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Name: 20180823_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 23, 2018
3554 lines.

Alex Jones talks about recent news and allegations against him and other conservatives by mainstream media. He claims that InfoWars has been targeted for censorship, with YouTube removing their account and Google accusing them of promoting violence. Jones also discusses accusations made by Jack Posobiec about Mueller's plans to indict Donald Trump Jr., without evidence of collusion with Russia. He believes this is part of a larger effort to silence conservative voices and undermine the Trump administration. Jones promotes various products available on his store, including those for gut health and cleanliness. He also questions Bob Mueller's impartiality in the ongoing investigation due to his connections to the Democratic party.

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It's only 75 days to the midterms, the most important election undoubtedly not just in U.S.
history, but world history.
I have confirmed incredible news just in the last 30 minutes on so many fronts.
It is unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the front lines of the fight to restore the republic and bring down the globalist crime syndicate expanding worldwide.
All right.
Let's get right into the news, ladies and gentlemen, because this is unbelievable.
Next segment.
I walked in here at 10 a.m.
from doing research at my house.
The news came in, Owen Schroyer's and Roger Stone's own private account on YouTube that they set up like a year ago to have a backup of their own shows, their own commentary, The War Room.
Not connected to my accounts that have all been deleted.
It has been taken down and I have the letter from Google and YouTube saying we showed violence and that only violence can be shown in documentary format, which means PBS, CNN, they can show violence when they want to show it to you, but we're not allowed to.
It's judged as if
It's an evil thing and you know the headlines will be Jones or Roger Stone and Owen Schroer suspended for bullying children again.
It's the footage that we're not even going to show here just as an example so they can't have their way for lawsuits and things that are obviously being developed right now with very very serious groups and the president and others and I will be delivering information to the president today
On the Sherman antitrust actions and on the top law firms that put together... I'll just leave it at that.
These are top law firms at the highest levels of the Republican Party.
So, Facebook, Google, Apple, all you guys, you're getting hauled up before Congress right now?
About how your phones listen to people even when they think they're off?
You're not going to get away with any of this.
Apple struggles to reassure Feds.
Our iPhones are not spying on people.
Your own patents admit you do it.
Your own admissions.
Your own policy reports to shareholders.
We've got your ass.
And I'm going to send them all those reports as well.
You think you're going to shut us down?
You think you're going to kick me off the air?
I'll just hand deliver it to everybody.
I'll just become a lobbyist for freedom.
The worst you've ever seen.
Which is a smarter way to go after you to begin with.
I just believe in the people and I've been trying to reach all of them so they'd wake up and vote for some people like Trump so we can turn this country around, which is now happening.
When I come back I'm gonna break it all down.
Then Jack Posobiec has confirmed from his sources, investigative journalists, with One American News, that they are planning to indict Donald Trump Jr.
That Mueller is moving forward with that, not for the Trump Tower meeting that was totally legal,
But, claiming that he misled Feds, which they could make up and charge anybody with that.
So, this is a true constitutional crisis.
With 75 days left, this is an insane time to be alive, but whatever you do, understand, InfoWars is not a loser.
InfoWars is not a victim.
We are targets, just like Tommy Robinson said about himself.
And you're a target as well.
We chose this fight.
We're beginning to win.
The enemy's showing their hand out of fear and is engaging in incredible crimes, but it's hitting.
Just like you have white farmers being slaughtered all over South Africa and their land being taken and the British government agreeing with it, and Trump says it's wrong, the media demonizes him.
We showed footage that the national news can show, but again, that they're saying info wars can't because of the subjective
Question of saying, well, we think you show footage of when we went and looked at the three-hour show they banned.
We scanned through it.
The only thing is a black man beating up a white man in a store and calling him racial names.
That happened to a black person and a white person.
They showed on the news, wouldn't they?
And then, looks like a teenager with the black teacher hitting him in the head with a mop.
It's been all over everywhere.
Everybody else can show it.
They can show it on WorldStarHipHop and go, yeah, get that cracker head.
But you can't show it here and say it's wrong and show the FBI crime statistics.
For every white person that attacks a black person, a white person is attacked 12 times more often.
It's very, very sad.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have extremely brave news for you.
Roger Stone, as you know, is at the center of the fake Russiagate investigation that's really meant to steal back the populist election of 2016 of Donald John Trump and the whole turnaround of America.
Donald Trump Jr.
is set to be indicted by the Mueller kangaroo grand jury directly out of the DC swamp.
And this is meant to push the president into a constitutional crisis.
They're going to indict him for lying to the FBI, giving misleading statements.
And again, you have a pack of Democrats running this, over 37 of them now, all Democrats, except for Mueller, who is a swamp creature put in by Bush to cover up 9-11.
He famously was engaged in a lot of other big cover-ups.
The world exclusive was posted yesterday.
Mueller preparing to indict Donald Trump Jr.
Everyone needs to get the video and get it out and post it on every other platform.
They are only trying to deplatform InfoWars and thousands of other major conservative and libertarian nationalist groups ahead of their main move against America.
Mueller goes back on both sides of his family to the top robber barons
That owned and ran the major railroads.
Look it up.
He's actually related to Anderson Cooper, who's an aster.
He's an aster.
You can go back even, it's bizarre.
Chevy Chase is an aster.
I mean, it's just this whole group out of New York, folks.
Total, absolute bluebloods.
And they just think they own this country.
Disgrace and discredited Bob Mueller and his whole gang of angry Democrat thugs spent over 30 hours with White House counsel only with my approval and he waived executive privilege for purposes of transparency.
Anybody needing that much time when they know there's no Russian collusion is just someone who's again desperate and knows they have nothing, no collusion.
And ladies and gentlemen,
That's the issue.
They now have Cohen, who it turns out was running his own criminal enterprises, he pleads guilty to, at a taxi place, no connection to Trump, $20 million laundered money.
And then you've got him trying to record Trump over the years.
He's probably been an informant against Trump for five years, I would guess.
He's sneaking in trying to set Trump up.
Hell, we gotta pay this lady off financing.
I'm not doing financing.
What are you talking about?
That's the dirt they've got.
And now he says, I'll say Trump's a Russian.
I'll say there's collusion.
You're a stool pigeon!
You're an indicted, already informant against the president.
You're a snake.
You're a dirty rat.
But again, Donald Trump Jr., a total patriot.
Total patriot for this country, now in the enemy crosshairs, trying to make the president roll over and say, I'll do what your agenda is, we'll take TPP back, I won't have tariffs on China that's ripping us off, I'll let you teach, you know, five-year-olds that they're the opposite sex, I'll let you do whatever you want, just leave my family alone.
But you know what?
DJT is not going to do it.
DJT is going to
Focus and come out swinging and counter punch like they've never seen I can tell you right now That These globalists aren't gonna fare too well when they pull this I'm gonna stop right there.
I'm not gonna say anymore Okay guys, okay, we understand
America's been asleep the whole time and you think you can sit there and have your way with it, but that's just not the way it's gonna go.
Great again!
Target CEO raves about the economy.
This is the best consumer environment I've ever seen, but that's a big liberal.
Texas exports oil.
Texas exports more oil than imports for the first time in US history.
Trump's tweet on South African land seizure draws ire.
Asked Pompeo to study farm murders and the taking of land because other nations, other than Russia, won't take in the hundreds of thousands of begging farmers who are being slaughtered.
That's all coming up.
But then the big news.
Paul Watson is going to be joining us at the bottom of the hour with some huge news on the massive Soros-funded, EU-controlled, UN-driven Islamic invasion of Europe and new shocking footage.
In the next segment, I'm going to get into Roger Stone and Owen Schroyer.
Had their own war room YouTube, not set up by M4s, but set up by Owen a year ago to have their own channel.
And it was given its third strike.
All of this has been completely made up for saying that they showed violence.
I'm going to cover that in the next segment.
And what was it?
It was a black man beating a white man up for no reason and saying racial epithets.
And it was a black teacher.
And we're not going to show it because everybody else can.
But we're not going to.
We're going to play the little games.
Everybody else can see it on Twitter, see it on Facebook, see it on YouTube.
But we can't show the black lady hitting the white teenager in the head with a mop.
Local news can show it.
But let's see if they say that I'm the black lady beating the white student.
Because, you know, they took me off YouTube saying I bullied a child, and Forbes and others said that I beat a child in Missouri.
I mean, it was a guy with a beard like me, but it was on ABC News, CBS News, a month before they banned me, where it was that the kid was beating other people up.
He was hitting the adult in the face, the adult pushed him down.
They said that I, and people, I had family call, they said, you beat up a child?
And I said, no, I didn't.
So they'll probably, when this is in the news.
Roger Stone and Owen Schreyer ban for beating up a child.
And it's a, looks like about a 15, 16 year old white male.
And the black adult woman hits him in the head in the classroom while he sits in his chair with a mop as black people dance around in circles, celebrating.
We're not going to show it, though.
And it'll probably be Jones or Roger Stone beat a child in the head with a mop.
He beat a baby in the head with a mop.
He took the baby out of an incubator and bashed its brains out.
Then he, you know, he danced in their blood.
I mean, this is what they do, folks.
Did you hear?
Yeah, I heard.
Jones beat up another kid.
Well, he got taken down.
None of it has any reflection on reality.
So I'm going to come back and show you the actual Google letters.
And they even sent it to Owen's laptop, his private laptop, and said, you're now banned from Google services.
This is a new thing.
We've never seen this.
So the new thing is banning you from the service with your web ID.
And they're telling everybody with the new communist Chinese social score.
You keep your mouth shut and you don't support Trump or you're not gonna get in college, you're not gonna get a job, you're not gonna have a LinkedIn account, you're not gonna have a bank account.
It's happening to everyone.
But don't worry, I forgot my folder.
It's right by my office bathroom.
I'm on the desk by the bathroom door.
My green folder, will you please bring it to me?
If he doesn't already have it, it was produced yesterday.
The president is about to get the action plan.
And it's a 100% action plan.
None of you will get out of any of this.
So get ready for that.
And I'm going to go ahead and read the action plan on air later.
I'm going to post it to InfoWars.com.
And let me tell you, I expect they'll probably launch a hack attack or something to try to shut us down today because of this info, but no one's going to stop this signal.
I can get it directly to the President.
I can get it directly to anybody I want in the government.
When this goes out, it will immediately be at Army Special Operations Command, it'll be at Southcom, CENTCOM, it'll directly be on all the computer screens of the officers in the military.
And that's why you're really crapping your drawers now, aren't you?
Yeah, you know.
They know.
So, good luck!
Other people won't do the work.
I'll do it.
My lawyers will do it.
Our researchers will do it.
Our teams will do it.
That's why we've been taken off the internet.
That's why we're being demonized.
That's why we're being lied about.
That's why we're being attacked.
Because we carry the light in the dark of the night.
We have the facts.
We have the information.
We have the ability.
We have the focus.
And we're taking action.
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Ha ha ha!
Here's the green folder.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are getting a world exclusive right now.
The Democratic Party, the Communist Chinese, the Deep State are all publicly trying to hack the 2018 midterm elections.
They are purging thousands of prominent conservatives from Prager University to myself.
They are shadow banning everybody, members of Congress.
They're ratcheting them back 93% on average.
Infowars is being totally banned.
Democrat Senators are all over the news saying completely take me off of the Internet.
Well, Owen Troyer and Roger Stone a year ago set up their own YouTube account separately on YouTube for the War Room that launched just about a year ago.
Owen Schroyer posted the full video yesterday from his three-hour show in the War Room.
Trump now toe-to-toe with the globalists in the fight for America.
Full show.
Now, they then say that we showed violence that's not authorized unless it's for documentary purposes.
Just like they banned me off YouTube saying I bullied a kid and Forbes said I beat a child up.
There was no child.
I didn't beat him up.
It was an ABC News clip of the kid in Missouri hitting the adult four times.
The adult pushes him down.
Everybody else could show it.
They took it down so they could then lie about what... That's how the fraud works.
They silence you to then frame you.
And it's all directed by David Brock in Media Matters.
He admits it all in his own admission in this restricted private confidential document that came out last year.
Document cam shot, please.
So, Owen calls me this morning and he says, yeah, our videos have been taken down.
Then he gets a message from YouTube saying, as you may know, our community guidelines describes what content we will allow and don't allow on YouTube, your video.
Trump now toe-to-toe with the globalists in the fight for America.
Full show.
It was flagged for review.
Upon review, we've determined that it violates our guidelines.
We've removed it from YouTube and assigned a community guideline, strike your account, which banned the account.
Now look, then we get this unable to access Google product when he came in here on his own laptop.
It has a web ID and says, you're just banned from Google, period.
Unpersonning the Chinese global social score.
You see that?
By the way, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
We have received over 3,000 emails from Google saying, reinstate your account.
It was taken down in error.
Reinstate your account.
File a challenge to this.
Because we didn't have any strikes.
When they took down the Alex Jones Channel.
And we have screenshots of all that.
So it was done so high up that the automation's like, we believe this is an error.
Please file a appeal.
And it just keeps coming.
We have that video actually in the computer if you guys want to roll the footage of just our account.
And it's just every 10 minutes or so another one goes bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop.
Over and over again, because they're not running it.
Media Matters is in control, and Braggs, they're in the interface with the Southern Poverty Law Center, in the interface, filing their own public complaint, and having their people go in and delete us.
Now, think I'm making that up?
Here it is.
Doc McCam's shot, please.
How Alex Jones... How Alex Jones is circumventing his Facebook ban.
So this is them tattling to Facebook and tattling to YouTube.
I'm literally walking through the studio, Rogers on.
I go and make a joke about Bernie Sanders and then they go, oh look, he's circumventing.
No, Facebook said our four main pages are banned, not that I'm banned from the platform.
But Media Matters spins it like Jones is banned, period, off Facebook and off of YouTube.
You understand how that works?
And so then they run around and tattle to Facebook.
They haven't taken Owen's channel down yet.
And they go and they tattle to YouTube saying, look, he's supposed to be unpersoned.
And that's what they're saying.
Jones isn't allowed to go on Joe Rogan's show.
Alex Jones isn't allowed to go on any of your shows or you'll be banned.
So they're now saying you don't have speech and I'm unperson.
Even Charlie Manson would get to talk to the news if he wanted to.
But they're saying, oh no, you can't hear what Jones is saying because they're going to tell people that I beat up kids in Forbes with no footage, no link.
They're going to tell people that I'm a white supremacist all over the news.
They're going to tell people things that aren't true and they don't want me responding.
Just like when they said Trump hates all Mexicans but won't show the clip.
They don't want him being able to respond to their liars.
When you say you're a liar, they go, oh, you're attacking the press and going to cause violence.
When I say Antifa says they're coming to your house to attack you.
What do they say?
Oh my God, Jones is going to attack the media with guns.
Well, where's the clip?
Doesn't exist.
This is the fraud.
So look.
How Alex Jones is circumventing his Facebook ban.
No, they took those pages down.
And then it goes on to say he's on YouTube, he's on Facebook.
And he's been taken down for bullying.
The same lie that I beat up a kid.
And YouTube takes us down saying, yes, you've shown violence when we showed what's been on the national news.
Black-on-white crime that's increasing because of the media.
It goes on to say, I made an impersonation of Bernie Sanders.
I continue to, by breaking news, in part by ranting about the supposed existence of gigantic left-wing pedophile conspiracy, my God, look at the news, and doing an extended impersonation of Bernie Sanders.
But don't worry, they reported it and got it taken down.
Do you understand?
And then YouTube said, oh yes, thank you George Soros.
That's who funds it.
Thank you, Nazi collaborator funded organization.
Thank you so much.
Yes, yes, he's not supposed to be on YouTube anywhere.
No, he's not allowed to be on Owen Schreier's own YouTube channel.
We'll take him down right now.
We'll find wherever he is and take him down.
And then they use the fake rule of, hey, they don't say Media Matters ordered you to be taken down and they run the country basically and brag on their own documents that they are the interface and they're in people's private communications.
They just say, oh, you violated our rules.
You can show violence if it's for a documentary reason, and every other news channel can.
But if you show black people beating up white people, yelling epithets, we're just going to say you violated our rules on violence, and we're going to take you down selectively.
Because Media Matters said so, and our executives have told us you do what they say.
And Google and Facebook and all of them brag.
They're told what to do by Media Matters.
And the mercenary, David Brock, who gets money from George Soros to run the whole thing.
And it's all admitted.
Now if that isn't racketeering, if that isn't organized crime, if that isn't the Sherman Antitrust Act, nothing is.
And I have top law firms ready to go with this with no payment.
They're ready to go.
And they're going to have class action suits against everybody.
And I have it all right here in my hand.
And this is now, now I've been told, has been delivered to the president.
So the president now has this.
And we've been requested to develop battle plans.
And this is from a top law firm, top Republican law firm.
And they say it is open and shut 100 percent.
This isn't just uncivil.
This is criminal.
But here's the thing.
They're making their move on President Trump.
They don't care.
This is their revolution.
They think once they win the midterms, they're going to start impeachment, civil unrest.
They don't care.
So that's a concern to everybody that they are going this hardcore criminal.
This lying about everybody, racketeering, organized crime, classic rackets behavior, in your private accounts, private groups, poring over what you do, misrepresenting it, getting you banned across all these platforms.
This is illegal.
Totally illegal.
No one's ever done this before on an organized scale like this.
That's because they're going for broke.
We knew it was coming.
The whole thing was formulaic.
First demonize InfoWars, lie about us, build a strawman, then sue us to add credibility to that, then have a few fake strikes on YouTube and Facebook with nebulous terms like bullying children and Islamophobia.
Two weeks later, banned InfoWars completely off of dozens of major platforms where we were all in the top 5 or top 10 news feeds.
And so their answer is, have CNN, The New York Times, BuzzFeed, and all these other corrupt organizations openly lobby for us to be removed and then organize their listeners, their viewers, the different university organizations, Antifa, sleeping giants, and a bunch of other groups
To then go mass flag us in the community guidelines, which again is something out of 1984 or a Kafka novel, where you don't even know what you've supposedly done.
You can't face your accuser.
Then you get defamed by the claims of the big tech giants when they ban you.
Make no mistake, this is being set up to create a precedent, in their own words, for you.
Nationalists, conservatives, libertarians, Christians, people that stand up to the New York Times editorial board member saying whites are subhuman and should be extincted.
This is the agenda they're pushing that is being funded by Communist China.
Out of everything I've broken down so far, that's the key.
Apple has officially moved to China and is letting the government basically run Apple.
And that, of course, is iTunes.
Google is building a huge censorship search engine for them, and whistleblowers from inside Google say they're preparing to use it here in America.
In fact, they're beta testing different parts of the censorship system for China on American conservatives, nationalists, and Trump supporters.
The bigger issue is they don't like InfoWars exposing the fact in great detail.
The Communist China owns our debt, owns and controls Hollywood now, is involved in massive domestic propaganda operations, and is working with the Democratic Party and with the EU and others to try to block the Trump agenda.
They even talk about this at Davos.
So this is 21st century warfare.
It's happening right now, and it's designed to silence the American people and other populist movements around the world who are trying to struggle free from this corporate totalitarianism.
This now becomes the last battle of the Civil War.
You know, Fox, Breitbart, Sinclair, and Alex Jones, which has now been taken off of Facebook, thank God.
The number one thing you can do past standing up to this and getting informed and informing others is to simply...
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This is what they don't want you to see.
You're an adult.
You deserve to hear what all the hubbub's about.
You deserve to hear what the establishment is so desperate to silence so you can make your own decision.
Tomorrow's News Today.
I was never trying to win a popularity contest.
I've been trying to get Americans and others to think outside the box and realize what's happening.
We've been very successful.
I've expected to be attacked.
I didn't know we'd be the very tip of the spear, but it's happened.
So now, Infowars is the banner of free speech, the renaissance in Western culture and civilization.
And it's more important than ever that folks realize that the dominoes are beginning to fall against your cherished free speech, and you'll lose everything else if you don't stand up for it now.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Another world.
Another time.
In the age of wonder.
So, Media Matters literally funded by George Soros.
Braggs and Google, Facebook, they all admit that they run, along with the Southern Poverty Law Center, the interface in your private accounts, watching everything you're doing.
Then they go out and flag it, and they have their own operatives delete your channels.
And they're saying that they're going to delete Alex Jones
And delete channels of anybody that has Alex Jones on the channel.
That is beyond a First Amendment violation.
That is putting someone in exile.
That is putting someone in the Phantom Zone.
And it's telling everyone, you have no free speech.
You're not allowed to talk to this person.
You're not allowed to interview this person.
Remember, Charlie Manson, Tim McVeigh could be interviewed.
But they're saying you cannot talk to Alex Jones.
And most people are saying, absolutely, we don't want free speech, we don't want America.
And then they go, good, we're going to take thousands more people off.
They're like, it's OK, just leave us to last.
This is all conditioning.
This is all Pavlovian.
This is all total control.
And President Trump is beginning to take action.
With suits over Facebook's discrimination and what Google's doing.
They need to take action quickly because we're only 75 days out from the critical election and they're trying to steal the election right now.
Paul Watson joins us from London, England on a big report he's got up on InfoWars.com dealing with the ongoing UN slash EU run program.
With literally millions of North African and Islamic migrants from the Middle East coming in every year, and they're reporting everywhere, Paul, as you know.
It's up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com, as well as Europe Wars, where we have reporters in Europe that
What's amazing about this is the numbers are worse than it was even a few years ago.
This is an even bigger wave, but thank God some Eastern European countries are putting troops on their borders.
Give us the latest on this in this shock footage that's on Infowars.com of the acid attacks, of these intensifying situations, of the bomb rushing, of the guards.
Tell us what's happening.
Yeah, this is Ceuta in Spain.
It's Spanish-owned territory.
It's in Morocco, geographically, but it's Spanish-controlled.
They're crossing in from Morocco.
They're not Moroccan, obviously.
You can see they're not Moroccan.
Spanish police are warning that there are 50,000 of these migrants.
They're all from African countries, mostly, waiting to cross in.
This group went back.
You've seen this video.
Allegedly they were sent back, but hundreds more a few weeks before got into the country.
We played that video before of them just roaming around the streets.
So basically what happened is these European countries saw what was happening.
They saw the rise in rapes, the rise in violent crime, the molestations, the terror.
We're good to go.
Came out and said, we'll take him.
We don't have enough crime.
We don't have enough rapes on the streets.
We don't have enough women afraid to go out at night.
We'll take them all.
And so that's what's happening.
They've laid out the red carpet, incentivizing people risking their lives.
That's what most people don't realize about this.
When you incentivize people to risk their lives to make long journeys, you are putting their lives in danger.
That's not a humanitarian thing to do.
The number of sea deaths since
The new Italian government got in as halved, so half the amount of refugees are dying, but no, that's a bad thing apparently, according to the left.
So this new Spanish government apparently is really eager to get the rape stats up.
We just had new rape stats out of Sweden.
Nearly 60% of those convicted of rape or attempted rape in Sweden are foreign born.
And then when you look at the stats for rapists who the victim doesn't know the attacker in a rape situation,
80% are foreign offenders.
This is in Sweden, another country which opened its borders to mass migration and accelerated that process a few years ago.
So apparently Spain wants a piece of that.
They've rolled out the red carpet and that's why we see these videos of them just showing up on boats, as you see in this clip here, roaming onto the beach.
You know, Spain had an ISIS terror attack just a year ago.
There are plots that they're stopping all the time.
How easy would it be for ISIS to just roll up on a beach like that and massacre a bunch of beachgoers given that they've got no security whatsoever?
So basically this entire issue has been framed as a refugee crisis.
It isn't a refugee crisis.
A lot of the actual refugees are now going back to Syria because ISIS is being kicked out of different geographic areas.
These are economic migrants.
You see more smartphones in this video than you do women or children.
They're not refugees, they're economic migrants
And granted, if I was from some of the countries that they come from, I'd probably try to get into Spain.
But if you import the third world, if you import Africa, you become Africa.
And Paul, the UN admits it's all part of a major plan to bring in groups that don't assimilate, 80 plus percent stay on welfare, to be a client group that the socialist states control.
They had a UN projection from back in 2001 saying, oh, the US may be able to take in, I think it was 6 million migrants over a certain amount of time.
They then claimed that was fake news.
And because, oh, the UN didn't say that they were specifically going to do this.
They just said it was a possibility.
It was 600 million, Paul, directly from your report.
600 million, sorry.
And then Snopes said, well, they did say it, but they don't mean it.
So that's why we're fake news.
That's what Snopes does.
They'll say, the sky is not blue, but then later at the bottom, well, actually it is.
And then they're the fact checkers for Facebook.
I literally wrote an article during the election about, I forgot what the story was, but I provided a quote by this Hillary Clinton supporter.
And then Snopes did an article on it saying, oh no, that was fake news because he didn't mean to say that.
And then they invented a quote and attributed it to him so they could declare the story fake news.
But that's aside from the point.
Sweden again, as you mentioned, this plan.
2% of Sweden's political leaders, political candidates, just 2% of them live in high migrant populated areas.
So again, we come back to this every time.
They push these policies because they don't bear the brunt of these policies.
It's the working class people that bear the brunt of these policies, which is pretty ironic because they're always demonizing the working class in my country as being racist.
These are the people, if you talk about white working class people, who live amongst
Let's talk about this, Paul, since you mentioned it.
Just two years ago they still denied no-go zones.
Now it's all over the news.
Sweden, France, Belgium.
Huge no-go zones.
The police, the letter carriers, food delivery trucks can't go in because everywhere they literally just get robbed, in many cases killed.
Yeah, numerous, I think it was a couple of big postal companies in Sweden said they weren't going to deliver to certain areas.
Rapes in Paris have gone up 20% in the first
Five months, the last time they did the check, the first five months of 2018, rapes in Paris are up 20%.
Remember back in 2015 after Charlie Hebdo, the mayor of Paris tried to sue Fox News.
She eventually dropped it because they had a guest on who said that there were no go zones in Paris.
Literally, they've got an area in Saint-Denis which has 300,000 illegal immigrants in one area of France.
Women are harassed on the street.
As I said, rapes are up 20%.
Oh, but there are no no-go zones.
Oh, you can go there, but you might get raped or violently attacked.
But there are no no-go zones.
That's the little trick they play.
So yeah, we're facing the consequences of this.
Certain countries have actually imposed proper border controls.
Others haven't.
And going forward, those are the ones who are going to experience the fallout from all this, as we're seeing in Germany, in France.
That's right, Paul.
We're going to break and you are going to punch out of here to get some other big articles coming to Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Just in 30 seconds, what do you make of them at Media Matters snapping their fingers and then taking other people's YouTube channels down where I was a guest for five minutes and made a joke about Bernie Sanders?
Well, it's an abuse of terms of service.
They should have their accounts cancelled if they're lobbying for this to happen, because that's brigading.
It's an abuse of terms of service.
So, people should report Media Matters and their accounts, because they're abusing the... But Media Matters also has their people working inside, so... Ha ha ha!
This is not a fair system.
Soros never does that.
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Oh my God!
What the hell?
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Get out of here!
Shut this down!
This is not safe!
This is not... Hold on!
Settle down!
Get another doctor.
Something's wrong.
Something's wrong with him.
Help him.
Ladies and gentlemen, we did not intend for that to happen.
I take it personally.
Do not have those problems.
Again, these are authorized verbs.
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Please, doctor.
Doctor, wait a minute.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're just going to cut to commercial for just a moment.
Cut, cut, cut.
Get everybody out of here.
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Let's go ahead and talk to Make America Great Again, Titan.
You're on the air, go ahead.
The man, the truth, the resistance, Alex Jones.
I am a Hispanic Trump supporter slash InfoWarrior.
I have a couple points to make, but I want to plug for you real quick.
Survival Shield Mason Iodine X2, life-changing.
Supermail Vitality, life-changing.
Rainforce Plus, life-changing.
Super Blue Non-Fluoride Toothpaste, life-changing.
I'm sure the rest of them are good products.
I haven't been able to try them all yet, but they're awesome.
The hats, the t-shirts, amazing.
Briefly, tell us what the supplements did for you.
Well, I'll tell you what, Alex.
Just like you, I'm about the same body type.
I'm short, stocky, strong guy.
I'm Puerto Rican, Italian, and Cuban.
Hispanic, strong supporter, like I said.
And I started working out every day.
I lift weights every day.
I don't even have to take the pills.
They are.
I'm taking the Survival Shield X2.
I drop that every morning.
I feel fantastic.
My skin is clearing up.
I have psoriasis.
So that's clearing up.
My hair is going back thicker.
I'm losing some of it, but it's growing back thicker in the areas that I do have it.
The brain force is just amazing.
That stuff makes you think.
It keeps you on your toes.
The same thing with the iodine.
It just brings this clarity and this focus.
And your products are amazing.
It's like a cleansing for the brain when we listen to you.
And it's just life-changing.
And how people can go against the true resistance.
They're going to learn soon that they're on the wrong
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
I'm going to say right now on air the most important thing I've ever said on air since I started out 24 years ago.
And it's this.
This is a spiritual battle.
You better get right with Jesus.
I wouldn't fear he who can kill the body, but he who can kill the soul.
And let me tell you, I've always believed in God, and I've had spiritual experiences, and there's a lot of mysteries in this world.
A lot of people know they have the six scents.
There's a lot of mysteries in this universe.
But studying the globalists, studying how they operate, studying their operations,
You come to grips with the fact that they are absolutely committed to evil and doing bad things.
That they are out to hurt the planet, hurt you, hurt God, and just commit evil acts.
Now, that's the most important thing.
But currently in the world events, and evil moving against humanity right now, it's this statement.
The globalists, the big banks, the chi-coms, their army of radical Islam,
The giant third world populations they now control, who they are using as unwitting pawns, as well as radical Islam.
Are moving against the West and are moving against you.
You're having your free speech taken.
You're having your birthright taken.
They're attempting to set the precedent to de-platform you and un-person you in a science fiction level Chinese communist tested American and EU designed panopticonic social credit score system to be tied into every action you take in your entire life with
The Alex's and the Google assistants listening and watching you.
The cell phones watching and tracking you.
It's all admitted.
Congress is having hearings.
The Samsung TVs are watching and listening to you.
Their own terms of service, when you click it, say it.
It's a giant technological power grab.
And they've been building up their armies of control against us for all these decades.
And now?
They are moving against everybody.
This is the big launch.
This is the big attack.
They are making their move on the West.
Patriots in our government saw it, understood it, took action against it.
Trump and other nationalist movements are a speed bump to this system.
The globalists believe we hope a stopgap to have a real discussion about this and get humanity awake and thinking.
Now I'm going to go to part of a very powerful Mark Dice report where he just lays out the arrogance of the situation.
Then I'm going to have Owen Schroer in here later to actually talk about this report in full.
But the arrogance of Brian Stelter, who literally has like 50 retweets, even though he has CNN and Twitter pushing him.
And then Mark Dice has, you know, 10,000 on average.
And then here's Brian Stelter wanting us all removed because of the competition.
It's so obvious.
It's so ridiculous.
It's so dirty.
It's so villainous, but they're doing it.
And if you accept it, you'll accept anything.
Here's Mark Dice.
The company is rethinking the core functions of the platform and he just sat down with CNN's little Brian Stoker to talk about some of the changes they're thinking about making because, well, the Trump train is just too popular and our messages and our activists are just resonating with too many people.
Is your Twitter feed sick?
These days, harassment, hate speech, and misinformation are poisoning social media.
And Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey seems to know this.
He's trying to cure Twitter of these ills.
But how?
At a rare interview at Twitter's headquarters in San Francisco, I asked him.
We thought, you know, well, people are following you, so we should count them.
And then we should put that count right on your profile page and
Obviously people care about that, so we should make it big.
But that one small choice, and it felt very small at the time and it felt obvious at the time, put an incentive to grow that number.
Is that the right attention?
So what they're saying is how you vote or how you write things or what you want is bad.
So we're gonna get rid of that.
Like they did for Sarah Silverman and all these failed shows that are on Netflix.
They just
Stop showing the stars.
And then the next thing is they'll show fake stars and fake views.
But that's not going to work.
So he then gets into Stelter who has no numbers.
And Stelter's like... And by the way, those are Stelter's words.
Mark Dice is just lip-syncing it in perfect real-time to add an extra little element of, you know, making a joke out of it.
Here it is.
I don't think it is today.
I don't think it matters as much in context of how many conversations you have or how much you contribute back to the network.
Let me just translate his mumbling for you in case you didn't quite understand it.
I have about 330,000 Twitter followers because my commentary spread organically, naturally, through the platform because people liked it and people shared it and slowly but surely I amassed a pretty sizable following.
But that shows that what I say people like and have a pretty powerful voice.
And so they're considering hiding the number of followers that people have so that people can't judge how popular a certain account or certain person or personality is.
As you know, not only does the number of total followers indicate, to some extent, how popular a certain account or person is, but also the engagement of their posts.
How many likes, how many retweets, how many responses those tweets get.
If you look at the feed of someone like CNN's Chris Cuomo, for example, who has a primetime show on the network, most of his tweets get between 100 and 300 likes.
Just looking at a few recent random ones here, this one has 182 likes.
Here's a couple more, 279, 136, you get the point.
Let's compare that to a few of my most recent tweets, which I posted on my laptop here in my kitchen.
Oh wow, that one has 11,000 likes!
This one, 1.4 thousand, 2.8, 14 thousand, 4.5, 1.2, 3.9.
We're going to come back with the rest of this that he did last week, I just saw it last night, with Owen Schroer when he's in studio.
When we go to Brian Stelter's, gets like five retweets, okay?
This is like fully pushed on CNN, five retweets.
They're over, they're done.
Now they're just like a burning car that rebels roll down a hill into your house to burn it down.
They just go around lobbying going, we're CNN, take Alex off!
Google goes, yes master.
Stilter, actually on the video going, where are you going to get him off?
When is Alex going to be gone?
He's getting 10,000, 15,000 retweets.
I get five!
I want him off!
These people are unbelievable.
Look at the look in his eyes.
A crazed, unpopular, lying demon.
But now they're saying, we'll kick you off Twitter if you bully him.
He's a public figure, a monster, lobbying to have me completely silenced.
He's the tyrant, just like these big tech giants that are moved to China and are helping round people up.
But they have senators going, well you saw what Alex Jones did to the Sandy Hook parents, and they say something I never said, never show what I said.
All these warmongers, all the people supporting China, all the slave factories, but they can say, but Alex Jones is a bad man.
Why, did you hear?
He beat up a child.
Where's the video?
Well, he beat him up.
That's why YouTube took him down.
And again, you ask, we'll sue them.
Folks, they're doing it to everybody.
They're making a total criminal move.
They've broken the social contract.
They're going to steal the election.
They're coming for your guns, your children, everything.
They're not stopping.
It's total criminal commitment.
You understand?
They know you woke up.
They know.
This isn't like just two years ago.
The enemy is now on the march against us.
They're zombie-like.
They're unpopular.
They're stupid.
They're weak.
They have their system slave driving them and their identity is ruling your life because they know you're better than them.
It's that simple.
It's existential envy.
That's why Stelter and all these guys want us off the air.
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We'll be back with hour number two, a ton of special guests and more.
However you're listening, spread the word.
It's all about fighting the censors and saving the Republic.
Nobody said it was going to be easy for us, but we will never be stopped.
I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.
Record low unemployment and a record high stock market.
The Trump economy is red hot.
Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime.
They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.
Now Kim Jong-un says President Trump will pay dearly for those words.
North Korea now committing to complete denuclearization.
I mean, it's truly remarkable what he's doing.
He has done more than any president in recent history, certainly in the last half century.
He's not a politician.
He's one of us.
Never, ever, ever give up.
Relish the opportunity to be an outsider.
Embrace that label, because it's the outsiders who change the world.
It'll make a real and lasting difference.
Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation.
Three American hostages are back home.
I am asking all citizens to embrace this renewal of the American spirit.
Seize this moment, believe in yourselves, believe in your future, and believe once more in America.
I will fight for you with every breath in my body,
And I will never, ever let you down.
The forgotten man and the forgotten woman.
You're not forgotten anymore.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Owen Schroer is coming up in the next segment.
He had his own YouTube channel and it just got deleted because Media Matters tattled on it and said, oh look, Alex Jones popped in for five minutes on his show.
He's not allowed on YouTube.
That's not what they said.
They said those channels where I was established are taken down.
You can't under federal or state law or anywhere else have a
Media system or anything else where they say an individual is banned from a public commons like that.
But that's the illusion they're trying to pitch with the global social score.
But first let's go to this important report we call BS on Lester Holt.
Twitter's CEO is standing by the company's decision to put InfoWars' Alex Jones on a seven-day suspension.
This comes after Jones urged his Twitter followers to ready their battle rifles, as he put it, against the media in a video posted to the site.
Alex Jones on Twitter posted this week what essentially is a video calling for people to get their battle rifles ready against the media.
People need to have their battle rifles and everything ready at their bedsides.
You gotta be ready.
Saying it's time to act, it's gotta be done now.
Move criminally against people.
It's time politically, and economically, and judiciously, and legally, and criminally, to move against these people.
It's got to be done now.
Send a chill up my spine.
How about yours?
It did.
I mean, there's a number of actions that we believe help a call to incitement to violence, and those are the things that we need to make sure that we're taking action on.
Now is the time to act on the mainstream media, and he says get the battle rifles ready.
I didn't say that!
That incites violence?
Free speech does not protect inciting violence.
This is an emergency message to President Trump, to Congress, and to anyone that supports free speech in this country.
The Democratic Party is now calling for all Republicans, all patriots, including the President, to be deplatformed from Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, you name it.
And Jones is hardly their only target, that's for sure.
Virtually every day, the big tech companies censor someone else whose political opinions they disagree with.
Facebook censored our free speech and shame on the ones that don't even see that we have been censored.
This is a new super political class that operate as a judiciary.
And as the police, and as the prison guards, to control our lives.
This is classical authoritarianism.
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat them, prevent them from speaking.
You've taken action against him in this instance.
What is it?
Can you tell us what it is?
I believe we put him in a time out.
Alex Jones is not an 8th grader who got busted smoking in the bathroom.
It's just not.
I mean, he's a guy who is, you know, fueling alt-right conspiracy theories and saying that this is what caused the ban and not everything that Alex Jones has done before.
Seems minor compared to the implications of someone suggesting a call to arms against a particular group, in this case, the media.
I didn't say use weapons on the media.
I don't want them to have weapons used on them.
That'll make them victims.
I'm worried they're going to false flag and stage something on themselves.
And then they're going to send antifa out to all our houses, which they're doxing everybody, saying they are.
And I said defensively, be prepared to defend yourself.
And they say that is inciting violence.
No, it's not.
Send a chill up my spine.
I'm getting chills right now.
He said, come with the battle rifles, engage in criminal activity.
And I said, use the judicial system legally and lawfully, and go after the criminal.
They have got to get a lid on this.
And the idea of martyrdom, it's also quite interesting.
It will be interesting to see who rallies around his cause.
Let's remember,
Donald Trump has appeared on your show.
The president also entering the fray today.
He said, quote, I won't mention names, but when they take certain people off of Twitter or Facebook and they're making that decision, that is really a dangerous thing because it could be you tomorrow.
And we're also standing up.
To social media censorship.
That's the new thing.
Trump's election and Alex Jones' popularity are merely symptoms of a corrupt and failed status quo.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
You can't stop them from knowing that.
But this isn't about Alex Jones.
This is about freedom.
Mr. President, you don't want to look like you're after the press of the First Amendment.
You're letting them butcher the press of the First Amendment.
Oh, but you don't want to look authoritarian and stand up to them.
They're authoritarian.
They're a clear and present danger.
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us with more.
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I love it!
There is an extremely powerful video that we posted to InfoWars.com and I'm going to upload it to Twitter in the next hour or so and it's what I really said on that banned
Twitter video where Antifa said they were coming to people's houses to be violent and I said folks should be ready to defend themselves if they come to attack you like they did Congressman Scalise or like when they came and broke the ribs of Rand Paul.
Everyone knows the last thing I want is violence.
Everyone knows I'm worried that the media is hyping it up to stage events against themselves or provocateur it to then say that they've got to shut down the rest of the press.
They're saying the president, when he counters their lies, is calling for violence against them and trying to shut down the press.
When the fake corporate press, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, Media Matters, are all organized and deplatforming as flaggers on YouTube, on Facebook, on Google, on all of it.
And so if they say the sky's red when it's blue, it's supposedly the truth.
But it's all a fraud when you see the young Turks, named after the genocidal organization that murdered a million and a half Christians in Turkey, literally, saying Alex Jones says, quote, attack the media.
There's no video.
There's no quote because it's a lie.
Now they have U.S.
senators all over the news, Democrats saying, take me off the air.
I'm calling for violence, but they never show it.
These people are liars.
The video.
We call BS Lester Holt caught in blatant lie about Alex Jones.
And that's a powerful name, but we might just want to call it total proof the media is framing Alex Jones with violence.
And then trying to have me silenced, trying to steal my First Amendment, while they try to silence me.
It's incredible.
And folks, it gets even crazier.
It's like that ABC News footage of the kid punching the adult in the face four times so he pushes him down.
Forbes and others ran with it, that I beat up a kid and had been taken off the internet.
And it's not true, but even when Forbes retracted it, they didn't care, and I was removed.
Folks, do you understand how dangerous this is?
Well, just watch the video and make up your mind for yourself.
And I've decided I'm going to re-upload to Infowars.com, because we actually have a copy of it.
It's not even on the web now.
That entire 25-minute message to the president, an emergency message to the president about how they're planting a false flag against the media to blame us, and how violence is not the answer, but that they're going to try to get violent.
And it's such a powerful video, they went, what do we do?
Well, we take this.
And they've got lawyers that do this thing.
He called for violence and put it out.
Run it.
Say it.
Get him taken down.
People say, well go to court.
Fight him.
Sue him.
Well I've got the law firms set up and we've got the battle plans and later I'm going to go over this.
Social media deplatforming.
Federal action.
Presidential commission.
Presidential executive orders.
And the president is preparing orders.
So I went and commissioned law firms.
And we are just preparing all of this.
We've already gotten one report to the President now.
I know this has gotten into the hands of those that say it's getting to the President, so he may have already gotten it, but I'm going to make sure this goes up on the site today, so you can give it to all your members of Congress.
I'm going to get it in a bunch of members of Congress' hands.
I'm going to have couriers deliver it to every congressional office next week.
And so you're not going to shut me up, George Soros and David Brock and CNN.
You're not shutting crap up.
And you're not shutting the American people up.
Guys, did you cue up the clip of Trump we played yesterday from Tuesday night where he talked about the deplatforming of InfoWars?
And how it's not gonna be tolerated and how we have to accept everybody's voices and then figure it out for ourselves.
We have that, please?
Here it is.
And we're also standing up to social media censorship.
That's the new thing.
That's the new thing.
You know, I'd rather have fake news like CNN.
I would rather have fake news, it's true, than have anybody, including liberals, socialists, anything, than have anybody stopped and censored.
We gotta live with it.
We gotta get used to it.
We gotta live with fake news.
There's too many sources.
Every one of us is sort of like a newspaper.
You have Twitter, you have whatever you have, Facebook.
But everyone, you can't have censorship.
You can't pick one person and say, well, we don't like what he's been saying.
He's out.
So we'll live with fake news.
I mean, I hate to say it, but we have no choice because that's by far the better alternative.
You can't have people saying censorship because you know what?
It can turn around.
It could be them next.
It could be them next.
They're going for broke.
Now, Owen Schroer joins us.
We're going to get into this powerful Mark Dice video that illustrates how we all on Twitter and other places have hundreds of times the viewers and reach of a Brian Stelter or a Cuomo.
And that's why they're begging to have it shut down.
It's so outrageous.
It'd be bad enough if they were number one and trying to crush some little guy.
But it's just losers.
And their ratings are down 24 points year after year.
They have like 100,000 viewers on some of their larger shows.
They are a total fraud.
They're a total joke.
And now, again if you just tuned in, here's Media Matters.
We'll punch that article up.
Here it is.
How Alex Jones is circumventing his Facebook ban.
And they said, and YouTube bans.
They sent it to YouTube and said, look!
He's on Owen Schroyer's show!
He's not allowed to be on anybody's show!
That's what the unwritten thing they're putting out.
That is serious racketeering.
Totally illegal.
And so, Facebook didn't bite on that, because Owen's got his own Facebook and stuff like that.
He had it before he was even here.
But his own YouTube channel that he had with Roger Stone...
Now, and by the way, it wasn't like, oh, I need to get on Owen's show, and oh, that YouTube was so big, the average video probably has 5,000 views.
I was walking through there, and saw Roger on, and we had some fun.
It was like, oh, let me get to an audience.
I'm on over 200 radio stations, over 400 TV stations, over 100 cable systems, and growing 20, 30 stations a week, okay?
I can go on as many radio shows as I want.
I mean, I can reach 10 million people like that all over the place.
There's thousands of videos about Infowars.
It's blown up in your face.
So if you think that little YouTube channel, and I'm not mad that no one had it, he had a couple.
He said, can I do shows on my own?
Can I do a show from my house?
I said, dude, I love it.
Do all you want.
So he still does shows himself from his apartment.
When he got here, like, a couple years ago, he said, can I keep?
I said, of course you can.
So the point is, is that they find where all our feeds go, and they go, oh, look, we found him again.
Just five years ago, people would
Absolutely flip out on anybody that called for censorship like this, but now they just do it.
And who is Media Matters?
George Soros!
So, Owen joins us, so we got the notice, but they didn't say, oh, Media Matters says get rid of you.
They said, oh, you showed violence.
It's not in a documentary form.
Well, we're the news.
The news is allowed to show violence.
We show stuff that's been on the news, but we're not going to show it here, just to really upset them because they want to show it and take us off Twitter.
Everybody else can show the black-on-white crime.
Everybody else can show the South African farmers being killed, you know, just their dead bodies.
But we're not allowed to because it's violence for violence's sake.
That's right.
So this is the selective enforcement.
It was a bunch of that stuff.
That Owen was showing yesterday, and so we've got the letter here that you're now deplatformed, Owen.
You and Roger Stone from the channel you guys set up.
It's a little side channel show.
Here we go again, my friend.
Well, it was probably going to happen eventually, no matter what.
I'm not sure exactly what they decided to strike us down for today.
Was it showing the racial violence that is being fomented by people like Tariq Nasheed?
Was it when I started to talk about the WikiLeaks emails and how that led to Pizzagate?
Or was it because Alex Jones comes on the channel?
Or was it because they were just waiting to shut us down and they just used all of it as an excuse?
But you are, you know, the first unhuman, Alex, and it's starting to kind of
Get to other reaches of the internet now so more people are going to be awoke by it.
But you know, it's funny.
I was talking to John Harmon today and he was just like, hey, you know, how you doing?
I was like, oh, you know, just getting personal threats.
My family's getting threats.
Just got banned off YouTube.
Just a regular day in the info war.
And then you have the mainstream media like Brian Stelter go and whine and complain about how they're victims of Trump and they're victims of violence when nobody's doing any violence against them.
You don't have 600 documented cases of Bernie supporters or Hillary supporters being harassed and assaulted in the streets of America.
You do have that for Trump supporters, but the media is not going to cover that.
So they're just trying to spin off everything now, Alex.
Yeah, they're censoring us.
So they say we're censoring them.
They're calling for violence on us, so they say it on them.
I mean, I can't believe they say I called for battle rifles on the media.
Never said it.
So you had Boston Globe report a bomb threat last week, which the FBI did not validate.
And then you had Ken Vogel of the New York Times put some weird voicemail that he got that he said was a threat to him, which I'm doubting that too.
Sorry, Ken.
Seems a little strange that all of a sudden you're threatening voicemails.
They are committed to lying.
Let's come back and talk about it.
Yeah, suddenly the week they say hundreds of editorials, Trump's going to be violent to us, suddenly they get all these threats.
I believe they're doing it all to themselves.
They are sick and evil anti-American scum trying to bring this country down.
We'll be right back.
Hate is such a malleable term.
I mean, you know, hate really means something, an opinion I don't agree with.
Because if you want to get rid of hate speech, I mean, I don't see how anything you've said is anywhere close to what that New York Times columnist you showed earlier saying.
Board members saying whites are subhuman.
Yeah, I mean, how is that not hate speech if there is such a thing?
I just hate that term, hate speech, because it's...
It's not a thing.
What really bothers me about your cases, just globally, is that I don't see anybody from the traditional media backing you up.
And I don't understand how they can look at this.
You know, you questioned the official narrative of what happened at Sandy Hook at some point.
At the beginning, you said, you made an investigation.
I don't care what happens.
Anything that happens, when I get an official story from my government, if I'm not questioning it, I want somebody else to question it to make me question it.
Even if it comes around that, hey, maybe we're going to have a rare circumstance where our government doesn't lie to us one bit.
I mean, it might happen once in a while.
Unicorns bags, Jeff.
But the point of the media is to be a watchdog.
You're the fourth estate.
I take a lot of flack for coming on your show and representing you.
There are a lot of people angry at me.
And I say, well, you know, tell me.
If you hate this guy so much, show me what the problem is, and they'll send me a link to the New York Times, or they'll send me a link to some other article paraphrasing what you said.
And I said, yeah, but now bring me to the original source.
And when I go find it, and I say, well, that's not really what was said here.
Well, then there's this back pedal.
It's like, well, he's enabling such speech, or he's encouraging it.
I say, wait a second.
What I want you to think about is how we need a robust marketplace of ideas.
I don't come on your show because I agree with everything you have to say.
You know, before the election, I wrote this article here.
It's the first amendment safe from Donald Trump on CNN.
And I was concerned because when Trump made his speech that said, we're going to open up the libel law.
I was concerned too.
I don't think he got it.
And it made me, I mean, I said, wow, that got my hackles up.
I mean, I am not.
But now in his own cases, he's using anti-slap.
It's kind of funny, isn't it?
You know, how this is flipped, because now that he got elected, now it is not Donald Trump, but people are anti-Donald Trump, who I should have written this article, I should have written another version of this article saying, is the First Amendment safe for people who have Trump derangement syndrome?
You know, I remember last night we were talking and somebody said, you know, hey, has the right ever really done this?
And I had to correct him, and I said, yes, if you bring the camera down here, heed their rising voices.
New York Times versus Sullivan, the foundational case when it comes to our First Amendment rights, where it was constitutionalized that if you are talking about a public figure and then expand it to public events,
You must prove defamation over the actual man.
This was the South of the KKK suing everybody to shut down.
That's exactly what it was.
It was exactly what you have going on today.
It was a civil rights movement was invading the South with people who were writing about equality, with people who were trying to
Make this idea of equality and civil rights infected.
You know, they were trying to spread this idea and how did these people who wanted to fight against equality deal with it?
They dealt with it through these kind of crazy defamation suits where they were trying to bankrupt anybody who came down there and tried to report.
And now the left is trying to get rid of New York Times versus Sullivan.
They admit to overturn the First Amendment so they can
But I guess it's the Democrats again.
Look, New York Times vs. Sullivan is sacred as far as I'm concerned.
And you know, so far, I haven't seen Donald Trump actually do anything to go against it.
I think his two Supreme Court nominees would support it.
And I can't say the same for the Supreme Court nominees on the left.
So... The Democrats are going after New York Times vs. Sullivan.
At this point, it looks that way.
We'll be back.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, you're listening to the most banned, most censored, most demonized, most hunted, most persecuted broadcast in the world.
The Democratic Party, the big corporations, no, no one wants to watch them.
No one.
CNN has the lowest ratings of anything on cable.
Their average show lists at 100,000 viewers.
So how are they going to respond?
How are they going to do it?
They are going to go out with media matters, the Democratic Party, and go around and bully the internet to take everyone off air, to set the precedent that anybody popular, from Paul Joseph Watson to Joe Rogan to PewDiePie, will be taken off.
And people that don't stand up against this, and who go along with it, well they will end up getting shut down.
So I salute PewDiePie, I salute Matt Drudge, I salute all the other great folks that have been out there telling the truth, Tucker Carlson, they get what's happening.
This is classic authoritarianism.
Bill Maher gets it.
He at least gets that.
But now here we are.
Owen Schroer, I want to play part of this Mark Dice report.
We were talking about this this morning, about how here he is, stelter, with his average tweet, maybe getting 15, 20, 30, 100 retweets.
I mean, it's joke level.
He's pushed everywhere in the New York Times.
He's pushed everywhere on CNN.
But then there he is, begging.
I mean, it's really what he said, but Mark Dice voiced over it to make it even more, you know, Crispy the Clown or Chuckles the Clown sounding.
And it's just so hilarious, except the big corporations that are working together have said, hey, this guy says take you off, you're off the air.
This self-appointed, self-anointed little monster is the epitome of anti-American danger.
So let's go ahead and roll some of Mark Dice talking about him.
If you look at the feed of someone like CNN's Chris Cuomo, for example, who has a primetime show on the network, most of his tweets get between 100 and 300 likes.
Just looking at a few recent random ones here, this one has 182 likes.
Here's a couple more, 279, 136, you get the point.
Let's compare that to a few of my most recent tweets, which I posted on my laptop here in my kitchen.
Oh wow, that one has 11,000 likes!
This one 1.4 thousand, 2.8, 14 thousand, 4.5, 1.2, 3.9, you get the point.
So nobody cares what CNN's Chris Cuomo is tweeting about.
And fewer people care what little Brian Stelter is tweeting.
Here he just sent his brand new newsletters out and 15 people liked it.
Here's a clip from his show yesterday.
Another tweet from him, 168 likes.
You get the point.
We're crushing them.
Which is why Jack Dorsey admitted in his interview with Brian
That they're considering hiding the follower counts and even removing the like button!
What is the timeline for re-examining how you show follower counts or the use of the like button?
You know, we're looking and thinking about all these things right now.
We've definitely had conversations about them.
But would you say, like, by the end of the year there's going to be those fundamental changes to Twitter?
I don't... I...
I worry about a time frame like that because we also need to take into consideration we're a small company.
A small company!
Hey Jack, that's funny because Forbes has your personal net worth at over 5 billion dollars!
Do you guys remember about 10 years ago when a bunch of celebrities like Ashton Kutcher, Oprah Winfrey, Britney Spears and others were making headlines because they were having a contest to see who could get to a million Twitter followers first?
It's not that Twitter was this organically amazing new social media service.
Its popularity was astroturfed and funded by big money in Silicon Valley to make it one of the mainstream social media services.
And now because ordinary people like you and me have been dominating on these platforms and crushing the mainstream media, they're scrambling to try to shut us down.
Go to MarkDice.com to find more of his great commentary, work, books, t-shirts, you name it.
But that's, it's all right there.
And then imagine, you're already prisoners in these boxes that are there to psychologically control you.
And these social media networks, they admit they're meant to capture you.
They had Sean Parker go public about it.
They say it's very immoral.
It brain damages people.
That's in all the studies.
But now you're in a prison without even buttons.
You can't even Pavlovian-ly say, I like this, I don't like that, I want to... No, it's like, you will get this!
You will get Brian Stelter and like it!
I mean, this is unbelievable.
Owen, wow.
And then to have these very people be the judge, jury, and executioner.
I can't hardly walk, but it's okay, because I get them off the field!
No one watches my show, but I want everyone else taken down, and I said so!
Owen, this is pretty pathetic, isn't it?
Well, it is that old school yard dynamic where the big loser on the field at recess or practice, you know, takes their ball and goes home or just quits because they can't win.
But he's trying to take our ball!
Our ball and go home!
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
They'll take everyone's ball.
And they'll tear up your field too and call it their own while they're pissing on it and, you know, all the other stuff that they do on it.
But, you know, let's stay in that same vein, Alex.
You know, when you hired me, which was just over two years ago,
I came out of a professional in the sports media, okay?
So, just, just, if you want to see how pathetic and failing mainstream news really is, just, just look at where I've come from in two years in professional political media, where now, Alex, if I go on YouTube, and this is probably another reason why they wanted to ban the War Room Show, we, if we upload the War Room, the full War Room Show to YouTube now, last night, within an hour, it had 5,000 views.
Within an hour.
On the Alex Jones Channel, you had over 300 million views.
You had videos with 25 million views.
30 million views on Facebook.
They already deleted all those before they banned us.
So they fear you!
But look, that's what I'm saying, is somebody like Mark Dyson, he always references this, can sit in his kitchen and have more power than Brian Selter, who sits on a multi-million dollar studio with multi-million dollar ad deals.
This was you and Roger Stone made this a separate account.
So this is your account, because I came on for five minutes, it's banned, because Media Matters tattled and went, look!
He's on there!
Our Nazi collaborator, Oder, wants him off the air!
So we want him off!
I want you to finish the segment and stealth your voice, please.
I've actually had Brian on.
Can we get Brian back up here, guys?
No, I don't go on the Alex Jones Show anymore.
Last time I went on the Alex Jones Show, I was ridiculed.
I was called Pennywise.
My stature and size and shiny chrome dome was all insulted.
And so I'm not going back on the Alex Jones Show, but I will tell you this.
I look like the subway guy, which I do.
I will tell you that they tried to cast me for Pennywise in the latest film, It.
Steven Spielberg's It.
They tried to cast me for Pennywise.
I wouldn't need the makeup.
I couldn't.
Can I babysit your children?
I couldn't do Pennywise, though.
Would you trust me with your children?
You don't trust me?
Why does no one watch me?
You don't like me?
The executives like me.
I'm like them.
You're gonna float in the end, Alex.
And when it's all over, only I'm gonna be on the air!
I don't have time!
I don't have time, okay?
I don't have time to be Pennywise because I'm too busy making sure that people like Alex Jones are deplatformed!
That's my job now!
I have no time to sleep!
Because all I do is try to control everything!
Because no one likes me!
Why don't they like me?
I hate America!
And I want to take your guns!
And I want to babysit your kids!
Let me run things!
It's okay, hold on!
We're gonna have the two Brian Stelters when we come back to interview John McAfee.
We'll be right back with Owen Schroer.
I'm Brian Stelter reporting from the control-free Communist News Network.
Don't criticize me or I'll have you banned!
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Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
Hey, brother.
Good, man.
Thank you for calling.
Hey, hey.
I just want to say thanks for your products and everything that you're doing to try to save the country.
I mean, I've tried your Secret 12, Super Male, Anthroplex, the Silver Bullet, Biome Defense, Micro ZX.
I mean, that's all good stuff.
Secret 12, if everybody would just drop their energy drinks and get some Secret 12, take a shot of that.
That's the thing about Secret 12.
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Real organic B12 is sweet.
And exactly.
When I'm super tired, I go, hey, why am I drinking coffee at 10 at night if I'm going on some show like Coast to Coast?
Secret 12, 30 minutes later, massive energy.
It's amazing.
Yeah, that stuff will wake you up.
And the clarity of mind that comes along with that is just amazing.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen, right here, on The Alex Jones Show.
Hi everybody!
I'm Brian Stelter and I decide who and who can't go on the internet now.
Is that clear?
I just got Owen Schroyer taken off his YouTube channel.
And the good folks at Media Matters, funded by George Soros, they've been going around saying no one can have Alex Jones on now.
That's not authoritarian at all!
Mark Dice is pointing out that I only get a few retweets.
He gets tens of thousands and so does Alex Jones.
And Owen Schroyer, that's why he needs to be taken down!
And I agree.
I'm actually, well, I'm actually Owen Schroyer who got in a time machine and came back as Brian Skelter.
I'm not Anton LaVey, and I'm not Leo Zagami, no.
Everything's fine.
Actually, I am Anton LaVey from heaven, and I was broadcasting down here, but I still lie a little bit.
Let's actually go to the real Brian Skelter.
Can we put him back on screen?
And then I guess let Owen Schroyer talk to him.
Go ahead, go ahead.
Oh, then go ahead and be Mr. Stelter now.
Well, I just wanted to ask Brian a question.
Brian, why do you want to get InfoWars banned so much?
Well, you see, it's not fair that someone like Alex Jones, who is much better looking than me, has a family that loves him, has a whole crew of people that loves him, has friends that care about him, has an audience that will always support him.
It's not fair that Alex Jones gets to exist and compete with someone like me, who's ugly, not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually hideous.
And a lot of people say I remind them of Pennywise Stelter.
But, who's my uncle?
But, I just think it's not fair that Alex Jones is allowed to have a platform and then I'm supposed to compete with that?
So you have to be banned, Owen, and you're next too!
You gotta be banned, and David Knight, and if you guys, and Roger Stone, and Mark Dice, and anyone else who's obviously much better looking than me, has a much higher IQ, they must be banned.
This is not fair.
I am a journalist.
I am a newsman.
I am a newsman, dammit!
And by the way, don't criticize me or I'll file bullying complaints.
I'm only trying to smother your speech and defaming you and lying and saying you're calling for violence.
I'm only engaged in all sorts of horrible things and working with, you know, media matters to bad people.
So you have to lay down to me.
I deserve, as Legacy Media, to make you watch me.
And it's going to happen.
Oh, you know what's so great about this moment right now, Alex, is that Brian Stelter is actually probably listening and crying.
Well, look- We should call him Cryin' Stelter.
Well the bottom line is this guy has absolutely raped our free speech along with the rest of CNN and that fellow he works with over there at Media Matters and this is dangerous and the President's going to take action and to ride shotgun with us I want to bring John McAfee, famous computer programmer and inventor of McAfee software, worked at NASA before that and he joins us and he's put some tweets out and pointed out this really is a
Conspiracy against my free speech.
In top law firms, I've talked to like, well, four different ones, and I've got some ready to sue, you know, antitrust for free.
I've got others who've written reports to the president that we're getting to the president.
Social media deplatforming.
The federal action that's being prepared.
And of course, expanding on that, we've got the Presidential Commission and all the things, the executive orders that are being prepared.
But we're 75 days out from this, John McAfee.
I mean, this is the stuff you read about in history books in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia, in my view.
I mean, is this not the big move?
But they're not even just saying, I'm de-platformed now.
They're saying, don't have Jones on or we'll de-platform you.
I mean, this is the unpersonning.
This is the Chinese global social score they now admit is coming here.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
Well, you know, first of all, Alex, I like your beard.
I didn't even know you had one.
But on one of the prior shows that I did with you, I pointed out that this was likely to happen, that the social media companies would end up being the conservators of truth, as they define it.
And be the mass censors.
But here's the issue.
If somebody says Chinese fairies have flown into the ears of all the congressmen and they're now controlling them, how the hell do you know that's not true?
Please God, who's gonna say that's absolutely not true?
I've seen stranger things.
So I stood up for you.
I lost, by the way, $15,000 for standing up for you.
But I do stand up for my friends, Alex.
Well, you were standing up for yourself, too.
Oh, I do stand up for me.
I promise you that.
But I'm saying if we don't all stand together on the First Amendment, even Bill Maher's got that right, we're going to lose everything.
Oh, absolutely.
And again, I warned about this.
I've warned lots of people.
Trust me, social media platforms are going to be the censors, the definers of truth, and what's acceptable for us to look at, listen to, and read.
It's insane.
They admit that it's the social engineering arms, and Jack Dorsey admits that.
He goes, we believe our social engineering will make Alex Jones behave and stop saying kill people.
But I didn't say that!
So like, they even base it on a lie.
Well, nothing's gonna make you behave, nor me, Alex.
I know that for a fact.
But listen, we do have to stand together.
You know, I have a suggestion for you.
If you want to stick it to the man.
Why don't you start your own cryptocurrency, the Alex Jones coin?
You have a radical following.
I promise you, every one of your followers are going to buy it.
And start your own financial system within America.
Stick it to the network.
Well, I'll tell you this, I've stayed out of the cryptocurrencies because I didn't want to bet on the wrong thing or tell people to, but now they've succeeded in becoming the new dominant thing out there.
This has really got to freak the globalists out.
Well, yeah, and it should.
The banks, the Fed,
And how are governments going to collect taxes if you can't tell what a person's income was, what they spent, what they received?
And with cryptocurrency, especially the privacy coins, the government cannot tell.
Well, we'll talk about that some in the next segment.
But let me just get to this, and I want Schwartz to ride the shotgun with us.
Why do you think they're accelerating it all now because it seems like a big risky thing?
The president says he's going to take action against it.
How do you think the president should take action against it?
Because I'm not bragging.
We've already gotten things into his hands, as the media now knows with horror.
I'm not going to get into the details of that, but he is absolutely now receiving our research.
We have top law firms getting him information.
So, I mean, what do you, as a smart guy, think we should do?
Well, here's the issue.
People are sensing that Trump is weakening, which is absolutely not true.
I've never seen a stronger president.
And they're taking every opportunity to diss what they view is the Trump policies, the Trump beliefs, the right wing, conservativism, the whole thing.
And I think by making the example of you, and they'll get around to making an example of me.
I'm no less vocal than you, I just have fewer followers.
You know, I have 800,000 to worry about.
And they'll get around to everybody.
That does not conform to the political correct view of what life is, what our government is, and how happy we all are.
I tell you though, it's a bold move for them to launch this.
Why do you think they picked me first?
I think it's because they demonized me first.
They thought they could misrepresent what I said and done, but I think it's blown up in their face.
And I'm not just saying that to put perfume or lipstick on a pig.
I mean, ten times the traffic, five times people recognized me in the street, support flooding in, though the enemy attacks are intensifying, so support's more critical than ever.
I mean, what do you think they're going to do next?
Well, you asked why they picked you.
Jesus, Alex, you know why.
You are the most in-your-face commentator in America.
Thank God.
You know, you don't back down.
You tell things as you see it.
You don't give a shit what people think about what you said.
And people hate that.
You are the epitome of everything that the left-wing Clinton culture hates about America.
And oddly enough, you do have a mixed bag of followers.
People either hate you or they love you, Alex.
Same with me.
Except more people hate me, I think.
But yeah, of course you.
Who else?
You are the one person in America who goes out and says, here it is, in your effing face.
Here it is.
Of course you do.
We have, coming up later in the next hour, Pastor Rodney Howard, who's formerly from South Africa, to talk about the mass extermination of whites, and our liberal media telling Trump, hey, let the whites stay there and be killed, they deserve it.
Whites deserve to die.
That's liberal, didn't you know?
We'll be right back, stay with us.
Twitter's CEO is standing by the company's decision to put InfoWars' Alex Jones on a seven-day suspension.
This comes after Jones urged his Twitter followers to ready their battle rifles, as he put it, against the media in a video posted to the site.
Alex Jones on Twitter posted this week what essentially is a video calling for people to get their battle rifles ready against the media.
People need to have their battle rifles and everything ready, their bedsides.
You gotta be ready.
Saying it's time to act, it's gotta be done now.
Move criminally against people.
It's time politically, and economically, and judiciously, and legally, and criminally, to move against these people.
It's got to be done now.
Sent a chill up my spine.
How about yours?
It did.
I mean, there's a number of actions that we believe
Help a call to incitement to violence and those are the things that we need to make sure that we're taking action on.
Now is the time to act on the mainstream media and he says get the battle rifles ready.
I didn't say that!
That incites violence.
Free speech does not protect inciting violence.
This is an emergency message to President Trump, to Congress, and to anyone that supports free speech in this country.
The Democratic Party is now calling for all Republicans, all patriots, including the President, to be deplatformed from Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, you name it.
And Jones is hardly their only target, that's for sure.
Virtually every day, the big tech companies censor someone else whose political opinions they disagree with.
Facebook censored our free speech.
And shame on the ones that don't even see that we have been censored.
Super political class that operate as a judiciary and as the police and as the prison guards to control our lives.
This is classical authoritarianism.
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat them, prevent them from speaking.
You've taken action against him in this instance.
What is it?
Can you tell us what it is?
I believe we put him in a time out.
Alex Jones is not an 8th grader who got busted smoking in the bathroom.
Like, it's just not.
I mean, he's a guy who is, you know... Or someone who is... ...fueling alt-right conspiracy theories and... It's actually amazing.
That will ripe.
This is what caused the ban and not everything that Alex Jones has done before.
That seems minor compared to the implications of someone suggesting a call to arms against a particular group, in this case, the media.
I didn't say use weapons on the media.
I don't want them to have weapons used on them.
That'll make them victims.
I'm worried they're going to false flag and stage something on themselves.
And then they're going to send antifa out to all our houses, which they're doxing everybody, saying they are.
And I said defensively, be prepared to defend yourself.
And they say that is inciting violence.
No, it's not.
Send a chill up my spine.
I'm getting chills right now.
He said come with the battle rifles, engage in criminal activity.
And I said use the judicial system legally and lawfully, and go after them criminally.
They have got to get a lid on this.
And the idea of martyrdom, it's also probably interesting to see who rallies around his cause.
Let's remember, Donald Trump has appeared on his show.
And we're also standing up
To social media censorship.
That's the new thing.
Trump's election and Alex Jones' popularity are merely symptoms of a corrupt and failed status quo.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
You can't stop them from knowing that.
But this isn't about Alex Jones.
This is about freedom.
Mr. President, you don't want to look like you're after the press of the First Amendment.
You're letting them butcher the press of the First Amendment.
Oh, but you don't want to look authoritarian and stand up to them.
They're authoritarian.
They're a clear and present danger.
Do something about it!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are in the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ernie Sanders here, back live!
As I told you, white people don't know what it's like to be poor!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Yes, white people don't know what it's like to be poor, and Molly Tibbetts doesn't know what it's like when an illegal alien kills her!
You think, oh, well, that's a sick joke.
No, it's not a sick joke.
You've got Pocahontas, you've got MSNBC hosts saying, oh, big deal, this lady is important.
So she got kidnapped, tortured, and, you know, raped and murdered.
The real things, the children, and being separated from their parents, it's all made up.
It's been going on for 50 years.
The little girl didn't even get separated from her mother.
But here's what they hate.
CNN says it's racist to show the illegal alien, but we'll show it, being led in handcuffs in after killing the woman.
So it's totally sick.
Now, John McAfee is our guest here, riding shotgun some of the next hour covering the waterfront.
I wanted to play a clip here of the president yesterday, get his take on this, pointing out that the reason they want to impeach him and the reason they're pushing all this is because he's popular, the country's coming back somewhat, and they want to change the subject of that.
And I agree.
And then he said, he thinks, this morning on Fox & Friends, that if they were able to remove him, it'd probably tank the economy.
We're getting some of the best numbers ever seen.
I want to get his take A on what the president said and B on what he thinks will happen to the economy.
If they try to take him out and what type of backlash that'll stir in the American people because this is confirmed from Jack Masobic now what Stone got from high-level sources.
They're preparing to indict Donald Trump Jr.
So, let's go ahead and go to that clip of El Presidente.
I guess it says something like high crimes and all.
I don't know how you can impeach somebody who's done a great job.
I'll tell you what, if I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash.
I think everybody would be very poor.
And then there's some other clubs where he points out, when he was in another rally, what's unfolding there.
So John McAfee, what do you think of that?
Well, absolutely, the market would crash.
We would be in a world of hurt, because if he's impeached, what comes next?
People dislike Trump because he is successful.
He does not bow down to convention.
He doesn't listen to anybody's advice except his own.
In other words, he is his own man with his own self-confidence and he acts on it.
People hate that.
People hate confident, successful people.
And Trump is the epitome of a confident, successful person.
Now, they're not going to impeach him.
It can't possibly succeed.
And pray to God we get some sanity back in this country.
I mean, if you look at our social media, for example, they say, well, we're private companies.
You avoided our policies.
Aren't there things called monopolies anymore?
I mean, is not, you know, YouTube sort of a monopoly?
Is not Facebook the monopoly of tweets, of short messages?
Please, God,
I mean, let's get real here.
They do have an obligation to not just their users, but to the country, to our culture, to try to toe the line of balance.
And that's not happening.
So they're not going to succeed.
They're not going to succeed.
And I have full confidence in Trump.
Number one, he's much smarter than people gave him credit for.
He's more devious, thank God.
And he's a very experienced person in negotiating and business and finance.
This is exactly what we need.
I agree with you.
Adding this point.
We've had top law firms look at this, but the companies have argued this themselves.
On the left is all of the news saying, these are the electronic commons.
We must shut Jones down from the commons.
He's too dangerous.
Not because I'm a bad person, but because it's too popular, as Tucker Carlson said.
But coming up next hour, I want to go over this with you some.
This is from a top law firm.
We'll be announcing some things very, very soon.
But social media deplatforming, federal action laid out to the president, and there's larger indexes that are going to be going to the president.
Presidential Commission, executive orders, the ways to take action.
It's all right here in these reports.
So I'm going to be going over all of this more with you some of the next hour.
Plus, you've been a top executive and a businessman, a smart guy.
You can give us some of your angles and takes.
But John McAfee's here, obviously.
Owen Schroer, you just got deplatformed off your own YouTube channel because I came on for five minutes.
I mean, this is a trillion percent absolutely criminal.
And they say it's because we showed violent things.
No, Media Matters reported it and it's because I was on there.
So it shows how they can't even get their propaganda lined up.
What do you think this is all ahead of?
Well, first of all... Well, it's either... Go ahead, John.
Okay, no, I was going to say, is not violence the core of news?
I mean, do you want to watch, people don't watch things, mom making apple pies, no.
They like to see road accidents and mayhem and massacres.
This is just human nature, so good God to say that, oh, you're offering people what the news offers them or what popular magazines offer.
Why pick on you?
Again, because you are in their face.
You are a threat, Alex.
End of story.
They're mad that I'm pointing out that Google and Apple have moved to China and are helping censor there and literally helping arrest people and have them killed.
So it shows they have absolutely no morals or totally ruthless that Apple owns and leases the worst factories in China at Foxconn on record.
And then also I was pointing out that they're planting a false flag against themselves and the media to blame us.
I mean clearly
Clearly, they're upset about what's being said here, so everybody should know.
That means the answers that's taking them on is being covered by myself and my guests and others.
Owen, your comments on that.
Well, I think John McAfee makes an excellent point, because think about what happened on September 11, 2001.
All eyes were on television news all day long.
That's what everyone was watching, millions of people.
Like John said, violence, big event, tragedy.
Everyone goes to the television news.
So, if they're getting ready to pull some big false flag 9-11 style event,
They can't have Alex Jones on air, they can't have InfoWars on air, they can't have these alternative news sources on air, on YouTube, on the internet, because everyone's gonna go there now, and they're not gonna go turn on the TV to hear what the official narrative is, because they've been lied to by the TV so much.
So now they have to cut off, it's like, imagine you're going down a road,
And you've got all these exits for alternative exits and different things.
They're shutting all the exits down.
They're shutting every exit down, and they're forcing everyone to go down the same pipeline on the official narrative.
So, it would make sense if they're gonna pull some big event, they have to cut out the new news that has the biggest audience, like the Alex Jones Show, Mark Dice YouTube channel,
Because they're not going to go along with the official narrative, or at least question it, or provide other elements and other facts and other historical references, and they can't control the news that way.
They can't control the narrative that way.
So it would make sense, if there's some big false flag event coming up like a 9-11, they want all the eyes on Fox.
CNN, MSNBC, who are going to tow the official narrative, no matter what, never question it.
Alex Jones, who may question it and provide some other historical analysis, he cannot exist.
We have to shut him down before that event.
We have to control the narrative.
And they're using the hype of things I didn't say about Sandy Hook to say, oh look, it's hurtful to question a big public event like 9-11 or Gulf of Tonkin or Babies and Incubators.
Don't do it.
I think that's one of the most important things we've said here in a long time.
On target, Owen Schroer.
John McAfee, your take on that?
Well, it actually kind of blew me away with that suggestion.
That had not occurred to me, that maybe there is a false flag coming up.
We know for a fact.
I mean, I have good friends within the CIA, and they have confided in me.
Yes, of course, the CIA does create false flags of enormous scope and scale.
So we know it happens.
And it would make sense.
It would make total sense.
Of course, why didn't they ban me?
Because, you know, I'm as loud as you.
I'm just older.
I choose my words more carefully.
Stay right there, both of you.
I want you to ride shotgun into the next hour.
We have Jack Posobiec of Naval Intelligence.
I was never going to say that on air until they blew his cover, but he's a big patriot with the President and some high-level folks, I'll just tell you that.
And we had Roger Stone with the breaking news that they're planning to indict
Donald Trump Jr.
very, very soon.
Pessovic has very high-level sources.
I'll just leave it at that.
And he is upset and has confirmed that that is indeed what is about to happen very, very soon.
So tomorrow's news today.
We'll be back.
Listen, folks.
When the big event comes, you've got to tell your friends, your family via email, via phone call, however.
Come to Infowars.com.
Get the live feeds when the big event comes.
Whether it's an attempted assassination of Trump, a nuke going off, planes in the buildings, whatever they're planning, they've been bringing jihadis in and protecting them.
McAfee helped expose a huge plan that Obama had down in Belize.
I didn't really believe it, and later it came out and was all confirmed with Hezbollah.
So, ooh, I want to talk to him about that, because Hezbollah's promised sleeper cells to attack Trump in the U.S.
He broke that here four years ago.
In studio.
And then later it came out in federal documents that it was all true.
I mean, I thought he escaped and all that incredible stuff, and it was amazing, but he's like, well, it's because Hezbollah was after me, and Hamas, and Ryerson, and then it later all turned out to be true!
So, unbelievable.
Of course, if you wanted a jihad attack, do it through police, because they hand out passports, so.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Jack Posobiec of One American News, great patriot.
He's going to be joining us for the next segment.
He's got some really, really bad news that he's able to confirm.
Roger Stone has great sources and first broke it yesterday.
This is some really serious news.
So at Jack Posobiec on Twitter, he's coming up next segment.
John McAvee obviously has been warning on this show for at least five years since he got out of Belize about Hezbollah sleeper cells in the U.S.
Now the head of their Iranian military has come out and said that indeed they have sleeper cells that came in through Belize.
And other areas.
And so there's that.
And he also warned that social media networks will become the main censors.
They now admit they are.
Even the Wall Street Journal.
The social media de-platform.
Wall Street Journal.
Digital de-platforming become the censors.
So when digital platforms become the censors, Americans don't trust the media.
For a good reason.
It seems, I'm going to get into the whole Hezbollah thing with you, John, because there's so many subjects, but it seems like even mainstream media is now turning on itself
Starting with Tucker Carlson doing the right thing and then even other folks like Bill Maher and saying now the president this is really dangerous what's happened to Alex Jones.
So I want to cover that first.
Why do you think they're starting to admit hey this is dangerous?
Because it's obvious.
I mean, to me it's obvious.
What could be more dangerous than to have a social media company decide what's true, Alex?
I mean, fuck me!
I mean, I have seen some strange things in this life, and when people tell me the weirdest stuff, I go, maybe it's true.
I don't know.
I am not the judge, and neither are you.
Neither is anyone.
That's the danger, defining what's real, Alex.
Good God Almighty, what could be more dangerous than that?
It's also incredibly arrogant.
You know, Media Matters and George Soros literally are in the major tech companies colluding together, which is a total antitrust monopoly of information.
Not just unfair trade practices and so many other things that lawyers say is open and shut, but to have this group, the Democratic Party, in there running it all is just insane.
Let's get back to why you got
While they tried to kill you in Belize, and it's all been confirmed, now it's come out in mainstream news, the documents came out, that you, how you found out that they had jihadis coming through, and now, exactly what you said is all over the news.
Well, you know, I'm outspoken, I do my own thing no matter where I am, and I unwisely did my own thing in a third world virtual dictatorship, even though they do have a voting system, it's all garbage.
I ran afoul of the government and they demanded recompense.
They asked for two million dollars for their election coming up and they would leave me alone.
I go, I'm sorry, I don't do extortion.
A week later they stormed my property, shot my dog, destroyed a half million dollars worth of my property, abused me relatively, and then left.
Well, I was pissed off, mostly about the dog, and I demanded an apology from the Prime Minister.
Another foolish thing, okay?
All the newspaper says, McAfee, quote, demands apology from Prime Minister.
You don't do that in third world dictatorships.
But in any case, you know, because I am who I am, I was able to donate laptops to government computers that had spyware that was almost like a virus that moved from one computer to another within the government.
So pretty soon, everybody's computer was tapped.
Now, I admit, that's illegal.
But I'm not in Belize now, and I broke no American laws by doing that.
So, I wanted to find absolute proof that they had set me up, but I didn't.
What I did find was that the Minister of Immigration was the largest human trafficker in all of Central America, and was responsible for selling passports to Hezbollah
Where you could then go into Mexico, and from Mexico, you could take a mule across the border into America.
It's just like everybody else.
Huge business, you know, literally.
And now it's all confirmed.
John McAfee stayed there.
We're going to give your websites out and more and talk about cryptocurrency.
But first, ride shotgun with me, because we've got huge breaking news with Jack Posobiec in T-minus 60 seconds, folks.
This is huge.
They're going after Don Jr.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Jack Vosobik is a syndicated TV host and investigative journalist at One American News Networks, also Naval Intelligence Patriot, ran one of the biggest grassroots organizations for Trump in the campaign.
He's got a lot of great sources and unfortunately he's able to confirm what Roger Stone, who's got amazing sources, broke yesterday here on air that
Robert Mueller is looking and reportedly planning to indict Donald Trump Jr.
Not for the totally legal meeting with the lady saying she had dirt on Hillary.
Gosh, the Clintons went to Russia to try to get fake dirt cooked up on Trump.
That's opposition research.
But for the old thing we warned about a year and a half ago.
You talk to the FBI, then they can say that you materially lied to them or misled them.
This is unbelievable.
And if the economy wasn't coming back and other things, people might put up with this.
They're not going to put up with it.
And I'll add this.
If Hillary wasn't in bed with the Russians and Uranium One and the secret server and the Mueller with Tarmac meetings with giving the FSB uranium and secret transfers like James Bond, if Trump had people doing that, I'd say, get him out of there!
So this, but no, he's bringing the country back.
It's obvious.
It's the globalists that have had their foot on our neck.
So Jack Posobiec, you know, they tried to get you kicked out of Naval Intelligence to pull your security clearance.
But then they all say, oh, we can keep our security clearances, but they're not valuable.
But now they're freaking out because they are valuable.
These people are anti-American to their core.
How did a communist, admitted communist like Brennan, ever get in charge?
But those are side issues.
You're here.
With the really serious news, what can you tell us there in D.C.
from what your sources are telling us about Don Jr.?
Well, Alex, you know, it's interesting.
I'd actually heard this for a couple of weeks now, but I wasn't able to pin it down.
But essentially what Mueller's been doing is going over Don Jr.'
's testimony through the United States Senate, where he did testify.
He spent multiple hours testifying.
Yeah, absolutely.
From, of course, Michael Cohen, who's cooperating with the special counsel and others.
Laney Davis is out there essentially talking about this.
So it's going to come down most likely to be his word against theirs.
Now, if you notice very specifically, there were a few times during that Senate testimony that Don Jr.
claimed attorney-client privilege for some of the questions they asked.
Well, unfortunately, that attorney was Michael Cohen.
And Michael Cohen has completely betrayed his oath, completely betrayed his
He's going to
To at least get him to react in such a way it's like firing Mueller or firing others that they believe then will then could be used as fuel for an impeachment scenario.
If they arrest Don Jr., I think if he takes the Ghani Road, the American people, I think it's going to blow up in their face.
If the President's son, because you know Mueller will do it, they'll throw him in prison just to make him do the perp walk.
And then everybody will know that Hillary has engaged in one trillion times what they ever did.
Sold this nation out, Benghazi, the Arab Spring.
I mean, you try to chronicle looting Haiti, stealing billions, keeping 99% of the money for herself.
I mean, when you try to think about all the crimes of the Clintons and the sellouts to China and just all of it, and the uranium one, and the sending money into Russia to try to overthrow Putin and then laundering it back to the Ukraine.
That's all come out even in Politico to her campaign and Obama.
84 million dollars in unaccounted campaign cash, a 300 and something thousand dollar fine, and then meanwhile they're going to try to do this to the president, totally legal 12 years ago for issues, and going back years ago making payments with his own money.
I mean, this is just so obviously persecution.
It's beyond hypocritical.
No, not only that, Alex, and what I would add as well, and you mentioned just before in the opening, that this entire meeting was a setup by Fusion GPS to begin with.
We know that Veselnitskaya, who proffered this meeting with Don Jr., Manafort and Kushner also took part, that she was working with Fusion GPS at the time.
Fusion GPS, we know, was hired by the Clinton campaign through the Perkins-Coy Democrat.
Essentially, it's the legal arm of the Democrat Party.
So Fusion GPS has
They're fingerprints all over this.
We know that there were State Department translator was used to part this thing someone who had ties to the FBI.
So it really goes back to ask you a question of was this whole thing done as a way to set up or entrapped on junior to get this series of events in motion that they went and did went to him essentially offered him a conspiracy.
Then went to see what does he do with it?
Is he going to go talk to his dad about it?
Is he going to go talk to Michael Cohen about it?
Talk to the rest of the campaign?
Knowing full well that they're watching him and watching what he's doing at the same time.
This is the same way that the feds will essentially assert an informant into organizations that they want to then destabilize.
So they'll have the informant walk around saying, hey guys, let's commit crimes, let's commit crimes.
When the organization by and large themselves probably wouldn't have done that on their own.
But even if they get someone discussing these things with the informant, they can then say there's a collusion to, or I should say, a conspiracy to collude, or a conspiracy to... That's right, and a lot of these transcripts have come out in court now, and you've got these different operatives over and over again saying, let's meet with Russia, let's meet with Russia, and they're like, no, Russia is an important stop.
Russia, Russia, Russia, and then a year and a half later, Mueller asked the person, did you ever talk to this person about Russia?
Boom, you're going to prison, because you didn't remember it.
And you're like, what?
I mean, this is getting crazy.
Right, you know, somebody, they talk about it with George Papadopoulos, he said, yeah, I had a conversation with a guy at a bar one time and he said something about Russia, I didn't think much of it, and he said, well, that guy reported you because he talked about Russia, and then Papadopoulos said, wait a minute, I didn't, he's the one who brought up Russia, I didn't bring up Russia, that was a guy at a bar.
That wasn't some kind of, you know.
Well, let me tell you how much, I was sitting there during the inauguration of the night with a bunch of active duty Navy SEALs and people who just so happened to do secret submarine work, I didn't even know that, and then they would have guys walk over and say, hey,
Alex, I know people from Taiwan that want to buy submarine secrets from you and you guys.
And those guys got freaked out, man.
And then other stuff like that was happening.
And then, even though Obama's people were still there, they still got reported and called in about the submarines.
So the Democrats literally know classified stuff.
They have their operatives walking around, and just, and then I guess they have data info on whoever we're with, and then they come over and try to set us up.
I mean, this is dangerous.
Yeah, these are these types of setup operations and it's, I think, I think at this point it's been covered by yourself and many other sources that that Fusion GPS-backed meeting at Trump Tower was definitely a setup of the Trump campaign.
Now, what they're going to go back on is, of course, they're going to try to brush that under the table.
The same way that in all of the court documents that Mueller has filed at this point, he's never once mentioned Stephen Halper, the spy that the FBI inserted into the Trump campaign to try to actually get a role in the campaign.
He's completely covered that up, the setup angle of all of this, and said you tried to collude with Russia and we have the proof.
Yet he doesn't mention at all that there were these communications with this specific spy.
I know at the same token, he's not going to mention any of the spies with or any of the connections between Fusion GPS and all of the people who set this meeting up in the first place.
Sure, or how it's 37 all Democrat operatives trying to set Trump up and there's no collusion been found.
They're all trying to get him on process crimes.
It's the thinnest thing ever.
But let me ask this question.
What does Trump need to do about this?
Because this is so criminal, it's so obvious.
Sessions is shooting his mouth off.
He's 100% compromised.
Session hits back at Trump, won't be influenced by political considerations.
He's asleep at the switch?
You've got Rosenstein involved in all this?
I mean, they totally have hijacked the country.
This is unbelievable.
The president needs to start using the powers of the presidency aggressively.
It's time for him to wield the pardon for these selective prosecutions.
Wield the pardon power, which he has.
And as well, it's time for him to start a deadline.
Set a deadline for Mueller and say, you know, whether that's the midterm elections, whether that's Thanksgiving, set a deadline and say, I want your report on my desk by this time.
You do not have a blank check.
You don't get to run the Department of Justice.
You don't get to do whatever you want with the country.
I'm the president.
I was duly elected, not you.
Mueller, they act in the news, and Congress is trying to pass some law that violates the separation of powers, saying that Mueller is his own new Imperium Inquisitor.
I mean, that's how Oliver Cromwell ended up, you know, taking over or whatever.
I mean, we're sitting here looking at somebody literally being set up as the fourth branch of government.
We'll talk to Jack Posobiec in one more segment from One American News Network.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live broadcasting worldwide.
One more segment with our guests and we're going to have a South African pastor on to describe the white genocide exploding that President Trump has been covering.
Jack Posobiec is our guest.
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Going back to Jack Posobiec.
Jack, this is just horrifying.
I mean, there is Don Jr., such a patriot, such a
Good guy.
Out there fighting for this country.
So committed.
One of the best people around.
His father, obviously.
Out there trying to get dirt on Hillary.
He finds out it's a setup.
Totally legal to do that.
And then they're told it's about adoption of Russian kids.
And then now, the word is that Mueller is going to indict him.
Here's the big question.
Trump has threatened to declassify the evidence.
Well, we've already seen what the liberals said before they changed their story.
They were illegally spying on Trump, that nothing was there, that they were covering up Russiagate with the Clintons and Mueller.
They're covering up their treason with this investigation.
It's just like a movie where exactly what they say
We've done.
The New York Times is calling everyone I know saying, has Jones been to Russia?
Is Jones a Russian agent?
They say Jones is paid by the Russians.
Well, let me be clear.
I almost did a stunt this year.
So I got a Russian visa to go over there and make a big joke out of it.
And then I decided this is so dangerous, I'm not going to do it.
I tweeted out.
The Russian Visa, and the media picked it up and said, we got his secret Russian Visa.
So I've got the New York Times asking me, what's this?
And I'm like, you people are maniacs.
I've never been to Russia.
But the witch-huntness of this is just crazy.
So I'm ranting here, but I'm just asking, why doesn't Trump just declassify all this?
Yeah, Alex, that's actually one of the main things that Trump's lawyers and his friends and legal advisors outside the White House have been urging.
Some people are urging pardons.
I personally think the pardons would be a very strong tool.
But declassification of documents, declassification of the Carter Page FISA warrant, looking out for other FISA warrants that may have been
On George Papadopoulos or Roger Stone, if we can find those, declassify those as well.
Put all the cards on the table.
Show us what paragraph one was of this investigation.
What was the evidence that you claim people like John Brennan, people like James Comey claimed that they had on Donald Trump in these quote-unquote ties to Russia?
And show us what it was.
And if you don't have anything better than this ridiculous Steele dossier, which we now know was paid for by the Clinton campaign, then shut it down.
Shut it down.
Put a deadline on all of this, because we know it was crooked from the start.
And then that should cast a taint over all the indictments and prosecutions that have come out of this, because we know that it was started on a faulty and false premise.
It's the fruit of the poison tree 101.
It's like a surveillance footage a cop doesn't know that's there when he plants a gun on somebody.
I mean, it doesn't matter what other evidence you've got.
The people go free.
But there is nothing.
Can you believe in a year and a half of illegal surveillance and the stuff before that, and everything they've done, they've got nothing.
It shows how incredibly clean Trump is.
Alex, if they had something, it would have been leaked to the New York Times, the Washington Post on day one.
It would have been leaked a long, long time ago.
CNN would be blaring it all over the place.
This would have come out by now if they had something substantial, and they don't, which is why they're grasping at straws and all of these process crimes that they're trying to do against the President's son, like they may try to do against Roger Stone as well.
What I think is that people are starting to see this, and I think that people, even in the mainstream in middle America, Alex, they're not going to stand for it.
They said, we elected this president, and if you don't like his policies, that's one thing, but fight that out at the ballot box.
This whole ideal
That we used to have in this country was the peaceful transfer of power.
It was one of the hallmarks of the American Republic.
Yeah, they're trying to overthrow an election.
Exactly, they're trying to violate the will of the people.
So let me ask you this, Jack, in closing, the few minutes we have left.
What is the word on Sessions?
I know you have amazing sources.
What is the word?
Do they have him in a KKK outfit?
I mean, what is going on?
The dereliction of duty, letting Rosenstein change the power of the Justice Department, letting them all run rogue.
They've caught them all doing this.
He was involved in the old days covering stuff up.
I mean, at a certain point, it's almost a dereliction of duty if Trump doesn't fire them 15, 20 deep.
I mean, my God, it's just time to start chopping
Look, I would be surprised if Sessions is there by February.
And, you know, one of the big things that goes back and forth in Washington is they say, well, Mitch McConnell always replies, well, I gave Trump his AG.
He wanted AG Sessions and I gave him Sessions.
That's the one you asked for.
Well, you know what?
Mitch McConnell
If you want to find time on the floor for an AG vote and other confirmation, you can find time, because that's your job, McConnell.
You can find time to appoint anyone that we want that the President puts up as his AG, and you can give him an up-down vote.
You can do that, right?
We can take some time away from voting for the next post office name change or something like that.
The Attorney General of the United States at this point, regardless of what the reason is, he's not doing his job, he is not
Mueller represents the neocons and the bushites and all the rest of them.
The mood of the country, from your view, in the swamp, but from without the swamp, I see the mood.
People see prosperity.
They see things turning around.
They're genuinely angry.
I predict a huge red tsunami, but there's going to be major Democratic cheating, so they might be able to even defeat that.
Trump barely got over the hump, even though we know there was massive fraud because his wave was so big.
But I think if they try to remove Trump or do any of this, I think it's going to be disastrous for the establishment.
But like a mad dog with rabies, I don't think they can stop.
So what do you think, Jack Poselbeck, from One American News Network, what do you think the mood is right now if they try this?
If they try this, if they try to, as you mentioned, to go so far as to put, you know, the President's son in handcuffs or parade in front of cameras or something like that, I think you are going to see people out in the streets waving flags, waving signs.
You're going to see protests at the Department of Justice.
You're going to see protests in so many places because it will validate everything that Trump has said about this being a witch hunt and them going after him for political reasons, not for legal reasons.
Jack Posobiec, thank you for joining us.
What else are you going to be covering on One American News today?
We're also going to be covering China's secret war on America, everything that China's doing to influence our elections, and why is nobody talking about that?
Well, please come back soon and tell us about that, because more and more we're seeing that's really the real war going on.
This whole Russia phantom is the diversion so that shycoms can influence this election.
God bless you, Jack Posobiec.
Thanks, Alex.
Stay strong, man.
Thank you, sir.
Let's pray for Don Jr.
and for the Trump family.
These people have put it all on the line.
Trump has lost over a billion dollars of his money doing this.
Just thank God for Donald Trump, folks.
We'll be right back.
Thank God for you, by the way, all you listeners.
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Let's go ahead and talk to Make America Great Again, Titan!
You're on the air, go ahead.
The man, the truth, the resistance, Alex Jones.
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And how people can go against the true resistance, they're gonna learn soon that they're on the wrong side of history, and that's why we're the right.
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And I've gotta say, I started Titans of Liberty's Truth Wars because of you, Alex.
You are a big inspiration to me.
You're the real deal.
If anybody's listening right now, Alex Jones is the real deal.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it shocks even me knowing what the communists and leftists have been planning.
We've had white Afrikaner farmers on who are the most un-racist, loving Christian people you can imagine, kind of like Amish, and who went into South Africa 400 years ago and built the whole place when no one was even there, and then huge tribal groups came in to take part in the prosperity.
That's admitted history.
There's 600 million hectares of land unused in Africa more than anywhere else in the world.
60% of the world is there.
Big article on Infowars.com dealing with this.
Trump orders State Department to closely study South Africans being killed, white South Africans being killed, the genocide, and their own government lobbying Australia not to take them.
And then you've got the Vice President saying we're going to slit your throats and kill you.
The President saying we're going to take your land.
They ran on that.
And now Trump's being criticized by the left for saying that he's going to study it.
And now Owen Schroer and Roger Stone's YouTube channel has been banned for violence because we showed black-on-white crime, which the left is pushing and promoting.
We're Christians.
We want everybody to live in peace.
Now Zimbabwe, after decades of the white farmers being murdered and leaving, collapsed.
They're now, I saw on the news, welcoming them back, crying and hugging them.
So, this is an incredible time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen, and Pastor Rodney Howard Brown joins us.
He runs Revival.com, a huge international church based in Florida.
His new book is a bestseller.
You can get it at InfoWarsStore.com.
They're trying to suppress it.
KillingUncleSamBook.com is where you can get it, or InfoWars.com.
But the reason he joins us is he's from South Africa.
He left there because of already the riots and the tyranny and the racial strife decades ago, and came here with his wife and children.
And now he's been talking to people in the government on the latest, what's happening, but the killings, the torturing, the shops being burned, I mean you can just, you know, go online and just look at it.
It's amazing what's going on.
And so Pastor Brown, thank you so much for joining us.
So you've got the floor of the next two segments.
Kind of give people an overview so they know why it's getting so bad right now and the type of genocide we've seen against whites in other areas of Africa following the same Zimbabwe-ification, which you and others have predicted.
And the horror of the British government actually saying they agree with this.
I mean, this is next level showing the virtue signaling.
Hey, Alex, great to be with you again today.
You know, here's the problem right now.
There's struggles going on inside the ANC between Julius Malema, who is from the EFF, and he's the one that's actually really pushing this.
And of course, when the new president came in, for whatever reason, he started to talk along those lines and basically talked about land being taken away.
And it wasn't only just white land.
It was also black land.
I don't know.
And then, of course, the killing that's going on because they opened the borders.
The country should have a population of 55 million.
According to the Census Bureau, from inside, in Pretoria, who I've spoken to, they said unofficially it's close to 100 million people.
So you have the black-on-black violence, the xenophobia that's taking place, because the tribes of the North are taking the jobs of the tribes of the South.
And then of course this whole thing of land and the killing of the farmers.
So I'd say there's close to about 60 murders a day.
Violent murders.
About 22 are whites.
The rest are blacks.
And this is happening in the townships as they're hacking people into pieces.
It looks like Ramaphosa is leaning towards trying to appease Julius Malema and the EFF by saying, look, we'll take away the land because he's trying to unify the ANC's base before the national election come next year because they're afraid that the ANC is going to lose.
I just, when I knew I was coming here with you, I made a call to Dr. Kenneth Mishra.
He has been in Parliament from the time of Mandela's inception and he, of course, is a pastor.
And I called him, I said, Dr. Kenneth, tell me what's happening in South Africa.
He said, well, right now, he said President Trump's tweet sent a shot across the bowels.
It created major problems in South Africa and they're all backpedaling right now.
So I said, is land being confiscated?
He said, look, if there's any attempt right now, the police are stepping in and stopping it.
So yes, the killing is happening, but they have not really actually confiscated anything.
And the ones that have tried, the police are stopping it.
So President Trump's tweet has really shocked everybody because they don't want
They don't know what he's going to do, and so I want to thank the President for just sending a shot across the bow.
But according to the report from Dr. Kenneth Mishra, who is a senior member of Parliament since 1994, he was in Parliament, heard the President yesterday get up and say that they were looking at everything again, and they were kind of trying to calm everybody down, that it wasn't going to be like what they thought.
But you and I understand what's really behind communism.
So it's like on the one side, they want to appease their base.
On the other side, they're afraid of what President Trump's going to do.
And of course, Malema, you know, he's always been the radical right from day one.
And of course, Malema's being controlled from England.
So a lot of this stuff is not, you know, just Malema's crazy.
I was about to say, the British government has come out basically in support of this, and so people don't understand that the history of South Africa, maybe in 60 seconds, I mean the Brits have only been there about 150, 200 years coming in trying to take it, so they've always been, not the British people, but the government, manipulating things.
So, I mean, the whole fight, South Africa actually only got independence from the UK back in 1961.
Before 61, they would sing God Save the Queen.
So, you know, it was a part of the British Commonwealth, much like Rhodesia or Zimbabwe, and Australia and New Zealand still are.
And then, of course, they got independence from England in 1961, the year that I was born.
No, we're good.
I don't
For those who don't know, the real colonialists, these big megacorporations, don't want stability.
So they took out Gaddafi, they took out the Apartheid, which was not a good thing.
Gaddafi wasn't good either.
But they were stabilizing.
There was wealth.
And then now, all of Africa has doubled its numbers the last 10 years.
It's imploding.
South Africa has huge people pouring into it out of collapsed areas where they already killed all the whites and took their land to the north.
And so the same scenario starting up again as communists pour in saying now kill the whites again so we can eat this week but we'll starve.
But then they would have run out of continent.
So they're to the north running into Europe and to the south running into the sea.
And all of this is by design.
Nothing is by accident.
It's not just a group of people at random deciding they're going to do this.
So all of this is planned.
And you can see the same... I see the same tell-tale signs here in America as we see what's happening... It's an exact blueprint!
It's an exact blueprint where all over the place professors say whites are bad, I denounce my whiteness, kill whites, whites are inherently need to be gotten rid of.
If we try to show the antifa attacks or black attacks on whites, the media literally censors us and will not let us show it.
It's like they won't show the Islamic crime in Europe.
Yeah, so basically, all groups are being funded right now by Open Society to preach critical race theory.
Which basically, I mean, I just saw a book that came out, they were talking about it at one of the seminaries, called, Can a White Man Be Saved?
I mean, how do people come up with this insanity?
When we know from the Bible that the gospel's for every tribe and for every tongue, and that Jesus died for every tribe.
Let me ride back, Pastor.
Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
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Thank you, brother.
Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
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And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright folks, Alex Jones here, back live.
I want to go right back to the pastor because this is so critical on so many fronts, but if I don't plug, we won't be here.
We're selling his book, The Killing of Uncle Sam, that is the best because it's up to date.
Condensed real history of Dunder, call it conspiracy, tragedy and hope, but all where that ended in the 60s and 70s and then updated, written with former high-level CIA folks, you know, you name it, that helped them put it together.
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I read it.
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I grew up with my dad teaching me all this, because he was aware of all this, and family that I had that had been involved in things that let them know how real this was, and who told me how things worked.
This is more of an education than I got over all those years from family and this book or that book in one book, The Killing of Uncle Sam, available at Infowarsstore.com.
And listen, Pastor Brown, myself, we're not making any money selling this book under the attacks we're under, the way he's being censored, the way he's being attacked.
We're victorious though.
You know, we're not victims, we're targets.
But we need your prayers, we need your financial support.
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And remember to get the coffee or get the supplements you like.
And that way, we can be sustained.
Because let me tell you,
We've got some really good news coming.
That's why they're panicking.
We're about to get a bunch of these lawsuits thrown out.
We've already had a bunch thrown out.
But they've done some really dirty stuff that I'm not going to get into on air, and it's really made some people mad.
I'm not supposed to get into it, so I'm going to stop, but just praise God.
But it's going to take a lot of money to beat this, and now that's why they want me arrested.
That's why they're saying I'm a criminal now, and all these crazy lies.
Let me tell you, I'm not scared.
I'm scared of failure, though.
They're doing some really dirty stuff behind the scenes.
It's biblical.
I mean, they are calling people up and threatening my family.
They're threatening other people.
They're digging into other people's background and trying to find something wrong, like through Trump, and threatening them.
And yes, Mueller is after me.
They're investigating me as a Russian agent.
They're also investigating me on other things, but I trust in Christ.
And I'm just telling you, these people are evil.
And they're making their move.
So I need your prayers, and I thank you for them.
And I need you to support us financially and to spread the articles and videos.
Because they're really mad right now.
This is blown up in their face.
Pastor, I'm sorry I had to rant and get that out.
Back to you and what's happening in South Africa.
The same thing being done here.
The fact that Trump said, hey, stop censoring so Twitter quit.
He said, hey, don't kill all these farmers.
So they stopped and the police did the right thing.
I mean, the fact of the moral authority of America, Trump is so precious.
The economy's coming back.
The blessing of Abraham's coming back is what I'd call it.
He called God back in at that at that inauguration.
I could feel the energy.
Where are we at a historical point right now?
Well, I think we're at a critical mass.
I was talking to somebody just the other day and they said, you know, it's almost like many in the church world have kind of relaxed now with Trump in office.
But we're actually at a very dangerous time in America because if we don't stand up, we have a window to turn this thing around.
One of our associate evangelists who went to Newark, New Jersey on Sunday night, listen to this Alex,
In a park, Lincoln Park, Newark, New Jersey, the police said between 10,000 to 11,000 people showed up on the field.
Now, they were supposed to have a week-long permit for this meeting.
Thousands of people are getting saved.
They did Sunday night, Monday night, Tuesday night.
Tuesday night, the city would not extend their permit.
They already had a week-long permit.
They already put up electronic signs saying this meeting is ending tonight.
This is the city of Newark.
And so, a lot of it's controlled by Islam.
They do not want the Gospel preached.
So they had to move the meeting indoors.
They're there last night indoors, and tonight and tomorrow.
But that takes away from the momentum, because people are coming by the thousands, total.
Just explain it.
There's the spiritual energy of the... Explain the Holy Ghost comes in, and it's been well documented.
Literally, people for miles around just feel it, and are drawn to it.
Yeah, so and one of the leading DJs in the area, a lady that's not even actually a Christian, what she's been doing is advertising the meeting.
So thousands of people are coming.
And so obviously the city don't want this.
They're trying to put a stop to it.
I mean, this is in Newark, New Jersey.
So we have a window, even under a Trump presidency, that if we don't preach the gospel and mobilize people in the streets and to turn this thing around, that it'll all be shut down.
You know, we don't know what's going to happen by the 2020.
I mean, I have a feeling, I believe we will get another term.
But, we have a window nonetheless.
And we have to stand, and we have to fight.
What you're doing, you're in the fight.
I think what you're saying is, God will give us the victory, but we have to take action, and then we'll be given the victory.
It's assured, but we have to take action.
And Google and Apple, they're all taking Christian holidays off their calendars, but adding Islamic ones everywhere.
Cities pay to have huge Islamic
As a matter of fact, the police are 100% behind him.
They all stood in line for prayer.
They were crying.
They said we don't want you to leave.
Sure, no.
But, I mean, the fact is that the city wouldn't extend the permitting.
So, I mean, we have to get a hold of the congressmen and senators.
This kind of stuff is bogus.
Because, you know, Islam's allowed to go run free course across America.
But the Gospel needs to be allowed to run free course across America.
I mean, what are they afraid of?
Are they afraid they're going to lose followers?
Are they afraid that the gospel has more power than anything that they could say?
Obviously they are.
That's why they want to center conservatives and people that preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
But Alex, I don't believe that they're going to be able to stop it.
There's an army of people that God is raising up in this hour.
And your voice has lit the fire for many, many years.
And so, you know, it's not going to rest upon one.
It's this whole army that God is raising up.
They're going to carry the gospel of Jesus, that we believe that we're going to have another great spiritual awakening.
And even back with South Africa, as I told the senior Congress member,
I remember Parliament.
I said, listen, we're praying for you.
Speak the word.
I'm just concerned about some of our South African pastors that don't ever mention anything from the pulpit.
It's like they're afraid.
They're concerned about the ramifications of it.
But if we don't hang together, we'll hang separately.
And if we don't stand up and proclaim the word of God, all that has to happen for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.
And so we have to stand up.
We've got to shout it from the mountaintops.
And look, I mean, we've already counted the cost, Alex.
You know, you see in the front of the book, if it means death, then so be it.
I don't plan to die, but I'm not going to live in fear.
But we have done nothing wrong, but we're going to stand and speak the truth.
And you know, as I always tell people from the pulpit, if the cat's fur is getting rubbed the wrong way, let the cat turn around.
And if they don't like it, I say, don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.
I mean,
I'm a radical, you know, I'm going to say what I feel in my heart and in my spirit.
And I, so, you know, I told this evangelist, I said, look, don't, don't give up.
God's going to work another way.
What they should have had was a piece of ground just outside the city limits that they could have gone to and, and, and had that, but they didn't, they didn't have that as a backup.
So we're always going to have a backup.
If they do this, we'll do this.
You know, we gotta be thinking steps ahead of the enemy, and just continually do what we're supposed to do.
As far as South Africa's concerned, the President sent a shot across the bow that's got everybody afraid, so they're backing off.
They're back-paddling.
So thank you, Mr. President.
Thank you for your tweet.
We're gonna do five more minutes with you.
You wanna come back and ask what else you think is on the horizon and how important this election is, 2018.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
They think you're a goldfish!
I've been betting on you my whole life!
I believe in you!
I don't think you're stupid!
One man ever raped a woman!
All genitals were cut off!
And we're kicking these trainers' asses politically!
And we're not backing down on her!
I want to kick these people!
We're winning!
I can feel the spirit rising!
Can't you?
We have broken their back!
Yes, I can feel it!
Let's go!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Look at that.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Defending the republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones, live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
All right, Pastor Rodney Howard Brown is here from Revival.com, and we only have five minutes left with him.
I really appreciate him coming on his busy schedule.
I hope he'll come back for a full hour soon.
I want to get back to myself, but I want to pick your brain because you're a smart guy.
This purge against me, I think it was done because they wanted to set the precedent with me because they'd already demonized me, and then they would do it to everybody else.
And sure enough, they've now done that.
The president's vowing action.
I've got a battle plan I've gotten with the president.
My last plan got to him.
That's one reason.
They started the ban.
They got so upset.
But what else do you think is going on here?
And what do you expect them to do next?
Because I agree 2020 is critical, but I think they could make the move before the election.
I mean, they really want us blocked virally.
I think when some big event happens, that's what my spirit tells me.
Well, here's the thing.
I mean, obviously, there's several things they could try to do, as we know.
You know, I've warned about this.
We did a one-hour documentary that we aired, actually, across America back in 2016, that they could do an EMP attack, knock out the grid, number one.
Number two, they could collapse the dollar.
Number three, you know, obviously they want race rights.
They want problems.
You know, they just want upheaval.
So, I mean, the people behind the scenes, what people don't understand, they're wicked.
They don't care about life.
They don't care about people, even though they say that.
It could be the death of
Millions and millions of people.
They don't really care.
It's about the agenda.
It's about the total agenda of the globalists, of the New World Order being pushed forward.
So, we're dealing with a lot of situations whereby we've got still voter fraud with the voting machines.
Those things cannot be trusted.
I'm just telling you right now.
I don't care what anybody says.
And then you have all the dead people that are voting as they were voting in the 2016 election.
So, I mean, you've got dead people, you've got more people in a precinct voting that actually live there.
I mean, the corruption is at an all-time high.
So, obviously, they don't want your voice, Alex, but ultimately they're not going to shut you down.
They can't stop you.
Truth will prevail.
So we understand the saying that, you know, a lie goes around the world before truth gets up and puts the pants on.
A lie goes around the world.
We understand that.
But ultimately, truth is going to prevail.
And the Bible says if God is for us, who can be against us?
So that's why we pray for you, that God's about you as a wall of fire.
No harm and evil will come nigh to you.
And if the enemy digs a ditch for you, he's going to fall in it himself.
And we pray the same way over the President, and we pray that God would unravel all of these things.
However, Christians need to go vote, and they need to find out who they're voting for, and they need to hold them up against the Constitution and against the Word of God, and realize we can't vote for people that are under the control of the globalist New World Order agenda, because some of them have sold themselves out to the highest bidder.
Unfortunately, Republican Party is as wicked as well, but we have no other alternative.
So, it's kind of like better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.
So, you know, make sure that everything stays in the hands of the Republican.
Give us a little bit more time to turn this thing around, even though we understand that Deep State is everywhere and trying to control the narrative.
I believe that God has some surprises for them, and I believe there's some things, even though they're my plan to crash Wall Street by October, or whatever the plan is, that the Bible says, when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God will raise up a standard against him.
And so that's why the church needs to pray.
Every believer needs to pray.
That's why they want to get rid of real Christianity, because if we pray, we'll get the providence and they know that.
But they can't stop us.
It's too far gone, Alex.
It'll never be stopped.
God has given us a last minute for free.
No, no, I agree.
They seem panicked.
The establishment seems genuinely freaked out.
They're running around like a chicken with their head chopped off.
Pray for the young evangelist in Newark.
He's moved into the Symphony Hall.
Tonight and tomorrow night will be the next two nights.
And of course, he doesn't have the permit to do it outdoor, which that's the thing that speaks louder than anything you can imagine with 10,000 on open field.
But I'm excited.
I have an excitement in my spirit.
Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
Hey, brother.
Good, man.
Thank you for calling.
Hey, hey.
I just want to say thanks for your products and everything that you're doing to try to save the country.
I mean, I've tried your Secret 12, Super Male, Anthroplex, the Silver Bullet, Biome Defense, Micro ZX.
I mean, it's all good stuff.
Secret 12, if everybody would just drop their energy drinks and get some Secret 12, take a shot of that.
That's the thing about Secret 12.
Just a half a dropper has way more energy and it's totally... People ask, why is it sweet?
Real organic B12 is sweet.
And exactly.
When I'm super tired, I go, hey, why am I drinking coffee at 10 at night if I'm going on some show like Coast to Coast?
Secret 12, 30 minutes later, massive energy.
It's amazing.
Yeah, that stuff will wake you up and the clarity of mind that comes along with that is just amazing.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
All right, Doug Hagman of the Hagman Report has got massive breaking news as usual.
Just every segment's incredible.
You're Jack Pasubic of Naval Intelligence, One American News Network, who has direct conduits into the President.
I can tell you that right now, because I'm going to leave it at that, that
They are planning to indict Don Jr.
for nothing.
For quote, misleading federal investigators.
Meaning they just pick away at some little point and claim they interpret it and then that happens.
It's unbelievable.
So pray for Don Jr.
and I want to thank the pastor for praying for us.
We're praying for him.
So everybody just pray for God's justice to be done and that we seek his face and try to humble ourselves.
You can feel the Spirit of God is in the world stronger than ever right now and I think that's why the enemy is so upset.
I wanted you to finish up Pastor about how you're optimistic because I go to these court hearings where they're trying to take my kids away or where they're trying to destroy us and they have Washington Post, New York Times, BuzzFeed reporters and then their minions come and I can't even make the faces of hate.
When they look at me they go,
And they have this rage that is insane and isn't based in reality.
And they're all alone, and they all hate each other.
And statistically, they're nine times more likely to not give to charity, six times more likely to steal, liberals are.
They're not liberals, they're just these monstrous, unhappy, turned-over people.
And it's like, as God's spirit is stronger in us, the spirit of the world, the devil,
I mean, I've seen it when I was in places that are really under total evil like Seattle.
Or my camera guy said, I don't want to be out here anymore, because I'm not even scared of these people, they're like zombies.
We'd walk around one corner, there'd be normal people, but then you'd see one person walking normal, and they'd see me, and like, something would jump into them, and be like, and all of a sudden, HA!
You'll go down, Jones, and your family, and screw your children!
And then like, it was like, right out of, uh, something like The Exorcist.
And then you go around another corner, and be like, yeah, that's right, we're gonna get ya!
And it was like, they were finishing each other's sentences, like, the demon's going out of the, you know, people, and into the pigs, and off the cliff, and,
I mean, I've seen things in Seattle and a few other areas like San Francisco, where it's like Agent Smith and the Matrix, where he jumps in one person and jumps in another, and jumps in another, and jumps in another.
And I'm not, I mean, I'm not kidding.
When it happened to like five or six people, Michael Zimmerman was there and he said, listen, we gotta get out of here, this place is evil.
I mean, it was like, it was like the Matrix.
Go ahead, sorry.
No, I mean, we're living in a time where people are being demonized.
That's why the church has been given the power to cast out devils.
And so, unfortunately, the churches don't even believe in devils, and some of the preachers carry them as well.
Some people carry passengers.
They look like a bus loaded with passengers, and that's just one person.
It's like the man at Gadara that had a legion on the inside of him, and Jesus cast him out when did the swine.
So we have to have the power of God to get people delivered from the demonic lives of the enemy.
These people, they're not even thinking straight, Alex.
I mean, the whole thing is messed up, man.
And, you know, but that's why we have to carry on preaching the truth.
And the fact of the matter is, you know, when Jesus, when they came to grab him, he walked through the crowd.
He just went.
They tried to throw him over a cliff.
He just went through the crowd.
So the fact of the matter, if God is for us, who can be against us?
And so, as I said, if they dig a ditch for you, they're falling in themselves.
And I tell you, the only way forward is by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Whether people believe it or not, I'm talking to Christians even in churches.
Some people say, we don't believe in this Holy Spirit.
Well, I'm telling you, you're not going to make it.
You will not make it without the power of the Holy Spirit, because it's only the Holy Ghost that will be able to surround you, protect you, and to keep you just like Jesus until His time was to go to the cross.
They could not touch Him.
They could not touch Him.
And so,
We have to understand, Psalm 91, He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I'll save the Lord, He's my refuge, my fortress, my God, in Him will I trust.
So, He's given His angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways.
And so, the fact of the matter is that the Lord is with us.
The stories go down through the centuries of people that were exposed to situations whereby they could die, but because the Lord was on their side, no evil could prevail against them.
So I want to encourage you.
I want to encourage everybody out there.
Yes, these are scary days.
These are days of upheaval.
No different as they were five years ago or ten years ago.
Personally, I'm much happier to be living in 2018 than in the year 1412.
So, we have a lot of things at our fingertips.
We have the ability to speak around the world.
And reach millions of people.
Way back, 200 years ago, we'd have to saddle up and ride and cry, you know, like, like a cry in the town.
Yeah, he, yeah, he, you know, to give that kind of announcement.
We have so many tools at our fingertips.
We have the technology.
Pastor Brown, you're amazing.
Thank you so much.
The book, The Killing of Uncle Sam, available at m4store.com and killingunclesambook.com.
I don't care where you get it, folks, just get it.
God bless you, sir.
Alex, we love you.
Bless you.
We love you, too.
What a great guy, I tell you.
You can really feel the Holy Spirit on him strong when you're on him in person, especially.
It's overwhelming.
I want to turn this over to Doug Hagman of the Hagman Report, a police trainer, private detective, best-selling author, really great guy who helped expose what was in the WikiLeaks and so much more.
I want to go to him and have him take over.
He's getting massively censored just briefly here.
Maybe later he can plug.
But if you don't finance us, if you don't financially support us,
And if you don't go buy the products, which I know you're doing, but it needs to be a lot of folks have been on the fence.
If you don't go get Knockout, great natural sleep formula, 40% off right now, our ultimate bone broth, 50% off out of the gates, $19.95, can't beat that.
Real Red Pill Plus, now with energy.
If you don't get a book, a t-shirt, you know, we won't be here.
I mean, it's that simple.
They're trying to shut us down, but they're trying to shut everybody down.
Doug, I'm going to let you take over because you're hosting the show and I want to hear what you have to say, but just briefly, picking your brain, I know you've been censored, you've got a lot coming up, because they're doing this to everybody.
I think they use me as a smokescreen being deplatformed to just make it all about me because it's been Night of the Long Knives, man.
They have been just purging people from Prager University to you, just an absolute reign of terror, A, ahead of the midterms, but also I think ahead of a big event they're going to stage where they don't want us on air to counter it.
Let's turn his mic on.
Thanks, guys.
Maybe it's not.
There we go.
That was me.
Okay, go ahead.
All right.
I didn't want to believe that, but I do believe that now.
In fact, I've got to say that everything I've been hearing, there's some sort of event being planned ahead in the midterms, especially if the polling, which they've got rigged as well, suggests that there won't be a blue wave.
It'll be a red plague, shall we say.
Yeah, absolutely.
Sovereign power in terms of GDP.
It's an extremely bold and reckless move showing they're committed to something and don't want us on air for some big event.
Yeah, exactly.
So, I mean, you know, of course, I'm a big, I ask a lot of questions.
For example, why?
Why now?
Why now?
Why you?
Obviously, you, because you've got the largest platform out there.
But why now, specifically?
They could have done this six months ago.
They could have done this five months ago.
But why now?
And I think we have to pay attention to the news that
No, just right after.
Everything that's coming forward right now, in particular what you spoke about earlier with Jack Posobiec, the indictment, potential indictment of Donald Trump Jr., which I've gotten independent of Jack Posobiec, I think we've got different sources.
Yeah, it's going to be bad.
Things that are coming, it's going to be bad.
I think Trump's going to take the gloves off.
He's got to.
What else?
I mean, what other options does he have?
And by the way, I don't know if you just heard this, it was my understanding that we've got maybe a visit by the Attorney General to the White House here today?
You heard that?
We'll look into that.
I didn't see that.
We'll come back and talk about that right now.
But yeah, the Attorney General needs to be thrown out on his butt.
I mean, I don't know how they compromised him, or what happened to him, or he's senile, or you know, what do they got him in a KKK outfit?
I don't know what the deal is.
We'll be back with Doug Hagman.
Stay with us.
His son's coming up too.
He helps with the broadcast and co-hosts.
Twitter's CEO is standing by the company's decision to put InfoWars' Alex Jones on a seven-day suspension.
This comes after Jones urged his Twitter followers to ready their battle rifles, as he put it, against the media in a video posted to the site.
Alex Jones on Twitter posted this week what essentially is a video calling for people to get their battle rifles ready against the media.
People need to have their battle rifles and everything ready, their backsides.
You gotta be ready.
Saying it's time to act.
It's gotta be done now.
Move criminally against people.
It's time politically and economically and judiciously and legally and criminally to move against these people.
It's got to be done now.
Sent a chill up my spine.
How about yours?
It did.
I mean, there's a number of actions that we believe
Help a call to incitement to violence and those are the things that we need to make sure that we're taking action on.
Now is the time to act on the mainstream media and he says get the battle rifles ready.
I didn't say that!
That incites violence.
Free speech does not protect inciting violence.
This is an emergency message to President Trump, to Congress, and to anyone that supports free speech in this country.
The Democratic Party is now calling for all Republicans, all patriots, including the President, to be de-platformed from Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, you name it.
And Jones is hardly their only target, that's for sure.
Virtually every day, the big tech companies censor someone else whose political opinions they disagree with.
Facebook censored our free speech.
And shame on the ones that don't even see that we have been censored.
You've taken action against him in this instance.
What is it?
Can you tell us what it is?
I believe we put him in a time out.
Alex Jones is not an 8th grader who got busted smoking in the bathroom.
Like, it's just not.
I mean, he's a guy who is, you know... Or someone who is... ...fueling alt-right conspiracy theories and... It's actually amazing.
That's right.
This is what caused the ban and not everything that Alex Jones has done before.
That seems minor compared to the implications of someone suggesting a call to arms against a particular group, in this case, the media.
I didn't say use weapons on the media.
I don't want them to have weapons used on them.
That'll make them victims.
I'm worried they're going to false flag and stage something on themselves.
And then they're going to send antifa out to all our houses, which they're doxing everybody, saying they are.
And I said defensively, be prepared to defend yourself.
And they say that is inciting violence.
No, it's not.
Send a chill up my spine.
I'm getting chills right now.
He said come with the battle rifles, engage in criminal activity.
And I said use the judicial system legally and lawfully, and go after them criminally.
They have got to get a lid on this.
And the idea of martyrdom, it's also probably interesting, but it will be interesting to see who rallies around his cause.
Let's remember, Donald Trump has appeared on this show.
And we're also standing up
To social media censorship.
That's the new thing.
Trump's election and Alex Jones' popularity are merely symptoms of a corrupt and failed status quo.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
You can't stop them from knowing that.
But this isn't about Alex Jones.
This is about freedom.
Mr. President, you don't want to look like you're after the press of the First Amendment.
You're letting them butcher the press of the First Amendment.
Oh, but you don't want to look authoritarian and stand up to them.
They're authoritarian.
They're a clear and present danger.
Do something about it!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, Doug Hagman's taking over, but I love talking to him.
And his son's coming up as well.
A lot of key information, but I wanted this morning when I got here to thank the audience up front.
I always get distracted with them trying to shut down all our other channels and other people I know's channels and just the insanity going on.
It's totally crazy, but
I want to thank the listeners and viewers.
You know, I know I get on and say, help me, help me, you know, help us, help us.
But you can see now we're front and center.
I mean, I already knew we were front and center.
I knew they were trying to destroy us.
I already knew I was, you know, giving information to patriots and stuff.
And there's a lot of things people don't know.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
But believe me, at the Pentagon and in the Marine Corps and the Army and other places, without Trump even trying, in the classes and special operations and in all the groups they are
They're finding out all this stuff.
They now know it's true.
They're having a crash course in the New World Order.
Trump... I mean, it's... Let me tell you something.
Let me tell you.
America is awake, and that's when the left's moving to shut everything down because they're not going to get away with it.
And later today, Thursday afternoon is not the best time to launch something, but I got this a day ago.
I got it to sources that I know are getting it to the president.
The word is they already got it to him.
I don't know if he's read it yet.
We need to flood the world with this.
And so I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'm gonna shoot a live report on Periscope at three o'clock with this because I get something that's powerful.
I've been consulting with three different big law firms.
One of them is a top Republican law firm.
And I went to them and I said, they've already done some work for me, and I said, I want you to look at all this.
And they said, oh, absolutely.
And I've got other law firms that want to sue, antitrust, you name it.
They looked at it.
We have a battle plan for the president.
I know he's formulating a battle plan right now.
But most people are scared to form a battle plan against big tech and shycom.
Because they know it's a death sentence.
Well, it's a death sentence given into this.
So at three o'clock, I will do a live feed at Infowars.com on all of this.
And it's not like I'm like, ooh, I got a big breaking story.
When you get stuff this powerful and this historic, I don't want to say I get butterflies.
Instead it feels like a thousand pound rocks on your head, like Atlas.
Man, it's up to us.
But I'm telling you, listeners, I appreciate you and I thank you.
So when I'm telling you, please help us, please help us, it's because I want to win and I want to drive over the top and I need you and I love you and I appreciate you.
No matter what color you are or where you came from or if you love liberty, you love freedom and you spiritually feel what's happening and you want to go to the next level, we're together, brothers and sisters in arms.
So Doug, thank you.
Go ahead and take over and God bless you.
Thank you, Alex, and I can speak for all of us here at the Hagman Report and the various people that we, some mutual friends and others, that we stand behind you, we love you, and we will back you 100%.
And that's not just talk.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex.
I back you too, brother.
All right.
We're going to be tuning into, of course, 3 o'clock Central Time, 4 o'clock Eastern Time Periscope.
Make sure you catch that because I have a feeling, I think I know, I kind of know, but I really don't know.
But if I know Alex Jones, I know that it's going to be well worth your time to listen.
Again, that's 3 o'clock Central, 4 o'clock Eastern, Periscope, Breaking News with Alex Jones.
All right.
Sitting in for Alex Jones here, and I want to say thank you to everyone out there as well.
Look, we're on the firing line, too, and there's a number of topics I want to get into during this hour that I'm going to be sitting in for Alex Jones and hosting.
First, let me say this.
Please support the operation.
Alex Jones will not.
I mean, he talks about the products, but he doesn't talk necessarily about
How much to the penny the operation is really sinking him, costing him, I should say.
It's a big cost.
And I know our platform costs a lot of money, so please support InfoWars.
Go to InfoWarsStore.com.
Get all of your health products at InfoWarsStore.com.
Do it today, because it helps InfoWars, it helps fund the operation.
But most importantly, it helps you.
DNA Force Plus.
I'm going to tell you, some of these products, I have not been able to try them all, but some of them, including the one for focus, yeah, as I stumble over that, works very well.
The Alpha Male Pack, tremendous.
Brain Force Plus.
I'm going to tell you, that's a great product.
I don't know what, I mean, I do know what they put into it, but it really works extremely well.
By the way, it's on sale right now for $29.95.
I've seen it offered at places for three or four times that.
It's a similar product, but it's got just a number of great powerful ingredients, of course, in Brain Force Plus.
There it is on the screen.
So folks, please support InfoWarsStore.com.
Do it.
And we're going to fight this fight together.
So, all right.
As I mentioned, and I'm going to ask Joe, my son, we have the Hagman Report.
In case you don't know, folks, I'm just going to tell you real quick.
HagmanReport.com is where, that's my home base.
And we have a show Monday through Friday, 7 to 10 p.m.
It was interesting, and I'm in the beginning of this here momentarily.
It was interesting, it was on Tuesday morning when we received a notice from YouTube, which is one of many platforms on which we broadcast.
We broadcast via satellite on other platforms as well.
But we received a notice Tuesday morning that we were in violation.
We got a copy, or not a copyright, but a
What is it, video?
Community guidelines.
That's how they're banning everybody.
Wow, a voice.
Okay, there you go.
They're purging everyone.
No, I know.
They're purging everyone.
It's criminal.
Alright, so we got that.
And you know what Mr. Jones had said, Alex Jones said this, that they take away your ability to even show that you didn't do what they said you did.
But they don't tell you what you did, but you can't respond because they take down the video and block you from preventing, or prevent you from putting it back up.
So that's that.
And then I got, there's additional, the appeal, we appealed it.
Oh, you're right.
When they usually do real appeals, it might take two weeks.
Now, we do appeals instantly denied.
Exactly, exactly.
As a matter of fact, I think it could have been 10 minutes.
We didn't check it because we didn't expect anything for a number of days.
In fact, we were told that we were next and we were going to be deplatformed across all of the social networking.
And the fighting back, and again, I can't wait for your four o'clock periscope, three o'clock central time, because I want to see what you've got planned.
I think the fight is there, and I think the president needs to step in, given the fact that this is the most, well, YouTube, in the case of YouTube, the most monopolistic visual medium.
Now, there are other platforms out there, but this is the most monopolistic, and you're talking about the 1850 Sherman Antitrust Act, which could be applicable here.
And I think that it would behoove people to remember that a lot of the Defense Department money went into, for example, the creation of Facebook.
It didn't start in Zuckerberg's garage, for example, or dorm room.
Germinated there, but it was helped along the way with taxpayer monies.
So, could we be looking at a Sherman Antitrust Act situation, like a Maubel situation?
Some people say, well wait a second, that's not it.
That's not, because it's a private platform.
But folks, rethink that idea.
Doug Hagman sitting in for Alex Jones.
Remember, InfoWarsTore.com.
Going to be right back after this break.
Stay with us.
Remember to support Doug Hagman, too, and his great books.
The Hagman Report, folks.
We're all under attack.
You're under attack.
We're taking your free speech right now.
We salute you all.
We're in this together.
Big events coming up.
That's HagmanReport.com.
Those are our home bases.
Joining us is George Norrie.
And of course, you hear him coast to coast on over 650 radio stations.
He's also on in Europe and Canada and Guam.
He's one of the only U.S.
shows that's been exported worldwide with great success.
The reason I love George is he was the only guy in 2003 that had the guts to put us on here.
And so he's a real trailblazer.
George, you're a newsman, you know, in your own right, three-time Emmy Award-winning newsman.
I mean, this is Eisenhower, Clinton,
Bush era, when thousands come across a day, sometimes whole groups, no one knows who's who.
They put adults in one area, kids in another.
I mean, they're saying it's concentration camp, the kids are there.
They're, you know, they're saying Trump's a Nazi, Hayden is.
I mean, I've got a memory.
This is all, Obama did all this too.
What do you think's going on there, or do you disagree with me?
Well, first of all, Alex, we're talking about illegal immigration.
Violation of American law.
And we have to keep our borders tight.
I mean, that's just a sad way to do it.
Now, on the other hand, and this is so important that everybody understands this, people want a better living.
They want to get out of the country they're in because their life is not working.
They're not making any money.
Their lifestyle is horrible.
I can understand that it's the saddest, saddest thing that we have to go through as a nation.
To have to deny people the right to come through into our country, which is wonderful and perfect.
Perfect, as far as I'm concerned.
And say no to these people.
Now, all that said, you've got to do something about control.
And you just can't have thousands of people coming across the border without any control.
Every day.
Every day.
So that's got to be stopped.
Now, the second question is separating kids from their families.
Well, first of all, in some cases, they're not really family.
They're just kids coming over with them.
Family members are using these kids to get across the border.
But you can't put, sadly enough, you can't put kids in these areas that you've got the adults hold up.
It's just unhealthy.
It's just not good.
It's a horrible situation.
There are no winners here.
We as a country, we don't win and these people who are coming across the border don't win.
We've got to do something a little better with legal immigration, maybe let more people in.
We have to definitely check them all out because there are a lot of criminals that come across the border and we don't want anything to do with them.
It's a disaster, but
Um, something's got to be done worldwide.
I mean, these are huge problems.
And, uh, you know, we have to deal with it as a nation.
Exactly, but if the first world just opens itself up to six and a half billion people in the third world, we know it's a giant sucking sound.
It will make us third world as well, and it will be a total global disaster.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And this is Infowars.
Doug Hagman sitting in for Alex Jones.
I'll tell you what, Alex saved my bacon just a couple seconds ago.
Dust on my lapel.
But also, if you noticed that last segment, I was about 15 seconds off.
Now, bear in mind, bear in mind, look, okay, I might not be the brightest bulb in the bunch, but I've got this time clock, or this clock, that's probably, I don't know,
And, uh, you know, it's kind of down for me, in other words, due to the break and such, but of course, uh, Alex saved my bacon by, uh, by, by, because I was, apparently I'm looking at the numbers and I, I, I'll be working on my alphabet tomorrow and my numbers today.
I was looking at the numbers and I had, I don't know, 14 seconds to spare, so Alex came in and saved me, so.
Well, I just enjoy sitting back and having my lunch and listening to you, so get, get into your show, man.
I'm sorry I grabbed 20 minutes of the broadcast, Doug.
No, I love it, man.
I love it.
A couple of things, and I guess just for continuity purposes, you know, Alex was talking about, of course, the censorship and the larger plan for censorship, and of course showing the Democracy Matters, the media matters for America, this document here, a series of pages.
From a June 21, 2016 meeting in Turnberry, Florida, an island down there in Florida, David Brock and the House Share Blue crew and a number of other agencies, NGOs, are coming together and are delivering payback to the Republicans, well, to the conservatives, shall we say, conservative Christians.
And all of that.
So, to keep continuity of that, and again, I just want to mention that there's this huge argument out there.
It's divided, and I want to address this because I think it's important, it's divided into people who are supportive of Alex Jones and free speech, and us and free speech, and really, really want to, really believe that speech should be free, not banned.
There should be no capricious banning across the social network platforms.
Whether it be us or whoever.
Notice, however, that Antifa, the hate of the left, is never censored.
It's never tempered by anyone.
It's only amplified.
So on one end, they censor, they ban, they take away the platforms of Infowars.
On the other side, they amplify the left, the propagandists of the left, and they do this
They've been doing this now with aggressive, this aggressive approach, and it's really affected everything.
Now they're going after the revenue.
They're going after the stores.
They're going after the payment gateways, whether it's MasterCard or Visa.
They're taking away the ability for ease of process of payment.
That will come, that's already here, but that will become more prevalent in the coming days.
It's all part of, it's all, it's all outlined by David Brock, Media Matters, and of course his boyfriend, James Aliphantis, and other luminaries funded by Soros, of course, and other monies on the, on the left.
And this would have been a lot quicker coming, I believe, in the days of Clinton, should she, should she have won.
So, but when I asked, what I wanted to do was, I wanted to bring my son Joe on, because he, he was, what he's been doing, he's been doing an investigation.
On the other side, or on the back side of what we're seeing.
And he's got some information through his investigation.
He's done hours upon hours of investigation about shadowbanning, about the platforms affected, about the... just any number of things.
Joe, thanks for coming on with me, man.
I know it's cutting in your day, time off, but hey.
And by the way...
Yeah, what's that, right?
We do a show together, this is my son, we do a show together Monday through Friday 7 to 10 p.m.
Eastern Time.
After you're done watching Alex Jones InfoWars, go to HagmanReport.com, watch us there, because we can't live stream on, just like Alex Jones InfoWars can't live stream on YouTube, so we had to set up our own server, and we broadcast off our own website, this is our own dime, it's expensive, bandwidth is usually expensive.
Yeah, what have you specifically?
I really haven't covered a lot with regard to the specifics.
Yeah, this document, the ban, it does tie into the document you have there.
It's a, you know,
Media playbook, really, to censor alternative and other media.
And if you look at the language in this publication, they use words like we're going to punish, we're going to harass, we're going to delegitimize and basically come after anybody who they deem to be fake news or right-wing propagandists.
And we see this, what they talk about, the language in this document is really coming to life, especially this summer.
And we've seen it little bits here and there, people being kicked off Google, people being kicked off YouTube or having their channels deleted.
But with the banning across the board of InfoWars, it showed the coordination between the social media companies and between the share blues, the media matters, and all these deep state organizations that are in the government.
And it's across the board.
We see the attacks on President Trump.
They say in this document that they're going to, that President Trump is going to continue to be plagued by a huge increase in negative news stories and constantly having to address scandals.
That him and his administration are going to be constantly fighting legal battles in court.
And we asked the question, how do they know this in 2016, early 2017?
I don't know, a conference if you will, where they are talking about the importance of having a healthy internet, removing propaganda and politically sensitive content.
And this all ties into that social credit score and we're going to be seeing that much more of these style, Chinese style, communist and socialist style tactics across the social media spectrum implemented on right-wing, on even, you know, middle, center of the aisle.
If you look there was a, on the Daily Caller today, Facebook
And this is the next phase that we're going to see.
We're going to see the more middle-of-the-line mainstream journalists at real news publications all across the country fighting these types of censorship attempts.
Okay, and that's the thing too, it's a gradual, it's like a pincher movement almost, against all of the truth-telling media, while leaving the mainstream mockingbird media alone.
So, you mentioned something earlier, which I just, I caught this, and I know you had done some investigation on this, the fact that Crewe, the ethics
The Department of this Democracy Matters action plan had laid out that they were going to sue the president for ethics violations at every turn.
And you said, how do they know that?
My question to you is, is Obama part of this?
Because you looked into this like a lot, because Obama's got a team right now.
Well yeah, Obama's part of it.
And this is where, you know, so much of the overlap in the FBI and the DOJ and, you know, we see the personnel changes in the FBI.
What was it, 25 senior agents, you know, from Comey down have been removed from the FBI, which is a huge, you know, change historically looking at personnel.
And this is all due to the corruption, all due to the conspiracy that they created with this phony Russian collusion story against President Trump.
And they even talk about in this document how they're going to continue to come after President Trump, how he's not going to be able to really do anything positive in the face of constant negative news, constant new revelations of negative news pertaining to this Russia investigation and we've seen over two years of this
Bogus investigation, this bogus Russian collusion narrative has produced nothing except the indictments and conviction of Paul Manafort on eight counts of financial crimes dealing back to 2005 and before.
And the same thing with Michael Cohen, as you pointed out on our show last night, pleading guilty to two charges that don't even exist.
And then you have the lawyer.
All right, more with Hagman and Hagman straight ahead on the other side.
Yeah, we've even got that video, if you guys want it, of people booing them when they ask for money for Cohen, Lenny Davis, the Hillary lawyer.
This is all a Hillary Inside job.
Stay with us with Hagman and Hagman.
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Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram, and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
I'd done The War Room.
She's not on until 9.40 Central.
That's 10.40 Eastern.
I was exhausted.
I popped two Brain Force Plus, and I was good as new.
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Tonight, I'm on with Tucker Carlson.
Uh, same thing.
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I'm gonna go on the Tucker tonight.
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We need your support in this epic war against censorship.
You have no idea the millions of dollars it will cost Alex Jones and InfoWars to fight the malicious, baseless harassment lawsuits that have been filed against InfoWars across the country.
These stories, these lawsuits have two purposes.
One is to generate vicious negative headlines that can then be cited in turn as the basis for silencing our voices at YouTube, on Facebook, on Twitter, and so on.
It is going to cost literally millions of dollars to fight this Soros-funded onslaught against InfoWars.
We cannot do it alone.
Therefore, I ask you to go to the InfoWars site now and find the location where you can make a contribution.
Go to the donation portion of the site and send us $50 or $100.
Or 250?
Or 500?
Yes, some InfoWarriors have sent as much as $1,000 or more.
Because they know that this is the single most important challenge we face.
Whether we win in 2018 and 2020, whether we can keep the new American Revolution going, whether the free ideas expressed here at InfoWars are allowed to continue are really up to you.
The entire question is up to you.
We need your support.
We do not exaggerate the stakes or the dangers.
We are not crying wolf.
Please go to the InfoWars.com site now and support us with your dollars.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Doug Hagman, sitting in for Alex Jones.
DougHagmanHagmanReport.com, 7 to 10 p.m.
Eastern Time.
It's such an honor to sit in for Infowars Alex Jones and be a part of this.
And I'm going to tell you something, folks.
We are under attack.
The truth tellers, the people in the media, the new media, the truthful media, we are under attack.
And there are no spectators.
There cannot be any spectators in this war.
If there's nothing else you take away from my time here,
Is that you've got to make a decision.
You are either for us, for the truth, or you're against us.
There is no gray area.
There's no I'm going to sit on the couch, wait to see how it plays out.
I'm just going to watch this.
You can't do that.
Another thing.
I'm a big fan of the word schadenfreude.
It's a German word and I've spoken about this before, perhaps on this platform, but I want to just make sure I
I address this, because every time I see, for example, a news story about InfoWars, or about us for that matter, or about any other platform out there that's been banned or has been suffered in some way, there always are these people who pile on.
Now, you remove the googly eyes, as I call them, and you know who I'm talking about, the googly eyes.
Get rid of them, because they're just
There's no help.
But the people who pile on and say, well, good, good.
You've got no idea what you're talking about.
You've got no idea what you're doing.
You have no idea how intellectually bankrupt you are in history.
And I'm not talking about the audience that views and listens to this broadcast, the InfoWars.com, for information.
I'm not talking about you.
I'm talking about the people who listen for the very smallest of thing that they will take objection to, make objection to, and of course say, yay!
You know, Alex Jones was banned, or InfoWars was banned, or Hagman was banned, or whatever.
You people, look up the word schadenfreude.
It's German for those who derive pleasure from someone else's misery.
Because I'm going to tell you, you're going to be living in that misery, whether you believe it or not.
It's because of your acquiescence to this globalist agenda that you're going to find yourself in that position.
So that's a warning to those people who pile on and say, okay, let's have a party now.
Or, you know, the Hagman Report is crap, or InfoWars isn't.
You get the idea, right?
So, don't fall into that trap.
Understand that we are all fighters in this war.
There's no spectators, we're all participants.
And if you choose, just keep your mouth shut and stay silent.
And you're signing your own death warrant.
Metaphorically speaking, of course.
Which is why the midterms are so important.
And what's this covering up?
Look, I've got good information.
I saw Jack Dosovic, a good friend of mine and a good friend of the program, a good friend of Infowars, saying that the Donald Trump Jr.
indictment, Donald Trump Jr.'
's in the crosshairs.
And if you consider the nefarious nature of this,
Of what Mueller is doing.
Man, I'll tell you, it should send a chill up and down your spine.
And I'm not talking about the chill from Acosta or whoever that was.
I can't remember.
I'm talking about what Mueller is doing.
Because he is destroying not just the man, not just his family, but destroying a nation.
Do we know if that indictment is from the Trump Tower meeting with Natalya?
Because we read a story the other day that she was actually, you know, discharged or dispatched on orders under the Obama administration to conduct that meeting.
And there's some credible information that ties that directly to the Obama administration.
So my question, if they bring this up in court, how will that, how would Mueller be able to dance around the fact that this was an Obama administration generated attempt to set him up to make it appear as though he is colluding with Russians?
I mean, that's a great question.
Here's a couple of issues I want to run by you because I'm not sure that you've heard these.
Very interesting.
We know, of course, Natalia Veselnitskaya.
Now, we're talking about the indictment over the June 9, 2016 Donald Trump meeting at the Trump Tower.
OK, just so we're clear on that.
It was 20 minutes.
It was supposedly to obtain opposition research.
Donald Trump saying, hey, you got something.
All right, show me what it is.
I mean, who wouldn't?
Do that.
20 minutes of nothing but the Magnitsky Act discussion.
But here's something that most people don't know.
Well, there's two things.
One, perhaps most people do know, and the other, most people don't.
The fact is, Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS met with Veselnitskaya, the attorney, the female attorney that talked about the Magnitsky Act with Donald Trump Jr.
Uh, both before, the day before and the day after that Trump Tower meeting.
Whilst, uh, during his testimony, uh, Simpson's testimony in front of Congress.
He denied knowing about the meeting at all.
But really what's breaking now, and I had to go back to 2017, I think early 2017, to find this.
Uh, Veselnitskaya was pictured with Obama officials in Washington D.C.
five days after that meeting.
And how many people are, how many people know that?
Bezal Neskaya, pictured with Obama operatives, five days, it was on June 14, 2016, when she was a guest of former, now former, Obama administration Russian ambassador, Michael McFaul in Washington, D.C., for a House representative hearing on U.S.
policy toward Putin's Russia.
Did you know that?
No, I did not.
Looking at this whole situation, I don't know how they can continue with a straight face to further this Russian narrative.
Everybody, including the American public, already knows that this is just a distraction.
And what it is distracting from, in a big way, is the accomplishments of President Trump.
If you saw today, the CEO of Target said that this is the best consumer and business environment
Yeah, guaranteed.
I don't
As soon as President Trump was elected, we're talking in the matter of days after he was elected, before he was even sworn in, they're putting this together and they're laying out this battle plan, identifying the midterm elections as the next chance where they can regain as much power.
And if you read this document, one thing that's really interesting is that when they regain power, they do not plan to ever lose it again.
Or they plan on doing something which it will never change hands again.
They're not going to find themselves in a situation where they have a quote-unquote enemy like President Trump.
In the office that could be able to damage them and this is all part of their their their strategy but it starts here really in the social media and media environments and now it's going to move to the mainstream more with the 2018 midterms and this is going to be really what we see rolled out here for the midterms is an indicator and just a small picture of what we're gonna see in the next election in the presidential election in the 2020 race.
Man, we only have a minute 40.
Yeah, exactly.
We got a minute 40 left, Joe.
Yeah, so this is for all of the power for the rest of the days left on the planet.
For the rest of America.
Okay, and they're playing for keeps, they're playing for all the marbles, and they will do anything by any means necessary.
By the way, Donald Trump, it's my belief, this is my personal belief, Donald Trump will be impeached or taken out completely in ways that we don't even want to contemplate.
That's my viewpoint.
I don't know.
Your thoughts in 30 seconds on that?
You know, I don't know.
It's very interesting to see the amount of not only Democratic candidates, but also Republican candidates who are anti-Trumpers or never-Trumpers that are part of this establishment that are on board and behind the scenes, you know, clapping and cheering the censorship, clapping and cheering this socialist and communist takeover of the Democratic Party.
That it's hard to tell how these people would vote.
And, you know, we also talked about the fact that the Republican power structure, you have the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, but they are not able to accomplish anything significant.
They got the tax cuts done, but we also got the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill with that.
And that's the only thing notable that they've accomplished in two years.
So you've got to ask yourself, you know, what are they doing?
It should not just be Trump alone.
It should not just be the supporters of Trump.
You need a working political body to continue to move this agenda forward and Trump does not have that now.
Joe Hagman, he's my son.
He's the other half of the Hagman Report.
That's HagmanReport.com.
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By the way, Alex has got a periscope coming up here momentarily.
Make sure you tune into that.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you, InfoWars.
And thank you, everyone.
May God bless you.
The circle is now complete.
When I left you, I was but a learner.
Now I am the master.
Only a master of evil, Darth.
Your powers are weak, old man.
You can't win, Darth.
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
We are number one trending app.