizona candidate Sinema can't be talking about gun bans, says Arizonans will actually shoot you.
And that's Project Veritas' headline, which is not strong enough.
I just watched the clip during the break that we're pulling into the system.
She says, oh, well, you know.
We'll ban them once we get a majority.
It's amazing.
Going back to Roger Stone and then right to your phone calls.
I appreciate everybody calling in.
Talking about what they think the Democrats are going to pull the next seven days.
Just real quick, this just broke on DrudgeReport.com.
and I read both the articles, it says nothing.
It looks like they're pre-positioning that if women come out and say Mueller abused them,
it's fake and they were offered money.
Because it says, "Unnamed sources that are uncooperated say women are getting ready to come out
against Mueller, but that Trump did it to be mean."
That really sounds like pre-positioning a talking point, Roger.
Well, if any woman comes forward and accuses Robert Mueller of sexual assault,
Alex, they must be believed.
They're survivors.
They must be believed.
It doesn't matter that they have no corroboration or eyewitnesses or proof.
There's a new standard in this country set by the left.
I certainly hope this is not true, but I don't know how you could question any woman who came forward.
I mean, no one wanted to look into whether Dr. Ford was paid.
No one wanted to look into whether any of these other women were put up to bearing false witness against Judge Kavanaugh.
That was out of bounds.
That wasn't fair.
No, we were told they must be believed, that you were a misogynist, you were disrespecting women.
If you didn't believe, are there false claims of sexual assault?
Do you think Rosenstein, a month ago, went to Trump, and the press even confirmed that this was going on, who knows if they're lying, but that he basically signaled, okay, you're not implicated, it's gonna get wrapped up soon, it's basically over, and Trump said, good, you can, you know, stay, we all know this is a fraud, let's move forward.
I wouldn't trust Rosenstein as far as I could throw him.
What's your inside baseball on that?
I think that the president's advisors probably told him that it would be unwise to sack Rosenstein before the election because it would merely elevate the phony Russian collusion discussion yet again.
But there's no question That he proposed wearing a wire to entrap the President of the United States to remove him under the 25th Amendment.
If the Democrats win the House, that is still their intention.
I would not be shocked to see Rosenstein terminated after the election.
I'm aware of multiple crimes on his part in the end.
I would hope that he is prosecuted.
Remember, it is Rosenstein who has talked the president out of making public FISA warrants that prove That the Obama administration was spying on Donald Trump and his campaign for political reasons.
And that's the key, is that Trump has all the cards.
They came and said, OK, we know you're innocent, we'll leave you alone, just don't release it.
They're going to lie.
He's really made a mistake.
I think the president should release those documents now.
They've been with the inspector general for a month and a half, two months.
They need to be released, don't they, Roger?
Well, and the British and the Australians are arguing that you shouldn't release this because it would reveal our sources and methods.
What they mean to say is, you shouldn't release these because they're going to prove that we, the Brits, were spying on Donald Trump at the request of John Brennan.
Which the media is dumb, like, why would the Brits do that?
That's how it works.
Illegal spying is done by countries you have alliances with.
Brits are used to kill Americans.
Americans kill Brits.
Germans are used to kill Americans.
Americans kill Germans.
Germans blow up Oklahoma City.
We blow up stuff for them.
That's how it works.
We know the names.
Roger Stone, God bless you.
We really appreciate you.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Make sure folks turn into the War Room today at 4 Central, 5 o'clock Eastern for a discussion of how early the surveillance of Donald Trump began in 2016.
Tomorrow's news today, thank you.
We've got War Room Kicks off at 3 p.m.
Roger always hosts the second hour.
Be sure and tune in to that 4 o'clock Central.
Thank you, Roger.
I'm gonna go to all the calls.
And I've got a guest popping in for like 15 minutes, too.
But we'll get to everybody.
I appreciate everybody calling.
We're gonna go to you.
We're gonna go to Mike in Nevada in a moment.
Then we're gonna go to Dylan and a bunch of other folks here in just a moment.
This is the biggest sale in our history, because they tried to take our payment processors away and almost did it, but we're okay now.
Thank God and our lucky stars.
So, they might have been able to do it.
I'd be sitting on all the stock of great products where we sell more in November and December than we sell in six, eight months out of the year.
I mean, it's almost half what we sell every year.
And it's make it or break it for us.
And the globalists know that.
They understand that.
So we have a warehouse right here in Austin full of all these fresh supplements and new t-shirts and all the stuff for little elves to send out and wake up America.
Water filtration, air filtration, all of it.
Big warehouse.
And if they were able to take our payment processor, that would be a, let's not say a death blow, but it wouldn't feel too good to have your right arm chopped off.
It's a catch-22.
We did our biggest sale, all the sales of Christmas, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, all in one, to get the sales out now, to get rid of that stockpile, so that we wouldn't have a warehouse full of stuff and go bankrupt.
It's been too successful.
We have sold out of almost everything.
So the enemy in a way wins, because we would have sold some of it in between the sales at higher prices, but whatever.
The point is they don't win in the end, because we bring America back and defeat them.
And I just, I just couldn't, couldn't, couldn't, couldn't chance it.
So, X2, final run, it's selling out.
Rainforest Plus, it's selling out.
Super Mel, Super Female Vitality, final run, it's selling out.
Body's Ultimate Tumor Formula, been sold out back in, 50% off.
Everything 50% off, and free shipping store-wide, and a bunch of other big specials on the high-quality, swearable food that everybody should have, and the books, and the videos, the t-shirts, all of it.
Do your Christmas shopping now, be revolutionary.
Don't fight the crowds, don't fight the traffic.
Have it all a month early and know you are betting on America and the Republic.
I am in your hands.
InfoWars is in your hands.
And you've really come through.
And yes, I'm going to go ahead and still have specials on the things we have in stock.
We'll still have some specials on Black Friday and Christmas.
But this has been the big Christmas sale and you guys came through.
One way or another, George Soros lost again, I can tell you.
But it was too successful.
So it's ending today.
And believe me, some of these things, at 50% off, are almost lost leaders.
You sign up for auto ship, additional 10% off, they are lost leaders.
It doesn't matter.
Because they're high quality, you're going to love them.
You're going to see how great they are.
You're going to want to reorder it at its regular discounted price.
We don't mark up supplements five to seven times like the market does.
Our most expensive stuff says 150% markup.
We always do sales, so the maximum is 100% markup.
Usually stuff is about 75% marked up.
Okay, so that means if something costs me $5, we're selling it for $8 or, you know, $7.50.
Or we're selling something that costs me $20 to make, we're selling it for, you know, $40.
When we do discounts, these are real discounts.
So it takes a lot of sales to fund this, but it's a catch-22 and it tends to work out.
I'm going to your calls now.
Thanks for all the support.
Please support local radio stations.
We're talking about false flags.
What are they going to do with seven days left?
We know they're pulling some stuff here.
Go ahead, Mike in Nevada.
What do you think's going on, brother?
Thanks for calling.
Well, we all know the border's going to be the big one.
You know, that's the big thing they're planning.
I have a feeling that maybe they're going to start going to all the polls around Election Day and causing Oh, we're already getting reports of votes flipped everywhere, and illegals openly voting, and people voting the names of dead people, and anti-fun leftists intimidating people at polling places.
I would not wear a red Make America Great Again hat to the polls.
I wouldn't wear any red.
I'd probably give me a pair of skinny jeans and a black hoodie and they'll let you right in.
Hell, they'll let you vote five or six times then.
If you got meth mouth and look like a white supremacist in a weird hoodie, they're gonna be like, oh, come on in.
Howl Hitler.
Howl Soros.
Yeah, I think that.
You know what they did to me?
I sign my signature the same all the time.
I voted early.
They took my information.
I signed.
They said, oh no, your signature doesn't match.
So I had to fill out a signature card.
They gave me a bunch of hassle before I had to go to the machine.
And then, last year, the machines had those little shields on the side.
Now they put them right out in front where everybody can watch you.
Well, don't let them intimidate you and get your friends and family to vote.
This is going to be down to the wire because of fraud.
We would have a huge red wave, but they built a seawall of illegal aliens and dead people voting and fraud and ballot fraud.
These companies, Soros owns part of like half the machines in the country.
I mean, it's insane.
God bless you, Mike.
Yeah, I think you're right.
I think the false flag is an attack on immigrants.
Meanwhile there, we've got pipe bombs, they're shooting at police, they're firebombing things.
That's all okay, that's not even in the news.
We'll be right back.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to the most banned, the most demonized, most lied about broadcast in the
(upbeat music)
I'm your host Alex Jones.
You know, my oldest daughter's 14 and she was out with friends again yesterday.
She played tennis and she was in a Westlake, kind of a liberal area.
And a mother walked over to her at the tennis court thing and said, are you Alex Jones's daughter?
She said, yes.
She said, your father is the devil.
And it's like, who are these people?
And my daughter actually smart-mouthed and said, where are you from, California?
And the lady said, yeah, how do you know?
Nothing against California, because California used to be a wildcat, you know, state 49ers, all of it.
But they're just these conformists, and they're such bullies.
And they're so out of control.
And it's like, I'm not bragging or anything, but my family on both sides really were, like, critical in the founding of Texas.
I mean, like, it would get ridiculous if I went into it all.
It sounds like I'm bragging.
But leaders of the state, founders, hold on, y'all.
And it's just weird.
A lot of families are like, why don't we just leave Austin?
I'm like, I'm not evacuating.
But they have brought the worst of California to me.
And I'm going to start putting billboards up saying, don't California my Texas.
Don't California my USA.
Because California is now synonymous with, like, gonorrhea.
You know, there's a lot of great folks in California, especially in the central area of the north.
But man, that L.A.' 's, you know, got more population than what, 40-something states?
I mean, it's cancer?
You know, it's kind of like, I love my right arm, but if it had cancer, you know, it's like, it ain't my right arm anymore, you know?
California and the left are cancer, man.
Because, man, they want to come here and be like, oh, look, it's your big truck!
I go, what, are you from California?
Yeah, how'd you know?
And I'm like, well, what the hell, man?
You're rude.
You're mean.
And Texans are nice until you're rude to us.
Then we're mean.
And I think they've started to figure that out a little bit.
But anyways, I'm out of control.
Oh, I love getting Californians.
They're not Californians.
They're all the scum that went to California and ruined it.
They're like locusts.
They're moving here.
That's really what they are.
They're locusts.
Uh, who's up next here?
Dylan in Colorado, thanks for holding your real trooper.
Go ahead.
Hey there, Alex.
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, so, I mean, basically, I think they're going to keep pulling false flags until the cows come home, right?
You know, they're going to do it before the midterms, after the midterms.
They're going to keep pushing this whole right-wing extremist thing.
But, you know, like Hotep Jesus said yesterday, we've got to stop playing into their narrative.
And it's funny you say that, because it's true.
The FBI agent we have coming on next got banned on Twitter for pointing that out, and that the mainline left ideology hates Israel.
What is the left, before Trump came along, their number one thing they hate is Israel?
And it's all like weird leftists, including leftist Jews, telling us all we're Nazis and they want to blow up Israel.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, I think the only way that we can really, like, wake people up, and I'm not talking about the audience, right?
You know, the audience, 99% of us all know what's going on here.
The only way we can do this is culturally.
You know, culture is Exactly.
Culture is king.
And they want to censor us off the web?
We just promote talk radio and good TV shows even more.
We go out and we put posters up.
We go and speak at the City Council ourselves.
Everybody has to get cultural in the fight or we lose everything.
You need to get Kanye on.
You need to get every celebrity you know.
Oh listen, Kanye's tried to get on.
Kanye's tried to get on.
And again, he's not governed like our guest said.
He's got a governor on him.
They will try to throw, they will kidnap him if he tries to come on here.
It's not that we care what the celebrities think, right?
It's just that we have to circumvent... Well, plus, he's a great artist and it shows that he's breaking free of the matrix and has courage.
And who doesn't admire somebody that's got courage in the face of adversity?
That's a real man right there.
Kanye is a real man.
And I know Trump told him that, and told Trump that, too.
That's what it's all about, man.
Trump's got nothing but love for everybody.
If you've got love for freedom, don't have love, you're in for a big ol' fight.
Alright, we're going to talk to some of these folks that were censored for a segment or two, and then right back to your calls.
Stay with us.
They wanted to thank me for getting the InfoWars t-shirts on the Rangers game for millions of people at sea, so they just brought me a gift.
I don't even know what this is.
Let's see what's going on.
Wait a second.
I got it!
It's a Trump-inducer shirt!
Look at that, guys!
I got the Trump Medusa shirt!
What's that?
There's more in there?
It's a George Washington!
I was not expecting this, really.
Look at that one.
That'll trigger somebody real good.
Oh yeah.
Wow, wow.
I'm like a kid on Christmas today.
I want to thank the folks at InfoWarsTore.com.
This is amazing.
I was not expecting this.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Last night the little dancer, she came a-dancin' to my door.
Last night the little agent, she came pumpin' on my floor.
She said, come on baby, you got a license for We need to go back and revisit the foundations of our freedom.
Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it UN Agenda 21, now they call it the UN 2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
Never miss your show, any day.
I mean, never.
Seven days out, Trump is set to speak in about two hours.
We'll cover that during the War Room, 3 to 6 p.m.
Central, there in Pittsburgh.
The left, the mayor, the sheriff, are saying, don't come here.
It's your fault.
Sickening behavior.
The rabbi says, of course, come here.
And John Gondalo is a patriot, a veteran, a counterterrorism expert, and he runs one of the premier organizations exposing radical Islam as infiltration of our government.
UnderstandingTheThreat.com and he also is the author of the book Raising a Jihad Generation.
He put out a totally truthful tweet today pointing out that it's the left, even when I went to college 25 years ago, I mean it was like every class, I'm like, I'm in Texas history and they're bad-mouthing Jews?
I was like, I thought we beat Hitler.
Man, I tell you, and You hear them loving the Palestinian suicide bombers, and loving Hamas, and loving the Palestinian Authority, and when cops get killed, CNN, MSNBC, remember back during Black Lives Matter, well, cops are doing bad, so, you know, people are mad.
They have been giving tacit approval to shooting police for no reason.
They have been giving tacit approval and open approval to the UN and George Soros saying overthrow Israel.
And I believe Israel has a right to exist, and I'm glad that there's a place in the Middle East that isn't a total hellhole.
God, if you let the radical jihadis in, they'd all kill each other.
They say Israel's supposed to let everybody in, and then Saudi Arabia won't even let one, quote, refugee in.
So John Gondalo got suspended on Twitter, seven days out.
So did Laura Loomer, who's joining us next segment.
They're gonna be on together.
We're seeing Shooter in Pittsburgh, Robert Bowers.
Put that tweet back up for me, thanks.
is a product of the Marxist Party of America's call for violence.
Yeah, they're the ones that have created this atmosphere.
Remember, Nazis were socialists.
That's what Nazi means, National Socialists.
Leftists, remember, KKK, Democrat organization.
Which is true!
So, he's a patriot, all these things, worked overseas in counter-terrorism here, some of the most dangerous operations.
He doesn't even have a voice now.
And then once they silence him, they can lie about him.
Lies have been about me.
So John, thanks for coming on, but watching them say, "The president's at fault," and
"He's anti-Semitic," and "He needs to decry his white nationalism," the level of deception
is becoming insane.
Well, you just nailed it, Alex, and I appreciate you being a voice for this.
It's the deception.
You know, the article that Understand the Threat, my organization put out last week and the one we just put out this morning about really laying this out from when you understand And I believe you do.
And the jihadi movement in the United States, the Islamic movement, how they're working together.
You start to see the coordination just through the events and the way that we respond.
So for instance, when Robert Bowers, he's quoted as saying, Prior to the quote that we first heard that he wants to kill all Jews, that this is for the genocide that's being done to our people or my people.
And so we need to kill all the Jews was his comment.
So the question is, who's his people?
Because the only people being accused of being having a genocide committed against them by Jews are Palestinians or Hamas.
So was he identifying himself as a part of Hamas?
That's just an investigative question that hasn't been asked.
But the reason I bring this up is because when you tie in the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh donating $100,000 or more, or saying that they've raised over $100,000, well that is a Muslim Brotherhood organization.
It's owned by the North American Islamic Trust, which is a Muslim Brotherhood bank.
The leaders are Muslim Brotherhood, and so the question... Who just launched the Arab Spring, killing close to a million people and women in sex slavery, whose pledge is to drive Israel into the sea.
That's what's so sick is the left supports that, Obama supports that, and then they point their finger at Trump and say he's an anti-Semite?
Well, that's exactly right.
So you the question is, with everything you're touching on, and the shutting down of free speech by against myself, Laura and many others, and then the information operation or the propaganda, which is propaganda is almost too soft a word, because this is a very Thoughtful war that they're engaged in you do you think it's accidental the timing of being shut down on Twitter while they're marching an army of Marxists up from Central America?
Why they last week they sent fake bombs to themselves while this week?
We're seeing shut down on Twitter the attack on Saturday by a Nazi Obama supporter Trump hater who Says, you know, we're joined because of the Jews' genocide against us.
This is, when you break this down, you can see not only the Marxists and the Jihadis working together, which we do at the ground level, the Black Lives Matter and Hamas leaders in the United States.
It's all coordinated by Soros.
It's all coordinated.
And when Lou Dobbs shows the proof, they then ban the show when they have all the Judicial Watch documents.
So, as a former FBI, you know, top terrorism expert, currently a top terrorism expert with all your sources, They're clearly trying a destabilization.
What Reagan was even worried about, you know, that Rex 84 was supposed to counter.
Clearly then, give us the bottom line.
Building towards this, what is it, because they're all coordinated, what is it coordinated towards?
It's coordinated towards bringing down the Republic.
Look, we have leadership in the FBI that applied Using, knowingly using information that was false and withholding truthful information to get a FISA affidavit for technical coverage against the man who became President of the United States, Donald Trump.
This is the state of affairs we're in.
We have leaders, as you have articulated, including the former President and Attorney General, calling for violence.
And then people do violence, like when Steve Scalise, Congressman, was shot by a Democrat and Obama supporting Marxists.
This is real.
And I think Americans, what I encourage Americans to do is, number one, understand this is a real war.
And as Angelo Cotevilla wrote recently, that all the markers are lined up for real civil war, real revolution, because all the historical markers in place... No, I agree.
That's what they're trying.
And I don't want martial law, but the Democrats want a civil emergency.
They want to create the emergency.
There's a threat continuum here, but at a certain point, it becomes a dereliction of duty if we and the President and others don't just state the facts and then respond and block them.
And that's a whole other discussion we can come back to in the next segment with Laura Loomer and yourself and get into.
What can we all do?
Because there's no doubt, you can all feel it, you can see it.
This is America's darkest hour since we were founded.
I mean, this is, we can't fall from without, this is the big attack plan to bring us down from within.
Do you think that's accurate?
I do, and I would say as a preface to what we're going to talk about in the next segment, the answer is at the local level.
Local school board citizens Driving local police, school boards, local elected officials.
It's at that level that we will win or lose this war, town by town, county by county.
That's right, because Trump isn't perfect.
He can't dig all these people out at the federal level.
And the Marxists are all about, you know, think global, act local.
They're all dug in.
And so you have to go and openly oppose them and what they're doing or we don't have a hope.
But if we do that, we have way more than hope.
We will win because what they're pushing is pure evil.
We'll be right back.
There are a lot of people out there on television, radio, and on the internet, and print, telling you that they've got the answers.
They know how the world really works.
The funny thing is, nobody tries to shut them down.
Nobody tries to keep them quiet.
Because they're like a bunch of brainwashed, lobotomized monkeys running around, not knowing what they're really doing.
But in full wars, now Hillary Clinton and George Soros and the Democratic Party and the EU and the CHICOMS, they want us shut down.
Because, you see, I actually read the Chinese Communist Establishment Party newspapers.
I actually read the Council on Foreign Relations bi-monthly publication, Foreign Affairs.
I've actually read hundreds and hundreds of books written by people like David Rockefeller and Sebastian Brzezinski, so I know their larger game plan.
I know the operation they're carrying out against humanity.
And so, because I have their number, they want me shut down.
You've seen massive Corporate demonization and lies about us, and you've seen the attempts to take our sponsors away, and to be able to take our banking away, so we can't even process orders.
This is a concerted, un-American, cartel mafia operation.
And now, as we enter the middle of October 2018, it has intensified.
Now, we have major stockpiles of incredibly high-quality supplements, t-shirts, books, films, air filtration, water filtration, you name it, built up for Black Friday and, of course, for Cyber Monday and for Christmas.
But I'm not even 100% confident we'll be able to engage in commerce then.
So that's why, with this concerted effort of the globalists coming down on us, that Christmas is coming early.
Black Friday's coming early.
Cyber Monday's coming early.
All those sales we had planned for the next two months are now condensed, starting now.
And until things sell out, or until we are successful, or until they shut us down, who the hell knows?
The point is, is they're moving against us everywhere and licking their lips to shut down our self-funded operation that is here because of you.
InfoWars is in your hands.
InfoWars has always been in your hands, and we were the number one media organization in the world after Drudge Report, when it came to video and audio, number one in the election of Trump.
And so they shadow banned us, and they took our sponsors, and they wouldn't let us advertise, and they strangled us.
And still, because of you getting the word out, we were dominating.
And so now they're coming after our ability at InfoWarsTore.com to even have credit card processing.
But we've got it, we've got backups, but they're like a mafia targeting those.
Get your X2.
Even though it's selling out in the last run, 50% off.
Brain Force, selling out, 50% off.
Super Metal Vitality, 50% off.
Every supplement, 50% off.
Now, I do that with air filtration and water filtration.
They don't even have 50% markup to take off, but they're discounted as well.
And Free shipping, store-wide, at FullerStore.com.
This is Christmas in October.
Get the great supplements you already love and need that you know are great, the five-star ratings, and go ahead and buy your Christmas gifts so that you have them.
Don't have to fight traffic.
Christmas is only two months away.
And you can support PMCORP while getting great products to win-win.
I'm counting on you.
You've always come through.
They know you always come through, which is why they want to deny you the right and the ability with a five-star rated organization with the best banking scores and best credit you can have.
They want to shut down because we're successful and we expose them.
And now is your chance, more than ever, to step in and make sure we've got funds to go into the next year.
We're in some serious times because we've been effective, we've been strong, we've been forceful, we've been successful.
You've been successful by supporting us.
So, InfoWareStore.com, InfoWareLife.com, today, in this mega sale, 50% off free shipping, to help bring the InfoWare to the next level.
I'm counting on you.
You always come through.
Take advantage of this.
this, let's make it our most successful sale ever.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, John Gondolo's our guest.
We got Laura Lemmer, she's about to come on as well.
They were both suspended for seven days on Twitter for the election, obviously, for saying it's the left that's anti-Jew.
It's the Nazis that were National Socialists.
Stop blaming Trump.
But oh, they're all allowed to blame Trump or blame America.
If you look at Marxist ideas, They want to overthrow the government in the country and collapse things so they can take over.
It's really simple.
It's an internal strategy of not being a foreign army, but coming in and infiltrating and sowing seeds of deceit.
And John Gondola is an expert on this.
He runs Understanding the Threat.
He's written books on the subject, understandingthethreat.com.
And I totally agree with you that historically, If you look at everything that's going on and what's being done in Europe by Soros and others, they admit it is a takeover plan.
And it's so outrageous, it's almost like if Trump and others don't respond with really serious action, not just troops on the border, that it's almost tacitly agreeing with it.
I mean, they had judicial watch on Lou Dobbs and they banned the segment.
saying they're human smuggling, the borders open, they're bringing in tens of thousands
of invaders, they're attacking police with bombs and guns, they're invaders, and then
they take that down, not because it's a lie, but because it's true.
It's like, who made Soros the Democrats' god to commit all these crimes, John?
Well, first of all, I do want to say that the media, obviously present company excluded,
but the mainstream media that we're accustomed to, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, the lot of
them, as well as many of the local affiliates, this is not fake news.
It's not hashtag fake news.
They are intentionally shutting down truthful information and intentionally lying to the public.
To further this Marxist movement.
And when you look at it in that vein, it's not merely fake information, it's propaganda to further a hostile movement whose objective, as you said, and by the way, you can go to Communist Party USA, you can go to Freedom Road Socialist Organization, you can read it on their websites.
Their objective is to bring down the Republic, to remove what they call the colonial power in America, to bring it down so they can implement their Marxist system, be it socialism or communism.
And Alexander Soros this year and last year bought full ads saying, overthrow Trump and Pence, drive them from power.
And then when I covered it, they had articles saying Jones is lying.
That's not the New York Times.
That everyone went and bought it and said it is in there and that really freaked people out.
What is it this lying they do where they lie even though it discredits them?
It's really weird.
Well, because the point is that they're counting on the fact that historically, you know, the bigger the lie, the more people will buy it.
And what they're being so brash right now, the fact that they sent themselves bombs That aren't even bombs.
They are fake, inert bombs.
And they all were sent in a way that they were sure to be screened and sure to be discovered.
When you look at it in that light, you have to ask, just like you have to ask, why did the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh, a known jihadi organization, Muslim Brotherhood, say they're raising money for a Jewish synagogue?
There's a reason behind it.
And in each case, it's to create An information campaign or build on an information campaign to deceive the public.
To take everyone's eye off the ball.
Somebody who donates $100,000 to a Jewish synagogue surely can't be a bad organization, right?
That's exactly the point.
So let me ask you this.
You're a smart profiler, highly respected.
What do you gut-level expect comes next?
Because, like you said, I've had post office experts on saying those bombs had the textbook fake packaging to make you check it.
Everything was done by a trainer.
Basically, high-level people did this.
Well, right, and I think it was done with the knowledge of the people that were receiving them.
That's the point.
I think what people are having a hard time grasping is that the leadership of the jihadi and the Marxist movements are actually sitting in rooms discussing next steps for the strategy.
What I expect is what they say.
I think it's going to become more violent.
Remember, the Marxists are the tool for the Islamic movement.
So while you have the Marxists shooting people and killing people, the Muslims are saying they're going to present a $100,000 check.
The Marxists are the tool for the jihadi movement, and they have been for some time, and it's only going to get worse.
And when, by the way, Turkey declares the caliphate at some point in the not-too-distant future, Because they're already expanding their power here in the United States.
I was about to say, you were saying that 10 years ago, and I rolled my eyes, but they've said they're announcing a caliphate.
That's right.
That's right.
And they're going to.
And the way it plays into all that we're looking at is because this is coming very soon.
And so you see the violence from the Marxists is the predecessor to the caliphate, and they will be in the United States.
And if Americans will capitulate To them saying we're going to sexualize your kids or we'll say you're politically incorrect.
We'll capitulate to bombs going off every day and the left allied with the radical Muslims.
And so we have to wake up and do something.
John, I really thank you for your time.
Please come back for a full hour and then in the next seven days because so much is happening and I'm just glad that people like you, in closing, so I can do one second with Laura Limmer and then go to calls.
I mean, I know the average FBI agent is a good, hard-working man or woman, and I know Trump's trying to get good people in, but you see the reality winners, you see all these operatives they've got in there, and it's just worse than we ever thought.
I mean, how?
A dead reckoning guesstimation.
Like, what are there, like, three groups?
Just average folks that are doing their job, people that are more Christian, conservative, nationalist, liberals?
I mean, what are the groups?
Because, it's like, this is so obvious!
Like, the caravan's attacking people, new ones are smashing over, it's all illegal, Trump's bad for wanting to do something, the people child smuggling, I mean, it's just crazy!
So, who are these people?
Well, I think if you look at the war, and you take the segments, obviously you've got the folks coming from down south, clearly they are Marxist invaders.
When we look inside... Oh, they organized them at these camps with Soros, it's admitted, they're waving flags saying, down with America!
That's right.
When we look at, you know, to your point, when we look at the FBI, the problem in the FBI is that the average agent, and especially the average counterterrorism agent, is not trained on the Marxist movement or on the Islamic movement.
They are trained to investigate individuals who want to do any kind of violence.
That's it.
Yeah, they're not looking at like with drug dealers who the kingpin is.
They're looking at the street-level pusher, which is impossible.
They're not looking at the infrastructure and the system that creates it.
They're looking at the lone individual.
Right, so when they look at an event...
Like the Boston Marathon bombing, they don't look at the Islamic Society of Boston, which is a jihadi Muslim Brotherhood organization, or any of the other attacks like what just happened where you have... There's no FBI agent looking at this going, why would a jihadi organization give a Jewish synagogue a check?
Well, there's a nefarious reason, because we know who these guys are.
In the same way, if you look at these Marxists, the ones that are not Uh, calling for violence, although there's very few of them these days.
Uh, you look at the organizations and who they're working with, and you know that this is what they support.
But again, the FBI's not looking at it from that perspective.
Sure, but isn't it like Sinn Fein IRA?
It's good cop, bad cop.
Well, of course.
But even... I wouldn't have said that, and I still don't, that Sinn Féin was a good cop.
They just pretended to be.
No, exactly.
That says exactly.
Alright, enemies, foreign and domestic.
We got Matt Bracken coming up right now.
This is UnderstandingTheThreat.com.
Thank you, John.
For months and months and months, CNN, BuzzFeed and others lobbied to have Alex Jones removed from social media.
He was removed from basically all the major social media platforms apart from Twitter.
And then they said, oh, you're not being banned.
You still have a platform on Twitter.
You still have an app in the App Store.
Banned by Twitter, banned by the App Store.
Oh, but you still have a website.
You still have InfoWars Store.
You still have a shopfront.
And then what do we see?
Washington Post.
Oh my god, traffic to Alex Jones' InfoWars store has increased by 50%!
Maybe now we should look at that all the way down the line.
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The ClementineWorstStore.com Let's go to Jason in New Mexico.
Fire away.
Thank you for taking my call.
Shout out to you, the crew, and all those that work behind the scenes.
And I would tell everybody to commit to the super blue toothpaste and the Survival Shield X2 so you don't turn into a transsexual gay toad and run as a democrat.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Hey, I just came out as a transsexual gay toad.
I'm not going to have you slander my people before I run for office as a Democrat.
I know that's right, but really, we should contribute to you guys because I've been given for years and I've seen the production value just skyrocket.
I mean, your graphics team, just the content in general, everything is going great.
And at the same time, there's no better organization that I could give my dollars to, to see it at work on a daily basis.
Well, and we appreciate you, Jason, and that's why we try to give you the best products.
You know, we just don't put something out there and say, hey, please buy it.
We do the research and then actually put out the best possible product.
In the five years of my support, I have never bought a bad product.
And I waste a lot of money on, you know, you go to one of these big box stores, you buy a piece of crap.
And it's like, oh, I just throw away $10.
You throw $10 at that toothpaste, guarantee it won't be a waste.
Especially if you love your kids, why would you give them fluoride?
Yeah, yeah, just go look.
You know, here's what I would say to the audience.
If you're not using super blue fluoride toothpaste, go home and look at the toothpaste that you're using, and on the back of it, it will say, harmful if swallowed.
Contact poison control for 0.01% of fluoride.
0.01, harmful if swallowed.
They put that in the water.
Yep, that's if you love the kids, though.
Hey, I'm not telling you how to spend your money.
Yeah, you know what?
Good point.
If you don't love your kids, just keep giving them the fluoride.
Yeah, that's fine.
No matter what the globalists want to do, no matter what politicians want to do, this country is going to make it!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1985.
1884 is 1776 you're listening to the Alex Jones Show Like I said it dawned on me last night this morning that I
Don't like bad cops I don't like bad
Flight company, airline people that are rude, but they're not all bad.
And it's the same thing like, Black Lives Matter, the cops deserve to die, they're all evil.
Jews are all masterminds running everything, kill them!
And then they turn around and blame me and Trump and others?
When it's the left that's always foaming at the mouth?
And that is super anti-Semitic, and super anti-nationalist, and super anti-Israel.
So I want to get Laura Loomer on, then we'll go to your calls, because she got banned, or I guess suspended for seven days, of course, for the election.
That Laura Loomer on Twitter, because she pointed out that it's the left calling for cops to be killed.
And so did John Gondalo, who's a very decorated, highly respected FBI agent that actually dealt in counterterrorism with the military overseas and a whole bunch of stuff that's classified.
And you know what's scary?
I hear guys like John 15 years ago, and I thought they were being too extreme.
It's exactly what they're saying.
And now we're down to the line.
And, you know, it's not about defending Trump, Laura.
It's just that I'm not Jewish.
I'd be proud if I was.
I get demonized for not being anti-Israel.
And that makes me pro-Israel then.
Because then I realize the position that I don't want to blow Israel up, so I need to die, according to a lot of people.
And Twitter lets people say that.
And then you are Jewish, what you go through, and it's just, it's so sick.
And then the left, and these leftist Jewish groups saying, Trump, you're not welcome here.
Decry your white supremacy.
It's like saying, decry that you raped your wife when you didn't.
It's so evil.
How you have leftist Jewish organizations allied with real anti-Semites, and then they attack real people who are just patriots.
They might be Italian, they might be Jewish, whatever.
They're Americans!
And I'm just sick of them!
I mean, so, I'm pissed off and I'm not even Jewish!
What is it like for you to be called by the news a leading alt-right anti-Semite when you were in Congress?
When you're wearing a Star of David around your neck?
I mean, the left, it seems like, will stoop to any level.
Yeah, they truly are very evil and they'll do anything.
It doesn't matter if it means desecrating the name of an actual Jew in order to push their Marxist, Jihadi platform.
And that's what they're doing.
That's what we're seeing them do.
And, you know, that's why I was suspended on Twitter.
They didn't even give me a reason, Alex.
You know I was suspended.
I checked my phone at 4 o'clock in the morning.
I went to open my Twitter account and I got this message that said that you're suspended for 6 days and 23 hours.
Well, if you do the math, That's the exact time that it takes for, you know, the time to pass between now and the election time.
So I'm not going to be able to put any messages out or any tweets out to my followers regarding my exposés on candidates leading up to Election Day, which is in... Oh, you've been extremely effective.
That would take hours to go over.
All the Democrat candidates beating their wives.
Exactly, and I've been exposing these Jew haters and that's the reason why they want to shut me down is because the left is trying to say that it's the Republicans that are the Nazis, that Donald Trump's a Nazi, despite the fact that his daughter's a Jew and he has Jewish grandchildren and he is probably the most loved president ever amongst the Jewish community, especially in Israel, given the fact that he is the most pro-Israel and pro-Jewish president we've ever had.
He recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
That's another angle, and it saves a billion dollars, too.
What are they going to do when he's so popular in America, so popular in Israel, and the left keeps calling him Hitler?
It's ridiculous.
How do you think that's going to play out here?
Well, they're just trying to create a full-blown war.
They're just trying to incite violence against people.
That's why CNN, they'll talk nonstop about these bombs.
They weren't even bombs, first of all.
They didn't have detonators attached to them.
You just heard Gondalo say it's a Democrat false flag.
There was no, there were no explosive devices attached to these.
And now I saw this article floating around yesterday that said that Cesar Sayoc and Stormy Daniels worked at the same strip club.
Could you believe that?
Well, you heard, you heard the FBI guy and he's a top, and he's a smart cookie.
He says it's totally fake.
No, but listen to this.
Listen, listen.
Cesar Sayoc, I'm told, worked at the same strip club as Stormy Daniels.
No he did.
That's confirmed that she frequented that Florida facility.
And people want to blame this on the Republicans.
And first of all, Cesar Sayoc, they're saying, "I know people who want to talk with me.
I plan on interviewing some of these people who have known him and they're telling me that they've known him for a while and that this guy just kind of had this obsessive personality and he was never really super political but he just kind of became a Trump fanboy around 2016.
Yeah, no, it sounds like it's a setup.
I mean, because he had a bunch of convictions.
It sounds like he's an informant they set up and wound up for this.
Yeah, I do wonder if he isn't some type of informant, because if you look at his rap sheet, all of his previous charges in Broward County, which is Debbie Wasserman Schultz's district, have been dismissed.
So, what do you do when you have somebody like that?
Yeah, how convenient is that?
That it's the same place, you've got Coward County and Sheriff Israel.
Why does this stuff keep happening right there?
Yeah, in Broward County, right?
Of course.
And why is it that all of his previous violations were dismissed?
What do they do?
How do you get a record dismissed?
Well, the FBI hires you to become an informant, and then they clear your record.
And I'm not saying he's an informant, but I just think, isn't it so convenient now that they just stop talking about this?
They don't want to talk about anything else.
And that's my next question.
This is all tuples, tuples for.
image is already in the media that so-called Democrats are victims of Republican violence.
Look, after Donald Trump decided to tweet out "Jobs, not mobs,"
and after that really effective ad went out and people started to walk away in
masses because they saw how violent the Democrat Party is, the Democrats thought to themselves,
"Oh my God, what are we going to do?
We have to come up with something to counteract this narrative so that people think that we're
victims again."
And that's my next question.
This is all tuples, tuples, tuples.
I agree with you.
What are they going to pull next with this caravan with guns and bombs, a new one smashed
through, and then Lou Dobbs might get fired for having judicial watch on, which that documents
Soros is funding him?
Soros is in Forbes and the New York Times six months ago saying he's funding it.
Well, they want a full-blown war.
What's going to happen is you're probably going to have militia organizations that come out to try to protect the border because there are already reports... That are infiltrated.
They're already showing that there's reports that there's not enough Border Patrol to handle this situation.
And so we're seeing all these interviews on TV and reporters are interviewing these migrants and many of them are saying, Yeah, well, like, I raped somebody and I had a third-degree murder charge and I had a DUI, but it's okay, I was deported and I'm coming back and I'm not gonna let Donald Trump or anybody stop me.
Oh yeah, a lot of them are drug smugglers, human smugglers, and this is all confirmed.
Yeah, a lot of them are felons.
A lot of them are felons.
And then I also saw this report from Judicial Watch that said that In the same, in the caravan that came from Guatemala, in the same town, they had already identified a hundred members of ISIS.
And so who's to say that a lot of the people coming inside this caravan are members of ISIS or other jihadi organizations?
Well, Southcom, Southcom's confirmed that, Laura, but that's where we're at here.
Is thousands of prominent accounts banned, you blocked right before.
It is disgusting, like you said in Congress.
We have a clip of you confronting Congress, bringing up the censorship right here when the guy famously did the weird conductor deal or auctioneer deal, but here's that video.
Mr. Dorsey, you are lying about censoring conservatives.
You are caught on tape by Project Veritas.
Shadowbanning people.
You are censoring people.
You censored me.
You censored my love.
You censored Chuck Johnson.
James O'Keefe.
You even censored President Trump when one of your employees deleted his account for a few minutes.
You are censoring conservatives, and I'm asking you, President Donald Trump, help us.
Please help us, Mr. President, before it is too late, because Jack Dorsey is trying to influence the election, to sway the election so that the Democrats can steal the election.
That is why he is censoring and shadow banning conservatives.
You are a liar, Jack Dorsey.
You are a liar, Jack Dorsey.
You unverified me on November 15th.
And again, they couldn't respond to it.
They said, my man, Porky Pig.
Laura, come back on The War Room for a full hour.
Come back on the nightly news.
We're doing 8 to 10 coverage of the election.
I will.
We love you.
Where do people, like Drudge always said, you gotta build your own website, which you've done.
You're off Twitter for now.
People can still find Laura Lima Reports.
Where do they find us?
You can find me on LauraLoomer.us and you can also find me on Facebook still at Laura Loomer Official.
I'm on Instagram Looms93.
I post a lot of my content and you know I love you too Alex.
I love all of the Info Warriors and we're in this fight together and I'm not gonna stop.
You know they're gonna have to kill me if they want me to stop.
Well I'm glad when the Daily Mail said I was anti-Semitic you didn't buy it.
Or when they said Trump was.
I'm a Jew and I love you, Alex.
No, I know, I get it.
We love you too, Laura.
We'll be right back with your calls.
You've been sitting there very patiently, callers, I promise.
I'm going to you, right now.
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I'm a government auditor, right?
So I work for the Government Accountability Office.
That is Natarajan Subramanian, an auditor for the Government Accountability Office.
The GAO, as it's called, is supposed to be an independent, non-partisan agency that investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars.
Subramanian is also an avowed communist and a committed member of DSA, the Democratic Socialists of America.
We have a bunch of just like communist, you know, you know, prefects in this country.
We have some folks who are like Tartu, we have some of these guys.
Subromanian admits that he is not alone, that there are many, many DSA socialist operatives
working inside our federal government.
These people, these socialists, are not helping our government.
They are actively subverting President Trump's policies.
Like, we're an executive branch agency.
Um, you can slow all things to a degree that it's, like, ineffective, and maybe you get in trouble, and maybe, you know, you get fired, or you resign, or whatever, but, you know, you slow them down for a certain period of time.
Perfect timing with Trump battling the deep state and rogue government.
Literally saying they're taking their orders from Hillary and Obama.
They call her Madam President still.
Just the arrogance, the attitude, the videos you have of them saying, we're never going to get fired.
We're part of the socialist and communist party.
We're going to take over America.
And so it's the arrogance.
It's the chicken neckness.
It's the stupidness of them.
But then it makes me feel stupid.
How do we ever let this much scum run our lives, James O'Keefe?
Well, Alex, you know, this is why maybe we need civil service reform, because the Deep State is not just the director of the intelligence agency and Rosenstein and whoever else, it's also millions of foot soldiers, thousands and thousands of these people that we've caught on tape.
This is just a small cross-sampling of them.
And yes, if you look at these tapes, what's remarkable is, I mean, the guy that we released Thursday, this self-described communist inside a government auditor's office, He says, what I do is explicitly prohibited, I'm hungover, I don't even go to work, I spend my time, this is what he says on the tape, I spend my time electing democratic socialists and I lied on my forms to the federal government, but nothing will ever happen to me because there's no oversight, nobody will care, it's impossible to get fired.
There he is right there, Nate Subramanian, auditor at GAO.
So it's just, these are what they call the Democratic Socialists of America.
A lot of them are federal employees.
This is not a conspiracy theory.
This is videotape.
And by the way, the man you're looking at right there, that man right there, he has been shown the door at GAO.
While they may not be able to, quote, fire him, they've removed him from the building.
This is like a Greek tragedy.
They can't fire the people, so they just have to like take them away from their computer systems.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
Talk about a love of mine.
George Trey can't die, can he?
He's actually from Texas.
He's actually a rancher.
He's actually a patriot.
It's like corny until you realize it's real.
That's the thing about real Americana.
I feel so bad every time we have 20 phone lines.
I get to five or six calls, guests come on and you're all holding.
But I'm going to try to get to Ollie before we go to Paul.
And I should just, the next seven days, not have guests on and just take calls.
That's what talk radio is really about.
But look at these headlines at Infowars.com.
This is what can defeat him.
Beto O'Rourke wants to ban all semi-autos.
Beto, or however the hell you say his name, he tried to join the National Hispanic Association.
They rejected him.
Dude, you're not Hispanic!
He didn't call himself Beto until recently.
What a fraud, man.
Because he's running against a guy with a Hispanic, a Spanish last name, so he just cooks up this Beto crap.
God, it's so transparent!
Veritas Bombshell!
Arizona Dems promise... I can't even read this out loud, it's so insane.
Veritas Bombshell!
Arizona Dems promise to ban guns after midterms.
See the video.
I'm going to your calls.
But get it out, folks.
They're trying to silence everybody so we can't see what horrid people they are.
God, they're unbelievable.
My problem is I just tell everything up front and never have a governor.
These people, all they do is lie!
I'm sick of them!
I'm sick of liars.
It's a disease.
Joel in Florida is a black male in midterms.
Want to hear from him?
Mr. Grinch, Matt, Nicky.
Who's been on the longest?
Here, let me see who's been on the longest here.
Alex in Michigan, you're up front.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Alex Jones.
Just wanted to say a shout out to Daria and God bless the rest of the crew.
They're great people.
Oh yeah.
I have some ideas for the products, if you'll hear it at the beginning or the end of my call, but I wanted to say, if you're not filtering your water, you're crazy.
If you're not buying the iodine or turmeric to get the junk out of your brain, you're crazy.
Buy those right now at Infowarsstore.com.
I just got asked in the hall, By our affiliate relations guy, who's a really smart cookie, Scott.
He goes, man, what is it?
It's like you were kind of bummed out for a while.
The old Alex Jones is back.
You're all crazed.
And I got that gleam.
And I said, I've been taking X2 every morning.
Because I just forget to take it.
And when I do, life's so great.
When I don't, it's not.
Anyway, sorry.
But it's definitely real.
Go ahead.
I take the X2 every day also as well.
I definitely noticed the difference with the turmeric too.
It's just awesome.
And the real red pill and just everything else that's great.
Well that's because the average turmeric out there is 3 to 5 percent.
It's just total crap.
No one has a 95 percent curcuminoid.
We have the highest rating in the country.
But I just thought, why not give people... My wife has incredible hip pain.
It's gone!
With bodies.
She's like, oh I've tried turmeric, it doesn't work.
I said, baby, that ain't turmeric.
This is turmeric.
People don't put $20 a product and stuff.
I do, okay?
So, it's like weaponized, but go ahead.
I was saying, one of my ideas to defeat the Chai Khans and Jeff Bezos was that you should start I'm selling in bulk herbs like selling the curcumin extract in bulk because I buy all that in bulk because you don't have to sell me on that stuff Alex.
I know all that stuff's great.
So I'm just trying to buy it all in bulk and stock up.
No, we'll do that.
No, I'm the one that needs to follow my own advice and take it all.
When I do, take the fish oil, take the turmeric, take the X2, it's amazing.
When I give my kids the vitamins and I get them to drink the fruit punch, they're behaved and happy and great.
When I forget for a month that they're not, it's like, wow, we need this stuff to live!
Wow, God gave us this stuff!
It really works amazing!
See, drug companies have to cook up something new and weird that was never on God's green earth, so they say they own it with the patent.
And some of it works, some of it doesn't.
But the point is, it ain't from here.
It's manufactured.
But we gotta go to their calls.
You're amazing.
Paul Watts is coming up.
What is your view, Alex, on the false flags?
My view on the false flags is they're completely designed for the fluoridated, fluorid head, vaccine head liberals.
They're not meant for us, because we see right through them.
But it's meant to cause like a mob rule, like, you know, we're a republic, not a democracy, but a democracy, a mob can rule everybody.
And so they want the dumb mob to rule us.
So all these false flags... No, that's right.
They're creating a giant stampede.
God bless you, Alex.
We're going to move quick.
I want to get to everybody.
Who's up next here?
Let's go to Joe in Florida.
Joe, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I just want to say it's a pleasure to speak with you, man.
I've been listening to you for a few years, and my message for the midterms is for anyone out there that's just really in the middle of the world, they don't know what they should look at, question everything.
Just like you say, you've always said for the past 20-something years, question everything.
Even question Alex Jones and the crew.
You know, you'll find out where the truth is, and you guys are on the side of truth.
One of the things that I'll tell a lot of my friends, Alex, Uh, that are, that are on the white side, uh, on black, uh, is that...
Do not let anyone use identity politics against you.
And the new thing is, you have white privilege, so you cannot speak on something.
But I tell my white friend, never forget that it took 400 to 600,000 white men to die in the Civil War to free the slaves.
And it took a white president, President Lincoln, to fulfill the Emancipation Proclamation.
Very important, never to forget that.
And we're all in this together.
Well, take Jim Brown.
Jim Brown literally saw white people fight to get him in a position where he could dominate.
That it wasn't all just one group or the other, and now the idea that America transcended so many of our problems, and the Democrats are trying to invoke those again, by trying to resurrect a demon, so we go back to the bad, and then they're the ones that were doing it!
It's like, and of course you try to say they were the KKK, or you try to point out they're anti-semitic, they ban you because it's true!
They don't ban you because you're wrong, they ban you because you're telling the truth.
Absolutely, and I try to tell my friends it's like, We're in this together.
If one side falls, we all fall.
I was listening to Michael Savage the other day and he quoted, I believe it was Benjamin Franklin, where he said, we're either all hanging together or we hang separately.
So whether you're involved with Black Lives Matter, just know that people are using you.
If you're out there and you're a part, you want this group, people are using you to divide the country.
I think the biggest thing we need to realize is the diversity movement that's happening.
It sounds pretty, and we're exploring, we're supposed to... Sure, they invent all these new groups, and then you think you're in this group, so suddenly they're giving you attention.
It means nothing.
I've been attacked in hundreds of thousands of news articles.
It does nothing.
Being in an article with them praising you because you're teaching your three-year-old son he's a girl, that's globalist child abuse.
You're not cool because you're in the paper.
Yeah, and you know, I was thinking about it, Alex.
I was like, well, the diversity thing, what is the solution to it?
And I finally got it.
And I was looking back at the Founding Fathers, and they already had it.
It was already our model from the beginning.
It's e pluribus unum.
With diversity, you just celebrate different groups and different people.
But with e pluribus unum, It's out of name.
We are all different.
We all come from different backgrounds, but we come together for the same values.
And that's where... Well, that's what I'm saying.
We're all gang members.
We're all tribal.
We're all racist when we're born because of ancient tribalism.
But if you are unified in ideas and freedom, it creates wealth.
And then everyone is there in the competition.
And then we praise everybody, even if they're not the most successful, because they are part of that system.
Absolutely, and I'll tell you this, I was a part of the Blue Angels a number of years ago, and one of the things that struck me, you know, I guess you can take it however you want, but every few years they'll send a pilot flight jacket to the President, and it'll have his name on there and all that good stuff, and for whatever reason, I don't know why, but when Barack Obama was President, they sent it back.
They sent it back, and it struck a chord, and I'm like, well, why would you do that?
Wow, you're part of the Blue Angels?
At one point, yeah.
You were one of the pilots?
I won't give up any specifics, but yeah.
Wow, that's crazy.
I've seen you guys a couple times.
When I was a kid, my dad always took me to air shows.
I had to go to an air show again.
See, I worked too much.
Man, air shows were the best thing ever when I was a kid.
Wow, you guys are the most amazing pilots ever.
But yeah, they sent it back.
See, that's a religion.
The globalists are so threatened by our military, not that our military is perfect, but that they're honorable, strong people, that it's a religion in the leftist White Houses to literally desecrate our military.
And it's sick.
God bless you, Joe.
Amazing points.
Thank you.
Oh, that's cool.
The Blue Angels are amazing.
But, oh, see, there won't be any jets with the humans flying them soon, because the globalists don't want humans involved.
They want to cut us out.
Paul Watson's a dynamite guest, and he's always amazing.
But when I say I'm going to take your calls, I'm going to take your calls.
So when we come back, I'm going to try to get to all these in a couple of segments and have Paul take over.
Because he's a busy beaver, and the arm has to be twisted most of the show, so then why do I cut it when he's going to do it?
So we're going to go to Joshua in Illinois.
We're going to go to Mr. Grinch.
We're going to go to Matt and Nikki and others.
But we can't take any more calls after that.
Fourth hour straight ahead, and remember, This isn't just hype.
We're the number one band attack group because we really care about everybody, our spirit loves God, and it's infectious.
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Not so fast, InfoWars.
Apple banned your app.
I helped, too!
Ah, Oliver.
I hate free speech, too!
We hate free speech!
We hate free speech!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Regrets, I've had a few.
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do.
Saw it through.
Without exception.
And then, I just talk to people I admire.
And I just, I can't not do it.
I just admire Trump at 72, almost 73.
almost 73. The energy, the stamina, the everything, and then everything they said about him is a lie.
There's not just evil, there's not just betrayal, folks.
There's good, and there's people that are doggedly real.
I want to be with those people.
The trailblazers.
The men in the arena, the women in the arena.
Nikki in Florida, thanks for holding her on the air worldwide.
Thanks for calling in.
What's on your mind?
Thanks so much for having me, Alex.
First of all, thank you so much for what you do every day.
And I'm sorry to say, I only found you during the 2016 election, but I am so grateful that I did.
Well, I'm so grateful you're tuned in, because they're doing everything they can to stop us getting the word out.
That they absolutely are.
So, I have an interesting little background, and I'll speed it up, because I know you've got a lot of stuff to go through, but I'm a new transplant to Florida from New Jersey.
And life in New Jersey and Florida is stark different.
It's really cool down here, but as far as young single mothers go, I'm about your age, Alex.
I was a single mom.
I should be on disability.
I continue to work because I was raised by, you know, a couple of conservative New Yorkers.
And so Mr. President Trump from New York, he's got the stamina because he's a good fellow New York guy.
And that's plain and simple.
So because my background is from there, it makes sense to me.
I want to tell every single young mother out there, don't be sold on getting out and voting thinking that you're voting for your insurance because you're being sold a lie.
I ended up on Medicaid back in New Jersey, and I found out that you had nothing but brick wall.
You are not allowed to get treatment for any services that you want beyond a certain dollar amount that the insurance company sets.
So they say it's free, free, free, free.
Oh, oh, like I go to clinics and stuff when I've got a problem, and I go in these places, and I remember the last few times when Obamacare went through, all these little old liberal ladies, black, white, you know, would be crying, hearing that their deductible doubled, and hearing, and they would say, sorry, Obamacare.
Yep, and then they're forced.
Then they're forced into a set program where they're denied treatment after a certain amount of time.
Oh, I know.
My dad managed hundreds of medical offices and everything else.
He got out of medicine when he was like 65.
You know, he could have kept going.
He was at the top of his game because he said they're destroying real medicine.
They're destroying quality.
And big HMOs wrote Obamacare to screw everybody over.
It's an incredible crime.
So, you know, it's better off.
You're better off staying away from that quote unquote free.
Because if you want true health care, you've got to keep it in your own hands.
It's so sad, though, and it's been screwed up for a while.
We had the best health care in the world until the 70s, and then government got involved, and now, just like Venezuela, it's all screwed up.
So it's just a mess any way you cut it.
Nikki, God bless you, and it's great to have you call in.
Yeah, it's really sad.
It's very complex.
Mr. Grinch.
You're a bad one, Mr. Grinch.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
I wanted to mention a couple things.
I wanted to talk about the 14th Amendment, but first I wanted to talk about something a little less important, but very important for the InfoWar.
First off, I'm glad you raised the 14th Amendment.
I'm going to hold you over.
I should have started the show with that, but go ahead first.
Yeah, do you remember Mike from Toronto calling you in that day talking about WTC7?
I remember WTC7 being talked about, but no, I don't remember the specifics.
Yeah, he called in one day on your show, and it was right after the archives were released, and he notified... Oh God, you're talking like 15 years ago, yeah.
Yeah, no, I've been... Oh, I remember the caller going, have you seen the archives?
And I hadn't, and I'd always remembered him saying we're blowing it up and showing it, and then all of a sudden we went and looked and it was there, because CNN and MSNBC had archived it, and we all flipped out.
Because we'd all heard it that day and seen it, but there it was, because back then the web wasn't as big as it is now.
So they had an archive until like five years after 9-11.
Stay there.
Wow, I do remember now.
I was...
What was I doing that day?
I was hosting with somebody else.
I remember that.
I think it was like John Stattmiller in his studio or something in memory service.
Well, stay right there, Mr. Grinch.
Look at that.
Everybody else is just like yellow or clear.
That's because it's been denatured.
It's been watered down.
We didn't do that.
I would metaphysically tell you something, but this is the very best I can get.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Won't you come see about me?
I'll be your lone dancer, you know it baby.
Tell me your troubles and doubts.
Given everything inside and out and Love's strange, so we'll...
Alright, Mr. Genrich, you were bringing up, I don't know, a couple years after 9/11.
They hadn't archived all the footage from BBC and BBC World and CNN and Headline News,
it was still news then, and MPR.
And for some reason, that year there was a race to put all the archives of 9-11 up.
Like, three years after.
And man, it was countdown, we're blowing up seven, and the cops weren't involved.
The media spotted that.
I said, cops were doing it.
No, they were told, just get back.
We don't know.
They're going to blow it up.
And then I went and found the cops on the video.
And they go, yeah, the Red Cross is running it.
They suddenly said, it's a controlled demo.
And you go, Red Cross?
Dude, that's the real intelligence agency, OK?
It's like 600 years old.
So all that happened and so you're talking about the caller who called I remember now and said have you seen they've released the archive and then we went and found it that day and played them blowing up building 7 CIA headquarters 47 story building yes go ahead Mr. Grinch.
Yeah I think it was in 2007 or something anyway but I I started archiving your shows that day because I saw they were pulling the videos down instantly on Google Video and YouTube or whatever it was at that time.
Oh yeah, they were so... and this wasn't me saying something, this was ABC News, we're blowing up 7.
I know, they were pulling them down as fast as they could until people just overwhelmed it and kept re-uploading it.
And that's the reason I brought it up is because your new Unfortunately, since YouTube banned you, I've been... Actually, another point.
Somebody's... For the last year and a half, occasionally there's been some lackadaisicalness when it comes to your RSS feed for your podcast, and I've been having to download them in a timely fashion, at least, off of GCN.
But like for instance last Friday...
No, no, whenever you guys have a problem, something isn't served, something doesn't happen, you call, you email.
So let me guess, you're not getting the...
We don't need Apple to ban us, right? You're just not getting the podcast?
Yeah, the podcast isn't updated very frequently, but I can still get it off of GCN.
But now that I used to, I was, I switched to going to YouTube to watch the videos.
And I really enjoyed watching the videos because that way I could see the stuff you were showing as opposed to just listening to it.
But anyway, I archive it all.
So I've had, I have basically since 2007, all of your shows, but, uh, but anyway, it would be cool if you could archive it more quickly, but, But also, please, please put up some smaller video files on your website, like maybe 360 MP4, you know what I mean?
No, I agree.
We just don't have the crew.
We have a great crew.
We're a small organization, and we're getting pounded, but yes, we're trying.
God bless you, Mr. Grinch.
I'm glad you raised that point from years and years ago.
Paul Watson's coming up next segment.
We'll take a few more calls here.
Let's go ahead and talk to...
Pastor Sam, Pastor Sam in Oklahoma, thanks for calling here on the air.
Mr. Grinch, talking about archiving your shows, I really feel like when you let us call in and report, I feel like I'm reading into a court record sometimes, or reading into the congressional record.
And I just want to thank you, Alex, and the whole crew for making that possible.
It's funny you say that, because I'm on a power trip myself.
But our guest, this family, is now seen by patriots in governments everywhere and in militaries.
It's incredible how much we're trusted and how we're just taken as being right, which sometimes we're wrong, but they know in the general main, we are overall right 99% of the time and we mean well.
And so that's why they want to shut down.
Infowars really is something special.
Sorry, go ahead.
Once it goes out on your feet, it can't be taken back, and I just really appreciate that opportunity for myself and so many people out there that are witnessing different things as the world moves forward.
So I have some important facts for today.
I just want to thank you also for putting the focus on Latin America.
Our American exceptionalism has been so great that it's easy to ignore our neighbors, and we share a lot, really.
This is the new world, and this is the chance at freedom, and I feel like the cavalry has arrived with Bolsonaro winning.
Oh yes.
This president coming in.
Because they've got more resources than us and they've got incredible culture.
If they just destroy corruption, it's unlimited.
And I want to see Latin America transcend colonialism.
I want it to be so beautiful that I move down there.
It's beautiful down there.
They've tried so many times and they've made great Great efforts and great strides, but now is the time for the final break.
You know, our traditional ally, Britain, has 66 million people.
Brazil's economy passed them up years ago, and Brazil has tripled the people, and they have natural resources beyond belief, in timber, in mining, in oil.
And the IMF and World Bank had those shut down.
Oh, they want in there because the Chinese want to eat all that food.
But that president, if I could just drop some facts here, that president coming in and, you know, they closed the door.
No, I should have made a bigger deal because he says, I'm going to follow two things, the Bible and the U.S.
Constitution and make Brazil great again and number one, Brazil first.
That signal there is beautiful.
And he didn't do it.
The leftist government that's still in lame ducking knew they had to shut their border with the military to Venezuela.
And of course, as you've been reporting, many of these people coming up through Central America now are Venezuelans, and they finally showed the Venezuelan flag, you said, today.
So that's coming.
And there are six other presidents, if I could just read these off quickly, other than Jair Bolsonaro, Sebastian Pinera in Chile, who really started the Trump revolution in 2008.
Mauricio Macri in Argentina.
Martín Vizcarra in Peru stood up at the United Nations and addressed the Venezuelan situation and brought up the existence of an Inter-American letter in 2001 having to do with the Organization of American States that they have tremendous latitude to come into member states that where democracy is threatened, where elections are fraudulent, where education has been uprooted.
Martín Vizcarra said that.
Three more.
One, Orlando Hernandez in Honduras.
Just because so many of these people are coming from Honduras, this is a Trumpist president.
It's just the U.N.
is so deep in there.
Well, sure.
The U.N.
goes in and gets the worst elements and brainwashes them and funds them to destabilize these countries.
This is a globalist corporate war against nation states.
against prosperity and the classic colonial, the most corrupt fashion of colonialism,
the worst vein of it, to keep people down. The Renaissance is the opposite of that
and the Christian ethos to free these populations and I had family that went
down to Latin America and it gave so much to trying, they were down there
really trying to empower people.
They weren't down there trying to sabotage.
And then they learned, the UN, the globalists, the left, they were all there sabotaging.
And guess how the left makes their money?
Narcotics trafficking, and child trafficking, and sex trafficking.
The left is the left-hand path.
They are Diablo, folks.
And they'll give you a good game, they'll tell you what you want to hear, but at the end of the day, they're pure devils.
Pastor Sam, appreciate the call.
All right, Paul Watson.
He's loaded for bear!
I want to go to Matt.
I want to go to Tim.
I want to go to John.
We got 20-something phone lines.
I can't get to you all.
And I promise this.
Because I'm back tomorrow.
Hell, I'm coming in tonight, 8 to 10 to host.
If you get their names and numbers, we'll call them, put them on the air first tonight, 8 to 10.
And so we're going to do that.
Thank you for holding.
You're real troopers.
Please don't forget, ladies and gentlemen, without you, we're not here.
I just want to win.
And whatever happens, happens.
But you need the supplements.
You need the water filtration.
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I go out and find one of the best rated units.
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I mean, I sell more food for my Patriot Supply, one of the top three companies, than anybody else does.
Because I have a contract, I can undercut everybody.
These people call, they've had a... Not the company, other people.
Oh, Jones, other distributors, you know, you really ought to...
Raise prices and we should fix the market.
I'm not doing that.
I'm undercutting the market.
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Funding the global renaissance and the next level of human development.
They'll look back on this as the Gutenberg Press.
They'll look back on this as the Magna Carta.
They'll look back on this on the 1776 plan I developed that was accepted and launched.
Well, Clyde Lewis, big syndicated radio host, obviously, on the Premier Radio Network, comes on every night right before George Noria at 10 p.m.
It's blowing me away with the occultism of the globalists and what they're into.
And exactly, if you go back to the Jacobins, there was a whole left-hand path to imitate
our revolution, but it was about a nine-day work week and enslaving everyone, but not
telling the public it was slavery.
It's kind of the modern model of liberalism, where they know we're all liberal at heart
and want to have open, free societies.
And even if we're conservative, we care about freedom.
They say they're all those virtuous things, but they're not.
And then they're all about, Lennon said this, and Anton LaVey said this, you'll have machines
and avatars that work for you.
There'll be nothing but pure pleasure.
But then when they get control, all they produce is pure hell.
Where do you think we are at this point in history, Clyde Lewis?
Well, the big decision mankind has to make is whether or not they want to be ruled by algorithms and machines.
The reason why I think people are becoming more irritable and aggravated is because they don't realize that they're being controlled by the invisible algorithms on computers.
All the studies show it's lowering IQ, it's destroying relationships, and it's making us depressed, and it's designed to.
Well, yeah, I mean, you know, the computer's not only reading your mind, it's making choices for you now.
And as much as it advances, you realize that it looks... Machines, when they get enough intelligence, they'll realize just how much of a threat we are.
They know that we can turn them on.
And so just unleashing them the way they do and not having control of them is something that Elon Musk told us about.
I mean, hell, they've got the D-Wave computer now that has a heartbeat for crying out loud.
And Jordy Rose, the man who put Kindred together, said, well, guess what we have, guys?
We have a computer that is literally capable of opening up a portal and bringing through
what would be considered the same creatures that H.P.
Lovecraft talked about.
And I'm thinking, are you kidding me?
I mean, he said that during a TED talk.
And I was like, oh, and they have the ability to rip open time, space itself and bring through
it demons or whatever they want to bring through to try and get it to perform the way they
want it to.
And it's going to backfire eventually.
And one day we're going to learn that we should not be doing what we're doing and abusing
our power.
We are living now in the future.
And the way things are with the computers and tech, everything's going to go by so quickly.
In fact, do you think time slips by so quickly now with the expediency and the innovations
we have?
Things are going to speed by a hell of a lot faster.
And that's why we have to act now.
It's not about feeling sorry for ourselves and say, oh, what was being.
What are we going to do now?
Life is worth living.
You got to say to yourself, my life has meaning.
I have to go out and I have to do this for my kids and my grandkids.
And you have to stop thinking that it's not going to affect you.
It's going to affect you.
So, how does humanity win?
I mean, what's the number one thing you'd say, Clyde?
Now, this is going to sound cliche, but love, tolerance, understanding, realizing we're all human beings, realizing that we all bleed red and we all smell the same in the bathroom every day.
We need to remember that, you know, being human beings, we're also fragile.
And we're not as tough as we think we are.
The only way we can be tough is to think, learn, use critical thinking, throw away our confirmation biases, and understand that there are as many people out there with different opinions that may give us the solutions to what we're looking for.
We need to unite.
We need to find common ground on the very things we all agree we need.
And I tell people, you know, if you want to have a successful country, if you want a country that's secure and happy, what you do is you make sure that the people are getting nice and nutritious food.
They're getting clean water and they're out of pain.
Those are the three things that governments have failed to do for the people.
If we can bring forward great food, nutritious food, clean water, and keeping people out of pain, we will have a successful world.
So we need to do that for everyone and we need to take that into our own hands and make that happen.
happened. You're listening to the Alex Jones Show. Oh, I love this song.
(gentle music)
Monkey Man by the Rolling Stones.
Listen to this right here.
How about Paul take over?
He's going to be with us again Thursday at noon.
And I heard he's hosting his own show here soon.
And another one.
But the point is, Paul Watson's here.
But let me just say this up front.
I've known Paul 16 years.
And about 6-7 years ago, I made him go on Twitter and YouTube and come on the air.
Because I knew he was so smart.
And the reason, I'm not bragging about that, the reason I raised that issue is, There are men.
There are women.
Some are Asian.
Some are black.
Some are white.
Some are Hispanic.
I don't care.
Some are gay.
Some are straight.
Some are Christian.
Some are not.
Who love liberty.
And you're well-spoken, and you're articulate, and you're not going to be perfect the first time.
But believe me, I see the promise in all of you.
Get involved!
That's the answer to stop the censorship.
Paul, I was going to leave here, but you said stay on, because you've got some news.
Four years ago, more than 10,000 conservative and libertarian sites, what a compendium, Had an 80% drop in their ratings on Alexa owned by Amazon.
Well, it's fake.
We were still there.
It was meant to hurt us with sponsors.
But despite that, we still climbed, climbed, climbed.
They did the Drudge Report because they couldn't have Drudge be number one.
So they had to do that, you know, so he'd be like number 20 or whatever.
Well, look at us at Alexa.
Even with it rigged, we can pull out like a five-year graph too.
Even with it rigged, you can't hold the balloon underwater.
So Paul, tell us about that and what's coming up as you host the next 45 minutes.
Obviously, you can see it from the graph there, Alex.
It spiked up after you were banned by every social media platform in August.
You had the natural drop off in summer, it started spiking up again.
Then we were obviously saying, well, this is going to tail off eventually.
And you know, if our supporters don't continue to support us, it will and they'll win.
But Look at it, it's gone up again!
So the more they whine and complain, it just keeps going up and up and up.
So again, this is why they're not going to stop, Alex.
You saw what happened with Gab.
You know, it was like, before you were banned on Twitter, you were banned on everything else.
You remained on Twitter for about a month after that.
They were like, oh, but he still has the right to live stream.
Look, he's on Twitter.
Then he got banned by Twitter.
And now it's, no, he doesn't have the right to own a website.
Forget Gab.
live site news which is like a quite a mainstream christian website
now they've been attacked they were given twelve hours if not sooner
uh... by that what a threat from the web host all they'd be offline
that just barely surviving to you know keep their website online
again this is the website you probably remember about a month ago which is
just a mainline pro-life good organization it's like it's like the equivalent of c_n_n_'s news or
something it's it's It's more mainstream than we are.
It's definitely more mainstream than Gab is.
And now they're under attack.
So now it's, no, you can't even have a website because you're peddling in hate speech.
Hey, we know Brian Stelter's own team, because we obviously, you know, checked into it.
They literally have three PI groups, not licensed, out of the state, circling the building and circling other... I mean, it is... What are they planning, Paul?
No, you are literally their icon at this point.
They can't get enough of you.
Then you had the whole Gab thing, obviously.
Now they're being investigated legally to blame for this psycho who went and shot up the synagogue.
You remember that murder of Alison Parker and Adam Ward, the female TV reporter and the cameraman, by Vesta Lee Flanagan?
This was back, I think, a couple of years ago.
By the way, that was a racist attack.
It was an anti-white racist attack.
He live-streamed himself shooting them on Twitter.
Where was the mass media campaign to have Twitter de-platformed immediately after this guy live-streamed him shooting them on Twitter?
People have forgotten all about that.
Plus this latest demon that shot the poor people in Pittsburgh, he had an Instagram and a Facebook.
It's like it's a platform.
You don't blame them.
Yeah, the mail bomber was all over Twitter spewing death threats for months and months and months.
Where's the call to de-platform Twitter?
There's a guy on today on Twitter, a former Clinton staffer.
He responded to the news that YT Bolger had been killed in a West Virginia prison by tweeting, Hey Don Jr.
FYI, which is obviously a violent threat suggesting that he's going to be killed in prison.
And look at this, there's a tweet from a week ago.
This has been up a week.
44,000 retweets, over 100,000 likes from somebody who said, quote, so nobody kills presidents like they used to anymore.
This generation is so lazy.
That got more retweets than anything I've done in months and months and months.
It's been up on Twitter for a week.
Nothing whatsoever happened.
It went absolutely viral.
This is the double standard that we see over and over again.
There's an article today which talks about the amount of death threats against Donald Trump.
I think it was up to 179 on a real-time updated list.
All of them still public on Twitter.
They do absolutely nothing about it.
So it's a trillion percent fake that they're just going after us and now they're banning FBI agents that point out that the left is anti-semitic.
God, how long can they get away with this?
I mean, I know Trump doesn't have total control, but he needs to act on this.
Just like he's doing with now the border crossers, a second group slams in.
Second migrant caravan storms into Mexico with guns and bombs.
Firebombing police.
And then Lou Dobbs is in trouble for covering it.
Oh no, the Saccharin Migrant Caravan.
They already got a story out of the first one, by the way, which just came out.
They were actually firing on the Mexican cops.
There was an instance where they fired on the Mexican cops, or tried to.
Their guns jammed and they rushed and arrested them.
Nobody even heard about this.
There's admitted murderers.
There was a Fox News clip where this guy admits he was deported for murder.
He's in the migrant caravan trying to get back into it.
And by the way, I saw that video.
We should have played that.
These idiots have been given guns by the commies.
They're going through the swamp and mud.
They come out and wonder why the gun doesn't go off.
How is the left backing this?
There was another.
I mean, they interview these people with the Associated Press.
There was an interview last week where it was somebody talking about how he got deported and the way they phrased it was, he had a brush with the law.
He had a wife in America.
He had to flee the country because of a brush with the law.
It was obviously something violent.
They've got rudimentary bombs, they've got guns, they're firing... Oh, they call it chaos at the border.
No, they're throwing firebombs at people, using children as human shields.
Yeah, and then I'm going to go through the list.
40 different acts of left-wing thuggery just in October, just in the past four weeks.
They literally shot up a Republican campaign office yesterday, put bullets inside this office, and the media reported it as an act of vandalism.
They actually equated it to graffiti.
Imagine if a Trump supporter went and shot up a Democratic Party campaign headquarters.
It'd be top news story in the world.
It'd be wall to wall.
CNN would be all over it.
It would be an act of domestic terrorism.
This happens and basically no coverage whatsoever.
They sent Riots in to multiple GOP targets at the beginning of the month.
It got 2,270 stories in comparison to the Dodge Mail Bombs, which got 3.7 million stories.
We're going to break, and I'm letting you take over.
You've got to come back more often.
We're warming 30 minutes.
In the Nightly News Tonight coverage, 8 to 10, I'll be here.
Paul, what are they going to pull the next seven days?
I think there's a red wave, just like we saw with Balasaro.
I mean, the evidence shows humanity's awake.
What are the Globals going to do if they lose?
I mean, the polls are up in the air.
Obviously, we had the pre-election polls where Clinton was, what, 80-95% chance of winning.
So, we just don't know.
I hope nothing happens, but everything's so volatile right now.
It's just the way they report it is completely skewed, completely out of the equation.
So, who knows?
That's right, because before they got caught lying, instead of stopping, going, this didn't work, they go, let's just go lying square.
Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars.com.
Tomorrow's News Today.
Straight ahead.
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I can't believe there's so many traitors and pieces of crap in this country that actively
have an inferiority complex with the republic and a spiritual hatred of it.
And it's spiritual!
Because they will go out of their way to destroy this country and their own future because they have some existential envy that they have to act out working with the worst, most murderous, radical Islam, orthodox Islam, the Chai Koms, Juncker.
And it's like Juncker's the heir to the top Nazis and has all the stolen wealth.
Soros is and it's like it's so crazy that everyone we're fighting are like super villains and their whole histories are pure evil and then the good guys are under attack.
Let me explain something.
I don't feel sorry for myself being lied about and demonized.
I know I'm in a war.
And I feel good to see America waking up and coming back from the dead to a certain extent.
But you know, people should be way more active and way more aggressive.
Because this is serious, folks.
I mean, we're fighting people as bad as Hitler and Stalin and Mao combined.
I mean, they are really wicked.
And they are doing horrible things to our genetics.
They're doing horrible things to our environment.
The things the globalists are up to are so out of control and so bad it makes the head spin.
And it just makes me sad to see America in this position.
Again, it's mixed feelings.
Good things are happening.
We're coming back from the dead.
But still, it's so cut and dry that people fighting against this country, people fighting against the reassurgence of our republic, are not Americans.
They're globalists.
They want to overthrow the country.
They're allied with the most murderous regimes in history.
And they know they're involved in a conquering operation.
Cut and it's dry.
I mean, where are your instincts?
Where is your common sense?
We have to stop going along with the globalists and their minions.
And we have to stop trying to placate them and be friends with them and sit here and play nice.
They're not playing nice.
They're a bunch of bullying, evil jerks.
And they now know that InfoWars has the spirit, the program, the code.
To relaunch it all!
And that's why they treat us like we're death.
Because to them, we are death.
To George Soros, and to Hillary Clinton, and to Barack Obama, and to Lord Rothschild, you understand I'm the Grim Reaper.
Come to their door.
I'm death.
And they know it.
I'm death of their system.
And you're death to them.
We really just love life.
But see, to them, we're death.
And if we won't stand against these possessed people, then we deserve to be enslaved by them, and God will hold us in judgment for allowing them to endanger the innocent and the children.
So I tell you now, those of you that have stood idly by, your soul, your immortal soul, is on the line.
And if you don't stand for the unborn, and if you don't stand for the innocent, and if you don't stand against these monsters, and you stand before God, God will say, I know you're not.
You didn't do anything.
When the Holy Spirit touched you to fight these people, and you were of the devil.
So go back from which you came forever.
You are not amongst us.
You belong to Death Eternal.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
You found it!
The tip of the spear!
It is The Alex Jones Show!
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson!
We're live and it's the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
In a while we're going to get into Ben & Jerry's releasing a new flavour called Pecan Resist to combat Trump's regressive agenda.
Again, cashing in on free advertising via a tedious, lame virtue signal as all these companies do over and over again.
We're going to get into that.
We're going to get into Robert Mueller being me-too'd, this claim of sexual assault against him.
You know, we should believe all women, right?
That's the hashtag, believe all women.
So why not on this occasion?
The people who were up in arms about Michael Avenatti and all his claims rallying behind him, noticeably more quiet about these claims against Robert Mueller today.
So we're going to get into that.
First of all, though, there was a tweet by a Guardian US columnist earlier today called David Sirota.
He said this.
Left-wing, quote, everyone should have health care and be able to go to college.
Right-wing, quote, all Jews must die.
Media pundits centrist, the extreme left and right are both equal parts of the problem.
So again, he's saying that left-wing extremism, left-wing violence basically does not exist and that all these people want Is healthcare and to have free tuition, free college funding, that's all they want?
I mean, it's not like literally James T. Hodgkinson was screaming about free healthcare as he tried to gun down and massacre Conservative Republicans during that baseball practice, is it?
So we're going to get into a list.
And this is a list just from the past 30 days.
It's called Death Threats, Assaults, Vandalism.
Vandalism, according to the left, includes shooting up a Republican HQ office.
That's just vandalism.
Just, you know, similar to graffiti or something like that.
Just a bit of vandalism.
Over 40 acts of left-wing thuggery in October so far.
This is out of Breitbart.
And I draw attention to this because, again, Gab has been completely crucified, as you've seen over the past few days, because they've been held responsible for the actions of somebody who used their social media platform.
Begging the question, why aren't Facebook and Twitter, who routinely get embroiled in people literally live streaming murders, why is there no mass media call for them to be deplatformed?
I mentioned it with Alex just before the break.
We had a shooting, I think it was back a couple of years ago, This was the shooting, the murder of Alison Parker and Adam Ward.
You probably remember, it was absolutely horrific.
2015 it happened, and the gunman, 41-year-old Vester Lee Flanagan, who was basically an ex-employee with a grudge, he also had a thing about hating white people, so there was a racist element, a hate crime element to this attack.
He literally It was either live-streamed or it was uploaded immediately afterwards.
He literally took video of himself shooting these two individuals, killing them, uploaded it to Twitter immediately.
Why was Twitter not held to task for that?
Why was there not a vast media campaign to get hosting platforms, to get payment processors, You know, to disavow Twitter immediately after that horrific shooting.
There you see the article from when it happened.
Because again, it was uploaded live to Twitter, almost live when it happened.
We had numerous aspects of Facebook being embroiled in the same thing.
You remember when the...
Mentally disabled guy was tortured by a group of people on Facebook Live.
Again, it was streamed live on Facebook.
I think it was the beginning of 2017.
They tortured him.
They chopped off his hair.
They cut his face up.
They were talking about Trump.
It was an attack on a white person by black culprits.
There was obviously a racial element to it.
There was obviously a political element to it because they were talking about him being a Trump supporter throughout this attack.
Again, live-streamed on Facebook, they got into no trouble whatsoever for that.
Then we have this article, which is 179 threats, death threats against President Trump are live on Twitter, real-time updated list.
As soon as they put this article out on Big League Politics, and as soon as it was linked on the Drudge Report, these tweets started to disappear.
I mean, they say 179 death threats.
I see that if I'm researching an article about people threatening to assassinate Trump, I mean there was a slew of them back just before his inauguration, it's got to be way, way more than that.
But the article reads, President Donald Trump has been threatened with death at least 184 times on Twitter and 179 of those murder threats are still posted on Twitter's website as of press time yesterday evening.
The threats range from simple commands for others to kill Trump, to stated desires to kill President Trump, to more detailed fantasies and plans to kill the Commander-in-Chief.
Remember, while this is all going on, we literally have The New York Times publishing fantasy fiction stories about Trump being shot, being assassinated.
We have a tweet up today, which I don't know whether it's been removed, but it was up there for a week.
And I also tweeted this out about an hour ago.
Quote, so nobody kills presidents like they used to anymore.
This generation is so lazy.
That tweet.
Got 44,000 retweets and over 100,000 likes.
It went super viral a week ago on Twitter and it's still there.
So we've got these people talking about the left just being about wanting health care and free tuition to go to college.
There's no violent extremism on the left whatsoever.
Yes, there is.
That's why we call out both ends of it.
Yes, right-wing violent extremism, right-wing violent violence does exist.
We call it out, we disavow it, we distance ourselves from anyone who engages in any of that kind of rhetoric.
Does the left do the same?
They completely deny it and in some cases actually embrace it.
You've seen the CNN headline, Antifa achieving peace through violence.
They don't only not, you know, call it out, they actually embrace it in many circumstances.
So yes, it is a problem on both ends of the political spectrum.
Just like it's a problem when a former White House, Clinton White House staffer openly wishes to see Donald Trump Jr.
murdered in prison.
This is Claude Taylor.
Again, I tweeted this earlier this evening.
He was responding to the death of the Boston crime boss, Y.T.
Bulger, and he said, Hey, Don Junior, FYI, and then a link to the news story, Y.T.
Bulger was killed at a new West Virginia prison.
So he's obviously suggesting that Donald Trump Jr., just because he has Trump in his surname, should be killed.
That is violent rhetoric.
That is encouraging, inciting violence.
From a verified checkmarked Twitter account from a former Clinton White House staffer.
What is Twitter going to do about that?
So yes, violent rhetoric, violent extremism exists on both sides, and it exists in the case of Trump supporters and Trump cabinet members, as well as Republicans being attacked, being threatened, being intimidated.
So yes, it is a problem on both sides.
I'll go through a brief list right now.
Again, from the Breitbart article, death threats assaults vandalism over 40 acts of left-wing thuggery in October so far.
October 3rd, less than a month ago, riots in a threatening letter sent to Trump.
This assassination attempt also targeted high-ranking Trump officials.
You remember the powder sent to Donald Trump Jr., which his wife opened.
Again, barely any media coverage of that.
They mentioned it, they moved on.
October 3rd, same day, Defense Secretary James Mattis and FBI Director Wray sent riots in letters.
October 25th, New York Times runs story fantasizing about Trump's assassination.
October 16th, person claimed Ryerson was in letter sent to Senator Collins' home.
So again, because she supported Brett Kavanaugh during that nomination, she got Ryerson sent to her home again.
Media barely even reported on it, everybody moved on.
October 29th, yesterday morning, Four shots fired into Volusia County, Florida Republican headquarters.
The media reported it as an act of vandalism, literally equating it with graffiti.
Imagine if a Trump supporter had done the same, they would call it an act of terrorism.
I mean, you could go through, there are literally like 40 examples in the last month.
GOP congressional candidate receives letter threatening his children.
New York man charged with threatening two senators over Kavanaugh support.
Two hospitalised after exposure to powdery substance at Ted Cruz's Houston campaign office.
Did you even read about any of this in the media?
October 16th, DFL employee calls for Republicans to be beheaded!
Did you read about that?
October 8th, leftist teacher tweets says who's going to take one for the team and kill Kavanaugh?
During that whole period, death threats against Kavanaugh were rife on Twitter.
Did they take responsibility for that?
Was the mass media campaign calling for Twitter to be de-platformed like Gap?
No, there was nothing.
So you can go down this list, there's literally dozens and dozens of them in the past month alone.
There have been over 600 violent attacks or cases of harassment or intimidation against Trump supporters, Trump cabinet members, or Republicans since late 2015.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
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We're going to get back into more news here in a second.
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Now, Gab has been under assault over the past few days for obvious reasons, because the synagogue shooter posted on there before he massacred those people in a horrific attack.
And of course, Gab has now been targeted not just through its payment processes, but through its web hosting service itself.
Meanwhile, you've had people live-streaming murders on Twitter, live-streaming murders on Facebook for years, nothing whatsoever happens to them.
They're immune from being a publisher, but apparently Gab isn't, because again, they're not part of the Silicon Valley establishment.
Whatever you think of Gab, it's an obvious double standard.
They see Chicago Man shot dead while live-streaming on Facebook.
There are examples basically every month at this point.
But now Breitbart reports Christian news site LifeSite blacklisted by web host.
This is quite a mainstream Christian news website.
They talk a lot about issues like abortion and things like that.
No means as far right as people make out gaps a bit to be.
But now LifeSite, a Christian pro-life news outlet, was allegedly blacklisted by its web hosting given just 12 hours to find another host for the website or risk being offline.
They released a statement saying LifeSite just received an email at 8.30pm from our web hosting company alerting us that they will be taking our website down within 12 hours if not sooner.
So this is what they do over and over again.
They don't even give people fair notice anymore.
They just want it gone immediately so they don't even have time to switch it to another web hosting service.
And this came as a result of a complaint from one individual which was obviously then brigaded by a bunch of other people.
But again, this was the website, you'll probably remember about a month back, that released the footage of the male feminist kicking the phone out of a woman's hand, which went absolutely mega viral, was a big defeat for the left in terms of this whole narrative that they're not a violent mob, honestly.
So now, just a month after that website releases a video that goes absolutely super viral, they're now blacklisted by their web host, and they're struggling to get another web host to maintain their own presence on the internet.
So again, it goes back to what we heard before Alex Jones was deplatformed for a whole month.
There you see the viral video that they released just a month ago.
For a whole month, the media was saying, oh, but he still has Twitter to stream on.
He still has his free speech there.
Then Twitter got canned.
Then it was, oh, he still has his website.
Then they started going after our payment processors.
Now they're going after literal web hosts, so entire websites get erased from the internet.
Gab is still down.
It's going to be down for the foreseeable future.
So they actually succeeded, at least in the short term, of literally wiping a website off the internet again.
For something that Twitter and Facebook do on a regular basis, which is allow actual murderers to use their platform, allow people who make violent threats over and over again to use their platform.
Now, it's not as if we won't give them some leeway and say, well, you can't just automatically block, delete people if they tweet something.
There has to be some kind of reporting process in place.
It's not going to be automatic.
Yes, there's going to be a lag.
There's going to be a delay between somebody making that threat and their account being suspended or banned.
But the tweet that I made earlier, the point I made earlier about the tweet, literally it was up for a week on Twitter, this person saying basically that this generation is too lazy to kill presidents.
That was only deleted, that tweet was only deleted.
I don't know if the account's been banned, I'd have to check, but it was only deleted After I tweeted about it, and after other prominent Conservatives tweeted about it today, it was up for a week, it had over 100,000 likes, 44,000 retweets, it went viral, so obviously people were aware of it, nothing whatsoever happened.
So this is the double standard that we encounter on a daily basis.
Now you have Laura Loomer being suspended by Twitter right up until election day.
And in fact, they were about to release a video which may have had an impact on the election.
Twitter suspends the account.
That video is now not going to go out on Twitter.
Does that constitute election meddling?
So again, it's the same double standard that we have to deal with on a day-to-day basis.
Meanwhile, dozens and dozens of threats of attacks of intimidation against Trump, against Republicans, against Trump cabinet members on a daily basis.
And the media and people like David Sirota, a U.S.
Guardian columnist, Says that the left just doesn't engage in any kind of violent rhetoric at all.
They just want free health care.
That's all they want.
Even as James T. Hodgkinson, the guy who tried to massacre a bunch of Republicans, was literally screaming about health care as he engaged in his rampage.
So no, that's BS.
There is violent rhetoric on both sides.
It needs to be called out.
It needs to be treated equally.
Now moving on, Ben & Jerry's releases new flavour, Pecan Resist, to combat Trump's regressive agenda.
Ben & Jerry's unveiled a new limited edition ice cream flavour on Tuesday to celebrate the Women's March in Combat, what the company called, President Trump's Regressive Agenda.
And there you see it right now, right there, it says, Resist, or Ree-sist, as some have called it.
And in fact, if you go on my Twitter, this has already been Memed to Kingdom Come.
People are comparing it to the MPC meme.
In fact, there's one right above it if you go on my Twitter, which is incredibly hilarious.
That's just one of many.
And that is, in fact, probably going to get more response, there you see it right there, than the original tweet by Ben and Jerry's.
And in fact, somebody else has just responded with a BLEXIT tweet underneath that, which again is, of course, the walk away movement.
Black people, African-Americans walking away from the Democratic Party.
And that's basically going to get hundreds of retweets as well.
So this has kind of backfired on them.
Again, why do these companies do this?
Because it's free advertising.
Virtue signaling is free advertising.
If you make a statement like this as a company, the amount of media attention you get always outweighs the damage done by any kind of boycott against the company.
So it's a Machiavellian money-making device.
But again, they're treated as the great savior, the great resistance icons that they're, you know, really embracing this message because they believe in the message, not because it makes them hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, which is what it is.
It's exploitation.
It's free advertising through tedious virtue signaling.
Meanwhile, in Europe, Thousands protest in Germany following suspected gang rape by migrants.
Seven Syrians and one German citizen have been arrested.
They're suspected of raping an 18-year-old student.
So basically what happened, and this was in Freiburg in southern Germany, they had about 500 demonstrators who flooded the streets to protest against this, to protest against Angela Merkel, who is now, her political legacy is basically dead.
She's going to step down in a couple of years.
They protested against her open border madness.
Then 1,500 counter-protesters from the left protested them, which again is similar to what happened in Italy the other day, where we had literally a 16-year-old girl drugged and gang-raped by African migrants.
How did the feminists respond to that?
Well, they responded the same way that the feminists in Cologne did, after the mass molestation which was mainly committed by migrants on New Year's Eve 2015.
Not by protesting the open border policy which makes women unsafe.
Routinely in all these countries, you look at polls, women feel more unsafe walking the streets.
Sex attacks have increased in all these major European countries that have had these open border policies.
So again, the feminists were out not protesting against open border policies which actually make women more unsafe, but protesting against racism.
Protesting against Matteo Salvini because he actually wants to do something to protect women by stopping these kind of people from coming in and making it easier to deport the criminals who have already come in.
So again, the feminists march against racism Not in favour of women's rights of protecting women.
Time and time again.
Because they don't care about women, they care about power.
Foolish form of tolerance.
Belgian Christmas market changes name to Winter Market.
This is up on Infowars.com.
Organisers of the Christmas market in the Belgian city of Bruges.
Have changed its name to Winter Market with some claiming the switch was made so as not to offend Muslims.
People in the comments are saying that they have all manner of Muslim celebrations in these major Belgian cities but no, not this one.
This has to be changed because it's not politically correct because it might offend people.
We've had literally terrorists ramming trucks through Christmas markets and this is how the left responds.
Macron's personal approval ratings remain in the toilet like Angel Merkel.
His political legacy is collapsing.
Globalism is on the run across the continent.
That's going to wrap it up for the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Coming up, The War Room Live with Owen Schroyer.
Don't go away.
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Yes, thank you.
I'll be alright.
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Thank you.
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What's wrong?
Increase production.
What's wrong?
Prevent accidents.
What's wrong?
And be happy.
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Failure to do so may result in prosecution.