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Name: 20180715_Sun_Alex
Air Date: July 15, 2018
1573 lines.

In this passage, there are several discussions taking place around the ongoing attempts by big tech companies such as Facebook, Google, CNN, The Washington Post etc., to deplatform and censor Infowars and its host Alex Jones. These companies have faced accusations of limiting the reach of conservative voices in an attempt to control the flow of information on the internet. This censorship has sparked controversies about whether it is an infringement on free speech or necessary to combat fake news and misinformation. The passage also touches upon other topics such as volcanic ash and its potential effects on water quality, Hunter S. Thompson's concept of Gonzo Journalism, the global adoption of a social credit score system in China, and Facebook banning political advertising for some users but not others. The presenters in the discussion argue that other conservatives are also being censored but still attempt to avoid further restrictions by self- censoring. In addition to these discussions, there is promotion of products sold on InfowarsLife.com such as Pollen Block, a remedy for seasonal distress symptoms; Alex Jones' newsletter which people can sign up for at Infowars.com/newsletter; and ways to support InfoWars in its fight against censorship like purchasing products from their website during the 4th of July sale or contributing to Roger Stone's defense fund. Furthermore, Alex Jones discusses how his channel was banned from YouTube, censorship efforts targeting Infowars, attempts by Democrats in Congress to censor conservative news sources, ongoing legal cases involving political operatives like Roger Stone, and concerns over the media promoting a "silent coup" against President Trump. He also promotes various InfoWars products designed to support health and well-being while criticizing mainstream media's tactics of misleading editing and manipulation when reporting on him and his statements. The passage also includes discussions about the impact of volcanic ash and acid rain on water supply, conspiracy theories regarding multinational corporations, U.S. and British control, Hitler's connection to eugenics movement; big tech giants manipulating and controlling America for their profit; and standing up against tyranny and fighting for freedom. There is mention of Joe Jennings, a staff member at InfoWars who was hit by a car and died in North Austin, with Jones expressing his thoughts on the incident while promoting various InfoWars products such as Vitamin Mineral Fusion Formula, Patriot Blend coffee, and Real Red Pill Plus. The final part of the passage discusses a 40-page report detailing big tech's censorship efforts against conservative voices written by Mike Adams which will outline how these companies are outsourcing their censorship to third-party organizations like SPLC; an interview between Alex Jones and Mike Adams discussing this report; Infowars Life scientists creating formulas for inflammatory support and joint support using turmeric; and due to censorship, it is more important than ever for people to sign up for Infowars' newsletter at Infowars.com/newsletter and share articles and videos from the website."

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Okay, last time.
This is cell phone radiation.
This is your brain on cell phone and wireless radiation.
Any questions?
This message is brought to you by InfoWars.com in the hopes that if you're gonna fry your brain and body with radiation, that's your business.
But for God's sake, let's protect our children.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing the lies and disinformation.
I am your host Alex Jones.
We're going to be live here for the next two hours as we are every Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Again, thank you for joining us.
Okay, let's jump right into the giant field of information that we have to go over.
Number one, as I've been telling you for two years, the Democratic Party plan announced by Hillary, just months before she lost to Donald Trump, was to demonize Infowars, misrepresent what we've said, because we're seen as the tip of the spear of Americana and its resurgence, then use that demonization to label all other conservatives, libertarians, nationalists, Christians, you name it,
And de-platform everyone from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, you name it, which are about 80% of the worldwide web traffic.
CNN announced on Thursday that they had met with other so-called media companies and other so-called journalists and professors of journalism, and we're asking Facebook why we weren't completely banned.
And I'm going to go over all these quotes coming up.
Facebook then said, look, we already restrict 80% of conservatives' posts.
That's the number I told you previously, because we can actually see it on a graph.
It's not just me, it's everybody.
Diamonds and Silk, it's 97%, because they're so lovable, they're so funny, and they're not negative.
They're even more effective than I am, so they're 97% banned.
They had congressional hearings two months ago on it.
So you've got CNN, the kings of fake media, kicking all this off Thursday, covering it.
And then you had the Washington Post, the New York Times, New Yorker Magazine, all of them weigh in and say, yes, totally ban.
Anyone that is a conspiracy theorist, that's anyone that says they're liars.
You know, like we said that they'd give them the debate questions at CNN to Hillary beforehand.
Of course, it came out in WikiLeaks, but you can see she'd been given them beforehand.
Well, it was all studied and ready, and she instantly answered with a can-prepared statement.
You can see when something's rigged.
Obama didn't raise a fool.
Just like I told you, some of her town halls were fake.
I know 80 millimeter when I see it.
I know fake when I see it.
You know a Hollywood movie because of the production quality.
It's so real it isn't real.
Months later, it came out indeed it was totally fake with hired actors.
So they're mad that we're covering this.
So they misrepresent and say that I said nobody died at Parkland.
That's what they list in these articles.
That's fake news.
No video of that.
They say I say there's Martian colonies.
No video of that.
And then, they say, we gotta de-platform him.
Well, Donald Trump Jr.
tweeted out and said, really?
CNN is supposedly the policeman that's going to run all this?
Seriously, if someone is going to lead the charge against fake news, shouldn't they be a lot more credible than CNN?
Then they said Donald Trump Jr.
endorsed InfoWars.
More deception by CNN.
When all he did was say, you shouldn't be the arbiter and list what is news or what isn't news.
Because again,
Even Facebook said, look, one person's fake news is somebody else's news.
The media's in a war.
The liberals put out fake news.
Conservatives put out fake news.
But then they added, but don't worry, InfoWars posts are dialed back 80%.
They went on to say, really, actually, it's more than that.
Only if you go to the page do you see it.
We don't let people share it.
And if they do, we penalize them, which is social engineering.
So, the censorship's here, and the smarter corrupt tech giants like Google and Facebook are in the news saying, shut up!
This is racketeering we're involved in.
We are displacing and quieting an entire section of a country, and we're using Alex Jones as the case point.
He's already been shut down on our platforms, you idiots.
Actually, say it.
You're going to make him a martyr and get Trump to do antitrust.
Shut up, CNN!
Shut up, Washington Post!
Shut up, CNET!
You foaming at the mouth anti-free speech so-called journalists, you're gonna screw up our takeover!
Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
First, I just want to mention, if people just go and try the products, they will be ordering all the time.
I've ordered several of the products over and over because it's amazing.
In particular, Silver Bullet.
As soon as I start to feel like I get a little sick, you know, maybe like a little raspiness in my throat, I drop some Silver Bullet in it.
Like, I'll still feel a little sick, but it won't last as long.
Well, let me just say something, Victor.
It's people like you that then fund the whole operation, because a very small percentage of people buy products, and a very small percentage of them buy a lot of the products, so thank you.
But when you mention the Silver Bullet colloidal silver, it's got thousands of reviews, a 98% review.
It is our highest-reviewed product, because it is from the top lab in the country, discounted, high-quality colloidal silver.
And it's not a silver bullet, but it's the closest thing you're going to find to a silver bullet.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It was Hunter S. Thompson who invented Gonzo Journalist, where you make the story about yourself.
I mean, others have done it, but he coined the term Gonzo Journalism, where you go and create the story yourself.
That is not what InfoWars is doing.
I have a raft of incredible, world-shaking news, extremely exciting, extremely informative, extremely important.
And I'll get to all of it.
But if this was happening to anybody else, it would be my top story.
In fact, I am, quite frankly, pinching myself, thinking maybe this is virtual reality, like Total Recall, and I'm just playing some video game where, you know, I'm the hero fighting the evil eugenicist globalist who are trying to censor everybody and poisoning the water with fluoride, but then it's all real and it's really happening.
I have to pinch myself when
I spent two hours this morning doing different searches on Google, Alex Jones CNN, InfoWars CNN, InfoWars Congress, InfoWars platform banning, InfoWars censored, and each time I'd click it, it'd be 4,000 articles, 2,000 articles, 400 articles.
There are thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands.
Of articles just in the last week saying ban InfoWars and take it off the air.
Ban it on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter.
Shoo it out of existence.
Shut it down.
But that's not why this is important.
This is a PR ad campaign to end the First Amendment.
They're having hearings on it Tuesday in Congress.
We're going to tell you the committee and the rest of it.
When I, the last five or six days since they've been doing this, when I read hundreds of the articles, document cam shot please for TV viewers, this is just from the last three days here, like 60 of them.
They admit in every article going to Facebook and Google conferences, the New York Times, the New York Post, the Washington Post, the LA Times, they all go, we all agree Alex Jones and other conservatives need to be banned.
If they question anything we do, we call them conspiracy theorists or racist and they're banned.
But they said if we're too obvious about banning Jones, there could be anti-trust suits, Trump may do something.
They all think we're dumbs.
They talk to each other in the newspapers like they're only talking to themselves.
And they say, look, Google and Facebook are already censoring conservatives 80%.
Dialing them back, some 97%.
Like Diamonds and Silk, because they're so sweet and articulate and are positive with everybody.
They're just two sweet little ladies.
So they're 97% banned.
They had hearings two months ago and admitted it.
97% dialed back, two entertaining, smart, funny black ladies, talking about how they like free market in America.
That's evil, that's bad.
And they had Congressman Hank Johnson, the guy that says islands float, I'm not joking, saying, shame on you, shame on you, making a lot of money on Facebook.
They never made any money.
We build Facebook, we build YouTube, they say it's this open platform, then they censor people.
And for years, they then deny it.
Oh, we're not shadowbanning, we're not blocking you, we're not... And then you get undercover Veritas videos of YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter, with all of their executives.
They have them all on video going, our main enemies, veterans and gun owners, anybody with an American flag on their site, we just shadowban them.
And they think they're talking to people on Facebook and Twitter, but they can't share it to anybody, so they think they're all alone, and they get really depressed.
It's called fraud.
Against a whole class of people censoring and controlling what they can say and do over the modern telephone.
They say landlines are totally going out.
People do use Facebook and Twitter.
They do use private messages.
And they're in there reading all that, so...
They have draconian Chinese communist style censorship coming in.
Communist China now has taken control of Apple.
They've officially moved their interstate run and now let the government run their systems, their iCloud computing, their key codes.
They have the keys of the kingdom.
And notice last week you couldn't send Taiwanese emojis of the Taiwanese flag.
Your phone would crash anywhere in the world.
If you were in the US, or in Germany, or in Russia, or in Japan, or in China, or in Taiwan, or in Hong Kong, or in Durban, South Africa, your phone would crash.
And they said, oh yeah, the government said do that, we did it.
So see, if they can control the emoji you can send, they could ban anybody's voice print, they could ban anybody's image, whatever they want with algorithms, they could ban it.
Think of the control Hitler would have had with this.
I've got literally 60 articles, I counted them here, just the ones I had time to read the last few days, where in every article they admit that they've already banned InfoWars platforms.
They're just angry we're on close to 300 radio stations, 400 TV stations, and 80 plus cable stations.
So they know Congress is listening, the military is listening, the police are listening, and the Streisand effect has happened, where they've been trying to suppress us, and so it's made it even more popular.
So yeah, we don't get shared on Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter like we did before.
And other people have been socially conditioned, other conservatives, to not be hardcore, lest they don't get censored.
But they're still getting censored.
They give in to the scam.
The Pavlovian conditioning of, we give you a piece of meat if you're a good little globalist.
We shock you if you're bad.
It's operant conditioning.
And they admit it.
But see, here's their problem.
Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
Are all saying to CNN and the Washington Post, out of the articles right here, they're saying, stop it!
We've already strangled them, idiots.
They already can't share.
We don't even let Christians share ministry information.
There's an article in World Net Daily where a Christian group said a song about Jesus and it was banned because they said that, you know, that's politically incorrect and is political.
So, so it's happening to everybody ahead of the midterms.
That's the plan, and Europe already has massive censorship, China already has it, and we're adopting a global social credit score, tied into everything you do, where basically the public can vote on you, like Yelp, and so can governments and corporations, where you can't even have a job, or travel, or live.
China's already done this to 12 million people, if you don't submit and play ball.
Yeah, there it is.
Is this a political ad?
Facebook thinks so.
Another thing, as I said, they've banned political advertising, but not for Democrats.
For Christians, for conservatives, for pro-life, for members of Congress that are women, who are conservative, they just banned them.
They're calling for Trump to be banned.
They already block almost all of his push notifications.
When he sends out a tweet, you've got to go to his page to get it and retweet it.
And the President isn't even aware of this when it's admitted.
So, we're writing a detailed report showing the executive saying it, every paragraph that we claim.
We'll have a link to them saying it tomorrow.
A 37-page report is being compiled by Mike Adams, who's an incredible researcher, computer programmer, you name it.
Paul Watson's doing one in the morning.
And these reports will be sent to Congress, they will be sent to the President, and they will detail, not in our words, but in their words specifically, how they've already muzzled nationalists, conservatives, libertarians, how they've cut back the President's reach on the Internet 90%.
And how it's still not working for him because people have broken with the mainstream media and with the big corporate outfits.
But here it is.
Facebook would make a martyr by banning InfoWars.
And it goes on to say, Jones is already quarantined like the disease he is.
Don't you understand it opens up anti-trust suits and discrimination and Congress will move if they know?
Go read it!
They think Congress is so dumb that they're in all these articles going, CNN, shut up!
We're already censoring Jones!
And it hasn't worked!
And we're censoring everybody else, you idiot!
Shut up about it!
Just, just, just, just six months ago they were denying it.
Now they have to admit it to Congress.
You understand the liability of this?
Just calling everybody fake news?
We're going to come back and go over these incredible articles, what they're doing, and then shift gears into what Trump's doing and the EU.
So much to cover.
Please stay with us.
We'll be right back on the other side of this important break.
Tell everybody you know how you're listening and to tune in to get through the censors.
You are the resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
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Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
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She's not on until 9.40 Central.
That's 10.40 Eastern.
I was exhausted.
I popped two Brain Force Plus and I was good as new.
I mean, it really is mentally stabilizing, mentally energizing.
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I'm going to go on the Tucker tonight.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The battle for the First Amendment is now.
This beach is under attack globally.
Will they recognize it?
Or lose it?
Tomorrow's news today.
The vaunted, dreaded enemy of globalist scumbags, pedophiles, corporate crony, globalist garbage.
Thank you again so much for joining us.
Now, I have unbelievable news coming up.
The President says he thinks the European Union is a foe.
He's demonized by our traitor media for pointing out the sky is blue.
We're also going to look at Rosenstein not smiling anymore after House Republicans spotted with his impeachment docs.
They're being introduced tomorrow.
Why don't they go along with old Jeff Sessions?
Well, he says if Rosenstein's removed, he'll step down.
Compromise is the name.
Also, we're going to look at Who Is America TV Review.
They're saying it's absolutely boring and horrible.
Sacha Baron Cohen goes around dressed up like me half the movie.
I've talked to folks that have already seen it in Hollywood with Infowars t-shirts and stickers and says horrible racist things attributed to Infowars.
Defamation by comedy.
It'll be another failure and fall flat on its face even though the whole system throws itself behind it.
We're so sick of Hollywood.
It's unbelievable.
But we'll play that review coming up.
We'll play the stupid trailer for it.
Also, he tried to get me in it, and I told the producer, I said, Showtime's not doing a piece about both sides in America to bring us together.
I said, I bet that's a frickin' infiltration hit piece.
And of course it was.
It's like, I never even aired it a few weeks ago when they canceled the opposition that attacked me four nights a week.
Too lazy to work on Friday, a late-night show on Comedy Central, Redstone, Viacom.
And we just gotta thank our lucky stars that the Globalists are still directed by, you know, 95-year-old, you know, Globalist, uh, Crypt Keepers.
Because, huh, it's like,
Dianne Feinstein can't get the endorsement of the Democratic Party in California, and they just endorsed a communist.
I mean, they're showing their real colors, ladies and gentlemen.
And the Democrats keep trying to run Crypt Keepers.
And I love old folks that are patriots, but these old globalists are just a mess.
And everywhere, they just keep trying to run these fossils.
The Democrat Millennials don't want that, man.
They want Venezuela!
They want Antifa!
They want collapse.
They want some free stuff for a couple years and everything to collapse.
Misery loves company.
Well, we're going to stop them, don't worry, but this is serious, so that's all coming up.
Also secret plot to it, Julian Assange from Ecuadorian Embassy Discover.
We're going to get to that.
We're going to get to so much more today that I haven't even mentioned.
But let me just get back to the big enchilada here.
Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, Roger Stone's on next segment.
He's one of the top stories in the country, obviously.
Now, 12 Russians versus 13 have been indicted.
Now, first they indicted 13
Web bots, and it turned out those companies showed up and said we didn't do what you said.
In fact, we were doing advertising for Hillary.
So now he's trying to get that case dropped quietly.
So now he's just indicted people.
Claiming Russian intelligence agents were running Guccifer 2.0.
And, you know, stole the election.
It was the American people.
So I forgot to tell you, text Roger real quick.
He's on his way to the airport, but he can call in next segment.
So that's all coming up, and then the whole second hour I will go through all of this and try to break down just where we are historically, but here's the deal.
I'm going to wait until Roger's gone after the next segment to get into this, because it's got to be done right.
You know, I did it in the first and second segment if you just tuned in, but I don't think I really did it justice here.
I mean, this isn't me hyping this.
There are thousands of articles this week
into this Sunday saying ban info wars and then you read from the tech meetings with the so-called journalist and with the so-called journalism professors all discussing how to kill free speech.
So you go to major universities today to learn how to strangle speech and how to create cult members.
You've all seen Missouri State and Evergreen College and Washington and all the videos.
Yale, Harvard,
Where they say, no whites allowed on the campus today.
And then an Asian reporter shows up with his camera that goes to the school as part of the newspaper and a white woman walks over and says, get me muscle, no whites allowed!
She means white men.
Or Evergreen saying, no whites allowed this weekend.
Or, remember, you know, Yale.
You've got the liberal professor who's a real liberal going, now, it may hurt you there's Halloween parties and that people dress up as different things, but cultural appropriation's not bad.
It's like they told my younger daughter.
When she was at a retreat, school camp retreat, they said, listen, don't call that a Chinese fortune flower.
Little girls write the things and they sit there and you pick a color, you pick a number, and then they write a fortune in it.
Everybody remembers that?
It's so cute.
They make them with construction paper.
Don't call it Chinese.
Don't call the Chinese New Year Chinese.
Call it Asian.
Just saying Chinese is hurtful.
Whoever said that, it's their New Year, their calendar, 4,000 years old.
It's like saying the Roman alphabet, or the Sumerian text, or the Egyptian hieroglyphs, or Newton's apple, or German, or English, or Russian, or Spanish, or Aztec, or Mayan.
It's something they invented.
Like calling beautiful horses from Persia, Persian horses.
It's a war on language!
They know what they're doing, where all you know is superstition and are scared of words!
I'll never forget, like five years ago, I'm laying by Barton Springs, this big natural pool here in Austin, and I watch a Mexican and a white guy jump in the pool, and I go, man, they could tell they were super stoned.
They're like, dude, I want Chinese food!
The Hispanic guy did.
And the white dude goes, man, that's racist!
And he goes, oops, sorry!
Saying I want Chinese food, I want Mexican food, I want Italian food, I want southern cooking, I want soul food, I want, I want it, I want Japanese steakhouses.
This is the, this is on purpose!
Where every language, every word, everything is bad.
This is mental illness.
This is insanity.
And this has got to stop.
They want to totally bully you until you say and do and act however they want.
And they've now announced hearings on... The way they've got the hearings in, even though it's bipartisan, is we need to look at fake news and stuff on the big social networks.
And then you've got these Republicans who don't even know what planet they're on, not know what's going on, and the Democrats are in there openly saying ban info wars, and then you read all the news articles they go, and then everybody else we disagree with.
It says anyone that's a conspiracy theorist or racist.
They define Trump as all that!
They're the liars.
They're the fake news.
And they're coming because they can't win a debate to shut us down.
If we mobilize and expose this, it'll be their Waterloo.
But we've got to mobilize against it.
We'll be back.
Brandon, please, lay out what you said and then also how they're attacking you and, you know, their ridiculous disinfo.
Because when people walk away from the Democrats and in capitals across the country and in D.C., come together and hug each other left and right for a future of America and the Antifa shows up and there's only a half dozen of them, it is going to be
Martin Luther King level, I have a dream stuff.
I mean, I just know destiny when I hear it.
I think you should tell people your millennium level idea.
I mean, it's like one of those ideas that you only hear a few times in a lifetime and usually people ignore it.
This is history.
That's why there's... so please tell folks the idea you came up with.
Yeah, you got it, Alex.
You know, a lot of what's coming out of the left right now is this narrative that my campaign is Russian bots, which is absolutely ridiculous.
Of course, we have real people giving testimonials for the WalkAway campaign.
But it sort of sparked an idea in my mind, since there's going to be a lot of naysayers out there who are going to try to dismiss this campaign and what's happening with WalkAway.
As bots and as not real, I thought to myself, you know what we really need to do is I'm going to organize a walk away march on Washington, a nationwide walk away march.
And what this is going to be is really unifying people from the left, unifying people from the right, bringing everybody together kind of on the same page.
And listen, if you're not walking away from the Democrat Party, that's fine.
But I think that at this point, people should at least be willing to say, I'm walking away from the hatefulness.
I'm walking away from the divisiveness.
I'm walking away from the violent rhetoric and the division.
So this is what I want to do.
I want to, in the fall,
We have an amazing demonstration organization nationwide where we do a nationwide march on Washington.
I want it to be the biggest, most incredible, and most powerful march this nation has ever seen.
You need to be flooded, folks.
And believe me, I know at a gut level what's going to work and what's not.
So if people fund this...
I couldn't see a better place for people to do it.
So I'm pledging $10,000 that we'll donate right after the show to the account.
I want it online.
I want people to see that happen.
So please make sure that happens.
There are two ways that people can donate.
I've set up a GoFundMe and I've set up a Patreon account.
Both of these things are accessible if they go to walkawaycampaign.com and click on sponsorship.
The GoFundMe is great if you're somebody who's just able to make a one-time donation of any amount.
We appreciate anything that you can do.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you so much.
I had a feeling that you would be somebody who would be very enthusiastic about this, and I feel exactly the same way you do.
I mean, it was my idea, but I also thought to myself, this is something that really possibly not only has the potential to do a lot of healing, but possibly even preventing a civil war.
And you're just saying, just walk away.
Like, it means don't fight.
It means, just, just don't be under this cult control.
Oh, this is divinely inspired.
I'm telling, I know the zeitgeist when I'm close to it, and I am now in the center of it.
Oh, ooh.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, Roger Stone is driving to the airport right now, but we're getting him on the line.
He has been told, and he's read over the indictment, and it doesn't say his name, but clearly they're talking about him, that he is tied into the case against 12 Russians.
They're claiming are intelligence operatives.
Now, Rod Rosenstein, who's about to get impeached by the House of Representatives and the Senate, he made it clear that we have no evidence any U.S.
citizens were involved
With Russia trying to hack the election.
But remember, they already indicted 13 bots from Russian PR companies and then when the Russians showed up to court a few months ago,
Showing that 80% of their funding, which we already knew, was from the Democratic Party, and that we're just a PR firm, and that during any election, there are PR firms in England, in Europe, in Russia, in Japan.
People use those to get around campaign finance laws.
There's a little bit of hanky-panky going on, but Hillary had 80% of the money.
So, surprise, surprise, 80% of the spending, roughly, was Hillary's.
So, that's why they've got a big problem with this whole Russiagate thing, because it's Mueller on the tarmac!
For Obama and Hillary, for Hillary's State Department, when she was doing the Uranium One deal eight years ago, giving them super weapons-grade uranium sample of what they were going to be buying if they gave Hillary a couple hundred million dollars.
I mean, look, if Trump was on tarmacs, giving people weapons-grade uranium as a sample to sell out 25% of our strategic stockpiles, I'd say send his butt to prison.
And that's what's so crazy is,
Mueller and Comey and the Clintons are literally on the Russian tatas.
They're on the Russian mammary glands.
I mean, they are on them, baby.
They are making biscuits.
They are getting the milk.
And they were also getting it from the Chinese and everybody else.
I mean, that's what... To be a Democrat is to hate America and sell it out.
Everybody knows that.
They're the ones always selling out our missile secrets and everything else.
They're the ones that hate America.
They're the ones that... They have the Ninth Circuit rule.
You can't wear American flags in public in all those Western states.
Seriously, look it up.
They're hurtful and symbols of hate.
The Democratic Party wants the American flag banned!
Remember Trump after Charlottesville, he said, if they want to take down the Confederate flag, next they'll want to take down the American flag.
And the next week they said, yeah, we want it taken down too!
So, you cannot make this up.
Let me give you a cell phone number.
I'll just abort if he can't get on.
It's no big deal.
We know about the case that I can't play footsie for an hour and a half on air with him to get him on.
Because I've got to cover this attack on the First Amendment, man.
That is the big, gigantic, mega-sized enchilada out in front of everybody, and they have an exact public plan to get rid of the First Amendment.
They admit using InfoWars and WikiLeaks, by the way.
Four months ago, the Wall Street Journal, four months ago,
The Wall Street Journal came out, and remember everybody else picked it up and had the headline, hold on to your tinfoil hat, YouTube is coming for Alex Jones.
And they said,
Well, I'm the new CEO since they sold or selling News Corp to Disney, or splitting it up, and we don't want other people on the internet.
We just want big companies.
And so we're going to set the precedent with Alex Jones and Wikileaks, and once we've banned them as fake news, then we're going to ban everybody else from having their own platforms, and you'll only get maybe a hundred different things on your internet.
Now, this is a public statement.
Then it started.
CNN misrepresenting what I've said.
What I've done.
Saying I said nobody died at Parkland.
No video of that.
Saying I said there were crisis actors.
No video of that.
And then they ban our YouTube channel.
And then we upload to our own site what I really said.
And I said no such thing.
And so they had to reinstate it, and Bloomberg said, oh, there was a mutiny at YouTube of the Southern Poverty Law Center people they hired to ban Alex Jones.
Yeah, you can't make this up.
The Southern Poverty Law Center.
20,000 people.
They got a half billion dollars offshore.
To go and have interfaces on every major web tech site, and then to ban, not just me, but everybody else, and they admit in all these articles, it's coming up next segment, I'm gonna read you the quotes, that they, Facebook and Google said to them at these conferences with CNN, they said, shut up, idiots!
We are already censoring InfoWars.
We are already censoring 80% of the posts of conservatives across the board.
They're gonna have racketeering suits and free speech suits and antitrust suits on us if we completely ban them.
They don't know they're banned.
I do.
Project Veritas got the video eight months ago with the executives going, we've already banned them, they don't know it.
The dumb hicks.
And he goes, what's a hick?
Anybody promoting troops, police, or national sovereignty, or the American flag.
Well who's your number one enemy?
Alex Jones.
I've been sitting here telling you this, and now they're publicly doing it!
And the crazy people at CNN are so out of control, and the Washington Post, the New York Times, and thousands of others, L.A.
Times, New Yorker Magazine, they're like, just ban him completely and arrest his ass!
Shoo him into oblivion!
For our Nazi collaborator, God George Soros.
Alright, let's go to Roger Stone.
We got him on the line.
We can see the multi-faceted attack.
Demonize us, misrepresent us, de-platform us, sue us.
And then go to Congress and try to bamboozle a bunch of tech-ignorant Republicans that, oh, we're just ratcheting back all the fake news.
No, they're not.
They let Democrats threaten to let Keith Olbermann to murder anyone they want and to put out lies about all of us.
This is the war for this country, and the president needs to learn how serious it is and bust up these trusts.
And we're sending reports to Congress and the president tomorrow that are bombshell.
Bombshell, Stone, and of course, on top of it, you've got Mueller, the literal bagman with uranium to the Russians, breathing down your neck with a whole new flotilla of fake indictments.
Roger Stone, joining us.
Well, Alex, you're absolutely right.
It's a veritable war of censorship.
They fear info wars, because we're the cutting edge.
We are the tip of the spear.
And there's no doubt in my mind that a crucial element of their plan for a silent coup against Donald Trump is to silence InfoWars.
Because we go where no one else fears to, you know, dares go.
And that's why it's a three-step process.
Take away our First Amendment rights, ban InfoWars on the internet, take away our Second Amendment rights,
Take away our First Amendment rights, take away our Second Amendment rights, and then stage a silent coup on Donald Trump, either through impeachment, based on some trumped-up charges, or the 25th Amendment.
What you first predicted a year and a half ago, everything you've said has happened by the numbers.
What's going to happen next, Roger?
Well, it's very interesting.
It appears to me that the indictment of the 15 Russians is largely for public relations
For the special counsel and I think it's meant to prop up his sagging public opinion.
And I should have started the interview with this.
Clearly he's about to meet with Putin on Monday, tomorrow.
So they released this big giant fart in church on Friday to obscure that.
Yeah, they undercut the President of the United States while he's out of the country.
It's really outrageous.
I know you've got to go.
I know you've got to go.
Just come back and finish up on this on the other side.
Oh, you're about to be at the airport.
We've got Roger Stone with us.
One of the top stories in the country is this new ridiculous fake indictment of these Keebler elves that don't exist.
12 indicted.
We'll be right back.
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Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram, and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
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Western Europe has already banned free speech.
And an iron curtain of censorship is descending down over the UK.
They're set to pass rules, not a law, that if you criticize Islam or gays, you'll get six months in prison.
We know we're only about a year or two behind what's happening in the UK.
CNN and many others are calling for InfoWars to be shut down, taken off the web.
Slate Magazine has a professor and others saying, go beyond censorship.
Brainwash young people against InfoWars.
Psychologically inoculate them with lies, so they don't actually hear what we have to say.
We are the most hated news source in the world by globalists.
It is so critical that you go to InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up for the free newsletter so we can be in contact with you and so the censors can't bully their way in and block us being able to engage in free open dialogue as a society.
That is critical to this fight.
We will prevail if you take action and I know you
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I pointed out that Peter Strzok acted like people that you see at the state hospital or who are schizophrenic on the side of the road.
And if you look at his girlfriend, if you look at Howdy Doody over there, Rosenstein, if you look at any of them, they look like power-mad mental patients.
I mean, everybody saw it.
He acted like
A complete loon bag who was on MDMA or something.
I mean, he was making shark faces, psycho faces.
These people are the worst.
The scum of the earth that got in control of the FBI, worked for Hillary, covered up for her, called to the President, and now Mueller acts like he's the head of the United States.
He's been caught in total fraud.
He indicted 13 bots.
Turned out the Russians showed up.
Now they want to drop the case because none of it was real.
The bot companies have been hired by Hillary, and now they're back with 12 more indictments, this time of Russian intelligence officers, knowing full well they won't be extradited here, so it's more made-up crap, and they're trying to target Infowars and Roger Stone.
This is asinine.
But Roger, as you were pointing out during the break when I was talking to you, the craziness
of course.
Hey, we're already dialing back all the conservatives 80%.
Do you understand they're going to have major cases for racketeering and discrimination and antitrust against us if we totally ban them off the platform?
And CNN and the Washington Post, they go, we don't care!
We want him banned now!
What in the world do you think is going on, Roger Stone?
It was unbelievable.
I turned on CNN this morning and they were openly talking about banning InfoWars.
Now, if CNN is a media organization, how would they justify, under the First Amendment, advocating the extinguishing of another media organization?
The Washington Post doesn't talk about closing the New York Times down.
They are petrified because of the millions of people that we are reaching and galvanizing and educating, and it's driving them crazy.
A key element of their coup d'etat plan is to have no dissent, for there to be no platform, no forum for patriots to object, which is why closing import wars down is a crucial part of their plan.
And it's why we need to move ahead into the courts and to bring an action against them for antitrust and for monopolistic practices.
This is thuggery, is what it is.
Roger, I've studied U.S.
history, so have you.
It's incredibly interesting.
It's riveting.
I mean, I know our history.
We had some problems about five years into the Republic during the Civil War.
Lincoln, you know, moved against newspaper editors and owners that said that, you know, he should be killed.
I mean, I'm not supporting what he did, but I could see in a war.
That's people saying, you know, overthrow, kill the president.
And that's a civil war.
This is the Democrats
Admitting in all these articles, anybody can go read them, that oh, once we ban InfoWars, we're going to have the President set to completely de-platform all conservatives, all libertarians, and we want Trump banned off Twitter, and we want Donald Jr.
They're in the news saying, shut down their political competition.
This is so...
Well, there's no question about it, and this is the first time in our history
When one of our major parties refuses to accept the results of a Democratic election.
I wasn't happy when Barack Obama was elected.
I wasn't happy when he was re-elected.
But I abided by the results of the election.
This is nothing short than an effort to undo what they couldn't do at the ballot box.
And if the President does not understand that this bullet is heading his way,
Then he's in even more grave danger.
This isn't about Paul Manafort or Alex Jones or Roger Stone.
It's about the presidency.
And our friends on the right need to recognize that Infowars is the test case.
If they shut us down, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingram, they're next.
They need to recognize that they are next.
And I want to be, I want to be a trillion, I want to be a trillion percent clear.
I want to be infinity clear.
Term I'm coining.
I want to be 360 clear.
I don't care about my ratings.
I don't care about being a big shot.
I don't brag about our reach, or how much money we bring in, or how much we spend to do this.
The enemy knows that before they started censoring us, 86 million viewers a week, and that isn't hits, that's real people.
We're talking hottest thing in the world, other than drudge.
Okay, and then they've crushed us down.
It made us even more rockstar.
Our numbers are still stratospheric.
They say that in the articles.
They go, we've crushed him, but now everybody else reposted and changed it and it's total rockstar.
What do we do?
So that's the debate they're having.
Well, we secretly censored Infowars, and it's still getting out though.
So the Democrats say completely ban it.
They go, no, that'll create a Streisand effect.
I mean, listen, here's the deal, Stone.
Historically, this is so insane because they're obviously lying villains who misrepresent what we've said, then try to shut us up so they can defame and slander us, and then now they're having a giant national debate in public about the best way to strangle all nationalist conservatives, pro-veteran, pro-capitalist speech.
They are outrageous criminals!
They are the villains!
I've never heard of even dictators admitting they're doing this in the open!
This is beyond the Communist Chinese, man!
Can you believe they've stooped to this?
This is their Waterloo if we...
If the libertarians and conservatives and churches and Christians and veterans groups stop buying into, oh, we're ashamed of Infowars, oh, it's being demonized, you know, Donald Trump Jr.
says, well, CNN shouldn't lead the fight against fake news.
They're the kings of fake news.
That's just not a support of Infowars.
It's saying they shouldn't be the arbiter.
No, there must be an embrace of it and an exposure of how they've misrepresented.
We must take it head on and not be bullied.
But all these old Republicans still think mainstream TV is dominant.
It doesn't have one
100th of the views of the conglomerate internet where we're winning!
You people have victory in your hands for the next 10 generations if you'll just take it in your frickin' hands and stop being cowards!
My mission is not to be in D.C.
or New York or L.A.
with all you mummies with the number one TV show that reaches 5 million people a night!
No offense to Sean Hannity, he's a great guy!
And he's got a huge radio show even bigger!
Sean Hannity's bigger on the internet and the radio than he is on TV!
And he's one of the only ones that isn't a complete coward!
And all I'm telling you is, if everybody doesn't stick with us, YOU WILL ALL GO DOWN AND THESE PIECES OF CRAP WILL WIN!
Go ahead Stone, I'm sorry.
You know, Alex, every day we point this out, and it's just as true now as it was yesterday.
When people see a link to any story on InfoWars that they find compelling, they need to repost it on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram, on Snapchat.
They cannot silence us all.
They may come after you, they may come after me, but they cannot silence all of us.
And there's a magnifying effect, an amplifying effect, when you take our best links and you put them up on your social media, you send them to your friends, your family, your circle of activists.
They cannot snuff out the flame of freedom if people will do that.
And this is epic.
This is authoritarianism rearing its head with people that want to run our children, our religion, our money.
They want to control our lives, and then they lie about us?
And have all these weird anti-free speech professors drooling over how they want to silence us?
Because we know what they want to do, Roger, after they silence us, don't we?
Yes, indeed.
Yes, indeed.
It's called the full manifold.
Let's briefly talk about that.
I called you this week when I saw the headline in CNN about, oh, he's getting VIP treatment, and I read down a paragraph that said, oh, his phones are all listened to with his lawyers, and they know his defense, and they say it's criminal that he's putting on a defense, so they're moving him to solitary confinement so he can't talk to his lawyers.
And they call that VIP treatment?
That is so illegal, so unconstitutional.
Yeah, do you wonder whether this is Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia?
Look, they just want to squeeze him and make him plead guilty so they can avoid a trial.
They don't want to go to trial because they don't want to talk about the misuse, the unconstitutional, illegal use of these FISA warrants.
It is their Achilles heel.
What is it that Rosenstein won't hand over to the U.S.
House of Representatives and Devin Nunes?
It's information regarding the FISA war.
We're going to break.
We'll do five more.
Five more with you.
Then I've got a special guest.
Roger, look at that headline from Politico.
Who would have ever thought this?
They got in trouble for listening to 9-11 Al-Qaeda members' phone calls.
They should have been in jail, because they're not citizens.
Mueller team listening to Manafort's jail phone calls.
I mean, good God!
The biggest problem we have is we have a very dishonest media.
But these are among the most dishonest people you'll ever, ever meet.
But we're going to punch through the media.
We have to.
Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done.
No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America.
We will not fail.
Our country will thrive and prosper again.
That whether we are black
Or brown, or white.
We all bleed the same red blood of patriots.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
The prize I want is victory for the world.
Victory for the world.
This 4th of July is special.
Everybody can see it, they can feel it.
The globalists are attempting to kill a worldwide awakening to their tyranny.
And America, yet again, is at the heart of the resistance of the globalists.
That's why this 4th of July I'm asking all of our great supporters to think about Infowars now more than ever.
And what would the world be like if Infowars wasn't there resisting the globalists?
What would have happened if you hadn't supported InfoWars?
We would not be having the victories we have today.
So yes, a lot of good things are happening, but the enemy is striking back.
So please, think about InfoWars and funding our operation while you get great products at the same time on the 4th of July that's so historic.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, finish up with Roger Stone, I've been ranting.
I know the Clintons and the Globalists hate the country and have sold it out.
All Trump had to do was just get their boot off our neck and we'd start turbocharging, which happened.
And then to watch these enemies circle like buzzards around me and my family, and to do it to Roger and others, it makes me mad.
It makes me want to fight!
Because I don't want to sit here with half measures against these... I saw Sprock.
And how demonic and cowardly and scumbaggish and psychopathic he looked.
And it didn't make me be afraid of him or Mueller.
It made me mad at myself that I haven't done more to defeat them.
And I will!
On the altar of God, we will defeat them like King George III and the rest of trash!
I swear on the altar of God!
I swear it!
My full will!
Roger, finish up before I get too angry.
What does the President need to do?
What does Trump Jr.
need to do?
What do we need to do to finish these enemies?
Because I can feel they're preparing to launch their counter-strike.
We have an unelected federal prosecutor running the country.
There are no checks and balances on him.
There are no governors.
There is no oversight.
That's not what the Founding Fathers had in mind.
The president needs to discharge Mr. Sessions, Mr. Rosenstein, and Mr. Mueller, and he needs to do it before it is too late.
Mueller is taking on millions more in dollars and platoons more of young Democratic prosecutors while forming a Republican killing machine.
President has to take immediate action.
Those around him who say, oh, Mr. President, this isn't aimed at you.
You're not the target.
And like you told me the other day, when they were doing all this stuff behind the scenes, we can't talk about the both of us.
You said, it's OK, Alex.
You said, stop worrying about it.
This is posterity.
We have to attack.
And you're right.
This is our children, in Republican Party or any of this!
These people want full control over us!
That little demonic piece of crap Strzok thinks he will rule my family?
Go ahead!
So, look, I think it's vital that people call and write the President, tell him the truth.
That this is a coup d'etat, a slow-motion coup d'etat.
And to the extent that the President is reassured and believes this isn't coming his way,
Is sadly incorrect.
And that's why Rosenstein did that feint, where he went, oh, we're not saying any citizens were involved with the Russian intelligence agencies in the new indictment.
That's total crap.
They got the dagger, that means the dagger's out, and they're about to make their move on the president.
Alex, I am bolting for the gate here at the airport, but let me leave you with this.
Victory or death.
I'm with you, my brother.
I know you gotta go, but one minute more.
They admit they're trying to cause civil unrest.
They admit they're going to try to overthrow the president.
I know you've got to get on your plane in less than an hour.
Gut level, what else can the listeners and viewers do?
This isn't hyperbole.
I'm here to get people out of their coma because I'm having to go through, not the fear, but just the commitment myself that it pisses me off that we're ruled by trash like Strzok.
Why is he still on the FBI payroll?
We're good to go.
This is it.
This is the Battle of Ragnarok.
This is the Battle of the Gods, and we're at the middle of it.
You're right.
I didn't even plug last hour.
They're telling me plug, and I'm like, I'm having trouble financing this, and I'm just so obsessed with info.
I don't do it, but the money is critical.
Again, how do people go to your defense fund, which is, you just defeated Obama.
One of his suits, and they got a bunch of others.
Or go to the InfoWars site, where you can make a generous contribution.
All right, thank you, Rog.
We'll talk to you again tomorrow.
Roger's coming to town soon.
Absolutely, good job.
I'm going to settle down now.
I'm just looking at Strzok.
He's such an evil, oh my God.
His basement should be checked.
I mean, oh boy, that is bad news right there.
He thinks he's going to beat us?
No you won't, demon!
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Churchill's chair, Winston Churchill.
The man that wrote the three-volume set, The History of the English-Speaking Peoples.
Quite an intellectual.
Well, they're freaking out on Trump when he was invited into his study and was told to sit on it as a setup.
Oh, sit in Churchill's chair, his famous easy chair, we'll take a photo.
They called him a traitor.
How dare you imply you defeated the Nazis, which you never did.
I'm going to talk about that here in just a moment, just to illustrate how the fake news media works.
But here is the crux of the matter.
Here's the key to it all.
Multinational corporations in the 1950s knew the U.S.
had control of the planet.
They decided to parlay U.S.
power into global power for themselves.
It had been U.S.
and British corporations, select ones, that had actually set up Hitler and the whole eugenics movement.
Not that the average American was like that, but there were robber barons that were very racist, very evil, into control, and they developed a very diabolical plan
For the long term, which we're now living under.
Trump is trying to change that.
And now, if you just joined us, the Democratic Party, the big corporations are so arrogant that they are in thousands of publications in the last week calling for Infowars.com and myself and anybody we have on air that's part of the operation to be banned from the internet like Communist China does.
Now the tech giants came out and they said, listen,
I'll show you some of those articles here.
They said, listen, you're going to make InfoWars a martyr.
We've already effectively banned them on our platforms.
And the Democrats are like, well, why are we still losing elections?
They go, because people hate you.
And InfoWars already has an audience, people that are awake.
See, you've got to reapply lies and confusion over and over again.
Once somebody's awake, it doesn't work anymore.
Once they get the game, once they know the scam, once they catch you cheating at cards, they don't play cards with you anymore.
It's like somebody in business.
You catch them ripping you off, you don't go back in business with them.
So, these big tech giants hijacked America, made trillions of dollars off of it, and then they got such a hard-on for the country,
They financed the universities, the schools, everything to turn us all against each other and turn us into basket cases so they could manage us and make sure the golden goose they've gotten stayed under their control.
But you turn the golden goose into a mentally retarded, drooling idiot.
And Trump doesn't want to do that.
He goes, let's just make everybody successful.
Let's just give people an opportunity.
Let's stop domesticating people.
LBJ wrote dozens of letters saying, these black people, they'll edit me saying this, I gotta say it like this.
That's what the media does, folks.
They take me out of context.
So, you can go just type in LBJ's letters.
By the way, I'm not joking.
That's what they do.
I quote them, they play the audio, and then say I said it.
But LBJ's famous for saying,
That these black people are incredibly uppity because they've been suppressed under segregation.
It wasn't a good thing.
But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, nishi.
So many black areas were richer than even middle class white areas.
Lower unemployment, lower illegitimacy.
Everything was about, we're going to be successful under this pressure.
Their own hotels, their own restaurants, their own cleaners, their own doctors, their own universities.
It was a golden age.
Not because segregation was good, or all that, because that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
People say, we don't need them.
We don't need this crap.
I got to cover my face though with a little edit to this audio and put it out.
This is what they do.
They go, oh look, Jones just said, you know, rah, just said black people, rah, rah, rah.
That's what they do, man.
I say, Hillary Clinton killed a bunch of people in, um...
By funding Al-Qaeda and ISIS, killed a bunch of little kids in the Middle East, they edit that and say I said it was in a pizza place, and then get people to sue me.
So I have to do this now, I do this because, it's not that you are stupid as a viewer or a listener, it's the general public.
If I don't do this, they will edit it.
So, again, Margaret Sanger called blacks subhuman, hired blacks to pose as liberals so they could get control of their communities.
And again, I'm not assessing on black people, I'm not going to use politically correct terms either.
This is what went on.
And so they've done it over and over and over and over again.
And Trump's like, you know what?
We're not going to sit there and break up families.
We're not going to sit there and tell people they can't be successful and can't have a husband in the house.
This ruins culture.
We're going to actually create jobs and opportunities and honor workers again.
We're going to cut back on some of this welfare and create independence again.
And they're pissed, man.
They don't like that's happening.
I'm serious, I'm actually going to go to a screen now, just put a screen up too when we talk, because they'll just do everything.
You know, I should just say what I say, even though they're going to edit it.
It's just, when you watch the criminals at CNN or MSNBC, even Fox with Megyn Kelly did it, and they edit what you say.
And they've got, the little tell-tale sign is they'll blur the video.
Like, we got HD uploads.
Do you ever notice, when I'm on the news, it's always Comedy Central, or HBO, or Showtime.
It's blurred.
You can barely see what's going on.
It's because they're editing the video, and they don't want you to see the jump cuts, man.
When you see them do that, they're robbing you!
They think you're stupid!
Does that not make you angry?
God, it makes me angry.
Not for me!
Not that weak-minded leftists try to spit on me in the street.
It's that they've been lied to like that.
To where I can't even quote them because Media Matters, run by George Soros, the Nazi collaborator, will literally take it and edit it and blur it and put it out.
Like if I say, I don't hate transsexuals.
I don't hate anybody for how they live or what they do, as long as they don't hurt somebody else.
But they're always changing words and saying what you can't use on Twitter or Facebook saying they'll ban you if you use the word tranny.
And that's a word that those folks came up with themselves.
That's their name for 20 years.
How can then Twitter vote at the executive level to ban that?
And then the headline was this week, Alex Jones attacks transsexuals and says he hates them.
It's a lie!
I said I hate
What they call drag queen festivals they have in public schools around the country, where elementary students come up with dollars and stick them in a big fat guy in a wig's outfit in a g-string with his testicles hanging down.
I don't care if it's heterosexual, homosexual, whatever it is, leave the children alone!
And when Media Matters and Salon do that, they know they're defrauding you of the truth!
But again, the New York Times, Salon, HBO, Vice, they've all said pedophilia is okay.
And you watch, they'll take what I just said tomorrow and have a whole lie out about it.
But that's what they do because they want to destroy culture and society and want to divide and conquer everyone and want to defraud people because they're a bunch of worthless mercenaries that have sold out who are weak cowards and they're losing and that's why
They've got thousands of articles a week saying ban me and shut me up so I can't defend myself while you lie about us.
But it doesn't matter, because no matter what you do to InfoWars, the human spirit will go past it.
No matter how you censor us or try to shut us down, you'll never succeed.
Because there is a beating spirit in the breast of every man, woman, and child on this planet that wants to be free and wants to have a future, and you may get it over on us for a while.
But long term, you're not going to get it over on humanity and you're going to lose.
And see, I'm not like you, a psychopathic, globalist, luciferian, self-serving nutball.
I'm so self-serving that I know I'm going to die.
And I want humanity to go on because I love humanity, and I love our quest.
And I love this big battle we've been on on this planet to get to the level we're at, and I want us to win.
And because I'm a fan of humanity, and because I believe in that dream, I know I'm going forward with all of you and your children, and that's why I am more than willing to be destroyed.
And now my prayers to take on the Globalist at point-blank range are coming true.
And we are now on the chessboard, facing the Globalist king and queen, as I, the Rook, engage in a desperate gambit to be destroyed, but in the end bring them down.
And that's where we stand at the fulcrum.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
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Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex, mate.
I've been following you since I was 14, and I'm 32 now.
I remember back when InfoWars and Prison Planet, it was just blue text on a white screen, and I had to load down the page on my dial-up internet, and I thought it was pretty cool, and read all the books and seen all the DVDs and followed all your guests.
And I've been using your product since the first iteration of Survival Shield.
And since then, I'm on the X2, the Super Male Vitality, the Caveman, the Real Red Pill, Micro ZX Body.
It's all amazing.
Thank you, brother.
Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side
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Western Europe has already banned free speech, and an iron curtain of censorship is descending down over the UK.
They're set to pass rules, not a law, that if you criticize Islam or gays, you'll get six months in prison.
We know we're only about a year or two behind what's happening in the UK.
CNN and many others are calling for InfoWars to be shut down, taken off the web.
Slate Magazine has a professor and others saying, go beyond censorship.
Brainwash young people against InfoWars.
Psychologically inoculate them with lies so they don't actually hear what we have to say.
We are the most hated news source in the world by globalists.
It is so critical that you go to InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up for the free newsletter so we can be in contact with you and so the censors can't bully their way in and block us being able to engage in free open dialogue as a society.
That is critical to this fight.
We will prevail if you take action and I know you will.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
Alright, here I go.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
All right, I haven't gotten into Trump and Churchill yet and how they're demonizing him for them saying, hey, sit in this chair, take a photo while you're visiting here at the museum.
But it's true that he should be sitting in Churchill's chair.
I'll explain why.
And then Rosenstein not smiling anymore.
The House Republicans spotted with his impeachment docs.
So it was about
930 last night that my phone kept ringing and I had it in the bedroom and I was in the living room with my wife and my daughter and I went back in and I saw the message and it was that a fellow that worked here almost seven years, six, seven years, Joe Jennings had been hit by a car and died in North Austin.
And Joe was just always such a positive, hard-working guy, one of the engineers up here, and also the director of David Knight Show, along with some of the other co-directors, that when I heard it, it just wasn't real.
And of course, you know, Joe's got four children.
His wife's really nice.
And, you know, I've been out to eat with him and been in her office with him a lot, but he's the guy that I was always telling my wife, hey, we ought to, you know, hang out with him and the kids.
His kids are really nice.
He and Marcos Morales are real good friends.
His daughters are real nice as well.
And there's Julianne and McBreen and Owen and Jennings.
So, Jennings normally drives his car to work.
And he's the guy that puts on the leather jacket and the gloves and everything, drives a big cruiser.
But sometimes he rides his motorcycle.
And he's a real safe driver, you name it.
But the police said that
We're getting a police report, but they came to the house.
It was in his neighborhood.
They said two miles from your house is the most dangerous place, not even the highway.
Somebody in an SUV just smacked him, knocked his helmet off.
He was pretty much dead on impact.
And it just shows you how fast somebody can be in your life and be out of your life.
You know, I took off Friday to take care of family business, and I was here Thursday, and I walked in in the morning, and I was busy.
I had a bunch of stuff to do.
And Joe was in there wiring up the big new studio.
And he had music on.
He looked so happy with these wires in his hand and pliers.
And he said, oh, hi, Alex.
He was just always genuinely so happy.
They say the good die young.
I mean, he wasn't 50 yet.
And he's just gone.
He's gone.
And I'd have anything to go back in a time machine and warn him and bring him back.
But there he was going to get his haircut last night at like 630.
Got his little haircut.
Drive him back to his house in a residential area.
SUV smacked him.
Yeah, go to full screen on that photo, guys.
Please, thank you.
And he's gone.
So, thanks to George Soros's lawsuits,
And thanks to the globalists banning us on Google Ads and everything, they have restricted our attempt to expand in the face of the enemy.
And you know, I just end up then donating to Project Veritas, or the hashtag WalkAwayMovement, or many other groups that I give to, because just the basic seed money ends up really helping me get the word out.
There's no strings attached for InfoWars.com.
But in this case, I am going to
I'll try to sell the bus I have when I was going to travel the country eight, seven, eight years ago.
It's still a great bus and give the proceeds to his family.
I'm gonna make a big donation myself, but I don't, I don't have a ton of discretionary funds, but I'm going to do that next week.
I'm not going to say the amount, but it's, it's, it's larger than this, but you know, his wife's a part-time masseuse.
He takes care of his elderly mother.
They all live in one house.
He's just a really nice guy.
Uh, and so he has a GoFundMe, Joe Jennings Memorial Fund, GoFundMe.com forward slash Joe-Jennings-Memorial-Fund, or just go to GoFundMe.
GoFundMe's so leftist that they do take 0% of the money that they'd probably ban it.
It's associated with me because it's a memorial fund, but, and they'll probably do that.
It's just, it's who they are as a left.
But, uh, Joe's a really good guy.
And, uh, you know, he's still alive in our hearts and minds.
We know he's in a better place.
He, you know, he loved God.
He was always so positive that it was almost like a joke how nice he was, but his wife really loved him and, but he was the best man she'd ever known.
And his kids were all really well behaved and good.
So that tells you something right there.
One of their children is in the shot.
But their children are, what, 15 down?
I think, like, three?
And again, I'm not a nanny state guy.
People say, well, why do you have a motorcycle if you've got kids?
Well, he rode it on the weekends.
He rode it safely.
You know, you can get killed in a car, too.
The most dangerous thing in the world is the highway until you're about 55, and it's heart attacks and cancer.
And it's just, you know, look out for motorcycles.
But, you know, the bottom line here is you don't know how long somebody's going to be in your life.
And I just wish I'd have spent more time with Joe Jennings.
I wish that I would have
Because I really don't do anything but spend time with my kids and just work all the time.
And it just makes you realize this is what we're all fighting for.
So I'm going to make a large donation and I'm going to try to sell that bus because I never use it anymore and it's had the new turbo put in and it's a really nice bus.
And I'm going to try to sell that and all the proceeds will go to his wife and some other things we're doing also.
But I'm going to make a large donation as I said this week.
But they don't even, I tried to call them today to say I'm really sorry but I'm going
You know, try to make a large donation to you next week.
And they were just, they didn't want it.
They were like, thank you so much.
We don't even just, they're too shell shocked.
You know, dad goes out to get his haircut down the street, two miles away.
And then the police come to your door and say, sorry.
Uh, you know, he's, he's dead.
They just, they didn't even take him to the emergency room.
He was dead when they got there.
So I guess that's a silver lining to the whole situation.
But Joe Jennings was a patriot.
He'd worked in a bunch of big, he was a direct news director in Miami and a news director, what was it, like in Washington D.C.
and he was a patriot, he wanted to work here.
They ended up moving here, was it six, seven years ago, from Florida to work here.
And he's just a treasure, and he's gone.
But he's in our hearts, and the work continues on.
So, be sure and go donate to that.
That's Joe Jennings Memorial Fund.
Joe Jennings Memorial Fund.
And if you're a radio listener, you'll know him.
If there's any other Joe Jennings in there, because it's got a picture of him and his wife and three kids.
And his wife's such a sweetheart as well.
It's very hard for me to even call and talk to her.
Because she's so devastated.
But you know, it's better to loved and lost than never loved at all.
That said, as they keep pointing out, we won't be here if I don't plug.
Seriously, folks.
We will expand in their face, or we will unplug.
And you've seen what InfoWars has done.
We've got, just like our info is powerful, our products are powerful.
We've gotten so busy with all the stuff going on the last few days.
I know we got rid of the July 4 sale, free shipping and 50% off all our best-selling items.
We ended up just adding the other specials and never got 25% off super silver wound care that is the strongest out there below prescription.
I don't know.
Whatever it is, billion nanotechs, and then the stuff that's prescriptions like 34 whatever.
It's all technical and it's insane, but if you want weapons grade...
You're allowed under the FDA, it's quote, you know, FDA authorized to say a bunch of stuff and I've got pages of it here.
Just go read it for yourself.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com and get the amazing wound care and protection.
Super Silver.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Without you we will be shut down.
Don't forget the new free app.
Infowars.com forward slash app.
Globalist hope you won't get it.
There is a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones, for example.
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If I take Alpha Power, which I do occasionally, if I feel down or don't feel like I have a lot of energy, it makes me have incredible stamina, amazing libido, and also I already have, not really anger issues, but I'm a little bit aggressive sometimes.
And so Alpha Power is so strong that I personally don't take it a lot.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you.
Oh man, it's really great, it really works.
I'm going to tell you, be careful with Alpapower because I said I want to dominate the industry.
I want people to know that we put the most money into this of any other product out there.
I'm going to explain this because this is critical.
The average supplement, you can look this up online, there's industry publications, Wall Street Journal, has a 5 to 7 times markup.
That's a 500 to 700 percent markup.
Our average markup is about 130 percent or so.
Some are 90 percent, some are 150.
You've got marketing and other costs that go in.
But here's an example.
The average male or female enhancement, over-the-counter supplement has some real stuff in it.
It just has a little bit in it.
Many times the bottle, this is a nice glass bottle, costs more than the ingredients that these companies put out.
Because I work with the top four formulators in the country, and they say, listen, no one puts as much as you do into these.
They said your leading competitors might put $6, $7 in, and you're putting $15, $20, $30, $40, depending on the product, in them.
Nobody else does that.
Well, we do, and that's why they're so powerful.
Bottom line, you're getting top-of-the-line supplements that people absolutely love, that have blown me away, that fund the info war, and we are industry leaders in
We're good to go.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I want listeners to know this.
I appreciate you.
I'm very thankful for you.
No matter where you come from or what color you are, you love liberty.
You are the light in the night.
You are the individuals that globalists fear.
It's not Alex Jones they fear, it's not even Mike Adams they fear, it's not even Donald Trump they fear, or Matt Drudge they fear, or Joe Jennings they fear, or Ron Paul or Rand Paul.
It's all of us together, wanting freedom, wanting a future, being hardworking, being rugged individualists.
They fear Americana because it was the greatest expression so far of the Renaissance, and of the incredible inventions and ideas that came out of it.
No one, because all the big so-called internet free speech groups are Soros and leftist funded now.
It happened the last five years.
No one on the left, ACLU, you name it, and I've got lawyers like Ron Dazza that's the top First Amendment lawyer right now in the country.
Even Dershowitz comes out and says the same thing.
First Amendment's under attack.
They all agree.
The left's trying to kill it.
And in Europe, they're killing it.
And Apple's moved to China with their code keys.
And emojis of Taiwan are being banned.
Americans can't send it.
Your phone crashes.
That was a little too obvious, so they quit crashing the phones on Friday.
It's here.
And so, in literally thousands of articles, I've only read a couple hundred of them.
I mentioned a bunch earlier and showed them to TV viewers and radio listeners.
They admit, we're just using Infowars that we've demonized and misrepresented and taken a few cherry-picked things out of context as the case point.
They're having hearings on Tuesday to try to mainline censoring libertarian conservative nationalists, independent health news, vaccine awareness, real liberal anti-war stuff, all of it off the internet.
And then Facebook and Google went, stop it.
Here's the articles.
They said, we've already basically banned everybody.
We haven't got rid of Jones completely because it's too obvious.
We can have an antitrust suit.
Facebook would make a martyr by banning InfoWars, TechCrunch.
Facebook won't ban InfoWars for good reason, like both sides do it.
And what about YouTube?
That's New York Magazine.
But they have already banned us.
They say 80%.
What did I say a month ago?
I said, we can look at the graph.
It's 80%.
They don't let you share it.
They peg our live feeds.
We used to have live feeds with 3 million viewers.
I just do it for my house.
They don't let you have it.
They kick you off.
They don't even know what I'm talking about.
They just censor.
So this segment and the next, Mike Adams, who's an engineer, computer programmer, naturalnews.com, has over 300 sites, best-selling author.
Watson's writing a report tomorrow that's a boil-down, but Mike's
Take on the challenge, because I've been talking to folks who are aware of what's going on, and they say, well, Alex, what's the full architecture of how they're already shadowbanning the president, how they're already not letting most of his push notifications on Twitter go out?
And they go, what do we do?
Well, I'm like, well, let's lay out the problem, then let's talk about the solution, antitrust.
Let's talk about just exposing it and making them stop because they're doing it ahead of the midterms and thank God CNN, the Washington Post, and thousands of other dying dinosaur media got greedy and said, we don't just want them strangled quietly, we want their heads cut off with guillotines publicly.
Our legs are cut off, they don't want us to put tourniquets on.
Facebook's smart, but see, the left wants to haul us up and pillory us in public and burn us at the stake, and that's where they'll fail.
And again, Facebook said that.
They said, listen, you understand it's illegal what we're doing.
So Mike Adams, you've got your big report coming out tomorrow morning, naturalnews.com, infowars.com.
Paul will have his as well.
They'll both link to each other.
This is an executive
Well thank you Alex, it's good to join you today.
My condolences to your crew for the loss of a valued staff member.
Uh, he would want us to, of course, keep fighting, and that's what we're doing right now.
This report, the working title is the Censorship Master Plan Decoded.
It is subtitled, The Blueprint for How Tech Giants Covertly Silence Online Speech and How America Can Fight Back Against Corporate Tech Monopolists.
And this document really lays out, I mean you know I have a software background and a tech background, this document lays out both the technical methods of censorship but also the psychological methods of lynch mob
Oppression that goes along with that censorship because as you know, it's a it's a trifecta I mean, it's a it's a three-branch censorship demonize you they have to legitimize it They have to stir up the hysteria and that's and by the way since you announced this because they'll probably I'm glad you did Why don't you go ahead and publish it natural news tonight in case they try to steal that headline?
So everybody can now go and get it tonight.
Look, I mean, let's go ahead and do a soft launch tonight We'll post it on info wars the morning.
How's that sound?
Well, that's great.
I'll do that tonight.
I'm going to have a formal PDF put up tomorrow, but I'll get it out early on National News Tonight in an article form.
Also, videos will be posted, of course, about it.
But in addition to laying out the censorship methods, both covert and overt censorship, which include things that have not really been discussed that much before,
Such as doubt interrupts.
Doubt interrupts are ways that the tech giants cast doubt upon your website when a user is trying to share a link about you.
They try to create doubt, and then they do character assassination.
They intercess, like you're on the phone with your neighbor, and they go, don't really listen to Bob.
This is literal, real-time interfacing.
There's also email interruptions.
So you have an email newsletter,
You probably know, I'm sure your tech people can confirm, that when people subscribe from Gmail, that Gmail will single you out for a specific severe type of censorship, as if they were walking down the street, accosting the mailman, and grabbing all the letters from InfoWars and ripping them to shreds to make sure that people can't receive the mail that they've asked for.
So that's also going on as well.
So a high-tech version of what went on in the Soviet Union?
But more importantly, this report, Alex, lays out what I believe is a detailed intellectual argument that demolishes the attempted internal justifications for censorship that are currently being invoked by these tech giants.
Because let's be clear, you are breaking down and we're breaking down a blueprint of how they're doing it so Congress, who are not tech experts and others, the President, can take action.
Every claim you make in this big piece that's coming out, you know, like a week in the making, is their own admissions.
That's right.
It's well-documented and well-cited, the entire document, which is about 40 pages.
I'm just doing a final review of it tonight to get it online.
It's intended to be reviewed by lawmakers and regulators who must take a role in this if we are going to take back America and this platform of free speech, take it back from the tech giants that have become very dangerous monopolists.
Who assert their quote right to censor you and others like myself because they they assert that you are hate speech or that you the things that you talk about such as wanting to protect your nation's own borders are inherently hateful or racist which is of course an absurd idea so I dismantle all of those logical fallacies
I also show how these tech giants are outsourcing the censorship efforts to third-party companies, moderators, so-called trusted flaggers, so that the companies themselves can claim, well, we're not censoring anyone, we outsource that job to these other people, but all those other people are radical left-wing organizations such as the SPLC.
So all of this is laid out in the document.
It's going to be bombshell.
It's going to open the eyes of a lot of people.
And it's coming out, you know, in less than, I don't know, 16 hours or whatever.
It'll be out tomorrow morning.
Amazing and the reason we're so serious here and the time is short is they're going to a new level where they're calling for complete internet de-platforming system-wide within lawsuits to shut down our sites themselves and then obviously targeting the servers to kick us off.
I mean this is the big move ahead of the midterms and something big they're planning against Trump.
Well, you're exactly right, and one thing I point out in the report is that Robert Mueller himself declared that the Russians attempted to defraud the United States of America through very small, monetized attempts to interfere with the election.
Well, by that very same logic, Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and others are massively defrauding the United States of America in this run-up to the midterm elections.
They are selectively censoring voices that are pro-Trump.
Pro-America, pro-Constitution, conservative voices, pro-Christian voices, and so on.
And this is fraudulent.
This is an actual... It's an organized criminal operation.
When you come back, run through, first look at this key report.
But understand, folks, what's different is they're in literally hundreds of articles, thousands that are out there, I can't read them all, admitting they want to silence everybody.
And admitting InfoWars is the test case.
The year is 1995, and InfoWars launches the last of America's counter-globalist probes.
In a freak mishap, InfoWars.com and Alex Jones are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life support systems and returns Alex Jones to Earth 25 years later.
Trans-dimensionally over the space-time continuum through full space.
Where people are extremely lazy, the social engineers are there laughing.
What we envisioned a hundred years ago, twenty years ago, is now reality.
While the society unravels, men run around totally frantic, not knowing how to be men, and women run around frantic, not knowing how to be women, and they don't understand that it's an animating contest of life, and that it's fulfilling to be informed, it's fulfilling to be involved, it's fulfilling.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the Infowars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
One, two, one, two, three, four.
On the road again.
Just can't wait to get on the road again.
The great Texan Willie Nelson bringing us in.
Mike Adams is our guest right now.
We'll go back to him in just a second.
What's been missing is a blueprint, a layout, of how Big Tech, the Democratic Party, Soros, and the Globalist are admitting in their own publications, like we're idiots, how they're already censoring nationalists, conservatives, classical liberals, anybody they don't agree with.
And now they've ratcheted up to over 80% of our posts, our emails, everything being intercepted, being blocked.
It's beyond anything that the East Germans ever did.
It's beyond what the NSA's been doing.
But now Mike Adams.
Engineer, computer programmer, best-selling author, researcher, working with InfoWars, is going to publish a big 40-page report tomorrow.
Paul Watson has one as well, because I was talking to people in Congress, folks in the campaign, the White House, and they said, we know what's going on.
We're looking at some antitrust busting.
We're looking at, you know, other areas.
What's the full scope?
Just last week, the Democrats came out and admitted their plan.
Just ban everybody.
They've already shadow-banned us.
So they've already jumped the shark here.
They've already made the First Amendment a martyr, in their own words.
They've already really upset a lot of people, but they bought off all the leftist so-called free speech protectors.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, the... I mean, we have the top lawyers of the First Amendment who are big liberals.
They go, oh no, nobody does it now, but maybe Mark Rondazza and Alan Dershowitz and a few others.
Everybody else is scared or on Soros payroll like the...
Southern Poverty Law Center or the folks over there with the ACLU.
So it's up to us, the Libertarian Conservatives, the Nationalists, to put a report out.
This report will be out in one version tonight, naturalnews.com, then fullwars.com early in the morning, a PDF version.
Hammer Congress.
Hammer talk radio.
Hammer everything.
Because the fights now, again, they start with InfoWars, they demonize it, they get a mob mentality, they try to take it all down.
We got eight and a half minutes.
Mike Adams, I'm going to shut up.
You've got the floor.
Break down what's in this report, why it's so important, where we are right now.
Okay, this report is, as you mentioned, intended to be a primer for legislators.
You know, many people in Washington D.C.
don't have a strong tech background, and they don't understand exactly how this censorship is happening, or even how to fight back against it.
For example, there are hidden algorithms that Google uses, search down ranking algorithms, manual penalties, you know, punitive measures that are sort of black box measures that no one can see.
So there's a lack of transparency, even in the way that the censorship is happening,
We're good to go.
No, no, no.
I was just agreeing with you.
I'm sorry.
Joining remotely, sometimes I hear sound effects.
I thought you were about to speak on something.
No, you're doing a great job, Mike, and great job on your report.
Also, along with this are very important intellectual arguments that can be cited by legislators or even judicial decision makers.
This is a roadmap in their own words that they're censoring us and laughing about it.
That everyone can see in their own prima facie words?
Absolutely, but also modernized with the understanding, the context that today we live in a hyper-connected online society and that the ability to express yourself through online platforms is now an essential means of participation in a modern society.
It's like blacks having the right to get on buses or go to a restaurant or use a bathroom or a hotel.
They are utilities in their own words, they're monopolies and they're denying us access.
And the left's justification of saying that they have the right to cut you off because they don't like the color of your speech is essentially the same as if they were to say, well, an electrical company could cut off your electricity because you're using that electricity to run a computer to post comments that are endorsing Donald Trump.
Well, that would be absurd.
Or if a company said, uh, you don't have the right to receive radio because you're tuning to, you know, InfoWars or Sean Hannity or whatever.
You shouldn't have the right to receive radio signals because we don't like the content of the signals that you're receiving.
So we're going to surround your house with a radio blocker technology.
This is the sort of equivalent of what they're doing today.
Or imagine if 30 years ago when the physical public square, or let's say the neighborhood sidewalk,
That's what Google is doing today.
That's what Facebook is doing, YouTube, Twitter, many others.
These are gross violations of fundamental human rights, human dignity, and even, I believe, constitutional protections, but they must be asserted by the government.
And the assertion of the protection of free speech is, of course, already enshrined in federal law.
The federal government could right now indict the executives of let's say Facebook for engaging in racketeering violations of the RICO Act.
They also don't have to go that far.
They could right now invoke antitrust regulation action and they could break apart these companies.
These are monopolies.
Some of them have 80 or 90 percent market share of their respective service areas.
Like Google.
They could break them apart.
People need to have options.
The other very important point, Alex, this is a crucial logic point to the argument of all of this, is that these giants achieved monopoly dominance through fundamental fraud.
When they were launched, they pretended that they would be open platform for widespread participation.
Don't be evil, we'll always be open, we're a utility.
They broke their public trust, they broke their social contract.
That's exactly it, and I even used that term, the social contract.
But you see, now, after they have achieved market dominance and monopoly status, power, and influence on the internet, they now then selectively ban conservatives, but they don't even give the reasons for, they don't even tell the truth, that they're banning you because you're talking about cannabis.
Well, they brag in all these undercover videos that, oh, the slaves don't even know we've banned them.
And so here's the deal.
They think Congress is dumb.
They think the President's dumb.
They think we're dumb.
They've gone so far, though, that they will be defeated now.
And again, go back to the media.
The leftist old dinosaur media that's being, you know, shut down by the big tech, they're bitching, saying, give us access, shut everybody down.
They're already force-feeding mainstream news.
They're like, shut up!
We're already censoring them.
Isn't it beautiful how CNN and the New York Times and the Washington Post just blew the whole thing wide open?
Well, yeah, it's fascinating, too, because as I outline in this report, CNN is essentially asserting this absurd truism where if you work for CNN, you are magically transformed into a god-like, omniscient being who can see reality with absolute clarity and has no personal bias whatsoever.
You are distortion-free if your paycheck is signed by CNN.
Well, this assertion, by the way, reminds us of the pre-Magna Carta days when the king said that I, the king, am the representative of God, and thus my word is the word of God, and thus I define what is right and wrong.
CNN is invoking the same argument as these kings of ancient times, saying that they define
Well, I mean, it's just like the Southern Poverty Law Center and all these groups that now run PolitiFact and all that.
These are the most discredited groups.
CNN's discredited.
How are they, like the high and mighty Supreme Court, deciding this?
And look at this headline.
I love the New American, but they're wrong.
CNN upset that Facebook hasn't censored InfoWars.
Facebook said, we censor him 80%.
They said, we just don't want them to know.
We are being censored.
That's the whole point.
Well, the fact that CNN is calling for censorship of a competing news organization, your organization, really exposes that CNN is fraudulent from the get-go.
It exposes the lack of any kind of intellectual honesty in their position.
And again, CNN pretends that they have a unique divine power.
...to discern truth, and that this power is not accessible to anyone else, and yet they never explain how this power came to be acquired solely by CNN or other left-wing media outlets.
What gave them this divine line of kings that you're talking about?
I mean, they had hundreds of articles last month saying, ban my old videos on Amazon documentaries, saying they're not documentaries, ban them, and they called in-game Nazi when the whole film is against eugenics and Nazis.
Right, right.
Of course.
Well, this is the thing.
The news narrative is not about news.
Mainstream news narratives are about controlling and shaping reality.
News is the cover story.
They pretend to be providing information that's in the interest of the public.
And the general public is rebelling, so now they're taking the velvet glove off, going iron fist.
MikeAdamsNaturalNews.com, InfoWars.com.
The big report comes out in the morning.
Everybody, get it.
Get it out.
Get it to Congress.
We'll have an email list on there.
The President.
Media, hammer it, because they're going to shut down all media, all independent media.
InfoWars is only the litmus test.
God bless you.
Thank you, Mike Adams.
Great job.
Thank you.
Alright folks, that's it for this live transmission.
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Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air, thanks for holding.