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Name: 20180920_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 20, 2018
3208 lines.

In this episode of the Alex Jones Show, the host discusses Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court and criticizes the Democratic party for using the Me Too movement against him. He also mentions his investigation on Keith Ellison, a Democratic congressman accused by two women of abuse. The show emphasizes the importance of staying informed and fighting against tyranny. Topics covered include female genital mutilation, AI's impact on civilization, immigration, censorship, political correctness, and globalist elites. InfoWars products are promoted as a way to fight back against these forces.

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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
There are a few stories that get my heart racing, but this is one of them.
I began to hear rumors about this a few days ago that investigators were trying to find her high school annuals, also some of her college documents, and that they had all been expunged.
Well, researchers, as of yesterday, discovered a cache of five-year books that she was in, because she was already in high school parties when she was a
Eighth grader.
And they have found a cache of these documents.
And they are, to say the least, absolutely over-the-top insane.
Now, who am I talking about?
I am talking about, ladies and gentlemen, the accuser of Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford.
And when we come back from this first break, I'm going to launch into all of it straight away.
Here today.
That we put with Rob Zombie Music with Walter Cronkite pledging himself to Lucifer so that folks can just get an idea about the mindset of deception that these people are in.
But we have her as a leader in these wild parties and in the yearbook spreading her legs and we have incredible statements of racism, blackface.
We have the girls in the school, the young ladies dressed up in Playboy bunny outfits, Playmate bunny outfits.
This is a super rich WASP school.
Public school.
And so this is the type of garbage that you're going to end up seeing.
And so we were told by The Heavy and others that she was this little darling baby girl.
And that this big mean Kavanaugh came and did this.
Then she said the eyewitness that witnessed it said it never happened.
And now she's saying she won't testify.
Yeah, because they know this is all about to come out.
Guess what?
It did just come out at InfoWars.com.
But first this.
We are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy to get people actually to love their servitude.
People can be made to enjoy a state of affairs which, by any decent standard, they ought not to enjoy.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Too many kids are what's making planet worse.
A lot of these kids come from bad gene pools.
They don't have stable parents making good decisions.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatric.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
Fluoride in water is supposed to fight tooth decay, but could it also cause cancer?
Turns out the government had the right, under U.S.
law, to conduct secret testing on the American public under specific conditions.
We have to work with dark side, or we're going to spend time in the shadows.
Any attempt to achieve world order must be the work of the devil.
Well, join me.
I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
There's a need for a new world order.
Someday, in the next few years, a solution will emerge.
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It's now only 47 days out from the most historic election in world history.
A referendum on nationalism versus globalism.
And we're only four days out from the beginning of the vote for Judge Brett Kavanaugh delivering the court back into the hands of at least pro-America individuals and not the hands of the globalists.
This is a critical time for the world, not just America.
It is Thursday, the 20th day of September 2018.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And we have game-changing news that just broke at Infowars.com that is as big as Hillary Clinton falling down at the 9-11 site when they claimed that she wasn't having health problems.
It's as big as the spirit cooking WikiLeaks documents coming out.
With John Podesta and the Clintons and others involved in Aleister Crowley rituals and all of that bombshell information.
This is just as insane and as just as important.
Ladies and gentlemen, bombshell.
Kavanaugh accusers, salacious, hostile, yearbook scrubbed.
And it goes from there, my friends.
Christine Blasey Ford yearbook described wild sex parties, blackouts, erotic male dancers, adult Chippendale-style dancers in gold g-strings, dancing in front of the young girls, dressed at high school parties as playgirl playmates, playboy playmates,
Talking about Hitler, dressing up in blackface, photos in the yearbook of Christine, Blasey Ford spreading her legs, describing her as a leader of these parties.
She shows up in the yearbook as an 8th grader.
She's in, not one,
Not two, not three, not four, but five high school yearbooks.
Now, people are saying, I've never heard of high schools where you've got girls spreading their legs when they're juniors and talking about running out in the highways and getting adult men to almost run over them so they could pick them up and take them into their beach houses.
Or describing blackface and talking about Hitler
Stuff that if Kavanaugh ever did one of these things he wouldn't get nominated.
There's no history of him doing it.
And now we know why on the 17th of this month they expunged all of these yearbooks.
But someone found copies that had previously been uploaded that had been blacked out.
So let me explain something.
We need an investigation into what's been blacked out.
We need to know why these were blacked out.
We need to know who was involved in all of this and we need to have Kavanaugh, even though she's saying she's not going to probably testify now, I wonder why, we need Judge Kavanaugh to still testify next week and to have big blown up poster boards with Christine Blasey Ford spreading her legs in the high school yearbooks, giant
Tables full of whiskey and beer, the girls dressed up like playmate girls in bunny rabbit outfits and as French maids.
Can you imagine opening up the high school yearbook and your daughter is in French maid outfits and short skirts and bunny rabbit ears spreading her legs?
But this is one of the richest areas in the country.
And I grew up in the richest area of Texas at the time.
We were not that wealthy.
And it was somewhat like this.
Not as bad in the yearbook.
But it was like this.
I can tell you, and I've talked about it.
So I'd go over to Blue Collar Friends' houses and stuff, you know, other parts of Dallas where they're playing baseball and going fishing and going to church, going to the flea market, you know, and going shooting guns and hunting.
But in the rich areas, it was all the same type of just drunken sex behavior.
Add a little devil worship on top here and there, drug use, you name it, and that's what you got.
She expunged
That's Kavanaugh's accuser.
Her Stanford profile.
All of her social media profiles.
Six weeks ago, within days of him being announced.
Then Dianne Feinstein begins handling her.
She's even in the San Francisco Chronicle, July 29th, saying, we have a memo, we have a dossier on Kavanaugh.
We'll be bringing out in due time.
So they sat on it, knowing that there were holes in it, knowing it was a bunch of bull, hoping to launch it right before, a week before,
So that they wouldn't have time to burrow into it and investigate it.
Well, that went over like a lead balloon.
And as word of the high school annuals being discovered, and as journalists started making calls to Feinstein's office and to the lawyer for Christine Blasey Ford,
Suddenly, in the last 48 hours, I may not testify.
I want an FBI investigation.
Which, of course, then he wouldn't get confirmed.
It would take six months.
I want to have a new special counsel, for that matter.
A power under themselves.
On this witch hunt.
So now she's saying, I'm not going to testify.
And you've got Senator Grassley and others saying, if you don't agree by Friday, when you're going to testify next week, we're going to vote and we're going to approve Kavanaugh.
You got to go further than that.
You got to stop just wiping your brow and going, man, that was made up.
Glad that's over.
We've got to have hearings now.
Let the Democrats be shameless.
Let them whatever just put up big old blow-ups on poster board of the high school annual of Christine Blasey Ford with her in stockings up to her knees in many skirts provocatively putting her hand behind her head and showing everything but her panties.
If you're watching on TV you can see it.
And there's there's more photos of the girls dressed up in playmate outfits.
It's all there.
It's all there, and the drunkenness, and the blackface, and the Hitler jokes, and just all of it is sick.
Oh, but the key, the real impeachment here of her credibility, is that she said she remembered this, but they were, quote, falling down drunk.
And then the eyewitness she said that saved her says it never happened.
Boom, you're done right there.
You're supposed to have a witness, your one witness says you're a liar, says you're wrong, bare minimum.
Now, all through these five annuals, and we're getting more of these.
We've gotten a hold of more of these.
It talks about the culture of falling down drunkness and how great it is to be able to deny what happened the night before.
And she is quoted in there, and there are quotes about Chrissy, as they call her.
Chrissy is what Christine went by.
They show photos of her, how Chrissy was one of the wildest, and how much Chrissy loved having fun, and how much Chrissy loved passing out.
And now Chrissy couldn't remember anything and that was good because then she would have plausible inability.
There's Chrissy on screen for TV viewers spreading her legs in a classic Betty Page pose.
Guys, can we get the photo of her and put it next to Betty Page?
Or Marilyn Monroe?
That is a classic.
I'm ready for you, baby.
I walk into my bedroom at night and my wife's sitting there on the bed like that.
It doesn't mean we're watching Netflix.
In fact, I walked to the bathroom this morning, my wife walked out of the shower and did that exact pose.
I was like, man, I'm a lucky man.
I'm just saying, red-blooded American.
That means I want you to climb on top of me right now.
So, when she was a junior, she's in the yearbook in a Betty Page climb-on-top-of-me pose.
This poor little baby, but print me the heavy article that's actually linked in one of these, because it was an article covering her last week, going, oh, she was this little shrinking violet, little sweetsie girl.
And they show a picture of her from like sixth grade.
And she was such, no, no, there she is in high school, a woman.
And look, we're not faulting her that she appears to be a hussy.
Betty Page.
We are not faulting her.
That's okay.
God made her that way.
Lord knows I've been a dirty fox myself.
The point is, is that this woman is the definition of a train wreck fraud in my humble view and opinion.
But look at all the evidence.
So here's the deal.
Totally impeached.
That she talks about it at parties where they celebrate drunkenness until alcoholic amnesia.
And so no one remembers anything.
How the hell do you remember 36 years later what happened at a drunken party?
Well, I can assure you, drunken parties I was at 30 years ago.
I don't remember any of it.
But you remember everything, don't you?
Because she's a Democratic Party operative, who gave 10 times to Hillary we know of, 60 times the Democrats, and who works for big abortion companies, on and on and on.
Her students say she's a bully.
She fits the total M.O.
But forget that!
Now she says she won't testify!
Now she's pulling back!
They need to go ahead with testimony and show all this to the world!
All of it!
President Trump calling for a new investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server.
A new bombshell development reveals Hillary Clinton's leaked emails were likely responsible for the deaths of up to 20 CIA agents working in China.
Over a dozen CIA agents may have been killed as a result of Hillary Clinton's leaked emails.
The FBI is denying that, sort of, but the story is still fluid and confusing, and for some reason a lot of people don't seem that interested in finding out what actually happened.
Look, the Deep State doesn't want to do a damage assessment, they don't want to grapple with this, because to do so would undermine the fiction that what Hillary did caused no damage and deserved no prosecution.
The former Secretary of State's carelessness allowed a Chinese state-owned company to gain access to her emails, giving them the ability to read her messages in real time.
Even worse, the FBI was reportedly warned about this by the intel communities, Inspector General, but did nothing in response.
It's almost like there were, like, folks at the top of the FBI that just weren't interested in anything that made Hillary look bad.
And the fact that this information was discovered, then turned over to the FBI, and the FBI counterintelligence office, including Mr. Peter Strzok, apparently took no interest in it.
It's shocking.
One of the top officials who was alerted to the problem was none other than anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok, who decided to ignore the warning.
Texas Representative Louie Gobert of the House Judiciary Committee explained that this news would have damaged Clinton's chances in the election, and so agents like Peter Strzok decided to cover it up.
It is time to hold people accountable.
It is time to perform an actual investigation into Hillary's breach of protocol and her facilitating this cyber attack on our country.
What the heck were the Clintons doing?
Why have there been no substantive prosecutions in this case at all?
The reason, I think, at this point is pretty obvious.
As a result of this massive intelligence leak, China was able to discover the identities and capture some 20 CIA agents, who were then either tortured or murdered.
This was a sophisticated intelligence operation in which they were able to generate what is called a courtesy copy of every incoming and outgoing email that Hillary received in her mansion in upstate New York, or I'm told actually in the bathroom of her mansion.
You had dozens of CIA and American sources and operatives in China killed and imprisoned by the Chinese government because they got access to those top secret files.
One agent was actually shot and killed right in front of a Chinese government building in an apparent message designed to intimidate Washington.
It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.
Because you'd be in jail.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones!
It looked so promising.
They were going to be able to bring down Judge Kavanaugh with his incredible record.
And then a woman, within days of him being nominated, calls Dianne Feinstein and tells her, I remember at a party 36 years ago, he came in and jumped on top of me for 10 seconds.
I thought I would die.
We rolled around drunk and then his friend came in and saved us.
Then the friend said, that never happened.
Then 65 women came forward saying Kavanaugh was nothing but a gentleman, was a bookworm, and that they'd never even really seen him drink until college.
And then it got worse.
Then it became discovered that she'd expunged her social network comments, social media, and her Stanford postings.
And then they discovered she'd deleted, or someone had deleted, all five annuals, because she showed up even as an eighth grader in high school parties,
At the elite racy high school that she went to.
So now, we have Christine Blasey Ford, known as Chrissy, in her own yearbooks as a leader in the movement of the school to be fall down drunk and not remember what you said, including adult escorts dancing in nothing but string bikini thongs.
Male escorts for high school girls and her posing in photos provocatively like Betty Page spreading her legs in the yearbook.
Which is a whole other subject about how these elites operate now.
Their public schools are different and how these things are engaged in.
This is the incredible truth.
It was all going so well for the establishment in their electronic lynching of
The judge, Brett Kavanaugh, but now it's not going so well.
Here's the problem.
As the news of this began to percolate, as reporters started to call people yesterday, everyone's still afraid to cover it, but InfoWars.com, on a big platform, they got panicked and said, we're not going to testify now.
And Grassley said, okay, if you're not going to, we're going to go ahead and have the vote and Kavanaugh is going to be approved.
And so now she's like, oh, I want an FBI investigation.
It'll take six months, a year.
Maybe have a special counsel involved.
You know, now he looks into high school parties 36 years ago and elite WASP areas of the East Coast.
Even though eyewitnesses say it didn't happen.
How about another big witch hunt?
We need to call their bluff and say, we're having hearings now because Kavanaugh is not going to have you demonize him in the news and then not be able to respond whether you show up or not.
Senior lawyer, we're going to show her high school annuals.
We're going to show her and her friends in playboy bunny outfits.
And we're going to demand in subpoenas that you bring your high school annual because most of this is blacked out.
And if you're spreading your legs and women in French maid outfits and bunny ears talking about how they run into the highways to pick up adult
Men, to bring them back to their beach condos, and if you're talking about blackface and Hitler, and you're talking about all of this, when you're the politically correct Nazis, who go around saying if somebody has blonde hair they're a Nazi, well you're making jokes about Hitler and have folks in blackface.
By your rules, you aren't fit to be a ditch digger.
And so Kavanaugh absolutely must
Demand to have his day, now that he's been put through the ringer and lied about.
He needs to be able to clear his name and march in there with his witnesses and say, here's her supposed witness.
Never happened.
I've never seen any of this.
I was there.
I don't remember this party.
And now, let's look at what she was doing then, because you've got The Heavy and others.
Again, there's an article linked in the cultofthefirstamendment.blogspot.
There's a link in there to The Heavy article.
And Paul has a link too, I'd like to print that heavy article please.
Where it described her last week as the ultimate angel cake.
I mean she was just the sweet little girl that didn't talk to anybody and she just was really quiet in the show.
I think it's a 6th grade photo they're now saying.
A 6th grade photo of her.
And then this big Kavanaugh came in and he just broke her jaw.
Threw her on the bed.
Of course, they don't really say that, but they're implying that's what went on.
And then now we learn it's all a gigantic, mega-sized load of baloney.
So, Kavanaugh must absolutely be able to face his accuser.
But if she won't show up, if she'll launch the allegation and then not come and face him under law, under jurisprudence, under the statute of limitations, under everything, this shouldn't even already be a issue.
But if we let her just put the lie out, and this isn't challenged, it will encourage others to continue this.
No, you need to come in there and you need to face
The fact that you weren't some little church mouse, that you were a wild woman in the school annual spreading your legs.
And it was a culture of drunkenness and amnesia and sex and an insensitive, racist, waspish, elite, East Coast attitude.
But again, those elites know that America's woken up to that behavior.
So they now use that to police the rest of us that don't live and don't act like that.
That's what they're doing.
But even more importantly than all of this, everyone must get the articles at InfoWars.com, at InfoWars.com, and at NewsWars.com, and at PrisonPlanet.com by Paul Joseph Watson, and the live feed of the show that's also posted there, and hammer it out to everyone, because they're gonna try to block this, they're gonna try to forget this, they're trying to pull her out of the news now all of a sudden,
And they're trying to say, okay, maybe she's not gonna testify, FBI investigation, let's just go away.
They're probably readying another woman to come in and hope that we forget about this.
No, no, we have them.
We have her in this incredibly racy, bizarre, East Coast, eyes wide shut, elitist school.
Or believe me, if in the school annual it's talking about wild sex and alcohol parties and blacking out and grabbing adult men off the highway on the beachfront and dragging them back to their condos and this is just the school in general and her being a leader of it and her being one of the wildest and her loving it and you know she's the only one in there spreading her legs.
And again, this is the only part that they didn't black out.
Half of these annuals are blacked out.
Completely blacked out.
Whole pages are blacked out.
What in the world is going on here?
What type of adults have created an atmosphere where this type of craziness is going on?
Well, Rockwall, Texas was like this.
It wasn't in the annuals, but it was going on.
Let me tell you, one level up from, or one level below, from this behavior, sexualizing young people, was devil worship.
And I ran into it many times.
And it was institutional.
It was big.
It was bold.
It was not a bunch of meth heads out in the woods killing their dog.
Or killing some neighbor's kid.
This was real deal stuff.
And I've told you about it.
And you're getting a look into it.
This woman is from the establishment.
She works for a big abortion company.
She works for the Globalist.
She's connected to Soros.
She is an operative.
Every evidence shows.
And I can't believe they thought we were so dumb
That they would get away with it.
I cannot believe they thought they would get away with this.
And they may still get away with it.
Maybe they're right.
If you don't get this information out.
But she's gonna be somebody now, isn't she?
She's gonna say Kavanaugh when she was just a sweet little girl.
Never been to a party, never did nothing when she was a sophomore.
She walked in there and in came this big mean guy.
Meanwhile, she's swinging off the chandeliers.
Woo, baby, yeah!
Oh yeah!
I get blamed for every conspiracy theory that some crazy person made up.
I said I do not agree with you that the U.S.
government, someone inside the government, had knowledge of the terror attack prior to the attack.
Oh really?
All over Twitter yesterday, mainline leftist sites celebrated and said America deserved it.
Reality winner had a top secret security clearance and was helping ISIS.
There are so many, the average professor at UT down the street
Loves 9-11 and says America deserved it.
There were elements in our government allied with radical Islam that helped them carry out the attack!
Just like the character covering up New Mexico!
Alex, you can argue whether or not America deserved it or not.
I don't think- I don't think America deserved it!
I'm saying the left is cheerleading it!
Wasn't your theory, Alex, your theory was not only did America not deserve it, but the United States government knew about the attack prior to the attack and decided to stand down.
A very different theory.
I don't
Overthrow our allies in Egypt, you name it.
And I think that elements let this happen, like PNAC wrote, to let there be an attack, to end up taking our liberties away.
And I've got FBI was warned about flight schools.
That's CBS News.
FBI knew Al-Qaeda pilots were training in the U.S.
in order to stand down.
ABC News.
State Department lapses aided 9-11 hijackers.
Then they have the airlift of evil, flying tens of thousands of Al-Qaeda fighters out.
Our military was ordered to do it.
I don't blame our military.
Oh, you hate our military?
No, I love our military.
The bin Laden family was whisked out of the United States by President Bush himself right after the 9-11 attack.
And they went back to Saudi Arabia, correct?
That's right.
When you had the World Trade Center go, people were put into planes that were friends, family, girlfriends, and they were put into planes and they were sent back, for the most part, to Saudi Arabia.
All I'm saying is there is a radical Islamic alliance with the left
And there are people in the government working to protect Islam.
They got this imam that's connected to dozens of bombings.
After six months, he's being released from British prison next week.
You said some things that I agree with.
I believe radical Islam is the greatest threat to the United States, our freedom, maybe even the globe.
I'll agree with that.
Maybe the left's bigger though.
Well, I think the one on the left is a different type of threat, and it's a longer-term threat where, you know, radical Islam could, you know, kill a lot of people real fast.
And the left, it's going to take a while for them to take over and take away our liberties and freedoms.
But I think we can deal with a straight-on attack like radical Islam.
It's the left creeping around.
I don't like them either.
I'm on board with that.
Well, this is video on screen of them saying Building 7 has already fallen.
Have you seen that video?
And it's right behind her.
Well, I can't hear her.
Do you want me to play it for you?
Well, I'd like to hear her say it's already fallen.
And by the way, you know, Alex, anyone could throw a video of the picture behind it as the news person.
Well, she's saying Building 7 has fallen.
They put the story out beforehand.
Now, more on the latest building collapse in New York.
You might have heard a few moments ago I was talking about the Salomon Brothers building collapsing.
And indeed it has.
Jane, what more can you tell us about the Salomon Brothers building and its collapse?
Well, only really what you already know.
Details are very, very sketchy.
We are getting information now that one of the other buildings, Building 7, in the World Trade Center complex is on fire and has either collapsed or is collapsing.
It was almost as if it were a planned implosion.
It just pancaked.
Well, pancaking almost like a precision implosion.
It's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before when a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Why do tech elites heavily restrict or outright ban their own children's use of technology?
Bill Gates' kids aren't allowed to use smartphones after a certain time.
We often set a time after which there is no screen time, and in their case, that helps them get to sleep at a reasonable hour.
Despite being an actual cyborg himself... And I was human.
I am human.
Mark Zuckerberg strictly limits his kids' use of smartphones and television.
Asked if his kids love the iPad, Steve Jobs responded, they haven't used it, we limit how much technology our kids can use at home.
Chris Anderson, CEO of 3D Robotics and a father of
Alex Constantinople, the Chief Executive of the Outcast Agency, restricts her kids' use of gadgets to just 30 minutes a day and bans them, period, for her five-year-olds.
As Alice Thompson wrote, it's astonishing if you think about it.
The more money you make out of the tech industry, the more you appear to shield your family from its effects.
Authors Joe Clement and Matt Miles ask, what is it these wealthy tech executives know about their own products that their consumers don't?
The most sought after private school in Silicon Valley bans electronic devices for the under 11s.
Why do these people endlessly promote the wonders of technology out of one side of their mouths?
While privately keeping their own kids away from technology.
I'll tell you why.
Because they know what they unleashed was designed to be addictive.
Addictive behavior leads to depression.
We have an epidemic of childhood depression.
Hospital admissions for suicidal teenagers have doubled in the last 10 years.
62% of undergraduate students describe feeling overwhelming anxiety.
Depression rates have leapt by 63% for teens and 47% for millennials since 2013.
The ubiquitousness and overuse of social media and smartphones has correlated with a surge in youth depression.
Eighth graders' risk for depression jumps 27% when he or she frequently uses social media.
Kids who use their phones for at least three hours a day are much more likely to be suicidal.
And it all comes back to addiction.
I feel tremendous guilt.
It literally is a point now where I think we have created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works.
That is truly where we are.
Your behaviors, you don't realize it, but you are being programmed.
It was unintentional, but now you gotta decide how much you're willing to give up.
And I'm not just talking about the dopamine hits you get from reading messages and notifications.
Did you know that when you pull down on the screen to refresh your social media feed, it was designed to mimic pulling down?
On the handle of a slot machine.
It was designed to exploit the same psychological susceptibility that makes gambling so compulsive.
Variable rewards.
Each time you're swiping down, it's like a slot machine, said former Google employee, Tristan Harris.
You don't know what's coming next.
Sometimes it's a beautiful photo.
Sometimes it's just an ad.
According to Lauren Brichter, the guy who designed the pull-to-refresh option, even though it could be made redundant, the feature is there
To serve a psychological function.
To keep people addicted.
Harris also blew the whistle on another feature that was designed to encourage addiction.
Those Facebook notification alerts were originally blue to fit in with Facebook's color scheme.
But designers discovered that when they were blue,
Barely anyone checked them.
So they changed the color to red.
And everyone started checking them compulsively.
Red is a trigger color, Harris says.
That's why it's used as an alarm signal.
So they're literally causing little anxiety alarms to go off in your brain.
When you see these red icons and anxiety that can only be assuaged when you click or touch on them.
A leaked internal Facebook report revealed that Big Tech knows when teens are feeling at their most insecure or vulnerable.
They can manipulate when users receive likes or other notifications ensuring they arrive at a time when the user is in most need of attention or approval.
All of us are jacked into this system says Harris.
All of our minds can be hijacked.
Our choices are not as free as we think they are.
A handful of people working at a handful of technology companies, through their choices, will steer what a billion people are thinking today.
We've also been turned into outrage addicts.
Half of the news media cycle is now just stirring up or reacting to contrived Twitter outrage.
According to former Google strategist James Williams, we've habituated ourselves into a perpetual cognitive style of outrage by internalizing the dynamics of the medium.
We're also addicted to distraction.
Did you know that even the mere presence of a cell phone in your line of sight, even when it's turned off,
Damages cognitive capacity.
It's called continuous partial attention.
Just by having it sit there on the desk, you're damaging your concentration.
And have you noticed this?
Even when they're not looking at it, people have to constantly touch their phone.
Like a junkie with an involuntary body spasm.
What's fascinating is that a lot of these techies are fully aware of the monster that they unleashed and are now full of remorse.
Justine Rosenstein, the Facebook-like co-creator, says the social media giant has created a psychologically manipulative dystopia which only cares about profit maximization and that it needs to be regulated like tobacco companies.
Another one
One of the women who helped develop the Facebook Like button installed a plug-in on her own phone so she doesn't even have to look at her own Facebook feed.
Lauren Brichter turns off his own phone at 7pm and regrets creating social media addicts.
I've spent many hours and weeks and months and years thinking about whether anything I've done has made a net positive impact on society or humanity at all.
Google and Facebook venture capitalist Robert Magnamy says that the smartphone and social media have had horrific, unintended consequences on society.
He compares social media giants to drug dealers.
The average cell phone user taps, swipes and clicks a whopping 2,617 times a day.
For heavy users, it's more than double that.
Adding up to nearly four hours a day devoted to cell phone use.
And those numbers are over two years old, so it's probably even worse now.
Go take a walk in the park.
Despite the very point of taking a walk in the park being to get away from technology, how many people do you see buried?
In their cell phones.
At this point, I'm seeing at least 50% of the people trapped in cyberspace, even when they're outside.
People are so glued to their cell phones, they're now having to install ground-level traffic lights in some major cities.
Forget virtual reality, how about we return to actual reality?
Remember that?
People at dinner on their cell phones.
People in movie theatres on their cell phones.
The CEO of AMC Theatres said, you can't tell a 22-year-old to turn off their cell phone.
It's like asking them to cut off a limb.
There's a reason depression is exploding.
And there's a reason why tech elites keep their own kids away from smartphones.
They don't want their children to be sucked into this generational cycle of addiction, dependency and unhappiness.
That privilege is reserved
For you.
Alright folks, that's Paul Joseph Watson's report for InfoWars.com.
Zombie, smartphone, apocalypse.
This is perfect to show your children, your wife, your husband, whoever is living and obsessed with these things.
They are designed to make you depressed, to take control of your life.
They're very useful if you limit them for communications, for photography.
For things where you're actively doing things, but when you're constantly checking all the latest social media and constantly, you know, this and that and responding to everything, it robs you of your entire life.
All the statistics, all the numbers show that.
Now, when we return, the incredibly redacted high school yearbooks of Judge Kavanaugh's accuser,
The binge drinking, the sex parties, the male sex dancers coming.
Photos in the same page describing her, where it looks just like the individual we're talking about.
Very, very scantily clad, basically spreading her legs, Christine Blasey Ford.
Is this why she's saying she won't testify now?
And the word is, is this whole hoax is collapsing?
And what's in the redacted blacked out areas?
Who blacked this out?
We're searching, trying to find out.
We'll also get the number out and take phone calls.
Then Laura Loomer's got real sex crimes of Democrats coming up with medical records.
Not a bunch of hype, not a bunch of bull.
Stay with us.
33% of the population of the U.S.
That's 2 out of every 3 people you're looking at?
carry Staph aureus bacteria in their nose.
Two out of every hundred actually carry MRSA, which is a methicillin-resistant staph.
Now what you're talking about is the bacteria that actually kills more people than AIDS.
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So the big deal here is that you can have a kid that gets a scratch on a soccer field
And ends up dead, or ends up losing a leg because they got a MRSA, a Methicillin Resistant Staph Bacteria, from that soccer field.
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And this gel that you have access to is the first line of defense for everybody to be able to just gel up and not have to worry about that bacteria.
You gel it up and you don't worry about it because we have a heal rate of about half the normal time and you actually have something now in your house where you can easily take care of it.
I think the key is it's super strong and it lasts a long time because explain why the super silver wound gel dressing from Infowarslife.com that we probably labeled from your top of the line, your top selling product nationwide, why is it so special?
These studies show that our particle goes into your body, washes down 24 hours with no negative effect on any system in your body.
And many of the others do, many of the others do bioaccumulate.
Yeah, oh yeah.
Over-the-counter, which is what you have, available to your people, is so strong that it has direct claims on killing MRSA.
You have one of the only products in the U.S.
that can, like, make a direct claim on mitigation of a sunburn.
You can put it on a bug bite and it'll stop the itch in about, probably, three or four minutes.
You can put it on any type of burn.
What a blessing to have something that you have in your house right now.
You don't have to go to the doctor to get this.
So hospitals last year had 94,000 life-threatening infections that were caused in the hospitals and they had no antibiotics that would work against them.
That's why they're going back to the silver products, because our silver is proven to kill, though.
I mean, the two most heinous bugs are Methicillin-resistant Staph, and one called VRE.
And VRE is Ventomycin-resistant Enterococcus Fecalis.
Nobody wants to say it, but it will kill you.
And so the cool part is, this gel kills it in a minute.
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And the bottom line is you guys did years and years and years and years and years and years and years of dozens of peer-reviewed studies and you finally found out the perfect silver, the most effective, and it's available at InfoWarsTore.com and you helped save the country.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You gotta keep them separated.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
Well, something interesting started happening about six weeks ago.
The social media, the Stanford profile, everything started getting deleted very, very, very quickly from Christine Blasey Ford's records.
And then researchers on the 17th said, let's go look at her high school annuals.
And since she'd been at parties when she was an eighth grader, she was in five of them.
Five of them and most of them are blacked out and she's all over the text.
Her name at the parties and blacking out and being drunk and there's parties with male escorts only wearing golden g-strings there in attendance.
And then there's reports of Hitler jokes and
In the high school annual, there's photos of giant piles of whiskey and beer.
Because I guess the students did their own annual.
And this is something the adults signed off on.
So can you imagine, A, if the stuff in there is really, really wild, how bad it really is?
And then, B,
What else did they really delete?
Because, you know, we've got an image purportedly, and it says there in the article that she's involved in the parties, and it looks just like her.
We have side-by-sides of the photo in the annual, and the blacked-out areas, and Christine Blasey Ford.
Maybe we can put that up on screen for TV viewers.
And we've got girls talking about running out on the highway and blocking adult men's cars and getting them to come in and, quote, pass out.
At a party at a house with them on the beach.
The biggest thing is they talk about once you black out, then you don't have any guilt for what you've done and how great it is to be amnesiac about the night before.
And so if she's saying, and they talk about her being amnesiac and others being amnesiac at these parties, not remembering what happened, then how can she then say with Kavanaugh, who no one can even prove was at one of these parties, from another school 36 years ago?
And that basically brings down her entire push to have his nomination blocked.
Oh, and guess what?
Magically now, last night and today, she says, I may not even testify.
And Senator Grassley says, you will come testify.
You will be part of this.
You will be there.
Or we're going to go ahead and confirm Kavanaugh.
She's like, oh, I want an FBI investigation, a new special counsel that has all these broad powers.
Maybe we can find somebody in the Kavanaugh family that didn't pay their taxes.
That's how this works.
We're looking for Russia, but we find taxes.
We're looking for a sex assault, a guy jumping on a girl 36 years ago at a drunken party, and we find taxes.
Or maybe Kavanaugh will forget what color socks he was wearing 36 years ago on that day, and they'll get him for lying to the FBI.
But don't forget they had all these other sickening articles.
Christine Blasey Ford's high school years, five facts to know from the heavy about how she was this little sweet girl that wasn't involved in anything and she was so innocent and these bad things happened to her.
You go and you actually read the stories on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and the Cult of the First Amendment.
That originally broke all this last night and it goes through it all.
Kavanaugh's accuser, salacious hostile yearbook scrubbed.
Why'd you scrub them?
Why'd you scrub them?
Christine Blasey Ford's yearbook describes wild sex parties.
Blackouts, erotic male dancers wearing golden g-strings, picking up adult men, taking them back to houses with them, parties where the girls wore blackface, also made fun of Muslims, and parties where they made jokes about Hitler.
And that's what they put in the annual.
That the students put together.
So I ask you now, can you believe anything she says when she's part of a school and a culture that she's in the middle of, according to these articles, blacking out drunk.
But now she says she remembers everything about Kavanaugh.
It makes one shake their head.
It really does.
There you have from page 145 of the school.
And you blow it up, you look at it in the HD, the bone structure, the face, the smile, the hair, and it describes her at the parties in the article, but it's all blacked out.
There you go.
Now, regardless of that, she's at a school in this wild culture, they admit she's wild in the culture, they admit she likes to black out in the culture, you've got the other students dressed up in Playboy bunny outfits and
French maid outfits, dressing up like provocative sluts to go to these high school parties.
What would you do if you opened up your daughter's junior or senior annual, school annual, from their junior or senior year or even sophomore year, hell, freshman year, she's at these parties as an eighth grader!
What would you do?
That one right there on the side looks like her too.
Well, it's not as clear as the other one.
What would you do?
And her name's all over this.
Oh, Chrissy, as she's called, loves to get passed out drunk.
Boy, she was sure great at the party.
It was amazing.
You let your daughter dress up like a French maid and put bunny rabbit ears on, and now all these years later, Dianne Feinstein was in the San Francisco Chronicle on the 29th of July,
Right when Kavanaugh first got nominated, saying, we've got a memo, we've got proof, and we're going to bring it out.
They have a plan to stop Kavanaugh.
And we now know she had this six weeks ago and sat on it because they knew it was unraveling.
And what do you do when something's unraveling?
When it doesn't make sense, when it's got holes in it?
You wait to the last minute.
If it's a bulletproof case, you bring it out up front.
But if it's not, you wait till the 11th hour, 58th minute, and then you slide it out.
But people found this information.
Well, they found that she'd exposed her social media, she'd exposed her Stanford profile, and all this other stuff, and her Democrat activist background, and giving to Hillary, and being a political operative, and being someone that even produces and sells designer pussy hats.
That's what they call them.
The little pink-purple hats the leftists wear.
And they're a symbol of hating men.
But it turns out she doesn't hate men.
She likes the power over men.
This information in these school annuals is accurate.
Now these are forgeries.
I've never seen better.
But see, there's not a response to this.
And I know for days reporters have been calling people asking about this.
And that's why suddenly, oh I can't testify now.
I just want an FBI investigation.
I'm going to accuse Kavanaugh.
I'm going to do all this.
I'm going to say all this.
And I work for a big abortion company.
I forgot to tell you that the morning after pill.
And I'm going to just then step back here.
As a political officer, as a political operative, as a public figure, as a bullying professor, as her students say, as a vindictive professor, and I'm gonna see what happens.
I think they need to have hearings.
Kavanaugh needs to have hearings.
And they need to bring all this out in those hearings.
And they need to subpoena her and make her testify.
You made this claim.
You said somebody sexually assaulted you.
We want you to prove it.
Now, that said,
They don't want us on air because we will cover stories like this when other people will shy away because there's a major intimidation operation going on.
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So I want to salute you and thank you.
But let me tell you, this is a big story and we have to punch it out.
We have to get it out.
We have to force it out.
We have to expose it right now.
Stay with us.
Right now is Massive Rampage Force!
Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram, and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
I'd done the War Room.
She's not on until 9.40 Central.
That's 10.40 Eastern.
I was exhausted.
I popped two Brain Force Plus, and I was good as new.
I mean, it really is mentally stabilizing, mentally energizing.
Tonight, I'm on with Tucker Carlson.
The same thing.
Put in a full day here at InfoWars.
I'm gonna go on the Tucker tonight.
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It's time to take advantage and pick up your bottle of an updated favorite formula with Ultimate Bone Broth from InfoWars Life.
Thank you!
You are receiving this transmission.
You are the Resistance.
Fox News reported, according to the 2010 census, around 89% of Hialeah residents speak Spanish as their first or second language, and more than 94% identify as Hispanic or Latino.
That's why the now-fired Taco Bell employee, who couldn't take an order in English, the United States' native tongue, probably felt like she had done nothing wrong.
She's trying to be on purpose.
You see this?
Nobody here speak English.
Nobody in the back speak English.
So you can't take my order.
You don't understand what I'm saying?
But you speak something, though.
Yeah, but I want to order food!
No, I want to order!
You're not going to tell me to leave and I want to order!
You can call the police!
I'm trying to order and she's telling me I can't order because she don't speak English.
Who's wrong?
What did I do wrong?
I'm trying to order!
Okay, but I want to order food!
That doesn't make any sense!
Hialeah, Florida could be regarded as a relocated Cuba.
The city has the highest percentage of Cubans and Cuban-Americans in the United States.
It is vitally important that Americans understand the level of non-assimilation we are facing in the United States.
Significant portions of our own country are becoming increasingly foreign.
One, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, domingo.
That doesn't make any sense to me.
This is not making any sense and this is not right.
I'm not talking to you.
She doesn't want to help me because she don't speak English.
But you know the menu.
You work here so you would know what I'm talking about if I say I want number six on the menu.
You understand what I'm saying?
Like you just don't completely shut me out because you don't speak English.
That's not fair.
You understand what I'm saying.
So if I say I want another 600 million, you can put that on the computer and take my order.
Don't tell me you can't take my order because you don't speak English.
And look at, she still says she don't understand.
That's crazy.
It's okay.
I'm gonna take down the store number.
I'll be here tomorrow.
What's your name?
Luisa, okay.
I'll be here tomorrow, Luisa.
As bizarre an incident as this was, it isn't uncommon when our border continues to be overwhelmed and there are roughly 12.5 million illegal aliens transforming once-proud cities like Hialeah, Florida, into the third-world countries they left behind.
And out in nearby Dearborn, where the Rouge River runs into the Detroit River, you can see the largest automobile plant in the world.
Michigan had over 10 million foreclosures.
That's a lot.
I mean, in this suburban area, there's only 6 million people living here, which has affected everybody.
The millions of people that were living the American life, those jobs went to people that own factories in foreign countries.
And everybody was afraid to say recession, depression, just like they're afraid to say radical Islamic terrorists.
God bless Donald Trump!
Let's make America great again!
God bless America!
We don't need racism!
America is good!
Chris, just straight up, do you think the president should right now end this policy of separating families?
You know, I think you're wrong there.
It is a law, and the law needs to be enforced.
What is the law?
As far as if you come across that river illegally, you're subject to arrest and to prosecution, and you will get arrested and you will get prosecuted.
We've had this situation going on for four years now and for some reason we haven't fixed it.
I don't think you can necessarily blame it on one administration or the other.
It started under one and it's continuing under another.
It hasn't been fixed and it needs to be fixed.
John Bowne reporting.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Introducing Ultimate Bone Broth Formula.
We're bringing back one of the biggest fan favorite formulas we've ever offered with even better ingredients.
Ultimate Bone Broth to help you save big on this new product and stock up.
We're dropping the price to $19.95.
Our previous supplier was unable to get the incredible ingredients while keeping the cost low.
Since we wanted to make sure that you got the best value possible, we've now switched to a new supplier with even better ingredients.
That's why it's now the Ultimate Bone Broth Formula.
The incredible ingredients included in the Ultimate Bone Broth Formula include Chicken Bone Broth, Turmeric Root, Chicago Mushroom, Bee Pollen, Goji Berry, and Alfalfa Herb Powder, and even more, of course.
These powerful ingredients are going to help you get the most out of your workout by supporting your healthy muscles, digestion, tendons, and ligaments, while also supporting your body's fight
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
It is Thursday, the 20th day of September 2018.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We have huge breaking news on the Kavanaugh nomination.
Suddenly last night, his accuser began to come out and say that she didn't want to testify to Congress.
She wants an FBI investigation.
When you can't have an FBI investigation, it's not a federal issue, there's no statute of limitations, but I guess they could create a new special counsel just outside of law and do whatever they want.
They've already done it, why not?
And so now, Senator Grassley and others have said, okay, if you don't do that, we're going to go to the full vote on Monday.
You tell us by Friday when you're going to testify next week, you're not going to block this, you do it.
Now, I wonder why she did that.
I just got information from a national source, very credible, but I'm not going to name, extremely credible, that Christine Blasey Ford was an absolute crazy maniac in college.
And that the information that is in these yearbooks is, as you'd expect, a precursor of what was to come.
You have to go read it for yourself.
It's on Infowars.com, it's on Newswars.com.
Her high school yearbooks were removed from the internet.
Copies were then found by researchers, but they were heavily redacted.
In some cases, whole pages blacked out.
And she's mentioned in the very pages where a young woman appearing to be her, same bone structure, same face, scantily clad, slutted out.
But regardless, the women, period, are dressed like playboy bunnies, playmates, they are wearing maid outfits, bent over, wearing bunny rabbit ears, they describe male escorts coming and dancing in golden g-string thongs, they describe
Dressing in blackface, making fun of black people, making Hitler jokes.
It is insane.
And all these articles on the racism and the sexism and the blackout culture, where they say, oh, I don't remember anything.
Oh, we love it.
And they talk about Christine, who they call Christy.
Loving to black out, loving to have a great time, and the girls running out and blocking the beach highway and picking up adult men to take them back to their condo, and how the guys blacked out.
Oh, we all blacked out with a bunch of guys!
Oh, we blacked out again!
We blacked out!
We blacked out!
And I guess that way younger women think it's like, I remember being in high school, some girls like dragging you in their bedroom at a party or whatever, and they like kind of lay there, and I'm like, I'm not doing this!
Oh no!
Get back on top of me!
Anybody who grew up in the 80s I think has experienced that.
The 80s were pretty wild.
And I guess that goes on, but that's a younger immaturity thing where the girl's aggressive, she wants you to be in bed with her, but she wants some weird plausible deniability.
Well, I never wanted to have sex with a sack of potatoes.
Or, you know, a zombie.
And so I never did that.
But that was the thing that went on.
It's incredible.
And you're reading this, and it's like giving me flashbacks.
Oh, we all went to this party with a bunch of college guys, and we all blacked out.
Oh, yeah.
It was a lot of fun the next morning.
Oh, my God, what we did last night was, ooh, we really blacked out.
But she says she remembers Kavanaugh doing this, but her eyewitness says none of it happened.
So no wonder she's pulling this back.
But what I've said is, Kavanaugh cannot let this happen.
He can't just let them put it out there and then she withdraws her testimony that puts this cloud over his confirmation in the future.
He needs to march into Congress with big old blown up screenshots of what was quoted and comments about her and liking to black out and being drunk and the partying and how she was a party girl.
Because this is her at the time she said she ran into Kavanaugh.
If you go to Mainstream News, just go anywhere and type her name in.
It'll show her in like 6th or 7th grade, real sweet.
They don't show you the young, wild woman in the high school photos.
So, what's coming out, ladies and gentlemen, is more of this, because I have sources, and again,
Getting into what happened down at Stanford.
Did you think she was wild in high school?
And see, that's why the Dems said, man, she's willing to do it.
But man, her stories have got a lot of holes in it.
Wait till the last minute.
Roll it out.
And everyone will say, oh, can't question a woman.
Can't do this.
Even though she's Democratic Party operative.
Even though it's incredibly obvious.
Even though she works for a big pharma company.
There's another big report.
I'm going to be getting back to in the next segment, I actually left it in my office, with her incredible ties to Big Pharma.
So that's going to be coming up.
But first, let me just do this.
What do you think Cato should do?
How big is this?
They're using this to distract from the jobless numbers.
Claims are the lowest in 49 years for the third straight week.
The economy is set to be announced the next month to be at 4.8% growth rate.
It's all amazing.
So, let's not be too confident as all this comes out.
What are they going to pull next?
They have another woman ready?
And the minute that woman pops up, we've got to be out there looking at their background, who they are, what they've said, what they've done to impeach them.
This is all as clear as the sun coming up in the morning.
But are they going to wait until just the day before the vote so there's no way to check them?
And by then they would have already expunged everything.
Because they got around to getting rid of her high school annuals only three days ago.
When they learned people were asking questions about what was in them.
And a little bird told me, they are getting access, and have access, and are scanning the unredacted annuals right now, and they say, if you think what's not blacked out's bad, you're about to find out why it's blacked out.
And then Kavanaugh needs to raise that!
How dare this person erasing her record!
When my record's not erased, and I have a good record, say this about me when I've never met her!
And now she wants to put the charge out and then not let me face my accuser.
That's wrong!
And that violates due process.
And that's a fraud!
And then the Democrats will start learning that when they attack and tell these lies, we're going to strike back.
And we're not going to put up with it.
Because Feinstein admitted to the San Francisco Chronicle over a month and a half ago on July 29th
That she had been sitting on this and stewing this and getting this ready.
That's right out of the San Francisco Chronicle.
So here's the toll-free number to join us on this issue, on the economy, 47 days out.
What do you think the globalists are going to pull?
What are your concerns?
But it's the midterms, Kavanaugh, what do you make of this bombshell?
Toll-free number to join us, 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
That's 877-789-ALEX.
Let's go out to break, though, with the president breaking it all down.
John said that they really don't do that.
That's not what they do.
Now, they have done supposedly six background checks over the years as Judge Kavanaugh has gone beautifully up a ladder.
He's an incredible individual, great intellect, great judge.
Impeccable history in every way.
In every way.
I feel so badly for him that he's going through this, to be honest with you.
I feel so badly for him.
This is not a man that deserves this.
This should have been brought to the fore.
It should have been brought up long ago.
And that's what you have hearings for.
You don't wait until the hearing is over and then all of a sudden bring it up.
When Senator Feinstein sat with Judge Kavanaugh for a long period of time, a long, long meeting
She had this letter, why didn't she bring it up?
Why didn't she bring it up then?
Why didn't the Democrats bring it up then?
Because they obstruct, and because they resist.
That's the name of their campaign against me.
They just resist, and they just obstruct.
And frankly, I think they're lousy on policy, and in many ways they're lousy politicians.
But they're very good on obstruction.
And it's a shame, because this is a
Great gentleman.
And that's exactly what all of the internal Veritas documents coming out with all these bureaucrats and socialists and globalists in the government.
Alex Jones was quite the spectacle today.
The most relevant part of this so far has been an interaction that Marco Rubio had while talking to reporters with Alex Jones.
You know, look, part of this I think you could argue and say, why are you guys giving them any attention for this nonsense?
But I think there's a point to this that's important.
Here is this sort of spectacle.
Marco Rubio is doing an interview and Alex Jones bumbles up to him.
Our interview was cut short because he was confronted by Alex Jones of InfoWars right here in the hallway.
I think Facebook now, I think it's important for them not to comply with any efforts to sort of go after freedom of the press.
What about the Democrats purging conservatives?
She's not answering.
Just that the Republicans are acting like it isn't happening.
Thank God Trump is.
That's weird.
Oh yeah, it's really weird.
There's no purge of conservatives.
There's no shadowbanning.
Are you concerned about bias in social media?
Are you concerned about bias in social media?
Well, I think the bigger bias is against freedom of expression.
Everybody should be... There's a... Look, I support going after... Is that a heckler?
Is that a press gaggle?
Look at this guy.
He's saying that I don't exist.
I just don't know who you are, man.
I don't read your website.
And they demonize me in these fair hearings.
Then he plays dumb.
Infowars.com, you know where it is.
That's why you didn't get elected.
You're a snake, bud.
Who are you?
Yeah, sure.
You better hope you can be platforming.
Tens of millions of views?
You know who InfoWars is.
He's playing this joke over here.
That's why the deplatforming didn't work.
Here's the question.
Don't touch me again.
I'm asking you not to touch me.
What's the matter with you?
You want me to get arrested?
It's not just going to take my First Amendment.
It's not just enough to take my First Amendment?
Oh, he'll beat me up.
I didn't say that.
He's so mad.
You're not going to silence me.
You're not going to silence America.
You are like, you are literally like a little gangster thug.
Rubio just threatened to physically take care of me.
Look at that.
We are getting our First Amendment.
He tells you China's the problem, which it is, but they're taking our free speech right now.
There goes Rubio.
But it's already going on here.
The Democrats are wiping the Republicans.
Because at some point someone has to make a determination.
What's the difference between, you know, misinformation from abroad and differences of opinion within the United States?
It's a very fine line and that's something we need to be careful about.
We don't overreach in that direction.
But then he doesn't know about InfoWars being banned.
He doesn't know about the top news story in the country.
Not just how they apply that within the United States, but they don't become agents of authoritarian regimes abroad to crack down on free speech.
I wonder why Rubio got so mad at me and threatened me physically.
There's a balance between what is free speech and what people disagree on.
Poor Rubio.
I gotta go to the committee.
You guys can talk this conversation.
Look at this little frat boy.
So cool.
Go back to your bathhouse.
Compromise at the bathhouses.
There goes Rubio, a little punk.
So, I mean, a couple things on that.
First of all, how on earth can this maniac get that close to Marco Rubio for that long?
I don't like Rubio.
I don't agree with his politics.
But with that said, when he said, I'm not going to arrest you, I'm going to handle it myself.
I mean, I could get arrested.
I'll take care of it myself.
Okay, go ahead.
There's got to be some sort of security there that's stopping him from actually... I mean, look, he should... He's a member of the press.
He's insane.
He is insane.
He is an absolute security risk.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So, we're 47 days out from this historic election.
Historic is putting it mildly.
The economy's turning around in so many ways because globalism was designed to suppress us.
Kavanaugh is such a key nominee because they want a bunch of leftists that will confiscate the Second Amendment, that will overturn
Basic capitalism.
We see all these candidates going communist, going socialist.
Kavanaugh's not perfect, but he is light years better than some of the people he is going to be replacing.
That's my view.
But again, look, I'm a libertarian, live and let live type guy.
And, you know, I have a very, very conservative lifestyle these days in my life.
But when I was in high school and college, I was pretty wild.
So I don't look at
People like Kavanaugh's accuser and hate her because according to her school yearbooks, she was quite the tart.
At least she was behaving and acting like a piranha-like slut.
But what is it about all these leftist women then that use sex as a weapon and then point it at whoever they want?
And as a psychology professor, she's got a zero rating out at Stanford.
And her own students hated her.
And now she wants to come out and make unsubstantiated, unproven claims.
Her own eyewitness says none of it happened.
It's not true.
Now she doesn't want to testify.
She just wants to leave the lie out there and not have Kavanaugh be able to respond to it.
It's outrageous.
So I don't judge Christine Blassie Ford for drunken parties in high school and
The things they describe.
I do blame the parents.
I mean, adult male strippers with golden thongs dancing in front of 15, 16, 17 year old girls?
That's perverted.
That's sick.
And you've got all the racist talk.
We've got a Don Salazar with a big article about to go up on Infowars.com.
In fact, it may be up there right now.
We should check.
I know it was minutes ago about to go up.
These are things that need to be looked at.
Because this woman who has a bad record at college, a bad record with her students and ratings, a record of being a Hillary minion, a record of being vindictive, a record for having all these problems, we're supposed to just believe her 36 years later, have the whole corporate media embrace her, and then have her not show up and
Because she wants an FBI investigation when there's no such thing.
Here's some of the ratings.
Rate My Professor, 0.0.
And here's some of those.
Some of those ratings.
I've just seen you guys put them up on screen a lot, so I figured that's what you wanted.
But yeah, there you go.
Oh, it's a zero because even the reviews themselves have now been scrubbed completely.
It's simply amazing.
The establishment is going in
And just censoring everywhere.
The censorship isn't just ending with me, folks.
It's a total culture of leftists trained and prepared to murder the truth, to murder justice.
She works for a big, giant, big pharma company.
And that's what she's doing.
In fact, here's the article right now.
We posted it on Infowars.com.
It's from Mike Adams at NaturalNews.com.
Kavanaugh accuser Christine
Ford exposed for ties to Big Pharma abortion pill maker Everett's derail Kavanaugh is plot to protect abortion industry profits.
And I totally agree with Mike Adams analysis.
She's a huge lobbyist for it, pushes for it.
She's written a whole bunch of papers trying to get it approved.
She's on the payroll of it.
And now we understand that they think Kavanaugh won't support the morning after pill.
As you've seen the media, they claim he won't.
And that's what this is really about, is cold hard money and population reduction.
Isn't it always about that every time?
That's amazing.
So we're going to look more at that coming up.
Again, the toll free number to join us, 877-789-ALEX.
We've got a lot of people that
Holding here that want to talk.
The first person I'm going to go to is Brad in Pennsylvania.
Brad, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call and obviously great, great job covering this story.
Again, it's, it's always the same as you point out and
Most people don't get it unless you're paying attention, but they always throw up a smokescreen like, oh, you know, in this case, he supposedly groped her.
Which I'm not, you know, we don't know, but I seriously doubt it based on everything you're throwing out there.
Well sure, 36 years later...
Stinks to high heaven, and you're exactly right.
I'm older than you are, about 10 years.
Uh, back then, the culture, I mean, it sounds like, that could have been my yearbook, not personally me, but I mean, I know exactly what you were saying.
You know, things were, you know, things were wild back then in certain respects, so.
Oh, even by the late 80s, if the cops caught, you know, you at a party with a bunch of beer, they wouldn't really do anything, and this is just what went on, exactly.
So I read this, but the male strippers, though, for high school girls, I'd never heard of that.
Well, no, but they might be bigger, you know, more money in that town she's from or whatever, so.
Well, it's a super ultra-rich area.
She's definitely in the latest.
And you're exactly right, man.
This is totally... Feinstein cooked this up with her.
She's a big lawyer.
She's working for Big Pharma against the fact that you brought that out against, you know, the abortion issue.
I mean, this stinks to high heaven.
She's got to be lying or...
Uh, they just cooked this up.
Well, here's the bigger news.
Why are they suddenly wanting to pull her testifying?
I think it's because all this is coming out, and they know there's even more there.
Yeah, and you said they wiped her social media?
That's a smoking gun right there, too.
I mean, these people are crazy!
Most of us, you know, the conservatives, we're just, we're on the defensive.
Why, I don't know.
But in the media, we're always on the defensive.
Let me ask you that question.
Don't you think the hearings should go ahead and Kavanaugh should get his name back?
Just because she makes the accusation, doesn't show up in court, doesn't mean you don't show up.
I think you need to march in, put big projections of her up, have her classmates about how wild she was, college people, and how she's a Democrat, how she works for Big Pharma.
I think we bring it all out.
No, it's a great idea, but do you think that's going to happen?
I seriously doubt that's going to happen.
It'll be great to see how this plays out, but it's cuckoo land, man.
You know, you deal with it every day.
Let me ask you this.
Why do you think they brought somebody this shoddy out, a Democratic operative, an abortion company operative, somebody with this wild of a past, because there's more about to come out, believe me.
I just talked to some national folks.
What do you make of why the Democrats are this desperate?
Is it just Trump derangement syndrome?
Well, no, I think it's they just want to whatever they can do to block it.
And like you said, they waited till the last minute.
I mean, you're all over this, Alex.
You're brilliant on this.
Oh, no.
You're right.
Waited till the last minute.
You're trying to block it.
You know, whatever they can do to stop it.
They'll probably interrupt the hearings if they go ahead with it.
They're going to do some more shenanigans during the hearings.
You know they will.
Oh, there'll be women there going, you rapist!
When they're not even accusing him of rape.
36 years ago, there's no proof.
Her eyewitness says it didn't happen.
Now she wants an FBI investigation.
It's like having an FBI investigation of the crucifixion of Christ.
It's not their jurisdiction.
There's no area to do it because of statute of limitations.
It's clearly political.
It's done in the 11th hour.
It's what Trump said.
He was the real genius here.
Why, when Dianne Feinstein had Kavanaugh in the hot seat for hours, weeks ago, did she not raise this?
Because she was sitting on it premeditatedly.
We're called straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We will take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
The entire hoax of Christine Blasey Ford's high school years, that she was this wonderful little choir girl, a little sweet church girl, is all going up in flames as the high school annuals come out.
They show the most crazy culture of rich kid, adult male dancers dancing in G-strings in front of young women, blackface parties, talk about getting drunk, blackout drunk, in the school annual!
I'm talking about Chrissy, as Christine was known, being a leader in all of this, and photos and articles that mention her, and appear to be her, scantily clad in sexual provocative positions.
And again, imagine if this was Judge Kavanaugh in one of his yearbooks.
Why, it'd all be over.
But it's her, so even though this has been out for hours,
No coverage of it.
There's a Gateway Pundit article.
There's a cultofthefirstamendment.blogspot.com article.
But see, because we still have chivalry in this country, even though women engage in political operations, women engage in deception, women engage in all this.
We know they do.
They're in a man's world.
We still sit back as men and go, OK, we're not going to say anything.
But see, the big telltale sign is what she said.
She's looking at withdrawing testimony last week, and Senator Grassley and others have said, you must tell us by Friday, that's tomorrow, or you're not going to be in hearings.
We're not going to delay this, if you won't come.
See, I think Kavanaugh needs to go and talk about this, even if she doesn't show up.
Let her lawyer show up and put up the school annual on the screen, and talk about the Democratic Party connections, and then talk about
The really big news that's up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com that we're going to cover now and then go to your phone calls.
Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blassie exposed for ties to Big Pharma.
Abortion pill maker ever to derail Kavanaugh as a plot to protect abortion industry profits, says Mike Adams at NaturalNews.com.
The story is also InfoWars.com.
Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford, who claims without any evidence that Kavanaugh improperly touched her at a drunken party while in high school, turns out to have an abortion pill pharmaceutical company called Contracept Therapeutics.
Major ties to it.
This discovery brings to light an obvious conflict of interest in Blasey's story, revealing
But she works for a pharmaceutical company that manufactured an abortion pill drug whose province could be strongly impacted by future Supreme Court decisions on abortion rights.
And it's called Corset Therapeutics, manufactures and markets an abortion pill drug called
MythPrestone and Christine Blasey Ford is a co-author of at least eight published scientific papers produced by this pharmaceutical giant to promote its pills.
You can see Blasey's name listed on several publications at the website for the company.
Corset Therapeutics, Inc.
is a $166 billion market cap company, stock symbol CORT.
Reportedly has current annual sales of 216 million.
The company offers just one drug, which is widely known as the abortion pill, RU486.
Many drugs have multiple uses, and its brand name, Horlum, or Horcept, is currently marketed by the company for the treatment of Cushing's Syndrome.
Then it goes on.
It is a covert abortion drug, in other words, which she's been promoting its open use for.
Sponsored solutions for CWC Labs, the Heavy Metals Test Kit, allows you to test almost anything for 20 plus heavy metals and nutritive minerals, including lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, and more.
You can test your own hair, vitamins, well water, garden soil, pet hair, beverages, and others.
And then it just goes into talking about testing the pill.
If Kavanaugh were to be confirmed to the U.S.
Supreme Court and be part of the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, it would make the prescribing of the drug for abortion illegal, directly impacting the bottom-line profits of a company for which Christine Blasey Fuller works.
And it goes on for page after page after page with the documents and how she works closely
We're good to go.
So we'll be looking at that information as it unfolds as well.
I have a lot of new information coming here onto the broadcast desk as we go.
And so we'll be looking at all of that as well.
I'm going to go to break and try to come back and bang out a lot of these calls.
So just each caller be ready with your point.
I'm going to move on to the next person.
I'll never get to any of you.
And then we also have
Laura Loomer coming on for a few segments.
She's broken some big information that deals with Congressman Keith Ellison and the fact that there are these allegations of sex assault and improprieties by him.
But instead of having something 36 years old, we have something a year old.
Medical reports of abuse.
So the Democrats ignore Bill Clinton, they ignore Islamic raping and terror, they ignore any real crime.
But what they then do is construct these pipe dreams from highly compromised Democratic political operatives, extreme professors on the payroll of big drug companies that are directly threatened by Judge Kavanaugh being on the Supreme Court to then create a story that can never be confirmed nor denied
And then as soon as she would actually have to testify, she pulls back because she knows she'll be caught in the crosshairs.
And has already claimed that witnesses that saw it have later not seen it.
So her story is beyond impeached.
And I just go back to this because they're going to continue to try this over and over again.
If we can get Kavanaugh in and then one more Supreme Court justice that will actually follow the Constitution, it is a devastating victory against the globalists.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Coming to you from the former United States of America, from deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we're going to your phone calls right now.
And then coming up next hour, it just went live on InfoWars.com.
Kavanaugh accusers, your book revealed rampant racism at elite school.
All-night benders, alcohol-induced amnesia appear to be the norm at Christine Blasey Ford's high school.
So there you go, and again, when you've got these racist
Weirdo, elitist, they know how to use race and sex to control.
They work for big pharma, they're predators.
And that's who she is, the queen of the abortion pill.
The propagandist for RU486.
Send your babies to the bottom of the Davy Jones locker.
She sees Kavanaugh trying to save those babies.
And now the rest is history, but she's withdrawing her testimony now.
Will she dare show up in court with all this information coming out on her?
The clock is ticking.
McGrathley says that she's already talking about withdrawing.
If she doesn't give them an answer by tomorrow, it's off.
And their bluff is over.
Another big victory.
All right, let's go ahead and talk to Benny.
Benny, thanks for holding her on the air from California.
Hey Alex, good to hear from you brother.
And I just want to make a point about this whole Kavanaugh thing.
I think it's silly Alex.
I'm 35 years old.
If I could look back between when I was 14 and 17 years old, my junior year of high school.
We have these things called ditching parties.
We should ditch school, go to somebody's house, take booze, take marijuana, take cigarettes, music, and have a good time.
These are our best times.
Hey, I ditch class too.
You go to somebody's house when the parents are out of town, or you go out in the field, and I've been there, brother.
In fact, ditching parties are the best.
Remember, we should play Spend the Bottle.
Kissing, you know, here, there.
I think nobody went with that mentality, oh, I'm going to go rape.
Nobody has that mentality at that age.
I think it's kind of silly after 30-something years, but I think it's good.
It's usually the teenage girls that want to play Spend the Bottle.
And I feel you.
I'm 100% on board with this.
And it's good because even my left-leaning friends are starting to see just the lunacy of the left.
They can't even believe it because we exchange stories.
We go way back to
Well, exactly.
And then to say 36 years ago they were drunk and he fell on her.
So that's assault.
And then he probably wasn't even at the party.
She's just making it up.
And then you get her yearbook and it looks like she was the captain of the sluts.
Which, you know, that's great.
Give her a medal, whatever.
The point is, she looks like, it appears she was like the captain of the sluts, but now she says Kavanaugh, with no proof, groped her.
I mean, why do you think she's saying she may not testify now?
Because they're starting to see it's not working, Alex.
Everything they try to do, it backfires, it crumbles.
We keep on winning.
Like Trump, President Trump said, we're going to continue to win.
That's all.
I hope you're right, Benny.
Well, this is falling apart, too.
God bless you.
Benny made some great points.
I'm not bragging about high school, either.
But I got a text by another national talk show host.
He goes, man, this yearbook's making me miss the 80s.
I mean nowadays like they tell girls and boys they can't hold hands or that nobody can hug or it's like this other extreme and I'm not saying it was good to have drunken parties in high school but now it's turned into this whole new thing where it's like rape and it's it's it's getting crazy folks and the people leading it are like the most wild people there are and it's Hillary Clinton who protected pedophiles and protected her husband and she's the leader of protecting women?
Again, there's that added thing.
All right, up next here, Carlos in Canada.
You're on the air, Carlos.
Thanks for calling.
Thank you, Alex.
When Judge Kavanaugh went to high school, every ritzy high school had a Chrissy.
So I don't necessarily think that her reputation being destroyed is going to make
As much of a difference as his reputation being destroyed.
But it isn't her that I blame.
I blame in this the responsible senators or irresponsible senators of the Democratic Party that had this thing.
It began, actually, the whole shenanigans began on election night when the defeated candidate did not go and tell the public, look, the president's been elected.
You elected the president tonight.
And I, as a responsible politician, responsible for political parties, to you, I'm telling you, go home and be calm and be good to America.
No, she didn't say that.
And from that moment on, it has been shenanigans after shenanigans.
And at the point, it comes to this, to a Supreme Court judge of impeccable character being submitted to this in his nomination.
This is a political party that doesn't deserve the name of the show.
No, I agree.
So let me ask you this.
How does the Democrats get punished for this?
Because now that she's scared to testify, it shows that the people know it's fake.
She had a 0% rating in college.
Everybody hates her.
They're expunging her whole record.
They're running scared.
Why were they dumb enough to try this A and B?
I think they should still have hearings and Kavanaugh should show up and they should expose all this.
Of course.
And of course, they're supposed to be responsible, but it seems to me that the Republican Party is in a position to shame the Democratic Party.
It loses its legitimacy.
This is the party of John F. Kennedy and the party of President Carter.
I mean, they are the presidents that have been responsible in their personal lives
The media was responsible.
Senators were responsible.
This is a point at which it looks to me like they've gone whole hog.
They're now a pure faction criminal organization.
CNN is the criminal news network.
They are a mob.
They know they're a mob.
They're not going to stop.
They're a clear and present danger.
They'll only stop once we stand up to them and let them know that we're done with them.
Thank you so much, Carlos.
We're going to go to Madison after we go to Miguel.
Miguel in Michigan, thanks for holding her on the air.
I got a point that I haven't seen made in any of the mainstream news, and I'm just wondering why.
They did this at the 11th hour, so Kavanaugh doesn't have any recourse.
If they would have brought this out in the hearings, then there could have been a dialogue, there could have been a back and forth.
Well, that's what Trump said.
Actually, Trump pointed that out, that if you had any teeth to this, Feinstein would have brought it up when Kavanaugh was in front of her for eight hours on a couple days.
But instead, they didn't.
What does that tell you?
There's a reason for it, too.
See, what they're trying to do, because of this upcoming election, it's not even about Kavanaugh.
It has nothing to do with him.
They're tarnishing his name, but they're doing it to get votes.
All of those women that went to Trump because they were ready for a woman president, just not that one, they're trying to get them back.
And that's how I believe they think they're going to win their Senate seats.
Well, that's it.
I think women are smarter in the main than hearing all this.
I think women overall see through this pandering.
Oh, we're the Democrats.
We want to protect you from evil men.
Oh, meanwhile, I'm Hillary Clinton.
I'm Bill Clinton.
It's ridiculous.
And this is their underhanded tactics.
This is how they do it.
They know they can't get you in the courts.
They know they can't get him in the hearings because he is unimpeachable.
So they're doing these underhanded tactics.
He can't.
He doesn't have any way to defend himself.
This woman won't testify now.
All of a sudden she says she doesn't want to.
Because there's nothing to it.
And they just wanted to put a stain on this election to swing back some of those female voters.
That's right.
That was the calculus.
This is a fraud.
We know it's not true.
But it'll hurt Kavanaugh.
It'll really get women mad at Trump.
It'll bring that back up and make it an election issue with just 40-something days out.
That's exactly right.
Thank you for the call, Miguel.
We're going to come back from break.
We're going to go to Madison and Wilde and Duncan and Alex and Zach and RJ and Steve and so many others, Jason and Canada, that are holding.
This is just such big news, these high school annuals.
And it makes me think back to the 80s, how wild they were.
And it was not a good thing, by the way.
Because I was not even amongst the most wild.
And it was wild.
It was wild.
I mean, everybody thought life was risky business or something.
And you look at this and you see what a tart she is in these high school annuals.
And then she's this big flamboyant liberal professor, this activist, and then she's this big abortion company promoter.
And then she's going after Kavanaugh and it makes total sense.
These are just mercenaries.
These are just people that will do whatever it takes in the corporate structure to climb the ladder.
The left aren't the left, folks.
They are a group of foaming at the mouth political opportunists.
Hour number three with your calls.
Laura Loomer on real Democrat assaults on women.
This is a big global bombshell in the next hour.
And the racism ties to the Kavanaugh accuser.
Let's go to Jason in New Mexico.
Fire away.
Thank you for taking my call.
Shout out to you, the crew, and all those that work behind the scenes.
And I would tell everybody to commit to the super blue toothpaste and the Survival Shield X2 so you don't turn into a transsexual, gay toad, and run as a... Hey!
Hey, I just came out as a transsexual gay toad.
I'm not going to have you slander my people before I run for office as a Democrat.
I know that's right, but really, we should contribute to you guys because I've been given for years and I've seen the production value just skyrocket.
I mean, your graphics team, just the content in general, everything is going great.
And at the same time, there's no better organization that I could give my dollars to, to see it at work on a daily basis.
Well, and we appreciate you, Jason, and that's why we try to give you the best products.
You know, we just don't put something out there and say, hey, please buy it.
We do the research and then actually put out the best possible product.
In the five years of my support, I have never bought a bad product, and I waste a lot of money on, you know, you go to one of these big box stores, you buy a piece of crap, and it's like, oh, I just throw away $10.
You throw $10 at that toothpaste, guarantee it won't be a waste, especially if you love your kids.
Why would you give them fluoride?
Yeah, yeah, just go look.
You know, here's what I would say to the audience.
If you're not using super blue fluoride toothpaste, go home and look at the toothpaste that you're using and on the back of it, it will say, harmful if swallowed, contact poison control for 0.01% of fluoride.
0.01, harmful if swallowed.
They put that in the water.
Yep, that's if you love the kids though.
Hey, I'm not telling you how to spend your money.
Yeah, you know what, good point.
If you don't love your kids, just keep giving them the fluoride.
Yeah, that's fine.
No matter what the globalists want to do, no matter what politicians want to do, this country is going to make it!
John said that they really don't do that, that's not what they do.
Now they have done supposedly six background checks over the years as Judge Kavanaugh has gone beautifully up a ladder.
He's an incredible individual, great intellect, great judge, impeccable history in every way, in every way.
I feel so badly for him that he's going through this, to be honest with you.
I feel so badly for him.
This is not a man that deserves this.
This should have been brought to the fore.
It should have been brought up long ago.
And that's what you have hearings for.
You don't wait until the hearing is over and then all of a sudden bring it up.
When Senator Feinstein sat with Judge Kavanaugh for a long period of time, a long, long meeting,
She had this letter, why didn't she bring it up?
Why didn't she bring it up then?
Why didn't the Democrats bring it up then?
Because they obstruct, and because they resist.
That's the name of their campaign against me.
They just resist, and they just obstruct.
And frankly, I think they're lousy on policy, and in many ways they're lousy politicians.
But they're very good on obstruction.
And it's a shame, because this is a great gentleman.
I don't normally play a clip twice on the show, but Trump is dead on there.
They waited the last minute because they knew it was a fraud.
Now they said, OK, have the hearings.
They thought the Republicans wouldn't have them.
Now they call the bluff.
Oh, sorry, she can't.
You will come in there, and we will put up images of you in high school.
We will talk about the drunken parties, the blackout parties, with your name specifically in there.
And we will look at the male escort dancers and all this.
We'll show real photos of you at 17.
Not the stuff you've been putting out, and we'll have a discussion.
We'll call on the witnesses, you said, or eyewitnesses, who said they never said that.
We'll talk about you and your abortion company you're part of, that you write papers for.
Are you 486?
Oh, but see, you don't want that now.
So the question is, what will the system pull now?
Madison in Chicago, you're on the air talking about net censorship.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, Big Fan, and first of all, before I start, it's going to get rougher for the next two weeks, and I'm going to ask if you have a money bomb, and we'll see if we can get you through the election.
Are you saying you want me to have a money bomb to fund the operation?
I absolutely do.
I absolutely do.
Thank you.
But if you do it, could you have an address to the nation and tell everybody who you are and what you stand for?
Give us a couple of weeks, that way we can have people over to the house and kind of introduce you.
Well, I mean, I should do an Address the Nation and talk about what we stand for while we're under attack and why we need to be supportive.
That's actually a good idea.
I've thought of that.
I'm going to disagree with you about net censorship.
I don't think it's political.
I think what happened is July 26, Facebook had the greatest loss of all time, $100 billion.
And we knew that was going to happen because the insiders have been selling stock at a rate unheard of ever.
Zuckerberg and them, they have sold four or five billion dollars worth of stock in their own company.
After the stock goes down, they sell even more.
And you can go to the internet and see Insider selling for Facebook, and at a lower price, they are selling more and more.
My contention is that after this hundred billion dollar loss,
Knowing an investigation is going to come because of their false guidance.
Knowing the accounting irregularities.
They attacked you and they attacked every other conservative out there.
Knowing the Trump administration is going to investigate them, that way they can say it's all political.
And nobody's looking at the money.
Oh, you're really smart.
Yeah, the pump and dump that was set up at Bilderberg ten years ago to do, it is confirmed that they are doing this.
It is a giant scam.
It's all a big worthless, hollowed fraud.
They know their business model is coming to an end because of illegal spying and data mining to do it.
Stay there.
I'm going to come back and finish with you.
And then I'm going to get Laura Lim around.
This is really important.
And so now, by going after conservatives, they make it political when all of the insider trading comes up.
And third quarter is going to be even worse.
And you've already called for an investigation.
Everybody has.
From the Hegelian dialect, you're absolutely right.
And then after Jack Dorsey wouldn't ban me, Facebook came and met with him in secret, and I guess that got him on board.
I want to hear the rest of this, Matt, as soon as we come back.
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It's the Alex Jones Show!
Some of the headlines up on InfoWars.com are incredible.
Kavanaugh accusers set to completely cancel testimony after shocking yearbook revelations come out of drunken sex parties.
Adult male escorts dancing around in g-strings.
Bizarre Hitler statements.
Women in blackface.
Young girls dressed up as French maids with playmate bunny rabbit ears on.
It's all up on Infowars.com.
And again, the media sold this image of this sweet little girl.
This mean Kavanaugh jumped on her.
Kavanaugh's supposed
You know, accomplice, who she said saved her, says it never happened.
But now she's starting to move towards canceling her speech.
What's really behind that?
We'll talk to Laura Loomer for about 30-40 minutes here.
Continue with your phone calls as well here in a moment.
Bombshell medical records document at Keith Ellison's physical and emotional abuse of female accuser.
So these are real medical records in the short term, not 36 years ago.
When Laura Loomer confronted him a few weeks ago, he began crying.
So we'll be talking to her in just a moment.
But Madison brought up a really great point.
I remember covering Facebook 10 years ago at Bilderberg.
They were getting ready to have their public offering.
And now it was a bump and dump.
And now Zuckerberg went there to get the big European and U.S.
regulators to give a seal of approval for a pump and dump.
And you look at the way overvaluation of Facebook, you look at how the new rules coming in will cripple its ability to spy on people as its main business model.
And now you see it plunge over 100-something billion dollars in one week.
Zuckerberg and other insiders selling a crap ton of it out of there.
While they try to oppose Trump's agenda to even keep the economy going, and the callers said, hey, they've already shadow banned conservatives 95%, dialed you back to nothing, governed you back to nothing, choked you back to nothing, with a dog chain around your neck.
Why'd they pick the fight with Alex Jones, knowing it would go super frenzy, and then ban all these thousands of other conservatives?
So that when the regulators and everybody come after them for insider trading, they can say it's political.
And I think that was a missing piece of why are they doing this when it'll blow up in their face?
Why are they doing it when it's making me even bigger?
Why are they, you're right, it makes it about a free speech issue and a issue of antitrust and these groups working in combine instead of the real issue of how it's insider trading.
Now I'm not saying you're 100% right, but it really rings true with I know about the insider trading, the pump and dump, all the things we've witnessed,
With these big tech companies and just how ruthless they are.
Why do you think then in the media Apple was in there as a major mover in getting them all to consolidate and make this move?
What do you think, Madison?
First of all, if we're still friends with Max Keiser, I would have him on and talk about it.
He's much more qualified than me.
But there is a basket called thing.
Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google.
And when investors can buy a basket of stocks, if you dig down deeper, Microsoft has venture capital in all of these companies.
And there are other companies, too.
I can't go into too much detail.
Microsoft's one of the big movers.
It can't be a monopoly.
It got broken up in the 90s.
So it's really behind a lot of these companies.
And if you look at where Microsoft is partnered with, there's a gentleman out of Hong Kong and Canada.
Very easy to Google and find out his name.
I'm not going to even try to pronounce it on the radio.
And he's got Chinese backed money.
So you dig that back a little bit deeper and a little bit deeper, you find the Chinese, Microsoft, Bill Gates, and all these companies are connected.
I heard all these companies banning you and they were all connected through venture capital.
Venture capital is going to lose a lot of money when the thing
Well, when the thing back best collapses, with the exception of Amazon, Amazon's a little bit different.
They're kind of on their own.
No, I agree.
In fact, I've been told that by high-level folks in the CIA that, hey, Amazon, you think they're bad, but really that's more of an American company.
They're fighting with Alibaba and the Chinese.
They're actually somewhat more of a stable company.
Bezos has his own problems, but he's not as bad as Tim Cook and the others.
You're absolutely right.
The communist Chinese money is in all these companies.
That deal was made decades ago, and I thought I was being taken down because I was going after those Chinese deals, and I think that was part of it.
But I agree with you to a great extent.
They want to make it about
I'm not sure George Soros is moving in with his own money, but it's moving out because they know third quarter is coming.
Third quarter happens right around the time of the election.
And that's the word, is they plan to plunge the stock market to blame Trump before the election.
That's the real October surprise?
Or was it, the stock market's going to plunge, we know what's going to happen, let's set up a print.
I don't know Alex, the conspiracy is too deep for me.
I just know that this part has happened.
What's going to happen?
I don't know, but Kaiser has a lot of respect from a lot of financial people.
He should have said more enlightened, more qualified than I am.
Yeah, we should get Max back on the show.
In fact, we'll do that.
I know Max has been taking care of family stuff.
That's why he hasn't been as active in the media period.
I'm going to leave it at that.
We need to get Max back on the show.
Thank you so much, Madison.
Good points.
Alright, we're going to get everybody else here, but Laura Loomer is with us for several segments when we come back.
She's still on Twitter for now, at Laura Loomer.
You can go see her big article at BigLeaguePolitics.com.
Medical records document Keith Ellison's physical and emotional abuse.
Look, if they had records that Kavanaugh actually raped a woman 36 years ago, I'd say, okay, he shouldn't be nominated.
In fact, he wasn't my first choice.
But there's nothing.
There's nothing.
And I get accused of wearing Nazi tennis shoes, and, you know, the guy that filed the complaint said, well, he never hit on me, but I felt like
He was grooming me for gay sex.
I mean, come on, folks.
So I have experienced the insane lies of the media.
And so that's why I've learned that they're a load of crap most of the time.
But this, her now saying that she's not going to testify, and the rest of it, this shows you the wheels have come off.
And so I wonder what they're going to do next in Trump Derangement Syndrome, because why would they bring forward a woman
So they had to get rid of all of her college records, all of her high school records, her high school annuals, her Stanford reviews, her college reviews, her student reviews, her social media.
Because she's a shameful person.
She doesn't like what she's done, and now she's a kingpin writing propaganda for a hundred and something billion dollar abortion company, who Kavanaugh directly threatens, she believes.
So the abortion industry isn't going to stand back
In the middle of their population reduction, they're bonanza.
Big article up on InfoWars.com, dealing with all that right now.
We did post Mike Adams' whole story, right, from NaturalNews.com.
That needs to go super viral.
But still, almost no one has picked up the story of her annuals.
It's been out for days.
People have been scared to go with it.
It is the annuals.
They're talking about her at big parties and blacking out.
That right there is totally discrediting.
Why aren't people touching it?
Because there's this atmosphere.
Where if you go after the globalists and you go after their operatives, they attack you.
They shoo you.
They defame you.
They try to destroy you.
And if we have that cuckold, wimpy attitude, we're going to lose the whole country and the whole world.
The globalists are going for broke.
So, I know I'm in the crosshairs because I tell the truth.
I know I'm in the crosshairs because I take on the big dangerous challenges.
And I expose the pedophile rings and all of it.
And that's why we're here to hit the barbed wire.
I've had high-level folks thank me and say we're glad you take on the subjects no one else will that have to be talked about so that others can cover it when we really appreciate your position doing that as a sacrificial lamb and you know you're
On your own as much as possible, but we are going to try to help you.
So the enemy knows all this.
They understand the role I've stepped into.
The role you've stepped into as radio stations, TV affiliates, my listeners supporting this.
This is what you do to have a revolution against tyranny.
You tell the hard truths and you get ready to take your licks regardless.
Laura Loomer, straight ahead on this big story.
This isn't rumors of sex abuse.
This isn't 36-year-old stuff from a Democratic Party operative, no.
This is cold, hard facts, straight ahead.
They hate those websites, but they can't stop you sharing them by hand.
And so far, you've been doing it.
Infowars is the fastest growing conservative site in the world.
I'm David.
Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
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He's made it more popular, I think, to be openly racist.
Because this president, I will quote, quote Steve Schmitt, is a stone-cold racist.
They must be really hitting this tone hard right now.
That's the talking point.
Yeah, yeah, so this is the reason why- Trump's just signed a thing that'll save millions of people!
The economy's coming back!
All the numbers say the Republicans are gonna win Congress in the midterms!
Oh my god, the giant blue wave, now a red wave, the historic Trump's dominating!
The Obama Administration is being exposed for all the illegal activity and the abuse of power!
It must be racist!
MS-13 can't torture little girls to death for Satan!
You said Valerie Jarrett looks like the central casting for Planet of the Apes!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are in the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, Laura Loomer is the intrepid reporter.
So many great stories under her belt.
She joins us for the next few segments.
I'm going to come back and take your calls and get into Bill Gates.
The threat of a disease-axe global pandemic is very real.
I've been telling you forever that he's one of the guys wanting to use a bioweapon to reduce world population.
His father headed up Planned Parenthood.
We'll get more into that.
Laura Loomer!
You've done it again.
You have been on the tail of Keith Ellison.
You're the best person to break down this saga, why you've been investigating him, and the medical records that you found.
Thanks for joining us.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
It's good to see you.
Last time I saw you, we were tracking down Jack Dorsey.
That's right.
That was quite a circus, and we were polite to him.
They said, I was rude, so I'm banned.
Yeah, well they threw me out of Congress for confronting him too, even though he committed the crime of perjury, you know, lying to Congress.
Oh yeah, saying that he doesn't censor conservatives.
Yeah, exactly.
And of course they gave a pass to all the liberals who were in the Kavanaugh hearing and Grassley said, well, we have to respect their right to free speech.
And they, the Republicans bent over backwards for the liberals in the Kavanaugh hearing.
But of course I was, they, they lied, you know, they lied.
And they said that I was shouted down by this representative, Billy Long.
But if you listen to my audio, my video that I put out, you can hear me.
If anything, my voice, my voice is very loud.
You know me, you've seen my voice in person.
You can hear me and my voice is actually overpowering
In fact, we should play your version coming up, because instead they just cut to his mic going... Sounds like Porky Pig was trying to drown you out.
Yeah, exactly.
And I was just telling people, like, that's the most he's used his mouth since the last time he ate lunch.
And, you know, no one's ever heard of this guy until I came along, honestly.
I agree.
He's just sitting over there like a demonic toad until you show up.
He's like...
Yeah, it's really shameful too because none of the representatives in that hearing asked any legitimate questions to Jack Dorsey about the censorship and I was really the only person besides you who showed up to really talk some sense into people because they could have talked about the Project Veritas videos, they could have talked about how the employee admitted to deleting President Trump's account.
Remember when someone actually like deleted President Trump's account for several minutes?
But of course, these Republicans, I wouldn't even be surprised if some of them are getting paid by big tech on the side because
They just were so milquetoast, like they were so calm and they didn't really confront or question Jack Dorsey to the level that they should have.
And let's be clear, you weren't just heckling, you were bringing up real points about, I've been censored, it's wrong, and instead some Humpty Dumpty guy that I'd never even heard of, suddenly like this Humpty Dumpty head appears going, 197439... We've got to play it later, it's insane.
I also, I mentioned the names of people who had been censored, and I would have said your name too, but then he banned you the next day.
But it's legitimate, and everything I said was factual.
I was respectful.
I didn't resist police.
And yeah, I mean, look, I'm getting a lot of heat from conservatives too, but at the end of the day, we have to fight.
The Democrats, they don't care about morals, they don't care about ethics, and honestly, in my opinion, you know, the Republicans are always so concerned about being better, right?
Oh, we can't stoop to the level of the Democrats.
Well, I say when they go low, we go lower, because we're not going to defeat the left unless we play by their playbook.
Well, I'll tell you this, they've got clubs, and we should at least take the gloves off.
I mean, I wouldn't even say go lower, I'm just saying, I'm not disagreeing with you, but I'm saying, they're already in the streets, so we've got to get in the streets.
Yeah, and I'm not saying we should incite violence because I'm not a violent person and I don't think that we should advocate for violence.
No, I get what you're saying.
It's time to take the gloves off politically.
We have a right to protest, right?
We have a right to protest just like any of them do.
And so for Republicans to say things like, well, you know, you need to show some decorum or that's not appropriate for you to protest during a congressional hearing.
They're supposed to just silence you and that's the end of it.
But let's shift gears.
What are you making of the Kavanaugh accuser and these racy yearbooks where it sounds like quite the high school to go to.
Sounds like a brothel or something and just all it's a total opposite of what they portrayed about her and then all the weirdness I mean, where do you think that's going in her withdrawing that she wants to testify?
Well, it's the weaponization of the Me Too movement, and I think she's now realized that, oh my God, I'm going to have to commit perjury if I testify under oath to the FBI and the Senate about this.
And it's one thing for her to lie and have the help of the mainstream media in spreading this message, but it's another thing to actually testify under oath and commit perjury.
Like, you can go to jail for that.
And so, of course, the media has totally disregarded all defamation, libel laws, and they're just smearing
Kavanaugh, who really is an innocent man.
I mean, you have all these women who came to his defense.
This woman has absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support her accusations of, you know, what sounds like a wild high school party, right?
I mean, they're acting like he raped her.
He didn't rape her.
But then meanwhile, you have actual police reports and medical records from two women, not just one, two separate women, Democrat women, who dated Keith Ellison and have accused him of being very
Physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive, right?
And the Democrats just want to turn a blind eye the same way that they did to Bill Clinton when Juanita Broderick and several other women came out and accused him of rape.
So, look, the Democrats don't care about me, too.
They only care so much as they can, you know, commit character assassination against innocent people and get what they want.
We see they did this to Donald Trump as well without any evidence whatsoever, right?
Let's start getting into your article then, particularly Keith Ellison, because you've been on his tail.
Let's talk about some of these medical records and why you've been up in that area of Minnesota investigating him so much.
So I've been investigating Keith Ellison because, like I said, the media is giving him a pass and they're not confronting him or questioning him about the police report.
So I was the reporter who broke the story about the police report and it's on my website.
You can see it there.
And so I took the police report to his campaign event in the beginning of the month, earlier this month, and I confronted him on camera and he ran away from me and he had his
Uh, his staffers, some of whom were Muslim men, they were also following in his footsteps and using their body weight to shove me and intimidate me.
But you know me, anyone who knows me, that's not going to stop me, right?
I've been assaulted on camera before, like, I just, I will push through and I'll keep doing what I have to do to get a story.
And so I put my camera in Keith Ellison's face and I kept asking him, what about this police report?
I mean, how do you expect to be Attorney General when you have multiple allegations about domestic violence against you?
You can't be Attorney General.
You have to step down.
I mean, there's a police report.
There's videos.
What are you going to do, Keith?
And he literally ran away from me and hid inside his car before he could speak.
I mean, this is, as you can see from the video, I confronted him as he was arriving for his event and he had to leave the event.
He couldn't even speak.
Because he was just so scared of me.
I mean, he couldn't answer questions.
And it just goes to show you how much of a coward he is.
This is a man who puts his hands on women.
He supports Sharia law, right?
He's a Muslim.
He loves talking about the fact that he's the first Muslim congressman, as if that's like some type of accomplishment or something.
And then he will
You know, he wants to be Attorney General, but people aren't talking about what it means for women having a Muslim Attorney General.
What that means.
Under Sharia, women are treated like property.
So for Keith Ellison, of course he's going to deny the allegations of domestic violence and he thinks he did nothing wrong.
Because for him, under Sharia, domestic violence and beating women is completely permissible.
And the left always defends sex abuse, you name it, by Muslims.
It's sick.
Yeah, because they can pass it off as something that's like culturally relative to them because like I said, it's permissible.
So then you also have another jihadi running for office in Minnesota by the name of Ilhan Omar.
She's a woman who's running, she's from Somalia, she's an immigrant, and she is running to replace Keith Ellison because he's obviously running to be Attorney General and she is running for his congressional seat.
And she actually supports female genital mutilation.
There was a bill that was proposed in Congress, well in the House of Representatives in Minnesota, that would have made fetal genital mutilation a felony.
And she voted against it.
Good God.
This lady also married her brother, by the way.
She married her brother so that he could get a green card.
She committed immigration fraud by marrying her brother.
Stay there, Laura Lemmer.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
For months and months and months, CNN, BuzzFeed and others lobbied to have Alex Jones removed from social media.
He was removed from basically all the major social media platforms apart from Twitter.
And then they said, oh, you're not being banned.
You still have a platform on Twitter.
You still have an app in the App Store.
Banned by Twitter, banned by the App Store.
Oh, but you still have a website.
You still have InfoWars Store.
You still have a shopfront.
And then what do we see?
Washington Post.
Oh my god, traffic to Alex Jones' InfoWars store has increased by 50%!
Maybe now we should look at that all the way down the line.
They literally want to sabotage people's right to commerce.
They will not stop, which is why we need your support right now by getting the products at InfoWarsStore.com.
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President Trump calling for a new investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server.
A new bombshell development reveals Hillary Clinton's leaked emails were likely responsible for the deaths of up to 20 CIA agents working in China.
Over a dozen CIA agents may have been killed as a result of Hillary Clinton's leaked emails.
The FBI is denying that, sort of, but the story is still fluid and confusing, and for some reason a lot of people don't seem that interested in finding out what actually happened.
Look, the Deep State doesn't want to do a damage assessment, they don't want to grapple with this, because to do so would undermine the fiction that what Hillary did caused no damage and deserved no prosecution.
The former Secretary of State's carelessness allowed a Chinese state-owned company to gain access to her emails, giving them the ability to read her messages in real time.
Even worse, the FBI was reportedly warned about this by the intel communities, Inspector General, but did nothing in response.
It's almost like there were, like, folks at the top of the FBI that just weren't interested in anything that made Hillary look bad.
And the fact that this information was discovered, then turned over to the FBI, and the FBI counterintelligence office, including Mr. Peter Strzok, apparently took no interest in it.
It's shocking.
One of the top officials who was alerted to the problem was none other than anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok, who decided to ignore the warning.
Texas Representative Louie Gumbert of the House Judiciary Committee explained that this news would have damaged Clinton's chances in the election, and so agents like Peter Strzok decided to cover it up.
It is time to hold people accountable.
It is time to perform an actual investigation into Hillary's breach of protocol and her facilitating this cyber attack on our country.
What the heck were the Clintons doing?
Why have there been no substantive prosecutions in this case at all?
The reason I think at this point is pretty obvious.
As a result of this massive intelligence leak, China was able to discover the identities and capture some 20 CIA agents who were then either tortured or murdered.
This was a sophisticated intelligence operation in which they were able to generate what is called a courtesy copy of every incoming and outgoing email that Hillary received in her mansion in upstate New York.
I'm told actually in the bathroom of her mansion.
You had dozens of CIA and American sources and operatives in China killed and imprisoned by the Chinese government because they got access to those top secret files.
One agent was actually shot and killed right in front of a Chinese government building in an apparent message designed to intimidate Washington.
It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.
Because you'd be in jail.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alright, Laura Loomer is with us.
We're going to go back into Keith Ellison and the reports, the medical reports of women assaulted by him.
These are actual reports, documented by medical professionals, not hearsay from 36 years ago.
Completely different.
I mean, if they had this on Kavanaugh and say the last five years, I'd say, okay, he's toast.
But they don't.
It's a political operative with an abortion company, a leftist, out-of-control, whack-job professor, whose whole story about how she was in high school turned out to be a total fraud.
She was basically swinging from the chandeliers, metaphorically.
And now they want to stop Kavanaugh.
We've got video here from Fox News of all these women protesting outside over the Kavanaugh situation.
And you talk about the archetype of a bunch of angry leftist women.
There you go.
I wish they were upset about Bill Clinton or the Islamic massive rape gangs in Europe or all the rest of it.
But no, they're not.
No, they're not.
It's Kavanaugh 36 years ago because he's an effing white male, as they would say.
Since Laura Loomer brings this up, here's her version a few weeks ago in the Senate Intelligence Committee asking real questions rather than the House Committee.
And then we've got the House member who again does appear to be Humpty Dumpty born again who said he couldn't be put back together again engaging in bizarre auctioneering behavior which dehumanized her as a taxpayer in there not just shouting slogans but bringing up real questions as a victim of Jack Dorsey censorship.
Here it is.
Jack Dorsey, you are lying about censoring conservatives.
You are caught on tape by Project Veritas shadowbanning people.
You are censoring people.
You censored me, you censored my list, you censored Chuck Johnson, James O'Keefe, you even censored President Trump when one of your employees deleted his account for a few minutes.
You are censoring conservatives, and I'm asking you, President Donald Trump, help us.
Please help us, Mr. President, before it is too late, because Jack Dorsey is trying to influence the election, to sway the election so that the Democrats can steal the election.
That is why he is censoring and shadowbanning conservatives.
You are a liar, Jack Dorsey!
You are a liar, Jack Dorsey!
You unverified me on November 15, 2017!
Stop the bias!
We are conservative Americans, not Russian bots, Jack Dorsey!
Stop the bias!
Stop censoring conservatives.
Stop Jack Dorsey.
Stop the bias.
We are not Russian bots.
We are conservatives, Jack Dorsey.
You are calling the president before it is too late because Jack Dorsey is trying to implement the election, to sway the election.
What's she saying?
I can't understand her.
Officer, will you escort this young lady out, please?
Well, sorry, so you saw her raw feed and what PBS picked up, you could hear her.
The rest of the media ran with that one, but he's saying you're basically chattel cattle.
He's up there saying, get this woman out of here, and they're saying, 45, 99, 299.
They're sitting there literally saying you're like an animal, and that's how they see us.
Well, yeah, and then it was just really upsetting because then conservatives only heard the audio, that CNN essentially, they cut my audio.
And so even Paul Joseph Watson tweeted something like, oh, well, Laura Loomer interrupted the hearing to complain about being unverified.
And I was like, actually, no, that's not what happened.
I didn't complain about being unverified.
I don't know.
This, like, white supremacist Nazi protester, Laura Loomer, even though I was, like, literally wearing a Star of David necklace during the hearing, and you were there, you saw it, they lied.
And it was because they wanted to make me look stupid.
But my voice is very loud, and my voice overpowered his.
Well, that's it.
And look, this is what they do.
This is how they deceive.
It's like I say, Hillary's killed children in Iraq and Afghanistan funding ISIS.
And they go, Jones says that she killed kids in a pizza place.
So their deception never ends, but let's get back to the medical records, document Keith Ellison's physical and emotional abuse, a female accuser, your article and video is up on BigLeaguePolitics.com.
That's really a big deal how the left steadfastly ignores Islamic abuse particularly.
I was having lunch yesterday.
with a former federal officer and some other folks and he was telling me about this big undercover famous sting he did for three years selling tractor trailers of cigarettes, stolen cars, you name it, to the Muslim Brotherhood basically and he was saying the craziest part was every Muslim family he worked with
Ran topless bars and ran hookers, and basically the whole family would have sex with these women, and then they would also get underage women, and it was just so incredible.
They weren't going after them for the underage women, they were going after them for the money laundering to the Middle East, and then the left just goes, oh no, the grooming, the thousands of missing girls in England, thousands per town being raped as young as five years old, and the police will do nothing because they go, they're Muslims, they're allowed to.
So it's literally the culture in the Middle East and here that Muslims are allowed to be pedophiles?
Well, it's not even just the pedophilia.
It's like the 36 virgins.
People think of a virgin.
A virgin means a young girl.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, but it's also just the fact that the Democrats are literally giving a pass to jihadis running for office.
And when I say that, the left accuses me of being an Islamophobe and a bigot.
Well, first of all, like, there's no such thing as Islamophobic.
Well, I am Islamophobic.
I am afraid of, I mean, I can't go to one of those countries and be a Christian.
I'll be killed.
I am absolutely afraid of it.
That's my point.
I'm afraid of black widows.
I'm afraid of rattlesnakes.
I'm afraid of tornadoes.
I am a tornado-phobe.
I am a pedophile-phobe.
I am a cancer-phobe.
I am a car wreck-phobe.
I am a heart attack-phobe.
I'm a tyranny-phobe.
I'm an Islamophobe.
Yeah, no, exactly.
And so that's what they don't seem to understand is that this was a term that was created by the Muslim Brotherhood when they started infiltrating the United States in the 1960s when they first created the Muslim Students Association, right?
Because the Muslim Brotherhood, a lot of people think this is a conspiracy theory, but they actually have a plan to take over the world and take over the United States.
It's called the Explanatory Memorandum.
In 2004, the FBI raided a home in Annandale, Virginia, and they discovered documents from one of the legal scholars from the
From the Muslim Brotherhood, and it's a step-by-step plan.
It has five steps, and they're in stage four.
Wait a minute, you mean Islam wants to take over the world?
That's like their stated goal.
Well, yes, but the Muslim Brotherhood specifically targeted the United States as being the ideal place for an Islamic takeover.
So this is not a conspiracy theory.
This is not me being hateful, a bigot, whatever you want to call me.
Google the explanatory memorandum and read it word by word.
I mean, it's going to blow your mind.
You're going to see that they have a plan to honestly take over this country.
And they describe how they want to infiltrate political institutions, how they want to have candidates, Muslim candidates run for office.
They want to indoctrinate your kids.
They want to get involved with the media.
And Europe's 10 years ahead of us.
They do that at every major.
The Netherlands, they march.
Germany, they march.
They march little kids in and make them bow to Allah every week.
They're doing this here in the United States as well.
And then when I do my exposés on these jihadis running for office who have actually made pledges to Muslim Brotherhood, like Abdul Al-Sayed, who's running for governor in Michigan.
He lost because of me.
But then you have Rashida Tlaib who won her primary in Michigan.
She literally assaulted me on camera.
This Muslim politician who supports Hamas and has publicly said that she thinks that Israel should be eradicated.
Assaulted me and gets away with it because she's a Muslim, right?
Ilhan Omar, a Somalian immigrant, gets to trash-talk America on the 4th of July, marries her brother so he can get a green card, supports female genital mutilation, supports the payment of... I understand.
So in closing, Laura, what's going to happen to Keith Ellison as these reports come out of him brutalizing women?
Well, it's up to the people to really demand that the DMC hold him accountable.
If the people put enough pressure on the DMC and the mainstream media to actually do something, then maybe something will actually happen.
But we need to get behind Doug Wardlow, his opposition, his Republican challenger.
Support Doug Wardlow however you can.
If you live in Minnesota, vote for him.
But we really just need to call the DMC.
And if you go to my Twitter, I created a call where people can actually call the DMC and leave a message.
Alright, great job.
We'll be back with more calls.
Thank you, Laura.
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Now, I've got some bags under my eyes, especially right now with really bad allergies in Austin, Texas.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Coming up next segment, we're going to play the videos that just broke.
It's on InfoWars.com.
Generation being born now is the last to be free, says Assange in last interview before blackout.
He said AI world government is here.
Everything you do will now be assimilated.
Let's read what he actually says.
The generation being born now is the last free generation.
You are born and either immediately or within a year you are known globally.
Your identity is one form or another coming as a result of your idiotic parents plastering your name and photos all over Facebook or as a result of insurance applications or passport applications is known to all major world powers.
He went on to say once these systems are all in place humans will be obsolete and AI run by major government corporations will control your life.
Same thing I'm saying, same thing Elon Musk is saying.
Why are we saying the same thing?
Because the globalists planned it this way.
Just like Paul's latest video we aired last hour, the first hour, where the zombie apocalypse is here, the smartphones are lowering IQ, making you depressed, making you alone, making you unhealthy.
What are you going to do about it?
As a small child now, in some sense, has to negotiate his relationship with all the major world powers.
It puts us in a very different position.
Very few technically capable people are able to live apart, to choose to live apart, to choose to go their own way at it.
It smells a bit like totalitarianism in some way.
The capacity to collect and process information about people with the growing exponentially will become
To grow faster and faster, he stated.
With advancements in applying artificial intelligence to big data, the next logical step is coming.
Look at the way Google and others and Amazon and Facebook are doing.
They're basically open-cut harvesting the knowledge of humankind as we express it when we communicate with each other.
This classical model which people in academia call surveillance capitalism.
But they're using it to subvert the public.
It's a really important and severe economic change, which is to take the surveillance capitalism model and transform it instead into a model that does not yet have a name.
Actually, it's called the B system.
An AI model, which is to use the vast reservoir to train artificial intelligence of different kinds.
This would replace not only intermediary sectors, vertical integration, most things you do on the internet in a sense more efficient and intermediation.
But we'll take over the transport sector or create whole new sectors.
You see that?
Total consolidation.
The end of humans.
Doug Hagman's coming up, but we really should play these clips.
We're downloading the videos right now.
We've posted the excellent RT article in full to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Behind the facade of this interesting looking bookstore, we have Bill Gates.
What's the exact quote?
Meanwhile, behind the facade of this innocent looking bookstore, Bill Gates, the threat of a disease X. Global pandemic is very real.
How long did we warn you that he's preparing the mass global plague to bring in world government?
Because that's what he studies, it's what his real research is, it's what he admitted decades ago on PBS he was planning, it's what his father did, it's who he is.
It's why he was chosen as a top technocrat, because he will steadfastly and studiously, like a good little attack dog, deliver this plan into place.
The dumbing down of the population, the vertical integration, the database control systems, the consolidation.
He's working with Bloomberg.
He's working with the Rothschilds, he's working with the British Empire, he's working with the globalists to bring in this unholy system of total brainwashing and total control, attacks on the family, breaking up of the family, the systematic destruction of independence.
It is a nightmare situation.
They say the likelihood, as the UN's been saying, of an explosive global pandemic breaking out in the relatively near future increases along the population in the world's poorest countries, which are presently experiencing explosive population growth, even as birth rates in the developed world plummet.
So Gates points out real problems, but then they have the solution.
Open the borders to the third world.
Don't actually bring in first world systems to reduce population.
Just let there be a giant people bomb and then a huge incendiary war that comes out of it.
Because Bill Gates and others could have fixed this problem long before it happened, but they haven't done that.
They simply want to point out the problem.
They themselves have helped exacerbate.
I know we've got loaded phone lines here.
Let's talk to Bob in Tennessee.
Bob, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Alex, we're really proud of you and you have a brilliant audience.
Love your products.
We use a ton of them.
Hey, briefly, the premise of the Kavanaugh thing starts with women are incapable of lying.
So ask any man who's gone through family court whether or not a woman is capable of lying to curry favor with the court.
Let's just say I have seen women with a greater proclivity to lie in my life.
I imagine you have.
Anyway, I very much appreciate you.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate you out there.
Well, all I know is I love this thing when she's a Democratic Party operative, an abortion company operative, this big leftist, and then we're just supposed to believe it and now she won't show up for the hearing.
That shows that even though they waited until the last minute, this isn't going over well.
What do you think is going to happen?
Personally, I think this is going to blow up in their faces.
I think it's already starting to unravel on them.
That's my feeling on this.
Why do you think Bill Gates is talking about Disease X and going to wipe out billions?
You know, I think their maniacal grasp for control is all they focus on.
I think that will fail too, but I see people that are willing to give in to it.
I totally agree with you, Bob.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, I don't want to say women are inherently evil creatures or humans are, but the Bible says we all are.
And I find women are very, very nice, but they're not the, quote, physically stronger of the sexes.
So, men are more likely to kill or to hit somebody or to steal.
Women are more likely to poison you or lie about you.
When they get in that position, that's what they tend to do.
And it is a well-known phenomenon.
I have personally experienced it.
Just 100% pure lies.
And you're just sitting there.
Hearing stuff that has no place in reality.
But I've found men do it too.
Especially in this modern culture.
It's like, he's with Trump, so you can do whatever you want to him.
And then once they've been trained to lie about Trump or his associates or his supporters, now the president's set to lie about everybody.
It's really a scary place to be.
But it's not having as much power anymore because people know.
Let's go ahead and go to Paul in Colorado.
Paul, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, welcome from the great state of Colorado, high in the Rocky Mountains in Grand County.
Very, very beautiful area there in Colorado.
What's on your mind?
There's a couple of things that I would like to see Kavanaugh do, or actually his lawyers, is I would like to see them go out and gather every bit of information that they can find on this woman.
Save some of the really good stuff for later, publish a whole bunch of stuff, completely discredit her, and then sue her for libel and slander.
He could definitely do that.
I mean, my big thing is, if the Democrats are involved, which they admit they are, and it's proven to be false, it's organized crime.
It's racketeering.
It's perjury.
And so that's really where the real meat and potatoes are in my view.
Well, it won't be perjury until they get people under oath.
No, no, I understand.
That's why I think they need to make her, haul her before Congress.
I don't think, you can't just make the allegation and then not show up in court.
You made the allegation, you're getting subpoenaed, you're going to come into court, you're going to say it all.
You're going to sit right there at Kavanaugh and say, you did this to me.
And then we're going to put up on screen pictures of her running around like a crazy woman in high school and say, we all heard you were the sewing club.
And all this was going on, but here you are saying you got blackout drunk, don't remember ever what happened.
Were you at the event with the male strippers in high school?
I mean, this is some wild stuff.
Probably what'll happen is that she will take the fifth on everything.
And that'll be very convenient.
But I don't see this delaying anything, because first off, she's not going to show up.
Damn, even if she is subpoenaed, she still won't show up.
She'll risk a contempt of Congress.
No, I hear you.
You're right.
We're going to come back for a moment and a few more calls, but I totally forgot to cover this today.
Remember Trump on Monday or Tuesday said we're going to release all the secret FISA documents and everything?
The FBI is so belligerent, they're saying, no, we're not doing it.
That's right.
They're ignoring the president's order now because it's going to burn them good, that Clinton cabal.
They think you're a goldfish!
I've been betting on you my whole life!
I believe in you!
I don't think you're stupid!
One man ever raped a woman, all genitals were cut off!
And we're kicking these traitors' asses politically, and we're not backing down ever!
Get these people!
We're winning!
I can feel the spirit rising!
Can't you?
We have broken their back!
Yes, I can feel it!
Let's go!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Vengeance is coming!
It's coming!
The real revolution against you is coming!
And you will burn in hell!
Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
Hey, brother.
Good, man.
Thank you for calling.
Hey, hey.
I just want to say thanks for your products and everything that you're doing to try to save the country.
I mean, I've tried your Secret 12, Super Male, Anthroplex, the Silver Bullet, Biome Defense, Micro ZX.
I mean, that's all good stuff.
Secret 12, if everybody would just drop their energy drinks and get some Secret 12, take a shot of that.
That's the thing about Secret 12.
Just a half a dropper has way more energy.
People ask, why is it sweet?
Real organic B12 is sweet.
And exactly.
When I'm super tired, I go, hey, why am I drinking coffee at 10 at night if I'm going on some show like Coast to Coast?
Secret 12, 30 minutes later, massive energy.
It's amazing.
Yeah, that stuff will wake you up.
And the clarity of mind that comes along with that is just amazing.
You are receiving this transmission.
You are the resistance.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
You know, we're under such attack that Stephen Colbert, still has a big audience compared to most mainstream media, attacks me every week.
I don't even have time to watch it.
Or shows like Homeland, based on me, or any of this.
But I see callers.
Stephen Colbert, late night attacks, M4s, Alex Jones.
Who knows what he did?
I mean, it's just crazy.
And all I'm doing is exposing these people.
And then separately, we've got so many other big things that are happening, like the Chinese communist takeover, the fact that they own Hollywood, the fact that they're the ones muscling in.
It's just crazy to see the average American opposing Trump when clearly he's an American president trying to turn the country around.
It just makes me very, very sad.
But then I see him trying to derail Kavanaugh, and I see that starting to unravel, starting to really fall apart.
That is a good feeling.
But then you ask,
How are they so crazed to take a lady with this many skeletons in her closet?
And try something like this.
At the start of the next segment, I've got part of the Assange interview, where he comes out and says, people being born now are the last free generation.
And I think it's already past that, quite frankly.
But admitting how bad his traits were, and we can actually fix it.
I'm going to play some of that before Doug Hagman takes over.
We're going to get that latest Stephen Colbert piece as well.
But finishing up here, I'm trying to get as many of these calls as I can.
Who's been holding the longest here?
Alex in Michigan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex Jones, it's good to talk to you again, sir.
We are Alex Jones.
We're Julian Assange.
Thanks for exposing the Skynet program launching in China, where the, you know, the robots are taking over.
Julian Assange is talking about it now.
We are the resistance.
I use the products.
Everyone should go to InfoWareStore.com.
Get the Survival Shield X2.
I've been using that, like, four years.
And it's pretty awesome.
I take it every day.
But the Chinese Illuminati, I love how you talk about that sometimes.
The history with the Rockefellers, you know, taking over and then they export the fluoride, hydrofluorosilicic acid there and put it in our water to dumb us down.
You know, great job, Alex.
What can I say?
No, brother, you're doing a great job.
But what's frustrating is it's all admitted.
And you see the big think tanks and John P. Holdren saying, put fluoride in the water to lower their IQs.
And then they do it.
And they're just such evil jerks.
They're so cold-blooded.
I know.
It's like, why can't they just, you know, let us be and have us run our own lives?
You know, people talk about, you know, states' rights.
I think, you know, individual rights.
That's what it comes down to, you know, and medical freedom and the right to choose what's in our own bodies.
And I choose to have the InfoWars products in my body because I'm trying to fight these globalists.
Well, I can tell you, X2, unfortunately, it's our last run of it and the Specialist to end this weekend 25% off.
It's amazing.
And again, just having good iodine in your body versus the bad allergens is night and day.
God bless you, Alex.
I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to Dina in California.
Dina, thanks for holding her on the air.
Bear with me, please.
My brain's kind of scattered, but I'm fairly new to politics.
I actually never voted until 2016.
There was no way I was going to let Hillary in.
No way, you know?
And so I've been trying to learn more about politics since this has happened, and I cannot believe what's going on in the world.
I mean, a lot of people don't see it.
First of all, I think that that lady before Kavanaugh is lying through her teeth, okay?
And I think they're pressuring her
No, I agree.
It looks like pressuring.
The fact that they said it for her and now she doesn't want to testify.
It looks like they're pushing her.
Oh yeah, definitely!
You know, they're threatening her, you know, and so all of a sudden she's disturbed and now she's supposedly got death threats against her.
I bet you the death threats are from the Democrat Party.
You know, first of all.
I have a few things that I want to say.
Honestly, I was trying to call you all morning and I didn't think I was going to get through right now.
You know, I do have processing issues, brain processing issues, so you know, my thoughts get scattered.
You know, I am a single woman from California.
I'm on SSI.
I'm getting ready to move to Texas, though, you know, and I wanted to ask your thoughts on how you feel about Texas.
Well, we welcome you to Texas.
Doug Hagman's coming up, sweetheart.
I'm glad you got in, but I gotta get to this key piece straight ahead.
Right now is Massive Rampage Force!
Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
I'd done the War Room.
She's not on until 9.40 Central.
That's 10.40 Eastern.
I was exhausted.
I popped two Brain Force Plus and I was good as new.
I mean, it really is mentally stabilizing, mentally energizing.
Tonight I'm on with Tucker Carlson.
The same thing.
I'm gonna put
We're in a full day here at InfoWars.
I'm going to go on the Tucker tonight.
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Infowars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We will post the full interview to Infowars.com.
Generation being born now is the last to be free.
We're being prepared for AI takeover and for humans to be obsolete.
That's what I'm saying.
It's what Elon Musk is saying.
It's because the globalists are building a world to do this.
The full interview is up on InfoWars.com.
RT did the interview.
It's the last interview he did before the total news blackout.
And this is what's happening.
We have to be aware.
The technology is being designed and being deployed to take control of human development.
We'll air a few minutes of this, then turn the baton over to Doug Hagman, who's always got a lot to break down.
And then again on InfoWars.com, we will post on our own servers the full interview because this is very important.
Here's some of it.
WikiLeaks to solve a very interesting problem to me, which was to know the fate of man, to know the fate of mankind insofar as that development of man is revealed by the development of his institutions and how they actually behave in practice internally.
And the great political struggle of mankind, insofar as it's been rational, and we all know politics
The rational part I feel is sort of random and the rational part is based upon what we know.
What we know about ourselves or we know about each other and what we know about how human resources are distributed and how human institutions behave and what sort of internal and external rules we engage in.
So that's the purpose of WikiLeaks to try and understand mankind and then from that we can perhaps produce a better or
More realistically put, less worse human civilization.
But that's changing.
Mankind, in some sense, just having a small glimmer of understanding about how it is progressing through the world, I think is now almost completely eliminated.
And not in the way that I expected.
We actually have
Access to much more knowledge about how we work than we ever did before.
But it's been eliminated through the speed of informational processing and therefore the speed of the change of knowledge.
And that's going to, that is rapidly moving into, well, that algorithmic processing of knowledge is moving into artificial intelligence.
And why artificial intelligence is just another kind of algorithm
I think the scale changes that have occurred in the last seven years are significant enough to classify it as a qualitative change.
And that qualitative change means a serious, in my view, very serious threat to the stability of human civilizations.
Not that they should be too stable.
The ability for human beings to organize their fate in intelligence.
The power structure wants to bring AI in to cut out the general public, and to cut out crowdsourcing, and to cut out the will of the people.
So it's being directed in a very authoritarian way, and so it's making us all obsolete.
And because of the acceleration of knowledge, and because of the acceleration of computing, and because it's now being removed out of the human realm, it's almost like they're speeding up the time-space continuum.
To a level that we don't even live in or compete with and so making ourselves obsolete by a creation we're making that is basically an artificial dimension within the third dimension that is programmable and directable by the prime controllers who are a bunch of ruthless sociopathic and psychopathic grandchildren of robber barons and Nazis.
And so then you see the true directed evil.
That is happening, and if the average sociopath doesn't realize that even they themselves are going to be cut out of the system, we have no future, we have no chance.
So, again, Doug Hagman's about to take over.
We will post the entire powerful Assange interview.
Generation Being Born Now is the last to be free.
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I believe in human destiny.
I believe in you making choices for yourself, and you're being removed from that right now.
And then those of us that try to build humanity up, and those of us that try to get people to think about more complex issues, the establishment doesn't go, oh, let's welcome them.
No, let's block them.
Let's keep people in a trance.
Let's keep them dumb.
And for me, that's the greatest crime of the globalists is they claim humanity is obsolete, but they're some of the most obsolete, twisted people out there.
And they and their families are some of the most twisted, unhappy people out there.
But then they want to project their loathing onto us and say, as soon as we're all gone, well, then this new, beautiful future can move forward.
That sounds like something the devil said a long time ago in the Garden of Eden.
So, that's what that comes down to.
Again, big developments at Infowars.com.
It looks like the Kavanaugh situation is derailing for the Democrats, but they've always got curveballs they can throw, so we'll be covering that more later.
I want to thank you all for your support and listening.
Remember, if you spread the articles, the videos, you tell folks about the live shows, we'll continue to be able to fight in the face of this onslaught.
But if you can't back us up, it's basically you giving up, because the enemy sees us as assembled.
That if they can crush Infowars, they can crush all the opposition.
So, we are that standard in the battle, and they can take down that eagle.
I'm not bragging, it's just they see us as the eagle.
If they can seize the eagle, they believe they've won.
So hold up that eagle, folks.
Now let's go to Doug Hagman of his great work at Hagman Report.
Thank you for joining us.
Thanks for taking over.
Thank you so much, Alex.
You know, it's amazing you and I had crossed, without knowing it, crossed paths in Washington, D.C.
when you were there at Cats Capitol Hill.
I was there as well.
And we just didn't see each other.
And of course, I spent this past weekend with David Knight and Owen Schroer.
So it's interesting that our paths are parallel and crossing at the same time.
Tell us what you got coming up.
Yeah, sorry about that delay there.
Coming up, I've got some breaking news about the, well, about the Kavanaugh situation.
This from a different slant, a different take.
At the bottom of the hour here, going to be talking with a guy that actually is the host of WNTK of New Hampshire, knows a lot about the Kavanaugh situation and about really what this is all about.
But, previous to that, I'm going to be touching upon the declassification, that's kind of taking a back seat right now, declassification of documents that President Donald Trump is doing, and the reason the Communists, or Democratic Socialists slash Communists, are running scared.
I do believe that Donald Trump has set some traps within those documents and the media is about to be exposed as are the Democratic Socialists about to be exposed for what they are.
That's coming up after this break.
And Alex, I want to thank you so much for allowing me to guest host.
Folks, you're listening to the InfoWars.
We're up against the break, but I will say this as we approach the break.
Folks, if you're not supporting InfoWars, if you're not buying their products, you're not.
Look, you've got to do this because we've got to stay on the air.
Austria, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia...
We're all moving on.
Your regime has become more and more irrelevant.
In London on Saturday, 20,000 people attended a rally to free political prisoner Tommy Robinson.
And those 20,000 people supported Brexit.
In May, another 10,000 people marched in support of free speech.
They too support Brexit.
17.4 million people voted for Brexit.
They still support Brexit.
The majority of the people want the government to get on with Brexit.
You people entertain UK Ramonas, the modern day devil, George Soros, a foreigner kicked out of his own country.
An open borders billionaire who openly supports fights democracy.
He openly pays MEPs to dance to his tune.
You're all suffering from DDD, Democracy Deficit Disorder.
And that's why we're marching again in London
On the 23rd of June.
We want our country back.
Don't cut me off.
It's one minute to now.
No, you're going too fast.
No, you're going... Could I just ask...
Can you listen, because I think we both speak English, so we can be very clear.
What I was trying to do was help you communicate.
You are going far too fast for the interpreter.
Yeah, but do you know I'm not speaking to all of them in here.
I'm speaking to the UK.
I'm speaking to Mrs May.
I wasn't sent here to talk to any of you.
I was sent here to defend the British people!
Can I just... Colleagues, please.
Please, just a little bit of quiet, please.
Most of you understand English.
English is the language of the world.
Janice Atkinson is an amazing member of the EU Parliament.
It's ceremonial.
But they vote on a lot of things and if the permanent bureaucracy likes it, they then go along with it.
But more and more, they're shutting down the nationalist, patriot movements within it that are using the Parliament as a bully pulpit to expose the authoritarian nature of the EU that was actually hatched by Adolf Hitler.
JaniceAtkinson.co.uk, people just joined us, the amazing footage of them silencing you and other nationalists just from your speech, saying you speak to us, not to your country.
Just next level, and you tie that in with people trying to pull out all over Europe, you tie that in to the GDPR, you tie that in to Article 13, Article 11, that even leftist media says, ends free speech as we know it.
I mean, they are really panicking.
What's going on over there right now?
You know, Alex, we might have got rid of Soviet communism, but we've really got Euro-communism.
And it's alive and well with centralized state control.
And no free speech is allowed unless it's a
Approved by the dear leaders because actually we took the brick out of the wall for Brexit and what we've seen is that the edifice is now coming down.
So across Poland, across Hungary, in Italy, in Austria, the people are revolting.
They're actually voting in the populist leaders.
So yeah, the equivalent of Brexit
We're good to go.
I think?
But they're fighting for their real life.
They're fighting for the ideal of this Europe that they've set up with this centralised state control.
And because the people are revolting all over the Europe, as you did in America with Trump, and you've got to get rid of Trudeau in Canada, you know, the edifice is falling down.
So what they're trying to do is control our speech.
But again, there's no free speech unless it's approved by the dear leaders.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And this is Doug Hagman sitting in for Alex Jones.
Doug Hagman, HagmanReport.com.
That's my home base.
Hagman2 ends on Hagman, HagmanReport.com, my home base.
Again, sitting in for Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Folks, visit InfoWars, bookmark InfoWars, and support InfoWars.
This segment, I want to just discuss a little bit.
It's been a while since I sat in for Alex.
Interestingly enough, right before the break, I was talking to Alex about being in Washington, D.C.
at the same time he was.
And it's interesting because we, that is the new media, I feel that we are making a difference, that we are acting as
Your voice, the voice of the people, to the administration, appealing to the Donald Trump administration, appealing to the people, the white hats in the Trump administration, about the banning and censorship.
And I know that you've all heard about this, and a lot of people grow tired of hearing about it, but I'll tell you that we are speaking for you, because once we are silenced, you're next, and if you're next, you've got no voice.
So this past, not this last weekend, but the week before, myself and Joe, my son, we were in Washington, D.C.
I've got a couple of images.
We were there for a specific purpose.
We were at Radio Row, at the Federation for American Immigration Reform.
We were honored to be there, but the other part of that is we were able to gain
White House press access and we visited the White House that was again the same time Alex was there on Capitol Hill we were able to to visit the White House and make some inroads some contacts there.
Interestingly enough, talking with people within certain elements of certain departments of the administration, talking about the censorship issue, talking about the banning of new media, talking about how we are being treated and of course the ominous implications that has.
And now, talking with the individuals there within the administration, they understand.
And I do believe that we have made some significant progress into bringing our case to the administration.
That's not to say that we've won anything, but it is to say that we've certainly made the case that we are
We are being victimized, we being the conservative base being victimized, the base that elected President Trump being victimized by the, of course, by the banning of the social networks and social networking itself.
While there, we stood actually at the remarkable experience of standing on the South Lawn of the White House.
Near the Rose Garden, in fact, there's a picture of the Rose Garden, watching Marine One come in, land, and watching President Donald Trump get on board Marine One and take off from the White House.
There he is there, if you're looking at the screen, boarding Marine One.
And it was a magnificent sight, and a sight that certainly humbled me to see that, to be in the presence of truly a great man, and just a great experience.
But having said that, we were also there to discuss the problem of illegal alien immigration.
Illegal aliens in the United States.
And this is key.
I wanted to cover this very quickly here because this is something that is near and dear to my heart.
While in Washington, D.C., while at the Federation for American Immigration Reform, Radio Row, while representing, we were one of actually 63 news agencies or radio hosts that were on Radio Row on Capitol Hill there.
We were discussing the problem of illegal aliens in the United States.
And the facts that we learned, nothing new to you, the listeners, but the facts that we learned were
To me, so important for everyone to really understand and really get a grip on how bad things are.
Right now, we've got anywhere between 12 and a half to 20 million illegal aliens in the United States.
We've got nearly, well, about 1.7 million illegal alien minors and about 4.2 million U.S.
citizens, children of illegal aliens or anchor babies.
That's the kind of the encapsulated extent of the problem.
But while we were there, we had the honor, and I break up when I talk about this.
My son and I had interviewed a number of families whose lives were torn apart by crimes committed by illegal aliens.
The incredible women, mothers and fathers of these
Victims of the criminal activity of illegal aliens in this country.
And when we sat and we talked with these moms whose children were taken by the criminals in this country, it's worse than you can imagine.
It's heartbreaking.
It's incredible.
Kellyanne Conway spoke at a recent, or at a rally held by the parents of the victims
And there is a picture of Kellyanne Conway who we were able to meet with, and there she is there, speaking at a rally on Capitol Hill on behalf of illegal aliens, or on behalf of the victims of illegal aliens, the criminal activity there.
And in speaking with her, of course, about this problem, we were assured by the Donald Trump administration that they would, in fact,
We're good to go.
Children that are forever separated from their families and you know that we know that But to bring it even more forward when you speak to when I when we spoke to these these families and we understood what they have gone through and when we heard the numbers folks is worse than even worse than we were led to believe and
The top five states, I just want to make sure everyone knows this, the top five states with the highest number of illegal alien populations.
California with 2.6 million.
Texas with 1.9 million.
I'm rounding the numbers, by the way.
Florida with a million.
New York with 872,700 approximately.
And New Jersey with 565,000.
The annual national fiscal cost of illegal immigration is $116 billion.
This is the cost out of our pocket.
And when you look at the average annual tax deficit per illegal alien adult, you're looking at about $11,000 that we've got to cover per year.
So, it's more than just the fiscal deficit and the dollar amount.
It does involve the separation, permanent separation of families and the crimes associated with this.
That, of course, leads to the border wall.
There are promises that have been made by candidate Donald Trump that are being fulfilled but stymied yet by the Democratic Socialists in this country as well as some RINO Republicans.
We addressed that and we were assured that that was going to be accelerated here in the upcoming weeks, months ahead as we near the midterms.
On the other side of the break here, I've got a very special guest that's going to join me, Keith Hansen.
Keith Hansen from WNTK.
He's a wildly conservative talk show host up in New Hampshire.
We're going to be talking about a number of things topically, speaking about the Kavanaugh
He's got a little different take on the Kavanaugh hearings and the accusations against Mr. Kavanaugh by Ms.
And that's on, believe me, this is on everyone's mind or this is on everyone's discussion.
It's going to be, you're going to want to listen to this.
You're going to want to call a friend and tune in to this next couple of segments with Keith Hanson and myself as I sit in for Alex Jones.
Again, Doug Hagman, HagmanReport.com.
In for Alex Jones, come right back, stay with us.
Western Europe has already banned free speech, and an iron curtain of censorship is descending down over the UK.
They're set to pass rules, not a law, that if you criticize Islam or gays, you'll get six months in prison.
We know we're only about a year or two behind what's happening in the UK.
CNN and many others are calling for InfoWars to be shut down, taken off the web.
Slate Magazine has a professor and others saying, go beyond censorship.
Brainwash young people against InfoWars.
Psychologically inoculate them with lies so they don't actually hear what we have to say.
We are the most hated news source in the world by globalists.
It is so critical that you go to Infowars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up for the free newsletter so we can be in contact with you and so the censors can't bully their way in and block us being able to engage in free open dialogue as a society.
That is critical to this fight.
We will prevail if you take action and I know you will.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Doug Hagman sitting in for Alex Jones.
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Now, again, I've got the pleasure of hosting for Alex Jones, fourth hour, and the final hour of the broadcast.
I asked a good friend of mine, a good friend of the Hagman Report, to come on as a guest because in speaking with him today, he's got a very unique perspective.
What's on everyone's mind today?
What's everyone talking about?
It's the Kavanaugh hearings and the attempted sabotage of Brett Kavanaugh by this one female accuser.
And if they could find more, they'd drag more out.
But he's got a very interesting and much different take than most.
Now, our guest, again, Keith Hansen.
Keith Hansen is the top conservative talk show host out of New Hampshire, WNTK.com.
You can follow him on Twitter, at RealKeithHansen.
That's H-A-N-S-O-N.
Again, RealKeithHansen on Twitter.
WNTK, that's his home base.
He's 6 to 10 a.m.
It's a must listen to in the morning.
Oh, by the way, it's Eastern Time.
Keith, thanks for joining me today.
Doug, thanks so much for having me.
It's great to be on the show.
Well, and again, I appreciate this.
And the reason I asked you to come on, what's on everyone's dinner talk right now is about Brett Kavanaugh and about the Supreme Court nomination, about what the Democratic Socialists are doing and even some of the Republicans are doing to sabotage his nomination.
And apparently, my take is they're attempting to delay, if not indefinitely postpone, his nomination.
But in our discussion today, you had said some things that really just blew my mind.
It's from a different perspective no one else is talking about.
So, you know, I had asked you to come on, and if you don't mind, please give us your take on what's really taking place with the Kavanaugh sabotage of the Kavanaugh nomination.
I'm going to get myself in a lot of trouble here.
Okay, well, this is basically what it is.
The Kavanaugh issue is not the issue.
The Kavanaugh issue, what's going on with Kavanaugh and the accusations that were made by this Chrissy Ford.
These are, this is a symptom of a bigger problem.
And the bigger problem is the culture that we have seen ever since the Women's Lib Movement has really taken root.
What's happening right now is you have a culture where binge drinking and sexual promiscuity is at an all-time high.
And it's been growing.
It's been growing in popularity.
One of the things I talked about in my program this morning was, if you recall back in the mid-90s, you could not turn on a television show after 8 o'clock at night and not be bombarded with advertisements for the Girls Gone Wild videos.
Now, what was Girls Gone Wild, for people who are uninitiated in this?
Well, it was
A video, a DVD or VHS tapes of women with absolutely, no I don't even want to say women, we're talking girls, 18, 19, 20 year old college girls who are inebriated beyond the point of making rational decisions and they're videotaped
Stripping, literally having lesbian sex with one another while strangers are videotaping this at nightclubs, at beach resorts, in Spring Break cities.
That was one of the big things was Girls Gone Wild, Spring Break.
How much debauchery can you possibly catch on film?
And this is part of the feminist movement in this country.
Don't tell me what I can do with my body.
Don't tell me how I can dress.
I want to be free to do whatever it is that I want to do, whenever it is that I want to do it.
And the end result is what we're seeing here today.
And it's very interesting that the yearbooks
From Ford's school, the Holton Arms School, specifically they called their yearbook title Scribe.
So the years that would be relevant to Christine Blasey Ford would be Scribe 82, Scribe 83, and Scribe 84.
And if you look at these, if you actually had screenshots of them now, because they've all been scrubbed from the internet, what you're going to find is a group of high school kids, primarily the girls, who were entrenched in this
Which, and I remember that time.
I vividly remember that time, and of course, scantily clad, as you indicated.
Spring break, parties everywhere.
Well, of course, it wasn't limited to spring break.
So, what are you saying?
Are you saying that it's a Ford, I mean, because we're getting into some dangerous ground here, right?
Well, dangerous in terms of what?
That dare I potentially shame a victim?
Dare I say that you can't dress like a slut and behave like a slut and then if something allegedly happens that you suddenly have recourse?
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying.
That's exactly what I'm saying.
The moral decay in this country today
Is beyond anything that we have seen.
And this attitude today that I can do what I want, when I want, I can dress how I want.
And I'll tell you, I was in the nightclub business.
You know this.
I was in the nightclub business for a number of years.
I used to host bachelorette parties.
And I've seen bachelor parties and I've been to bachelor parties and I've hosted bachelorette parties.
And I'll tell you something.
The bachelorette parties that take place with 20-something girls who are sending one of their girlfriends off to the altar to be married.
These are activities.
This is a night of debauchery that would make a 7th Avenue whore blush.
My goodness.
So, okay, so you're looking at this from a, really, I have not heard anyone else talking about this, or at least to that extent, you're looking at this as really a moral problem, more so than anything else, if I'm hearing you correctly.
It's a moral problem, there's no question about it, but this is a moral problem that now spills over into a variety of different aspects of society.
But this is a situation based upon what is being published in these volumes of this scribe, the Scribe 82, Scribe 83, and Scribe 84.
What you see is a group, you know, really, if the shoe were on the other foot, and I saw this written, this is not my original statement, this is something that I saw written, if the roles were reversed and Christine Blasey Ford had been nominated for the
Yeah, I can almost hear the dinging of the emails coming in right now, but I think your points are valid here.
You're looking at a culture of promiscuity, a culture of permissiveness.
That, in my view, has been ignored by the media, and of course we're seeing this now.
Well, this is the maturity and the coming to fruition of seeds that were planted back in the 80s.
And unfortunately, this is something that happens time and time and time again.
We see this on college campuses.
In fact, tomorrow on my radio show, I have Stuart Taylor, Jr.
Stuart is the co-author of a book called The Campus Rape Frenzy.
This is not about Kavanaugh and Ford per se.
This is one page in a very, very thick book.
Of the end result of the culture of promiscuity that we see today with young people.
And this campus rape frenzy is a perfect example of this.
You have, you know, girls... There's no such thing as dating anymore.
Let's look at it from this perspective.
And going back to the 80s and in the 90s, the morality has shifted.
There's no question about it.
But there's no more dating today anymore.
People go out, especially on college campuses, they go to a party, they drink for the purposes of drinking as much as they possibly can.
I hate to do this to you.
Hold that thought.
We have a break here on the other side.
You can finish that thought.
Keith Hansen is my guest.
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Socialist Alexandria Cortez wears a $3,500 outfit.
You know, I've never had a $3,500 outfit.
I mean, I guess I have a little bit nicer sports jackets, so they're $500, $600.
The average politician's probably wearing like a $3,000 one.
But wow, look at her!
$3,500 outfit.
I always love how they're talking about socialists, how it's bad to own things.
It's bad to be wealthy and everybody who's rich is evil.
But then 80% of the wealth in Congress is Democrats.
Almost all the billionaires are socialists or Democrats because they want your money.
I mean, they're all tax-exempt.
All the heads of Google literally pay no taxes.
They all run international tax scams and they're allowed to because they're part of the ruling class.
She comes from a rich family and just did the whole barista thing as a cutout stage deal PR stunt.
And it turns out people are not looking at her wardrobe going back years.
And it appears that on an average day she sports designer clothing of close to a thousand dollars on her body.
They're making a lot of money at that bar.
But look, she posed with a black construction worker.
But if you compare what she's wearing, it literally looks like a fashion shoot because it is.
They've got her all dressed up.
I love a limousine liberals.
I love folks like Hugo Chavez.
All these people with their Swiss palaces.
Their people are so poor, but they want the poor to control you.
It's by design.
Once you get communism, there's no more welfare.
There's no more nothing.
You get to live in a hovel, and you get to have no running water, and you get to have secret police knock your teeth out if you don't show up for the mandatory work days.
And you work about 65 hours a week on average and have no health care.
But, oh, there's always universities spitting out doctors and things.
But, but, if your eyes go bad, there's a cane.
Ego's bad, there's a cane.
Get cancer?
Shoot yourself in the head.
Okay, then.
Because you know I'm lying.
I'm fake news.
Socialism and communism works so good.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Doug Hagman sitting in for Alex Jones in this final segment.
Our guest, so glad to be joined by Keith Hansen.
Keith Hansen, he's the host of the wildly popular Keith Hansen Show, WNTK.com, airs six to ten, actually two shows in there, but visit WNTK.com and at RealKeithHansen, that's at RealKeithHansen on Twitter.
I'm talking frankly about the Kavanaugh situation, about the Ford situation, and about what's really happening.
You hear about Molenski tactics.
You hear about that.
That's discussion, obviously.
That's the normal discussion.
That's the accepted discussion, of course, in polite companies, shall we say.
But what's the real reason?
The cultural chicken is coming home to roost now that we've gone through this degradation of our moral faculties over the past three, four decades, five decades.
Is that the case?
Keith Hanson appears to think that is, and I tend to agree with him.
And by the way, folks, he's going to be on the Hagman Report tonight.
Of course, Hagman Report airs 7 to 10 p.m.
Eastern on the Global Star Radio Network.
Just go to HagmanReport.com.
Two ends on Hagman.
But he's going to be talking more about this this evening.
But I really want him to finish this because this is something I think is so important.
The moral fabric of our country has been torn down, has been rendered.
And I think Keith is on to something.
Keith, thanks for holding over on the break.
Thanks for your gift of time.
Keep going, brother, with this area that's not being talked about in the mainstream media at all.
Doug, I don't know if you can hear me or not.
I'm having some audio issues here.
I cannot hear you at all, so I don't know where we are here.
Can you hear me now?
Let's do it this way.
I don't know if we can get any volume into Keith.
All right.
Keith, if you can hear me, just continue your...
Okay, we're going to troubleshoot.
In the meantime, folks, visit InfoWarsStore.com.
If you haven't done so already, support this broadcast by visiting InfoWarsStore.com.
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All right, we have Keith back, and sorry about that little technical difficulty, but I was just saying, Keith, before, as you couldn't hear me, everyone talks about the Alinsky tactics being used, but no one's talking about the real issue of the moral degradation that we've seen over the last 50 years or so.
And this is part of the, if not really the problem.
So I'd like for you to continue your thought that you had right before the break.
Well, I mean, ultimately, like I said, what this boils down to is, this is a multifaceted issue, but when you look at the moral decay, the moral decline of our society today, the empowerment of women to do whatever it is that they want to do, behave however it is they want to, without consequence,
But then if somebody does anything that is perceived to subjugate or oppress that individual who is simply uniquely expressing themselves, well then that person becomes the criminal.
That person becomes the villain.
And the insidious thing about this is that it undermines the integrity of the system that we have in place, the judicial system that we have in place.
You and I were in DC last week.
And standing in front of the Supreme Court building, there's on the facade of that building, equal justice under law.
We have a constitution.
We have constitutional rights.
There are processes that are extended to people who find themselves caught up in the criminal justice system.
Due process, the right to face one's accuser, evidentiary burdens, the burdens of proof that must be met.
And who has the responsibility of meeting that burden of proof before a person can be convicted of a crime in a court of law?
Political correctness and now this concept of allegations being made and the allegation being tried and convictions and sentences being levied in the court of public opinion is completely undermining the constitutional rights that every American citizen has the right to and expectation to.
If somebody makes the accusation, like this Christine Blasey Ford, makes the accusation, and by making the accusation, the court of public opinion has its day in court, and it convicts and sentences that person to a lifetime of shame, a lifetime of scorn, losing their job, losing their livelihood, having that scarlet letter put on them,
Before a court of law would ever have an opportunity to hear that case.
And at that point, well, listen, what are you going to do?
Take away my dignity by convicting me in court?
I've already lost my family.
I've already lost my job.
I've already lost my livelihood.
And like Kavanaugh, this is something, whether or not he's guilty, whether or not he's innocent, the court of public opinion, based upon, let's put it this way, this drunken slut and her word,
That's already convicted him and passed its sentence on him.
And so now for the rest of his life, he's going to have to live with this, whether or not he gets the Supreme Court seat or he doesn't.
Do you, Keith, do you think that was the intent or do you think that this is just merely the end result or the consequence of her accusations?
I mean, because to me this smacks a lot like that question, you know, the when did you stop beating your wife or the accusation of calling someone a pedophile, for example, when there's no basis in fact for it.
It's a stain regardless of its veracity.
In your eyes, was this a tactic, or was this just a consequence of what was, or just merely exploited?
This was exploited, I don't know, I mean, you can take this a couple of different ways.
Listen, it was politically expedient.
This woman is now asking the FBI to investigate something that, let's be honest, is not within the FBI's purview.
There's not a federal crime here.
There's not a crime that's crossing over state lines.
It's not in the FBI's purview.
Not to mention that, and I haven't heard anybody else talking about this, but there is this thing called statute of limitations.
So, the statute of limitations on this ran out 15 years ago.
If it was something that was so important, if this was something that was so traumatic, then it should have been brought up 20 years ago.
Or 30 years ago.
Not right now.
And in fact, you know damn well that this was politically expedient, this was political capital, because Dianne Feinstein sat on the report.
So this was stored, and it was waited, they waited until it was politically expedient for them to pull this out.
Because they knew, exactly like what happened with Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas.
That's exactly what was gonna happen.
They're gonna bork this guy.
And that's become the new thing now.
Whenever you're losing the argument, hurl an accusation of racism, and if that doesn't work, hurl an accusation of rape or sexual assault.
And that's guaranteed to bring him down.
I'll tell you, straight talk from a straight talker.
Our guest is Keith Hanson, at RealKeithHanson on Twitter, WNTK.com, Voice of New Hampshire.
I've got to tell you, again, this is a discussion that we have not heard.
You've heard of the Alinsky tactics, you've heard of all that, but not in this fashion.
And I think it's a very interesting take on this, and I've got to give you a lot of credit for bringing this up.
And your final thoughts on this.
What do you think will happen?
Will it be the consequence of this?
Are we going to see a vote?
Or are we going to see just a tremendous fallout from this?
Or is this tactic already falling apart?
I would like to think that the tactic is falling apart and that he's going to be confirmed.
But honestly, to be honest with you, this is an ever-changing, this is such a rapidly evolving situation that I really don't know.
I don't know.
I would love to be able to say with some degree of confidence that I knew.
I mean, this is really, at this point, it's anybody's guess.
What I hope is that, and the bottom line is this, and I would encourage people to listen to your show tonight, because we're going to talk a lot more about this.
We're going to talk about this in the context of the legal concept of fruit of the poisonous tree.
The bottom line is this, that Kavanaugh is the pick of a president who is determined to have been illegitimate.
Just as with the fruit of the poisonous tree, if a police officer searches a vehicle and finds evidence for a crime, but that evidence is unlawfully obtained, then that's tainted evidence and it winds up getting thrown out of court.
It's a motion to suppress based on the concept of fruit of the poisonous tree.
Similarly, Donald Trump is, in the eyes of progressive Democrats and leftist statists, he is the poisonous tree.
And anything that comes from him is necessarily tainted because he was not supposed to have won that election.
So anything, whether it's a cabinet pick, whether it's a Supreme Court pick, whether it's an executive order, everything that comes from President Donald Trump is illegitimate in the eyes of the progressive statists.
And we have to resist this, and we have to be vocal, and we have to stop being afraid that these people are going to ruin our lives and dox us and cause us to lose our jobs.
Dammit, we have voices, we have to use it, and we've got to take this country back, because progressives are killing us.
Very well stated, Keith.
We're going to have to leave it there.
Folks, if you want more, and I know you do, join Keith Hansen tonight on the Hagman Report, 7 to 10 Eastern Time.
You're not going to hear that on the mainstream media.
Keith, thank you so very much for your time.
Keith Hansen, the voice of New Hampshire, or New England, I should say.
Wntk.com, at realkeithhansen on Twitter.
Folks, God bless you.
Thank you so much for tuning in.
This is the most banned, demonized, lied-about broadcast in the world.
But why did they ban it?
Because you understand that.
You understand, like, the Rosetta Stone, the Skeleton Key.
It opens all the doors.
Well, they admit in these white papers, these WikiLeaks documents, and these latest Media Matters documents that came out from last year but came out a few months ago that got national news.
They're playing.
They picked me because I could be taken out of context, and they thought I was an easy target.
So they built me up even bigger, and then it backfired.
Folks love the radicals.
They loved even the villainous.
You know, everybody knows in professional wrestling that the villain's the most popular.
I'm not really a villain.
Look, they made me into a villain.
These globalists have some blind spots.
We got even more popular, especially young people.
So, even though I'm not that villain, they made- now they've got to destroy me.
They're like, oh my God, we built Frankenstein.
And they don't know what to do.
But again, they're still missing.
It's the guest.
It's you.
That's what's really powerful.
And so that's why they're so scared.
And that's why you shouldn't take it as like, oh my God, I got kicked off Facebook or Twitter or I got banned or I got...
Whatever, because I promoted Alex Jones.
You're gonna be kicked off anyways.
The only work there is, is standing up for what's right, and breaking their will, and breaking their stock, and supporting us.
So, I wanna empower you.