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Name: 20181022_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 22, 2018
3306 lines.

In this episode of InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses the war against corruption and the fight against the Democratic Party, leftist CIA operatives, the corrupt Justice Department, and the entire Soros crime syndicate. He addresses the migrant caravan heading towards the United States, stating that it is a planned invasion by the UN using third-world populations to conquer nation-states. Jones highlights the organizations funding these caravans, including George Soros and other NPR sponsors. He emphasizes the importance of supporting InfoWars financially to stand up against these powerful forces trying to control America. Rodney L. Brown and Vanjus Jonathan Shuttlesworth discuss the importance of Christian ministers speaking out against the anti-Christ system that seeks a one world government. They emphasize that Christians should not vote based on personalities or scandals but rather on who actively resists the globalist agenda. The speakers believe that God likes nations and variety, and the Bible talks about many antichrists, not just one with a capital A. They also mention how Brexit was a victory for national sovereignty, and Christians must resist the demonic force behind the one-world agenda. The speaker encourages listeners to be responsible for their generation and stand up against the Antichrist spirit. He urges people not to let the media or devil dictate how they interpret the Bible but rather stand up for national sovereignty. The speaker highlights the role of voting in preventing those who support a one-world government from taking office, and urges people to hold elected officials accountable. InfoWarsLife offers a sleep support formula with 10 known ingredients to help you relax and get the sleep you need. Their product is affordable and aims to bring a sleep support formula that goes above and beyond other leading brands. MFootwearStore.com offers storable food products through their platform, MFORESTORE.COM and MFORESELECT.

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Waging War on Corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
They're frickin' interdimensional invaders, okay?
But everyone already innately knows this.
I hate that truth!
Now, let's be clear.
This is nuts.
For which I am solely and completely responsible.
That dude!
That dude!
Dude, what's your problem?
Anti-Semitism, misogyny, and homophobia!
We came, we saw, we died.
Just kill any man that you see.
Like, just kill any man that you see.
Like, any swingin' s***, just kill him.
Just kill them.
We believe survivors!
We believe survivors!
Hey, hold up!
Hold up!
Hold up!
Hold up!
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Hold up!
This is their plan, people.
These are demons.
You're a white male!
You're a white man!
You know for a fact that that is a Arana.
You know for a fact that that is a Arana.
That is a demon possessed creature.
Now, if you missed the Antifa rally, Sadly, that's not the only low light, because there are no highlights from this.
That's not the only low light from it.
They also engaged in a rather interesting little chant, which again, I'm going to tell you, embraces a large swath of the Democrat Party, even though these are radicals themselves.
I don't want to conflate the two too much, but the message here, although it may seem like it's coming from radicals, is really a larger message that's encompassing the Democrat Party in general.
Play the chant about immigration.
This one's even more disturbing.
[crowd chanting]
No borders, no walls, no USA at all!
No borders, no walls, no USA at all!
No borders, no walls, no USA at all!
No border, no wall, no USA at all.
Folks, again, I don't want to conflate the two on the violent side.
The violence is definitely not epidemic within the Democrat Party.
I want to be clear on that.
And we should.
We shouldn't stereotype like they do to us.
Unfortunately, it is becoming an epidemic amongst the far left.
But this position, no border, no wall, basically no borders, and they say at one point, no USA at all, this is not a fringe position anymore within the Democrat Party.
This is a position that's embraced, maybe not by a majority, but by a large swath of now Democrat voters.
This is frightening.
I believe, by the way, this is going to be, this is an issue that's going to drive moderate Democrats in Pennsylvania, swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan, out of the Democrat Party for good.
This is who the far-left component of the Democrat Party is.
And unfortunately, they're pulling and pulling and pulling, and they're pulling the party further to the left in these insane positions like this.
No border, no wall, no USA at all.
Does that even make sense?
I mean, have you even considered NARC?
And THX 1138, it's really a remake of the idea of a Brave New World scientific dictatorship.
They resemble MPC memes.
I have a hard time concentrating.
You are a true believer.
Blessings of the state.
Please forgive.
blessings of the masses.
All are the subject of the divine, created in the image of man.
And the famous- >> No Trump, no wall, no USA at all.
No Trump, no wall.
Extremism and defensive liberty is no vice to quote Barry Goldwater.
The president must pull out of the UN.
He must seize that property.
It is a criminal organization.
If the president just continues to let them organize hundreds of millions of third world populations, the UN says they want 600 million in the US in their own plan by 2050.
If we put up with that, we'll be fighting a losing battle as they stream up out of Central
and South America into Mexico and into the United States.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Monday, already the 22nd day of October 2018, and we are less
than 15 days out from this incredible election.
If you're a TV viewer, you see that headline from the Associated Press posted at Breitbart.
Donald Trump alerts military.
Migrant caravan now a national emergency.
He also tweeted that out this morning.
Now, you may notice that other publications now have a similar headline.
Growing invasion force overwhelms Mexican authorities.
Approximately 10,000 now traveling through Mexico to U.S.
southern border.
Now that's all today.
This is Friday.
My headline.
I wrote this.
National emergency.
UN launches invasion of United States using migrant caravan.
That's Friday.
Here's another one Friday and Saturday.
UN crosses Trump's red line, launches immigrant invasion of US.
You read the article?
I say that it's 20,000.
Pat Buchanan says migrant caravan is Trump's chance to stop third world invasion of the West.
We're going to play that clip coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Here's another one.
Steve King.
Representative from New York, Congressman Steve King.
Men from the most violent countries in the world are invading the United States.
They are invading our country.
They are just not wearing uniforms.
What did I say on Friday?
And it's not about how I'm right.
It's about how people better listen to me and listen carefully.
Because I have studied history, I've studied what the globalists are doing, I've studied the UN's own reports I'm about to cover, and they themselves say they're going to conquer nation-states by organizing third-world populations into caravans that smash over nations' borders, then the UN builds UN refugee centers to mass even more, and then launch into the first world.
It's an exact plan.
And if we don't recognize we're under attack, we're done.
Europe has had 15 million, 80 plus percent military age men, flood in the last six years, directed by the UN, directed by Peter Sutherland, directed by Angela Merkel, directed by Barroso and all the rest of these traitors.
It's a plan.
It's a program.
So, I noticed on Friday when I had the headlines on Infowars.com and Newswars.com, some people saying, oh Alex, it's not a national emergency, it's not an invasion, you're just, you know, using big words.
Let me tell you something.
When you've got hundreds of thousands of people already massed in Honduras that have been brought in out of collapsed South America, And this is just the first test group to send them up to the U.S.
We know what's going to happen next.
And by the way, second migrant caravan, new group rushes to join ranks.
Deportees vow return to America.
That's Fox News.
They're waving foreign flags and burning American flags.
These are hardcore leftists, paid and organized.
WorldNetDaily has a story that is the best one out there on who funds these, and it's links to all their admissions, all their statements, and they're all listed.
CARE, main funder George Soros, Ford Foundation, Ford Foundation, Carnegie Endowment, Annenberg, MacArthur Foundation.
It's all the regular players.
It's all the NPR sponsors.
There's the article.
That's an article from earlier this year, and it gives you all the names and who the people are, and then you've got them playing dumb.
Having CNN go, we fact-checked Trump.
There's no Soros funding.
No, it didn't come out of his bank account with his name on the check.
It came through groups he funds.
Judicial Watch got all the documents.
So they just play stupid with everybody, and they're busting open a lane up to the United States.
And they're using children as shields as they do it.
And it is a classical military invasion.
If you go back thousands of years ago, it would just be huge migrant hordes would just come into your area.
And then they would take what you had.
That's what Syria was the last six years, was Islamic countries just getting together in big hordes and just marching into Syria and trying to take it over.
And that's what happens in Latin America.
Venezuela has collapsed.
They're trying to invade Brazil and all their surrounding areas.
Brazil's building a wall and put their military on it.
Because if you have millions of homeless people with diseases and criminal records, some of them, coming across, it is a total weigh on your civilization.
And it collapses things.
And I saw articles where there's a woman with a wheelbarrow full of four kids saying, I'm coming up there to have the American dream and get on welfare that everything paid for and I'm pregnant and my baby will be a U.S.
citizen and then I'll be taken care of.
That will only collapse us.
There's 7 billion people on this planet that are basically in third world areas.
Six billion, eight hundred million or so.
And their numbers are about to be ten billion here in about ten years.
Their population's ballooning.
And they're all being taught by the UN and the Ford Foundation and by international media that America's evil, Europe's evil, you deserve it all, come there.
And they don't want to lay down their flags, they want to burn American flags.
This is the leftist culture.
These are the people that can't get jobs.
These are the people that have low IQs.
These are the people that have chips on their shoulders in their own countries!
They're the worst of collapsed Honduras and Nicaragua and San Salvador and Venezuela.
They are the worst!
And many of them are trafficking children!
That was in the, even the Washington Post admitted.
Many children brought across by Obama in his last year of office were delivered and given to child traffickers and put into sex slavery.
That's the Washington Post!
So this country and this world and this planet is in a super high-level emergency right now.
And they plan, listen, we didn't stop The 35 million illegal aliens that came in from Mexico, which is first world compared to the rest of Central and South America.
Oh yeah.
So don't tell me that we're not losing this war, that we're not under attack.
That's what this is.
But now they're going to open up UN-run migration lanes.
UN directs it.
The foundations fund it.
Into the United States, and our own corporate media shows the images and says we have to accept them all and pay for everything, and Antifa and the left chant, no borders, no walls, no USA at all!
No borders, no walls, no USA at all!
No borders, no walls, no USA at all!
No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!
No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!
No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!
And then they go on to say, "Mainline Democrat policy abolished the Border Patrol."
Have no Border Patrol!
Mexico's got a Border Patrol because Guatemala's even way worse than Mexico.
They gave you six months to a year in prison for coming illegally, and now that's being blown away.
That southern wall that they have has been swamped and overrun by a UN globalist directed operation, funded right out of Brussels, Belgium, and right out of New York City, and right out of Washington, D.C.
And instead of sitting here and fighting with the big millions that are coming, Just like they did in Europe, the same way they broke the borders down there.
We have to pull out of the UN.
We have to cut the funding.
We have to have the IRS go after these NGO, leftist, un-American, globalist criminal groups, the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, all of them!
We need to see federal marshals with warrants, SWAT teaming every one of these groups, and SWAT teaming CNN.
CNN is a criminal, un-American group, lobbying to have American free speech taken, lobbying for collapsed borders, lobbying for the Chi-Coms to control the country, who buy massive amounts of ads on CNN.
They are clear and present, foreign dangers.
And we are in a national emergency.
And these are outside collaborator groups like Benedict Arnold, guilty of treason!
Now that isn't rhetoric!
That's what's happening!
We must respond!
When you see people like Ted Cruz getting chased out of restaurants by a mob.
Oh, you're not going to use the mob word here.
Oh, it's totally a mob.
It is without a doubt.
There's no other word for it.
It's a mob.
Stop, stop.
A mob is what we saw in Charlottesville, Virginia two Augusts ago.
A mob is not what we saw chasing.
I'm not saying what they did was right.
What about the people who were at the Supreme Court banging on the walls?
What do you call that?
Civil protest?
Or is that a mob?
I think it's easily a mob.
Yeah, and if there were tea partiers, we'd call it a mob for sure.
Come on, let's be serious.
Let me move past the M word.
So if it is an angry mob, it's not an angry mob though.
I'm just trying to figure this out, because I see an angry mob, but Brooke Baldwin said it's not an angry mob.
Hey, Owen, real quickly, I just wanted to say, uh, that's a nice black tie you got there today, man.
Yeah, that one.
This is not a black tie!
They are protesting.
They are not an angry mob.
Answer your question that you asked her.
Is it mob behavior?
No, it's not a mob.
[crowd shouting]
He's not a mob.
He's created this idea of a mob.
[crowd shouting]
This is not a mob banging on the halls of Congress. Come on.
Calling them mobs, in the way that the leader, McConnell, has done, is just wrong.
It's just wrong!
This is not a mob, this is not mob behavior, ripping up signs, hitting women in the face, and hitting men and assaulting them, this is not a mob!
You can protest whenever and wherever you want.
That's right, go into their houses, where they sleep, protest them there.
It's a mob. Stop. Stop. What is this? This is not a mob.
This is racialized mob language. This is kind of Nixonian law and order language that we're hearing. The
angry mob, the angry mob, the angry mob, even though these were just peaceful protesters.
Rushing to the top of the steps of the Supreme Court and now besieging the front door of the Supreme Court.
Well, I'm a little confused right now because I saw an angry mob but I was told it wasn't an angry mob and someone said I had a black tie on but it's not a black tie and so I'm just a little confused and disoriented and it's kind of depressing me because I don't think I'm a racist but they keep saying I'm a racist and all of this stuff so it's kind of got me down.
Now they're trying to censor me.
I'm sorry about what happened last time, man, but I just want to let you know, uh, if you tried, uh, the new Infowars product, uh, Happys, that might help out with your, uh, your issues you got going on right now.
Happys, you said?
Where can I find some of this Happys?
Well, maybe to your right.
Look down, up, sit down.
Wait, here it is, from InfoWarsLive, Happies?
I believe that's the one.
Alright, well, I was called a lot of rude names by CNN in the break, and it's just got me feeling a little down, so maybe this Happies here that the crew is telling, let me just, let's see how this works.
Put that on your tongue, swallow it down.
Tastes kind of like honey.
Maybe just one more for good keeping.
One more for good measure, you think?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Or for ultimate happies?
Hmm, I'm feeling better.
You know what?
I'm not a racist!
Don't you sound the whole thing while you're at it!
I'm not a bigot!
You want me to drink this whole bottle of happies?
Just do it!
The crew wants me to drink this whole bottle of Happys right now.
Alright, here we go.
But here's the good news.
The entire InfoWars line of products, the entire InfoWars Lifeline of products right now at InfoWarsStore.com is 50% off.
You heard me correctly.
And free shipping store wide.
It is incredible.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!
No Trump!
No wall!
No USA at all!
No Trump!
No wall!
No USA at all!
No Trump!
No wall!
No USA at all!
Black and white!
Workers of the world unite!
Workers of the world unite!
Black and white!
Workers of the world, unite!
No borders, no walls, no USA at all.
That's what they chant all over the United States.
That's what the left does.
That's the Democratic plan.
They say, no ICE, abolish ICE.
Alexander Cortez, abolish ICE.
Nancy Pelosi says, yes, we should cut back ICE or even get rid of it.
The idea that we even have a border that protects our national sovereignty, our land, our people.
It's like saying, how dare you have doors on your house?
But that's the leftist mentality.
They've got walls, they've got security, but you, you're not allowed to even have a border.
And now Mexico has collapsed under this.
Mexico is now really a failed state.
If they can't control their southern border, and they've got hundreds of thousands of dead, they are now officially a failed state like Somalia or Sudan.
Which Trump barred people last year from flying from those countries here, because their passports aren't real, they're issued by Imams.
And he said, no, we don't accept passports from those countries, because you're not safe.
And they went, oh my gosh!
We can't have people...
With visas from Somalia and Sudan, where they sell women into sex slavery, and there's not even electricity in most areas?
Then one of these guys shows up in another Muslim country, maybe Saudi Arabia or wherever, with a little piece of paper from his imam, saying who he is, and that he's allowed to get on your airplane?
And then it turns out he's a terrorist?
And that God forbid, Trump should do something about that and then we all breathlessly talk about how mean he is and how he takes little kids away from their mommies and daddies when they bring them across hundreds of miles of desert and their parents are dead.
Yes, then some children get put in an area until they figure out who they belong to.
Or if your five or six kids show up with some man and some woman, they know they're smugglers.
They gotta find out who they are.
You're just supposed to, oh, come on into the United States!
Hell, we don't stop you.
Because until Trump got in, Obama had been doing that for at least six years.
About three years into his administration.
About two years in.
Remember, he started it.
So what did I say in the video I shot Friday, Saturday, and Sunday?
I said the caravan is bigger than a couple hundred.
They were saying it was a few hundred on Friday.
I said it's tens of thousands.
And I said others are going to join it.
To smash over wherever they decide to make landfall.
And they're being funded, and they're being protected.
And you watch, like James Woods has said, it would take them 100 days marching 20 miles a day to get up to the U.S.
But strangely, watch.
You're going to see the caravan hit right around Election Day.
Because there's a bunch of other caravans and other UN NGOs shed up already on the California and Arizona border, their two favorite spots to cross.
And again, The Washington Post headline!
Children allowed in by Obama and given to aid groups, trafficked into sex, because they don't even know who the kids are!
The dead of night, you come marching out, ages 17 down to newborns, you have no idea, in some cases it's one adult with six or seven kids, and you just say, you know what, get on this Democratic Party bus!
Get on this Catholic charity bus!
And then some of the kids get found dead later.
Boy, I'm not surprised.
So I'll say it again.
Leadership is saying what's hard but true and raising the alarm.
And I said on Friday, this is a military, UN, NGO, globalist-run invasion.
And I said the President has to declare a national emergency to override the previous emergencies that are still in place that Obama's been using.
And then as soon as he declares the national emergency, he can end the martial law.
But that's how you override it and remove the stay-behind networks that they put in.
Notice I've been talking about this for months and months and now it's here.
Trump is declaring the national emergency.
He said in a tweet, I have told the military it's a national emergency.
They haven't rolled out the details yet to the public because that's classified.
But in the next few days you're going to hear the official announcement and the Sergeant of Arms is going to march in.
To the Capitol?
And they are going to announce to the Congress an emergency message from the President.
So we have a UN globalist orchestrated attack moving against our country.
And what did Pat Buchanan say?
Absolutely correctly.
He said this is the number one issue in the world right now.
He said this is the number one issue to our national sovereignty.
It's the major issue in Western civilization right now.
People keep asking, how did you know exactly how they do this?
Because they did the exact same thing to Europe!
Document cam shot, please.
Folks, here is the United Nations couple hundred page report.
Replacement migration is a solution to declining and aging populations.
Yeah, but you don't want to replace it with the worst of third world countries, the bottom of the barrel.
This is a UN report.
It's the one that gets into the 600 million for North America alone in the next 30 years.
This is their plan!
So we know!
And then you've got WorldNetDaily.
They did an exhaustive report with the hundreds of pages the Judicial Watch got in lawsuits proving Soros, the UN, all the names you hear, PBS, everything.
George Soros funded Open Society Foundation.
MacArthur Foundation.
Ford Foundation.
Carnegie Corporation.
That's them!
But it's under U.N.
auspices and these countries all have treaties that open borders and migration is under U.N.
Trump pulled out, Austria's pulling out, Italy's pulling out, Hungary's pulled out.
Because the U.N.
is in Interpol.
Remember the head of the Chinese, deputy head of their navy was the head of Interpol until they arrested him two weeks ago.
Do you understand?
Interpol, the UN, that's the CHICOMS, that's the EU, they're in Interpol, they're in ICE, they're in the computers, they're in everything!
They've got the codes, people!
They put spy chips in all the Apple phones, so when people who work for the U.S.
government go in, they break in everything and steal it and send it back to Xi!
They got so much of our money, they've built hundreds of ghost cities.
They've built the biggest bridge in the world, five times bigger than the Golden Gate Bridge, connecting Hong Kong and Macau, China!
Goes across the ocean!
They have ten times the helicopters, ten times the tanks, everything!
Weapons, everything!
It got our money!
We were all sold out on purpose, and all these idiots that hate Trump and hate Infowars and hate nationalists are idiots!
You are literally siding with the end of your economy, the end of your country, and the collapse of the nation.
China doesn't let any illegals in.
China executes Muslims and gays.
I'm not saying do that.
But the left loves them because they're allied with it, and this whole leftist program is a demoralization operation.
We're under military attack, and Trump gets it.
Paul Watson, coming up.
Did you hear?
Christmas is coming in October!
Black Friday's coming in October!
Cyber Monday's coming in October!
But what's really coming in October is incredible deals, 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com and free shipping.
And it's all to stand up against the censors that are really pushing to shut down InfoWars.com and to shut down your voice.
Now, I'm sure that you've seen that they want InfoWars to go the way of the Dodo Bird.
For the way the dinosaurs, because they themselves are collapsing and going that direction.
You've seen massive corporate demonization and lies about us and you've seen the attempts to take our sponsors away and to be able to take our banking away so we can't even process orders.
This is a concerted, un-American, cartel, mafia operation.
And now, as we enter the middle of October 2018, it has intensified.
Now we have major stockpiles of incredibly high quality supplements, t-shirts, books, films, air filtration, water filtration, you name it, built up for Black Friday and of course for Cyber Monday and for Christmas.
But I'm not even 100% confident we'll be able to engage in commerce then.
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Cyber Monday's coming early.
All those sales we had planned for the next two months are now condensed into starting now.
And until things sell out, or until we are successful, or until they shut us down, who the hell knows?
The point is, is they're moving against us everywhere and licking their lips to shut down our self-funded operation that is here because of you.
M4 Wars is in your hands.
InfoWars has always been in your hands, and we were the number one media organization in the world after Grudge Report, when it came to video and audio, number one in the election of Trump.
And so they shadow banned us, and they took our sponsors, and they wouldn't let us advertise, and they strangled us.
And still, because of you getting the word out, we were dominating.
And so now they're coming after our ability, InfoWarsTore.com, to even have credit card processing.
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So, InfoWarsTore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, today, in this mega sale, 50% off free shipping, to help bring the info war to the next level.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
Alex Jones here back live.
Paul Watson's taking over because there's a lot going on in Texas and we're gonna have some surprise coverage of some things today.
I'll leave it at that.
You do know that down at the Toyota Center only holds 20,000 people.
They've sold over 100,000 tickets.
And there are lines as of last night around the block.
We're going to have reporters down there covering it live.
I wonder what reporter we'll see it.
So that's all coming up throughout the War Room tonight with our amazing crew that's going to be hosting that.
Owen should be back from Boston and the debates and things there today to be hosting that.
But we're going to have Greg Reese and of course we're going to have some of the other crew In their hosting today, but we're gonna have our reporters from the ground at the Trump rally covering Antifa and all of it.
But let's get serious and I'm handing the baton to Paul.
If you just tuned in, I said that Trump must declare a national emergency and that we're in a national emergency and this is a foreign military attack by the multinationals in the UN.
Pompeo and all of them have now come out and said exactly that today.
Now, the globalists on the left keep getting freaked out and wondering why Trump says exactly what I say three days later.
It's because we're following the same law, the same U.S.
code, the same history, the same facts.
There's actually emergency plans in place if the communists were able to take control of Latin America and use migrant waves as weapons, as a lot of Mexican officials and Venezuelan officials and Honduran officials are on record saying.
Paul Watson wrote an article about it this morning that's on Infowars.com.
Dealing with James Woods, pointing out that he thinks that there's going to be a lot of other migrant columns joining, and it's going to move much quicker, and it's going to be much bigger.
Well, no kidding.
You go back a month ago, when they were massing thousands of people down there, they'd say, a few hundred women and children are there, but meany Americans won't let them in.
China wouldn't let one in.
So, I looked at the crowds Friday and I said, that's tens of thousands.
Well, now they admit it's 40,000, 30,000.
Other migrant groups suddenly popped up.
Oh, they're going to be meeting other caravans that are waiting.
They have a pre-planned route.
And World Net Daily has the article about the groups and the leaders of the organizations that are all either UN officials or university professors.
That head up immigrant and migrant studies.
Just like transgender studies means teaching men to cut their genitals off and that families are bad.
Well, migrant studies means having no borders and world government.
No borders!
No walls!
No USA at all!
What is Antifa?
They're almost all professors or government employees.
That's a fact.
This is the traitor group.
So CNN wants to shut down Patriot Media.
MSNBC wants to get rid of the First Amendment.
They all lobby for it.
They want to kill the President.
They want to attack the White House with the military.
God help us if they ever got control of it.
But all they can do though is use the countries they already control, they already have enslaved, to hype them up, to brainwash them for months, sometimes years in the camps.
With mental illness, diseases, criminal records, take the worst, laziest people, the bottom of the barrel of Latin America, the bottom of the barrel of the Middle East, and just pump it into Europe, pump it into America, pump it into Canada.
Japan doesn't take one migrant.
Saudi Arabia doesn't take one migrant.
Communist China doesn't take one person, but oh, they all talk about how we're supposed to, and how we're bad.
There's no migrants at George Soros' house, or J.K.
Rowling's house, or she criticizes Paul.
There's no migrants at George Clooney's house.
There's no illegal aliens, invaders at the Vatican or at the UN building.
So Paul's watch is going to take over right now.
We're going to talk about, though, what do we do for solutions?
You call Congress, you call the White House, you call talk radio, you get the talking point out there.
Seize the UN property.
They want to seize us?
Cut all the UN funding.
It's a dictator's club.
Use real US power to project freedom, not globalist enslavement.
Go in and help stabilize these countries and these nations.
The UN literally goes in as economic hitmen and try to collapse them and control them, and then use them to exploit the next wave and attack us.
We have the photos, the videos of them chanting, down with the USA in Spanish, and burning American flags.
Hondurans paint a swastika on an American flag, set it on fire, wave Honduran flags.
Give us the finger!
Because these are the leftists, these are the brainwashed, these are the globalists, minions.
Pat Buchanan and others have said, and I want to play that clip later with Paul.
It's on Infowars.com.
There's an article about it.
I sent it this morning.
We have it.
I never got a video list.
Maybe I can get that.
I did have a video list here.
We have Pat Buchanan.
Here it is.
Here's Pat Buchanan.
And it enables Donald Trump to demonstrate that he's a leader on this issue.
This is his issue.
And he can take action to secure the borders and prevent what is really a third world invasion of the West.
And this is the big issue in our time.
So Paul Watson's taking over.
Please remember, I get so busy that I don't even plug.
Without you, we're not going to be here.
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I appreciate Paul holding for 45 minutes while I've been ranting today for 40 minutes, but I ended up coming in even though I was going to do something very important that you'll know about later.
But I just had to come on and talk about this because this is total history happening right now.
And it's not extreme to say CNN's a foreign globalist power.
It's not extreme to point all of this out.
It's not extreme to say they're working with foreign powers to enslave and bring down the United States.
It's not extreme to say that we have to have extreme measures to counter this and that this is a national emergency because once they break through, just like Europe, Paul, tell people what happened Once the first caravans of 10, 15, 20,000 got through, it became caravans of hundreds of thousands and millions, didn't it, Paul?
It became two million in Germany alone, Alex.
And now there have been polls in Germany recently.
And by the way, this is accelerating in Spain.
I've got clips about that later.
Polls recently in Germany where literally half the country wants to leave Germany now.
Mainly because of the fact that this is causing such huge crime.
That's right.
Masses of Germans are fleeing to Eastern Europe now.
Yeah, that's the new safe haven for Europeans, basically.
The thing about this migrant caravan is I think even like the Trump administration was slightly behind the curve because they were making noises that Mexico would do something to stop this.
Alex, Mexico has been encouraging this for years.
In fact, their president-elect, headline on Infowars.com back in July, this is a socialist president-elect said this, New Mexican president told citizens to leave their towns and find a life in the United States.
Not just Mexicans, but migrants from across Central America.
He said, quote, Soon, very soon, after the victory of our movement, we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world.
He added that they must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.
He emphasised that this was a human right we will defend.
So now Mexico, Mexican authorities, are basically chaperoning all these migrants, offering them food, offering them shelter, as they make their way north.
And Paul, I'm going to let you take over and do an incredible job hosting today.
We're very honored to have you and Pastor Brown coming up.
But again, exactly.
Mexico is with the U.N.
organizing this, then playing dumb and lying to President Trump.
We have to understand this is a duplicitous U.N.
They're building U.N.
centers in Mexico so that all of Latin America can invade.
Paul Joseph Watson from London.
The true tip of the spear, straight ahead.
We told you it's a national emergency.
It's been declared one.
We told you.
Next week's news today.
Spread the live links everywhere.
You know, it's been said that a lot of people miss the forest for the trees.
And I'm one of those people.
I just want to tell the viewers and listeners of InfoWars that you've changed the world.
And the globalists want to shut down InfoWars because it's a place where we can come together and share ideas and where we have culture.
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It's a place where we know that we're not alone.
And that's why they filed fake lawsuits against us and written hundreds of thousands of fake news stories that have been syndicated across the world.
It's why they've got HBO and Showtime shows with characters based on me that do horrible, evil, racist things.
But that said, I wanted to just celebrate the fact that, yeah, we're under attack now, and we'll be under attack in the future.
But the globalists are trying to punish Infowars for what you did, what I did, what others did in the past.
So they're literally fighting a past war, like generals always do, instead of fighting the new war.
So, at so many levels, they're already winning when I debate them, or I confront them, or I try to counter their lies.
They can only disrupt.
And it's important to say where they're lying, but to move on with our truths and the things that we're saying that they're trying to silence.
They tell all these lies because they want us to then debate them for our honor.
But they're dishonorable.
They've been proven to be liars.
Our answer is, you're a pack of liars.
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And that's what's happening at InfoWars.com from 8 a.m.
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But in closing, it takes a lot of money to carry out this fight.
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If anybody's looking for a product you want to feel, literally, the knockout, I'll do it every time.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So President Donald Trump has basically called for a national
emergency to be declared in response to this migrant caravan.
Now, as I was talking about before the break, there's this whole narrative that came up over the past few days which has quickly evaporated, and Trump's even drawn attention to it, but I think he was caught short, his administration was caught short, in thinking that Mexico had any interest in stopping this migrant caravan.
Again, we flash back to the article from InfoWars from July.
New Mexican president told citizens to leave their towns and find a life in the United States.
This is what he said.
Their socialist president-elect, who is about to be inaugurated on December 1st, I believe, He said, and soon, very soon after the victory of our movement, we will defend all the migrants in the American continent.
So he's not just talking about Mexicans and all the migrants in the world.
This is, of course, AMLO, their new socialist president.
He added.
Immigrants must, quote, leave their towns and find a life in the United States.
He went on to emphasize that was a human right we will defend, of course, in lockstep with the media, which continually claims that this is some kind of human right that they're exercising to illegally migrate into the United States.
We also had Mexican Economic Minister Hildo Fonso Guajardo, who said two months after that, basically he threatened to use migrants as a leverage for trade agreements.
He said, quote, if they, meaning the United States, do not treat as well commercially, they should not expect us to treat them well by containing the migration that comes from other regions of the world and crosses Mexico.
So again, not just talking about Mexican migrants, talking about migrants from across Central America.
He said, quote, or they should not expect to be treated well in collaboration with security issues in the region.
So again, using the threat of migrants as a political weapon.
We flash back to this and we've got a video clip of this from CNN back in January 2017.
Former Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castañeda made stunning comments where he basically threatened to allow the flow of drugs into the United States to take the controls off the drug cartels as punishment for Donald Trump being elected.
Let's go to this clip from CNN right now.
Do you think Mexico will retaliate?
After all, Mexico is.
Most people probably don't realize this.
Mexico is, I think, the second largest market for American exports.
Well, Mexico has a lot of negotiating chips in this matter, Farid, but it also has measures that we could take in other areas.
For example, the drugs that come through Mexico from South America or the drugs that are produced here in Mexico all go to the United States.
This is not our problem.
We have been cooperating with the United States for many years on these issues
because they've asked us to and because we have a friendly, trustful relationship.
If that relationship disappears, the reasons for cooperation also disappear.
So again, the drug cartels will get free rein if that cooperation disappears,
basically using the threat of letting the drug cartels flood the United States
if Mexico doesn't get their own way.
Their own president-elect said he would use migrants as a weapon, encouraging them to flood into America.
So you see these reports of Mexican citizens giving them food, giving them water.
The Mexican government is giving them shelter and now basically chaperoning them through the country.
When everyone a few days ago was thinking, oh Mexico will stop them, no it won't!
They've said the opposite on many occasions.
Now the other angle to this is of course in the article, James Woods asks, how has migrant caravan travelled so quickly?
He tweeted this, and I went on to Google Maps and worked it out and it's basically correct.
Consider this, it's over 2,000 miles From Taguchi Galpa, Honduras to Phoenix, Arizona.
Hard to believe that a bunch of people just randomly decided to pack a lunch and walk 2,000 miles to anywhere.
Where is this mob sleeping, using bathrooms, procuring food and water?
Well, of course, we know that Mexico is helping them out.
We know that those Soros-linked groups are helping them out.
One was actually arrested on Thursday in Mexico.
He continued, this is James Woods, a conservative actor, The spontaneous mob would have to walk 20 miles a day for 100 consecutive days without rest to get here.
That's over three months and yet I guarantee they'll all miraculously appear at our border right at midterm election week.
They're already through Mexico.
Now if you go on Google Maps and figure out How long it would take walking from Tegucigalpa, Honduras to Phoenix, Arizona.
If you walked non-stop 24 hours a day without interruption, which of course none of them are doing, it would take 35 days to make that journey.
They've already made it up past Mexico in what, about a week?
Now, of course, nobody's going to walk 24 hours a day.
They're probably walking, what, eight hours a day?
So it's going to be treble that.
So it's going to take a month.
It's going to take, sorry, over three months, going to take over 100 days to get from Honduras to Phoenix, Arizona.
They're already a good stretch of the way there.
Who is helping them?
We've seen reports of Mexican citizens helping them jump on their trucks and, you know, accelerate their journey.
Who else is helping them?
Alex mentioned this article, Hondurans paint swastika on American flags, set it on fire, wave Honduran flags, give us the finger!
Literally, they're giving us the finger.
Now, the question is this, if these people love America so much, and this is how the media's portrayed it of course, and they would risk their lives to get there, why are they also painting swastikas on American flags and burning them?
These are the people demanding we open our borders.
You can see the picture right there.
from the Associated Press, covering the migrant caravan headed to the US.
They also, in a separate image, give the finger.
Again, this is Hondurans waving the Honduran flag.
They're not waving the American flag.
They're burning it!
Should we just roll out the red carpet for these people?
There's another quote also out of one of these Associated Press articles, which by the way, They're getting heat for calling this army an army at this point.
The left is more upset about the language being used by the Associated Press than the fact that 10,000 plus of these migrants are steaming towards the United States.
They're more upset about the language being used to describe them.
Kind of reminds you of how they got upset about Donald Trump calling bloodthirsty MS-13 killers who literally blow up children, animals!
That was politically incorrect.
You can't call bloodthirsty, drug-dealing criminals animals.
That's wrong.
So now we hear this out of the Associated Press.
It says migrants marching North Sunday said they gave up on Mexico because the application process was too slow and most wanted to continue to the United States.
So Mexico offered them this tacit refugee status, asylum seeker status, knowing they weren't going to accept it, knowing that none of them want to stay in Mexico because they don't want to work for peanuts basically and there's no welfare system in comparison with the United States.
So they talked to one of these migrants who said, quote, we're warriors.
We've got to get to the place we've got to get to.
We're going to keep on going and we're not going to stop.
He said for Puerto, his name is Luis Puerto, that place is North Carolina where he has a wife and two daughters.
He said he was recently deported from the United States after a brush with the law that he did not specify.
So he literally was deported having had his wife and two kids there, two daughters.
But it was just a harmless brush with the law.
I'm sure it wasn't a horrific violent crime or anything like that.
As we've seen in Europe when these people get deported and the left-wing activists literally board planes to try and stop them from being deported.
We saw that in Sweden and we saw it in the UK recently and there's an update on the Sweden case actually where it was literally a left-wing activist who stopped a plane from taking off to save this migrant from being deported.
Turned out that he'd literally strangled his wife and kids with a power cord.
They call it pathological altruism but we'll get on to that later.
When we combine this, when we compare this with what's happening in Europe.
So you've got that, you've got another headline.
Not only are these migrants literally, almost literally chanting Barack Obama campaign slogans, they're chanting, yes we did in Spanish.
We have this, spotted t-shirt from Hillary-led group in migrant caravan marching to US border.
This is out of the American mirror.
Is Hillary Clinton's group Onward Together at least in part behind the caravan of Honduran immigrants bent on storming the US border?
That's a legitimate question.
After one eagle-eyed YouTuber spotted a woman wearing a t-shirt she says was created by the leader of Onward Together.
Now this is an AFP photo which is shown in this American Mirror report.
A woman can be seen wearing the Future is Female shirt and a tan cap.
Last year Clinton declared the future is female in a speech.
CNBC reported.
So they're literally wearing Hillary Clinton campaign gear.
They're chanting Barack Obama campaign songs as they march north into the United States.
And again, James Woods questioning how on earth they've got this far, given that it would take over a hundred days to get from that town in Honduras to Phoenix, Arizona, when they've already got, what is it, almost a third of the way there in just a week?
Or even further.
Absolutely incredible.
It's not working out politically for the Democrats.
We're going to get into that after the break and whether this is benefiting Donald Trump as we head towards the midterms.
Now just 14 days out and massive news on that too to come.
This is the Alex Jones Show live breaking news at Infowars.com.
Don't go away.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
News analysis reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are gonna play later on more clips from violent Democrat mobs attacking people and in fact there's an update you probably saw we played the video.
I think it was probably last week now.
The man who abused a 9-11 video.
This was a vile example of verbal abuse.
He actually was basically threatening her with physical assault, saying, oh, I'm not going to hit you.
I'm not going to attack you.
Then, of course, the woman's son confronted him and he ran away like a pussy.
He's been identified and fired from his job, so we're going to get into that later.
We're also going to get into Democrat mob violently attacks journalist Andrew Gillum rally.
Yet another example of people literally just hammering this guy with, I think in one case it was an umbrella, simply for having his opinion, simply for expressing himself.
But again, we're still talking about the migrant caravan.
There you see the video which we're going to talk about later.
But Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have told Democrats to ignore the migrant caravan.
This is not playing well for Democrats because they want to keep the focus on health care.
They actually put out a statement yesterday.
Democratic leaders are urging their party's 2018 candidates to ignore migration issues even as the fast-flowing caravan of migrants walks northwards through Mexico.
On Saturday, they put out a statement declaring the President is desperate to change the subject from health care to immigration because he knows that health care is the number one issue Americans care about.
So Schumer, Pelosi know that this is a big issue to energize Republicans to get them out to vote.
The early voting stats, according to a Fox News report, don't look good for Republicans.
Whether that actually turns out to be the case, we're not actually going to know.
For sure, until the second week of early voting when the indications will be more clear.
But again, Pelosi and Schumer are telling Democrats to ignore this migrant caravan because it doesn't play to the narrative that they want to push.
As we move 14 days here before the midterms, Lindsey Graham has said, don't give the Dems power, Nancy Pelosi will welcome the caravans here.
So this is only playing well for Republicans, basically.
The larger this caravan grows, the nearer it gets to the US border, the better it is for Trump, the better it is for energising Democrats, energising Republicans, sorry, to come out and vote for Trump.
We also have leftists, Irate, or at least some of them on Twitter, about how the media is describing this horde of skilled lawyers and doctors, as the Associated Press often refers to them as.
Headline right from Trump's playbook, AP savaged by critics for calling migrant caravan an army.
Now this happened last night.
Critics lashed out at the Associated Press for calling a huge US bound caravan of migrants an army in their headline.
Despite the fact that if you read every single Associated Press article about this caravan, it's glowing.
It's overwhelmingly positive.
It genuflects.
It kind of ping-pongs between describing them as, you know, skilled doctors and lawyers to poor suffering families.
Apparently they're both at the same time.
But they put the word army in the headline and everybody started freaking out.
And then in fact the AP put another tweet out today saying, We've removed an AP tweet from October 21st that said a migrant caravan in Mexico was like a ragtag army of the poor.
So even in that context, it was used positively.
No, that's not good enough.
They said the wording was poorly chosen and has been removed from our coverage of the caravan.
Because this is an organization that can't even use the word illegal alien anymore.
They basically banned it from their style book.
Some readers, including Walter Schaub, the former head of U.S.
Office of Government Ethics, argued that it is inappropriate to use the word army to describe more than 4,000 Central American migrants hoping to cross the U.S.
through Mexico.
He said, what does the AP style guide?
This is the book they always go to.
It's this Orwellian book that is basically the dictionary out of 1984, where certain phrases, certain words are banned because then it's easier for them to control the lexicon, to control the narrative.
So they use the word army to describe this army, as it is an army, and everybody freaked out.
So again, they're more concerned about the language being used than the potential threat and the potential precedent that this invasion, that this army, poses to U.S.
border security and sovereignty.
We'll get more into it after the break.
This is the Alex Jones Show live, breaking news at InfoWars.com.
We'll be back.
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You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
So to summarize, President Trump has basically called for a national emergency to be declared
as this migrant caravan marches north.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are telling Democrats to ignore it because it's not going to play well with their base.
They're literally chanting Barack Obama campaign slogans.
They're literally, in some cases, wearing Hillary Clinton campaign t-shirts.
You have the Mexican government pretending that it was going to do anything about this at all.
Now they're basically chaperoning them through.
You had the Mexican socialist president-elect just a few months ago saying that encouraging all migrants to head north, to leave their towns and quote find a life in the United States, claiming it was a human right for everyone to do that, not just for Mexicans but for all Central Americans and in fact all migrants all over the world.
You had the economic minister, Hildo Alfonso Guadaldo, threatening to use migrants as leverage for trade agreements, basically using them as a political weapon, saying, quote, if they do not treat as well commercially, they should not expect us to treat them well by containing the migration that comes from other regions of the world and crosses Mexico.
So again, threatening to use migrants as a political weapon.
And then we played the clip from CNN from back in January 2017, when Jorge Castañeda, the former foreign minister, basically said, if you don't bend to our will, we'll unleash the drug cartels into America.
We won't stop them.
So that threat has been underlying with the Mexican government.
For almost two years at this point, and now we see 5, 7, 10,000 migrants marching towards the American border, some of whom are waving Honduran flags, burning American flags, scrawling swastikas onto those flags and giving US Border Patrol the middle finger.
These are the doctors and lawyers heading into America, apparently, that we should welcome.
We have Associated Press reports where some of them admit that they're criminals and were deported for being criminals and are now trying to head back into the country, literally admitting that they were deported for committing crimes.
Oh, but it was just to, quote, brush with the law, according to the Associated Press, who quoted him verbatim, didn't even challenge it.
Again, they're chanting Barack Obama campaign slogans, wearing Hillary Clinton campaign t-shirts, The AP is more concerned about the fact that it's being politically incorrect, politically correct and describing them with the wrong words.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are telling the Democrats to ignore it all because it's not playing well with their base.
And that is the situation as it stands with the migrant caravan.
But again, being encouraged, being chaperoned in many cases by the Mexican authorities who claimed that they would stop it and have done basically the exact opposite.
Meanwhile, in the United States, Carl Bernstein says that Trump is preparing to call midterm elections illegitimate if Democrats take control of the House.
I mean, what kind of crazed conspiracy theorist would dare suggest, would dare even hint, at a US election being illegitimate?
It's not like Democrats have done that for the past two years, is it?
In fact, we've got a clip of this, of Carl Bernstein basically saying, If the House goes to Democrats, Trump will declare it illegitimate and basically try to challenge it.
Here's the clip.
I talked to people in the White House, or in touch with the White House on Friday, who believe that if the congressional midterms are very close and the Democrats were to win by five or seven seats, that Trump is already talking about how to throw legal challenges into the courts, sow confusion, declare a victory, actually, and say that the election has been illegitimate, that that is really under discussion in the White House.
I was told that on Friday.
So again, you've had Democrats for the past two years not just insinuating but launching multiple investigations on the very foundation, on the very implication that the 2016 US presidential election was rigged.
Remember, Hillary Clinton came out before the election and said, how dare Donald Trump suggest that this may be rigged?
Then immediately after she lost, she said it was rigged for the next two years.
Russian collusion, again off the foundation of the FBI spying on the Trump campaign, which again was precipitated by the dossier, the dodgy steel dossier, which was funded by Hillary Clinton's campaign.
So now Bernstein has come out and said that.
Isn't it interesting?
If there was this blue wave, if it was just guaranteed, if it was locked in that Democrats were going to take the House, why are they now so nervous about it being so close?
It's very interesting.
The rhetoric has seemingly changed over the past few weeks, hasn't it?
There's a headline out of Zero Hedge which talks about this.
Sloppy Karl Bernstein says Trump to declare midterms illegitimate if GOP loses power.
And it gets into the fact that You know, back a few months ago we had this incident where, in fact I'll get into it here, the article specifically states that Cohen's attorney and Clinton pal Lanny Davis declined to comment on the report.
This of course was the report that veteran journalists wrote a CNN article claiming Trump had foreknowledge of the infamous Trump Tower meeting.
That turned out to be complete BS.
Bernstein got his sources completely wrong on that, prompting Trump to give Bernstein the nickname Sloppy and Degenerate Fool.
While Don Jr.
called him a leftist hack peddling literal fake news.
So these two have clashed, as you know, over and over again.
You had that weird phone call out of the White House that came out a couple of months ago in regards to Bernstein's book.
But many wondered what Trump meant when he called Bernstein a degenerate fool.
And to that end, a 1989 Washington Post exposé on Bernstein offers some clues.
After Bernstein's angry, cheated-on ex-wife published a novel which portrays a Bernstein-like character, wonder who that could be, as an emotionally empty, self-absorbed, narcissistic man capable of having sex with Venetian blinds.
That's a quote.
And when ABC Washington offered Bernstein a job as the Washington bureau chief in the 80s, the power seemed to go to his head and he was drinking more heavily.
So, Trump has called him a degenerate.
Don Jr's lashed out at him.
Now Bernstein has hit back, claiming that Trump is going to declare the election illegitimate if the Democrats win the House.
Again, they've been doing that for the past two years.
Why are they getting so nervous?
Well, we have this new poll.
This is the Hill.
Trump approval jumps ahead of Obama's midterm approval rating.
Donald Trump is now more popular than Barack Obama was at the same time in his presidency.
This is crucial.
Imagine if he didn't have 90% negative media coverage where Donald Trump would be right now.
President Trump's approval rating before the November elections has jumped to a higher level than former President Obama's ahead of the 2010 midterms.
This is NBC Wall Street Journal poll.
Now, people look at the Rasmussen poll, which has gone up to, what was it, 51% recently, and say you can't trust Rasmussen because they always give Trump a positive rating.
Well, it's mainly because they balance out the sample, the Republican-Democrat sample, which is always weighted, sometimes very heavily skewed in favour of Democrats with these other polls.
But this poll, NBC, which they can't argue with, basically, because they always cite the NBC poll or the ABC poll.
...has found Trump's approval rating at its highest level for that poll yet.
Obama's approval rating was 45% at around the same time in 2010, according to a similar NBC Wall Street Journal poll taken in late October 2010.
So Trump is ahead.
Obama's approval rating was reaching a record low in October 2010, just before his party lost a significant number of seats in the House and Senate.
So Trump is up past Obama at the same stage in his presidency, and now you start to hear Democrats getting a little bit more nervous about this so-called blue wave, including DNC Chair Perez, who said about this diminishing blue wave, quote, we always knew the election was going to be close.
This was on CNN earlier this morning.
Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez discussed the apparent fading blue wave heading into the 2018 midterm elections.
He said he still has a lot of confidence in that Democrats have some great candidates, but he, quote, always knew this election would be close.
He said, listen, we always knew it was going to be close.
I don't use the term blue wave.
I always talk about the need for blocking and tackling.
Yeah, Fox News reports, and we'll get into this after the break, that early signs are not looking good.
Early voting signs are not looking good for the GOP.
But you see the rhetoric from the Democrats becoming more and more cautious.
You see Trump's approval rating jumping up ahead of Obama at the same time as his presidency, even in these biased, heavily skewed Democrat polls, which the NBC one has traditionally been in the past.
We'll get more into it after the break, and we'll also talk about what's happening in Europe with that.
Migration caravan which has hit Europe the past three years.
This is the Alex Jones Show live.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
We'll be back.
Oh, you're not going to use the mob word here.
Oh, it's totally a mob.
It is without a doubt.
There's no other word for it.
It's a mob.
Stop, stop.
A mob is what we saw in Charlottesville, Virginia two Augusts ago.
A mob is not what we saw chasing.
I'm not saying what they did was right.
What about the people who were at the Supreme Court banging on the walls?
What do you call that?
Civil protest?
Or is that a mob?
I think it's easily a mob.
Yeah, and if there were tea partiers, we'd call it a mob for sure.
Come on, let's be serious.
Let me move past the M word.
So if it is an angry mob, it's not an angry mob though.
I'm just trying to figure this out because I see an angry mob, but Brooke Baldwin said it's not an angry mob.
Hey Owen, real quickly, I just wanted to say, uh, that's a nice black tie you got there today, man.
Yeah, that one.
This is not a black tie!
They are protesting.
They are not an angry mob.
We're subhumans!
We're trying to be polite!
Answer your question that you asked her.
Is it mob behavior?
No, it's not.
He's not a mob?
He's created this idea of a mob.
This is not a mob banging on the halls of Congress, come on!
Calling them mobs, in the way that the leader McConnell has done, is just wrong.
It's just wrong!
This is not mob behavior, ripping up signs, hitting women in the face, and hitting men and assaulting them.
This is not a mob!
You can protest whenever and wherever you want.
That's right, go into their houses, where they sleep, protest them there.
It's a mob.
What is this?
This is not a mob.
This is kind of like racialized mob language, this kind of Nixonian law and order language that we're hearing.
The angry mob, the angry mob, the angry mob, even though these were just peaceful protesters.
Rushing to the top of the steps of the Supreme Court and now besieging the front door of the Supreme Court.
Well, I'm a little confused right now because I saw an angry mob but I was told it wasn't an angry mob and someone said I had a black tie on but it's not a black tie and so I'm just a little confused and disoriented and it's kind of depressing me because I don't think I'm a racist but they keep saying I'm a racist and all of this stuff so it's kind of got me down.
Now they're trying to censor me.
I'm sorry about what happened last time, man, but I just want to let you know, uh, if you tried, uh, the new Infowars product, uh, Happys, that might help out with your, uh, your issues you got going on right now.
Happys, you say?
Where can I find some of this Happys?
Well, maybe to your right.
Look down, up, sit down.
Wait, here it is, from InfoWarsLive, Happies?
I believe that's the one.
Alright, well, I was called a lot of rude names by CNN in the break, and it's just got me feeling a little down, so maybe this Happies here that the crew is telling, let me just...
What's the others for?
Put that on your tongue, swallow it down.
Tastes kind of like honey.
Maybe just one more for good keeping.
One more for good measure, you think?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
For ultimate happies?
Hmm, I am feeling better.
You know what?
I'm not a racist!
No, you're on the whole thing while you're at it!
I'm not a bigot!
You want me to drink this whole bottle of happies?
Just do it!
The crew wants me to drink this whole bottle of Happys right now.
Alright, here we go.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are live.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to get back into the election news here in a second.
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Now, we talked about the level of enthusiasm in the midterms.
We've got articles, we've got reports saying that early voting is heavily going in Democrats' favour.
And yet, Democrats still seem quite nervous and becoming even more cautious about this so-called blue wave.
To the point where ABC News is basically the official campaign channel for Beto O'Rourke, the challenger to Ted Cruz in Texas.
There was an ABC News piece, and we've got a 30-second clip of it here, where they basically not only treat him like a rock star, call him like a rock star, without explaining that he's greeting his own supporters.
Literally, this is the official campaign channel for Beto O'Rourke.
And then we'll get into another video after this where People who say they support him don't actually know any of his accomplishments.
Here's the ABC News article where they give him a platform where they exalt him as a rock star.
Here's the clip.
I have one of the most simple, obvious strategies that I've seen employed in a modern campaign.
We just literally show up everywhere, all the time, for everyone.
You can't go 10 feet without an interruption from a Beto Backer.
I love you too.
Thank you all.
You're a rock star!
No, no, there's just so many great people who are.
O'Rourke, a three-term congressman from El Paso, has certainly captured the entire nation's attention as well, hauling in a record $38 million in donations last quarter.
So did you listen to what she said in that clip?
She said to Beto O'Rourke, at his own campaign event with his own supporters, quote, Oh, you can't go anywhere without being noticed.
It's his campaign event.
Of course he's going to get noticed.
Those people are there to see him.
That's why they're there.
They call him a rock star.
They act thrilled and surprised when his own supporters recognize and greet him.
I mean, how dumb can you get?
Literally, their channel's now a campaign platform for this Beto O'Rourke character, who's, by the way, in CNN's own poll, he's nine points behind Ted Cruz.
The real clear politics average is seven.
So he's basically got no chance unless something wild happens in the next couple of weeks.
But they're doing their level best to turn him into some kind of deity.
But when his own supporters were actually asked what his accomplishments were, they couldn't come up with anything They knew nothing whatsoever that this was campus reform.
They went to the local college.
All the people they spoke to who liked him were then asked, could they name any of his accomplishments?
The answer was a resounding no.
Here's the clip.
Here in Texas, the big race, Beto O'Rourke versus Ted Cruz.
If you had to make a decision right now, who do you think you would support?
I would probably vote for Beto.
Of what I know, definitely Beto.
If the election were tomorrow, who do you think you'd be more likely to vote for?
I would think Beto, especially because I'm a woman.
I think I would go for the Democrat.
From what I know in political science, I just feel like they push and they help for things that would help people in my situation, like people in poverty and things like that.
Are there any accomplishments in his career that you can point to that would make him a good person for office?
Um, I am not aware of a lot of specific accomplishments that he has made.
Are there any accomplishments at Vados that you would point to?
I don't know any, so I can't say anything for that.
Is there anything you can point to as things to be like, yeah, he's accomplished this?
Um, I think he's accomplished, like, honestly getting his name out there.
At least for not doing much.
It sounds like he's really... But just being popular or an accomplishment, though, like career accomplishments?
I honestly couldn't point to anything.
I'm just trying to...
Yeah, I'm not as educated as I would like to be.
No, I haven't.
Any accomplishments of Beto O'Rourke you can point to?
No, I haven't.
I haven't heard anything.
What are accomplishments of Beto's that you would point to?
I mean, he's been working really hard with everything that he's been doing around Texas.
Maybe he's not, he doesn't really have the platform to make a huge difference right now.
Those same people that are probably saying that Beto has no experience probably go to a job and they don't get hired and complain about the same thing.
Oh, I don't have any experience, but who gives me that experience?
It's the same concept, man.
Like, he may not have any experience, but there's probably the experience he needs to push this stuff forward, you know?
There's a difference between, like, an entry-level job and the United States Senate, though, right?
Okay, I see what you're saying, but you can be, um...
As informed about a position without actually doing it.
I don't know about personal in-office accomplishments, but I think he has experience and vision needed to do a good job.
Beto, I think, resonates with young people because we are more aware.
What I like about Beto is that right there, he seems to be inclusive.
Can you think of any Beto O'Rourke accomplishments?
Unless you count going to jail for DWI, an accomplishment, then no.
Shots fired!
If you had to decide right now, which candidate would you say you're leaning towards?
I'm leaning towards Ted Cruz, most definitely.
He's someone I voted for in the past.
I really think that he supports family and I think that's something that's a very important Texas value.
And I also really like a few of his other campaign goals.
If you were voting tomorrow, who would you vote for?
Ted Cruz.
Alright, Cruz.
And what things about Cruz are you a fan of?
He stands for freedom.
Freedom with dunguns and good on immigration, all that kind of stuff.
So again, you see, we're told that there's no energy amongst Republicans.
We're told that there's no, you know, get up and go to go out and vote.
Doesn't seem like those Democrat Beto O'Rourke supporters really are that energized to go out and vote for him, does it?
Who knows, there's a Fox News headline, early voting points to massive turnout, potential warning signs for GOP.
Those numbers don't look great, but how much of that is just virtue signalling?
How many of those polls are completely wrong, as they were before the 2016 presidential election?
After the break, we're going to get into the latest mob violent attacks by Democrats.
Don't go away, we'll be back.
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Now available at Infowarsstore.com Leo Jagami is somebody who has broken hundreds of stories
years before they come out.
He's got the exclusive at leozegami.com that Alexander Soros, now taking the mantle over from his father, forms shadow government with Obama.
Leo Zegami, obviously this is critical information.
People need to listen very, very, very carefully.
The National Democratic Redistricting Committee has been shaped by the Soros as a new toy for the political relaunch of Obama and Michelle Obama, so the Obamas.
This motto they have is also quite meaningful.
The political system is rigged.
They have rigged it.
Of course it's rigged.
But by them, not by us.
And instead they are throwing... Mark, notice that.
They're calling themselves the resistance.
Everything we've said, they're now becoming that, then banning me to then step in as the body snatcher into the body.
This is really ridiculous.
I think that people should check out Alexander Soros as the new, really, puppet master of this new world order.
Because he's arriving from an experience as chairman, of course, of the Open Society.
And he's been also indicated this year in the famous World Economic Forum as one of the young global leaders of 2018.
So he's the upcoming figure that will replace George Soros.
This means, basically, that we're never going to get rid of Soros.
Father, son.
This family is going to continue pushing their New World Order and their democratic, progressive, liberal ways, and of course in support of Pope Francis.
The words that were published on Twitter on the 22nd of September by Alexander Soros are very revealing.
He says, it was great to welcome President Barack Obama back into my home.
...this week and introduce him on behalf of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.
He says, my home!
So what is his home?
The Democratic Party?
Is the Democratic Party the party of George Soros, Alexander Soros?
Or is the party of the United States of America?
So this is really revealing to the people, once and for all, who is really, who are the puppet masters here, who are pulling the strings.
We got documents earlier this year in January that Alexander Soros was funding.
Anybody can type this in.
Leaked documents show Obama was planning martial law in Maryland in 2015 is the headline.
And it's all their own documents, how they fund Antifa, how they do it.
Antifa is allowed to dox people, threaten to kill people, harass people in restaurants.
Twitter won't take them down.
I confront a CNN reporter who's having me censored, I get banned on Twitter.
So it shows the power of Antifa because Alexander Soros funds it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
Hosting the next two hours after I leave will be Pastor Rodney Brown, so be sure to stay tuned for that.
Before we head back into the news, we're going to talk about the latest mob violent attacks by Democrats.
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Now going back to the news.
There's a Breitbart article which they routinely update every time there's a new mob attack or a Trump supporter being assaulted.
Headline is rap sheet 613.
That's what it's up to now.
Acts of media-approved violence and harassment against Trump supporters.
Because there's this Prevailing narrative that Trump is encouraging violence against the media with his rhetoric, while the media advocates violence against Trump supporters by even never calling it out, never reporting on it, or in some cases actually giving it soft cover.
Now these are just the latest over the past week.
I mean, where should we start from?
We've only got about half an hour of the show left.
Let's start from a week ago.
Where are we at?
We're at the 27th.
Let's start from the 16th.
October 16th, DFL employee calls for Republicans to be beheaded.
Oh, that's tolerant.
October 16th, same day, Republican State Rep Sarah Anderson assaulted in Minnesota.
These are all assaults by vicious left-wingers.
October 16th, Governor Cuomo blames GOP for Antifa attack on Manhattan Club.
Same day, Republican candidate Shane Mecklen punched in Minnesota restaurant.
Of course, after Maxine Waters and the rest of them encouraged that very thing.
The same day, there were literally like five different assaults or people approving of assaults in the same day.
Left-wing comedian gets physical with Trump supporter at Hooters.
Same day, person claimed rioting was in letter sent to Senator Collins' home.
The next day, October 17, professor calls for harassing Republicans at restaurants, sticking, quote, fingers in their salads.
Absolutely disgusting.
Same day, Portland Antifa tells 9-11 NYPD widow, quote, your husband should effing rot in the grave.
We're going to have the video of that and tell you what happened to him here in a moment.
Same day, Tennessee restaurant's owner life threatened for renting space to GOP's Marsha Blackburn.
Literally got death threats for that.
Next day, Dem operative for Soros funder group arrested for battery against Nevada GOP candidate's campaign manager, The day after that, October 19th, New York man charged with threatening two senators over Kavanaugh support.
Day after that, angry leftist harassed McConnell wife at restaurant.
Why don't you get out of here?
Again, that didn't go so well for them, did it?
They ended up being told to leave.
But again, it's another example.
And that brings us up to October 21st, yesterday.
Now, they haven't even included one of the clips we're going to play in a second here.
So this isn't... Let's say struggle to keep it up to date every day.
There are so many attacks.
October 21st, Obama's former Deputy Secretary of State, Philip Ryan, says harassment of McConnell and his wife is fine!
So again, not only advocating that, but encouraging people to harass, to intimidate, to bully again.
Which brings us to the latest.
Man who abused 9-11 widow identified and fired from job.
In fact, we have this clip in the system, I think.
This was at a flash march for law and order on October 13th, where he confronted a 9-11 widow and said her husband, who died in 9-11, of course, should, quote, rot in the grave.
Let's go to the clip.
What do you do?
Why are you trying to block me?
What do you do?
I tell the doctors to go.
Why are you trying to block me?
I'm gonna walk here.
I have my traffic signals.
You're an [BLEEP
Try something, bitch.
I'm gonna walk here.
I have my traffic signals.
You're an [BLEEP
Try something, bitch.
I'm gonna walk here.
You're an [BLEEP
Try something, bitch.
Try something, bitch.
I'm not going to punch you.
I'm not like your husband.
I'm not going to punch you.
I'm not like your boyfriend or your co-boyfriend who's going to fuck you out, so don't worry.
My husband died in 9-11.
Good for him.
Those NYPD were a bunch of sodomizing immigrants with their bully sticks.
So yeah, your husband's probably rot in the grave.
There you have it, sadomizing immigrants with their ballistics.
The hell is he even talking about?
Now what you didn't see in that clip, the woman's son confronts him like 10 seconds later.
He doesn't even chase after him, doesn't even get in his face physically, just calls him out and says, what were you saying to my mother?
The guy literally turns and runs away.
He wasn't even being pursued and he ran.
He ran down the street after, of course, throwing these.
He's basically saying, oh, I'm not going to assault you like your wife beat her husband who actually died in 9-11.
So he's intimating that he will assault her and only by his own good graces will he refuse to throw a punch because he's so brave.
When her son gets in his face, doesn't even get in his face, just calls him out, he runs like a little bitch down the street.
Well, it turns out that after having been misidentified because they first thought it was pro skateboarder Charlie Wilkins, that was not the case.
That was false identification.
So they had to clear that up.
Wilkins took to Facebook to clear his name.
It was not him.
But then millnews.com spoke to the widow who you saw there in the video.
And confirmed that it was not Charlie Wilkins, it was actually Steve Wilson, who also goes by the name Salvad Orwell Wilson on Facebook.
He was wearing an AK Press jacket, and as you can see from his Facebook page, he also liked the Facebook page of AK Press.
It was confirmed by his place of employment that it was him in the video abusing the widow.
He worked at data specialist self-enhancement, but kudos to them.
They put out a tweet saying that Steve Wilson is no longer an employee.
SEI, his behavior, does not represent the values of our organization or the high expectations that we have for our employees.
So it wasn't really a witch hunt.
They just found out that it was their employee and fired him.
The world's tiniest violin plays.
Then we have this.
Democrat mob violently attacks journalist Andrew Gillum rally.
And you can start rolling this clip now, I'll talk over it.
A Florida journalist was assaulted by a violent mob of angry leftists while covering a public rally for gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum.
There you see him right there with the bullhorn.
They're trying to smack it out of his hand.
At one point, I think some guy comes in with a big umbrella and tries to, you know, bump him on the head with it.
He said, quote, I was assaulted by Andrew Gillum supporters as a gay journalist covering his violent mob.
Denounce this rabid attacker.
Admit you condone violence, Andrew.
The world is watching.
Of course, he didn't dismiss it at all.
He didn't even address it.
So he was basically questioning this group saying that they were Soros funded.
They immediately set about him and started attacking him because they're peaceful and tolerant and they're not a mob at all.
Don't call them a violent mob even though they act like a violent mob on a daily basis.
This is the Alex Jones Show live.
We'll be back in 4Wars.com.
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You laughed at me.
You've been in love with something else your whole life.
And this is a love affair.
And so, I'm not gonna get in bed with you.
Because you don't love the spirit of justice.
You love your father the devil.
You love death more than life.
So you go with your father forever.
And that's hell.
Separation from God.
You'll never, never defeat the human spirit!
You'll never defeat God!
You'll never win!
Never ever!
And this is where we get tested, so rejoice to God Almighty!
You'll never defeat God! You'll never win!
Never! Never ever!
And this is where we get tested, so rejoice to God Almighty!
You're coming up more problems for us.
Earthquake! We're having an earthquake!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
No, it's Alex Jones!
Super pissed!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Now, I put up a video last night on YouTube, which everyone needs to see.
It's an absolutely vital subject, as I'm sure you'll agree here in a moment, about a transgender man who identifies as a dog.
Yes, really, it could only happen in LA.
We'll go to that in a minute.
Then after that, I'm going to talk about what's happening in Europe, because of course, Most Americans do not know, at least many of them, the ultimate consequences of Angela Merkel's decision to allow two million plus migrants into Europe over the past few years.
We're going to see what's happening in Spain.
We're going to see what's happening in Greece.
But first, let's premiere this video.
Transgender man identifies as a dog.
Here it is.
Here's Tony.
Here we go again.
Tony McGinn, who was born female and is transgender, is known to his friends as Tony Bark.
This is due to Tony's proclivity to engage in puppy play, during which he dresses up as a dog and plays fetch with his partner.
Wait a minute, are they using a dildo as a dog tail?
Oh, he's from LA!
Of course he's from LA.
Where the hell do I even begin with this?
My name is Tony and I'm a human pup.
I'm Andrew.
I'm Tony's husband and trainer.
Pet play is any time that a person takes on the role of an animal, and they emulate that animal, either through their behavior or their actions.
Some people wear costumes.
Yeah, I could've gone through the rest of my life without knowing that information.
This is the first hood that I ever got.
Is that a canine Iron Man?
I've been involved in pet play for my entire life.
A lot of kids like to play pretend, they like to pretend to be an animal, and they enjoy doing it.
I just never grew out of that.
So you're admitting that you had Peter Pan syndrome and never grew up?
That explains it.
I got into pet play through Tony.
Once we started dating, Handler is a common role for human pups, and I was glad to do it.
They say when the student is ready, the master appears.
They also say a dog chooses its owner.
The first time I met you, I was dressed as a dog.
I remember that he showed up with a little, like, dog nose painted on.
Yeah, you've just shown us videos of you prancing around as a dog with a dildo for a tail.
You're so out, you should have your own initial on the LGBTQ+ acronym.
I remember that he showed up with a little, like, dog nose painted on.
Yeah, it didn't seem weird at the time.
There's a story for the children.
So, Dad, how did you meet... Dad?
Our eyes met over a crowded room full of people dressed as dogs.
Your father was eating kibble, and when he cocked his leg over mine
and pretended to piss on me, I knew he was the one.
There's different aspects of pet play that relate to BDSM or kink or leather.
Sexualizing pets is something a well-adjusted person would definitely do for a hobby.
This is called a showtail.
What I've done is I've put it through a dildo harness, and then I just wear the dildo harness backwards.
I told you it was a dildo.
My responsibility is similar to the responsibility with a regular dog.
The first...
I'm a regular dog, I'm just different.
You're a regular dog, just different?
Does that mean you visit the vets when you're feeling a bit rough?
You gonna get spayed?
Please get spayed.
We have bio-dogs and I do train them.
Sorry, but is he saying bio-dogs to identify his actual dogs?
Go back, we f***ed up.
So, I hang out and I provide him with lots of attention and tell him he's a good boy.
I am.
That's basically 90% of it.
I am a good boy.
No, wait a minute.
Am I watching Beastiality?
I am a good boy.
Hey! Nice to see you! Come on in!
In any other century, emulating a dog and barking to greet people will get you locked up in an insane asylum.
But now it's just another wacky week in 2018.
Very good.
This is why aliens won't talk to us.
It's like the best time of my life.
It's the best moment of my life.
Oh, this is the best moment of my life.
We engage in pet play actively a few times a month.
And it's often in a social setting, such as a club.
A swingers club is definitely a swingers club.
Yeah, there are actually no words for this bit.
What the f***?
The event today that is held by the L.A.
Pony and Critter Club is a play date.
They're informal.
They can be everything from three people to twenty-five people.
Told ya!
It's a sex club!
I like the performance art.
I like the detail.
I like creating ballet with my animals.
Only in L.A.
Only in L.A.
I know.
I know.
Do you think God stays in heaven because he lives in fear of what he's created?
For me, the reason that I like to be a dog is dog is man's best friend.
Dog is man's best friend?
Sounds like somebody's enabling the patriarchy.
Dogs experience the world through a lens of pure joy that I don't think other animals have.
Maybe dolphins, but I feel like that pet play would be much harder.
Oh sure, dressing up as a dolphin would be ridiculous.
But a dog?
That's just another casual Tuesday.
I don't think pet play is sexual.
I do think that to an extent it is erotic.
Yeah, you say it isn't sexual, but did you see the man wearing the horse gimp suit earlier?
You're putting animals in a sexual context regardless.
Seeing as you're emulating animals, you could only find it erotic if you found said animals attractive.
Oh, this is awkward.
We don't make it sexual, but I have nothing against this.
We don't make it sexual.
Sure, Jan.
Barking mad.
(water splashing)
When the Snapchat dog filter is life.
I do compartmentalize my pet play because not everyone wants or needs to see that.
You know, that's so considerate of you to think of others, except for the fact that you've appeared in a video for this YouTube channel which has 5.5 million subscribers.
I think people misunderstand pet play because they see a collection of ideas that aren't normally next to each other, namely animals.
Yeah, we're not the ones using an inverted dildo as a dogtail, mate.
Scientists have discovered that this is the last image generated by the brain before death.
Could this be God himself?
There you have it.
Transgender man identifies as a dog.
Key report on YouTube.
Get it out to everyone.
Let's switch gears though now into European news because we have this migrant caravan of course heading north to America.
The consequences of the migrant crisis in Europe continue to reverberate.
Christianity under attack.
Migrants suspected of destroying Christian chapel and cross on Greek island.
Now we covered this story before on InfoWars.
Basically This is on the Greek island of Lesbos, where they've had tons of these migrants pouring in.
They can't handle the flow.
They set up a temporary Christian cross up on a hill, looking down onto this beach area on this island.
Then they had an actual Christian chapel next to it.
If you scroll down, I think it shows it in that article, they have an actual Christian chapel next to it, which was not a temporary structure, which has been there for a long time.
this pro-refugee group had written to the mayor, written to the local authorities
on that island demanded that this christian cross be taken down because it
was offensive to migrants
so it got ripped down they just left the debris there
and now the chapel next to it which had been there for even longer
has now apparently been destroyed too The local town council says they're not even going to replace it.
So literally like ISIS level, just trashing Christian statues, dragging them down.
Now you see the picture.
Now you'll see that large Christian cross was dragged down but you see just above that there's a little chapel there which is a more permanent structure that's been there for a lot longer.
Now the latest reports say that that has been demolished too.
They're blaming it on migrants who knows who did it but it was a local pro-refugee group that demanded the cross be torn down So it kind of gives you a hint as to who may have torn down the chapel as well, but it remains to be seen.
But again, Christianity being erased from these port towns where these migrants are flooding in.
Meanwhile in Spain, mass wave of 300 migrants storm high border fence to enter Spain.
One dies, and we have a clip of this which we can roll now while I'm talking over it.
Reuters reports more migrant crisis chaos hitting Europe as over the weekend hundreds attempted to storm the border fence separating the small Spanish enclave of Melilla from Morocco.
The mass wave of migrants made a daring attempt to climb the fence together.
Now one of them died, there were several of them injured, some of them got into this Spanish enclave.
And we've had reports about this before.
You've seen the boats arriving on the beach as they just rush into the town.
We've seen local students in Alicante, which is not far from where my own parents live, kicked out of their own student accommodation that they paid for to make way for these migrants, who the authorities said, by the way, had got diseases, which meant they couldn't be around local people in the town, even though they brought them to the centre of the town.
6,000 migrants so far this year have made it to Melilla and Spain's nearby territory Ceuta, according to the UN.
This is a huge growing problem, after Spain's socialist government rolled out the red carpet and said, come on in.
We'll be back.
This is the Alex Jones Show, live at Infowars.com.
Don't go away.
Right now is Massive Rampage Force.
Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
I'd done the War Room.
She's not on until 9.40 Central.
That's 10.40 Eastern.
I was exhausted.
I popped two Brain Force Plus and I was good as new.
I mean, it really is mentally stabilizing, mentally energizing.
Tonight, I'm on with Tucker Carlson.
I'm gonna put in a full day here at Infowars.
I'm gonna go on the Tucker tonight.
Thank goodness for this great product.
This is my all-time favorite because it's so effective and it doesn't give you that jacked-up energy drink feeling, you know?
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believe me. For months and months and months, CNN, BuzzFeed and others
lobbied to have Alex Jones removed from social media.
He was removed from basically all the major social media platforms apart from Twitter.
And then they said, you're not being banned, you still have a platform on Twitter.
You still have an app in the App Store. Boom, banned by Twitter, banned by the App Store.
But you still have a website, you still have InfoWars store, you still have a shop front.
And then what do we see? Washington Post. Oh my God, traffic to Alex Jones' InfoWars
store has increased by 50%.
Maybe now we should look at that all the way down the line.
They literally want to sabotage people's right to commerce.
They will not stop, which is why we need your support right now by getting the products at InfoWarsStore.com.
And again, we're not funded by giant fat checks from George Soros, like Media Matters is, to fund these de-platforming campaigns.
We're not funded by Dolph State dictatorships, like CNN is, We're only funded by you, by getting the products at infootballstore.com
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are live.
This is The Alex Jones Show into the third hour.
Pastor Rodney Brown is coming up shortly.
But we're sticking with European news right now because this is out of Fox News.
You probably remember we covered this a couple of months ago.
Swedish student who refused to sit down on flight in effort to stop man's deportation to Afghanistan is indicted.
A student who live-streamed her dramatic efforts on a plane to stop an asylum seeker from being deported to Afghanistan in July is indicted by Swedish prosecutors Friday.
This is Ellen Ersson.
Stunning and brave, as I'm sure you've seen, a student at the University of Gothenburg and a volunteer with refugee groups who broadcast her broadcast went viral as she attempted to stop a flight from Gothenburg to Turkey.
Basically, she stopped the plane from taking off.
The man was taken off the plane.
But now the indictment, which was issued in a district court in Gothenburg, said Ersson violated the Swedish Aviation Act by remaining standing when the plane was set to take off.
She could face fines of up to six months in prison if convicted.
This is Sweden.
She'll probably get away with a slap on the wrist.
She did so with the intention of preventing the plane from departing.
James Von Rees, a prosecutor, told Swedish news outlet Svenska Dagbladet.
Can't say that, but whatever.
Now, the key point is, which they don't mention in this article, I think they mentioned it at the end of the Fox News article, but they don't get into any details.
This migrant who she saved In her activism, literally took a power cord, wrapped it around his little kid's necks and his wife's necks, and tried to strangle them.
That is the reason he was being deported.
He also smashed his wife's head on the floor, okay?
So this idiotic young woman, 21 years old, undoubtedly calls herself a feminist.
She literally prevented a wife beater, a woman abuser, From being deported.
Prevented a violent criminal who beats up women and children, who tries to strangle women and children from being deported.
There is no greater example of that than pathological altruism than we saw in that case.
Now she faces six months jail time.
She'll probably get like a $200 fine.
Nothing will happen because it's Sweden and it's a joke of a country.
Meanwhile in France, France in shock as video of student threatening teacher with gun in class goes viral.
I think we've got this footage as well that we can roll as I'm talking right now.
An appalling video showing a student in a French school threatening a teacher with a dummy gun in class has shocked France.
Questions are being raised about the regularity of such incidents and the authorities response.
But basically, this guy wants the teacher to mark him down as present in the class when she wants to mark him as absent because I guess he was late.
So, you know, just as any reasonable right-thinking person would do, he whips out a fake gun and shoves it against her head.
The viral footage initially distributed on Snapchat shows a class in school in Créteil commune in southeastern suburbs of Paris.
What a surprise, it's in Paris.
And of course, you can see what's happening right there in the clip.
It was an airsoft gun.
It was a BB gun.
It wasn't a real gun.
But of course, it was a shocking and intimidating situation.
The teacher filed a complaint.
Two 16-year-old students were taken into custody.
The student who made the obscene gestures was soon released, while the main perpetrator is in custody and will stand before juvenile court on Sunday.
Again, nothing will happen.
We've had reports out of France and Germany, absolutely shocking in these migrant dominated areas.
There was one out of Germany where, oh by the way Macron wants Europe to invite in 200 million people from Africa and call it Eurabia, he came out with that statement a few months ago.
But there was a case in Germany where it was literally a girl, a blonde girl in a school full of migrants who was getting bullied because she did not wear a hijab, a Muslim headdress.
So the mother of this young girl took her to the headmaster's office and said, what are we going to do about this bullying?
She was literally being beaten up for not wearing a hijab.
The headmaster said, put her in a hijab!
Total capitulation!
The bullying epidemic in some of these migrant dominated schools, I see the article about that, is completely out of control.
Meanwhile, 42% of children under six in West Germany come from migrant background study reveals.
You see how this problem is probably only going to get a lot worse.
That's going to wrap it up for my segment, but join us with Pastor Rodney Brown.
This is the Alex Jones Show live after the break.
Don't go away.
[Dramatic music]
Let's go to MAGA Titans.
Sorry, I cut you short here, MAGA Titan.
You got 60 seconds.
Go ahead.
There's a war for your mind, and I just can't take it.
Yelling at my phone, trying to break through this matrix.
Thinking how to break through, cause we're all sedated.
America's under attack.
Can we debate it?
They're trying to censor humanity's great awakening.
The calm before the storm, we concede to the population.
The mind control and the manipulation.
They're lying to the TV of your favorite station, just so they can get paid off the death of a nation.
But this is the rebirth, and you heard it from Jones first.
Freedom like Indiana Jones with a cold curse.
Revolution with no course, instead freedom in America's force.
Trying to free humanity from this devilish force.
Fake lives walking dead like a devilish course.
They ask, have I seen the enemy?
I say, yes, of course.
So take this red pill and get informed.
And now I welcome you to the InfoWars.
That's MAGA Titan.
I tell ya, if anyone deserves a bullhorn...
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Rodney L. Brown here, Revival Ministries International, Tampa, Florida.
So honored to be hosting the show today, the next two hours.
And we're going to have special guests.
It's going to be pretty awesome.
And we're going to be discussing some very important things for America.
You know, I came from South Africa to America as a missionary over 30 years ago.
The Southern Africa region is in an upheaval right now, all because They opened the borders.
In a country that should have 55 million, we have a hundred million people.
Now, I know there's people that would like to dispute me on that, but they don't know that I've spoken to people inside the Census Bureau in the city of Pretoria that told me, they said, we cannot go official with the number, but he said unofficially there's a hundred million people in this country.
So that puts a strain on everything.
The food supply, The jobs.
Now you have the tribes of the North and the tribes of the South that are now coming into conflict because the Northern tribes are taking the Southern tribes jobs.
So you have black-on-black violence in the townships.
It's an upheaval.
People are hacking people to death.
Then you have the killing of the farmers, which many people say, well, that's because of apartheid.
But really, That's what they do even in Venezuela.
The first thing that communism, I'm going to call it by the right name, the first thing communism does is destroy the food supply of a country.
Because if they destroy the food supply of a country, they can control people.
And so this is what's taking place.
Black-on-black violence, the killing of the farmers, open borders, Beyond that, you have China that's actually colonizing whole parts of Africa right now.
The nation of Angola has allowed the Chinese to come in, help build roads and infrastructure.
For that, the Chinese have signed a treaty with them to allow 3 million Chinese will come into Angola.
Basically, in the next 20-30 years, Angola will not be Angola anymore.
I believe in the nation states.
God is the one that instituted nations and languages from the Tower of Babel and actually set up the demarcations.
Everything is pushing for a new world order and a one world government.
And this is all being run by the private banking cabal.
So when you see this migrant caravan hitting up from South and Central America, it's because they're trying to push the open border narrative, even though The President, and I'll just say this, had President Trump not got into office 2016, I cannot even begin to imagine for one second what would have taken place had Hillary Clinton gone into office.
Because everything's pushing towards the North American Union.
Canada, United States, Mexico.
You can even see in the upcoming 2026 World Cup, Which would be two hours or two years after President Trump leaves office.
That's if he serves a second term.
They will celebrate the World Cup soccer three countries, Mexico, America and Canada.
What's that?
That's the North American Union.
People have no clue.
They think this is all just.
You know, we've got to be nice and just allow people to come in.
And I'm an immigrant.
I'm a legal immigrant.
I came here legally.
There's a right way to come to country and there's a wrong way to come to country.
You cannot.
It's impossible.
A nation cannot survive if the borders are open and you just allow everybody to come in.
And then you put them on basically food stamps, welfare, And put the burden on the taxpayers.
Already our national debt is what?
Over 21 trillion.
It's impossible to even pay that back.
Many people have no clue what's actually going on.
And I know there's a lot of people think that this is a Republican and Democrat thing.
But you don't understand.
Two heads of the same snake.
The whole system functions when people are in opposition to each other.
The whole system functions when there's factions.
When there's fighting.
When everybody blames everybody else, but they don't really see the person behind the curtain.
This is so important.
As you see on the screen, it says, Ronald Reagan said a nation cannot control its borders.
It's not a nation.
America is America.
And right now, the flame of liberty is flickering.
You know, in just a little while, when we go come back from the station break, I'm going to have a guest minister on with me.
We're going to be talking about the upcoming election.
And he has been helping us.
And of course, he has his own ministry.
But we go into the inner cities of America because we've realized that the inner cities is one of the biggest boiling pots.
And any place the meltdown would take place would be in the inner cities of the United States.
And we've been in many, many, many, many inner cities over the years.
But what Christians don't understand is that if you do not vote, you actually are allowing tyranny to come in.
And I'm not here to tell you anything other than people better wake up.
We have a window to turn this thing around, a total window.
Had Hillary got in, obviously you can imagine what would have happened on the Supreme Court.
And the whole plan was to sack the Supreme Court so that they could then move in, change the Constitution and nullify the Second Amendment, then go for gun confiscation and go house to house, which some said they wouldn't do it.
That is the plan.
That is the agenda.
And when you don't understand that America was taken over a long time ago through the schools and even the churches taken over, churches taken over, the seminaries taken over, the whole narrative to preach a weak gospel that has no power that's attached to it, no presence of God, question everything, the virgin birth, the cross, the blood, the resurrection.
We wrote all about this in my book, The Killing of Uncle Sam, which you can get on Infowars store.
You can order it.
The audio book is available and it covers 200 years of history.
It even talks about South Africa and Cecil John Rhodes and the whole plan of the globalist agenda.
We're working on the second book as we speak, which will come out in the early part of next year.
Um, we did this to educate people because I've never met so many ignorant people.
I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, but I've never met so many ignorant people concerning about what's actually happening in the world.
People just think there's just forces out there and we can control it and do whatever.
All that has to happen for evil to prevail is for good people to do absolutely nothing.
And so, that's what you see in for wars being Muzzled.
You see them being shut down off of YouTube, off of Facebook.
But let me tell you, you can shut as many people down, but you will not stop freedom.
Freedom, like a fire, will burn across America.
And I want you to know, God is not finished with America.
God's not through with the United States.
His hand is on this land, whether you like it or not.
And I believe we're going to see another great spiritual awakening and the fire of God.
And we need people that are going to open their mouth and speak without any fear of anything.
Because if we don't speak out, let me tell you right now, we're going to lose everything that we have.
In the fourth hour, I'm going to have on with us a constitutional attorney, Chris Ann Hall.
And we're going to be talking about some things constitutionally concerning America.
So let's do this right now.
I want to play you a little Clip on the new book that's coming out next year.
Let's roll it.
[Sounds of a rocket taking off]
Italy is the predicate and the foundation for the development of a weather satellite
that will permit man to determine the world's cloud layers.
[Sounds of a rocket taking off]
And ultimately to control the weather, and he who controls the weather will control the world.
[Sounds of a rocket taking off]
So the second book, Killing the Planet, we're going to go in just a few minutes to a station break.
We're going to be back with evangelist Jonathan Charlesworth, and we're going to be talking what Christians can do.
In the upcoming election that's taking place just here inside of two weeks, it's imperative that people wake up.
We cannot let America slide into the abyss.
And right now it's hanging on by a thread.
There are a lot of people out there on television, radio, and on the internet, and print, telling you that they've got the answers.
They know how the world really works.
The funny thing is, nobody tries to shut them down.
Nobody tries to keep them quiet.
Because they're like a bunch of brainwashed, lobotomized monkeys running around not knowing what they're really doing.
But in full wars, now Hillary Clinton and George Soros and the Democratic Party and the EU and the CHICOMS, they want us shut down.
Because you see, I actually read the Chinese Communist Establishment Party newspapers.
I actually read the Council on Foreign Relations bimonthly publication of Foreign Affairs.
I've actually read hundreds and hundreds of books written by people like David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, so I know their larger game plan.
I know the operation they're carrying out against humanity.
And so, because I have their number, they want me shut down.
Now you've seen massive Corporate demonization and lies about us.
You've seen the attempts to take our sponsors away and to be able to take our banking away so we can't even process orders.
This is a concerted, un-American, cartel, mafia operation.
And now, as we enter the middle of October 2018, it has intensified.
Now, we have major stockpiles of incredibly high-quality supplements, t-shirts, books, films, air filtration, water filtration, you name it, built up for Black Friday and, of course, for Cyber Monday and for Christmas.
But I'm not even 100% confident we'll be able to engage in commerce then.
So that's why, with this concerted effort of the globalists coming out on us, that Christmas is coming early.
Black Friday's coming early.
Cyber Monday's coming early.
All those sales we had planned for the next two months are now condensed, starting now.
And until things sell out, or until we are successful, or until they shut us down, who the hell knows?
The point is, is they're moving against us everywhere and licking their lips to shut down our self-funded operation that is here because of you.
InfoWars is in your hands.
InfoWars has always been in your hands, and we were the number one media organization in the world after Drudge Report, when it came to video and audio, number one in the election of Trump.
And so they shadow banned us, and they took our sponsors, and they wouldn't let us advertise, and they strangled us.
And still, because of you getting the word out, we were dominating.
And so now they're coming after our ability at InfoWarsTore.com to even have credit card processing.
But we've got it, we've got backups, but they're like a mafia targeting those.
Get your X2.
Even though it's selling out in the last run, 50% off.
Brain Force, selling out, 50% off.
Supermelt Vitality, 50% off.
Every supplement, 50% off.
Now, I do that with air filtration and water filtration.
They don't even have 50% markup to take off.
But they're discounted as well.
Free shipping, store-wide, infowarestore.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
Rodney L. Brown here, Revival Ministries International, the River Tampa Bay Church, coming from Tampa and hosting the third hour.
And we're talking about some of the critical problems facing America in this hour.
And I just wish more preachers would speak out, because basically you don't understand your congregation is at stake.
And so if you don't speak out, basically you're failing.
You're failing your congregation.
The Bible speaks specifically about a watchman on the wall.
And if you see the sword coming, you have to warn the people.
If you don't, the blood of the people will be on your hands.
If you do, and the people listen, they'll be saved.
If they don't listen, then their blood will be on their hands.
I'm blessed to have a guest with us today in the studio, Vangis Jonathan Shuttlesworth, based out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Grab the hold of the fire and the anointing to go into cities and win the lost, which is what we are doing.
We're working tirelessly to go in and bring the gospel message of Jesus Christ to change the hearts of individuals.
And just a few weeks ago, Jonathan did a program that he aired on his television program, One Hour, just about Christians voting President Trump.
So I thought it'd be great today To have him.
Let's talk, because there's two preachers talking today, which you're probably going to hear some things that you don't hear preachers talk about.
Jonathan, great to have you with us here.
Thanks for having me on.
So let's talk a little bit about what did you address on the program?
What you opened with in the beginning, you know, everybody's going to see life through a lens.
When you see life through the lens of Bible prophecy, that there's an anti-Christ system that wants a one world government.
Then it takes all the personality out of who to vote for, Hillary or Trump, who's had an affair, who you like better.
You understand that, you know, if you don't have the Bible, then you'd say, what's so wrong about the border being collapsed?
But when you see in the Bible that it's not going to bring about peace, it's going to bring about the seven, the worst seven years planet Earth's ever known, then it takes all the personalities out of it.
And you see that what's going on right now, even at our Southern border, It's not a bunch of people that want to make it to America.
It's a contrived attempt to collapse the last sovereign nation on Earth to bring about a one-world government, and that's why it's worth fighting for.
When America falls, or if you let America fall, all of civilization collapses with it, and it brings about the one-world government that the Bible says we're supposed to actively resist.
So, I mean, you can see the leaders calling for it.
You see, from France's leader, to Germany's leader, to the Pope, even calling for open borders, that it's not Christian.
Now, one of the contention things in America has been the fact that, well, how could people even vote for Donald Trump?
So, talk a little bit about that.
Yeah, well, you know, they'll always try to play on the holiness thing to get Christians to vote one way or not vote a way.
So they bring up affairs.
Donald Trump said, how can any Christian, which is what I titled my program, how can any Christian support Donald Trump?
So they'll bring up, look he's had affairs, he uses foul language.
Look, number one, the election wasn't between Jesus Christ and Donald Trump.
It was between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
And so any fault you find with him, you can find with her.
But like I said, when you take the personality out of it, and the Bible not only talks about the Antichrist with a capital A, it says there's many Antichrists with a small a. That anybody that's going for the objection, Or the objective of a one world government and one world money system, the Bible says in Revelation 13, that's the Antichrist system.
That he ordered every man, both great and small, slave and free, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead, and no man could buy or sell without that mark.
When you see people pushing for that objective, I don't care if they have been married for 50 years and go to church every day.
They are of an anti-Christ spirit, because the spirit of God, like I heard you teach before, that God actually likes nations.
God didn't institute one world government.
He loves nations and variety.
And so all the conflict you see right now is over that.
Which you can see, like with Brexit, where the British people voted to exit the EU.
They're like a millstone tied around their neck where they can't even fish their own waters.
They can only have 10% of the fishing.
And there's a Norwegian trawler off catching all the British fish.
And Belgium is deciding where you can't grow strawberries or whatever.
And basically, they're actually in prison and have no clue.
So now you see them marching, you know, anti-Brexit and all that kind of stuff, because that's all pushed by the globalist agenda, because they want to destroy the nation states.
That's right.
And it's demonic.
And that's why you see any time a group of people or a person tries to flow in the opposite direction of that, all hell breaks loose.
You literally can do anything you want on air if it's supporting a one world government and the liberal agenda that's actually demonic.
But then if you do anything moving the other way, like they did on the show, everybody moves against it, because it's not the media that's behind it, or the Illuminati, it's the devil that's in back of a one-world agenda.
But that's what we're called to do.
The easy things to lay down and say, well you take a lot of heat for doing that, but the Bible says actually that Antichrist spirit can't accomplish what it wants until he that's in the way is removed, and that he's the church.
It's not optional, if you're a Christian, to stay quiet.
We are anointed to resist and destroy that spirit, and God has an interest in seeing that destroyed.
So God's not up in heaven saying, I wish people wouldn't be so political from the pulpit.
God is looking for people, like Dr. Summerall would do, and all the guys from before.
Why America Never Caved.
Preachers used to stand up and address that stuff, because they understood it's not politics.
It's the devil looking to institute an antichrist government, and God doesn't want it done.
Which the same thing came against Jesus.
That's right.
So, the Antichrist is Antichrist.
The anti, the preacher of the gospel.
You can't preach about the cross.
You can't preach about repentance.
You can't preach about the blood.
You can't preach about the virgin birth.
You can't preach about the resurrection.
That's what is being said.
That's right.
Because those things, when you preach them, change people's hearts.
And if people get enough of the seed of the word of God in them, which is what happened in America in the last election, America still had enough of God in the people that they smelled a rat with Hillary Clinton, and even people that couldn't specifically put their finger on it just knew there's something about her that I remember hearing about in church when I was five years old, that that's not right.
And so that's why it's important for ministers to speak, because when you get the Word of God in your heart, it automatically puts a resistance to anything that's of globalism.
Yeah, so I mean basically you have two options, or three options.
You don't vote, which actually if you don't vote, you're voting Democrat.
That's right.
Or you vote Democrat, which if you vote Democrat, you're actually voting for the socialist agenda, because the Democratic Party has been taken over by total communism.
There's no question about it.
And even though I have my problems with the Republican Party, that's the only devil that you have at this juncture.
To hold the tide.
Are you with me?
I'm with you.
Because in actual fact, Trump is not actually a Democrat or a Republican.
He's a populist.
They both tried to stop him.
The Republicans hated him.
Democrats hated him.
The media hated him.
The banking institutions hated him.
The Christians hated him.
But yet, the American people loved him.
That's right.
And I believe actually he has more support now than he had when he was running.
Even though you see the lies of the polls coming out.
You know it's going to be a landslide.
Right when we get back after the break, we're going to talk about what you can do as a Christian who believes in God or a patriot that loves
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Rodney I. Brown, Revival Ministries in National Tampa, Florida, standing in the third hour here for Alex Jones.
And anytime you can hear the theme music to Airwolf being played.
That helicopter show from years ago, it sounds really great when you're coming into this segment.
So, you feel like we could do this thing.
So, great music there.
You know, Jonathan and I are talking about what we can do as believers to stop what is taking place.
We have to, number one, we have to pray.
Number two, we have to vote.
You have to.
You have no choice.
You must vote.
If you don't, illegals will.
The dead people will.
And then we'll lose our country.
And then number three, right now, you have to get on the phone and call your congressman and your senator and tell them, stop the train.
There's a slow train coming, but it must be stopped.
If I was the president, I would send 100,000 troops to the borders without even a question.
And if I needed to, I'd You can thank God I'm not president.
I'd occupy Mexico.
I mean, we have to protect America.
This is not right.
Not in any language.
You see what's happened in Europe.
You see what's happened in Germany.
You see what's taking place in France.
This is what they have planned.
This is all funded by the United Nations.
This is all the plan of the globalists.
To flood America.
To break our borders.
We cannot allow this, ladies and gentlemen.
And I know you think that I'm not being too Christian.
If you think that a Christian is rolling over and playing dead, then you must be smoking some bad weed.
I just tell you, you need to get off that stuff they just legalized.
Because you have no clue what's coming.
Because let me tell you, it's coming to a house near you.
So, Jonathan, This is imperative.
I mean, you see, what does it do when you see that mass of people coming?
That's an invasion!
Yeah, and timed right for the midterm election.
Anytime you see something that big happening, it's organized.
And then, like you said, the pulpits have been so corrupted by seminaries, you hear people say stuff like, how can any Christian want to build a wall to keep people out?
I don't see anywhere in the Bible where a wall's built.
The whole book of Nehemiah is about God anointing a man to build a wall to keep enemies out.
And heaven has gates.
Heaven has gates.
Noah's Ark's door was sealed shut.
Yeah, so people have made Christians feel like you're supposed to just lay down and take whatever happens, when really God wants us to dominate and bring His will into the earth.
And if we don't do it, then there won't be a vacuum.
Darkness moves in.
But if we act, then we drive the darkness out.
The other thing Is people take verses about your kings and rulers and accepting who God has put in charge.
That doesn't apply to our country because we don't have kings.
We don't have sovereign rulers.
We have elected representative government.
So Christians aren't supposed to see who is in charge.
The whole thing was set up to put godly people.
When wicked people are in charge, the nation suffers.
When godly people are in charge, the nation rejoices.
That's what the Bible says.
And in our country, we have the opportunity to see to it that that happens.
So what would you say to any patriot or Christian watching right now, somebody that loves America, what would you say to them right now?
I would say two things.
Number one, don't ever let the media, don't ever let the devil tell you how to interpret the Bible.
Don't ever let the media make you feel bad for standing up for national sovereignty and that you're not a Christian.
You know, that's not true.
It's not even biblical.
The church is called to fight against the Antichrist spirit and so To be able to vote, like happened with the Trump-Hillary election.
We don't have to have civil war.
We have the opportunity to go and vote and make sure anybody that backs a one-world government even has a sniff of that on them, that you vote against them and don't let them take office.
Because we're not some small minority of people trying to help.
We are actually the majority in the nation that the media is convinced we're like, you know, 1% of the population, when really, they can't move us.
They thought they could beat us.
They can't beat us.
We're in charge and we have to be responsible for our generation.
What are we going to tell our kids if the Lord tarries?
You know, I want to be able to tell them that we stood up And we did not let this foul spirit that's run through Europe and is trying to go through everywhere else that it was not able to come through America.
Yeah, this basically is the law stand for freedom.
It's very, very important.
You can see as they put up on the screen there what Christians should know about Antifa.
These are not good situations.
And Antifa is really around the world, but just with different names.
Because we have to have these kind of people to come and stir up all the problems.
And many people are intimidated by them, but it's time for people to stand up and say no.
Absolutely not.
Not on our watch.
You're not going to have our schools.
You're not going to have our universities.
You're not going to have our government.
These elected officials work for us.
We don't work for them.
That's right.
We don't bow to them.
They're not superstars, and they're not royalty.
They have been put into office to do the will of the people.
That's right.
This is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
And it's time for every person to hold every elected official accountable.
So you need to pick up the phone, you need to call your congressman and your senator, and you need to tell them, no, no, no, we are not tolerating.
Stop the train.
You know, President Trump was elected because one of the great lines of that election was build the wall.
And something that was very interesting, right before the 2016 election, I had three Hispanic pastors in my office.
So I didn't want to broach the subject to them.
Hey, what do you think about President Trump?
You know, so I just because I didn't know where they stood or politically or whatever.
So I said to them, they're all from the central South Florida region.
So I said to them, so what do you think about the upcoming election?
And in in their Spanish English, they said to me, build the wall.
And I burst out laughing, but I understood because some of them had come from Venezuela, some of them had come from Nicaragua, some of them had come from some of the other countries that had had the problem.
So they've seen all of that.
They've seen all of that.
So it's very imperative.
Florida has a very important election coming up in two weeks time because we have either the communist mayor of Tallahassee.
Are you with me?
I'm with you.
Interesting how pro-Palestine, anti-family, pro-open borders always go hand-in-hand.
Apparently, I don't know much about this mayor, but apparently he wants to make Florida a
sanctuary state, like California.
Which everybody's trying to leave California to move out of California to get somewhere
else because of the high taxes and just everything.
Interesting how pro-Palestine, anti-family, pro-open borders always go hand in hand.
Because it's all Bible.
And so anytime you see people going that way, don't ever let them make it a habit.
It has nothing to do with loving his, you know, my wife's Hispanic, 100%.
It has nothing to do with not liking people from Mexico.
It has to do with understanding if you have an open border, fentanyl and heroin is going to continue to drop 27 young people a weekend that they find on a ditch and have to sweep them up like they're trash if you can't have an open border.
It has nothing to do with liking or disliking an ethnic group.
It's understanding it.
It's an attempt to collapse the last bastion of freedom on planet Earth.
And it's not going to happen.
No, no, no, no.
So, I want to encourage everybody watching or listening to the show today, you can do something if you live in these 50 states of the United States of America.
Do not sit by and just say, you know, I'm just going to let the chips roll for what we have made.
You need to make a difference, and you can make a difference by picking up the phone and getting a hold of your congressman, getting a hold of your senator, and letting them know, in no uncertain terms, we are not going to tolerate this for one single moment.
We are not going to tolerate it.
This needs to be stopped.
And, you know, these people obviously need help, but let me tell you, they've been displaced from where they come from.
So, and somebody is fueling them.
Somebody is driving the train on.
I mean, you can't imagine the horrors of what they're going to have to go through.
And they're being used as pawns.
They're being used as puppets to push a political agenda.
Call your congressman.
Call your senator.
And then pray.
People are going to pray as never before that God would intervene as he has already, but in a greater way in a few days.
And vote.
Do not sit on your blessed assurance.
It's time for your voice to be heard.
And make your voice heard.
We'll be right back after this break.
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now available at Infowarslive.com you're listening to the Alex Jones Show
Rodney L. Brown, live from Tampa, Florida, Rebaba Ministries International, hosting the third hour here for Alex Jones.
You know, as we went to the break, I pulled up Twitter and Kevin Schipp, who's former CIA, and he just tweeted this 11 minutes ago.
He said, DNC globalist Soros operation pay a large group of immigrants to invade the United States border.
When the military protects the border, provoke it to any action, They film it and they put it on CNN.
And they filmed the children and the doctor and the doctors.
You know, they put the pictures out.
So it's really to push this whole thing, look how bad we are, the poor children and whatever.
Meanwhile, these people are being used as pawns and puppets.
And then another tweet, this came out, actually Daryl Scott, who's an African-American pastor from Ohio, he said, so now the left-wing media is spinning this illegal immigrant caravan as a humanitarian crisis.
Please stop.
So, you know, people's voices are being heard here in the Twittersphere.
So, I mean, once you understand the globalist plan, then you can recognize the narrative.
And so what people don't understand, the media's all under the control.
Through Operation Mockingbird, which there's no doubt in my mind, and I'm not just picking on CNN, CNN is a CIA operation.
It's not even a question.
And as far as NBC and ABC and all the other main, what I call the mainstream media, they're pushing a globalist agenda, a globalist propaganda.
And it's 24-7.
They bombard the American people.
So many people can't see that.
But once you understand what's behind it, Then you can recognize it.
What do you say to that?
I would echo exactly what you said.
Then they can't pray.
I feel like that's how they get Christians to lay down, is they're always trying to pray on their compassion.
Jesus said, be as harmless as doves, but as wise as serpents.
So you see through things, and that's what they want to do with this caravan.
They want to create optics in a couple of days of the military, you know, using force, and children crying as their parents get locked up.
So that going into the midterms, they can get the whole country to hate Trump.
That's the whole plan.
Or, you could see them pushing a violent narrative basically against the media, where Christians and conservatives and people that support Donald Trump will attack the media.
Are you with me?
So you don't know if they're going to set up like a false flag tops scenario where they'll actually have some people professing to be conservatives and Christians and then having them create the problem.
Which, when in actual fact, we, there's no way you and I are going to go anywhere to create a problem.
We're not going to do anything.
But we will defend ourselves.
And take care of ourselves.
Are you with me?
If the threat comes to us, we're going to take care of business.
My wife would.
She's locked and loaded.
But I mean, I just saw Paul Joseph Watson's tweet and he retweeted something here.
He said, a Sky News reporter suggests only riots will stop Brexit.
So what they're trying to do, it seems, and it's not just South Africa, you see it in Europe, England, and America.
They're trying to get everybody into a place of anarchy.
And that's where what we do is so key.
Because when you're a Christian, they can't make you hate anybody.
You know, even the people that I vehemently disagree with politically, I pray for them every day that they get saved.
So you can't hate somebody as a Christian.
That's why anytime they try to show that, like Christians hate You know, people of a different race, or people that are on the opposite political spectrum.
It's not true, and they can't get it to happen.
So, people, ministers watching right now say, well, what is going to be the solution?
The only solution I know is the preaching of the gospel.
And it's not just about Sunday mornings.
We have to train our people on a daily basis to win the lost, and to go out and share Jesus.
Because there are certain other groups that are vehement in their drive to proselytize.
And they're going ahead.
And the Christians don't want offense, so they're back right off.
But people are hungry.
What have you found in the inner city?
Oh, people are the hungriest I've ever seen them.
You know, you would think if you set up a stage in the inner city and you've got every kind of religious group there, atheists, you would think if you opened up a Bible and started telling people about Jesus, it would be like the news wants you to think people are.
You'd start having things thrown at you and cursed at, and it's actually the exact opposite.
that you have people listen with hungry hearts and receive the word of God.
And that's the thing I would add, is for there's probably no better educated group of people
than the people watching InfoWars as far as what's going on globally.
When you see that and you don't know the Lord, you would be on antidepressants.
It would be the most fearful thing.
But the Bible says when you see these things begin to happen, look up for your redemptions, Drangnath.
When you see things this close to a one-world government, just like the Bible said, and everybody lining up to attack Israel for the Battle of Armageddon, just like the Bible said.
If there was ever an hour to know you're right with God, it's now.
And I feel like people know that on the inside of them.
This is not a time to be lukewarm or whatever made you distant from God or walk away from church.
This is a time to draw close to God.
And then not only will you make heaven, God will use you to be a wrecking ball to everything the devil wants done in your country.
Now, on the same side, you've got the Christians that are inactive because they say, well, it doesn't really matter.
God's going to come take us out of here anyway, which Obviously, we know that our home is in heaven, we understand that, and that Jesus is coming for the saints.
However, we are here to occupy until he comes.
That's right.
So, because he's coming to get us, doesn't mean we sit back and just sit and wait until he comes.
Jesus is not coming on a rescue mission.
He's coming back for a victorious church, a glorious church, a bold church, a radical church, a church on fire, a church taking territory.
And as you said earlier in the previous segment, that we are the restraining force in the earth today by the power of the Holy Spirit.
So this is so imperative that people understand that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation.
The gospel of Jesus Christ.
That's the doctrine that Satan loves the most.
It's like everything's already been decided, there's nothing you can do.
Jesus said two different times, Matthew 16, 18 and Matthew 18, 18.
Whatever you permit on earth, I'll permit in heaven.
Whatever you forbid on earth, I'll forbid in heaven.
We didn't have Donald Trump in the office just because we all got out and voted.
I never saw the church wake up and pray like before that election in 2016.
And there were visible results from our prayers.
We don't pray to accept what's happening.
There's things you pray for, and there's things you pray against.
And God gave us the power to go beyond the realm of politics and pray that God's divine intervention would be done and break what the devil wants done in the nation.
Yeah, correct.
You know, right now we just started, yesterday started our conference here called Surge.
It's a Minister of Leaders Conference.
People come from all over.
And so we have Bible school that meets at 9 o'clock.
So from the 9 o'clock hour just before 10, we are praying every single day.
And I just said, we got to focus just on America.
You know, there's hour every morning, then the meeting starts at 10, meeting at 7 o'clock every night.
And then also we plan to have special prayer meetings before the elections, before this November election, because it's so critical right now.
And one of the things that I'm praying that God open people's eyes.
I think that's what we saw with the Kavanaugh situation, because the whole Democratic rhetoric was cased where They couldn't really see, but they actually saw the vitriol.
They saw the anger.
They basically saw it made manifest.
And I think it shocked people.
I've been watching interviews of people just say, I can't believe it.
Even ladies were just blown away.
How you could just take a person, obviously their poor woman's been totally wrecked in, you know, there's no telling what abuse she went through.
But I know what they do with MKUltra.
I know all the background to that whole thing.
So they'll take somebody and put them through the ring and then use them as a puppet.
Which you don't see the media talking anything about it now.
It was all before the case.
Are you with me?
You cannot bring allegation against somebody with no evidence.
Yeah, of course.
It's impossible.
That's not how the system works.
So, it's imperative for people to wake up, and I feel the American people are waking up.
So, I want to encourage the Christians that are watching to pray.
Somebody said, well, I'm watching, I'm not a Christian, and I don't even know why Alex has you on here.
Look, I'm just doing my job.
I'm a watchman on the wall, and you might not like everything that we say, But I'm not really here to be liked.
We're here to get a job done.
I'm a missionary.
God called me as a missionary to America.
And we came here 30 years ago.
I can land it with $300.
We know that the only hope for America is another Great Awakening.
We know the only hope for America is like what took place in the 1700s and the 1800s.
The only hope for America is Jesus.
And people's hearts being turned around and people coming back to the Lord.
There's no question about it.
And if you're watching today and you've never given your life to the Lord, you need to surrender to Him.
Somebody said, I don't believe in that.
That's fine.
You will meet Him.
And you might meet him soon than you can even realize.
So it's better that you're here right now and just say, Lord, I surrender my life to you.
When we come back in the next segment, in the fourth hour, we're going to have Chris Ann Hall, constitutional attorney, and we're going to talk about some things pertinent to America, the Constitution, and this upcoming election.
So tell your friends to tune in, the fourth hour coming up shortly.
Please don't forget that as successful as you've been and as I've been at educating people and as our guests have been, and I'm talking to the audience because you really are the heart of this operation, Soros and Hillary and the rest of them are trying to destroy InfoWars to punish us for what happened in 2016.
And they have put us through the wringer and in some ways we've become stronger, in some ways weaker.
And now they're harassing whoever we have as payment processors.
So, your order comes through, it gets shipped to you.
They could shut it down anytime.
That's why we're having Christmas, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
it's alex jones can
brown revival ministries in the national hosting now into the fourth hour
on the off by the show's info wars and a great honor and privilege it is today
In this hour we're going to be talking to Chris Anne Hall, constitutional attorney, and I'm going to meet her Quite a number of years ago and she came I had her in the church speaking on the first and the second amendment and Just phenomenal her and her husband travel America and and the laws really using in a powerful way Chris and great to have you on So this next hour we're going to talk about the Supreme Court Kavanaugh and
And you want to throw a couple of things out here so they can grab the viewer?
Oh yeah, great.
You know, a lot of the drama that was brought up about Brett Kavanaugh, I believe, is absolutely and completely contrived.
There's very little, if anything, about Brett Kavanaugh that the Democrats should be upset about at all.
Brett Kavanaugh is not Scalia.
He is not Bork.
He's not even Gorsuch.
He's actually just Kennedy reincarnated.
And his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee proves all of that.
He is married to precedent, so he's not really going to overturn anything.
He's not going to overturn Roe v. Wade?
No, he is not going to overturn Roe v. Wade.
He has a very disturbing perspective on the Fourth Amendment and government power throughout his judicial history.
He has expanded government power in the realm of the Fourth Amendment, you know, over the protections of the people.
He is actually where Justice Roberts got the majority of his text from for the Affordable Care Act.
He's in favor of national health care.
Which I had a problem with him because he was a Bush.
Bush loved him.
So the moment I heard Bush loved him, I went, oh, come on.
You know, the real problem here, Pastor, is the fact that we do not have constitutionally based confirmation hearings.
What we have are politically based confirmation hearings.
Well, you can see that even with Cory Booker, who's attacking because allegations should be heard.
Now there's allegations against Cory Booker.
I wonder if they're going to hear those allegations.
But, so, when we come back after the break, we can talk about what is a constitutional confirmation.
Because Americans don't understand that.
Because the whole narrative is played for television and politics.
Well, what we have is a society that's completely consumed by a duopoly.
We're not even operating politically, constitutionally, the way we need to.
Most Americans don't even realize that we don't constitutionally elect presidents and vice presidents anymore, and we haven't since FDR.
We have simply altered the way we do things without altering the Constitution.
We are working not only extra-constitutionally, but post-constitutionally.
And we as an American people, if we want to get government back under control, if we want to fix the problems that we see in America, we have to restore our constitutional foundations.
You were talking before about how We need to teach the gospel back into and preach the gospel back in our churches.
Well, once we get people saved, Pastor, I know you believe this, discipling is so important.
It used to be in the foundation of America that the pastors would disciple the people, not only in the gospel, But in the principles of liberty, the principles of freedom, and now our pastors are so married to a 501c3 and so afraid of the IRS that they can't even talk about these issues in church anymore.
And they don't realize what their obligation is.
That's absolutely right.
So basically they've used the 501c3 as a gag order because they're worried about their money, so they'd rather lose their freedoms for their money.
And when that happens, you lose everything.
And the congregation suffers, and the nation suffers.
So in actual fact, the problem in America is not the politicians, but the pulpits.
Right, and the people as well, because you can see that.
Look, the people are going to be a product of the pulpits.
That's absolutely right.
And so when you have a Congress that has an 11% approval rating, yet a 95% re-election, You know right there, just from that one statistic, that your problem are not with the congressmen, it's with their re-elections.
You're right, you're right.
Well, when we come back at the break, I'm going to have Chrisanne explain exactly what a constitutional confirmation hearing is, because I never even heard that there was one.
But she's a constitutional legalist, which I'm very happy that she is.
She doesn't like any lines being played with.
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You're listening to Alex Jones.
Rodney A. Brown, revival ministers in Nashville, Tampa, Florida standing in the fourth hour of Alex Jones and what an honor that is to do that today and of course we have Chris N. Hall, constitutional attorney and in the previous segment we were talking along the lines of a constitutional confirmation which I had never even heard that there was one because all we get Is the political drama played out on television with the politicians grandstanding and strutting around like a bunch of peacocks?
Chrisann, just take a few minutes, look at the camera, and start talking about what a constitutional confirmation actually is.
You know, what most Americans don't realize is that there's a specific qualification for our constitutional Supreme Court justices and the drafters of the Constitution
actually laid that out in writing.
First and foremost, if there was one thing that I could get people of America to set
aside and to begin to understand is the fact that Supreme Court justices do not have lifetime
There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution about a lifetime appointment.
You'll never hear those or see those words in the Constitution.
So the term of appointment for a Supreme Court justice is called good behavior.
And so what we have to do at a confirmation hearing is to determine the good behavior of a Supreme Court justice.
Now, that's not about what he did in high school, Pastor.
That's not about how he lived his life before adulthood.
Now, morality matters.
Civility matters.
But when we're judging a justice on their good behavior, What we also need to do is judge their dedication to the Constitution, their knowledge of the Constitution, and their understanding of the Constitution's proper application.
What we saw with Kavanaugh was such a gross deviation from how we are actually supposed to be judging justices that it's really hard to understand where do we begin.
So, we all pretty much understand at this point that what we saw was not proper.
But if, for example, if Chris Anahal were on the Senate Judiciary Committee asking Kavanaugh questions, I would be asking kinds of questions like, do you believe that the Supreme Court is the ultimate arbiter of the power of the federal government?
Do you believe that precedent is above the Constitution?
Do you believe How would you describe the proper application and interpretation of the Supremacy Clause?
What is the power of the states when it comes to federal power?
What is the limit of federal power?
And can Congress write any law that they want to write if they can get a majority vote?
And all of these questions are all based on a reality that we have today.
We have congressmen in Congress who actually believe that there is no limit to their power to write law other than what they can muster through with a majority vote.
And then we have the Supreme Court justices following lockstep behind them, simply authorizing all of this unconstitutional authority.
And that even goes to the realm of our most conservative justices.
Scalia actually supporting the idea that executive agents and
agencies can create a quasi law that binds the people, even though these are issues that are clearly covered in
our Constitution and by the drafters of the Constitution, to be limited and
So we as a people have to begin to understand once again, because we have been so deceived through decades of
education into an ideology that I call judicial supremacy.
That actually establishes this idea, Pastor, that we have an oligarchy of nine kings and queens that
rule over us.
Just the language, Pastor, of The fact that people say the judges ruled the other day.
I mean, just the simple way that we speak.
They don't rule.
No, judges don't issue rulings.
Kings issue rulings.
Judges issue opinions.
And their opinions are only legally binding on the people in the case.
They don't stretch out globally.
They don't create law.
And for us to assume and to even practice as if the Supreme Court right laws is the most violent break of separation of powers, the most atrocious attack on the Constitution and liberty itself.
Yet we have generations of generations of lawyers and judges who have all been taught this supremist kind of ideology that nobody can even question a judge.
And that's the thing that we need to break.
That's the thing that is breaking the discipline.
Which is actually shocking because if you hear Beta Ginsburg talk, she talks about the Constitution of America being totally flawed.
And that if they were there to rewrite the Constitution, they would not use the U.S.
Constitution as the model.
Yeah, well she actually said that too.
She was invited to Egypt back during the Arab Spring when they were going to rewrite their Constitution.
She sat before an Egyptian journalist who asked her point-blank, as the Egyptians are writing their new Constitution, should they use the U.S.
Constitution as a model?
This Supreme Court justice.
Who took an oath that she would support the Constitution of the United States without hesitation, without mental reservation, flat out said no.
That we need to look at the human, that the UN human rights agenda.
Now is it at that juncture, shouldn't she be removed from office?
That is what... That was hot treason.
Yeah, yeah.
No, it's actually clearly what we would classify constitutionally as bad behavior.
She should have been impeached immediately.
I'd have them shot, but go on.
Well, fortunately with Kings we got rid of the whole execution thing.
But you know, to me that's a total violation.
Oh, absolutely.
Because how are you supposed to defend the Constitution when you're actually throwing it out of the bus?
Well, and now we have generations of people who actually worship Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
There's a whole culture of people that think she's some kind of a Superhero or something.
They've made a movie about her, which is atrocious to begin with.
There's a clip in the movie that they show where the judge, when she was supposedly a lawyer, says to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, do you realize that woman is not in the Constitution?
And she retorts back, well neither is freedom, your honor.
Well, apparently Justice Ginsburg has actually never read the First Amendment, and she doesn't understand what our founders meant when they said to preserve the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.
And to that judge, I would simply say, neither is the word man.
So the whole wordplay there was to try to promote this propaganda that the Constitution was written To enslave women, to enslave minorities, to uphold the white man, when in reality our founders actually meant what they wrote under the principles of the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights.
You know, I think this is so important now.
You and your husband travel all across America.
And just take a minute before we go to the break and just tell quickly what you do.
Well, we travel all over America teaching the Constitution, the principles of liberty.
We, for the last six or seven years, we've averaged about 265 classes in over 22 states every single year.
We teach high school, middle school students, college students.
I've taught adult groups.
I've taught the legislators of 10 or 12 states.
We teach law enforcement on the principles of liberty and their duty to the Constitution under their oath.
We teach so many things all over America.
And I think you can find us at krisanhall.com.
K-R-I-S-A-N-N-E-H-A-L-L dot com.
But we also have an online teaching curriculum called Liberty First University.
Which is all our teaching and more online that you can access and learn at your own pace.
True constitutional training, as if the founders themselves were writing it, not with the current day propaganda that we're reaching, seeing in our schools.
Sure, which is what they're doing the whole time.
You know, when we come back, we're going to talk a little bit more to Chrisanne, just about what she sees, the number one thing that Christians can do, and patriots.
You know, some would say, well, I'm not really a Christian, but if you love America, there's something that you could do, and we're going to be talking about it when we come back from the break.
You know, it's been said that a lot of people miss the forest for the trees.
And I'm one of those people.
something that you could do and we'll even discuss the caravan that's coming,
the Sloan train coming. So we'll be right back.
You know it's been said that a lot of people miss the forest for the trees and
I'm one of those people. I just want to tell the viewers and listeners of Info
Wars that you've changed the world and the globalists want to shut down Info
Wars because it's a place where we can come together and share ideas and where
we have culture, where we have kinship, where we are able to interface and
realize how similar we really are.
It's a place where we know that we're not alone.
And that's why they filed fake lawsuits against us and written hundreds of thousands of fake news stories that have been syndicated across the world.
It's why they've got HBO and Showtime shows with characters based on me that do horrible, evil, racist things.
But that said, I wanted to just celebrate the fact that, yeah, we're under attack now, and we'll be under attack in the future.
But the globalists are trying to punish Infowars for what you did, what I did, what others did in the past.
So they're literally fighting a past war, like generals always do, instead of fighting the new war.
So, at so many levels, they're already winning when I debate them, or I confront them, or I try to counter their lies.
They can only disrupt.
And it's important to stay where they're lying, but to move on with our truths and the things that we're saying that they're trying to silence.
They tell all these lies because they want us to then debate them for our honor.
But they're dishonorable.
They've been proven to be liars.
Our answer is, you're a pack of liars, here's my idea, here's what I'm promoting, that you don't want to be hurt.
And that's what's happening at InfoWars.com from 8 a.m.
past 10 o'clock at night, every night now, with live broadcast.
Our election coverage, David Knight, Owen Schroyer, myself, and so many others, bringing you true, truth-based information that comes from research and historical understanding and proven sources, not from globalist talking points and disinformation.
But in closing, it takes a lot of money to carry out this fight.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Rodney L. Brown, fourth hour hosting for Alex Jones on The Alex Jones Show, in for wars.
And we with guest Constitutional Attorney Chris Van Ho.
I was just clicking through Twitter in the break here, CNN tweets.
Is Trump a good role model for the children of Florida?
This is the question they ask the two people running for governor.
Again, I refer back to what we talked about in the third hour.
Trump was not running against Jesus Christ.
He was running against the wicked witch of the West.
So, please people, wake up.
CNN is a mouthpiece.
Anyway, you can't even believe this.
Then Ron DeSantis deflects and says he's very passionate about moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
And then Andrew Gillum says, how do we get to Israel?
No, he's a very weak person, as if Andrew Gillum is a very... Yeah, he's the role model for Floridians.
Well, and I think, Pastor, that has a lot to do with the fact, once again, that because we have been deliberately dumbed down in our education system, the American people have a hard time formulating the right kinds of questions.
No, no, that's CNN.
They're formulating the question.
I know, but they're formulating that question, I believe, because that's the kind of question that people want to hear.
The media, these mainstream medias, the corporate medias, wouldn't be putting forward these questions if the people didn't want them.
Because the only reason they do this is because of market share.
They're not interested in news.
They're not interested in truth.
Not that CNN cares about market share.
Their ratings are at an all-time low.
I mean, they've got a cable listings of 25 networks.
They were ranked at number 24 after the Hallmark Channel and right before Science Fiction Channel.
So you know things aren't going well.
Yeah, I like that sci-fi channel.
I like sci-fi.
Yeah, well, actually, Sci-Fi should be ranked just above, but they border on sci-fi, basically.
Right, right, right.
Well, they are fiction, that is for sure.
So anyway, let's talk about What do Christians do, and what do patriots do, concerning this upcoming election?
What do you see, the problems that we, obviously we're praying, but would you take some time to talk to this from a constitutional standpoint?
Yeah, well, Samuel Adams gave this warning.
He said, no people will tamely surrender their liberties nor be easily subdued when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved.
He said, but on the contrary, when the people become universally ignorant and debauched in their manners, the people will sink underneath their own weight without the aid of foreign invaders.
So, praying is good, discipling is good, and doing it, but none of that is good if we don't possess the right knowledge.
So, knowledge without spiritual power is worthless, but spiritual power without knowledge is just as worthless.
So we have to be about learning.
We've got to be understanding.
And unfortunately, we're at a day where I have to say, you know what, you've got to set aside your textbooks and you've got to pick up the truth.
And the truth exists in the historical writings of the founders when they drafted the Constitution.
The truth exists with the people who stick to original source materials.
So for example, when we write, when we teach, we have a radio show that goes Monday through Thursday and Saturday when we talk about these current events from a constitutional perspective, we deal with them from historical truths, from proper application, and not from what the textbooks tell us.
So we've got to get back to core principles.
So what I want to ask is what, I mean, you both, you and your husband, military?
And I probably shouldn't say this, but you're Russian linguist.
You're part of the Russian collusion or whatever.
But you're both military people and a lawyer.
What took you in the line of the Constitution?
Because at one time you actually worked for a very nefarious company, didn't you?
Well, I always tell people, and if you go to my website, chrisannhall.com, you'll see my bio, and I'm very upfront about the fact that I wasn't always a Christian, I wasn't always a constitutionalist, I went through a sort of sanctification process that brought me to the truth, and I think that's how Real discipleship of the truth should happen.
It's what our founders called the free marketplace of ideas.
It is actually putting the lies and the truth side by side and discerning what is real and what is not.
That's why freedom of speech is so important.
Because you have to suffer the words of fools in order to discern the difference between foolishness and truth.
So, I was a hardcore socialist.
You were?
I was a hardcore socialist.
Well, I was steeped in the education system.
I went through college, you know.
I was an atheist.
I can't even believe that about you.
You're shocking me now.
I was an atheist.
I was worse than an atheist, Pastor.
I was a conflicted atheist.
I not only didn't believe God, but I hated God, which, you know, that's not quite possible, but I was also a persecutor of Christians until God literally brought me through my sort of Damascus moment, where I became physically impaired, could not do for myself anymore, until I had to actually cry out to God and say, literally said, if you are who they say you are, Then show me how real you are, because I can't do this anymore.
And so then the Lord touched you.
You accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
So now how does it take you from being a socialist to now being a...
A constitutionalist, you know, like... Well, you know, when your eyes get open to truth, the way God works, He doesn't filter out certain truths.
So if you're open and you're asking for wisdom, don't be surprised when God shows you things that maybe you don't want to see.
So even though I was A hardcore socialist.
I was raised in a staunchly Democrat home where the only thing more evil than Satan himself was a Republican.
We were hard-working people.
So my father instilled me with a work ethic.
So I put myself through college.
I got a degree in biochemistry.
Which is quite crazy to think a socialist did that.
So I got a degree in biochemistry.
I graduated from college.
I was all hyped up.
I'm ready to go make my way.
And then I started questioning that sort of ideology that I've been raised with, that taxes equals fairness.
Because I'm looking at my paycheck and I'm thinking, all right, I sacrificed for four years.
I lived on tuna fish and saltine crackers.
I had three jobs, student loans.
I like tuna fish and saltine crackers.
Yeah, but when you eat it for months at a time, you know, it gets kind of old.
And so I'm looking at my paycheck, and I'm thinking, alright, now I gotta pay back these student loans, I got my own bills to pay for, and all this money is being pulled out in taxes.
Now, I believe that charity ought to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves, the widows, the orphans, and that sort of thing.
Not a government-forced charity, which we should call legalized plunder, but a charity of the individual.
But I started noticing this thought that had been planted in my head that we have to take care of people.
And I started noticing that the same people that were not working when I started college were still not working four years later.
Not because they couldn't, but because they chose not to or they made bad choices that kept them from helping themselves.
And so I started thinking, you know, fairness means if you work hard, Then you get the benefits of your work.
And so I started questioning the whole basis and foundation of my ideologies.
And that started the questioning process.
I want to hear the full thing when we come back after the break, because this is amazing.
I'm actually finding out things about Chris Hanna.
I didn't even know.
Wow, a socialist and a Russian linguist now.
It actually makes sense.
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So let's see what happens in the next, I guess, two and a half minutes now.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Rodney Howard Brown and the 4th Hour standing in for Alex Jones on In For Wars Today.
This is Monday, and what are we, the 22nd day of the month of October.
As we went into the break, I was just clicking through Twitter.
I basically stay on Twitter just to counteract the media.
I'm not there.
If you're looking for nice little motivational tweets from me, I might throw one out every now and then.
I basically react to every media tweet that's out there, you know, especially first thing in the morning.
But CBN News just tweeted this, dirty tricks fake voted guys distributed to Christian voters in Texas.
So it looks like they they aiming for Texas and Florida.
Now you are Floridian.
So we I want to get back to your whole transformation from being a socialist Take it away.
Let's talk about that because I think there's a lot of people out there who they see somebody like you and they think, well, you were raised, she was probably always conservative, always Republican.
And now I find that you actually weren't.
No, no, not at all.
My transformation to a more of a constitutionalist It came about through law school.
So where did you study law?
I studied law at the University of Florida.
Okay, and so how long was that?
Three years.
Alright, so what happened during that time of three years that took you to the Constitution?
Well, I figured out that the law school curriculums, which is not an indictment on Florida, but an indictment on the entire country's law school curriculum, doesn't teach you anything about the Constitution.
And so I started realizing that what we were learning wasn't about the Constitution itself, but about case law and about what judges and lawyers wanted us to think about the Constitution.
So I started reading what the drafters of the Constitution wrote about the document that they wrote.
And I realize that we don't teach the Constitution in law school anymore.
What we teach are that judges and lawyers know more about the Constitution than the people who wrote it.
And so then you spend your entire law career learning how to circumvent the Constitution because the focus... Oh, is that what they're teaching?
The focus is not on the Constitution.
The focus is on winning the argument.
It's about precedent over principle.
And so, you know, I think God gave me this very strong personality and with a good dose of rebellion in it.
And so I got really irritated at what I was learning and what I was seeing.
And so it just, it dove me, it made me dive deeper into this study of the Constitution.
But I mean, you've gone so far back as to go to the Magna Carta, so, because I know we've got people that listen from the United Kingdom, and the UK's in a total upheaval right now, because Paul Joseph Watson is a great spokesman, I mean, just...
What he says, you know, and on these clips that he does all the time, it's just he takes it on and slams it right out of London, England, which, you know, we love the UK.
So let's talk a little bit about that, because the problem is not just with America, but even in England.
Of their rights and privileges being taken away, which they actually have rights and privileges, but the Brits don't even know that.
Well, Patrick Henry, when he was a British citizen, said, "I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided and
that's the lamp of experience.
I know no way to judge the future but by the past." So what we have to recognize as a people,
as a matter of human nature, is that history is our greatest teacher. And so when our current...
And it repeats itself.
Absolutely. And when our curriculums whitewash history, when they take out history, when they,
and I don't mean that from a racial perspective, what I mean is...
No, but let me just say this.
They are rewriting history.
That's what you don't understand.
History is being rewritten, and even the pulling down of statutes is to really rewrite history, isn't it?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
And so what I teach is the history of the Constitution.
We go back beyond the Magna Carta.
I go back to the year 1014, to the founding of the Anglo-Saxon, this foundation of the new Anglo-Saxon culture, the creation of the brand new limited monarchy, and how that 700 years from 1014 Actually creates our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights.
Because that was the problem for centuries, was the kings.
And keeping everybody as the serfs.
Served them, you know, isn't that right?
Well, over the 700 years of that history, there were five major rebellions that brought about five written charters with the kings.
And through these five written charters, we get the language of our documents, but we also get the unimportant understanding that you can make a deal with a king.
But a king will only keep his promises as long as you hold a sword at his throat.
The minute you drop the sword, the kings go back to being kings and people go back to being subjects.
So for 700 years, the English people battling with their kings to create each time a more limited government with a more expansive liberty for the people, developed this understanding that finally came to a revelation On our American soil that, hey, if you want to have liberty, you've got to get rid of kings.
You can't keep making deals with kings.
So really the battle was between a government of the people, by the people, for the people, versus living In a kingdom being a subject to a king.
That's right.
So the greatest thing that our founders did was not simply declare independence from Great Britain but declaring independence from kings forever.
And so when I'm teaching this history from 1014 to 1776, It is almost entirely a British history.
Most Americans, believe it or not, Pastor, don't realize that the early American colonies were owned by Great Britain.
So our law is an evolution of British law.
And I actually have a pretty substantial UK following, because I'm sure you can believe this.
I teach more British history with greater accuracy than the British schools teach for generations.
I believe it.
It's a major concern to me right now because England is about to be lost.
The UK is about to be lost.
One of the things I also learned was that if you're American, they so hated royalty or the lordship that if you took a title, you lost your citizenship.
So I see Americans going over being knighted and becoming sir and lady and lord and they don't realize they actually renounced their citizenship at that very moment.
Well, you know, I think Dianne Feinstein should renounce her citizenship for taking on the title of senator.
So, just by way of example, we had some, it was a couple of years ago, there were some, a senatorial hearing where they brought forward some regular citizens and they were addressing the Senate.
And the person being questioned, the regular citizen being questioned, kept referring to Dianne Feinstein as Miss Feinstein or whatever.
And she actually chastised them and said, you will call me Senator Feinstein.
And so I think the title of nobility is more than just something of lord and king.
It's a mentality.
Well, that's why we got rid of titles.
Not because of titles, but because of the mentality that government will lord over people.
And that's part of the problem we have today.
Maybe that's still in the American psyche because their love of the royal family.
Like you watch when the royal family gets married, everybody's like, you know, it's like they cry.
It's just, it's ridiculous to me.
I don't even understand it.
Well, it's spiritual, Pastor.
Think about it.
The people have always held an idolatry, and when God gave them a choice, the people said to God, thanks very much for your offer, but we'd rather have kings like everybody else.
Sure, and in America, of course, they do footballers, and they do Hollywood stars, and rappers, and singers.
Well, and the return of this ideology of wanting a king.
So because of that sort of spiritual human nature of always gravitating towards a kingdom, we have actually transformed the office of the president to look more like a king than a president.
There's no doubt.
I mean, if you look at the Constitution, Article 2 delegates power for the president He exercises... We'll get a call.
When we get back from the break, listen, let me tell you, this is important that you understand that.
Because we can't allow those in authority to rule and lord over us.
They're there serving us.
So you can call your congressman and senator and tell them, stop the train coming.
If you don't, we're kicking your butt out of office.
And we're going to replace you.
We'll be back for the final segment, I believe.
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[Sounds of a storm]
You laughed at me.
(wind howling)
You've been in love with something else your whole life.
And this is a love affair.
And so, I'm not gonna get in bed with you.
Because you don't love the spirit of justice.
You love your father the devil.
You love death more than life.
So you go with your father forever.
And that's hell.
Separation from God.
You'll never, never defeat the human spirit!
You'll never defeat God!
You'll never win!
Never ever!
And this is where we get tested!
So rejoice to God Almighty!
We're having an earthquake!
We're having an earthquake!
No, it's Alex Jones!
And he's super pissed!
He aligns himself with the truth and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
This magic moment So different and so new
Wasn't like any other Until I kissed you
And then it happened It took me by surprise
Rodney Highbrown, the Bible Ministries of the National of Tampa, Florida
standing in the fourth hour And we're in the final segment now.
And it's been great to be with you here on InfoWars.
Please get the book from InfoWars store.
Alex is carrying it along with the audiobook.
We also have the study guide and there's a study key available now.
So this is called The Killing of Uncle Sam, The Demise of the United States, and it covers 200 years Of history.
Kevin Shipp, former CIA officer and anti-terrorism expert, said, this book is without question the most accurate description of the deep state shadow government that I've ever read.
I really want to encourage you to get this book.
It really educates you.
It's a non-partisan book, so it's not in favor of Democrat, Republican.
It really is about the money system of the world and what's running and what's driving everything, which is imperative that people can understand that.
And I want to encourage people in the light of the censorship that's taking place of Alex Jones and the message.
It's not about Alex Jones.
It would be about anybody who speaks this narrative.
So, you know, I realized years ago when I was criticized and attacked, as I still am, because we carry revival in the fire of God.
And so we labeled everything out of the sun.
That it didn't really matter what my name was, whether it's Rodney Howard Brown, Rodney Howard Yellow, Rodney Howard Purple, Rodney Howard Green.
It just, whoever is going to carry the truth of the fire of God, and the anointing, and the gospel of Jesus Christ, is going to be attacked.
And the gospel carries a stigma with it.
The cross is an offense to many.
And so, when we stand up for freedom, when we stand up for liberty, we stand up for things, and we begin to speak truth, then evil reacts to that.
And so I, years ago, stopped even worrying about what other people think.
I only care about one thing, what God thinks.
And all that we have to do is for evil to prevail, for good people to do nothing.
In this final segment, of course, we're still talking to Chris Anhall, constitutional attorney, former socialist, former atheist.
Totally radicalized believer now, on fire for God, Liberty First University, and travels the country.
Before we, you know, we're going to wrap it up here shortly, but what are some of the things that you see as you travel across America?
Are you encouraged?
Oh my goodness!
Pastor, so I am more encouraged now than I have been in the last eight years.
We are seeing a revival all across America.
A lot of people throw cast stones at the group that we call the Millennials.
We label them as snowflakes.
But they're not stupid, eh?
Oh, no.
There is an entire millennial counterculture that is rising in America.
They're sick and tired of this label, and they want people to know that we love liberty.
I am teaching them all over the country.
As a matter of fact, I just got back from Oklahoma, and I taught in Tulsa and Oklahoma City over a thousand high school and college students.
And how do they respond?
They are so excited.
I taught a 500 school body.
About the difference between a riot and a protest, right?
Explain that quickly because some people think that a riot is actually a protest.
Okay, so it's very simple.
If you are burning down buildings, stealing televisions, punching people in the face, or destroying vehicles, That is not a protest, that is a riot.
That is criminal activity.
A protest is something that very accurately describes a peaceful event in the name of freedom of speech.
But if you can be actual criminalized for what you're doing, that is not a protest, that's a riot.
And so I get frustrated, and I'm noticing that people are too, that when the corporate media and the pundits and everybody call these Antifa protests, they're not.
They're riots.
They're actually criminal activity.
They don't have a right to do what they're doing.
The people, under the auspices of government, in the protection of private property rights and the rights of people, have a right to see criminal prosecution come against these people.
So we're seeing this whole counterculture arise.
Now, you also had something to do with land rights.
I was very interested in that.
Yes, yes.
So we just finished a conference in Utah on property rights, the proper definition of the limited and defined nature of the federal government to own property, as opposed to their expansive land grabs all over America.
And it's really very shocking, Pastor, when you read the Constitution and you see how limited and defined, how specifically defined the Constitution is about the federal government's actual authority to possess and own land.
How do they even get to the place where they own everything?
Well, because it's the same as everything else.
The people have, since 1830, the people have been slowly but surely guided into this ideology of federal supremacy, that whatever Congress wants to do, they can do it because they have the General Welfare Clause, they have the Commerce Clause, and our founders were really clear that those clauses were not powers.
But descriptions of power.
As a matter of fact, Alexander Hamilton, the biggest government guy that we had probably in that day, he and James Wilson probably sort of traded off that title, actually said, Alexander Hamilton said in Federalist 83, that the specific enumeration of powers would be absurd if we actually intended a general use of powers.
And that's what we have today.
We have an unlawful and errant teaching of the people to this whatever-goes federal government in the name of whatever the people's land, preservation... Is it because people are so busy with their own life that they feel like, well, look, just let them handle it and we'll live our life, but they don't realize that these guys are just taking over everything?
Well, I think that's a symptom.
I think the people being too busy in their own lives is a symptom of the real issue, is the fact that the people don't know that they have to be involved.
Because we've written the parents out of the school.
They weren't trained to be involved.
Right, exactly.
And that's what we were talking about in the beginning.
A discipleship.
And so we need to reunite people with this understanding that, hey, you've got to be involved.
You cannot care about politics, but politics will care about you.
And the fact that we have, we're passing on.
A $200 trillion debt.
Now, I know that's not the number that they report, but I have economist friends, Wall Street experts, who tell me, you've got to look at what they hide.
$200 trillion in debt.
Well, there's also quadrillions of dollars worth of derivatives floating the planet, so the chickens are going to come home to roost.
Well, we could eliminate that debt, very simply, if we restored constitutional process.
We could stop all this spending on unconstitutional agencies, on unconstitutional spending.
Stop funding the United Nations.
Kick them out of New York.
Get our territory back.
Hey, get our Statue of Liberty back.
And what about some of our national parks?
I want people to start getting involved with local government again.
You had talked about Florida and Texas being an attack.
We've actually developed a Florida Amendment Voter Guide.
So how do people find it?
At ChrisAnneHall.com.
And I go through the 12 amendments that are on the ballot and teach you about them.
Okay, you need to do that.
We have just two minutes left.
Let me just say this to you watching the program today.
Do your best to support Alex.
Buy the products that He has actually used several of them myself and then watch the show every weekday 11 to 3 p.m.
Monday to Friday and then of course on Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
But let me just say this in closing.
It's imperative that you watching right now that you surrender your life to the Lord.
I'm not talking about joining a church or anything.
I'm talking about just having an intimate personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
He's real.
Somebody said, I don't believe that.
If you invite him, say, come.
Show yourself.
Do what Chris Ann did.
Say, show yourself real to me.
If you're real, I'll serve you, and then take the Bible.
Forget about all the other books you read about the Bible.
Take the Bible.
Start in the Gospel of John.
Read the Gospel of John, and then let God lead you by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our conference is going every day, because now it's Monday, so Monday night through Sunday night, two meetings a day.
You can tune in on revival.com, RIT and Livestream, or right now on our YouTube channel, or our Facebook page, which you can get through the revival.com.
Link, but that's all the time that we have today.
Really, let me say what an honor it has been to just be here.
I was so surprised when Alex will be texting on Saturday.
He said, would you host the show for two hours?
I was like, I nearly fell off my chair, but it's been great.
Alex's voice cannot be silenced.
And of course, there's multitude being raised up now.
To speak the truth, which is imperative.
We have a window of opportunity.
The final grains of sand are going through the hourglass.
We're right at the end.
Everything's heading towards Armageddon.
You can see it with the hypersonic missiles, you know, and space wars.
There's no telling what's about to happen.
And Chrisanne, it's been great having you on the set.
Thank you, sir.
This is the fourth hour.
And go to her website, chrisannehall.com, and ours, revival.com.
And of course, on behalf of Alex Jones and InfoWars, thank you for watching the program today.
We love you.
We're praying for you.
And we see another great awakening in America.
It's time.
Now is the time.
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Hey guys, my name is Savannah Hernandez and if you're always on the go like me, then you're not