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Name: 20180820_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 20, 2018
3264 lines.

Alex Jones, a conservative commentator, talks about leftist agendas, censorship, and African issues. He criticizes the American left for their support of nihilism and desire to control farmers. Jones promotes various products available at InfoWarsLife and advocates for protecting free speech. He discusses his targeting by left-wing organizations and draws parallels to Nazi Germany. Jones also talks about the dangers of Islamophobia, censorship by companies like MasterCard and Patreon, and the growing presence of Antifa in the United States. He promotes his book "The History of Jihad" and encourages his audience to support InfoWars during this critical time. Caitlin Bennett discusses fear on college campuses, feminism, and empowerment. The show features discussions about political violence and terrorism and suggests joining Antifa to stop the violence.

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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
When you wake up in the morning and the light has hurt your head The first thing you do when you get up out of bed Is hit that street surrounding and try to meet the masses And go get yourself some cheap sunglasses
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Monday, the 20th day of August 2018.
We're gonna be live here for the next four hours and then Owen Schroyer comes up with Roger Stone with The War Room.
Now, I've always known what the whole leftist agenda is about.
I know from the scholarly research that's out there, where it comes from, where the modern antecedent of it, or the fount, or the progenitor point, is.
The genesis.
And more and more I've thought about over the years, even before Prager University existed, and they've done a great job, about just doing little 5-10 minute documentary, animated, illustrated, factoid films, easily digestible, that just break down the facts.
But we really need to do that today.
We need to talk about the Jacobins and the French Revolution.
And understand how they differ from our revolution and what they did.
They wanted to end the family, end the sexes, they wanted a nine-day work week with no days off, and they wanted to set themselves up as absolute gods over the people.
That's the mainline history books.
And that's where the whole left-hand path comes from, and the occult is the sinister side.
In, you know, in fables and in most cultures, you know, it was seen as the right hand was right.
And was the hand of God, and then the left hand was the path of the devil.
Especially in Christian and Jewish mysticism.
And when Tucker Carlson had a professor on Friday, only heard part of the show, Eric coming up, he laid it out, he said, listen, these are nihilists, they want total power, they want to overthrow strength.
And that's it.
They're evil.
They're very, very twisted.
They have a lot of unhappy, dishonorable, stupid minions under them that don't understand why they're so unhappy, and it's because they're dishonorable.
And let me tell you something, being attacked by the corporate press,
The last couple years has given me a next level understanding of what the President's going through.
These people know they're criminals.
They know they're lying.
They know they're evil.
And so you look at Jim Acosta saying that the Martin Luther King bus was taken out when he knew it was right there.
Or that he didn't visit Congressman Scalise, or that Trump did this or that.
He knows he's lying.
And I know you know, but then there's the arrogance
A Brian Stelter who looks so disingenuous and just physically repulsive and evil, and then his work is even worse.
The cover of the book certainly matches the interior.
With him up there lecturing Jack Dorsey about how I need to be taken off Twitter, like he's this high and mighty god.
And that he's just there, and that he makes all the decisions, and it's like CNN is the authority.
CNN literally has almost no viewers.
CNN is nothing but an anti-free speech weapon system against America in their own words.
They're the ones calling for violence, and then when Trump says you're liars, they say that he's calling for violence, and then Stelter, and Lester Holton, NBC, they all say I'm calling for violence, and don't show where I said it.
You're like, yeah Alex, we know they're liars, but it's beyond that.
They actually believe.
Ryan Stelter, who had to do PR campaigns with fake girlfriends, you know, actresses that weren't even his girlfriend that came out to make him look manly.
I mean, it's just, it's the ultimate case of a crazy, out-of-control, megalomaniac, psycho-looking, yellow-toothed,
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, let me give you a roundup of the incredibly important news we're going to go over.
Every country in Africa that has gotten modern African rule
...has promptly stolen all the property from any Westerners, slaughtered whoever else can't escape, and then they begin to devalue the currency until it's a billion to one, and then the nation falls back into the jungle and mass starvation and death.
And we've got the Chinese Communists and the UN in there.
Fanning the flames of Africa falling because when the West goes in, when the Dutch went in, they built railroads and infrastructure and aqueducts and electricity.
When the Chinese go in, they build an armored base with their own generators and give the outside groups nothing.
Except they take people like a modern penal colony out of China, millions of their prisoners, and then dump them out outside the gate.
But you're not going to hear the New York Times, or the Washington Post, or
Or any of those other operations telling you about that because they're all knowing that you've got a Christian background ethos, even if you're not a Christian, and that you have guilt about things and you want to be a good person.
So they're psychopaths and sociopaths who prey on you and so they deploy emotions to control you.
And now the British government's coming out and supporting
The taking of white Afrikaner land that in some cases has been in their hands 400 years and that there was no one around in that area of South Africa when they showed up because it was a wasteland.
Then from all over Africa people migrated in for jobs and work and it was one of the most prosperous areas in Africa.
Am I defending apartheid?
But they're replacing it with communism and ANC rule after six countries in the last 70 years have done the exact same thing.
I remember a few months ago covering that the president, the defense minister, and the deputy president all said, we're going to kill the whites after we take all their land.
And we're not going to let them leave.
They called Australia racist and said, don't let whites even flee.
And then they kill them when they try to flee.
The universities, the British government are all in the news today saying, we're not taking whites.
You're going to die.
You can't leave.
Australia won't take you.
England won't take you.
Germany won't take you.
America won't take you.
No one will take you.
For more visas to be issued in Australia, but the government so far has not issued those.
So, continuing, that's just one of the type of reports I have today.
They literally have articles in places like the Boston Globe I've seen saying, is it possible for someone not white to be racist?
That is the most asinine, idiotic question.
Racist just means tribal or gang.
So if you go to New Guinea, you got people that are genetically identical, basically, but they're killing each other island to island and shrinking each other's heads and eating each other's body parts in a ritual.
You had Native Americans genetically very similar, say the Comanche versus the Blackfoot, and they would ritualistically hunt and kill each other.
And you had the Germans acting the same way, and the Romans.
We all act the same, until Jesus Christ came.
And the Christian ethos was, let's stop conquering everybody, let's stop slaughtering everybody.
It doesn't mean Christians didn't stop, but it was at least the idea of renaissance, not conquest.
And so, Western cultures became the most successful under Christendom.
Because there was at least some degree of treating people as your brothers and sisters, and it could unify different people of different colors and different backgrounds under Christendom.
That's why the globalists want to get rid of it, because they want to have a bunch of people fighting with each other that they then manage in a Tower of Babel model.
And that's their admitted plan for total nihilism.
You also have open editorials in the Washington Post and other publications threatening the judge, basically, in the Manafort case.
The judge says he's been threatened, the jurors have been threatened, but the federal marshals don't want him to give specifics.
And of course, unprecedented CNN.
Soon as I heard this weekend that a motion had been filed, and they said, coming up next, and I knew it would be.
I was watching Fox News while I was on the elliptical.
Saturday morning and I knew I said it'll be CNN, it'll be MSNBC, it'll be the Associated Press, it'll be the New York Times, the Washington Post.
And sure enough, no one ever tries to get the names of juries until after the verdict.
And usually sometimes they keep them secret, but it's a mafia trial.
No one, I'm telling you man,
Folks, you cannot talk to the New York Times or the Washington Post.
You cannot talk to any of them.
They're worse than they've ever been.
They have been green-lighted to act as a mafia-invading army.
They want the names of those juries to put the screws to them, ladies and gentlemen.
These people aren't playing games.
And remember the American left supports nihilism and they want those farmers that are literally feeding 90% of not just South Africa but surrounding countries to fail and fall.
They're into it.
It's what they do.
Venezuela is collapsing in a total bedlam beyond its previous disorder.
This is what happens.
This is what goes on.
This is the plan.
We're going to go to break.
And I'm going to come back and get into all the other news and of course the big news.
President Trump is moving against the globalists.
He is moving against the big tech giants, and we have been calling for that.
And the New York Times, in a rare moment of truth, had to actually come to the realization that Trump's tweets, some of them were word for word what I'd said the day before.
You know, Trump can write his own tweets.
He likes to mess with you a little bit.
And if you only knew what was in store, I think you've got an idea.
But you banned us a little too early before the midterms, giving us two months and 19 days, is it?
To be able to expose you and get the information out.
So this is a serious battle.
The enemy is fully focused and fully energized with their lust and their control freak desire to absolutely dominate this republic and to run your life.
None of the globalists want to work, none of their minions want to work, but they're sure going to run your life.
So it's the last day for Fight the Bully.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's now only 78 days to the midterms, the most important election undoubtedly in U.S.
The entire world is watching.
The Chi-Coms, the big megabanks, Hollywood, the unelected EU, Jacobin nihilist and control freaks, desperate to dominate and control greater men and women, are throwing their full force against humanity.
Trump stands proudly at the front lines, along with you, and myself, Matt Drudge, and the InfoWar.
Going forward, ladies and gentlemen, this is the Great Animating Contest of Liberty.
This is your life, your destiny, your future, in your hands.
The excitement is palpable.
The challenge is great.
But the future is secured, and we can make it through just a few more levels of this fight.
All right, let's get into it right now, ladies and gentlemen.
I rarely play a clip twice in the same couple days.
Obviously, we played Cuomo saying that America was never great and is never going to be great.
And how they're trying to demoralize us, the nihilists, the control freaks, the social engineers, the psychopaths.
And how once you understand their mindset, they're easily defeated.
But you've got to stop letting them manipulate your emotions.
You've got to understand their paradigm.
But this Tucker Carlson piece, I didn't play all of it yesterday.
I want to play more of it today.
It's the whole show.
35-minute clip, 40-minute clip up on InfoWars.com.
Video, Tucker Carlson comes out in support of Alex Jones and free speech.
Why is it so important?
Media Matters actually got the headline better than the one I came up with.
And that was, Tucker Carlson calls conservatives cowards and stupid for sitting on the sideline during my deplatforming, my unpersoning.
Now make no mistake, this is admittedly the Chinese global social score that Jack Dorsey's even on TV going, oh we're going to condition you with Pavlovian conditioning and make you behave.
The internet was invented.
The concept.
The Intergalactic Communication Service.
Look it up.
Envisioned in the fifties by a psychiatrist that wanted to test how propaganda was working on people, and they wanted to track everything we did with algorithms, and then they, scientists in the UK and the US, not Al Gore, that's another lie, invented it in the late sixties, the actual systems within universities.
They didn't call it email when my dad was in high school going to UT in the Plan 2 accelerated program, and it was just all world government, eugenics,
Just all out in the open.
Because I think he tested the top six in the state when he was a sophomore in high school.
So they were like, right to UT, right to MD Anderson, right to research laboratories.
And then once you get in there, they just induct you.
You're part of the elite.
We're the scientific technocrats.
This is the future.
The government runs the narcotics.
The government runs the child kidnapping rings.
I remember when I was a little kid, my dad goes, read Brzezinski's book.
This was in the 70s.
He'd written it.
It was in the 80s.
And Brzezinski admitted that the government runs the criminal operations and everything else.
At least they were trying to mainline that at the time.
But I'm digressing, I need to get to Tucker Carlson.
I'll do it next segment now, but this will just segue into it.
And, you have to understand, that's the whole leftist thing.
Is that they're the priest class, they're controlling you, and then so what you see them doing to the public, poisoning you, dumbing you down, giving you GMO, giving you deadly vaccines, trying to hype up the stupidest people, trying to promote them to positions of power, that's at a substratum to make society shut down and be dysfunctional, so they can control the collapse.
And everything has been orchestrating towards the collapse of main civilization, the collapse of the family, into the technocracy that will come in
On golden wings as the savior.
So that's the plan.
But Carlson had a professor on, the first guest, breaking down how these are nihilist, they want to overthrow reality, they have captured us, they are now in control, and they are bringing in pure authoritarianism.
And then I'll get into the latest, as Trump strikes back with orders against Facebook and others.
And I didn't learn this from the president,
I just learned from folks around the president, we'll leave it that way, that don't worry, the cavalry's coming, and I told you that last week, and then you saw the president's tweets on Saturday, and about how China's the threat, and they're the one taking over the web, and how big tech's gonna pay for what they're doing, discriminating against conservatives and all that.
But I talked to a lot of little birdies
And Trump is preparing executive orders right now.
And we're talking next two weeks or so.
So get ready for that.
Warner and his plan three weeks ago leaked the secret report.
We beat the drum mightily.
I thought I was being banned over China.
And Apple and Google moving to China.
That was icing on the cake.
Phone calls were made by Warner, we now know, Friday and Saturday to the tech heads, and he said, listen, you start shutting them all down.
Just like Murphy said.
He said, don't just shut Jones down.
He said, shut them all down.
He said, you shut them down, or when I'm president in two years, because that's what they think, the Democrats right now think he's the guy.
I'm gonna, I'm going, and when we win the midterms, he thinks they're gonna win, I think they're gonna lose, we're going to shut you down.
We're gonna make you state-run.
And by the way, Google and Apple were already state-run when they were supposed to begin with.
They've just, that's how globalism works.
You set it up as infrastructure of the country to make us dominant, but then it's really sold off the globalists to give them the power.
So Google, Microsoft, Apple,
Uh, IBM, all of them are DARPA creations and you can even go research it.
And the fact that, you heard Steve Pchenik talk about this and two days later it was in the Bloomberg and he has high level sources and I have other sources.
Remember when they took me off YouTube five months ago and then they had to put me back up and then I told you it was a mutiny and so did Pchenik?
And then, high level, Trump said, stop it, because it wasn't just me, it was thousands of sites, and they put us back up.
They have decided Trump's going to be removed, and they're now believing Warner, and they're making their move on Trump, and somehow they've got Silicon Valley now, going, we don't care what Trump says, we're going with Warner, and that's why Trump said, it will not be tolerated, you're going to pay for this.
So, this is total civil war inside the deep state, ladies and gentlemen.
This is way above my pay grade.
It's way above your pay grade.
I don't know how Trump handles it.
But pray to Jesus, because let me tell you, it is on.
They just banned Prager University, deleted their videos, shut them down on Facebook where no one can even see their information.
They have a 99.999 shutdown.
That means you have to physically go there and be able to log in if you're them to see it.
I mean, it is on, ladies and gentlemen.
Everybody I know is being banned.
Stefan Molyneux, you name it.
Laura Loomer, Gavin McGinnis, it's here!
And I told everybody,
When they started starting to demonize me a few months ago and start shutting me down here and there, I said, you're not coming to my aid, you're not coming to my aid.
I said, only Drudge Report, only Matt Drudge, he's not an idiot.
And we'd be in ten times worse shape if it wasn't for Drudge.
Drudge deserves as much credit, you know he doesn't want it, as President Trump.
It's a fact.
The Lord works mysterious ways.
If it wasn't for you, the audience, either of this, it's Drudge, it's Trump, it's this audience.
I'm just a traffic cop here, but I'm telling you, this is history.
We'll play the Tucker Carlson that's so critical, straight ahead.
What would he do if he was President Trump?
Dr. Paul?
Today, you don't have a whole lot you can do, but you could use the veto pen and make everything that they want pass, use a two-thirds vote, because you should veto all these spending bills until people wake up.
You should bring the troops home.
We should give up on this foreign policy.
And the President has a lot to say about foreign policy.
And he doesn't have to send the troops around the world.
There are no declared wars.
Why should he be fighting wars?
There's no reason for it.
So I'd start bringing the troops home, saving a lot of money.
We've spent $5 trillion on the Middle East since this century started.
And the wars continue.
They're ongoing.
And they have to end.
And in this atmosphere, when you have a constant war on terrorism, it means that you can justify violations of our civil liberties at home.
And that's what's happened ever since.
And Alex, when we first met, I think we were dealing with the Patriot Act.
As soon as you have a crisis, they pass the things that they had been planning on.
They had planned on the Middle Eastern Wars, and they had the Patriot Act in order.
So when we have the crisis, then they come in and they use them.
But I think what we need to do,
That we would ever get hold of the books on the Federal Reserve and find out who's really making the big bucks.
Then a lot of people ask me, and I guess they ask you, who actually is the deep state?
Well, we would find out.
If you find out what's in the Fed, that deep state will be there.
And it won't be one group of people, five people who run the world.
There's going to be a lot of different people.
They'll be in banking, and they're going to be in foreign policy and military-industrial conflict.
So you've got to get to the Fed.
And besides, the Fed is the economic planner.
They plan.
They think.
It would be bipartisan.
They could impeach an individual like I'm talking about because it would be such a challenge.
But I still think that there's a bipartisan collusion on financing big government.
Alex, you've seen me work for years about the Federal Reserve.
Republicans aren't any better than the Democrats.
They all love the Federal Reserve because it finances the military-industrial complex, it takes care of the welfare state, takes care of the deficits, and that's where big government is, and that's where the deep state has a lot of inputs.
The year is 1995, and InfoWars launches the last of America's counter-globalist probes.
In a freak mishap, InfoWars.com and Alex Jones are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life support systems and returns Alex Jones to Earth 25 years later.
Trans-dimensionally over the space-time continuum through full space-time.
Where people are extremely lazy, the social engineers are there laughing.
What we envisioned a hundred years ago, twenty years ago, is now reality.
While the society unravels, men run around totally frantic, not knowing how to be men, and women run around frantic, not knowing how to be women, and they don't understand that it's an animating contest of life, and that it's fulfilling to be informed, it's fulfilling to be involved, it's fulfilling!
Tomorrow's news, today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
One last breath before winds blow.
Better raise your ears.
The sound of hooves knock at your door.
Don't stream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Lock up your wives and children now.
It's time to wield the blade.
This is an interesting factoid, not bragging.
Dave Mustaine's a really great guy and he stayed at my house a few times and I know him pretty well.
I've just gotten so busy over the years, I never have time to keep track of Billy Corgan or him or all the other folks that haven't gone public on my show that are big musicians that I really like and admire.
Not because they're musicians, but because I like their music and they're also smart people.
But he asked me about three years ago, he goes, I want you to co-write my next album.
And he was like serious.
He was going to come here to town for a couple of weeks.
The whole album.
He'd done Endgame and ended up with my film Endgame.
He made a couple off the show.
But he wanted me to help get the facts right.
I said, dude, come on.
I can't write The Four Horsemen like you did.
So, you go ahead and write your new album.
It's not that I'm too good for it.
I'm going to let Dave Mustaine, who wrote most of the songs on Metallica's first three albums, I think you can do it.
I think you're the guy for that, not me.
Just an interesting little factoid there, because, I mean, there I was, like 10 years old, listening to Kill Em All.
Then all these years later, I got a chance to write an album with a guy that wrote that, and I just, and the war's so intense, I can't even do it.
That just shows how you don't know the power you have out there when you take action.
Going back about like eight years ago, I found out that Mike Judge was a listener.
We got to be good friends with him.
And like I said, I've been in such a war mode over the years, I never even have time to hang out with him when he's offered, you know, to hang out or go out to his ranch.
And I learned, you know, you're King of the Hill's based on you.
And I go, really?
And you have to understand, when he was writing King of the Hill, I was just on AXS TV.
He said, yeah, part of you is Dale Gribble, part of you is
Hank Hill and this and that.
And he said, it was just you and these other two guys on the conspiracy show that you've gone.
That's how I got the idea and that's kind of what went into it.
And then later I'm at his house and he's like, yeah, here's a VHS tape.
He pops it in.
It's my show from 1996, my name on it.
And the notes, because I guess he's making a documentary, he got it all out.
And there it was.
And I was like, he wasn't just saying that.
And that's not me name dropping.
It shows how you don't know how when you speak out or call on the talk radio or call on the C-SPAN or have an idea or something you say or do, you don't know how it changes the world.
And you don't know how much your courage affects things.
So thank you for all you've done as listeners and the actions you've taken and having the courage to stand up for what's right with all the bullying and intimidation because you are changing the world.
Alright, let me get to the Tucker Carlson video, because this is important.
And the whole thing's on Infowars.com.
I'm banned on Twitter right now, so Paul Watson retweeted it over at Prison Planet.
But, I mean, this is powerful stuff, folks.
Not just what he says about me, but when he goes to the professors and others.
This is the truth.
You have to understand, Carlson put his head on the chopping block to do something like this.
Believe me.
I know.
I'm gonna leave it at that.
So, you're seeing who's who.
Matt Drudge, Tucker Carlson, President Trump, WorldNetDaily, Breitbart.
Here it is.
Good evening and welcome to a special Inside the Issues edition of Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Over the next hour we'll take a deeper dive into some of the biggest matters affecting American life.
Today we start with speech.
As you probably heard, recently many of the biggest tech companies joined in a coordinated effort to censor content from broadcaster Alex Jones.
Apple, Facebook, Spotify, Vimeo, YouTube, Twitter, all of them pulled or froze Jones' accounts on the grounds that his views are too dangerous to be heard publicly.
The left, which seeks to crush anything it can't control, applauded the news.
The institutional right in Washington, afraid of being criticized, mostly stayed silent.
That was foolish and it was cowardly.
This isn't about Alex Jones or any one person.
It's about the central principle of our society.
And it's at stake here.
Do people have a right to communicate their views?
It doesn't matter what those views are, Alex Jones' views or anyone else's views.
They may be misguided, they may be repugnant.
Often they are.
But there's a remedy for repugnant views.
Make a counter case.
Defeat bad ideas with good ideas.
Kill lies with truth.
That's how healthy societies function.
We are moving in the opposite direction.
Increasingly, the people in charge use technology to silence criticism, mostly of them.
The left will tell you that defending Alex Jones' right to speak is the same as defending what Alex Jones says.
That is a lie, and they know it's a lie.
We would make the very same case on behalf of Jill Stein, or Noam Chomsky on the left, or anyone else the establishment was trying to silence.
The left-wing ACLU spent about a hundred years representing radical extremists whose views they hated, and they did it to make that point.
Free speech is for everybody, even the crazies.
That's the very definition of free speech.
Back it up, Tom.
Thank you.
But that's when the left was taking power and getting control of the institutions.
And now they say, you know, let somebody in drag teach your two-year-old how to pole dance.
And you're like, wow, you shouldn't sexualize kids.
Boom, you're off Twitter.
You're off Facebook.
You're off.
Because they just want the most extreme authorization.
And now they're in control.
And they want censorship.
And now the universities
And now the media are engines of killing free speech.
They lobby to shut you down.
I have multiple universities suing me to shut the broadcast off.
The Vatican owns and runs Georgetown.
They know I'm exposing their giant pedophile rings that have taken over the Catholic Church.
They want me shut down.
Notice they say, so dangerous you can't hear it.
Later, Mark Dice actually went back and saw the video they banned on Twitter of me, saying legally and lawfully and through the criminal justice system, we need to go after the people saying they're going to use Antifa to kill Republican leaders.
That turned into, I said attack the press.
And Jack Dorsey,
Those on all these shows with Stelter and CNN, NBC, Lester Holt, that's coming up.
And Lester Holt's like, he said he's coming with rifles to get us.
I got chills right now.
And Dorsey's like, I know, it's pretty scary, isn't it?
I'm gonna let him stay on even though he's saying kill people.
Damn liar!
It's unbelievable!
And then Brian Stelter, well, we can't allow him to be on air!
You know, he's too dangerous.
Too dangerous, you people launched fake wars that killed millions of people in the Arab Spring.
You people are against the recovery.
You people are the enemy of America, the enemy of truth.
Let's continue with Tucker Carlson.
What do they call themselves at Davos?
The current global elites at Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, IBM, General Electric, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan.
Literally, you can pull these up from five years ago, a year ago.
Type it into Bloomberg.
Technocrats rule Davos!
And then they have them saying, we're appointing leaders to run the EU, we're now going to have a technocracy run by us in control.
We are now technocrats, which means a technological dictatorship.
They are saying, we are techno-dictators in press releases.
And now 90 plus percent of the web is six major conglomerates with a bunch of little feeder fish that follow it.
That make up the other 7% who all in unison, in a total antitrust operation, to stop this, lined up and removed me from most of the internet in unison.
We're going to go to break, come back, finish with Tucker and then the first professor, then I'm going to be done with that.
I'm going to get into the next big fight here.
One last breath, the four wind blows.
Better raise your ears.
Sound of hooves.
Walk of your life, children now.
It's time to wield the blade.
Because now you've got some company.
Horsemen are drawing nearer.
Let us tease their ride.
They come to take your life.
We knew it was coming.
The whole thing was formulaic.
First demonize InfoWars, lie about us, build a straw man, then sue us to add credibility to that, then have a few fake strikes on YouTube and Facebook with nebulous terms like bullying children and Islamophobia.
And then voila!
And so their answer is, have CNN, the New York Times, BuzzFeed, and all these other corrupt organizations openly lobby for us to be removed and then organize their listeners, their viewers, the different university organizations, Antifa, sleeping giants, and a bunch of other groups
To then go mass flag us in the community guidelines, which again is something out of 1984 or a Kafka novel, where you don't even know what you've supposedly done.
You can't face your accuser.
Then you get defamed by the claims of the big tech giants when they ban you.
Make no mistake, this is being set up to create a precedent, in their own words, for you.
Nationalists, conservatives, libertarians, Christians, people that stand up to the New York Times editorial board member saying whites are subhuman and should be extincted.
This is the agenda they're pushing that is being funded by Communist China.
Out of everything I've broken down so far, that's the key.
Apple has officially moved to China and is letting the government basically run Apple.
And that, of course, is iTunes.
Google is building a huge censorship search engine for them, and whistleblowers from inside Google say they're preparing to use it here in America.
In fact, they're beta testing different parts of the censorship system for China on American conservatives, nationalists, and Trump supporters.
The bigger issue is they don't like info wars exposing the fact in great detail.
The fact that Communist China owns our debt, owns and controls Hollywood now, is involved in massive domestic propaganda operations and is working with the Democratic Party and with the EU and others to try to block the Trump agenda.
They even talk about this at Davos.
So this is 21st century warfare.
It's happening right now and it's designed to silence the American people and other populist movements around the world who are trying to struggle free from this corporate totalitarianism.
This now becomes the last battle of the Civil War.
You know, Fox, Breitbart, Sinclair, and Alex Jones, which has now been taken off of Facebook, thank God.
The number one thing you can do past standing up to this and getting informed and informing others is to simply...
Go to Infowars.com forward slash show.
Subscribe to the free podcast.
Just click on the link.
Whatever you're subscribing your podcast in, it'll pop up there.
It's also critical to go to Infowars.com forward slash newsletter and give us your email so that we can stay in contact with you and send you videos and articles on our own platform that are being censored so you can get them out to others.
But whatever you do, tell folks about Infowars.com forward slash show.
How they can download the free Android and iPhone apps.
How they can then reach out to others with the information and point out, this is the verboten info.
This is what they don't want you to see.
You're an adult.
You deserve to hear what all the hubbub's about.
You deserve to hear what the establishment is so desperate to silence so you can make your own decision.
Tomorrow's News Today.
I was never trying to win a popularity contest.
I've been trying to get Americans and others to think outside the box and realize what's happening.
We've been very successful.
I've expected to be attacked.
I didn't know we'd be the very tip of the spear, but it's happened.
So now, Infowars is the banner of free speech, the renaissance in Western culture and civilization.
And it's more important than ever that folks realize that the dominoes are beginning to fall against your cherished free speech, and you'll lose everything else if you don't stand up for it now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I get high on freedom!
Let me tell you, I'm higher than a kite right now.
All natural, endorphins.
Thanks for joining us.
I was going through this Tucker Carlson piece because it's so important from so many angles.
We've got a bunch of special guests joining us that are being really persecuted by the system right now.
Jihad Watch, it's very professional, been around for decades.
The MasterCard said, you don't get to bank.
We're just taking your credit card away.
That's the final putting you in the gulag, folks.
From the ghetto to the gulag, it's here.
And that's, I can let you know that Trump's getting ready with executive orders on that.
Was I supposed to say that?
I wasn't told I couldn't.
And some other executive orders.
I think later.
You know, the magnitude of this stuff is I feel like I ought to have, like, marching bands or something when I announce this and, like, have it up at a podium or something.
Like, I told the crew, I want to start renting a place just for the gravitas of it to do PowerPoints in a big arena, kind of.
So I can sit there up on big projectors and do the presentations, so that it's professional enough for the President and others that are watching.
And that's really their horror, is that they do know the President's listening, and they know that when he goes and checks with top experts, they go, yes sir, that's exactly what's going on.
The President's like, how's this guy know all this?
And they go, sir, that's all he does.
I'm gonna leave it at that, but they're always asking me, you know, what's Trump said to you?
What does Trump say to you on the phone?
It's not going to be a lot of fun, Alex.
We've got to do it for the country and humanity.
We've got to stand up against these people and let them take over.
It's going to hurt our families and our children and our future too bad.
You know what sick liars they are and what control freaks they are.
A bunch of low-life scum.
We're going to win.
America's coming back.
We've got to bring everybody together regardless of race, color, and creed.
We've got to have the social compact again.
We've got to reinvigorate humanity's destiny and let folks know how powerful and wonderful they are.
Same stuff you hear in public.
And we've got to make America great again and make everybody great again and we've got to win and make a future for humans.
I remember they made a joke about a week ago, oh Trump hasn't responded and helped you.
Where are you Alex?
You're not listening.
He won't help you.
Week later they're freaked out.
It's not about helping me.
If I was wanting to help me and be around a bunch of sociopath zombies like you, I'd be in New York, or D.C., or L.A., and I'd have the fake stupid trophy wife, and I'd go to weird dinners with a bunch of other plastic people, all trying to jockey with each other to see who could be the most dominant, and I'd be totally unhappy.
I want to be out on an old dock fishing with an old man and one of my kids.
I don't want to be up in a holler with a bunch of hound dogs laying around in front of a fire, drinking a apple cider.
I want to be out with my dad, looking up at the stars like we used to do with a telescope, and taking photos of Jupiter and Saturn and putting them on the wall.
I sure don't want to be with you people.
And that's why they hate Infowars.
Because we're not for sale.
Already sold to Jesus Christ.
And thank God Christ will take me.
I'm hanging on the helicopter skids.
I've got a devil tail the whole nine yards.
And I'm just like... They're trying to pull me back down.
I'm like, no!
I'm going with you!
Get me out of here, please!
I don't care what they do!
Let's go back to Tucker Carlson.
Landed all out in this amazing individual he had on that really nails it.
Here it is.
Free speech is for everybody, even the crazies.
That's the very definition of free speech.
In a free country, everyone can be heard.
In totalitarian societies, only the powerful can be heard.
The left used to understand that, but they don't anymore.
What changed?
Why are the most powerful companies in the world suddenly so threatened by an independent radio show host in Texas that they're willing to lose business in order to make him shut up?
And Jones is hardly their only target, that's for sure.
Virtually every day, the big tech companies censor someone else whose political opinions they disagree with.
Right here.
All the time.
Last summer, the CEO of Google, who is a billionaire by the way, flew home from family vacation just to fire a low-level programmer called James Damore.
What did Damore do?
His crime was writing a private memo that gently questioned identity politics.
The reaction in both those cases, and many others like them, was weirdly disproportionate.
Almost hysterical.
It was like shooting someone for looking at you funny.
Confident people don't behave like that.
Insecure, terrified people do.
And that's the point.
Our establishment crushes dissent not because our establishment is strong, but because it is weak and afraid.
In the words of a perceptive essay this week, quote, censorship is what happens when powerful people get scared.
That piece was written by a former Wall Street executive called Michael Krieger, and it's worth quoting at length here.
Elites aren't afraid of what Alex Jones says, Krieger writes.
They're terrified that it's popular.
They're in denial about the consequences of the world they created.
Trump didn't divide American society.
Alex Jones didn't cause our widespread and, by the way, justified distrust in institutions.
The elites did that with their spectacular failures.
Trump's election and Alex Jones' popularity are merely symptoms of a corrupt and failed status quo, the stewards of which refuse to take a look in the mirror, accept blame, and reform.
Censorship by Silicon Valley billionaires will backfire spectacularly.
Ultimately, it's safer for society to have open public forums where all ideas, whether you consider them dangerous and crazy or not, can be openly expressed alongside each other.
Deplatforming popular content won't make it go away.
It will just shift to areas of the internet you may not see, where it will fester and grow stronger over time in even more intense and radicalized echo chambers.
You'll think it's gone from society because it's been safely cleansed from your corporate government Facebook timeline, but it may grow even stronger in the shadows."
In other words, censorship does not work.
Ideas spread.
The good ones, which are rooted in nature and observable reality, take root and they endure.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
You can't stop them from knowing that.
You can't control their minds.
You can only humiliate yourself and undermine your own authority by trying.
Our childish billionaire overlords may be geniuses, they say they are, but they don't understand that.
Someday soon they will learn, and that is a comforting thought at a time like this.
Joining us now is DePaul University Professor Jason Hill.
Professor, thank you for coming on.
Thank you.
So, tell us your view of why censorship from the left, but not exclusively from the left, but mostly, has increased.
That doesn't seem like the sign of confidence.
It seems like the sign of people who believe they're losing control.
Well, I think what has happened is that the right has lost the cultural wars.
I think that we are seeing a period since the 1964-65 period in which the
The free speech movement was fought, ironically, by the far left.
We are under the nefarious control of a far left movement that is in cultural, exercising cultural power, and is in control of our cultural institutions.
That is the total truth.
They're the ones that say they're victims.
They get everybody organized into being victims, and now anti-white, the horrible racist operating system, the opposite of what Martin Luther King said.
They take the fact that Christians have rolled out the red carpet, the abolitionists, and a million dead in the Civil War, and everything Christians did, white Christians, to end slavery worldwide.
They throw it on their head, take our strength, make it a weakness, hype everyone into race-based politics, identity politics, and then now bring in stuff the Soviet Union didn't say you can't say mother or father.
And they're just getting started.
So this professor, Jason Hill, the whole thing, I didn't even know who this guy was.
I went and read his writings.
He's absolutely on target.
He's read the research.
He knows who they are.
You want to know, listen to that guy.
We're going to come back and finish up with him on the side.
Listen, I should be plugging every segment as much attack as we're under.
I just can't.
I'm just not in the habit of doing it.
Our big mega sale has to end today because we're about to sell out of a bunch of our best selling items.
So again, fight the bully, save the Internet, save info, we're super special.
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And if you fund us, we can stand up against the enemy, the fire-breathing dragon.
I mean, I'm out here on the field quite frankly.
We're still standing, but if you don't support us,
And all these other company heads and all these other people know this, and they won't say it, so I'm here.
Hammering, hammering, hammering, hammering.
Stop the hammering.
Stop the hammering out there.
Who's got a hammer?
Where is it?
Hammering, hammering, hammering, hammering.
Where's the hammer?
Is it on the, go up on the other floor.
Somebody go up there and stop the hammering.
Stop the hammering!
Call f***ing Phil Griffin.
I don't care who the f*** you have to call.
Stop the hammering!
And all these fools.
And all these traders don't get it.
Now it's being taken away because they demand control of the streets, control the schools, control your bank account.
It just f***ing sucks.
It f***ing sucks to be out here with this out of control s***.
Control the churches, control the food you eat, control the vaccines they put in your body, control the internet, control everything.
They're here.
Any f***ing thing can come into my ear at any moment.
That's what I know.
Anybody can get into my f***ing ear at any time.
Our supplements, our products, our t-shirts, all of it is Choose Your Own Adventure at Infowarshore.com.
Standing with America.
Standing against the Chai-coms in Hollywood.
Standing for victory and winning.
Thanks to you.
We'll be back.
I'll go down to the g***** floor myself and stop it.
Keep the g***** commercial break going.
Hey, how would you like to take InfoWars with you wherever you go?
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It's the InfoWars official app, taken on the globalist at point-blank range.
And with your help spreading it, and with your help downloading it, we are unstoppable.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, coming up next segment, Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch.
They've taken his punishment to the next level.
Getting rid of his credit card payment system for daring to criticize the open jihad attacks happening everywhere.
Got a big stack of that news coming up next segment.
And they've taken one of our payment processors as well, and they are trying to destroy us because we're not rolling over to their big plan.
But let's finish up with Tucker Carlson and this professor he has on about the nihilism, the anti-Americanism, the globalism, and now that the so-called left, the authoritarian left, allied with radical Islam, you name it, is in charge, now no one has speech.
And it was all cold-blooded from the start, just like they took over the institutions, everything.
This is the true clear and present danger, and now President Trump's getting ready to take action.
I'm gonna give you details of that.
I know the enemy's listening at the bottom of the hour after our guest leaves us.
But first, finishing up with Tucker Carlson.
We are under the nefarious control of a far-left movement that is exercising cultural power and is in control of our cultural institutions.
And what we have are these institutions like Google, like Twitter, like YouTube,
Yielding to that cultural power out of fear of retribution or repercussions that they fear will have financial consequences.
But make no mistake about it.
We are in the throes of a far left that has exercised and is exercising great cultural power over our society.
They have won the cultural wars.
What I don't understand is why people who dissent, who have different views, tend to be so passive in the face of attempts to shut them up.
I understand why people don't like Alex Jones.
I'm not defending Alex Jones's views, obviously.
But if they can silence a radio show host... And again, Tucker's got to do that to even say this on air.
Believe me, I can tell you.
I know for a fact.
But I don't mind that.
The issue is, and I've told him that, the issue is, is that
He means the straw man.
He knows he can't unravel all the fake straw men about me and what they said and did and the lies about what I ever did and the twisting.
So he just says, you know, we can't defend it.
Not going to.
But everybody has a right.
Let's continue.
I'm not defending Alex Jones's views, obviously.
But if they can silence a radio show host or they can silence James Damore, the engineer at Google, why can't they silence you?
Why can't they silence me?
Of course they can.
Why don't we fight back against this?
We can't fight back because we don't have the moral courage.
To fight the opposition.
We are apologists for our values and we're apologists for our principles.
We have ceded the moral high ground to the adversary and in some sense we have given them the moral authority out of some sense of cowardice.
I think there's a great deal of moral cowardice.
Pause again.
And he gets into the nihilism and the Jackman's everything here because he's a history professor, he knows.
Stelter gets up there with Jack Dorsey, along with a bunch of other people, and says, Jones is calling for violence against us.
They never show the clip.
Journalistically, that's a fraud.
It's not true.
And it's just like a thorn.
Like, I say take him off, Dorsey.
And the next segment, he's literally, Trump wants to ban the press because he's criticizing him, saying they're liars.
Saying you're a liar, Stelter, it's not threatening you.
You're just such frauds, man.
Here, let's finish up with the professor.
We have given them the moral authority out of some sense of cowardice.
I think there's a great deal of moral cowardice that conservatives have, that people who are even mildly conservative have, and we have ceded the moral high ground to people who have co-opted values and principles in the name of some sort of
Morality that is nothing short of nihilism, cultural relativism, an attack on reason, and an attack on rationality.
I want to
Very, very cool logo and kind of more discreet so a radical liberal might not come over and try to punch you in the face or spit on you.
So it's all possible thanks to your support at InfoWarsTore.com.
Huge discount store wide right now.
Have you heard?
InfoWars is getting banned across the internet.
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter.
They're all censoring us.
I need you to share these links to the videos and the websites and the stories at InfoWars.com immediately.
And remember, if you can hear my voice, you are the revolution.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, as Christians, as conservatives, as libertarians, as people that follow Western civilization or people that follow the more conservative Jewish systems like the Old Testament, Talmud, we're self-confident and we're involved and we're successful in life.
And our families are successful, so we don't want to complain when we get oppressed or we get discriminated against.
We don't go out.
We don't get on welfare.
We don't go out and sit there and get in groups and bitch and gripe until it gets really bad.
And ladies and gentlemen, I've talked to folks at the highest levels.
I have confirmed the president's looking at executive orders right now because the left and Senator Warner's package that came out a few weeks ago that was secret, is planning to try to censor conservatives, including the NRA, by banning us from banking.
Now let me explain something, folks.
Banning someone from commerce, everyone overuses Nazi stuff.
This is Nazi, that's Nazi, the left does that.
They call a ham sandwich Nazi.
They call George Washington a Nazi.
But when you look at the left, or the Soviets, and how they would take people out of commerce and put them in first ghettos and then gulags, this is a formulae from Communist China to Nazi Germany of authoritarians.
They took one of our payment processors last week.
Now we had some backups.
They've taken our MailChimp, where we send out our mail.
They've taken Disqus, our commenting section.
They've tried to get our video services we pay for to stream ourselves kicked off.
And so when I see an article here, MasterCard Forces, Patreon, The Blacklist, Jihad Watch, Robert Spencer, who's been a guest before, they let terrorist groups have credit cards.
They let Hamas and Hezbollah have credit cards.
I looked it up.
But not a man with no criminal record, who by the way, is very genteel about their Jihad Watch, been around for decades, at least 15 years I've known of.
And they're just reporting, okay, another stabbing attack, another bombing, and there's like two or three today.
Attacks in Spain, attacks in France, I can't even keep track of it anymore.
And I've had Wahhabist connected groups suing me.
I mean, they're just all in my business.
And then the media's like, good, take his credit card processing away.
Don't let him raise money.
So folks, this is true criminal activity, in my view.
And it's the height of danger.
And so I want to go to him and talk about this because this is incredibly un-American.
But beyond saying American, I mean, how would you describe this?
This is the blood of tyranny.
This is the guts of it.
I mean, when they start saying, I'm not saying this because you're Jewish, it's historical parallel.
The first thing they told Jews was you couldn't engage in commerce in what, 34, 35?
I mean, this is scary stuff.
And it's now happening to me.
And I've been told by the left, just stop talking about radical Islam and we'll leave you alone.
So what's going on?
It's a concerted effort.
Obviously, as you know, Alex, it's a concerted effort to shut down all dissenting voices so that the same mistake that the left made in 2016, and that is in allowing too much free discussion on the Internet that led to the election of President Trump, they're going to make sure it doesn't happen in 2018.
Only their voices will be heard and only their candidates, presumably, will be elected.
The historical parallels.
I mean, what would you parallel?
Tell folks what's happened to you and the specifics.
What would you call this?
I mean, this is just outrageous!
You're 100% spot on.
This is exactly like what the Nazis did to the Jews.
People don't know.
You know, people think, oh, it was just the Nazis came in and gas chambers.
No, the gas chambers were not for seven or eight years after the Nazis were in power.
First, they banned Jews from various possessions.
You couldn't, professions, excuse me.
You couldn't be a doctor.
You couldn't be a lawyer.
You couldn't be a university professor.
And then, banning Jews from various services.
And this is exactly what we see happening now.
They're deplatforming people so that, well, obviously, I was raising money on Patreon, and Mastercard said, you've got to get rid of this guy.
They don't even think they have to give a reason.
And they let it go.
So, if you carry this out to its logical conclusion, they ban you, they ban me, they ban Gavin McInnes and other people, ultimately, we're not going to be able to do any business.
We're not going to be able to present our perspectives.
And this is exactly what happened.
The Jews, ultimately, by the time the gas chambers began, they were impoverished.
They could not hold any jobs.
They were not allowed to hold any jobs.
They couldn't even go and buy food if they had money.
There was like one hour a week open for the stores to allow Jews to come in to buy things.
So first they dehumanize you, they silence you, then once they silence the Jews and others, then they demonize.
And I'm not trying to compare myself to the Jews, but let me tell you, they lie about me, then they deplatform me, and now that I've been deplatformed?
The lies are even worse.
They say, I'm a Holocaust denier, I hate black people, all over the news, and then they don't ever show a clip.
And my family's getting scared, man.
They're going, whoa, because now that I can't respond, they have just gotten more emboldened.
And you're right.
It wasn't until 42, 43, Hitler said, I want a final solution.
We've been using Jews for slave labor.
We've taken all the property.
I want them all killed as quickly as possible.
When he thought he might lose the war, he was going to kill them all later, he wrote.
But we got to do it now.
And so it's just totally insane that he was so obsessed with killing all the Jews, he might have lost World War II because he spent so much of his energy doing it.
So it's a sad sacrifice the Jews had to make, but at least Hitler got beaten.
But I'm glad you're a historian on this.
But that's what's so crazy about this is they're literally following a Hitlerian program.
And I saw articles all this week.
We need a solution to the Alex Jones problem.
And I'm like thinking, God, I read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.
This don't sound too good.
Yeah, absolutely.
And the thing is that the denial in the first place, the lies that you talk about, that they spread all these lies about you, this is what they've been doing to me also for years.
That I come out and I say that there's a threat from jihad terror, and documented in books and on the website, and they say, oh he's a racist, he's a bigot, he's an Islamophobe, and now
comes the other foot dropping that racist, bigoted Islamophobes, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center and these other real hate groups, have no right to have a voice.
And so... Well, that was their main reason for banning me, as you know, was Islamophobia, because I literally talked about jihadists running people over with cars every day.
Well, jihadists are running people over with cars.
They're screaming Allahu Akbar.
ISIS said, run over people with cars in Western countries, and they're doing it.
But if we talk about it, then it's our fault.
And the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which is 57 Muslim governments around the world, they've been pursuing this as an agenda for years.
They have what's called an Islamophobia Observatory.
And if an imam says, kill the Jews,
Then, that's okay, the OIC doesn't say anything.
But if Spencer or Alex Jones says, look, this imam said kill the Jews, then it's Islamophobia, goes in their Islamophobia report, and this is something that's taken seriously.
Well there's also, because here's the deal, I was never...
Against Israel, whatever.
I was never like into that.
It was just another country and Israel's our friend, whatever.
The obsession of the left calling me all these anti-semitic names, and I'd be proud if I was Jewish.
I'm not.
And the way they get away with it on Twitter and Facebook, and then I'm doing nothing and being banned, and they're saying, you know, all these horrible things about my family.
And it's like, where did the left become... Like, they call us Nazis when we're not Nazis, and then they're aligned with people that actually aided the Nazis.
It's crazy!
Yeah, and they're the most anti-Israel ones out there.
And so if you want to talk about anti-Semitism, it's all on the left.
And what's more, you remember the brown shirts in the early days of Nazi Germany, and even before the Nazis came to power, they would go to professors who were anti-Nazi, and they would shout them down, they would circulate articles discrediting them, accusing them of various crimes.
Same thing.
Physically menacing them.
Exactly what's happening to us.
Gosh, wow.
Just good reports, facts on what's happening.
We're going to come back and talk about JihadWatch.org.
Robert Spencer, who's been banned from raising money by MasterCard.
That is just so dangerous, folks.
It's happened.
They took one of our payment processors.
It's on, but notice, no reporting on that little victory they had, because they know that is racketeering.
That is trust action.
And let me tell you, the president is getting ready to take action after our guest leaves you.
I'll tell you what little birds told me.
We're gonna talk to Robert Spencer about what do we do?
How do we counteract against this?
I mean, look, you may hate Israel, okay?
Do you hate people's right to have commerce?
And believe me, everybody that's for destroying Israel and, you know, doing this, you're next, okay?
I don't understand this obsession with going after Jews, but all you idiots that are into it, you are fools!
Hate is such a malleable term.
I mean, you know, hate really means something, an opinion I don't agree with.
Because if you want to get rid of hate speech, I mean, I don't see how anything you've said is anywhere close to what that New York Times columnist you showed earlier saying.
Board members saying whites are subhuman.
Yeah, I mean, how is that not hate speech if there is such a thing?
I just hate that term hate speech because it's...
It's not a thing.
What really bothers me about your cases, just globally, is that I don't see anybody from the traditional media backing you up.
And I don't understand how they can look at this.
You know, you questioned the official narrative of what happened at Sandy Hook at some point.
At the beginning, you said, you made an investigation.
I don't care what happens.
Anything that happens, when I get an official story from my government, if I'm not questioning it, I want somebody else to question it to make me question it.
Even if it comes around that, hey, maybe we're going to have a rare circumstance where our government doesn't lie to us one bit.
I mean, it might happen once in a while.
Unicorns make sense.
But the point of the media is to be a watchdog.
You're the fourth estate.
I take a lot of flack for coming on your show and representing you.
There are a lot of people angry at me.
And I say, well, you know, tell me.
If you hate this guy so much, show me what the problem is, and they'll send me a link to the New York Times, or they'll send me a link to some other article paraphrasing what you said.
And I said, yeah, but now bring me to the original source.
And when I go find it, and I said, well, that's not really what was said here.
Well, then there's this back pedal.
It's like, well, he's enabling such speech, or he's encouraging it.
I said, wait a second.
What I want you to think about is how we need a robust marketplace of ideas.
I don't come on your show because I agree with everything you have to say.
You know, before the election, I wrote this article here.
Is the First Amendment safe from Donald Trump on CNN?
And I was concerned.
Because when Trump made his speech that said, we're going to open up the libel law... I was concerned too.
I don't think he got it.
And it made me, I mean, I said, wow, that got my hackles up.
I mean, I am not... But now in his own cases, he's using anti-slap.
It's kind of funny, isn't it?
You know, how this is flipped, because now that he got elected, now it is not Donald Trump, but people are anti-Donald Trump, who I should have written this article, I should have written another version of this article saying, is the First Amendment safe from people who have Trump derangement syndrome?
You know, I remember last night we were talking and somebody said, you know, hey, has the right ever really done this?
And I had to correct him, and I said, yes, if you bring the camera down here, heed their rising voices.
New York Times versus Sullivan, the foundational case when it comes to our First Amendment rights, where it was constitutionalized that if you are talking about a public figure and then expand it to public events,
You must prove defamation over the actual matter.
And this was the South of the KKK suing everybody to shut down the beach.
That's exactly what it was.
It was exactly what you have going on today.
It was the civil rights movement was invading the South with people who were writing about equality, with people who were trying to make this idea of equality and civil rights infected.
You know, they were trying to spread this idea.
And how did these people who wanted to fight against equality deal with it?
They dealt with it through these kind of
Crazy defamation suits where they were trying to bankrupt anybody who came down there and tried to report.
And now the left is trying to get rid of New York Times versus Sullivan.
They admit to overturn the First Amendment so they can, but I guess it's the Democrats again.
Look, New York Times versus Sullivan is sacred as far as I'm concerned.
And you know, so far, I haven't seen Donald Trump actually do anything to go against it.
I think his two Supreme Court nominees would support it.
And I can't say the same for the Supreme Court nominees on the left.
The Democrats are going after New York Times vs. Sullivan.
At this point, it looks that way.
We'll be back.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Robert Spencer is our guest, jihadwatch.org.
Very reportedly, very scientific.
He's reporting on all the different Islamic takeovers that are happening.
I don't want to be at war with Islam or any of these people, but you have this camp, and kids call and say, we're starving, we're dying, there's a dead kid here that was missing from another state.
They go, there's a dead kid there.
And the lawyers get up and say, if they weren't Muslims, they would be released.
If you were Christian or agnostic or an atheist, you got a dead three-year-old that died in a reported ritual, you'd be gone.
One reason we got banned off of Vimeo, they said, you lied and said that was a jihad training camp.
It wasn't.
You are banned.
So the coddling of Islam, Robert Spencer's here, jihadwatch.org, MasterCard says it blacklisted Robert Spencer because of illegal content, close quote.
And that's the same crap they say about me, that I'm calling for violence, never showing the clips.
So, the left has gotten crazed, as you said, because Trump won.
But this alliance with Islam was there for a while.
You're one of the leading experts on this.
I used to hear you talk about this 15 years ago, and I didn't think you were a bad guy.
I just thought it was exaggerated.
I thought you guys were alarmist.
It's all true.
It's worse than I thought.
I was wrong.
What is going on?
How do we stop this?
Where is this going?
Well, where it's going is exactly where it went in Nazi Germany.
I don't know if they'll put us all in gas chambers, but certainly they want a complete silencing of any dissenting views from the leftist agenda.
They want only the leftist agenda to be heard.
And so there's going to be more deplatforming, more people silenced until everybody is in line.
And the only thing we can do, of course, we have to try to stop it while we can.
Start alternative platforms, try to break the power of these monopolies.
People say, oh, these are private companies.
They can do whatever they want.
But they are monopolies.
So we need to pursue antitrust legislation against them.
I hope the president will do this because, look, these people have more power over the means of social communication today than any totalitarian state ever had.
Yeah, why do you think 26 companies in unison, six of them in one day, banned me?
I mean, and they admitted that they did it in unison.
It's like, whoa!
Well, obviously they had a meeting, obviously they decided you were a threat, and they figured they could get away with it.
Because they had already demonized you with these lies, and so it works like a charm, really.
And what's most appalling is that people don't see the implications.
And so many people, it's the same with me.
They run from you and they say, well, I don't agree with everything Alex Jones said, so this is okay.
And they say this about me as well.
Well, Spencer, you know, he's Islamophobic.
And they don't realize that they're going to come after everyone.
I mean, actually, for years I've been saying that anybody who speaks honestly about the nature and magnitude of the Jihad threat is smeared in as... Sure, but I can go move to New York, I can move to D.C., I can move to Austin and be left alone by people.
If I try to move to Saudi Arabia, or even Jordan...
Unless I'm in some fancy apartment or something, got bodyguards.
If I try to go anywhere in the Middle East or North Africa, I will be kidnapped and killed or put in jail very, very quickly.
That's a fact!
So yes, I am Islamophobic.
I am Nazi-phobic.
I am Chai-com-phobic.
Moving to China.
Apple's moving there.
They just deleted a bunch of thousands of apps.
They're helping report on political dissonance.
Google's helping censor.
I'm phobic of Chinese communism.
It killed over 100 million people.
Damn right I'm scared of it.
And this is what we're dealing with, that these people are totalitarians in the same mold.
And so they aim to do the same things.
And you know, it's not an accident that Antifa is growing more violent and aggressive on American streets.
Just a few years ago, this was unheard of.
In 2010, I was in Germany and Antifa was throwing bottles and sacks of manure and things like that up onto the stage, but nobody had heard of Antifa in the United States.
And now it's a presence every time somebody on the right goes out to speak in public.
And again, the Brown Shirt Parallels or the Mal Brigades is 100% historical.
It's 100% historical.
It's following exactly the same pattern.
And the social media banning, the demonization, the false charges, and then the social media banning is going along with the violence.
And then the banning of the commerce.
Oh, and it's all coming out too.
People that visit Infowars.com or like Donald Trump, they're being denied college admission now.
I mean, this is it.
This is it.
Yeah, it's not hard to see where it's going.
Because if Antifa is being violent now, and look, I'll tell you something else.
You know that CJ Werleman, he's an atheist, supposedly.
He's an Islamic apologist.
He wrote a book about the Quran.
He's a leftist.
And he actually came out last year and he said that if he saw me,
He would punch me.
And he thinks that anybody who sees me should.
So he's calling for violence against somebody he hates.
And that's pretty much inevitable.
Why the alliance of atheists and leftists with Islam?
Is it because it's another statist, centralized deal and they're allied?
Yeah, they're both totalitarian orders.
Sharia Islamic law is the first totalitarian state that establishes an earthly paradise and punishes with draconian punishments those who get out of line.
And so that's exactly the same thing as the communist state.
It's supposedly an earthly paradise and it's the gulag if you dissent.
And so, they also both hate America.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I've just written a book, The History of Jihad, that traces 1,400 years of jihad activity, and it shows that this is something that has always been going on.
Well sure, and explain that.
You've got, we're coming back to one more segment, this is important.
You've got the House of Islam, which is always at war with itself, but they claim outside is the house of war.
So we'll come back and talk about the book on the other side, but
Specifically, it's all about conquest.
I mean, they taught me in college that the West invaded the Middle East.
When I actually read the history book, it said after hundreds of invasions, and we almost lost Europe, and we did lose Constantinople, and we almost lost Rome, we finally did something.
Well see, that's the point.
They've been set against the West for 1400 years.
So these leftists who hate America, hate Judeo-Christian civilization, hate the West, they see these people as an ally.
Here's somebody who's doing the same thing we want to do.
We can work with them.
And then at the end, they think the two will then fight over control.
Yeah, sure.
And they think because they don't understand the religious impulse, and they don't respect it, they think they'll be able to ride the tiger and co-opt the jihadis.
But in reality, they should take the lesson of Iran.
Remember that Khomeini, when he established the Islamic Republic of Iran, he had communists in his coalition.
But within a year or so, all the communists who had helped Khomeini gain power were dead or in prison.
And it was solely an Islamic State.
Well, that's another historic thing, going back to Hitler, too, who was a socialist, National Socialist Party, a National Workers' Socialist Party, Nazi.
Ernst Röhm, but also some of the other groups that helped him get in power.
The leftists always kill the people that helped get him in power.
Yeah, and Hitler killed Rome and did away with the brown shirts who had done so much to menace his political opponents and get him there.
And I think that in this case, it's going to be the other way around.
That it's the Islamic Jihadis who are going to do away with the brown shirts.
Well, there's no doubt because the demographics 1.8 billion Muslims.
They say what in 10, 15 years, 3 billion.
And I mean, you know, they're saying you will submit.
You will.
And I'm like, no, I will not.
I mean, this is a real problem.
And you're absolutely right.
They're just overwhelming us demographically, but they're also going to overwhelm their leftist allies demographically and easily co-opt them and destroy them.
That's the thing about the left.
I've noticed they don't think two or three places ahead.
They always just, the immediacy of their power now, they're not thinking ten years down the road.
They're just, they're idiots!
Yes, quite so.
Because they're not going to be able to control the forces they've unleashed in the West.
Well then you get all the Soros documents came out on WikiLeaks where he wants to bring down Israel.
Like, I mean, if you brought down Israel, they'd be fighting forever over it.
I mean, it would be a, plus Israel has nuclear weapons!
Israel's not going anywhere!
We'll be right back.
The President of the United States is racist.
He's a punk.
He's a dog.
He's a pig.
He can suck my f***ing d***.
He's a con, a bullsh** artist, a mutt.
Kiss my motherf***ing ass, you bitch, punk, d*** sucker.
The President of the United States
He's not only unfit to be president.
In my book, his lack of empathy, his lack of leadership, his lack of courage, he's unfit to be human.
He is clearly trying to ignite a civil war in this country.
This is CNN.
Donald J. Trump is President of the United States.
Certainly for some, Alex Jones can be scary and abrasive.
But if you can get through all that to explore what he's been saying, to see for yourself what it is that the establishment wants to hide from you, then the information you find could be life-changing.
He predicted 9-11.
And if there was an outside threat like a Bin Laden, who was a known CIA asset in the 80s, he's the boogeyman they need in this Orwellian phony system.
He exposed the cremation of care ceremony at Bohemian Grove.
He educated us about the relationship between the Third Reich and modern globalism.
He helped reveal the so-called Bilderberg Group et al.
He was the loudest voice reporting on the union between the Communist Chinese and Silicon Valley.
They falsely edited him.
They lie about his reporting of Sandy Hook.
They lie that he pushed a child down in a viral video.
And now he is being deplatformed by Facebook, Apple, and Google.
Private companies are being harassed and encouraged to stop doing business with him.
And then we get hit and say, you don't want to use our software.
YouTubers are being censored for talking about him.
We just got taken down by YouTube.
They just killed our stream.
And some Americans are actually celebrating this.
This is America in 2018.
Will you sit by and allow liberty and freedom to be taken away right before your eyes?
Will you do nothing while history is being recorded?
Will you sit and do nothing?
Or will you do your own research, discover the truth, and stand for freedom?
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So I want to be clear.
We know that, if you're a TV viewer, I'll show you some of these articles while our guest is speaking.
That Senator Warner has basically said, Trump's gonna lose.
Warner said, I'm gonna be president in 2020.
It's in his own memos.
You better get behind censorship right now.
You better let us shut everybody down.
And that's when they started with me.
After they'd done the demonization campaign, they were planning this the last year and a half.
They now admit it.
Demonize me, build me up as the boogeyman, use me as the first group they take down in full wars.
Prager University, Gab McGinnis, everybody.
I mean, they're just either shadowbanning or deleting everyone right now.
Thank God Trump's finally saying something and doing something.
And the word is executive orders, particularly because they know the big move is on them going after commerce and us being even able to operate or fund ourselves.
So the exact
The boat that Robert Spencer is in at jihadwatch.org is the boat we're in at Infowars.com.
So briefly, talk about that, what it was like dealing with that, and then any solution ideas, and also tell us about your new book, The History of Jihad, that everybody should read.
Well, what really was wild about it was how Orwellian it was.
Patreon wrote me, and I started a Patreon account.
I came into possession of an old TV studio, and I thought I'd fix it up and do videos from it.
Just that simple.
Started a Patreon to raise money to do that, and not long after it started, just a couple weeks after it started, Patreon wrote me, said, Mastercard doesn't want to give you this platform, so we're disabling your account.
I wrote back and asked them why, on what grounds?
And then Mastercard told Breitbart it's because you have illegal content on your website.
Now, there's nothing illegal on Jihad Watch.
It's been operating for 15 years.
There's 60,000 news and commentary articles on there.
And there's not a shred of illegality.
The only way you could conceivably think that there's anything illegal on Jihad Watch is if you are obeying Islamic law.
Then there's plenty.
Then there's blasphemy against the law.
All sorts of things.
Criticism of Islam, which is what's considered blasphemy.
Criticism of Muhammad.
All those things are illegal according to Islamic law.
So is MasterCard now obeying Sharia?
It's not just a ridiculous question.
They have plenty of holdings in the Middle East.
And it may well be that it was because of Sharia that I was banned.
Well, you're absolutely right.
And for those that don't know, again, Sharia is the Islamic law.
They always make countries they're in go under it by incremental moves.
And now, you go to Germany, you go whatever, people are basically already obeying Sharia law.
So we're being made to adopt whatever they're doing, whatever they're saying.
Now we have the mayor, the Islamic mayor of London, banning women in bathing suits on government property, on billboards, on buses.
But then, oh, but burqas are good, and Boris Johnson almost got arrested for saying, look, wear it if you want, but I see it as a symbol of oppression.
And it's just wild this is going on.
Yeah, and you know, Boris, they're going to send the conservatives.
Well, look, the left knows that
The West has been very liberty-based, but we've also gone through a renaissance.
There's also conservative elements.
So they basically adopted the super-conservative stance, but projected it through the liberal lens.
So it's almost like a new morality of nihilism, where, oh, you can cut your daughter's genitals off, or do an honor killing, or put a hood over her head, not let her drive a car, and do acid attacks.
That's beautiful and wonderful.
But, if you write about all the Allah Akbar killings while you're a criminal, and so that's the death of common sense, the death of logic.
And the imposition of Sharia.
Oh, and there's more to this, Alex.
It's all actually a de-platforming story, too, in relation to my book.
The History of Jihad from Muhammad to ISIS is the first comprehensive narrative treatment of the entire history of Jihad from Muhammad, 14th centuries all around the world, to today.
And right before it came out,
Congressman Keith Ellison wrote to Jeff Bezos of Amazon demanding that he stop publishing, stop offering for sale every book that was published by a person who's on the Southern Poverty Law Center's hit list.
And I am listed as a hate group leader in the Southern Poverty Law Center's anti-Muslim extremists list.
This is the same kind of defamation.
So this is the book burning list?
Yeah, exactly.
And Amazon's one of the only places you can get it to start with because brick-and-mortar bookstores don't want to carry it.
They're afraid they're going to get blown up.
Well, I think that's it.
I mean, I think with Charlie Hebdo and all this, there's an intimidation factor here.
No doubt about it.
And historically, what percentage usually of a country becomes Islamic before they go from, oh, we're peaceful, oh, we love you, to we're taking over?
Not much.
Ten percent, five to ten percent.
We're seeing it now in France and Sweden.
And they still have very low percentages of Muslim population, but they're increasingly aggressive and violent.
They're growing Sharia enclaves.
Soros can claim that, well, he helped round up people with the Nazis, but he didn't mean to because he was ordered to.
If I was ordered to do that, I wouldn't do it.
But his actions since, wanting to overthrow Israel, wanting to overthrow the West, why would he, who's supposedly Jewish, and then claims he wasn't a Nazi collaborator, why do you think, from your research, he's funding all this jihad stuff and anti-Israel?
Is he just super cold-blooded and wants raw power?
Yeah, I think so.
I think he's a socialist internationalist par excellence.
And so he wants to erase borders, erase the concept of the nation state, erase the very concept of ethnicity itself.
So he's sponsoring the mass Muslim migration, underwriting it, financing it, approving of it.
He even bought favorable coverage of it in the establishment media.
And he is trying to inundate Europe.
Oh, I know for a fact he's put big money down for this whole thing against me.
It's Soros financed.
I mean this guy's crazy.
And all these organizations that smear me as a bigot and a hate monger are all Soros-financed.
It's all the same initiative.
And what he's trying to do is ultimately pave the way for societal collapse in the West so that a totalitarian order can take its place that is internationalist.
And I guess maybe he will profit from that financially or some other way.
I just think he's completely insane.
I don't know if he's insane.
If he were insane, he couldn't do this.
He's evil, like Hitler.
I agree.
He's all over my butt.
I tell you, I'm not backing down.
I'm not backing down.
You're not backing down.
Robert Spencer, God bless you.
We appreciate you.
You know what?
I want to put an order in.
You give us your folks.
I want to buy 500 of the book.
I want to sell it at Infowarsstore.com.
Because they're trying to tell me I can't do this.
They're trying to destroy my life because I'm exposing this.
I want the Muslims to reform themselves, like Christianity and other groups have done.
I want them to, you know, there were prophets in Israel.
When Israel was out of control, they'd have to have a reform.
But I don't want to say Israel or Christianity was ever like this.
We just absolutely, I'm not their enemy, but I will not roll over and die.
I will not roll over and present my belly.
And we appreciate you, Robert Spencer.
And so I'm going to get your contact info so I can buy 500 books today from fullwarrestore.com.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
Much appreciated.
Appreciate you.
And I stand for freedom and your courage.
Well, we're all in this together.
God bless you.
Okay, folks, I'm going to come back and get into Trump and his move against Facebook and others, which has to happen.
But the left are a bunch of appeasers.
And they see Christians and conservatives and conservative Jews and libertarians as weak.
They see us as not being aggressive.
And so they're running over us.
And we're going to have to get politically involved.
We're going to have to get politically aggressive to change all this.
But this is just insane asylum.
One of the videos they first took down on YouTube before they banned me two weeks ago was the Barbie Jihad, where we did the Barbie doll in the burqa, driving the car and pointed out she'd be arrested.
They said we couldn't do that.
I mean, this is insane, folks.
This is insane.
And they're all over videos on YouTube, jihadis saying they're going to take over America and our women belong to them and all this insane crap.
OK, I'm going to come back into the big news, Trump responding to the persecution of conservatives online, the next big move.
And then I intend to have a special guest for, like, two segments come on.
Uh-oh, I didn't even know they had that in the control room.
They're showing the, the, the, the, the Bannable offense, the Burka Barbie.
I mean, women can't drive in, you know, Saudi Arabia, but if you get caught kissing your husband, you go to jail.
We do it in public.
But the feminist is like, ooh, we like it, ooh, it's fun.
Whatever, you people are crazy.
That is the feminist.
We'll be right back.
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I am the resistance to globalism.
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And many others are across the world.
We are the future.
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And we are winning.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I like this song.
Here's the deal.
Israel's got a bunch of nuclear weapons.
Israel's not going anywhere.
And I'm not anti-Israel.
It's been super-fashionable forever to be anti-Israel.
Either your right wing or left wing.
But then meanwhile, we've got billions of Muslims and the left ally, whether it be the Western government, saying they're going to bring them in and we're going to have to submit to it.
Anytime I criticize that, they go, oh, you're some shill for Israel.
Well, then we'd have to do with it.
But I'm not anti-Israel.
It's just crazy what this has turned into.
The real power players is not Israel.
It's the EU.
It's the Chai Koms.
I'm going to get into that in a moment.
And what the president's got to do to take action against this.
And here's the deal.
I should open the show up with a lot of large yes.
Hey, the president's listening to us.
Hey, we've got a chance to turn this around.
Hey, there's a way to stop all the censorship.
I just get so cerebral into all the research before I go on air that sometimes it's just hard to see the forest for all the trees.
The left are just evil people at their controlling level.
Not their minions, but their controllers.
And then the people that are running the system, such a large group, know it's all a fraud and know it's all about bad will and dominating and controlling other people.
It's about power.
And they know the average person's weak, so they want to grease the skids to make them even weaker, so they can control them and then use them as an army to be projected at you and I. And I'm just not going to sit here and put up with this stuff anymore.
We have a special guest popping in who's been on before.
She's the lovely lady that, on her graduating day, wore the AR-15 outside the college and made national news.
Great activism idea.
He's got a new activism idea, but I'm going to tell you something right now, folks.
The establishment has decided to take me as an example of Americana.
They see me as Americana, and I am genuine Americana, for better or worse.
I am a piece of Americana, just like you are.
And they have decided to destroy me.
Politically first, and then financially, and then undoubtedly physically.
That's on their list, but they want to get to that last phase first.
Use me all up, like they do with kids they kidnap or kids they molest.
It's a process thing.
You think a globalist goes to the mall and sees all the autistic kids from the shots and all the brain?
It feels bad?
No, they feel good.
They're like, I'm good.
Once you get in their mindset, it's like, ooooh.
They mean bidness.
Bidness, bidness.
So they're super ultra bad news, super ultra destructive, and they want total destabilization.
That's why the UN is funding, along with Soros and others, the removal of all white farmers from Africa.
Same reason they funded blowing up Gaddafi.
And Libya, because he was actually a real socialist, which actually works if you make people work in the socialist system and only use socialism to direct a huge resource you have into community programs and things that then have a free market side.
And I'm not defending that, but I mean, he spent 99% of the oil money on jobs and infrastructure and real technology and real development.
It's now a total failed state.
All of Africa is collapsing.
They blew up the engine in the South.
They blew up the engine in the North.
And now they can exploit Africa a lot better.
And that's exactly what the Democrats do here.
All the cities they control turn into hell holes.
With a bunch of poor people they control.
It's the same microcosm.
They put a bunch of racist, communist, crazy people in charge.
Saying we're going to kill all the white people, we're going to take over.
And that was a year ago.
Now they've done it.
And it's on the news, they're rioting and killing and killing farmers every day and taking their property.
And the government said, we're going to take your property and then we're not going to let you flee.
And it's not like these farmers are living in golden bathtubs or something, you know, and crystal chandeliers.
I mean, these are really, really hard working folks.
I mean, out there on the edge of existence with King Cobras slithering around and lions and everything else.
And South Africa was like a wasteland in most areas.
Until the Dutch came in.
And the British Empire came and took it away from them.
But, I mean, can you believe it's in the news today?
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, MasterCard, Forces, Patreon, the Blacklist, JihadWatch.
All these jihad attacks happened in Europe, and truck attacks and everything else, and shots fired at the U.S.
Embassy, and, you know, they may stop letting cars drive by Parliament in England because of the jihadis.
And you've got South Africa begins seizing white-owned farms.
South African farm seizures begin.
Chaos is first.
Exploration of white-owned farms starts.
And of course, then it'll all just fall apart.
The EFF is in charge.
The ANC follows us.
And it just goes on.
South African farm seizures begin.
British government approves of it.
And you're like, well, why are they doing that?
Because they want Africa to totally fail.
Within five years, there's already food shortages in South Africa.
Within five years, there'll be aid programs on CNN saying, give money to ship food to South Africa.
There'll be the image of people begging, food!
I need food!
And it's because the white farmers are Christians, they're able to produce.
If they ever let Christianity take hold there, and ANC tries to stop that, then Africa can take care of itself, but it's not going to happen.
The UN funded, in 1994, killing the Christians in Rwanda.
They were a minority, but they had all the property, all the money, because they were Christians.
They worked together.
So they funded the animist, basically worship rocks and animals, who are 80% of the population, to slaughter almost every one of them.
And the UN helped do it, because they don't want Christians in Africa.
And so the shield of Africa's protection is being removed right now.
And rivers of blood are going to flow.
And the poor white farmers are only the ignition switch.
I feel sorry for everybody.
It's very, very sad.
Very, very evil.
If you look at the Democrat-run cities or Liberal-run cities all over the world, it's always the same.
Poverty, pain, anguish, control.
It's a ritual of control and dehumanization.
We're going to get our guest on.
We're going to get our guest on for two segments, and then I will... I spent myself yesterday trying to get an emergency report to the President, and the latest of what's happening, and it's just so outrageous, and we know what's happening.
The Democrats have threatened to take the Internet over.
The big tech companies have rolled over to them, believing their intimidation that Trump's going to lose.
And if Trump doesn't act hard on this, which he's starting to do, they could steal the election.
This is all campaign contributions and kind, blocking Republicans, banning everybody you can imagine as we speak.
I was just domino number one.
But they've got a special plan for me.
I mean, they didn't write 50,000, 100,000 articles a year to play games with me.
You see him in the news every day.
Jones is running illegal radio stations.
Not true.
Jones is destroying evidence.
The whole anti-gun, Democrat Party, Sandy Hook movement lobbies to get my Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube taken down.
And when the YouTube gets taken down, and other stuff, it's in court that I deleted evidence.
And I gotta go pay lawyers to deal with it.
That's what I'm like.
I'm waiving attorney's fees because you're the parents of the families.
No one's ever done it, but if you lose the case, you won't have to pay attorney's fees.
And they just went, this guy's a chump.
Total attack.
Just everything.
Because it's not the families, it's the Democratic Party and these law firms.
I just feel sorry for them, these people, these law firms and folks.
I mean, you talk about soulless, man.
You talk about whacked out.
You talk about deceptive, you talk about Soros funded, you talk about Democratic Party supported, media supported, all of it.
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I won't be there anymore Get out of my way Let me die I got better things to do with my time I don't care anymore
Kaitlin Bennett is our guest for the next 30 minutes, and then I'm gonna get into the Trump standing up for the web censorship.
This is how we win 2018.
It's how we save the country.
It's how we stop the left and their program of bullying and intimidation.
And I gotta tell you, I knew that if I didn't back down on the Second Amendment, I didn't back down on radical Islam, I didn't back down on the sexualization of children,
As young as three years old, in these so-called transsexual fests they have at the public schools, at the library, at the hotels, little kids giving money to men, dancing almost naked, two-year-olds doing it.
I mean, it's just heterosexual, homosexual, whatever.
It's obscene.
It's been buoying for me to see, and I haven't had the time and energy to really even take a snapshot of it, but overwhelming support
Hundreds and hundreds of millions of, you know, views on YouTube of folks on Facebook and Twitter everywhere saying what's happening is wrong.
Tucker Carlson, Michael Savage, Matt Drudge.
I can't thank everybody that's come out.
Stephen Crowder.
The list goes on and on.
But Caitlin Bennett is famous for a grassroots director of Liberty Hangout, a libertarian media outlet that strives to bring readers relevant insight into current events as well as promote
We're good to go.
You know, a year or so really go public and you've already had a big footprint.
I think that's what scares the left is they don't have any real thinkers or activists.
We just have an unlimited supply of wonderful people like you.
Yeah, so I've been doing conservative activism on campus, on Kent State campus, for about two years.
And the first time I ever did something, I was promoting gun rights.
And the leftists on campus for, you know, being so tolerant, they called the cops on me for having an empty holster.
We were doing an empty holster protest.
And so I confronted them.
I said, what was so scary about an empty holster?
And they were so outraged.
They were like, it's what it implies.
It holds a gun.
I was scared for my life.
That's kind of the state of college campuses nowadays is to be scared of something, even if it just means that, you know, something else could happen or whatever.
They did that and then they just kept trying to silence me.
I went out on campus with a Trump flag and they tried to expel me for it.
I was in student code of conduct for three times and two expulsion attempts because they did not like my speech.
They tried to censor me.
So every time they did that, I just came back even bolder and even louder and you know, here I am today.
Well, you're a microcosm of the whole situation.
When we come back, we'll get into what you did at the local Apple Store.
That's a great idea.
I've actually done that myself when I was at the Apple Store.
And even though Android's bad, they're not as slave factory as Apple.
So I'm getting ready.
We've already been moving the whole office on the PC away from Apple.
But we're going to be launching that movie, that whole move to unplug from Apple, who's one of the worst companies on Earth.
But when we come back, specifically at a gut level, I'll just ask you this now.
Do you think this attempt at clampdown and censorship is working?
I think it's pissing people off.
Yeah, it's definitely making people mad.
And as you can see with how much attention you've gotten from them trying to censor you and how many more subscribers you have, they just keep shooting themselves in the foot.
It's just like people who threaten me for carrying a gun.
They're shooting themselves in the foot.
They're proving why I carry.
And, you know, they're kind of proving also by censoring you why we support free speech and how it's not going to work out in their favor in the long run.
And I think they know that now, but
Instead of backing down, they're just getting more intense.
I wonder what Pete Crazy will look like.
Who knows?
I guess they just want an echo chamber and a safe space of just liberal ideologies who they can talk about, you know, how great socialism is and, you know, all that great stuff and communism.
So, if that's what they want, maybe they should go to a communist nation and, you know, take care of that themselves.
Well, I was about to say, if you go to a leftist meeting versus a conservative meeting, I mean, the leftists look like they have had lobotomies and, like, this is who's going to rule over us?
We'll be right back.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, America is coming together and now top directors are coming out saying Spike Lee's movie, Black Klansman, is totally made up.
That's Spike Lee.
He's a one-trick pony by Hollywood to create racism and to create division in our country when Trump's trying to create unity, and that's just a fact.
Our guest, Caitlin Bennett, is a Second Amendment activist.
She's a journalist.
She just graduated from college with a famous AR-15 photo that made the left so angry.
But she was talking about the fear on campus.
And they get mainly the video game heads and the shut-ins when the buses pull up, and they get them off and they take them into the dorm and they go, the KKK's on campus, they're gonna attack you.
You're like, but I'm white!
Well, it doesn't matter, they're out to get you.
Then they might put a swastika on your door, they do it themselves thousands of times, you've got the left doing it.
They did it to Candace Owens, but she woke up to it.
And this is what, and so you were talking about the fear on campuses, when you were even wearing a holster, that's how this all started, calling the police on you,
And now they have Play-Doh and toys for all over campuses, all over the country.
If you're upset, Project Veritas has got video of a pocket constitution.
And they went, it's scary, I don't want to see.
And then the professors play along because they want a kept group of people they control.
Can you speak to someone recently out of one of these facilities?
In these echo chambers?
Because they're taking the insanity of these echo chambers and these anti-free speech zones and expanding it like a metastasizing, upside-down world, you know, bad science fiction movie.
Yeah, so one of the events I actually did was I created a safe space on campus to mock actual safe spaces.
I upset liberals, but I also upset a bunch of conservatives as well.
We got a baby gate and we had Play-Doh, we had bubbles, diapers, and we were basically saying, if you need a safe space from ideas and from liberty in general, then you look like a baby and you belong in this baby gate.
And the world lost their minds, but it's so funny because it's so true.
That's exactly how they act.
So, because I did that event where I mocked safe spaces and I told everybody that they don't need to be afraid of just having a conversation and talking about ideas, they came out and, you know, held another safe space to let people know that they're safe from me on campus.
Well, of the thousands and thousands of videos I deleted off of our YouTube with billions of views a few weeks ago,
There's all those Owen Schroyer videos and other videos where everywhere we go, the left will never talk on camera.
And people come over and say, don't talk to them.
All they do is chant stuff.
Worse than, you know, the worst Eastern cult.
I mean, it is just crazy.
Yeah, so we actually did an event where we held a change my mind type of thing, like Steven Crowder does.
It was just, we don't believe in gun control, come change our mind, and we were filming some of the interviews that we were doing and some of the conversations we were having, and my cameraman got assaulted.
He, a gun control advocate who believes in peace and tolerance, literally slapped my cameraman, broke his camera, and tried to run away.
I don't know.
If people don't actually believe, you know, that these people are so violent and vicious, it's because they haven't experienced it.
They haven't gone out and actually tried to talk to them.
Because that's how they are.
That's how they truly are.
I also love how David Hawkins called me a con artist and all these names.
But if I even mildly criticize him, they lobby to have my Facebook, which they did, and Twitter and stuff shut down.
It's like he's a god.
He's like, you don't talk about David Hawkins.
He's a god.
I called him twig arms because he literally has the smallest arms I've ever seen on a male.
Harassed on Twitter because of it.
I said I'm you know mocking a school see exactly his arms are so small I'm getting you know, I'm mocking a school shooting victim, but you know, he can call me racist He can you know say stuff about me being white and shooting up a school and that's okay So, you know when I tried to confront him, he actually ran away from me in person which was you know, a great moment for me
I've seen that video.
Let's talk about the latest video you did that's gone super viral.
I know millions of views on other platforms.
What made you think of this?
I think it's a great idea.
It's a peaceful, nice way to get the word out.
Tell folks what you did to Caitlyn Bennett.
Yeah, so I was just at the mall in Ohio and I saw the Apple Store and I was with my boyfriend, which is the founder of Liberty Hangout, and he's like, let's go in there and change all the computers to InfoWars.
And I was like, should we?
And he's like, yeah, let's go do that.
And we kind of looked at each other like, let's go do it.
So we walk in there.
And because Apple has terrible customer service anyway, all of their, you know, like, hipster looking employees were all talking to each other and they weren't paying attention to me.
So I just started changing all the computers and decided, you know, he started filming a video and I was like, you know, let me say something first.
So I said that because, you know, it's peaceful.
It's kind of just a funny way to get back at them for, you know, being so hypocritical in speech and allowing
You know, just racism against whites in, you know, just disgusting speech, as long as it's the liberal agenda.
But they won't allow you to speak of your mind.
So, you know, I stand with Infowars.
I always have.
And it was just my little way of saying, you know.
In your face.
But then I saw it with like 700,000 views on Twitter, and then ran across it on YouTube with half a million, and somewhere else it was like a million.
So it's great little peaceful stunts you do that are changing the world, and if other people do what you're doing, we're not in competition with each other, that's what they can't defeat, and that's why they're so scared.
So because of their censorship, call Talk Radio, call C-SPAN, go speak at city council, speak at the legislature, you know, go to town hall events.
All of us have to get involved the next 78 days.
ahead of the midterms.
Since we mentioned it, for radio listeners, I'm going to play the video here.
Folks can hear the audio of your radio listener.
For TV viewers, obviously you're watching on hundreds of TV affiliates.
That really upsets them.
So they ran that hoax this last week that I was on at a legal radio station, and I'd been raided by SWAT teams.
We were off the air, and even Brett Bart, Bright Bart, or not Bright Bart, what's it?
Brett Baer had that piece coming up.
I never got to that.
He even said it.
But speak of the devil, let's just go to this piece.
Here it is.
So I heard that Apple banned Alex Jones and InfoWars from their iTunes store.
We just wanted to leave them with a little gift.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is undoubtedly the most important protest I've ever done in my life.
Now, again, she used that as a prop.
Maybe that reached 10 people what she did, but she reached millions after it, and that's what you use.
You use the third dimension as a prop, go out and show people what's happening, then put it on the internet.
It's unstoppable.
Amazing job, Kaitlin.
Thank you so much.
It's kind of the same concept with my photo.
I simply took a photo.
You know, doing what liberals don't want women to do is arm themselves and protect themselves to where they don't need the government or the state to protect themselves.
Because in a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act, quote George Orwell.
You know, I think about my three daughters.
And I think about how, you know, I've got them in jiu-jitsu, and they know how to shoot guns, and, you know, if they needed to, they could, you know, fight their brother, not that they fight every once in a while, they do, their older brother.
But the fact that feminists particularly want to keep women all scared and under this weird control and erotic, and the men are the same, that's not feminine or human or male empowerment.
It's a fraud.
They want a bunch of de-basket cases.
It's in the WikiLeaks they want that.
And I'm just sorry.
Libertarian, conservative, just rebel women.
Whether they're black, white, old, young, they're just 50 times sexier.
Even if you know a woman that's kind of a liberal socialist, they're still so neurotic and have so much to prove that it's like, hey, I got a lot of friends, you know, that'll go out and date a girl.
They go, you work with Alex Jones, I want to date you.
He's like, great, I don't want to date you.
A lot of girls want to date him because of that.
But it's like, we don't care, fine.
And I'm kind of glad the left's trying to shun all us now, because that means we can kind of start not being with them.
And they need us a lot more than they need
Right, well there's actually a woman who almost got abducted on Kent State campus a few weeks ago and so I commented on a post and I said maybe she should have been able to arm herself.
All of the feminists came out and shamed her for being out at 2.30 in the morning.
So instead of, you know, women empowerment and saying women have the freedom to do whatever they want, which a woman can walk out at night at 2.30 in the morning.
Oh my gosh, stay there, Caitlin Bennett of LibertyHangout.org.
You just literally read my mind.
I was going to play videos.
In Germany, when women get raped, they say don't wear short skirts.
Court hearings will resume today in lawsuits against radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
I don't know exactly what happened.
Sandy Hook sent him closer.
For years, Alex Jones was the most powerful voice behind a disturbing conspiracy theory that the Sandy Hook shooting was a massive hoax.
He has claimed the school shooting was a hoax.
Alex Jones is making news and the parents of the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut are quite disturbed by some of the messages he's sending out.
People who believe Jones have for years harassed and taunted families of the victims.
The lawsuits filed in April seek at least $1 million in damages.
Jones' comments have caused them a severe degree of mental stress and anguish, which have disrupted their daily routine and caused a high degree of psychological pain.
Parents have said Jones has engaged in a campaign of false, cruel and dangerous assertions.
A theory that Leonard Posner and Veronique De La Rosa say turned their lives upside down.
The parents of six-year-old Noah Posner, who was killed in the Sandy Hook massacre, say Jones' followers have tormented them with death threats, forcing them to move seven times.
I can't imagine being a Sandy Hook parent and having to go through this.
Alex Jones, his commentary about Sandy Hook is disgusting.
It's appalling.
We all stand against it.
9-11 as well.
On the left and the right, we stand against this kind of hate speech, which is what it is.
It's really hard for me to understand how anyone can be so sick in the head.
They're alleging in these lawsuits a conspiracy?
A reporter in the courtroom said that Jones' attorney told the judge today his client's comments are political speech and commentary and not defamatory.
I take a lot of flack coming on your show and representing you.
There are a lot of people angry at me.
Good friends, family... Well, he said CNN's not calling anymore.
And I say, well, you know, tell me, if you hate this guy so much, show me what the problem is, and they'll send me a link to the New York Times, or they'll send me a link to some other article saying, you know, paraphrasing what you said.
I said, yeah, but now bring me to the original source.
And when I go find it, I said, well, that's not really what was said here.
Well then, you know, then there's this backpedal.
It's like, well, he's enabling such speech, or he's encouraging it.
There was another lawsuit this week targeting people that promote conspiracy theories.
It involves InfoWars and the host of InfoWars, Alex Jones.
Already InfoWars is at risk of losing its YouTube channel, and now this lawsuit is trying to take Jones and InfoWars and others to court, saying they're responsible for promoting hoaxes that actually are defamatory toward the people involved.
CNN has been
It's basically a murder for free speech for the last 25 hours.
At the same time, they're telling us how important it is that people should be able to say what they think.
They are agitating for Alex Jones to be pulled off YouTube.
Now, I know we're supposed to think that Alex Jones is way more radical than, like, Bill Maher, Michelle Wolf, or Rosie O'Donnell, but he's got a point of view and CNN is trying to squelch his point of view.
Alex Jones promotes conspiracy theories and foments hatred of media.
He's been called a freak show and downright dangerous.
People have free speech in this country, but no matter how hateful, no matter how stupid, no matter how inane, give them their time, give them Thorazine also.
What is the matter with this person?
I don't like giving people like Alex Jones a platform.
The hypocrisy is just astounding, and I guarantee you that if you flipped over to CNN right now, there would not be a single story about the Twitter shadowbanning, there would not be a single story, and the only story you would see about YouTube pulling Alex Jones videos would be probably something celebratory about, you know,
A scalp of sorts for managing to eventually get their way on that story.
Jones' lawyers will be back in court for a separate defamation case related to the Parkland shooting tomorrow.
This was probably the first time that anybody in that courtroom had actually watched InfoWorlds.
Had actually seen what you said.
And if you watch what you said, and you compare that to what the press has reported that you said, it's as if those two things are happening on two different planets.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to a Frontline Report.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
When they're trying to shut me down, all I care about is humanity winning.
Because I'm the opposite of a sociopath.
And I've got my sins, I've got lust and anger and things like that.
A little bit of slovenliness here and there.
But at the same time, I really see humanity winning as me winning.
So it's like a narcissism, but where you see other people's success as your success.
And the globalists just think I'm an idiot because of that.
They think I'm a moron, a chump, but when I see other people like Caitlin Bennett and Paul Joseph Watson and countless others out there, and our own crew and the great work all they're doing, and the reporters like, you know, Savannah and Rob Due and everybody else, it makes me feel so good.
To be in this society with you.
And they're trying to kill our society.
That's why we've got this vocal thing.
It's an okay chat room system.
People got a register for it.
It's got a AI sensor thing on it that we don't even control.
But, you know, people are signing up and using it.
But that's why they took away disgust from us.
It's why they take almost everything away that works well, because major news sites are getting rid of their comment sections.
Because they don't want you to feel like you have any power.
And so whatever you do, get involved, get vocal, get involved.
Don't feel like you don't have power because you do.
Now next segment, I'll be honest with you, I can only keep my energy level up.
And if they get me barbecue at lunch like they just did, which needs to stop, I feel like I took 14 tranquilizers or something, which is good for me to relax sometimes.
But the news I've got is so earth-shattering, it's like the Death Star plans.
I mean, we know how to beat the globalists, we have it, the President's listening, and then I'm sitting back and it exhausts me actually to go, wow,
I should have opened the broadcast up with this, so I'm going to do it next segment, but it's just really heavy stuff, and it's so important to secure your own family's future, and everybody knows it's not hype.
Why do you think the globalists are so angry at me?
Because I studied history books, and I've had thousands of guests on that are smart, and I've studied the globalists on statements.
I know how to beat them.
You know how to beat them.
They don't like the fact that we've got a relationship.
They want to get in between that.
But we are so close to victory, we're also so close to defeat.
So Caitlin Bennett, I want to thank you for joining us.
We've got about six minutes left.
I just wanted to give you the floor to cover whatever areas you wanted to get into.
I'm just really, you make me feel good.
Seriously, when I lay my head down on the pillow at night, even though they're able to shut me down down the road,
Because I'm not a whiner about it, but they've heard us pretty bad.
That just seems to encourage them, and a lot of smart folks say, Jones, don't tell them that's happened, but all I can do is tell the truth.
So yeah, they've crippled us.
We've got a lot of new viewers, and it blew up in their face.
It didn't go like they thought, but...
It's the stuff you don't know behind the scenes that, you know, they're bad, folks.
They're real bad.
Let me just tell you that.
So I need everybody's prayers, but you specifically, and all the young generation I see, it seems like half the millennials want to be communists in polls, but what about the other half?
And then Generation Z, they're saying it's like 79% pro-life and anti-communist, so it looks like nature's got a weird way of working.
What do you think's really going on?
So what I think is going on is my generation, especially in college campuses right now, it's so different than what a lot of older people remember.
Like I said, they have safe spaces now.
They hand out pamphlets about, you know, being anti-Trump or anti-conservative.
They literally ask you to turn in students for committing hate speech.
So if someone offends you on campus,
You go to a faculty member or even Student Conduct, and you turn in this person and give them their name, and they can either be, you know, reprimanded, expelled, or, you know, suspended.
It's crazy.
So, what we have to do as young people, my generation, still on college campuses, and even younger when you get to college campuses, you have to be, you know, just have the motivation
Have the confidence to go out there and stand up for what you believe in.
If you're a conservative, I know that it can be so, you know, scary and hard and intimidating to go out there and say your beliefs.
But trust me, once you get out there and do it, it'll feel so good.
It's so nice to be able to stand up for what you believe in.
When the first thing I ever witnessed on a college campus was the Black Lives Matter group on campus ruined
A festival we were having on campus by blocking out where everybody walked.
They literally blocked it like they block highways.
And they did this on my campus.
It took me hours to get into Trump's inauguration and the New York Times looked me in my eyes and said that didn't happen.
Even though it was all over the news.
I mean it happens.
I've seen that on Facebook and on the news and everything but when I got to college and I saw it happening I kind of turned to my friends I was like
Oh my gosh, this is real.
Like, they really block people's paths to go places because they want attention and they want to push a false narrative that blacks or people of color are being targeted by police or even by, you know, gun owners, which that's simply not the truth.
The statistics are not on their side at all.
It's all just a false narrative.
Sure, well, expanding on that though, I mean, if you look at what's happening,
They know it's about power.
They're training you to accept their power.
I don't care about black people.
It's all led by weirdo white people.
I don't want to put white people down.
It just is.
It's like most serial killers are white people.
I mean, white people aren't good in ways or bad in ways, but statistically they got some problems.
Like every other group has its own weirdnesses.
Let's just be honest.
But it's a bunch of weird neurotic white people is what I've learned who just want power because they never did anything in their lives, but they just sit there in these weird institutions and try to make you submit to them.
Right, absolutely.
And I love it that I didn't listen.
And I love it that I have a lot of people on Kent State campus that I was able to influence to not listen to them either.
I had to sit through so many professors telling me why I should support abortion.
I was in architecture class and he was telling me why I should support abortion.
And I'm like, what does this have to do with the Taj Mahal?
This has nothing to do with any architecture.
Uh oh, this is true authoritarianism.
Let's play famous Melissa Click at Missouri State that lost 30% of its enrollees after this saying because a white guy who goes to school there, who's actually Asian, isn't allowed to come.
She says, get me some muscle.
This is who's running Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
Here it is.
I'm media.
Can I talk to you?
No, you need to get out.
You need to get out.
No, I don't.
You need to get out.
I actually don't.
All right.
Hey, who wants to help me get this reporter out of here?
I need some muscle over here.
So it's all about them carrying out violence, and then we can't even politically speak out.
That's what it is.
Let me ask this final question.
I want to have you back soon.
I'm very impressed with what you're doing at LibertyHangout.org and all the work you're doing.
Thanks for supporting Infowars.
What about people who don't even call themselves conservatives, that are just common sense or pro-free speech or classical liberals?
Because that's more of what I've always been.
It's just, don't give me a label.
I don't care what somebody's doing in their bedroom or whatever.
I'm not obsessed with that like they are.
It's the thing of like, they're always in my face.
Like, what do you call it?
Just, I don't want to be in a cult.
Right, so I think a lot of people who are in the middle that don't really subscribe to either side, they kind of find themselves, I believe, being pushed towards the more right-wing side because they see how crazy the liberals are acting and how crazy, you know, college campuses have become.
So, I mean, with them acting so crazy like that, it works in our favor, just like we talked about before.
I've seen so many people say, you know, message me, you know, I'm not really that big on gun rights.
I'm kind of in the middle about gun control, but seeing all the death threats that have been thrown at you and how many people just insult you, not even on your beliefs, but on your appearances or, you know, just the way you look and the way you present yourself, I have become more prone to gun rights.
They recognize the thugism.
It's amazing.
Caitlin Bennett, thank you so much.
Brandon, please, lay out what you said and then also how they're attacking you and, you know, their ridiculous disinfo.
Because when people walk away from the Democrats, and in capitals across the country and in D.C., come together and hug each other, left and right, for a future of America and the Antifa shows up and there's only a half dozen of them, it is going to be
Martin Luther King level, I have a dream stuff.
I mean I just know destiny when I hear it.
I think you should tell people your millennium level idea.
I mean it's it's like one of those ideas that you only hear a few times in a lifetime and usually people ignore it.
This is history.
That's why there's just so please tell folks the idea you came up with.
Yeah, you got it, Alex.
You know, a lot of what's coming out of the left right now is this narrative that my campaign is Russian bots, which is absolutely ridiculous.
Of course, we have real people giving testimonials for the WalkAway campaign.
But it sort of sparked an idea in my mind, since there's going to be a lot of naysayers out there who are going to try to dismiss this campaign and what's happening with WalkAway.
As bots and as not real, I thought to myself, you know, what we really need to do is I'm going to organize a walk away march on Washington, a nationwide walk away march.
And what this is going to be is really unifying people from the left, unifying people from the right, bringing everybody together kind of on the same page.
And listen, if you're not walking away from the Democrat Party, that's fine.
But I think that at this point, people should at least be willing to say, I'm walking away from the hatefulness.
I'm walking away from the divisiveness.
I'm walking away from the violent rhetoric and the division.
So this is what I want to do.
I want to, in the fall, have an amazing demonstration organization nationwide where we do a nationwide march on Washington.
I want it to be the biggest, most incredible and most powerful march this nation has ever seen.
You need to be flooded, folks.
And believe me, I know at a gut level what's going to work and what's not.
So if people fund this, I couldn't see a better place for people to do it.
So I'm pledging $10,000 that we'll donate right after the show to the account.
I want it online.
I want people to see that happen.
So please make sure that happens.
Well, there are two ways that people can donate.
I've set up a GoFundMe and I've set up a Patreon account.
Both of these things are accessible if they go to walkawaycampaign.com and click on sponsorship.
The GoFundMe is great if you're somebody who's just able to make a one-time donation of any amount.
We appreciate anything that you can do.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you so much.
I had a feeling that you would be somebody who would be very enthusiastic about this and I feel exactly the same way you do.
It was my idea, but I also thought to myself, this is something that really, possibly, not only has the potential to do a lot of healing, but possibly even preventing a civil war.
And you're just saying, just walk away.
Like, it means don't fight.
It means, just, just don't be under this cult control.
Oh, this is divinely inspired.
I'm telling, I know the zeitgeist when I'm close to it, and I am now in the center of it.
Oh, ooh.
Everybody else is just like yellow or clear and that's because it's been denatured, it's been watered down.
We didn't do that.
You think I would metaphysically tell you something that is the very best I can get?
I'd rather go to hell than do that.
I will only give you the maximum best info, the maximum truth, the maximum product, because I want that goodwill!
What I do to you, I do to myself.
Don't you get the big secret?
You ever seen fish oil look like that?
No, you've never seen that, have you?
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Find out how even the FDA and the government admits fish oil is incredible.
The number one thing anybody can do for themselves is take good fish oil or krill oil.
Just like our information is dynamite, so are our products in forestore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
You are watching, or you are listening to, either live or later on a podcast or a video somewhere,
The most restricted, most banned, most attacked radio slash TV news program in the world.
I don't say that with a lot of pleasure, because it's not a fight I asked for, it's a fight that I was basically commissioned into by my conscience.
But here we are, ladies and gentlemen, and we face the future, we face fulfilling our own destinies.
I have seen in my life
Everything I've been through, everything God has allowed to happen to me as preparation for now where we are.
And I've seen the hand of God in things.
I know God's real.
I know Jesus Christ is real.
And I know that it's real for thousands of reasons, but particularly because of how the enemy and the globalists attack it and how they want to destroy it.
And so I know that if I follow my spirit,
If I follow my instincts, if I follow my discernment, that whatever happens, whatever God's plan is, I can't figure it out.
But in the end, in hindsight, I go, God, that's incredible.
That's God.
When we say God, that's not blasphemy.
That's some Baptist church telling that to make you guilty.
They're Pharisees.
You go, God!
When you see a beautiful vista of the Rocky Mountains, of the Grand Tetons, or you're child-born, you go, God!
You say, Jesus, your heart means you love God.
You're saying God made this.
Now if you say curse somebody in God's name, then that's using the Lord's name in vain.
Using God's name to curse somebody in the name of hurt this person, that's black magic.
Even if you're using God's name.
If you order God to do something in God's name, you don't order God to do anything.
You say, God, whatever you think the better plan is, whatever there is, but if you could squeeze my kids in and protect them, please do it.
If you can't, I understand.
That's how you really pray to God.
You don't tell God what to do.
You just say, help me.
I'm weak.
I need help.
Please give me guidance.
Please direct me.
You don't tell God what to do.
But I know in these trials and tribulations we're going through right now,
That I feel the closest to God I've ever been, and I wouldn't really do anything different than I've done it, because I can see the hand of God even on my mistakes.
It's like in pool, they call it English, when you know how to hit a ball and make it spin and go in a different direction and hit another one.
It's like, I've done stuff that I didn't do.
And it didn't seem like at the time it was making sense, but I was asking God to literally, I just go with my discernment, even if it doesn't sound right.
And the more I do it, the more the enemy hates me.
The more I just go with what my spirit says, the more the enemy just goes, this guy has to be shut down.
Because God doesn't take over your free will, you have to give your free will to God.
And I've done it, to a great extent.
I'd say I'm like 90% turned over to God right now.
I'd say most people who even try, maybe you're half, and I'm not bragging, I just know I'm really turned over.
And it's like the understanding opens up so big.
That's why you read, like in the Bible, people say, God, just take me home.
I just want to be with you, who are super awake, because they've already got such massive understanding that they don't even want to be here anymore.
They're not suicidal.
It's that they've already seen so far
And so much that nothing on this earth matters anymore but their children and their souls.
And it's the souls of the people and the souls of the children that we've got to protect.
This earth is an amazing creation of God for us to live on in this experiment, but it's only an experiment and a test for us.
It will perish.
The earth will pass away.
It's like an egg passes away when an embryonic bird grows in it and it uses its egg tooth to crack out of it.
InfoWars is like the egg tooth.
I don't even know everything on the other side.
I just know there's a bigger picture.
And so I'm like trying to get us out.
You're trying to get us out.
We're pecking on the egg.
We're pecking on the shell.
And we can already see light.
But there's a spirit that wants us to die in the egg.
And never go to the next level.
They want us to die in the cage, die in the cave, and I can tell you it's not going to happen.
A large measure of humanity will go to the next level.
I just am not like a eugenicist who gets on a power trip about others that fail and feel big because they fall beside.
Because just because you can understand this and then decide to try to control it, like we're about to be incredibly powerful, we're way more powerful than a human was a thousand years ago.
Not physically, but technologically.
So just because you have glimpsed human potential means because others don't, you're going to dumb them down so they don't get the future?
That is an elementary failure.
The future is unlimited.
The infinity symbol
is unlimited.
And you don't grasp infinity unless you realize that everyone can be part of infinity.
It's a very low-level, third-dimensional, second-dimensional thing, competition.
The enemy tries to take competition out so that people are basically stunted and controlled so that they can compete and suppress you.
But once you compete to a level breaking through that, then you realize that it was like training wheels.
And now it's not even about competition.
It's about can you embrace?
Can you even begin to imagine the mind of God?
Like, can you interface with this?
And maybe you could take power on this level, but can you take power on the next level?
Because you think you're not a Satanist at this level, but how about you experience this?
And you think that would be like women or palaces or... No, no, no.
It's not having your planet wiped out.
It's suppressing other groups and controlling them so that you can survive.
See, that's a glimpse of the next level.
And turning loose and letting your entire species be wiped out because God told you so.
But then right like that, you're resurrected in a second and already back.
And that's just a... That's not even wisdom of God.
That's more like low-level
Souls staring up from the third dimension to the fifth, sixth, seventh dimension and like beginning to try to even understand the mind of God.
See, because it's just, it's, it's, it's an endless fractal permutation of mathematics compressed and then released and big bangs and implosions and just exploding and floating over and over again to even understand that the main driver is total free will.
But how do you exercise free will in a way that doesn't hurt others?
And that's a big question.
You know, you'd think I'd be all ramped up, the president responding to us and, you know, putting out little messages, you know.
The New York Times pointed out, this is an exact Alex Jones quote in the last tweet.
Like, well, of course it is.
But it isn't like Trump needed to, like, plagiarize me.
You don't even get it.
The point is, is that you think I'd all be amped up by that and, like, ready to go into the next attack.
But it's not even like that.
I need to play Brian Stelter, I need to play this Mark Daish piece, but it's very hard for me to look at Lester Holt or him.
It's not because I hate him.
It's just, can you imagine the generations of people that came from, all their souls were lost.
I mean, these are generational demons, man.
These people are gone from birth, they're gone.
And when you look at them, you realize that they are the black maw of hell.
The Rat Pack.
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Ladies and gentlemen, this is a momentous moment.
Thank you, Dr. Groot.
I will activate my muscles by doing push-ups.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is it.
This is the move.
This is unprecedented.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to see what happens right now.
Oh my God!
What the hell?
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Get out of here!
Shut this down!
This is not safe!
This is not... Hold on!
Settle down!
Get another doctor.
Something's wrong.
Something's wrong with him helping.
Ladies and gentlemen, we did not intend for that to happen.
I take it personally.
Do not have those problems.
Again, these are authorized herbs.
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Please, doctor.
Doctor, wait a minute.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're just going to cut the commercial for just a moment.
Cut, cut, cut.
Get everybody out of here.
Super Male Vitality.
It's awesome.
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Oh my God!
What the hell?
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Let's see if I can do it again.
It takes some focus.
Up, up, and away!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on.
Or you're mine.
I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind.
There was something so pleasant about that place.
Even your emotions had an echo in so much space.
When you're out there.
And when you're out there, without care, yeah I was out of touch.
But it wasn't that I didn't know enough.
I knew too much.
Does that make me crazy?
Maybe it does.
Listen, I haven't had time to watch a lot of the pro Alex Jones videos because I was so busy just trying to keep us on air and battling with all the other attacks and I'm not complaining, but I asked for this.
Let me tell you, it's been intense.
They're hitting us on every front.
A lot of stuff I can't get into here on air.
Thank you for your prayers, your support.
But then, this weekend, I spent some time, because my girls were with their mom for a few days, and I went and saw the folks that were supporting us.
And Mark Dice put out like 10 videos.
I watched them all.
He's so talented.
He's so funny.
And I have a real problem.
Like, Lester Holt lying about me and the video that I really said, it hurt so bad.
Not that he was attacking me, that he is such a liar.
Because, you know, Lester Holtz is a pretty good anchor.
I mean, he's a likable guy that I couldn't even on air play the clip and show him to be a liar.
It's like, I just am sick of it.
I don't know how to explain it.
I just can't even defend myself anymore.
I just, like, they're just liars.
Stelter's a liar.
They're all liars.
And I just, at a certain point, when they said that Trump threw out the Martin Luther King bus, fine, he did then, you goddamn liars!
Excuse me, I don't mean to take the Lord's name in vain.
I'm sorry.
The point is, is it pisses me off, man.
I'm sick of how these people just lie their asses off all day, and at a certain point, I don't even want to respond to them anymore.
They took down my YouTube, they blocked my Twitter, they deleted all our stuff, and then they filed a lawsuit against me saying I destroyed Sandy Hook evidence, when they're the ones lobbying to have my damn channel taken down!
35,000 videos!
And it's just that they're so corrupt.
They hurt me that they're so bad.
It's not that they're hurting me.
I can't believe Brian Stelter is such a degenerate liar that lets her hold reading off that Soros script from Media Matters.
But man, they all did it!
But it made me feel good to watch Mark Dice.
I sat there Saturday morning and watched like eight or nine videos of his.
Those even more I didn't watch, that's why I just said 10 or maybe more.
He fully, even though he'd get blocked off YouTube, he defended me.
And what matters is he has courage.
And it's just so good to see somebody that he just sold out.
Makes me sick.
Makes me sick how they lie.
It's not about me, it's just that, you know,
Man, they had the Daily Show say that I am the KKK, or not the Daily Show, whatever Colbert's show is, NBC, ABC, I don't know.
I played it last week.
They got some TV show on HBO where they say I'm a, say the Jews didn't die in World War II, and it's just like, I never said that, and why do you think you'll get away with it, man?
It's, all I'm telling you is the lies are ten times worse than ever.
I don't know what they're planning.
I do, they're planning to overthrow Trump.
They're planning to cause civil war, they're planning to do everything, but
I don't want to run stuff, but let me tell you something.
I'm not going to be run by these people.
That's all I'm saying is I'm sick of it.
I'm tired of being lied about.
I'm tired of being lied about America.
I'm tired of being lied about you!
And I'm sick of their crap.
And I just want America to wake up and the world to wake up.
And it's happening.
That's the good news.
And to watch them triple down, quadruple down, quintuple down, infinity down, lying.
It's just like, why do I gotta respond when they tell some big-ass lie?
Well, I got to.
But at a certain point, when somebody's told you 10,000 lies, you stop listening.
And after that, people start getting in trouble!
Lester Holt, I didn't call for violence, you liar!
And if you're gonna say I did, you show the proof!
You don't accuse me of something and I don't show it!
And how much do you insult your audience that you post crap like that?
See, I can't even play the Brian Stelter clip.
He just drives me crazy, man.
He's like a vision of hell.
He could be the star of the next Hellraiser, man.
That dude's bad.
My whole genetics, every cell goes... When I see Brian Stelter, it just goes...
Every ancestor, every cell I got, my spirit says, man, that dude is bad news, baby.
And not because he's powerful, but because he's weak.
He's so tuned into evil, he's like the definition of a sack of evil.
And a liar that perches up there and says he controls our free speech and he's in charge and he's my God.
I'm not your slave, Stelter, and I'll never be.
But I know you want slaves because you're so fallen.
Look at that evil creature that will serve the dark side.
Let's go to, let's go to part of Dice's report.
Here it is.
NBC's Lester Holt is pressuring Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to suspend President Trump from Twitter for violating their terms of service because he called Omarosa, the former White House staffer now selling a fake book about her experience at the White House, a dog.
The President of the United States yesterday called a woman, Omarosa, that dog.
Would that violate your terms of service?
So we do have a clause within our terms of service around public interest and around newsworthiness.
We believe it's important for the world to hear.
That Omarosa is a dog and even CNN's April Ryan calls her a liar and says she's evil?
We believe it's important for the world to hear directly from global leaders.
How they think, and how they treat the people around them.
You don't make a distinction, however, you know, over policy, talking about taxes or tariffs versus calling a person a dog.
We make an understanding of who is actually saying that, and whether they are a global leader, whether they are a public figure.
So NBC News is trying to make the case that the president calling someone a dog or anyone calling someone a dog on Twitter is a violation of the terms of service.
And Twitter hall monitor CNN's little Brad Stelter tattled on President Trump for his tweets about North Korea before that whole situation thankfully got smoothed over.
In fact, I've asked a Twitter spokesman, does this violate Twitter's terms of service?
And speaking of Twitter's terms of service, they've now suspended Alex Jones for one week for supposedly violating them.
As I'm sure you know, it's the only major social media platform that hasn't completely banned him, but now he's on a seven-day
Time out for tweeting this tweet!
Trump must take action against web censorship!
Of course, CNN has been cyber-stalking Alex Jones for months, completely obsessed with getting him banned from the entire internet, tattling on every little tweet.
And here's NBC's Lester Holt pressuring CEO Twitter Jack Dorsey to completely ban him from the only remaining platform that hasn't.
Alex Jones on Twitter posted this week what essentially is a video calling for people to get their battle rifles ready against the media, saying it's time to act, it's gotta be done now, move criminally against people.
Send a chill up my spine, how about yours?
First of all, you don't have a spine, and second of all, I'm gonna have to watch that video for myself because I can't trust a single thing that NBC nothing but crap reports on.
It's time politically, and economically, and judiciously, and legally, and criminally, to move against these people.
It's got to be done now.
It sounded to me like he just said to act politically, judiciously, economically, and legally against the system that's trying to bring down this country and our freedom of speech.
When he used the word criminally in his list of tactics, he wasn't encouraging people to commit crimes like Lester Holt is claiming.
He meant the criminal justice system to indict the criminals, the saboteurs, and the deep state leakers.
Saying it's time to act, it's gotta be done now, move criminally against people.
They want Alex Jones deleted from the internet so bad, YouTube may take this video down and issue me a strike just for talking about him, like they did to the H3 Podcast channel.
Wow, that's good.
Go to MarkDice.com.
He's been truly on fire lately.
He's always on fire, but he's like in fuego, in fuego, in fuego.
And I feel good knowing Mark Dice is there because...
We're going to make it through this together.
You know, I didn't even plug products this hour.
They're trying to shut us down.
Please go to InfoWareStore.com.
Get our t-shirts, get our books, our big sale ends today.
It really makes me know we can move forward if we're bringing the funds in.
But here's the big deal.
I'm just going to the end.
I'm just going all the way to the end, so that's what matters.
And, um, it's a big experiment.
It's been amazing.
But thanks to all of you, we're standing up at the front lines against the big demons having a big effect.
So, we'll be right back with one more segment.
Then, once more, it's coming in to take over.
You know, it's at the fourth hour.
Then, you know, it's the war room with Roger Stone and so much more.
We'll be back.
Spread that link.
They hate it.
We need your support in this epic war against censorship.
You have no idea the millions of dollars it will cost Alex Jones and InfoWars to fight the malicious, baseless harassment lawsuits that have been filed against InfoWars across the country.
These stories, these lawsuits have two purposes.
One is to generate vicious negative headlines that can then be cited in turn as the basis for silencing our voices at YouTube, on Facebook, on Twitter, and so on.
It is going to cost literally millions of dollars to fight this Soros-funded onslaught against InfoWars.
We cannot do it alone.
Therefore, I ask you to go to the InfoWars site now and find the location where you can make a contribution.
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Yes, some InfoWarriors have sent as much as $1,000 or more.
Because they know that this is the single most important challenge we face.
Whether we win in 2018 and 2020, whether we can keep the new American Revolution going, whether the free ideas expressed here at InfoWars are allowed to continue are really up to you.
The entire question is up to you.
We need your support.
We do not exaggerate the stakes or the dangers.
We are not crying wolf.
Please go to the Infowars.com site now and support us with your dollars.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Old Alcee Hastings.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Old Alcee Hastings.
Member of Congress.
Comes out and makes a joke about Trump dying.
And it's all cute and funny and ha ha ha like all the Democrats calling for Ivanka Trump to be kidnapped and raped or Barron Trump to be kidnapped and raped by pedophiles by Peter Fonda.
It's all cute and funny.
But then just saying that I claimed that there was all this violence planned and that I was planning to do all these things and I was going to kill all these people and I had battle rifles.
There's no clip.
There's no tweet.
There's no nothing.
But they just say it because that's who they are.
They've been lying so long it works.
Why not keep going?
So let's go ahead and go to this congressman.
You know, this guy that's part of the establishment, virtue signaling to a bunch of narcissists that are at some stupid Democrat event about how they want Trump to die.
Here it is.
Do you know the difference between a crisis and a catastrophe?
So, you got a billion and a half Chinese slaves.
You've got people under total globalist control and you've got all these spoiled rotten brats bitching and complaining that there's somebody trying to bring jobs back and turn the country on.
Here's this flashback.
It's up on Infowars.com from earlier this year.
Soros back groups gloat over colluding with big tech to censor conservatives.
They tell their shareholders, they tell people to donate.
Don't worry, we're gonna shut them all down.
We got America in our crosshairs.
And they're going down big time.
Well, we've got NewsWars.com, we've got InfoWars.com, we've got PrisonPlanet.com, and we're just here.
Trying to tell the truth.
Let's go out with creepy realistic humanoid robot footage.
Send shivers through Twitter.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
And it just shows what the establishment is breeding, what it's creating, that will follow all its orders.
But I'll tell you, mechanical isn't as powerful as genetic.
And it's the biological androids, it's the humanoids, that they've already created, the cross-species, you name it, that are the real issue.
So let's go out to break with some of this.
Here it is.
So, that abomination is not the issue.
The issue is that the establishment is telling you you're ugly, you're done, it's over, go crawl in a hole, die, the future's coming, humans are extinct, roll over to whatever it is they're trying to build.
That is the main issue, is that
The last thing for these billionaire corrupt pedophiles is human exterminism and dominating you and your family.
And so their religion is ending human biological systems, taking full control of the planet and playing God.
So they're your sworn enemy.
I would take heed of that and be aware of it.
Alright folks, coming up, Owen Schroyer in studio, locked and loaded with Bayer.
And whatever you do, however you're listening on TV, radio, or local internet, spread those links.
It makes George Soros and other Nazi collaborator scumbags so angry.
We're only 78 days out from the election.
78 days from history.
Now's the time to hit those afterburners.
Please stay with us.
Have you heard?
InfoWars is getting banned across the internet.
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter.
They're all censoring us.
I need you to share these links to the videos and the websites and the stories at InfoWars.com immediately.
And remember, if you can hear my voice, you are the revolution.
Everything we do here at InfoWars is possible with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
We have huge specials.
If you've not seen the InfoWars store yet, go check it out.
New t-shirts at the InfoWars store as well, including one that I just got.
The new InfoWars hexagon logo.
Very, very cool logo.
And kind of more discreet, so a radical liberal might not come over and try to punch you in the face or spit on you.
So it's all possible thanks to your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
Huge discount store-wide right now.
You've found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
So here's the deal.
Right now, you have the radical left being led by the Democrat Party, threatening conservatives, harassing conservatives, assaulting conservatives.
If you wear a Trump hat, they'll rip it off your head, light it on fire, spit on it, throw a drink at you.
And somehow, though, while the Democrats are saying, tell them they're not welcome, push back, create a crowd, inciting this violence,
The media goes on air every day saying Trump supporters are Nazis, racist, white supremacists, bigots, Trump's a Nazi, he rapes women.
All the nonsense, this all comes from the political left in America, and then somehow
While engaging in all of that nefarious activity, they have the unmitigated nerve to point their finger at Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, at the American people that support Donald Trump, and at anybody who is right of Stalin.
They point the finger and they say, you're being violent.
You're inciting violence.
You're being divisive.
And then as soon as they're done telling you how violent you are, how divisive you are, they then go, I don't know, throw a drink at a lady wearing a Trump hat.
Go out and spit at someone that has an InfoWars mic.
Maybe you're in an Antifa group, you wanna go burn a car, smash windows.
So I go out this weekend,
Where there was a march for peace against political violence organized by some local groups and some national groups.
There was also one in San Jose and elsewhere.
There was one in Seattle.
There's footage of that too.
I'm going to air some of that on The War Room today.
And Will Johnson is going to be joining me here in just 30 minutes to discuss what he witnessed at the same event against violence on the West Coast.
How is it?
I mean, this should have been in the Twilight Zone.
I guess the reason why they had to retire the Twilight Zone is because we're now living in the Twilight Zone.
So it's not as interesting now, see?
See, real life is now more interesting than the Twilight Zone because I live in the Twilight Zone.
But how is it that they're able to get away
With being violent, being intolerant, being divisive, lying, just about everything.
They just lie about everything.
Oh, they lie about Trump.
They lie about Trump supporters.
They lie about the election.
They lie about Russia.
They just lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.
It's all they do.
And then they call you fake news.
They spit in your face, shove you down, silence you, muzzle you.
And then say, look at you, you violent, intolerant bigot.
You're a white male.
And they're able to get away with all of it.
Or how about, what is fascism?
What is fascism?
Well let's see, here in America, you've got tech giants, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Google, Apple, they can share, they basically make up about 90%, we're being conservative here, 90% of the web traffic goes through those sites, and 90% of online marketing goes through those sites.
When you have that much of a stranglehold on the market, this is why we have antitrust laws in this country.
But so that's what you've got.
Google, Apple, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook all working together to silence political speech.
And if you really understand fascism, even then you might be able to get away with saying, still free market.
Oh, but wait.
Because guess what?
The Democrat Party is involved.
Who do you think is telling Facebook and YouTube and Twitter to silence Alex Jones?
The Democrat Party.
So, when you have leaders from the Democrat Party that are in Congress calling on the tech giants that make up 90% of online market shares, and you're telling them to silence an individual or to silence a certain point of view, you are now engaging in fascism.
That is the textbook definition for fascism right now, happening in the Democrat Party and in the wings of Twitter and Google and Facebook and Apple and YouTube.
And it's all going on right now.
But just like how they get away with violence and point the finger at you and say you're violent, just how they get away with rigging elections and then say you rigged an election, just how they get away with being racists and then claim you're a racist, they get away with fascism and claim you're a fascist.
But I've actually found the answer to defeating Antifa, believe it or not.
I have actually discovered the answer to defeat Antifa.
And you might think that I'm just here doing a radio tease, which I am.
But I actually now have the formula to defeat Antifa.
But you're going to have to wait until Will Johnson joins me at 2.30 Central to hear it.
But I actually now know how to defeat Antifa.
And it's amazing how it went over our heads for so long, but it was so obvious.
So, when Will Johnson joins me from Unite America First at 2.30, I am going to announce how to defeat Antifa.
Now, in the meantime, obviously we are under enormous attack here at InfoWars, and thanks to your support at InfoWarsStore.com, we're able to operate InfoWars.com, InfoWars.com slash show, InfoWarsStore.com.
NewsWars.com, InfoWars.Europe, I mean it just goes on and on and on and it's all possible with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
Let's see here, last day, last day, Fight the Bullies, Save the Internet, Save InfoWars, super special.
This is the last day for some of these specials.
40% off Brain Force Plus.
50% off all Super Blue products.
Guys, let's check that out.
50% off all Super Blue products.
Now, you've got mouthwash, you've got toothpaste, and you've got the immune gargle, and it's all 50% off right now.
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You're saving $50 on that right now at InfowarsStore.com.
But seriously, I mean, that's like the easiest way.
I'm assuming everyone here brushes their teeth.
So that means I'm assuming you wear, or you use toothpaste when you're brushing your teeth.
So, hmm.
Everyone uses toothpaste.
Everyone brushes their teeth.
Let's see.
Here's a radical idea.
Let's sell toothpaste.
Wait a second, let's take it one step further.
Let's remove the poisonous fluoride from the toothpaste and then sell it to you with the added beneficial ingredients nascent iodine and colloidal silver.
Oh my gosh, genius!
Then let's sell it at 50% off.
That's what we'll do.
And that's how we'll have victory.
So that's what we do.
50% off, super blue fluoride-free toothpaste right now at InfoWarsTore.com.
But you know what?
Don't take my word for it that your toothpaste has poison in it.
Just flip your tube around, read the back label, and it says, harmful if swallowed.
Contact poison control if swallowed.
It has 0.014% fluoride in it.
Harmful if swallowed.
But when they put that much in your drinking water, drink away.
It's free.
The government loves you.
So this is Owen Schroer hosting the fourth hour for Alex Jones here.
Is that Russian propaganda I see?
It was about 25 years ago that I began to read publicly available books that had been written for the State Department and for the CIA by top professors at Georgetown, Harvard, and Yale.
So that the CIA and other agencies could understand the complex political system they were building.
And in short, it was going to be called a technocracy.
But it was going to fund communism and socialism and fascism.
But really what it was, was crony capitalism.
So decades later, after fighting against this, humanity is somewhat awake to the threat.
But at the same time, despite all our successes, changing this paradigm really is an inside job.
It's up to us personally.
So, I don't feel sorry for myself being demonized by mainstream media and being attacked and the globalists filing frivolous lawsuits.
I expected that to happen.
This is 21st century warfare.
I just wanna make sure that you, the listeners, and you, the viewers, many of you already understand this, so I'm not patronizing those of you that are already awake, but I wanna make sure all of you realize this isn't just some more entertainment.
This isn't just some other talking head.
The reason they hate what we cover is because I and others have researched what they actually are planning, and it is nightmarish, it is authoritarian, it is eugenics-based, it is anti-human.
And we've already come so far together
Then I know that if each and every one of you will just go research these issues for yourself, you will find out how real it is and understand it's not your duty.
It is your basic survival to stand up against this anti-human onslaught.
If you go back into history, it was 3% that volunteered for the Revolutionary War back in 1776.
But if you look at the Infowars audience, it's maybe 10% of the United States, another 10% or so worldwide.
I think that's a conservative estimate.
But we have 50, 60, 70 million people listening.
We have more than that that have tuned in over the years.
The point is, is that if you look at that, that's less than 3% of the world population.
So what you're doing has already changed the world and instead of sitting here and going into each product and telling you how great they are, I'm just going to encourage you to go research them yourselves because you're funding our operation.
Just like our information has changed the world, any products we sell
Our game changing.
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So, Super Blue Silver Immune Gargle is also the latest product we've got at Infowarslife.com.
Without you, we couldn't do it.
So, thank you all for remembering Infowarsstore.com and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Infowars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today and now, your host, Owen Troyer.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
When I conclude the fourth hour here of the Alex Jones Show, I hop over to our other studio and host the War Room from 3 to 6 p.m.
Central weekdays with my co-host Roger Stone.
Looking forward to that.
Got some big news coming up there.
I've got my secret on how to defeat Antifa with Will Johnson coming up in the next segment.
But, glad to announce here for all Alex Jones fans and listeners of this broadcast and fans of InfoWars, Alex Jones will be on Coast to Coast AM with George Norrie this evening or this morning, depending on where you are located on the world map.
Coast to Coast AM with George Norrie featuring Alex Jones tonight.
You're not going to want to miss that, George Norrie.
One of the most class acts in radio is George Norrie.
And if you're into the paranormal or the weird, and George has even kind of tied that in with politics here lately, Coast to Coast AM is a great source for information and very entertaining talk show that's been around for a long time.
One of the biggest in the world, folks.
And tonight Alex Jones goes on with George Norrie.
So be sure to tune in to that.
We thank George Norrie for always standing up for truth and free speech in America.
Now, I'm sitting here in the break just racking my brain because in the last segment I mentioned some of the double standards that we're seeing of the left and some of the violence that we see coming from the left while they say
Oh yeah, Trump's the one causing the violence.
Oh yeah, it's Trump supporters getting violence.
No, no.
Breitbart.com has the rap sheet, actually.
It's 555, I believe it's up to 555 documented, this is documented cases of assault and harassment on Trump supporters and media.
And if you go ahead and look at some of the most recent ones up there, guess who you're gonna find?
Your boy.
So I thank Breitbart for including the harassment that I've received.
They even give InfoWars a mention on there.
There you go.
They put the wrong date on that one.
That was actually back in December of last year when Antifa was holding guns to me at the park.
And then, of course, I was in Antifa.
I was in Portland.
I guess they could rename the city of Portland to Antifa.
It'd be the same thing.
And they were harassing me.
And guess what?
I've got more coming.
They spit at our female reporter, Savannah Hernandez.
They spit at our other female reporter in New York.
They spit at our cameraman.
They spit at me.
So I've got other well-documented cases that I'll be submitting to Breitbart's rap sheet.
Don't you worry.
But we're still waiting.
Man, I've been waiting so long I've grown a beard.
I've been waiting for CNN or Media Matters or even the official Democrat Party.
Been waiting so long for them to put out a list of all the violence against them.
All the violence against Bernie supporters.
If you wear a Bernie hat, you get assaulted and harassed.
Haven't seen that.
All the violence and harassment against Clinton supporters.
Yet to see that.
No violence against the liberals out there, it's always the conservatives!
So what are they complaining about?
Where's the list?
I'm growing a beard out here!
Now this is a tweet from Brandon Lewis, an individual I met this Saturday at the March for Peace.
So he joined me out there and he got flipped off, called a Nazi, fascist, white supremacist, all the other insults.
And he documented it here in some images.
Go ahead and flip through those.
And you know, I just want to say this, too.
It's just incredible to me.
Yeah, you might want to remove that one, guys.
There's a... I don't know if you saw what was in that picture.
There's a naked woman.
So... Yes.
Antifa now shows up naked women.
I'm not even going to make the old school nursery rhyme joke about what that woman could have thrown over her shoulders.
I just wanted to show the picture of me with the InfoWars fan before that Antifa walrus invaded the frame.
So can we go back?
Here, hold on.
Let's go back.
I want to show the picture of the actual nice young gentleman that I met this weekend.
If we could just flash that image.
I just want to flash that image because, so there it is, thank you.
Now this is after we have to censor out the Antifa walrus that shows up naked.
So I can't even, I can't even go through, I can't even go through full, full video and pictures of these people on air without properly vetting and censoring and blurring out anything I have to.
Did you guys see that back there?
Did you take a second, look at that?
Mm-hmm, yeah.
How does the old rhyme go?
Yeah, there's the Antifa walrus.
Yeah, she's not putting rifles over her shoulders, folks.
Okay, Will Johnson's joining me on the other side.
This is what we're going to talk about, though.
This is what we're going to talk about, because we'll witness this, but I'll tell you what, here's what I've realized.
There's actually two ways we can defeat Antifa.
And I'm going to get into it on the other side with Will Johnson, but it's more, it's honestly more important now than ever to go out and document these events.
You have to go out and document these radical crazies out in the streets.
That's how we're going to take this country back.
That's how we're going to win the midterms.
I mean, think about it, folks.
This is honestly a new phenomenon.
And I'm not trying to sit here and pat myself on the back because, you know, people like Mark Dice have been going out on the streets and making liberals look stupid for years now.
But, I mean, has anyone ever actually gone out there and challenged them on their beliefs?
Did anyone actually go out there and force them to try to explain their politics on camera before Abe Skrillex and Carl DeKook?
And now, look how far it has come.
Where people like Fleckus Talks are some of the most popular channels on YouTube, and all he does is stick a microphone in the liberal's face!
And he gets millions and millions of views, and he changes the world.
And so, I'm telling you, all you have to do
We can't do everything here at InfoWars, folks.
We need you.
Go out and film these loons.
I'm telling you, you'll get thousands of views on your YouTube channel.
You'll out the radical left for who they are.
I mean, look at these people!
The crew can't even show my video from this weekend!
I told the crew, I was like, hey, let's roll the video when I have Will Johnson on that I shot from this weekend.
It's like, okay, well, do you want the audio of the video?
I'm like, well, you can't play the audio.
If I was to play the audio, it would sound like this.
That's what it would sound like.
Because you'd have to censor the whole thing because these people are so foul-mouthed and disgusting.
But now I realize, I can't even air the tape here because we're on terrestrial television and satellite TV.
I can't even air this tape because there's actual nudity!
These people are now showing up nude, folks!
They've gone totally mental!
But I'm telling you, you have to show America that we're actually being invaded by these liberal zombies and scare people to go vote Republican!
I'm no Republican, but the Democrats can't win!
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Make no mistake, we're all living in one of the most important times in human history as populists and nationalists.
Pro-free market forces reawaken and ignite in our darkest hour and see success everywhere.
And we wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Dinesh D'Souza, the second highest grossing documentary filmmaker in history, best-selling author, and for that, falsely imprisoned, as the president has pointed out, announcing his pardon yesterday for a nine-month false prison sentence for getting five friends to donate.
Hillary, again, billions of dollars, hundreds of millions in
You know, I think, Alex, that when we hear words like dangerous from CNN, we have to learn to decode or translate what they actually mean.
So what they mean is that Mark Rich
Uh, no matter whether he's an arms dealer or a drug trafficker, he's not dangerous to them.
In fact, he's on their side in the sense that he is willing to lavish billions of dollars, I mean, not millions, but tens of millions of dollars into progressive and left-wing causes.
I actually am dangerous to them.
Because I'm actually out there undermining their ideology at every turn.
And so to pardon me is to unleash me in an even bigger way.
So when I hear these kinds of things from CNN, far from like trying to refute them, I essentially look behind the curtain and I go, I know why you're saying that.
And in a certain sense, you're right.
And of course, the word is that the president's told you that he wants to unleash you.
Can you talk about that?
Yeah, I was in my study two days ago, working away, and the phone rang, you know, unknown caller, and I picked it up, and it was the White House operator.
She just goes, she confirmed it was me, hold the line for the President of the United States, and Trump comes on, and the first thing he said to me was, hey Dinesh, you know, I'm sitting here with John Kelly, Chief of Staff, and we both want to let you know that we think that you're a great voice for freedom and for America,
And he said, I gotta tell you man to man that, you know, your case, you know, you got screwed.
He goes, you should have gotten it.
It was a technicality.
You should have gotten a fine and move on with life.
But no, these guys went after you with everything they got.
And he goes, it was a terrible injustice.
He goes, the good thing is, you know, I'm in a position to correct it.
So I want to, I want to clear your slate.
I'm going to give you a full pardon tomorrow morning.
Uh, and I am just, I want you to go out there and just do what you're doing at an even bigger scale than ever.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So this weekend, there were nationwide marches against political violence in America.
Now, it just so happens to be the fact that these marches were organized by conservatives, patriots, and Trump supporters.
Go figure.
The left didn't want to organize a march against political violence.
Wow, I guess they'd be marching against themselves.
So, in response to the marches against political violence, which is actually a march against terrorism, because terrorism by definition is political violence, but...
The left didn't want to engage in this.
Instead, they showed up to the march against violence nationwide.
I was in Austin.
Will Johnson was in San Jose.
They showed up to the march against violence, and guess what?
They got violent, they got crazy, and they were rude, disrespectful.
So I am joined by Will Johnson, who was in San Jose, witnessed this for himself.
And Will, I would imagine, we talked on the phone Saturday night.
I would imagine that you would pretty much say the same stuff here today, that they showed up and they were just crazy.
I mean, they're just crazy at this point.
It's like we're actually dealing with total brainwashed zombies at this point.
Is that what you experienced in San Jose?
You know, it completely shows how these people don't think for themselves.
And then when you have people such as yourselves and myself, like Candace Owens, people think for themselves, they get upset.
They don't like the fact that people are not paying attention to the lies that they've been told for years after years.
And this is the time.
It's so amazing to see all these people show up and hate us and want to be violent towards us because we want to get rid of violence.
That doesn't make any sense.
How does that even happen when you hear people, well I don't like what you're saying, I want to be violent towards you because you're saying stuff that's peaceful, so I'm going to be mean to you and I'm going to call you all these hateful names because I don't like it.
It's ridiculous.
Well there was a time here in Austin on Saturday where the people marching against violence are marching towards the Capitol building.
And Antifa is standing right there and Antifa starts chanting, cowards, cowards, cowards.
And so I went up to them and I said, well wait a second, why are you calling them cowards?
Are you out here challenging them to a fight?
Like are they cowards because they don't want to fight you?
Like that's the thing, they're out here marching against violence.
So it's like, they're now admitting, they're now out of themselves, like yeah, we're going to be violent, we're going to show up, throw explosives at you, throw explosives at police, try to insult you, try to assault you, oh and then by the way, we're going to say you're being violent.
You know what?
People are starting to see the absolute truth from the left and what's happening.
They all want to be violent.
When we left the rally that we were having, we had to get a police escort.
And when we were leaving, not one time did we go look for Antifa.
But they spread out in little pockets to try to follow us.
And the main reason why they want to follow us is because they want to get our license plates on our vehicles so they can dox us and try to figure out where we live so they can come and torture us and try to antagonize us at our homes.
That is their goal.
And people are starting to wake up because we're exposing it to them.
You know, we shouldn't have to be able to leave a rally and have to have a police escort.
We should be saying, OK, we're done.
Everyone was peaceful.
We should be able to go on about our way.
But you can't do that because the left, they're bringing the violence.
They are the ones who want to be violent.
It's kind of like, you know, when the first African American went to a public school, the young girl, how the left showed up then and were harassing her and the police had to escort her.
It's amazing how that happens again.
And I'm going to say this now, I haven't broadcast this over Infowars Airwaves, and I don't want to give out too many details, but what Will's saying is actually more correct than folks even realize until you have to deal with this.
Now, I've been doxxed before, I've had people threaten me before, I've had people get my private information before, but this was the first time this Saturday I had an individual, to my face, threaten my family, and I'm not going to go into details, folks, but had exact details on my family, and made a direct threat to my family, with personal details, to my face,
Yes, you're absolutely right.
And you know they're getting all of that from the Democrats.
Maxine Water.
When she came out and said that when you see people work under the Trump administration, she wasn't eliminating to the Trump administration.
She was basically saying anyone who supports the president, that goes for you, goes for Alex Jones, myself, the millions of us that support the president.
When you see people out that support the president, they're basically saying attack them.
Look how they did Candace Owen and Charlie Kirk.
They were at a restaurant.
People outside the restaurant screaming on bullhorns, screaming at the restaurant at Candace Owens on the inside.
And instead of the restaurant calling the cops on the people being disruptive outside, they asked Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk to leave.
See, it's a completely different backwards world here.
It's upside down.
It's crazy.
These people are demonic filled.
A hundred percent.
Okay, so that exactly, Will.
Now, this is where I want to get into my tease and we'll go with it now.
I now have the formula to beat Antifa, okay?
Now, this is a two-step formula.
Now, the first step here, Will, is highlighting here when he talks about these people.
These people are demon possessed.
And I am totally convinced of that now.
Go look at Will's footage too.
All we have to do is walk into a group of these leftist protesters.
Just show up.
You just walk into a group and the demons come out.
They cannot help it.
The demons come out.
They start screaming and frothing at the mouth and yelling in the anger and the hate in their eyes and in their soul.
Our presence
Lures these demons out and then they expose themselves in our presence.
It's unbelievable.
So we need people to go out and film it, Will.
So that's step one.
Pick up a camera phone and just wear a Trump hat, wear an America First shirt, just do something.
Step into a group of these liberal protesters and watch the demons come out.
You will expose demons.
You're absolutely right.
You know what?
I designed t-shirts like the one I have on now.
Vote them out 2018.
I recently created a new one and it's with a robot on the front of it and it says, I am not a Russian.
That one triggers liberals so much.
I had a lady in Walmart decide she wanted to run me down an electrical wheelchair that she was in because I said I'm not a Russian.
So, all you have to do is put a hitch?
It's crazy!
Someone tried to run you over in an electric wheelchair at Walmart?
Yes, she wanted to run me down.
It just so happened to be that she was an older white lady.
I don't know why they had to have anything doing anything.
But it's just the point.
That she was upset because I said I am not a Russian.
Meaning that I support the President and it's not a Russian bot that's doing it.
But see, that's it exactly.
Imagine if you would have happened to film that and caught that on camera.
Viral video.
That's what I'm saying, people.
People, I'm telling you, wear these shirts out and film these people.
They trigger the demons.
This is not rhetoric, folks.
I'm not just... There it is, right there, man!
I'm telling... That's it, right there!
People need to see it!
These people are demon-possessed!
Alright, here's the next step.
Now, this one's a little trickier.
And I might get some backlash for this, but I hope people see the foresight here in the troll.
We now have to join Antifa and take it over.
Now let me explain this.
I am anti-fascist, okay?
Google, YouTube, Apple, Twitter, Facebook are acting with the Democrats as fascists.
I stand against fascism.
Who's the fascists?
It's the Democrats, Apple, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook.
They're the fascists.
I stand against them.
Now, people think, oh, well, we can't join Antifa, they're violent.
No, let's join Antifa, they'll quit!
If we take over Antifa, they'll quit!
Will, I started chanting their famous chant here, apparently they don't do it on the West Coast, it's coming there maybe soon.
That's what they do here in Austin.
I started chanting it with them, they didn't do it again the rest of the day.
I'm telling you, if we go into Antifa and say, we're anti-fascist, we're in this with you, they'll all quit.
Yeah, you're probably right.
They'll probably quit because then it's not working.
It's like when someone constantly calling you a name and then you just join in with the name calling on yourself, then eventually they stop.
But you notice, how many conservatives have you seen go up to YouTube and shoot up the plates?
How many?
People need to ask that question!
How many Democrats have been shot at?
How many Democrats had their neighbors beating them up?
How many Democrats have been pulled out of a vehicle because of your completion and beat-up?
And by the way, about using a word that's used to insult you to ruin it, I believe the origination of that was actually the N-word.
Remember that?
Remember how that worked?
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What would he do if he was President Trump?
Dr. Paul?
Today, you don't have a whole lot you can do, but you could use the veto pen and make everything that they want pass, use a two-thirds vote, because you should veto all these spending bills until people wake up.
And you should bring the troops home.
We should give up on this foreign policy.
And the President has a lot to say about foreign policy.
And he doesn't have to send the troops around the world.
There are no declared wars.
Why should he be fighting wars?
There's no reason for it.
So I'd start bringing the troops home, saving a lot of money.
We sent five troops.
$10 on the Middle East since this century started.
And the wars continue, they're ongoing, and they have to end.
And in this atmosphere, when you have a constant war on terrorism, it means that you can justify violations of our civil liberties at home.
And that's what's happened ever since.
And Alex, when we first met, I think we were dealing with the Patriot Act.
This is
Cut the spending.
Bring the troops home.
You know, curtail the power of the Fed.
We should get rid of the Fed.
But in the meantime, I would tell the Congress, look, we're going to find out what these guys are doing.
They are terrified.
Republicans and Democrats are terrified that we would ever get hold of the books on the Federal Reserve and find out who's really making the big buck.
Then a lot of people ask me, I guess they ask you, who actually is the deep state?
Well, we would find out.
If you find out what's in the Fed, the deep state will
They don't know what interest rates should be.
They think they know what we do with deficit.
We print money for it.
That all has to stop.
A president could do it, but quite frankly, that president wouldn't be in office for very long.
It would be such a challenge to the establishment that what they would probably do, there would probably be an impeachment.
It would be bipartisan.
They could impeach an individual, like I'm talking about, because it would be such a challenge.
But I still think that there's a bipartisan collusion on financing big government.
Alex, you've seen me work for years about the Federal Reserve.
Republicans aren't any better than the Democrats.
They all love the Federal Reserve because it finances the military-industrial complex, it takes care of the welfare state, takes care of the deficits, and that's where big government is, and that's where the deep state has a lot of influence.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Will Johnson is my guest here for the final segment.
We were just talking about our experience over the weekend.
At the march against political violence that the left showed up and protested.
But I want to go into a different subject here as we have Will with us for the final segment.
I want to play a video that Will put together and put on his YouTube channel, Unite America First.
Now this video
Should be seen 20 million times.
That's how powerful this video is, so I want to amplify it by playing it on our platform right now.
It's titled, Being Black in America, and it's a great allegory for what it's like now if you are black and you want to have, well let's just say, be a patriot in America, or think for yourself, or have your own political values.
Look at Will Johnson's Being Black in America.
Starts off.
He's roaming through the woods.
He's walking through the woods.
He seems tired and distressed.
Perhaps a little worried.
And now it flashes as he's now running through the woods, away.
As men are chasing him.
This is Will Johnson's Being Black in America.
Just providing commentary to the radio audience as the video is rolling.
Will Johnson playing the black man running through the woods as two men are chasing him wearing army fatigues.
They finally chase him down, and the two white men in fatigues are now beating him, putting him in a headlock.
It's time to take him in.
One of them got free.
That's what the Democrats said, one of them got free.
Now they're beating him up, in a cell-type situation as he's tied down to a chair.
White people don't care about you, Will.
They're your enemy, Will.
That's not true.
They're your enemy.
That's not true.
Whiteness doesn't care about you, Will.
That's not true.
That's what you want me to think.
Your president's racist, Will.
That's a lie.
He hates Mexicans, Will.
That's a lie.
The blacks, they're a traitor.
A race traitor.
A race traitor.
It's all lies.
He's brainwashed.
You think we're gonna let you walk away?
We need your vote.
Wake up!
We need your vote, Will.
Info Wars.
You're next, Will.
Claim allegiance, Will.
The Democrat Party needs you, Will.
No, never.
Never again.
Claim your allegiance to the Democratic Party, Will.
He's not your president.
Give up, Will.
Give up.
We gave you a chance, Will.
Renounce Christ.
Religion won't save you.
We are your religion.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen, from Will Johnson.
And very powerful, because it's just a perfect analogy of exactly what's going on right now.
So, Will, what made you think about putting that video together?
What was going through your head?
What was the idea when you began working on that video?
You know, I've been thinking about doing that video for over a year.
And it really came out when I went to
We're good.
It really put the nail in the coffin that I was on the wrong side when I was a Democrat.
And just so much hatred and so much violence towards people who love this country and respect the president.
And as a black man, it just reminded me what happened during the time of slavery and right after slavery, after the Civil War, when black people started voting.
This wasn't anything uncommon.
This is what happened.
And it wasn't just black people that they were torturing.
It was also white people, because white people were helping black people be free.
So they killed more white people during that time than they killed black people.
And a lot of people don't even want to recognize the history of it.
So, it's been on my heart for about over a year to do that short film, and it actually came out better than I thought.
And at the very end of it, I don't know if you played it, there's actually a part on there, and it says, Russia did not participate in the making of this video, and it's in Russian.
So we purposely did that just to spark interest and make people think.
Wait, you're telling me you added Russian media to your broadcast just to troll the liberals?
Because I know they're going to look at it.
So I wanted them to see it just at the very end.
It says, yeah, it was not created by Russia.
Wait, wait, wait.
You would add Russian media or Russian art to your broadcast just to troll the left?
You're telling me you would stoop to those levels?
Oh, absolutely.
Because people need to wake up.
People need to wake up to the truth.
Russia had nothing to do with it.
Let me ask you a question.
Did you vote for Trump because you saw a meme?
And if you did, why would you admit to that?
No, in fact, you know, it's kind of like the whole Antifa thing now.
I'm not a Russian bot.
Yeah, you have to clarify.
You're not a Russian bot before you vote now or do a YouTube video.
Actually, you know what?
Let me say this.
I know you're not experiencing it right now because of what Facebook did to InfoWars.
But on Facebook right now, they're making people such as myself verify my country.
And I have to do it constantly.
So I go in and I verify that I'm a U.S.
citizen, that I'm in America, California.
And then a couple of days later, it'll pop up again asking me to verify my country.
And they tell me that I have until the 28th to do so.
Or they're gonna stop allowing me to post.
Have you ever logged into Facebook or used Facebook outside of the United States?
No, never.
So now they're asking that question, so it's bringing me to the question of why.
I mean, I've already made it clear I'm not a Russian bot.
You know what it is?
It's propaganda to brainwash the dumb Facebook users out there.
They see that, they're like, oh wow, well this Russian thing must be real.
Facebook is cracking down.
And how many, once we join, I'm going to join with you, I'm going to join Antifa with you, okay?
So once we join, once we join Antifa... Ah!
Yes, yes!
I'm telling you, that is their favorite chant in Austin.
Once I chanted that with them, they never chanted it again.
I'm telling you, we have to steal it from them.
It's just like what you said.
Why did black men in America start using the n-word?
It was to goof the white men that did it first.
To say, look, it doesn't bother us anymore.
That's the same dynamic we should use to Antifa now.
You know one thing you can sing to them when they're like really just trying to get under your skin and it's not working, but you can reverse it on them?
Just start singing to them.
Just start singing, hush little baby, don't you cry.
Trump's gonna sing you a lullaby.
That's good.
That's like they were handing out binkies.
They were handing out binkies in Austin.
They had binkies and bottles.
And little rattles.
If you sing because you're acting like babies, just start singing it.
Hush little baby, don't you cry.
Trump's gonna sing you a lullaby.
No, no, no.
I just figured it out.
I just figured it out.
So, so I don't know, you know, if Soros isn't funding these people enough money, I think that they could maybe, they could maybe get a corporate sponsorship from Babies R Us.
I heard Tom Steyer is investing in Antifa as well.
Oh yeah, he gave like two million dollars or something.
Yeah, so since we're joining Antifa, Tom Steyer, when you watch this, we need our checks.
Oh my gosh!
Where's my Soros money?
Here, Will, let's go.
We are Antifa now!
We stand against the fascism of the Democrat Party with Apple and YouTube and Google and Facebook and Twitter.
We stand against fascism.
We are Antifa!
We stand for a right.
We stand for our freedoms, our loyalty to Antifa!
That's right.
That's Will Johnson.
This is Owen Schroer.
This has been the Alex Jones Show.
You stay classy, InfoWarriors.
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Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.