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Name: 20180826_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 26, 2018
1596 lines.

In this passage from The Alex Jones Show, Roger Stone discusses his views on political prosecution, perjury traps, and freedom of speech. He mentions being invited to an interview that seeks to entrap him in a bogus process crime as part of a political payback for his book, The Clinton's War on Women. Stone also talks about the recent takedown of Alex Jones and Infowars, emphasizing the importance of fighting for freedom and First Amendment rights. Lastly, he promotes various health and wellness products available in the InfoWars store.

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The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
When I say this is the most censored, feared broadcast in the world by globalists, it's because it is.
And why is it?
Because we are on target.
We read the white papers, we read the reports, we read what the big tanks are putting out that actually set policy, not just here, but worldwide.
We know about the plan, and we know it's anti-human and very authoritarian, and we know how to stop it.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live 26-day
Of August 2018 Sunday transmission John McCain is dead just three days shy of his 82nd birthday.
We'll be looking at that some.
Obviously Roger Stone is going to be joining us with huge developments in the second hour.
There has been a tragic shooting, at least four dead and eleven wounded at a video game Madden Mayhem conference in Jacksonville, Florida.
Reportedly a gentleman who was later shot dead, one of the four dead.
Thank God it's not more than that.
Thank God he's one of the four dead.
Had a laser sight on his handgun, it's believed.
And began blasting people after he lost.
And again, the association of video games and shooting people is absolutely documented.
It's well known.
I'm not saying ban video games.
I'm saying in every mass shooting, there's a shoot-em-up, obsessed individual.
They're generally into death, into Satanism, into Nazism, into Communism, into just dark rebellion.
They're generally white.
I just go with the crime statistics here.
Just like 12 out of 10, 10 out of 1, you know, attacks on, for every time a white person attacks a black person, there's 10 or 12 times a black person attacks a white person.
It's just a statistical fact.
Well, most mass shooters and most psychopaths that kidnap and kill people are white.
Some are Hispanic.
Very few are black.
These are just numbers.
And it's just well known.
And you want to know the M.O.
of these guys, goth, and I'm not saying all goths are bad, but goth,
Drug addict, devil worshiper types.
It's like the scumbag down outside Houston had a Satanism pen, a Nazi pen, and a Communist pen.
And he was an incel, involuntarily celibate, and just hated women because he'd been rejected by them.
So he wanted to go out in a blaze of glory.
These people are very easy to track and guess who they are.
Now we'll see if this is different.
It's a white guy.
And we'll have those sad numbers soon and understand this, but the reason we have a Second Amendment is to protect us from this type of crazy person.
Statistically, cars kill 30, 40, 50 times, depending on the year, what guns do.
Most people that are killed by guns are killed when they're in the commission of a crime or invade somebody's house, when you cut suicide out of the equation.
And whether it's pills or driving your car off a cliff for suicide, that is your decision.
I'm a libertarian.
It doesn't mean I agree with suicide, but that is your decision.
So I shouldn't lose my right to drive a car or have a baseball bat or a bottle of whiskey or a gun or whatever because somebody else misuses it.
But our hearts and prayers go out to those that have been shot and killed and injured there.
We'll be following that as the latest information unfolds.
They're at the Madden Jacksonville NFL Tournament.
And people I know get really, really upset about these video games.
They get really, really obsessed with it.
They begin to live in that other world.
It's like the woman they said went and shot up YouTube because she worked there and had been, you know, kicked off or whatever, had a boyfriend who worked there.
Turned out that wasn't even true.
That it wasn't because she'd been kicked off YouTube, it was because she was fighting with her boyfriend.
So we'll be looking at all of that as well.
But here's what we're going to cover when we return.
The big news, ladies and gentlemen, the gigantic news.
The deep state is moving against Trump with just 72 days out.
71 days out now, we'll check.
And he's getting ready to move on them.
And the word is he's getting ready to fire Sessions, and we've got massive evidence that's about to unfold, plus sources, show things are going to heat up explosively, politically.
Because they'll say, Jones is going to blow things up, he said explosively.
Well, that's what George Soros and Media Matters do.
I mean, things are politically very, very volatile right now.
And we're going to break it all down on the other side.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
Please spread those links.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We're not going to make America great again.
It was never that great.
We have not reached greatness.
We will reach greatness.
When every American is fully engaged, we will reach greatness when discrimination and stereotyping against women, 51% of our population, is gone.
The Total Divide and Conquer program is in high gear and I wanted to start this Sunday live broadcast on the 26th day of August 2018 with the governor of New York saying America was never great and will never be that great.
Until we do the opposite of what Martin Luther King said, and only identify by what color we are, or what sex we are, and only by working through a group can you ever attain anything.
That's called gang mentality.
Because I thought of that clip this morning, when I got up at like 7 a.m.
I slept in, I usually get up about 5 a.m.
during the week, and I learned that John McCain was dead three days short of 82.
Of brain cancer.
And I saw the Hollywood tweets going out when Trump said, our condolences go out to you and your family.
Very sorry for your passing.
You're a great guy.
You rarely see Trump lie, but he told a liar out there to take the high road.
I guess that's okay if it's in death.
I mean, I've taken the high road saying I hope his soul's in a better place.
Hope he got right with God.
But McCain, we'll go over some of his bio.
I did a live show earlier today.
My stack was actually in there in the podcast room.
I went and looked for it.
It was gone.
Maybe somebody can find that stack for me.
But I went through the Keating Five, and I went through funding and helping create modern ISIS, and I went through the Benghazi cover-up, and I just went through
Really how bad John McCain was.
Open borders, global government.
He was the Democrats' favorite Republican.
Senator Keene, who of course ran with Hillary for President as VP.
He famously said that John McCain was, quote, thank you, John McCain was, quote, his boss, or the Democratic Party's bosses.
So it's truly sick, and I'll talk more about this with Roger Stone coming up in the second hour, but it's really not that important in the final equation.
What's important is the governor will appoint out for the rest of his term, which is several years, McCain's successor.
So we don't want someone who is like his daughter or his family that are more left than Hillary Clinton.
McCain clearly stole multiple elections.
He was involved in the theft of $500 billion in the SNL crisis, running the thing as a regulator, with the regulators.
He quarterbacked the whole deal.
And the left wants you to have amnesia and not remember that and not know that.
But a chapter closes with John McCain, but you read the article up on Infowars.com.
From Breitbart, that's got all the clips in it, where you've got all these Hollywood stars going, F you Trump, go to hell, you know, you're not even worth saying his name.
So when Trump took the high road and went super high, they went super low.
And I'm not going to sit here and speak ill of the dead, but I'm not going to sit there and say because he was in the military and obviously had courage and got shot down and all the rest of it, that he's then perfectly good guy, because
Adolf Hitler was in the military.
Genghis Khan was in the military.
Pol Pot was in his military.
Kim Jong Un's grandfather was in the military.
Mao Zedong was in the military.
So I love our military.
I love what the Republic stands for.
I don't agree with Governor Cuomo that says
That America was never great and will never be great.
Because of our ideals, and our stamina, and our rugged individualism, we have been great, we will be greater if we rediscover what made us great.
But to just say he got shot down and was a prisoner of war so he can steal $500 billion for the globalists, and he can help fund ISIS to try to overthrow Assad and destabilize things, and he can be anti-gun and push open borders and throw the election for Barack Obama?
The first time?
I mean, John McCain
He actively pushed before he left the Senate with Obama a year and a half ago, I mean he just left a few months ago, to create this whole CIA operation against independent news and to begin deplatforming the American people.
I've got articles here today where 96% of Google searches result for Trump, the search Trump, news for liberal media outlets, 96% negative.
And now they're learning that the New York Post, the Washington Times, conservative articles from even the Wall Street Journal are being completely shadow banned where you cannot share them on Facebook.
They're worse than Twitter.
This is racketeering.
They deny to Congress they've been doing it.
They've got major web services that track it.
Members of Congress have discovered they've been totally shadow banned to manipulate this election.
It's not the Russian bots.
It's the globalist bots of Facebook, and of Google, and of Apple, and all of them.
You know, if you look back on the week before I got deplatformed on 26 major platforms, world history, the first thing they did was go in before they even deleted my channel, the day before we noticed that they deleted more than 10 videos the week before that had gone viral,
With millions of views total, we're going to re-upload them this week, where I said, Apple has moved to Communist China, so has Google, they're helping censor there, and they're bringing censorship here with a social credit score to control everything you do and de-platform you from credit cards, from hotels, from travel, from flights, from business, if you don't comply with their social control.
They got panicked by that because Congress was already starting hearings.
Tim Cook, who admittedly met with the heads of those first four companies to ban me, Sunday night, and they made the decision to ban me.
That is total collusion.
So, I broke this with Paul Watson five years ago, the Chinese social score that actually Google and others were building for the Chinese.
Now it's Associated Press, Reuters, you name it, reporting it like it's no big deal.
That they're moving to China and helping censor here, and Facebook announced last Monday they're bringing in the social score to everyone on Facebook.
That's why I've been shadow banned.
That's why I've now been completely de-platformed, saying, look, conservatives, if you don't like being 96% choked...
Like when you go play a football game and the other team's running downhill and you're running uphill, 96%.
You know, one team's got a rock climb up, a 96% grade, and for the other team, it's just like walking down a hill.
That's literally the football game, is we're going up a 96% grade, 90 plus percent of all communications goes on over the internet now, they're blocking everyone.
And even mainstream news says, oh my God, this is killing everybody's freedom.
Now suddenly, The Hill and even the New York Times are like, wait a minute.
It's dangerous.
If we just let the big tech giant censor Alex Jones, they can then censor everyone.
It's already too late.
You're already done.
Zuckerberg said a year ago to executives, I'll hold your hand like hospice as mainstream news dies.
And mainstream news was so stupid, they went, oh, let's get rid of Alex Jones.
He'll set the precedent as he platformed the conservatives and the Christians, the libertarians.
Let's build up lies about him.
Let's tell lies about him.
Use that straw man to set the precedent to shut him down.
And what have they done now, ladies and gentlemen?
They've done it, and now it's Prager University, and it's the Washington Times, and it's the New York Post, and it's all news that's anti-Trump is tagged by Google and put to the top on their 90 plus percent of worldwide web searches.
And conservative candidates everywhere are trying to even post their own ads to their own Facebook and Twitters and being told you can't.
And their own Googles.
But the Democrats can all advertise.
Their money's gold.
They can do whatever they want.
All because Senator Warner, Wyden, and Murphy a month ago
Put out a memo that leaked the day I was kicked off all the platforms saying, we're gonna ban all conservatives, and by the way, the internet by next year is gonna be all paid like Netflix.
What did Barry Diller say a year ago?
By 2019, it'll all be paid.
He's the big Democrat that owns Newsweek.
And then, even four months ago, the Wall Street Journal said, we're gonna ban Alex Jones and WikiLeaks, and the whole internet will be paid after that.
They'll accept WikiLeaks and Jones going down, and then we'll make hundreds of billions.
And the stock went up for News Corp when they did that!
They even put out press releases!
Soon the internet will be paid!
Everyone will be shut down!
And Trump's striking back against it.
But listen, the deep state's moving on Trump.
He's getting ready to fire Sessions, Watch, and a bunch of others.
Sparks are about to fly.
We'll give you the exclusive analysis that they fear you get straight ahead.
But whatever you do, listening on AM, FM, local TV stations, however, tell folks to tune in now.
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Drew's only been here about four or five months, and he's behind the camera right now.
And I've just done this big pitch for our new product for women that is the best products, the best ingredients we can come up with.
And he said, man, you need to reshoot this.
Literally 20 seconds ago, and I said, what?
He goes, what's that Virginia Slims ad?
And I went, oh, the one about empowering women who smoke and cigarettes and killing themselves.
He goes, yeah, you've come a long way, baby.
And that just totally hit me like a ton of bricks.
So hundreds of millions of women died of lung cancer because the whole feminist movement from the 20s to the 40s was funded by the cigarette makers to get women to smoke.
And they continue that line into the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s saying, you've come a long way.
You can smoke Virginia Slims.
You too can die of lung cancer.
So Stephen Colbert and all these programs demonized me.
For promoting known herbs, known vitamins, known trace minerals that are so critical to women.
My god, iodine is absolutely king.
The good halogen.
And then I'm the bad guy all over the news for promoting healthy formulas, but they are promoting pure poison.
So, hey, yeah women, you've come a long way.
The families are broken up, society's falling apart.
We're good to go.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
It is Sunday, the 26th day of August 2018.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And we are in the middle.
We're just 72 days out from the most important election in U.S.
And things are just absolutely starting to go haywire.
They're starting to go crazy.
But remember this.
If we just roll over to the globalists, the sky's the limit to what they'll do to us and our families.
The fact that you're seeing all this turmoil means that we force them and their control systems out into the open, and they're very, very scared of that.
Now, here's the big announcement if you just tuned in.
It is being reported by major computer tech firms, even Reuters, even the Wall Street Journal, that the New York Post, the Washington Times,
And other publications are being completely blocked on Facebook and other major tech firm platforms from even sharing their articles.
And now it's being reported 96% of Google search results for Trump news are from liberal media outlets.
Let me translate that for you.
96% of conservative news is blocked.
That's what that amounts to.
So that's, again, like us having to mountain climb at a 96% grade in a football game.
Imagine 11 men are having to mountain climb up a 96% grade on average, while the other side is basically sitting there in a motorized wheelchair, just la la la la la, going down a nice easy grade downhill with us.
And they go, oh, we're private companies.
No, they're 90 plus percent of all emails, of all videos, of all communications.
It's how most people communicate now.
And they're censoring it all.
And then your smartphones force feed you CNN.
And Oliver Darcy
Sits there and says, ban Alex Jones, get him off the air.
Hundreds of articles everywhere.
Big national story, and then on Friday he puts out a headline.
President Trump is propping up.
The idea that conservatives are censored.
It's not true.
No one's censored.
Because Trump's now looking at it.
Congress is looking at it.
They're getting ready to have hearings.
Zuckerberg's being called back up.
And they just hope everybody's ignorant in there about what's happening.
But something happened.
I've gotten all the documents and all the files to the President and the Congress.
I've done things like pay to have them hand-curried by delivery.
I've done things like make sure people give it right to the President.
And he's going to get more this week.
So get ready for your executive orders.
I've got top lawyers on Sherman Antitrust Act Section 2.
I've got all of it.
I mean, you guys are absolutely 100% done if the president moves against you.
Now, let's shift gears into the big enchilada.
We told you last Tuesday here that
Roger Stone's sources, very close to the Mueller probe, because he's being probed himself, said there's no doubt Donald Trump Jr.
is going to be indicted for misleading the FBI.
Not for any legal meeting with the Russians.
None of that is the case.
But for them saying, oh, they think his Senate testimony is a little different than what he told the FBI.
So it's all just interpretation.
I think that's Kelly Green.
You think it's Mallard Green.
I think that's Baby Blue.
You think it's Sky Blue.
The FBI says, buddy, you said baby blue.
We say sky blue.
You're going to the hoose cow.
You're going to the lockup because the president is his own branch of government.
He has to be impeached by the other branch of government.
He has to be indicted by the House, tried in the Senate.
Bill Clinton was never tried in the Senate.
He was never technically impeached.
They indicted him and began the impeach month.
He was never impeached.
So, Trump now has him going after all of his business associates.
Notice, none of it's Russia.
It's cab companies Trump has nothing to do with, or totally legally using his own money to give a girlfriend some cash.
Turns out it's not campaign money.
They don't know what to do.
Turns out it's 12 years ago.
13 years ago.
And so notice, there's no Russia.
And so now they're moving away from Russia to obstruction of justice.
We told you a year and a half ago that that was the case.
Well now, the story's up on DrugsReport.com from Breitbart.
There's the headline.
Roger Stone says that they're getting ready to indict Donald Trump Jr.
And now that Trump's being betrayed by all the people around him, it says Trump's barrier breaks down.
And boy, it's strange to see the Washington Post occasionally tell the truth, but they still do.
An article three months ago about how
More than 50 state-run universities, state-funded, are basically Chinese commie-run now.
So, we're going to go to break here in a few minutes.
I'm going to come back with my official breakdown of this bombshell info.
When I say bombshell, they want us off the air so we can't break this down.
Trump's getting ready to move against him.
He has no other choice.
They are the deep state.
He can declassify everything.
He can fire Sessions, and it's now about to happen.
In fact, that's my stat from Saturday.
It's when I could find a place.
All the U.S.
Senators now in green lighting.
The firing of Sessions.
It's about to happen.
And I made some calls and I said, yeah.
He's made the decision.
He may change his mind, but a lot is about to happen.
They know it's coming.
They know it's happening.
There's moles in the White House.
They know everything that Trump's about to do.
So I'm not going to tell you anything secret.
But amid betrayals, Trump's barrier breaks down.
What's that mean?
He's like, oh, I forgot this.
Print me this.
They just released the latest numbers.
It's 4.6.
The New York Times and Krugman and Obama said you don't have a magic wand.
You'll never get the economy up to 3%.
It's now 4.6.
It's been 3 since he got in, just on the exuberance, then 3.6, 3.8, 4, 4.1, 4.2.
Now, the numbers.
China's had 10% growth rates for 30 years because it was all being sent there.
Trump says, hey, we're gonna have a little bit of business back here, and everybody goes, we're open for business!
America's back!
It's incredible!
So, that's all coming up, but if you want this recovery, and if you want America back, you've got to get the traitors and the globalists out.
They're the ones that constantly tell you, Trump's a traitor, Trump's this foreign asset, because they're the foreign assets.
What the foreign assets have is crippling Russia, putting sanctions on them, shutting off their oil exports, where the U.S.
is now a net exporter, and so is Texas.
And we've got military massing around Russia, and all these sanctions, and they say he's a Russian agent when Hillary gave them the uranium.
And Mueller made the delivery?
Yeah, Mueller made the delivery.
It's just, you cannot make this up.
Now listen, that said, we're winning, but it's neck and neck here, and we need your prayers, we need your financial support, we need people to ask, what side are you on?
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Certainly for some, Alex Jones can be scary and abrasive.
But if you can get through all that to explore what he's been saying, to see for yourself what it is that the establishment wants to hide from you, then the information you find could be life-changing.
He predicted 9-11.
And if there was an outside threat like a bin Laden, who was a known CIS in the 80s, he's the boogeyman they need in this Orwellian phony system.
He exposed the cremation of care ceremony at Bohemian Grove.
He educated us about the relationship between the Third Reich and modern globalism.
He helped reveal the so-called Bilderberg Group et al.
He was the loudest voice reporting on the union between the Communist Chinese and Silicon Valley.
They falsely edited him.
They lie about his reporting of Sandy Hook.
They lie that he pushed a child down in a viral video.
And now he is being de-platformed by Facebook, Apple, and Google.
Private companies are being harassed and encouraged to stop doing business with him.
And then we get hit and say, you don't want to use our software.
YouTubers are being censored for talking about him.
We just got taken down by YouTube.
They just killed our stream.
And some Americans are actually celebrating this.
This is America in 2018.
Will you sit by and allow liberty and freedom to be taken away right before your eyes?
Will you do nothing?
While history is being recorded, will you sit and do nothing?
Or will you do your own research, discover the truth, and stand for freedom?
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Right now is massive rampage force.
Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram, and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
I'd done the War Room.
She's not on until 9.40 Central.
That's 10.40 Eastern.
I was exhausted.
I popped two Brain Force Plus and I was good as new.
I mean, it really is mentally stabilizing, mentally energizing.
Tonight, I'm on with Tucker Carlson.
The same thing.
I'm going to put in a full day here at InfoWars.
I'm going to go on the Tucker tonight.
Thank goodness for this great product.
This is my all-time favorite because it's so effective and it doesn't give you that jacked-up energy drink feeling, you know?
You can sleep with it.
And when you stack it with the Red Pill, the mind-body combination, that is the best.
That supercharges your energy, your vitality.
This is the best combination I have found.
It really works.
It's the best mineral-vitamin combination I have found, and I've tried them all.
I wasted a lot of money in old hoods,
Believe me.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I don't say this to act powerful.
I don't say this to act like I'm a big man.
It's the opposite.
I am in the danger zone, so is the country, so is the world, so are your children, my children, and all of civilization.
The globalists, the most authoritarian groups you've ever seen, working with communist China, radical Islam, the unelected EU, the corrupt megabanks, and the out of control
Delusions of grandeur filled tech giants are making their move on humanity.
And not just here, from Brazil to Greece, from Japan to the UK, from Reykjavik to Mexico.
Groups and individuals are moving for a pro-human, prosperity-filled future, not this globalist command and control system.
President Trump is preparing to act
against Senator Sessions, who is totally compromised, and the fact that Rosenstein created a new succession, not from the President to the Attorney General, commanding the Attorney General, the Sub-Attorney General, and the Solicitor General, but
To weird, never-heard-of U.S.
attorneys that are Democrats and neocons in places like North Carolina and Texas.
And they just tricked Trump to sign these papers saying it was just routine the first week in office.
They have allowed all the crimes against Trump, all the crimes against America, all the illegal spying, all the illegal warrants, all the fake Russiagate garbage.
They've indicted three members of the House to try to win the election for stuff that's not even criminal.
Flying their daughter's pet rabbit, buying members of the staff dinner on campaign funds, totally normal.
When Obama laundered 84 million dollars.
It's all unfolding.
And notice the globalists are starting to think.
Hayden, former head of the CIA and the NSA, that's been calling for the president to be taken down, suddenly goes on the Hill this weekend.
Here's the headline.
It says, impeachment's a bad idea.
Don't do it.
Top pollsters come out and say, this is going to backfire.
But they say, more importantly, Trump is holding all the cards in the next 72 days.
He has the people behind him.
They want to see action.
The economy is at 4.6 now.
They said it never hit 3.
And they have looked at the numbers like I've been saying.
I mean, I just tell it like it is, folks.
I don't do cheerleading when stuff's dire, I'll tell you.
It is dire.
They removed Trump.
Katie barred the door.
Because the economy will dump like that.
The whole world came back here because they know we're voting for business again.
The globalists had said, you don't build here.
The U.S.
is done.
That was the official globalist plan.
That's why Cuomo says we were never great, we'll never be great.
It's taught at all the universities, it's what globalism is!
It's to move stuff to China.
And to exploit third world labor.
This has been the plan, okay?
And so, why is Hayden, why are top pollsters... Why are they doing this?
Because they know that the crazies, like Brennan, and Obama, and Hillary, and others that think they're invincible, Hillary thought that she can barely walk or barely talk half the time, that she could be president.
They're delusional!
And so now you've got Bloomberg, you've got San Francisco Gate, you've got The Hill, all saying, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
We might be able to get him in the 2019-2020.
If the economy goes down, which they're trying to plunge, and you've got Bill Maher trying to plunge it, they all admit their hatred of America.
But if they do it now, they've looked at the tea leaves, and it is super dangerous, super out of control, super crazy.
But their own crowds are now in total, foaming at the mouth, hysterium.
A word I've invented.
Instead of hysteria, you go to a mental institution, like a sanitarium, it's a hysterium.
So, that's what's going on, because they know suddenly, and this may be a feint though, because they're so arrogant they may do it, you got Phil Mudd, formerly the CIA high-level, Robert Mueller's attaché, protégé, aide-de-camp,
Saying we're going to kill this guy.
You've got Brennan and Clapper on TV last year saying he'll be out by Christmas.
We're going to remove him by the 25th Amendment.
You've got Brennan on Bill Maher's Friday night, the articles on Infowars.com, the video, saying we're going to remove him via 25th Amendment.
That's having the cabinet do it.
They put so much pressure on his cabinet, on his staff, that they threatened to arrest and indict all them who aren't protected like the president.
Under the Unitary Executive and under the Separate But Equal clauses.
So under the massive threat, everyone associated with Trump, myself, his family, you name it, Roger Stone, under total attack, to put pressure on us to then roll like Cohen has done and make up crap.
To flip.
So what does Trump do?
They're bearing down and a lot of their people, like Clapper,
And like, Hayden and others are like, whoa, whoa, whoa.
And Democrats in the House, Democrats in the Senate are like, let's not do this, let's not do this.
This is too dangerous because Trump, for only 72 days, be 71 tomorrow, holds all the cards.
They've done illegal investigations.
They've made up stuff.
They're the ones in bed with the Russians and the Chinese.
They're the ones illegally surveilling him, lying to Congress.
He's got all the information he can declassify.
And notice what he said Friday.
I may have to get involved to get to the bottom of Crooked Hillary's corruption and her whole cabal.
He said, I'm going to have to get involved on you censoring millions of Americans.
No, it's not Alex Jones now.
See, it's millions of conservatives.
And it's all over mainstream news now.
The New York Post, the Washington Times, the Wall Street Journal is going, top writers are like, on my Facebook and on our Facebook, no one can see it.
No one can share it.
Wait, wait, you're being banned too?
See, once I started the debate, once you started the debate, once Matt Drudge, God bless him, started the debate when this happened to me three weeks ago, and forced it, and Drudge said it isn't about Alex Jones, they misrepresented him.
Alex Jones, to then set the precedent to bring me down and then they were using the smoke screen for all of you, PragerU, Laura Loomer, Gavin McGinnis, everybody!
They went from 80 to 90 percent shadow bans to 97, 98, 99, mainstream news, 96 percent of the searches on the internet on Google are anti-Trump.
You can't even find a conservative.
And they're so pissed that Matt Drudge has the number one news site in the world, number two site, period.
They're so mad Rush Limbaugh has 600 radio stations.
They're so mad I've got 200 plus.
They're so mad that they can't shut that down as easily.
But let me tell you, they were within one vote in the FCC last year before the Democrat got taken off there.
Now they're two votes away from bringing back the Fairness Doctrine saying we can't even have our own political views, period, and claiming it's a form of campaign money.
So the Democrats all have their speech.
CNN has their speech.
Netflix has their speech.
Hollywood has their speech.
They can all call for killing the president and his family, but they're saying, you don't have it.
They know we've realigned against them.
They know we're awake.
They know that we're never going back.
So they're going for pure authoritarianism.
They want to federalize the next election.
It's unbelievable.
They're going for broke, ladies and gentlemen.
And Trump is set to declassify.
The information he signaled, but more importantly when we come back, Senator Graham and Senator Grassley.
Grassley's the most respected.
Grassley is not corrupt, down the middle of the road, statesman.
Grassley said you need to go ahead and fire him on Friday.
He goes, this is just out of control.
Fire him and clean up the Justice Department.
Yes, this is out of control.
What Hillary, because now here's the big secret.
When we come back I'm going to tell you the big secret.
I'm going to give you the giant kahuna.
I'm going to give you the ultra massive kahuna when we return to understand the whole thing.
But Trump is preparing to take them down.
Folks, they wouldn't have kicked me off the air and done that whole spectacle if they weren't planning to ban all of you.
And three weeks later, you're 96% banned.
That's already not existing.
That is total election fraud, total election meddling.
And they think you're too stupid to realize that I've bet on you my whole life.
I believe in you and our local stations and our AM and FM's.
And our local stations are more important than ever.
And there's a little trick.
Their streams and their feeds aren't censored by Facebook and Twitter and others.
So you can share my show off of their feeds by plugging the local station you're listening to.
Little Inside Baseball.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, Trump only has 72 days to guarantee victory against the Globalists.
We'll probably still win if he doesn't move against them now, but...
They're behaving like certain sectors of the deep state decided to totally move on him beforehand with 25th Amendment.
They announced on Bill Maher with the big trader John Brennan.
Other globalists like Hayden and Clapper are saying back off, don't do it.
Top Democrats are saying it.
The Washington Post is saying you're only getting Trump more aggressive.
You're only getting Trump to go with his own gut, which is crush them.
He's done nothing but empower this country.
4.6% growth rates.
So let's boil down what's happening right now.
Senator Sessions has been interviewed by multiple news outlets, Associated Press, Sarah Carter, you name it.
Or, let's be clear, Senators Graham and Grassley have been interviewed on Sessions and have all greenlighted that it's time for Senator Sessions, now Attorney General, to leave.
Lindsey Graham says Trump has the power and should do it.
So does Senator Grassley, who is the most respected in the Senate bipartisanly.
That totally, absolutely greenlights it.
And it's gotta happen.
Now, what is the big, giant thing that I said is the big kahuna of why they're getting ready to do this and why they finally understand that they have no other choice?
Document cam shot, please, for TV viewers.
Infowars.com in 2016, late 2016 and early 2017, along with Zero Hedge,
Are the only publications to point out a section of the $611 billion 2017 John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
First article was in December, the next article was the next month.
It establishes a shadow government
Within the U.S.
government and the CIA and the Board of Governors of the FCC.
Above the FCC board in the Board of Governors.
A board, the actual board.
And it establishes billions in clandestine funding to stop, quote, foreign information warfare.
And then they had hearings a month later and said, Alex Jones.
Right Bart, others.
So they call us Russians with no evidence.
They're the globalists.
And then they say we will stop these groups.
Now they have Silicon Valley last week meeting in a secret meeting that leaked.
The BuzzFeed picked up saying the exact same words that we've got to stop the foreign power stealing the election.
That's their cover to have a 96% block on the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Times, conservative writers at the Hill.
Who now can go and see how they've been 96 to 99 percent blocked, in some cases 100 percent blocked.
So that's the cover for the globalists under the foreign power coming in and doing this.
And that's what this is.
And that's why Senator Warner, four weeks ago, days before I was officially blacklisted, the first person ever in U.S.
history from 26 platforms in one day,
Met with Tim Cook and others, it's all admitted.
Two weeks before they were secretly circulating it, the days before they released it, saying all conservatives will be removed.
Then Senator Murphy said, Jones is just the beginning, the tip of the iceberg.
I want them all gone.
I want Rush Limbaugh gone.
I want Matt Drudge gone.
Go look at their hearings!
And they said, we're gonna ban them.
And Warner then, with Murphy and Wyden, who all put out announcements saying, quote, Jones is the first, we're gonna ban thousands.
That's Wyden last week in a radio interview.
They are making their move, ladies and gentlemen.
So, Tim Cook, there it is on screen, has been meeting over and over and over again this year with Mark Warner to quarterback the plan.
They have an executive order.
They have $3 billion in clandestine funds from the $611 billion.
They have people under orders outside of Trump's knowing at the CIA, the NSA, and critical infrastructure protection.
It is Google, by the way.
Google is the NSA.
And a NASA combine.
That's now been declassified.
So you have a total deep state working against America, a rogue government outside of Trump, waging war against our military, our economy, everything, and these eggheads think you're stupid and you can't figure it out.
So they chose me as the target who they could take out of context to make me the bad guy, so that while they're smoke-screening talking about me,
They're banning you and everybody else ahead of the election.
And they think by the time you figure it out in these congressional hearings, and by the time Trump figures it out, it's going to be all over.
Apple, Google have all moved to China.
They're helping round up political dissidents.
They are just as bad as the Communist Chinese.
They'd do that here if they could get away with it.
Show with the Democrats they want to have their foot on our neck.
They hate the economy at 4.6.
They're in full arrogant panic mode.
And they believe they're operating under law because Obama put the executive order in, one of the last things he did, on January 9th, 2017.
Directing the money from the John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
These two articles from Zero Hedge are the most critical.
The first, Obama quietly signs the Congress Information and Propaganda Act into law.
It's got all the subsections.
Then go read the implementation a few weeks later.
And it's all the same people.
Senator Murphy.
Senator Warner.
Senator Wyden.
And so they've got billions in U.S.
money to hire the Southern Poverty Law Center and Media Matters.
And they're now bragging in Media Matters' own website publicly that they're in the interface.
CNN, The New York Times, Project Veritas got undercover video this year and last year saying, oh, we're in his YouTube.
We're controlling it.
We don't like something, we delete it.
Or we shut it down or we shadow ban it.
Media Matters brags that they are in your own personal Facebook, Twitter, YouTube accounts.
They're in everything.
Apple has moved to China six months ago, officially with the iCloud keys to your photos, your bank account, everything you do.
State run!
State run!
You think about that.
Selling political dissidents organs, everything.
And they think you're dumb, they think the President's dumb.
So now the President in a week's gone from, it's wrong to ban Alex Jones, to millions are being blocked, and he's got a crash course in it now.
And even Reuters and Congress was saying this was treason a few months ago, and I was making a big deal about it, wasn't I?
But now you see, I gotta be silenced, not for Sandy Hook stuff I never said, not for all the things they use in the media, but because I exposed this, and I was telling our audience to make it to your congressmen and women, and to make it a big issue, and the establishment said, no, you're not gonna do that.
And so now they've got the main ringleader that's still got the chutzpah, the bravado, to do it, Brennan.
On television saying we're going to remove him in the next few months, even ahead of this election, 25th Amendment.
Well, you didn't get it done last year, and he's not getting it done this year, but to get it done, they are shutting everything off, just like in a war.
They blow out your communications and your power plant when they invade.
And they're blowing our communications and our funding out from under us, and that's why we need you to support us, because we are dutiful,
Sovereign Americans who love God and love you and respect you, and we are faithful to the truth, and it's our identity.
They think I'm a schmuck.
They think I'm an idiot and a globalist because I didn't sell out to them because I understand all this, and if you understand it, you're supposed to join them.
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All right, we'll be back with even more important news, but we just laid out the big secret.
Oh, I didn't get to the final big secret.
I will, and I'll put it as an addendum on this.
Stay with us.
Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
She just ain't always around.
And you know that's when I fall.
Now I can't help myself at all.
And I get whiskey bent.
All right, my friends, Alex Jones here on this live Sunday transmission.
Let me lay out the biggest issue facing everybody with 72 days left, and here it is.
Why are the Republicans about to back Trump, crushing the deep state, crushing the Democrat cabal, crushing the Clintons, absolutely exposing their Russia and Chinese collusion, even though it's going to hurt the Republicans who are involved as well, but not as much, maybe 10% as much from my research.
Because the Democrats are crazy and there's been a political realignment.
They're not sharing power with the Blue Bloods anymore.
And in the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, it's in the John Warren Defense Authorization Act, that Obama signed a year and a half ago, right before Trump got into office, it states they're going to hold new elections that are federally run by the Democrats.
They're going to basically remove the Republicans and only make them a ceremonial party.
And we're going to be like Venezuela or North Korea, a one-party state.
And so now Senator Grassley, now Senator Graham and all the other key folks are saying remove Sessions and remove whoever else you need and go after Hillary for all the corruption and what they've done because they've learned that they were getting ready to double-cross the old Country Club Republicans and totally sell us out to China and implode the recovery.
And the recovery's working, and people don't like killing a winner.
All these Republicans went along with the globalist plan, because they were told it was about projecting American power worldwide.
But then they've learned it was actually about setting us up and bringing us down, and the Pentagon already knows that, and everybody else already knows that, that it's a traitor.
So a lot of folks are jumping ship.
And now Hayden, and Brennan,
All these other minions are in big trouble and Hayden and Clapper and others are starting to crap their britches saying, oh no, no, no, lordy, lordy, lordy.
Brennan ought not have done what he did, calling Trump guilty of treason, which means he should be killed.
And now we're gonna bang heads, but Trump's got 72 days.
We can still win even after that if he doesn't win the midterms.
I think we will.
I see a big red wave coming and I told you Trump would win before, but they've got election fraud in.
He's got a strike now to show confidence in the government.
He's got a strike now because it's the law and it's what he's supposed to do.
They've committed all these crimes.
They've been caught lying.
The whole pack of them, 37 Democrats, with Mueller at the core of it.
And they've got this dragnet of corruption, they're trying to demoralize the country, they're trying to cause race riots, they're trying to sell us out to foreign enemies.
They're the clear and present danger, and they set up a system to censor 96% of conservatives, Mainstream News now reporting, ahead of an election and truly meddling in the election by Silicon Valley.
The communist Chinese president, Mr. President, their dictator, went to Davos, as you know, last year, a year and a half ago, and said with Juncker that they'd defeat America and that China would work with the deep state to stop you.
These are admissions of treason.
These are admissions of outrageous fraud.
And I know I've been penalized and demonized and attacked, but I don't want to be anywhere else because I know I had to do this and say the things they didn't want said and do the things to draw their fire because I knew they were going to totally ban me after the election.
So I didn't want to get banned, but I kept saying the things that they had Facebook and all of them calling us saying, you better stop, you better stop.
And I didn't stop.
And I knew CNN and others were so hungry to get me and get you that if they took me down first,
Metaphysically, that could trigger the chain reaction to expose them and everybody else to look at how they're being censored to see the elephant in the room.
And by the glory of God, it happened, ladies and gentlemen.
It happened and now it's blown sky high in their dirty faces.
The last 15 minutes I've laid out here is the most important thing I've ever said.
You're probably thinking, you used to say that once a year, now you say it every two days.
Because everything's getting more intense.
Everything's getting more key.
Everything's getting more critical.
Look out for false flags.
Look out for attacks on their own media combine to blame us.
They're going to pull everything out because they know they're losing.
But thanks to you!
And thanks to God above, we're gonna win this thing.
Critical Intel, 60 seconds away.
Have you spread the live links?
Have you told folks about the local stations?
Have you?
Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much begging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm standing in this briefing room right now.
There is no government official here.
But I'll say that the press is not the enemy of the people.
But I'll say that the press is not the enemy of the people.
The press is not the enemy of the people.
The press is not the enemy of the people.
They came in peace.
Maybe we should go out on Pennsylvania Avenue like these folks who chant CNN sucks and fake news.
Maybe we should go out, all journalists should go out on Pennsylvania Avenue and chant we're not the enemy of the people.
We're not the enemy of the people.
We're not the enemy of the people.
We're not the enemy of the people.
This is Darth Vader.
This is CNN.
So, here's the bottom line in the 18 trillion dollar question.
The Republican leadership has discovered the Democrats are planning to go to a one-party system, totally overthrow all free speech, rule the country by racial and cultural divisions.
It's in all the WikiLeaks.
It's in Obama's countering disinformation propaganda act that created a $3 billion stay-behind network inside our government and the Board of Governors of the FCC.
Not the FCC Board, the Board of Governors.
And now you've got Senator Grassley, the most respected in the Senate on both sides.
Senator Graham, who's been an establishment lapdog and others, signaling, remove Sessions.
You have to do it before the midterms.
Show you that you're strong.
They now know they're going for broke.
Now some people, like the former CIA Director and NSA Director Hayden,
Who have been part of the little cabal is now saying impeachment is a bad idea.
Now the Democrats are saying it.
Now the Washington Post and the San Francisco Chronicle are saying that Trump's barrier is breaking down.
We better watch out.
That's right.
Because if he actually... I mean, you've got the former FBI director on the tarmac giving him uranium.
You've got him on Russian boards.
You've got them covering up for Hillary.
It's a joke.
You've got illegal spying.
And so, as all of this comes out and as the headlines are, 96% of Google searches results block all conservative sites.
And now mainline newspapers are going, I'm a conservative.
My colleagues that are liberal, their stuff's spread.
I'm shadow banned.
Yes, Fox News.
Yes, New York Post.
Yes, Washington Times.
Yes, Wall Street Journal.
Did you really think you'd be in a world where I'm banned and Roger Stone's banned, but you're not?
Oh look, Washington Post, did Facebook's Barry Conservative News ex-staffer say yes?
Look, it's all coming out and they go before Congress and they play dumb.
So new hearings are coming up.
And I cannot stress enough to you that we need people to be champions.
Jim Jordan.
Matt Gaetz, they need to get up there.
We've had top law firms write out how it violates Sherman Antitrust Act, Section 2, how it violates unfair trade practices, how they're colluding, they're bragging.
They all just met at Twitter headquarters, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Apple, everyone.
More than 20 groups in secret.
BuzzFeed leaked it.
And they leaked the memo saying we're in information operations against the insurgency.
We must come together in the election.
The insurgency's us.
They're the globalists.
They're the people signed on with China.
Why do you think they met at Twitter though?
To pressure Jack Dorsey.
To take us off.
I think Jack Dorsey's a little smarter than they are.
It doesn't matter if I'm still on Twitter, folks.
I didn't stop what I was saying.
I told Stone, I told my dad, I told people.
They said, what are you doing still saying all these things that are going to ban you?
And I said, I'm picking a fight just like Braveheart does in the movie Braveheart.
That really happened in real life?
Well, they say it did.
But the point is, I'm not comparing myself to Braveheart.
But look, we're the biggest story out there because I knew we were already shadow banned 97%.
And so I had to push him all the way into it.
Dorsey said he thinks I wanted to be banned.
Well, you notice I didn't follow your psychological warfare of being nudged at Facebook and Google.
It's what they called it.
They kept saying, hey, we're going to totally ban you.
Hey, you can't have your 5 million subscribers.
You can't have your 16 million or 19 million people on Apple.
And I'm like, dude, I'm not going to become your little lap dog so I stay on.
You can misrepresent what I've said all day.
I'm not going to stop what I'm saying.
And what was it?
That China is helping run this.
That they're colluding.
That it's out of control.
And that Trump has to move against this countering disinformation propaganda group.
That's the shadow government.
That's the operatives.
And they're working with CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times.
Officially, it says the CIA works with, quote, trusted media.
It's beyond Mockingbird.
It is a trillion times worse than anything we could have ever imagined.
And I'm not kidding when I say that.
It's here.
You have a breakaway, shadow government group, a cabal, in public and out, calling for the 25th Amendment, remove the President, on Bill Maher Friday, Brennan.
You have them with billions of dollars in this group, funding it at Media Matters, in the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, is the main attack dog, and they admit in their own things, we work with former Obama people and people in the government to de-platform conservatives.
And when my domino went down three weeks ago,
You're all been vaporized like a fire-breathing dragon!
Just burning the village!
The whole village is on fire!
And Trump's like, we're under attack!
I'm gonna rally!
Millions have been banned!
And the CNN reporter, Oliver... not Darcy... Darkly?
What's that idiot's name?
That anti-free speech thug?
Oliver Darcy.
It's like Jack Darcy, but it's not Darcy.
It's Oliver...
It's Oliver, well notice he's everywhere saying ban Alex Jones, ban Alex Jones.
It's Darcy, so it's, he's ban Alex Jones, ban Alex Jones, ban Alex Jones, and then Friday he said Trump's crazy, no one's banning conservatives.
I mean, that's beyond Tokyo Rose.
When we dropped atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki over two days in 1945, she was still broadcasting on AM and shortwave, aimed at our fleet, saying, America is burning.
Your sweetheart is dead.
We have defeated you.
It's all over for you.
America is burning.
We have killed all your sweethearts.
They're all dead.
We invaded.
Japan was on fire.
We dropped millions of firebombs on them in 50 mile an hour wind, much worse than the atomic bombs.
It burned everything down.
Millions were killed.
The entire country was vaporized.
They were on the news saying that they had defeated us.
Like Baghdad Bob, when bombs are going off, he goes, we have pushed Americans into Kuwait.
We have pushed them into the Assyrians.
Baghdad Bob, remember him?
In 2003?
We're gonna go to break and Roger Stone's taking over here with huge breaking news.
And I went to tell the story of a mob chasing him through New York the other night.
But this is it, folks.
And so they're literally banning everyone and then Oliver Darcy is going, Trump is putting out the conspiracy theory.
Roger, I'm going to you right now.
All I can say is we need your financial support right now.
We're under attack.
You get great products at Infowarsstore.com and great specials and t-shirts and all of it and it makes us continue on to be that much stronger.
You don't.
Soros and all of them are going to win, but I'll tell you.
The biggest thing is the censorship and getting the president to fire Sessions and fire Fordeep and start the indictments of all these people and go after them all.
And the Republicans have signaled it because they know the Democrats are coming after them.
They went too far.
They broke the deal with the Blue Bloods and that's why they're done.
But we must move now!
Roger Stone, take over and I salute you.
Alex Jones, you are on fire tonight, man.
I am privileged to be here.
This has been the most extraordinary week, perhaps, in American history.
Because the deep state is making their move.
See, the takedown of Infowars and Alex Jones on multiple social media platforms was the precursor, but it was also the early signal to patriots that this was about to go down.
We're going to break it all down for you here tonight on Infowars.
We're going to present an action plan for the President of the United States to defeat the deep state coup that is afoot.
We're going to tell you exactly what the President needs to do to counter-attack.
But there has never been a torrent of fake news and fake dissemination of disinformation as we have seen in the last two days.
I'll be right back.
My friends, we have done it.
With Dr. Group's help, we have developed the ultimate male vitality supplement with eight concentrated super herbs.
This is the answer to the globalist war on male vitality with the estrogen mimickers they've added to the food and the water supply.
And now our test pilot, our Chuck Yeager, Dr. Edward Group, is here to test his greatest invention.
Thank you, Alex.
I will now take two droppers to test this ultimate male vitality formula.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a momentous moment.
Thank you, Dr. Group.
I will activate my muscles by doing push-ups.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is it.
This is the move.
This is unprecedented.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to see what happens right now.
Oh my God!
What the hell?
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Get out of here!
Shut this down!
This is not safe!
This is not... Hold on!
Settle down!
Get another doctor.
Something's wrong.
Something's wrong with him.
Help him.
Ladies and gentlemen, we did not intend for that to happen.
I take it personally.
Do not have those problems.
Again, these are authorized verbs.
Well known to be safe.
Please, doctor.
Doctor, wait a minute.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're just going to cut the commercial for just a moment.
Cut, cut, cut.
Get everybody out of here.
Super Male Vitality.
It's awesome.
Just not this awesome.
Oh my God!
What the hell?
Ladies and gentlemen, the dramatization you've just seen is just that.
It is satire to illustrate in a satirical way the incredible power of Super Male Vitality.
It will not turn you into Conan the Barbarian, but it will help block some of the estrogen mimickers and reportedly let your glands produce the natural hormones your body needs.
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Let's see if I can do it again.
It takes some focus.
Up, up, and away!
Start your journey to super male vitality today at InfoWarsLife.com
Let's go ahead and talk to Make America Great Again, Titan.
You're on the air, go ahead.
The man, the truth, the resistance, Alex Jones.
I am a Hispanic Trump supporter slash InfoWarrior.
I have a couple points to make, but I want to plug for you real quick.
Survival Shield, Mason Iodine X2, life-changing.
SuperMill Vitality, life-changing.
RainForce Plus, life-changing.
Super Blue Non-Fluoride Toothpaste, life-changing.
I'm sure the rest of them are good products.
I haven't been able to try them all yet, but they're awesome.
The hats, the t-shirts, amazing.
Briefly, tell us what the supplements did for you.
Well, I'll tell you what, Alex.
Just like you, I'm about the same body type.
I'm short, stocky, strong guy.
I'm Puerto Rican, Italian, and Cuban.
It's bankrupt.
Spoiler, like I said.
And I started working out every day.
I lift weights every day.
I don't even have to take the day off.
I'm taking the Survival Shield X2.
I drop that every morning.
I feel fantastic.
My skin is clearing up.
I have psoriasis.
So that's clearing up.
My hair is going back thicker.
I'm losing some of it, but it's growing back thicker in the areas that I do have it.
The brain force is just amazing.
That stuff makes you think.
It keeps you on your toes.
The same thing with the iodine.
It just brings this clarity and this focus.
And your products are amazing.
It's like a cleansing for the brain when we listen to you.
And it's just life changing.
And how people can go against the true resistance.
They're going to learn soon that they're on the wrong side of history.
And that's why we're the right.
We're not the alt-right, we're just right.
And I've got to say, I started Titans of Liberty's Truth Wars because of you, Alex.
You are a big inspiration to me.
You're the real deal.
If anybody's listening right now, Alex Jones is the real deal.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I follow Mark.
Well, let me make this perfectly clear.
You're listening to Roger Stone.
On and forth.
Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone, sitting in now for Alex Jones on the Sunday night version of the Alex Jones Show.
This is, in many ways, an emergency broadcast because I'm sure as many of you have seen,
The deep state is making their move.
Yes, right now, today.
The torrent of fake news is unlike anything I have ever seen.
For example, David French, writing for the National Review, says that, let's see,
Trump confidant Roger Stone apparently had advanced knowledge that WikiLeaks had obtained damaging emails from John Podesta and the Democratic National Committee.
Wrong, David French of National Review.
I never said anything of the kind.
Bill Buckley, who I knew well, but you didn't, would be rolling in his grave if he knew that the National Review was being used to spread such disinformation.
In fact, it takes a bastardization of my iconic tweet regarding John Podesta's time in the barrel, which was actually
The Podesta's time in the barrel, referring to both John and Tony to make such an irresponsible charge.
I never said anything whatsoever about John Podesta's emails.
Also, Philip Ewing, writing for yet another fake news site, says Roger Stone was in touch with Russian intelligence figures, according to
Well, they refer here to the indictment of the 12 Russian intelligence agency agents
An indictment that the Justice Department is well aware will never actually go to trial, so an indictment that is largely a public relations document.
They refer, of course, to my completely benign, innocuous exchange with someone on Twitter claiming to be Guccifer 2.0.
But any reasonable person who will examine that 24-word exchange knows that based on content, context, and timing, it is entirely benign.
Most certainly not evidence of collusion or collaboration with someone who is alleged, but not proven, to be a Russian hacker.
Now we're at a juncture in which the president must take action.
Prior to this occasion, I have never been in favor of the termination of the Mueller investigation, preferring to have the president clean house at the Justice Department to get the investigation the kind of oversight it needs.
The fact that Mr. Mueller is now charging
Michael Cohn with a federal election campaign violation which may or may not in fact have been an illegal act based on the facts but seems to have no interest whatsoever in the $600,000 that Hillary paid through a big Democratic law firm calling it falsely legal fees when in fact it was being paid
In a pass-through to Fusion GPS for creation of the phony dossier, which, by the way, was compiled with the assistance of Russian intelligence agents.
There's the real Russian collusion.
Mueller and his colleagues have no interest whatsoever in the abuse of power by the Obama administration, in which they use this fabricated dossier as the underlying rationale for full-fledged state surveillance of Donald Trump's campaign for president.
That's a crime far worse than Watergate.
In fact, it makes Watergate look like, well, a fourth-rate burglary.
You're here with me on the Alex Jones Show because tonight we're going to lay out a plan for the president to strike back against his critics.
This is the big event, folks.
This is why they took Infowars off multiple social media platforms only 10 or 12 days ago.
In preparation for this, the rollout of the attempt of a soft coup d'etat to remove Donald Trump from the presidency.
The first thing the president must do
Is to order immediately the complete declassification and the release of all of the government's information regarding the FISA warrants that were issued against Carter Page, most likely Paul Manafort, and myself.
These, of course, violate federal law.
Under federal law, a FISA warrant can only be issued on a United States citizen if they are actively involved in espionage against the United States.
I certainly don't meet that criteria, nor did my colleagues from the Trump movement.
So it is clear the Obama administration was using the power and the authority and the extraordinary capability of the state to spy on Donald Trump's campaign.
That's the scandal here.
And the Russian collusion delusion was constructed as a diversion to divert your attention and the attention of the American people from the real crimes of the Obama administration.
Now, you see the beginnings of the splintering of the establishment, where John Brennan, a admitted former member of the Communist Party, a man who admits to supporting the Communist Party candidate for president as late as 1976,
A Wahhabi convert to radical Islam.
We broke that right here on InfoWars when FBI counterintelligence expert John Guadagno broke it down for us on The War Room only weeks ago.
Mr. Brennan has outlined the coup plan against the President.
Well, on the TV show of my friend, and sometimes adversary,
Bill Maher.
It's all there, folks.
In fact, he even talks about the Trump cabinet removing the president, as we predicted right here on InfoWars well over six months ago.
You're on the Alex Jones Show, and now is a good time to remind you that we are in a battle for our survival.
As never before.
That's why it's more important than ever that you go to the InfoWars.com site right now and look at our terrific specials.
The InfoWars.com site and our store there is the lifeblood of InfoWars.
You see, we don't have any wealthy, conservative fat cats standing in the wings, writing big checks to supplement the work we do at InfoWars.
When you come right down to it, we can only depend on you.
And that's why your loyal patronage at the InfoWars.com store is so important to our survival.
Alex Jones and the folks at InfoWars are facing literally millions of dollars worth of phony, baseless lawsuits.
And these are meant to generate negative headlines that are then used as the grist for the argument to shut us down.
And while you're at it, folks, go to StoneDefenseFund.com
You see it right there, StoneDefenseFund.com.
Robert Mueller has targeted me for destruction.
He seeks to destroy me and my family, despite the fact that my only crime is supporting Donald Trump for president and contributing to the defeat of Hillary Rotten Clinton.
My back is against the wall.
I need your help.
So, patriots, please, go to StoneDefenseFund now and give me your help.
I'll be right back.
Twitter's CEO is standing by the company's decision to put InfoWars' Alex Jones on a seven-day suspension.
This comes after Jones urged his Twitter followers to ready their battle rifles, as he put it, against the media in a video posted to the site.
Alex Jones on Twitter posted this week what essentially is a video calling for people to get their battle rifles ready against the media.
People need to have their battle rifles and everything ready, their bedsides.
You gotta be ready.
Saying it's time to act, it's gotta be done now.
Move criminally against people.
It's time politically, and economically, and judiciously, and legally, and criminally, to move against these people.
It's got to be done now.
Sent a chill up my spine.
How about yours?
It did.
I mean, there's a number of actions that we believe
Help a call to incitement to violence and those are the things that we need to make sure that we're taking action on.
Now is the time to act on the mainstream media and he says get the battle rifles ready.
I didn't say that!
That incites violence.
Free speech does not protect inciting violence.
This is an emergency message to President Trump, to Congress, and to anyone that supports free speech in this country.
The Democratic Party is now calling for all Republicans, all patriots, including the President, to be deplatformed from Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, you name it.
And Jones is hardly their only target, that's for sure.
Virtually every day, the big tech companies censor someone else whose political opinions they disagree with.
Facebook censored our free speech.
And shame on the ones that don't even see that we have been censored.
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat them, prevent them from speaking.
You've taken action against him in this instance.
What is it?
Can you tell us what it is?
I believe we put him in a time out.
Alex Jones is not an 8th grader who got busted smoking in the bathroom.
Like, it's just not.
I mean, he's a guy who is, you know, fueling alt-right conspiracy theories and saying that this is what caused the ban and not everything that Alex Jones has done before.
This seems minor compared to the implications of someone suggesting a call to arms against a particular group, in this case, the media.
I didn't say use weapons on the media.
I don't want them to have weapons used on them.
That'll make them victims.
I'm worried they're going to false flag and stage something on themselves.
And then they're going to send antifa out to all our houses, which they're doxing everybody saying they are.
And I said defensively, be prepared to defend yourself.
And they say that is inciting violence.
No, it's not.
Send a chill up my spine.
I'm getting chills right now.
He said come with the battle rifles, engage in criminal activity.
And I said use the judicial system legally and lawfully and go after them criminally.
They have got to get a lid on this.
And the idea of martyrdom, it's also probably interesting, it will be interesting to see who rallies around his cause.
Let's remember, Donald Trump has appeared on this show.
And we're also standing up
To social media censorship.
That's the new thing.
Trump's election and Alex Jones' popularity are merely symptoms of a corrupt and failed status quo.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
You can't stop them from knowing that.
But this isn't about Alex Jones.
This is about freedom.
Mr. President, you don't want to look like you're after the press of the First Amendment.
You're letting them butcher the press of the First Amendment.
Oh, but you don't want to look authoritarian and stand up to them.
They're authoritarian.
They're in clear and present danger.
Do something about it!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
Welcome back.
You're on the Alex Jones Show, and I'm your Sunday night pinch hitter, Roger Stone.
You know, anyone who grew up in America in the 70s or 80s or even in the 90s was familiar with Newsweek magazine.
Newsweek was one of the two most popular news weeklies in the United States, competing with Time Magazine to bring a weekly summary of the news and other analysis.
But at some point more recently, Newsweek Magazine went out of business, and the name, and the graphics, and the masthead of Newsweek was sold to a fake news group who now publish under the name Newsweek.
Don't be fooled, folks.
This is not your father's Newsweek magazine.
This is a fake news organ writ large.
Now, this past week, right here on InfoWars, I reported correctly that Robert Mueller, the special counsel, is now eyeing an indictment against Donald Trump Jr.
for a process crime, most likely lying to the FBI regarding the Trump Tower meeting.
Now, the same source, a solid source that brings me this information, tells me that contained in the Michael Cohn indictment is a reference to a second Trump organization executive who approved the reimbursements to Cohn for monies he allegedly paid to Stormy Daniels.
A transaction, by the way, that I argue is entirely legal.
My source says that the only people at the Trump Organization, since Donald Trump left to become president and Ivanka Trump left to become an executive in the Trump White House, who have the authority to approve financial distributions or disbursements
Our Donald Trump Jr.
and Eric Trump, both strong patriots, both good men, both deeply devoted not only to their father, but to the President's reform agenda.
And therefore, I believe, based on this source, that Mr. Mueller is eyeing some kind of indictment against the President's son.
If that doesn't wake the President up, I don't know what will.
The truth is, the way to go now, the best way for the President to proceed, is to clean house.
He should terminate the employment of Sleepy Jeff Sessions.
He should terminate Rod Rosenstein, who not only approved the
We're good to go.
But because Rod Rosenstein and the President's first Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus, pulled a fast one early in the Trump administration, getting control of the President's Justice Department will be tougher than you might think.
You see, prior to a change that was signed into practice by President Trump, the line of succession went from the Attorney General to the Deputy Attorney General and then to the Solicitor General of the United States.
So, for example, when President Richard Nixon ordered the firing of Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox,
Attorney General Elliot Richardson declined to carry out that law and order and he resigned.
Then, Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus refused to carry out that order and he also resigned, leaving it to Solicitor General Robert Bork to carry out the President's order and he fired Cox.
That, of course, would make him a cocksacker.
In any event,
What Rosenstein did was very clever.
He put in front of the President a document changing the line of succession, the authority of power, at the Justice Department.
So it goes from Sessions to Rosenstein, it now skips the Solicitor General, and goes to a U.S.
Attorney in Texas, and then a U.S.
Attorney in North Carolina, and finally a U.S.
Attorney in the District of Columbia.
This is an extraordinary coup d'etat because it means that Rosenstein did this prior to the appointment of Mueller.
Meaning that Mr. Rosenstein, to his credit, anticipated this moment.
The moment in which the President should fire Sessions, fire Rosenstein, and now fire as deep as he has to in his own Justice Department until he gets an Attorney General who will carry out his orders.
If he first declassifies all of the information regarding the illegal use of FISA warrants, then he declassifies the information regarding Hillary's emails, and he declassifies the 700,000 emails that are on Anthony Weiner's server, forwarded by his husband, Huma Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton,
Only 3,000 of which, it turns out, have been read and reviewed by the Justice Department, contrary to what FBI Director James Comey told the American people.
The people will be shocked by what they learn.
Then, and this is the key, use the next election as a referendum on the President's actions.
Instead of waiting until after the election, as Rudy Giuliani and others have recommended,
I think the president must act now to take control of his own administration.
The president must act now to release all this information to the American people.
The president must act now to avoid the indictment of members of his own family.
Now, some will say, well, Roger Stone, this advice is in your own best interest, because it is not a secret that the Special Counsel seeks to jack me up for some non-existent crime.
Having come up completely empty-handed of any evidence of Russian collusion, or WikiLeaks collaboration, or any nonsense pertaining to John Podesta's email, they now are out trying to fabricate some offense
on which they can indict me.
Because they want to silence me.
This is part of their campaign to silence the critics of Mr. Mueller.
It is part of the campaign to silence InfoWars.
In fact, part of their motive in trying to shut down InfoWars across multiple social media platforms is to silence us in preparation for the takedown of President Donald J. Trump
The last presidential election.
I'm Roger Stone, you're here on InfoWars, and now is the time to remind you that we need your support as never before.
My best recommendation, go to the InfoWars.com store and get your copy of my latest book, Stone's Rules.
Yes, Stone's Rules is a handbook, a guidepost, a map, a blueprint for success.
Whether you are in politics, business, tech,
Or even, say, fashion or agriculture, this book will tell you the rules of the road, the things you need to do to succeed in your chosen avocation.
It is based on my 40 years in the American arena.
And we have a special offer for InfoWarriors only.
If you buy the book at InfoWars and you mail it to me,
I will happily personalize and autograph the book and send it back to you.
We're going to put up the address for you in a moment where you can send it, but I've memorized it.
It is 1007 North Federal Highway, Department 166.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 3-3-3-0-4.
Send your book now.
Buy it at the Infowars.com store.
Include your receipt and mail it to me and I will happily and proudly mail it back to you with my John Hancock.
There are other great products at the InfoWars store that you ought to also consider.
But above all, go to the site now and give us your support.
Whether it is one of our great nutraceuticals, one of our t-shirts, or a terrific book, this is the lifeblood of what we do here at InfoWars.
We need your help.
The year is 1995, and InfoWars launches the last of America's counter-globalist probes.
In a freak mishap, InfoWars.com and Alex Jones are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life support systems and returns Alex Jones to Earth 25 years later.
Trans-dimensionally over the space-time continuum through full space-time.
Where people are extremely lazy, the social engineers are there laughing.
What we envisioned a hundred years ago, twenty years ago, is now reality.
While the society unravels, men run around totally frantic, not knowing how to be men, and women run around frantic, not knowing how to be women, and they don't understand that it's an animating contest of life, and that it's fulfilling to be informed, it's fulfilling to be involved, it's fulfilling.
Tomorrow's news.
I think you're a goldfish!
I've been betting on you my whole life!
I believe in you!
I don't think you're stupid!
One man ever raped a woman!
All genitals were cut off!
And we're kicking these traitors' asses politically!
And we're not backing down ever!
I want to kick these people!
We're winning!
I can feel the spirit rising!
Can't you?
We have broken their back!
Yes, I can feel it!
Let's go!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on
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Western Europe has already banned free speech, and an iron curtain of censorship is descending down over the UK.
They're set to pass rules, not a law, that if you criticize Islam or gays, you'll get six months in prison.
We know we're only about a year or two behind what's happening in the UK.
CNN and many others are calling for InfoWars to be shut down, taken off the web.
Slate Magazine has a professor and others saying, go beyond censorship.
Brainwash young people against InfoWars.
Psychologically inoculate them with lies, so they don't actually hear what we have to say.
We are the most hated news source in the world by globalists.
It is so critical that you go to InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up for the free newsletter so we can be in contact with you and so the censors can't bully their way in and block us being able to engage in free open dialogue as a society.
That is critical to this fight.
We will prevail if you take action and I know you
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen, right here on the Alex Jones Show.
And now your host, Roger Stone.
Welcome back.
A great lick there from the talking heads, bringing us back to the Alex Jones Show.
And I'm Roger Stone, sitting in for the great Alex Jones on a beautiful Sunday evening.
There's a coup d'etat afoot in the country, folks.
The deep state, led by Robert Mueller, is making their move.
Now, who is Robert Mueller exactly?
We know he's a former FBI director and a former U.S.
attorney for the city and region of Boston, but you should know so much more about him.
You see, Robert Mueller is the man who covered up the fact that five of nine of the Saudi hijackers who attacked America on 9-11 were training at a Sarasota flight school.
And despite numerous complaints from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to the FBI, they never investigated reports of what these men were up to.
And then, according to Judicial Watch,
And documents that were obtained from the federal government under a Freedom of Information Act request, Mr. Mueller covered up the fact that a local Saudi family that harbored the men but disappeared in the middle of the night after the 9-11 attack had very clear ties to the 9-11 plot.
Robert Mueller is also the man who let three Boston men rot in a jail cell for a murder that he knew they did not commit in order to cover up FBI mob informants that were related to the mobster Whitey Bulger.
Robert Mueller is also the man who arrested the first, the wrong first three suspects
In the anthrax case, and then the man that he finally did arrest died mysteriously in custody of, yes, a Tylenol overdose.
It's extraordinary that this entire chain, including the cover-up of the BCCI scandal, the cover-up of the Flight 103, the Lockerbie scandal, all trace back to none other than Deep State cover-up artist and hitman Silent Bob Mueller.
So the idea put forward by Senators like Lindsey Graham that Robert Mueller is beyond reproach, that he is the very picture of propriety, don't match his actual public record.
My strongest advice to the President is to let the American people know who Robert Mueller really is and what is his real record.
Trust me, folks, if they bring some phony indictment against me, I will be bringing that record to the attention of the American people.
And if they manage somehow to silence me, others will jump up in my stead, completely prepared with the facts and with access to millions
To make that case, Robert Mueller is a hitman for the deep state.
Now, one of the things that I found particularly aggravating this week, as many of you know, my longtime friend and associate, Kristen Davis, was subpoenaed to appear by the special counsel in front of a grand jury in Washington, D.C.
She was told that the government would reimburse her travel expenses.
She was given two days to appear.
She had to arrange for child care for my godson, Carter Stone Davis, and made her trip to Washington.
Now we have learned that the special counsel has stuck her with $1,800 worth of travel expenses for airplane tickets and a hotel and left her stranded at the Washington DC airport without a ticket.
That is how they play the game.
It's abusive.
In fact, the special counsel thinks they're clever to go to the grand jury and say, Roger Stone is a dirty trickster.
Roger Stone has admitted that he will do anything to, quote, win at any cost for the candidates he supports, close quote.
Without ever telling the grand jury that on every occasion I have told folks that I will do anything to elect my candidates short of breaking the law, short of illegal activity.
You see, they want to paint this caricature so that they can create a fabricated crime.
They can't find any collaboration with WikiLeaks.
I received nothing whatsoever from WikiLeaks or the Russians, particularly allegedly hacked emails, and passed them on to Donald Trump or the Trump campaign.
It's a fairy tale.
A canard.
A left-wing conspiracy theory.
A gross lie.
Yet, over this weekend, a CNN producer called me to tell me that my arrest was imminent.
And reporters and others were camped out outside my house, waiting for something that never happened.
It is this kind of mind game that the special counsel thinks they're playing.
They don't leak.
They leak like a sieve.
And CNN posted a story that said my longtime associate, Andrew Miller, had been given and accepted immunity to testify against me.
This was Saturday night.
Pardon me, Friday night.
That turns out to be wrong.
CNN takes the story down.
But not before a dozen fake news outlets, like the very worst of them all, the Palmer Report, a complete sack of nonsense, the B.S.
site of all time, the epitome of fake news, recycled this erroneous report.
CNN has done me no favors.
It is, therefore, more important than ever that the President realize that he should move not after the election, but before.
And then use this election as a referendum on his strong actions.
They are, without any question, continuing to target the President for a takedown.
And if they have to take down the President's son or other members of his family, they will do so.
It is time for the President to recognize that the voices of timidity around him, the voices of caution, are wrong.
And that he must throw caution to the wind now and provoke a direct confrontation with the Deep State and with the Special Counsel.
The Special Counsel continues to talk about getting the President to sit down for an interview.
Such an interview is a trap, a perjury trap, seeking, since they can find no Russian collusion on the part of the President, to entrap the President in some kind of bogus process crime.
It's as clear as the nose on my face, and that nose is pretty prominent.
I've got a nose for politics, and I understand what the deep state is up to here.
The truth of it is that I am subject to a political prosecution or an attempted or planned political prosecution.
My crime?
Supporting Donald Trump for president.
My bigger crime?
The defeat of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Yeah, this is payback for my book, The Clinton's War on Women, which is the definitive oppo dump on Bill and Hillary Clinton, and which very clearly candidate Donald Trump used as his playbook in an extraordinary election.
Who can forget that terrific moment in the third debate when Hillary Clinton, having practiced her lines carefully, said, we can't have a man like Donald Trump running the Justice Department.
And Donald Trump turned to her and said, yeah, because you'd be in jail.
It was at that moment that I knew Donald Trump was about to pull off the greatest upset in American political history.
And so he did.
What we see unfolding before our very eyes right now is an effort to undo the results of the last presidential election.
But the precursor to that was the takedown of Alex Jones and Infowars.
Because we are the flagship of freedom.
Because we are in the front line of the revolution.
Because we broadcast the truth and it hurts the deep state when we tell the truth about them and their plan to convert us to global government.
One world government.
Folks, take a moment now, go to the InfoWars.com store in the minute we have left and look at our terrific specials.
Whether it is Knockout, the terrific sleep support that puts you to sleep but doesn't leave you drowsy the next morning at 40% off.
Or Ultimate Female Force, a new project that the women in the Stone family like and are using at 50% off.
Or the my all-time favorite Brain Force Plus.
All of these terrific products not only are the very best infusing modern nutraceutical techniques with ancient Chinese herbology,
But, when you buy at the Infowars.com store, you help the fight for freedom.
You build the war chest for the fight for First Amendment rights and free speech and free expression.
I'm Roger Stone.
It has been my privilege to be with you here at the War Room.
Drew's only been here about four or five months, and he's behind the camera right now.
And I've just done this big pitch for our new product for women that is the best products, the best ingredients we can come up with.
And he said, man, you need to reshoot this literally 20 seconds ago.
And I said, what?
He goes, what's that Virginia Slims ad?
And I went, oh, the one about empowering women smoking cigarettes and killing themselves.
He goes, yeah, you've come a long way, baby.
And that just totally hit me like a ton of bricks.
So hundreds of millions of women died of lung cancer because the whole feminist movement from the 20s and the 40s was funded by the cigarette makers to get women to smoke.
And they continue that line into the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s saying, you've come a long way.
You can smoke Virginia Slims.
You too can die of lung cancer.
So Stephen Colbert and all these programs demonized me.