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Name: 20180515_Tue_Alex
Air Date: May 15, 2018
3174 lines.

" In this segment of the Alex Jones Show, Alex Jones and Cherie Saber discuss Facebook's censorship attempts and share ways to bypass it. They also mention signing up for InfoWars newsletter and the migration of servers. In another segment, Owen Shroyer talks about North Korea possibly cancelling Trump-Kim summit, censorship against InfoWars, and products available through Infowarslife.com. He encourages listeners to buy from infowarsstore.com to support their cause."

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, wow!
Things are really getting crazy.
Turkey has been threatening to launch an Islamic caliphate across Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and into Central Asia.
Turkey believes they now run the Middle East, basically, and are relaunching the Ottoman Empire that was based there for more than 500 years.
And, of course,
Turkey's capital, Istanbul, was Constantinople.
So they know all about usurping Europe and the fall of Rome's Eastern Empire, long after the fall of Rome itself in 410.
And they have set up political parties inside Europe that even Germany has outlawed because you've got some countries that are 10, 15, 20 percent Muslim.
Turkey then organizes them to vote as the Turkish dictator.
Tells them to.
So it's amazing.
And now they threatened last year and this year to, quote, burn down Europe.
If they didn't do what Erdogan said, Erdogan, and then if they didn't let more refugees in so they'd have a bigger voting bloc, let more of us in.
Let the Turkish government direct these groups, or we'll flood you with more people and order them to burn Europe down.
Those are statements from his deputy minister from the Turkish government.
Turkey's going the way of radical Islam.
It's been playing nice for decades to get into Europe's business, but the burkas are going back on the women, the gays are getting thrown off the buildings,
The sexual mutilation of little girls is expanding.
All of it's happening.
And they're saying, we'll flood you, we'll flood you if you don't submit to us.
And now, Turkey recalls its ambassadors from Israel and the United States.
That's been reported on by Al Jazeera and by Reuters.
Turkey recalls ambassadors from US-Israel after over 50 Palestinians killed in Gaza genocide, to use their words.
Well, genocide would be the extermination or the attempted extermination of an entire group of people.
Last time I checked, there is a billion, 300 million Muslims, most of them Arabs, and it's expanding by the millisecond.
And they're saying, you will accept our religion
Or it's over for you.
That sounds like genocide to me, of Christians.
But, regardless, yeah, I'm sad the Palestinians got killed.
Now what about the millions of people killed in the Arab Spring by Muslims taking over?
Oh, we don't humanize them.
Turkey doesn't walk out over that stuff because they helped run the whole thing with Hillary and Obama.
And now that his little precious caliphate is in trouble,
Erdogan, this lunatic maniac, who had a bunch of his security people beat up Christians protesting at their embassy in D.C.
Oh, you're a couple hundred Christians, Armenians, protesting Turkey's ongoing abuse of Christians and others.
You're across the street at a park?
Here, let's let
50 security guys come across and beat you up and even hit police and then the charges were all dropped on them last time I checked.
A few weeks ago.
Remember that dramatic footage of the Turkish security people beating up American citizens in DC?
Meanwhile, there are hundreds and hundreds of Americans held for no reason in rotting Turkish jails.
And Turkey doesn't care.
So now, they've withdrawn
They're people out of the U.S.
and Israel.
That's a sign of war.
We're already at war with radical Islam.
And the main head of it isn't Iran.
Iran wants to be in first place.
So does Saudi Arabia.
It's Turkey!
Because they've been working with the West and been given advanced weapons and training.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
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This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
You know I was thinking in the middle of the night I woke up at about 2 a.m.
last night and I went in to the bedroom where my wife was sleeping I was sleeping in the guest bedroom because she still got the baby in the main bedroom with her and I snore
And there's studies out there that show couples actually get along a lot better that can sleep in separate rooms.
So yes, I sleep in a separate room from my wife most nights.
A lot of nights I go and get in bed with her, but I go in there and she's got our one-year-old daughter curled up so cute right next to her like a little puppy.
And I just looked at him in the
The light, a little bit of light coming through the window.
They were so innocent, they were so good, and I just wanted to protect them.
And I had this gnawing feeling that I'm not doing enough to do that.
How do I protect my children?
When we have been born into this experiment,
And when we know the technocrats have established a planetary program of testing toxins and poisons and compounds and electromagnetic radiation, cultural poisoning, genetic manipulation, basically slow death.
And then I thought, am I guilty for bringing a child into the world?
And that's a debate that a lot of parents have, obviously, who are informed.
And the answer is no.
Because the globalists want to make the world so ugly and so poisonous and so carcinogenic and so twisted that we give up on humanity
And plug in to The Matrix.
That is their transhumanist goal.
I've studied them.
I've studied their programs.
I've studied their operations.
I've studied their own admissions.
And that's 1,000% what we're facing.
Harrison Smith
Was over at my house this weekend, one of our crew members, camera guy, great editor, great researcher of our great crew.
And I was talking about Brave New World, this is a sidebar, and how it's a real battle plan.
And he said, you know, it's amazing, I recently reread that, and it's exactly what they're currently doing.
Sexualizing children, putting chemicals in the food and water to poison the population,
Massive social engineering, ugly architecture, holding up twisted, weak, lazy people as gods.
He goes, how could he get it so right in 1932?
Well, it's not that he guessed what was going to happen.
This is what he and his family were planning on doing.
And again, it's not like that's my opinion.
99% of the time, what I cover is what the globalists have said.
And the globalists want a political system of global control.
But what they really are is transhumanist.
And they're not transhumanist in, oh, I'm going to get better hearing aids, or I'm going to get
You know, a brain chip so I don't have seizures.
Transhumanists are taking control of human evolution, in their words, and building something completely new, and everybody else better get out of the way.
They're like the equivalent of aliens that landed, took control of the governments and the infrastructures, and are now taking control of the entire system.
And that is a fact, ladies and gentlemen.
So, that said, I want to be positive here because nationalism is exploding.
The support for capitalism is exploding.
People realize Christianity is under attack, so it's seeing a resurgence in many areas.
People understand the family is important.
And people are discovering how unelected, authoritarian, and alien
To our current system that's pro-human.
They are discovering just how bad this world globalist cosmology is.
I mean, in 1932, I can hardly read Brave New World again.
I read it again about 10 years ago.
I read it in college.
I read it in high school.
I've read it three times.
And it's written from such a sickening, elitist perspective that when you read something that's almost a hundred years old, and you see how they charted it all, and how they've got it so close now, it really is beyond frustrating
Because we could really beat this easily if adults decided to care or get involved.
But the first thing mainstream media does is they make a joke out of saying, hey, they're creating animal-human clones.
Hey, this toxic waste is screwing up the life forms, including humans.
Hey, glyphosates cause breast cancer to go up 3,000 plus percent.
Hey, smartphones and social media is causing massive depression and suicides.
They even admit it.
But when I would cover it first, they would inoculate people psychologically by demonizing me, making a joke out of it, so that now it's all being admitted.
People are already so hooked.
They've been given the advisory.
They've been now given the warning on the cigarette package a hundred years after they knew it was giving people lung cancer.
And they knew when they deployed cell phones, it was giving you brain tumors.
And now they're just upping the power.
They know every stinking bit of it, and it's all being done by design.
And if you really read deeply, all these tech giant heads live out in the middle of the countryside with no Wi-Fi.
They've got hardened houses.
It's aesthetically hidden, but they've got Faraday cages.
Their children aren't even allowed television or smartphones.
And they're just waiting until this whole thing destroys the general public and turns us into mindless idiots, and then they're going to turn it all off again.
This is the kill grid.
This is Hitler's dream.
This is the soft kill.
This is it.
Now, I got all the big world news we're going to cover when we come back, but first, we are going to discuss this, we're going to break this down, and we're going to figure out a way to stop it together.
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But they've cut off the sponsors.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
You know, I have not made a documentary a full-length one in about six, seven years because I've been so busy on breaking news, but I really want to make a film about Brave New World.
Because Aldous Huxley
Wrote another book called Brave New World Revisited in the early 60s before he died and admitted that his brother ran the World Eugenics Organization, ran the United Nations as the head of UNESCO, but also ran the World Transhumanist Association.
They had a plan to end motherhood and fatherhood and create the transhumans.
And that's why the one thing you can't do is, quote, say something bad about a trans person.
It's not going to be about transing your sex.
Or some sexual fetish.
It is going to be complete overwrite of the human genome, and then saying, oh, you can't criticize that, it's hateful.
That'll be the one world religion's rule.
Designer babies, humanoids, Blade Runner for real, folks.
This is the holy grail of the establishment.
Brave New World, written in 1932, started work on it in 1928.
is not a novel.
It's not fiction.
It's a blueprint.
It's a prospectus.
It's a program.
It's an operational manual.
So we'll be talking more about that because the way Harrison just, he looked down, he goes, it's incredible, it's real.
And I'm like, yes, it is real.
He wrote about his brother,
And the elite British society plan.
And that's why the cell phones are killing us and the glyphosate is killing us and the fluoride is killing us and lowering our IQs.
That's a fact.
And the cell phones are making us depressed and manipulating our dopamine receptors.
And then they even have the heads of Facebook come out and say, I'm embarrassed.
We've brainwashed and brain damaged billions of people and it's getting worse.
Now I'm taking my five billion and running.
Are they doing that because they have guilt and a conscience?
Or are they doing it because metaphysically they have to tell you what they're doing?
It's both!
But it's one thing to set this stuff up because the globalists, you know, hired Sean Parker and others to build it.
It's another thing when you're worth billions of dollars and you got kids and you become a little bit more mature.
And you go, man, this is really uncool.
Because where it leads is a thousand times a thousand times worse.
Alright, I've got so much breaking news, it's just that... How do I break through to people and go?
3G in studies causes multi-thousand percent increases in tumors.
There's now human studies confirming what they found in rats.
Yeah, it's why we test on rats and pigs.
Because physiologically, for whatever reason, rats and pigs, physiologically, operate closer to humans than the other group.
Diseases we can get, rats can get.
Same thing with pigs.
We are so close when it comes to how our bodies react.
Our DNA's not super close, but the way we react is.
Pigs and rats.
And in pig studies and rat studies, 3G, 4G.
You might as well live inside a microwave oven.
That's what it is.
And then I was thinking, you know why this also hit me?
I went down and just walked into Google to be friendly at their headquarters in downtown Austin.
And just to show how they'd flip out and be rude and horrible.
You know, they pry on everybody, illegally spy on you, do all this.
I went down there yesterday.
And they called the police on us and the lady came down and was, you know, rude and everything.
And freaking out, how dare you even be here, scum!
But I just did it to illustrate it.
But then when I walked out of there, I went, wait a minute.
For people that want fast download speeds, and I'm not kissing Google's butt, I'm just being honest here.
Everything has a double-edged sword.
For people that
If you really want to stay away from Wi-Fi, and really want to stay away from 4G and 5G and all this wireless stuff that is totally affecting us physiologically, absolutely in a detrimental way, many estimates are worse than cigarettes to be around 5G.
Now, and that's not talking about what they do psychologically, or culturally, or mentally, how it depresses you.
More big studies out on that I'll cover.
But they act like we're gonna be in this heavenly nirvana
If we just plug into this matrix, but then I was thinking, Google is putting in fiber everywhere.
That is, and we're getting it here, that is so fast you can download two hour movies in HD in like one second.
You don't need any more than that.
But there's no radiation coming out of the lines.
Basically, it doesn't even register.
There's some, but it's just absolutely minute compared to blasting 5G that is a big, fat, microwave transmitter.
And so I was just thinking, I put in wires in my house two years ago when I moved.
And they're coming out of every wall in the house.
And it's a pretty good connection.
Wi-Fi was just put back in my house.
I'm not gonna even get into how it got there or what went on or any of this because of the security system.
And then, oh, that's connected to something else.
And then it's like, well, I just took the stuff out.
Look, I can't sit up here and preach all this if I'm not gonna do something about it.
And I've told the crew, get the engineers in here.
I don't care.
Get the super fast cables in everywhere.
Let's get rid of wireless in this place, man.
Come on, guys.
Yeah, we've got old, you know, lighter systems, but still, it's bad!
And that's how we're going to fix this world, is addressing the real pollution, the genetic engineering, the toxic waste dumping, the electromagnetic artificial radiation.
The cross-species cloning.
All of these are the threats, and the sick joke to the globalists is, they've got us all obsessed over carbon dioxide, which at one of the lowest levels ever recorded on this planet that plants live off of, as part of the carbon cycle, instead of all the thousands of things that are killing us.
And the average leftist goes, good, there are too many people.
You always hear that.
Hey, moron!
You think the 5G is good for everything?
You wonder why the honeybees are all dying?
Why the whales are beaching?
Why all these thousands of species are dying?
Many forests are silent now.
Why does the soil all over the U.S.
have 10 times the aluminum dioxide it had just 50 years ago?
It's not even being belched out of factories anymore.
Where is it coming from?
We're being experimented on.
The atmosphere is being changed.
Something big's going on, hundreds of times bigger than the Manhattan Project, and I've read what the Globalists said they were going to build, and their declassified documents, and we know actually what it is.
And it does not appear to be human.
I don't know if it's off-world, inter-dimensional, or these people are crazy and think they're building this thing, and so they're psychotics and think that they're building this thing, but let me tell you, they were envisioning 160 years ago, silicon life forms, biometrics, it was the Huxleys, it was the Wedgwoods, it was the, it was the, uh, all of them were in a cult and inner-bred to create this new super-machine that they're about to launch against us!
I don't know who's running them!
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It's gonna get more Twilight Zone from here.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
We're saying, if you're out there and you're trying to represent your First Amendment right to free speech, if somebody comes and attacks you, it's your right to defend yourself.
It got ugly.
Violence erupting at the event.
Fights broke out.
Fists flying between Trump supporters and anti-Trump supporters.
I want to warn the folks watching at home, we're about to see some very violent footage.
You say he's not your president?
Then you shouldn't be here!
Donald Trump is bringing us together!
You got that?
This is the heart of 1776!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
I'm going to say one more thing about how Brave New World is a blueprint for total control and enslavement and human extermination.
In the author's own words, he said, this is a novel based on the elite's plan that is progressing a little bit behind, but that we intend to carry out against you.
And I disagree with George Orwell that it'll be a police state in the future.
It will not.
We'll put ourselves in our prisons.
We'll break up your families, drug you into oblivion, and then exterminate you.
THX 1138 by George Lucas, both his student film and then his feature film, are adaptations of Brave New World.
THX 1138.
So you might want to research that.
Now, that said,
I was watching Wild Wild Country on Netflix this weekend when I was on the elliptical and I'm up to episode three.
And I knew about the Maharishi and you know that cult and all the other eastern invasion cults.
It's pretty bad stuff.
Because you have these little trendy kids brought up by baby boomers and brought up by others.
To just think they can do whatever they want, and they have no discipline, and then along comes this guy, and says you can be as worldly and as wicked as you want, and because you're so ascendant, they completely buy into it.
But when you watch it, it's the blueprint of the Democratic Party, the blueprint of Apple, the blueprint of Bezos.
The whole thing is their blueprint.
But evil has a blueprint.
They didn't get their blueprint from the Maharishi.
Evil is a system, and it always sets up these hierarchical programs, claiming they're not hierarchical.
They're always obsessed with drugging and covertly poisoning people.
So, fluoride in the water, adding lead to the gasoline, when they had other formulations that were much better, and they would have the people go completely insane that worked in the refineries around the lead, and murder rates were way, way, way, way, way higher, and within two years of lead being taken out of gasoline, the crime rate in this country dropped 40%.
The violent crime rate.
You know, the left, one argument they have whenever I go, hey, concealed carry came in in the mid-90s and crime dropped 60% nationwide using guns, which is true.
And they go, yeah, but that's the same time that lead was phased completely out.
And I go, actually, it was a little bit before that, but you're right, actually.
Attributed around 40% of the crime drop was the lead being taken out.
Another 21% had top professors on, like John Lott and others, was the guns.
But see, Time will admit this.
That was Standard Oil is who pushed that.
Even Time Magazine admit Standard Oil did that in 1924.
Folks, I harp on this because I've got hundreds of news articles that are all riveting, incredibly important, amazing, absolutely must be covered.
Turkey pulling ambassadors out, talking about war, threatening to flood Europe with more Islamists.
That is incredibly important.
What's going on in Israel?
The Deputy Pope on trial for kidnapping over 100 children.
There's a news blackout on that.
Mueller's caught working with the Russians.
That's mainstream news.
Even The Hill.
I mean, this is big.
People attacking Melania Trump and her kidney surgery.
I mean, you know, an off-duty female cop shooting a guy three times and killing him when he tries to kidnap kids.
I mean, we've got a ton of stuff here!
But why did the Maharishi poison people
When he had no reason to.
Because it's a power trip they get off on seeing people under their control.
And you know he was drugging people inside the base.
I know people that worked in his security detail.
I remember hearing about this in Hollywood 15 years ago.
They were sticking rattlesnakes in people's mailboxes.
It was way worse than what you see on the TV show.
The TV show's almost pro.
That's what the leftists are.
It's a cult.
And can you imagine that they have been putting 1.6 parts per million of hydrofluorosilicic acid.
That's souped up, amped up acid form of fluoride.
Not calcium fluoride that you gotta have microns of or you'll be a sickly person.
You need a little bit of arsenic as well in the environment.
A little bit of lead.
But super microscopic amounts.
This is weaponized adjuvant to then activate every other toxin in your body and take it through the blood-brain barrier.
It's only the full metal jacket fluoride to get the poison in.
There are studies out there, when they dump another fluoride-based Prozac
Well, you think a bunch of leftists and a bunch of leftist lawyers just went out to Oregon and put stuff in the water and the food?
They love it!
They're religion!
I said 20 in 24 cities.
Good memory, but not good.
And major labs looked at it and said, these aren't even Luvox or Prozac molecules.
It's like a generic one.
And they went to other toxicologists and scientists and said, could these drugs be breaking down into something similar, but simpler?
They went, no.
You know how many of the water treatment facility people and how many of the private labs have had their scientists killed?
You know how many labs that test blood independently get murdered?
Look at the Clinton blood scandal, folks.
Here's the problem.
I could talk for a thousand hours here about it.
They're putting chemicals directly in the water.
They're not just putting Atrazine in there.
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of chemicals.
They are mutating everybody in front of you.
You go to the mall, everybody looks like the Walking Dead.
We are being murdered, systematically.
It's all compartmentalized.
And let me tell you, the heads of Google,
The heads of Apple, the heads of Microsoft, all of them are in on it.
And that's why they want this show shut down.
Because they're all drinking purified water and having clean air, living out in the middle of nowhere except for their own business trips, hiding their families, not letting their children have any technology.
This is all on record.
And they are all running to the countryside and isolated islands to watch us die.
And they fly in on big private jets,
To administer the technological takeover, the capturing of the human species, the putting us into a trance, drugging us, mesmerizing us, while they sterilize us.
You're living in a science fiction dystopia.
The 5G, the 4G, the 3G is killing you.
When you're driving along in your car with three, four people with cell phones on, and now the cars have wireless in them, so you get the weather and everything, those are frying you inside a metal tin can.
You're in a microwave with microwave ovens.
Because see, a microwave's not that powerful unless it's right up against your head.
Then it fries the DNA and breaks the strands at point-blank range.
That's why you got that type of brain tumor itself doubling, they admit it's cell phones.
But inside an aluminum can, that's why people sometimes keep cell phones inside an aluminum case, and you hear about cell phones blowing up, because it can chain reaction.
And you're inside, one of the engineers reminded me of this, you're inside your car with Wi-Fi and your cell phone, you are in a microwave oven.
Now again, I believe we can turn this around.
We can defeat the globalists.
We can expose globalism.
We can learn about their system.
We're having a success with Trump.
He's not in on this.
That's why the government's trying to block him from everything.
That's why they're trying to keep him out of everything.
Because this plan is powerful, because it's so far-reaching, so diabolical, and run by only a few technocrats at the top through compartmentalization.
But it's also very weak, because once you admit the horrible plan, and are aware of it, of a bunch of tax-exempt robber barons,
A huge Rockefeller slash British royalty eugenics plan.
Once you're aware of the plan, it's easy to defeat.
But you've got to admit it's happening.
And it is happening!
It's public!
And it's getting worse!
It was about 25 years ago that I began to read publicly available
Books that have been written for the State Department and for the CIA by top professors at Georgetown, Harvard, and Yale.
So that the CIA and other agencies could understand the complex political system they were building.
And in short, it was going to be called a technocracy.
But it was going to fund communism and socialism and fascism.
But really what it was was crony capitalism.
So decades later, after fighting against this, humanity is somewhat awake to the threat.
But at the same time, despite all our successes, changing this paradigm really is an inside job.
It's up to us personally.
So, I don't feel sorry for myself being demonized by mainstream media and being attacked and the globalists filing frivolous lawsuits.
I expected that to happen.
This is 21st century warfare.
I just wanna make sure that you, the listeners, and you, the viewers, many of you already understand this, so I'm not patronizing those of you that are already awake, but I wanna make sure all of you realize this isn't just some more entertainment.
This isn't just some other talking head.
The reason they hate what we cover is because I and others have researched what they actually are planning, and it is nightmarish, it is authoritarian, it is eugenics-based, it is anti-human.
And we've already come so far together
That I know that if each and every one of you will just go research these issues for yourself, you will find out how real it is and understand it's not your duty.
It is your basic survival to stand up against this anti-human onslaught.
If you go back into history, it was 3% that volunteered for the Revolutionary War back in 1776.
But if you look at the InfoWars audience, it's maybe 10% of the United States, another 10% or so worldwide.
That's a conservative estimate.
But we have 50, 60, 70 million people listening.
We have more than that that have tuned in over the years.
The point is, is that if you look at that, that's less than 3% of the world population.
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Without you, we couldn't do it.
So, thank you all for remembering InfoWarsStore.com and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Oh my gosh.
You know, when I'm driving up to work in the morning, or I'm up here working at night, I've got so many issues I want to cover, and then I tend to just go back to the eugenics, back to the technocracy, back to the private corporate world government, that we've finally gotten to the point that the general public knows is real.
Wow, there's big megacorporations that have set up a private tax-exempt world government, and they're authoritarian, and they're being voted out across the world.
But they're dug into power.
They're dug into the corporations.
They're dug into the big companies.
And they all pose as SJWs.
Jeff Bezos.
Bill Gates.
Ted Turner.
Tim Cook.
George Soros.
Every stinking one of them.
Oh, Hungry just threw out his foundation.
Base where he used to help round up Jews.
And send them to the death camps.
And Soros openly brags on CNN that he overthrew Ukraine.
He brags that he's trying to overthrow these countries.
And make them take massive Muslim immigration in.
He brags at Davos.
He helped set that up with the UN.
And they said, you know what, George Soros?
He funds the Zodiac boats coming out of North Africa.
He's on record.
They said no to the Soros plan.
We're a Christian nation.
And so Soros goes, they're hateful, they're being mean, they ran against me, I'm leaving and I'm moving to Germany.
Yeah, I guess that gets you closer to your Nazi masters.
I'm not bashing Germans.
I'm part German.
My wife's pretty much German and then some Irish.
Not knocking the Deutsch people, but I am knocking Merkel and the EU-Hitler plan.
You know, when I say the EU was a Hitler plan, when I say Juncker, his father and grandfather were the top Nazis in Germany, I mean, that's a historic textbook fact.
When I say that the EU is unelected, that's a fact.
When the Southern Poverty Law Center calls everybody that's pro-America Nazis, or Spike Lee calls Trump a Nazi, in an expletive-filled interview, Spike Lee's the Nazi.
Spike Lee's the one who
Is pushing total racial division constantly.
And every time they dredge up some old wounds like the KKK, fine, make a movie about it, win awards about it, great.
But then to compare it to Trump and say he doesn't care about black people because he didn't decry the Klan.
He said he didn't like David Duke hundreds of times, you lying, race pimping sack of garbage.
Spike Lee.
And his movies are like after school specials, they're not even that good.
That mother effer was given a chance to say we were about love and not hate.
That's what Trump's been saying.
Word for word.
And that mother you-know-what-er did not denounce that mother effing Klan, the alt-right, and those Nazi mother effers, he said.
You are a liar!
You were picked by the corrupt evil Hollywood.
To be the token black guy out there, instead of all the other talented black directors and people that are out there, to spew racial division in this country and to open up wounds.
Why do you think there's hundreds of movies right now about whites being racist and whites being evil?
It's to create racial division.
What was going on when they were practicing for martial law during Jade Helm?
We got the documents.
The Soros's were planning a race war in this country with blue city police departments.
That's not a double entendre.
Blue state areas.
To then try to get blacks to riot so Obama could declare a civil emergency.
We have those documents!
Those are public!
Those are not denied!
And that's your job!
Is to go out there and turn around when Trump, word for word, says, I'm all about love, everybody coming together and working together like he did 40 years ago, opening up those golf courses and hotels that still private hotels and golf courses didn't allow blacks and Jews in them and the rest of it.
So you don't care about the reality.
You just care about shooting your mouth off at your George Soros funded deals and going to the falling apart Cannes Film Festival to put out your black KKK Klansman movie.
I mean, the Klan was a complete joke by the 60s.
Oh, Spike Lee won't make a movie about LBJ saying black people were slaves.
Or that he was going to enslave black people.
No, no.
You won't hear any of that from the Democrats.
No, no.
You're only going to hear about how there's all these evil white people everywhere.
Put out by Spike Lee.
Spike Lee slams Trump as mother effer after the black Klansman premiere.
To get some publicity.
Does he say a word about them putting HIV in the vaccines in Africa?
Or 52% of blacks get deported before they're born?
Or no, he says nothing.
He says zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero.
Because Spike Lee's a monster, just like Maxine Waters.
He knows exactly what he's doing.
He wants to make sure black people have chips on their shoulders.
He wants to make sure white people are so freaked out they're scared to be around black people.
And he wants to keep you absolutely right in the place where they can bombard you and control you and ship the narcotics right into your neighborhood and just set you up for prison.
He won't make a movie about Hillary Clinton calling black people animals.
Dogs said keep them to heel!
Teach them black men to heal like dogs?
He won't do a thing about that!
Neither will Maxine Waters!
Will he make a movie about fluoride having twice the negative effects on people of African descent than any other racial group?
He won't say a word about that because he doesn't care about you.
He just walks around with his attitude problem worth hundreds of millions of dollars trying to stir up race war in this country when there's a war on humanity going on.
You take Brazil.
I got a video on air right now.
Shifting gears out of that.
Every day, I see another video of a woman or a man defending themselves when a criminal breaks in with a gun or with a knife or with a club.
And everywhere in the world, their right to self-defense is upheld, except in the UK and areas of Europe, where they throw the book at you.
But in Brazil, they've got a man who's in the front running out of eight candidates to be president, and he says he wants the Second Amendment there.
Brazil has a very high crime rate, despite they have a total gun ban.
Well, there's footage of a man running up, looks like trying to kidnap kids on the street, aiming a gun at him, and this woman, this mother, this off-duty police officer, instantly goes into action, reaches out, triple taps him in the chest, and then, like a Cobra strike, gets behind the car.
Does it perfectly in seconds.
Boom, boom, boom.
Puts himself in harm's way to protect the children.
He later died.
And it's powerful.
Here, there's no sound.
It's a CCTV camera.
Let's back this up for TV viewers.
I'll describe it for radio listeners.
Let's roll it.
Yeah, slow it down.
Slow it down five times.
He comes up, pulls out his revolver.
Starts pointing at little kids, trying to drag little kids away, it looks like.
Kidnapping's a big thing there.
And she reaches out and shoots him with a Glock 9mm.
Three times, dead center in the chest.
And there he begins to die.
Not that I love death, not that I love killing, but I love seeing people defend themselves and take action.
But you don't see this kind of stuff on the national news because it's the image of a woman defending children, true feminism, women being empowered, not the expense of men, but with everybody being empowered.
Instead of a bunch of disarmed, unhappy, bitter women clinging to Hillary Clinton like she's their pimp.
We're going to go to break and come back with the latest news on Turkey.
The latest incredible news unfolding around the world.
Turkey basically declaring war on the U.S.
and Israel.
We've got so much more we're going to go through coming up.
We have a bunch of guests joining us.
But before I go any further, I need your financial support plus I got products you really need.
We're going to have to end the sale.
In the next two days, on a bunch of these items, like 50% off bodies, the ultimate turmeric formula, 95% curcumin in level, all of the toothpaste products that are fluoride-free, empowered and fortified with iodine, colloidal silver, the super blue products, 50% off.
That's the mouthwash, the immune gargle, all of it.
All six different items, 50% off.
Get them together and get free shipping.
And back on sale, back in stock.
25% Survival Shield X2, the good allergen.
25% off, but it's going to sell out.
I'll have to end this sale soon.
We're not going to get more for a month.
We're able to get a rush half shipment in.
Now we've completed that one shipment, so we have a month or so until that other shipment comes in.
And we're running low on the supply.
Stay with us.
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That's why we're celebrating Patriots Day this April throughout the month with double Patriot points at InfoWarsStore.com.
No longer 5%, but now 10% at InfoWarsStore.com.
Desiree, thanks for holding her on the air from California.
Go ahead.
Just wanted to let you know I've been listening to you for about six years now.
My husband turned me on to you and absolutely I could not stand you.
For about the first two months I listened to you and now I listen every single day to your phone.
I feel that you do and I absolutely thank God that I have a forum that I can contribute to and I get such an amazing product.
We use your brain force, your survival shield.
I work nights, 12-14 hours a night, 5 days a week.
I use your winter sun, your selenium, the real red pill.
Your bio-PCA, immune wall.
I'm just here in California, fighting, trying to survive with the demon rats.
How they're demonizing my state, I just can't stand it anymore.
You have changed my life and for wars has changed my family's life.
I bought property in a no-fly zone, no cell phone service, got my own well water.
My mind is so open to everything that's going on, but I need to know what else we can do.
Well, you're on the right track, Desiree.
What you're doing right now is absolutely working, and thank you for calling and sharing that with everyone.
I think she should just share her testimony.
By the way, Desiree, again, thank you for your call.
Absolutely, sweetheart.
We love you and tell your husband we love him.
We really appreciate you.
Keep up the fight.
We need to take California back.
Thank you, Desiree.
We're going to come back and make more calls.
Thank you, sweetheart.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I was at the inauguration with the head of Turning Point USA.
I actually flew back on part of the leg to Austin on a plane with him, and he said, oh yeah, we got big plans to reach young people, reach communities of every type.
I think?
Now, Turning Point USA is really exploding, and they're going out and they're getting the best folks from every walk of life who just want to empower this country.
So be sure and follow Brandon Tatum at TheOfficerTatum.
You know, his videos have hundreds and hundreds of millions of views, but then you go to his Twitter, there's hardly anybody following him.
And that's because Twitter artificially doesn't let conservatives and libertarians and patriots and people that just want to get along promote anything.
And we've got a big announcement on this, coming up after Brandon leaves us.
We got this from Roger Stone yesterday, and I've confirmed it all now, and starting May 25th, all conservative advertising by political candidates, because it's not just the Alex Jones Show, we've checked other areas, will be banned.
Facebook says they're not allowing that communication, so the Republican Party wants to reach out and advertise
On Facebook, two people on our pages.
We don't even get any money.
They're refusing that advertisement, so that's coming up.
So there is a real war going on to suppress everybody, but they can't silence it all.
If we continue to speak up, I think they've jumped the shark, but at the Officer Tatum.
Brandon, good to have you back with us.
Now, Brandon, this is a short segment, longer segment coming up, and I've got a lot of questions I want to get into, but for you, when we come back, what's front and center for you right now?
So right now, what I'm doing is just developing strategy and trying to get, I would say, a coalition of individuals together so that we can make an impact in the urban communities.
One of the major things that we're trying to do is to get into HBCUs, historical black colleges,
Develop chapters there and we have a huge event that's that's going to that we've already planned out.
It's already scheduled people can apply for it.
It's the Young Black Leadership Summit in DC Washington DC in October.
So that's kind of the main focus right now.
What I'm doing is just trying to get that summit together.
And prepare young people to inspire people all across the country.
Well I want to send a crew to cover that because we're seeing with Candace Owens and you and Trump and everybody else a double the number of black American males supporting the president.
I mean this shows this real engagement could break the trance the Democratic Party has on people.
Yeah, I think it definitely will.
I've already seen it.
You know, it's funny that I met a young lady who works for a very, very liberal organization.
She happened to be African American.
And me and her sat in my living room and had a conversation.
And literally,
We had the exact same ideologies.
I mean, not one thing that we discussed we differ on.
And this is the evolution of young African-American people waking up to what the left is doing and actually trying to make a sort of effort to come together and say, what do we need to do to make this situation better as people, as Americans?
And I mean, that's very exciting for me to see somebody on the opposite side actually have the same ideas.
It's incredible.
You know, we see though the censorship taking place ahead of the 2018 elections.
I want to talk about that when we come back as well.
But I would imagine, I haven't ever asked this question, but I would imagine that you've probably seen some attempts to dial back what you're doing.
Yeah, you're talking about on social media?
Oh yeah, like you mentioned, the Twitter.
You know, it's quite interesting that I post things on Twitter and it just seems like certain things that I say, I don't know if it's trigger words for Twitter, it's literally censored.
YouTube is killing.
Every video I upload is demonetized automatically.
And I had two videos completely taken off of YouTube, and then I was, I'm banned from live streaming.
See, I knew it, because everybody I talk to is happening.
And look, I can get a little, you know, a little mean.
I've watched your videos are as gentlemanly as it comes, and that's what they're scared of.
We'll be right back with Brandon Tatum.
Stay with us.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are broadcasting worldwide.
I am Alex Jones, your host.
So much is going on here at the Infowars News Center that I can't even keep track of half of it.
I've had a major Republican Party
Individuals send me the documents from Facebook.
It appears they intend to basically ban us or completely shadow ban us on May 24th.
When they're telling the Republican Party and others that they will no longer be able to access our public pages on Facebook that have millions and millions of likes.
So what's happening is they're banning
The Republican Party from being able to buy ads from Facebook to simply advertise voting, recruitment, events, races.
This is so draconian.
And, you know, we could make it about InfoWars.
But since I learned about this yesterday, I made a couple other calls.
And it's happening to other conservative libertarian sites.
So this is how the media does it.
They'll demonize one conservative group and make up lies about them and try to get the others to not support them.
Then they'll talk bad about this group and say, oh, don't support them.
And then pretty soon they ban everybody.
This is here.
Now, Brandon Tatum has had videos with 60, 70, 80, 100 million views individually.
But as soon as he exploded last year as a SWAT team, a police officer who was also moonlighting
That's somebody just speaking out for the First Amendment.
Suddenly, he was having his videos banned, blocked.
They were getting 100,000 views.
That's what they're doing to everybody.
This is draconian.
It's everywhere.
And we have Twitter employees admitting to censoring conservatives, banning them for political reasons.
It's going on, it's happening.
And even, you know, Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire talks about that.
Ben should come out against it.
Because if we don't hang together, we're going to hang separate.
And Brandon Tatum's here with us, and I want to get...
A bunch of issues with him.
Candace Owens and she's part of Turning Point USA and he's a part of that as well.
The Director of Urban Engagement and the exciting things that are happening.
But if we can't tell you about the exciting things that are happening, if we're put in an electronic ghetto, then what comes next?
So just recount for us the positive things that are happening, what you see happening in communities all across the nation, and where you see this going, but also the fight
To be able to continue to reach out with this message of hope and prosperity that President Trump and you and others are promoting.
Yeah, I'm seeing a real awakening.
I mean, this is not a game.
This is not propaganda.
Like I have communicated with people that are historically on the left and they can see that there's a need for change.
A lot of things that I've seen are something that's major to me as far as
Party shift is that I think people don't look at Donald Trump as a Republican.
People don't see Donald Trump as a politician.
They see Donald Trump for who he is and what he stands for.
And as America can see, we voted him in and he's doing exactly what he said he was going to do.
So I think that that inspires people on both sides.
And I've talked to people that's in L.A., in the hood,
And they tell me the same thing, that they need to change.
They're tired of the Democrats running their city and ruining their cities.
You know, like I said, I talked to the young lady from another organization that's like Turning Point, and I'm not going to say the organization because I don't want to throw her out there, but...
You know, she's from an opposing organization, but she sees the same thing.
We talked about Barack Obama.
We talked about the problems in disenfranchisement in the black communities.
And this is a real thing, and I think people should take it serious.
And I think we should continue to fight and continue to post things and continue to share content on our platforms from other people who we respect.
This show, I respect it a lot.
I love it.
I tell everybody about the Alex Jones Show.
Um, so I think that we gotta continue to do that.
I mean, until they change, we cannot back down, we cannot give up, we cannot be cowardice in this situation.
And I know that my stuff have been censored, which makes me mad.
I mean, personally, I feel personal when they delete videos that I've worked so hard to produce, and I know there's gonna be an impact.
But we gotta just keep sharing each other's content and keep putting it out there and try to do our best to be in the streets and meet people where they are, like physically going and doing speeches and stuff, which is what I want to do.
And I think we'll continue to be successful.
Separate from that, here you are, you know, smart, articulate, handsome American, and just so happens to be black, and you're out there doing this great work, you're popular with the real people, and then there's Spike Lee and everybody, and Snoop Dogg injecting the most vicious hate, calling that, this is Spike Lee when he's winning this big award for his new movie, which I'm sure the movie's probably good, I'm sure the message is fine.
My issue is with what he's doing now.
That mother efferb,
Was given a chance to say, we're about love and not hate.
That's what Trump's been doing.
And that mother effer...
Did not denounce that mother-effing Klan.
Like 50 times he did.
They kept saying denounce, denounce.
And the alt-right and that Nazi mother-effers.
No, he said the alt-right was bad at Charlottesville.
He said Antifa also is just as bad and is a horrible, nasty, evil group as well.
The media lied.
And Spike Lee's not stupid.
Snoop Dogg's not stupid.
I mean, he used to be friends with Trump.
They all know Trump's a good guy.
So now Hollywood wants this, the Democrats want this, and they're out there promoting the real hate here, the real division in my view.
What's your view on that?
Well, it's a tribe-like mentality.
Unfortunately, culturally, this is what happens.
Spike Lee has to come out and say that.
If Spike Lee was to be honest and identify with the successes of Donald Trump, he will literally be, you know, thrown out of the community.
No one would want to watch his movies.
They'll call him an Uncle Tom and a sellout.
So, with that mentality, it's very difficult for people who don't have a strong spine to come out and tell the truth.
Snoop Dogg, they want to sell records, they want to be in the in crowd in the black community.
And to be honest, the people who are in Charlottesville, they know what the truth is.
The people who are living in these Democrat run cities, who are unemployed and homeless, they know what it is.
Those are the individuals that go to these rallies.
Those are the individuals that go out and vote.
So I'm disappointed in Spike Lee.
I'm disappointed in Snoop Dogg and these other people who I would consider to be cowards.
I'm disappointed in their approach because they're killing the minds of young people who would otherwise be more successful.
But I'm telling you this, it is going to change.
The tide is going to turn.
They can only talk stupid and make up lies and be emotional for only so long before the facts are revealed and people start really changing.
I mean I happen to have studied Trump and he's well known 40 plus years ago actually bringing in black promoters, everybody, and for the first time treating them good when the other hotel owners and people wouldn't.
He's the first guy to buy up all these
Weird racist country clubs, and then open them up!
I mean, he was hated when he took over Mar-a-Lago and opened it up to Jews and blacks and everybody else.
Trump's famous!
That's why all the rappers loved him!
And the way they all know him, a lot of them have stayed at his house, a lot of them have been on his boat with him, they know how much Trump likes everybody.
And the fact that they treat him like that shows that they're beyond just race pimps.
They are evil deceivers, in my view.
It's going to be a change.
There's a lot of people that do not agree with these mainstream folks.
And when voting time comes, when 2020 comes around, we're going to see a landslide in voting.
They just cannot verbalize it right now because they'll be shunned.
But, you know, I think the cream rises to the top.
Donald Trump should have never been president with all the stuff that they did against him and all of the above.
But see, he's the cream of the crop and he will rise to the top.
And I'll say this one thing.
I watched him at that ceremony where that young lady got killed, that police officer, and he was holding hands with her 90-year-old grandmother and with all of these people showing so much love.
Literally, I started tearing up because of how genuine that man is.
And the world can see that.
And we're going to start, and people are going to start exercising what they see and not what they hear.
Wow, man, you're really making me get tears in my eyes because I can feel it spiritually, this evil spirit of us hating each other and being all afraid.
Trump is, and we together, we're breaking that spirit right now.
Yes, we are.
We are.
One person at a time, one video at a time, one dedicated segment at a time.
We're going to change it.
And as long as we keep our faith in God and keep praying, we're going to make it happen.
And it's going to happen, not because we want our party to win, but it's because this is what's right.
This is what's best for this country.
That's right.
And a bunch of Republican bluebloods, they're getting pushed aside as well.
The truth is coming out, and no amount of lies from Hillary Clinton or Spike Lee or Michael Moore are going to work.
We'll be back to talk about how we get on the offense.
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The President of the United States is racist.
He's a punk.
He's a dog.
He's a pig.
And he can suck my f***ing d***.
He's a con, a bullsh** artist, a mutt.
Kiss my motherf***ing ass, you big punk d*** sucker.
The President of the United States
He's not only unfit to be president.
In my book, his lack of empathy, his lack of leadership, his lack of courage, he's unfit to be human.
He is clearly trying to ignite a civil war in this country.
This is CNN.
Donald J. Trump is president of the United States.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We have a guy in the White House, I'm not gonna say his name.
It was a defining moment.
It was not just Americans for the world.
And that mother was given a chance to say we're about love and not hate.
And that mother
Did not denounce the mother****** clan, the alt-right, and those Nazi mother******.
It was a defining moment.
He could have said to the world, not the United States, that we were better than that.
The so-called mother****** creole democracy, that's some bull****.
United States of America was built upon the genocide of native people and slavery.
That is the fabric of the United States of America.
As my broken brother Jay-Z would say, facts.
I was given Susan Breaux's phone number.
That's enough.
I shouldn't even waste time playing that.
There's slavery going on in seven Muslim nations right now.
No one's saying evil didn't go on everywhere.
No one's saying it's good.
But just living it constantly, that's what Kanye West was saying, shouldn't be our identity.
And then it shouldn't be George Soros and Hollywood promoting it.
It's in the WikiLeaks to keep us at each other's throats.
But people like Brandon Tatum, with Turning Point USA, he's the director of urban engagement.
Earlier, for people that just joined us, we are breaking the trance.
Give us your report, sir, of traveling around the country, going to these big black colleges, what you're seeing there.
Yeah, we're in the works of getting into these colleges.
I spoke at Texas State, and right now it's a struggle, you know, because when I spoke at Texas State, we invited Black Lives Matter, we invited all these other groups that are Afrocentric, and they were too afraid to show up.
And so, we're going to try to do our best to get into these HBCUs, which is our plan moving forward.
I know for a fact we're going to have adversity because people like Spike Lee, and I'm not saying this is all black people, people like Spike Lee are too cowardice to have a real conversation.
I used to have respect for Spike Lee, and if I saw him face to face today, I'll tell him he's a coward in his face.
Because what he's saying is despicable.
It is embarrassing.
Because the whole world is looking at African American people and they seeing an idiot like him say what he said.
When you're talking about something that happened a hundred years ago, you're so distraught as a millionaire in America and you don't leave.
And then you turn around and there's people gunning young black people down in our own communities.
There's drugs that are selling our young people drugs.
I got family members who are on drugs right now.
I know how it has ruined our family.
People are in prison.
You know, and this guy is talking about Donald Trump.
People in the hood, people in these communities that he's trying to represent, they're not worried about Donald Trump.
They're not worried about what the news is saying.
They're worried about picking up dead young people off the street every day.
I was about to say, as a former police officer and SWAT officer, I mean, what, 2,000 black people die a year in Chicago, thousands more injured, never a word from the liberals.
I mean, why is it everywhere liberals run it?
Rich white liberals, mainly, that there's such death and destruction, and then Spike Lee and people like, you know, all those folks, Michael Moore, they've all got bodyguards, but then poor people, they say, can't have bodyguards.
Well, you know, it's hypocrisy.
Because they not only pay money for bodyguards, if they get in trouble and they go to court, they have a whole team of attorneys that can support them.
They're not getting an appointed person.
You know, they have a whole bunch of things that give them advantages in this country that they refuse to give back.
I tell you this for a matter of fact, African American people in this country need to stop worrying about and focusing on the government.
We have enough economic wealth
If they put all the black people together in America, we'll be like the top 15 richest country in the world.
We have enough economic wealth as individuals that if we came back and put that money into our communities, if we built our own schools, if we put books into our own schools, if we had programs that'll help young black people in our own communities, all of these black churches in these communities, we could have our own economy.
Well, see, people like Spike Lee, they want to make all this money off the backs of black people, and then turn around and point the finger at the government.
It just makes me so mad, and I wish these things will change.
Myself, Candace Owens, Turning Point USA, we are going to do our best to be a part of the change.
Obviously, you too, Alex.
I know that you are heavily involved, and you want to be more involved in this stuff, and I know that you'll be active, but we're all together.
We have to do our best at changing this narrative.
These people are suckers.
Spike Lee is a sucker, and any one of these people that get out and talk like him, I'll tell them to their face.
Well, he knows.
Michael Moore, all these guys behind the scenes, some people that know him, these liberal elites know it's a game plan.
It's in the WikiLeaks that they're going out to stir up cultural division.
That's what they call it.
Man, Donald Trump said a million times that he disavowed these people.
He said it a million times.
He said it the day of.
He said it when they tried to confront him and said he didn't say it fast enough.
I don't know what other way can he say that he disavowed his people and that all evil in America... This is what they want, Alex.
This is what they want him to say.
They want him to say white people are bad.
They don't want him to say evil is wrong, no matter where it's coming from.
They want him to focus on white people.
And those are the things that they try to, you know, say behind the scenes.
By the way, then they found two videos of him on TV 20 plus years ago denouncing Duke without anyone even asking him to.
The man is not a racist.
I don't understand how they think he's a racist and, you know, anti-Semitic.
I don't understand how a person with a connection or connected brainstem can come to that conclusion with all of the things that he's done.
I'll tell you this, you cannot be that successful and that wide of a range.
You cannot get more of the black vote than any other Republican candidate that have run for the presidency in the last few years if you are a blatant racist.
This man is trying to fix DACA, something that Obama would never try to do.
This man is focusing on the black community, something that Obama would never do.
This man is open to all people.
He want America to become great.
He's not saying, I want white people to be great again.
He said America.
Lower intensity.
And that's my last question for you, and I hope you can come back for a full hour soon and take calls.
How do people get involved to help what you're doing?
You're actually going out in the community, you're actually going into these universities that have been totally brainwashed, these factories of division, and you're actually bringing the real message of Martin Luther King back into these communities.
Yeah, so I think if people want to directly contact me, I have an email.
It's Brandon.Tatum at TPUSA.com.
Go to my email, email me.
Let me know if you want to get involved.
Let me know what city you're in.
If you have something going on in the city and you need me or Candace or somebody to come and us to facilitate growth there or for us to do certain things, I mean, we're open to it.
I mean, that's our whole mission is to go out and reach America.
And I think that the African-Americans in this country really need a lot of help.
And I think myself and Candace can be good advocates.
Um, but that's, that's for the bigger picture.
We want to help African Americans because when African Americans do well, the rest of the country does well.
And I don't want to think people think it's just, it's all about black people.
It's not.
These people... No, but the Democrats think that they own black people and, and then Republicans just get scared and just stand back and let the Democrats do whatever they want and it's time to say no.
Right, exactly, 100%.
It's a new day, a new age.
We're not going to dwell on the past.
We're going to focus on our future, and we're going to do everything that we can, as long as we're breathing on this earth, to make things better.
Brandon Tatum, again, we appreciate the great work you're doing.
Look forward to having you back, and look forward to having our crew go cover this amazing conference you've got coming up as well.
God bless you, my friend.
We're watching your great work.
You really do inspire us all.
Thank you, Alex.
I love you, man.
Love you, too.
Wow, he's awesome.
And that's why they're censoring him, because he's so professional and nice and tells the truth, and they're trying to block him, too.
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I thought I'd have a couple of the Barrett 50 Cals in here for TV viewers.
With Pat and Q, we'll set those up here in front for everybody.
Wanna see them?
And that's the, what, the Army or Marine Corps version, right?
And you got what the Navy tends to use right there, a little bit short-barreled, 50 cal.
We're gonna go to Michael Savage right now and get his take on that.
We're gonna get back into his new book.
Dr. Savage, what do you think of those babies?
I think you guys should come visit San Francisco and we'll take a stroll down Broadway with those guns.
What do you think folks would do if they saw that?
In San Francisco, they probably wouldn't even notice it.
They're so stoned, they wouldn't even notice it.
But first off, the epic moment we're at as a society and a culture, where they are ready to burn everything down just to stop not just Trump, but America's resurgence.
Michael Savage, this is... How do you quantify this moment we're in as a civilization?
And thank you so much for coming on with us.
Well, remember, I live in the San Francisco area.
What could be better than this for show topics?
And remember, you say, well why do you, people keep saying, well Savage, why do you live in the most psycho leftist area in the world where a maniac like Pelosi the other day said we don't need to build a border wall with Mexico to keep out the drugs, the criminals, the illegals.
She said mow the grass instead.
That's speech, Alex.
Mow the grass instead of building a wall.
And she's not taken out with a butterfly net.
You've got to have a sense of humor about these lunatics.
But they can be dangerous.
I know what it leads to.
The brainwashing is complete.
They don't even know they're crazy.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
I wrote that in 2006.
But it was true.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
We're living through crazier times than ever, and there's a reason for it.
Alex, I don't know how one man could take so much hatred and so many lies.
We know every president is criticized.
But I've never seen such an organized hate campaign as I do against Donald Trump and anyone who supports him.
Never in my lifetime.
I know there's always been dissension one side and the other, but it's never been this level of insanity.
How this man Trump can take it all is almost a miracle of human nature.
Either he's much stronger than I even thought he was when I backed him from the beginning, or he's decided, you know what?
Screw them.
They want to push me down?
I'll push them down first.
I think his fighting spirit is so strong that he will prevail.
When Trump finally catches his breath and becomes the president that we know he really is,
And he gets the people around him who he needs.
I can pretty much predict what's gonna happen to all these scum.
They're gonna be on their jets heading to Switzerland or Austria.
They're not gonna be in this country, Alex.
The day will come.
They'll fuel up their jet and they'll never be seen again.
And that's going to happen, Alex.
It's long overdue.
We've got to support Trump.
As imperfect as he is, he is all we have.
We must not let the lies of the globalist left get to us and make us think he's not exactly... You're right.
He's a champion.
He's a champion.
And just what he's taken, what he's done is amazing.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to go to Moms4Trump.
Sharice Saber here in just a few minutes.
On this other issue of censorship, I've warned Paul Watson, I've warned my crew, I've warned you, the listeners, not that I'm that smart.
I've just learned globalist tactics and how they operate.
I've warned everybody that they're going to censor, censor, censor in little ways, in medium-sized ways, sometimes in big ways, and then back off and do it over and over and over again until the hammer drops.
And the hammer's dropping basically right now.
In the next few months, we're six months out from the midterms, you're going to see massive censorship, and if the president gets set for this, the globalists could win.
So, that's the reality here, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's very, very serious.
This needs to be big national news, what I've got here.
And I, we had this yesterday.
No one even cares to do an article in InfoWars.
I know some of the crew is back there.
But it's a list of major conservative commentators, Trump supporters, nationalists, who are basically to be banned from being able to communicate with on Facebook, May 24th.
That's nine days away.
All the screenshots, the emails, have them all.
And not even letting Republican Party advertise with Facebook.
I don't get any of this money.
When Diamond and Silk were before Congress two weeks ago and Congressman Hank Johnson kept going, you're making a lot of money off Facebook.
You're making a lot of money.
They're like, no, we don't make any money off Facebook.
We just reach people with our message.
And they're censored everywhere because they're well-spoken, they're funny.
Brandon Tatum is charismatic and smart.
They're banning him off the internet.
Turning Point USA.
It's here.
And the Wall Street Journal said, what, three months ago, they said, well, we think Jones can be, you know, demonized easily.
We'll take him out of context with what he said.
And once we ban Jones and WikiLeaks, we can ban everybody.
And what did he say?
What did the new CEO say?
Of News Corp?
It's merging with Disney.
He said,
Once we do that, we're going to block everybody from communicating on these big platforms, except for big companies.
And he said, we'll make hundreds of billions more.
He wasn't even saying politically, let's stop the conservatives.
He's like, no, let's do this.
We're going to make a lot of money.
They're ending the internet as we know it.
So Sharif Saber is a creative and vehement supporter of Donald Trump and the Trump movement.
We can roll some footage of her, too, when she got up and had her questions at any of the shots from our press conference a month and a half ago about censorship in D.C.
In 2016, she volunteered for the Trump campaign and co-founded Moms4Trump.org and designed the logo to make sure it stands, Moms4Trump, and now she's reached tens of millions of people.
Was initiated and designed to bring out the votes as well as getting all people on the Trump train.
Sheree now is in the D.C.
area, continues to support Trump by taking the grassroots streets, talking to people, and it just goes on from there.
We're really excited to have her on because she made some great points at the press conference when we were there.
So, Sheree, great to have you on and great to talk to somebody who was instrumental in helping get Trump elected.
Hi, Alex.
What a pleasure it is to see you again in this arena.
It was really nice running into you in BC.
It was a tremendous momentum given.
And I want to thank you for bringing me on here to make a few points.
I strongly supported Donald Trump during the campaign.
It was sheer by accident.
I was listening to a radio station
And what I heard was just unacceptable.
And when I researched it, I realized it was a big lie.
And that's what got me the momentum.
Now, as it were, I co-founded Monster Trump during the campaign.
When we co-founded that, it wasn't obvious that they actually wanted to really make it a movement.
And I certainly did take it
Um, into Virginia and started working on it, uh, and it started to pick up some speed and some momentum.
But that's a story for another time.
I think there were some nefarious carry-ons.
There were people who really did not want Trump to win.
But as I said, uh, once I was invited on the Armstrong Williams Show, then I believe, and I still do, that Donald Trump was divinely ordained at this time now for what's happening.
Um, I have taken to DC the grassroots.
I have been literally I've been doing it by doing ride share.
And I'm talking to people.
And I want to address what Whoopi Goldberg said, that there are only two people support one black person supporting Trump.
Well, let me just say this.
You are going to be so surprised that in 2020, Donald Trump is going to win by an unrefutable landslide.
And let me just add that from what I have seen, experienced, you know, in my guts,
Donald Trump is going to win with a massive black vote.
So I just wanted to put that out here.
So Whoopi, if you're listening and you will hear, you will be proven wrong like so many black people, which I believe will ultimately bow down to Donald Trump.
I am aghast at the Congressman Johnson when he addressed Diamond and Silk, two women that I have been in close contact with during the campaign.
I was aghast and just completely distressed at how he literally said, stoop down.
Um, so these people have themselves in this high, high and mighty position, looking down on other black people.
And I think that is an absolute appalling thing.
I'm in DC, and the mayor of DC is, is black.
DC has some
Horrible, horrible poverty that's going on there.
I drive into these places and one thing I can say to you, the people are being purposely dumbed down.
They are being purposely misled.
They talk about Donald Trump in like really stupid things.
I hear, well, you know, he's filed bankruptcy.
He's not a good businessman.
All of these are all of the narrative that they're telling these people.
But now look at how so much of what he's doing is working and the way the economy's turning around, but the system's trying to defeat him.
What's going to happen, Cherie Saber, founder of Moms4Trump?
Well, let me just say this, Alex.
Donald Trump is not going to be derailed.
I have said it before.
We all know it and we all feel it.
Donald Trump was divinely ordained for this time.
You know, what I saw on the campaign, when I volunteered, I did the telephones and all of these things.
And I can't express to you how
How spiritual this experience was.
I mean, people prayed.
People were coming together in ways that I never would have even imagined.
I was never a political person prior to this.
I had no idea.
I didn't care.
By the way, Trump has said publicly and privately that he became a much stronger Christian during this thing.
He changed.
He felt the Spirit.
I mean, it was a spirit, the spirit remains.
Donald Trump is, you know, the man is a leader of peace.
I once said on the Armstrong Williams Show, I felt Donald Trump is loved.
And, you know, whatever the left, they try to paint him as this hideous human being.
We all know that it's a lie.
I just want to also say a lot of... Hold on, you're gonna have the floor.
Sharice Saber.
Awesome lady.
Awesome name, too.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Here's Hank Johnson attacking Diamond and Silk.
You've made a ton of money off of Facebook, isn't that correct?
You all have been bashing Facebook and you've been making a ton of money, isn't that correct?
Have you been making money?
They've been messing with your money there.
We're giving you a tremendous platform with this hearing to make a ton of money when it's over.
But rather than diamonds, you're seeking money with Facebook, isn't that correct?
I'm just astounded that this committee would stoop
To this level, to, um, to be, uh, positioning you all to make more money.
You know, everybody knows what the N-word is.
I had never heard of the M-word.
Uh, Representative Shankoski, the M-word.
But, to my
Um, discovery, uh, just within the last 12 hours or so, uh, I have found that the use of the midget, uh, excuse me, the use of the M word
is no longer socially acceptable now the the m word refers uh to uh a group of people the little people this is a uh island that edits
The widest level is, what, 12 miles from shore to shore?
Yeah, my fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.
We don't anticipate that.
The reason I play that is, we played like 10 minutes of it back when it was live, when Diamond and Silk were there about the censorship of conservatives by the big tech titans, which is just unbelievably bad.
It's like Chinese communist level.
And he just chews into them, and how dare you, and look at you, and you just want to make money.
And then I remember another congressman, I forget his name, he's the ranking Democrat from Tennessee.
There was some other black Trump supporters last year in a committee hearing with him.
And he was like, you watch your mouth talking to me like that.
And something about Democrats, I'm not just saying this to like try to make black people mad, but I've seen it myself.
Black Democrats particularly, but some white Southern Democrats, will talk to black people like they're dogs.
And if you watch the whole Hank Johnson thing, I don't have time to get to it today, but you can go online and watch it.
I mean, you're like, the arrogance!
And you see, Sharif Saber, we didn't talk before she came on, I didn't know she was going to bring that up.
She picked up the same thing where she was acting like a plantation owner and I just, the Democratic Party just takes it for granted that women or minorities or anybody else is going to support them when they're such bad people.
So that's why I was seeing Cherie and so many other
People out there breaking this trance, and I wanted to ask her, she was going to make her point about thinking Trump's divinely inspired, and I believe that as well.
And I think God's going to give us providence, but I think still if we don't do enough, they might be able to take Trump out.
We're not saying he's an angel.
The point is, God during the Bible used to choose bad guys, good guys, kings, Saul of
You know, Tarsus on the road to Damascus.
I mean, Trump could have been an evil guy.
Trump would have then chosen and changed his heart.
But you know a tree by its fruits.
They're trying to get rid of him.
Just finishing up with Hank Johnson and where you think this whole fight's going and what happens once Trump is able to really deliver.
Well, first of all,
I want to say to the black congressional establishment, you know, one of the hardest things for people to do is to admit that they're wrong.
I would recommend to them that they now admit that they're wrong at this time because they will be proving over and over, as they have been, wrong and wrong again.
Trump is not going to be overturned by them.
There is entirely too much arrogance that is going on.
Maxine Walters impeached Trump.
Frankly, as we all can agree, Maxine Walters should be herself impeached.
Or she could take all of the energy and go into those black communities right there in DC where she works.
I can't tell you how many of those people, those impoverished black people, dumbed down black people, are saying to me they just wish that some of these so-called successful blacks would come into their communities and say to them, here is how you do it.
So this is the kind of thing, Alex.
Are you there?
I'm listening.
I'm riveted.
Okay, so that's one of the things.
One of the things that I consistently hear from the dumbed-down community, they would say that Donald Trump is a racist, and they often reference the Central Park Five.
But let me just make a point about the Central Park Five.
When Donald Trump acted, taking out a newspaper article on the Central Park Five, remember how black men
were portrayed in the media at this time.
It was the media, Alex, that would portray black men consistently as criminals.
It doesn't matter.
If they walk through the store, they accuse them of stealing, and then the television camera would portray them always as criminal, always as looking so horrible, they would darken their faces, they would handcuff them, no matter what the case may be.
Whatever the action that Donald Trump did was actually perpetuated.
The media created that.
So don't blame Donald Trump.
He's not a racist.
The Central Park Fire was a situation that happened because of the media.
And here we go again.
It's the media that's creating all of this havoc in all of our communities.
Black, white, political, whatever you want to call it.
So, I just wanted to address that issue.
Well, I agree with you.
So, what do you think, Sharice Saber, the establishment's going to do when everything they throw at Trump fails?
It's now coming out today that Mueller was working with secret Russian oligarchs, not Trump.
That's in the Hill newspaper.
I mean, we knew this years ago, but it's all coming out.
What are they going to do as it comes out that it's all politically motivated, that Obama ordered illegal spying, but they got caught lying about it?
I mean, this is devastating.
Yeah, it is going to come out.
And these people are going, I'm telling you, they will bow down to Donald Trump.
It's going to be difficult, Alex.
As I said, it's hard for people to admit that they're wrong.
It's going to be very difficult for them.
But I can say to you this, Donald Trump is not going to be overthrown.
You know,
Black people say, when Donald Trump said, make America great again, and they will say to me, when was America ever great for blacks?
Well, let me just say this.
I don't know if you can recognize the fact that I'm not an American born.
My mother came here as a domestic.
And she went through the process and she made our children came and we were legal and she went to work and she bought her home.
America was great when you can go and you can do your eight hour a day job and you save your money and bring your money home and save up and buy your house and send your children to school.
America was great when our role as an influence... Exactly!
It's not that we're perfect, but there's this demonization of the idea of the free market and culture being successful, and the globalists are doing it, we know, again from their own internal documents, to sabotage things!
I mean, they're the bad guys!
The globalists!
These are nasty people!
And speaking of Hollywood, America was great when Hollywood was respected.
When you can walk down the street and you saw a celebrity and you were happy to meet that celebrity, it's not that way anymore.
There is no respect for Hollywood among real people.
And that's another entity that you will see falling down.
And America... Cherie, stay there.
I want to come back and get into a couple other topics with you in a short segment, and then we've got Dan Lyman joining us.
But stay right there.
I've got to plug, though.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Cherie Saber is our guest for another two segments.
Then I'm going to hit a bunch of news we haven't gotten to yet, and then Dan Lyman's going to join us.
And you know, I laugh at a lot of this stuff, and the listeners actually get mad at me, I've noticed, on average.
Years ago, they liked it when I made jokes, but things are so serious now, our general audience doesn't like it.
And I was making jokes yesterday about how hilarious it is that BuzzFeed says, look, Alex Jones is run by foreign powers, he needs to be shut down, and Facebook is on to him.
And then, right after I got that news,
We start getting calls from Republicans and people everywhere going, we're banned from our organization advertising with Facebook to reach your listeners.
And they say that you're basically going to be shut down the 24th.
And then we got the documents.
We haven't written an article yet about it.
I don't even know how to respond to this.
And I'm sitting there joking, ah ha ha!
Look at this!
They say because we have Dan Lyman in Switzerland and they've got a computer watching us, everything we do.
And they saw that someone uploaded from Switzerland, so that means we're far and run.
But it's not funny.
Even though I'm laughing at it.
Because the general public's dumbed down.
They'll go, oh look.
But they won't even think, well wait, other people have bureaus in other countries.
But see, there's that idea that, oh, CNN or BBC, they can have bureaus overseas.
They can have reporters upload stuff.
But I can't.
I'm bad.
I'm a Christian.
I'm a conservative.
I'm a nationalist.
I'm dirty.
And then it lists all these websites that, oh, look, there's a manager in Switzerland.
That's not even true.
We've got more than 10 Facebook pages, more than 3 million likes.
That one's got, this is more than 3 million, that one's got 900,000.
That's just the Infowars.com page.
And that's all managed from right here in Austin, Texas.
We have one reporter in Europe, Dan Lyman.
Look how this is like Nazi Germany or something, where I got to sit here and explain this?
Like it's bad?
But again, it's how BuzzFeed makes it look.
Oh, oh, we're talking to Facebook and they've got a tool and we caught Alex Jones.
He's got this going on.
A new Facebook feature shows which pro-Trump pages are run from overseas.
And then the same day, we get to where they're going to vanish, for all intents and purposes.
It's just, Sharice Saber, this is a short segment, we're going to have a one-minute break, we'll come back for ten more minutes, but we were just talking about the nature of this.
It's funny how they lie, except it's not funny because they know they're lying, and they get away with it, and it's getting more intense.
How authoritarian do you think
The left or whatever these people are gonna get because they're getting violent, they're getting aggressive, they're lying about everything.
I mean, how far is this gonna go in your view?
How far is this gonna go?
Yes, I'm here.
Oh, you're on.
Yes, hi Alex, sorry about that.
I know how Sky pisses, it's okay.
I'm saying, how far do you think this evil is gonna go?
Well, I think this evil will go as far as it will.
It will play out to the point where the people who are on the side of evil will learn.
They're all on a trajectory.
They're on a path of knowledge.
They're on a path of their own experience.
One thing I can say, you know, it's interesting and I'm going to bring a little spiritual context in here.
You know, whenever you go to a Trump's
A gathering, a Trump rally, or any one of those things.
You truly feel a presence of kind and love in all of those things.
The same is not true when you're gathering in any gathering of the other side, even if you're just watching it on television.
So the point of this is, you know,
America is going through a transition, okay?
That's what's happening.
America and the world.
And Donald Trump is leading that charade.
I agree.
This is a major seismic sea change.
Let's talk about that and quantify that with Sharice Saber on the other side.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Cherie Saber, Moms4Trump.org.
I've seen her on television a few times and seen some of her work.
And then, bam, she's right there at our press conference about censorship.
And now, Facebook is saying we're far and run and need to be banned.
Because we have a uploader, Dan Lyman, in Switzerland.
You cannot make this up.
We've got the letters here where they intend to basically ban us on the 24th for all intents and purposes.
Shadowban our pages on Facebook where no one can contact us.
We can't contact you.
You won't be able to see our videos on there anymore.
That's why you've got to make the exodus to Infowars.com forward slash show.
We're going to have an article out on this soon.
Might even already be up.
Let's check InfoWars.com.
Put that up periodically, please, for TV viewers.
But remember, that's where you find us is InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
We just migrated its servers to a better system yesterday.
There's a few broken links on there right now, but we're updating that website.
And we also have PrisonPlanet.com.
Also, if you sign up for our free newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter, then you get exclusive articles, videos, and information that if they shut everything down, we're doing.
We'll still be able to reach you via that.
So, critical information.
Now, going back to Cherie Saber, you were getting biblical here, and you're talking about the evil of the globalists and their minions, and how at a Trump rally you feel a good spirit, people are happy, they're nice, you go to a Democrat event.
There's disease, there's ugliness, there's unhappy people, there's all this weird occultism, pedophilia continually being connected to it.
And I mean, true, the Democratic Party's had problems for a long time, but they are
Just descending into disintegration, it seems.
And I don't think they know yet they're in their death throes.
What do you think?
Look, there is a lot of evil.
The word that comes to mind right now is demonic.
I just heard the clip you played of Spike Lee, which, what a disappointment.
You know, there's an essence of demonicism going on.
You can almost... Well, no, he's like crouching down and almost on fire, he's so hateful, and then what he's saying is a lie.
There's a lot of hate, and we know and we understand, you know, where there is love, hate cannot thrive.
And the hatefulness that they're launching at the President over and over again, you realize that it's not working.
And so, you know, of course there should be pause for concern, indeed, because the devil lurks.
But I truly believe that love will truly conquer all.
I think Donald and everybody, they know that.
And you know, I remember during the campaign, I remember the ex-president, when Donald Trump said, you know, I'm going to bring jobs, I'm going to bring
Our business is back.
I am going to fix the infrastructure and make America great again.
And what the president then said, Mr. Barack Obama, he said that, what is he going to do?
Wave a magic wand?
And that was a very interesting comment to me.
Let me just say that God is love.
God is magic.
And of course, if there is such a thing, then so shall it be.
We see it happening.
Donald Trump is
He's doing amazing things with divine grace, and I truly believe... You were talking about a great time is coming of change.
I think we're basically here, but it's going to get more intense, and everywhere, not just here, but around the world, there is this big awakening happening, and evil's becoming more evil, good's becoming better, it's becoming stronger.
This is a very interesting time right now.
And we're birthing into a new paradigm.
Alex, you know, when you talk about everybody being banned, I know I've put a few things out on YouTube, very few, and it doesn't show up, but you know what?
I'm one of the people, I don't care.
Because I know one thing, the censorship that is going on, the blocking of our First and Second Amendment, what this is going to do, it is going to just
We're good to go.
You know, it's as if the adage says, if you're going to dig somebody's grave, be sure that you dig one for yourself.
And this is the spiritual context, you know, that I'm seeing here.
You're right.
The fight is going to get worse.
The evil is going to show every single hand that they have.
But we can fight it, and we are fighting it, by doing exactly what everyone is doing.
The guests that you're having on your show, Alex, I have to say, recently I'm observing you.
You are in a consistent momentum of fight and getting it out there.
I don't think that it's falling on deaf ears.
I think that you might be surprised to know that there are so many more people than you can imagine who's tuned in, and I think that it will reap an amazing benefit.
I mean, look, you have Facebook and you have Twitter and you have this one entity, but wouldn't it be interesting that from all of this censorship
Well, when you have a plant, you prune it and it grows new plants, right?
Well, it's just like exactly trim the rosebush that comes back ten times better.
I agree with what you're saying.
If the public knows how serious it is, if the public gets upset and spreads the word, then the rosebush will be even bigger and healthier.
But if they don't get upset about this, they could really be successful with this takeover because
This is the most draconian censorship we've ever seen in Europe.
As you know, they're arresting people that even report on Islamic crime waves.
They are just really cracking down.
Communist China is working heavily with Silicon Valley to censor.
And this is really criminal, and I'd like to see the president, he's starting to do it, I'd like to see him move against them, because these are foreign international powers doing this, and it's very draconian.
And I think he will in due time, Alex.
Everything in its season, all of the horrible things, the lies, the deception, the unfair legal practices that have been going on, all of this will come to rest.
And, you know, I also want to make the point there are, you know, Donald Trump won because a huge amount of people voted for him.
We call them the silent majority.
And I can say to you during this time, I observed there's a lot of people coming together who never, ever, ever had anything to do with politics before.
But it goes beyond politics.
It is about uniting a mindset.
It's about uniting a country, in this case, the United States of America.
And I believe that as we move forward, you are going to see things, as we're saying, Rita Ray, you're going to see things happening that will, well, we are already, things that's blowing your mind.
And by the way, I agree with what you're saying at an instinctive level, a spiritual level.
The things that were coming were so bad.
I think this big awakening is our spirit, our instinct pushing back.
I'm just hoping that it's enough and not too little too late because the level of evil and this technocracy and this global system and the human cloning and everything is so anti-human.
It's so anti-life.
It's so satanic.
And the dumbing down of people.
Now, I just want to also make a point here that I've also observed that people have been so silent, the silent majority, they have been so afraid to say, no, you're wrong.
They have been so afraid to step up to the plate and said, you know, stop it.
I recently had a situation, and you know, after a while, when you're being bashed and you're being kicked and you're down on the ground and you're still fighting, you will get the strength and you will get up.
You know, I tell you this, people come into my car, I told you that I purposely do a ride share and I talk to people to get a feel.
And I can say to you, people are saying, they blame Trump for everything.
And one by one, one by one, you ask an interesting question.
One of the questions I ask is, why, if Donald Trump was so bad, why would he want to, why would he want to make, give jobs to people?
Why would he want to do all these things?
Let's talk about his real crime in a few more minutes with you, because this is The Crossroad.
Trump wants a pro-human future.
The technocrats want an anti-human, post-human future.
That's what they're doing, and only Elon Musk is exposing it.
I think you are full of conspiracies, and I don't think that you are helping our country.
Did you know the media misrepresents what I actually say?
Like, give me an example of one of my conspiracies.
That water is making the frogs skate.
It might look like we're out in a bush somewhere, but 15 feet on either side, we're surrounded by agriculture, and the runoff ends up in this river.
All of the algae is the result of all the nutrients, because a lot of fertilizers are used in agriculture.
And once those fertilizers get into the water, you get these blooms of algae.
Our data so far suggests that the mixture of pesticides causes an increase in stress hormones.
And those stress hormones cause immunosuppression, which leads to the inability to respond to any kind of disease pathogen.
I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the freaking frogs gay!
It seems that even the tough bullfrog isn't doing so well with the toxins in this water.
I got a chant going.
I got a chant going.
What about gay frogs?
It's not funny!
I'm gonna say it real slow for you.
Gay frogs!
Hayes is testing the effects of chemicals like atrazine, a common herbicide.
We have a whole family of animals where we've eliminated the female chromosome.
Specimen zero one.
These animals that we know are genetic males have been exposed to atrazine for their entire life.
And many of these genetic males now are turning into females.
And quite frankly, if you're a genetic male, it'd be nice if you developed as a genetic male, and now we have a chemical very common in the environment that's effectively sex-reversing animals.
Now obviously it's not fair to judge a guy on one isolated dumbass clip.
So here's a bunch of them.
Alex is anti-gay.
He's saying the chemicals are making people gay.
Folks, it's making the frogs gay.
Two-thirds of the frogs down in Houston are bisexual.
Do you understand that?
Turn the freaking frogs gay!
Boom, boom!
Serious crap!
The one that's sort of remarkable is this pair.
These are both males.
The one on the bottom, acting as the female, we affectionately refer to as Darnell.
He's a genetic male that not only acts like a female, he lays eggs like a female.
He, she has been exposed to atrazine.
All of her, his, her life.
I don't even really know how to reference it.
This is Darnell's third clutch.
So Darnell has sons and daughters that we've grown up.
You can see eggs in the bottom.
This is actually her second clutch for today.
He, she has been copulating for getting close to 24 hours now.
This is probably one of the most remarkable things I've seen in my work.
Jones has argued that the government has the ability to control tornadoes, and that tap water is a gay bomb, and that they are putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin' frogs gay.
I'm gonna say it real slow for you.
I am worried.
This is the most common contaminant in ground and surface water and drinking water.
And the level of atrocy that it took to make this male turn into a female is three times less than what's allowed in our drinking water.
You know what?
I guess it makes sense that Donald Trump wants to impress Alex Jones.
Why would you want to drain the swamp if not to eradicate all those gay frogs?
You stay there.
You two stay where you are.
It's not just a problem with frogs, we should be concerned about it.
The water that's causing their problems is the same water that we're drinking and using to water our crops.
Do you understand that?
The friggin' frog's gay!
Screw this crap!
Friggin' frogs!
It's not funny!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Infowars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You know, I don't ever really hype stuff.
And I should, because people only pay attention if you hype things.
But we do cover a lot of sensational things.
We do tell you what's happening years before it's mainstream news.
I mean, we told you all about Mueller and how it was an intelligence operation by the deep state.
And we would use the term deep state 20 years ago.
Permanent state, shadow government, COG.
And now, oh my gosh, Rush Limbaugh came out yesterday and said, Mueller's a fraud and the whole thing was a setup and it's all political and it's all over the news, dun-dun-dun-dun.
Rush Limbaugh says, and that's great.
That's great.
But the point is, you're getting the real dope here.
Not the fake stuff.
We've got their number.
And you know, I know who the leakers are inside the White House and why they can't stop it.
And I should have started the broadcast today saying, you know, coming up at hour number two or three, I will tell you, then everybody waits to hear it.
So you know what I'll do?
Who's hosting the fourth hour?
Paul Joseph Watson.
At the start of the second segment with Paul, I will announce who the real leakers are and why they can't stop it.
Pretty big deal.
And then I've got a bunch of other information.
Satellite imagery shows North Korea dismantling nuke test site.
More good signs.
Taxpayer cash laundered through Somalia.
Daycares defund terrorism.
That's an Infowars.com article.
Jamie White.
We've just got a lot of amazing stuff here to go over.
The Vatican trying to cover up all the pedophilia.
There's a big story on that.
But finishing up with Cherie Saber of Moms4Trump.org.
What a great lady, and she does rideshare as a way of community outreach in D.C.
to then talk to people in between running Moms4Trump and everything else she does, Moms4Trump.org.
She had another point she wanted to make as we slammed into the break, so I wanted to hold you over so you could finish that point, Sheree.
Yes, so the point is all too long we have conservatives.
We're now speaking up.
You know, you go out and you hear people say horrible things.
And I want to say to people, feel empowered.
The time is right.
The time is now to speak up.
When you hear them saying horrible things about the president or horrible things about people.
Recently, this whole paradigm of black people in America saying white is bad, white is racist.
Speak up.
Say no.
It's time for you to not hide.
Stop hiding.
Now you must say, yes, I support the president.
Yes, I support black people standing on their own two feet.
Yes, I support making this country great again.
The time is ripe.
And that's the point I want to make.
You can now.
You know, because now, now, you know, they're losing their tails.
They know that they're wrong.
All of the CNN, Cade,
People there, especially the black people who are paid literally to make basically a fool of themselves and to dumb down the rest of the black people and people in general.
The time is right to stand up and show yourself as being a fighter for what is, I believe, is a movement and it's a movement towards the better good of this country.
If America would fall, Alex,
The world will fall, we know that.
If they do anything to Donald Trump, you have said it before, everybody knows that, it will be a very, very, very bad thing.
So it's not going to happen.
I think we're just at a point now where all of these people are realising they are so, so wrong.
I want to say dead wrong, okay, but they're wrong.
And they will come to realise that and they will just have to
Apologize or bow down.
That's the point I want to make.
When you use the term bow down, you mean like bow their head, admitting that they were wrong?
100 percent, Alex.
That's how it is.
They're wrong about accusing him of nefarious carry-ons.
You know, it's amazing the narratives.
I heard one young woman say the one that talks like this.
I talk to all of these kinds of people and, you know,
What she hears is that Trump sleeps until 11 o'clock in the morning and then he goes and he plays golf.
You cannot believe some of the lies that people are being told.
You cannot believe... Oh, I see that all the time in so-called liberal media.
They go...
One hundred percent.
I mean, I know for a fact he was working until 2, 3 in the morning and that his young staff couldn't even keep up with him.
Or, or, how about this one?
He didn't want to be president.
He would never run for re-election.
It was all a hoax.
He'd never get the economy to 3% growth rate.
He'd never pull out of the TPP.
It's all lies.
Or, you know, the fact that he does not take a salary.
When I tell people this, they cannot believe it.
They've not heard this.
All of the great things about this president, somehow these people, I'm calling them the dumb, dumb, dumb people have not heard.
And yet we have
People who are strong supporters that are silent.
Well, I'm saying stop being silent.
Time is ripe.
You don't have to be silent anymore.
You don't have to be afraid now to say that you support Donald Trump.
And hello, if you say you support Donald Trump and they come up again, you have innumerable ammunition to fight back.
Right then, right there.
That's how we're going to do this.
That's what is going to make this thing turn around.
And remember, you know, he was without sin cast the first stone.
Jesus said that.
I know I'm speaking like I'm superbly, I'm not like a super-duper religious person, but you cannot help but realize... No, it's true, it's all archetypal, and people that haven't been super religious but are Christian are feeling it, and the President...
The times I've talked to Trump, he starts bringing up, you know, the energy and the churches and the people, and we're going to get religious freedom in America again.
And I'm like, sure, this isn't like a talking point, is it?
I mean, I didn't say that, but no, that's really what he wants to talk about.
And then other people I know that know him a lot better, they say he's into that.
And it's really true.
And like, I talked to some of the Secret Service people.
That were with him when he came out of that black church in Detroit, after they laid hands on him and said he was anointed and all that.
And Trump, they said, was just like, had chills and was just, man, I've never felt energy like that.
That's even better, you know, than a rock concert.
Because, you know, he feels energy there too.
He's like, man, yes.
So he just feels the good energy of good people.
Call it whatever it is, the guy wants to do good.
He's not perfect.
He's not out to get us.
He doesn't have satanic energy.
And that's what scares him.
He does not have satanic energy.
And that's the thing.
And you know, it's a creepy thing to even fathom.
But there definitely is, one could say, a satanic element.
And I mean, when you look at Hollywood, it's amazing to me.
It's as if these people are possessed.
I mean, when Maxine Walters go up there and talk about impeach 45, when in fact she's doing all of these things that is... And then she says, she says, I resent Make America Great Again.
Well, that's the thing.
And you know, that's another point, Alex, that is very prominent in the black community that has been dumbed down.
You know, they tend to be anti-American.
It amazes me.
When it's all our country, folks.
It's amazing.
Alright, Cherise Sabert, you're awesome.
Please come back again.
I'd love to have you do some reporting for us there with some of the other folks there in D.C.
God bless you.
You're amazing.
Thank you for having me on.
And by the way, that toothpaste, I absolutely love it.
It's got to be my favorite.
I'm not trying to goof off, but it's just true.
I need the support, but it is high quality.
It's 50% off right now.
Super Blue.
Thank you so much, Sheree.
You're awesome.
Thank you for having me, Alex, and God bless you.
Thank you.
We'll be right back with Dan Lyman, supposedly our boss.
Mike in Arizona.
You're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a long-time InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks for the awesome BrainForce AnthroPlex.
My girlfriend would like to say thanks for the AnthroPlex, too.
Thank you.
I use the BioTrue Selenium, the Super Blue toothpaste.
For you folks who aren't big normal toothpaste fans, the Super Blue is awesome.
And thank you so much, Alex, for the InfoWars Life products.
They are quality.
I can't wait to get some more.
And thank you so much for doing that for us to keep us healthy.
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order, and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Minister Alex Jones.
Hey, brother.
Good, man.
Thank you for calling.
Hey, hey.
I just want to say thanks for your products and everything that you're doing to try to save the country.
I mean, I've tried your Secret 12, Super Male, Anthroplex, the Silver Bullet, Biome Defense, Mipho ZX.
I mean, that's all good stuff.
Secret 12, if everybody would just drop their energy drinks and get some Secret 12, take a shot of that.
That's the thing about Secret 12.
Just a half a dropper has way more energy.
People ask, why is it sweet?
Real organic B12 is sweet.
And exactly.
When I'm super tired, I go, hey, why am I drinking coffee at 10 at night if I'm going on some show like Coast to Coast?
Secret 12, 30 minutes later, massive energy.
It's amazing.
Yeah, that stuff will wake you up.
And the clarity of mind that comes along with that is just amazing.
If you like the expanded coverage at InfoWars, if you're enjoying the Real News with David Knight in the mornings, the iconic Alex Jones Show midday, and of course the War Room with my colleague Owen Schroyer, please remember that we are completely listener and viewer supported here at InfoWars, and we face the greatest challenge we have ever faced.
If you're a regular listener, you know about the spate of lawsuits that have been filed against InfoWars, every one of them baseless, every one of them meritless, every one of them bogus, but designed to generate negative headlines and enormous legal bills.
Then they take those headlines and they use them as the rationale to remove us from the Internet, remove us from YouTube, from Facebook, from Google, and so on.
The costs are astronomical and they're only rising.
Because Alex Jones is a fighter.
And he will fight every one of these lawsuits with truth.
Because the truth in the end will win.
But that doesn't mean that it isn't expensive.
So we need you to go to the InfoWars store now and look at some of our terrific products.
Not only do we have our cutting-edge nutraceuticals where Alex Jones and his team of scientists take the very best of ancient Chinese medicine.
In practice for centuries, combining it with cutting-edge new nutraceuticals to bring you formulas that are really effective.
Everything that they put forward has been rigorously tested.
And if you don't believe it, go to the testimonials where you have literally thousands in some cases of satisfied customers.
When you go to the site, you're not only helping yourself.
As Alex Jones liked to say, it's a 360 degree win.
You win, and we win, because Alex Jones pumps the money back into M4s to pay for our expanded coverage here.
So please folks, do us a favor, do yourself a favor, stand up for the First Amendment, kick George Soros right in the derriere, go to the website now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, we're going to be talking
To Dan Lyman, who heads up EuropeWars.com, our Europe Bureau, we're attempting to start and set up.
We've got Paul over there in the UK as well.
He went and did a great job solo, shooting amazing footage and interviews in Davos this year, when Trump stormed Davos and dominated it with his America First agenda.
You can see some of that HD footage.
We can roll some of that for TV viewers.
I can sit here and make jokes about all this, but it's not funny.
BuzzFeed came out, same people that gave me the PPGate dossier and all that, with John McCain, and said, new Facebook feature shows which pro-Trump Facebook pages are run from overseas.
And they've got InfoWars, one of our pages, not ours, this belongs to Facebook, we just built it and gave it all the attention.
Is run out of Switzerland.
Well, nothing we do is run out of Switzerland, but we can put that article on screen and maybe show folks that.
But Dan Lyman does live in Switzerland.
And we do upload his stories from there.
And I guess he posts them there.
So, in this new world, they call for us to be censored and blocked because of this.
If we have a reporter go overseas, or I'm in Germany, or I'm in England, or I'm in Mexico, I guess, and I shoot a video, it now means Mexico runs in full war.
So, we all heard about the dreaded Russians, but now we're learning about the dreaded Swiss, even though Dan Lyman's an American.
And again, as a reporter, goes and covers the President there.
Wow, that's normal, isn't it?
But in the weird, twisted world of BuzzFeed,
This is part of why people come up to the street and go F you Russian.
Also he went to Australia for InfoWars and interviewed what folks are calling the Tommy Robinson over there.
Very successful outspoken fella.
Those are interviews we upload.
So imagine the witch hunt level.
What does a witch have?
Well, she has a mole.
Well, this woman doesn't have a mole.
She must have had it removed.
Ah, yes.
How do we know she's a witch?
If we tie rocks to her and throw in the water, she'll float.
If she sinks, she's not a witch.
But that will kill her.
But at least she's not a witch!
This is beyond Monty Python now.
I made jokes about it yesterday, and I was listening to rebroadcast last night.
As I sometimes do, and I was like, you know, this isn't funny.
And just the way they lie about Trump and us, and then the same day, after I learned about that, and I guess we don't care anymore.
No one's written about it here.
Paul hasn't.
I don't care, I guess, anymore either.
I haven't even published these yet.
I'm gonna do it at the show myself.
Facebook starts telling prominent platforms
And the Republican Party, starting March 14th, they'll no longer be able to advertise on our Facebook pages.
By the way, I never even knew they were.
I guess Facebook's letting them target our listeners because they're voters, they're activists.
That's totally normal, totally legal.
But notice now they've gone from the Russiagate to Cambridge Analytica doing public legal scraping
To now, oh my god, Dan Lyman, he posts stories to the Facebook from Switzerland.
And oh, now by the way, starting the 24th, I've talked to five different groups now, major Republican Party groups, you name it.
We all found out about it because Roger Stone tried to advertise that rascally rabbit.
His evil book, How to Succeed in Life and Politics and Fashion, we sell it at InfoWarsTore.com.
He advertised his own money to our store and they said, oh, you can't advertise InfoWarsTore either.
That's hate.
But starting the 24th, which as we go into the midterms, six months out from the midterms, this is the major clampdown.
It's here.
And it's not just against InfoWars.
We got a list of the other people that they told him.
Ann Coulter.
Andrew Breitbart.
He still has a fan page.
Ben Carson.
Bill O'Reilly.
But we've known this since one o'clock yesterday.
I'm not mad at the crew, I'm mad at myself.
And we're just like, okay, big deal.
We're so used to being censored, we're just, we're kind of taking it now.
Remember what that globalist, the head of the fourth largest bank in the U.S.
at the time, was on a first class flight to be on The View six, seven years ago, eight years ago.
It's the head banker.
It's an off-record conversation, so I'm not going to say his name.
He said, Alex, you think people adapt and overcome all this?
They're going to adapt to it.
And you are too.
He got up.
He laughed.
He said, we're going to beat you.
And you know what?
He's right.
We're adapting, right here at InfoWars, to just total, absolute discrimination and banning, and we're not going to say, crap, we don't even care.
Because there's this view, and I love my crew, and I'm not bashing anybody, but, oh, look at this website, what they did, oh, look at this, oh, look at that, never what we do is worth anything.
That's fine.
But see, when you get too close to a problem, they finally are slow roasting everyone.
Slow roasting.
So let's go, and I'm not gonna be sarcastic, I wasn't gonna make the joke.
Let's go to who they say is the secret head of InfoWars.
Now think of how asinine this is, and I'm not belittling Dan Lyman, he's a very talented guy, had his own political site, rock band, all this other stuff.
He's a patriot, he lives in Europe with his wife.
He's lived in other countries there as well.
But because some stories he wrote are uploaded, this is our Swiss controller.
So this is how backward and dumb they think Americans are, where, look, they're at InfoWars, run by some guy in Switzerland, honey!
It's that they think we're so dumb.
It's that they think we're so stupid.
I'm not even mad they're lying about us.
It's that, are we this dumb?
Do I think people are smarter than they are?
That everybody else who's a big media operation has reporters in other countries that are big countries, right?
Like England and Switzerland and stuff, right?
Like, I'm trying to set up bureaus all over the world if we're able to find the people.
You know, that's what you do, you know.
Go cover Davos.
Stuff like that.
Cover, you know, things like that.
And they're turning that, just all information is evil now, from anybody else.
This is so dangerous.
This is so witch hunt.
Dan Lyman, wow, you didn't know that you are now like the shadowy head of Spectre.
Did you know that?
I could have sworn you were the boss, but according to BuzzFeed, I am.
It's very strange.
Well, you know, it's really, who is the boss?
The truth is the boss.
Don't you just do whatever you want?
I trust you, but I mean, we're all just independently telling the truth here.
Absolutely, and I want to make this point right off the bat that I found so interesting is that both of these quote-unquote journalists who wrote that article, they're based in Toronto, Canada.
They're not even American.
The irony is thick.
Wow, I didn't even do that research myself.
They're the globalists.
They're the ones getting rid of nation-states.
So we're nationalists, but they're like, look, he's got somebody in Switzerland.
Where's Paste Picante made?
San Antonio!
Where's this other one made?
New York!
Get a robe!
I mean, this is how dumb they think we are.
I could have sworn they were all about globalism and being global citizens and digital nomadry and all that stuff, but apparently if you aren't living in the United States when working for InfoWars, then it must be disinformation.
I guess they've never heard of Paul Joseph Watson from London.
Well, see, they're busy teaching us how to drink tea and how the Queen's great on our media all the time, so they know the Brits don't scare us that much, so maybe the Swiss will.
Quite possibly.
There are some Russians that come down here, though.
They're very fond of Switzerland.
They send their kids to school here and go skiing and shop, so maybe eventually they're going to pull a link between me and the Russians that come to Switzerland and InfoWars somehow, somewhere down the line.
Well, yeah, but maybe you saw a Russian once, right?
Like, yeah.
Yeah, or a Russian vodka or a Russian dressing.
The jokes go on and on.
They do.
We'll let Dan Lyman get into this when we come back.
It's just next-level deception, man.
The mainstream media, wow.
Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
First, I just want to mention, if people just go and try the products, they will be ordering all the time.
I've ordered several of the products over and over because it's amazing.
In particular, Silver Bullet.
As soon as I start to feel like I get a little sick, you know, maybe like a little raspiness in my throat, I drop some Silver Bullet in it.
Like, I'll still feel a little sick, but it won't last as long.
Well, let me just say something, Victor.
It's people like you that then fund the whole operation, because a very small percentage of people buy products, and a very small percentage of them buy a lot of the products, so thank you.
But when you mention the Silver Bullet colloidal silver, it's got thousands of reviews, a 98% review.
It is our highest-reviewed product, because it is from the top lab in the country, discounted, high-quality colloidal silver.
And it's not a Silver Bullet, but it's the closest thing you're going to find to a Silver Bullet.
I've tried to become an expert on geopolitical systems, cultural systems, and how things work.
And I've found that you've got a bunch of occultists that want to control humanity and basically act like gods who want to dumb people down.
Well, I want the opposite.
I want to empower people.
I want to see people living out their own destiny, having free will.
But to do that, we've got to be supportive.
The reason the globalist hate Infowars is not because I'm that good, even though my heart's in the right place.
It's because we have guests on.
Dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of them a month that are smart.
And they don't want real talks.
They don't want real discussions.
Remember last year?
Last December, we got the Google documents.
They were spending millions of dollars to delist InfoWars and Ron Paul.
They said, look at the fake news.
They claim the UN and others say no chemical attack happened.
It was staged by the rebels.
We want them banned.
Google said, that's a real document.
We're sorry, we're not going to do it now.
They went ahead with the delisting.
So, that's an example, ladies and gentlemen, of how they're at war with memory.
So if you want to support us, just like, informationally, we're game-changing.
Supplements, t-shirts, books, films, water filters, air filters, storable foods.
Whatever we promote and sell, I go and check out and make sure it's really high quality.
Infowarsstore.com, we have the fluoride-free and 4 to 5 with a little silver and iodine adult and children's toothpaste made by the top organic manufacturer in the country.
Discounted, we have the Immune Gargle in three sizes, we have the mouthwash, and we also have Boggies, 95% curcuminin level.
Curcuminin is the chemical that is in turmeric, the anti-inflammatory, and so much more.
It's 50% off, check those out, infowarestore.com.
And when you purchase the products, you stand against the globalists and their censorship.
When you use your free will to get products you need and fund us, they're apoplectic.
They don't know what to do.
If you sign up for our free newsletter that goes out daily at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter
We will send you breaking videos, breaking articles, key analysis, and links to all of our podcasts, all of our live feeds, all of our live streams at the bottom.
There's a bunch of them.
And we've got backups, so that we have that personal, direct relationship with you.
I was never good about email and collecting folks' email like everybody else does, because I was always going for the latest, cutting-edge stuff.
We still do that.
But all the experts have told me, Alex,
If they shut everything down, it gets really bad.
You've got to have a thumb drive with those emails so you can contact the base core of patriots that understand what's happening, the real remnant.
Now, we're hoping for the best, ladies and gentlemen, but we're also preparing for the worst.
We will prevail if you take action, and I know you will.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on, on your mind.
Ben Garrison visited us about three weeks ago.
He said that he was working on a masterpiece.
Kind of along the continual crazy stairwell of MC Escher.
And he's done it.
The article's up on InfoWars.com.
I'm going to tweet it out at RealAlexJones.
It needs to go really, really viral.
This is a super, super detailed piece of work and it really illustrates so much.
And it's a great thing to get young people informed.
Adults will enjoy it too, but this is a way you can get young people into politics and to really understand things through allegories.
But it is powerful.
It's from Ben Garrison.
And he'll be joining us again very, very soon.
We're going to be working with him more in the future.
We're an incredible talent along with his wife.
I want to hit some positive news, too.
And then I know who the Leaguers are in the White House.
I'm going to exclusively give it to you when we start the next hour with Paul Joseph Watson.
Going back to Dan Lyman.
Dan, I mean, you're an amazing camera person.
You're a great writer.
You're prolific.
We're trying to develop getting a crew for you out there so you can do more.
We're trying to fund that as well, but we've decided to move forward with that.
I'm not whining that BuzzFeed lies.
We know they lie.
It's just to see them building the framework and then through Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, beginning to really shadow, ban, and block, not just us, but everybody, built on the lie of, look,
And that they've got some weird program scanning where we're posting and all they can find is an upload from Switzerland.
And I asked the guys, they said they post your stuff on our Facebook.
So let me just ask you on air, do you have the codes to that Facebook?
I mean, I'm glad you're uploading to it if you are.
It's just that this is next level that they know we've got a reporter in Switzerland uploading stuff.
Imagine if they had articles out about CNN going, and CNN's got reporters in 100 countries uploading to Facebook.
They need to be banned.
I mean, it's just, it's so illogical on so many fronts.
Well, if I'm not mistaken, I went back and read through the article again today, and it looks like it was a feature that Facebook rolled out prematurely by accident.
And what it did was, it allowed the people that were using the feature to see how many administrators or managers that page had, and then where they were all located.
I'm not sure that it was based on posts because I've never posted anything to the InfoWars main page.
I only use our European outlets on social media.
So if I'm not mistaken, while this ad was in use for the temporary, I'm sorry, this feature was in available for a temporary period of time.
They must have gone immediately to look through a variety of different social media accounts to find out where they're being posted from and all that.
And one of the ladies that wrote this article, ironically, her name looks quite Russian to me, if not from that area of the world.
A lot of her articles feature InfoWars content.
I mean, she looks like she just sits on our page.
For a short period of time, this feature was available.
Facebook mistakenly rolled it out and they went and checked on InfoWars immediately and found that somebody has, you know, access to the InfoWars Facebook page from Switzerland, although I have never personally used it.
Yeah, so we're just guessing that that's... Well, you are listed as an admin on InfoWars and on NewsWars, so I guess it just sees an index of that.
And our interface with it.
I mean, it's almost like a hack then that Facebook's got to even know where our reporters are and what they're doing.
And then BuzzFeed's calling for us to be banned because you're an American in Switzerland.
It's so authoritarian!
These people are so bad!
They are just outrageously immoral, bad people.
It is strange, and what if maybe somebody from staff that uses the social media accounts regularly was just using an IP address and had it landing in a different country?
It's just, it's poor reporting in general.
Oh yeah, what about InfoVault 9 and all that, where the CIA can go out and spoof stuff everywhere to make it look like the attacks are coming from Russia?
Exactly, there's no end to this!
Exactly and they do this they did the same thing that they do with everybody else when they you know just brand us as a conspiracy site they don't make any mention of the fact that we're an international news outlet that has broken countless amazing stories and just hard-hitting news TV show obviously radio show they just call us a conspiracy site and then they roll us in with these tiny little like 5,000 like pro-Trump face
I think.
We've got some interesting news here.
This is breaking.
North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over South Korea-U.S.
military drills.
We'll be bringing you the very latest updates.
North Korea has reportedly threatened to cancel the much-anticipated Trump-Kim summit over South Korea-U.S.
military drills.
According to South Korean news agency, Yonhap News, North Korea
It says it has cancelled high-level talks planned for later in the day about the future talks.
North Korea's Central News Agency said max thunder drills between South Korean and U.S.
Air Forces are a rehearsal for invasion of the North and a provocation.
I've been warning inter-Korean ties.
The state reports the high-level talks were meant to take place on the southern side of the truce village to discuss follow-up measures.
Kim Jong-un was said to have met with Donald Trump on June 12th in Singapore.
We'll be bringing you the latest.
And that's out of the Daily Mirror, out of the UK, but that is from the North Korean news.
They're saying that separately, satellite imagery, we'll put this up on screen,
Shows North Korea dismantling nuclear test site, and they were about to blow it up next week.
So they definitely want the economic development.
That'd be better for their people.
I'm not saying the regime is good.
They're obviously horrible, but it would be better to cut North Korea away from the Chinese, industrialize it like the South, and then they would obviously then have a way for Kim Jong-un and others to step down out of his hereditary dictatorship.
That's the plan.
But I certainly hope
That this thing does not get derailed.
And I had heard that Trump and the South were going to stop the military drills until they'd actually had this meeting.
So I'll have to look and see if this big Operation Maximum Thunder is actually going on.
What do you make of that, Dan Lyman?
It's interesting.
I know they were supposed to meet with the South today, like you said.
I look on at the whole thing with trepidation, not getting hopes up too much, because we're dealing with a very slippery character here.
But I would caution you not to cover too much North Korean news, because Kim Jong-un actually went to school here in Switzerland.
And if they connect through the one degree of separation, they might detect that InfoWars has also run out of North Korea.
Ah, that's right.
Kim Jong-un went to, for at least 12 years, to a boarding school there.
We work for Kim Jong-un.
You know, we can joke.
Let me ask you this, because I really don't know the answer.
Should I get really angry about this or should I make jokes about it?
Because we've got the word they're gonna basically start kicking us off Facebook the 24th.
They've already strangled it.
And everybody else too.
So we can make jokes about this but it's not funny.
I mean they're building this thing to destroy our free speech based on insane witch hunt garbage.
So I think we should be pissed.
I mean I'm really getting sick of these people.
I'm sick of them as well, but I try to reserve my energy for the bigger battles.
This one is just, it makes these people look foolish.
When you read through the articles, you say, how could grown adults be producing this kind of content?
But then you look at the other content they produce, and it's like these quizzes about if you don't answer this many right, then you're mired in fake news or stuff like that.
I mean, it's just horrible.
Or is milk racist?
They always try to tie us in with these platforms like Gab and all.
They just pull us all into one bin and say far-right neo-Nazis and stuff.
These people are pushing neo-Marxist propaganda 24-7.
No one ever calls them out on that.
So I think we can go back on the offensive against them with our own...
Yeah, well, take Gab.
They got some really bad stuff on there, some really good stuff.
I get they're just trying to have an open platform.
But I know people say, well, Milo Yiannopoulos, some of my real right-wing listeners, you know, that guy, so and such.
And I'm like, listen, they're trying to de-platform him everywhere.
I'm reaching out to everybody.
And that's what we're really trying to do here, is reach out to everybody and break this liberal cycle of infighting that they're trying to push.
You have a side that is ideologically as vast as Kanye West to yourself, to Dr. Michael Savage, to Dave Rubin.
I think everyone here is just tired of leftist authoritarianism and we just want to be able to speak freely, have free conversations, wear Chinese dresses to the prom if we'd like to or whatever it is that we want to do and do things respectfully and just have a nice time and not always have someone breathing down our neck with SJW garbage all the time.
I never liked super right-wing, you know, folks in my face telling me what to do, but they didn't have any power.
Man, the left are like running everything, and they're creepy, and they lie, and they're weird, and statistically they rob and steal nine to six times more often, and they're fake, and they're dumb, and they're hateful, and they hate poor people, and they're pushing division.
They're villains, man.
They're villains.
So true.
Well, there's definitely awakening going on, and we look forward to being a part of that on a daily basis.
So we just have to keep on fighting.
Paul's coming up, but I want to do five more minutes with you about other big things you're working on.
I mean, there used to be an article a day about Muslims raping little girls and getting away with it.
Now it's like articles every 10 minutes.
I mean, what in Hades is going on in, like, major countries legalizing Muslims raping 10-year-old girls?
I mean, high court saying it?
We'll be right back.
InfoWars is celebrating the amazing gains we've all made against the globalists and how we have given tyranny a bloody nose and now freedom is back on the march.
That's why we're celebrating Patriots Day this April throughout the month with double Patriot points at InfoWarsStore.com.
No longer 5%, but now 10% at InfoWarsStore.com.
Desiree, thanks for holding her on the air from California.
Go ahead.
Just wanted to let you know I've been listening to you for about six years now.
My husband turned me on to you and absolutely I could not stand you.
For about the first two months I listened to you and now I listen every single day to your phone.
I feel that you do and I absolutely thank God that I have a forum that I can contribute to and I get such an amazing product.
We use your brain force, your survival shield.
I work nights, 12-14 hours a night, 5 days a week.
I use your winter sun, your selenium, the real red pill.
Your bio PCA, immune wall.
I'm just here in California, fighting, trying to survive with the demon rats.
How they're demonizing my state, I just can't stand it anymore.
You have changed my life, InfoWars has changed my family's life.
I bought property in a no-fly zone, no cell phone service, got my own well water.
My mind is so open to everything that's going on, but I need to know what else we can do.
Well, you're on the right track, Desiree.
What you're doing right now is absolutely working, and thank you for calling and sharing that with everyone.
I think she should just share her testimony.
By the way, Desiree, again, thank you for your call.
Absolutely, sweetheart.
We love you and tell your husband we love him.
We really appreciate you.
Keep up the fight.
We need to take California back.
Thank you, Desiree.
We're going to come back and take more calls.
Thank you, sweetheart.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
So, Paul Watson's taking over in the shower.
I'm briefly, at the start of the next segment, going to tell you who the leakers are in the wine house exclusively.
So get ready for that.
You know, Trump's making a big deal about it.
It is a big deal.
Exclusively, that's coming up.
But Paul Watson,
You said earlier, we were talking during the break, you're a little upset.
You know, we've been working together 16 years, and according to the BuzzFeed logic that we should be banned because we're run from Switzerland, because Dan Lyman is listed as a contributor to InfoWars.
He lives in Switzerland.
By that extension, you are actually the mastermind.
So, should we have a little bit of an argument here right now about who the foreign handlers are?
Because I thought it was Russia, but now we learned it's Dan Lyman, an American from Switzerland.
Well, I mean, Switzerland is a very scary country.
I mean, what's Switzerland known for?
You know, gold, Swiss chocolate, cows.
I mean, it's all very terrifying stuff, Alex.
But yeah, I've just looked it up when you told me about it.
Conspiracy website InfoWars, which has amassed more than 900,000 likes, has a manager in Switzerland!
Oh my God, hold the front page!
We're now being run by Swiss bots, I imagine, whatever they are.
So, very terrifying stuff.
But the thing you sent to me earlier, Alex, was Facebook now denying ads from people who type in InfoWars as a target demographic.
And they're basically saying by May 24th, I think it is, that those will no longer be allowed on Facebook.
So that could be a nice little ban coming up for the InfoWars page.
And let's be clear, we get no money from this.
It's like when that idiot thinks islands float.
Hank Johnson told the board...
Diamond and Silk, you're making a ton of money off this, honey.
They're like, we don't make anything off of it.
Facebook is this big using system, using everybody.
And then now, Paul, I think that signifies they're getting ready to get rid of us on the 24th.
Well, at least one of the pages, maybe.
And you've also got Twitter coming out today and saying it will hide conversations that detract from a positive environment, literally the most Orwellian language you can think of, which is them admitting to shadow banning, which they admitted to in the O'Keefe tapes, but then Twitter denied it.
Now they've come out with a full policy saying they will hide certain tweets behind tabs if they deem them not to be adding to the conversation, which of course is entirely subjective and could mean anything.
And of course they're going to let Spike Lee say horrible things about the President.
That's fine.
But all of us, we're going to be shadowbanned, Paul.
I'm going to get into the Spike Lee thing again.
Earlier today I tweeted, if the dominant culture is pushing this America-hating message 24-7, which it is, what can the counterculture be apart from pro-Americana?
So we're seeing this again with the Spike Lee thing.
We saw it with the
Childish Gambino video which has got like 120 million views.
I've got a video coming out about that.
So it's all about attack.
America's bad and that's the dominant culture.
So what else could the counterculture be than a resistance, a backlash to that?
America has always been counterculture.
That's what it was founded on.
Well yeah, but until now, and we've now got Spike Lee saying that basically accusing Trump of not denouncing the rioters in Charlottesville, which he plainly did,
Even Time Magazine admitted it.
He said there was violence on both sides, which is true.
You had Antifa bashing people over the head with bike locks and going to prison for it.
You had Trump supporters being attacked across the board.
Another story about that today.
A black guy wearing a MAGA hat attacked, screamed at, hounded out of a restaurant.
So yes, there was violence on both sides.
And yes, Trump denounced the white supremacists at Charlottesville, but Spike Lee claims he didn't.
Well done!
That's my foreign boss telling us Americana is number one!
Clearly a foreign plot!
And the American in Switzerland!
Lyman, I'm waiting for my orders later today, sir.
Please, as soon as possible, I need to get my orders from Switzerland, my friend.
We'll be in touch.
Good, Commander.
No, yes, I mean Master.
Mein Fuhrer!
How do you say that in Russian?
Mein Kommandante?
Or is that German, too?
I don't know.
I need to learn Russian if I'm under their control.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm just an average man with an average life.
I work from 9 to 5.
Hell, I pay the price.
All I want is to be left alone in my average home.
But why do I always feel like I'm in the twilight zone?
And I always feel like somebody's watching me.
So, when you're informed, you know how the world works.
And you know that, going back to the end of the first George W. Bush administration, in like 2004, there were articles already in Jane's Weapons Quarterly, and then even in CNN about a year later, that they would not allow any cell phones in the
Basically the White House, period.
And the people that did have them had to have blackberries because they didn't have apps on them.
Because when you have somebody's app, anytime they want, they can just open it up and then, like a Trojan horse, have it do whatever they want.
There are tens of thousands of apps, there are hundreds of prominent ones that have features that aren't even advertised where they can turn your microphone on and listen.
Now, this has been in the publications forever.
This has been in the tech publications.
I would cover it and say, hey, the public should be aware of this.
And the media would go, Jones is insane.
He covers the camera on his computer.
Then, you know, ten years later, Comey said, do it.
Jones is insane.
He says, take the battery out of your phone or put it inside a little Faraday cage.
If you don't want to be listened to, track and listen to.
Or watched, because they can have AI do it.
They have computers do it in live time and they create these logs of what you say and do that go into databases.
You ask why?
Because the companies in the deep state want the data.
Because they've got algorithms three years ago, they announced, that probably means they had it ten years ago, where Amazon
knows with 99% surety when you're going to order something before you order it, and already has it packaged before you order it.
They know when you're going to pull into the liquor store.
They know when you're going to go to the steakhouse.
They know when you're going to go see your girlfriend.
They know everything.
They know the genre, everything.
They've got it.
So, under Obama and under Bush, before him,
There were no cell phones allowed in the White House.
And if you're a radio listener, we're putting the articles on screen.
So I'm not just saying this.
So people keep saying there'll be four people in the meeting.
And then word for word, it leaks.
So then the security people at the White House start demanding everybody's phones and looking to see if they recorded it.
Or to see, they have these special systems to see if they're on their phone in the meeting.
They'll bring the machines in to see if there's any live phones.
That's not how it works.
They've got a bunch of apps, where you think it's a weather app, or you think it's an exercise app, or whatever the case is.
And it's got systems where they can go in and activate it, and then it activates the mic app,
It records it onto the app, then as soon as you leave, it downloads it, erases it in the app, the recording app, and then transmits it scrambled.
That's 10 years old that we know of.
So the president keeps freaking out, saying, I'm in meetings with two or three people, and they know word for word what in the Hades is going on.
And then they say, well, they cut back last year to only some people having cell phones.
Mr. President,
You are probably one of the leakers.
Because we know you've got two cell phones.
They got you to get rid of one about a year ago, which people thought was about you not calling whoever you wanted.
That was part of it.
But it's also because you're the number one target in the world.
It's not foreign governments even do it.
It's Apple.
It's... If you don't think Bezos is spying on you, sir, you're crazy.
He's the richest man in the world.
He hates your guts.
Obama just got caught spying on you.
Remember, Mr. President, back in January of last year, I told you they're spying on you.
They're watching everything you're doing.
It's Obama.
They're going for broke.
They're not going to stop.
They're going to make something up.
You've got to move against them.
You already knew that, too.
Kelly's got a cell phone.
Trump's got a cell phone.
They're in these meetings where nobody else has got them, and it's still getting out of the meeting, word for word, which is why Trump keeps thinking they're recording him.
Yeah, they're recording you, but it's probably not even the people in the room most of the time.
They've gotten rid of most of those leakers.
So the media keeps playing dumb about, oh, who's doing it?
Oh, maybe it's Trump talking to the media.
Maybe it's, well, when he talks to the media, that's not leaking, that's the president.
So they keep playing dumb saying, where are the leakers?
And there's probably some humans still doing it as well.
Leak or be leaked against.
But it's the phones!
And if you don't, if they were going to spy on you when you were a candidate, president-elect and president, do you think it ever stopped?
They got lasers on your windows listening.
They've got people inside their paying off.
They're listening over the phones.
They're listening over the apps.
They've got stuff over the smart TVs they can break into.
And the fact that I guarantee you, you've had bug sniffers in there that went for old traditional bugs and wiretaps.
That's not what you're going to get hit with.
It's the smart TVs.
It's the smartphones.
That's what's spying.
And that's why they didn't allow them in the White House by Bush's second term.
It's why reporters would get on Air Force One and they'd say, take your batteries off and put your batteries in this bag and your cell phones in that bag.
And the bags were Faraday cages.
The bags were lead lined.
Or copper lined?
Paul, I know you want to add to this, but Trump is just, has bad advisors telling him, because if they don't know that it's what the head of the CIA said six years ago, we're going to listen to you over your appliances, they can listen over people, if they have power down power line in the area, and the right transformers, they can listen over light bulbs.
Yes, through the new light bulbs.
They can listen through anything.
It's all resonance.
And it's all with sensors bouncing back up.
These light bulbs have special sensors in them, but those sensors can also be tuned with the data over power lines to give them an image.
It's the same thing.
There's thousands of ways, as we get information singularity, that they can listen to the President.
He needs to know that it's not the traditional person in the room.
It is the AI robots, Paul Watson.
What do you say to that, my friend?
Well, I mean, Alex, we put out articles in 2006.
You're talking 12 years ago now about cameras on PCs, computers listening to people's microphones, asking access to people's microphones.
We were the first to talk about that and everyone was saying it was a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory.
2012 we put out an article, Samsung TVs can be hacked to spy on viewers.
Two years later, in 2014, they came out and admitted in their own global privacy policy that they were recording personal conversations and sending them to third parties.
That was in their own privacy policy back in 2014.
We reported on it at least two years before that.
So it's not just the phones, as you said.
And they're saying that they're keeping them locked.
In just standard lockers somewhere in the White House before they go into the more secure areas inside.
So they're not being protected from hacking as he said.
And as he said when you install apps it literally tells you we must have permission to access your microphone for you to install this app.
We've had articles about that for years.
So this is a major problem.
Obviously, as he said, a lot of the people inside that cabinet aren't very sophisticated when it comes to technology, and they're not seeing this as the threat in terms of leaking, which is obviously, you know, going right over their heads.
And let's be clear, senior staffers still have the phones.
There's a reason for 40 years at the Capitol to have secret meetings.
They're in a bubble room, totally guarded with 10-foot thick walls.
They've got seismic microphones that can... They got so much stuff it's insane.
The bottom line is Trump should only be having secret conversations in a dome of silence.
And the word is they've got one in the basement.
So that's it.
You can't have conversations in that White House.
The place is bugged by these cell phones.
In addition to that, Alex, a lot of them still blab to the media.
There's this whole narrative about how Trump is trying to shut down the media and kill the First Amendment.
Even in this CNN article about the phones, which you were talking about, they admit that they still talk to dozens of reporters on and off record throughout the entire day.
Stop blabbing to the reporters for your own ego.
That's another thing that they need to stop doing.
Well, plus, a lot of that's...
CNN lies and says they have sources, but yeah, there's some of it.
Because a lot of people are hedging their bets.
They're scared, so they're betting against Trump in case he goes down.
You're absolutely right, Paul.
We'll be right back on the other side.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
Tomorrow's news, today.
It was early on in the Revolutionary War, when the U.S.
Navy had less than ten major surface ships, that John Paul Jones, the father of the U.S.
Navy, while engaging a British ship three times the size of his, said, I've only begun to fight.
And that's when the ship was sinking and was on fire.
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Every other major conservative website or talk show host is funded by the Mercers or some other billionaire family.
That's fine.
I'm not funded by any of that.
I'm funded by you.
So thank you all.
And please continue to support us because without you, we will fall to Soros and Hillary.
But I know in my gut we're going to win this one way or the other.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're all living in America!
Unless you're Paul Watson, then you're living in the UK.
And according to BuzzFeed, that means he's our boss.
Or that we're Russian, or Swiss, or something.
We're all living in America!
And now, from Her Britannic Majesty's London, Paul Joseph Watson!
Thank you very much, Alex.
This is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to start off with a question which I asked on Twitter earlier today, which is...
If all the dominant culture does is to denigrate and trash America and Western Civilization, which it does, how can the counterculture be anything but pro-America, pro-Western Civilization?
And we see this again with this new Spike Lee movie, which again is completely predicated on identity politics.
Despite the fact that all the polls show, all the reaction, all the backlash to the NFL, to the comedy shows, to the award shows,
It illustrates the fact that Americans are sick to the back teeth of identity politics.
But as long as the mainstream dominant culture can keep propping it up, it can still grab the public's attention, just like we saw with this movie, Black KK Klansman, by Spike Lee.
And the video, which was released about 10 days ago, got about 120 million views already, by Childish Gambino.
Called This Is America, which we're going to get into a bit later.
There you see the tweet that I sent to Spike Lee earlier, where I said, why are you lying by claiming Trump didn't denounce the Charlottesville racists when he did?
Because at the end of this movie, Black KK Klansman, it features a montage of footage from the Charlottesville riots and the shocking, horrific incident where one of the white supremacists drove a car into somebody and killed them.
He claims, and I'm going to go through the quotes here,
This is what Spike Lee said at the Cannes Film Festival yesterday.
Quote, we have a guy in the White House, I'm not going to say his effing name, who defined that moment not just for Americans, but for the world.
And that MF-er was given the chance to say we're about love, not hate.
And that MF-er did not denounce the Klan, the alt-right, the Nazis.
It was a defining moment and he could have said to the world, not just to the United States, that we were better than that.
Well, he did denounce the alt-right.
He did denounce racists.
In fact, it's in the Time Magazine headline right there.
There you see another one.
Spike Lee on scorching black KK Klansman.
The profane, littered, profanity-littered rant where he claims Trump did not denounce the alt-right, the white supremacists after Charlottesville.
He did!
Time Magazine reported on it.
Everybody reported on it.
He's butthurt about the fact that Trump said there had been violence on both sides of the alt-right and the alt-left, which is completely true.
You had professors smashing people over the head with bike locks.
You had Trump supporters being assaulted, dragged out of cars.
We played the footage for two years on a regular basis.
You had the riot at Berkeley, where Trump supporters, not even Trump supporters, just people who were there to support free speech, were pepper sprayed, maced in the face, beaten with clubs.
That's what he was denouncing.
He also denounced the Charlottesville white supremacists, racists, for their violence.
He denounced both sides.
But now Spike Lee is basing his entire film on the premise that Trump didn't, and that Trump basically endorsed the KKK, which barely even exists anymore in America as any kind of force, and the alt-right, which barely even exists anymore in America as any kind of force, as is proven
By a tweet that I sent out earlier today about Richard Spencer, who is widely renowned as being the leader of the alt-right.
Remember, nobody even really knew what the alt-right was, certainly I didn't, many other people didn't, until the mainstream media, the Atlantic, gave Richard Spencer and his crowd a platform in November 2016, immediately after the election, with this whole Heil Trump controversy, when that definition of what the alt-right was became mainstream, became known.
And ever since then, we've had this narrative about the rise of the alt-right, that it's taking over public discourse, that it's the return of neo-Nazism in America.
Complete and total BS.
The alt-right is pathetic.
You can look at their numbers on any platform and see how pathetic they are.
I mean, Richard Spencer's got like 2,000 subscribers on YouTube.
That's pathetic.
So, I mean, people who started and have one half decent video can get more than 2,000 subscribers in a matter of a week.
That's pathetic.
Okay, so Richard Spencer...
He's being sued for Charlottesville by all these big law firms.
He tried to go out and raise $25,000 to pay his legal fees for a start.
I mean, he can't be really raking in a lot of money if he can't afford $25,000 for a lawyer.
So Richard Spencer gets up on YouTube, again, the leader of the alt-right, this big scary force that's taking over American politics, according to the media, according to the left, according to Spike Lee.
Richard Spencer gets up and tries to raise $25,000 for legal fees.
He puts out a video asking for donations on April 28th, I believe it was.
He links the donation link in the description below the video.
Well, he doesn't quite link it because he doesn't even know how to put a link in a description box.
There's no HTTPS colon so you can actually go to the link.
But the link's there.
You have to copy and paste it.
Again, they don't have the proficiency or knowledge to actually know how to paste a link into a description box, but never mind.
So they want $25,000 in legal fees.
Over two weeks later, nearly three weeks later, how much has the big, scary leader of the alt-right been able to raise towards his $25,000 legal fee cost?
The pathetic, paltry amount of $265.
Oh, that's how big and scary the alt-right is.
And Paul?
It takes him three weeks to raise $265.
And Paul, it's a total mirage.
Hillary introduces the term alt-right, and then says, I'm in it, and calls me dark heart.
Then they give attention to these nobody groups that have three people at their meetings.
Then Soros funds the Antifa, who are a bunch of violent goons that come out.
There's more reporters covering the alt-right than there are alt-right ding-dongs.
This all happens, and they act like it's the total end of the world, and then project it onto us, and as you said, no one follows Nazis.
It's the most uncool thing, I mean, it's unbelievable.
Paul, I'm gonna get out of here, but you're absolutely right.
We have billions and billions of views, millions of subscribers, hundreds of TV stations, radio stations, all this, and again, they sit there and give this massive attention to these numbskulls.
Yeah, they wouldn't even have a platform if it wasn't for the mainstream media.
You go and look at the size of their platforms, they're virtually non-existent.
I mean, Alex, I could do a tweet asking for support for a legal fund.
After like 10 minutes, I'd raised more than $265 on a tweet.
He puts out a video on his big main channel.
Three weeks later, $265.
I mean, I'm not trying to like... I'm telling you, it's come out about the ADL and Senator Bernie Lawson.
That's pathetic!
It's come out, Paul, that almost all these Nazis and people are actually double agents.
Well it came out in Germany in the 2000s that the German Federal Government, the intelligence agency, was basically running the entirety of the far right in Germany.
So that's just standard operating procedure.
But again, they wouldn't have a platform, they wouldn't have a bullhorn, if not for the mainstream media.
You mentioned it.
You go to Richard Spencer's lectures, you look at them on YouTube, there are more cameras in the audience than actual attendees.
You go to a Jordan Peterson, Dave
We're good to go.
But then they use the alt-right to attack those people.
It's guilt by association.
They never directly attack the alt-right people.
They use them to smear us.
The alt-left, the mainstream media, needs the alt-right.
It's the best friend they ever had.
That's right, because they're such foaming-at-the-mouth radicals.
They have to invent this other radical group to not make themselves look so bad.
And we're just promoting Americana and freedom.
We'll be right back with Paul Watson.
Stay with us.
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Yeah, scam.
Uh, no.
The water table's full of poison.
Everybody knows that.
It's admitted.
You need to filter your water, ladies and gentlemen.
We have the best gravity-filled systems.
So, yes, I do a report on how the water's bad, and then I sell a water filter I use when I'm on the road or in my own home.
Yeah, exactly.
Like, if I was gonna open a franchise of a restaurant, if I was a franchisee, I would find a restaurant that I love, that was successful, and had really good food that I would want to franchise.
I'd say, can I franchise your great restaurant?
A lot of people have gone in famously to good restaurants, and they've said, I want to franchise this.
I sell what I use, and I like, and I believe in.
But it shows Hogg, and the media thinks it's like a scam.
He had a water filter ad after he talked about atrazine in the water causing sterility.
Like, oh my god, it's hidden!
They always go, Jones said this on air.
We caught it.
Here it is.
It was a big secret.
Millions were watching it.
So, InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live, it is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to get into news out of Europe coming up in the next segment.
Big developments in Italy, where basically the coalition government, in waiting, they haven't sorted out a deal yet between the populist Five Star Movement and the Northern League, is basically set to completely rupture the European Union
They've openly stated they're not going to tolerate being lectured by unelected bureaucrats about their migrant policy.
The Five Star Movement eventually wants to move away and get out of the Euro.
This is a headache.
This is a nightmare for the European Union.
And it's so refreshing to see because, again, it's the threat of a good example that it could snowball throughout the entire continent, as is already happening.
Of course, we have Sweden's big election coming up in September.
And we're going to get into some more news out of Scandinavia on that score as well.
But first, I want to direct you to InfoWarsStore.com, where we have bodies from InfoWarsLife at 50% off.
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Spike Lee's new race-baiting film, Black KK Klansman, which has been premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.
Again, he tied it into Charlottesville and lied by claiming Donald Trump didn't denounce the alt-right, didn't denounce the white supremacists who carried out violence during that riot, during that rally in Charlottesville last summer.
He did!
That's a complete lie.
But again, this is the whole theme.
This is the whole underpinning narrative of his movie.
The rise of the alt-right.
We've explained there's no rise of the alt-right.
It's completely pathetic.
They can't even raise more than $265 for their big legal defense in over three weeks!
That's pathetic.
That's not a rise.
That's not a huge audience of people that are supporting that movement.
It's a pathetic, dwindling, tiny audience, okay?
This entire contrived hysteria that the alt-right is taking over American politics is complete BS.
They've hijacked it.
They've exploited it.
They never directly attack the people in the alt-right.
They just use them to smear us by guilt, by association, every single time.
Actual Trump supporters, black Trump supporters, are being attacked, violently attacked, basically screamed at, told to leave businesses for wearing MAGA hats.
Headline, Cheesecake Factory Employees Attack Black Man For Wearing MAGA Hat, Witnesses Say.
On Mother's Day, employees at a cheesecake factory in Miami, Florida verbally attacked and made threatening gestures towards a black man who dined with his girlfriend's family simply because he was wearing a Make America Great Again hat, according to multiple witnesses interviewed by the Daily Wire.
Now, this is a cheesecake factory.
22-year-old Eugenio Joseph was seated while wearing his MAGA hat, and according to multiple witnesses, a woman who worked at the restaurant walked up to him and started pointing at his hat, signalling for other employees to come over.
The witch hunt had commenced.
We've got one that can see!
Imagine that.
Why do they always attack people inside restaurants?
This is a theme with the left, isn't it?
With the vicious, nasty, intolerant left.
They always go for people at the most opportune time for them, at the most inopportune time for someone who's trying to have a quiet bit of cheesecake with a girlfriend, who's trying to go to a restaurant with their family.
That's family time, that should be precious.
Why would you get in someone's personal space in that situation?
I mean, you must have been brought up very badly by your crappy parents, because that's just downright rude.
That's what the left does over and over again.
Why do they always do this?
So this woman, this employee at the restaurant, walks over to him, starts pointing at him simply because he's wearing a red MAGA hat, this black guy.
Says her finger was literally on top of his head.
We were all looking at her like, what is happening?
One witness told the Daily Wire.
She was pointing at him, calling her other co-workers, telling them to look at this guy wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
The horror!
At that point, approximately a dozen or so employees approached the table and began making comments about the hat, with some saying they wanted to punch Joseph in the face.
Again, anybody who disagrees with me is Hitler, you can punch them in the face.
Who pushed that narrative for the past 18 months?
The left.
Witnesses also allege that some of the employees referred to him as the N-word in their conversations among each other.
Doesn't say whether these employees were black or white, it may have been a mix of the two, but they're jabbing fingers in his face, calling him the N-word, threatening to punch him while he's trying to have a quiet piece of cheesecake with his girlfriend.
So then all the employees started standing there saying things out loud like, quote, I'm going to knock his head in so hard that his hat's going to come off.
They had clenched fists.
They were making hand gestures that appeared to indicate he was ready to engage in a fist fight, screaming in his face, telling him to leave.
He eventually left.
This is the tolerance, the tolerance of the alt-left.
Remember Milo a couple of weeks ago was kicked out of a bar in New York.
I'm being Milo.
This is how they treat people who dare express diversity of opinion.
Even African-American people.
They're intolerant, vicious bastards.
This is The Alt Left.
We'll be back on The Alex Jones Show Live.
Don't go away.
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It's just gonna get more Twilight Zone from here.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
We're saying, if you're out there and you're trying to represent your First Amendment right to free speech, if somebody comes and attacks you, it's your right to defend yourself.
It got ugly.
Violence erupting at the event.
It's fight, broke out, fist flying between Trump supporters and anti-Trump supporters.
Yeah, I want to warn the folks watching at home, you're about to see some very violent footage.
You want to fight?
You better believe you can!
You say he's not your president?
Then you shouldn't be here!
Donald Trump is bringing us together!
You got that?
This is the heart of 1776.
Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Free Press needs your help, Frank!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're back in the final segment of the Alex Jones Show Live.
Let's turn to Europe now, where there's a headline up on Infowars.com.
Finland, 93% of migrant sex crimes committed by migrants from Islamic countries.
Now, Finland has a foreign-born population of around 5.5%.
They don't have massive immigration, but the majority of those immigrants living in Finland are from Russia, Sweden, Estonia and other former Soviet Union countries.
So this is not a country that has an overwhelming number of migrants from Muslim countries.
But a new study has found that 93% of sex crimes in Finland committed by migrants are committed by migrants from Islamic countries.
An investigation by the country's police academy revealed that 1,052 asylum seekers were suspected of crimes in 2016, with two-thirds of them being Iraqis.
The figures also show that out of 116 suspects of sexual offences, 108
Or 93% came from Islamic countries like Iraq, Afghanistan and Morocco.
So again?
They don't have a huge population of Muslim migrants living in Finland, and yet the sex crimes, 93% of them, the sex crimes committed by migrants, are committed by ones from Islamic countries.
What does that tell you about the nature of these migrants coming from these cultures, coming from these belief systems?
Well, it tells you that some cultures are better than others.
Now remember, Finland suffered its first Islamic terror attack in history, the first one ever, last year, when ten people were stabbed in central Turku in southwest Finland by a rejected Moroccan asylum seeker.
So now that they've started to get quite a few more coming in from Islamic countries, the terror attacks begin.
Despite this, it was subsequently reported
That Finnish authorities would consider providing returning ISIS jihadist apartments and social services to reintegrate them back into Finnish society, as we've seen happen in Sweden and even in the UK, despite the fact that there are, what, 20,000 potential terrorists roaming the streets.
But God forbid we should actually track them.
No, there might be people making mean tweets and we need to focus on that.
As we reported last week, Finland's Scandinavian neighbour Sweden, my favourite country, will begin collecting statistics on the link between migrants and violent crime for the first time in over a decade.
The left was very unhappy about that.
Gee, I wonder why.
Another story here out of London.
Another acid attack!
In Tower Hamlets!
Well, what do you know?
Tower Hamlets being an area of London which has probably the highest migration rate out of the entire city.
Man sprayed with noxious substance after meeting strangers who wanted to buy his phone.
Police are hunting two thugs who sprayed a man in the face with acid after he met them to sell a mobile phone.
So basically this guy advertised his mobile phone for sale on Gumtree, which is like a version of eBay.
Two men came to his flat, he opened the door, they threw acid in his face or what was later found to be, I think it was some kind of cleaning substance, and they stole his phone.
This is the new culturally enriched London where crime rates have gone up, according to latest figures, by 44% in terms of homicides between 2017 and 2018.
157 homicides
Which is a 44% rise from the previous year.
In addition to that, youth homicides.
Headline on this by the way is unacceptable rise in violent crime in London.
Sadiq Khan urged to do more.
What he actually is doing is banning junk food ads on the underground.
Because cheeseburgers pose a bigger threat than armed criminals apparently.
But the number of youth homicides has increased by 30%
From 26 in 2016 to 34 in 2017, also a 36% rise in personal robbery, which is up from 22,000 to 30,000.
So all the violent crime categories are going up, but don't worry because Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, has declared war on cheeseburgers.
Committee Chairman Steve O'Connell said the unacceptable rise in the most heinous crimes such as murder, street robbery and burglaries is deeply troubling.
And again, Sadiq Khan has basically done nothing to address it.
They grilled him about it last week and he basically came out and said, oh, I put out a report about violent crime in London a year ago.
It's like, OK, then what are you actually going to do about it?
No, no, I put out a report a year ago.
OK, well, what are you actually going to do about it?
Fight cheeseburgers.
That's what we're going to do about it.
Woe betide, you would see a beach body ad on the underground.
Now they've replaced those with giant fatties as well because of body positivity.
We can see that but we can't look at cheeseburgers and we can't fight violent crime.
He's doing nothing about it.
Germans as a people do not exist so they cannot be betrayed says Green Party leader.
Now if you remember we played a clip.
Probably a couple of years ago now, where Stephanie von Berg, the then leader, I believe, leader of the German Green Party, gets up in front of the Bundestag, the German Parliament, and says, basically celebrates the fact that Germans will be a minority, an ethnic minority, in their own major cities, which is already the case in Frankfurt, I believe, within 20 years.
And she said, this is a good thing.
They openly celebrated the fact that Germans would be a minority in their own cities within 20 years.
Well now, in a video interview with Informer, the new leader of the Green Party, Robert Parbeck, made controversial remarks denying the notion of a German people.
Newspaper Jung for a height report.
So now you're denying the very existence of the identity of the German people.
When asked about the concept of the betrayal of the people, Harbeck says, that's a Nazi concept.
There is no people.
In consequence, there cannot be a treason of the people.
It's a statement of anger that can be really divisive, discriminatory and pernicious.
So even to say that there's a German identity anymore, that there's a German ethnic group, is to pander to Nazism, according to the Green Party in Germany.
And they won't even
Recognize that the German people exist anymore.
So if the German people don't exist as an identity of people, how could you possibly betray them by destroying their culture and replacing them with people from the Middle East?
It's not possible.
See, they've figured out a nice little semantical trick where they can justify changing Germany irreparably from what it used to be.
These remarks sparked the anger from the right-wing AFD party president, Jörg Mauthen, who quickly responded, quote, Of course the Germans exist, as the Italians, the Spanish, the French and the Turks do.
The Green Party have not yet accomplished their destructive goal, which is the abolition of borders.
With Angela Merkel's willing support, of course.
He went on to say, Our people survived worst ideologies and have nothing to fear from a pseudo-intellectual Islamophile being a snob to the German people.
So he's getting called out.
They're basically saying German people no longer exist, so how can we betray them?
Absolutely chilling.
Eight-year-old girl tells teacher Allah prefers girls with a headscarf.
The growing influence of Islam is leading to increasing number of problems in Austria's schools.
Cronin Zeitung reports.
One teacher revealed in an interview with a journalist that an eight-year-old girl refused to remove her headscarf because her mother had told her Allah prefers girls with headscarves.
Why do they make children wear headscarves and hijabs?
Well, it's to counter the male gaze.
So they're basically saying that you need to counter the natural inclination, apparently, that some men have from that culture, from that belief system, to rape children.
That's the fundamental basis of it.
It's completely sick.
Now, children should not be covered up in headscarves and bags.
The influence of Islam has also been affecting teaching materials.
A teacher has reported that a primary school student did not want to take her textbook home with her for fear that if her father saw the pictures of naked people in it, presumably it was about anatomy, he would kill her.
Oh, okay.
This is very tolerant.
This is the religion of peace, the new feminist belief system that third-wave feminists in the West are supporting, literally out on the street chanting Allah Akbar in support of.
In another case,
A student broke out in tears saying that he could not open his book on the human anatomy because an angel sits on my shoulder and writes down everything I do that is good and evil.
When I open the book, the angel writes down evil.
So their parents are telling them they can't even read scientific books.
They're telling them they can't remove their headscarfs.
This again goes to the fact of
Islam in the West is turning into Islamism and people are becoming not only more extreme in their beliefs but more extreme in their practices.
You see more and more women covering up.
This is not a belief system that's going to be reformed anytime soon.
It seems to be getting more extreme, more indentured in its own extremism in terms of not reintegrating with society, not integrating with Western society.
And that's why there's a lot of call and that's why there are many laws on the books in some European countries to ban headscarves altogether.
Because a lot of these people just aren't integrating.
Italy's Salvini blasts EU interference after pressure on migrants.
Though Italy had the election, they've got a coalition potentially with anti-EU, pro-populist, pro-Italy.
And now Salvini, the head of the Northern League, is telling the EU to shove it, because they're saying they need to keep the mass migration policy in place, which has been a complete disaster.
Salvini is saying no, more power to him.
That's going to wrap it up for the fourth hour.
Coming up next is War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Breaking news at InfoWars.com.
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