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Name: 20180702_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 2, 2018
2946 lines.

In this episode of Alex Jones' show, he discusses the potential for technological advancements to change humanity's future. He warns against the control of Satanists and globalists but encourages listeners to embrace their free will and strive for real human empowerment. The broadcast ends with a mention of a new product called Alpha Power that claims to enhance stamina, libido, workout, and brain function.

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There's every indication by what he says and what he does and what he doesn't do that he's mean as a wolverine.
It's 11.59 at Radio Free America, and this is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now, I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone.
The chair is against the wall.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
John has a long mustache.
It's 12 o'clock, Americans, another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
But they took a lot of people away.
People that they thought were gonna make trouble for them.
People that had guns or things they wanted, they just took them away.
Re-education camps, that's what they call it.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
I have decided we really need camps for adults.
We need the type of camps that you all run.
I mean, really.
All persons of Japanese descent were required to register.
Now they were taken to racetracks and fairgrounds where the army almost overnight had built assembly centers.
I'm a sorry citizen.
I refuse to recognize you guys.
What kind of a situation in the U.S.
would you see that happening?
We've got a lot of constitutionless and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
Plus you have a lot of people that are coming out of the military that have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
These people are radicalized and they don't support the United States and they're disloyal to the United States.
It's our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community
That's what we're doing here and let's not kid about it.
We're building a domestic army because the government is afraid of its own citizens.
Put your gun down, really?
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Are you some kind of a constitutionalist?
So these people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not.
They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
President Trump gives every indication by what he says and what he does and what he doesn't do, that he's mean as a wolverine.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is no doubt that the globalists are funding a collapse of the third world.
Then put socialism, communism in charge, and then collapse western borders and governments from within, and bring the world into a new neo-feudalistic fascist system in their own words.
A post-industrial world.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
It is July 2nd, 2018, and we are broadcasting worldwide.
There has been, of course, a man arrested for reportedly planning a July 4th terror attack with bombs in Cleveland.
Just yesterday, I had the headline that anti-FUD Democrats Deep State are planning to launch their civil war July 4th.
You can see it as a demarcation line where they're building up towards that date and towards the summer and into the fall to overthrow Trump.
So we have the press conference on that and a lot more.
And then magically, of course, the arrests start happening.
You have over the weekend in Portland, even mainstream news admits Antifa attacked the peaceful prayer vigil.
And then the police called it a riot and shut it down.
And it was a bunch of meth heads and college professors and people wanting to make their bones, wanting to go out and throw bottles at people, bricks at people.
They carry bombs at people, the big firecrackers.
They got arrested with knives, clubs, beating people over the head.
And then if you fight back, they call it a riot.
So that's what's going on, ladies and gentlemen, as the globalists, George Soros and others, as the big megabanks, attempt to destabilize this country and overthrow it, just like Ukraine.
This 4th of July is special.
Everybody can see it, they can feel it.
The globalists are attempting to kill a worldwide awakening to their tyranny.
And America, yet again, is at the heart of the resistance of the globalists.
That's why this 4th of July I'm asking all of our great supporters to think about Infowars now more than ever.
And what would the world be like if Infowars wasn't there resisting the globalists?
What would have happened if you hadn't supported InfoWars?
We would not be having the victories we have today.
So yes, a lot of good things are happening, but the enemy is striking back.
So please, think about InfoWars and funding our operation while you get great products at the same time on the 4th of July that's so historic.
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This 4th of July is special, and our sales are special to match it.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Here we are broadcasting worldwide on Monday, the second day of July 2018.
We are now halfway into this year and it is an amazing year, isn't it?
We have the critical midterm election coming up in a few months.
We have the
Large central banks and megacorporations openly fomenting leftist revolutions around the world and attempts to collapse the third world.
We have everyone from Michael Moore to the other usual suspects like Maxine Waters and others saying hashtag hunt Republicans.
We have more over the weekend calling for, we'll play the clip coming up, an uprising against Trump and for a million people to surround the Capitol and the Congress to not let Trump have his new Supreme Court nominee that he'll be announcing very, very soon.
We have Robert Mueller now targeting campaign finance, thought it was about Russia,
And guess what he's targeting?
The NRA.
That's being reported by The Hill.
I couldn't even have imagined that, but why not?
It's totally political, it's totally criminal, created by Mr. Rosenstein, who got grilled and caught in a bunch of lies before Congress.
It's simply unbelievable that they've gone this far, this rogue element of the government.
That has been completely exposed as a deep state cabal to stop the recovery of this republic.
It is quite a time to be alive.
And then of course we've got this big news.
Fresh on the heels of Alexandra Cortez beating the incumbent
Democrat in the primary in New York City, in the deepest of the deep area, a shoo-in for Congress.
She wants free health care.
She wants free school.
She wants jobs for everyone, guaranteed by the government.
And a bunch of other things that are out of the Communist Manifesto, guaranteed to completely
Create economic collapse.
Flooding America with illegals who vote.
Overthrowing the Constitution.
Disarming all citizens.
Never ending government handouts for all.
Class tribal warfare against whites.
She's an open racist.
Government run third world healthcare.
Government monopoly over education.
Weaken police.
Weakening police while gangs run rampant.
The results?
Economic collapse, lawless violence, unending human suffering, government genocide, the collapse of individual liberty, race wars, mass starvation, total brainwashing of children, rampant unemployment.
Meet the face of tyranny and suffering.
If you think Venezuela is awesome, you'll love Alexandra Cortez.
Let's retweet that.
Meme that Mike Adams made and gave us, the Health Ranger.
Let's retweet that at Real Alex Jones and let's get Paul to tweet that because it's so important.
And why did I mention that?
I should have started the broadcast with this little nightmare tidbit.
But I tend to kind of escalate up, don't I, instead of bringing up the big news first.
A socialist like
Hugo Chavez.
First he was a democratic socialist like Alexander Cortez.
And then he was a socialist, talking about Hugo Chavez and Venezuela.
And then he was a communist.
And he said, we have always been communists.
And now the country has been in... Only way to describe it is road warrior level collapse for five years.
Hundreds of thousands have starved to death.
It's a thousand a week they estimate.
And now, Mexico has elected a socialist president who's told people not just in Mexico but all over the world to leave your towns and find a life in the United States.
And conquer the United States through socialism and through a Latin American socialist movement funded by the Ford Foundation and the Globalist.
Mexico's new socialist president
Andres Orbedor, known as the Mexican Hugo Chavez, previously told citizens of the country they must leave their towns to find life in the United States.
Orbedor, or...
Amlo claimed a landslide victory in Mexico's presidential election with 53% of the vote.
Having previously described President Trump as erratic and arrogant, 64-year-old former Mexico City mayor infamously told Mexicans last month that they should flood the U.S.
As soon, very soon, after the victory of the movement, we will defend all the immigrants in the American continent.
That's UN talk.
That's total George Soros world government.
But everyone, I guess he's going to open Mexico's borders too.
No, don't hold your breath.
And soon, very soon, I'm quoting him, after the victory of our movement, we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all migrants in the world
Orador, am I pronouncing that right, said, adding that immigrants must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.
He went on to emphasize that this was the human right we all defend.
We will defend.
Yes, to have free everything, I get it.
He's also promised amnesty for drug cartels, nationalizing the oil industry, and a non-violent revolution to wipe out the country's corrupt elite.
Now there is a corrupt elite there, and it's basically feudalism, but you're gonna replace it with this?
It'll get ten times worse.
And of course, drug cartel amnesty?
I guess he means if they lay down their weapons and stop killing everybody.
We'll see how this goes.
But it's interesting that he's telling everybody to leave Mexico, but he's creating a socialist utopia.
So he's also proposed amnesty for drug cartels, nationalizing the oil industry, and a non-violent revolution, I'm sure that'll work, to wipe out the country's corrupt elite.
But who will lead it if half the population has left for America remains a mystery.
One wonders why if AMLO's socialist populist revolution is so fantastic why anyone would want to flee Mexico.
The mind truly boggles.
Maybe a 51% of U.S.
millennials who support communism and socialism should try to immigrate to Mexico now that their guy is in charge and utopia is right around the corner.
But don't hold your breath.
It's a Paul Joseph Watson article up on Infowars.com that I added a few tidbits of factoid to.
But this is so seismic that I probably should have just started the show with an emergency red siren like Grudge does and said,
Venezuela has fallen, Nicaragua, El Salvador, all these other countries, Cuba, Mexico, to communism.
What he's calling for is communism.
And he's calling for raising taxes even on middle class, the tiny middle class in Mexico.
And it will further descend into total bedlam, which is exactly what the globalists want.
And so thank God that wall's being built.
Thank God, because all of the third world is being collapsed as an official UN weapon plan to destroy the West and destroy any prosperity on the planet that's not in the hands of the tax-exempt multinational elites that are above the law.
This is their assault.
This is their plan.
This is their program.
Mexico just elected.
A socialist slash communist who promises to weaponize all of Latin America's third world populations and to flood the United States and bring it down for socialism.
This is the plan.
This is the globalist counter-strike to nationalism, to populism, to free market, is to fund socialist and communist movements everywhere in these depressed, collapsing areas.
But here's the thing.
Mexico, out of 160 plus third world countries, is rated in the top 10%.
Mexico is in the top end of third world countries.
It's got a lot of wealth.
It's got pockets of prosperity.
It's got a culture, art, all that.
But communism will destroy it.
So Mexico is preparing the long nightmare plunge.
And you know the globalists are behind this guy.
It's on record.
To collapse North America into itself.
That's been the plan of the TPP, the North American Union, all of it.
We'll be right back.
We're going to be fighting back.
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The biggest problem we have is we have a very dishonest media.
But these are among the most dishonest people you'll ever, ever meet.
But we're gonna punch through the media.
We have to.
Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done.
No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America.
We will not fail.
Our country will thrive and prosper again.
That whether we are black
Or brown.
Or white.
We all bleed the same red blood of patriots.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
The prize I want is victory for the world.
Victory for the world.
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Audience, radio affiliates, TV affiliates, thank you for your support.
But they've cut off the sponsors.
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They have filed 13 lawsuits.
We've beaten six.
But understand this, I am your soldier.
You're my soldier.
We're all in this together.
And we're fighting hard for American values, what we know works, and what brings liberty and freedom to our children.
So I salute you and I thank you.
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Please shop with the good guys.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones, for example.
Alex Jones, the far-right conspiracy theorist who is apparently
Alex Jones!
Russian scum!
It always comes to mind.
Your reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
Mexico just elected a socialist slash communist who is in the vein of Hugo Chavez and believes in nationalizing everything.
But then they let the management be run by multinational corporations that will loot it.
Now Carlos Slim, who's very unpopular in Mexico,
Manipulated things by claiming he was against the socialists, but it turns out, even Reuters reports, he stands to gain the most from this man's election.
Billionaire Slim...
There's Reuters.
Well, he's been elected.
And just like the big multinationals worked with Hugo Chavez to suck Venezuela dry, they're about to do it to Mexico even worse.
Does that mean there aren't corrupt elites there?
Does it not mean there's not warlords and all the problems?
Did Mexico ever get out from under colonialism?
Does it have a feudalist system?
But now, ladies and gentlemen, all the people being told they're going to get a bunch of freebies, it's not going to be the big multinational corporations and the millionaires that pay.
It's going to be the tiny middle class.
And Mexico is about to have it destroyed.
And the news even admits that George Soros is involved.
Of course he is.
And so, it begins.
We know every time a socialist is put in, they then become a communist.
And we know what's happened in Latin America, everywhere this has been put in, it is a nightmare scenario.
But if you go back to the creation of the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels and the rest of them, British intelligence didn't know how to
Get all the serfs that were being freed off the land in Russia and in Europe and other areas because Christians were demanding that slavery be ended.
And so the white peons in Europe, that just means a serf in Spanish, you know, just a little farmer.
They were being freed off the land.
The Industrial Revolution was happening.
And so they concocted this whole system to create a classless system.
And they concocted this whole operation so that they would get all the serfs that were coming off the land to go back into a communal system.
And of course it created consolidated wealth, created nightmare wars, created hundreds of millions killed or starved to death.
We know the history of communism.
We know who runs it, what it's designed for, and where it leads us.
And now we know that the UN is trying to collapse our borders, and collapse Europe's borders, and also trying to put socialists and communists in, Muslim nations, or radical Islamists.
This is the plan.
They've elected a guy that says, it is your job to invade El Norte.
It is your job, as migrants of the world, to go anywhere you want.
But he's not going to open the border up for people to come up from Central America.
No, no, no.
He's only going to open up the corridors, as Mexico's already done.
To allow people to stay on the railways, and that's it.
You deviate, you're beaten, you're shot, you're killed, you're put in prison.
None of those folks are humanized.
And I feel sorry for them.
Fleeing collapsing communism, fleeing collapsing socialism, in more than half of the nations, they are fleeing those nations in Central and South America, and then destabilizing the nations they're going into, like Chile.
In other areas.
And it like dominoes falling towards the north.
Collapse, collapse, collapse, collapse, collapse.
Now the last domino collapse into Mexico.
The last domino in Latin America.
And then boom.
The giant Latin American population brought in to waiting arms at public schools and colleges and media and Netflix, promoting communism and socialism and race consciousness and La Reconquista and liberation theology, all primed and ready to be prepared for their piece of the pie, which is killing the pie, which is slicing up America, which is killing the golden goose that lays the golden eggs.
The diabolical nature of this is unprecedented, and it is an admitted UN and global government plan, now collapsing Latin America, now collapsing into Europe.
And the EU announces a partnership, it was in Reuters last Friday, to invade countries, to use a new military to stop Italy from stopping the Zodiac boats and the ships coming in every day to Italy, dumping off North Africans, Islamists.
And the U.N.
is to establish emergency centers and bring U.N.
forces in to Spain and into France and into other areas, Sweden.
They bring in 10 million plus in the last few years.
It collapses city centers.
Oh my God, don't worry, the U.N.
is here.
announces plan to establish emergency centers in major European cities.
Now you've got the U.N.
Now they bring in even more.
Now they weaponize those people.
Then they hold you hostage.
There's a Reuters headline.
It was Friday.
You could type it in.
The headline was, uh, UN announces plan to establish migrant emergency centers in Europe.
And then it says that the EU is inviting them in to then suppress the nation states that are trying to struggle free from it.
So the attack from the third world and the attack from above the big global banks.
There it is.
UN to present plan for Mediterranean migrant centers for the EU in the EU.
France says they want them inside their country.
Italy says no.
They say no, you help the collapsing third world by staying in North Africa and building infrastructure there.
You don't bring the crisis where 90% never get a job and 80% are military-aged men.
You understand this is happening.
This isn't a drill.
This is the new world order.
This is world government.
And Trump is there with patriots in our government that are left trying to hold back.
And he's on the phone trying to get Theresa May on board.
She won't do it.
She's a traitor.
He's on the phone with the Hungarian and the Polish and the Romanian presidents that a thousand percent get it because they've been invaded hundreds of times.
And they are holding the line in a total emergency with a new wave coming in that's twice the size of the last wave.
Austria now is an emergency in elected patriots and is building emergency walls and massing troops on their border.
We are wide open.
This is a planned takeover.
I'm getting chills right now.
I am.
Incredible chills.
I mean...
I cannot express to you enough.
This is World War 4.
They're launching on every front.
Antifa, terrorists, Islamist groups working with them, all of it.
They're gearing up, they're building up for the chaos to bring in the big attack, to sink and dynamite the engine of free market, and then the whole world will slide into a giant depopulation nightmare program.
And if you think Trump's fascist, they plan, after a decade of world hell, to bring in a true fascist world government, you'll wish for Trump.
Trump is the desperate attempt to stop this and to have a future for people.
Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broderick all came out with sexual allegations against Bill Clinton decades ago.
They originated this idea of coming out against someone who's powerful.
But they came out before these other women came out against Harvey Weinstein.
Now why were they excluded from the hashtag MeToo movement?
They were not included in the Time Magazine article.
None of the women were interviewed.
Are you worried at all that the hashtag MeToo movement may become too partisan and be used as a political weapon?
Let me answer your question.
Shut up, let me answer your question.
I'm sorry.
Let me answer your question.
Let me answer your question.
Let me answer your question.
Justice for Danny Williams!
The answer is, this is not a partisan movement.
The answer is, if you want to talk about before Bill Clinton, let's talk about Anita Hill.
I am raising awareness.
I am raising awareness.
This is a movement about survivors.
A female reporter being assaulted, being pushed, being grabbed, being cussed at, being yelled at by a mob of hateful women.
And if I saw a mob of men like Antifa does treating a woman like this, I would be upset.
We've seen them do that all over the country.
The left celebrates it.
So the truth is they're just a bunch of leftist, globalist, brainwashed women being led by the Democrats.
Oh yeah, I mean, it became a den of vipers and she sure sucked them on.
I mean, they instantly started cheering with her and it became a big bullying fest and
It's like this witch hunt, this mob mentality where somebody can incite violence or hate towards you instantly and that's exactly what she did.
So why is it that her answer wasn't just simply, you know, we do support those women and we do think that, you know, the allegations against Bill Clinton are appalling and we want to support them and extend an arm to them.
A lot of women, at first a lot of women cheer you, but then they get the marching orders that they shouldn't.
What you said was very reasonable.
She should have just said you were right and that'd be it.
Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, mate.
I've been following you since I was 14, and I'm 32 now.
I remember back when InfoWars and Prison Planet, it was just blue text on a white screen, and I had to load down the page on my dial-up internet, and I thought it was pretty cool, and read all the books, and seen all the DVDs, and followed all your guests.
And I've been using your product since the first iteration of Survival Shield.
And since then, I'm on the X2, the Super Male Vitality, the Caveman, the Real Red Pill, Micro ZX Body.
It's all amazing.
Thank you, brother.
Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side
You, the crew, and the listeners out there.
1776 Worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are drugged out!
We are following other people's opinions!
We are controlled by the media.
Today, it all changes.
This reality has been forced upon us.
It is a choice, just like when I said slavery is a choice.
Einstein said the death and event insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different result.
So we keep on saying, I hate you, I hate you, f*** you, f*** you, f*** you.
How are we going to get a different result out of hate?
Why don't we just try love?
Why don't we just try love?
We have the resources.
Sometimes you need some crazy motherf***ers to change something.
Steve Jobs is crazy.
Now we all on Steve Jobs' phones.
They say Trump's crazy.
They say I'm crazy.
But I'm here to show love.
It's a bigger plan and I'm just doing what the universe told me.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The globalists have been beta testing how to collapse nations using other countries that are collapsing that border them.
And if you study communist theory, they actually have a program where they go in like dominoes, bring down a country, loot its wealth, transfer it to the multinational communist combine that's always run by big banks.
It's the big rich guys that run it.
On record, declassified, the Venona Secret's all of it.
The globalists were running Russia for 80-something years as a colony to suck dry and use for their worldwide evil, and then to exploit neighboring nations and overthrow them, like China.
This is an exploitation phase.
And they are making their move to collapse the third world like dominoes into the United States, to collapse the Middle East and Africa into Europe.
And it's admitted!
But everything previous to this has been on the low scale.
They're making their worldwide move and admitting it.
And admitting they're going to get world government out of collapsing third world populations, giant migrant waves, biological emergencies, biological weapons releases, superbugs, and regional conflicts.
This is World War 4.
Cold War was World War III, and the CIA's on admissions, and it's here.
It's now.
And the cherry on top is they will elect socialist or islamicist at every key point on the map as the final domino falls into the West.
And Mexico just elected a socialist slash communist that has called for migrants of the world to invade the United States, and that no one has a right to borders.
Now you think about that.
He's going to implode Mexico.
He's going to suck it dry.
And George Soros and Carlos Slim are on record set to make the money.
You're like, wait, Carlos Slim has criticized the new Mexican president before he was elected.
That's all for public consumption.
Because Carlos Slim is hated in Mexico because he's exploited people.
And so, they're not going to replace the Mexican elite.
They're not going to replace the corrupt forces in Mexico.
It's going to get worse.
And the people of Mexico are about to get squeezed real hard.
And it's a real shame.
So, I've laid out the fact that they're making their big move.
Everything else has been a test.
A test.
Kind of like, oh, how you doing?
How you doing?
How you doing?
That's a military tactic.
And then finally, BAM!
When you get the big uppercut, the big right uppercut, you never know what hit you when your jaw breaks and your teeth clatter together and shatter.
You never know what hit you.
Because it's socialism, communism, Antifa, demonstrations, oh, and then BOOM!
It hits.
The Antifa are the professors training for violence and murder.
The Antifa are the George Soros-funded groups on record.
And you look at Portland.
Even local news admitted, oh, the police called it a riot after Antifa threw fireworks and bottles and bricks and knives at the Patriots.
Prayer vigil that was there.
They had a prayer vigil and then some folks came out that wanted to stand up against Antifa.
And all of this
Is this part of the probing?
Now, that all ties in to the globalist uncloaking, that they've been building their socialist systems, they've been building their candidates, they've been preparing their people, they've had the Hollywood and the media hyping and all,
And now they're beginning to roll it out.
Oh, in New York, she wins the primary.
Alexandra Cortez, whose platform is communist, not socialist.
But whether you're Hugo Chavez or whether you're the new president of Mexico, who calls himself a Chavez, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, if I pronounced that right, he calls himself a democratic socialist too, just like Bernie Sanders did.
Oh, but once they get control, they're not.
Then the red shirts come out, the red flags come out, and you're going to get ready to have your business taken, and they're going to make you stay at your business and run it while you hire all their little buddies in there.
And then, of course, you just give it benign neglect and stop really caring, and everything falls apart.
And that's how it works.
But the globalists don't care because they're getting your water,
They're getting your timber, they're getting your gold, they're getting your bauxite, they're getting your silver, they're getting your rarest minerals, they're getting your population's labor, they're getting your telecommunications, they're getting your real estate, they're getting your infrastructure.
This is how it always works.
After 5, 10, 15, 20 years of communism, first starting out is socialism.
Democratic Socialism, Socialism, Communism.
Then the CIA will fund a right-wing overthrow and all the land will be pennies on the dollar and the people will be so thankful and things will turn around right away, but it'll be even more consolidated.
And so you'll never get to own anything because you weren't part of the multinationals that came in after.
Cuba's sin is that it went total communist and never let anybody in.
So the globalists are mad.
But China's different.
Oh, after 20 years of Mao killing about a third of the population and training them to behave properly, all investment went there.
And that's the plan.
They're not communists.
They're authoritarian.
They're fascists.
They're dehumanizing.
They're monsters.
Now that said, the Democrats have launched their new third world war.
But they technically call it the Fourth World War.
And the Democrats in our country are just players in this larger picture.
And so I said yesterday, I predict increasing riots, unrest, terror attacks, on or about July 4th, going right through the summer, into Mueller putting out his fake report, in the fall, 25th Amendment move to take out Trump, and today it's all over the news.
They're planning uprisings, terror attacks everywhere, because you can see them building.
You can feel the energy.
You can see the hate.
You can see it expanding.
Radical Islam allied with the Soros-funded left, and this whole international combine.
And Soros is just a front man.
Bill Gates is in there, all of them.
When we come back, man accused of planning July 4th terror attack in Cleveland.
Headline should be Islamist arrested, reportedly, planning this.
But it's all coming up just like I told you.
Now that said, we're going to beat this wave.
And thank God we've got Trump in there.
But the globalists are getting ready to make their moves all over the world.
That's why, thank God, people are waking up because the time is so incredibly critical.
Now all of that said...
We need your financial support.
We're not communists, we're not globalists, we're not mega bankers funded by, you know, some trillion dollar combine like every other communist nightmare is.
We're promoting Americana, success, free market, family, real freedom.
That's why we're under attack.
Because what we're promoting works, it's proven to work, and in a year and a half, it's turning around already.
But we, as the tip of the spear, and Infowars, are under mega attack.
That's why I'm asking you this July 4th, this critical July 4th, when the enemy is going to step it up.
And really come after us.
There's crossroads to commit, to get great products and help yourself and your family, and fund the InfoWar, a total 360 win.
So please, take advantage of the 2nd American Revolution 4th of July Super Sale at InfoWarStore.com.
50% off and free shipping on dozens of best-selling items and so much more.
We'll be right back on the other side to get into the Islamist terror attack that was reportedly foiled in Cleveland and the police press conference.
Stay with us.
It was early on in the Revolutionary War, when the U.S.
Navy had less than ten major surface ships, that John Paul Jones, the father of the U.S.
Navy, while engaging a British ship three times the size of his, said, I've only begun to fight.
And that's when the ship was sinking and was on fire.
But he didn't give up.
And he won.
That's part of the ethos of this country.
But not everybody is brought right to the wall and given victory.
The Alamo stood and fought victory or death of Colonel Travis.
And they all died.
All 180 plus men.
But the seed of that example led to the victory that came.
So I don't know how Infowars fight is gonna end.
But I know this.
Faced with the same challenges that John Paul Jones and Colonel Travis faced.
With this country under attack by foreign evil forces, hell-bent on enslaving us and destroying the promise of the Renaissance.
I will quote Colonel Travis 110% and hope that I can man up to be in his shoes and say victory or death.
Let me tell you something, I get tears in my eyes when I think about that because I love America.
It's not fear that makes me get tears in my eyes, it's will and strength boiling to defeat these tyrants and these globalists.
But that said, just like our information is game changing, the products that we sell, all of them,
And whether it's colloidal silver for $19.95, the very best out there.
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Or whether it's DNA Force that's now back in stock.
And the other key elements that are in this product would cost $300, $400 if you put it all separately in little bottles.
They sell PQQ in little bottles with a third the dose we put in this, each caplet, each powder capsule, and it is, again, the third as much, and it's like $40, $50 for a little bottle.
Think about that.
It's $74 right now.
It's our flagship, most expensive product because these compounds are expensive to get and to have organic.
And that's how we fund our operations.
So I can't read you the thousands of reviews of the old DNA Force or Cell Force that were similar formulas, but this is even stronger and lower price.
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DNA Force Plus Telomere Support, now available at InfoWareStore.com or you can call 888-253-3139.
Every other major conservative website or talk show host is funded by the Mercers or some other billionaire family.
That's fine.
I'm not funded by any of that.
I'm funded by you.
So thank you all.
And please continue to support us because without you, we will fall to Soros and Hillary.
But I know in my gut we're going to win this one way or the other.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Remember last year?
George Soros paid for full-page ads.
In the New York Times and other major publications, all over the U.S.
saying, we're going to overthrow Trump, we're going to overthrow capitalism, we're going to overthrow the Second Amendment, and then I would cover it on air, and in an exercise of propaganda, they had CNN, MSNBC, Salon, all of them said, you can look it up, last year, in the summer, yet again,
They said, Jones is a liar.
That's not a real full-page ad.
And everybody went, why would they do that when a lot of my listeners even went and bought the paper?
It was in National, it was in there.
You go there and see on their website.
Because it's a military tactic.
They want their people in the streets, not ours.
They want to put out their announcement and have Michael Moore say, surround the White House, surround the Capitol.
It's time for an uprising.
Hashtag hunt Republicans.
Blood in the streets, up to their ankles.
Congressman Scalise, all this stuff.
Kidnap Baron Trump, rape him, you know, put him in the thing with pedophiles.
Burn down ICE centers, docks where the ICE people live.
To the point of, you just get used to hearing that, but never any opposition.
And then we go, hey, that's wrong to call for civil war.
Shut up, Jones!
Nobody's calling for that!
But now, in 2018, they're not lying anymore.
There's the headline, Politico.
Soros bands together with donors to call for the overthrow of Trump.
It's on, folks!
They didn't want people to know what was building, because they're going to have a catalyst.
Some cop shooting a black guy in the wrong, or globalists infiltrating right-wing groups and staging some event, or little kids coming across with no parents, or sometimes parents, and saying they've been separated from their parents, when in most cases it doesn't even happen, and it's a hoax.
They're looking for that catalyst.
They're looking for that crisis.
And then all of a sudden, once they've got the big demonstrations in a couple burning cities, then boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, all of a sudden, congressmen and women's houses get attacked, police chiefs' houses get attacked, talk show hosts get attacked, the First Family gets attacked and killed.
We're talking rocket attacks on the White House.
I mean, you're going to see that.
You're going to see rocket attacks, explosions, helicopter gunships.
You're going to see other parts of the military fighting it off.
The media is going to come out and announce, though, that Trump was a Russian.
He was caught.
Anyone with him will be dealt with.
And you're going to have a civil war, folks.
It's on.
They got their people in the military.
They got them in the FBI.
They got them in local police departments.
And they've got lists of who they're going to kill.
They've got lists right now and they are considering launching it July 4th.
I'm telling you, I know it from my own gut, my own research and sources have told me that yes, they believe terror attacks with Islamists, I said this yesterday, and leftists were coming July 4th and then exponentially building, building, building, building, building, so you don't realize you're in a full-on civil war by September 1st.
They're then going to claim all Republicans that were elected in 2016 were funded by Russians.
There'll be new elections.
They'll be removed.
How do I know?
Atlantic Monthly put it out openly.
The Atlantic Council called for it.
And then I've seen them carrying the plan out for a year and a half.
See, because they think we're dumb.
They openly have to communicate because their organization is so big and a lot of it's in cells.
So they communicate openly.
Civil unrest, overthrow, war on the streets.
And then once it hits, they're not going to just kill Trump.
They're coming for you.
And they think if they kill enough cops in the streets and do enough of this, that the cops, everybody will roll over, run up the white flag and say, OK, we capitulate.
And they'll go, OK, strong city initiative.
The UN, just like it's happening in Europe, Reuters, is going to come in and fix the rioting, fix the problems, they'll deactivate their forces, they'll stop killing and stealing, stop burning, but the UN will come in with the Democratic Party and have a truth and reconciliation system, and new elections will never have real elections again.
And I never even saw this coming.
The Hill reports that they're going to say that the NRA is Russian,
They've already said the Second Amendment is Russian.
That's a real headline.
America's pro-gun culture is controlled by Russia.
Remember that headline?
Made no sense?
Mueller team likely gained access to NRA tax filings report.
So they're looking at bringing down the NRA.
I told you.
It's not just me.
It's not just Drudge.
They're going to go after Sean Hannity.
They're going to get us all.
When they make their move, this is the big move, they're coming for everybody.
You're like, well they're a bunch of dirty antifa scumbags.
They're not going to be able to do that?
Folks, it's like pheromones.
You know how most insects attack?
If they're swarming insects, it's pheromones.
Fire ants climb up your leg, a couple hundred of them get all over your body, and then one fires first.
And then they all start stinging.
That's why you get hit with one fire ant, suddenly a bunch are stinging you, because that's what they do.
And see, that's how they're commanded and controlled.
Once they go out, it's similar to pheromones, and once they activate, then they've got everybody souped up and ready, who aren't even in cells.
They just watch all the TV, all the movies, their identity isn't bringing down America, they really think we've got a Nazi president, they really believe all this crap.
And so boom, once it starts then,
They've all been told what to do.
Target the Trump supporters.
Target them all.
They're Nazis.
You gotta get in their face.
You gotta beat them.
You gotta shoot them.
You gotta kill them.
And you have to understand, you may not think you're even a target.
When they launch, they're gonna be waiting outside your house when you walk out to carry the trash out, and they're gonna shoot you.
They're all at the gun shops here in Austin buying guns with psycho looks in their eyes.
They're coming.
They're coming.
These are the weak-minded devil worshipper types that they can program and control, who believe that they're being authorized by the establishment to have their purge of America.
That's why they put a movie out where the KKK is purging black people in the first purge, because it's always the opposite.
It's going to try to be a race war to get white people.
That's the big socialist communist cover for it.
Giant immigrant invasions, race war preparation, all of this.
The purge will be against the Republic and against the engine of wealth that might actually be able to save the world.
They don't want life-extension technology.
They don't want you to have any of that.
And now, the arrest was made yesterday.
It wasn't even the news.
I told you it was coming.
This man was arrested reportedly planning.
They told the undercover people all of it.
He was planning to bomb Portland.
That's a separate article.
Where's my article out of?
Here it is.
Man arrested for reportedly planning July 4th terror attack in Cleveland.
Federal authorities have arrested a man who allegedly planned a terror style attack in downtown Cleveland July 4th.
The FBI said that
Adar Rahim Raik was taken into custody Sunday around 10 a.m.
on accusations of attempting to provide material support to a foreign terror group.
He talked about wanting to target people watching fireworks over downtown Cleveland.
9-6 attorney Justin Herdman said.
And then it goes on from there what he was planning to do with bombs and the rest of it.
Wanted to bomb the 4th Digital Operator.
Now let's say this guy was just a loon.
The point is, is this is a loon shooting his mouth off.
This is the crescendo they're building towards, and I'm saying people should be ready and aware.
You got Michael Moore saying, surround the Capitol, rise up against Trump.
His supporters are Nazis.
It's time to get aggressive.
Let's put that back up on screen from USA Today.
Man who planned alleged attack on Cleveland wanted to give explosive-filled cars to military's children.
See, I can't even hype it up enough for it to match reality how psychotic this is.
Wants to blow up people's kids.
What a little jihadi.
So we've got the press conference.
I want to open the phones up.
I want to take your calls.
We're going to have some of the witnesses on that were there when the Antifa attacked in Portland.
The police reports, I have them admit that they attacked, but the media calls it a riot.
It's all coming up.
Please, briefly, don't forget, we have our yearly July 4th sales that are amongst some of the best we do.
We've got some products that were low and about to sell out that we got emergency smaller shipments of, because they usually have a little bit of an extra overrun at the laboratories where we make these.
So, Brain Force Plus is still at 50% off with free shipping.
Part of the July 4th Super Sale, 2nd American Revolution for July.
Because we're either going to launch the 2nd American Revolution culturally and economically and civilly, which we're doing, or they're going to have their new revolution against us.
This is the crossroads.
Survival Shield X2, 40% off, low stock, but still has free shipping.
It's all free shipping.
Knockout Sleep Aid, $17.76 and free shipping.
That's almost a loss leader.
Silver Bullet, colloidal silver, $9.95 and free shipping.
We've never gone that low.
No excuse not to support the Infowar and get great products.
InfowarStore.com or you might as well be helping Jordan Soros gut your family.
Now we acknowledge in this country that we can't, we cannot accept this.
I can't do a whoop.
I'm sorry.
We can't do it.
And the Oscar goes to... What was your response, Phil Mudd?
Let me give you one bottom line.
As a former government official, government's gonna kill this guy.
Well, Trey Gowdy ought to have his a** kicked.
I am a proud s**tholer.
S**tholers built this country 110 years ago.
They were called slopers and slant-eyes.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology acknowledged that the World Trade Center Building 7 fell at freefall acceleration for over 100 feet on 9-11, which means it was meeting no resistance for 8 stories.
So, sparing me a diatribe about conspiracy theories, can you please give me a straight answer on how you think that's scientifically possible without the use of explosives?
Look, I think we should pass on this question.
If you want to tell me that there's something going on beyond two planes going into buildings, I never saw anything that suggested it.
That was the most investigated event probably in FBI investigative history.
I just, you know, I don't want to spend time on this question.
I don't think it's valid.
When we call the Chinese man a slant-eye, when we call the man from Guatemala a spic in a wetback, and we call the black man a n****r. If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Well, I think I see another side, maybe even still.
Make no mistake, the big multinational corporations, the corporate media, Hollywood, the universities, the Democratic Party, the socialist parties, the communist parties, the radical Islamist associations, all of them are openly at war against the West and against free market capitalism.
The big megabanks want monopolies.
The Islamists want jihadi control.
The collapsing third world countries just want a future, but they're being used as political weapons to destroy prosperity and sink the social safety net, just as the socialists admitted they wanted to do in Cloward and Piven.
Because they can't compete with free market, they want to break it.
Just like Bill Maher in a moment of rare honesty said, I hope you commit suicide, I hate America,
I hate the American people.
I can play the clip.
And I want to bankrupt the economy to hurt Trump.
That's what he said the last few years.
Two weeks ago he said, I hope the economy implodes to hurt Trump.
The year before that he said, I want suicide.
I want death.
I hate the population.
I hate America.
Look it up!
These are monstrous people who can't even hide their disdain for you.
And now they're launching a world government takedown plan collapsing the first world with giant third world populations surging in from countries they have imploded.
It's an official UN plan.
They've elected a open socialist slash communist in Mexico who says invade America as part of this global order.
This is the plan.
This is the program.
And it's here, and I laid it all out earlier today in great detail.
So you ignore this information at your peril.
That's why they're trying to shut us down.
That's why they're coming after InfoWars.
Because they know we're aware of the larger combination of evil that the globalists are using for total takeover.
But we can stop it together.
Doesn't mean America's perfect, doesn't mean we're offering some utopia, but it means that we're more awake than the minions of the globalist are.
We've got to reach out to them and inform them.
Now, when we come back, I'm going to give the number out.
I'm going to hit a bunch of other news I haven't gotten to, but I want to speak to you specifically about... I told you they were trying to start a civil war.
Now, it's here.
You can see the tea leaves.
They're going to ramp this thing up through the summer into the fall to remove Trump.
It's all being announced.
Mueller's now targeting the NRA.
It's being reported.
Of course, they're going after everything.
They're not just going to take out Trump if they're successful.
And you've got Antifa out attacking people, and then the media defends it like it's a good thing.
We've got insane things going on, and now we've got a reported Islamist arrested who was planning to bomb the families of military men
And women.
It's incredible.
So I want to take your calls specifically to talk about this.
And the folks that want to go out and fight Antifa, the Patriots, a lot of them are nice folks, they see it kind of as LARPing, live action role play, but for real.
I wouldn't be part of this.
I know you want to go out and beat up some Antifa.
They're just hired actors.
That's in the George Soros documents.
Who are real communists and real professors and real meth heads in many cases.
But they are hired actors.
And they even work with local police in blue cities.
We got the documents, remember, earlier this year.
You can put them on screen if you want.
To go out and attack in certain areas in certain ways and even be allowed to attack the police to try to get other people that show up to riot and to start burning down buildings to have a real trigger.
So, here it is.
Documents to tell plan for civil unrest and martial law in Baltimore.
What sorrows the Democrats are planning.
And it describes them as actors.
And they go and they train, and they have a continuum of what they're gonna do.
So, why they always do it in blue cities, because they're safe there.
You don't think these leftist cowards are doing anything real, do you?
No, no, no.
They're the cover for the real killers.
This 4th of July is special.
Everybody can see it, they can feel it.
The globalists are attempting to kill a worldwide awakening to their tyranny.
And America, yet again, is at the heart of the resistance of the globalists.
That's why this 4th of July I'm asking all of our great supporters to think about Infowars now more than ever.
And what would the world be like if Infowars wasn't there resisting the globalists?
What would have happened if you hadn't supported InfoWars?
We would not be having the victories we have today.
So yes, a lot of good things are happening, but the enemy is striking back.
So please, think about InfoWars and funding our operation while you get great products at the same time on the 4th of July that's so historic.
We have record sales going on right now.
Free shipping on hundreds of different items.
More than 20 items are 50% off, like Brain Force Plus.
X2 is 40% off.
Knockout Sleep Aid, $17.76.
Silver Bullets, $9.95, little silver.
And free shipping, you can't beat that.
This Fourth of July is special, and our sales are special to match it.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
We're broadcasting worldwide.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The globalists are launching their operations of evil.
Trying to collapse borders, trying to bring the UN to stabilize countries once they collapse.
This is in Reuters, this is in AP.
Socialists are being put in charge of Mexico and in New York City.
They are going ahead with their plan and now a radical Islamicist was arrested, reportedly planning to bomb the Fourth of July parade in Cleveland, planning to target military men and women's families.
Man who planned alleged attack on Cleveland wanted to give explosive-filled cars, little toy cars, to military children.
You heard me right.
This is the type, because the left always wants to suicide bomb kids, abort kids, dumb kids down, give them deadly vaccines, but then tell us we're bad if people are unaccompanied coming over the border, if we put them in a secure location in a protected shelter.
It's amazing.
Here's part of the press conference with the police this morning in Cleveland, Ohio.
We're here today to announce the arrest of Dimitris Nathaniel Pitts, also known as Abdur Rahim Rafik.
Pitts has been charged in a federal complaint with attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization.
Pitts was placed into custody yesterday, Sunday, July 1st at approximately 10 a.m.
by the Joint Terrorism Task Force agents and task force officers.
The criminal complaint says forth in detail the facts and circumstances of the investigation and also the attempted material support charge.
If you have not received a copy of that complaint, you will so at the end of the press conference.
So again, that 30-plus page complaint includes a lot of the details of this investigation, but I think it's important to spend a few minutes and to go over some of the highlights for you.
So in 2017, the FBI received reporting that Pitts was making statements espousing his support for Al-Qaeda and also his actions against particular United States entities, his violent intentions, including the armed forces.
And as we typically do when we receive this information, we do what?
We open an investigation.
We check it out.
And that's exactly what we did here.
It was initially opened out of our Cincinnati field office because Pitts resided in the Southern District of Ohio.
It was also working in coordination with the United States Attorney's Office in the Southern District of Ohio.
So Pitt's statements of violent intentions continue to cause concern during the investigation as he expressed a willingness to conduct a U.S.-based attack and also his desire and wanting to join a foreign terrorist organization.
His Facebook posts, quite frankly, were disturbing.
They included verbiage that had words of the effect
We as Muslims need to start training like this every day.
We need to know how to shoot guns, throw hand grenades, hand-to-hand combat.
An FBI undercover agent was introduced to Pitts in an effort to further determine whether Pitts was, in fact, a threat to national security.
His extensive criminal history, including felonious assault, domestic violence, aggravated robbery, and carrying a concealed weapon, furthered our reason for concern.
In May, Pitts relocated to the Cleveland area, and the office here in the JTTF picked up the investigation.
Over the next several weeks, Pitts continued to express his radical ideology and his desire to commit violence against the United States.
Just last week, during an in-person meeting with our undercover agent, Pitts suggested words to the effect, I did tell myself that their holiday is coming up.
The 4th of July.
Independence Day.
What would hit them in the core?
Blow up.
Have a bump, blow up at the 4th of July parade.
During communications with the undercover agent, Pitts indicated he will travel downtown and conduct reconnaissance of Voinovich Park and the U.S.
Coast Guard Station for the purpose of taking photographs and videotaped footage.
He further, the day thereafter, walked downtown, all over the downtown, and surveilled these entities, Winnebago Park and the U.S.
Coast Guard Station, in addition to other locations that had previously been discussed.
Additional conversations with extremely concerning statements of intentions made by Pitts are specified in the federal complaint.
They include topics such as hatred for the military, wanting to chop off heads and hands, and disposing of bodies.
A final meeting occurred on Sunday morning, as I mentioned yesterday, where the undercover and Mr. Pitts had a lengthy conversation.
Pitts again, on his own, expressed his allegiance to Al-Qaeda, his desire to participate in a terror attack on July 4th in Cleveland, Ohio, his desire to kill military personnel and their families, his desire to kill federal and local agents, and his desire to commit a future attack at a date to be determined in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, an area he once resided.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Pitts was arrested.
He will be appearing before a U.S.
magistrate later today.
I think everyone in the room knows this, but this case illustrates that law enforcement of course cannot sit back, in this case wait for Mr. Pitts to commit a violent act.
We don't have the luxury of hoping that an individual decides not to harm someone or get others to act
Especially when his continued, repeated intentions were to do just that.
The Joint Terrorism Task Force, the city, the partners are working every day to detect, deter, and prevent terrorist attacks.
That is by far our collective number one priority to keep the public safe from all known threats.
So we'd like just to take a minute to commend the men and women and some of which are represented over there.
And again, there's many in this room behind the cameras.
They're every bit as critical to the work we do each and every day.
We also had assistance from the Maple Heights and Garfield Heights Police Department and other, of course, and other entities.
Just their hard work, dogged determination throughout the last year and a half.
It's what they do each and every day behind the scenes to try to protect us all.
This investigation also, we collectively believe, demonstrates that commitment, but also underscores the importance of differentiating between lawful, peaceful exercise of First Amendment rights, rights that we all cherish, and criminal acts and violent desires of a select few, such as Mr. Pitts, who seek to do our community and our country harm.
Lastly, I would just like to give a shout-out and thank the public.
The public, as you'll see in the complaint, provided at least a piece of information that furthered this investigation.
It just further illustrates how critical that is.
All the partners up here, I know Chief Williams will echo this in a second, and Colonel Pryde and others, it is the relationship with the public to rely on that information each and every day that allows us to do our job.
I think this case also illustrates that partnership, not just among the agencies here, but between the public
So this guy was telling people for over a year how he was planning to blow up the 4th of July parade coming up.
And how he was planning and how he wanted to give toy cars with explosives and its children.
Now whether he should be in a mental institution or prison, if he did it, which looks like he did, is up to be determined.
The point is, this atmosphere, where there are so many cases of calling for violence, so many cases for killing ICE members or firebombing their locations or killing police and CNN, during the whole Black Lives Matter thing, remember?
NMSNBC, they would have
Random cops in a whole other jurisdiction, a whole other state, would get shot in the back while changing a tire, pumping gas, responding to an event.
And then the media would say, well, the police need to clean up their act, you know.
It's the police and these shootings that are causing the public to be angry.
So if you really thought a cop shot somebody wrong, and in most of the cases they hadn't, just a fact, we looked at them all in detail, then you go after that person.
And still that's not through the courts, but there's some logic at least.
If you think somebody shot your son in the back and killed him for no reason and injustice didn't happen, then you go after them.
I'm not saying do that.
But you go to like another state and shoot some random cop pumping gas because some other cop did something you didn't like, that's leftist mental illness craziness.
But the bigger issue is
Why was CNN and others promoting it saying you got what you deserve?
Because they're trying to foment a violent revolution to bring the country down so they can take over because they're pissed America's coming back!
Remember the old days of the internet?
When we communicated with each other directly email to email?
You've got mail.
But then Google came along and said, we've got Gmail.
Why, it's free.
But, of course, we read what you say and what you do.
And then now, more and more, these big globalist companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google, if they don't like you, they simply ban you.
And, of course, if you're a conservative, they just list you as a Nazi.
That's right, the entire Republican Party of California.
Ladies and gentlemen, these platforms were useful for us to reach each other while they were still somewhat open and free.
But the big monopoly companies only did this to consolidate the market.
Now they're using that monopoly power, like all monopolies do, to abuse the general public.
That's why it's more important than ever that you visit newswars.com and infowars.com themselves so the globalists can't censor you as easily.
But just as important is email.
We need to be able to talk to you directly.
That's why it's critical that you go to infowars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up for the free newsletter.
Also, under every article at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, you can see a little sign-up box.
It's absolutely free.
And that way, no matter what happens, we can send you articles, videos, special coupon codes for the shopping cart, you name it.
It is now absolutely essential, according to all the Internet experts I talk to, that everybody start going back more and more
Shortwave is their emergency backup.
We have to have the emergency backup on the internet, and that is email.
In fact, one idea I've had is if you don't want to have any spam, you can create a new email that you only share with InfoWars so I can communicate directly with you.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter to sign up for the free newsletter, or you can simply go to the bottom of each page, each article on InfoWars.com, and there's a signup box right there.
I think so.
We're all pulling for the same mission.
Americana, lower taxes, Second Amendment, religious freedom, family values, and it's happening.
But we aren't able to communicate with each other, person to person, peer to peer, on these platforms like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google, all of it.
More and more that's being censored.
The shadow bans have gone to outright bans.
And yes, we're going to try to reform these institutions.
We're going to try to break them up.
That's the whole process starting with congressional hearings in Congress right now.
During this long, hard battle, it's more important than ever that patrons, Christians, nationalists, people that are populist, not just here in the U.S., but all over the world, be able to communicate with each other and realize the importance of email.
I personally get sick of email and how it gets full of spam, especially with my older email addresses.
That's why, with Friends and Family, I have private email that only Friends and Family have.
I again suggest that everybody go to InfoWars.com for its last newsletter and sign up for the free newsletter so we can send you direct videos, direct articles, and bypass the system.
And yes, send you special coupon codes and other deals that are the very best we offer from InfoWarsStore.com.
Again, my friends, thank you for joining us in the InfoWar.
We're winning thanks to you.
God bless.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're breaking the conditioning!
InfoWars comes to mind.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones.
Google is being accused of hiding negative stories about Hillary and her campaign by changing its algorithm to bury stories like the Clinton body count story.
That's according to website InfoWars.
It's time to get confirmed there are at least two shooters with fully automatic weapons.
Dr. Martin Luther King has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
JFK was shot from the back and the front.
It was almost as if there were planned implosions.
It's just pancakes.
It took the babies out of incubators.
Lucky children to die on the front lines.
I think this is a national security impairment.
We have clear things that we do not understand how they work operating in areas that we can't control.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world the central bank is in charge?
Israel claims the attack was accidental.
Some former US naval officers say it was on purpose.
They describe the day's action as part of a continuing cover-up.
Russian intelligence compiled a dossier on Mr. Trump during visits to Moscow.
Russian scum!
Denied everything.
He called it all fake news.
And he accused CNN of being fake news.
This is a national emergency.
If they kill Trump or remove Trump, it will cause a massive civil war in this country.
This is a FEMA high-level emergency.
We are at war with Russia.
Are you aware that Mr. Stone also stated publicly that he was in direct communication with Julian Assange in which case?
The White House and the President are citing infowars.
They can shut us down, you're next!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
How would you feel if they ripped out, ripped away your two or three year old?
One thing is for certain, Austin, Texas is a liberal city.
The liberals came out in a giant blue wave, crashing on the steps of the Texas Capitol to express their skewed understanding of the Trump administration's zero-tolerance stance on our southern border.
Their demands?
Open borders, the abolishment of ICE, and Donald Trump's arrest and or resignation.
Not many understood the real dangers their rhetoric would unleash on their first world comfort zone.
We don't want the type of country that he's trying to create.
We're something more than that.
This country was made by immigrants, built on immigrants.
We stand for accepting people and enriching our country through their cultures and their strength and coming together.
There's not a single thing that Donald Trump and his administration does to uphold that.
Every 15 minutes a Mexican dies.
Open the Mexico-Texas border?
When you get closer to the border, you find people that live on the border that want more border protection because their lives are at risk.
You know, I wish that I had more knowledge to make an informed statement, but I don't know enough about the politicians who are running for the election tomorrow.
I know a little bit about the border towns.
I've been back and forth in Brownsville, Matamoros and the likes.
And, you know, the whole economy down there depends on it.
Everybody there is very civil and very respectful of each other.
And that part of Texas would not really survive or exist if it wasn't for the Mexican people on the other side of that border crossing.
My great-grandmother and my grandmother grew up right alongside the river.
And what my grandmother would tell me was when she was young, people would come up and they would give them food and they would feed them, give them some water, let them sit in the shade for a little bit, and then they'd send them on their way.
Now the same people that live down there on that border, they say it's a different
...type of people that are coming.
It's a different generation that's coming through.
Now when they see people walking up the gravel road, they go inside, they shutter the windows, and they lock the doors, and they just don't want any part of it.
Not because of some sense of country or whatever the case may be.
It's a sense of personal safety.
These ranchers and farmers and these citizens that live in these vulnerable areas are afraid to leave their homes.
I prefer the fact they'd be breaking into Scott Arena, for example, I'll speak on his behalf.
He's been broken in four or five times.
One time, holding the door closed while they're trying to break in.
Growing up in the valley, we spent a great deal of time on the river.
You go down, you ski, you swim, you picnic, you camp out.
People had camped cabins, people had trailers down there that they kept.
It was a very relaxed atmosphere.
If you go down the river right now, you will see it's all gone.
It is all gone.
No one does any of that anymore.
No one.
It took a survivor of the Great African War from the Democratic Republic of the Congo to shed some light on the importance of border restrictions.
You know, as a country, you can't just say like, open, you know, I feel like there must be rules, there must be regulations, there must be a process of how people can get in a country in a very
Meanwhile in Portland, Oregon, PDX Mike Bivens, who captured some amazing video, wrote on Twitter, I've left the area around the Justice Center that police closed.
I remember Patriot Prayers Joey Gibson referring to this event on his Facebook, talks as a campaign event.
I wonder how many other candidates for U.S.
Senate have had their rally canceled and declared a riot as Patriots Prayer and counter protesters Antifa clashed in downtown Portland.
Don't give it to the Nazis!
Thankfully, there were very little signs of Antifa at this rally filled with Democrats and Socialists.
Do you think these people are aware of what's really happening on the border?
Well, that remains to be said.
I just saw a sign that said, also immigrants.
Ted Cruz, Melania Trump, Trump's second wife, Trump's mom.
I believe, if not all of them, most of them were legal immigrants.
So I think there's kind of a disconnect there.
So legal and illegal, we need to distinguish.
But I think there is a message to be told.
I'm not sure if many people know that Trump signed an executive order to not have families separated.
I don't see a lack of concern of the ripping away of families here in America.
There's almost 500,000 children go missing a year.
CPS rips families apart all the time.
Honestly, I personally have not seen any concern from from very many people at all.
Along with an absence of blame for the drug cartels totalitarian smuggling operation feeding the unfortunate need to separate children at the border.
I live in South America, where we've seen first-hand the implications of the drug war.
I mean, Mexico has been hit horribly, Central America and Mexico have been hit horribly, but it's all for the demand of drugs that's in the United States.
I think it's just a little hypocritical and blind
To go criticizing other countries in which their problems exist mostly because of the demand that we have in our country for what they have.
Where is the admittance of responsibility from the countries south of our border?
Apparently everything is the fault of the U.S.
and its president.
Even the massive third world issues of another...
Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, mate.
I've been following you since I was 14 and I'm 32 now.
I remember back when InfoWars and Prison Planet, it was just blue text on a white screen and I had to load down the page on my dial-up internet and I thought it was
That's pretty cool and read all the books and seen all the DVDs and followed all your guests and I've been using your products since the first iteration of Survival Shield and since then I'm on the X2, the Super Male Vitality, the Caveman, the Real Red Pill, Micro ZX Body, it's all amazing.
Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side with you, the crew, and the listeners out there, 1776 worldwide.
Where are you right now, Millie?
Well, right now I'm in San Diego, California, back at my hotel.
But yesterday we were down in Tijuana, Mexico, right on the Mexican side of the border, speaking with the migrant caravan.
I wanted to go down there and investigate and find out exactly what is going on with this migrant caravan situation.
And I'll tell you, the liberal media is out there saying that these are all refugees that are in immediate need for safety and protection inside the United States.
What I can tell you is that what I found out from the migrants themselves is that that is actually not true.
And so we spoke to some of the locals out here in Mexico and what they say is that they have a greater chance of getting through under refugee or asylum status if they have children with them.
Human trafficking is associated with this caravan and they tend to bring children because it increases their odds of getting into the United States.
But this is all about just getting into the United States to work in the U.S.
in order to bring money back to their families or back to their cartels or get cartel members in to smuggle drugs.
There's a culture of drugs in Mexico.
I would say that
You know, the people in the caravan were no safer than the whole entire rest of the country in Mexico.
But Mexico is almost like a third world country and many other countries across, you know, the whole globe are in this same situation.
So we can't say that, hey, these are people in immediate need for help and they need to get in or
Because their safety is compromised, because that's just simply not the case.
And if it were, you would have billions of people coming to the U.S.
And we just can't do that.
It would collapse our system, and that's exactly what the globalists want to do.
Now, the globalists would like America to be run exactly how Mexico is run.
They actually have a maximum wage in Mexico.
You cannot get paid over $1.75 in Mexico.
So they're getting paid such low wages, they want to come, you know, get a U.S.
passport or visa or citizenship to commute across the border, work in San Diego, work in, you know, American countries, and then commute back to their homes in Mexico, or just live in America and send their money back to their families.
So that's essentially what these people were expressing what they wanted to do.
It's essentially a business model.
It's for financial gain.
None of them were refugees.
None of them felt like they were in any immediate danger or fear.
They were being taken care of better than most of the other citizens in Mexico because they had all of these Democrat NGOs, American organizations, coming out and feeding them.
So these people were perfectly fine.
They had already been given refuge in Mexico.
So for the liberal media to claim these are refugees that need immediate help, it's just absolutely not true.
It's a lie.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are transferring power from Washington, D.C.
and giving it back to you, the people.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo.
This is the heart of 1776.
Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
Huge nationwide protests erupted once again on President Donald Trump's second weekend in office.
When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.
When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.
Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States.
And most importantly, we will be protected by God.
From the front lines of the info room, it's Alex Jones.
I was told that Trump would never win office.
I told you that was a lie.
I told you it was fake polls.
And then I was told over and over again he'd be removed, he'd never be seated as president, they would take the delegates.
And then as soon as that failed, even though they'd been all over the news promoting it, they said, oh actually, we never said we were gonna keep Trump from having his delegates seated.
And then Nancy Pelosi's daughter went on TV and called for my arrest on Fox News and made up lies about me that I threatened her.
How do you threaten a dead dog, a rotting soulless corpse?
You don't.
We have the usual suspects, two different former CIA directors, coming out over the weekend and saying, we're going to call for the 25th Amendment to be implemented to unseat the president for dereliction of duty and incompetence and mental illness.
The mentally ill person that never ran for office and beat you and turned the economy around and did all this and got peace deals, right?
There's the article from The Hill.
Ex-CIA chief calls on White House cabinet to revolt against Trump and remove him from office.
Insurrection by GOP leadership, inner circle necessary to stop president, he says.
And who is he?
He's the Wahhabist Brennanite who in college admitted he was part of the Communist Party.
The CIA said, well, my God, let's put you at the top.
He's got Clapper behind him calling for the same garbage.
And other former CIA directors as well.
And they want the 25th Amendment implemented to remove him from office.
And they want it done now, post-ace.
They want it done as soon as possible.
But here's the thing.
They've been pushing this
So the FBI people, I'm going to tell you, are ticked.
And they're going to be saying, I guarantee it, you think you can push us off this because you can try to intimidate the director?
You better think again, Mr. President.
You've been around for 13 months.
We've been around since 1908.
I know how this game is going to be played.
We're going to win.
I'm reading it in the Financial Times of London, New Yorker Magazine, New York Times.
Atlantic Monthly.
These are establishment publications.
They're like, we're ending the family.
We're going to savage the US.
China has 97% of the rare earth minerals.
The US will never come back.
Lloyd Blankfein, before he got kicked out of Goldman Sachs, is like, I was just at China.
They've got 10 times the infrastructure of Trump.
You'll never bring America back.
These are tweets.
They're like, God, these people like breathlessly, we'll get you people.
And it's like, what did we do to you?
But America's the big enchilada.
It had half the wealth in 1955.
So they parlayed it into global corporate power.
So if you're going to screw America over, why not get in a culture of hating it?
They're not like, well, we're bleeding the country dry.
It was a great, beautiful lady, but we're sacrificing her for our global power.
No, they're too big of cowards to admit they're doing it.
So they decide to hate it.
And that's what I want you to understand.
Trump doesn't hate America.
And so, he's like, you see these speeches, and these are real numbers, you've seen them, they don't even debate things, he's like, Canada has a 270% dairy tax, and we have zero?
Trump goes, okay, I'll put 100% on them.
And they go, oh my god, you backward, hateful person!
He's like, wait, you got a 270!
I mean, if anything, Trump's being too soft, but he knows he could destabilize things, so he's just like, hey China, you got a $900 billion trade deficit, we'll do $50 billion, just pay it, and promise to start taking some of our cars, and I'll leave you alone.
And China goes, trade war.
Trump goes, okay, $200 billion.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Federal Bureau of Investigation embarrassment James Comey took his treason tour to Ireland in full anti-Trump bias, claiming he was so ashamed of current U.S.
immigration policies that he considered telling Irish customs officials that he was Canadian when he arrived.
Harmless rhetoric or another slap in America's face.
He was blaming policies from a previous administration that he was a part of.
The thought that he is now responsible for keeping America safe
And yet, when you use a word like infested with immigrants, that's not a good sign.
It's not who we are.
And the good news is, we know that about ourselves.
I think our British colleagues know it about us.
We're better than that.
And no president in a four-year term or an eight-year term can essentially change America.
That doesn't mean it's not painful and concerning in the short term.
Earlier this week, a clearly biased and treasonous FBI agent, Peter Strzok, was removed from his office and placed under investigation by the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility, as the Justice Department revealed in Inspector General Horowitz's IG report that Strzok and four other FBI employees sent hostile anti-Trump messages using taxpayer-funded bureau devices, a violation of FBI rules.
This text from Peter Strzok, who basically says, you know, he says to his girlfriend, we will stop it.
And this text happened on August 8th of 2016.
Four days later, we get the other text that says we need an insurance policy.
We've had the insurance policy text for months, and yet we're just getting this one now.
But when the FBI agent says he's gonna stop it,
That sounds like collusion at the highest level and an attempt to improperly interfere with the legitimate election.
Congress is entitled to know everything about that in real time.
But don't count your chickens just yet.
Inspector General Horowitz confirmed that he is investigating if Strzok's anti-Trump bias played a role in the origins of the FBI's Russia investigation and further evidence
Regarding gifts the FBI agents received from reporters has yet to be completely revealed.
As detailed in our report, we found that the inappropriate political messages we uncovered cast a cloud over the Midyear investigation, sowed doubt about the credibility of the FBI's handling of it, and impacted the reputation of the FBI.
We found the implication that senior FBI employees would be willing to take official action to impact a presidential candidate's electoral prospects to be deeply troubling and antithetical to the core values of the FBI and the Justice Department.
And also, The Hill reports Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley wants to subpoena former FBI Director James Comey and Loretta Lynch, who served as Attorney General in the Obama administration.
This is the second time since he was fired that Mr. Comey refused an invitation to testify here voluntarily.
He has time for book tours and television interviews, but apparently no time to assist this committee, which has primary jurisdiction over the Justice Department.
Lynch also chose not to show up.
The need for transparency does not end when senior officials are fired or quit.
If the IG report were to be taken seriously by the Country Club of Backscratchers in the District of Criminals, not only would Hillary be finally brought front and center to answer to her lackey James Comey's watered-down bungling of her treasonous crimes against national security, but Obama himself.
Or another senior official, as Comey disguised him, would be entangled in Hillary's still unresolved email scandal as Obama absolutely improperly communicated on an illicit email server.
Again, all of this due to Hillary's unresolved email scandal, a long-suffering scandal so blatantly criminal that the very investigation into it is under investigation.
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Right now is Massive Rampage Force!
Go ahead.
Alex, last night I was on with Laura Ingram, and I had done the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
I'd done the War Room.
She's not on until 9.40 Central.
That's 10.40 Eastern.
I was exhausted.
I popped two Brain Force Plus, and I was good as new.
I mean, it really is mentally stabilized, mentally energizing.
Tonight, I'm on with Tucker Carlson.
Same thing.
I put in a full day here at InfoWars.
I'm going to go on the Tucker tonight.
Thank goodness for this great product.
This is my all-time favorite because it's so effective and it doesn't give you that jacked-up energy drink feeling, you know?
You can sleep with it.
And when you stack it with the Red Pill, the mind-body combination, that is the best.
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This is the best combination I have found.
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It's the best mineral-vitamin combination I have found and I've tried them all.
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Because you are changing the world.
It's you that has defeated Hillary and the globalists.
It is you, the info warriors across the planet, that stood against the bullying, that stood against the peer pressure, that stood against the threats, that have now changed the world.
And that's why you've been on the team, supporting us, praying for us, and spreading the word.
You are the info warrior.
And now because of their intensifying censorship, it's more important than ever
That everyone go to Infowars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up via email so there's no way the censors can get between us with critical videos, articles, breaking news, intel, you name it.
They have been using all different forms of bullying to keep libertarians, gun owners, Christians, conservatives, nationalists, populists from communicating with each other and sharing information.
We're good to go.
We're following in the footsteps of the forefathers of this country.
We have the light in the dark of the night.
We all have this shared together, no matter what color our skin is or what sex we are or where we came from.
And so now I ask you, more than ever, to share the InfoWars.com articles, to share the videos, to tell people about the local stations you're listening to.
But the bare minimum you can do is sign up for the free newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
I am the resistance to globalism.
You are the resistance to globalism.
Trump is the resistance to globalism.
And many others are across the world.
We are the future.
We are the renaissance.
And we are winning.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
After four o'clock central time on Saturday, June 30th, 2018, this is a very short emergency live transmission to everybody out there watching.
The globalists, the multinational corporations, the Chinese communists that fund them, they believe
The 2018 July 4th will be the final July 4th.
Rob Reiner has called it the final battle of the Civil War.
Michael Moore last night on Bill Maher called Trump the last American president.
This is all very open.
They are taking over the U.S.
They are creating the racial division.
They are creating the sexual division.
They are creating all of the admitted crises in this country in their own admissions in WikiLeaks.
And they're horrified to see the economy coming back and all these good things happening.
So they're going to throw their full force against America in an attempt to encircle Congress with a million people and then to begin violent actions to run
The Patriots in D.C.
out of the swamp so they can re-establish it.
This has all been announced at an earlier report breaking it down.
They believe that they're cornered.
They know humanity's waking up.
And so they're going to launch their full assault of violence and intimidation and terrorist attacks, I believe, in this country.
They've got all the Democratic Party talking heads saying,
Attack Trump supporters.
Bully him.
Kick him out of restaurants.
Hashtag hunt Republicans.
Go after Congressman Scalise.
Kidnap Barron Trump.
That's Peter Fonda.
Firebomb ICE facilities.
They're just following Obama's policy.
They are making their move.
And so we have to raise the alarm.
While they're on their own programs like Bill Maher and CNN, the rest of it, energizing their people to make the move, we have to raise the alarm that they know America is back from the dead and they want this July 4th to signify when they're going to launch their counter-offensive and finally finish us.
This July 4th is not about hedonism, it's not about hamburgers, it's not about being out on the lake.
God knows I love that.
It is about, that's the spoils of free market, it's about saying communism and socialism and all this has failed.
And what these big mega banks are pushing is about monopolies.
And those of you that have signed up against Infowars, against Trump, against America, against our reassurgence, against our rebirth, are idiot dukes, useful idiots, to use a Lenin term,
Of the globalists.
Why would you sign on against free market when you know communism and socialism doesn't work?
It's like Bernie Sanders said during the campaign.
Things that weren't popular a few years ago, like socialism and communism, are now popular.
Only because you've got idiots never raised under it.
Like, cancer is now popular again!
Did I take over colleges and bankrupt them?
Do I have three $1 million houses?
Do I drive on $1,000 cars?
Yes, I do!
But I rule you the cattle!
You are my slave!
I am Bernie Sanders!
You go from him right up the chain of crap
The big billionaires want monopolies.
They want control.
So they want this to be America's last July 4th.
Because they realize it's the birth of the new America.
It's the resurgence of the Renaissance.
They're in full crisis mode.
And so going into the new Supreme Court nominee, going into the midterms, going into the most important election in history.
Because getting Trump in was only a beachhead.
This 2018 midterm
Is for all the marbles and they're going to be engaged in election fraud.
They're going to have people vote the names of dead people.
They're going to have illegal aliens voting as the Democrats have been.
And they're going to be rioting in the streets.
They're going to be up there going, Oh, all you Trump supporters hurt the babies.
You made Latin America collapse.
You made millions come up here.
And then, oh my God, if you stop anybody and check who they are coming out of a desert wasteland, you're a Nazi.
This is a joke.
And when you see the weak-minded people, they've got lined up to support them and to chant.
They're all professors, or government workers, or little scared leftists that bought into the fact that they were on the winning team, and they were the cool group, and they ran everything, and they were going to teach flyover country, and Christians, and veterans, and everybody.
They were the ruling class.
These people don't believe in the dream of human empowerment.
They believe in China and its enslavement of their own population.
They believe in authoritarianism.
They believe if they go kiss the ass of the globalists, they are in power.
I'm telling you, this July 4th is the launch of the new human revolution that America was all about 1776 worldwide.
I'm telling you, if we take Destiny in our hands, this isn't the death of America.
This new July 4th, 2018, if we are successful, and I believe we will be, is going to be seen as the rebirth of America and 1776 Part II.
242 years later, if we're successful, they're going to look back on this time
On when the dream that was never fully realized, but the idea of it created more wealth, more technology than all the countries combined.
That the true belief in not having feudalism, but empowering humanity, went to the next level.
They will look back when we are colonizing foreign stars, when we have interstellar travel.
Well, that's far away, no.
The technology we've gone from here to there the last 6,000 years is that big a change.
Going interstellar, life extension, god-like power, if we have the intellect and soul to control it, is that much more.
I mean, we're 20 feet from the finish line.
The Satanists that wanted to control it, that were threatened by it, they don't know what to do.
They've already seen Trump go through the finish line.
They've already seen many of you go through the finish line.
I've gone through the finish line.
And we're on the other side.
But we've got to get everybody that's in deep water through.
And it's not some utopia.
It's real human empowerment.
So this new July 4th,
2018, infinity.
It's a jump gate.
It's the future.
2018, 2018 is critical that we've been given the chance, we've been shown how freedom creates amazing results immediately with limited, limited success.
We've barely gotten our nodes into the power structure and it's like turning around right away.
And the enemy can feel it.
So if we can just get to the next level,
If we can just get to the next level, it's going to be even easier.
And then it's just dealing with all the power.
What are you going to do when you live to 500 and beyond?
What are you going to do?
The globalists don't think you deserve this.
They look at you and think you're ugly and dumb, and it helps you be ugly and dumb, and me too.
But they're even worse than us.
So, the establishment doesn't believe you deserve this.
I do.
Trump does.
So you have to use free will.
We're not Satanists.
We're all about free will.
You have to take the birthright.
You have to do it.
I don't care if you've got brown skin or black skin or pink skin like I got.
I don't care because I'm not white.
I'm actually kind of red.
I just want to be an attorney with you and I want to be your friend.
There's unlimited resources next level.
Next level, it's non-zero some game.
It's all there.
But you have to accept that we're at the crossroads of the end of America, the death of America, the last 4th of July, or eternity.
Because the Satanists and the Globalists, they're a walled-off tomb.
They're oblivion.
Or the future.
But you've got to act like a visionary.
You've got to believe.
You've got to go against the censors and the bots that make you feel bad when you share links or you speak out.
It's all social engineering that means nothing.
You want to be under attack.
You want to be over the target.
You want to be in that position.
This July 4th is the relaunch of Human Destiny.
It's 1776.
It's the renaissance worldwide.
It is the big contention.
It's the human spirit in a coma for decades.
Waking up for the challenge, and I know at a gut level, many of us will make it through this.
Some of you won't.
So let's spend our time and energy remembering where we've been, how far our ancestors have come, and where we are now.
Looking to the future, not just thinking about ourselves, because you think like, oh, I'm greedy, I'm about myself.
No, no.
That, actually thinking about yourself,
He is realizing the great past you've had, the present, and the future.
I want to show one thing before we end this transmission.
Let me tell you where you're going.
You're either going to end right now and just be an animal, or you're going to go here.
You're going to go into infinity.
It doesn't ever end.
We don't like union.
This is a non-zero-sum game.
There's not a pizza.
And this is all we share.
Do you realize that when you spread the links from Infowars.com, when you spread the videos, you are changing the world?
It's you that has defeated Hillary and the globalists.
It is you, the Infowarriors, across the planet, that stood against the bullying, that stood against the peer pressure, that stood against the threats, that have now changed the world.
And that's why you've been on the team, supporting us, praying for us, and spreading the word.
You are the Infowarrior.
And now because of their intensifying censorship, it's more important than ever
We're good to go.
I think?
I think so.
I am the resistance to globalism.
You are the resistance to globalism.
Trump is the resistance to globalism.
And many others are across the world.
We are the future.
We are the renaissance.
And we are winning.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The universe is life and unlimited potential, not just in the trillions of galaxies chronicled, but beyond that.
We can go up,
We can go down.
That's the whole future right there.
And these assholes want to control you.
So, I say, this is the most important date since July 4, 1776, and I know it is.
And all the parties are lined up.
And the globalists and their minions and their slaves want a civil war.
They want a physical war.
We're already ready for that.
We want you to rather join us in the compendium of the future, which many of you have done.
But they want this to be our last July 4th.
And I say it will be their last July 4th.
Alright, great job crew.
That's it for this transmission.
Some key videos coming up right now.
They don't want you to see.
Please share this live video against the censors.
It is an act of resistance in a world of universal deceit.
But the good news is, this is just one world.
This is just the embryonic level.
Through that gate.
Whether it be a black hole, or a planet, or a dimension, through that point, everything else is possible.
All right.
We'll see you back live tomorrow, 4 p.m.
Central, on Sunday Transmission.
Lincoln was elected to unite a country and stop slavery.
Democrats smeared him, went to war against him, assassinated him.
Now, their target is Trump.
America was never good!
Slavery genocide and war!
Donald Trump wins the presidency, so help me God.
They say he's killing America.
There will be a vote to impeach.
They say he's a racist.
This was a white lash.
And a fascist.
Who are the real racists?
Northern Democrats had conspired together with Southern Democrats to take away the fruit of other people's labor.
Who are the real fascists?
You're exposed!
Both Mussolini and Hitler set up and ran welfare systems.
This was done by the do-gooders, the liberals, the people who wanted to improve society.
Which party attacks our free speech?
How dare you speak against the people?
Our religious liberty and our personal safety?
A nation dies when its people are not free.
We too must fight for freedom.
Regardless of the price we pay.
An end in terror is preferable to a terror with no end.
The stakes could not be higher.
We're talking about America, the greatest nation on earth.
Lincoln saved America for the first time.
It's now up to us to save America a second time.
A lot of his supporters believe that we are the enemy of the American people, and that is really, really an awful situation.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
But we are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
We love the American people.
We love the American people.
They came in peace.
But we are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
This is CNN.
If you are receiving this transmission...
This 4th of July is special.
Everybody can see it, they can feel it.
The globalists are attempting to kill a worldwide awakening to their tyranny.
And America, yet again, is at the heart of the resistance of the globalists.
That's why this 4th of July I'm asking all of our great supporters to think about Infowars now more than ever.
And what would the world be like if Infowars wasn't there resisting the globalists?
What would have happened if you hadn't supported InfoWars?
We would not be having the victories we have today.
So yes, a lot of good things are happening, but the enemy is striking back.
So please, think about InfoWars and funding our operation while you get great products at the same time on the 4th of July that's so historic.
We have record sales going on right now.
Free shipping on hundreds of different items.
More than 20 items are 50% off, like Brain Force Plus.
X2 is 40% off.
Knockout Sleep Aid, $17.76.
Silver Bullets, $9.95, a little silver.
And free shipping, you can't beat that.
This Fourth of July is special, and our sales are special to match it.
Got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Okay, you're probably not expecting somebody else in the chair today.
As you might have surmised, if you're a regular watcher or listener, that was a pre-recorded Alex.
He has left the building and via the miracle of modern technology, I'm now on camera in your home or on your device.
I'm Matt Bracken and I'll be doing this hour and the next hour
This is fairly short notice and we'll be taking lots of calls and talking about the Antifa riots slash protests in Portland and what the left is gearing up for really across the country and getting into the larger picture of what this all means.
As Alex has been saying, this is desperation by the left.
I think that they know that they have to go for broke.
The midterms are probably going to be a red wave, not a blue wave.
That means another Supreme Court justice that's a constitutionalist and not a communist is almost guaranteed.
And this means the window is closing on their chance to shove socialism down our throats, you know, like it or not.
So this is probably the high tide mark for progressivism in the country.
They know it, and they're desperate.
This is why they're calling us Nazis.
This is basically not even a dog whistle.
This is a blaring siren telling their minions to go for broke.
Because if they can't cause anarchy in the streets over the next six months or a year, it's game over for them.
The border will be closed.
Their demographic invasion tactic is going to be stopped and they'll never gain their power again through the ballot.
The only thing that they're going to have left is anarchy and trying to create the situation of martial law, overreaction to police state tactics.
I mean, it's not going to work, but I think that that's what they see as their only chance.
Sort of a 1917 Russia in 2018 America.
Which is an absolutely hopeless fantasy on their part.
If they tried, if they actually got this thing kicked off, all they would do is find out that there are millions and millions of Americans that have been thinking about this and prepping for it for years now.
Stockpiling ammunition, zeroing in their rifles, making lists of people that might find themselves in trouble if there was ever a shooting war.
I actually wrote a short story a couple years ago about this very subject called, What I Saw at the Coup.
I actually, I even made a thing up here.
It's on my website, or you can just Google it.
I wrote it when, I wrote it during the Obama regime, but the deep state could try to still pull off something like this, and it would probably use the camouflage of some type of a cyber war, an EMP attack,
A war where our internet was taken down, and that would be the camouflage for a purge.
You know, pulling the plug on conservatives.
I don't think that it would work, and it would probably result, as in my short story, with leftists being hanged.
So it's going to be an open question whether they'll still go for this if they think that their odds of actually succeeding are low.
In the end, the elites, they really want to just preserve their status, their wealth and their power.
If they thought that supporting a coup would result in their own loss of power, maybe even loss of life, they might decide to just trim their sails to the new reality.
The problem is once they unleash these forces at the street level, they could take on a life of their own.
What we've seen already, you know, the Red Hen incident is to me nothing, or the shouting at the cabinet members.
The real marker was the Steve Scalise shooting.
You can only imagine how many more leftists today are making the same kind of plans.
Back during the, I think it was at the inaugural, the night of the inauguration, they also caught some leftists that were trying to gas a building where
I often state and believe that any kind of a civil war in this country would resemble the Argentina Dirty War of the 70s or the Troubles in Northern Ireland, also during the 70s, with a racial overtone similar to Rwanda, which was a tribal slaughter, or Bosnia in the 90s, which was both religious and ethnic.
You know, this country is not ready for any kind of a civil war because our lines are so blended.
You know, there are no safe zones.
If there's a civil war in this country, it's going to be brutal, and it's going to be at the doorbell level, as Alex stated.
When you go to pick up your mail, there's going to be somebody waiting in the bushes with an AK.
That kind of a thing is going to be the hallmark of the next civil war.
So anybody that is actually promoting this is is a fool because it would be a slaughter.
But this is something that the left is is possibly prepared to do if it means that it's the only chance of regaining power and continuing their march towards, you know, towards international socialism, which we used to call communism.
I mean, if they're if this is the only chance they've got,
To overturn the table, you know, to throw over the table and hope that when the lights come back on, you know, they're holding the guns.
But in fact, if they do manage to throw over the table, you know, create situations of anarchy, rioting, looting in our major cities, it might be the leftists that are wiped out.
Sometimes these communist plots don't work out the way that they think that they're going to work out.
And instead, the communists themselves are wiped out.
It's happened before in history, and it could happen again.
This isn't a pushover country.
We're not disarmed, and we're certainly not brainwashed anymore.
We've seen this playbook before.
So it's definitely not 1917 conditions.
The left might think that this is something that they could repeat, but in fact it's more likely to wind up with a total wipeout of the communists and progressives.
I mean, their role playing on the street in their masks isn't going to cut it when, you know, when the real fighting comes down to who has the most people with, you know, the 400-yard deer rifle.
I don't even think that many leftists even know what a 400-yard deer rifle is, much less how they would use it.
But I know for a fact that there are tens of millions on our side that not only know what a 400-yard deer rifle is,
But millions of them actually go out in the woods every fall, and their game plan is to shoot a 200-pound mammal, cut it up, take it home, and eat it.
So it's not a big jump to go from that to a civil war.
And the left had better think long and hard before they throw this flare into the barn trying to set off a war.
Because it's not going to turn out the way that they think it's going to turn out.
It's going to possibly turn out in a very ugly way.
And there will be losses on both sides, to be sure.
But, you know, this street thuggery isn't going to be the Civil War.
The Civil War is going to be fought by very many different tactics.
But I would recommend folks do read my short story, What I Saw at the Coup.
Because imagine during the Civil War, if you couldn't use an ATM,
Couldn't use your cell phone.
Couldn't use a credit card.
If you did, you'd be picked up immediately.
So, it's going to be what you have in your possession at the time, and that's it.
Anyway, I recommend the book, and looks like we're going to be going to a break here in a little bit.
And after the break, we'll be taking some phone calls, and we can have a nice discussion about the current demonstrations, the riots, and what a civil war might look like.
So I'm Matt Bracken and we'll be back on the other side of this break.
July 4th, 2018 is now here.
240 plus years after we declared our intent to sever our ties with the corrupt King of England.
And I was driving into the Infowars News Center just last week, and it hit me like a thunderbolt, like lightning, that this is the crossroads.
The revolution against the globalists is happening.
Their counter-revolution is taking place.
Antifa and George Soros and the globalists are launching riots and violence and race war and economic war all over the planet.
And it hit me.
This, July 4th, 2018,
is the binary twin of 1776 metaphysically.
This is it.
It is the jump point.
It is the point of no return for the tyrants to defeat us or for humanity to struggle free and control its own destiny.
Ladies and gentlemen, everyone from Michael Moore to Bill Maher to Barack Obama, the
Communist organizer are behind the scenes right now and out in the open trying to foment America destroying itself and Europe destroying itself and Latin America destroying itself.
They're trying to pull us apart.
They're trying to block prosperity.
And they're getting more and more and more and more and more desperate as Trump and other nationalist populist leaders on the left and right
From Italy to the US, restore prosperity by simply blocking globalism that is designed to make us poor.
They're trying to create giant monopolies.
They're trying to kill any true free market systems, because then they'll have complete and total social control.
So this, July 4th, 2018, is so special.
It is the new Declaration of Independence against the globalists, the Declaration of Independence against big tech, the Declaration of Independence against Hollywood, and all these control freaks that lust after controlling our minds.
Despite all the censorship, all the attacks, all the Soros and Hillary funded lawsuits, we are steaming forward, having huge victory, and working with powerful patriots across the world to change human destiny.
That's why this July 4th and for a few days after, for the next week or so, we're offering some of the biggest sales ever on more than 20 items at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're not funded by megacorporations.
We don't get taxpayer bailouts like MSNBC.
We're funded by you.
We make it easy to support InfoWars because the products are great and they're very, very affordable.
But for the 4th of July, we have some of the biggest sales we've had since Christmas on our best sellers.
I can't list them all, there's more than 20.
But Brain Force, our best-selling nootropic, is 50% off, even though it's close to selling out, free shipping.
Survival Shield X2, the good halogen.
40% off with free shipping.
That's low in stock.
Knockout, the Sleep Aid.
$17.76 with free shipping.
It's all free shipping.
It's all 40% to 50% off.
Alexa Pure Breezes, amazing.
$100 off on those.
Storable Foods, 50% off on 3-month supply.
But whatever you do, go check out all the other specials.
This is how you get great products that make your life better, but also fund the information war against the globalists who we are so close to defeating.
Again, for myself, the entire InfoWars crew and family, you are the InfoWar.
You are the victory.
You're the solution.
You're the reason we're here.
So I commend and thank you all for supporting InfoWars.
Now, God bless you.
And remember, this Fourth of July is more important than ever.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Regrets, I've had a few.
But then again,
Okay, I'm Matt Bracken and I'm back.
And in the next segment, we're going to start taking some phone calls.
I think that a lot of people want to talk about what's going on in the country and what might be happening in the next couple of weeks and months leading up to the midterms, which is sort of like Waterloo for the left.
I think it is anyway.
And the call in numbers are 877-789-2539.
Or 877-789-ALEX, which is the same number.
And as soon as we get a couple, there they go.
Filling up, people are quick.
They've probably already got that number in.
And I'm not going to talk to too many knuckleheads.
So if, you know, if you want to talk about some things that I think aren't really on the topic, it's going to be a quick call.
And if it's a great call, we'll go longer.
All right.
Anyway, yeah, I obviously have been forecasting civil war conditions for a couple years now, and this is a great country.
It's coasting on decades and generations of what our forefathers have built.
People take it for granted, and they think that it's just going to continue forever, like it's a birthright, like it's, you know, this standard of living is just free like the air, like running water.
People don't realize that this entire social infrastructure
Can be destroyed rather rapidly.
People in civilized cities like Sarajevo in Yugoslavia.
They never dreamed that a couple years after the Olympics, the city could be, you know, torn up by artillery and sniper fire.
But it happened.
And you can you can list a lot of countries where the social infrastructure has been torched by the left.
Sometimes it just leads to a destroyed economy like Venezuela.
Sometimes it leads to hard communism, like Cuba.
And sometimes, in the long run, civilization wins out, like what we've seen, a resurgence in Eastern Europe.
And what would happen in America?
I don't know, because our social tapestry is so complex now.
Would our civic virtues still hold out through a dirty civil war?
Would we devolve into regional warlord states?
Nobody really knows.
And we hope that it never happens.
And probably my main goal with even speaking about these subjects is to warn people off of it.
Our social capital that we've built up for 200 years could be wiped out, you know, leading us into a really terrible situation like the 30 years war in Europe.
I mean, things we can't even imagine.
So my goal here is to dissuade leftists from thinking there's a way to trigger just enough revolution that they can somehow rise to the top of the heap.
Believe me, it won't work.
It can't work.
And they should be very grateful that they live in a country with the freedom to march on the streets, wearing nice clothes, with smartphones, going back to nice cars and apartments.
That can all be gone very quickly.
If they get what they profess to wish, which is a revolution, you know, it's going to turn enormously terrible for everybody.
So anyway, let's see.
I see Kevin in Alaska on top.
Kevin, what have you got for me there?
Kevin, you ready?
How about Jane in Louisiana?
Jane, are you ready?
Hi there, Matt.
Is this Kevin or Jane?
It's James.
James in Louisiana.
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Yes, I hear you.
Uh, hi.
Yeah, I was just, um, I was wanting to know what light do you think can be shown on what particular part that's manipulating this to maybe kill it before it starts
Kill it before the real blood gets shed, you know, because I'm really aboard the whole love train, basically.
You know, basically, I don't know.
I kind of feel like a good way, or maybe one of the ways would be to expose who's clearance would be really above the president.
The people that are higher up than the president along the lines of the clearances to the black projects that don't only stretch from the opiate fields in Afghanistan, but the technologies and the things like that, the patents on bigger things.
Basically, what could be shown?
What light can be shined?
Thanks, James.
Let's go into this a little bit.
You know, he's a popular figure as an arch-villain, but there's a lot behind it.
The guy, George Soros, his Open Society is basically a one-world globalist society.
He's not only been pushing for no borders for decades now.
But he's also been, it's interesting, you know, and I don't want to get on the whole, you know, hemp deal here, but he's been a pro-drug legalization guy forever also as well.
Everywhere he's gone.
And say what you want about drugs, but when people are doped up and not very functional, not thinking very clearly, they're very easy to control.
So the stupider that people are, which would involve, for example, mass immigration from very low IQ regions, a country full of people with an IQ of 85 on the average is never going to develop a modern society, not on their own.
So importing millions of people with very low potential is a way to destroy a country.
Getting as many of functioning people to become druggies, fogging their minds and leaving that, you know, leaving them out of the workforce.
That's another way.
These are George Soros projects.
You know, if you go back in history, where we use the term communist, that's really a term that was only popular from the end of the 19th century until, say, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union.
But they're the same people from Robespierre and the Jacobins in the French Revolution through the modern communist era with Marx, Lenin, Stalin, right through to George Soros.
They've all really got the same vision, which is a one world government controlled by an elite of progressive communists.
And George Soros sees himself as the progenitor of this new version, this new wave communism.
And he's got the billions to back it.
You know, it's interesting, his background.
He was a Hungarian who worked with the Nazis to take the possessions and wealth from the Jews that were being purged in Hungary, even though he was of that background.
But somehow, miraculously, he walked right out of Hungary at a time when people would be machine gunned or, you know, tracked down by dogs with searchlights.
He somehow walked right out of Hungary.
The next thing you know, he pops up in London with millions of dollars to invest and people helping him at every turn.
So a lot of people believe that he's, you know, a communist long-term agent, just a new wave communist.
And we'll get back to this at the end of the
Where are you right now, Millie?
Well, right now I'm in San Diego, California, back at my hotel.
But yesterday we were down in Tijuana, Mexico, right on the Mexican side of the border, speaking with the migrant caravan.
I wanted to go down there and investigate and find out exactly what is going on with this migrant caravan situation.
And I'll tell you, the liberal media is out there saying that these are all refugees that are in immediate need for safety and protection inside the United States.
What I can tell you is that what I found out from the migrants themselves is that that is actually not true.
And so we spoke to some of the locals out here in Mexico and what they say is that they have a greater chance of getting through under refugee or asylum status if they have children with them.
Human trafficking is associated with this caravan and they tend to bring children because it increases their odds of getting into the United States.
But this is all about just getting into the United States to work in the U.S.
in order to bring money back to their families or back to their cartels or get cartel members in to smuggle drugs.
There's a culture of drugs in Mexico.
I would say that
You know, the people in the caravan were no safer than the whole entire rest of the country, Mexico.
But Mexico is almost like a third world country and many other countries across, you know, the whole globe are in this same situation.
So we can't say that, hey, these are people in immediate need for help and they need to get in or
Because their safety is compromised.
Because that's just simply not the case.
And if it were, you would have billions of people coming to the U.S.
And we just can't do that.
It would collapse our system.
And that's exactly what the globalists want to do.
Now, the globalists would like America to be run exactly how Mexico is run.
They actually have a maximum wage in Mexico.
You cannot get paid over $1.75 in Mexico.
So they're getting paid such low wages, they want to come, you know, get a U.S.
passport or visa or citizenship to commute across the border, work in San Diego, work in, you know, American countries, and then commute back to their homes in Mexico, or just live in America and send their money back to their families.
So that's essentially what these people were expressing what they wanted to do.
It's essentially a business model.
It's for financial gain.
None of them were refugees.
None of them felt like they were in any immediate danger or fear.
They were being taken care of better than most of the other citizens in Mexico because they had all of these Democrat NGOs, American organizations, coming out and feeding them.
So these people were perfectly fine.
They had already been given refuge in Mexico.
So for the liberal media to claim these are refugees that need immediate help, it's just absolutely not true.
It's a lie.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
Okay, let me give out the numbers again to call into the show.
It's 877-789-ALEX.
That's 877-789-2539.
And I just want to remind everybody there's a big 4th of July sale going on right now at the Info Wars store.
This is free shipping.
This is going to be, of course, to support the programming, but, you know, do it while there's a patriotic reason, just to remind you.
Brain Force Plus will be 50% off.
That's with free shipping.
Survival Shield X,
That's 40% off and it's getting, stock is getting low.
Knockout Sleep Support, Silver Bullet, Super Male Vitality, 50% off.
DNA Force, 50% off.
The Real Red Pill, that's what everybody needs.
Clear the Mind, 50% off.
Free Shipping.
Super Female Vitality, you'll have to tell me how that one works.
I wouldn't know.
All Super Blue Products, 50% off.
So this is the time to hit the store, support InfoWars, and do yourself some good in the health department, health and mental vitality department.
Now, we're going to go back to the phones here in a minute, see who we've got up.
And let's see.
Kevin from Alaska.
Is Kevin ready to go?
He's been on for a while.
Hello, sir.
Can you hear me?
I do, loud and clear.
So I think one of the problems of our country right now affecting everybody is that we don't have a functioning free media right now.
Our media is more of a corporate propaganda machine.
So I have an idea that's so powerful that if it took place, it would dismantle the mainstream media in about a month and restore a free press in America.
You're not going to get me in trouble here, are you?
Oh, no, no, no, no.
My suggestion is... That was a good intro.
Go ahead.
Yeah, my suggestion is, imagine if Donald Trump revoked all the White House press passes and had a new policy of one press pass per corporation.
Or one press pass per parent company.
Because in the press room, there's probably about
A hundred journalists, but there's maybe three or four corporations represented there.
Well, you know, you're on to something.
That's a different way, a different take, looking at the corporate parentage of these supposedly independent voices.
And that's something certainly worth considering.
But I would probably throw out the old system of putting the same people in the same positions.
I would use a lottery system, for example.
Or something where, you know, the seats are numbered and we don't know on a given day if Jim Acosta is going to be up front or Gateway Pundit.
But I would certainly like to see a much wider range of journalists.
I would probably do domestic on one day, economics on another day, foreign on another day.
But make it shorter and get some different reporters in there.
Get some new blood in there for sure.
Is that it?
Kevin, you think that would help?
Yeah, it would help on a couple different levels.
First of all, the press would be reporting about how terrible Trump is to revoke all these passes.
And then pretty much most of America would be wondering, why are there only three or four people in that press room?
Why are there only three or four corporations controlling the news?
Where are all the other voices?
Where's the representation of everyone else's interest?
And, you know, when I have kids in their 20s and they certainly don't watch network news, you know, they get their news off of YouTube.
They watch, you know, Paul Joseph Watson, folks like that.
And I would put people like him in the press room over the Jim Acostas any day of the week.
Thanks there, Kevin.
Let's see, Dean in Wisconsin.
Can we go to you, Dean?
Ready there, Dean, in Wisconsin?
Hi, Matt.
Go ahead.
Yeah, no, I'm... The thing is, really, I want to point out what you said on... I heard you say on the last show, if there were more patriots like in the FBI, you would have been hearing people speak out about it, which I agree with you.
I think the whole system is so corrupt.
That you're not getting whistleblowers that are coming out, so.
The thing is, I think if you just roll a few of those rats to come out and testify to what is really going on, what you guys are talking about, this globalism, that'll be the first thing to break this, break the curtain down.
Then Trump can come out and say, you know,
This is what's truly going on.
This technocracy, this globalist, which is so evident, you know, you do that and then at the same time work to get a new paradigm of the nation-state, go behind scenes, just like World War II, get everyone else on board, Poland, Yugoslavia,
They were going to do this new thing and then you can slowly start to pull out of all the WTO.
Thank you, Dean.
Here's a here's a situation with the FBI.
I mean, I love Sean Hannity, but he keeps saying, you know, 99 percent of the FBI agents are just, you know, great patriots.
And I wish that that was true.
And I'm not now.
I'm not only speaking of the FBI now, but also CIA and NSA.
The problem is that college output is FBI input.
So when Christopher Wray the other week was bragging about how smart the FBI agents are, so what if they come out with degrees in social justice, warrior, and America-hating, anti-imperialist studies?
That's the input of the FBI.
Imagine in 1980, John Brennan was allowed into the CIA.
He passed a polygraph.
Where he said that he admitted on polygraph that he voted for Gus Hall, the communist, in 1976.
In 1976, the gulags in the Soviet Union were still full.
They were still shooting people climbing over the Berlin Wall.
He voted for a communist.
The CIA let him in in 1980.
So our federal institutions have been so infiltrated for so long that I don't think that there's an easy way to turn that.
I mean, it's not an accident or a coincidence
That the top floors of the DOJ and the FBI were full of neo-communist social justice warriors.
They believe that the Constitution, and the more honest of them will actually say this, they believe that the Constitution is a white racist slave master contract.
They hate it.
Now they realize that they have to mouth the right words.
They'll say that they believe in the Constitution, but they don't.
They believe in the Marxist mantra that the ends justify the means.
That means also that they can lie.
They can look right at the camera and say that they believe in the Constitution while they're working to destroy it and replace it with something of a Marxist vision.
That's what the Open Borders is all about right now.
Open Borders in 2018, that's one of their chants, is no borders, no nations, you know, F deportations.
That's the 2018 version of Workers of the World Unite.
It's the global vision.
You know, the communists profess to hate Nazis, but the Nazis were also socialists.
The Nazis, though, were national socialists.
So what the communists hate about the Nazis wasn't the socialism part.
They're down for that.
What they hated about the Nazis was the nationalism part.
Communists hate borders, hate nations.
They see the world being run by a global elite.
Somebody like, you know, that would be picked by a George Soros.
You know, the way that the European Union is being run.
So yeah, I don't think that we're going to just have some way of getting some whistleblowers from the FBI out and then everything's going to be alright.
Because I think that the entire culture has been, you know, polluted by political correctness now, you know, going back decades.
That's who they hire.
That's who they promote.
I mean, the old patriots that you picture from the old days, I think they're long retired.
They're gone.
Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
The biggest problem we have is we have a very dishonest media.
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This 4th of July is special.
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And America, yet again, is at the heart of the resistance to the globalists.
That's why this 4th of July I'm asking all of our great supporters to think about Infowars now more than ever.
And what would the world be like if Infowars wasn't there resisting the globalists?
What would have happened if you hadn't supported InfoWars?
We would not be having the victories we have today.
So yes, a lot of good things are happening, but the enemy is striking back.
So please, think about InfoWars and funding our operation while you get great products at the same time on the 4th of July that's so historic.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, we're going to switch directions slightly and look across the pond, the Atlantic, to what's going on in Britain with the Paul Joseph Watson report.
Britain's important because they're just 10 years ahead of us.
So anybody that thinks, you know, the hell with them, think again.
So let's go to Paul Joseph Watson.
I really wanna know why I joined UKIP.
But for all of their salty goodness, none of those headlines could beat this one.
Meet the new face of UKIP, the free speech extremist who could make UKIP dangerous again.
Right, so there are 25,000 potential Islamic terrorists roaming the streets, but I'm the extremist because I support free speech.
A jihadist who attended a far-left march tries to carry out terror on the streets of London, but these guys are who we need to keep an eye on.
You're either for or against free speech.
Me being in favour of it,
It doesn't make me an extremist, it makes me a classical liberal.
It also makes me diametrically opposed to the alt-right, who now brazenly admit that they don't support free speech.
Are we even pro-free speech?
No, of course not.
Strange that, isn't it?
I'm for free speech and against an ethnostate.
The alt-right is for an ethnostate and against free speech.
Yet a dozen or more mainstream press outlets
Just called me alt-right.
You know what?
It's almost like they know that I'm not actually alt-right and they're just lying to their readers to smear me.
But this is the legacy media and we know they'd never do that.
Defending the right to be unpleasant, offensive and abusive without recourse is an extreme interpretation of freedom of speech.
Right, so I guess that makes the Supreme Court an extremist body.
I guess that makes the First Amendment an extremist doctrine.
How can it be a negative to be a staunch defender of a fundamental human right that underpins all the others?
The only real
Free speech extremists are terrorists who kill others for exercising their free speech.
If you really think that meme lords and centre-left classical liberals are far-right extremists, what does that say about you?
What does that say about how far-left your hysterical rhetoric has shifted the Overton window?
What does it say about how little you know about meme culture and about how little you pretend to know about the real alt-right?
So thanks Mikey Smith for that abortion of a headline because it's gonna keep me laughing all through the summer!
Could they make UKIP dangerous again?
Dangerous to who or what?
Dangerous to killing a measure that will devastate digital rights and cripple the fundamental underlying structure of the internet?
Dangerous to the notion that people should be deported or thrown in jail because they have a different opinion to you?
Dangerous to the credibility of people like communist Corbyn-Easter mouthpiece Paul Mason, who painted a giant target on my back by mentioning me?
Then in the very next paragraph implied that I want a shooting war to start.
Then when confronted on it, backed out of any debate, like a complete coward!
I'll tell you why.
I joined you, Kip.
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country.
UKIP is the only major political party in this country that supports free speech.
The so-called conservatives have nothing whatsoever to say about people being banned from the country for having the wrong opinion, about people being convicted for jokes, about thousands of people a year being arrested for mean tweets, while actual violent crime soars across the country.
And neither do the so-called liberals.
They're all complicit in the erosion of one of the bedrock principles of Western civilization.
UKIP is the only major political party in this country that supports the democratic mandate of the British people when it comes to Brexit.
A mandate that has been torn up and incinerated by our spineless Tory government.
UKIP is the only major party in this country that opposes the continued insanity of mass immigration.
A view shared by the clear majority of Europeans, yet one that our gutless leadership daren't even address.
UKIP is the only major party in this country that opposes the brutal practice of halal slaughter.
That's why I joined UKIP, and that's why you should join too.
This isn't about resurrecting the far right.
This isn't about extremism.
Part of our conversation with Gerard Batten was focused around keeping the far right and extremists out of UKIP.
This is about free speech.
This is about restoring democracy.
This is about making Britain great again.
And I'd like to remind folks that Tommy Robinson, who's the ultimate free speech Brit,
Has been in prison for more than a month now, most of that time in solitary confinement, which is 23 and a half hours a day in a concrete box.
He's not even allowed to write letters because a letter that he wrote home to his wife was put on the Internet.
I guess that violated some kind of a speech code.
Now he's not even being allowed to write letters.
This is definitely a form of
Of psychological torture, trying to break the man.
He's going to be up for some kind of a parole hearing in a couple of weeks, and there are big demonstrations scheduled, I believe, in the middle of July.
The 14th, I think, comes to mind.
But why do I care about Britain?
Because Britain is just where we're going.
It's the same path we're taking.
I'm going to tie this back to what I was saying about the FBI and our federal law enforcement agencies the last segment.
I'm reading right now a novel, or excuse me, a book, nonfiction, called Easy Meat, inside the British grooming gang scandal by Peter McLachlan.
McLachlan was a liberal when he started examining this situation.
It turned him into a conservative.
He co-wrote with Tommy Robinson, Why Muslims Kill for Allah.
I forget if that's the right title.
But he's now become an Islam expert.
What this book exposes, it's gut-wrenching to read, but the British authorities from the Parliament, their town councils, their police departments, they were virtually complicit in the mass exploitation of small girls, we're talking girls 10 to 14 years old, being abducted, gang-raped, drugged, prostituted,
Only for the men.
So you could really say they were sex slaves.
The girls saw none of the income.
And for more than 30 years, this was covered up by the Brits.
And the reason I point this out isn't to say, oh, how terrible the British authorities are.
They were and are.
Inside of our own culture in the United States, political correctness can have such a control on people, even if there were patriots inside the FBI, which at this point has to be doubtful.
They're keeping their head down, going for their pension.
They don't rock the boat.
The politically correct social justice warriors rule the day, make the promotions, get promoted, and make policy.
That's how we saw the deep state coup against Trump.
It wasn't an anomaly.
That was FBI culture.
And that was the same thing going on in Britain with a culture that sold out their own people.
Basically, for cheap immigrant votes, by bringing in third-worlders who offer nothing, most of them are on the dole, most of the crime in Britain, the rapes, something like 5% of the British population is Muslim, but they were 90% of these gang rapes.
And for 30 years, the authorities covered it up.
In some cases, they even took part.
Police, with abusing these little girls.
All because they put the immigrants coming in as sure votes for the socialists, for the Labour Party, ahead of the welfare of their own country.
And if you think this couldn't happen in America, think again.
This is what the Democrats are doing with their open borders.
They want to replace patriotic Americans with low IQ non-English speakers who don't know what the Constitution is and don't give a damn what the Constitution is, basically diluting our votes and then eventually replacing us.
So this is just the latest camouflage of the neocommunists.
Who a hundred years ago were saying, workers of the world unite.
Now they're saying, no borders, no nations.
But it's the same matrix going back to the French Revolution, through Marx, through Lenin and Stalin, through George Soros, right to today.
So when you're wondering, what's up with the Democrats and their open borders?
What's up with these British traders mass-importing third-worlders, mostly Muslim, to replace Brits?
How could they do this?
They do it for power.
They do it to stay in power.
They put their own power ahead of the welfare of their weakest, most helpless little girls, allowing them to be drugged, gang-raped, and prostituted, and hiding it for 30 years.
It tears me up.
That's why I'm into Britain.
To come back, we'll take some phone calls.
We acknowledge in this country that we can't, we cannot accept this.
I can't do a whoop.
I'm sorry.
We can't do it.
And the Oscar goes to... What was your response, Phil Mudd?
Let me give you one bottom line.
As a former government official, government's gonna kill this guy.
Well, Trey Gowdy ought to have his ass kicked.
I am a proud
The shitholers built this country 110 years ago.
They were called slopers and slant-eyes.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology acknowledged that the World Trade Center Building 7 fell at freefall acceleration for over 100 feet on 9-11, which means it was meeting no resistance for 8 stories.
So, sparing me a diatribe about conspiracy theories, can you please give me a straight answer on how you think that's scientifically possible without the use of explosives?
Look, I think we should pass on this question.
If you want to tell me that there's something going on beyond two planes going into the buildings, I never saw anything that suggested it.
That was the most investigated event probably in FBI investigative history.
I just, you know, I don't want to spend time on this question.
I don't think it's valid.
When we call the Chinese man a slant-eye, when we call the man from Guatemala a spick-and-a-wet-back, THE F**K!
And we call the black man an a*****e. OH HELL NO!
You are receiving this transmission.
You are the Resistance.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Okay, I'm Matt Bracken in for Alex this hour and we're going to be taking some more calls.
I got pretty upset at the end of the last hour talking about what's been going on in Britain.
I'm reading a book called Easy Meat Inside the British Grooming Gang Scandal by Peter McLachlan.
Who also co-wrote a book with Tommy Robinson, who's currently more than a month in prison, mostly solitary confinement over in Britain.
Britain is not a free country anymore, my friends.
And it's very important to understand that your elites will sell you out.
Do not look to your elites for protection.
You know, Trump is doing what he can to drain the swamp.
But the swamp is still full of these one-world globalist neocommunists, no matter what they call themselves.
And it's very important to remember, like Islamists, these neocommunists believe that the ends justify the means, which means lying is okay.
Lying is just a tactic that you use against suckers.
That's us, the suckers.
So you cannot take leftists at face value as being sincere.
You have to look at them as an unbroken extension of all the communists that ever came before.
Right now they have to pretend to be Americans who believe in the Constitution, but they're not, any more than the British traitor class
They pretend to be Brits, but they're not.
They're globalists.
They're willing to sell out their own country for their one-world vision, a socialist vision.
We have to get inside this loop and understand it in order to defeat it.
Now, we're going to keep going with the calls.
I'm sorry they're backed up so much.
I see Jeremy from Oregon's been holding for a long time.
Jeremy, if you're still there, come on on.
Yeah, I'm here.
I have a couple of questions.
One, you keep bringing up IQ, like low IQ, and I wondered if you knew that IQ is kind of arbitrary and increases once they get education.
Yeah, right.
Listen, the U.S.
Army, going back for decades, has figured out that their test, the AFSAB, correlates directly to IQ.
And they won't even recruit people with, I think, below like an 86, 85, 86 IQ, because these people take more in training than they're ever going to give back to the military in utility.
So if we bring people into the country that are basically at the level of building mud huts that have never even thought about what electricity is, they're very primitive.
They're going to be on welfare for their entire lives.
Their children will be on welfare.
It's basically jump-starting idiocracy.
I don't know where you, you know, it's a completely politically correct bogus idea that IQ doesn't mean anything and you can just educate people out of it.
I'm telling you, the army long ago that found out that, the military found out
You can try to educate people with a, you know, 83 IQ till the cows come home, and after a year, they'll still be competent only to sweep a floor.
I'm not saying that there's no value in folks that can sweep a floor really well.
But if you're trying to run a modern technological society, they don't help.
They mostly wind up on welfare.
If you've ever seen the movie Idiocracy, that's what it's going to look like.
Thanks, Jeremy.
Let's go to Johnny in California.
Hey, I wasn't... Go ahead, Johnny in California?
Hey, Matt, I want to ask you about Trump and what he can actually do to cut some of this stuff off because he's got criminals all around him.
Does he have recourse to use the military to arrest these people?
I don't know about using the military to arrest people right now.
Now, if there was, you know, if the
Conditions became such that there was, you know, anarchy and civil war, then all bets are off.
All bets are off at that point.
But right now, no, I would say absolutely not.
This 4th of July is special.
Everybody can see it, they can feel it.
The globalists are attempting to kill a worldwide awakening to their tyranny.
And America, yet again, is at the heart of the resistance of the globalists.
That's why this 4th of July I'm asking all of our great supporters to think about Infowars now more than ever.
And what would the world be like if Infowars wasn't there resisting the globalists?
What would have happened if you hadn't supported InfoWars?
We would not be having the victories we have today.
So yes, a lot of good things are happening, but the enemy is striking back.
So please, think about InfoWars and funding our operation while you get great products at the same time on the 4th of July that's so historic.
We have record sales going on right now.
Free shipping on hundreds of different items.
More than 20 items are 50% off, like Rainforce Plus.
X2 is 40% off.
Knockout Sleep Aid, $17.76.
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And free shipping, you can't beat that.
This Fourth of July is special, and our sales are special to match it.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, we're coming back to some phone calls.
I see people have been waiting for a long time to get through, and I like going international.
Let's go to Robert from Canada.
How can we protest and what are the best strategies for victory?
Robert, are you there to talk to you?
Hey, Matt.
You know, I was thinking about what Alex keeps saying about this is the move they're going to make in the summer.
And of course, their big, big toy is Antifa.
And given the free speech is the big thing for Americans.
I'm kind of surprised that that's the method that people on the right always use to protest, is free speech.
We have the right for free speech.
But if conservatives on the right are going to go out with free speech, and we're going to use free speech, and we're going to be out there in the streets, and we're going to be for border security, and we're going to be for Trump, and we're going to be for Tommy Robinson, and all these things, Antifa's going to be right there.
And you know what the headlines are going to be in the New York Times the next day?
About Antifa beating up a bunch of right-wing extremists.
I was thinking that really what needs to happen for us to have victory is we need to go straight to our true roots.
And that's Christianity.
Because what's going to happen if the Christians for Christians are out in the streets protesting their right to Christianity?
And when Antifa goes and attacks them, attacks the Christians that are Democrats and Republicans,
What's the New York Times headline going to be then?
What's the Democratic Party going to do then?
What's Nancy Pelosi going to say?
Well, you know, this is an interesting point.
The riots in Portland were Antifa going against Patriot prayer.
And I think that's the right tone.
I wouldn't necessarily put Christian right on it.
Now, if Christians want to march, obviously, I'm all for that.
But I wouldn't want to identify the movement with, you know, necessarily being Christian.
I would say constitutional.
But if, you know, if Antifa wants to go down in history as, you know, throwing bricks at people who are at patriots who are trying to peacefully pray, you know,
That's that probably works.
Now, an important factor also is that the media is not monolithic anymore.
It's channelized.
So yeah, the New York Times, they're going to think that Tommy Robinson is an alt-right thug, you know, founder of a racist organization, which is a complete lie.
And they're going to think that the Patriot Prayer Movement is also a bunch of alt-right, you know, Charlottesville type people, which it's not.
So, you have to almost give up on trying to get an honest message through the mainstream media.
You have to focus on messaging through our own channels, which is, you know, InfoWars, maybe some Fox News, One American News Network, very good network, believe me, if you get it on DirecTV, 347, I watch that all the time.
Also, you know, just watching like young people do, which is getting your news off of the Internet while it lasts.
But, you know, I'm not getting out in the street mixing it up anymore.
I'm a little bit old for that.
I wouldn't dissuade people that want to do that from doing it.
They have to understand that the police will always be on the side of Antifa.
Because that's who the social justice warrior mayors are on the side of.
And you're always going to be looking terrible in the media.
So be careful how you do it.
Don't go out looking like thugs.
And be prepared to take the brickbats because you're going to get them.
I did like that knockout punch where the
Hit the guy with the club and knocked him out with one punch.
I did watch that about a hundred times.
I'll admit a little guilty pleasure there.
But, you know, just also I would say, you know, swarm the comment sections anywhere you can.
Any media on the internet that don't allow comments, they're basically admitting that they've lost the argument, that they can't stay up with conservatives in the comment sections.
The liberals can't win on ideas.
They can only win on emotions, showing a crying baby, or hitting you on the head with a bicycle lock.
That's what they're reduced to.
Crying babies and bicycle locks.
We win on the war of ideas.
Being unafraid in the workplace, on the internet, that's key.
Don't be silent.
Don't be cowed.
The social justice warriors, they win when a small group of people can infect the thinking of a corporation, of a federal government agency, to the point where nobody will say anything.
For example, people won't put a cross on their desk.
They're afraid of the reaction.
I would say, yes, do that.
You want to put a cross on your desk, on your office door?
Go ahead and do it.
Make the social justice warriors out themselves as the neo-communist, atheist thugs that they are.
Anyway, let's go to Pastor Sam in Texas, since we're talking about where Christians fit into this picture.
Pastor Sam, what have you got there?
Hi, Matt.
First time on with you.
Thank you for your service.
I appreciate your work very much.
And yes, it's important for us as Christians to stand up for what we believe.
In fact, rioting in the streets and social breakdown does open the door for a little bit of frontier justice, which we're entitled to as Americans.
If we really want to know what that is going to look like, we can look back to 1887, the dynamite bombing and the Haymarket riots, greatly codified in a free book on the internet called Anarchy and Anarchists, how these kind of movements never are grassroots, but they're always globalists behind them, funding and pushing.
And also right now, in the streets of Nicaragua, this has already happened.
The cities have been shut down for a month or two with rioting in the streets back and forth.
And in that case, it's very clearly the Catholic priests and bishops are running the insurrection.
The president is also suspect, but it's a horrible situation that's going on.
But we can see that there are forces behind it.
It's not grassroots.
It never is.
Well, Nicaragua is basically a communist country run by the retread communist Ortega, and the people are protesting, as they are in Venezuela, against hunger and lack of freedom.
So, I'm not really up on where the Catholic priests are fitting into that.
Certainly, the Jesuits and Maryknolls have been aligned with the progressives of liberation theology in Latin and South America for decades, but I'm not up on that part of Nicaragua.
But yeah, we're in interesting times.
And you can see the whole Open Borders movement is basically a neo-communist cover.
And when we just saw Obrador elected, it looks like he's been elected.
He's promised to send, you know, waves of Mexicans straight into America, sort of as their birthright.
So we're going to need to fix this border really fast.
Something that's important to realize about that is that one of the callers before asked what the military can do.
Well, the president has his own little part of the Constitution, Article 4, Section 4.
It says that the federal government should protect the states against invasion.
It's in black and white in the Constitution.
There are a few things in the Constitution that just aren't taught.
The progressives, the Marxists, the one-worlders, they're the ones that run academia.
They sort of airbrush out these parts of the Constitution.
But for the President to defend the borders is just as clear-cut as the First or Second Amendment.
It says that the federal government shall protect the states against invasion.
How many millions of people, unknown, unvetted, young men, fighting age, walking into our country, gang members, carrying drugs, how many counts as an invasion?
So yeah, the President tomorrow could read Article 4, Section 4,
On television and announced that the Army Corps of Engineers is going to immediately start building fences along the border.
Hungary and Israel did it in a matter of months.
It doesn't take long.
We've just got a completely wrong strategy for protecting the border.
And the wrong strategy is on purpose.
The wrong strategy is meant to bring in as many people as possible.
And I'll talk about how we can fix that in the next segment.
But it's very doable.
It's not rocket science.
It's like Article 4, Section 4.
It's one of those things that they just don't talk about.
But securing a border is dead simple.
Everybody knows how to do it.
July 4th, 2018 is now here.
240 plus years after we declared our intent to sever our ties with the corrupt King of England.
And I was driving into the Infowars News Center just last week, and it hit me like a thunderbolt, like lightning, that this is the crossroads.
The revolution against the globalists is happening.
Their counter-revolution is taking place.
Antifa and George Soros and the globalists are launching riots and violence and race war and economic war all over the planet.
And it hit me.
This, July 4th, 2018, is the binary twin
of 1776, metaphysically.
This is it.
It is the jump point.
It is the point of no return for the tyrants to defeat us or for humanity to struggle free and control its own destiny.
Ladies and gentlemen, everyone from Michael Moore to Bill Maher to Barack Obama, the communist organizer,
Are behind the scenes right now and out in the open trying to foment America destroying itself and Europe destroying itself and Latin America destroying itself.
They're trying to pull us apart.
They're trying to block prosperity.
And they're getting more and more and more and more and more desperate as Trump and other nationalist populist leaders on the left and right
From Italy to the US, restore prosperity by simply blocking globalism that is designed to make us poor.
They're trying to create giant monopolies.
They're trying to kill any true free market systems because then they'll have complete and total social control.
So this, July 4th, 2018, is so special.
It is the new Declaration of Independence against the globalists, the Declaration of Independence against big tech, the Declaration of Independence against Hollywood, and all these control freaks that lust after controlling our minds.
Despite all the censorship, all the attacks, all the Soros and Hillary funded lawsuits, we are steaming forward, having huge victory, and working with powerful patriots across the world to change human destiny.
That's why this July 4th and for a few days after, for the next week or so, we're offering some of the biggest sales ever on more than 20 items at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're not funded by megacorporations.
We don't get taxpayer bailouts like MSNBC.
We're funded by you.
We make it easy to support InfoWars because the products are great and they're very, very affordable.
But for the 4th of July, we have some of the biggest sales we've had since Christmas on our best sellers.
I can't list them all, there's more than 20.
But Brain Force, our best-selling nootropic, is 50% off, even though it's close to selling out, free shipping.
Survival Shield X2, the good halogen.
40% off with free shipping.
That's low in stock.
Knockout, the Sleep Aid.
$17.76 with free shipping.
It's all free shipping.
It's all 40% to 50% off.
Alexa Pure Breezes, amazing.
$100 off on those.
Storable Foods, 50% off on 3-month supply.
But whatever you do, go check out all the other specials.
This is how you get great products that make your life better, but also fund the information war against the globalists who we are so close to defeating.
Again, for myself, the entire InfoWars crew and family, you are the InfoWar.
You are the victory.
You're the solution.
You're the reason we're here.
So I commend and thank you all for supporting InfoWars.
Now, God bless you.
And remember, this Fourth of July is more important than ever.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
In the last segment, I was talking about how you defend borders.
It sort of was a mistake by Trump to say, let's build a wall, because a wall has a specific meaning.
He's talking about concrete that's dug down deep and extending up high.
Not only is that way more expensive than a fence system, it takes way too long to build.
And the smugglers or anybody trying to cross the border can hide on the other side out of sight.
Fence systems take a fraction of the time to build.
They're much cheaper.
And the key is having parallel fences with a patrol road in between.
This is not rocket science.
This is really basic stuff.
You have two fences so that even after you've crossed fence number one, you have to go across a sand road where your footprints show up and where jeeps are patrolling back and forth.
If you've seen that meme that I posted showing what half of Arizona looks like, like a barbed wire cattle fence, that's the only fence for miles and miles.
What having no fence does is force the Border Patrol to defend in depth.
You always hear about the Border Patrol picking people up 10, 20, 30 miles from the border.
This means that the finite number of Border Patrol out in the field can't be up close to the border.
They have to be defending in depth, like a football prevent defense.
They can't be up on the front line, because there's no actual border fence to defend.
If there is a fence, you could then take the Border Patrol that we have, and instead of spreading them out across, you know, 20,000 square miles of desert,
Going deep into the USA, they would just be in their vehicles patrolling an actual double border fence.
There would be enough border patrol to have one every couple hundred yards.
Nobody could cross the border because they'd have to come up with giant ladders or cutting torches, and there'd be border patrol sitting there looking at them.
Hungary did it in a matter of months.
They bucked the PC of the European Union
The European Union, sort of like analogous to the USA, the European Union said, we're going to get rid of internal borders between, say, France and Italy or Germany and Austria.
We're just going to have an outer border.
But then they never had the outer border.
So anybody that got into any part of Europe, say Greece, could then freely take cabs, buses, trains to any part of the European Union.
That's what it's like in America with our catch-and-release policy.
You get one mile into America, the Border Patrol picks you up.
They can't just kick you out.
You've got to go through this elaborate process, get lawyered up, wait for judges, you know, become a propaganda tool in some kind of a camp with an actual strong double border fence.
They don't get into the country.
It's interesting, Hungary did an even more clever trick.
They didn't build their double fence right at the Hungary-Serbia border.
They built it about 100 yards into Hungary.
So instead of needing to go before deportation judges and hearings, getting these immigrants lawyered up, they just dropped them on the other side of the fence.
They're still technically inside of Hungary.
They didn't deport anybody.
But pretty soon, people decide, you know what, I'm going to try my luck somewhere else.
They walk back into Serbia and go try their luck in another country.
So there are ways to do this.
It's not expensive.
It wouldn't take years.
The Department of Defense has the funds.
We go out and we defend countries all over the world.
As I say, we defend Timbuktu from Timbuktu 3 out in the middle of East you-know-where.
But we won't defend our own border.
This is not hard to understand.
It's because the social justice warrior neo-communists, their newest strategy, camouflaged strategy, is open borders.
That's all there is to understand about it.
It's really, you know, it's not any more complicated than that.
Now, let's see, I'm going to go back to some calls here.
Leo in mass has been holding for more than an hour.
And it says, do I know about July 17th, 1918?
And that intrigues me because I like the history questions.
So go ahead, Leo.
I don't know about July 17th, 1918.
If you're still there, Leo, go ahead.
That was the day that the Romanovs and the children and the servants were executed.
And that anniversary is coming up pretty damn soon.
And I'm afraid for Trump.
I see your point, with him and his family.
I just saw, I was looking at Twitter a moment ago, and I saw that they arrested somebody who was going to try to take out Rand Paul and his family.
The leftists are absolutely going to go after individuals, including family members.
They've been brainwashed now for the last few years, and certainly since Trump has become president, that he's the next Hitler.
I can remember going back to high school and college.
It was always a social studies type of a thought experiment.
What if you knew Hitler was coming to power, but you had clairvoyance, you could see the future.
Yes, it would be the moral thing to do to kill Hitler as a young man, as even as a child.
Well, this is what our progressive social justice warriors have been inculcated with.
This message is coming through the mainstream media.
Trump is Hitler.
Well, what do you do if you know there's a rising Hitler?
You go out to the GOP baseball game with an SKS.
Luckily that time, the guy had a bad plan, but it came very close.
The Republicans were all in that dugout.
They could have been massacred.
That was a very close thing.
So I share your concern, Leo.
You know, there are people out there who would, you know, would kidnap one of the Trump children in a second, and they would justify it in their mind as a moral act to try to stop the Trump-Hitler.
I mean, this is a very dangerous time we're in, and I expect more, like the Republican baseball practice, I expect that to be a pattern for the future.
You know, or an HVAC attack with a gas or kidnapping a Trump child.
So you better hope that the Secret Service is on their game for sure.
Thanks, Leo.
That's a very good point.
We don't have enough time for another caller in this segment, but I just want to reiterate.
It's a smokescreen to think that only Congress can approve a border wall.
That's within the commander-in-chief's power right now today.
I don't know who's teaching him his constitution, but defending the border against invasion is in black and white.
And people should understand that the most successful invasions in history were not D-Day with landing craft.
They were immigration invasions, like the Visigoths coming into Roman territory.
They were the West Goths, the Germans.
They were actually refugees fleeing the Asiatic Huns.
And the Romans didn't want to bring them in, but felt guilty about them suffering at the hands of the Huns.
They allowed the Visigoths in, and in a few years the Visigoths are sacking Rome.
So the most successful invasions in history have been demographic invasions.
Just look at what's happening to Europe now, allowing in the Islamic conquest.
For 1400 years they fought them.
Now they're inviting the men.
It's a tragedy unfolding.
And we haven't seen the worst of it by a long shot.
But we can stop it.
We can turn it around.
And that's what we're here for on InfoWars.
Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, mate.
I've been following you since I was 14, and I'm 32 now.
I remember back when InfoWars and Prison Planet, it was just blue text on a white screen, and I had to load down the page on my dial-up internet, and I thought it was pretty cool, and read all the books, and seen all the DVDs, and followed all your guests.
And I've been using your product since the first iteration of Survival Shield.
And since then, I'm on the X2, the Super Male Vitality, the Caveman, the Real Red Pill, Micro ZX Body.
It's all amazing.
Thank you, brother.
Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side
You, the crew, and the listeners out there.
1776 Worldwide.
Where are you right now, Millie?
Well, right now I'm in San Diego, California, back at my hotel.
But yesterday we were down in Tijuana, Mexico, right on the Mexican side of the border, speaking with the migrant caravan.
I wanted to go down there and investigate and find out exactly what is going on with this migrant caravan situation.
And I'll tell you, the liberal media is out there saying that these are all refugees that are in immediate need for safety and protection inside the United States.
What I can tell you is that what I found out from the migrants themselves is that that is actually not true.
And so we spoke to some of the locals out here in Mexico and what they say is that they have a greater chance of getting through under refugee or asylum status if they have children with them.
Human trafficking is associated with this caravan and they tend to bring children because it increases their odds of getting into the United States.
But this is all about just getting into the United States to work in the U.S.
in order to bring money back to their families or back to their cartels or get cartel members in to smuggle drugs.
There's a culture of drugs in Mexico.
I would say that
You know, the people in the caravan were no safer than the whole entire rest of the country in Mexico.
But Mexico is almost like a third world country and many other countries across, you know, the whole globe are in this same situation.
So we can't say that, hey, these are people in immediate need for help and they need to get in or because their safety is compromised, because that's just simply not the case.
And if it were, you would have billions of people coming to the U.S.
and we just can't do that.
It would collapse our system.
And that's exactly what the globalists want to do.
Now, the globalists would like America to be run exactly how Mexico is run.
They actually have a maximum wage in Mexico.
You cannot get paid over $1.75 in Mexico.
So they're getting paid such low wages, they want to come, you know, get a U.S.
passport or visa or citizenship to commute across the board.
I don't
None of them felt like they were in any immediate danger or fear.
They were being taken care of better than most of the other citizens in Mexico because they had all of these Democrat NGOs, American organizations, coming out and feeding them.
So these people were perfectly fine.
They had already been given refuge in Mexico.
So for the liberal media to claim these are refugees that need immediate help, it's just absolutely not true.
It's a lie.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Matt Bracken with you again for the next half an hour.
Something that's important to understand is sometimes the enemy, they're evil, but they do come up with some good tactics.
If anybody out there hasn't got a copy of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, you keep hearing about this and maybe you don't really know what it is.
Alinsky studied the mafia in Chicago.
He applied what he learned from the mafia tactics, which include extortion, terrorism, propaganda,
He created a manual for running labor unions and then for running cities using mafia tactics.
And it's really brilliant.
It's evil, but it's really brilliant.
If you don't understand, if you don't have a copy, get a copy, learn it, and really, really absorb it.
One of the things that I like to do is flip these things around on the progressives.
They always say, you know, make us hold to our own rules.
If we're Christians and we believe in the Golden Rule, they use that as leverage against us.
They'll stick the knife in our back at the moment that it's tactically beneficial to them, but until that moment, they'll lie to our faces about their intentions.
So I say don't do it.
Never take the left at face value as being sincere.
They lie.
It's what they do.
If they came out and put a hammer and sickle on their hat, it would hurt their cause right now.
So they don't.
So anybody who is for open borders in 2018 is either a neo-communist, no matter what they would call themselves, leftist, progressive, you know, ultra-liberal,
Social justice warrior.
They're neocommunists or they're Lenin's useful idiots.
They just don't know any better.
You know, they see the crying child picture.
It tears at their heartstrings and they're just useful idiots.
Don't take them as sincere.
When they say that they're just for justice or just for freedom or for people to live a better life, their intention is to wreck this country.
The United States is the last citadel.
We're the bastion.
If freedom falls in America, it falls around the globe.
There won't be some place like New Zealand or, you know, Chile to run away and hide in.
If freedom is lost here, it's gone everywhere.
That's why we're the main target.
And the newest tactic of the neocommunists is open borders, just to flood the zone, flood America with immigrants who don't care about the Constitution.
They just want the benefits.
But they're, you know, not only do they take the benefits, but each one of them requires a little squad of government employees to take care of all their benefits.
So yeah, don't accept them at face value as just wanting social justice.
They're neo-communists or they are useful idiots.
But never just accept them at what they say, because what they do is a lie.
OK, I'd like to go now.
Chris in Washington's been on for an hour asking, is a violent civil war actually going to happen?
Yeah, short answer, yes.
But go ahead, Chris.
Let's talk about that.
Hey, Matt.
First of all, I'd like to say thanks for the products Alex and all your staff puts out.
I use them myself.
Great product.
Second of all, I work over here on the highways.
I'm a heavy highway construction worker and I see the anger on the left.
I work the I-5 corridor here in Seattle.
So I live in a very liberal part of the state.
And you can just see the anger.
I've seen the signs.
Vote November.
Vote them all out.
Hate Trump.
I see demonstrations.
Blah, blah, blah.
Do you guys honestly think there's actually going to be fighting in the streets?
Because I was telling my wife that we're coming back from shopping groceries.
And I said, hey, imagine right now standing up here up on the mountain.
I live over in the Olympic Peninsula.
We're sitting up on the mountain and watching our country burn.
And she just kind of gave me a weird look.
And I kind of startled her with that.
Because, you know, I always thought you were a wingnut, but you sure seem like everything you've been talking about is coming true.
I just kind of want to get your take on it.
Yeah, I think that what we're going to see in terms of, you know, fighting in the streets, it'll primarily be things like the Patriot Prayer Movement going out and announcing a meeting which is going to draw Antifa.
The Antifa will be ushered in by the police who are also controlled by the social justice warrior mayors, certainly in your region and Berkeley, places like that.
So the street fighting that you're going to see is going to be Antifa versus, you know, patriots.
However, that's going to change fairly quickly if this really becomes a thing.
Somebody eventually is going to get in a high place and spray a crowd with, you know, with a couple mags and that's going to be the end of street, of massive street protests.
This is, you know, sure to happen.
It kind of happened in Dallas where the police were assassinated, but it would have just been probably even more effective if somebody, if the same guy had sprayed the demonstrators and then left right-wing literature, for example.
As a false flag.
But sooner or later, somebody's going to get the idea.
Either that, or they're going to plow a big truck right through a crowd.
And the odds are, it could be just as good as being a false flag operation as being, you know, an overt operation.
But yeah, I think it's going to happen, especially when the Democrats don't win in November.
You know, right now, all of their chips are on, you know, vote them out in November.
But this open borders push is poison for the Democrats.
It's going to be like Nixon versus McGovern, you know, in 72.
Never mind Watergate, we know what happened after that.
But the liberals went so ultra-liberal between 68 and 72 that Nixon won 49 states.
You know, if the message is getting through that the Democrats just want wide open borders, which means mass immigration, a diluted quality of health care, education, everything, because we're supporting the indigents of the entire world, the Democrats are going to be wiped out in November.
They might win Portland and they might win Massachusetts.
But across the heartland, they are going to be wiped out.
And after that, if you think that they were angry after Trump was elected, imagine if the Senate, if the Republicans pick up enough votes in the Senate to get the next two or three conservative, meaning constitutional, Supreme Court justices through.
Then they're going to feel like they've got nothing left but violence, because they're never going to say, maybe we were wrong.
You know what?
Maybe the conservatives are right.
Some will, because they'll be disgusted by Antifa tactics, you know, throwing bricks at old ladies on the street.
But many will then say, there's only one thing left, and that's to go from violent street protests to, you know, Ted Kaczynski tactics, or false flag sniper tactics.
That's going to happen.
We're kidnapping the children of, you know, the Trumps, or taking out Rand Paul's family, like somebody was just arrested for.
Yeah, I don't see that there's any back down.
And I think that the Republicans are going to win big in November, and then the remaining progressives are just going to totally lose their minds and go for violence.
That's what I see happening.
I don't see what else can happen.
I'm going to take the next call and then we're going to talk about it after the break also.
Sean in Iowa, if civil war broke out, what should we do?
You want to expand on that question until we go to the break there, Sean?
Yeah, absolutely.
Go ahead.
You've got it.
Matt, I really want to thank you for your service to this great nation, first and foremost.
Yeah, what are your suggestions if this does happen, which I really hope it doesn't, but I love this country.
I do not want to see this country become a communistic dictator asshole, if you understand what I'm saying.
What are your suggestions for us patriots that love this country in the case civil war does break out?
Well, I think that you need to harden up your own family infrastructure.
You know, there could be serious disruptions, and we'll talk about that on the other side of the break, but you need to be prepared to go it alone for, you know, a month at least.
That means no supermarkets and no water coming into your house.
If you can do that, you're well on the way to making it through.
And we'll talk about that some more on the other side.
They think you're a goldfish!
I've been betting on you my whole life!
I believe in you!
I don't think you're stupid!
And we're kicking these traitors' asses politically!
And we're not backing down ever!
I wanna get these people!
We're winning!
I can feel the spirit rising!
Can't you?
We have broken their back!
Yes, I can feel it!
Let's go!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, this is Matt Bracken, last segment.
We were just talking about what can you do to prepare for a civil war?
First thing to understand is it won't look like the North versus the South, you know, like you're going to go to some other state to fight it.
It's going to be zip code versus zip code or one side of your street versus the other side of your street.
So certainly you need to have enough, you know, basically the same prepper stuff as if you were preparing for, you know, an international war, an EMP strike, a cyber war.
Namely that the internet could go down, banking could go down.
I expect all of these things could happen.
You won't be able to get fuel for your car.
Have a few extra jerry cans handy.
Maybe cash them somewhere where you might be bugging out to.
Make sure there's some fuel at each end of your bug out route or along the way.
Ammunition, guns, ammo, hopefully you're up to speed.
Some concealable body armor.
So if you have to go to the supermarket, assuming it hasn't been looted, you know, the supermarket is going to be like the watering hole where the gazelle is going that's full of crocodiles and surrounded by lions.
So you're going to want concealable body armor.
You're going to certainly want to have some cash on hand.
Assume that the ATMs aren't going to work.
Or it could be a situation where you're afraid to use your credit card because you might be out of bounds from where you want people to know you are.
You want to be able to pay in cash, silver, ammunition, things like that.
These are just to get you through opening stages of a civil war.
That, you know, you might there might be a very steep learning curve.
And if you're, for example, starving and have to go out to get food, that's going to put your entire family at risk because daddy might not come back from the from the supermarket.
But in terms of in terms of getting ready on a on an intellectual or an academic level, there's one book that I've read.
Gosh, I must have read this book ten times.
It's called The Dirty War.
And it's it's covert strategies for dealing with.
Let me see what I'm I'm blowing the title there, but it's called the Dirty War by Martin Dillon.
Covert strategies and tactics used in political conflicts.
Now, this is based on the Northern Ireland experience from the 60s through the 90s.
But updated for, you know, smartphones and Wi-Fi, the same strategies and tactics are going to apply.
We're good.
Being out in the field, which is going to be very limited in a modern war.
Hiding out in the woods playing Robin Hood isn't going to cut it.
Drones are going to spot your heat signature and drop a missile on you in a heartbeat.
You're going to have to continue to live a normal pattern of life.
You're not going to be wearing camouflage.
You're going to be wearing street clothes.
So the tactics that you're going to adapt are going to be tactics that don't out you as a guerrilla fighter or as any kind of a fighter.
You're going to need clandestine weapons, clandestine communications, and understand the tactics of your enemies.
And there's no better book for that than The Dirty War by Martin Dillon.
It's written about the Irish, but it could have been written ten years from now about any modern civil war.
So I very highly recommend it.
But I think we have time for another call.
I see Kurt in Minnesota comments on the Civil War.
Kurt's been holding for an hour.
So go ahead, Kurt.
Hey, thanks, Matt.
You're welcome.
Appreciate you covering the show for Alex and those guys today.
You bet.
My thought on this issue is what happened to all the ammunition that was bought by the Obama administration?
I think that we should pass along that they need to call for an audit to find out where that went.
Because if it ends up like they've done in the Middle East, where all of a sudden, al-Qaeda pops up well-armed with stuff that we gave them, that could happen right here in this country.
I'm not too concerned about that.
You know, the number of armed federal law enforcement agencies
You know, low six figures at best.
And even if they've all got, you know, thousands of rounds, who cares?
We measure our numbers in, you know, tens of millions, not tens of thousands.
And we we count our ammunition in billions, not millions.
So, you know, I often I made a meme a while back.
You know, what's in the Constitution?
FBI, DOJ, NSA, CIA or militia?
The answer is militia.
And who has more ammunition and who has more special operations troops of those groups?
The militia.
That's us.
The feds might, you know, they might potentially, not under Trump, but under an Obama type, they might potentially try to arm Antifa.
I don't think it'll get them very far.
Now, even a knucklehead like the guy that shot up the baseball practice, you know, can can get some some shots in.
But you could see from him
He had no tactics, he had no plan, and he wasn't able to conduct the massacre that he wanted to.
Not saying that the next Antifa type wouldn't, but we're not talking about militia versus militia type fighting.
We're talking about a war of terrorism where idiots are groomed and brainwashed into conducting more of these baseball practice type operations.
But it's not going to be, you know, the feds coming in heavy and it's not going to be, you know, militia versus militia.
It's going to be at your doorbell when the fake UPS man shows up, you know, and has a gun in the box.
That's what this civil war is going to look like.
And that's what hardening your target's going to mean.
It's going to mean solar-powered surveillance lights and cameras around your property, things that aren't dependent on the grid or the conventional power.
Assume that the Internet's going to go down.
Assume that your credit cards might not work.
And for sure, they'll track you by your ATM and credit cards if they're even working.
Yeah, it's going to be a whole new type of war, and I would recommend this story right here, what I saw at the coup.
All of my short stories and essays on civil war are on my website, enemiesforeignanddomestic.com, or you can just Google them by the titles.
They'll come right up.
But yeah, we're going to be in for some hard rolls, because I think that the Democrats are going to get defeated soundly in November, and then they're just going to be frantic.
Then the most dangerous of them are going to be the real hardcore that feel that they've got nothing to lose, that they're totally backed into a corner.
I mean, they really do believe that Trump is forming up the Gestapo to come and get them.
That's what they believe.
It's what they've been told.
And they're getting ready now to, you know, it could look like Germany in the 1930s or 20s before Hitler came to power in terms of the street fighting.
In America, with so many well-armed people, crowds aren't going to be a problem once snipers start shooting at crowds.
Any group of, you know, thousands of people is just going to be too vulnerable of a target.
It's not going to be, you know, it's not going to be a going thing once the shooting starts.
Helen in Kansas, do you have a short one?
Comments on Antifa and Civil War.
Can we go to Helen in Kansas?
Hi Helen, go ahead.
Well, I'm just calling to say that you are right, and what people call today globalism, or New World Order, or One World System, is the Lord God calls the beast, which rises up out of the sea, which is symbolic for the sea of people in Revelation 13.
And He says in Nehemiah chapter 6,
Verses 15 and 16, it says, So the war was finished in the twentieth and fifth day of the month of Elu, which is our September 10th through 11th, in fifty and two days.
And it came to pass that when all our enemies heard thereof, and all the heathens that were round about us,
Helen, I'm running out of time, and people can look up Nehemiah, but it's interesting that in almost all of the holy books, all of these wheels, like one of these giant Aztec calendars, stone calendars, all of the wheels sort of seem to be rolling together like the tumblers on a safe, lining up for that pin, you know, for that lock to suddenly unlock.
It's just uncanny how
All of these gears of history seem to be aligning right now.
And I wouldn't rule anything out.
And your holy book, other people's holy books, they all seem to be coming towards that same conclusion that the tumblers of the safe are aligning and something big is going to happen.
And I think it's going to happen.
Certainly during the next year or two.
I hope I'm wrong.
I like electricity.
You know, I like the internet.
I like supermarkets full of food.
It's been good with being with you today and Alex will be back tomorrow and we'll continue this.
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Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.