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Name: 20180425_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 25, 2018
3069 lines.

InfoWars founder Alex Jones discusses a range of topics including President Trump's efforts to negotiate for American hostages, upcoming summit between Trump and Kim Jong-un, social services corruption involving child trafficking, bacterial influences on mood and vaccine controversies. He promotes various products, criticizes efforts to combat climate change, manipulation of Google search results, censorship by social media platforms, the control system being implemented by tech companies, manipulation of free speech, individualism suppression, infiltration and takeover of government institutions, lawsuits against conservative speech, DNC lawsuit against Roger Stone and Donald Trump, WikiLeaks countersuit, Roger Stone's defamation case win, Hillary Clinton's laundering $84 million, Obama's positioning on civil liberties and NSA data. The narrator discusses the infiltration of China into public universities, armed police officers, Comey's book tour, false flag plans by Democratic Party, censorship of alternative media voices, dangers of vaccines and diets triggering autoimmune responses, NXIVM sex cult tactics, importance of security measures for homes and property, benefits of living in freedom-oriented communities, support for alternative media outlets, ongoing attacks on free speech and property rights by mainstream media and leftist groups. President Trump is negotiating for the release of American hostages in North Korea and anticipates a face-to-face meeting with Kim Jong-un in early June. InfoWars' Alex Jones discusses his fight for free speech, upcoming lawsuits against him and InfoWars, and urges listeners to support them financially. The show also promotes Liberty HealthShare as an alternative healthcare option, InfoWarsLive products, and Super Blue toothpaste."

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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Over 20 years ago, Alex Jones created the media platform called InfoWars, and in the decades since, it's grown into a truly remarkable institution with over 200 radio affiliates, tens of millions of unique website visitors monthly, and a 24-7 live news TV channel broadcasting from state-of-the-art studios in Austin, Texas.
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Tomorrow's news.
They're trying to shoot down Ronny Jackson right now with a bunch of made-up crap.
But when he worked for Obama, he was the best White House physician since... It was invented.
But now he's the devil.
What a diversion, what a distraction, trying to fix the broken VA.
Comey's hired a very slimy criminal lawyer that tells us a lot, and we now know there's a special class of people, we already knew about this, and infrastructure protection rolled out under the Patriot Act, but special government employee is the term, for someone that has security clearances, can get in all your business, but isn't in the government and isn't paid.
So we're going to be breaking that down today.
Oh, and Comey's saying, oh, I didn't leak secret stuff.
It was secret.
I gave it to someone else to do it.
Well, he should know, as the FBI former director, that that makes him more guilty.
It makes it more premeditated.
Remember, he said in Congress, we ought to pull these clips up.
He said, well, I felt the public needed to know about this.
But now he's saying, oh he just gave it to a friend, who just was a little special government agent within a university, a little spy, and he leaked it!
I keep using the Scarface analogies because there's so many of them.
Or the corrupt.
Drug dealers begging Tony Montana not to kill him and he goes, oh please Tony, I never killed anybody in my life.
I never did nothing.
He goes, no, you just had somebody else do it for you.
Oh, please don't kill me.
Please don't.
I'm not going to kill you.
Oh, thank you.
Manny, shoot that pizza.
Now we're not talking about physical violence here.
We're talking about the analogy, the allegory
Like we can use Star Wars allegories or parallels, they fit in everything.
You can use Scarface for that, it's kind of a game.
Me and some of my buddies years ago would play in politics, just comparing it to Scarface.
Because, Comey's like, I never leaked nothing in my life!
I never did anything!
No, you just had somebody else do it for you.
It's like a mafia boss.
Ordering their capo to have a soldier go kill somebody.
Well, the Mafia Don, if he gets caught doing that, he gets the death penalty.
Because it's premeditated Capital One murder.
A capital offense.
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.
Freedom came my way one day.
I was starting out of town when I saw Sheriff John Brown coming to shoot me down.
So I shot.
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot no deputy.
There's always great allegories and parallels to Bob Marley music as well.
Because they're all about the legends and ethos and archetypes of life that we know are so true.
And that we see expressed in the real world daily.
We'll be back.
President Donald Trump says the U.S.
is negotiating for the release of American hostages in North Korea.
President Trump was asked during a joint press conference with the Japanese Prime Minister whether or not the three Americans' release would be a precondition for sitting down with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
Trump said his administration was fighting very diligently for the safe return of the three captives, adding, We are doing our very best.
As you know, they've been there a long time, and it's harsh treatment.
Trump noted the case of Otto Warmbier, the American student who died after being released last year by Pyongyang.
The Associated Press quotes a senior White House official who says CIA Director Mike Pompeo discussed the hostages during his trip to North Korea over Easter weekend.
The official says Mr. Trump is hopeful they'll be released soon.
The president says the face-to-face with Kim Jong-un will likely take place in early June, but he added that if the meeting is not going to be fruitful, he will respectfully leave.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
I am extremely frustrated.
I am extremely upset.
With myself.
For not having a way to properly quantify, break down, lay out.
Just how insane and evil this situation is we face.
Now there's a great positivity to that because the evils here, the corruptions here, the bad things are going on and good people admitting it's happening and saying no and getting out of their comfort zone is the way to stop it.
Yesterday I spent
Ten minutes on one story that I could have spent four hours on.
And I've got all this new breaking news, and I just can't help but go back to it.
And then I think about all the new revelations of social services all over the world, and the police in many areas, especially liberal and socialist and globalist areas.
Kidnapping children, selling them into sex slavery, and it just gets worse from there.
And it's now in the London Independent, The Telegraph and other publications, Breitbart reported on it yesterday.
Telford, major town, major city, grooming scandal, former social services boss, local lawmakers exposed as pedophiles.
And they would grab the kids from their parents and then give them to the pedophile groups.
Or they would cover up for the pedophile groups, mainly Muslims.
Operating giant industrial operations.
Now you've all heard about grooming scandals.
There's hundreds of them.
Every town basically is run by pedophiles.
Almost every town.
Who then bring in the Muslims, who are like the Renfields to Dracula, who go out and procure.
That's why the globalists love the Muslim culture.
Because it is about harems.
Chained up women in sex dungeons.
That's what a harem is.
But you know, when you're growing up watching Saturday morning cartoons and Bugs Bunny falls into a harem, it's a bunch of pretty girl rabbits sitting around on pink pillows.
The propaganda is everywhere.
And it just goes on and on and on.
And when you break through one level of it, it just falls into this subterranean nightmare.
And then it ties into Penn State president indicted for knowing about the pedophilia and covering it up.
And obviously it goes way deeper than that.
And just all of it, the industrial scale and the Vatican and the deputy pope, the number two guy.
He was in the news for two days.
He reportedly trafficked over a hundred boys for blackmail in the Vatican.
And where is that now?
Where is it now?
So, we're going to be getting into that some.
It's just one level to this.
Here's another article.
How bacteria are changing your mood.
And they admit that a lot of depression is linked to yeast, candida, mold, and bad toxic bacteria in the gut from pesticides precipitating and knocking out the good bacteria.
And then yeast and mold slime walls come in and take over.
And of course, medical doctors that did studies decades ago got demonized for saying
They're finding antibodies for measles, mumps, rubella and other things in the guts of children that have been vaccinated and they've directly linked it to the brain damage and the autism, amongst other things.
Even the New York Times admits that.
20 years after I had scientists and nutritionists and gut experts on telling you that.
This is all known.
But when I talked about MycoZX a few years ago, that is a super powerful concentrated herbal formula of known compounds to destroy the slime walls in the intestines created by yeast, mold, and candida.
They take over your gut.
They put in their own wall between your intestine wall and the food, the nutrients, and they then extract it.
They then release toxins.
They take a dump in your stomach, in your intestines, upper and lower intestines.
Sorry to get gross here.
And this is the number one thing linked to depression and health issues and skin issues, and they know it!
And when we came out and talked about this, they demonized us all over mainstream media, make fun of us, claiming the headlines were, Jones invents a fake problem in the gut to sell you something.
It's like David Hogg on C-Spain.
He goes, Jones says that there's chemicals in the water hurting us, and then
It goes to a commercial for water filters.
Oh, you're such a genius, Hogg.
We tried to sneak it past the viewers.
We say, you need water filtration.
It's the number one thing you can do because of the thousands, in some cases, usually hundreds, of chemicals and derivatives in the water supply.
The drug runoff, the atrazine, the fluoride, the mercury, the lead.
It goes on and on.
Yes, I filter my water.
Yes, I have air filtration in my house.
In fact, I think you get the air filter turned on over there.
I don't think it's turned on right now.
Yes, we sell you the lifestyle we're trying to live that's a better one, a healthier one.
We want to fund ourselves promoting health, promoting things that are good.
And then sell things that are moral and good that we use, and the 360 went.
Instead, you watch the very channels criticizing us, attacking us, Comedy Central, Colbert, NBC, CBS.
They will sit there with literal serotonin reuptake inhibitor ads during the breaks and all these other drug ads of things they admit can cause you to commit suicide, become a mass murderer, you name it, that eat holes in your brain, that cause all sorts of problems linked to massive cancer.
They're selling you pure death.
They're not telling you, in hundreds of studies, something like 5-HTP.
That's just a chemical that's in the brain naturally.
You can buy it for 20 bucks.
In all the studies, it's way better for your, quote, mood, and doesn't kill you like these drugs.
Now... I got so much to hit here, we're gonna hit it all today.
But I thought that I would just point out that it's next year's news today.
It's next decade's news today.
It's the news 20 years from now today.
Because this stuff's already all known.
They were having human animal clones 25 years ago.
They had human clones 30 plus years ago.
It's in the mainline literature.
They just kill them at the embryonic level.
And if you believe they really kill them in the test tube, I got a bridge I want to sell you and some oceanfront property in Arizona.
And from my front porch, you can see the sea.
So, absolutely, I'm going to plug right up front, since this is the back of the news.
MycoZX was sold out for six months.
It's so hard to procure the compounds and make sure they pass California standards.
It's almost impossible.
It's designed that way, but this last batch did.
Notice everything you get at Whole Foods says it doesn't pass California standards, but we're able to do it.
Jeff Bezos doesn't.
It's now available, back in stock, the other side of the paradigm for a probiotic.
But this is to knock out the bad yeast mold.
Candida, the slime walls, and it is dramatic and everything, and it's healthy and really, really good for your body in many other ways.
It's very concentrated.
There's about three regimens, do this every few months, take it for a week, and it's changed so many people's lives.
Bodies is back in stock, the ultimate, strongest formula from our research out there, a 95 curcumin in level from the turmeric, and it's got five other compounds that supercharge it, and it is the strongest, highest rated out there right now.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
We keep telling them that if they accept this blood money, they're against the children.
They're against the people who are dying.
And that, there's no other way to put it at this point.
You're either funding the killers, or you are standing with the children.
The children who have no money.
We don't have jobs.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Let me just mention, last time, this is cell phone radiation.
This is your brain on cell phone and wireless radiation.
Any questions?
This message is brought to you by Infowars.com in the hopes that if you're gonna fry your brain and body with radiation, that's your business.
But for God's sake, let's protect our children.
And we are back live.
You know, I want to air this Harrison Smith report that's important.
About the UK cutting down US trees to, quote, stop global warming.
I'm not kidding.
That's how insane the fraud is.
And then we're going to come back and get into the massive news where China is now using social credit score to not let people travel or fly on airplanes.
They're going to bring this total control system here.
That's coming up the next segment.
But here's Harrison's report.
Today is April 24th, 2018, and according to The Guardian, the UK has been powered without coal for three days in a row, setting a new record and underlining the polluting fuels' rapid decline.
Now, this was seen as a big victory in the fight against global warming, or what is now called climate change, because they're trying to phase out coal as it is a carbon-producing pollutant.
But there is a slight catch, as the Guardian reports.
Without this fossil fuel, nearly a third of Britain's electricity was supplied by gas, followed by wind farms and nuclear on around a quarter each.
But the most important part is this next line.
The rest came from biomass burned at Drax Power Station in North Yorkshire.
Now, biomass is the fancy term for any sort of organic compound that is burned for fuel.
This is presented as a earth-friendly alternative to coal, but if we look in just a little bit deeper, we find that that is not the case.
And here's the reason why.
Huge areas of hardwood forests in the state of Virginia are being chainsawed to create biomass energy in Britain as the government attempts to reach targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to tackle climate change.
So that means that instead of using coal, in their effort to do away with coal which has been branded as a bad fuel source, they have turned to cutting down old growth, slow growth forests in Virginia, chopping up those trees into tiny pellets and shipping those to the UK to be burned in their power plants.
On its face, this is a ridiculous proposal.
The idea that using coal is somehow more impactful to the environment than cutting down slow-growth, old-growth forests in Virginia, and using that material to burn doesn't make any sense on its face.
But as you look more into it, the more ridiculous it becomes.
The power station giant claims that burning pellets instead of coal reduces carbon emissions
I think?
It's not true.
However, it doesn't end there.
It actually gets even more ridiculous.
On the question of Drax claims that by burning wood instead of coal it reduces carbon emissions by more than 80%, Koss admitted it doesn't include emissions from its chimneys.
We don't count that, he says.
The government doesn't count that.
It doesn't include stack emissions because if we're sourcing sustainable biomass from working forests, where this is more growth than is being harvested, we see the carbon being reabsorbed.
I tried to wrap my head around this and I really can't.
I guess what he's saying is because they're using trees that they've chopped down and chopped up as biomass, somehow the CO2 is going to be reabsorbed by the new trees that they plant.
But if you just chop down trees, then they aren't taking in as much CO2.
You're just taking things that typically remove CO2
We're good to go!
So this alone highlights how the goals of the left, the goals purported by the left, such as trying to tamp down on carbon emissions, trying to prevent global warming, trying to prevent climate change, in reality they're just scams of the highest order.
They are
They're preying on people's desire to do good, on people's desire to do something to help save the Earth.
And they're taking that desire and they're warping it to make money.
They're taking advantage of that desire to sell a product and fill their own pockets.
The people selling these forests are making money.
The people shipping the material are making money.
The people burning the material are making money.
And it's mostly being paid for by the UK taxpayers.
By a levy on their electricity bills.
So they don't have a choice.
This money is going to be taken from them whether they want it to be or not.
So that's what we mean.
That's what I mean when I say I don't believe in climate change or I don't believe in global warming.
It's not that I don't understand the concept of greenhouse gases and of sunlight being trapped and of the heat going up and melting the poles.
I get all of that.
The issue is that the solutions being proposed are not only not helping the problem that we're being faced with,
They actually make it worse.
And in many instances, even just questioning the efficacy of these programs is tantamount to being a religious heretic.
You're called a denier if you don't believe exactly what the elites tell us is happening with the climate.
Despite the fact that what they tell us changes rather often.
If you want to talk about the fact that China says it's producing billions and billions of gallons of rain by manipulating the climate.
They say that doesn't matter.
It's really just pollution and really you just need to give us your money so we can go take care of it.
You say all right, you believe them and they end up cutting down slow growth, old growth forests in Virginia to
Just to trick you.
They're just tricking you into giving them money to continue to destroy the Earth while patting themselves on the back and pretending like they're doing something good.
For InfoWars.com, this has been Harrison Smith.
2016 was the year in which the mainstream media lost their hammerlock, their complete monopoly on political discourse in this country.
Donald Trump's election, in fact the entire sea change in American politics, was only made possible through a robust and vibrant alternative media allowed through an unfettered
This is not only about the 2016 and 2020 elections, it's about the slow-motion coup that's going on in this country, where a fabricated dossier can be used to justify, legally, the illegal surveillance, the unconstitutional surveillance on the Republican candidate for President of the United States.
But you see, those who are the perps in that crime don't want any discussion of that crime in the mainstream or the alternative media.
And that is why they seek, through a very, I think, duplicitous strategy of lawfare,
And censorship to shut us down.
The key to this, of course, is the lawsuits, and I'm facing one from an Obama-blessed front-call project, Democracy, who are suing me and Donald Trump.
The allegation being that we worked with the Russians to hack
Uh, the Democratic National Committee and give that material to WikiLeaks.
That is as unprovable in a court of law as it will be unprovable in the court of public opinion.
Because it's a fairy tale.
A falsehood.
A lie.
A canard.
A steaming plate of, well, you know.
The point here, of course, is that if they can silence us, if they can take us off of Facebook, off of Twitter, off of YouTube, it becomes much easier to drive their false narrative about the 2016 election, their false narrative about the unconstitutional activities going on today,
Whether it is raiding Donald Trump's lawyer's office or whether it is the illegal surveillance of the Republican candidate for president under FISA warrants that were fabricated in their rationale, fabricated in their purpose.
And then, of course, there's the Second Amendment.
Silence us before you attempt to take away our Second Amendment rights.
This is a struggle.
This is the single most important struggle.
Because without our voice, all other issues, trade, immigration, the economy, we are at an enormous disadvantage.
The real story here is that the American left
No longer is interested in dialogue or debate.
They can't win a debate.
They don't want a debate.
They don't want a discussion of issues.
Their answer when we raise facts and arguments is silence them, censor them, close them down.
That's why you know they have lost.
Thank you.
We're going to continue to stand up for America.
We are going to call BS on the mainstream media when they lie.
This is the essence of InfoWars.
This is why your trip to the InfoWars store is so vitally important.
You see, we don't have any right-wing industrialists or multi-billionaires standing in the wings writing big checks to Alex Jones to subsidize our work here at InfoWars.
We have to depend on the individual InfoWarrior, on men and women out there who believe in freedom, who believe in liberty, and believe in the message that we are delivering.
You can support us by going to the InfoWars store and loading up on some of these terrific products.
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When you buy the Super Blue Silver Moon Gargle, you're helping the fight for freedom.
So please go to the site now.
We need your support.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live, we are broadcasting worldwide.
It was four years ago that Paul Joseph Watson and myself, Alex Jones, covered it live on air and wrote
Three news stories in one month about China announcing a new social credit score that would be tied into not just the internet, not just your job, not just your travel, not just your national ID card, but into millions of cameras all over China tracking your every movement and your smartphone tracking your every movement integrated in together.
And now it's being reported Chinese journalists banned from flying, buying property under new social credit score system.
They have a name for that.
It's called the Mark of the Beast.
Total control.
And they're now testing it in 16 cities.
They can scan the entire population of China's faces in one second.
1.3 billion.
We call it the Mark of the Beast.
You shall buy nor sell without it.
On a global scale, they call it Skynet.
And if you read my book, Descent into Tyranny, 2002, it's free online, out of print.
I just stopped printing them after we sold 120,000 of them.
I don't know why I did that.
I thought, well, I'll just put it out for free.
And then no one cared once it was free.
Everyone bought it when it cost $15.
But it's free online, Descent into Tyranny.
And I was on Scribbs and other places.
You can go there and you can read where I show the declassified DARPA program from 1977, declassified in 2000, reclassified the next year,
And they call the global grid between smart dust on the ground, the internet, the internet of things, aircraft, the satellites, the surveillance cameras, the digital number to buy and sell, guess what they call it in the DARPA blend?
And the communist Chinese call it Skynet.
And it's the worldwide system.
China is where all the big corporations are moving.
Apple's moving there.
Two months ago, Reuters reported they're giving them the keys to everyone's Apple ID.
And control of the Apple Cloud and the Apple executive, Mr. Cook, said in the article,
He said, well, it's normal when you move your business to China that you let the government in and you put their agents in key positions of control.
And of course, why did they do it?
Because you get zero percent tax in China if you're a major corporation, if you move there.
And I harped on that quite a bit, didn't I?
Because we were at 40%, China was at 15%.
We wouldn't have anybody headquartered here because of it.
Trump lowered us to 15%.
To be fair, Ernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, all the regular kleptocrats, love China's 0% tax, because they're good globalists.
But when Trump wanted 15%, it was about hurting the poor!
And far long gone Buddhists about to have their organs taken, don't know what it's like to be alive!
I'm liberal!
My wife swindles universities though.
I bankrupt stuff, I live in 3 million dollar houses, drive 100,000 dollar cars, but white people don't know what it's like to be poor!
Listen to me, I got Einstein looking hair!
It's called a gimmick!
Again, I honeymooned in Soviet Russia in the 70s.
Oh, they knew how to treat a Christian there.
We almost had those Russians down.
We'll get them again.
No, don't worry.
I'm a big man.
I'm Bernie.
Let's hear him say, white people don't know what it's like to be poor.
Do we have that, Q-Dub?
So, there you go.
China assigns every citizen a social credit score to identify who is and who isn't trustworthy.
Can we search engine InfoWars.com, click web, InfoWars.com, China, social score, system to go global, China, social score system to stop political dissidents from traveling, being able to get food or having a job, basically a death penalty.
China's social score should be turned into global, mark of the beast.
Yeah, that's one from March of 2018.
That just does linking to a Sun article.
No, no, we broke it four years ago.
I just want to show TV viewers.
Because you need to understand why we're under attack.
And why they're coming after us.
Here, I'll look it up on my phone.
Just to see how fast I can do it.
Boop, boop, boop.
Let's just go there.
And, really can't go to Google anymore because they just delist all the searches.
They're a totally fake search engine now.
They admit that, but Bing is kind of like the old Google, even though it's Microsoft.
And you can look it up, and you just say InfoWars.com.
You find it?
Yeah, that's 2015.
That's not our first one, but it'll do.
Thank you.
Print that for me.
Coming to America, China introduces credit score for obedient citizens, and then we lay out Paul Joseph Watson,
Exactly how the danger would work and how it would be used as a Mark of the Beast control grid.
Because that's what authoritarians would do.
Thank you for finding that.
Tomorrow's news today.
So we'll be getting into more of that.
This is what they're doing.
Now, how are they going to sell it?
How are they going to push it?
How are they going to get it through?
On everybody.
When we come back, I'll break it down.
But, the AP, this week, Associated Press, Hillary Rodham Clinton, good old Hillary Rodham Clinton, AP, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and of course now, a bunch of other publications, including Jim Acosta,
Are calling for it to be illegal to criticize mainstream media.
They want it to be a hate crime.
They've already kind of done that in Europe and you think, oh they'll never get that done.
Oh really?
It's a perfect storm.
The old dying media, the corrupt dying elements of the government, the big global corporations having their carte blanche taken away from them as nationalism and common sense and free market and populism comes back.
They're moving
To shut us down right now.
Meanwhile, FEC records indicate Hillary campaign illegally laundered $84 million.
Oh yeah!
That's what they use the foundation for.
Everybody's being careful here, saying, indicating.
No, they're caught red-handed.
That's what the foundation's for.
And James Comey's gotten himself one of the slimmiest criminal lawyers there is.
And he's been caught criminally leaking, but he says it's okay.
He did it through a secret government agent that runs the university.
A special government employee is what they're called.
We're going to tell you all about that.
We first broke that.
17 years ago with the passage of the first Patriot Act, I'll tell you all about it.
More than 3 million people have secret federal badges in America.
I know some of them.
They carry guns on airplanes, everything.
They got their little federal ID card.
They get to get in all the databases, everything else, and it's the auxiliary.
And it's the professors, and it's the local leftist police chiefs, the local ADL, the local Southern Poverty Law Center.
They're all secret federal officers.
We'll tell you all about it when we come back.
And they think they got you by the short hairs, but I say they don't.
I say truth will restore the republic.
Spread the live links to The Four Winds.
Tell everybody about the broadcast.
You are the only hope.
And Nigel Farage joins us for the next 10 minutes.
You can follow him at Twitter, Nigel underscore Farage.
He's helped lead the populist movement.
What is the latest from the UK?
Look, remember in 2013, it was in fact British public opinion that shifted our politicians, that stopped us getting involved in Syria.
And don't forget, the object of the government at the time was to arm the rebels.
Alex, if we'd done that, we'd have armed ISIS.
It would have been mad!
And actually, it was British public opinion affecting our politicians that stopped Obama and America from getting involved in this.
So, I'm a great believer actually with all these things.
Trust Middle England.
Trust Middle America.
They tend to get it right more than London or Washington DC.
Now, Mrs May does appear keen to get involved militarily.
All I can tell her
...is be careful, because public opinion now against intervention is probably even stronger than it was four years ago.
Let's put it like this.
If it wasn't Assad that did it, you know, you can make arguments about the deep state doing it, but equally, don't forget that ISIS themselves a couple of years ago were on record for using chemical weapons no fewer than 52 times.
ISIS could quite easily have done this, hoping the world would blame Assad and the Russians, particularly in the wake of the arguments that are still going on about the poisonings that took place in Salisbury, England.
So, the answer is, we don't know.
You're a leading expert on this.
Why is the left allied with radical Islam?
Why are they trying to flood?
Because they hate Christianity.
They can't, I mean, you know, they deny absolutely our Judeo-Christian culture, which if you think about it actually are the roots completely of our nations and our civilization.
They deny that.
They also, don't forget Alex, they want to abolish the nation state.
They want to get rid of it.
They want to replace it with the globalist project and the European Union is the prototype for the new world order.
Do you know, if Hillary had won that election,
Last year, she was going to sign America up to get really close to this kind of thing.
So, you know, we may sit here right now, Alex, and be a bit critical of Trump, but on many other things, he's got things right.
And when you send a message, when Angela Merkel sends a message, as many of you as want to come can come, what do you think they're going to do?
In fact, the liberals have become the very fascists that they try and criticize with their rhetoric.
And look, what's really happening here?
You know, don't underestimate
How massive the seismic shock of 2016 was.
The victory of Brexit.
The victory of Trump.
You know, we're winning.
Look at Hungary the other day.
We are winning, but it doesn't feel like we're winning because the left and the state are fighting back with all their might.
And you know something?
If we can resist,
This politically correct charge, this attempt to stop us thinking and speaking freely, if we can resist that, then our victory actually will be complete.
So don't get down, everybody.
Don't get depressed.
They're behaving like this because we're beating them.
And let's remember, you're the guy when Trump thought three months before he was going to lose that came in privately, cheered him up and cheered up the troops, and you were a critical catalyst in this, just as you were in Brexit.
You're amazing.
Thank you for joining us.
I know you're very busy.
But that's as the EU has said.
They'll try to start a wider war to keep the EU.
Don't you think that's what part of this attempt to start World War III is about in Syria?
I think the globalists have wanted to have some form of conflict with Russia as an argument for us all to surrender our national sovereignty and give it up to a higher global level.
They've wanted it for years and now they see their opportunity and we must retain it.
Thank you so much Nigel Farage.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Roger Stone, former head of the Trump campaign, is here in town.
He'll be in studio in the middle of the next hour.
Then we have several other big guests I'll tell you about coming up.
I've already mentioned some of the news, but I want to burrow into some of the really big news here, because there's just so many angles to all of this.
Let me just mention some of this now.
Blue Wave fizzles as AP declares Republican winner of Arizona's special congressional election to be the Republican.
We'll get to that.
Tucker to GOP says run against openly extremist racist Dems, not Hillary Clinton.
Do I agree with that?
I'll get into it in a minute.
FEC records suggest Clinton campaign laundered 84 million.
Infowars.com, Jamie White, key article to get out.
I'd change the word suggest to indicate, document, show.
Associated Press,
Suggests criticizing journalists is hate speech, want it banned.
Paul Joseph Watson article, unbelievable.
CNN's Acosta, there's video of this.
Trump supporters don't have all their faculties.
Goes on to say that Trump's threatening journalists and going to get them hurt that it's hate speech.
And then another article, does the First Amendment protect conspiracy theorists?
The article calls me a cockroach from WBUR, lies about what I've said, twists everything, and then calls for my speech to be taken.
But only because I'm a conspiracy theorist, see?
Because they label me that.
And Hitler only said take Jews free speech.
Meanwhile, Hillary went on F-laced tirade against Trump during 2016 debate prep.
And the big news, research.
Google search manipulation can swing nearly 80% of undecided voters.
That in a new major study by the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology.
That's basically DARPA.
That group's 90% DARPA funded.
So DARPA says, wow, Google can swing 80% of people by only showing negative search results.
Do an Alex Jones search now.
In the last year, and we have some of the internal contracts that Mike Cernovich got, and Google admitted they were real, they were paying, in one contract, millions of dollars for people to just go downvote us everywhere and say they don't like us.
To delist us.
To drive Infowars from the top and put nothing but lies.
And you go to YouTube, you go anywhere.
It's all force-fed.
You open up Spotify, the number one music service in the world.
It pushes Handmaid's Daughter about Christians oppressing women in a monotheistic system that makes them wear hoods over their heads.
That's Islam.
Then I go to YouTube.
It's the top thing on there.
I'm walking down the street last week in Austin.
They have a display in a window about it.
There's a billboard.
The Christians are oppressing women.
The Christians, the Christians, the Muslims are, friends.
That's just an example of how they give me all this CNN, ABC News, fake news on my iPhone feed that I don't ask for.
It's just there.
Turn my phone on.
Until they're ready to report, okay, China's arresting Buddhists and killing them?
And if you criticize the government, you won't be able to buy, sell, or travel.
And by the way, it's coming here, so shut your mouths!
And learn to shut up!
And it's already happened.
Most of the libertarian and conservative bloggers, they've lightened their stances, they've backed off.
Oh, please don't demonetize me!
And then YouTube doesn't demonetize them.
And then the Liberals, that suddenly a bunch of them get banned that are independent.
And then they stop.
And then they're back to being monetized.
Until the next wave of conditioning.
And then less and less, but everybody just holds on while there's less and less.
Well I'll still, I'll be the last person groveling and kissing butt and kissing their feet and doing whatever they say.
So I can be on Twitter and Facebook and YouTube.
I'll toe the line so I can keep my podcast going.
Until you just know.
They're gonna do it to everybody.
They come to PewDiePie and say, you let us run your life, or we're gonna demonetize you and shut you down.
And then they start.
Or Joe Rogan has me on.
Number one podcast in history.
Double anything he's ever done.
They delist him.
They don't let him promote it.
Bunch of stuff happens.
Hey Joe!
You don't have him back on.
You don't have on what's number one.
The two of us together.
That's not how you win.
You don't win the heavyweight bout by knocking the guy out.
You win by rolling over.
You don't win the race car race by actually winning.
They're just the anointed ones and then you get patted on the head and then everybody plays along with it until there's a social score system in place on every front and everybody by successive approximation sells out a little more and a little more and a little more and a little more until we have nothing and we're like communist China
With a Skynet system that can predict everything we do, where we go, what we're going to buy before we even know we're going to do it.
And that's the goal.
Future predictability and future control.
Because once you can predict the future, you can steer the stimuli to control the future.
I first told you this 20 years ago.
Two years ago, Google declassified, out of their own archives, their first meeting in 1997, before the formation, with the NSA and the CIA.
This was in Wired Magazine two years ago.
Niko Acosta, the producer, said, have you seen this?
This is what you're saying, and I've searched it, and they just admitted all this.
He said, how'd you know that?
And I said, well, I knew some insiders, but, and they admitted, because when the NSA was going to give Google their database, they said, well, this is just a search engine.
That's all that is, is an NSA database.
It's public that you interface with.
And they said, no, no, no, no.
We're going to feed everybody's info into it, tie it into the cell towers, people's cameras on their phones, what they buy, what they sell, all the companies that have a global profile, everybody, for social control.
We're going to predict the future, then we're going to control the future.
We're building AI.
But it's a neural, electronic, digital, silicon interface with biological life forms, not just humans, but all life on Earth.
And DARPA and In-Q-Tel and the NSA and the CIA shed maximum support.
You will be the global control system.
Hail Google!
And here you are, and Google and Apple and all of them are moving to China.
And they're doing it.
And everything we warned you about 20 years ago is all admitted, so I'm the bad guy for being, telling you 20 years ago.
And having NSA whistleblowers on.
Being right's bad.
Being number one's bad.
Being supported's bad.
Being pro-human's bad.
Being pro-free market's bad.
Not wanting to be under radical Islamic control and having Linda Sorcerer on your life.
It's all evil.
So that's all coming up.
China assigns every citizen a social credit score to identify who is and who isn't trustworthy.
And our media's like, how good, we need that too!
Oh, don't worry, we told you this was coming.
British politicians declare war on knives.
Want them licensed.
Because their crime rates now higher than New York City after they took the guns.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, we just learned now that the Guardian, that passages from the Bible were plagiarized into the Koran original manuscript.
Wow, that really shocks me.
That's what it is.
It's a mixture of a bunch of stuff that Muhammad was looking at.
The Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, a whole bunch of stuff.
That's what the Koran is.
If you read all those other books, it's kind of a hodgepodge of those.
So anyways, continuing, but the Bible is the Talmud.
It's the Old Testament and then the New Testament, so it's a continuation.
But there's so much more I haven't gotten to.
Coming up, I'm gonna lay it all out.
The blue state collapse is accelerating.
We'll look at Chicago's nearing collapse.
We're also going to drill back through a lot of what I just mentioned.
There's so much coming up today.
But just briefly, think about InfoWars when you're shopping, when you're getting supplements, when you're getting water filtration, air filtration, high-quality non-GMO heirloom seeds, Patriot apparel so you can meet like-minded people, promote freedom, t-shirts, you name it, ball caps.
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Infowarslive.com to secure your exit today.
Hour number two straight ahead.
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This is Roger Stone for InfoWars.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
All right, when we kick the next segment off here in about six minutes, I'm going to really drill into the amazing admissions by the Democrats
The EU, Hollywood, academia around the world, and so-called liberal institutions.
The call to silence Americana, the call to silence populism, the call to silence bold free market defense, and the right of self-defense, and just everything that's rugged individualism.
The attack on independent humanity.
Because it is absolutely happening right now and I just feel like we should really raise the alarm here because this is so simple but at the same time so complex that
We need to lay out just how they're going to do this.
Because we have their plan.
We've been living the plan for so long.
We know they follow the plan.
And that's what's so frustrating is we know how to beat it.
We know it's authoritarian.
We know it's really bad news.
But there's so many yes men and so many people that are just soulless and lazy and stupid.
And they'll tell you they're super unhappy.
No matter how much money they've got.
And all they do is just try to have a good time all the time.
And that's not what built civilization.
And I think those of us that are informed are weirdos.
And don't worry, I have a good time too.
I'm having a good time right now.
This is serious business.
And it ties into the governmental pedophilia and all of it that's coming out and how they try to spin it and divert it and use investigations into it that aren't 100% but then say none of it's going on.
It's like saying the sky isn't blue.
It's incredible.
Then I saw this video last week, and I never got to it, but I'm going to play it now.
Jordan Peterson, who's just a rock star, for saying there's only two sexes and two genomes.
There's one genome, two sexes.
And the left is avant-garde now, if it has someone on saying the sky is blue.
And it just shows how far down the rat hole we are of dehumanization.
How do you end humanity?
How do you end the family?
You say, don't say mother or father.
You say, you saying you're male or female hurts someone else.
This is going on.
And he says it's a disastrous narrative of victimization.
That's what it is.
And the women are being inducted into Me Too.
They're trying to keep blacks who've never been more upwardly mobile.
Blacks in the U.S.
are the richest blacks in the world by far.
They think they're in literal hell.
And you know what?
Have you got a bad attitude?
So it's like going to a party, and if you act weird and creepy and don't act outgoing and make people feel nervous, they're not gonna like you.
But if I want to, I'm not saying I'm Mr. Cool, I can go to any party, anywhere I want, tell jokes, have a good time, and make friends.
So I don't care if you're a white person, Hispanic, black, what it is, if you've got a chip on your shoulder and you're nervous,
You're not going to make friends.
And so they are invoking all this onto our backs.
So also, coming up, we're going to get these clips.
Jordan Peterson, if Trump gets booted out of office, what will happen to his supporters?
Well, they're going to be censored.
They're going to be targeted.
People have to understand, this isn't going to be like past elections.
The globalists, the Democrats, the big banks, they're going for broke.
They admit it's a civil war against us.
And they see those of us as the producers, as milk cows.
Or like women for gang raping Muslim harems.
You understand?
They have just a savage criminal will to dominate.
That's their product.
Dominate culture.
Dominate reproduction.
Dominate industry.
Dominate religion.
Dominate sovereignty.
Dominate everything.
And we say no!
President Donald Trump says the U.S.
is negotiating for the release of American hostages in North Korea.
President Trump was asked during a joint press conference with the Japanese Prime Minister whether or not the three Americans released would be a precondition for sitting down with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
Trump said his administration was fighting very diligently for the safe return of the three captives, adding, We are doing our very best.
As you know, they've been there a long time and it's harsh treatment.
Trump noted the case of Otto Warmbier, the American student who died after being released last year by Pyongyang.
The Associated Press quotes a senior White House official who says CIA Director Mike Pompeo discussed the hostages during his trip to North Korea over Easter weekend.
The official says Mr. Trump is hopeful they'll be released soon.
The president says the face-to-face with Kim Jong-un will likely take place in early June, but he added that if the meeting is not going to be fruitful, he will respectfully leave.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the InfoWars and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, last time, this is cell phone radiation.
This is your brain on cell phone and wireless radiation.
Any questions?
This message is brought to you by InfoWars.com in the hopes that if you're gonna fry your brain and body with radiation, that's your business.
But for God's sake, let's protect our children.
Roger Stone is gonna be in studio with us coming up the bottom of the hour.
And then, we're going to have joining us Mark Randazzo, who is a top anti-slap lawyer, looking at how the Democrats are suing thousands of prominent libertarians, nationalists, conservatives, veterans groups, Christian groups, you name it.
Remember under nine years?
It was eight years, but he had some hangover still.
In the eight years of Obama, and now his last year or so with his deep state, and Hillary's deep state still somewhat in place.
That was a real Freudian slip.
I'm going to cover that here in just a moment.
In fact, next.
Notice that over those years, they targeted more than last time I checked in the congressional hearings three years ago, because it still kept going on, 10,000 plus churches, non-profit,
Veterans groups, nationalist groups, conservative groups, to be shut down and or both criminally charged.
And then you had MSNBC saying, conservatives are evil.
The Tea Party's evil.
They deserve to be audited.
They deserve to be shut down.
They deserve to have their 501c3 or 501c4 pulled.
They deserve to not have speech.
But Reverend Wright can say GD America and bring down the U.S.
and all the other stuff, and he can be tax-free.
Well, you have a First Amendment.
Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
And then it goes into the press and the right to assemble and the right to petition and redress of grievance.
You go, well, then how do they regulate churches?
Because they're churches in name only.
They're charities under 501c3.
And they go out of the church, since the 50s, into the 501c3.
And now they're regulatable.
And they had the ecumenical movement and the big denominations tell the churches to enroll in this.
Now you still got a lot of churches that have the Spirit of God in them, and good people that are 501c3.
I'm not judging that.
But this intimidation that you can't be pro-life or you can't be pro-gun, if you're a church, they're saying that's political.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
But that's how they bring in these scams.
And now they're telling you it's policy, you gotta take vaccines.
Oh, it's policy.
The kids belong to the state.
Oh, it's policy.
And they're just getting all of us worldwide to induct ourselves into this.
So remember the massive persecution of Christians by the IRS.
Most of the same people that were there are still there.
One of Trump's failings.
But he can't get anybody approved.
It's hard for him to dig anybody out of there.
They're entrenched.
A year and a half after he's in office, they admit in the news that
Eighty percent of the government went in under Clinton, Bush, or Obama, and they're all on the same team, the RINOs and the Democrats, the globalists, against what Trump's trying to do!
So that's why he's done such an incredible job with what he's gotten done.
Because this mutiny, this rebellion is in place.
So, the persecution of Christians, and 501c3s and others, is still going on, and they've got the records of our veterans, even officers.
Who served very valiantly, and others, in other agencies, and they won't give them a job in any academia, in any government, and they've been told it'll take Trump at least another year, so we've got to replace everybody.
I even learned from an individual that wasn't just a CIA contractor, but was a CIA leader for 10 years, and
He's a well-known guy.
Sometimes I'll have him on the show.
He's been in athletics and stuff like that.
He's also an athlete, champion athlete.
And it's not Tim Kennedy.
And... They know that UT is run by the Communist Chinese.
And I heard this a year ago from sources.
I mean, I knew it, but it was even in Washington Post three months ago.
And they have a database from the office, the personnel management, the 20 plus million, first it was 15, then 18, then 20, then 22 million names of every government agent, everybody that ever worked for them, every asset, their records, what their political affiliation is, what their sexual, everything the CIA has that's given to the Communist Chinese.
And you try to go get a job just in a microcosm at UT.
It's all the key personnel now are either communists or Muslims.
And they actually have communist party meetings where they teach that Falun Gong is bad and killing Buddhists is good.
These are public meetings.
The Communist Party at UT.
In fact, Washington Post, put it on screen.
That's what I mean, the magnitude!
Just where I live and people I know.
So, Trump's been sending, and this is what Trump's trying to do, and they know this,
People in to try to get jobs at these, and then the Chinese have the database.
They run the database and know who's trying to get a job.
The Communist Chinese control who can get a job at UT.
And I'm not going to get into specifics, but the nuclear reactors, folks.
The cyclotrons.
The clone labs.
Yeah, UT's got clone labs.
I know for a fact.
I told you 15 years ago, but I just told you about the monkeys.
I'm not going to get into the other primates and the cross species.
But let me tell you folks, that's just one example of our military industrial complex is now in communist Chinese control.
The infiltration and takeover was already almost complete.
And what you see in the news is the tip of the iceberg.
So, the Communist Chinese have Apple, everything's moving over, they have all your Apple IDs, they have the Office of Personnel Management, 22 million names, and when you go in to get a job at UT in any of these clerical infrastructure areas, they're looking right at you and they say, we'll get back when they say, sorry, you're not who we're looking for.
And then almost everyone they hire is Chinese, Communist or Muslim.
And they've almost converted the entire operation at true management level.
They still got old stupid white dudes on top of it.
It's a hedge fund, it's not even a university now.
And they got the football game and that's it.
And then everything else is just underground labs, secret nuke bunkers, underground railways, clone labs, you know, super weapons.
The general public has no idea.
I mean, I'm in a science fiction movie.
I've got Chinese communists running the town I live in.
And I've already been told that we're getting ready.
Others are to go ahead and expose this.
In fact, people ask me, how do you want to handle it?
Well, I guess I'm starting to handle it right now.
But you talk about being overwhelmed.
I know thousands of times this!
Only since Trump got into the University Knicks, the Communist Chinese Party officially running UT.
They already run it.
See, people ask, well, why do we care if the Chinese hacked and got the Office of Personnel Management file?
They were given it.
That stuff's not on one system.
They got all of it.
They're being given the keys to the kingdom.
We are merging with it.
They are the muscle.
Game over, man!
Game over!
If we don't do something now!
It is not the Russians!
The Russians don't have the Office of Personnel Management files!
If the Russians were at UT, I'd go down there and drag their ass out myself!
I'm getting ready to with the common communist Chinese!
And I don't care what happens to me!
I'm not gonna sit here and put up with this crap!
They got the bioweapons level 4 in town!
They got clones, they got phreakazoids, they got underground bases, they got a nuke reactor under the tower!
My dad's been in it!
In 1965!
It was about 25 years ago that I began to read publicly available
Books that have been written for the State Department and for the CIA by top professors at Georgetown, Harvard, and Yale.
So that the CIA and other agencies could understand the complex political system they were building.
And in short, it was going to be called a technocracy.
But it was going to fund communism and socialism and fascism.
But really what it was was crony capitalism.
So decades later, after fighting against this, humanity is somewhat awake to the threat.
But at the same time, despite all our successes, changing this paradigm really is an inside job.
It's up to us personally.
So, I don't feel sorry for myself being demonized by mainstream media and being attacked and the globalists filing frivolous lawsuits.
I expected that to happen.
This is 21st century warfare.
I just wanna make sure that you, the listeners, and you, the viewers, many of you already understand this, so I'm not patronizing those of you that are already awake, but I wanna make sure all of you realize this isn't just some more entertainment.
This isn't just some other talking head.
The reason they hate what we cover is because I and others have researched what they actually are planning, and it is nightmarish, it is authoritarian, it is eugenics-based, it is anti-human.
And we've already come so far together
That I know that if each and every one of you will just go research these issues for yourself, you will find out how real it is and understand it's not your duty.
It is your basic survival to stand up against this anti-human onslaught.
If you go back into history, it was 3% that volunteered for the Revolutionary War back in 1776.
But if you look at the Infowars audience, it's maybe 10% of the United States, another 10% or so worldwide.
I think that's a conservative estimate.
But we have 50, 60, 70 million people listening.
We have more than that that have tuned in over the years.
The point is, is that if you look at that, that's less than 3% of the world population.
So what you're doing has already changed the world and instead of sitting here and going into each product and telling you how great they are, I'm just going to encourage you to go research them yourselves because you're funding our operation.
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So, Super Blue Silver Immune Gargle is also the latest product we've got at InfoWarsLive.com.
Without you, we couldn't do it.
So thank you all for remembering InfoWarsTore.com, and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
It's globalist sabotage!
In 1949, the CIA was declassified 15, 16 years ago.
I'd always been told that the John Birch Society had written about it.
They were founded because John Birch was an army personnel, basically OSS, CIA, a preacher, a bunch of other stuff.
And he got tortured to death because he didn't go along with the Communist Chinese getting control of China after World War II.
And they learned about that.
And so the John Birch Society kicked into gear to fight it.
So they laid all that.
I mean, I remember when I was a teenager reading books about it.
And then I was watching History Channel more than 15 years ago.
It was like 16 years ago.
And they had the former head of the Southeast Asia for the CIA on.
He was like 90-something years old going, well, yes, we actually put Mao in.
We thought he was a stabilizing effect and was good.
Just nothing being said about this.
I'm watching the whole thing happen.
That's right.
It was an American Baptist minister, missionary, United States Army Air Force captain who was in the U.S.
military intelligence officer in China during World War II.
John Birch was killed in a confrontation with communist soldiers.
Oh, Wikipedia.
I'm surprised Wikipedia doesn't call him a bad person.
And a few days after the war ended, he was posthumously awarded the Army Distinguished Service Medal.
But he got the intelligence out on, hey, the OSS is in here, they're planning on putting a communist in, we gotta get the information out.
And the orders got sent to the communists, you kill John Birch.
But I'm digressing.
Imagine what John Birch would do if it was in the Washington Post that Communist Chinese Intelligence basically runs UT.
And was going to officially endow
The main political science departments under the Communist Party endowed by Beijing.
That's when people went, whoa, what's going on?
They're hanging their name on the door at this point.
How bad do you think it is?
And I realize you're a new listener and I'm saying this, this sounds crazy.
They've been given all the deep water ports, the Panama Canal, 98% of rare earth minerals.
You think the U.S.
and others can't get at least 10% of them?
They have been given everything because they signed on to the globalist program.
University of Texas at Austin, Nix is Beijing funded propaganda institute.
Yeah, right.
So I meant to get into the persecution of Christians and everything that's happened, but you have to understand, China's the model.
China's where they roll it out.
China's where they beta test it.
I told you four years ago with exact precision about the global social score to track everything you do, and if you're not a good little globalist, they start cutting back everything you've got.
Things cost more.
You can't travel.
Suddenly you can't work.
Suddenly you can't eat.
Then after you've been put in a ghetto, you're taken away for re-education if you're lucky.
This isn't a joke, people!
It's the plan!
Why do you think the universities are anti-free speech?
Why do you think if you go to any major university and the Antifa, as they're called for the public, they're really communist, they have red flags, and they call themselves the Mao Youth Brigades?
The groups you've seen in Austin, or in an abortion clinic, protesting and saying Black Lives Matter.
This abortion clinic kills 60-something percent, you know, black kids at this particular clinic we went to.
And they show up.
They are out of UT.
UT students driving Jaguars and $50,000 trucks.
And they get out and start physically attacking us.
And the police stand down because we're in a blue city.
And they go to Maoist meetings.
And that's the problem.
We infiltrated the UT meetings.
They're open to the public.
And we recorded a bunch of that, and I've got to put reports out on that.
I mean, it's just incredible!
They're using a Communist Chinese Youth Brigade college revolution model to roll out civil disturbance and martial law.
It's in the Soros documents that came out.
Obama tried this crap.
That's what all this race war stuff is in the new Purge movie coming out.
Where it's like the Army's KKK and wears KKK uniforms.
I'm not kidding.
White KKK uniforms.
And they hunt blacks.
That's not going on in the real world.
But that's what's now happening.
They push it for a simulation.
This is incredible.
Why do you think we have a $900 billion a year deficit with China?
This is the criminal alliance.
This is the globalist alliance.
And that's why we're being told to hate Russia.
Because the globalists are close to overthrowing Russia as well.
This is their plan.
Yeah, scroll back to the top.
I want to show folks that.
Documents that tell plan for civil unrest and martial law in Baltimore, and they've confirmed these are real.
George Soros' son runs it.
It's how they work with the local blue state police to even let the police attack them, vice versa, to try to get the crowd to have a larger riot to bring in a civil emergency and martial law.
Now do you understand the maximum threat here?
They've been getting their asses handed to them because people are waking up to them.
But they're trying to take me out because they know I've reverse-engineered the whole thing.
And they know we're linking up with patriots in the government at every level.
And they know that if people listen to what we're saying, we can stop them.
This isn't about a popularity contest.
I'm here to be attacked.
I'm here to hit the barbed wire.
I'm here to take the hits so that we beat these people short-term, mid-term, long-term.
All you mainline conservatives and libertarians and Christians, you better get out of your comfort zones or we'll lose the whole enchilada.
Now, tie this together.
FEC report shows Hillary Clinton campaign laundered $84 million.
Cut and drive's illegal.
Infowars.com, Jamie White.
And they're reporting that sometime today Congress is going to get hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pages of new text between Strzok and his girlfriend and all the rest of it.
It's going to even be more damning.
And I've talked to sources in the government that have seen them and have confirmed it.
How do they strike back?
AP says make it illegal to criticize mainline journalists, calling it hate speech.
Hillary came out a few days ago in a speech that said the same thing.
And now research, Google search manipulation can swing nearly 80% of undecided voters.
Search engines can shift 50-50 split among people who are undecided on the issue to a 9-10 split without awareness.
And Google used to be a real search engine until the election.
Then it became really, really corrupt, hiding results, pushing fake results.
It's algorithm broken.
It's now just something where they force feed you.
And they admit that.
But they brag that they can influence almost all elections now with their full-bore breaking of the algorithm.
Because 90 plus percent of all searches are done on Google.
I go to Bing now, which I know is established, but just to check it, Microsoft, it's like the old Google.
It's the same system.
And I go to a bunch of others.
It's just Google.
It's just that old, you know, NSA database tracking system that then aggregates and shows what's most popular and ties it all together.
And then of course their start page and all those other independent ones, that's great.
But you go to Google, it's worthless and we've all got to unhabituate ourselves.
From using it, but here's the point, is that they're making their move and Hillary and the AP and Jim Acosta, this is all coming up with Roger Stone, you get the videos, they want you shut down.
They say when Trump criticizes the press, he's going to cause violence against them, which is what our sources have said in the CIA and other agencies.
They're preparing terror attacks on the media to blame us and Trump.
The false flags are coming.
Get ready, stay with us, we'll be back.
Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide, go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a longtime InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order, and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
Melania did not kick me out of the White House for installing coal-burning fireplaces.
Fake news!
Mr. President!
Why are you throwing balls at my face, Kurt Cousins?
It's Kirk.
That's what I said, Gerd.
I'm making you Secretary of Offense.
Now, prepare for fire and fury!
You like that, Kirk Cousins?
You like that?
Well, there you have it.
Terrific spot.
Funny and satire without being overtly political or nasty.
Congratulations, John D. Domenico.
As someone who's known Donald Trump and studied his speech patterns myself for many years, you nailed it.
You really nailed it.
Thank you very much, Roger.
I'm very excited to be on the show, I have to tell you.
Well, I've been doing Trump since 2004, right around the end of the first season of The Apprentice, when there was a big demand corporately for Trump to come in and roast people and do apprentice games and things like that.
So I've had a really long runway with him and to learn his voice and to really
Get it down, especially these last two and a half years.
Since he's announced, he's become more physical and his speech has become more him.
It seems like he seems like he was very restricted on The Apprentice, Blue Team, Green Team.
He did a good job, but Blue Team, you're fired.
It was kind of, he seems so big in a way.
Since I've been doing it for so long and done him in so many other platforms that when he announced I was I wanted to make sure that he was 100% in the race and I thought to myself you know if he can make it to the first
If he can make it to the first debate, I'll be set for the fall, because that's how, you know, they book out months in advance for these corporate things, and as you well know, not only did he make it to the first debate, he crushed it in the first debate, and the second debate, and third debate, and then things just started taking off.
And a friend of mine, Tom Shalhoub, who is on, he's still on Fox News, but he was on the show Red Eye,
Um, he brought me on.
I think I did about 50, 60 appearances on Red Eye as Trump.
And then because of that, I did Fox & Friends a number of times.
So it was a great platform and we did some really wonderful comedy and then some other shows picked me up and then voiceovers and the corporate stuff and it's been kind of, it's pretty much taken over my, there's Tom right now!
Tom Shalhoub, a very funny guy in his letter, right?
Well, as you know, the pundits in the mainstream didn't see Trump coming.
So, I can see why it started slowly.
They were the last people in the world who thought that he would win.
What was it?
Jeb Bush said, you're not going to elect a president?
You're not going to insult your way into the presidency?
Guess what, Jeb?
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Good evening, everybody.
There's not even the same universe.
I mean, she is an abject psychopathic demon from hell.
People around her say she's so dark now and so evil and so possessed that they are having nightmares.
They're freaking out.
Folks, they say, listen, Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur.
What's different at this point, Doug, than me?
I have two words for you.
But you're drunk.
There's a guy on the radio.
He said me and Hillary are demons.
He said we smell like sulfur.
Ain't that something?
I'm not just being tacky.
Call me Margaret Newton Samoa.
I have never seen or smelled anyone like her.
Sorry, I'm gonna switch that on.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Aw, look at the Muslims throwing the gays off buildings.
So liberal.
Still there?
There it is.
There's a lot of flies in here and the center is going to do something about these flies.
And we are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Roger Stone's here with us in studio, but we're going to go to an important report first, and come back with Roger Stone here in just a few minutes.
I want to get into strategy in the 2018 election, and it looks like the blue wave is starting to be the hype we knew it was, where they've just lost this special election there in Arizona.
We'll also look at the Democrats' open calls, the AP and others, to have conservative speech criticizing mainstream media be called hate speech and banned.
Where they can attack Trump, they can attack us, call us names, call us murderers, cockroaches, criminals, but we can't even say anything back to them.
So we're going to get to that, but I want to play a John Bowne report that ties into all this.
Dead broke DNC gambles with big lawsuit against Roger Stone.
Not just against Roger Stone, but also against Donald Trump that you know they filed last Friday.
So Roger's here exclusively with us riding shotgun right into the next hour.
We have a lawyer joining us to discuss the waterfront as well.
But critical news here straight ahead.
But here is the important report.
Dead broke DNC gambles with bogus lawsuit.
Taking on a status of sore loser never before seen in American politics, the Democrats have filed a lawsuit alleging that WikiLeaks, the Trump campaign, and Russia colluded to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, superseding Robert Mueller's Nothingburger investigation, although this lawsuit has Hillary Clinton revenge written all over it.
Chief Potty Mouth and Chair of the Democratic National Committee Tom Perez acted as if he was unaware of former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's influence.
Hillary Clinton pushed you to do this?
Was this something she supported?
Tom, you'll have to ask the Secretary.
You don't know if she's supportive of this move or not?
I have not consulted Hillary Clinton to ask her permission to file a complaint.
The buck stops with Tom Perez.
Heading into midterm elections, Perez also downplayed the amount of money it would take to win a lawsuit or whether it was filed in order to gamble for potential winnings to fund the candidates.
I will ask you, how much money is this going to cost the DNC?
How much money are you taking away from 2018 to focus on 2016 in Russia?
Chuck, we can't afford not to do this because when you look ahead and you see what was done before and what they're trying to do again, our democracy is at stake.
It's hard to win elections when you have interference in elections.
We've been winning elections.
We know how to walk and chew gum.
We've got boots on the ground right now in Arizona.
We have a great candidate.
She's an undeniable underdog.
We're fighting there.
We just won in Wisconsin.
You didn't answer.
How much money is this lawsuit going to take this year?
I don't know the amount of money that it will take, but I'll tell you, it's hard to put a price tag on preserving democracy.
And you know what?
That's why I concluded that it would be irresponsible of me not to do this.
The Week reported back in January that the DNC is dead broke.
The Democratic Party is carrying more than $6 million in debt, according to year-end filings.
It has just $6.5 million in the bank.
Do the math and the party is working with just over $400,000 overall.
Meanwhile, the Republicans are swimming in pools of money.
The Republican National Committee had raised $132 million by the end of 2017, about twice as much as the DNC, and entered 2018 with almost $40 million to spare, with not a penny of debt.
The lawsuit also relies on questionable evidence, most of it from the Mockingbird media.
But a lot of it relies on things like news reports, including single sourced or anonymously sourced reports.
So the challenge in this suit is going to be translating those essentially news reports into evidence that's going to be admissible in court.
Now, what's relevant right now is not necessarily whether they can do that, but whether or not they can survive a motion to dismiss.
Whether or not they have a well-pleaded complaint on the face, it does seem likely that this lawsuit, at least some defendants, at least some claims, are likely to survive a motion to dismiss.
This is most relevant because it means that they'll move on to the discovery phase.
That might end up becoming a really, really powerful tool for the DNC to actually unearth new information.
Careful what you ask for.
Zero Hedge reports WikiLeaks will be countersuing.
Announcing over Twitter that they are seeking donations for a countersuit.
Noting, we've never lost a publishing case and Discovery is going to be amazing fun.
Zero Hedge also added,
What's interesting is that of all the sources that DNC cites in their massive lawsuit, the Steele dossier they paid for isn't one of them.
Tom Perez is working like a man that owes the mob money, acting in total desperation.
What has become the norm for the party he leads.
John Bowne reporting for Infowars.com.
Now we're gonna get Roger Stone's expert take on all this, but a big treat you could say.
I've gotten emails and texts saying, hey, Roger Stone worked for the NXIVM sex cult, and why aren't you bringing it up?
Well, because I talked to him about it a long time ago, 2007 for what, two months, he worked for them, because they had a bunch of businesses and companies, and he lives in New York part of the time, and then he can give you the big scoop on it.
The Brothman daughters, the connections to the Clintons, all of this, and so that ties into the Democrats, but he was also hired as a consultant.
Just briefly on this, back before you retired from lobbying, what, just four years ago, you had one of the biggest lobbying firms, some media said the biggest for a small shop, but I mean, yes, you've worked for thousands of clients.
There was a time when we had the dominant lobbying shop in Washington, D.C., Black, Manafort, and Stone, once Black, Manafort, Stone, and Atwater.
In this particular case, Alex,
State Senator Joe Bruno, who was the Senate Majority Leader, introduced me to the folks at NXIVM.
I met the Bronfman sisters.
I audited this class, which was a bunch of middle-aged housewives trying to learn kind of self-esteem.
Certainly didn't seem like any kind of a cult to me.
Well, hold on, because you got another rabbit hole.
We'll talk about it next hour.
I want to get into the attacks on free speech.
I want to get into blue wave fizzles.
Is that accurate?
Tucker says don't run against Hillary.
Run against the openly racist extremists.
We're going to talk to you as a political consultant on the other side about that, Roger Stone.
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Melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
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Unlike other systems, I mean, Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues, and he writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
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But thank you for committing.
To get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
But it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing millions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films and, you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out.
So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called reap what you sow.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind.
Well, Roger Stone won his big New York defamation case against him.
Zero coverage when he won.
When they threw and drew the suit in Virginia on Tuesday morning.
Or Monday morning, excuse me.
Zero coverage except here.
And I'm told they might try to refile it, but once you've done that it's really hard.
They realized they just filed just pure BS.
It was defamation.
And, but again, it's this tactic where they're filing like screenplays now as lawsuits, and they just want the press from it, but they don't think they're going to pay.
But we filed a lawsuit against them for it.
No coverage of that.
But the original plaintiffs are starting to go, oh, wait a minute.
You're exactly right.
It's all about the headline.
It's not about a real case.
It's not about evidence or proof or a responsible case.
It's an abuse of the judicial process for the purposes of getting a negative headline on Alex Jones or on Roger Stone or on InfoWars.
And then they turn around and they use the headline as the rationale for censoring you on the Internet.
It's an insidious plot, but the Democratic National Committee lawsuit is a perfect example.
This is a left-wing conspiracy theory.
No evidence, no proof, based on conjecture, supposition, projection.
It's nonsense.
In this case, it's a recycle of the lawsuit that the Obama crowd already has filed against me.
And notice, right as the media goes, okay, Russiagate's over, we're moving on to Michael Cohen and women.
Do they really think that the Russian state and the Russian army are going to show up in court for this?
But that's the point, is they'll go, Russia didn't show up.
It's all about... Like if the Russians sued the U.S.
You sue people through the WTO, the IMF, the World Trade Organization.
No, no.
Let's stop.
We're getting to that next hour with a lawyer coming on to discuss it.
Not one of our lawyers.
We don't have our lawyers on to discuss cases.
We discuss the generalities.
Even my lawyers early on said, I wouldn't have this press conference in D.C.
Their suit is the worst thing we've ever seen.
It'll get thrown out before we get it to court.
And they were right.
So now I'm not giving out tactics on the other fake ones.
I don't just say they're fake to act confident.
If I've done something before that I think crosses the line, off record I've settled a couple lawsuits when we've made a mistake.
Okay, and I'm not going to say obviously which one is off record.
But I mean when they're just cuckoo land lies, I don't know what they're thinking, Roger.
Well, two things.
First of all, it's about bankrupting us.
Just the motion to dismiss these lawsuits, just the motion to dismiss, can cost you $100,000.
Yeah, exactly.
It costs...
It costs a lot of money.
A huge amount of money.
And we've already spent, I don't want to give them any, you know, happy times out there.
That's why listeners need to understand.
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I mean, I barely plug one minute an hour because I'm so obsessed with the information.
But it is critical to support our local AM and FM stations.
It is critical to become a local sponsor.
It's critical to buy our products.
It's critical, you know, Roger Stone works for InfoWars.
He also has Stone Cold Truth.
He's got a new book coming out we're going to be selling.
We need capital.
We don't have George Soros.
We don't have the big money.
You know, Roger, you had one of the top lobbying firms in the country, and why did you, this is a good question to ask before we get to this other news, why did you decide
What was it, six, seven years ago to stop lobbying?
Because Alex, I love politics, not government.
I love the fight, winning a campaign, fighting for the things you believe in, taking on candidates or causes that you believe in.
I'm not all that interested in the Third Amendment to the Treasury Bill regarding the treatment of casino income and so on.
It's just highly technical.
So patting around the halls of Congress, asking congressmen and senators to do things for you... It gets old.
It was never my thing.
It's more fun having fans come out and Antifa come out and attack you.
You want to be in the arena and change the world, not just make money.
I've written five books.
Two of them are New York Times bestsellers.
I have another one coming.
This is the fight I've chosen.
Now I can help candidates and causes I believe in.
Not because I need the money, but because they're good men and women who believe in what we believe.
Who are prepared to take on the globalists.
Who are prepared to tell the truth about the two-party duopoly that's ruining this country.
Now I want to slow down, because I tend to speed up and we miss everything.
I want to get in the blue wave.
Is it really dead?
I don't want to be too over-optimistic, but I think the numbers show it is.
But there's still an election, so we've got to watch out.
I think Tucker's right and wrong.
He says, don't run against Hillary.
Well, she's still the deep state.
Her apparatus is still in place.
So, I agree, don't run about her as the past, but run about how her people are still in there, and we're fighting deep state, see?
Because they always lay out, oh, run against her, because she's old and bad, or run against, you know, you know, no, don't run against all of it.
Trump should be out doing more rallies, so we can see leftists come out and riot and go crazy.
That gives him up, you know, in the polls everywhere.
I mean, I don't know who's giving them advice.
It's so clear what needs to be done here.
Meanwhile, FEC records document that the Hillary Clinton campaign laundered $84 million to the foundation, conservatively.
Meanwhile, we're worried about, did Michael Cohen pay off some bimbos?
I mean, as long as they're not beating the bimbos, and I'm a libertarian, I don't, you know, I'm not in the bimbo department, but my whole point is, is that there's not even proof of that, but you, oh my God, it's not Russia, it's now bimbos.
So let's start with this, FEC Records, Infowars.com, show Clinton campaign laundered $84 million.
It was right through the records, totally illegal, used it in the campaign, it's all right there, but AP says it's okay.
Banned criticizing mainline journalists.
That's the new theme from Hillary.
The Associated Press.
Very dangerous.
Well, fortunately for us, Hillary refuses to ride off into the sunset.
So it's not up to us whether she is relevant.
She's making herself relevant by hanging around.
Professional Democrats, I know, are tearing out their hair over this.
They just want the Clintons to leave.
Barack Obama's public positioning is far more favorable, but Hillary refuses to go.
But he's still smart enough to keep his head down.
Well, there's no question because what he knew and when he knew it regarding the Steele dossier and the illegal unconstitutional... We know he quarterbacks that.
The president has all the NSA data now.
I mean, we have them.
It's the greatest violation of civil liberties in American political history.
It's an outrageous crime for which somebody has to be punished.
So he doesn't want people going around asking, what did the president know and when did he know it?
Separately, it's all over the news, the communist infiltration by China.
They basically run, in major Washington Post articles, surprisingly, even Bezos admits it, they run almost every public university.
They're the number one funders.
It's like they're the number one owners of our debt.
And they openly have pro-Mao and pro-kill Falun Gong events that are the main chairs now at UT.
I mean, I read this, I can't even believe it.
I was told by CIA guys two years ago that UT was run by the CHICOMS and they wanted to do something about it and now it's in the news.
What, I mean, what in the world about Russians?
I am so sick of that red herring.
That's the diversion while we're getting taken over by the CHICOMS, people!
There's no question.
And we have helped them by giving them most favored trading nation status, by bending over for them at every turn.
That's the legacy of George H.W.
Bush, by the way.
The real danger today is Chinese communism, not the former Soviet Union.
I'm not saying that they're our friends, but we have a much more aggressive adversary in the Chinese.
Do we have a $900 billion deficit with Russia?
In fact, last time I heard, I think they have a trade deficit with us.
I think that's correct.
No, China is the, this is the big enchilada.
And the President knows it.
There's the irony.
He's totally got their number.
Which is why he is cracking down with these tariffs.
I don't think he loves tariffs.
In fact, I know he doesn't like tariffs.
He does like using them as a club to get them to the table.
Well, when they've got all their internal tariffs to the tune of $900 billion, $500 billion in trade, $300 billion in intellectual property, that's conservative.
I mean, they're more than half the global...
Trade deficit.
And I want to get into this too with you.
Not to toot my horn, but remember election night?
I got really concerned on there and I said, listen, the real war is going to start now.
I'm glad we got Trump in, but they're going to counter offensive so hard.
The real war is about to start.
And I was just worried that listeners and people don't realize it's on.
But I think they get it now.
Well, also, you said at the time and since.
The Russian thing will fizzle out, you said.
Then they're going to switch to sex.
They're going to re-up these claims of a bunch of bogus women that Trump assaulted them.
And then that died down, and you said, don't worry, it will be back.
And here it is, front and center.
Well, they launched me, too, just to try to get past Hillary and Hollywood to just make it about everybody.
Oh, just smoke screen for the pedophilia, raping women, men, all of it.
You can see how they pre-programmed this.
Plus it was a way to try to take Weinstein, which was an enormous bump in the road for them, and turn it back on us.
Try to make it about us.
So let's look into the future again with Roger Stone.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
On the other side of this quick break, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
His new book's about to come out.
We'll tell you about that.
But when we come back, we're going to get specifically into the blue wave.
And, you know, is it in trouble with this Arizona race?
And then we'll look beyond that.
Stay with us.
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This is Roger Stone for InfoWars.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I'm sitting here in the big shadow government command base, Austin, Texas, sitting on top of the big underground cities, the big secret nuclear reactors at UT.
All of it.
I'm just talking about J.J.
Pickles Center in North Austin.
And Roger Stone's here.
We were talking about letting the Communist Chinese in.
Even as the Washington Post has to admit that basically took over the UT government department, their research labs, and that ties into Trump saying 300 billion in intellectual property.
That's just what we know in intellectual property, in products, in patents theft.
What about all the secret stuff, the DARPA stuff?
And that's just UT, the biggest university in the world.
And, you know, besides MIT, one of the biggest science centers in the country, Stanford's big as well.
And it's Chinese Communist Run, and that's in the news.
We're hearing about Russians, Roger.
And they manipulate our currency.
And they play games on trade.
No, the Russians are the number one problem in the world.
I'm not saying the Russians are not a problem, but we ought to be focused on the Chinese menace, it seems to me.
But you were elaborating on that.
I mean, Trump gets this.
He's been right about this for 15 years.
He's been harping on the fact that they steal our patents, they steal our technology, they steal our jobs, they cheat in all their trade.
That's why I was glad to see him follow through on the tariffs, even though I philosophically agree that the tariffs are probably not that effective.
They're effective at getting them to the table and bludgeoning them into better behavior.
And that's, I think, the point of it.
I do want to go back to your blue wave stuff because I think the Democrats have counted their chickens way too early.
Well we know it's hype, like saying Ted Cruz is in a dead heat, Ted Cruz is going to lose.
That's pure push polling to create the perception so Republicans don't come out and Democrats want to come in for the victory.
What are they running on?
They have no plan to revitalize the economy.
They have no plan to address the trade balance.
They have no plan to fix the immigration problem.
They have no plan to make America safer or stronger.
It's a one-note platform.
We hate Donald Trump.
We want to remove Donald Trump.
We hate Donald Trump.
They have nothing else.
Why are they so lazy?
Even their lawsuits against us are just haphazard.
Idiots wrote them.
The Democrats are really that dumb?
How'd they ever get control?
The party has no soul and it has no core.
It's a strung together group of special interest groups.
It's a broken coalition strategy.
It's a bunch of broken up groups atomized.
And they can't get rid of the face of their party.
Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton.
These people are losers.
If the Republicans run on peace and prosperity, job creation and prosperity, peace with North Korea and prosperity, we will win.
They don't have anything to run on other than pure hatred for Donald Trump.
And by the way, I know you've talked to the President and others, you've really pushed
Like, he didn't even understand what Sessions was doing, killing him.
And then when Trump comes out and says, decriminalize marijuana, let the states control it, which should be a gigantor win, something Obama didn't even do, zero coverage.
I mean, like, one article.
That is so seismic.
Let's talk about that when we come back.
You're absolutely right.
I'm going to get into the whole NXIVM cult, which you did some limited for two-month consulting for, which you never did, which is not a thing.
They're like, oh, Jones, you claim you're with NXIVM now.
Well, they have a lot of businesses, a lot of things.
I've never worked with NXIVM.
But we're going to talk about that.
I'm glad you're here.
You're more than happy to give us, from a slight inside view, you were kind of in the doorway of the cult, what you saw.
Yeah, I'm happy to get into that.
I mean, they were introduced to me by a Republican state senator.
They had hired Senator Gillibrand's father, Doug Rudnick, who is a well-known and respected Democratic lobbyist.
I worked for them for about two months, and what I found out is they didn't need a lobbyist, they needed an attorney.
They were upset about some former partner of theirs who had left and they thought took intellectual property.
I said, you don't need a lobbyist.
You need an attorney.
You need to be in court, not in front of the legislature.
They could never understand the difference between the state and federal levels of government.
Stay right there.
I want to come back and kick this back off because it's a doorway.
You were in the doorway to the doorway into the whole weird world of all the sex cults.
We'll be right back.
President Donald Trump says the U.S.
is negotiating for the release of American hostages in North Korea.
President Trump was asked during a joint press conference with the Japanese Prime Minister whether or not the three Americans' release would be a precondition for sitting down with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
Trump said his administration was fighting very diligently for the safe return of the three captives, adding, We are doing our very best.
As you know, they've been there a long time and it's harsh treatment.
Trump noted the case of Otto Warmbier, the American student who died after being released last year by Pyongyang.
The Associated Press quotes a senior White House official who says CIA Director Mike Pompeo discussed the hostages during his trip to North Korea over Easter weekend.
The official says Mr. Trump is hopeful they'll be released soon.
The president says the face-to-face with Kim Jong Un will likely take place in early June, but he added that if the meeting is not going to be fruitful, he will respectfully leave.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live with Roger Stone.
I'm Alex Jones with Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
We are one of the number one most attacked groups in the country and the world because we're promoting Americanism, anti-globalism.
We're promoting true free market.
We're standing against radical Islam.
I'm also against cancer and I don't like death either.
So just, I like pragmatic, nice, happy things like freedom and the right to self-defense and
You know, men and women, and families, and all those things that are under attack by the globalists that want total control of civilization.
So let's walk through three big issues.
I'm looking at the NXIVM cult that you did some consulting for before you found out what was going on back in 2007.
And you're an expert.
You've been breaking this down on The War Room, so my audience doesn't know that.
They've been saying, hey, ask Roger about NXIVM, because the Democrats are trying to recycle that and dig that up to attack you somehow.
But Comey memo leak contact had special government employee status at FBI.
Now they're saying they only know of one other person that did that, and that was somebody that worked for Uma Abedin.
That's not true.
This is an offshoot of InfraGard in the Patriot Act that got over 3 million people we know of with special emergency governmental cards, the right to carry firearms in many cases, you name it.
And it's the FBI in the deep state under Bush and the Clintons creating a private army, basically a private spy force.
And now Columbia Law Professor James Comey used as a go-between last year to leak the contents of sensitive memos to the media, confirmed to Fox News on Tuesday that he previously worked as a special government employee, SGE, for Comey's FBI on an unpaid basis.
And he says, I did indeed have SG status with the Bureau for no pay, Richmond wrote in a email.
Well, you go to the head of the line at the airport, you get access to all the secret documents to the Office of Personnel Management.
When this federal judge, you know, puts the whole database online for federal agents of Trump's lawyer's communications, he gets access to that.
This is so they can use these go-betweens
To go out and carry out operations in the media.
So it's government, the Democrats, Deep State leaking into media, leaking into academia.
This is basically a spy operation.
Now people are freaking out over this.
Fox News is reporting on it.
But for me, the bigger story is Comey going, I never leaked to Congress.
And then saying, okay, I gave it to a friend at the law school, at Columbia Law, so that the truth would get out.
But then he tries to say, but I didn't leak it.
He's an FBI head.
He should know, the guy that gives the order to somebody else to give it out, admits he did it to get it out, then saying, but I had somebody else do it, makes it even more of a capital offense that it's premeditated.
I mean, these sophists!
These frauds.
Most of these lawyers, I know more than they do.
I've had top lawyers admit that.
Judges, I mean, I'm not bragging.
These people are lazy.
Do I know more about Comey than he does about the law?
And here's why.
I'm not just saying Comey thinks you're dumb.
Maybe he's not stupid.
Roger, why would they illegally surveil you, the president, lie about it, do all this, then tell people they had surveilled, they had all the dirt, then say, oh, we didn't surveil, but there was dirt, then say they didn't leak, but admit it before they leaked, and then now saying, well, I did leak, I thought you should have it, but I did through somebody else, so I didn't violate the National Security Act.
I mean, it's like the guy's shot full of holes.
They're so guilty.
Strzok, all of them, the dossier, cooking it up.
This is... These people have self-immolated in front of us.
The only question is, does Jeff Sessions have the huevos?
Or Trump, or anybody.
It's not even huevos.
They're coming for Trump.
They're coming for all of us, and they're the globalists.
So they're coming.
They're bad that we've caught them.
Give them hell!
Why aren't people ready to give it to them?
The answer, Alex, is hubris.
They were so confident that Hillary would win, that all of their crimes would therefore be able to be covered up.
So therefore they blatantly used government email, government text messages, talking about their insurance policy against Donald Trump's election, because they were arrogant.
And now they think they can lie their way out of it.
This special government status that you mentioned is very interesting because it is under that
That Huma Abedin is able to triple dip.
That she's able to get paid by the State Department, the Clinton Foundation, and a lobbying firm that lobbies the State Department, Teneo.
The only person in American history who's ever been allowed to do this.
Hillary's friend.
Well, here's the big secret.
They're telling everybody this.
The secret is for good little globalists, they can quadruple dip, and it's done under InfraGard.
Yeah, so essentially you're allowed to break the law.
It gives you a special status, so you're above the law.
And by the way, he said, oh yes, I have that status.
We've created new royalty!
Well, and did Comey tell him to give it to the New York Times specifically?
I believe that is the case.
I think when you go back to his testimony, he admits that, so... And by the way, there's some good things about InfraGard, where if you've been
Say a Marine for seven years and then the CIA leading operations for ten, and then you're working for high-level governmental operations that interface with private corporations.
I just like what reciprocal for cops to have guns nationwide.
We can trust them.
The Democrats are fighting it.
We've almost got it.
There are people in InfraGard who have connections, I'm not going to get into it, who can carry guns around the country.
I'm all for that.
Just don't let them have database connection.
Don't let them be above the law.
And don't have university professors that have full clearance into the FBI database.
No, I'm not for that.
Does that make sense?
It does.
I think at the end of the day, Comey's book tour, his entire launch, is going to turn out to be one of the greatest public relations, legal, and political mistakes of all time.
I agree, because he's just...
Sitting there and changing his story and now showing he committed perjury in Congress.
Well, when he was in New York last week, we had, you know, three dozen InfoWarriors outside with Laura Loomer.
I think she embarrassed him.
We're going to continue to do this at every... Oh, I forgot that.
You guys cue up Laura Loomer.
We're going to play that again.
Go ahead.
But we're going to be summonsing, I think the next one is May 2nd in Miami.
Infowarriors will be there to join us in a peaceful protest to expose James Comey's lies.
Help us greet Lion Jim Comey, as we call him.
And my thanks to the many Infowarriors who showed up in New York.
It was a great time.
Now that's my next issue.
Now, before we go to break, we're going to come back with the whole NXIVM cult, and you're kind of
Front room, but you know not in the deeper annals two months working for him.
He said four months They only had you two months didn't pay for the last two months.
We're gonna talk about that, but just briefly I got told by
People say, oh yeah, right, people know, we have the sources.
Look at Roger Stonerider, you don't think he has sources?
I got told by high-level individuals in multiple federal agencies that the Democrats are getting ready to stage false flags against their media, against the UN, against the Federal Reserve, against what's seen as the establishment, against universities, to then say Alex Jones and Trump caused it.
Now you see, days later, Acosta, AP, Hillary, and a bunch of other groups, those clips are coming up, they're on fullwars.com, saying Trump's going to cause terror attacks, he's going to get us killed, we need to ban criticizing mainstream media.
That's AP, make it a hate crime.
Roger, how transparent is their preparing?
It wasn't hard for me to predict they were going to launch the Me Too movement, to reboot going after Trump, and to cover up for Hillary.
It's a fact, but I can see this, but I've been told by folks in the government that when ISIS then came out this week with the image of them machine-gunning CNN, you know, the New York Times and all this, that that's the preparation.
They are getting ready, buddy.
What do we do?
They're getting ready to bomb their own facilities and blame it on us.
And then we come out and say, don't blame us.
They're going to say, oh, how dare you, you know, deny that somebody else did this.
This entire hysteria on their part is born of the fact that we've got 3% economic growth.
The president is on the verge of a peace deal with the North Koreans.
Best GDP in decades.
They are apoplectic that he is being this successful.
And how great he and Melania look out there.
In the fact that he seems to be handling this Frenchman pretty adeptly.
And he's on the verge of denuclearizing the North Koreans.
They're out of their minds with rage and that's why they're going to go to these tactics.
But, again Alex, the overall strategy is what?
It's all about censorship.
Silence Alex Jones.
Silence Infowars.
Silence Roger Stone.
Silence The Daily Caller.
Silence Breitbart.
Silence anybody who's alternative so they can then take away our guns and bring down a duly elected president.
I mean, I have the articles right here, stacks of them.
Where it says, silence Alex Jones.
Where's that particular article?
It says, Alex Jones doesn't deserve the First Amendment, is the headline.
And this is in major publications.
And they call me a cockroach, and a rat, and a criminal, and all this crap.
They've got their speech to make stuff up.
I don't even have speech to sit there and respond.
That's what we're talking about.
Alright, Roger Stone and his view from being somewhat on the periphery of the NXIVM sex cult that's tied to Hillary straight ahead.
Owen Troyer here for InfoWars.com.
Now, I am at City Council today to discuss an incident that happened on December 10, 2017, where I was trying to go to a memorial march for Kate Steinle, but I was met with armed masked men that prevented me from entering and were intimidating and threatening me.
I'm going to bring this issue to City Council.
Let's see how they take it.
Alright, well I'm going to start by asking the council a question.
Given everything that's happened in the month of March with the bombings and the police officers saying, if you see anything suspicious, say something.
I think we would all agree that masked men walking around with firearms is something suspicious.
Now I'm going to play this video for the council to review.
That illustrates that exact thing happening.
Now, I am a firm believer in the First Amendment right, so an individual has the right to walk around with their face covered.
I'm a firm believer in the Second Amendment right.
I believe in constitutional carry, so you can carry a rifle or whatever firearm you want with you.
According to U.S.
Code, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 13, Subsection 241, Conspiracy Against Rights states, if two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any state, territory, commonwealth, or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised them the same, or two or
We're good to go.
Well, on December 10th, the video you're witnessing right now, I went to a memorial march for a deceased victim of a violent crime.
And I was met, as you can see in these pictures, by masked men with arms on their triggers of rifles, battering clubs, etc.
Here you can see this man has his finger on the trigger, keeping me from going to a park
A memorial, here's them, with shields and clubs blocking the entrance from a park for a dead person's memorial.
Now, if that doesn't violate the code, I don't know what does.
And I find it timely that we sit here today with you all discussing getting more funding for police, but I did not hear one person make a suggestion to keep violent criminals off the streets.
Well, maybe if we looked into sanctuary city laws and keeping masked men with guns off the streets, we wouldn't have to have a hundred police officers out there every time somebody wants to have a march, which is every weekend.
Now, I'll just say this in closing and provide an illustration for you.
If I was outside, holding a rifle, keeping people from getting into this city council to state their claim, do you think I should be arrested?
I think everybody here would agree, yes, that should be an arrest.
But for some reason, and I'm not blaming the APD, because I think they're good men and women.
Most of my experiences with them have been positive.
But if we're not going to arrest armed individuals with masks, brandishing weapons, intimidating people from their free speech, a clear violation of the law, I just want to know why, and I want to know if this city council thinks that that's the type of city that we should live in.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you.
Mayor, if he would provide us with a link, because I couldn't see that.
Absolutely, I'd be happy to.
Thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Just like our political and cultural information is absolutely game-changing by the very definition, a lot of people claim that InfoWars is the plague to tyranny.
We are the enemy.
I'm not a rocket scientist, but I know to go out and check the top scientists and see what they say.
And they have talked about for decades that a lot of the mental disorders
A lot of the behavioral disorders, a lot of the autism spectrum disorders are in the gut, from the diets and vaccines that trigger autoimmune responses in the stomach, that then create major toxicity in the gut, causing toxicity in the brain.
No kidding, drink a bottle of Jack Daniels, you could kill you.
Well, you eat the wrong things, or have the wrong mold, or yeast, or fungus, or the wrong bacteria in your gut.
Bye-bye, Bluebird.
Here's a big BBC report today.
Look up the New York Times.
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And if you have the wrong ones, you're depressed.
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They can even secrete toxins when they want more sugar.
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Nuke them with MycoZX.
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Did I mention?
It also funds the Second American Revolution.
You can't lose unless you don't take action.
Now, Roger Stone.
I knew, I remember asking you about this like a year ago when this was first breaking.
Because I know you lobbied for thousands of groups.
The NXIVM sex cult.
Describe in your own words what it really was, your periphery view, working for him for a few months, why you got out of it, obviously I know it was a cult then, and now you've got inside a secretive group where women are branded.
That is out of the New York Times.
Smallville actress Allison Mack is both a victim and perpetrator of cult sex crimes, Whistleblower says.
Allison Mack, Smithville actress, granted bail in the sex cult case.
Hillary's been tied to it now.
Who is Keith Raniere?
Five details.
We'll go over this, but your view is very interesting.
This was mainly a leftist group.
Which, again, women can't find conservatives to pimp them, to beat them, to hurt them.
Not all women want that, but some women do.
They found it with NXIVM.
But you described what it was like.
They were shriveled women, like having their souls sucked.
Describe what you witnessed.
Well, first of all, they presented themselves to me as a self-help group, having these classes in the Albany, New York area.
Their clientele all appeared to be wealthier.
Middle-aged, mostly housewives, but some men as well.
People looking for some self-esteem.
People looking for some self-confidence.
But the people who worked for Nexium, the women who worked for them, were all emaciated.
They were all extremely thin.
And I did audit this course to see what it was like, to look in on it.
I noticed that they were given no bathroom breaks.
They were given no food breaks.
It was extremely intense.
I met the actress Catherine Oxenberg there, who briefly audited and then fell out with the cult, now struggling to get her daughter India out of it.
I'm in touch with her.
Last week on The War Room, we had Frank Parlato, who really is the crusading journalist who has busted this cult wide open.
And I love how you've been exposing it and talking about your experiences since it came out in the news and then the media spins it like you're involved.
You're exposing it and then you're a bad guy.
I never saw any evidence of a harem.
I never saw any evidence of sexual abuse.
I never saw
I mean, you were on the porch.
You were on the outside.
Sure, but you told me basically, not off record, but not on air, you just said basically it was a bunch of crazy people.
Well, and what they did do, and this was clear, was they would find wealthy offspring, like Claire and Sarah Bronfman of the very wealthy Bronfman family in New York, and then they would suck money from them.
They're embroiled in many lawsuits.
So it's sucking money off liberal women, and I guess liberal women
Oh, don't like men they've been trained to, and don't like men that are nice to them, so I guess that's the ultimate fetish, is being cucked, so these women, a lot of them went in to be abused.
It's just, it's totally sick.
It was very clear that the Bronfman sisters were writing enormous checks, drained down their inheritance to pay for this.
The famous Keith Ranieri, I never met.
Everybody spoke of him in these reverential terms, but all I saw was this self-help program that seemed pretty pathetic to me.
By the way, these self-help programs, I gotta tell you folks, we don't have big meetings, we don't do big groups, we don't tell you how to live your whole life, we just break down facts here.
So many of them are cults.
They've got these exercise cults and these other things, and it's all like some weirdo just stating stupid, basic things, everyone just deciding they've found the truth so they can feel really big and smart, and it's like mainstream media, it's the Democratic Party, it's like any of it.
It's not.
I mean, pull up the leader of the NXIVM cult.
I mean, this guy,
This guy looks like a complete moron.
I mean just look at every one of these self-help guys has that same stupid vapid moron look in their eye and then other morons go to him believing they're gonna get some moron Valhalla out of it.
Well, and they're extremely litigious, as well.
I think you'd find that in most cases, anyone who worked for them, even briefly, ends up getting sued.
They never sued me, I'm happy to say, but they sued many others.
Doug Rutnick, who's a well-known and respected Democratic lobbyist, who happens to be the father of Senator Gillibrand, worked for them.
I have no evidence that he did anything wrong, either.
They ended up suing him, I think, falsely.
He probably figured out the same thing I did.
They didn't need a lobbyist, they needed a lawyer.
I'll tell you what it sounds like to me.
You get people a little bit of power, they get people that want to be around power, so they set themselves up with their power, people then agree it's the power, and then they go crazy.
I can tell you how many times, it's like the lottery effect, 98% of people, this has been documented in films made, books written, that win the lottery, end up homeless, in jail, or totally broke, or dead within two years.
But they were targeting
The wealthy children of wealthy parents.
That's where the big money was coming from.
The Bronfmans and others.
Emptying out their inheritance, turning over all the money to these... And think of the psychology.
You've got these coddled, spoiled girls.
And then finally there's somebody, you're great, you're going to get it, but teaching them they've got to debase themselves.
There's a thrill to that.
That's why women go and get pimps.
Very sick.
And they want to belong.
They really just desperately want to belong to something.
And therefore, their bank accounts get vacuumed out.
Edgar Bronfman Jr., the father, essentially ended up taking legal action against the cult because they lifted $30 million.
This is not small change.
I mean, you get around the rich and powerful, they're like, most of them are mentally ill.
And their kids are all ruined.
And then they've just got these weird trendy cults around them, sucking them dry.
When common sense and free market and Americana is the only thing these people need.
They need 700 horsepower vehicles.
They need to go out and climb a mountain.
They need to have fun.
They need to go shoot guns.
That's where they're going to find it.
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This lawsuit is an assault on the First Amendment right to free speech.
It isn't just about myself, but it's about every single American who exercises their right to say what they think about what they see reported in the media and by the government.
If Mr. Gilmour wins, Brennan Gilmour, we will lose that right.
If Soros wins,
The literal Nazi collaborator that has overthrown all these other countries, if he wins with all his paychecks he sends out, then this will be the repeal of the First Amendment by fiat.
What it is is propaganda, 50, 60, 70, 80 page filings that then defame myself, the First Amendment, President Trump, you name it.
Where they just say all these horrible things that aren't true, things that we never said knowing
That they are protected in defamation inside the court.
The dying corporate media then picks it up and goes out and puts it out as gospel and then calls for InfoWars as a precedent-setting case to be deplatformed.
So, they've told us.
We don't like you putting out different talking points, different ideas than what the Soros Democratic Party funded media wants.
And that's the real sin of Infowars.
This really is an attack on the First Amendment.
And if that falls, everything else falls.
That's not just rhetoric.
That they're trying to overturn the First Amendment.
My God.
This is like Orwellian.
I'm force-fed.
I'm trying to eat a steak at Trump Tower and I got damn CNN looking down on me.
And then if I'm in the airport, there it is.
And a lot of restaurants, you walk in the bathroom and there's Anderson Cooper looking down at your ding-ding.
And it's like, can I just get these people out of my life?
I don't want to censor them.
I don't want to shut them down.
I don't want to put them in prison.
I just want to be able to change the channel.
But I can't!
Instead, it's every night on CNN.
Roger Stone's a Russian-Asian.
Alex Jones is a criminal demon.
You know, George Soros never... George Soros was a Holocaust survivor and battled the Nazis.
Alex Jones says he helped him.
No, he said it on 60 Minutes!
And that's why Soros has a hit out on my free speech.
Specifically because he doesn't want me to say that he said he...
Had the best time of his life rounding up Jews.
You can't make this stuff up.
The best time in his life?
I quite enjoyed it.
Smiling like a demon?
Talk about psycho world!
So I want to say this.
I apologize to George Soros.
He actually went in on the D-Day invasion of Normandy.
He personally killed 5,000 Nazis and severed Hitler's head.
I want to kneel to Soros and say, Your Lordship, you are a hero that killed Hitler.
They'll probably put that out.
Anderson Cooper.
Jones admits tonight that it was actually George Soros.
And here's hidden film footage of the OSS head from World War II as he fights 400 SS officers who had actually turned into werewolves and then severs the head of Adolf Hitler.
So, that's the truth.
Soros killed Hitler.
So, hail Soros!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Well, Mark John Randazza is one of the top anti-slapback lawyers, slapback lawyers in the country.
And of course, he's buddies with the great Mike Cernovich.
I've got some of the best First Amendment lawyers in the country.
And people have looked up the law firms we've got.
They're like, yeah, no, those are the people that represent the Bushes.
You know, all of them.
They're like, what do you work for the Bushes now?
No, I just go and get the best people.
We filed an anti-slapback for slapback provision in the Virginia case at a press conference two weeks ago.
They pulled it on Monday.
They're going to refile it.
But they did a 70-page thing of just insults and lies like they're posting a...
Screenplay or something.
And then the media goes with that like, oh, but just like you won your last defamation case a few months ago in New York.
No coverage once you won.
So they filed 16 fake lawsuits on us last year.
We've kicked out now 10.
They said they're going to refile that one, but I wanted to get Mark Randazzo on.
From Randazza.com.
Rand A-Z-Z-A.
Like Rand Paul, but with A-Z-Z-A at the end of it.
Randazza.com on.
I'm not going to go over his whole background.
I'll just take the rest of the 30 minutes we had with him.
He's also been a journalist, so he knows all those different angles.
And so he's taught First Amendment law, entertainment law, trademark law, copyright law.
I'm going to stop right there.
He's also, obviously, a professor.
Where are we right now?
What is their tactic?
We've gotten Roger's take on this.
Demonize us, then call for our censorship.
Hillary, Acosta, the AP are calling for conservatives to be banned from the airwaves this week.
And if you criticize mainstream media, they say it's a hate crime.
Now, so I see them coming for our speech because they can't beat us.
And to do that, they're going to misrepresent.
There are articles today saying, Alex Jones doesn't deserve the First Amendment.
Those are headlines today.
So, but to do that, they misrepresent what I'm saying to sell the idea.
But even if I was saying something horrible, you got to prove it in court.
So, Mark, what do you think's really going on as one of the leading experts on this?
Thanks for joining us.
It's my pleasure, and I love the misfits at the lead in music.
Look, this is not new.
There have always been people who have tried to use censorship in order to put their finger on the scale of the marketplace of ideas.
Right now, it just happens to be the left's turn.
But I would not say that this is a left or a right issue.
There was a time when I was called a raging leftist because I believed in free speech.
Now I'm a raging alt-right lawyer because I believe in free speech.
And that whole time I've sat on the same rock saying that I believe in the marketplace of ideas.
I believe that if you want to defeat somebody's ideas, that's how you do them.
In the free marketplace of ideas.
So now, yeah, I am noticing that the left is engaging in
What I'd say is legal lawfare trying to shut down its critics, trying to shut down ideas that it's having a hard time defeating in the marketplace, whether it's
Lawsuits against right-wing journalists, lawsuits against you.
I mean, certainly, you know, when you see, when the numbers start getting up over 10 all at the same time, apparently coordinated, they're finding you to be a threat.
You know, I don't, I don't see anything that you've ever said that I find so shocking or so terrible that it cannot stand in opposition to my views that might be diametrically opposed to yours.
That's what America is all about.
And when you have this desire to simply shut down the other side, I mean, let's use something much more extreme than you.
You know, part of the commitment that we've made, part of the promise of the revolution, part of the promise of the First Amendment, is that we allow all speech and we let the marketplace decide what we're going to believe in.
I mean, that has come to a sense
We're good to go.
We are allowing all ideas to exist, and we filter them through the market.
And for a hundred years, we have had jurisprudence that has simply built upon that and built upon that.
And what troubles me is anytime I see anybody coming after that, I have a problem with that.
So it's there for
The First Amendment is there for Nazis, for Klansmen, for Westboro Baptist Church, for anybody.
It's there for the speech you hate.
And look, my nine-year-old daughter knows that.
So why don't the attorneys that are signing some of these complaints, or some of the fools that call themselves journalists,
Who might write a headline like Alex Jones doesn't deserve the First Amendment.
I mean, that is probably the most anti-American thing I can hear anybody say.
And it's not because it's Alex Jones.
Put anybody's name in there.
Anybody's name in there.
And what's worse, Mark, is that they then misrepresent what I've said.
And then the media only covers, it's like they're defaming me while accusing me of defaming them.
And I agree, this is nothing new, but it's got to be, at least from what I've studied history, and you've been doing this 30-something years, and Roger, you've been doing it 40.
It's the most intense, though, I've ever seen, attack where they're like, maybe it's time to repeal the First Amendment.
I mean, they're talking like that.
Yeah, there is talk like that, not just in the civil lawsuits context, but I think we've all seen attacks on free speech at campuses, for example.
When a conservative speaker comes to speak, whether it's Milo Yiannopoulos or Christina Hoff Sommers, or just a couple weeks ago at CUNY, we had Professor Josh Blackman, there is this belief that
Freedom of expression has its limits, and those limits are wherever it makes them uncomfortable.
And, you know, I just argued a case in Montana on behalf of a publisher of a Nazi website, the Daily Stormer.
And when I was there, you know, it's not anything on that page that I'm defending.
It's not any of the statements that I'm defending.
In fact, personally, I've
They're not the kind of thing that I would like to see.
Sure, but if they lose their right... If they lose their right, we lose our right.
Roger Stone, he's been talking about a bunch of things.
Want to comment?
No, that's absolutely right.
I spoke at Siena College there in New York last Sunday.
Huge controversy about that program.
Members of the faculty resigning over the fact that we were allowed to speak.
Kudos to Siena College, a Jesuit institution, for allowing all points of view to be expressed.
What we have here is an admission by the left that they've lost.
They can't win a debate.
You speak, then I speak, then you speak, then I speak, and we exchange ideas.
They can't win that anymore.
So their answer to everything is, you must be silenced.
You must be shut up.
And you're right.
There is no line.
It's whatever makes them uncomfortable.
So let me ask Attorney Mark Randazzo, one of the top slapback attorneys out there, recognizes that.
What do you think we should do?
I mean, I've got to countersue them all.
I'm doing it.
They're kind of freaking out that I'm fighting back.
I mean, where do you see this going?
What do we need to do?
The one thing, the step one is recommit to protecting freedom of expression.
And by that, what I mean is
You know, when I'm defending somebody who a lot of people might find objectionable, I try to remind everybody that the rule you may set down today for the Nazi applies equally to the civil rights activist of tomorrow.
You stick a gag in their mouth, you stick a gag in their mouth, you did it yourself.
Exactly right.
Yeah, or you know any stick you may decide to bring in is going to be used to beat you.
So remember that you need to recommit to freedom of expression.
I say this because I've been very pleased by people on the right.
For example, when this professor recently, Randa Jarrar, who came out and was saying, you know, these really kind of terrible things about Barbara Bush.
The timing was wrong.
It was in bad taste.
Frankly, I found it abhorrent.
And, you know, I'm no fan of the Bushes, but I don't think the time to express that is when they're in mourning, especially when it's personal attacks.
And I saw many conservative
Commentators and journalists stand up for her free speech rights.
That was a good move.
Because you don't find that same thing coming from the left.
Well, they have the right to say that it was in bad taste.
You know, you said some bad things as well.
But the whole point is, is that that's what it comes down to.
I'm talking about Roger Stone right here.
But you're absolutely right that you've got to protect everybody's speech.
I don't think it's good luck to speak ill of the newly dead.
But Barbara Bush is a saint, by the way, Roger.
You've been a bad person.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I don't think that any of us want to live in a world where there are no dissenting voices.
You can take a look around at any authoritarian state and see what that looks like.
It ain't freedom, okay?
It's been said that, you know, I might not agree with what you have to say, I might not appreciate it or like it, but I will defend the death, you're right to say it.
And that is the difference between those of us who enjoy and uphold our constitutional freedoms versus those who seek to eliminate wrong think.
And that's the beauty of living in this country.
We have the freedom to make choices.
And that's the real power.
You can choose, if you don't like what someone's saying, you can choose to change the channel.
Or, if you don't like what they're printing,
You can choose not to buy their paper.
That's what's happening.
It's the majority of Americans are no longer buying what the mainstream media is selling.
They're losing a lot of money, a lot of eyes on their content because people are
They're changing the channel.
They're making that choice to turn off the programming and tune in to the new media.
The new media is there without these state-sponsored swamp tales that are being told directly from the source's mouth.
Deep state, anonymous sources that cannot be fact-checked.
And they might not have the best interest of America at heart.
We don't know.
But these are your sources.
Did they have the best interest of America at heart 15 years ago?
When they were peddling their weapons of mass destruction myth to an all too eager media who was ready and willing to help drum up support for war.
A very costly war that we now know in hindsight was launched on a lie.
And this was a lie the media was all too happy to tell.
So this is how close we are to slipping into a totalitarian state.
And it's not going to be under a dictator.
Not yet.
Not yet.
But we can thank those who are meant to check those in power.
But instead they are lined up like lemmings in lockstep with unelected bureaucrats of the deep state and the tech left who can't beat us with ideas so they are rallying behind censorship and shadow bans.
They are pushing this idea that the aggressive, progressive agenda is the only acceptable narrative.
Anyone else, eliminate the wrong thinkers, send them off for extreme rehabilitation.
So you've got to beware of rooting for the chipping away of our civil liberties, because that leads, that leads to tyranny.
And you may soon find yourself being the ones who are silenced.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
If you leave me, I won't miss you.
And I won't ever take you back.
You know, here's the thing.
America has a lot of problems.
Swashbuckling, freebooting, libertine, whatever you want to call it.
But these other countries, where they go, I want national health care like England, or I want to be like Venezuela.
Even just like five years ago, Sean Pym was like, we need to be like Venezuela.
Venezuela, they were eating their dogs three years ago.
They're eating people now.
And we've got Mark John Randazza, who's a really good anti-slap lawyer and a First Amendment lawyer and a guy that teaches law to students around the country.
He's here with us.
Roger Stone's with us.
We'll have a shotgun a little bit the next hour.
He's leaving us in 10 minutes.
I know I've got lawyers on this, but I've talked to a lot of smart people.
They say, you're a great guy.
You've been on the show before.
I know you're prominent and a great First Amendment guy.
Without getting into my cases, what advice would you give me?
I mean, I don't want to have to countersue these people filing lies about me, but I have to because they're going to keep getting minions, the law firms are, to go after me, Mark.
And then I read these lawsuits with typos, and then they say, Owen Troyer said this, and then they say, Kit Daniels.
It's not even written right.
And my lawyers go, don't talk about how it's bad.
Wait until it gets to court.
I talk about it, they withdraw the suit and then refile it.
And I'm wondering what are these law firms just like crazily like just defaming these insane lies so then it can be put in the media.
I guess they think it's protected if it's in court.
I mean, what would you do if you were me?
I'm just asking you, ballpark here, watching what we're going through.
What would you do against this, these hordes of raiders coming in to try to take us out?
Because all I can do is sue them.
And I guess the media is just going to ignore it.
I was kind of worried when I countersued all these folks.
It would kind of look bad, like Jones is suing these poor people, but they attack first.
Instead, the media is just... It's like white noise.
So, Mark, what would you do?
What would you do, Mark?
Go ahead and pipe my audio to Mark.
I think it's... Oh, that's Skype.
Skype is such a magical thing.
But it's just, and it's something about the Skype unit here.
I swear, I think we should replace this unit.
Mark, can you hear me?
I see Mark's back.
Okay, Mark, Mark.
Yeah, I'm back now.
You're back.
I mean, you heard most of what I said.
What do you think, I mean, without being my lawyer, I understand, just as a gestalt, what would you do?
Look, step one is to recognize that our First Amendment jurisprudence, the roster of people who are on it, who have protected freedom of expression, are by and large conscripts.
Meaning, you know, the New York Times did not want to be in New York Times versus Sullivan.
So if you are the target here, you have an opportunity.
You have an opportunity to stand up for freedom of expression.
So I would say anybody who finds that they're being targeted this way, you know, recognize that the, what is the mission?
The mission is to shut somebody up and to get their ideas out of the marketplace.
So it's a sacred right to stand up and fight for free speech.
When you've been wrongfully sued, you're saying it's really a holy duty of your Americana to do this.
And it's a privilege.
Now, of course, those privileges don't come cheap.
Freedom isn't free, as they say.
So, I would say that, you know, you have enough of an audience here, I would say, to crowdfund your defense.
Not only because that helps defray the cost, but
You know, when you see a crowdfunded defense that raises a lot of money really quickly, the plaintiff's lawyers might start to see that your amount of support is greater than they think.
The other thing I would make sure that you do is not give in to any of them.
I'm not saying anything about any particular case, but when I see a coordinated effort to try to shut down any player in the marketplace of ideas, it's a form of terrorism.
And I don't use that term lightly, but it is an attempt to abuse the court system in order to erase ideas you don't like, that you're not comfortable fighting in the marketplace of ideas.
Don't let them get away with it.
And all of your viewers should not let them get away with it.
But more importantly is people who don't agree with you shouldn't let them get away with it either.
And when you can harness people to get together in order to protect freedom of expression, people who will say, my tribe is freedom of expression, not my tribe is people that believe in what I believe in or people who don't.
I don't really care whose free speech rights it is that are being trampled, I will stand up to protect them.
Whether it's Randa Jarrar, who I find to be one of the most reprehensible human beings in America, whether it's the Nazi Party, the KKK, or whether it's the Communist Party, every one of them has an equal right to be there.
And the intellectual texture of America, the strength of America, the idea of America, erodes and begins to grow a cancer if we don't protect that.
So nobody should be cheering.
bogus lawsuits against anybody just because it's going to shut somebody up that they don't like.
Anyone who is on the side of doing that, that's our common enemy.
And that's my next question.
That's my next question, because you're a smart guy.
Please come on next week for a full hour.
Why do they put in the news articles, quoting lawyers, he's bad, we want to bankrupt him and shut him up, and then my lawyers go, don't tell him, that's what gets it thrown out.
Don't say it.
But I have to because
I have to tell the public, so strategy-wise, do I wait until it gets to court?
Then no one covers it anyways.
Like, why are the lawyers and the law firms in Georgetown saying things I didn't say in the suits?
Which we know are frauds, gets it thrown out, and then gets the slap back, as you know, as an expert.
And then why are they then saying, we want to shut him down, we hate him, he's scum.
They're showing the malice of forethought, intent to do harm.
I'm not a lawyer, top lawyer like you, but am I right in what I'm saying, Mark?
Look, people tend to get blinded by ideology.
I feel like I'm more effective when I'm defending somebody's speech that I actually don't particularly like.
When a lawyer drinks a little too much of their own Kool-Aid, they become ineffective.
When I saw the case against you had been filed by, of all things, a public interest clinic
I'm sorry to say, my alma mater, where they're actually using a public interest clinic, a so-called civil rights clinic, in order to go after somebody else's civil liberties.
You know, it's pretty obvious that the people running the clinic are pretty ideologically driven, and they are not driven by doing what I think is the right thing.
So, look, they're going to put ideological crap in there.
It's not that uncommon to do that, if you can find a way to
...control the narrative in a case like this, it's not a bad strategy.
You know, if they're writing this complaint so that journalists that are sympathetic to them pick it up and write about it, it's not a terrible strategy.
Sure, it influenced the jury, but they say things.
They say, I said this guy killed the woman.
I said Soros funding Antifa and the police standing down created the melee that allowed it.
I didn't say that a photographer killed the woman.
Well, you know, I'm not representing, so I don't want to get into that very lawsuit, but I will say that if somebody wants to write a defamation complaint in order to hold someone responsible for something they've said, you've got to be pretty careful to make sure that's exactly what it is.
You've got to say exactly what it is!
Well, there can be defamation, just as a general principle, there can be defamation by implication, but if you do that, it's a much harder standard to meet.
Um, so, you know, I did look at this complaint.
Uh, you know, I didn't find it to be particularly well done just as a just just from a
Point of view of critique of the art of writing a complaint.
It did seem to be more ideologically driven than legally driven.
And, you know, I hope that your lawyers are able to point that out to the judge and the judge... Let's be clear, they've already pulled the first version.
They say they're going to file another one, but we're just waiting with crickets playing.
It's been pulled.
Well, maybe they will, maybe they'll clean it up, but this is just one of many cases across the country where you have problems like this.
The ideological left is currently, and it wasn't this way 15 years ago.
15 years ago, the ideological left were the champions of free speech.
And I was screaming at people on the right saying, what the hell are you doing?
Me too.
I'm still screaming.
I just had to turn and scream in a different direction.
I'm still that crazy man screaming.
Let me ask you this question then, Mark.
When does it hit rock bottom?
Because I see just cheerleading everywhere saying, silence Trump, criticizing the media, it's hate speech.
Silence Alex Jones today!
And he's going to get journalists killed.
They're attacking us.
We attack back.
And they say, silence us.
And it's major publications.
That's dangerous.
Yeah, we hit rock bottom when nobody wants to defend freedom of expression.
And I find a lot of the rank-and-file right seems to be saying, well, let's make the left play by their own rules.
That's when we hit rock bottom.
That's a trap.
That's a trap.
And, you know, as much as it may feel uncomfortable to play fair with them, even if they're not playing fair with you, I happen to believe that that's the way to constitutional salvation.
Oh, absolutely.
Whether there's some racist black group or white supremacist group that I hate, let them do it.
Back in 60 seconds, we'll be five more minutes with you to let Roger ask some questions.
And then I'm going to get Mark on with us again.
He's a really smart guy.
But this is about America.
It's not about info wars.
When we win these lawsuits, no coverage.
Remember that.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Mark Randazza's here.
Roger Stone's going to co-host this fourth hour.
He's taking over in a minute.
War Room's coming up.
Listen, I don't think of us as that important.
Really, I don't.
I promote Americana.
They take my Devil's Advocate interviews where I say, I think everybody died at Sandy Hooks, you know, because it looks like the parents are nice.
They're good people.
I want to believe it.
Just don't blame gun owners.
But I can see how they had dead babies that didn't die in incubators.
I mean, launched all these wars and killed millions.
The government could run hoaxes or groups could.
I could see how it's all fake.
Now, that's me repeating what I said years ago.
I'm not restating that now.
The media is so deceptive, they will cut that out.
And I'm not going to change my speech for them.
And they'll run me saying six seconds in a Hillary ad saying that.
And they take it as weakness that I'm like, no, I believe kids died.
They go, oh really?
Here's this clip where you said they didn't, out of context.
And they keep recycling, going, why won't Alex Jones quit saying the kids died?
And they just keep, for years, playing the old clips.
And I just sit there, and now they're suing me.
And I'm just like, my lawyers are like, oh, it's a bad suit, don't worry.
But we gotta countersue them after, so it stops.
And I'm just like, God Almighty, I can see the optics of that.
So, Mark, just other key points, the minutes we have here with Roger Stone.
If you can stay another segment, that's fine, but if you gotta go, I understand.
Other key points about this critical historical fight, because Mark Balin and my other big lawyers on the First Amendment, they said, well,
We've talked to the ACLU and other groups, they go, oh absolutely, this is protected, this is out of control, it's dangerous, but we don't want to get involved, we're scared.
It's the first time the ACLU that would defend NAMBLA or the KKK, which I support their free speech, but I wouldn't defend them.
Let somebody else do it, you know.
It's like Alex Jones, you can't do it.
You're right, the climate has changed and it's so dangerous, Mark.
Well yeah, look, the ACLU fell asleep at the free speech switch years ago.
So they, I no longer consider them to be a serious free speech protecting organization, and I find that distressing because for most of my adult life I was a donor.
Not anymore.
They are far more ideologically driven and far more concerned about civil rights rather than civil liberties, which are often in tension.
Um, but you know, you have a, I think part of what you can do is continue to educate people on what the First Amendment is, because I have just been delighted over the past few years at how much more awareness there is now about First Amendment rights.
You know, when I became a First Amendment lawyer, you know,
Fifteen odd years ago, you know, it was sort of an obscure practice area that only a few people did and not that many people understood.
And now that there are lawsuits against people who might write negative reviews of companies, there are people who will get cease-and-desist letters for Facebook posts, you know, even the rank-and-file American is starting to feel how their First Amendment rights can always be messed with.
But it's happening everywhere, and it's not just defamation suits designed to try to bring down media that somebody doesn't want to have out there.
It's not just bogus lawsuits like this, but it's also, for example, my firm is involved in a number of cases now where people are trying to close courtrooms because they don't want what's supposed to go on in the people's courtroom to be televised, whether it's
There's a crackdown on transparency that even the Communist Chinese government a few months ago praised the U.S.
media and government and said, good, you're learning to censor.
And our media's like, oh, we're good, with the Communist Chinese, the biggest mass murders in history, patting us on the head.
Yeah, I mean, look, the thing that happens is when you don't have transparency in government, you don't have transparency in the courts, you can wind up with all kinds of abuses.
And even if you don't have abuses, it erodes the trust in the public.
I mean, you brought up an infographic before about a CNN article I wrote.
Hold on, back in 60 seconds.
Let's finish up with Roger Stone and Mark on the other side.
Stay with us.
President Donald Trump says the U.S.
is negotiating for the release of American hostages in North Korea.
President Trump was asked during a joint press conference with the Japanese Prime Minister whether or not the three Americans' release would be a precondition for sitting down with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
Trump said his administration was fighting very diligently for the safe return of the three captives, adding, We are doing our very best.
As you know, they've been there a long time, and it's harsh treatment.
Trump noted the case of Otto Warmbier, the American student who died after being released last year by Pyongyang.
The Associated Press quotes a senior White House official who says CIA Director Mike Pompeo discussed the hostages during his trip to North Korea over Easter weekend.
The official says Mr. Trump is hopeful they'll be released soon.
The president says the face-to-face with Kim Jong-un will likely take place in early June, but he added that if the meeting is not going to be fruitful, he will respectfully leave.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com.
Coming to you from the former United States of America, from deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
And Roger Stone is about to take over for the rest of the hour, and Mark Randazza, a great lawyer, randazza.com, a very prominent free speech lawyer, he got into it when it was very, very, very esoteric and nobody really cared because we thought it was secure.
Now we see it's under full assault.
And I remember, again, liking liberals because they were anti-war and pro-free speech.
I didn't agree with them on property rights or high taxes or, you know, things like that or being anti-gun, but liberals were free speech.
I remember hearing, like, conservatives going, ban the KKK from Austin marching.
And you'd have the ACLU file a lawsuit, now they're gonna march.
And I'd go out and tell them they were scumbags, there's all the videos of that.
But now it's not that.
It's not just that they don't want your free speech.
They demonize you.
So Roger, we're about to finish up here with attorney Mark Randazzo.
But you've got some comments as well.
But we were finishing up with the historic battle.
Mark and Roger, both of you finishing up here.
I don't think they'll be successful.
There's such a history of this here.
The average American I know of every race, color, and creed may be lazy, because we've lived in freedom so long, but when somebody tries to take something from us, we wake up.
And I'm lazy too.
And the fact that I'm actually not intimidated by all this, because I didn't say the stuff they said, I didn't do the things they did.
Off record, I won't say the suits, I've settled a few things over the years that, you know what, I think I was wrong there.
Boom, let's settle that.
I'm all about paying up.
You know, I've got responsibility.
This stuff I didn't do!
This stuff is fraud!
So, at your gut level, both of you, where do you see this ending and what does the listenership need to do?
Well, look, when somebody says, I believe in free speech, but you got to stop them right there and say anything that comes after that conjunction negates the first half of that sentence.
You need to stand up for freedom of expression, whether it's donating to a legal defense fund for somebody who might not be able to afford that defense.
Uh, whether it's calling somebody out, especially when they're on your ideological side, when they're anti-free speech, and remember that whatever they do to somebody you don't like today, they're gonna do to somebody you like tomorrow, maybe even you.
So, what I'd say is we all have to untether ourselves from the actual political ideology of the day and remain anchored on freedom of expression as a fundamental, not just American value, I like to talk about it as an American value, but it's a global value.
I mean, I stand up for it not just here, but, you know, I think
We all know, you know, back when the Charlie Hebdo shooting happened.
No, I see that poster behind you.
I see you've got a Charlie Hebdo.
I don't like Charlie Hebdo.
They're really nasty.
They're mean.
But damn it, they got a right to do it.
And if we don't stand up for Charlie Hebdo, you know, we don't stand up for you, we don't stand up for, you know, the workers' socialist daily, then we don't stand up for anything.
I mean, do you really want to live in a country or a world where freedom from being offended is greater than freedom of expression?
Well, Mark, let me ask you this question.
You said they're doing this to us because we're a threat.
And then, Roger, on this.
Why do you think the media is, I don't just say this, we don't talk about it enough, they're obsessed with us.
We're under hundreds of articles a day, sometimes thousands, it's almost all lies, it's insane.
We reach a lot of people, okay, 7, 8, 9, 10 million a day if we're lucky, usually 5 million a day.
Why are they so obsessed with InfoWars?
Because we embarrass them.
Because we prove that they're lying half the time.
They want to have the only narrative.
They want to have a monopoly on political discourse.
And they object because there's another point of view and they don't like our... And there's one argument they think is I'm so bombastic sometimes I'm weak.
And so maybe pick him, people will accept getting rid of free speech because Alex can act like a clown.
What do you think, Mark?
Look, I think that, you know, journalism tends to, when I went to journalism school, it was almost everybody in the program was pretty left-leaning.
It's gonna attract people that have a little bit of a leftist streak to them.
I mean, that's why I went into it.
I'd consider myself to be pretty far left.
Although, you know, they reject me now because I believe in freedom of expression.
Because you're an actual leftist.
Well, yeah, I call myself more of a classical liberal, yeah, in the spirit of the Enlightenment.
But, you know, that's a... I'm an endangered species now.
But I believe that they are... it's lazy.
You know, it's very easy to look at somebody who supports an ideological view that you don't like, try to pretend you're objective, and then use your platform to try to attack them.
You know, it also... and if you're in kind of a bubble,
Where you only interact with other people who believe in what you believe in, you like that adulation that you get.
A liberal attacks Alex Jones, the next cocktail party he's at, everybody's got, you know, patting him on the back, telling him how great he is.
Somebody like me stands up for you, and the next time I'm hanging out with my friends in Massachusetts, I get a whole lot of, I believe in free speech, but, and then I gotta start telling them, no, shut up, you don't know what you're talking about.
And then I have to give an impromptu class on the First Amendment when I'm just trying to enjoy a glass of wine and a lobster.
But other than that, you know, we just have to remember that the war is not about health care.
The war is not about, you know, Senate confirmations.
The war is not about any of these petty little disputes of the day.
The war is about what that Constitution means, because we signed a contract in blood when we wrote that.
And we have decided that that is the contract that we have with one another and with the state.
I agree, and it's created fabulous... We want to break that contract.
That contract is there to protect you, and anytime you see somebody whose speech you hate,
You need to take out that contract that you have with the forces of the government and with people who are ideologically opposed to it and say we're going to live up to this deal because I want that deal for me.
They're trying to get us to get rid of our birthright and they're selling us on classical tyranny.
Say what you want about America.
Having this real freedom created the dynamo of real discussion.
It's messy sometimes but this is America and you know it's all we've got and they're trying to take free speech worldwide as he said.
Alex, they attack you because you're not boring.
They attack you because you're entertaining, because you're able to get people to watch and listen to your point of view because you entertain them, because you're colorful, because you're flamboyant.
Trust me, if you were boring, and if nobody was tuning in to InfoWars right now, they wouldn't be suing you.
Alright, well listen, Mark Randazzo, thank you for coming on Randazzo.com.
Thanks for your defense of all of our basic liberties, this great experiment of the First Amendment, and we hope to get you back very, very soon.
Thank you.
All right.
That was a good interview.
Like he said, I'm honored to be attacked by this.
I just hope the listeners understand.
Like Mark said, oh, it may be inconvenient.
This is happening to you.
If they win some of this stuff, I think it shut us down.
I don't want to encourage them, but the only weapon I've got is the truth.
I can't play Machiavelli, because once I start down that road, it just never ends.
All I've got is the truth.
And, you know, we're winning some of this stuff, but they just keep more, more, more, which makes you want to fight them harder, Roger, because they're really authoritarian.
Well, it's also why I keep pointing out in the War Room and also here, we have a new donate button at the InfoWars.com store.
If you're not in the market for one of our great farm... one of our great nutraceuticals or a book or a t-shirt, but you want to help the fight for freedom, recognize that these legal expenses run to hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Per case?
Per case.
I'm living it right now.
I have had no choice but to set up a legal... DNC, Obama, they've all sued you.
And people say, oh, we're going to fight tyranny.
Get on the field.
We're on the field.
Roger's on the field.
He needs funding.
You're right.
We should have a GoFundMe campaign.
Of course, they won't let us have one there somewhere else because we're patriots.
We can't have one.
We've got to have crowd sourcing.
We've got to have fundraisers for you and me and everybody because this sends a message.
They think if they get Roger Stone, they get Alex Jones, they get Donald Trump, they can fold the whole thing in.
Don't people get?
We're the outpost.
We're the front line.
We're the vanguard.
They get us, they think you're all going to buckle.
They know we like to fight.
They know we're not scared.
That's why they drool to get us.
That's exactly right, and there's two goals here.
One is to generate bad press, terrible headlines for us.
The other one is to just break us financially, destroy our families, bankrupt us.
Just making a motion to dismiss these phony lawsuits can cost $100,000.
So that's why I urge people to go to TheInfoWars.com store, send a contribution.
Go to StoneDefenseFund.com, send a contribution.
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All right, we're going to come back and play a little tape because we've had lunch in there for like two hours waiting.
We're going to come back.
We've got a lot of great videos to play.
We're going to play whatever the crew chooses.
We've got a lot of cool stuff in the next segment.
And Roger will come back live, ladies and gentlemen, straight ahead.
But I haven't gotten to Tucker Carlson, GOP, run against openly extremist.
Don't run against Hillary.
Maybe we should talk about that.
We also have Sean Hannity taking people to the woodshed.
It was about 25 years ago that I began to read publicly available
Books that have been written for the State Department and for the CIA by top professors at Georgetown, Harvard, and Yale.
So that the CIA and other agencies could understand the complex political system they were building.
And in short, it was going to be called a technocracy.
But it was going to fund communism and socialism and fascism.
But really what it was was crony capitalism.
So decades later, after fighting against this, humanity is somewhat awake to the threat.
But at the same time, despite all our successes, changing this paradigm really is an inside job.
It's up to us personally.
So, I don't feel sorry for myself being demonized by mainstream media and being attacked and the globalists filing frivolous lawsuits.
I expected that to happen.
This is 21st century warfare.
I just wanna make sure that you, the listeners, and you, the viewers, many of you already understand this, so I'm not patronizing those of you that are already awake, but I wanna make sure all of you realize this isn't just some more entertainment.
This isn't just some other talking head.
The reason they hate what we cover is because I and others have researched what they actually are planning, and it is nightmarish, it is authoritarian, it is eugenics-based, it is anti-human.
And we've already come so far together
That I know that if each and every one of you will just go research these issues for yourself, you will find out how real it is and understand it's not your duty.
It is your basic survival to stand up against this anti-human onslaught.
If you go back into history, it was 3% that volunteered for the Revolutionary War back in 1776.
But if you look at the Infowars audience, it's maybe 10% of the United States.
Another 10% or so worldwide.
That's a conservative estimate.
But we have 50, 60, 70 million people listening.
We have more than that that have tuned in over the years.
The point is, is that if you look at that, that's less than 3% of the world population.
So what you're doing has already changed the world and instead of sitting here and going into each product and telling you how great they are, I'm just going to encourage you to go research them yourselves because you're funding our operation.
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So, thank you all for remembering Infowarsstore.com and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
So, we humans have developed a number of prisons of the mind.
Things that we just imagine to be our limitations were imagined to be true, and it limits what we think is possible, and it limits what choices we make.
Here are two of the biggest ones.
I talk about this a lot.
One is the false belief that history repeats.
It doesn't.
It never does.
It just looks like it because we have this pattern recognition brain.
So anytime we see anything that reminds us of another thing, we say, well, there it is.
History repeating again.
But that's not what's happening.
History can't repeat because all the variables are changing all the time.
So you can't ever have the same starting point you ever had in history.
History never repeats.
If you think it does, you're in a mental prison.
If you think it doesn't, do you know what happens if you think that history doesn't repeat?
Then you can become President of the United States without ever being a politician.
If you believe that history repeats, you don't even try.
President Trump is not in a mental prison.
Did he think that North Korea was unsolvable?
Did he think he couldn't negotiate trade deals?
Nope, he didn't think that.
Did he think he couldn't give people nicknames and win an election that way?
With other stuff, of course.
Did he think he could, you know, that nobody could talk about immigration without being labeled a racist and therefore, you know, their life was over?
Didn't seem to bother him.
He consistently shows you that history doesn't repeat.
Where do you get that?
Well, probably.
It traces back to the same place I got it.
The power of positive thinking.
Remember, his pastor when he was a kid was Norman Vincent Peale, who wrote The Power of Positive Thinking.
The Power of Positive Thinking is very close to this.
It's very close to thinking, to the belief that you're not in a mental prison.
History doesn't define you.
You know, you can get out of that little mental prison.
Here's another one that I like to look at.
This is another mental prison.
That the problem...
Has to be the solution.
Now this will require some explaining, right?
But it's a mental trap, it's a prison, if you think that the only solutions are things that are closely related to the problem.
I'll show you how that works in a real-world situation.
First, some context.
When slavery was the problem,
You could say that, you know, white people were essentially the problem for slavery, right?
And it required white people to do something massively different for slavery to go away.
So in this case, the problem and the solution were very similar.
It was white people.
White people were the problem.
White people had to change.
Then move fast forward to the Civil Rights era.
Again, even though everybody was involved in the civil rights, right, you know, all the, every group and gender and everybody was involved in that, but the people who had to change the most, the people who had to pass laws, etc., were white people.
So white people were kind of the problem, and white people were kind of the solution, too.
But when you get to what I would call the last mile,
There's what I call the last mile fog.
In these earlier situations, it was very clear what had to be done, alright?
You have to get rid of slavery, you have to change the laws, you have to prosecute some people who violate the laws.
So it was fairly clear what to do, what the problem was, etc.
But now you get to this last mile, where things are way better.
But still, lots of things could be far better than they are.
And I'll give you an example of what I mean by the fog.
The fog is where people don't even quite agree what the problem is.
So I saw, I think it was Sean King was tweeting around yesterday, some statistics showing that, I hope I have this right, an unarmed black man
Has something like four times more chance of being shot by police in a, you know, inappropriate shooting, whatever name they put on that.
But an unarmed, remember nobody has a gun in any of these examples, but an unarmed black man has a four times greater chance of being shot by police.
Now, I lingered on that a little bit because I know many of you are throwing up in your mouths right now because you disagree with that being true.
So you actually disagree on whether the statistic is correct.
Now, I don't know if it's correct or not, but I know that a lot of you are saying something like this, right?
You know, some version of this you're probably thinking.
The people watching this Periscope.
You're thinking to yourself, but wait a minute.
Wouldn't it be true that the greatest number of unarmed people in general are going to be shot wherever there's the highest crime?
So wouldn't you expect that if you're in a high crime neighborhood, unarmed people who are innocent are going to be shot at a far greater rate?
So wouldn't the poverty rate really be the main variable here?
And unfortunately, if more black people are in bad neighborhoods, they're in high crime neighborhoods, of course, more innocent people of all types are going to be harmed for all reasons.
Now, does that explain away Sean King's statistic?
I have no idea.
But nobody else does either.
I've never seen that debated, have you?
I've never seen an article where somebody gave that statistic and then also gave the other side and said, well, but have they controlled for this variable?
Maybe they have.
I don't know.
But you don't know either.
So that's my point.
There's this fog about this last mile and, you know, what do you do about it?
We're coming to a point that I think will define the Golden Age, at least in some ways.
Let's see if you can... Does that help you see this better?
In which we're separating the problem from the solution.
And what I mean by that is sort of the philosophy you're seeing from Candace Owens.
And you can Google her if you're not familiar with her.
She's a conservative African-American woman who's become a very important voice because she represents a point of view that you don't see as much as you probably will in the future.
Now what's interesting is
That, and what I mean by separating the problem from the solution, is that the conservative view, which Candace holds, is that society has done what it can do.
Meaning that white people have done what they can do to make the laws, you know, as close as possible to enforce the laws, etc.
And that the last mile, no matter
No matter whose problem it is, no matter who causes the problem, this is what's different.
It doesn't matter if white people are or are not the cause of the last mile problem.
They can't fix it.
They can do what they can do, but they're not really the solution.
So Candace's, I would say, realization
Is that the problem and the solution are disconnected, and if you're still locked in the past, thinking that white people have to do something, you know, much different, you're going to be missing your opportunities.
You know, I've got some talking points here about Caveman from Infowarsandlife.com.
But instead of going to those talking points, let me just give you what I've experienced personally.
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And again, I want to thank you all for your support.
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What do you think, Gavin?
I mean, you know, you're a pretty creative, artistic guy.
I mean, you've got the pocket protector on, you've got the glasses.
I mean, I'd assume you can make art just by looking at you.
That's what I do.
But I think that, you know, the Michelle Obama portrait, I mean, that was just a total hack job.
I mean, who drew that?
They don't know how to shade?
I mean, it's like, it doesn't even look like her?
Michelle Obama is so hideous that she looks disproportionate in real life.
Sometimes when you see her, just a photograph of her, it looks like a bad drawing.
It's possible those giant crocodile hands and that hideous face and those bizarre proportions, it's possible those are all completely accurate.
She chose an artist who is a self-described social justice warrior artist, and she represents the perfect kind of black that liberals love.
They don't love real deal.
Blacks that, you know, are working class and are busting their ass and love America.
They like quirky ones that have, like, funny frames and some blonde tips and listen to NPR and will do tricks when you tell them to.
The people they chose, the black gay intellectual who outsources his work and the social justice warrior woman, they really represent the kind of black people that white people want.
Not really authentic blacks, but sort of pet
Negros, if you will.
Careful there.
You know, they're making it a depiction like she's propping up her elbow on her, or her arm on her knee.
Other people think she might be propping it up on her third arm, if you know what I mean.
But maybe the problem is that the artist actually drew a woman.
Maybe that was the problem.
The artist actually drew a woman.
And then on the other side, actually, if you notice, look at Obama's left hand in the portrait.
If you actually zoom in on Obama's left hand, it looks like the artist made him have
With six fingers.
It just gets weirder and weirder.
Look at this.
Oh, and you just saying that just got a poor little Asian 14-year-old thrashed with ten lashes.
He's being caned right now.
You just got him kicked out of the sweatshop.
Way to go!
I'm sorry, I didn't know that that was part of the Chinese Photoshop job?
No, no.
Kehinde does the Photoshop.
The Chinese have to sit there for a hundred hours meticulously painting it so they can have enough ramen to not starve to death.
If you look at his face, it's a little odd.
I could be wrong, but I think he has the bottom third of Richard Nixon's face.
Isn't that Nixon's face across the bottom?
Well, we're told Nixon was the worst guy on earth because he dared to record someone.
It turns out Obama was spying on absolutely everyone.
Aren't Nixon and Obama kindred spirits in that sense?
Well, other than the fact that what Nixon did pales in comparison in terms of the scope of what Obama did.
Remember, at least Nixon's was a private job.
Six misguided individuals break into the Watergate and never plant a bug that works.
Obama uses the entire authority and power of the state to spy on the Republican candidate for president, sweeping in its illegality.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He's not a tough guy.
He's a bully and he's a bitch.
He's a punk.
He's a dog.
He's a pig.
And he can suck my f***ing a**.
He's a con, a bullsh** artist, a mutt.
I'll meet him in a hotel room any motherf***ing day of the week and give him a Louisville slugger.
I'd like to punch him in the face.
Kiss my motherf***ing a**, you bitch, punk, f***ing sucker.
Pointing what appears to be a water gun at the image of President Donald Trump projected on a whiteboard, art teacher Pale Modi has now been seen by countless viewers across the internet.
I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
It's an actor dressed to look just like President Donald Trump as he's assassinated on stage.
Pictures and video depicting comedian Kathy Griffin holding the bloody decapitated head of President Trump are no joking matter for the Secret Service.
The rhetoric that has inspired the violence has come from the mainstream of the Democratic Party.
They're involved in the coup, an active attempt to start a bloody civil war.
Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone, sitting in for Alex Jones, and you're on the Alex Jones Show.
If you followed our earlier segment, we spoke extensively about the Democratic National Committee's omnibus lawsuit against the Russian state, the Russian army, Donald Trump's campaign, Donald Trump Jr., the president's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, et al.
Let me be very clear.
This lawsuit, very much like the lawsuits filed against Infowars and Alex Jones, is bogus.
It's meritless.
It's baseless.
It has no evidence or proof.
All it has is a crazy left-wing conspiracy theory.
The conspiracy theory goes like this.
The Trump campaign and agents for Donald Trump
It's a fairy tale.
It's a fraud.
It's a canard.
It's nonsense.
But now in this new phase that Tyler Nixon, one of my attorneys, calls lawfare,
We don't have to have evidence or proof.
The allegation is the proof that they offer.
And therefore, the purpose of the Democratic National Committee lawsuit is, one, fundraising, and two, the ability to garner a negative headline.
And that is what this is really about.
There's a substantial reason why I think this lawsuit will backfire, however.
Remember that the entire lawsuit is based on the premise that the Democratic National Committee's servers were hacked and that the information was lagged to WikiLeaks.
Allegedly, this hacking was done by the Russians.
I'm not convinced that the Democratic National Committee was ever hacked at all.
Counterterrorism experts like Bill Binney, Ray McGovern and others have said that there's substantially more forensic evidence that would indicate that the Democratic National Committee files were downloaded to a portable zip drive or other portable drive and taken out the back door.
Isn't it interesting that the Democratic National Committee has never allowed the FBI to examine their allegedly hacked servers?
Instead, depending on CrowdStrike, which is a left-wing vendor organization whose credibility is questionable to begin with, to put forward the assertion that the DNC was hacked by the Russians.
Therefore, this past Monday, my attorneys served notice on the Democratic National Committee that they are to preserve their servers.
No Hillary-style bleaching, please, because we want to examine them and to put the entire question of whether they were hacked front and center, because their entire fraudulent lawsuit depends on it.
Uh, this is going to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I'm experiencing the exact same thing that Alex Jones and the entire Infowars front line is experiencing.
This is the new concept known as lawfare, where they file a completely fraudulent, completely false
Lawsuit against you meant to garner a negative headline.
And then it cost you literally tens of thousands of dollars just to mount a legal defense to move to dismiss these fraudulent suits.
This is the new tactic of the left.
It is meant to garner negative publicity for you, bad press, but more precisely, it is designed to bankrupt you.
To bankrupt Infowars.
To bankrupt Alex Jones.
To bankrupt Roger Stone.
What can you do?
Well, if you go to the Infowars.com store, if you go to our website, there is a button where you can give a contribution.
So if you're not in the market for one of our really superior nutraceuticals, or a t-shirt, or a book, or any of the other great products we sell, you can go to the site and send a contribution.
$25, $50, $100, $250.
Some people have given as much as $500 or $1,000.
Every little bit helps.
Every little bit counts.
Alex Jones is not exaggerating when he tells you, before it's over, it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, perhaps even millions, to beat back this effort to silence us.
You see, what they want to do is to promulgate the lawsuits and then use the phony headlines as their rationale for removing us from the internet, removing us from YouTube, removing us from Facebook, removing us from Twitter.
That's their game, and we have no choice but to fight.
We don't look for protracted lawsuits.
We're not looking to get into a back-and-forth where we have to counter-sue.
But if it becomes necessary, that is what we'll do.
On the other hand, we cannot do it without your help.
So please go to the InfoWars store site now, order some of our great nutraceutical products, or send us a contribution, but your assistance is needed.
We're going to be taking phone calls in this next hour.
That number, 877-789-2539.
Questions about the DNC's lawsuit, questions about the Comey book tour, questions about anything you want to talk about.
The two-way dialogue with InfoWarriors is something that I think is vitally, vitally important.
I also want to mention that
There were reports this morning that the U.S.
Senate will finally take up the nomination of Richard Rick Grenell as our ambassador to Germany.
This is good news indeed.
Rick Grenell, who worked at the United Nations under the Bush administration as a spokesperson for the United States, a strong and articulate Donald Trump supporter in the 2016 campaign.
A good man whose nomination has been stalled too long.
So kudos to Mitch McConnell and to the U.S.
Senate for finally moving this very worthy nomination.
Surprised, frankly, that the pace of the president's ambassadorial nominations has been extraordinarily slow.
But now, finally, a breakthrough in the consideration of the nomination of Rick Grenell.
And there you have him.
It is important to note that Rick Grinnell is openly gay.
And that may be some reason why the Senate and some in the Senate have stalled his nomination.
But finally, justice will be done and his nomination will be heard.
I'm Roger Stone, this is the Alex Jones Show, and we will be right back.
Over a year in the making, produced by one of the top organic firms in the country, that if you want proven studies and documentation, I can speak for hours just on the files I have here, of what this is proven to do, the ingredients in this, this is the ultimate immune system boost for this time of year, any time of the year.
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Alpha Power, vital male androgen biosynthesis promoter.
Now I've got page after page after page of the science, of the research, and the facts on the ingredients in Alpha Power.
But, here's what you want to know.
We want to go to mfullmorestore.com and read the hundreds and hundreds of five-star third-party reviews on this product.
And also remember that when it came out four months ago, it sold out in three weeks.
Because people that know about these type of products looked at the ingredients list and looked at the potency list and people went crazy.
We set out to look at the already best-selling brands out there and make it even better, even stronger, and basically souped up.
It's got the best of ancient science, with the latest developments as well.
It's Alpha Power, and quite frankly, I don't even really need to take Alpha Power.
If I take Alpha Power, which I do occasionally, if I feel down or don't feel like I have a lot of energy, it makes me have incredible stamina, amazing libido, and also I already have, not really anger issues, but I'm a little bit aggressive sometimes.
And so Alpha Power is so strong that I personally don't take it a lot.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you.
Oh man, it's really great, it really works.
I'm going to tell you, be careful with Alcapower because I said I want to dominate the industry.
I want people to know that we put the most money into this of any other product out there.
I'm going to explain this because this is critical.
The average supplement, you can look this up online, there's industry publications, Wall Street Journal, has a 5 to 7 times markup.
That's a 500 to 700 percent markup.
Our average markup is about 130 percent or so.
Some are 90 percent, some are 150.
You've got marketing and other costs that go in.
But here's an example.
The average male or female enhancement, over-the-counter supplement has some real stuff in it.
It just has a little bit in it.
Many times the bottle, this is a nice glass bottle, costs more than the ingredients that these companies put out.
Because I work with the top four formulators in the country, and they say, listen, no one puts as much as you do into these.
They said your leading competitors might put $6, $7 in, and you're putting $15, $20, $30, $40, depending on the product, in them.
Nobody else does that.
Well, we do, and that's why they're so powerful.
Bottom line, you're getting top-of-the-line supplements that people absolutely love, that have blown me away, that fund the info war, and we are industry leaders in quality testing and the amount of the best product that we put into the product that ends up getting delivered to your door.
So you get the
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone, and you're in the right place.
That's right, it's the Alex Jones Show.
It was through the leadership of InfoWars and White Coat Labs, a conservative pro-consumer group, that we ended the testing on helpless dogs by the Veterans Administration.
We were shocked to learn that bizarre medical experiments were still being conducted on man's best friend.
In some cases, being conducted on puppies as young as six weeks.
These bizarre experiments included collapsing their lungs, drilling holes in their heads, inducing heart attacks, and so on.
There's no scientific reason for these bizarre, cruel, inhumane medical experiments.
We appealed through a campaign here at InfoWars, spearheaded by Owen Schroer and myself on The War Room, to urge people to contact the President and direct him to tell the Veterans Administration to stop the inhumane treatment of man's best friend.
And we were successful.
In fact, when the Veterans Administration put forward a new rule that said these experiments could continue, but only with the approval of the Secretary of the VA, it was overridden by a budget signed by the President that wiped out all of the funding for these bizarre experiments.
Chalk one up for the dogs.
Now, however, we have learned that the Environmental Protection Agency under Scott Pruitt is conducting the same kind of bizarre medical experiments
On helpless pups.
In this case what we are doing is feeding them lard until they become obese and then subjecting them to all kinds of toxic fumes to see if they die.
It's hard to believe that any of this has any legitimate medical purpose.
So now we have to move from the VA to the EPA.
That's why I'm asking you to contact the EPA Administrator, Scott Pruitt.
There's his email address, pruitt.scott at epa.gov.
Again, pruitt.scott at epa.gov and tell him to end the bizarre, strange, extreme medical experiments on dogs.
Hashtag DogLivesMatter.
So, tweet it, put it on your Facebook post, put it up at your Instagram, but spread the word.
We want to do exactly what we did previously, which is to empower public opinion, to empower you, the individual info warriors,
And dog lovers across the political spectrum to tell the federal government to end these archaic medical experiments that have no medical or scientific value.
It is time to stop experimenting on defenseless puppies.
And that means you, Scott Pruitt.
So one more time, let's show that email address because I want to maximize our impact.
Please, folks, send an email right now to Pruitt.Scott at EPA.gov and urge him to lay off of the puppies.
This is a vitally important issue and it's the kind of thing that we are going to be talking about more and more on The War Room.
I also want to mention, as Alex Jones did, that my next book, Stone's Rules, will be in bookstores May 15th.
It will also be available at the InfoWars site, the InfoWars store.
This is an operating manual, if you will.
In other words, it is a book of rules and things that I have learned in a 40-year career in American politics.
But it's also beyond the political.
You will learn how much linen to show in the cuff of a well-tailored suit, or you'll get the recipe for my mother's basic marinara sauce, which is the secret to which is San Marzano tomatoes, by the way.
And I think you will find this extraordinarily useful.
I'm very pleased to say that I have an introduction by Tucker Carlson for Stone's Rules.
And in that introduction, Tucker tells a story of going to his producers and asking to have me on his show.
I don't
As many of you know, I was banned by CNN and MSNBC back during the 2016 election, largely because I refused to back down from the narrative of Bill Clinton's epic abuse of women and Hillary Clinton's role in suppressing those women, bullying them, threatening them, intimidating them into silence.
Strange, I could have sworn I was on with Anderson Cooper just days ago, and that I have an invitation pending from Aaron Burnett, and Chris Cuomo, and yes, even Jake Tapper.
So their ban didn't last very long.
Maybe it's because what I do is newsworthy.
And I must say that I thought in the interview with Anderson Cooper that he treated me entirely fairly.
It was a balanced and entirely
Fair interview and I appreciated the opportunity to push back on this false narrative regarding Russian collusion or conspiracy or coordination with the Russian state in the election of Donald Trump.
Something that literally never happened.
Nor did I dine with Julian Assange, nor did I receive anything, including allegedly hacked emails from WikiLeaks and pass them on to the Trump campaign.
A fairy tale.
A canard, as we like to say.
A falsehood.
But still part and parcel of the overall efforts of the left to delegitimize this president, to destabilize him.
Folks, we have 3% economic growth.
That's robust economic growth.
The best that Barack Obama could ever do was a point and a half at average.
We're on the cusp of a peace deal in North Korea.
The Republicans and Donald Trump are bringing the American people both peace and prosperity, and that is what they will run on.
As far as we're concerned here at InfoWars, though, we face the greatest single challenge to our existence ever.
We are the cutting edge.
We cover the stories nobody else will cover.
We bring you the truth no matter the cost.
And the cost is great.
Not only do we have to beat back these bogus lawsuits, but we also are trying to do an expansion here.
If you like The Real News with David Knight in the morning, if you enjoy the iconic Alex Jones Show, if you're liking what Owen Schroer and I are doing in the War Room, if you like our expanded programming and you'd like to see it expand more,
And you want to help us fight these lawsuits that are meant to strangle our First Amendment rights?
Well then go to the Infowars store site now and look at some of these extraordinary specials.
I particularly like the Vitality and Balance Combination Pack.
This is the Super Male Vitality and the Red Pill.
The Red Pill could be the very best vitamin-mineral combination I've ever used.
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I honestly don't know how Alex Jones does this, but I think he understands that if you try our products and you like our products,
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You see, they keep a small catch of these products aside for those who have pre-ordered through the auto-ship function.
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Let me recommend it to you.
Alex Jones.
By the way, we have a barbecue brother.
We saved barbecue earlier together.
Top story, drugsreport.com.
Is our article about Kanye Unleashed and how he doubles down.
So that's up on InfoWars.com.
Let's click on it from DrudgeReport.com on a Don Salazar article.
Kanye doubles down.
Mob can't make me not love Trump.
We are both dragging energy.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
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But they've cut off sponsors, they've blocked us advertising on Google, they have