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Name: 20181018_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 18, 2018
3521 lines.

In his radio show, Alex Jones discusses a variety of topics including Putin's comments about nuclear warfare, midterm elections in the US, and private Federal Reserve policies. He promotes several products available at InfoWarsStore.com, shares global news, and interviews callers who share their opinions on current events. In this episode, Jones talks about NPCs as people who blindly follow a script without independent thinking and believes conservatives are gaining momentum before the midterm elections. He discusses various health products and criticizes social media censorship and George Soros' Open Society group's influence on political events like the Honduran migrant caravan towards the US-Mexico border.

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Ladies and gentlemen, we are live on this Thursday, Global Transmission, the 18th day of October 20...
News just broke 10 minutes ago that we exclusively have on Infowars.com for Western media.
Putin is holding a huge conference in Russia right now, and just 15 minutes ago said this.
We're going to grab it in the next few minutes.
We should have it for you in the next segment, so you can actually see it for yourself.
It is the most dramatic thing we've ever seen Putin, who's normally pretty restrained, say.
Just to show you what a dangerous situation this world is in.
This is from our team.
It's on InfoWars.com right now.
And obviously the live stream that we have posted there just got posted under a similar name that everybody needs to share, because this is serious.
After nuclear holocaust, we'll go to heaven as martyrs.
Attackers will die as sinners.
That's why I was a little bit late even getting into the chair here, because I'd been dealing with this since I was told about it just about 15 minutes ago.
And I've seen the video for myself.
If any nation decides to attack Russia with nuclear weapons, it may end life on Earth.
But unlike the aggressors, the Russians are sure to go to heaven.
President Vladimir Putin has said, any aggressor should know that retribution will be inevitable and he will be destroyed.
And since We'll be the victims of his aggression.
We will be going to heaven as martyrs.
They will simply drop dead.
Won't even have time to repent.
Putin said during a session of the Valdai Club in Sochi.
He added that Russian nuclear forces are not tailored for preemptive strike and exist as
a second strike capability meant to deter an attack by a foreign nation.
The Russian nuclear doctrine allows for the use of weapons in a conventional conflict
that only of Russian existence is at stake.
This presumably gives the Russian military a loophole to use tactical nuclear weapons
in case of large-scale invasion.
The self-imposed restrictions are less harsh than the complete "no first pledge" which
was dropped by Moscow in 1993.
latest nuclear posture review says that Washington may use nuclear weapons in response to a non-nuclear attack on itself or allies, including an internet attack.
That's Hillary's work and Obama's.
It remains vague about the exact circumstances that may trigger such an action.
Hillary said it was clear it's even an internet attack they could blame on.
Blame the Russians.
This gave rise to speculation that even a cyber attack may permit a nuclear response.
Meanwhile, a call for the creation of small-yield submarine-launched missiles and nuclear-capable sea-launched cruise missiles have only added to concerns that the U.S.
is stocking up and stocking up for some kind of large-scale conflict.
As more unfolds, this just broke, like I said, like 20 minutes ago now.
We will have the video for you on the other side.
And we will have a lot more, obviously.
This is a big, big deal.
When you look at the rest of the posture of the world, when you look at the globalists trying to derail the peace deal that Trump's got with Saudi Arabia, that's what all this Khashoggi stuff is about.
It's all just amazing, with 19 days out from this obviously incredibly historic, critical midterm election.
Meanwhile, boy, I tell you, the season's right.
Halloween right around the corner.
Sam Hain, only 12 days away, 13 days away in the election, a few days after that, we have all these videos of Democrats all over the U.S.
foaming at the mouth, acting like they're demon-possessed, and attacking people.
Tearing down Ted Cruz signs, you name it.
It is all coming up on the other side of this break as these people go into total crazed mode.
There is so much more obviously coming up.
Trump threatens to call U.S.
military up to stop the U.N.
breaking down our borders and more.
Whatever you do, tell folks about the broadcast now and break the blockade.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
The live conference is still ongoing, but we found the video and are getting it ready to take it on air here very, very soon.
Vladimir Putin, 25 minutes ago or so, after nuclear holocaust, will go to heaven as martyrs.
Attackers will die as sinners.
Very, very strong language from Putin.
You plug this into what's happening geopolitically.
Economically, what the globalists are trying to do, trying to kill any peace deals that Trump wanted to have, it's a very, very serious time to be alive on this planet.
Meanwhile, U.S.
is seeing relentless rise in household wealth, Credit Suisse says.
But that doesn't matter.
Here's the L.A.
As Trump slams the private run-for-profit Federal Reserve, its policymakers are turning and tuning him out.
And moving ahead with rate hikes.
So we've had seven rate hikes, now they're looking at maybe four or five more.
To suppress the economy.
Because it isn't Trump who's the president.
No, ladies and gentlemen.
It's ex-Fed Chief Greenspan.
He says this is the tightest labor market I've ever seen at CNBC.
He says the economy's roaring and we need to raise interest rates.
They had zero interest rates for Obama, but only gave the free money to themselves, subsidiaries of the private Federal Reserve, and had very tight credit since 2009 on the general public in America.
China was given unlimited credit.
India was given unlimited credit because the big brain bugs, the big super-cast elites, they had decided that America was to be a service economy so that we could be managed like a dog and brought to heel.
And in rides Trump, trying to turn that around.
And as Trump said just a day ago, the biggest threat to the recovery and the biggest threat to America is the private, run-for-profit Federal Reserve.
That is openly trying to spike the economy.
Because Trump went in with cutting regulations and some basic tax cuts to working people and some corporate taxes to get a few factories to move back.
China's at zero.
We're at 15 now.
We were at 40.
They dropped from 15 to zero to counter us.
Just a few ball and chains.
We have like 50 tied to our legs, but Trump's getting, you know, six or seven of them off.
He's trying to cut the others off with a blowtorch, but the Federal Reserve's walking up with more balls and chains as fast as Trump can cut them off.
Unbelievable that we put up with this type of garbage for the private run-for-profit Federal Reserve.
I played yesterday.
We should play it again today.
Alan Greenspan, 11 years ago, On the Lair News Hour, saying we are our own branch of government and no one can regulate us and we are above the law.
Let's just play it again, here it is.
Well, first of all, the Federal Reserve is an independent agency and that means basically that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take.
So long as that is in place and there is no evidence that the administration or the Congress or anybody else is requesting that we do things other than what we think is the appropriate thing, then what the relationships are don't frankly matter.
So you've got the states and you've got the federal government.
You've got the legislative, executive, and judicial in the states and the federal government.
It's called the federal system.
Doesn't mean it's all federally run.
The federalists, there were the anti-federalists, you can research them, different perspectives on this, but the federalists said that power was shared equally by the feds and the states for a balance.
And then the three branches within each also shared power.
But you didn't know there was a fourth branch.
At least, you're not supposed to know that because it's not supposed to be one.
Of the private run-for-profit Federal Reserve set up by J.P.
Morgan and others in 1913 at Jekyll Island, snuck through on December 23rd, 1913 by three senators who passed it and put it into place to give private offshore banks control over our economy.
And here we are 104 years later and they're arrogantly sitting up on national television Saying we are independent, no one can control us, no one can do anything.
We decide.
There's like this upper ceiling, like Mount Olympus.
You go through the cloud cover and there it is where the gods live.
You can't go there.
There's a big chasm between us and them.
But there they are.
Just like the breakaway criminal groups in the Justice Department.
And the breakaway criminal groups in the CIA under the National Security Act 1947.
Just doing whatever they want, however they want.
And selling America out to the world.
Because the globalists, which are the children and the political bastard children of the robber barons and the British Empire, the authoritarian corporatists, the crony capitalists, they want the American system dead, dead and gone.
And that's why, when we come back, I'm going to play a Tucker Carlson piece That is extremely powerful, where he makes the point, and documents it, that the Democrats hate America, and hate the people of America, and have organized large swaths of people to work in tandem with the multinational corporate powers, the unelected EU, and the unelected mass-murdering kingpins of the Qaikom nightmare oligarchy.
That's the real world.
We're gonna play Tucker Carlson, then we're gonna play the most vicious leftist attacks on widows of 9-11, people pulling yard signs up, breaking into Linda Blair demonic jibber, all of it.
But, we're gonna go to break and we have the full clip coming up of Vladimir Putin warning of thermonuclear Armageddon.
Here it is.
Only if we identify through that system that missiles are being launched at us, only that will we deliver a retaliatory strike, a strike in response.
Only when there are missiles airborne being launched at Russia.
Of course, that would lead to a global disaster, to a nuclear catastrophe.
But Russia cannot become its instigator or initiator because we don't have a preventive strike in our as part of our military doctrine.
Of course once someone has launched nuclear missiles at us it would be maybe too late to stop them but a potential aggressor should know that there will be retaliation and we will get to heaven as martyrs and our enemies will simply die as dogs.
Because they won't even have time to redeem themselves.
Will we destroy ourselves?
Because if you look at this whole situation with Saudi Arabia and the Washington Post reporter, and all the rest of it, you see there's different factions in our government that don't want Iran to be brought to its knees, the mullahs, who are working to derail Saudi Arabia.
Does that mean I like Saudi Arabia?
Does that mean they're perfect?
Huge bombings, murders, torture, death, women being executed by Saudi Arabia.
The left doesn't ever talk about it or care.
But as soon as it can make Trump look bad, well then my gosh, we need to basically have a war with Saudi Arabia.
So, you can see how there's different globalist forces playing nation-states off against each other.
And there's more of this Putin information coming up as well.
Full video will be uploaded and posted to InfoWars.com.
It is extremely important.
At the bottom of the hour, I'll get into the real nuclear threat and why.
Even top experts agree the doomsday clock's closer to midnight than it's ever been.
That's at the bottom of the hour.
But first, Why does the left hate America so much?
Because they were born, raised and bred and trained on the universities that they're the ruling class and they will take down America.
They are the cancer introduced to the body politic.
And they mean business.
And they are filled with the same amount of hate that other authoritarian henchmen on the streets have always been filled with.
I'm Alex Jones.
Only you can cut to the censors and share those links.
There are a lot of people out there on television, radio, and on the internet, and print, telling you that they've got the answers.
They know how the world really works.
The funny thing is, nobody tries to shut them down.
Nobody tries to keep them quiet.
Because they're like a bunch of brainwashed, lobotomized monkeys running around, not knowing what they're really doing.
But in full wars, now Hillary Clinton and George Soros and the Democratic Party and the EU and the CHICOMS, they want us shut down.
Because you see, I actually read the Chinese Communist Establishment Party newspapers.
I actually read the Council on Foreign Relations bi-monthly publication, Foreign Affairs.
I've actually read hundreds and hundreds of books written by people like David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, so I know their larger game plan.
I know the operation they're carrying out against humanity.
And so, because I have their number, they want me shut down.
You've seen massive Corporate demonization and lies about us, and you've seen the attempts to take our sponsors away, and to be able to take our banking away, so we can't even process orders.
This is a concerted, un-American, cartel, mafia operation.
And now, as we enter the middle of October 2018, it has intensified.
Now, we have major stockpiles of incredibly high-quality supplements, t-shirts, books, films, air filtration, water filtration, you name it, built up for Black Friday and, of course, for Cyber Monday and for Christmas.
But I'm not even 100% confident we'll be able to engage in commerce then.
So that's why, with this concerted effort of the globalists coming down on us, that Christmas is coming early.
Black Friday's coming early.
Cyber Monday's coming early.
All those sales we had planned for the next two months are now condensed, starting now.
And until things sell out, or until we are successful, or until they shut us down, who the hell knows?
The point is, is they're moving against us everywhere and licking their lips to shut down our self-funded operation that is here because of you.
InfoWars is in your hands.
InfoWars has always been in your hands, and we were the number one media organization in the world after Drudge Report, when it came to video and audio, number one in the election of Trump.
And so they shadow banned us, and they took our sponsors, and they wouldn't let us advertise, and they strangled us.
And still, because of you getting the word out, we were dominating.
And so now they're coming after our ability at InfoWarsTore.com to even have credit card processing.
But we've got it, we've got backups, but they're like a mafia targeting those.
Get your X2.
Even though it's selling out in the last run, 50% off.
Brain Force, selling out, 50% off.
Supermental Vitality, 50% off.
Every supplement, 50% off.
Now, I do that with air filtration and water filtration.
They don't even have 50% markup to take off, but they're discounted as well.
And Free shipping, store-wide, in fullerstore.com.
This is Christmas in October.
Get the great supplements you already love and need that you know are great, the five-star ratings, and go ahead and buy your Christmas gifts so that you have them.
Don't have to fight traffic.
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I'm counting on you.
You've always come through.
They know you always come through, which is why they want to deny you the right and the ability with a five-star rated organization with the best banking scores and best credit you can have.
They want to shut down because we're successful when we expose them.
And now is your chance more than ever to step in and make sure we've got funds to go into the next year.
We're in some serious times because we've been effective, we've been strong, we've been forceful, we've been successful.
You've been successful by supporting us.
So, InfoWareStore.com, InfoWareLife.com, today, in this mega sale, 50% off free shipping, to help bring the InfoWare to the next level.
I'm counting on you.
You always come through.
Take advantage of this.
this, let's make it our most successful sale ever.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
There are too many examples to count.
The crazed hatred of the left.
The antifa foaming at the mouth.
What's happening?
It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome, and it's infectious.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
It is he who commands you!
He who plunged you from the heights of heaven to the depths of hell!
Be gone!
Fuck him, Garrus!
From this creature of God!
Be gone!
In the name of the Father, the Son, Hillary's doctor visiting her last night.
By this sign of the Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
It's the power, Holywater.
It's the power of Christ that compares you The power of Christ compels you!
You know, you can joke around about this.
This is from The power of Christ compels you!
Produced and directed by the CIA.
Look that up. Produced and directed by the CIA.
The power of Christ compels you!
The power of Christ compels you!
The power of Christ compels you!
Now, we're going to go ahead and leave this now.
It's important to understand that whether they're adopting the archetype of being demon possessed or whether it's really happening, it doesn't matter, it's happening.
We have six videos that I currently just thought of today of Antifa and others actually saying, we love Satan, we love the devil, we love killing babies and hissing.
And if you say anything about loving God or wearing a cross on your shirt, anything, they begin hissing and flopping around and it's simply amazing.
If you're a radio listener, Infowars.com forward slash show, you'll be able to see this.
We'll post the video later.
I've got a bunch of videos I'm going to get to now and then Tucker Carlson of this happening.
Now this is just yesterday.
The video's on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
I suggest you scroll down halfway down the page and find it, because it's from yesterday, from last night, and get it out to people.
But this is Houston, with a man out front of his house seeing a trendy skinny jeans person, who again, watched too much Harry Potter movies, or read too many Harry Potter books, coming over in his little skinny jeans, and pulling up Signs in the man's yard.
Then he goes over to the man's neighbor and starts pulling up the signs.
And then he runs into a bar called the Black Hole.
So it's perfect that the demon then runs into a black hole.
Which I'm sure if he doesn't repent and get with Christ, he will be going to that demon into a black hole.
And then say, I hate Ted Cruz, your mother, you know what your mother does in hell!
So whether they're trying to freak out and see Christians as conservatives or conservatives as Christians, they ally themselves with the left-hand path, the leftists, they see themselves as the devil archetype, as bad.
And they see a Cruz supporter as the Christian archetype.
You understand?
So they're targeting that.
So that's their colors.
That's why so many Antifa and left now wear pentagrams.
Which is, a pentacle is a symbol of a human.
Your head, your arms, your legs.
Like Michelangelo.
And so they reversed that.
It's a person crucified upside down.
So let's go ahead and go to this creature.
Here he is.
That is my property.
It is your property?
This is... Oh, that's your property too though, huh?
That's my neighbor's property.
He's a gun owner.
Oh, I'm a gun owner too!
I would watch... Be careful.
me over that that would be great that would be really like you know appropriate response.
I have about a hundred of these I'm about to put more out.
Cool, alright well I'll feel better about that.
Pulling up the Ted Cruz signs walking across the street back to the black hole.
I hate Ted Cruz.
I hate Ted Cruz.
I hate Ted Cruz.
I hate Ted Cruz.
I hate Ted Cruz.
I hate Ted Cruz.
Look at this crowd he's following me.
Look at those skinny jeans.
I've lived here for 15 years.
Not had this behavior.
He just wouldn't let us.
Tore up our signs.
I tore up his Ted Cruz sign because I've lived here for 26 years.
Grew up here.
You moved here?
You moved to Montrose?
You're not from Montrose.
Nah, Ted Cruz does not belong in Montrose.
Go to the Woodlands.
Now, notice the territorialism, the swaggering, the violence, the hate, the demonic affectation.
And I'll show you video after video when we come back of the same thing.
And that's because that's the spirit of these people.
Even clean-cut women at the Capitol.
It's happened several times in Texas.
It's a famous video.
Liberal women will be walking through and see a prayer vigil to try to restrict abortion, and they will start saying, Satan!
Give us the power to kill the baby!
Because there's real satanic power in killing babies.
And this is their meal, their blood meal.
So when we come back, we'll play the old A-Team intro, the abortion team, the Antifa team, and we'll break down what's happening.
But so many Lepers, when we go to their events, literally do this.
They go *vomiting noises* For hours!
And that's why they hate everybody.
It's why they're so twisted.
It's why they want death.
Why they want the economy to fail.
And everywhere they get control, everything collapses.
They are a virus because we have put up with them and let them bully us.
And now even in Texas, in every city, except San Antonio, is now deep blue.
And none of them work?
They just strut around in skinny jeans, pissing on everything, taking drugs all day, and just engage in every form of degeneracy you can imagine.
And their religion is running your life, and making you pay for their life, and being bureaucrats, and ruling you.
Because evil doesn't work, it just rules!
And pisses on everything.
And when confronted with resistance, they absolutely crumble.
But don't worry, the police, when Antifa attacks you anywhere in America, We'll come and arrest you.
If you even raise your arm when they're clubbing you, the police in blue cities will arrest you because Antifa meth-head devil worshippers are God!
Ugly, stupid hunchback!
They must be lifted up!
They must be praised by the system like their witch god Hillary!
Ugly, stupid, feeble, demonic, stinking!
To be worshipped!
Don't forget, biggest sales in our history, right now at InfoWarsStore.com, with them trying to shut us down.
All the nutraceuticals, 50% off.
Free shipping store-wide.
Giant deals on the highest quality storable foods, 35% off.
And the sales are exploding.
Thank you all for your support, but get your products now because I'm going to end this sale very, very soon at InfoWarsLife.com.
Whatever you do, however you're listening, tell people about the broadcast.
The enemy hates it!
You know, it's been said that a lot of people miss the forest for the trees.
And I'm one of those people.
I just want to tell the viewers and listeners of InfoWars that you've changed the world.
And the globalists want to shut down InfoWars because it's a place where we can come together and share ideas and where we have culture, where we have kinship, where we are able to interface and realize how similar we really are.
It's a place where we know that we're not alone.
And that's why they filed fake lawsuits against us and written hundreds of thousands of fake news stories that have been syndicated across the world.
It's why they've got HBO and Showtime shows with characters based on me that do horrible, evil, racist things.
But that said, I wanted to just celebrate the fact that, yeah, we're under attack now, and we'll be under attack in the future.
But the globalists are trying to punish Infowars for what you did, what I did, what others did in the past.
So they're literally fighting a past war, like generals always do, instead of fighting the new war.
So, at so many levels, they're already winning when I debate them, or I confront them, or I try to counter their lies.
They can only disrupt.
And it's important to say where they're lying, but to move on with our truths and the things that we're saying that they're trying to silence.
They tell all these lies because they want us to then debate them for our honor.
But they're dishonorable.
They've been proven to be liars.
Our answer is, you're a pack of liars.
Here's my idea.
Here's what I'm promoting, that you don't want to be hurt.
And that's what's happening at InfoWars.com from 8 a.m.
past 10 o'clock at night, every night now, with live broadcast.
Our election coverage, David Knight, Owen Schroer, myself, and so many others, bringing you true, truth-based information that comes from research and historical understanding and proven sources, not from globalist talking points and disinformation.
But in closing, it takes a lot of money to carry out this fight.
They're trying to shut down our payment processors right now.
They're trying to shut down our shopping carts.
But as long as your order gets through, it'll be shipped out.
And that's why we've got the biggest sale in our history.
50% off and free shipping.
Free shipping storewide, 50% off of the supplements.
A lot of products like air filtration, water filtration, don't have 50% markup in them, so we can't do that.
But they've got 10%, 25%, 35% on the highest quality storable food for the price you're going to pay.
There's a nexus point.
You can pay even more and get something technically better if you pay three times more.
But for the price, being affordable but still being quality, it's that nexus point.
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And for Select, the water filtration, the very best, super high quality.
It's all there.
And store-wide free shipping.
50% off, so that in case they're able to shut down our merchant accounts, before then, you're able to get the products.
So Christmas, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, all rolled into one.
I think we'll make it through this, thanks to your prayers, the fact there's still some free market left in this country.
But let's not count on that.
Let's make sure InfoWars is provisioned for the next few months, with your funding and 360Win, you get great products.
Free shipping store-wide, InformStore.com, 50% off on all the supplements, 35% off on high-quality, storable foods, and so much more.
Take action today, buy the war bonds, and we've already proven we'll change history together.
Can I plug your products real quick?
Just bought a bunch for the 50% off super sale.
I stocked up on my X2.
Then also, the real Red Pill Plus, I think, is underrated, because if ever I need energy, like to work out or whatever, I take four of those bad boys, and I'm good to go.
Well, I've been taking your products probably the past two, three years, but the past year, year and a half, it's really helped me a lot, a lot.
If anybody's looking for a product you want to feel, literally, the knockout, oh, dude, every time.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
You've found it. The Frontline.
The front lines of the human awakening.
It's the Infowar.
And now, Alex Jones.
Everywhere, leftists, Antifa, are literally howling and screaming at the sky and praising Satan.
And there have been more bizarre attacks even here in Texas yesterday.
What is this psychic or spiritual disease that's spreading as full-grown adults behave like satanic toddlers on PCP?
compels you. The power of Christ compels you. See USA is the same to her. She literally
turns green when they chant USA and then she goes bleh.
She's a zombie.
Are you always going to do it?
You know how to do!
And now this in Houston yesterday.
The Ted Cruz Science Team.
I'm just going to take them down.
If you live here, if it's your property, that's the only one.
That is my property.
It is your property?
This is... Oh, that's your property too though, huh?
That's my neighbor's property.
He's a gun owner.
Oh, I'm a gun owner, too!
I would watch.
Be careful.
If you guys shoot me over that, that would be great.
That would be really, like, you know... I bet this guy's a community college professor.
You know, I have fought a hundred of these.
I'm about to put more out.
Well, alright.
Alright, well I'll feel better about the...
That was my heart, I have a big problem.
I hate the Cruz! I hate the Cruz! I hate the Cruz!
The power of Christ compels you!
(crying) I hate the Cruz!
In today's world, abortion supporters routinely attend pro-life rallies and attempt to bully activists.
If you have a problem and need a smelly group of commie devil worshippers, maybe you can call the A-Team.
And how many did I adopt?
I kill my kids!
I kill my kids!
Hey, we saw your Facebook with your communist hammer and sickle.
That's pretty cool, man.
Is that you on the Facebook?
Is there a Facebook page of you with a hammer and sickle?
I don't think so.
How do you get your abortions paid for?
I pay for them.
How many do you pay for them?
Upwards of 50.
How do you get your abortions paid for?
I pay for them.
I thought you said three.
What do you pay for them?
Um, upwards of 50.
Oh yeah.
F*** you, you piece of s***!
Bunch of misogynist motherf**kers!
Take your male privilege somewhere else!
Robert, you're being aggressive.
I'm being aggressive?
Come on, in the house!
Get in the house!
Watch out!
These, that's the guys that attacked Alex Jones.
Lots of Democrats hailing Satan.
There you go.
From the front lines of the information war, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
So he just joined us.
Coming up next segment, he just said it like 45 minutes ago, 50 minutes ago.
We have the video.
This is nowhere else in the U.S.
It's not even on the RT page.
We have it at Infowars.com.
We're going to be playing it.
Putin basically saying, get ready for nuclear war, nuclear holocaust.
Russians will all go to heaven.
Those that attack us first will go straight to hell because they're dogs.
That's pretty big. But what I'm illustrating here is there's so many leftist attacks on
people now that I can't even keep track of them.
And if you're a woman or a child or disabled, that's who they tend to target.
I remember at that particular anti-abortion rally we had pointing out that 51% of blacks on average are aborted because we're such evil racists.
We're pointing out that's the real KKK, Margaret Sanger.
And then you see the leftist roundhouse kicking peaceful pro-life women in the face.
At the events we've been at, they come up and say we love Satan.
They have devil tattoos all over them.
They're not trying to be cool, folks.
They mean this stuff.
And it just gets worse and worse and worse.
Where I can't even keep track of anymore.
And now we've got All these prominent people defending MS-13 like Nancy Pelosi and James Brown.
I mean, excuse me, Maxine Waters.
All of them.
And I just ask myself, when does it end?
When does it end?
There's a new Maxine Waters clip we're going to play later where she defends Sharia law.
I used to hear 15 years ago they were going to put in Sharia law here in America.
And they were going to try it in Europe, and they'd buy off the politicians.
I thought that was crazy, super right-wing fear-mongering, because I never thought we were that stupid.
It's happening everywhere.
Because we put up with all this crap.
Now, I said I'd get to Tucker Carlson, but it's a four-and-a-half-minute, super powerful clip.
I'll get to it at the start of the next one.
But he says what everybody else needs to say, because it's the truth.
The left knows they hate America.
That's who they are.
They're not liberals.
They're not conservatives.
They're leftist.
And Prager University does a five-minute video on this that is the best out there.
Learn the history of the left-hand path.
It means the devil worship party.
The Jacobins, the French Revolution, were Illuminati devil worshipers.
That's in mainline history books.
I've had Lord Monckton is a famous inventor and historian and top advisor to Margaret Thatcher.
And I said, where does it all come from?
Well, my young friend, it comes from the Jacobins and the French Revolution.
I can ask any real historian where it all comes from.
It comes from the left-hand path, my good boy.
Well, what is the left-hand path?
Not working yourself but making others work for you.
A hate of life.
You hear the chant USA, you begin to act like Linda Blair having holy water dumped on her.
Now, let's go to this other clip that's on Infowars.com that I know you know this, but we need to get it out.
Antifa protester 9-11 widow.
Your husband should effing rot in the grave.
And I'm sorry, this is a family show.
I mean, you go back 15 years ago, we might have had one beep a week on air.
Now half the segments have beeps in them.
Because that's who these people are, and we need to point out who they are.
So, she's harassing the lady in Portland because she looks conservative.
They just harass anybody now.
And she says, you know, I lost my husband on 9-11.
And he says, you deserved it.
Because see, all cops and all firefighters, they're part of the system.
So let's go ahead and go to that clip.
Here it is.
Why are you trying to block me?
I'm trying to walk here.
I have made traffic signals.
You're an arguing idiot.
Shut the **** up.
Try something, bitch.
I'm not.
I'm not going to punch you.
I'm not like your husband.
I'm not going to punch you.
I'm not married.
I'm not like your boyfriend or your top boyfriend.
I can knock you out, so don't worry.
My husband died in 9-11.
Good for him.
Good, well, then call NYPD, we're about to [BLEEP
bully sticks.
So yeah, your [BLEEP
brought in the grave.
By the way, Trump told Honduras and Guatemala he'll cut money off if they don't try to stop
Now they're saying they're trying to stop, but they can't.
Tens of thousands are opening up migration routes under the UN official treaty to flood
us as a weaponized attack, just like Europe.
Hungary, Austria and others have pulled out of the UN compact.
Italy's pulling out.
We are under globalist attack.
Using these giant, poor folks, mainly out of Venezuela.
The whole country's collapsed, and now they're all moving this way.
And once they get here, they'll be taught to bitch and gripe and hate America and piss all over everything.
So, there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
That's how it is.
We're so bad, everybody wants to get here!
We're so racist, everybody wants to get here!
We are under globalist attack and they admit we're under attack.
So stand up and speak out to the left as bullies or be enslaved.
Choose what side you're on!
Did you hear?
Christmas is coming in October.
Black Friday's coming in October.
Cyber Monday's coming in October.
But what's really coming in October is incredible deals.
50% off at InfoWarsTore.com and free shipping.
And it's all to stand up against the censors that are really pushing to shut down InfoWars.com and to shut down your voice.
Now, I'm sure that you've seen that they want InfoWars to go the way of the Dodo Bird.
By the way, the dinosaurs.
Because they themselves are collapsing and going that direction.
You've seen massive corporate demonization and lies about us.
And you've seen the attempts to take our sponsors away and to be able to take our banking away so we can't even process orders.
This is a concerted, un-American, cartel, mafia operation.
And now, as we enter the middle of October 2018, it has intensified.
Now we have major stockpiles of incredibly high quality supplements, t-shirts, books, films, air filtration, water filtration, you name it, built up for Black Friday and of course for Cyber Monday and for Christmas.
But I'm not even 100% confident we'll be able to engage in commerce then.
So that's why, with this concerted effort of the Globals coming out on us, that Christmas is coming early.
Black Friday's coming early.
Cyber Monday's coming early.
All those sales we had planned for the next two months are now condensed into starting now.
And until things sell out, or until we are successful, or until they shut us down, who the hell knows?
The point is, is they're moving against us everywhere and licking their lips to shut down our self-funded operation that is here because of you.
InfoWars is in your hands.
InfoWars has always been in your hands, and we were the number one media organization in the world, after Drudge Report, when it came to video and audio, number one in the election of Trump.
And so they shadow banned us, and they took our sponsors, and they wouldn't let us advertise, and they strangled us.
And still, because of you getting the word out, we were dominating.
And so now they're coming after our ability, InfoWarsTore.com, to even have credit card processing.
But we've got it, we've got backups, but they're like a mafia targeting those.
Get your X2.
Even though it's selling out in the last run, 50% off.
Brain Force, selling out, 50% off.
Super Melon Vitality, 50% off.
Every supplement, 50% off.
Now, I do that with air filtration, water filtration.
They don't even have 50% markup to take off, but they're discounted as well.
And, free shipping, store-wide, info-more-store.com.
So, this is the October Black Friday coming early.
This is Christmas coming early.
This is Cyber Monday coming early.
This is Christmas in October.
Get the great supplements you already love and need that you know are great.
The five-star ratings.
And go ahead and buy your Christmas gifts.
So that you have them.
Don't have to fight traffic.
Christmas is only two months away.
And you can support the M4 War while getting great products and win-win.
I'm counting on you.
You've always come through.
They know you always come through.
Which is why they want to deny you the right and the ability With a five-star rated organization with the best banking scores and best credit you can have.
I mean, our credit card rate's 2%.
Nobody's got that.
Credit card processing.
They want to shut down because we're successful.
We expose them.
And now is your chance, more than ever, to step in and make sure we've got funds to go into the next year.
We're in some serious times because we've been effective, we've been strong, we've been forceful, we've been successful.
You've been successful by supporting us.
So, InfoWarsTore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, today, in this mega sale, 50% off free shipping, to help bring the info war to the next level.
I'm counting on you.
You always come through.
Take advantage of this.
this, let's make it our most successful sale ever.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
One-nine, baby!
19 days, counting down, and the deep state is in overdrive to try to cause civil war, to enact the 25th Amendment, and remove the 45th President of the United States before he can reverse the globalist policies and show us the total proof that America was artificially suppressed.
But 21 months since he was elected, 22 months, 23 months, 24 months.
We're about to be at 24 months since he was elected and before he even got into office two months later.
The tide began to turn and they are more desperate than ever because with each passing day, Trump's hand, your hand, our hand becomes stronger.
There's not just evil in this world, my friends.
There's also good.
But you have to believe in it, and you have to have courage, and you have to stand up.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is a real honor to be here.
And we're going to open the phones up for the balance of the transmission coming up early in the next hour.
And then Tommy Robinson, set for that hearing that could send him back to prison for exposing successfully confirmed giant Islamic child kidnapping and child molestation rings involved with the British government at the highest levels.
They use the Muslims to keep them and control them in a harem type situation, as is one of the large Islamic cultures and customs.
He'll be joining us, Doug Hagman, and Joe Hagman is sounding to do a great job of being here in the fourth hour, and of course the War Room with Owen Schroer, Roger Stone, and others, three o'clock central.
And back tonight, eight to ten, live coverage of the latest election developments from the InfoWars News Center here in Austin, Texas.
Tucker Carlson, I think, is the best person, the most informed, the most hardcore, the most professional, the most informed on mainstream television.
He's the best.
And then, I'd say Hannity's a close second.
And I would say that Lou Dobbs is a close third.
And I just thank God for these guys.
And I thank God every day for Matt Grudge at grudgereport.com.
And I thank God for you.
But I think we should Celebrate other people that are promoting Americana successfully and standing up for what's right in our children's futures.
So, I'm not like other talk show hosts.
Almost all of them are insanely jealous.
They're insanely obsessed with whoever's number one.
I love the fact Sean Hannity, on radio and TV, he's Eclipse Limbaugh.
And Limbaugh's great.
He's not perfect, but at least he loves America.
He's not out to get the country.
And Tucker's understanding is just really a national treasure.
The President's a national treasure.
And I just want to celebrate that fact that we're all in this together.
Now, I've been chosen for total destruction because the globalists can track back where it started.
It started in 1776.
Hell, it started in the Magna Carta in 1215.
It started way before that.
It started with the Gutenberg Press 500 years ago.
When was the Gutenberg?
Look it up for me.
But in modern terms, relaunching, rediscovery of Americana in 1776 and what we really are, the flower of the Renaissance, this transmission, which means all of you, the affiliates, the listeners, the sponsors, the crew, we're all here.
We are the detonator.
You know what a detonator is?
There's a detonator in every round of ammunition.
Let's say a .308 round.
NATO issue.
It's got a charge of white powder.
And it's got the bullet, the projectile, the round that fires down the barrel.
And there's a firing pin and you aim it at the target with iron sights or a scope.
And then you squeeze the trigger.
Squeeze the trigger.
And magic happens.
But without the detonator.
Without the little firing cap.
You know the old gangsters say, I'm gonna bust a cap in yo ass.
Without the cap.
Without busting a cap, you don't detonate the explosive in the political realm.
I don't mean that violently.
It's an allegory, an analogy.
To me, you're like, Jones threatens to blow things up!
I'll never forget Glenn Beck on CNN.
He goes, there's a thing called a money bomb.
Ron Paul plans to blow things up.
That's when I really started not liking Glenn Beck a long time ago, but let's move on.
So, no casting the dove.
Ron Paul, Dr. Paul is a bad guy.
I'm not going to put up with it.
So this is the place that built the launch pad and the gantry and the rocket to put Trump into orbit.
We did it.
You did it.
So celebrate it.
They want to take that victory by destroying me, lying about me, lying about you.
It doesn't matter.
They're fighting the last war, like failed generals always do.
Winning generals are always fighting the next war.
And that's why they also want to stop us.
Some of them are forward thinking and they go, this guy continues to be the detonator.
It's not me.
It's you.
It's this community.
That's why it's so precious.
Let's go to Tucker Carlson where he lays it all out that the left hate America.
That's who they are.
They're not liberal.
They're leftist.
They're cancer.
Here's Tucker Carlson.
Well, you'd think that violence, physical attacks, and threats in our political system would shock all of us.
But at this point, unfortunately, nobody is really surprised.
It almost seems normal.
It was just last year that a progressive activist tried to murder an entire field of Republican
lawmakers practicing baseball.
He gravely wounded one of them.
Strangely, you didn't hear calls for gun control in the days after that happened.
And at this point, we've practically forgotten it ever happened at all.
And so the cycle has accelerated.
Using force against Republican officeholders and conservatives now seems like a feature
of our political landscape.
We believe survivors!
We believe survivors!
No borders!
No walls!
Sanctuary for all!
If kids don't eat in peace, you don't eat in peace!
So what is this really about?
Suddenly this kind of rage is everywhere.
You've seen tape like that for the past several months.
But who exactly is it aimed at?
What is the point?
Well, Republicans obviously are the focus of most of it, conservatives more generally, anyone else who dissents from the one true faith of cultural leftism.
But really the target is the country itself.
The left is angry at America.
They say so all the time.
This is not the Democratic Party you grew up in, or that you remember if you're over 30.
That party may have stood for some bad ideas, and it did, but there was never really a question about its fundamental loyalty to America or the people who live here.
The party of FDR and LBJ, even of Bill Clinton, was basically a patriotic party, was an American party.
Not anymore.
In 2018, anyone who considers America a distinct physical place with meaningful borders and its own history and traditions and language and culture and values won't feel comfortable in the Democratic Party.
Indeed, may not even be That's key.
Hit pause.
in that party. To modern Democrats, the leaders of the party, America is an
economy with land attached. It's a massive private equity scheme from which
they are benefiting. Its people are interchangeable human widgets to be
discarded and replaced when their usefulness expires.
Was it always this way?
Back that up ten seconds. They literally want euthanasia of old people because
they don't want to pay for them even though that builds an economy of
Taking care of people builds a civilization.
Barbarous civilizations don't take care of people.
They think, oh, it's a zero-sum game.
I'm taking care of an old person, or a disabled person, so I'm going to die.
We don't take care of able-bodied people.
We take care of the people that are really hurt.
That's a civilization.
It's what civilization is.
So again, abort the babies, all of it.
Totally ruthless.
They don't care about Arab Spring.
They fund it all.
But they flick on a light switch of when they care and when they don't, like this Washington Post journalist.
Let's go back to Tucker.
Its people are interchangeable human widgets to be discarded and replaced when their usefulness expires.
Was it always this way?
Was this always what America was like, you might ask?
Shut up, they'll explain.
Before Obama got elected, America was truly a horrible place, a nightmare.
Watch New York Governor Andrew Cuomo explain.
We're not going to make America great again.
It was never that great.
America sucks!
It was never that great, said the guy who inherited his job from his dad.
Cuomo's remarks got some coverage on this channel, but they were hardly unusual for Cuomo's party.
Before she founded the hashtag MeSue movement, Senator Elizabeth Warren spent a lot of time telling audiences what an awful country this is.
Here's one example.
The hard truth about our criminal justice system.
It's racist.
No, black on black crime is racist.
Aborting all black babies is racist.
Racist front to back.
In other words, our laws and our police are illegitimate.
We're going to go to break.
The full video is on Infowars.com.
But that's it.
They have to denigrate it to then take it over.
And then, of course, once communists take over, you get nothing.
But they get total power.
But we're still fighting back, and speaking of that, your funding of us is beyond critical.
It's absolutely needed.
We have great products, we have the biggest sale ever going right now, Christmas, and all the other sales rolled into one, because we've just got to get the funding in now to launch our expansion against the globalists in the face of this attempt to shut us down.
Free shipping store-wide, 50% off all the great supplements and nutraceuticals.
T-shirts, big discount, 35% off super high quality, affordable food, and so much more.
Take advantage of it, whatever you do, heed our emergency call for support.
We need your support now more than ever.
Your financial support is critical, plus their great products, the 360 WAN.
But even more important is your prayers and spreading the articles at Infowars.com.
Please don't forget that as successful as you've been and as I've been at educating people and as our guests have been, and I'm talking to the audience because you really are the heart of this operation, Soros and Hillary and the rest of them are trying to destroy InfoWars to punish us for what happened in 2016.
And they have put us through the wringer and in some ways we've become stronger, in some ways weaker.
And now they're harassing whoever we have as payment processors.
So, your order comes through, it gets shipped to you.
They could shut it down anytime.
That's why we're having Christmas, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday.
All the sales we had planned, all the inventory we had planned to sell at sales at those points, all rolled into one.
So Christmas, Black Friday, Cyber Monday are all happening now.
I'm selling X2 until it sells out.
It's the last run.
People love it.
The good halogen.
Brain Force until it sells out.
The great nootropic.
The bodies, the ultimate turmeric formula.
95% curcuminoids.
Nobody else has got that.
For anti-inflammatory, you name it.
It's incredible.
Every supplement.
50% off and free shipping.
Biggest sale ever on everything, like fluoride-free, colloidal silver iodine, fortified toothpaste, mouthwash, immune gargle, super blue.
It's all 50% off.
Biggest sale ever.
InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com.
Get your orders in, okay?
Because they are coming down on us like a ton of bricks they have.
Millions of people in these leftist armies coming after us, and it's a testament to the success we've had.
But we need to fund ourselves in the future.
So get your Christmas shopping done now.
Get it done early.
Don't fight traffic.
And know you've provisioned us into the new year.
We're trying to sell everything.
Everything must go right now.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
The high quality, storable food.
Best in the country for the price.
35% off!
InfoWars Select and MyPatriotsSupplyFood.
Their Alexa Pure Breeze is discounted.
Their Alexa Pure Water Filter.
Everything's discounted at InfoWarsStore.com or 888-253-3139.
So get those orders in because we're under globalist attack.
They're trying to cut off our supply lines to fund the operation.
So get your orders in now as a big middle finger to Soros and Hillary.
Thank you very much for your support.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
She can't help it if she's made that way.
She's not to blame if they look her way.
She ain't really trying to cause a scene.
It just come naturally.
Ah, the girl can't help it.
Well, up on Main Street by the taxi stand is a crowd of people and a traffic jam.
But she don't look back.
You know, I was working out this morning, and I had it on old-fashioned country.
Just rotating on Spotify where I'm banned.
And it just reminded me about the celebration of women.
and a celebration of femininity.
And it's made me realize how the globalists want to have men say they're women
and actually take over that area and then try to emasculate men.
And then have all these leftist groups come out and say women with classic curves.
First they got rid of that and had a bunch of heroin heads that, you know, looked like the gay fashion designers' boyfriends.
Looked like little boys.
And they turned the men into soy boys.
So they're attacking masculinity.
They're attacking femininity.
And they're even saying, don't say the name mother or father.
Don't say you're a boy or girl.
It's unbelievable.
It's a spirit.
It's a program of control.
But everybody wants masculinity.
Everybody wants femininity.
That's why they gotta come in and target your children when they're confused and don't know, like any predator would do.
You think a tiger in India goes after the biggest, biggest bull, water buffalo?
No, he'll grab the calf.
You think a lion goes after the biggest ibex?
Those after the baby.
Even though the lion could take down a medium-sized elephant if it needed to.
Not gonna do it, but see, it's all a big joke.
Oh, there's a man winning the International Cycling Championship.
Hell, he didn't want to compete against Lance Armstrong.
Lance Armstrong taking steroids was cheating, even though they were all taking it.
I'm not defending it.
That's cheating beyond Lance Armstrong.
So I say Lance Armstrong ought to say he's a woman.
Hell, he already is halfway there.
He probably kicked my ass.
That guy's like Superman.
I've seen him in person.
He's not trying to act like he's crazy and tough.
But the point is, is that Lance Armstrong cheated.
And he lost his titles.
This guy waltzes in to win the big international cycling championship, and he's a foot and a half taller than the women he beat, and now one of the women who was in third place says, I feel cheated!
Damn right you're cheated, lady!
Let's get her on!
This is all a sick joke!
But we're so open, we're so nice.
Oh, don't be anti-trans!
Oh, that was cooked up at the Tavistock Institute?
Let me tell you, I'm a libertarian.
You want to go have your testicles and your, you know what, cut off?
You go do it.
Just don't have me pay for it and don't teach kids how to do it.
But I shouldn't even have to proviso that, hey, I'm not against anybody.
Oh, you're against me?
Let me teach your five-year-old.
Is there really a girl?
Your son?
I don't want... If my mother My mother would never do this.
If I caught my mother telling my 5-year-old son, who's 16 now, that you might actually be a girl, I would... If I found out my mother pushed that, I'd never talk to my mother again!
But see, since it's somebody in a space alien outfit, if you're a TV viewer and you see this, that they have to go talk to little kids in schools, then it's alright.
Oh, if it's a total fruitcake, super scary!
They come in peace.
They're plentiful as eyes.
Their brains look delicious.
Oh my god.
You know, we're a radio show.
That's actually our biggest audience.
Those idiots thought censoring us off the web would hurt us.
Man, we're on over 260 stations on radio!
But, anyways.
The left only thinks they can... What they see is all that's there.
They're like, oh, get him off here, get him off there.
As if we prepared for decades for this attack.
All you did was stick your arm down... Amore eel hole.
Now you're trying to pull it out.
You're noticing...
Noticing we have you.
Critical Intel is 60 seconds away.
Right now is Massive Rampage Force!
Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram, and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
I'd done the War Room.
She's not on until 9.40 Central.
That's 10.40 Eastern.
I was exhausted.
I popped two Brain Force Plus, and I was good as new.
I mean, it really is mentally stabilized, mentally energizing.
Tonight, I'm on with Tucker Carlson.
The same thing.
I'm gonna put in a full day here at InfoWars.
I'm gonna go on the Tucker tonight.
Thank goodness for this great product.
This is my all-time favorite because it's so effective and it doesn't give you that jacked-up energy drink feeling.
You know, you can sleep with it.
And when you stack it with the Red Pill, the mind-body combination, that is the best.
That supercharges your energy, your vitality.
This is the best combination I have found.
It really works.
It's the best mineral-vitamin combination I have found and I've tried them all.
Believe me.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind Don't stop at the top my friends
Defeat the globalists.
It's Thursday, the 18th day of October 2018.
Oh, I love the Scorpion songs.
Crank it up. Now I want to know the trouble.
I want to hear the problem.
Tell me.
Let's go.
It's not a mountain too high.
To the best time in humanity's destiny.
Don't stop at the top!
I love the challenge.
This is where I'm supposed to be.
In the center of the fight.
In the center of the arena.
Fighting the biggest enemies, toe to toe.
Because the closer I get to their defeat, the closer I get to God.
And my spirit smiles.
Think about that.
Your will is one power they won't break!
And they can feel our will rising!
My will has never been stronger!
Never been more powerful!
It's not a mountain too high!
Spread your wings!
You're gonna make it!
To the best time in your life!
Don't stop at the top!
The top isn't being powerful in this system!
The top isn't even overthrowing their system!
Get behind me, Satan!
The top is accelerating into the future, and innovating, and the renaissance that God gave us, where the enemy can't even understand what we've done, and they're always attacking the last thing we did, instead of knowing what we're doing now, because they don't understand it.
So they seek to destroy us.
They seek to brain damage the entire population under eugenics and poisonous, where we're infertile, where the science can take control of reproduction, try to build humans that will finally be conquered by evil!
Now, they have removed us off YouTube because I have films that have been on YouTube with hundreds of millions of views.
Hundreds of millions, hundreds and hundreds of millions of views, just for films.
I produced Loose Change that had 200 million on Google Video before they took it down, and over 80 million on YouTube before they took it down.
That's two different versions.
There's a bunch of versions after that.
Endgame, Obama Deception, all of it.
Endgame had over 60 million views before it was taken off Google Video.
Last time I checked, altogether about 10 million views on YouTube.
And so what do they do?
They remove me so they can then introduce the counterfeit.
And I'm sure this young man probably doesn't even know he's part of that.
But, oh, where have we heard of this before?
The thinning.
I was actually producing a film whenever it got to finish called The Culling.
The Thinning.
It was to be called The Culling.
The New World Order.
Oh, but they have a film called The Thinning.
New World Order.
Logan Paul, who's an official YouTube operative, who goes and finds a dead Japanese person in the woods, and then, oh, don't worry, YouTube will censor, but oh, he was brought back totally staged.
I don't know if he knows that.
But, oh, he got his reprieve, but, oh, it's his fault we all lose our free speech.
And now he's got a film about a world government, and if you don't pass a test for eugenics, you're killed.
And, oh, one-child policies, which is all being set up and done, but see, now it's put out on YouTube Red.
You can't put it out with the documents, now it's real, now we can stop it.
You just put it out with Logan Paul, and so all the work we've done becomes, oh, you got that from Logan Paul.
No, I got it from UNESCO and the UN.
So let's go ahead and go to the trailer for his new film, The Thinning New World Order.
Students must take a test over population.
Those who fail are executed.
Logan's run.
We are live for the memorial service of Blake Redding, son of Texas Governor Dean Redding, who lost his life when he failed his thinning exam last week at Vista Point High School.
Miss Michaels, I wanted to offer you an advisory role in our new thinning oversight committee.
I notice it's Texas.
My Christians want to call you.
We're not with the governor.
We're with the fight.
We're hiding in plain sight at all levels of government to garner influence to end the thinning.
We need you to help the Governor.
Find a way in.
There are still a lot of questions that need answers.
Not one person ever saw Blake's body.
Are we doing this?
They dig up his body.
He's not there.
They're really in his concentration camp.
Your class has been spared.
Every single one of you was chosen to receive a second chance at life.
Governor's kid, right?
You're probably used to getting whatever you want.
Ellie belongs to me now.
If you look at her, I'm gonna kill you.
But that's really how it works.
Students are being put to work in some kind of labor camp.
Like THX 1138.
They give you the drug to brain damage you.
They put you in the rehab.
They'll put you in the cult.
Everything you've been told about this place is a lie.
No one's ever gotten help before.
They have to try.
So it's the island meets THX 113A meets reality.
Before we take the wrong person in power, send freedom.
And notice they'll censor him and bring him back to make him like a star.
And I'm leaving without her.
And I'm not even against this guy.
This is our last chance at this.
Now here's Endgame from 11 years ago.
And look how much of this has come true.
Here's Endgame.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
Once free nations are slaves to the will of a tiny elite.
The dawn of a new dark age is upon mankind.
Countries are a thing of the past.
Every form of independence is under attack.
With the family and even the individual itself nearing extinction.
Close to 80% of the Earth's population has been eliminated.
The remnants of a once free humanity are forced to live within highly controlled, compact, prison-like cities.
Travel is highly restricted.
Superhighways connect the megacities and keep the population from entering into unauthorized zones.
No human activity is private.
AI supercomputers chronicle and categorize every action.
A prison planet dominated by a ruthless gang of control freaks, whose power can never be challenged.
This is the vision of the global elite, their goal.
A program of total dehumanization, where the science of tyranny is law.
A worldwide control grid designed to ensure the overlord's monopoly of power forever.
Our species will be condemned to this nightmare future unless the masses are awakened to the New
World Order master plan and mobilized to defeat it. Erected by a secretive group,
the Georgia Guidestones are a testament to the elite's plan for a world religion,
global laws with a global court and army to enforce it. And set in stone,
it is written that the population never rise above 500 million.
In this film, you will learn how our world is truly governed.
You will see how highly secretive roundtable groups interlock to form a global intelligence network.
This group has been steering planetary affairs for hundreds of years.
Now in the final stage, they prepare for open world government.
A goal tyrants throughout history have lusted after.
That's the intro to a two and a half hour long film.
But see, I knew that if we exposed it, people would reject it.
And so we've done that.
And that's why we're the detonator.
That's why InfoWars is hated.
Because the work we did, they were so arrogant.
You know, 15 years ago, when I had films, 100 million viewers, you name it.
But then, they started clamping down, just going, what'd you do?
I don't let him up!
Now it's like, get him off the air!
Because it's real!
Everything you see in Endgame is now come true, or they admit they're trying it.
So now they're gonna make jokes on YouTube with, you know, Logan Paul.
But the real emergency transmission is here.
So you've just seen the real contents of this thinning New World Order leak.
So get this video out.
So now, we got Matt Bracken.
He's a former Navy SEAL.
This is a man who's been in war zone environments.
He can tell you what to do.
So I want to roll this video with just a little bit of audio.
And Matt, if you could just comment over what this guy does right and what he does wrong and what you should do if you're confronted with this situation.
Alright guys, let's roll the video.
Go ahead, Matt.
First, I would never second-guess the guy, because it's easy to say, well, don't be there, you know?
See this mob three blocks back and make a U-turn.
But let's just say it starts with where he is.
Stopping to get out of the car?
Don't do it.
That could have been a fatal thing right there, because if a big guy body checks the door, you just broke your ankle or shin.
Now you can't even drive.
So right there, that's a big mistake.
But I mean, I'm not going to second guess.
The guy looks like a brave old stud.
Guy probably turns out to be, you know, a Vietnam-era war hero.
And he just doesn't back down to mobs.
You know, he sees communists, he wants to fight.
I can appreciate that.
But a few tactics that you can use is, first of all, if you have the choice, get a car with a little bit higher suspension.
You know, going from like a 5-inch ground clearance to an 8 or 10-inch ground clearance means you're going to drive over people and not get stuck.
It's gross, but it's true.
And once you get a little bit of clear space ahead of you, if you gun it like he did, this is good.
Gunning it and stopping, gunning it and stopping it, and also weaving.
Uh, making the car go, like, lurching side to side makes people afraid to run right up to the sides because you've just been doing, like, S-turns down the street.
But once you've cleared the zone, you know, you're going to pro- if you've had people thumping on you, get a few blocks away, just like it was a shooting, and you were the good guy, you're gonna- you want to be the first to call 911.
If somebody takes your picture and you assume it's going to happen, if the police come to your house, it's a hit and run.
If you get three blocks away and you call 911 and describe the scene, just like a good shooting, it puts you way ahead of the game legally.
And then what you need to do once you're talking to the police, I was in fear for my life.
What's today?
I was in fear for my life.
You know, what did you have for breakfast?
I was in fear for my life.
You repeat that until you're lawyered up, and then you shut up and let the lawyer talk.
But what you have to stick with, just like a shooting, I was in fear for my life.
Even if you drove over people, you stick with that.
So don't flee the scene, park a few blocks away in safety, call 911, explain the situation, then you're the good guy because you called it in.
And you explained that you were in a life-or-death situation.
They were pounding on your car, breaking windows.
You thought they would kill you.
That's a reasonable assertion.
And in Portland, it might not fly, but it's better than fleeing the scene, then getting arrested as a hit-and-run later.
Because they will have your license.
Yeah, that totally makes sense, everything you said.
And I like the weaving and just going away a few blocks.
And I will make this point.
When this story came out, they said no one had called the cops on either side at that time.
So the news had already figured out that nobody had called the cops.
That guy, I totally agree.
Call the cops.
Get it on record that you were the first one to call.
Therefore, you have something at least to fall back on.
I totally agree.
And you're the good citizen and you're an older guy.
You were afraid for your life.
If a mob of 20-somethings is attacking a white-haired old guy in his 70s, then just as if, even
if they don't have a knife or a gun, one of those guys had an aspartame, you would be
within your rights to drive over those guys.
Because five or six guys in their 20s can put you to the ground.
Once you're on the ground, it's skull stomping time.
And that is a fatal attack.
You're either going to be brain damaged, disfigured, or dead.
So you cannot go to the ground in a mob.
Don't get out of the car.
Use the car for the weapon.
But then don't do a hit and run and try to get away.
Assume the police will get your license.
So be the first to call 911 and be the good guy.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
Coming up next segment, the third place cyclist, who was really the second place cyclist in the World's International Cycling Championship, came out and said it's wrong that a biological man, who's built like Arnold Schwarzenegger, said he was a woman and won the cycling contest.
That'd be like if I went and said I was gonna sign up for, you know, women's You know, junior high baseball, and I was beating him, or wrestling.
Or maybe I say, I mean it doesn't end there, maybe I say I'm in peewee baseball, or Pop Warner football.
So, I'm 45 years old, 240 pounds, and I'm running over six-year-olds, and I'm the winner, as I identify as a six-year-old.
She said it was definitely not fair.
Well, now she's apologized because they're harassing her and bullying her.
And that ties into this incredible clip of Jack Dorsey saying, oh, free speech on Twitter.
It was always a joke.
Because we're not going to let weaponized media on there.
Yeah, you're not going to let people counter all the antifa professors and sides with millions of followers in some cases saying kill Republicans because we're kicking your ass politically and you're a dirtbag monster.
So don't apologize, lady.
My God, thank God you're sane.
Kleenex to kill its man-sized tissues after consumers declare them sexist.
That's right, you want bigger tissues?
Sayin' man is bad!
Wow, what a cult!
They mean business, what they've done to these universities.
And we all just, whatever they want, we just bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, always more, more, more, more, more!
But in Communist China, they don't let all this anti-family stuff go on.
Because they know it's meant to bring down a country.
Even authoritarians don't.
In Hungary they're banning gender studies because they know it's meant to end the genders.
Russia's banned it.
Think about that.
Because they know it's meant to destroy their population and reduce their population to nothing.
Absolute zilch.
It is the depopulation program.
But they use our hospitality to get in the door.
The vampires always do.
Oh, it's a cold, dark night.
Would you have me in for a hot bowl of soup?
I'm so hungry.
By the way, can I teach your children to be accepting?
Let me have time with your children alone.
Everything's okay.
If you just give in to us, it'll all pass very quickly.
If you resist, it can go really hard on you.
You see, these globalist scientists, these mad scientists, have come up with their program.
With their operation.
And they think you're idiots, and they think you're over, they think you're done, but I say you're not, and I know you're not, and that's why we force them with this fight!
I thought if we exposed globalism versus liberty, you'd want liberty.
I thought if we took action, they would oppress more, which would make people wake up even faster, and was our only chance before they got their full system in place!
And so far, we're winning.
So far, my gut-level belief in you, belief in myself, belief in God, belief in families, and the human journey, and how we're always late to wake up, but once we wake up, we rally!
My belief in that fundamental has been proven right so far.
So don't let them ever demoralize you, my friends, because that's all they've got.
I want to talk about the left 19 days out and the accelerated violence and the attacks and the insanity and the endorsement by the Democrats of Sharia law.
I've got video of that coming up.
It's official.
It's crazy.
I want to open up the waterfront here, whatever you want to cover on this Thursday Global Transmission.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-ALEX.
And if you were on hold yesterday when the show ended, go to the front of the line.
I want to hear from you.
9 8 7 7 7 8 9 Alex and if you were on hold yesterday when the show ended go to
the front of the line I want to hear from you coming up and I'll get to the
Putin clip when we start the next segment We have the full clip of him talking about nuclear war.
After nuclear holocaust, we'll go to heaven as martyrs.
Attackers will die as sinners.
I think I would agree that people that launch the attack would be the bad guys if it's offensive.
But it's kind of like getting in a room with your own family and pulling the pin.
Everybody's going to get blown up by the hand grenade.
Let's just not do it.
But that is the new danger we're going into.
And Russia is not expanding its offensive force.
We are.
So that's all coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
But before we go any further, before I expand, I say we need support, but then I tend to only plug once an hour or another radio host plug every segment.
We can bring a lot of sponsors onto the show as well.
It's just that that's like whack-a-mole tracking after that and keeping them happy and doing it all.
Then they get targeted.
I just direct sell products to you.
And I also want you to get great products, because I use them, and I want to treat you like I want to be treated.
Reap what you sow.
Do unto others as you have them do unto you.
Golden rule.
This is common sense for me, but I also want it to work really good, even if I was a sociopath, which I'm not.
I'm the opposite.
But you know, being the opposite of a sociopath means you get kind of wild and crazy because you love people so much.
It's almost, if you don't have the right information, good people can be manipulated into evil.
A lot of sociopaths control good people.
We need to be conscious of that and not let them pull our heartstrings.
But when things are proven and things have been tested and things have been shown to really be helping humanity and are showing to be hitting the enemy where it hurts, that's what you got to support.
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You know a woman by their enemies.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I'm gonna get into this huge Putin news right now and then go to your phone calls.
And the bullying of women that really win cycling championships and some huge dude with gigantic testicles and tally-whacker tells them, no, I'm the winner!
And you call Lance Armstrong a cheat for taking more testosterone and a dude with testosterone is up against women that basically don't have testosterone?
Their ovaries produce like one one-hundredth?
His bones are twice as big?
His heart's bigger?
His muscles are bigger?
He can carry twice as much as they can?
But, oh, I say I'm a girl, let me play!
Can you imagine if your daughter was, say, in wrestling, and you go, and they're in the ninth grade, and then some dude says they're a woman and is, like, slamming your daughter around?
Oh, but it's women's freedom!
Meanwhile, Macron has come out.
It's on newswars.com by Ben Warren.
Mom's Blast!
Macron's Educated Women Don't Have Large Families.
You know, not one member of the EU Supreme Council, it's unelected but it runs things, has children.
And neither does Macron, because he was at 13 having sex with his teacher in a pedo ring.
It's admitted.
But he's a little boy then, so it's okay to get passed around with the rich women and men, reportedly.
Mom's Blast!
Macron's Educated Women Don't Have Large Families comment.
Unpopular French President goes for broke.
French President Emmanuel Macron has blasted by mothers.
Worldwide we're staying perfectly educated.
Women don't have to choose large families.
Yeah, you don't want high IQ people to have large families because the low IQ do, so yeah, that's a good thing.
Macron further doubled down his argument by likening large families to child marriage during the late September comment given at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation event called Goalkeepers.
Oh, the goal.
Lower global IQ, lower population, and of course we've got new numbers out.
The global sperm count is plunging and global population fertility in the West is plunging.
Their population control agenda is working.
The birth rate in the United States has fallen to another all-time record low.
Michael Schneider, intotheamericandream.com.
Most ordinary people don't have too much thought to population issues, but for the elite, this is like a religion.
I heard about that in a film called Endgame.
But it's all to be overwritten by Logan Paul in his new Endgame.
So there you go, but hey, there's a real way to reduce population if you really want to, and that's called thermonuclear war!
Toe-to-toe with the Rooskies!
I've been to the World's Fair Rodeo in Las Vegas, but ain't nobody ever got the go-codes yet.
The fact that we're getting these go-codes means one thing.
A lot of friends and family are dead back home and they snuck attack us.
So this means toe-to-toe with the Rooskies!
Or the Chi-Coms, or whoever.
Meanwhile, Russia is in a defensive ring.
They've cut defense spending, but upped their nuclear arsenal beyond the topo-limbs.
Yes, we have large space-based systems that'll shoot most of it down, but you won't stop the submarines with cruise missiles.
and Los Angeles and San Francisco and New York and Boston and Washington DC and Chicago
and Houston and Austin Texas and Dallas Texas and Seattle Washington
and Portland Oregon and many others will be vaporized.
But that's okay as long as it's the evil America getting hit right.
The globalists are positioning us for Armageddon.
And how soon until they detonate some type of weapon and say the Russians did it?
And I don't lionize the Russians, but the Russians, I have to correct myself, because I was going off military numbers in a textbook that 20 million Russians died.
Now that was 20 million Russian troops died.
I was seeing a documentary a few weeks ago on History Channel and I looked it up and it was true.
I forgot about civilian deaths.
It's between 12 and 18 million.
So if Russia was only something like 70 million then, just like Germany was, what's 20 million and let's say 15 million to be low level?
It's a good round down.
35 million.
That's more than half the Russian population dead in World War II.
So I don't take away from America or both our grandfathers that almost died in World War II in the Army Air Corps and the 600, 700,000 we lost, okay.
But the Russians lost 30-something million people and the Germans lost 21 million, it's estimated.
21 million dead.
So, it's very up front in the Russian cosmology, in the Russian narrative, in the Russian family that, you know, most grandmas and grandpas... I was reading about Putin.
Most of his family died in St.
And he saw a bunch of others starve to death.
So, that's in the whole front sights.
That's in the consciousness right now.
And so when Putin starts saying things like this, you know things are serious.
Let's go ahead and roll the larger clip of what Putin just said hours ago.
Here it is.
Russia does not have the concept of a preventive strike in its doctrine for using nuclear arms.
We only consider using it in response.
using it in response. That means that we are prepared to use nuclear weapons only when
we have hard facts that a potential aggressor is striking on Russia, on Russian territory
with nuclear weapons.
Now, this is no secret.
We have prepared an early warning system.
We have created it and we keep improving it.
This system analyzes globally, worldwide, where launches are being made, including Oceanic surface, they identify where missiles are being launched from, second their trajectory, and the point of impact.
All this is being identified and analyzed within seconds.
And so, only if we identify through that system that missiles are being launched at us, only that will we deliver a Retaliatory strike, a strike in response.
Only when there are missiles airborne being launched at Russia.
Of course, that would lead to a global disaster, to a nuclear catastrophe.
But Russia cannot become its instigator or initiator because we don't have a preventive
strike in our as part of our military doctrine. Of course once someone has
launched a nuclear missiles at us it would be maybe too late
It's not funny.
We've cracked the atom.
potential aggressor should know that there will be a retaliation and we will
get to heaven as martyrs and our enemies will simply die as dogs because they
won't even have time to redeem themselves. Some of the press is laughing
it's not funny. We've cracked the atom they did it over 120 years ago we've
already got more advanced technology We can do anything together.
And instead there's an evil force that wants to lure global elites into Armageddon to kill off the population because Satan wants to kill, steal, and destroy.
It's not funny.
We're going to go to break.
I'm going to come back and go write your phone calls.
Tommy Robinson's set to pop in sometime in the next hour.
He'll be on for two seconds, but your calls will be gone, too.
We'll talk to all of you.
We look forward to speaking to you.
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(upbeat music)
Hey, we got a live feed up on InfoWars.com.
If you don't want to tune into this syndicated broadcast, Owen Schroyer is down at the Pito O'Rourke, I'm sorry, Bevo O'Rourke Third time's a charm.
Beta O'Rourke headquarters, the guy running against Ted Cruz, explaining the MPC meme to leftists who are screaming at him in his face.
We'll have highlights of that as well during the War Room coming up at 3 o'clock Central Standard Time.
But that live feed is on Infowars.com.
They may have just cut the feed.
I saw it, but hit refresh on that.
Is the feed still there?
Well, regardless, we'll have HD of that.
There's so much censorship everywhere on Twitter and Facebook of what's left of it.
It's amazing.
We're going to go to your phone calls right now.
I think it's pretty incredible that we've all kind of been conditioned, and this is one place I'm failing, to the censorship, where they just slowly censor for so long and we bitch about it.
And then once they really start heavily censoring, we complain about it.
And then once they totally ban everybody, then it's like not even a big deal.
So, Owen is live, it's at Infowars.com.
I'll have HD for you coming up 3 o'clock today, but... You have the head of Google saying, yes, we're helping China build censorship, it's very helpful, it can help the government of the U.S., and we don't apologize for it.
So they've taken their slogan, Don't Be Evil, and shown that it was always a cynical Trojan horse.
We're not evil, we're gonna track you and spy on you, but we're happy rainbow colors, we're Google.
And then Jack Dorsey, I'll get to it next hour, saying, oh, people are just stupid.
You know, it was never about free speech.
That's a joke.
We're curating things.
We're making a great environment for everybody.
Talk about rubbing it in, man.
And God, they let the antifun, everybody, just bully everybody.
And just to watch the scum believe that technology can finally defeat the human spirit, it's not going to work.
I mean, Jack Dorsey is such a dirtbag.
But he's nothing compared to Google and Apple.
I mean, they are just monsters.
Hitler level, man.
Cold-blooded liars.
But they don't know how to talk like those.
So no other males seem threatened.
I drank a lot of soy today.
But see, they're not really on the soy.
That's all their cover.
And we just don't want anybody to be hurt.
No bullies, but we're gonna bully you.
Let's go to your calls.
Billy says if red wave does happen, Dems die out.
What's next?
That's a good question.
Adam says walk away a bit.
Cameron says micro-economy trumps temperament.
Ed says, black conservatives in California.
Bob in Texas, Hillary and the tech giants.
Michael in North Dakota, share an idea for Infowars.
in Washington, D.C., love the idea that means.
Michael in Oklahoma, migrant caravan invasion topic.
False flag incoming, Saudi Arabia and Turkey tensions.
Georgia, New Mexico, Dominique in Colorado, Infowars supplements.
They are sending out Satan messages.
I'll take that call.
Michael in Virginia.
It's a truck.
It was recently in New York.
Comments on political ads.
I don't know what that means, but we'll find out.
Are giant techs running, replacing big government?
Yes, they are, Jim.
Let's go to Jim first.
Notice the globalists have said at Davos the last six years and other events, we're technocracies.
We're technocrats.
And we want to appoint presidents.
And Bloomberg says a computer will decide when you get beef, when you go to vacation.
It's turning you over to computers they program.
But they act like, because it's that go-between, it's okay.
So that's a great point, Jim.
Give us your take on it.
Yes, sir.
I must say that I have chills.
It's been a long time, and I'm very happy that it takes so much to be able to get a hold of you.
I'm not going to be disgruntled when I call in.
I can't get a hold of you because I know that means the word's spreading.
So I'm really happy.
And first off, I do want to say, just try the silver blue toothpaste, fluoride free toothpaste.
It is the best.
You'll never want anything else.
Now, I think, Alex, that it looks like That's what's happening.
They're able to hack in to anything in the military, with all the back doors, all the crap that's been made in China.
And I'm asking a question, too.
Who in the world thought it was a good idea for anything military to be made in another country?
Well, that's the Trojan horse, is if you or I climbed over a military fence, and wait till somebody didn't close the door, right, and we snuck in and grabbed just a random Computer, hard drive.
We would spend 20 years in prison and deserve it because that's espionage.
But if the Chinese put chips in everything and spy on us and it's all admitted, nothing happens.
And if Google does it and if Twitter does it and Facebook does it, particularly Apple, then it's all cute and fun because we have traitors throughout the government.
And Trump has done a great job getting in and being attacked because they're so scared that he might clean them out.
But these people did this with a big raging heart on To screw America over, because if you're a Tim Cook, or you're a Jack Dorsey, or you're any of these guys, if you can mount America's head on the wall, that's the biggest bull elephant you're ever going to get.
So, as pencil neck, pencil Johnsons, you understand, they don't like us existing, and they hate military men, and they want to replace you with robots, so they can command it.
They hate strength.
They don't see strength.
Like you or I see other men or women that are strong and powerful and good and virtuous and think, good, our species is winning.
We feel strength through each other.
They see you, sir, and others having will and courage, but the fact that you're not seeking power as someone that must be destroyed.
And you're right.
Big tech is the new corporate world government.
It is the technocracy, and it's sold out to every monolithic power it can, and it's just there savagely exploiting humanity.
Yes, sir.
You inspired us.
You inspired me to start Justice Militia, M-U-L-I-S-H-A, okay?
And I just want to let you know we've been to CNN, did a walkabout there.
You know, we've been out in the 3D world before the, even before the, just before the InfoWars Army started.
Our first video we made was at the door to Godstone.
If you remember, we were in the, in the Hillary's End of Some Really Sick Stuff Man contest.
And we're going back the 27th on It's beautiful, brother.
And just anywhere you can legally and lawfully get on the corporate news and expose that they're a fraud and a hoax is awesome.
out there the 27th is Saturday at 12 you know around 12 will be there. It's
beautiful brother and just anywhere you can legally and lawfully get on the
corporate news and expose that they're a fraud and a hoax is awesome. God bless you.
Just like the NPC meme it's a shimble that exposes their robots that they're
programmed. They're authoritarians they hate it.
But since you mentioned that, you know, just pulling back and looking at the waterfront of what we're dealing with, If you've seen Conan the Barbarian, it's an excellent film.
They even tried to stop it being released because they claimed it was fascist because it was pro-Western, whatever that means.
But Conan the Barbarian, Conan the Destroyer is really cheesy and stupid.
But Conan the Barbarian I think is really a classic, well done film.
So to quote James Earl Jones playing the part of Thulsa Doom at his Mountain of Power.
He's sitting there talking to Conan the Barbarian.
And he's talking about how he enslaved him as a child and was looking for steel and worshipped steel.
Then he explains to him, Steel isn't strong, boy.
Flesh is strong.
Take the arm that wields the sword.
That is power.
Look at that young girl up there.
And he says, Come to me, come to me, my child.
She's mind-controlled.
He's saying, Well, steel's a side issue.
Control the mind.
Control the free will.
Come to me, come to me, my child.
And then she jumps off the cliff.
Then we can pull the scene up.
False of doom.
Girl jumping off cliff.
Steel is a strong boy.
Flesh is strong.
But I don't want to agree with the evil sorcerer, false of doom.
But he's right.
But flesh isn't power when it's enslaved and controlled.
It's dangerous.
But the real power is the flesh and the soul turned loose, tied into God.
Then steel isn't strong.
So to quote with the James Earl Jones quote again, just because they fit, don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed.
The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the human soul, the human will, and creativity.
The globalists aren't on any mercy mission.
They're on more of a Cobra Commander mission for TOTAL POWER!
Now that we're getting into pop culture.
And that's who they are.
So be aware of that.
Flesh isn't strong, boy.
Take your arm that wields it.
Come to me.
Come to me, my child.
That girl up there.
We can get her to worship Hillary, a child-molesting devil worshipper.
We can make her jump off a cliff.
We can make her abort her children.
We can make her worship Satan.
Please don't forget that as successful as you've been and as I've been at educating people and as our guests have been, and I'm talking to the audience because you really are the heart of this operation, Soros and Hillary and the rest of them are trying to destroy InfoWars to punish us for what happened in 2016.
And they have put us through the wringer and in some ways we've become stronger and in some ways weaker.
And now they're harassing whoever we have as payment processors.
So, your order comes through, it gets shipped to you.
They could shut it down anytime.
That's why we're having Christmas, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday.
All the sales we had planned, all the inventory we had planned to sell at sales at those points, all rolled into one.
So Christmas, Black Friday, Cyber Monday are all happening now.
I'm selling X2 until it sells out.
It's the last run.
People love it.
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Brain Force until it sells out.
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Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, get your orders in, okay?
Because they are coming down on us like a ton of bricks.
They have millions of people in these leftist armies coming after us, and it's a testament to the success we've had, but we need to fund ourselves in the future.
Get your Christmas shopping done now.
Get it done early.
Don't fight traffic.
And know you've provisioned us into the new year.
We're trying to sell everything.
Everything must go right now.
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Everything's discounted at InfoWareStore.com or 888-253-3139.
So get those orders in.
Because we're under globalist attack.
They're trying to cut off our supply lines to fund the operation.
So get your orders in now.
It's a big middle finger to Soros and Hillary.
Thank you very much for your support.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
I thought the leaden winter would bring you down forever, but you rode upon a steamer to the violence of the sun.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Steel isn't strong, boy.
Flesh is stronger.
Look around you.
On the rocks.
A beautiful girl.
Come to me, my child.
Abort your baby.
Drink the fluoride.
That is power.
That is strength.
Contemplate this on the tree of wool.
That is strength, boy.
That is power.
The strength and power of flesh.
What is steel compared to the hand that wheels it?
Look at the strength of your body.
The desire in your heart.
I gave you this.
Such a waste.
No, you don't.
He'll chop your head off later.
Contemplate this on the tree of woe.
Crucify him.
Steel isn't strong, boy.
Flesh is strong.
That's a lie.
The spirit that animates the flesh, that is the strength.
So you globalists, you soulless people like Sundar, the barbarian and others, you believe you're conquering us, but you're only testing us.
And you and yours will be thrown into the ash heaps of history.
All right, Billy.
Billy in South Carolina.
Thanks for holding.
Good to hear from you.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Go ahead.
First, I really have to thank you.
You've opened all of our eyes from 9-11 on down.
My question today is, if the red wave does happen due to you, It will not be because of me, it will be because of you.
Well let's be a thousand percent.
For you opening people like us our eyes and like the dead votes being taken off and all
the illegal votes being out, it could literally be a humongous red wave.
I'm wondering if that happens, are we now going to be a one party country and can't
Why do we have to be Democrat versus Republican all the time?
Can the Democrats stop being against Trump and just be for America again?
This is really one of the most important questions you could ask.
I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I'm talking about it with someone on air.
You have three branches of government.
You have federal and state broken into two.
So most of the founders thought we need two parties to further divide things.
But then George Washington said that will become factionalism like gangs.
He even said flags and colors when it should be all about the freedom of our country and our shared heritage.
And he said policies should be debated.
But this is the best thinking.
The Democrats hope to have the Republicans become a regional party of the South.
And then the Democrats will split into a Communist Party and then a Socialist Party.
What you're now seeing with Bernie Sanders setting up the Communist Party claiming he's a Socialist.
This is how they do it.
But instead they become a coastal elite party of elite rich people that own basically the slaves and the renters on the East and West Coast.
They're not bad people.
They're enslaved.
We're coming to free them.
And so it looks like the Democratic Party is still going to split into two parties, but on the East and West Coast.
And then the Republican Party is becoming the new populist dominant party, which the Blue Bloods tried to stop, which they failed.
So we had the plan with the Tea Party that Ron Paul, myself, and others created, that you created.
To take over the Republican Party.
That plan succeeded because they thought they would take us over and brought the Trojan horse in.
I even said all this on air.
And Drudge promoted it.
Everybody else did.
So Drudge gets the credit and you get the credit, listeners.
It's not about giving credit.
You need to know who did it.
It's not about InfoWars.
And so now we're at this crossroads.
What do you think?
I just think a lot of times, anything you say two weeks, two months, sometimes two years earlier comes true.
And it feels like if I follow the same path, it seems like a red wave is inevitable.
Unless the Democrats change their tactics and start making Democrats American again, I don't know what's going to happen.
I just, I'm getting a little worried that...
No, no, I hear you.
So let's talk, Billy.
Don't hang up.
But since I only heard it once yesterday, the massive election fraud they've caught all over Texas is confirmed.
Democrats with the names of dead people or folks in nursing homes voting,
we'll air that again when we come out of break because it's so critical.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Women are accused of being part of a paid voter fraud ring in Tarrant County.
Tonight, they face dozens of felony charges connected to mail-in ballots.
Jason Allen live in Fort Worth tonight.
And Jason, this comes back to the primary election in 2016.
Right Gilma, and that spring there were more than 16,000 ballots that were mailed in here to the Tarrant County Election Center.
Now investigators believe that for some of those ballots voters hadn't asked for them, they hadn't filled them out, and they didn't know that somebody else did.
While voters were picking presidential candidates at the polls in 2016, ballots sent in by mail in
Tarrant County had what investigators now believe were fraudulent signatures and information.
It doesn't match up. This was an accepted ballot. Political consultant Aaron Harris found a paper
trail that he handed over to state investigators that helped lead to nearly 30 felony counts
against four women. The women, including Leticia Sanchez and Leticia Tepechen, are accused of
requesting ballots for elderly voters, forging signatures, filling those ballots out, and mailing
them in. So the harvesters sit around and fill these out by the hundreds, often by the thousands.
Back in 2016, Governor Greg Abbott posted on Twitter about the fraud investigation in Tarrant County.
And while the Attorney General's Office referred to the indictments as part of a paid ring, they would not comment on if there would be more charges to come.
Harris told us his own research has turned up many more people involved, but recognized the cases are difficult to prosecute.
Just because they may have only been indicted on 1 or 10 or 16 counts, doesn't mean they don't have 200 counts, but those are the only 16 that can be proven.
The indictment shows that, at least in these cases, many of the ballots involved were for Democratic candidates.
I talked to the Tarrant County Democratic Party chair tonight.
She had met one of the women who was involved, but really didn't know the details of the case.
And she also questioned the timing of these indictments just a few weeks before the November
midterm elections.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
Taking your phone calls right now.
Tommy Robinson set to pop in at the end of the hour.
But he's dealing with some court stuff right now.
Billy, you're saying if Red Wave does happen, and the Dems die out, what happens next?
Yes, sir.
I mean, I broke down the fact that the Democrats thought Republicans would become a regional party.
That was their dream.
They're becoming the regional party of the East and West Coast, literally where they have their renter slaves, as they call them in the WikiLeaks.
We're not saying everybody on the East Coast and West Coast are enemies.
They're great people.
They're just under this globalist control.
So we've got to think about trying to free them up and stopping the exodus of their own people into our cities.
And not waking them up so that they become basically like spores or disease agents of the globalist, communist, New World Order contagion.
But it's an incredible time to be alive right now because it's not just here.
It's all over the world.
Populist, nationalist, conservative, Christian, free market, anti-globalist candidates are winning, winning, winning, winning.
So it is an amazing time to be alive.
All right.
I want to let other callers call in.
I'm really amazed I even got through.
I got one side question, sort of unrelated, but I'm curious.
I hope you and Joe Rogan still stay boys.
And I'm also wondering how you and Bill Cooper ever got off on the wrong foot, had a misunderstanding.
It seems like you guys would have also been really great friends if you had enough time to speak more.
So when you have time, you can speak on that if you'd like.
If not, just thank you.
Yeah, listen, listen.
I appreciate your call.
I've known Joe Rogan.
I met him like in 1998.
We became friends in 99.
Uh, he has got about the biggest thing on the internet now as a show.
He's the new Jimmy Carson.
And he invited me on his podcast like in February last year.
I went on it.
It was the biggest podcast ever did up until that point.
And still like the third biggest podcast he did.
And then about five weeks ago, he called me and he said, yeah, I'm gonna get you on at the end of September.
And he said, I'll be in touch, really appreciate you, and all this other stuff.
And then I'm not really that worried about it.
I mean, I have my own broadcast, do my own thing.
I mean, his average show has about 10 million viewers.
His big one's 20 million.
His top one's like mine, 40-something million.
I've done that quite a few times already, so I'm not like Puppy Dog hasn't had a big old T-bone or something.
I want to reach people, but...
No response back after that.
And so it's just kind of... I don't know whether he got told, don't have moments of the election, or I don't know what's going on.
I know they tried to block the podcast when I was on there.
And he's afraid of the chaos I'm involved in.
I don't know what the pressure is.
I said, hey, do you want me to say I'm coming on?
He goes, yeah, go ahead and announce it.
So I announced, Hey, I'm on the end of September.
And, uh, well, what I told Joe, even at that time, I said, what's weird is if I used to call you, you called me back in a day or two, but I'm all over your show.
It's the main topic.
I'm sure you're sick of that.
I like to set the record straight on some things, but the fact that I don't get a call back is what hurts.
I said, I don't need to come on your show.
Just call me back.
And that's the issue for me, is the personal thing.
And that's what's very, very irritating.
But I'm not upset about that.
It's fine with me.
I have my own platform.
It's not like I'm desperately trying to get on air, and they wanted me to do movies, and Discovery Channel shows, and History Channel shows, and I did like three History Channel shows, and a couple Discovery Channel shows that I've done.
I've done it all.
I've turned it all down.
Because it always becomes laborious, and it's controlled, and it's... People like Joe Rogan's experience, his podcast, because it's not filtered, he doesn't tell you what to say, he doesn't control what you do, and it's real.
People like that live, real thing.
Well, believe me, I got plenty of that on my shelf.
The fact you're trying to suppress me and keep me off of all these platforms like iTunes and Spotify and YouTube and Google, where Joe dominates, where I did dominate, but because I won the races.
See, in the real world, when you win the Indy 500, or they shoot the champagne on you, then you never drive again.
Because see, I was driving a car they didn't want in the race.
And I beat them by like 20 laps.
It's like rollerball where they're telling James Conn, like, he's won too many championships, give up!
And he won't do it.
And that's pretty much what he said.
So, it's kinda like I'm sitting there going, I've gotta be number one, dammit!
I'm already number one!
And, it's the personal thing that gets to me, that, it's like a rope-a-dope.
We don't want Alex bitching about Now, you know, your podcast has gone more establishment or whatever.
And so we're going to call Alex and tell him, oh, you'll be on and then just rope-a-dope through the election till it's over.
I mean, that's what it smells like.
I mean, at a gut level for this.
And it's just kind of like, almost like I don't even want to go to it.
Like, if he asks me on now, I think I'm serious.
I think I might turn it down.
Because who knows what it'll be at that point.
You know, it's almost like selling out at that point to go on something like that.
But I never turn down live stuff.
So, one side of me about 90% says I'll do it.
But worrying about it, like wondering, why does my friend never call me back now?
And then, why does he say you're on and then I'm not on?
And then I forget what the, what was the other question the caller was asking?
What was the other question?
Listen, I didn't even know who William Cooper was.
I wasn't into UFOs.
I wasn't into stuff like that.
And then I got on air, I was like a John Birch Society type guy, a Ron Paul type guy.
And then people would say, hey, get William Cooper on.
So I got him on as a guest a few times, whatever.
I never even listened to shortwave radio except to like ham radio stuff with my uncle a few times.
So then once that got really popular on shortwave of the internet,
that he was like, you know, I'm bad news and blah, blah, blah.
And I just ignored it.
And the first time somebody mailed me a tape, it's like Alex Jones, where's Ruby nipple bobbers?
And don't know what a nipple bobber was at that time.
Now I do.
And then he got killed at his house, reportedly screaming at kids on his property,
waving guns around, whatever really happened.
And then I listened to Bill Cooper, and it was like incredible stuff about 9-11's coming, and like all this really smart stuff.
And I was like, God, I didn't know this guy was this smart.
Because a lot of what he did was really, he was a great radio host, amazing atmosphere, almost maybe even as good as somebody like another late great, Art Bell.
I mean, once he was dead, And people were telling me, like, Jones ripped off William Cooper.
You know, it's William Cooper.
So I said, well, let me hear this guy.
So I went and listened to archives of it, because the Internet was just getting rid of archives then.
And I was like, man, this guy's amazing.
So I think William Cooper was amazing.
I think he was a tortured soul, a veteran, highly decorated gunboat captain.
I learned all about him later.
But I'm my own guy, and I do my own show, and I'm not the UFO guy.
But I learned the media gave him attention for UFOs.
He didn't really cover that very much.
So he was a great guy, amazing, and I have nothing but respect for William Cooper.
We'll be right back with straight ahead with your phone calls.
M4Wars.com, NewsWars.com.
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For months and months and months, CNN, BuzzFeed and others lobbied to have Alex Jones removed from social media.
He was removed from basically all the major social media platforms apart from Twitter.
And then they said, oh, you're not being banned.
You still have a platform on Twitter.
You still have an app in the App Store.
Banned by Twitter, banned by the App Store.
Oh, but you still have a website.
You still have InfoWars Store.
You still have a shopfront.
And then what do we see?
Washington Post.
Oh my god, traffic to Alex Jones' InfoWars store has increased by 50%!
Maybe now we should look at that all the way down the line.
They literally want to sabotage people's right to commerce.
They will not stop, which is why we need your support right now by getting the products at InfoWarsStore.com.
And again, we're not funded by giant fat checks from George Soros like Media Matters is.
Let's go to MAGA Titan.
Sorry, I cut you short here, MAGA Titan.
You got 60 seconds.
Go ahead.
There's a war for your mind, and I just can't take it.
Yelling at my phone, trying to break through this matrix.
Thinking how to break through, cause we're all sedated.
America's under attack.
Can we debate it?
They're trying to censor humanity's great awakening.
The calm before the storm, we concede to the population.
The mind control and the manipulation.
They're lying to the TV of your favorite station, just so they can get paid off the death of a nation.
But this is the rebirth, and you heard it from Jones first.
Feeling like Indiana Jones with a cold curse.
Revolution with no course, instead freedom in America's force.
Trying to free humanity from this devilish force.
Fake lips walking dead like a devilish course.
They ask, have I seen the enemy?
I say, yes, of course.
So take this red pill and get informed.
And now I welcome you to the InfoWars.
That's MAGA Titan.
I tell ya, if anyone deserves a bullhorn...
It's really hard to have the energy at the end of the day to still get to the gym or to go for a run or go to the park or heck, even take your dog for a walk.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
[outro music]
One last breath before the wind blows.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
♪ Fight like a man for the public's cause ♪ ♪ Then raise your head ♪
♪ Sound the boos like "Get your jaws!" ♪ Lock up your wife and children now.
Because now you've got some company.
Horsemen are drawing nearer.
The funny thing is, once they get there, it's like you've done it before.
Now you're alive.
What kills you is this stagnant, wimp society.
So choose your fate!
Choose your fate.
You've been dying since the day you were born.
You know it's all been planned.
The fight of your life.
It's all about.
They come to take your life.
On to the dead of night.
You see the four horsemen ride.
So choose your fate.
Let's go to Bob and then Michael.
Bob, in the great state of Texas, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Thank you, Alex.
It is a pleasure to talk to you.
I've been listening to you since 9-11.
But the person you really should be talking to, his name is Michael McKibbin.
I don't know if you've ever heard of him.
Michael McKibbin?
Michael McKibben, he is the CEO of Leader Technologies.
He's been fighting Facebook, Google, Apple, all of those tech giants for almost... Slow down real quick.
CEO of what?
He's the CEO of Leader Technologies.
Alright, we'll look into it.
He's been fighting the tech giants for almost 20 years, or at 20 years.
Because they hired a very, very good lawyer, and he was the mentor of a certain person you probably know.
Her name is Hillary Clinton.
Her mentor for being an attorney was a patent attorney.
His name was James P. Truman III.
He was also the guy who wrote all the intellectual property laws for the United States.
He took their technology, which allowed scalable social media, and gave it to what's called the, well, not only DARPA, Sure, I know DARPA developed it in the 60s and 70s, that's known.
gave it to Microsoft, Apple, Google. Sure, I know DARPA developed it in the 60s and
70s. That's known. In-Q-Tel, Geospatial Group, NASA, all of it. Yeah. Yes, yes sir, yes.
And what happened was that they took that and spread it, and instead of using it as a tool to raise humanity, what you're always trying to get us to do... Well sure, it was supposed to be a tool for communication, and it was supposed to be a tool to defeat the Soviet Union, but instead they're using it now as a tool of oppression.
Absolutely, yes sir.
And Michael McKibben, actually, he was one of the... Yeah, no, I've actually heard of Michael McKibben now that you've said the name.
We should... Can we still... Do you get Michael McKibben on?
I can reach out to some people.
I can reach out to Douglas Gabriel who also used to work for NSA and has been working, doing research with him.
Well sure, anybody comes on gets demonized because they want to shut down communication.
But regardless, we should, I mean look, one of the main inventors of the internet, it wasn't Al Gore, he's come out at MIT and said we've got to stop this big tech takeover that is tyrannical as well.
So the good news is the original people that built this now say it's evil.
It is evil.
It's for improvement.
That's what they're using.
Psychological warfare.
It makes you depressed.
It controls you.
Yes, sir.
There's a way that President Trump could defeat the tech giants today with one signature.
Tell us.
Please tell us.
Please, please tell us.
Because the President's listening.
It's called the Miller Act Notice, and he's been sent a copy.
The Miller Act is for people that do government contract work.
And they haven't been paid.
It's like someone who works on a house or a plumber, but they haven't been paid.
It kind of puts a lien on the house.
This is a way that government contractors could be compensated.
So McKibben's attorneys have actually filed a Miller Act notice to be paid by the federal government for the technology that they stole and gave to all the tech giants.
If they did that, it would establish ownership, bypass the courts, That's a great idea, and I've heard of that.
Just the fact that Big Tech's working with China to suppress their population, I'm not an authoritarian guy.
You ally with the worst authoritarians ever?
I mean, I would support the President arresting every one of these people.
We have probable cause, we have overwhelming evidence.
Arrest them, seize everything.
Like, I saw seizures going on, you know, that Trump's sending people after some of these other corporations that have been involved in corruption.
And the media goes, oh my God, it's terrible.
You know, Trump says it's corrupt and they SWAT team him.
But no, that's what's going on.
These people are out of control.
And so we need to move against them.
God bless you, Bob.
Put Bob on hold.
And Daria's a great producer.
She's producing three shows right now.
She needs to get a helper.
So I'm telling Daria on air, get another great, hard-charging producer to hand these off to, because this caller's absolutely on target with what he's saying.
Okay, let's talk to Dominic and then Michael.
Ted Cruz signs being removed, social media banning InfoWars.
If you haven't seen it, there's a bunch of videos, but some of these out of Houston are like people becoming demon-possessed.
We'll cue it up to the end of the segment, people won't believe it.
Like, I hate Ted Cruz!
I mean, these people are out of control.
They've seen way too many Harry Potter movies.
But Dominic, what's on your mind, my friend?
Alex, I just wanted to say thank you for everything you've done.
I met you 22 years ago.
I was doing a Big Brothers Big Sisters commercials at the Austin Access Television and so I've always listened to you.
I just wanted to talk about all the signs that were being removed, and I actually saw that happen in South Austin, where they had a bunch of Beto signs, removing Ted Cruz's and putting Beto's signs up.
Oh yeah, these are authoritarians, man.
They do not believe in speech.
Not at all, and the interesting thing, it's a small minority like you stated, I've seen all this come to pass, you know, and like I said,
I met you so long ago, but I've always been a fan.
God bless you.
And I remember, well, God bless you too.
And you know, I really wanted to just reach out to you and say, "Hey, you know, I'm really
proud of everything you've done."
And you know, I've sent your links to everybody I know.
There's 11 of us in my family, and we all listen to you.
So my dad was a World War II guy, he was a desert rat, and my brother served in Vietnam.
And so we understand what you're doing, and we know that.
It's easy for everyone to dispel what you're saying, but they can't back it up with any kind of substantial fact.
And that's why they want to shut us down.
And that you're doing that word of mouth with your great family and your ancestors that were in the North African War and all of that is beautiful.
And it's that power of you as the individual taking action that's defeating them.
It's why they've turned loose these throngs.
The people that act like they're demon possessed.
So their operating system is hatred of humanity.
That's their uniform.
Oh yeah, and I mean, I worked with Chuck Oudrazee on what was originally Behold the Pale Horse, now Revelations.
And so, you know, all these people that we've all run in the same circles, and it's because we understand the fight.
We understand what we're, you know, standing up to.
And they'll cheat, they'll lie, they'll do anything to create a false narrative.
To get everybody out of the way so they can move forward with their news war.
That's what they're doing.
They're selfish, horrible people.
God bless you, Dominic.
More straight ahead.
Tomorrow's news today.
They hope you don't spread those links.
Free shipping storewide right now.
Now it's about to end.
Christmas is coming in October!
Black Friday's coming in October!
Cyber Monday's coming in October!
But what's really coming in October is incredible deals, 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com and free shipping.
And it's all to stand up against the censors that are really pushing to shut down InfoWars.com and to shut down your voice.
Now, I'm sure that you've seen that they want InfoWars to go the way of the Dodo Bird.
By the way, the dinosaurs.
Because they themselves are collapsing and going that direction.
You've seen massive corporate demonization and lies about us.
And you've seen the attempts to take our sponsors away and to be able to take our banking away so we can't even process orders.
This is a concerted, un-American, cartel, mafia operation.
And now, as we enter the middle of October 2018, it has intensified.
Now we have major stockpiles of incredibly high quality supplements, t-shirts, books, films, air filtration, water filtration, you name it, built up for Black Friday and of course for Cyber Monday and for Christmas.
But I'm not even 100% confident we'll be able to engage in commerce then.
So that's why, with this concerted effort of the globals coming out on us, that Christmas is coming early.
Black Friday's coming early.
Cyber Monday's coming early.
All those sales we had planned for the next two months are now condensed into starting now.
And until things sell out, or until we are successful, or until they shut us down, who the hell knows?
The point is, is they're moving against us everywhere and licking their lips to shut down our self-funded operation that is here because of you.
InfoWars is in your hands.
InfoWars has always been in your hands, and we were the number one media organization in the world, after Drudge Report, who went ahead and did video and audio, number one in the election of Trump.
And so they shadow banned us, and they took our sponsors, and they wouldn't let us advertise, and they strangled us.
And still, because of you getting the word out, we were dominating.
And so now they're coming after our ability, InfoWarsTore.com, to even have credit card processing.
But we've got it, we've got backups, but they're like a mafia targeting those.
Get your X2.
Even though it's selling out in the last run, 50% off.
Brain Force, selling out, 50% off.
Super Melodoxxality, 50% off.
Every supplement, 50% off.
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They don't even have 50% markup to take off, but they're discounted as well.
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So, this is the October Black Friday coming early.
This is Christmas coming early.
This is Cyber Monday coming early.
This is Christmas in October.
Get the great supplements you already love and need that you know are great.
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So that you have them.
Don't have to fight traffic.
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And you can support the M4 War while getting great products to win-win.
I'm counting on you.
You've always come through.
They know you always come through.
Which is why they want to deny you the right and the ability With a five-star rated organization with the best banking scores and best credit you can have.
I mean, our credit card rate's 2%.
Nobody's got that.
Credit card processing.
They want to shut down because we're successful.
We expose them.
And now is your chance, more than ever, to step in and make sure we've got funds to go into the next year.
We're in some serious times because we've been effective, we've been strong, we've been forceful, we've been successful.
You've been successful by supporting us.
So, InfoWareStore.com, InfoWareLife.com, today, in this mega sale, 50% off free shipping, to help bring the InfoWare to the next level.
I'm counting on you.
You always come through.
Take advantage of this.
this, let's make it our most successful sale ever.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
As you've seen the NPC meme has gone mega viral.
And it has actually sparked a new meme war.
And in fact, a meme challenge.
Issued by Alex Jones today.
That is the NPC Meme Challenge.
So naturally, I had to get in on the fun.
And I had to have a submission for the NPC Meme Challenge.
So here is my submission for the NPC Meme Challenge.
Guys, cue the music.
I will remember you.
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by.
And weep not for the memories.
Remember all the good times that we had.
I let them slip away from us when things got bad.
How clearly I first saw you smiling in the sun.
I want to feel your warmth upon me.
I want to be the one.
I will remember you.
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by.
And weep not for the memories.
Don't let your life pass you by.
And weep not for the memories.
♪ 'Cause I will remember you ♪ What will you do to save an NPC?
How will you raise awareness for all the lost NPCs out there?
And weep not for the memories, don't let your life pass you by.
And weep not for the memories, we remember.
And raise awareness for all the lost NPC souls out there.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen, my contribution to the NPC meme war.
Should I start singing?
It's too good!
We will remember Bernie!
He is so NPC.
We raise awareness for all the NPCs out there because non-players are players too.
Don't let your mat out.
I will remember you. Seriously folks, we're raising awareness.
All the lost NPCs out there.
Stuck in an interdimensional loop.
Bound to mental nothingness.
And weep not for the memories.
Yes, that's right.
We honor all the lost NPCs that will never be able to break free of their NPC loop.
Never be able to go into a different dimension because they're stuck in an infinite loop.
They are the non-player characters.
Coming to a town near you in the form of a Trump protest.
Coming to a town near you in the form of a women's march.
Coming to a town near you in a resist Cavanaugh movement.
Coming to the latest Hollywood film.
And on the stage of all the late night comedy shows.
We remember the lost NPCs stuck in an infinite loop of radical leftist ideology.
And we don't weep for the memory.
But we do remember.
Will you remember me?
Here we go back into the loop.
We're back in the loop, guys.
Well, then tell me what it is.
I'm just asking you, what is an NPC?
I just, I'm asking you what an NPC is.
I'm asking you a question, man.
You won't answer.
I've asked you nine times.
What is an NPC?
Can you answer the question, man?
You're a news guy.
You're a reporter.
Let's go to Michael calling in from Georgia.
Go ahead, Michael.
Hey, Owen, how are you tonight?
Wide awake.
Hey, is this the greatest country in the world?
Oh, I don't know.
You know, everyone basically risks their life to come here.
Hell, they'll even get gang-raped just to get here.
But, I don't know.
I guess that means it's pretty great, Michael.
You know, but you tell us that our government for 70 years has been poisoning us with a campaign of fluorinated water.
They've created GMOs to make us weak and thick and fat.
They have actually created vaccines to make us autistic and poisonous.
You tell us our votes It's completely rigged.
Our election system is corrupt like a third world government, like a banana republic.
You tell us that our government was beyond 9-11, our government was behind Sandy Hook, our government was behind Oklahoma City, our government was behind Boston bombing, that our government is evil.
And Democrats, you say, are domestic terrorists.
Half of my neighborhood, you consider Democrats are domestic terrorists, and this is the greatest country in the world?
You're damn right!
Oh, okay, our government poisons us.
Where would you rather live?
Hold on, hold on, this is a great conversation.
A, are you disagreeing with any of the things that I'm reporting that you're claiming here?
Well, absolutely, because the American Dental Association, which I believe Alex's father's a member of, says fluorination of water is one of the greatest things that's ever happened as far as dentists.
Point me to the scientific study that shows ingesting fluoride is good for dental hygiene.
Point me to that study, please.
Well, it's the American Dental Association that says it.
Look on their website.
Did you say our government sprays chemtrails in the air to poison us?
Dude, so we have a corrupt government.
You're missing the point.
The concept of America and independence is what we love, and that's what makes this country great.
Well, the country's great, but our government's poisoning us.
The government's great, and they're actually... Yeah, they're sold out to globalism.
They're sold out to eugenics.
That's what I'm trying to stop.
At least I can still try to stop it.
What about Saudi Arabia and Trump?
You believe they did a $110 billion deal with him?
Yeah, I don't like it.
I don't like Saudi Arabia bombing Yemen.
I don't like Saudi Arabia being ahead of the UN Rights Commission when women don't have any rights.
I report on all of this.
Oh, but Trump's all for them.
He's in their back pocket.
They're in his back pocket.
You don't care about that?
I do care.
What are you talking about?
I just said it right here.
What do you mean I don't care about it?
I report on it all the time.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
♪ Come on, come on, come on ♪ You know, it's been said that a lot of people miss the
forest for the trees.
And I'm one of those people.
I just want to tell the viewers and listeners of InfoWars that you've changed the world.
And the globalists want to shut down Infowars because it's a place where we can come together and share ideas and where we have culture, where we have kinship, where we are able to interface and realize how similar we really are.
It's a place where we know that we're not alone.
And that's why they filed fake lawsuits against us and written hundreds of thousands of fake news stories that have been syndicated across the world.
It's why they've got HBO and Showtime shows with characters based on me that do horrible, evil, racist things.
But that said, I wanted to just celebrate the fact that, yeah, we're under attack now, and we'll be under attack in the future.
But the globalists are trying to punish Infowars for what you did, what I did, what others did in the past.
So they're literally fighting a past war, like generals always do, instead of fighting the new war.
So, at so many levels, they're already winning when I debate them, or I confront them, or I try to counter their lies.
They can only disrupt.
And it's important to stay where they're lying, but to move on with our truths and the things that we're saying that they're trying to silence.
They tell all these lies because they want us to then debate them for our honor.
But they're dishonorable.
They've been proven to be liars.
Our answer is, you're a pack of liars.
Here's my idea.
Here's what I'm promoting, that you don't want to be hurt.
And that's what's happening at InfoWars.com from 8 a.m.
past 10 o'clock at night, every night now, with live broadcast.
Our election coverage, David Knight, Owen Schroer, myself, and so many others, bringing you true, truth-based information that comes from research and historical understanding and proven sources, not from globalist talking points and disinformation.
But in closing, it takes a lot of money to carry out this fight.
And they're trying to shut down our payment processors right now.
They're trying to shut down our shopping carts.
But as long as your order gets through, it'll be shipped out.
And that's why we've got the biggest sale in our history.
50% off and free shipping.
Free shipping storewide, 50% off on the supplements.
A lot of products like air filtration, water filtration, don't have 50% markup in them, so we can't do that.
But they've got 10%, 25%, 35% on the highest quality storable food for the price you're going to pay.
There's a nexus point.
You can pay even more and get something technically better if you pay three times more.
But for the price, being affordable but still being quality, it's that nexus point.
It's the best.
And for select, the water filtration, the very best, super high quality.
It's all there.
And store-wide free shipping.
50% off, so that in case they're able to shut down our merchant accounts, before then, you're able to get the products.
So Christmas, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, all rolled into one.
I think we'll make it through this, thanks to your prayers, the fact there's still some free market left in this country.
But let's not count on that.
Let's make sure InfoWars is provisioned for the next few months, with your funding and 360Win, you get great products.
Can I plug your products real quick?
Just bought a bunch for the 50% off super sale.
I stocked up on my X2.
35% off on high quality, sortable foods, and so much more.
Take action today, buy the War Bonds, and we've already proven we'll change history
Can I plug your products real quick?
Just bought a bunch for the 50% off super sale.
I stocked up on my X2.
Then also the Real Red Pill Plus I think is underrated because if ever I need energy to
work out or whatever, I take four of those bad boys and I'm good to go.
Well, I've been taking your products probably the past two, three years, but you know, the past year, year and a half, it's really helped me a lot, a lot.
If anybody's looking for a product you want to feel, literally, the knockout, I'll do it every time.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1770.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
No you butch, you're totally for Trump!
You cannot criticize- Yeah, I'm for Trump!
Oh my gosh, I'm not a cult member and I realize Trump's not perfect!
No one said he's perfect, but right now he is actually capitulating.
They murdered a reporter in Turkey, and every single sign leads to that.
You told us.
I saw Alex Jones cry like a baby.
Oh, I felt bad.
He's crapped all over us.
He's crapped all over us.
The next Monday he was fine with it.
You look like a fool sitting next to him.
He's crapped all over us.
Seriously, you sat there looking like an idiot next to Alex Jones.
He cried like a baby.
I've never seen anything like that.
Yeah, yeah, you're right.
He cried because we were being led to believe that innocent people in Syria were getting bombed, and then our president was going along with a false narrative, which maybe he did capitulate to a little bit, and yeah, we didn't like it.
He's cried like a baby.
What kind of psychologically screwed up person cries like a baby, Owen?
On TV?
What are you talking about?
You've never cried?
Have you ever seen Owen Cooper cry on TV?
Wait, wait, wait.
Hold on, Michael.
Hold up, Michael.
Can I ask you a question?
Do NPC bots cry?
I don't know if I see him ever online and crying on TV.
No, no, but I'm asking, can NPCs cry?
What's an NPC?
Can you cry?
Well, sure, I cry when my child's sick.
I cried when my mother died.
I cried when my best friend died at his funeral.
But I don't sob like a baby on television.
He was so bad.
That's what's so wrong, Owen.
He crapped all over us.
If Donald Trump calls me tomorrow, I will tell him he's not the man I am.
My TV's watching me.
You're a huge fan.
You, like, remember all the quotes.
Did you just watch that?
Did you just re-watch that?
No, I've been watching Alex Jones for 25 years laughing at him since he was on cable access in Austin.
Well, then the joke's on you, bud.
The joke's on me because I laugh at a guy and watch him for entertainment?
For 25 years you've been wasting your time, according to your own analysis, watching Alex Jones.
No, no, I've got a ton of entertainment to tell you out of watching Alex Jones being a complete No, this is great.
We actually got an NPC to call in.
No, it's all good, dude.
You should have seen your face, and I know you have.
You look like you were mortified.
You look like you were so embarrassed, sitting there next to a sobbing old man.
No, this is great.
We actually got an NPC to call in.
I don't know, what is an NPC?
No, it's all good, dude.
You don't realize it yet.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I know that you call yourself legitimate news services.
Tell me one other reporter besides Walter Cronkite, when President Kennedy was shot, he had a little tear come out of his eye.
He had to take his glasses off and wipe his eye.
Hold on guys, this is breaking.
The NPC is claiming that Alex Jones is different than every other newsman on television.
This is breaking the NPC.
Alex Jones is different than every other newsman you've ever seen.
Thank you, NPC.
Anything else?
What is an NPC?
What is an NPC, man?
I don't know.
You're vernacular.
I don't understand what an NPC is.
Could you tell me?
I know what a social justice lawyer is.
I know what MAGMA means.
I know a lot of other things, but I don't know the term.
What is an NPC?
It's a legitimate question.
You're calling me an NPC and I'm just asking, what the hell is that?
Is he still there?
Yeah, I'm still here.
I'm just asking, would you tell me what an NPC is?
I'm just, this is just incredible.
We got an NPC to call in.
So I'm just trying to get everything out of you.
What is an NPC?
Alright, have we reached the end of your programming loop?
No, I'm just saying that you sat next to a guy that was bobbing like a baby.
Alright, so he's going back into the loop.
Here we go.
No, no, tell me one other reporter in the history of broadcasting.
Here goes the loop.
He's going into the loop!
This is amazing!
Going into the loop, I'm asking you to tell me one other reporter.
No, I know you already did.
We already went there.
This is amazing.
This is an NPC in live time.
Do you forget the conversation we just had two minutes ago?
Did you already forget it?
I haven't forgotten anything.
I've asked you nine times what an NPC is.
I don't even know.
Here, we go back into the loop.
We're back in the loop, guys.
Well, then tell me what it is.
I'm just asking you, what is an NPC?
I just, I'm asking you what an NPC is.
I'm asking you a question, man.
You won't answer.
I've asked you nine times.
What is an NPC?
Can you answer the question, man?
You're a news guy, you're a reporter.
What is that?
What is initials for an NPC?
I know data male, I know an alpha male, I know all your other terms.
I'm asking what an- I'm an NPC, so what does that mean?
Do I piss standing up?
Do I piss sitting down?
What does an NPC mean?
You can't even answer one question.
Do you piss at all?
No, I don't, dude.
I fucking, I've gone like nine months about this.
All right, that's incredible.
We just had a live NPC on air.
We just had the live NPC on air call into this show.
We had to dump him.
His infinite loop cracked.
EPA reverses itself on fluoride.
Oh, this is responding to the NPC that just called in.
How about the studies about fluoride lowering IQ?
Let's even say that fluoride is good for you.
So you don't give a toddler the same amount of fluoride you give an adult.
though, let's even say that fluoride is good for you. Okay, let's even say fluoride is
good for you. Okay. So you don't give a toddler the same amount of fluoride you give an adult.
That's mass drugging. Okay.
So, I mean, it's just ridiculous.
Is there any doctor out there that's gonna say you give the same amount of a drug to an adult as a toddler, so just throw it in the water?
Of course not!
I'm sorry, we had to address the NPC.
Let's go to Mark in Carolina.
Go ahead, Mark.
Hey, man.
I'm a little speechless after that last caller.
That was fun.
Wasn't that something?
I was going to say, you know, to circle back to an earlier story, Beto O'Rourke, he's keeping that war chest because he knows he's going to lose and he's planning a run against Trump in 2020 because the Democrats have an open field.
Well, yeah, he may plan on that, but that's not happening.
He can't even beat Ted Cruz.
How is he going to beat Donald Trump?
Well, he's putting up a pretty good fight down there in Texas.
No, not really.
I mean, I mean, he OK, well, he is putting up a good fight, but he's still way behind.
Well, you think about, OK, so Texas is kind of a microcosm for the rest of the country, right?
Like it's just one little bit.
Are you worried that Peto is going to get elected?
No, not at all.
Oh, okay.
So you think even if he loses, though, you think he'd double down for president after losing?
I do.
I mean, look what he's up against.
He's got Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker.
Yeah, I think... Okay, you know what?
I do actually see what you're saying.
Because he is kind of like this cult figure now, they like think that they could maybe just continue the cult momentum.
Yeah, and he's got that whole, hey I'm the cool socialist, I'm the young Bernie kind of thing going on.
Yeah, I can see him holding that war chest to go run against Trump in 2020.
Maybe he could try to do something like that down the road, but I'm telling you, they're planning on running Hillary.
She controls the whole Democrat apparatus.
The only way they're getting any funding is if Hillary allows it at this point.
And you just saw the story, now $1 billion.
So we go from overnight Democrats so broke they're begging Beto for money, to the next night $1 billion for the Democrats record-setting fundraising.
I mean, they're going to run Hillary.
She's got all the money.
You really think the Democrats are that- I mean, they could be that stupid to run a two-time loser for a third loss.
I just- I mean, I know it sounds crazy, and believe me, I hate reporting this because I realize it sounds so crazy, but if I didn't feel it in my gut, and I didn't see all the signs around me, I wouldn't be saying it.
I really think they're going to run her again.
That is if she's even alive.
But they'll roll her out in an iron lung!
That's exactly what I was thinking.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
We are drugged out!
We are following other people's opinions!
We are controlled by the media.
Today, it all changes.
This reality has been forced upon us.
It is a choice, just like when I said slavery is a choice.
Einstein says the death of insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different result.
So we keep on saying, I hate you, I hate you, f*** you, f*** you, f*** you.
How are we going to get a different result out of hate?
Why don't we just try love?
Why don't we just try love?
We have the resources.
Sometimes you need some crazy motherf***ers to change something.
Steve Jobs is crazy.
Now we all on Steve Jobs' phones.
They say Trump's crazy.
They say I'm crazy.
But I'm here to show love.
It's a bigger plan and I'm just doing what the universe told me.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
We have a great, I think I have a great cabinet.
There are some people that I'm not happy with.
I have some people that I'm not thrilled with.
And I have other people that I'm beyond thrilled with.
What about General Mattis?
Is he going to leave?
Well, I don't know.
He hasn't told me that I have a very good relationship with him.
I had lunch with him two days ago.
I have a very good relationship with him.
It could be that he is.
I think he's sort of a Democrat, if you want to know the truth.
But General Mattis is a good guy.
We get along very well.
He may leave.
I mean, at some point, everybody leaves.
Trump gave an interview to 60 Minutes, where he said that Mattis, the Secretary of Defense, is on his way out, and that Mattis is basically a Democrat.
But he said he's a great guy.
And I've been hearing for a long time that Mattis is a double dealer from really smart people, but I've stayed out of it.
So I'm not going to get into White House intrigue.
As long as the agenda of making America great again continues, and as long as We're restoring this republic to the people's control and the republic's control, not under globalist control.
I'm not like some Washingtonian type swamp creature bidding for influence and bidding for control and bidding for my click getting into the White House sycophantically like the Democrats, Republicans do.
I'm here in Texas trying to promote Americana and its restoration.
And I'm trying to do the best job I can to do that.
That's why we're targeted like no one else by the deep state to be shut down.
And that's why they pulled out the stops on every level to destroy us because of
what we're promoting. Americana and free market versus globalism.
That was just a short time ago and I'm talking about when this meeting started.
On Twitter, if you clicked on the hashtag, NYC terrorist attack, which is, quote, trending, marked with a red button saying, quote, live, the top tweet links to an InfoWars story with the headline, Imam, I warned de Blasio about New York City terror.
He was too busy bashing Trump.
This is a real-time example of when we talk about this information being weaponized.
How quickly can you act and what's your responsibility to set the record straight so that the people who saw this know that it's fake news and at least at some point in time it can't keep spreading like some sort of virus through the legitimate world.
But are you responding To the oppression and the tyranny by resisting it and standing up to it, or are you just getting used to it?
Because studying psychological warfare, it was always right there in front of me how they were hitting us.
How these multinational globalists, these soulless corporate groups working with Communist China, how they were operating, but it wasn't until they were flying me first class to be on The View, and I say that because I was in first class with one of the heads of one of the biggest banks in the U.S., and he said, we have an off-record conversation.
Just don't say my name, but I want you to know something.
You'll never beat us because the public will adapt and overcome to our system.
They won't adapt and overcome it by stopping it.
They will put up with it.
They will learn to go along with it.
As long as we take it away from you slowly, as long as we kill you softly,
you'll never know.
And he laughed at me.
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Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Let's fight against free radicals.
It's time to take advantage and pick up your bottle of an updated favorite formula with
ultimate bone broth from InfoWars Life.
Thank you.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Hello and welcome back to the fourth hour of InfoWars.
My name is Joe Hagman.
I'm the co-host of the Hagman Report, along with my father Doug Hagman, who will be joining us shortly.
So happy to be here today.
There's obviously so much going on in the news, and I guess the perfect place to start, I guess, is to talk about this political violence.
I know my father has a number of things he wants to get into.
We have seen, even since the last time I was on here two weeks ago, A huge increase in political violence.
You have representatives being attacked, sucker-punched, their signs being destroyed.
You have the rhetoric on Twitter, on Facebook, on YouTube being ratcheted up by politicians, by these unhinged liberals.
And you see conservatives are the ones being censored.
The Facebook purge just A few days ago, deleted hundreds, almost 600 pages, totaling views, totaling millions, in the tens of millions.
Some of the pages had three to four million each alone.
And it's just so crazy.
Louis Farrakhan yesterday, I just said something that was completely racist and anti-semitic.
And I said this about a year ago, that this is the Achilles heel of the left's ideology, is their hatred for the Jewish people.
And they're not going to be able to reconcile that message with the rhetoric And act like everything is okay, like they've been able to do with their hypocrisy and double standards, covering it all up, pretending like it never happens and it's the status quo.
We saw Louis Farrakhan yesterday liken Jewish people to termites.
Somebody reported his video on Twitter.
It was responded back by Twitter to say, that did not violate our terms of service.
Yesterday I saw the same thing on Facebook.
There was a comment, kill all white people.
Somebody reported that comment on Facebook to the moderators and Facebook issued a response.
Thank you for alerting us to this post.
Unfortunately, it does not violate our terms of service.
Absolutely insane.
And now we see the Soros-backed money and operatives attacking people.
The money is going to protesters and to continue to create this chaos that we see.
And now, yesterday, Facebook said they're going to be cracking down on misinformation.
They're going to be cracking down on what they deem misinformation.
And this is the thing about what they deem misinformation is it's up to them.
There's no set definition or guideline.
Like hate speech.
We see that the definition of hate speech is what?
Mark Zuckerberg couldn't even describe it in front of Congress.
And the same thing goes here.
What's misinformation?
What's true and what's false?
Well, it depends on who you listen to.
We know that the left uses these fact-checkers, the Snopes, the Polifact.
And they skew everything that they do to make their agenda and their narrative appear as though it's right and the conservatives are wrong.
This is a full-scale war and Alex Jones had the foresight to name this Operation Info Wars decades, decades before this actually turned into an information war.
And what do we see today?
It's not a monopoly of information.
It is the control of certain messages that are being kept from getting out, certain viewpoints.
And when you see that conservatives across the board, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, are being banned, are being silenced.
Paul Joseph Watson did a great video yesterday.
Explaining this meme, this NPC meme, and how now they have to ban it because they have no actual way to combat it with ideas or with anything other than the censorship.
They are losing and we are so close to the midterms, things could not be going better for the right and for the base, the voting base on the right.
And what we see is with the Chaos.
We saw that this has energized not only the left but absolutely energized the right.
We see that these attacks and this political violence continues to increase and the hypocrisy continues to be so blinding that it is pushing people towards the conservative viewpoints.
At least I believe so coming up into these midterms.
And the Republicans have not had a better opportunity to really stamp their approval.
I mean, they have a chance to not only continue to have the power in the House,
in the Senate, in the White House, in the Executive Branch, but they can gain seats.
And many people have been talking about a blue wave.
Is it going to be a red tsunami, a blue tsunami?
Well, we don't know.
It depends on the amount of voter fraud, which we know will be very high.
It depends on how many people turn out to vote.
But one thing's for sure, I do not see a blue wave.
And even some of the more skewed polling is starting to pick up on this.
When you look at RealClearPolitics polling, which they don't do a great job of, and ever since the 2016 election everybody understands how bad the mainstream media polls really are, but they say, according to them, that it looks like the GOP is going to pick up three seats in the Senate when it comes to the House.
They say that it looks like The Democrats are going to pick up seven.
But that number has been changing over the last few weeks.
And we see that the two weeks ago, it said the Democrats were going to gain one in the Senate.
Now it's up to three for the Republicans.
If we continue with this momentum, and if we get the voter turnout that we are hoping for, it should be a landslide.
And what we are voting for is not just this is not just a referendum on Trump.
This is a Plan of action against the ideology of the left.
I watched an old episode of X-Files yesterday, and they talked about communism, the most evil ideology that our country and the world has ever seen.
And I was thinking about that.
This was on 20, 25 years ago.
Could you see something like that said on TV today?
Absolutely not.
The show would be kicked off the air and the people who created it would be censored into oblivion.
They'd be reforming it as The Conners.
There we go.
Thanks Joe for doing this.
I finally got the kinks fixed out of this audio system here.
Doug Hagman, thehagmanreport.com as well, Joe Hagman of course.
Sitting in for Alex, InfoWars.com.
By the way, folks, if I can just jump in here, look, I want to say this right off the bat, support InfoWars.com, support InfoWars Store.
Get all of your products at InfoWarsStore.com because of the fight we're in.
If I can just say that, I didn't mean to break your momentum.
No, you're good.
You know, as we go down this road that we're going down, we need to stick together.
And of course, that's how we do it, by supporting in fours, supporting in four stores, supporting all of us out there in the media.
But what you were saying, though, you were tossing out numbers.
Conversationally here, look, here's what I think.
I think right now that the left is so Absolutely, incredibly afraid right now.
They're skewing the poll numbers.
And I'll say this, in the next segment we're going to talk about this, but your investigative infiltration into the backdrop of the organizations who are paying the money, you saw this in D.C., you saw this in our own hometown of Erie, Pennsylvania, where Millie Weaver was here.
Did you see the caravan?
The payments to the people in the caravan that was just in the headlines today.
Cash payments being made to women and children to join the caravan to march towards the U.S.
And I will make an assertive statement here.
Based on everything I've been able to come up with, I can trace this.
Now, you've done the groundwork, the legwork, the infiltration, the behind-the-scenes work, and us old guys, okay?
So, you know, I can do the desk work.
And what I've seen is basically this looking at this and tracing the funds.
Once you have one account number or one identifying number, you can go backwards with that.
When I'm seeing this, it leads all the way to Organizing for Action, which of course is the 2013 organization founded by Obama.
Of course, it's the second or third iteration of Organizing for America, and then it became Organizing for Action.
What we're seeing with respect to the politics, the caravan, especially the caravan too, because I think this is their October attempt to derail the elections by having an optical Yeah.
I'm blustering.
Go ahead.
You got the clock.
And then that with the censorship.
No, I just want to say this in the last 20 seconds.
I just got to the studio like a half hour ago and just got out of the shower, got to the studio.
And my dad, he must be turning into an old lady because it's like a sauna down here.
95 degrees, 90% humidity.
Nice and temperatures all right.
I walked in the studio.
It's like I walked into a sauna.
But anyways, we're right up against the break.
We'll be right back after this.
InfoWars don't go anywhere.
Did you hear?
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Black Friday's coming in October.
Cyber Monday's coming in October.
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And now, as we enter the middle of October 2018, it has intensified.
Now we have major stockpiles of incredibly high quality supplements, t-shirts, books, films, air filtration, water filtration, you name it, built up for Black Friday and of course for Cyber Monday and for Christmas.
But I'm not even 100% confident we'll be able to engage in commerce then.
So that's why, with this concerted effort of the globals coming down on us, that Christmas is coming early.
Black Friday's coming early.
Cyber Monday's coming early.
All those sales we had planned for the next two months are now condensed into starting now.
And until things sell out, or until we are successful, or until they shut us down, who the hell knows?
The point is, is they're moving against us everywhere and licking their lips to shut down our self-funded operation that is here because of you.
InfoWars is in your hands.
InfoWars has always been in your hands, and we were the number one media organization in the world, after Grudge Report, who went ahead and did video and audio, number one in the election of Trump.
And so they shadow banned us, and they took our sponsors, and they wouldn't let us advertise, and they strangled us.
And still, because of you getting the word out, we were dominating.
And so now they're coming after our ability, InfoWars4.com, to even have credit card processing.
But we've got it, we've got backups, but they're like a mafia targeting those.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Hey and welcome back to this fourth hour of InfoWars today on this Thursday, October 18th, 2018.
Unbelievable how fast this month has just been flying by.
Before the break we were talking about a number of issues from the caravan to the censorship, the political violence, the increased rhetoric of hatred, the communist infiltration.
This at its core is a spiritual problem that we have in our country.
And it is manifesting in the physical.
When you see these people who are espousing this communist ideology, and they are, as I said earlier, about 20 years ago, you know, you could never get away with that.
You would be labeled an enemy of the country, but today you are somehow, you know, I guess, championing some new great idea for the people.
It's absolutely unbelievable how far we've come in just a short amount of time.
And if we have as much change as we've had in the last 20 years towards the next 20 years,
I don't think America will be recognizable by that time.
And when we're talking about midterm elections being so important to keep Republicans in
power that if we don't, we could be facing the impeachment of not only Brett Kavanaugh,
attempt impeachment of President Trump, everything that he has done attempted to be undone, taking
their crumbs away, raising the taxes on and on and on and moving to a social justice warrior
platform with the communist ideology.
But censorship still is the, I guess, the topic of the day and the political violence.
I mean, we see conservatives are being attacked, and then when they go to try to talk about their ideas, they are censored.
And it is okay, the media even encourages the violence, which is something that we've never seen before in this country.
And this is not going to end well.
Not at all.
You know, if I can jump in here, Joe, and I just want to apologize to the public and to InfoWars as well.
Before you got here, I didn't even bother you with this because of the investigative stuff you're doing, but just to let people know and just to let everyone know, and you know too, The reason it's warm in here is all of the equipment is running, it's humming, it's just going at full speed.
We are attempting to push out bandwidth.
Just to explain to people, and I don't want to attribute mechanical malfunctions to attacks, but we went through all of the steps to make sure our equipment was operable for this particular segment, bottom line.
We can't push anything out.
I can't even send the images from the investigation you had done that we had done last week to enforce.
The Skype, the changes aside, we know what we're doing or at least our tech does.
The reason I brought that up is because I don't think a lot of people really understand how critical of a time this is.
19 days before the midterm elections, Joe.
19 days.
direct the attacks on our platforms.
This is what we're seeing and this is what we're fighting against and this is what we've
got to, you know, people, I don't think a lot of people really understand how critical
of a time this is.
19 days before the midterm elections, Joe, 19 days, about three weeks, less than three
weeks and the numbers of conservative accounts being hacked like these are being chopped
at social networking levels.
The Facebook accounts being removed and deleted.
And that leads to self-censorship, which leads to a critical mass, I believe, with conservatives.
So that, in addition to what we see the left gearing up and, you know, if you don't mind, I really would like you to address your investigative findings.
With respect to what you saw, not in D.C., but in our own hometown, and then apply it to the caravan, because you've got the documentation.
We had President Trump here a week ago yesterday on the 10th of October for a rally here in Erie, Pennsylvania.
And we attended the rally and we went early, we documented the crowd size, we documented the protesters.
As we found earlier in the day, there was a listing for $100 being offered to those who would stand in line at the Trump rally.
Well, when you went through and called the number, it wasn't just to stand in line, it was to protest.
Now Erie is a relatively small town, 100-110,000 people.
You don't get much protesters here.
I mean, if there were riots in New York and Chicago, I wouldn't expect anything to change here.
It's a very mild and low-key kind of town.
But at this rally, you had thousands and thousands of people who were attending.
They were lining up since 4 a.m.
And I'd say probably 10,000 to 20,000 people were there.
Now, you had protesters.
I'd say about 10 were organic, and you had maybe 200 to 300 that weren't.
Now, we had the documentation of this.
I guess I didn't capture it on the audio, but we did get verbal confirmation that the protesters were paid.
They even admitted it, saying, yes, we were all paid, and one protester in particular said, but I would still be here without the payment because of my hatred for Donald Trump.
Excuse me, Millie Weaver was there also.
And she interviewed some of the protesters who were there.
And it's interesting to see that video.
Because these people are just... I don't even think they... Especially the paid protesters, some of them.
They, you know, did it for the money.
They don't really have a dog in the fight.
They don't care either way.
And it is interesting to see them with the NPC memes that we're talking about with Paul Joseph Watson did the video on that yesterday.
It really...
It's true.
It really identifies what these people are like, this collective hive, satanic mind that they follow.
And it is unbelievable that these people have no care in the world.
They just want their money, and the left wants the optics to make it look like there's this big backlash against President Trump.
But none of it's organic.
From the Kavanaugh protest, to some of the people in the caravan, to the protesters at these rallies.
All is paid for.
Minus a few people.
Yeah, you're exactly right in that.
And the number of protesters, by the way, the turnout, even with the payments, it was dismal.
I think you counted, we counted collectively maybe under 100 versus I would estimate $10,000 to $11,000 even though the venue holds $8,000, maybe $8,200 at that max.
$10,000 with the standing room and you had thousands outside watching the screens as you mentioned.
You had a very limited turnout.
Apply that to the midterms.
I don't think we're going to see this blue wave.
That doesn't mean that we can stay home or we can afford not to keep pushing on this.
But the other thing I think is very interesting, it's amazing too, how we see the people jumping on the weaponization, again, of the social media, the networks, and how the left is weaponizing everything at their disposal in order to keep us down and to take Donald Trump out.
And as you mentioned, to impeach Kavanaugh, which is one of their stated objectives, even after You know, you saw that.
You talked to people about that.
So the bottom line here is we are at war and this is not going to end well.
If they win seats and they regain power, their intent is to destroy America.
If they lose and we win, if they don't regain power, their intent is to destroy America.
It's very simple.
It's a plan.
They're going to destroy America either way.
Yeah, they are, and they have no ideas of their own.
They have nothing in terms of solutions, in terms of ideas to better the economy, better the jobs, to continue what President Trump has started in moving us in the right direction.
They want to, you know, put us back in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, put us back in the Paris Climate Accord.
I mean, if they had their way, did you see, how many people saw the UN's report where they gave us another warning?
Twelve years until Good morning.
Sorry, I must have missed my invitation to mail.
My name's Faith Moldings.
Logan Choi!
Let Faith Speak!
Let Faith speak!
Thank you.
I'm so sorry.
We cannot allow you to disrupt this conversation.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Let Faith speak!
Let Faith speak!
And then we're going to move any of the mics will be shut.
Let Faith speak!
Yes, sir.
We support the police.
We love our officers.
What if you were actually talking about you guys?
These guys are obviously far too scared and not letting me over to the main stage.
Yeah, I know, and that's why I was presenting a petition with 5,000 signatures, sir.
So, Faith Goldie is really in third place out of 30 plus people.
That's amazing and they won't let her come to the debates.
So, she's engaged in real information guerrilla warfare.
FaithForToronto.ca, she's on Twitter, at Faith Goldie.
Thanks for having me on, Alex.
It's a real honor and I appreciate you helping to spread our message of how much democracy is under siege.
So I'm running for mayor and Alex, I have to say, there are actually more than 30 candidates and I have been polling in the top three since the day I announced my bid to become mayor.
In fact, my polling numbers are higher than all 32 people underneath me combined.
And yet these folks These opinion makers and gatekeepers, rather, of the status quo are inviting everyone onto their stage except for me.
What we have to do is just to continue to frankly seek truth and also don't be afraid to sometimes let out what you think.
Every single person I've talked to on this campaign, Alex, says, I'm voting for you.
And everyone I talk to is voting for you.
Don't be afraid to show it from the rooftops.
One of the things that I hear from all of my volunteers is faith.
Your fearlessness is contagious.
Folks have to remember that.
We can all be leaders in our own lives, whether it be around the water cooler.
Our dinner tables and our university classrooms.
Having a brass pair is contagious.
Everything they're doing is to try to stop something like you because you're everything they wish they had.
And that's happening to all conservatives, all nationalists, all over the world.
Twitter, Facebook, Google, as you know, are concertedly trying to stop populist nationalist movements everywhere.
And I have just read The local paper, you know, saying that you were polling number three out of the six major candidates.
I had no idea that there were 30 plus total.
That is amazing.
Hey guys, my name is Savannah Hernandez and if you're always on the go like me, then
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Oh, Oliver.
I hate free speech, too!
We hate free speech!
We hate free speech!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of InfoWars here on Thursday, October 18th.
Joe Hagman here, the co-host of The Hagman Report with my father, Doug Hagman.
We are live 7 to 10 p.m.
Eastern Time.
Go to HagmanReport.com and also our new website, HagmanReportLive.
There you can watch and listen to not only our flagship show, The Hagman Report, but our individual shows, The Doug Hagman Radio Show and The Dispatch.
You know, if I can jump in here, Joe, I got to tell you, tonight, Diana West, who, well, the author of American Betrayal and the Death of a Grown-Up, is going to be talking, going to be interviewed, actually, by Peter Barry Chauka tonight.
The reason I mention this is because it fits nicely in the identification of the traitors, the people that are engaged in sedition.
against us here today that we're talking about.
You know, whether it's Obama and his Marxist-Stalinist principles, Maoist principles.
And Alex Jones has talked about this and Owen and David Knight.
They've all spoken about this.
And by the way, we've met Owen and David in Branson and we're going to see them and we're going to see Owen, I think, in Washington for the Walk Away March, by the way, walkawaymarch.com.
I would urge everyone to really take part in that because look, these people are walking away from the I just want to mention one last thing and I'm going to let you go here with Joe on this.
The censorship against us is real.
I'm totally communist, regardless of what the so-called "arbiters of the truth" in the
mainstream media want to stop.
I just want to mention one last thing, and I'm going to let you go here, Joe, on this.
The censorship against us is real.
The censorship against Infowars is real.
If I took my shirt off right now like Alex Jones, I could show you a ripped six-pack.
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Yeah, now more than ever.
But as I joked about my six-pack abs, which obviously I'm joking about it, but the fact is the mental acuity It's raised with brain force plus you feel better with with the super male vitality folks Enjoy the sales take advantage of the sales and get them right now in for store.com But as you said they need to support we need to support we don't get anything from this But we all stick together and we fight these globalists as they are so okay That's right.
And you mentioned the walk-away movement.
Let's talk about this a little bit, because this is the answer.
This is how we respond to the censorship.
This is how we respond and let our voices heard.
Brandon Straka started the walk-away movement, which is a movement of Democrats telling their story of why they're walking away from the Democratic Party.
And it's gained such momentum in the last six months, the last year, that they are hosting an event on just a week from this coming weekend.
October 26, I believe it starts?
October 26th, 2720.
And we are going to see a whole host of people there, political pundits, celebrities, and everybody in between.
And it's not just one day, one march.
There is, it's a three-day event.
You have a dinner, a gala, you get to interact with these people, and then there is an actual march.
But we are going to be there.
We're going to be covering it as the press, as well as attending.
And I think this is, if you can go, this is one of the best ways to show I mean, they can't censor this.
The only thing they can do is not cover it on the news.
They can manipulate the numbers saying, oh, only 10 people were there.
But we will be there to report the truth.
And this is how you show the left and show the people in this country how much power is behind this movement and how much power is behind people actually walking away from the Democratic Party.
Because if you listen to the news media, they will never admit to that fact.
That African-American support for President Trump has doubled in the last few years, or in the last year.
They'll never admit the Hispanic support for President Trump has increased over 10% in the last six months alone.
And that momentum is continuing to climb.
But you'll never hear that from the media.
So, we gotta get out there and show our support, show our unity, because one thing that the left has that we don't is organization.
And this is a way to get that started.
And as a matter of fact, you know, you mentioned the censorship coming into this and as I did just just announced here, Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, claimed here this week that it was a joke when the social network described itself as a free speech wing of the Free Speech Party.
And now this is all coming out.
Everything that Alex Jones had talked about years ago and everything that we spoke about years ago ago and we were mocked at and laughed at for saying this is
not coming out to be true.
And these people will go down in history, at least in my view, Joe, I don't know how
you feel about this, but in my view, these people will go down in history as the flash
points or the hinges for the civil war, which I really believe is about to erupt.
And people kind of scoff at that.
Now there won't be any violence in the streets, you know.
But we have to stop playing by the rules.
There are no rules anymore.
And I say this every time.
Every chance I get.
The left is not constrained by rules as illustrated by professors with bicycle locks or with that guy from that organization, sources organization that grabbed that GOP strategist or whatever.
You see this now this is happening.
This is this is ratcheting up so But at the epicenter of this the social media platforms Dorsey that punk Jack Dorsey in my opinion Is saying hey, you know what it's it's all a joke.
We may you know we're not even neutral anymore.
We're We're for the opposition to anything.
That's that's really It's more the antithesis of the Constitution.
I suppose I'm paraphrasing of course, but Yeah, I don't know if you heard.
At the beginning here I talked about how Louis Farrakhan referred to Jewish people as termites and that was reported on Twitter and they refused to say that that violated the terms of service and then same thing on Facebook there was a comment kill all white people somebody reported it and Facebook responded saying that does not violate our terms of service yet they are taking as I said you know 600 plus pages down just in the latest purge with no reason other than the fact that they are on the opposition of the ideology of the left.
And what's going to happen once we see the Supreme, we see that there's something the Supreme Court's going to be
ruling on that could open the door to potential changes for the
social media censorship program, their program at least, which could open them up to possibly being liable under
this, what is it, Section 230, the Communications Decency Act.
Yep, yep. And how many people, and this is, this is the fight that Infowars is fighting as well, on the legal side
of things, as we are.
Section 230 of the CDA allows platforms to exist, or allows the stations to exist, or the networks to exist that allow us, or provide us the platform.
And they're not content creators, they don't edit the content.
or create the content, we do.
So any alteration of this, Section 230 for example, would certainly be, my best analysis
on this would certainly be kind of throwing water on the fire of free speech, or what
would be free speech.
And so I think we have to be very careful with that, and we have to be careful too about
the government intervention on social networks, although it looks like that decision is going
to be made for us via the Supreme Court. Did we not hear this? Is this not going to be considered,
or at least part of an upcoming? Yeah, I'm not sure.
I have to look at the case to see exactly what it is and what are the parameters that the possible ruling, how it could come down.
But I don't know that this will make those changes, at least this case.
But something has to change.
And we talk about not wanting the government to get involved.
Keith Hanson calls it principled conservatism.
Across the board, you don't want any government intervention.
And a good example of this is marriage.
When the government was asked to intervene on what is the definition of marriage or not, it changed historically from a man and a woman to now a man and a man.
And we asked the government to get involved to define marriage, and by doing that, we opened ourselves up to allow that definition to be changed.
Now, the same thing could happen here, where you see the censorship.
We could have pushback to that, and we could have some laws or rulings that go in our favor, but as soon as the other party is in power, it can be used against us to even further target us.
So we have to be careful what we wish for.
You're listening to Doug Hagman, Joe Hagman, Hagman Report, HagmanReport.com in for InfoWars for this fourth hour.
Folks, InfoWarsStore.com, support InfoWars, gonna be right back.
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Just like our information is dynamite, so are our products.
We've got a statement now with regard to PayPal and reports that it has ended its relationship with InfoWars.
PayPal joining the slew of tech companies that have severed ties with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, hitting his InfoWars where it hurts, by no longer allowing the site to use the payment processor.
PayPal is the latest company to sever ties with Jones after YouTube, Apple, Spotify, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.
Last month, the website called Right Wing Watch posted a report highlighting PayPal's continued business relationship with InfoWars, and the Washington Post also noted how business on the InfoWars stores was booming.
PayPal is the latest big tech company to cut ties with far-right conspiracy website InfoWars, stealing a blow to one of founder Alex Jones.
Jones's revenue sources. This is of course coming at a time when many at
least reports out there of possible censorship of conservative voices and
other people in the media has come to light as well so Contessa certainly a
story that we're following very closely. It actually fuels the Trump base because
they do feel like they're being silenced. And we're also standing up to social
media censorship.
That's the new thing.
Apple, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter have all booted Jones off their platforms.
PayPal on Thursday night informed InfoWars, which runs an online storefront that sells survival gear and herbal supplements, that it has 10 business days to find a new payment processor.
You can't pick one person and say, well, we don't like what he's been saying.
He's out.
We have literally thousands and thousands of complaints coming in.
And you just can't do that.
Jones hit back on his website saying the InfoWarsStore.com site had no political content, and the move emphasizes how the decision was a broader attack on the InfoWars platform.
A PayPal spokesperson says, "We undertook an extensive review of the InfoWars sites and
found instances that promoted hate..."
Hate speech.
Hate speech.
Hate speech.
Hate speech.
Hate speech.
And bullying policies.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Just a good old boy.
Never meaning no harm.
Hey, welcome to InfoWars.
That's the location of Doug Hagman along with my son Joe Hagman.
Hagman reports 7 to 10 p.m.
Eastern every night, sitting in for Alex Jones this hour.
Something that was, we covered a lot of ground this hour, but one thing I really want to mention is, and really drive home this point, is what we're seeing taking place south of the border and what we've seen taking place with respect to the border.
This is the Arab Spring.
Just compare the spontaneity of what we're seeing taking place today, the spontaneity of the Arab Spring.
In other words, there is no spontaneity.
This is not an organic movement.
Daniel John Sobieski from the writer for a number of publications, this article appearing in the American Thinker that was published today.
Illegal caravans encouraged by Honduras and Soros.
How did, and you have to ask yourself, How did 4,000, 5,000 or how many thousand people suddenly just organically organized, draw together and decide to move north?
I read one quote where this guy left his family because he was so afraid of the danger I believe it was Honduras.
I'm just afraid.
So I'm going to go to America and seek asylum.
Well, obviously, we all know Mexico has the same asylum agreement as the United States.
So the way asylum works is you flee a country, the first country that's under the umbrella of asylum.
There, you seek asylum with that country.
You don't skip.
It's not a pass-go situation and you skip that country and go to the country of your choosing if you are truly seeking political asylum.
Two things, well actually three things about that.
Number one, the guy left his wife and children in Honduras apparently, ostensibly, to face the whatever he's running from.
It would be of really no value for this man to come alone and leave his family in peril, ostensibly, if you want to believe the media.
Number two, As Daniel John Sobieski pointed out in the article, referencing a tweet by Laura Ingram, this is not a walk in a national park, and I'm kind of paraphrasing from the article, but a very expensive journey, and very arduous as well, where you've got to ask who's funding this caravan.
Each migrant's passage can cost as much as $7,000 per head.
And the per capita income per annum in Honduras is $2,300.
So how does this even work?
How is this even possible?
And it's doubtful, as reported by Sobieski, that such sums are coming from their college funds.
But there is evidence, as we had said initially, that there's evidence of the tentacles of support that flow from the Open Society group of George Soros.
But I would add this.
When you look at this and you follow the payments, in addition to Soros, you've got all of his, outside of the Open Society umbrella group, you also have various other groups and watch as well the playing of, or the part that Organizing for Action plays.
And that, of course, is Obama's group and Obama has not left Washington, D.C.
and is operating at the de facto shadow government.
In Washington, D.C.
So put all of this together.
You've got this.
And the timing, by the way, is not coincidental.
With just 19 days before the midterm elections, you can see exactly what's taking place.
They want to create the optical illusion, and those are my words, of a humanitarian crisis at the border.
And Donald Trump is really like the rain man of reading these, reading these operations.
And he said, look, I'll send the military to the border.
And this, of course, is causing the both the left and the media to just to become apoplectic.
So this is all really an unfortunate game of chess, where the very unfortunate people of Central America under the very socialist, under the very socialism, I might add, that is attempted to be instilled in this country by the left.
They are running from the socialism only to create that same socialism here.
They want to bring their here, as Keith Hansen says, as you pointed out Joe.
They want to bring their here, and when they do that, here becomes their.
And that's the objective of these socialists who are using these people as pawns.
So this goes from Soros to Obama, and then you've got the Pelosi's and the hacks on non-political on Capitol Hill that we saw here a couple of weeks ago.
We're going to go back and see these people again in two weeks.
Or a week and a half, the 26th, 27th, 28th with the walk away movement.
So I hope that kind of frames what we're seeing.
So you've got that attempted humanitarian crisis as well as the other aspect of things.
Now information is coming out about a spy gate and of course the spying, the illegal warrantless wiretapping on private private citizen candidate and now President Donald Trump.
It's still going on, by the way, under Rod Rosenstein.
You've got these criminal referrals that include McCabe and others involved in this.
So you've got this whole, you've got this multifaceted attack
against the President of the United States and ultimately against us.
We are at war.
We are at war right now and the sides have already been defined.
unfortunately, you've got some mental midgets, these little bottomized liberal morons,
or the snot-nosed, zip-faced, wet-behind-the-ears social justice warriors who really don't understand
how things play out, and they don't understand history
because they've never been taught history, who are adhering to this socialist,
oh, everything is good, this communist socialist utopia that we can create here.
That's all to say that the worst multifaceted Donald Trump is doing, in my view,
a fantastic job in fighting this.
But you know something?
We are all in the midst of this fight.
And I will say in my kind of final remarks here with this, Joe, is the fact that we have to stick together
as an alternative media within the new media, whether it's a small network or a small station,
or if it's a large footprint on the internet and satellite and terrestrial radio.
And we have to support, you do so by supporting InfowarsStore.com
with the sales they've got, and support whoever you listen to, support their endeavors.
Go ahead, Joe, I didn't mean to interrupt.
Well, you know, it's no accident, as you said, that the caravan is coming here
just before the midterm elections for the optics of making it look as though
President Trump is unable to govern, unable to manage, and he can't even handle something as simple
as making the border more secure, even though everybody from Washington, D.C.,
the media and the deep state operators and the shadow government itself are working against him.
Trying to get that border wall and the border wall is just one aspect of it You need multiple layers of security for it to be efficient But they have done everything they can to hinder even when he came to the table was willing to They would make a pathway to citizenship for I think 1.8 million DACA recipients, and they wouldn't even do that.
The left wouldn't.
So they are in no, they're not trying to negotiate, they're not trying to do anything to help illegal immigrants gain citizenship.
They're trying to muddy the waters and make it look like this is a chaotic situation that Trump can't control, and he is unable to govern and be effective as the leader of this world, of this country, and therefore we need him to go.
The caravan is just one more example from Kavanaugh to everything else that we've been seeing.
Well, you know, I want to stick this in there before I forget.
I mentioned Honduras.
The other untalked about or rarely talked about in the media is the fact that the people who come here seeking asylum don't intend to assimilate.
And what happens is You've got this outflow of U.S.
dollars from the people who are here to there, meaning from the United States to Honduras.
In 2017, as pointed out by Sobieski in his article, you had remittances totaling $4.33 billion.
This is totaling $4.33 billion.
That's cash money out of the United States to Honduras.
So there is another facet to this, and that's the money.
And you talk about a trade imbalance, that's of course not even, that's kind of a tongue-in-cheek trade imbalance, I suppose.
But you're right, I think.
And again, the whole, in my view, the whole issue is they want to bring their here, and they cannot have their here without creating, without making here become their.
That's something that we have to really, I mean, but see that's what they want to do.
They want to socialize this country.
And folks, to me, and to Joe and I, we were talking about the larger thing.
Look, the bottom line is they want to create the socialist communist utopia.
And the master of Pelosi is a full-blown socialist, and others as well.
So I think it's pretty clear.
The objectives are pretty clear.
Do you want to take us out?
Yes, they are.
And I want to thank everybody for the opportunity to host this fourth hour of InfoWars.
Again, HagmanReport.com, HagmanReportLive.com is the website for the three shows.
And get out there and vote.
I mean, it doesn't matter what they do as far as censorship.
The people that they run, the messages they put out there, the propaganda they spew.
Get out there and vote.
Make your voice heard.
It's the only way we can win this fight.
Amen. And if it you're You laughed at me
(air whooshing)
You've been in love with something else your whole life.
And this is a love affair.
And so, I'm not gonna get in bed with you.
Because you don't love the spirit of justice.
You love your father the devil.
You love death more than life.
So you go with your father forever.
And that's hell.
Separation from God.
You'll never, never defeat the human spirit!
You'll never defeat God!
You'll never win!
Never ever!
And this is where we get tested!
So rejoice to God Almighty!
We're having an earthquake!