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Name: 20180613_Wed_Alex
Air Date: June 13, 2018
3332 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the situation of Tommy Robinson, who has been put in a high-security prison with a high Muslim population where he may be killed by the inmates. He urges people to support him and sign up for Infowars newsletter to stay informed. The group discusses the possible murder of Tommy Robinson by the government and how they use propaganda and narrative control to maintain power. They also talk about InfoWars products like the Daily Digestive Pack which fuels and supports the body during stressful times, and InfoWars Life Select Storable Foods for emergencies.

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Live, raw, and unfiltered by globalist propaganda.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Tomorrow's news today.
So President Trump goes on Twitter and blasts
The globalist corporate news, so funny to watch the fake news, especially NBC and CNN.
They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea.
500 days ago, they would have begged for this deal, looked like war would break out.
Our country's biggest enemy is the fake news, so easily promulgated by fools.
And if that isn't so true and so refreshing,
That's like a cold, ice-cold glass of water in the middle of the desert after 300 days of nothing but dry, hot air.
He just needs to come out and just blast the fake news every day.
You want to see what the fake news is?
Check out this compilation of the media trying to attack Trump in his Korean summit.
President Trump seems to have slept little, if at all.
That's the issue with Asian jet lag.
But he started tweeting just after 5 a.m.
local time this morning, his most recent tweet slamming critics of the meeting, calling them, quote, haters and losers.
Your take?
That's a bad idea.
You've already mentioned the jet lag.
The issues are too complicated for him.
He's said in so many words, he's not really up on the issues.
But at the end of the day, I don't see what you could get out of a one-on-one meeting like that.
And will he even remember what was said at that point?
And will he cover the main points?
I tell you, I couldn't.
So that guy apparently doesn't have a memory?
I don't understand.
How could you remember what you talked about in the meeting?
There's so much jet lag!
Sneaking in, crying about the deal.
What do you want to accomplish, sir?
Jim Acosta, the only member of the media with hundreds of people there that shouts out at Trump and Kim, and he does it on three separate occasions.
A total unhinged, deranged maniac.
Here's Ben Rhodes at a loss for words.
Donald Trump can relate to authoritarians.
He, as a former businessman, he likes absolute control.
Is he a wannabe despot?
I have conceded that for years now.
I mean, we're going on years.
All of his behavior, his attacks on the free press, his attacks on alliances that are designed to strengthen our security, this is not... He feels more of it.
He calls Kim Jong-un honorable, yet Justin Trudeau Canada.
She gotta help.
Oh, they just can't stand the winning.
Alright so that video compilation was put together by one of our crew here and it's just Trump and a bunch of memes blasting the mainstream news but it really is so true I mean these people go on television and they drive false narratives they drive false consensus and then
As Trump says, the fools believe it.
And he is probably more experienced in dealing with this than anyone ever, perhaps.
I mean, maybe Alex Jones.
I mean, look at this story.
That comes from... I don't even know this website.
It's just... These people are out of control.
Infowars Skincare promises reliable sun protection.
So far it's true.
To the racist apocalyptic shopper.
And there's a... So that's fine.
It doesn't even mention what race though.
So I'm confused here.
Is this for me or is this for someone else?
Is this for black people or Latino people?
It doesn't tell me!
Which racist?
Is it the black racist?
The white racist?
Or the Mexican racist?
It doesn't tell me in this story.
I'm trying to figure it out.
I want to shop at InfoWars store, but the story doesn't tell me.
Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
First, I just want to mention, if people just go and try the products, they will be ordering all the time.
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In particular, Silver Bullet.
As soon as I start to feel like I get a little sick, you know, maybe like a little raspiness in my throat, I drop some Silver Bullet and it like, I'll still feel a little sick, but it won't last as long.
Well, let me just say something, Victor.
It's people like you that then fund the whole operation, because a very small percentage of people buy products, and a very small percentage of them buy a lot of the products, so thank you.
But when you mention the Silver Bullet colloidal silver, it's got thousands of reviews, a 98% review.
It is our highest-reviewed product, because it is from the top lab in the country, discounted, high-quality colloidal silver.
And it's not a Silver Bullet, but it's the closest thing you're going to find to a Silver Bullet.
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
It's Wednesday, June 13, 2018.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
And there is a bunch of news to get to, just general news developing here in the United States.
We're going to cover all of that in the first hour.
President Trump
is fighting back against the mainstream globalist corporate news that has been lying about him since day one and he now says on Twitter that fake news the likes of NBC and CNN are our country's biggest enemy now I actually want to address something that I'm seeing in the trends
Not just from leftists or liberals on television, but a lot of, well, people that we refer to as cuckservatives.
And it's okay.
I understand why you would take this angle of covering Donald Trump with North Korea and the Kim summit, saying, oh, if Obama did this, you'd be freaking out.
In fact, actually, there's a clip.
Somebody put the clip together.
I could go find this.
Of Fox News, I think it was five years ago when Obama said that he would meet with Kim Jong-un, of course never did.
And Fox News, there's a whole like three minute video of everyone on Fox News bashing Obama, raking him over the coals for even saying he would meet with Kim Jong-un.
And so then Trump does it, and of course Fox News is all about it.
And even though there's an element of truth to that, most of those people are maybe just reading off teleprompters, but even though there's an element of truth to that, and I would understand why you would take that angle and say, hey look, we were saying negative things, if Obama would have done it, why are we saying it's positive now that Trump is doing it?
And a lot of people are saying, oh, you know, Bill Clinton signed a deal with North Korea that said they would de-nuke too, and it just kind of hit a standstill, it never really developed.
And you can use that same argument, a lot of people are, they're saying, why, you know, Bill Clinton did this and you hated it, now Trump's doing it and you love it, or Obama did this, you hated it, Trump's doing it and you love it.
But there's a difference, there's a key difference.
If you're gonna analyze something that Bill Clinton did as president, or something Barack Obama did as president, or even George Bush for that matter, one and the same to me, their interests, their motives, were not the same as President Trump's.
And that is the difference.
So there's a very fundamental difference when you approach this
Trying to analyze why President Trump does something versus why an Obama or a Bush or a Clinton does it.
I believe that President Trump genuinely has America's best interests at heart.
If you want to debate on foreign policy, fair enough.
But domestically, there really is no debate.
Domestically, it's not even close.
No president
Can prove it with all the accomplishments and the numbers and the analytics that they genuinely put America first and wanted to see the country succeed like it has.
Or you could just say they were all incompetent and just couldn't get it done and Trump's the only one that could get it done and is the only one smart enough.
Either way.
But so that's the fundamental difference when you're approaching this stuff and someone tries to bring up, you know, Bill Clinton did this, Bush did this, Obama did this.
They didn't have the people's best interest at heart.
They had special interest at heart.
They had the deep state interest at heart.
That's the difference here.
It's like what I was saying yesterday.
Why did Trump get the economy GDP over 3%?
Why did Trump become the first U.S.
President to meet with North Korea?
Why did Trump decide to get us out of the Paris Climate Accord?
Why is Trump doing all this?
Because he wanted to.
Why is black unemployment at a record low?
Because Trump wanted to fix the economy.
He wanted to bring jobs back.
He wanted to get manufacturing going.
He wanted to fire up the coal mines again.
That's the fundamental difference.
He genuinely wants to help America.
And you have to understand that when getting into these debates about Bush doing this, Obama doing this, Clinton doing this, they didn't care about America.
They had their own interests.
They had their own special interests.
They were concerned about what the media might say.
That's the difference.
And it's amazing to me how so many people don't understand that.
And it's mostly the people on television.
But it is funny when you see people saying, how dare?
It's like, okay, imagine if Obama decided to have a summit with the Ayatollah of Iran and was shaking his hand and had a meeting with him.
Well, based on what I saw from Obama and the Iran deal, which, remember, was celebrated.
I also went back and I watched all the media covering the Iran deal.
It was celebrated!
It was hailed as the greatest thing!
Oh, what an accomplishment for Obama!
Accomplished nothing!
What did it accomplish for America?
Have you noticed any difference since the deal was nixed by Trump?
Because it didn't do anything for America!
That's why Iran's so upset, because it helped Iran!
So you look at the results, and you say, okay, here's Trump, first president to meet with North Korea, this is going to be a multiple stage development here, but he's meeting with North Korea, he now says there's no threat for war, he wants to denuke them, he's trying to sell real estate interests to Kim Jong-un, saying this should be where your mindset is, and who knows if this is able to pan itself out or not,
The point is, he's not going over there to help somebody that's trying to harm us.
He's not going over there for North Korea to screw America over.
That's what Obama did with Iran!
They took hundreds of billions of dollars from us, they had access to our financial system, and the deal wasn't even official!
And now everybody realizes that the Iran deal was a total failure.
And all Trump is doing is trying to work out a peace deal with North Korea, and he understands even more so than that, even if the peace deal doesn't work out, the historic significance of meeting and being the first president ever to meet with North Korea is such a development in a different direction than we've been going, it changes the course of history.
So that's the difference.
That's the fundamental difference.
So yes, I wouldn't trust Obama going and shaking Iranian leaders, Supreme Leader's hands because I don't trust him.
I think he'd sell us down the drain and he did!
Now, Trump going to North Korea trying to reach a peace deal?
That I'm open-minded to.
That I think I can deal with because Trump cares about this country and that's the fundamental difference.
Now, unlike CNN and MSNBC,
Which Trump calls the enemy of the people today.
Our country's biggest enemy.
And he's right.
We are not trying to sell you a bill of goods.
We are not trying to lie to you.
This is not propaganda.
That's what CNN is.
That's what MSNBC are.
And we get our funding from you at Infowarsstore.com.
We don't get it from Big Pharma.
We don't get it from all the companies that you see advertising on CNN and MSNBC.
We get it from you by selling products at Infowarsstore.com.
That's our business model.
We operate independently from anyone else's influence other than yours.
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Shampoo, body wash, household items like that are also available.
And again, it's the last chance.
This is about to end the Super Summer Sale.
Alright, we'll be right back and I'll break down what to expect and we'll get into some of the news.
Don't go anywhere, this is the Alex Jones Show!
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Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
Hey, brother.
Good, man.
Thank you for calling.
Hey, hey.
I just want to say thanks for your products and everything that you're doing to try to save the country.
I mean, I've tried your Secret 12, Super Male, Anthroplex, the Silver Bullet, Biome Defense, Micro ZX.
I mean, it's all good stuff.
Secret 12, if everybody would just drop their energy drinks and get some Secret 12, take a shot of that.
That's the thing about Secret 12.
Just a half a dropper has way more energy and it's totally... People ask, why is it sweet?
Real organic B12 is sweet.
And exactly.
When I'm super tired, I go, hey, why am I drinking coffee at 10 at night if I'm going on some show like Coast to Coast?
Secret 12, 30 minutes later, massive energy.
It's amazing.
Yeah, that stuff will wake you up and the clarity of mind that comes along with that is just amazing.
Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, mate.
I've been following you since I was 14, and I'm 32 now.
I remember back when InfoWars and Prison Planet, it was just blue text on a white screen, and I had to load down the page on my dial-up internet, and I thought it was
Pretty cool and read all the books and seen all the DVDs and followed all your guests and I've been using your products since the first iteration of Survival Shield and since then I'm on the X2, the Super Male Vitality, the Caveman, the Real Red Pill, Micro ZX Body, it's all amazing.
Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
And it's just, the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honour to stand side by side with you, the crew, and the listeners out there, 1776 worldwide.
Western Europe has already banned free speech, and an iron curtain of censorship is descending down over the UK.
They're set to pass rules, not a law, that if you criticize Islam or gays, you'll get six months in prison.
We know we're only about a year or two behind what's happening in the UK.
CNN and many others are calling for InfoWars to be shut down, taken off the web.
Slate Magazine has a professor and others saying, go beyond censorship.
Brainwash young people against InfoWars.
Psychologically inoculate them with lies so they don't actually hear what we have to say.
We are the most hated news source in the world by globalists.
It is so critical that you go to InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up for the free newsletter so we can be in contact with you and so the censors can't bully their way in and block us being able to engage in free open dialogue as a society.
That is critical to this fight.
We will prevail if you take action and I know you will.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's the Alex Jones Show!
All right, ladies and gentlemen, here's what you can expect for the rest of today's transmission.
Bill Ottman is going to be joining us at 12.06.
He is the creator of Minds.com, one of the new social media networks that is being developed right now.
I'm also expecting Alex Jones to be joining us in the second hour.
And then in the third hour, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, who is running for Senate against Elizabeth Warren, is going to be joining me.
Oh my gosh, there's the B-roll.
I'll just say this, I just wish they would have shot it horizontally.
But I gotta say, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai walking around downtown Boston during a parade with a tri-cornered hat on and the fake Elizabeth Warren billboard behind him.
It's like crack cocaine to me.
I can't stop watching it.
I don't know why.
I love it.
And I wish there were more people like this running for Senate.
I wish there were more people like this running for office.
These are the type of people we need.
Real people.
That aren't afraid to walk the streets with you and I. So that's what you can expect today.
Now, in the first hour,
I am going to really just pile drive through all of this news because there's actually just genuine news developments here domestically in America that are all important and I'm gonna break them all down starting right now.
Over 2,300 online pedophiles busted in Operation Broken Heart.
Now, this is quite an incredible story and you do a little more research into this and you kind of just
Through reason, realize what's been happening in the last two years is that, and there was also something passed, I believe it was an executive order, that basically lifted a lot of the ties or red tape that kept law enforcement from cracking down on all of the internet sex trafficking that they were finding.
In fact, there was one case in New York where they busted, I believe it was a couple dozen, just tons of child pornography, but because the way they did it, getting it online, the court threw out the evidence and these guys were able to get off.
No pun intended.
So, then you read this story, and here's just directly from the Department of Justice press release.
The Department of Justice today announced the arrest of more than 2,300 suspected online child sex offenders during a three-month nationwide operation conducted by the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Forces.
Now, the ICAC was started in 1998, and they have, I believe, brought in almost a million people, but the numbers
...have surged in the last couple years, and specifically in the last three months.
The task force has identified 195 offenders who either produced child pornography... This is just sick stuff, folks.
...or committed child sex abuse, and 383 children who suffered recent, ongoing, or historical sex abuse or production of child pornography.
Really breaks your heart, and that's why this was called Operation Broken Heart.
And, you know, I'll just tell you this.
There's a lot more of these investigations going on.
You're gonna hear a lot more about, or, well, you won't hear too much about it, but you're gonna see news stories here and there about more of these people being arrested, people producing child pornography.
And here's the executive order.
This came from last February.
So this was less than a month into President Trump's first term.
Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing Internet Sex Trafficking.
This was the first step
In taking the red tape off of law enforcement's hands so that they could actually really crack down on this stuff.
Now, you understand, given the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, how it is tough.
And we're glad it's tough.
You know, I'm glad it's tough for the government to have to use very, you could say, you know, salacious ways and kind of, you know, invasive ways of having to do these investigations.
But I mean, come on.
If you're not going to lift the ties on those restrictions to stop child sex trafficking, I mean, you gotta wonder why we don't take advantage of such technologies.
But that is going on now.
And you're gonna hear more about it, and you're gonna hear more about it internationally, and you may even hear some stuff that goes right to some of the biggest names.
We'll just leave it at that.
You've heard of some of them.
Dennis Hasterts.
Can't remember.
What was the big guy in England?
Big guy in media.
I can't remember his name.
But, point is, they all knew.
It's like the same thing with Weinstein.
They all knew.
They made jokes.
Jimmy Savelle, thank you.
I mean, I don't know.
Seth Farland makes multiple jokes about Harvey Weinstein.
30 Rock makes- I mean, everybody's making jokes about Harvey Weinstein.
Remember, Seth Farland also made a joke about a child being in Kevin Spacey's basement?
That was just a joke on family, I'm just sayin'.
But, you're gonna hear about more of this.
There's the clip right there.
Man, the crew is just on it today.
Did you have the audio for this?
Play the audio.
I think that's just the clip.
Yeah, there it is.
I've escaped from Kevin Spacey's basement!
I've escaped from Kevin Spacey's... It's a naked kid running through the mall saying, help, I've escaped from Kevin Spacey's basement.
So, there you go.
Operation Broken Heart.
Three months, 2,300 plus arrests of pedophiles here in America.
Alright, moving on.
Now this story is a big story.
It went nationwide.
This is just one headline of dozens, but I'll cover the story.
This is from NBC News.
Ohio's Supreme Court win, or after Ohio's Supreme Court win, voting rights advocates fear more purges.
Now let me explain something that is the truth about this story.
So, in Ohio they had what they believed, they weren't sure exactly the number, but up to hundreds of thousands of potential dead people on the voter rolls.
So you had a bunch of dead people on the voter rolls, of course we know what happens with this, dead people end up voting magically.
And so Ohio and other states have been trying to initiate this purge.
They're calling it a purge, but anyone would do it.
You're just updating
Your voter rolls to get people off the voter rolls that either aren't alive anymore or in some cases, and this is why the voting rights activists are so upset, if you haven't voted in a long time it wipes you from the rolls or if you've changed your address more than X amount of years and they can't locate you and they send whatever government documents or whatever to that place or I guess they send you your voter
You have to re-register or something, and you don't, then they purge you from the polls.
So then you gotta go re-register, which is a pain in the ass, I understand.
But the Supreme Court has decided they're well within the law to do this.
It's already written in the Ohio Constitution that they have to do this.
But think about this.
When you do your research into this, you find out that all of these quote-unquote voting rights advocates and groups are all leftists.
They're all run by Democrats and Liberals.
Why would they be freaking out about this?
Why would they be freaking out about Ohio purging the voter rolls of dead voters and people who have moved their addresses?
I wonder if they take advantage of that system.
I wonder.
I wonder.
Alex Jones here with an extremely exciting announcement.
We are launching our biggest recruitment and hiring operation ever in our 23-year history as we prepare to go 24 hours a day live on TV and radio from the InfoWars News Center here in Austin, Texas.
We're looking for video editors, live show producers, people that can run live TV and radio, investigative journalists.
We're looking for reporters out in the field who can stay where you are currently yet.
We're looking to hire around 15 people, maybe even more, as we take the information war to the next level in the face of the globalists.
So please,
Go to InfoWars.com, go to InfoWars.com forward slash contest, and you'll find the links to our major hiring drive.
And we're also launching, as I just alluded to, a major reporter contest with $26,000 in prizes.
First place, $20,000.
Second place, $5,000.
Third place, $1,000.
But all of you will be winners because the special reports you cut on any topic you wish
We have the rules on InfoWars.com forward slash contest will then be seen on my broadcast will then be heard on the radio and will be posted to our major websites like NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com.
It has a massive effect and you've seen many other reporters that have worked here over the years like David Knight and others they weren't even contest winners but they were runner-uppers.
But even if you don't want to be part of the contest and just want a shot at working here, we're looking for camera people, we're looking for video editors, we're looking for investigative journalists, and we're looking for engineers, we're looking for reporters, we're looking for it all in this major push against the globalists.
Now we're going to be hiring right through into 2019 in this big expansion.
But it's critical that as fast as you can, you get your portfolio, your reel, into us.
Whether it be in radio, whether it be in print, whether it be in film.
Whatever your work is, we want to see it.
So send it in with your resume.
So this is a very, very exciting chance for InfoWars.
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And we're looking for men and women who are a race, color and creed who love liberty that want to join the fight.
Again, InfoWars.com forward slash contest to find all the rules.
And I'll see you on the front lines of the fight against the NWO.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Watch me!
Watch me!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
On the last segment,
We covered Operation Broken Heart, a three month operation that arrested more than 2,300 sexual, child sexual predators.
And we covered an executive order that Trump signed immediately upon becoming president.
That lifted a lot of the restrictions in dealing with these online criminals.
That was step one.
We were just flashing another executive order on the screen.
In fact, guys, bring it back up.
Where President Trump signs an executive order that freezes all property for people that are caught to be involved in serious human rights abuse, abuses or corruption.
So now,
This basically allows two avenues for law enforcement to crack down on child sex trafficking, not just the actual act of child sex trafficking, but then also the online child sex trafficking with pornography, the images and everything that you can imagine, folks.
It's horrible.
It's about as bad as it gets.
And then they just had that.
I mean, do we have the audio from that too?
Just go ahead and roll this audio.
This is, I mean, this is what we're dealing with here.
I mean, where do you think these missing children go, folks?
I need to understand what child pornography really is, and I'm not so sure that we say that often enough.
Certainly there are people that think child pornography is quote-unquote kiddie porn, that it's 16 or 17 year old girls who make themselves look a lot younger, but they're really mature, and that's not it at all.
When we talk about child pornography and those that we've arrested today, they're either dealing in, or possessing, or trading, or a combination of all of those things, of pornography, child pornography, of children being raped, of babies as young as diapers being raped by adult males.
This is the most horrific conduct you can ever understand in your entire life.
These people have this.
Now, obviously, we received information, and that's why we investigated them.
So that's Sheriff Grady Judd from Polk County, Florida.
I mean, you can just imagine, though, these children being saved.
I forget the number.
Hundreds of children being saved in Operation Broken Heart.
Just their freedom alone, and their poor tortured souls being freed from that slavery, it just lifts everyone up.
It just lifts humanity up.
I mean, that's just incredible.
Now, this bunker, actually, after the investigation went down, there was no proof of any child sex trafficking have gone down there.
Um, but there have been real investigations, real operations run, such as Operation Broken Heart, where they actually exposed this stuff.
So it's just amazing to
I think that this stuff goes on, but it's even more amazing now that finally something's being done about it.
And it needs to make national news.
I mean, you don't hear about this.
Did you see that Polk County Sheriff on any television news?
I mean, that is, like... Anyway, I'm gonna move on to some other news here, but just... God bless everybody involved in bringing down these pedophiles.
And just, please, please just don't stop.
Till they're all locked up.
Or as President Trump tweeted then, just Donald Trump, what was that, like 10 years ago?
Child pedophiles need to have a quick trial, electric chair, get it done fast.
Forget the exact tweet from President Trump.
Then of course there's the clip of President Trump 10 years ago, I think it was on NBC, saying that he was watching the Pizzagate News.
It's all happening, folks.
Alright, I'm gonna move on now.
Try to put that behind me.
But, uh, that's just brutal stuff right there.
Seattle repeals head tax after backlash from Starbucks and Amazon.
Now, this story is hilarious.
So, you may have recalled Starbucks
Placing this new tax on big businesses so that they can get more money for the homeless, try to fight homelessness, you know, the same story.
They were going to make a huge increase on the tax.
It goes a 9-0 decision.
A 9-0 decision on the Seattle City Council.
Then Amazon and Starbucks get involved, two of the two leftist national, international businesses.
Liberals at the head of them.
They get involved.
They're huge in Seattle.
They threaten to leave Seattle if this tax comes through.
City Council votes again 7-2 to repeal it.
I guess Amazon and Starbucks don't want to help the homeless.
Interesting how that works.
Interesting how a good liberal still likes good old-fashioned capitalism and the government keeping their grubby old mitts off of their money.
Funny how that works.
This all went down in one month.
So in one month, they decide, let's put this head tax on these big corporations, bring in millions of dollars for the homeless.
City Council votes 9-0.
A month later, Starbucks, Amazon threatened to leave, would devastate the city.
City Council votes to repeal 7-2.
Looks like big business won again, Seattle.
Classic stuff.
Hey, here's good news.
This blue wave, they keep talking about a blue wave.
Have you heard about this blue wave?
I've heard about a blue wave.
I haven't seen a blue wave.
I've seen... I've seen notions of a blue wave, but I've only seen a blue splash.
Maybe a little puddle.
Well, you had the South Carolina GOP primary go down, and the pro-Trump candidate had a big victory.
That would be... What is this lady's name?
No, I can't find it.
Katie Arrington tweeted support for Trump.
She's pro-Trump.
She's pro-Mega.
She wins the GOP primary against Mark Sanford, a Republican who was a critic of Donald Trump.
And this is really a sign of things to come, I believe.
My only concern, my only concern,
And I don't understand why people think this is so out there or such a conspiracy theory that I don't trust electronic voting machines.
I don't trust an electronic voting machine as far as I could throw it.
And they're pretty big.
There could be so many ways where you could even do the electronic voting machine and have it so that you could make sure that it wasn't rigged.
I mean, even if they had something where you file your vote and they have an official tally, like it's an ongoing tally, so that after you place your vote, you see your guy's tally or your girl's tally go up!
But they don't even do that!
They don't even offer you that assurance!
They just print out your thing, so you do the thing, you print it out, and you slide it into a machine, and it's just like, oh!
I don't know!
Hope it counted!
Hope it worked!
And there are measurements that states already have on the books to make sure that that can't happen, and that's a paper ballot, at least, backup.
They have that here in Texas.
They totally ignore that law!
Even NPR admits, last month, many electronic voting machines are not secure.
Yeah, they're run by George Soros companies, many of them.
That's not even a joke.
But people say, oh, you're crazy, you're a conspiracy theorist.
Don't you know there's people that watch this stuff?
What do you mean they watch this stuff?
What, do they magically transform themselves into a binary algorithm and inject themselves into the machine to make sure it's not corrupt and counting the tallies right?
No, they're sitting there watching people put in a piece of paper into a machine just like everyone else!
So, sorry I don't trust electronic voting machines and I don't see how Maxine Waters gets 10 people to her final campaign event and then gets 40,000 people to vote for her two days later.
Sorry, that doesn't add up.
This isn't a simulation.
This is real life on this planet.
And the future of our species and its destiny, our destiny, is being decided right now.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, let me keep piledriving through this news here.
All of this news coming out of the U.S.
Claire McCaskill.
Now this is a woman I used to have to deal with living in Missouri.
Of course she is a senator from Missouri.
This is a woman who hates men.
Has actually done campaign ads where she says men just need to shut up.
Well, how about no?
How about you shut up?
And she's going on her campaign right now, and she's touting how it's an RV tour, and she's on the road, she's grinding it out on the road.
But then, flight records indicate that she's actually flying on her private jet, which other records indicate costs upwards of a million dollars.
To which I just wonder, I mean, seriously though, like, where do these senators get their money?
Can somebody look up what a senator's annual salary is?
I think it's maybe like $200,000, like $250,000 if you're on a bunch of committees and stuff.
I mean, Claire McCaskill can't be making more than $200,000 a year.
I guess when you're a career politician, if you save well, perhaps.
And she's not even a leader of the Senate, so she's not even making, after taxes, Claire McCaskill can't be making more than, say, $170,000 a year.
How is she buying private jets?
She doesn't know!
But she's not even that bad.
I mean, in all honesty, Claire McCaskill is like, she's like nothing compared to a Nancy Pelosi.
This is a woman worth $100 million.
Now granted, Nancy Pelosi is a Senate leader, so she might be making, you know, $180,000.
Actually, no, she's probably honestly making about $170,000 a year is Nancy Pelosi, but she's turned that into quite a fortune, hasn't she?
That career politician.
You know, that's the biggest problem, too.
Fake news is the country's biggest enemy, like CNN and MSNBC.
Oh, is it?
Oh, no.
Oh, this is the new Nancy Pelosi clip.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, she just had a new video where she's fumbling and bumbling.
And guess what?
She's about to win another election.
Can you believe this?
It honestly is the biggest gut blow to me to think that people like Elizabeth Warren and Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters could actually win an election.
Do they actually win elections or are they really just rigging these things?
I mean seriously folks, Nancy Pelosi can't even give a minute speech without fumbling all over her words.
But I'm already digressing.
Point is, Claire McCaskill
Not good for America.
Austin Peterson running against Claire McCaskill, good for America.
So if you're in Missouri, Austin Peterson is the man you want to vote for.
Let's move on.
Have you heard about Robert Mueller and the Russians?
It's almost like Robert Mueller's protecting the Russians now.
Because do you remember the Russians that Robert Mueller indicted?
That was the biggest news story for CNN and MSNBC for about a maybe 24-48 hour news cycle.
They got Trump and the Russians!
They got the Russians, the troll farms, the social media.
America was deceived by Russians to vote for Trump.
Oh, but then they actually read the
Indictments and realized that that wasn't the case.
The Russian troll farms were actually pro-Hillary, pro-Trump, anti-Trump, anti-Hillary.
In fact, they had a anti-Trump march in New York City that was publicized by CNN and MSNBC and attended by Michael Moore.
So if anyone got fooled by Russians it was the Democrats.
But why is Robert Mueller refusing to show up in court?
Why is Robert Mueller refusing discovery for the indicted Russians?
Why is Robert Mueller not cooperating in this investigation?
Why is Robert Mueller now obstructing justice?
You see, they did not expect... Honestly, I mean, this is incredible.
The average Russian has more of a backbone and a spine
Somehow, than even Robert Mueller.
I mean, that's how pathetic it's become.
Where Russians will prank call Adam Schiff.
Think about this!
You literally have Adam Schiff, who goes on Twitter, goes on television, goes on the floor of the House, and says,
We have a president that's trying to collude with Russians.
We have a president that wanted to get information on an opposing candidate from Russians.
This is the worst atrocity ever.
This is bad.
And then a fake Russian, or a real Russian, prank calls Adam Schiff and says, Hi, I'm a Russian.
I have dirt on Trump.
And Adam Schiff falls head over heels for it.
So Adam Schiff, just like any other Democrat,
Would willingly take anything they could get from a Russian that could hurt Trump.
Every day of the week they would take anything they could get from any Russian if they thought it could hurt Trump.
They've been caught on video doing it.
Hillary Clinton did it during the campaign with the dossier.
All the news media did it with the dossier.
So they'll take anything from Russia to hurt Trump.
But then they'll turn around and they'll say,
Look, Trump got information from Russia.
He's clearly colluding with Russia.
He's the bad guy.
When they have no evidence of that, and that's everything they've been doing.
But then the rubber meets the road.
Mueller indicts 15 Russians.
They show up in court, demand discovery.
Mueller hides in a hole.
There's your Russian collusion, ladies and gentlemen.
US, Canada, and Mexico win right to host 2026 World Cup.
You know, I was thinking about this.
And even though I love the World Cup, I really do, and I think it's probably the greatest spectacle, at least for sports, in the world.
But I don't know if I want the World Cup here.
Because I guarantee you the taxpayers are going to get fleeced for hundreds of millions of dollars to build some new facilities.
They'll maybe not get used nearly as much as they should after the World Cup.
And FIFA is one of the most corrupt organizations on Earth.
And I'm just hoping there were no bribes involved in this.
As per usual with FIFA.
So I'm just not sure.
I love the World Cup.
I plan on watching the World Cup.
I think it's great.
I think it brings the world together.
I think it's beautiful.
I think it's fun.
I don't know if I really want it in America.
I don't know if I really want it in the United States.
I don't want to pay a dime.
I don't want a single dime of my taxpayer dollars going to the World Cup.
And I would imagine that most people would agree with me.
And FIFA is about as dirty as the day is long, ladies and gentlemen.
Just look into Sepp Blatter's history.
I mean, this guy takes bribes, they sell the World Cup.
I mean, the whole thing is just...
It's just embarrassing.
This is big news.
AT&T wins.
Judge clears $85 billion bid for Time Warner with no conditions.
Now, what's the big deal here?
Now you have to consider AT&T getting Time Warner.
This is a huge merger.
This now gives AT&T not quite a monopoly on television, but certainly in the short term, a lot more power.
And you wonder if your television bill is about to go up, or will the new options for TV via the internet and elsewhere, like Phonoscope, will they kind of keep this huge new merger of AT&T taking major control over television now, keep them honest with their TV prices?
Because there was nothing coming in from the government here to restrict them from gouging customers or anything like that.
So you're gonna be watching this story and seeing if this becomes a big anti-trust issue or not.
Radical plan to split California into three states earned spot on November ballot.
You know I've had a couple guests on
Actually, I guess they would have been on the war room with me.
I didn't believe that this would actually happen.
I thought that this was, you know, fun to talk about, you know, you kind of want it to happen, and then you have kind of an experiment in California to say, alright, here's socialist California, it'll end up being the dreg of America, and then here's not socialist California, and it'll end up being a sprawling, you know, metropolis of growth and prosperity.
But I never thought it would really reach that point.
Now it's actually on the ballot.
You've got studies with 67% of people in California want to leave.
But if this actually happens, here's what's going to happen.
Northern California is going to prosper.
Southern California is kind of going to be, I think, more of an experimental thing in between both areas.
And then New California will be the liberal, socialist, communist haven where they'll give you money
You'll get free food, you'll get all the benefits, and then within two years it'll totally collapse in on itself and be begging for the other two states of California to save it.
Begging the federal government to save it.
Even though they didn't even force their state to pay federal taxes because their state income tax was so high.
So California has been destroyed by Democrats, now Americans are trying to salvage it by forcing them all into one little population-dense area and then fleeing to the rest of the state.
Every week we're going to be profiling a different TV station, TV network, or cable station or network that's picking up InfoWars.
We're on well over a hundred stations right now since we started our syndication push about six months ago.
Now, one TV station that's actually been picking us up for several years that I want to profile first is Phonoscope.
Phonoscope's creator and owner is the man that invented, more than 50, 60 years ago, streaming television over phone lines.
That's why it's called Phonoscope, and why it's patented.
Well, he's got several channels and stations in Houston, and he's got us on 24 hours a day.
On PhonoScope, Channel 9 in Houston cable systems.
So, we're talking a potential of 6 million people that are able to tune in.
This is very, very exciting.
So to all of our listeners online, even if you're not in Houston,
Be sure and tell any friends, family, or neighbors, or folks that you know who live in the Houston area, they can tune in to Cable Channel 9 to Phonoscope, not just for my four-hour broadcast every day from our state-of-the-art TV and radio studios here in Austin, but to Owen Schroer, David Knight, and all the other shows and all the other news and anchors and analysis that we're adding.
So, Phonoscope is our oldest TV affiliate.
They've been picking us up, I guess, for four years now, and so we really appreciate them.
They're also one of our biggest, massive response.
So to Lee Cook and the entire family down there at Phonoscope, we salute you, and we also want to just ask all the viewers of my show and listeners of my show to tune in to Phonoscope and also visit their website so you can find out about some of the other programs they put out, like Ron Paul's TV show.
So again,
From myself and the entire InfoWars crew in Austin, Texas, we salute Phonoscope in Houston.
Thanks for all you're doing for this republic.
You've helped make America great again.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Filling in for Alex, I'm Owen Troyer.
Alex will be joining us, however, later on in this hour.
Our own Millie Weaver caught up with Kaitlyn Bennett to go out and talk about women's rights, women's rights that the left ignores.
And I just gotta say, of all of the kind of young up-and-comers of what you want to call, I guess, alternative media or social media that have kind of come to fame recently and you can see are plotting their path to be future political activists or even members of the media, of all the ones that I'm seeing, Caitlyn Bennett is by far the most real, the most hardcore, and the least willing to compromise.
So, when you're seeing all these people, I can just tell you this, I've talked to a few of them, I've dealt with a few of them, Caitlin Bennett is by far the most real and the most hardcore and will not compromise.
So, check out Millie Weaver and Caitlin Bennett going out to a gun range and expressing their right to bear arms and right to protect themselves.
I'm Millie Weaver.
I'm Caitlin Bennett.
And you're watching InfoWars.com.
We're here at ANA Gun Range in Garrettsville, Ohio.
We came out here to meet with Caitlin Bennett, the Kent State College student who has
We've spoken out about protecting the Second Amendment.
The girl who famously walked around on Kent State campus with an AR.
So she also challenged David Hogg to an arm wrestle.
So we're just going to be interviewing her and we're going to be doing some shooting out here.
I like your shirt, by the way.
Oh, thanks!
Gun rights are women's rights.
They absolutely are.
All right, I think we're good.
I have been a very prominent gun rights supporter on campus for about two years and the students on campus are very liberal.
They're very pro-gun control and no one else was talking about the other side.
So I co-hosted an open carry event where we had over 50 armed people on campus
Um, and I was like, that wasn't enough.
No one's getting the point about campus carry.
They're not understanding gun rights in general.
So I was like, I'm going to do a protest right when I graduate.
I'm going to go on campus.
With an AR-10.
And I'm going to show how ridiculous it is that I could not have my concealed carry weapon, my pistol, on me during my senior year when I was 21 and able to have it.
I believe that we should be able to have any of those on campus because I believe an armed society is a safe society.
An armed campus is a safe campus.
But I definitely should have been able to have my concealed carry weapon.
So you bring up a great point when you're talking about being able to carry on campus because we've seen a lot of these shootings happen on school campuses.
The Parkland shooting has gotten all this hype, all this attention, to where even Nicholas Cruz is receiving love letters and fan mail.
I mean, isn't that pretty disgusting when we're talking about the news coverage and who's getting attention?
The people who stop these shootings get way less attention than the person who actually goes and carries out the horrendous act.
So, whatever happened with the whole David Hogg thing, I know you challenged him to an arm-wrestling battle, I guess, over the Second Amendment.
Did he actually take you up on that offer?
No, he hasn't responded.
He hasn't really acknowledged... I know that he's seen it because all of his friends are complaining about it, but he's on his bus tour trying to implement gun control and get these teenagers, you know, registered to vote to, you know, elect an apprentice to implement gun control.
How much would you pay to see David Hogg lose an arm wrestling match to Kaitlin Bennett?
I mean, Kaitlin Bennett and David Hogg get in an arm wrestling match.
I mean, that would be really entertaining, but I guess twig arms.
I mean, camera hog.
I mean, attention hog hasn't gotten around to it yet.
Hey, we've got breaking news on the other side, as well as Bill Ottman.
Don't tune out.
Breaking news on the other side.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
I am about to be joined by Bill Ottman, the CEO and co-founder of Minds.com, a new social media website that is up and coming right now.
That's not going to censor your free speech, but...
We're in contact right now with Alex Jones.
He's in contact with a few of his sources right now over in London or in England where Tommy Robinson was arrested for his free speech.
And we now have a new development in that story.
This is the biggest development, the biggest breaking news on the Tommy Robinson arrest.
Yet, that we've gotten, that we're about to break here on the Alex Jones Show.
But Alex right now is working on putting his intel together and getting his sources together and getting this story straight.
And he's going to be joining us at
12.33 here Central Time, I believe, with the biggest breaking news, the latest breaking news on Tommy Robinson yet to date.
So he's getting all that sorted out right now, all the details, and he's going to be joining us to break that down.
Again, the attack on free speech, the arrest and jailing of Tommy Robinson, big details developing now.
We'll have that for you in just under 30 minutes.
In the meantime though, Bill Ottman joins me and
I think, Bill, what everybody wants to know, what everybody's thinking, is will there ever be a social media network that can compete with the giants of Facebook and Twitter?
Will there ever be a social media network that can actually be as effective and as user-friendly as the social media giants?
That's what you're trying to create right now at Minds.com.
How is that going for you?
How is Minds.com?
How is the user experience going right now?
And what are your plans for Minds.com?
Bill Ottman.
Hey, thanks for having me on.
Well, for your first question, I don't even think that the next major social network is going to be centralized in the way that Facebook, Twitter, all the rest are.
It's going to be a totally different type of architecture where it's decentralized, it's open source,
It's encrypting your information, total privacy, it's rewarding you with more reach, no restrictive algorithms.
So basically doing everything the opposite of what the mainstream networks are doing now.
Now my... I would say...
I feel like the biggest obstacle in defeating the social media giants is where, watch this, the crew can go to any news story right now.
Guys, just go to any news story, click on the Drudge, just go to any news story.
Oh look at that, Facebook, Twitter, Periscope, Google.
Go to the next one.
It doesn't matter.
Every news story, every television, they all plug the Twitter, the Facebook, the Periscope, the Google, the YouTube.
I mean, that's at every one.
Don't you think that's the biggest obstacle is breaking that?
I don't even know what you want to call it.
I don't know if monopoly is the right word, but breaking that it's that those are the mainstream networks.
Those always get the plug everywhere you go.
We are catching up.
I mean, there's a number of emerging alternative networks that are open source that are rewarding users.
You know, we're over a million users now growing faster than ever.
Everything that these
Giant social networks do is basically helping the migration to more free, open, ethical networks.
I mean, every time there's a censorship event, every time they restrict your reach more, people are just looking for new options.
So I think that all these networks can work together.
It's not like one ring to rule them all.
So what would you say to someone that likes using Facebook, but maybe they're aware, maybe they're not, of how Facebook uses their data and mines all their data.
What would be your pitch to join mines and to ditch Facebook?
It's all about voting with your energy online.
So the networks that we spend time on are the networks that have power on the Internet.
So at least supplementing your social media experience with mines and others is just empowering those networks.
Same voting with your dollars.
You know, you invest in good quality food that empowers those corporations.
You do the same on the internet, you know, your browser, use Firefox as opposed to Chrome, which is tracking you, and Safari, you know, all different apps that you use.
This is what is empowering the networks of the future.
How do you, though, convince people?
I mean, Facebook is where all the traffic is, it's where the celebrities are, Twitter's where the celebrities are, it's where all of their stuff is already built in to their name.
I mean, what does it take to break that
There's a built-in paradigm that that's where the traffic is.
That's where you have to be if you want to be on social media.
Well, we are catching up in terms of functionality.
I think that it's going to be very soon where we're at the point where, technically speaking, it's an indistinguishable experience.
You know, being on Mines or Instagram, you know, it's all the same types of features that all these networks have.
But the crazy thing about Facebook now is that you can post there and literally almost no one even sees your posts.
So it's becoming a waste of time.
Even though we're a fraction of the size, people are finding it easier to be heard on Mines because we have a reward system where you earn crypto tokens for all of your contributions and activity, and then you can use those tokens to boost your posts for more views.
Right now, one token will get you a thousand extra views on your post, and we are committed to 100% organic reach forever.
Like, we're never going to mess with the algorithms to the point where you can't even reach your own community.
I mean, that's very antisocial.
Well now, this is, I mean, we've seen just not only the censorship on Twitter, first they kind of shadow ban people, then they just outright ban people, then they create algorithms to bury people's opinions and certain political opinions, now they've taken it a step further and they'll just consider a lot of this content that you post
As inappropriate or sensitive material is the one that they go with.
Sensitive material?
I tweeted out a picture from the War Room Show.
It was of President Trump and Kim Jong-Un shaking hands.
And Twitter said that that was sensitive material.
I mean, that's the kind of stuff that they're censoring.
But I'm not even sure if the average Twitter user understands what's going on yet.
I think that's an issue that you face too.
Yeah, I mean, they just have AI algorithms sweeping all of the content on the network, and they don't really care about blowback.
If, you know, stuff gets censored that shouldn't, they're just, you know, their policy in terms of speech is already so restrictive.
I mean, you could get banned from Facebook for a month for some sort of, like, optical illusion photo that, you know, it detects, looks like a body part of a human.
That actually happened to me once.
So, we have a free speech policy.
If it's legal in the U.S., it can be on the site, but obviously no inciting violence or anything like that.
But, here's the thing.
Censorship amplifies violence and extremism.
This is what all the big networks are missing the point on.
There have been dozens of studies from Georgia Institute of Technology, UNESCO, Pew, University of Greenwich, that shows when you censor any content, it causes more attention to be brought to that.
So even if they want to create a safer environment,
This policy is causing much further radicalization to occur and, you know, for ideas that may or may not have merit, the policies don't make sense.
And so, if you look at the work of this man, Daryl Davis, who confronted hundreds of members of the Ku Klux Klan, got them all to leave the Ku Klux Klan because he engaged them in face-to-face, honest conversation and dialogue.
He's an African-American man.
And that's how you solve problems.
You have to have a mature conversation about the issues.
You don't just go burning books.
Well, obviously, psychologically, whenever you block somebody or try to censor somebody, they get angry too.
So you're just, you know, now you're inciting even more anger from the people that you're unjustifiably blocking.
But Bill Oppmann is right when he talks about investing your energy, investing your dollar in the right places.
And that's the next battle we face is the economic battle where people have to commit
To investing their dollar in the right place, but doing the research to know where to invest their dollar, where to invest their time.
And what we do at InfoWarsStore.com is we fund ourselves.
So we don't have to worry about what we report as far as it comes to news, because we don't have any outsiders that are paying our bills.
We don't have any other companies that are paying our bills.
We're paying our own bills with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
And we've got a huge summer sale going on right now, the Super Summer Sale.
This has free shipping storewide, storewide free shipping, and then 50% off some of the top selling items like Survival Shield X2, Brain Force Plus, Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
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Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
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Like, I'll still feel a little sick, but it won't last as long.
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We about to go inside, get my free coffee.
Y'all ready?
How you doing?
Good, how are you?
Alright, I heard y'all was racist, so I came to get my own free coffee.
I saw that.
Yeah, I heard you guys don't like black people, so I wanted to get my Starbucks reparations voucher.
What's that?
Is that a real thing?
It's a real thing.
I mean, I'll give it to you.
I saw that on my Twitter last night, I was like... Yeah, I need a free coffee.
I'll give you a free coffee.
Reparations, man.
Gotta get my reparations for being black in America.
Black lives matter.
I'll take caramel.
What's your name?
I appreciate you.
Amanda, you are great.
Is it?
You're amazing.
You know what I'm saying?
You gotta get your free coffee out here, man.
You gotta get your Starbucks reparations, man.
Hotep Jesus was the man.
So he got the brilliant idea to go into his Starbucks and demand a coffee.
Otherwise, they're racist.
He's gonna go get a free chocolate chip cookie after the show.
So there's, he got his Starbucks mug right there.
Was that a free Joe?
This was the free joke.
So we need to get that cup and put that cup in a glass case and save it for all eternity.
There it is right there.
Oh, they even put your name on there!
That's a great picture!
You know, I understand liberal politics.
I've been studying it for a while now and understand that.
And I've tweeted this before.
I said, if an individual, especially a black individual, wants to excel in this society, they should follow the liberal narrative and all doors and opportunities will be open to them.
And I knew it would work.
I knew it would work.
So I decided, you know, I said, you know what?
I'm standing here by this Starbucks.
I had this idea in my mind.
I said, let's test this thing out and see what happens.
The video started to go viral on Periscope.
And now here we are.
I wasn't mad at Starbucks at first, but now I'm mad at Starbucks for this racial bias training.
And I'm going to tell you why.
First of all, what does Eric Holder know about Black people?
What does the NAACP or the ADL know about Black people?
The Black people really suck one in the hood.
You see, Black Lives Matter, NAACP, and Eric Holder are not the voice of Black people.
That is the bourgeoisie that keep Black people down.
And Starbucks
They failed.
They failed.
If they really wanted to do some racial so-called bias training, they would have got some real people in the real world and not these bootlickers and Uncle Toms.
That's what they would have done.
But they don't care about black people.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Now in the next segment, Alex Jones is going to be joining us, and he's got the latest breaking news on the Tommy Robinson case.
You're not going to want to miss this.
A big development is happening.
Alex is just getting all the details hammered out right now, and then he's going to join us at 1233 here, local in Austin, Texas, with that breaking news.
So you're going to want to stick around for that.
In the meantime, we've got one more segment with Bill Ottman.
He is the CEO and co-founder of Minds.com.
Bill, I think one of the things that alternative social media networks need is major celebrity or political endorsement just to at least give it some mainstream attention.
I mean, can you imagine what would happen if Trump put down all other social medias and picked up Minds.com or picked up Gab?
I mean, the momentum that that would send to alternative social media networks
Would be, I think, maybe not devastating, but certainly a game changer, just one person doing that.
Do you think that that is possible in the near future?
Has anyone expressed interest in doing that with Minds.com?
What are your thoughts on that, Bill Ottman?
Yeah, I mean, I think that even mainstream media, celebrities, everyone's getting fed up with Facebook.
I mean, that is to a degree one thing the mainstream and alternative media have in common, because the reach is getting destroyed, the privacy issues, you know, selling off data.
So, I mean, we definitely have a huge wave of, like, big YouTube influencers, media figures who have come to
Earn monetization options, get the word out more, get better reach on minds.
And that's from both the left and the right.
And I think that there is a common ground that people want to find.
Just because you're on the same network or engaging in conversation with someone doesn't mean that you necessarily endorse all of their ideas.
And I think that this is the misconception that's just so pervasive in the media and with social platforms right now.
Well, I just think about, why do people get on social media?
You know, you gotta figure out, why do people get on social media?
Well, they want attention.
Okay, so why wouldn't you go on the social media that allows you to get the most attention, doesn't censor your opinion.
They want to see the coolest, latest tweets from their favorite celebrities, you know, pictures and stuff like that.
Okay, well...
Maybe you can have a better access to that on a different social media website, but that's... I think the difference right now is they just don't have that access.
They don't have the celebrities posting on those social media things, so they just don't want to go there.
I mean, that's what I think generates a lot of this traffic.
But again, I'm just curious, I mean, has anybody, have you seen anybody reach out to you that might be considered, you know, a celebrity or someone that has a lot of influence in Hollywood or in television news that might want to try to promote Minds.com or alternative social media?
Yeah, I mean, well, we found major influencers in emerging media have found us.
People like Dave Rubin, Lee Cam, Peterson, Sargon, Abby Martin, that kind of crowd.
It's left and right.
And this is the funny thing that, you know, that's why Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich were always
Friends because they were willing to have the debates together but all grounded in a foundation of freedom.
So we're seeing those larger alternative media figures join in.
But I think you're right that the next wave has to be the celebrities.
We're good to go.
The snowball effect can happen so fast on the internet.
I mean, you see apps like Pokemon Go.
They will get hundreds of millions of users within days.
I mean, all it would take would be a number of huge celebrities to sign up and then, you know, let the games begin.
And we're already making progress.
Maybe that's actually the angle.
Maybe you introduce something exclusively on your platform, like an old game that everybody loves, like a Pokemon or something, and you introduce that exclusively on your platform and that forces people to go get it.
I mean, that could be one edge.
Into that system because we know people love the same stuff.
That's why they go download the Pokemon Go app.
So maybe there's something you can do with that.
Are you guys thinking about offering anything exclusive to your platform that might attract people to go to Mines.com just to get whatever it is you're offering?
I mean, the gamification and the earning of the tokens and crypto for your activity.
I mean, I think this is what look what everyone wants.
Is reach.
Whether you're sharing cat photos or important news articles or whatever, people care about their reach and engagement.
And so if we're rewarding people with that, I think that whether you're a celebrity or just in your basement, it's going to matter to you.
So I'm sure there's people out there, even in the Internet Freedom Movement, there's huge influencers.
If we can just bring all the Internet Freedom influencers together, that is
Enough to take to the next level.
We're seeing celebrities getting involved in in crypto and, you know, privacy, Internet freedom every day.
Obviously, on Twitter, this is with with Kanye and all that stuff.
It's becoming more well-known.
I haven't been on Facebook in years, I mean probably at least five years, but I think I remember that they started like putting games and stuff out there, like games people could play and stuff like that.
Does Mines have anything like that, like apps or games that are exclusive to Mines yet, or is it just kind of your new idea, your new approach to social media where you kind of make it a game in and of itself?
Yeah, that's what we're focused on right now.
And I mean, since it's open source, a lot of people don't realize the difference between open source and proprietary apps.
Most apps don't show you their code, so you have no access to see what they're doing.
You can't really build integrations with them like games, which we welcome.
You know, they offer
People want to know what these apps are doing, their data.
Is it sucking all your contact info out and sharing it and having it get sold?
These things are starting to matter to people.
It doesn't matter who you are.
Well, and people that are really plugged into the internet, that don't just get on social media for the dopamine hit,
People that are actually plugged into the internet actually love open source stuff, because like what you said, then they can be creative and kind of inject stuff into the open source, and that allows them kind of a creative outlet as well.
So the real people that are plugged into the internet would actually be attracted, I would imagine, to a Minds.com.
People that aren't just trying to go on social media, you know, to get a dopamine hit or whatever, that actually want to get on the internet and create things and share ideas and meet different people.
I'd imagine that is an advantage you have on, you know, the hardcore internet users and consumers that you are open source.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, it's actually ridiculous that all of the big social Google, Facebook have kept all of their code secret.
Just if you look at human innovation and how fast we're evolving, they've basically forced all of the new networks to essentially recreate the wheel because they won't share the technology that they built.
So we sort of have to play catch up as opposed to if they had just
But Bill, Facebook can't release their source code.
That's DARPA secret technology.
They can't release the DARPA codes.
Don't you know that's highly classified, Bill?
How dare you ask DARPA slash Facebook to release their codes to the public?
How dare you?
That's Bill Ottman.
He's the CEO and co-finder of Minds.com.
Thank you so much for joining us, Bill.
And on the other side, Alex Jones joins us.
Breaking news, ladies and gentlemen.
Huge development.
The biggest yet in the Tommy Robinson case.
Alex Jones breaks it down on the other side.
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If you use a knife to mutilate your daughter's vagina, will the full force of the law be brought down on you?
Asking for a Muslim.
It's on all of us to tackle this problem.
Social media companies, governments, politicians, the media, and you.
Let's work together to end this hate.
So, if you point out that
Almost all the girls in Pakistan, you name it, now it's happening to tens of thousands in England, sexual grooming.
They spin it, they don't address what they're doing.
Oh my God, you just talked bad about a child!
I want to ban you, you're hateful!
Hobbs is the daughter of a Pakistani Muslim father and Scottish Catholic mother, born in Glasgow, Scotland and raised in a polygamous home.
She was forced into marriage when she was 18 years old.
She left after almost
Three years of hell.
The only time in her life when she thought of suicide.
She now writes at Alt News Media about her biggest passion to raise awareness about the abuse of Muslim children by Muslim men.
Again, she is at Alt News Media, altnewsmedia.net.
So, Shazia, thank you so much for joining us.
You're very polite, you're very nice, you're very well-spoken.
You just replied asking the mayor to lead a campaign on female genital mutilation.
What can you testify to folks goes on inside Islam with young girls, babies,
And Khan spinning it as if you saying please stop mutilation was some type of threat on him.
You know, he read out a few different tweets as well.
He read out one where he said that somebody called him a sparrow.
I don't see anything hateful about that at all.
He read out another one that somebody had called him a pigeon.
And then he read out the tweet that I asked him, you know, I asked him, will the full force of the law be brought down on parents who mutilate their daughter's vaginas?
And he read that out as a hate speech, which is just absolute nonsense.
We don't have an exact number of how many girls have been cut in the UK.
They estimate the figure at 137,000.
We have FGM clinics open to deal with the aftermath.
We have a zero-tolerance day for FGM.
We have BME charities that are giving funding.
But we have not one single parent that has been punished.
It's child abuse.
We made it illegal in 1985 in the UK.
We never, ever should have had a special law for FGM.
Child abuse is just completely wrong.
Why do you think Khan misrepresented you and demonized you and sided with millions of little girls having their genitals cut off?
I have no idea, honestly.
I really don't know why.
I can't understand how he could stand there.
How can he stand there and read that out and think that people are going to believe it's hate speech?
It's just, it's just, it's really bad.
But that's what the left does.
They just misrepresent what we say.
That's what they do.
Yeah, that's pretty true.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
They think you're a goldfish!
I've been betting on you my whole life!
I believe in you!
I don't think you're stupid!
One man ever wrecks a woman!
All genitals are cut off!
And we're kicking these traitors' asses politically!
And we're not backing down ever!
I want to kick these people!
We're winning!
I can feel the spirit rising!
Can't you?
We have broken their back!
Yes, I can feel it!
Let's go!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we have the latest breaking news on Tommy Robinson.
Alex has been getting all the details for you with his sources.
Alex Jones joins us now with the latest news.
Alex is back tomorrow, but you've got this breaking news.
You've got to get it out there right now.
Alex, what is developing right now with the Tommy Robinson case?
I was not even intending to probably come on air today because we're about to fly back to Austin, obviously with a 34-hour broadcast tomorrow on the Inspector General Report and so much more.
We're going to have wide open phones throughout that transmission, a bunch of special guests, just a war game where we currently are.
And I got this news about 45 minutes ago from Kalen Robertson, who is basically Tommy's manager, and he told me not to go public with it until he comes on.
And then he basically, in the last 15 minutes, got back on the phone with the family and the lawyer.
But Tommy only speaks through Kalen.
His wife is completely private because of the death threats.
And the Islamists are stalking him and putting a fatwa or a contract out on the family.
But I have not talked to Kalen in about 15 minutes.
The lawyers are telling him not to go on air, but he talked to Tommy today, and Tommy said, I don't care what the lawyer says or what anybody says, you go on air.
And before Tommy, we were looking at opening an InfoWars office with him just the next few months, before this whole thing happened, he told me, if anything happens to me, Kalen's who you talk to.
So that is directly from Tommy, and Kalen is really shook up right now.
I'm not at liberty to tell you what's happened in the prison.
For the other information, but let's just say this.
He has been sentenced to death.
He has been sentenced to death.
And they have already come after him.
And they have basically let him know you demonstrated.
You had your other demonstrations.
You had your event on the 9th.
Maybe we should play that Katie Hopkins video that we played yesterday, but we should queue that up right now.
And so you are a dead man!
And I have to stop right there.
Let me see what I've been authorized to say so far.
Okay, I just missed the call from him.
Do this.
Oh, you guys, you have the video from yesterday, right?
The Katie Hopkins video?
Free Tommy Robinson?
Okay, go ahead and roll that.
I gotta call them back right now.
This is all fluid.
We're gonna go ahead and roll that video with audio.
Start over from the beginning, please.
Then I'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Just try ignoring this crowd.
For far too long, the victims of rape squads in the UK were ignored.
Rotherham, Telford, Rochdale, Oxford, Newcastle, the list goes on.
But Tommy Robinson refused to look away.
Despite known risks to his freedom, he persisted, reporting known facts from the street outside a court in Leeds, where a rape squad faced justice.
He was arrested simply for being there.
Arrested, charged and sentenced in five hours, given 13 months inside Hull Prison for contempt of court, together with a sinister media ban to silence reporting of anything to do with his story.
And so, here today, outside Whitehall, people protest.
Some are here to protest the injustice of his sentence.
The moment we live in a country where you can get locked up for reporting on industrialized rape of young white girls, the moment we reach that point is a complete disaster.
And the moment we reach a point where you can't criticize something, that's the moment we lose who we are.
This country is known for free speech and people being able to say and do what they want.
And it has to be protected.
Many can see the cruelty of a system where rapists and paedophiles walk free, but a journalist reporting on them is jailed.
There's a problem with a grooming epidemic from the Muslim community, and I will say Muslim community, and that needs to be tackled.
And there is also a massive problem with Islamic extremism.
I know because I've grown up with Muslims.
We can't say anything about Pakistani Muslim pedophile gangs when we speak about these.
You know, we're called racist, we're called Islamophobic.
But there is something else.
The crowd are drawn by something bigger than Tommy.
Something greater than one man.
Old, young, mothers, daughters and dads.
Drawn together by a shared sense that our country has got it all wrong.
And Britain has lost its way.
That we side with the criminal.
And we have to speak out the truth.
Because if we don't, we're going to end up living in a place we don't want to live.
We're already seeing that freedom of speech is endangered.
I think Tom is tremendously brave in what he does.
He's a very young man.
I'm not a very young man.
But I'm going to say what I have to say because I feel that I have a duty to say it for the benefit of other people who can't.
But Islam is taking over the place we used to call home.
To stand up against this persecution of people who criticize Islam, and it is a persecution, and we need to stand up to it.
We need to stand up and oppose it.
And we are not alone in this fight.
International leaders like Geert Wilders from the Freedom Party are here from the Netherlands to show solidarity in our battle against the Islamification of the UK.
But what unites all of us here?
What has brought these people to this place outside Whitehall in London is to show we will not be silenced.
We will not be told to look away from what is wrong.
British people are here to show that there are still right-minded people in our country prepared to stand up for what is right.
The establishment will not silence us.
Tommy Robinson will not survive 13 months in prison.
What purpose does his sentence serve, I wonder?
But to silence his voice, a voice the establishment don't want to hear.
We stand together.
We stand with Tommy Robinson.
All right, Alex is still getting the details on this right now.
This is a developing situation right now with Tommy Robinson, and we've just got a minute and a half till break here, folks, so we're going to have that with Alex on the other side.
In the meantime, though,
You know, there's a reason why people give us exclusives like this because they know we're going to report the facts.
They know that we have the cojones to report on this stuff that a lot of other media outlets would be too afraid to report on.
Does Alex want to come back on right now, guys?
I need audio, I don't have any audio.
Alright, let me know if Alex is ready to come back on, guys.
If he's not, though, we've got huge specials going on right now at InfoWarsTore.com, and again, we need to exist so we can get information like this out there about the arrest of Tommy Robinson, the developments about what's going on with Tommy Robinson, and your funding makes it all possible.
So what are we going to do here, guys?
Are we going to Alex?
All right.
We're going to go to Alex in the next segment.
In the meantime, folks, InfoWarsTore.com, Super Summer Sale, free shipping storewide.
It's all possible.
Getting the breaking news out there, breaking the paradigm, the control that the mainstream news has.
They won't even report on Tommy Robinson.
There's a media blackout.
We've got the exclusive.
On the other side, Alex Jones is going to be joining us.
It's all possible with your support at InfoWarsTore.com.
We'll be right back on the other side with Alex Jones.
Don't go anywhere.
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Then they take those headlines and they use them as the rationale to remove us from the Internet, remove us from YouTube, from Facebook, from Google, and so on.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Here is Alex Jones with the latest breaking news on the developments in the Tommy Robinson case.
Owen, we have talked to Kalen Robertson just a little while ago, and we're going to be airing that interview here coming up at the start of the next hour.
And I'm also going to duck back in during the next break and talk to him some more.
Since Watson tweeted this out, which I asked him to do to announce that Tommy Robinson has basically been given a death sentence, the lawyers called up and said, do not cover this.
Do not talk about this.
And in all fairness, the lawyers, especially in the UK, I mean, they're just officers of the court.
And I'm sure they think they have Tommy's best interest at heart.
But I want to be very clear.
Tommy Robinson has said directly to Kalen, who is his spokesperson,
I don't care what the lawyers say.
Tell people this information.
But I'm going to wait till Kalen comes on.
At the start of the next segment to tell you this.
Here's the bottom line.
He's being moved from a. Medium security prison.
To Lester, that is.
High security, almost maximum security.
It's got murderers, child molesters, killers.
It's 73% Muslim.
And already the word has gone out that there's a hit on Tommy of Fatawa.
We could all be in this position now, folks.
This is so dangerous.
This is so evil.
And they were beating on the walls last night because the word has gone out that he's being shipped out to a Muslim high security prison.
To be executed.
That's how the left does it in their leftist jails.
They always get rid of the death penalty, but they kill you in the prisons.
So, this is a dark day.
Remember, the federal system and the federal borders, the federal police in the UK, are run by Muslims.
All the chief positions.
This is how the takeover is also happening in Sweden and Germany.
And the head of the Border Patrol is a Muslim.
The head of the Home Office is a Muslim.
The mayor of London is a Muslim who doesn't let them have images of women in swimsuits now.
On billboards in the city, it is Sharia law.
Every major city has been caught with Islamists running child grooming gangs for the pedophile elite of England.
This isn't all Muslims.
This is the elite globalist Muslims that fit into this whole thing.
And it's very, very sick.
And so Tommy, you know, the media's like, the controlled media, first they denoticed it, first they said don't report on him being arrested, and they said don't report on the protest that happened a few weeks ago that we're restoring.
And then now the talking point is, well, he knew the order, he violated it.
Oh really?
Not to even say there's a trial on pedophilia going on, in mass pedophilia.
That's not involving yourself in a trial.
Judges can't do that anywhere in the world.
And Lee, we've had legal scholars on.
This is absolutely a power grab.
But what about a death sentence?
What about being sent to a maximum security or high security prison?
73% Muslim.
Does he deserve to die?
So you see the Stockholm Syndrome is going to get worse and worse to the point of the people in the government cult following orders from their Islamist masters know that Tommy will just get bigger out of prison.
So they're like, well, let's go ahead and kill him now so that we can just get him out of the way and send a message to everybody.
Sadiq Khan and others think
But a death sentence for this Britain, for the guy that would slay the dragon, this little Georgie, they think that that will break everybody's will, just like Hitler bombing London during the Blitz.
They had like 80-something percent, 70-something percent, depending on the polls, of Brits against a new war.
The Brits lost a couple million people in World War I. And so, you count the Scots, everybody else, the Irish fought in it.
Couple million people and they didn't want a war but then Hitler started bombing civilian targets and it went 90 plus percent for the war.
And so it's this mental illness of globalist, islamicist, tyrants, control freaks that they think the threatening us, they think the suing us, they think the death-threatening, they think all of this intimidates us.
No, it just gets us in fighting mode.
But if you just joined us, Tommy Robinson, I just got the news about an hour ago.
We're going to be detailing all of this for you in the next hour, because Tommy Robinson told me Kalen Robertson is my spokesperson.
They've been working together for about a year and a half.
He's my camera guy, webmaster, everything.
And there's the headline, UK Sharia compliant government just gave Tommy Robinson a death sentence.
And, um,
He's now put a statement out.
We're going to post that in full on Infowars.com.
Headline, Tommy Robinson to be moved to high security 73% Muslim prison as a death sentence to punish him for demonstrations.
And he's been told through the system, you stop the demonstrations, everybody stand down, you go away, you don't protest, and we might leave you in a medium security prison.
If you don't, you're going to be shipped off to a high security
Close to max.
They don't have super max in England.
And they've got one level above it, where people are in solitary confinement all the time.
But this is a prison where you're in solitary confinement 23 hours out of the day, and in that one hour you get out, you get shanked in the showers.
73% Muslim.
He's been put in prison for a year before for exposing all this.
Been beaten up, been attacked in the infirmary.
Had them try to throw acid on him, bleach bombs.
And they were beating on the walls last night, even though the prison he's in is only about a third Muslim, saying, we're going to kill you.
You're going to die.
In fact, let's put Talon's statement up that he just put out.
Again, he's just going ahead with what Tommy asked him to do.
We'll have a video statement coming up.
Can we put that on screen for me, please?
And I will read this to radio listeners.
TV viewers, we're posting it right now to InfoWars.com.
Paul Watson is also doing a report.
Again, I am on the road, so I'm just going to ask the crew to just put Kalen's statement up, please.
Put the death sentence statement back up.
It was an article you had.
It was about a minute and a half ago.
There's Paul Watson's breaking.
Tommy Robinson has reportedly been moved to a prison with 71% Muslim population.
Inmates were banging on cell walls last night, shouting death threats.
Protests were ignored.
Tommy now fears for his safety.
And that's the statement I got from Tommy, but it's a little bit more sophisticated than that.
The protests haven't been ignored.
Hey guys, just a couple months ago you showed an article by Kalen.
That's what I want to see back up.
And it talked about the Sharia thing and him being shipped to the prison.
So that was the statement I wanted you to put back up on screen, please.
This is the type of garbage that's going on all over the country.
This is the type of stuff that's going on all over the world.
This is what the left's doing.
And again, that's from a few weeks ago when he pointed out that it'd probably be a death sentence.
Yes, so that's not a new statement.
Okay, UK Sharia-compliant government just gave Tommy Robinson a death sentence.
I thought maybe he'd put a statement out because he gave us the exclusive statement, and I thought maybe he was just bombs away.
As of now, all we've got is a statement he gave me earlier when I interviewed him earlier.
So he's going to be coming.
We're going to be airing that coming up at the start of the next hour here in just a few minutes.
I'm almost speechless at this point.
There's Jihad Watch arrested, tried and sentenced within an hour.
Tommy Robinson is 13 months for live streaming outside courthouse.
And again, the Islamists for grooming and raping little girls will just get a few months in jail.
And then they say, well, you shouldn't have covered the trial.
He didn't even cover the trial.
He wasn't inside the trial.
He just said they're having grooming gang trials, which the BBC even reported, but then was given a D notice and took down.
Yeah, there it is.
Grooming gangs have used more than 700 women and girls around Newcastle after police appeared to abolish victims.
There's mainstream news.
What's that?
The Telegraph?
The Independent?
So, Tommy's simply reporting what's in the news.
They don't want it magnified, so they threw him in prison for 13 months.
But he's a stalwart, he's a stoic, he's a real patriot.
The Rotterham Grooming Gang survivor.
I want people to know about the religious extremism which inspired my abusers.
Grooming gangs are not like pedophile rings.
Instead, they operate almost exactly like criminal networks with all the same strategies.
Scroll up, I can't read that part yet, like terrorist networks.
Well, that's a big part of barbarous areas of Islam, North Africa, other areas, is the old harems, the sex slaves, Saudi Arabia.
That's why Islam badly needs this reformation.
So this is all coming up.
There's another mainstream article, Britain's grooming gang crisis.
Tommy Robinson was the man 11 years ago next to his tanning salon.
He was just 20-something years old, 23 years old.
Had a family, everything, saw them running, girls as young as nine, crying for mommy into cars with Muslim men delivering them to Brits and others.
It's not just Muslim men, it's Brits doing this, and others.
And so he started calling the police, they wouldn't do anything.
So he started fighting back, started beating people up.
They put him in jail.
They said, you're not gonna stand up for kidnapped kids.
You will die.
Now they're saying, we're going to send you to a high-security, 70-plus percent Muslim prison, where you're going to die.
All right, it's coming up in the next hour.
So the live links, local radio stations, TV stations, tell everybody, tune in.
They don't want this to be a big deal.
We need to make it a big deal for Tommy.
We're trying to shut down all these platforms so we don't have a voice.
Desiree, thanks for holding her on the air from California.
Go ahead.
Just wanted to let you know I've been listening to you for about six years now.
My husband turned me on to you and absolutely I could not stand you.
For about the first two months I listened to you and now I listen every single day to your phone.
I feel that you do and I absolutely thank God that I have a forum that I can contribute to and I get such an amazing product.
We use your brain force, your survival shield.
I work nights, 12-14 hours a night, 5 days a week.
I use your winter sun, your selenium, the real red pill, your bio PCA, immune wall.
Here in California, fighting, trying to survive with the demon rats.
How they're demonizing my state, I just can't stand it anymore.
You have changed my life, InfoWars has changed my family's life.
I bought property in a no-fly zone, no cell phone service, got my own well water.
My mind is so open to everything that's going on, but I need to know what else we can do.
Well, you're on the right track, Desiree.
What you're doing right now is absolutely working, and thank you for calling and sharing that with everyone.
I think she should just share her testimony.
By the way, Desiree, again, thank you for your call.
Absolutely, sweetheart.
We love you and tell your husband we love him.
We really appreciate you.
Keep up the fight.
We need to take California back.
Thank you, Desiree.
We're going to come back and make more calls.
Thank you, sweetheart.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
The right-wing smear machine has gotten Alex Jones-ified this election cycle.
There's a guy named Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
From Infowars.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
One of those guys who believes Bigfoot was responsible for 9-11.
I heard that on Alex Jones, so it's true!
Claims that 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs.
The conspiracy du jour, Hillary Clinton is harboring a secret medical condition.
You just had to keep digging, didn't you, Alex?
I heard it on Alex Jones, so I know it's true!
Google is being accused of hiding negative stories about Hillary and her campaign by changing its algorithm to bury stories like the Clinton body count story that's according to website InfoWars.
And this really just is so disgusting.
The juice of these pickles is on you, Alex Jones.
It goes right from Alex Jones, and it shows up in Donald Trump's mouth.
Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama.
The very fringe of the conspiracy movement, like Alex Jones, are being kind of incorporated into the campaign.
If Trump gets elected, he's gonna be Secretary of Defense.
I think that Alex Jones is a lunatic.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
Bill Clinton is a rapist, Infowars.com.
Bill Clinton is a rapist!
Bill Clinton is a rapist.
Bill Clinton's a rapist.
The New World Order sends its regards.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Incredible times to be alive here.
We are going to be hearing from Alex Jones in the next segment.
He is taping an interview right now with Kalen Robinson, an update on the Tommy Robinson situation.
He's getting that interview uploaded and sent over to us here at the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
He, of course, on the road.
And, of course, Kalen Robinson over in the UK.
Now, you heard that intro, and it's strange.
Why do they hate us so much?
Why do they demonize Alex Jones so much?
Well, there's multiple layers and facets to this, but take a look at what's going on right now on the Alex Jones Show.
We're getting the exclusive, we're getting the breaking intel, we've got the information that the people actually want to know.
The MSNBCs, the CNNs, even the Fox Newses out there don't get this type of information, and even if they were to, and this is the key, they wouldn't run with it.
So even if Kalen Robinson wanted to have any of these television news outlets as a platform to get the Tommy Robinson story out there, they wouldn't run with it.
It gets a media blackout.
When this story about Tommy Robinson getting transferred goes fully viral, do you expect to see it on television?
Of course not.
That's why they hate us.
That's why they fear us.
We don't... We're not afraid to run with this stuff.
They want every media outlet to be on the same level of fear so that they'll only cover news that is comfortable to that platform.
That's not what we do here.
That's why we get the exclusive.
That's why Alex Jones is making sure that we get this on the other side of the break interview with Kalen Robinson aired so that people can understand what's going on.
But just think about the notion and, you know, seeing the video of Tommy Robinson being arrested.
I hope that that isn't the video that goes down in history.
As the last video you ever see from Tommy Robinson.
But it's almost as if he knew that this was going to happen the whole time.
It's almost as if Tommy decided he was going to sacrifice himself for the greater cause.
And you have to wonder if Tommy Robinson even knows
What he's done now to expose how radical Islam has taken over the government of the UK.
Police enforcement, law enforcement, the judicial system, and even the prison system, folks.
It is very real and it's scary.
The latest on the other side.
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We're good to go.
Alright, we are waiting to get the latest from Alex Jones on the Tommy Robinson developments.
Did the radical Islamists that have taken over multiple wings of the UK government just sentence Tommy Robinson to death for reporting?
And why?
I mean, if you really, it should all start here.
Why was Tommy Robinson arrested for reporting on a court case, not even inside the courtroom, not doing anything to incite violence at the scene, just reporting on the facts of the case?
I mean, should we arrest the people inside the courtroom that were talking about this case as well?
And then you realize Tommy Robinson gets a worse punishment for standing outside the courtroom and reporting on cases of child rape than the actual rapists.
Tommy Robinson is deemed as public enemy number one when it comes to Britain's government, not the rape gangs and radical Islamic sex trafficking that has invaded their country since the open borders policy was initiated.
But I guess if you're Sadiq Khan, and you're the Mayor of London, well, child sex trafficking and pedophile rings is just part and parcel now.
That's just part and parcel to the UK, and if you want to complain about that, you see, you're the problem, and you have to be shut down.
And you know, these police officers that are taking Tommy in, you know what, I'm sorry, you're a bunch of spineless cowards too.
Because you know damn well what you're doing.
It'd be one thing if Tommy Robinson was outside of a mosque in the middle of some ceremony, some religious ceremony, shouting at them, calling them all rapists, telling them all that they're
Openly allowing rape gangs to operate and ignoring it.
Okay, maybe then law enforcement might have to stop it and do something, but that's not even the case.
He's standing outside of a courtroom on a street peacefully reporting on known cases that are already in every other mainstream news outlet.
So he could have been sitting there standing on the streets
Reporting on news, just reading from other news outlets.
All he would be doing is just reading from other news outlets.
Would they have arrested him for that?
Yes, they would have.
That's what they did.
He may not have had the physical news story piece of paper in front of him reading from it, but he might as well have.
Would they have arrested him then?
But again, I watched that video.
Roll the B-roll again, guys.
of Tommy Robinson being arrested and you just pray to God this is not the last video of Tommy Robinson you ever see.
You hope that these police officers did not just send Tommy Robinson to his imminent death.
You hope that that's not the case, that you don't have radicals inside the UK government that want Tommy Robinson dead because of his free speech.
You hope that you don't have a radical Islamic religious wing
Taking over the UK government that wants to make an example of Tommy Robinson and show the rest of Britain, Britain has fallen, radical Islam runs the show now.
But that is the message that would be sent if the worst happens to Tommy Robinson.
And I watched that video of him, what we hope is not his last video of him getting arrested.
I look at that video and I almost see it in his eyes that he knew what was about to happen.
And I wonder if Tommy Robinson didn't go into that day realizing what he was going to do.
Understanding the bigger picture and like Obi-Wan Kenobi
Facing down Darth Vader on the Death Star, lowering his lightsaber and allowing Darth Vader to strike him down just to show everyone who Darth Vader really was.
And to then move the momentum in the direction against Darth Vader.
That's what is happening.
And that's why they have to have a media blackout of Tommy Robinson.
That's why they won't allow Tommy Robinson to report.
That's why they don't let the media report on Tommy Robinson or the child trafficking sex rings.
Because they know, if you report on that, they know, if you report on Tommy Robinson, they lose.
Because Tommy Robinson is Obi-Wan Kenobi.
And now the radical Islamicists are Darth Vader taking over England.
And again, there's nothing wrong if people want to be Muslims in England, that's fine.
Oh, but if you're going to run sex trafficking rings in the name of your religion and then use your religion as a cover, well then yeah, that's a problem.
If you're going to have open borders and then have a known
agenda to bring in as many Muslims as possible, whether you think it's for diversity or whether there's a radical element of this that wants to make England fall, well then yeah, you want to make an issue of that.
You want to put light on that.
That is a problem.
That's what Tommy Robinson did.
That's why he got arrested.
That's why they want him dead.
That's why they don't let the media report on it.
Because if you report on Tommy Robinson, if you show Tommy Robinson, then you see how radical Islam is taking over.
Then you see how the government is taking a knee when it comes to child sex trafficking.
That's what this is.
You want to talk about taking a knee for the national anthem?
How about the government
In Britain taking a knee to sex trafficking rings.
How about the government in Britain taking a knee to radical Islam trying to destroy Great Britain?
How about taking a knee to free speech and arresting an individual for his right to free speech?
That's taking a knee!
That's pathetic!
That is an entire country taking a knee to child sex trafficking,
And violent religious extremists.
That is the media taking a knee to child sex trafficking and violent religious extremists.
That's what this is.
And you know, you don't want to believe that this is the case.
You don't want to think that you're here hating a group of people.
But the facts are the facts, ladies and gentlemen.
The facts are the facts!
Look at the numbers of the Muslim population.
In Britain, and you say, okay, well, what's wrong with that?
Well, I don't know!
Why does crime increase at the same rate?
Why do all these radical Islamic sex trafficking rings keep getting exposed and arrested and brought to trial?
So, maybe there's not something wrong with Muslims coming into England, but we have all these facts that are directly correlated with radical Islam coming into England, so maybe we should report on it.
Oh, you want to report on it?
We're locking your ass up!
And by the way, Radical Islam High has taken over, so we're gonna send you to the Radical Islam Jail and let them kill you.
And that'll send a message to anyone else in Britain, you think you can stand up against Radical Islam?
You're gonna die!
Because we're in control now.
And you hope that that's not the story.
You hope that's not the case.
But I'm seeing it all happen, folks.
And no one else will report on this.
You're not going to see this on television news.
You're not going to see this on BBC.
You're only going to see this at InfoWars.com and other outlets that have been fair to Tommy Robinson.
So we're going to have the update with Alex Jones on the other side, but folks, this is why your support at InfoWarsTore.com is so important.
This is why they're trying to sue us into a crisis.
This is why they try to dehumanize us with the fake news.
This is why they attack Alex Jones all day.
This is why they want InfoWars shut down.
We will report on this.
We will not back down.
We get these exclusives because they know we will tell the truth.
So unlike the rest of the spineless media in this country, we're going to report on the facts and we're not too scared to do it.
So on the other side, we're going to hear an update on the Tommy Robinson case from Alex Jones.
Don't go anywhere.
It was early on in the Revolutionary War, when the U.S.
Navy had less than ten major surface ships, that John Paul Jones, the father of the U.S.
Navy, while engaging a British ship three times the size of his, said, I've only begun to fight.
And that's when the ship was sinking and was on fire.
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So I don't know how the Infowars fight is gonna end.
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Faced with the same challenges that John Paul Jones and Colonel Travis faced, with this country under attack by foreign evil forces hell-bent on enslaving us, destroying the promise of the Renaissance, I will quote Colonel Travis 110% and hope that I can man up to be in his shoes and say victory or death.
Let me tell you something, I get tears in my eyes when I think about that because I love America.
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Every other major conservative website or talk show host is funded by the Mercers or some other billionaire family.
That's fine.
I'm not funded by any of that.
I'm funded by you.
So thank you all.
And please continue to support us because without you, we will fall to Soros and Hillary.
But I know in my gut we're going to win this one way or the other.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we are waiting to get the latest from Alex Jones and Kalen Robinson on the Tommy Robinson developments.
So, uh, stay tuned for the latest on that.
You know, ironically, I guess this is a campaign that Snapchat is doing.
And it's 100 years of beauty.
And, uh, the one that I saw, I'm not sure, again, I don't know if this is a campaign, if they've done others, but the one I saw was 100 Years of Beauty, and it was Iranian women.
And it's funny, because you watch this, and it starts out with the Iranian women in the oppressive hijab.
Then it goes into the 40s and 50s and 60s and 70s and the hijab is gone and they start experimenting with makeup and different hairstyles and you're like, oh okay, oh wow, they're okay.
Then it hits the 80s and the 90s and the 2000s and they still do the makeup and hair and then they put the hijab on over it.
And so you don't even see the makeup, you don't even see the hairstyle.
And Snapchat is celebrating this, female oppression, as Iranian beauty.
And it's hilarious that in the actual video that Snapchat puts out, they show you how the Iranian women went from being oppressed, to being free from the oppressive hijab, to then going back to the oppressive hijab.
And they just kinda roll it out like, oh yeah!
All cool, all trendy.
And now the crew is rolling all the footage of all the Iranian women that are ditching their hijab now.
Yeah, it's a symbol of female oppression.
It's a symbol of dominance over women.
It's a symbol of treating women like a second-class citizen.
This is what the most extreme versions of Islam do.
This is what countries do that are run by Islamic extremists.
In Saudi Arabia, they just announced this year that women can even drive a car.
Who knows if that's even going on?
But then Snapchat makes it trendy.
Oh, the hijab is trendy.
Oh, Linda Cockroach Sarsour says it's trendy.
Yeah, there it is right there.
That's literally it!
Thank you to the crew.
They have a couple of snapshots.
So there you see it.
Okay, 1910s, 20s, the oppressive hijab.
1930s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s.
They start using new hair, new makeup.
Like, oh, okay, there's some beauty stuff.
Then it hits the 80s, the 90s, the 2000s, and they're right back in the hijab.
But the crazy thing is, they still do all the hair and all the makeup, and then they put the hijab on over it anyway.
I mean, whatever, I'm just saying, it doesn't make any sense to me.
And I just find it ironic that Snapchat is using this as a trendy thing like, ooh, you know, this is freeing and tolerance and diversity in Iran, beautiful women, and then they actually show you how the oppression of women in Iran has developed over the years.
And they don't even get it.
They don't even get it.
And then the average leftist thinks that the hijab is a symbol of women's empowerment.
I mean, I guess if you're doing it as like a joke or something, I just don't get it.
I mean, it's all so bass-ackwards.
It's like, how do you even wrap your head around it?
Like one of the crew members was talking to me in the break, he was like, don't you understand that Tommy Robinson is the one being treated like a pedophile?
So the actual pedophiles... I'm a hijabi feminist.
What a... No, you're not.
Okay, fine.
You know what?
I don't get it.
Tommy Robinson is the one that gets treated like a pedophile.
Tommy Robinson is not allowed to go in front of a courtroom.
Tommy Robinson has restraining orders.
Tommy Robinson is the one on probation.
Not a violent offender, just a guy whose free speech is considered offensive, and so he's the bad guy.
He's the guy that gets multiple years in jail.
He's the guy who has restraining orders and can't even have free speech anymore.
But the actual radical pedophile gangs get short prison sentences, get covered up by the media, and they even say, well,
We have to be tolerant, this is just their heritage, this is just their culture.
And we also want to be tolerant and diverse, so we're going to continue to bring them in here, but then if you mention that it's their heritage and it's their culture, see, you're going to jail.
So think about that too!
So you even have the courts saying that you have to listen to these people because
Well, raping children and sex trafficking rings is just part of their heritage, part of their culture, so we have to accept that, we have to be tolerant of that, that's our diversity.
But if you report that, you're the bad guy, you're fake news, your free speech gets attacked, you're not allowed near a courtroom, you're not allowed to talk about it.
So then they act like it doesn't exist.
The media doesn't talk about it.
Media blackout.
They say, oh, it's the religion of peace, but then they admit, well, we kind of have to be tolerant of this and understand that this is just where they come from, and there's going to be some child sex trafficking and some grooming by these, you know, radical Islam rape gangs, and that's just how it's going to go.
So be tolerant and accepting of that.
And then again, if you report on it though, you go to jail.
You're public enemy number one, not the radical child raping gangs.
They're allowed to operate.
It's part of their culture.
And if you want to have a culture, if you want to have a culture as somebody in England, if you want to have a British culture, well, see, that's not tolerated.
You see, we can't tolerate that.
I mean, it's so screwy.
It's like, how do you even wrap your head around it?
I guess just like a hijab.
And then call it freedom.
So wrap your head in all the madness, call it sanity, wrap your head in the hijab, and call it freedom.
That's what this is now.
Now, I've got stacks and stacks of news that we need to get to, but we're gonna hopefully hear the latest from Alex Jones on this Tommy Robinson situation.
Again, it's all developing right now, and no one else is gonna cover this stuff.
There's a media blackout on this.
You're not allowed to cover this in England.
No television media in America is going to touch this.
And it goes beyond just the radical Islamic rape gangs that have been moved into Europe.
You know, this is a free speech issue.
And if you can litigate people's right to free speech,
Out in the courts?
That's an even bigger free speech issue.
Why isn't the media all over this?
You don't want to touch the radical Islamic rape gangs that went into Britain?
I understand it.
You don't want to touch that?
You don't want to seem hateful?
You don't want to be controversial?
Don't touch it.
Don't talk about the child rape gangs.
Don't talk about the child grooming to be sex slaves.
Don't talk about that.
You're too big of a coward.
I get it.
Why won't you at least talk about the attack on free speech?
Why won't you at least say, hey, here's a guy reporting on an ongoing trial from inside, standing on the street, and he gets arrested and sentenced to jail?
And they'll say, oh, but don't you understand?
The court said he wasn't allowed to do that.
Oh, so the court says he doesn't get free speech, therefore he doesn't get free speech.
Well, what if the court said that about you?
What if the court decided you don't get free speech?
Because that's what next.
Tommy Robinson's fate is the fate of the UK.
They think you're a goldfish!
I've been betting on you my whole life!
I believe in you!
I don't think you're stupid!
One man ever raped a woman, all genitals were cut off!
And we're kicking these traitors' asses politically, and we're not backing down on her!
Get these people!
We're waiting!
I can feel the spirit rising!
Can't you?
We have broken their back!
Yes, I can feel it!
Let's go!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Vengeance is coming!
Fire is coming!
The real revolution against you is coming!
And you will burn in hell!
We're good to go.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Okay, we're gonna have the latest from Alex Jones and Kalen Robinson.
We are putting, we are finalizing, getting that interview put together so that we can broadcast it here on the Alex Jones Show.
Now, we had Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai scheduled, we preempted that for the Tommy Robinson thing, but
Sheeva also, Dr. Sheeva Iyeri, running for Senate against Elizabeth Warren, he's also got breaking news.
But we're going to go ahead and break that for you tomorrow on the Alex Jones Show.
So we're going to have that for you tomorrow.
We're going to have the Tommy Robinson breaking news for you shortly here on the Alex Jones Show.
In the meantime, though, I want to get through this news here domestically.
uh... that i think is important let's start with the new york post politicians fear for safety as threats against congress skyrocket now as you can imagine most of these threats are coming to republicans and of course this is in wake of the shooting that happened a year ago tomorrow where steve police was shot was shot i believe there are a couple of patrons shot by a radical left-winger who specifically was trying to target republicans
Whether or not the New York Times intentionally put out the information about that baseball practice that had lax security, that's what the shooter used to plan this shooting.
And it was probably, folks, honestly, an act of God.
A miracle that stopped that day from becoming a mass shooting.
Because you're talking about a guy with a rifle and sitting targets, and luckily the individual
Was either a bad shot or something that day, again, a miracle, stopped more people from being shot and stopped people from dying.
Imagine, and I'm glad, I'm not, you know, this is not a, you know, don't twist this here, but can you imagine if that would have been a mass shooting and you would have had multiple Republican politicians dead because of a radical left-wing terrorist?
I mean, again, I'm glad that isn't what happened, but that's what's going on.
That's where the radical left has entered right now.
And they'll say, oh, there's all kinds of shootings and this, that, everything.
That's not what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about politically motivated hatred.
Hatred that stems from politics.
Hatred that stems from fake news that drives
That drives radical left-wingers to violence.
And you can say, well, the same happens to right-wingers.
Well, show me the cases.
Show me the cases where a radical quote-unquote right winger in the name of his politics goes out and targets people that have a different political opinion.
No, that's the left wing on the streets of America assaulting Trump supporters.
That's the left wing assaulting media.
That is literal radical left wingers going to a Republican baseball practice and attempting mass murder.
But they didn't make a big event out of that, did they?
They didn't want to draw attention to that, did they?
They didn't want to call for gun control on that event, did they?
And that's why President Trump tweets out today, the fake news is the country's biggest enemy.
But can you imagine, as the story again from the New York Post, politicians fear for safety as threats against Congress skyrocket.
Yeah, even Ajit Pai.
Again, it's all radical left-wingers.
Can you imagine, though, how this country might look today if the radical left-wing terrorists that shot up the Republican baseball practice hit Steve Scalise and others?
Can you imagine if that event would have been a mass shooting event with multiple dead people?
Can you imagine how that would have changed the course of history?
Can you imagine, though, the narratives that the left would have still tried to run with?
They might have tried to black that story out.
In fact, they definitely would have.
Or they just would have blamed the gun, like they normally do.
That's why politicians are being threatened more than ever right now.
In good news, food stamp enrollment dips to lowest level in eight years.
This is good.
This is getting people off of being dependent.
This is getting people off of the government plantation.
This is freeing people.
This is lightening the burden financially on our government.
So this is good, and this is just a reaction to more people
This is just a reaction to the job market.
When you can earn a living, you can afford to pay for your own food.
That's why food stamp enrollment dips to the lowest level in eight years.
All right, Alex Jones is back with us now, and he's just gotten some of the details hammered out on what's going on with Tommy Robinson, speaking to his manager, Kalen Robinson.
Alex Jones joins us back from the road.
Alex, what's the latest?
Well, I want to be clear.
Kalen was going to come on live with us when he learned more.
He talked to Tommy.
Uh, I ended up this morning saying, because I know Kalen gets busy.
I said, Hey, let's let's let's tape an interview.
And when it right, we talked to Tommy because he was telling me, Tommy says, I don't care what the lawyers say.
You go on air.
I'm at the prison.
They said they're gonna murder me tonight.
And he said he was scared to say it was so I'm sitting there writing all these notes.
I then say, Listen, we need to just take this.
So we taped it.
He said, No, no, I'll come on.
Sure enough,
Can't come on now.
Being threatened, you name it.
I mean, the UK is under a blanket of tyranny in our curtain.
Well, guess what?
We got the tape!
And I called Kalen up, and he said, well, since you've already got it taped, I can't stop you.
But he said, can you just get it aired quick?
Because he said, man, they are on his ass.
So, that is the circus I've been going through the last two plus hours.
But it's nothing compared to what Tommy's going through.
We are going to air this in the second and third segment of The Next Hour.
So we're talking like 15-20 minutes away, we're going to air this.
I have been trying to get the interview sent to you guys, because I'm literally leaving the Central Pacific right now, packing up, and so going.
That's why I'm a little bit cattywapish here, I apologize.
Show that is all coming.
So I you are getting the interview sent to you.
I see it right here on the screen.
It's it's being sent to you right now.
So won't be all dolled up like the fancy studio or anything.
But it is unbelievable.
Okay, I'm just going to leave it to you.
People know I don't do cliffhangers like other talk shows like oh coming up coming up, you know coming up coming up.
People know I just tell you up front what's going on.
This is so insane.
And then at the front of the interview,
That I taped earlier today, Kaelin wouldn't get into a bunch of the stuff that he told me off air.
Then he went ahead and got into all of it.
He said he's never seen Tommy this scared.
And he's scared because he's worried about his family and the country and he can't believe the government told him, we don't like you here, you're a dead man.
He said, excuse me, when they brought him into the prison.
And they put him in the right in the central area, 70 plus percent Muslim, and they laughed at him and they said goodbye.
They basically told him you're a dead man.
It's psychological warfare, because they had 30,000 people show up in the streets of London on the 9th.
The Prime Minister can't do that.
And they basically are saying, you shut up, you call the people off, or you're a dead man.
And so they've now put him in queue at the gallows.
So Tommy Robinson is now handcuffed, being walked to the gallows pole.
In fact, next segment, let's come in with Iron Maiden.
How old be that name?
I'm waiting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chime.
Reflecting on my past life because there isn't much time.
Because at five o'clock, they take me to the Gallows Pole.
The sands of time for me are running low.
Running low.
Running low.
And I just...
The manliness of this.
First to expose the grooming gang.
So they were right next to the kebab shop to his tanning salon.
He's 23, already married.
He's got multiple kids now.
He sees them running little crying girls into men's cars.
He calls the police.
They come and harass him.
He finds out CPS is working with him to take kids.
He starts beating these people's asses to save the kids.
Who wouldn't do that?
Well, turns out today that's really rare.
Cops aren't going to do something.
Tommy's like, you know, 5'7".
He squares up, beats these guys' ass.
Start throwing him in prison.
Look at his mortgage forms.
Oh, it looks like he said you made 5,000 pounds more than you did.
We're gonna take your house, put you in prison for a year, let Muslims beat you and attack you.
On and on and on.
11 years later, all their rape gangs are exposed everywhere.
They're going down, and they're pissed, and they're panicking, and they're so crazy, they think if they can murder Tommy, that'll make us all crawl in our hole scared of them.
You go ahead, Hitler, bomb London, and see if you can get your ass handed to you.
Let's do it!
Target civilians!
See what happens, scum!
Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the Infowars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broderick all came out with sexual allegations against Bill Clinton decades ago.
They originated this idea of coming out against someone who's powerful.
But they came out before these other women came out against Harvey Weinstein.
Now why were they excluded from the hashtag MeToo movement?
They were not included in the Time Magazine article.
None of the women were interviewed.
Are you worried at all that the hashtag MeToo movement may become too partisan and be used as a political weapon?
No, no.
Let me answer your question.
I'll answer your question.
Shut up.
Let me answer your question.
I'm sorry.
No, no.
What about Bobby Ann Williams, who is an African American woman that said Bill Clinton impregnated her?
Justice for Danny Williams!
The answer is, this is not a partisan movement.
The answer is, if you want to talk about before Bill Clinton, let's talk about Anita Hill.
I am raising awareness.
I am raising awareness.
This is a movement about survivors.
A female reporter being assaulted, being pushed, being grabbed, being cussed at, being yelled at by a mob of hateful women.
And if I saw a mob of men like Antifa does treating a woman like this, I would be upset.
We've seen them do that all over the country.
The left celebrates it.
So the truth is they're just a bunch of leftist, globalist, brainwashed women being led by the Democrats.
Oh yeah, I mean, it became a den of vipers, and she sure sucked them on me, I mean...
They instantly started cheering with her and it became a big bullying fest and it's like this witch hunt, this mob mentality where somebody can incite violence or hate towards you instantly and that's exactly what she did.
So why is it that her answer wasn't just simply, you know, we do support those women and we do think that, you know, the allegations against Bill Clinton are appalling and we want to support them and extend an arm to them.
And by the way, notice Millie, at first
First a lot of women, and first a lot of women cheer you, but then they get the marching orders that they shouldn't.
Exactly what you said was very reasonable.
She should have just said you were right and that'd be it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The bell begins to chime Reflecting on my past
Five o'clock.
It won't be as easy for Tommy Robinson with a pack of Muslims.
Stabbing and kicking and biting him.
And chirping.
Crank it up.
They'll take their time at a country over the west, brought in by traitors, brought in by stateless hell-bent on bringing down the republics.
Yes, the sounds of time are running low.
Running low!
For Tommy, for everybody else in this world, so choose what side you're on.
The rightist Trump comes in and the nationalists come in like the cavalry at our most desperate moment.
Those who have been champions of liberty, those who were the igniters of the rebellions, those who don't have presidential protection like the president, we are under attack.
Tommy Robinson facing a near-death sentence in the next few days, the next few hours.
They put him in the main wing general population, open cell, high security, 71% Muslim prison.
He was brought in last night.
And they beat the walls, and they said, when they open those doors tomorrow, you are dead.
And Robinson got his one-minute phone call that he gets every two days, and he called Cale, and he said, I don't care what those lawyers say.
You get out there, and you say they told me I'm a dead man when I got here.
And by the way, I was told even more.
The lawyers are threatening everybody, and just say, oh, don't do it.
They'll be nice if you stop.
You know, we're going to get him in a better prison.
We don't know why they moved him from a low security to a high security.
For being a reporter, we've got a political dissident being put in a high security, mainly Muslim prison run by them.
You know, the asylums, the prisons are run by the inmates.
And they're beating the wall saying, we're gonna kill you tomorrow.
We're gonna kill you.
And it's tomorrow.
We don't even know.
He talked to him about four hours ago.
Four hours ago.
And we're live right now.
He was going to come on with us live earlier in the hour.
By then he said, no, no, the lawyers are freaking out.
My God, Tommy told me to do it.
And I told you, but now they're totally freaking out and the family's freaking out.
And I said, well, luckily, you know, I said, let's take something.
And he goes, he goes, it's up to you.
He said, it's what Tommy wants.
And I said, I'm doing what Tommy asked.
People can get on the fence about this all day.
Is it the right thing to do?
I already told you before I knew the lawyers got involved and told him not to go on air.
I predicted that would happen.
It's not hard to predict.
And now the cat's already out of the bag.
So, um, have you guys gotten that upload?
You guys have the interview now?
There at the ATX in Austin?
You guys don't, don't, don't, you guys don't have the segments yet?
Well, it says it uploaded and it's just a 20 minute interview.
There's, it's taped.
It's just chop it in half and I,
Made some mess-ups in the middle and said the website wrong.
Teleprompter free.
So, towards the end, there's like two minutes of mess-ups.
And my Skype cut out on it, so it's probably about 16 minutes.
So just, I don't, you know what?
Air it with the mess-ups.
Who cares?
Just, we have to get this on air while we're still on air.
Air this, air it raw.
I don't care.
Just air the damn thing.
So they've gotten the upload, folks.
They told me in their ear that it's 20 minutes long and it's a mess-up, so they gotta chop it up.
But I don't care.
We gotta get it out on air.
I hate doing stuff tight.
Magically, I mess up on this tape.
I don't mess up that much on this live.
Oh my God, it's just incredible that we are in this position.
And tens of thousands of people demonstrated on the night.
Katie Hopkins covered it.
We played the video earlier.
And now we're here.
And this could be any of us.
And this is their plan for me.
This is their plan for you.
If Hillary would have gotten in, they've got all these George Soros scripts showing us, trying to shut us down.
This is a war.
And the good news is people are awake.
Trump's doing a great job.
Things are turning around on so many fronts.
The general public thinks, oh, things are better.
Trump's in.
No, the real war is raging now.
We haven't won this by a long shot.
You know, Owen, you first.
We're a sports reporter.
I know you've got a psychology degree as well, but what's the sports analogy here?
I'd say it's halftime.
And what, we got a field goal right before halftime, so we're three points ahead?
But they're coming out of that bunker, man, right now.
And this is, we got two more quarters to play here, and if we think we're winning the game because we got one field goal up on the board against them, we're gonna lose our ass.
I mean, is that a good allegory here?
Well, I think the best analogy would just be to say, we now have the ball.
When we got Trump elected, we now intercepted the football and we can now move the football upfield.
But if we're not attempting to move the football upfield, then we're just stagnating and we're going to eventually punt when Trump no longer is in office and they bring in, God forbid, another radical globalist.
So right now we have the ball and it's about completing passes, you know, having the right blocking scheme, moving the ball upfield so that we can spike it and get a touchdown.
No, these are pedophile, Islamic, New World Order, satanic, globalist, hell-bent on enslaving us, and we have to stop putting up with their crap.
We have to get pissed and hate them.
We have to know they're the enemy and stop buying their crap and absolutely get motivated.
Well, let me just say this.
This is only for sports.
Sports is a facsimile of normal human activity.
I am motivated for my family.
I care about Tommy.
I'm friends with Tommy.
We were gonna launch InfoWars Europe with Tommy.
They're about to kill him!
I care about him!
This isn't a movie!
This is a real person!
I admire that these assholes are gonna try to kill!
Excuse me.
God, it pisses me off, Owen!
Well, now you know.
This is not another Netflix movie, man!
This is a real guy with kids, standing up and exposing pedophiles, proving to be accurate and good, now facing murder by a bunch of cowardly Islamist asswipes and their little nightgowns!
That's why they don't want this news out there, Alex.
God forbid, if Tommy Robinson die in this jail, they don't want the narrative already out there that it was radicalism.
They love it.
What do you think about the blind spot of tyrants, where they always think we're cowards, and they mess with us and mess with us and mess with us.
Don't they get that's not winning?
Well, this is happening in the UK, so this is their battle.
But let me just say this.
If something like this happened to one of the leaders of the Patriot movement here in America and they sentenced somebody to a death sentence via jail cell or the prison they put him in, that's an act of war to me.
To me, if I'm in the UK and you see what they're doing to Tommy Robinson, that's an act of war to me.
That is the government
Bringing down an act of war to their people.
Owen, you are an absolute godsend.
When I was marching in here and then taping the interview earlier with Kalen Robertson, I was going to come on air and say this is an act of war.
The Islamic invasion is an act of war.
The globalists are waging war on our economy.
It is.
CNN is waging war on the truth.
This is an act of war!
A journalist, a patriot, a hero, facing murder, moving him to a Muslim prison, so he gets killed because he dare report on giant child kidnapping rings?
My God!
The man deserves a freaking medal!
He deserves to be carried on people's shoulders, but instead, he's there facing certain death, and we're not hyping that.
Let me tell you, Tommy's not a guy.
People have seen him.
He's not a wimp.
You see him stand up to, you know, the North Africans, you know, and all the rest of it, you know, in the no-go zones.
And he was scared when I talked to Caleb.
He said, man, they're coming to my cell.
The guards tell me I'm done laughing at me.
They're gonna murder him.
They're gonna murder him in front of us.
And what does it say they think about us, Owen, that they can piss all over us like this?
What the hell do they think they're doing?
They're crazy!
Well, I'm curious, what happens to the 30,000 peaceful protesters in the streets if they do kill Tommy Robinson?
What happens then?
I don't think they're going to be so peaceful anymore, Alex.
They're going to realize that this is an act of war against their country, against their heritage, and something's going to give.
Something has to give here.
You know, maybe they want to start a civil war because Brexit, they just voted to continue Brexit.
Don't they get that's a civil war they're going to lose?
Mouse starting a fight with a juggernaut.
What is it about globalists that think because we were asleep, we were intimidated by them, but now we're awake and they think all the threats, it does not intimidate us.
I'm ready to take on 20 of these people.
They're hoping that the narrative that Tommy Robinson is in a mostly occupied by Muslim prison doesn't get out there.
That's their hope because that's the narrative they have to control.
Oh, and I totally agree.
What about them taking down the video?
Well, in fact, we have it.
I meant to ask you guys, when I talked to them, they took down the video off their channel that had millions of views.
Tommy Robbins and I won't be here much longer.
Find a mirror, or I think we have it saved.
They took that down today.
They're even getting them ready for execu- You're abso- Owen!
You are so right, Owen.
Please continue, I'm sorry.
This is what they're doing.
They have to control the narrative so that the general public doesn't know that he got put into a prison that's made up with mostly Muslim inmates.
So then, God forbid, if Tommy Robinson dies, they can't have the narrative that he got killed by radical Islamists in the cell, which would then lead to the bigger war and the truth being exposed, how the government has now kowtowed to radical Islam running the country.
That's a narrative they don't want to have.
Because they don't want this information out and people don't know the Muslims kill people, even protest mosques or put a piece of bacon on the ground.
This is well known that they send you to Muslim prisons to be executed.
So Muslims are the executioners in the UK.
Radical Wahhabists are the executioners of non-radical Muslims, Christians, you name it.
So Tommy's being sent to be executed by Muslims.
I don't know how you feel about this, but keep a gun in your house, and if you think someone's gonna assault you, or rape you, blow their head off, man!
Kinnison was born in Peoria, Illinois.
He died when a pickup truck slammed into his car near Needles, California last night.
The body of Nirvana's lead singer and songwriter was found today in a guest cottage at his Seattle home.
The medical examiner says he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
All of a sudden, police brutality had a human face.
The face belonged to Rodney King, a black male being brutally beaten and pitched by Los Angeles police officers.
Oh, look at that.
And there's no police presence down here.
Nobody's helping us.
This is attempted murder.
The three merchants walked out of the stores and they just started firing at everybody and anybody.
That's not right!
That's not right!
You mad, so why is that?
Why did you throw him out there?
Kicked in the head.
He's laying in the street.
Terrible, terrible pictures.
All this guy did was enter this area.
Hit the siren, Doug.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
What we are looking at is good and evil, right and wrong.
The New World Order.
The New World Order.
The New World Order.
Here's the deal, folks.
Thousands of different mindsets.
Thousands of different versions of religions.
But there's only one system dominating the globe right now.
And that's globalism.
And there's only one idea and one system countervailing it and now overtaking it and ripping its arm out of its socket.
Like Beowulf to Grendel.
And that's Renaissance.
To know Americana is to know Renaissance.
The problem with Renaissance is it creates unfathomable wealth, unmeasurable freedom, unadulterated liberty.
And just as Lucifer had unlimited liberty in heaven, except for being God, he had full realm to do whatever he wanted, but it couldn't be God.
So he took one third of the angels with him.
It's better to reign in hell than serve in heaven, so said Lucifer at their space base.
And now we're here.
Another civilization building towards the stars.
And the old remnant spirit of rebellion is here to take another group.
A group of babies.
Couldn't win there, but maybe can win with the tadpoles.
And that's where we are, and everyone jockeys to be Hollywood, or everyone jockeys to be mainstream media, or everyone jockeys to the new big podcasters to have establishment guests on and to be the new establishment.
I don't want to be the new establishment.
I want to reestablish the Renaissance.
I want to overthrow globalism and its system.
And out of the thousands of permutations and thousands of political beliefs and ideas,
Liberty, human inventiveness, freedom, but governed by conscience.
Wealth, governed by true Christianity.
Power, the will of God, made in the image, but governed by the greater spirit, so you don't fall to Luciferian delusions of grandeur.
And fall into that narcissistic black hole of death that so many have fallen into, not just here, but throughout the eons.
As Christ said, I have other sheep.
I have other flocks.
Taken for terra firma, but obviously not.
This is the great compendium of time.
And again, I'm on the road.
We got the taped interview.
We're not trying to push this out.
They're trying to take it in right now and transfer it into the computers.
Uh, and so I should probably take a bigger crew with me.
I took a one-person crew when I go on the road.
I probably take two.
This crew's done a great job.
It's been me messing stuff up and things.
And then, but just the dial-up speeds and all that stuff.
If it's not this segment, it's going to be the third segment, the fourth segment, the exclusive on Tommy Robinson.
But I'm proud of Tommy, even if they kill him.
In fact, more proud of him.
I hope he doesn't die, but he's a real man and he stands for something.
You know, it began with seeing
Islamicists being protected by the police and social services.
Kidnapping children in mass and deciding I'm not going to be a party to that.
But because we're not standing up to it, it makes you a party.
And then 11 years later, it's the biggest story in the UK.
It's bringing down the globalists and they think they can, well, at least we can kill Tommy Robinson.
We can take him a non-violent political prisoner and put him in a
Dangerous prison facility for 71% Muslim, and that'll show them we'll kill you if you protest!
Go away!
Shut up!
Yeah, that hasn't worked too well in history.
You guys don't get it.
But I feel sorry for Tommy.
They think he'll roll over and come to the system, maybe become an anti-liberty spokesperson for exchange for his life.
No, I think he'll choose death, which means life for his children.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
Well, Tommy Robinson, a political prisoner for reporting on Islamic child grooming gangs working with the British aristocracy to deliver children to them, he simply reported that there was another trial happening, not that he tells the trial.
He was put in prison for 13 months, denotices told the media, not to even report on it.
Major papers challenged that, and then after three days, the reporting ban was lifted.
That just shows the limit of how far they'll go.
There is no limit.
We've now learned from his manager and video producer, Kalen Robertson, that his video has been taken down.
He shot a few months ago that had millions of views.
Tommy Robinson, I won't be here much longer.
No, and they put him in prison for reporting on the giant pedophile rings, not just Islamic.
But that's part of more radical Islamic culture.
That's what fits in with the British system.
So, YouTube has taken this video down.
He has now been moved, they've asked me not to say the name of the prison, to a high-security, 71% Muslim prison.
He got there yesterday.
They told him, you're going to be killed.
Everybody hates you.
They chanted and banged on the walls that he would die last night.
And now we haven't heard from him in about five hours.
Coming up at the start of the next segment, I believe we're going to have it ready because I did the tape interview earlier, Kalen Robertson will break down the shocking specific details.
Please send out the live links, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, the Twitter, the Facebook, the YouTube live feeds.
This is so critical to have this be a big deal.
Tommy is counting on you because they had tens of thousands demonstrate on the 9th.
People climbing the walls at 10 Downing Street.
The globalists are scared, and now they're so crazy, they're gonna send a non-violent political prisoner to a high-security prison, 71% Muslim, and they're telling him, well, people don't like you, you're not gonna last long.
Hey, you're dead, slamming the door, and then opening it for general population.
And we don't know what's happening.
They told him last night when he got there, you're dead tomorrow.
He hasn't been talked to since then.
We need attention on this, ladies and gentlemen.
So, I've been asked not to say the name of the president and some other stuff,
But this is critical.
Here is the video they don't want you to see that they deleted of him saying his last will and testament.
Here's Tommy Robinson.
A few days ago, I responded to a tweet about grooming gangs.
I tweeted that 90% of convictions in the UK are Muslim men.
This is a fact.
It's a fact even found by a Muslim organisation who'd done research into it.
This is a tweet that got me banned from Twitter for seven days.
It's also true, even Majid Nawaz came out in my defence.
We disagree on many things, but he came out saying how outrageous this was.
Twitter started by removing my verification.
Now they've limited my account.
This is the build-up.
They want to remove me, to silence me, to discredit me.
They have tried to stop me in every possible way.
From taking my finances, to imprisoning me, to slandering me, to linking me to Darren Osborne, and extremism.
Now they want to take away the final thing I have, my voice.
I don't doubt one day they will wipe me off social media completely, forever.
They'll take away my right to defend myself when I'm slandered and oppressed.
The media will be able to tell you whatever they want about me, and I'll have no way of responding.
If they can do it to me, they can do it to you.
When I decided to sue the police because of the harassment of my children and many other things, my lawyer warned me things were going to get very dirty.
Now that I'm suing them on multiple fronts, it's getting dirtier and dirtier.
One day you won't be able to reach me on social media at all or watch my videos on YouTube.
One of the reasons I left rebel media is because I want to be out on the street.
I want to be out there exposing the truth about what's going on in our country and also across Europe.
I have major plans to start something big.
A whole new platform to get the truth out to you.
To the British public.
People who deserve to know what's going on in our country.
They're gonna try and stop this at every level.
They already are.
One day, I will only have this.
And my website.
So please visit tommyrobertson.online and sign up for updates.
I don't want to bash you with spam.
I just want to make sure, when it happens, trust me it's going to happen.
That's exactly what this big build-up's for.
I want to be able to keep on getting the truth out.
Telling the stories no one else will.
In 2016 the tide was on our side.
We had all the power to challenge the mainstream media.
To expose their lies and finally get the truth out to the people.
The real truth.
But they realised that.
And now they're taking back the power.
The entire establishment, if they're fighting back, they're working with social media to silence us.
They can kick me off Twitter.
They can delete my Facebook.
They can remove my YouTube.
But I won't let them stop me telling the truth.
So please, if I can ask one thing from you, just share this video.
Sign up.
Pledge us your support.
Just follow the links at TommyRobinson.online.
And I'll make sure that wherever they throw at me, the truth will always be told in this country.
Alright, Tommy Robinson shot that video, what, six months ago?
As he was banned on Twitter, as he was being banned on Facebook, as he was being shut down, as he was being told to go to prison, he exposed the Muslim rape gangs which he first exposed that are confirmed.
Now, he has been moved from a medium security to a high security.
71% Muslim president has been told by the inmates and others he will be killed.
So, this is him preparing for extrajudicial illegal execution.
Using the Islamic inmates a lot of people that have criticized Islam or been against it are taken by the leftist government Put in general population mainly Muslim prisons, you know, they've got prisons that aren't Muslim They keep them segregated in England and they send you there to be killed.
So that is basically Tommy Robinson's last statement I won't be here much longer now.
It's happening and YouTube won't let you see his Pre-execution statement even in
Authoritarian cultures, they usually let you have a last statement before you're executed.
But YouTube won't even let Tommy have a last statement before he's executed.
That's it!
YouTube denies Tommy Robinson a pre-execution statement.
Tommy Robinson denied pre-execution public statement.
So he's being prepared for execution.
Owen Schroyer, this is incredible.
You've been on fire today, just boiling down the history.
But just like the North Korean peace, and just like the economy coming back, and just like fake news being worse than ever, the good, the bad, and the ugly, everything is heightened right now, Owen.
And this is a declaration of war against the press, a declaration of war against the West.
This is just unbelievable, the Left using Islam as its sword.
Radical Islam as its sword.
Tommy Robinson needs our prayers, Owen.
Well, Alex, this would be like throwing the state district attorney or the state prosecuting attorney into the state penitentiary.
I mean, that's what they've basically done to Tommy Robinson.
I mean, imagine if you threw the DA or the PA of Texas into the worst prison facility in Texas, where he locked up more than half the inmates.
What do you think's going to happen to him?
That's basically what they've done with Tommy Robinson, where he poses as black.
Oh yeah, there are people, by the way I was told, the name of the prison, there are people in this prison that he helped lock up.
That's what I'm saying.
So now he's exposed all these pedophiles.
By the way, put that Ben Garrison back up from a month ago.
This is happening.
That is a TV viewer.
Muslim pedophile rapist and murderer.
Globalist PC police.
And they're dragging him away to a death sentence.
So that's what they've done, and of course the pedophiles that Tommy Robinson exposes are going to hate him, and of course the government's going to hate that because, well, you can make your own estimations as to why the government would stand up for the pedophiles.
But it's just incredible, Alex.
Again, this is an act of war.
This is an attack on free speech.
This is an attack on national sovereignty.
If I lived in Britain today,
I don't see how I'd be calm.
I don't see how I wouldn't be out on the streets protesting this.
I don't see how I wouldn't be organizing.
I mean, this is a threat to your sovereignty and your own government.
This totally proves...
That the globalists, the left, the UN, the EU, are with Islam as their political weapon.
It's all confirmed.
And now they're gonna kill this man.
They've told him he's dead.
He's been told that, but we've been asked not to get into the details of it.
This is insane.
Briefly, the interview is coming up in the next two segments.
Then Owen and I will be back in the final segment.
We've preempted Roger Stone.
He understands.
He'll be in the studio tomorrow.
The 34-hour global broadcast.
Please spread the word about that.
We'll have updates on Tommy.
But pray for Tommy.
I understand.
InfoWars needs your support.
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And we need the cavalry.
We need to have a voice.
That's why Infowars is here.
They hate our voice.
They hate the fact that we have speech.
They just can't stand we're countering them and we're winning.
But they're persecuting our leaders like Tommy Trump and others.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
We about to go inside, get my free coffee.
Y'all ready?
How you doing?
Good, how are you?
Alright, I heard y'all was racist, so I came to get my own free coffee.
I saw that.
Yeah, I heard you guys don't like black people, so I wanted to get my Starbucks reparations voucher.
What's that?
Is that a real thing?
It's a real thing.
I mean, I'll give it to you.
I saw that on my Twitter last night.
I was like... Yeah, I need a free coffee.
I'll give you a free coffee.
Reparations, man.
Gotta get my reparations for being black in America.
Black lives matter.
I'll take caramel.
What's your name?
I appreciate you.
Amanda, you are great.
This is the last day here until the fall.
Is it?
You're amazing.
Thank you.
You know what I'm saying?
You gotta get your free coffee out here, man.
You gotta get your Starbucks reparations, man.
Hotep Jesus was the man.
So he got the brilliant idea to go into a Starbucks and demand a coffee.
Otherwise, they're racist.
He's gonna go get a free chocolate chip cookie after the show.
So there's... Oh, he got his Starbucks mug right there.
Was that a free Joe?
It was the free joke.
So we need to get that cup and put that cup in a glass case and save it for all eternity.
There it is right there.
Oh, they even put your name on there!
That's a great picture!
You know, I understand liberal politics.
Been studying it for a while now and understand that.
And I've tweeted this before.
I said, if an individual, especially a black individual, wants to excel in this society, they should follow the liberal narrative and all doors and opportunities will be open to them.
And I knew it wouldn't work.
I knew it wouldn't work.
So I decided, you know, I said, you know what?
I'm standing here by this Starbucks.
I had this idea in my mind.
I said, let's test this thing out and see what happens.
The video started to go viral on Periscope.
And now here we are.
I wasn't mad at Starbucks at first, but now I'm mad at Starbucks for this racial bias training.
And I'm going to tell you why.
First of all, what does Eric Holder know about Black people?
What does the NAACP or the ADL know about Black people?
The Black people really suck one in the hood.
You see, Black Lives Matter, NAACP, and Eric Holder are not the voice of Black people.
That is the bourgeoisie that keep Black people down.
And Starbucks failed.
They failed.
If they really wanted to do some racial so-called bias training, they would have got some real people in the real world and not these bootlickers and Uncle Toms.
That's what they would have done.
But they don't care about black people.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're all living in America!
It's wunderbar!
We're all living in America!
We're all living in America!
Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot think
Kaylin Robertson on with us.
He just spoke to Tommy today.
We are taping this right now while Owen is live on air.
And we're gonna air this later in the broadcast.
I think the best thing I can do is just go right to Kaylin to tell you what's happened.
But Tommy has been given a death sentence.
Here it is.
Kalen, thank you for joining us here.
Obviously, we're all rooting for you and Tommy reporting on the Islamic rape gangs and everything else that's happening.
Seeing him as a political prisoner and now the new news you told me just a few minutes ago on the phone shook me to my core.
So please relate to the viewing and listening audience what happened.
Yeah, I'll let you know.
I don't have too long.
I just have to pass on this information.
So I spoke to Tommy within the hour.
He was relaying this information.
So we just found out that he's actually been moved from the prison he was at.
to the new one where he's just been put within the last 48 hours where he was before was relatively safe but had a very low Muslim population he was in a specific ward that was safe he was actually okay we've just brought in a new legal team who's taking over the case who's doing a really good job and he's just been moved to a really actually unsafe place as soon as he arrived at the entrance someone told him or muttered to him that it was full of people here who didn't like him which was really really worrying
I don't
We found the statistics of the prison.
It's around 71% Muslim.
Really, really, really disastrous.
The last one was like close to 2%.
And as soon as he arrived, he looked around and he could see people shouting, being really, really quite terrifying.
He went to his cell and he said that all night people were shouting, banging on the cell doors, screaming death threats.
He was really actually quite terrified about it.
And he's just been relaying this information over in the last hour.
So I don't have too much more to push from there, but we also have that there's been a hit from an imam on him directly, which has been in the last 24 hours.
I can't confirm if the imam is in that specific prison or if it's in one nearby, but that's something that happened to him last time he was in prison.
So he's been basically put from what is a really moderate situation to a really, really, really highly hostile situation.
He's a much higher target now than he was when he was previously
Kaelin, this is surreal, like something out of a fiction novel or something, or the old Soviet Union where
It's known that a lot of people get killed in the prisons by Muslims.
The guy that put a piece of bacon outside the mosque, as you know, got stabbed to death.
They've said they're going to kill him in prison.
And then now to take him, a non-violent offender, for reporting that there was a trial of Muslim rape gangs, other media reported as well, to give him 13 months in jail.
And then now to move him to a higher security prison.
I know the lawyers don't want us to, you know, obviously say the name of that.
And that we've got all of this unfolding and that he arrives at the new prison and they're basically channing in general population in a place with murderers and rapists and all sorts of horrible people.
This is like the old biblical thing.
We're good to go.
Well, A, we're really, really, really worried about it.
It's the most devastating news possible.
Things actually seem to be going OK.
It looked like we'd be able to get him out early.
It looked like we'd be able to actually have success with the case.
And he was safe.
He was feeling positive because of the protests.
But it's just turned everything upside down for us.
Obviously, it's terrifying.
It's really, really the worst thing.
You know, I've worked with Tommy almost every day.
Why would they do this?
Why would they want to make him a martyr when there's a very good chance he will be killed or physically harmed?
Well, I mean, it's to get rid of him.
I think the protests have been eating up.
We've had people climbing over the gates of Downing Street.
We've had tens of thousands, 30,000 people the other day rioting and going nuts in the street because of him.
And I believe they want to get rid of him.
They don't want this to happen anymore.
In the last hour of YouTube, I've just received a notification on my phone about 25 minutes ago saying that they've removed his video on YouTube that says, I won't be around for much longer.
You've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We've got it.
What a strange war here in the United States.
In the middle of it, they had big prison ships off the coast starving family members.
Some other things that he said to you, and I don't want to be at liberty here with the things I wrote down when we talked earlier, and again, we're taping this, gonna air it as soon as possible on the syndicated broadcast, but I mean, can you tell us about his voice?
I mean, he's not a fearful guy.
He'll take on, you know, eight, nine guys bigger than him.
He's not a big guy, but his heart's huge, and you know, he'll fight back and kick their butt.
He's got the heart of a lion here, obviously.
Can you tell folks what the other stuff you told me?
Well, very briefly, I mean, he... The only thing I can say about it is this is sort of... After knowing him for so long and being in really hostile environments, being in no-go zones and things like that, you know, the most extreme things, this would be the most worried and nervous that I've ever seen with him, ever.
So it's something that's... Yeah, I mean, I don't know if that sort of explains it.
Well, I know what's going through his head.
He's not thinking about himself, he's thinking about his children.
He's thinking about his wife, he's thinking about the fall of the UK.
I guarantee you he's in there thinking.
We're going to continue to stand up for America.
We are going to call BS on the mainstream media when they lie.
This is the essence of InfoWars.
This is why your trip to the InfoWars store is so vitally important.
You see, we don't have any right-wing industrialists or multi-billionaires standing in the wings writing big checks to Alex Jones to subsidize our work here at InfoWars.
We have to depend on the individual InfoWarrior, on men and women out there who believe in freedom, who believe in liberty, and believe in the message that we are delivering.
You can support us by going to the InfoWar store and loading up on some of these terrific products.
Take a look at our t-shirts, our books.
It's a 360 win.
When you buy the Super Blue Silver Moon Gargle,
You're helping the fight for freedom.
So please go to the site now.
We need your support.
I have a special message for you from the President of the United States.
The following program is brought to you in living color on NBC.
Dr. Martin Luther King, the apostle of nonviolence in the civil rights movement, has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
The USS Liberty was attacked by three Mirage III fighter bombers.
Israel claims the attack was accidental, but some former U.S.
naval officers say it was on purpose.
They describe the day's action as part of a continuing cover-up.
They've now said that there were 11 hostages.
Two were killed in their rooms this morning, yesterday morning.
Nine were killed at the airport tonight.
They're all gone.
A bomb exploded early this morning in the Pentagon, and left-wing terrorists telephoned newspapers to say they were responsible.
People calling themselves members of the Weather Underground last night planted bombs in federal office buildings in Washington and Oakland, California.
He's down and he is in.
Oh my God.
What a jump!
Evil's riding the amazing stunt cycle.
Evel Knievel, sold separately or with the Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle, from Ideal.
Are you sure it's the measles?
Well, he's certainly got all the symptoms.
A slight temperature, a lot of dots, and a great big smile.
A great big smile.
No school for a few days.
Boy, this is the life, isn't it?
If you have to get sick, you sure can't beat the measles.
That's right.
Swine flu?
Man, I'm too fast to let it catch me.
You'll want to be protected.
Get a shot of protection.
The Swine Flu Shot.
The vaccines are safe, easy to take, and they can protect you against flu.
Washington decided that every man, woman, and child in the nation should get a shot to prevent a nationwide outbreak, a pandemic.
This virus was the cause of a pandemic in 1918 and 1919 that resulted in over half a million deaths in the United States.
46 million of us obediently took the shot.
And now 4,000 Americans are claiming damages from Uncle Sam amounting to three and a half billion dollars because of what happened when they took that shot.
By far the greatest number of the claims, two-thirds of them, are for neurological damage or even death.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are in the resistance.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
So, imagine you're a pro-nationalist, pro-freedom guy.
You see little kids being sold as sex slavery.
You speak out 11 years ago.
You get put in prison for it.
It all comes out to be true.
They put you back in prison for it.
Then they transfer you for reporting on Islamic rape gang trials to a high-security prison, 71% Muslim.
They tell you you're dead when you get there.
They're chatting they're gonna kill you.
You then talk to your manager, he comes on, the lawyers say don't do it, all that happens.
I taped that here from my hotel room.
That's why I guess I sent him a bad file with a glitch earlier.
That's my fault.
This is all on the fly here.
But I think we've got time in this segment to finish up the interview.
Uh, with his manager, uh, Kalen Robertson, right now.
So this is really critical information.
We're gonna upload the video right now to InfoWars.com, to NewsWars.com.
YouTube is censoring Tommy Robinson videos.
We've now learned they're not just deleting his, his final statement of his kill video, ahead of him being killed, which is very cryptic today.
They're deleting other videos of his that are viral with millions of views.
They are erasing him before they kill him.
This is happening.
So, again, here is the rest of the important interview they don't want you to hear.
Please, on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, everywhere, local radio, TV, get this out.
They want to quietly have him fade away and be killed.
They're shipping a non-violent political prisoner, a journalist prisoner, like we're China, to a high-security, Muslim, 71% Muslim prison, where they send political dissidents to be killed by the Muslims.
That's how you're executed in Europe and the UK.
So he's facing certain execution, folks.
You can't hype this up.
And he just said, say bye to my wife, bye to my kids.
A lot of stuff I can't tell you, but they told him we're gonna kill you.
And they're chanting and banging the walls, we're gonna murder you.
And they've got him in general population.
Hell, he could be dead right now.
So here it is.
He's thinking about his children.
He's thinking about his wife.
He's thinking about the fall of
The UK.
And he's just, I guarantee you he's in there thinking, my God, it's worse than I thought.
My own government's been captured.
They put me in the middle of an Islamic high security prison with them chanting, we're going to kill you.
We're going to kill you.
We're going to kill you.
We're going to kill you.
We're going to kill you tonight.
That's what you told me.
He said, and you told me some other things.
He said, I know, you know, just as we talked 20 minutes ago, before we taped this, that, uh, that, you know, I mean, Tommy's told you that you're, he wants you to go on air.
So you've done what Tommy asked you to do.
Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of advice against it.
There's a lot of things up against us right now, and things for us and things against the right reasons.
But against all of that, he wanted this information to come out personally.
And that's why we did it.
That's why we said against the advice, against that stuff.
It's what he wants to do.
That's it.
He wants everybody to know what situation he's in.
He wants everyone to know that if something happens to him,
At least everyone knows the truth, but at his core, about what he's always been about, at least people know what's happening.
And that's what he asked for.
Well, Kalen, I've interviewed you many times, watched your amazing work, taking Tommy to the next level with your production, your skill, your courage, you and Miss Brown, everybody else.
But I want to just say this, I don't know your background, your religious beliefs, but
There are no atheists in foxholes, and I think we should really pray for discernment, pray for Tommy Robinson's safety, for your safety, for his family's safety, for Lucy Brown's safety.
And for the awakening to continue and put a hedge of protection up around Tommy.
But Tommy has chosen, he said this, you know, to die if he has to.
And the fact that they took his video down that I think we have saved at the office.
So let's try to later when I'm live again, I'm going to play that message probably tagging on the end of this tape thing we're doing when we air this live later.
That powerful message of, I won't be around much longer.
Wow, the day they put him into a high security prison, 71% Muslim, and they're saying, we're going to kill you.
And the guards tell him, you're not liked here.
We don't like you.
I don't like you either.
I have the death sentence on 12 systems.
Here, let me get you something.
You'll be dead.
I mean, that's what this is, and this is the arrogance of the despots to think that they can basically put him in there to be stabbed or killed or acid-attacked in these prisons where, I mean, maybe, I know you've got to go because you said you've got the family and lawyers all calling you, you have to get off.
Cindy just learned this 30 minutes ago or whatever, but can you speak to just the history, so I don't get it wrong or so much, of what he went through in prison, what's already happened to him?
Well, he's been put into a room directly with terrorists who are in the class A prison that he was in a few years ago, specifically plotted, again, to blow him and the EDL up.
He was locked in a room with them, with four of them for a few hours, who really, really badly beat him up, who tried to kill him, who he's been in a situation where he walked into a room and some Somali Muslim man had thrown
He's boiling water with sugar in it in his direction, which is called napalm.
It melts all your skin off.
He's had so many attacks and so many close calls, been in hospitals countless times, stitched up, sabotaged, so many different things.
There's pictures of it.
That space is a brief history of just skimming over what he's been through throughout UK prisons, and it stopped in 2014.
It just shows how far we've fallen and he is such a champion.
For the family, regardless of all the incredible lawyer bills you've got, I know you guys have got new lawyers and you guys have been trying to get him out.
It's a big national issue.
They've obviously made the decision just to kill him, hopefully thinking that'll make it go away.
The tyrants are so insane, just like Hitler bombed
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Yep, all funds going to the Legal Defence Fund right now.
We've just appointed a new legal team which are going in guns blazing, doing everything they can, pulling all the strings they can to speed the process up, especially what's happened in the last 48 hours.
The costs are, as you can imagine, astronomical, but if you go to tommyrobinson.online.support or just tommyrobinson.online, then you can contribute and help to that in any way.
And again, that's tommyrobinson.online.
That's it.
Okay, Kaelin, again, we give Tommy a lot of praise, his family a lot of praise, but you've been there in the trenches and I just want to recognize there's an Islamic globalist invasion of Europe.
They admit it.
They're banning police.
All right, folks, there's about three, four minutes left of this.
We're going to come back in the final segment with this.
I do not even fill up with the challenge right now with listeners to even give this
The do it deserves.
I mean, Robinson, the political president, the hell he's been through, the fact he's been vindicated in quadruplicate this.
If you wrote a book about something this amazing, no one would believe it.
But we're living it.
That's why they've said since the time of the Romans, truth is stranger than fiction.
Again, I'm not against Muslims.
I was against the illegal wars to topple non-radical Muslims and put bad Muslims in.
But the radical Islamist system is being used after they weaken the West, turn us into politically correct limp wrists, to then bring in Islam to dominate us.
And George Soros and all these monsters count on us not realizing how ruthless they are, so we go along with them.
But we're waking up and that's the exciting thing.
But man,
Tommy has been transferred.
He's been told they're going to kill him.
They've tried to kill him before.
The government knows what they're doing with plenty of room everywhere and minimum security presence everywhere else for a political dissident.
They're sending them.
They're saying, oh, you're going to protest.
You're going to stand up.
We're going to send you to our precious little Muslims to let them tear you apart.
Can you imagine he'll die alone with those Muslims smiling and stabbing and kicking and
But you know what?
He'll die in our hearts if they kill him.
I think there's a 50-50 chance he's dead this week.
They took down his video on YouTube, so he won't have his last message.
They're preparing to execute Tommy Robinson right now.
Tommy Robinson's being marched up to be hung, but it won't be a quick snap of the neck, man.
They're gonna let those Islamists... They might let them rape him like they did Qaddafi.
I'm serious what they do.
I mean, they might... Well, they might have a hundred Muslims raping.
That's what they do.
So we'll be back.
My God, I'm sure those Yale guards will sit there and celebrate as well.
They'll probably piss all over his grave.
Scum of the Earth, though.
Out of this, the phoenix will rise.
The fall of the deep state begins.
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I am the resistance to globalism.
You are the resistance to globalism.
Trump is the resistance to globalism.
And many others are across the world.
We are the future.
We are the renaissance.
And we are winning.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm sitting here trying to think of words to describe just how historical a moment we're in.
You've got Tommy Robinson, a human, a real person, not a Netflix show, not Hanna-Barbera, not a cartoon, a real guy with a couple children, a great wife.
Who have Fatawas, or Islamic contracts out on to kill them.
And you've got the socialist globalists financing the worst elements of Islam to invade Europe.
And to overthrow every other Islamic regime that's not radical.
Involved in such evil.
And then Tommy, 11 years ago, first exposing Islamic rape gangs, which has all been confirmed.
And then he goes,
And he simply points out there's a trial happening, which even under their draconian law is legal.
And he's put in jail for 13 months.
And they put him in a medium security with a couple percentage Muslim.
Now they've shipped him.
They don't want me to say the name of the prison.
But Tommy wanted the name instead.
It's Lester.
And he got there and they said, you're a dead man.
And what hurt Tommy was, is that the guards told him.
They didn't just tell him, people don't like you.
They laughed and they said, good luck staying alive in here.
When they put him in that jail cell, they said, hope you've enjoyed your life and slammed that jail door.
And he said, why do you hate me so much?
Because they're servants of evil.
They have to hate you because they feel bad about who they are.
So they get into the evil they're doing.
They have fun doing it.
They might as well.
Like the sick Japanese saying, if you're going to get raped, might as well enjoy it.
Well, they're going to be evil and serve evil.
They might as well just do it.
And enjoy it.
They hate you because you're strong.
You're the opposite of them, Tommy.
So there's Tommy in that prison.
He gets a phone call every two days for a minute to his family.
Three minutes to his lawyers.
And they chanted when he got there yesterday, we're going to kill you.
We don't even know where he is the last five, six hours.
He got that one minute call out saying, I don't care what they say.
They're beating on the door saying they're going to kill me.
They're telling me I'm dead.
The guards are telling me I'm dead.
They're telling me I'm going to get it for what I've done outside.
They're mad about the demonstrations.
They're mad.
He was supposed to roll over, grovel, say, I'll do whatever you want.
Just keep me in a non-Muslim prison.
But a month later, he didn't do that.
They're not going to let him out in 13 months as a hero.
They're going to kill him.
They're going to put him in solitary like they did.
They're going to torture him.
They think they're going to break his will, just like they put America and the UK under deindustrialization.
Just like they've shut us down.
Just like they've broken up our families.
They're going to teach us their power.
They're going to break us, they think.
But can you imagine him?
He's right in the main central prison, not even a wing, because they've got some segregated areas.
71% Muslim.
They've got a non-Muslim wing.
I've got all the facts.
I'm not supposed to give them to you, because later they flipped out and don't want me to tell you.
Got a whole pad full of notes here.
And Tommy's lawyer said, you don't do this, you're never gonna get out.
And he said, what do you mean never get out?
I've already been sent here.
So his lawyers and people are telling him, don't have demonstrations, stop.
Don't criticize the government, go away.
We'll protect you.
And from their perspective, that's right.
Go along, hell, say you love Islam.
Join Islam, Tommy.
You'll be fine.
We'll put you on the news.
Maybe Sadiq Khan will hire you.
But see, Tommy is on a mission.
He's not trying to win himself.
He's trying to win for the future of humanity.
He's a leader.
So he hadn't shut up.
So they go, OK, we'll send you to Leicester, the most Islamic high security prison in England, where dozens of people last year and this year who weren't Muslim were stabbed to death and beaten to death and strangled.
They cut your nose off and your balls off in Leicester.
So they've sent him not to get a quick hanging by the neck and he was a child molester or killer.
Quick, you know, non-cruel punishment.
Sure, get him out of here.
He's being sent as a champion in there and I could just see Tommy because he's got to go out to lunch everywhere.
Door's open.
Nobody's heard from in six hours.
He's got to walk out with all those people chanting.
They're going to kill him.
The guards are going to turn that blind down.
I got a feeling we hear it.
He's probably already been put in the hospital.
He's been put in the infirmary before.
Three times for what he stood up for.
He might be dead right now, folks.
Because you know, a couple hours ago, they just took his YouTube off where he said, I may not be here much longer.
He doesn't even get what a child molester or murderer gets their final words at the electric chair or lethal injection.
Where are all the liberal lawyers for him?
No, the media says, oh, he deserves it.
He covered a child grooming trial.
A whole media designed to protect pedophilia.
Never heard of a movie like that, did you, where somebody exposes something, eleven years later they're proven totally right, and so they get to go be there, and I guarantee you he's gonna go down swinging to the end, as they pull those shanks out, and oh, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look,
And say, well, Tommy Robinson got killed.
We're not going to say by who.
Just like in Sweden and Germany, they cover up the Islamic attacks and the bombings and the truck attacks.
It's never Islamic.
It's always a German man did this.
A German man did that.
So you're now secretly jailed in Britain.
You're now disappeared into a black hole.
You're now dehumanized and then you're sent openly because you don't tell your supporters of free speech to stand down.
You're sent to a executioner's dock.
But the cowardly socialistic globalists don't do it themselves.
They don't put the black hood on and do it themselves.
They have somebody else do it, don't they?
They're already slowly killing Europe and everybody else in Christianity and free speech anyways.
So why not?
They're about to make Tommy Robinson not just a hero, but a legend.
I think, unless you pray, unless there's calls made, I think he'll be dead in the next few days.
The left only thinks one dimensionally.
They have no idea.
Just like Christ was on the cross, or the Alamo.
Travis knew they were all about to die, but he said victory or death.
He got the bigger picture.
He got destiny.
And Tommy Robbins is now destiny.
Let's finish up the exclusive interview.
It's all going up to Infowars.com and Newswars.com right now.
Spread it viral.
Don't let them stop it.
Put it on your own channel.
Re-upload it.
Here's Tommy Robinson that they don't want you to hear from.
Here is him talking to his spokesperson.
Tommy a lot of praise, his family a lot of praise, but you've been there in the trenches and I just want to recognize there's an Islamic globalist invasion of Europe.
They admit it.
They're banning policing, reporting the rapes in Europe.
Everybody knows what's happening and you guys are the tip of the spear.
Our hopes and our prayers are with you, but do you agree with me that we should all say a prayer for Tommy?
Oh, absolutely.
He would say the same thing, but right now it seems like and it feels like it's the only thing we can do.
Let me just ask this final thing.
I know you got to go.
What does, did Tommy say why he thinks they're doing this?
Because what, tens of thousands are demonstrating it's getting bigger?
They think just snuff him out now and that'll make the demonstrations go away?
That won't make them go away.
That'll make them even more out of control.
They'll demand that the Prime Minister resign.
They'll demand the Islamic, you know, federal police head resign.
They're going to demand, I mean, don't, why are tyrants so arrogant?
This blind spot.
Well, he's said this throughout his, you know, at least for the last three years.
He's been constantly saying that this is because they want to get rid of the opponent, because they want to get rid of the most dangerous person in Britain, because they want to get rid of a person who can, at the click of his fingers, galvanise tens of thousands of people on the street.
There's no politician in Britain who can actually do that.
Even the Prime Minister couldn't do something like that at an event.
And it's really, really, really powerful and really scary for them.
He's openly said that.
He said that to me.
And specifically on this case, what he said today was that he thinks this is a stitch-up.
We asked him why they're doing it.
Why would they move you to a different prison?
What's the point?
And he said it's a stitch-up.
That's what he said.
And in British parlance or London talk, a stitch-up means a frame-up, a set-up?
Yeah, that's what it means.
And you told me earlier a few other things, so I'm just going to say them.
Tommy believes they're sending him there to be killed.
He's going to be basically extrajudicially executed, like they used to do in the Tower, cutting your head off without even having an order.
He's being sent to the gallows.
Ladies and gentlemen, at five o'clock he's been taken to the Gallows Poll.
The Times,
And the sands of times for Tommy Robinson are running low.
This is not a joke.
It's not a drill.
But think of the women raped every day and killed, the people stabbed to death, the acid attacks.
This is part of the globalist attack on the West.
It's part of their ruthless takeover.
Everybody should donate there right now.
We're going to post this video to Infowars.com, to Newswars.com as quick as we can.
Again, this is taped.
This is just so insane.
I don't even know what to say.
Thank you, Kaylin Robertson.
Please try to join us again tomorrow as this unfolds.
Please, as soon as you get authorization, you got to get off and talk to the lawyers and people.
Find out where all this is going.
But thank you.
Thank you for speaking to us, sir.
Thanks for doing this.
Thanks for getting out the word that Tommy wanted everyone to know.
Are you kidding?
We're all in this together.
My God.
Wild horses couldn't drag me away.
Okay, I'm going to end the taping right here and I'm going to say say bye to you, Kalen.
Folks, I don't know why this is airing during the show.
The full unedited interview is now on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Tommy is counting on you to
Get it out everywhere.
Copy it to your own sites, whatever.
Just get it out there.
It's on InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
A political prisoner put in general population in a high-security Muslim prison to be killed with the jail guards laughing at him because he didn't back down.
This guy is a hero.
He is the model of the future.
He is victorious.
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