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Name: 20180501_Tue_Alex
Air Date: May 1, 2018
2950 lines.

The Alex Jones Show covers a range of topics including criticism of Benjamin Netanyahu, globalist plans, the Catholic Church's outrage at Cardinal George Pell facing trial, immigration issues, political issues, and product promotions on InfoWarsLife. They discuss crime rates in London and incidents of violence and intimidation associated with multiculturalism and migrant suburbs in Europe.

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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Well there is a big new study out from Cigna saying that loneliness and depression are at epidemic levels.
No kidding we'll break down exactly why that's happening and where this trend goes if it's not reversed and how this is by design.
We're gonna lay all that out.
Pat Buchanan has blasted Benjamin Netanyahu, pointing out that he's cried wolf about Iran for decades.
We're going to get to some of the crying wolf over the decades, but also Pat Buchanan's response of the latest on Mueller, the rogue government, disgraced mad dog, and so much more today.
Our reporters are on the ground as the invader caravan arrives in California.
But first, how did we know about the Korean deal before anybody else?
Breaking out on the North Korean peninsula.
And I can tell you exactly why peace is breaking out.
But simply put, there's a new sheriff in town, and the globalists with China have specifically wanted a strategy of tension in the South China Sea.
As a pretext to move globalist forces into the area and as a pretext for China to have a diversion anytime they want.
And Trump does not want to continue to have a strategy of patience or the strategy of tension and these Machiavellian things.
He wants stability and trade.
And so massive pressure has been brought to bear right to the edge of a major trade war with China.
Huge sanctions on North Korea that actually squeezed
Kim Jong-un, the sickening creature.
And he is also wanting to be on the world stage.
He wants to meet with Trump.
And the plans and discussions have been going on for decades in the 60-plus year conflict that has never been ended.
The war is still ongoing to have an armistice turn into a peace deal and then turn into a 10-year plan to begin partial reunification between the North and South.
Now back on March 8th, I told you that.
The North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un suing for peace, reaching out and saying, I want to meet face-to-face with President Trump.
The big takeaway here is, when those top government envoys and the South Korean intelligence chief met with Kim Jong-un last week for four hours at dinner,
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
You'll you'll guarantee the mother sucker this happens it's going to come out that Trump already has the agreement.
Now does that mean Kim Jong-un might not try to back out or do something?
Who knows?
But this is a big day ladies and gentlemen.
The truth is
I don't know.
Now, weeks later, word for word, it came out what I said.
And it's not about tooting our horn, it's just the fact that we do have great sources.
And we're reporting on something very, very positive that at least so far as getting to the meeting table.
Audience, radio affiliates, TV affiliates, thank you for your support.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to crystallize for you in just a few minutes, I am going to boil down how Islam has already basically captured Europe and how it plans to capture the United States.
That is coming up here in just a few minutes.
And so the time frame is so incredibly dire, it's why the left has allied itself with Islam.
That is coming up.
Then, Pat Buchanan has come out and blasted Benjamin Netanyahu and said that he's been crying wolf for a long time, for decades.
He then provides examples that we have in a Zero Hedge article posted on Infowars.com and Newswars.com that is very, very important.
I want to be clear, I'm not anti-Israel.
I am anti-war.
And I understand Israel and Iran don't like each other.
I realize that Israel and Saudi Arabia don't like Iran.
But I have to say, Saudi Arabia is the greater threat.
It's Saudi Arabia that is colonizing Europe.
It's Saudi Arabia that, with the globalists, is running the Islamification of the planet.
And the Arab Spring destroyed the borders of Muslim nations bordering Europe so they could be zones of invasion.
So all of this Iran and the situation with Israel and Saudi Arabia and Bibi, Netanyahu, all of it.
Ties together.
So I'm going to lay that out here right now.
Then we've got the latest with Trump slams disgraceful Mueller over leaked questions.
Mueller is completely rogue.
We're also going to look at Kanye West seeks restraining order against rapper who called for Crips to F him up and basically called for a Crip hit.
A Crip Fatwa.
I mean, this guy, again, is just a completely moronic idiot clown, with a moron pimp Snoop Dogg, trying to virtue signal, trying to threaten a free thinker.
So, that's how you separate the boys from the men.
This clown moron, versus Kanye West, who can actually run his own life and be successful, and is just calling for free speech, doesn't even support the Republican Party.
So we're going to break all of that down.
Also biblical bombshells.
Archaeologists uncover ancient city of King David.
Continuing to confirm the Old Testament's accuracy.
And we'll continue.
Danish citizen first person convicted under Malaysian anti-fake news law jailed one week and fined.
And of course the government will decide what's fake news.
That's all coming up today.
But let me get into first how Islam has basically already conquered Western Europe unless something's done now.
And that was the stated United Nations plan to do this politically decades ago under Peter Sutherland.
There was an even older plan to that as well and it's now been done.
I'm going to explain.
The numbers to this, but first, Pat Buchanan blasted Bibi.
He's been crying wolf for decades.
So, bottom line, Pat Buchanan says that Netanyahu's a liar.
Well, I don't think that's entirely fair, because it's true that Iran had a nuclear program, and it's true they haven't entirely frozen it.
But it's also true that they had admitted to the nuclear program previously, and that Netanyahu cherry-picked
What he put in his presentation yesterday.
But why can Israel have thousands of nuclear weapons and Iran can't have any?
By the way, I don't want to have a nuclear war.
I don't like the mullahs in Iran.
I don't like them threatening our ships.
I think they're very belligerent and out of control.
But just because they're bad doesn't mean we need to start a new giant war.
But we're having a discussion about this right now and look how nice it is to have Trump being praised to get a Nobel Prize.
Things like that with Korea.
Maybe we're just putting pressure, Bibi and Trump, on Iran to get them to do a better deal.
Which I'm all for.
It is a bad deal Obama did.
So, overall, Bibi's telling the truth.
The problem is, he's cried wolf before.
That part's true.
So when the real big bad wolf starts coming to town, our folks can listen.
Here's Pat Buchanan, a few minutes of him on Sean Hannity yesterday.
Exactly where the things are being done
Hey Pat, he laid it out today.
He laid it out.
Who's gonna let him in?
Who's gonna let the world in?
I have more faith in Bibi Netanyahu than I do in the mullahs in Iran or the team that Barack Obama put together.
You have to be pretty stupid to hand Iranian mullahs that are chanting death to your country $150 billion.
It's pretty dumb.
Nobody's talking about...
How about we get the inspections done, and if the Iranians... Okay, I want American inspectors in.
He laid out exactly where these programs are taking place, some of them underground, and to be honest, the Israelis have proven some of the best intelligence in the world.
Totally what Biddy's found.
CIA, DIA, DNI, everybody we've relied upon.
Our guys ought to be fired if that's true and people should be called before Congress.
Pat, there's intelligence sharing.
Excuse me, there's intelligence sharing now at a level we've never seen before between the Israelis, the Americans, Jordanians, Egyptians, even the Saudis and even the Emirates.
Why don't we make an effort then?
And the reason for this is because they live in that part of the world, and they see the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran and Iranian hegemony in the region.
We all see the danger of a nuclear-armed Iran.
But why did they discover that our guys didn't?
I gotta let it go there.
I like it better when we're fighting.
Now, let's go to Benjamin Netanyahu in 2002.
Saying that Iraq imminently was going to have these weapons, which we now know was not true.
I've studied the issue.
Iran already has nuclear weapons, atomic weapons.
They've had them for many years.
I was told a decade ago they have five weapons we know about.
So, the shoe he puts on the foot of Iran saying they lie?
Well, you can also say he's lying.
But, I don't think that's true.
I think he cried wolf in 2002.
Did he know he was lying?
I don't know.
Did Iran lie this time?
Yes, they've been lying about wanting a weapons program.
That's not true.
They've admitted it before.
So, both sides are engaged in deception here.
By way of deception.
I'm sure Netanyahu knows what that means.
Let's go ahead and go to a clip of a flashback.
The dangers posed by a nuclear-armed Saddam were understood by my country two decades ago, well before September 11th.
In 1981, the late Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin, dispatched the Israeli Air Force on a pre-dawn raid that destroyed the Iraqi nuclear reactor at Osirak.
This probably took place months away from Saddam's ability to assemble the critical mass of plutonium for the first atomic bomb, or more than one.
So there you go and there's a whole bunch of these clips and it goes on and on and yes back then Iraq could have got a nuclear weapon but they weren't about to get it as he says in other videos from the same testimony in 2003 and we know that was bad and Trump knew that was bad and we took out a moderate who'd fought Iran and now have destabilized the entire Middle East.
Now when we return
I'm going to document the sad fact that Europe has already been captured by Islam, and I'm going to explain how, in their own words, on the other side.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the Infowar, the most attacked, censored, demonized broadcast in the world by the globalists.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I've been on the air 23 years, and I have a lot of Muslims that still walk up to me and shake my hand on the street, or who still walk up and shake my hand at the shopping mall.
And they say, we think you're a good man.
Not all of us want to support terror, and not all of us support the more radical forms of Islam.
But, you know, sometimes you hurt our feelings.
I probably had 50 Muslims in the last couple years come up to me.
Now, I was against the first Iraq war.
I was against the second Iraq war.
I was against the Afghan invasion.
For the same reason Donald Trump was.
The two latter wars.
I understood that we were going in and taking out
Less radical groups and putting in more radical.
I understood the globalists wanted it for nation building, to destabilize the Middle East and then bring in a system of total control.
I knew that the UN had plans, going back decades, to merge with the Middle East and North Africa.
The UN through the EU.
But I never thought they would actually try to execute it or that Europeans would put up with it or they would get away with it.
But now let me give you the demographic breakdown and the cultural and political breakdown of why I am 100% against organized Islam now.
I wasn't for invading it.
I wasn't for attacking it.
But it was actually somewhat stable and not expanding like a cancer until the West went in.
And we now know that was on purpose.
Part of a destabilization plan to then collapse it into Europe.
Just like they're destabilizing Latin America to collapse it into North America.
Central and South America.
This is all coordinated.
This is all admitted.
The UN admits it.
And Ergun of Turkey admits it.
So, the globalists, the socialists, have created a domino effect that they now already believe is irreversible.
But Eastern Europe, in many countries, is not taking one, quote, migrant from North Africa or the Middle East.
Because they know they're not compatible, they don't work, they commit massive crime, they are extremely caveman-like and warlike and treat women like dogs.
They also attack people that own dogs.
You don't have dogs under Islam.
You can't make this up.
So let me get into the heart of this right now.
This is not my opinion.
This is a fact.
The globalists were successful at taking over North Africa and the Middle East using radical Islam.
Through Saudi Arabia they control.
They were successful carrying out 9-11 to then take our rights away here domestically.
And then bring in the very Islamicists that have been heavily involved in terror.
And so let me explain this.
Remember Mitt Romney when he said 47% of people are going to vote Democrat because they're on the dole.
Soon it'll be above 50 and we'll lose every election.
They said, oh, you're a horrible person for saying that.
It's so hateful to the 47% of people that don't work, that are dependent.
And they've made it that way.
I'm not blaming everybody that's on the dole.
But it was total truth!
Now let me explain something.
That's 50% is now roughly on the dole.
It's reversed a little bit back to about 48% under Trump.
But under Obama, in the last eight years, it went to over 50.
A hundred and something million people on food stamps alone.
Now, here's the demographic key.
You can say, well, France is, you know, 20% Muslim and England's 10% and Greece is 20%.
How is that going to take over?
It's not 50-50 like an election, where we have a Republican Democratic Party.
They have parliaments.
Most countries have 10 or more major parties.
Like Italy.
Like the UK.
Like Germany.
Merkel is a minority party.
But she's been in power, so her groups control the money, and she's got a coalition of other groups in parliament.
So it doesn't matter that close to 50% of the Germans don't want open borders.
They're able to finagle the parliamentary system and keep Merkel in power.
So, understand this.
They've already established Islamic parties in every town and city and state and country of the EU.
In many areas, the Islam party is the strongest party because it's 20%.
It then allies itself with the Greens and the Left and the Communists, and it is becoming a majority coalition in every country, from Sweden to Germany to the United Kingdom.
Game over.
They are now, disproportionately in some areas, 50% of the social workers, police, bureaucrats and officials are now Muslims.
The mayors, the police chiefs, the border chiefs, the intelligence heads.
The globalists have made the deal.
There's 1,300,000,000 Muslims now.
There'll be 3,000,000,000 in 12 years.
They have six children on average.
Five and a half survive on average.
Europe has a 1.3 replacement rate.
Do the math.
But they're not bringing in Muslims to then turn them into Westerners for the new population.
They're ending the West.
I have stacks of articles where the crosses are being taken down.
Now let me give you the next phase.
For decades there have been no-go zones.
For decades there's been mass rapes.
For decades there's been incredible sex crime and drug dealing.
It's under Islam they can do anything they want as long as it's against the
There is the house of Islam, there is the house of war.
Everything outside Islam is house of war.
You don't rob other Muslims, you don't kill other Muslims, though you do, you don't sell other Muslims into sex slavery, you shell the animals, the infidels, into it.
Now, here's the big story.
Document Cam, please, or you can put it up on screen behind me.
Ergun, he's basically the dictator of Turkey, warns Europeans will not walk safely if attitudes persist
As fight carries on.
That's Reuters.
Turkey's Ergun warns Europeans will not walk safely in the streets.
London Independent.
Riot police use tear gas against anarchists at Paris May Day rally that's happening, defending the Muslims.
PKK terrorists threaten to set Europe on fire over defeat by Turkey.
And then it goes on.
Turkish leaders threaten to burn down... Please pull this up.
Turkish leaders threaten to burn down Europe if they don't accept the Turkey party.
Last year and this year, Erdogan says he will accept that Turkey, that borders Europe, where we stopped the Muslims when they took down Constantinople, what, 1,200 years ago, we stopped them there.
Eastern Europe stopped them.
The Blue Mosque, all that are former churches.
We stopped them right there.
They invaded.
Your textbooks say we invaded.
It's not true.
The crusades were the response.
That's how bad the brainwashing is.
The decision was made to do this years ago.
So, the same day Europe, you know, got attacked, that England got attacked, Turkish dictator threatened Europe on the same day that happened.
When we come back, we'll give you the rest of the story and how to stop it and how this plan ties together.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the antidote for fake news.
It's Alex Jones.
So, we've got 500 million Muslims in Africa.
They're invading every other part of Africa, bombing, shooting, kidnapping, stealing, putting women into sex slavery.
Trump talked about it with the Nigerian president yesterday.
Their entire North has been invaded for decades.
They're losing the fight against the Muslims, the most populous country in Africa.
And of course Trump hinted yesterday that US troops are going to be going into Nigeria to fight Boko Haram.
So under Obama we've seen a giant Islamic invasion.
We saw the West fund the Arab Spring.
We've seen the West call it migrants coming to Europe and oh, oh look at the migrant caravans.
Climbing over the fences and the fields just full of a big snake, a human snake of tens of thousands per day marching in.
Almost all of the military age men promised free housing, free welfare, women.
And public service announcements on German children's television saying, get an adult Muslim man for yourself, young girls.
And then rock star women on TV saying, I wear the hijab in UN ads, telling German women, put on the hijab.
Adopt Islam.
And now we've got the caravans coming up here and they chose a young woman with her children.
He said, we choose her to go over first, so that if anyone arrests her, you're against the children.
And the UN is running this whole operation as well.
The total weaponization.
And then when the illegals get here, they're indoctrinated into the socialist utopia vision of the Democratic Party.
They are brought into the system, and they're prepared to be good socialist voters.
Good globalist voters.
And repeat what they did in Venezuela.
And the media uses emotion.
So that's the leftist attack, is what the third world population is being inducted into socialism and communism.
The Islamic attack, it comes in, it gets the free welfare, the free everything, and it gets funded by the very same globalist.
So, Ergun knows this.
And last year and this year, when different European countries banned
The Turkey party, the Islamic Turkey party, the Islamic Turkish party, within their countries, Ergun said, we will burn Europe to the ground.
That's a quote.
That was in between Turkey moving to legalize marrying girls as young as nine, because the Prophet Muhammad did it.
PKK terrorists threatened to set Europe on fire over defeat.
By Turkey, and Africa, and it just goes on and on.
So, the Middle East politics is pouring in to Europe, and Erdogan wants to be the new caliphate, running the Middle East, and because he's the gateway to Europe, it gives him a lot of power.
And so, parliamentary systems
It can be decided by groups as small as 5% of the voting population if they vote monolithically.
Muslims vote monolithically.
How their Imams tell them.
Their voting records are checked by the Imams.
They live in an authoritarian cult.
So they're perfect for the left, and you've got a lot of these European countries are 20% Muslim now.
That's enough to throw any parliamentary election.
So Labour and the Greens and all of them are running after it, wanting the vote, and what does Islam say?
Led by Erdogan and by Saudi Arabia, by Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
They say, we want completely open borders, we want quotas,
Of a million, quote, migrants a year to each country, regardless of size.
It goes on and on.
Germany, France.
And if you don't take it, you get a huge EU fine.
And then Macron said last week, he said,
Oh, we need 200 million people from North Africa, and they're going to be coming.
And then ISIS said, no, no, no.
It's up at EuropeWars.com, our new European Bureau.
500 million Africans could invade Europe over ISIS plan, UN official.
And remember, ISIS said invade Europe five years ago, and Europe opened its doors.
ISIS is Saudi Arabia.
They're working with the EU.
That's the globalist.
So that's why Europe is basically already done.
Is because Europe and its parliamentary system has let in
More than 10% Islamic populations in Sweden, Germany, 20% in some of the other countries.
They now are leveraged and are taking over the political process and are being put in positions of power everywhere and now saying you will dress different.
We will have segregated men and women on the buses.
Women will not wear short skirts and the Green Party.
Leaders of the Green Party in Europe are saying, yes women, it's your fault.
And you wonder why they roll over to Islam, and why feminist events, they take their shirts off and then scream Allah Akbar, and... Because it's...
It's signaling to the Muslims, invade, we're here, we're friends, because it's a takeover of the West, and the women don't care if they're slaves, or their daughters are slaves, they have an existential brainwashing, like a duck that has been hatched out of the egg, that imprints on the tyranny, it just wants to take down Christianity.
And that's why Macron has now come out and said that none of the migrants rape anybody.
Doesn't matter all the real statistics show 99.5% are the Muslims raping.
Doesn't matter!
Now let's go over some of it.
Turkey wants Europe to criminalize Islamophobia.
Critics note hypocrisy in how Muslim nations treat Christians.
Well of course they don't want free speech!
This guy's arrested thousands.
Thousands of journalists.
He threatens Europe.
Christians not allowed to own... Christians not allowed in their own church due to Muslim event.
That's on Infowars.com.
I'm not kidding.
Elderly Christians were not allowed in their own church because their weekly gathering coincided with a Muslim women's event who wanted the building to be free of men.
That's right.
They've taken the crosses down.
They're saying they're Islamic sinners all over Europe.
We Christians are banned from our Christian community because it is a Muslim event.
And then it goes over all of it, that's in Germany.
ISIS warns of random killings through chilling poster of major UK city.
We'll cover that when we come back.
Macron, migrant violence terror in Europe.
Now listen to this.
Macron, migrant violence and terror is Europe's fault, not linked to mass immigration.
With actual quotes of him in the national French news.
There's actual video of that.
When we come back, we'll play it.
Man thrown out of London assembly after calling out migrant crime wave by Sadiq Khan, who ran it.
See, you don't get free speech when the Muslims take over.
And he's talking about how in his home country, the Muslims have taken over and they're banning free speech of the non-Muslim majority.
See, Muslim minorities will dominate you because they work as a unified, focused laser beam.
They act as a cult.
That's why they're so hard to deal with.
All these stories are on InfoWars.com.
And now the left and Facebook and Twitter and YouTube are censoring us, shadow banning us, blocking our videos.
You've got to click the notifications on YouTube.
You've got to share the videos and fight.
They don't want us on that platform reaching folks.
You can copy all our videos to your channel.
Get them out to people.
But whatever you do, go to InfoWars.com and get our articles and videos.
And just keep sharing them everywhere despite the demonization and the attacks that the bots are going to give you.
Because we're very close to going the way of Europe.
And I'll tell you how Europe can stop this when we come back.
And Nigel Farage joins us for the next 10 minutes.
You can follow him at Twitter, Nigel underscore Farage.
He's helped lead the populist movement.
What is the latest from the UK?
Look, remember that in 2013, it was in fact British public opinion that shifted our politicians, that stopped us getting involved in Syria.
And don't forget, the object of the government at the time was to arm the rebels.
Alex, if we'd done that, we'd have armed ISIS!
It would have been mad!
And actually, it was British public opinion affecting our politicians that stopped Obama and America from getting involved in this.
So, I'm a great believer actually with all these things.
Trust Middle England.
Trust Middle America.
They tend to get it right more than London or Washington DC.
Now, Mrs May does appear keen to get involved militarily.
All I can tell her
...is be careful, because public opinion now against intervention is probably even stronger than it was four years ago.
Let's put it like this.
If it wasn't Assad that did it, you know, you can make arguments about the deep state doing it, but equally, don't forget that ISIS themselves a couple of years ago were on record for using chemical weapons no fewer than 52 times.
ISIS could quite easily have done this, hoping the world would blame Assad and the Russians, particularly in the wake of the arguments that are still going on about the poisonings that took place in Salisbury, England.
So, the answer is, we don't know.
You're a leading expert on this.
Why is the left allied with radical Islam?
Why are they trying to flood?
Because they hate Christianity.
They can't, I mean, you know, they deny absolutely our Judeo-Christian culture, which if you think about it actually are the roots completely of our nations and our civilization.
They deny that.
They also, don't forget Alex, they want to abolish the nation state.
They want to get rid of it.
They want to replace it with the globalist project and the European Union is the prototype for the new world order.
Do you know, if Hillary had won that election,
Last year, she was going to sign America up to get really close to this kind of thing.
So, you know, we may sit here right now, Alex, and be a bit critical of Trump, but on many other things, he's got things right.
And when you send a message, when Angela Merkel sends a message, as many of you as want to come can come, what do you think they're going to do?
In fact, the liberals have become the very fascists that they try and criticise with their rhetoric.
And look, what's really happening here?
You know, don't underestimate
How massive the seismic shock of 2016 was.
The victory of Brexit.
The victory of Trump.
You know, we're winning.
Look at Hungary the other day.
We are winning, but it doesn't feel like we're winning because the left and the state are fighting back with all their might.
And you know something?
If we can resist,
This politically correct charge, this attempt to stop us thinking and speaking freely, if we can resist that, then our victory actually will be complete.
So don't get down, everybody.
Don't get depressed.
They're behaving like this because we're beating them.
And let's remember, you're the guy when Trump thought three months before he was going to lose that came and privately cheered him up and cheered up the troops.
And you were a critical catalyst in this, just as you were in Brexit.
You're amazing.
Thank you for joining us.
I know you're very busy.
But that's as the EU has said.
They'll try to start a wider war to keep the EU.
Don't you think that's what part of this attempt to start World War III is about in Syria?
I think the globalists have wanted to have some form of conflict with Russia as an argument for us all to surrender our national sovereignty and give it up to a higher global level.
They've wanted it for years and now they see their opportunity and we must protect it.
Thank you so much Nigel Farage.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So, we have an authoritarian religion.
That creates the most mass murder of other religious groups and non-religious groups in the world.
It's constantly at war with itself that the people of the religion are trying to flee it so they can come to your country and make you submit to it.
That's what Islam means.
And then you've got the socialists in parliamentary systems all over the world.
There's hardly any other countries that have our system of just two different houses.
Two different parties.
And our unique system of legislative, executive, and judicial.
And the left's always wanting to get rid of it, having a parliamentary system.
They're always wanting new parties.
You're supposed to have a new movement take over one of the parties.
So I have to say, Europe needs two-party systems.
Because you can get a minority group that takes control in a parliamentary system and oppresses the majority.
Hitler was able to get elected in a parliamentary system with only, what, 30-something percent of the vote?
But that was still a majority because there were a bunch of other parties.
Well now the Muslims can ally with the Greens and the Communists and they can get whoever they want elected.
And that's only with 10, 15, 20 percent of the population.
And it's going to be 30, 40.
They're saying by 2050, almost every European country will be majority Muslim.
And boy, that's going to be interesting to watch, because everywhere that happens, they start killing everybody, and they start putting you to the sword, and they start taking your women, and then they start killing each other, because the Muslims always fight.
And if there's spoils, oh my God, beautiful Europe,
All the industry, all the weapons, all the technology.
And you're not going to have jihadis that are super inbred with low IQs.
They're going to inbreed with the Europeans and Katy, bar the door.
I think the planet will get blown up at that point.
So it's the end of the planet.
Islam's going to kill the planet.
And the left, wanting short-term gains, to overthrow the West, to overthrow free market, to win, and get control of it, is allied with Islam, and they think they can control it at 15-20% right now?
There's French cities and stuff burning every week!
There's no-go zones all over Europe, you can't, it's a nightmare!
It looks like Islamabad!
There's feces everywhere!
People walking around mumbling with 70 IQs!
It's just total suicide, but it's the globalist plan.
And Turkey wanting it to be criminalized to talk about this because they think they've got us.
Europe's got to go back to two-party systems.
They've got to deport all these people.
They say the average invader every night for five years, 80 plus percent or so on welfare.
Deport them!
Or it's suicide.
You're importing murder and dysfunction and insanity.
And ISIS brags about it, and then Macron gets up at a speech yesterday and he says, terror in Europe and violence and rape is Europe's fault, not linked to mass immigration.
He's also saying the French flag is not red, white, and blue.
Or that he married his middle school teacher.
He did.
That's gaslighting.
Here, let's play it.
Here it is.
Mass migration.
To be fair, I'm not absolutely sure to share your assessment.
I will explain why.
I'm absolutely not naive.
In our societies, we have a need for more security, more national security.
Especially for women.
And that's why we are passing in France as well, a very strong law against violence against women and against sexual harassment.
Because it's part of the lack of security for women you mentioned.
And I already addressed anti-Semitism, referring to the question of your colleague.
I don't believe these phenomena are directly linked to this migration, this current migration coming from Africa.
We're politically correct.
We're committing suicide.
Only 95% the police say is the Muslims raping.
Because it's not brand new.
We've had this issue for years, not to say decades, in my country.
I mean, you were referring to Jacques Chirac.
I do remember.
I'll stop right there.
So yeah, Pepe Le Pew might hit on you.
But he's equating asking a woman out, or whatever, with Islamics burning down cities, raping women, putting them into sex slavery, all the grooming of little girls.
It's all over Europe.
And he's like, it's not immigration that's doing it.
We're all in a cult!
He just said 2 plus 2 equals 7!
Because they've committed as the ruling globalist to do this for total power and to vote out nationalists and conservatives.
That's the unpopular, unelected, authoritarian EU's plan is to bring in enough Muslims to vote everybody's rights away.
It's authoritarian.
This is World War III.
This is the new World War.
Leftist globalist directed.
And then, if you want to get up and try to criticize it, Ergun wants it outlawed.
And don't worry, in England, if you're a nationalist or a patriot, Sadiq Khan, the Islamic mayor, now has all his other Islamists getting in power.
Now, what, one of them's the head of their border patrol, an Islamicist.
Man thrown out of London Assembly, it's on Infowars.com, after calling out migrant crime.
Silence for criticizing Mayor Sadiq Khan's appeasement of Islamists in the face of record crime, stabbings, acid attacks.
A Malaysian man is thrown out of a London Assembly event after questioning Mayor Sadiq Khan's policies that have seen violent crime skyrocket.
And of course, he's somebody that fled to England from Islamic tyranny, where they execute you if you criticize them.
Let's go ahead and roll what this gentleman had to say about what he's witnessed in Malaysia.
This is very, very important.
Here it is.
So I'm not sure you heard about Arhok, who is your counterpart in Indonesia.
No, no, no, no.
Honestly, we want questions which are related to the safety of London.
It's relevant to terror attack and the crime rate.
So this is relevant.
This is the root cause of the problem we're facing today in the whole world.
Arhok, a governor with a minority ethnicity, was thrown into jail for insulting Quran.
In a Muslim country.
And you did not speak up about that.
And then instead you made a statement about terrorism attack is part and parcel of living in a big city.
That's a big problem.
No, I'm sorry.
This is the root cause of the crime.
I'm not accepting this question.
That will do.
Take his microphone from him.
Don't let him tell everybody where 95% of the crime is coming from.
Take his microphone.
Thank you so much.
Sit down.
Sit down or you will have to leave.
You will have to go.
Would you escort that gentleman from the hall, please?
And then what does Sadiq Khan do?
He changes the subject.
How dare you say that Islam bans free speech worldwide!
And then they throw you out.
The report's up on Infowars.com.
Here's what Lee said.
I heard Sadiq Khan talk a lot about international politics, and I think this is very relevant for safety.
Not just for London, but also for the world, Lee said to the panel.
That's Tan Lee.
At the People's Free Speech event, is what it's called.
Lee first mentioned the incident where Jakarta governor
was sentenced to two years in jail for insulting the Koran.
In Indonesia, and rather, to address the affront to free speech, Mayor Khan was busy explaining how Islamic terrorism was part and parcel of living in a big city.
It's relevant to terror attacks and crime rate so that the root cause of the problem we're facing today in the world, Lee said.
No, I'm sorry, we want questions related to the safety of London.
That will do, barked Deputy Chairman of the London Assembly, Tony Arbour.
Muslims are raping and killing people, he said, before being cut off.
I'm interrupting this question.
Take the microphone from him.
There you go.
Almost all the crime in London of the type of raping and acid attacks and all this is Islamic.
It's a fact.
95% of the rapes in Germany and Sweden, the police say are Muslims.
Those police chiefs get fired.
They're passing laws where you can't even say it.
And now Facebook, Twitter, Google, the media, they want to outlaw this show and block us on the internet so that we can't warn people about what's going on.
This is happening.
And they bring the Islamists in, they tip the scales in parliamentary elections, where it only takes 5%.
They're now dominating, they're allowed to rape women in public everywhere, and nothing is done.
The police do nothing.
From London to Berlin.
To Cologne.
To Paris.
It's happening.
I didn't plug this out.
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But thank you for committing.
They get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
But it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing millions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films and, you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out so you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called reap what you sow.
Receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Coming to you from the former United States of America, from deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Joining us for the next 30 minutes from Rome, where it's the evening, is Leo Zagami, best-selling author, researcher, journalist, secret society member, you name it.
And Leo Zagami has predicted so much of what we've seen with the rise of populism that he said would be led by Berlusconi, as an example, six, seven years ago.
You now see that.
I want to quickly cover the waterfront with him.
In the next segment that's longer, about who is this Pope?
Why does he live behind 180 foot walls but says Europe shouldn't have any?
Why does he say he doesn't like Europe's Christian roots?
Why is he allied with radical Islam?
Why is he saying the whole world should turn their weapons in, but of course the UN and the globalists?
Where's the deputy pope, or his buddy that got indicted for kidnapping over 100 children?
We never hear about that anymore.
So, we're joined by Leo Zegami to update us on this, and also the Knights of Malta vie for grandmaster vote.
What does that mean?
Cardinal George Pell to face trial on historical abuse charges.
We'll cover the waterfront.
Leo Zegami, I've mentioned a lot of things we'll cover in the next segment.
This one's short, but what else do you want to get into today, my friend?
Well, you outlined the basis of what we will be talking about.
Hello to all your listeners, to yourself.
When we talk about Pope Francis preaching now via Twitter that everybody should disarm itself and get rid of weapons, we have to understand that Pope Francis has the best bodyguards on the planet.
Trained since before the since basically 600 years ago.
There are 125 Swiss guards.
They use the most lethal weapons.
They train with Mossad up in the Golan Mountains in Israel.
And so to actually state that he wants to get rid of his weapons is the biggest joke ever.
Really, Alex.
It's hilarious.
So, I'm pretty shocked that we're even discussing this today.
And regarding Cardinal Pell, he just came out of the court a few hours ago, and in front of everybody that was actually finally applauding for the decision of this court, because Cardinal Pell will be trialed.
And the Catholics in Australia, of course, are outraged, the Catholic publications and all the rest.
And again, there's been so little coverage of this.
This guy was number three to the Pope.
running an industrial pedophile operations reportedly to compromise folks and so this is we now know one of the guys reportedly helping the Jesuits prepare the total takedown of the Vatican and the takeover using pedophilia.
I mean, Cardinal Pell now is facing also, of course, a lot of criticism within the Vatican conservative side that tomorrow has a very important event that you have just mentioned when you were representing me earlier on.
And that is the election of the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta that will take place on the 2nd, tomorrow, the 2nd of May 2018, in a period of uncertainty for the Knights of Malta that are seen by Pope Francis as a threat.
Because within the Knights of Malta there are certain conservative forces that have been laying down for centuries there and don't want to give up on real Catholicism, which of course Pope Francis is completely destroying.
So there is this big confrontation between three candidates.
They are, of course, free aristocrats.
We can talk about it after the... Let's come back and get into Cardinal Pell, the pedophile ringleader that compromised the last situation and brought in the new false pope, and this new battle inside the Knights of Malta and more with Leo Zagami.
Stay with us.
Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
Hey, brother.
Good, man.
Thank you for calling.
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Secret 12, 30 minutes later, massive energy.
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Yeah, that stuff will wake you up and the clarity of mind that comes along with that is just amazing.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news today, we broke down even before the London Guardian did with Leo Zagami, about four or five years ago, that you would have this new Pope.
The head of the Jesuits, and that now Pope Francis, as he's known, would try to finally destroy any Christianity, any conservatism in the Catholic Church.
And he's now declared war on borders, declared war saying he's disgusted by people talking about Europe's Christian roots.
He's calling for major governments to be disarmed, but of course the UN will be armed right out of Hunger Games.
And his right-hand man, the number three person at
The Vatican Cardinal George Pell to face trial on historic abuse charges reportedly trafficking in hundreds of young boys for decades in a program to compromise the Catholic Church with sex operatives.
So that is breaking.
Ladies and gentlemen, on May Day, which is also a big globalist, occultic holiday,
So there you go, and you heard Leo Zegami report on this.
Gosh, it was years and years ago.
He, of course, wrote the book, The Last Pope.
I've traveled to Rome, and he's taken us around to a lot of places the general public can't even get into, because he comes from an aristocratic family with all the connections, and it is pretty amazing.
So, recapping, because some stations just joined us.
How big this is with Pell, we know that
I don't
How could Francis be this arrogant to openly say, you know, there's no hell, and all the religions are the same, and we need a one-world religion, and we need to get rid of European sovereignty, and we need to submit to Islam, and he won't even criticize Islamists or stand up for the victims.
I mean, just recap who this guy is, how he came to power, how you were able to predict it by name five years before he got in.
Well Pope Francis, Papa Bergoglio, was known within certain circles since 2005, when he made the first attempt, thanks to Cardinal Martini, who was a Jesuit, the late Cardinal Martini, who is now deceased, who was his mentor.
And thanks to him and the Mafia of St.
Gallen in Switzerland, where they used to meet, this group of powerful Jesuits put together the plan to get Ratzinger out of the picture, which they did eventually.
Place for the first time in history, a Jesuit pope.
Of course, now the biggest enemy to the Jesuits in this moment is the Knights of Malta, because traditionally it was this war between the Knights of Malta and the Jesuits
That's right.
But since last year, he has put on the side Cardinal Burke, which is, of course, very close to Ramon Burke, very close to Donald Trump, and that he's an enemy, he's considered an enemy by Pope Francis, so he was set aside.
The Knights of Matter have been put in the hands of Giacomo Dallatore del Tampio di San Benito, who is a member of the black aristocracy.
And now tomorrow, together with another candidate called Ludwig Hofmann,
Who is, I think, Austrian and a very powerful commander of the Knights of Malta.
And another guy called Carlo Di Polito di Santi Polito.
These three are the candidates to take over the Knights of Malta.
This is a big thing, Alex, especially now because the Pope wants to destroy the Knights of Malta, eliminate their sovereignty status, and basically make them
An order like all the others that he has under his control, with no independence.
And this is a big thing that is happening on the 2nd of May 2018, probably the biggest thing at the moment in the Vatican.
The international media, of course, doesn't know how to cover it because they are, as you know, very ignorant of these topics that me and you have been discussing for many years.
But, of course, if the conservative forces lose tomorrow, the Knights of Malta will be taken over by the Jesuits and they will be destroyed.
So, the consolidation over the Church by the Society of Jesus, it will be almost complete if this happens, or totally complete?
At that point, it will be totally complete, because they will have the finances, the military side, all sides in the power.
You see, people like the Bushes, people like the Clintons, all these people depend on the Knights of Malta.
The Knights of Malta control the parts of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Imagine how powerful is this war that is being fought now in the Vatican tomorrow.
That's right.
In fact, there's a lot of high-level CIA folks.
They call the CIA Catholics in action.
But that's been more the conservative Knights of Multitype.
So there is some truth to Vatican power in our government, obviously.
And then, of course, Georgetown.
And you've got all the rest of it.
I have Georgetown suing me for the first time ever.
A university directly... Because Georgetown is completely in the hands of the enemy.
It's the Jesuit headquarters where they bred the Clintons, where they...
Thank you very much.
Well, yeah, I mean, if people want to know I'm bonafide, we're leading this major populist movement worldwide, we're under massive attack, and there's not a lot of mavericks out there.
There's Matt Drudge, there's myself, there's people like you, Leo, and I mean, I have THE Georgetown University shooing me, and they say, our goal is to shut him down, we will destroy him.
I mean, they say this publicly, so why do you think that, I guess the Jesuits are really, I mean, this is, I guess, the pedophile Pope, Pope Francis wants to be silenced.
Pope Francis is really working against, of course, the only media that are talking against him and that are telling the truth.
And so we are here on InfoWars amongst the few people who do this.
And so we will be under attack by these powerful people.
And because they have unlimited resources, Alex,
I really ask our viewers to support InfoWars because this is the only way.
We have to support ourselves in this battle for the truth.
It's so incredible to see the real power.
And so again, you've got Georgetown that's Jesuit.
It's about to take over the Knights of Malta that is one of the main powers in the CIA, but has been a balanced power against that.
There's got to be a way to stop Francis when he got in using his pedophile operations.
Now his right-hand man's been caught as a giant pedophile operator.
And now they're finally moving ahead with the indictment.
Now they're going to try him.
This was announced on May Day.
What type of weird message is that?
Having the pedophile number two to the Pope being certified that it is going to court.
Well, he has a lot of internal enemies in the Vatican that don't want him to come back to Rome.
Of course, you know, the Vatican is full of snakes, full of people that are ready to backstab you to get back and get themselves that power.
So they don't want him back in Rome, really.
But at the same time, he's a very powerful element of the Catholic Church.
And if this trial moves forward,
To Hollywood, to anywhere and everywhere.
This is an international network of powerful people that have this passion for things that are forbidden.
And so they think that they can get away with it because they think they are gods.
That is what in this day and age.
Folks, you're getting real Veritas with Leo Zegami.
Find out about his award-winning books at leozegami.com.
And that's it.
I'm going to carry all his books.
I heard this guy like 12, 15 years ago.
I couldn't believe it.
It's all come true.
He's totally on target.
And I'm under attack by the exact group he exposes.
We'll be back.
It was about 25 years ago that I began to read publicly available
Books that have been written for the State Department and for the CIA by top professors at Georgetown, Harvard, and Yale.
So that the CIA and other agencies could understand the complex political system they were building.
And in short, it was going to be called a technocracy.
But it was going to fund communism and socialism and fascism.
But really what it was was crony capitalism.
So decades later, after fighting against this, humanity is somewhat awake to the threat.
But at the same time, despite all our successes, changing this paradigm really is an inside job.
It's up to us personally.
So, I don't feel sorry for myself being demonized by mainstream media and being attacked and the globalists filing frivolous lawsuits.
I expected that to happen.
This is 21st century warfare.
I just wanna make sure that you, the listeners, and you, the viewers, many of you already understand this, so I'm not patronizing those of you that are already awake, but I wanna make sure all of you realize this isn't just some more entertainment.
This isn't just some other talking head.
The reason they hate what we cover is because I and others have researched what they actually are planning, and it is nightmarish, it is authoritarian, it is eugenics-based, it is anti-human.
And we've already come so far together
That I know that if each and every one of you will just go research these issues for yourself, you will find out how real it is and understand it's not your duty.
It is your basic survival to stand up against this anti-human onslaught.
If you go back into history, it was 3% that volunteered for the Revolutionary War back in 1776.
But if you look at the Infowars audience, it's maybe 10% of the United States.
Another 10% or so worldwide.
That's a conservative estimate.
But we have 50, 60, 70 million people listening.
We have more than that that have tuned in over the years.
The point is, is that if you look at that, that's less than 3% of the world population.
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We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Tomorrow's news today.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Folks, I try to not build myself up.
I don't think of myself as some big hot shot.
I've studied history.
I'm a nationalist.
I'm a capitalist.
I'm a Christian.
And I've studied things.
And I've been massively criticized over the years for not saying that the Vatican ran the world.
I knew the Vatican had conservative factions, liberal factions.
It's done some good things against abortion, you know, communism, but also done bad things.
But the Jesuits
And Hillary's saying that she's a Jew-itical thinker and that she's been asked, what is your philosophy?
And she says, Jew-itical.
That doesn't mean Jews.
That means the Society of Jesus that has nothing to do with that, at least in the last couple hundred years.
And it's been wanting power over the Vatican all along as the protectorate, you know, set up in Portugal and Spain.
And so now you see it in full control.
It's consolidating power.
So say what you want about the Vatican before.
It is now 180 degrees the opposite of the Bible.
And every Catholic I talk to sees it.
People still go there as traditionalists.
But I just see the churches as kind of the fronts, like universities really are hedge funds now.
And they got a football team.
It's the same thing.
And now I have the main Vatican University shooing me, lawyers say they've never seen anything like it, saying we want to destroy Alex Jones.
Now, why do the globalists hate Trump?
Why do the globalists hate Nigel Farage?
Why do they hate the Russians?
What's really going on?
So, Leo, you're going to be on with us a full hour next Wednesday to really cover the waterfront here, but how can't we get rid of this false pope?
He's so diametrically opposed to everything that's common sense or Christian.
You know, he says famously that, however, it is possible to interpret the objective of ISIS in Matthew's Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations in terms of the same idea of conquest.
That's what he said of ISIS two years ago.
So he's got Europe calling for open borders.
It's got Macron saying the Muslims commit no crime.
They're putting Islamists in charge.
Is your answer this, that if we
Are we good to go?
Well, I mean, in this moment of time, Ratzinger, who, as you know, is behind the scenes and not playing any more an active role, is actually active in the sense that until he's alive, there is a certain faction in the Vatican that feels protected, a more conservative faction.
And of course, once he's dead, Pope Francis will resign immediately and there will be, like you said, one Pope after the other.
It will become just like a normal secular office.
Regarding, you said, the role of Freemasonry, especially liberal Freemasonry, especially French Freemasonry, and Macron has a special connection to the Pope because the President of France, by tradition,
Has a specific role that is given in the Cathedral of St.
Lateran in Rome, which is the home of the Vatican.
And so there is a document which I have inserted in this publication, which is Volume 5 of my confession, the document regarding French Freemasonry and Immigration.
In this communication by all the various Grand Orient of France, Grand Lodge de France,
And all the various liberal Masonic obedience is in France.
They invite people.
And you can see this yourself to accept immigrants.
This is not a conspiracy.
This is reality.
This is a document.
And it's a document that is signed by these people.
And it's, of course, a communication made to the French press.
So, I mean, we are not talking about the conspiracy.
This is the reality of liberal Freemasonry, which is atheist.
Which has broken from regularity in the 1870s, and this liberal Freemasonry became the home of communism, of people like Lenin, Trotsky, and who gave them birth to the Grand Orient of the Russian people, and at that point, communism.
So, we are in front of the enemy, Alex, and the enemy is always communist.
And if you go back to the Jesuit priest, who wasn't really a Jesuit, he was a Satanist, Adam Weishaupt at Ingolstadt University, who created the false modern Illuminati, who actually wanted to bring darkness, he said, we'll act like we're liberals and egalitarians and reformers, we'll get all the best minds on our side, but our secret goal, this has all been released, declassified,
His total power over the family, over reality, will have nine-day work weeks, no holidays.
We will rape and murder and kill and drink blood and we will be the new royalty.
We will be Luciferian gods.
And so, what do they plan to do with Islam?
Are they going to just let it burn everything to ground and then exterminate them?
Because I don't see how they think they're going to beat Islam.
How will the devil worshippers beat Islam?
I mean, I know it's basically another branch of that.
They don't beat Islam.
They made an alliance with Islam.
The 1st of May, 1776, which today we are also celebrating in some way, with what?
Here in Italy, we are celebrating basically a festivity which is communist in nature.
So it shows you that the 1st of May, May Day, which is the foundation of the Illuminati, is the roots also of modern communism.
If you go and study modern communism and how it's born,
First with the Jesuits, then with the Illuminati, then with certain Jewish factions.
There is a thread here that ends up with Pope Francis.
And Pope Francis is the guy who is embracing Islam because Islam is basically the religion they're using to destroy Christianity.
Once they have destroyed the Christianity, of course they will destroy Islam.
Islam will be destroyed very easily because people who are now the chiefs of Islam are already corrupt.
Some of the most corrupt people in the Union, some of the most hypocrites, the people like the princes of Saudi Arabia who go and behave like spoiled brats, totally immoral, totally
All this because it's hypocrisy, Alex.
It's hypocrisy and there is this alliance between the liberals, the communists, and Islam which serves the purpose.
The purpose is to destroy Christianity.
We've got Mike Adams coming in, but I want to do five more minutes with you when we come back.
Let's start getting into it now.
For people who don't understand the parliamentary system that are in the U.S., where you can have 10, 15 parties, and even a party with 10% can change elections, when you get European countries up to 20%, the Muslims vote in blocks, it's said they can't be stopped once they reach that level, unless you get rid of the parliamentary system, and that's why the left is allied with them, and that in many areas, it's almost undefeatable already.
Alex, today, if you go and see on Google, they were marching in the streets of Italy with communist flags, only black immigrants.
All Arab black immigrants were marching, mostly black, that were just off the boats, were given the flags, the communist flags and the flags of the various
Basically all these communist left-wing organizations that are manipulated by George Soros and you see this thing and it's quite shocking because up until a few years ago nobody would have imagined this kind of situation.
We're talking about Islam being the sword of the Luciferians to kill the West, to kill Christianity, to kill the real Renaissance, to kill the real Illumination.
They are the false Illuminati.
We'll be right back.
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We're having congressional hearings about conservatives, populists, nationalists, Christians being
Christian churches being persecuted by the IRS?
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And yes, they had a C-SPAN thing with David Hogg a month ago.
He goes, and Jones says the water's got toxins in it.
And then the same video, then he has an ad for water filters.
Ooh, yeah.
Uh, no.
The water table's full of poison.
Everybody knows that.
It's admitted.
You need to filter your water, ladies and gentlemen.
We have the best gravity-filled systems.
So, yes, I do report on how the water's bad, and then I sell a water filter I use when I'm on the road or in my own home.
Yeah, exactly.
Like, if I was gonna open a franchise of a restaurant, if I was a franchisee, I would find a restaurant that I love, that was successful, and had really good food that I would want to franchise.
I'd say, can I franchise your great restaurant?
A lot of people have gone in famously to good restaurants, and they've said, I want to franchise this.
I sell what I use, and I like, and I believe in.
But it shows Hogg, and the media thinks it's like a scam.
He had a water filter ad after he talked about atrazine in the water causing sterility.
Like, oh my god, it's hidden!
They always go, Jones said this on air.
We caught it.
Here it is.
Like, it was a big secret.
It was a, you know, millions were watching it.
So, infullwarrestore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We are transferring power from Washington D.C.
and giving it back to you, the people.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
This is the heart of 1776.
Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
Huge nationwide protests erupted once again on President Donald Trump's second weekend in office.
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Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States.
And most importantly, we will be protected by God.
From the front lines of the Info Room, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a final segment with Leo Zegami.
We've got Mike Adams here with us into the next hour.
The Health Ranger with definitive research and evidence of Obama treason and the laundering of money through Iran.
And of course, the secret production of weapons-grade uranium, and how that ties into all this.
But just very calmly here, Lee, Lee, um, so I tend to get excited when I'm being calm.
You talk about the Jesuit Order suing me out of Georgetown.
I've talked to all the top lawyers.
They've never seen a university do this.
They say to the professors, we're going to destroy Alex Jones.
Um, we're going to shut him up.
Uh, and then they lie about what I've said and what I've done.
And, but they're doing it.
To Trump, it was in the Observer, that's owned by his family member Jared Kushner, saying that Trump is a Russian agent, needs to be destroyed.
And the same article says I need to be destroyed.
Let me just ask you this.
Why do they want to, in your expert view, because I think the listeners understand, this isn't hype.
They say when they get us, even the Wall Street Journal two months ago said, we're going to get Jones first, then Wikileaks, then everybody else will fall.
I hope the audience and everybody else is understanding.
Matt Drudge came and warned us exclusively two years ago this was coming, it would be us and then everybody else next.
He was told by Supreme Court Justice, a good guy, the other conservative that didn't die mysteriously that same year.
So here we are.
A. Why do they hate us?
To understand what they fear.
And then B. Who are the good guys?
Because I'm not an idiot.
I don't think the Russians are perfect.
I don't think, you know, the UKIP's perfect or I'm perfect.
But what is it that the Jacobins, we know that's the ancient communist system that basically an Adam Weishaupt came out of.
I don't believe in the Illuminati.
We just mean Christ illuminates, freedom, renaissance illuminates.
They call themselves the Illuminati when they're the false Illuminati.
I'm not saying there's a secret real Illuminati, but I mean, clearly there were a lot of old, ancient groups that did want human freedom.
Those movements have been infiltrated by the Illuminati.
Wysop bragged about how it will take over the secret organizations that are promoting freedom.
They captured those.
Now they're about to fully capture the Knights of Malta that does pretty much run the CIA, according to my high-level CIA sources.
And then what will this signify?
They want people to conform to their ideology.
So the media have a role of being domesticated idiots, puppets in their control.
The alternative media is the number one enemy at the moment.
So what you said falls into this picture.
They want to eliminate the alternative media and have only their voice controlling everything.
I mean, communism is about propaganda, Alex.
And they have to control this propaganda.
In Italy, for example, we have even a TV show run by the communists on one of the main channels called Propaganda Live.
And to this extent, we are in the hands of communists here in Europe.
You are not, to such an extent, in the hands of communists in the U.S.
because, of course, with patriots like the Virsociety, people who have
We're good to go.
You're talking, of course, about one of your number one enemies because Hillary Clinton, I'm sure, is not your friend, Alex.
She has even mentioned you several times, no?
So, I mean, these people now have the possibility to shut us down because, of course, the majority of the media are still in their hands.
But if Trump continues with his success, with what he has done in North Korea, with what he has done around the world, with taking the right steps and not really following Macron's mad warmongering in the Middle East, I think that it's very important that we take seriously this Nobel Peace Prize for Donald J. Trump, which I
I proposed immediately, even before I heard about the South Korean president saying that, because I think it's the best possibility also for Norway, the Kingdom of Norway, to finally do a just thing.
Because with Obama, they ruined their reputation, and unfortunately, because the Kingdom of Norway has accepted through the course of time, and I have evidence for this, money from the Clinton Foundation
They are, unfortunately, in the hands of the liberals.
And we have to free Scandinavia from the liberals because, as you see every day from Sweden, what's happening in Sweden?
Chaos every day.
So we need to re-establish certain values also here in Europe.
But you are doing it there from America, from Texas, and you are, of course, a threat.
Thank you so much.
It's very difficult when you have an enemy like this.
So you're doing the right thing to expose it publicly, because once you expose it publicly, the enemy will have to make some steps back.
And Leo, it's critical for the audience to do that as well and to make a big deal out of this, because they've bragged.
Once they get us, they believe it's the first major domino.
When you join us for a full hour next week, we'll take calls.
We'll talk about
How do we bring down the corrupt group that's hijacked the Vatican?
Because you know it wasn't perfect, but now it's gone full evil.
And most Catholics I talk to, in fact all Catholics I talk to, even liberal ones, are just like, this is crazy.
How do we stop this?
And what happens if we don't?
With Leo Zagami next week.
We'll talk to you next week for a full hour.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex.
All right.
Mike Adams is here with me.
We're going to break in a minute.
We're going to come back.
He has huge news he's going to be going over.
But first,
I plugged for 30 seconds last hour.
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Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a longtime InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks.
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order, and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You're trash!
Don't tell me on camera!
Don't tell me on camera!
Don't tell me on camera!
Come here, coward!
Come here, coward!
Right here!
Tell people intellectually who you are!
Intellectually who I am?
Go ahead, yeah!
Yeah, I'm your mama.
I'm your mama.
Mission failed.
We'll get them next time.
You can't even talk.
Look at you.
This is what they turn to people on trips.
This is it right here.
Literal slave of the system.
You can't even talk.
Look at you.
This is what they turn to people on trips.
Love so hard to find.
A literal slave of the system.
See that?
That's who they are.
Look at the slave.
We're good to go.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
Or you're mine.
Mike Adams is with us until the second hour is over into the third hour and then we've got the fourth hour with Paul Joseph Watson and he's got a ton of stuff he's gonna be covering so Mike Adams is with us for the balance of the second hour and the full third hour today he is here to break down
Clear evidence of Obama treason, money laundering with Iran and the other side of the story with this crisis bringing the world to the edge of war.
He's not just a health ranger, best-selling author and supplement formulator in over 300 successful websites.
Thank you, Alex, for having me on.
Prime Minister Netanyahu really broke huge news yesterday, as you know, that cache of documents, 100,000 plus documents and CD-ROMs that showed that Iran has a secret nuclear weapons program that they've been pursuing even after 2015, when the
When Obama signed the deal with Iran to try to denuclearize their country.
But what we are going to do today is connect the dots.
This is major breaking news research.
What I have here in the next few minutes, as Alex has invited me on to share this special report, is connecting the dots of events that happened from 2011, 2015, 2016, and today that show that former President Obama
Transferred military technology to Iran.
Transferred illegally laundered money to Iran to fund its covert nuclear program.
He laundered uranium nuclear fuel into Iran in order to provide them the fuel that they need to build nuclear weapons, and then lied to America, told America that none of this was happening, and won a Nobel Peace Prize for lying to America while arming America's enemies.
So I'm going to break that down for you here over the next few minutes.
And Alex, I was going to do this as a counter-think.
Episode but I I realize this is too important.
This needs to go out right now Well, you're still gonna do that and this is a good launch of counter think you're gonna tape a show each week That's gonna air after the popular Sunday Broadcast we want our affiliates to all be sure TV and radio to pick that up because Mike I gotta say in many ways is a lot better than I am on radio and TV He also does I don't know how he does it so much preparation for everything if you're watching on TV right now You're getting to see the amazing graphics.
He's put together for the first
Episode that I guess is gonna air this Sunday of counter think you're gonna get a sneak peek of that right now But I really respect Mike Mike's not a pro-war guy.
He was against that Iraq war you name it, but he's in here You know saying this whole thing with Obama, and I believe him I've seen the evidence is a bad deal And this is why Trump is so upset we don't want war But I think really bringing all this out is important to let Iran know that we're aware of what they did But even more importantly this could bring down Obama and the Clinton crime syndicate so break all down the facts
All right, it does involve Hillary Clinton, Robert Mueller, Barack Obama, and other players in the current crime syndicate.
So let's start at the beginning.
Number one, December 2011, and I apologize in advance, I'm going to have to refer to a lot of my notes here, but for those of you listening on radio, that doesn't matter.
No, it's fine, you're going through the evidence here.
That's right.
We were told by the mainstream media that a drone was GPS spoofed by Iran and that they captured the drone by landing it without crashing it on a runway in Iran and that gave them all of this military technology in our drone.
It was an RQ-170 Sentinel drone.
I believe today, based on the evidence that I'm presenting here, that that drone was deliberately delivered to Iran by Barack Obama.
It was not captured.
We know that GPS spoofing is possible when you're using a civilian GPS signal.
However, military drones use encrypted military GPS signals.
Beating the encryption is virtually impossible, even if you have quantum computers, which Iran does not have.
It's scrambled and a lot of it's classified, but it's designed as soon as it picks something up, it's not scrambled, you can't break it, it jumps to another scrambled frequency.
Yes, and I think it's 512-bit or 1024-bit military-grade encryption.
It is almost impossible to break.
But the other experts that have talked about this said that it would be virtually impossible for Iran to even visually spot this aircraft, which has a very low profile.
In order to jam its GPS and conduct this GPS spoofing and capture it, you would have to spot the aircraft and then broadcast
GPS signals beating the military encryption and overtaking the communication between this aircraft, the drone, and satellites.
Now these drones can fly up to 40,000 feet, probably higher, that's classified.
But how do you interfere with satellite signals between the drone
The Christian Science Monitor reported, quote, deep skepticism from some U.S.
cyber warfare experts who doubt Iran's ability to carry out such an operation.
Even Russia has not hijacked U.S.
military drones over Syria.
Think about that.
If Russia hasn't done this, how could Iran have the technology?
So the question is, why did Obama transfer this?
He's been caught doing this lots of other times.
Why did he give him $150 million?
We're going to connect the dots here.
John Bumgarner, Chief Technology Officer for the U.S.
Cyber Consequences Unit, a non-profit cyber warfare think tank, says that the idea of capturing this drone is almost like science fiction.
And remember that during all this time, by the way, Israel had been assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists to try to slow down their nuclear programs, so Obama
We're good to go.
The Riverine Squadron 1 is based out of San Diego.
Ten U.S.
Navy sailors, nine men and one woman, were taken hostage by Iran.
And they said that these two Navy ships ran aground because they went off course or had mechanical problems.
This is nonsense.
The routes are carefully planned by the Navy.
Other Navy ships are monitoring these Riverine boats.
They have advanced navigation gear.
What we believe now, or at least my analysis shows, that this is part of a pattern of Obama transferring military technology to Iran.
The GPS equipment was seized off of these boats before Iran turned those boats back over to the United States.
And this was a political coup, a propaganda win for Iran.
And John Kerry apologized for the United States and Obama basically bowed down to Iran.
And the media told us that this was a credible, that Iran had spoofed the GPS of these boats.
And they said that's possible because remember back in 2011, they spoofed the drone.
Which is also nonsense.
So they used fake news from 2011 to support the fake news in 2016.
All this time, Obama is transferring military technology to Iran.
We were told that the boats mis-navigated.
But that's nonsense.
Michael Savage pointed this out in his book, Scorched Earth.
He said the whole thing was a setup.
He said there's a double agent inside of this.
I'm quoting directly from Michael Savage in his book.
He said that agent did it to us with one of our most advanced drones two years ago.
You may have forgotten that already.
Stay there.
And folks, you've got to stay with us.
Even if you're driving a truck right now, or at school, or at lunch, you've got to come back later when we archive this to Infowars.com, Newswars.com, NaturalNews.com, and CounterThink on Sunday when he really lays it out.
Because when you see all the evidence, you get a clear picture of the Muslim Brotherhood, Kenya, the overthrow, the Arab Spring, the collapse of Europe, the master plan.
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Receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
I've got a good woman at home who thinks I'm
And hell bound.
Mike Adams is here with us, the health ranger.
Some stations don't carry this first five minutes.
A lot of TV stations do, a lot of radio, but some don't.
I'd say half of them.
And so this is so important.
We're going to cover some other news right now and then get back into his big presentation.
And you know, when he's sitting there talking about this, Mike Adams, I know this stuff.
I know it's true.
I know he's right.
And I'm getting frustrated.
I don't get jealous of how smart he is.
I get frustrated that I know all this.
And then I get caught up in the rat race, and then I don't put the dots together, and I don't break it down why Trump's pissed about Iran, why the deal we did was bad, and what Obama had is a larger picture.
It's bigger than Iran, it's bigger than nuclear weapons, it's the rest of the story, and we're going to lay it out.
I think it'll probably take another two or three segments, then we'll get into other news here with Mike Adams.
But it's so critical that people understand this information.
We're going to get back into it next segment.
Please tell your friends and family to tune in because, yeah, this could start World War III, or they call that really the Cold War, World War IV.
I want Trump to get the Peace Prize.
I want to have freedom on the Korean Peninsula.
We want to see all these things happen, but this radical Islamic takeover allied with the Socialists,
I don't know.
10, 15, 20 percent Islamic voting mass who almost all vote together and are allied with the left, that's a takeover of all of Europe.
We're almost there!
Europe is almost lost, Western Europe, at this point.
And you look at the criminalization that they've done to members of government and law enforcement officers who dare say that these rapes are happening by immigrants or refugees and so on.
They're being criminalized, they're being silenced, they're being shut out of their jobs.
Look at what's happened in the UK.
Look at now the Immigration Enforcement Officer, or Policy Officer, is now, I believe, a Muslim who's running that.
And of course, the Mayor, Mayor Kahn of London... Is bringing in Sharia law.
That's exactly what it is.
And it is a takeover.
And it's all done in the name of inclusiveness and openness and peace.
You see, that's the thing.
They can always talk about... But they're not inclusive!
I mean, notice the...
You know, a gentleman gets up and points out, hey, I'm from Malaysia, the Muslims are arresting people that even criticize in any way that they're taking over.
That was even a majority Muslim country 50 years ago.
They take over everywhere.
Most of the crime here is Muslims.
They shut him down and don't respond.
But anybody, any citizen, there are many citizens in Western Europe that agree with what you're saying and your analysis here.
But when they speak up, then they are criminalized, right?
They are.
So where's the openness?
There's no openness.
You must accept this being overrun.
You know, a hundred years from now, historians will look back and they'll say, remember when Western Europe actually had, you know, Europeans?
It's a slow motion Constantinople.
Yeah, yeah.
You know, the ebb and flow of history, where cultures take over and lose ground and take it over again.
Sometimes that ebb and flow takes centuries to unfold, but we're looking at one right here.
And all the Muslims have been doing is expanding.
That's all they do is expand.
They always act friendly until they get 20%, and then they start killing your ass, and then they make a deal with your government to roll over, and then they become dominant, and then your wives are slaves.
But what's even more frustrating is that you are you're no longer allowed to believe in your own nation anymore because then that's called nationalism and that's called racism.
So if you love America or if you love your country of the United Kingdom or Germany or Spain for that matter.
And you want any of your culture to be respected.
You're open but you say our culture is okay.
You are evil.
They're even getting rid of EU level teams that mention nation names.
You're evil if you love your your country.
Here's the old Italian guy getting thrown out of his little hotel for African Muslims.
We'll be right back with Mike Adams.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
If you just joined us, ladies and gentlemen, Mike Adams is an engineer, he's an award-winning journalist, and he's got the floor for the rest of the hour, if need be, because he's breaking down what's behind the Iran deal.
What's it really signify?
It's a window.
into the Obama globalist Islamic takeover plan and what the Arab Spring was designed to do, to collapse the Middle East, to open up Europe's borders, to flood them with an Islamist invasion.
You've got the Pope behind it, you've got
You've got all these different French politicians pushing it, saying not one crime's ever been committed by a Muslim, on and on and on.
Sarkozy just said that.
So you're about to get the full spectrum of the transfer of our technology to Iran and others, and what the master double-cross plan is, and what Mike, who's a great
I'm going to recap for those joining us in the third hour here on the Alex Jones Show.
But by the way, you mentioned this a couple of days ago, never forget that Bill Clinton
Helped enable the transfer of nuclear technology to North Korea.
So we have this history of Democrats taking office and exploiting and abusing their positions of power to empower and enrich very dangerous nuclear capable countries that go on to threaten America's interests.
North Korea, of course, threatened American cities directly and Iran has also, of course, threatened to
Nuke America as well as America's allies such as Israel.
So this is a pattern.
But until now I think no one has put together, connected the dots on this pattern of Obama transferring technology, military secrets, as well as laundering money and gold.
American gold has been sent to Iran in order to help fund their nuclear development program.
The reason this is happening today
It's because of Netanyahu, and because of Israeli intelligence, and that cache of documents that they discovered.
Now, we know that Israel intelligence has proven that Iran lied, that Iran has been running a covert nuclear development program.
So let me just recap very quickly.
We've got to go back to 2011.
That's where we start.
And by the way, Alex, thank you for giving me the opportunity to come on and present this report.
Are you kidding?
Thanks for coming on.
Lay it out.
This is the kind of stuff people need to hear.
December 2011, the RQ-170 Sentinel, the drone, U.S.
military drone, using advanced encrypted, military encrypted GPS signals, was captured by Iran.
And we were told by the media that it was spoofed using GPS.
From 2015 on, under the cover of Obama, who said that Iran will not be able to acquire nuclear weapons for over 10 years, the covert nuclear development program actually continued.
Through the funding provided by Obama, and with nuclear fuel that was also laundered through Obama's pressure on other countries.
We tie it all together on the other side and what the globalists are so scared of and why they're fighting for their lives as this begins to come out.
And Trump's going to bring all this out now in the next phase.
I've got that from the highest levels.
And Mike Adams, without me even talking to him about my sources, he's right here presenting what I know is already coming.
Huge evidence of Obama and Iran and a global plan for war.
And Nigel Farage joins us for the next 10 minutes.
You can follow him at Twitter, Nigel underscore Farage.
He's helped lead the populist movement.
What is the latest from the UK?
Look, remember in 2013, it was in fact British public opinion that shifted our politicians, that stopped us getting involved in Syria.
And don't forget, the object of the government at the time was to arm the rebels.
Alex, if we'd done that, we'd have armed ISIS.
It would have been mad!
And actually, it was British public opinion affecting our politicians that stopped Obama and America from getting involved in this.
So, I'm a great believer actually with all these things.
Trust Middle England.
Trust Middle America.
They tend to get it right more than London or Washington DC.
Now, Mrs May does appear keen to get involved militarily.
All I can tell her
We're good to go.
We're on record for using chemical weapons no fewer than 52 times.
ISIS could quite easily have done this, hoping the world would blame Assad and the Russians, particularly in the wake of the arguments that are still going on about the poisonings that took place in Salisbury, England.
So, the answer is, we don't know.
You're a leading expert on this.
Why is the left allied with radical Islam?
Why are they trying to flood?
Because they hate Christianity.
They deny absolutely our Judeo-Christian culture, which if you think about it actually are the roots completely of our nations and our civilization.
They deny that.
They also, don't forget Alex, they want to abolish the nation state.
They want to get rid of it.
They want to replace it with the globalist project and the European Union is the prototype for the new world order.
Do you know, if Hillary had won that election,
Last year, she was going to sign America up to get really close to this kind of thing.
So, you know, we may sit here right now, Alex, and be a bit critical of Trump, but on many other things, he's got things right.
And when you send a message, when Angela Merkel sends a message, as many of you as want to come can come, what do you think they're going to do?
In fact, the liberals have become the very fascists that they try and criticise with their rhetoric.
And look, what's really happening here?
You know, don't underestimate
How massive the seismic shock of 2016 was.
The victory of Brexit.
The victory of Trump.
You know, we're winning.
Look at Hungary the other day.
We are winning, but it doesn't feel like we're winning because the left and the state are fighting back with all their might.
And you know something?
If we can resist,
This politically correct charge, this attempt to stop us thinking and speaking freely, if we can resist that, then our victory actually will be complete.
So don't get down, everybody.
Don't get depressed.
They're behaving like this because we're beating them.
And let's remember, you're the guy when Trump thought three months before he was going to lose that came in privately, cheered him up and cheered up the troops, and you were a critical catalyst in this, just as you were in Brexit.
You're amazing.
Thank you for joining us.
I know you're very busy.
But that's as the EU has said.
They'll try to start a wider war to keep the EU.
Don't you think that's what part of this attempt to start World War III is about in Syria?
I think the globalists have wanted to have some form of conflict with Russia as an argument for us all to surrender our national sovereignty and give it up to a higher global level.
They've wanted it for years and now they see their opportunity and we must retain it.
Thank you so much Nigel Farage.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
There's only evil in the world the globalists believe.
But they know the truth.
And once patriots wake up to the fact they're under attack, the sleeping giant will rise over and over again.
Bring it back to Mike Adams and his incredible breakdown of what's really been going on in the Iran deal.
Not what you're hearing about not getting nuclear weapons, it's about giving them nuclear weapons and building them up for a giant war, a clash of civilizations between Shiite and Sunni, out of which will come the total collapse of the region into Europe.
But first, I tell our new TV affiliates that when they pick us up, do you want us to do a press release or just tell folks, or you just tell people locally?
Because you're going to get a few phone calls, a few threats, a few boycott claims.
None of it does anything.
And most of them say, yeah, let's just test you and see how it goes.
When I said we have over 100 TV stations, that was a few months ago.
I can now tell you that TV station-wise, it's over 300, and we're on over 150 different cable systems right now.
Now, that's about 50 or so cable owners, but just this new deal is seven counties, three cities, dozens of towns, and it got picked up by 200-plus publications, which the station and the cable systems want.
But some of these cable feeds are also on local TV.
Our plan to not just have our own cable channel that everybody does, and then nobody watches it, but was to go directly to the stations.
If you agree to be on a cable channel, then suddenly you're not allowed to be on TV.
That's how they control it all.
I bypassed it all.
I've had this plan for years, but we've finally done it.
And we're going right to the TV stations.
So we're on low-peg channels in the top 50 channels on almost all these stations.
And then most of them own TV stations.
We're on those as well.
I don't even want to... because I'm afraid they're going to set a hit team to kill us.
That's why they're suing us for coming afterwards because...
I mean, it's like every month, hundreds more, and it's really happening.
But if you're watching on one of those, tell your friends, your neighbors, your family, put a bumper sticker up.
Become a local sponsor of a cable station.
Whatever, it's very inexpensive.
Go in a restaurant or something, go through a few thousand down a month on local cable.
That's how we fight back against George Soros and the globalists.
But here it is, Alex Jones' InfoWars show, now available live on 30A television.
There's 38 broadcasts, excuse me, nine counties on the Northwest Florida panhandle, nationwide on Roku TV, Amazon Fireplay, mobile devices, on and on and on.
So that's nine counties and a whole bunch of big cities and towns.
And then it gets on to the broadcast TV, the cable, all of it.
So here's the deal.
There's so many of these I can't keep track.
This is just...
The cable and TV owner is really happy with the huge coverage they're getting.
This is CBS News reporting on it.
So, again, I've not been telling folks what's going on the last year very quietly, but the enemy already figured it out.
So I like the stealth attack.
Mike, go ahead.
Well, the reason your show is increasingly popular is because exactly, you know, the kind of thing that we're talking about here today, you can't get this reporting on legacy media.
They won't touch it.
They're told what to say, and they will not tell you the truth about these issues, these big issues.
Global war issues, you know, issues that threaten our national security.
That's why it's so important that InfoWars continues to expand, and that's why, by the way, you know, I'm contributing.
If you don't mind me plugging, I got a show on Sunday evenings here at InfoWars.com.
It's called CounterThink.
CounterThink airs at 6 p.m.
Central, and we got a new episode each week with a new guest every week.
So, you know, that's a great show.
And again, these station owners... No, do not plug you have a show with us.
How horrible.
No, everybody should pick up CounterThink Sunday at 6 o'clock Central, 7 o'clock Eastern, 5 o'clock Mountain, 4 o'clock Pacific.
Mike Adams, and what's great is these station owners and these network owners, they get it.
These are the owners.
They know we're being lied about.
They know we're being demonized, and they're saying,
When they came after us, when Soros and Hillary came after us, the support just turbocharged.
Yeah, that's what's cool.
This is so organic where, you know, you and I just get together and I say, Alex, I can do a show.
And you're like, OK, do a show.
Do whatever you want to do.
Name it whatever you want to name it.
Get whatever guests you want.
That's because I've known you for 10 years and trust you.
And I said, OK, we came up with a name.
We get the guests.
We're recording the shows.
You know, they're pre-recorded shows.
And they air every Sunday.
And believe me, the stuff we have coming out in the next few episodes,
Is as hard hitting as this.
And again, it's so exciting because if I see bullies ganging up on somebody and attacking them, I go to their aid.
Well, these station owners and managers and everybody already like this, but when they saw the attack and they know it's lies, the American in them, the human in them, the man in them, the woman in them is saying, no, we're going to fight.
We're not letting them shut down free speech in America.
I know that every attack that's aimed at you is going to be aimed at me too.
It's going to be aimed at every independent media publisher, every independent journalist, every independent thinker in America.
And we all have to stand up and defend the right to speak, the right to think, the right to tell the truth about real news.
And you've launched a whole website that's awesome just about this, so tell folks about the website for CounterThink.
Well, it's being switched over to the new video formats called CounterThink.com.
It'll carry every episode that you're doing.
Plus, like you do, I'm recording some short segments in my home studio that are just breaking news little segments that also support CounterThink.
And then every Sunday we have the newest episode from InfoWars.
And then when that's successful, we'll expand that.
Let's be clear.
You have over 300 major websites.
You're as successful as we are, probably more so.
You've been under the radar smartly.
That's a word.
But now, because of the censorship and stuff, you're launching your own big gargantuan media platform.
Yeah, look, we're all doing everything we can to provide alternative platforms of free speech.
You know, we're launching Reel.Video.
And things like this group of TV and cable stations in Florida that we're so supporting, they're all re-putting out everything we do as well.
Everybody should go there to their platform to watch it.
All our listeners should go to www.freespeech.org.
30 ATV, that's 30 ATV.
Everybody should support this.
Alex, the big picture here, I better get back to this report shortly.
We'll do that after the break, we've already gone too far.
The big picture is, Infowars and independent media is the future of the real media in America.
The legacy media is collapsing, and if you don't believe that, just look at the clips from the White House Correspondents Dinner.
I mean, these people are vile, malicious.
It was unwatchable, nasty.
It's unreal.
And they all applauded, they loved it, they loved the jokes from that vile comedian, what's her name, Wolf.
They are imploding, they are crashing, they're losing all credibility.
The new credibility is with the new media.
And don't they get the Streisand effect?
People know the lies about us on the news, and the constant demonization isn't true.
Or even if they don't, they know the media lies, and they go, we better find out.
So the station owners go to hear who I am, and they go, this is pure Americana.
Yeah, exactly.
People want to hear this message.
People want a different point of view from the legacy media, which is all the same obedient, you know, conforming.
Well, that's why it's so boring, is they put out talking points, and then everyone just repeats them.
We don't have talking points.
That's right.
Our talking point is the truth.
And that's what's so cool, is like,
Like, with the show, you know, you didn't tell me what I have to say or not say or cover.
None of that.
Even this report today, you know, I did this with my team and I bring it in.
I briefed you on it before the show so you know the bullet points, but you trust me as an independent researcher to do intelligent analysis.
It's organic.
This is real news, people.
This is how it really works.
That's another thing.
I had the liberals threatening to sue me if I used the term real news, claiming they own it.
We went and looked at the court case.
They argued with their trademark that it's organic, so that no one is allowed to have it.
And we're like, well go ahead and sue us.
I mean, it's like, because they want to say Jones admits he's not real news.
And that's another thing I hadn't told you about.
No, no, I hadn't heard that stuff.
Well, the good news is, the good news is, they withdrew their Charlottesville lawsuit knowing it was fake.
I'm sure they'll refile or whatever, but the point is, notice no coverage of that.
Well, real news, by definition, is independent, decentralized news, independent thinkers, independent speakers.
And by the way, that's what they say, the motto of
Of www.30ATV, 30ATV-ish.
And so this is awesome.
Hey, we're going to be right back with Mike Adams to finish up this powerful presentation on what's really behind the bad Iranian deal.
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This is something that I've been noticing that, you know, people who live on junk foods and processed foods and take medications and go in and out of the pharmacy, they're dumbed down and they're easy for the globalists to control.
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Here's my problem.
When I do take the bodies and the execute things, I'm already so crazed and focused that then I see everything so clear I tend to get mad.
I know, I have the same issue.
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But that's better than being in a coma.
And they admit, neurological disorders are exploding, IQs are dropping, people are in trance-like states.
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You have inflammation of the cells.
They call that something else down the road.
By the way, I've had Dr. Blaylock and other top brain surgeons on and they say, it's inflammation in the brain.
That's why you've got Alzheimer's at age 30 now.
That's exactly right.
Now, your product is an extract.
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The heavy metals stay in the root, so the turmeric root has lead in it, some lead.
Well, that's another reason.
But the top lab we ended up using to make this said that, they said, listen, you want to go with the more expensive extract anyways, because then you can't pass the metals test if you don't.
So anyway, what I really noticed was that it's this combination that you're providing people the information to awaken them and the nutrition.
Because if you're living on junk foods, folks, you're not going to be able to wake up and process the information.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So again, we're getting hundreds and hundreds of new cable and TV affiliates.
We're very, very thankful to all of them.
I don't tend to sit there and brag about them until I'm able to talk to the owners and strategize and make sure that's what they want.
Because again, there'll be some bullying that goes on to try to scare them.
But again, it's a paper tiger.
But these owners and folks know, if they don't stand up against the bullying, we're going to lose the whole shooting match.
Do you have any words on that, Mike Adams?
Well, you gotta, you know, peace through strength.
You know, the Ronald Reagan approach to diplomacy, if you're not strong, if you don't show that you're strong, you're gonna be steamrolled.
The bullies are out to get you constantly, and the way to win that fight is to stand your ground, assert your rights, and punch back when you have to.
Look, Donald Trump does that.
How do you think Donald Trump was so successful in New York real estate and all the real estate deals he did?
You think he's a wimp?
You think he's just a pushover?
Until you attack him.
A lot of people are just thumbs all the time.
No, he's nice, but then when you attack him, he's vicious.
And that's the way that I treat people too.
Very polite, very cordial, but you attack me?
You're in for a fight, you know what I mean?
And you're the same way.
You treat people, you know, off air, in the studio, you know, you treat people nicely and politely, but if somebody attacks you, you're going to stay on your ground.
You're going to punch back.
You're going to return fire, so to speak.
You know, that's a metaphor.
Or maybe in the real world, if somebody were to, you know, physically attack, you would punch back physically, too.
No doubt about it.
I'm the same way.
I mean, you know, I carry a weapon here in your studio all the time.
We're glad you do.
To defend us.
If some nutjob comes in, he's gonna have to go through me.
So you're not a victim, and that's what this is all about.
We're not bitching about corruption in the world just to complain and say, oh, we're losers.
We believe in you, and we believe when we expose all this, you're gonna take the right action.
And just briefly, speaking of that, if you're watching us on local TV, or local cable, or you're listening to us on local radio, just tell the station thank you.
Or becoming a sponsor, or telling your friends about it.
That changes the world.
That's why we're growing.
People get a response.
They get ratings.
But they're also doing it to save the country.
And that's why these station owners and managers are doing this.
So let them know.
And financially support InfoWars, folks.
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Now, Millie Weaver
And Gavin Winch could not get near the illegal alien invasion, George Soros, crossing point where they want to start this stampede like they did out of Middle East and Africa into Europe.
They're trying to cause that same stampede, using women and children to hold up.
No one asked why Mexico's not taking them.
Mexico knows why.
It'll cause a giant collapse of collapsed countries into them.
So this is a UN globalist, borderless program.
And so they couldn't get up there.
So without me telling them to, I said,
They're contractors.
I said, I'm telling you, as InfoWars, they've got a lot of courage.
Don't do it.
Shorty got attacked in Charlottesville and everywhere else.
So, they're now going into the Mexico side.
They should be there by the time the fourth hour starts.
That's when Watson's hosting.
Those live feeds, tell them to just go live feeds.
Those will be on InfoWars.com.
When Watson goes off or something really bad starts happening, we'll cut into his feed with that, and then they'll be on The War Room Live.
Millie Weaver and Gavin Wentz.
Everybody pray for them at the site of the globalist invasion there on the California-Mexico border.
Now, we got five minutes here, ten minutes coming up.
You've got the floor.
Just briefly, one minute recap, and then lay out what's really behind the Iran deal and what the plan was.
Okay the the quick recap on this is of course we talked about how Obama deliberately allowed the technology of military technology transfer to Iran by allowing them to capture a US drone actually probably flying it right into Iran's runways and also
I think?
and transferred up to 33.6 billion dollars in cash and gold to Iran in order to fund their nuclear weapons development program which has now been uncovered by Israel and Netanyahu.
So during this entire time, of course, Obama was also interfering with Israel's elections, giving government grant money to an anti-Netanyahu group called V15 that sought to defeat Netanyahu in the elections.
Moving on, because I'm going to wrap this up here in the next few minutes.
Pay attention.
This is really hard-hitting.
You're going to realize just what a traitor Obama has been.
This is the meat of the matter.
So, the secret nuclear weapons development program continued under Obama.
From 2015 on, it was undertaken, it went covert, but as Netanyahu has revealed, they continued to engage in, quote, designing nuclear weapons, developing nuclear cores, building nuclear implosion systems,
Preparing nuclear tests and integrating nuclear warheads on missiles.
Those are five key functions that every nuclear-capable weapons system program must pursue.
And they were all being pursued under Obama's so-called agreement that claimed to be depriving Iran of these nuclear weapons.
Now, Obama knew at the same time that Russia was providing nuclear know-how to Iran.
I'm going to say that again.
Obama knew that Russia was providing nuclear expertise to Iran.
This came out in a John Solomon article from TheHill.com in March of 2018.
He talks about William Douglas Campbell, telling The Hill that his evidence included Russia was intercepting non-public copies of international inspection reports on Tehran's nuclear program.
In other words, to show that they were compliant with Obama, even though it was all being fudged.
And at the same time, Russia was sending equipment, advice, and material to a nuclear facility inside Iran.
This was happening at the same time that the Uranium One scandal was breaking in the United States, which Robert Mueller, the current special counsel, helped cover up in order to provide cover to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
William Douglas Campbell talked of a payment network.
A covert underground payment network to move funds between Russia and Iran, with kickbacks to Americans, which we can safely assume would include the Clinton Foundation, which is one of the most egregious criminal organizations in the history of nonprofits.
And before that even existed, they were instrumentalists.
President and co-president in 96 and 97 transferring the ICBM, the MIRV technology, the detonator systems, the launch systems to North Korea.
The Clintons have given more weapons of the ballistic missile and atomic type, more of the fissile material, more of the know-how, more of the reactors than the Chinese did.
Campbell, you're exactly right.
We got about a minute left in this segment.
Campbell added that he became concerned the United States was providing favorable decisions to the Russian nuclear industry in 2010 and 2011 under Obama, clearing the way for Moscow to buy large U.S.
uranium assets and secure billions in nuclear fuel contracts.
And he reported, even as he reported evidence of Moscow's help to Iran, this was of course revealed in the Clinton cash book by Peter Schweizer as well.
So Robert Mueller, James Comey, has some involvement in this as well.
And this goes deep.
This is the entire deep state that is now trying to destroy Trump is involved in this deal to give weapons to Iran.
When we come back then, we're going to discuss why.
Because this isn't just about does Iran have a right to a nuke or not, this is about deep state, globalist manipulations, this stuff went on.
Again, I don't want to be enemies with Russia, but the truth is they did come in, they did buy off the company, they did buy off Hillary, they did buy off Tony Podesta, this all went on, and then they turn around and say we're all Russian agents, and Maxine Waters says you're all guilty.
No lady, you're guilty!
You're guilty!
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We are witnesses to the most ruthless attack on a president and the people who voted for him and the free system that allowed it to happen in American history.
From the highest levels of government to their media, universities and billionaires, their hateful defiance of his legitimacy is an insult to each of us.
But the ultimate insult is that they think we're so stupid that we'll let them get away with it.
These saboteurs, slashing away with their leaks and sneers, their phony accusations and gagging sanctimony, drive their daggers through the heart of our future, poisoning our belief that honest custody of our institutions will ever again be possible.
So they can then build their utopia from the ashes of what they burned down.
Their fate will be failure, and they will perish in the political flames of their own fires.
We are the National Rifle Association of America, and we are freedom's safest place.
You know, I just heard that National Rifle Association ad.
Airing on the radio side, TV side.
We had a video ad going with Dana Lash.
I always call her Losh.
I'm teleprompter-free.
Dana Lash.
Great, smart, syndicated radio host.
Great lady.
Very successful spokesperson for the NRA that the left wants to basically kill and says is a witch and burn her, literally.
They heard that ad running and Media Matters wrote stories about it.
George Soros' outfit.
Saying, oh look, the National Rifle Association is spending money with Alex Jones, like, they're the arbiter, they're the boss, they're the god, and ooh, if they say it's bad, it's bad.
No, morons.
I like that ad.
So, I have part of the radio ads on the network, so I run that ad.
Even though one of those ads is about $1,000 a minute, I run it.
And eat $1,000 every time.
I pay to air the NRA.
Figure that out?
So you guys don't get it, do you?
I'm not doing this for money.
I'm not doing this for myself.
I don't sit there and calculate the work I do about me personally.
It's about my children and the future.
I'm a kamikaze.
I don't care what you do to me financially.
I don't care how you come after me.
I'm committed.
Because I know you're bad people and I want to get you off of our collective backs.
Isn't that something you can now understand, dumbos?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones here, back live with the health ranger, Mike Adams.
Counter to the establishment.
Thinking for yourself.
That's next-level free-thinking.
A lot of people say, hey, Kanye West used to be a Democrat.
He did all this stuff.
It doesn't matter.
He's promoting free-thinking.
He's under attack.
He has courage.
You know, so many people we put on the map that we have on the broadcast later get a gig at Fox News or even a guest on it, and Fox News says, don't go on Alex Jones' show.
And I see them years later when they don't have their Fox contract and they go, man, I didn't really get a response on Fox.
They only paid me a little bit of money every year.
It's like 30, 40 grand.
They have tens of thousands of people.
I mean, I know it's thousands on their payroll just that are controlled by them because they want to control the entire conservative sphere.
I'm not trying to get other people on the show because I need them on the show most of the time.
It's because I'm trying to launch them to a wider audience because they're articulate and smart.
Now with Mike Adams, that's a different kettle of fish altogether.
This guy knows a lot more than I do on most subjects and we're glad to have him doing CounterThink every Sunday right after my broadcast ends at 6 o'clock central and he's going to have this even more focused because I won't be here interrupting this Sunday getting into this and more.
So, finishing here for people that just joined us.
Trump is upset because we're talking $33 plus billion in gold in cash, another $100 billion in assets, billions more in cash we're learning about.
Trump says it's about $150 billion, and it's part of this Obama operation funding the Muslim Brotherhood, funding the fall and downfall of different countries, funding the opening up of Europe.
There's a larger global plan, and then laundering money
Back to himself and the Clinton Foundation.
All these documents have come out.
It's bold.
It's outrageous.
It's Lex Luthor-level supervillain behavior.
So looking at this now, this could bring down their syndicate as this stuff comes out, and the alliance.
But let me ask you this.
What are you, from your research, and I've got my view, what were they planning if this thing with Iran all went through or didn't get exposed?
And it's still ongoing.
What were they planning?
As you can say all day, Netanyahu's got problems or whatever.
He, you know, he said there were WMDs when there weren't, you know, back in 2002 or whatever.
Soros, in the secret documents that have come out, wants to overthrow Israel.
The Vatican wants to overthrow it.
They say it's a Muslim future.
They're breaking down the borders.
So here's the deal.
I know there's an Israel lobby.
It's a diverse group.
That there's this mental illness online by conservatives and liberals that you're a free thinker if you hate Israel and that's the touchstone.
None of the Muslim countries will take the, you know, five million Palestinians.
Most of them aren't Palestinians.
They've got, you know, millions of open-air air-conditioned tents.
Saudi Arabia won't take them.
They won't take one.
So here's the deal.
The globalists have 1.3 billion people ready to invade Europe.
They're having six kids on average.
By 2030, that's 3 billion Muslims.
They are coming as an authoritarian force to make me submit.
Sharia law is already going into Europe.
Ten years ago, I would hear this stuff.
I knew the globalists work with radical Islam, but I didn't believe it when I heard all the caliphate stuff in Turkey, and they're going to collapse the border, and the Muslims are going to out-vote us.
I didn't understand it was parliamentary, so even 10% can take over through a parliament.
It's true!
It's the plan!
It's happening!
I'm all in to stop it!
We will stand for the West!
We will stand for real classical liberal policies.
We will stand for true open societies with true open people.
We will stand against a cult of authoritarianism that abuses women, enslaves them, murders gays, you name it.
And I will say to the so-called liberal lobby, the Sorcerers, the Soroses, all of you,
All you leftists, point your finger at me and say I'm a big meanie and I'm a bigot and I'm a Nazi.
You're allied with Islam that to a man and woman was allied with Hitler who also wanted this demographic and wanted to do this.
This is a, the EU is a Hitler plan.
They are following a Hitler plan.
Juncker's grandfather was the richest man in the Reich.
Junker aircraft, Junker munitions.
His dad was a Nazi officer.
Junker is a Nazi.
He's a globalist.
The grandson of the richest Nazi runs the unelected EU and is allied with Islam.
This is happening again and the poor German people...
The engine of Europe have to finance this whole thing.
They hate it.
Just like the Nazis got control of the German people again.
Through intimidation, control, and everything, they've got the Germans again.
So we're facing a replay of what happened in World War II right now.
So why do you think this is happening?
Who are the power players?
What needs to happen, Mike Adams?
The big picture is the destruction of the United States of America.
And this has been going on for decades with Bill Clinton transferring technology to North Korea.
Look at the technology transfers to China.
They got a 3 billion person army in 12 years that's ready to suicide bomb!
We need 200 foot walls.
Notice they let them in and then take all of our rights.
Just like the French president said, oh we need more security and we're going to arrest men that sexually harass but the Muslims never did anything wrong.
They bring it in, they take our rights because of the threat, they leave the borders open.
This is a planned takeover.
These people are traitorous enemies.
Sorry Mike, I'm ranting.
It's okay.
It's a multi-faceted attack and you're absolutely right.
And I'm saying wake up!
This is World War 4!
We're under attack!
Raise the alarm, dammit!
Obama's goal was to give Iran nuclear weapons and for Iran to use those nuclear weapons against Israel.
I am convinced.
No question about that whatsoever.
And as they got longer and longer ranges on their ballistic missiles, for Iran to be able to threaten other countries.
They can already hit Moscow.
And maybe one day the United States, if they get the technology that North Korea has.
But you're absolutely right, Alex, this is critical.
Let me just wrap this up because there's a couple of... Wrap it up and then what do you think the calculus is between Saudi Arabia and then the Shiites in Iran and the global deal?
How do they think they're going to control a three billion person army?
Yeah, okay.
First of all, InfoWars reported this.
As well, we talked about how the deep state was covering all of this up while Obama was giving nuclear aid to Iran through nuclear fuel, money, as well as allowing technical know-how to arrive in Iran from Russia.
Through the Russian collusion with President Trump's campaign, Julian Assange at WikiLeaks tweeted a WikiLeaks-released State Department cable documenting that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered Robert Mueller to deliver a sample of stolen, highly enriched uranium to Russia in 2009.
That's reported by InfoWars, and then Roger Stone chimes in from a Daily Caller article in 2017.
He says,
He talks about how the president has to order a special counsel to investigate the Obama-Clinton-Mueller-Rosenstein criminal collusion, he calls it, that enriched the Clinton-Democrat crime syndicate and embedded the power of the deep state operators who facilitated the multibillion-dollar- And we need that last year!
We need this now!
That's right.
And then, finally,
When Mueller was FBI Director in 2010, members of an interagency committee working under Obama facilitated a business deal that had grave public implications.
This is also from Roger Stone in Daily Caller.
The result of it was that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton effectively handed Russia and Vladimir Putin control over as much as 20% of the Iranian population.
And so here's the question.
What was the strategy long-term?
Break down short-term, mid-term, long-term and where you think Iran is right now and what the new power configuration constellation is because now with Trump there is real tectonic collision.
Long-term plan was to gut America's tactical advantage by transferring military technology to Iran and other countries and then to give Iran nuclear capability through funding that was laundered by Obama into Iran.
To entice them towards a first strike?
No question.
No question that Iran has talked about a first strike.
Well, under Ahmadinejad, of course.
Now, not quite as much.
That's what I'm asking.
What is the insane calculus of giving Iran weapons and then doing all this?
What is the point?
Alex, it's revelation.
It's in revelation, man.
It's the Russia-Iran attack on Israel and the defensive nuking of Damascus in Syria.
That's all in revelation.
I mean, it's all been written out of how this would play out.
And Obama has been feeding the destructive nuclear side of this.
Think about the things.
Obama funded Iran's nuclear program.
He transferred U.S.
military technology.
He covered up for Iran.
He fueled the nuclear weapons development.
Through enriched fuel transfer, he whitewashed Russia's nuclear fuel acquisition and technology transfers to Iran, and then Obama conspired with America's enemies to give them power while hurting America.
And at the highest global level, then what's the next step after that?
Well, of course it's the complete destruction of the United States of America, UN occupation.
That's it?
It's the destruction of the West.
They're going to just start race wars here and have us all destabilized, while Europe deals with the big crisis of a collapsed Middle East.
And then out of that comes the one world government.
And the Pope up there saying, peace, love, turning your guns on the Pope.
At the same time, Obama was also inciting racial tension in America and evoking a race war.
He was running the Arab Spring.
Obama was systematically seeking to destroy America.
So it's classic Jacobin Illuminati worldwide revolution.
And it fits the constitutional definition of treason.
Obama is a criminal against America.
He's a criminal against humanity.
Yeah, that too.
So there you go, Alex.
That's my report.
Let's put a bookend on it.
Paul Joseph Watson coming up.
Please, the live video feeds, the audio feeds, the podcast, subscribe to our YouTube, everything.
Just fire out the live links.
Only you can stop the globalists with God's help.
Only you can override their censorship.
Nothing can stop you if you take action.
Desiree, thanks for holding her on the air from California.
Go ahead.
Just wanted to let you know I've been listening to you for about six years now.
My husband turned me on to you and absolutely I could not stand you.
For about the first two months I listened to you and now I listen every single day to your phone.
I feel that you do and I absolutely thank God that I have a forum that I can contribute to and I get such an amazing product.
We use your brain force, your survival shield.
I work nights, 12-14 hours a night, 5 days a week.
I use your winter sun, your selenium, the real red pill, your bio PCA, immune wall.
Here in California, fighting, trying to survive with the demon rats.
How they're demonizing my state, I just can't stand it anymore.
You have changed my life, InfoWars has changed my family's life.
I bought property in a no-fly zone, no cell phone service, got my own well at water.
My mind is so open to everything that's going on, but I need to know what else we can do.
Well, you're on the right track, Desiree.
What you're doing right now is absolutely working, and thank you for calling and sharing that with everyone.
I think she should just share her testimony.
By the way, Desiree, again, thank you for your call.
Absolutely, sweetheart.
We love you and tell your husband we love him.
We really appreciate you.
Keep up the fight.
We need to take California back.
Thank you, Desiree.
We're going to come back and make more calls.
Thank you, sweetheart.
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It's Alex Jones!
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, in three minutes, Paul Joseph Watson from London, England takes over with a huge raft of breaking news and information.
Mike Adams, we just did an hour and 15 minutes or so breaking all of this down, what's really behind Iran, what's really behind the so-called deal that Obama did, and where this is all leading.
You made a point during the break that was critical.
That Obama, what's horrifying about this is Obama still has power.
He's still active from his so-called bunker.
He's still calling a lot of shots.
He is not being indicted for these obvious acts of treason against America that span many, many years of his entire presidency.
If anyone needs to be investigated, indicted, and imprisoned if found guilty by a jury, it's Barack Obama and his co-conspirators, which include, by the way, Robert Mueller and Hillary Clinton.
That is the upshot of this realization here.
And he's still, even in the news on most of Trump's trips, he follows around behind him with three jets.
And as soon as Trump leaves, he shows up and then goes and talks to the same leader to sabotage it.
So it's a permanent deep state trying to hold on.
And I think Trump's starting to get a little bit of control, but I don't think it's 50-50 yet.
I mean, this is such edge of your seat type stuff that I can't describe to listeners and viewers.
This is epic.
They're trying to derail the peace deal with North Korea.
They're trying to start a war.
I overall do trust Trump.
I got mad at him when they struck Syria because I get he's being manipulated into all this.
But at a larger level, I at a gut level still trust Trump.
He's done so much good.
That doesn't mean I won't disagree with him when he's wrong.
But just overall, you know a man by his enemies.
And what do you think of Trump?
Obama still wants to destroy America and Trump absolutely wants to save America from that destruction.
That, in a nutshell, is what you need to realize.
Trump is doing everything in his power to try to prevent the absolute destruction of America.
And he's being fought tooth and nail by the deep state, by people like Obama, by the fake news media and other covert operatives inside the system that are trying to destroy him or assassinate him and shut off all voices that are pro-Trump.
So there you go, Alex.
That's the situation we're in.
And it's a total war, and I've never seen anybody lay it out as just cut and dry as that.
They're coming after everybody that stands for the Republic, for free market, for family, for sovereignty, for decency.
These are globalists.
They want to conquer us through pure power.
They want to usurp us, even if it bankrupts everything.
They started World War I and World War II to bring in the UN.
They are the enemy of humanity, but nationalism and populism is awakening, and we have a chance to fight it out.
This morning I had some high-level phone calls with some of the most high-level folks in Europe.
I mean, right at the top of the rebellion, and they... it's... folks...
I'm not going to say who, people can figure it out.
The point is, a lot of exciting things are going on, and this is the real deal, and we're surrounded, but thank God we can now attack in all directions, but we're not surrounded overall because of you taking action.
Now, Paul Joseph Watson from London, England, tell us what you've got coming up in the next hour, my friend.
Hi Alex, yeah, we're going to turn our attention back to the culture war and back to Millennials and Generation Z, because you probably covered this, but there's a new poll which shows
Democrats are hemorrhaging support amongst Millennials.
They've lost nine percentage points in support amongst Millennials since the end of 2016 alone.
So in less than a year and a half, you would think that that would be their, you know, their key target audience.
They're losing it in droves.
We've also got
Why young millennials actually want more traditional marriage roles.
Basically the last 10 years of third wave feminism trying to scramble gender roles has completely and utterly failed.
Young people are saying they want more traditional roles, you know, women doing certain tasks, men doing others, both equally, both important tasks.
This whole reindoctrination program in terms of gender looks like it's completely failed, which is why Alex, I say over and over again,
Conservatism is a new counterculture because if you make hating America, if you make 72 genders the dominant culture, then you're going to have a backlash against it.
So we're going to get into that during the fourth hour.
It's a biological plan.
They admitted it all to basically break up the family, atomize everything for depopulation.
Also, new study reveals loneliness epidemic levels in America.
That's the smartphones, all of it.
Paul Watson coming up.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
This is Paul Joseph Watson hosting the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show on this May the 1st 2018 edition.
We're going to get into the migrant crisis, what's happening in Europe.
Obviously that's a subject that I talk about on a regular basis, being right here in the middle of it.
But first we're going to get into what's happening with the culture war and with the war for the minds of the youth because we have this article out of Information Liberation Headline
Dems hemorrhaging support among Millennials lose nine points in just two years.
That's right, the Democrats thought that they would continue, God only knows how they thought it would be a success, with this identity politics platform, which is no platform at all, and that they would continue to attract young voters.
It's not working.
It's just not working.
Article states Democrats are hemorrhaging support among Millennials, according to a new poll from Reuters Ipsos.
Their biggest losses are among young white men.
Why do you think that is?
Because they're continually attacked in the popular culture, who went from favouring Democrats over Republicans 48 to 36 in 2016, to favouring Republicans over Democrats 46 to 37 in 2018.
So they've lost 9 percentage points since the end of 2016 alone!
Now on top of this of course we have other articles that we've previously covered, other studies, which prove that Generation Z is the most conservative generation since World War II.
And again, whenever we talk about this kind of thing,
The Comedy Central's of the world, the Salon.com's of the world come out and say, oh, so you're saying that the new cool, hip, trendy thing to be is to worship the establishment GOP is to love Mike Pence?
No, it's not about that.
Obviously, there's been a fissure in the Republican Party over the last few years, which has broken away from that stayed sterile establishment perspective.
That's not what we're talking about.
We're talking about the fact that the left or the new Puritans trying to literally ban everything from offensive songs to cheerleaders to Page Three girls to Formula One grid girls
That's why young people are turning away from them, because they see that that kind of mindset is joyless, is self-inhibiting, and it's frankly not cool.
I mean, why do you think Kanye's come out with all this rhetoric in the culture war recently, and why it's resonating with a lot of people?
Because it is seen as counterculture to go against the grain and be a conservative on Twitter.
I mean, the mass outrage from Kanye West merely supporting the sitting President of the United States from the dominant cultural media institutions says everything you need to know about who is still in control of the dominant culture.
You can't be the dominant culture and the counterculture.
It doesn't work that way.
Article continues.
The online survey of more than 16,000 registered voters ages 18 to 34 shows their support for Democrats over Republicans for Congress slipped by about 9 percentage points over the past two years, to 46% overall, and they increasingly say the Republican Party is a better steward of the economy.
So they're becoming more fiscally conservative.
Although nearly two out of three young voters polled said they do not like Republican President Donald Trump,
Because of obviously, you know, 90% negative media coverage.
Their distaste for him does not necessarily extend to all Republicans or translate directly into votes for Democratic congressional candidates.
So again, this proves that whatever you think of Donald Trump, whatever they think of Donald Trump, Democrats aren't reaching out with a message that resonates not just with young people, but with anyone.
They don't have policies.
It's all about virtue signalling and identity politics still.
We're still here in May 2018 and that's all they've got and that's not a platform.
It wasn't a platform in 2016, it isn't one now.
Article continues, this presents a potential problem for Democrats who have come to count on Millennials as a core constituency and will need all the loyalty they can get to achieve a net gain of 23 seats to capture control of the US House of Representatives in November.
The shift away from Democrats was more pronounced among white Millennials who accounted for two-thirds of all votes cast in that age group in 2016.
If you go to the original Information Liberation article, which we posted up on Infowars.com this morning,
It suggests a few reasons why young white millennials aren't so hot on the Democratic Party and the left in general, given that they get bashed from pillar to post in the dominant culture in the media on a day-to-day basis, where it's seen as cool, where it's seen as the last outpost of acceptable racism to be racist, to collectivise young white men.
Exact same thing happens in my country.
Where they claim that we have white privilege and in fact the most successful people in terms of money, in terms of starting businesses, are generally speaking immigrants, Indian immigrants.
White middle class, particularly boys, young men, are at the bottom of that rung.
So why do you think across European countries and in America they're losing the vote of young white male millennials?
This is huge.
Nine percentage points lost in November.
The Democrats thought they had this in the bag.
They thought it was a gimme.
It's not.
People are being driven away from them because they're turned off from this identity politics message, which is why I say over and over again, I get messages every day, more than ever before.
Compare this to like three, four years ago.
Complete contrast from young people who resonate with my message, who resonate with the message of people who are similar to me saying similar things to me.
They're 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 year olds in school, in college.
They say this is the new form of rebellion.
I mean, eventually, I guess it will become the dominant culture and it won't be the counterculture anymore.
But right now it is seen as effervescent in terms of the culture war to be.
I mean, conservative is simplifying it to a great degree.
It's not just about conservatism.
It's more about cultural libertarianism, which is how it was defined a couple of years ago.
When you become the new Puritans, when you become the new censors, when you shut down free speech, when you shut down music, when you shut down movies, when you shut down art, which the new left has become, there are very few actual classical liberals left, then of course you're going to get a backlash to that.
And we're seeing that not only in the culture, to some degree, but also now in politics, with Democrats hemorrhaging millennial votes.
We also have this article headlined, Why Young Millennials Actually Want More Traditional Marriage Roles.
Now this proves again that third wave feminism has completely and utterly failed.
Completely failed.
Not only is the word feminism seen as a pejorative by a majority of people, if you look at polls, even women in many countries, the majority of women, the majority, do not identify as feminists.
Certainly the majority of people in general do not identify as feminists.
And this is another exploration into that.
Article reads, women have fought hard decade after decade to make society a more equitable place, from the workplace to the home.
Continues regarding the study, which is called Trending Towards Traditionalism, Changes in Youth's Gender Ideology, led by Joanna Pepin, a PhD student in Sociology at the University of Maryland.
They examined 40 years of data on the attitudes of high school seniors' views on family, relationships and work.
What did they discover?
Well, they note in their report that while we might expect each generation to get more progressive, whatever that means now, literally now that means like worshipping the hijab and creating cry closets for people who get offended by ideas, that's the new definition of progressivism.
It says, today's young millennials are reaching back in time when it comes to women's roles at home.
They also believe women should be equal to men in the workplace.
According to the study, 42% of high school seniors in 1994 felt that it was to the benefit of families for men to be breadwinners while women cared for the home.
This number increased 15 percentage points to 58% in 2014.
So what their figures are from four years ago is probably even higher now.
So it went from 42% of high school seniors believing, basically, in traditional gender roles, to 58% supporting traditional gender roles in 2014.
This is despite the relentless onslaught of propaganda, re-education, re-indoctrination, scrambling of gender roles, you know, 72 different genders and all that insanity, which we've seen accelerate over the past 5-10 years, and definitely over the past
15, 20 years.
So that is absolutely huge.
Young people, millennials, Gen Zers, are not buying the indoctrination.
In fact, they're rebelling against it.
And that is going to be a huge problem for the social engineers going forward.
This is the Alex Jones Show, live breaking news at Infowars.com.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live, it is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
In the next segment we're going to play a new video which I just completed which went up on Infowars.com about an hour ago.
It's called What They're Not Telling You About London.
Specifically the real causes of the violent crime wave that we've experienced, not just in London but across the whole of the UK over the past year or so.
The media will never talk about the true causes.
If we don't uncover the true causes, how are we going to get to the solutions?
This is the only compilation that I've seen that actually documents it.
We're going to play it in the next segment.
Now we're going to switch to Europe, though.
We're going to talk about the migrant crisis.
Oh, by the way, I wanted to read a couple of quotes out, just bookending that culture war discussion.
We see a smattering, still a smattering, a small smattering of liberals, actual liberals, who still resist this onslaught of woke,
Culture war, propaganda, indoctrination.
Rob Schneider came out and talked about late night comedy, which is a subject that I've discussed off the back of, you know, Comedy Central basically creating a whole show based around attacking Infowars.
The opposition, which is so incredibly unfunny, it makes Michelle Wolf look absolutely hilarious in comparison.
But Rob Schneider has called this out because, as I mentioned in that video,
All the new, cool, popular comedians are anti-PC, anti-identity politics.
People like Joe Rogan, Bill Burr, Ricky Gervais, even Roseanne.
The people who people want to watch are all in that same vein.
Meanwhile, you have a lot of people on the left going down this identity politics route, going down this safe route where they're so petrified of offending anyone.
That they can barely even write a punchline anymore.
It's so pathetic.
It's so sterile.
It's so boring.
And Rob Schneider's called that out.
This is a quote, which was in a Fox News interview from today, I believe.
He said, quote, So again, comedy is supposed to be about making people laugh.
It doesn't matter.
It's in the context of comedy.
You can be offensive.
Oh no, you can't.
If you teach your pug dog to do a Nazi salute, you get sentenced as a criminal.
But in the olden days, you could actually be offensive as long as you were trying to make people laugh.
Schneider continues, people aren't really laughing at it as much as cheering on the rhetoric.
It no longer resembles a comedy show.
It's more like some kind of liberal clan meeting.
And that's exactly it, isn't it?
It's all about this rah-rah pushing one side of the partisan divide.
And again, there are no right-wing comedy shows.
I mean, like, what, Stephen Crowder on YouTube?
There are no big right-wing comedy shows on broadcast television, OK?
So you still control that dominant cultural outpost, and you've completely destroyed it.
Like, it's not even potent anymore because you stopped being funny.
You're so panicked about offending anyone, walking on eggshells from one punchline to the next.
Your comedy is crap.
It's not funny.
And Rob Schneider's pointed that out in that quote there.
He was talking about Saturday Night Live, which, you know, they used to bash both sides to some extent.
Now with Baldwin and his ilk, it's basically descended into Trump derangement syndrome like everything else.
Which, you know, wouldn't be that bad if they also bashed the other side at the same rate, but they don't.
And it's not funny because they're so petrified of causing offence, which is why the only funny comedians that are left are the ones who aren't afraid of that.
You also had another comment from Simpsons creator Matt Groening, I think is how you pronounce it, I'm not sure on that, but he was the creator of the Simpsons, obviously, on this whole Apu controversy.
With the, obviously, the Indian shopkeeper character in The Simpsons.
The Simpsons send up lambast, ridicule, satirise every single nationality you can imagine.
French people, Germans, Americans, British, every single one you can imagine.
Oh, but as soon as they do it to an Indian guy, for the past, what, 30 plus years now?
Oh, now it's a problem because we have to
Reinvent the way we look at everything.
We have to filter everything through this lens of identity politics now, which is why they're literally trying to ban old movies and stuff like that.
Complete insanity.
He said about this Apu controversy, it's a time in our culture where people love to pretend they're offended.
And this is why it still has some cachet, obviously, because people just get up on social media, on Instagram, on Twitter,
And moral grandstand about it to make themselves look woke, progressive, caring, humanitarian.
Of course, if you delve down into these people's character, they're normally the most nasty, divisive people you could ever wish to encounter.
Horrible, depressed, self-loathing people.
Those are the biggest virtue signalers.
What does that tell you about their character?
But it's good to see people like Mark Groening and Rob Schneider
We're obviously liberals, in a classical sense, railing against this politically correct takeover of comedy, of art, of entertainment, because it's making everything boring and it has to stop.
We can take licks on both sides, whether you're a conservative, liberal, whatever.
Fair enough.
It's like when people got... I mean, some conservatives got up in arms about other conservatives
You know, criticizing this Michelle Wolf monologue at the National Correspondents' Dinner.
But it wasn't funny.
It was objectively not funny.
She was slurring half of the words.
She sounded completely drunk.
She sounded like some dumb valley girl.
She could barely get the punchlines out.
And when she did, they weren't even funny.
They fell completely flat.
You had a sycophantic audience of Trump haters that were going to guffaw and clap whatever she said.
I mean, if it was genuinely funny, fine.
I'm not going to be triggered.
I'm not going to be triggered by comedy.
But it was so crap.
It was so crap.
Because the left has forgotten how to be funny.
That's why they're losing control of comedy, just like they're losing control of popular culture in general.
They still control it, but it's slowly starting to slip.
They're slowly starting to get panicked about it.
So I just wanted to highlight those two quotes.
Moving on, though.
President Macron of France has come out and said that migrant violence terror is Europe's fault and not linked to mass immigration.
So basically he came out and said that because there were some terror attacks and some sexual assaults in Europe before 2018 basically, he's going back to 2012, that that means that none of them have any connection to the new migrant crisis.
I mean, look at the perpetrators of the mass molestation of women in Cologne on New Year's Eve 2015.
They were majority Moroccan asylum seekers.
Direct correlation between the migrant crisis.
Look at ISIS propaganda.
Look at the terror attack in France, the Paris Massacre.
ISIS bragged they used the refugee wave to infiltrate jihadist fighters into Europe.
They're saying they're going to do that going forward to try to infiltrate millions of jihadists into Europe.
We've had numerous people try to blow themselves up in Germany.
There's a guy trying to blow himself up outside a music concert.
Syrian migrant.
Again, sexual assaults on a daily basis.
I'm going to get some more after this.
There you see footage I believe that's out of Spain where they're just roaming onto the beach.
Now Macron's talking about inviting in 200 million
African migrants into Europe.
If you do that, Africa, uh, Europe becomes Africa.
You can't invite 200 million Africans into a continent and not have it change that continent.
So of course this problem's exacerbated because of the migrant crisis.
There are innumerable examples to prove that.
So once again, Macron is laying through his teeth.
We'll get more into that and other migrant news, other European news in the next segment.
This is the Alex Jones Show, live at InfoWars.com.
Don't go away.
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We are going to call BS on the mainstream media when they lie.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
London has overtaken New York in murders for the first time in modern history.
Everyone's acting all bewildered as to why the capital and the UK in general is seeing a surge in violent crime.
But it's not a mystery.
Mass immigration, political correctness and cultural degradation are the three primary causes.
Everyone's blaming Sadiq Khan.
But it wasn't Sadiq Khan who told police they couldn't chase criminals on mopeds.
That was Theresa May.
Yes, she literally told cops not to pursue thugs on mopeds without helmets because the criminals might get hurt.
Poor babies!
And what happened?
Moped crime exploded.
Criminals literally just driving into outside cafes and swiping laptops and phones.
Pedestrians being terrorized, assaulted and robbed on the streets.
And it's all Theresa May's fault.
This is what happens when the intellectual elite tries to assuage their metropolitan white guilt by treating the perpetrators of crime as the victims.
Supine cowardice.
London's violent crime explosion can be directly blamed on supine cowardice.
It wasn't Sadiq Khan who reduced stop and search.
That was Theresa May too.
Why did Theresa May reduce stop and search?
Because she thought it was racist.
Because she insisted black kids were being stopped and searched disproportionately, despite being shown evidence that this was not the case.
Ordering police not to profile the most likely violent criminals in the areas where violent crime is most likely to take place.
Hmm, what could possibly go wrong?
A wave of stabbings have given London a higher murder rate than New York City, which is much bigger.
On Thursday, six teenagers were stabbed in London in four separate incidents over just 90 minutes.
This is what happens when politicians deem virtue signaling to be of more value than law and order.
Political correctness.
London's violent crime explosion can be directly blamed on political correctness.
Oh, but don't for a second think I'm letting Sadiq off the hook.
Because Londoners lay bleeding to death in the streets night after night.
What was Sadiq more bothered about?
While the blood flowed into the gutter.
Khan was pissing about in America complaining about mean tweets.
Deport all Muslims and make London white again.
Or whining about Donald Trump's retweets.
Or whinging about the Tories not providing enough money for police.
Let's just be thankful that Khan found enough money to pay for something that Londoners were really crying out for.
Transgender bathrooms.
Here's another fundamental cause of London's violent crime surge.
Black kids are still growing up mired in a degenerate culture that glorifies criminality and violence.
Specifically, I'm talking about UK Drill Rap.
This is the music behind the bloodshed.
This is the forum through which gangs brag about their stabbings, direct threats at other gangs, and monetize the whole thing on YouTube.
Originating in Chicago's Southside, Drill Rap is now the soundtrack to London's murderous crime wave.
Instead of competing on the sports field, these kids compete for kills.
Gang members even keep a scoreboard of their triumphs, all publicised on video.
If you're in a gang and one boy has stabbed two people and another's stabbed nobody, then there is peer pressure to go out and do it, says Chris Preddy, a 24-year-old youth worker.
Or as one gang member put it to Preddy,
Man's on the score sheet, pom-pom-pom, dip-dip-dip.
That boy is top of the table because he stabbed six people.
It's like Lord of the Flies.
But instead of being stranded on a desert island, these kids are cast adrift in the hopeless malaise of fried chicken shops and piss-stained stairwells.
Some of these threat videos get hundreds of thousands of views.
Likes and comments provide dopamine hits for kids desperate for validation from their peers.
So you know what, to borrow a phrase from Donald Trump, London's turning into a shithole under Sadiq Khan.
London is what happens when you embolden criminals by making a mockery of the police.
Thanks to decades of leftist hand-wringing, which demanded more leniency towards scumbags, UK police have been completely emasculated.
They're now seen by criminals as a complete joke.
When you make a laughingstock of the police, you encourage the cultivation of a clockwork orange style droog culture.
A culture that has no respect for authority.
Policing is no longer about enforcing the law.
It's about public relations, massaging statistics and politically correct spin.
As one ex-cop put it, in the old days it was different.
We were nice to the nice people and nasty to the nasty people.
Who are the police nasty to now?
Who do they brag about throwing in jail for eight months?
An acid attacker?
A crazed knife man?
No, a guy who stuck his middle finger up at a speed camera.
I mean, it's not like we've got grooming gangs up and down the country abducting and raping kids.
Is it?
Thank God they caught this dangerous psycho.
I feel safer already.
I also feel considerably less likely to be violently attacked now that these deadly gardening tools are off the streets.
Because a few overgrown weeds and branches is a price worth paying for security.
I also feel safer knowing that police response times to playground insults are ruthlessly efficient.
I also feel better knowing that women are being protected from wolf whistling.
I also feel safer
Now I know the cops are monitoring mean tweets.
I mean, certain groups can literally call for beheading people in public, and they can walk around Parliament waving ISIS flags.
But don't be unfriendly on Twitter because you might get a visit from the Thought Police.
I'm being burgled!
I'm sorry, sir, we no longer... The man is being disrespectful towards Islam!
Hold on!
But rest assured, when the authorities are busy investigating the ghastly crime of offensive social media posts, at least we can defend our own homes from invasion without fear of legal reprisals, right?
No, no, they're literally arresting pensioners for doing just that.
The same pensioners who live under a de facto nighttime curfew because they're so afraid of crime.
As Theodore Dalrymple writes, old people would no more venture out after dark in the UK than Transylvanian peasants in the Hammer horror films about Prince Dracula.
The UK's violent crime wave has also been fuelled by mass immigration.
Oh, don't take my word for it!
Listen to what an actual gang member at the centre of it all told the London Evening Standard.
In the last ten years, since the Somalis and the Congolese came to London, they taught us a whole new level of violence.
These people had seen family members mutilated.
So when they said, I'm gonna smash you up, us guys would be shouting, yo, blood, what you mean?
And they would just pull out a blade and, yuck, stab you in the chest.
It upped the speed and level for us British-born guys.
We had to arm up to protect ourselves.
It created an upward spiral.
Sadiq Khan himself admitted that London's rising population, bloated by mass immigration, was contributing to the violence.
The very same liberal politicians who pushed for mass immigration are noticeably silent when it comes to being outraged about London's violent crime wave.
And that's because it's not their sons being stabbed.
It's not their daughters getting acid attacked.
Because they all live in the areas with the least immigrants.
The whitest areas.
Richmond, Barnes, Kensington.
They don't go anywhere near East and South London's hopeless ghettos.
They don't have to face the consequences of the policies that they inflict on the rest of us.
And where are all the middle class lefty activists?
I thought you were all about Black Lives Matter.
Black kids are getting killed on an almost daily basis.
Oh, you'll protest a visiting President of the United States in your hundreds of thousands.
But when it comes to a murder epidemic mainly affecting people of colour, it's f***ing crickets!
The solutions to all this are clear.
Implement New York style zero tolerance policing.
Make Bill Bratton the head of the Metropolitan Police.
Re-implement stop and search.
Allow profiling.
Allow police to chase actual criminals.
Immediately scrap all resources devoted to proactively policing offensive comments on the internet.
Why are you patrolling tweets when you should be patrolling the streets?
Why are you making cops paint their nails and all kinds of other dumb s**t?
Stop it.
Stop it now!
Great Britain was once one of, if not the safest country in Europe.
That old cliche about leaving your doors unlocked at night was actually true.
Now look at it.
A tawdry mess of virtue signalling inept.
Nihilistic droog youths whose existences are so meaningless their main goal in life is to top the Premier League table of stabbings and keystone cops who are being ordered to treat hurt feelings as a bigger outrage than bleeding internal organs.
There you have it.
What they're not telling you about London, it's up on YouTube right now.
Please get that video and share it.
It's absolutely crucial that you do so.
We'll tell you what's happening elsewhere in Europe with the current state of cultural enrichment.
After the break, this is the Alex Jones Show live in Fort Worth.
Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're back!
It is the final segment of this fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
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Also, end of lots of sales, beginning of new ones.
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I say it over and over again.
You said on CNN, half the ads are for Gulf state dictatorships.
That's who's paying them.
Pharmaceutical companies, you know, Black Lives Matter groups, left-wing Soros groups funded by giant globalist checks.
Then you have, you know, conservative networks that are funded by sponsors which get boycotted on a regular basis by left-wing mob outrage campaigns.
They can't really do that to us because everything's in-house and you support us.
You continue to support us over the past few years.
It's been really helpful.
It's enabled us to survive, basically.
We really appreciate it, so please continue to do so by getting the products out in 4WallStore.com.
Now, turning back to Europe, where we have a massive debate now about the return, basically, of the migrant crisis.
Remember, Angela Merkel and others said that it was basically over months ago.
Well, now we have this.
Return of the migrant crisis.
Greece overwhelmed as illegals surge across Turkish land border.
Similar to what you see here in the video of Spain, Greece is being overwhelmed by illegal migrants surging across its land border with Turkey with a local mayor warning.
The situation is on the verge of spinning out of control.
Now remember, Greece bore the brunt of the 2015 migrant crisis, 815,000 illegal migrants traversing the Aegean Sea.
Now that's starting to pick up again.
The figure was reduced to 30,000 in 2016 after the EU struck a deal with Turkey, but now
In April alone, almost 3,000 illegal migrants penetrated Greece's land border by crossing the Evros River in East Thrash, Turkey's last remaining foothold on the European mainland.
That figure is equivalent to half the number of migrants who arrived in all of 2017.
So the numbers really are spiralling down in Greece.
And these are the consequences.
Just two more stories from today.
Polish boy hospitalised after being attacked in Berlin migrant suburb.
Police call it a racist attack.
An 11-year-old boy was brutally beaten by a group of teenagers in Berlin's Neukölln migrant suburb.
Poland's FACT24 reports the boy was taken to hospital after an attack that, according to police, was racially motivated.
You're not going to be reading about it in much of the mainstream Western press, though, are you?
The boy was playing with a 12-year-old friend on a hill near the Polka metro station when the attack took place.
A group of teenagers began making fun of the 11-year-old, laughing at him and making allusions to his foreign origin.
So, once again, multiculturalism is not working.
This is monoculture.
This is ghettoization.
They push the outsiders out for good.
Okay, some of these individuals, some of these belief systems that we're inviting in, all the most tribalistic, all the most racist, all the most bigoted, all the most intolerant you could ever imagine.
So when they do create these ghettos in these migrant suburbs, the existing European white population are pushed out, often through violence and intimidation.
It doesn't work.
This is why we have no-go zones spreading across Europe.
Another story here out of Voice of Europe.
Migrant says he accidentally raped a Belgian woman.
He says, I wasn't myself that day.
Just, you know, we've all been there, right?
No, we haven't.
We haven't.
Oh, just accidentally raped a woman.
It happens.
Tafuik A, they don't even give you his surname, raped a Belgian woman during a burglary in the Belgian town of Corjig.
He was finally caught nearly five years later after an international DNA investigation, Belgian newspaper HLN reports.
The North African migrant raped the woman in her apartment in Kornik's city centre.
He put a knife to her throat and raped her on the kitchen table while her partner was working in their copy centre nearby.
Remember last week in Sweden?
We had the pro-refugee campaigner meets two Afghan refugees outside a bar because she couldn't find another man to go home with.
Goes home with them, back to their migrant centre.
She's raped.
Oh, but Macron says this is just not a new problem.
This has been going on for decades.
No, it hasn't.
There's been an absolute explosion.
You look at the polls.
You look at the polls of women out of Sweden and Germany.
They're now afraid to walk the streets at night because something has changed over the last few years, Macron.
You lying cretin!
Marine Le Pen's message to Trump
Macron is not a new political cycle, he's the end of the old one.
This is what infuriates me about Macron.
He's still trying to claim to be anti-establishment, anti-globalist, independent, while following all their policies.
While accusing Hungary and Poland of being authoritarian, when it's the EU who's been consistently authoritarian for decades, literally ignoring votes and national referendums when countries try to reject their bureaucracy.
They see migrants charged with, flash that headline back up out of Sweden.
But again, Marine Le Pen's come out and said that Macron is a complete phony.
He's trying to pose as being anti-establishment.
He's not.
He's doing all his buddy-buddy act with Trump.
If Trump falls for it, then there's going to be problems.
There's going to be big problems.
Because he's a phony, he's a fraud, he's a facsimile of a populist.
He's not a real populist.
He's following globalist policies.
Look at what he does, not what he says.
And we see the consequences of these policies expanding out across Europe.
Story out of France.
Which has got an 8.8% Muslim population, just by coincidence, the most terror attacks in Europe.
Just, just a coincidence.
People injured in panic after flare gun fired in southern France.
Now they continually tell us, carry on as normal.
We won't let the terrorists deter us.
We won't let the terrorists change our way of life.
Yeah, every time there's a loud noise in any major European city, people panic!
People stampede, people flee, and it's happened once again.
A crowd rushed out of bars in Nice fearing a terror attack as a person shot a harmless flare gun during a dispute.
A dozen people were injured, some had to turn to hospital treatment as people fled restaurants in panic fearing a terror attack after they reportedly heard several detonations.
You literally had people there
About a dozen people being trampled.
Eyewitnesses thought they'd been shot dead.
I mean, that is the level of panic we have right now in these major French cities.
Remember about six months ago in London, Oxford Circus, there was some kind of argument on a train platform.
I don't even, there were no weapons were even fired.
Massive stampede.
Massive panic.
Once again proving that we have let the terrorists change our way of life.
The terrorists are winning because we're not facing up to the real problems.
We're not addressing the root causes of why terrorism is increasing.
So this whole carry on as normal mantra that we're being fed by the left, by the media, isn't being borne out in reality.
People aren't carrying on as normal.
And that's a problem.
That's going to wrap it up for the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
War Room with Owen Schroyer is coming up next.
Be sure to stay tuned for that.
Don't go away.
Breaking news at InfoWars.com.
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