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Name: 20180730_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 30, 2018
3087 lines.

The Alex Jones Show focuses on various topics including media control, government surveillance technology, and the rise of an Orwellian society. He endorses Donald Trump and criticizes mainstream media while promoting alternative products and views. He discusses issues such as the invasion of Europe by radical Muslims, free speech censorship, and geopolitical events like Iran and Hezbollah's threat to the US. The show thanks its audience for helping defeat Hillary and promotes upcoming events and products."

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We are drugged out!
We are following other people's opinions!
We are controlled by the media.
Today, it all changes.
This reality has been forced upon us.
It is a choice, just like when I said slavery is a choice.
Einstein says the death of insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different result.
So we keep on saying, I hate you, I hate you, f*** you, f*** you, f*** you.
How are we going to get a different result out of hate?
Why don't we just try love?
Why don't we just try love?
We have the resources.
Sometimes you need some crazy motherfuckers to change something.
Steve Jobs is crazy, now we all on Steve Jobs' phones.
They say Trump's crazy, they say I'm crazy, but I'm here to show love.
It's a bigger plan, and I'm just doing what the universe told me.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
This is the Fourth Amendment.
It reads, "...the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized."
Pretty straightforward.
So why is it that we have to adopt laws to enforce this law of the land against the very organization sworn to uphold the Fourth Amendment?
It's madness, but that's exactly what's happening.
These stingrays are not selective devices.
If they are in your area, all cell phone calls will go through the stingray because that is the most powerful signal in that area.
So everyone within a quarter of a mile will be passing through the stingray.
Now, if the police knew the phone number and knew the machine address of the device being used by the criminal they were attempting to
Uh, listen to, that would be one thing.
But in most cases, they do not.
They just know that the criminal lives nearby, or is in an apartment here, or is in an automobile there.
So they have to listen to everybody's conversation to filter out and find the actual person that they are interested in.
Which means that every single conversation within a quarter of a mile is being listened to, and has to be listened to, to determine which conversation is the one that they're interested in.
World Net Daily reports Shahid Buttar explained that the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a California bill SB 1186, would vastly strengthen oversight relative to the indefensible and completely opaque status quo.
EFF supports the bill because it would expand transparency and community control over the acquisition of surveillance technology.
For nearly a decade, the company Harris Corporation sold sophisticated military surveillance equipment to police departments across the United States
Without any elected policy makers knowing that their tools even existed.
There is no municipality in America that has more than 5,000 people that does not have access to at least one of these devices.
Some of the largest cities have many hundreds of these devices.
The central problem with the stingrays, other than the fact that the Harris Corporation, almost in league with the government, has a contract so tightly bound that anyone who buys one cannot tell anybody else where they got it from, what the name of the product is, how much they paid for it, how many other products similar to it that they own, or anything else.
Think about that.
They're saying that they signed a paper with a corporation that they're not going to disclose this information to a judge as required under the law, under the Constitution, that their non-disclosure agreement with this corporation is more important than the Constitution or any laws that we write subsequent to that.
The surveillance state has grown like an STD that, of course, nobody wants.
Automatic facial recognition and automatic number plate recognition have in the span of a few years become the norm in a big brother prison planet society.
All the technocrats and their socialistocratic government soldiers need to do is apply the Chinese style social credit system on American citizens and a sliding slope for totalitarian domination is right around the corner.
Unfortunately, we have reached the point where Americans need to demand the enforcement of their Bill of Rights now more than ever.
John Bowne reporting for Infowars.com.
Hey, how would you like to take InfoWars with you wherever you go?
Well, now you can do just that with the new official InfoWars app.
And here's the best part.
It is absolutely free.
At the Apple Store and Google Play, you can join the InfoWars today.
Check it out right now at InfoWars.com forward slash app.
It's the InfoWars official app, taken on the globalist at point-blank range.
And with your help spreading it, and with your help downloading it, we are unstoppable.
Everything we do here at InfoWars is possible with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
We have huge specials.
If you've not seen the InfoWars store yet, go check it out.
New t-shirts at the InfoWars store as well, including one that I just got.
The new InfoWars hexagon logo.
Very, very cool logo.
And kind of more discreet, so a radical liberal might not come over and try to punch you in the face or spit on you.
So it's all possible thanks to your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
Huge discount store-wide right now.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Everyone thinks so, but I would never say it.
You know what I want to do?
I want to get it finished.
The prize I want is victory for the world.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
Infowars helped fuel the rumor that President Obama is an ISIS supporter.
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You'll be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones!
A lot of his supporters believe that we are the enemy of the American people, and that is really, really an awful situation.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
We love the American people.
We love the American people.
They came in peace.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
This is CNN.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
President Trump gives every indication by what he says and what he does and what he doesn't do that he's mean as a wolverine.
It's 11.59 at Radio Free America, and this is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now, I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone.
The chair is against the wall.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
John has a long mustache.
It's 12 o'clock, Americans, another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
But they took a lot of people away.
People that they thought were gonna make trouble for them.
People that had guns and things they wanted, they just took them away.
Re-education camps, that's what they call it.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
I have decided we really need camps for adults.
And we need a big dance that you all run.
I mean, really.
All persons of Japanese descent were required to register.
Now they were taken to racetracks and fairgrounds where the army almost overnight had built assembly centers.
I'm a sovereign citizen.
I refuse to recognize you guys.
What kind of a situation in the U.S.
would you see that happening?
We've got a lot of Constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
Plus you have a lot of people that are coming out of the military that have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
These people are radicalized and they don't support the United States and they're disloyal to the United States.
It's our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community
It's what we're doing here, and let's not kid about it.
We're building a domestic army because the government is afraid of its own citizens.
Put your gun down, really?
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Are you some kind of a constitutionalist?
So these people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not.
They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
President Trump gives every indication by what he says and what he does and what he doesn't do that he's mean as a wolverine.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Monday the 30th day of July 2018.
I'm your host Alex Jones and we're going to be live here for the next four hours and we've got obviously the war room
I don't feel sorry for myself being a hunted, demonized, lied about individual because I know I'm on the right side of history.
I know this is a
Globalist military propaganda operation we're fighting and I signed up for this show.
I expect it, but I will tell you The level of deception and lies by these people is so over-the-top And so duplicitous and you can only know it when you're on the inside of it that it's it's a real education And I'm gonna try my best today to go over some of that.
I mean Here's an example.
I don't want our show to be the soap opera of what's happening to Alex Jones, but you know you've got
Everybody from Tucker Carlson to Senator Ted Cruz to Sean Hannity coming out defending me and saying basically I'm being lied about.
They're setting a precedent to ban conservatives off the internet.
That's totally Twilight Zone.
You've got tens of thousands of articles.
Every local TV station in the country basically is running disinfo pieces with pure lies about me.
They've got something big planned.
Now, here's just an example of what I've read this weekend.
Alex Jones threatened to poison David Hogg.
Totally untrue.
Alex Jones bullied a child and endangered them.
Totally untrue.
Alex Jones said
Mean things to transsexuals and bullied them.
Not true.
And that's what's amazing about all this is, it's total lies.
And then when they say it, they don't even link to where I said it or show it.
I mean, I started seeing this weekend that Alex Jones made threats on David Hogg to poison his water.
And that's why he's been taking off Facebook and YouTube.
And I'm like, what?
And then you see it, and like, Forbes saying I beat up a kid, and then not showing where the town was, when it happened, what the police report said.
Just stuff they've always have to do, and it's in all these publications never showing it.
It's next level lies.
The likes of which I've never seen, I've never heard of.
It just makes me ask, what in the world is going on, ladies and gentlemen?
We're asking why, if you're watching TV, why I'm wearing my sunglasses.
This happens every few years.
I fall asleep on my face with your eye open on the pillow.
You know, you wake up, your eye's stuck to the pillow.
I got a big cut on my eye and it got infected and I look like a vampire or something.
So the light hurts my eye.
I've got these shades on.
I'm not visually impaired.
I better not say blind.
That'll be hate speech.
I'll be banned off the air show.
Did you hear Alex Jones beat up a blind man today?
That'll be the next thing.
It's just, that's what they, it's just total lies.
InfoWars Life is launching its newest product.
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It sold out for another month and a half.
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And I think it's gonna be the same way with this fiber.
Get yours today at fullwarslife.com.
Look at that.
Everybody else is just like yellow or clear.
That's because it's been denatured.
It's been watered down.
We didn't do that.
You think I would metaphysically tell you something that is the very best I can get?
I'd rather go to hell than do that.
I will only give you the maximum best info, the maximum truth, the maximum product, because I want that goodwill!
What I do to you, I do to myself.
Don't you get the big secret?
You ever seen fish oil look like that?
No, you've never seen that, have you?
And this little jewel right here is solid.
Look it up!
Find out how even the FDA and the government admits fish oil is incredible.
The number one thing anybody can do for themselves is take good fish oil or krill oil.
Just like our information is dynamite, so are our products in 4store.com.
The President of the United States is racist.
He's a punk.
He's a dog.
He's a pig.
And he can suck my f**king d**k. He's a con, a bullsh** artist, a mutt.
Kiss my motherf**king ass, you big punk s**t.
The President of the United States is a weak man.
He's not only unfit to be President.
In my book, his lack of empathy, his lack of leadership, his lack of courage, he's unfit to be human.
He is clearly trying to ignite a civil war in this country.
This is CNN.
Donald J. Trump is president of the United States.
Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
First, I just want to mention, if people just go and try the products, they will be ordering all the time.
I've ordered several of the products over and over because it's amazing.
In particular, silver bullet.
As soon as I start to feel like I get a little sick, you know, maybe like a little raspiness in my throat, I drop some silver bullet and it like, I'll still feel a little sick, but it won't last as long.
And I just ordered the body, the alpha power, and the pollen block.
Well, let me just say something, Victor.
It's people like you that then fund the whole operation, because a very small percentage of people buy products, and a very small percentage of them buy a lot of the products, so thank you.
But when you mention the Silver Bullet colloidal silver, it's got thousands of reviews, a 98% review.
It is our highest-reviewed product, because it is from the top lab in the country, discounted, high-quality colloidal silver.
It's not a silver bullet, but it's the closest thing you're going to find to a silver bullet.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
I want to lay something out right here in front of the whole world so people understand what is happening politically, culturally, economically, spiritually, genetically on this planet.
And all of it's intertwined.
Powerful corporate systems want control of the human life cycle.
They want control of every action of humanity.
They call it the final revolution.
Where everything humans do naturally, the whole process of life, is put into an artificiality system, just like the Terminator seeds put out 30 years ago by Monsanto, that are child's play today.
Where the plants no longer produce seeds that continue the life cycle, you've got to get new seeds out of the laboratory.
It is a total scientific, cold-blooded, corporate takeover.
And that's what all the transgenderism is.
That's what all the attack on the family is.
All of that is a takeover of civilization.
A takeover of the life cycle.
And the people that are into whatever the latest globalist fad is, to push the agenda, they are victims of it.
So that when you criticize the system, they then personalize it and say, oh look, you're attacking this poor individual.
This is a codified, declassified, long-term strategic plan that you can read about in the 1920s being developed by the Royal Commission in England and then being deployed by the UN by the 1960s in a global plan.
We are living in this science fiction dystopic system.
And humanity is trying to learn how this thing works, trying to struggle against it, pretty late in the game, but coming back late in the game.
So I want to say something.
I would obviously do some things differently in hindsight of how I said certain things or how I did certain things, but in the main,
95% of what I've done, I would do it all over again.
I would endorse Donald Trump three years ago, even stronger than I did.
I would follow this course, because I know we're changing history for the better, and I know we're standing up against really, really twisted, selfish, anti-human individuals that think they're playing God, and who don't live by the same rules they want to foist upon us.
And this is
The epic battle for humanity taking place and transpiring right now.
And no one else, other than President Trump, or maybe a Rand Paul, could tell you from the trenches and the experiences I've been in, how this thing works.
And I learn more exponentially every day.
And I have no fear for myself, or for InfoWars itself,
I have true nauseating concern now that we haven't done a good enough job to wake people up because now I really know for sure my research and my fact-finding missions and all the interviews we did and the facts that we just stulted together just got massive chills.
We're totally dead on except for we saw a mountain of evil and thought that was the evil.
And then we scaled the peak and saw a mountain ten times bigger, and that this mountain was just the first wave.
God, there may be something bigger on the other side of that, but God's gonna lift us up for those challenges for each.
Wave we go over and then see a bigger tsunami.
This is the animating contest.
This is it.
And I just hope folks out there can understand what we're facing and what we're dealing with.
Because these are going to be the times that try men and women's souls and if you look at the public that are under leftist, globalist, corporate TV control.
I mean TV is what's killing humanity.
The shut-in society, the
The passivity, the sedentariness, the brainwaves lowering.
If you look at people that follow the system, they look like they're dead.
They're not just physically in bad shape.
They look shriveled.
Their eyes are dead.
There's nothing there.
It's beyond sleep.
They are being put into a trance to then be psychically fed on.
The whole Bible's real.
It's interdimensional.
And this whole thing is anti-life, anti-human.
The Earth is in the process of being killed right now.
And they know you at a spiritual and intellectual level, and mathematical level, know that's happening.
So they go, oh, the Earth's dying.
We're the guardians of it.
Let's cut the carbon dioxide off.
That's the key to the whole life cycle.
And they could actually clean the planet if we could boost it like it was in previous ages.
The one thing that could really
Clean the planet up.
That is the regenerative system.
It's not oxygen, it's carbon dioxide.
And it's what's lowering really fast.
The lowest levels ever recorded.
You compare the numbers of the last century to a million years ago.
10 million, 25 million.
I mean, we're in a crisis and it's big.
And the globalists are terraforming their geoengineering towards everything they say they're trying to stop.
And so when you really pull back from this, it's big.
They're so upset that a anti-Satanist, a pro-human, has gotten into the White House in the middle of their operation.
They've got him walled off.
He's only been able to do limited things to prove he can turn the economy around.
But if Trump could just get into the real shadow government, you would be blown away.
So that's it.
Everybody's being targeted by this.
I don't care if you're black or white or old or young or, you know, you're a transsexual or you're a whatever you are.
This whole delusion about be whatever you want in an imaginary world is because they want you to imagine imaginary rights and they want you to think about crimes against humanity hundreds of years ago so that you don't recognize the crimes against humanity that are taking place now.
This is... This is how the evil attacks.
It does it by stealth, it does it through the culture, it does it through the water, the food, the chemicals, it does it through the whole program, and it gets a bunch of people full of anxiety, a bunch of people scared, because at their human gut level they know humanity's in a crisis, and then they misdirect it at the surface level onto people that are trying to turn the ship around and fix things, and say, you're full of anxiety, you've got Trump derangement syndrome,
Because of Trump and Alex Jones, not because the whole globalist system was designed to make you a failure, and was designed to bring you down.
So we have a lot of good things happening, and we have a lot of bad things happening, and we're going to break it all down coming up today, but if you want to know why they're really mad at InfoWars, it's little things like the top of InfoWars.com, the front page.
You just click right there, save the internet,
And it's the Adams report on the shadow bang and everything we put out two weeks ago.
And you notice Congress, literally no one had written a report.
We got it to them.
You got it to them.
You did that.
That's one example of just standing up a little bit brings victory.
They want you demoralized in a trance, not believing you can have any victory.
Well, we know there's victory.
And we know there's victory if you simply stand up and are conscious.
We're trying to get people to come out of the trance.
Come out of the trance.
Wake up!
There is not a single case of a murder journalist that is proven to be killed by state-related people, especially by people related to the president of the country.
Your audience must understand that we in Russia have more freedom of speech than any Western country now has.
And a journalist that always has been, for 10 years, has been a flagrant opposition speaker, he went to Ukraine.
And this person fakes his own death.
And then says, well, that's Russia, that Putin and Ukrainian special services saved me.
Well, you know, you don't need to be Sherlock Holmes, you don't need to be a genius to understand that this is some kind of
Really low quality scheme and moreover it's a scheme 100% duplicated with the same, copied with the same as the Skripal case because also Skripal was a defector.
Skripal was a special service officer from Russia.
Who went to Great Britain and sold all the secrets he knew.
He sold information about our special agents in Great Britain.
And he betrayed his country, his motherland.
He's not an officer anymore.
If we talk about things like honor.
After he came to Great Britain, he lived for 10 years there.
And then, suddenly, he's poised.
Every crime needs to have a motive.
What is the motive for Russia to poison a defector that sold all the secrets many years ago and for 10 years has been living in Great Britain with no connection to Russia?
What's the motive of doing this on the eve of presidential elections?
Well, that's ridiculous.
Let's understand that no one likes traitors, even those who benefited from their treachery.
So Mr. Skripal made his choice.
He betrayed his country.
He betrayed his honor as an officer of special service.
He betrayed his colleagues who got into trouble because of his defection.
But Britain
After letting him in, wouldn't be happy just having this person on welfare forever for his one episode of being useful.
So of course, I think that they didn't stop using him and squeezing all the other information he could probably possess.
But after that, I think they decided to use him in this kind of provocation.
Because the timing of this provocation
Right on the election eve in Russia shows that it was well prepared and planned long time ago.
It's a typical, you know, style of British special services.
Another style of British special services is poisoning.
You know, I've talked to a lot of specialists and historians of special services
And they said that Russians, we don't usually poison people throughout our history, but poisoning is not Russian style.
So I think that what happened is that some kind of MI6 operatives asked Strypal to take his daughter to a place to meet and to discuss something.
Skripal took his daughter, they were waiting in the street and then someone sprayed some kind of agent that would poison but not kill them.
And after that we saw all this scenario.
So after all this situation we saw his daughter Julia Skripal appear on cameras and we saw traces of tracheotomy on her neck here.
That shows that she has undergone some kind of medication, some kind of surgery, and regarding her lungs, tracheal bronchus.
That's why I think that she probably was poisoned or exposed to some kind of chemical that could harm her.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen, right here on The Alex Jones Show.
All right, we've got incredible news on the ongoing moves to impeach Rosenstein in Congress.
We've got Trump.
Can you guys reprint me his tweet, please, coming out last week, saying that shadow banning is illegal.
They're looking into it.
There's new developments on that front.
Economist, very respected economist, says CNN is fueling a civil war.
Well, they're calling for that.
It's all coming up.
There's so much I'm going to be getting to hear today.
And then we're also going to have an expert on how the globalists are funding radical jihad generation.
Got a bunch of videos of Imams up on Infowars.com calling for a new invasion of Europe.
Well, it's already happened under the EU.
It's incredible that that footage is coming up as well.
Also, a Michael Snyder article that's up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Ten signs that America is in much worse trouble than we thought.
And Trump knows that and desperately trying to fix things.
But let me just say this briefly before I get into the rest of the news.
When I say I would have been even more pro-Trump if I knew all this was going to happen, despite the fact that I've been incredibly censored and attacked and persecuted, it's because it's the proof of how good Trump is.
It isn't some sick relationship where I just support the President no matter what.
It's that I've been persecuted and lied about just like he has, and I've experienced next-level lies and next-level demonization.
And it's incredible.
And there's many examples of this, but here's one that's back in the news this weekend.
I saw it all over the news, not even looking.
I mean, CNN.
MSNBC, every hour, just thousands of articles just saying, Jones has been blocked on YouTube and on Facebook for bullying a child and child endangerment.
To the point I've had multiple members of my family call me the last five, six days and say, Alex, it's weird, they say you bullied a child and child endangerment, they don't say any details, usually
There's a police reporter, they say, you know, and I go, I know, oh, you picked that up.
They go, yeah.
Is that fake news?
And I go, yeah, it's totally fake.
We linked a month ago, or a month and a half ago, to an ABC News story in another state.
Some kid, it's an eight-minute video, some 11-year-old, they said, was punching adults in the face.
And finally, he punches one adult in the face four times.
The adult pushes him down.
We covered that over a month and a half ago, like everybody else did.
So we know the flag video it is.
Well, we have the upload date and we have it on our computers.
We went and looked and we're like, whoa!
Then they did another child endangerment and it's Muslims pushing a kid on the railroad tracks.
But the kid doesn't get run over and that had been even on CNN.
And then they said, oh, well, you made fun of and you bullied transsexuals.
And that footage is what they called a drag queen festival.
I don't care if it's a drag queen, a guy, a woman, a baboon.
You know, anything or anybody shaking their butt in a kid's face, pole dancing when a kid puts money in their G-string.
It's sexualization of children.
So, that's what's going on here.
But what's crazy is they won't show you in the thousands of articles what I said or did.
And then they began to say things in Forbes and in local TV stations, you name it.
They would begin to show headlines that said that I had threatened David Hogg, the anti-gun crusader, to poison his water.
No, David Hogg went on C-SPAN and said I'm a con man because I sell water filters.
And that isn't it strange, he said, Jones says there's a lot of poison in the water and then he has an ad for water filters.
As if that's some oblique deception or some secret sales job.
No, it's called straight up, straight shooting.
That's my tactic.
The truth.
Hey, there's hundreds of chemicals in the average water table.
The biggest thing you do for you and your family is get high quality, gravity fed water filters.
We sell a spectrum of five different companies that have the best testing out there.
Some are better at this, some are better at that.
And then fullrestore.com.
It's totally, hey, there's poison in the water in most areas.
There's glyphosates, you name it.
You need to filter.
So I said, dude, you need to filter your water.
I care about you.
He said that on C-SPAN.
I responded.
I learned, I didn't even know this until we went into our Facebook records.
A few months ago, they took a video down for threats.
Saying that it was improper to tell David Hogg he should filter his water.
You talk about comical with the SJWs that they've hired at Facebook and YouTube, that he attacks me as a con man on C-SPAN.
Says I'm an effing con man on his Twitter.
I say, I care about you, please come on and have a debate.
I believe kids died.
I never said they didn't.
That's a media lie.
And by the way, you really should filter your water.
There's a lot of chemicals.
And they go, oh my God, you just threatened me.
And it's all over the news.
Did Jones threaten him saying filter your water?
This is the mental gymnastics and weirdness that they're using to control all speech and kill speech in this country.
It's even in a TRO filing to take my kids away at the Travis County Courthouse right now, because the left failed to do that before, saying Jones threatened David Hogg, and then they use a news headline like that makes it true.
And then, Jones endangered children.
Doesn't say who, just YouTube said.
See, it's like, well, David Hogg said, or YouTube's like, well, God, then that's it.
We don't show who said it.
We don't show the proof.
We just
Say, Jones threatened David Hogg.
Jones did this, Jones did that.
I mean, here's the deal.
I used to think the level of this lying would discredit them.
No, no, because they've got followers that don't care and who just want to pick up the lie and go with it.
Even though they know it's not true.
And that's the next level in this country.
It's delusion.
And almost all the people involved in it, I've noticed, don't have jobs, they're spoiled, they're very young.
It's fantasy land.
This is mass insanity, is what this is.
Because, again, everybody knows, if you saw a headline,
Mr. John Doe, 47, shot his wife, hypothetically, dead.
So police arrested him.
He's to be arraigned this morning and indicted by the grand jury this week.
You would hear who his wife's name was, the address of where it happened.
You could go to the court and see him being arraigned.
With me, they just go, did you hear Jones was taken off the internet?
He beat up a little kid.
We're not going to say where or when, just he did.
Poisoned David Hogg, and then he bullied some other kids, and that's all they do.
That's all the left does.
You know, when they're not signing 400,000 signatures to rehire James Gunn, who says he loves pedophiles and pedophilia.
You know, when they're not saying, we want you to abort your kids, we want suicide, we want death, there's too many people.
But, oh, we love children!
Trump is arresting innocent children en masse.
Meanwhile, I saw the CNN headline, Why are there 700 kids still not given to their parents?
How Trump screwed everything up.
And then they admit in the article, well, these kids don't have parents.
They came across without parents.
And the little girl they claim was taken from her mom never was.
And it's just how they set things up for failure.
It's all lies.
And because the public's so dumb and just watch TV all day,
They just believe it because it's just what they take on and it's a war between all these dumbed down people and then people that are actually informed and it's just crazy to watch the level of the lies.
There's never been lying like this.
It was early on in the Revolutionary War, when the U.S.
Navy had less than ten major surface ships, that John Paul Jones, the father of the U.S.
Navy, while engaging a British ship three times the size of his, said, I've only begun to fight.
And that's when the ship was sinking and was on fire.
But he didn't give up.
And he won.
That's part of the ethos of this country.
But not everybody is brought right to the wall to get a victory.
The Alamo stood and fought victory or death of Colonel Travis.
And they all died.
All 180 plus men.
But the seed of that example led to the victory that came.
So I don't know how Infowars fight is gonna end.
But I know this.
Faced with the same challenges that John Paul Jones and Colonel Travis faced.
With this country under attack by foreign evil forces, hell-bent on enslaving us and destroying the promise of the Renaissance.
I will quote Colonel Travis 110% and hope that I can man up to be in his shoes and say victory or death.
Let me tell you something, I get tears in my eyes when I think about that because I love America.
It's not fear that makes me get tears in my eyes, it's will and strength boiling to defeat these tyrants and these globalists.
But that said, just like our information is game changing, the products that we sell, all of them,
And whether it's colloidal silver from 1995, the very best out there.
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Or whether it's DNA Force that's now back in stock.
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They sell PQQ in little bottles with a third the dose we put in this, each caplet, each powder capsule, and it is, again, the third as much, and it's like $40, $50 for a little bottle.
Think about that.
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So I can't read you the thousands of reviews of the old DNA Force or Cell Force that were similar formulas, but this is even stronger and lower price.
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DNA Force Plus Telomere Support, now available at MFullRestore.com or you can call 888-253-3139.
Every other major conservative website or talk show host is funded by the Mercers or some other billionaire family.
That's fine.
I'm not funded by any of that.
I'm funded by you.
So thank you all.
And please continue to support us because without you, we will fall to Soros and Hillary.
But I know in my gut we're going to win this one way or the other.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So the point I was getting at is something the audience understands.
But it's not just rhetorical.
The mainstream corporate media
Are absolute mercenary trash who also hate the country and enjoy what they're doing and have absolutely no morals and literally have been hired because their profiles, their algorithm, their psychological signature, their profile assessment is that they are psychotics or at least sociopaths.
And then you realize they have built an army of these people and put them in charge.
And their whole religion is dominating good men and women.
Then you're like, my God, all we've got to fight these people.
You can't spend money with them.
You can't support them.
You can't be around them.
It's total war.
Those of us that are nice, gregarious, sweet people have to understand that we are under attack because we're seen as food.
When they can have no exaggeration,
Because Google has filters but I get the alerts and I can set them where I can.
I mean every TV station that's a big establishment syndication TV station, I'm going to play a clip to show you this in a minute, put out hit pieces against me telling a bunch of lies in the last week.
And they get the download, they get the script, they read it locally, they put it out.
Because they know that locally it has more credibility with people.
And again, why would they do that?
Because the Communist Chinese own Hollywood, they own our debt, they work with the Democrats.
They almost have the country defeated.
We are literally saying, America is run by foreign globalist powers.
They want to make you poor, they want to destroy you.
Watch what Trump does if he gets in.
Everything will turn around.
He barely gets a little bit of control, everything turns around.
They're panicking even more.
We are fighting globalist foreign powers.
We are fighting enemies of you and your family.
And Trump comes out and says, when you're watching mainstream media, don't believe anything they tell you.
They go, oh, that's Orwell.
Don't believe the media.
No, Orwell wrote about himself running OSS operations at the BBC in World War II.
As Winston Smith in the media, the Ministry of Truth, he said don't believe the media.
What Trump said was absolutely in line with what Orwell said, the opposite of Orwellian.
But they put out the talking point that he was Orwellian, saying don't trust the media.
Let me tell you, I've learned to not trust the media.
And the unified discipline
We had an article on Wednesday, I never played the video, it was a boil down, of dozens of TV stations saying, Trump's Orwellian, Trump's a liar, 1984.
And then of course, Dan Rather and others came out and repeated it as well.
But that's the discipline, the discipline to have over 10,000 news articles, every major paper in the US, all the major British papers, French newspapers, Japanese newspapers.
When I say 10,000, that's low-balling it.
Say that I was kicked off the internet for bullying a child and pushing a child to the ground and then not saying where it happened, the police report, none of it.
That exercise in criminal activity.
As Trump says, when big media organizes against you to say you've committed crimes, and it's not true, and then they don't even show the proof.
I mean, folks, that's beyond the Ministry of Truth and Winston Smith.
Because Winston would try to figure out how to write a lie that made sense.
These don't even make sense.
And then I started seeing Jones threatened David Hogg.
No clip?
No nothing.
A few would make vague reference.
Jones threatened to poison his water.
No hog went on C-SPAN.
Can we pull that up?
Short notice, David Hogg talks about Alex Jones, gay frogs and water filters.
And I say, dude, there's chemicals in the water, okay?
If you want to be anti-gun, fine, but admit people should filter their water.
It's not a scam to try to get water filters.
And that turns into Jones-threatened hog.
I mean, because he's a god, see?
He's a public figure.
He's gonna go out and blame all gun owners and say the NRA is run by Russia last week.
And then they're going to say that I said nobody died and that he's an actor, a crisis actor, when I never said that.
I said he's in the drama club of four kids out of 3,000 chosen because he's anti-gun, which is true!
Their response was, take Alex Jones off YouTube and Facebook.
And YouTube and Facebook put fake strikes on me, had to remove them, because I got lawyers involved, we had the videos, I didn't say that.
But they're back, see?
Now I'm going to cover this after I go to your calls and cover a bunch of news the next hour.
You saw thousands of articles.
They just printed a bunch of them for me earlier.
The whole drag queen articles.
Got those?
Where they had the drag queen protest of Trump with the little inflatable doll baby Trump.
We ran that headline and they said you're not allowed to even say that word now.
But I have hundreds of news articles out of Newsweek, you name it, saying Donald Trump's been met with mass drag queen protest.
We run a headline with the same thing and they say saying that word isn't allowed.
We're gonna ban you if you say it again, and they took our video down covering London protests.
By the way, the Newsweek article says a bunch of stuff I wouldn't even say that I think is derogatory.
That's Newsweek, but see, they'll probably strike me saying I said something evil.
Newsweek can.
2 plus 2 equals 4 when they say, but when they don't say it equals 4, then you can't say it.
So, this is the total all-out
Later I'll cover that.
We're gonna break it all down.
Coming up in the next hour.
Just just briefly here as you all know we're listener supported and without you the globalists are gonna win I mean hell you can see them all over every TV station every radio station in the country saying shut Alex Jones up get him off the air Don't let him speak.
Don't let him have his speech He needs to be destroyed He'd beat up little kids, but they don't show you where I mean these people think they run the country and run you and they're pissed that America's coming back and they don't know what to do so
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So again, this is there at InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, or 888-253-3139.
We'll be right back.
Do you realize that when you spread the links from InfoWars.com,
It's you that has defeated Hillary and the globalists.
It is you, the info warriors across the planet, that stood against the bullying, that stood against the peer pressure, that stood against the threats, that have now changed the world.
And that's why you've been on the team, supporting us, praying for us, and spreading the word.
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Then everyone go to Infowars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up via email so there's no way the censors can get between us with critical videos, articles, breaking news, intel, you name it.
They have been using all different forms of bullying to keep libertarians, gun owners, Christians, conservatives, nationalists, populists from communicating with each other and sharing information.
They're trying to use InfoWars as an example of demonization to keep people from sharing this critical information.
It's a model they admit they plan to use on everybody else once they're done with us.
So when you promote the black sheep trailblazing information from NewsWars.com, from PrisonPlanet.com, from InfoWars.com, you are following
I am the resistance to globalism.
You are the resistance to globalism.
Trump is the resistance to globalism.
And many others are across the world.
We are the future.
We are the renaissance.
And we are winning.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We are only on Periscope on Twitter right now.
We've been banned off Facebook and YouTube live streaming, and I'm sure it'll be Periscope in the next few days.
And that's because the establishment is making its move against free speech here in America.
They've already done it in Communist China, they've already done it in Europe.
They admit they're now doing it here.
Now, why is this the most banned information in the world?
If you type in Alex Jones into Google or Bing today, there are over 10,000 articles in the last couple days lying about what I've said and what I've done, and then never showing you in the articles what I said or what I did.
That is 101 violation of journalism, because these aren't journalists.
These are killers of free speech.
These are corporate mercenaries making their move ahead of the 2018 midterms.
What is the radical information that we're covering here?
What is it?
It's that the Chinese communists and big banks, along with Hollywood, took the U.S.
And we're running it into the ground by design.
And then the dark horse candidate, Donald Trump, got elected and began to reverse it in the last year and a half.
And they're now panicking because prosperity is coming back in.
And so they have engaged in a massive shadow ban.
A blocking of Christians, Libertarians, Conservatives, Nationalists, the President, in the last year and a half.
They've dialed the President back over 90%.
There's major analytic sites that track it, where people subscribe to his Twitter, they don't get the information.
But now they're pushing it up to 97% against myself, Paul Watson, and others at NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com.
And yeah, the other so-called conservatives thought, well, that's just them being censored.
It's not us.
Now they're all being censored.
Members of Congress are being blocked.
They're not able to even have their speeches on C-SPAN on Facebook or Twitter.
There is a massive assault going on against the First Amendment ahead of the midterms.
And the media is trying to set the precedent, lying about Infowars, misrepresenting what we've done, never showing you what we supposedly said, to shut us down, to set the precedent against everyone.
So, the most censored thing in the world isn't devil worship, or pornography, or people being tortured, or Islamists being brought in to do all this stuff.
It's me.
Pointing out and raising the alarm as a modern Paul Revere that this draconian censorship and control is here.
Go see the videos that they've taken us off Facebook and YouTube for.
Go see them!
They say I beat up a kid.
I showed ABC News footage of some punk kid attacking an adult and the guy pushes him down.
It's all over the news.
I covered it.
Go show my Islamophobia, which is some leftist college term, it's anti-free speech, where I show Islamists pouring across the border in Europe.
Go see the videos they don't want you to see.
They want to lie to you about those videos, misrepresent, and then set the precedent to shut it all down.
This is happening right now because they know America is waking up.
They know the world is waking up.
They know you're waking up.
And they've been censoring, and they've been controlling, and they've been bullying, and they weren't even looking for you to stop.
They were looking for you to join them in a Pavlovian carrot-versus-the-stick equation to start putting out globalist propaganda because you were not getting promoted on their platforms.
But you didn't do that.
You didn't sell out like the average Daily Beast writer or even Wall Street Journal writer or others did that parrot the line.
They're like, aren't you like us?
I mean, we've been blocking you on Facebook and Twitter.
Pages you built, pages you promoted.
We've been not letting you talk to conservatives for years.
We've been shadow banning you.
And now, you are not giving in.
Well, we're just going to ban you outright.
And they go, oh, 90 days on YouTube for the election, 30 days on Facebook.
And they sit back and they act like, oh, will he do it again?
Will he beat up a baby again?
They don't show me beating the baby up.
Telltale sign.
They just say, when they finally ban me completely, they'll go, he got warned a lot.
Everybody's like, yeah, we saw all of the news.
We never saw what he said.
We never saw what he did.
I uploaded a video.
We are kept afloat only by your loyal patronage, and that's why we need you to go to the site now.
If you're not in the market for one of our greatest nutraceuticals, please consider a contribution.
$25, $50, $100, $250 or even $500 would be a godsend to our important work here to beat back the globalists and to destroy their campaign of censorship in which they want to strangle our First Amendment rights.
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It's the InfoWars official app taken on the globalist at point-blank range.
And with your help spreading it, and with your help downloading it, we are unstoppable.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I always feel like somebody's watching me
We are back live broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host Alex Jones.
The left, the globalists, the big corporations backed up by communist China are really upset America is coming back.
They're panicking.
They don't know what to do.
And so they are launching massive censorship campaigns where they don't just ban people off Twitter, Facebook, YouTube.
They then lie about why they took you off and don't show why they did it.
Just an absolute 101 journalism red flag.
And so they are bullying the American people.
They are bullying Christians.
They are bullying conservatives.
They're nudging us like the big
Liberal foundations talked about they are they are teaching us how to submit.
And so I want to ask listeners, where do you think this is going?
What do you think the president needs to do?
I'm specifically opening the phones up about conservatives, about libertarians, about Christians and others who have been censored, who have been blocked, who have been persecuted.
I mean, I was just search-engineering this during the break.
They're not just saying don't say the mother word and don't say the name mother and father.
In public schools in Europe, in the U.S.
and Canada, they're now saying, they're telling preschoolers and first graders, don't say best, because that'll hurt somebody's feelings.
This is political correctness.
This is total psychological warfare, meant to create jellyfish basket cases.
It's beyond, you know, giving everybody a trophy.
It's now, don't say somebody's the best.
School's banned from using the terms mom and dad as boys told to dress up as girls in non-gender specific free play.
See, oh, the school's going to have you dress up as a girl.
We're going to sexually direct you.
That's the Daily Mail.
And if you criticize it, we're going to take your kids away from you.
How'd you ever think they'd get our kids?
That's how they're doing it right there.
And they're making their move right now.
Meanwhile, the very same crazy leftists are allied with radical imams.
You've got 10 million military-age men brought in the last five years to Europe.
You've got the admission now that, oh, we do want to repopulate Europe with Islamists.
And you've got people being arrested that criticize or even report on the crime that's taking place.
What a time to be alive.
And then the president tries to reverse that, tries to stand up against it, so he gets demonized.
And again, I saw a CNN article this weekend going, Trump hasn't implemented the judge's order to reunite all children with their parents because most children don't have parents with them.
And again, that predates, that's an Obama policy, and it predates
And the little girl in the famous photo, they photoshopped Trump with the girl, was with her mother, never taken away.
But it doesn't matter, it's a triumph of fraud.
So watch, the article's up on Infowars.com.
I'm gonna play it and then read the subtitles.
Copenhagen Imam, Jihad Necessity for the Muslim Invasion and Conquest of Europe.
And again, when I read this, this is the Imam's words.
And this is the standard thought process.
Imran Murdaher Abdallah of the Al-Farq Mas in Copenhagen, told his followers the final solution, that's a Nazi term by the way, to the problem of the Levant, that's the big Islamic land, after the establishment of the Caliphate and the elimination of the Jewish entity, will be through the conquest of Europe.
Abdullah was speaking on a video shot last year.
Now, now, now, here's the issue.
Europe was invaded over a hundred times by the Muslims.
Turkey was Constantinople.
Now it is Istanbul.
The Great Blue Mosque.
Oh, look at the architecture.
It was Christian built.
That's a fact.
But they teach in schools that the Crusades invaded.
Well, I guess kind of like Hitler attacked us, then we invaded Germany.
I mean, I guess we did invade Germany, but he attacked first.
We did invade the Pacific.
We did go after Japan, but they attacked first.
So, I mean, I guess technically the Crusades did invade the Middle East after a hundred plus invasions, and they pushed all the way almost through Poland,
Czechoslovakia into Germany.
And people went, you know, this is getting out of hand here.
And then it took 200 years to kick them out of Spain and kick them out of Eastern Europe.
It was called the Reconquest or the La Reconquista.
Why is it called a Reconquering?
Because you were conquered.
See, and then you re-conquer.
So you get invaded and you take it back, it's a reconquista, see?
So, that's what's so insane about all this, is they teach in schools, even when I was in school, that America's bad, America's evil, and the Christians are bad, and they hurt the poor little Muslims and invaded the poor little Muslims who were so peaceful.
I mean, Mohammed was running slaves all over North Africa, his people were after him, you know, all of it, little kids, sex, slavery, I mean, all of it is in there.
And you're not supposed to say that!
That's historical facts!
And so all the EU censorship, all the control, it's now coming here.
So let's go ahead and start getting in to one of the main Imams in Copenhagen with the general public and their Stockholm Syndrome.
Here it is.
The final solution to the problem of Levant.
After the establishment of the Caliphate and the elimination of the Jewish entity, we will, through the conquest of Europe, the Mediterranean Sea in its entirety, with all its shores and coasts, must become purely Islamic.
Hit pause.
Oh, you're not going to get to be Christian once you conquer, like everywhere else?
Oh, oh!
It must be purely, 100%.
But I thought it was the religion of peace.
I mean, gay people are married by the Islamist system.
They're not thrown off buildings.
Oh, but I need to be censored.
I understand.
I was homophobic.
I understand.
Here, let's just continue.
He goes on to say, no judgment day until Muslims slay the Jews, but that's Danish imam.
This guy says similar stuff, but you know what?
I'm sorry.
This is cultural enrichment, so I should apologize.
The imam's right.
I'm a bad person.
Here you go.
Thus fulfilling the promise of the Prophet Muhammad about the conquest of Rome, who the Muslims almost took three times.
Europe must be invaded again.
History must repeat itself.
They taught me in high school and college.
We invaded them.
Wait, wait.
This guy says the Muslims invaded us?
Back it up ten seconds.
This is incredible.
Of course, it's true.
Europe must be invented again.
History must repeat itself.
Oh, oh, okay, go ahead.
We must have a new... ...Turig, and we will sail the seas across the Strait of Gibraltar.
Oh, invade Spain again.
And we will liberate... ...Ali Andalus, restoring it to the bosom of Islam.
That, that's, uh, that's Spain?
This is, back it up.
To the bosom, where everybody's trying to flee the bosom of Islam.
Everybody's like, get me out of here!
God, it's hell on earth!
Meanwhile, you want to restore it to your bosom.
I think you can.
I don't want to be in your bosom, buddy.
I don't want to be your bosom, bud.
How's that sound?
I'm not cutting women's genitals off, and I'm not throwing gays off buildings.
I know I'm the bad guy, I understand.
And we will liberate, restoring it to the bosom of Islam.
Can we look up al-Andalus?
I think that's southern Spain.
And, uh, I know they took over, uh, Sicily and everywhere.
Hell, they pushed all the way to Rome three times.
The Vatican had 200-foot walls and held them back.
But the Vatican today says, open up everything and pull down your walls, but we're going to keep ours.
We'll come back with one of the main imams there in Copenhagen, Denmark.
And they got them in Sweden, got them everywhere saying the same stuff.
And we'll play it all.
We have a guy in the White House, I'm not even gonna say his **** name.
It was a defining moment.
It was not just Americans for the world.
And that mother **** was giving a chance to say we're about love and not hate.
And that mother ****
Did not denounce the mother****** Klan, the alt-right, and those Nazi mother******.
It was a defining moment, and he could have said to the world, not the United States, that we were better than that.
The so-called mother****** Creole democracy, that's some bull****.
United States of America was built upon the genocide of native people and slavery.
That is the fabric of the United States of America.
As my broken brother Jay-Z would say,
Spike Lee has to come out and say that.
If Spike Lee was to be honest and identify with the successes of Donald Trump, he will literally be, you know, thrown out of the community.
No one would want to watch his movies.
They'll call him an Uncle Tom and a sellout.
So with that mentality, it's very difficult for people who don't
I don't know.
Those are the individuals that go to these rallies.
Those are the individuals that go out and vote.
So I'm disappointed in Spike Lee.
I'm disappointed in Snoop Dogg and these other people who I would consider to be cowards.
I'm disappointed in their approach because they're killing the minds of young people who would otherwise be more successful.
But I'm telling you this.
It is going to change.
The tide is going to turn.
They can only talk stupid and make up lies and be emotional for only so long before the facts are revealed and people start really changing.
I'm telling you, these individual people can see.
They've been there.
They went to the rallies.
And the mainstream tells you one thing, and they have their polls and everything, and they suggest one thing, but the voters come out and do something different.
And I'm telling you, as sure as I'm sitting here, is that
It's going to be a change.
There's a lot of people that do not agree with these mainstream folks.
And when voting time comes, when 2020 comes around, we're going to see a landslide in voting.
They just cannot verbalize it right now because they'll be shunned.
But, you know, I think the cream rises to the top.
Donald Trump should have never been president with all the stuff that they did against him and all of the above.
But see, he's the cream of the crop and he will rise to the top.
And I'll say this one thing.
I watched him at that ceremony where that young lady got killed, that police officer, and he was holding hands with her 90-year-old grandmother and with all of these people showing so much love.
Literally, I started tearing up because of how genuine that man is.
And the world can see that.
And we're going to start, and people are going to start exercising what they see and not what they hear.
Wow, man, you're really making me get tears in my eyes because I can feel it spiritually, this evil spirit of us hating each other and being all afraid.
Trump is, and we together, we're breaking that spirit right now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I get whiskey bent, and hell bound.
Article up on Infowars.com.
More powerful info from the president.
Yesterday he said, I'm not going to let all these American haters, the media, sell out the country, the globalists, and bankrupt it.
It's over, you American haters.
You're sick.
You're crazy.
The country makes you wealthy and powerful.
Why are you out to get it?
You're just dumb.
He's back at it again.
A Steve Watson article on Infowars.com.
So critical to get this out.
Trump slams very,
Unpatriotic and fake journalist.
He says, I will not allow our great country to be sold out by anti-Trump haters in the dying newspaper industry.
When the media, driven insane by their Trump derangement syndrome, reveals internal deliberations of our government, it truly puts the lives of many, not just journalists, at risk.
Very unpatriotic.
Freedom of the press also comes with a responsibility to report the news, like the economy.
Over 90% of the media coverage of the administration is negative, despite tremendously positive results we're achieving.
It's no surprise that confidence in the media is at an all-time low.
I will not allow our great country to be sold out by anti-Trump haters.
Yeah, they got the publisher of the New York Times, the owner is Carlos Slim, but they don't have him do it, they have the token New Yorker.
Go, please stop attacking us.
It's very dangerous.
Hell, you punched Trump a million times in the face.
He says you're a bunch of liars.
And you go, how dare you?
I mean, there's no logic there.
Let me get back to the imam.
Because I can show you the imam of Jerusalem.
I can show you top imams in the U.S.
It's not like we're cherry picking here.
And hell, the U.N.
says it's an invasion of Europe.
They're allowed to rape women, do whatever they want.
They don't get in trouble.
But then you criticize it.
In Germany, they arrest you.
Facebook hired former members of the Stasi three years ago to police it.
And Facebook's just selling the idea to Americans with me now and YouTube.
Oh, well, he bullied a baby.
We won't show you the baby.
Won't show you the child.
But he bullied him.
And then he did this and that.
And finally, we just got to ban him.
Other conservatives will go, well, he is a bad guy.
We're going to virtue signal and go along with the dying corporate media.
And then you'll be next.
Which has already happened.
Congressman Gates was sitting there going, well, you're a private corporation.
Google, Facebook, Twitter.
You can censor wherever you want.
Just don't let people threaten to kill Republicans.
They went, this guy's a schmuck.
They totally banned him the next day.
Total shadow ban.
Then he went, I feel violated!
You feel violated, huh?
Here, let's go back to our little Lee Mom friend.
Then I'll give the number out.
The number's 877-789-2539.
First-time callers.
First-time callers.
Good phones.
Love you to call.
On topic of censorship, how do we fight back?
What is it they're planning big ahead of the censorship?
What are they going to pull in the 2018 midterms?
Because internal documents, internal polls, numbers just like I told you last time show that they're not going to retake the House or Senate, but they're going to try.
They're legalizing illegal aliens voting all over the place.
So, something big's coming.
They're making their move.
What do you think it is?
What do you think of all the censorship?
How do we counter it?
877-789-ALEX, 877-789-A-L-E-X, on this Monday, Global Edition.
But right now, let's go back to the EMOM.
The story is on Infowars.com.
Copenhagen, Denmark.
There's another EMOM saying the same stuff out of Stockholm, Sweden, and another one that was, I mean, all these countries are saying it.
Well, just hear it from him.
He said, we must conquer all of Europe.
We tried before.
This time we will succeed.
Here it is.
We must have new Ottomans who will enter the Balkans and restore them to the bosom of Islam.
Hit pause.
Because he had over 100 invasions there and got kicked out a couple times.
So, just like Albania was with the Clintons and was allowed to take over a third of Serbia, even though they admit that the Muslims started the war, the Serbs were the bad guys, we heard that on the news, and so here he is.
We must have a proud and pious army of believers who will march from North Africa and conquer Rome, Allah willing.
Thus we will be fulfilling our religious duty to jihad for the sake of Allah.
They can put hijabs on all the women too.
In order to glorify his word, to elevate his banner, and to institute his law throughout the world.
Jihad necessitates the conquest of Europe.
Jihad necessitates the conquest of Europe.
The Quran says, fight them until... Back it up, you talk too fast.
Fight them until... Let's have this loving religion of peace.
Fight them until there is no more fitna.
Look up fitna in Arabic for me, and what was the other term?
So no more fitna.
Search engine fitna for me.
Before we go back, let's just definition fitna in Islam.
We'll come back to that in a moment.
Let's continue.
A religion belongs to Allah alone.
Hit pause.
Wait, wait, wait.
Back that up.
I thought we just all live in peace.
You come in and you always let us live in peace, except that isn't true ever.
Temptation means peace until everyone submits.
So there is no more resistance.
Fitna is resistance.
Okay, that's what we thought.
Okay, let's go back.
It's impossible to eliminate fitna unless the capitalist and the secular order is destroyed and eliminated.
I gotta get rid of that capitalism, of course you'll be in a big palace.
The immolation of the resistance will not occur solely through calling upon Europeans to join Islam.
The European media, the European order, and the European practices
Lure not just the infidels, but the Muslims themselves away from Islam.
You've got to burn that down.
The Western media and politics do not merely keep Europeans away from Islam, but strive to rip the Muslims and Europe away from Islam.
So, of course, the little people bringing them in, the globalists, the collaborators, they'll have to be liberated of their heads.
Let's continue.
The melting pot policies which target the Islamic identity, and the media which distorts the image of Islam.
Oh wait, pause.
Yeah, because the media tells you it's all peaceful and loving.
He comes back, we'll get to this in your phone calls, and he says, oh no, we are not going to let you do your normal thing.
The gays go off the buildings.
The women's genitals are cut off.
Your buildings go boom boom.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Antidote for Fake News.
It's Alex Jones.
So, you've been on YouTube for years and you don't know who I am.
I'm primitive, I'm real, I know the enemy, and if we can have the spirit of normal humanity spread, it's over for the globalists!
You'll never, never defeat the human spirit!
You'll never defeat God!
You'll never win!
We know who they are, and we're sick of them!
You guys know who he is?
You know Alex Jones says InfoWars?
Very popular.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones for Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
From InfoWars.
From InfoWars.
But did that stop him?
It did not!
It kept going, okay?
And just, it went everywhere.
The more they abuse you, the more you enjoy it.
Just like the Stockholm Syndrome.
And so that's why the joke is on you.
And that's why it's gonna continue.
Now, repent now!
I know your mustache is gold!
You got little gold-framed glasses!
You scare me so bad!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I got some good memories playing this song.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
By the way, I've been talking about this imam who is not Danish, as they say.
He's an invader into Denmark.
And we've got other people in Stockholm, Sweden.
We've got folks in other areas saying, invade Europe, take over, get rid of the infidels.
This is the standard procedure.
This is what the UN and Hollywood and all the media are pushing is an Islamic takeover of the West.
And so here's this imam breaking down the whole invasion they want, what they're going to do.
Now they're not going to have a melting pot with the West.
They're going to conquer and make everyone convert to Islam, which is the orthodoxy of Islam.
The story's up on Infowars.com.
I have another article, a whole other video of him.
No Judgment Day Until Muslims Slay the Jews.
Now, CNN will probably clip that out and say that I said that.
That's a whole other subject.
Do you realize they're on the news now saying that I am calling for the poisoning of David Hogg?
By the way, we never played the David Hogg thing.
I know you found it, but I mentioned it and I never got to it.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, when they say that, they don't show David Hogg saying, I'm a bad guy that I sell water filters.
And I say, David Hogg, you really should be drinking filtered water.
I mean, that's what I'm saying.
The level of the left, how they play like they're victims when they're actually bullies is insane.
And they're all these public figures.
And then they have a self-described drag queen, transsexual, and they use Q word, that if I use it, they'd say I was being hateful, and that's in Barry Diller's Newsweek, everywhere.
We report on it, and then they say, oh, another strike on your Facebook.
We're taking that video down because someone was offended by you saying, hey, this big drag queen festival hating Trump is ridiculous.
So that criticizes you being political.
You get to be political.
I can't say this is ridiculous.
And then it was a drag queen protest, because saying it's a drag queen protest is hateful, because that's the new protected group.
Not just the N-word, but the T-word, the D-word, the Q-word.
And then anything they say or do, you can't even oppose them politically and say, I don't agree with what you're doing in my life, because they're the protected group.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
And Congress needs to act because the insanity of the universities, the insanity of the big corporations and their corporate cultures of control is spilling out.
The insanity of Los Angeles, it's getting crazy.
I scratched my eye the other day and then I got in a lake and I got infected and I think I left my sunglasses in my office.
Will somebody bring those to me?
I'm going to put those back on because under the lights it doesn't feel well.
That's why I was wearing glasses earlier.
So that's what's going on with that, and we'll go to your phone calls next segment.
But right now, let's go ahead and finish up with the Imam.
Here it is.
The melting pot policies which target Islamic identity and the media which distorts the image of Islam, portraying it as terrorism, extremism, and all sorts of vile descriptions.
Pause again.
He says we're going to conquer Europe and take it over and not let you only be Muslim, but now it's vile.
The Fenta, the resistance and corruption can only be eliminated.
Keep going.
By destroying the capitalist and secular order.
And replacing it with an Islamic order.
But the secular order is threatened by Christianity, so it's bringing this in because it has a fetish to hate Christianity.
They go on to say, we must eradicate it or through expansion of the Islamic order.
To the heart of Europe, the land, back at them again, the land, go ahead, of the Crusaders.
So, you invaded Europe over and over again, took a lot of Europe, sold the woman into sex slavery, you know, did your stuff, Turkey all of it,
Run your harems, and you're pissed that you didn't get it all, but now you're smart enough to have six kids, Europe isn't, and you've got traders you've bought off in Europe, and you're sitting there on your fat ass on welfare like 80% of the Muslims in Europe, and you see a bunch of weak people and you're gonna take them.
You're lucky crusaders aren't around, buddy boy.
Go back to him.
Back it up.
Invading the strongholds of their secular civilization.
Well, you've done that.
Thus eliminating once and for all the danger facing the Levant, or the Islamic world government.
Which is all they do and say.
I mean, I could play these tapes every day of other prominent emoms.
I'm not saying, hey, let's invade them.
Hey, let's enslave them.
I knew that those invasions were about destabilizing it and putting even worse globalist Muslims in to then invade us.
And the big corporate folks think they're going to control all this.
They're going to let the Muslim stuff get out of control.
And they're going to release a bioweapon.
And that's the whole plan.
And if I was a coward, I'd already be dug in.
Owning a coffee farm in like Tasmania and changing my name.
Seriously, if I was just a cold-blooded person, I'd be gone.
I'd have been gone years ago.
We passed the demarcation line like six years ago.
We're not new to evacuate or go ahead and face the storm.
I'm here and I'm gonna deal with it.
Man, all of you trying to stop Trump, trying to stop Hungary and Romania and Poland and people that have been invaded a hundred times and who have the genetic memory of being enslaved, their wives being put into sex slavery.
I mean, just to watch the left in these big tower buildings.
They don't even hardly go out.
They don't even know how to, like, tie their shoelaces.
They're totally domesticated and they're clucking and chirping and calling, you know, to sexualize kids and for the fall of civilization.
When you guys are the first people the globals are going to get rid of.
You are the followers, the useful idiots, and we're just your chronicling and all.
We've got a whole other video of him saying kill all the Jews, but, you know, the CNN will just take it and say I said it.
Hail the Nazi collaborator George Soros.
They want to rename Austin, by the way, saying it's racist.
I say rename it Soros City after an actual Nazi.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I want to explain something.
I am not a tribalist person when it comes to what color you are.
Or even your sexual persuasion.
I think a lot of that sexual stuff, if you're an adult, can be very destructive.
But I don't judge those people.
Whatever they're into.
God knows I've been a wild man myself, so... I'm not throwing stones here.
Let he without sin cast first stone.
But it doesn't mean that I don't know how stuff works.
And... Islam is satanic.
By every stretch of the imagination.
It came out of nowhere.
It was based on the slave trade at Medina.
It invaded the planet.
And now the evil forces of globalism are allied with it.
That's the Al-Qaeda flag, by the way, right there.
Being taught in Europe.
In Danish households.
And I can see the whole globalist plan.
They admit their plan.
And the fact that YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter are blocking me.
And I've been told.
You leave transsexualism alone, and you leave Islam alone, and you'll be able to operate however you want.
I was told in off-record meetings, what do you want?
And the reason people have off-record meetings with me is unless it's illegal, it's off-record.
And I was told by the New York Times, who sent an emissary of their senior people.
I was told by the London Guardian.
I was told by a National Democrat lawyer.
And then I was told by other Democrat lawyers, and I was given messages directly from Soros a year ago, and they said, this is your last chance.
You stop what you're doing, or we're going to destroy you.
And I said, what are you going to do?
They said, it'll all be through the legal system, which you know we can do.
I said, I know what you can do.
What do you want?
They said, off record?
Off record, who said it?
I said, yeah, it's off record.
I've been given the message even more than that now.
Islam's good, accept it being brought in, the integration of Islam with the West, and do not talk about transsexuals.
And I meant, and I expanded on that, I go, you mean, you mean just period?
And they go, well, the whole thing.
Which is the sexualization of children.
Because if you can't even say the word, only they can.
It's like the n-word.
The media takes it where only black people can say it, which I don't want to say it, fine.
But then it becomes this power word.
Well now you can't say.
Google, Twitter, Facebook all called us last year.
We recorded some of the phone calls for lawsuits.
We even told them they're on record.
They couldn't believe it.
We're like, yeah, we'll record you.
And they're like, you cannot.
But everybody else can say it.
Barry Diller can say it.
Newsweek can say it.
CNN can say it.
And everybody else can say it.
Talk about a new class system.
But I can't say it.
So they said, don't use the T word, use transsexual.
And I said, just as a test, I'll do that.
They banned those videos too.
Imagine that cult power has nothing to do with the transsexuals.
They're just a group they're using.
To say you can't talk about it.
I got a whole stack of news articles right here.
Dozens of them.
From just people protesting Trump.
Drag queens, trans, and queer people protest Trump in London.
True Media Group.
Liberal Group.
Document Cam Shot Place for TV viewers.
Right over here.
Yeah, just zoom in right over here for me.
This is the Document Cam Quadrant right here.
So, they can say that, but our very video with almost the exact same headline
Banned yesterday.
For the name!
Look, you've got this Austin group.
They call themselves Tranny.
That's a group they came up with.
Even if I say I don't hate these people, and I don't, it doesn't matter.
It is chosen by the community, like out of Kafka S 1984, that we feel offended by you using it, like the n-word, so you can't.
And then the next word is father, mother, or best, or winner.
Those words are all being banned.
This is a takeover of language.
Preschoolers discourage children.
Preschool discourages children from saying best friend.
Now they're banning it.
CBS News.
What it's like to be a drag queen while raising kids.
See, they can all say drag queen for those words.
These drag kids are proving it's never too soon to be fabulous.
Drag queen story hours to teach kids.
All this
Letting an 8-year-old be a drag queen isn't progressive, it's child abuse.
Well, that's what the examiner said.
Now you can't use the word drag queen.
Transgender lessons for 2-year-olds.
Drag queens drafted into nursery schools to teach children about sexual diversity.
Yeah, nothing wrong going on there, Daily Mail.
Cross-dressers and transsexuals gather at Trump protests in London.
These are all positive.
They're all pro.
Here's Barry Diller, owns Newsweek now.
Donald Trump to be met with mass drag queen protests when he visits Britain.
I won't even read the terms they use here.
But they use the Q word in all this in their article.
If I use it, I'm banned immediately.
But see, Barry Diller and Newsweek is royalty.
They are allowed to use the words.
It's the new royalty.
And once the precedent's set, all language can be destroyed.
The city of Austin is officially trying to rename the name of the city, saying that Stephen S. Austin was a racist.
Meanwhile, there are Islamic countries literally selling women and children to sex slavery.
No one's reporting on it.
So that's where I come from on this.
Here's another one.
Drag queen, trans, and queer people protest Trump in London.
Gay star news.
Now, why do I show you this?
Drag queens and kings organized a rally to oppose Donald Trump in the UK.
Meet the drag queens protesting Donald Trump.
I'm going to visit.
On and on and on.
But what did they tell us?
I'm going to show you right here.
They said you don't use any of those terms and you don't report on it because the community doesn't like it.
That's Southern Poverty Law Center flaggers.
Please review the community standards.
And they took down our video that simply shows the demonstrations crossdressers and transsexuals gather at Trump protests in London.
And then those are the names of the groups they use.
But we aren't even allowed to report what's going on.
You see how that works?
And then here's our article on it.
This goes on in public city streets, and then we simply say, here it is, look at it, and politically people in the streets, in the West say, you don't have speech, we're gonna bar you because you dare even show what we're saying.
And what we're doing.
You talk about discrimination, you talk about all this, and that's where the N-word comes in.
Because once they set the precedent that if you're not white, you can use the N-word, I find it offensive when anybody uses it, but you've got a right to use it.
I remember growing up in Dallas, playing sports, about half my friends were black.
And most of them were Christian, you know, upstanding folks.
I found them to be more moral than most of the white people I knew.
But then I'd be over at their house or something, their cousin would come over, and they'd be using n-word, this or that.
I remember one of my friend's moms coming in and saying, you shut your mouth and don't use that word.
And her throwing him out of the house.
The cousin that visited because he was using it.
But that was 35 years ago.
Very offensive.
But you know what?
Somebody's got the right to use it.
And people have a right to say it's wrong, but now it's... I'm not afraid of them banning me.
I'm not going to play their game.
The T-word.
They go, we have the recordings.
They go, we want you to use transsexual or drag queen.
And we're like, okay, we'll play that game.
And sure enough, a year later, we got three recordings.
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube calling us
Saying, you will not use this or you will be banned.
And we got recordings.
And now, a year later, they're saying, now don't use that word.
God, what words can we use here?
But again, that's the power of the control!
And don't show ABC News and Yahoo News of some punk kid punching an adult in the face, over and over again, getting pushed to the ground, because we're gonna say, you did it!
We're gonna defame you!
And then we're not even going to show the video and thousands of articles about you.
That shows the organized criminal activity in corporate media.
And the fact that they've got armies of people for a paycheck that'll lie and take the press release and rewrite it for their newspaper.
It's all the same plagiarized article everywhere.
Just like they said Trump hates Mexicans and says they're all rapists and criminals.
There's no video, there's no audio.
He never said it!
But they don't care because they're an organized pack of criminal liars.
And they use the trans community and others and black folks, you name it, as just the set piece to make them look good.
That's all.
That President Trump gives every indication by what he says and what he does and what he doesn't do, that he's mean as a wolverine.
So earlier this week I said, hey, let's put out Trump as a wolverine, mean like a wolverine, InfoWars.com.
Beautiful new red shirt, incredible job with the graphics crew.
They are amazing.
1995, high quality shirt.
It's being printed right now.
They'll be shipping out next week.
Get your order in.
This is a limited edition.
This needs to be the new viral shirt.
Now, because I saw Walmart boycott launched over in Peach 45 clothing.
Don't boycott Walmart over that.
Just say Walmart.
I don't care if they copy our shirt.
Put out a Re-elect 45.
You know, let's engage in that.
So, they've got their Impeach 45.
You go to Infowarsstore.com.
We have Re-elect 45 with an American flag ray triggering on the right arm and on the back.
I am the resistance.
I am the resistance.
This, I mean, these shirts have just been hitting me.
And I knew Hillary for President.
I saw a handmade sign in the yard.
About, you know, like, three years before the election.
It was, it was, they knew she'd run.
It was like, and then I remember thinking, or two years before, I was like, we've got to do that.
And it, we went to the RNC, and a third of the people were wearing it.
It was the chance.
It was, we had planes flying around saying it behind them.
It was incredible.
It was a magic moment.
And I know when something's going to be a hit.
So, they've got their Impeach45, Reelect45, Help Fund the Operation, Reelect45, Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139, and Mean Like a Wolverine!
If he's mean as a wolverine... Wolverines!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Alright, I got a former FBI agent, Marine and Patriot, who's really been at the forefront of exposing John Brennan's conversion to Islam, Communism, all of it.
He's popping in, we'll continue with calls after that.
But, I mean, when you realize that the globalists are a bunch of big megabanks and then a bunch of losers,
That just hate success, and that just hate normal people.
Because a normal person, you know, isn't into all this weird crap.
So, he's coming up right now.
Let's go to Chase in California, and then Alex, and Willie, and Doug, and Adrian, and Brian, and Rick, and Ben, and others.
Chase, thanks for holding her on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Hey, thanks for taking my call, Alex.
Chase Patriot from Frontlines, California.
Now, this is the perfect nexus, I believe, for Congressman Nunes,
Infowars and my situation, this internet censorship.
I've been getting hit on YouTube, I've been finding out.
Now, I've just been doing the reporter challenge for you, so I set up an account on YouTube.
It started out on fire.
I was putting on reports, like, every day.
I was getting new subscribers every day.
Yeah, well, let's be specific.
YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, for five years, anybody Christian or conservative, you even do milquetoast reports, Christian sites that just pray to Jesus are being banned.
Google and Apple have banned Christian holidays off their calendars.
They've banned them at their campuses.
So yes sir, absolutely.
That's what I'm saying is, I'm the big enchilada and I'm not bragging.
When they're able to bring me down, next is the really big enchilada.
Matt Drudge in Fox News.
So normally what I'm doing is I'm talking about the Declaration of Independence, I'm talking about the Bill of Rights, and I'm trying to tell people to contact their congressman if they feel something going on.
So that's what I did.
And so, you know, you gave me the courage to make these videos, and every one of them I put, ChaseThePatriotsForInfoWars.com, right?
And so, when they see that, I know I'm in their algorithm, and then all of a sudden I started to see my views significantly be dropped.
And also, I have cousins from all over, and we had a family reunion, and then I find out they're not getting my notifications, just like anyone else that's been getting these shadow bans.
So I contact, I call my representative, who is Congressman Nunes,
And I let him know that I want my rights defended.
I want to know what we can do.
So I made contact with his office and it just shows the power of InfoWars.
Here I am, an ordinary patriot from Tulare, California, but I can take action and I can make change.
So, you know, again, thank you for letting me start Chase the Patriot.
I really hope you look at my videos.
Brother, I've been seeing them.
We appreciate you.
But that's the deal.
Nunes and all them are busy.
And that's why they're smart people.
We get them reports.
We call them.
They hear from citizens what's happening.
Everybody's got to call Congress.
Why do you think they're trying to totally ban me now?
Because I'm trying to rally people to get out there and explain how you've been
It's censored by these monsters.
That's what I'm saying.
It's literal Chinese communist level censorship.
Come to America.
And as conservatives, we don't bitch and complain.
We just are used to being discriminated against.
But this is the big push.
And now Trump is aware of it.
Where's his tweet?
Let me show you.
He says, Twitter shadow banning prominent Republicans not good.
We'll look into this discriminatory legal practice at once.
Many complaints.
So, and look, Ted Cruz, you know, he can't give me a backhanded support.
He said, you know, Jones says my dad killed JFK.
But still, I don't think Facebook should be able to cut him off and say what's free speech.
Well, sir, I didn't say that.
I like your voting record.
I really respected you until you lied about Trump.
And then you pulled a bunch of side deals.
With the Never Trumpers and the Neocons.
And Stone pointed out that eyewitnesses have photos of your dad in the CIA.
A high IQ, very intelligent Cuban in the middle of that whole thing with his whole background.
I mean, come on.
The word is he didn't kill JFK.
He was in the CIA.
So don't be ashamed of it.
You dropped out of the race right after it came out.
But the point is, even Ted Cruz gets that and understands what's going on with all of that.
And so that's all I'm getting at here with that.
So God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Absolutely folks, they fear you ahead of this ramp up of censorship of the midterms, getting in there and Trump making it a campaign issue.
It's the truth, it's constitutional, it's a winning issue, and it's critical to do it to save free speech.
So let's go crazy like chickens with their heads cut off about all the shadow banning and censorship you're under.
Let's take it serious!
We have the new t-shirt we're selling because they have Impeach Trump 45 at Walmart.
We have Reelect Trump at Infowarsstore.com.
Reelect 45.
So it's Reelect, not the other one.
That's now exclusively available.
They're getting printed right here, right here in Texas.
Shipped out next week.
Get your order in now.
No reviews yet.
We just launched today.
And then we have, we have Mean Like a Wolverine.
It's not the Marvel comic wimpy Wolverine.
It's the Trump Wolverine.
That's available at InfoWarsStore.com.
Be sure and get those and fund the operation.
Everything we do here at InfoWars is possible with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
We have huge specials.
If you've not seen the InfoWars Store yet, go check it out.
New t-shirts at the InfoWars Store as well, including one that I just got, the new InfoWars hexagon logo.
Very, very cool logo and kind of more discreet so a radical liberal might not come over and try to punch you in the face or spit on you.
So it's all possible thanks to your support at InfoWarsTore.com.
Huge discount store wide right now.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
At the bottom of the hour, we'll continue with your phone calls.
Alex Jones here, covering what's happening with our republic, the battle to return our republic back to control of our own government and our own people.
And that's what President Trump is leading.
Joining us is John Gondolo, frequent guest on Fox News, you name it, very respected, former FBI agent, also veteran, and he is the author of the book, Raising a Jihadi Generation.
The book can be purchased at his website, understandingthethreat.com, or at amazon.com.
And he joins us, again, a counterterrorism expert, former leading FBI agent, and all of this.
But what he really has is courage, because I can tell you right now,
I know a lot of FBI agents.
Growing up I knew a lot of FBI agents.
And they're patriots on average.
Very patriotic.
I'd say Christian, conservative, whatever you want to say.
Very dedicated.
And when I criticize Mueller or any of these people, they go, oh, you hate the FBI.
That's not what Trump's doing.
We hate the Democrat operatives that are in there that have been caught doing all this crazy stuff.
And I'm just putting that up front because they misrepresent it every time and they misrepresent what Trump says, what I say.
But I remember like five years ago, reading about Brennan when he was heading up the CIA for Obama.
And he headed it up until Trump got into office, and hearing he was a, voted for the communists, and he converted to Wahhabism, and I didn't believe it.
I mean, I thought that, look, it's one thing to hire a bunch of SJWs, low-level, but I don't think they put a guy in who voted for communists.
And it was in New Yorker magazine, and it was in other publications.
And then that he had been the section chief in Riyadh, and it had been said that, you know, he was in ceremonies with the Muslims and all this.
And then I talked to other folks that actually were involved in the army and the CIA, and they said, no, listen, we thought he might be a double agent.
We checked.
No, no, he wasn't doing this under authorization by Obama to convert to Islam decades before
Thanks for having me again, Alex.
Appreciate it.
You're the expert.
You've got the floor of the next two segments.
I mean, what are we facing this window into the weirdness of John Brennan?
Because if I don't even believe this five years ago and then it's true, it's so crazy.
Who could even believe this?
Well, I was the first one to break the story on a television program run by a group called the United West, an online program.
And the question was posed to me about John Brennan.
And what I said then is what I'll say now is that
I have sources, multiple sources, that witnessed John Brennan or have direct knowledge of John Brennan saying the Islamic Shahada, the statement of faith of Islam.
Which converts you into Islam, but he did it while he was the acting station chief, meaning the number one guy for the CIA in Saudi Arabia in the 90s and present in the room where Saudi government officials including Mubahid, which is Saudi intelligence.
So my concern
Was not only that he converted, the bigger concern was the way it came about.
And then it looked and smelled a lot like a recruiting operation by the Saudis of our number one CIA guy in in the country.
And then for a few years, I took a significant amount of heat for making these comments until just approximately six or eight months ago, when a retired station chief from the CIA
Went on TV and said it was very well known in the agency that John Brennan had converted to Islam.
And so he confirmed what my sources who had been in Saudi Arabia had said.
And this is the problem.
It's not only that he converted Islam.
It's that if you look at his behavior patterns, he has spoken at major Muslim Brotherhood conferences inside the United States and North America, including
The Islamic Society of North America.
He has defended what they're doing.
He has defended jihad, saying it is an obligation in Islam, and we shouldn't be afraid of it, even though 100% of Islamic law defines jihad as warfare against non-Muslims.
That's obligatory until jihad is, until Sharia, Islamic law, is the law of the land.
And of course, what you just mentioned about the fact that he admitted publicly that he voted for a communist.
I mean, you have got numerous members of the previous and still in the current administration and the bureaucracy, openly open communists, Marxists, socialists of different, you know, flavors, Maoists,
And there seems to me, I think, the biggest problem is there is no sense of urgency in this war.
There's no sense of urgency in the war with Islam.
There's no sense of urgency in the war against the Marxists.
And that, to me, is the greatest problem.
And I believe the reason for that is that the American people are not getting a real detailed understanding of this problem, except for a few outlets, including yours.
I remember reading it in like the Washington Times and even the New York Times, what was it, 10, 15 years ago, you were in the FBI then you can correct me, but when did Mueller start saying that there's no such thing as Islamic terror and they started removing that and then Obama got in and no investigation could be about Islamic and then they started saying the Fort Hood shooter, you know, wasn't a terror attack.
And then we see all of this as the result, and then the former head of Homeland Security, Napolitano, Janet Napolitano, said, no, no, the main threat is veterans and gun owners and Christians.
That's our main terror threat, even though on the terror-ricker scale, it's the most non-violent group.
Right, so let me hopefully break this down very briefly for your audience, and that is this.
The primary way that the Islamic movement intends to win the whole war is not
In the violent sector, it's not through violence, violence like the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, their operations in Africa and the Philippines and elsewhere in Europe and in the United States in the Middle East.
Those are tactics that fit into a broader strategy.
The main line of effort, if you will, and that's a military phrase for their overall strategy, is primarily in the nonviolent realm.
And in Europe and the United States,
Almost all of the prominent Islamic groups in Europe and the United States, we can demonstrate, are either Muslim Brotherhood organizations or are absolutely aligned with the Brotherhood's strategy, which is to impose an Islamic State under Sharia, which is what the Muslim Brotherhood bylaws say.
And you can get those at our website, understandthethreat.com.
As it relates to what you're asking,
I would just quote a couple years ago, the guy who ran the counterterrorism and technical support office for the Pentagon and ran a lot of special operations and covert operations for the DOD during the wars.
He left the government service and said on a national radio program that the Muslim Brotherhood controls the national security decision making process.
Inside the United States government, and that is a statement that Understanding the Threat and me as a leader of Understanding the Threat, or UTT, I absolutely concur with that.
When you look, when you talk about the training, when you look at the 9-11 report, hundreds of times the word Jihad, Muslim, Islam, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Sharia, Jihad, those words are used
In the 9-11 report, to describe the enemy, the threat that we face, this is really important because our war fighting doctrine says, when you analyze a threat, you begin with who they say they are and why they're fighting.
And 100% of the jihadis, from the 9-11 hijackers to the Boston Marathon bombers, to the attackers in Russia... So they were doing it for Islam, obviously, and... That's right.
And the thing I get censored for more than anything is simply pointing out what they say.
When I talk about it, I get censored for it.
When we come back, I want to look at the big picture then.
Why it matters that Brennan converted to this, and how it hooked into Obama, and these stay-behind networks we know they have, and obviously the big one.
Iran's an Islamic state, so is Saudi Arabia.
So if he converts to Islam in the presence of their government, that is a conversion to a foreign government.
That's treason.
That's espionage.
That's being a foreign agent.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Together we're going to restore safety to our streets and peace to our communities.
And we're going to destroy the vile criminal cartel MS-13 and many other gangs.
But MS-13 is particularly violent.
They don't like shooting people because it's too quick.
It's too fast.
I was reading one of these animals was caught and explaining they like to knife them and cut them.
And let him die slowly because that way it's more painful and they enjoy watching that much more.
These are animals.
Did you hear him call MS-13 animals?
Yes, I did.
What did you think about that?
I think he's a pig.
An animal.
I mean, you know, you smell your own, I guess.
Maybe not all people in that group are animals.
No, they're not animals at all.
They're human beings just like all of us.
I think he's a pig.
He's just using that as an excuse to, I don't know, justify his being such a racist.
And then this week Trump made the comment about MS-13 being animals.
Did you hear about that?
I did.
What do you think about that?
I think he's criticizing his own American people.
What can you say about this guy?
He's the animal.
Would you agree that not all MS-13 members are animals?
And then, um, it kind of, yeah, exactly.
It's just like a negative, always negative in the news, always negative in the news.
The guys that are running around gangbanging, killing people, they're animals.
You know?
But the rest of the gang, it's a big gang, you know?
I can't decide whether I should laugh at this or it's like a punch to my gut.
Yeah, I feel the same way.
And I feel like it's a punch to the gut a lot of times.
And people with that last video, a lot of them say, oh, you probably interviewed a ton of people and picked the five people that actually supported MS-13.
And Owen, I swear to you, those are the five people I interviewed.
Those were the five reactions.
I went five for five.
Every single person I asked, MS-13, are they animals?
Every single person I asked in West Hollywood said no.
So it's scary.
We're in a really weird spot right now where the left, just to spite Trump, is doubling down on things that are in no way at all American or American values.
And I think one of the only reasons the left is able to get away with these ridiculous stories, these ridiculous claims, is because their base audience has such a short attention span.
So they basically engineered, like, the perfect resistor in a way.
It's people with short attention spans, people that don't actually pay attention to politics, a lot of times they think they're educated because they went to college and are in debt, and for that reason they feel like they're oppressed and they know more than everybody.
And a lot of what we're seeing now, I think, is going beyond politics.
I think it's basically coming down to good versus evil.
And I think it's coming down to establishment versus anti-establishment.
And it's scary to see the left head in this direction because not too long ago, liberals were the ones who were for free speech, who were against censorship, who wanted to expose government corruption.
And now we're seeing them side with things that
I don't think anyone should ever side with, and it's just at a base level, anti, you know, un-American, anti-American.
But I think the good news is, every time the left takes a stand and supports MS-13, or, you know, promotes the Me Too movement, meanwhile they're all sexual predators in Hollywood, and every time they take a stand and contradict themselves, I think their audience shrinks just a little bit, and it's the people in the middle, the rational people, the centrists,
The independents, the maybe even classical liberals, who are now looking around and saying, wait, why is my party defending MS-13?
Why are we pretending that Hollywood isn't a toxic culture?
And these are the people that are going to start heading to the right, just like we're seeing, you know, across the board.
So while the far left will always be the far left and the protesters will always be pretty much brainwashed and convinced that Trump is the devil himself,
Everyone else in the middle who is somewhat rational will start waking up and their audience I think is shrinking by the day for that reason You're listening to the Alex Jones Show
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Okay, when I'm wrong about something, I admit it.
And if you go back 10, 15 years ago, everybody was talking about caliphates, Islamic takeovers.
That's a bunch of anti-terrorism hype.
That's never going to happen.
They can't get their act together.
Now the borders are all being broken down.
They're funding attacks on Russia, Europe.
10 million military-age men have poured in.
You criticize imams saying kill gays, kill liberals.
The left comes out and attacks you.
You get banned on YouTube, Facebook.
The lawsuit's being financed by us, we know the Saudi government, members of the National Federal Reserve, who's an islamicist, he's involved in it, the guy that owns Chobani Yogurt.
I mean, you learn who's got the power when they come down on you.
And so John Gondolo has been a long time FBI agent, now a retired counter-terrorism expert Marine, a lot of covert operations, and he got briefed on Brennan being a communist, being an islamicist, and now all that's come out.
35,000 foot view on this at understandingthethreat.com.
What's their endgame?
Why is the left allied with them?
And then how has Trump basically at least paused that or disrupted that?
Because I mean, I love America, but I'm actually ashamed that people aren't more pro-Trump when it's so obvious that he's the first real American president in a long time.
And I just thank my lucky stars.
I wonder where we'd be if it wasn't for him and what Obama was planning.
Well, I think to answer your first part of your question, thanks, that's a great question, is it is all about Sharia for the Islamic movement.
It's all about Sharia.
Al Qaeda says what they're doing is to establish an Islamic state under Sharia.
That's what ISIS says, Boko Haram, al-Shabaab, Abu Sayyaf, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran.
It's what the entire Muslim world, under the umbrella of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation,
Which is all 57 Islamic states on the planet.
Largest voting block in the U.N.
And like you said, they play the good cop, just like, and I'm not attacking the Irish, but you know, a lesser thing there, but obviously you had like, Sinn Féin, then you had the, you know, the bad cop, good cop thing.
That's right.
What they're doing, the suit-wearing jihadis, as I call them, the ones who wear suits and purport to be nice, and they work with our White House, with our Defense Department, with the FBI, they purport to be and pretend to be friendly.
But the facts are on the table that these are Muslim Brotherhood organizations whose bylaws say that they are required to fight the enemies and tyrants of Allah until they establish an Islamic State.
Exactly the same objective
Their ideology is to impose a form of the foundation of Marxism.
So whether it's a socialist government or a communist government, and... That's right, I always notice these imams, these prominent imams call for the overthrow of capitalism and free market, which meshes with the liberals.
That's right.
And as what we've seen is Hamas groups, and Hamas is a part of the Muslim Brotherhood, openly, their leaders openly saying, you know, we're aligned with these groups, Black Lives Matter.
We see them aligned with Code Pink and Antifa and ANSWER, Act Now, Stop, We're in Recess.
These hardcore left-wing groups, these... Sure, so what's their plan?
I want to get back for a full hour, we'll come back soon, but what's their, you're an expert on this, what's their plan?
I mean, I know you're a global caliphate, but how's their plan going?
And how has Trump gotten in the middle of that?
From the perspective of the Islamic movement, they're winning, and they're nearly unopposed.
And I would concur with their assessment of where they are.
Even people that seem to understand this.
Again, I go back to there's no sense of urgency.
The good news is this president at a gut level seems to understand that Islam is the problem, but he is surrounded by a number of people who don't understand it.
Some of them, like now that Ambassador John Bolton is in, Mike Pompeo, General Kelly understands the Muslim Brotherhood's a threat, but they don't seem to understand the bigger totality of the threat.
How could Kelly not get it?
They killed his son.
Well, because I think a lot of people like him.
He gets that this is an organized movement, but that the Muslim Brotherhood is a radical group, and they don't represent your average, everyday Muslim.
But isn't that part of Islam?
Like you said, Mohammed said, lie and tell them you're friendly.
Yes, of course.
And that's what they do, and we've caught them in numerous lies, and yet we still continue.
I just want to say, their purpose is to, the Islamic movement and the left working together, from the perspective of the Islamic movement, they will coordinate with others and they'll work with others
Uh, but they can never officially partner with them if they don't follow Sharia.
So they will use the left and as we've seen in history.
When the Islamic, of course according to their plan, when they take over, the first people they will kill will be the Marxists, the leftists.
I was about to say, in fact, we played an email on earlier, it's one of the most prominent in Europe, saying, we're letting them bring us in, but they're our main enemy, the left, once we get control.
And then I see, Afghans saved from deportation, who've been involved in sex assaults, you name it, by Ellen
Harrison was convicted of abuse and sentenced to jail.
She jumps on an airplane, blocks it, takes it over to keep some 50-something-year-old scumbag from being flown out.
What the hell is wrong with the left?
Well, I think we need to look at it.
We need to just speak honestly.
I mean, what understanding the threat does is we speak truth boldly.
That's what you need to do.
I think it's one of the most important things in this war, since this is primarily a war of narratives.
It is an information war, primarily.
The violence serves that war.
So when there's violence, the suit-wearing jihadis can get closer to our government officials by saying... They use it to play the part of the conciliary, the good cop.
That's right.
And so when you see what the left is doing, these are Marxists.
These are enemies of the United States.
And the Democrat Party has become the Marxist party of the United States.
And I really think that we need to understand that the leadership of the National Democrat Party are enemies of the United States.
We need to stop... They really are.
They admit they don't want prosperity.
They admit they hate the country.
They've been trained.
In closing, come back next week for a full hour, sir.
We really appreciate you and the work you're doing.
And you've been on before.
You come on with Roger a lot.
In one minute, what do I need to do?
Seriously, what?
Because you've been proven right.
I've been wrong about this, you know, until like a decade ago.
What do I need to do to stop this for my family?
Well, if you understand how widespread the network here is in the United States, this mirrors an
In a counterinsurgency militarily, the tip of the spear, the focal point, is at the local level.
So that's why we focus more with local police, sheriffs, pastors, business owners, key prominent... And they've also not been in compromise as much.
And while you do have some of that, they're a lot more open to the truth.
And I think sharing this information with them, getting the materials to them.
We would love to brief, do our three-day law enforcement program for local and state.
Every listener needs to send people to UnderstandTheThreat.com and WVWTV.com.
And people need to bring you to their church.
They need to get this out in the open.
Because look, look, Hezbollah, we got to come back.
We got to go.
Five more minutes.
I'll go to the calls, folks.
I want to ask about, because I said this last Monday and Thursday people said, how did you know?
It's their set doctrine.
Hezbollah, Iranians.
There is not a single case of a murdered journalist
That is proven to be killed by state-related people, especially by people related to the president of the country.
Your audience must understand that we in Russia have more freedom of speech than any Western country now has.
And a journalist that always has been, for 10 years, has been a flagrant opposition speaker, he went to Ukraine.
And this person fakes his own death.
And then says, well, that's Russia, that Putin and Ukrainian special services saved me.
Well, you know, you don't need to be Sherlock Holmes, you don't need to be a genius to understand that this is some kind of
We're good to go.
He's a special service officer from Russia who went to Great Britain and sold all the secrets he knew.
He sold information about our special agents in Great Britain and he betrayed his country, his motherland.
He's not an officer anymore if we talk about things like honor.
After he came to Great Britain, he lived for 10 years there.
And then, suddenly, he is poised.
Every crime needs to have a motive.
What is the motive for Russia to poison a defector that sold all the secrets many years ago and for 10 years has been living in Great Britain with no connection to Russia?
What's the motive for doing this on the eve of presidential elections?
Well, that's ridiculous.
Let's understand that no one likes traitors, even those who benefited from their treachery.
So Mr. Skripal made his choice.
He betrayed his country.
He betrayed his honor as an officer of special service.
He betrayed his colleagues who got into trouble because of his defection.
But Britain, after letting him in, wouldn't be happy just having this person on welfare forever.
For his one episode of being useful.
So of course, I think that they didn't stop using him and squeezing all the other information he could probably possess.
But after that, I think they decided to use him in this kind of provocation.
Because the timing of this provocation
Right on the election eve in Russia shows that it was well prepared and planned long time ago.
It's a typical, you know, style of British special services.
Another style of British special services is poisoning.
You know, I've talked to a lot of specialists and historians of special services.
And they said that Russians, we don't usually poison people throughout our history, but poisoning is not Russian style.
So I think that what happened is that some kind of MI6 operatives asked Skripal to take his daughter to a place to meet and to discuss something.
Skripal took his daughter, they were waiting in the street and then someone sprayed some kind of agent that would poison but not kill them.
And after that we saw all this scenario.
So after all this situation we saw his daughter Julia Skripal appear on cameras and we saw traces of tracheotomy on her neck here.
That shows that she has undergone some kind of medication, some kind of surgery, and regarding her maybe lungs, tracheal bronchus.
That's why I think that she probably was poisoned or exposed to some kind of chemical that could harm her.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back here, Alex Jones, broadcasting live.
Infowars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm certainly not happy about this but there's 10,000 articles plus out saying kick me off the internet because I bullied a kid and beat a kid up and there's no video of it, no arrest warrant, no nothing.
It was me showing ABC News of a kid punching a guy in the face and then he pushes him down a month and a half ago.
Now they're calling in the New York Times Vice magazine for me to be taken off Spotify.
I mean they're just get us off the air everywhere.
I mean, I know the whole Wahhabist has a terror movement and the rest of it, but it seems like the Iranians have an embedded, really big, dangerous group.
And then now their former head of intelligence came out and actually threatened Trump that, well, if you try something with us or if you stand up to us, we're going to activate terror networks.
Iran is a massive threat.
But I want to keep hammering this point that whether we're talking about Iran, Shia,
Or Saudi Arabia, Sunni, ISIS, Sunni, Al-Qaeda, Sunni, Muslim Brotherhood, Sunni.
Same deal.
They all, because it's the same Quran and the same Prophet Muhammad, that commands war until the entire world is under Sharia Islamic law.
Muhammad is the beautiful pattern of conduct, according to the Quran, for all Muslims to follow for all times.
He tortured
He beheaded people.
He married a six-year-old.
He had people killed who mocked him.
He waged war against non-Muslims unless they converted to Islam or submitted to Islamic law.
So he's the perfect example.
And so in Iran and Saudi Arabia, the objective is the same, but there are serious differences.
But as far as the threat that Iran
And their government proxy, Hezbollah, and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps that they pose to the United States is significant.
And I would concur with some of the assessments by government officials that it's a bigger threat than the Al Qaeda or ISIS threat.
It is a massive threat and needs to be dealt with.
But like most things, these things are not being dealt with domestically at all.
Sure, without getting into classified areas, people I've talked to and family that was in Army Special Operations dealing with Iran for decades, they said, listen, Iran isn't trying to get headlines.
They're getting people burrowed into every area.
And I mean, I'm not going to say something in secret.
Some of their manuals are how to get to the top of a big building, dump chlorine gas down.
And I mean, they've got some real sleeper cells, I'm told, all over the U.S., all over Europe.
And I mean, and I say if Iran tax our ships, whatever, let them have it.
I'm just saying, what are the politically correct people going to do when, you know, 20 U.S.
cities have 50,000 dead people in one day?
Are we going to roll over to Iran?
Well, I think hopefully this administration will deal with it before
I don't know.
But this is where we are.
And until we deal with it, until we understand that all of the Muslim student associations, over 800 chapters on every major college campus, is a Muslim Brotherhood frontier there.
That we have over 3,300 mosques and Islamic centers in the United States, in all 50 states.
The vast majority of them are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood.
And a percentage of those that aren't are controlled by Iranian assets.
By the way, I know you gotta go, but the Gulan movement, we just mentioned them and all hell broke loose with lawsuits and hack attacks, and that's the biggest private school operator in the U.S.
Sure, the Harmony schools, the Gulan schools, these are part of the Islamic network.
And the fact that we simply have Christians and law enforcement and military and political leaders and citizens that do not understand the core doctrine of Islam,
Then we can't have the basic conversation about what to do.
Yes, are there Muslims who don't want to subscribe to Sharia and live under Sharia?
But a Muslim who doesn't subscribe to Sharia does not constitute a different version of Islam.
And so you gotta begin
With what our own warfighting doctrine says, you begin with what they say they're fighting for and why they're fighting, and they all unanimously say it's for Islam.
And they try to make it politically incorrect to say what they actually stand for.
John Gondolo, former FBI author, researcher, thank you so much.
Thanks for having me.
All right.
Look, I got loaded phone lines.
I got another guest host coming up.
And I don't feel sorry for myself when I get ganged up and attacked.
I expected this.
I'm used to being lied about.
But good Lord.
We're on hundreds of podcasting services.
All you do is you go sign up for them, you stream through them.
Spotify is the biggest one in the world.
We've been on it a few months.
Hadn't even promoted it.
Look at this.
On the heels of YouTube, Google, Facebook, and all their disinfo, and all their lies, Alex Jones is fighting big-tech conspiracy to limit far-right voices by appearing on Spotify.
So, they're all over the news saying, shut me down, saying it's their goal they want me shut down, so they try a tongue-in-cheek article at HBO, that's Vice, when they're not promoting pedophilia, that's a fact, to then say, oh look, he's fighting it by streaming on Spotify.
You can hear African music, Japanese, Russian, Mexican music, everything's on there.
It's the marketplace of ideas.
And they know we always become number one in the market.
So that's one of thousands of places you can find our podcast or us streaming.
And so, here's the next attack.
We're all gonna drop Spotify if you don't take Alex Jones off.
And then they say a bunch of lies about me.
And then Spotify's supposed to do it.
Don't the listeners get that this isn't hype?
This is a war for your First Amendment?
You've got to tell neighbors, friends, family, your pastors, your employees, everybody.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, wherever you find it.
Our local stations, a lot of them restream it.
Please do.
Whatever, free-to-air on TV.
I'm thinking about leaving GCN.
They've been my provider for satellite for 20 years, but I want us to be the first ever in talk radio to say free-to-air where stations get all the ads.
But I want the stations to become bases to then stream our stuff locally.
But it's the way they try to have their cake and eat it too.
The way they're like, take Jones's documentaries off Amazon, because they're racist, they're Nazi, and it's a film against Nazis.
It's just the bottom has dropped out.
The media is so criminal.
Like Trump said, don't believe a word they say.
Alex Jones is fighting big tech's conspiracy to limit far-right voices by appearing on Spotify.
Alex Jones believes there's a global conspiracy among big tech companies to censor him and other far-right media outlets, so he's fighting back by hosting his podcast on Spotify of all places.
And the Southern Poverty Law Center, we've been streaming on that thing for a few days, that's the video game thing, where you play video games, but they have a news area, they blocked us on that.
It's just like, this is what you block!
It's not, oh, turn it around and ask, who are the people saying block everything?
They're the threat!
Jones Podcast, the Alex Jones Show, appears to have become available on the streaming service Monday.
And subscribers immediately noticed.
Oh my gosh.
Well, they didn't like it.
Well, then if they don't like people, like the Nazis, round them up.
Many said they'd end their relationship with Spotify.
Oh, right.
If the company didn't remove Jones Podcast, known for peddling conspiracy theories, that means something the media doesn't agree with, like the government controlled the weather.
I mean, that's all over the news.
They can manipulate weather.
Hillary Clinton running a child trafficking ring.
Oh, show a link to where I said that.
That was in the emails.
We just covered it.
And that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax.
They keep pushing that.
Spotify don't immediately respond to requests.
Here's another one.
Out of the independent.
The ones that are really pushing for us to be banned.
Internet wide.
Like China.
Customers threaten to leave unless host who claims Sandy Hook was a hoax is removed.
They don't show me saying I don't think it's a hoax.
They don't show me saying I'm sorry the media misrepresented.
They reissue the lie over and over and over again.
Spotify hosting InfoWars show describes Alex Jones as
Seasoned radio broadcaster, uh, yeah.
There you go, Newsweek, that's Barry Diller.
Barry Diller that hates free speech.
Barry Diller who famously said, the internet will soon be all paid, no competition, guarantee it.
He said that last year.
We're gonna end internet freedom, watch how we do it.
And they're using me as the example.
Wow, Barry Diller thinks he's better than everybody, doesn't he?
We'll see, Barry Diller.
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Right now is Massive Rampage Force.
Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram, and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
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That's 10.40 Eastern.
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The year is 1995, and InfoWars launches the last of America's counter-globalist probes.
In a freak mishap, InfoWars.com and Alex Jones are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life support systems and returns Alex Jones to Earth 25 years later.
Transdimensionally, over the space-time continuum, through full space.
Where people are extremely lazy, the social engineers are there laughing.
What we envisioned a hundred years ago, twenty years ago, is now reality.
While the society unravels, men run around totally frantic, not knowing how to be men, and women run around frantic, not knowing how to be women, and they don't understand that it's an animating contest of life, and that it's fulfilling to be informed, it's fulfilling to be involved, it's fulfilling!
Tomorrow's news, today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, God, I begged on my knees early last week to create an Assange petition, which actually has an effect to give to Congress and the President, and then it was like an afterthought Friday.
They were gonna like stick it right at the end of the show, and then metaphysically it was done again today.
And I'm not mad at the crew, I just
You know, it's like this thing, like the more important something is, the more it doesn't matter.
The more it's just like nothing.
Like our free speech, or capitalism, or anything.
It's an afterthought, because... So I'll launch this Assange petition tomorrow.
Or I'm gonna cancel the show permanently.
It's a decision I've made.
I'm gonna come in here tomorrow.
And I'm going to launch this at the start of the show, or I'm going to shut InfoWars down.
I'll probably forget it, but that metaphysically is the symbol that I must shut the doors.
Because if I can't even in six days put a petition out for Julian Assange to be pardoned, they're about to extradite him to the U.S., then I shouldn't be on the air.
It's like that FBI agent, former counter-terrorism guy, big star in the FBI, did a lot of great stuff, said there's no urgency, there's no pulse, there's no differentiation.
You've got a billion, 800 million Muslims saying we're gonna conquer you, we're gonna kill you, we're gonna murder you.
Europe has opened up to it and no one even cares.
And then there's a thousand articles a day or more saying ban Alex Jones and saying outrageous lies.
Like, I was gonna poison David Hogg.
No proof.
Or I beat up a kid.
No proof.
And it's like, you don't feel insulted by people doing that to you?
What, the petition doesn't even line up straight?
Just take it off.
I'm not doing it.
I'm just shutting it down, maybe.
You know, humanity just has to fall.
It has, civilization has to fall.
All the lefts and their big high-rises learning how to tie their shoelaces, who prey on those of us that work, it just has to go down.
And you know it's going to go down, too.
And I just have been a fool trying to prop it up.
God, I've tried hard, too.
God, I've tried so hard.
There's the answer.
We're not doing the Assange thing.
It's not going to happen.
None of it's going to happen.
It's like push notifications on the new app.
Push notifications need to go out when we go live at special times.
And we're like, oh, we didn't turn that on.
It's like, oh, great.
You know, it's like, it's like there's some type of spirit of like, I don't explain it, like the only energy is evil.
And so you don't get energy unless you're evil.
And then the evil people are like hopping around like gremlins, sabotaging everything.
30% of the public's on psychotropics.
Cancer is exploding off the charts and people love it.
They live for it.
It's just... It's like God to them.
Being lied to.
Being a failure.
Being destroyed.
It's like sexy.
It's like... And then Trump comes in and like tries to deliver and turn things around and all these cowards, they just want the media to agree with them.
They go, oh we hate him too!
I hate my 401k.
I hate my pay going up.
I hate him trying to cut the cost of prescription drugs.
I want to be loved by CNN, even though I don't watch it!
I'll tell you the failings of Trump.
He said he'd expose vaccines.
He knows that vaccines almost brain damage, barren.
He came back.
He bounced back.
I mean, he knows Assange wasn't a Russian agent.
There's no evidence of that.
Hillary had the illegal server and the info was everywhere and people got it out and then we exposed the crime.
So thank God he knows all that.
So, you know, I want to criticize Trump.
There it is.
And the so-called left of this country, they're not the left.
They're a bunch of deranged criminals who hate themselves so much that they are projecting absolute abject hatred on anyone else having a voice and are the most anti-free speech, anti-liberal people on the planet.
And they've gone from denying they were ever censoring a year ago to raging around saying we want Alex Jones shut up and then misrepresenting what I've said.
It's incredible.
And every scumbag and slimeball and weird heroin addict and you name it has crawled out from under rocks, people I barely knew 15 years ago, to then
Tell giant lies about me, which is even greater.
It'll impeach everything they're doing.
It's just at a certain point, you're like, God Almighty, this is what death looks like.
This is what laziness looks like.
You know, humans don't communicate anymore, or they gibber and jabber about stuff that doesn't matter, and then they send a text message, and never communicate with anybody about anything of substance.
It's spiritual death.
And people are ugly now, they're stupid, their IQs are dropping, they're dying all around us.
I feel like a failure.
God, if I ruled the planet, I'd feel like I ruled a pile of cockroaches or something.
I mean, who the hell would want to rule this?
See, God wants to turn people loose and see them be strong, and that's where we were, and now everything is turning down.
Everything is failing.
The gods of this system are John Podesta and Hillary Clinton, who both look like meth-head mental patients, and act like them, and we bow?
This is what... Because only scum like that would even seek power in something like this.
I don't even know what to say at this point.
Because I've run my course, not with the censorship and the attacks, but I just belong to some other age, I guess.
Because there isn't any immediacy, there isn't any concern, there's just kind of jellyfish brain.
Where initiatives mean nothing.
Like, we have total illegal censorship going on.
We have them bragging about it.
We have them dead to rights.
No one will attack.
And then I'm being totally shut down because we're writing reports and getting it to Congress and they're beginning to act.
I'm not that damn smart.
You know how easy this is?
But no one wants to do it!
No one has the instinct or the will to execute anything real!
They only execute failure!
Over and over and over again!
But getting the failure, but getting it, as the public begins to look like servile hippopotamuses.
And you're like, oh, well, just join the establishment.
It sees the... And then, oh, the establishment's feeding on the subhumans?
Oh, let me look at the... The establishment are like a bunch of craved vampires on PCP.
I sure as hell don't want to join them.
And then I just come to the realization, out of trillions of worlds, we're going to probably die.
Everything we did as a species and all of our beauty and all of our goodness will just fail.
And we're going to go down the tubes because a bunch of inbred child molesters in Hollywood had some psychotic dream that they wanted to kill everybody.
And so we all just rolled over by peer pressure and gave into it and never executed anything real, never did anything real, never took action when all the tools were right there in our hands because we weren't meant to.
We couldn't do it.
We didn't want it.
Joe Salente's coming up.
And we probably won't have that thing for Julian Assange tomorrow?
Probably never.
Because humanity is going to be slaughtered in mass.
And almost all of you are going to die excruciating, long, painful deaths.
While the globalists suck every dime out of you with weaponized cancer.
And you'll never even know what hits you.
So, celebrate our censorship.
Celebrate your leftist garbage.
Celebrate all of it because you're dead already.
And celebrate your Islamic God as well.
And his six-year-old wife.
All right, Gerald Cilente's coming up.
Hope you all enjoy yourselves.
There'll be no petition for the signs.
There'll be no aid.
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$25, $50, $100, $250, or even $500 would be a godsend to our important work here to beat back the globalists and to destroy their campaign of censorship in which they want to strangle our First Amendment rights.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Hi, this is Gerald Scalanti.
What an honor, what an honor to be on InfoWars and of course following Alex Jones.
And what a wild ride we're on, huh?
So today, I want to talk about a couple of things.
The markets are on everybody's mind.
Not everybody, but you know, as the markets go, so too often does the economy.
So there's a lot going on right now.
And among the things that are going on right now,
It's not a great day over here in the States on the market front.
We're looking at the Nasdaq down over 1%.
And those FAANG stocks, those Facebooks and Amazon Apples and Netflix and Googles, yeah, they're not doing as great as they should be doing in some of the aspects of them.
I want to start with Facebook first.
Used to be a thing called MySpace years ago.
I was old enough to remember that one.
It came and it went.
And that's what we see with Facebook.
The time that has come and gone, in many ways, that doesn't mean it'll evaporate, but to think, to think that there is just one major social media site like Facebook is a joke.
Because after all, Zuckerberg's a joke too.
If you like jokesters.
And there's really an entrepreneur opportunity to really out Google and out Facebook and out Twitter what's there already.
Trends are born, they grow, they mature, reach old age and die.
The whole technology trend, it's brand new.
It's like being in 1900
And they just invented the automobile, now we're in 1918.
Well, they came out earlier than that, but really production started to go on.
So we're only, you know, that's where we are.
I mean, the Internet Revolution really didn't even begin until around 1994.
So there's a lot of growth opportunities and possibilities.
And you're looking at it with these overvalued and overleveraged stocks.
So in staying with the stock market and the fangs and what's going on and how they're losing them fangs is a big factor here is that they're overvalued and over leveraged.
You're just seeing Amazon making money now after losing it for many years.
And they have a P.E.
ratio that, you know, it's out of sight.
It's over the 200 marks, according to some analysts.
And they're not making money as much money in the retail sector as they are in other sectors.
So what we're saying is that the markets are overvalued.
And Infowars worriers know that I was among the first magazine to come out and call the Trump rally real just weeks after he got elected in 2016.
We're also saying the Trump rally is peaked.
It's peaked for a variety of reasons.
And one of the big ones is
Interest rates.
You heard Trump about a week ago come out and say he's not thrilled with the rising interest rates.
Guess what?
Pending home sale numbers came out.
Yeah, they're up a little bit, but down from last year.
We don't believe the nation could take higher interest rates.
It's a huge factor.
Because what's going on now
Is that the United States is planning on raising interest rates, while the Europeans, they just had a meeting last week.
You know when they're going to raise them?
They're in negative territory now.
Maybe sometime next summer.
So we're going to be right back.
Stay tuned.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Yep, there's a side to pick, and he's right.
The truth shall make you free.
That was the, uh, actually, where I went to college, University of Charleston.
That's what they, that was the slogan.
The truth shall set you free.
And that's what it's really about.
And I applaud Trump for going after the prostitutes.
They're a disgusting group of people.
All they do is sell propaganda, lies, and agendas.
And you know what a prostitute is.
They get paid to put out by their Washington Hallmasters and their corporate Johns.
So InfoWars is a very essential information source that's very hard to find anywhere else.
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A lot of them made in USA.
And by the way, the whole tariff stuff.
You know us.
We said the tariff and trade war.
It's a lot of nonsense.
It's not going to happen the way the prostitutes are selling it.
Of course there's going to be a renegotiation of trade.
Who wouldn't?
And let's get this straight.
It's not China that sold out this country.
It's the American and European corporations.
They outsourced their manufacturing to get it cheap in foreign nations using slave labor and gave away all the technology, much of it for which we the people paid for, so they could make more profits.
So the trade war is, I believe, there's going to be victory on the trade war front.
And I attribute that to Trump.
And of course, you know, I'm a political atheist.
I don't take sides.
I don't like people, dislike them.
I like the facts and what they bring.
And when we go back to Trump, you know, there's things I totally disagree with him on, particularly in the Iranian crisis.
But again, I call it as I see it.
I call a spade a spade.
I could say that now with anybody calling me racist, because Obama's out of there now.
So take it easy.
And that's the other thing I'm tired about.
Oh, if only black people were in, if only women were in, if only this were in or that were in.
Good and bad comes in all races, creeds, colors, genders, religions, you name it.
So I'm tired of people playing the race, gender, and religious cards.
Save it for somebody else.
You know, all I want
To be around is the best people that have the truth in their hearts and joy and beauty in their minds and in their actions and liberty in their soul.
So I don't care what color, race, creed or religion it comes in.
But going back to the markets where I left off before, it's interest rates that are going to bring this thing down.
It's very important.
The United States is raising interest rates
As other countries aren't, as I mentioned.
They're not going to raise interest rates at a negative territory in the European Union until next summer.
So the dollar is getting stronger.
Yes, because the economy is getting stronger, but also because the other economies are getting so weak and interest rates are bringing up the dollar.
Oh, and that's why you're seeing gold prices going down.
And again, I call it like I see it.
People call themselves gold bulls, this and that.
I say calling yourself a bull is BS, because it runs in different directions.
And you could go back to our Trends Journal back in 2002.
I was the first to call the beginning of the gold bull run.
And after Trump got elected, I said, no, gold prices are going to start going down next year, because interest rates are going to start going up.
The dollar is going to get stronger.
The stronger the dollar gets, the weaker gold goes.
Having said all that, and again, I do not give financial advice.
We believe gold is at the bottom right now, nearing it.
You know, maybe another 50 bucks tops down, you know, below $1,200.
Because it costs about $1,200 to pull that stuff out of the ground.
And when you look at from Peru to South Africa, that's the average price.
Now let's go into another aspect about the economy, and I'm going to make this first segment, the first half hour, really economic news.
And what we're looking at, again with the strong dollar, is that commodities are dollar-based.
So yeah, the Indians like to buy gold, but their rupee is down 7%.
The Chinese love to buy gold, but you're looking at the Yuan now at a 13-month low.
And no, they're not bringing it down purposely.
When you're looking at the Chinese data, some of the numbers are bad as they were back in 1994 and 1996.
So that's what we're really looking at here.
You have to take the big picture into account.
The investment in China is way, way down.
Their trade, it's off.
Yes, they're going to be able to export more as the yuan grows lower, but it costs them more to import.
So I mentioned about, you know, interest rates going up and things being based in dollars.
Well, how about this one?
As we're speaking, oil prices now, Brent crude is around $75 a barrel.
This thing goes to $85.90 a barrel.
Kiss the global equity markets goodbye and a lot of the economies.
I mentioned India.
Yeah, they have stock markets booming, but their rupee is down against the dollar.
India imports about 80% of its oil.
80% of its energy is imported.
As the currency goes down, oil is based in dollars.
They've got to import a lot of this stuff.
How are they going to pay for it?
What's it going to do to the economy?
And it'll bring down this economy, too.
So oil prices and interest rates, those are the two key factors to watch right now.
And again, you can see it with the housing.
I just mentioned about an initial homes pending pending home sales, but also look at existing home sales and new home sales numbers.
They're down around a lot of the country and in pretty significant numbers.
You take a look down and you go down to New York, you walk up down Broadway, go to the West Village, Soho.
For rent, for rent, for rent, for rent.
Retail places for rent, for rent, for rent.
And people say, oh yeah, they're doing that so they can get tax breaks.
No, they're not.
Maybe some are, because they can write that off.
But no, it's too expensive.
And people aren't making the money when you look at the GDP number that came out.
Yeah, it was a nice GDP raise, but when you look at wages, where are they?
Median household income is below
1999 levels.
So wages, when you really adjust them for inflation, they're not going up much at all.
So again, higher interest rates, how are you going to buy a home when the cost of a home is going up several percent, but your wages aren't even keeping pace with inflation?
How are you going to shop more?
If you have to put more into your gas tank, costing you more, that you would be spending in retail and restaurants.
So these are the things to watch.
So, going back to our forecast, we believe gold is bottomed, or near it, and the upside potential, once it goes over $1,450 an ounce, boom!
Over to $2,000.
But we haven't seen that in five years.
So that's a number I would suggest anyone interested in gold starts looking at.
And again, gold is hovering now around the $12.20 mark, an ounce.
And it got another $20 to $30 downside risk.
So that's where the economy is.
And we're going to come back.
We're going to talk a lot about a lot more other geopolitical issues and economic issues that are going to be shaping the future.
With Trend Forecasting, what we try to do is to put you ahead of the news and on top of the trends, so that you can prepare to survive and thrive.
So we're going to come back in a little bit.
Thank you very much.
See you soon.
And don't forget...
What should we call you?
Should we call you a Starbucks whistleblower or a Starbucks ex?
Patriotic barista?
I can feel it already.
There is division.
This has not done anything good for Starbucks or for our store.
And it's not going to help.
Especially when they start expanding it to other companies.
Because we know this is just the start.
Learning a session on race bias and creating a welcoming environment to all.
Sounds super great, right?
This is their own word.
This training was developed with guidance by national and local experts.
So, it sounds really good.
We're positive.
We're going to do it.
And then we look at the experts who are actually devising this discussion.
We have Cheryl Flynn, Cheryl Ifill, President of the Director of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, served on the board of the George Soros Open Society Foundation.
We have Heather McGhee, president of DEMO, a left-leaning public policy organization.
Guess what?
She also served on the board of the George Soros Open Society Foundation.
Brian Stevenson, lawyer, social justice activist.
And you guessed it, he also serves on the board of the George Soros Open Society Foundation.
And it doesn't just stop there.
There are a few more names of experts who are also connected directly, like you said, Alex, to George Soros and these less-leaning policies.
And what was funny was there was no other races that were involved.
It was only black versus white.
No Hispanic, no Asian, nothing.
It was just black versus white.
And then we got to this video by Stanley Nelson, which I'd like to mention, he was the director and writer of the documentary The Black Panther Vanguard of the Revolution.
So he had this
He made this video.
He made this video for Starbucks.
Specifically, it's called The Story of Access.
You can find it right on the website.
And we had to watch it all together.
It was so uncomfortable.
They showed horrible scenes from the 60s, showing discrimination against Blacks in public places, as well as more recent events caught on cell phones.
But the most damaging was the interviews they had with Black Americans.
And the common theme was that they can't leave the house without feeling judged or like they were going to be caught.
We're good to go.
The victims just want to be victims, and that's it.
That's all they want.
My favorite quote was from a black male in that video, and he was talking about how he was so heartbroken that he would have to tell his son that he has to enter this world, and this world is a muddy river of racism, and he would have to walk through that muddy river of racism.
Has nothing changed since the filibuster?
The Reds Act has nothing changed in America.
We don't get credit for anything.
It just makes me think that if a small percentage of the black Americans feel like this, this can be really critical to our future.
They have to wake up.
They have to be red pills.
And what's funny is at the end of the day of the training, we were left with, I would say, probably about 1% of strategy on how to deal with problem customers.
Everything else was pretty much race-baiting, victim, shove-in-your-face propaganda.
And you can see that the pressure from Black Lives Matter is ultimately going to tank this company because now, heck, I'm going to tell everyone to come in with their chessboards, their Dunkin' Donuts, and they should just have lunch right in Starbucks.
Because, heck, we invite every single person who walks through that store as a customer now.
I don't see how anyone could listen and know that all of this training was from these lovely
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, it's not Alex Jones exactly.
It's the Alex Jones Show Info Wars.
And this is Gerald Cilenti, and what an honor and privilege to be on Info Wars.
And it was talking a lot about the economy before and rising oil prices and interest rates.
So here's one of the things that I do as a trend forecaster.
I still read old newspapers, the old print.
And what I do is I mark up the salient points of the stories.
And there's one here.
Faces immediate economic test as Pakistan eyes $12 billion IMF bailout.
And you know what the IMF is, right?
The International Mafia Federation.
That the White Shoe Boys like to call the International Monetary Fund.
But it's of course no fun for anybody.
Pakistan is drawing up plans to seek its largest ever bailout from the IMF, with senior finance officials set to present
The option to Imran Khan soon after he takes office.
Any loan from the IMF, which officials believe is necessary to resolve the country's escalating foreign reserves crisis, would see the fund impose restrictions on public spending.
Such limits would make it difficult for Pakistan's new leader to fulfill some of his election promises.
Such as building, quote, an Islamic wealthier state.
I mention this for two reasons.
Again, I was talking about the currency crisis.
Because the stronger the dollar gets, the weaker emerging market currencies go.
And its foreign currency reserves have declined rapidly in recent months.
As ready for this, higher oil prices have pushed up the cost of imports, while exports continue to lag.
That's what I was saying before.
Again, history before it happens.
We write about these issues and speak about them before they make the papers.
This is only one of the emerging markets that's going to submerge.
The other point I want to make here is that
They said that it's going to be difficult for the leader to fulfill some of his election promises.
So many of these clowns running for office make these election promises and never fulfill them.
But they get away with it.
How come?
Because they're politicians.
And I say, Google up the definition of politician.
Someone who runs for elected office, blah, blah, blah, blah.
The second part, a person that's manipulative and devious, typically to gain advancement within an organization.
So they'll say anything to get elected.
And this guy's been running a long time to do so.
I want to stay on this story.
One more point here.
Many analysts believe a return to the IMF is inevitable and will come with damaging consequences for economic growth.
Short-term economic growth.
Guess what?
Take a look at Greece.
Long-term economic growth.
And again, it's great being on with InfoWars and the reason I'm on InfoWars and I support it is because it's the truth that people are looking for that you can't find in other places and products that they have
That you won't find in many places either.
And they're introducing a powerful line of fish oils from Info Wars Life.
25% off each bottle.
Or as we used to say in the Bronx, bottle.
And 40% off combo.
For years, fish oils have been one of the most recognized supplements in the market, and for good reason.
Studies have suggested that fish oils and fish oil supplements can decrease the growth rate of plaque, slightly lower blood pressure, and prevent cognitive decline.
That's why the InfoWars team worked hard to create a series of fish oils to help you boost your mind and body.
With unlimited fish oil, ultimate fish oil, excuse me, ultimate krill oil, and honor roll added to you and your child's daily supplement routine, you could take advantage of the true power of fish oils.
And remember, 25% off each bottle, 40% off the combo.
So, I'm going to stay on these emerging markets because all things are connected.
And what could bring the economy back in a way?
And what could bring strength back in a way that we haven't seen before?
Well, here's a forecast I'm going to make, and you're the first to hear it.
There's a major story today here in the Wall Street Journal.
In Afghanistan, U.S.
Signs of peace.
There it is.
When have you read a headline like this before about Afghanistan?
I believe peace is on the horizon.
Today, Trump has fulfilled two of the three issues that he said he was going to talk about, but that he did talk about.
Big issues during his campaign.
One was to renegotiate the trade deals, which he's doing.
Another one was tax cuts.
And that's why we said there's going to be a Trump rally.
Because we know what the tax cuts do.
A lot of the money goes into stock buybacks.
We're realists.
And you're looking at stock buyback and merger and acquisition activity.
This part of the term
of the year at record levels.
And number three, he promised to rebuild the infrastructure.
That hasn't happened yet, and his proposals to do so are very weak.
Here is the trend.
Trump is going to follow Gerald Cilenti's Occupy Peace Plan in bringing the troops home, closing unnecessary bases overseas,
And put them to work rebuilding our rotted infrastructure.
It is one of the elements, the second element of my Occupy Peace program.
Once upon a time in the 1930s, there was the Work Progress Administration.
Hoover Dam, all these places, they put the people to work rebuilding our country and building it.
A Troops Progress Administration.
That's what you're going to see.
That's our forecast.
You heard it first.
The troops are going to come back and instead of rebuilding infrastructures destroyed in wars, they're going to rebuild infrastructures in the United States that have been destroyed by time and very little spending.
That's our forecast.
We'll be right back with more Trends In The News.
Living in volcano may sound more dramatic than it really is.
The real drama can be found here in Leilani Estates.
But a lot of us on the Big Island rely on rainwater and we need to be concerned about ash and acid rain.
Volcanic ash may contain heavy metal particles.
An acid rain could lower the pH of the water to unhealthy levels.
To find out, we employed a series of tests for heavy metals, alkalinity, and pH.
What we learned was that there was in fact unhealthy levels of heavy metals and acidity in the rainwater.
Next, we tested the water from our Alexa Pure gravity filter.
And not only were the heavy metal levels within safe measure, but the pH was also restored to optimal levels.
As it turns out, the filter on the Alexa Pure raises the pH of the water.
So what we've learned is that volcanic ash and acid rain can contaminate a rainwater supply.
But more importantly, a good water filtration system will purify it.
I've got a big announcement here, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm very, very excited about it.
You saw Dan Rather come out and, you know, demonize me and attack what we're doing here at InfoWars and call us fake news.
But, you know, he's the fake news.
And he also recently came out and said that Trump is mean like a wolverine.
So earlier this week, I said, hey,
Let's put out Trump as a Wolverine.
Beautiful new red shirt.
Incredible job with the graphics crew.
They are amazing.
High quality shirt.
It's being printed right now.
They'll be shipping out next week.
Get your order in.
This is a limited edition.
This needs to be the new viral shirt.
Now, I think on another idea today, we've got printing right here in Texas now, so we can get this by next week as well.
I just put in a giant order because I saw Walmart boycott launched over Impeach 45 clothing.
Don't boycott Walmart over that.
Just say Walmart.
I don't care if they copy our shirt.
Put out a reelect 45.
You know, let's engage in that.
So, they've got their Impeach45.
You go to Infowarsstore.com.
We have Reelect45 with an American flag very triggering on the right arm and on the back.
I am the resistance.
I am the resistance.
This, I mean, these shirts have just been hitting me.
And I knew Hillary for President.
I saw a handmade sign in a yard.
You know, like three years before the election, they knew she'd run.
And then I remember thinking, or two years before, I thought, we've got to do that.
And we went to the RNC, and a third of the people were wearing it.
It was The Chance.
We had planes flying around saying it behind them.
It was incredible.
It was a magic moment.
And I know when something's going to be a hit.
So they've got their Impeach 45, Re-elect 45, baseball shirt style, white, blue, and red.
Red, white, and blue.
And then black on white, I am the resistance.
It's an awesome shirt.
High quality fabric.
Made right here in America.
Printed in America.
So, you know, it's costing us six, seven bucks to do that in America.
We do it for three bucks in Mexico.
So it's there.
Help fund the operation.
Or 888-253-3139.
And mean like a wolverine.
These shirts are both so good, I don't know which one's gonna be a best-seller.
And right through the 4th of July, free shipping across the store.
50% off Rainforest, which we just went out and said, what are the top new tropics?
Okay, here they are.
Well, why is it 60 bucks?
There's like $10 a product in this.
I'll just make it even stronger and sell it for $30.
When it's discounted, it's like $19.95.
It's $19.95 right now.
Infowarrestore.com with free shipping.
You can't beat that.
Throughout this entire July 4th, 2nd American Revolution, Super Sale!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
It's not actually Alex Jones, it's the Alex Jones Show.
Sitting at the Alex today, it's a real honor.
This is Gerald Cilenti.
Live from uptown Kingston, New York, where the seeds of democracy were sown.
That's right.
Right over here, the Four Corners, the only place in the USA with three pre-Revolutionary War stone buildings on each corner.
The 1750, 1691, 1774, and the 1763.
Actually, the foundation of the 1763 one goes back to pre-1700s.
That was burnt down.
The British burnt down the joint.
Back in 1777.
That's when they moved this from the first capital of New York State.
They moved it up to Albany after the British burnt it down.
So the seeds of democracy was sown here.
So I'm honored to be on with Alex Jones because I am a true American.
I'm an American firster at all levels.
When you talk about trade and tariffs, I'm all for them.
I want a made in America country.
Yeah, I want to buy, you know, some nice prosciutto from Italy or some fine wine from France.
You know, luxury items, sure, why not?
But how about a country that now imports 97% of its shoes and clothing from foreign nations made by slave laborers so multinationals can make more money?
I believe in a self-sustaining economy.
I believe we have everything we need to make it here and to make it ourselves.
I remember as a young man when there were places that used to make shoes and shirts, mills.
I remember the garment district down in New York.
I have my picture of my Aunt Zizi over there from my book, What Zizi Gave Honey Boy.
You know, so rest in peace.
She used to do piecework at a garment factory.
And she used to tell me how her hands were really, really quick.
And they got paid by the number of pieces.
And then after she did enough, then she'd go over down to Times Square and and listen to Benny Goodman back in the big band days.
And I want to mention that as well, because a lot has a lot to do with it.
Think of it.
The big band era, the 1930s, the Great Depression, America's down and out, man.
Great recession.
Forget about it.
Take a look at the Great Depression.
Now we're really talking misery.
And look at the old photos of people, all dressed to the nines, right?
And the music is swinging.
You know, it's happy days a year again, you know?
Leave your troubles by the doorstep and go to the sunny side of the street.
One song uplifting after another.
What was different about then and now?
Well, a lot of things, but one big thing goes back to the story that I showed you.
In Afghanistan, U.S.
sees signs of peace.
There was no war going on in the 1930s in America.
We weren't involved in anything.
You can't have joy and beauty and creativity at high levels if there's fear and terror running constantly.
I was on Infowars' site earlier today.
And I saw how the little freaks at the TSA that love to feel you up and pat you down, old ladies, little kids, yeah, you don't know if they got a thing in there that's gonna blow the plane up.
You know, grow up!
What are you doing?
And now we're finding out that they take us randomly and to see who we are, what we're doing, where we're traveling.
Fear and terror everywhere.
How can you have creativity?
You can't.
And that's why you don't have it, man.
It's just one bad rap.
It's gone.
That's why I'm a proponent for peace.
And what we're going to be doing in the future is launching Occupy Peace festivals.
Music, arts, crafts, vendors.
That's our vision to restore peace with prosperity.
Going back to this story again, you're hearing it first on InfoWars.
We saved it for you.
Trump is going to bring peace in Afghanistan.
He did not want to bring in 4000 more troops.
According to the reports, but he did.
And you should remember during his campaign, he said he wanted to end the Afghan war.
Think about it.
United States spent more money rebuilding the bombed out Afghan infrastructure that we the people paid for to get bombed out, that we the people also paid the military industrial complex to repair.
We spent more money, when adjusted for inflation, rebuilding Afghanistan
Than we did with the Marshall Plan after World War II.
So, I forecast that Trump is going to take the second part of our action plan for Occupy Peace.
It's a four-point action plan.
Number one, honor the Founding Fathers, bring home the troops, no foreign entanglements, secure the homeland.
Number two, put the troops to work rebuilding our rotted infrastructure.
The Troops Progress Administration, the TPA, the 2.0 version of the Works Progress Administration of the Great Depression.
The third element, by the way, is to force Congress to vote to go to war any time we go into foreign countries, which they have
Violated the Constitution and have not done since?
Eh, let's see.
World War II.
And finally, a referendum on each state ballot where we, the people, will tell Congress how to vote.
Because we're the ones who pay for the war with our money and our lives.
Oh, and by the way, on August 18th, I'll be down in Washington, D.C., and I have the great honor and great privilege of being one of the speakers
At Ron Paul's conference coming up on August 18th in Washington, D.C.
So please, if you could make it, come on down!
And we're going to talk about the media, how it's controlled, how they sell war, and about freedom, peace, and prosperity.
Because, you know, as an older cat that's been around a while, I like to check out creating peace.
That's my vision for the future.
So going back to what Trump is doing in Afghanistan, we believe he's going to do the same thing in Syria.
We believe they're going to do the same thing with South Korea.
Bringing home the troops, one country after another, and giving the troops real skills they can use after they leave the service, rather than waging wars by rebuilding our infrastructure
And bringing it into the 21st century.
And again, if you want peace and prosperity as well and truth and freedom, do what you can to support InfoWars.
Put your money where your mind is.
Buy their products.
They have a great special that's being offered right now.
They're introducing a powerful line of fish oils.
From Info Wars Life, 25% off each bottle, 40% off the combo.
Ultimate Fish Oil, Ultimate Krill Oil, and Honor Roll, all 40% off.
They have the combo available for all those that want to try it.
So again, it's all tied together.
High products of quality, high endeavors for life.
You know what the slogan of Occupy Peace is?
Liberty, love, joy, and beauty.
Join the evolution.
Let's all rise higher.
And we believe that's going to start to happen very shortly, with the troops coming home and rebuilding America.
We'll be back in a little bit.
Stay tuned!
Together we're going to restore safety to our streets and peace to our communities.
And we're going to destroy the vile criminal cartel MS-13 and many other gangs.
But MS-13 is particularly violent.
They don't like shooting people because it's too quick.
It's too fast.
I was reading one of these animals was caught and explaining they like to knife them and cut them.
And let him die slowly because that way it's more painful and they enjoy watching that much more.
These are animals.
Did you hear him call MS-13 animals?
Yes, I did.
What did you think about that?
I think he's a pig.
An animal.
I mean, you know, you smell your own, I guess.
Maybe not all people in that group are animals.
No, they're not animals at all.
They're human beings just like all of us.
I think he's a pig.
He's just using that as an excuse to, I don't know, justify his being such a racist.
And then this week Trump made the comment about MS-13 being animals.
Did you hear about that?
I did.
What do you think about that?
I think he's criticizing his own American people.
What can you say about this guy?
He's the animal.
Would you agree that not all MS13 members are animals?
And then, um, it kind of, yeah, exactly.
It's just like a negative, always negative in the news, always negative in the news.
The guys that are running around gangbanging and killing people, they're animals.
You know?
But the rest of the gang, it's a big gang, you know?
I can't decide whether I should laugh at this or it's like a punch to my gut.
Yeah, I feel the same way.
And I feel like it's a punch to the gut a lot of times.
And people with that last video, a lot of them say, oh, you probably interviewed a ton of people and picked the five people that actually supported MS-13.
And Owen, I swear to you, those are the five people I interviewed.
Those were the five reactions.
I went five for five.
Every single person I asked, MS-13, are they animals?
Every single person I asked in West Hollywood said no.
So it's scary.
We're in a really weird spot right now where the left, just to spite Trump, is doubling down on things that are in no way at all American or American values.
And I think one of the only reasons the left is able to get away with these ridiculous stories, these ridiculous claims, is because their base audience has such a short attention span.
So they basically engineered, like, the perfect resistor in a way.
It's people with short attention spans, people that don't actually pay attention to politics.
A lot of times they think they're educated because they went to college and are in debt, and for that reason they feel like they're oppressed and they know more than everybody.
And a lot of what we're seeing now, I think, is going beyond politics.
I think it's basically coming down to good versus evil.
And I think it's coming down to establishment versus anti-establishment.
And it's scary to see the left head in this direction because not too long ago, liberals were the ones who were for free speech, who were against censorship, who wanted to expose government corruption.
And now we're seeing them side with things that
I don't think anyone should ever side with, and it's just at a base level, anti, you know, un-American, anti-American.
But I think the good news is, every time the left takes a stand and supports MS-13, or, you know, promotes the Me Too movement, meanwhile they're all sexual predators in Hollywood, and every time they take a stand and contradict themselves, I think their audience shrinks just a little bit, and it's the people in the middle, the rational people, the centrists,
The independents, the maybe even classical liberals, who are now looking around and saying, wait, why is my party defending MS-13?
Why are we pretending that Hollywood isn't a toxic culture?
And these are the people that are going to start heading to the right, just like we're seeing, you know, across the board.
So while the far left will always be the far left and the protesters will always be pretty much brainwashed and convinced that Trump is the devil himself,
Everyone else in the middle who is somewhat rational will start waking up and their audience I think is shrinking by the day for that reason.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Hello, welcome back, welcome back.
This is Gerald Cilenti, hosting this hour on InfoWars, and I want to thank Alex Jones and all the staff for having me on.
It's always a great privilege and an honor to do this, to speak the truth at a time when it's very hard to find.
It's not only fake news out there, it's dumbed-down news.
You know, when this whole thing really started to get dumbed down, I'll never forget when it happened.
When the old Jay Simpson story hit.
I remember I was on this show called 48 Hours on CBS, and after they filmed it, I said, what's going on with this coverage?
It's every day.
You know, and you look at the newspapers today, and they're a shadow of what they used to be.
I mean, here's the toilet paper record.
The New York Times.
And I read everything.
I want to get everybody's viewpoint.
But look at all the photos here.
You look at the old New York Times with story after story after story after story.
And now all they are is photos after photos after photos after photos.
I'm not making this up.
We see all these pictures used to be print.
So you're getting very few stories, and what you're getting is really not worth very much money.
After three decades, he's turning in her keys to Montauk Lighthouse.
Isn't that a wonderful story?
One huge picture after another, and no, hardly any print.
Look at this.
So that's why you tune in to Infowars and of course the Trends Journal Hour Magazine to read history before it happens.
And again, just to remind everyone, I'll be in on August 18th down in Washington, D.C.
at Ron Paul's Summer Conference.
It's a great honor for me.
So if you can make it down there, love to see you go to Ron Paul's website.
And for liberty, peace and prosperity and for all of the details.
I want to stay on again with this
Harry, all things are connected in our field of forecasting trends.
I'm talking about a lot with what I believe Trump is going to be ending the wars overseas, closing down the bases, bringing the troops home from South Korea, from maybe even Okinawa and other useless bases in Germany and in Italy and around the world.
What do we have, 800 bases in 80 countries?
For what?
To put the troops to work rebuilding America.
As I say, the business of America has been war.
But you know what our real war is going to be?
It's going to be an economic war.
And you know who it's going to be with?
Because the business of China is business.
China has about 440 million people in the middle class.
We have a nation of only 320 million.
They have 1.3 billion people.
So I did a little something today to show you what China's doing in the business of business, while America still too concentrates on the business of war.
Chinese build wind farm in Ethiopia, Africa's second largest.
President Xi meets Brazilian President
Calling for more solidarity, coordination.
This is just within the last week, by the way.
Chinese President Xi, on Thursday, met with Brazilian counterpart Michael Temer.
Blah, blah, blah, blah.
China and Brazil, as the largest developing country in emerging markets in the Eastern and Western Hemisphere, respectively, should boost solidarity and coordination and pursue common development
Under the current situation, remember I said about emerging markets, you're looking at the yuan going down because the dollar's getting strong too, 13-month lows, the Brazilian real is down, the Argentinian peso's down, one currency after another.
But anyway, Xi, Ramaphosa, open light
Open high-level dialogue between Chinese and South African scientists.
Chinese President Xi addressed the opening ceremony of the South Africa-China Sciences High-Level Dialogue in Pretoria, South Africa.
It was July 24th.
One after another, you're seeing what China is doing.
And what else do we have here?
Ah, Chinese President arrives in Rwanda for a state visit.
Yep, Chinese President Xi arrived here on Sunday for a state visit to Rwanda, the first by a Chinese head of state to the African country.
The business of China is business.
They want to exploit their natural resources as much as they can.
They're going to turn these places, a lot of them, into tourist attractions, and they'll buy up everything that they can.
And what else do we have here?
It's one story after another.
United Arab Emirates visit showcases achievements, promises, more Sino-Arab cooperation.
President Xi wrapped up his first state visit to the UAE showcasing the great achievements and bright future of the mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the UAE and the Arab world as a whole.
Chinese Senegalese president pledged to create better future
Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Senegalese President Macky Sall held talks, vowing to create a better future for China and Senegal ties.
Senegal firmly adheres to the one China policy, is committed to deepening the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with China, stands ready to enhance cooperation
In areas such as infrastructure construction, water conservation, industrialization, agricultural product processing, tourism, culture, and sports.
She arrives in Meritus for a friendly visit.
Yep, he did that on Friday.
He felt
The profound friendship the people in the government of Meritus have toward the Chinese people upon arrival.
China Focus Forum explores new opportunities in China-African cooperation.
The two-day forum was launched Monday today by a leading Chinese think tank to explore new opportunities in China, Africa,
You see where this is going?
The business of China is business.
They're not talking about war.
They're not talking about terror.
They're talking about money.
It's the bottom line.
And it's the bottom line that lifts all boats.
And that's what China is doing.
The business of China is business.
The business of America, for too long, and you know the motto of the Trans Research Institute and the Transjournalists, think for yourself, I think it's been too much war.
Follow the China's Yellow Silk Road.
They're building it.
And we need to do the same thing.
That, to us, is our greatest threat.
The Chinese,
Taking over the world economically because the Europeans and the American manufacturers sold us out by going overseas to get their products made, offshoring, to use slave labor to bring up their margins, get more profits, kill the jobs in America, and we the people pay for it.
So wrapping it all up and putting it together.
Oil and interest rates.
Watch those, too.
Gold, we believe, is near a bottom.
If the dollar goes too high, the emerging markets go low.
If oil prices go too high, the global economy slows down.
Trump's Afghanistan policy of ending the war, bringing home troops, and building the Troops Progress Administration
So thank you very much for having me on.
It's an honor to be on InfoWars.
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