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Name: 20180607_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 7, 2018
3165 lines.

InfoWars host Alex Jones discusses recent news developments, including McCabe requesting immunity for his testimony, the Justice Department releasing classified materials about FBI sources within Trump's campaign, and Obama's accomplishments. He criticizes mainstream media for demonizing InfoWars while promoting products available at InfowarsStore.com and encouraging listeners to support the show by visiting Infowars.com/show. The speaker also discusses topics such as the political climate under President Trump, privacy concerns with smartphones, and censorship.

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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Owen Schroer here, filling in for Alex, but we will be hearing from Alex live shortly.
As he has to get into the news right now that's breaking with McCabe wanting immunity for his testimony, where he's saying, whatever I say in this testimony, let's say it's about Spygate, whatever names or activities and everything he says cannot be used against him.
So he wants immunity in his testimony.
You also have
The Justice Department about to show classified materials on the FBI source or sources that were inside the Trump campaign that we just were
Alex Jones joins me now to help break this all down.
Alex, the Deep State and Mueller's team is really in trouble right now, and I think that there's multiple signs that they have nothing.
For example, requesting the cell phones, threatening Manafort with prison.
They've got nothing, Alex, and they're about to be exposed.
What do they do next?
This is ultra-massive.
The history that we are witnessing right now is so incredible.
That's exactly why I'm here on the broadcast with you until the bottom of the hour.
We're going to lay it all out chronologically because, again, they're hoping, like goldfish, we have no memory.
Everything they do, in the words of one of Obama's top advisors, and we go back to remembering Jonathan Gruber,
We're good to go.
Where they have the FBI slash CIA term for these outside the continental United States lures going into plant.
Breadcrumbs, 2015.
Ladies and gentlemen, we got NSA database documents that they admitted were real.
And I know they even considered trying to prosecute whoever gave them to us.
Of Trump, myself, and others being spied on.
Year one, when Obama got into office, they've known full well what Trump's been planning, this American take back.
They know he's pure Americana.
Look at everything he's doing to every other nation in the world.
He's totally dominating everything for the U.S.
The U.S.
is totally turning around.
America's back.
The globalists are the ones that hate America on record.
They don't know what to do.
So, 2015, a year plus, a year and a half before they now have been caught spying on Trump,
Now we know they were spying back then.
Of course they were with HUMINT.
That's just human intelligence.
There was electronic total surveillance going on starting in 2009.
Now, let's expand on that.
You fast forward.
We've got these deep state moles in there that have been trying to block these secret documents getting transferred out of the DOJ to the House Intelligence Committees and others.
Trey Gowdy's been blocking that.
Now we know why he's leaving Congress.
He knew this was all going to come out.
Gowdy's a former federal prosecutor.
His cover's been completely blown.
He's obviously been compromised decades ago, just like Jeff Sessions was a federal prosecutor and U.S.
attorney and all these other things, high-level deputy head of the Justice Department.
These guys know where the bodies have been buried, but that also makes them corrupt.
That makes them compromised.
So Trey Gowdy
Now unclothed as a Sith.
So we now have that going on.
And you have McCabe, as you said, trying to get immunity.
That immunity will also protect him from perjury.
So it's a double entendre.
He doesn't just want protection because he's going to release criminal stuff they've done.
He wants to be able to spin it and lie about it in Congress and then be protected from perjury with the immunity.
So that's a double edge.
We're gonna walk through all this.
There's a lot more when we come back.
Because remember, oh, no one was spying even electronically.
Oh, no one was even monitoring.
Oh, there was no human.
Oh, there was.
It's all totally insane.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is insane.
The Senate released 500 pages of documents, including more text messages between FBI agent Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page.
And now there's speculation that those texts suggest the FBI may have been spying on Donald Trump's campaign earlier than thought.
The previously redacted texts from December 2015 reveal the approval of Aconis Luris, which is counterintelligence lingo for spies operating outside of the U.S.
Now, PJ Media reported that Strzok was leading the Clinton investigation at the time and would go on to play a central role in the Trump-Russia probe.
It's being assumed that the pair was referring to the FBI's efforts to bait and hook unsuspecting Trump campaign officials overseas.
President Trump took to Twitter to bash the corrupt FBI lovers, saying Spygate is in full force.
The revelations come as former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe requested immunity in exchange for testimony regarding what he knows about the Clinton and Russia collusion investigations.
Leigh Ann McAdoo, InfoWars.com
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
It's Thursday, June 7, 2018, and you, right now, listening to this, are living in some of the most remarkable, historical, truly amazing times in human history.
And more than anything, I just want you to be a part of it.
But here we are today, dealing with a deep state that has been corrupting American politics for decades.
Donald Trump came along and wanted to do something about it, and everything that has followed is a result of that.
Now, Alex Jones joins me here.
He is on vacation, but he is joining us live to break all of this down.
The McCabe request for immunity.
The threat to jail Manafort, the exposure of the Akanis lures, aka foreign spies, used by the Obama administration against the Trump campaign.
Alex Jones joins me now to break it all down.
Alex, these are truly historic times that we're living in, and we've been preparing for this, really, for years, expecting this news to finally come to the public.
That's right, and we have hundreds and hundreds of pieces of incredible news today to cover, but out of all these that fit into this constellation of information, remember Gruber, Jonathan Gruber, three years ago, saying, I came up with Obamacare as a way to double and triple prices, the President needed to deceive the public, so I came up with a plan.
Where we'd phase it in over several years.
First, we'd tell them that it would give them free healthcare.
Then we'd tell them that it would be the price of a cable bill.
Then we'd tell them that they could keep their doctor.
Then we'd tell them, oh, we always told you it would double and triple prices.
And he sat on C-SPAN in front of a bunch of top professors.
He said, thank God they're so stupid.
Thank God they have no memory.
So they're hoping you don't have a memory.
As they insult your intelligence.
But in full wars,
It's about having a memory.
Our audience does have a memory, and we also go back into the memory hole.
Coming up next segment, I'm going to play a clip from back on March 3rd of 2017.
The President had just been in for a couple months, and remember, CNN said the source of Trump saying he was being spied on was InfoWars, and that we were totally insane.
But the truth is, we show in the report
The actual New York Times article from the 20th, where they admitted he was being spied on, and they admitted it in November, they admitted it in December, and the 1st of January.
Within two days of Trump being elected, they panicked and went, don't worry in the news, Obama has been monitoring Trump, they are Russians, we have the proof.
That was a bold announcement to people in the government.
Stay there.
He's not going to get seated.
We're going to block the delegates.
He will not get the delegates from the Electoral College.
And remember they had Pelosi's daughter on TV saying Alex Jones has threatened me.
I want him arrested on Fox News.
I had never threatened her.
I just said it was traitorous and illegal and criminal to be trying to block those delegates being seated on the 7th of January.
So up until then they were announcing he is a Russian.
Obama was monitoring him.
We know he's a Russian.
We have total proof he was financed by Russians.
Then they start, of course, pushing the PPGate dossier, and then just all these incredible stories to make people in government, most of them, again, are just mentally ill, fellow traveler control freaks, and just read the stroke emails and the rest of it, the text messages.
These are a bunch of bumbling, panicking, you know, just insane leftists.
They all believe the Russiagate thing.
They went along with it.
They tried to block Trump, believing that he would never get seated.
Then he got seated as president.
Then they got more hysterical.
Schumer goes on TV and says, the intelligence community has seven ways this Sunday to get you.
All the threats come out.
They say, we have the proof, don't worry.
But the truth is, the proof was on them.
So all of that began to unfold.
All of that began to go on, and Trump was now the president.
He could declassify to anything he wanted.
He is the final person who can declassify anything he wishes.
That's under the Constitution.
That's a part of his executive power.
Well, Trump decided not to.
He just said, you guys were illegally spying on me.
And you can go to prison for that.
And you illegally leaked it as well.
And they went, that is preposterous, starting on January 21st of last year.
They said, that is preposterous.
That is insane.
I mean, up until just recently, they would say every day, it's totally not true.
Bill Maher last Friday said that I'm super evil.
Alex Jones is evil.
He's a liar.
No one's spying on Trump.
So, again, it's a propaganda strike.
Now, fast forward until now.
They have perjured themselves to Congress.
They have illegally leaked false information.
They've gone and gotten warrants with false information.
They've paid their wives and husbands at Fusion GPS millions of dollars for false information.
McCabe's wife has been given a half million by Hillary.
All of this is now coming out, piling up.
They were set up by Trump beautifully when he knew all this from day one.
Let them take the bait.
Let them take a hook, line, and sinker.
They ran out with it for a long, long time.
Now they're exhausted.
Now they're being reeled back in.
Now they're being gaffed one after the next.
Thrown into the boat to be taken back to dock and sliced up.
And then put into delicious deep fry.
We're going to have hush puppies.
Maybe even have a little toddy or something to go after that.
Maybe some cold beer.
But look, we're not back to dock yet.
We haven't gotten the ship in and we haven't sliced them up yet, so we're not there yet.
But let me tell you, we're getting well into the third act here, and the fat lady's a little bit down the road.
I think we might be hearing her sing, at least on this critical chapter in history, but the enemy is cornered.
Now, all the cornered rats are going to show themselves.
Suddenly, Paul Ryan, the disgraced speaker, suddenly counting the pinhead, Babalai, the glass doll.
Suddenly, all of these people are uncloaking, and are showing themselves, saying, of course, we were surveilling him, it's no big deal, it's just the FBI, and it's just the Democrats, you know, 13 of them running this special project secretly and illegally.
And yes, it's totally normal just to monitor everything, because you know there were Russians, which have now been disproven.
And so, okay, yeah, it's about a thousand times worse than Watergate, but just move along, move along.
Nothing to see here.
Go away.
How dare you be anti-law enforcement, Trump?
But everybody's going, wait a minute, you said you weren't spying on him.
For the last couple of years.
But even though the general public's memory isn't that good, they still, they heard it 10,000 times in every late night comedy show.
In fact, we've got a special compilation if Rob Duke can find it.
I wanted it last week, we couldn't.
It's no big deal.
I think McBreen made one.
It's a short compilation of just late night comedy.
Just a few minutes of it.
There's a longer one, I don't want to play that one.
It's like a five minute one.
There's about a minute and a half of late night comedy.
Saying Alex Jones is insane, he told Trump he's being spied on, and then it's CNN saying it.
I think that's a compilation I really, really want.
Because it just shows the viewers, the listeners, what we're dealing with and how stupid they think everybody is.
We're getting down the line.
Now they've committed incredible crimes.
Now they've come up with empty-handed on the fake Russiagate thing.
What are they going to do?
Well, they're not going to give up their criminals.
They have nothing to lose.
So, now they're threatening Manafort for supposedly speaking out.
Now, I'm saying you better shut up.
Now they are trying to squeeze other people, and now they admit mainstream news.
Okay, there's no Russia.
Now it is processed, just as we predicted, that somebody might have made a false statement, or somebody might have bounced a check ten years ago, literally, or somebody might have filled out on a checkbook something wrong seven years ago, or somebody literally might have bought a sandwich.
These are the type of questions going on with Roger Stone's people.
Someone might have bought a sandwich on a political account and a glass of tea.
So we're now down to like $11 and $12 and $15 stuff on expense accounts.
When you see the whole economy coming back, when you see the Republic being reborn, when you see sovereignty and confidence, all of this, and you see political correctness in Hollywood, and the Chi-Coms, and the Devil Pope, and everyone back on their heels, and the pedophile armies back on their heels, while all this is happening, there are still hordes of people who can't even name one Obama accomplishment that was good, still saying they hate Trump because they're a bunch of jellyfish followers born in the bosom of liberty.
Who are spoiled rotten brats and don't realize how damn good they've had it because they live inside a bubble because they are the goldfish.
We are awake.
We are conscious.
We have a memory.
We're trying to have a future.
We've proven we know what we're doing.
We are America.
We are the Renaissance.
We are Western civilization worldwide.
And the globalists don't know what to do, and they're panicking.
And so the big question is, what are they going to do next?
That is the big, giant question.
What are they going to do next, my friend?
Well, they won't go away without a fight.
We know that much, and we're starting to see some of that fight, but Trump really has the ace up his sleeve when it comes to this Mueller probe, because he can pardon Flynn, he can pardon Manafort, they know it, and so they're trying to act like he's bad for using the pardoning power now, before he does it to all these innocent people the deep state tried to take out.
We'll be right back with Alex Jones, don't go anywhere.
I think you're a goldfish!
I've been betting on you my whole life!
I believe in you!
I don't think you're stupid!
One man ever raped a woman, all genitals were cut off!
And we're kicking these trainers' asses politically!
And we're not backing down on her!
I want to get these people!
We're winning!
I can feel the spirit rising!
Can't you?
We have broken their back!
Yes, I can feel it!
Let's go!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, I was born a ramblin' man Tryin' to make a livin' and doin' the best I can When it's time for leavin'
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, filling in in studio here at the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
I'm Owen Troyer.
Alex is on the road reporting on all the breaking news that's coming.
You may have seen the headline, Mueller Requests Witnesses' Cell Phones in Russia Probe.
Let me just translate that for you.
Mueller has nothing in Russia Probe.
If he had anything, he wouldn't need the cell phones.
And I find it ironic how they're now using the Daily Beast, the Politico, all these hack news websites.
They're saying, Ivanka was in contact with Russians, tried to set up a meeting with Putin.
If Donald Trump was colluding with Putin, why would he need Ivanka to attempt to set up a meeting with Putin?
These people are so insane, they don't even see it.
But as Alex Jones was breaking down in the last segment, they're like goldfish in a bottle, just being observed and manipulated and fed whatever the owner decides to feed them.
Alex, you were just getting into that, the foreign spies that they had in the Trump campaign, how it's all about to be exposed.
That's right, we're going to put a new compilation video together today.
And we're going to air it.
Today because we did another compilation video.
We are at once.
We can't find it.
But the point is we're going to put a new one today.
So whoever's doing the video grabbing here's what I want on air.
We have a little little project on this right now.
I want Bill Maher last Friday saying Alex Jones is insane and he's the source saying that Trump is being spied on by the FBI and then he shows them full wars.com article.
He does it twice.
I want that.
I want to cut that in.
With all three of the late night comedy hosts, Fallon, Colbert, and the other one.
There's just quick clips, I only want like a minute of it, of those guys saying the source for Trump is Alex Jones and Infowars.
And then I want to cut it to Anderson Cooper saying the source is Alex Jones and Infowars.
I want to really throw that in their face because they hope no one
Remember, and I know as an audience, you remember, and you go, Alex, we know all about it.
We don't need to hear about this.
Tell us what's new.
The general public, ladies and gentlemen, does not remember this.
And if you simply show it to them or point it out to them, they will absolutely have an epiphany that they've been lied to.
This is a critical point.
They have committed operations here, literally,
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times more insane than anything Richard Nixon ever did.
Nixon got in trouble, never got caught himself, for having the plumbers break into the guy he was running against, the Democratic Party, break into his psychiatrist operation.
This is when Nixon was 20 points ahead of him in polls.
Ended up winning in a landslide.
Never got the information.
Never used the information.
There were globalists inside the White House that knew the murder took place.
Use it to bring down Nixon.
So this is how they operate.
And so that was breaking into a psychiatrist's office.
This is years of illegal spying.
Tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money spent to do it.
Fake reports.
Lying to Congress.
Lying to get fake warrants.
Lying to create parallel construction.
All of this is coming out now, and you've got, just shamefully, Trey Gowdy.
Sitting there, suddenly going, it's quite normal to have the FBI spy on everything you did.
Is that why you all lied about it?
Imagine if the FBI had been inside Hillary's campaign.
No, the very same people.
McCabe and Strzok are the ones that ran the kid gloves fake investigations of Uranium One, of Hillary Server, of all of it.
The very same people that are in their text messages saying, she's going to be president, but we better really, you know, softball this thing.
Those very people are the ones that then ran the operation against Trump.
And here's the final equation.
The big one.
The big burrito, as they say, the big enchilada.
And that's that we know this wouldn't have been done unless Obama and Susan Rice and Samantha Powers ordered it.
And I've been told by high-level sources that they are the ones that ordered it.
And guess who those high-level sources were?
Again, back in November, back in December, and back in early January, they were quoted in Atlantic Monthly, the New York Times, the New Yorker Magazine, you name it, by the scared left, saying, don't worry, senior administration officials were aware of the Russian penetration.
And we're monitoring and spying on Trump with conventional wiretaps, digital spies, you name it.
Again, we've pulled these articles.
We've written stories about it.
They were the ones that bragged that they were spying on Trump.
Their arrogance is incredible.
Chuckie Schumer's arrogance is incredible.
The fact that the Democrats can't even find leadership.
The fact that the Democrats can't even find who is going to lead their party and don't even understand it's a crisis is evident.
And we have an amazing video coming up that you're going to play in the next segment, Owen, of Savannah Hernandez going out.
And this is basically unedited.
She just cut the spaces out.
They could not find anybody in downtown Austin.
They could not find anybody down by Barton Springs.
They could not find anybody at the University of Texas who could say an accomplishment of Obama.
They couldn't say an accomplishment.
Well, let me give you his accomplishments.
Creating the worst race relations in this country in 65, 70 years.
Almost destroying the Second Amendment.
Freezing our economy.
Transferring most of our weapons technology and energy technology to China.
Allowing the Office of Personnel Management hack to totally expose our entire systems.
Launching the huge Arab Spring that killed over a million people and toppled many of our allies and put radical Islamic regimes in power.
Helping create ISIS.
Standing down during Benghazi and allowing that nightmare to take place.
And the list goes on and on.
So we should actually have a video report where we list the real accomplishments of Barack Hussein Obama.
I was thinking today I might sit down for a few hours.
So take a few hours and write out
A list of Obama's real accomplishments from a globalist perspective, like Pope Francis, the pedo-pope, and his accomplishments wrecking the Catholic Church, wrecking Christianity, opening Europe up to Islam, attacking the family, attacking family values, you know, watering down the Catholic stance on abortion, on and on and on.
You can see it from their perspective, wrecking free market, wrecking the West, wrecking the family.
This is their goal.
This is their operation, swallowing up a whole generation of millennials that think he's God.
It is truly a shameful situation, but we should also open the phones up and just ask the listeners, what do they think is going to happen as all of this unfolds?
Now, that said, ladies and gentlemen, they're cornered, and they're going to strike back, and we're not out of the woods yet, but I can tell you at this point, they're not going to
Get away with what they've done in the past, and even if they killed Trump, or killed me, or killed a hundred other patriot leaders, they will never reverse the tide against them.
The world knows the truth.
The thinking man and woman of every race, color, and creed understands the score, and is supporting
The Patriot institutions like Infowars are spreading the word despite all the censorship.
And notice Google's been off more than they can chew, calling all Republicans Nazis.
That's going to blow up now they're having congressional hearings with Congressman Nunes.
You've got a decision to make.
Do you want to be part of history or just a bystander who turns control of their destiny and the destiny of humanity over to the most psychotic, cold-blooded people the planet's ever seen?
I'm Alex Jones, and in my 23 years, I've proven that if you take action,
Against the globalists, you can have powerful effects against them, because their ideology is weak, their ideology is a complete fraud.
At its base, it's a lie, because they exempt themselves from the regulations, the taxes, and the controls that they foist upon us.
And right now, the entire world is turning against them.
But it's more important than ever that we realize that yes, the planet is awakening, but the enemy is striking back.
And now, those of you that took action and have already changed history for the better need to understand you are the catalyst for the next offensive against the enemy that we must launch now.
Online, in the streets, at church, everywhere we work, wherever we are.
We have to be involved.
We have to realize that the globalists are fundamentally authoritarians, that they're fundamentally very, very wicked control freaks who lust after total control of our lives.
If you go to a Democrat meeting, if you go to a liberal rally,
If you are in LAX and run into Bernie Sanders and actually witness some of his supporters come out of the woodwork to defend him, you will see that they have a bizarre, almost lunatic glow in their eyes.
Jack-o'-lantern smiles.
They hop around in an animated way.
And that's the uppercast, sort of the so-called pseudo-intellectual brain bug that then controls the zombie class beneath them.
But if you go to a major university,
Anywhere in the country or you go to a leftist institution the people look like that some type of psychic vampire sucked the soul out of them and they look emaciated they stumble around they can hardly walk I mean everyone's seen this and they just begin to yell and scream
They just love homeless people defecating all over the ground.
They love Venezuela.
They love people eating their dogs and cats.
They love it.
They just absolutely love it.
And no amount of words can describe just how twisted and out of control and dedicated to failure they are because they hate themselves so much they are then
Projecting it onto everyone else who they haven't soul-sucked.
And that's what it comes down to.
You've got the soul-suckers, the Hillary's, and the Bernie Sanders up on top, always virtue-signaling how good they are, and always promoting an ideology of leftist collectivism, socialism, communism, that's killed close to 200 million people.
So never forget what we're up against, understand what we're dealing with, and understand that the children of this planet are looking to you and are counting on you to help them into the future not be under the parasitic control of these monsters.
But whatever you do, spread the live links to newswars.com.
We're good to go.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, you have been hearing the latest from Alex Jones in regards to why
You have the deep state panicking right now with the Mueller probe totally being exposed for the witch hunt, partisan hack job that it is, which is, of course, run on the top by the globalists, which need to bring down America in order to bring in the one world government.
Alex Jones is breaking that down.
Before we go to the clip of Savannah Hernandez going in Austin, Texas, asking people Obama's accomplishments, and they come up empty.
Alex Jones, break that down one more time for us, the historical times we're living in.
That's right, and I want to be very clear with listeners.
We better get on our knees and thank God, because a lot of people prayed for Providence.
They prayed for a Nineveh reprieve.
We've still got huge problems facing us with so many frauds, but at least we have a spirit now in this country and a group of people who want to work for a true, positive future.
And there is a spirit in America of awakening, and it's historic.
And people really, really should be thankful.
Imagine what it would be like right now.
If Hillary Clinton had been in office, ladies and gentlemen, it'd be far worse with the censorship and all the other things.
The economy would have been stalled out.
They were planning a race war.
Those documents have come out.
They were planning a war between the sexes that they're still pushing.
When you go look at leftist propaganda.
So this is such a historic time.
And I'm just so thankful that God's giving us this chance.
But it's just that.
It's a chance.
Imagine if I had told you two years ago that they would
Have the globalists collapsing worldwide.
Bilderberg now is in CNBC, and they're saying, oh, Bilderberg's the group that cares and is truthful.
Kit Daniels wrote a story for newswars.com yesterday.
People should go read it.
Oh, they're the group that wants to save America and cares about freedom.
They're the truthful, good people.
Just six, seven years ago, CNBC said I was insane, and Bilderberg didn't exist.
Just a decade ago, Drudge Report was the first major U.S.
media organization to start linking to our reports.
Think about how far we've come, and how every major global publication admits they're falling apart, at least preparing to pull out of the Euro.
These tyrants thought they could really be above the law and tax-exempt and then tell us that they're SJWs and that we're bad if we're making a couple hundred thousand dollars a year.
I mean, look at Bloomberg saying that poor people, people making $30,000 a year, should pay more taxes.
They should pay no taxes.
That is completely insane.
They want full control.
So, listeners, yes, we're turning the tide here, but InfoWars is under mega-massive attack.
It is under sustained enemy attack.
And when you financially support us, it is the game-changer.
But they believe if they can shut us down, it's going to set the precedent.
That's why everybody needs to go to InfoWareStore.com and get supplements and nutraceuticals you really need.
We have got some of our best-selling products at 50% off right now and free shipping.
The sale is going to have to end this week, because things like
I think so.
We're good to go.
The Awakening is here, ladies and gentlemen, but the fight has just begun.
So again, InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLive.com, or 888-253-3139.
Please take advantage of these record sales right now.
And whatever you do, please pray for us.
We're praying for you.
And spread the videos and the articles.
Now this, again, is what we really found.
Democrats unable, liberals, just average Austinites, in the bluest of blue in Texas, in the heart of Austin, unable to mention or think of one good thing Obama has done.
You talk about goldfish, they literally have no memory.
These are very, very sad people that we need to help and pray for.
Here they are.
Monday marked President Trump's 500th day in office, and while he's made many historic accomplishments, many people are still giving Obama credit for everything that's been going on with the economy, with employment rates.
So we're out here on this beautiful day in Barton Springs to ask people what they think was Obama's greatest accomplishment during his presidency.
Ooh, that's a hard question.
Five minutes later.
Obama's most, like, his biggest accomplishment?
Two very boring minutes later.
I really, I don't know.
I can't really think of one right now.
And this is like, this is like putting me on the spot because I'm from DC so I should be able to give you an answer.
I, I can't think of one.
I think, I think that what, geez.
Anything from you?
I'm so sorry.
I can't give you an answer for that.
What Obama did?
Um... I honestly have no idea.
He'd probably be better at answering this question.
Do you want to answer?
Yes, I.
20 minutes later.
Yeah, I don't know.
Killing Saddam.
That'd be it.
I would say.
Go Obama.
Obama made equality of marriage.
He pulled back one of the worst recessions in our history and got us to a place where we were growing instead of shrinking.
He brought dignity to the office, both at home and internationally.
Um, yeah, we really looked up to him.
We're really sad to see Obama leave.
I'm from the UK, so I've not got a clue, but he's not got a very good reputation in the UK.
Obama or Trump?
Yeah, but other than that... I was watching something on news this morning, I think it was on Fox, and they seemed to be saying a lot of good things about him, so...
In comparison, I've no idea.
But it seems, from my perspective as an Englishman, it seems to be turning some people's perspectives around.
Actually, I'm not really sure.
I think he's a great... You're talking about Obama.
A great representative for America and the world.
And I think he just made America look really great while he was in office.
And I always wanted to hear what he had to say.
Climate change.
I mean, getting into the Paris Accord, well, it's good for the world, and we're part of the world, and if we don't have climate change under control, we'll all suffer.
So he was looking out for the future, and he did it against a lot of pressure.
So I think that was the best thing he did.
Well, number two, Obamacare.
He created health insurance so everybody could have health insurance.
He forced insurance companies to not be allowed to exclude you based on a prior illness.
That is one of the biggest problems and insecurities in everybody's life is that health insurance and ability to get it.
And if you are unlucky enough to have a disability of any kind,
You don't get anything!
And he made that turnaround.
That gave everybody security.
That is hands down the best thing that Obama did was that healthcare initiative.
And making health insurance companies required to cover you regardless of a prior illness, prior diagnosis.
I have two kids with special needs.
We wouldn't get insurance with that.
Um, I'm gonna pass this on to Raylan.
Honestly, I just don't know what, I'm sorry, I don't know anything about that.
I think a lot of his, um, I think he had some presidential, um, what is it, the office ones where he can, presidential rides where he included, um, like,
I think you can't discriminate by race, gender, or sexual orientation.
I feel like he changed that.
I think?
I'm not sure.
You know what I mean?
You know what I'm talking about with the presidential
Orders, I think.
So he was able to do that.
But I think Trump changed that.
He was there.
He was present for, like, things that were going wrong in the community.
He was present for, like, you know, tragedies.
And, like, you could see it in his face.
There was, like, clear empathy there.
He, like, had an understanding.
He empathized with people.
So, like, I felt like the moves that he made weren't necessarily made from, like, this bias of, like, I need to be another pawn in this whole big game of chess and, like, move the pieces around.
He was like, no, these are people.
I need to care for people, and I think that's the way.
Do you not feel like President Trump empathizes with black people or the black community?
I don't feel like President Trump empathizes, period.
I think there's something.
It was about 25 years ago that I began to read publicly available books that have been written for the State Department and for the CIA by top professors at Georgetown, Harvard, and Yale.
So that the CIA and other agencies could understand the complex political system they were building.
And in short, it was going to be called a technocracy.
But it was going to fund communism and socialism and fascism.
But really what it was, was crony capitalism.
So decades later, after fighting against this, humanity is somewhat awake to the threat.
But at the same time, despite all our successes, changing this paradigm really is an inside job.
It's up to us personally.
So, I don't feel sorry for myself being demonized by mainstream media and being attacked and the globalists filing frivolous lawsuits.
I expected that to happen.
This is 21st century warfare.
I just wanna make sure that you, the listeners, and you, the viewers, many of you already understand this, so I'm not patronizing those of you that are already awake, but I wanna make sure all of you realize this isn't just some more entertainment.
This isn't just some other talking head.
The reason they hate what we cover is because I and others have researched what they actually are planning, and it is nightmarish, it is authoritarian, it is eugenics-based, it is anti-human.
And we've already come so far together
That I know that if each and every one of you will just go research these issues for yourself, you will find out how real it is and understand it's not your duty.
It is your basic survival to stand up against this anti-human onslaught.
If you go back into history, it was 3% that volunteered for the Revolutionary War back in 1776.
But if you look at the Infowars audience, it's maybe 10% of the United States.
Another 10% or so worldwide.
I think that's a conservative estimate.
But we have 50, 60, 70 million people listening.
We have more than that that have tuned in over the years.
The point is, is that if you look at that, that's less than 3% of the world population.
So what you're doing has already changed the world and instead of sitting here and going into each product and telling you how great they are, I'm just going to encourage you to go research them yourselves because you're funding our operation.
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So, Super Blue Silver Immune Gargle is also the latest product we've got at Infowarslife.com.
Without you, we couldn't do it.
So, thank you all for remembering Infowarsstore.com and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Infowars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Okay, we are going to air the video of all the mainstream news trying to demonize InfoWars, make a joke of InfoWars.
Look at InfoWars.
They're crazy.
They think Trump's campaign was spied on.
Oh, it's just like mainstream news, declassified documents, text messages from FBI agents.
James Clapper admits it.
They all admit it.
Now they just say, oh, that's normal.
But they don't retract their fake news.
They don't apologize for demonizing us.
Well, of course not!
That was the agenda from the beginning.
It wasn't to report news.
It wasn't to give you facts.
It was to demonize InfoWars.
That was the entire purpose of that.
So we'll have that that really just embarrasses the mainstream media.
And we just hope that the public can realize they have a memory.
Better than a goldfish, and go back in time to just remember how it all went down.
But here we are now, and look at what we have today.
Justice Department to show lawmakers classified materials on FBI source.
Well what does that mean?
That means that the DOJ is going to show members of Congress, whatever they have, that
is or was classified that shows the spies inside the Trump campaign.
One, two, three, however many, the details, the reports, who was behind it.
Of course, adding fuel to that fire has to be the Okanus lures, that's outside the contiguous United States, spies
In the redacted Stroke Page text messages are now suggesting multiple spies targeted multiple Trump officials and Obama wanted updates on the entire thing.
Oh, but InfoWars was wrong somehow, even though they were right.
Then, that shows you the true desperation this Russia probe really is in, which really is also Spygate.
Spygate became the Russia probe.
That's basically what it was.
Spygate was to spy on Trump and then try to keep him out of office.
Then Spygate became Russiagate.
So now, what does it become?
Well, Robert Mueller is requesting that witnesses turn in their personal phones to inspect
They're encrypted messaging programs.
Now, you want to know what that means, folks?
That means Mueller has nothing.
That means Robert Mueller, looking for Russian collusion, or looking for anything, really, has nothing.
And so now he's asking for cell phones because he's so desperate for anything and everything.
No, he doesn't want to know why Nellie Orr was communicating via ham radio the wife of Bruce Orr working under the Obama administration with Fusion GPS to create a fake document dossier on Trump, which again, that was part of Spygate turning in to Russiagate.
So then what happens?
Now they say, and this is where you can actually start to understand better
How operations like this come to fruition and how operatives get put in place.
Former U.S.
Attorney says Manafort will likely go to prison Friday.
Well, who is this former U.S.
Well, it's Harry Litman.
Where did Harry Litman go to school?
Harvard Law.
You're going to learn about Harvard, I have a feeling, in the near future, about what Harvard really is.
A CIA, deep state recruitment grounds.
FBI recruitment grounds.
That's what Harvard has become.
Don't believe me?
Look at all the deep state actors that come out of Harvard, folks.
You wouldn't believe it.
The judges, the president, Obama, Bush, all these judges.
Here's another one.
The Manafort tampering allegations.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has accused Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering.
No, that's what the Mueller investigation is doing.
If the allegations are true, which they're not, Manafort will have violated the conditions of his release and might have his bail revoked.
Judge Amy Berman Jackson has scheduled a hearing on the matter for late next week.
Who's Amy Berman Jackson?
Harvard Law grad, Obama appointee.
That's how these people work, folks.
Then, the stories on Infowars.com from Steve Watson.
Retired Colonel Trump is made to order for seduction by Kremlin.
I mean, this is madness.
Again, this is the desperate deep state throwing feces against the wall and calling it news.
Now here's an example of just arrested development throwing feces at the wall.
Stormy Daniels says her lawyer and Michael Cohen colluded to help Trump.
So the porn star apparently has gotten enough attention and enough money.
She's going to continue to use Trump to market her porn tour and leave it to NBC News, Politico, CNN, MSNBC to make a national story of it and give her free publicity.
A porn star is now smarter than all of the left-wing media in America combined.
Here's another example of Arrested Development flinging feces at the wall.
Colin Kaepernick's legal team expected to subpoena President Trump in case against the NFL.
You know, do you realize how ridiculous this is?
Do you actually realize how ridiculous this is?
Colin Kaepernick QUIT!
How come everybody seems to ignore this?
Why is Colin Kaepernick making a national case out of him not being able to get a job in the NFL?
When he quit!
He quit!
He had a year on his contract!
He made 80 million dollars!
He quit!
He walked away!
And then he bitches about President Trump?
You quit!
You quit!
Excuse me, it's just so ridiculous these people use Colin Kaepernick.
They say, well look at the NFL, look at what Trump's done to Colin Kaepernick, look at the racism of Colin Kaepernick.
He quit!
He quit!
He quit!
And then they have this whole story with the Eagles.
And then you do more research into that.
Look at what the Eagles did to President Trump.
Originally, they sent a message, we're gonna send 70 people to the White House, let's arrange the White House visit.
White House says, great, let's get it done.
Arrange everything, ready for 70 people to show up.
Two days before, two days before,
The Eagles get back in touch with the White House and say, uh, we're only sending ten people, only two players.
Or, excuse me, I think it was only one player, Nick Foles.
One player.
And, and, they all go for Obama, who was a total traitor, total trash, but then they don't go for Trump, and then the media says, how dare Trump?
This just shows you who Trump is.
LeBron says, I'm not surprised, it was a racist Trump, of course he's gonna do this.
The Eagles set him up.
The Eagles set him up and then bailed, and then they blame him because he doesn't want to waste his time with 10 Eagles, only one player.
He says, you know what?
I think I'd rather devote my time to members of the military that are real heroes of this nation.
But the media, oh, how dare Trump?
It doesn't matter that every championship team went for Obama.
And then all of a sudden they just stop going for Trump.
He's not supposed to take that personally.
It's his fault.
Oh, and by the way, Colin Kaepernick took the first knee when Obama was president.
Go back to that though.
You have this gentleman deciding to take a knee at the event that Trump hosted for the veterans and for active duty military at the White House.
The guy takes a knee.
Can you imagine a more pathetic sap?
I mean, how do you even explain that?
Brainwashed idiot.
That's how you explain that.
So, that's what you have going on today in America.
Most incredible times ever.
And it's just sad, I think, that a lot of people have no idea how serious this stuff really is, have no idea the historic times they're living in.
It's really just incredible.
But here we are every day, broadcasting it live for you at InfoWars.com slash show.
And it's all possible, not because this fool takes a knee at the White House, no.
It's all possible because of brave men and women that stood up for liberty in the face of tyranny every time it threatened this country.
And then this broadcast is possible because of your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
And it's funny, I said the other day, the more they attack us,
The more our sponsors, which is you, the listener, goes to Infowarsstore.com and supports us.
And then I had a wave of people sending me tweets about all the new products they brought, spending hundreds of dollars on the new products.
I mean, that's what our audience does.
Take advantage of free shipping, super summer sale right now at Infowarsstore.com.
Huge specials.
I know you're going to come through.
You always do.
We'll be right back.
Desiree, thanks for holding your on the air from California.
Go ahead.
Just wanted to let you know I've been listening to you for about six years now.
My husband turned me on to you and absolutely I could not stand you.
For about the first two months I listened to you and now I listen every single day to your phone.
I feel that you do and I absolutely thank God that I have a forum that I can contribute to and I get such an amazing product.
We use your brain force, your survival shield.
I work nights, 12-14 hours a night, 5 days a week.
I use your winter sun, your selenium, the real red pill, your bio PCA, immune wall.
Here in California, fighting, trying to survive with the demon rats, how they're demonizing my state, I just can't stand it anymore.
You have changed my life, InfoWars has changed my family's life.
I bought property in a no-fly zone, no cell phone service, got my own well water, my mind is so open to everything that's going on, but I need to know what else we can do.
Well, you're on the right track, Desiree.
What you're doing right now is absolutely working, and thank you for calling and sharing that with everyone.
I think she should just share her testimony.
By the way, Desiree, again, thank you for your call.
Absolutely, sweetheart.
We love you and tell your husband we love him.
We really appreciate you.
Keep up the fight.
We need to take California back.
Thank you, Desiree.
We're going to come back and make more calls.
Thank you, sweetheart.
It's fun.
It's fun.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Let me tell you something that has the criminals in this country that have been posing as politicians and media members running scared.
It's because you are willing to stand up and confront them.
Now this next video clip I'm about to go to is incredible on so many different levels.
This is a man who showed up at
Bill Clinton's book signing tour, which we are having a Bill Clinton protest here, a MeToo Bill Clinton protest, Sunday evening, 6 p.m.
Central, outside Bass Concert Hall, this Sunday in Austin, Texas, outside of Bill Clinton's book speaking tour, hashtag MeToo protest, outside Bass Concert Hall, this Sunday, 6 p.m.
Hope I can see you there.
I'll be there.
And this is why they're panicking right now.
This is why they're scared.
Because the average human, the average American, is willing to stand up.
Willing to confront the corruption.
Face to face.
Now, you remember the Bill Clinton is a rapist contest that went viral and was all over mainstream television news.
Now we're doing the same thing to his book tour.
And look at this most recent clip where a man confronts Bill Clinton inside a crowded theater over his trips on the Lolita Express.
Why did you fly on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express 26 times?
26 times, Bill!
What were you doing on Jeffrey Epstein's plane?
He knows, James Patterson knows who Jeffrey Epstein is.
Now pause it right here.
I want to explain something about this video that's potentially the most incredible thing to me.
This is a crowded theater, an entire hall full of people, hundreds of people here it looks like, to see Bill Clinton and hear him speak.
And here's one individual, the only individual in that entire crowd that's truly alive.
The only individual amongst the brainwashed sheeple that can still think.
And the reason I say that, you'll understand later in this video.
Watch as he continues to confront Bill Clinton over his 26 trips on the Lolita Express, which by the way, dozens of which
More than a dozen times he ditched Secret Service to go on that plane.
Why would he do that?
Let's go back to the clip.
You know you did it.
James, tell them who it is.
This is an open session, Ben.
It's not an open session?
Not for questions right now, okay?
You wrote a book on Jeff 26 times, Bill!
You didn't investigate it.
You didn't investigate it.
Look it up.
Jeffrey Epstein.
Who cares?
We know, Bill.
We know, Bill.
Yeah, have a good time, folks.
Jeffrey Epstein.
Alright, there's another part on the end there that I wanted to get where he's walking out and the guy's like, oh, you're insane, you're insane.
Can we get that?
Is that possible to get?
Play the end real quick, this is key.
We know, Bill!
We know, Bill!
Yeah, have a good time, folks.
There's Bill Clinton and Kevin Spacey.
Jeffrey Epstein!
So, Clintons are friends with Spacey, Epstein, Weinstein.
What's the point?
You are.
What's that?
You're acting insane.
While the Builder Burgers secretly meet this week to discuss the future of work, McDonald's has announced it has a new way of building burgers without workers.
The company announced it would replace cashiers with self-service kiosks in all its American restaurants by 2020.
This is seen as a pushback move against the left's demands for $15 an hour minimum wage.
CEO Steve Easterbrook said the decision is aimed at modernizing the company and adding more choice and variety to how customers order and receive their food.
In reality, McDonald's decision to add kiosk and mobile services to its business model is a reaction to the free market, which has made these tech platforms more convenient for customers and cheaper for companies.
Democrats and socialists like Bernie Sanders have tried to sell $15 an hour minimum wage as a solution to low wages.
But as InfoWars has reported, forcing companies to hike wages by government decree would only wipe out entry-level jobs, not produce more.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is a lunatic.
That man's a threat to this country.
There's a guy on the radio.
His name is Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones of the Muslim world, you know.
That man just said, you watch your mouth.
Time to stop submitting to this charity!
It's time to realize that we're being enslaved!
I heard that on Alex Jones!
InfoWars, it's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
We are in an information war, and we are losing that war.
Nobody can dispute the fact that you're a great man.
InfoWars comes to mind.
InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars InfoWars
Filling in for Alex Jones, I am your host today, Owen Schroer, and I am about to be joined by Reverend Clennard Childress of blackgenocide.org, and I'm glad that Reverend Childress was able to join me today.
You see, last Friday, we had a protest here in Austin, Texas, where we protested Planned Parenthood.
We're going to schedule another one a few months down the road.
We're going to try to get better numbers at this next time.
But aside from the fact that
You know, I would just like to see innocent lives and innocent babies stood up for.
Someone has to stand up for them.
It's also worth pointing out the double standard here where the left cries for the children anytime there's a mass school shooting, which of course nobody wants to see that, but if you're going to virtue signal for children, why don't you stand against Planned Parenthood?
Or better yet, if you're going to chant Black Lives Matter and have a bunch of protests for Black Lives Matter, again, why do you ignore Planned Parenthood?
And Reverend Clynard Childress has tried to tackle this issue with his website blackgenocide.org.
Reverend, thank you for joining me today.
Well, we're glad to have you here, and one of the main things that you find as soon as you go to blackgenocide.org is the fact that
One in two black women in the United States will abort their baby, especially in New York City.
This is something that seems to go completely ignored by Black Lives Matter.
Do those lives not matter to them, Reverend Childress?
I'm just trying to figure this out.
Well, honestly, they don't really matter.
And the great thing about this is because of programming like this and others,
Candace Owens recently is doing a great job getting the word out, and certainly they're beginning to put groups like this under the microscope.
It's really an exciting time right now for me, watching this trend where they're being challenged.
The use of Kanye West is certainly something I would have never predicted, but what it is, it's causing African Americans in the urban areas to really look at
The agenda of past presidents and really recognize that much of the policies of the party unquestionably were very detrimental and literally disseminating the African-American community.
So I'm excited about what's going on and this decimation is going to stop.
1,786 African American children are killed each day by abortion.
Those numbers are beginning to drop now, thank God, but it's through awareness.
You know, scripture says, my people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge and nothing more truer when it comes to the issue of abortion.
And as a political issue, we can have a debate on abortion all day long, and I think it's a fair debate to have.
However, I don't think there is a debate when it comes to the government funding abortion.
I don't think there should be a debate when it comes to the government funding Planned Parenthood.
To me, this is a no-brainer.
That's illegal.
Now, they say they earmark those dollars for other services, but give me a break.
75% of Planned Parenthood's funding comes from the government and they abort millions of children a year.
So whether or not they have that one dollar, you know, they got from the government, 75% of their funding, whether or not they choose to put that into the, let's say, soda machine to get the soda, it doesn't matter.
They just saved that dollar to use another dollar to put in the soda machine.
So it's really a false narrative to me.
No question.
It's corruption.
There's no question about that.
And I thank God for this president, Donald Trump, beginning to deal with that issue of defunding Planned Parenthood, even so much so as to the tune of $545 million that their major business is abortion.
They're the leading abortion provider
In the country, and undoubtedly, I think women need to recognize that the health ramifications from this are so detrimental and so destructive.
Yet, there's not even a discussion.
We're heading out to San Antonio soon at the NAACP conference because this discussion on the health ramifications is not being talked about inside their forum.
Which is gross negligence of the highest regard.
So we're right now seeing the message of black genocide and its source abortion coming to the forefront of discussion.
It's not there yet, but it's been a lot of good things have been happening.
And as you stated earlier in the program, 52% of all African American pregnancies end in abortion, but people are profiting from that.
We've had too many incidences basically where they have been verified.
Not only is Planned Parenthood collaborating with human trafficking, but they're profiting off of body parts.
I think Kevin O'Keefe's basically ability to get in there and film that was very powerful.
And I'm grateful for the fact that the matter is that these things are rising to the forefront where we begin to say, well, if you're going to talk about Planned Parenthood, you got to talk about this.
And I also want to say, and I watched the program where you were heading out there to Austin when you were announcing, and the picture that you were carrying, I thought, was very apropos, very, very important for this present day society, because our millennials, unquestionably, the last thing you want to call them is racist.
But yet,
The organization itself was founded by one of the most renowned racists of our time, Margaret Sanger, who was a white supremacist.
Clearly, and we'll take on that debate anywhere in the world, and certainly they don't want that debate.
So when I saw that you were carrying that picture out there, let's have a discussion about this.
If this is the mindset of the abortion industry, and where she's already commented that colored people are like human weeds and they need to be exterminated.
It's not about family planning.
It's about eugenics.
It's about basically trying to eliminate those whom you feel are not redeemable, those who you feel are not suitable in your scope of what life is.
That is so dangerous.
But yet we had a president, Barack Obama, who was basically encouraging African Americans
To look at Planned Parenthood as a viable means for an unwanted pregnancy.
So we're turning the corner.
I'm just excited about Donald Trump.
I didn't expect this to be so clearly a pro-life president.
As he has become right now, the grassroots things that you were doing prior are so important because it keeps the discussion on the forefront of the burners of our lives and we have to discuss these things if we're ever going to end.
Well, I completely agree, and having the discussion can at least get some of the truth and some of these details out there to some of the people who may have stubborn minds and hardened heads, but just continuing to push it out there, it'll eventually permeate.
Now, I got a couple things I want to get into you on the other side, the NAACP, and then the key about the
I think?
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Despite all the globalist attacks, all their lies, Trump is winning.
Nationalism is winning.
Capitalism is winning.
And Infowars is winning.
I'm about to say something that just two or three years ago would have been impossible in almost anyone's mind.
But it's here.
It's reality.
The worldwide plan for a corporate planetary government to carry out brutal austerity measures against the people of the planet.
...is now in the crosshairs and is facing referendums and elections all over the world where this authoritarian system is being overturned.
George Soros and other globalist kingpins admit their system isn't just in retreat, it is collapsing.
Well, my friends, they're fighting back.
The fact that President Trump could win, despite all their propaganda, all their lies, all their disinformation, is a testament to the awakening that's happened.
And you see the economy coming back.
You see technology that has been suppressed being unleashed.
You see so many good things happening.
And I'd love to give Trump credit for that, but really all he's doing is taking the globalist boot off of our neck.
But it took a lot of courage to do what Trump's done.
To go against the grain.
To believe in the people.
See, the globalists don't believe in the people.
They believe in eugenics.
They believe we're crap.
They believe they've got to basically depopulate the earth because it belongs to them.
And all of us that have stood with Trump and had courage, and other nationalists, and other populists across the world,
Time began to turn just two years ago.
And now, Trump has basically begun to break the globalist will.
But they are in their deadly death throes right now.
Do you realize that when you spread the links from Infowars.com, when you spread the videos, you are changing the world?
It's you that has defeated Hillary and the globalists.
We're good to go.
Then everyone go to Infowars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up via email so there's no way the censors can get between us with critical videos, articles, breaking news, intel, you name it.
They have been using all different forms of bullying to keep libertarians, gun owners, Christians, conservatives, nationalists, populists from communicating with each other and sharing information.
I think?
I think so.
I am the resistance to globalism.
You are the resistance to globalism.
Trump is the resistance to globalism.
And many others are across the world.
We are the future.
We are the renaissance.
And we are winning.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
In today's world, abortion supporters routinely attend pro-life rallies and attempt to bully activists.
If you have a problem and need a smelly group of commie devil worshippers, maybe you can call the A-Team.
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids!
I kill my kids!
Hey, we saw your Facebook with your communist hammer and sickle.
That's pretty cool, man.
Is that you on the Facebook?
Is there a Facebook page of you with a hammer and sickle?
I don't think so.
How do you get your abortions paid for?
I pay for them.
How many do you pay for them?
Upwards of 50.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, you piece of s***!
Bunch of misogynist motherf***ers.
Take your male privilege somewhere else.
I'm being aggressive.
These, that's the guys that attacked Alex Jones.
Good for you.
Well, that's the type of stuff we capture when we go out and go to these protests or have a protest at Planned Parenthood, which we're planning one soon.
One bigger than the one we did last Friday.
We're going to get the details on that as we plan it, probably a month or two away.
In the meantime, though, Reverend Clennard Childress joins me.
BlackGenocide.org is his website where you can find all of his work.
Now there's two things I want to get into with you here in this segment, but the most important to me is the eugenics of Margaret Sanger.
Now, I have a story here in front of me from Zero Hedge.
Opioids are responsible for 20% of millennial deaths.
Crisis will impact the U.S.
for generations.
People need to understand that's one aspect of a eugenics population control program.
Now, you combine that with what the Planned Parenthoods of the world are doing at their abortuaries and all the abortions, you're looking at my generation of millennials
Losing about 30-40% of our population.
That's about 40% of people my age, my generation, either killed by big pharmaceutical companies or killed by Planned Parenthood.
You've seen the Georgia Guidestones.
We've told you about population control.
You've heard of eugenics.
You know about eugenics.
Why do people just ignore the signs that are right in front of them, Reverend Childress, of the actual population control eugenics program that's going on?
Oh, you raise a very good point.
And even in the montage you showed prior to coming back on air, you see the anger from the other side, which is also a sense of us
That we should stay encouraged, actually.
What do I mean?
Because if abortion is so good and it's so great and it's so wonderful, they get so upset when they actually see it.
Because they're a person of conscience.
And what the church and activists and like-minded people have to recognize, we must appeal to conscience.
And that conscience certainly stays with them long after our demonstration.
And this is why we're getting the shift in the culture that we actually need.
And it's really bringing to light the simple fact of the matter.
That is a baby.
18 days, there's a heartbeat.
42 days, there's brainwaves.
68 days, the child is sucking their thumb.
That's a person which is protected.
Dr. Martin Luther King
Basically, laid the foundation of the civil rights movement based on we hold these truths to be self-evident that all mankind is created equal and endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
First, I'm endowed by the Creator, not my mother or my father.
I'm endowed by the Creator, so if they're making a bad decision, they have basically circumvented my right
To the American dream, my right to pursue life, whether I be born poor or born an orphan or whatever the occasion, the Declaration of Independence says I deserve that right to pursue and pursue implies that I may not have it.
Or it is not in my grasp, but you can't take away the right for me to pursue happiness and that's going on.
You mentioned the decimation.
20 million African Americans are missing just due by abortion alone.
We're not going to talk about AIDS.
We're not going to talk about heart disease or cancer.
If you were to add all those things up, accidents, it doesn't even come to nearly half of the amount.
The amount that has been killed by abortion.
So rightfully put, this is a decimation of a generation that unquestionably is being targeted.
Abortion has been the most successful means of diminishing the African American community and children.
And as Reverend Hunter, our National Director, would say, nobody knows whose womb holds the chief.
But we don't know how many inventions we have destroyed because we destroyed the seed.
There is repercussions that probably go unnoticed and unfocused upon, but no doubt we're praying that this Holocaust would soon end and those gifts will be allowed to be here to bless us, to
Hopefully change a society that we live out the dream that Dr. King saw that we the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners are sitting at the table of brotherhood.
He said that in 1963.
And he said one day we would get to that land in 1968, the night before his death.
He said, I would not get there with you, but one day we will get to the promised land as a people.
So this very well may be that season.
And if it is that season, abortion
Roe vs. Wade would have to be overturned and everyone would have the right to pursue the American Dream.
Right now, there's a segment of our society that's being denied access to the American Dream, and that's the unborn.
And anyone with a civil rights spirit in them, it's really a Holy Spirit move, but we'll call it civil rights for the sake of argument, would be addressing that segment of our society that's being denied their right to the American Dream.
Now, we've just got 60 seconds left here, but I was just curious, you mentioned the NAACP earlier.
Are they cooperating with you right now?
No, the joint board, I want to say this, the joint board of the NAACP has received marching orders in no way, form or fashion allowed this even to come in for discussion.
They break their own rules when they deny chapters who agree with us that this should at least be a discussion.
They will not allow those resolutions even to be read.
So all this information I'm giving you or sharing in this short period of time is not even mentioned in NAAC conferences.
Now, how can that be?
When 52% of the women of the African-American community are experiencing an abortion.
It is the most performed operation on a woman in general and disproportionately African-American.
How can you not have that discussion at the NAACP conference?
So we'll be there once again on the outside making that case.
It is changing.
Many people are saying we're right.
The constituency is the joint board that is basically drawing the line because of their affiliation with Planned Parenthood and the far left.
If you use a knife to mutilate your daughter's vagina, will the full force of the law be brought down on you?
Asking for a Muslim?
It's on all of us to tackle this problem.
Social media companies, governments, politicians, the media, and you.
Let's work together to end this hate.
So, if you point out that
Almost all the girls in Pakistan, you name it, now it's happening to tens of thousands in England, sexual grooming.
They spin it, they don't address what they're doing.
Oh my God, you talk bad about a child!
I want to ban you, you're hateful!
Hobbs is the daughter of a Pakistani Muslim father and Scottish Catholic mother, born in Glasgow, Scotland and raised in a polygamous home.
She was forced into marriage when she was 18 years old.
She left after almost
Three years of hell, the only time in her life when she thought of suicide.
She now writes at Alt News Media about her biggest passion to raise awareness about the abuse of Muslim children by Muslim men.
Again, she is at Alt News Media, altnewsmedia.net.
So, Shazia, thank you so much for joining us.
You're very polite, you're very nice, you're very well-spoken.
You just replied asking the mayor to lead a campaign on female genital mutilation.
What can you testify to folks goes on inside Islam with young girls, babies,
And Khan spinning it as if you saying please stop mutilation was some type of threat on him.
You know, he read out a few different tweets as well.
He read out one where he said that somebody called him a sparrow.
I don't see anything hateful about that at all.
He read out another one that somebody had called him a pigeon.
And then he read out the tweet that I asked him, you know, I asked him, will the full force of the law be brought down on parents who mutilate their daughter's vaginas?
And he read that out as a hate speech, which is just absolute nonsense.
We don't have an exact number of how many girls have been cut in the UK.
They estimate the figure at 137,000.
We have FGM clinics open to deal with the aftermath.
We have a zero tolerance day for FGM.
We have BME charities that are giving funding.
But we have not one single parent that has been punished.
It's child abuse.
We made it illegal in 1985 in the UK.
We never ever should have had a special law for FGM.
Child abuse is just completely wrong.
Why do you think Khan misrepresented you and demonized you and sided with millions of little girls having their genitals cut off?
I have no idea, honestly.
I really don't know why.
I can't understand how he could stand there.
Like, how can he stand there and read that out and think that people are going to believe it's his speech?
It's just, it's just, it's really bad.
But that's what the left does.
They just misrepresent what we say.
That's what they do.
Yeah, that's very true.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
There's a reason why they talk about Infowars unlike any other.
That's because we're a news organization unlike any other.
So they have to talk about us, but more importantly, they have to create a false narrative about us so that when somebody who's
Unfamiliar with our work comes across us for the first time.
They already have that subconscious subliminal messaging built into their head where they discount our information.
Prima facie, instead of actually learning what we're about, learning what we're saying, do the investigating for ourselves.
So that's what this propaganda is about, but look at how desperate it is where we accurately report that President Trump's campaign was spied on, then they report it, then we double down on the reporting saying, see we told you so, then they retreat and say,
Wait, we didn't say that.
We never said that he was spied on.
In fact, you're crazy for saying he's spied on.
And then you say, well no, here's Clapper saying it, here's the documents, here's you admitting it.
And then they say, okay, well it wasn't a spy.
And so this is how their propaganda works.
This is how they're losing in a real debate.
As far as the behavior when it comes to the Obama administration spying on President Trump.
So look at this compilation that we have put together of all the mainstream news attacking InfoWars for reporting the truth.
Republicans, you're the Alex Jones party.
There is literally nothing too stupid and conspiratorial that you will not swallow.
Trump tweeted, terrible, just found out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower just before the victory.
Nothing found.
This is McCarthyism.
And the other one, how low has President Obama gone to tap my phones during the very sacred election process?
And this weekend we saw another example of that when White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway was asked if she had any proof for Trump's outlandish claim that Obama wiretapped him during the campaign and offered this bizarre answer.
How does he know that his phone was actually tapped?
Let me answer that globally.
He's the President of the United States.
He has information and intelligence that the rest of us do not.
He's suggesting a U.S.
President enlisted a foreign intelligence service to spy on a political adversary.
This is a very serious allegation for a sitting president to make about his predecessor.
Zero evidence.
Trump has not produced a shred of evidence.
There was no evidence for Trump's claims?
The evidence did not come.
So where did Trump get his info?
From the CIA?
From the FBI?
Where are you getting this information?
From a very reputable source.
The FBI?
The CIA?
Info Wars.
It's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
You know he's legit.
This bizarre circular thing happening where the president cites a theory that he was wiretapped which developed on this kind of fringe right-wing media and then after his tweet storm InfoWars then started saying well look it was the New York Times that reported it citing our story misreading our story and now a few weeks later the White House and the president are citing
So they've got one kind of bizarre right-wing fringe theory to defend another bizarre right-wing fringe theory.
The crazier it gets, the more they like it.
That's their jam.
Now, how do you explain this?
They say, no evidence.
Colbert, no evidence.
Kimmel, no evidence.
All the li... Are they that stupid?
I mean, genuinely, you have to ask yourself this.
Are they that stupid?
Are they that bought and paid for?
Are they that ignorant?
Do they just read what's on the teleprompter?
Do they really have no idea what they're talking about?
They'll literally say anything.
They're the fake news.
How do you explain it?
They first report it.
Wiretapping of Trump.
We report it.
Then they say it never happened.
We report it again.
Then they say it did happen, but it wasn't spying.
We report it again, then they say Trump is crazy, he gets his news from InfoWars, even though they're admitting that our news was accurate!
I mean seriously, this is like beyond 1984, this is beyond Twilight Zone, this is real life Stooges, like Kimmel, Colbert, John Oliver, Stooges, who are either the most ignorant people on television, or literally
Are knowingly lying to you.
Now, it's up to you to make that decision for yourself.
Now, Dan Lyman joins me from Infowars, Europe's base out there, where he is covering the Bilderberg meetings that are happening in Turin, Italy.
And we're going to get to that in the next segment with Dan Lyman.
But Dan, I mean, how do you react to this?
How do you respond to this?
I mean, it's like unbelievable.
They say no evidence.
We have the text messages.
Now, unredacted, OCONUS lures.
They admit they had spies!
I mean, it's right there!
Obama wanted everything!
We have all the evidence!
Literally, we have all the evidence, and they just say, oh no, you don't.
You don't have any evidence.
This never happened.
Yeah, you can draw a correlation between this and Bilderberg, which is going on right now, which not too long ago, pretty much everyone in the mainstream media ridiculed any of us who even dared to talk about it as it being completely, it didn't exist.
And as we know, you know, Alex is one of the first people that really exposed that and InfoWars has covered it.
And I guess it really just depends on the American public.
But the average citizen, I mean, I'm not trying to be insulting, they're victims of the, you know, the screen time, the drugs, the chemicals in the food and water, but it's like, does the average American have enough thought capacity left, have enough logic left, to see the lies?
Or do they just take it for what it is?
Oh, I saw John Oliver, he said Infowars is a joke, Trump's stupid, so I believe it!
Do, like, does the average American now have enough critical thinking to understand that they're being lied to?
That's the question.
Can they still read?
Do they still have a memory?
Like, that's the real thing.
Can the average American still read, and do they have a memory left?
That's a good question.
I think what's happening right now and we see this across the West in Europe with the populist surge and then of course with what's going on in North America is there were a lot of people who would call themselves either centrists or disengaged or didn't pay attention to the news or whatever.
And I think that that center area is is becoming
Definitively divided between people who can wake up and accept the fact that we're being lied to.
They might not be, like, fully engaged, like, you know, InfoWars listeners, but the middle ground, which I've called kind of collateral damage in this InfoWar and this war basically for, you know, the future of civilization, that line is dividing down the middle, and you have rabid crazies on the left, and then you have a lot of other folks
We're good to go.
Yeah, I mean, even Kim Kardashian, you know, tweeting out her thank you for Trump pardoning her friend or whatever, I mean, even that I think freaks some of the left out.
It's funny though, they accept that and then they hate him for everything else.
I mean, literally, you can see people on Twitter saying, oh, Trump did good here, but everything else he does is bad.
You know, Kim Kardashian, good, but everything else Trump does is bad.
But this is like, let's say,
Let's say Media Matters, I'm gonna do an analogy here.
Let's say Media Matters, after this segment, goes and prints a story that says, Dan Lyman joins InfoWars to report live on the Bilderberg Conference.
And then we come out and we say, Dan Lyman was never on InfoWars Live today, what are you talking about?
And then they show the segment, they're like, here's Dan Lyman on InfoWars.
We're saying, well, you know, maybe he was on InfoWars.
He wasn't talking about Bilderberg, though.
There was no discussion of Bilderberg.
He wasn't reporting on Bilderberg.
And they're like, okay, no, here he is talking about Bilderberg.
And we're like,
Well, he wasn't really reporting on it or talking.
We were just kind of chatting about it, just mulling around about it.
That's what they're saying.
I mean, that's what they're saying with the SpyGate issue.
We've got all the evidence.
Clapper admits it.
It's in the declassified text messages.
They say, and then they say, oh, we were spying on him for his own protection, his own good, yet they didn't tell President Trump, and they weren't spying on Hillary Clinton, whose emails and classified servers were actually compromised.
So, I mean, it's all so fake.
I'm just hoping and wondering still if the average American can even soak it all in and sort it all out.
We'll be right back.
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Well, I've been wanting to get this lady on for a while.
We're going to her in about a minute.
Katie Hopkins over in the UK, but she's in the U.S.
a lot.
Banned off Twitter.
They want her kicked off TV.
Another reason I wanted to get her on is the assassination of Katie Hopkins.
State-sponsored national theater opening in a Welsh area, and it's about killing her, and she's had an attempt on her life.
So, this is next level.
And they want you dead because you're powerful, you're vibrant, and I'm married, but I gotta say,
You are pretty sexy.
Well, if you think I'm sexy, I will say I think you need your eyes tested.
But I do think strong women are really fun to be around.
And the reason my government is sponsoring a play... Well, that's what I'm saying.
Look, I don't think you look bad.
My point is, it's attitudes what matters.
You have light in your eyes.
You have light in your eyes.
I watched all these feminists that were at this feminist meeting with Hillary yesterday, and they look like they're zombies.
It's not that they're even ugly.
They look like something sucked their soul.
The reason the state wants to run the play called The Assassination of Katie Hopkins is because it would be much more convenient for them if that were true.
One of the things the state loves is fear.
They can control people when they're afraid.
When you have someone like me who is not afraid of anyone, not the establishment, not the state, that's far more dangerous.
And they would be much better for them if I wasn't around.
So we had two jihadis sent down earlier this year because they had practiced beheading me with a dummy, with a plastic hunting, with a plastic dummy and a hunting knife.
So the threat against my life is real and now the state is sponsoring a play called exactly that.
What would happen
What would happen if I got a poster with the assassination of Sadiq Khan?
Or the assassination of a black politician?
How would that go down, do you think?
Oh, it would be the biggest hissy fit the planet ever saw.
I would be banned from everything within a moment because it's the assassination of white Christian conservative woman who's passionate about her country and passionate about people's right to stand up for their country.
It's seen as acceptable and in fact wildly amusing for the liberal elite.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Well, if you are listening to the likes of Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, John Oliver, or Bill Maher to get news and information, you have been fooled.
You have been bamboozled.
You have been lied to.
Don't believe me?
Look at the fake news reporters for yourself.
Republicans, you're the Alex Jones party.
There is literally nothing too stupid and conspiratorial that you will not swallow.
Some tweeted, terrible, just found out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower just before the victory.
Nothing found.
This is McCarthyism.
And the other one, how low has President Obama gone to tap my phones during the very sacred election process?
And this weekend we saw another example of that when White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway was asked if she had any proof for Trump's outlandish claim that Obama wiretapped him during the campaign and offered this bizarre answer.
How does he know that his phone was actually tapped?
Let me answer that globally.
He's the President of the United States.
He has information and intelligence that the rest of us do not.
He's suggesting a U.S.
President enlisted a foreign intelligence service to spy on a political adversary.
Explosive charge.
This is a serious allegation.
This might be the most serious allegation any president has made against a previous president.
But this is a very serious allegation for a sitting president to make about his predecessor.
The craziest thing about Trump calling for an investigation without any evidence.
Zero evidence.
Trump has not produced a shred of evidence.
There was no evidence for Trump's claims.
The evidence did not come.
So where did Trump get his info?
From the CIA?
From the FBI?
Where are you getting this information?
From a very reputable source.
The FBI?
The CIA?
It's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
You know he's legit.
This bizarre circular thing happening where the president cites a theory that he was wiretapped, which developed on this kind of fringe right-wing media.
And then after his tweet storm, InfoWars then started saying, well, look, it was the New York Times that reported it, citing our story, misreading our story.
And now, a few weeks later, the White House and the president are citing
So they've got one kind of bizarre right-wing fringe theory to defend another bizarre right-wing fringe theory.
The crazier it gets, the more they like it.
That's their jam.
So there you go.
Now, they can say no evidence and make a joke of Trump being spied on.
Of course, why would they do that?
Oh, just like they say the CIA and the FBI are reputable sources.
Oh, now you get it.
See, the CIA and the FBI run those shows.
The CIA and the FBI are running Jimmy Kimmel, Bill Maher, John Oliver, and Stephen Colbert.
Why else would they sit here and act like they weren't spying on President Trump, even though we have all the evidence that they were?
So let me explain the operation that they're doing right now.
They're laying the groundwork for this to be reported on as a joke.
So they do this whole thing before all of it comes out, oh it's a joke, he never spied, and then the average American, the average citizen, is so brainwashed that that then becomes their cemented thought, and they don't have the critical thinking ability to do the research for themselves, and realize that Trump was spied on, and they already believe John Oliver, a fake news reporter.
So if you understand that, you understand everything.
But to, again, draw the analogy to Bilderberg, which my guest Dan Lyman from InfoWars Europe was reporting in the last segment and who joins me here now, you could do that same exact compilation of all the news, everybody saying, InfoWars says a secret group meets called Bilderberg.
InfoWars says Bilderberg is meeting in Switzerland.
Bilderberg, the group that controls the world, says Alex Jones.
As if it doesn't exist.
They wouldn't report on it.
Oh, now everybody knows.
Now they're wide up out in the open.
And, oh, does anybody apologize to InfoWars for reporting on it first and then being made fun of?
So, Dan Lyman, again, kind of draw the comparisons to how they act like something doesn't exist even though it's right in front of your face.
Yeah, absolutely right.
You know, there was recently a hit piece by BuzzFeed on us where they were talking about that InfoWars has a manager in Switzerland.
They just called us a conspiracy site.
No, like not even the least bit of a nod to the fact that we're a full-blown media outlet.
So yeah, it's amazing.
What I found amazing is
You know, this has been going on for years now.
It's out in the open.
There's even some mainstream CNBC and The Independent.
They're all reporting on it that it's happening.
They don't obviously put the spin on it that it's just a genial meeting of a bunch of well-meaning power players who are just trying to figure out how to solve all these world problems.
But they're actually reporting on it now.
However, in front of the event, there is just a handful of alternative media still.
There's not even like
One self-identified mainstream reporter.
I don't see anybody there.
I mean, in Davos, I saw Thomson Reuters.
You know, they wear the jackets.
They're very proud of what they work for.
Here, you don't see anything.
Even though you have the Wall Street Journal, you have the Washington Post.
They're inside the meeting, these people.
Ann Applebaum and I think Peggy Noonan.
They're inside the meeting, and they still can't even get a couple of reporters out there to just cover it.
And I was watching some coverage of it by an independent journalist, and he raised the great point, saying, if this was a meeting of actors or celebrities or sports stars, the top 150 in the world, essentially, if they were all in one place, the place would be crawling with press just to catch a glimpse of them.
But they're not even bothering with Bilderberg, and it's crazy.
And doesn't that show you the bread and circus?
And then that explains why children grow up idolizing athletes and not even having a clue about what goes on in the real world.
That shows you it right there.
The real, let's say, let's say all of these world leaders from the private industries and from governments and big tech and everything meets here.
These are the people that actually are shaping the world that you live in.
At least that's what they claim.
I mean, they say it in their own papers.
Look at what they're talking about in these meetings.
But then you have a bunch of athletes that really don't shape the world outside of their own little sports bubble, which is fine.
Don't really impact the future.
Don't really change your life for the good or better, or help your family or anything, really.
But that's the obsession.
Like you said, I like that analogy.
If you had LeBron James and Tom Brady and Lionel Messi and all of the best athletes meeting for a conference for whatever,
The press would be everywhere.
Just look at what happens when a Super Bowl is in town.
Look at what happens with the Asian player, I believe he's from Japan, who's playing for the Los Angeles Angels.
I remember when there was a player who was playing for the St.
Louis Cardinals, So Taguchi, just having a Japanese athlete in St.
Louis, hundreds of Japanese media outlets showed up to every game.
So there's an obsession with sports.
Well, it doesn't affect the future, but then the actual people that are claiming to try to shape the future, the media just doesn't even want to pay attention to that.
If LeBron James has a comment about Trump, you'll see it in every newspaper, every website, especially if it's derogatory, which of course it always is.
But then you have, you know, these power players.
These are some big-time folks, and they're all getting together, and there's like hardly a whisper.
I've managed to talk to a few locals.
Obviously, the language barrier is there.
My Italian is not very strong.
A few of them, they knew what Bilderberg was, which was a good sign.
I don't know how they knew, but one Italian lady, she said, do you like Bilderberg or don't?
I said, no, it's not a good thing.
And she said, good, good.
And she gave me a handshake.
So there's a little bit of awareness.
So that's a good thing, probably more than there was in the past.
But in general, it's just people walking by, going about their everyday life as this monumental event is happening right in their walkway, basically.
Well, and let's kind of shed more light on this as well, where when Bilderberg was more of a secret thing and the media was blacking it out and the only people that would report on it were InfoWars, that's when it was truly the
Is like putting a shadow over the whole thing.
So now they've expanded the thing.
They do a whole public rollout of what they're going to talk about, show you the list.
And then, you know, some of these people get inside and then they kind of see the whole thing and they say, oh, it's no big deal.
They just have conferences and everything.
No, no, no.
They have secret meetings.
They're acting like this is some big thing they're showing you.
No, no, no.
They still have secret meetings with only a select few.
So I just wanted to make sure the audience understands that.
I think I'm trying to figure out why there's so, there isn't a lot, there's no protesters.
I know in past years there's been, you know, plenty of protesters or a strong alternative media presence.
Here there's like nothing here this year and I'm trying to figure out why that, like trying to figure out from my own perspective why that is.
One angle that I'm thinking is we force these people out into the open
Now enough people know that they exist and it's like we've moved on to the next thing in many ways.
Because we forced them out into the open.
We smoked them out.
So I can look at it that way and say it's a positive thing.
Now they can't operate in secrecy because people like Alex made these people go public.
So it could be a good thing.
I think another angle might be, though, some of the same people that would go out and protest that, that, you know, say Trump is trying to help the 1%, now see the Bilderberg Group as anti-Trump, so they're like, oh, maybe I like the Bilderberg Group.
So there might be an element of that involved in this, too.
Dan Lyman, you can find all his work at infowars.europe.infowars.com.
Thanks for joining us.
Brandon Tatum on the other side.
Don't go anywhere.
Owen Schroer here for InfoWars.com and this Sunday, Bill Clinton's book tour is coming to Austin, Texas.
Now, Bill Clinton got away with all of his abuse of women while he was president and over the decades and beyond.
And now the left wants to start a hashtag MeToo revolution for all the
Victims of toxic masculinity in Hollywood and in government, but they want to leave Bill Clinton out of it.
Well, we're not going to let the left get away with that.
And so we're going to be having a protest, a MeToo protest, outside Bass Concert Hall, Sunday, June 10th, in Austin, Texas.
Bring your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt from Infowarsstore.com, bring your Bill Clinton rape whistle from Infowarsstore.com, and protest Bill Clinton's book tour coming to Austin, Texas, Sunday, June 10th, at 6 p.m.
And if you can't be there to protest Bill Clinton with your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt and your Bill Clinton rape whistle from Infowarsstore.com, then you can see the live stream starting at 6 p.m.
Central at Infowars.com slash show.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
Alright, there is a badass Uncle Sam.
I want to make sure that I don't want to say his name publicly before I'm positive I can say it.
We're checking his YouTube channel.
He goes out on the streets of New Orleans and films powerful video.
He's dressed up as Uncle Sam.
He talks to citizens.
Now, check out this amazing confrontation he had with a British professor who was glad to see free speech in England dying.
Did you watch the video?
Did you watch the entire video?
You're telling me that he was justified to be taken off the street by the police just for reporting me?
You are a fascist pig!
You, sir, are a fascist pig!
I'm a fascist pig?
Yes, you are!
And put it in my face?
I don't give a f-
Well, I'm doing you, I can do that when you say you allow people to be taken off the street just for reporting on something that's going inside a courthouse.
That's like someone come along here right now and take me in jail just because I happen to be yelling in your face calling you a fascist pig, which you are.
Okay, do you want me to respond?
The reason he was tried for this is because of an accumulation of incidents, including extreme violence at football grounds.
Again, the power of the state goes against you.
They come up with phony charges.
They can come up and dig up everything and everything about you and make you look like the devil himself.
But the fact that he's talking about the destruction of his country,
The fact that you've got idiots right now, and the judge is saying, oh, we gotta dull all the knives because the knife stabbings have gone way up.
So it doesn't make any difference what the weapon it is, whether it's a gun or a knife.
You have an epidemic of rapes and knife violence going on in London right now, and London surpassed New York for violent crimes.
Firstly, there's not an epidemic of rape.
Would you care to look that up?
I'll put money on it.
Do you have any money?
I'd like to put some money on it.
I'd like to... Let's put money on it.
Let's put money on it.
Come on, let's put money on it.
I'll give you... How much?
I don't know.
I'll give you ten to one a bunch.
So, how are you gonna prove it?
I'll give you ten bucks.
But look it up!
Look it up!
Come on, look it up.
There's my ten bucks.
You got the camera.
Come on.
I don't have Wi-Fi in this country, so I don't have access to the resources right now, but I can guarantee there's not been an increase in rape in recent times in the UK.
It's actually on the decrease.
Put up your money.
Put up your money.
This is just a clip from the video at the Michael Daivari YouTube channel.
What do you do for a living?
Is this just what you do for a living?
What do you damn business would I do for a living?
It's just a question.
Why do I have to do anything for a living?
What do you do for a living?
I'm a university professor.
What do you teach?
What do you teach?
Education studies?
You're familiar with the Carnegie Institute, of course, and how they corrupted the entire educational system by going ahead and promoting a socialist one-world government, right?
You know all about that, don't you?
I am a socialist.
I know you are.
That's why I called you a fascist pig, and I meant it.
I feel similarly.
Now you've proved it.
I feel similarly about you.
Now you've proved it to me.
So I'm speaking to professionals from England or from, you know, Austria, Germany, wherever, and I'm hearing from them that their countries are being changed irreparably because of the immigration, the crime's coming up, women are afraid to walk the streets now alone, that, you know, their cultures are changing dramatically.
So these people are lying to me?
I mean, that's a misperception, perhaps.
I don't think it's true that women are not able to walk around in England.
Okay, so that is just partial clips from the video.
The full video is on the Michael DiBari channel.
Honestly, there's so much classic moments in the full 25-minute video, we weren't able to get all of them in that, but I suggest you go watch that for yourself.
But let me just say this.
As someone that goes into the hordes of the brainwashed masses and gives them truth, I mean,
I can only imagine what it's like to dunk in an NBA Finals game, but I would imagine it's something like that.
I would imagine it feels something like that.
So you want to feel what it feels like to dunk in an NBA Finals game?
Go out on the streets and talk to the brainwashed liberals.
The Bilderberg Group consists of over 130 of the planet's most powerful people and it will meet in Turin, Italy from June 7th through 10th for the annual gathering behind closed doors.
This year's topics include populism in Europe, the inequality challenge, the future of work, artificial intelligence, the U.S.
before midterms, Russia, of course, and the post-truth world.
Now this is where CNBC covers the Bilderberg Group with the headline, The Secretive Bilderberg Elite Are Worried About the Post-Truth World.
This is the mainstream media who once pretended that the group didn't exist.
Now that they're finally reporting on Bilderberg, they're claiming the group is benevolent and cares about truth and objectivity, while they meet in secret and take no minutes.
Is it more likely that the group will discuss ways to use this post-truth world, where feelings are more important than facts and reason, to their advantage, specifically as it pertains to the U.S.
before midterms?
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com.
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
And Brandon Tatum is joining me now at the Officer Tatum on Twitter.
You can find his YouTube channel, BTCruiser34.
A lot of stuff we could talk about here.
Let's get it started though with the Alice Marie Johnson pardon.
You know, it's funny, they say Trump is a racist, but he's pardoned people of all different race, colors, and creeds, not just black people, but white people as well, and also Dinesh D'Souza, so all different kinds of people from all different walks of life, Trump is looking at these cases and he is pardoning them.
I will say, there are probably a hundred other Alice Marie Johnsons out there, sitting in jail, that don't have Kim Kardashian coming to bat for them, so
You know, there is somewhat of an injustice here, I do believe.
However, overall, you can see why Trump did this and you can see how the media wants to still say that Trump is X, Y, or Z, even though he is doing this.
But I'm just curious, Brandon, I mean, what do you think?
Kim Kardashian gives a shout out to Trump for this pardon, and I don't know if you saw it on Twitter and looked at the responses, but it's amazing to me because all the Trump haters that follow Kim Kardashian are justifying it by saying, oh this is just one time that Trump did good, and it's really just Kim that did it, it's not really Trump, so really just thank Kim, even though she's here thanking Trump, and Marie, Alice Marie Johnson's thanking Trump, the Trump haters that follow Kim Kardashian still say Trump bad, this is actually just Kim.
Yeah, I think, like I said, man, I think these people are going down a slippery slope and they're just hoping for the worst with President Trump.
But with the pardon of Jack Johnson and the pardon of Alice, you know, Marie Johnson, I think that this is just pivotal.
You know, this kind of a pardon is going to change her family for the rest of her life and the rest of their lives.
And it's amazing to me.
And I really do think this is making a huge impact.
And this is another thing that the fact that a celebrity like Kim Kardashian took Donald Trump at his word, went down to the White House and had a conversation with the man and got him to pardon somebody very important.
And I think that this just
Shines in the face of all of these ignorant folks that won't even sit at the table with a president that will literally include you and legislation includes you in the pardon of people who are very important.
And I think that the people who are the haters are losing out and everybody else with a conscious brain are the ones who are going to benefit from a president that I think is going to go down in history as one of the best.
Well, and think about it, too, where you have a situation with Barack Obama calling Jay-Z, specifically requesting, hey, can you tell some of these other rappers and R&B artists not to meet with the president?
So then Jay-Z does it.
I don't know why he's Obama's call boy, but does it.
Contacts Ameek Mill, for example, and says, hey,
Don't go meet with President Trump.
It's bad for your ratings.
It'll be bad for your public image.
And then you say, well, wait a second.
Kanye West has said Trump is his brother.
Kanye West meets with Trump.
Kanye West is pro-Trump, really.
And he just had the number one album in the world in 83 different countries.
Top seven songs on iTunes.
But it's like they still don't get it.
I mean, I'm just, it's like, you still, like, why wouldn't you meet with President Trump?
And that's like what you're saying.
It's like, duh, you would meet with President Trump.
It's called crabs in a bucket, man.
You know, I think Jay-Z is one of the leaders of the crab in a bucket mentality.
LeBron James falls in that category, unfortunately.
And these individuals, they have an opportunity to change history.
They have an opportunity to be on the right side of history.
And people like Kanye West, opening up his mind to be a free thinker,
We're good to go.
I just really think these people are playing crabs in a bucket and it's not going to work.
When a young brother tries to take a step out of the box, open his mind and understanding, and not be the status quo, you know, he gets pulled down by other people.
And I find that very disappointing, but I'm also encouraged by a lot of the young African-American people who are coming out of the box and who are going to flourish because of it.
Well, and let's go back to this whole White House visit boycott of the Eagles.
They can say, oh, Trump cancelled it.
No, no, no.
They lied to him.
They said they were sending 70 people.
Then they only were going to send one player.
They set him up.
He said, I'm sorry, not going to be worth my time.
And then, of course, what does the media do?
They spin it, oh, Trump bad.
Oh, look at Trump.
And so then they have to bring it to an NBA Finals press conference and have LeBron comment on it.
And what does LeBron say?
Oh, I'm not surprised, you know.
I won't be visiting the White House.
Of course, he's not going to win.
But the Warriors won't be visiting the White House either.
And so he makes that statement.
So I try to take a step back and understand this.
Because I like sports.
I mean, I came up in the sports media.
I like watching the NFL.
I like watching LeBron James play basketball.
I think it's an amazing spectacle.
But then he says stuff like this and you just scratch your head and you're like, dude, are you really that dumb?
Or are you intentionally trying to bring this country down?
What are you talking about?
So let's try to figure it out.
How does this all start?
Colin Kaepernick takes a knee during the National Anthem while Obama is president.
Nobody stops going to the White House.
Nobody cares.
Then Trump gets in and the NFL ratings are collapsing and Trump simply says, look, maybe we should stop kneeling for the National Anthem and be more patriotic.
You might see the ratings return.
He's 100% right.
But then it becomes this national issue and it's somehow Trump's fault.
Well, why were you taking the knee in the first place?
Trump wasn't even president.
So then all of a sudden the knee becomes a protest of Trump, even though it started as a protest against injustice in the country, which if anyone's done anything for injustice against black people, it is Trump!
I mean, the whole weave that they're webbing here is like, it's so insane.
Again, what do you think?
Is LeBron James just that ignorant of the situation?
I mean, he spends all his day dribbling a ball, I could understand it.
Or does he consciously want people not to like Trump for whatever reason?
Owen, you hit the nail on the head, man.
This is an epidemic.
Like, I think people don't understand how deep the ties are and the roots are in the black community, that if you for one minute think that you're going to do anything out of the box, man, you are going to be shunned.
And I think LeBron James, and I said this on another thing, that he's not a leader.
He's just a successful basketball player, which puts him in a position that people consider him to be a leader.
He don't have the leadership skills.
LeBron James isn't that dumb.
I don't believe so.
But what he's doing is he's a follower.
So he's following the status quo and this anti-Trump rhetoric.
And he's just looking dumber and dumber.
And I think that the president is what you consider a stand-up man.
If I was the president, I'd do the same thing.
It is a privilege and an honor to be invited to the White House.
And if y'all can't get y'all stuff together, and you're going to send half of the team, a quarter of the team, or whatever the case may be, then you don't need to be here.
Y'all need to come together as a team.
You can show up on a football field and suit up and play as a team, but you need to come to the White House as a team.
I'm glad to see the President, you know, show some you-know-what and stand up to these people, because it's not about celebrity status.
It's not about kissing and babying these people.
It's about having integrity and supporting this country.
And if you don't, you don't get invited to the White House.
That's just the way it is.
Well, and think about this, too.
You don't think that over the decades of this tradition of champions visiting the White House, you haven't had individuals that probably didn't like the president, disagreed on his policies, who knows what else?
Yet they didn't make a big fuss about it.
They probably still showed up or just quietly said, I'm not going to partake in this celebration, which is perfectly fine.
You don't need to make a national case of it.
But what's the difference?
And this is where the false consensus operation comes into play.
They have this false consensus that Trump is a racist, Trump is a bigot.
So now all of a sudden it's like, oh it's okay for me to skip this, I'm protesting racism.
No you're not!
You're buying into a false consensus.
You're buying into the brainwashing and I agree with you.
If I were Trump, I'd take it personally.
None of them boycotted Obama.
None of them boycotted Bush.
They're clearly boycotting me.
I would do the same thing.
I would take it personally and I would say, you know what, if you don't want to come here and be a part of history, then screw you.
I've got other people that I would rather spend my time with.
I agree 100%.
I hope that he invites some patriotic people to the White House and their place, and they have a great celebration.
I hope he invites you and I both.
So, you know, I'm not disappointed that he did it, and I think he did the right thing.
And I'd like to see him continue to do things like this moving forward.
And you know, the NFL is going to continue to suffer because I know a lot of people on my newsfeed that said despite the rule change, they're still not going to watch the NFL.
And I'll tell you what, I'm not going to watch it either.
It's going to be another year where I just do not watch the NFL, do not participate in the shenanigans.
Well, here's what's going to happen.
It's actually going to become a bigger issue.
The NFL Jets owner has already said he'll pay the fines of anyone that kneels and now players are going to look at it as an even bigger protest because the league is telling them not to do it.
So I think the knees are not going away or they'll find some new way to protest and they'll keep destroying the NFL product.
I mean, it's why would you kill the Golden Goose?
That's what they're doing.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
This Sunday, this Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, we are having a hashtag MeToo protest here in Austin, Texas, outside Bass Concert Hall, near the University of Texas, where Bill Clinton will be going for his book tour.
That's right, the guy that was broke coming out of the White House, the guy that was philandering with all different kinds of women, cheating on Hillary Clinton, then she threatened and abused them, bullied them.
And the left gets to have their hashtag MeToo protests in the name of Donald Trump, even though there's been nothing there, they ignore Harvey Weinstein.
And Bill Clinton.
So we're going to have our Me Too protest of Bill Clinton this Sunday, 6 p.m.
Central Time, outside Bass Concert Hall, where President, former President Bill Clinton is touring for his newest book.
You know, it's amazing.
Think about Bill Clinton right now.
I don't know, I mean they must be desperate for money somehow.
Why else would Bill Clinton go on this tour, this book tour, where everywhere he goes now he gets confronted with his rape allegations, with his past.
So why is he even doing it?
It's crazy.
So he'll be in Austin, Texas, 6 p.m.
Central, this Sunday evening.
We'll be having a hashtag MeToo protest.
I hope you can make it out.
All InfoWarriors from Dallas, from Houston, from San Antonio, from Austin, Texas.
I hope you can join me this Sunday evening.
At 6 p.m.
Central, outside Bass Concert Hall, to hashtag MeTooProtestBillClinton.
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People are wearing them out.
I understand, you know, obviously you wear a conservative shirt out, a Trump shirt out, a radical liberal is likely to punch you in the face or try to, you know, rip your head off you or something.
But some brave people still go out there and do it every day and face the hate.
And they've been saying actually they've been getting a more positive response now.
So t-shirts, hats also available at InfoWarsStore.com.
We're trying to get back in touch with Brandon Tatum.
Guys, I'm guessing we still don't have that connection made.
Okay, then in the meantime, let's roll then clip 6, because this is what we're doing.
We cannot allow these traitors to America to come to our town and not protest them.
So guys, roll this clip through, including the ending.
This is Bill Clinton at his book tour, getting confronted by a patriot in a crowded theater.
Go ahead and roll the clip.
Why did you fly on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express 26 times?
26 times, Bill.
What were you doing on Jeffrey Epstein's plane?
I ditched the Secret Service.
Shut up.
He knows.
James Patterson knows who Jeffrey Epstein is.
Child sex trafficker, you flew on it 26 times.
Shut up, man.
What, you got nothing to say?
You know you did it.
James, tell him who it is.
This is an open session, man.
It's not an open session?
Not for questions right now, okay?
You wrote a book on Jeff.
26 times, Bill.
You didn't investigate it!
You didn't investigate it!
Look it up!
Jeffrey Epstein!
Who cares?
So there you go.
And we'll roll that clip again.
But again, this is what you have to do when these people come to your town, folks.
So that's why we're protesting Bill Clinton this Sunday.
Now Brandon, you said something in the last segment that I kind of want to get to here.
You talk about LeBron James being a bad leader.
Now, I want to hear you expand on that a little bit.
But I would say, just from a sports perspective, a lot of people could understand this because you look at LeBron James.
When he doesn't win the title in Cleveland, he flies down to Miami to join the big three down there to win his titles.
He comes back to Cleveland when they have Kyrie Irving, wins a title with him, another superstar.
Now Kyrie's gone, looks like the Cavs are about to lose, and it looks like James is gonna leave again.
So you can kind of take that analogy and say, and I'm not saying he's a bad leader on the court or a bad basketball player, obviously he's probably one of the best in the world, but...
There's a difference between, in my mind, a great leader like Michael Jordan who stays in one place and just puts his head down and wins, as opposed to LeBron who looks for the best environment for him to be in to win.
But talk about your comments saying that he's a bad leader when it comes to the messages he's sending out there, not just to the black community, but to the youth in general as well.
Right, so when you study leadership,
There's a difference between a person who has the attributes of being a leader and a person who just assumes a position as a leader.
So for instance, just because a person is promoted to be a supervisor doesn't make them automatically a good leader.
They just have a positional leadership.
And so LeBron James, his greatness as a basketball player puts him in positional leadership.
That doesn't mean he have leadership qualities.
And I think leadership qualities will lead a person to make proper decisions like
Stand up above everybody else and say, hey, let's go meet with the president because logically we can get things done if we meet with the man that can get stuff done.
And, you know, so we have to like our people are blending the two, you know, sports leadership is different than being a leader in a role model to everybody else.
And I think that LeBron James is not what I consider to be a role model in any other aspect other than him shooting the basketball.
And that's my own personal opinion.
I'm just confused why he would campaign for Hillary Clinton and tow the water for the Democrat Party that has done nothing in the inner cities, nothing for all the virtue signaling they do for black people.
What have they actually done?
Here Trump gets an office and black unemployment is at an all-time low.
So even if you want to take that angle that the media always loves to use as, oh, you know, Democrats are really looking out for the minorities and Trump is a racist and hates them, well, the actual facts and data don't show that at all.
And that's, like I said, a person who is a leader is going to have documented data on their approach to being quasi an activist.
People who are not leaders don't look up stats.
They look up trends and popularity.
Wherever the tide go, that's where LeBron goes.
And the popular thing is Hillary Clinton.
And they probably pay him a lot of money for him to support her.
And that's where his mindset goes.
It's not going to what's right.
It's going to what's popular and what's trendy.
And so, I mean, I don't expect a man to be a leader simply because he's young.
He's been in the spotlight since he's been like 16 years old.
He never had to be, like I said, he never had to gather those leadership skills.
He's just been forced in a position to do so.
And another thing I want to say before we end the show is that
All these NFL players, I saw the Eagles posting stuff in the locker room on these cards and stuff.
It is about time that people stop running their mouth about these things and actually get out and do something.
These NFL players have millions and millions of dollars.
They can go right down to the local law enforcement agency and assist in training.
They can do all of these things, but yet still they're sitting in the locker room taking a knee and holding up posters.
It's getting old, man, and it's not working.
And you're not really seeing the results of these protests, or of whatever you want to call it, in the actual communities.
And isn't that what they want?
Don't they want results?
I would do something differently instead of the same thing over and over again.
That's considered insane.
Brandon Tatum, thank you for joining us at The Officer Tatum on Twitter, btcruiser34.
Owen Schroer here for InfoWars.com, and this Sunday, Bill Clinton's book tour is coming to Austin, Texas.
Now, Bill Clinton got away with all of his abuse of women while he was president and over the decades and beyond, and now the left wants to start a hashtag MeToo revolution for all the
Victims of toxic masculinity in Hollywood and in government.
But they want to leave Bill Clinton out of it.
Well, we're not going to let the left get away with that.
And so we're going to be having a protest, a MeToo protest, outside Bass Concert Hall, Sunday, June 10th, in Austin, Texas.
Bring your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt from Infowarsstore.com.
Bring your Bill Clinton rape whistle from Infowarsstore.com.
And protest Bill Clinton's book tour coming to Austin, Texas, Sunday, June 10th, at 6 p.m.
And if you can't be there to protest Bill Clinton with your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt and your Bill Clinton rape whistle from InfoWarsStore.com, then you can see the live stream starting at 6 p.m.
Central at InfoWars.com slash show.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Border arrests remain near peak of Trump era, and there's all kinds of video reports I have here where they're basically running these sting operations at businesses, and they're arresting
Tons of illegal immigrants.
Now, you can have the debate at the ACLU whether or not you like that, but it's working.
They are finding lawbreakers, and President Trump is fulfilling his promise.
In fact, you had 50,000 people, 50,000 people, I can't remember if it was this month or this year,
50,000 people trying to cross the border illegally apprehended.
50,000 people.
I mean, just think about that.
So anyway, that's just President Trump fulfilling his promise.
But look at this madness!
From Eric Swalwell.
Oh, Eric Swalwell.
I'm telling you, I don't understand how a guy like this exists.
Either this is the most blackmailed person in the history of the world, or literally the guy's brain is the size of a peanut.
And a peanut may even be smarter.
Look at what Eric Swalwell tweets out today.
I mean, everything the guy tweets out is so laughable, you could just have a comedy skit.
But he tweets this out.
If you're in a campaign for federal office and a foreign agent offers you dirt on your opponent, you should tell the FBI.
Now, do you realize the irony of this, folks?
Do you realize the double standard of this?
Ladies and gentlemen, Hillary Clinton paid for foreign agents to get dirt on Donald Trump.
It's so outrageous.
This whole thing has reached such
Levels of deception and tomfoolery.
You can't even find it on a map.
There is nothing historically to make reference to this.
Where they say Trump is trying to collude with Russia for allegedly trying to get dirt on Hillary Clinton via WikiLeaks or Putin or whoever.
But wait a second.
Oh, and so by the way, so they decided to spy on President Trump.
But wait a second, it was Hillary Clinton who paid Fusion GPS to get dirt from foreign operatives Christopher Steele working with five different Russians to draw up a dossier on President Trump as opposition research.
So here, Eric Swalwell says, if you're in a campaign for federal office and a foreign agent offers you dirt on your opponent, you should tell the FBI.
So then, according to Eric Swalwell, Hillary Clinton should have called the FBI and reported herself for paying Fusion GPS to get opposition research from a foreign intelligence agent, Christopher Steele.
Do you understand how ludicrous this is?
Do you understand why this drives me crazy?
Do you understand why I go insane having to report this stuff?
I just don't understand why the average American doesn't have logic and critical thinking anymore!
Now, I was gonna go to a clip of Eric Swalwell on Tucker Carlson last night, because it's just the same ridiculous crap, and you're just like, oh my god, how dumb is this guy?
Oh good lord, tell me this man is not actually in our government.
He actually is.
He's on intelligence communities.
Eric Swalwell is on intelligence committees.
A guy who has no intelligence.
Who says, again, I mean, folks.
This is so loaded.
This is so outrageous.
This is so ironic.
It's like, I don't even know how to report on it!
Hi, grass is green.
Wow, thank you, Schroyer.
That's like this.
Again, let me just say this one more time.
This is insane.
Eric Swalwell says, if you're in a campaign for federal office and a foreign agent offers you dirt on your opponent, you should tell the FBI.
So according to
You know, maybe my frustration is overblown because
I don't take into account because I don't have it in front of me every day, but the American public in general doesn't buy this anymore.
But then you see Eric Swalwell getting voted back in at a 70% clip in the primaries!
A guy on the Intelligence Committee who has no intelligence!
He's so dumb!
Again, is Eric Swalwell this dumb or this compromised?
Is he this stupid or is he that blackmailed?
You take your pick, folks.
There's no in-between ground here.
Eric Swalwell is either that stupid or that blackmailed.
If you ask me, I'd say both.
Because to get the kind of blackmail you have on Eric Swalwell, you probably have to be pretty stupid to begin with.
So I would say both things are true.
But it's just incredible that these people are in our government.
And this is why the average American now is understanding how the government's become so corrupt, but more than that, even inept.
Just totally inept.
Where even Howard Schultz now, a famed liberal Democrat, who they're rumoring may enter the presidential race of 2020, looks at some of these Democrat policies and he says, wait a second, how do we afford all this?
He's like, we can't afford to be paying people.
We can't afford to be giving people money.
We can't afford to be funding Planned Parenthood.
We can't afford to be funding all of this crap that we're funding.
Funding now free tuition you say you want?
And so here's a businessman who understands the bottom line.
I mean, you have to at least call a spade a spade.
Think about running for the Democrat Party perhaps, looking at some of their policies and he's just like, well, hold on a second.
This doesn't work.
You don't have the money.
Do you know how to balance a budget?
Clearly not.
And then Trump is that person, except from the other side, with the business experience and the know-how.
But also, well beyond that, as far as his patriotism and what he's trying to do right now.
I mean, you realize that there's Trump Towers all over the world.
Those didn't just pop up magically.
He had to make business deals.
He had to negotiate.
He had to meet people.
He had to establish friendships all over the world.
And so people know Trump's not a Russian agent.
People know that this is total BS all around the world.
People know that the television news is lying to them.
BBC News in England is a joke.
It's almost worse than CNN, if you can believe that.
But here's Eric Swalwell, and he's not alone in this.
He just puts his idiocracy out there every day.
If you're in a campaign for federal office and a foreign agent offers you dirt on your opponent, you should tell the FBI.
So again, according to Eric Swalwell, Hillary Clinton should have called the FBI on herself for funding opposition research using Christopher Steele and five unnamed Russian agents to compile a made-up dossier as opposition research.
It's really incredible.
It's truly incredible.
I don't know.
I don't know what you do if these people continue to get voted into government.
Like, how does Omar Navarro, who's running against Maxine Waters, who has actually ran a campaign in his district,
Get 10,000 votes, Maxine Waters gets 40,000 votes, has barely campaigned in her district at all, last campaign event she did had 10 people, half of which aren't even voting age!
Maxine Waters gets 10 people at a campaign event, Omar Namarro gets hundreds of people every time he does a public speaking event on Twitter or social media, yet somehow Maxine Waters gets 40,000 votes?
How is that possible?
How does a woman that gets 10 people to show up at an event get 40,000 votes?
And if you don't question that, then you're an idiot!
And if you're Eric Swalwell, you're even dumber than an idiot!
Western Europe has already banned free speech, and an iron curtain of censorship is descending down over the UK.
They're set to pass rules, not a law, that if you criticize Islam or gays, you'll get six months in prison.
We know we're only about a year or two behind what's happening in the UK.
CNN and many others are calling for InfoWars to be shut down, taken off the web.
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That is critical to this fight.
We will prevail if you take action and I know you will.
Owen Schroer here for InfoWars.com, and this Sunday, Bill Clinton's book tour is coming to Austin, Texas.
Now, Bill Clinton got away with all of his abuse of women while he was president and over the decades and beyond, and now the left wants to start a hashtag MeToo revolution for all the
Victims of toxic masculinity in Hollywood and in government, but they want to leave Bill Clinton out of it.
Well, we're not going to let the left get away with that.
And so we're going to be having a protest, a Me Too protest, outside Bass Concert Hall, Sunday, June 10th, in Austin, Texas.
Bring your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt from Infowarstore.com, bring your Bill Clinton rape whistle from Infowarstore.com, and protest Bill Clinton's book tour coming to Austin, Texas, Sunday, June 10th.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
There really is a problem in this country with mental illness.
And I'm not sure what you stack up a story like this to as far as what degree of mental illness or how you get to this point.
Man admits to intentionally getting HIV so that he could intentionally spread it to others.
This is a 25 year old in Arkansas doing this.
Also all kinds of other crazy stuff that he was doing.
Selling drugs, doing meth, etc.
But, once again, you have a situation, this individual had child porn in his possession, which was also chalked up on the charges.
Now, actually, this isn't even the right clip.
Clip 13 is one clip.
Guys, where is the...
Where is the clip that I put in the folder today?
Here, find the clip that I put in the folder today of the Polk County Sheriff from Florida talking about the truth when it comes to child porn.
But before we do that, you just had the man arrested in Arkansas that had child porn.
You've got the PedoGate porn arrest going down almost daily.
You had the child sex dungeon, human trafficking dungeon, found in Tucson, Arizona with a quote-unquote rape tree.
Inside it, where you harness the children to the tree.
I'm just going to leave it at that, folks.
I mean, you can imagine.
But here's clip 13.
Another massive child sex trafficking bust was made in Atlanta.
Children are reunited with their families after a month-long sting of accused sex traffickers in the metro area.
News Since 5, Channel 2's Mike Bochenek is live in Alpharetta.
He tells us what officers uncovered at one local hotel there.
Yeah, Jovita Alfreda Police were among about 40 police departments working on this Operation Safe Summer, cracking down on unsafe child sex trafficking.
On one afternoon nearly two weeks ago, undercover Alpharetta detectives responded to an ad for sex in a room at this Westside Parkway hotel and arrested a woman and her boyfriend, Mario Banks, who police say was acting as her pimp.
A lot of people don't realize that things happen.
Banks arrested one of dozens the Alpharetta police made last month as part of a sting targeting sex trafficking in the metro.
Yeah, they actually had a 17-year-old juvenile female who was being forced into prostitution by her pimp.
We were able to make that recovery.
Just awful.
In fact, police and FBI agents worked in six metro counties to rescue victims of sex trafficking.
An operation that resulted in the identification and rescue of 150 kids, including one... Yeah, pause it right, pause it real quick.
Let me explain something here.
President Trump is not in the sex cults, ladies and gentlemen.
Where was the story?
I had some story here.
Some guys talking about how degenerate Trump is.
I think it was in this story.
Talking about how degenerate Trump is.
He can't control himself.
He's this, that, and the other thing.
See if somebody can find that.
I don't even know where it's coming from.
President Trump, do you realize he doesn't drink or do drugs and never has?
He's been sober his whole life.
I can't say that.
I don't know many people that could say that.
I doubt there's any other president that could say that.
But then they say President Trump is this, that, and the other thing.
When he is so much bigger than them, it's not even funny.
And he is the one that has taken the handcuffs off of law enforcement when it comes to cracking down on the sex trafficking because he's not in the sex cults, folks.
They've always been in the sex cults.
Trump's not in the sex cults.
That's why you're seeing these arrests.
Let's go back to this report from Atlanta.
...and rescue of 150 kids, including one as young as three.
Nearly 160 people charged.
Wow, think about that.
They are crimes of special concern to the FBI and to law enforcement generally.
Matt Alcock is assistant special agent in charge of Atlanta's FBI field office.
It's important for those of us who are responsible for the children, the parents, the guardians, the older siblings, the aunts, uncles, the church, whoever it may be, to not let children fall away from those strongly centered circles of importance.
And Alpharetta Police tell us the man they arrested with that juvenile teenager is looking and facing federal charges.
The FBI says the majority of the people arrested are facing charges in individual counties.
Live in North Fulton County, Alpharetta, Mike Pachetnik, Channel 2 Action News.
Literally, coast to coast, from New York to Florida to California and everything in between, massive arrests of pedophiles, massive arrests of sex traffickers, where we've had children found in cages, children found in dungeons, three months old found.
I mean, folks, you're talking some of the sickest, most twisted, disgusting behavior that gets protected by elements of our government.
Some of which were probably involved in these sex cults that got even worse into Satanism and child ritualistic sacrifice.
And the spirit cookings.
Which all got exposed in the WikiLeaks.
Now listen to the Polk County Sheriff talking about how real and disgusting these pedophiles and child pornographers really are.
...for you to understand what child pornography really is, and I'm not so sure that we say that often enough.
Certainly there are people that think child pornography is quote-unquote kiddie porn, that it's 16 or 17 year old girls who make themselves look a lot younger, but they're really mature, and that's not it at all.
When we talk about child pornography and those that we've arrested today, they're either dealing in, or possessing, or trading, or a combination of all of those things, of pornography, child pornography, of children being raped, of babies as young as diapers being raped by adult males.
This is the most horrific conduct you can ever understand in your entire life.
These people have this.
Now, obviously, we received information and that's why we investigated them.
Just brutal to think about this.
Brutal to think about infants.
You just had another infant go missing in Virginia.
What do you think the destiny now is for that child that got kidnapped?
You have people close to Bill de Blasio.
In fact, the next John Podesta of the Democrat Party, if you will, an aide to Bill de Blasio gets caught with terabytes of child pornography.
You've got other arrests where I think it, I don't remember what it was.
Honestly, there's been so many.
I can't remember all the different teachers, former mayors, this, that, and the other thing.
Politicians that get caught with this pedophile porn, this child porn.
Terabytes of it.
And I mean, you really have to think about that.
You're talking about hours and hours of footage, folks.
Think about everything that goes down for that to have to happen.
And you have to have some form of protection at the top.
You have to have some sort of involvement at the top for all of this to be going on and gotten away with for decades and decades and decades.
And then they want to come out and demonize and attack InfoWars because of Pizzagate reporting.
The crew's pulling up all the stories right now, just flashing through all of it.
Alan Mann caught with 58 terabytes of porn.
Do you realize that's probably over hundreds of hours of child porn, ladies and gentlemen?
Where the hell does that come from?
How does the CIA and the FBI not find that?
Oh, now they are.
Ah, you see how that works.
Yeah, there's Bill de Blasio's aide, arrested for child porn.
Don't forget about who Mabiney's husband, Anthony Weiner, busted for sexual activity with minors.
Over 340 arrested in global child pornography investigation.
How do you think this stuff goes on, folks?
These people are protected by elements at the top of the food chain.
You better believe it.
And they want to make a joke out of InfoWars reporting on the strange pizza references in the WikiLeaks emails when it comes to the Podestas and the Obamas, saying we're going to put young children in pools and hot tubs for your entertainment, having $65,000 pizza and hot dog parties flown in from Chicago.
What do you think that is, folks?
What do you think that is?
You better wake up!
And let me tell you something, there's a lot of stuff that President Trump isn't telling you because he doesn't think the world can handle it.
You better believe that child sex trafficking is one of those things and he knows damn well who's running it.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, final segment that I'm with you here, Owen Schroer filling in.
I'll be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central, God willing.
I'm sure Alex Jones will be filing reports as he is on the road, on vacation, a working vacation as usual.
And Anthony Cumia is going to take over on the other side of this segment.
But I wanted to cover this story real quick.
And I have to tell you, I try to do as much research into this to discover how much, if any,
Credit President Trump deserves for this story.
And I gotta be honest, they don't... It's tough to get this intelligence.
But the story was covered everywhere.
Remarkable therapy beats terminal breast cancer.
So, this woman, for years, has been told that she is going to die from this breast cancer.
It was terminal.
At one point, she was even given three months to live.
But then,
The US National Cancer Institute decided to go ahead and try some experimental therapy on her and now it says it has saved her life and beaten the cancer.
Now I was able to discover that they use this
Thank you!
And this is all possible with President Trump bringing about the experimental technology.
But I did a Google search, and I searched this story and everything, of the hundreds of articles that are covering this woman's miraculous recovery from cancer with the experimental therapy.
You know how many even mentioned Trump giving out the right to now have the experimental therapy, the experimental treatment on you with the right to try?
I found that incredible, but let's go to the news report of this woman beating cancer with the experimental therapy.
Experimental treatment for breast cancer that has saved a woman's life.
Dr. John Lepoux calls it a game changer.
They say, into each life, a little rain must fall.
Rain's coming!
Big rain!
For 52-year-old Judy Perkins, it's been a monsoon.
I had a mastectomy.
I had all my lymph nodes out.
Ten years later, 2013, I felt another lump on the same side, and this time it ended up being stage four.
So, I entered the world of cancer patients.
See, pause it right there.
See, isn't that amazing?
Here she is talking about two therapies that everybody uses, the mastectomies, the chemos, hardly ever works, horrible success rate in the long term, and then Trump releases the experimental, the experimental surgeries, and you think it's a coincidence that now it's working?
Let's go back to the clip.
Despite hormonal and chemotherapy, by 2015 the cancer had spread to her chest and liver.
I came to realize that I was gonna die and that's where my mind was.
You know, I felt bad for my family but I
Was grateful for the life I had had.
But then she found Dr. Steven Rosenberg at the National Institutes of Health.
So we're looking at lymphocytes.
He's a pioneer in harnessing the immune system to fight cancer.
Genetic mutations in the cancer cell are the trigger causing those cells to grow out of control.
Rosenberg's new approach is to find the few immune cells already in the body that can see those genetic mutations and multiply those cells into an army of cancer killers.
Because this is something that perhaps was being worked on before, but how do you not mention?
I'm telling you, hundreds of stories covering this, zero mention President Trump signing the right to try, which is going to bring more treatments and more therapies like this to the light and is going to save millions of people in the long aggregate.
And he doesn't even get mentioned in one story covering this successful experimental therapy beating cancer.
They will not even mention Trump's name with good news ever.
The Senate released 500 pages of documents, including more text messages between FBI agent Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page.
And now there's speculation that those texts suggest the FBI may have been spying on Donald Trump's campaign earlier than thought.
The previously redacted texts from December 2015 reveal the approval of Aconis Luris, which is counterintelligence lingo for spies operating outside of the U.S.
Now, PJ Media reported that Strzok was leading the Clinton investigation at the time and would go on to play a central role in the Trump-Russia probe.
It's being assumed that the pair was referring to the FBI's efforts to bait and hook unsuspecting Trump campaign officials overseas.
President Trump took to Twitter to bash the corrupt FBI lovers, saying Spygate is in full force.
The revelations come as former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe requested immunity in exchange for testimony regarding what he knows about the Clinton and Russia collusion investigations.
Leigh Ann McAdoo, Infowars.com
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host, Anthony Cumia.
Yeah, hello there.
Hi everybody, Anthony Cumia in InfoWars.com.
In for Alex Jones, who is on assignment.
I always wanted to say that.
I don't know where he is.
He's on vacation, I guess.
His, uh, Alex's run-in with Bernie Sanders was hilarious.
He sees him at the airport.
What does he say?
He goes, Hey, look, it's old Bernie Sanders.
Old Bernie Sanders.
I'm dying watching it.
It's hilarious.
He's just standing there at the airport.
And Bernie just looks clueless.
He looks clueless.
Oh, what was that?
Look at Bernie.
That's the face of somebody that comes face-to-face with Alex Jones at the airport.
You're just like, oh god.
Hey look, it's old Bernie Sanders.
Old Bernie Sanders.
I was laughing.
Goddamn Alex.
Gotta love it.
Yeah, he's... I don't know.
Bernie pops up in the news every so often.
And on Twitter, social media, he's there all the time trying to still give his platform and what he thinks the country should be, how he thinks we should all behave, you know, typical communist ideology.
And just go away!
Aren't we at the point
500, I guess we're 500 and a few more days into Trump's presidency.
And there's still Hillary, there's still Bill Clinton, they're still out there.
Bernie Sanders is still yapping.
Do we really need to hear from these people anymore?
And I hear from, believe me, my friends and people who have a similar ideology to myself, they say, good, good, let them talk.
Because all they're doing is bringing more people over to our team.
They're so irrelevant.
This high and mighty attitude, the pandering, that's one thing I swear to you, pandering
By politicians, celebrities, what have you, on social media drives me nuts!
Especially when it's blatantly obvious the likes of Kathy Griffin.
Kathy Griffin!
She put out a tweet after Roseanne got fired for her tweet and they cancelled the new very popular Roseanne show.
We all know that.
But then
She tweets... What the hell did Kathy Griffin tweet?
Something like... Hey, there's so many writers and actors of color!
And those are the people that should be given the chance to do shows!
And I'm reading it just going, ugh!
Do you have to be so ham-handed at your pandering to people?
And of course, Kathy Griffin's another one that, because of her leftist ideology, got a pass.
She got a pass.
Oh, we all remember the holding up the bloody head thing that outraged a lot of people.
There it is.
Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself.
My children, especially my 11-year-old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this.
That's what happened when the severed head of Donald Trump, a, of course, fake one, albeit, but it was quite disturbing to a lot of people.
And she got a little slap on the wrist.
I guess she wasn't able to hang out with Anderson Cooper on New Year's Eve.
Which just sounds like a treat, right there.
She wasn't able to do that.
She got that gig cancelled.
A bunch of other gigs got cancelled.
But then, under a year later, she's back selling out venues here in New York City, where I am, Radio City Musical.
She's playing Radio City Musical!
She gets to enjoy the rest of her career with a little speed bump, maybe, when she initially did that.
But then the likes of people like Louis C.K., who, if you ask me, you know, look, we could all look at our own sexual deviancy and say, all right, we all have different things that might float our boat.
For Louis C.K., it was apparently pleasuring himself in front of young ladies.
So he did that.
A decade ago in Aspen.
And, uh, it was consensual.
The girls kind of sat there and chuckled.
Not my cup of tea, uh, for what floats my boat.
But, uh, he did that.
And ten years later, these girls lose their mind.
They say they were affected by it, this, that, the other thing.
And Louis C.K.
is in exile.
He is in entertainment exile.
One of the funniest guys I know.
He's hilarious.
A good guy.
I've known him and hung out with him a few times with the Opie and Anthony Show a few years back.
Just a guy.
And he's in exile because of the Me Too movement and all that.
It all depends on what side, politically, you are attached to.
And that will dictate whether your life is utterly and completely destroyed, or whether you're able to just say some phony apology, like Kathy Griffin did, and then come back, withdraw your apology, and you're selling out places like Radio City Music Hall.
If people don't see this, if their eyes aren't open enough to see that there is a horrific double standard,
And mind you, I don't want anyone fired.
I am a free speech absolutist.
I think...
Whatever you say, especially in the realm of comedy, fair game.
If you're expressing yourself, no matter how vulgar some people find it, how offensive some people find it, I personally don't think you should be fired from your job.
I don't think expressing yourself through freedom of speech or freedom of expression should result in your career ending.
For anybody.
I don't care where you fall in the political spectrum.
The left apparently just loves destroying careers and moving on to the next one, like a swarm of locusts.
For a day, they land on somebody, pick them clean, and then move on to the next thing.
And if you don't think it's politically motivated, and that some people are much more equal than others,
And that certain people really, really have the reins of mainstream media, entertainment, television broadcasting.
It really, you have to be blind not to see it.
Hollywood itself is a zoo.
It's a zoo.
They preach to us about
Our sexuality, how we have to rein in our, what do they call it?
Toxic masculinity.
I saw a stupid tweet by Chelsea Clinton the other day, and by stupid tweet I mean anything the girl ever tweets is a stupid tweet.
But she's saying about her son, she goes, I'm raising my son, talk about pandering, I'm raising my son as a feminist.
And this tweet was yesterday, the anniversary of D-Day, the Day of Days, the invasion of Normandy during World War II.
And that mindset of those men, there's a great shot of General Eisenhower addressing the men in England before they are to hit those boats and go over and most probably die or be horribly injured.
And then she's talking, I want to raise my son as a feminist.
Washington, Hollywood, they're all mental patients.
Because if you think for a second, there it is, you think for a second that those men standing there watching their general address them before what would probably amount to be the most horrid day in their lives,
I thought that years and years later we'd be talking about raising our men as feminists, gender fluidity, raising children, boys as girls.
I don't know if they'd get on the boats!
I don't know if they would have got on that landing craft thinking that that's what they'd be preserving.
Instead of, you know, what we apparently thought back then.
Freedoms that are allowed us in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
Just Insanity.
We'll get into more of Hollywood's madness in a couple of seconds.
Stay right there.
Anthony Cumia, InfoWars.com.
This isn't a simulation.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is The Alex Jones Show with Anthony Cumia.
Yes, thank you.
We are back.
Anthony Cumia with you.
And a little more about Hollywood, because Hollywood... mental patients, they're crazy!
They're losing their minds!
I didn't think this hissy fit would last this long, but now I'm convinced it will last.
Until Donald Trump walks across that lawn, gets in that helicopter, and leaves office after his second term.
So they're going to be going through what is an eight-year hissy fit.
They're losing their minds.
And it doesn't seem to be slowing down.
I enjoy it.
Most of my Twitter follows, people that I follow on Twitter, are what I call a hate follows.
I love reading things that upset me.
I don't know why.
Maybe I'm mental.
But I'll tell you what, when I sit there and scroll through the tweets of Alyssa Milano, John Cusack, Cher,
Rosie O'Donnell, Bette Midler, these are all people I follow just to get angry, just to get worked up.
And I revel in their insanity and their sadness.
I enjoy that part of it.
Let's look at John Cusack first.
Left-wing actor, that's putting it mildly,
John Cusack calls for a coup against President Trump.
Hit the streets!
Is this allowed?
I don't know.
I know we have certain freedoms in this country, but I know there are certain things that are not covered.
Is calling for a coup against the President and telling people to hit the streets?
Cusack was a big star in the 80s and 90s.
Now he has a reputation for being a far-left moonbat, a moonbat, who enjoys blocking conservatives on Twitter.
Thank God my account has been suspended, or permanently suspended, three times.
So I'm on a new account that he hasn't blocked yet.
Because, again, I revel.
I revel in this nonsense.
Recently, however, he said some things he may come to regret.
Actor John Cusack embarked on Twitter rant Tuesday night in which he called for the American people to stage an overthrow of President Donald Trump's presidency over the immigration policy.
What did he say?
During his tirade, Cusack called Trump ill, deranged, and dangerous.
Whenever they come out with stuff like this, because O'Donnell does this all the time too, Rosie does this all the time, calls him a mental patient, and then she proceeds to post things that are absolutely insane.
And suggested to the people that they take to the streets where civil disobedience occurs.
So I guess he's telling people to riot.
I don't know, go out there, take the streets, hit the streets, and try to overthrow the President of the United States.
If it was anybody but John Cusack, we might have to worry.
I don't know how many people he influences these days.
Perhaps he could get in front of the White House and hold up the big boombox.
There he is!
He could hold up the big boombox in front of the White House until Trump comes out, calls him an obscenity, and walks back in his house.
Because Trump could care less what the likes of John Cusack has to say.
But it is!
This whole wave of celebrities
Speaking out against the president and calling him a mental patient and saying that he's deranged and he's a racist and his immigration policy is illegal.
They never seem to be actors or actresses at the top of their game, let's say.
They're never those.
When you look at another one, Alyssa Milano.
Alyssa Milano has been on this, of course, the Me Too movement.
She was fine and dandy before the Me Too movement started.
You rarely heard anything out of her stupid yap.
But now, you know, she's she found she found another mission in life.
She's in her 40s, I guess.
And I guess, you know, the roles kind of dry up for a woman in her 40s that was known for just showing her breasts.
On television.
After Who's the Boss, she did some movies that, uh, what was it?
Oh, Alyssa Milano's in that.
When you heard Alyssa Milano was in a movie, did you think, oh, wow, I think I'm gonna see an Oscar-winning performance?
No, you said, I think I'm gonna see her huge breasts on the screen.
And maybe that's why you watched it.
So, those roles dry up.
And then she decides she's gonna, uh,
Be an activist.
They all turn into activists.
Who's that other nut that co-starred with her on that show, Charmed?
Uh, what was her name?
Rose McGowan.
Rose McGowan!
Rose McGowan's another kook!
They just lose their minds!
The second the phone stops ringing from their agent with roles where they can show their breasts, they turn into activists!
It's ridiculous!
So, um,
There are unbelievable amounts of pictures of Alyssa Milano with Harvey Weinstein, by the way.
And those stories were no big secret.
Everyone in Hollywood knew Harvey Weinstein was a predator.
Did they say anything?
No, of course not.
Harvey Weinstein got people work.
Good work.
Made a lot of people a lot of money.
And until the jig was up and he was cast out, everyone kept their mouths shut.
Alyssa Milano wasn't saying anything about Harvey Weinstein until everyone was saying something about Harvey Weinstein.
And then you put a hashtag, Me Too, or some other nonsense, and you're an activist.
So, she's doing a lot with the, remember the ERA?
The Equal Rights Amendment back in the 70s?
This was women that wanted equal rights.
There was still certain things that were strictly for men.
And women weren't really welcome.
That all changed during the 70s and 80s.
And women now have every single right that everyone else in this country has.
Whether you're a minority, as long as you're an American citizen, you have these inalienable rights.
Women have them, minorities have them, men have them, we all have them.
So what the hell is she talking about?
Well, let me tell you a little something about equality.
Equality stinks.
No one, no one that has fought for equality for decades wants equality.
Because once they get there, they realize it stinks.
What is equality?
Well, people can make fun of you.
People can ignore you.
People don't have to pay attention to you.
You're not special anymore.
You're equal.
You're just like everyone else.
Well, when people realize that, they don't stop.
Now they've reached equality.
No, you want to be special.
Everyone that fought for equal rights doesn't want that.
They want to be special.
Whether you're a feminist, whether you're an immigrant,
Or sexuality.
You know, you're gay.
You want to be special.
Because equality means you're just like everyone else.
And that's boring.
And you can't be flamboyant.
And you can't demand things.
You just sit on the train on your way to work, just like everyone else, and you're not special.
Well, no one likes the sound of that.
So they go above and beyond equal.
And that's what they want.
So when you hear people wanting equal rights, we all have it.
We'll be back in a matter of moments to talk about the great and powerful Donald Trump.
Be right back.
Anthony Comey, InfoWars.
Owen Schroeder here for InfoWars.com and this Sunday, Bill Clinton's book tour is coming to Austin, Texas.
Now, Bill Clinton got away with all of his abuse of women while he was president and over the decades and beyond.
And now the left wants to start a hashtag MeToo revolution for all the
Victims of toxic masculinity in Hollywood and in government, but they want to leave Bill Clinton out of it.
Well, we're not going to let the left get away with that.
And so we're going to be having a protest, a Me Too protest, outside Bass Concert Hall, Sunday, June 10th, in Austin, Texas.
Bring your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt from Infowarsstore.com, bring your Bill Clinton rape whistle from Infowarsstore.com, and protest Bill Clinton's book tour coming to Austin, Texas, Sunday, June 10th, at 6 p.m.
And if you can't be there to protest Bill Clinton with your Bill Clinton rape t-shirt and your Bill Clinton rape whistle from Infowarsstore.com, then you can see the live stream starting at 6 p.m.
Central at Infowars.com slash show.
Bill Mitchell, syndicated radio TV host, one of the dominant conservative forces, still able to get millions of views a day on Twitter.
I want to ask him how he's able to do that, because they have just absolutely shadow banned us.
I know they've been doing it to him.
He just always has amazing interviews every day.
Yeah, let's talk about censorship, because you and I are both facing this.
You know, it's kind of, it's on the one hand, you know, if you live in the bear's cave,
Don't be surprised you wake up one day and you're barefoot, you know, and right now We are conservative voices and we're living in the liberal barricade Liberals hold the keys of the castle door as far as social media.
They have Twitter they have Facebook they have YouTube they have all these different things out of Silicon Valley and
And we are playing on their playground.
And we've been remarkably effective.
I do not believe that Donald Trump could have been elected president prior to the days of high-speed cable where you could have streaming video, Twitter, Facebook, all these different things.
On the one hand, I'm very glad they've given this opportunity.
I've spoken personally over Twitter to the CEO of Twitter and thanked him for giving me this opportunity.
I said, I know you don't agree with my political viewpoint, but thank you for giving me this opportunity.
However, lately, they have, and have you seen this as well, they've dramatically increased their efforts to shadow ban us, to censor us, and I think this is going to have an unintended consequence for us because
Really, by shadow banning us and censoring us, I don't think they're really dramatically decreasing our message, but the way that they are doing, by denying us our First Amendment rights, is driving independents, which are the middle voters of the country, into Trump's arms.
Back into our arms.
They're turning off more people with what they're doing for their cause than they are keeping people from being motivated by our speech on our side.
So, as far as censorship, my show, Periscope.tv slash Your Voice America, we're on track this month to do four million plays on there.
I mean, it's just crazy.
Our Monday night show did 187,000 plays on Periscope, and yet we never trend.
On Periscope.
There are people that have got 10,000 plays with pictures of their cat that trend on Periscope.
We never trend on Periscope.
But, you know, necessity is the mother of invention.
I think maybe the time has come, and I've said this for a long time, that the current media, even Fox News, has got a maggot-shaped hole in their hearts.
They just don't understand us.
They don't get where we're coming from.
But we do.
We understand what the Trump movement is.
We understand what the grassroots is.
So maybe it's up to us to create something new.
You know, at some point, you can only complain so much about the bad guys where you say, maybe we should set up our own thing and make our own rules.
We have to stand for everybody's speech.
That means the new Black Panther Party, stand white for the devil.
That means the KKK saying all their crap.
It doesn't mean we agree with it, but we have to stand for their speech or we all lose it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
He's a bully and he's a bitch.
He's a punk.
He's a dog.
He's a pig.
And he can suck my f***.
He's a con, a bullsh** artist, a mutt.
I'll meet him in the hotel room any motherf***ing day of the week and give him a Louisville slugger.
I'd like to punch him in the face.
Kiss my motherf***ing ass, you bitch, punk, c*** sucker.
Pointing what appears to be a water gun at the image of President Donald Trump projected on a whiteboard, our teacher Payal Modi has not been seen by countless viewers across the internet.
I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
It's an actor dressed to look just like President Donald Trump as he's assassinated on stage.
Pictures and video depicting comedian Kathy Griffin holding the bloody decapitated head of President Trump are no joking matter for the Secret Service.
The rhetoric that has inspired the violence has come from the mainstream of the Democratic Party.
They're involved in the coup, an active attempt to start a bloody civil war.
If you are consuming this transmission, you are a non-existent soul.
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There you go.
Take care of yourself.
My God, that video montage at the top of this segment.
Oh my goodness.
Isn't it fantastic that they have just lost their minds?
They fantasize about killing the President of the United States.
They've done this since day one.
They've done it since the announcement of his candidacy.
And then once he was elected, and then inaugurated, we saw people literally crying in the streets.
And then these maniacs come out and have these fantasies of assassinating the president.
Could you even... And I've said this so many times, and I know so many people are sick of hearing it, because it's...
It's a blatantly obvious hypocrisy that we look at.
But could you imagine, flip that around, and have this fantasy and recordings, plays in Central Park, and films made that depicted Barack Obama?
Being killed?
Like that was something that the entertainment world embraced and just put out there?
You couldn't imagine the wrath that would be laid out to these people that would have done something like that.
But with Donald Trump, it's just... I mean, remember years ago when a little, like a
Radical from a scope?
Crosshairs were put in a picture or an article and people would lose their minds?
You're saying that that person should be killed!
You're inspiring assassins and murderers!
And then this?
It's just blatant.
It's right out there.
It's not even up for debate what it is.
They fantasize about murdering the President of the United States.
They're mental patients.
And for what?
Honestly, for what?
Some of Trump's statements?
Things he said when he was an entertainer on television?
Things he said years and years ago?
Decades ago?
He's proven that he's an effective president.
Of this country.
An outstanding economy.
Oh my God, are we chugging along.
All-time lows.
Just record lows.
They're having a hard time finding people to fill the amount of jobs that are available in this country.
Today, the guy, first of all, is a workhorse.
It's unbelievable.
Yesterday, again on the anniversary of D-Day, he signs a bill giving our veterans the ability to get the medical care they need outside of VA doctors.
If they have something they need immediate attention for, they're able to get it.
And then the next day, today, he's meeting with the leader of Japan to talk about the upcoming Korea summit, which is happening next Tuesday!
Who's against this?
Who's complaining about this president?
It seems like every other day, he's actually doing something that is having a real effect
He doesn't get up and make these speeches of promises that just never come to fruition.
He's doing stuff.
And the left cannot take it.
And some people on the right.
He is showing people.
He has ripped the cover off of politicians.
And what they have been doing, just bamboozling everybody for decades upon decades.
They get elected on promises, they do nothing.
They immediately try to get re-elected to continue doing nothing.
And we've just thought that was how it works.
How the hell are the American people going to look at a president, after Trump is done, that gets up to a podium and starts that politest speech thing?
We as a nation need to come together so we may... And like all that phoniness?
I like when Trump goes, yeah, and we have a lot more people on the border.
When they come over, get them out!
Get them the hell out!
He's standing against the President at his podium, saying, get them the hell out!
Like a real human being he's talking.
Are you actually going to be able to watch a politician stand at a lectern and just BS us the way that it had been done for decades?
I don't know.
I'm not going to be able to watch that and actually take the person seriously.
And as far as getting things done, Obama worked on that Obamacare.
It was his entire two terms.
His entire two terms to try to get one thing done.
And when it finally was done, it was terrible.
That and the Iran deal, which we all know how horrible that is, and we're finding out on a daily basis.
How much more horrible that deal was.
Apparently Obama opened up our entire financial system to the Iranians.
Just saying, yeah, come on in.
Like they're gonna play it honestly.
And that was kept quiet by Obama and John Kerry.
That was a little inside deal that I don't believe Congress even knew about.
So that's all gonna come.
Yeah, look at this.
Obama administration gave Iran secret access to U.S.
financial system.
This is criminal stuff!
And then what is Obama, what is Trump doing?
Signing a bill to allow terminally ill patients experimental drugs?
Who's against that?
Securing our borders?
Against invaders?
People that aren't legally coming in here?
Getting people that have crossed over illegally the hell out, like he said?
I mean, he's sparked up relationships with North Korea, China, Japan, in a way where they're actually talking about peace on the Korean Peninsula for the first time since the Korean War.
It's astounding!
And then you listen to Pelosi,
And Warren, and the rest of them, Schumer, and all you hear about is, we're running on the platform of raising your taxes, opening the borders.
It's like a madhouse!
Who's voting for them?
I guess we'll see in the midterms.
I'll be back in a second.
Anthony Cumia, InfoWars.com.
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Well, I've been wanting to get this lady on for a while.
We're going to her in about a minute.
Katie Hopkins over in the UK, but she's in the U.S.
a lot.
Banned off Twitter.
They want her kicked off TV.
Another reason I wanted to get her on is the assassination of Katie Hopkins.
State-sponsored national theater opening in a Welsh area, and it's about killing her, and she's had an attempt on her life.
So, this is next level.
And they want you dead because you're powerful, you're vibrant, and I'm married, but I gotta say, you are pretty sexy.
Well, if you think I'm sexy, I will say I think you need your eyes tested, but I do think strong women are really fun to be around and the reason my government is sponsoring a play... Well, that's what I'm saying.
Look, I don't think you look bad.
My point is, it's attitudes what matters.
You have light in your eyes.
I watched all these feminists that were at this feminist meeting with Hillary yesterday, and they look like they're zombies!
It's not that they're even ugly, they look like something sucked their soul.
The reason the state wants to run the play called the assassination of Katie Hopkins is because it would be much more convenient for them if that were true.
One of the things the state loves is fear.
They can control people when they're afraid.
When you have someone like me who is not afraid of anyone, not the establishment, not the state, that's far more dangerous.
And they would be much better for them if I wasn't around.
So we had two jihadis sent down earlier this year because they had practiced beheading me with a dummy, with a plastic hunting, with a plastic dummy and a hunting knife.
So the threat against my life is real.
And now the state is sponsoring a play called exactly that.
What would happen if I got a poster with the assassination of Sadiq Khan?
Or the assassination of a black politician.
How would that go down, do you think?
Oh, it would be the biggest hissy fit the planet ever saw.
I would be banned from everything within a moment because it's the assassination of white, Christian, conservative woman who's passionate about her country and passionate about people's right to stand up for their country.
It's seen as acceptable and, in fact, wildly amusing for the liberal elite.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Anthony Cumia.
I like that song.
Welcome back, Anthony Cumia, InfoWars.com.
You can catch me, of course, on CompoundMedia.com, Monday through Thursday at 4 p.m., 4 to 6.
I was thinking about the time I get off.
4 to 6, thank you.
Did you see the Bill Clinton's interview?
Bill Clinton's interview, and they asked him about Monica Lewinsky and
All that hubbub.
And, uh, I found it sad.
I found it sad, and not for the content, really.
He still, all these years later, he's skirting around.
He's still Slick Willy.
He's a little slower in his step, but he's still Slick Willy.
Won't really fess up to things.
Won't really apologize.
And in 2018, this hashtag MeToo movement, he's just a dinosaur.
He's really a dinosaur.
He is the definition
of workplace sexual harassment.
He's a guy that had literally the most power on the face of the earth.
You could not find anyone on this planet more powerful than Bill Clinton when he held office of the President of the United States.
Going after a White House intern, a White House intern, that is as sexually
Harassing somebody as you can get.
And for some reason, feminists just adore this guy.
And when Hillary was running, of course we remember when she was running for president, they didn't utter a peep about her sticking up for her husband.
Bad-mouthing the women that alleged sexual harassment, at the very least.
Some alleging rape from Bill Clinton.
But it wasn't quite the content of the interview.
We see him a lot of times.
We see him on the news.
He's waving.
But we rarely get to hear him these days.
And I remember, like, remember Bill back in the old days with the finger and the whole, uh, let me tell you, I come from a little town named Hope.
And it was like, he was just, yeah, then and now.
And now he was sitting there like,
I apologize to Monica Lewinsky.
It's like living with Hillary ages you in dog years.
Like she just sucks.
Maybe that machine on her back that she's covering up in 90 degree weather with a coat and a scarf.
Maybe that's something that just sucks to life.
Out of people around her.
So when her knee goes bad and she falls down, or when her balance is off and she collapses, she could just suck it out of people.
It's an alien technology.
I have no idea.
I'm speculating, of course.
But it was a little sad.
I would be remiss in my duties here on InfoWars.com if I didn't tell you about something in the technical world that is invading your privacy.
And we knew this all the time.
We love carrying around our tracking devices.
Whatever brand you pick, iPhone, Samsung, whatever it is, we love, we can't leave without our tracking device on a daily basis.
Could you imagine, when I was growing up, if someone told me,
Yeah, we're gonna have a device that listens to your conversations.
You carry it around with you.
It could track where you are, where you're going, where you've been.
All that information will be available to law enforcement.
You'd go, get out of here!
I'm not allowing that.
Allowing that.
They figured out a way where if we leave our tracking device at home, we will turn around.
To pick it up and take it with us.
That's how it's done.
That's how it's done.
There's no implanting of a chip.
No government agent comes to your door.
Open up, I'm here to implant the tracking chip in your arm.
No, that's nuts.
Slowly, they build up this device over the course of the years where you can't be without it.
You want to have it.
You want the tracking device.
Because it's so convenient.
And you have to do important things like show everyone a picture of your lunch.
So you perish the thought.
You leave your house without your show people a picture of my lunch machine.
Which also is a tracking device.
Well, this came out.
Your phone is listening.
And it's not paranoia.
And it's also not only when you say, Siri, or Google, OK Google, or Hey Siri.
Other apps on your phone, which you download, and then a little thing comes up and it says, would you like to give this app permission to maybe see where your location is?
And you go, sure!
I'll give it that.
Uh, would you like, uh, this, uh, would you like to activate your microphone?
That's the one.
Would you like this app to, uh, be able to use your microphone?
It's like, well, I have to talk to it, so I guess sure!
Well, there it is.
While things like, uh, Siri and Google tell you, by the way, that you have to say those trigger words before it starts listening to your conversation, which I don't believe in for a second, but these other apps
We'll just turn on whenever the hell they damn well please.
They can't even tell you what the trigger words are that will turn the device's mic on and send that information to a third-party app, which then in turn can sell it to whoever the hell they please.
Or maybe even give it to law enforcement.
And the old adage of, well, if I did nothing wrong, why should I worry about what I'm saying?
Because the definition of what you did wrong is so different in 2018 than maybe it was even a few years ago.
A political affiliation, an ideology, is now wrong.
And those things, as we have seen, can absolutely be used against you to destroy your career, your reputation,
Maybe even your relationships, of course.
But your phone is listening to you.
From time to time, snippets of audio go back to these other apps, like Facebook, by the way.
They go back to those servers, and there's no official understanding of what the triggers are.
Whether it's timing, or location-based, or usage of certain functions,
It's spying on you!
This thing you cannot go a day without is literally spying on you and sending that information off to you don't even know who.
A little scary.
Everything that invades, every technology that invades our privacy on a daily basis is presented to you as a convenience.
It will always be a convenience.
Don't think that, like I said, an agent of this shadowy government is going to knock on your door and ask you for some of your liberties and freedoms.
It doesn't work that way.
Easy Pass was something that, you know, remembering waiting on line to throw change into a basket or hand it to some doofus behind some glass while the traffic is backed up for miles.
And then it's like, well, we got this thing.
You put it in your car and now you just zoom right through.
It's convenient.
You want one, right?
Sure, I do.
Well, what's it doing?
Tracking where you've been, where you're going.
When you went there, it could be used in divorce cases, criminal cases, all of it!
So you gave up a liberty, you gave up a privacy for the ability to not be in a line for a length of time.
And that, again, no one knocked on your door, you did it voluntarily.
Things like OnStar, the same thing.
You don't think for a second that
You have to say, or push a button, or say, hey OnStar, and it starts listening to you?
Because they told you that?
Because they told you that?
It's like when the news tells you, the most trusted team in news.
Who's telling you that?
This team.
Well, how am I supposed to believe that?
Because we're saying it.
And when they tell you they're not listening to you, why would you believe it?
And I'm just as guilty.
I brought one of those Alexa units in my house.
I finally unplugged the goddamn thing.
Unplugged it!
It was answering things that weren't being said!
It was talking back to the television, which is also listening to me!
All of these devices now are spying on us.
And whether it's for some nefarious, weird, globalist
A plan, or it's just to sell your information to retailers.
It's still spying on you.
And it's infringing on your privacy.
And we all do it voluntarily because it's convenient.
Because it's handy.
Thank you.
Anthony Cumia in at InfoWars.com.
You can catch me on Compound Media.
I'll see you in a couple of weeks.
Every week we're going to be profiling a different TV station, TV network, or cable station or network that's picking up InfoWars.
We're on well over a hundred stations right now since we started our syndication push about six months ago.
Now, one TV station that's actually been picking us up for several years that I want to profile first is Phonoscope.
Phonoscope's creator and owner is the man that invented, more than 50, 60 years ago, streaming
Television over phone lines.
That's why it's called Phonoscope, and why it's patented.
Well, he's got several channels and stations in Houston, and he's got us on 24 hours a day.
On Phonoscope, channel 9 in Houston cable systems.
So, we're talking a potential of 6 million people that are able to tune in.
This is very, very exciting.
So to all of our listeners online, even if you're not in Houston,
Be sure and tell any friends, family, or neighbors, or folks that you know who live in the Houston area.
They can tune in to cable channel 9 to Phonoscope, not just for my four-hour broadcast every day.