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Name: 20180608_Fri_Alex
Air Date: June 8, 2018
3054 lines.

In his show, Alex Jones discusses President Trump's stance against globalists and efforts to reestablish America as a world leader. He highlights how patriots in the Pentagon are advocating for an alliance with Russia. Additionally, he comments on recent elections around the globe that have led to victories for nationalist parties, indicating people's desire for freedom and liberty. Jones accuses Democrats of lying and claims they are panicking as they lose power. He also criticizes Rob Reiner for calling Infowars a memory source rather than a news source. Jones discusses the impact of Howard Kaplan, who highlighted information about Bill Clinton's settlement of rape cases and Hillary protecting pedophiles during live events in the election. The show promotes various products such as Bug-A-Salt, Winter Sun vitamin D3, InfoWars Life Select Storable Food, Alexa Pure gravity filter, and discounts on Infowars Store items. Jones also talks about a potential conspiracy surrounding Anthony Bourdain's death, suggesting that he was close to becoming a "global awakener" who would expose various conspiracies.

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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
They thought they could take America down.
They thought they could have a G7 summit in Canada and rub America's face in the dirt.
And Trump said, no!
America will lead the world, not your globalist confab of a bunch of cronies who want to sell humanity down the drain.
Now I'm fired up today, and President Trump is fired up today, and Alex Jones is fired up today, on this Friday, June 8, 2018.
We now go live to Alex Jones on the road.
Alex, how refreshing is it to see a president that essentially flips the bird to the globalists at the G7 Summit?
That's right.
Coming up in the next segment, we will play the clip as he was going out to Marine One helicopter to take off to the G-7.
And he pointed out that he tried to play nice with Trudeau.
He tried to play nice with Macron and others.
But he tore into them and said, listen, Russia should be in the G-7, back to G-8.
They were taken out five years ago by Obama and the globalists, whether you like it or not.
This is the only place Trump's been behind on.
He was ahead of it during the campaign.
The clear alliance with the patriots in the Pentagon.
There's bad guys in there, too.
There's three different factions, really, but there's two dominant ones.
The patriots in the Pentagon said we should link up with Russia.
They've got incredible resources.
Four times our landmass.
More resources than even Africa.
They've become a Christian nation.
They've got lower taxes on us.
We should link up.
And geographically, we'll control the whole planet.
We can stop Communist China.
We can block the giant Islamic invasion, but basically the globalist plan.
But no, no, no, that's why the whole Russiagate thing had to start, was to basically block the illegal spying they were doing on Trump, and to sit there and project that Russia was the enemy, not Communist China that the globalists were allied with.
So Trump now, for a year and a half, the only place he's really been lacking is that he allowed them to basically put him into a position
Where normally a U.S.
President within one month of being in office would have met with the leader of Mexico, the leader of Canada, the leader of the U.K., then China, then Russia.
That's generally the order of importance or so, because you first meet with your regional neighbors.
But no, that's not happened.
Over a year and a half after this historic time of him being in office, always saying, oh, I'll meet with him in a month, I'll meet with him in a month, it's never happened.
Because of the optics, but now with the big peace deal with Kim Jong-un already arriving in Singapore, ahead of that coming up, with the Bilderberg Group and the EU in so much trouble, with Trump approvals ratings surging even in staged polls, with the economy coming back, with all these great things that are happening, with double-digit gains with black Americans supporting Trump, with all of these exciting things happening, Trump feels the confidence now
I think so.
We're good to go.
The globalists have decided on a post-industrial world for 99% of us and a breakaway civilization for themselves.
They decided on neo-feudalism as a way of control.
That is now being rejected across the planet with elections this week all over the world.
In Canada, in Germany, in Italy, everywhere, super hardcore patriots that talk just like yours truly, that talk just like Donald Trump, that talk just like Ron Paul.
We are literally taking the planet back right now, intellectually, culturally, militarily, and the vampires are in full panic mode.
Alright, when we come back on the other side, it's gonna be Alex Jones breaking it all down for you, and then a loaded show with guests all day long.
It's all Americana all day.
Owen Schroer here for InfoWars.com and this Sunday, Bill Clinton's book tour is coming to Austin, Texas.
Now, Bill Clinton got away with all of his abuse of women while he was president and over the decades and beyond.
And now the left wants to start a hashtag MeToo revolution for all the
Victims of toxic masculinity in Hollywood and in government.
But they want to leave Bill Clinton out of it.
Well, we're not going to let the left get away with that.
And so we're going to be having a protest, a MeToo protest, outside Bass Concert Hall, Sunday, June 10th, in Austin, Texas.
Bring your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt from Infowarsstore.com.
Bring your Bill Clinton rape whistle from Infowarsstore.com.
And protest Bill Clinton's book tour coming to Austin, Texas, Sunday, June 10th, at 6 p.m.
And if you can't be there to protest Bill Clinton with your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt and your Bill Clinton rape whistle from InfoWarsStore.com, then you can see the live stream starting at 6 p.m.
Central at InfoWars.com slash show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
I think everybody can feel the energy right now.
The human energy.
The energy of liberty rising worldwide here on this Friday, June 8, 2018.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to be going to Alex Jones here just momentarily, but loaded schedule for you.
Not just a ton of important news that we need to get to, we also have a loaded guest schedule that you're not going to want to miss today.
So today is the day.
Share that link with your family and friends.
Tell your friends and family about InfoWars.com.
Tell them about the Alex Jones Show.
Share that link.
They're blocking us on the internet.
They're blocking us on social media.
So we need you, the human intelligence, to share today's link while we break it all down with these expert guests.
So again, Alex Jones taking over here in just a minute.
Then he's going to be interviewing Howard Kaplan for the remainder of the first hour.
Austin Fletcher from Fleckis Talks joins me in the second hour.
He's got all these great videos where he goes out on the streets and just shows the liberal indoctrination brainwashing for what it is.
Leo Zegami then joins me at 1230 Central.
He's going to be talking about the populist nationalist uprising in Italy.
As well as what's going on with the Bilderberg Group, which is meeting in Turin.
Christopher Naweem will join me at the 1 o'clock hour to discuss everything President Trump has done for the veterans.
We remember what the VA hospitals were like when Trump took over.
Actually, they're coming back now, and the veterans are very grateful for that.
He just signed a new deal this week.
Christopher Namweem was part of that.
He's going to break that down for us in the third hour.
And then Dan Lyman, also from Turin, Italy, covering the Bilderberg Group for InfoWars Europe.
We'll be joining me then before Dr. Nick Begich, an expert on all things globalism and Bilderberg Group, takes over the fourth hour.
But now, I throw to Alex Jones to update you on all the breaking news right now when it comes to President Trump, the G7, and the globalists collapsing.
That's right, and just this morning, Rob Reiner on The View, the guy that says we're in the middle of a revolution against America, the guy that says we should shut down conservative and libertarian and Christian voices, a truly monstrous globalist that put out all those fake videos, with Morgan Freedman saying Trump's a Russian agent, all of that garbage.
He went on and said, oh, we get our news from Alex Jones, that's the problem, oh, America is in so much trouble.
They get their news from InfoWars.
And the truth is, I'm on a family vacation, a work vacation part of the time.
I have never been mobbed so much as I am right now by locals, by black people, by white people,
We're good to go.
And so, whatever the globalists try to do to InfoWars, the signal has already gone out.
The dominoes are already falling.
We're talking about nationalist patriots winning elections in dozens of countries the last year.
And now it's accelerating all over the planet.
People want freedom.
People want liberty.
Special elections in Canada.
Elections in Spain.
Elections in Italy.
Just elections everywhere.
It's also happening in Latin America.
People are pulling out of globalism.
They're recognizing the multinational corporations as anti-free market and predatory.
This is a big day now.
That said, Trump obviously getting on Marine One this morning.
We're good to go.
I think so.
With all the other big accomplishments happening, as Spygate being one of the top stories, and bringing the Deep State to its knees with all of this, now Trump is making his move.
Moldingly saying, listen, all over Europe, all over the world, people understand that Russia's been given a raw deal, understand that Russia's reformed, they understand that the very same globalist forces that took over Russia 100 years ago, literally, 102 years ago now, are the enemy.
And that humanity's waking up to these eugenicist social engineers, and we're waking up to atheism and anti-family garbage, and all of this being a prepackaged, admitted system of the robber barons to con the newly freed serfs of Europe and Russia back into slavery.
But that's all declassified, that's all public.
So here's Trump saying...
I don't care what these other people say.
Russia should be in this.
Russia shouldn't be cut out.
So he's making up for the year and a half of being on the defensive, only coming in, which I said when he first got elected, I said,
Your first meeting ought to be with Russia.
To just get it out in the open and say it's absolutely ridiculous.
I'm the president.
Other presidents met with Russian leaders back when they were communist dictatorship.
I'm allowed to meet with whoever I want.
Isn't it good?
We both got nuclear weapons.
Let's be friends and move forward.
But he didn't do that.
But now he's doing it boldly.
So history's happening.
I can't wait to see what's going to happen in the next two and a half years.
So let's go ahead and play a clip of the president just a few hours ago.
Russia should be in this meeting.
Why are we having a meeting without Russia being in the meeting?
And I would recommend, and it's up to them, but Russia should be in the meeting.
It should be a part of it.
You know, whether you like it or not, and it may not be politically correct,
But we have a world to run.
And in the G7, which used to be the G8, they threw Russia out.
They should let Russia come back in.
Because we should have Russia at the negotiating table.
And the president goes on from there to lay it out.
This is total, complete common sense.
It's reality.
They've got 10,000 nuclear weapons.
They've been battling radical Islam.
They were the first country to help us after 9-11.
And they are really wanting to come to the table economically and they want investment.
They know that 90% of the investment has been in the third world and in China.
They know that the U.S.
hasn't had investment in its own country.
They know that Russia was put under similar systems of economic control because we're Christian and because we're supposed to be broken.
We have all the documents.
We have Obama calling us bitter clingers.
We have them calling us flyover country.
There is an existential will to dominate Western culture by the megabanks, by the big tax-free foundations, by the Jeff Bezoses, by the Tim Cooks, by the Bill and Melinda Gates of the world, by the Warren Buffets, all these stinking monsters.
Look it up.
I don't know.
Their foreign operations pay zero tax, or in the case of Google, 0.3%.
This is the reality.
I pay total, looking at all the taxes I pay every year, 64% of the money that comes in that I keep for my family is paid into taxes.
There's no loopholes for Alex Jones, who's got close to 100 people employed.
From the janitors, to the packing crew, to the legal folks, to the camera crew operators, to the webmasters, to the video editors, to the writers, to the reporters, to the producers, to, you know, everybody.
No, no, no, no, not there, not there.
And I'm somebody, again, who puts 95% of the money back in the company, and I'm somebody
Save some of the other money to battle the legal attacks I knew were coming years ago.
People say, how are you expanding still?
How are you fighting all this?
Because, ladies and gentlemen, I do all this from a military perspective of long-term war.
And I'm just going to leave it at that.
But we do need your support more than ever because we are now going into reserves to continue the expansion in the face of the enemy.
And we will crush them.
We will break their back.
We see victory within sight on every level.
We see the spirit of humanity awakening.
But it's going to take prayer.
It's going to take vigilance.
It's going to take action on the streets.
It's going to take action online.
It's going to take never backing down.
...never giving in, and it's going to take wearing t-shirts out in the open that say InfoWars.com or Trump Pins 2020.
It's going to take exercising your free speech.
It's going to take calling in the C-SPAN, going and speaking at the city council.
It's going to take going and finding out what's happening at your local public school, what they're teaching the young people.
The left and the globalists have invaded every corner of our society.
The churches, the bishops, they are trying to sell us on absolute security.
Within these bubbles they control, we're already...
You've got a decision to make.
Do you want to be part of history or just a bystander who turns control of their destiny and the destiny of humanity over to the most psychotic cold-blooded people the planet's ever seen?
I'm Alex Jones and in my 23 years I've proven that if you take action
Against the globalists, you can have powerful effects against them, because their ideology is weak, their ideology is a complete fraud.
At its base, it's a lie, because they exempt themselves from the regulations, the taxes, and the controls that they foist upon us.
And right now, the entire world is turning against them.
But it's more important than ever that we realize that yes, the planet is awakening, but the enemy is striking back.
And now, those of you that took action and have already changed history for the better need to understand you are the catalyst for the next offensive against the enemy that we must launch now.
Online, in the streets, at church, everywhere we work, wherever we are.
We have to be involved.
We have to realize that the globalists are fundamentally authoritarians, that they're fundamentally very, very wicked control freaks who lust after total control of our lives.
If you go to a Democrat meeting, if you go to a liberal rally,
If you are in LAX and run into Bernie Sanders and actually witness some of his supporters come out of the woodwork to defend him, you will see that they have a bizarre, almost lunatic glow in their eyes.
Jack-o'-lantern smiles.
They hop around in an animated way.
And that's the uppercast, sort of the so-called pseudo-intellectual brain bug that then controls the zombie class beneath them.
But if you go to a major university,
Anywhere in the country, or you go to a leftist institution, the people look like that some type of psychic vampire sucked the soul out of them.
And they look emaciated, they stumble around, they can hardly walk.
I mean, everyone's seen this and they just begin to yell and scream.
And they
I think?
Projecting it onto everyone else who they haven't soul-sucked.
And that's what it comes down to.
You've got the soul-suckers, the Hillary's, and the Bernie Sanders up on top, always virtue-signaling how good they are, and always promoting an ideology of leftist collectivism, socialism, communism, that's killed close to 200 million people.
So never forget what we're up against, understand what we're dealing with, and understand that the children of this planet are looking to you and are counting on you to help them into the future not be under the parasitic control of these monsters.
But whatever you do, spread the live links to newswars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, Republicans, you're the Alex Jones Party.
There is literally nothing too stupid and conspiratorial that you will not swallow.
Trump tweeted, terrible, just found out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower just before the victory.
Nothing found.
This is McCarthyism.
And the other one, how low has President Obama gone to tap my phones during the very sacred election process?
And this weekend we saw another example of that when White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway was asked if she had any proof for Trump's outlandish claim that Obama wiretapped him during the campaign and offered this bizarre answer.
How does he know that his phone was actually tapped?
Let me answer that globally.
He's the President of the United States.
He has information and intelligence that the rest of us do not.
He's suggesting a U.S.
President enlisted a foreign intelligence service to spy on a political adversary.
Explosive charge.
This is a serious allegation.
This might be the most serious allegation any president has made against a previous president.
But this is a very serious allegation for a sitting president to make about his predecessor.
The craziest thing about Trump calling for an investigation without any evidence.
Zero evidence.
Trump has not produced a shred of evidence.
There was no evidence for Trump's claims.
The evidence did not come.
So where did Trump get his info?
From the CIA?
From the FBI?
Where are you getting this information?
From a very reputable source.
The FBI?
The CIA?
It's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
You know he's legit.
This bizarre circular thing happening where the president cites a theory that he was wiretapped, which developed on this kind of fringe right-wing media.
And then after his tweet storm, InfoWars then started saying, well, look, it was the New York Times that reported it, citing our story, misreading our story.
And now, a few weeks later, the White House and the president are citing
So they've got one kind of bizarre right-wing fringe theory to defend another bizarre right-wing fringe theory.
The crazier it gets, the more they like it.
That's their jam.
And we are back live.
Alex Jones here via the phone on the road.
Owen Schroer in the Central Texas News Center.
A bunch of powerful guests coming up.
In fact, the next guest is the key to bring down the whole globalist operation even faster and a lot less bloody.
But first, you just saw a few of the clips.
I think so.
The Inspector General report of the courts coming out, issuing these things, you know you've got a serious, serious issue.
And the federal courts are saying we have major fraud going on.
When Trump was only six months into office, they went public.
So here's the big news.
If you just tuned in, you just heard them saying that no one's spying on Trump.
Now remember, once they had to admit he was being spied on, and Clapper went on The View three weeks ago and they all had to come out and admit it, he went, well, we are spying, we were spying, but I don't like to call it that.
And then Bill Maher and people said, well, we weren't spying on you, but we were watching you because you're a damn Russian agent.
So that's their game.
Jones's source that we were spying on Trump was the New York Times story that he misread.
I mean, you know, that he lied about.
Hoping you don't go read the story, or if you do, it's that Jedi mind trick of, you crazy person, we weren't spying on you, we were just spying on you because you're full of dirty Russians.
I mean, that's the level of the mind control we're dealing with.
So what is InfoWars big crime?
Why are we the most hated by the globalists?
It's because we have a memory, and I know I keep saying this every day because it's the key to everything,
Resistance, standing up, having the truth, router side, and having...
A memory.
Look, people have memories for stuff they like.
I know guys that don't baseball scores from 60 years ago for no reason.
I know people that know, you know, what, how many yards the Terry Bradshaw threw four in Super Bowl, whatever.
But they don't know about the three branches of government and they don't remember any of these political things because that's that boring adult stuff.
Who wants to know about that?
Well, our brains are designed to know about that.
So Rob Reiner,
A guy worth hundreds of millions of dollars who claims he's a socialist and a communist, who's come out and said we're in a revolution against America and against the Midwest, and that we're in the final revolution and we're going to crush the American people.
This guy came out on The View and said, oh my God, we're in trouble because we get our news from Alex Jones.
Well, no, you don't get your news.
You get your way back machine.
You get your memory.
All we do is point out what is really going on, what they said they would do versus what they did.
Now Trump loves that because Trump has about a 95% score on what he's actually delivered on and the promises he's kept.
And we've been real mad at him on a few things he went back on.
That said, ladies and gentlemen, the Democrats have basically a 100 score for lying.
And it's not failure.
They do it by design.
They're globalists.
They're henchmen.
And now the Republican establishment and the Democratic establishment are being removed, and so they're panicking.
So, here's Meathead, Mr. Rob Reiner, panicking, saying, oh my God, they get their news from M4 Wars.
Here it is.
But this is the first time we've had a president that's supported by mainstream media.
I mean, Fox is mainstream media.
And there's, you know, between that and Breitbart and Sinclair and Alex Jones, 40% of the country are getting their news only there.
But there are also people getting their news from MSNBC and others that are left-leaning, so, you know, just to balance it out.
No, no, that's true.
That is true.
But you can't penetrate that 40%.
And you can win elections with 40%.
You don't need to move them.
Okay, so what he's saying is, we need to be shut down.
And of course, he's misrepresenting as well.
It's way above 40% that get their news from different sources.
Mainstream media is imploding.
All their ratings are in the tank.
CNN has flatlined.
That's the reality.
And so, he's up there saying, oh my God, because of Sinclair, because of Breitbart, because of all of this, oh my God, we can't win.
He's sicking everyone on us, saying we're the problem.
Yeah, we are the problem.
For liars, we're here reminding people that you said Obamacare would be free.
We're good to go.
You've been preying on us for all these years and now humanity has awoken and you don't know what to do because I'm going to play clips of them saying the intelligence agencies are going to get Trump.
We've been spying on him.
We know he's a Russian agent.
Then Trump calls their bluff.
They go, we never said that.
We never said that.
We're going to remind people, meet Ed, what a dirty, filthy, class warfare rich man you are that is a soulless piece of
You're a crap, racist piece of filth that uses racism to control people with your dirty globalist systems.
You think you're better than all the rest of us.
You're not better than all the rest of us.
And all you New World Order globalists that want to ally yourself with radical Islam and want to implode the first world, and all you leftists that even want to sacrifice Israel, the altar of your whole Islamic jihad with that devil, pedophile Pope.
It's all coming down.
All the Pope's top men have been indicted and are now in trial.
The dozens of them.
The deputy Pope on down are all being arrested right now.
You're all being arrested.
When we come back, I'll give you my take on Anthony Bordeaux and what really happened with him on the other side.
And then we have a gentleman that is the keys to victory straight ahead who went to this Pennsylvania event.
We're here.
Clinton was meeting and brought up Mr. Epstein, the Lita Express, Harvey Weinstein, and the convicted pedophile operations in the slave islands.
All the confirmed stuff, not speculation.
You know, not things we can't prove.
Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, mate.
I've been following you since I was 14, and I'm 32 now.
I remember back when InfoWars and Prison Planet, it was just blue text on a white screen, and I had to load down the page on my dial-up internet, and I thought it was
Pretty cool and read all the books and seen all the DVDs and followed all your guests and I've been using your products since the first iteration of Survival Shield and since then I'm on the X2, the Super Male Vitality, the Caveman, the Real Red Pill, Micro ZX, Body, it's all amazing.
Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side with you, the crew, and the listeners out there, 1776 worldwide.
When you spread the links from Infowars.com, when you spread the videos, you are changing the world.
It's you that has defeated Hillary and the globalists.
It is you, the Infowarriors, across the planet, that stood against the bullying, that stood against the peer pressure, that stood against the threats, that have now changed the world.
And that's why you've been on the team, supporting us, praying for us, and spreading the word.
You are the Infowar.
And now, because of their intensifying censorship, it's more important than ever
Let everyone go to Infowars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up via email so there's no way the censors can get between us with critical videos, articles, breaking news, intel, you name it.
They have been using all different forms of bullying to keep libertarians, gun owners, Christians, conservatives, nationalists, populists from communicating with each other and sharing information.
I think?
We're good to go.
We are the resistance to globalism.
Trump is the resistance to globalism.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Thank you so much.
Alex Jones, we're on the road.
Owen Troyer in the studio about to take over.
We have a very, very special guest in front of Bill Clinton in a spectacular fashion.
A lot of courage.
We salute him.
We'll be going to him in a moment.
We can't extend this free shipping sale much longer with our best-selling items at m4store.com.
In fact, we can only run it...
A few more days.
Maybe four or five days, max.
We're also running out of some of our best-selling items, like our amazing Nootropic Rainforce.
It's $19.95.
Leading competitors are $60 and aren't even as good.
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They did a news review of it saying I said that and said I was a liar.
We do not say that.
But go read the thousands and thousands of reviews per item to see what it's done for other people.
Even though we're having trouble sourcing the deep earth crystals of the good halogen iodine, I am blowing out
The stockpile of it we have, at least for another few days, at 50% off.
And then, after that, it's going to go back to full price until we secure more of it, or until we have to have a new formulation.
So, get your X2 right now, as well as InfoWarsLife.com, InfoWarsTore.com, or 888-253-3139.
And thank you all for helping fund the Second American Global Revolution.
Again, InfoWarsLife.com, InfoWarsTore.com.
It's changing history.
This model could defeat the major global corporations that only fund globalism and fake neocon garbage.
The left and that whole system.
All the big universities are funded by the richest, most powerful corporations in the world.
What you see at the universities, the anti-American, anti-capitalism, anti-free market, anti-family, pro-radical Islamic, pro-pedophile,
The anti-mother, anti-father agenda, the whole anti-human agenda is globalist run to stun humanity.
To turn off our self-defense mechanisms, to turn off our survival mechanism and put us into a catatonic state of globalist control.
And the fact that you are out there financing us, the fact that you're out there supporting us, the fact that you're out there buying the products, the fact that you are out there taking action and praying for us and spreading the link to the articles is changing the world.
You're seeing it happen, and I salute you and thank you, but we have
More than 20 items at 50% off at Infowarstore.com.
And I am extending the Memorial Day special that's become the beginning of summer super special until, I think until summer actually begins.
What is that like?
The 26th or so?
But here's the key.
A lot of these items are set to sell out.
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So please, take advantage of that.
Now, bringing Owen Schroer in here for this segment, the next, and then that little segment after that before his next guest comes on.
Owen, I cannot stress enough how Howard Kaplan from Pennsylvania, who's about to join you, how he's changed the world.
It no doubt pushed it over the top when in the election that hundreds and hundreds of people during live events pointed out that Bill Clinton has settled rape cases and that Hillary protected pedophiles.
Folks doing that changed the world.
They were trying to project lies onto Trump.
We took back the narrative with the truth.
I've said that if folks go out to Bill Clinton's book signings, and Comey's signings, and Hillary's events, and all of them, like he's coming to do this Sunday in Austin, I know you're going to be there outside, but folks that get tickets that go in, the courage of standing in that hostile crowd and saying, Jeffrey Epstein, what you did in the Leader Express, convicted pedophiles, all of this is so powerful, and what this gentleman has done, I feel in my gut is the next catalyst for others to do, just like that first young man
That jumped over the fence, and I'm not saying you should do that, but he jumped up to the fence during Fox being live on the street about six months before the election with then weekend show with now weeknight host and getting up there with Tucker Carlson and saying Bill Clinton's a rapist with that t-shirt on.
That began the dominoes falling and I believe that Howard has begun the dominoes falling.
So here's a few minutes of him just a few nights ago and we need to have this video go mega viral confronting Bill Clinton with facts and the hissing crowd and the hissing security people saying he's a liar when all of it is 100% true.
Here it is.
Why did you fly on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express 26 times?
26 times, Bill.
What were you doing on Jeffrey Epstein's plane?
Shut up.
He knows.
James Patterson knows who Jeffrey Epstein is.
Child sex trafficker, you flew on it 26 times.
Shut up.
What, you got nothing to say?
You know you did it.
James, tell him who it is.
This is an open session, man.
It's not an open session?
Not for questions right now, okay?
You wrote a book on Jeffrey.
26 times, Bill.
You didn't investigate it.
You didn't investigate it.
Look it up.
Jeffrey Epstein.
Who cares?
We know, Bill.
We know, Bill.
Yeah, have a good time, folks.
Jeffrey Epstein.
We're good, guys.
Okay, so, again, we're going to play more of the clip coming up, but this is how you do it.
This is how you force the issue out.
This is how you reach out to people.
This is how you change the world.
So, Howard, we salute you.
We commend you.
I'm going to let you take over here with Owen, but you're a hero, my friend.
I mean, what it takes to do that, I've done similar things myself, and when you go into a nest of these people, I mean, quite a few of them even know the agenda and are on board with it.
It's true evil, so we commend you for going into that den of evil.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Again, why did you decide to do this?
What was in your heart?
I mean, describe what it was like to be there in front of that creature.
I've done similar events with Hillary and Joe Biden, so when I saw that Bill was coming around, it was just another opportunity.
I live in Philadelphia, so there's a lot of events that come to Philadelphia.
I can get to D.C., I can get to New York, and it just
You know, it just seemed like the thing to do.
I'm going to turn things over to you, my friend, and to Owen.
Just an amazing job.
Because, again, if you challenge others to go out and do what you've done, if people do this in Austin, out on the street, if we take full control of the narrative from these monsters that want to destroy our families, and who are so brazen, he'll go down.
He's far worse than Bill Cosby.
Far worse
Thank you very much, Alex.
Alright, so we're actually about to go to a break here, so we'll get more into this with Howard on the other side, but here's why this is so key.
Hillary Clinton
If Hillary Clinton can go to a rally in front of 500 people and have nobody stands up, she thinks humans are a joke.
She thinks she can step on your face.
If Bill Clinton can go to a book tour and have thousands of people attend and nobody stand up for him, the criminal that he is, they think humans are a joke.
They think America is a joke.
So that's why standing up to these people and letting them know we're not taking it anymore.
You're not getting away with this anymore.
That is the key to this.
Resistance is victory.
You've got a decision to make.
Do you want to be part of history or just a bystander who turns control of their destiny and the destiny of humanity over to the most psychotic cold-blooded people the planet's ever seen?
I'm Alex Jones and in my 23 years I've proven that if you take action
Against the globalists, you can have powerful effects against them, because their ideology is weak, their ideology is a complete fraud.
At its base, it's a lie, because they exempt themselves from the regulations, the taxes, and the controls they foist upon us.
And right now, the entire world is turning against them.
But it's more important than ever that we realize that yes, the planet is awakening, but the enemy is striking back.
And now, those of you that took action and have already changed history for the better need to understand you are the catalyst for the next offensive against the enemy that we must launch now.
Online, in the streets, at church, everywhere we work, wherever we are.
We have to be involved.
We have to realize that the globalists are fundamentally authoritarians, that they're fundamentally very, very wicked control freaks who lust after total control of our lives.
If you go to a Democrat meeting, if you go to a liberal rally,
If you are in LAX and run into Bernie Sanders and actually witness some of his supporters come out of the woodwork to defend him, you will see that they have a bizarre, almost lunatic glow in their eyes.
Jack-o'-lantern smiles.
They hop around in an animated way.
And that's the uppercast, sort of the so-called pseudo-intellectual brain bug that then controls the zombie class beneath them.
But if you go to a major university,
Anywhere in the country, or you go to a leftist institution, the people look like that some type of psychic vampire sucked the soul out of them.
And they look emaciated, they stumble around, they can hardly walk.
I mean, everyone's seen this, and they just begin to yell and scream.
They love people eating their dogs and cats.
They love it.
They just absolutely love it.
And no amount of words can describe just how twisted and out of control and dedicated to failure they are because they hate themselves so much they are then
Projecting it onto everyone else who they haven't soul-sucked.
And that's what it comes down to.
You've got the soul-suckers, the Hillarys, and the Bernie Sanders up on top, always virtue-signaling how good they are, and always promoting an ideology of leftist collectivism, socialism, communism, that's killed close to 200 million people.
So never forget what we're up against, understand what we're dealing with, and understand that the children of this planet are looking to you and are counting on you to help them into the future not be under the parasitic control of these monsters.
But whatever you do, spread the live links to newswars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Infowars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Let me explain the significance of doing what Howard Kaplan did at the Bill Clinton book tour, what we're doing this Sunday at 6 p.m.
Central outside of Bass Concert Hall here for Bill Clinton's book tour in Austin, Texas.
What many of this audience did during the presidential election cycle, going to Hillary Clinton events and shouting, Bill Clinton is a rapist.
Do you want to know where people like Hillary Clinton derive much of their arrogance and hubris?
That you can see in that face right there?
It's because they can get away with massive crimes
From what they did to Haiti, to petty crimes like stealing silverware and furniture from the White House on their departure from the White House.
And then they can go in front of a crowd of people and give a speech and have everyone in that crowd totally brainwashed, totally dilapidated, and won't stand up to them.
That's where they get their hubris.
It's like a bully.
A bully in school who goes around bullying everybody and nobody stands up to him.
Just gonna keep bullying people.
Gonna walk around the cafeteria picking on people like they own the place.
But as soon as that one individual stands up, all of a sudden another individual stands up.
All of a sudden another individual stands up.
All of a sudden the whole school stands up and that bully is no more.
So that's why this is so key.
Now Howard Kaplan, the video's gone viral, confronts Bill Clinton at his book signing event.
Now, what you saw Howard do, Howard, can you imagine though, just with how powerful your video is, can you imagine if there were six or seven other people in that audience and then after you stood up and said it, someone else stood up and said it, and then the third person stood up and said it?
I mean, that's game-changing!
That's world-changing!
That's my dream, Owen.
To have 10, 20, 30 people escort me out, and then the next one gets up, and the next one gets up.
And, you know, people can do this, man.
It's not that difficult.
And how do we get people to understand what this is really about?
This isn't about Howard Kaplan and going and celebrating and patting himself on the back because he got a viral video.
This is about Howard Kaplan standing up for truth.
And showing other Americans that they can do the same thing.
That's what this is about.
And like you said, if Howard Kaplan does it, okay, it gets a viral video, maybe it inspires others.
If six, seven people in that audience do it, all of a sudden, you just change the narrative of the event.
You just changed the game of Bill Clinton's event.
Now all of a sudden it became a Me Too protest.
Now all of a sudden the story is 7 people protest Bill Clinton.
Then at the next event there's 10.
Then at the next event there's 20.
And that's, I think, the snowball you're trying to get rolling.
This has nothing to do with me.
It's about confronting these people and letting them know that the game is over.
And, you know, particularly when it comes to Epstein,
You know, today's show wants to bring up Monica Lewinsky and people think that was a tough question.
That wasn't a tough question.
Why you flew on Jeffrey Epstein's airplane 26 times ditching Secret Service, that's a tough question because he has no answer.
And of course he doesn't.
And all they do is they just escort you out of the building.
But I'm just curious, because when I watched that, at the end of that video, there were people saying, oh, you're insane, you're insane.
My response is, no, he's the only sane one in the crowd.
He is the only sane one there.
He's the only one that still has a brain.
He's the only one that still has a memory.
He's the only one that still has courage.
I just wonder, was there anyone there in that crowd that even asked you about what you were doing?
Was there anyone that was curious about what you were talking about?
Or did they all just go right into the brainwashed state of mind and say, oh yeah, he's insane!
Oh, how rude!
Well, the crowd shouts you down, and that's to be expected.
The guy who called me insane was actually Secret Service.
He was younger.
But I guess I had contact with about three or four Secret Service, and they were all very respectful.
The gentleman who escorted me out, he was Secret Service.
I was really surprised because I didn't realize it until afterward.
He said, sir, please sit down.
And I just expected automatically to get
Kicked out.
I didn't even realize I had the opportunity to sit back down until, like, after the fact.
But, um, you know, nobody in there was going to get up and support me, even if they... But I kind of got the feeling that, you know, people were like, what is he talking about?
So hopefully, you know, I'm not doing it for the crowd, you know, but hopefully somebody would go back and, you know, look up, you know, Jeffrey Epstein, because they probably don't even know about it.
No, that's actually interesting.
I noticed how he said, please sit down, and I wasn't sure if he forced you to get out or what happened there.
So I'm glad that you kind of clarified that.
But they probably would, they may have kicked you out eventually.
But the Secret Service, I mean, I would imagine... Well, I would have gotten up again, so they would have kicked me out, sure.
Now, I would imagine, I mean, we've had...
You know, experiences with Secret Service.
Obviously, everybody within Secret Service is their own individual outside of whatever their work is.
But, you know, we've had Secret Service that, I mean, they know what's going on.
You know, I mean, they know what's going on.
They do their research.
They know what their job is and who they're protecting.
And they obviously do it well no matter who the protector or who they're supposed to protect.
But it's interesting to me how you're saying the one guy that was young saying that you were insane.
Yeah, he was a younger Secret Service agent.
I would imagine he may end up having a conversation with some of the elder statesmen there of the Secret Service and they might say, hey, you know, that guy's not as insane as you think, dude.
Well, I would hope so.
You know, one thing I found very interesting when I went in, because I've seen Bill Clinton confronted, you know, several times, and he always comes back at people.
Years ago, somebody confronted him about being at Bohemian Grove, and Bill got all snarky on stage.
So I was expecting Bill to get up and say something, you know, to me.
What he did, he leaned over and he was whispering to James Patterson.
You can't hear it in the video, but James Patterson actually responded because James Patterson wrote a book about Epstein a couple years ago.
He co-authored a book.
He, James Patterson, said something about how it's been investigated and there was nothing there.
So James Patterson knows he was on the plane, but he says nothing inappropriate happened, which is, you know, 26 times.
I mean, it's absurd.
Well, how does he know nothing inappropriate happened?
He wasn't on the plane.
He doesn't know.
He doesn't know.
That's the thing.
And he's saying it like it's some kind of fact, like he was there.
It is a good point you make.
Usually Bill Clinton responds to this.
I mean, we saw it multiple times during the presidential campaigning.
You saw it multiple times after.
He will respond.
He actually will respond to the audience.
Even when he does some of these interviews, I mean, I even gave him credit for standing up for himself.
I'm not saying I agreed with him.
I even gave him credit in the one interview, I think it was CBS Boston, where he's getting called out for the Me Too stuff.
He even stood up for himself there.
He even kind of stood up and said, you know, screw you, basically.
So it is amazing.
It seems like this is the first time where Bill has ever kind of been crippled, if you will, for thought or response, bringing up the Epstein deal.
I think that really shows you that's his Achilles heel.
Yeah, absolutely.
And then having James Patterson speak for him, I mean, I was definitely surprised.
I was waiting for him to come back at me, and it just never happened.
Well, you just gotta wonder what James Patterson's motivation in this whole deal is.
Is he trying to sell books?
Is he friends with Bill?
I don't know the nature of his Jeffrey Epstein book, or why he wrote that, but now all of a sudden, it's like...
Patterson, do you realize what you're even standing up for here?
I mean, like you said, you have to assume the guy written a book on Epstein, he has to know about the Lolita Express.
He has to know about Bill Clinton ditching Secret Service to get on that plane 26 times on record.
I mean, right?
And if he knows that, well then, why is he up there acting like you're crazy for even bringing it up?
I couldn't agree more.
And I didn't find out, you know, you know, in this whole thing, James Patterson, to me, was just going to be, you know, an innocent bystander in all this.
And a few days before the event, I was I was looking up James Patterson lived like a mile from Jeffrey Epstein in Palm Beach.
So he became very interested in the case.
And he wrote the book.
I'm like,
Wow, there's a James Patterson connection here?
I mean, that just, you know, that just changed the game for me.
And, uh, you know, so, you know, it changed what I was going to do when I was going to talk to James Patterson about it.
Also, I mean, it's... But that does kind of give the perfect...
Thank you so much for
That changes the world right there, folks.
That is history.
That is what we're doing here.
Thank you so much, Howard Kaplan, for joining us at PGHowie2 on Twitter.
That is before they probably want to block him there, so follow him before he gets blocked.
Owen Schroer here for InfoWars.com, and this Sunday, Bill Clinton's book tour is coming to Austin, Texas.
Now, Bill Clinton got away with all of his abuse of women while he was president and over the decades and beyond, and now the left wants to start a hashtag MeToo revolution for all the
Victims of toxic masculinity in Hollywood and in government.
But they want to leave Bill Clinton out of it.
Well, we're not going to let the left get away with that.
And so we're going to be having a protest, a MeToo protest, outside Bass Concert Hall, Sunday, June 10th, in Austin, Texas.
Bring your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt from Infowarsstore.com.
Bring your Bill Clinton rape whistle from Infowarsstore.com.
And protest Bill Clinton's book tour coming to Austin, Texas, Sunday, June 10th, at 6 p.m.
And if you can't be there to protest Bill Clinton with your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt and your Bill Clinton rape whistle from Infowarsstore.com, then you can see the live stream starting at 6 p.m.
Central at Infowars.com slash show.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
Okay, I want to get to this clip of Dick Painter, or Richard Painter, last night on Tucker Carlson.
Now look, I just have to say, Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, and now Richard Painter, they're all running for Congress, obviously Schiff and Swalwell already in, but the absolute lunacy of these people
I wouldn't care if it wasn't for the fact they're in our government and running for government.
Look at how dumb.
I'm serious, folks.
Look at how straight up dumb Richard Painter is running as a Democrat.
I think it's in Minnesota for Senate now.
Look at what he did on Tucker Carlson last night.
This has to be perhaps the dumbest man to ever run for government.
Listen to this.
We know that an FBI and CIA informant on the government payroll, making quite a bit of money from the government, made contact with at least three members of the Trump campaign during the campaign, gathered information from them surreptitiously, and passed it back to the Obama administration.
Now you can argue that was justified, and I'm open-minded, but that's spying.
Tell me why it's not spying.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives has already talked about this.
Paul Ryan, Representative Gowdy, Richard Burr over in the United States Senate Intelligence Committee.
Republicans and Democrats, because they have seen the relevant information, including a lot of them have seen the classified information, which I have not seen.
And neither has Fox News seen the classified information.
And I don't know if this is the news channel or the fiction channel, but we need to focus on the facts.
Alright, pause it right there.
Now he actually claims, or I'm sorry, the Democrats actually claim to have seen that information, but regardless, I want to explain something to you.
This is not satire.
This guy's serious.
This is Richard Painter, a candidate for Senate.
Richard Painter.
The crew points out, he talks like the guy, the cockroach guy in Men in Black.
How is this guy going to win a seat?
That's what I'm saying.
It's like, how does somebody vote for Eric Swalwell?
How does somebody vote for Adam Schiff?
How does somebody vote for Nancy Pelosi?
We got another video of Nancy Pelosi.
I mean, I almost feel bad.
I don't even want to cover the videos anymore.
Every other speech she gives, she's like having a seizure mid-speech.
She's about to win again.
So guys, just fast forward in that video to more of Richard Dick Painter here.
Just listen to this guy!
This is the type of people we have running for our government.
This is so embarrassing, this is so pathetic.
Let's go back.
If you would, please stop with the invective and explain to me, again slowly, why given the fact set that I just presented to you, and I think we can agree that that's true, that that's not spying.
No, I don't think we can.
Under what circumstances would that not be spying?
Well, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives has looked at the facts, and Richard Burr over in the Senate, in the Intelligence Committee, has looked at the facts, including the classified information, which I have not seen, and Fox News has not seen.
So what do you think, hold on, okay, you've already said that, you've already said that, hold on, I understand that you're repeating yourself, and you've just confirmed that whatever Republican leaders say you believe, so it's a little odd you're running as a Democrat in another conversation.
But suggest to me what they might know.
Hold on.
Suggest to me what they might know.
Just speculate if you would.
Just go crazy.
Alright, alright, alright.
That's Richard Painter.
You've seen the ignorance there.
This guy's pathetic.
This guy's pathetic.
People will vote for that man.
Now let's go to Nancy Pelosi, guys.
Let's go to clip 8.
Listen to Nancy Pelosi.
The president pulls his punch.
Forty-seven is it?
I've had concerns about China in three areas.
Certainly the disparity... Alright Nancy, so you've got Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Richard Painter.
I mean, these are the Democrats, folks.
These are the dumbest, most pathetic people in this country and they represent the Democrat Party and people will vote for them!
Owen Schroer here for InfoWars.com and this Sunday, Bill Clinton's book tour is coming to Austin, Texas.
Now, Bill Clinton got away with all of his abuse of women while he was president and over the decades and beyond.
And now the left wants to start a hashtag MeToo revolution for all the
Victims of toxic masculinity in Hollywood and in government, but they want to leave Bill Clinton out of it.
Well, we're not going to let the left get away with that.
And so we're going to be having a protest, a MeToo protest, outside Bass Concert Hall, Sunday, June 10th, in Austin, Texas.
Bring your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt from Infowarsstore.com, bring your Bill Clinton rape whistle from Infowarsstore.com, and protest Bill Clinton's book tour coming to Austin, Texas, Sunday, June 10th, at 6 p.m.
And if you can't be there to protest Bill Clinton with your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt and your Bill Clinton rape whistle from Infowarsstore.com, then you can see the live stream starting at 6 p.m.
Central at Infowars.com slash show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
Alright, Austin Fletcher of Fleckus Talks is about to be joining us.
Every video the guy puts out is just gold.
And the most recent video, he goes out on the streets and he talks to people about MS-13.
Boy, it's amazing what you can get liberals to say if you just bring up virtue signaling.
Check out Austin Fleckus, Fleckus Talks, most recent video.
Did you hear him call MS-13 animals?
Yes, I did.
What do you think about that?
I think he's a pig.
He's an animal.
I mean, you know, you smell your own, I guess.
Maybe not all people in that group are animals.
No, they're not animals at all.
They're human beings just like all of us.
I think he's a pig.
He's just using that as an excuse to, I don't know, justify his being such a racist.
And then this week, Trump made the comment about MS-13 being animals.
Did you hear about that?
Oh my gosh, he's so painful.
I did.
What do you think about that?
I think he's criticizing his own American people.
What can you say about this guy?
He's the animal.
Would you agree that not all MS13 members are animals?
And then, um, it kind of, yeah, exactly.
It's just like a negative, always negative in the news, always negative in the news.
The guys that are running around gangbanging, killing people, they're animals.
You know?
But the rest of the gang, it's a big gang, you know?
I'll tell ya, Austin, you know, it is funny, like it's funny and we laugh at this stuff, we laugh at Richard Painter who goes on to tell ya, Paul Ryan of the Republican Party with the intelligence community, Aaron Burr got into a duel in 1806 with a gold tie, vote for me.
And it's funny, and these people are pathetic, and we laugh at Nancy Pelosi, she can't even do simple math.
But at some gut level, when I face the reality that these people are real, that we have to actually vote against these people, stop these people from getting power, I mean, it's like, I can't decide whether I should laugh at this, or it's like a punch to my gut.
Yeah, I feel the same way.
And I feel like it's a punch to the gut a lot of times.
And people with that last video, a lot of them say, oh, you probably interviewed a ton of people and picked the five people that actually supported MS-13.
And Owen, I swear to you, those are the five people I interviewed.
Those were the five reactions.
I went five for five.
Every single person I asked, MS-13, are they animals?
Every single person I asked in West Hollywood said no.
So it's scary.
We're in a really weird spot right now where the left, just to spite Trump, is doubling down on things that are in no way at all American or American values.
But it goes beyond that.
I mean, I understand at this point why somebody would go against American values, given all the propaganda, propaganda in the education system, the propaganda in the media.
So at least I can reason with that.
I can sit here and I can say, OK, here's how you landed to that conclusion.
I understand it.
But, here's what I don't understand.
You got this multiple times.
You even see this on mainstream media.
Where they'll say, or for example, go back, in fact, just, in fact, go back to the first clip of this video.
Go back, start the video over for the first guy.
Listen to what this guy says.
Just listen to him.
Did you hear him call MS-13 animals?
Yes, I did.
What do you think about that?
I think he's a pig.
Okay, bingo!
Pause it right there.
Excuse me, that lady.
So, it's one thing for me to... I understand your account.
Okay, you hate America.
You've learned that.
This woman says Trump is bad for calling MS-13 animals, and then she calls Trump a pig.
What is that?
That's beyond brainwashing.
That's beyond propaganda.
That's like learned stupidity or like inherent stupidity.
I don't even know how to measure this.
Yeah, and I think one of the only reasons the left is able to get away with these ridiculous stories, these ridiculous claims, is because their base audience has such a short attention span.
So they basically engineered, like, the perfect resistor in a way.
It's people with short attention spans, people that don't actually pay attention to politics.
A lot of times they think they're educated because they went to college and are in debt, and for that reason they feel like they're oppressed and they know more than everybody.
And a lot of what we're seeing now, I think, is going beyond politics.
I think it's basically coming down to good versus evil.
And I think it's coming down to establishment versus anti-establishment.
And it's scary to see the left head in this direction because not too long ago, liberals were the ones who were for free speech, who were against censorship, who wanted to expose government corruption.
And now we're seeing them side with things that
I don't think anyone should ever side with, and it's just at a base level, you know, un-American, anti-American.
Well, and they even go do interviews out on the street where they say they'd rather date an MS-13 gang member than a Trump supporter.
And again, it's just like, again, that I can measure up to, okay, that's the propaganda, that's the fake news.
I can see how they could reach that conclusion.
Again, though, it's like,
It goes beyond propaganda and brainwashing to a point where you're so unintellectual and so stupid that you would say Trump is bad for calling people an animal.
He's a pig.
I mean, and that's what you deal with out here.
And I don't know what to do.
I mean, good and evil, right and wrong.
I mean, how?
I don't even know what to say.
So that's just a vote now in America, and there's probably millions of people like that woman.
That's just a vote now in America.
It's like, we have to realize, we're voting against that.
I think that you put it right.
They have created, they have manufactured with the propaganda and the brainwashing, a perfect ignorant class of quote-unquote resistors.
Who think they're fighting the establishment that are actually the front lines for the establishment.
And people need to understand.
These people exist.
They're now voter blocks in these big cities.
You have to go out and vote!
Those people will control our destiny if we don't go out and vote!
Exactly, and you're absolutely right.
It does come down to the vote, but I think the good news is every time the left takes a stand and supports MS-13 or, you know, promotes the Me Too movement, meanwhile they're all sexual predators in Hollywood, and every time they take a stand and contradict themselves, I think their audience shrinks just a little bit, and it's the people in the middle, the rational people, the centrists,
The independents, the maybe even classical liberals, who are now looking around and saying, wait, why is my party defending MS-13?
Why are we pretending that Hollywood isn't a toxic culture?
And these are the people that are going to start heading to the right, just like we're seeing, you know, across the board.
So while the far left will always be the far left and the protesters will always be pretty much brainwashed and convinced that Trump is the devil himself,
Everyone else in the middle, who is somewhat rational, will start waking up.
And their audience, I think, is shrinking by the day for that reason.
Well, I think you're definitely right.
The only concern I have, and while it's harder to do this on a national level to rig a presidential election, they tried it.
But in these local elections, I mean, these electronic voting machines, that's their last line of defense.
I mean, that's their ace in the hole, man.
I mean, how does Maxine Waters get 10 people to show up at her last campaign event?
You can't even make this up.
10 people show up at Maxine Waters' campaign event just 48 hours before the primary voting and then she gets 40,000 people to vote for her?
I'm sorry folks, that doesn't add up.
You don't have to be a kook to do that math.
Nancy Pelosi might not be able to do that math, but I hope you're smarter than Nancy Pelosi.
So again, how is it, and we can get more into this on the other side, 10 people show up to a Maxine Waters final campaign event 48 hours before the primary votes, and then 40,000 people show up to vote for her instead of Omar Navarro, who actually gets crowds, who actually has a following locally and nationally?
I don't even believe it, but that's what we have going on.
So, ladies and gentlemen...
I don't know what the answer is when it comes to making sure that these votes are tallied properly other than following the law in which most states have you have to have a paper ballot.
Now here in Texas they just totally ignore laws like that and that's when why David Knight goes to talk to the Commissioner of Voting here.
He literally runs away and hides in his office because they won't answer the question as to why they're breaking the law.
So we're gonna get more to that on the other side with Austin Fletcher but
In the meantime, ladies and gentlemen, we've got these super summer sales going on right now at InfoWarsStore.com, and I will just tell you this...
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Fleckus Talks with me on the other side.
It was about 25 years ago that I began to read publicly available books that had been written for the State Department and for the CIA by top professors at Georgetown, Harvard, and Yale.
So that the CIA and other agencies could understand the complex political system they were building.
And in short, it was going to be called a technocracy.
But it was going to fund communism and socialism and fascism.
But really what it was, was crony capitalism.
So decades later, after fighting against this, humanity is somewhat awake to the threat.
But at the same time, despite all our successes, changing this paradigm really is an inside job.
It's up to us personally.
I don't feel sorry for myself being demonized by mainstream media and being attacked and the globalists filing frivolous lawsuits.
I expected that to happen.
This is 21st century warfare.
I just wanna make sure that you, the listeners, and you, the viewers, many of you already understand this, so I'm not patronizing those of you that are already awake, but I wanna make sure all of you realize this isn't just some more entertainment.
This isn't just some other talking head.
The reason they hate what we cover is because I and others have researched what they actually are planning, and it is nightmarish, it is authoritarian, it is eugenics-based, it is anti-human.
And we've already come so far together
That I know that if each and every one of you will just go research these issues for yourself, you will find out how real it is and understand it's not your duty.
It is your basic survival to stand up against this anti-human onslaught.
If you go back into history, it was 3% that volunteered for the Revolutionary War back in 1776.
But if you look at the InfoWars audience, it's maybe 10% of the United States, another 10% or so worldwide.
I think that's a conservative estimate.
But we have 50, 60, 70 million people listening.
We have more than that that have tuned in over the years.
The point is, is that if you look at that, that's less than 3% of the world population.
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So, thank you all for remembering Infowarsstore.com and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Well, in case you haven't seen enough proof,
Of the ignorance of the Trump detractors and of the radical leftist protesters in the streets.
Not enough from the Swalwells, the Pelosi's, the Painters, or all of Fleckus Talks videos.
Take a look at this other one where Fleckus hits the streets and sees if the people know the difference between a Democrat quote and a Trump quote.
Hey guys, it's Fleckas.
This week we're at Hollywood Boulevard, Walk of Fame, at Donald Trump's Star to play a game with local celebrities.
It's called Trump or Democrats before Trump.
Let's see what people think.
Democrats or Trump.
Excuse me?
Democrats or Trump.
Guess who said these quotes, alright?
He's got it.
He's got it.
Number one, we all agree on the need to better secure the border and to punish employers who choose to hire illegal immigrants.
Oh, that's Trump all the way.
That's actually Barack Obama, 2005.
We need to be very careful about Syrian refugee admissions.
That's Trump.
That's Dianne Feinstein, 2015.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Trump, of course.
Dianne Feinstein, 2015.
We in Congress stand by Israel.
In Congress, we speak with one voice on the subject of Israel.
That's Trump.
That's Nancy Pelosi.
I take the Constitution very seriously.
You get the point.
You can see the full video on Fleckistalk's YouTube channel.
Again though, you know, and look, I'm not even, you know, this is actually an easy thing that you can go out and do.
This video is actually kind of less
I think exposing how ignorant these people are than the other videos where they compare Trump to a pig but he's bad for saying MS-13 is animals.
Because to me that, Austin, actually falls on the politicians that lie to these people.
See again, I can reason with that.
I can understand how they can come to that.
I can reason and understand how they would reach that conclusion and think that that's only Trump that said that because it's their own party that lies to them.
It's the Democrats that lie to them.
It's the Democrats that talk out of both sides of their mouth.
So I can understand how they could confuse that issue and be deceived in that video.
But again though, do you think that
This even wakes people up to understand how much they've been conned?
I mean, that's obviously the goal, but do you think it works on these people, or do they just go right back to hating Trump?
I think, yeah, that is definitely the goal.
Whether or not it works kind of comes down to the echo chambers and what people are actually seeing online.
I think the echo chambers at this point have been structured in a way where the conservatives see the conservative stuff and the liberals see liberal stuff.
And that just kind of creates an atmosphere where you meet someone with opposing views.
It's hard to understand where they come from.
It's hard to believe how someone could, you know, get to the mental place where they love Trump or they hate Trump, depending on what side you're on.
So I hope it gets to them.
A video like this, my goal was to just have people realize that politics in the most recent election in the past year, or actually two years at this point, is completely changing.
It used to be something different.
It used to be something people could agree to disagree on.
But now politics is heading in a direction where you're either for America or against America.
And I hope with this video, people see, hey, Barack Obama made some
Comments a few years ago that would be deemed racist or insensitive today, or, hey, Nancy Pelosi was, you know, used to be an advocate for stronger immigration, stronger immigration reform and, you know, securing the border at certain points.
And when they hear these things, I just hope that they realize that politics now has become so obsessed with Trump that they would rather take on anti-American values and anti-American policies just to spite the guy.
So I just want to expose that to the people.
I just want people to realize that they've hated the man so much that they're ignoring what this country is all about and what this country could be.
Well, and I look at these people, and especially in that last video, they don't really seem politically charged.
I mean, you're talking to the guys out there dressed like superheroes, right?
They're doing their whole street thing.
They don't really seem politically charged.
They're not really coming into this, like, angry at Trump or fired up about their politics, right?
And you can tell that.
They're just general people.
And they may not be politically inclined any which way, but they do absorb, you know, the culture.
They do absorb the mainstream message.
They do get the trickle-down propaganda, whether or not they intentionally ingest it or not.
And you can kind of tell, though, that
They just go with it.
There is no foundation for their beliefs.
It's just what they've been taught, what they've learned via the trickle-down propaganda.
And this is why it's dangerous for both sides, really.
It's dangerous for America because these people vote.
These weak-minded people vote that fall for propaganda and fall for lies, go out and vote with an absent mind, and that's the Democrat voter base.
Just look at the videos you do.
You prove that.
But it's also dangerous for the Democrats because if
And I don't know what it is, but if...
That zeitgeist breaks for them, if that skeleton key to their mind opens it, finally, their game is over.
Because somebody like that, obviously weak-minded, can be easily swayed, whether or not they absorb it or not is a different issue.
That, I guess, is the question.
Because they're obviously weak-minded, they can obviously be swayed, but do they still have the ability to think for themselves?
Do they still have the ability to look deeper with critical thinking and say, oh, wow,
I was deceived by this propaganda.
I need to go back and look.
So it's kind of dangerous on both ends.
It's dangerous for America that you have these weak-minded, uninformed voters that are the Democrat voter base, but it's also dangerous for the Democrats because they're so weak-minded and fragile, they really could be flipped like that if whatever the proper formula is given to them, I truly believe.
Yeah, I totally agree with you.
I think the far left and the radicals and the antifas of the world, they'll always be far left and they'll never come around.
But I think the most valuable people in that group, in the left-leaning group, are the people in the middle who just don't follow politics.
And that's the quote they use.
Oh, I don't follow politics.
And that used to be me for a while, too.
In college, I thought Obama was great because
He was hope and change, first black president, unite the country.
And I thought, wow, that's who we should elect.
And I really didn't do any research.
I didn't actually look into it.
I read headlines.
I was on Twitter.
I kind of just got the feel for politics.
And I think the feel for politics is an outdated way to do it.
And it's a harmful way to do American politics.
And I think those are the people that are waking up.
Because a lot of the people on the conservative side especially were left-leaning at one point.
A lot of people that are my age, maybe you could attest to this too, maybe years back you thought you were a liberal only because you didn't do the full deep dive, but once you actually looked into the things and the policies and the politicians, you start leaning conservative.
And I think most conservatives come from a liberal place at some point in their life, and I think most liberals or most leftists were liberals and leftists their entire lives.
Yeah, I mean, I don't know if I would ever put necessarily a liberal identity on it, but I think it's the same thing as you.
You know, the old saying goes, if you're not a liberal by 20, you don't have a heart.
If you're not a conservative by 30, you don't have a brain.
I think it goes to what you're saying.
Like, the same thing.
Actually, I mean, when I was in college, it's the same thing.
I was liberal on social issues, like, okay, you know, I don't care what people do sexually.
I blame the guns.
I thought the guns were the problem.
Because that's what the propaganda, you know, was put in front of me.
And then you've got to do the research, you understand it better.
But even then, I remember going around, just because I was such a cynic, and I've always liked to be devil's advocate, I remember going around University of Missouri 2008, and I even fell probably on the liberal perspective, but I remember going around not really falling for Obama, not really believing in it, because I hated politicians, and I would just ask people, I would say, because they all loved Obama, I would say, would you vote for a prisoner of war instead of Obama?
And they all said yes, and I go, really?
Because McCain's a prisoner of war.
And they're like, oh really?
I didn't even know that.
Owen Schroer here for InfoWars.com and this Sunday, Bill Clinton's book tour is coming to Austin, Texas.
Now, Bill Clinton got away with all of his abuse of women while he was president and over the decades and beyond.
And now the left wants to start a hashtag MeToo revolution for all the
Victims of toxic masculinity in Hollywood and in government.
But they want to leave Bill Clinton out of it.
Well, we're not going to let the left get away with that.
And so we're going to be having a protest, a MeToo protest, outside Bass Concert Hall, Sunday, June 10th, in Austin, Texas.
Bring your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt from Infowarsstore.com.
Bring your Bill Clinton rape whistle from Infowarsstore.com.
And protest Bill Clinton's book tour coming to Austin, Texas, Sunday, June 10th.
At 6 p.m.
And if you can't be there to protest Bill Clinton with your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt and your Bill Clinton rape whistle from Infowarsstore.com, then you can see the live stream starting at 6 p.m.
Central at Infowars.com slash show.
Bill Mitchell, syndicated radio TV host, one of the dominant conservative forces, still able to get millions of views a day on Twitter.
I want to ask him how he's able to do that, because they have just absolutely shadow banned us.
I know they've been doing it to him.
He is, just always has amazing interviews every day.
Yeah, let's talk about censorship, because you and I are both facing this.
You know, it's kind of, it's on the one hand, you know, if you live in the bear's cave,
Don't be surprised you wake up one day and you're barefoot, you know, and right now We are conservative voices and we're living in the liberal barricade Liberals hold the keys of the castle door as far as social media.
They have Twitter they have Facebook
They have YouTube.
They have all these different things out of Silicon Valley.
And we are playing on their playground.
And we've been remarkably effective.
I do not believe that Donald Trump could have been elected president prior to the days of high-speed cable, where you could have streaming video, Twitter, Facebook, all these different things.
So, on the one hand, I'm very glad they've given this opportunity.
I've spoken personally over Twitter to the CEO of Twitter and thanked him for giving me this opportunity.
I said, I know you don't agree with my political viewpoint, but thank you for giving me this opportunity.
However, lately, they have, and have you seen this as well, they've dramatically increased their efforts to shadow ban us, to censor us, and I think this is going to have an unintended consequence for us because
Really, by shadow banning us and censoring us, I don't think they're really dramatically decreasing our message, but the way that they are doing, by denying us our First Amendment rights, is driving independents, which are the middle voters of the country, into Trump's arms.
Back into our arms.
They're turning off more people with what they're doing for their cause than they are keeping people from being motivated by our speech on our side.
So, as far as censorship, my show, Periscope.tv slash Your Voice America, we're on track this month to do 4 million plays on there.
I mean, it's just crazy.
Our Monday night show did 187,000 plays on Periscope, and yet we never trend.
On Periscope.
There are people that have got 10,000 plays with pictures of their cat that trend on Periscope.
We never trend on Periscope.
But, you know, necessity is the mother of invention.
I think maybe the time has come, and I've said this for a long time, that the current media, even Fox News, has got a MAGA-shaped hole in their hearts.
They just don't understand us.
They don't get where we're coming from.
But we do.
We understand what the Trump movement is.
We understand what the grassroots is.
So maybe it's up to us to create something new.
You know, at some point, you can only complain so much about the bad guys where you say, maybe we should set up our own thing and make our own rules.
We have to stand for everybody's speech.
That means the new Black Panther Party, stand white for the devil.
That means the KKK saying all their crap.
It doesn't mean we agree with it, but we have to stand for their speech or we all lose it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation, it's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Leo Zegami is about to join me.
LeoZegami.com is where you can find all of his reports and stories.
And before I get to Leo, we're going to talk about the nationalist uprising in Italy, talk about the Bilderberg Group and what they're meeting on right now.
But before I get to Leo, who's an expert on those two things, I just have to get this off my chest because it's really bothering me.
And it all comes back to the same issue I was talking about from, unfortunately,
And this is just what we, this is the common nomenclature, the left versus the right.
Where, just look at the blatant double standards that the left has right now.
But it's not even a double standard.
This is like, I don't even know how to, this is beyond mental illness.
This is like, beyond brainwashing.
It's like, almost like a controlled mind slave.
Seriously, that's how, it's like, that is the only thing I can think of to describe this.
Where anybody could consider this path of thinking to be rational and logical, the only way is if you are a mind slave.
Think about this.
So, you've got the spying on the Trump campaign story, right?
Okay, they say they spied on the Trump campaign.
They didn't.
They did.
They didn't.
They did.
Okay, they did, but we won't call it spying.
Well, whatever!
They justify it, and they say, we were spying on Trump for his protection.
He should be thanking the FBI.
But if that was the case, why didn't they spy on Hillary Clinton, who had the open servers, illegal servers, with classified information on it?
But then, more importantly, and this when it comes to the mind-slave aspect,
How then are you going to say that you spied on Trump for his protection, but he's the target and he's the enemy?
Think about that!
How do you hold those two thoughts in your mind and consider it to be rational?
It's impossible!
If Trump is the bad guy and the target of the investigation, which is what you claim, then why are you saying you're there to protect him?
If you're investigating a bank robber, okay, and you're spying on the bank robber,
And they say, look, you illegally spied on the bank robber.
You don't say, I was spying on the bank robber for his protection!
No, that's insane!
This is what they're saying.
These are mind slaves.
And again, they say Trump was attempting to get intelligence from Russia.
Or he was in communication with Putin to get intelligence on Hillary from Russia.
Well, if that's the case, why are all these random meetings being scheduled with Don Jr.
and Ivanka Trump and Russian lawyers?
Why wouldn't Trump just be speaking to Putin directly?
So again, there's no rationale there.
But think about this.
They say Trump is bad for wanting to get intelligence from Russia, which he never did.
And they say that Eric Swalwell and the rest of the Democrats say Trump needs to be turned into the FBI for trying to get information from Russia.
But wait a second!
Again, you take a step back.
Hillary Clinton, the Democrat Party, and the mainstream media literally all took information from Russia in the face of the Russian dossier.
Do you see the madness here?
There's the tweet.
If you're in a campaign for federal office and a foreign agent offers you dirt on your opponent, you should tell the FBI.
Well, what if you're in a campaign for federal office and you pay a foreign agent for information on your opponent?
Then what?
That's what Hillary Clinton did.
So this Russian Spygate Trump madness has really reached levels beyond proportion.
Anyone who still believes this stuff, I now consider a mind slave.
No longer brainwashed, no longer ignorant, literal mind slaves.
Now that I have that off my chest, let's bring in Leo Zegami.
Now Leo, feel free to comment on what I just laid out, or you have a story right now at leozegami.com.
Bilderbergers arrive in Italy to take orders from the Vatican.
They sent the Cardinal down there to have a secret meeting with the Bilderbergers.
What do you think was discussed at that meeting?
What do you think is on the Vatican's mind right now?
Okay, Leo, I'm not sure what's going on here.
We're not hearing Leo Zegami, guys.
So, okay, there we go, Leo.
Alright, Leo, what do you think is going on?
What is the Vatican trying to get out to the Bilderbergers right now?
Well, the Vatican has a lot to explain on their presence there.
That's why Mario Borghezio from the Northern League, who is a dear friend of mine, I actually have his card here, wrote just a letter to the Pope.
He's a European Parliament member of the Northern League, and he is asking the Pope
And all this is happening now silenced by the majority of the Italian media, because we had a couple of articles when the Bilderbergers arrived on the 6th of June, but after that all the main media, TV, radio, newspapers have been completely silent about this meeting, apart from the locals from Turin, who of course were shocked in knowing that they had a meeting of the Bilderbergers in front of their house.
Even the people who are from the Five Star Movement in power in the city of Turin, because the city of Turin has a mayor from the Five Star Movement, which is one of the two populist organizations which has helped this populist uprising in Italy.
They're asking questions because there has not been many answers, apart from the fact that of course there is a massive security operation in place.
And even Salvini, the Minister of Interior of the Northern League, has not yet talked about it.
So I called my friends from the Northern League at their headquarters earlier on this afternoon to know what was happening, and they said that they are waiting for Salvini, studying very well the situation, because he wants to make a public announcement about it.
In the meantime, though, Mario Borghezio, who is a well-known poetician from the Northern League, has already made
Before the midterms elections and of course what is happening also at the G7 is very important also here in Italy because our new Prime Minister Conte has immediately supported with a tweet Donald J. Trump and his open invitation for Russia to rejoin the group and become again the G8.
Well, actually, I just want to say that Prime Minister Abe from Japan has also come out and said that too.
So you've got Italy, Japan, the United States all calling for Russia to be back into the summit.
And I'm just curious, though, because
And Leo, he knows what he's talking about with this stuff.
And sometimes, for new audience members, this may seem a little bit out there, but this is the reality of the situation.
And I just want to take it to another level here, Leo.
The secret societies have different...
Plantations or means to control the world population.
Politics has been one of those means.
They're losing politics right now.
They're losing their ability to control the politics.
So I'm curious, because I kind of think there might be something else to this visit to the Bilderberg group from the Vatican.
I think that they may be realizing that they cannot revive their political stranglehold on the world, and so now they're trying to figure out how they can rearmament their control over history, and the secret history of humanity, and the secret history that the Vatican knows about.
What are your thoughts on the potential of the Vatican sending this representation to the Bilderberg Group to see how they can maintain their control on the secret human history?
Just in 30 seconds, we'll get more into this on the other side.
One of the devices used to keep control that is being discussed right now at the Bilderberg is quantum computers.
They will be used to control everybody through 5G.
So 5G and quantum computers are in discussion at the moment at the Bilderberg meeting.
OK, we're going to get into that and more on the other side.
But that is key with the AI being rolled out right now, the 5G being rolled out right now.
They, of course, trying to create the one world government, which would be all controlled by the AI 5G.
So that's on the other side.
That's what the Bilderberg Group wants.
Sovereign countries and sovereign citizens are standing up, though.
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Desiree, thanks for holding her on the air from California.
Go ahead.
Just wanted to let you know I've been listening to you for about six years now.
My husband turned me on to you and absolutely I could not stand you.
For about the first two months I listened to you and now I listen every single day to your phone.
I feel that you do and I absolutely thank God that I have a forum that I can contribute to and I get such an amazing product.
We use your brain force, your survival shield.
I work nights, 12-14 hours a night, 5 days a week.
I use your winter sun, your selenium.
The real red pill.
Your bio PCA.
I'm just here in California, fighting, trying to survive with the demon rats.
How they're demonizing my state.
I just can't stand it anymore.
You have changed my life.
InfoWars has changed my family's life.
I bought property in a no-fly zone.
No cell phone service.
Got my own well water.
My mind is so open to everything that's going on.
But I need to know what else we can do.
Well, you're on the right track, Desiree.
What you're doing right now is absolutely working, and thank you for calling and sharing that with everyone.
I think she should just share her testimony.
By the way, Desiree, again, thank you for your call.
Absolutely, sweetheart.
We love you and tell your husband we love him.
We really appreciate you.
Keep up the fight.
We need to take California back.
Thank you, Desiree.
We're going to come back and make more calls.
Thank you, sweetheart.
Audience, radio affiliates, TV affiliates, thank you for your support.
But they've cut off the sponsors.
They've blocked us advertising on Google.
They have filed 13 lawsuits.
We've beaten six.
But understand this, I am your soldier.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer here filling in for Alex.
Now we've got breaking news coming down the pipeline right now.
We're about to be joined by Alex Jones.
Of course the backdrop for all of this is the Russian collusion investigation falling apart.
Trump standing up for America at the G7 and then Italy and Japan joining him in his call for Russia to join back in to the G7.
You've got
Breaking news with the Bilderberg Group, but we've got news coming from Alex Jones right now.
Let's go out to Alex on the phone lines.
Alex Jones, what is breaking?
Alright, I'm going to take over right here, and I'm going to try to be as calm as I can as I've got four pages of notes.
So, I'm here, ladies and gentlemen, covering undoubtedly some of the most dangerous information I've ever covered on air.
There's a reason they want to shut down Infowars, and it's because they know that we're able to put out
Countervailing narrative to what they officially said.
Anthony Bourdain, Tony Bourdain, is one of the most popular TV hosts in the world.
He's the only successful thing on CNN.
He dominated Netflix.
He has a little nine-year-old daughter.
He just got remarried.
And then he dies in a crappy hotel room in Paris.
And CNN's Brian Stelter is the first to tell us that he died of suicide hanging himself.
Now, I knew he'd been critical of Hillary.
Said that, uh, you know, that she shouldn't have basically defended Weinstein.
Uh, said it was shameful.
I knew he talked about, joked about feeding Trump hemlock.
And I thought, you know, a lot of these rich, powerful Hollywood folks commit suicide.
Maybe he did commit suicide.
But I said the fact that he had a lot of powerful enemies, it should at least be investigated.
I said that in a tweet.
I got a call from my
Of course, who is even willing for me to now say who he is, but he was very emotional.
And he'd already let me in on this a few months ago.
And he's actually already talked about this on air, but I'm just not going to do that at this point.
I'm going to shoot an HD report as soon as I'm done here.
And I'm going to reach out to some other people.
But here's the bottom line.
I was told several months ago
That a bunch of other big people are going to start going public.
And then, of course, you saw Kanye.
And then a few weeks ago, we said that even more big cultural icons, some of the biggest ones in media, some of the biggest people in culture, were going to be going public.
And so, this morning when I woke up, and I had seen that Tony Bourdain had committed suicide, supposedly, I went, what is it about that?
What was it in the news?
So I was sitting there search-engineering for like an hour.
Well, what was it?
Why was it about the Bourdain?
And then, all of a sudden, the producer calls me about an hour ago and said, right off air with you guys, and said, you have got to call this source.
He's really upset right now.
And I went, oh my gosh.
He's talked about it on air.
Ladies and gentlemen, this Bourdain
Was a powerful cultural figure.
And Mordain had learned about the big awakening that was happening.
And he had met with Elon Musk, who's already very good friends with, in Morocco, in Marrakesh, at a big solar farm, experimental farm.
And I'll just leave it at that.
They had taped an 11-and-a-half-minute episode of the upcoming TV series that he was wrapping up in Paris.
This is two months ago.
Nobody knows this, and I'm laying these facts out so people understand.
He was in Morocco on a big vista at a wind farm.
I'm going to leave it at that.
I've talked to folks that were there.
In fact, I've been authorized to tell you more.
Maybe I just should, but I'm going to stop right there for now.
Musk and them had a Kanye West event, and Ordain was planning to basically do a Kanye West, but just about the whole global awakening and everything that was about to happen.
And it's believed that this is a message directly to Elon Musk, who's been coming out talking about the mainstream media, the globalists, how they're planning an AI technocracy takeover.
And so I can tell you, without getting into too much specifics, but I've specifically been on the phone with SpaceX and individuals at the center of the Musk operation in the last hour.
So I'm authorized to say that at this point.
And I told folks, I said, we have to go public with part of this.
We're all in danger.
There's a lot of stuff behind the scenes, some sabotage and stuff going on as well that we've become aware of even inside InfoWars right now.
They're making big moves right now, ladies and gentlemen.
And I want everybody to understand that this is real.
This is for all the marbles.
And it is just unbelievable.
I mean, I've got like five, six pages of notes here.
It is also believed that just like with Stanley Kubrick dying, and I know his daughter well,
His protege, right before they were going to have the final cut of Eyes Wide Shut, they cut 24 minutes out.
It's the same thing here.
The CNN and then the parent company that sold it to him, his company, they're now looking for pressure from the 0.0 company to not release the new series, but to make it a retrospective.
Looking back on Bourdain,
Also, they did not have to release, not just this episode, but once he decided to do this with Elon Musk, this was two months ago, they shot dozens and dozens of other segments, that he then began working in the whole awakening around the world and Bourdain had decided to go the Kanye West route.
And that is 100% from people there with him, meeting with him.
Elon Musk, hold on yards, Elon Musk is in complete danger right now.
Again, if he hangs himself, it's murder, ladies and gentlemen.
Or if his jet crashes, it's murder.
Everybody can feel the energy of awakening.
People are pulling out of globalism everywhere.
The Bilderberg Group's meeting in Italy right now.
The Pope has sent his emissaries.
This is so incredible.
And, again,
The media will spin it and say, or try to ignore it probably, and say, oh, Jones claims that Musk was murdered.
Oh, look, here's Jones again.
Not Musk.
Jones will say that Tony has been murdered, ordained.
This is how they operate, and it is just insane to be here at this moment.
My wife just walked in here.
Honey, I just got contact from SpaceX.
Just talked to them all on the phone.
They definitely killed Tony Bourdain.
That's what they think, and they messaged Musk.
He's gonna go public with Kanye West.
You believe this?
My wife just walked in the hotel room.
Anyways, I've got to work all day now.
It is just unbelievable, and
I mean, that's where we are as a country.
It's where we are as a world.
This is a big message.
Everybody, shut your mouth or you're dead.
And this is them coming out of the woodwork.
You know, they can't kill Trump, so they did the next best thing.
And I mean, just think about it.
61, just remarried, totally happy.
Nine-year-old daughter.
Uh, you know, little daughter.
And that's what's going on.
And people's families are being threatened.
All this stuff is going on.
But evil is in it.
Death rows right now in this evil, satanic system.
I was also told he's scared of anybody who is seen as outside the system, or seen as like a world traveler, or seen as an independent type guru, okay?
They don't like Musk, they totally hate him.
Notice he's exposing the AI computers, the world government.
How the Globalists worship AI.
I told you that, you know, in Endgame.
That's really what they believe.
They didn't like the way Tony was going, talking about the Clintons and others.
I talked to folks that, again, are friends with him, spent a lot of time with him.
Him and Musker have gotten very, very close.
They've been friends for years.
And he wasn't, quote, having any of it.
And a lot of this is classified.
A lot of this stuff's secret.
So I couldn't even be told all of it.
But I was already aware of the meeting.
I was already aware of the fact that this production was coming out from Morocco, from Marrakesh.
And so this is just unprecedented.
He was about to be part of the bigger plan.
And so they're very upset about what is in these episodes, not just the one with Elon two months ago in Marrakesh, Morocco, but whatever got kicked off after that.
And what Bourdain was saying and what Bourdain was saying that he was going to do and the fact that he had been coming out against Weinstein and the Clintons, they saw him as too powerful and off the reservation.
And again, it's just completely out of context for him to die like this and for them to instantly say it's a suicide, no investigation.
We're going to go to break.
Every week, we're going to be profiling a different TV station, TV network, or cable station or network that's picking up InfoWars.
We're on well over a hundred stations right now since we started our syndication push about six months ago.
Now, one TV station that's actually been picking us up for several years that I want to profile first is Phonoscope.
Phonoscopes creator and owner is the man that invented more than 50 60 years ago streaming
Television over phone lines.
That's why it's called Phonoscope and why it's patented.
Well, he's got several channels and stations in Houston, and he's got us on 24 hours a day.
On Phonoscope, channel 9 in Houston cable systems.
So, we're talking a potential of 6 million people that are able to tune in.
This is very, very exciting.
So, to all of our listeners online, even if you're not in Houston,
Be sure and tell any friends, family, or neighbors, or folks that you know who live in the Houston area, they can tune in to cable channel 9 to Phonoscope.
Not just for my four-hour broadcast every day from our state-of-the-art TV and radio studios here in Austin, but to Owen Schroer, David Knight, and all the other shows, and all the other news, and anchors, and analysis that we're adding.
So, Phonoscope is our oldest TV affiliate.
They've been picking us up, I guess, for four years now, and so we really appreciate them.
They're also one of our biggest, massive response.
So to Lee Cook and the entire family down there at Phonoscope, we salute you, and we also want to just ask all the viewers of my show and listeners of my show to tune into Phonoscope and also visit their website so you can find out about some of the other programs they put out, like Ron Paul's TV show.
So again,
From myself and the entire InfoWars crew in Austin, Texas, we salute Phonoscope in Houston.
Thanks for all you're doing for this republic.
You've helped make America great again.
If you are receiving this transition, you are the resistance.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
To be clear, ladies and gentlemen, I was told by sources involved with SpaceX and Elon Musk, very high level, people that work directly with Musk, on a routine basis, that he was out quietly as an emissary, trying to get other people to go public like Kanye West did.
And Kim Kardashian.
All these other people realize the power they have as these reality TV stars and hip-hop stars.
And Bourdain had basically been gotten on board and had this, you know, they were, I mean, he's already really good friends with Elon Musk, and that this basically happened.
And I also can tell everybody,
That 0.0 and the companies at CNN, if any of them want to say this isn't true, or if any of them think they're going to edit anything and stop what we're doing, folks have the 11 minute, 50 second, or whatever it is, clip.
It's 11, yeah, 11.50.
I said 11.30 earlier.
We have the clip.
We have the approved segment with Elon Musk and with
Mr. Bourdain, and the Kanye West awakening, and the Kanye West type statements.
The bigger plan is talked about.
Space travel.
A future for humans, not a post-industrial world, not a technotronic microchip planet.
Not the worshipping of the AI gods, but humanity going to the next level.
So go ahead and do anything to our sources, do anything to me, and it will be released.
That's a little tidbit.
I've got like five more pages here.
And quite frankly, I hand wrote these.
I need to go type them up.
I need to really think about this.
I need to get this out.
But as soon as I hung the phone up, I called in and commandeered the program.
Because this is huge.
And again, I'm not 100% saying he was killed.
I'm saying smart people that were friends with him
I'd say he was happy.
He was great.
He was looking forward to his life.
He said he was the happiest ever.
He was doing jiu-jitsu.
He was working out.
He said he was just... Bourdain said decades ago he was bummed out and unhappy and was unhealthy.
He said now he was just super healthy.
Lost all this weight.
Was totally happy.
Just remarried.
And they said that they believe that he was killed as a message.
To Elon Musk and to everybody else in the whole Kanye West awakening movement, you come out, we're going to kill you.
So it is believed that he was killed.
And boy, I tell you, just like Jim Morrison, right there in that hotel room in some grungy craphole place, hanging himself supposedly and leaving his nine-year-old daughter behind and all the rest of that.
Who believes this?
Who believes any of this?
It's so classic for people to come into your hotel room, hang your ass, and just kill you.
But you know what?
You're not going to stop.
Because culture will speak, and people are really going to want to know what happened here.
You know, just take Joan Rivers, what she said about the First Lady, and the fact that she's got shoulders like a linebacker,
And all the rest of it.
And think about how she was dead right after that.
The whole point is, is these people don't play games.
And they think that they're gonna intimidate everybody, and they're so afraid.
It's like Obama's on record.
Roger Portland, our story.
Calling up Jay-Z and saying, you get to every hip-hop rapper, music person you know, and you tell them, do not go to Trump.
Do not meet with Trump.
Do not do this.
We control culture.
This is about Hollywood propping up its control of culture.
And so, that's what's going on here.
Anthony Bourdain was about to go public, and was about to join in the huge global awakening and the bigger plan, and now he's dead, and we're supposed to not talk about it or discuss it.
We're supposed to just accept what Brian Stelter says.
Well, CNN, you don't own Mr. Bourdain.
The truth's coming out.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Waging War on Corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
So, if you work with Elon Musk at the highest levels, and you shoot a TV show with him and Anthony Bourdain two months ago, and Bourdain is really close friends, you could say almost best friends with Elon Musk, or was.
He died, we're told, by suicide just instantly.
That's the news.
Open and shut.
Go back to sleep.
Nothing to see here.
Move along.
And then I sit there and I talk to someone that told me Bourdain was going to be going public and told me this Elon Musk information was going to come out, where they sit there in Marrakesh talking about the future at a solar farm, and how they talk about how there's a choice whether humanity is going to go into the future, and we're going to build a world for humanity, whether we're going to build one for the machines, and the top technocrats have decided to get rid of humanity, and Elon Musk lays it out to Bourdain,
As he'd done privately already in Bourdain that has a transformation and an awakening on video.
And then he went on to tape dozens of other segments in the next two months.
But now Bourdain is dead.
He had his own production company, Zero Point Zero, and now contractually
He has the Final Cut edit, but guess what?
Directors always want their Final Cut, don't they?
But just like somebody else had Final Cut... Who was his name?
Stanley Kubrick, probably the greatest director ever.
And his daughter told me and me alone what really happened to her dad, and I'm sworn to secrecy on it, but I already knew a lot of it.
And you know, she really co-directed some of his last films.
And what she told me...
That's what we already know now, don't we?
And she told me, she said, in the next few years, you're going to become the biggest thing in the news.
They're going to try to destroy you.
They're going to come after you, but it's not going to work.
And I met another lady, a lady worth $4 billion at the time.
And she, I'm just going to leave it at that, told me the same thing six years ago.
These people know a lot, folks, and there's people in the system that are just as smart as we are, smarter, who don't want to be in the system, but who have been terrorized their entire lives to keep them in this damn cult.
So you understand that, ladies and gentlemen, that Kubrick was going to release Eyes Wide Shut and tell you how it really works?
But they killed him, and they cut 24 minutes out of it.
And ladies and gentlemen, that's exactly where all of this points.
When Stanley Kubrick drops dead, and there's no autopsy, or Tony Bourdain drops dead, and we're just told, boom, he's dead.
Suicide, that's it.
Case closed.
When somebody worth, you know, $100 million like Bourdain, when somebody who's a top culture person, one of the only people in mainstream media that still has any pull, and they're throwing all the other ones overboard, like Charlie Rose, and then magically he dies, and he's got a nine-year-old daughter and just got remarried,
And I told Elon Musk just days ago how happy he was, and how it was the best time of his life, and how he felt so good about what they were about to do.
You see, the word is, Ordain was inches from going to the White House and actually shaking Trump's hand.
But it doesn't matter, we're already winning, aren't we?
This is a message to Elon Musk.
And I've been told it's a message to Joe Rogan.
And I've been told it's a message to me and all of you to shut up and lay down.
Well, you know what?
Bill Clinton's coming to town Sunday.
And Ellen Schreuer's going to be out there demonstrating outside, but everybody else is getting their tickets.
You know, imagine you go in there and you bring up Jerry Epstein, Lolita Express, Harvey Weinstein on board, the little kids getting flown in and out.
And some of the same islands have the NXIVM sex cult brought out to it.
One person gets up, they get taken out.
Another person gets up, they get taken out.
Imagine that happens everywhere.
These people need to understand we're ready to do whatever it takes.
They keep sending me messages.
Hey, we're suing you.
Hey, we're coming after you.
Hey, we're demonizing everywhere.
Hey, I get it.
I've seen the demonic look in your eyes.
I've seen the demonic look in your servant's eyes.
And I want to be all the way away from you.
This is very powerful.
Ben Garrison piece that he just did about Bernie Sanders, and he took the Bernie Sanders minion and perfectly put him into cartoon form with this crazy cult-like stare the guy's got sitting there in my face and turned it into a poster, turned it into an image.
Maybe we can pull that up.
But I'm telling you, when you look in the eyes of these people and they're giggling and they're laughing as a minion, but above them is the cold, dark,
We're good to go.
And planetary sterilization.
And half the population dying of cancer.
They know that it's time to fight back and to live.
Their life force is coming back.
It's always darkest right before the dawn.
And I'm going to collect myself and get all these documents together.
Because this is history happening.
Just like Hillary called me the dark heart.
Just like we helped all of us together re-engineer the reboot of 1776.
We don't act like we're important, but all of us are important.
So of course, I get the phone call to know what's really going on.
And I would advise
Elon Musk, as he's already done, to go public about how the media is controlled, and has a disdain and hate system about the AI gods, and the plan for exterminism, and all the things he's already said, Elon has to go public right now, with everything, or they'll continue to manipulate his stock down, Soros will buy it all up, as he's already trying to do, and the hospital will take over.
And, they will end up killing Elon.
So when they kill Elon Musk, the South African Super Engineer,
Because he was pro-human.
Just remember that they'll tell you it was suicide and no investigation.
Just like everybody else.
Because as we are currently speaking, they're sending a message to him, and if he cowers, they'll kill him for sure.
If he stands, he will win.
They probably won't kill him, but regardless, humanity will make it.
All of us have to make that decision now.
But they were never gonna let Bordet, their prize,
Because he had some soul, he had some humanity.
He wasn't one of the dead mummies, but he was still a modern leftist.
They can't have one of their prized weapons fall into humanity's hands.
And so, like an old warship that they don't want to send back out to sea, they blew it up in the harbor.
Like an old cannon, you spike so it'll never fire again.
Or an old, old sword you break.
That's what they did.
I mean, that's way more plausible than, oh, he just committed suicide at the top of his career at 61 with a nine-year-old daughter, just remarried, totally happy, telling people he'd never been happier.
I mean, I talk to folks that hang out with him, that drink with him, everything.
They say, no way.
And I've got all these other notes here.
Who is killing the culture?
Kate Spade and her billions, magically dead.
And if it isn't suicide, why is mental illness spreading?
Why is suicide up everywhere?
The more TV we watch, the more smartphones, the more Prozac we take.
You know, going down that angle, what's this?
What's this spirit?
There's an awakening right now, ladies and gentlemen.
Trump just came out and said, we should meet with the Russians.
This is insane.
Why aren't they in the G7 anymore?
Why don't we kick them out?
It should be the G8.
It's all happening.
Sanity's coming back into the world.
I've also been told we should look at Trump at the FEMA meeting yesterday.
When he takes his water bottle off the table and puts it between his legs and then looks at Pence, and Pence does the same thing as a signal.
That's a classified signal.
And I'm not even been able to, I'm not, I can't be told what the signal is.
But it deals with the whole child trafficking and the fact of the whole thing's going down.
That was a signal.
To people in the Pentagon, what Trump did at that FEMA meeting yesterday when he takes the water bottle off the table.
Folks want you to know that as well.
And looks at Pence and he does it.
Open and shut, found dead.
As he's found dead, we're told open and shut, suicide.
Nothing to see here.
Go away.
So famous in Hollywood, where they kill famous people to get the insurance money.
You name it, we're not even looking.
We're just told don't question.
I'll have another big report on this.
Coming out at Infowars.com very soon.
God bless.
Despite all the globalist attacks, all their lies, Trump is winning.
Nationalism is winning.
Capitalism is winning.
And InfoWars is winning.
I'm about to say something that just two or three years ago would have been impossible in almost anyone's mind.
But it's here.
It's reality.
The worldwide plan for a corporate planetary government to carry out brutal austerity measures against the people of the planet.
...is now in the crosshairs and is facing referendums and elections all over the world where this authoritarian system is being overturned.
George Soros and other globalist kingpins admit their system isn't just in retreat, it is collapsing.
And my friends, they're fighting back.
The fact that President Trump could win, despite all their propaganda, all their lies, all their disinformation, is a testament to the awakening that's happened.
And you see the economy coming back.
You see technology that has been suppressed being unleashed.
You see so many good things happening.
And I'd love to give Trump credit for that, but really all he's doing is taking the globalist boot off of our neck.
But it took a lot of courage to do what Trump's done.
To go against the grain.
To believe in the people.
You see, the globalists don't believe in the people.
They believe in eugenics.
They believe we're crap.
They believe they've got to basically depopulate the earth because it belongs to them.
And all of us that have stood with Trump and had courage, and other nationalists, and other populists across the world,
The tide began to turn just two years ago.
And now, Trump has basically begun to break the globalist will.
But they are in their deadly death throes right now.
Do you realize that when you spread the links from InfoWars.com, when you spread the videos, you are changing the world?
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Seth Rich, Antonin Scalia, Anthony Bourdain.
You know, I would say,
The safest thing you could do right now, if you're Elon Musk, Kanye West type, who wants to step out into the public sphere against the New World Order, against the mental slavery, you better come out publicly before it's too late.
That's the answer to this.
Now, the same
That principle applies to the public protest, like going to a Bill Clinton book tour and standing up and saying, Bill, we know why you rode on the Lolita Express 26 times, Bill.
And if you have 10 people do that in succession at one event, it's game over for them, folks.
Standing up to these people is the first step to victory.
And so that's why this Sunday at 6 p.m.
outside Bass Concert Hall here in Austin, Texas, we are having a hashtag MeToo protest.
If they're gonna send people like Bill Clinton out there, if they're gonna send the globalist secret society operatives out there, it's our duty to stand up in their face as a representation of we the people that are not going to let this country go to scum like the Clintons and the Obamas.
Or even the Bushes!
To be fair.
Let's get Leo Zegami back on here because I want to put a cap on the conversation we were having before Alex Jones broke the big news on Anthony Bourdain with his sources.
Leo, how much stock would you put in my theory that the reason why the Vatican is going to meet secretly with the Bilderbergers is because they realize they're losing their stranglehold on the control of politics in the world, but they want to make sure that they can cement their hold over history, secret human history, all the artifacts they have hidden at the Vatican.
What do you think the odds are that that has something to do with this Vatican meeting with the Bilderbergers?
Well, first of all, Anthony Burden, he had a girlfriend in Italy who was very famous as Argento, who was connected to this Mito woman because she denounced openly Harvey Weinstein even in the last can.
So I wanted to just say that because, of course, it's news that shocks everybody.
But imagine if people like Asia Argento would turn in favor of Donald J. Trump.
It would be the end of the world for the liberals.
In any case, regarding the Bilderberg and the Vatican, I was told in the last few minutes that they have been discussing the deal that the Vatican broke with Communist China
Which is quite incredible because apparently the Vatican has accepted the official Catholic Church promoted by the Communist Party in China.
This means the end of Catholicism as we know in China.
But with the support of the Vatican.
So this is something they're also discussing in the meeting at the Bilderberg Club.
So there is also something connected with China that Parolin is meant to transmit to the other Mondialists present at the Bilderberg meeting.
If more people will become aware of what is happening, like Anthony Bourdain or many other artists, things will change.
The world will change, of course, because we are in front of a dictatorship in the media, a Hollywood which has been completely compromised by the liberals for a long time.
Things are gradually changing.
I myself wrote a book about Hollywood and the Illuminati four years ago, but if I was to rewrite it now, I would probably have to add a whole new chapter with the arrival of Donald J. Trump.
People like Jay-Z are obviously scumbags and criminals working for Obama and for the New World Order.
They're also Satanists, because it's true what Alex just said.
These people are Satanists.
Jay-Z even openly promotes the thought of Aleister Crowley, and do what they will should be the whole of the law.
So there is a lot that we don't really know about these artists behind the scenes.
Dedicate a lot of their time to sexual magic, Satanism, and perverse behavior, which of course brings them power.
So I have been writing about all this in my books for years, and they are now available in the English language.
And at the same time, I hope that people go into the study of these secret societies, because like the Bilderberg meeting is demonstrating now in Turin,
These people are hiding themselves from the world.
Even if now, of course, they have been exposed by people like us.
And so they are trying to have
I want to hold it right there, Leo, because I want to get into something with you here before we let you go here in this next break.
Let's kind of just roll this back a little bit and let's look at a Jay-Z or even a Snoop Dogg.
And this is, I mean, people in America need to understand this.
Now I'm not saying Jay-Z or Snoop Dogg is a CIA operative, but I'm saying that the CIA had plans that basically built up MTV, built up the rap industry with Jay-Z, with Snoop Dogg, and what did that do?
That created a culture for black people that was now all about gangsterism, drug dealing, pimping, and being a schmuck.
Where the black culture used to be about family, God, integrity.
The CIA destroyed that with the Jay-Z's and the Snoop Dogg's.
Now whether or not Jay-Z and Snoop Dogg are CIA operatives, you can have that debate.
But they are operatives now of the Satanist New World Order cult for whatever reason.
If they're blackmailed, if they really believe in this stuff.
And you can see that in what they're doing now against Trump and what they're doing now for the establishment.
It depends from the handlers.
If the handlers have something on them, or if they don't.
And also the capacity of the handlers of keeping them under their control.
So they're not necessarily part of the CIA, but they have handlers who are in the intelligence community in the CIA and the other agencies, and they are subject to blackmail all the time because they are always given to perversion.
People like Jay-Z, Snoop Doggy Dogg,
I have toured the world with the help of military intelligence, and I can confirm that.
So would you say that Jay-Z's CIA handler is Barry Satoro, aka Barack Obama?
Well, I can tell you one thing, that both Snoop Doggy Dog and Jay-Z went to a concert in Japan, in Okinawa, I think it was around 2009.
And the handlers for all this were people from the military intelligence and they were connected also with the Yakuza in Japan.
And so it was quite out in the open that these people were working for the New World Order.
And I know about a person who had to escape there because they were in great danger in Okinawa and they wanted to use this person as a sexual slave for their own perversions.
Alright, that's Leo Zagami.
If you want more of his reports, leozagami.com.
Thank you, Leo.
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Western Europe has already banned free speech, and an iron curtain of censorship is descending down over the UK.
They're set to pass rules, not a law, that if you criticize Islam or gays, you'll get six months in prison.
We know we're only about a year or two behind what's happening in the UK.
CNN and many others are calling for InfoWars to be shut down, taken off the web.
Slate Magazine has a professor and others saying, go beyond censorship.
Brainwash young people against InfoWars.
Psychologically inoculate them with lies so they don't actually hear what we have to say.
We are the most hated news source in the world by globalists.
It is so critical that you go to Infowars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up for the free newsletter so we can be in contact with you and so the censors can't bully their way in and block us being able to engage in free open dialogue as a society.
That is critical to this fight.
We will prevail if you take action and I know you will.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to be joined back by Alex Jones here just momentarily.
Crazy times we are living in here, folks.
Truly crazy times.
I just wish that the average human, more specifically the average American that actually has access to this information, to this intelligence, would actually engage themselves in the battle for the future instead of just being a sad sop
That just walks through life, day by day, checking the sports scores, tuning in to the favorite television station, mindlessly going about the day.
Oh, this is just life on Earth now, just a brainwashed minion just going through life.
It's not our destiny.
It's not America's destiny.
And we're taking that destiny back to control our own future and to save it for humanity.
And so many people are dumbed down and numb when it comes to their mind that they'll easily scoff off the Anthony Bourdain suicide story.
Oops, suicide, okay, done.
But when you look overall at the whole picture,
Look at Kate Spade.
Now, was that genuine?
That appears to be a genuine suicide.
I mean, I don't know, but... Doesn't that create, then, the perfect environment to suicide somebody else?
Oh, suicide is already in the headlines.
A famous celebrity committed suicide.
Oh, perfect time.
Let's take Bourdain out.
Oh yeah, suicide!
But what about Antonin Scalia?
And the list just goes on and on from there.
I mean, I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna go too into it, folks, but... I mean...
You think Michael Jackson just died to natural causes?
You think that that man's life just naturally went that way?
You ever listen to Michael Jackson's lyrics?
Now you see why the doctor killed him.
But I digress, because part of what we need to do is stand up to these people.
Their biggest success, their easiest path to victory is no resistance.
And that's what they want.
That's why they poison the food and water.
That's why they give you the mindless dribble on television.
That's why they give you the Nancy Pelosi's and the Eric Swalwell's to represent you in government.
The dumbest of the dumb.
But when humans stand up, when you realize you are in charge, when you realize that you
Control your own destiny.
You have the power.
That's when you stand up in defiance.
That's when you stand up in resistance.
Going along with the establishment narrative to hate Trump, that's being a brainwashed foot soldier of the New World Order.
Standing against that, and calling out the scum when they come to your city, that's true resistance.
That's why this Sunday we're having a MeToo protest here in Austin, Texas.
I want all InfoWarriors from all across Texas that can join me this Sunday evening, 6 p.m.
Central, outside Bass Concert Hall, where Bill Clinton is having his book tour.
And I'll just say, I mean, look, I'm not going into that event.
I'll be protesting outside.
But, you know, let's say 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 InfoWarriors decide to get a ticket to that event and sneak inside.
Heck, organize it.
Organize it now with your family and friends.
Bill Clinton's book tour is going on.
When Bill Clinton's book tour comes to your local city, get 10 of your family and friends to organize a protest inside the event.
One of you stands up, says, Bill Clinton's a rapist, InfoWars.com, hubba-baloo, and then they kick him out.
Then the next one stands up, why did Bill Clinton go on Jeffrey Epstein's jet 26 times?
Why were you on Epstein's jet without Secret Service?
The crowd mumbles, murmurs, and then he gets kicked out.
And then the next one stands up.
Bill, you were friends with Harvey Weinstein!
You were taking money from Harvey Weinstein, you were friends with Harvey Weinstein!
And then, ooh, the murmur in the crowd, and then he gets kicked out.
And then the next one stands up.
Bill, why did you and Hillary steal furniture and silverware from the White House?
Why were you stealing from the White House upon leaving it?
Ooh, and then the murmur, ooh, ooh.
This is all factual.
This is all real.
That's victory.
That's empowerment.
That's changing the world.
And that's what we're calling on you to do, not just this Sunday with the hashtag MeTrue protest outside Bass Concert Hall at 6pm this Sunday, but in your local cities when they come.
Look, let's say there's a big event in your city, MSNBC is there, CNN is there.
Go bullhorn them!
Go get in their camera shot!
Go scream at them!
You're fake news!
Go get an interview, pretending like you're gonna say what they want you to say, and then say Infowars.com is real news, we all know you're fake.
That's how you defeat these people!
So just understand.
Resistance is a multi-faceted issue.
We can call it out, we can report on it, we can show the double standards, but you also have to stand.
You also have to take physical action.
You have to let these people know you're not backing down.
Hillary and Bill Clinton get their hubris by the fact that they can go on these tours and nobody stands up to them.
They know they're blatant criminals!
And if you have all these people that sit there and hang on their every word, that's where they get their power.
Oh, but if the people start to resist, look at what happens to them.
They falter.
They look dead.
That's our victory.
That's our resistance.
Now, we're gonna be, hopefully, organizing more of this stuff.
Hopefully, citizens can take action into their own hands.
But, on our end, we're doing everything we can.
Just like this Sunday.
We're sending out a huge crew.
We're gonna be broadcasting live.
From the Me Too protest this Sunday outside Bass Concert Hall, but it's all possible with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
We're gonna have probably at least four people out there working overtime, just like always.
6 p.m.
That's after the live Alex Jones Show from 4 to 6 p.m.
that I'll be hosting this Sunday.
We'll probably hear from Alex and other special guests.
Then I go to Bass Concert Hall with the big camera crew.
We'll be talking to you.
If you got something you want to say, we'll give you the microphone.
We'll give you a voice.
Or if you want to hold up a sign and just be a part of the protest there, let your presence be known.
That's what you're out there for.
But it's all possible with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
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Alex Jones is going to join us here in the next segment, but just to kind of recap where we've been so far today before Alex Jones breaks it all down in the next segment, you've got more Democrat, how should we say, operatives being exposed now
With this Russian probe led by Mueller, more Democrats are being exposed as the ones behind this.
Literally every time you turn a corner and see a new face and name, it's a Democrat operative or a Fusion GPS operative.
Just, just, you know, that's going to break next.
Then you've got
The Inspector General report set to be released June 14th.
That's President Trump's birthday.
That is just a day after the North Korea summit that's about to kick off as well this weekend.
So just, I mean, just huge news across the board.
You've got Trump defying the anti-American G7, leaving early, skipping the climate change conference, and then saying, why isn't Russia here?
Why are we doing these negotiations and these meetings without Russia?
Then Japan's Prime Minister Abe comes out and says, Trump is right, why isn't Russia here?
Italy's new Prime Minister comes out and says, Trump is right, why isn't Russia here?
Just breaking the globalists back.
I mean, just destroying
They're in control over the world politics now.
Uh-oh, Russia's at the table?
Another nation that wants to be sovereign and free and not be a globalist country?
Oh my gosh, now America doesn't want to be a globalist country?
Do you understand that Russia and America fighting the globalists, it's game over for them?
It's game over!
But that's only if Americans are willing to stand up.
And we're starting to see that they are.
Welcome to World History, folks.
This is what it looks like.
Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again!
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not going to just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the Infowars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Alex Jones here with an extremely exciting announcement.
We are launching our biggest recruitment and hiring operation ever in our 23-year history, and we prepare to go 24 hours a day live on TV and radio from the InfoWars News Center here in Austin, Texas.
We're looking for video editors, live show producers, people that can run live TV and radio, investigative journalists.
We're looking for reporters out in the field who can stay where you are currently yet.
We're looking to hire around 15 people, maybe even more, as we take the information war to the next level in the face of the globalists.
So please,
Go to InfoWars.com, go to InfoWars.com forward slash contest, and you'll find the links to our major hiring drive.
And we're also launching, as I just alluded to, a major reporter contest with $26,000 in prizes.
First place, $20,000.
Second place, $5,000.
Third place, $1,000.
But all of you will be winners because the special reports you cut on any topic you wish
We have the rules on InfoWars.com forward slash contest will then be seen on my broadcast will then be heard on the radio and will be posted to our major websites like NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com.
It has a massive effect and you've seen many other reporters that have worked here over the years like David Knight and others.
They weren't even contest winners, but they were runner-uppers.
But even if you don't want to be part of the contest and just want a shot at working here, we're looking for camera people, we're looking for video editors, we're looking for investigative journalists, and we're looking for engineers, we're looking for reporters, we're looking for it all in this major push against the globalists.
Now, we're going to be hiring right through into 2019 in this big expansion.
But it's critical that as fast as you can, you get your portfolio, your reel, into us.
Whether it be in radio, whether it be in print, whether it be in film.
Whatever your work is, we want to see it.
So send it in with your resume.
So this is a very, very exciting chance for InfoWars.
To up our game in the face of the globalists but for you to also be a part of this operation.
So directly apply to work with us or apply and at the same time get involved in the contest.
It's all up to you.
We are expanding in the face of the globalist onslaught.
We are not victims.
We are victorious.
And we are taking it directly to the globalists because we are the resistance.
And we're looking for men and women who are a race, color and creed who love liberty that want to join the fight.
Again, InfoWars.com forward slash contest to find all the rules.
And I'll see you on the front lines of the fight against the NWO.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, I won't back down.
No, I won't back down.
You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won't back down.
Gonna stand my ground.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here, live broadcasting from my hotel room with an emergency transmission.
Update that is absolutely critical.
Now, I want to be clear.
I got up because I'm here in Hawaii at about 4 a.m.
and I noticed that a Army source of mine had sent me a link that Anthony Bordeaux had just died.
And that they were saying it was a suicide out of the gates and that that was suspicious when they say something's a suicide when it's first announced.
They always say police are looking into it, at least for a day or so.
And then you hear suicide.
Whenever you hear it right away, it's very suspicious.
And the individual I was talking to has been in the highest levels of security details, protecting Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush, you name it.
And he thought it was very, very suspicious.
Bourdain knew a lot of secrets.
He had become very, very famous first writing, you know, a tell-all book about this, you know, the secrets of being a top chef.
But I tweeted out that, hey, if I commit suicide, I didn't commit suicide, I was killed.
I said he was enemies, you know, more and more with the Clintons, but I said he also said bad things about Trump, you know, that he'd serve him hemlock as a joke.
But Bourdain was the only successful person on CNN.
Ordain was a superstar internationally and really respected.
He was becoming really good friends with Elon Musk.
Well, I got a emergency phone call from one of the producers saying, one of our best sources wants to talk to you.
He's really upset.
And it all clicked.
I went, Oh my God, he told me off air months ago and on air just a few weeks ago.
That you look for other big Hollywood icon type people.
He told me off air, Anthony Bourdain, saying that he had helped produce with Elon Musk.
This individual works with SpaceX and other areas.
This piece with Bourdain and that Bourdain had been challenged by Elon Musk to go public and to talk about his experiences and what he knew and to basically do a full Kanye.
Fully woke.
And so I knew about this and then it totally clicked.
This was about like 6 in the morning Hawaii time.
I had time to wake up.
So I wrote a bunch of notes here.
You can see some of them are on hotel coasters.
And these are the notes that the gentleman basically laid out to me.
And I know who this gentleman is.
His family is well known and wealthy.
To say the least.
And he has been involved in Army Special Operations, Army Psychological Operations.
And he's even said I can say who he is now, but at this point, I said, I'll give you some time to cool off before we do that.
Right now, he told me this about an hour and a half ago, right now he's in hot water with folks.
But we had to do this in case they try to kill him.
Or myself, because here's the bottom line.
Ordain was 61 years old.
He had a happy nine-year-old daughter.
He had just gotten remarried.
He'd never been happier.
He had been friends with Elon Musk for a long time.
He was becoming best friends with Musk.
Musk is fully awake to globalism, the New World Order, the whole brainwashing system, the post-human system they're trying to set up.
He's been saying everything that I told you 20 years ago and I put in endgame 11 years ago.
Not because he's following what I said, but because that's what the globalists are planning.
He's been let in at the highest levels into their meetings because he's a high IQ guy and a multi-billionaire.
Now he's under Soros attack and others trying a hostile takeover.
So they were in Marrakech, Morocco two months ago, kicking off the taping of his new season.
Zero point zero is the production company.
He owns his own show.
And Musk and him had already been hanging out there in Morocco for four or five days, really discussing what was happening, what was going on up on this big vista where they had this high tech science lab.
Connected to some of the leaders of Morocco.
And so they're out there doing the shoot.
You'll remember a few months ago when one of our guests was from Morocco.
That was all going on then in Morocco then.
And they were discussing all these things and he was really deprogramming him and Anthony Bordeaux was kind of coming out of his shell.
The Kanye West thing that started to happen.
And then more of his shows became this whole woke thing globally to what was happening in a pro-human future and pro-space exploration, not a post-industrial world, not a globalist depopulation planet, not this thing where the AI gods take over that Musk and others have warned about that Google and others are embracing and saying humans are bad, we need a post-human world.
Bourdain has been anti-Trump, anti-Hillary, anti-Weinstein.
He's really written things about Henry Kissinger that are true, that are very bold for somebody who's respected by liberals.
And it's because he was seen as somebody, even more than Kanye West, who could double Trump's numbers with black voters.
He was seen as somebody to be the final domino to fall because he's so respected by liberals out there.
And he was showing signs of a conscience.
He was realizing what was happening.
He was aware of
All the government sex trafficking and the things that were going on, and he was beginning to talk about working that into his show.
He was working that into his show, and the word has come down now.
We actually have the almost 12-minute video clip that is the episode in Morocco, but the 12-minute sit-down and the 45-minute, hour-long episode, but 45 minutes is actual program, actual show.
Our sources have the 11-minute, 50-second clip.
If they ever think that they're going to now grab it and make it all a retrospective about Bourdain and mix in his old episodes and change it, they got nothing coming.
Because Bourdain had Final Cut, but his company didn't.
And so just like Stanley Kubrick put out Eyes Wide Shut, when he had the Final Cut done, he had Final Cut power, but he refused to cut 24 minutes.
He died instantly.
And I've talked to his daughter, who was his protégé, and the stuff she told me was off-record, but let me just tell you, it all fits together.
I've also talked to the Lennons, and they told me it was off-record, but it all fits together, just for my information.
But I almost, at this point, almost don't want to know Stephen Confitts anymore, because it's like the Narls Barkley song.
Well, I was crazy, not because I didn't know anything, but because I knew too much.
So, that's all going on.
So I'm seeing this as one of the only venues where people could actually get this stuff out where people aren't scared.
And I've been told by the Pentagon and other patriots at the highest levels that they fear Trump.
They fear Donald Trump Jr.
They fear Matt Drudge.
They feared Anthony because he was starting to wake up to what was going on and was so influential with the left and others and internationally was such a star.
And they fear yours truly.
And it's not like I'm proud to be saying this.
It's a very dangerous position.
To begin with, they really fear, almost more than anybody except Trump right now, Elon Musk.
And Elon needs to go public.
I've already been saying that.
He's been going public against the media.
He's been going public against the AI takeover plan.
But Elon, this was a message to Elon Musk.
In fact, this is the takeaway.
Anthony Bourdeur was getting ready to go public and said that he was pro-human, bring the parties together, don't hate Trump.
Let's work together.
Let's have a human future.
Let's not be into eugenics.
An Elon Musk message of truth, an Alex Jones message, because it's just the truth.
Kanye West.
In fact, he specifically talked about the bigger plan.
It's like when I was at Louis Farrakhan's house two years ago, he goes, you know, Kanye comes by and he likes a bigger plan.
And they looked at me because I hadn't been let in on the code word yet.
And Farrakhan said, what you want about him is a major game changer, key person, just like Mordure could be or, you know, any of these people.
So, it's just absolutely mind-boggling right now to know this is going on, to know this is happening.
I'm going to try to be calm when we come back from break.
I know Dr. Nick Beggs has got a whole huge presentation ready for you.
His dad died in a mysterious plane crash.
His brother, of course, a U.S.
But he's got a lot of big inside intel for you.
As you can see, I was planning to not go on air anywhere while I was on this trip with my kids for eight days.
We don't have a future if I don't do this, so I will be here as much as I need to be.
I'm very humbled to be in this position to have this type of information, but I have talked to the folks at SpaceX.
I have talked to people inside Musk's organization right there at the top of it, and I am breaking down to you what is going on here.
CNN will absolutely be in dreaded fear that we
I mean, I was asked today, I said, should we release the 11-minute, 50-second clip?
And I said, let's hold off while you're hot right now, while you're upset.
I'm not going to say who you are yet.
They already know who you are.
And we're not going to release the 11-minute clip yet.
But the word is already, is that they're going to grab these episodes because there's this big awakening already happening.
It hit a catalyst in Morocco a few months ago.
And then now a chain reaction into this.
It's all happening everywhere across the world.
But as these prominent people begin to wake up and go with humanity and go with life and go with pro-human, there's an absolute panic by the globalists going on in there, trying to send a message by going after Bourdain.
You can clearly see that to threaten everybody else.
We'll be right back on the other side of this break.
This is an emergency.
Global Transmission, NewsForce.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
We will continue to go in, through, and beyond, no matter what the cost may be.
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Receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Gentlemen, we have called you together to inform you that we are going to overthrow the United States government.
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live Global Friday Transmission.
The only success CNN had, he was branching out.
He was planning to do programs on child trafficking, human sex trafficking.
He'd become best friends with Elon Musk.
He had spent close to a week in Morocco two months ago at a private home with a scientific research facility.
And we have the 11 minute, 50 second clip that they want cut out.
We're able to bring that to you.
It's been offered to us, but we're not going to air that here at this point.
CNN or anybody says we're lying about this, we'll drop the hammer on you.
I won't drop the hammer on you.
Somebody's gonna drop the hammer on you.
They didn't want this clip to come out.
They didn't want this information to come out.
He was calling for a global awakening.
He was understanding that Democrats are actually pro-war.
They've been funding ISIS and Al Qaeda.
He understood that the Republican establishment was just as bad as well, and that all these people claiming they were liberals weren't really liberals, and that Trump had a bigger plan, a new renaissance plan, and Elon Musk had convinced him of this.
And so Bourdain was preparing, just like Kanye West and just like Kim Kardashian, to begin to reach out to Trump, just like she came to the White House last week, on getting black people out of prison who were given racist sentences because of what color they were.
See, that's the perfect way for her to reach out and show that Trump's good and then have him move towards getting those laws changed, which he's now announced.
The Clintons got it passed in 94, saying blacks were animals and needed to be made to heal like dogs.
Remember that?
Well, well, Trump thinks that's wrong.
And so all this was about to happen and Bourdain was aware of what was happening and the Clintons were failing.
They were falling.
He was starting to come out and criticizing Hillary.
He was starting to come out and criticize
Others like Weinstein, and he was about to become not a conservative, not even a nationalist.
He's a true international guy, but in the good sense, he really wants, he wanted peace and love.
He'd spoken out against Kissinger.
He's spoken out against, you know, he said, I'll serve him lock to Trump back when he was buying in the bull, but he was getting ready via, via what was happening with Elon Musk to be a real leader and to go meet with Trump and to go public.
That's really the big news here.
And now he's died mysteriously in a hotel room, a crappy hotel room, right when he just got remarried, right when he has a nine-year-old daughter that's so happy, right when he told Elon Musk and others that he's the happiest he's ever been.
This magically happens, ladies and gentlemen.
The only guy, only guy, successful in their entire system, and everybody liked him because he had, you know, a little bit of humanity to him compared to somebody like Wolf Blitzer, somebody like Brian Stelter, somebody like Hillary Clinton.
Now he's dead.
Now he's dead.
And they just say, boom, suicide, boom, move on.
Boom, that's it.
Just don't look at it.
Don't have a discussion.
Nothing to see here.
That is ridiculous.
And I have, from SpaceX sources, as I'm sitting there, you're ready to go have breakfast with my children because I'm six hours ahead from the East Coast, five hours ahead from Central, three hours ahead from Pacific, four hours ahead from Mountain.
It's 903 here where I'm at.
And when I come back, I'm just going to read these notes to you I wrote.
I've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 pages of notes.
One of them is a coaster.
And it says, culture will speak from the dead.
I dare them to say it's open and shut.
Also, they said it was critical to play the clip, and I never told you guys to do this, of Bourdain and Obama in Vietnam, when they first sit down and talk, how much Bourdain didn't like Obama, and some of the things he told Elon Musk.
They knew that Bourdain knew things that he wasn't supposed to know.
And they didn't even tell me everything.
This is super dangerous.
I'm risking my life even telling you this stuff.
And then we have the clip.
Go ahead and try me, CNN.
We'll drop the hammer on you so fast.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
Owen Schroer here for InfoWars.com, and this Sunday, Bill Clinton's book tour is coming to Austin, Texas.
Now, Bill Clinton got away with all of his abuse of women while he was president and over the decades and beyond, and now the left wants to start a hashtag MeToo revolution for all the
Victims of toxic masculinity in Hollywood and in government.
But they want to leave Bill Clinton out of it.
Well, we're not going to let the left get away with that.
And so we're going to be having a protest, a MeToo protest, outside Bass Concert Hall, Sunday, June 10th, in Austin, Texas.
Bring your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt from Infowarsstore.com.
Bring your Bill Clinton rape whistle from Infowarsstore.com.
And protest Bill Clinton's book tour coming to Austin, Texas, Sunday, June 10th, at 6 p.m.
And if you can't be there to protest Bill Clinton with your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt and your Bill Clinton rape whistle from Infowarsstore.com, then you can see the live stream starting at 6 p.m.
Central at Infowars.com slash show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Strange days have found us.
Strange days have dragged us down.
The strange days are gonna try to destroy us.
The question is, will we let that happen?
Dr. Nick Begich, scientist, researcher, major native lands leader, his brother, former U.S.
Senator, his father, famous congressman who did so much for the civil rights movement, Moore, who died very mysteriously, he's about to take over.
I wanted to just let you know that I'm on vacation with family.
I got a very desperate call from one of the producers at one of our top Pentagon SpaceX sources.
I don't
So I called our source back and he went over the whole thing.
He was there.
It was obviously they know who it is on the inside.
It was at his home with his family and there in Morocco with their big facility.
And of course, when it comes out who he is, everybody knows who basically runs Morocco.
And so you've got you've got Elon Musk and you've got Anthony Bourdain at this big facility overlooking the Vista in the ocean.
And they spent days out there and Musk is already really good friends with
Or was good friends with Mr. Bourdain.
And of course, Musk is telling you everything I tell you.
World government, AI takeover.
We got to stop it.
They plan to get rid of humans.
The decision's been made.
We got to struggle against it.
The media is lying to you.
They're your enemies.
They want to stop human progress.
And so let me just read to you the notes that I was given.
And again, I was already told this months ago.
Also, Ashton Kutcher.
He was about to go public in all of this.
I was told
A month before she went to the White House, about the same source, they call it, well, they have several terms for it, but full-spectrum reality.
They have a lot of terms.
Full-spectrum drama, where Trump and others in the Patriot leadership recruited Kanye five years ago when they decided to make this move.
The military was going to carry out a coup against Obama because he was signing us over to the Chinese.
They did the Office of Personnel Management hack.
21 million names of all our spies, all our people, all their families.
The keys of the kingdom.
Apple's now moved there, giving them all the keys to all Apple users.
Your cloud code, that's Reuters.
I mean, we're already pretty much been taken over by the Chinese.
They've got Hollywood.
They're taking over the universities.
I mean, it is mega level.
The last-ditch effort was made with Trump.
He reached out to Kanye.
He reached out to Kim Kardashian.
She was on the fence.
Kanye went with it.
That's why they locked him up in a mental institution about a year and a half ago.
He was going to already launch this, but they had to let him go.
You know, that whole act where they can say something's wrong with you and then grab you for a few days.
And so, reportedly, a lot of stuff to Kanye was in there, but he powered through it.
He's a great hero.
He is, man.
He's got everything to lose.
He stood up because he has everything to gain.
And so all of that unfolded.
And so you've got SpaceX, you've got Elon Musk that represents kind of the good faction in NASA that wants to have a pro-human future, doesn't want to suppress the life extension technologies.
I told you at the inauguration before Trump spoke that he would talk about unlocking the secrets of the universe and that he would call for the secret medical technologies they've been suppressing to be released.
He's now moving forward with that.
I'm on record because I have the sources.
But I want to be honest with you.
It's metaphysical.
I have sources, but we all know already.
So we're already finishing each other's sentences.
That's why they hate us.
We are plugged in to the Internet of the human mind, the human destiny, the human will, what humanity wants.
And so, yes, we scientifically look at stuff.
Yes, we talk to each other.
Yes, but we're already synced up.
Just like Bill Maher said last Friday, Alex Jones and Donald Trump are soulmates.
And it's true.
We're all soulmates.
There's billions of people that are soulmates with black skin, with white skin, with red skin, with yellow skin, with pink skin, with sunburned skin.
We are all together in this big quest, in this love of humanity, the love of our ancestors, the love of the great quest.
And there's people that want to satanically block that and instill the future, and it's not happening.
So I'm going to go to Dr. Nick Begich after the break, or her, just a minute.
But let me just give you these notes.
Culture will speak from the dead.
They've opened and shut, said that he died.
It's preposterous.
Bourdain was not having any of it.
He was ready to stand against it.
He was finally convinced by Elon Musk.
Of what was really going on and showing the proof, the proof of the child trafficking and things that he'd seen himself but didn't put together is what made him have nightmares and basically break down.
He came out of the depression and wouldn't talk about what he was going to do except saying he liked what Kanye had done and was planning to go public and wanted to perhaps even meet with Trump publicly to say we should have unity and world peace.
He liked the fact that Trump wants to work with Russia and the fact that
He understood that Bourdain understood that that was all made up.
Bourdain didn't like the pressure he was put under by CNN to come out, broke his quick, and to basically get involved in the whole Trump bashing operation.
And then even after he did what they wanted, it only got worse.
It was a turning point for him, the Epstein situation in Hillary and being attacked by the Democrats and her staffers.
Again, he just, at a gut level, had already met Trump before and didn't know everybody was demonizing him so much, and he wanted world peace.
Again, there's the broader message that this is a message to Elon Musk and others, and Joe Rogan, that if you don't shut up, we're going to kill you and kill your family, that everyone's children are in danger, and that I'm a target, and just pray for me, please, folks.
Um, he had just gotten remarried, was totally happy talking to Elon almost every day.
They were planning to do big stuff together, talking about a new TV program.
Oh, this is why they got pissed.
Netflix is the future.
Obama wants to come in, but they'll force feed it.
He was talking about leaving CNN and then doing a TV show about human advancement and the human future with Elon Musk.
Ooh, that's the big one.
Just the jealousy at CNN and just everything.
They didn't want him to leave them.
They wanted to, you know, he's gone now.
They can own the dead star.
They can milk all his old episodes and then edit out all the stuff he did in the last two months with dozens and dozens of segments he taped about his awakening.
So that scared him, plus he was going to leave them.
At 0.0, he said he was the happiest he'd been in his life.
He felt like he'd been so unhappy when he was a mainline liberal.
He was like in a prison, but now he was awake.
And they spent days with this individual that was with Musk and all this.
He works with Musk.
He was witnessing this and just how happy they were.
He kept talking about the bigger plan.
That was a bigger plan for humanity now.
He saw the so-called leftist plan.
It wasn't even a leftist plan.
It was to control the left.
ZPZ 0.0.
Again, owning his own show.
But now that he's dead, he won't have the final cut.
Wanted a Trump forum and meeting, was actually planning to get on Trump about some issues, but also thank him for other issues and say that we should all come together for global peace.
And they thought it was reasonable for people to talk to Trump and for Jay-Z to go meet with him.
And then he was just basically really synced up with Elon Musk.
Then I was told a bunch of other stuff.
And so I'm going to talk to my source and put out as much more of this as I can.
So I had to cross through some of this because they asked me not to get into it.
He died in a crappy hotel room in France, and instantly they said, oh, it's suicide, which is always a telltale sign there's a cover-up.
We're going to go to break here in 60 seconds, and I'm going to let him take over.
But just as a snapshot in 60 seconds, Dr. Nick Begich, what do you make of this?
You experienced your dad being killed.
What do you make of this?
Well, you know, I think it's about whistleblowing, right?
I mean, this is ultimately what it becomes.
Years ago, I was working with members of the European Parliament to try and create an independent way of doing it.
We never got anywhere.
Whistleblowing, I think, is fundamental to how a democracy should run.
I mean, we need to know certain truths for our republic to stay intact.
And when you look around the world at the corruption, I don't care whether it's the Democrats or the Republicans, the very highest level
It's always the second player working against our interest for someone else's.
I think that's what we're seeing here.
And it's coming down.
I know you've got a full show prepared, but their system's unraveling.
There's a huge global Earth Pulse awakening you predicted 20 years ago.
Talk about that when you come back.
I'm going to be listening.
Dr. Nick Begich, EarthPulse.com, InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
What do you wanna do with your life?
I wanna rock!
When this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious s***.
You know, someone very profoundly once said, many years ago, that if fascism ever comes to America, it'll come in the name of liberalism.
Those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed by gun control laws.
I happen to know this from personal experience.
I could end this guy, Jack, tomorrow.
All you gotta do is arm all your pasts.
I don't think that you should look back and whine and bellyache or try to hold somebody else guilty for everything you did.
Where's the beat?
Alright, what is the Trilateral Commission?
An organization founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller.
You see, what they're really up to is a scheme to plant their own loyal members in positions of power in this country.
To work to erase national boundaries and create an international community.
And, in time, bring about a one world government with David Rockefeller calling the shots!
As Oliver North's public battle over government secrets and the illegal supply of weapons to the Nicaraguan Contras is waged in Washington, congressional investigators in recent months have tried to learn if Mena, Arkansas was an illegal staging area for shipping guns to the U.S.-backed Contra rebels.
It all begins in 1982, when this man, Adler Berryman Seal, showed up in Mena, Arkansas.
He used to smuggle drugs.
Then he got caught and he became one of the government's most valuable informants in the war against cocaine.
But last night in Louisiana, Barry Seale's enemies caught up with him and killed him.
17-year-old Kevin Ives and 16-year-old Don Henry were struck by a train.
The medical examiner has said that the boys were asleep and drugged with marijuana.
The parents, however, disputed that claim.
The boys were killed because they had stumbled upon a large shipment of drugs dropped from an airplane.
Tears in the fabric indicate that Don had been stabbed before he was run over by the train.
In light of this new evidence, the grand jury changed its ruling from probable homicide to definite homicide.
I'm scared of these people.
I'm very scared of them.
How do you think the crack drop gets into the country?
We don't own any planes.
We don't own no ships.
We are not the people who are flying and floating that shit in here.
I will tell you, Director Deutsch, as a former Los Angeles police narcotics detective, that the agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time.
Men who are working for the CIA's army were responsible for bringing all that cocaine into Los Angeles that sparked the crack epidemic.
My boss goes on a fishing trip with George Bush and when they come back they say the ends justify the means.
Sir, the Republicans are trying to blame you for the existence of a small air base at Mena, Arkansas.
This base was set up by George Bush and Oliver North and the CIA to help the Iran-controvers
And they brought in plane load after plane load of cocaine there for sale in the United States.
And then they took the money and bought weapons and took them back to the Congress, all of which was illegal, as you know, under the Bowling Act.
But tell me, did they tell you that this had to be in existence because of national security?
We had nothing, zero, to do with it.
And everybody who's ever looked into it knows that.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms.
These allegations are false.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are in resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are either with the Republic or against it.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
And welcome back to the Alex Jones Show and this is Dr. Nick Begich and I'm standing in for Alex for this last hour of Friday's show.
First, I want to pick up where Alex left off, you know, when he was talking about my predictions 20 years ago about an awakening, a time when we would really see the kind of changes that we're beginning to see now.
I think we're in the middle of it.
And I'd really like to start this by thinking about what we just said about
Reaching out to each other.
And I want to talk about the baseline on my baseline values.
First of all, I believe that we are, in fact, created in the image and likeness of God.
And I think we should start to act like that.
And maybe this gets us to a closer place of solution.
When you look at another human being, and you see the divinity in them when you look in their eyes, and you start to recognize that a certain level of respect is required.
That begins to change the paradigm.
That begins to change the way we see the world, when we begin to see each other differently in the world.
You know, in between us, and I've said it before, are the electronic sort of interfaces that are the priest of the 21st century, if you will, that which stands between us in divinity in the earth, which is each other.
Created in the image and likeness of God.
So on that foundation is where I start and finish my work each day.
And what I want to say in the context of today's program, when we're talking about the things going on in the world is to inform, is to educate, and it's also to change the way we see it.
But on the basis of a foundation of values that I think, I hope, most of us share in common.
And Alex was saying, you know, I come from a political background.
That's true.
My father was a state senator and then later a United States congressman.
My brother Mark was a U.S.
He's currently running, actually, for the governor of the state of Alaska, which was announced last Friday when we were on the air.
Thinking about what's coming.
In fact, my other younger brothers in the state senate here in Alaska.
But the fact is, coming from a background, a political background,
I think it's important in the context of where we are today.
And I want to mention, too, you know, my father was a first-generation American.
My grandparents were immigrants from Croatia.
He was born in the United States, first-generation American, worked his butt off.
He couldn't afford college for four years, so he finished a four-year degree in two and went on to become a teacher, a state senator, a superintendent of schools at one point, and a congressman up until his death at the age of 40.
Under mysterious circumstances that we'll talk about maybe another time.
Today I want to get back into some of the things we left off with last Friday on resource-related issues because these are important.
You know, when we think about the country and we think about the budget, everybody thinks about the budget and then they think about taxes.
And in the business world, we would call that the profit and loss statement, or the income statement.
Money in, money out.
In our personal lives, that's our budget.
Money in, money out.
And that's what everybody talks about.
What they don't talk about, that the globalists do not want us talking about, is the balance sheet of the country.
What are the assets, what is, what are the assets we hold in common?
In this republic, what do we own as Americans in common?
The natural resources, public lands, I mean, our military, the things our tax dollars buy, all that belongs to us.
But who does it serve?
It serves globalist interests around the world.
It's worth a policeman for the planet.
That is not what our founding fathers intended.
That is not where we started.
We were to be a light to the world.
An example that others would emulate based on their intrinsic, internal desire to have something different.
Not to be packed down their throats by propaganda or our worldview, but to have the respect, again, for the right of self-determination by people around the planet.
The balance sheet, U.S.
$16 trillion in the hole.
Let me tell you where that $16 trillion is.
In one national asset.
And this comes out of a press report from Bloomberg, actually, and it's talking about natural resources.
Right now, we're exporting 10.7 million barrels of oil or producing 10.7 million barrels of oil a day.
2.57 are being exported.
Where's the money?
ANWR right now, a major, major issue.
Look it up.
It's a reserve on the north slope of Alaska next to Crudoe Bay.
It's projected to have 16 billion barrels of oil, not including the gas.
Just one oil field.
And we'll look at the oil basins if they'll bring that slide up.
But this one area has 16 billion barrels.
Which had a hundred dollars a barrel, which wasn't very long ago.
That's 16 trillion dollars that we own.
That's enough to cover the whole deficit.
One resource in Alaska and we're missing it.
Look at the very top of that image.
Now this was used in the 1980 lands fights over Alaska because they locked up in 1980 when this image was made, they locked up 104 million acres of public lands
For preserves and parks that nobody, unless you're rich, because it's the playground of the rich, you can't even get there.
Now the fact is those oil basins, those represent only two have been in production in South Central Alaska around Anchorage, and I can't point to it because I'm remote, but you'll see it in the South Central part of the state.
That Cook Inlet, that's been developed.
Yes, indeed.
That pointer is on it.
Now you look at the very top of the state, where that last couple of oil derricks are, you'll see Prudhoe Bay.
Now that is the only other field.
But most of what you see in orange is undrilled.
These represent billions and billions and billions of barrels of oil and trillions of trillions of trillions of cubic feet of natural gas.
To resolve the deficit, to resolve the debt.
But we need to start talking about what do we own?
What does this country own?
And how are we managing our resources?
And who's taking those resources?
Most people don't realize this either.
The North Slope of Alaska at one time produced two million barrels of oil a day.
Right now, we're producing approximately 600,000 barrels of oil a day going through a pipeline that's running at one quarter of its capacity.
Not for a lack of oil, for a lack of will.
Meanwhile, the hubs in the lower 48 state are jammed up.
They can't even ship the oil that we're producing.
All of its bottleneck.
The refineries are full.
The export stations are full.
Everyone is full.
They're having to literally truck oil and gas out of the Midwest and lower states' ports.
And even there, it's jamming up.
We're going to be back after the break.
I want to continue
A discussion about the National Balance Sheet and the looting, the train wreck that we're in the middle of, which is actually the biggest train robbery we ever had.
We'll be right back.
You're listening to Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, and I'm Dr. Nick Beggins, standing in today.
We're going to continue to stand up for America.
We are going to call BS on the mainstream media when they lie.
This is the essence of InfoWars.
This is why your trip to the InfoWars store is so vitally important.
You see, we don't have any right-wing industrialists or multi-billionaires standing in the wings writing big checks to Alex Jones to subsidize our work here at InfoWars.
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So please go to the site now.
We need your support.
Bill Mitchell, syndicated radio TV host, one of the dominant conservative forces, still able to get millions of views a day on Twitter.
I want to ask him how he's able to do that, because they have just absolutely shadow banned us.
I know they've been doing it to him.
He is, just always has amazing interviews every day.
Yeah, let's talk about censorship, because you and I are both facing this.
You know, it's kind of, it's on the one hand, you know, if you live in the bear's cave,
Don't be surprised you wake up one day and you're barefoot, you know.
And right now, we are conservative voices and we're living in the liberal barricade.
Liberals hold the keys to the castle door as far as social media.
They have Twitter, they have Facebook, they have YouTube, they have all these different things out of Silicon Valley.
And we are playing on their playground.
And we've been remarkably effective.
I do not believe that Donald Trump could have been elected president prior to the days of high-speed cable, where you could have streaming video, Twitter, Facebook, all these different things.
So, on the one hand, I'm very glad they've given this opportunity.
I've spoken personally over Twitter to the CEO of Twitter and thanked him for giving me this opportunity.
I said, I know you don't agree with my political viewpoint, but thank you for giving me this opportunity.
However, lately, they have, and have you seen this as well, they've dramatically increased their efforts to shadow ban us, to censor us, and I think this is going to have an unintended consequence for us because
Really, by shadow banning us and censoring us, I don't think they're really dramatically decreasing our message, but the way that they are doing, by denying us our First Amendment rights, is driving independents, which are the middle voters of the country, into Trump's arms.
Back into our arms.
They're turning off more people with what they're doing for their cause than they are keeping people from being motivated by our speech on our side.
So, as far as censorship, my show, Periscope.tv slash Your Voice America, we're on track this month to do four million plays on there.
I mean, it's just crazy.
Our Monday night show did 187,000 plays on Periscope, and yet we never trend.
On Periscope.
There are people that have got 10,000 plays with pictures of their cat that trend on Periscope.
We never trend on Periscope.
But, you know, necessity is the mother of invention.
I think maybe the time has come, and I've said this for a long time, that the current media, even Fox News, has got a maggot-shaped hole in their hearts.
They just don't understand us.
They don't get where we're coming from.
But we do.
We understand what the Trump movement is.
We understand what the grassroots is.
So maybe it's up to us to create something new.
You know, at some point, you can only complain so much about the bad guys where you say, maybe we should set up our own thing and make our own rules.
We have to stand for everybody's speech.
That means the new Black Panther Party, saying white's the devil.
That means the KKK saying all their crap.
It doesn't mean we agree with it, but we have to stand for their speech or we all lose it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to InfoWars.com.
This is Dr. Nick Begich and I'm standing in for Alex Jones.
I want to remind people to support Alex.
This is our last chance for the Super Summer Sale.
Free shipping and up to 50% off on your favorite products.
I want to mention that and not forget it.
This is the way that Alex stays on the air.
There's an image up now but
Go to the website, support Alex Jones.
This is covering Brain Force Plus, 50% off and free shipping, The Real Red Pill Plus, Silver Bullet, Alpha Power, and a lot more.
So take a look at that.
I don't want to forget to make sure that Alex can pay the bills here.
And also I want to mention my website, earthpulse.com.
Check it out under special events.
There's a number of things there I'd like to draw your attention to.
Some speaking events I've got coming up.
Um, as well.
So that's earthpulse.com.
And now I want to get back into the meat of what we're covering today.
And just before the break, I was talking about the North Slope and Prudhoe Bay.
Now, I want to put this all into some perspective.
When Prudhoe Bay was first discovered back in 1969 by Atlantic Ridgefield Company, they determined that there was about 1 billion barrels of oil.
That was the estimate.
Now it actually, so far we've produced over 13 billion barrels, which even at half of a hundred bucks, I mean it's over 50 now, it's running around 68 to 75 in that range, that's about eight trillion dollars more or less that's been shipped off the North Slope so far by multinationals.
Now up until the early 1980s, half owner basically of all of those resources on the North Slope was British Petroleum.
Now, what people don't know is up until the mid-80s or the early 80s, the British crown owned 25% of British petroleum stock.
In other words, we were still a colony.
We were still paying the crown out of the treasury, out of the resources that we hold in common.
Now, they divested in the 80s and later British Petroleum wanted to sell their assets
Or actually merge them with Arco Atlantic Richfield, which would have given them a total monopoly, a foreign company, of the biggest oil field in history and the infrastructure that went with it.
And fortunately, myself, two other guys, we filed antitrust suits.
Later, our state legislature, the state of California, the state of Oregon, the state of Washington, filed suits.
We withdraw, they won, and they didn't get to do it.
But the fact is,
It's the same game today, but nobody talks about the balance sheet.
I want to draw people's attention to last week's broadcast, which sort of set the foundation here.
Go back and look at it.
June 1st of 2018, the fourth hour of Alex's show, we began to sort of shape up what does Alaska have to offer the country.
A couple points I want to cover again.
One is we are 18% of the land mass of the United States. 18%.
Yeah, we have only 750,000 people occupying this place.
When you when you think about the size of this, we have there's more roads in the city of Seattle than my whole state.
And yet we hold
Most of the treasury, most of the natural resources, most of the public lands that are undeveloped and open for development in a way that is much different than the 1880s, I can assure you.
But when we look at the possibilities, and that's what I really want to draw people's attention to, that the art of the deal is in recognizing what you have at the table.
And we don't.
We're totally diverted into talking about budgets and balance sheet and never thinking about anything else producing wealth than the work of our labor.
And you know, that wasn't even legal until the Constitution was changed in 1913, which made income tax legal.
It took a constitutional amendment to tax the labor, the labor of working men and women.
It wasn't just an automatic, oh, we can go do this.
You had to change the foundation of the country to take up to a third of every hour you work and hand it off to an elite, spending it for the development of your resources for someone else.
This is how it's gone.
200 years, the biggest train robbery.
You know, you used to be the robber baron.
People talk about the robber barons of the 1800s, building railroads and robbing the public of resources and land and everything else.
Nothing's changed, ladies and gentlemen.
It is the same game, and it takes aggressive, different leadership.
That, maybe we've got the guy in the White House to make the deal a little better deal.
You know, and there's a lot of controversy right now because the Chinese are looking at our resources.
Well, there's a good reason.
We're on the Pacific Rim.
Everyone on the Pacific Rim is interested in Alaska resources.
And if you look at the very top of the state,
And you think about where we sit in terms of global transportation.
As the polar regions melt, which they are, no matter what man does, and I was going to get into that today, but we're going to kick that over to next week because we just don't have time, and we'll get into the climate change issues, a very different way of looking at them, but how it affects us economically is it's happening.
You can't stop.
It's going to happen.
No matter what you want to argue about the cause.
That makes the North
Polar regions, ice-free, which allows Alaska to be one of the shortest routes to Europe with our natural resources.
If we can get a rail link to Alaska, which we do not have, we could actually get our natural resources into the Midwest through the trans-Canadian rail systems and the Canadian rail systems stretching all the way up into northern British Columbia.
You know, these guys have their act together.
They build railroads to reach resources.
They build pipelines to reach resources.
They manage them environmentally with a lot of debate in Canada, just like we do, to get to the right place to develop our resources in the right way, and that's what we're doing in Alaska.
The nation needs to pay attention.
We have a greater coastline than the East Coast, West Coast, and Gulf Coast in the United States combined.
I mean, looking at what's possible right now,
In Alaska.
To begin to reshape the nation.
We need the kind of emphasis we put when we built the road to Alaska.
It was in World War II.
Because we're the quickest hop and off point.
We were headed to drop things through Lend-Lease over to the Russians, who were our friends even in the middle of their communist period, to break the back of Hitler.
You know?
They built a road in a summer to Alaska.
And yeah, it wasn't much of a road, I can tell you.
When my dad took it about 10 years later in 1955, it was no picnic.
But the fact is, we need transportation corridors.
That's a national, should be a national priority.
That get us the kind of corridors that can take us all the way into interior Alaska, across the southern flank of the Brooks Range, which covers the richest mineral belt in the United States.
Huge, huge resources.
One of the publications that I use and I read, it's one of these weird ones, you know, for Alaskans, but it's this one, Mining News.
And this is the one that's written for insiders on what's going on here.
35 strategic minerals the Congress has just announced.
Most of them are in mineable quantities in Alaska, not being mined.
The few that are, zinc as an example, one zinc mine produces
6% of all the zinc concentrate in the world.
The port is frozen solid half the year.
It's out of the known area.
And yet 6% of the whole world annual supply comes from this one mine.
The 10th largest silver mine in the world is in Southeast Alaska.
We have the largest molybdenum deposit on coastal waters.
It's not even being looked at.
We have rare earths being developed by U Corp.
All right.
Another major project in the same area.
When you look at the Red Dog Mine up on the screen.
Incredible, incredible deposit.
If you look at what's happening in the
Well, we're headed into break.
We're going to have to come back.
But let's talk more about the resources, the balance sheet.
How do we get out of this hole and stop the train wreck and take our resources back, take our nation back?
This is Dr. Nick Peggett standing in for Alex Jones, and you're listening to InfoWars.com.
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Well, I've been wanting to get this lady on for a while.
We're going to her in about a minute.
Katie Hopkins over in the UK, but she's in the US a lot.
Banned off Twitter.
They want her kicked off TV.
Another reason I wanted to get her on is the assassination of Katie Hopkins.
State-sponsored national theater opening in a Welsh area.
And it's about killing her, and she's had an attempt on her life.
So, this is next level.
And they want you dead because you're powerful, you're vibrant, and I'm married, but I gotta say, you are pretty sexy.
Well, if you think I'm sexy, I will say, I think you need your eyes tested.
But I do think strong women are really fun to be around, and the reason my government is sponsoring a play... Well, that's what I'm saying.
Look, I don't think you look bad.
My point is, it's attitudes what matters.
You have light in your eyes.
You have light in your eyes.
I watched all these feminists that were at this feminist meeting with Hillary yesterday, and they look like they're zombies.
It's not that they're even ugly.
They look like something sucked their soul.
The reason the state wants to run the plague of the assassination of Katie Hopkins is because it would be much more convenient for them if that were true.
One of the things the state loves is fear.
They can control people when they're afraid.
When you have someone like me who is not afraid of anyone, not the establishment, not the state, that's far more dangerous.
And they would be much better for them if I wasn't around.
So we had two jihadis sent down earlier this year because they had practiced beheading me with a dummy, with a plastic hunting, with a plastic dummy and a hunting knife.
So the threat against my life is real.
And now the state is sponsoring a play called exactly that.
What would happen if I got a poster with the assassination of Sadiq Khan or the assassination of a black politician?
How would that go down, do you think?
Oh, it would be the biggest hissy fit the planet ever saw.
I would be banned from everything within a moment because it's the assassination of white Christian conservative woman who's passionate about her country and passionate about people's right to stand up for their country.
It's seen as acceptable and in fact, wildly amusing for the liberal elite.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Antidote for Fake News.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to InfoWars.com.
This is Dr. Nick Begich standing in for Alex in this fourth hour today.
And I just want to say I really appreciate the opportunity to do this each week as it's shaping up.
And it gives me a chance to explore some of the areas that I think are important that amplify those
of foundational issues uh... that are all about taking our country back i mean when i think about the balance sheet and sort of what's happening in in alaska
I want to go back to just before the break, talking about strategic minerals.
You know, when you think about rare earths, the difficulty has been not just finding them, which we do, we have, we found them, you know, we've got them in Alaska.
The other thing that is important is how do you separate them?
They're very complex to work.
The chemistry on them is extremely complex.
So, the companies that are doing the work here have actually developed the technologies and they've trialed those technologies
Piloted them and are now using them in a couple of other places for handling waste streams of heavy metals and toxic materials to keep them out of the dump and back into applied technology.
And a couple of places are using them.
They piloted a program with the oil sands in Canada.
When those oil sands are heated and extracted from the rock, there's a lot of other metals and materials in it.
And what happens is that material
Can actually, in a fluid form, have the heavy metals extracted.
So they're running a pilot to see if they can not only get them out of the waste streams, they don't become part of the waste, but actually are used within industry.
They're also building a program in the lower 48 states to actually recycle the heavy metals out of industrial waste.
Again, by having developed the kind of technologies that make the extractive process
Clean, efficient, and to serve the interests that this century requires.
When you think about the innovation, not just in the technology, but you really have to look at three things.
And when I was a young kid, when I was in my teens, I talked about information, transportation, and communication systems as being the keys for the 21st century.
Now, this is 40 years ago, over 40 years ago.
And those remain the key for the 21st century.
Transportation is a deficit.
Alaska has state-of-the-art communication.
We have state-of-the-art information systems.
We need transportation corridors so we can move from the ports that are on the coast, inland, into the resource base of the nation.
We need the same kind of initiative that pushed railroads through the West.
Now we need pushing through the rest of the West.
Alaska's West.
The hidden 18%, almost a fifth of the country.
And most people think it's sitting off to the side of maps in some lower position.
Look on a globe at where Alaska sits.
Take pride in this resource that we own together, Alaska.
And let's think about how do we take the fiftieth state, the last one in, might be the big one to bail us all out.
Let's think about it a little differently in this century.
The image up right now showing Alaska, you can see the coastline, the islands that stretch, almost touching Russia and Japan.
You know, when you think about it, we have a 200-mile limit that surrounds Alaska.
You look at southeast, just a small gap of Canada before it touches Seattle.
If you look at the north part of Alaska, 700 miles from south to north, and you see all that light blue in the map?
Those are all potential oil basins.
And only two of them are being developed right now.
And that's in the South Central part, the very, very small part near Anchorage, and then in the very northern region of the state.
One of the few roads that even penetrates the state goes straight from Fairbanks North to Crude Bay.
And it was built during the pipeline.
You know, the pipeline
Zeroing in, now they're coming in close on that map, which you can see now the Brooks Range, which is the mountain range at the top of the map.
And just the other side of it is the biggest oil basin left in the United States, where you're going to see billions and billions and billions of barrels of oil found.
If you look in the Kotzebue area, which is also on the map in the same section on the very far end, that was to the ocean.
In this area is a deposit of graphite.
Now, graphite and graphene are critical for battery technologies for modern electric vehicles.
Alaska, that one deposit is a known deposit, four and a half miles long at surface.
They've tested the graphene, it's top quality for batteries, and that's going to come online in a few years.
That has enough capacity to fuel the entire graphene demand of the United States.
Right now, we import virtually all of it.
So if we're going to remain competitive, we are a raw resource place.
You know, when you think about the real factors of economic production, there's four.
It's not cash.
It's not money.
That's the medium between each of these four aspects of economic production.
And they are land and natural resources.
They are labor and they are entrepreneurship and capital equipment.
That's kind of stuff that makes other stuff like shovels and factories.
Those are the four factors.
The biggest, biggest thing we have right now in this country is underutilized labor in my state.
40% unemployment in rural areas.
The highest in the nation.
It's been that way since I was born here.
And yet we have resources that could create not just marginal jobs.
Mining jobs pay 80 to 100 grand a year for people working underground in my state.
These are good jobs.
These are the kind of jobs that allow families to function again.
Not with three jobs in a household, but with one.
We have opportunities to build railroads, to build roads and ports in a place that has the ability.
To support that with our natural resources.
We have an opportunity that is being missed by this nation as we debate the cash flow again.
Who's going to pay the taxes?
Who's going to pay the money?
We're all paying enough.
Let's look at who's taking our resources for nothing and create a competitive contracting environment where they begin extracting our resources for us.
The way it's done in a lot of the world.
You know, these resources are not allocated yet that we haven't made deals on yet.
We need a new deal, a different deal, a deal that puts the right weight on the nation's side of the table and not lobbyists, not multinationals who have looted and robbed this country for 200 years and continue to do so.
You know, until this tax reform, they weren't even taxed on their foreign income.
And I want to talk briefly about that in the minerals, oil and gas game.
They're only taxed on half of their income.
And this is why.
Look it up.
Look up depletion allowances.
Depletion allowances.
What they allow, and this happened back in the early 1900s when they created the income tax, the oil, gas, and minerals industry were screaming bloody murder.
They want to pay.
So they put in this little thing in the code.
It's been there ever since for over 100 years.
Depletion allowances.
So they get to take, when they deplete the resource that we own,
They don't own it.
They lease it.
But they get to depreciate it or deplete it.
And so they take the amount the field goes down, and that offsets the amount of the income they have.
And they can offset up to half of their net income.
In other words, the 20% tax cap for corporations, they're in the middle of an oil and gas game.
It's half of that.
It's 10% domestically, 7.5% internationally.
It's like a sales tax in some parts of the country.
That's what they're paying.
Because of this law, over a hundred years old, that gives them an advantage.
I'm in the minerals business.
I know how it works.
And I appreciate the tax advantage, but I don't think it's fair for Americans.
I shouldn't have to set that type of an advantage.
I should be paying my fair share on resources that once upon a time belonged to the nation in common.
In this case.
These properties were conveyed in 1904, even before the income tax.
All right?
But going back to the balance sheet, the stuff that is not allocated, we need a new way of looking at it.
We need a competitive contracting environment.
The government's not good at running businesses.
We already know that.
But these are just basic natural resources that need to be contracted for extraction so the maximum value goes to the public.
Not to private corporations that already have huge advantages tax wise and even bigger ones internationally.
A very different game.
We need to reset.
Reset the nation.
And not just in the way it's being done politically right now, which is creating all the consternation that we can imagine.
And what I would say in the last few seconds of this broadcast today, remember where we start.
Thank you for being here.
Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, mate.
I've been following you since I was 14 and I'm 32 now.
I remember back when InfoWars and Prison Planet, it was just blue text on a white screen and I had to load down the page on my dial-up internet and I thought it was
Pretty cool and read all the books and seen all the DVDs and followed all your guests and I've been using your products since the first iteration of Survival Shield and since then I'm on the X2, the Super Male Vitality, the Caveman, the Real Red Pill, Micro ZX, Body, it's all amazing.
Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honour to stand side by side with you, the crew, and the listeners out there, 1776 worldwide.
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