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Name: 20181002_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 2, 2018
3373 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics on his show including the launch of InfoWars products, political issues such as Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing, censorship by big tech companies, and listener calls. He promotes several health products available on InfowarsStore.com and addresses concerns regarding liberal brainwashing in universities. The conversation also covers contemporary political issues like Antifa and the need for funds to continue fighting against them. Finally, Jones discusses a new project aimed at creating an alternative social media platform for conservatives, libertarians, and those who don't support totalitarian ideologies.

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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
It's 35 days until the most historic election in world history.
Referendum on nationalism versus globalism, human freedom and the renaissance versus global technocracy and the new dark age.
You know, I rarely drop the ball big time, but I have really, really dropped the ball in a gigantic way.
And I began to realize this over the weekend, so I did a lot of research.
And by then, a lot of other people had done research.
And now, we have all the documents, we have all the admissions, it's hiding in complete plain view.
And I'll talk about how I dropped the ball, and how important this ball dropping is.
We pick it back up right now.
Because the ball's been fumbled, but the other side hadn't got it yet.
And we get this information out, but no wonder they don't want InfoWars on any social media or able to share information virally, they think, during this period, because they're gonna make a bunch of dirty moves the next 35 days.
You've already seen it.
But the information we're going to cover when we come back is absolutely so stunning
That I just cannot even believe it.
And thank God Michael Savage began to point this out last Friday, because I'd seen it.
But for some reason, I mainly focused on Ford's leftist background, donating 10 times to Hillary, 60 times to other leftists.
Our story didn't add up.
How there's due process.
How you're innocent until proven guilty, you know, stuff that goes back to the Magna Carta.
But then, I began to look at her CIA connections, and it's not connections.
It's like saying a cow out in the field has connections to cows.
Or Hitler had connections to the Nazis, or Apple's logo looks like an apple.
It's unbelievable.
And it's not just CIA.
She co-authors top studies and is one of the head engineers in a giant mind control program that they admit is mind control at Stanford.
And then her father, grandfather, brother, brother-in-law, all work in the same group of CIA offices that produced the fake Russiagate dossier.
I mean, and then she's got the deep state lawyer of Andy McCabe sitting next to her.
This is unbelievable that they would try something like this.
By the way, her specialty is implanting false memories.
Oh, you're gonna read the study with her name on it.
God help us.
You know, is everybody accusing Kavanaugh of psychology professors?
Or somebody, another professor that went to Yale saw him drunk once, he claims.
I mean, it is unbelievable.
And these people are using psychological warfare against us, against our families, against everything.
And they are the problem in this country.
They are the would-be ruling class.
They don't believe one lick of their liberal garbage.
It's all meant to sabotage this nation.
We're going to break it all down.
On the other side, it is incredible.
No matter how you're listening or watching, tell folks to tune in now.
We get this out, it is going to derail their operations big time.
Stay with us.
Imagine 20 years ago, if I would have told you that in 2018, a Nazi collaborator, George Soros, would be in control of our media, our government, and that anybody that criticized him would be banned from the internet, and even banned from commerce, and being able to process credit cards.
Well, Soros bought control of PayPal last month, and even though we've been working with PayPal for 20 years, they banned us, with the magic word, hate speech.
Now, if that was a Nazi collaborator, like Soros, it'd be okay.
That's how crazy all this is.
So they're betting that you're just going to put up with the abuse, like conservatives always do, and just go away.
But the biggest thing you can do is call Congress, call the White House, call Talk Radio.
Make a big deal out of this, because other conservatives are next.
It's already happening.
And with our regular credit card process that we have at InfoWarsTore.com, get in there and get some of the amazing products we've got.
So you can't lose.
You get great products while you're funding the information war at InfoWarsTore.com.
You can let that old Nazi collaborator Soros tell you you can shove it up as you know what.
I've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Tuesday, the second day of October 2018.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We are 35 days out from the midterms that are obviously much bigger than just the midterms.
I'm gonna dive straight into the Brent Kavanaugh fiasco.
And I'm not going to get into the latest Georgetown professors saying that they want to kill Kavanaugh or attack Kavanaugh and have his testicles cut off.
I'm going to get to that later.
And the fact that, of course, Georgetown will probably give this professor a medal.
Or the fact that they're actually putting on the news anonymous letters sent to Congress saying Brett Kavanaugh and another man raped a woman in a car.
Well, hell, on the show Homeland, a character they admit is supposedly Alex Jones is a racist and tries to bomb the White House.
People run into me on the street and they think I'm the Homeland character.
They actually are mad at me for the TV show on Showtime.
That's the mental illness.
That's the mind control.
No, I'm not going to get into that.
I'm not going to get into the end of Innocent Until Proven Guilty.
I'm not going to get into all of the Hollywood harpies running around foaming at the mouth saying, believe women, all men are pigs, all men are monsters.
This is all divide and conquer mind control.
Oh, and surprise, surprise!
When you research all this, and you look deeply into it, hiding in plain view, the most incredible information is right there in front of us.
And the fact that they would try something like this is the most outrageous crap I have ever seen.
In fact, it's so stunning, I can't even be on air right now.
I'm going to have to go off air.
Seriously, I'm not doing this for dramatic purposes.
I'm going to have to compose myself to even be able to cover this.
And I will need doc and cam shots when I do it.
So, I am going to go off air at this point.
And I'm going to come back in the next segment, and I'm going to do my very, very best to be on air.
And I'm going to do my very, very best.
I'm going to do my very, very best to cover this information here on air.
And, you know, you talk about dropping the ball.
This has been hiding in plain view the entire time.
And the fact that they would try something like this
It just shows how stupid they think we are.
So, I'm going to start the next segment, and I'm going to get into this information.
And then, I'm going to get into China's worst nightmare, our IMPACT 2020, the South China Sea drill.
I'm going to get into six-year-old school pupils write gay love letters to learn to accept diversity as the sexualization and brutalization of children accelerates and intensifies.
We're going to get into the NAFTA renegotiation and the surging U.S.
We're going to look at so many angles.
Also, Millie Weaver got footage last night that's going to be going up on Infowars.com.
Because that's part of our reporters sending in videos to us.
It's putting it on Infowars.com.
I'm going to go make sure that happens.
Of a man who lost some of his family to illegal aliens confronting a bunch of pro-illegal alien demonstrators who are out there protesting Trump.
That's extremely powerful footage as well that we're going to be airing here today.
And there's a lot more as well.
I want to first get into this report by John Bowne.
Antifa's new blend in and attack strategy.
Because this is the new.
Public preparation they're making on Facebook and Twitter with large organizations run by major professors, organizing the next phase, especially if they don't win the election, of going out and engaging in massive attacks like we saw on the Congressional Baseball Team, resulting in Congressman Scalise almost dying.
The attacks you've seen on Rand Paul and many others, that's their plan.
So here's the latest report up on InfoWars.com so you can share it.
Antifa's new blend-in and attack strategy.
Alex Jones on Twitter posted this week what essentially is a video calling for people to get their battle rifles ready against the media, saying it's time to act, it's got to be done now, move criminally against people.
Sent a chill up my spine.
How about yours?
It did.
I mean, there's a number of actions that we believe
California's omniscient social media royalty would protect us all from questioning the narrative.
But when it comes to fueling
Hey, quick little question for military-minded lefties.
Should leftists train, organize in an insurgent focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more militia structure focused on holding, maintaining turf?
He then suggests using concealable weapons as Antifa blends into the general populace in order to do more covert damage.
From the Guillotine podcast,
Which has 250 Patreon supporters and 15,000 Facebook followers, Dr. Bones openly calls for leftist terrorism to be waged against an innocent American citizenry simply exercising their rights, with the hopes of, as one responded to the Dr. Bones Twitter account, regarded as a big kill.
Mike Adams warns conservative senators, Supreme Court justices, unhinged left planning kill team, home invasions to execute you and your family.
That's his headline.
I'd make it even better.
Mike Adams isn't warning you.
Mainstream leftist Democrat websites that Twitter allows to operate are openly planning.
Democrats publicly plan kill teams to kill Republican and conservative leaders.
I mean, that's your real headline.
I'm with Mike's headline.
It's great.
I'm glad he wrote the article.
I'm just saying.
It's not him saying it.
It's not him warning.
They're the ones saying they're gonna do it.
Ladies, gentlemen, non-binary folks, and comrades of all stripes and tendencies, it is time for another edition of the most d-d-d-dangerous podcast from inside the ever-heating oven we call Planet Earth, The Guillotine!
Yes, remember folks, it isn't just the Oath Keepers.
They are looking to train other groups.
Such as the Proud Boys and the Patriot Prayer, which they love so much.
In military tactics, how to run neighborhood watches, which at least in Florida is code for keep black people out of our community with guns.
How to run security.
How to put down leftists.
These people are training to kill you.
I mean, you know, a lot of people say, oh bones, you know, you're just being too, you're just too much.
I don't know how more clear you want it!
The corporate globalist media is deliberately driving Americans into a bloody civil war in a desperate attempt to destabilize the nation, invoke shooting on the streets, and ultimately call for the United Nations peacekeeping troops that will depose President Trump under Strong Cities Initiative, attempt to disarm the entire U.S.
civilian population formerly for America, the people on 100-plus million firearms, and have a Second Amendment right to defend their nation against foreign invaders, period.
According to his website, Marxism and Satanism are synonymous with his openly violent rhetoric calling for the slaughter of innocent Americans.
Of course, this appears to be fine and dandy to the self-righteous tech gods in Silicon Valley who are distracted by their laser focus on banning information that doesn't follow the Mockingbird media narrative.
John Bowne reporting.
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We're good to go!
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
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We're good to go!
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We're good to go!
We're good to go!
We're good to go!
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We're good to go!
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We're good to go!
Maybe it was me, could be psychosomatic, didn't do nothing for me.
But I have a feeling it will do something, because I'm very sensitive to drugs.
That's why I can't smoke pot anymore.
It's too intense!
My God, have you tried what the kids are smoking these days?
I don't know how Alex Jones survived on Joe Rogan, man.
Last time I tried marijuana...
I had, I was like a narc.
I had to lie down on a cold cement floor shirtless.
And the only reason I didn't call 9-1-1 is because the idea of being in a gurney and going down the elevator and getting, I was at work at the time, and being like put on an ambulance, it just sounded like too much to bear.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones, live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
It is Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018.
On Friday, they're set to confirm Kavanaugh.
The left, as they're known, really the deep state and the private intelligence agencies that have hijacked this country, are going into complete and total terroristic overdrive to destroy, due process, to destroy basic freedoms that we hold near and dear, like innocent until proven guilty.
We have female professors, Hollywood stars everywhere saying kill Kavanaugh, cut his testicles off, all men are bad, especially white men.
This is an attempt to divide and conquer this country.
It's in the WikiLeaks, but more importantly it's in CIA public manuals and others on how to control population.
Now get ready for this.
I knew that
Dr. Ford's grandfather, father, brother, and brother-in-law all worked high-level CIA.
That had come out.
That's par for the course for these psychology professors.
Then it came out that she ran recruiting programs at Stanford and one other college.
She was involved in the recruiting.
Then it got even worse.
I saw a Media Matters article over the weekend, attempting to debunk it, and it went ahead and admitted it all, and more, and said, and how dare them!
Yeah, she was in some programs to help people forget memories, or have new false memories.
There were several articles.
And I went and read the study she wrote, and ladies and gentlemen, turns out, she
Co-authored and headed up major classic MKUltra style mind control programs.
We're talking erasing memories, implanting false memories, programming people, openly at Stanford.
I'm going to get into the actual program, show TV viewers the actual document.
We've posted it on InfoWars.com.
Mike Adams has done an excellent job at naturalnews.com breaking it down, but I read this last night when he sent it to me and got physically ill.
Because I already knew all about this.
And that's why when they have these big events, you've got to look and see are there leftist foundation groups involved, because most of the time there are.
And before I get into this, let me give you just a few things I pulled up during that four minute break.
I thought, let me give them some background first, like I always do.
This is psychology today.
Psychology Today.
Harvard's experiment on the Unabomber.
Class of 62.
Theodore Kaczynski disappeared for three years into the MKULTRA secret assassination brainwashing program.
You can go read it out of Psychology Today, LA Times, you name it.
This all broke back in the 90s.
That's psychology today.
Let me give you another one.
Shooter James Holmes and DARPA.
Weird science.
Curt Nemo wrote about it and it links to mainstream news articles, Infowars.com.
His father is Lieutenant Colonel Robert Holmes, the head of the Space Command, NASA Army Language School, Defense Language Institute, all of it.
Complete and total interface with computers plugged directly into your brain for mind control.
You want me to keep going?
Guess who Timothy McVeigh's doctor was until the day he was executed at Terre Haute, Indiana?
Jolion West.
Do you know who Jolion West was on record?
Number two scientist in MKUltra and MKNaomi and other secret NASA programs.
But wait, it gets more powerful.
He headed up an even more secret program, the name was never discovered, in Canada, with over 10,000 kidnapped children.
Even the History Channel has shows about it.
He worked for Dr. Ewing Cameron.
The former head of all mind control operations for the Central Intelligence Agency.
And then you've got Dr. Ford, who remembers being raped by Brett Kavanaugh.
How in the hell is this not a giant issue?
Now, we're going to get into her papers and her program.
And it is the most hardcore public mind control I've ever heard of.
I know a lot of it's going on at the University of Texas Psychology Department.
I was led in there almost 20 years ago by one of the folks that then moved on to an even more prestigious institution.
And I've told you about some of that, but it was mainly how to use flicker rates and manipulate people and make them sexually stimulated or make them nauseated.
It was just using television to manipulate you.
Some of the areas I was shown, all DARPA funded.
Every laboratory had DARPA on the door saying they were the ones funding it.
So, I just showed you mainstream news, you name it, admitting all this.
We're a TV viewer, you saw it all on screen.
This isn't even hidden.
But what's incredible is that I dropped the ball because I was focusing on her, working for our RU486 company.
I was focusing on her, not finishing her residency, which is classic because you got a right to work for the CIA, you usually don't.
And then I was focusing on her, because that's your residency, and the way she changed her story a whole bunch.
But then I read the CIA honey trap story that Savage was talking about from Zero Hedge, and it was all linked there with her family high level, tied into Russiagate, tied into everything.
And then I saw this last night.
I already read some of the studies she'd written, but I found these.
Well, Mike Adams sent me the article, and I sat there and read it, and I knew what I was looking at, because I'd read the declassified stuff in the 70s on MKUltra, MKNaomi.
It was all that, with her heading it up in plain view!
The co-author of a mind control study to give people false memories or remove memories.
That is what they're looking for.
That's the Holy Grail.
With chemicals, electricity,
You name it, and just mainlining it, how great it is.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
To project of inner voices through sub-audible frequencies?
I mean, this is like the encyclopedia, these programs and papers she wrote, of everything I've ever researched and known about, in one class!
God, who knows what they're doing with all this stuff?
And then this is the woman,
That's up on television that we cannot question, even though her story is completely scrambled and upside down.
And she's got interns living at her house.
And all the rest of it, this is who they brought forward?
And now the other women are saying, actually, I never saw Kavanaugh attack anybody.
Oh, actually, he didn't attack anybody on a boat.
Oh, actually, oh, don't worry, we have new anonymous letters saying he raped a woman in a car.
This is unbelievably transparent.
And then she's got the deep state swamp top lawyer there, right there.
So we're going to look more into this when we come back.
I have filed suit against PayPal.
I'll let you know about that coming up as well.
Exclusively here, Mark Rondaz is joining us.
So much straight ahead.
Whatever you do, share the live links.
Tell folks about local stations.
And all these other company heads and all these other people know this and they won't say it.
So I'm here hammering, hammering, hammering, hammering.
Stop the hammering.
Stop the hammering out there.
Who's got a hammer?
Where is it?
Where's the hammer?
Is it on the... Go up on the other floor!
Somebody go up there and stop the hammering!
Stop the hammering!
Call f***ing Phil Griffin!
I don't care who the f*** you have to call!
Stop the hammering!
And all these fools...
And all these traders don't get it.
Now it's being taken away because they demand control of the streets, control the schools, control your bank account.
It just f***ing sucks.
It f***ing sucks to be out here with this out of control s***.
Control the churches, control the food you eat, control the vaccines they put in your body, control the internet, control everything.
They're here.
Any f***ing thing can come into my ear at any moment.
That's what I know.
Anybody can get into my f***ing ear at any time.
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Thanks to you.
We'll be back.
I'll go down to the g***** floor myself and stop it.
Keep the g***** commercial break going.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back Alex Jones here live so we looked into dr. Ford the psychologist
Background, and we looked at how she was a big Hillary supporter and gave 10 donations in the last cycle and 60 donations to other Democrats.
She's got a lot of money.
Now she's an executive with the RU486 abortion pill company, worth hundreds of billions of dollars, still not on the market.
And we looked at how she was part of a whole man-hating organization and how she's supported by Soros-backed groups and how her whole testimony
Kept contradicting itself and how whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty and why did they sit on the allegations until right before the vote?
On and on and on.
Instead of looking at what she did at Stanford and one other university, even currently what she does.
And she is in a public mind control operation that implants false memories and removes memories.
Story is on InfoWars.com with all of the documents.
And we have saved and posted much of the actual reports so they can't remove them.
Imagine why they want InfoWars shut down and curtailed and censored with just 35 days out.
Because they want to launch stuff like this and get away with it.
Do you think I just went on air and said that the Batman shooter in Aurora, Colorado was suspicious?
It was on local news that his father was a military officer heading up a giant mind control operation and that the former head of the Air Force psychiatry division left a year before and came to be his private psychiatrist at the college.
And that he then said in the jail, it was in the Denver News, that I have been drugged, I am under mind control, I was not the shooter.
There was another person there.
His father heads up Air Force mind control.
His psychiatrist is a woman that formerly headed up the Air Force.
It's psychological operations!
This is in the newspaper!
I have the LA Times and Psychology Day right here.
Where Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, was in MKUltra for three years.
Shooter James Holmes in DARPA Weird Science.
Inmate James Holmes told me he was programmed to kill by evil therapists.
I'm not saying she did that.
I mean, she's just this top Air Force psychiatrist that happened to be his personal psychiatrist and just met with him four times a week.
Oh, and he was in a brain-machine interface program himself.
Was being paid $98,000 a year, by the way, by the Defense Department and DARPA.
Oh, yeah, the shooter.
Because, you know, Daddy was one of the top guys in the program.
Well, he's getting 90-something thousand a year.
And then he goes and shoots up a movie theater.
The Shadow Patsy rises again.
How mind control is connected to gun control.
It's why they want to shut down.
The relationship between MKUltra and mass murder.
Jamie White, Infowars.com, February this year.
Here we are on the one year anniversary now of the Vegas situation.
Murder under hypnosis, the James Holmes story, takes a familiar turn.
And now, we have a doctor.
Whose grandfather, father, brother, and brother-in-law all work high-level CIA, NDC, and the same programs.
And some of them work inside Baker Hostetler, that wrote up the original Pissgate dossier.
And none of this is suspicious to anybody.
And then you read the report.
Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford ran mass hypnotic inductions.
Did you hear that?
Mass hypnotic inductions.
Putting you into a hypnotic spell.
That's her words.
Of psychiatric subjects as part of mind control research funded by the foundation linked to computational psychomatics.
Psychosomatic neurohijacking.
Nothing to see here.
Nothing going on.
Stunning bombshell about the hoax accusations against Brent Kavanaugh.
And you hear her say how she remembered it a few years ago.
And then told the therapist by name, but it's not in the notes.
And then the dog was there at the window and she decided to go public.
I mean, maybe she's under mind control.
My God!
Stunning bombshell about the hoax accusations against Brent Kavanaugh.
We've now learned and confirmed that Christine Blasey Ford co-authored a science paper that involves her carrying out, quote, hypnotic inductions
of psychiatric subjects as part of a mind control program that cites methods to create artificial situations.
Did you hear that?
They put people into trances so deep that they are under total mind control and believe whatever they're told.
Internet sleuths are turning up an extraordinary collection of evidence that increasingly points to Christine Blasey Ford being involved in mind control programs at Stanford, writes Mike Adams, which some claim are run by the CIA.
It's DARPA funding it, that's above the CIA.
We have confirmed that Stanford University, where Ford works, runs a CIA undergraduate internship program, which is described in full at the stanford.edu recruitment page for the CIA.
The Stanford recruitment page for the CIA explains, you will be given opportunity to work with highly skilled professionals and see first-hand the role the CIA plays in supporting U.S.
officials who make our country's foreign policy.
We can, and it goes on from there, breaking
The Self-Hypnosis and Create Artificial Situations paper that she co-authored, Christine Blasey Ford's confirmed to be co-author of the Mind Control Study.
The hypnotic induction system, Spiegel and Spiegel, to evaluate their level of hypnotizing, and it goes all through it, for the Stanford University School of Medicine to participate in it, with the hypnotic inductions of the students.
The Mental Insight Foundation also funded a study on inner...
Perception and neuroimaging to control the mind through biological intervention.
That means drugs, chemicals, radio waves, you name it.
And then guess what's right here?
And it just gets crazier and crazier.
Projections of inner voices through sub-audible frequencies to plant voices and even emotional moods in the minds of targeted subjects.
Gee, wonder who wants that?
And it goes on to what's happening in Cuba and China to our forces, you know, being hit with it.
But then it gets even crazier.
You gotta go read this.
It gets into the different waves to hit the heart, the amplitude to hit different organs, to attack the stomach, to attack the brain, and it talks about, in this huge paper, vagus nerve stimulation, presentation of information during different phases of visceral rhythms, and assessment, and it goes all through different waves, like I told you, to mind control you.
Look at these documents.
Changing the world through using these interactions, using these waves, using these outside systems.
Combined percent of the body in the world.
The outside perception and the inner perception.
Changing the body through interactions with the body.
The psychosomatics of the systems they're using.
Additional details about the Mental Insight Foundation.
They even call it computational...
Psychosomatics and they talk about using torture techniques close quote to force the neurological maps open into the open saying the degree of tolerance to being enclosed in a small dark chamber for 10 minutes might provide behavioral evidence verifying tolerance in triggers for
The mind control program.
And that's what it is when they put you in a coffin.
And they do this during death education in the schools.
Folks, I can hardly even read this.
It's so stunning.
This is just some of the papers.
This is some of what we're dealing with.
And of course, she is literally a mind control doctor in a giant CIA university-standard program for false memories, now trying to destroy the Supreme Court nominee.
My God, this is beyond 2 plus 2 equals 4.
This is what's going on in this country.
There is this intense scrutiny, this fine-toothed cone, where they go through...
I don't even want to say conservative.
There's a Nazi who's going to start World War III, and we have to terrorize him.
If you work at Purdue Pharmaceuticals, you should be a pariah.
If anyone's going to be a pariah, it should be someone involved in big pharma.
Someone whose job actually does lead to deaths.
And these bad guys that they have, these so-called racists and Nazis, whatever, like Richard Spencer, but even him, his beliefs don't lead to deaths.
I mean, can't you be mad at actual bad guys?
I think Charlottesville has been pinned to me quite a bit.
And I was very adamant from the beginning, I don't want anything to do with this.
Now, Jason Kessler, he's the guy who organized
Jason Kessler kept trying to join my group, the Proud Boys.
He went to two different things.
Showed up, he seemed nice.
We did our little ritual and then both times we started to smell a rat, kicked him out.
He called me regularly, he was very friendly, and said, I'm just a guy who likes statues.
Me too.
I also think statues shouldn't be torn down.
So we bonded on that.
I said, are you alright?
He said, no.
Absolutely not.
Lied about it.
And the Charlottesville thing was pushed as a let's stop taking statues down thing.
I smelled a rat anyway.
I said, you know what, Jason?
I don't trust you.
You're out of the Proud Boys.
You've got nothing to do with us.
And this is like two months before.
I said, we're not going.
Anyone who goes is evil.
I disavow, disavow, disavow.
And I'm convinced in retrospect that Charlottesville is a fake thing.
It was set up by Soros lackeys to discredit the right, to get rid of people that were near the edge, like Milo, Yiannopoulos, and Lauren Southern, to get us in there and mix us with the Nazis, who hate us by the way, and then discredit us all and we'll be done.
And I do believe a lot of those guys with tiki torches were real guys.
When they were saying blood and so on, all that Nazi stuff, I believe they believed that.
I think a lot of them are autistic weirdos.
I think whoever set that up got fired.
It didn't turn out.
We only got one death.
We didn't want that.
We wanted total and utter chaos.
Much more racism.
It didn't go well.
But they still cling to that one Heather Heyer death.
And by the way, also, this was the worst they got, right?
It took all this maniacal planning, and lies, and deception, and pretending it's about statues, and they managed to scrounge up what?
200 guys?
What is the population of America?
What do we have, like 360 million?
You basically are showing us a threat that is not even close to as dangerous as elevators.
Your enemy, even in your worst case scenario, even if we ignore my theory that it was a fake rally, even all that, still in the elevator, measles, spiders kind of an area of danger.
Whereas, Big Pharma,
40,000 a year!
36,000 a year, to be specific.
That's 115 people a day dying from opioids.
115 a day.
Yet those guys aren't pariahs.
No, the mythical Nazi, that's the pariah.
If you are obsessed with chasing Nazis and white supremacists, you are essentially a Bigfoot chaser.
Bigfoot is not a thing.
It's a strange thing to set up because what you're doing is you're setting up this scrutiny machine where everyone has a fine-tooth comb.
And I think what's happening now with the right is we're going, okay, let me just pick up this giant fine-tooth comb and go through Hollywood.
Oh, wow, it's Rape Central over there.
You guys are disgusting animals.
Looks like you're not so sanctimonious after all.
Are you?
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So, what are the chances that Ms.
Ford, her father, grandfather, brother, brother-in-law, all work high-level CIA, and then a couple of them work in and around the same law firm, Baker & Hostetler, that helped create the original fake Pissgate dossier?
Because that was first done by Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio.
We now know that.
And then she's the one that pops up and then changes her story a whole bunch.
And then it turns out she's authoring at Stanford official mind control classes on how to implant false memories or remove memories.
I just spent two segments showing you that.
The article with her papers, with the documents, is on InfoWars.com.
Forget CIA, you got 17 agencies.
It's the whole psychiatric system that's the real cult, in my view.
And this is just unbelievable.
I mean, I thought she had a motive to get up there and do all this because of the RU486 bill, and she thinks that maybe Kavanaugh would piss in her Cheerios over making all that money.
And I looked at how she changed her story a bunch, and I looked at all the other different angles of this, and just how she was giving money to Hillary and didn't have any witnesses and couldn't remember any of the details, except when she actually got there.
Now, due process is out the window.
Innocent until proven guilty is out the window.
Now they're looking at perjury, saying did he ever pass out drunk?
You got professors at Georgetown saying cut his testicles off, kill him.
Georgetown will probably give him an award.
The left has gone crazy.
You know, a real liberal, a good liberal,
Is Mark Rondaza probably the top First Amendment lawyer in the country?
He certainly has the most courage.
And I've got him on about a brief statement here, and then we'll get into some other issues while we have him.
We have filed an action in defense of our rights in California, in San Francisco, dealing with PayPal.
Because they tell us the last day we can use them is Thursday.
And so we filed an injunction, InfoWorks files an emergency injunction against PayPal and Federal Court, Silicon Valley Democratic Party and other large corporations working in tandem to drive conservatives for the marketplace in what amounts to a dangerous form of political persecution.
That's my words, but Mark wants to be very
Let's just say very limited in what he says, and then let the filing that we posted, not the entire filing, but the basic suit, not all the exhibits, but the basic filing, to Infowars.com, world exclusive.
So Mark, thanks for joining us today.
My pleasure.
The short and sweet of this, because I know you don't want to get into too much of it.
Yeah, I mean, given that it's ongoing litigation that we just filed, I don't want to get too detailed, but it is our position that PayPal should not have been able to cut you off like this simply for engaging in your own political speech.
It appears that after 18 years of having a good relationship with you, PayPal was influenced in some way to say that you can no longer participate in their online banking platform.
In order to participate in online communication, in order to participate in banking, that I think is scary.
And, you know, there may be people who say that this case is wrong.
There may be people who say it's right, but I think it's the right thing to do to make a stand.
And, you know, that's what we're doing.
Well, people always worry, even if they're not Christian, about a world government, a cashless society, a world social score, because it would be perfect to abuse and control people, and then governments and corporations could always demand more behavior.
I think
I don't have the money to go start my own bank, so this whole move by whole industries to bar people from the marketplace, it really smacks of not letting black folks eat at the lunch counters.
I wouldn't go that far, but what I would say is I think your comparison to China's social score is apt.
But you know, I can't believe I'm saying this, but at least the Chinese Communist government's decisions based on a social score, they're at least numerical.
You know what it is that costs you points and what gives you points, so you can work within the rules.
When it comes to the way that these companies have been comporting themselves in Silicon Valley,
There's no way to know.
They just decide one day a couple of people are sitting around and say, you know, I think it would be fun if we got rid of Alex Jones.
I think it'd be fun if we got rid of, you know, name the next person.
And it goes on and on.
And every single one that we let get, you know, every single time they've gotten away with it, they've decided to push a little more closer to the mainstream.
It really frightens me to think of the fact, you know, I'm an old school liberal who used to remember when we used to be afraid of big corporations taking things over.
I mean, you remember that Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton and pretty much everybody in the Democratic Party said, Citizens United is a terrible decision because it gives corporations way too much
I mean, I don't trust corporations.
I don't really trust governments either, but at least theoretically, you can vote people out of power.
What can you do to a privately owned business?
You can't do anything.
So we're going to give these four companies the power over what we read, what we see, what we hear.
And now, when and how we can use money, we were really going to do that?
That is just terrifying to me.
And, you know, I'm not calling, you know, maybe now it's a great time for conservatives to realize that that liberal fear of unchecked corporate power wasn't so crazy after all.
And maybe now is the time to do something about it.
Because if we don't do something about it now, they're not going to get less powerful.
It's not going to be easy tomorrow.
It's not going to be any easier next month.
You know, the best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago.
The second best time is today.
And I think anybody who's on the sidelines with this, I should hope.
Because other than that, it's your rights that are getting eroded here.
It's you that could be the next target.
And in five to 10 years, it's going to be too late.
And you aren't going to have a neat, nice social score written in Mandarin somewhere that you can read and say, if you do this, you're going to lose points.
You do that, you're going to get points.
No, it's just going to be at the whim of some secret society, some secret cabal that's going to sit around in a closed door room and say, let's shut these people up.
Well, that's where I was going.
I'm not likening black folks not able to eat at counters to the current situation.
I'm saying where this leads of whole groups to not access to the market and society, that's where this is leading.
That's the whole plan.
This is Pavlovian conditioning, Pavlovian control.
And then the media demonizes who somebody is, and Silicon Valley acts on that fraud, blocks us out of the marketplace, and then they can, once we're shut down,
Well, and the unadmitted goal is you're just a mile marker on the way to where they want to go.
And that's what's really scary is, I mean, you know, I hate to say this, but if I knew that they were only going to target you and only you and never anybody else, and we said that this is a unique situation, it wouldn't scare me as much.
But I agree, this happened to person after person after person.
And this is about societal control by four or five.
Let's not forget PayPal is buying one of the biggest.
Sorry, go ahead.
PayPal is buying up one of the biggest global processors right now.
They're consolidating the whole market.
So what happens when it's only PayPal and maybe two other banks and they say you can't have a bank account?
I mean, that's why they're trying to get rid of cash.
Well, you know, maybe Jeff Sessions can put down the pork rinds and do his job and tell the antitrust division to start doing some work.
You know, that might be a good day, but I don't know what he's too busy doing.
He doesn't seem to be busy to me.
Well, regardless, we're raising the alarm with us.
I want to come back and do five more minutes with you just on the subject of Kavanaugh and your whole view on that.
Before we go to break, folks,
For now, we don't know how this injunction is going to work.
You've got two days left to be able to use PayPal at InfoWarsTore.com.
They say they're going to get rid of it Thursday.
We'll see how this injunction goes.
But this is an attempt to take all our other payment processors and shut us down.
Not so much even by PayPal.
That's what the Democrats and big media and big tech have said the goal is.
So, great products at InfoWarsTore.com.
It's the last day to get 40% off on Brain Force Plus, the amazing Nootrobic, 40% off also on the amazing Pure Vitamin B12, that's Secret 12, and a bunch of other products, 50% off Super Male, Super Female Vitella, that's the last run of this, even though it's a bestseller, it's become too expensive to produce.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, and you're funding the very tip of the spear, so please take action today.
We have the new Happys mood and stress formula as well.
We've got a statement now with regard to PayPal and reports that it has ended its relationship with InfoWars.
PayPal joining the slew of tech companies that have severed ties with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, hitting his InfoWars where it hurts, by no longer allowing the site to use the payment processor.
PayPal is the latest company to sever ties with Jones after YouTube, Apple, Spotify, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.
Last month, the website called Right Wing Watch posted a report highlighting PayPal's continued business relationship with InfoWars, and the Washington Post also noted how business on the InfoWars stores was booming.
PayPal is the latest big tech company to cut ties with far-right conspiracy website InfoWars, stealing a blow to one of founder Alex Jones' revenue sources.
This is of course coming at a time when many at least reports out there of possible censorship of conservative voices and other people in the media has come to light as well so Contessa certainly a story that we're following very closely.
It actually fuels the Trump base because they do feel like they're being silenced.
And we're also standing up
To social media censorship.
That's the new thing.
Apple, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter have all booted Jones off their platforms.
PayPal on Thursday night informed InfoWars, which runs an online storefront that sells survival gear and herbal supplements, that it has 10 business days to find a new payment processor.
You can't pick one person and say, well, we don't like what he's been saying.
He's out.
We have literally thousands and thousands of complaints coming in.
And you just can't do that.
Jones hit back on his website saying the InfoWarsStore.com site had no political content and the move emphasizes how the decision was a broader attack on the InfoWars platform.
A PayPal spokesperson says, quote, we undertook an extensive review of the InfoWars sites and found instances that promoted hate.
Hate speech.
Hate speech.
Hate speech.
Hate speech.
Hate speech and bullying policies.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
We're only 35 days out.
I'm going to open the phones up and cover a ton of news after Mark Randazzo leaves us at the end of this segment.
Listen, we have to fight back.
Everybody knows that if you get a big mega system and the big banks link up, they start denying people the right to commerce simply because of who they claim you are.
When you haven't committed a crime or done anything wrong or engaged in fraud, is true persecution.
It's Hitler's dream.
First thing Hitler did was start curtailing how Jews and others could do business.
Then he took them out of banking.
And then the rest is history.
And so this is happening.
I'm all a free market, sacrosanct, your business, whatever.
But when they all work in unison and say, we're going to destroy you, it's serious.
So we filed an injunction.
I guess you call it a lawsuit.
Just one more minute on that, Mark Rondazza.
It's up on Infowars.com.
We might just tell folks basically what this is seeking so that when the media asks me, I can point to this video.
I mean, it's kind of complicated because what we're seeking is PayPal has what's called an arbitration clause.
So we have to do this
They require 30 days advance notice before you can do that, but PayPal is going to shut you off in 10 days.
So you don't have the time to do that, to go get an arbitrator to tell them to stop.
So we're asking the court for a really limited release that the court just says to PayPal, hold on.
Alex might win this.
So you've got to stop your plan to terminate him.
Until you can get this properly before an arbitrator, and then we'll go into the depths of the argument.
So really, what we're asking for right now is pretty limited.
But ultimately, the goal of the case and the arbitration will be to try to turn back this tide of really arbitrary and capricious decisions to try to exclude people from the marketplace of ideas.
And you also get into how their contract basically tries to make you waive all your rights up front.
And it's huge institutions.
That's a dangerous precedent.
Kind of like what they would do with the company store or the old railroads.
Yeah, we are making that argument in our papers that we feel that they're, you know, I asked anybody out there how many times they've read their online terms and conditions for any service that they use.
You know, if you
If you have, then you're probably in the one-tenth of one percent.
But, of course, they're all written extremely one-sided.
And, you know, that's maybe one thing when it's an entertainment website.
But when it's something that you actually need in order to participate in commerce, I think it's another story.
Yeah, what if the airline starts saying, we're not going to let you fly because you're a political affiliation?
I mean, this is a very dangerous precedent.
In closing, I want your take on Kavanaugh.
And again, we're not a cult.
People say, hey, if Ron Dozza agrees or disagrees, I mean, I respect you.
What's your view on Kavanaugh?
You know, I previously did my analysis of him just on his First Amendment jurisprudence, and I liked it.
I don't really like him on the Fourth Amendment.
As far as the accusations go, I think there's enough room to call both of them liars.
But what I really was troubled with is his temperament when he was under pressure.
You know, I've been before judges who are somewhat tyrannical and not really open to listening to both sides of things.
And the way that he performed there on the stand made it that this is not somebody I'd like to see on the court.
I think we can do better.
But you know, it's not to do with the accusations.
It's really to deal with how he's dealt with them.
And I think if we've got
Nine people in that court and somebody's put on there for life.
I don't want somebody who seems like he's going to turn into a, you know, a caged badger when he's questioned.
But if you're innocent of these outrageous charges, a normal person would get very, very angry.
But I'm not looking for normal people on the Supreme Court.
I'm looking for extraordinary people on the Supreme Court.
And I was not
Terribly impressed with that.
Let me ask you this then.
Do five more minutes with us.
We're going to break for 60 seconds.
If you were the Supreme Court nominee and this was happening and it wasn't true, how would you respond?
What would your opening statement be when we're back in 60 seconds?
No, no.
Your opening statement, Mark.
No time to prepare.
Mark Mendoza's opening statement.
He's been accused of all this stuff with no evidence.
And what would he say at that point?
Tomorrow's news today.
We all look at that.
Everybody else is just like yellow or clear.
That's because it's been denatured.
It's been watered down.
We didn't do that.
You think I would metaphysically tell you something that is the very best I can get?
I'd rather go to hell than do that.
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Just like our information is dynamite, so are our products in 4store.com.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
35 days out from this incredibly historic election.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Your calls and a ton of news are coming up.
Finishing up with constitutional lawyer, First Amendment lawyer Mark Randazzo.
We have filed a restraining order, a lawsuit, in San Francisco in federal court against PayPal.
You can read the lawsuit at InfoWars.com right now.
And it's really about everybody's rights.
I'm fighting the whole cashless society control system that the mega banks are setting up with Silicon Valley.
I mean, Facebook wants your banking data.
They want everything in there so they can have a web ID and then persecute you if you don't play ball.
With their system.
Now, first we heard we need due process for these women, but there is no due process for him.
And I know that, you know, this is a job interview, as they're calling it.
I just know there's no way to prove 36 years ago, especially of all of our witnesses, say that what she said didn't happen.
But we moved past that.
Now we've got her working for Big Pharma, RU486.
That's a reason she doesn't like Kavanaugh, obviously, because she thinks he might restrict that.
I see that as a motive.
And you've got her as a big Hillary supporter.
But what about her involved in mind-control-style programs of false memories, new memories, funded by DARPA, and co-authoring major studies at Stanford?
That's coming up after Mark Rondazza leaves us.
This is just insane.
You've got her whole family in the CIA, basically.
And then you've got this creme de la creme project of DARPA, and then you've got the Unabomber, and you've got the Aurora shooter, and they're all in these same programs.
Earlier I showed Mainstream News, Psychology Today, L.A.
Times, all of it.
People don't know this.
They go, oh, Jones claims they're involved in mind control.
No, the L.A.
Times does.
So, I'm telling you, why does this continue to pop up?
It needs to be looked at.
We're going to be talking about it in a moment.
But going back to Mark Randazzo.
Mark, Jeff Flake saying the same thing you were saying earlier.
We can't have that on the court.
Sharp and partisan saying he was getting so angry.
at people saying he's raping women on boats that isn't true and raping people in Colorado turns out isn't true and now there's anonymous letters sent to Congress that the news puts out that a woman saw him rape a woman in a car and another unanimous or anonymous woman said that she saw him rape the daughter but that wasn't true and then that's withdrawn and all this talk of criminal charges of the people putting these false reports out I mean I just think the way they waited to the 11th hour to bring this out all this to me stinks to high heaven.
Oh, yeah.
Look, I think the villain in this is Dianne Feinstein, who had that information and sat on it for the whole summer.
There would have been plenty of time to investigate without this.
But, you know, at the same time, you've got to respect the fact that this is politics.
And that's, you know, that was a strategic decision by her.
I didn't find her very credible when they were asking her who leaked the information either.
So, you know, as far as we have a credibility problem there, I think she's got one.
But Mr. Kavanaugh has one as well.
I mean, look, if that had been me, I can't run away from a lot of the things I did in high school and college.
I mean, if you were saying, what would happen if I were nominated to the Supreme Court?
I mean, I'd probably have to just walk in there in a pirate outfit and say, oh man, you guys don't know the half of it.
Let me start laying out some of the crazy stuff I did.
And why run away from it?
You know, there was a movie a while back where Robin Williams was a comedian running for office.
And, you know, they put a microphone in front of his face and he said, yeah, I've smoked pot, I've done cocaine, I've had group sex, you know, what do you got?
And that was the end of that.
And remember that that was, you know, again, that was what people did in their personal lives back then was how we liberals used to say everything ought to be when they were bothering with Gary Hart or bothering with Bill Clinton's past.
You know, now that's all on its head because it's politics time.
That bothers me.
But when I look at Kavanaugh and I see that he's just been so inconsistent and really trying to paint himself as something he's not, if it was me and I was in his situation, I'd have come out and said, look, yeah, I was a pretty hard partier in high school and college and law school.
I don't think there's any credence to any of these allegations.
I would love there to be an FBI investigation.
Take all the time you want.
Have another investigation.
Investigate me and investigate everybody who's making these allegations.
And bring back what you got.
Because I'm not afraid of any of it.
Sure, that sounds reasonable, but they're trying to block, they're trying to stall the nomination.
But, I mean, I'll give you this.
When they say, well, how much beer did you drink?
Well, I drank some beer.
Did you drink beer?
I mean, I almost kind of like the fact that it's upsetting him that he's a real person.
And Mark, I don't know that a few people that went to college with him or high school said that he was a heavy drinker is proof when they're Democrat professors.
Why is it all professors accusing him?
Well, you know, look, that could be any number of reasons.
You know, there could be people who know him who want him to be on the court that know he was a hard partier.
I really don't know.
All I know is that when you ask me a question like that, I'm going to give you a direct answer.
And I don't think that's what he did.
I didn't like his temperament.
I didn't like his evasiveness.
I didn't like how he answered a lot of those questions.
You know, there's only nine people in the Supreme Court, and I already think we could do better than some of the ones we have.
And you were saying during the break, you were saying during the break that you thought that Trump's big take control would be just withdrawing and put Barrett in there.
Look, that'd be the power play.
You know, Trump just said, look, you know, there's too much of a cloud here.
I think that what Dianne Feinstein did was shameful.
I think what the Democrats did is shameful.
But if I'm going to appoint somebody for a lifetime and you put this cloud over his head, shame on you for doing it.
But I'm going to withdraw his name and then put her up.
We let them get away with this.
They'll do it again and again.
But I agree.
They're not going to buy if he puts Barrett up that she raped women.
Because they're going to have women come out.
They're going to all be MKUltra professors, probably, too.
And they'll say she was wearing a cat woman outfit.
I saw her slit children's throats, drink the blood.
And people, I don't think, will buy it if they do that.
What do you think?
Look, I think that whoever they put... I mean, I think there's enough blame to spread around to everybody, particularly in politics with the court.
I mean, let's face it.
There used to be a rule that you had to have 60 senators to approve a nominee, which tended to push us towards a little more moderate of nominees.
And you kind of want the court to be moderate.
The Democrats got rid of that.
And I thought it was a bad idea when they did it, because now all you need is 51 and that's enough.
That's a problem.
Well, let me ask you this question, because they have done their own gut level.
Well, is to say they're trying to delay it until after the midterms?
Well, of course they are.
I mean, and what did the Republicans do when Merrick Garland got nominated?
You know, they delayed it almost 10 months.
Sure, let me ask you this then.
Gut level, do you think Kavanaugh gets confirmed?
Do I think he gets confirmed?
I think Jeff Flake is the swing vote here.
Jeff Flake is the 51st vote.
And I think Jeff Flake is somebody who doesn't care about getting re-elected.
I mean, he's already retired one time.
He's just there to finish out John McCain's term.
And, you know, I think Jeff Flake maybe positions himself as a heck of a choice as maybe a Republican nominee for president if he can assuage some of the left with the decision not to support Kavanaugh.
So my money's on Flake turning.
Well, you're right that Flake's leaving, but it's the other guy that just took over from McCain.
Let's go ahead, though, since you mentioned it.
Here's Feinstein bumbling around.
It's all right.
Go ahead.
I did not hide Dr. Ford's allegations.
I did not leak her story.
She asked me to hold it confidential and I kept it confidential as she asked.
She apparently was stalked by the press, felt that what happened, she was forced to come forward, and her greatest fear was realized.
She's been harassed, she's had death threats, and she's had to flee her home.
In addition, the investigation that the Republican majority is heralding is really nothing that I know about, other than a partisan practice.
That's her bumbling around.
Well, listen, Mark, bottom line, we're going to be able to get your response coming up this week, and we're going to see what happens, but I'm glad that we've filed this, because it's the right thing to do with PayPal.
Thank you so much.
Anything else?
Yeah, well, I mean, you look at Feinstein's testimony there, and I'm not buying that either.
I mean, I buy it when she says, technically, I did not leak it.
Because one of her staffers did.
I would be willing to bet a heck of a lot of money that one of her staffers did, or somebody who did it at her, at her direction, or her way to not.
All right, Mark Randazzo, thanks.
We'll be back with a ton of news.
Your phone calls, stay with us.
You keep coming through.
I don't come through promoting the products.
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They try to jack up the prices and play games.
And I just, I broke the contract, so that's it for X2.
It's amazing.
I'm opening another company.
We're working on it.
It looks like we've got some ideas, but it's going to be a while until we get more in.
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BuzzFeed tested it.
Said, oh, his is real clean and real good, but the best is this.
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What morons.
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The point is, these are products you need.
Air filtration, water filtration, non-zuma heirloom seeds, books, t-shirts, videos.
I've got the new George Washington, penis prime, Indian War shirt that great patriots in a local military group designed to put
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So that's another bestseller.
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Everything's game-changing at MFootworkstore.com.
So, yes, I don't keep extending for three or four days the sale on X2 because, you know, it's just, oh, it's our last day.
It's our last day.
I have been so busy on air and so busy like a one-legged man in a you-know-what contest.
This is the last day to get X2.
I've got to go do the specials right now.
I'm gonna shoot some ads for the new t-shirts, too.
So sign up for Auto Show and
And yeah, even if the X2 sells out, we're going to hold back for one more shipment.
Whoever signed up for auto ship, you'll get an additional 10% off.
So that's one way to make sure you get the next run of X2 as well.
InfoWars' own Secret 12 is 40% off at InfoWarsStore.com.
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By the way, you see a lot of liberals scoff at all of these products and say, it's some crazy pill!
It doesn't even work!
Crazy town!
I know famous people in Hollywood, and before Trump, I hung out with them before I was dumped.
They're all taking B12.
They're all injecting it.
It was the hot thing.
This was B16, I guess, before Trump was elected.
But I even tried it, and I thought, isn't it weird how trusting I am that I'm letting this celebrity inject me with a syringe?
This could be poison for all I know.
And then they dumped me because of Trump.
And I'm like, I trusted you with my life.
You could have given me AIDS.
And now you don't trust me?
Anyway, that's neither here nor there.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing till they got a hold of me.
I got no friends.
Can't be seen.
With me.
You know what?
I knew that if we took on the globalists, they were authoritarian, they were corrupt, they were out of control, they were evil.
They were tax-exempt, they had diplomatic immunity, and then they want you to be poor?
I knew that a large portion of people would want to be free and wouldn't want to be schmucks.
And I knew that we would start to win.
But I also knew that I would end up getting attacked.
I also knew that I would get demonized and they would try to take me down.
But here's the deal.
We're in the same company as many other great trailblazers throughout history.
And so, it's not fun at one level to have people go F you Russian agent on the street.
But it's better than letting this huge corrupt global system take over and continue to break our back and break up our families and turn us against each other and promote racism and modern mind control.
So I'm a winner.
Like Tommy Robinson says, I'm not a victim, I'm a target.
Well, I'm not a victim, I'm a target.
Now that said, I personally would like to win this myself.
I'll do whatever it takes to win the big fight against the globalists, even if it means they kill me.
Doesn't mean I want to die.
Doesn't mean I'm looking for death.
Doesn't mean I'm suicidal.
The opposite.
People ask me in interviews, they say, how far will you go?
You've been persecuted, you've been attacked, you've been sued, you've been demonized.
And I say,
I'm going to go all the way to death if I have to.
I'm ready to die.
Doesn't mean I want to die.
It means I'm ready to.
Being ready to fight doesn't mean I'm looking to fight.
But if somebody starts a fight with me, I'm going to fight back.
Doesn't mean I want to get in a fight.
I'm ready to die.
I don't want to die.
But if I need to, I'm ready.
And you know, at kind of a sick level,
I fight these people so hard and I have so much passion to do it that I'll never give up and I work harder even as I get older and it really means a lot to me to stop these people because I know how bad they are and they've done so many things to me that every victory we have is that much more important.
It's beyond savoring it.
It's beyond vitriol.
It's beyond exaltation.
It's beyond triumph.
It's just doing the right thing.
It's like being thrown off a boat in the middle of the ocean and swimming 10 miles back to shore.
Every muscle's burning.
You're about to pass out.
You're drinking, you know, seawater, gulping it in on accident.
You're about to pass out, but somehow you make it onto that beach.
And even though you feel like you're dead, you're in heaven.
And it's that same thing.
I've already made it to the beach in the allegory, but my family and billions of people are not there yet.
And so I've got to go back out into the ocean, and I've got to go through that pain and all of that again, because I don't want to be on this island alone.
That's really how it feels.
We've got a lot of big breaking news.
I'm going to give the phone number out and take a lot of calls today, obviously on Kabanon, on us filing a lawsuit against PayPal.
To defend our rights and your rights, and to just start the conversation about what's going on, even though it is an uphill battle.
And so much more.
We have an incredible Millie Weaver video that has been posted to Infowars.com.
It is the raw video.
We've had it bleeped, and we've, for TV, when you're on broadcast TV, you can't even show people flipping off, so we have to
Do a bunch of, uh, we put Make America Great Again over his shirt saying F Trump and over him flipping everybody off.
So we have that family version coming up and these folks admit that they're here illegally.
And then there's a man there who lost his daughter and he gets in their face because there's this arrogance.
It's like the lady that confronted Flake.
Kill hundreds and hundreds of gays a year, which is a bad thing, but America is this super open, inclusive country, and then now you've got the LGBTP, I had pedophile at the end of it, it's more and more, that's part of it, six-year-old pupils write gay love letters to learn to accept diversity.
We're gonna play the video of that, coming up.
So you put your children in school and they tell six-year-olds, little boys, write love letters to boys, girls write to girls.
This is people sexualizing your children.
This is Tavistock Institute breakdown of civilization.
This is brutal.
So that's coming up as well next segment.
But first, we got a big blitz.
Next segment, then your calls start.
At least two packages sent to the Pentagon suspect to contain Ryacin, the deadly neurotoxin poison, officials say.
At least two packages sent to the Pentagon are suspected of containing Ryacin, a Pentagon spokesman confirmed to Fox News today.
The packages never made it into the Pentagon, but were flagged in a mail delivery building next door, the spokesman said.
The FBI has led the investigation, officials told Fox News.
On Monday, the Pentagon Force Protection Agency detected a suspicious substance during mail screening.
The Pentagon's remote screening facility.
Colonel Robert Manning said in a statement, the envelopes were taken by the FBI this morning.
For further analysis, all USPS mail received by the Pentagon mail screening facility yesterday is currently under quarantine and pose no threat to the Pentagon personnel.
I wonder who it was getting mailed to.
Ryosin is a poison that can take several different forms, but it's purified powder.
It can be deadly.
It's also one of the easiest poisons to manufacture.
In June, a Wisconsin mom was accused of spreading ISIS propaganda online, including direction
Directing one person how to make rice and how to deploy it in a government facility or water reservoir.
The same month an Islamic extremist riots and attack planned for Germany was foiled.
And remember, we should get McAfee back on.
He found out that the Belizean government was giving Hezbollah passports into the U.S.
and that they were producing riots in there.
And I didn't think he was lying, but two years after he said it here, it came out in the news that indeed was going on.
I was blown away.
So I would say Islamic, it will be the main culprit or some leftist false flag.
We're not sure.
We will follow that as it unfolds, obviously, here.
We're going to go to break.
You can still use PayPal.
And I guess my lawyer's saying, no, keep it up there.
Don't stop using it.
We're filing an injunction.
That's the whole point of it.
So as long as PayPal works, it comes through.
We'll process it and ship you your order at Infowarsstore.com.
You don't have to use PayPal if you don't want.
We have other payment systems at Infowarsstore.com as well.
Obviously, we're the tip of the spear.
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We'll be back.
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President Trump calling for a new investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server.
A new bombshell development reveals Hillary Clinton's leaked emails were likely responsible for the deaths of up to 20 CIA agents working in China.
Over a dozen CIA agents may have been killed as a result of Hillary Clinton's leaked emails.
The FBI is denying that, sort of, but the story is still fluid and confusing, and for some reason a lot of people don't seem that interested in finding out what actually happened.
Look, the Deep State doesn't want to do a damage assessment, they don't want to grapple with this, because to do so would undermine the fiction that what Hillary did caused no damage and deserved no prosecution.
The former Secretary of State's carelessness allowed a Chinese state-owned company to gain access to her emails, giving them the ability to read her messages in real time.
Even worse, the FBI was reportedly warned about this by the intel communities, Inspector General, but did nothing in response.
It's almost like there were folks at the top of the FBI that just weren't interested in anything that made Hillary look bad.
And the fact that this information was discovered, then turned over to the FBI, and the FBI counterintelligence office, including Mr. Peter Strzok, apparently took no interest in it.
It's shocking.
It is time to hold people accountable.
It is time to perform an actual investigation into Hillary's breach of protocol and her facilitating this cyber attack on our country.
What the heck were the Clintons doing?
Why have there been no substantive prosecutions in this case at all?
The reason I think at this point is pretty obvious.
As a result of this massive intelligence leak, China was able to discover the identities and capture some 20 CIA agents who were then either tortured or murdered.
This was a sophisticated intelligence operation in which they were able to generate what is called a courtesy copy of every incoming and outgoing email that Hillary received in her mansion in upstate New York.
Told actually in the bathroom of her mansion.
You had dozens of CIA and American sources and operatives in China killed and imprisoned by the Chinese government because they got access to those top secret files.
One agent was actually shot and killed right in front of a Chinese government building in an apparent message designed to intimidate Washington.
It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.
Because you'd be in jail.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Well, we're 35 days out from this incredibly historic election, and things are heating up.
You've got Christine Blasey Ford and her entire family being high-level CIA.
Her co-authoring top papers at Stanford and DARPA CIA-funded projects on implanting false memories and mind control under a larger directive for human experimentation and torture.
It's unbelievable.
So, we're going to be looking more at that.
This is incredible.
The full article, Christine Blasey Ford ran mass hypnotic inductions to implant false memories on psychiatric participants.
I'll cover this more at the bottom of the next hour after we take calls, but I went over the LA Times in Psychology Today.
Did you know Theodore Kaczynski?
The Unabomber was in the MKUltra Mind Control Program?
Oh, did you know that the Aurora shooter was?
That was in the mainstream news.
His psychiatrist was the former head of Air Force Psychiatric Operations.
His father, a colonel, also in the Air Force assigned to NASA and Space Command, is a top expert on machine-controlled systems in human minds.
And of course, the son was paid 90 plus thousand dollars a year to work directly in a mind control program.
And he said he was under mind control after he carried out the shooting.
And that was in the Denver Post.
But when you go to the Southern Poverty Law Center or Media Matters, they just say, Jones claims it's mind control.
I don't claim Jack Diddley squat.
I don't know what's going on.
I just know Tim McVeigh was in a mind control program.
That came out in the news.
James Holmes was.
Theodore Kaczynski was.
And now this lady heads up major projects on implanting false memories.
Good God!
And we've got the psychiatric system's got 30% of people on psychotropic drugs and now they want to put all the kids on them?
Now they want to put lithium in the water?
We've got mad scientists running the country!
I told you she looks like a lunatic to me!
Oh, but people say, oh, don't question a victim because she says she's a victim.
She's a victim.
There's an article up on Infowars.com right now that I'm gonna get to here in just a few minutes.
Where you've got this Georgetown professor saying she wants to kill Kavanaugh and wants to chop his testicles off.
And of course, she'll probably get an award.
That same university's shooing me with a bunch of made-up garbage.
White GOP senators deserve a miserable deaths.
He deserves to have his testicles
Chopped off.
That's the type of stuff we're dealing with as a culture and as a society.
But first, I want to get to this report that everybody should send out.
It's on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
And the version you're going to see here is edited and cut down with the cussing all cut out of it and flipping the bird and the F this F that deleted.
The full unedited is on InfoWars.com.
Right now, man confronts illegals over loss of his daughter.
Epic debate at Tennessee Trump rally.
While interviewing protesters at a recent Trump rally in Johnson City, Tennessee, a man confronts a woman advocating illegal immigration over the wrongful death of his daughter by repeat offending an illegal alien.
This heated exchange captures the heart of the issue and one of the people says, I'm illegal.
Well the whole point is, we're seeing incredible arrogance here.
And Mexico and everybody else controls their borders, why can't we?
There's such incredible entitlement.
Let's go ahead and go to Milly Weaver's report.
I'll answer.
I don't like the fact that he is putting kids in cage.
That's not, that's not, that's inhumane.
If you ask me, it's not right.
I don't like the fact that he's separating families.
I don't think you would have liked to be separated whenever you were younger.
You know what I'm saying?
And I have a strong bond with my mom.
I would have never pictured myself being separated by my mom.
I would have never, I know, you know, I know the feeling that the kids have.
And it's sad.
Every time I watch the news, there's even more kids being caged up.
That's not right.
Dogs are caged up, not humans.
So are you talking about the issue of people being deported that are here illegally?
No, I'm not saying that, and I'm not saying that.
I'm just saying that he shouldn't cage up kids who have families who support them and love them, you know what I'm saying?
I don't think it's right for him to be separating children at such a young age, you know?
So are you talking about the issue where you had all the Times and a bunch of these articles talking about how kids were being separated from their family at the border?
Yeah, I think that's really inhumane.
I don't think it's right.
Did you hear about how the little girl who was pictured on Time Magazine crying, that her parents came out and said that that was fake because they were with her the whole time and she was just kind of having a little temper tantrum?
And they took that picture and they lied and said that she was a child that was being taken from her family when she never was.
Did you hear about that?
All right, that's one, right?
That's one.
That's one person who lied.
That's one person who lied.
That's not all of them.
That's not all of them.
That's not all of them.
You can get out of here.
You can get out of here.
You can get out of here.
Get in my face!
I'm not in your face.
Get in my face.
You're in my face.
Can I say something?
If you guys don't care, I'm an immigrant.
I'm from Argentina.
I came here the right way.
You have to understand that.
They're down in America.
Look what one of them did to my daughter.
What happened?
Can you tell us?
Yeah, it was his fourth DUI in Jonesboro.
And an illegal hit her head on doing over 100 mile an hour and had three of his kids in his car.
And when my grandson was with my daughter, my daughter died.
I don't ever get to see my daughter again.
He left the country.
It's a sorry sheriff we got.
Let him walk right out of the hospital, right out of the county, and he's gone.
He's in Mexico.
Our country is so sorry they won't go to Mexico and get nobody, but they allowed him to come here.
So you're really upset because you lost your daughter to the illegal immigration issue?
On his fourth DUI.
He was on probation for his third DUI.
How would you feel?
Is this your grandbaby?
This is one of them.
Yeah, I got seven of them.
Well, I'm sorry for your loss.
That's horrible.
That's horrible.
Well, there ain't nothing that nobody can say to make me feel any better.
More of it is on Infowars.com right now.
You notice the illegal aliens are all wearing Mexico soccer jerseys.
They're saying, F you, F that.
Totally entitled, but don't want to be in Mexico.
But want to come here and then get upset and get angry and get in everybody's face.
It's just crazy.
And it's true.
It's come out even in Austin, Texas that they let illegal aliens go for burglary, for arson, for rape, for DUI, hit and run, because they're just told let them go.
They're above the law.
Because the left wants to cater to this to create balkanization.
Very, very sad that we've gotten to this point in this country, and you just see the arrogance of the folks flipping everybody off and saying, F Trump, F this, and then lying.
Oh, a lot of these kids get separated.
You have millions of people trying to come across the border every couple years.
Like a million a year, really, back and forth.
Most of the children are unaccompanied.
You're like, got a 12-year-old?
Who are you?
Where's your ID?
Who are you with?
Oh, this is my daddy.
You don't even know it's their daddy.
Most of the time it's not.
It's the coyote.
You just stick them in general?
It was the ACLU, 30 years ago, got the law changed so you wouldn't stick kids in with random groups you grab off the border.
People bringing their kids across all that death, all that desert.
They're not the bad ones.
It's America paying for it all, but they're sure as hell fighting to get here as soon as they can.
And then as soon as they get here, the left lines them up in these anti-American folks.
I couldn't imagine walking around Mexico wearing USA shirts, then walking up and bitching at Mexicans, you let me have welfare and everything free!
They would laugh at me and then kick my butt.
Everybody knows it.
But we're all seen as schmucks in America, aren't we?
I'll give the number out when we come back.
We got a lot more.
Stay with us.
I would be remiss if I did not tip my hat to our sponsors.
We have 40% off our bestseller, Brain Force, here at InfoWars.com.
Brain Force Plus, actually.
Can I get some of this stuff sent to me?
Hey, staff of InfoWars, I want to try all of this.
Send me, like, a test package.
Of, like, 10 of your best stuffs.
And yes, stuffs is the plural of stuff.
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I deal with the InfoWars crew on a regular basis, and they do seem particularly sharp.
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Now, I will be getting this from the staff at InfoWars for free because I'll be such a positive thing to endorse it.
If I don't like it, though, I'm not going to say it sucks.
I'll just say,
Maybe it was me, could be psychosomatic, didn't do nothing for me.
But I have a feeling it will do something, because I'm very sensitive to drugs.
That's why I can't smoke pot anymore.
It's too intense!
My God, have you tried what the kids are smoking these days?
I don't know how Alex Jones survived on Joe Rogan, man.
Last time I tried marijuana...
I had, I was like a narc.
I had to lie down on a cold cement floor shirtless.
And the only reason I didn't call 9-1-1 is because the idea of being in a gurney and going down the elevator and getting, I was at work at the time, and being like put on an ambulance just sounded like too much to bear.
They think you're a goldfish!
I've been betting on you my whole life!
I believe in you!
I don't think you're stupid!
One man ever raped a woman!
All genitals were cut off!
And we're kicking these traitors' asses politically!
And we're not backing down on her!
I wanna get these people!
We're winning!
I can feel the spirit rising!
Can't you?
We have broken their back!
Yes, I can feel it!
Let's go!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
we have the most censored, banned, attacked, lied about broadcast in the world.
Because we're really just talking about common sense and giving people the news behind the news, the story behind the story.
35 days out from the election.
We're going to open the phones up right now for folks that have called in lately that I didn't get to.
You go to the first line or first time callers.
Those two different groups.
I'd like to hear from you on Kabanom.
You on these liberal professors calling for people to be murdered and killed.
What's happening with the whole NAFTA situation.
Some of the media is spinning it that Trump sold us out on NAFTA because he now renegotiated it to be a better deal.
No, we have to have agreements.
What do you think about that?
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-ALEX.
877-789-2539 is the number to join us.
And we can get into any big subject you'd like to cover from the two packages of Ryerson intercepted being sent to the Pentagon.
That's breaking as well.
Do you think Kavanaugh is going to get confirmed?
You know, I know this.
I'll get to some of these clips here in a moment.
We have Julie Swetnick now saying that she doesn't remember if Kavanaugh did anything.
Contradicting her previous statements.
And again, I've got stacks of news here where a letter was sent by an anonymous person to the Senate saying they saw Kavanaugh and another man rape a woman in a car.
I mean, when you're a public figure, people say unbelievable stuff.
I remember on YouTube, when I was getting divorced like five years ago, I got asked in depositions, and I got asked in written questions, is this your wife in Louisiana?
Because some woman I'd never seen said that I was her wife.
I mean, her husband.
And when you're confronted with this stuff, I'm like, Kavanaugh, I'm like, what the?
They're like, are you sure?
Because it's a mix of wanting to laugh or a mix of wanting to get angry.
Because when you're a public figure, people make stuff up about you particularly, but then what's even worse is, I get banned from 90 plus major platforms
From Instagram to Facebook to Twitter to Google to YouTube.
And then all Google does is put hundreds of pages of negative lies and crap on top about me.
And then doesn't let me respond.
It's the cowardice of these big corporations.
And then they get on TV and say, we're not censoring, we're not gaming our search engines, we're not doing a damn thing.
And then you get their own internal documents and their own whistleblowers go public and they say they're helping round up their political dissonance.
They're putting all the negative search results on top about Trump and his enemies.
Stuff is right up there where they can lie about him.
And I've been lumped in with Trump because I've supported the President.
Because the globalists hate his guts and he's trying as hard as he can to bring governance back to this country.
Does that mean everything he does is perfect?
But I gotta tell you, he's not a dictator and I'm glad he's not.
But he can't get everything done he wants to get done, and I'm surprised by how much he's gotten done 20 months in.
And a lot of people that don't appreciate it, I think have that disease of instant gratification.
I think you really, really do.
And I'm not complaining in our general audience, but when people accuse me of being in a love fest with Trump, well you're damn right it's a love fest.
Because I've sacrificed a lot
For President Trump, it's like he sacrificed a lot for me and you, and we're in this together.
And they say the pressure of persecution brings people very, very close together, and it does.
Because we're all fellow travelers now, to use a communist term, but in a good way.
We've been through the fire together.
We're going to go through more fire together.
And I'll tell you, this crew has been through the fire, and I love them, and I appreciate them.
And they put up with me, and just a round of applause for the InfoWars crew.
And a round of applause
For all of you out there that have stood with us, because we're doing this not because it's easy, but because it's the right thing to do.
And I've seen evil out of our enemies.
Not just from the top kingpins I expected it from, but from their own grass-level minions, who'd have a better life if they just stood up for what was right.
But because they imagine they've got power through the system, they have taken on the spirit of corruption.
The fallen spirit of the establishment and will now do anything.
I've experienced people that I knew for 15 years tell lies that are 100% God is my witness on my children lies.
Do you expect something to be true?
Like, wow, you made it all up!
You didn't find something and spin it?
You just made up total lies!
That hurts!
It hurts me to know how far you've fallen, and that the general public is that evil, and that people bite the hand that feeds them!
But I'm telling you, it's the entitlement society where the weak think the strong are there to take care of them.
And when we try to take care of the weak, they then try to make us their slaves.
The globalists say, hey, control the weak, make them weaker, make them think you're helping them, but really enslave them.
And that's the real system you've got from the Democrats.
Trump is trying to empower the individual, the family, the worker, the striver.
He's trying to reboot and defibrillate our heart.
And for that, he's hated by the controllers who gave up on themselves and gave up on humanity a long, long, long time.
So we'll start the next hour and I'll go right to your phone calls, Chris and Brendan and Luke and Cynthia and Mike and everybody else at 877-789-ALEX.
And I'll get to some of these clips as well.
The Kavanaugh accuser now changing her story and so much more.
But I got to tell you, it makes my head spin that nine times out of ten, when you've got a big mass shooting or a big Supreme Court
Debacle or a Unabomber.
You know, just say in the newspaper, they were in the CIA mind control program.
That's not my opinion.
That's psychology today.
The Aurora shooter.
Tim McVeigh, Oklahoma City.
The Unabomber.
And I don't know what's going on.
I just know something's going on.
When you might have 1% to 1% of people on these mind control programs, and then 90% of the people involved in all this stuff are in the program, something's going on!
Riddle me this, Batman!
Don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to know something's going on here!
And see, these people don't want you looking at it, they don't want you investigating it, they don't want you talking about it, and they don't want this broadcast up here getting into it, and that's why they're trying to shut us down.
But I can tell you something right now.
You think I want to sue the Pepe the Frog creator when he sued me?
I had to sue him even though he tried to settle for nothing.
Because they just want to tell me what images I can use when it's fair use.
And he said it was fair use.
You think I want to sue PayPal?
I got to stand up against this mark of the beast system, but I'm doing it.
And that's why I need you to fund our operation.
Because we're at war.
For not just what Infowars is doing, but for your rights as well.
And I am fighting.
And I'm swinging for the fences.
And I'm not giving up.
And I believe in you.
So I'm going to go down with this ship, or I'm going to roll through the enemy and win on the other side.
Because the fight's where I want to be.
And I want to be on the right side of history, and the right side of God.
But I'll tell you this.
It is so powerful when you go to Infowarsstore.com.
And you get t-shirts, and you wear them in public, and you meet like-minded people, and you exercise that First Amendment, and you get past the fear.
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That's about to end.
And I'd said today was the last day to get PayPal, but I talked to the lawyers last night and this morning, they said, no, we're doing an injunction to stop it.
Keep it up there.
They say Thursday's the last day.
And then if they take it down, that's another issue.
You won't be able to use PayPal, InfoWarsTore.com.
But if your order goes through, we'll get it and it'll be shipped to you.
So you can still use PayPal and InfoWarsTore.com.
I'd said today was the last day, but things changed because obviously we filed suit in San Francisco against PayPal for a lot of reasons.
You can read the complaint at InfoWars.com.
We're fighting.
Other people say, oh, we wish someone would fight the UN or fight Hillary.
Well, we put airplanes up all over the country against her and said she was a monster.
Hillary for prison shirts.
You wore them.
And we had thousands of folks go to her events and point out Bill Clinton's a rapist.
And we did it.
We got on her radar, and now she's trying to destroy me.
So understand, ladies and gentlemen, we're a weapon system of the truth that needs to be maintained.
But regardless, I've done service to the country and to you and to myself and everybody else, but I would ask for your hopes and your prayers and your financial support.
Because you know what?
I'm willing to be destroyed, but darn it, that'll be a big victory for the enemy and I hope it doesn't happen.
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What morons.
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The point is, these are products you need.
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You gotta keep them separated
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We're on your phone calls right now.
Then I'm going to play some of the Kavanaugh accusers backtracking on what they've said.
Imagine my surprise.
You know, I had one of my lawyers on, he's a smart guy, Mark Randazzo, but he's more of a classical liberal.
And he liked Kavanaugh on the First Amendment, not on the Fourth Amendment.
Which I tend to agree, Kavanaugh's been a little too police state-y on the Fourth Amendment.
But the court's been so leftist, I think that balances it out.
I mean, hell, the left is for a bigger police state than the right wing is today.
But he's got a good point about Kavanaugh getting upset.
But at the same time, I'd be upset.
I'm pissed off.
I'm tired of like... I mean, let me tell you something.
I'm sick of people that can just sit there and take it and roll over to lies.
Like Gavin McGinnis at your state.
Well, since when do conservatives just roll over?
Like the head of the EPA, because he had a friend in a restaurant, quit.
If we act like that to the left, these bullies, they're going to go wild on us.
So we're going to go to your calls here.
Travis, David, Donald, Adam, Josh, Stephanie, Chris, Chris, Brandon, Luke, Cynthia, Mike, and many, many others.
Who is up first here?
Let's talk to Donald, then we'll go to Stephanie, then we'll go to Cynthia.
Donald, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Alex, it's great to talk with you.
Let me, uh, I called you about the, uh, Kavanaugh nomination, but let me, let me say right up front that, uh, you and I have never personally met, but, uh, sometime maybe, hopefully we will, because I'm going to tell you when you got a lot of credibility with me was when the campaign was going on with, uh, Donald Trump, when he was a candidate and with the crooked Clinton machine, she called you out at one of her rallies and she never did that with anybody else.
And that, that told me then that you were spot on about what was going to happen.
You were, you were one of the very few, you kept the faith up as far as who was going to win the election.
And I just want to give a 100% shout out to your team, Leanne, Millie.
Owen, David, and whoever I've left out.
And by the way, Leanne is still on the team.
People ask about her every day.
I don't want to get into her personal life, but her grandma and then another person close to her, she needs people's prayers.
I mean, cancer has been attacking her family, so her family needs your prayers because it's gotten really rough for her.
Exactly, and I certainly will be doing that.
When Millie Weaver went to Ohio and exposed the Clinton
Oh, isn't Millie incredible?
And let me say that she didn't have anybody.
All she had was the deep state.
And you exposed it.
And that's why they're going after you.
And they're going to fail because this is not some third world banana republic.
This is the United States of America.
And you are a media hero.
Well, brother, I want to say this.
Look, if you know about the evil, just like you've done in Millie and Gavin and everybody, you know it's the right thing to do.
And so it's about survival.
And I just want everybody else to understand, we can beat these folks, but we have stirred them up like an anthill, and they're making their moves.
So folks need to know, we didn't win when Trump got in.
We just got the beachhead.
They are coming out of their anthills right now, and now is the time for folks to understand that things are serious.
Yeah, but they're losing consistently.
And that leads me right up to the Kavanaugh nomination.
I tell you what, stay there, Donald, because I've got another break in 30 seconds.
Come right back to Donald in Maryland.
Don't hang up, Donald.
When we come back to Donald, then we're going to go to Stephanie and Cynthia and everybody else.
Boom, boom, boom.
He's making some good points.
I want to hear what he has to say about Kavanaugh.
Listen, that wasn't an act last week when I blew up on air about watching Kavanaugh being accused.
I can't watch these hearings now, and I'm not feeling sorry for myself.
I've been falsely accused so much that
At a certain point, I can't watch these people anymore because I want to get very aggressive.
Because they're damn liars!
And we know they're liars, and I'm sick of everyone bending over backwards.
If you're a Democrat and you say something, I don't believe the sky's blue if you said it was, because you're a pack of trash!
You're a known group of liars like the devil!
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He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Chaos is hanging around.
Put your ear to the ground.
And shut up from the sound.
The death machine ain't slowing down.
It's gaining power.
All right, coming up, we've got a bunch of the different Kavanaugh accusers now backtracking.
A bunch of the other cases have been turned out to be fake.
The National News runs, oh, we got a letter at the Senate saying he raped a woman in a car.
It's a Jane Doe.
There's no address or no phone number, but we're going to run with it.
I mean, I could go pin on somebody's door that they had sex with hippopotamuses.
Wouldn't mean it was true, you gotta put it on CNN.
And then leftist professor who said Kavanaugh supporters should be killed and castrated has been suspended by Twitter.
What about by Georgetown?
I mean, these people are using psychological warfare.
You read the WikiLeaks, it says we need to use culture war, race war.
And they're all a bunch of weird, crazy white women.
90% of them are whacked out, angry, pissed off man-haters.
I love women, by the way.
I love my grandmothers.
I love my mother.
I have three daughters.
I like the company of women better than men.
All I do is hang around with women.
I love the way women look, the way they smell, they're funny.
I like to spoil them.
I've never been anything but nice to women.
But I'm telling you,
Nine times out of ten, it's weird, blacked out, crazy white women that want to control other women.
Everybody knows about that phenomenon.
And who want to run our lives.
They're control freaks, man!
And they're trying to train all the other women in America that the state's their husband or that they're their husband.
And I'm sick of it.
And I'm tired of it.
And I see the headlines, this Hollywood star says men just need to shut up and sit down, and this Democrat woman says men need to sit down and shut up, and men are always guilty, and men are horrible, and men are bad.
BS, man!
Imagine if we said women are inherently bad.
This is just the most sexist, racist garbage, because that's what they're using for control.
They don't want you to take your birthright of free market and wealth and family and success.
They want the university and these cults and these failed systems to be your family so they can run your life, women.
The men are busy watching football and acting like idiots, so I know why you're mad at them, but give me a break.
This is scientifically deployed to ruin your life.
Let's go back to Donald in Maryland.
Donald, thanks for holding.
We're going to make a point about Kavanaugh.
Go ahead.
This is just an attack on Trump voters and Americans who support, as the President says, the movement.
This attack on you is to silence the movement.
of making America great again.
And this is an attempt to make Kavanaugh to be some evil force, which is totally false.
It's an attempt to make one more attack on the movement to make America great again.
And it doesn't matter what your race, your religion, your sexual orientation,
Your age, your status as an American, and that's why they're trying to silence you.
And by the way, they're going to fail.
Uh, it's all smoke and mirrors.
Well, I know so far they've failed, but the problem is every time they fail, they just ratchet the attack up.
But I'm ready to go wherever it goes.
It's just, it's extremely criminal, it's extremely organized, and it's extremely dangerous.
God bless you, Donald.
I appreciate your call.
Okay, up next here is Stephanie, and we're gonna go to Cynthia and others.
Stephanie from Texas, thank you for calling.
Hi, Alex.
I love you so much.
Love you, too.
The thing is, okay, so I'm going to be really fast.
I bought the X2.
It's amazing.
It helps with all kinds of things that you wouldn't think it would even help with, and it's amazing.
So, I appreciate your product.
Jeremy, just interrupt.
Folks, just try real iodine, real X2 for yourself.
It's our last run of it.
Discover why there's an iodine conspiracy.
But, sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, I have like a thyroid issue.
And so that's why I've always studied iodine.
And you're 100% right.
The nascent iodine is completely different.
It's amazing.
And I just absolutely I need to buy like 10 more bottles so I can stock up.
But the other thing too is
You are amazing.
You're always 20 years ahead.
It really bothers me when people try to, you know, the people that have had fluoride poisoning their whole life can't think for themselves.
You talk the way I would talk if I was talking to a friend.
You know, your filter isn't really there, but you are amazing.
The news, the things that you're willing to say, it's a very
You're very amazing.
Well, you're amazing.
Seriously, it's the audience.
They want me shut down because I've read their own documents.
They're public.
They don't want us together.
They don't want us talking.
They don't want us getting validation.
They don't want us to know that we have a community.
They want us to be alone.
And they don't want minorities, who are the majority now,
To see the Tea Party loving everybody and to see record numbers of blacks, Hispanics, women being elected as conservatives because they're smart and beautiful and wonderful and we're all one team.
And that's why they're scared.
Double the number of blacks becoming Trump supporters.
Double the number of Hispanics in the last year.
Didn't happen the first year of Trump.
It's happening the last 10 months.
There's a landslide of awakening happening.
I have actually, I'm proud, I thought, well, it's like you say, if you can just wake up one person.
And so I have woken up some minority friends because it's, whenever you try to have a conversation, intelligent conversation, with people that have their strong opinions that are wrong, they never have any research to back it up.
They're going by what they heard on, you know, crazy news and whatnot.
And the thing is, with this shadow banning,
I have been a blogger for 10 years.
I have seen what they do, and basically you've always had to pay to get to the top of the queue.
I would always wonder, why are the people with the crappy content at the top?
Well, they paid.
They paid in one form or another.
They inched forward.
I posted a pro-Trump thing on Facebook, and I got one of my
Page is taken away.
And I had to go through all these hoops and get legal documents notarized just to get my page back that I've had for 10 years.
And it happened right after I posted this really cool pro-Trump video.
But back to you.
No, but that's it.
They're doing it to everyone and then denying they're doing it when their own internal documents and videos and lawsuits have them going, we hate all veterans and we hate all rednecks and we hate all people with American flags and we really hate Alex Jones.
Those are... I mean, it's like...
What type of crazy people are these?
Well, the only people that don't get it are the ones that care nothing except for like puppy videos and stuff like that.
They don't get it because they're already not awake.
And so, you know, when I try to talk to people, sometimes I'm just like, oh God, what's the point?
Because you, cluelessness, you know?
And you could be talking to a filthy rich person that's a doctor, you know?
And it's like, my God, you don't have any, you know, sometimes I really try to pick people's brains and see where they're at.
There's nothing there.
Well, let me ask you this, Stephanie, in the time we have left, you also had a comment on Ford and her believability.
So reading people is my thing.
I am telling you the baby voice, I sat there with an open mind watching it and by the time that he spoke and he got to come back the next day or whenever it was, I cried.
I cry over nothing.
I'm a strong woman.
I'm 49.
And I cried because I can read his body language, his tone, his everything.
And with research I've done from people that do body language reading, their thing is exactly what I say.
She's lying.
She's manipulating.
When I... It happened to me.
Yes, we are.
Um, I immediately told, I quit, you know, but I was so shocked within the first six months, I could not tell the owner of the company.
And I had a meeting with the owner of the company five minutes after this happened to me because it was already scheduled.
So this is an 80 year old Asian man.
I, at 32, did not have the gut to, right that minute, speak for myself and say, oh my God, your number one man from corporate just rubbed himself all over me and held me down in the background.
I couldn't do it.
But, six months, and I told other people at work so they would be aware.
I'd already known about his... Hold on, I want to hear about, I want to hear your final point as we come back.
You cannot make this stuff up.
And I tell you all of it.
I could literally keep you here all night because the stories are just so unbelievable.
This is coming to a theater near you.
The epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year.
It's now clear that so-called fake news can have real-world consequences.
The Russians, in my opinion, and based on the intel and counterintel people I've talked to,
Could not have known how best to weaponize that information unless they had been guided.
Guided by Americans.
Guided by Americans.
And so voters who are being targeted with all of this false information are genuinely trying to make up their minds.
What does it mean?
It's a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly.
Bipartisan legislation is making its way through Congress to boost the government's response to foreign propaganda.
Silicon Valley is starting to grapple with the challenge and threat of fake news.
There have been a series of studies, academic studies, since the election trying to figure out why people voted the way they did because it defied all the polls.
Nobody was ready for it.
And people relied on
What they saw in the media, but even more so online.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones, who claims that 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs.
But Trump doesn't challenge these lies.
He actually went on Jones' show and said,
Your reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
We've got a statement now with regard to PayPal and reports that it has ended its relationship with InfoWars.
PayPal joining the slew of tech companies that have severed ties with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, hitting his InfoWars where it hurts, by no longer allowing the site to use the payment processor.
PayPal is the latest company to sever ties with Jones after YouTube, Apple, Spotify, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.
Social media giants acting this time before it's too late.
Their goal?
To prevent fake news and propaganda from influencing the upcoming U.S.
midterm election.
I'm glad that the Congress and others are looking
At Facebook and Twitter and Google because they are the vehicles, one of the very first vehicles to deliver this kind of information to people.
And then they began to weaponize them.
And they began to have some of their allies within the internet world, like InfoWars, take out pieces and began to say the most outrageous, outlandish, absurd lies you can imagine.
If something popped up in a Facebook feed and looked like a news report, people were inclined to believe it.
And if they were already targeted psychologically to be receptive to the information provided, they were influenceable.
InfoWars comes to mind, where those are echo chambers.
The White House and the President are citing InfoWars.
The real election meddling is by Facebook and Google and others that are shadow banning people, that are outright banning people, and that are blocking conservatives involved in their own First Amendment political speech.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent, free press working with big tech.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Okay, so Stephanie, I'm looking up here on the calling board and it says, holding.
Final point on assaults.
You're saying you've been sexually assaulted twice before.
I don't want to get into any details, but I've had family that's been sexually assaulted one time back in college.
Somebody came in with a knife.
Uh, and actually, you know, raped someone that I know.
I'll just leave it at that.
So I know this goes on.
I have three daughters.
It horrifies me.
But America statistically has pretty low levels of this compared to third world countries, Asia, Latin America.
All these other countries that kill gay people, and I'm always hearing about how we're so mean to everybody here, and I'm just sick of all these special interests bullying everybody, and then 36 years later with no witnesses, and no cooperation, and then her whole family's CIA, and she's in a mind control program herself, and writes papers.
I'm not kidding, folks, if you just tuned in.
Stories on Infowars.com about how to implant false memories.
I mean just the craziest stuff and just none of it has credibility.
How they waited to the 11th hour, all of it.
But getting back to you, give us the juxtaposition how this ties into Kavanaugh and why it said on the board that you didn't believe Ms.
Ford, Dr. Ford, yourself being a victim of this, why it wasn't congruent for you.
Because if she is truly
Her posing became different.
She became, you know, pretty posed.
You know, cute and small and baby voice.
Like, when I'm, you know, when I'm telling someone that I want you to know that I'm telling you the truth, I look you straight in the eye, I speak with an adult voice, and I tell you the truth.
Oh, that was the thing, is that she acted real babyish at points, and would act all nice and giggly at others.
I mean, to me, the whole thing came off very contrived.
Yeah, and some of the words, the wording that she used was very juvenile, and she would use some of the diction that young girls use.
Like, I can't remember the exact words, but it was, the words were not, they were very baby.
You know, they were very young.
We are 15 again.
They are boys.
The boys came in.
Bullshit, you know?
But anyway, here's my thing.
There should be a statute of limitations for children of victims of abuse.
It should be maybe 30.
I think I've heard somebody say that before.
But when you are an adult, you know, you need to... What I did was I woke up.
Four months later, I found out that the man at my job had assaulted me, and I left a very good job because of it.
Because he was always creepy, making me feel creepy, and then finally, you know, he did his thing.
But the thing is, I called the owner's nephew, who I had worked closely with, and I said, let me explain something to you.
I want nothing.
I'm asking for nothing.
I need nothing except for you to know that this happened, and I need you to tell, you know, the owner of the company, your uncle.
And I sat there, he let me talk for an hour and a half and rant about the particulars of exactly what he did to me, what day it was, what I was wearing.
Sure, and what happened?
Well, they took him out of stores, this was retail, they took him out of stores and they made him start, he was not allowed to go in stores anymore to this day, he still has his job.
But my point is, I let
All the other women know in the pathway that we're still working there.
I left.
Sure, so you did the right thing.
You protected people from it.
Thank you so much for the call.
I would just get rid of somebody that did that.
But it shows that these Catholic priests that molest little kids, they then send them to another parish.
It's like under the rug, under the rug.
And I think that's what angers a lot of people.
And then the left preys upon that to basically rub salt in the wound.
Thanks for the call.
Okay, Cynthia in Washington, D.C.
You're on the air.
Welcome to the airwaves.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I'm Cynthia Farhat.
I'm an Egyptian immigrant to the U.S.
and I want to tell you that I'm extremely sorry for your persecution and what happened to you.
Although I wasn't following in full words before your banning and censorship, it awakened a very, very dark part of my life when I was in Egypt and I founded the political party that was standing for individual freedom and separation of mosque and state.
And I was starting to write in newspapers, in mainstream ones, and my articles were getting popular, and I got banned.
And the Egyptian government even said that my name was not allowed to be mentioned, even to criticize me.
I was completely unperson.
Oh yeah, and that's now happening to me, where they say, don't even say his name, and Americans are like, yes we won't.
It's getting in line very, very quickly.
It's horrific.
It's horrific, Alex.
And then I co-authored a book criticizing Egyptian blasphemy laws, and it was banned by the Islamic Al-Azhar University in Cairo.
And I was completely on personal.
I was getting 10 to 50 death threats a day.
And then I came to America, and in 2015, the tide turned.
And mainstream Egyptian newspapers told me, we want you to write on ways to counter Islamic terrorism.
And now, my column, I get zero censorship.
They don't even edit my typos.
They publish everything that I write exactly the way I wrote it.
Cynthia, I think I've heard of you.
What's your full name?
You should come on as a guest.
Cynthia Farahat.
I specialize in Islamic terrorism and the Muslim Brotherhood.
No, I remember, and then you got banned and had to leave because of Obama and the Arab Spring, but then after those terrorists were taken out, they brought free speech back.
That's good news.
They brought it back.
Zero censorship.
Because you know why, Alex?
Because you are... This will happen to you too, because you're a patriot.
I might disagree with things that you say, but at the end of the day, you're a patriot.
You are on the right side of history, because you are for individual freedom, for live and let live.
Oh yeah, they just put your picture up.
I've seen you all over national TV.
You're also very beautiful.
Not just a great writer.
Thank you, sir.
But that's what I wanted to tell you, that after they did this to you, I downloaded your app, and I said, I gotta check out what Mr. Jones is saying, because we're now fellow travelers!
So, I downloaded your app, and ever since your event, I've never missed a show of yours, because
Now, this is a fight for freedom and a fight for truth, and you have supporters across the globe.
Well, you're really a famous lady.
I mean, you've been all over the news when they banned you, and all you were doing was warning about the radical Islamic takeover, because Egypt had been one of the more tolerant areas of the Middle East, and then Obama obviously backed that violent overthrow.
Why do you think Obama did that?
I think it's very mysterious.
I don't think we'll ever know his exact motivations or reasons.
But it's definitely and incredibly shady.
It can't be good.
Obama destroyed our country completely and he was backing the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorists.
And Mrs. Hillary Clinton was also supporting the Muslim Brotherhood.
And she was aware.
One of her emails, and nobody ever talked about that, by the way, in WikiLeaks,
She was aware of a conspiracy between the military and the Brotherhood to mass murder Christians in a specific event.
In fact, I knew that.
Stay right there.
I want to come back, Cynthia.
You're amazing.
And we'll give you her full name so we can come back in a few more minutes with her.
Wow, how cool is it to open the phones up to people like this journalist?
If I remember, you barely made it out of the country alive, didn't you?
Yes, I almost got killed.
Yeah, so folks, we talk about Tommy Robinson being a hero, or Cynthia being a hero.
We haven't gone to that level yet.
We don't want to go to that level, but it's getting into that danger zone.
That's why America's in so much trouble.
When they tell people, don't even say Alex Jones' name now on Google and things, unless it's negative, it's very, very dangerous.
We're going to come back with Cynthia here in just a moment from Washington, D.C.
And then we'll go to all the other callers.
Yeah, there she is on Fox News right there.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
She's Cynthia Farrat.
We'll be right back.
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It was the hot thing.
This was B16, I guess, before Trump was elected.
But I even tried it, and I thought, isn't it weird how trusting I am that I'm letting this celebrity inject me with a syringe?
This could be poison for all I know.
And then they dumped me because of Trump.
And I'm like, I trusted you with my life.
You could have given me AIDS.
And now you don't trust me?
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Please support this network.
We've got a statement now with regard to PayPal and reports that it has ended its relationship with InfoWars.
PayPal joining a slew of tech companies that have severed ties with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, hitting his InfoWars where it hurts, by no longer allowing the site to use the payment processor.
PayPal is the latest company to sever ties with Jones after YouTube, Apple, Spotify, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.
Last month, the website called Right Wing Watch posted a report highlighting PayPal's continued business relationship with InfoWars, and the Washington Post also noted how business on the InfoWars stores was booming.
PayPal is the latest big tech company to cut ties with far-right conspiracy website InfoWars, stealing a blow to when a founder, Alex Jones,
It actually fuels the Trump base because they do feel like they're being silenced.
And we're also standing up
To social media censorship.
That's the new thing.
Apple, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter have all booted Jones off their platforms.
PayPal on Thursday night informed InfoWars, which runs an online storefront that sells survival gear and herbal supplements, that it has 10 business days to find a new payment processor.
You can't pick one person and say, well, we don't like what he's been saying.
He's out.
We have literally thousands and thousands of complaints coming in.
And you just can't do that.
Jones hit back on his website saying the InfoWarsStore.com site had no political content, and the move emphasizes how the decision was a broader attack on the InfoWars platform.
A PayPal spokesperson says, quote, we undertook an extensive review of the InfoWars sites and found instances that promoted hate, hate speech, hate speech, hate speech, hate speech, hate speech, and bullying policies.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, I don't want to go on air and say that Christine Wozzey Ford is a CIA mind control operative.
But she works in a DARPA program and publishes articles on brainwashing, on planting false memories, on creating classical Manchurian candidates.
It's not just like she's in some program that's connected to that.
And it's like, really?
And the whole family?
And the brother-in-law?
And the grandpa?
And the daddy?
And the brother?
And it's like, it never ends with these people.
It's all these idiots go, I bet Jones is in some intelligence agency or something.
I would be embarrassed to be in some intelligence agency at this point.
I've had family that was in the military and was assigned to stuff like that and they said, the new world order, the world government's evil, it's anti-family, it's anti-God, it's anti-Christian.
Stand against it!
That's what I grew up hearing.
So, it's just insane.
We're going to go back to Cynthia Farhat, who's a very famous journalist who called in.
Very honored to have her.
I want to get her on as an official guest via Skype.
We're in studio.
Very serious.
I remember admiring her work.
She's been proven totally right about the Islamists and the Arab Spring and Obama funding it out of Kenya.
Now that's all come out.
She had to leave the country.
They tried to kill her.
We'll talk to her in just a minute, but this is Senator Cornyn just minutes ago during the break.
I was watching this live.
Saying that they're not extending another seven days.
It's all a big plot.
Here it is.
Friday was for seven days, up to seven days, for additional supplemental background investigation by the FBI.
And as the Majority Leader has said, we will get that.
But now you're starting to hear new arguments being made, since they realize that everything the witnesses have previously told the Judiciary Committee, under oath, under penalty of felony, they are likely to tell the FBI the same thing.
It would make sense to me.
But now they want to focus on Judge Kavanaugh's high school yearbook.
Give me a break.
That just shows the sort of desperation that the other side has to not only deny the nominee a fair and dignified confirmation process, but to turn this into a three-ring circus.
And now we're talking about throwing ice on somebody when you're in college as disqualifying you from a seat on the United States Supreme Court.
This has not been a search for the truth.
This has been about search and destroy.
In the process setting up precedent, we will regret for the rest of our lives where an unproven accusation is enough to deny somebody a confirmation in the United States Senate.
And in fact, as Rachel Mitchell pointed out, the confirmation was all
Not in favor of Judge Kavanaugh's position that what was alleged never happened.
So this is about whether we're going to continue to have a presumption of innocence, due process of law, fairness, listen to both sides.
And that's what's happened so far, but in a way that should never have turned out into the spectacle that it has, primarily because
The ranking member sat on the accusation of July 30th, creating the circumstance we have now.
But what we're seeing is just one excuse after another to continue delaying.
And that's key right there.
They sat on it to then run the clock at the end and then try to delay, delay, saying there wasn't time.
So that's what they've done.
Cynthia Farhat has called Immigrator On as an official guest.
She's a famous journalist.
CynthiaFarhat.com and that's F-A-R-A-H-A-T.
She's a famous female reporter who almost got killed reporting on the radical Islamists taking over Egypt and they blew up hundreds of churches and she was getting into
The Secretary of State at the time, and CNN was promoting it, all of them, how great this was, the Arab Spring.
Google helped push it.
So, in hindsight, we know it's 2020.
I read your articles on air at the time.
You were getting into Hillary and the targeting of Christians.
What's the master plan?
Why would you diabolically overthrow some of our longest allies?
I was offered
I don't know.
And I would become powerful.
I was offered tons of bribes and some people don't have the moral courage to say no to something like that.
It can be done for ideological reasons and I believe former President Barack Obama did it for ideological reasons.
I have no evidence and that's why it's only a theory.
So I believe he supports the Muslim Brotherhood because
I don't know.
And to demonize them and to spread rumors about them and attack them and harass them.
So that's why what happened to you gave me nightmares because it brought back all this.
They abducted my brother and they made me listen to him getting tortured for me to compromise and I still did not compromise and I will never compromise.
And then he was saved only because I refused to negotiate because I do not negotiate with terrorists.
They thought I must be very powerful
to be able to do that and they released him and he was home although they hurt him badly and he had three surgeries in his jaws but still he got back home.
I remember following your story at the time and to see Obama and Hillary, I mean get into the targeting of Christians because I remember that.
How many churches?
I know it was in the hundreds got blown up and our media was just celebrating how great it was.
Yes, the most conservative number was 72 churches that were attacked, and actually I was going to get killed on October 9, 2011 during a protest for religious freedom, and I was going with friends of mine.
I got a fever that day that ended up saving my life because one of my friends was killed there, execution style.
Because he was protesting peacefully for religious freedom.
That's it.
There was not a single violent person or violent value we ever advocated for.
Sure, and was it true that, like, Christians were getting crucified?
Uh, no.
We did not have any cases of Christians getting crucified, but we had Christians set on fire, we had Christians getting killed, and Ms.
Clinton knew that there was a conspiracy to kill Christians in her emails.
Well, let me get your info, Cynthia.
I'd love to get you on as a guest.
Thank you so much for calling in.
Thank you, sir, for having me.
God bless.
You know, that's the thing.
We had a huge audience of high-quality people of every stripe, every color, every religion, every region before.
But now that they banned us off the social media, it's harder to reach new people.
But we've gotten a lot of new radio stations and TV stations, and the quality of the listeners went from amazing to stratospheric.
We already have Congress listening, we already have foreign governments listening, and intelligence agencies listening, because they know we're covering real issues here.
But man, I mean, the people listening now, I told you, who listens and who calls me, and it's all off record, but you know, world leaders, top Fox News hosts, a lot of members of Congress, we had a lot before.
But this is like Fight Club now, so you can tell people, your friends and family, hey, Alex Jones, they're trying to shut him down for a reason.
It's the guest, it's the callers, it's the information.
Learn why the system wants Infowars.com shut down.
Learn what scares them so much.
The truth!
I'll play clips of Soros on 60 Minutes saying the best time of his life was serving Hitler and he made happy time.
That's a quote.
And then I show the news saying I'm a liar, he never served Hitler.
I mean, a lot of it's not that fancy.
It's just we're willing to tell it like it is.
So, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Just tell friends and family, hey, don't have to agree with it, listen, just see what all the hubbub's about.
All right, we're gonna come back and I'm gonna race through calls, I promise.
A whole bunch of them, each caller gets about a minute and a half.
We just had so many amazing callers today.
Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
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Well, let me just say something, Victor.
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One of the most amazing products that I've seen in years is Instantly Ageless from Jeunesse, available at InfoWarsYes.com.
Now, I've got some bags under my eyes, especially right now with really bad allergies in Austin, Texas.
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But if I use just one little container of Ageless, and I can share it with both eyes, within three minutes you'll see dramatic results, ladies and gentlemen.
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And again, a lot of folks use one per eye.
I have found that the other times I've used it,
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So there you go.
I'm not a cosmetic person.
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So you get a great product for yourself, for your wife, for your boyfriend, for your girlfriend.
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So let's see what happens in the next, I guess, two and a half minutes now.
I'm a human being.
I have dignity.
I'm gonna resist.
I'm gonna start recognizing the propaganda.
I'm gonna break free from it.
Humanity's gonna come together.
So there you go.
I just applied that kind of like a monkey would.
Not as good as a woman or somebody that's good at this stuff.
And I can already feel it tightening.
It already feels good.
Feels cool.
It's pretty much dry now.
I'm going to go back and look at the time lapse.
It's pretty dramatic.
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We'll see what happens here.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I love taking calls.
Because the callers bring up things I forgot about or things I didn't know about.
Adam, we're going to go to him in a moment, says Antifa, Obama's million man army?
Are they one and the same question mark?
We're going to him second because I want to pull that video in, we haven't played in probably two years.
Remember when he was candidate Obama?
He said we need a domestic military, just as big, just as strong as our military.
And then it shows the little kids trained to be paramilitary fighters against patriots in Chicago.
And yes, the answer is, that's the weatherman, race-based, race-war model that Kanye West and others are fighting against.
And it's being run by the globalists and it's absolutely dastardly.
So we're going to be talking about that.
And people go, oh Antifa, they're a bunch of idiots.
They'll be used as the cover patsies, as the decoys for the real hit tapes.
And you see them in the news and all these professors and the top hashtag yesterday, kill Kavanaugh, and top professors saying they're going to murder him and cut his testicles off and murder his supporters.
It's because we've let these people act like this and engage in criminal activity.
They're out of control.
We're talking about that in a moment.
But first, we are ending the 40% off on Brain Force Plus, the amazing nootropic, tomorrow.
We are ending the 40% off on Secret 12, the highest quality organic vitamin B12 you take under the tongue, tomorrow.
Because supplies of both of those are running very, very low, and we're not going to have more shipped until the middle of December.
So I'm going to go back to regular price on both those products after tomorrow.
I had said today was the last day to use PayPal at InfoWarsTore.com.
Go in there as a protest, dump your wallet out, and then delete it.
But I'd kind of forgotten.
I kind of mentioned this last week.
We did false suit on them.
Last night, and we're not, all we're looking is for them to let us go to the lunch counter, get on the bus, get on the airplane, live in America, and not have a Bill Strauman about us and then block us from the marketplace.
So, again, we need a lot of money to do this.
We're fighting for everybody's rights here, ladies and gentlemen.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com.
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Yes, it's Hillary.
It's metaphorical.
We don't want to actually cut her head off and make her a martyr.
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It's very powerful.
So I guess it's Trump as Perseus.
Though he is wearing Roman Guard, traditionally.
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By the way, most of these shirts are made in America.
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So some of these shirts cost us like $10.
The average is like $8, $9.
I was about to do a shirt that was $50 a piece.
We didn't do it.
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It was too expensive.
If I sell it at $20, we'll go bankrupt.
You have the obnoxious InfoWars shirt, In Your Face InfoWars.
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Let's go to your calls.
Matt Bracken's coming up, but I'm gonna... He's good with this.
He understands.
I'm going to commandeer the first two segments, so I get to all of you.
I will go to every one of these callers, or I'll slap myself, I guess.
I mean, the point is, I'm gonna try to get to all your calls here.
Who's been home the longest?
Let's go to Josh in Arkansas.
Josh in Arkansas, you're on the air.
Hello Alex, how you doing my friend?
I'm in one hell of a fight brother, but you know what?
I'm counting on you, you're counting on me, and we've already changed the world, so let's get it done!
I can tell you that we're all going through this thing together, and it's important that everybody listen and pay attention to everything that he's saying.
You know, if we don't get informed with everybody that we're in this fight with, that we can't just sit them down and have an argument with the people on the other side, because it's obvious that they're being pushed propaganda that gives them alternative things to post on the Facebook.
You just got to get in their face.
Just, you know, take for instance, they think the next bus to Boston is the first U.S.
number 17-646, it's the Overturn Road.
And it's all about they think that the stakes and the separate sovereignty is an exception to the double jeopardy law.
So, I mean, what do you think about that with them trying to keep Kavanaugh out of office and to delay it for so long just so this docket can get past the Senate?
I totally agree.
They've got stuff stuck in the Supreme Court that they think they have the votes for right now that'll help them bring us into global government and block Trump.
And Kavanaugh is a strict constructionist, and that's why they're scared of him.
And absolutely, we need Kavanaugh in there right now, because he has already told Trump he will execute Trump's operation.
They feel that Trump can pardon all the lot of them if they have nothing to fear from the state attorney, right?
So in reality,
They don't want to see the people that Obama pardoned at the end of his term when he turned loose all those cocaine dealers.
No, you're right.
Kavanaugh is a strict constructionist.
He believes in the unitary executive.
He almost goes too far, but I agree that the executive is co-equal and emergencies more than equal.
And he has said that he supports the executive pardoning whoever he wants, including himself.
And again, it's all the voters.
We put them in.
That's the ultimate veto, is the impeachment.
So barring impeachment...
We used to be able to blame the baby boomers for all the political stuff and the troubles that we had, but now we have ourselves to blame.
So it's important that everybody gets out and starts us.
The president cannot be a dictator as long as we elect him or as long as the Congress is there to impeach him.
And he's been given all these extra powers.
He's using them to get the power back to us.
Trump doesn't want to be a dictator, like they say.
He's destroying the executive power they gave him that's unconstitutional.
Great points, Josh.
Got another caller here.
And these idiots, I'm not mad at them, but I shouldn't call them idiots, because a few of them are my friends.
Jason Burmess.
I watched like five minutes of the video of him going, Alex Jones wants martial law, and tanks driving up down the street.
Jason, I didn't say that.
I said, we're already under martial law that Obama put in place with executive orders, and his people are operating under those.
And that's what Trump hasn't figured out yet, why these groups are in mutiny.
Trump needs to declare his own emergency to nullify the last emergency.
Before they do a 25th Amendment, which even CNN admits is political Armageddon.
It's Antifa wants war on the streets.
It's the liberal professors saying kill conservatives.
They're the ones saying burn down the cities.
They're the ones saying civil emergency.
I'm saying we have to treat the emergency they're creating like it is, and if we let them launch this emergency, we're going to be in an emergency!
And they're not going to be following the law!
So what are we going to do once it's the law of the jungle?
You know, it's like somebody saying,
I don't want to get in a fight.
Somebody punches you right in the nose.
And you go, well, I'm not going to get in a fight.
You're already in a fight!
See, I'm ranting now.
I made it so clear in those shows I did that I don't want full martial law, which means tanks in the street and lining people up and shooting them.
They already want that.
They've said they want that.
They say they're under a civil emergency Obama put in place to shut down independent media.
He signed the executive orders and they had hearings about it to shut me down.
I'm experiencing martial law.
It just means not following the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
What do you think it is when all the big tech companies work in unison to ban me and now they're trying to take our banking?
And they've got Soros suing me.
What do you think that is?
That is extrajudicial garbage.
So all I'm saying is...
If the Democrats start rioting and burning cities, and they bring in a civil emergency they've said they already want, and they're trying to burn up the White House, it's not martial law if the President calls out the military to protect the White House.
It's the military protecting us from CHICOM Globalist funded enemies that have already staged an emergency.
So I'm saying we better start getting used to the thought of what we're going to do
It's like police.
They have a threat force continuum, a force continuum of you do this, they do that.
And it goes up, up, up, up, up to the point of you pull a gun, they pull a gun and shoot you.
And so I don't want cops to pull guns and shoot people.
I don't want to pull guns if Antifa comes to my house.
I don't want any of this.
But Antifa says they're going to come to members of Congress in ICE's house and kill them.
The members of Congress that have been targeted in ICE need to take it and expect that they're coming.
You understand?
And then when you blow their ass off, they're gonna call you a tyrant and call it martial law!
You're the ones opening the door to the bull, dumbasses!
I'm not looking for any trouble, but if you're looking for a fight... Ha ha!
You came to the right place.
Cause I'm not backing down to any of you people.
Only thing I'm backing down to is God and God's... Oh, boys!
I'm back!
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
The preacher man says it's the end of time In the Mississippi River she's a-goin' dry
Cynthia Farhat, beautiful, smart, courageous woman.
Her brother was tortured.
They tried to kill her.
She lives in the U.S.
She exposed the Muslim Brotherhood, the whole Islamic takeover plan.
She called in today.
We confirmed it's her.
She's going to be a guest next week.
She talked about, hey, don't worry, I got totally banned in Egypt.
But once patriots got back control, now I'm in all the major papers.
They don't censor a damn word I say, including typos.
So that's exciting.
By the way, Trump's responded again to Infowars banning.
He's going to give him one more chance before he drops the mega hammer on him.
Because he's got the reports in his hands.
Trump meet with Google, CEO, social media companies later this month.
He said, I won't mention any names, but when they take certain people off Twitter or Facebook, and they're making that decision, it's really dangerous.
Because that could be anyone tomorrow, Trump said.
When I had law firms write up reports for him seven weeks ago, that's when they decided to ban me.
They went ape when our reports from top law firms got to the president.
And I gave them all examples of what they were doing.
And we need to keep doing that because they're going to stonewall, but it's out of control.
Matt Bracken's coming up in about 15 minutes, former Navy SEAL, best selling author, great researcher.
He'll have a ton of information for you.
We're going to your calls right now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Adam.
Now, I'll do Adam in Texas next segment.
We'll have plenty of time for him, because I have the clip now about what he's talking about and how Antifa is Obama's million-man army.
So we'll go to that in a moment.
But let's go to Chris in Illinois.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding, Chris.
Hey, Alex.
Good afternoon.
So, you know, I'm on the ground here in Chicago.
I'm a specialty food rep, and business has never been better, thanks to Trump.
I mean, there's places opening up all over the place.
Anyway, so, you know, with this Kavanaugh thing, my wife's a social worker.
She's not very conservative, but I'm telling you, she's at her wit's end with this.
And she's pissed.
And a lot of her friends are pissed.
And I've never seen her so, like, she doesn't get on Facebook and comment back to people, but she's getting it.
She called me today, and she's like, Chris, what should I say?
Oh, I know women that are more kind of libertarian-liberal, and they're all pissed about Kavanaugh and don't believe any of this.
In fact, I'm not saying that to say, oh, look, there's a woman wave.
Women I know particularly, in family, you name it, do not buy a damn thing she says.
Has your wife told you why?
Well, she, you know, she responded to one of her friends today, and she said, yeah, the women, the women, the women.
But she said, what about my son?
My son is going to be accused by a girl of just about anything and never be able to refute it?
I mean, she was literally in tears, Alex.
And, you know, and then I kind of parlayed in it because I'm a little more hardcore, you know.
I've been writing papers about this stuff since college, you know, skull and bones and the bushes and all the Nazi crap and all that.
But anyway, you know, I told her, I said, Jill, there's a reason why they act maniacal like this.
There's the reason you cannot reason with them.
Is this is demonic.
You know, this is this is about their sacrament to death.
And the blood of the unborn.
They don't even know it.
It is a spiritual thing with the left.
When you finally come to grips, because I'd hear army colonels and three-star generals at dinner, and FBI guys when I was like 20, you know, going to meetings and hearing about the New World Order, and they'd be like, well, at the end of the day, they're devil worshipers and pedophiles, and I'd be like, these guys are crazy.
And then I started researching it, and it's all true.
Well, and the thing is, I think
The slow, slowly people are awakening.
And I think the most shocking things are yet to come.
But you know what, Alex, what I do, the most effective.
So I'm in sales, right?
So I my job is to sell you.
So I work with people and, you know, I was out with coworkers and they're like, Alex Jones, Alex Jones.
And I said, can you specifically name why you don't like him?
They can't.
You know, and then when we get into these conversations, I just go back to the basics.
I go back, I just lay it out.
I say, you know, have you ever heard of Operation Cyclone?
I'll bring that up.
You know, we started, we create our own problems, our imperialism, this type of thing.
So once you lay out the basics of these... Oh, they're just stunned, exactly.
And Operation Cyclone was the whole fake thing to stop Trump and set him up for Russiagate by Obama.
Great points.
God bless you, Chris.
Right now is Massive Rampage Force!
Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
I had done The War Room.
She's not on until 9.40 Central.
That's 10.40 Eastern.
I was exhausted.
I popped two Brain Force Plus and I was good as new.
I mean, it really is mentally stabilizing, mentally energizing.
Tonight, I'm on with Tucker Carlson.
Uh, the same thing.
I'm going to put in a full day here at InfoWars.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, people ask me why I'm in leftist Austin.
Well, because my family's been here since it was Waterloo, 1820.
When it was Mexico.
Spanish land grants on both sides of the family.
In fact, I'm the first generation to marry women whose families don't go back to the beginning of Texas.
It's the craziest family tree.
And Colonel Travis's son ended up dying without children, but my family was the spiritual parents of Travis.
They raised him.
A famous letter was written to my ancestors.
And so people ask why I haven't evacuated Central Texas.
Look, the globalists left in Google and Facebook only have downtown.
Everybody else is libertarian or conservative.
But California is collapsing and they are invading here.
That's their real invasion force.
Their real army are their zombies that like carrion crows or like locusts eat the flesh off our bones and fly on to the next state or city.
We're going to go to some more of your calls and Matt Bracken's taking over.
He's loaded for bear.
A caller, Adam, was saying, Obama's million-man army, one and the same.
And I'd forgotten candidate Obama, Senator Obama, said we need a domestic military just as big and just as strong.
And the Weathermen, that was one of their ideas, was to have these paramilitary forces.
Well, that's actually what Antifa has become.
So here's the president, former president, ten years ago.
We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
Now, we'll go to the caller, but Antifa are the kill teams.
They're now calling for kill teams.
They're now all over Facebook, Twitter, saying kill the people at the restaurant that serve Cruz.
Kill everybody.
And all I'm pointing out is if they think they lose the election, that's when they do this.
Matt Bracken will cover this after he takes over in a moment.
But don't think that they're not the cover for the real paramilitaries that Obama is allied with, MS-13 and even Hezbollah.
Yes, the left is allied with both groups, from my intel.
Matt can disagree or agree.
We'll see what he says when he takes over.
But Adam, go ahead and bring up your point.
Thanks for calling from Texas.
Hi, Mr. Jones.
Can you hear me?
Alright, yeah.
You know, this past Saturday I was really thinking about this whole Antifa thing, and then it registered that when Obama was fixing to get into office, he mentioned that clip that you just played.
And it was kind of swept under the rug, nothing has been done, so I started doing my research, and he was telling certain people that he would get professors to be the generals for this underground army that he was going to create.
And it all started coming together.
It's just mind-blowing that no one else is really talking about it because we kind of forgot.
So I wanted to get y'all's take and y'all's opinion on this.
What's everyone's thoughts?
Well, we got documents in January of this year, now 10 months ago, that George Soros' son, Alexander Soros, was spending 50-plus million just trying to cause riots in East Coast cities, and Baltimore, Maryland was their main test site, with the Blue City Police actually letting them burn and attack to hope that the general public, the black Americans, would burn things down.
There's the headline.
Documents to tell plan for civil unrest and martial law in Baltimore.
Leaked documents purport to show to tell plan to trigger nationwide unrest allowing Obama to declare martial law.
And the documents were later confirmed to be accurate.
No media coverage of the documents.
So they were admitted to be accurate enrollment papers to carry out the criminal operation.
So they're definitely planning to try something like that.
You know, I think this is why they're also coming after Kavanaugh, because they're afraid that if we get the Supreme Court back, when Trump starts going after all of these criminals, we can prosecute them a lot easier, so they're doing everything they can to block that.
That is exactly what's going on.
This country is on a razor's edge.
You know, it's patriots like yourself and all of your listeners.
We are going to be the ones that bring back this country.
You know, Trump's doing a great job, but it's time for us to stand up and take the
I agree.
Everyone should go to city council, county commissioners, and talk about this subject.
And PTA, anywhere there's an audience, church, it's time to get aggressive in information warfare.
God bless you, Adam.
Let's go ahead and go to Brandon in Idaho.
Brandon, you're on the air.
Hi there, Mr. Alex Jones.
It's great to finally talk to you on a first-time caller.
I just want to say you and Trump paired together have shaken this political system to its core.
And it's a lovely thing to see.
I love it.
I love to see everyone's being proactive and everything.
And we're praying for you and Trump and, you know, keeping you guys in our thoughts.
I think Michael Savage said it best that liberalism is a mental disorder.
And the fact that these colleges have completely brainwashed the young crowd.
Oh, they've totally radicalized them and crippled these people mentally.
It's a complete sad thing.
They're brainwashed.
I was wearing three Halloween's ago, and I don't really go out on Halloween, but I went to a party.
It was my cousin's birthday the day after Halloween.
So he has a party, and I'm wearing a captain's hat.
And I had like two white guys and an Arab guy walk over and say, are you a Nazi?
Because I'm a white guy wearing a black cap, a baby blue, dark blue captain's hat.
I mean, it's just total mental illness.
And unfortunately, these college kids don't know what Nazism is.
You know, during World War II, everyone was fair game.
It wasn't just the Jews, it was everybody.
If you were
We're good to go.
Um, what do we do?
You know, I see plenty of my friends, co-workers and people that I know and talk to, they're just so, you know, mentally unstable, I guess you would say, or even the fact that they just, they're not fully... They buy into their identity being this victim and this person, like it's a comic book and you've got to explain to them how it's happened and not, in my experience, not even be too nice to them, but just, not even laugh at them, just say, listen, this is serious business.
God bless you, Brandon.
Great points.
Good to hear from you.
We're cramming them in now.
David in Iowa.
David, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, Alex, two quick things.
I'd like to have you check that article that Roger Stone wrote in Infowars.com titled, Kavanaugh is the pick of the deep state.
And he also talks about Kavanaugh being a prosecuting attorney against a witness at Fort Marcy Park and helping... No, no, no.
I remember when we didn't want Kavanaugh and we wanted Barrett and we thought it was a better choice, but at least he'll vote with Trump.
No, no, no, but I mean, you're right.
We had problems with Kavanaugh.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I think Mike Lee would be a better choice.
Kavanaugh was not my first choice, but they're really afraid of him because he believes in the power of the executive and will back Trump.
I got one other thing.
Well, let me say this.
If he is so bad, why is the Deep State fighting like they're about to die?
Yeah, that's a good question.
Well, what do you think, David?
Well, I don't know.
He's... He'll probably be better, but he's sure going through some punishment.
Well, that's the thing.
I mean, I don't... Exactly.
I got one other quick thing.
Uh, we know you need funds for the expansion and all that stuff.
Well, at this point, we just need funds to keep going, but yeah.
Yeah, okay.
Last week, I wrote a check for $100 and sent it to you.
And I started thinking, okay, we've got 1 to 3 million people as an audience.
Well, how about if we had a big chunk of people that sent you a check?
We could call it the $100 freedom.
Or the $100 Paul Revere.
I agree, a fraction of our audience buys product or gives donations.
And believe me, 97% of it's going into the fight now.
It's all about survival.
So God bless you, David, for the support.
The P.O.
Box is on the website.
Yes, sir, we need donations.
We need support because I'm fighting Soros on every front.
And I believe we're going to win.
It's all in God's plan.
But so much of it is up to you guys and what you do.
And I'm not putting it on you.
It is you.
So thank you for stepping up, David.
$100 Freedom Injection
Carl Rove, but I mean, as bad as Carl Rove is, he's not Hillary Clinton.
And he's not Barack Obama.
And Kavanaugh people are kind of creatures of who's president.
And all I know is, he has told the president he's going to back him, and he's going to back making America great again, and they are fighting like I've never seen them to keep him out.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you leave me, I won't miss you.
I won't ever take you back.
All right, Matt Bracken's taking over right now, but Matt, we were talking during the break.
You get what I'm saying.
They're leading us into civil emergency martial law.
Obama put civil emergencies in place before he left.
I don't want tanks in the streets and all the rest of it.
That's what they want.
But what do we do if they trigger the emergency?
Or how does Trump declare his new emergency to then end the last emergency?
Because that's how that works in law.
Just like he ended the TPP.
They call that dictatorial.
But that had been done through undue executive power.
So I don't think people get the nuances.
I mean, the general audience does.
But I think some folks out there want to just make points by semantically ignoring what I'm actually saying.
Yeah, it requires a lot of nuance and a bigger picture.
And personally, I feel like throwing around terms like martial law, it's too easy to take, you know, to clip that out and make a weaponized soundbite against us.
You know, our audience understands what we mean.
But, you know, in the hostile media, it's too easy to say something like Alex Jones and Trump are calling for martial law.
And that's not it at all.
But absolutely, the left sees the window closing.
They had hoped.
And so their hopes have been dashed.
They thought in 2016, Hillary would be president, the deep state victorious.
Nobody's ever heard of Peter Strzok or any of these people.
And they go just continue step by step to Obama's fundamental transformation of the United States.
Instead, they got Trump.
And they were really shocked because the polls were all wrong, as they are, I believe, now.
And when they see Kavanaugh coming in as a solid fifth, and remember, now they've red-pilled him.
If he was a squishy, moderate Republican Supreme before, I think he's going to be high-fiving Clarence Thomas, you know, backstage, and they're going to be saying, let's go get these MFers, you know?
It's our turn.
Oh, I totally agree.
I like the fact that he got angry, because if you're getting accused of all this stuff, you're going to get angry.
He's red-pilled now.
He's one of us now, I guarantee you.
He's red-pilled against the left.
And now that they see their window closing, meaning...
Let's say they don't flip the Senate.
If they flip the Senate, we're screwed because it'll be Adam Schiff, not Devin Nunes, running the Intel Committee.
It'll be Feinstein, not Grassley, running the Judiciary Committee.
It'll be full steam ahead for impeachment on any flimsy pretext, as we've seen with Kavanaugh.
You know, throwing ice, allegedly, in a drunken party is grounds for keeping him off the Supreme Court.
And it's another professor, another liberal professor with no proof.
It's all liberal professors.
Right, it's all false narrative because they had a casting call when they held up Christine Blasey Ford's testimony for a week and a half.
That was the signal for everybody to come out of the woodwork with any kind of allegation, male or female, you know, drunken parties, whatever, you know, rape gangs.
But it hasn't worked, and all it's done is drive our base crazy.
We're watching the
What do you call them?
The flip states?
The Senate Democrats?
Purple states!
Yeah, the Heidi Heiskamp and these people are in trouble now.
And I think that he's going to be confirmed because a lot of these Democrats... Well, that's what Senator Cornyn said an hour ago.
We played it.
He said, listen, you're going to get the exact same testimony you got here because it's all under perjury threat, felony perjury.
And so we're going to have the vote Friday.
Like you said, the left may drive a truck bomb to the Capitol.
Well, and when they are looking at the midterms, you know, they've got polling that's propaganda polling, sure.
For the morons.
But they know the truth.
Yeah, they know the truth.
And what they're going to do, now the overt, the talking head people that we see on TV, they're just spewing propaganda for the masses.
But the Bob Kramer activists, you know, the ones that were the go-betweens, the guy that went into Obama's White House a couple hundred times, then he's passing out the money to hand to these subgroups that would then pay the crazy thugs to actually beat people up and cause fights.
Those guys are going to be saying, you know what, if we're losing the Senate, it's time to take it to the kinetic level.
And instead of just throwing punches at Trump rallies, I think they're going to be passing out guns.
No, I agree.
So it may trigger riots if Kavanaugh is confirmed, but definitely the day after the election, November 9th, man, I think it's going to be dangerous.
I call it Gettysburg.
I call these midterms Gettysburg.
If you go back to your Civil War I history, the British were on the sidelines.
The British really wanted the cotton, and if it looked like the Confederacy was going to be a success, Britain wanted to make a deal straight with the South.
No tariffs.
That was one of the issues before the Civil War was the tariffs.
The agricultural South wanted just free trade with Britain.
Everybody was waiting for Gettysburg.
When those armies were heading into Pennsylvania, everybody knew it was going to be a pivot of history.
And when the Union forces soundly defeated the Confederacy at Gettysburg, after that, the war was all she wrote.
Britain said, you know, we're not going to support the South.
Did you say Gettysburg or Waterloo?
Winning the midterms, are you saying it might be the Waterloo or the left?
If we win, it's Gettysburg in terms of, what I mean is in terms of a real pivot.
Everybody right now is just watching, holding their breath.
If the left wins, then they get control of all of these committees, which is where the real muscle in Congress is.
And then they go into supercharged witch hunts on every level.
And not only that, there'll be a massive crackdown on the internet, and we've already seen a hint of this with James Woods.
Oh, you've seen the Democrats calling for me to be banned and it happened, so they're going to go into overdrive.
Well, look at James.
I understand you or me, but look at James Woods.
He's a good guy, you know what I mean?
He's a conservative, but nobody says we hate James Woods.
They gave away their play card.
When they said it was based on election interference.
You know, they've done... No, that's it.
They don't want you to say something that makes the Democrats lose.
And the Democrats have said that about me.
We want Jones off.
He's a Russian interfering.
I'm a Russian like I'm a monkey's uncle.
But we've seen this in the past 20, 30 years.
It started with asset forfeiture, which everybody thought was great.
We'll get rid of the narco cartels.
Sure, and what do you think Trump's going to say coming up in a few weeks in this secret meeting with the tech heads?
Hey, the left's going to take you over.
I'm not the one going to take you over.
Why the hell are you allied with these people?
The left is already taking them over.
Google is a subsidiary of China, the whole Dragonfly project.
We're just next down the line.
You look at these Google coders, they're not even American.
I agree, we broke all that.
So what do you think Trump should say to them?
I think that they should say you're more of a danger than Standard Oil ever was, and we're going to break you up.
No, no, I agree.
I mean, obviously Trump's going to give them the carrot first.
That's what he does.
Well, he'll probably give them the warning, but I think that this entire election, the midterms, is going to be about Kavanaugh, and the base is so energized.
Kavanaugh's red-pilled now, so now the left really knows it's important.
And if Kavanaugh is on the bench, they're going to lose all the time.
So they're going to go kinetic.
And at that point, I think that... I'm going to let you take over.
So you think they know, because I agree with you, this is blowing up their face, you think they know they messed up?
No, because just like with Hillary, they doubled down on stupid.
They thought that the deplorable strategy would carry them to victory in 2016, but it energized the white West Virginia, Michigan working man base against the left.
And now with Kavanaugh, they're crucifying this Christian man, and Christians are seeing this crucifixion, and they are going to crawl over broken glass to vote in November.
I agree.
Matt Bracken takes over straight ahead.
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So let's see what happens in the next, I guess, two and a half minutes now.
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So there you go.
I just applied that kind of like a monkey would.
Not as good as a woman or somebody that's good at this stuff.
And I can already feel it tightening.
It already feels good.
Feels cool.
It's pretty much dry now.
I'm going to go back and look at the time lapse.
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We'll see what happens here.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You thought the leaden winter would bring you down forever, but you rode upon a steamer to the violence of the sun.
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So, more leaks.
New York Times gets Trump trove of confidential tax returns.
This just shows the criminal activity that goes on.
I read the article during the break.
I was gonna have Matt take over, but... It's saying Trump's not self-made.
In fact, he didn't run after never running for office and win the presidency.
He didn't give us a 4.8% growth rate.
He didn't renegotiate and pull us out of TPP and NAFTA.
He didn't do all these positive things.
No, no, no.
His father, Fred Trump, did.
And it talks about family trusts that his dad set up in real estate.
They've got numbers like $10 million, $12 million over the years, $20 million to the family.
No one ever denied that.
But Donald Trump went on and made much bigger fortunes, but that isn't even what matters.
He's not Carlos Slim that got $5 billion from U.S.
taxpayers over eight years with Obama for the Obama phone contract, who's worth, what, last time I heard, like $100-something billion?
Yeah, there it is.
He owns the New York Times, and he gets taxpayer money as part of the kickbacks that have come out in the New York Times and some of these payments.
So, this is amazing, ladies and gentlemen.
You read this.
It says, Trump received over the years the equivalent today of at least, that's inflation, like $10 million, $430 million, from his father's real estate empire, starting when he was a toddler.
And continuing to this day.
So yeah, if you're rich and you put money into family trust, you're bad.
And it's all about, Trump's an idiot, he can't even wipe his own ass.
Uh, excuse me, I mean, oh, look at him with his mommy.
Oh, it's so horrible, oh God, he's such a bad person.
And why he's bad is, he didn't sell out America, he's not a globalist.
So it's a pathetic, pathetic article.
Matt Bracken, go ahead and get to your key news, I'm done covering that.
Yeah, you know, I'm following it too, but I think it's just like Kavanaugh.
It's going to boomerang.
It's going to blow up like a cheap, you know, exploding cigar because it's so patently obvious that this was just timed, that they've probably been sitting on this for months, just like the Billy Bush tape.
And, you know, they're just waiting to throw that card on the table at the opportune moment.
But I think it explodes in their face.
People have seen this.
You know, I now consider Kavanaugh to be the ultimate red pill.
Not just for him, but for millions of Americans that still had some kind of faith in our system.
And watching this Salem witch trial of a hearing over the last two weeks, I think that it's opened up the eyes of millions of even Democrats.
I agree with you, but what feedback have you gotten on the ground that makes you say that?
It's all anecdotal.
You know, people are saying that, you know, the numbers shifting in the swing state Senate votes, for example.
And just anecdotally, and who knows how to interpret it, people saying, I've been a Democrat all my life and I don't like Trump, but I'm going to vote just because of what they've done to Kavanaugh.
This has been a public crucifixion.
And it really shows what they would do if they had full power.
This is what they do from a position of weakness.
That's what Lindsey Graham said.
He said, God, I hope you don't get the power you want.
That's right.
Thank God for Lindsey Graham.
He came through.
I'll tell you what, I have disagreed with him tremendously over the years.
And as McCain's sidekick, I thought he, you know, he was... I was about to say, he was a slave of McCain.
I think we're going to see a different side now.
That's right.
And in the end, I think that, especially in the judicial context, you know, that's where he lives.
That's where he's been an attorney all his life as a judge, as a JAG, all this.
This is really offending him, this end of due process where it's going to be, you know, trial by, trial by, what do they call it, like the witches, you know, you have to prove you're not a witch, we're going to duck you in the water.
You know, and finally, I think a lot of the Republicans that have been fence-sitters, they didn't know, like Lindsey Graham, for example, they didn't know if they would stand tall with the tough Freedom Caucus guys or go squishy like flake.
I think universally Flake's been considered, you know, just a total wuss out of this.
And we're going to see a lot of stiffening of spines because if they roll over, no matter what you think of Kavanaugh, even if you thought he ever, you know, did actually do something.
He's going to open Pandora's box of false allegations.
Right, and then if the base is demoralized and doesn't come out to vote because they give up, then the Senate wins, then we're going to see star chamber trials like nobody's ever seen, including impeachment of Kavanaugh, impeachment of Trump, I mean, down the line.
So right now is an unbelievable time in our history.
I would say we're ripe for something like a false flag.
I think so.
You know, they should be going all out, you know, pedal to the metal on Kavanaugh.
Where's the new allegations?
You know, where's the new accusations?
I think they realize they're going to lose and now they want to change the channel, like we're all sheep and we're just going to go, squirrel!
Over there!
New York Times!
People aren't buying it.
We've got their playbook.
Oh my God, his dad was rich and had a family trust for all the descendants.
Oh my God, he's so evil.
This is like when Patton in the movie, he says in North Africa about Rommel, I read your book!
Americans have read their book.
Now millions of Americans have been red-pilled by this Kavanaugh fiasco.
And I think that
No matter what they do now, if they came out with another witness against Kavanaugh or another Billy Bush tape against Trump, people are just going to roll their eyes and steal their heart even more.
Because people are realizing that the entire Democrat media complex has just been creating a lie the whole time.
What about delusional Antia Vettier?
How do you say that idiot's name?
I think him and his client are just media whores, period.
Well, no, exactly.
He says the top Democrats want me to run for president.
Boy, I hope so.
He's totally delusional.
But the left is delusional in general.
And this is what happens when you get this spiral towards harder and harder Marxism.
As people at the edges get red-pilled and come over to our side,
What's left becomes more radical and starts spinning faster.
And this is where I'm not saying the man Bob Kramer, I'm just using him as an example of the cutout, the intermediary.
Nobody at the upper echelon of the Democratic National Committee is going to say, I think it's time to start shooting people.
But what they'll say is,
We can no longer, it looks like we just can't work through the system with these Republicans, and it gets translated down the line until people are handing guns to Antifa.
And that's what I think is coming.
I think that there are James Hodgkinsons out there right now practicing with their SKS and looking for Republicans.
They're admittedly doing it.
These people are crazy.
The squishy Republicans are getting red-pilled and realizing they're in a street fight.
So we're going to have a vote and just ram it down that road.
No, I agree.
And the Republican leadership, now knowing if they give in to this, it's the stampede, they're done.
Democrats don't want to share power anymore in a corrupt system.
They want to eradicate the Republicans and split the Democrats into two parties, Communists and Socialists.
And now the bluebloods finally get it and they're finally digging in.
Yeah, and on our side, even the Never Trumpers are realizing that this is an existential moment.
That's why I say, between Kavanaugh to the midterms, this is Gettysburg.
I think it's a better analogy than Waterloo.
We're good to go.
If Republicans control Congress, the left will go crazy violent.
If they take Congress, it's going to be impeachment and no more internet.
So they'd rather win and make them get violent and then finally have a tipping point and fully defeat them forever?
You know, the left writes most of the history books, but there have been some occasions in history when the communists jumped the gun or overreached and they got wiped out.
And there aren't perfect analogies, you know, you can look at the CIA did some, you know, did work in Chile and Guatemala, places like that, but also... So the left just took over the CIA?
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And then they dumped me because of Trump.
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And now you don't trust me?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Hey, Matt Bracken with the final segment of the Alex Jones Show today.
And I'd like to talk about what the ramifications of the last couple hours.
We've been talking about the Kavanaugh hearings, the midterms, what it's going to mean in terms of our American freedom, depending on if Kavanaugh is confirmed or rejected, and if we hold the Congress or not in the midterms.
Either way, it's obvious that the left is gunning for us on social media and the internet.
This is how we see it with Google slanting their search results, even though they deny it.
It's obvious.
We see it with Google cooperating with the Chinese communists on programs to locate and punish dissidents.
Don't think they wouldn't do it here.
I don't consider Google to be an American company in any respect.
To me, it's purely a globalist country located in California.
It's buildings in California, but it's a globalist country, company, period.
And as we've seen, not only are patriots being kicked off of YouTube, demonetized now for more than a year, not even allowed to use Patreon, they're picking us off one at a time.
And we've seen partial solutions
We're partial answers and people are working hard to try to provide alternatives.
Some of them have been BitChute, which has a lot of problems.
Gab is up, which is kind of like a more or less a slower Twitter clone, but doing some pretty good work.
And there's Minds.com, which I never really got into it, a Facebook alternative.
Over the past couple of weeks, I've been let in on a project that's been ongoing for a year.
I consider this to be probably the culmination of my contribution as a patriot over the last decades, since I've been an author for the last 15 years anyway.
I guess it's given me a certain amount of credibility and
And enough of a profile that some people would approach me with insider knowledge like this.
But stay tuned over the next couple of days for some pretty major announcements.
I would put this at the level of the way that the media was so left-wing controlled before Rush Limbaugh came along in the late 80s.
Or Fox News, I guess, around 1990.
That's how much of a watershed moment that this is going to be.
I'm being a little bit cagey right now about the announcement because while an infant like this is in its cradle, it might be the time to choke it off.
So we're going to make some announcements and make a move to a platform that will be combining the best attributes and strengths and powers of YouTube, Facebook, Twitter,
Patreon, podcasts, some elements of Skype for internal communication, blog casts, all within our own friendly hands.
Not just a segment of it, or a corner of this internet social media world, but the entire universe, under one roof, under friendly, libertarian, conservative control.
Now, one of the problems
With alternative social media has been there small size when you only occupy a little segment of social of the Internet.
It's easy for the Giants surrounding you to isolate you like you are a virus, you know, and just blockade you from every angle, you know, not allow your apps to be sold in their stores, for example, so that you're choked off and in the case of
In the case of Gab, I would have to say that their pure First Amendment no-limits policy has been kind of a poison pill that they built in, unfortunately, because while you can block the Nazis and the crazies on Gab, they're flourishing.
There's no question about it.
This new site will have a no-totalitarian promotion policy, meaning we're not going to
Send you the bullets to shoot back at us if you ever achieve power.
We're not going to help you come to power if your policy would then be, you know, to take away our free speech and murder us.
So on this new platform,
It's oriented to conservative libertarians.
Now, if you want to do sports videos, anything else, that's fine.
But we're not going to allow the promotion of communism, Nazism, Islamism, or globalism.
These are godless, satanic ideologies that, if they rose to power, would murder us all.
So we're not going to sell them the rope to hang us.
But within those limits, and people like myself will be in control of who's on this platform for a change.
Within those limits, it's going to be anything goes.
So a lot of the YouTube videos that have been shut down, they'll still be on this platform.
For example, One American News Network, which is a small but really great alternative to Fox.
This is right on DirecTV.
They put up a video, it's like a 15-minute special about the fall of Birmingham, England from the 70s until today, and how it's been totally invaded and Islamized.
Well, guess what?
YouTube doesn't like it.
They took it down.
I mean, it's banned on Facebook, it's banned on YouTube.
This is a one American news network.
A mini-documentary on Birmingham, England.
Just the historical reality.
The factual reality on the ground.
Banned on YouTube.
They don't want us to see what's going on with this Muslim invasion in Europe and demographic invasion of the West in general.
So we need to have a place where we can speak openly about some concepts that are taboo.
And I'm not talking about, you know, Nazi stuff, anything like that.
But as it is now, just saying it's okay to be white puts you into a category where you're delisted on YouTube.
I mean, just saying, gee, this sure looks like they're gearing up for genocide of the whites across the world.
That automatically gets you banned.
You can't even discuss it.
Well, if you can't discuss an idea, how can we rally?
How can we organize?
How can we defend ourselves?
This is what they do when they're gearing up for a genocide.
First, they demonize us.
If white men my age were automatically guilty, they'd like to castrate us and feed us to pigs.
You know, according to the Georgetown professor, they would stop at nothing.
We're not even allowed now to defend ourselves.
The cultures that built the great cathedrals 500, 600 years ago.
Created symphony orchestras, created the Dutch master painting, led the world in every area that brought the Enlightenment, the Renaissance, the Reformation.
Now we're all just targeted as evil white people that have to shut up.
And I'm sorry, we need a platform where we can promote our own self-defense, basically, and that's going to be coming out over the next few days, and I hope people will give it a chance.
The one claim of existing social media like Facebook, where I've been banned, by the way, six times for 30 days out of the last year.
The last time I created a meme based on just two existing news stories from the last week.
One shows a bunch of Sub-Saharans in a giant rubber boat heading for Spain.
The other is monkey pox victims
And an article in a scientific magazine saying that the monkeypox is now in the United Kingdom.
I put these two stories together with just the comment, gee, what could go wrong with uncontrolled mass immigration?
You know, the boats, the monkeypox, the headline from the news story, and I'm banned for another 30 days from Facebook.
We're not even allowed to talk about the dangers to our Western civilization.
Well, this is the precursor to the railroading us right to the gulags.
And they're picking us off of social media, blocking us out.
And then when they ban you, nobody even knows.
You just disappear.
Your voice goes silent.
Well, we need a place where we're not going to be silent.
And it's coming.
And just stay tuned and watch this space.
There will be announcements in the next couple of days.
Now, the only thing that you can say that's nice, I guess, about Facebook, Twitter, etc., etc., is they're free.
But you have to keep in mind, their monetary model is to data mine your brain, to strip mine your cerebrum.
Your privacy, the websites you visit, the products you buy, to crunch it with supercomputers, put it through social network analysis meat grinders, and then churn that out to target corporations to advertise to you.
Well, if you love that free model, if you don't mind giving up your privacy and being restricted and censored and forced to self-censor, that's fine.
Something new is coming and it's going to be coming soon and I hope people will join me on this new platform when the announcement is made.
Because it's going to be pretty exciting.
I don't think I'm exaggerating.
It's going to be like when Rush Limbaugh came out or Fox News.
So please be with me when this announcement is made.
And that's the end of my little segment today and I'll see you next time.
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