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Name: 20180706_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 6, 2018
3278 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones discusses global affairs and civil unrest potentials due to globalists attempting to destabilize Western nations. He warns about personal attacks he experienced recently and encourages listeners to stay informed and vigilant in the face of challenges. Additionally, Dr. Nick Begich talks about how climate change is caused by natural phenomena such as solar activity, ocean temperatures, and volcanic activity rather than human activities. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing this and maintaining gut health through prebiotic fiber supplements and joint support using turmeric extract.

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Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
I close my eyes And I wonder why I don't despise Now all I can do Love what's wrong So love you
Ladies and gentlemen, I've been gone for two days.
Took off most of the time.
But boy, I tell you, wild horses couldn't drag me away.
I've been researching quite a bit, and we are in the middle of incredible history right now.
Let me just try to be calm here, and then tell you what's coming up in this devastatingly important first hour of the broadcast that no one needs to miss.
It's essential.
The globalists are launching a worldwide planetary destabilization program to collapse Western nations using weaponized third-world populations in countries they've already collapsed by design.
This is all declassified, admit it.
There's major resistance forming all over the planet and counter-striking.
Globalism in its current system is in major death throes, but attempting to claw back victory from the grave.
I said last week that the Democrats were going to crescendo level, calling for civil war, in their words, violence, burning down government buildings, killing the president, kidnapping his son, raping him.
People are getting shot at, attacked, killed.
Record arrest of people trying to kill Republicans.
You've heard the clips.
Surround the White House with a million people.
Overthrow Trump.
Full-page ads, New York Times.
Michael Moore.
So much of it, I can't even keep track of it.
I spent an hour this morning just search-engineering the last week of them calling for civil war.
And why is that so important?
Because they're such deceivers.
They came out in hundreds of publications yesterday, major publications, and said, Jones said there was going to be a civil war and shooting and death in the streets on July 4th.
It didn't happen.
No, in the video they showed.
I simply pointed out that I see July 4th as a demarcation line, with their chatter intensifying, of when we look back in history, we'll see this as the period in the summer of 2018, the summer of rage, that launched into a potential civil war, and I see it as the demarcation line that they are announcing that they're launching it.
I mean, heavens!
I'm the one popularizing the last two years they're planning this, since he was president-elect.
And now, it was in hundreds, USA Today, Reuters, everywhere last week, saying, we are in a civil war.
That's USA Today.
America is headed to a civil war?
We're already in it, it says.
USA Today.
We are in a civil war.
I say, well, I think we're in a soft civil war, but the Democrats intend to go into overdrive by August.
They're saying it.
They're announcing it.
You know, your enemy's announcing, we will launch a civil war and surround and overthrow them!
Target all Republicans!
Hit them in the head!
Burn their houses down!
Here's where they live!
I've experienced the physical attacks.
I've experienced them throwing beverages on me and knocking my drinks over at restaurants and saying, we hate your family.
F your family.
And then two gay guys trying to start a fight with my son at the airport, flying back from Colorado a few months ago.
They were pretty big guys too, but they were saying threatening things to me.
I just laughed them off.
But then as soon as I turn my phone off, I've got the video, they go over to get him, because he'd already got his bags and was leaving.
Said, you want some?
You want some?
A 15-year-old person.
What cowards!
And over the week, especially on July 4th, people were beaten up, drugged by vehicles, attacked, cranks thrown on them, their hats torn away, punched in the head, houses vandalized.
July 4th, boom!
It got, it just jumped, just like I said, exactly!
But then, how do they grab the fact that we're right and turn into a defeat?
They go, Jones claimed the North versus the South would light up again in all the articles, and show Confederate soldiers versus blue, saying I said that was gonna happen, as if their readers are so dumb that I'm saying it's the Civil War of the 1860s, not the new Civil War we're in, that's global, against globalism!
See how dumb they think you are?
It's all coming up straight ahead.
Audience, radio affiliates, TV affiliates, thank you for your support.
But they've cut off the sponsors.
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They have filed 13 lawsuits.
We've beaten six.
But understand this, I am your soldier.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Everyone thinks so, but I would never say it.
You know what I want to do?
I want to get it finished.
The prize I want is victory for the world.
I'm 1776.
You're a white male!
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
Infowars helped fuel the rumor that President Obama is an ISIS supporter.
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones!
Since yesterday, I have had two of the InfoWars researchers culling the internet of just the last two weeks.
From mainstream news, Democratic Party statements, you name it.
And I said, put together all the threats against the President, his family, against free speech, calls for his family to be kidnapped, raped, murdered, calls for Rand Paul to be kidnapped, raped, murdered, his family's intestines strewn around their house, the arrests that were made over that, Rob Reiner saying we're in a civil war, Michael Moore saying it's time to have a million people surround the Capitol and then overthrow Trump.
Alan Dershowitz saying that at parties in Martha's Vineyard, people say, get out of here!
I'm going to stab you through the heart!
Told Tucker Carlson that last night.
There's so many of these reports.
Rob Dew just walked in.
He said, I don't know if I can have this for you today.
And I went, what do you mean?
You could get me 10 clips in an hour.
He goes, we hadn't done research, we didn't even know.
He goes, there's so much of it that this is a whole other story in and of itself.
And see that's what they've done.
They've hit us with such saturation of muggings and violence and people getting shot and beat up and stabbed and drugged by cars and hot coffee dumped on them that there's like 50 cases a day that we know of and generally for something to get politically reported maybe a hundred times more happening we don't know about.
So here's what's happening.
Democrats are running around ramming people with cars, shooting them, beating them up, dragging with cars, dumping coffee on their heads, grabbing their mega hats, threatening to stab them in the chest, threatening to beat up my son at the airport.
I didn't report that.
That wasn't on the news.
I mentioned it here.
It's just crazy.
It's absolutely crazy how crazy these people are, and I've even had
Things happened to my family this week that I can't get into on air yet, but let's just say this.
I've had medical providers activate against us and literally start trying to get involved in my life because I'm Alex Jones.
Like your family goes to the pediatrician, your family goes to a doctor, some family goes to a psychologist.
And they say, Alex is bad, you gotta get him.
I mean, it's so cult-like, and they've all activated, and they're so crazy, and they really believe we're the enemy, and they're going completely insane.
They believe it's their absolute right.
And there's one unifying thing about these people.
They are super ultra stupid.
They're the dumbest of the dumb, like the guy last week that called up a bunch of people in the statehouse and said, I'm coming to murder you and don't try to come get me.
And of course they had his caller ID and went and arrested him.
And the guy has like an ADIQ, it turns out, but he's a Democratic Party volunteer.
They really believe we're these Nazis.
They really believe we're trying to hurt the country.
And they're being told this by the media.
They're being told this, that this is how they're good, and this is how they're pure.
I mean, when they're online, mainline Democratic Party individuals, with millions of followers, are tweeting out last week, from the great escape with Steve McQueen, when Nazis are at a French cafe, and the French Resistance mows them down, and they say, Sarah Huckabee Sanders is lucky this didn't happen to her.
This is what we're gonna start doing.
And Twitter doesn't even sanction them.
They say, hey, you're lucky.
Next, we're going to start machine gunning you in cafes.
Then, some deranged guy with a seven-year beef in Maryland over a girl he reportedly stalked goes in and shoots five people in a newspaper.
Turns out he was a liberal, by the way.
And they turn that into Trump made him go do it.
No, that was a seven year lawsuit and beef.
It's crazy.
So like they seize on one thing.
Oh, look, look, you're causing violence.
Oh, look, you're bad.
Meanwhile, Trump's saying we shouldn't be violent.
We should be peaceful.
And then they spin that as if we're the ones wanting violence.
And then it gets worse.
We're going to have, I told him, just go with what you've got at the end of this hour.
Bring me what you've got.
We'll air it later in the next hour.
All these different clips and things of them calling for violence.
What's even crazier is, on the 4th of July, they had the Washington Post, the New York Times, so many publications, I couldn't even keep track of it, so I just ignored it.
But it's in the hundreds.
And then hundreds more yesterday, saying, oh, Jones said there'd be a civil war.
Didn't happen on July 4th.
He's crazy.
Here's the article on the Washington Post.
Back in the cam shot, please.
A short history of Alex Jones claiming that the left is about to start a civil war.
And see, this is me actually being proven right, starting about a year and a half ago, saying, look, they want to overthrow the government.
They want a civil emergency.
They want to slowly increase the riots until they finally get a catalyst point so that when there's a major uprising it overwhelms the country, the borders collapse, the UN has to come in.
That's what Soros and the UN are saying.
That's what they're doing in Europe with the giant migrant waves.
We're 10 million, now they're saying it's going to be 20 million, then 50 million.
This is all being announced!
Austria-Hungary have joined forces.
They're putting up emergency walls.
They're already seeing numbers hitting that were worse than the migrant crisis at its peak in 2016 in Europe.
You know, the giant snakes of millions of people coming in.
It's on!
They are seeing waves at least as big or bigger.
One report out of Macedonia with people screaming Allah Akbar climbing the fence was five times the previous record numbers.
And Soros has ships coming across doing it.
So here it is, a short list, a history of Alex Jones claiming that the left is about to start a civil war.
So they're all, Rob Reiner says we're in a civil war, Michael Moore says rise up, surround the Capitol, throw Trump out, full page ads in the New York Times, Antifa says rise up.
They're attacking people that try to have prayer vigils anywhere in the country, in any blue city.
Christians can't even have demonstrations in America with these monster authoritarians.
And then they spin it all over the news saying I said the North versus the South.
That's what they put in these articles, in blue and grey uniforms are gonna line up in the battle, you know, that starts in Virginia.
But this is a totally new world, hundreds of years later, and I'm talking clearly about what they're doing.
They spin it and they go, oh, where's the Civil War?
Well, there were increased attacks all over the country that you called for.
We're gonna go over.
But that's how dumb they think their viewers and listeners and readers are, it's also on TV, misdirecting the reality.
When, in truth, it was USA Today and everybody last week that said we're already in a civil war.
USA Today.
A civil war has already begun.
USA Today.
And an emerging soft civil war.
A term I coined, by the way.
They're just using, not giving me credits, fine.
Washington Times.
New American Civil War.
Congressman warns we're in a civil war.
Meanwhile, it all starts.
I mean, we know of hundreds of attacks the last few days, massively escalating on July 4th.
And then they turn around and go, we're not attacking, don't run, we are your friends.
Just like Mars attacks.
They came in peace, singing in, it's not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
And then they stab you in the gut.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, mate.
I've been following you since I was 14 and I'm 32 now.
I remember back when InfoWars and Prison Planet, it was just blue text on a white screen and I had to load down the page on my dial-up internet and I thought it was
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Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side with you, the crew, and the listeners out there, 1776 Worldwide.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
A lot of his supporters believe that we are the enemy of the American people, and that is really, really an awful situation.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
We love the American people.
We love the American people.
They came in peace.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
This is CNN.
I'm Alex Jones.
I'm Alex Jones and this is the syndicated radio slash TV global transmission also simulcast on the internet via Infowars.com forward slash show and many other platforms.
The reason I mention that is I notice more and more
In the news, they call me the internet radio host Alex Jones.
When I've been on AM and FM radio stations since 1996, and I'm on over 260 radio stations, and now I've lost count.
It's over 400 TV stations now, and approaching 100 cable systems.
But see, they hate what they see as the credibility of that.
That's what they're trying to shut us down.
But I got some really good news the last few days, but the lawyers have asked me not to talk about it, so I'm just going to leave it at that, but let's just say we're having some major victories against the globalists right now on many, many fronts.
Now let me stop right there.
I have information here in my hand that is so incredible that I'm going to wait until the next segment to cover it, because
It actually makes me have to catch my breath and start having a little anxiety attack.
And I haven't had anxiety attacks except when my children are being born.
So, I'm not a guy that has a lot of anxiety.
I've got what you can call pretty good nerves.
Close to nerves of steel.
And such momentous things are happening and going on right now.
That I don't feel worthy to even talk about it.
I mean, that's what I'm saying is I get butterflies.
I'm having trouble breathing right now.
Because we're here.
This is the global flashpoint.
This is a lot bigger than America.
This is a lot bigger than anything else happened in our lives.
I'm having a feeling right now two or three times stronger than when I watched my wife
Get cut open and our daughter be born.
She had some complications 14 months ago in a cesarean.
You know, that same feeling when you're watching your wife be sliced open.
It's not a scared feeling.
You're about to see your baby for the first time.
You're worried about her.
It's just so intense.
But you know, you're there.
They want you to watch.
You're going to do it.
Be a man.
But you're... Just get this over with, you see.
But see, my wife and the doctors just had to go through that and the nurses.
We're all in this.
We're all going through this now together.
And if you don't feel it, if you don't see it, there's something wrong with you.
And evil and all its stupid minions are throwing their attacks now at humanity.
And this is a spiritual war, a cultural war.
This is it for the whole future of the planet.
I'm going to get into it when we come back.
The media spends it like Trump did something bad and
Boy, is he right?
We'll see what happens.
They're not willing to come out against America openly in the new trade war.
But they kind of backhandedly, in the main, they're a lot attacking Trump, but that's 10% or so of the mainstream articles.
70-80% have gone with the tack of just, well, is he wrong?
Well, we'll see what's causing problems.
Boy, you know, is it right that China has a $900 billion deficit with us?
When it's cut and dry that our country's been under a trade war by the globalists running China for 50 years, they've transferred most of our wealth to a communist dictatorship, and now China has released documents.
It's mainstream news, it's confirmed, of their plan to enshrangle the U.S.
economically and then militarily strike hot wars in third world arteries that supply the U.S., cutting off our supply lines, and then fomenting political control inside the United States, and then, if there's any resistance, standing up and
Attacking U.S.
That's a term.
Standing up forces and attacking.
And they order the stand-up of their forces in thousands of Chinese companies around the world, who are really Chinese military people with intelligence officers over them, to prepare their sabotage forces.
We are completely infiltrated.
It's just red-level attack, and then all the left in Hollywood are attacking America at the same time.
Bring down Trump!
Kill him!
Kill his family!
And China
Has execution centers, mobile execution vans, killing Christians by the millions, one-child policies, 50-something dead million children, millions of Buddhists harvested.
Imagine a horror movie where a country's harvesting millions.
Harvesting them!
And the left's like, yeah, we'll harvest you!
Death to America!
As if all you idiots are going to get Jack Diddley squat once we go down.
And let me tell you, despite Trump's amazing
Defense and everything, he's got such crap under him in DC, such slugs, such cowards, that he's fighting a 10-front war against the Vatican, and the radical Islamicists, and the corrupt, unelected EU, and the Chi-Coms, and the megabanks, and Hollywood, and just all the trash, and losers, and brainwashed scum, and filth, and idiots.
And all the candy-ass men that think they're tough, that always hedge their bets in D.C.
thinking Trump will lose, so they got feet in most camps.
Which, if this goes down, most of them have sold us out already, and they've already got their escape plans.
Because they have no soul, they have nothing, they're just empty people.
So when I come back, I'm going to get into it.
It's mainstream news.
China's military reforms to win a war and overtake the U.S.
revealed in leaked memo.
But it's not the headline they give you.
Actually, read the memo.
It's how they've already done it to us.
But at the last minute, we're fighting back.
We're waking up.
China is now freezing our port shipments.
We knew that was coming.
All because we've been under a trade war for 50-plus years.
We had over half the wealth then.
Now we have a fraction of that.
It's all been transferred out.
And then Trump goes, no, you're at $900 billion now deficit total, $500 plus billion in goods, $300 billion conservatively in intellectual property.
Stop it.
Stop it.
And they didn't stop it.
So he said, okay, boom, let's go.
We're going to war.
Because we've been under attack!
They're the ones who are already in a war!
And then we finally try to fight back at our 11th hour when Hillary was going to come in and complete the sellout.
Obama transferred the personnel office management files of our entire intelligence operations.
We've been blown wide open!
We are in a complete war and you idiots don't join with the Republic!
You fools out there that sit there and hate this country and buy into Hollywood crap and your trendy BS out of Rolling Stone run by Soros and all these enemies have no idea what schmucks you are!
Because you're not going to get anything out of this!
You've just been trained, your identity is bringing America down, but what you're bringing down is a thousand times better than what you're bringing in, you fools!
When we come back, I'm gonna break it all down.
America's darkest hour.
We're here, but we're fighting back, at least in our darkest hour.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Right now is Massive Rampage Force.
Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram, and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
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This is the essence of InfoWars.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
What would you do if you knew your country was under attack?
What would you do if you saw the proof that a foreign authoritarian government allied with traitor corporations?
...had had a long-term plan to deindustrialize the country, turn its nation against itself, encircle it geopolitically, and finally bring it down to be a UN enclave of a larger world government.
What would you do if you'd been brainwashed by the propaganda against your own nation, and finally saw the proof that you'd been conned, that you'd been a chump?
That you've been indoctrinated your whole life by the media, by the educational system.
Would you get pissed at your brainwashers?
At your captors?
At those that built the mental prison?
The mental labyrinth of lies?
No, history shows with cognitive dissonance and MASH, Stockholm Syndrome, that most people are followers.
And most that had already fallen into that system would then fight for their captors and fight for their mortal enemies.
And that's why it's up to those of us that are leaders to take action.
Now, the good news is the majority of America has not fallen to this brainwashing.
I'd say about 65% are awake now.
That's why the globalists are so scared.
The poll numbers show that.
The problem is most are scared and on the fence and still passive.
They're not leaders.
They can look at Venezuela and China and the EU and know that those are very evil unelected systems.
They know that just the idea of America and free market is an incredible system compared to what other authoritarian kleptocracies are offering.
The problem is, people think that they protect themselves keeping their head down.
And in a moment of history like this, when the sides are so clear, and we're even gaining the initiative, you're fools.
If we lose, it's because of you, those of you on the fence.
It's because of you.
You know the enemy, I know the enemy, I understand them, I hate them, but I respect them because they've committed to evil.
And I'm committed to try to do the right thing.
And not to use any of their tactics to beat them.
But you, you're worse than the enemy.
You know what's going on, but you won't even jump in their camp, you won't jump in our camp.
And so forget you are a countryman.
Crouch down, lick the hand that feeds you.
May the chains shed lightly upon you.
But the war has already begun.
Why sit we here idle?
It's a culture war.
It's an economic war.
It's a spiritual war.
It's a war of courage versus fear.
It's a war of information versus ignorance.
It's a war of will versus capitulation.
It's a war of honor versus dishonor.
It's a war of knowing history, instead of being lazy and throwing to the four winds.
You people think that being lazy has empowered you.
You have no idea how good it is to be informed and strong and to stand against evil.
If you had any idea how fulfilling it is, we would never be in this position.
And that's why adversity makes men and prosperity makes monsters.
Because we've had it so good so long, people don't know.
In every system of honorable history, when good golden ages came, there were horrible times that preceded it, where people learned being honorable, being strong, being focused, being informed, was everything!
And they'd have a couple generations of innovation, and glory, and freedom, and beauty.
But then the spoiledness sets in, and the corruption sets in, and the rot.
Until the Communist Chinese, the greatest bloodthirsty murdering control freaks the planet has ever seen, propped up by the Rockefeller-UN-Rothschild combine, on record, put in power, attempted to gobble up Korea, only got half of it down its throat.
We almost had a civil war in this country over the Korean War.
And our generals almost removed Truman because of it, but they didn't.
Truman was within inches of getting a bullet in his head.
Look it up.
The military asked MacArthur, too.
He said, no, I'm not doing it.
We're going to fight the Communists here in America.
We're going to understand their program, and that's the whole movement to expose the U.N.
and the Communists and McCarthy and all of it.
We have been in the civil war against these globalists a long time, folks.
And those on the globalist side are the idiot quizlinks.
The incredible morons that don't even understand what's happening.
I mean, I've got mainstream news here with the Chinese memo that we've already had others that the Chinese dictators put out.
They call a president.
Where they said, get all the rarest minerals, send in troops under the name of trades craftsmen, take over Latin America, take over Asia, take over the largest ports, and then be prepared to cut the U.S.
off economically, and then we're going to start a giant, massive military expansion, cutting them off the South China Sea, and then expanding from there with planned invasions of the Philippines and other areas.
And, oh!
Now it's in mainstream news.
Sunday Express and others.
China's military reforms to win a war and overtake the U.S.
revealed in leaked memo.
To economically encircle the United States globally.
To, of course, politically manipulate internally.
Look at Hollywood.
To divide the United States internally further.
To accelerate their trade war they've had for 50 years from
A few billion to 900 billion a year, and to expand that... They're so close, you see.
They're so close.
China admits they're at war with America.
Communist China admits it, and then Trump comes in and says, 50 billion for your 900 billion unless you start reforms.
Just a slap on the wrist.
They go, no.
And then they put bigger tariffs on us.
What was the first big tariff?
We were at 40% corporate tax.
They were at 15.
No one would base themselves here.
They were all going to China.
China turned around and went, oh, we're going to zero.
We're going to zero.
And Apple and all the traders moved over there.
But then the left's over here going, we want a 50% corporate tax.
All to shut the U.S.
All to teach, just like Bill Maher said, he wants a crashing economy to get the American people on their knees.
And that's their plan.
Cloward and Piven, all of it.
Oh, China has giant, giant ghost cities they've built.
Giant, giant freeways, bigger than the U.S.
They don't give it to the other people.
It all just sits there empty.
Investing all the trillions of U.S.
Laughing at us.
All of it about selling America out.
All of it a sick joke.
And then Trump says, OK, we'll do $500 billion on you then.
And then our media starts siding against Trump and against America, saying, how dare you, after 50 years of us being under trade war, try to just bring something back and stabilize the U.S.
and get control of the U.S.
when the Chinese have gotten all our codes, all of our bases, all of our troops, all of our personnel files, on purpose by Obama and Hillary.
We've been totally sold out.
Last minute Trump comes in, as we're under attack, to raise a shield and try to build up some industry and some strategic stockpiles.
We have been totally sold out.
And lulled to sleep with our giant military.
And it's all been planned for decades upon decades upon decades.
And the CFR's been hailing it for 30 years.
The Chinese century.
America's going down.
Only invest in China.
Well of course China did great with billions of slaves.
1.5 billion slaves now.
Of course they did great with centralized control.
Of course they did great with a capitalist system for the top generals and the billionaires and a slave class under them calling it communism.
Of course, if you get $900 billion trade deficits year after year, you can build up some stuff.
And all the Chinese tariffs, and now Europe's doing tariffs, and they're doing tariffs back on top of their tariffs.
Oh, our tariffs are hundreds of times bigger than your non-existent ones.
Since you did some little bitty ones, we'll go up even higher!
And higher and higher!
People are like, well, this might hurt the U.S.
Yeah, we're in a war!
We've been in a war!
And we just woke up and realized we were in a war!
Critical Intel and a big win, coming up in the next segment.
Exclusive Intel!
Dr. Sheba's our guest.
Great guy running for Senate.
Got a shot at winning.
And Elizabeth Warren, really a smart engineer.
Very successful businessman.
Inventor of email.
Look it up.
It's true.
And he is running against Elizabeth Warren, who will not do the genetic test, who the tribes say she has no connection to in Oklahoma or other areas.
But he's a real Indian from the subcontinent, India.
But he's a great patriot.
I'd love to get him in the U.S.
Dr. Sheba Ayodhye, thanks for joining us for some big, breaking, exclusive news.
You know, we got this big sign out here, you may see it, you know, only the real Indian can defeat the fake Indian.
It's a very powerful meme, Alex, and I want to really explain why it's so powerful and why we put it out there, because it really is an expression of not only my anger, but pretty much everyone's anger at the corruption that is taking place in government, and Elizabeth Warren is the face of that corruption.
So when we put that signage up on our bus, the city of Cambridge, which is supposed to be the most liberal haven on the planet, said we had to take it down.
That was on April 5th, 2018.
We didn't do that.
In fact, we retaliated hard and we sued them, took them to federal court, and we won.
They surrendered completely.
And, you know, then based on that, we dismissed the court case.
Obviously, the mainstream media did not want to cover our victory.
So what we realize, Alex, the big news is this.
And this is something that's really, really important.
You see, for far too long, the establishment has made politics
A, uh, essentially a, uh, you know, an audience sport, right?
They do not want the everyday citizen to actually be involved in that aspect.
They want to make it the old Hollywood celebrity culture.
You put a couple of people on pedestals and we're supposed to watch them and eat our popcorn.
So what we've done here, Alex, is it's becoming really powerful as we figured out the victory to winning.
And what we realized was people say, you know what?
You guys have a lot of courage to put that out there because you're bringing out something in Massachusetts that people do not want to talk about.
It's a weaponized way of getting across our message.
So what we've done is if you see these magnetic signs here, they're really easy.
So we want to replicate this all over the state, Alex.
In fact, all over the country.
And basically, people can buy these magnetic signs you can see as you're showing being put on.
And where, since we launched it, we have, you know, tons of people starting to write and wanting these.
And why is that?
And the reality is when Elizabeth Warren, it's not about identity, right?
The liberals want to convert it to a race issue, but it has nothing to do with race.
It has to do with integrity.
We're talking about someone who did not work hard, who cut in line.
You, me, Alex, and pretty much every American watching your show works for a living.
You know, I mowed lawns as a kid.
You know, learned to engineer software as a kid, as a 14-year-old kid.
I've been working all my life.
But Elizabeth Warren cut in front of line, and they do not want to discuss that.
So we are bringing up not just a race issue, because for far too long, down the street is Harvard University.
The white liberal racists who want us to keep us all on their reservation and plantation have bounded the discussion of race, Alex.
And they don't know what to do with us.
Because when we bring up that sign, they'll say, oh, that's racist.
We'll say, really?
And we'll flip it back and we say, look, you're the racist because you're supporting a woman who took advantage of race to get in and when she's not of that race.
How do folks, even though they're not in Massachusetts, how do they get one of these babies?
It's very easy.
You just go to shieverforsenate.com.
You can find it right there.
It's called a Road Warrior Kit.
Go to the store.
Get the Road Warrior Kit.
We've made it.
You get two magnetic stickers.
You get a lawn sign.
You get two bumper stickers.
Oh my god.
You gotta call this Operation Road Warrior.
Is that what you're calling it?
That's what I call it.
It's called Road Warrior.
Be a Road Warrior.
That's getting back.
So if you can't come to and pass out cards, you can't do anything, you know, you got family.
Hey, I'm fully supporting this.
But I am stealing the idea.
We're gonna launch Operation Road Warrior with our stuff too.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Gentlemen, we have called you together to inform you that we are going to overthrow the United States government.
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You still think that jet fuel brought down the World Trade Center?
Not so fast, Globalist!
Does anybody else see a problem here?
The American Counter-Strike is happening now.
And I hope a lot of these brainwashed, disenfranchised groups, brainwashed by the big corporate-controlled universities, break out of their trance and join the smart team, the patriot team, the free team, the prosperous team, the American team!
It's a no-brainer!
You're gonna sign up with the communist Chinese who are quarterbacking the whole takedown of the U.S.? ?
And more documents are out, how they work with Hollywood, how they're encircling us, how they're demoralizing us, how they are winning a war against the U.S.
economically and preparing to do it militarily.
And the CFR says, oh yeah, we're bringing America down.
It's over.
It's almost done.
We're going to have race riots and then bring in the U.N.
I hear old-timers say that.
Twenty-five years ago, I thought they were nuts.
Ten years ago.
I thought it was crazy.
It was about six, seven years ago, I was at Fair Day in Dripping Springs with my kids at the carnival, and a couple old cedar choppers, what you call them, you know, country boys.
A lot of cedar trees around here, so everybody, locals always call them cedar choppers.
They always have a bunch of cedar posts in the back of their truck.
They go, Alex, you gotta worry about them triggering a race war and bringing in the UN.
And I still thought it was crazy, and then about a year later it was in the news, the Democrats were planning it.
I mean, the boldness of it is so insane.
So they're trying to launch a civil war.
USA Today says we're now in one.
A lady told Alan Dershowitz at a dinner party she wants to stab him in the heart.
There were attacks all over the US.
People drugged by cars, beat up, coffee thrown on them, their mega hats grabbed off of them.
And the media said Jones claims that they're going to launch a civil war like North against South.
No, I said it's the demarcation line of the summer of rage.
The Democrats are calling it a civil war.
Rob Reiner, Michael Moore.
The clips are coming up at the bottom of the next hour.
It's a compendium of them.
And then a huge flotilla of stories and TV shows, news programs, is 4th of July saying I was crazy.
And then I thought they would show Robert E. Lee and General Ulysses S. Grant and say that I thought that was happening again.
That's how dumb they think their viewers are.
They're everywhere calling for uprisings.
They're calling for violence everywhere.
Roger Stone or I go out anywhere, we get a lot of handshakes, but also, we're gonna kill you!
You're gonna die!
How many times do we have video of it?
And then we say, hey folks, they're gearing up for war with us.
That, you know, Islamicist leftists trying to bomb Fort Lauderdale.
Parade, all of it.
They go, no one's attacking you.
No one's attacking you.
No one's attacking you.
We're just pouring hot coffee on your head.
We're just dragging you behind our vehicle.
We're just calling for Barron Trump to be kidnapped and raped.
And there's so much of it, I can't even keep track of it.
So, it is a global movement with global corporations, the Chi-Coms and others to bring down the U.S.
You couldn't conquer the U.S.
in a military frontal attack in 1955.
Powerful corporate interests wanted global control.
And they parlayed the fact that we had over half the world's wealth into a global takeover for corporations, not for us.
And they went, Chinese are hardworking and smart.
But they're under a dictatorship.
We can go in there, make their Chinese dictatorship super rich, and then leverage out the entire West.
And it was a visionary plan by David Rockefeller.
He wrote books on it.
They did it!
But at the last minute, patriots rallied worldwide and we got patriots in as a united front.
This is the new world war.
It's economic, it's cultural.
They're using third world populations and third world countries collapsing, that China has moved into now, they're the new colonialists, as weapons.
They are quarterbacking it.
It's them!
And Trump tried to be nice.
He said, just stop doing one side trade deals.
Just let us have a little bit.
They said, no.
So now we're in a trade war of 50 years, it's just now they've got Ready Player Two.
Before they had us asleep, just beating us in the head for 50 years, from every angle.
Hollywood, the universities, the big banks, the globalists, just beating us to a pulp.
But finally we got up, and even though we got black eyes and stab wounds, we went rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
But like Bismarck said, God loves children, drunks, the United States of America.
Nine lives, baby!
Nine lives!
We got a couple left!
Nine lives!
Eat it!
And Americans are gonna make the choice for prosperity and freedom!
And the Chi-Coms in Hollywood and all you trash lost, you're gonna be known as the Nazis this time!
You're gonna be anathema!
You're dog meat!
Ha ha ha!
But you've got to get a fighting spirit here, folks.
You've got to break through their conditioning, break through their bullying.
You're going to bully us and get in our faces and try to destroy us.
You think that makes us go away?
That makes us fight this much harder!
And with another big devastating victory, he'll go into the next hour with us, is Roger Stone.
He's been all over the news.
Ladies and gentlemen, the entire Russiagate thing just had its biggest collapse ever.
This is it.
Bigger than the Strzok emails, bigger than any of that.
Because it was their entire, Obama's law firm, he set up, Politico admitted, the day after Trump won, Politico, his law firm, his people, to stop Trump and his associates from his agenda, which is bringing the country back.
Stopping Islamic takeover of Europe, stopping the CHICOM takeover of all the resources, economic encircling.
And so, now, they put this lawsuit out to bankrupt him.
They have the picked court, everything.
They sue the president.
They sue Roger Stone.
They put all their lies and crap in there and the judge summarily blew it out the airlock without just saying this is total crap.
This is a fiction novel.
And it just shows you, ladies and gentlemen, how big this is.
Judges miss a suit alleging Trump campaign conspired with Russia to hack DNC.
Here's the problem.
Ryder's already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on this one baby.
He's got other lawsuits.
So, I'm just telling you, continue to support, folks.
But as long as you do, we're going to win.
We have Providence on our side.
And all we've done is, quite frankly, given them one hell of a pro-America fight.
We're obviously the Americans here, folks.
We see the country coming back to life, and they all know it.
They're pissed that there were a few people that weren't traitors.
So, Roger, I want to say congratulations.
I've been ranting.
We'll go into the next hour with you and cover the waterfront, the Supreme Court nominees, and all the things that are happening.
But this is just a momentous time in history that we were behind in the game.
Now we're in the final quarter.
We're ahead in the game.
I think if we just keep focused, we're going to win here.
But this is a big deal.
Tell us about it.
Well, it's a stunning rebuke to John Brennan and Jim Clapper and Susan Rice.
Oh yeah, I forgot, they were in the lawsuit with amicus briefs of more diarrhea.
So, I've been targeted by the Deep State, and this is just one prong of their targeting.
Now, I'm also being suited by the Democratic National Committee, along with Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Julian Assange, the Republican National Committee, WikiLeaks, the Russian state, Vladimir Putin, in a showcase lawsuit in New York by the Democratic National Committee.
When my lawyers notified them that we wanted discovery immediately of their servers to determine whether or not they had indeed been hacked,
They went to court now to delay their own case until after the election.
Which shows it's all pure vapor.
I mean, that's what happens here.
Yeah, and then you've got the third prong of it, which is, you know, Robert Mueller rooting around in my finances, according to CNN, dragging my associates in front of a grand jury by subpoena, according to Reuters and the New York Times.
Uh, you know, in a witch hunt, in an examination.
Look folks, it's pretty simple.
No Russian collusion.
No WikiLeaks collaboration.
No John Podesta's emails.
Uh, but this is a witch hunt, and now you see Mr. Mueller asking for even more cash and more aggressive... Oh yeah, he's expanding it and metastasizing new investigations.
He's like, he's having babies!
Well, I think what is clear here is pretty obvious.
He interviewed with Donald Trump for the job of FBI Director with the firing of Comey.
He was also interested in being Attorney General at that time.
He was turned down by the President, thus his animus.
He is a hitman for the deep state.
His track record is an extraordinary one.
I think we have a spot about it here.
Stay there, I want to come back with all of this, and I hadn't gotten to that yet.
The Mueller investigation now metastasizing, creating new investigations.
So Rosenstein has decided to allow the laying of eggs by the alien mother creature, Mueller.
It's unbelievable.
We're going to come right back in a moment with Roger Stone into the second hour.
We're going to open phones up later.
We've got the fellow that knocked out the Antifa thug coming on as well, but briefly.
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Well, let me just say something, Victor.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
All right, I got my afterburners cooking there and was pretty frothing around like a saltwater crocodile.
So we're going to try to reset, come back next segment, and really give you bombshell inside insight on Mueller giving birth to new fake investigations ahead of knowing he's about to be axed.
And we've got to remove these scrofulous pustules before they metastasize any further.
My God!
These men need to be indicted immediately.
We've got the Supreme Court picks that are up.
I talked to some of the folks I know in D.C.
and got their take on where they think the President's going, and so I'm going to debate Roger about some of that.
I don't disagree with Roger hating the frontrunner, because he's another dropping of Karl Rove, but there's some calculus that goes into this, so we'll debate that, discuss that, and war plan that, and war game that.
Coming up with Roger Stone as well, then we'll open the phones up.
And I haven't gotten into a bunch of the other news that's just so insane.
I mean, they caught a woman with a bunch of methamphetamine with two kids smuggling across the border, and the Democrats are protesting saying don't separate a woman from her kids that's caught with methamphetamine.
Like, hey guys, I don't care if you're black, you're white, you're Hispanic, you're a citizen, you're not.
Your mama robs a bank, your kids aren't with you.
You march across a desert and your husband gets killed.
We don't even know who you are.
We're gonna check it out.
It's just, I mean, the Democrats are unbelievable.
And then it reminded me of a report last year, we'll get to after Roger leaves, where the Democrats, ICE raided a house full of child sex slaves, and it's been later confirmed, and women being trafficked, but underage girls.
They went and protested it, saying don't, because who do you think runs most of this smuggling?
Remember Obama also.
Defended smugglers that were abusing children and wouldn't release the children.
In fact, print me that, I forgot that.
I mean, this is incredible!
You've got streams of millions of people coming in, little kids without their parents, you don't know who they are, and then they say, don't even check anything.
Don't check them for diseases, nothing.
So, that's all coming up, but whatever you do.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, StoneColdTruth.com, his website, the censorship, I've got a stack of news here I haven't even gotten to, but we're going to cover it all after Roger goes, where mainstream news admits that Christian music bands
Are being banned, saying it's political because they're pro-life.
See, you can say anything's political.
So Facebook's saying, we're going into a zero political policy.
You mean conservative Christian nationalist.
Now imagine that level of discrimination.
So it needs to be addressed and dealt with.
And then I've got other articles dealing with it.
So it's here.
They're making their move in levels I wouldn't imagine.
But if you're going to go ahead and censor, why not do it at a maximum level?
Because they can say everything is political.
So see now, oh, there might have been some Russian bots, which 80% were for Hillary, and that's all part of big campaigns, people going outside campaign finance laws.
So now no one can be political because it might be dirty?
See, speech is now dirty.
This is the left, but only your speech, only your nationalist speech, only your free market speech, only your Christian speech, only your
Free market speech.
But see, once they get control, they're going to censor the left as well.
And they're now starting that.
So, Trump's been lacking in anything.
It's that he's not come out more with more detailed experts with him in a panel.
He should have a series of panels about the censorship, how it's happening with big white boards in Congress or whatever.
And he needs to have this fireside chat and go through the technicals.
Because he can be brief, it's known what's happening, and the left's even waking up because the EU censorship that comes over here, Article 13 and 11 are about to become law through their dictatorship.
They're about to put it through.
So Trump's big failing, I would say, is in that quadrant now.
And that's good.
We need to make that a point for him.
Now, Roger Stone will take over the next two segments.
That means I'll stick a sock in my mouth, because he's got big stuff to cover on Mueller, the Russiagate investigation, and on the civil war they're trying to start, and on the SCOTUS pick, and so much more.
You're watching live.
Only you go over the censors.
Share the links.
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They think you're a goldfish!
I've been betting on you my whole life!
I believe in you!
I don't think you're stupid!
One man ever raped a woman!
All genitals were cut off!
And we're kicking these traitors' asses politically!
And we're not backing down on her!
I want to kick these people!
We're winning!
I can feel the spirit rising!
Can't you?
We have broken their back!
Yes, I can feel it!
Let's go!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Hard to believe it's Friday, July 6, 2018.
Roger Stone is here with massive breaking news.
I believe some of the biggest news in the whole Russiagate fraud and the attempt to destroy our electoral process and the election of our pro-American president.
We'll get into SCOTUS, we'll get into the Democrats openly calling for civil war, violence massively increasing, and then spinning it and saying, no one wants civil war.
No, it's just on the cover of the New York Times and USA Today, America now in a civil war.
But the military tactic of, I'm not attacking you, hmm, don't run, we are your friends.
Found in World War I, the Germans started it, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, they have loudspeakers in French, in English, in Russian, that was the other Allied side, saying, we were stopping, this is not an assault, lay down your arms, lay down your arms, lay down your arms.
And they found a certain percentage would say, we don't have to fight, see, they're friends.
They're like, we're getting shot at, it's an artillery barrage.
They'd have to have officers shooting people with their handguns.
Don't run!
Don't run from your post!
Until they finally got briefings going and explained to everybody, this is BS.
So it's a standard military tactic.
Kill people.
Attack Trump.
Kidnap his son.
Murder everyone.
Kill Congressman Rand Paul.
And then, you hesitate.
And they get you, just like in Saving Private Ryan, which is a historical fight that happened, but fictionalized into a movie, and he's beating the German soldier, the Nazi soldier.
And the guy goes, I give up, I give up!
Just enough when the guy had the initiative to flip him over and kill him.
That's all it is.
You're under attack, I'm under attack, they're trying to bring the country down, they're allied with the globalists, this is real, stop listening to them when they say, we're not attacking you, we don't want martial law, we love America, CNN is not the enemy of the American people,
Their actions show you they are.
And they say it, but then flip it.
The universities are anti-American.
The big Hollywood's anti-American.
This is the plan.
They are your enemies.
They are the Quislings.
They are the mercenaries.
They are the sellouts.
All right.
Roger, take over the segment the next.
You've got a lot to break down.
Mueller has now given birth to new minions, I guess, in the Congress between him and Rosenstein.
And popping out, it's reported,
That he's got a whole new flotilla.
I guess he thinks his head's about to be chopped off politically.
But first, let's get into the big victory.
Judge dismisses suit alleging Trump campaign conspired with Russia to hack the DNC.
Roger Stone, vindicated.
Alex, I think it's very important that people understand that the left has filed these type of lawsuits against me, against you, against InfoWars.
As an effort to bankrupt us, but more importantly to distract us from the coming fight to save Donald Trump's presidency where they would rather not have us on the ramparts.
In this particular case, the judge, a Clinton appointee, but who did a superb job of cutting through the BS,
Through the case out on jurisdictional grounds.
And it is true that there is no finding as to their crazy conspiracy theory that Roger Stone and Donald Trump worked with the Russians to hack the DNC and gave the money, the information to info, pardon me, to WikiLeaks or Julian Assange or anyone.
They presented no evidence at trial to this crazy left-wing, deluded,
A narrative that is the centerpiece of their whole theory.
The centerpiece of the Intelligence Committee investigation.
The centerpiece of the House Intelligence Committee investigation.
And it is not proven in this case.
They can file it elsewhere, but it's a harassment lawsuit filed by a bunch of Ivy League snots who used to work for Barack Obama in a Barack Obama-blessed group.
Nonetheless, my lawyers did a great job.
It is a total victory.
It cost over $250,000 for this important victory.
And I'm not at liberty to talk about some victories we had for strategic reasons, but let me just say, good things have been happening with the 20 lawsuits they filed on us.
My lawyers have asked me to stop talking about it on air, so I'm not going to.
We had several victories this week as well, but those victories themselves cost over $100,000.
Um, total, I don't want to get into everything, but we need to bring in millions of dollars to roundly defeat all these, and then I've got to counter-sue, which we're doing, every single party in the states that have anti-slapback provisions, or slapback provisions, which will also cost money.
And it's not because I want to do that.
People have to know, you falsely sue me, when I win, I'm going to sue you to the wall because you assaulted me first with fraud!
And so I'm coming after all of you!
And I understand that, but that's going to cost a lot of money.
If we don't roundly defeat this, then this is a new thing they're going to use to shut everybody down.
We are the tip of the spear.
We are the canary in the coal mine.
We are the front line.
That's why we need your prayers and your financial support at InfoWarsTore.com.
And you can go there and donate as well.
And Roger, how do folks donate to you?
You can buy your book, Stone's Rules, both your books at InfoWarsTore.com.
There's a lot of ways to do it, but how do they support you?
You can go to StoneDefenseFund.com, StoneDefenseFund.com, make a contribution there.
You can go to the InfoWars site now and buy my new book, Stone's Rules.
I am current with InfoWarriors who bought the book online, mail it to me or mail me a book, you know, label.
And I will mail it back to you at my own expense.
I signed over 80 books last night for InfoWarriors.
It was my pleasure.
So go to the InfoWarriors site now.
You can get it at a nice price.
That's right.
Stone's Rules has a 100% rating by Power Reviews and a 4.8.
My eyes aren't as good as they used to be.
Is that 4.8 or 4.6 by Power Reviews?
4.6, so that's just unprecedented, and it supports Roger and what he's doing.
But quite frankly, selling, you know, 50,000 books, which he hasn't even done yet, is not going to pay for all the attacks.
And again, we're not bitching, we're not complaining.
Support our local MNFM affiliates, support local TV stations.
The point is, we don't have George Soros, and we don't have taxpayer money like MSNBC got billions, billions, their parent company, in the banker bailout.
It's you.
And by the way, we have two new t-shirts that I knew were going to be hits, and we've had massive orders.
3 to 1 for the Reelect 45.
They had the Impeach 45 baseball-style Walmart shirt.
There was a boycott of Walmart, so they pulled it.
I just say sell both up against each other and see what sells best.
You know, I'm all for free speech.
I say don't de-platform, but whatever.
That's Wal-Mart's right.
I'm not asking Wal-Mart to carry my shirts.
I'm just saying everybody should tell Wal-Mart, carry Re-Elect 45.
Why shouldn't the public space be a political space?
We're America!
But these babies are being printed right here in Texas, right now.
In Central Texas.
And they are going to be on their way out to you.
No reviews yet, because it hasn't been shipped out yet.
And it is 1995 Re-Elect 45.
Now I personally love
The new shirt.
That was my idea, but Robert, our great graphics guy, came up with.
I thought, I don't want to be like the Wolverine, Trump, Wolverine, mean like a Wolverine, when Dan Rather said that, like in the Marvel comics or whatever.
No, no, no, no.
I want more like the werewolf meets Wolverine, and Robert totally got it.
It's an amazing Trump shirt.
We're going to wear Trump's face on a shirt.
This is the one.
It's a red shirt.
Obviously meaning you're red state.
Mean like a Wolverine.
Infowars.com on the right arm, on the back.
I am the resistance, ladies and gentlemen.
So we are very, very, very, very proud of Mean Like a Wolverine.
But three to one, the reelect Trump is selling.
And look, I knew when I came out with Hillary for prison shirts, I knew that
It would be the campaign shirt.
It became the campaign shirt.
Trump even talked about it on the phone.
He said, no, I think that's the shirt of the campaign.
He goes, my God, it was like a third of the people that were there at the RNC had it on.
That really shook up the globalist show.
I believe this new shirt, reelect 45, we're going to put one out in navy blue too, but it's summer right now, it's a white shirt only.
This Reelect45, Infowars.com on the back, I am the resistance.
I believe it is the shirt of 2018, and if you all order it and start wearing it, it will send shockwaves.
Take photos of it, put it out on Twitter, Facebook, put it on your own website, email it around to friends and family, get a chain reaction going, stand up to the bullies and say, we're going to speak out.
It was early on in the Revolutionary War, when the U.S.
Navy had less than ten major surface ships, that John Paul Jones, the father of the U.S.
Navy, while engaging a British ship three times the size of his, said, I've only begun to fight.
And that's when the ship was sinking and was on fire.
But he didn't give up.
And he won.
That's part of the ethos of this country.
But not everybody is brought right to the wall to give them victory.
The Alamo stood and fought victory or death of Colonel Travis.
And they all died.
All 180 plus men.
But the seed of that example led to the victory that came.
So I don't know how Infowars fight is gonna end.
But I know this.
Faced with the same challenges that John Paul Jones and Colonel Travis faced.
With this country under attack by foreign evil forces, hell-bent on enslaving us and destroying the promise of the Renaissance.
I will quote Colonel Travis 110% and hope that I can man up to be in his shoes and say victory or death.
Let me tell you something, I get tears in my eyes when I think about that because I love America.
It's not fear that makes me get tears in my eyes, it's will and strength boiling to defeat these tyrants and these globalists.
But that said, just like our information is game changing, the products that we sell, all of them,
And whether it's colloidal silver from 1995, the very best out there.
Same stuff they sell at Whole Foods for $5 less.
Or whether it's DNA Force that's now back in stock.
The other key elements that are in this product would cost $300, $400 if you put it all separately in little bottles.
They sell PQQ in little bottles.
The third the dose we put in this, each caplet, each powder capsule, and it is, again, the third as much, and it's like $40, $50 for a little bottle.
Think about that.
It's $74 right now.
It's our flagship, most expensive product because these compounds are expensive to get and to have organic.
And that's how we fund our operations.
So I can't read you the thousands of reviews of the old DNA Force or Cell Force that were similar formulas, but this is even stronger and lower price.
So I signed a bigger contract, not a better deal.
We've invested out for the year and believe you're going to want lower price on this and get the best product.
So I've not gambled.
I know you want value.
So we bought even more of it.
We're signed up every month to get thousands of bottles of it.
And we've got it right now at the lowest price of this formula and this combination you're going to find anywhere.
DNA Force.
Go read the five-star reviews.
Thousands of them.
Go see what people said it did for them.
It is dramatic.
It would take hours to get into all the studies and the facts and the information about what Mother Nature, through God, we were given.
The PQQ, the CoQ10, and then all the other concentrated organic herbs and things that go into this so your body can actually upload it.
DNA Force Plus Telomere Support, now available at InfoWareStore.com or you can call 888-253-3139.
Every other major conservative website or talk show host is funded by the Mercers or some other billionaire family.
That's fine.
I'm not funded by any of that.
I'm funded by you.
So thank you all.
And please continue to support us because without you, we will fall to Soros and Hillary.
But I know in my gut we're going to win this one way or the other.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Let me tell you, the Democratic Party and their operatives are using intelligence agency techniques.
They used to bring down foreign governments to try to harass anybody in Trump's orbit.
But they don't understand it's only making us work harder and it's backfiring.
I want to talk some about that with you in the next segment, Roger, and then I'm gonna let you go because you're a busy man, but you have been totally vindicated and people just joined us.
Recap that for one minute and then get into this huge Mueller news that only you can break down, I think, from the heart of the matter, how big this is and what this signifies that he's now having babies and metastasizing
With deep state U.S.
attorneys, what does that signify?
Well, Alex, just to recap, you're absolutely right.
Our critics who are conducting lawfare against us in these harassment lawsuits showed their hand and proved yet again that they have no evidence of Russian collusion, collaboration with WikiLeaks, John Podesta's email, or any of that left-wing nonsense.
It is very telling, though, that a story in the New York Times about Rod Rosenstein on page one, roughly a week ago, told you the inside story.
When Rosenstein wrote his memo to his client, President Trump, advocating and telling him how to fire James Comey, he didn't expect that document to be public.
When it became public, Comey was exposed in front of his deep state buddies.
According to the New York Times, he was despondent.
He was hysterical.
He was angry.
And he obviously decided to square it up by appointing Robert Mueller as a special counsel to investigate the man he was angry with, Donald Trump.
Now, it's significant that Mueller interviewed for the job of both FBI Director and Attorney General was turned down for both positions, thus his own motive.
Plus, he was well aware of his own culpability in the Uranium One matter and other vulnerabilities in his public record.
Now what's happened, Alex, is fearing that he may be terminated,
He's expanding his probe, taking on more U.S.
attorneys, so that he can hand off these fabricated, manufactured crimes to guarantee their prosecution, even if he is legally decapitated.
Just like he handed it off, we now learn, a year ago, illegally surveilling, not just Trump, his lawyer denying it the whole time.
Now handing that off to the New York Democrat operatives there.
And so what does it signify now that Trump's former lawyer has gone on national TV and said, you know, I'll do what's right for the country.
I'm not going to take a bullet for Trump now.
And him now hiring Bill Clinton's former lawyer.
Does that signal that Trump's lawyer is getting ready to roll?
Lanny Davis is a nice enough fellow.
Lanny Davis is a good guy to meet in the green room and he's not a bad talking head.
If I were looking at many years in prison, I would not be hiring Lanny Davis as my attorney.
This is about money, Alex, because Michael Cohen is looking at about $5 million in legal fees, and the Trump Fund for former staffers and the Trump family do not seem inclined to help him in any way.
So my guess is that Mr. Davis's representation is at a bargain basement price.
And maybe we're going to find out what, if anything, Michael Cohen really knows.
Well, I mean, Davis even sounds like a double agent in the news.
I mean, he's like, oh, my client might be guilty, might not.
But I mean, he just it sounds like he's throwing him under the bus day one.
Well, he's a longtime apologist for Bill and Hillary Clinton.
He is a multi times
Failed congressional candidate in the Washington suburbs.
He's a reliable left-wing talking head if you want somebody to gloss over Bill's rapes or Hillary's crimes.
But he's not the man I would hire in a serious legal matter.
These lawyers are extraordinarily expensive, as you know.
Between the House and the Senate inquiries, lawsuits like the one we just
One, by having it dismissed.
And the intrusive Mueller investigation, Alex, my legal fees will hit a half million dollars.
I know yours are going to be many times more than that because of the frivolous harassment lawsuits filed against you at InfoWars.
This is a tactic of the globalist left to bankrupt us and smear our names.
Speaking of court,
Obviously, Trump told Napolitano, you'd be my second choice, but now we think he's a little too old.
Maybe make him Attorney General.
That's what's been said at the highest level.
Now, we're looking at these three picks they've got.
Trump narrows list for Supreme Court pick, but you're saying that there's also a senator that he just called that might be the wild card or the dark horse.
But Trump narrows list for Supreme Court pick with focus on Kavanaugh and Keithledge.
There's also Amy Barrett, and so out of all those three, I look at Kavanaugh in embraces and a minion of Karl Rove, and being involved with the Clintons and the Vince Foster matter, and his neocon heritage, and his never-Trump connections.
I mean, this looks like a Bush dingleberry that fell very close to turd blossom.
This is very disturbing because I think he's another suitor.
I think he's another John Roberts.
You remember them.
Those are the conservatives the Bushes put on the Supreme Court who immediately joined the liberal bloc.
Kavanaugh's role in bullying, intimidating, surveilling witnesses who could disprove some of the facts regarding Vince Foster's death
Is deeply concerning.
This guy played cleanup for the Clintons in the Vince Foster matter.
He is a Bush loyalist.
I really pray the president does not go there.
Sure, but what about the argument that he's at least for pro-borders, so not for borders, not for a country.
They're saying the other guy, Keithledge, is a pro-open border guy and that the lady's quote too dangerous.
Why is she too dangerous?
Well, I think very highly of her, but she's a very devout Roman Catholic, and she has written things that would allow the left to try to make this a litmus test about abortion.
Above all, the president needs a quick win.
That's why I suggest... No, that's right.
Before the midterms, in case they win, which we hope doesn't happen, we don't think should happen, but we need to get somebody in there.
Well, and we want somebody in the mold of his previous.
He's closest to Gorsuch in terms of his temperament and his record.
I have not looked him up on immigration issues.
What you tell me is news to me.
I like... What I'm told is from high-level White House sources.
That's their view of this.
I like Amy Barrett, but I question whether she can be confirmed.
I think Kavanaugh is a stooge for the Bush-Clinton crime syndicate.
And Senator Mike Lee, who would almost certainly win Senate confirmation quickly, I think could be a dark horse.
Now, I don't also agree with Lee on everything, but I fundamentally believe he is a more libertarian member of the court.
I feel strongly the conservative block of the court needs a libertarian anchor for better balance.
Well, I'm not scared of a conservative Catholic, and her record's pretty good, and you know what?
We are against abortion as a country, and I get you're more libertarian than so am I, but...
I just like the woman aspect to it.
She's good looking.
She's got a good record.
She'd be there 30, 40 years.
We put some dude there, he'd be dead in 10 years.
I would certainly support, if that's who the president picks, trust me, that's who I will be for.
I think Kavanaugh is the real danger here.
He is a Bush Trojan horse.
I hope the president will realize that.
This 4th of July is special.
Everybody can see it, they can feel it.
The globalists are attempting to kill a worldwide awakening to their tyranny.
And America, yet again, is at the heart of the resistance of the globalists.
That's why this 4th of July I'm asking all of our great supporters to think about Infowars now more than ever.
And what would the world be like if Infowars wasn't there resisting the globalists?
What would have happened if you hadn't supported InfoWars?
We would not be having the victories we have today.
So yes, a lot of good things are happening, but the enemy is striking back.
So please, think about InfoWars and funding our operation while you get great products at the same time on the 4th of July that's so historic.
We have record sales going on right now.
Free shipping on hundreds of different items.
More than 20 items are 50% off, like Rainforce Plus.
X2 is 40% off.
Knockout Sleep Aid, $17.76.
Silver Bullets, $9.95, a little silver.
And free shipping, you can't beat that.
This 4th of July is special, and our sales are special to match it.
You better go inside, get my free coffee.
Y'all ready?
How you doing?
Good, how are you?
Alright, I heard y'all was racist, so I came to get my own free coffee.
I saw that.
Yeah, I heard you guys don't like black people, so I wanted to get my Starbucks reparations voucher.
What's that?
Is that a real thing?
It's a real thing.
I mean, I'll give it to you.
I saw that on my Twitter last night.
I was like, what the heck?
Yeah, I need a free coffee.
I'll get you a free coffee.
Reparations, man.
Gotta get my reparations for being black in America.
Black lives matter.
I'll take caramel.
What's your name?
I appreciate you.
Amanda, you are great.
This is my last day here until the fall.
Is it?
You're amazing.
Thank you.
You know what I'm saying?
You gotta get your free coffee out here, man.
You gotta get your Starbucks reparations, man.
Hotep Jesus was the man.
So he got the brilliant idea to go into a Starbucks and demand a coffee.
Otherwise, they're racist.
He's gonna go get a free chocolate chip cookie after the show.
So there's... Oh, he got his Starbucks mug right there.
Was that a free Joe?
It was the free joke.
So we need to get that cup and put that cup in a glass case and save it for all eternity.
There it is right there.
Oh, they even put your name on there!
That's a great picture!
You know, I understand liberal politics.
I've been studying it for a while now and understand that.
And I've tweeted this before.
I said, if an individual, especially a black individual, wants to excel in this society, they should follow the liberal narrative and all doors and opportunities will be open to them.
And I knew it would work.
I knew it would work.
So I decided, you know, I said, you know what?
I'm standing here by this Starbucks.
I had this idea in my mind.
I said, let's test this thing out and see what happens.
The video started to go viral on Periscope.
And now here we are.
I wasn't mad at Starbucks at first, but now I'm mad at Starbucks for this racial bias training.
And I'm going to tell you why.
First of all, what does Eric Holder know about Black people?
What does the NAACP or the ADL know about Black people?
The Black people really suck one in the hood.
You see, Black Lives Matter, NAACP, and Eric Holder are not the voice of Black people.
That is the bourgeoisie that keep Black people down.
And Starbucks failed.
They failed.
If they really wanted to do some racial so-called bias training, they would have got some real people in the real world and not these bootlickers and Uncle Tom's.
That's what they would have done.
But they don't care about black people.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Now it's critical when you're in a psychological warfare operation facing what they call black propaganda, nothing to do with black people, but meaning deception, that you counter it with the truth.
And there's three types of propaganda, white, gray, and black, if you go with that classic analysis of it.
And the Democrats go with the darkest form of it, where you never respect your adversary.
You don't deal on a level playing field.
You say everywhere, we're going to have revolution, attack Republicans, kill them, rise up, kidnap their children, burn down their buildings.
And it all happens.
Shoot congressmen, try to kill Rand Paul, on and on and on.
Tell Alan Dershowitz at a dinner party this weekend, we're going to stab you through the heart, get out of here.
Rob Reiner, we're in a revolution.
We're in a civil war.
And then when we go, okay, well, we see this as a demarcation line.
I see July 4th is when they're going to escalate things.
They're saying they are.
And they go, oh, Jones is crazy!
He's making up there's a civil war, and Robert E. Lee's going to come back from the dead, thinking their viewers and readers are so dumb that we mean the civil war, the last one that happened, and not the current one.
The USA Today said last week, we're now in a civil war.
I'm saying, are we really?
Is it going from a soft civil war to a more intensified one?
And when does it ratchet up?
I said right now, July 4th, I see it ratcheting up into the summer.
Rob New put together a compilation with some of the crew just of some of the threats the last few weeks.
But it's this military tactic of, there it is, USA Today, we're in a civil war, it's already begun.
But then I go, oh look, you agree with that?
I kind of do.
I said last week, I think July 4th signifies a demarcation line.
Of, is it the peak of the summer rage?
No, but I see it as the ramping up.
Because they're saying it's their plan.
We saw incredible attacks.
I'll play it next segment.
Incredible attacks.
This weekend, people being attacked, stabbed, drugged behind cars, beaten up, coffee poured in their heads, calls for murder, calls for uprising.
And then there were hundreds of articles July 3rd, hundreds July 4th, and then hundreds yesterday, because I can go to Google and type in Alex Jones Civil War and see how many there were.
Washington Post, you name it, saying Jones is insane, Democrats still want violence.
He just says that...
Armies are going to line up and the Southern Army will rise again.
And they have all these photos all over the news and hundreds of publications of men with big beards and civil war reenactments.
I'm saying a civil war is going to happen like the last one.
The propaganda is amazing.
They go, oh look at the history of Jones saying there's going to be a civil war.
Yeah, the last couple of years they're calling for it.
I said they're ratcheting it up.
It proves I'm right.
It proves I know what I'm talking about.
They used a still shot of my collar popping up.
So they take a thing where I predict everything, show their own admissions, everything I said is coming true, I'm trying to stop it.
They use that, that I'm right, to then say that I'm wrong.
And they had all these Hollywood producers and so-called movie stars all make this big joke, but guess what?
The video got 4 million views.
Four million, if you look at the... So, Roger, what do you call this tactic where they do this?
Because you're under attack, we're getting sued, we're getting threatened everywhere, and then they say, no one's calling for violence, we just want to, you know, kidnap, baron, and rape you.
Yeah, I don't think people can really understand unless you experience it yourself.
As I was talking to Tucker Carlson about this the other day, he can no longer go out in public by himself.
I can't.
I can't travel across the country without
Security without bodyguards.
I've had to put in security at my home.
If I drive to the corner drugstore by myself, the odds are overwhelming that some libtard is going to want to get it on in the parking lot.
The threat level has grown exponentially.
The hysteria surrounding anyone who speaks out for the country or for this president.
It is a dangerous, dangerous time.
The reason they are so hysterical, the reason why they are moving to violence is because they're losing.
We have a soaring economy.
We have increasing world peace.
We have a greater job market.
It's driving them insane.
They have to remove Trump.
And violence is the only way left to do it.
I predicted that they would float the 25th Amendment stratagem.
Brennan and Clapper did that last week.
Infowars, Tomorrow's News Today.
Now they're moving to the next phase, which is physical attacks on people they disagree with.
Attacks on the streets, attacks on your home, attacks on your family.
It is where we are headed.
We are not the ones fomenting violence.
We are not the ones advocating civil war.
But we will defend ourselves.
We will not be patsies.
We will not bend over.
We are not going to start this, but we are going to finish it.
I agree.
We have a gentleman joining us next hour that was there where a few weeks ago they beat up dozens of men, women, and children, and the local media said it was good, who tried to have a conservative rally in Portland.
So a couple hundred patriots showed up to have a rally last weekend, and when just a few men fought back, the Antifa ran in fear.
So, I don't know what the Democrats think they're doing, because even polls show the abolish ICE thing, release women caught with, you know, three kids and 14 pounds of methamphetamine, release child molesters if they happen to be illegal aliens.
The Democrats are openly calling for this.
How do they think that's a winning strategy?
This is insanity.
Well, it's interesting.
One columnist in Portland blamed the fact that they had these insurrections on the fact that I spoke out there several months ago.
That's the level of insanity.
By the way, breaking news here, Senator Rand Paul has announced that he has reservations and may not vote for Judge Brett Kavanaugh if he is the president's nominee.
We'll have to see how that works out.
Why do the Democrats hate Paul, who's like a super libertarian, super smart, super informed, and really brings balance to Trump?
Because his politics is the politics of the future.
His is the politics that fuses economic and fiscal conservatism with a strong national defense, but not an adventurism abroad, and a deep commitment to civil liberties.
If the Republican Party can grab that message and yoke it with economic growth, you have the making of a new permanent majority coalition of the United States.
Rand Paul's politics are the politics of the future.
He's pro-marijuana for medicinal purposes.
He is pro-gold.
And we see Trump more and more adopting what Rand's doing and ignoring the neocons.
This is good news.
Well, and look, his coming out against Kavanaugh is significant because Trump needs every Republican, or if he loses... That's right, if he loses one senator, he loses.
So this is... Why do you think Paul's against Kavanaugh?
Because he's a war hawk?
He's very upset with Kavanaugh's views on civil liberties issues and the executive power of the presidency.
Thank God for Rand Paul.
No wonder they want him dead, man.
A truly great patriot and who I think has been a real helpmate to President Trump.
I'm really glad that Senator Paul and the President repaired their relationship.
It was good that it was ruptured.
Now I believe it's very good.
I know the President thinks very highly of Senator Paul.
Well, I'm not bragging, but behind the scenes, I made some phone calls and everything.
I mean, a lot of people did.
And I said, just stop it.
Go play golf and stop it.
Because I told Paul, you're only hurting yourself with all the stuff that happened.
You're going to get re-elected if you get at least behind Trump.
And if you're close to Trump, you can advise him.
He'll listen to you.
He's not going to listen if you're at afar.
And I think that was good advice, don't you?
I think you've given him excellent advice and I'm glad to hear that you helped make this marriage.
Meanwhile, the left is just continuing in their apoplexy.
It's very hard to fathom when you turn on the television.
A deal in Korea that if Barack Obama had done would be called brilliant, now because Donald Trump is trying to do it, is risky.
And they're trying to sabotage it.
They definitely are.
Meanwhile, Pompeo is over there saying, no, denuclearization means denuclearization.
That's what this is about.
You don't get the money, you don't get anything.
Yeah, we're holding the feet to the fire.
It isn't like the old deals with Obama and the Clintons.
This is a real deal.
So we should be glad Trump's not a failure.
It's holding feet to fire.
It's really trying to do a real deal for security and peace.
Planetary victory.
Roger Stone, thank you so much, my friend.
Back at the War Room in just a few hours.
That's right, 3 o'clock central.
Coming up, we got the compilation of the Democrats calling for civil war, death, murder, and then saying I'm insane, it doesn't exist.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again!
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much begging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not going to just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the Infowars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
Alright, this is like a seven and a half minute compilation that our crew put together, and we had to cut it down to like 20 minutes.
Of people calling for beating up Trump supporters, they're all evil, attack people, kidnap Baron Trump, rape him, and this July 4th, so many attacks across the country, we can't even keep track of them.
And then, they go, Jones is crazy, no one's calling for civil war, even though USA Today says, civil war now in America.
They just don't want me pointing out it's the Democrats that are doing it.
So they want a hot war because they can't win politically.
So here is a breakdown video of all of this.
Then we have a gentleman who was there in Portland last weekend when the
Vicious Antifa who just a few weeks ago attacked a bunch of men, women and children who went out to a Pro-America rally.
Well, the folks came to this prayer vigil and they fought back.
We got one of the guys that laid out one of these scumbag thugs trying to kill him with a big old metal club.
That's a deadly weapon coming up.
And then your phone calls.
He's going to be joining us next hour.
But right now, let's go to this compilation, which we're also going to upload to InfoWars.com the next hour.
Here it is.
And it goes on and on, and you see the people that he hires that are in his administration, and we see that this now becomes the last battle of the Civil War.
And we're fighting it right now.
And we're gonna win.
We're gonna win.
And so how are you guys planning to disrupt them throughout the day?
Starting with everything from checkpoint blockades to traffic blockades.
The plan is to make the entire inauguration a total clusterfuck.
Nobody's really supposed to know about me.
So the Chicago protest, when they shot all that, that was us.
It was more him than me, but none of this is supposed to come back to us.
Because we want it coming from people, we don't want it to come from the party.
Yesterday, yesterday he was a monster, a racist, a misogynist, and today, well, he's our president.
We must give him a chance.
We're not giving him a chance!
No peace!
No peace, no Trump!
No peace, no Trump!
You're not turning America around, we're talking about the Chinese.
You have members of your cabinet that have been booed out of restaurants.
God, they're so scared they'll be turning the economy around.
God, they're freaking out.
He's saying no peace, no sleep.
No peace, no sleep.
Can't get black folks not paying jobs.
They won't be on your plantation.
How does he sleep at night?
How does he sleep at night?
How does he sleep at night?
They're yelling it.
Party lines and fears over immigration have raised concerns for the ultimate fate of the U.S.
Almost a third of Americans polled said they thought a second civil war was possible.
But at a party this week on Martha's Vineyard, a woman said, if Dershowitz were here tonight, I'd stab him through the heart.
This is a Martha's Vineyard woman.
Furthermore, the same poll indicated that roughly 60% of Americans believe that backlash to Donald Trump's policies could turn violent.
The debate surrounding Trump's immigration policies and the media fuming over it, the gun control debate, and the White House and the intelligence community not getting along, that has been quite explosive at times.
There's a civil war between American patriots and globalists who've sold out the country in the deep state.
That's happening.
Now, mainstream media is calling for violence and trying to push civil insurrection, and they've been caught doing it.
So, they're trying to launch a civil war.
You can debate whether it's one or not.
It's clearly a soft civil war.
But you watch these newscasts, remember, they're saying that I just made up the fact that they're trying to start a civil war in hundreds of articles the last couple days.
That's how stupid they think you are.
Goods says a man he doesn't know pulled up to his house and told him he needed to take down this flag in his front yard.
Goods says when he told him no, the man punched him.
Right in the face.
In fact, he got it used like a claw method.
Goods says instinctively, he tried to hit him back, but got his arm stuck in the man's car as he sped off.
This is where it happened.
Goods says he was dragged about 40 feet.
You're in the prison.
You didn't get any support.
Pause again.
Back that up.
You're at Whataburger, Texas.
Hamburger chain.
Been there since I was two years old.
And a dude walks over, grabs your MAGA hat.
I'm doing this for Radio Losers that didn't see it.
And then throws your iced tea in your face.
I mean, I've already put up with it, and I felt like a coward, but I wanted to show that they're the aggressor, and that I can sit there and take it, trying to be Christ-like.
But it's what they do.
They've done it to a bunch of Fox News hosts, you name it.
They throw your drink on you, or they take your hamburger and start eating it.
And this sort of happened about two years ago to me.
But you look at how dumb they are.
They all look like...
They got like 75 IQs.
And you just go, my God, that's a zombie.
And you actually kind of feel sorry for him.
But at the same time, they're trying to escalate it to something even worse.
That plan is a campaign to make America white again.
And I finally, comrades, I believe with all my heart and soul that this is the party that will lead the revolution to take the White House down, that will make the United States of America a socialist country.
The young people in this room will see it.
As you notice, all these people look mentally retarded.
So all power to the youth!
All power to the revolution!
Black Lives Matter!
Si, se puede!
You work for Daily Caller.
I have the right to be here.
You work for the other side.
I have the right to be here.
You work for the other side.
While they round up your Latina brothers and sisters, you take their money.
You take their money.
You are the racist.
When they're bringing around 14 pounds of meth,
HSI is not welcome.
I don't support what they do.
I think it's a blasphemy.
We're really calling on the community to say that this is not okay, that we're going to fight back.
We're not going to let people just disappear like this.
Again, Oakland Police Department confirming this had to do with a federal criminal search warrant that had to do with human sex trafficking of juveniles.
That's really the information that we have just received.
I've got a house full of 13-year-old girls being sold to sex slavery.
I've got a stack of news on today.
You've got people out doing witchcraft outside to stop them from being disappeared, as if we disappear anybody.
Meanwhile, it's hundreds of thousands disappeared coming through Mexico to get here, but oh, we don't humanize them.
Robert Rodriguez doesn't do that in his movies.
Again, he has Don Johnson as a redneck shooting Mexican women in the stomach.
I'm gonna kill your baby!
Totally fake!
Robert Rodriguez won't do jack squat to stop the Mexican Mafia because he's on their payroll.
Let's continue.
Something like, is your nickname herpes because you're not necessarily the most dangerous person in the administration, but you're very unpleasant, totally incurable, and you always show up when we're about to get f***ed.
If you vote for Trump, then you, the voter, you not Donald Trump, are standing at the border like Nazis, going, you here, you here.
And I think we now have to flip it, and it's a given the evilness of Donald Trump.
This is becoming an authoritarian state, and we need a grassroots effort.
Well, I'll join a million other people surrounding the United States Capitol.
I will stand there, I will put my... Let me tell you something, this judge goes through, for the rest of at least
Well, all of our lives, it's a right-wing report.
No, no.
That's it.
It's over.
Combined with the White House and the Congress, of course.
Well, yes.
And if this is the last American president... I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country.
And if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd!
Do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless c***.
What's Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women?
One way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy, so please, bring on the recession.
When was the last time an actor assassinated a prisoner?
I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
There are politicians who are irresponsibly calling for the harassment of anybody who feels different, who thinks differently than they do.
So they're calling for violence.
And what this is going to lead to is there's going to be some casualties in that.
And it's the beginning of a civil war between Americans... We'll be back!
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
We acknowledge in this country that we can't, we cannot accept this.
I can't do a whoop.
I'm sorry.
We can't do it.
And the Oscar goes to... What was your response, Phil Mudd?
Let me give you one bottom line.
As a former government official, government's gonna kill this guy.
Well, Trey Gowdy ought to have his a** kicked.
I am a proud
Shitholers built this country 110 years ago.
They were called slopers and slant-eyes.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology acknowledged that the World Trade Center Building 7 fell off freefall acceleration for over 100 feet on 9-11, which means it was meeting no resistance for eight stories.
So, sparing me a diatribe about conspiracy theories, can you please give me a straight answer on how you think that's scientifically possible without the use of explosives?
Look, I think we should pass on this question.
If you want to tell me that there's something going on beyond two planes going into buildings, I never saw anything that suggested it.
That was the most investigated event probably in FBI investigative history.
I just, you know, I don't want to spend time on this question.
I don't think it's valid.
When we call the Chinese man a slant-eye, when we call the man from Guatemala a spick and a wetback, and we call the black man an a*****e.
He aligns himself with the truth and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
We got a guest coming on who was at last Saturday's prayer vigil that Antifa attacked.
Coming up in the next segment.
And there's a lot of videos of the Antifa, like women beating up Antifa.
Or Tommy Robinson having a bunch of them attack him and he fights back and beats up a couple of them and he gets knocked down.
But the point is, these people are the scum of the earth.
And they're out there with weapons.
It's always blue state areas.
You guys print me the article that we broke.
I keep going back to that where we got the Soros documents.
Where Obama wanted martial law in 2015, so in blue cities, in blue states, they would stage events, and the police knew they were coming to attack people and would let them, and would let them do violence, trying to get, because they're racist, Democrat.
Communists, mainly white people, I'm sorry, that they could trigger black people to then cause race riots.
Well, it didn't work there, didn't work in D.C., didn't work in L.A., but they are desperately trying.
So there's the headline.
That's coming up.
We come back from break and get into this.
So this is their summer of rage.
This is their attempt at a civil war.
They're saying, and I'm saying, July 4th marks the demarcation line when I believe things would escalate, which is now happening.
And I'd love to give myself credit, they say it's when they're going to launch.
Like from, you know, Hollywood.
Managers, you know, firing, or saying, I don't represent James Woods anymore on July 4th, and all the attacks increasing.
They're saying July 4th is their date, they hate America, that it escalates into the summer, they hope to remove Trump.
Doesn't mean it's going to work, just like when they said they weren't going to let his delegates seat, or weren't going to let him get the nomination, or wouldn't let him, you know, get the inauguration to happen.
It doesn't mean they're going to win, we just have to know the war is happening, we'll win, if we take the field.
And they had a rally a while back, I guess a month ago or so, in Portland.
They went and beat up men, women, and children, attacked babies in baby strollers, chased them back to their cars.
Happened to some of our reporters in Berkeley, I know.
Millie Weaver and her husband, their baby, they bashed out their windows.
Well, then a month later, men show up, just to have a prayer vigil, and then fought back, and they ran.
But if we don't show up on the air, in person, you name it, they will win.
It's as so many historians have said, evil only wins when good men and women do nothing.
Evil only wins when people stand down.
So, I want to go to break here and come back with our guests with a few of these clips.
Rabid leftist steel MAGA hat.
Make America Great.
This is just the last day since July 4th.
At a hamburger place and throw the drink in his face.
Dershowitz, anti-Trump woman, threatened to stab me through the heart.
A man punch-dragged 30 feet by car for having Trump flags.
This is all happening now.
Here it is.
You know, people talk about parties as if that's something serious.
I don't care about parties, I'm invited to too many.
But at a party this week on Martha's Vineyard, a woman said, if Dershowitz were here tonight, I'd stab him through the heart.
This is a Martha's Vineyard woman, saying she would stab me through the heart.
Support the president.
You don't need support.
You're an a**hole.
It's gonna go great in my f***ing heart, b***h. Alright, have fun with it.
Jeff Goode tells me he was just enjoying the 4th of July when someone drove in the front of his house and told him he needs to take down this Trump flag.
He was saying vile things about our president.
Jeff Goode says a man he doesn't know pulled up to his house and told him he needed to take down this flag in his front yard.
Goode says when he told him no, the man punched him.
Right in the face.
In fact, he kind of used like a claw method.
Goode says instinctively he tried to hit him back, but got his arm stuck in the man's car as he sped off.
This is where it happened.
Goode says he was dragged about 30 feet.
I have some bumps and bruises that I don't think you want to see.
Scars were on his hands and elbow.
Folks, notice the same story.
You got an old man attacked by somebody else.
As soon as he fights back, the guy runs.
We're going to come back and talk about this spirit of attacking old people, children, you name it.
And then when finally a man stands up, they crap their pants and they run.
So to all the other men in America, we're not looking for a fight.
But when these people ask for it, give it to them.
They deserve it.
We'll be right back on the other side.
Again, defensive.
They punch you, you decide to just break their jaw.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I love the control by Rufio Panman as the guy's trying to hit him with an extendable metal baton that can break arms, put out eyes, and he smashes that little meth head.
The guy's not a small guy with a little communist face in.
And then the globalist minion woman tries to get him to hit her and he instantly doesn't smash her in her ugly face.
So Rufio was on the battleground in Portland participating in a prayer, Patriot prayer march when he was confronted by a baton-wielding Antifa.
In their head.
But just describing, because again, cameras only catch so much.
I spent hours looking at what happened.
The police guiding you guys into them, letting them come.
The police standing down.
What precipitated you coming out?
Because I know you guys saw before how they attacked men, women, and children.
No one was there.
This is just an incredible
Well, I've been doing this for a little over a year now.
Been to many rallies up and down the west coast from Seattle to Berkeley.
So, you know, facing Antifa isn't unfamiliar to me.
But the Portland rally last weekend was obviously probably one of the most violent I've seen.
And it's, you know, as far as the police standing down, none of that should have happened.
If that would have happened in Seattle, it would have been a whole different story.
The police are a lot better there.
So, you know, I was genuinely worried for the people around me and their safety.
Um, and this is a continual problem we're having.
And like you said, this is a, at least a very soft civil war right now.
And if people don't start to kind of wake up to what's going on, it's going to progress into something worse.
So talk about your awakening, who you are, it's interesting to folks, and just what you've seen, because cameras don't capture it.
Because I've been around Antifa myself, back when I remember they were 15 years ago, when they would attack myself and reporters just covering stuff.
And they're just the scum of the earth.
But just describe your awakening, what you've witnessed.
I know people were mad and came out because earlier this year they had an event in Portland where women and children were attacked when no one was there to fight back.
So just break that down.
Um, well, I mean, I went into this originally pretty passive.
I wanted to try and debate with them.
I wanted to try and see eye to eye.
You know, I, every time I go out there, um, you know, I'm trying to find some middle ground with these people.
And like you said, you know, women, children, teenagers, elderly, they're all right there just trying to support their country.
And, uh, you know, it's, it's really hard to see.
So, you know, when you see that,
On a consistent basis, getting worse and worse.
You know, you start to kind of develop this feeling that these are no longer people who are necessarily Americans, per se, but they're kind of anti-American.
And, you know, you kind of have to separate yourself from them.
You're saying they're the enemy.
They are our enemy.
They've chosen it.
They've declared it.
We got government mainstream news, Chinese communist documents.
They're trying to fund anti-fun uprisings.
I mean, this is the war against America.
And like you said, you try to speak to them as humans.
They just disregard that and use it as weakness.
But they do listen to your fist smashing into their face.
Yes, they do.
It seems to amp them up on social networking more than anything.
In person, they aren't very much of a threat.
So, you know, that's why we keep encouraging more patriots to come out there because it's so effective.
When they show up in numbers.
And that's all that really needs to happen.
So, you know, the more people we can get out there... I just love how you giant roundhouse right hook, and then shove him down so his head hits the pavement.
That probably hurt him worse.
God, I love it.
I gotta tell you, it's better than a fake Rocky movie.
I mean... I'm sorry, he's a scumbag, man, trying to kill you with a baton, and he's a piece of crap, and he just... it's beautiful.
I don't think he did too well either.
I appreciate that Alex.
I don't like hurting innocent people or weak people, but a few times in my life when some bullies try to kill me and they're bigger than I am, when I finally see their head hit the pavement, it felt good.
How good did it feel, at least later, once you saw his head hit the pavement?
Well, like Gavin McGinnis says, violence isn't great, but justified violence is amazing.
It's just one of those things where you just react instinctively.
You know, when you can kind of overpower in that moment, it feels it does feel good.
It is a positive feeling.
I can tell you that in that situation.
There wasn't a whole lot of celebration going on.
It was more, I was more worried about the safety of the people around.
Oh, I would have smacked that.
I mean, I don't want to hit women.
I never have, but in the moment, somebody's trying to kill me with a metal baton, and I just did that, and there's a pretty big woman coming at me.
She looks like she's like 6'3 or something.
I mean, you were like just, you were in the zone, man.
You're like, it's like a video game.
It's like, this is like the movies.
It's like, boom, you do all, and all of a sudden, you just, like, didn't know that you, like, didn't hit her.
Yeah, well, you know.
She was pressing on me and I told her, hey, you better get back because this is not playing around.
So I gave her the opportunity and she took it.
Well, I noticed that trying to get into Trump's inauguration.
They had lines of women hitting us, hoping that we would hit them back.
We just pushed through them.
But to get into Trump's deal, you had to push.
The first thing was women.
Talk about cowards, like the Islamicists.
And then it was a couple of dudes.
But we had to ram through women to get into Trump's inauguration.
So it seems they put women out front.
They do.
That's their tactic.
They put the women in front and then the little sleaze bags will hang out in the back with batons and stuff and try and get a hit on you from behind the women.
And they're like comic book scumbags, like you said.
Like, how could you be so scummy as a man that you put women up front?
Well, I mean, even they have no fighting etiquette either.
There's no moral foundation for them.
They were throwing explosives into a crowd of people.
There could have easily been a baby stroller nearby.
There's no thought process into what they're doing.
And so on that level, you know, you can't really have any sympathy for after they do things like that.
You just have to eliminate them as a threat.
And that's what we were doing.
The Proud Boys did an amazing job.
I can't imagine what would have happened if we weren't there.
Um, you know, I mean, Proud Boys is Gavin McGinnis' group, which is proud to be male, proud of masculinity, because they teach on universities, for those that don't know, that masculinity doesn't exist.
Yes, it's actually toxic, Alex, you know, it's toxic to be masculine these days.
Uh, and it hurts the people around you if you're too masculine, I guess.
They're teaching this all over the place, and it's hilarious.
And they try to teach women, don't be feminine, which is powerful.
Don't be masculine, which that's the power.
We should all be ascribing to that, but they want to kill that.
And they are.
We're going to go to break in a minute, but I want you to have the floor, because it's great.
Get more into your awakening, just briefly.
Where'd you come from?
What stirred you?
Um, well, I, uh, I was born and raised in Washington.
Um, you know, I have a very great, good family.
Uh, been pretty productive all my life.
Um, I've always loved my country.
Um, you know, uh, I got involved in the movement originally last May Day because I was just tired of what I was seeing.
And I went out to Seattle with one of my boys, um, not knowing anything about the movement.
And that's where I was introduced to the Proud Boys who
You know, allowed me to network with like-minded men and it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made.
And, you know, since then there's been a lot of, I guess you'd call awakening to what's really going on, desensitizing myself, getting out of that political correctness state of mind.
That's right, breaking free.
We'll be back to talk more on the other side.
History's happening.
Remember the old days of the internet?
When we communicated with each other directly, email to email?
You've got mail!
But then Google came along and said, we've got Gmail, why it's free, but of course we read what you say and what you do.
And then now more and more, these big globalist companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google, if they don't like you, they simply ban you.
And of course, if you're a conservative, they just list you as a Nazi.
That's right, the entire Republican Party of California.
Ladies and gentlemen, these platforms were useful for us to reach each other while they were still somewhat open and free.
But the big monopoly companies only did this to consolidate the market.
Now they're using that monopoly power, like all monopolies do, to abuse the general public.
That's why it's more important than ever that you visit newswars.com and infowars.com themselves so the globalists can't censor you as easily.
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It is now absolutely essential, according to all the Internet experts I talk to, that everybody start going back more and more
I think?
Shortwave is their emergency backup.
Thank you.
We're all pulling for the same mission.
Americana, lower taxes, Second Amendment, religious freedom, family values, and it's happening.
But we aren't able to communicate with each other person to person, peer to peer, on these platforms like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google, all of it.
More and more that's being censored.
The shadow bans have gone to outright bans.
And yes, we're going to try to reform these institutions.
We're going to try to break them up.
That's the whole process starting with congressional hearings in Congress right now.
During this long, hard battle, it's more important than ever that patriots, Christians, nationalists, people that are populist, not just here in the U.S., but all over the world, be able to communicate with each other and realize the importance of email.
I personally get sick of email and I feel full of spam, especially with my older email addresses.
That's why, with Friends and Family, I have private email that only Friends and Family have.
I again suggest that everybody go to mfulwars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up for the free newsletter so we can send you direct videos, direct articles, and bypass the system.
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God bless.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Only enemy left.
Still in command of the Globalists.
We're in a death battle at this point.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
Or you're mine.
Traitors in our own country have sold us out to the globalists, but in the final minutes, America woke up.
Our guests will be with us throughout the hour.
We're going to open the phones up specifically to talk to Rufio Panman, who, again, he uses that name obviously because they'll target his family and others.
It's what Antifa does, doxing everybody, sabotaging your houses.
They're just the nastiest
Mainly college professor, little criminals, you can imagine.
We're going to open the phones up in the next segment.
Questions only for our guests.
What a wide area to discuss.
So, Rufio, obviously
Not giving Antifa power, but it's smart to not use your own God-given name because they'll come after you.
It's what they do as cowards.
They sneak up on you, so it's a good strategic thing not to do that.
But they're going to target you now, obviously, because you're becoming a big archetype shimble against their cowardice.
Talk about that, and then talk about...
Because I saw the other videos.
They ran once one person fought them.
And they do that everywhere.
And then I've seen the videos at anti-abortion rallies or pro-gun rallies.
Antifa will like attack an old guy in a wheelchair or a woman on crutches or they'll hit a woman.
They go and target a woman.
And for me, I'm not the toughest guy in the world, but women don't even register who I'm going to attack.
I look for like the biggest guy and like start wanting to fight him if it's a fight.
Just as a male, that's what I would do.
Like, who's the biggest?
If I'm in a tribal fight, I gotta take them down.
They look for the weakest.
I don't even... That shows how we're blind to them, because I don't even understand the psychology of attacking two-year-olds and babies in baby carriages.
They're the anti-chivalry.
They're the anti-male.
Who the hell are these creatures?
I don't wanna call them men.
Who are they?
Um, well, I, I would, uh, you know, the way I would explain them is any victory to them, even the smallest little assault on the opposing side, doesn't matter if it's a child, a teenager, an elderly person in a wheelchair, they take that and they'll go celebrate.
Um, that's a victory to them because they know that they can't face real strength.
Um, so
It's all a LARPing thing.
In my opinion, it's these people who've probably been playing video games their whole life and been in this state of mind that there's some fantasy warrior in real life that they've never trained or even thought about what that's really like.
So when they're facing, you know, veterans and, you know, ex-police officers and guys who've been fighting and MMA fighters, you know, it's just...
It's funny to say the least, but it's the real threat is when they're throwing bricks and rocks and explosives and bringing weapons and we're completely disarmed by the police.
You know, so we're in a way we're at a disadvantage, but not at the same time.
Yeah, break that down because we have even George Soros documents we've covered where they have blue city areas.
You guys are willing to go into exercise the First Amendment, which is heroic.
They're throwing
Yeah, a lot of people don't think that they're funded.
They think it's just, you know, just people coming out to support.
But you have to remember all of these people, they're wearing matching uniforms.
They're all coming with weapons that aren't, you know, cheap.
Some of these weapons are pretty expensive.
And you know that in Tifa, a lot of them, they don't have any prominent jobs or anything.
You can just tell.
And so they're getting that from somewhere.
So people need to realize that.
I can't specifically say who it is.
George Soros is, you know, obviously,
That's a huge lead right there.
Oh, he's on record funding a lot of it, yeah.
Yeah, as you can see, a lot of the weapons that have been taken from Antifa, you get knives, swords, just the craziest things.
Magazines were taken from the last rally, several magazines with pistol ammunition.
Yeah, and they'll completely, they'll check us, they'll check our bags.
I mean, we can't even bring pepper spray in.
Our women can't even carry pepper spray.
And so, you know, that's where Proud Boys come in.
We come in with protective vests and eyewear, and that's about all we can do.
And we come in and just charge them and just hope for the best.
Obviously, this is something that we're pre-acclimated to.
So, you know, I've got to keep giving honor to my boys because I truly believe we've saved lives that day.
Oh, you have.
And it's extremely heroic in a system of cowards to know the police in a blue city
Yeah, great men need to keep standing strong.
This nation was built by great men.
And, you know, the mayor of Portland and the City Council of Portland, they think that they can get away with siding with these criminals.
And I think slowly but surely, we're starting to expose this more and more.
And, you know, I don't believe that all these police officers want to stand down.
You know, I'm talking to some of them, and I'm seeing their faces.
You know, when you join the police force or the military, you know, you have a sense, something about you that you want to protect your country.
And these guys aren't able to do that.
I don't know if all of them are on the same page, but you can tell that they definitely want to be more involved than they're allowed to be.
They're being ordered to stand down, and it's pathetic to say the least.
If this was a private sector, if we hired somebody to protect us, they would have failed miserably.
They would have been fired.
So the fact that they couldn't even, you know, they couldn't even follow through with what they promised us after they disarmed us.
They promised us they would protect us against Antifa and didn't even try in the slightest.
At a gut level, where do you see this going?
The whole launch of the liberal civil war, what's happening, the left is going into this crazed mode.
At a gut level, where do you think this is going?
You know, I'm hoping from the optics of the last poll and rally that we can influence other people and wake people up.
If we can't, you know, do that, we have people on the opposing side.
Senators and politicians and city council people, mayors, everybody who's advocating for violence.
Maxine Waters, that clip that keeps playing, that she's calling for violence against Trump supporters.
And Trump supporters make up a great amount of people in this nation.
So, you know, that's a huge divide of people that she's actively calling out for violence.
And what we're seeing is on the streets is the side effect of that.
People are showing up.
There was at least a thousand Antifa and not even accounting just crazy liberals and everybody else who was along the ride.
Antifa alone.
And so, you know... That's a great question.
What were your numbers versus the crazy liberals?
I mean, guesstimation.
What were the numbers?
I think we had a couple hundred.
Ourselves, and that was the whole, that was the whole rally.
Proud Boys, I think we had over a hundred, which was the biggest turnout we've ever had at a rally for Proud Boys.
So a couple hundred people stood against a thousand communists and everything else, and history repeats.
When we come back, we're going to talk about where the globals want to take this and how we stop it.
Straight ahead in your phone call.
Stay with us.
Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
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And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Imagine you're on the George Soros funded Antifa site.
Funded by Communist China, the big banks.
Want to bring down America.
You'll teach these people.
You'll break their will.
America doesn't deserve half the wealth of the planet in 1955.
We're going to take it and parlay it into power.
And so you're going to go out.
You're going to dump coffee on Trump supporters.
You're going to beat them up.
You're going to threaten them.
You're going to not give them jobs.
You're going to teach them to submit.
And then you go out.
And you beat up a month ago people at a conservative rally and overturned baby carriages and beat women up.
That's on the news.
And anti-fuck, like, beating women up.
Like, yeah, I knocked a woman out, yeah.
My God, I commit suicide if I did that.
And then finally you show up again and, like, maybe 20, 30 men show up.
And there's a thousand of you, but only a few dozen are willing to go up and fight.
And then men beat your ass.
And so you all run.
They don't give up though, going, God, we're pieces of crap.
We're filth.
No, they just, they get more angry.
So that's the historic crossroads we're at and the type of scum that has been allowed to run free in this country.
It just makes me ask, what comes next?
Because you go out to these rallies, and they'll be wearing $500 jackets and $200 shoes, and they'll be, you know, on a smartphone, more expensive than mine.
You know, mine's like $300 versus $1,000.
And I've followed them.
You're getting a $100,000 Jaguar?
I'm driving an F-150.
But they're communists, but they drive around in Jaguars.
And like our guest just said, that was really smart.
It's LARPing.
It's live action playing.
So let me ask Rufio Panman, if you just joined us, to not just answer my questions.
He's a gentleman.
I've been steering the conversation.
We're going to take some calls in a minute.
What do you want to say most?
What do you want to impart about what you witnessed first, though?
Answer my question on this, because I know those metal batons are dangerous.
This guy's swinging out at you.
He's trying to kill you with it.
What was it like in that moment and then how did it feel when you broke his jaw and then shoved him down and hit his head in the pavement and were still in control not to hit that woman?
I mean, what was the energy like at that moment when you saw them attacking people and no one was standing up to go in and do that?
Well, it felt pretty good to
You know, you lose that fear and everything is kind of, since, you know, if you love your country and you see people attacking your countrymen and imposing an ideology that would in the long run tear your country apart, you know, there isn't a thought process.
It's just instinctual.
You're just going to go and you're going to take those people out.
Obviously, we're not going and advocating to just fight people just because they have a different ideology.
But, like you see, you know, I'm being attacked with a deadly weapon.
And many of our people were being attacked with weapons.
So, that's what I mean by go and fight those people and eliminate the threat.
And, you know, it was a victorious day for us.
We celebrated like Vikings that night.
And, you know, it was probably one of the best days we've had in over a year.
Describe some of the other stuff you've seen on the West Coast.
You've been all over in these fights, what Antifa does, the little dastardly activities.
Yeah, I was at Evergreen College, I've been to Berkeley, been to Portland many times, Seattle, and from college campuses you get the students and they won't even talk to you.
They don't want to debate, they don't want to, you know, they just want to yell and scream and claim victimhood mentality over you.
And, you know, obviously being a white guy and being a proud boy, you know, I lose all my credibility to people like that, even though I'm, you know, very involved with what's going on firsthand and nobody wants to talk or hear my perspective.
So when you start to eliminate conversation and debate and all you want to do is fight, then that's what you're going to get.
Um, that's just how the world works, you know.
If conflict all over the world, things like that happen.
When you're unable to communicate with each other and all you want to do is argue and fight, that's when war breaks out.
Wow, that's very profound.
Exactly, so they lose physically everywhere they take the field.
Don't they get them, their argument's a loser, that in the third dimension we always win?
I mean, don't they get like, if one of you can beat 20 of them, shouldn't they go, oh, we should emulate you, Raphael Panman, not Saul Alinsky, the Devil Worshipper?
Well, I think that's why they use such extreme tactics, you know?
They throw bombs and stuff.
And I think they're hoping to scare us.
They're doxing.
They're threatening our jobs.
You just said it.
They think we're like them.
They keep thinking they're scaring us.
All they're doing is pissing us off.
So let me ask you that.
Where does it go then?
Where does it... They think we're like them.
Do you think we're scaring us?
No, you're not doing that.
We're spending every waking moment... How do we crush you?
Discuss that.
That's key.
Um, I mean, a lot of us have gotten really, really angry.
Our, you know, our stuff has been vandalized.
Our jobs have been targeted.
Some guys have lost their jobs.
So, you know, when we start to, we stop having things to lose when they eliminate, you know, the things that in our personal lives that we're trying to protect, um, then that doesn't, you know, it kind of eliminates our limitation and it's making them weaker in a sense.
If that makes any sense.
It's making us stronger and more willing to combat them as they target us more.
You just said the key to it all.
They think attacking us makes us weak because that's how they would back off from that.
They don't understand, like, that's what makes us wake up.
In a sense, though, it is for a lot of people who aren't really woken up and are still kind of in that politically correct mind, even though they might be a patriot to a sense.
That sense of fear does hold a lot of people back.
They don't want to be acknowledged on the internet or public information put out there.
They don't want to be targeted.
They're already being targeted.
You have to embrace it now.
And a lot of people, that's the thing is a lot of people don't realize they are already a target and we're trying to create awareness.
It's like, look, if you love your country in any way, if you want to fly an American flag, you're a target.
You know, and if things are the way they are now, imagine how they're going to be if you have kids and they're in, you know, ten years down the road.
Our free will is under attack.
Like, we let them have their free will.
They don't want us to have free will.
They want control of our destiny, our souls, and I say death before dishonor, death before disgrace, victory or death, like Colonel Travis.
Plus, how could we let a bunch of cowardly scum like this tell us what to do?
How did we ever get in this position, Rufio?
How did we ever get here?
I think we got too comfortable for a long time.
I think people, you know, when you live a comfortable life like we have as Americans for so long without any conflict other than 9-11, you know, people during the Obama administration got really comfortable.
And I think, you know, I can personally say that I lost hope in the political system.
And when Trump got elected,
That hope was renewed.
I've never celebrated more.
I didn't think that he was going to win, honestly.
And when he did, I was overjoyed.
So it's spiritual.
You felt hope reignited.
Yeah, definitely.
We're going to come back and take a few calls.
We've got a minute and a half, though.
What else is on your mind?
Your own words, not my questions.
What else is at the heart of standing up against evil?
What else is your view on what's going to happen?
Well, I think men need to be willing to stand up.
More men need to be willing to stand up.
And that's kind of my mission, is to empower men in the community, young and old, all races.
It doesn't matter your sexual orientation.
I don't care.
Stand up for your country.
This country is the reason why you can be any race, any sexual orientation, doesn't matter, and live a free life.
And so, with that in mind, I would love people to just...
Even in the smallest way, stand up and do what's right.
That's a great point.
I understand that.
Everything you said is, like, spot on.
Like, this is the country that says there's all this freedom, and then they use that against us.
Like, we've been bad to people compared to other countries.
Like, no, we're the fount of the freedom.
Don't blow that up.
And it's the fake liberals and the authoritarians that want the control of that power.
They would kill that power.
They would kill that freedom.
We'll be back with your phone calls for two more segments with Rufio Padman.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
He's at RufioPB on Facebook and Instagram at Rufio underscore Padman.
The global revolution against dehumanization is happening now.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Dr. Nick Baggage is coming up before that.
I think we're going to steal a few segments with our guests to take your calls.
Stay with us.
Rubio Pamens, our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're good.
He's handing things they're gonna beat up women and children a month ago and that men aren't gonna see that and show up.
They've asked me to come and I don't want to make big stunts and I got family and I'm under attack here.
I know the information we do is important but I think I'm gonna accept the challenge to go to Portland because that's a real center of evil and anti-free speech and I can't not take the challenge.
I don't want the attention or the insanity that comes with it but at a certain point
I don't go out in public because it gets so crazy, but I think we need to put our flesh in the game, even if it puts everything else we're doing at risk, because it has to be done.
It's metaphysical.
I want to take calls this segment and the next with Rufio Panman, our guest, who's gone out to all these different events and done a great job standing up against these tyrants.
And we're going to go to calls right now.
We're going to go to Jayvon, Liberty Smith, Aaron, Andrew, and many others with our guest here, who I'm really impressed with.
Not only is he a guy that knew how to take a baton away from a guy trying to kill him and knock him out, and then a woman attacks him, but he knows how to control himself in that moment of fury.
See, I'd have probably done pretty good.
I might have hit the guy, not shoved him down, but I'd have got the hit in.
He does that perfect shot, like winding up and hitting him, then shoves him down so his head hits the concrete.
And then does it hit the woman?
I just got the big shot in, broke my hand, and then hit the woman.
So, just obviously I'm doing that, somebody's coming at me, I'm gonna get them.
So it's like, it's perfect piece of video.
It's like Muhammad Ali stuff, and I'm not kissing your ass, but it's true.
But I think it was just spiritual that you weren't trying to be a thug, you were shouting if it was right, but you, in that millisecond, executed it perfect.
I'm sorry, it's like a piece of sports film.
I mean, do you see what I'm saying?
Yeah, definitely.
I'm just overjoyed that you are considering going to Portland.
They want me to go.
It'll be a circus, but yeah.
Yeah, it's definitely going to be, but it'd be an honor to have you there, man.
We better set it up then soon.
All right, let's go ahead to the calls.
Let's talk to... I want to meet all you guys, though.
I'm excited about this.
You guys are doing just as important work as we are.
That's the thing.
It's like, what I'm doing is nothing special.
How you doing, sir?
It's a pleasure talking to you.
I'm a big fan.
God bless.
I've ordered most of the products.
The brain force is incredible.
Honestly, it works.
Not a placebo, it works.
Yes, sir.
I just want to comment about... He said something very valid about the men coming out and standing up.
I call myself a born-again Christian.
I'm talking to young men and I'm trying to enlighten them.
When I talk to them, they're very shocked on how I like Trump and my political views and how I view things.
And the older men, pastors and bishops and stuff like that, they can't really do the footwork that us younger Christian men can do.
And I don't believe, you know, I'm seeing a lot of mighty men of valor, Christian men standing up against tyranny and evil and even preaching about it over the pulpit.
And I just think it's very important in times like these that we should be on the forefront out here with these other people and that we're proclaiming we're Christians and that we're men of God, but we're standing, you know, in the back seat.
We need to be out in the front seat.
No, I agree.
So how do we mobilize the church in this country when the epic battle is happening to take action?
Great point, Jayvon.
God bless you.
Thank you.
What do you think, Rufio?
Well, you know, that's a big challenge.
I'm Christian myself, and I thoroughly believe that if Jesus was here today, he'd be right out there with us.
I don't know if he'd be throwing punches, but he'd definitely be a huge influence to the rest of us out there.
Well, he'd only throw punches on bankers.
Christ only beat up the top guys.
You know, I can't speak for Jesus, but you know, I know he'd be out there.
It is hard.
We, me and Joey Gibson, Joey does a great job.
He's one of the most influential people I've ever met.
I mean, he's one of the reasons why we're so successful out on the West Coast, but we've really tried and reached out to local churches, and I think it's just, it's really hard for them on kind of that political correctness term, you know, mentality.
They don't want to really side with any
You never want to give men a chance to feel like they can do something.
They want men to just be compartmentalized like women.
Yeah, I think the traditional sense of, you know, men standing up and defending not just, you know, themselves or their loved ones, but their country and, you know, standing up for like-minded men, it's not the same as it used to be.
And let's be clear, you've got a bunch of, I don't want to demonize men, but it's true, you've got a bunch of evil globalist men that are running this and they're worried about men.
That's why they want to put men, oh men are bad, men are bad.
It's all a bunch of evil men doing it because they're scared of other men.
And it's a reach for power.
And so it's a strategical attack on men because men are the ones, it's our responsibility to protect the minds, hearts, and bodies of our people.
And when you lose that protection, you lose your society, you lose... Let's be honest, men are expendable for the women and children.
And when men sit back and try to play it safe, societies collapse.
No, men are expendable.
And that's what you did, fighting the guy with the baton.
But you're like, well that's just the regular thing to do.
Exactly, but 99% of men wouldn't do that.
They wouldn't show up to begin with.
They go, oh, being safe's how we get there.
No, you guys doing this is what's destroyed the country.
America took on an empire that had never been defeated and beat it because men did it.
And their women backed them.
And you guys sit there thinking you're men because you sit on the sideline?
No, you're not men.
So stop thinking because you go to the gym and act tough and all this crap, you're men.
You're not.
Let's take another call here.
Liberty Smith in Oklahoma.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
You're the man.
You're the man.
Go ahead.
What's your guest's first name again?
I don't want to pronounce it wrong.
It's Rufio Panman.
That's a gnome to Plum because of his enemies and antifa, but that's an alias.
Go ahead.
Well, I just wanted him to know that when I saw that video yesterday, I basically stood up and cheered.
It was almost like President Trump got elected again.
That's how good I felt.
But it's so perfect how he winds it up, knocks the guy out, knocks his goggles off for gas, and then pushes him down to the ground and then doesn't whack the woman who gets in his face.
I'm not saying I want to hit a woman, but I would have
I mean, I get in that mode, like, how many anybody gets around me?
Enemies are friendly fire, so a lot of control there.
Very impressive.
I feel that way, too.
I feel that way, too, Alex.
One other thing I just wanted to say, you know, in reference to your last caller, well, you know, during our fight for independence, many preachers preached from the pulpit and had guns underneath.
So, and then they went out and fought.
And we missed the Black Brigade today, but people are going to be risen up like Rufio Bandman, who don't want to be leaders, but they're not going to lay down.
God bless you, I appreciate your call.
What about everybody I've talked to on the show, some of the folks you mentioned, Rufio Pammon, who just feel it in their gut, like a year or two ago, they didn't want to do anything, but they had to.
Black, white, you name it, who just feel it in their spirit, they gotta do this.
I think that's what scares the globals, is they realize that there's a big calling happening.
I think that's the American spirit, you know?
I think it dwells in a lot of us and if you start to feel that way, I think you should embrace it because that's what makes this country great.
That's what built this country.
What is the American spirit?
I want you to define it.
What is it?
The American spirit to me is having an incredible pride.
We call ourselves Western chauvinists.
It's like extremely patriotic.
But, you know, just doing the right, doing what's right and doing what's best for your people in the most free sense of, I guess, that term.
It's really hard to explain.
It means not calculating, but whatever is the most honest.
I mean, it means just doing what's right.
Right, exactly.
Yeah, it's a very selfless feeling.
And that's, you know, that's what this country is built off of, is selfless men, you know, who put themselves in the line, gave the ultimate sacrifice.
And so that's what I would say the American spirit is.
So, it's like an exorcism nationally.
What are the globalist Chai Com minions?
What are they going to do as the top blows off our heads and like out of the ashes comes this huge giant?
They see it now.
What are they going to do, though?
I think they'll, you know, they might go to more extreme lengths.
They're gonna try and reach for whatever they can use to, you know, harm us, to hurt us, to scare us.
You know, until it gets, until somebody gets killed.
You know once that happens then it's obviously I think it'll go to the next step and that that's you know when we'll see some real civil war.
And I think we're about to cross that point back in two minutes to discuss that.
I don't want to go there but if they take us there it's our domain.
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Go ahead.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, we're taking more calls this segment than next.
And then Dr. Nick Begich, one of the top experts on globalist shadow government, secret technologies, has taken over.
His dad was a congressman, plane taken down.
His brother, U.S.
Senator, he's one of the smartest guys out there.
He's taken over.
And Rufio Panman, who's gone out and faced antifa all over the country.
They're like, okay, great, he knocked out a few guys trying to kill him, big deal.
But where are you?
And I know most guys aren't like that, but I'm just saying, history is happening now.
And they're trying to intimidate everybody.
And so, it's true, people ask me to go to these events, and I'm like, well, I'm doing big stuff, and digital stuff, and it'll be a big circus, and they'll call out SWAT teams, and a thousand Antifil show.
But I gotta kinda realize,
I've got to show up.
So I will be showing up at some of these events soon.
Maybe in Portland, wherever.
They've all asked me to do it.
I know I'm walking into a death trap, but it has to be done because we can't sit here and celebrate what Rufio's doing if we don't do it as well.
Now, Rufio, I want to take some phone calls in this segment and the next, but I wanted to ask you if there was any other little tidbits you wanted to add.
Um, well, I was going to ask you if you'd be willing to do a Proud Boy first degree.
What's a Proud Boy first degree?
I mean, I have Gavin McGinnis on and I follow, but what's a Proud Boy first degree?
You just state that you're a Western chauvinist and you just apologize for creating the modern world.
I am a Western chauvinist and I do not apologize for creating the Western world.
For real.
That's all, man.
That's all I wanted to ask.
The Renaissance is a hope for all of humanity.
The Renaissance launched abolition.
It launched women's rights.
It's not like I'm... Because I agree with you, but they misrepresent what that means.
It means we were the best ideas of humanity, Christianity mixed with the Renaissance, other ideas that said, let's empower everybody.
So why do we sit back and told we're the racist when we tried to free the whole world?
I agree with that ethos.
Yeah, I think it's, you know, it's their go-to.
They don't have anything else to hold against us.
We're great people.
Some of the biggest hearts I've ever met out in this Patriot movement, you know, the most welcoming, loving people would do anything for you.
So, you know, obviously there's not really anything else you can, you know, call them other than racist, but that doesn't stick.
So I don't really know.
You know, what their intentions are, why they're standing so hard with that narrative.
But, you know, I don't even defend it anymore.
Sounds good, yeah.
Because I could go to all the universities and have circuses and get in the news.
I just have realized, like, I go with a gut level instinct, you know, thing, subconscious analysis, supercomputer stuff.
And so I haven't figured it was right.
I haven't done it.
But I think with Portland and what I've seen and everything, I think it's the place, right in the lion's den, to show up and have a big event.
I think you're right.
Yeah, Poland is by far the biggest antifa, far left, crazy den of, I don't know, just darkness.
What do you think they do when they attack people and get their ass kicked every time?
Don't they get they're the losers?
You know, I would hope so, but they think of themselves as kind of like the Star Wars
You know, rebels, the resistance, you know, they're justified.
Even if they lose, it's just to prepare for the next battle.
So they can punch a baby in the face and, like, spray some capitalist... Exactly.
They have no rules.
They're just... They realize they're total cowards.
Well, they're the real, I mean, they call us Nazis, but they're the real Nazis, like the, you know, the brown shirts.
So when they're hitting people, babies and stuff, it's all justified because, you know, all we represent is evil to them.
Well, I'll be honest, I'm not the toughest guy around, but if I see somebody punch a baby, I'm going to, I can't help it.
It's not going to go well.
But like you said, it happened before.
That's what they do.
We'll be back in a final segment with our guests.
We'll take a few more calls.
On the other side of this quick break, newswars.com, infowars.com.
Dr. Nick Begg is just taking over.
Can you imagine being a grown man who would attack a woman?
I mean, that's a liberal though.
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You are either with the Republic or against it.
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It's Alex Jones.
So, the foretold battle is now here.
We're taking your phone calls for one more segment.
Nick Vegas is taking over.
We have joining us, Rufio Panman, at Rufio Panman PB, on Facebook, Instagram, Rufio underscore Panman.
The point is, the anti-vice-layer,
I've seen a lot of boxing footage.
This is right up there.
Right up there with Muhammad Ali.
It's just great stuff.
Like the wind up and then shoving him so his head slams in the ground.
He's trying to kill you with a baton.
I don't celebrate violence until you attack me.
Then I'm all... Because I'm not offensive.
I'm defensive.
So, do you want to beat somebody up for no reason?
No, but you try to kill me.
Then I really want to hurt you.
And there's a lot of other footage as they run down the street.
I want to take some few phone calls.
But, Rufio, describe the atmosphere where the police, because it happened earlier, heard everyone into Grether to have a big fight, and then what Antifa did, because we can't play all the footage, there's hours of it, once you, like, broke that guy's jaw.
Well, right when Antifa started throwing explosives, it seemed like that was when the cops kind of
They just kind of stood on the sidelines.
You can't even really see them in most of the videos.
They're kind of off on the side.
So that just left us to go and fight them as they charged us and we charged back.
After I knocked out that guy, which I didn't even really fully realize until later when I saw the video, you can see that they start to disperse and run back to their side.
As we started to, you know, take out one by one.
Because you can't really see to the other side of the video that my guys are going to town on some of the other people that were attacking us.
Well, I've seen the videos.
It's amazing.
And there's the melee of them.
Was this before or after they, like, were marching them down the street and led you guys together?
That clip was at the tail end of the march.
This was, like, right after they revoked our permit, which they should not have done.
I think so.
About five minutes later, we marched back to the rally point at the park where DHS was, the Department of Homeland Security, which they did actually a pretty good job.
Sure, so but imagine the cowardice that you knock out one of their people, then they all run.
Like, in a real fight, like you knock our league out, we attack you.
What is the psychology of, you knock one out, they all run?
I mean, this is like the one guy willing to fight?
Well, yeah, I mean, it's the opposite mentality of us.
If they took out one of our guys, we'd all charge in.
So, that's what we think.
It's kind of funny to watch.
Their instincts are the opposite of ours.
What is that?
Well, it's just, you know, they don't know what...
They're not fighting for something they love.
They're angry.
They're fighting with anger, and that can quickly turn to fear.
And so that's when you're fighting somebody who loves their country and is fighting for their country and their people, that anger is going to quickly turn to fear.
But if you're fighting for love, you can't be beaten.
Long term.
I will take a few phone calls here, but that's really deep what you said.
Who's up next here?
Let's talk to Aaron in Michigan.
Aaron, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Go ahead.
How are you doing today?
I'm good, man.
We're starting to turn the tide here.
I'm doing really good.
I support you financially as much as I can.
Thank you, brother.
But I feel like you were talking to me earlier when you said that we need to get off the wall and start to do more because I stay trained for when that moment comes.
But what else more could we do as patriots of this great country?
I ask that question because I need to be innovated.
I don't know.
Rufio Panman, you're on the front lines, you're taking action.
What should we do?
Well, at the very least, you know, get involved with other like-minded men.
You know, we were all individuals at some point, but the strength comes when we can get together and it's really easy.
These days, uh, that we let the, you know, the technology that we have to be able to network with each other.
I mean, proud boys is exactly the globalist fear men.
Cause men are ready to fight.
And, uh, you know, just even if you come out to, uh, I, I just, you know, I encourage anybody to come out to rally, even if you can't come on a regular basis, just to see firsthand, you know, what it is that we're facing, because that you should,
You know, when you see that, you're going to envision what your children are going to be seeing if you don't do anything.
You know, I see this.
God always gives us a reprieve.
And if we don't beat this now, can you imagine in 20 years what it's going to be like?
Yeah, exactly.
God Almighty.
I mean, men that will beat up women and children.
I mean, these aren't men.
These are... God, you look at these Antifa people.
They're just...
The crazy thing is none of them would fight you over a thousand antifa.
In the old days, like El Cid's a movie with a special true story, they would send their champion to fight your champion instead of having an old war.
That makes sense.
They send their champion out, he's a big guy, you break his jaw in the first deal, then they all cave in.
Shouldn't they get like, wow, we're really wimps.
Everywhere we go, we get destroyed.
Can't they just realize that they're in a cult of weakness?
I wish that they would.
I think they find strength in numbers and they try and intimidate people in numbers that, you know, they'll take over a city.
And with the cops standing down, you know, in a lot of cases they'll win when it's a situation where people are outnumbered.
You know, just your average citizen isn't going to want to stand up against, you know, a hundred plus Antifa dressed in all black with masks and weapons.
And that's, it's being encouraged in a lot of these cities, so there's not really much, you know, the average person can do, so it takes, you know, men standing up and showing up to these things and standing against these people.
It takes men.
Andrew in Washington.
Andrew, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, thanks, Alex.
I just want to say it does take great courage, man.
I went to the Mariners game on the 4th, and I was wearing my Donald Trump 2020 Infant Wars t-shirt.
Well I want to say I think the tide is turning because I went there fully expecting a fight.
I had my youngest son there with me and he was legitimately scared.
But I got nothing but high fives and hugs and everybody just wanted to take pictures and it was crazy.
Well, that's the paradox.
No, I agree.
I'll walk down the street in a Trump shirt, or just who I am, and 30, 40 people, black, white, Hispanic, love me.
But then, like, when you least expect it, somebody, like, comes over and attacks you.
And that's the great thing, though.
They think the bullying is dominating us, like we're them, because they would be peer pressure.
So that's a great point.
Let me ask our guest here, Rufio Panman, who knocked out the main commie leader at the Antifa.
Where do they not get that paradox that they think we're like them, caring about what people say?
They have no inner compass.
I don't know.
It's really hard to understand their thinking.
It's really hard to explain to people, you know, their mentality and their whole... and I'm still trying to figure it out.
No, it's hard to describe cowardice on that level.
Yeah, right.
Yeah, the mainstream media is portraying that, you know, if you're a Trump supporter, that you're few and far between.
And so, like that guy was saying, you're going out in the public expecting people to hate you, when really,
A lot of people, you know, are in favor of what's going on being patriotism or being patriot and, you know, standing up for what's right, but they're just afraid because the mainstream media is always pushing this narrative that, you know, we're evil.
I agree.
So, Andrew, what was it like?
I mean, how many positive contacts versus negative?
Uh, honestly, I would say I got, I didn't even see any dirty look.
I was getting high fives.
My son was, he was amazed.
He was like, wow, dad, you're right.
You're right.
Everybody does love Trump.
And I was like, this is downtown Seattle.
So you passed through the mental intimidation.
You went into a public venue with your son, taking your guts with you.
Everything exact, your children to battle, and you won, which shows the example.
I want to salute you, Andrew.
I want to salute Raphael, Rufio, Panman, all he's doing.
I want to thank you all.
Dr. Nick Beggars is taking over, but hey, come to Austin the next few weeks, my friend.
We really appreciate it.
Thank you.
Red blood is still red, ladies and gentlemen, and we are winning, and human destiny is there, so I want to salute our guests, our producers, our crew, everybody.
Taking over is Dr. Nick Baggage in four minutes, InfoWars.com.
It was about 25 years ago that I began to read publicly available
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So, I don't feel sorry for myself being demonized by mainstream media and being attacked and the globalists filing frivolous lawsuits.
I expected that to happen.
This is 21st century warfare.
I just wanna make sure that you, the listeners, and you, the viewers, many of you already understand this, so I'm not patronizing those of you that are already awake, but I wanna make sure all of you realize this isn't just some more entertainment.
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We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
And welcome back to Imporst.com and I'm Dr. Nick Begich standing in today for this last hour and I want to talk about another contrarian view of the world.
I really appreciate the last segment.
I'm probably going to violate all of the
Political correctness issues today.
So I want to talk about climate change from a very different perspective than what we're all hearing in the mass media.
And in fact, I went back and I reviewed a video I produced now 14 years ago before the segment today.
And actually, I wouldn't change a thing.
What I said then, I'm going to repeat again a little bit today with some of the newer overlays.
In terms of what is happening.
But I'm not holding men responsible.
In fact, the biggest influence on climate change today, and I want to say this really loudly, is Mother Nature.
It's not us.
In fact, greenhouse gases, when you look at greenhouse gases in the environment, 97% of these are created naturally by natural processes.
According to BBC, 3% or less, some estimates as low as 1%, are created by man.
If we wiped out every single source of pollutants being blamed for ozone depletion, as an example, it would make 1% difference.
You wouldn't even notice the difference, because the natural cycle is moving faster
Keep up.
So I want to talk a little bit about that.
I want to talk about sort of integrating some of the thoughts on this over this remaining segment today, because I really believe that the political correctness approach in science fundamentally is wrong.
It goes back even to the Age of Enlightenment over 500 years ago, where if you weren't politically correct in those days, they burned you at the stake.
I can tell you, it really hasn't changed much at all.
In fact, up on the screen now, we're talking about Arctic sea loss, ice loss.
In the north, this is 40% of the glaciers in my lifetime have disappeared from Alaska.
40% of the Arctic has disappeared in 40 years.
Now, one of the often cited statistics about global warming is
The oceans are going to rise three feet in a hundred years.
Now, that's a lot of distance, right?
Three feet?
I mean, that's a pretty good amount for ocean people on the coast.
That would make a huge difference.
But historically, I want to go back in time 12,000 years back to the last ice age, where I'm sitting right now in Anchorage, Alaska.
There was 4,000 feet of ice on top of me right
Right here in this very spot, 12,000 years ago, a flash.
In fact, if you look up ice age and ocean depths, by the leading scientists in the world, they're going to say that the oceans, because all that ice was taken up, were 350 feet lower.
You know what that figures out to?
2.91 feet per hundred years.
Just about three feet.
Just kind of what they're predicting for the next 100 years.
But I guarantee you there weren't any automobiles driving around 12,000 years ago when all this started.
This is, in fact, a natural cycle.
Here in Alaska, going back, not very far back, historically, go back only 4,000 years.
About the time the Egyptians were doing things in Egypt that we all read about today.
That's kind of the dawning of
A modern culture 4,000 years ago, and you know the last mastodons were disappearing from an island off the coast of Alaska.
Only 4,000 years ago.
12,000 years ago we had saber-toothed tigers, we had horses, we had mastodons, we had a lot of animals that are extinct now.
And we didn't do it.
It was nature.
Nature, just 12,000 years ago, everything changed.
Now there are those that are saying that
Man overhunted Mastodon, you know, took our spears and we just wiped them right out.
I'm sorry.
I kind of don't buy that.
If you look again, the big changes that happened, it almost like there was this quick freeze that happened because in the in the Soviet Arctic, the old Russian Arctic today, they have dug up frozen
That's right.
The pole was just shifting to its present location, the magnetic pole.
In fact, the pole was centered at the bottom of Hudson Bay in Canada.
Now, if you were to look at a map of Hudson Bay and think about the pole being there and the Arctic ice kind of moving out from that area and covering the planet, you would have glaciers ending somewhere in Iowa, even as far south as Missouri.
And guess what?
12,000 years ago,
That's exactly what we have.
If you go back 50,000 years ago, the pole was off the coast of Norway, in terms of magnetic pole.
And if you think about the ice mass there 50,000 years ago, wow, that would make Alaska a lot warmer than it is today, at least in certain portions.
And you know, 50,000 years ago, we had lions.
In Alaska.
Can you believe it?
Now, up on the screen, for those that are able to see the visual, you've got Hudson Bay in Canada.
If you were to stretch out from there, you'd get a perspective on the country.
But again, when you look at the ice footprint, so to speak, and what else could be accelerating its melting?
You know, back in 2004, they discovered venting, volcanic venting in the Arctic.
And they attribute this now.
Oh, well, this is melting the ice from underneath.
Of course it is.
At a pretty rapid rate.
In fact, if you look at the rate of melt, this really begins to account for a great deal of the thinning of the ice sheet.
More recently, we've heard the most recent reports coming out of the Antarctic, going far to the south, the Southern Pole.
They discovered and have charted 121 new volcanoes.
Under the western side of the Arctic, where the ice sheet is melting the most rapidly, some of these are actually discharging heat under that ice.
Let me tell you, that heat has nowhere to go until it's neutralized, which means it is eliminating ice at an incredible rate.
One serious volcanic eruption of any consequence in the Antarctic would accelerate that melt dramatically.
You know, when you think about these other factors contributing to global warming and the changes that we're witnessing, and what those changes then breed, we're going to get more into as the program continues.
You're listening to InfoWars.
This is Dr. Nick Begich, standing in this last hour where our pick is sounding the alarm.
And we'll be back shortly after this break.
Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, mate.
I've been following you since I was 14, and I'm 32 now.
I remember back when InfoWars and Prison Planet, it was just blue text on a white screen, and I had to load down the page on my dial-up internet, and I thought it was
Pretty cool and read all the books and seen all the DVDs and followed all you get and I've been using your product since the first iteration of Survival Shield and since then I'm on the X2, the Super Male Vitality, the Caveman, the Real Red Pill, Micro ZX, Body, it's all amazing.
Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side with you, the crew, and the listeners out there, 1776 worldwide.
If you use a knife to mutilate your daughter's vagina, will the full force of the law be brought down on you?
Asking for a Muslim, it's on all of us to tackle this problem.
Social media companies, governments, politicians, the media, and you.
Let's work together to end this hate.
So, if you point out that...
Almost all the girls in Pakistan, you name it, now it's happening to tens of thousands in England, sexual grooming.
They spin it, they don't address what they're doing.
Oh my God, you just talked bad about a child!
I want to ban you, you're hateful!
Hobbs is the daughter of a Pakistani Muslim father and Scottish Catholic mother, born in Glasgow, Scotland, and raised in a polygamous home.
She was forced into marriage when she was 18 years old.
She left after almost
Shazia, thank you so much for joining us.
And Khan spinning it as if you saying please stop mutilation was some type of threat on him.
You know, he read out a few different tweets as well.
He read out one where he said that somebody called him a sparrow.
I don't see anything hateful about that at all.
He read out another one that somebody had called him a pigeon.
And then he read out the tweet that I asked him, you know, I asked him, will the full force of the law be brought down on parents who mutilate their daughter's vaginas?
And he read that out as a hate speech, which is just absolute nonsense.
We don't have an exact number of how many girls have been cut in the UK.
They estimate the figure at 137,000.
We have FGM clinics open to deal with the aftermath.
We have a zero-tolerance day for FGM.
We have BME charities that are giving funding.
But we have not one single parent that has been punished.
It's child abuse.
We made it illegal in 1985 in the UK.
We never ever should have had a special law for FGM.
Child abuse is just completely wrong.
Why do you think Khan misrepresented you and demonized you and sided with millions of little girls having their genitals cut off?
I have no idea, honestly.
I really don't know why.
I can't understand how he could stand there.
How can he stand there and read that out and think that people are going to believe it's his speech?
It's just, it's just, it's really bad.
But that's what the left does.
They just misrepresent what we say.
That's what they do.
Yeah, that's very true.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And you're listening to InfoWars.com and this is Dr. Nick Begich in this fourth hour standing in today and talking about
I think so.
A political line is really abandoning the basic essence of it, from my perspective.
And part of that is driven, actually, by the division within the sciences.
You know, so many are now separated rather than combined.
You know, when you think of Earth sciences as an example, sort of combined, what's going on under the Earth, above the Earth, the atmospheric aspects, as well as that which is on terra firma, on the ground.
And this is, again, part of what's missing in the equation is this integration of science.
Right now, the volcanologists are looking at the Antarctic, as we were talking about just before the break, in terms of volcanics and venting and what that's doing to the western Antarctic as it's melting and accelerating.
And I mentioned also in the last segment that the ocean heights have actually increased according to all the mainstream
Science reports 350 feet in 12,000 years.
Now I want to bring a couple of other things into this frame.
That means that 12,000 years ago, most cultures, most civilizations are along the coast, where there's food and seafood and all the things that humans need, as well as temperate climates.
Most of the existing cultures of 12,000 years ago are buried.
If there were any at all under 12,000 years of rising sea heights, now 350 feet deeper than it was.
That averages 3 feet approximately, a little less than 3 feet every 100 years.
Now granted, there were periods where it happened really rapidly and periods where it was relatively slow.
But overall again, averages over 12,000 years fit the standard model that the alarmists, the environmental alarmists are saying,
Three feet in a hundred years, oh no, the sky is falling.
That's the average that nature has produced over the last 12,000 years.
There's nothing new here.
Nothing new under the sun except the propaganda.
And under the sun, that's another misnomer.
You know, when you think about ozone depletion, one of the things that they never factor into the equation
Is every time that a rocket launches through that layer, it deposits particulate material right there, where there's a nozzle hole created at that moment.
When we launched Skylab, it was when we first observed this back in the 1970s.
And they went, oh, no problem.
It quickly refilled.
Sure, it refilled.
The Earth moves, things happen.
You know, and it goes away, the hole goes away.
But the fact is, there have been thousands and thousands of launches since that time, adding to a certainly ozone depletion.
But let's talk about greenhouse gases.
You know, one of the most powerful greenhouse gases is methane.
And methane is being released now by the tons, literal
Hundreds, thousands of tons of methane gas are released every year by the melting of permafrost, which is a natural occurrence of global warming.
Permafrost holds vegetative matter, hundreds of feet thick in some cases, never fully decomposed.
And some of it is created on methane hydrates where the methane is partially decomposed plants and then it's
We're good.
Then the supposed greenhouse gases that man is contributing.
And again, I'll point out, man, according to BBC, only contributes one to three percent of those greenhouse gases.
And the rest are natural.
So again, look at another factor and we can think about the El Ninos and El Ninas of the South Pacific.
And if you remember the images on screen, they're always a plume where the heat starts and then it spreads out across the sea.
And creates these huge impacts to the climate.
Well, I won't disagree they create those huge impacts to climate, but I will disagree with the source.
I believe the source is not human beings and greenhouse gases as such, but something quite different, undersea volcanics.
And let me explain why.
When the sunlight hits the surface of the ocean, 97% plus of the energy
It's reflected away.
It doesn't get absorbed into the sea.
That little bit, that less than 3% that gets absorbed as heat, stays at the surface because heat rises.
If you put your body in the ocean, just a couple feet down, you notice how quickly the temperatures drop.
Because, simple rule of physics, heat rises and stays at the surface.
It does not start at the basin and appear as a plume.
That's not how it works.
Unless it's a volcano venting under the sea.
Then it looks just like a plume.
Because instead of just 3% of the energy being absorbed, 100% of that heat is absorbed in the ocean.
And as it spreads with the currents, it spreads out and drifts across and looks just like a plume.
Just exactly like those satellite thermal images show.
And most of these undersea volcanoes are not monitored.
Over 600 were charted just in the South Pacific.
Let me say that again.
600 undersea volcanoes in the South Pacific alone.
And at any given time, a number of those are venting.
And there's nobody monitoring it at all.
And certainly they're not talking about it as a contributing factor to climate change.
And I believe it is one of the single biggest contributing factors.
The other is the solar cycle itself.
The sun.
You know, the sun, if you actually look at the solar cycle and the temperature gradient of the planet over the last 100 years, in fact now 120 years, because we've charted this and we've kept track of this historically.
And what you see as a direct
Relationship the charts go right together all the way through and in fact when you hit the beginning of World War Two and when you think about the beginning of World War Two.
The carbon footprint on the planet from man, I mean we've got the whole industrial revolution going on 50 years before, and then we have this explosion literally by the war effort of a huge, huge amount of growth.
And you know that we added more particulate material to the atmosphere during that next 50 years than we ever did, and yet if you look at the temperature grading on the planet from approximately 1941 until the early 1980s, a 40-year stretch.
You saw the temperatures declining and pollutants increasing.
They diverged.
They weren't together at all.
The carbon footprint didn't line up with global temperatures at all.
But the solar cycle did absolutely.
There was a, before it became politically incorrect to talk about other causes for climate change, BBC did this excellent special where they charted it and it's a direct correlation of solar activity
Affecting the temperatures on the planet.
When you look at that activity, over this long period of time, it becomes clear, again, that it is not a human being.
If you look at the added energy that comes into the Earth, and that is converted to mass within the Earth, because that's the basic equation, right?
E equals mc squared.
That energy comes in, a certain amount of energy leaves the planet, the rest is absorbed.
It gets into the Earth, and it begins to trigger lots of events.
I think?
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That President Trump gives every indication by what he says, and what he does, and what he doesn't do, that he's mean as a wolverine.
So earlier this week I said, hey, let's put out Trump as a wolverine, mean like a wolverine, InfoWars.com.
Beautiful new red shirt, incredible job with the graphics crew.
They are amazing.
1995, high quality shirt.
It's being printed right now.
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Get your order in.
This is a limited edition.
This needs to be the new viral shirt.
Now, because I saw Walmart boycott launched over in Peach 45 clothing.
Don't boycott Walmart over that.
Just say Walmart.
I don't care if they copy our shirt.
Put out a Reelect 45.
You know, let's engage in that.
So, they've got their Impeach 45.
You go to Infowarsstore.com.
We have Reelect 45 with an American flag very triggering on the right arm and on the back.
I am the resistance.
I am the resistance.
This, I mean, these shirts have just been hitting me.
And I knew Hillary for President.
I saw a handmade sign to guard.
About, you know, like three years before the election.
They knew she'd run.
And then I remember thinking, or two years before, I thought, we've got to do that.
And we went to the RNC, and a third of the people were wearing it.
It was The Chance.
We had planes flying around saying it.
Behind them, it was incredible.
It was a magic moment.
And I know when something's going to be a hit.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
And welcome back to InfoWars with Alex Jones, and this is Dr. Nick Begich standing in for this last hour on a Friday.
It's July 6, 2018, and I always forget to mention my website.
I want to mention it now.
Please check us out at earthpulse.com, E-A-R-T-H-P-U-L-S-E, earthpulse.com, and you can link up to some of the things that we've been doing lately, some of the lectures I've got coming up.
One in August in LA and later in October in the Denver area.
But check us out at EarthPulse.com.
I am really privileged to be here and appearing more regularly on InfoWars.
With Alex, I'm going to be back again on the 20th of July and then most of the Fridays through August.
It's an opportunity to really talk about science in a different way and some of the issues that are plaguing us.
For those that don't know me, I come from a very political background here in my region of the state.
I'm one of the more conservative members of my family, although we cover it all.
Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Independents.
And it makes for an interesting dynamic.
My dad was a United States Congressman, my brother a U.S.
Senator, my other brother is a State Senator, my mom was a National Committee woman a couple of times, and I was an activist both in the Alaskan Independence Party and was a keynote this last year with the Libertarians here in Alaska at their convention.
So a lot of different politics, but today we've been talking about
Climate change from a very different perspective, quite contrary.
And I know some of my liberal friends are going to be really angry at me because they bought the Kool-Aid, so to speak.
You know, the thing about just before the break, we're talking about solar activity being the biggest contributor.
And I mentioned, again, BBC actually tracked this and shows a direct correlation between solar activity and, of course, climate change and global warming.
You can go back historically, you know, back in several hundred years ago, there was a time where we had a mini ice age, you know, where there was a point where things stayed frozen.
I mean, you could walk across the Hudson River in New York and ice skate on it, you know, during those years.
Climate does go through cycles and largely by the fact of nature, not man.
Again, the kind of things that are happening right now, the Aleutian Chain out off the coast of Alaska is another place where back in the early, in the 1990s, we had a period where for one summer, maybe two summers, the ocean temperatures in the Gulf of Alaska, south of me, south from Anchorage, went up 15 degrees in one year.
Now what in the heck could cause a 15 degree temperature change?
They couldn't figure it out because they're all looking at the surface.
They're all looking at the sun.
They're all looking at human beings.
What they weren't looking at is the Aleutian Trench, which is this volcanic part of the Ring of Fire surrounding the Pacific Ocean in the North Pacific.
At any given time on the Aleutian Chain,
Basically, just hundreds of miles from the coast of Japan and stretching all the way back to North America is a chain of volcanoes.
At any given time, three or four of them are going off on the surface, and a lot is going on underneath where heat is being released.
And a hundred percent, all of that heat energy is absorbed into the ocean and moves.
Now, those ocean temperatures have a huge effect on what's going on on the surface of the Earth.
The way in which the ocean currents move affects jet streams and other systems in terms of how the atmosphere dissipates its heat and how it dissipates its moisture.
And when you see these kinds of changes, big swings occur where areas that were cold become warm, areas that were warm become cooler because of a general disruption in the jet streams and normal flows that we're used to in terms of climate.
If you look in the Caribbean area, there's undersea volcanics there.
Now, we all know that as the oceans heat up in that region, we get more severe hurricanes.
So ocean temperatures matter, not just from what's going on on the surface, but what's going on at depth.
If you look at the mid-Atlantic ridge, which is this fault system that goes right through the middle of the Atlantic and all along it,
Our volcanics, starting in Iceland and going all the way down into the Canary Islands, which are volcanic islands.
And always there's a certain amount of magma that's being released, and this is well documented throughout the record.
And this adds and alters the heat within the oceans, because it changes from time to time.
There's periods where there's lots of activity, like we're seeing in Hawaii right now.
We're good to go.
Maui the next one over, and in Oahu in the nethers.
All those volcanics are extinct because the hotspot is moved, and now it's the main island of Hawaii.
But at any given time, a tremendous amount of heat energy is released in the oceans, and at various times, it goes up and down and can be directly related to the temperatures within the oceans.
They say man's contribution could raise the ocean temperatures maybe one degree in a hundred years.
Well, that's because we don't affect it.
We only affect the surface because as soon as you drop down even a couple feet in any body of water, a lake, the ocean, you notice quickly how quickly everything cools.
So these natural cycles, these natural events are what are contributing to climate change today.
And what's missing is here's everybody fighting over the cause.
And I think this is a foolish fight to have.
The real recognition is it is change.
It's not going to reverse.
It is nature, which means we need a more comprehensive national policy in our security interest to look at food, water production as the agricultural footprint starts to move north.
Canada is going to become one of the best agricultural belts in the world.
As you see, these changes occurring
This is where the big changes in terms of our economy can be greatly affected.
You know, we produce a lot of food for the rest of the world in the United States, and as our food production footprint changes, so does our ability to supply the world with its food.
And again, when we think about climate change as an impact, we need to acknowledge that this is happening.
Forget the cost for a moment, and let's begin to look at
Our food, our water, our infrastructure, our coastal areas.
In Alaska, 60 coastal communities are eroding.
You never hear about it because nobody hardly at all lives there.
You know, we have some communities where the elders remember lakes in front of their homes and a couple mile walk to the coast.
The coast is laughing at their door today.
And it's not because of what man did.
It's because of what nature is doing.
And this is going to continue and accelerate over the next several decades.
I went back before the segment today and looked at what I recorded 14 years ago.
You could hear it today.
Nothing's changed.
It's the same positions I had then.
And the facts bear it out even more today than they did then.
But the climate, political climate of not being able to tell the truth, to not be able to talk about the real causes of climate change, it's suppressed.
Science in way too many ways.
And a lawsuit just thrown out of the courts where the environmental community is suing the major oil companies for changing the climates of the planet.
This is ridiculous.
And this is, again, the latest and greatest way for the environmental community to raise money to solve a problem that doesn't even exist as far as man is concerned.
Now, there are things that I need to say about that.
The reason I've not
Objected to the complaint about particulates in the upper atmosphere is because there is a problem with heavy metals and pollutants that are being put into the environment that are very dangerous.
A lot of these chemicals are leading to false estrogens being put into the environment that leads to a feminization of species.
You can look at the work of MIT scientists under a book called Our Stolen Future, which really gets into that whole aspect
But these issues are also important as stewards to the planet.
We need to be concerned about these things as good stewards.
However, attributing the climate change to man,
It's a red herring.
It is not the nature of it.
It's a very different situation.
We just touched on the subject a little bit today.
We'll get into that perhaps a little bit more in our next time we're on, and that'll be the fourth hour on July 20th.
And this is Ben McBaggage, and you're listening to Info Wars.
And please check out my website, EarthPulse.com, and remember, support Alex Jones, support this network and the good people behind it, and that's the way we change the world, one step at a time.
Thank you for being here and thank you for listening.
This is Dr. Nick Beggins, signing off.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast,