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Name: 20180619_Tue_Alex
Air Date: June 19, 2018
3249 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including free speech on the internet, tech companies' data mining capabilities, and censorship. He claims that a new European Union law allegedly aims to destroy the internet as we know it by allowing data mining and ending fair use communication through software templates run by tech companies. The show urges people in Europe to contact their Member of European Parliament (MEP) and vote against Article 13 and Article 11 to save the internet. Jones also talks about how social media platforms like Google, Twitter, and Facebook are controlled by leftists, leading to increased surveillance of individuals' data, eroding privacy rights. He discusses his ongoing legal issues with his university due to his free speech being censored. The show promotes various products from InfoWarsLife, including Vitamin Mineral Fusion drink mix and a best source prebiotic fiber packed with concentrated fibers from berries and fruits. The podcast discusses the implications of Article 13, a proposed new copyright law within the EU, which threatens to fundamentally undermine the structure and freedom of the internet, censoring personal behavior, preventing users from uploading content or leaving online comments. The proposed law raises concerns about the impact on live streaming, memes, music covers, video game playing, and even comment sections being banned entirely. It is argued that this censorship is not just about politics but control over personal behavior and preventing people from expressing their rights on the internet. Alex Jones discusses the impact of mass migration on Europe, highlighting increased crime rates as a result. He provides specific statistics from Germany, where violent crime has risen 23.7% due to crimes committed by migrants between 2016 and 2017. The mainstream media is criticized for misrepresenting Trump's position on immigration policy in relation to mass migration. European countries are shown struggling with the influx of migrants, including Spain forcing students out of their homes within 24 hours to make way for migrants arriving by boat and Italy turning away rescue ships carrying 600 migrants. The video argues that maintaining national borders and laws would be more humane than encouraging mass migration, which often leads to death and suffering. The show also promotes MycoZX Plus, an all-natural formula designed to support the body's natural cleansing of yeast and fungal organisms. The discussion focuses on the agenda behind mass immigration into Western countries, particularly Europe. They argue that there is a deliberate plan by globalist forces to undermine national identity and community cohesion in order to create more docile populations who are easier to control and dependent on state support.

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1884 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
As above, so below.
That's what the old alchemists would say back in the days of Plato.
And it's certainly true about the universe we live in.
What you see happening down at the little microscopic level, you also see happening at the gigantor level.
I got a call from my First Amendment lawyer that he got contacted last night by the University of Missouri Law School.
And they told him that they're going to be joining in on the lawsuit against me in Charlottesville.
And that the brief basically does call for an end to the First Amendment.
And he said it's unbelievable.
I can't believe that they're very honest about it.
So that'll be filed later today and we'll have that.
Now that's down to a little level with Alex Jones and their test case.
The Alex Jones statute they're trying to get through.
They now admit they are.
These are universities.
Many of them taxpayer funded.
Georgetown's law section is taxpayer-funded, though it's a private school, openly trying to destroy the First Amendment and admitting it.
Now, I knew about this a few years ago, and I knew about it in the TPP because it got leaked by patriots.
And Drudge came here two and a half years ago, and he'd met with the Supreme Court Justice and others, and they'd been told, under the international copyright law, via the EU and the TPP, that Internet freedom as we know it will be completely gone.
And so I'd already read the TPP sections and covered it then a few years ago, but it was so draconian, people couldn't believe that that might actually happen.
They couldn't believe it.
And now, the EU has already put some of this into play, but tomorrow they're set to pass Article 13 and Article 11.
And this snuck up on me because I knew that they were trying to get the TPP global legislation through the EU, since the TPP had already fallen apart when Trump pulled out of it, and that Juncker wanted it to censor EU citizens, but also reach into the United States, as they're already doing with some of their other programs.
And sure enough, they're voting on it tomorrow.
The EU is about to destroy the Internet as we know it.
And folks, when we say that, I've got Article 13 and 11 and the others here in full in my hand.
So we're going to be showing you what they actually say.
And in short,
It allows tech companies to data mine everything you do, track everything you do, bypass courts, and fine you directly millions of euros every time you even quote three words out of one of their articles.
So it ends fair use, ends communication, but it's worse than that.
There will then be software templates
that are run on all major browsers, or the EU will fine them billions, that just like when you're typing in your phone a cuss word it won't let you, everything will be uploaded into a big database by the big tech companies, by the big newspapers.
And so when you try to even show one of their articles and talk about what they're doing, you'll be banned from uploading video, you'll be banned from even doing screenshots, you'll be banned from quoting it, and there will be a template interface over your
computer operating system in live time updated by 20,000 bureaucrats that Google is running, the EU is accepting it, and they are Southern Poverty Law Center ADL trained and George Soros funded.
I'm not kidding.
So live time, they program the algorithm and are constantly changing it and controlling what you can type and what you can do.
Remember Shazam came out 10 years ago where you can hold up your smartphone and it hears the music in the mall and tells you what it is?
That's live time.
We try to upload, you know, videos they don't want seen to YouTube.
It's banned.
This is the total control and they're launching it.
It's light years worse than communist China.
It's exactly what Matt Drudge warned about.
When he came here a few years ago and said this is what he was told they would do when they were going to ban linking.
But it's worse.
They admit all memes will be banned.
You have to first have them approved by the Southern Poverty Law Center Google interface globally and the EU is going to sue other countries that don't adopt this.
We'll be back.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Coming to you live from the InfoWars.com studios in the recaptured state of Texas.
It's Alex Jones.
I have extremely grave news for all of you.
And I want you to understand this is not hype, this is not hyperbole.
I have a full spectrum analysis of what the EU snuck up to a vote they announced a few days ago.
An early snap vote by the unelected EU bureaucracy that is happening tomorrow on Article 13 and Article 11 that were previously in the Trans-Pacific Partnership that Trump pulled out of that the Electronic Frontier Foundation, even the mainline liberal groups admit will end internet freedom as we know it.
Paul's put out a viral video.
The EU is about to destroy the Internet as we know it.
And no one seems to care.
Well, he put that out yesterday.
This is one of the top stories now.
People are actually reading it.
And it is horrific.
Now, major universities across the world are backing this because they've already created anti-free speech zones.
They are now metastasizing in Europe, the UK and the US and Australia.
And universities are suing everywhere to restrict the First Amendment and free speech in Europe.
The globalists are making their move more accelerated because people are awake to what they're doing.
So they're trying to shut us up and try to grab victory from the jaws of their defeat.
Now Paul Watson is going to be joining us to talk more about this coming up at the end of this segment in just a few minutes.
But I want you to understand it's worse than he even says in his video.
It's worse.
This is a total spy grid.
And this is the tech companies allowed to have unlimited data mining and sharing, but then the general public isn't allowed to.
And then the EU will take control via these companies of the browser systems in live time and control what you can even type.
They say it.
You're like, well, how do they do that?
Just like you can't upload copyrighted music?
Well, they're going to say words that are racist or hurtful you can't upload.
This is total censorship template.
They're saying you can't even quote an article, which is totally protected in European law, U.S.
They're saying that you can't share memes.
It has to go through a program that decides, is it hurtful?
Is it hateful?
Is it copyright?
Is it authorized?
And then the computer will decide if it's copyright, not someone proving it in court.
They are more scared of memes because machine learning, scanning it and reading it, their AI systems can't understand human humor.
And so they're unable to censor memes.
They admit this.
They're panicking over it.
And they don't know what to do.
Because the machines don't get humor.
And that's why everybody's been getting past Twitter and the algorithm censorship by being sarcastic.
How they love Hillary.
How they love censorship.
Oh, how great it is that Muslims stab some more people.
This is mainstream news.
If you're tuning in on the radio, this is... Motherboard.
This is the LA Times.
This is Metro.
This is... This is... The left finally gets it.
Because it's gonna be Joe Rogan.
And it's going to be other people that are popular across the board that aren't controlled by the system that are the target.
But they're the people staying on the fence during all this censorship because they think, oh, it's just the, you know, Libertarians, the right-wingers that are getting censored.
And then they're the real target.
The PewDiePies.
So if we don't all rally and say no to this and champion those of us that are being censored, you're all next.
Here's Paul Watson's powerful report.
They're really doing it.
They're coming for the one thing that we thought was sacred.
They're coming to ban the memes.
Researchers at University College London have developed an algorithm that can automatically detect and censor hateful content before it's uploaded.
What could possibly go wrong?
Could this algorithm be abused by partisan social media giants to prevent the viral spread of memes that benefit right-of-center political movements and candidates?
They'd never do such a thing.
Would they?
But why does this matter?
Because memes can change history.
As Richard Dawkins first explained, memes are like genes for information, and human evolution has been guided as much by memes as genes.
Memes compete with each other for survival.
Control the meme.
Control future human thought and behavior.
This is about influence.
Leftist websites like Salon the New Yorker and The Guardian have been bitterly complaining for years about the undue influence of meme warfare on contemporary politics.
They warn that the political meme has become the centerpiece of disinformation campaigns and the ability of memes to communicate ideology is boundless.
The power of the political meme has never been greater.
Now, what possible motive do you think the left could have for wanting to ban memes?
Could it really be because the left can't meme?
Surely not.
I mean, surely they wouldn't.
Yeah, it's that.
The University College London study found that the most effective and widely spread memes largely originated in two places.
The Donald and Paul.
Both of which aren't really known for their left-wing sympathies.
So now we finally have solid proof, backed up by the kind of facts and logic that would even put Ben Shapiro to shame, that the left can't meme.
And as we all know, if something doesn't benefit the left,
The only reasonable thing to do is ban it.
So you remember I mentioned that algorithm which is able to identify harmful content and prevent it from being uploaded?
Guess what the EU wants to make social media companies do?
Develop an algorithm that can identify harmful content and prevent it from being uploaded.
Well imagine my shock.
The EU's new Article 13 copyright proposal which will be voted on.
This, we, would force websites to install upload filters that would automatically censor any content deemed to be a copyright violation.
This is a complete misunderstanding of both fair use and transformative content.
But this is the EU we're talking about, and they're not known for having a firm grasp of the sovereign interests of the individual.
Google-owned YouTube and Facebook already have filters that block porn and copyrighted content before it's posted.
So, in effect,
All this will achieve is a de facto ban on memes and a draconian crackdown on the sharing of information.
You know, the entire foundation of how the internet is structured and what makes it work.
The proposal would also institute a link tax, which would require users to get a license from the publisher just to include snippets from a news article like this.
I literally wouldn't be allowed to display a screenshot from a news article like this.
Without getting sued for copyright violation, click the link in the description below to contact your MEP and tell them to vote against this absurd proposal.
Because if it's implemented and used as a template for other countries outside of the EU, the internet as we know and love it is finished.
In short,
Article 13 will impose widespread censorship of all the content you share online, be it a parody video, a remix, a meme, a blog post, comments on Reddit, a piece of code, live streaming your gaming experience, or even a link in a tweet.
Spain also wants to ban memes that are insulting to politicians.
CNN doxxes and harasses people for posting memes.
So it's a pincer movement.
On the one hand you've got the establishment in general that doesn't understand the language of memes and is therefore frustrated that it can't control them.
Then on the other hand you've got the political left which
No longer understands humor, and therefore is completely useless at creating them.
At the legislative level, they're going to use copyright laws to censor memes.
And at the cultural level, they're going to continue to hype the contrived moral panic of spicy memes being a new form of virulent online hate speech.
Just as many left-wing websites have removed comment sections
Alright, Paul spends a few more minutes really knocking it out of the park.
We're going to come back with Paul Watson live from London.
Breaking it all down, but I want to explain.
He's smart to focus in on the meme area because people get how wrong this is.
But it's far bigger and far worse and it's so insane that it makes communist Chinese censorship look like a joke.
Because the browsers and the software that they're going to make ubiquitous under these laws will not even let you type things they say aren't authorized.
Think about how you already can't write type cuss words with your smartphone when you're trying to send a cuss word to somebody.
It's beyond that.
It's beyond that.
It's total, total control and it's run by Soros.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I ain't standing in line for this.
There's always room in life for this.
Well, the corporate-funded fascist left worldwide is calling for the end of free speech.
They're calling for the end of the nuclear family.
They're calling for one huge communal, corporate-programmed group of atomized, helpless zombies, who have whatever the latest culture is, they download from their smartphones and Netflix.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, even the left, I think, has a limit
And so we've got the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
We've got Motherboard.
We've got Gizmodo.
We've got the LA Times with headlines.
The Internet is ending as we know it.
The EU is passing fascist copyright law that ends free speech as we know it.
Those are the headlines.
They admit that it even ends memes and makes you upload it through software developed by major universities and funded by Soros and the 20,000 bureaucrats they've hired at Google from the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Remember that?
That's mainstream news!
To run it!
And then they go into this database and they update new images and new things every hour that they want banned.
And we have the Project Veritas internal videos.
Where they're meeting with Google and YouTube and Facebook and Twitter and they're like, well, what's your main thing?
Well, they like American flags or veterans.
We just ban those damn rednecks.
They never know why nobody's their friend or nobody talks to them.
They're just shadow banned.
Dumb white people.
These are quotes.
So the universities treat all these so-called disenfranchised minorities, a lot of them, then give them jobs as the new house slaves for Google, Facebook, Twitter, you name it, in their programming.
And there's a lot of white people too.
They're usually the managers and are involved over it.
You've got the University of Missouri filing a new brief against me today in the Charlottesville situation, calling for the end of free speech.
But why not?
You've got the professors there banning
Whites, white men from the campus and saying, get me some muscle over here.
So we go to Paul Watson now, he's going to be hosting the fourth hour today to go over Article 13 and Article 11.
Then after he goes, I'm going to go through it word for word for you, because it also allows certain select companies knighted by the EU globally
In Article 11, to data mine you, because you notice they passed the GDPR, that has nothing to do with protecting your privacy, it harasses everybody, and puts the EU in charge, the US is under it.
Most of the US sites Paul tried to go to are now dark in the EU, you can't even go to them.
Well, this is just the TPP they couldn't get past a few years ago.
They've put it into this now, and it actually says that they are exempt from the data mining provision.
And select companies aren't exempt from everything, just like these big corporations are exempt from taxes.
They've done it again.
Joining us is Paul Joseph Watson.
Finally, this is something I notice that the left and everybody else that's been on the fence is starting to freak out about, Paul.
Finally, everybody should get your video and email it and Twitter it and Facebook it while we still can.
It's at Prison Planet.
On Twitter, people should go there and get it now and jam it down the throat.
It needs to be 50 million people need to see this, but only by hand-sharing it will that many people see it.
Paul Watson.
Yeah, if you read some of those headlines which you've got, Alex, you know, they sound more alarmist than we do in some cases.
So this is them freaking out about this because they snuck up on everybody.
So they're having a vote on this in the committee tomorrow.
If that passes, which it looks like it could do because most of these European parties support it, these factions within the EU, then it's going to go for a vote in European Parliament next month.
And there are two different articles.
As you said, Article 11 is the link tax.
And as I've said in the video, this would literally stop people from using screenshots in videos or posting excerpts from news articles.
Well, you know, when you post a link on Twitter, it gives you like the first sentence of the news article in the tweet organically.
You would have to get permission just to do that.
And you would have to pay a link tax.
To the publisher of the news story for that to happen.
So it's not just about banning memes.
It's undermining the entire infrastructure of the internet.
What makes the internet what it is?
The sharing of links.
The sharing of information.
So that's Article 11.
Then 13 is the upload filter.
So you know that YouTube and Facebook already have upload filters that block porn, that block copyrighted music content before it's allowed to be posted.
Well now they want to make not only those websites but basically every website on the internet culpable legally for copyright.
So they would have to install these draconian filters where you have to get permission
From Facebook, from Reddit, from YouTube, for everything you post before it goes live, before it goes online.
Of course, that's a complete disaster.
As he said, massive corporations will be exempt from it.
They'll get the special level tier access like they already do on YouTube for the advertising and it will be
You know, Joe Schmoe and all the independent media people that will be punished by this.
This is what they're doing, it snuck up on us and there's a link in that video and the website, you know, the campaign website is saveyourinternet.eu
People in Europe can contact their MEP right now, the vote is tomorrow, and tell them to vote against Article 13 and against Article 11.
This is huge.
There's nowhere near enough news coverage about it, given the threat it represents, and it's absolutely massive, Alex, but...
And it shows you where they're going.
And notice they got their one thing through a few years ago.
We all accepted going under EU regulation or be sued.
The Democrats are supporting it.
So we're now under the GDPR where they surveil everybody making sure we're not getting anybody's data even though they opt in.
But then magically now they're about to pass something exempting all of themselves if they're let into the club by the EU under Article 13.
And what does Soros say in the WikiLeaks?
This came out of course last year.
He said, we need to have the total EU control through the UN of the internet to ban nationalist and conservative speech and to push our stories.
It's a quote from him in the WikiLeaks saying, and to push our stories.
So, I mean, the guy is a freaking super villain, Paul.
You think about this, they've already started where they pre-censor tweets that Donald Trump Jr.
sends out, or the President, or I send out.
Remember for months I'd try to send out stuff that had Trump in it, or the campaign in it, and they would block it and not let me tweet it.
And the crew checked it and they said, no it's true, there's certain things I can't tweet.
Now they stopped a few weeks ago.
But they admit, remember in Congress they talked about censoring you and me?
Three months ago, four months ago, they said the algorithm will be functional in a few months.
And Google, Twitter, and Facebook all were looking at each other, all their heads, bragging to Congressman Wigley that in a few months they could stop you.
Stop you by name, Paul.
No, there have been studies done, I talk about them in the video, whereby they can shift millions and millions of votes on the day of national elections purely via, you know, where links are ranked on Google, via the algorithm.
What's at the top?
They can change millions of votes.
This is huge.
What's interesting is that these big social media companies are now machines that the Silicon Valley leftists in San Francisco control them.
The heads
Of these big social media companies, you'd be surprised, Alex, they actually believe in free speech to a certain extent.
They're real liberals, but it's gotten away from them so much, the machine has taken over, that now even they're afraid of it.
They're afraid of the way it's heading, so it's interesting times right now.
Because now they know that the EU or the Communist Chinese or anybody can just grab it.
Apple has decided, though, to move to China, give them all the keys to everybody's internet, all their Apple codes, and it's just incredible.
A few more minutes with Paul Watson, then I'm getting to the real devastating part of this.
Well, I've been wanting to get this lady on for a while.
We're going to her in about a minute.
Katie Hopkins over in the UK, but she's in the US a lot.
Banned off Twitter.
They want her kicked off TV.
Another reason I wanted to get her on is the assassination of Katie Hopkins.
State-sponsored national theater opening in a Welsh area.
And it's about killing her, and she's had an attempt on her life.
So, this is next level.
And they want you dead because you're powerful, you're vibrant, and I'm married.
I gotta say, you are pretty sexy.
Well, if you think I'm sexy, I will say, I think you need your eyes tested.
But I do think strong women are really fun to be around.
And the reason my government is sponsoring a play... Well, that's what I'm saying.
Look, I don't think you look bad.
My point is, it's attitudes what matters.
You have light in your eyes.
You have light in your eyes.
I watched all these feminists that were at this feminist meeting with Hillary yesterday, and they look like they're zombies.
It's not that they're even ugly.
They look like something sucked their soul.
The reason the state wants to run the play called The Assassination of Katie Hopkins is because it would be much more convenient for them if that were true.
One of the things the state loves is fear.
They can control people when they're afraid.
When you have someone like me who is not afraid of anyone, not the establishment, not the state, that's far more dangerous.
And they would be much better for them if I wasn't around.
So we had two jihadis sent down earlier this year because they had practiced beheading me with a dummy, with a plastic hunting, with a plastic dummy and a hunting knife.
So the threat against my life is real.
And now the state is sponsoring a play called exactly that.
What would happen if I got a poster with the assassination of Sadiq Khan or the assassination of a black politician?
How would that go down, do you think?
Oh, it would be the biggest hissy fit the planet ever saw.
I would be banned from everything within a moment because it's the assassination of white, Christian, conservative woman who's passionate about her country and passionate about people's right to stand up for their country.
It's seen as acceptable and, in fact, wildly amusing for the liberal elite.
Right now is Massive Rampage Force.
Go ahead.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alex Jones, the cure to fake news.
Coming to you live from Austin, Texas.
Now, one of our great crew, Drew, very prolific video editor, great artist.
He's only been here a few months and I already love him.
He made a funny meme because I was scratching my beard in the office saying, when does it stop scratching when you start growing a beard?
Because I've never really grown one.
And he said, oh, it stops in a few weeks.
But he made a funny joke of it.
And it's a meme.
And so much of memes, it's a meme of me growing a beard, if you're a radio listener.
We'll show it to, uh, to... TV viewers.
And it's silly.
So, so much of these memes is making fun of yourself.
And that's what the left doesn't get.
They did all these comedy pieces on me, trying to attack me, and it made me more popular with young people.
And so now they've kind of gotten wise to it, so they've stopped doing it, which is kind of a bummer.
I should have claimed that I hated it, and please don't throw me in that briar patch.
But when I was in Hawaii, I ran into teenagers wearing homemade InfoWars shirts.
When my daughter goes and sees her friends that go to public school in Austin, she goes to private, they're wearing Trump 2020 shirts.
They're wearing InfoWars shirts.
And I'm not bragging, but it's like Elvis has showed up.
My daughter's super popular all over town.
She's nice and funny and everything, but with all the coolest girls at 14, because her daddy's Alex Jones.
And I constantly have having to sign autographs or sign things for them or it's crazy.
Now again, imagine.
Super Deluxe and all these leftist groups for years attacked me.
They gave me their young audience.
They're idiots.
And now they're wearing InfoWars shirts and they totally get it because they're being brainwashed.
And it's Paul Watson super popular.
And Michael Kraut.
Steven Crowder, all these people.
So I'm ranting, and I want to go back and finish up with Paul here.
It's just that the left doesn't get humor.
Because they're not the left.
I mean, you look at the University of Missouri that's joining in on the lawsuit against me for Charlottesville, with all that weird made-up stuff, claiming that I said some dude murdered the girl.
I never said that.
I said Soros funding the Antifa and letting them attack people helped contribute to the woman's death.
But they don't care.
In the new brief that's going to come out today, they say they want to end my free speech.
Well, remember the lady at the University of Missouri?
What's her name?
I forget.
Melissa Click.
Let's play a clip of her.
This is just a few years ago.
Remember, they lost 25% of their enrollments after this, and they blamed it, saying right-wing media made us look bad.
No, you said no white males were allowed for the weekend in the main commons park of it.
And people are like, whoa, this is crazy.
I'm not putting my kids in a bizarre indoctrination center.
But that's what they're doing at Starbucks and everywhere.
And so you've got a gentleman, it turned out, that was Asian,
With a white guy, trying to go on with their cameras, because they're journalists with the school, and being told, you aren't allowed.
And then she goes and gets another male, who's not white.
She says, I need some muscle.
Personally intimidates an assault student reporter.
Blocks freedom of press in a public space.
Refuses to resign.
And now this university is going to gang up like a bunch of little red-bellied piranhas.
Ruby-bellied commies.
And come in and join a lawsuit on me that's totally frivolous.
Just so they can pile on more motions and stuff and try to financially destroy us.
Which they're not doing because our listeners are doubling down, buying the products, sharing the links.
And that's what they can't stand because we innovate.
We're the libertarians.
We're the classical liberals.
We get around everything you do.
I came from Axios Television.
I was fired for criticizing
Bill Clinton.
And told shut up.
And they thought I'd shut up and I didn't.
I had the number one ratings.
Then I got syndicated.
Then I lost 70% of my affiliates for exposing 9-11 being an inside job of the globalist with radical Islam.
I'm never going to shut up and I'm going to win.
And we're going to defeat George Soros.
But all of you mainline folks that kind of ride the rail.
of covering some conservative, some libertarian, some conspiracy.
You think you're safe, and then you have me on your show, like Joe Rogan.
Good guy.
Has me on.
It's the number one show he ever did.
Now he's got one more that's bigger.
That's great.
But they censored it and blocked it off iTunes, wouldn't let him list it, wouldn't put it up for a day or so.
Letting him know, you have him back on, we'll kick you off the platform or we'll dial you back.
They'll get you later anyways, Joe.
And I don't care about not being invited back on the show when everybody asks for it.
That isn't what matters to me.
It's that they got to you.
And they've gotten to all these other people that think, oh, put Alex Jones down.
That's the litmus test.
Make little comments about, oh, George Soros.
He never worked with the Nazis.
He was captured by them.
It's one thing if the Young Turks put that out or CNN as a paid talking point.
But when I see that coming out of Joe's mouth, I'm going to cover that later, and I see other stuff like that, I've got to counter it.
Because if the biggest podcaster in the world that Joe is, that I've known for since 1998,
If everybody just kind of sits back and doesn't cover all the censorship and all the things that are happening, we're going to lose everything.
So I need the prominent people like PewDiePie, who's got 20 billion views on YouTube.
By the way, Paul, you've got on your Twitter that you have 275 million views on your YouTube channel.
Bro, we got 2 billion on one channel.
A billion with the others, and I was told by YouTube executives five years ago we had five billion views on other parts of the platform.
They wanted us to censor everybody and monetize that, and I said no.
And they explained to me the amount of money, but I didn't do it.
So we had five billion views five years ago, Paul.
So when you say you have 275 million views on your YouTube, and you're proud of that, bro, you've got over a billion views total online, my friend.
Go ahead.
Just on YouTube.
Go ahead.
Yeah, getting back to what we were talking about.
Okay, so there's votes tomorrow.
People can go on this website, contact their MEP.
Listen to this.
This is what security specialist Bruce Schneier said about it.
Article 13 effectively deputises social media and other internet companies as copyright police, forcing them to implement highly invasive surveillance infrastructure across their entire service.
Then he says, governments and corporations will go on and it will be repurposed and allow them to do it, which will entrench ubiquitous surveillance into the fabric of the internet.
That's what he's saying about it.
He mentioned PewDiePie, he talked about it by the way.
But again, this goes back to the fact, as he said, that the left can't meme.
They did a study out of University College London.
The two biggest websites for sharing and effectively sharing memes are The Donald on Reddit and Poll on 4chan.
Again, both pro-Trump forums, right?
This is why the New Yorker, The Guardian and all of them have been bitterly complaining about how we're good at reaching people through the influence of memes.
They're panicked about it.
You remember the left
We're good to go.
Remove the comment sections.
Even though it harms their own website traffic, they did it anyway because they didn't want to be challenged.
This is all about being challenged on their narrative.
And they've sued me saying don't use Pepe the Frog.
But it's total fair use and the guy said publicly use it.
Yeah, he just gave an interview saying you can use it, and even that you could monetize it in a 2015 interview.
So now they're trying to get us with that.
But again, this is all about, you know, again, the EU has no respect whatsoever for the sovereign right of the individual.
Oh, but they want to protect our privacy.
Complete BS.
This does the exact opposite.
It creates general monitoring of Internet use across the entire Internet.
And it says, it says,
That it allows the big companies that they allowed to come into the system to quote, be exempt from data mining.
Yeah, they're always exempt.
It's like Jimmy Kimmel can talk about tragedies the day after and monetize it.
He gets advertisements on his YouTube channel.
We do that.
We almost get our YouTube channel deleted completely.
So it's two standards every single time.
And as you said, this GDPR.
I was in Spain, like 20% of US news websites inaccessible because of this ridiculous GDPR thing.
This looks like it's going to be even worse.
People need to sign up if they're in Europe, contact their MEPs and get this vote.
That's right.
That's right.
They are killing the internet.
You're right, Paul.
They are killing the internet as we know it.
I've got to do five more minutes with you about solutions because I ran over earlier because I'm so upset.
I want you to specifically, when we come back, talk about what we need to do to stop this.
But I'm telling the left and everybody else, people like Joe, who I absolutely love, the fact that they're trying to destroy me, they admit is a plan to destroy everybody.
Remember the old days of the internet?
When we communicated with each other directly email to email?
You've got mail.
But then Google came along and said, we've got Gmail.
Why, it's free.
But, of course, we read what you say and what you do.
And then now, more and more, these big globalist companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google, if they don't like you, they simply ban you.
And, of course, if you're a conservative, they just list you as a Nazi.
That's right, the entire Republican Party of California.
Ladies and gentlemen, these platforms were useful for us to reach each other while they were still somewhat open and free.
But the big monopoly companies only did this to consolidate the market.
Now they're using that monopoly power, like all monopolies do, to abuse the general public.
That's why it's more important than ever that you visit newswars.com and infowars.com themselves so the globalists can't censor you as easily.
But just as important is email.
We need to be able to talk to you directly.
That's why it's critical that you go to infowars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up for a free newsletter.
Also under every article
At Infowars.com and Newswars.com, you can see the little sign-up box.
It's absolutely free.
And that way, no matter what happens, we can send you articles, videos, special coupon codes for the shopping cart, you name it.
It is now absolutely essential, according to all the internet experts I talk to, that everybody start going back more and more to independent email so that we can bypass the censorship in case the globalists are able to overthrow Trump.
I think?
Thank you.
We're all pulling for the same mission.
Americana, lower taxes, Second Amendment, religious freedom, family values, and it's happening.
But we aren't able to communicate with each other, person to person, peer to peer, on these platforms like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google, all of it.
More and more that's being censored.
The shadow bans have gone to outright bans.
And yes, we're going to try to reform these institutions.
We're going to try to break them up.
That's the whole process starting with congressional hearings in Congress right now.
During this long, hard battle, it's more important than ever that patrons, Christians, nationalists, people that are populist, not just here in the U.S., but all over the world, be able to communicate with each other and realize the importance of email.
I personally get sick of email and how it gets full of spam, especially with my older email addresses.
That's why, with Friends and Family, I have private email that only Friends and Family have.
I again suggest that everybody go to mfulwars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up for the free newsletter so we can send you direct videos, direct articles, and bypass the system.
And yes, send you special coupon codes and other deals that are the very best we offer from mfulwarsstore.com.
Again, my friends, thank you for joining us in the InfoWar.
We're winning thanks to you.
God bless.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I want to be clear here.
Obama and George Soros, it's in all the WikiLeaks, wanted full control by the EU and the UN of the Internet.
You can just type in, Soros wanted the UN to have full control.
Obama kind of split the baby and has it divided up between Silicon Valley, the CIA, the NSA, and the EU.
But the EU's launched a bunch of lawsuits, hundreds of billions of dollars of fines just in the last few months against Google and other Silicon Valley groups who they're partnered with.
So there's a real global war for the internet going on right now.
But the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ADL, Snopes formed a consortium with billions in funding, I'm not kidding, a few months ago that they went public with, it was in the news, that updates the algorithms and decides what's hate speech and what isn't for Facebook, for Twitter, and for Google, and then it's sub-companies like YouTube.
And that's why then you saw Infowars being banned, our YouTube channel being taken down, and then Bloomberg even had that article said, well, there was a mutiny inside YouTube, and they said the new employees they hired, you know, went too far.
That's because Google is actually seen as U.S.
infrastructure and was set up by the NSA and the CIA.
That's declassified.
And Trump actually said, I will break you up if you don't stop.
I'm not kidding.
And it wasn't just me.
It was thousands of conservative sites.
But then they just kind of backed off a while and are now coming back again.
Do you understand the magnitude?
I'm telling you exactly what's going on.
No one else has all the pieces.
And believe me, I want everyone to have all the pieces!
If Joe Rogan comes out at his peak right now, of the number one podcast in the world, I'm sure his peak will keep going, and talks about the plan to shut everybody off, and congressional hearings saying ban Paul Watson and InfoWars, and what were they saying they wanted Paul banned for?
I've played this a hundred times, I'm not going to play it again.
Anybody can pull it up.
They said, at lunch, we noticed Paul Watson's article from InfoWars was number one on Twitter, lying and saying it was an Islamic attack.
In New York, when the guy ran over everybody saying Allah Akbar.
Because in their weird mind they go, that's not Islam, remember?
They said, it's the most un-Islamic thing you can do to suicide bomb or stab or blow somebody up.
Obama would say that?
Biden said that?
Now there's the article.
Jim Lawmaker demands Twitter censor infowars.
It's Paul Watson specifically.
You got the heads of Twitter, Facebook and Google sitting there.
The actual technical heads.
And they go, sir, we saw it and took care of it.
We saw it and took care of it at lunch, but the algorithm will be in in a few months.
We're here, and it's crazy town.
So, it's big tech, and the big telecoms, and all of them, and what did they say three months ago in the Wall Street Journal?
They said, we're about to shut InfoWars down.
We're about to kick it off YouTube, and when we're done with him, it'll set the precedent.
We're gonna ban everybody else from the web, and make it like cable TV again, like Netflix.
Paul, this is it.
This is historical.
I want you to be able to kind of recap everything here and then what people need to do to take action.
I think they need to recognize how draconian and real and finally the left...
Realizes that they're cutting off their nose to spite their face, they're blowing holes in their own boat, that I see all these articles finally going, oh my god, it's the end of the internet, it pre-bans everything, and it allows a template over all browsers before you can even type something, just like your smartphone doesn't let you type cuss words, but to the next level.
I mean, this is a real moment here
If the Libertarians and the Lefts and everybody else goes, wow Alex, wow Paul, you were right.
This is really happening and Infowars has been chosen as a sacrificial lamb.
I don't care about Infowars at the end of the day.
I love seeing people prominent and successful.
I don't want to be the only one fighting this.
I want to beat these people.
And I want the Joe Rogans of the world and people to get educated on this and realize what we're up against.
Because Paul, I keep bringing people like Joe up.
If they don't understand how deadly this is, and the other conservatives and people play the game with the left to not go too far, they're just being left till later.
And the left's going to be censored as well.
This is already admitted.
It's in the damn plans.
They're ending the freedom of speech worldwide.
Major universities are filing amicus briefs saying repeal New York Times versus Sullivan.
Go ahead, Paul.
Yeah, the congressional hearing thing was about fake news, so they said, you know, Twitter was showing some fake news at the top of their hashtag, their trending hashtag, for the Islamic terror attack in New York on October 31st, where the guy ran down a bunch of people in a van.
Okay, the article, the tweet, that got to the top of the trending section was about how Imam Tawhidi, the Imam of Peace, sent a letter to Mayor de Blasio warning him about Islamic radicalisation in New York.
They said that was fake news, okay?
The Imam posted the letter addressed to de Blasio
On Twitter.
So it was not fake news.
Again, this is a thing that happened.
I tweeted about it.
Wrote an Infowars.com article about it.
I said, how on earth did you allow this fake news to get to the top of Twitter?
It's a completely genuine news story.
Again, another example of how fake news is used and abused.
But this Article 13.
Okay, part of it is a link tax.
The Article 11 part is a link tax.
So anyone who uses a snippet of journalistic online content, so that could even be a quote or it could be a tweet, they would have to get permission from the publisher and they would have to pay a tax.
So it essentially outlaws the entire business model of news aggregation and news apps.
So it's only going to affect everyone but the biggest, hugest corporations.
It devastates free flow of thought and discussion that's been defended under all jurisprudence.
It overthrows basic communication and puts digital gatekeepers in between you and the free flow and creates a new superclass of mega media that is exempt from all of the rules and allowed to data mine.
Yeah, this is what the Next Web describes Article 13 as.
They call it censorship machines will make platforms responsible for monitoring user behavior to stop copyright infringement.
It basically means only huge platforms will have the resources to let users comment or share content.
So it's going to stop you from uploading content and it's going to stop you from leaving online comments.
I've talked about how they removed the comment sections.
Now they're just going to ban comment sections entirely off the back of this.
You know, you're talking about memes, you're talking about music that people upload, music covers, whatever.
Games, you know, live streaming of video game playing is one of the biggest things on the internet.
That would be banned.
That would be a copyright violation.
So this is not just about politics.
It's not just about censoring the right wing.
It's about censoring
Control of personal behaviour, preventing people from expressing basic internet rights, from enjoying basic internet freedoms.
This affects absolutely everyone.
This isn't just political, which is why, you know, PewDiePie talked about it in his video recently.
People can go to saveyourinternet.eu.
There are 10 MEPs voting on it tomorrow.
For every different country in the EU, basically every major country, people in those countries can contact their MEPs.
In fact, anyone can contact them.
They don't need to be in the European Union and tell them to vote against this because if it gets out of committee, then it's probably going to be passed.
And at the moment, it looks like it will.
So we're sounding the alarm bell on this.
It happens tomorrow.
Visit this website.
Fill in the form.
It's easy.
It's basically done for you to alert them that they cannot vote for this.
It will fundamentally undermine, break the fundamental structure of the internet, how the internet works.
This is the biggest threat to internet free speech basically ever from what I've seen and it needs to be shot down.
And Paul, let's document why it's happening.
The EU's in full retreat.
It's unelected.
The bureaucracy, it's flooding Europe with over 10 million military-age men already.
The public is waking up.
They're being voted out everywhere.
Soros admits it's all collapsing.
The global slump is collapsing here.
People are leaving universities, like the University of Missouri, 25% down the first year, another 20% after that.
They've lost almost half their enrollment since they turned into an open-air re-education camp.
And so they're all in total panic.
Evergreen College banning white people, you know, on the campus on the weekend, run by white professors.
Everyone is rejecting this.
Prosperity's coming back.
The economy's turning around.
Trump is hitting on all cylinders.
And so their answer is, break the internet, kill the internet, scorched earth, panic.
I believe this is going to backfire and blow up in their face, Paul.
Well, I mean, you could only hope that that's going to happen.
But yeah, people are rejecting the EU across the board.
Look just what happened in Italy.
You know, a five-star movement that came from nowhere.
It was an internet-based political party.
They started it on the internet.
It was mainly online for most of its term.
It became the biggest party in Italy, joint with the Lega, the anti-immigration party.
Now they're in power.
They've got a coalition government.
They want to deport 500,000 migrants.
They're turning away the migrant boats, which aren't full of refugees, they're full of economic migrants.
They've changed the policy overnight in Italy.
There's hope for Italy now.
And that all started online with the Five Star Movement.
So of course everything's going to be online in future.
You know, UKIP just got 10,000 new members in 12 hours because a bunch of YouTubers, I was included in that list, told everyone to join UKIP because it was the only party defending free speech and because Brexit's basically, we're being betrayed by the Conservative Party.
And let's just say it, Paul.
We launched UKIP as well.
And let's just say it.
Some of the smartest brains in Europe want you to run for office and want you to lead a major rebellion.
We're going to have to get over there and draft you for that.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
I didn't plug any of this hour.
We need financial support.
We have got huge sales going at InfoWars.com.
I have not launched new sales.
I've been so busy fighting that the 50% off and free shipping is still up.
I'm not doing that on purpose.
I have not launched new specials.
InfoWars store, it is the last day.
I'm fixing it after
I don't know how you feel about this, but keep a gun in your house.
If you think someone's gonna assault you or rape you, blow their head off, man!
Yeah, no taking, man!
Kinison was born in Peoria, Illinois.
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The body of Nirvana's lead singer and songwriter was found today in a guest cottage at his Seattle home.
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All of a sudden, police brutality had a human face.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Fear is the passion of slaves, and this man knows no fear.
He is Alex Jones.
You know, there's a lot of really huge stuff going on behind the scenes here at InfoWars that I can't tell you about.
But, let's just say this, the phones are being listened to.
And some stuff's happened here the last week that's got the President's interest.
And let's just say it has to do with a lot of really important things and some of the people you've been seeing going public.
In support of the president, and sometimes it makes me think this is virtual reality, and this is all just my own virtual reality, and I'm living in this crazy stuff that's happening, and then I'm gonna wake up, it's the Matrix or something.
It's insane.
And alive people are so alive right now.
Other people are just so dead.
Now, Jack Posobiec is gonna be joining us.
He briefed Congress.
A in-depth report that he's compiled on what really happened in Vegas.
And of course, Jack's worked in naval intelligence and other areas.
He's a smart guy, well-respected.
Launched one of the most successful grassroots Trump organizations.
And so he's going to be joining us.
All Source Intelligence Assessment Executive Summary.
It's a very, very important report.
It's up on InfoWars.com right now.
So we should probably just post an article pointing out that this is coming up.
He's going to give you an incredible breakdown.
Because they don't want you to know what really happened at Vegas.
And that the evidence points towards an Islamic attack and a gun deal gone bad and all the rest of it.
And there's been a lot of stuff behind the scenes as well going on from Vegas towards InfoWars.
And so we're going to be going over this report that Jack Posobiec has given to Congress and briefed Congress on.
And we're going to be looking at the different angles of that.
And again, these are Jack Posobiec's educated views.
I have looked at different angles of it and cannot completely solve it.
And I've been made privy to information that others have not been given that I'm not allowed to reveal because of non-disclosure agreement I had to sign.
Let's just say I have seen very very revealing video that explains a lot.
Now looking at
Posobiec's report, it's got some people in here and some things that I did not know.
So, this is an investigation.
This is work.
By Posobiec, not in Fuller's work.
And I only say that because a lot of this I have not been made privy to.
Congress has not been made privy to.
And so we will get the perspective and the views on the research from Posobiec.
A lot of this is original research.
And so, again, it's very easy to have error in original research.
It's very easy to
Have this establishment plant honey pots, plant disinfo to discredit investigations.
But Jack is a smart cookie and I respect him, so I'm gonna, since Congress has been briefed on this, I'm going to let him engage in this activity here on air.
Because investigative journalism is the most dangerous, fraught with confusion and landmine situation there is.
And InfoWars is a perpetual target of it, as they try to discredit us because we're the tip of the spear.
But I trust Basovik.
And I trust his research and his sources.
And he's a really good guy.
And he works for now a major cable channel.
Does a great job there, so we'll have this for you.
Right now my head is spinning, quite frankly.
With Article 13 and Article 11 and some other things I know that I haven't gotten to yet.
And how that ties into all these hoaxes the media is running.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Look, I only tell you this at the start of almost every segment because it's absolutely critical that you understand we know the enemy game plan.
I have studied it.
I have had thousands of guests on.
I live this stuff.
And the enemy just continues the same permutations.
They try the same operations over and over again.
And I've got their game plan.
And they're angry I've got their game plan.
And they're coming after us.
Because they don't want us to continue to change the narrative from their fantasy land to the reality.
And I can tell you the reason Trump listens to this broadcast and others do is because it's good background information and good group processing.
Just like a think tank.
InfoWars is a think tank.
An on-air think tank.
And my goal is human development, human empowerment, defending innocence, and defending free will.
And that's all I want.
I don't want money.
I don't want fame.
I want to defeat the globalists.
Because I know they want full control of the species to do some really sick, satanic crap.
To play God.
These are mad scientists.
And they've got to be dealt with.
Now that said, I'm very, very frustrated.
And I'm angry.
With a lot of people I know over the years who think I'm stupid because I'm direct.
But I see all the Machiavellian stuff that goes on and I see the so-called libertarian and conservative talk show host pay the piper, pay the fiddler, pay Choron as they kill freedom as they pass the river Styx on their integrity.
When they do the little snipes at me, and the little discredits, but all in a backhanded, friendly way.
That doesn't hurt me, that hurts everybody.
That hurts you.
We exposed the world government.
We exposed their plan.
We relaunched the Americana reboot.
This audience, InfoWars, this think tank, our college of guests, of strong men and women who went against the propaganda, the programming, the peer pressure, the bullying, and have broken the will of the globalists.
We've torn both arms out of their sockets and smashed their face in, in a fight.
But they are still moving at us with zombie determination.
And it has been all the people that think they're trying to win a popularity contest, who ride on the coattails of those of us that expose the whole globalist paradigm, and discredited the fake conspiracy theories, the pop culture conspiracy theories, that were meant to discredit the real work we've been doing.
We have popularized the return of America.
We have popularized the reboot.
And a lot of you have been Pavlovian-ly conditioned, with operant conditioning,
Carrot or stick, that if you go along with mainstream media and you play games with it and you pay it lip service that you're not going to be censored and you're not going to be shut down.
You are exactly who they're targeting.
The globalists want full spectrum control of the culture.
They want ugliness.
They want stupidness.
They don't want things to be funny.
They don't want things to be happy.
They don't want things to be free or open.
And they don't want wide-spectrum availability of ideas.
And they're going to create a very centralized, dumbed-down system that'll make anything you've ever looked at in history seem free and open in comparison.
13 and 11, snuck into committee, are the same stuff they had in TPP.
I knew what it was as soon as I saw the articles, pulled it up, I pulled up the TPP documents, we've seen it all before.
But this time, the EU's ramming it through, and our courts, and Democrat-controlled cities, are now taking orders from the UN, and taking orders from the EU.
When I watched local time Warner TV this weekend, for about an hour,
Something I've never done.
Time Warner has local news in many cities.
Something I hadn't done in years.
It was unbelievable.
It was UN functions in Austin.
It was refugee functions.
It was taking kids from their parents and, you know, giving it to same-sex couples.
It was pure globalist propaganda.
Angelina Jolie and how bad the Syrian government is and on and on and on.
It was pure state-run crap, like I was in a dystopic movie.
They can't have it where people tune in and see that and then tune in and can hear InfoWars or Joe Rogan or PewDiePie or Paul Watson.
There's an article up on InfoWars.com where two and a half years ago Drudge came here.
It's only done in one other interview since then and warns EU link ban could kill Drudge Report internet freedom.
He warned it.
EU's Article 11 would ban fair use and possibly even links to news stories.
It's worse than that.
It's a Kent Daniels story.
But it's worse.
Article 13 allows big corporations to be given a waiver for data mining.
So see, the EU's program of the GDPR is only for little people to shut us down.
And you.
It's so incredible and now finally a lot of leftist organizations and groups get it and are freaking out.
It's what was in the TPP that WikiLeaks leaked, thank God.
That Patriots in our own government leaked, thank God.
That Trump pulled out of, thank God.
Article 13
The Globalist Dehumanization Depopulation Eugenics Plan is a horrible plan beyond Hitler's wildest fantasies.
It's terrible and global elites that are not psychotic are now fighting with other global elites and working with humanity and trying to activate humanity to go to the next level and make the right decision.
And we've pretty much already on this path have blown their operation irrevocably unless they completely break the internet, end free speech as we know it, start a giant war, and just like night follows day, you can bet your bottom dollar
You can bet your boots, and I'm getting chills right now.
When I start saying the absolute right thing, my subconscious, my soul just goes, lay it out.
Endorphins hitting me hard.
My spirit is saying, it's been mad at me lately because I'm not really saying the right stuff.
And I just, I'm telling you right now.
Of course!
That's what I meant this morning to come in here and first say.
I just get distracted with everything.
When they do this clampdown, the bioweapons gonna get released and they're gonna kill a couple billion people right up front.
Before they were gonna release a bioweapon that kills a couple hundred million real quick to scare us and get us under their medical tyranny control.
No, they're getting ready with Disease X. They rolled out and advertised this year and then notice it's shown up.
There was a hundred dead Chinese two days ago.
It was 600 yesterday.
Now they're saying 5,000 are dead.
You know it's probably 50,000.
From an airborne pathogen of bird flu that kills 38.3% of people, and now they're saying, actually that was an early estimate, it may even be higher, because other people have died now that they thought might live.
Let me say that again.
There's an airborne flu, the most deadly flus might kill one out of a thousand.
This kills 40% of people.
And when I put that out Saturday, when it was from the World Health Organization,
People went on Twitter and Facebook and the left said, shut up Jones, you're a liar.
Tell us about Martian colonies.
That's something I never said.
When your own families are in danger, you just all piled on because you get the fake dopamine hit.
You get promoted on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube when you attack me.
You become willing bots, even though the currency of promoting lies is like Zimbabwe.
You can't buy anything with it.
Just all this fake, glad-handing, liberal crap, attack everything I'm saying, tell me I'm a liar, when I'm telling you about an airborne flu that kills 40% of people, that's mutating even stronger, and if it gets out of China and starts spreading, scientists say it could kill half the world's population.
But oh, that is important, you just say it's fake news, when it's not!
They're gonna release the weapons as soon as they hit the internet kill switch.
They hit the kill switch, they're gonna hit us with bioweapons!
Dr. Shiva's our guest.
Great guy running for Senate.
Got a shot at winning.
And Elizabeth Warren, really a smart engineer.
Very successful businessman.
Inventor of email.
Look it up.
It's true.
And he is running against Elizabeth Warren, who will not do the genetic test, who the tribes say she has no connection to in Oklahoma or other areas.
But he's a real Indian from the subcontinent, India.
But he's a great patriot.
I'd love to get him in the U.S.
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, thanks for joining us with some big, breaking, exclusive news.
You know, we got this big sign out here, you may have seen it, you know, only the real Indian can defeat the fake Indian.
It's a very powerful meme, Alex, and I want to really explain why it's so powerful and why we put it out there, because it really is an expression of not only my anger, but pretty much everyone's anger at the corruption that is taking place in government.
And Elizabeth Warren is a face of that corruption.
So when we put that signage up on our bus, the city of Cambridge, which is supposed to be the most liberal haven on the planet, said we had to take it down.
That was on April 5th, 2018.
We didn't do that.
In fact, we retaliated hard and we sued them, took them to federal court, and we won.
They surrendered completely, and then based on that, we dismissed the court case.
Obviously, the mainstream media did not want to cover our victory.
So what we realized, Alex, the big news is this, and this is something that's really, really important.
You see, for far too long, the establishment
Uh, has made politics a, uh, essentially a, uh, you know, an audience sport, right?
They do not want the everyday citizen to actually be involved in that aspect.
They want to make it the old Hollywood celebrity culture.
You put a couple of people on pedestals, and we're supposed to watch them and eat our popcorn.
So what we've done here, Alex, that's becoming really powerful, is we've figured out the victory to winning.
And what we realized was people say, you know what, you guys have a lot of courage to put that out there because you're bringing out something in Massachusetts that people do not want to talk about.
It's a weaponized way of getting across our message.
So what we've done is if you see these magnetic signs here, they're really easy.
So we want to replicate this all over the state, Alex.
In fact, all over the country.
And basically people can buy these magnetic signs you can see as you're showing being put on and where since we launched we have you know tons of people starting to write and wanting these and why is that?
And the reality is when Elizabeth Warren it's not about identity right the liberals want to convert it to a race issue but it's nothing to do with race it has to do with integrity we're talking about someone who did not work hard who cut in line
You, me, Alex, and pretty much every American watching your show works for a living.
You know, I mowed lawns as a kid.
You know, learned to engineer software as a kid, as a 14-year-old kid.
I've been working all my life.
But Elizabeth Warren cut in front of line, and they do not want to discuss that.
So we are bringing up not just a race issue, because for far too long, down the street is Harvard University.
The white liberal racists who want us to keep us all on their reservation and plantation have bounded the discussion of race, Alex.
And they don't know what to do with us.
Because when we bring up that sign, they'll say, oh, that's racist.
We'll say, really?
And we'll flip it back and we say, look, you're the racist because you're supporting a woman who took advantage of race to get in and when she's not of that race.
How do folks, even if they're not in Massachusetts, how do they get one of these babies?
It's very easy.
You just go to shiva4senate.com.
You can find it right there.
It's called a Road Warrior Kit.
Go to the store.
Get the Road Warrior Kit.
We've made it.
You get two magnetic stickers.
You get a lawn sign.
You get two bumper stickers.
Oh my god.
You gotta call this Operation Road Warrior.
Is that what you're calling it?
That's what I'm calling it.
It's called Road Warrior.
Be a Road Warrior.
That's getting back.
So if you can't come to and pass out cards, you can't do anything.
You know, you got family.
Hey, I'm fully supporting this.
But I am stealing the idea.
We're gonna launch Operation Road Warrior with our stuff too.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Everything's coming back.
The economy.
A sense of worth.
A sense of value in humans and workers.
A sense of family.
We've rebuilt China.
Set it up for the globalists to use it as economic leverage to take over the planet.
Trump's giving a live speech as we speak.
I was just watching him during the break.
We're going to play some of it later.
And he was just saying, it's over.
The decision was made to shut America down.
The decision was made to de-industrialize us and we're not doing that now.
We're not going to let people have 200, 300 percent tariffs on us and we have nothing on them.
It's over.
And I told you yesterday that Hayden and all of them are very scared.
And then I saw a clip of him this morning from last night on CNN where he said, I'm scared.
But not scared for the reasons he said.
His voice was shaking.
He's scared because they're criminal activities by these technocrats and the incredible stuff they've been involved in is coming home to roost.
And they're not as invincible as they thought.
And their crimes are coming out in Congress and it's scaring them.
Now, speaking of that, you know what the diversion is.
They're so scared in Congress, the Democrats are, that all of their illegal spying's coming out, that Comey ordered it, that Comey was caught lying before Congress, that the whole house of cards is coming down, that they are hyping the total hoax that Trump is doing anything different in the last four administrations, or longer, that when you get thousands of people a day per sector,
And none of their IDs are real, or they don't have IDs, or there's unaccompanied children.
A lot of them are unaccompanied, under the age of 18, teenagers.
You don't just throw them into general population when some of the roughest hombres in the world are coming up through Mexico.
Mexico has over 180,000 people they say have died the last 10 years.
A couple hundred thousand are missing, and they've dug up mass graves all over the Mexico side of the Arizona-Texas-California border.
They've dug up thousands of dead bodies just over one spot the Texas border by El Paso.
And a lot of them are women and children.
I live in Texas.
I read the local news.
A lot of them have had their hearts cut out and are killed in rituals.
That's finally hit national news.
So I would cover severed heads being dumped outside the Tucson police station like 10 years ago.
And they'd have liberal articles saying, Jones is lying, saying severed heads got dumped off.
Hoping you wouldn't go look up the severed heads.
That's how much they lie.
Now there's documentaries about it.
Now everybody goes, oh we all know that because their lie failed.
You've got evil gangs feeding on Hispanics, who are Hispanic, 99%.
And there's no media coverage of it, except for local news.
But then you've got images where the media's there of 50 people being brought in, and some of them are 5, 6 years old, and one screaming, Mommy, Mommy, at night.
I remember saying, Mommy, Mommy, when my parents would go out, sometimes once or twice a year, so they could go out to dinner, they'd drop me off at the daycare.
And I remember being 2-3 years old crying, some of my first memories, saying, Mama, no, no, I don't want to be here at night.
It was scary!
I had to get over it!
I had to learn that I had to stay at the daycare every once in a while so they could go to a party or go to a movie if they couldn't get a babysitter.
And you know they tried to get babysitters and they catch the babysitter smoking pot.
I remember those conversations when I was 2-3-4 years old.
But then they go in there, and I saw the lunches they have.
It's better than our school lunch program.
And they've got Nintendos, and they've got Playstations, and they've got basketball, and football, and everything in there.
And in Mexico, if they catch you in a crime, you got kids, they take your kid and throw them in a dirty orphanage.
They don't go show that, do they?
Waiting for your family to get down there, and half the time, Mexico then extorts your family coming to get your kids.
Everybody knows that about Mexico.
Show some of the food for TV viewers, because they show them feeding the kids the food.
Looks light years better than what... Now show that food, look how good that looks, the fruit, the rice and beans, the migas, all that.
Look how good that food looks.
If you're a radio listener, it's up on Infowars.com.
Look how good that food looks, and then show us under
Michelle Obama, with all these scams, the companies they worked with, to what the school lunches look like, show the horror of Michelle Obama's school lunch program.
Just type that into a search engine.
Click it.
Remember how ugly and gross and sick those lunches were?
Remember that?
So we're going to do a video, side by side today, showing these lunches they're eating.
Boy, I wish our kids in America, in the public schools, were getting food that good.
No, no, that's what we get here in America.
Stuff that looks like you'd eat on a Mars mission.
So, there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Yeah, show some more.
Just, you gotta go to Bing.
Google doesn't work anymore.
Anything, the reality base isn't there.
I know Microsoft owns Bing, but still, it's pretty fair.
And it shows the bad stuff and the good stuff.
Yeah, I mean, this looks like stuff you wouldn't feed prisoners.
This is what Michelle Obama says you're gonna eat.
These are the scams.
But then look what these kids are eating.
Meanwhile, the left is acting like they're all dying.
So how are they going to divert the criminal activity?
How are they going to divert Spygate and Russiagate falling apart?
Well, we've got video of multiple congressmen interrupting and violating the rules and bringing up the kids because they don't want any of this information out.
So let's go ahead and go to this first clip where they are interrupting and jumping in and trying to block the discussion of what really happened.
Here it is.
The President's Government Reform and the Committee on Judiciary will come to order.
Without objection, the presiding member is authorized to declare a recess at any time.
I am pleased, as I know my colleagues are, to see so much interest in today's hearing.
As a reminder to our guests, the rules of the House of Representatives prohibit any disruption or manifestation of approval or disapproval of the proceedings
Such as shouting.
Disrupting the proceedings is a violation of D.C.
law and the House rules and it will not be tolerated and this will be your only warning.
Welcome Inspector General Horowitz.
Mr. Chairman.
They are children who have been forcibly removed from their parents in our name.
Every day that they are separated from their parents is a day we do irreparable harm to their health and well-being.
The United States should be better than this.
We should not put children in cages.
The minute this hearing adjourns, sooner if we can, I hope that our committees can work together
Gentlemen, Virginia has requested regular order.
The gentleman from New York has been given more time than would have been afforded the other side had we pulled something like that.
So, with that, we will welcome you, Mr. Horowitz, for what I think is a hearing on your Inspector General report into decisions made and not made in 2016.
Families belong together!
Families belong together!
Families belong together!
We will be in recess until the Capitol Police restore order.
Alright, that's enough.
So, this is the circus.
This is the circus.
You've got millions of people being told, come up here.
They don't stop in Mexico.
Bunch of them get killed on the way.
And then you've got thousands of people getting picked up per sector.
And we're just supposed to throw kids in when people don't have any idea who they are?
They get them in there, they find out who the child molesters are, the killers, they cut those out, and they get them back with their parents, usually in a few days.
Instead, the Democrats under Obama did something new.
They started just grabbing them, loading them on Democratic Party charity buses, and they just disappeared into black holes.
God only knows.
It's called child trafficking!
Living in volcano may sound more dramatic than it really is.
The real drama can be found here in Leilani Estates.
But a lot of us on the Big Island rely on rainwater, and we need to be concerned about ash and acid rain.
Volcanic ash may contain heavy metal particles.
An acid rain could lower the pH of the water to unhealthy levels.
To find out, we employed a series of tests for heavy metals, alkalinity, and pH.
What we learned was that there was in fact unhealthy levels of heavy metals and acidity in the rainwater.
Next, we tested the water from our Alexa Pure gravity filter.
And not only were the heavy metal levels within safe measure, but the pH was also restored to optimal levels.
As it turns out, the filter on the Alexa Pure raises the pH of the water.
So what we've learned is that volcanic ash and acid rain can contaminate a rainwater supply.
But more importantly, a good water filtration system will purify it.
They were deemed unsafe to the community on Facebook.
Just ridiculous.
I mean, they're unsafe to the community.
Kathie Lee Griffin can depict herself decapitating Trump.
That's cool.
Snoop Dogg can depict himself shooting Trump in the head.
No problem there.
But Diamond and Silk just having an opinion and existing is unsafe to the Facebook community.
And then Zuckerberg today says it was an enforcement error.
Do you believe Mark Zuckerberg when he says the censorship against you was an enforcement error?
No, I do not.
No, no, no, no, no.
Keep in mind, we've been back and forth with Facebook for six months, 29 days, five hours, 40 minutes and 43 seconds.
Back and forth.
We have emails.
We have chats.
Well, we've been back and forth about these different issues that's been going on on our page.
That's right.
We've gotten just
Pushed to the side, told this, told that.
Well, we got to deal with the tech support team.
We don't know where there's been no restrictions on your page.
We don't see anything wrong with your page.
Check your settings.
It's been like that back and forth for almost seven months.
See, this is the thing that we're talking about.
Discrimination is wrong.
I don't care where it's coming from.
That's right.
And what I find appalling is this is how the left do things.
They take in everything.
If you are conservative, you're racist.
If you are that, you're discriminating.
If you're a Republican, you're discriminating.
This is what they do.
But now, let's fit this here.
That's right.
Now you have two black conservative women who are Republicans who support the president.
That's right.
But you have a white liberal who owns this platform
Discriminating against two people of color.
And I want them to see the hypocrisy of this year.
About, don't point the finger at conservatives and Republicans.
Let's look at what's happening here.
Because I'm sorry, I don't care what nobody say, we were discriminated against when you deemed our brand, which is two women, when you deemed us unsafe to the community.
You tarnished and you branded us and you painted us into something because you thought we was going to go somewhere and sit down.
And Mark Zuckerberg, he's obtaining the American Dream.
Diamond and Silk, we are obtaining the American Dream.
But for someone to come and pull the rug from underneath you...
Tell you to bring yourself up, make this here happen, and then when you start making it happen, they try to kick you back down and put their foot on your neck.
That's basically what happened.
Listen you all, if you are being censored and if you know you right, then you're going to have to fight.
And when we stand here, and when we're here, and we're even fighting for our cause, we're fighting for you too.
If you are a conservative,
The algorithms do need to be removed from your pages and that's what we're also fighting for.
So we're in this together.
And don't forget to go to diamondandsilk.com and visit our Chit Chat Tour League.
Go and see where we're going to be at.
Check us out.
We want to see your face in a place.
We love you guys.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, I've got a report that a group of intelligence agent people put together.
No one's seen this report.
And that is outside of Congress.
And Jack Posobiec, of course, obviously, is an anchor with One America News.
It's syndicated on all the major cable systems, reaches millions a day.
And a frequent guest here, also, Naval Intelligence.
And the President's a big fan of him as well, and follows a lot of his work.
Posobiec got a copy of this.
It's not secret.
It's all-source, open-source intelligence.
But it's not been seen yet.
And I looked at it, and it's got a bunch of stuff that might want to be secret in it.
So I'm not going to show this to anybody.
I'm going to leave it at that.
And I think, separately, I asked Jack.
He, I think, has come to that decision as well.
And that's why we've got to be really careful around here, because I am drowning in intel.
And what's crazy is, it's such good information.
I mean, how good our intelligence agency's information is, is really amazing when it's really from them.
But when it's the media or the Democratic Party, you can invert it, like Tucker Carlson said last week.
So, Jack Subbitt's here.
It's not a gimmick.
That I have free shipping store-wide and 50% off our best-selling products, and I keep saying it's the last day, it's the last day.
I was supposed to come in here early in the morning and shoot new ads and come up with the new specials.
I'm so busy covering news, and I'm the guy that comes up with the final, you know, ideas and marketing, I should probably advocate that, that they've been trying to get me for a month to come up with new specials.
A month.
Because we've depleted a whole bunch of our best-selling products and some of it isn't coming in.
A couple of products aren't coming in until October.
Well, you don't want to run a sale so long that then you don't have it at the regular price.
You sell it at a sale so folks see how good it is.
And then, though, if you've got a supply issue or you don't have more coming in, you go back to full price because you can aggregate that out and make bigger profit to fund yourself over the long haul because it's not coming in.
So I'm losing money right now because we will sell out of Real Red Pill Plus, we will sell out of Brain Force, we will sell out of Super Mel Vitality and X2 before I get more.
Now, if I'd have stopped doing this about a week ago, this special, a lot of these would have gone into maybe September at least, another three, four months.
Now, I am losing money.
So, that's the best pitch ever, isn't it?
Plus, you fund the resistance to the globalists.
You get game-changing products, just like our information, so hardcore.
Our supplements are hardcore.
Our water filtration is the best.
The air filtration, whatever the best-rated stuff is at the best price, we get it.
We sell it.
We have free shipping on all our best-selling nutraceuticals and a bunch of other items.
But it's got to end today.
That's my fault.
But if you haven't taken advantage of it, for so many great products, it's all there.
Keep saying final date for three days is because
I just can't get my head out of information.
There's just too much of it.
But this is how we fund ourselves.
We do have some new products that have come in.
Two new ones.
I haven't cut ads for those.
So that'll be the new specials tomorrow.
Two new great products we've got coming out.
But these other specials are gone.
They've got to be.
Alpha Power!
Sold out in a month the last time we ordered.
It's super great, super strong.
It's going to sell out again.
It'll be months till I get it.
I mean, so I have screwed the pooch, as they say, on this.
It's my fault.
And I'd probably have to just hand control over this fully to Tim Ferruchet, because it's just I continue to, you know, to do this.
So, InfoWorksStore.com, InfoWorksLife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Jack Posobiec will be with us 15 minutes into the next hour.
Then I'm going to get back into
News so insane that I can't even believe it, but he can cover the waterfront, not just this report that's secret until now that was given to Congress, that was briefed.
So we'll tell you as much as we can about the report.
I'll just show the top of the document.
I may show some little pieces while we're here on air, but he joins us now.
So Jack Posobiec, thanks for coming on with us, and good job on all the work you're doing there with the One America News.
Hey Alex, thanks so much for having me on.
You know, we had a big special this weekend, and one of the things that really came out and struck me with this report, and that report, and I've given you a copy of it, so you've now got it on your hands, and you correctly identified that that report is raw intelligence.
That report is not stuff that's really been processed yet.
There's a lot of stuff in there that may or may not reach certain levels that we're not willing to go into or not able to go into here on the news.
But from what we can tell, just even from the very first page of it, the executive briefing that we've read, it lines up very much with something that you yourself reported in the first few hours of the Las Vegas attack.
Then Congress was briefed on this.
Congress was absolutely briefed on this.
And that's where I got it from U.S.
That this guy had an anti-Trump animus that he started stockpiling.
Steven Paddock, of course we know that he was stockpiling rifles after the election of Trump.
They went back and they tracked this.
He did some handguns before, but the rifles, he started stockpiling them immediately after
Or in the days after the election of Trump, he tacked that concert because he viewed them as Trump supporters, the country music concert.
And this information has been given to Congress.
I also have correspondence, I haven't released this yet, but I have it, correspondence between myself and Congress and the FBI, where I can see, they sent me the documents that Congress has been asking and demanding the FBI tell them if they looked into this, tell them if the FBI even went in
So, the bombshell here is, is that a group of intelligence agencies and
Other organizations.
We're going to get into some of the groups are here in a minute.
Brief Congress on this brought up a lot of intel that we separately have documented.
We have this big data dump of raw intelligence that you've been giving us.
Folks want this out and that it did all point towards Paddock.
Uh, being extremely anti-Trump, uh, which, which we've separately confirmed.
So, there you go.
The FBI, uh, has buried the fact that this guy was an anti-Trumper.
That there is bombshell, and shows you how many layers of the FBI are still political operatives of the Democratic Party.
Well, what's interesting, Alex, is actually that, you know, we talk about how it's different layers, but one thing that I've been told in the course of this from my sources is that right after this happened, keep in mind that this is still when Andrew McCabe was the Deputy Director at the FBI, and I've been told that McCabe actually demanded to maintain operational control of the investigation from the seventh floor of the FBI in Washington, D.C.
Stopping the investigation into the Las Vegas shooter.
Not allowing investigators to investigate as far as they wanted to go.
They essentially saw a dead body, said we're going to pin it on this guy.
This was the only guy involved.
Case closed.
Let's move on.
They did not dig into all of the very damning evidence that this case was done for because of political purposes.
This was a terrorist attack that was committed for political purposes.
And I've been scanning over this.
It fits into what our intel was what the hostage rescue team told me the day after.
Major Islamic connections, other shooters they believe being flown in.
Some of the teams didn't show up.
People got cold feet.
Did tell people get out of here you're about to be killed.
I mean this thing is leaking like a sieve.
I actually feel sorry for the sheriff.
He's been breaking down on TV, you know, obviously ordered to, you know, under national security to not get into this by the FBI.
But that's rogue groups in the FBI, McCabe, and their stay-behind networks.
But I'm reading this.
I mean, I'm getting to some of this on air.
The attack was likely planned as a well, logistically and finance-coordinated entirely by Steven Paddock.
Paddock may have anticipated the arrival of a fly-in team of additional shooters.
That would assist the operational execution.
However, the team of additional shooters appears to have not arrived or not arrived in the numbers expected.
It was also possible that additional members of the cell had not yet reached Paddock's suite when the security guard triggered a perimeter attack.
Uh, initiation, and they've even got who they think the shooters are, and names, and video clips, everything in there.
This is really bad, man.
This is really sick stuff.
And, uh, we're going to, uh, get the sheriff breaking down and starting to cry, saying there's obviously other shooters, it's horrible, the people who do great, and then later he's like, no, no, no one, only one guy, uh, show this, and they still won't say what happened.
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Go ahead.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Gentlemen, we have called you together to inform you that we are going to overthrow the United States government.
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You still think that jet fuel brought down the World Trade Center?
Does anybody else see a problem here?
If the government has nothing to hide, why are they so afraid to answer a few questions?
There's a new article.
Up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com, that needs to get out there, IG Bombshell, Clinton was never subject or target of FBI investigation, close quote.
Remember they said she was investigated, but they gave her a letter saying that she wasn't, and now it's confirmed again.
We'll talk about that in the next hour with Jack Posobiec and open the phones up and get into Article 13, Article 11, that ends the Internet as we know it.
Even mainstream news admits it ends the Internet.
But I've actually read it now, the whole thing.
And it's beyond that.
I'm going to break that down coming up.
And they're voting tomorrow.
And the U.S.
has been going under EU control.
That's globalism.
Jack Posobiec is in the studios there in D.C.
of One America television network, and he was getting into this
Until now, secret document put out by a particular intelligence group, alumni organization, I'll just leave it at that, that briefed Congress, and then that way they can do it unofficially, as people obviously steal a lot of those agencies.
And it's pretty powerful info, but recapping, and then getting into more of it, we have McCabe in control, Deep State operative,
Ordering all this basically covered up, that the law enforcement believe Paddock had accomplices, and Congress has been briefed.
So please continue with this information, Jack Posobiec.
The same questions that we were all asking early on, and I know you've covered this, you've had people on who have covered this, but Congress is now starting to ask those very same questions.
They're asking it very quietly, but some of them have come forward to the surface, like Congressman Scott Perry.
They've essentially been asking, why was this someone who had so many guns?
Why did he have so many ammo that wasn't used?
Did he do this all by himself?
This seems like at least a two-man operation.
That's what the sources are telling.
And one specific thing they bring up in the report, Alex, is the timeline of this thing.
Now, to take us all back, the firing, so he gets shot by the guard.
Excuse me, the guard tries to come up, he shoots at the guard, then he starts the shooting.
That's 10 p.m.
that evening.
He continues shooting until 10.15.
At 10.15, there's that two-shot sound that we hear, and then the firing abruptly stops.
At 10.15, no police officer or security guard had entered the room.
Nobody had gone to the door.
He had no external pressure whatsoever at 10.15 to stop shooting.
In fact, the police don't actually arrive for almost another hour.
They wait for the SWAT team to come.
And the reason they're worried, coming in, they saw that cart outside, they worried about IED.
They worried, did this guy have a bomb rigged up at the door, it was set to go.
So they waited for SWAT to come in and make that determination.
So why at that point, 10-15, did he arbitrarily stop shooting when he had so many rounds left, 7,000 rounds in the room, when he had so many weapons in there?
We know he had other materials, RDX, down in his car in the garage.
We know that the airplane fuel tankers across the way, the jet fuel, that he was trying to shoot at those to take those out.
He may have intended
Thank you.
And of course we know now, the media never covers what happened.
They bring up every old shooting, constantly blame gun owners.
They salivate over every mass event.
But on this, when the Islamic connections and the gun running connections came out, they all dropped it like a hot potato.
We've certainly seen from the left a massive program, a massive campaign, anti-gun campaign, certainly in the wake of Parkland and other shootings, that they've tried to use those shootings as political leverage to ban AR-15s, specifically to enact other gun bans.
But after the Las Vegas shooting, you didn't really hear much other than banning those bump stocks.
And bump stock to the shooter community is seen as more of a novelty.
It's not seen as something that a serious shooter would ever use.
Um, because you can't really fire accurately with one of those things.
So, why is this never, you know, it's not mentioned, it's not brought up in any, anything other than a list of major shootings is the only time you ever hear about it anymore.
It was never used in these major campaigns that are pushed by the left, uh, that we know the, the Parkland, the March for Our Lives was done by a George Soros-tied promoter with the Open Society Foundation.
So, why did they never talk about Las Vegas?
In terms of gun control, it doesn't quite fit the narrative for some reason, and we're trying to figure out what that is.
Because the operation went sideways, everything points at that.
You've read this report, you got the secret report Congress was showed.
Get into the group, the organization, because obviously they gave it to you, they don't mind the name being out, and then why you think they gave it to you, and just a summary of the raw intelligence that's gathered here, but a lot of it very, very powerful.
Of course, so Americans for Intelligence Reform, it's headed by Brad Johnson, who's a 25-year CIA veteran.
He's someone who was, as we call it, a white hat, if you will.
Someone who never really got involved with any of the black ops that were going on.
He knew about them, but he always stayed true to his mission.
He always stayed true to the U.S.
And now that he got out, he's someone who has taken on the role of something of a whistleblower in the intelligence community, a sort of role that I find myself in occasionally, talking about what he sees the intel community doing now and calling against it.
So they put this report together.
He's the face of it.
There are other names that are involved, certainly many, many names that are involved, but he's really the only one that's willing to come publicly because a lot of these guys do still have security clearances.
Thank you.
And that was that was the anti-Trump sentiments.
That was the stockpiling of weapons after the election.
That was perceiving the crowd, perceiving the target as Trump supporters.
There were other indications that we didn't get into in our special report that are covered in this.
And one of those big ones is the one that you heard Congressman Perry talk about about six months ago on Fox, that there may have been an ISIS connection.
I don't
Thank you for joining us.
Well, I was told by folks involved with the FBI hostage rescue team who were there that there was all this foreign travel stuff that they'd both been in the Middle East.
They thought it was some type of gun running deal gone bad.
And then the FBI came in and shut it all down a day after.
But we told people that the next morning.
I got the information that I got to go ahead to say it on air because there was a cover-up going on.
And now you see all the evidence pointing towards that.
Yeah, there's a lot of stuff in terms of that.
Unfortunately, because these guys are on the outside looking in for a lot of these things, they're only able to use the information that they get in terms of, just like with you, someone tells you something, points you in a direction.
We don't have access to the same databases, law enforcement databases, that the FBI would, and they're not making any of their findings public.
They certainly have only released tiny tidbits of information regarding this thing, only small portions.
Oh, they're really hoping it just goes away, because they know what really happened.
Yeah, they don't want us talking about this.
They don't want us bringing this up.
They want it to be doled out in little drips and drabs, spoon-fed to us.
They don't want us looking at this as people who are intelligence veterans, as people who were in the shooting community, who understand how terrorism works, and to look at this through the lens of counterterrorism, which is something that they certainly see.
Maybe not in international, maybe more in active domestic terrorism in some, in at least the case of PADOK.
But was there supposed to be more is a big question that now the real breaking news on this is that Congress is starting to ask these questions as well.
All right, Jack Posobiec, we're going to go to break here in about a minute.
But when we come back, I want to get an inspector general report.
I want to get into the children being held who are coming across the border, many times unaccompanied.
So, of course, people in detention centers are being put in separate areas.
Of course, there's a chain link fence.
This is a thing that's gone on for decades, but how the liberal media thinks we're so dumb that we don't know what's going on.
And then the big enchilada.
I knew this was coming.
I knew they were talking about it for years.
We had Drudge in the studio, warning of it.
Copyright laws that put prior restraint on everything you type and do on the internet, that totally control everything you do, that ban memes, and even liberal news sites are admitting this is horrible.
Well, I'm glad you finally figured that out, morons.
They're gonna censor everybody.
This is unbelievable.
We'll be right back with hour number three to break it all down with Jack Pasobic and more.
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Receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Let me ask investigative journalist, national TV host, naval intelligence officer, Jack Posobiec, and more importantly, married now with a new baby.
Congratulations on that.
What would you call this period in history?
Because I think Trump really is turning the corner.
I think we're starting to win.
The globalists know that.
They're collapsing all over the world.
But they're just striking back with naked race baiting, naked censorship.
But I think if we don't take this serious enough, and don't politically strike back to this authoritarian activity at a proper level, that they could capsize our operation.
I mean, I really think that we need to, their desperate activities need to be met very, very seriously, because these are really Hitlerian-level authoritarian activities we see, but really a
Maoist model with the big corporations and the communist Chinese and mainstream media.
The universities all working to demonize and bully and overthrow speech and call for violence against police.
I mean, this is a real attempted overthrow of the country, overthrow of Europe.
I mean, we're in the middle of a global civil war of nationalists and patriots against the globalists.
And I don't think enough of the public really realizes how epic it is.
Yeah, Alex, I've referred to it, I would almost call it a revolutionary epoch that we're in right now.
I've also, one of my good friends who was a source on that report actually referred to it as, he called it global gang warfare.
He's like, you've got the gang of
People who are on the side of creating these multinational corporations, the multinational organizations, the financing that runs through them.
And then you've got the smaller gangs of people that are in each country just trying to fight for the rights of their people and for their citizens that are now starting to rise up and say, you know what?
We don't need massive global markets.
We don't need massive global movement of people, open borders, the migration, because we've seen how terrorism is able to use that.
We've seen how
In the case of the U.S.
border, the open border set child traffickers and smugglers are able to use loopholes and exploit those networks.
So there's so many problems that come with us running down this road of globalization that we've got to fight back against it because we've forgotten about people in all of this.
We've forgotten about individuals
That's a good question.
And Jack, that's very astute what your colleague said, and I want to expand on that.
Because the globalists admit they're creating the tension to collapse the nation-states and the wealth to vertically integrate it towards total social control.
So it's not just like, oh, the globalization's causing some problems.
They're directing the problems like high-powered water spray, you know, to strip mine hills.
They are cutting through the strata, the good, the bad, and the ugly, because they want total consolidation, total control, and it is an organized system.
Yeah, you've got global gangs fighting with each other for hegemony, but they agree on the basic
Period to then turn it over to global corporations, which was done with China to begin with so the larger understanding of that paradigm is now what's brought us into this giant awakening from which the globalists can never Reverse their decline because their plan was totally based on stealth and now obviously that stealth is gone
You know, William Craddock over at Disobedient Media, he uses a great example.
He talks about how the Europeans and Angela Merkel are using the migrant crisis to now push for a European national military force.
That's something we've never seen in Europe before.
They're pushing for it and they're using the migrant crisis, which they created, as justification for it.
And then they're going to use the military force to deliver all the people into the countries anyways.
Right, and now we've got new national military force... by design.
We'll be back with Jack Posobiec on the other side.
He's on fire, ladies and gentlemen.
Newswars.com, Infowars.com.
Spread those links.
The globalists hate it when you do.
They think you're a goldfish!
I've been betting on you my whole life!
I believe in you!
I don't think you're stupid!
One man ever raped a woman!
All genitals were cut off!
And we're kicking these traitors' asses politically!
And we're not backing down on her!
I want to kick these people!
We're winning!
I can feel the spirit rising!
Can't you?
We have broken their back!
Yes, I can feel it!
Let's go!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
There is a signal broadcast every second of every day through our television sets.
Even when the set is turned off, look around at the environment we live in.
Carbon dioxide, fluorocarbons, and methane have increased since 1958.
Earth is being acclimatized.
They are turning our atmosphere into their atmosphere.
We are like a natural resource to them.
Deplete the planet.
Move on to another.
They want benign indifference.
They want us drugged.
We could be pets.
We could be food.
But all we really are is livestock.
Our impulses are being redirected.
We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
Alright, Jack Vostobek's with us with one America Network investigative journalist.
I want to get into this giant hoax that the Democrats are running for the midterms and obviously distract from Spygate.
Obviously I don't want you to talk about both because they tie into each other.
And we're sitting here looking at all this and they're following decades-old policy.
There's no news coverage of the hundreds of thousands killed trying to come into the U.S.
in Mexico.
They don't tell you that they can't just throw little kids in a general population.
These people are committing crimes.
If I rob a bank, they take my kids from me.
If you come in illegally with no ID or you have a criminal record, yeah, you're going to lose your kids.
They're going to get sent back to your home country, back to the grandparents, back to whatever.
Or you're going to be sent back with them.
You have to do this.
When you come into the border, you come into a checkpoint.
And they sit there and ask you questions.
And if it doesn't check out, well, then you go to a holding area until you're shipped out or until they find out who you are.
So the fact that the media is full tilt pushing this and you've got Hayden with all his illegal spying and criminal activity trying to say that Trump is like a Nazi at Auschwitz with these kids and the Democrats and their grandstanding when it's the UN caught running giant child kidnapping rings.
And sex traffic of women.
When it's Mexico that's doing all of this, these other countries, and then they're only focusing on us, trying to stop collapsing Latin America, collapsing into us, with the UN openly running all of this.
I mean, it's just insane that they're doing this, and I don't think it's going to be very, very effective.
What do you think's behind all this, and where do you think it's going?
Because I look at Democrats who push to get every baby they can aborted.
And then I look at them under Obama, stop detaining the children, which have been going on for decades, and to start just releasing them to aid groups, Catholic charities, other private charities, Democrat charities that have been caught in smuggling of kids, you know, Hillary's people, and so that violating federal and state law
I don't believe the president had the power to do that.
Clearly impeachable.
I called for him to be impeached.
We broke that they were doing it four years ago in McAllen and other places.
And the New York Times said, yeah, hundreds of thousands of children, people under 18 down to age three, are given many times unaccompanied by parents and just given tickets and just sent to Chicago and Houston.
And some of them ended up dead, sex trafficking.
It's been in the local news.
And it's like, what?
Kids show up at the border?
You just put them on buses with private groups?
No record?
Obama was giving him dates of two years, four years, to show up for a hearing as if a 12-year-old knows how to do that.
This looks like a giant cover to me for a huge underground railroad of children going into the big bellies of the Democrats and their penchant for children.
What do you think is happening, Jack?
Yeah Alex, we've got a situation, and as Secretary of Homeland Security put it out yesterday, 10,000 of the 12,000 that are here, 80% now, that are being in these shelters, and that's what they are, they're shelters, those were brought without parents, without anyone even claiming to be their family.
So they are the victims of child trafficking by any definition.
What the difference is that Trump is putting an end to it, and he's actually stepping up and having the leadership to try to do something about this situation, which was created by his
We're good to go.
And are dealing with the issue in a way that's based on law, that's based on following the laws that are on the books.
And we always said that.
How many years did Republicans even say this?
That all we need to do is follow the laws that are on the books.
You know, we even have a law on the books for a while that George Bush signed, but he never actually did anything with.
So, it's amazing to see what happens when you actually try to follow the laws.
And you can really tell, it's very telling, when you see the Bushes, when you see the Clintons, the Obamas, and now CIA directors all coming out in alignment
And I saw Hayden again last night on CNN.
Parading him.
Parading him.
He's being paid by CNN.
He's like, I'm scared.
Yeah, because Clapper's been discredited, so they bring out Hayden now.
Yeah, Hayden.
I mean, it just makes my head spin that Hayden's out there listing who the good guys are.
Clapper and Brennan and Mudd.
Mudd goes on CNN and says, we're going to kill the president.
Am I to someone who's threatened the President using absolutely atrocious language?
He's talked about threatening.
We've now seen there was an Antifa group just yesterday that was saying you should, if you see an ICE member, that you should not only find out who their family is, but that you should use violence against them.
They were saying kill members of ICE.
Now, these are people that work for the Department of Homeland Security.
I don't think people realize this, but a lot of those Customs and Border Patrol people are Hispanic.
They do speak Spanish.
A lot of their families are Hispanic.
They are immigrants themselves that are trying to help this situation legally through points of, you know, leaving U.S.
And they understand that Mexico is a failed nightmare state and below it are countries that are even worse.
What type of insane person would let the U.N.
and George Soros get migrant trains and to get Mexico to agree to give them passage?
Mexico puts you in forced labor if they catch you illegally.
But now...
Women, particularly, until they have family come and basically give them money.
It's unbelievable.
But notice, Jack, they never humanize these people.
You're right, because that's how they're viewed.
They're viewed as, you know, the Democrats view them as free votes and certain members of the Republican Party view them as free workers.
Well, the problem is, what's going to happen, let's say that we do open the borders and we do start this mass importation, we go along with it.
Alex, what's going to happen in 10-15 years when automation kicks in and all of these low-skilled workers, the day laborers, those jobs just aren't being done anymore?
Perfect welfare recipients.
It turns into a giant welfare crisis that's going to be on the backs of who?
Hardworking Americans that are going to see their taxes skyrocket because they're going to have to pay for all the people that are brought here that have jobs that the robots are all doing now.
This is a total nightmare scenario.
And of course what we need to do is what Trump's doing, jack up the West and then actually try to develop the third world.
This isn't 100 years away or 50 years away.
This is 10, 15 years.
It's coming.
We're seeing the automation already happening.
I agree.
Jack Massovic, I want to do one more segment with you and I want to get into...
We call it the
What do you wanna do with your life?
I wanna rock!
When this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious s***.
You know, someone very profoundly once said, many years ago, that if fascism ever comes to America, it'll come in the name of liberalism.
Those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed by gun control laws.
I happen to know this from personal experience.
I could end this guy, Jack, tomorrow.
All you gotta do is arm all your pests.
I don't think that you should look back and whine and bellyache or try to hold somebody else guilty for everything you did.
Where's the beat?
Alright, what is the trilateral to me?
An organization founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller.
You see, what they're really up to is a scheme to plant their own loyal members in positions of power in this country.
To work to erase national boundaries and create an international community.
And, in time, bring about a one-world government with David Rockefeller calling the shots!
As Oliver North's public battle over government secrets and the illegal supply of weapons to the Nicaraguan Contras is waged in Washington, congressional investigators in recent months have tried to learn if Mena, Arkansas was an illegal staging area for shipping guns to the U.S.-backed Contra rebels.
It all begins in 1982, when this man, Adler Berryman Seal, showed up in Mena, Arkansas.
He used to smuggle drugs.
Then he got caught and he became one of the government's most valuable informants in the war against cocaine.
But last night in Louisiana, Barry Seale's enemies caught up with him and killed him.
17-year-old Kevin Ives and 16-year-old Don Henry were struck by a train.
The medical examiner has said that the boys were asleep and drugged with marijuana.
The parents, however, disputed that claim.
The boys were killed because they had stumbled upon a large shipment of drugs dropped from an airplane.
Tears in the fabric indicate that Don had been stabbed before he was run over by the train.
In light of this new evidence, the grand jury changed this ruling from probable homicide to definite homicide.
I'm scared of these people.
I'm very scared of them.
How do you think the crackpot gets into the country?
We don't own any planes.
We don't own no ships.
We are not the people who are flying and floating that shit in here.
I will tell you, Director Deutch, as a former Los Angeles police narcotics detective, that the agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time.
Men who are working for the CIA's army were responsible for bringing all that cocaine into Los Angeles that sparked the crack epidemic.
My boss goes on a fishing trip with George Bush and when they come back they say the ends justify the means.
Sir, the Republicans are trying to blame you for the existence of a small air base at Mena, Arkansas.
This base was set up by George Bush and Oliver North and the CIA to help the Iran-controvers
And they brought in plane load after plane load of cocaine there, for sale in the United States, and then they took the money and bought weapons and took them back to the Congress, all of which was illegal, as you know, under the Bowling Act.
But tell me, did they tell you that this had to be in existence because of national security?
We had nothing, zero, to do with it, and everybody who's ever looked into it knows that.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms.
These allegations are false.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are in the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I'm quite a history buff because history is so interesting.
I've studied a lot of different sectors of history and find it just amazing.
But to be living through it is even more incredible.
And if you really look at how authoritarian the left is, and if you really look at how anti-American, anti-free speech, anti-free market, monopoly pushers are,
He realized that we don't have any choice but to fight these people and to expose them, and to take back control of our civilization.
I mean, I look at the lies and the deceit and the nastiness of CNN, MSNBC, and they know what they're doing.
And a lot of their own constituents know it's all a lie.
They think they're going to get free stuff out of this, maybe for five, ten years more, like Venezuela, then we collapse.
And the people running it always live in Switzerland, or Kauai, Hawaii, or Lanai, you know, on their own islands.
They're never part of the collapse period.
And then they come in ten years later after the collapse, and buy everything up, and put fascism in.
And the media then never covers it again.
And it's like, what happened to this country?
What happened to that country?
And the globalists have now decided to do the same thing to the West?
And then the technocrats are all going to live on private islands?
That's the decision.
That's what's in major publications.
They even tell you!
And then you watch Gruber on TV famously on C-SPAN, a group of professors teaching him how to lie and how to deceive, and they're all looking at him like he's...
Like he just, you know, saved a child out of a burning building.
They're like, really?
That's how we do it?
That's how we get better jobs?
You got these academics, you know, that want to be big men and women, and they literally are practicing evil.
And it's that realization that globalism is a world government of corporations above the law, just like in Article 13 and Article 11 of this new EU piece of garbage.
And they're doing all this, and it's all happening
And they say they want to break up our families.
They say they hate Christians.
I mean, I just don't know how they found so many bad people, Jack Posobiec.
Can you speak to that?
Or maybe you think I'm wrong?
And then what's going on with the EU censorship and the EU systems that, because of Obama and others, we're signed on to these things now?
I think it's time for Trump to really take the gloves off and say, we're not following any of your EU regulations.
None of it.
Well, Alex, the EU is still working to respond to the actions of what would take place with Brexit, with the Trump election, with the elections of governments in Poland and Hungary and Austria and Italy.
Now they are in full panic.
We're good to go.
We're good.
And let's be clear, it's even worse than that.
They just put in this whole GDPR thing, where every time you go to somebody's website, you gotta click and say, I accept.
Every time, even if there's not even cookies on your side or whatever.
But that's only for little guys with their big fines.
They exempt all the big corporations that opt in and agree with them, and say that they have exemption as right holders and are allowed to data mine.
So it allows total surveillance of everything for the big tech giants, but then all the little, little putions, we can't do anything.
Right, and that data mining, that's being used to sell your data, to sell your internet behavior, your interests, what you're looking into, what you're searching.
In some cases, we have Alexa or Google Home.
Oh yeah, Zuckerberg went over there and worshipped the authoritarian EU, and so they're now giving him and Google carte blanche.
They think the tech giants will now go along with this.
Right, and Bezos is a big part of this, Microsoft.
Microsoft is actually, Alex, I just got off the phone right before I got on the program today, but I got a source that's saying that Microsoft is a big pusher in a lot of these things, and while Bezos and Soros and other Silicon Valley giants have been
Really keyed out that people don't realize that Microsoft is behind the TPP.
I keep saying who's the worst.
Is it Tim Cook?
Is it Bezos?
It's definitely Bill Gates.
He's the little evil elf lurking around in the bushes.
Right, he loves us talking about Bezos and Tim Cook and everyone else, because while we're doing that, we're not talking about him.
This is someone that, remember, the U.S.
government went after them for monopoly and couldn't even do anything about it in the 1990s, when we all knew what Microsoft was doing.
Now they've taken that, they're taking their money, they're turning it into these operations.
And remember, Gates was doing this well before Bezos or Cook got into it.
So he's really been spearheading a lot of these different things.
They're going to start it with the EU.
They're going to break down what people have seen as the Internet in terms of free content and free expression, free connection.
They don't want that to happen anymore.
And so they are putting in limiting guidelines and regulations to stop it from happening, to stop people from making those direct connections.
And Jack, you just said it perfectly, and I can't even believe that they're this brazen.
Because finally, a bunch of leftist publications and leftist legal groups are going, oh this is horrible, this ends free speech.
And they talk about in here, templates.
And folks, they've already got it.
Like when you're typing something on an iPhone, it's a cuss word, it says you can't say it.
It's beyond that.
Just like, well, you can't upload that copyright song.
Even if you've got the rights to it, you can't do it to YouTube.
It's prior constraint through the algorithms, through the AI.
Well, now they're saying they're going to basically ban memes.
You've got to send the memes through a university process group that literally is
A consortium of Snopes, Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, funded by Jordan Soros.
This is in the news.
This is not my opinion, ladies and gentlemen, that then in the browser or in the publishing system to a website or into online systems, under law, they're going to fine you.
Even here in the U.S., they're claiming the power under globalism, just like with their whole GDPR system.
That's the camel's nose under the tent flap of the regulatory control.
They say
They are going to then restrain you where you can't even post the quote.
If a newspaper quotes somebody saying something, the quote of the Pope saying open the borders or whatever, that's copyright and you can't have it.
But the key is the prior constraint.
It's an internet kill switch built in to the uploading devices by law.
Yeah, this is going to completely change the way we're able to interact with the media and with the internet in itself.
You know, I'm waiting for my, you know, the reason I don't want to get one of those Amazon smart refrigerators or something is because they want to, I don't just want to wait for them to say, oh, well, you had so many calories yesterday.
So now we can't open the refrigerator because you've got to stick to your, you know, your daily ration, your daily quotas or something.
Or you said a bad word the other day.
So we've got, we don't, we can't let you.
They actually say that in the training videos in the UK in Megapolis.
It shows refrigerators in the future like that.
Do five more minutes because I want to talk to you about, because you're a military guy, about the sixth branch of the military, the Space Force, and what Trump is really doing with that from my perspective.
It's Alex Jones.
Talk about it all on the other side.
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Alex Jones here with an extremely exciting announcement.
We are launching our biggest recruitment and hiring operation ever in our 23-year history as we prepare to go 24 hours a day live on TV and radio from the InfoWars News Center here in Austin, Texas.
We're looking for video editors, live show producers, people that can run live TV and radio, investigative journalists.
We're looking for reporters out in the field who can stay where you are currently yet.
We're looking to hire around 15 people, maybe even more, as we take the information war to the next level in the face of the globalists.
So please,
Go to InfoWars.com, go to InfoWars.com forward slash contest, and you'll find the links to our major hiring drive.
And we're also launching, as I just alluded to, a major reporter contest with $26,000 in prizes.
First place, $20,000.
Second place, $5,000.
Third place, $1,000.
But all of you will be winners because the special reports you cut on any topic you wish
We have the rules on InfoWars.com forward slash contest will then be seen on my broadcast will then be heard on the radio and will be posted to our major websites like NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com.
It has a massive effect and you've seen many other reporters that have worked here over the years like David Knight and others they weren't even contest winners but they were runner-uppers.
But even if you don't want to be part of the contest and just want a shot at working here, we're looking for camera people, we're looking for video editors, we're looking for investigative journalists, and we're looking for engineers, we're looking for reporters, we're looking for it all in this major push against the globalists.
Now, we're going to be hiring right through into 2019 in this big expansion.
But it's critical that as fast as you can, you get your portfolio, your reel, into us.
Whether it be in radio, whether it be in print, whether it be in film.
Whatever your work is, we want to see it.
So send it in with your resume.
So this is a very, very exciting chance for InfoWars.
To up our game in the face of the globalists, but for you to also be a part of this operation.
So directly apply to work with us or apply and at the same time get involved in the contest.
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We are not victims.
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And we are taking it directly to the globalists because we are the resistance.
And we're looking for men and women who are a race, color, and creed who love liberty that want to join the fight.
Again, InfoWars.com forward slash contest to find all the rules.
And I'll see you on the front lines of the fight against the NWO.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
All right.
I want to get Jack Postobic's take on the Space Force.
And I know he's a smart, well-read guy.
Naval intelligence, you name it.
Investigative journalist.
But, I mean, I know what's going on with the Space Force.
And I did a 20-minute video, live video, last night on it.
The secrets of Trump's Space Force.
The truth is, there's been a Space Force
Since the 60s, NASA is just a cutout for U.S.
military operations in space.
And just like the Navy's got aircraft, and the Air Force has got aircraft, and the Army's got aircraft, the Marines have aircraft, all these branches have space assets, whether it's satellites or other stuff.
And they've got these non-nuclear, but there's SABO around, orbiting platforms.
That they've got up in space.
They've been placing them since the mid-70s in space.
And there's a big need for a space force just to service these things and remove them and stuff like that.
Usually they just fire them off into deep space when they become derelict.
Because you can't bring a depleted uranium platform with projectiles back into the atmosphere for reentry because they don't break up.
I don't
Trump said, we're going to unlock the secrets of the universe, there's been a lot of suppressed stuff, he said that at State of the Union, and so, medical treatments that they know are near cures that have been suppressed, things like that, for terminally ill people, then that'll allow testing on them, for everybody else, they're volunteering.
The left says you can commit suicide, you can abort your baby all day, but if you want to risk your life, oh no, you can't, you can't, you can't, because they're anti-progress.
They are the anti-progressives.
They had decided on an anti-post-human world.
Elon Musk has warned about it.
The post-human world.
Post-human future.
And Trump also said he wants to unlock the mysteries of space in that same speech.
So he's just letting you know it's already there, and then to start rolling out some of the technologies and some of the things.
And it's also a carrot to the military-industrial complex, which I'm totally for, if it's done for peace process, because here's the deal.
All this innovation we have
We're good to go.
So he wants it deployed to the people and not put it into just wasteful, you know, more aircraft carriers or more divisions of troops, but into stuff that really does things.
And like Google satellites, those are really the geospatial, you know, government satellites.
Deploying that back to Earth and absolutely taking our secret space program and boomeranging 50 years ahead of the chi-coms if we do it now.
So Trump's only announcing, I love it, my idea for the Space Force.
It's all a big joke with him, a good joke, in that he's been briefed on all this, he's been brought in, there are people that want a human future, this is about humans and space, and it's not going to get innovated with the fake 10% NASA, you know, space rovers and stuff.
China's moving into space, others are moving in, let's just be honest that we have space superiority.
So they can be crushed, just like Reagan did with Star Wars.
So superior, obviously they were offensive weapons.
The Russians knew they had to give up.
Okay, so I've given you the real deal.
That's really what, and we'll get the subject's expert take on that, but it's about a human future.
It's about a military budget that actually develops the new high-tech systems that are the civilian future, and not just these useless military things that just sit there and are only good for the defense contracting companies.
So it's a very, very smart thing Trump's doing in my view.
I think Space Force is an excellent name for it.
I don't know if the Air Force is still going to have Space Command.
For those who don't know, Space Command really already is a separate brand and branch of government above the other five branches.
I don't really count the Coast Guard.
They're great people, but that's more of a patrol thing.
That's my research view on that.
Jack Posobiec, what do you say?
Alex, well obviously I can't talk to classified programs, but I will just say that if the President so chooses to make some of these programs unclassified, reveal them to the public, I think the American people are going to be pleasantly surprised and very proud of their country.
And I'll just leave it at that.
What this has to do on, at least in the first aspects, you're absolutely right that all branches of our military have operations that touch space, whether that be satellite, even weather in some cases, GPS, other communication satellites, collections platforms, our intelligence forces obviously operate many satellites up there.
All of those are in constant threat from Russia and China.
And China and Russia have been operating space forces for years.
The Russians started their space force in the 1990s.
China started their space force a few years back.
They're completely open about it and realizing that space in and of itself is a completely new field of warfare.
It's a whole other dimension.
It's like the fourth dimension.
We've got to be honest about it.
Go ahead.
It's going to get to kinetic warfare.
The Chinese have looked at this already.
They've looked at laser warfare for taking out our satellites.
They've looked in space from other space stations.
Well, let's just say it.
They've already been using particle beams to destroy our satellites.
Destroy or disable, yes.
Go ahead, keep going.
And they've also, they've demonstrated the capability of rocket shoot downs from surface launch missiles to go after space.
So our own infrastructure, our own payloads that we're sending up into space, as well as everyone who uses communications or geopositional satellites here on Earth, it runs the risk of the Chinese or the Russians getting into this.
So this is all about China and Russia, number one.
And what it's also going to come to, the one thing that I think that you were just about to mention it,
Is materials extraction, mining essentially, whether that's done on the moon, whether that's done on asteroids.
People are looking at Mars, they're talking about the space ladder or space elevator.
People realize that the mining that can be done out there because of rare earth elements and other rare elements, there's indications that these may be found in either the asteroid belt, passing comets, many different other locations in space that might even be easier to extract.
That's right, and humans will deploy to do research, but then we'll have a big robot
I think so.
That may go after them, that may attempt sabotage, corporate sabotage.
There's all sorts of things that need to be opened up.
And since you raised that, because Musk wouldn't go along with the Soros takeover, we now have credible info.
He is being sabotaged in the news, but also at their plants right now to make Musk roll over to him.
That's a sad thing.
Go ahead.
There's a lot going on with Musk right now.
Everybody wants a piece of him.
And I think what's really happening is that Musk is saying, I just want to be myself.
I want to be independent.
I don't want anyone to own me.
And he's realizing that there's so many people out there gunning for him.
I hope that he does go back with Trump.
I hope he does realize that Trump offers him a way forward to be independent.
But also to be protected from some of these other people out there.
But yes, you're absolutely right that if we want to expand in space, if we want to expand both as a people, you know, maybe look at colonization at some point, or even just for mining and other commercial operations, we're going to need defense platforms.
We're going to be able to protect all of our investment, all of our interests that will come out in space.
Well, look, space is the final frontier, and we already dominated it, and so why quit playing games?
I mean, it's time to be honest like the President said he'd do, and he's doing that, and go, okay, we're not really paying $2 billion for each of these fighters, or $3 billion.
It went into this.
Here, let me show you what we had in operation in the 80s.
You know, here's the big V-wings, here's all this, and then the Chinese and the Russians and everybody else.
We'll just know that there's such superiority that it just... A lot of this is where the UFO stuff came from.
A lot of this was these experimental planes that were being tested here on Earth.
And so the word is Trump's gonna start releasing a lot of stuff.
Is that the word you've heard?
I've heard that as well.
Basically, he had always heard about it, and now as he's become president, he wants to explain to people that this work has been going on out there.
And as I've said, the American people are going to be very, very proud of their country when they see what the best and brightest have been doing, at least in quiet.
So you agree with my analysis of Space Force then?
I think Space Force is something that's been long in the works, and it's been long necessary.
I don't know why we play games about it.
It's clearly out there.
The other countries obviously know we have it.
It's time for the American people to know what exactly... Well, you know the real reason.
It's just the death toll is so high with the volunteers.
That's why they've kept it secret.
Word is thousands have died in the secret space program.
Jack Posobiec, thank you so much.
God bless you.
Final segment straight ahead before Paul Watson takes over with critical news on the end of the internet.
Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
First, I just want to mention, if people just go and try the products, they will be ordering all the time.
I've ordered several of the products over and over because it's amazing.
In particular, Silver Bullet.
As soon as I start to feel like I get a little sick, you know, maybe like a little raspiness in my throat, I drop some Silver Bullet in it.
Like, I'll still feel a little sick, but it won't last as long.
Well, let me just say something, Victor.
It's people like you that then fund the whole operation, because a very small percentage of people buy products, and a very small percentage of them buy a lot of the products, so thank you.
But when you mention the Silver Bullet colloidal silver, it's got thousands of reviews, a 98% review.
It is our highest-reviewed product, because it is from the top lab in the country, discounted, high-quality colloidal silver.
It's not a Silver Bullet, but it's the closest thing you're going to find to a Silver Bullet.
We about to go inside, get my free coffee.
Y'all ready?
How you doing?
Good, how are you?
Alright, I heard y'all was racist, so I came to get my own free coffee.
I saw that.
Yeah, I heard you guys don't like black people, so I wanted to get my Starbucks reparations voucher.
What's that?
Is that a real thing?
It's a real thing.
I mean, I'll give it to you.
Yeah, I saw that on my Twitter last night.
I was like,
Yeah, I need a free coffee.
I'll give you a free coffee.
Reparations, man.
Gotta get my reparations for being black in America.
Black Lives Matter.
Do we need flavors in it?
We got caramel, hazelnut.
I'll take caramel.
What's your name?
I appreciate you.
Amanda, you are great.
It's actually my last day here until the fall.
Is it?
You're amazing.
Thank you.
You know what I'm saying?
You gotta get your free coffee out here, man.
You gotta get your Starbucks reparations, man.
Hotep Jesus was the man.
So he got the brilliant idea to go into a Starbucks and demand a coffee.
Otherwise, they're racist.
He's gonna go get a free chocolate chip cookie after the show.
So there's... Oh, he got his Starbucks mug right there.
Was that a free Joe?
This was the free joke.
So we need to get that cup and put that cup in a glass case and save it for all eternity.
There it is right there.
Oh, they even put your name on there!
That's a great picture!
You know, I understand liberal politics.
I've been studying it for a while now and understand that.
And I've tweeted this before.
I said, if an individual, especially a black individual, wants to excel in this society, they should follow the liberal narrative and all doors and opportunities will be open to them.
And I knew it would work.
So I decided, you know, I said, you know what?
I'm standing here by this Starbucks.
I had this idea in my mind.
I said, let's test this thing out and see what happens.
The video started to go viral on Periscope.
And now here we are.
I wasn't mad at Starbucks at first, but now I'm mad at Starbucks for this racial bias training.
And I'm going to tell you why.
First of all, what does Eric Holder know about Black people?
What does the NAACP or the ADL know about Black people?
The Black people really suck one in the hood.
You see, Black Lives Matter, NAACP, and Eric Holder are not the voice of Black people.
That is the bourgeoisie that keep Black people down.
And Starbucks
They failed.
They failed.
If they really wanted to do some racial so-called bias training, they would have got some real people in the real world and not these bootlickers and Uncle Toms.
That's what they would have done.
But they don't care about black people.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you could accept the fact that this city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
What do you mean, biblical?
What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor.
Real wrath of God type stuff.
Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies.
Rivers and seas boiling.
Forty years of darkness.
Earthquakes, volcanoes.
The dead rising from the grave.
Human sacrifice.
Dogs and cats living together.
Mass hysteria!
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
That's an old intro.
That would be where we were living if Hillary would have gotten elected.
You know, and I am gushing about Trump.
Because my gut told me he was good.
And then everything he's been doing has been very truthful, very honest, except for bombing Syria and keeping troops in Afghanistan.
And on that front, he's now got a ceasefire.
And I was told, no, he's going to build up to make him come to the table and then actually give him some good deals, per tribe, and then pull out.
And then now the word is that's where this is going.
We'll see.
Then the Syria thing, I understand they were going to make it look like he was involved in a chemical attack if he didn't strike them and it becomes like a white false flag, I guess they'd call it, but I still don't like it.
But he's not a dictator and I don't want to be a dictator either.
But people complaining about Trump and saying it's like Hitler and Auschwitz
Let's play that Hayden clip.
Then I'll play this Drudge clip.
It's just panic.
I said yesterday, Hayden is scared.
He came on later in the day and said, I'm scared.
But see what they do is they'll take something true and then twist it.
I've watched Hayden.
Oh, and he's a really bad guy.
Head of the NSA and CIA.
I've watched that slimeball.
Really screw this country up.
And now all his cohorts have been caught in illegal activity against Trump, so he's the last one they're trotting up.
And he lists the co-conspirators in this clip we're about to play.
And then he says, I'm scared.
Because Trump's undoing all the things we've done.
You mean like putting an unelected EU in?
That exempts itself from taxes?
Oh, you mean like shipping in 10 million military-age men into Europe to rape, murder, and kill everybody?
Oh, you mean like letting all these countries have 50, 60, 70, 100, 200, 300% tariffs on us?
Because you weird globalists?
The average East Coast person is great.
The average West Coast person, I love them all.
But let me tell you, in the elites of New York and LA and San Francisco and Portland and Seattle, they hate
Black people, white people, Hispanic people, everybody.
They're elitist.
And they hate flyover country, and they hate farmers, and they hate ranchers, and they hate anybody they don't control.
They're just maniac psychos who want full power.
And history shows that's the types that tend to get in control during collapse periods.
Well, Trump's like, hey, let's just not do the collapse period.
Because the globalists wanted an austerity period after long collapse to train us all to accept the new social engineering.
And you see how horrible the social engineering is.
They're still going on with the plan, even though Trump's in.
So you've got two competing plans.
But at least our plan has gone from nowhere to pole position in two years.
Well, yeah, we're promoting prosperity, space travel, life extension, real freedom.
You want to have sex change?
Good, go chop it off.
I'm not paying for it.
And it's not because I can't handle how delicate it is that, you know, you're some obese 300-pound man that wants to cut his genitals off.
It's disgusting.
You need to be at a mental institution.
But I'm a libertarian.
Long as you don't hurt somebody else, blow that hat off if you want.
I'm not saying do it.
But before you try to teach my kid to cut their genitals off to join your sick cult, get out of the way!
You know the fetishes they've got?
I'm gonna do a report on this soon.
They've got school teachers and academics all over newspapers coming out.
And don't show it, I'm not ready to do it yet.
So I'm gonna show a bunch of them together.
With weird stuff about sex with kids in the background.
But you gotta blow up the images.
And it's unbelievable.
It sent chills down my spine when I was Hawaiian.
It was sent to me by a researcher.
And it says, I like pizza.
I like pizza all over the place.
And you just look at these people and it's just like, ugh.
So, you have to understand, it's a psychic vampire.
It wants to ruin the innocence of children.
And you're like, well, it doesn't make sense.
It's spiritual.
They are like succubus in old legend that sit on your chest and steal your breath at night.
You know, that's an old wives' tale.
You know, cats steal your breath.
You know, and they'd be making biscuits on your chest.
The cat really thinks you're its mama, and it's the way it shows affection.
So it thinks it's pumping milk out.
But old timers thought, oh, look, a cat's on your chest stealing your breath.
It's not like that.
It's whatever this psychic thing is, is the
Attracted to the innocence of children and wants to dominate them, control them, ruin them, kill them.
But it's a continuum.
There's always like these weird blob, Renfield-looking guys that look like Dennis Hastert.
The suppliers always look like Hastert.
And you've got kind of active Renfields that are the middlemen that produce the child snuff films, and they look like the guy that just got caught
Murdering little girls and little boys and torturing them to death.
And the Australian government wasn't going to prosecute him.
So he got caught in the Philippines.
King of the pedophiles is what I called him.
Eyes wide shut ceremonies with these women.
Where they rape and torture little girls.
Where they beg for mommy and then they strangle them.
And stuff I'm not going to even mention on air.
You look at him, he looks just like Jimmy Savelle.
So there's like three or four types.
And at the top, it's a Dracula type.
And they've got a certain look in their eye and a certain affectation of how they operate.
It's a spirit.
And it's like a program.
It's like a spiritual program.
And I've learned to recognize it now in certain people.
In royal families, there's one that's got the look.
Uh, that, uh, is one of our prominent patriot leaders now that's been shoved on us.
And when I finally learned to just go with that, then it's always, it's like, boom.
And you look into it, it's exactly that.
It's like, they've got to look, folks.
I mean, it's like police are driving down the road and they go, look at this guy.
They go over and the guy's got stolen loot and weapons and, you know, just, you know, just murdered some old lady.
It's like, it's like a craziness.
You know, you can tell some guy's just into being evil and likes to do bad.
He's kind of got a spirit about him.
It's the same thing.
You learn these types because the spirit in them manifests as a look.
That's why I act evil sometimes.
And behave like them just to show you what they look like.
And the media uses that against me, because I can kind of pick it up and do it.
I can't really do the Sevelle.
Pull up the guy in the Philippines convicted of torturing and murdering little girls.
I forget his name.
And you look at him, he looks just, yeah, pull him up.
And in his frontal shots, he has the exact leering demon look and is laughing about it in court.
Peter Gerald Scully.
And he looks just like Savelle.
And he's the intermediate level to full Dracula.
Full Dracula.
And you look at Prince Philip.
Pull up Prince Philip, please.
You're talking full Dracula.
And of course he is related to Dracula.
He is a direct line of Vlad the Impaler.
His son now lives in Dracula Castle in Romania.
About six months out of the year, they don't see Charles much anymore.
He has special relationships with the local orphanages.
You look into it, it's all open source.
But Philip is full Drac.
And when I say that, I don't mean he's a reptoid from Planet Pop-Tart.
I'm telling you, his son, oh my God, it's unbelievable.
The Do Not Show... Was that mainstream TV covering Desi's destruction?
Good God, I just can't handle it anymore.
60 minutes, okay, we can show it.
I just want to make sure it's not anything online.
I want to explain something to the vampires.
You like to hurt little kids?
I don't like hurting anybody, not even like...
I stepped on a gecko.
Hadn't happened in like 15 years.
I was in Hawaii.
A little baby gecko.
And I stepped on him.
I felt really sad for the little gecko.
Went in at like 5am to take a, you know what, a little peepee.
And there it was.
I pulled up the new articles about him, the Dracula.
They're not even a German royal family.
They are a Romanian-Hungarian bloodline of the House of Dracula.
That's the dragon.
And they are, they are the real live Dracula.
And of course, you know what they tell you in Old England and Old France, they said don't get near the castles at night.
They've dug up so many dead kids on the grounds of their palaces over there, and Prince Philip's best friends with Jimmy Savelle, who had torture chambers of little girls, and he ran a necrophilia society at the local hospitals where they went and had sex with the dead little girls, and he would then deliver the little girls.
They all had different specialties.
I remember hearing about this before it ever came out in the news.
One particular Prime Minister, he liked little girls, but he just liked to see their throats slit.
He didn't even, uh, you know, he would relieve himself while watching a little girl.
They'd lay plastic out, and they'd walk the little, about seven-year-old girl was his favorite.
He liked them with black hair and blue eyes.
He'd pay a lot for those.
And then he would say, your mommy's not gonna help you, no one's coming.
Let them cry for a little while and beg, and then he'd say, do it.
And they'd let them bleed out.
And he would just go, Lucifer, I love you so much.
Oh, just like, um, Tony Blair said, he falls down in the morning in a newspaper, and is possessed by the spirit of light.
And he flops around uncontrollably.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Just remember the next time you're reading in Vice or Salon or the New York Times that pedophilia is not bad, that they're actually good people.
That the ones you hear about are the procurers of the kids.
At the bottom of the rabbit holes, the torture and murder of them.
And you see that more and more in the news, thanks to Trump and others moving against it.
Because Australia, the US and others would not prosecute the actual Satanism stuff.
But remember, Prince Philip says he wants to come back as a deadly virus to kill 80% of the world's population.
He wrote that in the foreword to a book, and then was quoted again in the Autobahn Society.
Then his son's best friend was Jimmy Savelle, the child kidnapper and torturer.
And they are from the direct line of the house of the dragon.
And in Romanian or Hungarian, that means the dragon.
The good old dragon is in charge.
I thought George killed the dragon.
No, you've got, you've got the dragon in the house.
So they ought to just change it from the unicorn and the lion over there in the UK to the old dragon.
The old dragon.
Now, that said, with these people walking around above ground in front of us, I said I don't want to hurt a fly.
Except people that hurt children and innocents.
Then I have a rage and a great strength
And you look at the satisfied look in the people that torture little girls, sometimes for months, little boys, while they beg for mommy.
They call it using them up.
They transfer the energy, they believe.
And they're always into devil worship, but the media always leaves that out.
But I've had top psychiatrists on.
Who's the lady?
I want to get her back on.
She's the most famous psychiatrist.
She's the lady that interviews all the serial killers.
She said, no, no, you're right.
I put that in my books, Alex.
She just never gets on the news.
That they all believe that they're possessed and that the devil does this.
But they never feel good except if they're hurting somebody.
So, a lot of your abortion doctors are Satanists.
And this has come out.
So, this is all about understanding the energy.
Like, you know, Duracell inside.
Or Energizer.
Energizer's the bunny.
You need to understand what's inside these folks.
And you've got more and more publications, you know, just telling you you need to accept it.
And of course the UN accepts NAMBLA and says that down to age 5, children should have their own rights to have vaccines, to take drugs, whatever.
And so the school teaches you that you want to, you know, date a man or a woman when you're 5 years old.
They can come with a box of chocolates and flowers and tell your parents, I don't care if you don't want your six-year-old daughter to go out with me, a 300-pound, you know, pedophile.
You're going to let her go with me.
And you're like, well, she'll never do that.
Oh, once she's indoctrinated at school and taught all about it, you know, that's how that works, ladies and gentlemen.
So this is already going on.
They're coming for you and your family.
They're coming for you and your children.
So I thought I'd let you know why they want censorship while this is happening.
Paul Watson is going to take over.
He's got the latest on Article 13 and Article 11 that's in the internet as we know it.
It extends here into the United States.
And the fact that finally the left is hearing the alarm and getting upset.
So there's some big moves and a lot of big news coming up in the war room today as well.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, they're trying to block us.
I didn't even plug last hour.
Maybe I did, I don't remember.
No, I guess, no, I did with the nose the hour before that with Pasovic.
I have not done a new special, that's why it's still up there.
Free shipping on all the best-selling supplements.
50% off on X2, Rainforsh, and that's not a good thing because they're close to selling out.
It'll be months in some cases until some of these products come back in.
I'll have new specials tomorrow on some new products we've got that are excellent.
But this has been a big special, so take advantage of the fact that I have not
Change the special, but it will happen.
As soon as I'm off the air, in 34 seconds, I will march in there and we will get the new promos and stuff ready and you'll see those new ads tomorrow.
But you can't non-underestimate just how evil the Global Star.
We had a flashback on Drudge being right.
Drudge warns EU link ban could kill Drudge Report internet freedom.
And now two and a half years later, it's here.
Go she Drudge, warning you from his high-level government sources.
And now it all coming true.
Will you stand for freedom or will you let the satanic global armies of the dragon silence you before they have their way with you?
We'll be back with Paul Watson from London.
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News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We've got a huge raft of news lined up.
We've got a guest coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Somebody who's had first-hand experience with the migrant crisis to talk about what's going on.
We're going to start off with that news because Donald Trump came out yesterday, and you may or may not have seen this quote, he said this.
The United States will not be a migrant camp and it will not be a refugee holding facility.
It won't be.
You look at what's happening in Europe and other places, we can't allow it to happen to the United States.
Not on my watch.
Now, of course, he came out with other comments, tweets regarding Germany, talking about the crime problems related to mass immigration in Germany.
The media then pulled a little stunt, as they usually do.
By claiming that crime has not gone up in Germany.
Now, you can look at some indices and say that generally crime hasn't gone up over the past two years.
But that's not what he was talking about.
You're talking about violent crime.
If you're talking about political crime, and if you're talking about crime committed by migrants or refugees, as they still insist on calling them, then it has gone up.
We covered that in depth yesterday in an article entitled, New York Times smears Trump over migrant link to crime in Germany.
But he's right.
And we had the screenshot directly out of Reuters.
Headline, violent crime rises in Germany and is attributed to refugees.
That was Reuters.com, not Infowars.com reporting that.
They reported that Germany suffered a two-year increase in violent crime after the first migrant wave.
It rose 10% in both 2015 and 2016.
90% of that increase was attributed to, quote, young male refugees.
We also had other stats out of the German Federal Criminal Police Office, basically the German government, which show that the crime rate has risen, the violent crime rate has risen 23.7%
This is crime committed by migrants between 2016 and 2017.
So crime committed by migrants rose by 23.7% between 2016 and 2017.
Another study by Zurich University, again that's not right but that's not Infowars.com making up statistics.
Zurich University of Applied Sciences found that migrants, this is in Germany, are responsible for a 92% increase in reported violent crimes in Germany during 2015 and 2016.
Now, Newsweek, Reuters, BBC News, PBS, they all reported on this back a few months ago, back in 2017, back in 2016, with headlines like this out of Newsweek.
Migrants in Europe linked to soaring violence and crime in Germany.
Study finds.
That was Newsweek.
That wasn't Donald Trump claiming it.
Crime spike in Germany puts pressure on immigration policy.
Migrants may have fuelled violent crime rise.
Germany must come to terms with refugee crime.
So the mainstream media reported that across the board because it's a fact.
Violent crime and political crime has risen drastically in Germany over the past three years and it's almost exclusively nine out of ten attributed to quote refugees or migrants.
So basically all Trump did, his big egregious crime, was to not put the word violent before the word crime in his tweet.
He actually did say that Germany's culture had been changed violently as a result of mass migration and that was completely accurate, backed up by major university studies, backed up by government statistics.
Oh, but the New York Times said he was lying.
The New York Times said, President Trump attacked Germany's immigration policies, falsely claiming crime was up there.
So because he didn't specify that it was violent crime, which of course is the worst crime to be on the receiving end of, he's a liar!
No, he's not a liar.
You're deliberately misleading your readers to try and frame it as something else.
Germany is having huge problems as a result of the migrant wave.
And Donald Trump is right to take the position that he doesn't want that happening in the United States.
That's one of the reasons why he was elected.
Now we see what's happening in different European countries.
We see what happened in Italy, where they turned away the migrant boat last week, carrying another 600 plus migrants, the Aquarius rescue ship, rescuing people 10 miles off the coast of Libya.
Again, it's not a rescue service, it's a taxi service.
They bypassed the first port of call under European law.
You have to take, quote, refugees to the first safe port.
That first safe port was Tunisia.
Now, Tunisia isn't going to give them 500 euros a month.
Tunisia isn't going to give them free health care.
Tunisia isn't going to give them benefits.
So, did they go to Tunisia?
Well, imagine my shock.
They went straight to the first country where they thought they could get the most rewarding benefits, the most rewarding welfare system.
They tried Italy.
Italy said no, because it actually has a government that represents its people.
So they went to Spain, because Spain just got a new socialist government, and they said, come on in.
They rolled out the red carpet.
And what happened within 24 hours?
Well, here's the headline out of Infowars.com.
Students forced out of their homes to make way for migrants.
Citizens given 24 hours to leave because, quote, the migrants come with many illnesses.
So basically, the ship docked in Valencia, which is on the Costa Brava in Spain.
The migrants were dispersed throughout the general region.
Some of them went to Alicante, which is about two hours away from Valencia.
In fact, my parents live not too far from there in Spain now, in a different city, but close enough.
So they got hundreds of these migrants.
They sent them to Alicante.
And the people who were living in student accommodation in Alicante were told directly, pack your bags.
You have to leave within 24 hours.
24 hours they were told, even though they're paying for their accommodation.
They've signed contracts on their accommodation.
These are European citizens, in one case a young German man.
kicked out of their houses to make way for migrants who had just turned up on a boat literally the day before, or the very same day.
Now this was reported in a Spanish newspaper and the mother of this German student, this was numerous different students, you see the infamous footage of the boat arriving in Spain where they just all pour off and just run into the town.
Absolutely insane footage.
Who these people are, nobody knows.
We've got ISIS threats against Spain.
We've got an ISIS attack that happened in Barcelona less than a year ago.
And Paul, if there's any kids with them, according to the Democrats, they should just put them out in the general population or let the kids just disappear with them.
That's what Trump should be doing, because there are kids sometimes, and the government should just let whoever these random folks are with kids not even be checked, right Paul?
Yeah, but Alex, there was an audio tape of a kid crying.
Doesn't that mean we need to erase all our borders?
Come on.
Have a heart.
Have a heart.
You're right, Paul.
I apologize.
I'm like Trump.
I want them to be in concentration camps.
I'm sorry.
There was a tape that a child cried.
Come on.
That means law and order doesn't exist anymore.
Come on.
Have some common sense.
So the mother
of this German student came out and said that the reason they were told they had to leave their accommodation paid for, contracts paid for accommodation within 24 hours because they were being replaced by these migrants and because the migrants had illnesses and they didn't want them to catch the illnesses.
Which is a complete excuse because they're landing them in the middle of a busy tourist town.
I've been to Alicante.
It's a bustling tourist town.
Okay, so they've got hundreds of migrants.
Oh, but you might get infected by all these illnesses.
God knows what they are.
Yet they're putting them in the middle of a tourist town in student accommodation.
So it's not some kind of refugee camp that's on the edge of the town away from everything.
It's right in the middle of the town.
And they were told, pack your bags and get the hell out of here because you're being replaced.
Now this is not the first time this has happened in these different European countries.
In fact we had an infamous video a couple of years back, you'll probably remember it.
Of an old Italian man who owned a guest house, a little bed and breakfast house, there was footage of the police basically bussing in this group of African migrants.
They're all from Eritrea, Nigeria, Sudan, all these African countries.
Almost all of them aren't at war and they're not even economic migrants.
That's what we're going to get into in the interview, but they're certainly not refugees.
They're not Syrian refugees.
They're coming from African countries and the citizens in these European countries that they're
Landing at, you know, going into Portat, they're being told to get the heck out of there.
There you see the footage.
This is an 80-year-old Italian guest house owner.
But Paul, that's okay.
The old man that had his place taken and thrown down the street, well, I mean, and all of his customers, it's okay.
He can just write an article about it online.
Oh, I'm sorry, the EU's about to ban that too, and you're gonna break that down as well.
Riveting transmission with Paul Joseph Watson from our London Bureau, straight ahead as he knocks it out of the park yet again.
Please spread the live links to this transmission and tell people about the local station you're listening to.
It was early on in the Revolutionary War, when the U.S.
Navy had less than ten major surface ships, that John Paul Jones, the father of the U.S.
Navy, while engaging a British ship three times the size of his, said, I've only begun to fight.
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Every other major conservative website or talk show host is funded by the Mercers or some other billionaire family.
That's fine.
I'm not funded by any of that.
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So thank you all.
And please continue to support us because without you, we will fall to Soros and Hillary.
But I know in my gut we're going to win this one way or the other.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live on the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Before we get back into the news, I want to tell you about these great specials at Infowarsstore.com because you know we're under sustained attack.
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Now, before the break, let's talk about the migrant crisis.
Of course, Trump referenced it yesterday and said that's what he doesn't want happening in America.
People literally being requisite, their homes being requisitioned.
To be replaced by migrants who are fresh off a boat that same day.
Imagine that happening.
Well, it's happening in European countries right now.
We had another story about a hospital on the Italian island of Sardinia that was ordered to kick out local patients in order to make way for migrants.
Finally, Italy's got a government that's saying no and standing up.
To this invasion, which is basically what it's become.
The German government, you know, in Berlin, they had a 10,000 homeless population, yet were spending 18,000 euros per year, per refugee, on housing them in upmarket hotels.
I mean, Spain's got a huge unemployment rate, right?
Their green economy failed, they've still got high unemployment, and yet these migrants just arrived fresh from African countries, free housing.
495 euros a month, benefits, welfare, free healthcare,
And basically sticking the middle finger up to their own population.
Meanwhile, in Germany, this went up on Infowars.com just a short time ago.
Migrant who murdered teen girl, bragged about everything being free.
No need to work!
This is the Iraqi migrant.
We had a video last week from the German Parliament where they tried to do a minute's silence for his victim.
Susannah F., who was raped and choked to death.
By this individual, this Iraqi migrant, this is a 14-year-old girl we're talking about.
They tried to do a minute's silence for her.
The leftists in the German parliament basically heckled and started shouting and shut down a minute's silence for a 14-year-old girl raped and choked to death.
Well, the Iraqi migrant who was responsible for that murder and then tried to flee the country, it's been revealed that he now bragged about how easy it was in Germany while he was still there.
Bashar evaded prosecution for the horrific crime, as we said, he fled the country.
But according to his relatives, he would often brag about how good he had it in Germany, not having to work, benefiting from generous welfare payments and receiving, quote, a salary from the state.
They said they were doing well in Germany, as President Bashar told a newspaper.
So, he had it great.
His family had it great.
Then he murdered a 14-year-old girl.
They had to flee the country.
They've got this guy back.
He's going to be charged.
But again, this goes to the root of the problem and exposes the lie that Angela Merkel brought in this refugee wave on, which was that they need to supplement the labour force.
Okay, it's a fact that the population of Europe, the native population, is basically dying off because nobody's having kids.
So Merkel said, look, we need these migrants.
We need fresh bodies.
We need a workforce to pay taxes and to fund social welfare programmes or they're going to collapse.
So of course we need to bring in millions of migrants from the Middle East and Africa.
Who's going to do the crappy jobs?
Who's going to pay the taxes?
Well, it turns out that 3%
Of course.
We've seen in a lot of countries, in Sweden for example, hard-working migrants who build businesses and hire employees actually get deported quicker than criminals in some cases because they messed up on some technicality on their application.
We've seen that in Sweden many times.
But in terms of, oh, we need a labor force, no, the statistics just don't bear it out.
We've seen in Sweden, 58% of welfare payments go to migrants.
So what's the endgame, Paul?
What's the plan?
Why are they doing it?
Well, they're doing it to replace the population, essentially.
I mean, what did Macron say?
He said we need to import 150-200 million Africans into Europe over the next 30 years.
So it's a replacement and it's basically going back to feudalism.
They're not even going to vote, most of these migrants.
People say, oh, you know, they're going to turn them into great voting blocs.
Most of them aren't even going to vote, maybe a couple of generations down the line.
But again, it's about total domination.
It's about dependency.
They want a population that's dependent and will never challenge their power monopoly.
And they're quite happy to replace the existing population while claiming to be great humanitarians.
Exactly, what they really are is like an Escape from New York where they put explosives in his arteries, where if he doesn't follow orders they can just detonate him.
Or Baron Harkin in Doom, you know, in the film remake, has a heart plug where he can just pull the heart plug out on somebody and kill them.
They're a giant group of 90% aren't going to be allowed to work, who anytime the globalists don't like what the public's doing, they can be activated like they do routinely in England and France to burn down major cities.
So they're being brought in by the globalists as a terror detonation switch that they can activate through the leadership anytime they want, Paul.
And the point to make is that, Alex, we're always demonised as being inhumane and heartless for opposing saving refugees.
Well, who's incentivising the refugees to come in the first place?
Thousands of whom have died on these boats, drowned to death.
The incentivisation is coming from the criminal people smugglers working with the NGOs and these leftist governments.
They're to blame for people drowning at sea because they wouldn't make the trip if they weren't promised safe welfare havens.
It would not be happening.
Well the DNGOs are funded by Soros publicly in the UN.
They run it!
The other point to make is that the migrants coming across from these African countries are predominantly what would be treated in those countries as middle class.
So it's also a brain drain because they're the only ones who can afford to pay the people smugglers to get in the boat in the first place.
So we're actually harming the countries that they're coming from because they're losing people who do actually work, who do have jobs, in some cases skilled jobs.
So it's harming those countries as well as harming Western countries.
So all down the line, the consequences are bad for everyone.
But it's okay because J.K.
Rowling has taken a thousand refugees in her London home.
Yeah, that didn't happen.
She had 18 spare bedrooms.
I counted them up.
No refugees taken thus far.
But we're going to get more into it after the break with our guest talking about the migrant crisis.
This is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show live.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live.
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We don't have much time to go, so we're going to jump straight to our guest.
She is Alessandra Bocchi.
She's here to discuss the migrant crisis and Italy's fantastic new populist government.
She's a freelance journalist and she's worked in Libya and seen the origins of the migrant crisis firsthand.
You can find her at Alessabocchi on Twitter.
Alessandra, welcome.
Thank you.
Thanks for having me.
Now, we're going to delve more into the background behind the migrant crisis, going to zoom out, and we'll talk about Italy if we get time.
But starting with this breaking news, which I touched upon earlier, the Aquarius rescue ship, you know, 600 migrants it was carrying along with some other ships.
It was turned away by Italy.
It didn't stop in its first port of call, which was Tunisia.
Gee, I wonder why.
But Spain's new socialist government allowed the ship to dock in Valencia,
Tell us what happened in one area of Spain where some of these migrants from this ship were sent.
So yes, so these migrants were sent to this small city called Alicante in Spain, and they basically occupied a student building, but legally, like this was sanctioned by the government.
And this student building had students who were paying rent, like €750 rent per month, and they were evicted from this building.
They were given, I think, one day notice.
And these migrants were sent there because apparently they were afraid that they had diseases.
And so they sent them to this building, but it doesn't really make sense.
And this is the center of the city.
So if these migrants really do have diseases, well, first of all, why are you letting them in the city?
But also, why are you letting them in in the center in a student building?
It makes no sense.
So these students, they paid for their accommodation and they were basically told 24 hours, you're out, right?
Yes, there was one student who gave his testimony.
A friend of mine, Cesare Sacchetti, he's a journalist who reported on this.
He was given one day notice and he was there for a summer program to learn German.
He had a job waiting for him in November in Germany and he was evicted from his home, basically, or his accommodation.
Yeah, we were rolling a video earlier out of Italy, and this was a couple of years ago.
It was an old man.
Horrific video, you know, chilling video.
He owned a guest house, a small guest house.
It was basically his own house.
They bust in migrants, the police did, and basically said that they were going to requisition his property.
Here you see the clip.
How's these migrants who just turned up in a van?
And this old man, this poor old man was saying, do you want to put them in my apartment too?
There's actually reports that he had suffered some kind of heart attack as this incident ended.
Absolutely harrowing.
You know, we had Germany spending millions housing migrants in Berlin hotels while, you know, they had 10,000 homeless people on the streets.
You know, Spain's got a huge unemployment problem right now.
A lot of these European countries do.
Why didn't this boat stop in Tunisia?
What do you think the reason for that was?
Well, according to international law, any rescue operation in the Mediterranean, in this case it's with migrants, should go to the closest and safest port, which in Libya's case would be Tunisia.
However, they're bringing these migrants to Europe.
They've been doing this for years now against international law.
They pick up these migrants 12 kilometers from Libya's shores, so it's not even a rescue operation.
They've been found colluding with the smugglers before.
They literally pick them up from the smugglers' boats and put them on their NGO boats.
And then they transport them to Europe because they're not really, they're not concerned with saving lives.
They actually are open border extremists and they're willing to do everything to bring these migrants into Europe.
This is their aim.
It's not about saving lives.
It's not about taking them to the safest place.
It's not about respecting international law.
It's about bringing as many migrants as they can to Europe.
And we're going to get into why that is shortly, but you've worked in Libya.
You've seen this firsthand.
Many quarters of the media are still describing these individuals as, you know, war-torn or poverty-stricken refugees.
You've seen it on the ground.
Is it really accurate to describe the people that are getting in these boats that way?
No, it's not.
Actually, in Italy, according to government statistics, only 8% of the applicants
Which, by the way, are just a portion of the overall migrants.
But 8% of those who have applied for asylum have been given granted refugee status.
So 92% of those who have applied are not actually refugees.
And they're economic migrants.
And so we hear the argument that, okay, well, they're not escaping war, but they're escaping poverty.
So we should accept them anyways.
That's like a justifiable reason.
We're good to go.
They are being lured by these human traffickers who sell them a false dream of Europe.
And they're doing this to the middle classes of those countries who can afford the journey, obviously.
The poorer segments of those societies cannot afford the journey.
It's an expensive journey.
You have to pay various human traffickers and militias in Libya.
And so it's the middle classes from these countries and it's actually hurting those countries because they are losing a lot of their human capital and potential and it's also increasing corruption and sort of the black market in those countries.
Yeah, I mean, it's a brain drain.
If you've got the middle class of a country leaving, then that's only going to harm that country in the long term as well.
So it's not really benefiting anyone.
Now, we're always lectured, you know, on the right about how inhumane we are for opposing the rescue of quote, refugees.
My question is, is it more inhumane to want to maintain the integrity of borders and law, God forbid, or is it more inhumane to incentivise these journeys that are guaranteed to end in death for thousands of people?
Who's being more inhumane here?
Well, obviously, if Europe didn't have open borders in the first place, these people wouldn't be risking their lives for this journey.
There wouldn't be a human trafficking network to incentivize these people to make this perilous journey.
So it's definitely the fact that there are open borders.
That's the main reason why these people are risking their lives for a false dream, may I add, of Europe.
Because they get into Europe, they can't find a job, there are no jobs.
There isn't enough welfare for Europeans themselves.
And many of them, yes, die in the Mediterranean.
So it's really a tragedy.
And we have stories like the one out of Germany today, obviously huge problems with crime.
We had the murderer of a 14-year-old girl fled the country.
They got him back in the end.
Now it's coming out that he was bragging about how great everything was in Germany.
They gave him money, they gave him welfare.
So we're going to talk about that as well.
But looking at Italy, obviously you're Italian.
We had the success of the populist government recently after they tried to override it with a technocrat.
We can talk about that.
The Financial Times, the globalist paper of record, described this coalition as barbarians.
Was the vote in Italy a reaction to just the problems caused by mass migration or was it a wider rejection of how the EU has worsened the country economically?
No, so what the English-speaking media, I think, or the establishment media has failed to address, in part because Brexit was mostly driven by migration and there wasn't really an economic problem as much there, but there is a huge economic crisis plaguing Southern Europe, which has been largely ignored, and it started with Greece a few years ago, and the Troika, meaning the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, and the European Central Bank have imposed these austerity measures
On southern European countries for them to pay back their debt basically.
And you know Greece voted against those austerity measures but they imposed them nonetheless.
And it's really what is also ignored is the fact that the EU is dominated by Germany and right now it's a project that is serving Germany's interests at the expense of southern European countries like Greece and Italy.
And the European Union as well as Germany thought they could ignore Greece
Because it's a relatively small country, it doesn't have as much power to really stand up for itself.
But with Italy, they cannot ignore the crisis any longer because if Italy is out of the European Union, I think the whole project would collapse at this point.
Italy is a founding member, so they're really quite worried now.
And what struck me was that Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, actually admitted, he said, we're not going to treat Italy like we treated Greece.
So they openly admitted that they've been treating Greece terribly.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
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It is The Alex Jones Show!
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson!
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show and we are back with our guest Alessandra Bocchi.
She is at Alessa Bocchi on Twitter.
She's a freelance journalist talking about the migrant crisis, talking about the rise of Italy's populist government.
And on the subject of Italy, you know, Italy's native population is in decline.
It's basically the same story all across Europe.
Fertility rates generally are dropping.
Now, how do you respond to the claim?
Because this was a claim that was made by Merkel and others at the outset of this latest wave of mass immigration, that we need to import migrants so they can supplement the workforce, you know, pay taxes and fund these social welfare programs that may otherwise collapse.
Alessandro, don't we need these people?
Because we're dying out.
Don't we need them to replace us and to work and to pay taxes?
That makes sense, right?
No, actually, that makes no sense, because most of these people are not working.
Their lives are being paid for by the government, with EU funds, by the way.
And they're living in these, at least in Italy, it's a bit different, perhaps, than Northern Europe, but in Italy they're living in these large cooperatives, and there are these sort of camps, migrant camps, where they have everything paid for.
And they're not integrated in society, they're not working, they're not doing anything.
I visited some of these camps and the migrants have themselves told me that they were really bored with their lives and they didn't know what to do.
And they wish that they had a job.
So that's not the case.
Actually, the reason why, at least in Italy, people are not having children is because of the, I would say, economic crisis, mostly.
You have almost 40% youth unemployment in Italy overall, and in some southern regions it goes up to 60%, which is crazy.
Like, most young people are not working at all.
They're not doing anything.
There are no jobs.
So how are you going to find jobs for migrants when there aren't enough jobs for Italians themselves who are educated, who went to school here?
And these migrants who don't know the language are supposed to find a job instead?
Yeah, I mean the numbers when you look at them are outrageous.
3% of the initial migrant wave into Germany from 2015 got jobs.
Only 3%!
You know, you can look at Sweden.
58% of welfare payments go to immigrants.
More than half of German welfare recipients come from migrant backgrounds.
In the Netherlands,
85% of refugees remain unemployed four years later because there's little financial incentive to move off unemployment welfare into unskilled work.
So there's not even that much difference.
So why would they bother?
Which again goes back to the point, you can't have a giant welfare state and have mass immigration at the same time.
Eventually it's just going to collapse, right?
It doesn't work.
Yes, it does not work at all.
They don't know how to solve this issue and it's just being used as a pretext to let more people in because they've entered this crisis now where they don't know how to deal with it anymore.
But in some cases I would say that it is an occasion to have more cheap labor into the country because many European countries have developed border protection laws that would not apply to illegal immigrants.
So a lot of these migrants are being basically used as slaves
Yeah, so again, they're the great humanitarians, but they're actually exploiting people and making them into slaves.
They don't have to abide by the same kind of regulations with a lot of these people.
A lot of it's on the black market.
So again, it's just complete exploitation.
Oh, but we're inhumane.
We're the ones who are bad.
Let's talk about Macron, because this was a very interesting thing that he came out with back in April.
He said mass migration was Europe's destiny and the plan was to turn Europe into your Africa.
He actually said this.
Now he was citing the words of a French-American journalist and professor called Stephen Smith, who said that the number of Africans living in Europe will grow from 9 million, which is around what it is now apparently, to between 150 million and 200 million within the next 30 years.
Alessandro, can European countries retain their identity if we import hundreds of millions of Africans over the next few decades?
Surely if you import Africa, then you become Africa, right?
Yes, it makes no sense.
Like, of course, if there are a few people coming in in small numbers, like some Africans have always existed in Europe, some Europeans have always existed in Africa.
The problem is when you have a mass migration of people who are being brought there.
It's like a design.
Purposely made to replace the native people, European people.
So it's bringing like this cultural clash between Europeans and Africans and we're already seeing this unfolding.
You know, accusations of racism, people being beat up.
There was a case
Before the election in Italy where this young Italian girl, 19 year old, she was killed, raped and mutilated.
Her body was put in two separate bags and this triggered a reaction by one Italian man who decided to shoot at random black people on the street as a revenge.
So it's causing a lot of conflict.
It's just like a war, an ethnic war, and in a way it's a war between poor people, you know, the poorest segments of both societies.
So what do you think is the overarching agenda here?
Because we know they want cheap labour, but again we know that they can't bring in workforce that will cover that deficit in terms of labour force.
Is there some kind of malevolent agenda about the replacement of Westerners in general?
Or are we just talking about
People who... I mean, I've often looked at where these big celebrities and big campaigners live.
The ones who are very pro-refugee, very pro-mass immigration.
And they always live in the whitest areas of London, for example, possible.
The whitest areas possible.
In Sweden, they had a study of Swedish left-wing politicians.
They all lived in the whitest enclaves possible in major Swedish cities.
So obviously we know they're virtue-signallers, we know they're hypocrites, we know they...
They don't even want to live amongst the conditions that they create.
But in terms of, you know, the George Soros's of the world, the globalists of the world, what is the ultimate agenda behind forcing this mass immigration on the West?
Do you think there's some kind of malevolence behind it that goes beyond just the economic exploitation?
Yes, I do.
I think it is a program designed to basically uproot not just Europeans, but Africans, anyone.
They don't have any particular hate for a group of people.
They just want people to be uprooted, to not have an identity, to not have a community, to not have a sense of purpose.
So they become sort of more docile consumers in their sort of future.
Yeah, we're basically ruling everything.
Yeah, yeah, we got it.
Yeah, that's what I was talking about earlier.
Basically, you know, make people easier to control, make them docile, make them dependent on the state.
That is a dream.
That is a dream for technocrats.
We'll leave it there, Alessandra, but just tell people where they can find you on social media and where they can read your work.
You can find me on Alessa Bocchi on Twitter, and I'll have a website soon with all my work from North Africa to Italy and Europe.
All right, it is Alessa Bocchi on Twitter.
Alessandra Bocchi, really appreciate the time.
Thanks for joining us today.
Thanks for having me.
There goes Alessandra Bocchi and we appreciate her spending time with us.
Going to hit a few final news stories now in the last couple of minutes here.
We've talked about Germany, we've talked about Spain, we've talked about the refugee crisis in general.
We had this story up on Infowars Europe yesterday.
Absolute shocker!
Syrian migrant beheads neighbour then stabs 130 times.
This was a 21 year old, no a Syrian migrant, sorry, stabbed a 21 year old neighbour, a woman,
Killed her.
That wasn't enough.
He had to behead her.
They also attacked her sister.
Thankfully, she survived.
Obviously, her sister didn't.
But what's interesting about this is when it went to court, the actual defense team for this Syrian migrant who entered Sweden, this occurred in Sweden, obviously, in 2012, they asked a co-worker of the victim, who had been stabbed 130 times and beheaded, if she had a history of expressing, quote,
Because maybe she deserved it.
If she was a racist, maybe if you're a racist, then you deserve to be beheaded.
And that's exactly the reason the murderer cited after stabbing her 130 times and beheading her.
Oh, she made a racist remark.
Well, maybe she deserved it.
Absolutely incredible that they would even bring that up in the court as a kind of justification for this macabre behavior.
Absolutely insane.
Majid Nawaz is celebrating because he's won a lawsuit or at least a settlement with the SPLC.
Again, why is the SPLC still treated as a credible organisation?
Literally, you've got massive organisations, law enforcement bodies, governments, YouTube, Google, working with the Southern Poverty Law Centre to police content when they're completely biased, they're completely off the charts insane.
By calling Majid Nawaz, who is a Muslim reformer, an anti-Muslim extremist.
They literally listed him in their own propaganda as an anti-Muslim extremist.
Alongside Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who escaped Somalia after being a female genital mutilation victim to speak out to try and reform Islam.
She was also treated, listed, as an anti-Muslim extremist.
Well, the SPLC has lost.
They had to pay out 3.3 million dollars and apologize.
Absolutely incredible, but they're still treated with any credibility.
That's going to wrap it up for the show.
War Room is coming up next.
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