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Name: 20180424_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 24, 2018
3245 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the issue of mental illness and terrorism, particularly in relation to Muslim immigrants, citing evidence of increased rates of mental illness among people from certain Middle Eastern countries. He criticizes the media for not labeling these incidents as "Islamic" terror attacks and argues that inbreeding in Muslim communities leads to a higher prevalence of genetic mutations and mental illnesses. Jones also discusses his views on Indian culture and its relation to libertarian principles, attributing the understanding of these principles among Indian immigrants to their indigenous, decentralized culture. He warns listeners about the "shadow government" and encourages them to support his fight against the globalist agenda by purchasing products from his website Infowarsstore.com. Stefan Molyneux discusses how conservatism is being perceived as edgy and rebellious, especially among teenagers and university students who work in liberal, neoliberal, globalist-dominated fields. He criticizes the left for being joyless and part of a cult and highlights how Generation Z is the most conservative since World War II. The speaker discusses their experience of infiltrating a system to expose corruption within it, mentioning the pay-to-play science that dominates research and the need for ending predatory student loans and bringing back real apprenticeships. They also provide examples of lies in an article written about Paul Joseph Watson, emphasizing the typical formulaic lying used by mainstream media outlets.

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The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, Alik Manassian.
...is from somewhere in the Middle East.
It could be an Iranian name, it could be a Turkish name, it could be an Armenian name.
But we know when somebody runs over a bunch of people on purpose with a truck, always with a rental van, or a stolen 18-wheeler, 99% of the time, it is a Muslim.
But the media won't even say, not even on Fox News, could it be an Islamic terror attack.
But what's even crazier is,
The video that surfaced last night, shot out of a car, where he's pulling out what looks like a gun, and aiming it at police, saying, I have a gun, I'm gonna shoot you.
You can hear his foreign, thick, Middle Eastern accent.
And he's pointing a gun at the cop, and the cops have all got guns on him, and I guess they've got that thing that they witnessed in Vietnam,
And many other wars that up close people are afraid to kill folks.
That's why they developed the first video games in the 60s that were in big stand-up projection rooms that you went through that were like the video game Doom.
That's what Doom's based on.
It was a later program that was then deployed to the public to cause instinctive shooting and to not hesitate.
And they got about 99% kill rates up close.
That's why these video games are murder simulators.
I'm not saying censor them.
The video gamers go, how dare you call for censoring?
No, no, no.
Your video games are based on killing simulators for the Army and Marine Corps.
Developed by DARPA.
Just a little side issue.
So the police sit there, when he appears to have a gun in his hand, saying, I'm gonna shoot you.
And they don't shoot him.
It is insane.
The footage is up on InfoWars.com.
It's on newswars.com if you're a radio listener and want to see it.
Obviously, we're simulcasting on TV, so a lot of you can see it right now, but unbelievable.
I mean, you pull a gun on me, or it looks like one, and you say you're going to shoot me, I'm going to shoot you.
I don't need to go play video games to know how to do that.
I want to live and go home to mama and the babies.
But just wild to see the police sit there, and I'm asking the question, why is this guy not dead?
And why haven't we learned his religion?
I mean, I spent time last night, I spent time this morning looking and looking and looking.
Every time an Islamist has killed somebody in Germany or Sweden or the Netherlands or England, it's always, a London man, a German man, blew up.
People entering the soccer game.
A German man ran over people at the Christmas outdoor fair.
A British man blew up a bunch of teenagers at a pop rock concert.
When it's a Muslim, it's always a German man, an American man, a British man, never a Muslim.
And I don't like the political correctness.
The biggest victims of Islam are Muslims.
That's why they're all trying to come here.
And then we're supposed to roll over to it.
And coming up, I've got a big stack of news that ties into this.
The great exodus out of America's blue cities.
And it just deals with blue cities.
Everyone is fleeing as fast as they can.
But then they don't understand consciously, most of them, they're fleeing globalism, socialism, crony capitalism, the elites, the corruption.
They bring it here, like they're fleeing smallpox.
Or they're fleeing, you know, the plague, but then they bring it here.
Like, the plague was carried on fleas, on rats.
It's like, we're fleeing the plague.
Here, let's bring a bunch of the rats with us and come to Austin and piss all over everyone.
And it ties into all of this.
It just ties into all of it.
And why is every blue city, blue state, blue country collapsing in hell?
Stay with us.
Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
First, I just want to mention, if people just go and try the products, they will be ordering all the time.
I've ordered several of the products over and over because it's amazing.
In particular, Silver Bullet.
As soon as I start to feel like I get a little sick, you know, maybe like a little raspiness in my throat, I drop some Silver Bullet in it.
Like, I'll still feel a little sick, but it won't last as long.
Well, let me just say something, Victor.
It's people like you that then fund the whole operation, because a very small percentage of people buy products, and a very small percentage of them buy a lot of the products, so thank you.
But when you mention the Silver Bullet colloidal silver, it's got thousands of reviews, a 98% review.
It is our highest-reviewed product, because it is from the top lab in the country, discounted, high-quality colloidal silver.
It's not a Silver Bullet, but it's the closest thing you're going to find to a Silver Bullet.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
In 99% of the truck attacks, it turns out to be an Islamicist.
But in all of those attacks, the media says truck attack.
Truck kills 80-plus people and injures 200 in Nice, France.
Truck kills 30-plus people and injures 70-plus in German attack.
In French attack.
In Spanish attack.
In Brussels, Belgium attack.
In London, England attack.
On and on and on.
But now it's developing that Aliq Manassian, who again has a pre-Islamic name, meaning a lot of people in that area of the world have names that came along before Muhammad.
So it's either Iranian, Turkish, Armenian, something like that.
And they're now saying, well, he might have been autistic.
He might have been mentally ill.
Well, that sounds like Islam to me.
And again, folks from these countries, I'm sorry it's a fact, have thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of times higher mental illness.
And congenital deformities of the brain, of the bones, of the heart, of the eyes.
It's a fact.
Why does the British Royal Family?
For every successful member of the Royal Family, they've got three or four they've got to hide.
Until they started, quote, marrying commoners in just the last two generations.
Because of inbreeding.
Why did the Egyptians look like space aliens?
I've gone and seen their mummies, their bones.
A lot of UFOlogists go, look, it's a space alien!
No, it's well-known deformity.
When you marry your sister for 15 generations,
That he will ascend to the sun, the next great pharaoh.
And you're like, this pharaoh's 9 years old, this one's 12, this one's 13 when they died, this one's 16.
Why, one known as the Great Gold Eagle, he lived to 30!
They thought he was really a god.
Because you don't marry your sister, and then marry your sister again, and then marry your sister again.
You do that one time.
It's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of percentage points that you're going to have serious deformities or be out of your mind.
Everybody knows that, quote, hybrid dogs have mental problems, have deformities, have bizarre neurotic behaviors.
It's incredible.
And that's a problem in the Middle East and Pakistan and everywhere else.
Is that what, Pakistani folks in England, as a fact, are less than 1% of the population.
They're almost, they're like 36, 37% of the deformities registered by the National Health Service.
Just stop marrying your first cousin over and over again.
I know Muhammad did it, so it's supposedly okay.
It's not good.
It's not good.
It's not good in Appalachia.
It's not good when they used to do it in Alabama?
I mean, I've been in areas of the South, great people, nice, whatever, really small towns in Texas, and man, you walk in a grocery store or something, and it's like, whoa, the genetic mutations, the chromosomal issues are just dramatic.
It's like you've entered a mutant colony.
And let's just get down to brass tacks.
The Muslim religion for 1,400 years has created giant armies of inbred insane people.
That's it.
Yeah, there it is.
Deformities from having sex with your cousins and the heavy price children pay.
Oh, it's a fact.
It's an absolute fact that inbreeding is a big, big, big problem, and it doesn't matter how good the genetics are you begin with.
If you've got inbreeding going on, or in the past lines, or you're in a community that keeps doing that, or a religion that keeps doing that, and there are other ones that do it as well, to a certain extent,
It is very, very sad.
I've been in New York and gone in, and it's in different ethnic neighborhoods than Embry and you go in and it's very, very sad.
You'll be in the business and you'll see all the different genetic deformities and mental illnesses and chromosomal spectrum disorders.
And then you'll kind of see the upper caste that uses them like worker bees.
And there's a lot of orthodox groups that have this problem.
And you need to stop it.
It's bad.
Hybrid vigor is an absolute fact.
That it's good to actually have different human genome types mixing with each other.
Now you can say, well if you take somebody that's really stupid and put them with somebody that's really smart, is that going to overall give you a better person?
Against getting disease, against having all sorts of genetic disorders, yes.
You may not be as smart.
There are some inbreeding programs that create super geniuses, but it's a very small percent.
You've got to hide everybody else.
They had secret British breeding programs that have been declassified as well.
The whole modern world got designed by Galton, Wedgwood, Huxley, Darwin.
Those families intermarried for five generations.
And it created Aldous Huxley and Julian Huxley and the UN-UNESCO World Government Plan.
But it also created a lot of completely insane people.
And they wrote about that as well.
So the whole transhumanist movement from Julian Huxley that is dominating our world is the new globalist religion.
The AI gods that Musk warns the elite worship.
That comes out of a breeding program and out of the insanity and the mental illness of marrying their first cousins and even their sisters.
Because they were tasked by the British Royal House, who was having problems with interbreeding, obviously.
They were going to continue interbreeding, but they said, let's take some of the smartest families in England and interbreed them and see if there's a way to test interbreeding that's not in a normal royal bloodline to be able to do that.
I'm going to stop right there.
It's just you have to understand so much of the problems.
Yeah, the Hapsburg jaw.
So many of the problems in our society and our civilization.
See how they look like Bin Laden, folks?
See how they look like the upper crust of the Saudis?
They got the Hattsburg jaw.
You do it, that's one of the things you get.
Poor, you know, Romanov gypsies.
About half the men have an eye that points the wrong direction.
That's a known genetic disorder.
These are facts!
But I'm digressing.
I have so much news to cover today.
I said this is an Islamic attack.
Because they always cover up as an Islamist attack.
We'll see what comes out.
We'll see how the media spins this, but it's another truck of peace attack.
If it turns out he's a mentally ill person that halfway converted to Islam, they'll say he's a Christian Armenian.
You'll hear it's a Christian attack.
But if it's a Muslim attack, they won't say that.
You also have copycats.
Every time there's a mass shooting, the next week or so, other people try it.
Or every time somebody jumps off, you know, the Empire State's building, the cops know the station police there is for the next week.
More will try it.
Did he just keep hearing about running over people in a truck?
So he went out and rented a van?
And then said in his heavy foreign accent, shoot me, shoot me?
In fact, let's go ahead and roll some of that audio for TV and radio listeners.
So many times they try to cover up the nature of this.
I have a gun in my pocket.
I have a gun in my pocket.
But there wasn't the Allah Akbar's, so it wasn't an attempt to be death by cop.
And again, if you're a radio listener, let me describe the video if you haven't seen it.
He says, I have a gun in my pocket and then pulls what looks like a gun out and is aiming it at the cop for like 10 seconds.
And there's nobody behind the guy.
He's standing in front of the van.
I'm not a bloodthirsty person, but I don't want to die.
I would have squeezed rounds off in the guy's chest.
I mean, look, the cop froze up.
That's all I can say.
And of course, nobody can know unless you're in that situation, but I've been in a situation where people pull guns on me, and I took them and beat them upside the head with them.
That probably wasn't the best move, but I didn't have a choice.
In one case, the guy was already rifle-whipping my buddy.
I wasn't gonna wait anymore.
Alpha Power.
Here's what you want to know.
You want to go to mfulworthstore.com and read the hundreds and hundreds of five-star third-party reviews on this product.
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It just has a little bit in it.
Because I work with the top four formulators in the country, and they say, listen, no one puts as much as you do into these.
They said your leading competitors might put six, seven dollars in, and you're putting 15, 20 dollars, 30 dollars, 40 dollars, depending on the product.
We're good to go.
Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
Hey, brother.
Good, man.
Thank you for calling.
I just want to say thanks for your products and everything that you're doing to try to save the country.
I mean, I've tried your Secret 12, Super Male, Anthroplex, the Silver Bullet, Biome Defense, Micro ZX.
I mean, it's all good stuff.
Secret 12, if everybody would just drop their energy drinks and get some Secret 12, take a shot of that.
That's the thing about Secret 12.
Just a half a dropper has way more energy and it's totally... People ask, why is it sweet?
Real organic B12 is sweet.
And exactly.
When I'm super tired, I go, hey, why am I drinking coffee at 10 at night if I'm going on some show like Coast to Coast?
Secret 12, 30 minutes later, massive energy.
It's amazing.
Yeah, that stuff will wake you up and the clarity of mind that comes along with that is just amazing.
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That's InfoWarsStore.com.
Radio affiliates, TV affiliates, thank you for your support.
But they've cut off the sponsors, they've blocked us advertising on Google, they have filed 13 lawsuits, we've beaten six.
But understand this, I am your soldier, you're my soldier, we're all in this together.
And we're fighting hard for American values, what we know works, and what brings liberty and freedom to our children.
So I salute you and I thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm going to give a detailed breakdown on the image that is appearing, the picture that's coming into focus, of the truck attacker yesterday adopting an Islamic jihad form of attack there in a very Islamic city.
of Toronto, and the fact that he has a Middle Eastern last name.
But more and more, another picture is emerging, but it ties into everything we've already been breaking down, and has the same similarities, culturally, that you see in Islam.
So this is really intriguing.
We've been researching and digging into this, and a very interesting picture is emerging.
Coming up in the next segment, I'm going to get into that.
We're printing some other articles and things right now.
But we're going to be breaking that down.
Now, first off, before we go there, I want to just mention to you all of the other insane news that I've absolutely got to cover today.
We have Macron coming to the U.S.
in a huge love fest with Trump.
What does that really signify?
Is it important?
Macron is playing a double game, acting like a nationalist, while still letting France be overrun by Islamists.
But he does have courage to come in the face of all the globalists and the leftists and be friends with Trump, because he understands that Trump's winning, and to embrace Trump, just like Kanye West is, they know the worm is turning.
They know Trump is winning.
Nationalism and populism is winning, not just here, but globally.
We'll be looking at that.
Also, Congressional Budget Office projects gross domestic product headed to a 15-year high.
Great news on the economy.
We're also going to be looking at the new Purge movie.
The Purge prequel, where it's modern KKK is the U.S.
military, and they're coming to kill the poor black people.
More Hollywood race war narrative.
We're going to be getting into that.
Also, Pompeo confirmation advances after Rand Paul's reversal.
Why didn't Rand Paul reverse?
Because Pompeo has already made the incredible deal with the North Koreans.
And because Pompeo came out and said, the Iraq war was wrong.
Afghanistan's wrong.
Trump was right when he said that.
I agree with the president.
And I agree we need to exit out of these countries as soon as possible.
And so, Paul said good.
I mean, I like Pompeo in that he was a freedom caucus, pro-America, pro-gun, pro-family patriot.
Does he have a little bit of a hawkish streak down his back?
Is he out to get the country?
So that's a good thing that that's advancing.
But Buchanan points out America's unsustainable empire, and then goes over the statistics of what they're doing to our troops, everything else.
Also, Tilford grooming scandal.
Former social services boss, local lawmakers dispose as pedophiles.
All over England, even in small towns.
The town councils put Muslims in charge as CPS workers.
Little kids start disappearing.
They pop back up in London and other areas when they're 10, 12, 13, 14 as sex slaves after they've been prepared.
And it's turning out that the town councils are running these to make money and to enjoy themselves.
It's a real pedophile cult.
But notice they always spin it.
Jones claims there's a pedophile network worldwide.
He claims Trump's gonna go after it.
We told you all that first.
I told you that when Trump was running.
I said that on Joe Rogan's podcast a year and three months ago.
And all of it's come true.
Tomorrow's news today.
And it's why they're after us.
We are fighting the global pedophile network.
They're not all pedophiles, but they use pedophilia to compromise people, and you don't get in the club.
We've all heard about the more elite a fraternity is.
You know, it's not just have sex with a prostitute.
It's not just have sex with a goat.
It's have sex with the other members of the fraternity, the male members.
And it's not even a homosexual thing.
It's like in Team America.
He goes, it's not about sex, Gary.
Now get down there and do it.
It's about dominance.
It's about power.
That's why it's such an accurate movie, No Way Out with Kevin Costner, and my favorite actor, Gene Hagman, when it just comes to acting.
I love Charlton Heston, but Gene Hagman's the best.
And that's how it all works.
And it's like, you don't want to have sex with a man?
Then you're not in the club.
And then once you do that, now you're going to have sex with a goat.
We're going to videotape it.
And it's about having you compromised.
And then you get up to higher levels and it's, you're going to have sex with a 16-year-old girl.
And they've had top bankers, globalists, go public and break this down.
And then it's, you're going to have sex with a 13-year-old girl.
And you're like, I don't want to do that.
I can't get aroused.
Well, you're going to do it.
Or you're not getting the banking contract.
And then next, you're going to have sex with an 8-year-old boy.
And then next, you're going to rape and strangle a 2-year-old baby girl.
Trump has not done any of that.
Trump has never done anything.
There's no dirt.
He likes full-grown, 30-year-old, just over-the-top powerful women that intimidate most men.
I've been around Melania Trump a few times, you know, just two feet away, and it's like the star power is like, she's intimidating.
And I've never had a woman intimidating.
You know, when I was like 14 years old, I was sitting there, looking at my lips, looking at the 30-year-old teacher.
I mean, I'll just be honest.
And I always liked, like Trump, I liked the full-grown, full-horsepower women.
These weird globalists, you know, like little girls.
It's gross.
But they want to steal the innocence.
So you're getting the big secrets here.
We're going to be breaking this down.
And it's why they hate us so much.
Because I'm not into kids.
Trump's not into kids.
And these people run the show.
The British Royal Family.
All of them.
And how far you'll get compromised is how far you'll go.
Again, every other criminal organization operates this way.
Where you gotta commit crimes.
You gotta finally kill an innocent person.
Just to make sure you'll do it, and so you're compromised.
You gotta shoot the old lady.
You gotta shoot the liquor store owner.
And the worst the cult, the worst the gang.
They always had rules in Mexico and Latin America, don't kill kids.
You know, the whole Tony Montana line and the screenplay writer on that, um, famously went to Latin America for years before he, and Cuba before, and then spent time there, Oliver Stone, four years writing that screenplay.
Tony Montana says, no woman, no kids.
And at the end of the movie, he gives it all up because he still has a conscience.
He was only killing other drug dealers and other men at that point.
He still had a chivalry.
And he won't blow up the guy with the daughters in front of the UN building.
And so, he gets killed, but he keeps his honor.
That is exactly how this is.
No women, no kids.
If you're not into hurting women and kids, you don't get the club.
Well, now in Mexico, they have new cults that are about killing kids and killing the women.
It's always one-upping, see?
Even Latin America now kills women and children.
80% of the women coming across the border get raped by the coyotes.
Decade ago that wouldn't have happened.
It's a plunge of evil worldwide as humanity loses its soul and as this satanic cult spreads its tentacles into every facet and every corner of the universe.
When we come back, the real news that the enemy fears.
I'm Alex Jones.
One of the things I'm really proud of is the fact that doing my own research, talking to top scientists, we knew that there was an iodine conspiracy.
Iodine is in every cell of your body.
Iodine deficiency is the commonest preventable cause of brain damage and loss of IQ in the world.
In fact, over 90% of Americans are low in iodine.
Iodine used to be used in bread as a dough enhancer.
Then in the early 1970s, most commercial manufacturers switched to bromide instead.
Since 1970, the iodine they collected in urine is 50% less now than it was then.
Research from a World Health Organization study show that 10 to 50% of people worldwide are deficient in iodine.
Most people, I think everybody, for the most part, should be supplementing with iodine.
And I am so proud of the fact that since I've been promoting iodine the last five, six years, it is now all the rage at health food stores, you name it.
But none of them are as pure or as clean as the original Survival Shield X2 at M4WarsLife.com.
I was just about to walk out of the studio to pick my children up, and I got some bad news.
For the second time in the five and a half year history of Survival Shield X2, our flagship product, we are having supply chain problems.
And this may be the last batch of this.
You see, we have to go through the DEA to get this, because it is pure atomic iodine.
Everything else out there is bound, or it's contaminated, it's not absorbable, it's toxic.
We have deep earth crystal source that's so pure that it actually turns into purple gas in the atmosphere and it's ejected into palm oil, organic palm oil, in a proprietary patented process.
And so in our own search to get the purest form,
We discovered that oil companies and gas drilling companies had a byproduct that they were selling to pharmaceutical companies and also drug makers that they used to make drugs.
That's why the FDA is involved and that's why the DEA is involved.
So it's a major industrial product being used and that we could actually bring to the public pure.
But you've got to get contracts with oil companies and gas companies to do it.
And once they figure out there's a market, they start jacking up the price.
So we have a run of this, a limited run.
We have a good supply right now.
We're talking maybe two months of it.
But this may be the clincher.
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But we're offering it still 25% off until it sells out.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
This is why they fear us.
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Tomorrow's News.
I tell you, Harrison Smith is an amazing editor.
Great job, Harrison, putting that together.
And that's why they're after us.
That's the truth.
Because we give you deep analysis, historical information, and really expose what's at the heart of the situation.
Now, I want to get into
Alik Manassian and what has come into focus.
I said that I thought would be an Islamic attack because 99% of these truck attacks, there's been hundreds the last few years around the world, are Islamic.
He has an Islamic sounding last name.
He's a foreigner.
But he could have been a copycatter.
We're still not 100% sure.
But I think I'm entering, usually I correct something about once a month, this will be two in one week, that it does not look like it's Islamic.
But, it's the very same background in the Middle East, the inbreeding that goes on.
Statistically, you see higher crime rates, more homicide issues in the population.
I talked about that earlier, but here's the big enchilada that the research team has uncovered, and it fits perfectly together and reminds me of this disgusting culture that is out there
Where these people call themselves involuntarily celibate.
And they hate women because women don't like them.
And so they say that they want to hurt them.
Remember the Young Turks guy?
Just a decade ago, in his postings online, he said, I hate women.
They don't like me.
They're a bunch of sluts.
They're a bunch of dumb idiots.
That's a perfectly Islamic statement, even if he's a reprobate Muslim or whatever.
Think young Turk.
You know, Armenian genocide label.
He is named after an Armenian genocide group, where he hates women.
Or he thinks they're stupid.
He said their genetics are bad.
Isn't that funny?
I'm coming from the toad creature.
But accused Toronto killer praised woman-hating mass murderer moments before attack.
He expressed his support just moments before the attack for a mass murderer who became a hero of the fringe men's rights movement.
A lot of the media calls it a fringe men's rights movement.
What, sullen little babies that didn't have a dad around and never got their ass kicked?
I mean, these men are scared of women.
I can't figure it out.
I just love, love, love women.
I hang around women.
I don't really hang around guys.
I just like women, period.
The incel rebellion has already begun.
Hey, how about you wimps, if you got to... And I'm not for prostitution.
But I mean, do what you gotta do, man up and go out and get a woman.
Let me tell you, even if you're the weirdest nerd out there, if you just go to church, you're gonna find nice ladies that are looking for a man.
And you know, a lot of these guys aren't even bad looking, but they're all into themselves.
They're little video game narcissists, you know, all pale-skinned, living in the basement, and then they just can't stand it that women don't like them.
Well, they don't have any confidence.
I mean, it's a genetic thing.
You're not supposed to breathe, bro.
I guess you're just such a wimp.
I'm sorry, I'm just digressing.
I didn't even know about the in-cell movement until I saw this a few years ago and then I'd forgotten about it and Zach was pointing it out to me.
What a disgusting group of people.
Guys, man up, man.
Go out.
And by the way, you don't have to get a supermodel.
They're usually super boring and super only obsessed with themselves.
Go out and get you a
I'll just get you a girl who wants to have a good time.
Take her out to the movies or something.
The incel rebellion has already begun.
We will overthrow all Chads and Stacys.
All hail the Supreme Gentleman, Elliot Roger.
So it's the worship of this conceited, I'm not going to call him effeminate, but this metrosexual
Put Elliot Rodger back on screen.
I forgot how disgusting that guy is.
Just makes your skin crawl.
How he's totally boring, totally stupid, totally into himself, totally pissed off that he has this big image of himself but he can't project any of it in the real world.
If you weren't such a conceited, creepy person, who purses his lips every time he talks, he just loves everything he says.
He just loves everything he does.
I mean, I look at somebody like that, and I want to break his nose!
I'll just be honest with you.
You look at the globalists, they all act exactly like that.
Bunch of scum.
Elliot Rodger killed six people during a 2014 shooting spree.
In Isla Vista, California, after planning his anti-woman revenge rampage for more than a year, the 22-year-old called himself an incel, or involuntarily celibate, a phrase invoked by men's rights activists who feel rejected by women.
Roger killed himself at the conclusion of the attack, leaving behind a 137-page manifesto that described how he felt shunned by women and sought revenge.
He also reportedly showed an interest in Nazis and had conducted internet searches about how to silently kill with a knife.
And now this new individual reportedly says he likes him.
And he picked out people to run over.
But see how that ties into Islam?
Islam is a woman-hating religion, where the women have to wear beekeeper suits, and where women can't drive cars or have normal jobs, and where their husbands can kill them, pour gasoline on them, drown them in the pool, or pour acid on their faces, and routinely, it's in the news all the time, kill their daughters, because
They didn't have their veil on and a man saw their face.
And that's what the feminist movement thinks so great.
But the feminist movement run by the globalists to control women is another side of oppressing women and controlling them.
Because women in culture and in advertising are the prize that, as Hitler said, first you get the women, then you got the children, so follow the men.
And so you've got this incredible obsession and oppression
That's going on, and the leftist women go, oh look, this is a right-wing movement of men.
No, it's a movement of scumbags.
If you look at psychopaths, they almost always are the same way.
Don't have any friends, lived alone at home, didn't have a daddy around most of the time, and never got pushed out of the nest, and then never developed, and then feel so insecure, they project it on to people outside.
So they start killing and torturing animals.
Not for food, but just to kill them.
And then they start killing women.
Because that's how they finally capture them.
It's how they think they dominate them.
It's how they plant their flag on them.
Instead of just growing with women into the future as a species.
Because that's what women are looking for.
Even if they've been brainwashed and don't know what they're looking for.
Everything is like verdant fields.
We'll be back.
What do you think, Gavin?
I mean, you know, you're a pretty creative, artistic guy.
I mean, you've got the pocket protector on, you've got the glasses.
I mean, I'd assume you can make art just by looking at you.
That's what I do.
But I think that, you know, the Michelle Obama portrait, I mean, that was just a total hat job.
I mean, who drew that?
They don't know how to shade?
I mean, it's like, it doesn't even look like her?
Michelle Obama is so hideous that she looks disproportionate in real life.
Sometimes when you see her, just a photograph of her, it looks like a bad drawing.
It's possible those giant crocodile hands and that hideous face and those bizarre proportions, it's possible those are all completely accurate.
She chose an artist who is a self-described social justice warrior artist.
And she represents the perfect kind of black that liberals love.
They don't love real deal.
Blacks that, you know, are working class and are busting their ass and love America.
They like quirky ones that have, like, funny frames and some blonde tips and listen to NPR and will do tricks when you tell them to.
The people they chose, the black gay intellectual who outsources his work and the social justice warrior woman, they really represent the kind of black people that white people want.
Not really authentic blacks, but sort of pet Negroes, if you will.
Well, I, I, careful, careful there.
It just gets weirder and weirder.
Look at this thing.
Oh, and you just saying that just got a poor little Asian 14-year-old thrashed with 10 lashes.
He's being caned right now.
For failing to do his job.
You just got him kicked out of the sweatshop.
Way to go.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know that that... What?
That was part of the Chinese Photoshop job?
No, no.
Kehinde does the Photoshop.
The Chinese have to sit there for a hundred hours meticulously painting it so they can have enough ramen to not starve to death.
If you look at his face, it's a little odd.
I could be wrong, but I think he has the bottom third of Richard Nixon's face.
Isn't that Nixon's face across the bottom?
We're told Nixon was the worst guy on earth because he dared to record someone.
It turns out Obama was spying on absolutely everyone.
Aren't Nixon and Obama kindred spirits in that sense?
Well, other than the fact that what Nixon did pales in comparison in terms of the scope of what Obama did.
Remember, at least Nixon's was a private job.
Six misguided individuals break into the Watergate and never plant a bug that works.
Obama uses the entire authority and power of the state to spy on the Republican candidate for president, sweeping in its illegality.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I want to put a book in on what I was just talking about, but not the accused killer.
He's the guy that consciously ran over 30-something people, killing 10 of them, mainly women, as he drove down the street looking for a group of women to kill.
And how the media, the leftist media, is now spinning on how it's a right-wing, anti-woman movement.
And look, I get it.
Women can be cruel, especially in this culture.
Women more and more.
That's how the culture's been engineered, because the family's been somewhat obliterated, and women have been taught that traditional family structures aren't going to empower them, so they kind of marry themselves to the state.
It's a complex issue.
And I was a very competent, confident person, and I was still insecure sometimes, and felt like I was a loser, even though I was very popular and successful.
And I think some of that insecurity when you're young is designed, we know, through sociology, anthropology, psychology, to get you out of the nest, to go out and accomplish things.
You're not supposed to feel like you've conquered the world when you're 15 years old.
And some people get girlfriends and wives, and sometimes you get a wife and, you know, she takes everything you got.
That's not my personal case.
And then you never date women again.
I have like a great uncle who's still alive, who owned some stuff up in Georgetown.
He listens.
I'm actually gonna tell a story, but he got married later in life to a really hot chick and then she took what he had in like, you know, six months and then he never dated again.
So, I mean, I'm not knocking guys that are celibate or, you know, guys that become bachelors just because of all the issues in society and culture.
I'm not judging people that don't have children.
All I'm saying is if you know how women work and are just straight up and point things out,
And don't get into the fake narratives and argue with women.
I've found women are way more easy to wake up to what's going on than men.
Men are either kind of awake already or they're hard to wake up.
Women generally want to be socially constructive.
They get fooled into going with the globalists because they're taught that's all socially constructive.
When you show them how it's designed to not be, and show them the proof, they're the easiest group to wake up.
It's like women are easier to teach to how to shoot a gun.
And are just as good a shot as men are better, they're now arguing.
Because women are more teachable.
Not because they're really followers.
They're looking in their basic programming to get along in the village.
To be nice.
And then when there's trouble, men are biologically designed to have to deal with that.
And that's the dirty job.
It's not the cool job.
That's why men are expendable.
Because men don't even have the second set of DNA.
Everyone is a girl in their embryonic levels.
And the globalists all know this.
It's why everything they do is targeting women.
Just like they want to run the environmental movement and make it all about carbon dioxide instead of genetic engineering and all the nightmares and the clones and the toxic waste dumping and the high altitude aerosol weather modification.
And the fission-fusion and the artificial black holes and the superconducting supercollider cyclotrons.
All of this.
Will give you massive brain tumors.
Will give you heart attacks.
It's in all the studies.
You know the heart is an incredible muscle.
And it's got a bunch of nerves in it.
That are hooked to the brain.
And they've known this for decades, but now it's been confirmed with the high-tech science they've got.
I'm sure you've heard the stories about somebody gets a heart transplant, and people say, man, he's healthy, he's happy, she's healthy, she's happy, but they don't have any heart anymore.
It's like they don't care about life.
Well, the ancients all knew it's the heart.
You've got brain tissue in your spine and your heart.
And when you lose your heart, it's been there from the time you were conceived.
Since the time you developed into an embryo, your brain thinks you're dead.
That's why I know in some secret research I was told about, it's not classified, but it's highly proprietary, they're talking about when they remove people's hearts now, they're going to try to graft the nerve ganglia that fires the heart from your heart onto it, so that people don't have the depression and all the other issues.
Because imagine, your brain, when your heart's gone, it's still beating a new heart, but it's not connecting all the emotions of the brain.
Your gut has even more brain cell type areas connected to the brain than your heart does.
That's why some people say, go with your gut, because your subconscious will tell you in your gut where your stomach is, where the food is, where you really care.
Like, hey man, I'm tingling.
This isn't good.
And then back of your neck stands up, the hair stands up like, I'm about to get in a fight.
Because your brain, the subconscious, is hundreds and hundreds of times more powerful than it's telling your gut and it's telling your heart.
Well, you cut the heart out, your brain, your subconscious says, where are you?
Where are you?
It's like a lobotomy.
Where are you?
So that's what we're dealing with here, ladies and gentlemen.
And so we're under attack as a species.
And so that's why I don't want to fight with the families of Sandy Hook.
That's why I don't want to fight with even the globalists.
This is all insane where we're going.
You know, you notice the London Guardian came out and said, oh my gosh, YouTube took down an anti-Alex Jones video about Sandy Hook.
Because it's heavily edited, out of context, when I play devil's advocate.
And years ago I went back and forth because there were so many anomalies, but for years I've said I believe it happened.
They'll never let me say that.
The news just keeps saying, Jones keeps saying no one died and is being mean to the families.
And the families go on TV and say it, even though we've been contacting them and they know.
The media recycles it over and over and over again to bring Sandy Hook back up and attack the free press.
But there's a perfect example.
YouTube took the video down because you guys have been purging anybody questioning mass shootings or events to set the precedent to get rid of free speech.
I'm talking about George Soros.
And George Soros' Media Matters had their highly edited video taken down.
And then they went, oh, you're censoring us.
Well, wait.
You want my videos taken down, where I'm actually saying what I really believe, but then you want to put up edited ones, and then say,
That I'm bringing everything back up.
No, you said you want all that taken down.
Yours got taken down.
Show them the Guardian article, please.
Here's the Guardian article.
YouTube under fire for censoring video exposing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
So see, they want to bring up old edited videos out of context, just like Megyn Kelly's done, and then they want to sit there when they reboot it and say, oh, Jones won't shut up and stop saying it.
Lying to their audiences.
It is incredible.
So this is all a diversion.
We're being killed by 5G, 4G.
The globalists are genetically manipulating our DNA and we're mutating in bad ways.
The species is under attack.
We've got real issues to deal with here.
The same mainstream media that says it cares about children so much and always blames gun owners, collectively, for any children that die,
Being shot, our hearts go out to Mr. Haslund and all these folks.
You have to understand, governments have killed millions and millions of people, hundreds of millions of people.
There's never a memorial about that, there's never a newscast about that, there's never any coverage of that, or how our media lied to get us into these wars that killed millions of innocent people.
No, it's all, Alex Jones is bad, Donald Trump's a Nazi, blah blah blah.
It's not true.
And then they bring it back up and say, I'm bringing it back up and say, apologize, don't bring it up anymore.
And I say, I'm sorry if things were taken out of context and hurt your feelings.
And, you know, let's just move on.
But then it's, he won't shut up.
He won't apologize.
He won't move on.
It's all on record to our audience.
So again, it's just the recycle beat me up all day and it doesn't really hurt InfoWars.
If you continue to support us, we will make it through all of this.
You know, you didn't hear anything about how they had to withdraw.
In fact, my lawyer sent it.
And I didn't get it out of my email.
I need to print.
They withdrew the lawsuit in Charlottesville yesterday, which again got no coverage in the media.
And of course, they're going to reintroduce it.
But it was so badly filed and had so many things that weren't true that it would be immediately thrown out.
You know, the 70 pages of things I didn't say and things I didn't do.
You don't put that in lawsuits.
It's like a fake screenplay.
And Alex Jones says that the cameraman killed a woman.
I didn't say that!
That's defamatory to me!
So we filed countersuit on them, and they pulled that one back because our suit's pursuant to their suit.
It sues their suit, and at the end, there's slapback provisions.
People ask how that works.
So they're like, ooh, wait, our bacon's burned.
Let's put this in, and we're sure whatever they file will be just as bad because it's not true!
And so you can have your victory in the media all day long.
But I didn't say that camera guy killed that woman.
That's defamatory to say I said that.
You will lose in any court.
And by the way, their last fake lawsuit?
It's going to be admissible if it ever went to trial.
But they don't want that.
They just want to drag me through the mud with all these fake lawsuits and make it look like I'm losing.
InfoWars is winning.
And our audience is winning.
We are the Mavericks.
We are the Trailblazers.
And that's why the globalists are panicking.
Hour number two straight ahead.
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This is Roger Stone for InfoWars.
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Receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Saddle up!
Roll out!
The battle for the future is here.
I've got the most powerful news of the day.
An analysis you're not going to get anywhere else.
And I have to keep pointing that out because we've got their number coming up in the next segment.
The great exodus out of America's blue cities is accelerating.
And we are going to break all of this down when we come back.
And then a very interesting article
Out of the Associated Press, about how the CIA, the NSA, Defense Intelligence, the FBI, are all meeting with the cast and crew, writers and directors of the show Homeland, to help them attack yours truly better.
Now remember, the President supposedly runs these agencies, but they're all actively against him.
At those levels.
At those divisions.
The people actually fighting and doing HUMET and all the real stuff are almost all listeners.
I'm not exaggerating.
That's why they hate this show.
But the brain bugs, the academics, the rulers, the Ivy League,
They all want to be big movie stars, and so they all sit there and they even give billions of dollars a year to Hollywood to foment this crap like Jordan Klepper's program and Homeland, which they say is based around Alex Jones, but then it's not based around Alex Jones.
And again, why are there more than 10 shows about me that aren't what I actually say?
Why are there hundreds of articles a day?
It's like it's now reached stratospheric insane asylum portions.
I'm a white supremacist in the show that stages terror attacks and has thousands of employees that run fake news.
And I want to kill the president.
And it's even admitted, you know, how the CIA hoodwinked Hollywood.
They didn't hoodwink them.
Hollywood is the CIA.
The CIA is just a holding company.
The CIA is just a big nest of military-industrial complex money-making.
And so, I've got that article.
I want to get into it.
And again, it's not about talking about ourselves.
We have to do this because they are stealing our identity, misrepresenting who we are, committing cultural crimes in the eye of the people, and then they suspend disbelief
And then they believe when they walk up to me on the street and pour coffee on my head, or tell me I'm a Nazi, or tell Milo, I never played that year, I still want to play that when we get to this, when they, you know, run him out of a bar screaming, Nazi, Nazi, Nazi, when he's a gay Jewish man.
Yeah, let's just go out to break with that.
And the left is funded and run by a real Nazi collaborator.
Here it is.
Nazis, come get out!
Nazis, come get out!
Nazis, come get out!
Nazis, come get out!
Nazis, come get out!
Nazis, come get out!
Pause real quick.
This is what Nazis did.
They kicked Jews and other people out of bars.
And then out of their own companies.
And then they put them in ghettos.
I mean, do you understand the level?
But like a bunch of zombies, body searchers.
I've got one that can see.
Get him!
Let's go out to break with this.
Nazi scum, here it is.
Nazi scum, get out!
Nazi scum, get out!
Nazi scum, get out!
Yeah, they had a victory.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We are back live.
Coming up in the next hour,
The real Indian from India, he's American and inventor of email, great guy, we've had him on many times, he is running against Elizabeth Warren and doing good in the polls and they banned his posters from him being able to even advertise.
Shiva, U.S.
Senate 2018, real Indian running against Senator Elizabeth Warren, sues after Citi tells him to stop calling her a fake Indian.
That's the politically correct folks.
Oh, that hurts a U.S.
Senator's fault.
The Native American groups have said there's no registry of her, there's no background of her having any Native American background, and that it's a fraud.
But oh, she's a public figure, but she's a woman.
So until you can't talk bad about her, he's going to be joining us now.
Let's get into the issue of issues.
That if you tie this together with globalism, you tie it together with the larger strategic plans, if you understand what's going on, you understand it all.
The globalists are multinational corporations that have set up a planetary system of corporate governance that was very near completion until the populist counter-strikes of the last few years that you have seen take place all over the world, that myself and many others have diligently worked for in the 1776 Worldwide Plan.
My plan, but there's actually an amalgamation of other Americana reboot plans, but the 1776 worldwide plan has been adopted informally by patriots and intelligence agencies around the world.
I will just go ahead and tell you why the globalists hate us so much, because they know that we are putting out the plans that get adopted, because they just make pure Americana sense, coming right out of Texas, of course.
Not bragging, just a fact.
You have to know why they hate us so much.
They exploit the third world, they build no real infrastructure, they block the third world getting infrastructure, which would actually make the third world only have two children on average, which if you believe in overpopulation, which has happened in some areas, it handles it.
And the Royal Commission on Population got into this in 49, but they decided to go with the plan of overpopulation, exploiting the overpopulation to de-industrialize
The West, and then to use those third world populations later as a reverse colonization battering ram to smash the middle class, bring it down, and then only have a super elite and a giant slave class under it.
You wonder why Asia and Latin America and Africa don't have a middle class because it's a system designed called feudalism.
Where the people are serfs and it's been adopted as a neo-feudalistic planetary technocracy.
A breakaway high-tech civilization above tax-exempt diplomatic immunity, above the law, corporate reservations, offshore systems.
They then bring in policies that are phased in
Where they first bring in systems to get you dependent on the government.
They then put in their people into the academia, into banking, into government, into media.
They then move in with a socialist programming template to get the next generation even more dependent.
And then by the third generation of this, you see what's happened in Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, everywhere.
It turns into an abject
Depopulation nightmare.
Because by design, they get rid of the infrastructure, they take it over, they cede it to the party officials and become fabulously wealthy.
They all move to Luxembourg, or to New York City, or to Switzerland, or to Tasmania, or to Kauai, or to New Zealand.
You go to New Zealand, you go to Kauai, there's rich Latin Americans with helicopter pads and
You know, living in 10,000 square foot guest houses, or 10,000 square foot, 30,000, 40,000 square foot houses, private jets line the fields.
There's rich Chinese, there's rich Latin Americans, there's rich Africans, there's rich Eastern Europeans, there's rich Americans, and they're the ruling class.
And they come in with chicken feed socialism and just enough to make you survive.
Then they start cutting the resources off in the middle phase and say, oh, the right wingers, the nationalists, they're trying to take your free money.
They're trying to take what you're surviving on.
You fight and put in a government.
That then promises even more socialism, even more communism, even more redistribution.
And then the middle class that owns factories and farms and businesses and pharmacies and farms and all these things, they get taken over.
And they still let the people that own them be the managers, and they get a small part of the profit.
In the next phase, they get rid of them completely.
Things completely implode.
There's war on the streets, children, you know, eating out of trash cans.
All the dogs and cats get eaten.
The animals at the zoo get eaten.
How about Venezuela?
You have a complete collapse and then there's a revolution financed by the jackals.
By the IMF, by the World Bank, by the CIA.
This is all on record.
It's been declassified.
They come in, overthrow the communists.
But leave the communist infrastructure and the schools and the political correct culture in.
They leave all the communists in, but the top three layers.
Then they put corporate functionaries in over the communist managers.
The people that sold the country out are long gone, living in 500 million dollar palaces in Switzerland.
Like Manuel Noriega had before he turned on them.
But the news doesn't show that unless you turn on them.
Then you get to see Noriega's $100 million palace.
Then he gets taken over militarily.
So I've kind of set some of the background here before I get to this.
So after they get everything looted, everything that was in private hands into government hands, that's brought down.
Then the corporate fascists come in, just like Obama told two years ago before he left office, he was down in Latin America on a tour, and he told the Chileans, he told the Brazilians, he told them all, he said, he played the clip many times, he said, listen, communism and capitalism are good.
China's communist, then it works with the capitalist.
And he's explaining to their PhD students, you're gonna manage that and make a lot of money, your people will be slaves, you'll put communism on them, but the money will go to you offshore.
And the two things work together.
They're both good.
Well, because it's called slavery.
That's what China does.
And so that's the phase.
They put Mao in in 49.
In the next 30 years, he kills 80 plus million of his own people, forces everybody off the land into compact cities, builds all these globalist finance factories, kills all the Christians, kills all the Buddhists,
Mortar attacks the Dalai Lama's, you know, house.
You know the story.
It's all on record.
And then, after all that, oh, Mao dies, they arrest his wife, they blame the communism, they say that they're going to reform, and then the corporate fascism comes in.
They still call it communist.
You're getting the exact globalist program.
This is how they do it.
And it's not my opinion.
Carol Quigley wrote Tragedy and Hope describing how it works.
That's how I understand it.
I didn't just figure it out in my own little selfie here.
The head of Georgetown Political Science did.
You know, the same ones that had to withdraw their suit on me yesterday.
But they're very followed, don't worry.
But it was so bad.
I could absolutely win and get slapped back on them.
So they think the new one's gonna be good.
Oh, that's a fraud too, I'm sure.
So don't worry.
Now, continuing, ladies and gentlemen.
It's critical to back up from this when we come back, and I will then lay out how they're going to do that here in the United States.
But see, they don't stop there now.
They've hit the technotronic, technocracy level.
Once the corporate fascists come in, take over the country, claim now it's kind of socialist, capitalist, they turn on some of the food, turn on the water again.
After years not having food and water, people kind of accept the new fascist regime that still has communist rulers over it at the mid-level.
Communist minders.
Cuba's about to go into the corporate control.
It's gone through its processing and training.
Some places take longer than others.
Then what happens next?
And then we'll look at the U.S.
and how they're planning it here.
It's gonna be a little bit more finesse, but once they get it in place, they are going to torture you and your family to death.
And Nigel Farage joins us for the next 10 minutes.
You can follow him at Twitter, Nigel underscore Farage.
He's helped lead the populist movement.
What is the latest from the UK?
Look, remember in 2013, it was in fact British public opinion that shifted our politicians, that stopped us getting involved in Syria.
And don't forget, the object of the government at the time was to arm the rebels.
Alex, if we'd done that, we'd have armed ISIS!
It would have been mad!
And actually, it was British public opinion affecting our politicians that stopped Obama and America from getting involved in this.
So, I'm a great believer actually with all these things.
Trust Middle England.
Trust Middle America.
They tend to get it right more than London or Washington DC.
Now, Mrs May does appear keen to get involved militarily.
All I can tell her
is be careful because public opinion now against intervention is probably even stronger than it was four years ago.
Let's put it like this.
If it wasn't Assad that did it, you know, you can make arguments about the deep state doing it, but equally don't forget that ISIS themselves a couple of years ago
We're on record for using chemical weapons no fewer than 52 times.
ISIS could quite easily have done this, hoping the world would blame Assad and the Russians, particularly in the wake of the arguments that are still going on about the poisonings that took place in Salisbury, England.
So, the answer is, we don't know.
You're a leading expert on this.
Why is the left allied with radical Islam?
Why are they trying to flood?
Because they hate Christianity.
They can't, I mean, you know, they deny absolutely our Judeo-Christian culture, which if you think about it actually are the roots completely of our nations and our civilization.
They deny that.
They also, don't forget Alex, they want to abolish the nation state.
They want to get rid of it.
They want to replace it with the globalist project and the European Union is the prototype for the new world order.
Do you know, if Hillary had won that election,
Last year, she was going to sign America up to get really close to this kind of thing.
So, you know, we may sit here right now, Alex, and be a bit critical of Trump, but on many other things, he's got things right.
And when you send a message, when Angela Merkel sends a message, as many of you as want to come can come, what do you think they're going to do?
In fact, the liberals have become the very fascists that they try and criticise with their rhetoric.
And look, what's really happening here?
You know, don't underestimate
How massive the seismic shock of 2016 was.
The victory of Brexit.
The victory of Trump.
You know, we're winning.
Look at Hungary the other day.
We are winning, but it doesn't feel like we're winning because the left and the state are fighting back with all their might.
And you know something?
If we can resist,
This politically correct charge, this attempt to stop us thinking and speaking freely, if we can resist that, then our victory actually will be complete.
So don't get down, everybody.
Don't get depressed.
They're behaving like this because we're beating them.
And let's remember, you're the guy when Trump thought three months before he was going to lose that came in privately, cheered him up and cheered up the troops, and you were a critical catalyst in this, just as you were in Brexit.
You're amazing.
Thank you for joining us.
I know you're very busy, but that's as the EU has said.
They'll try to start a wider war to keep the EU.
Don't you think that's what part of this attempt to start World War III is about in Syria?
I think the globalists have wanted to have some form of conflict with Russia as an argument for us all to surrender our national sovereignty and give it up to a higher global level.
They've wanted it for years and now they see their opportunity and we must protect it.
Thank you so much Nigel Farage.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
So, imagine how successful you could be and how good it'd be for your family and the culture and the world if you knew what the big planetary powers, what the big megacorporations were planning.
Well, they think we're dumb animals, so they've all written books and thousands of white papers about what their plans have been, and they've been pretty much following them.
And Elon Musk has warned, they're bringing in a world government, they worship AI gods, and they plan on reducing the world population by 90%.
Now, we're about to enter the final phase.
There's been decisions at the highest levels to try to fight this, because it's so psychotic.
So, everybody might want to listen, because this is very important.
The key to understanding it, a Rosetta Stone, a keyhole through which we can look, is the great exodus out of America's blue cities and blue states, and how this is going to end.
Now, in the last segments, I broke down, if you just joined us, how big megacorporations fund communists getting into power in China, in Russia, in Venezuela, in Cuba.
They always put on acts like they're against it, but it's all been declassified.
Our government put Mao Zedong in in 49, on and on and on.
But without getting into the minutiae of history, it's a program where they get you socialist, then they get you dependent, then they threaten to withdraw it.
You then call for total socialism, a la Bernie Sanders.
You get it for a while.
Within five to ten years, things totally collapse.
But during that process,
The state is consolidating all the businesses, all the farms, all the factories.
Then when that finally goes belly up, the corporate fascists come in with the IMF and World Bank, quote, bail you out.
Terms and conditions where they put their people in charge of your country.
They leave the communists in charge of administration, but they don't call it communist.
And the corporate fascists are on top, getting 100% pure money with no taxes paid.
In fact, you pay them interest on the money you pay them.
Pull back from that.
Pull back from that.
Then pull back again.
And then ask, what's the endgame?
They get total control socially over you.
They don't let you have any middle class systems, so you're independent.
You're a slave.
You're controlled.
You owe your soul to the company store.
That's why they want a basic income trial.
It's to build independency.
You know, they got signs saying, don't feed the animals at the park.
Because they become obese, lazy, and stupid.
Prosperity makes monsters.
Adversity makes men.
So, here's the article out of The Hill.
I got another one here out of AP.
Similar headline.
The Great Exodus Out of America's Blue Cities.
And it's so big, it's been going on for decades.
The brain drain.
Workers, middle class, scientists, engineers, farmers, all fleeing
Leftist controlled areas, they don't care.
They build giant high-rise apartments, 250 square foot, rip off the third world populations that come in.
Third world populations work 10 hours a day, but then also have to get welfare just to live.
Now they're under government control.
Then they can be brainwashed and they can be turned into political weapons.
And that's the next phase.
We're a phase behind here in the U.S.
We're going into the socialism phase, the total domestication phase.
We're half the public's on the dole.
You've already seen it, what it's done in other countries, and then the fascist model come in after.
And so once they've got that socialist control, once they've got us domesticated, then they start exploiting.
You look at all the kingpins that push this.
Warren Buffet.
Every single one of these guys.
Promote socialism, collectivism, forced inoculation, public school control.
Gates calls it private corporate, but it's just a new form of public corporate school.
And then they can dictate how many kids you can have.
Then they can dictate how big a house you can have.
Germany's already passed laws years ago, no new single-family dwellings.
Canada says don't use the word mother or father, it's hurtful.
All this stuff we talked about a decade ago, people didn't believe, they thought, oh that's some crazy professor.
What they teach in the colleges, universally, globally, is what the corporations want.
And it's what they're deploying.
And to a man, and to a company, from Bezos and all the things he owns, to hundreds of big companies, from Alexa to Whole Foods to Zappos to Twitch to IMDB to
Workday to Grail and Domo and Juno and Twitter and everything else.
He pays no taxes.
He's international.
But they'll lecture you all day.
If you make $100,000, $200,000, $300,000 a year and you actually live in this country and you pay taxes at 40%, local, even more, you have almost none of your money, you're the bad guy.
But this guy, he's good because he funds Black Lives Matter.
Now he's got all these Chinese slave factories just like Apple, the very worst in the world.
But it's okay because he acts metrosexual.
Now with him, it's not a metrosexual thing.
He's a ravenous, vicious control freak.
Just a horrible, biggest swept shop owner in the country.
Probably in the world.
But they put on the act that they're wimps.
And that it's cool for other men to be wimps because that's who they want under them.
They don't want any chance at men standing up and leading us out of this.
And it's psychological warfare par excellence.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the rest of the story.
Then they bring in the total world government.
Then they bring in the carbon controls and the carbon calorie intake tracker systems.
We all have our little smartphones to track it.
And then they can just engineer us into the future with the 5G frying our brains, eating the GMO.
All the big liberal publications now say GMO's great, GMO's good, and every study causes massive cancers, deformities, gene drift.
It's designed to, and that's just the old technology.
And now all the new stuff's rolling out.
And I get up here and say, hey, there's chemicals in the water.
Here's the studies.
Shut up, racist!
Hey, they got human animal clones.
Here's the study.
20 years ago.
Doesn't exist, crazy man!
Even as it all rolls out, because I'm saying it's a bad idea, and explaining why, and saying transhumanism and transgenderism isn't about a man that wants to be a woman, that's always gone on, or vice versa, or men that have feminine tendencies, and females that have the, whatever, I don't hate any of you.
It's that you're being used as the test case, so that you can't criticize anything that's trans, because they're gonna put real replicants on the street, and you know they're already on the street.
They've had clones, Hitler was cloning rabbits.
Don't think we weren't.
We got the bomb quicker than Hitler did.
The U.S.
has the best scientists, period.
We've got the brain drain of the world.
We get everybody.
And the British Empire always had the jump on technology.
Now, continuing, ladies and gentlemen, they are now deploying this thing, and they're going to have these humanoids all over the place.
People are going to pay to have what they think are children, but it will be a humanoid.
And they already have the embryos, they've already announced, you know, oh the gay couple, we want to have a little boy or little girl that's our genetics.
It's not a human, it's a humanoid.
You cannot have
A homo sapien, if it doesn't, a woman and a man crossing, they can't even figure out how it exactly happens.
And again, the women have a separate set of DNA that activates and then engages in genetic selection in the zygote level to manifest dealing with cultural issues or threats in the current time space.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Good evening, everybody.
There's not even the same universe.
I mean, she is an abject psychopathic demon from hell.
People around her say she's so dark now and so evil and so possessed that they are having nightmares.
They're freaking out.
But they say, listen, Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur.
Whiskey bottles and brand new cars.
I have two words for you.
Let it rip, bro.
There's a guy on the radio.
He said he and Hillary are demons.
He said we smell like salt.
Ain't that something?
I'm not just being tacky.
Call me Margaret Mead of Samoa.
I have never seen or smelled anything like that.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones!
There's a lot of flies in here and the center is going to do something about these flies.
I knew they'd take the bait when I called.
Obama and Hillary, literal demons.
They reportedly do really smell bad a lot of the time, but that's just part of psychos not caring how they smell to other people, being so selfish they don't tend to themselves, reportedly.
But Hillary's always stunk really bad.
That's, I guess, a beatnik thing she's into.
But they are spiritually demons.
They're very bad people.
Obama experienced more wars than the last three presidents combined.
Back to Arab Spring, all those incredible crimes to destroy any
Sovereign, stable countries.
The globalists don't want anybody to have anything stable.
And that's where they want America to go.
They want to de-industrialize this country as well.
And in closing to what I was covering in the last segment, why can't Democrats, why can't the minions of this understand that Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote three books on the subject?
I read all three.
The Carol Quigley wrote two books on the subject, Tragedy and Hope and the Anglo-American Establishment.
I read both books.
I'd read a bunch of those by the time I was 16 years old.
I didn't read Tragedy and Hope until later.
Just couldn't get through it.
It's really academic, but I mean, I got what was there, but it was just a headache.
But basically, the CIA in the 60s and the State Department running it said,
We don't understand what's going on.
We're fighting communists, and we're fighting fascists, and we're fighting dictators, but we actually want them in.
But we tell the public we don't.
And he said, listen, you want to control both parties in every country, or all the parties in a parliamentary system, and you want it to look like there's fights on the surface.
But behind the scenes, grow the government, get rid of the middle class, transfer money offshore,
We're good to go.
They destroyed the plates, but then it got reverse engineered because government funding went into writing the book.
It's open source, though there's only one group that publishes it now.
That's the thing.
When I get some globalist professor or some trendy talk show host yelling at me and saying, oh, Jones has his opinion, Jones's this and that, oh, human clones, oh, gay frogs, oh, oh, world government, oh, oh, world government's all over the news.
And that's why they're out to get us, because we already, you as the listeners, as the activists, you already forced all this out in the open.
So our credibility is very, very high.
So they pick a few issues where they can twist what we said, or where we were wrong, if we're not perfect, and they turn it into this big, giant
Celebration of how bad I am, so that psychologically now they can take our victory and make me a symbol of failure, a symbol of fake news, and then go, George Soros isn't a Nazi, Alex Jones says so.
Or there's no world government, Alex Jones says so.
There's no chemicals in the water hurting wildlife, Alex Jones says so.
Even though it's all admitted, because we exposed it, they've got this alchemy where they take me and they make me the image of fake news to try to sell it, but it's not working.
So that's why Infowars is a battle now.
I had naively, years ago, thought that if we could trigger 1776 worldwide, point out the globalist authoritarian system, point out its master plan, point out how they have the process of domesticating us, making us poor for political and cultural control, towards the eugenics depopulation end, they've got to get full control of us first.
We're talking domestication, enslavement, by the very definition, by a scientific technological elite.
I mean, how many national security advisors, how many heads of universities write books about this?
And they think you're so stupid, they do it in public!
Because they thought nobody would organize to fight them.
They thought nobody would criticize them.
They thought nobody.
Well, I didn't build the plan.
I just rebooted the plan.
You rebooted the plan.
We built an audience.
We got Congress.
We got the military listening.
We got foreign governments listening.
And they already know what I'm saying is true.
And then we're just, how about we have renaissance?
How about we have Americana and free market globally?
And go to the stars.
That'll actually work great.
Instead of a big global collapse with a breakaway elite, and everybody else starving to death, and then exterminated.
A eugenics plan that predates Hitler?
Hitler was just an offshoot, a bad son as they called him?
You know a bad son is like a little tree that grows up out of its parent tree.
But it's not wanted in your yard.
You don't want to let it grow there.
You might dig one up and transplant it somewhere, but usually you just come over with a weed eater and cut them down.
Hitler was a bad son, but he was used very well to shift the power in the globe, break things up, and then allow a massive manifestation of force here in the name of fighting that, while the average American believed they were, while the deep state behind the scenes was putting China in power, propping up the Soviet Union, putting socialist revolutions in Latin America.
But if they didn't follow orders, then sending in... The whole paradigm is full-spectrum dominance, but not the full-spectrum dominance that you read about land, sea and air, cyberspace.
Land, sea, air, cyberspace, space, the mind, all major political movements, the major religious systems, the family,
The biology of humans under A.I.
sentient programming and control.
And in the darkness, bind them.
Everybody else read these books and decided to join this thing.
I didn't.
Ron Paul didn't.
Nizel Farage didn't.
Victor Orban didn't.
Klaus didn't.
A lot of other people didn't.
Vladimir Putin clearly didn't.
The Muslims are under their Islamic control over their masters.
And they are with it.
So it is the big tech companies, Hollywood, the globalists, the Democratic Party, a lot of the Republicans, the radical Islamists, the communist Chinese backing it all up, the EU globalists, the pedophiles, the Satanists, against what's left of America, Japan, South Korea, Christians all over the world, and the spirit of Americana.
Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Now, I'm not trying to kill everybody's hopes and dreams here.
Some people would say, hey, you're being negative.
Let's be positive.
It's the most positive thing you can do.
When you have organized, directed, overlord control, surveilling everything you do, controlling everything you do, admittedly to then take control of the environment, to engineer a post-human world.
Now again, back when I'd read that stuff 25 years ago, it was only in very elite journals.
Then a decade ago, gosh, it's already longer ago, 18 years ago, Bill Joy says, the future doesn't need us.
He goes to this big tech conference, 200 plus tech owners, bunch of millionaires.
And the consensus is, what do we do with the technocracy?
And do we just kill everybody?
Or just let them like, basically Wally,
Lay around in an AI system and have robots take care of them.
He said the decision was, we're going to kill you.
So, this is out of CNBC.
There's also an article in Business Insider.
16 parts of China are now using Skynet.
That's not the Terminator.
Remember I told you the Pentagon had a plan and I put it in my book, Descent into Tyranny, 2002.
I said there's a global grid of cameras and satellites and blimps that will track everything you do in real time.
Read my book.
And they call it Skynet.
And then they just condition you with these movies.
And the World Federation of Scientists got a secret document in 2000, they reclassified it at the request of the Marine Corps.
About how the main plan is, once the world government's put in place, if they allow humans to live, it will only be in virtual reality, and they'll basically kill you and upload your brain, or they're gonna put you in a tank at birth, and then you, and you, and your heat will power things.
You go, wait, that's the Matrix.
The Matrix is them conditioning you and preparing you.
And I know this sounds insane.
They're insane!
I'm not the one doing this!
I just warned you that, you know, half the frogs are sterile, and another third of those that aren't sterile are gay.
That's the... homosexuals, the word new scientists used a decade ago.
But they don't want you to know that, so they just say, Jones says the frogs are gay!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Doesn't matter if it's on PBS or Democracy Now!, just ha ha ha, that bigot!
David Hogg goes on C-SPAN and says, so what if there's more gay people?
That's good!
Do-do-do-do, it's not about if it's good to be gay or not, it's about it's being done artificially.
But 16 parts of China are now using Skynet, the facial recognition tech, that can scan the country's entire population in a second, and the entire world population currently in two seconds, once it's in place.
And you have a global social score already in China,
Where if you don't dress nice, aren't polite, everything will be downgraded.
Then there'll be more and more you've got to do to comply with the all-seeing eye.
It's an attempt at building God.
As Ray Kurzweil, the head of Google Futurist Development Program said more than 20 years ago, I don't believe in God yet.
And there is a race to be that God.
I will be that God.
A bunch of crazy people going, I'm gonna be a god!
No, I'll be!
It's my lagnar!
No, it's mine!
No, it's mine!
Oh, yes!
Meanwhile, behind the facade of this innocent-looking media matters, George Soros, the Nazi collaborator, is all in the catbird seat for the big plan.
And the globalists have told me, off-record,
They're emissaries.
One on record, the head of the Kissinger Group at the time.
John Harmon was a witness to it, and the guy did not say it off record, so I talked about it.
He said, just come on up here to New York, Alex.
You're going to love it.
It's a good plan.
You need to be with us.
You're in the super class.
And you can lead this whole movement.
And you can have input.
And I said, nope.
He said, well, I just think you're crazy.
I don't think, you're just crazy.
You know, I came on here so we could talk and I could give you this offer.
Okay, fine, whatever, you know.
What, I don't want a world government where the elite think they're going to kill everybody?
Uh, yeah, it doesn't sound too good.
And then their argument's always, well, look at the dumb public.
They hate you.
You'll never help them.
They're not going to care about you.
And see, that's the thing.
Even if the public are a bunch of greedy, stupid, dumbed-down, selfish people on average, I'm not signing on to knowingly poison people, dumb them down, so I can sit up in a palace on top of a mountain of skulls, and hang around with a bunch of you weirdo globalists.
Because I can tell you one thing, you're not going to become AI, you're not going to become a god, you're crap.
And the Communist Chinese are a bunch of wicked, evil control freaks.
We shouldn't be building this!
We shouldn't be putting this in!
We shouldn't be doing it!
The 5G is hundreds of times stronger than the earlier systems.
It will fry you!
It will kill you!
And they'll have 6G!
And 10G!
And 100G!
Because you know, you don't want to wait 30 seconds to download a two-hour movie on 4G.
You gotta have it in a millisecond and show it off to your buddies, even though it's killing you!
And as I said in all the studies, old-fashioned cell phones cause heart attacks because they manipulate and trigger the cells that are in the heart, that are electrochemical, that fire the heart.
That's why they're associated with heart attacks and heart cancer.
Something that didn't even really exist before.
It's very rare.
This is all in L.A.
Times now, but see, they're telling you, now that it's ubiquitous, it's okay to tell you.
Now that it's already on every street corner, it's alright.
And right around the corner, they're about to announce the humanoids.
Oh, and they're gonna have rights, of course.
They're going to work for the corporations and they're going to have back doors.
They're going to be programmed.
Genetically programmed.
With the exact traits they want.
And it's going to be so sexy and so cool and everyone's going to want to have them.
There'll be a choreographed mob scene where some bad thugs beat up and kill a beautiful young female humanoid named Lexi or something.
They'll be a bit compacted.
Oh, we've got to accept them.
That means accept what the engineers make and do.
And it's game over.
Doors blown wide open.
And they're going to make it where we can't have children.
And we've got to go to the government.
Because the genes and the eggs and the sperm are so fried.
This is all on record already.
Children of men, you'll have to go to them to have your child, but it won't be a child under agreements and compacts.
There'll be certain attitudinal adjustments and things that are done and, you know, oh, yes, we're going to splice your genetics, but how about all this?
It's all just done so easy.
You're against two women having a child and splicing their genetics?
You're against two men?
What, are you a homophobe?
You're like, no, actually, that's not a human.
You've got to have a man and a woman.
Oh, shut up.
There's no chromosomal differences.
Next she'll tell us there's gay frogs.
And it's all ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Custody and killed for their organs.
Oh, the left all like Buddhism and yoga and they all wear their little shaman beads and they're all part of their trendy cool exercise cults and everyone's bouncing beach balls and they'll go into Vegas.
Oh, Alex Jones is a troublemaker.
Let's be positive, vote for Winfrey.
Anthony Robbins.
And I'm not knocking Robbins, he has a lot of good points, but it's this, yes, the most positive thing I can do
Is be a information warfare suicide bomber.
The only person that dies is me.
The only one that gets killed or destroyed or demonized or hung up there upside down and across is me.
And you know what?
I'm not doing it because I'm a martyr or I'm a saint.
I'm smart.
And I've read their writings.
And now it's all out in the open.
And this is an anti-human murderous plan that makes Hitler look like an angel.
And you know what, humanity?
You've been warned.
And if you don't care, and if you don't pull out of this, and if you don't say no, God don't have wireless in your house.
Take the cell phones away from your kids.
I know, I even have trouble.
We're already so deep in the bacon grease, folks.
They're talking about how the cell phones track you in live time with their cameras and know your emotions and report it back to the Chinese government.
Remember the Apple apps years ago already had them on the phone where it knows you're sleeping, your heart rate, when you're not even holding the thing.
It's a robot!
Hooked into the entire global government, watching everything you do in real time in their admission!
I haven't plugged in two hours.
You know what?
I'm not even going to plug today.
X2's selling out.
May never be able to get it again.
Super Bowl XI, 50% off, whatever.
People need to flood us with capital because I'm under attack.
I need to expand the face of this.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
I want to just put bookends on what I was just covering a moment ago.
The casino gulag is what the Internet's about.
And having Twitter, Facebook, Google let you spread your information, let you communicate with people, is a social control they have where if you're not a good little globalist, they don't let you spread your information.
When you're a good little globalist, they let you spread it.
And that's the Chinese global social score that even the Wall Street Journal admits is now being adopted worldwide.
We first told you about it five years ago when it was first announced.
Tomorrow's news today.
And so that's where all this is going.
People have already, most people have already sold out just to be able to have more social interaction on the internet.
So imagine as they get more control over us, they're going to engineer more and more.
But first, false flags are important.
Cool weapons in Syria at least 52 times, UN report says, New York Times.
Now remember, they're telling you unanimously on CNN and Fox News that Assad used chemicals with no proof.
We have breaking news out of Syria this morning.
There's new video from Eastern Ghouta, that's a suburb of Damascus, showing several people Syrian activists say were attacked with a suspected chemical agent.
Information that we have is that apparently around 8.30 last night a helicopter, this is according to rebel and opposition media sources, a helicopter from the Syrian government apparently dropped some sort of improvised explosive device called a barrel bomb.
And then after that happened, many people in that eastern Ghouta region, specifically the neighborhood of Douma, came down with respiratory problems.
And that's also shortly afterwards that we found or got those videos that then came out of those people with those respiratory problems, of doctors trying to help them, and in general what seemed to be a panic in that area.
Now this is just out today by Zero Hedge, linking to the website.
of the OPCW, the Western U.S.-European-backed Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Organization.
The Organization of Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
They said that they were blocked by rebels shooting at them, not the Russians that invited them in.
And that they are collating data to see who launched the chemical attack.
And in previous reports, just like the U.N., they have said that it was the rebels launching the chemical attacks, not Assad.
Yeah, you can look at motive.
Assad's won.
The Russians are pulling out.
The U.S.
is pulling out.
Why would you nerve gas 50 civilians?
It's amazing.
But meanwhile, ISIS threatens satanic CNN, the Federal Reserve, Universal Studios, and NASA.
So now when there's attacks, you see, on Hollywood and the rest of it, oh see, Hollywood are good guys.
People always ask, why don't the terrorists, why don't they always target some random federal building, or always target some Christian church?
Why don't they ever target the Federal Reserve or UN?
Well, now we've got big color photos put up by ISIS showing them shooting at CNN, even though CNN backed the Arab Spring.
They backed the ISIS attacks.
They've backed the whole takeover.
Obama backed ISIS invading and stood down and funded them.
Hillary did.
Barack Obama is to blame for the rise of ISIL.
He has dismantled the ability to defend this country.
I'm not going to telegraph in any specifics what we would do in the event of
Credible evidence that the Assad regime has resorted to using chemical weapons against their own people.
But suffice it to say, we are certainly planning to take action if that eventuality were to occur.
But now you see they're fighting him.
For TV viewers, let's do a document cam shot and I can show folks the entire shot.
There it is.
With a so-called ISIS fighter with a heavy machine gun shooting at the Federal Reserve.
And CNN.
Comparison between an ISIS recruits journey and that of Luke Skywalker, researchers say, is uncanny.
So now, you see them lining up the false flags against those groups to make them victims, just like the feds bombed Oklahoma City in 1995.
I've interviewed the witnesses, the police officers, everybody involved.
We know exactly how they did it, and I stand by that.
Well, the media never challenges me on saying Oklahoma City was a false flag.
Because they know, they know who was involved.
They know who covered it up.
They know exactly what happened.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host Alex Jones.
And we are seeing political correctness just get more and more insane.
Again, I'm your host Alex Jones.
We have our guest, Sheba.
We're going to be going to, here in just a moment, Sheba4Senate.com.
Real Indian running against Senator Elizabeth Warren sues AFTERCITY, tells him to stop calling her fake Indian.
So, Shiva Ayodhya Ray is our guest, and it isn't just about him running for Senate, or the fact that he's the type of person we need in the U.S.
Senate, and he's a libertarian conservative patriot, it's that she is such a fraud.
The Native American groups have said that she is not part of the tribes they claim, that she could simply release her ancestry with a genetic test, but you notice she doesn't.
And it doesn't matter, the point is she's just a fraud.
Her policies are what really matters.
You know, she supported Trump bombing Syria, the one thing I'm mad at Trump about.
She's bad news.
A self-described real Indian who is running against Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren is suing city officials, demanding they not take down his signs.
But they're saying you're not allowed to call her a fake Indian.
That's mean!
So now if it's a Democrat, you can't be mean in politics.
How many times has Twitter taken down congressmen and women's re-election video ads that they run on their own Twitter accounts?
The Democrats can't.
It's a solid wall of censorship.
So hopefully if he gets in the U.S.
Senate, he can help put a stop to that.
I'll also get his take as an engineer and an Internet expert.
They're claiming that the head of the FCC has ended net neutrality and is killing the Internet.
But the way I read it is Obama was killing the free Internet with his net neutrality package, calling it net neutrality.
It's all semantical games, and we've just gone back to what we had.
He's calling it the Internet Freedom Act.
So we'll talk about that right now with our guest, and again, it is
Comparative that Dr. Shiva get into office, but first let's just get into the Censorship that we're dealing with this is this is becoming outrageous So Doc tell us how this began and the current state of the campaign and what happened to your powerful posters
So, Alex, it's a very, very interesting set of events.
The bottom line is, you know, I own a building in Cambridge.
I actually pay about $70,000 a year in property taxes, so it's not cheap.
And we have about, you know, 70 to 80 parking spots there.
Back in March of last year, Alex, our team of, you know, local citizens, local workers, took an old school bus and they refurbished it.
And we had it parked in one of the front set of parking lots.
And it had the slogan, you know, Shiva for Senate, be the light.
And that was fine.
Two months later, in June of 2017, that slogan then changed to Shiva for Senate, fight for America.
March of this year, Alex, after that bus has been out there for almost, you know, close to a year, before the St.
Patrick's Day parade where millions showed up, by the way, who loved our bus, loved the slogan, you can see it online, people are cheering us.
On March 17th, 2018, we decided to change the slogan to, only the real Indian can defeat the fake Indian, with that very powerful meme with a picture of me and a picture of Warren.
Now everyone can see it.
And that went viral.
Literally two weeks after that, we get a letter from the city of Cambridge saying that if we do not remove that slogan, we will be fined $300 a day.
And obviously, they had no problem with the two other messages, so it's clearly political bias, and it's clearly trying to censor speech and trying to control speech.
Because of the power of that slogan, Alex, is what they want to control.
I mean, we have people stopping by the building.
50,000 people pass by.
People take pictures of that sign.
Because at the heart of it, Alex, it hits at a very, very deep sentiment, which is the entire process not only of Elizabeth Warren, who's obviously a fake Indian, you know, I sent her three DNA tests, I pioneered that, she returned them, refused them, and I take full credit for her jumping out of the presidential race because we've destroyed her credibility.
But the heart of that slogan is it also exposes the deep state and all of these fake career politicians, or all of them are fake, Alex, and that is why the city has done this.
It's not just a building code violation.
In fact, the ridiculous thing is there's no signage on the building.
It's not a moving vehicle on a bus.
So that's a background on this, Alex.
And I think it's an amazing opportunity, because think about what Cambridge represents.
This is where all the liberal elites are.
This is in the cradle of Massachusetts, which was the cradle of the American Revolution.
What better place to defeat these guys right at the Death Star, that's what I call it, or the sewer that feeds the Washington swamp.
That's right.
And again, Dr. Shiva Iyeray, I'm teleprompter free and sometimes I go cattywampus.
He invented email, not the internet.
We all know that was Al Gore.
We all know it wasn't U.S.
and British scientists, it was Al Gore.
He invented email.
Not electronic messaging, the email, inbox, outbox, that's what I did.
So I don't want to take credit for something I didn't, but I invented email, the system as we know it.
And in fact, even in that story, or the truth of that story, Alex, it's fascinating to see how the military-industrial complex at Deep State reacts, right?
So they are all out, and the media is all out, to defend Elizabeth Warren on this issue.
They don't want to discuss it.
They want to call me a racist.
By the way, on the invention of email, they try to flip it the other way.
But the fact is it's absolute truth because the fact is the invention of email didn't come out of the military industrial complex.
It was invented by an American boy in Newark New Jersey.
So at the heart of all of what we're saying Alex and I think the power of the slogan is that it's really reflecting the hypocrisy of the deep state and that's why they want to stop it.
And think of
Don't worry about it.
We're right in the center of Cambridge, Massachusetts, where Harvard is, where Elizabeth Warren's backyard is.
And by the way, Harvard is a $40 billion hedge fund.
It's not a university.
It's actually a fake university that makes, you know, billions from investment.
So is UT.
They're no longer universities.
And they want to just hamstring their classes with political correctness and mental illness so they never think that they got worthless degrees when they leave.
And most of these kids, by the way, if you come down to the real issues we're addressing in Massachusetts, you know, you have for every 17 skilled jobs, only one person is skilled.
So you're producing a bunch of people with degrees who actually have no skills.
And, you know, at the other part of... And they're meant to be plugged into the whole...
A new social system that that small percentage, the brain bugs, know about with their special PhDs to then control all these dysfunctional people that don't have a future.
They're creating a permanent, dependent class, not just of welfare recipients, but of educated idiots.
And that's their admitted plan.
I think educated idiots is the right word for it.
And, you know, think about where we are.
A mile from where the bus is, is Elizabeth Warren's home.
It's where Harvard Law School is.
All of these major universities are here.
So we're not going to let this go because that's where we're going to fight.
We're not going to give the city one penny.
And anyone listening out there, you know, be a part of this.
This is a huge historic opportunity to help us.
Because, you know, people think a D or a Democrat or a Republican is what fights for us.
That's the machinery.
You know, we're running as independents, and our thing is to really declare our independence as Americans and take back our country.
Well, regardless, you've already been real successful with your companies in the background.
People look it up.
You get the credit for email.
There are already some similar systems, but you codified it, developed a system that worked better.
You get the credit.
And it just shows they don't want to give anybody any credit.
We need entrepreneurs.
We need doctors.
We need scientists.
We need farmers.
We need engineers in Congress, not 80% lawyers.
We do not need more lawyers.
You've got 90% lawyers, and you actually think about it, and none of these guys really understand the future, right?
That's why they need all these political consultants.
That's why they need to raise all this money.
They're blind.
They're culturally blind.
They're basically stupid guys who got in because the only thing they know how to do, Alex, they know how to manipulate.
They know how to manipulate the system.
That's what they, they have zero skills.
You know, our entire platform is built on three things.
Clean government, term limits.
Let's handcuff these guys.
Let's get rid of the lobbyists.
You know, when we talk about real health, it's about we need real food.
Like you said, we need more farmers.
We need more organic food.
We need lower cost organic food, locally grown, not Amazon, not, you know, industrialized organic food.
And then when you go to actually think about real jobs, we need more vo-tech schools.
You know, when we say a real Indian defeats a fake Indian, all of us
Well, they're really scared of you.
I'd love it if you got in the Senate, but regardless, you're getting a lot of word out.
Spreading the word.
I know you're looking good in some of the polls, but you're bold to be doing this.
Again, Dr. Shieva will be right back on the other side of this break.
I'm Alex Jones, Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
If he's got time to stay, we'll open the phones up and he can take your questions.
We'll also talk about some of the big issues in the news.
Stay with us.
It was about 25 years ago that I began to read publicly available
Books that have been written for the State Department and for the CIA by top professors at Georgetown, Harvard, and Yale.
So that the CIA and other agencies could understand the complex political system they were building.
And in short, it was going to be called a technocracy.
But it was going to fund communism and socialism and fascism.
But really what it was was crony capitalism.
So decades later, after fighting against this, humanity is somewhat awake to the threat.
But at the same time, despite all our successes, changing this paradigm really is an inside job.
It's up to us personally.
So, I don't feel sorry for myself being demonized by mainstream media and being attacked and the globalists filing frivolous lawsuits.
I expected that to happen.
This is 21st century warfare.
I just wanna make sure that you, the listeners, and you, the viewers, many of you already understand this, so I'm not patronizing those of you that are already awake, but I wanna make sure all of you realize this isn't just some more entertainment.
This isn't just some other talking head.
The reason they hate what we cover is because I and others have researched what they actually are planning, and it is nightmarish, it is authoritarian, it is eugenics-based, it is anti-human.
And we've already come so far together
Then I know that if each and every one of you will just go research these issues for yourself, you will find out how real it is and understand it's not your duty.
It is your basic survival to stand up against this anti-human onslaught.
If you go back into history, it was 3% that volunteered for the Revolutionary War back in 1776.
But if you look at the Infowars audience, it's maybe 10% of the United States.
Another 10% or so worldwide.
That's a conservative estimate.
But we have 50, 60, 70 million people listening.
We have more than that that have tuned in over the years.
The point is, is that if you look at that, that's less than 3% of the world population.
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So thank you all for remembering InfoWorksStore.com, and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is our guest, and I gotta say... Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I gotta say, I've seen him on a lot with Owen.
He's one of Owen's favorite guests.
And I've probably had him on 5 or 6 times myself, but I've also watched some of his other videos.
He would be a great member of the Senate.
He's got a great record.
He doesn't really brag about it, because I brought up him inventing the email.
We all know it was Al Gore, but on the Internet, that's a joke.
He had nothing to do with it.
It was invented decades before by British and U.S.
scientists, on record.
But Dr. Shiba has done so many other great things, and I want to get his view on the world.
I want to take your calls on any issues that we've already brought up today.
On Kanye West, blowing a hole, as many have pointed out, in political correctness, and the fact that they're freaking out in America, that he isn't allowed to support Trump, and point out how racism is useful for control.
I live in the real world.
I'm a white guy.
Okay, and I've been around the world too.
You talk about racism, you talk about classism, it's much worse in other parts of the world.
And I'm a white guy, and I know that people want to hang out with who's cool, who's funny, who's smart, who's successful.
That's the modern society.
And you get around successful groups of people, there's every color and every group, and everybody just has a great time.
It's the media and the working class trying to keep them in the working class, trying to make them think this is all going on so they have chips on their shoulder so they're controlled.
And I'm not patronizing here.
A lot of my friends are.
Americans of Indian descent, and I do business, a lot of folks, some of my friends are Indian doctors, and they're smart, they're funny, they get America, and I have Indian Americans more than anybody of any group come up to me when I'm on vacation or on the street or the hike and bike trail and just hug me and oh we love you and we love Trump and you know, hold on, you're gonna do it, we're gonna make the country great again.
They get it, and it's a paradox because it seems like Indians
Uh, who've been in America for a generation or two.
They, and people that are here new, seem to get libertarian Americana better than Americans do, who've been here for ten generations.
And I just wonder what it is about Indians.
I don't want to, you know, get into these issues, but I just, from an anthropology and a sociology perspective, maybe you can explain that to me, Doctor.
Well, you know, Alex, it's a great question.
Look, India is a very, very old culture, right?
India is a country within countries.
But one of the guiding themes within India, Alex, is India is an indigenous culture.
And indigenous cultures were self-organizing systems, which means they were decentralized.
If you think before the
British came to India and still even in fact today, 87% of India's small villages, you know, small local governance.
When a lot of Westerners go to India, they can't understand how India operates.
It looks completely disorganized, completely chaotic, but it still works.
You see, this centralized form of government, which colonialism imposed or globalism, that's about control.
By people like Elizabeth Warren or the establishment Republicans or Democrats is, we know better, you don't.
And the reality is, I know you know better, you know you know better.
By the time you get up in the morning and you go to bed in the evening, Alan, think about all the freaking decisions that you make, right?
What to wear, what to do, what to eat.
We don't need the government telling us what to do.
And that's probably at the heart of all indigenous cultures.
Viking cultures, Celtic cultures, Native American cultures.
We're all real Indians at the heart of it, right?
These fake Indians want to impose their centralized model on us.
And that's part of the theme here, right?
And really, that's it.
The U.S.
got away from the British.
We made mistakes in some of the same stuff.
Indians from India were under the very same empire.
That's why they're so similar.
Yeah, I mean, Indians had to think about what's going on in the 1700s.
Americans were breaking with the British in 1776.
British were getting a new beachfront.
1657, the Battle of Plassey takes place.
That's why the British went to India.
So they were fighting two battles.
So they let go of America in some sense and started exploiting India.
But the bottom line is, at the heart of most Indians, and you know, you have... Well, that shows your great understanding of history.
A lot of folks don't know that was Britain's big two-front war, which they didn't want to fight again after that.
That's one reason there was so much more money, gold, power, spice, silk, everything out of India, that they turned off the United States, because we held them off for six years, because India was there.
And if India wasn't fighting at that time, the British would have stayed here.
And if you look at the history of India, it's fascinating.
You know, when I look at Indian history, what's very interesting to note is that India had the establishment, which was a British colonialist.
India had an amazing revolutionary movement, which was actually burgeoning around the 1920s, which was, hey, let's also, like the Americans did, kick out the British and have a good revolution.
And that's when they parachuted in a guy like Gandhi, okay?
Gandhi, in many ways, allowed white men with crowns to leave, and the new deep state of brown men with white hats to take over.
Modi, who's a near... I mean, he's not perfect by any means, but the new Prime Minister of India was the first breakage after 70 years of that colonial... And explain how they pulled out the old colonialism, but then brought in the globalism, where the flag is no longer British or globalist, but exactly you've got corporate puppeteers controlling.
That's what I covered in the last hour.
So what happened was, see, the British actually wanted to leave India by 1940.
It was becoming too much of an overhead administration, right?
So what they did was they got a bunch of puppet guys, right?
Again, when I say brown men with white hats, to run India for them.
It's like, you know, when Procter & Gamble, initially they send the American over there, then they find the local guys to control the workers there.
That's what happened.
And in fact,
If you look at the head of Microsoft and the head of Google, here you have these two Indian guys.
They're basically, in my view, neocolonialists, right?
They, you know, so it's the same model that the globalists do in a different way.
So the kinds of people that you've come across, these are everyday immigrants who came from India.
They recognize the power of this country.
They value the immense value this country offers, which is based on meritocracy, rule of law, and hard work.
And the globalists, as you call them, what I call the imperialists, want to bring that to a decentralized, centralized model.
And they want to put everyone on plantations.
You just mentioned Kanye West, right?
The Nation, you know, the elite liberal newspaper, just called me a racist.
They put me on a map and they said, this guy's a racist.
It's incredible.
Calling me a racist, Guy Griffiths is unacceptable.
And then Tom Arnold tells black conservative women that they need to suck, you know what, Candace Owens.
It's just vicious.
Imagine if libertarians or conservatives, we said that, at another angle.
We're at a historic point, Alex, because everyday people are waking up and they want to get off the plantation.
The centralized form of governance is to keep people on welfare, is to keep people on plantation, keep people unskilled.
And that's what the Republicans have done, be it in Massachusetts or anywhere in this country.
That's fundamentally what they've done.
And they want to continue that, but people are waking up, you know, shows like yours, our campaign here, are busting them right where it needs to be done.
And that's why, you know, we need to defend the bus.
We're not going to, we're going to actually escalate this.
Anyone listening, if you want magnetic stickers, you know, for your vehicle, Real Indian, Fake Indian, we're going to be offering that.
But we got to get the heart of this out there that people need to organize independently.
They need to take control of their lives, you know, their own health.
You know, one big pillar of our platform is real health.
Elizabeth Warren voted for the Monsanto Protection Act, which means you and I cannot sue Monsanto anymore.
That's what she did.
She voted against GMO labeling.
We know that ultimately, food is medicine, right?
That's where we get real health from.
The other piece of it is, they've also eliminated the local healer, right?
In old systems of government, right?
Old indigenous systems, you had the local healer.
We've gotten rid of around 200,000 family practitioners.
Yeah, you had apothecaries in every culture that had better track record.
Dr. Shiva is our guest.
We'll be back.
We'll tell you how to get involved in his campaign.
I'll give the number out and take your phone calls.
This is critical.
I'm gonna cover something super critical when we come back.
Stay with us.
One of the reasons that your audience is so awakened and so able to process information is because your health products actually greatly enhance neurological and cognitive function.
This is something that I've been noticing that, you know, people who live on junk foods and processed foods and take medications and go in and out of the pharmacy, they're dumbed down and they're easy for the globalists to control.
You get on turmeric, like your body's product, and you've got the nootropics and all these other products.
What happens is people, it takes a couple of months, but all the clouds start clearing out of their heads, the cobwebs go away, and they start being able to see with clarity what's happening in the world.
Like, you're giving people the information to wake them up, and the nutrition to wake them up.
I mean, the brain's a physical organ.
The brain has to physically and biochemically work before the brain can process the information that you're downloading to people.
Here's my problem.
When I do take the bodies and the exituant things, I'm already so crazed and focused that then I see everything so clear I tend to get mad.
I know.
I have the same issue.
Neurological disorders are exploding.
IQs are dropping.
People are in trance-like states.
This is an incredible time to be alive, and I'm glad you mentioned that, because bodies have just come back in.
It's 25% off, and this has a 95 curcumin in level.
We went out to the top labs.
We want the strongest concentrate.
Of it out there, and Mike, you've tested the products, you've studied the products, you've looked at the products.
You were saying that you really like bodies and you think it's a top of the line turmeric product, and there's so much research on turmeric.
It's just incredible.
This is the product that I like the most in your store because turmeric and curcuminoids have the most universal positive effect on the body and the mind.
Now, your product is an extract.
And we've done heavy metals testing on all the turmeric products.
We've done over a thousand foods and supplements through our lab using ICPMS mass spec testing.
When you do the extract, it leaves all the heavy metals behind.
The heavy metals stay in the root.
So the turmeric root has lead in it.
Some lead.
Well, that's another reason.
Left behind.
The top lab we ended up using to make this said that.
They said, listen, you want to go with the more expensive extract anyways.
Because then you can't pass the metals testing if you don't.
So anyway, what I really noticed was that it's this combination that you're providing people the information to awaken them and the nutrition.
Because if you're living on junk foods, folks, you're not going to be able to wake up and process the information.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
It's The Alex Jones Show.
Dr. Shiva Ayodhya Rai is our guest.
VASheva.com, Sheba4Senate.com.
We've got to get him up more often.
All these great guests, like Candace Owens.
I'm like, it's been four months.
She's been on.
I want her on like every week.
Everybody's so busy.
So much is going on.
So many great people out there.
When you sit here and you think about this,
The left knows what they're doing.
They consciously create dependent groups at different levels, different caste systems.
And this has happened throughout cultures, royalty in Europe, India has done the same thing.
And that's one reason, I guess, Indian Americans I know recognize the globalists are bringing their own system in, where again, you've got a giant working class that's kept poor on purpose, that you've got universities by design giving most people worthless degrees that you need to
Work within the system the university's built to even have a future, so that expands that system, because then you lobby for that.
These are self-perpetuating systems that attack free market.
And now there's big articles in AP, The Hill, you name it, the great exodus out of America's blue cities.
The toll-free number to join us to talk about any of these issues or to ask any questions of our guests, 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539, questions for our guests.
It can be a lot of different questions.
Or comments, but for our guests.
But let me ask you this question.
Doc, looking at this historically.
Every blue city is going bankrupt.
Every blue state is falling apart.
They're bringing in unskilled illegal aliens from all over the world.
China exploits the U.S.
More Chinese women now come in than Mexicans combined.
And CNN's happy about it.
They have like a travel advisory I saw two years ago to China showing a Chinese woman pushing a baby stroller and it said at the top,
The biggest group immigrating is Chinese women.
They come, they're middle class.
They come from some of those wealthy families, but they're spin thrifts.
So they come and they have a baby.
They come about a month before they have a baby on a travel visa.
They come, they have the baby, everything's paid for.
Then they have a baby that's a citizen, and they get welfare in the U.S.
But really live and shine.
Mexico says, you be nice and you take them.
But Mexico doesn't take any of those people.
And I'm not trying to help those people, but everybody knows bringing in giant third world unskilled populations will implode things if the government has a policy to do that on purpose and politically turn them into their minions.
And so that's why this is so bad.
What would you do in the U.S.
And where do you think this blue state, blue city collapse is going?
Because as you know, just like there's a brain drain
Out of countries around the world that are falling apart or a third world because they had bad leadership, people didn't come here from countries, you know, who are smart but never had a chance.
They become successful.
They become millionaires, billionaires.
Someone who's been through that experience, what do you predict is going to happen here?
Because the left wants dependent dumbed-down masses.
They destroy an area like Detroit.
They move on.
But like carrion locusts, the people that have eaten California to the bone are now coming here.
Where do you think this is going?
Well, Alex, you bring up a lot of historical things.
So, look, you brought up the caste system.
Let me answer this in a sort of a historical, because I always look at history, right?
Yeah, absolutely.
Run by the intellectual elite, basically created this hierarchical caste system.
It was a very centralized form.
By the 1600s, believe it or not, that caste system was dwindling away, which a lot of people do not know, even within India.
When the British came, instead of imposing British law in India, which they knew people would revolt, guess what they did?
They dug up pre-8th century Indian law, and they imposed that.
So they essentially re-imposed the caste system in India.
So that's but the point is the centralization of power is what they did in the United States.
I think, you know, we have a caste system here and that caste system is based on the educated elite, you know, in the one mile radius down over here where, you know, down in Cambridge, the Harvard elite.
And if you think about it, Harvard Law School, Harvard Business School, Harvard Medical School.
You know, it should be busted up, right?
These guys essentially get together, and they create the laws, and they create the entire narrative about how this country should be done, and how much they're smarter than all of us.
So we have a neocast system in America, whether people want to agree with it or not.
Oh, that's what political correctness is, is a new dark age.
This is conscious authoritarianism.
How do we counter it?
Right, so the number one way to counter it is, first of all, we need to go back to, you know, the principles of what this country was set up for, the rule of law.
We have the First Amendment, we have the Second Amendment, two very important amendments.
The deep state has created so many problems now, Alex, they don't even know how to solve it, right?
So when it comes to immigration, the way that they want to solve it is to essentially ensure illegal immigration so they can get votes.
It's a complex system.
And keep a permanent underclass as well.
So they can get votes.
So the way you solve it, if we really want to solve it, we need a wall, right?
We need to follow immigration policy.
My parents came here in 1970 on merit-based immigration.
They had to submit their resume, their reference letter.
It was an honor to come here.
My dad came first.
We had to wait almost a year, and then we came.
It was not like everyone got to come.
So number one, we need a wall.
We need solid immigration policy.
Second thing is we need to really address the fact that we don't have skilled labor in this country.
You know, we create racism.
We pit poor whites against poor blacks.
And that's done in very conscious way by the establishment, deep state of Republicans and Democrats.
They do this consciously.
Solution to that is we need to have more vo-tech schools.
We need to educate people with actual skills.
So we have skilled labor here.
What they've done, Alex, is purposely put people on the plantation here, dumbed them down.
And so they say, look, we don't have enough skilled labor.
And so they have to import in illegal immigrants.
That's what made us dominant was that we got
Hard-working, the best minds, you know, all the real diversity.
And that was the values of this country.
You had to work hard.
Look, my mom, you know, said in India you could get discriminated nine different ways.
In America, three.
But if you worked hard enough, you could even overcome that.
You know, people forget there's something called hard work.
Hard work is not a bad thing.
It's a good thing.
We have trained a whole generation of people not to work hard, not to value excellence, not to value skills.
And the politicians love that because they don't have skills, they don't value excellence, and they want to essentially get into power by manipulating people and staying there as long as they want.
And let's talk about lawyers.
It's gotten so weird now.
They follow these 70-page old...
Well, lawyers, look at their model, business model.
Their business model is that they bill hourly, right?
And basically, they want you to have a problem as long as possible.
That's why lawyer lobbyists in Washington do not want to solve a problem.
You know, when I deliver a product, if it doesn't work, they're not going to pay my invoice.
And that's why they hate Trump so much, because he gets in and despite the obstructionism, everything starts turning around.
Yeah, I mean, look, Donald Trump's win in 2016 was historic, right?
And we don't know what level of 4D, 5D, 6D level chess he's got to play in there.
You know, like you, I did not like the bombing of Syria.
Anyone who looks at Syria knows Assad is not our enemy.
Russia is not our enemy.
Who's our real enemy is the Saudis and the Qataris and these guys who want to put a pipeline in there.
And they want to essentially get us involved in supporting their, you know... Well, that's another thing that folks from India know about.
What is it?
The number's about 140 million Indians who weren't Muslims, because the Muslims invaded over the last thousand years.
The Mughals, the Mughals, yeah.
140 million, 140 million Hindus and other Indians have been killed.
Is that an accurate number?
Yep, over the years.
I mean, and you think about 9-11, right?
You think about, essentially, look, in 1970 we moved to the petrodollar, right?
Our economy became dependent on oil.
And now China's coming involved, and they actually want to change the reserve currency to their currency.
So, in some ways, Saudi Arabia has some leverage here, and we've got to be very, very concerned about that.
And that's why they want us to go invade Syria.
I mean, the chemical attacks in Syria, I mean, it's a longer story than we all know.
It's just such an angled thing about how many Americans have to be Indian like Trump because they get the issue about the most radical forms of Islam we can't bring in here.
I mean, they're all killing each other.
It's a terrible thing.
I'm sad for the Muslims, but my God, who would import something like this?
Well, look, the bottom line is the deep state wants race war.
They want fundamentalism.
I mean, think about fundamentalist religions as an overall.
They're centralized systems.
They love centralized systems.
And that's why the globalists love Islam.
It's centralized.
We'll be back.
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This lawsuit is an assault on the First Amendment right to free speech.
It isn't just about myself, but it's about every single American who exercises their right to say what they think about what they see reported in the media and by the government.
If Mr. Gilmour wins, Brennan Gilmour, we will lose that right.
If Soros wins,
The literal Nazi collaborator that has overthrown all these other countries, if he wins with all his paychecks he sends out, then this will be the repeal of the First Amendment by fiat.
What it is is propaganda.
50, 60, 70, 80 page filings that then defame myself, the First Amendment, President Trump, you name it.
Where they just say all these horrible things that aren't true, things that we never said, knowing that they are protected in defamation inside the court.
The dying corporate media then picks it up and goes out and puts it out as gospel, and then calls for Infowars as a precedent-setting case to be deplatformed.
So, they've told us.
We don't like you putting out different talking points, different ideas than what the Soros Democratic Party funded media wants.
And that's the real sin of Infowars.
This really is an attack on the First Amendment.
And if that falls, everything else falls.
That's not just rhetoric.
That they're trying to overturn the First Amendment.
My God.
This is like Orwellian.
I'm force-fed.
I'm trying to eat a steak at Trump Tower and I got damn CNN looking down on me.
And then if I'm in the airport, there it is.
And a lot of your restaurants, you walk in the bathroom and there's Anderson Cooper looking down at your ding-ding.
And it's like, can I just get these people out of my life?
I don't want to censor them.
I don't want to shut them down.
I don't want to put them in prison.
I just want to be able to change the channel.
But I can't!
Instead, it's every night on CNN.
Roger Stone's a Russian-Asian.
Alex Jones is a criminal demon.
You know, George Soros never... George Soros was a Holocaust survivor and battled the Nazis.
Alex Jones says he helped him.
No, he said it on 60 Minutes!
And that's why Soros has a hit out on my free speech.
Specifically because he doesn't want me to say that he said he had the best time of his life rounding up Jews.
You can't make this stuff up.
The best time in his life?
I quite enjoyed it.
Smiling like a demon?
Talk about psycho world!
So I want to say this.
I apologize to George Soros.
He actually went in on the D-Day invasion of Normandy.
He personally killed 5,000 Nazis and severed Hitler's head.
I want to kneel to Soros and say, Your Lordship, you are a hero that killed Hitler.
They'll probably put that out.
Anderson Cooper.
Jones admits tonight that it was actually George Soros.
And here's hidden film footage of the OSS head from World War II as he fights 400 SS officers who had actually turned into werewolves and then severs the head of Adolf Hitler.
So, that's the truth.
Soros killed Hitler.
So, hail Soros!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
But, I want to go to your calls right now.
I've just got so many other points I want to get into, but I don't want to sit here and hog the time.
But to see the left calling Trump Hitler again, and to see them saying his doctor's like Hitler's doctor, when it was Obama's doctor, is just crazy.
There's another article on Infowars.com, Amazon wants to unlock your carb.
To leave packages in sight.
Oh, they're saying, sign up with us.
Give us the code to your car.
We'll have a whole tool kit on our waist of door openers and we'll... Why not just kill yourself?
Let Amazon live as you.
I mean, it's just... These are predatory centralized groups.
Centralization never goes well.
It's what the authoritarians always want.
And that's exactly why I like the Doc here.
If he doesn't win in the Senate, and I hope he does, I'm gonna...
I know he's already a very successful business owner and genetic engineer, all this other stuff, but I'd like to get him to be a commentator for InfoWars, because he's so on target.
But we're going to go to these phone calls, Tim and Jim and Marcos and Brian and James and Alex.
Dr. Sheba, again, Sheba4Senate, the number four, Sheba4Senate.com, everybody should check it out, amazing stuff.
Other key points on your radar.
I think Trump's starting to turn the corner.
Politically, with the people.
He's really winning.
The polls show that, even though they're skewing him.
He's like at 60% or higher right now.
It's my dead reckoning, knowing how these polls are manipulated.
Maybe higher.
The establishment's panicking.
What do you think their ace card is?
Because I don't want to get too confident here, like The Wolf says in Pulp Fiction.
I think it's time we start, you know, celebrating it.
Well, look, I think what we have on our side is people are awakening, Alex.
And as long as Trump goes back to people, you know, does his rallies and connects with people, that's basically where his power is going to come from.
As all of us know, that's where our real power comes from.
We, the people.
You know, the establishment is extremely bright, right?
They have all their intellectuals probably humming away working 24 hours trying to figure out how to thwart him.
And they're very clever at all the different things, right?
So they violated, you know, the fundamentals of attorney-client privilege when they busted into Cohen's office, right?
Now it's trying to contain it to, you know, trying to make up something with Russia.
It's absolutely disgusting what they're doing.
So, it's going to be interesting to watch what they do, but I think they're going to hit a wall at a certain point, and I think at that point is where we've got to be really more concerned.
You know, great revolutionaries say, you know, after a revolution is when you've got to, that's when the real fight begins.
You know, after November 2016 is when the counter-revolution begins.
That's the climax.
I'm not just kissing your butt.
You are so smart, because Roger Stone is smart and so many others are.
And I'm like, we need protection from the president on election night.
I said behind the scenes, I said, the real war is about to start.
And like, Roger's like, no, he's the president.
It's going to be better now.
And I'm like, no, man.
I told everybody, the war has just... And the media went, Jones didn't really want Trump to win.
He's depressed.
He wanted Hillary.
It means that we're winning now, but we just landed at Normandy, baby.
The counteroffensive's coming.
Get ready!
The counter-revolution is more dangerous than the revolution, right?
And I think if you actually look at, you know, President Trump right now, you know, in the old days they just shot people, right?
Kennedy, that's what they did.
Now they politically assassinate you.
Now they character assassinate people day in and day out.
That's the method of assassination, right?
A body, physical body assassination was the old model.
Now is you wipe away someone's reputation.
So what should I do, doctor?
Because they are clearly putting me through the character full Monty.
I mean, it is just character assassination.
I think the bottom line, Alex, is you connect with soldiers like myself who are out there fighting.
We need a network, decentralized network of guerrilla fighters communicating and working together.
And I think that's what, you know, your media platform offers.
We're trying to build right in the belly of the beast that right in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
And the bottom line is we, the people, independently need to rise up and start supporting each other in our decentralized way.
I think the more you're out there, the more you present the truth, all of us, and have the gumption and the courage to do that.
And, you know, my great-grandfather said, never go for a fight, but if someone hits you once, you go hit them a hundred times.
And that's the policy that we have to take, you know?
You know, walk quietly, but carry a big stick, you know?
And I really firmly believe that, and I think that's what we all need to do.
Well, that's what I'm doing.
I counter-sued Georgetown, they dropped the suit, they're going to file another fake one, but expanding on that.
You're absolutely right.
That's where we are.
We've got to be bold.
We've got to take action.
We can't back down because this is history.
People need to stop being spectators and be participants.
The deep state and the decentralized form of government wants to depress people, right?
They want people to get depressed.
They want to make us think we cannot win.
Documents have come out that Facebook wants you to be depressed and so does Twitter.
One of their executives went public again.
I mean, if you look at the whole Facebook, I mean, talk about Facebook.
Here you have Zuckerberg.
By the way, you know, I go to the island of Kauai sometimes to vacation.
He literally has stolen lands from the native Hawaiians and is starting to build his own wall around his own compound.
That's what this guy is.
And that whole hearings that we saw were complete hypocrisy, right?
The hearings, you talked about the net neutrality.
The net neutrality guys talk about the telecommunication, the pipes.
They don't talk about the real people who violate net neutrality.
That's Google and Facebook.
They actually own the software operating system platforms that help us even get onto those pipes in terms of for content.
Exactly, I gotta have you back up just on net neutrality in the next few days, you're so on target.
And they totally dog and pony show, but the head of the FCC is totally right that they're trying to bring it back the way it was, where Google was still screwing everybody but didn't have total control and liability protection, just like Monsanto just got.
Obama gave Monsanto protection, Google protection to censor, that's why it's all happening.
See, it's much easier.
The deep state is very clever.
It's much easier to use a black face to impose even more laws on people and subjugate people than using a white face.
So, you know, Bush didn't work out.
So they said, let's get this, you know, African-American here who supposedly is going to stand for people, you know, hope and change and that kind of nonsense, which he delivered.
None on.
So they're very, very clever.
The deep state is extremely clever in how they try to pull that off with people.
I think in many ways, Obama's winning and the exposition of him that's come out really starts making people.
It's not skin color.
It's about what you were talking about earlier, Alex.
It's meritocracy, what you stand for, how you think through problems, and can you actually solve problems.
And that's what I think we're... We need a meritocracy.
We need a meritocracy.
We're living in a historic time, man.
We're living in a very powerful renaissance.
Look, when the renaissance took place, it wasn't all nice.
There were plagues, there were chaos.
And in the midst of that, wars, that's when we had enlightenment.
You know, in the old Hindu spiritual traditions, we say, you know, a lotus flower grows in the worst garbage, right?
And so whenever there's real darkness, whenever there's awesome nonsense going on, that's the opportunity for all of us to have deep insight and deep enlightenment.
So I think we live in a
Great time, man, and we should all be fortunate to actually be Warriors in this time.
Wow, I'm impressed.
I'm always impressed when you come on, but you're on fire, man.
This guy needs a talk show right now.
Let's go ahead and take a call here.
Thanks for holding.
Let's talk to Marcus in Texas.
Marcus, you're on the air with the doctor.
Go ahead.
Man, these phones sometimes have problems, Marcus.
I really want to be able to hear you, but it's not working.
Let's go to Brian in Pennsylvania.
Brian, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead, Brian.
How are you doing?
I'm good.
Go ahead.
You're on air.
Oh, good.
Hey, I just want to let you know, the gentleman you're talking to sounds like a pretty cool dude.
Wish him luck.
I was going to talk to you about the lunatic left that happened with Milo here last couple of days.
That was nuts!
Yeah, let's play that clip and get our guest's take on this.
He's in a bar.
They shout, get out Nazi, which is Nazi-like when he's Jewish and gay and has nothing to do with Nazis.
And then the left celebrates it.
Let's play that clip.
Here it is.
Nazis come get out!
That was a great question, Brian.
I'm glad you got in with that.
I mean, this is the authoritarianism.
These people call everybody Nazis, but they act just like them.
Well, you know, Alex, if you saw that, that sounded like a Hitler youth group to me, right?
People chanting mindlessly.
I mean, look, I've talked to Milo.
Milo is an extremely bright guy.
The guy's extremely well educated.
You know, he's a performance artist, right?
He gets it.
He understands what's going on.
He understands the establishment.
You know, they just had an article on me in The Nation saying, and it's off to the racist, literally putting up a map, calling me a KKK
Yeah, pull up that Nation article.
I haven't seen that.
You should find that article.
It's ridiculous.
Tell me the headline.
What is it?
Off to the Racists?
Yeah, it's Off to the Racists.
Something like Off to the Racists.
Type in Aya Dure, Google on Racists on the Nation.
And it's a fascinating front headline.
And as you go through it, because several months ago, a great artist, I thought it was a good piece of art.
I mean, I do a lot of design myself.
It's got the Klu Klux Klan hat on there.
Let's come back and talk about this.
That's right.
If you're a free market decentralization guy and you're from India, you're in the KKK now.
We'll be back.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
I was going to Jim, but he just hung up.
We got a bunch of other callers here.
I'll try to get them to pop in to talk to the man running for Senate, Dr. Sheba.
We really need to get this guy on the Senate, man.
I mean, he... I study history.
I get how it really works.
We're talking, I bet he hardly ever listens to my show, maybe never, oh he's been on some.
He's just, we can finish our sentences not because we're in a cult, we've studied history.
And the globalists actually have above PhD level textbooks that the establishment read.
I've read them.
And it's how they run it all.
And I'm just like, why would the world not want to know how things run?
And I was like a jock in the whole nine yards, you know, in high school and stuff.
But I still got into history books and then into governmental textbooks because it was super interesting how the world works and people think that's crazy.
And now I've been super successful in everything I've done just because I'm thinking at the level of how the establishment's thinking but not from their perspective.
And Doc, what you're saying is that's what you've done.
Well look, Alex, you said you played sports, I played sports, and you studied history.
One of the things the establishment does, and they're very clever, they're the biggest segregationists at the broader level.
They try to draw little boxes around everyone.
They say if you're into girls and successful and a jock and you don't look at books, yeah.
If you're a jock, then you don't read.
If you're a good-looking guy, that means you can't be smart, right?
And if you're smart, you have to look all disgusting and fat and like a slob wearing glasses and a pocket protector.
They've created these narratives.
It's forms of segregation.
You know, so for example, I know this very well, you know, when my stuff, you know, after I invented email, never, you know, had the copyright, you know, did all the work, called it email, 30 years later, when it went into the Smithsonian, who got upset with me?
It was like a new skull was found in Africa.
It was a liberal elite, because they could not understand.
It had to come out of their big corporate machine.
It had to come out of MIT, Silicon Valley.
It surely could not come from an American boy, a 14-year-old kid in Newark, New Jersey, right?
That bust opened all their freaking narratives because all their narratives are based on racism.
That's the Americana narrative that it comes from the grassroots.
That's the true narrative, right?
The true narrative is a 14-year-old boy invented TV in Franklin, Idaho.
The true narrative is when you look at the founders of this country, these guys were plumbers and engineers and
They were people with skills.
And now we have a bunch of morons running the country.
And it was the same thing.
They wouldn't let all those people that were engineers and explorers, you name it, ever get successful because it was a British royalty of nobles.
You had to go through and they were so pissed.
That's why they did this was to get out of the caste system.
You look at, you know, even in science, you know, we have fake science right now, right?
It's pay-to-play science.
If you're a scientist and you say anything against Monsanto, your career is destroyed.
I was fortunate, I made money, I started my own research institution, did our own research, and conclusively showed that Monsanto's genetic engineering is based on no safety assessment standards.
Does any other scientist come and support us?
Very few of them, because it's pay-to-play science.
So we have a neocast system.
And everyone needs to understand that, that these guys, you know, I was fortunate, I infiltrated their system.
Frankly, that's what I did.
I didn't need to go to MIT, Alex.
I already knew engineering, I wanted to be a carpenter, and I wanted to do, actually, design work.
Going to MIT was frankly a sacrifice for me.
I remember the first days when I showed up at the steps and I saw these people look really, really unhealthy.
And I told my mom, I don't want to go here.
I decided to come there because I wanted to infiltrate the system.
I got my degrees in a very conscious way, Alex, so I could say, you know, one day to them, you know what?
I have the same degrees you do.
It doesn't mean I'm any better, but you can't challenge me on that.
I was taking RTF, and it was like, it was not radio, television, film, just from what I knew, and I said, I'm out of here, because, exactly, it's crazy.
Yeah, so I think what they've, you know, so you know our platform is we got to end these predatory student loans.
We got to get young people actually learning skills.
They actually need to work hard.
All those basic ethics that we all learned that made this country great.
Should we bring back like real apprenticeships that
Real apprenticeships.
That's what I got when I was 14.
This great mentor took me in at Rutgers Medical School.
I learned programming.
I worked with people 40 years older than me.
That's where I got all my education.
Frankly, MIT was where I, they were fortunate to get me.
Oh yeah, my dad in high school already at chemical plants and at MD Anderson everywhere in high school already knew more than when he actually went to UT.
It's crazy.
Doc, I'm so impressed with you.
Come back very soon.
Thank you so much.
I hope you win in the Senate.
Thanks Alex.
Be well to you.
Alright, you're awesome.
Paul Watson's coming up.
Stay with us.
That was a powerful last hour.
Sorry we didn't get to all the callers.
That guy is amazing.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Paul Watson's taking over the shower.
The vaunted PJW.
And I'm not going to even give attention to the magazine articles, where they basically stock Paul for more than six months in England, visiting all his old high school friends, everything.
And then they put out this twisted, giant, distorted lie that if you know the inside baseball, it's hilarious, but I'm not even going to give it any attention.
Because it's just unbelievable.
But since people want to know some of the InfoWars lore,
On Friday, in the third hour, Paul Watson's joining us, and we will get into his 15, 16 years now.
Well, it's 2002.
That's longer than that.
Good Lord.
We're getting old here.
I'm certainly getting old.
Paul Joseph Watson.
I love the article, like I've got you in a basement screaming at you and you're groveling on the ground, but at the same time you're paid more than anybody is in a whole year, a month, that's more BS.
Without giving it any attention, I know you don't want to get, but I mean, what was it like when you read that article, just to know they're that obsessed, Paul?
It was hilarious because this guy was like stalking my friends for weeks beforehand.
As he said he was going to like remote villages up north where I lived for a brief time and trying to find, knocking on people's doors trying to find anyone that knew me.
The only people that did know me said I was alright.
I mean that was a devastating hit piece.
Let's be clear, you told me like six months ago they were poking around Sheffield.
So was I, I mean how long has this been going on?
Well, it's been going on at least two or three months, but the two main sources for that article, which by the way, when they presented it to me, they were like, oh, this is going to be a neutral profile piece about how you've risen to prominence.
This is going to be fair and balanced.
The two main sources are your bitter ex-wife and a disgruntled former employee.
Hardly fair and balanced, is it?
Which is why I don't talk to any of the mainstream media in the first place.
And that former employee was so jealous of you that he would shake with anger talking about you.
I mean, it's like the left, everything is like these weird vanity fair, you know, kindergarten garbage.
It's just unbelievable.
Oh, I love the part that I ordered you to support Trump or you'd be fired.
You've literally never told me to do anything in terms of anything like that.
And the bullying and harassment, Alex, the British accents.
I've had PTSD for 15 plus years because of you impersonating British accents.
I mean, it's traumatic to say the least.
But be honest, be honest with people.
It's not tormenting.
I kind of have a PTSD, a kind of Tourette's syndrome.
I mean, I don't do it a lot, but I mean, go ahead and do an imitation of Alex Jones doing a British imitation.
That's kind of on that basis.
But the other thing is, he talked to someone who I gave an interview with previously, who lives in Sheffield for a student magazine.
And I actually talked to them after and they completely quoted her out of context.
He was asking her, he was saying, oh, are people in Sheffield racist?
And then do they hate Muslims?
And she said, no, nobody's like that.
You know, the vast majority, we're not like that.
So when it came to publishing it,
They framed it as asking her about me, and if people believe what I believe in Sheffield, then you've got her quote saying, oh, nobody believes him, nobody supports him.
When I get messages every day from people who live in Sheffield, including former friends who do.
So they completely twisted this quote from her to make it look like she was bashing me and attacking me.
And what's crazy is the techniques... She was like, no, that's not what I said.
The techniques of lying, though.
It's formulaic.
It's like...
Megyn Kelly going, oh you're so handsome, oh it's a profile of all you've gone through, you poor baby, I promise it's not about Sandy Hook.
And then she's on TV going, how dare he bring up Sandy Hook to me in the interview.
The heartlessness of him.
Well, I mean, this is what they do.
I mean, the reason I didn't talk to them was because they basically doxed and outed Pamela Geller's daughters, who are not political in any way.
Pamela Geller has a fatwa out against her and her family from Islamic terrorists.
The Daily Beast thought it was a good idea to expose her daughters, who aren't involved in politics at all, put them under risk of being assassinated by Islamic jihadists.
That's the kind of ethics that they go by over at the Daily Beast.
So that's why I didn't talk to them.
The article was hilarious.
In fact, I'm going to get some grist out of it for another hit piece against me by the Daily Show, where they say, oh, I was never interested in punk and I'm only saying populism is the new punk.
For political grist.
Well, in the Daily Beast article, they've literally got quotes from my former schoolmates who were like, yeah, he was really into the Sex Pistols when he was 13.
He was copying albums of the Sex Pistols.
So I'm using one hit piece to debunk another one.
And the picture of me with the crown, the King of the Tards, is quite fetching, I think.
So I'm going to use that as a profile picture at some point.
Let me use it on your Twitter now.
But let's be clear about this.
When you're saying conservatism is the new counterculture, the new punk rock, it's not even about punk rock in the statement.
You're saying it's the new avant-garde, the new cutting edge, the renaissance, which it clearly is.
They're the establishment trying to suppress it, and that stupid show on Comedy Central that steals our identities and misrepresents who we are, and then while they live off of our names and our support and our, you call it fame I guess, our infamy, then hate us at the same time like all true parasites do.
They go, oh the government's run by Republicans, only in a few areas.
But that's not the issue.
The whole media, the whole academia, the whole system is liberal, neoliberal, globalist garbage.
No one can deny that the left are joyless people that want to ban cheerleaders and say ban the word mother and father officially by the Canadian government.
You people are in a crazy cult!
And that's why all the messages I get from teenagers and young kids are saying it's seen as edgy and rebellious, and also by the way people in universities who work there who I speak to, it's seen as edgy and rebellious to like our content because it is counterculture.
This Comedy Central hit piece
They say, oh, Republicans control these branches of government.
Yeah, that's the government.
That's not culture.
The culture is Hollywood.
Culture is music industry.
Culture is academia to a great extent.
Which is a monolithically insane, globalist, Marxist, anti-family, nihilistic, crazy town.
Yeah, and then they imply that I was talking about the GOP establishment when I'm talking about the counterculture, when in the very same video that they play a clip from, I explicitly say I'm not talking about Mitch McConnell GOP establishmentism, and it's in the same video that they quote from.
So the response to that has been a lot of fun to script, because I completely demolished them, and it's probably going to be out tonight or tomorrow, and it was a lot of fun.
Because they've got, like,
Pathetic punk singers in bands that nobody's ever heard of trying to define what's punk.
Well, I've got Johnny Rotten from the Sex Pistols saying Brexit and Trump is punk.
He's quite a higher prominence in the annals of punk history.
And Glenn Danzig is a libertarian conservative Fox News watcher and a listener of the show.
He's admitted to that.
I don't know why does it come on, but the point is Glenn Danzig doesn't like him either, so he's pretty punk.
Well, yeah, we know Generation Z is the most conservative since World War II.
You know, my demographic is 18 to 35.
That's the vast majority of it.
Compared to CNN, their average viewer is 60.
I mean, look at people like Jordan Peterson.
Like, people like him are the new rock stars.
He packs out literally huge venues with a message of anti-identity politics.
And yet, in this hit piece, they've got this pathetic punk singer saying, oh, punk's all about identity politics.
Well, how come the new rock star is the very antithesis of identity politics?
Again, they're trying to make it all about punk when we were just using that as what was avant-garde in the 70s.
Not now!
Well exactly, and in the seventies it was the right that tried to censor and ban ideas, speech, music and movies.
Who's doing that now, Alex?
Who's literally rioting to shut down controversial ideas?
It's not the right, that's the left.
They're the new Puritans.
They're the new censorious brigade of thought police, which is what Kanye West is talking about, which is why they hate that too.
So they're going to be completely demolished.
I'm going to do a rebuttal video.
I'm going to let you take over.
We're going to do that hour Friday, but let me ask you this.
What are they going to do as they realize they are the most uncool people on earth?
They figured out they're losing power, but they are the most uncool, last month's garbage that got forgotten to be taken out, and that their gods are Nancy Pelosi and Hillary.
What are they going to do when they realize there's no defeating us?
Well, they're going to lose drastically.
I mean, that's what's been happening over the two years, last two years, Alex.
Comedy Central's owned by Viacom, okay?
This is a giant transnational corporation owned by a 94-year-old billionaire.
Oh, but they're gonna tell us what punk is.
They're gonna tell us what counterculture is.
This guy's got more wrinkles than an elephant's behind.
94-year-old billionaire owns your network.
Oh, but you're young and hip and trendy.
Give me a break.
And again, the true awakening isn't about even being trendy, it's about survival.
And people get old-fashioned Americana is avant-garde.
So yeah, we went for the old-fashioned, big you-know-what America.
Quote from Network.
It's a big you-know-what hit!
And that's people, people go, hey, we want that.
We don't want globalism and communism and Venezuela and eating our dogs.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live in the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show on this April 24th edition.
Now I want to get into a bunch of news right now, particularly what's going on in Europe.
You'll remember New Year's Eve 2015 going into 2016.
We had the mass molestation of women in Cologne by predominantly Muslim migrants.
It went to trial, very few of them actually got convicted.
But the majority, the vast majority of the assaults, absolute bedlam.
They're in front of the Cologne Cathedral on New Year's Eve 2015, including some women literally pinned down and raped.
This wasn't just fondling or groping.
The vast majority of the culprits were Muslim migrants and asylum seekers, underscoring this problem that we've had that has intensified in Europe over the past few years of women being sexually assaulted.
You look at the polls of women in places like Sweden, Germany.
They're petrified of going out on the street at night, period.
Now we've also had in attendance to this is the situation with Jews.
Day after day we see stories about attacks, violent attacks against Jewish people in major European cities.
A few days ago there was the video of, I think it was a Syrian migrant, literally whipping somebody because they're Jewish.
Now we have this headline out of the Daily Wire.
German Jews warned not to wear yarmulkes after anti-Semitic attack from Muslim immigrant.
And it talks about Joseph Schuster, the head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, who's told German Jews to avoid wearing yarmulkes on the streets after an Arab-Israeli was assaulted for wearing a kippah just days ago in a social experiment.
So you've seen these kind of social experiments before.
There was a man who walked through Paris wearing a skullcap, Jewish skullcap.
He was abused verbally, repeatedly.
Mostly by Muslims.
I mean, that was what was shown in the video.
Now, I'm comparing this to what happened in Cologne because, of course, after Cologne, in the days after Cologne, not only did the feminists come out and protest in support of the migrants, but the feminist mayor of Cologne came out and told women to avoid being sexually assaulted
By travelling in pairs and by holding the attackers at arm's length.
That was literally the advice that she gave to women in the city of Cologne after this mass molestation, this mass sex crime which occurred on New Year's Eve 2015.
So now they're doing the same thing.
They're literally telling Jews
Forget about the underlying causes, the root causes of why these attacks are happening.
The solution is for you to cover up.
They're literally telling Jews to cover up, to wear baseball caps, to hide the fact that they're Jews.
Like a reverse of the star or something.
Instead of identifying as Jews, now they have to hide the fact that they're Jews to prevent these attacks.
So the question isn't, why are these attacks happening?
Are we importing a group of people who are intolerant of other religions, of women who aren't covered up?
We have to change our behaviour to associate this problem.
Absolutely incredible.
The article continues, the suspect beat the Arab-Israeli with his belt, and I think we played the clip a couple of days ago, while shouting Yehudi, which is Jew in Arabic.
The suspect in the assault is a 19-year-old Syrian refugee of Palestinian origin.
Schuster, this is the head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, explained that people should stop, quote, showing themselves openly with a kipper in a big city setting in Germany and wear a baseball cap or something else to cover their head instead.
Literally saying that they need to cover up to protect themselves from being attacked.
Not saying how about we focus on
Rooting out the attackers and asking why these attacks are increasing.
I mean, look at Paris, look at France.
You've had a massive migration of Jews leaving Paris, leaving France, partly, if not wholly, because of these very kind of attacks.
This is a situation we face in Europe and it's time to have an upfront, honest conversation about it.
Article continues, this is Daily Wire, German Jews warned not to wear yarmulkes after anti-Semitic attack.
Schuster suggested three years ago that Jews shouldn't wear school caps in areas with large Muslim populations.
So this has been going on for three years.
But he stressed there's increasing anti-Semitic sentiment among non-migrants.
The rise of anti-Semitic attacks throughout Europe is in line with a massive increase in Muslim immigration.
Some kind of connection there.
It's been obvious for years.
According to a June 2017 study from Johandu Estan of the University of Oslo,
Available data on perpetrators suggests that individuals of Muslim backgrounds stand out among perpetrators of anti-Semitic violence in Western Europe.
Attitude surveys corroborate this picture insofar as anti-Semitic attitudes are far more widespread among Muslims than among the general population in Western Europe.
So, in America and in Europe to a great extent too,
With these generation identity groups and others, we've got this massive moral panic, this hysteria over neo-Nazis, who are comparatively tiny, tiny in number, when in fact the true intolerance being displayed towards Jews, and in some cases in a very violent manner, is coming from a very different group.
The article continues, this is one of those politically incorrect facts that gets ignored so often in the European left's desire to speak glowingly of diversity thanks to mass immigration from the Middle East, the selection of Muslim populations over Jewish ones.
The city of Malmo, Sweden, listen to this, has become essentially a no-go zone for Jews, as Paula Newding wrote in the New York Times, that famous right-wing publication, last year.
So this is a quote from the New York Times about what's happening in Sweden.
And I didn't even know some of these details, given I made, like, what, four or five videos on Sweden, talk about it endlessly, it's my favourite country.
This is from the New York Times.
Now listen to this.
That the Jewish kindergarten in Malmo play behind bulletproof glass.
Imagine that.
The threat is so severe they have to have the children in kindergarten protected, shielded behind bulletproof glass because they fear they'll be massacred.
That's in Malmo, Sweden.
Continues, not even funerals are safe from harassment.
A spokesman for Malmo's Jewish community put the situation starkly.
You don't want to display the Star of David around your neck.
Or as a spokesman from the Gothenburg Synagogue put it, it's a constant battle to live a normal life and not to give in to the threats, but still be able to feel safe.
This is Sweden, and now Germany is becoming like Sweden, just by coincidence, as they import millions more migrants from a certain part of the world.
Just a coincidence.
Fully 51% of all anti-Semitic attacks in Sweden were perpetrated by Muslims, these are official figures, as opposed to 5% perpetuated by right-wing extremists, and 25% perpetrated by left-wing extremists.
So we've got a whole moral panic.
The hysteria over the rise of the far right in Europe and in America.
Five percent of these anti-semitic attacks, and of course they're all horrific and we all we condemn them every single one of them, but only five percent are perpetrated by right-wing extremists.
Five times that number are perpetrated by left-wing extremists and the majority are perpetrated by Muslims, despite the fact that Muslims represent
What, is it like 7% of the population in Sweden now?
It's probably more at this point.
The article continues, the European press are determined to ignore this problem even as it grows radically, even as elderly Holocaust survivors are thrown from windows or stabbed to death, even as Jewish supermarkets are targeted.
And where are the big Jewish organisations identifying the true source of this problem?
They're almost silent.
Massive problem in Europe right now with attacks against Jewish people.
It's only going to get worse if we don't identify the root causes.
We'll be back, so go away.
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Good morning.
My name is Andrew Grossman.
I'm a partner at the law firm Baker Hostetler.
I represent Alex and InfoWars in the lawsuit that was filed by Brendan Gilmore.
This morning, we asked the District Court to dismiss Mr. Gilmore's lawsuit, to require Mr. Gilmore to reimburse InfoWars for the expense of responding to his lawsuit,
And to sanction Mr. Gilmour for using a federal court to wage a publicity stunt.
Now let me be clear about this.
Mr. Gilmour's claims against Alex Jones and Infowars are legally defective.
We are confident that the suit will be thrown out of court.
But make no mistake, vexatious lawsuits like this one are dangerous.
Because they seek to chip away at our cherished First Amendment rights.
The First Amendment gives all Americans the right to have their say on today's news.
Alex Jones thought it was strange that Mr. Gilmour was popping up in all the media coverage on the events in Charlottesville, with what seemed like the same anti-Trump talking points every time.
And that is exactly what Mr. Jones questioned.
Was the media, with Mr. Gilmour's eager assistance, spinning the story against President Trump?
That is the kind of probing question that every cable news analyst, every columnist,
And every American who cares about what's going on in this country asks every day.
They try to make sense of what they see reported in the news, and then they say what they think.
The First Amendment absolutely protects that speech.
Now, Mr. Gilmour disagrees.
He obviously opposes Alex Jones's political viewpoint.
He says that InfoWords is not what he considers to be responsible journalism, and that it can therefore be suppressed.
His lawyers say that the law should distinguish between speech that informs the public and speech that they think misinforms the public.
But the whole point of the First Amendment is that people like Mr. Gilmour and his lawyers do not get to decide whether their political opponents are allowed to have a voice.
They do not get to decide what the public is allowed to hear.
That fundamental misunderstanding of our First Amendment rights
It's just one of the reasons that Mr. Gilmour's suit has to be thrown out.
As a matter of principle, no one should be able to drag their political opponents into court as a publicity stunt to harass them for their protected speech.
That kind of abuse must have consequences, so that when people like Mr. Gilmour are thinking about filing suit, they think first before they do so.
And that's why we're asking the court to find that Mr. Gilmour's lawsuit is what the law calls a strategic lawsuit against public participation.
The court agrees Mr. Gilmour will be required to reimburse InfoWars for the expense of responding and will be subject to additional monetary sanctions.
Mr. Gilmour brought these consequences on himself.
He left it the chance to file a lawsuit instead of exercising his own First Amendment rights to talk back.
We can only hope that he will come to understand the wisdom of Justice Brandeis' words, that when it comes to fighting perceived falsehoods and fallacies, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.
And with that, I'll turn it back to Alex.
Thank you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
Welcome back, this is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We were talking about the situation in Europe and you know what's a shame about this is that there are groups of migrants who do integrate into European countries and in many cases those groups are treated more harshly than the ones causing the problems.
We saw this with the whole Windrush controversy in the UK.
With the Caribbean migrants being mistreated, being deported in some cases, when they had a right to remain.
We've seen hard-working, business-owning Syrian migrants in Sweden being punished by the government because they missed some technicality on their immigration visa.
Meanwhile, they're letting ISIS jihadists back into the country, giving them welfare, and treating the migrants who caused the problems with kids' gloves.
And this is a situation that's arisen in Sweden once again with this story.
Swedish woman who accompanied two Afghans to prove that xenophobes are wrong.
Dark humour there.
Is raped and abused.
So the middle-aged Swedish woman was raped and abused by two Afghan asylum seekers in their asylum accommodation.
The woman, who was a member of a Facebook group against migrant deportation, so this was a pro-refugee campaigner, tried to prove that xenophobes are wrong about the fact that Afghans are dangerous.
This is how she tried to prove it.
She wanted to meet someone during a night out and when she was unsuccessful decided to go home to the migrant centre with two Afghan men.
Yeah, not a great decision there.
She met the two unaccompanied refugees from Afghanistan outside a pub and decided to accompany them back to their asylum centre in Lungby.
The woman, who again is a member of an anti-deportation group, told police, quote, I've never been afraid or worried about people from other countries and I thought it was quite interesting to talk with them.
Well, talk with them, don't go home with them.
Absolutely incredible.
So again, she made this decision based on her own misleading virtue signalling lifestyle.
This is a woman who's pro-refugee.
She'd probably gone out and campaigned with those refugee welcome signs.
She's gone home with two Afghan men and thought that wouldn't be a problem because the xenophobes must be wrong and I'm going to prove them wrong.
When they arrived at the men's room in the asylum accommodation,
Things changed rapidly.
They drank alcohol and one of the men started touching her, even though she told him she didn't want him to, and again there were repeats of protests.
Again, Afghanistan is a country where they literally have something called Bacha Barzi, where old men get to have sex with children and it's just part of their culture.
Google it.
If you don't believe me, Google it.
The U.S.
Army tried to blow the whistle on it.
Some members of the U.S.
military, they were told to shut up.
That was in the New York Times.
Some cultures are better than others.
But no, let's just go home with them alone.
Later, one of the men called Anwar raped her vaginally and anally while the other masturbated next to her.
It was a very painful experience.
After getting away, the woman called the police.
And listen to what happened to the perpetrators.
Anwar, the lead culprit, was convicted of rape.
His sentence was one year and three months in prison.
Fifteen months in prison for this obscene, disgusting rape.
And he's not going to be deported!
He'll pay €13,000 in damages to the woman.
Fardin, who was the other culprit, is sentenced for sexual abuse.
He will pay €2,300 in damages to the victim.
Prosecutor never asked for Fardin to be expelled.
So one of them literally, it doesn't say if he's got any prison time, but it says it's a €2,300 fine for raping a woman.
Absolutely insane.
This is Sweden.
What do you expect?
Another headline here out of Breitbart, one in three North Africans want to migrate permanently, number rising.
Now you remember last week we talked about President Macron, who is visiting with Trump today obviously, talking about the overall plan, the ultimate plan for Eurabia,
Which is to invite in 200 million Africans.
Now, if you invite Africa into Europe, guess what happens?
Europe becomes Africa.
The proportion of North Africans who want to permanently migrate has reached a record high, with almost half of young people wanting to move country if they get a chance.
No surprise.
I mean, if I lived in some of these countries, I would want to leave them.
But that doesn't mean you can just invite them all in without any consequences.
Just under 1 in 3, 32% of 5,000 North African respondents to the Gallup World Poll for 2017 said they would like to move abroad, a figure up from 28% the previous year.
The desire to migrate was found to be strongest among younger North Africans, with a proportion of 15 to 29-year-olds jumping from 40% in 2016 to 46% the following year.
And that is, of course, because Europe has, to a great extent, rolled out the red carpet.
Almost a third, 30% of people in the 30 to 49 age bracket said they would like to permanently migrate, rising from 24% of those interviewed in 2016, which surveyed people living in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, where they literally have the street slave markets, Morocco and Tunisia.
The most desired destination for North Africans who said they would like to migrate permanently was France,
Which is a bountiful, joyous, pleasant land of cultural enrichment right now.
With the number, who named the EU country, rising to 19% from 13% the previous year.
And of course now, Macron is saying, come on in, 200 million Africans, what could possibly go wrong?
Also out of Breitbart, EU to cut funds to patriotic nations, allocate cash on values basis, including accepting mass migration.
So again, we've had the Visegrad countries, Hungary, Poland, Austria to some extent, rebelling against EU migrant quotas.
They don't want migrants settled in their country and now they're going to be punished by the democratic, freedom-loving European Union.
Remember, Macron literally said that
Hungary was the authoritarian system and not the EU.
They literally ignore the results of referendums and votes.
That sounds pretty authoritarian to me.
It says Brussels is set to divert tens of billions of euros in EU cash away from patriotic eastern and central states under budget reform plans that would link funding to the bloc's values, which include mass migration.
According to proposals seen by the FT, the European Commission is planning to shift the criteria for distributing Cohesion Programme funds away from GDP per capita towards so-called EU values, which means the €350 billion funding pot aimed at developing the bloc's weaker economies in the bloc appears under a new title of Cohesion and Values.
So it's going to shift to a system in which the allocation of funds would be based on much broader criteria, including migration, environmental policy and youth unemployment.
So they're going to take away the money from those Eastern European countries as a punishment because they don't want their culture to be subsumed by another culture and they're going to give it to the countries that are obeying.
Again, another authoritarian facet of the European Union coming to the fore once again.
Continues, top Brussels figures have repeatedly insisted that importing huge numbers of third world migrants must be a core feature of belonging to the bloc.
You remember in Germany we had the clip of the Green Party leader, I think Stephanie von Berger is her name, getting up in front of Parliament and openly bragging that Germans will be a minority in major cities by 2020 and saying that that's a good thing.
That was literally her quote.
We've got Sweden where ethnic Swedes will be a minority in their country within our lifetimes, not just in the major cities, but the country as a whole.
And Germany, by 2060 or before, Germans will be a minority in Germany.
You get to that stage and it's no longer Germany.
The people make the place.
The article continues, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron have both previously suggested the distribution of EU funds should be linked to the number of asylum seekers.
Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker declared last year the Union will be lost without huge population transfer from Africa to Europe during an interview in which he hinted there are plans for the two continents to merge.
Now, of course, this is based on the fundamental lie that Europe needs a labour force to work to pay taxes.
But then you look at the figures for the newly arrived migrants, the ones who are on welfare,
It's 85%.
In some cases, it's over 90%.
So they're not working.
They're not contributing to the economy.
They're not paying taxes.
We're paying for them.
So how on earth is that going to solve the labour shortage, which is driven by the native populations not having children?
It's not, because they don't work.
The figures show it.
The vast majority of these migrants are on welfare.
They're sucking off the state.
So that argument that we need to import Africa because we're dying out, because we're not having children, that we're not going to be able to fund social programs and pensions, it just doesn't wash.
It's complete fake news.
We'll be back.
This is the Alex Jones Show live breaking news at Infowars.com.
Don't go away.
Melania did not kick me out of the White House for installing coal-burning fireplaces.
Fake news!
Mr. President!
Why are you throwing balls at my face, Kurt Cousins?
It's Kirk.
That's what I said, Gerd.
I'm making you Secretary of Offense.
Now, prepare for fire and fury!
You like that, Kirk Cousins?
You like that?
Well, there you have it.
Terrific spot.
Funny and satire without being overtly political or nasty.
Congratulations, John D. Domenico.
As someone who's known Donald Trump and studied his speech patterns myself for many years, you nailed it.
You really nailed it.
Thank you very much, Roger.
I'm very excited to be on the show, I have to tell you.
Well, I've been doing Trump since 2004, right around the end of the first season of The Apprentice, when there was a big demand corporately for Trump to come in and roast people and do apprentice games and things like that.
So I've had a really long runway with him and to learn his voice and to really
Get it down, especially these last two and a half years.
Since he's announced, he's become more physical and his speech has become more him.
It seems like he seems like he was very restricted on the apprentices.
Blue team, green team.
He did a good job.
The blue team, you're fired.
It was kind of, he seems so big in a way.
Since I had been doing him for so long, I had done him in so many other platforms, that when he announced, I wanted to make sure that he was 100% in the race.
And I thought to myself, you know, if he can make it to the first
If he can make it to the first debate, I'll be set for the fall, because that's how, you know, they book out months in advance for these corporate things, and as you well know, not only did he make it to the first debate, he crushed it in the first debate, and the second debate, and third debate, and then things just started taking off.
And a friend of mine, Tom Shalhoub, who is on, he's still on Fox News, but he was on the show Red Eye,
Um, he brought me on.
I think I did about 50, 60 appearances on Red Eye as Trump.
And then because of that, I did Fox and Friends a number of times.
So it was a great platform and we did some really wonderful comedy and then some other shows picked me up and then voiceovers and the corporate stuff and it's been kind of, it's pretty much taken over my, there's Tom right now!
Tom Shalhoub, a very funny guy in his own right.
Well, as you know, the pundits in the mainstream didn't see Trump coming.
So, I can see why it started slowly.
They were the last people in the world who thought that he would win.
What was it?
Jeb Bush said, you're not going to elect a president?
You're not going to insult your way into the presidency?
Guess what, Jeb?
Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live in the final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
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Now there's an article up on InfoWars.com right now
Kanye's real crime encouraging black people to think for themselves.
I wrote this this morning.
Of course, we had the big backlash to Kanye West merely saying he likes the ideas of Candace Owens, the ideas of encouraging black people to become independent, to become self-empowered, to get off welfare.
No, we can't have anyone saying that, especially somebody from the celebrity world.
This article is kind of editorial on that.
Of course, we had a follow-up to the whole Kanye controversy.
Where he allegedly told a radio host in a private conversation, Ebro Darden, quote, I love Donald Trump.
And of course, you cannot say that you endorse or support the sitting President of the United States of America.
That's just too controversial.
Think of that.
We've got to the point where it's seen as controversial, where it's seen as offensive for a celebrity to support the President of the United States.
That's the level we've reached.
Now, according to Twitter, of course, this makes Kanye far right.
And then Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks came out yesterday in a tweet and said that Kanye's tweets make him, quote, one of the dumbest guys in the country.
So he's literally shaming him for having diversity of opinion.
It doesn't make him one of the dumbest guys in the country.
It makes him one of the bravest guys in the country.
We had a situation this week with Shania Twain.
The Canadian singer, where she basically said if she had have been able to vote, she would have voted for Donald Trump.
There you see Cenk Uygur's tweet calling Kanye an empty celebrity.
He's the exact opposite.
The empty celebrities have got nothing interesting to say.
They never deviate from the norm, from this borderline that's viciously patrolled by the thought police in Hollywood, in the music industry.
As soon as Kanye comes out and says something interesting, something a bit daring, something a bit edgy, he's done.
No, he's not dumb.
He's literally the bravest celebrity in America right now.
Shania Twain, Canadian singer, comes out and says, yeah, if I'd have been able to vote for someone, I would have voted for Trump.
The next day, absolutely destroyed.
She had to grovel.
She had to apologize to the baying online outrage mob for merely suggesting that she would have voted for the President of the United States.
And again, this article gets into it.
At what point did pop culture, did celebrities in general, become so sterile that a prominent performer like Kanye West merely endorsing the President of the United States, and he didn't even do it himself publicly.
This isn't a private conversation.
How is that controversial?
That should not be controversial.
The article goes on, whether you're a Trump supporter or not, you have to admire Kanye for going up against a machine, albeit one gradually losing power, that swallows up the careers of anyone who steps out of line.
Now, of course, Kanye's got some, I think he's got two albums coming out in about five weeks time.
So obviously, he's trying to create some controversy.
And people are bashing him for that.
He's saying, oh, he's just doing this to sell albums.
Well, what did Eminem do?
He did exactly the same thing.
He tried to pick a fight with Trump to sell albums.
It didn't work.
His album was absolutely bashed, even by supporters in the media.
Trump didn't even respond to him.
Eminem had numerous hissy fits, and he failed completely.
Oh, but Eminem can do it.
Eminem can get political to try and sell albums, but not Kanye, because he doesn't have the right opinions, because we're going to viciously patrol the outer perimeter of acceptable discourse and opinion, because we're so tolerant, because we're so pro-diversity, apart from diversity of opinion, of course.
Article continues, while conservatives will obviously waste no time in exploiting Kanye's comments for their own political grist, the real story here isn't Kanye moving to the right or becoming Trump's black twin, as Cenk Uygur claimed.
The real question to ask is this.
When did the left's opinion of African-Americans become so low that they automatically assume all black people should think the same and that those who don't should be ridiculed, demonized and smeared?
That is the very essence of the bigotry of low expectations and it's come to the fore like never before than this week with Kanye West and his controversial, controversial tweets, which shouldn't even be controversial.
Of course, he also was tweeting out Scott Adams videos yesterday and they didn't like that, did they?
In fact, I did a Google search.
About this, including my name, people say, oh, why do you Google search your own name to read the hit pieces every single day?
It's part of my downtime.
And it was Slate, it was BuzzFeed, they're all panicking about this because, as Andrew Breitbart said, politics is downstream from culture.
You get one guy who dares to escape the plantation of leftist dogma and virtue-signalling cliché, and he's absolutely eviscerated.
You see it right there.
They're absolutely petrified over this because it's a massive watershed moment in the culture war.
As I mentioned, as I talked about in my video,
The Truth About Kanye, which you can go watch right now on YouTube.
In fact, I think it's still embedded on Infowars.com on the right-hand side, so go and watch that.
Now, what he's talking about, when he endorses the way Candace Owens thinks, he's talking about Americans becoming more independent, less dependent on government, less dependent on welfare.
Which brings me to this headline out of CNS News.
Trump hails lowest number of people forced to use food stamps.
Here's a great stat, President Trump tweeted yesterday.
Since January 2017, the number of people forced to use food stamps is down 1.9 million.
So since Trump took office, almost 2 million fewer people are on food stamps.
They've got off that level of dependency.
He continued, the American people are finally back to work.
In January 2018, the Agriculture Department's Food and Nutrition Service counted 40,700,000 individuals as receiving food stamps.
As Trump said, that's 1.9 million fewer people on the SNAP rolls than the 42,600,000 counted in January 2017 when Trump took office.
So this is really coming to the fore right now as the job figures continue to improve.
Fewer people on food stamps.
Of course a significant portion of those people on food stamps are going to be African Americans.
They're getting off that dependency.
They're getting off that welfare and becoming more self-empowered, which is exactly what Kanye West has talked about in his tweets, which is exactly what he means when he says he resonates with Candace Owens.
So ask yourself if the left really wants black people to be free, to be empowered, to be prosperous,
Why are they upset when celebrities use their platform to help try and encourage to push that message?
It really strikes at the heart of this bigotry of low expectations.
And just watch, with Kanye now, they're going to go after him more than ever.
They're going after Candace Owens more than ever.
It's really going to get hot in a hurry because they're daring to communicate the message that black people don't have to all think alike.
God forbid!
Absolutely incredible.
That's going to wrap it up for me.
Owen Shroyer is coming up with the War Room next.
Breaking news at InfoWars.com.
Stay right there.
Don't go away.
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