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Name: 20180803_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 3, 2018
3175 lines.

The Alex Jones Show covers topics related to free speech, fake news, media treatment of President Trump, CPS, child trafficking, Russia, AI technology, double standards in freedom of expression, white culture, unification against those who want to destroy the country, pedophile rings in the Catholic Church, seasonal distress symptoms and their solution using Pollen Block, promoting the official InfoWars app, financial support for InfoWars and transparency in government. Jones also talks about a conference where he will be the keynote speaker alongside experts discussing post- humanism, transhumanism and artificial intelligence.

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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Welcome on this Friday, August the 3rd, 2018.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
Alex is going to be joining us in the next segment.
He's got a couple reports he wants to talk about.
One of the things that he wants to talk about is Rob Reiner saying he's so thankful that InfoWars is being attacked.
Well, you know, we need to take a look at what is going on in this country.
Are we going to have a First Amendment?
Or are we going to have a double standard?
Because that's what we're increasingly seeing.
I think that all reflects in what we've seen the last couple of days, the back and forth between Jim Acosta, Sarah Sanders, press secretary.
We're going to play that for you.
Sarah Sanders really took him down a notch.
And what is really amazing
is the arrogance of Jim Acosta.
He is the poster child for CNN arrogance.
Because as you watch these press conferences, he is talking over the other members of the press there.
The only voice that matters, of course, is Jim Acosta's, just like the only voice that matters is CNN, if you believe them.
And he wants to take her to task because President Trump has criticized fake news.
And he wants to say, well, you have to say that the media, because he thinks that they are the media.
You know, they can never be hateful, just like we see with this lady who's hired by the New York Times.
No matter what they say, no matter how viciously racist they are, they can never be hateful.
These hateful eight, there's probably about eight different media companies, the big newspapers, the big networks that are out there, nothing that they do can ever be
racist or hateful But if you are a certain person group if you belong to a certain race or a certain political persuasion then everything that you say is hateful as It comes out of your mouth.
It'll be construed to be hateful.
It'll be censored and of course that's the world that Jim Acosta lives in and so he demands that
That Sarah Sanders bow down to him and declare how much she loves the media, which to him is CNN.
He talks over Sarah Sanders, he talks over the other people, the other members of the press.
They want to be the only media that you hear.
They don't want you to be able to hear anything else, see anything else, or share anything else.
So we're going to be talking about that today.
We're also going to be talking about
Some updates on the cardinal sins.
The cardinal sins of pedophiles and the abuse of nuns and the Catholic Church.
But we're going to take this a little bit broader.
Yesterday I had an individual who had his children taken away from him by Child Protective Services.
That's the one that nobody wants to talk about.
Everybody is eager to talk about the Catholic Church because the left doesn't like religion.
They'd like to give any religion, especially Christianity, a black eye.
And when they do something wrong, they are quick to speak out about it.
Or I'll talk about an individual who joined me yesterday.
When they took away his child and he had to fight them for 22 months, he realized this is a very big national problem that nobody is talking about.
They'll talk about the Catholic Church.
They'll talk about the Cardinal sin.
They'll talk about the taking away the children at the border.
When the parents endanger their children, encouraged by Democrats, breaking the law, then we have to determine whether or not they really are the parents.
Are the parents working with the child traffickers, or have they just turned the kids over to child traffickers?
That needs to be determined before we just hand the kids.
Oh, you say that's your kid?
Okay, well here you go.
I don't know anything about you.
I don't know anything about this kid.
It is a rampant problem at the border.
But the left gets all upset about that, but they will never talk about what Child Protective Services does.
So we're going to play a little bit of a clip of some statistics that he gave out yesterday, talking about what a massive problem this is, how the media is silent about it, and what happens to the kids that are put in foster care.
You'll not believe some of the statistics that he gave me yesterday.
And of course, we're going to have a follow-up on Russia.
We have Rand Paul has said that he's going to travel to Russia.
We're going to talk about that as well as a back and forth between a neocon Max Boot that you've heard many times, but he was taken down by a professor emeritus of Russian studies.
So we're going to talk about what's really going on with Russia.
And does the future need you?
Some amazing stuff with AI.
Stay with us.
Be right back.
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The front lines of the information war.
It's Alex Jones.
There are a lot of things going on in this world, as we all know.
And I've been a busy little beaver.
So I was up at the office about 7.30 this morning and David Knott, who's hosting the broadcast, they was already up there researching diligently.
I said, how you doing David?
And I was about to open my mouth.
And tell him the exact same thing he said to me, which shows it's important we talk about it.
He said, did you see Matt Taibbi, you know, the bastion of journalism, say that we're sending people to the Sandy Hook parents' houses to harass them?
And I said, it's funny you say that.
I was going to say, that's in thousands of publications a day, to absolutely demonize us, beyond all the other hoaxes the media is putting out.
And I said, since I'm having to deal with that today, will you please cover it?
Because Matt Taibbi is defaming me.
All these people are.
You know, Taibbi has this article, well, this will get rid of the First Amendment, but Alex is a special case, you know.
He's putting people's addresses out.
Then you go to the link.
And it was other researchers with anomalies about how one of the places they had as an address was a U-Haul place, which I think it's fine for people to have privacy.
I don't think that's suspicious at all.
If somebody's got an address where they're taking mail, they don't want to put their address out.
I do the exact same thing.
So, but it's like, researching all this, being sued, has really made me upset because I hadn't really covered Sandy Hook in three or four years other than responding and saying, I think it happened, please stop saying that I say it didn't happen, please stop claiming I'm doing all this, but then the media and others, the Democrats are the ones actually doing it.
Now that I've had top law firms, blue chip law firms, go through everything, and it's like, oh my gosh!
You know, the lawyer, in the case against me on Wednesday here in Travis County, he gets up and he goes, Alex Jones is sending people to their houses.
And there's a gasp in the room.
The state's been reported.
And the judge goes, silence, silence.
I mean, hell, why don't they just say that
I killed everybody.
I mean, because that's about where they're going in the media.
I mean, I did not kill the Sandy Hook children.
I did not hurt the Loch Ness Monster.
I did not.
I mean, all of this is just next level insanity.
And now you got Rob Reiner, Meathead, who said, we're in a revolution.
We're in a civil war.
We're going to, you know, overthrow all these people.
He said that months ago, and a bunch of them said it.
So I said, oh, look at the Democrats.
They're saying all this.
They're doing all this.
They think it's a civil war.
They're calling for uprisings.
Full-page ads.
And then they go, Jones is insane.
He says July 4th is the uprising.
There'll be a giant shooting war with the North against the South.
Well, they don't show you what actually said.
Again, I said they see July 4th as a demarcation line of when they're launching their revolution, which they said.
I was quoting them.
There's another article today.
We'll play some of that video here in a moment, where
Rob Reiner is up there saying, we're in a revolution, or we're in a civil war, and blah blah blah, the media's coming up for Trump.
Total lie, total hoax, but being honest about the fact that he sees this as the last battle of the Civil War, confirming everything I've said, and that's why they hate us, is because we're accurate, it's not because we're inaccurate.
So, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
They're trying to shut us down.
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But it's just out-fricking-rageous that they lie like this, and they do it with impunity.
So I will tell Taibbi, and I'll tell others.
I've got law firms looking at it right now, and we're sending out the letters for people to retract.
I'm publicly telling Taibbi, you're a journalistic fraud, saying that I said that, and you linked to somebody else, and then that links to something about a U-Haul truck place.
Good God, man!
I do not want to have to sue you.
I don't want to have to sue any of you people, but you're together in journalistic fraud, all engaging in it together, thinking you'll all be protected like a school of sardines or something.
If you all, you know, engage in fraud, you'll be protected because you do it in a group.
That's called tyranny.
And so, look, God knows the truth.
My listeners know the truth.
Anybody that's paid attention knows the truth.
So, at the end of the day, I'm just very excited that I have all this scum of the earth lying about me and attacking me.
But, at a certain point, I've got to have some cases back at you.
I'm suing five people right now that sued me, so we're not playing games.
Oh, by the way, I waived the fees in Connecticut, and I waived the fees in Texas.
Uh, which no one has ever done that they know of, because in the Connecticut and in Texas, it's law that if you sue somebody for defamation, and that's proven to be a fraud, that they have to pay.
That's just like in England.
It has those laws.
That's the law.
No one, my lawyers say, has ever waived it.
I waive it!
So they're not gonna give me, you know, that high-road coup.
So they all say.
That I did not waive the fees.
They all said that I'm suing the families.
The opposite of reality.
Except Jonathan Tillof of the Austin American Statesman.
He got it half-assed right and said, well it's funny, Jones isn't waiving fees here if they lose, the other side, but he did in Connecticut.
So, literally, I spent hours last night looking at this.
One place got it halfway right and they couldn't even get it.
And look, to Titoloff's credit, he hates me, he wants to destroy me, it's terrible, but at least I think he actually believes his own BS.
In Texas, if you're going to have this law included in the way it all works, the lawyers explained to me,
When they sue you, it's basically enacted.
You have to enact it for appeals, much stuff.
We had to get to the first hearing to then waive it.
But then when we did waive it in front of all the media, they didn't cover it!
I mean, so listen.
I'm not who they say I am.
I love America.
I love freedom.
The hate-isses were effective.
Just like they lie about the President all day.
The truth's gonna come out.
Back to David Knight and the live global transmission and Mr. Reiner up there talking about the
We're good to go.
But this is the first time that you have mainstream media essentially divided into two halves, so that you have Fox, Breitbart, Sinclair, and Alex Jones, which has now been taken off of Facebook, thank God, trafficking in another narrative.
You know, shock and awe with these guys, the four journalists who got the truth out during the run-up to the war, they were facing headwinds of patriotism, the trauma of 9-11, but they weren't facing the headwinds that real journalists, who are working very hard now to get the truth out,
Which is this cement block, a wall that they cannot penetrate with the truth.
And that's the scary part.
Donald Trump ran on this and it was effective.
He said that, you know, the media doesn't represent regular people.
Hollywood doesn't represent regular people.
We are completely out of touch with regular people.
And it worked to his advantage.
How do you, how as somebody who speaks in the media often?
They're just angry.
Their people are angry.
And he will feed them whatever they want to keep that anger going.
And you see it in the rallies.
He actually calls for, you know, this kind of outrage and take it out against the media, take it out against immigrants, take it out against whomever you want.
That's what he does.
He keeps stirring this up.
But you have to stay at it.
You have to stay at it.
There's no other way.
Bring the fact-checking up to 11.
Well, if you can.
I mean, if you can.
If you don't break through, we are going to have, we are in it right now.
It might be the last stage of a civil war.
The last battle is being fought.
Hopefully it won't be fought physically.
But we are more divided than we ever have been, and we've got a president
Who is backed up by media.
Presidents have always spewed propaganda.
Liberals, Democrats, Republicans.
They always have.
Everyone spins.
Yeah, to push a policy, to push a rationale to go to war.
But they've never been backed up by essentially, in a sense, state-run media.
That's new.
And social media.
It's all new.
And it's very, very scary right now.
Everyone spins.
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Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
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Uh, the same thing.
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The year is 1995, and InfoWars launches the last of America's counter-globalist probes.
In a freak mishap, InfoWars.com and Alex Jones are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life support systems, and returns Alex Jones to Earth 25 years later.
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Tomorrow's news, today.
Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, mate.
I've been following you since I was 14, and I'm 32 now.
I remember back when InfoWars and Prison Planet, it was just blue text on a white screen, and I had to load down the page on my dial-up internet, and I thought it was pretty cool, and read all the books, and seen all the DVDs, and followed all your guests.
And I've been using your product since the first iteration of Survival Shield.
And since then, I'm on the X2, the Super Male Vitality, the Caveman, the Real Red Pill, Micro ZX Body.
It's all amazing.
Thank you, brother.
Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side with you.
The crew and the listeners out there, 1776 worldwide.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back on this Friday, August the 3rd, 2018.
I am David Knight.
You know, as you're listening to Alex Jones, I'll give you the top of the news.
He was talking about Rob Reiner.
I always call him Meathead.
He's always Meathead to me.
He doesn't play a Meathead.
He is a Meathead.
This is the guy who made Archie Bunker look good.
They were supposed to have Archie Bunker be the straw man to criticize conservatives back in the day.
And because of Rob Reiner, who, and that character, if you look at it, I mean, he is not playing a role.
That is Meathead from Archie Bunker.
I mean, he sounds exactly the same when you listen to this guy talk.
He sounds exactly the same as he did then.
And he was so unbelievable, so obnoxious that he made Archie Bunker a hero, much to the consternation of Norman Lear.
And the people who are trying to do just the opposite.
And as he's saying, well, the Civil War has started or whatever, you know, and I'm glad that they're taking Alex Jones down and made an amazing statement about we've never had state-run media before.
Well, maybe the meathead ought to go just, just Google it, meathead.
It still hasn't been taken down yet.
There was a CIA operation called Operation Mockingbird.
Where they would have the chosen two or three news networks that were allowed to be out there.
They made sure that they parroted exactly what the CIA wanted you to hear.
They would cover only the stories that the government wanted to have covered, and they would cover it from the angle that the government wanted it to be covered.
And that's what we've had for the longest amount of time.
Now, what we had for a brief period of time
Was we had a free internet and they're shutting that down right now.
People were able to communicate with each other.
They were able to listen to whatever they wanted to hear.
They were able to watch whatever they wanted to watch.
They were able to share that information with other people.
You can't have that.
Because the meatheads and the Operation Mockingbird CIA people don't want to have that.
And so they're putting down a system of censorship right now.
Just take a look at how we see the Chinese operating, for example.
The Chinese don't want people to use the word Taiwan.
Okay, all the airline companies bow down and worship them.
Take it off.
Google, you want to do business here?
You do it on our rules.
Google says, yes, we'll do that.
You think that's not happening here in America?
You don't think that the government is behind all this?
The government is the iron fist.
Facebook and Google, the ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, all these people, they are the velvet glove that is put on the iron fist of censorship.
As I've said many times on my show in the morning, Real News, I've seen this happen when I was in North Carolina working with third parties.
You have to jump through, as a third party or an independent, you have to jump through all these special hoops to get on the ballot.
A lot of money, a lot of expense, a lot of hassle.
Once you get on the ballot, you don't get in the debates.
Because the people who control the debates are the press association.
And this happens in all the different states.
It's not just North Carolina.
I witnessed it firsthand.
And so the press itself, who you would think would want to hear all the different opinions?
No, no, no, no.
Can't have three candidates in a debate.
Only two.
Only two.
And we will determine what those questions are going to be and who will be answering those questions.
And when you say, wait a minute, this isn't fair.
They say, it's private.
It's a private organization, just like Facebook and Google and Twitter.
They're private.
So they're inoculated against all this.
And it's not censorship.
Not at all.
No, they're working hand in glove with the government to make sure that only a couple of voices are heard.
I've seen this happen a very long time.
This is what's happening with social media right now.
As a matter of fact, today,
We just got a tweet saying that one of the podcast providers that we have, and we've got for our show, for all the different shows, we've got at least four.
We had Stitcher.
They have just dropped all of our shows.
We had Spreaker, iTunes, TuneIn.
You can still find the stuff there.
As a matter of fact, most of the people who listen to my show listen to it via podcast.
And so they've now just, across the board, shut us down.
So we have to decide whether or not
The First Amendment really means anything to us or not.
We can't mandate these types of things.
It's going to have to come from the people.
And you've got more than half of the people right now are begging the government to take away their free speech.
Yes, it's going to be their free speech as well, not just our free speech.
They're going to take away the freedom of the people who are begging to have everything shut down.
Now, some of them, like the Meathead,
They think, and maybe they will, have the inside track.
Maybe they will be part of the insiders.
But the vast majority of the people who are the useful idiots of people like Rob Reiner, the Hollywood and political establishment, the media establishment, those people are going to lose their free speech.
They're going to have that taken away.
You know, free speech was never given to us.
Never given to us.
We took it.
Our ancestors took it.
It didn't come down on high in the Bill of Rights.
It wasn't given to us by a Supreme Court.
It was taken.
By a jury.
You know, the interesting case of Zinger.
It was John Peter Zinger in New York.
He was up for defamation.
Isn't that interesting?
That's the way they always come after speech, to try to shut it down.
That's what they are doing right now.
They're trying to shut us down with charges of defamation and so forth.
Anyway, what he said was, hey, look, here's what I said and here's how it's true.
And the judge said, truth is no defense.
You know, it doesn't matter.
That Forbes is out there saying that Alex Jones was the guy that pushed a kid to the ground in a video that we happened to show.
I mean, it was a kid who was bullying the guy around, and it was a joke video.
It's like finally the adult had enough, but pushed the kid down, and he just collapses in a heap and cries, and it wasn't a big deal.
We're just showing how the kid was a baby about the whole thing.
But in that video, Forbes said, look, that was Alex Jones.
And so now he's got all these people thinking that he was a person in the video.
It's obviously not Alex Jones, but truth is no defense.
Now, how do we get free speech?
It was when the jury said, no, even though the judge says truth is no defense, we think it is.
We think it is.
And the jury nullified that judge, the jury nullified that law, just as the jury nullified the laws against the free exercise of religion in England with William Penn.
It was a jury that nullified that law.
It was clearly against the law for them to meet.
They'd passed a law saying you're only going to meet in this particular church, the Church of England.
These people were Quakers.
They said, you can't meet in that Quaker church anymore.
They continued to do it.
So they padlocked the door.
So then they started holding meetings on the steps of the church.
And then they arrested William Penn, who later came to Pennsylvania.
And they said,
When they took him to trial, the jury said, well, we understand that's the law, Judge, but we don't like that law and we're not going to convict him.
We've had that happen with alcohol prohibition.
It's one of the reasons why that scheme collapsed.
We've had it happen now with marijuana prohibition and other drug prohibitions.
So the jury said, we don't like that law, we're not going to convict him.
So the judge locked up the foreman, Bushnell, and another man, kept him in jail for quite some time.
Finally, their lawyer said, show us the law that they violated.
Established habeas corpus.
And they said, well, there isn't any law.
And they let them go.
That established jury nullification.
Folks, we're not going to get our rights given to us, whether it is free speech or anything else.
If we don't value free speech enough to stand up for it, we're never going to have it given to us by a Supreme Court, by politicians, not even by the Constitution Bill of Rights itself.
We created that.
God gave us those rights and we have to stand up for them.
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Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
Hey, brother.
Good, man.
Thank you for calling.
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I mean, it's all good stuff.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back, I'm David Knight.
I think the most important thing I saw in all of the news today is what Tim Allen said.
It actually came out yesterday afternoon.
Who makes up these rules, he said, talking about the takedown of Roseanne Barr.
Who makes up these rules?
Well, that's a good question, isn't it?
I think that ought to go down in history as one of the fundamental questions that everybody should ask.
Who makes up these rules?
Because, you know, we've had the question asked, the rhetorical question, you know, who watches the watchers?
That is a question that we should all be asking as we look at the surveillance state.
Who watches these people who watch everything that we do?
We have all-seeing eyes that look at everything that we do.
They're omnipresent.
They're omniscient.
They're omnipotent.
This God-like government that watches everything that we do.
Who watches them?
And as we have seen, nobody watches them.
Nobody watches them.
Rand Paul, not too long ago, said, somebody needs to surveil the people who are watching us.
Yeah, nobody is watching them.
But who is making up these rules?
Are these rules made up for us by the Supreme Court?
By Congress?
No, no.
Congress is basically given up writing laws.
And we have rules that are made up now by the bureaucracy.
And of course, when the bureaucracy makes up these rules,
They pretend that they are not, that the violation of these rules is not a crime.
So you don't get the presumption of innocence.
You don't get the due process that is specified in the Constitution.
You've just violated some rules.
So they can do whatever they want.
They can confiscate your property.
They can confiscate your kids if they want.
We'll talk about that later in the program.
Because, and then if they do that, you have to sue them in court.
That's why they call it civil forfeiture.
Yeah, there's nothing civil about a bureaucracy that is out of control and self-interested.
We're going to play a clip for you later in the program.
From an interview that I had yesterday, a man who had his children wrongfully taken from him.
It took him 22 months to get his child back.
And he learned some very interesting things that he wants you to know about.
How big this program is, and how self-interested the bureaucracy is, in terms of the money that they get out of that.
But the question is, who makes up these rules about speech now?
Well, there's a lot of people that are making up rules.
And we have to ask ourselves, as a society, do we want to value freedom of speech, freedom of thought, a free marketplace of ideas?
Do we want to value that?
Do we want to go back to, as you've heard the quote, of course it wasn't Voltaire who said it, it was a distillation of what Voltaire had said.
I may disagree,
Vehemently with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
That is not the case anymore.
If somebody disagrees with you, they will try to kill you.
That's Antifa, the anti-FA people, the anti-First Amendment people.
And that is what we have become in this country now.
We have members of the press lobbying to shut down other voices.
We saw this!
As I said, we've seen it with the political debates for quite some time.
We saw it not too long ago in a film festival.
There's a documentary called Vaxxed, done by Del Bigtree.
I've had him on many times as guest.
And it was about whether or not vaccines are harming our children.
You don't want to have that discussion?
You don't want to understand why autism has gone through the roof?
Well, you may not agree with Del Bigtree, but don't you care enough to even have that discussion?
The other filmmakers demanded, demanded that that be taken out of the Tribeca Film Festival.
And Robert De Niro said, I think, yeah, because, you know, he can't say anything without putting an F in it.
This guy who hates Trump so much hates free speech as well.
And he bowed to the pressures of his peers.
Bow to the pressures of his peers.
So the question is, as Tim Allen said, I've been a comedian for 38 years, I've never seen anything like it.
Like Lenny Bruce said at the Purple Onion, we've gone backwards.
There's things you can't say.
There's things you shouldn't say.
Who makes up these rules?
Well, I'm pretty sick of it, quite frankly.
I'm sick of the censorship of Stitcher.
They don't really matter that much, frankly.
But we do have these other organizations, these social media oligarchs.
I call them anti-social media because they are anti-social.
They encourage people not to interact with other human beings, but with that little black mirror in your hand.
And so that's anti-social.
And then they don't even want you to be able to interact in ways that you want to interact.
They're going to control how you interact with people, even on that electronic cyberspace.
They're going to tell you how you're going to interact with people.
You want to know why Facebook is falling?
It's not because of the movements by the European Union to try to look at what they're doing.
No, it's not.
Any of that.
It's the fact that people are sick and tired of it.
They don't want to be told what they can see, what they can share, what they can read.
They're not going to be controlled by those people.
And one of the things, as he references Lenny Bruce, I remember that movie.
I don't remember Lenny Bruce, but I remember the movie.
One of the things that they did to him, which we have to make sure we don't do,
Is to turn inward.
To become so obsessed with defending ourselves.
And everybody can fall into this.
We can fall into that here at Infowars.
You can see President Trump fall into it as he defends himself against these unjust attacks.
We have to be so careful, I think, that we do not become self-absorbed.
Because what Lenny Bruce did, as they came after him, it completely destroyed his act.
He was so obsessed about defending his freedom to tell jokes, to tell, and there's Dustin Hoffman who played that role in the movie, that he denigrated to the point where instead of doing his stand-up comedy routine, he would stand up there and he would read from his court transcripts.
And nobody was interested in that.
He wasn't telling jokes anymore.
He was defending himself.
I saw Erwin Schiff do this as they came after him for income tax.
I remember seeing him at Libertarian Party conventions.
He'd stand on a soapbox and read from his transcripts.
And you can get so caught up in the minutiae of the personal attacks against you that you're not on point.
That's one of the things that they want to do to us.
We're not going to do that.
We're not going to do that.
So let's take a look at where this whole thing started.
And it was with Russia, Russia, Russia.
It was Hillary Clinton.
Where they started all this thing about saying, you know, the Russians have hacked Hillary Clinton.
As the hounds were on the trail of that fox, Hillary Clinton, the people who were trying to protect her came out of the woods with a smelly fish.
A red herring, if you will.
Okay, that's where the expression comes from.
Hey, that's a red herring.
Well, they came out with a red herring and they drug it over the trail of Hillary Clinton, the fox.
So that the hounds couldn't find it.
So that the other Democrats didn't see what she had done, the dirty tricks that she had done as part of the Democrat primary.
And it worked like a charm!
The hounds just went off in other directions.
They started following the scent of the red herring.
And that's where we've been ever since.
We've got Rand Paul who's going to visit Russia on Monday to try to promote diplomacy.
And I know where this is going to go.
He's going to be denounced as a shill for Russia.
You know this is predictable, right?
You can't talk about this.
When we come back, we've got to go to break in just a couple of moments here, but when we come back I'm going to play a clip for you.
We had Max Boot, this never-Trumper, CFR neocon, I could just go down the list with pejoratives for Max Boot.
What a shill this guy is.
Talking to a real Russian scholar.
Professor Stephen Cohen, who has followed U.S.-Russian relations for 45 years, and he knows that for 45 years we've had presidents meeting between America and Russia, even at the height of the Cold War.
It was good to do that.
It was good to do that.
And as he is saying that, he gets attacked by Max Boot.
And he says, how dare you?
You are criminalizing, you're defaming me!
He says, I don't do defamation, I do analysis.
But you are defaming me.
You are trying to criminalize diplomacy as well as detente.
You know, I find it very interesting.
That these liberals, who are so afraid of man-made global warming, have absolutely no fear of thermonuclear war.
As a matter of fact, they're doing everything they can, pulling out all the control rods to try to get us to melt down into a thermonuclear war.
Absolutely insane.
It is a policy of mad.
It's not mutual assured destruction.
It's crazy, folks.
We'll be right back.
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You know, President Trump talks about how we need to be trailblazers, how we need to be outsiders, how we need to expose the current stagnant system that's been suppressing us, wanting to make us poor so we can consolidate control and buy us up for pennies on the dollar.
That really is the globalist system.
He's absolutely right.
So it is an honor to be persecuted by the globalists, to be lied about, to be demonized.
It's an honor to draw them out so we can show who they are so that you take action and you take the country back politically, culturally, spiritually, financially.
Another hero is Julian Assange, who's been in solitary confinement in a closet-sized room.
They converted a closet with a bed and enough room for a laptop.
They took that away over a year ago.
No communication with the outside.
It's all been one hell of a time for him.
And he was very bipartisan in that he exposed Republicans, he exposed Democrats.
He very judiciously released information that exposed criminal activity of the NSA, criminal activity of the CIA, illegal spying on Congress, illegal spying on Trump.
Illegal spying on me, but they had my home number, my old cell, my new cell, and my office line, and they had Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago private apartment number that I had.
Total proof of Obama spying on Trump and yours truly a decade ago.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the real deal.
And America's had freedom so long, people don't recognize real tyranny when it hits them right between the eyes.
But everyone needs to go to Infowars.com.
The article is right up there at the top of the page, red link.
Petition to Trump.
Pardon Julian Assange.
And we go over the fact that he engaged in regular journalistic activity and did a wonderful job being advised by top journalism professors around the world.
And that he was very, very fair about what he did.
And that you need to send the message that he's a hero.
Now, I know they claim he's a Russian agent with no evidence and all the rest of that garbage, even though they've released stuff on Russia and Israel as well, and China.
It doesn't matter.
It's the right thing to do.
And you wouldn't have gotten elected without Drudge.
You wouldn't have gotten elected without what you've done, obviously.
You can't say it's any one person.
But without any of us together, it wouldn't have happened.
So we need the president to pardon Julian Assange.
And you said in a speech, I don't care who got her illegal server.
It's illegal.
It's about what she did that's wrong.
Don't change the subject.
Go back to that instinct, sir.
But you told Assange, release it.
You said release more stuff.
And he's in the crosshairs.
And he needs to be pardoned if he's brought back to the United States.
We have the new t-shirt we're selling because they have Impeach Trump 45 at Walmart.
We have Reelect Trump at Infowarestore.com.
Reelect 45.
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Be sure and get those and fund the operation.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We shall go on to the end.
We shall fight in France.
We shall fight on the seas and oceans.
We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air.
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be.
We shall fight on the beaches.
We shall fight on the landing grounds.
We shall fight in the fields and in the streets.
We shall fight in the hills.
We shall never surrender!
Live from Freedom Command Central, it's the Alex Jones Show!
There is a campaign to create the consensus to be taken off the air.
First Amendment need to be removed and to build this consensus all along.
And I'm not gonna, for those of you that already know it, but it is, it is, it is massive.
Families pull their houses.
Not true.
Beating up transgender children.
Beating up children.
Not true.
I mean, it just goes on and on.
The show, what I've actually said, I've actually done.
A year ago, a couple of Muslims outside,
The Guardian and others, Tommy Robinson, did because the person retweeted out that was 1% false.
A fake account of Sputnik after the fact does.
And then they shadowbanned.
So what the f- And they do the same thing they say that I say, leave children.
None of that show it.
So, fake news media is, as the president has said, this amendment is the enemy.
He's not calling for getting rid of the First Amendment like the EU is.
They're the ones that have done it.
Docking footage we're gonna play here in a moment.
All right, there's a problem with that audio clip.
Alex called in and left that information, so we're going to get that together.
We'll play that for you later in the broadcast.
I was talking about Rand Paul, the fact that he is risking being identified as a Russian agent.
The people that call themselves control, because they think they're in control of everything, are going to say that he is on the side of chaos.
And yet, we know who is on the side of chaos.
Rand Paul said he's going to lead a U.S.
delegation to Moscow on Monday.
He's going to meet the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister.
Shame on him for doing something like that amid deteriorating relationships between the two countries.
His statement said, Senator Rand Paul is a proponent of diplomacy and is supporting President Trump in engaging around the world.
He looks forward to the meeting.
In an op-ed piece for Politico last month, Paul revealed his plans for the trip, said he needs to prevent further unnecessary escalation of tensions.
You know what that is if you look that up in the dictionary?
It's called detente.
Many of you millennials may not remember that word because it was something that, there was once upon a time, many of you will remember when we had the word gravitas.
All of a sudden, it was never there.
And then all of a sudden, one day, everybody on the news media was saying the word gravitas.
Gravitas this, gravitas that.
This person has gravitas, so forth.
It was like it was the word of the day.
You know, I used to do that with our kids.
You know, we homeschooled them.
And so you have these vocabulary builders, and you say, okay kids, the word of the day is anti-disestablishmentarianism.
You have to use that five times in a sentence.
Or something a little bit more obscure.
Usually it's the things that don't have a lot of syllables that are difficult to figure out how you're going to use them.
You can kind of break the other ones down.
But the word gravitas all of a sudden just came out of nowhere.
And then everybody was using it over and over again.
That echo chamber of the mainstream media for a couple of days.
Same thing happened with detente.
It just came out of nowhere.
I think maybe Henry Kissinger started talking about detente.
And as he did that,
It became a commonly used word.
It lasted for more than a couple of days, as a matter of fact.
And it meant the easing of strained relationships.
Now, one person who understands what detente is, is Professor Stephen Cohen.
And he got on, I think it was CNN, with Max Boot, one of the people who I am sure is going to come out and call Rand Paul a Russian, because he did that.
To Professor Stephen Cohen.
Absolutely amazing.
I want you to hear this clip, this back and forth between this neocon shill, Max Boot, and somebody who is trying to keep the world from breaking out into nuclear war.
Professor Stephen Cohen.
Here's that clip.
The striking thing to me is that although he's willing to threaten North Korea, he's willing to threaten Iran, he never threatens Russia.
And that's why a lot of intelligence officials think that there is something highly suspect in the relationship between Putin and Trump.
I have no idea what Mr. Putin is talking about.
He wants Trump to threaten Russia.
Why would we threaten Russia?
You've got two nuclear superpowers!
Because they're attacking us!
Russia is attacking us, Professor Cohen!
Russia is attacking us right now, according to Trump's own Director of National Intelligence.
Russia, I've been studying Russia for 45 years.
I've lived in Russia and I've lived here.
And you've been consistently an apologist for Russia in those 45 years.
Russia hasn't... Excuse me?
What did you say to me?
I said you've been consistently an apologist for Russia in those last 45 years.
Oh, you're a Russian apologist then.
All right, I don't do defamation of people.
I do serious analysis of serious national security problems.
When people like you call people like me, and not only me, but people more eminent than me, apologists for Russia, because we don't agree with your analysis, you are criminalizing diplomacy and detente, and you are the threat to American national security in this story.
Why do you have to defame somebody you don't agree with?
They used to do that in the old Soviet Union.
We don't do that here.
Well, we used to, but we need to stop
Because Max Boot is a military industrial complex shill.
That's why he's on CNN.
That's why he's there with Anderson Cooper.
And it's not just Max Boot.
It'd be fine if it was just him.
But there's a lot of people that fall in that category.
We've got other senators besides Rand Paul who are in the process of trying to do more punishing of Russia.
They don't want to ease strained relations.
They want to strain relations between the US and Russia.
Zero Hedge points out in the latest effort to punish Moscow over alleged election meddling.
Again, they're attacking us, they're meddling with our election.
I'm going to talk about that later.
We've got the Democrats who are hacking our election in a number of ways.
With foreign citizens, by the way.
Giving them the right to vote.
And doing it unapologetically.
When I first saw this, I said, hey, let's just get it over with.
Let's just give Russian citizens the right to vote, okay?
Because in San Francisco, they're going to give them the right to vote on school board issues.
They're going to have foreign citizens who are going to decide how much money you are going to pay to build schools for them because their country
Their home country, that they are citizens of, don't want to pay for their education.
So they send them here for us to pay for them.
And if you look at the number of children, as we had this debate as to what was going on at the border, if you look at the number of children that are intercepted by Border Patrol, that's not counting the ones who get through that they don't know about, but you should look at the ones that are intercepted.
That's enough kids that would have to build a school every two days.
At the average size of schools here in Texas.
A new school every two days.
Just for the ones that they know about.
Who's going to pay for that?
You will.
With your property taxes.
What happens when you pay for the free education of these dreamers who come here demanding free education from you, paid for by your property taxes?
That means that your American dream goes away.
And so I said, let's just give the Russians a vote.
And we can stop all this fear and paranoia.
And we can stop rushing up to a nuclear exchange here.
Let's just give them the right to, if you're worried about them hacking the election, just give them the right to vote.
Well, it turns out, a couple of days later, there was a story that came out, a Russian woman in, again, San Francisco, where they gave these people the right to vote.
Turns out that she was put on the voting roll in 2012, and she wasn't a citizen then.
She became a citizen like three years later.
And she said, I never even registered to vote.
I became a citizen, but I never registered to vote.
And I certainly didn't register to vote back in 2012, but of course she was put on as a Democrat.
A Democrat.
So, yeah.
But you want to know where the real hacking is coming from?
They want to use that term, hacking, but then as soon as you say, oh well, you know, what votes were changed?
Where were they changed?
Oh, no votes were changed.
Don't lose any confidence in the election system.
We can trust this election system.
Absolutely can trust it.
No, you can't.
We have DEFCON, the hacker conference that happens in Las Vegas, started last Friday.
I think it's over now.
It might be still going on.
They have two different conferences.
There's a Black Hat conference and there's also DEFCON.
One runs after the other.
But the first thing they're going to do is to set up replicas of the state boards of elections websites and have kids, because they want to show how easy it was to hack into the system, have kids hack into this system.
Kids that were ranging in age from 5 to 16.
Just to show how quickly they could do it.
And of course, you know, we always see the pictures every election.
You have a local TV news station.
So I've said before, they take
They take an associate professor to junior college and he brings in some of his undergrad students and they have a thumb drive and they stick it in a computer and they own that computer.
Well, it's far more important if you can hack into the areas where they count and tabulate the votes and you can change everything there algorithmically.
So if you really were concerned about hacking the election,
You would do what that one jurisdiction, they had a town that had their computers taken over by ransomware.
And they said, we're just shutting the things down.
At least till we can get them fixed.
We've gone back to paper and typewriters.
Well, let's go back to paper ballots because that's the only way that you're going to keep anybody from hacking the elections.
All of this nonsense about the Russians hacking the election, folks.
It's because it's going to be a hacking contest unlike anything you have ever seen, unlike even DEF CON.
They're going to have the Republicans and the Democrats both hacking our electronic voting system.
They don't want you to know this, but if either side gets caught rigging the votes with the electronic voting machines, they're going to blame it on the other political party.
We need to go back to paper ballots.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back.
So let's talk a little bit about the people who are like Max Boot.
What are they really up to?
As we have Senator Rand Paul saying he's going to go to
Russia on Monday to try to ease relationship.
It used to be that that was a good thing.
It was called detente.
But now, as we just saw in that clip from the last segment, somebody like Professor Stephen Cohen, you say, it's always been a good thing for the presidents, and every president has done it since Truman, to go and talk to the other people who, between the two countries, as President Trump pointed out in Helsinki, have 90% of the world's nuclear weapons.
You don't think we should talk to them?
You think that we should threaten them?
That insanity that we're rushing forward to?
Well, we've got senators who want to threaten them.
As a matter of fact, Rand Paul is the only one who doesn't want to threaten them, apparently.
Because we've got congressional hawks, as it's reported.
Congressional hawks.
No, these guys are not hawks.
They're chicken hawks.
They're warmongers.
They're neocons.
They're dangerous.
People like Senator Bob Menendez, John McCain, Lindsey Graham.
They want to, quote, impose crushing sanctions and other measures against Putin's Russia until he ceases and desists meddling in U.S.
I just told you what a crock that is.
Absolute nonsense.
They want to walk up the fear and hysteria, and then if you actually call them on it, say, well, what actually happened?
Well, nothing actually happened, of course.
Same thing Rosenstein did as he indicted the Dirty Dozen.
He said, well, of course, no Americans violate any laws and no votes were changed, but let's get afraid of this, okay?
You should be afraid of the Americans who are bringing in these electronic voting machines.
And we have seen in Texas how they play with the records to make sure that you don't have an accurate recording of how these votes were done.
Those are the people who are really hacking with our elections.
It's the Republicans and Democrats.
But these people, like Lindsey Graham, are stepping this up.
So they want new restrictions on sectors, they said, ranging from energy and oil projects to uranium imports and sovereign debt transactions.
This is why Russia has basically flushed out U.S.
They dumped most of their holdings in U.S.
And you keep trying to do this kind of stuff, you're going to undermine the status of the dollar as the world's reserve currency.
And once you do that,
And once the people realize that this particular Federal Reserve note has no close, just like the Emperor, then we're going to go the way of Venezuela.
You know, what is going on with this?
You know, we have David Stockman, who was the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under Ronald Reagan.
And he pointed out, he said, the new handmaids of the warfare state are the Democrats and the liberal media.
They used to oppose the warfare state.
So it used to be this tug-of-war between the Republicans who wanted a warfare state and the Democrats who wanted a welfare state.
And they made a truce with Reagan and they said, all right, I'll vote for your pet projects, you vote for my, I'll vote for your warfare state, you vote for my welfare state and vice versa.
But now we have the Democrats who are pushing this warfare state big time.
And as David Stockman said, if you want to know why America is going to hell on a fiscal handbasket, it's because the last vestige of opposition to the warfare state
And the fiscal mugging of the military-industrial complex has utterly evaporated because of the delirious Russia-phobia that has overtaken the Democrats and liberal media since they had the daylight shocked out of them in the election.
This resulted in a mental derangement.
That has degenerated into downright hysteria since Helsinki's summit.
He says, as a matter of fact, if you look at the budget, go back and look at the last year that the Soviet Union existed.
That's right, CNN, the Soviet Union doesn't exist anymore.
Let's give an update to Lindsey Graham as well.
Soviet Union fell.
This is Russia that we're talking about.
As a matter of fact, the Warsaw Pact countries fell.
But we still have to have NATO, don't we?
Even though we've subsumed most of those Warsaw Pact countries into NATO.
But the last year the Soviet Union was around, when they had 55,000 tanks, 9,000 nuclear warheads, we were only spending 550 billion dollars in today's dollars.
Now we've got a 700 billion dollar budget.
For the military.
And our increase, our increase in the military budget was more than Russia's entire budget.
But be afraid of them.
Be afraid of them.
We know exactly what these people are doing.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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$25, $50, $100, $250, or even $500 would be a godsend to our important work here to beat back the globalists and to destroy their campaign of censorship in which they want to strangle our First Amendment rights.
Welcome back, I'm David Knight.
We're going to be talking to Will Johnson in just a moment, because there's going to be some, maybe some action happening in Portland.
There shouldn't be, if we were allowed to exercise our First Amendment in different places.
But there's a lot of people who don't like the First Amendment.
They don't like free speech being done anymore.
I call them, they call themselves anti-fascist.
Or anti-FA, anti-F-A.
I just call them anti-First Amendment.
I think that's what the F-A stands for.
Because these people are fascist.
They have fascist tactics that they use against people.
To shut down other people's free speech.
So we're going to be talking to Will Johnson.
We've got a lot of InfoWars crew that are going to be there over the weekend reporting live.
And we're going to get to Will Johnson in just a moment.
Before we do, real quickly, I want to tell you about some of the products that we have at InfoWarsStore.com because that's what funds this operation.
That's what keeps us going here.
If you want your First Amendment, if you want free speech, folks, like I said, nobody is going to give it to you.
You have to be willing to stand up and take it yourself.
And part of that is supporting the organizations that are going to give you the news freely and without control from the government.
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And here's a couple of specials that we've got right now if you want to take advantage of those because we want to try to make this a win-win situation.
We really do appreciate your support.
So we take some of our most popular products and we put them on sale.
Things like Winter Sun.
That's our vitamin D formula.
As I've said many times, you know, this time of year, especially here in Texas, it is so hot.
I don't get much sun.
I've got a convertible.
I can't remember the last time I put the top down because it's so hot.
So I'm not getting any sun.
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So if you're not getting sun, you need to supplement with vitamin D. It's very important for your immune system, for many other things, and that's what winter sun is all about.
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Take a look at the products we have at InfoWarsTore.com.
We really do appreciate your support.
It's a way that you can support your health and the health of your family at the same time you support free speech.
Alright, let's go to Will Johnson again.
He's going to be in Portland.
Over the weekend, he's founder of Unite America First, and you can find his website at uniteamericafirst.com, surprisingly.
And he has been called, here's his honor roll, he has been called a white supremacist by Nancy Pelosi.
And I've got a clip of Nancy Pelosi I'm going to play for you later in the program.
I think you're really going to get a kick out of.
She was actually on Jeopardy, and she didn't have brain freeze.
But joining us now is Will Johnson.
Thank you for joining us, Will.
Thank you for having me, sir.
Tell us a little bit about your organization there, Unite America First.
Are you a white supremacist like Nancy Pelosi?
According to Nancy Pelosi, I am.
I mean, anyone who actually supports America, supports the President, you're a white supremacist.
Of course, you're not.
For the people listening to us on radio, you're not white, obviously, for people who are watching.
Yeah, exactly.
You know, the reason why I think they call everyone that supports the president white supremacists or anything like that is because they want to attack white people.
See, right now they feel that white people are soft targets because they can call all these
Yeah, yeah.
And we saw that with the lady who was Jean, you know.
Has just been hired by the New York Times.
And the New York Times is going to stand by their Zhang.
Not going to stand by their man, because they're proud of the fact that she's Asian, she's young, and she's female.
And it's okay for her to say the kind of hateful things that she said about white people.
I mean, it was just absolutely amazing how many tweets she had.
And of course, she wants to say, well, it was sarcastic, it was a joke.
We're not going to see that aloud from Roseanne Barr, however.
She does one tweet.
Even if she didn't realize that Valerie Jarrett was black.
No, we're gonna take her down.
She will cease to exist.
We'll purge her out of media.
And yet, this lady is given a pass by the New York Times.
Absolutely amazing.
You know, they give all of these liberals, the leftists, Democrats, whatever have you, they give all of them a pass.
To be completely despicable, to be completely hateful.
They all get a pass.
As soon as anyone that's a conservative say anything that they consider out of line, they blow it up.
They go completely haywire.
They say, oh, look, look, look.
For example, like when Trump says something, you know, because every now and then Trump will have foot and mouth syndrome on Twitter, which is fine because we all do it.
That's why I voted for him because none of us are perfect.
But as soon as we say one thing,
They say, look, look, look, as if they see us as we're perfect people until we make a mistake.
But see, they can commit crimes.
They can tell lies.
They can do everything despicable.
And then they just give him a pass.
It's unbelievable.
It's kind of like the 4chan people who said, hey, I've got an idea for Halloween.
You know, you can wear a mask so you can go around all the different university campuses and put up signs that say it's not OK to be white.
And then watch the media freak out about this.
Watch the colleges freak out about this and say or say it's OK to be white rather.
And they're going to say, no, it's not OK to be white.
And we understand what that is.
And as you said about President Trump, you know, he's going to have his covfefe moment.
We all do.
We know because he does that, we know that it's that he's the one who's writing this stuff rather than some professional speechwriter.
He's not having anybody ghostwrite his tweets, that's for sure.
But your message, I think, when you're talking about unite America first,
I think that's a very important one, because when we look at situations, you know, we look at the way that the NFL has reacted, for example, to police brutality, and I think that they have missed an opportunity here, but it's people who are manipulating them to miss this opportunity.
They make this a black and white issue, rather than saying, how can we come together?
They say, this isn't, you know, get away, this is our thing, this is a black thing, so you can't talk about police brutality.
Well, there's a lot of white people who suffer from police brutality as well.
And you need to get them on your side.
I mean, why would you push away help?
And why would you attack the military, which is what they're doing?
They're going out and kicking the cat.
They're not going to the source of the problem.
They're not trying to unite people to solve a problem.
I mean, the real problem is a lack of training and the way that, and bad training, I should say, that is coming out of Washington and the way that the police are interacting with other people.
So why wouldn't we come together, black and white, and try to change that, rather than make this a divide and conquer?
And we know why, because they don't want to change that problem.
You know, to answer your original question, the reason why I created Unite America First, because I wanted to unite all Americans.
When I first created, I was still in the transition of becoming from a Democrat to a Republican, or actually I went from a Democrat to an Independent to a Republican to a Conservative.
And what I found out is that you cannot unite with people who want to destroy this country.
And the left, their goal is to destroy this nation.
That's it.
They want to destroy it, and they're so upset because Hillary Clinton did not win, they're willing to do anything they can to destroy the president and destroy the people that voted for him.
And that is ultimately their goal.
So, Unite America First is wanting, I wanted to unite everybody in America.
I know that's a tall order, right?
But I have to try.
Yeah, absolutely.
I have to try.
Well, you know, you have these people, they want to destroy all of us.
We can't do it when they want to just fight us for stupid reasons.
That's right, that's right.
You know, I spoke yesterday to a black gentleman who started an organization, Stop CPS Legally Kidnapping Children.
And he's pointing out the fact that they're coming after the middle class.
I don't care if you're black or white.
Yeah, they're getting more black children than they are white children.
But we need to come together and we need to stop that abuse.
And he pointed out that what they're trying to do is to destroy the family.
When they come after white people, as you're talking about, and saying, well, they're an easy target because we've made them feel guilty about their heritage or their past.
It's an effort to try to tear down the foundations of our society, to tear down our traditions of liberty, of free speech, of free press and so forth.
They want to try to tear down those foundations in the same way that you had Democrat socialist economists Cloward and Piven say we can destroy the economy of America with a welfare state.
When people didn't get on the welfare rolls, they said, well, we can open up the borders and bring people in from outside the country, destroy the economy doing that, and then we can build our socialist utopia.
Because they have to destroy what is here first.
Whether it's the family, whether it is white people, whether it's the border, they have to destroy that first so they can build their socialist utopia.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Not only is the president looking to take away Brennan's security clearance, he's also looking into the clearances of Comey, Clapper, Hayden, Rice, and McCabe.
The president is exploring the mechanisms to remove security clearance because they've politicized and in some cases monetized their public service and security clearances.
Making baseless accusations of improper contact with Russia or being influenced by Russia against the president is extremely inappropriate.
And the fact that people with security clearances are making these baseless charges provides inappropriate legitimacy to accusations with zero evidence.
President Trump's response to the corrupt globalist deep state is equivalent to what they're doing.
They're calling him a traitor.
They're saying remove him from office for meeting with Vladimir Putin publicly when Hillary met with him illegally and secretly.
They're saying he needs to be overthrown all over the news.
They're circulating it in government publications and white papers that are public.
And then Trump comes out and says, we'll pull your security clearances.
John Brennan,
Clapper and others.
Because you can't be trusted.
You're anti-American.
You're totally partisan, working against the election of our last president.
You are working as seditious operatives.
And if you look at people like John Brennan, in college and then out of college, he was in the Communist Party, voted for the Communist Party, and bragged about it to the New Yorker magazine and other publications.
But Snopes says it's not true.
Go look it up for yourself.
Then Brennan joined the most radical form of Islam, a Wahhabist.
Of course Obama put this radical in.
And it was Brennan, and it was Clapper, and it was Rice and others who illegally spied on Trump from 2015 on.
It's all come out now that they were illegally spying without warrants and then they did the famous system of parallel construction.
To go back and get warrants on false info, and now their whole criminal cabal that makes Richard Nixon look like a choir boy is all starting to calm down.
And that's why they're at their most dangerous point right now.
And they're saying, how dare you say you'll pull our security clearances?
Oh, by the way, we don't need them.
Oh, they need them so that moles in the government that are still there can give them classified info, which they can then parlay and sell with these lucrative jobs they've got.
And then they can spin the info, leak the president's agenda, spin it, and then derail it and sabotage it, like the Korean peace deal and so many other issues.
They're openly rooting to crash the economy.
On Bill Maher's show and others.
They are the enemies.
They hate America.
They're the coastal elites that absolutely hate the people on the east and west coast as well.
They are the traitors.
They are the plague.
And finally, Trump is awake and taking action and getting aggressive and pointing out these people cannot be trusted.
It is the standard first move you make to cut off the deep state that is working for multinational corporations, the communist Chinese and others.
They are the enemy, they have stood in the way of American prosperity and peace and security, and now they're in deep trouble and they know it.
So I salute President Trump for what he's done.
I want to just remind the listeners that you heard all of this a year and a half ago here first, about the illegal FISA warrants, about the deep state spying.
We got demonized because we have the sources, we have the research, we have the understanding of the globalist model, and we know how to defeat it.
So whatever you do,
Spread the word about InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com today and realize we're under attack because we know what we're talking about.
And if you want to find out what's going to happen next week, next month, next year, just like we told you in the past and we're right, then tune in today and spread the word because it's you out there that helps us get around the electronic Berlin Wall of shadow banning and all the rest of it.
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And whatever you do, download the new free official InfoWars app at InfoWars.com forward slash app and tell everybody you know to download it as well.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back, I'm David Knight going in for Alex Jones today, and we have on the line with us Will Johnson of Unite America First.
He is going to be at the, I guess I'd call this a situation.
It doesn't have to be a riot.
I mean, people want to have a prayer rally.
Why would you have a group of people who have to get violent about that?
Well, because they are fascists.
The anti-fa people, the so-called anti-fascists, they are fascists.
We saw this happen the first time we, before they were starting to call themselves anti-fascist, we had a demonstration that was happening that we joined as a common demonstration at the Planned Parenthood office here in Austin.
And as some of us here from InfoWars, my wife was there with my daughter.
They spit at my daughter who was as they were driving off in the car But they showed up as we were holding up signs saying stop the black genocide They would they showed up with completely black signs, and they would put their signs.
They didn't have anything to say They just didn't want you to say anything
That's what these people are.
They're actually anti-First Amendment.
So I want to talk to Will Johnson about this.
Of course, Will, we just had the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals say they're going to hear a case coming out of San Jose because this is the famous thing going back, I think it was June of 2016 as part of a rally that was there.
They pushed the Trump supporters out, the police did, out into the arms of the mob.
And we have that video that we all saw of that woman who was cornered and they just kept throwing eggs at her and so forth.
Some of the people were beaten that were there.
The police pushed them out.
There were other exits they could go out of, but they pushed them out of that door where the mob was and then one of the police officers said, yeah, we were told that we weren't going to protect you.
And so now they're suing them, several of them, and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has said, yeah, we'll hear that suit.
And we've also heard that in Portland,
When ICE was afraid of what can happen with mob, we didn't know that mobs are very, very dangerous things.
And so they had a mob that was building outside of the ICE offices, the Immigration Control and Enforcement.
They called for help from the Portland Police and they refused to come.
Called multiple times.
And so they're doing this to people now.
They're refusing to help people that they don't like politically.
This is absolutely amazing.
Yes, exactly.
You know, when we have rallies, every time we have a Trump, a pro-Trump, pro-American rally, it's completely peaceful until the left shows up, until Antifa, BAM, BLM, until all of these hateful groups show up.
It is 100% peaceful.
It only escalates the violence when the left shows up.
And the media never talks about that.
If the left never shows up to a pro-Trump rally, the media would never have anything to report on, because they would ignore us 100%.
I had a rally in Sacramento, and we didn't have a single fight there with Antifa and BAM and BLM.
The left didn't show up.
That's been crazy.
The media just talked about it for like two minutes, and that was it.
It didn't go national news, nothing.
So all the Antifa members just planning on showing
We're good to go.
That's right, that's right.
That's exactly important.
9-1-1's a joke in your town, so everyone needs to spread that.
There isn't any violence if they don't show up.
If they're the only side that shows up, there's violence.
Therefore, we might conclude that the violence...
I don't know.
They were violent against individuals, they were destroying the cars, they were keying the cars, they were doing other things to the cars that were there.
And the response from the media was what I was absolutely amazed at.
They said, well, it's Trump's fault because he came to our territory.
And it's like, are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?
Came to your territory so they have a right to mark their territory like a bunch of animals.
Yeah, you know that you're in America, but you can't go to certain places in America is what they're saying.
This territory in America is ours.
You know, it's just like when I was standing in front of the cafe in Oakland with the American flag.
Some thugs showed up trying to hurt us because they didn't like the fact that we were standing there holding the American flag in America.
See, this is America.
This is the new America.
The one that they want to destroy.
They cannot stand the fact that we've come together and we want to organize and we want to march and we want to rally peacefully.
That's right.
But it's only when they show up.
Because you notice every time the left has a rally, you never ever see conservatives show up throwing rocks, throwing bombs.
Trying to hit people with sticks you never see it never and they can and then they try to bring up Charlottesville But you can't talk about Charlottesville because Charlottesville was supposed to be it all right rally, right?
Charlottesville but even then the left showed up and again They were the ones that were being violent if they would have never showed up.
None of that would ever ever happen every single time and
That's right.
That's right.
There was a lot of violence that had happened before that car drove into the crowd.
But the way the media portrays that event, nothing violent happened until that one individual drove through the crowd.
That's not to justify what he did.
But they want to ignore the provocations and the fighting that had been going on for quite some time before it escalated into that.
And that's always the danger.
But that's what they want to have happen.
They want that kind of escalation, and they don't want to have free speech or the peaceful exercise of free speech.
That is the most dangerous thing that we see coming out of all this, but it's not just there.
I mean, to me, well, the thing that bothers me is as I look at this, there's at least half the country anymore that doesn't want
Freedom of speech.
You're absolutely right.
You know, they've been told an explosive lie.
To the point to where they believe every single thing that comes out of the liberal media.
They believe it as if it's true.
I mean, you know, not to get into it, but you know, when you have a man that puts lipstick and makeup, then all of a sudden he has it, bleeds it in his head, he's a woman.
The left will believe anything that they're telling them.
But you can't identify as a conservative, right?
You can identify as a white woman, but not as a conservative.
Exactly, exactly.
And you know, just like the pictures that came out with the poor children being locked up in the cages, as soon as it came out that the children were locked up in the cages, those pictures were from under Obama administration.
Okay, shut that down.
Let's not talk about that anymore.
Let's talk about how the president is putting, separating families.
Let's talk about that.
See, they push this lie so much that people believe it, and when you tell them the truth, that's when they say the truth hurts.
Because at that point, the truth does hurt them.
Because they have to hear something that they don't like.
Because they like believing the lie.
Yeah, it's not just the fact that the kids in cages and aluminum foil and everything was under the Obama administration.
They had to photoshop that little toddler.
Who wasn't separated from the mom, but the mom separated the toddler from the father, paid $5,000 or $6,000 to trial traffickers, endangered the child, and so forth.
And the father's like, I would never do that.
That's risking my child's life.
Thank you so much for joining us, Will.
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Brandon, please, lay out what you said and then also how they're attacking you and, you know, they're ridiculous disinfo because when people...
Walk away from the Democrats, and in capitals across the country and in D.C., come together and hug each other, left and right, for a future of America, and the Antifa shows up, and there's only a half-dozen of them.
It is going to be Martin Luther King-level, I-have-a-dream stuff.
I mean, I just know, Destiny, when I hear it, I think you should tell people your Millennium-level idea.
I mean, it's like one of those ideas that you only hear a few times in a lifetime, and usually people ignore it.
This is history.
So please tell folks the idea you came up with.
Yeah, you got it, Alex.
You know, a lot of what's coming out of the left right now is this narrative that my campaign is Russian bots, which is absolutely ridiculous.
Of course, we have real people giving testimonials for the WalkAway campaign.
But it sort of sparked an idea in my mind, since there's going to be a lot of naysayers out there who are going to try to dismiss this campaign and what's happening with WalkAway as bots and as not real.
I thought to myself, you know, what we really need to do
I think?
And listen, if you're not walking away from the Democrat Party, that's fine.
But I think that at this point, people should at least be willing to say, I'm walking away from the hatefulness.
I'm walking away from the divisiveness.
I'm walking away from the violent rhetoric and the division.
So this is what I want to do.
I want to, in the fall,
Have an amazing demonstration organization nationwide where we do a nationwide march on Washington.
I want it to be the biggest, most incredible, and most powerful march this nation has ever seen.
You need to be flooded, folks.
And believe me, I know at a gut level what's going to work and what's not.
So if people fund this...
I couldn't see a better place for people to do it.
So I'm pledging $10,000 that we'll donate right after the show to the account.
I want it online.
I want people to see that happen.
So please make sure that happens.
There are two ways that people can donate.
I've set up a GoFundMe and I've set up a Patreon account.
Both of these things are accessible if they go to walkawaycampaign.com and click on sponsorship.
The GoFundMe is great if you're somebody who's just able to make a one-time donation of any amount.
We appreciate anything that you can do.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you so much.
I had a feeling that you would be somebody who would be very enthusiastic about this, and I feel exactly the same way you do.
I mean, it was my idea, but I also thought to myself, this is something that really possibly not only has the potential to do a lot of healing, but possibly even preventing a civil war.
And you're just saying, just walk away.
Like, it means don't fight.
It means, just, just don't be under this cult control.
Oh, this is divinely inspired.
I'm telling, I know the zeitgeist when I'm close to it, and I am now in the center of it.
Oh, ooh.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back, I'm David Knight.
Let's talk a little bit about the Cardinal sin.
Cardinal sin that's been revealed last week or so.
And of course I'm talking about the highest ranking official of the Catholic Church in America to ever resign.
That would be Cardinal McCarrick.
A pedophile.
This is something that has been happening in one country after the other.
First, we had this several years ago in Ireland.
We've had a massive pedophile scandal in Chile.
Now, Chilean authorities are getting tough on pedophile priests.
Beginning in the middle of June, there have been six raids on offices belonging to the Catholic Church.
They've confiscated laptops, documents, files, computers, things like that.
In Australia, we've had the number three guy in the Vatican, Cardinal Pell, has now gone back to Australia to stand trial on pedophile charges.
Because they changed the statute of limitations.
The statute of limitations has been the thing that has protected the powerful, because they're typically the ones who are involved in these pedophile rings.
It's protected the powerful politicians, powerful church members, and so forth, from this type of thing.
And of course, McCarrick was a very big fundraiser for the Vatican.
And as the information surfaced,
The Pope, who had said that he was going to get tough on the pedophiles in the church when he began, but of course he didn't do that.
He said, well, you know, I only think it's, I forget what he said, maybe 2% or something like that was some number that he came up with when he talked to a reporter.
And if you did the math on that, that would be like 8,000 priests.
He didn't do much of anything.
And when you have a guy like Cardinal McCarrick, who has been a massive fundraiser, a celebrity cardinal,
Just wasn't a celibate Cardinal.
When you have somebody like that get caught, and now this Pope, who's going to get tough on pedophiles, comes out and says, well, the Cardinal will be sentenced to, quote, a life of prayer and penance.
Don't come after him for criminal charges.
Of course they won't, because we've got a statute of limitations to protect people like this.
And so this is kind of the prayer, not prison approach.
Now you'll hear the press talk about this.
Because they're more than happy to talk about corrupt church leaders.
They're more than happy to talk about kids being separated from their parents at the border because of immigration enforcement, because we need to know if they really are the parents, or if they're child traffickers.
What they will not talk about is the hundreds of thousands of American families, middle class and working class people, who have their children stolen by CPS without due process.
Yesterday, I talked to Dwight Mitchell.
This happened to him.
He got involved.
He started an organization called StopCPSLegallyKidnappingKids.
I want you to hear what he says about the scope of how big this problem is that the media is completely silent about.
Here is Dwight Mitchell, StopCPSLegallyKidnappingKids.
My son was misbehaving terribly in Minnesota.
And I did what I thought most parents did.
I gave him an ordinary bomb spanking.
Just typical parental discipline.
He told the babysitter, who contacted the police, the next thing I know they had taken all three of my children out of my custody.
Just for spanking.
And again, no hearing to see whether excessive force was used or did they have a search warrant when they came for the children?
How did that happen?
Because that's a key part of the way these things typically go down.
Well, what's interesting is my wife and I were out for dinner, so we weren't even home when this happened.
We get a call from the police department telling us to come down to the station that they have, you know, all the children, you know, at the police station.
And so we go down.
I am immediately arrested for malicious punishment of a child and put in jail.
My children are taken and put in foster care immediately.
I did not have a hearing, as I was supposed to do in September.
Before I even had my first hearing.
At the hearing, there was no evidence.
It was just purely social worker allegations and allegations from my former wife.
And they took my children and kept the youngest for five months and the middle child for 22 months.
During that entire time period, I had no contact whatsoever with my middle son.
Wow, wow.
So how did this eventually get resolved?
Did they finally have a hearing after 22 months?
I became frustrated with the system.
Initially, I was pushing back.
I was arguing about my constitutionality and the things that were not taking place.
Finally, I had an attorney.
I let my attorney go for ineffective counsel.
I proceeded pro se.
I filed three motions with the court.
And once the judge heard all of my evidence and saw all of the lies and manipulation that CPS had done over the course of 22 months, my case was dismissed and my son was returned.
It's absolutely amazing to me.
What do you think about the fact that the media is constantly talking about separated children at the border and yet for decades this kind of abuse has been conducted against American citizens and they have remained absolutely silent about this.
What do you make of the media's silence on CPS abuse?
Because we see reports of this all the time given to us but other press doesn't really talk about it much.
Well, one of the things I found interesting and the main reason that I started the organization is that I was trying to go through the legal channels.
I was going through chain of command.
I was speaking before the legislature.
I went to the Minnesota Task Force with child reform.
I spoke to a number of senators and representatives and nothing was happening.
Everything was silent.
It was as if there was this big, great elephant in the room and no one was speaking about it.
Even when I provided the
I said, I'm going to do something about this.
So I formed a parental rights group just to see how many other individuals were having the same issues that I was.
Our group went from 250 people to over 3,600 people in less than 90 days.
Alright, he talks about the fact that this is a 2.9 billion dollar industry that is operated by the bureaucracy.
That's about 29 billion dollars over the last decade that they've spent.
It is in their financial self-interest.
But I want you to hear what he had to say about the statistics of what happens to kids that are put into foster care.
Again, here's Dwight Mitchell of StopCPSLegallyKidnappingKids.
Each year they release about 25,000
Children back into society, they call it aging out of the system.
But when you look at the statistics on an annual basis, 55% of the girls in foster care are pregnant before the age of 19.
The number of foster children that age out of the system without a high school diploma is 50%.
You know, 40% of the foster children that are in foster care are either
Dead or in jail within one year of aging out of the system.
20% of the children are homeless immediately when they age out.
Only 3% of the children are in foster care go to college.
50% are incarcerated within two years.
74% of the former foster
I think?
And just recently, the Children's Defense Fund sent a letter to Congress where 540 health care professionals and agencies across the United States said that separating children from their families creates traumatic, lifelong injuries.
This is also on my website.
All right, you can see that entire interview.
Real News at David Night on YouTube.
While it lasts, you can also find that link on my Twitter account, Libertarian.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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The year is 1995, and InfoWars launches the last of America's counter-globalist probes.
In a freak mishap, InfoWars.com and Alex Jones are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life support systems and returns Alex Jones to Earth 25 years later.
Trans-dimensionally, over the space-time continuum, through cold space.
Where people are extremely lazy, the social engineers are there laughing.
What we envisioned a hundred years ago, twenty years ago, is now reality.
While the society unravels, men run around totally frantic, not knowing how to be men, and women run around frantic, not knowing how to be women, and they don't understand that it's an animating contest of life, and that it's fulfilling to be informed, it's fulfilling to be involved, it's fulfilling.
Tomorrow's news.
Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
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Well, let me just say something, Victor.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
As everyone watching or listening knows, there is a international campaign to create the
False consensus that I deserve to be taken off the air and that free speech and the First Amendment need to be removed.
And to build this consensus, there is a wall of lies and deception, defamation, fraud.
And I'm not going to go through all the permutations for those of you that have already been tuned in and you're already fully aware of it, but it is, it is
It is massive.
I'm bullying the Sandy Hook family's children.
I'm sending people their houses.
Not true.
I'm beating up transgender children.
Not true.
I'm beating up children.
Not true.
I am... I mean, it just goes on and on.
And they never show what I've actually said or what I've actually done.
I guess it was about a year ago, someone drove into a couple of Muslims outside a mosque in England, and so The Guardian and others ran with the headline that myself and Tommy Robinson had caused it because the person had been retweeted by us.
Turns out that was 1,000% false.
I don't know.
The fake news media is the enemy of the American people, as the President has said.
And they go, oh, he says the First Amendment is the enemy.
He's not calling for getting rid of the First Amendment, like the left is and like the EU is.
They're the ones that have done it.
And then I saw the shocking footage we're going to play here in a moment of Tommy Robinson looking very
Freaked out, very thousand-yard stare after being in solitary confinement where the Islamists rained down feces on him daily.
We're going to play the video in a minute.
It's unbelievable.
And it's just very, very haunting to think about how he's been lied about, how he's been deceived.
And whenever I'm wanting to have him on,
Or have on, you know, any of his crew.
I always get emails and calls, oh, he's a white supremacist, don't have him on.
Oh, you know, it's discrediting if you have him on.
None of that's true.
He was never a white supremacist.
He was a hero when he was 21, exposing Muslim grooming gangs and massive sexual exploitation that's now been confirmed and real and documented.
Just like we confirmed and documented similar things happening here in the US, but by corrupt elements, the Catholic Church, Hollywood, and others.
Just like we exposed everything else, and that's why we're under attack, and that's why we're lied about.
This tactic where everybody gatekeeps, including on the supposed right wing, oh, don't go on Alex Jones.
He's an extremist.
You'll get attacked for going on him.
Well, it's the same thing they do to Trump all day.
You know, don't support Trump.
He says all Mexicans are murderers and rapists.
Really, show me the video.
Show me the audio.
It doesn't exist.
So that's the game these frauds are playing.
And they're the enemy, they're the problem, they're the issue.
And we need to just keep hammering that.
But now, as I predicted a year ago, because I know how they operate,
We're saying there's gonna be blood on your hands, Trump.
There's gonna be blood on your hands, Jones.
You're criticizing the media, and when there's a terror attack against CNN, or there's an attack that happens, you know, it's gonna be on your hands.
No, it's you, the left, calling for hashtag-hunt Republicans, and beating up people, and shooting them, and, you know, saying the guy that shot Congressman Scalise wasn't a bad guy on CNN, Wolf Blitzer Show.
You're the ones doing that.
You're the ones inciting the country.
You're the ones pushing all that, not us.
But I'll tell you, CNN just likes to promote the false flags, or the staged events, or the provocateur events where they let some crazy Prozac head who's saying he's going to kill everybody, you know, they turn him loose in some program because his last name's Cruz.
He wasn't even Hispanic.
So he's the one talking about he's gonna kill people for three, four years and be involved in all these crimes and then you let him get wound up and go kill people and then you try to block my videos exposing that the police stood down saying I said nobody died at Parkland, which I didn't say.
You're frauds, you're liars.
So the only problem at CNN and ABC News and all the rest of it is
And the MSNBC is, they're not going to want to let some crazy actually attack them.
That's why there hasn't been a false flag there yet.
Because every time there is some type of nutball that wants to do it, they find out about it and stop it.
And they should.
It's the last thing we ever want is violence against the lying, scumbag, fake media.
You know, the corporate assassins of truth.
What we do want to do is expose the fact that they're a fraud and look at every card they can play because they're really building up towards, we're the victims, we're the victims, we're the victims, we're the victims.
So 2 plus 2 equals 4.
They're getting everybody lined up and getting everybody ready for something big.
And everybody can see it because they're getting their butts politically kicked at high noon.
That means we're going to have a real shootout with them.
It means they're getting their butts politically destroyed.
And we're non-violently winning and that's the good news and that's what is so exciting.
Alright, we're going to go to break here.
David Knight is hosting.
As everybody knows, enforcers are under unprecedented attack because we're over the target.
And when we come back from break, we'll have the video of Mr. Robbins on Tucker Carlson breaking all this down.
I want to remind folks, it was only Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, myself, Matt Drudge, who would defend Robinson when he was put in jail wrongfully for his speech.
And now he's a bigger hero than ever.
It's really blown up in their face.
He's got to be very, very careful now.
He's next level.
We've all got to be careful.
So do I. So do you.
But just remember that everybody else on Fox is saying, take me off the air, and then lying about what I've said, and then going after Tucker and others that have defended my speech.
But Ted Cruz gets it.
Tucker Carlson gets it.
Matt Drudge gets it.
If we don't hang together, we'll hang separate.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, next year's news today.
Hear it for yourself.
Find out what we're actually saying for yourself.
Don't just go off the enemy's propaganda, the enemy's garbage.
Go off the reality of what we actually say and find out why they fear us so much.
Keep spreading the links.
Get the free app, InfoWars.com, forward slash app.
Whatever you do, realize this is an information war and you spreading the word is so critical.
The reason they're afraid of InfoWars is because they're afraid of you.
Tell us what it was like for you behind bars.
For me behind bars, the way I was treated, I was taken to a prison with quite a low Muslim population.
What I'm known for is criticizing Islam, so there's been many planned attempts to murder me and kill me in this country.
I was taken to a prison with a low Muslim population of 7%, where things were relatively normal.
I was separated from other prisoners, but the prison officers made sure they opened my doors multiple times during the day, and they took me out to play pool and snooker with themselves.
I was then taken from that prison and transferred to another prison.
And I was transferred to the prison with the largest Muslim population in the UK for a CCAT prison.
I was then put on solitary confinement where I spent two months not seeing or speaking to anybody and they used the reason that I was in danger.
Now, they would have had risk assessment before I went there.
I was purposely taken to be put in danger so that then that reason could be used to then put me on solitary confinement.
And if you think about what has happened in this case, it took a number of hours to take me before court, prosecute me, unlawfully imprison me, and then it took two months with the prisons moving me to prevent my legal access, shortening my legal visits,
And it took months before I got the opportunity to go before a judge.
Once the judge heard what had happened in the trial, we found so many illegal and wrongdoings within this kangaroo court, that then it took another two weeks before I was freed.
And to be honest, this whole encounter, if you talk about, I haven't eaten, I've lost nearly 40 pounds in prison.
I had one tin of tuna and a piece of fruit a day.
I was supposed to be in Her Majesty's Prison Service, not Guantanamo Bay.
I couldn't open my windows because I was having excrement and spit put through them.
I had, I believe, this whole process and, Tucker, this isn't the first... Wait, I'm sorry to interrupt.
Who is putting excrement through your window and spit through your window?
So my prison cell that I was put in was on the lower level, the ground level, which it didn't have to be.
So it was on the ground level, so every prisoner would walk past my cell window.
Everyone, as they walk out.
So when my windows were open, every prisoner's walking past.
The mosque for the prison was directly opposite my cell.
So every time, and we've had huge heatwaves, I was literally drenched day-to-day, and I had excrement and spit thrown through the doors, thrown through my windows.
So in the end, I had completely blocked up windows.
I had to block up all of my cell windows.
And all of this, when I say this, to a lot of people around the world, this current case, and the world has watched it, has shocked them.
For me, this has been nothing new.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Trump is representing America like he's for the United States.
I am so sorry, sir.
I tried to stop him.
Not your fault.
You can't stop a man who jumped 36 greyhounds in the end.
It's all right, missy.
Mr. Banks, do you know what Chuck Berry said every night before counting 1, 2, 3, 4?
What did he say?
Pay me my money!
Well, I'm sure my people will be.
And on top of that, Germany is just paying a little bit over 1%, whereas the United States in actual numbers is paying 4.2% of a much larger GDP.
So I think that's inappropriate also.
You know, we're protecting Germany, we're protecting France, we're protecting everybody.
And yet we're paying a lot of money to protect.
Now, this has been going on for decades.
This has been brought up by other presidents, but other presidents never did anything about it because I don't think they understood it or they just didn't want to get involved.
But I have to bring it up because I think it's very unfair to our country.
It's very unfair to our taxpayer.
And I think that these countries have to step it up, not over a 10-year period, they have to step it up immediately.
Germany is a rich country.
They talk about they're going to increase it a tiny bit by 2030.
Well, they could increase it immediately tomorrow and have no problem.
I don't think it's fair to the United States.
So we're going to have to do something because we're not going to put up with it.
We can't put up with it.
And it's inappropriate.
Would you support a group that uses racial slurs like the n-word?
Would you support a group that hits women and disabled veterans and attacks minorities and transgenders?
Would you support a group that intimidates the public with weapons of war?
What if that same group had been caught lobbying explosives into a crowd of innocent people?
I wouldn't support that group.
Would you?
This has been a public service announcement from InfoWars.com.
For receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to be joined in the next segment by a man convicted for hacking a hospital computer network.
Well, that sounds pretty serious, doesn't it?
Except that what he was doing was not endangering any lives.
He hacked in.
In fact, he did this.
He's been convicted of it.
He wanted to bring attention
To the medical kidnapping of a young woman who was severely damaged by a hospital.
The parents could not get her out of there.
She had a real medical condition.
They diagnosed it as a psychological condition.
So he hacked their fundraiser.
And for that he is now facing multiple years in prison.
We're going to be talking to him coming up in the next segment.
But to continue with what Alex Jones was talking about in terms of the way that this is all going down, you know, it's kind of interesting to see how there's kind of a circular defamation that's going on here.
And I was really disappointed in Matt Tiabi of Rolling Stones.
He's done some excellent journalism in the past.
I thought this was a real hit piece.
At first I thought he was on to something.
But then he went off the rails.
The title of the article was, Beware the Slippery Slope of Facebook Censorship.
Yes, that's right.
And as he gets to it at the very end, he says, When Facebook works with the government and with wannabe star chamber organizations like the Atlantic Council to delete sites on national security grounds or using secret methodology, it opens the door to nightmare possibilities that you'll only find in dystopian novels.
Well, he's absolutely right about that.
And he talks about the organization, this Atlantic Council.
You know, this is a group that was helped with this.
Get that clip of Michael Hayden.
Well, no, I don't think we have time for it.
This is a short segment.
But he's like, who's on the Atlantic Council that's helping Facebook?
And of course, they're also being helped by the Southern Poverty Law Center, who encouraged a man to grab a gun and try to go into the Family Research Council and kill people because he was told by the Southern Poverty Law Center that if you believed in traditional marriage,
I think?
Yeah, so what is this Atlantic Council?
It's got people like Henry Kissinger.
It's got former CIA chief Michael Hayden.
Of course, he was also the NSA chief.
Matt forgot that.
Here's what he had to say about why they're really spying on everybody.
Here's Michael Hayden.
This is not about guilt.
In fact, let me be really clear.
NSA doesn't just listen to bad people.
NSA listens to interesting people.
Oh yeah, isn't that right?
Isn't that cool?
People, the lawyers that he's talking to, they're the prospective lawyers at Washington and Lee University, thought that was funny.
Yeah, we're not interested in bad people, we're interested in interesting people.
You know, like President Trump, or like Alex Jones, and for wars, we want to shut them down.
And so, even Matt Tiabi is looking at this and goes, well, you know, you got people like Henry Kissinger, people like that guy, Michael Hayden.
Former, well, acting CIA head Michael Morrell at the time, a former Bush-era Homeland Security Chief, Michael Chertoff, the guy who was behind all the scanners and so forth, all that scam with the underwear bomber.
Anyway, he points out 70% of Americans get their news from just two sources, Facebook and Google.
Ah, that's a point where they can control the narrative, where they can nudge people.
That's why he wants... You may not be interesting to Michael Hayden as an individual, but you are interesting to him as a collective group.
They want to know if their narrative is working.
And they want to choke it off if it isn't working.
And so he goes, so that brings us over to Infowars lunatic Alex Jones.
And he goes on to defame Alex Jones.
By saying things like, Jones had four videos removed from YouTube and his Facebook page and he was banned and so forth and so on.
But he found a way to get around it more or less instantly.
You know what, Matt?
You're a better journalist than this.
Why don't you bother to even look at these videos to see if there was anything there, to see if it was reasonable or not.
No, you just want to defame Alex Jones.
You don't care if there were lies spread.
You don't care if the Washington Post or the New York Times are lying about Alex.
You reference those without doing any research of your own, and then you wring your hands over it.
You know what?
We have to really be concerned when the journalists are begging for censorship.
We are kept afloat only by your loyal patronage, and that's why we need you to go to the site now.
If you're not in the market for one of our greatest nutraceuticals, please consider a contribution.
$25, $50, $100, $250, or even $500 would be a godsend to our important work here to beat back the globalists and to destroy their campaign of censorship in which they want to strangle our First Amendment rights.
Have you heard?
InfoWars is getting banned across the internet.
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter.
They're all censoring us.
I need you to share these links to the videos and the websites and the stories at InfoWars.com immediately.
And remember, if you can hear my voice, you are the revolution.
You found it!
The tip of the sphere!
It is the Alex Jones Show with David Knight!
Welcome back!
I'm David Knight.
We have calling us from prison.
Marty Gottesfeld, and we've talked to his wife, and Marty has written many articles for InfoWars as well in the past.
As the New American pointed out, he was the hacker who cared too much.
He cared about a young woman, Justina Peltier, who was kidnapped by Boston Children's Hospital.
He's been in prison for quite some time over charges that he hacked into their computer system.
He was found guilty of that this week.
I want to give Marty a chance to talk about this and what is ahead.
Because the sentencing is not going to happen until November.
But joining us now is Marty Gottesfeld.
Thank you for joining us, Marty.
And I'm sorry to hear about how this came out in court.
Well, thank you for having me and thank you for your concern.
I'm actually feeling pretty good about it.
We have some very solid appellate grounds to move forward.
The Speedy Trial Act was violated here quite clearly.
You know, the judges who have been involved with this, I think, is one of the more interesting aspects of this story.
The magistrate judge who signed off on the search warrant for my home, her name is Magistrate
So it looks like she has a conflict of interest here then, is what you're saying?
Oh yeah, there's many.
The fact that she worked there and was a research assistant is just one.
Her husband also still to this day works there and is a paid practitioner at another Harvard hospital, which was referred to in the FBI's affidavit in support of the search warrant.
And that is interesting too because the date on the front of that affidavit, which I'm theoretically not allowed to publish,
That's interesting because this prosecutor here that was involved in your case is Carmen Ortiz, isn't it?
She was the U.S.
attorney at the outset of the case.
She was an Obama appointee.
Yeah, and she was involved in the case of Aaron Schwartz that many people might remember.
She was the one who tried to send Aaron Schwartz to jail for decades for something that was a very minor, you know, grabbing some data off of a computer.
It wasn't any kind of damage done to the computer whatsoever, but she tried to send him to jail for decades and that was politically motivated.
He was somebody who was trying to stop CISPA and had done so.
Yeah, Aaron did a lot of really important work and he was fighting again for the taxpayers in this instance where the taxpayers have actually paid for this data that he was trying to make available to the taxpayers when someone else had found a way to kind of hoard this data away from the taxpayers.
I think so.
Now what you were convicted of was getting into a computer system at the time of a fundraiser.
This kind of revolves around the case of Justina Peltier.
Tell people a little bit about that particular case and the alleged medical kidnapping because this was not the first time that Boston Children's Hospital had faced allegations of medical kidnapping.
Oh no, it's a pattern that has gone back at least 20 years.
It's been documented by a former state social services worker, who this actually almost happened to 20 years before Justina was at Boston Children's Hospital.
And this state social services worker, her son had the same condition that Justina had, and the hospital tried the same thing.
Thankfully, in that case, she actually knew the state social services people, so they didn't end up taking her son from her, but she spoke out around the time of what was happening to Justina.
So, Justina has mitochondrial disease.
This is a very real, very serious condition that affects how the individual cells in the body produce chemical energy from food.
The mitochondria are the part of the cell that actually break down food into chemical energy.
And mitochondrial disease is a set of conditions
No, two cases are the same where those mitochondria have a hard time producing the chemical energy that the body needs to run and because it's an umbrella with many different types of mutations and genetic anomalies that can actually cause this
Incompatibility between this part of the cell and the rest of the body.
No two cases present the same, although there are kind of trends.
And so Justina had many of the common symptoms and she had been on medication for them.
She had been diagnosed with mitochondrial disease by a foremost expert.
He was, at the time, the chief of metabolic genetics at the Tufts University Medical Center, which is a renowned hospital.
One of the many that we have in Boston that just so happens to not be affiliated with Harvard.
And she had caught the flu.
And the flu is known to cause serious complications for mito patients, especially when it makes them nauseous and causes them to have a hard time eating and keeping down food, which is what had happened to Justina.
So you have her body already in a compromised
We're good to go.
And her parents called Dr. Corson, the Tufts specialist who had diagnosed her, who had diagnosed her older sister with this genetic condition that often runs in families.
And so it wasn't just Justina, one of her older sisters had the condition as well.
And Dr. Corson wants Justina to see her gastroenterologist, the man who had worked with her before, who had operated on her before, and who had just moved from Tufts Medical Center to Boston Children's Hospital.
And Dr. Corson himself had actually worked at Boston Children's Hospital for over a decade before moving to Tufts to seek greater autonomy.
Marty, I'm going to interrupt you here because we got to go to a break and I want you to talk about what's coming up in your particular case.
But just to summarize this for people, she had seen and been diagnosed by recognized authority at Tufts University.
She was being treated.
She was still able to lead an active life as a competitive ice skater and so forth as she went there for flu.
They diagnosed her with a psychological treatment.
Her parents were not allowed to remove her.
That's where the medical kidnapping comes in.
This went on for a long time.
It was picked up by a lot of media.
Mainstream media was picking this up as well.
But the way they spun this situation, and the way that they have spun this with you, is to say, and I'm looking at the Boston paper, a man convicted for hacking a hospital computer network.
Makes it look like you're endangering people's lives.
No, the person's life that was endangered was Justina, even if you had done this.
And so I guess as we look at this and you go to appeal, what is ahead for you now and how can people help you?
Because we've just got about a minute left.
Okay, so we're going to be filing an appeal up to the First Circuit on speedy trial and suppression grounds.
More stuff came out about Bowler, the magistrate judge, showing that she shouldn't have stayed on this case.
People can help by going to FreeMartyG.com, following us on social media.
We always appreciate donations.
I'd also like to ask the White House to take
I don't think so.
Yeah, and when we look at this, I mean, it's the same type of thing that we see over and over again.
Whether it is Ross Ulbrich, or whether it is the Bundys, or the Hammonds, or Marty Gottesfeld, we have a broken judiciary.
And that's why the President needs to get involved in this.
Not only just pardoning people who are victims of this, but we need to have some real systemic
We're good to go.
We'll be right back.
I'm David Knight.
There is not a single case of a murder journalist
That is proven to be killed by state-related people, especially by people related to the president of the country.
The audience must understand that we in Russia have more freedom of speech than any Western country now has.
And a journalist that always has been, for 10 years, has been a flagrant opposition speaker, he went to Ukraine.
And this person fakes his own death.
And then says, well, that's Russia, that Putin and the Ukrainian special services saved me.
Well, you know, you don't need to be Sherlock Holmes, you don't need to be a genius to understand that this is some kind of
We're good to go.
He's a special service officer from Russia who went to Great Britain and sold all the secrets he knew.
He sold information about our special agents in Great Britain and he betrayed his country, his motherland.
He's not an officer anymore if we talk about things like honor.
After he came to Great Britain, he lived for 10 years there.
And then, suddenly, he is poised.
Every crime needs to have a motive.
What is the motive for Russia to poison a defector that sold all the secrets many years ago and for 10 years has been living in Great Britain with no connection to Russia?
What's the motive for doing this on the eve of presidential elections?
Well, that's ridiculous.
Let's understand that no one likes traitors, even those who benefited from their treachery.
So Mr. Skripal made his choice.
He betrayed his country.
He betrayed his honor as an officer of special service.
He betrayed his colleagues who got into trouble because of his defection.
But Britain, after letting him in, wouldn't be happy just having this person on welfare forever.
For his one episode of being useful.
So of course, I think that they didn't stop using him and squeezing all the other information he could probably possess.
But after that, I think they decided to use him in this kind of provocation.
Because the timing of this provocation
Right on the election eve in Russia shows that it was well prepared and planned long time ago.
It's a typical, you know, style of British special services.
Another style of British special services is poisoning.
You know, I've talked to a lot of specialists and historians of special services
And they said that Russians, we don't usually poison people throughout our history, but poisoning is not Russian style.
So I think that what happened is that some kind of MI6 operatives asked Skripal to take his daughter to a place to meet and to discuss something.
Skripal took his daughter.
They were waiting in the street and then someone sprayed some kind of agent that would poison but not kill them.
And after that we saw all this scenario.
So after all this situation we saw his daughter Julia Skripal appear on cameras and we saw traces of tracheotomy on her neck here.
That shows that she has undergone some kind of medication, some kind of surgery, and regarding her maybe lungs or tracheal bronchus.
That's why I think that she probably was poisoned or exposed to some kind of chemical that could harm her.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back.
I'm David Knight.
Joining us in the next segment will be Mark Moreno, the
He's a producer of ClimateDepot.com.
I guess you could call him a producer.
He's done documentary films.
It's also his website.
He's going to be joining us to talk about the New York Times' biggest lie that they've just come out with.
You know, do they ever get called for their lies and conspiracy theories about climate change?
As I said before, these people on the left that are so freaked out about something that we've got good evidence is not happening,
Don't worry at all about trying to create a thermonuclear war.
Yes, that would be, children, that would be man-made global warming on a large scale.
So we're going to talk to Mark Morano coming up before we get into some information about sex bots.
And Terminator Robots here because this is something folks that we hear the back and forth going on all the time.
Some people poo-poo it.
Mark Cuban says, well you're an idiot if you don't think that this is a threat.
I'll tell you why I think it's a threat and I'll tell you something about the time frame of why I think this is a threat in just a second.
But before we do, real quickly, I want to tell you about some of the products we have at Infowarsstore.com because if you want to support this program, if you want to keep us going,
The way you do that is with the products that we sell at Infowarsstore.com and you can also support your health and the health of your family.
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That is 100% non-GMO and Arabica bean coffee.
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I'm usually there, you'll find me in the mornings at 8 to 11 Central Time, 9 to noon Eastern Time, and we have that show live every Monday through Friday.
That's Real News, and you can use that code REALNEWS to save 20% on Wake Up America Patriot Blend Coffee at Infowarsstore.com.
Many other products that are there, very important for your health.
I'm very important for the health of this operation.
And that's one of the things, as I looked at this Matt Tiabi story, one of the things that bothered me so much about that, as I said, is the fact that he would do the sloppy job.
This is what he had to say, you know, InfoWars lunatic Alex Jones had four videos removed from YouTube.
Well, Matt, why don't you look at those videos?
You can see them.
We've got them at InfoWars.
Just because they're not on YouTube doesn't mean that you can't see these things.
But you're going to take the word of info of YouTube and you're going to take the word of the New York Times and Washington Post even though they would be lying about Alex.
Because he references back to a New York Times story where they say the videos removed included one called Prevent Liberalism in which a man chokes a child and throws him to the ground.
That is the most ridiculous representation, well it's the second most ridiculous representation of that video.
There's a kid, reported that he'd been keying cars or whatever, but he's basically hitting on this man.
The man tries to get up, and the kid's pushing and shoving, and finally the guy just turns around and shoves him to the ground.
And the kid, it's not anything very violent against the kid, the kid was hitting him and pushing him, wouldn't go away, and this goes on for quite some time.
Finally he's shoved to the ground, the kid just collapses and whines, and it's like, you know, it's a snowflake video.
It's a nothing video, really, quite frankly.
But it's not a man choking a child and throwing him to the ground.
And yet, the most ridiculous story of that is Forbes magazine.
Forbes said Alex Jones was the man.
What are we going to do when the software to make fake videos becomes very easy, where you can put somebody's face... It's obviously not Alex.
It doesn't look anything at all like Alex.
And yet he's having to now defend himself against charges of child endangerment, having to defend himself against his ex-wife who's using this fake news from Forbes magazine
From YouTube, from the New York Times, from Matt Tiabi at Rolling Stone, all of them making false accusations that it was Alex Jones who did this stuff.
And it was a video of a man choking a child and throwing him to the ground.
I was like, why would we put that up?
If that were the case.
Another one, shock report, learn how Islam has already conquered Europe.
Look at the videos!
And see if you don't think that Islam has already conquered Europe.
I mean, you know, can we have that discussion?
Oh, we're not allowed to have that discussion.
We use the word Islam.
Shut us down.
Because you hate.
We have gone so far away from the fundamental values that we have come to uphold in Western civilization, that even if we disagree with what you have to say, we will defend it to the death.
You know, that is the thing that really concerns me.
It isn't what's being done by these self-interested media moguls, the sloppy journalists like Matt Tiabi, who are slandering and defaming people.
That's not what bothers me.
It's the fact that as a society, we now despise the idea of free speech.
Because free speech means that you uphold the free speech of people that you don't agree with.
Because other people who don't agree with you are going to censor you.
But now we're all begging the government, begging these guardians of information that have been created by the government.
And that was where he basically gets.
But he blames InfoWars for the coming censorship instead of blaming the Atlantic Council.
Or instead of blaming DARPA.
Or instead of blaming, you know, the LifeLog, which they renamed Facebook.
Oh, don't look at those connections.
Don't look at that at all, Matt Giambi.
And as a matter of fact, don't even bother, don't bother to look at how and why we've got YouTube and Google and the Internet created by DARPA.
It was a psychiatrist that was working at DARPA that came up with the idea for the intergalactic
Yeah, it was a tool of psychological control from the beginning.
Maybe you don't understand that, because you can't even be bothered to do enough research to look at the videos you just pass along the defamation charges.
Absolutely amazing.
Folks, we are in a situation where, as we've talked many times, when the elite look at this, are they going to have a soft kill for us, or are they going to do it with hard kill?
Well, I think they're going to... They're well on the way with both of these.
You know, we look at the stories that have been floating around for the last couple of weeks.
Japanese extinction, because men don't need women, they're told, anymore.
And they don't want women, because women have been taught to hate men and be hateful toward men.
That's the programming that the women get.
Then the men say, oh, it's just too much of a trouble, I'll go get a sex doll.
And then, of course, the babies don't need mothers because now we can create the babies from stem cells.
It's full-on Brave New World, folks.
It's really, really sad to see what is happening.
I guess, as we go on with this, they're even going to replace diplomats, you know.
I don't know if that's the oldest profession or the second oldest profession.
But they don't even need politicians because the AI is now going to be making China's foreign policy.
You know, as I look at this, Mark Cuban is saying, if you don't think a Terminator will appear, you're crazy.
He said, we've already got weapons who think.
And if you don't realize where this is headed with technological progress, you don't really understand what is coming on.
You know, if you want to understand what's coming on, I'm going to be speaking at a conference that's coming up September the 14th.
I'm going to be the keynote speaker on Friday night.
It's a weekend conference.
You can find tickets at Gen6.com.
We're going to have Dr. Hugo DeGaris, who's talked about the Artelect War.
I've had him on many times.
About transhumanism.
That's the essence of the conference.
What do they aspire to?
These people who make God out of technology.
And we're also going to have Steve Quayle, Tim Albrino, Tom Horn are going to be key speakers at that.
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Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much begging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back, I'm David Knight, and joining us now is Mark Morano of ClimateDepot.com.
You know we've had Jerry Brown.
Making headlines everywhere, saying that this heat is the worst since civilization emerged 10,000 years ago.
Well, you know, his pants may be on fire, but the planet is not on fire.
You know, there's some bad fires in California.
We'll probably find out that they were arson.
We typically do with these types of things.
And as New American and others have pointed out, if you take the hysteria side, no, that's not the truth.
But there's a great article at climatedepot.com where Mark Moreno lays this out, lays out the lies of the people who are pushing this climate change.
So if you know, they love to, he begins with a quote from George Orwell in his article.
Early in life, said George Orwell, I noticed that no event
...is ever correctly reported in a newspaper.
And then, of course, George Orwell embedded in the memory hole that they flushed the information down.
They would love to flush down the idea that they were first trying to panic everybody with global cooling, then it became global warming, then that didn't work either, so they went to climate change and so forth.
And he breaks down the lies of the New York Times itself.
But they are never called, are they Mark?
They're never called on their lies or on their conspiracy theories.
Thanks for joining us.
Thank you very much.
Actually, I just want to say one thing.
Jerry Brown saying it's as hot since civilization began.
Well, then civilization would have began about 10 years ago because meteorologist Joe Viscardi said California was hotter 10 years ago.
So this is the height of just insanity.
But the media runs with it and he's getting all the attention.
Oh yeah, absolutely, absolutely.
You've got a great, after that quote, it's a great article, that's why I wanted to get you on.
After that, you talk about the New York Times in January 1989, and I've had many times on the show, I've had, it was Newsweek and it was Time Magazine at the time, and of course they were, you know, totally objective.
And they were telling everybody we're going to be out of oil, we're going to be out of natural gas by the mid-1980s.
I mean, that was the other thing that they were trying to panic everybody about at the time, because they were using that to justify massive growth in government in various ways, you know, with the EPA taking on a bigger role and shutting down entire industries and so forth.
So they had their agenda to push those kind of absurd lies.
I knew as a college student that that was nonsense, so I preserved those magazines, Mark,
Because I've been showing them on air.
I never knew that I would be on air to show magazines like that, but I knew they would be collector's items.
But you've got some great collections of what the New York Times said in 1989.
Tell us about it.
Yeah, well, first of all, the article is actually by Tony Heller, and it's posted on my piece.
And I also did a whole chapter on this very issue in my book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.
But what the New York Times did in this article, they went back to the 1980s.
First of all, my first accusation is this is medieval witchcraft.
They're saying that had we passed laws and adopted UN treaties back in the 1980s, we could have solved global warming.
That is literally the scientific equivalent of saying, had we burned those witches, put them on trial, and shut them down, we could have saved those crops and stopped that bad weather.
That's the first premise.
I should have brought you in with the thing from Camelot, right?
There should be a law that, you know, July and August shall not be too hot and then it'll exit June the 2nd on the dot or whatever the lyrics are to that.
I should have brought that in because that's basically what they're saying.
If the king would have only stopped this, we could have had a great, great climate if they would have passed the law.
They're serious, they believe it!
And so you go back to 1989 at the Climate Depot, you can read this, the New York Times completely, uh, 89, the New York Times completely contradicted everything in this article.
In the 1980s, the New York Times was reporting that scientists weren't in agreement.
They were reporting that there had been a cooling trend since the 1930s in the United States.
In the 1970s, in my book, I detail that they had arguments between climatologists and meteorologists,
We're good to go.
The most outrageous lie of this article is they cite a 1974 CIA report as evidence and proof that we all knew about global warming.
Well the 1974 CIA report, which they didn't actually reproduce the quotes from, was about global cooling and it called it natural global cooling and was warning of the coming ice age and it was warning of crop failures and bad weather to come blamed on global cooling.
And the New York Times has the ball, I mean I actually have my headline,
Will they issue a retraction on this?
We had overpopulation, we had famines, we had resource scarcity, and we had all of our rivers and air all being choked off, which all of that has been unbelievably improved with increased economic growth and population.
We still have improved our air.
Everything they predicted in the 1970s has gone belly up, is the bottom line.
But the New York Times is now whitewashing the history to say
We've known all along, and if only we had passed these laws, we would have solved this problem.
And then what?
Had we solved the problem, they'd be on to some new wacky problem we have to be dealing with today.
Yeah, you know, it's absolutely amazing to me when we look at these big-name publications, you know, like the New York Times, or the National Geographic, of course.
That was the other thing that hit this week.
The fact that National Geographic finally came clean about the picture of the dying polar bear.
Yes, polar bears do die in the wild.
It's not just in captivity and it's not just from unicorn farts that they die.
They actually do die from natural causes.
And so the National Geographic photographer
Has come out and said, OK, it wasn't really due to climate change.
We just said that it was something this is what this could look like in the future and so forth.
We're just making a suggestion here, kind of like the little nine year old boy who suggested that just made up a figure for plastic straw use.
And so now we've got plastic straw bands all over the place and people going to, you know, possibly facing jail sentences.
You're harming disabled people.
Disabled advocates are very upset because the straws they need to use are for mobility issues.
Straws have been very good.
And this is what happens.
You just mentioned the National Geographic.
They're admitting that the whole thing was a fraud and all that in their own indirect way, but they're not really apologizing.
What they're saying is, well, we gave the photo and other people ran with it and implied all sorts of things.
We were just trying to say this.
That is, in fact, that photo of the sick polar bear, here's the shocker.
If anything, we are at or near historic population highs, according to the U.S.
government, number one.
Even the environmental activists say there are more polar bears than we've ever counted.
If you see a sick, thin, dying polar bear, it is very likely due to too many polar bears trying to get it ingested.
Too small of a habitat.
It's overpopulation of polar bears that would cause that.
I have a whole section in my book on the polar bear scare.
Not only is a polar bear scare scientifically unfounded, even the climate activists have now walked away from it.
Al Gore's sequel, no mention of polar bears.
The World Wildlife Fund, this used to be the poster child of all the environmental groups.
They've all faded away because even indigenous people in the Canadian Arctic now admit, and basically have always said,
So this polar bear ain't hunting anymore, right?
It would be like getting a sick American and saying, this is how all Americans live.
Look at this.
The government is allowing people to die.
I mean, that's about the scientific and social, you know, scientific validity of that one picture of a polar bear.
But you know, the thing that, Mark, that really bothers me about all this, and we're seeing it again now, it's like, well, we have a narrative, whether it is about Russia or whether it's a narrative about President Trump or whatever, and if you say anything else contrary to that, you are fake news.
You need to be taken out.
And we've just seen this, this arrogance that we saw with Jim Acosta.
Shouting over other journalists, shouting over the press secretary, Sarah Sanders and everything, saying, listen, you pledge your fealty to me, don't you criticize media because I represent media.
These are people like National Geographic, New York Times, they put their lies out there, they have absolutely no responsibility, they're not held accountable as they lie to things, but don't you ever disagree with them because they have a conventional wisdom and if you go against that, you will be vilified, you will be shut down,
You'll be taken out of the media.
We've seen this same type of action taken against people talking about the environment.
All right, stay with us.
We've got to take a break.
We'll be right back with Mark Moreno.
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What would he do if he was President Trump?
Dr. Paul?
Today, you don't have a whole lot you can do, but you could use the veto pen and make everything that they want pass, use a two-thirds vote, because you should veto all these spending bills until people wake up.
$10 on the Middle East since this century started.
And the wars continue, they're ongoing, and they have to end.
And in this atmosphere, when you have a constant war on terrorism, it means that you can justify violations of our civil liberties at home.
And that's what's happened ever since.
And Alex, when we first met, I think we were dealing with the Patriot Act.
As soon as you have a crisis, they pass the things that they had been planning on.
They had planned on the Middle Eastern wars and they had the Patriot Act in order.
So when we have the crisis, then they come in and they use them.
But I think what we need to do...
Is cut the spending, bring the troops home, you know, curtail the power of the Fed.
We should get rid of the Fed.
But in the meantime, I would tell the Congress, look, we're going to find out what these guys are doing.
They are terrified.
Republicans and Democrats are terrified that we would ever get hold of the books on the Federal Reserve and find out who's really making the big buck.
Then they, a lot of people ask me, I guess they ask you who
Who actually is the deep state?
Well, we would find out.
If you find out what's in the Fed, that deep state will be there.
And it won't be one group of people, five people who are around the world.
There's going to be a lot of different people.
They'll be in banking, and they're going to be in foreign policy and military-industrial complex.
So you've got to get to the Fed.
And besides, the Fed is the economic planner.
They plan.
They think.
They don't know what interest rates should be.
They think they know what we do with deficit.
We print money for it.
That all has to stop.
A president could do it, but quite frankly, that president wouldn't be in office for very long.
It would be such a challenge to the establishment that what they would probably do, there would probably be an impeachment.
It would be bipartisan.
They could impeach an individual, like I'm talking about, because it would be such a challenge.
But I still think that there's a bipartisan collusion on financing big government.
Alex, you've seen me work for years about the Federal Reserve.
Republicans aren't any better than the Democrats.
They all love the Federal Reserve because it finances the military-industrial complex, it takes care of the welfare of the state, takes care of the deficits, and that's where big government is, and that's where the deep state has a lot of impacts.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back, I'm David Knight and we're talking to Mark Morano of ClimateDepot.com.
We're going to get back to him in just one moment.
Before we do, real quickly, just remind you of the specials that we've got at InfowarsStore.com.
That's what funds this program, keeps us going in spite of all the attempts to shut us down.
And we've got some specials for those of you who support the program and we really do appreciate and need your support.
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At InfoWars.com.
Also, as we talk about Mark Morano, he's got a book out, Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.
And you know what, when we talk about climate change, if you do not repeat the talking points, you are politically incorrect.
And they have, for the longest time, tried to ban people.
Mark's got a video that's got 6 million views, and of course there's a push by the anti-free speech, anti-First Amendment, the anti-fascists, if you will, these people who don't like
I don't
On science, or on politics, or anything else.
Now, you've got more than half the country that wants to shut you down.
You've got six million views.
You've got a lot of people that are lobbying Facebook to shut you down because of a video.
Tell us a little bit about that video.
Yeah, I mean, remember the old days, Lenny Bruce got in all that controversy for using a few bad words, and that became, oh, horror of horrors!
And now, they want to shut everything down.
Here's what's going on.
My video, which is on Facebook, I was interviewed by the Heritage Foundation, a two-minute video for my book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change, garnered over 6.3 million views, 100,000 plus shares,
The Soros-funded Media Matters for America, Grist Magazine, a few other publications are livid about this.
They're calling the video viral and they're saying that Facebook has a denial problem, a climate denial problem.
It is so deep that they're using me now as the poster child.
They're using me to lobby Mark Zuckerberg directly and Facebook to ban climate denial ads.
Videos, news feeds of any kind that don't accept the Al Gore United Nations Climate Summation.
And they've gone so far.
I was named Media Matters Climate Misinformer of the Year a few years back.
It was actually a great dishonor on my part.
And Al Gore even touted that I won this award.
Well, they've now given that same award that they issued to me to Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook.
He has now received the Climate Misinformer of the Year for 2017.
This is part of the pressure that the Soros funding groups are putting on Zuckerberg.
And Zuckerberg supports the UN-Paris Agreement, is your typical liberal climate alarmist who has no disagreement with any of this, and he's being called a misinformer.
So the pressure is on Zuckerberg, the pressure is on Facebook.
I'm now the poster child, the viral poster child, that they're just outraged.
And by the way, my video specifically, David, deals with a chapter in my book about the alleged 97% of scientists.
And this is what really galls them.
I point out that it was only 77 anonymous scientists.
We don't know their names.
We don't know what universities they work for.
This is one of the ways that they claimed a 97% scientific consensus.
So I think they're mad it's getting that attention.
Because the truth always hurts this whole cause of man-made global warming.
Well, the thing that really sent them over the edge was also when Scott Pruitt said, you're not going to have any regulations published if you don't show the data for your science.
You know, you're not just going to have to wave your hands and you can't hide all this stuff.
You've got to put it out there like you would if you were a real scientist, you know?
I mean, that's the way it works.
And I was involved with a group that tried to get the
Data from Michael Mann, because we had all these emails that were going back and forth as part of ClimateGate saying, we've got to hide the decline, this isn't working out, our models aren't good, and all this sort of thing.
So it's like, well, show us your data, because you've now published this stuff, there's no reason to keep it secret, you've now used this to create policy, so show us the data.
And when Scott Pruitt said, yeah, you're going to have to show us the data, that's when it really became a problem for them.
They don't want to have science discussed, they don't want to have anything that has to do with reality or politics or science discussed, and of course,
All advances in science have always come from overturning the conventional wisdom.
That's why they don't want to have this discussed, and it's also the money that they make out of this, of course.
Yeah, I met the old EPA director, Scott Pruitt, who essentially was ridden out of town because of the media attacks, and he lasted unbelievably long.
It was the most effective EPA administration in the EPA's history.
I always say, as much as the left and media hated him, he was the greatest EPA administrator we had.
I met with him at an event and I showed him all the data and it's actually in my book about how the US government is basing their climate decisions on the United Nations climate science which violates the basic standards set out by the US government
For that being political interference of science, the UN science violates that.
And for being manipulated, the UN science violates that.
So let's hope that this government under Trump and the new EPA Administrator, the Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler, can actually look at the underpinnings of this science, which we're basing this whole, our entire energy policy on.
Because the greatest fear here is, as great as Trump is going in and deregulating and reversing this,
Essentially, this can all be undone if a President Biden, a President Elizabeth Warren, or some other president comes in in 2020.
We need to change structurally how the U.S.
government, like you mentioned, the secret science.
And unfortunately, that's a long haul.
We really do need two terms.
And of course, if the Democrats win this fall and they win both houses, we are going to have probably Trump impeached and removed from office.
That's going to be a hard one to stop.
You know, Mark, one of the reasons I wanted to have you on and to talk about this kind of censorship is because when we talk about politics or other things, you know, that involves a lot of people's values.
It can involve their religious values or their ethics or whatever.
So you can have some things entered that are subjective.
But when you talk about climate change or we talk about science, that is objective.
And we don't have to get caught up in all this subjectivism, all this post-modernism and so forth that they're taught in colleges.
And if you realize that they don't want to have this debate, if they want to silence people and not have a scientific debate, then you start to realize that maybe on these other issues,
They don't have a leg to stand on, and that's why they want to silence everybody.
That is really the essence of the censorship, and we've seen this going on.
You guys are kind of, I guess, the people who are the climate.
I really think they were the ones who were the tip of the spear on this for the longest, that particular issue, because that was so much money, so much political power tied up in that, and it was something that can be objectively determined, and they don't want to have that debate, that discussion.
No, they don't.
We opened the show talking about the New York Times.
Literally, the New York Times' own paper archives debunked this entire new 2018 article.
And they always say, oh, we knew.
And also, inadvertently and unexpectedly, the New York Times got rid of the Exxon New mandate.
So they have a lot of climate activists after them.
Uh, for this article, they're getting attacked on all sides.
But as you mentioned, David, the biggest thing is just simple factual stuff.
When people realize that they can distort science, and I'm talking bald-faced lies reversing the 1974 CA report to imply global warming when it was clearly global cooling.
I think?
I'm so proud of this article.
They invited in environmental activists the night before with the New York Times publisher to have a big cocktail party and talk about it.
You want to talk about collusion?
The media colluding with climate activists and environmental groups?
This is what's happening behind the scenes.
But luckily, it's a partisan paper and only the people that, you know, in the echo chamber are going to read that paper.
It has no real impact on America, middle America.
It only affects
That elite ruling class cocktail party activist and that's where we've won that battle and I think that's that's one of the greatest achievements we can end that on a positive note is that they're reporting largely is irrelevant when you have particularly a President Trump in who's awesomely calls them the fake news and just ridicules them at every turn which is exactly my lifetime except that you have a president to ridicule and we finally have it and it's awesome.
That's right, that's the appropriate response to the New York Times, except that's not the response that we see.
We see that Facebook and all these, oh yes, we're going to have, we're going to enshrine CNN and the New York Times that we've just been talking about, and the Washington Post, and so forth.
We're going to enshrine them as the gold standard of journalism.
We don't want to have this discussion.
They can't be fake news, and if you oppose them, you oppose the media in general, and yet,
I mean, this really all boils down to the fact that these guys are getting, just in the UK, $2,000 a day as consultants on this climate change stuff.
The UK alone has spent $12 billion in about seven years on this.
Big money there.
Big money there and big lives coming out of that.
And you can see that stuff exposed at Climate Depot.
Thank you so much for joining us, Mark Moreno.
Of course, you can find him on Twitter, also at Climate Depot.
That's it for today's broadcast with me, but stay with us.
We're going to have Nick Vedjic is going to come on and he's going to be hosting the fourth hour.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And welcome back to InfoWars.com.
This is Nick Begich, and I'm filling in this last hour for Alex.
And, you know, just to pick up where the last guest, Mark, left off on climate change a couple weeks ago, I did a segment on this, quite contrarian as well, regarding what's really going on with climate change.
You know, take a look at some of those older segments.
You know, one good thing about Alex, one of the things I really appreciate about InfoWars is keeping that material alive under subtitles.
So take a look at that because there are some other issues I think are also driving what we're seeing.
But these are natural cycles predominantly.
I think as time goes on and as people get honest with the science, we'll see a very different picture.
You know, science has almost become religion, if you think about it.
You know, what does religion come from?
Root words, which mean to regulate belief.
Man, is science about that or not?
I mean, these days it seems so much so.
Political correct science, no room for it.
And as it was said in the last segment,
You know, anytime there's been a major change, it has always started with a few that disagreed with the status quo.
Science is no exception.
I even think about continental drift, you know, the whole idea of how geologic processes work.
You know, in the 1960s, this was so controversial, was thrown out, the guy was laughed out of every circle and now it's mainstream.
In fact, it's probably what's driving most of what we see in climate change.
Undersea volcanics, these kinds of issues which I've covered in the past.
But jumping into this segment, I want to give again a little bit of background on myself for those that haven't heard me before.
I've been working with Alex since his very early days when he was in his 20s.
We began working together and I have taken always a bit of a
Contrary in view, and I appreciate disruptors, which is what I consider myself, what I consider Alex and many of us in this fight for freedom, freedom of the press, being able to express ourselves freely.
In fact,
You know, many know my family background.
My dad was a state senator, later a U.S.
My brother, Mark, was a mayor and then eventually a U.S.
senator, running for governor now in Alaska.
And my brother, Tom, is a seated
Um, state senator.
I've run a couple of times, but I really decided this is a better role for me, addressing the issues I do care about in a public forum.
But in my family, one of the highlights, one of the main emphasis was to think.
To use your mind, combine it with your inner self, your soul, and push yourself into your passions.
And in my family, we have a lot of debate, I mean, about politics.
It goes from the ultra-liberal to the ultra-conservative in my family.
When we get together at social events, and we just did this last weekend with my mom in town, we have some pretty lively debates.
But when we part, we part as family.
And this is the model I believe the country needs right now.
We need to recognize that in America, we are a family.
We're a family of common interests.
Very different ideas about how to achieve those interests.
But the respect that family brings is the same respect that we should expect from our fellow citizens.
And now on the left, we see the violence.
I mean, the idea of protesters, counter protesters, showing up in face masks, covered faces, hiding their identities.
This is not discourse.
This is not dialogue.
This is just the opposite.
What breeds contention, what breeds disaster in the long run.
We're coming up into a break.
Pay attention to the break.
This is how the network supports itself.
This is Dr. Nick Baggage and you're listening to InfoWars.
We have the new t-shirt we're selling because they have Impeach Trump 45 at Walmart.
We have Reelect Trump at Infowarsstore.com.
Reelect 45.
So it's Reelect, not the other one.
That's now exclusively available.
They're getting printed right here, right here in Texas.
Shipped out next week.
Get your order in now.
No reviews yet.
We just launched today.
And then we have, we have Mean Like a Wolverine.
It's not the Marvel comic wimpy Wolverine.
It's the Trump Wolverine.
That's available at Infowarsstore.com.
Be sure and get those and fund the operation.
Hey, have you heard?
InfoWars is getting banned across the internet.
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, they're all censoring us.
I need you to share these links to the videos and the websites and the stories at InfoWars.com immediately.
And remember, if you can hear my voice, you are the revolution.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
And welcome back.
This is Dr. Nick Begich, and I just want to mention one of the specials going on.
It's called Winter Sun.
40% off on Winter Sun, and this is a vitamin D supplement.
I want to mention, you know, even though it says Winter Sun, we're still into the throes of summer.
Most of us work in indoor environments.
You know, we don't get the sunlight that we need.
Winter Sun is important.
All the time.
You know, you can go and see D-deficiencies across the spectrum in almost every community, whether you're living in Hawaii or whether you're living in Alaska.
You know, right now we're on the peak of our sunlight cycle, but so many people today don't get out, don't get out of the cubicle.
Winter Sun.
Utilize it.
Use it.
This is one of the major, major deficiencies leading to all kinds of dysfunction.
So check it out.
Winter Sun, 40% off.
Take a look and support this program by supporting the products that make this possible.
You know, getting back into this
Families moved with congressmen.
They didn't fly back and forth on the weekends.
We were there.
We were engaged.
And you know, there was a very different culture because of that.
Because, in fact, I spoke with my mother about this recently.
You know, Democrats and Republicans, they would get together in social events.
They would involve our families.
And it would keep us focused on what we were about.
And there wasn't this division.
It was really an integration of philosophies and ideas that led to vigorous debate, lots of conversation, and certainly with all the emotional energy that you would expect.
But at the end of the day, respectfully, resulting in decent legislation that was put through the normal processes.
Today, it's about resist, resist, resist, never concede a point.
This is not the America I grew up in and not the America we want for the next generation.
The idea of thinking on your own and thinking outside of the box, my brother Tom,
One said to me, was reiterating a story, you know, my brother, he thinks out of the box.
Let me say this.
And I said this to Tom.
If you think there's a box, you're still in it.
And it's the way you perceive the world, you know, looking at information, taking information and not just from mainstream media, because it has shifted dramatically.
It is not.
Freedom of the press intended to keep us informed anymore.
What it's really intended to do is push public opinion in very specific directions.
And this is a very dangerous place.
When you think about Google and Facebook, 84% of all global ad revenue on the Internet goes to just those two players.
Let me say it again. 84%
Of all media advertising on the internet is to those two places, Google and Facebook.
These are owned by liberals.
Think about the biggest companies in the world, Apple Computer, essentially up until the founder's death, liberals.
Gates, when you look at Bill Gates and his foundations, liberals.
When you look at the biggest organizations that are driving media and public opinion,
It's liberals.
The dominance of these two players, Google and Facebook, needs to be addressed because they are a utility.
The internet needs to be regulated like a utility in the sense of making sure all opinions are permitted.
There should be no screening.
Short of yelling fire in a movie theater, free speech is about expressing contradictory ideas and bringing out discussion.
Hate speech?
I mean, come on.
What is hate speech?
It has been with us since the dawn of man, if you want to give it a title.
But what it is, is speech you don't agree with.
That's essentially what it is.
It's like a conspiracy.
You know, it's when two people get in a room and they're talking about something you don't agree with.
You call it a conspiracy.
This is not the kind of thing that leads to good public policy or the kinds of changes that all of us are looking for within government, which means transparency.
A lot of my work over the last 25 years has been about privacy, the digital changes that are coming, and it goes all the way back to 40 years ago.
And when I was in my late teens, my theme in those days, this is taking it back to the 70s.
This was over 40 years ago, and I looked at three things.
Information, transportation, and communication systems.
Think about that since the late 70s and what our society has come to.
You know, when you look at those, just those three ingredients to change, and now you look at information systems, and you look at communication systems, and you look at the way the majority of the population gets their news, again, from those same two players, Google and Facebook.
This is a fundamental change
That is altering everything about everything.
And these two institutions want to be the gatekeepers of speech in the world?
This is dangerous.
This is extremely dangerous.
In fact, I would say the amount of power these organizations represent now is, in fact, not just a monopoly power for economic reasons, but more fundamentally a monopoly power on information.
When you look at the mainstream slide, because people don't believe the mainstream, it was much before anyone came up with the phrase fake news, for goodness sake.
People didn't trust the media for a very, very long time.
I mean, the only group held in a lower esteem was the U.S.
Congress, right?
With popularity ratings hovering below 10% even.
And you know, when you start to think about the American public
Wants good information, wants accurate reporting, and we're just not getting it from the mainstream.
Alternative media is the only media that's left alive, and they're trying to squash this.
And where that leads me is into the current conversation.
Going into these midterm elections, just 12 weeks away, we're seeing the shutdown, the manipulation of conservative voices by
These two major media players.
Fundamentally, they're going to have a bigger impact on what happens in these elections by withholding speech, by limiting free speech.
This is a fundamental change, a big difference from where we were.
You know, freedom of the press wasn't about just saying whatever you wanted.
It was about invigorating the public debate.
This is what is critical.
To the American way of life.
It's a public debate that's lively and emotional for sure, but also remains respectful.
You know, when I look back on my own history, my biggest change and the biggest thing that impacted me in life was the disappearance of my father.
Who was on a plane flying from Anchorage to Juneau in the middle of a campaign, disappeared off the radar screens, and was lost with the majority leader of the U.S.
Some of you remember this story.
Hale Boggs was on board.
This was right before, weeks before, elections, the second election of Richard Nixon, and a critical point in our history.
That's when Watergate began.
That's when all of the Pentagon Papers were being released.
I mean, huge, huge disclosures were being made about the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower had warned against, that Kennedy was looking at when he was talking about secret societies in the deep state.
All of these things were coming to a huge crescendo in our country, and major players were snuffed out at a time that most people needed the reassurance of this republic holding together.
Today, we're seeing a repeat of the same kind of situations, only these elections
Are going to be the critical elections that shape democracy for the next decade.
We have to pay attention.
If the right doesn't stand up and recognize the left is the biggest barrier to free speech.
Stay tuned, we're going to be back in a few moments.
This is Dr. Nick Begich with InfoWars.
Court hearings will resume today in lawsuits against radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
I don't know exactly what happened.
Sandy Hooks ain't conclusive.
For years, Alex Jones was the most powerful voice behind a disturbing conspiracy theory that the Sandy Hooks shooting was a massive hoax.
He has claimed the school shooting was a hoax.
Alex Jones is making news and the parents of the victims of the Sandy Hooks shooting in Connecticut are quite disturbed by some of the messages he's sending out.
People who believe Jones have for years harassed and taunted families of the victims.
The lawsuits filed in April seek at least $1 million in damages.
Jones' comments have caused them a severe degree of mental stress and anguish, which have disrupted their daily routine and caused a high degree of psychological pain.
Parents have said Jones has engaged in a campaign of false, cruel and dangerous assertions.
A theory that Leonard Posner and Veronique de la Rosa say turned their lives upside down.
The parents of six-year-old Noah Posner, who was killed in the Sandy Hook massacre, say Jones' followers have tormented them with death threats, forcing them to move seven times.
I can't imagine being a Sandy Hook parent and having to go through this.
Alex Jones, his commentary about Sandy Hook is disgusting.
It's appalling.
9-11 as well.
We all stand against it.
On the left and the right, we stand against this kind of hate speech, which is what it is.
It's really hard for me to understand how anyone can be so sick in the head.
They're alleging in these lawsuits a conspiracy?
A reporter in the courtroom said that Jones' attorney told the judge today his client's comments are political speech and commentary and not defamatory.
I take a lot of flack coming on your show and representing you.
There are a lot of people angry at me.
Good friends, family.
All you said is CNN's not calling anymore.
And I say, well, you know, tell me, if you're so, you hate this guy so much, show me what the problem is.
And they'll send me a link to the New York Times, or they'll send me a link to some other article saying, you know, paraphrasing what you said.
I said, yeah, but now bring me to the original source.
And when I go find it, I said, well, that's not really what was said here.
Well then, you know, then there's this back pedal, it's like, well he's enabling such speech, or he's encouraging it.
There was another lawsuit this week targeting people that promote conspiracy theories.
It involves InfoWars and the host of InfoWars, Alex Jones.
Already InfoWars is at risk of losing its YouTube channel, and now this lawsuit is trying to take Jones and InfoWars and others to court, saying they're responsible for promoting hoaxes that actually are defamatory toward the people involved.
CNN has been
It's basically a murder for free speech for the last 24 hours.
At the same time, they're telling us how important it is that people should be able to say what they think.
They are agitating for Alex Jones to be pulled off YouTube.
Now, I know we're supposed to think that Alex Jones is way more radical than, like, Bill Maher, Michelle Wolf, or Rosie O'Donnell, but he's got a point of view, and CNN is trying to squelch his point of view.
Alex Jones promotes conspiracy theories and foments hatred of media.
He's been called a freak show and downright dangerous.
People have free speech in this country.
No matter how hateful, no matter how stupid, no matter how mean.
Give them their time.
Give them Thorazine also.
What is the matter with this person?
I don't like giving people like Alex Jones a platform.
The hypocrisy is just astounding.
And I guarantee you that if you flipped over to CNN right now, there would not be a single story about the Twitter shadow banning.
There would not be a single story.
And the only story you would see about YouTube pulling Alex Jones videos would be probably something celebratory about, you know, a scalp of sorts for managing to eventually get their way on that story.
Jones' lawyers will be back in court for a separate defamation case related to the Parkland shooting tomorrow.
This was probably the first time that anybody in that courtroom had actually watched InfoWars.
Had actually seen what you said.
And if you watch what you said, and you compare that to what the press has reported that you said, it's as if those two things are happening on two different planets.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, InfoWars.com.
This is Nick Peggich.
I'm substituting this afternoon.
And, you know, we've been on regularly two to four times a month for about an hour to talk about various issues.
And when we left off on the last segment, talking again about sort of the discourse of how things go and the idea of free speech and what Alex is facing right now, you know, the price of public service.
is extraordinarily high.
People don't realize how much you take when you step up and step out of the normal framework.
And this is why I so appreciate Alex and InfoWars, is it takes courage.
You know, it's tough to balance all of those things.
And right now, Alex needs help.
And he needs help in a lot of different ways to support the litigation that he's engaged with.
This is a classical way of shutting people down.
You know, when my dad was just starting out in the State Senate, in fact he was running for the State Senate,
We were living at the time on a military reservation on a base.
He was a superintendent of schools at 26 years old.
He was running for the Senate.
He had four children at that time.
And what happened is a new base commander came on.
We lost our base housing.
My dad was making $6,000 a year in the Senate, $18,000 a year in the 1960s as a superintendent.
And then there was a lawsuit launched by those politically opposed to him.
And they tried to crush him economically.
And at the end of the day, it was found that he couldn't hold both positions.
The state senate at 6,000 a year and the superintendent at 18,000.
And we just lost our housing.
So what did he do?
Bunch of friends of his got together.
My dad learned how to become a builder, and he built a fiveplex.
Four bedrooms on one side, a place for us, and four one-bedroom apartments on the other.
And no bank would touch him.
The bankers launched a lawsuit against him.
And my dad had to quit one of those positions.
He quit the superintendent's job and stayed with the one that didn't pay much of anything.
And we made it.
And he stayed with it.
This is the kind of situation Alex is in right now.
The elites are coming against him.
Globalists are coming against him.
We need to back up, take stock that it is now.
Alex needs to fight these suits, win these suits, and then countersue them to create the disincentive for people doing this again.
Freedom of speech requires commitment and the kind of commitment that Alex has displayed is something all of us need to respect and jump into and do something.
Donate to those causes.
Jump into this fight and let's make a difference so Alex continues to have the voice, the voice that speaks to the hearts of many people across the world today.
You know, the last couple years, I struggled with a lot of this.
You know, the whole idea of what should I do?
How should I use my voice in serving the public?
And really, I brought it down to a couple things.
You know, I do this program.
This is a volunteer effort.
I do it because I care.
And I think there's issues that need to be articulated.
And I believe that Alex needs the intellectual support of people like me that come into this
We're good to go.
Uh, the Facebook, the Googles and how information is manipulated.
These are, you can call them digital drugs, if you will.
The idea that they create a feedback loop where you're always going back to get re-stimulated.
They're specifically designed to do that, to keep pulling you back in.
Pulling you back in, so that you're getting the directed data feed that your profile presents.
You know, they're attacking people for using big media for this purpose, and you know what?
The reality is, this is the whole business model for Facebook and Google, is to isolate who you are, what you believe, and what you're likely to do, and then to be able to feed you just those bits of information that support that opinion,
So that you'll do what the mainstream would like you to do.
It's the herding.
The digital dictatorship, if you will.
The herding through the digital drugs created by these media giants.
And yet, none of that is really discussed except for the little flashes in the news.
They show it and then it disappears.
You never hear about it again.
But the behavior continues.
What Zuckerberg should be doing
Is defending the right of free speech, not shutting down sites, but telling his viewers and subscribers that freedom of the press and freedom of speech is foundational to what democracies and democratic republics like ours require for the kind of discourse that leads to great, wonderful, fantastic public policy.
This has been our tradition.
In America, you know, when you go back over 200 years, we had our problems.
We keep changing, growing as a country, as we become more aware and a greater recognition of what we are as human beings.
When you think about the deep state, it was warned about.
It was warned about by Eisenhower in talking about the military-industrial complex.
It was warned about by Kennedy.
And you know, the Kennedy brothers,
They were a formidable team that came into the game to be the disruptors of the early 1960s.
And they were.
They were about to change everything about everything.
Kennedy wanted to bring the currency away from the Fed, back to the Treasury.
Maybe that was the thing that got him killed.
He was attacking the deep state and secret societies that he believed, rightly so, were manipulating what was going on within the public.
And what happened?
They took him out, and they later took his brother out.
And I lectured at one point in Istanbul with Robert Kennedy Jr.
I went to school in McLean, Virginia for a year while I was in high school there with John Kennedy Jr., who, if you remember, disappeared also on a plane.
People that were considered liberals at that time, but they were a very, very different kind of player.
It was about working people then.
It wasn't about all these fringe ideas that the Democrats have adopted in the last 20, 30 years.
It was a very different situation.
It was pretty simple, actually.
Republicans represented business in those days, and Democrats represented working people.
That was kind of it.
And now it's quite convoluted.
And it's more the establishment and the not establishment.
And it doesn't matter whether you're R or a D, they represent establishment factions.
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We're going to be back in a few minutes.
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Think about all this.
This is InfoWars.com and this is Dr. Nick Begich sitting in for Alex Jones.
The President of the United States is racist.
He's a punk.
He's a dog.
He's a pig.
And he can suck my p***.
He's a con, a bullsh** artist, a mutt.
Kiss my motherf*** ass, you bitch, punk, p*** sucker.
The President of the United States
is a weak man.
He's not only unfit to be president.
In my book, his lack of empathy, his lack of leadership, his lack of courage, he's unfit to be human.
He is clearly trying to ignite a civil war in this country.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
And welcome back to InfoWars.
This is Dr. Nick Begich sitting in for Alex Jones.
You know, just before the break, I was starting to talk a little bit about the deep state and kind of how that is looked at at one time by one of the pinnacles of the Democratic Party, John F. Kennedy.
Who saw it clearly.
He spoke against secret societies.
He spoke against the Central Intelligence Agency.
He was very disturbed by Hoover's FBI.
Agencies had become, from his perspective, corrupted, invested with way too much power.
I think he was absolutely correct.
And it's the same thing that Trump is facing today.
It just happens to be on the other end of the political spectrum.
This is why it is so important for us to be engaged.
These institutions that are meant to protect America have become the instrument of felonies.
Think about it.
They bribe people all over the world.
I mean, you don't ever hear about Pakistan.
You know, we bribe everybody in Pakistan because they're an Islamic country with nuclear weapons.
People forget this.
You know, people just flat forget it.
We're talking about Korea, you talk about Iran, and the one big miss
You know, George Bush Sr.
used to be ambassador to China.
Many people forget that.
He was also the director, the top guy in the Central Intelligence Agency before he became president of the United States.
But you don't hear anybody really talking about that.
They talk about Putin being involved in the KGB.
He was a low-level operator.
He was, you know, I mean a low-level operator.
Certainly he was involved in that.
There's no doubt.
I read his unauthorized biography, which is very revealing.
It's called The Man Without a Face, it's called, and I recommend it.
Go read it.
But when you look at Putin, what is he interested in?
He's interested in doing business.
He's not interested in a war or beginning of another Cold War.
You know, Putin has, the Russians have essentially one foreign base.
It's in Syria.
The United States has 850 bases and stations around the world.
You know, take a look at the balance of the debate that you see in the public, and all of this is ignored.
When you think of the Central Intelligence Agency, they kidnap people, they torture people, they bribe people, they blackmail people, they extort from people.
These are all felonies.
And this agency is supposed to represent us as Americans, reflecting our values in the world,
And I would suggest that they don't.
They are in need of reform.
The FBI, going back to the days of Hoover, was absolutely corrupted.
You know, my mom and I recently got in a big debate about the FBI, and her position was, I trust the FBI, given the current scenario.
And mine was, I don't trust them at all.
And the reason I don't trust them is it took 20 years
After my dad's disappearance, for the FBI to produce, under Freedom of Information Act requests, the fact that my father's plane had been located, they had a solid location on it, that the source of that information was confirmed as valid.
And yet nobody ever went to pick up the two survivors.
Nothing has ever been recovered from that plane crash.
And you know, if that can happen to the majority leader of the U.S.
House and a congressman from Alaska, this can happen to anyone.
And this is why I'm still in this fight.
Because I believe in a democratic republic.
Because I believe in an invigorated debate.
And I believe that the power of government flows from the people and up, and not the other way around.
We need to flip the equation back to a government by the people, for the people, and of the people, instead of a government for corporations, by globalists, or the interest of the elite.
This is what needs to change.
This will bring us back into a framework where we can see the changes.
The deep state, the secret societies that Kennedy spoke about, that we hear Trump speaking about, are the same.
The difference is we're winning this time.
We're pushing it back this time.
Trump has, despite everything, he has a higher popularity rating right now than Obama had at the same point in his first term.
People aren't even talking about this.
He's holding a 50% popularity rating right now.
This is fantastic in my view, considering what he's been up against with respect to big media.
When you think about big media in terms of what they control, CNN is dropping like a rock.
Fox is dropping.
All of these so-called mainstreams, right and left, are dropping because everyone is feeling like we're getting the packaged program news, the digital download to affect how you think and how you see the world.
The reality is we need to think again.
We need to turn the cameras another direction.
You know, everybody talks about personal privacy.
You know, the price of public service is you give up your personal privacy.
It's unfortunate.
It's one of the realities.
When you're in elective office, you have to live a transparent life because that's one of the requirements.
But here's what needs to happen.
The cameras need to turn the other direction.
There should be a camera in every government office that doesn't deal with health care or personnel issues.
All right?
We ought to be able to look in to our congressional offices.
We ought to be able to look into the bureaucracy and see what's going on.
And as parents, we ought to be able to dial up with today's technology and watch the classroom in the background while we're at work where our kids are being educated.
You know, you could code that so parents have that access.
And you know what?
Little Johnny, when he's misbehaving and gets home, might have a few new lessons to learn.
And a teacher who's delivering propaganda or behaving in a way that's inappropriate might have a few lessons to learn.
But transparency in government is what's required.
Now we have the technology to deliver that.
Why aren't we doing that?
Because government
The deep state, that layer below, I'll tell you how it operates, how bureaucrats function.
Politicians come in and bureaucracies stay forever.
30, 40 year careers.
They just wait.
And when they make their presentations, they talk about their dog and pony show to convince the politicals that what they're doing is right.
And then when they get someone they don't like in there,
They just kind of hold back a little bit and they know that sooner or later they're out and the new one's in.
This is how it, the system behaves.
That's why when Trump came in he started peeling layers off that bureaucracy.
Getting to the level first of appointed positions and then dropping down below that to those that are career, lifelong shapers of government.
And to remove them from those powerful positions and replace them with others.
This is part of the process and part of the draining of the swamp that needs to take place in Washington.
When you talk about the migration of all this and how people have been digitized into just little bits of information flying through the internet,
Think about your records.
Your grocery store purchases, your credit card purchases, all of your governmental files, military records, all of it is consolidated somewhere by government.
And of course they can't use that information until they get some warrants, and we know how those are done now.
In FISA courts where nobody gets to be heard.
Secret courts.
Secret courts!
Think about this, folks.
Under the guise of safety and security, we watch our civil liberties be peeled away one slice at a time?
And where are the liberals now?
On freedom of speech and freedom of expression and the ideas enshrined in a constitutional form of government and in a Bill of Rights that establishes a very different culture in America, one that we should be proud of as Americans.
Change the game.
You're listening to InfoWars, where we change the game.
Join this revolution and support Alex Jones.
This is Dr. Nick Begich.
We'll be back in a few minutes.
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Right now is Massive Rampage Force!
Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram, and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
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Nobody said it was going to be easy for us, but we will never be stopped.
I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.
Record low unemployment and a record high stock market.
The Trump economy is red hot.
Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime.
They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.
Now Kim Jong-un says President Trump will pay dearly for those words.
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I mean, it's truly remarkable what he's doing.
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Never, ever, ever give up.
Relish the opportunity to be an outsider.
Embrace that label, because it's the outsiders who change the world.
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Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation.
Three American hostages are back home.
I am asking all citizens to embrace this renewal of the American spirit.
Seize this moment, believe in yourselves, believe in your future, and believe once more in America.
I will fight for you with every breath in my body,
And I will never, ever let you down.
The forgotten man and the forgotten woman.
You're not forgotten anymore.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
And welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is Dr. Nick Begich sitting in in this last hour.
You know, when we were breaking off talking about sort of where is it all going and we're into the last segment of the day and I want to
Talk a little bit.
I know Rand Paul is headed off to Russia with some of his colleagues next week.
I think that's extremely important.
When I think of Rand Paul and what he has brought to the public discussion, we need more people like him.
You know, one of his biggest issues has been the Federal Reserve System.
And I want to talk a little bit about that because many people don't know this.
My brother, when he was in the U.S.
Senate, was one of the few Democrats, maybe the only Democrat, that supported a full audit.
Of the Federal Reserve.
Because, you know, after all, what's wrong with an audit?
And you know, Ben Bernanke, who was head of it at the institution, called him on the phone screaming bloody murder to my brother.
We internally audit all the time, blah blah blah.
And my brother's reaction was, well then you ought not to be afraid of an external audit.
And he hung up on him.
You know, the Federal Reserve goes back over a hundred years.
You go back to 1894, there was a U.S.
Supreme Court decision that said income tax, taxing our labor, was illegal.
It was equated to slavery.
And it was illegal based upon what had happened in the Civil War.
Involuntary servitude to the government, essentially.
And we drew our income as a nation from tariffs, primarily.
It was kind of the equalization.
Every country basically got their money from tariffs, from trade tariffs.
We got the income tax in, and when it came in, it was defeated in 1894 by the U.S.
Supreme Court.
1909, they initiated the constitutional amendment that in 1913, 74%, 75% of the states ratified and we got the income tax.
But when the income tax began, it was 1% on everything over $22,000.
In 1913,
The vast, I mean the vast, vast majority of Americans did not make $22,000.
That was an enormous sum of money.
To put it in perspective, gold was $20 an ounce then.
This is even before $35 gold.
So put that in perspective.
$22,000 was an incredible sum.
And so 1% on $22,000, and it graduated up to 6% if you made a half a million, which was like an unbelievable amount of money.
And that's where it started.
And look where it is today.
The top rate's over 30%, meaning that we are slaves to the government, if you're in that tax category, 30% of the time.
We're working for them.
We're working for those ideals that aren't necessarily our own anymore.
You know, when you think about taxing labor and you think about the Federal Reserve, and Rand Paul is again correct, when you do a full audit on the Federal Reserve and see who has really been manipulating our economy, manipulating the debt, manipulating every aspect of our lives on the economic front,
Then you have a much, much different picture.
That audit needs to happen.
You know, there was a partial audit done a few years ago where they showed that during the 2008 meltdown, you know, everybody was complaining about bailing out U.S.
bankers for a trillion dollars.
The Fed bailed out global bankers to the tune of $16 trillion.
Go look up the audit.
Look it up online.
You'll look up Federal Reserve Audit.
Look on about page, I think it's page 130 if I recall correctly, and I usually recall correctly.
You'll find the breakdown of how much money was flowed out by the Fed, and a lot of it at zero interest.
Zero interest, ladies and gentlemen.
Who's going to pay that loan back on time, man?
You're going to stretch that out as long as you can because it costs you nothing.
When you start to think about Federal Reserve and how that lack of transparency... This is the biggest economic engine, the biggest factor in our lives.
It is not a governmental agency.
It's 300 bankers.
Deciding the destiny of this nation and indirectly the destiny of the world.
Deciding how our economies go and from there how our governments go.
Because collapsing economies lead to collapsing governments, in case you didn't notice.
When you look at the strategy of international bankers and international monetary fund, what do they do?
They go into a country, they saddle them with debt,
Their economy collapses because they can't pay the interest on the debt.
And then the vultures, the corporations that are also the friends of the International Monetary Fund, they come in, they buy up state assets, oil companies, utilities, they make roads into toll roads for a few cents on the dollar, monetize it, and literally rape the wealth of nations.
This is the strategy, and this is why these organizations are being resisted.
When you look at the case of Ecuador, and I know there's a petition right now through InfoWars for Assange.
Sign that petition.
You know, the only government that would protect him was little bitty Ecuador.
And now they've got a change in government, so they have a change in ideas.
But think about Ecuador.
They're one of the few governments outside the United States that use U.S.
They don't have a local currency in Ecuador or in Panama, for that matter, as independent countries.
They use the U.S.
Why do they use the U.S.
They use the U.S.
dollar because when they were at a war with Peru in 2000 and lost it, their economy tanked.
And they used it as an interim and the public has never, in 18 years, has never let them go back.
That's why the United States government could not blackmail Ecuador into giving up Assange during the Obama administration.
And the reason they couldn't is a normal way you'd attack a small country is you'd go in and you'd manipulate their currency.
So you'd crush their economy.
Well, you can't manipulate a government's currency when they're using the U.S.
So they couldn't exert the influence.
When the World Bank came to them and said, hey, we want half of your tax receipts to pay off your debt.
The former president said in Ecuador, sorry, we're not giving it to you.
You can have 20%.
We're going to invest the rest in our infrastructure, and their infrastructure was education first, health care second, roads, sewers, water, and so on, in that order.
And I've traveled extensively through Ecuador and everywhere you go you see universities geared to training a workforce.
One, two, four year programs scattered throughout the country.
You see health care second to none.
I mean they rate
They rate so much higher than the U.S.
Look it up on Bloomberg, look it up on the World Health Organization, and you'll see Ecuador in the 20s in terms of efficiency and quality of care, and the U.S., the worst.
Here in Alaska, the highest insurance premiums and the highest medical costs in the world.
And the quality, I can tell you, is not nearly as good as what you get elsewhere.
But when you think about infrastructure, when you think about how the U.S.
leverages our power to push other countries, you know, everybody talks about Russian interference.
Well, during the Obama administration,
The head of Israel, Netanyahu, comes to the United States, addresses a joint Congress, the Senate and the House, undermining our national policy as it relates to Iran, and no one blinks.
Obama goes over to Great Britain, lecturing against Brexit, interfering with their electoral process, which certainly have everything to do with Europe and very little to do with us.
Nobody says a word.
We interfere with every election in the world, as a matter of course, and not covertly only.
Overtly, in every way, and if we don't like the outcome, we engage in the political correct phrase, regime change, which is just another word for undeclared war and the ultimate in
Manipulation of an election outcome.
We just go in and boot the leadership and start over.
You know, we're in the last minute of this segment.
I want to remind people of a couple things.
Check out my website at earthpulse.com.
There's a lot of things there, a lot of information there, and we always appreciate your support.
Again, earthpulse.com.
And also, take a look at the products right here at InfoWars.
You know, one of the really good ones, Secret 12, the B12, top-notch in conjunction with Winter Sun.
These two synergistically work great together.
Support this network.
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Continue in the revolution.
Let's take our country back.
This is Dr. Nick Begich for InfoWars.
Thanks for being here.
And we appreciate your support.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast...