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Name: 20180420_Fri_Alex
Air Date: April 20, 2018
3626 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the conspiracy theory lawsuit filed by the Democratic Party alleging a conspiracy between Russia, Trump's campaign, and WikiLeaks to disrupt the 2016 election. He criticizes the media for focusing on Russiagate instead of investigating the leaked documents themselves. Jones also highlights connections between the Clintons and foreign governments, including Russia. In another broadcast, Jones promotes InfoWars Life products for listeners to support the show while discussing ongoing lawsuits against him and Roger Stone as part of larger schemes of legal attacks. Jones talks about increasing numbers of countries with zero Down Syndrome children, which he terms as a eugenics-like practice. He expresses concern over EU countries wanting to make it law for genetic testing and abortion of Down Syndrome children. Katie Hopkins discusses her experiences with the media industry and its attempts to silence conservatives. The speakers criticize Swedish media for covering up issues related to their Muslim population until recently when they became too obvious to ignore. They challenge Paul Watson of InfoWars to go to these no-go zones himself instead of just challenging others to do it from his bedroom. Alex Jones promotes various products offered by InfoWars Life, including Super Female and Nascent Iodine Survival Shield X2, emphasizing their effectiveness and benefits. He also discusses the censorship faced by him and other anti-war voices in mainstream media and highlights the case of Tim Black. In this segment, Alex Jones discusses his interview with Megyn Kelly where he claims that Sandy Hook family members were set up for interviews and accused him of hurting their families. He argues that Kelly is a propagandist who lies about his statements and actions. The segment also promotes InfoWars Life products, including CellForce and BrainForce AnthroPlex as well as NRA membership. InfoWars Life has introduced a new product called Best Source Prebiotic Fiber which contains concentrated fiber from berries and fruits that promote regularity and overall body health. Alex Jones also discusses his upcoming Sandy Hook documentary to address the controversy surrounding the event and how it has been used as a tool for gun control advocates."

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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
April 20th, 2018 on this Friday Global Edition.
Last Friday, the 13th, seven days ago, we saw the strike on Syria and all that came from that.
And now, a week later,
Stories up on Infowars.com.
It's on CNBC.com.
You can find it right there at DrudgeReport.com.
Democratic Party files lawsuit alleging Russia, the Trump campaign and Wikileaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 election because the entire Russia gate has completely collapsed.
They've moved on to Stormy Daniels and the raid on Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer.
And so now they've got to start another investigation that witch hunts out a couple more years.
And a lawsuit can do that, harassing people.
All the different things that go with a lawsuit, the depositions, you name it.
A multi-million dollar lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court says that
In the Trump campaign, Russia found a willing and active partner in its effort to mount a brazen attack on American democracy.
This just got filed in the last 30 minutes.
Roger Stone's coming on with us in just a little while in this hour to break it down.
Now, we also have endless
Examples of the Clintons actually in bed with foreign governments, including the Russians.
It is mind-boggling.
But this is the harassment that the deep state, holding on to power by its fingernails, is trying to use to intimidate everybody to roll over.
We saw last year the lawsuit filed against Roger Stone and President Trump by Obama's legal team that he created a new law office out of, and they admitted to, quote, shut down the Trump
They were very, very honest about it.
So Trump's far from perfect, but he's fighting to restore sovereignty to this country and doing a really good job.
And that's why the globalists are in full panic mode.
They are the criminal cabal and the Clinton crime network.
The Clinton crime syndicate, as Owen Schroer said yesterday, is going into high gear.
We are now going to see their full assault.
This is it.
It's not going to be free.
It's not going to be easy to stand against this, this Gorgon, this Hydra.
This psychotic demon with her long list of crimes and blood and war and torture and betrayal and just everything else that she leaves behind her in her ruinous, twisted wake.
But I'm very honored to stand against this onslaught with you, the info warriors.
You are the most hated group on the planet by the tyrants, and we've really changed history together.
Soros is in retreat all over the world.
The headquarters of his foundation is now pulling out of Hungary and pulling out of other areas in Eastern Europe and moving to Vienna, Austria.
So Soros is in retreat.
All over the world, people are waking up to his criminal activities.
And all the weird talking heads they've got saying he isn't a Nazi or never helped the Nazis when he admitted himself on 60 Minutes.
It's just insane.
See the level of fake news they'll go to.
By the way, speaking of that, I could spend an hour on this because it's not about gonzo journalism.
It's about
Covering what's happening and the attack on the First Amendment.
But I don't know if I'll have time because there's so many important guests and so many other big developments taking place.
But Megyn Kelly didn't give me a chance to go on her program.
We sent her our comments.
We sent her a video response.
She didn't invite me on her show.
Neither did any other programs.
They would invite us.
As soon as we hit them back up, they wouldn't respond back.
And she has recycled, and I'm saying nobody died at Sandy Hook.
He's recycled all the Pizzagate stuff that we have clarified and been very clear on, and then says we won't stop talking about it, we won't stop hurting these people.
It's Megan Kelly that called me over a year ago and said, I promise this isn't about Sandy Hook or Pizzagate.
And I said, I am not getting into those subjects.
The media keeps misrepresenting what I'm doing.
She said, Oh no, this is about your custody battle.
Well, you heard me record it.
I've secretly recorded it.
And then she gets there and it's all about that.
And then she says, I'm bringing it up, hurting people.
And then misrepresents again and says that I say nobody died at Sandy Hook and that stuff's going on at Comic Ping Pong when there isn't anything going on there.
She is the one defaming everybody and hurting these innocent people.
Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
First, I just want to mention, if people just go and try the products, they will be ordering all the time.
I've ordered several of the products over and over because it's amazing.
In particular, Silver Bullet.
As soon as I start to feel like I get a little sick, you know, maybe like a little raspiness in my throat, I drop some Silver Bullet in it.
Like, I'll still feel a little sick, but it won't last as long.
Well, let me just say something, Victor.
It's people like you that then fund the whole operation, because a very small percentage of people buy products, and a very small percentage of them buy a lot of the products, so thank you.
But when you mention the Silver Bullet Coalital Silver, it's got thousands of reviews, a 98% review.
It is our highest-reviewed product, because it is from the top lab in the country, discounted, high-quality coalital silver.
It's not a Silver Bullet, but it's the closest thing you're going to find to a Silver Bullet.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen, right here on the Alex Jones Show!
As all of our hardcore listeners know from their own research, this country is in the middle of a civil war.
Against globalist forces that are openly trying to stop the populist Americana new renaissance that we are attempting to bring back into play.
Free market, true open societies versus globalism and corporate crony capitalist tyranny.
We have an overload of news and information obviously today.
We have, Democratic Party throws a new giant temper tantrum because their Russia investigation has come up 100% high and dry.
They've now thrown a new giant temper tantrum to restart another fake investigation, this time a civil one, so they can continue to say there's an investigation, oh we're deposing this person, we're deposing that person, and the lawsuit is gigantic.
Making all sorts of claims of the criminal activities that went on with Trump, WikiLeaks, and the Russians with zero, not one, scintilla of evidence.
The Russians did not hack the DNC.
It was leaked out of the DNC.
We know from the files released that have digital coding on them that they were downloaded at six times the speed of the fastest internet connection
Two years ago.
You understand, folks?
Six times the fastest connection.
It's still four times the fastest connection today.
It was downloaded at point-blank range.
Just like Snowden did in Hawaii inside the big NSA Center.
It was downloaded at point-blank range.
And now that's back in the news again today.
Unbelievable disinformation.
But notice, what did Trump say during the campaign?
He said, I don't know if the Russians, or who else, might be some fat guy in his mother's basement, for all I know.
You can ping off anywhere in the world.
There's no evidence it's Russia.
But he said, but if it is the Russians, release it.
It's about what's in the WikiLeaks.
Not about changing the subject, as they always do.
Into who released it.
What about all the crimes?
And I heard Owen Schroer doing a great job yesterday during the broadcast when I took time off to be with some family.
He said that today on The War Room, he's going to spend an hour, maybe he'll spend the whole three hours, getting into the WikiLeaks and the top hundred WikiLeaks and then you calling in and mentioning what WikiLeaks you think are most important.
Just like they hammer all this fake Russiagate stuff constantly, we should be hammering the Bonafides.
The bones, the guts, the reality of what is in those things and all the other leaks that they don't even deny are real.
Sensational crimes.
Sensational pay to play from the Russians and the Communist Chinese and all these big foundations.
Billions of dollars going to Hillary.
Hundreds of millions from the Russians.
Yeah, they could give money to the Secretary of State to then give them a third of our uranium.
They did it.
Do the Russians want to get our secrets and get our industry?
That's what we do to them.
The point is, is that the traitor is Hillary.
So, you got the Democratic Party files a monster temper tantrum because, as I said last week and this week, the wheels came off six months ago with a fake Russian investigation.
But now it's really come up dry.
It's moved on to the Arab Emirates, and it's moved on to all these other places.
So we're going to be getting into some of that as well.
But this really shows how desperate they are.
You know, Matt's a great producer in there, and he's really hopping mad over this Megyn Kelly thing and other stuff.
He's just like, you gotta cover this today, Alex.
It's one of the top stories in the country.
Every channel is lying about you.
Local, radio, TV.
You've got to cover it.
Because it's bigger than you, Alex.
And you know, he's right.
He said this is a chilling effect.
This is so bad.
He's like shaking with anger.
I've never seen Matt angry like this.
There's like 20 minutes of news clips attacking me.
I can't get to it.
It's just all lies, folks.
But I'm going to try to go to some of it.
But here's the bottom line.
The media brings up Pizzagate and then misrepresents what I've said to beat me over the head and drag me through the mud.
And then said I need to be banned off the air.
They bring up Sandy Hook and say that I say nobody died when I never said that.
I played Devil's Advocate, they took it out of context.
Megyn Kelly plays clips that are about Hillary.
Being responsible for thousands of dead children in the Middle East.
She edits that and then plays it when she was at Fox News saying that I was saying Hillary was killing kids in a basement.
So the defamation is that they continue to bring up these cases never letting me drop it.
I don't think anything was going on at that pizza place.
We investigated it.
We walked it back.
We've clarified.
I'm done talking about it.
In fact, just take it off the screen.
Because it overshadows all the real stuff going on that I've got stacks of in mainstream news here.
And then you've got Sandy Hook, where we talk about the police stand down.
We talk about the men in the woods with guns that were on the news on helicopter shots.
We said there's anomalies here.
And then some of the people thinking it was a total hoax began to think I was covering it up, and I went, wait a minute, I'm not covering anything up, and I'm done with this tar baby about a year into it.
That's four years ago.
And I constantly say, mass shootings really happen, but governments stand down at Sandy Hook, they stand down in Florida, they try to take me off the air, try to take me off YouTube, saying I said nobody died in Florida.
You know I didn't do that, and they're liars!
So then they get
Three of the parents of the poor little children that died when another Prozac head with a gun went and killed them and got the gun illegally, and the media exacerbates it.
They bring it up and they say Alex Jones is attacking these families when it's the media dragging this out every week of every month for the last five years saying this.
The media never covered me and Sandy Hook at first, but they saw when I said, I think people died there.
Because Paul Watson can totally convince me.
I was just asking questions and Paul got mad at me about this.
And I've been on record for four years about that.
I respect Paul.
And so a lot of my listeners got mad at me saying, oh you're covering it up.
So they saw that as weakness in the media because I'm a real journalist and they know full well.
So I don't get equal time on Anderson Cooper or on Megyn Kelly or any of these programs.
And they get these people up there with Anderson Cooper and they say that I'm bringing this out and I'm victimizing them.
Megyn Kelly called me in April of last year, early April.
She said, I want to come to town.
Well, you heard it.
I secretly recorded it.
And I said, listen, I'm not getting into Sandy Hook or Pizzagate.
She goes, Oh, I'm not going to get into that.
No, no, no.
It's all about you and your custody battle and how interesting you are.
You're such a man.
I want to go out to dinner with you.
And man, you're really, you know, all this other stuff.
Cause I didn't record the first part where she was saying how good looking I was and stuff in the car.
I was driving to work one Saturday.
I said, let me call you back in five minutes.
Cause it was like, Oh, you're just so manly.
You're so, and I was like, you, you heard some of it.
Once I got here, I recorded the, you know, what was going on.
Cause I didn't even have a recording app on my phone.
I have like the voice memo thing, but it doesn't record phone calls.
So I had to get another company phone and then record it.
And I knew it was a total setup that I'm like, oh really?
Tell me about how sexy I am again, sweetheart?
So you can read it, Alex Jones, Megyn Kelly, full interview leaked.
You can go read that, listen to it, see it.
So I'm saying, I will not talk about Sandy Hook.
Do you understand, honey?
Oh, yes.
Then she has the bold cojones to go on her TV show yesterday morning with some of the parents and say, isn't it horrible he keeps bringing it up?
Isn't it horrible he's sending crazy people to attack you?
I'm not covering it!
I'm not bringing it up!
I'm telling Megyn Kelly I don't want to talk about it!
She's here a year ago, in the eight hours she interviews me to edit it together, and I keep saying, I think Sandy Hook happened.
Well, why'd you say this?
Why'd you say that?
I said, well, I questioned some of it, what was going on early on because of anomalies and a stand-down.
Edits that together to reissue it and put it out.
The woman is the consummate snake.
She is a, in my view, a corrupt, evil, lying lawyer masquerading as a journalist who is a monster affront to the truth, who wants to create a chilling effect to shut down alternative information and news because her ratings are in the toilet, along with the rest of MSN.
Stop victimizing the people of Sandy Hook and the people of Pizzagate!
Stop it!
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Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
Hey, brother.
Good, man.
Thank you for calling.
Um, I just want to say thanks for your products and everything that you're doing to try to save the country.
Um, I mean, I've tried your Secret 12, Super Male, Anthroplex, the Silver Bullet, Biome Defense, Micro ZX.
I mean, it's all good stuff.
Um, Secret 12, if everybody would just drop their energy drinks and get some Secret 12, um, take a shot of that.
That's the thing about Secret 12.
Just a half a dropper has way more energy.
People ask, why is it sweet?
Real organic B12 is sweet.
And exactly.
When I'm super tired, I go, hey, why am I drinking coffee at 10 at night if I'm going on some show like Coast to Coast?
Secret 12, 30 minutes later, massive energy.
It's amazing.
Yeah, that stuff will wake you up.
And the clarity of mind that comes along with that is just amazing.
We're going to continue to stand up for America.
We are going to call BS on the mainstream media when they lie.
This is the essence of InfoWars.
This is why your trip to the InfoWars store is so vitally important.
You see, we don't have any right-wing industrialists or multi-billionaires standing in the wings writing big checks to Alex Jones to subsidize our work here at InfoWars.
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So please go to the site now.
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Audience, radio affiliates, TV affiliates, thank you for your support.
But they've cut off the sponsors, they've blocked us advertising on Google, they have filed 13 lawsuits, we've beaten six.
But understand this, I am your soldier.
You're my soldier.
We're all in this together.
And we're fighting hard for American values, what we know works, and what brings liberty and freedom to our children.
So I salute you and I thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
So, Donald Trump's been in office less than a year and a half, and like Lazarus, America has crawled out of its tomb, economically, culturally,
Spiritually, in many respects, we've really turned the corner.
Lazarus has a heartbeat.
He looks like hell, smells bad, but he's on the mend.
And the Banshees, the vampires, are going into conniption fits of intimidation, of bullying, of just going wild.
And a lot of Americans are saying, I'm going to keep my head down and see who wins this.
You're not Americans if you do that.
America is America because we had guts.
We stood up.
The whole world, every major historian said we were smart, hardworking, and manered in hell, stubborn like a mule, didn't back down.
That's what built it.
It's why on average we've got all this wealth.
It's because we're not easy to push around.
Well, I see myself as a throwback then.
But America was the vanguard, the cutting edge.
We're not going back to American values.
We are getting back to the future, back to the real agenda that was making us so successful.
Coming up, Roger Stone is listed in the giant lawsuit from the Democratic Party.
Now, they already had Obama's law firm group that he founded one month before he left office to, quote, stop the Trump agenda.
Remember that headline.
In fact, type that in.
It's from CNN.
Obama founds legal group to stop Trump agenda.
Didn't say Russia, to stop Trump.
They developed the little breadcrumbs to put out the new fake suit and the Democratic Party with all its money gets behind it to crush these individuals.
You talk about Federal Elections Commission issue, they shouldn't be able to do that.
Should the Republicans be able to fund all these people?
So they can defend themselves?
Oh, no!
The Democrats will say, no, no, no.
We can use our money to sue you, the deep state, but you can't use any government money to stop us.
Roger Stone's the next segment, but let's get back briefly to Megyn Kelly, and I may just play a few minutes of this, though it really is hard to watch.
CNN, NBC, all of them are in the tank.
They admit that.
And they're doing everything they can
To try to shut down liberals, conservatives, you name it.
In fact, there's a big hubbub on the internet today that all of these mainline Democrats who are very, very popular but have their own shows, like Jimmy Dore and others, CNN is now pushing to have them blocked their monetization taken and to have that removed.
Now, CNN admits a month ago they've been lobbying to have us removed and then lying about what we've said to try to set the case for that.
So they defame us and they try to silence us so they can tell lies about us and no one can respond.
Just like I got hundreds and hundreds of media requests saying, what is your statement?
What is your response?
On Monday.
And I sent the media a video response.
And still, for days after days, they say, oh, Jones didn't respond.
Jones didn't respond.
Jones didn't respond.
Megyn Kelly at least said, oh, he did respond, but on his YouTube.
Lady, I'd have got on an airplane and come up there and got in the studio with you and the father of one of the victims.
I'd have said, sir, I've been saying for years that I'm sure people died there.
And I never said for sure nobody died.
I said that I played devil's advocate and said I could see why some people don't believe the government because it's a lot about babies and incubators.
But it's been edited and then it's brought back up like I'm bringing it back up.
I'd say, Megan, you told me before you came here we weren't going to get into Sandy Hook.
But then you got into it and then you say I'm a horrible person bringing it back up.
You're the horrible person!
Ladies and gentlemen, I am not going to be a statute in the law.
They want the Alex Jones statute to preemptively ban people and preemptively ban questioning public events.
They don't want you to question their narratives when they put out their narratives of chemical gas attacks and three times it turns out to be the rebels.
We're not sure of this time.
It's still up in the air.
But they have the motive.
And Senator Paul and all these other generals say that Assad doesn't have the motive and the rebels have been caught staging stuff before and they've been putting out fake videos of gas attacks and admitting it's fake.
I mean, this is getting crazy.
And what does it say in internal Google documents from a year ago?
We want Jones shut down because he changed the narrative on Syria chemical attacks being staged.
They don't want me here, so you don't have a voice, so we can talk about this.
There's another article on InfoWars.com.
CNN associates InfoWars with pedo channel in bid to shut down its competition.
And hundreds of liberal channels that are popular, but that are independent and anti-war, they're being shut down.
They're being blocked.
And the left is so upset that people like Jimmy Dore has left the Young Turks, and he's more popular than them now, and that they want him off the air.
That's what this is all about, and I've invited Jimmy Dore on the show.
It doesn't matter if we disagree on 80% of stuff, we agree, and he points it out, that they're shutting down conservatives and liberals that are non-interventionists.
CNN, and compares this to Nazis and pedophiles in the same newscast.
I've got a lawsuit.
I've got a real defamation suit.
Because this stuff is causing damage with advertisers openly saying they're saying this so we lose advertisers.
You understand what we're saying here?
They say malice of forethought doesn't do harm.
They compare us to pedophile sites, white supremacist sites, who by the way have a right to operate, I don't agree with them, they have a right, the pedophile sites don't, and then say we should be taken down.
That's all in a CNN report last night.
This group that force-feeds itself to you at hotels and bars and restaurants and train stations and bus stations and
That you just can't get away from.
It's like syphilis or gonorrhea or herpes.
It won't go away.
And it's just always there like a cold sore coming up.
CNN is raping this country.
Raping the First Amendment.
And it's all part of this big deep state constellation attack that's going on.
Let's play some of this.
This is Megan Kelly.
Father of slain Sandy Hook first grader, Alex Jones, must come clean on his lies.
So, they accuse me of being a liar and calling them liars in the suit.
It was filed here in Travis County on Monday.
They say also that I must do a retraction.
I refuse.
They sent the letter last Wednesday.
They had a month for me to do an apology or retraction, but I can't apologize or retract something I didn't do.
Then they instantly file it, say that I'm not apologizing, say that I'm saying nobody died, and then saying, why won't he go away?
Why won't he stop saying and stop bullying us, Alex?
Well, my audience knows what really happened.
This is worldwide news from Australia to Taiwan to England.
Sandy Hookfather calls out Alex Jones on Megyn Kelly.
It's amazing.
Megyn Kelly, like a vampire, has been on this story and bringing it up and misrepresenting what I've said to hurt me.
And she brings the pain up to the families again.
And I'm sure they're smart people, these families.
You know, they don't want this pain to their family and the memory brought up.
I'm not bringing it up.
Except when they're in the news and the media is there saying I've said things I didn't say.
So I'm going to ask the families to
Actually, look at what I've said.
And to come on this show.
But you notice, I'm not invited on any of these shows.
It's all gotta be one-sided so that Megyn Kelly can lie to everybody.
Roger Stone's coming up.
I'm gonna probably put on the end of this some of the clips, but it's just insane.
I probably should just shoot a whole special report on this Megyn Kelly thing.
Because they're the ones bringing it up, they're the ones misrepresenting, and then saying I am.
It's total and complete fraud from the media.
One of the things I'm really proud of is the fact that doing my own research, talking to top scientists, we knew that there was an iodine conspiracy.
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Iodine used to be used in bread as a dough enhancer.
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Since 1970, the iodine they collected in urine is 50% less now than it was then.
Research from a World Health Organization study show that 10 to 50 percent of people worldwide are deficient in iodine.
Most people, I think everybody, for the most part, should be supplementing with iodine.
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But none of them are as pure or as clean as the original Survival Shield X2 at InfoWarsLife.com.
I was just about to walk out of the studio to pick my children up and I got some bad news.
For the second time in the five and a half year history of Survival Shield X2, our flagship product, we are having supply chain problems.
And this may be the last batch of this.
You see, we have to go through the DEA to get this because it is pure atomic iodine.
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We have deep earth crystal source that's so pure that it actually turns into purple gas in the atmosphere and it's ejected into palm oil, organic palm oil, in a proprietary patented process.
And so in our own search to get the purest form,
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That's why the FDA is involved and that's why the DEA is involved.
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We're talking maybe two months of it.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Infowars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm picking up a fake transmission.
I think it's Alex Jones calling.
On screen.
But here's the good news, chumps.
You think you're gonna assassinate Trump, shoot down the independent media, and bully a bunch of us into going along with you?
I'd like reserve power.
Not long from being willing to have a fight.
We're wanting one at this point.
And only the dumbest morons buy into your SJW globalist George Soros droppings.
Emergency reserve.
Hillary Clinton and the New World Order and Michael Moore.
Go back to Hades where you came from.
We're awake and you're not putting us back in the coma.
You got that, Jack?
You're done.
It's over.
Get him back.
Get him back.
Well, exclusively, we've got Roger Stone joining us to give us a first look at this new Democrat temper tantrum that has been thrown.
They have now filed because the whole Russiagate investigation by the special counsel, Robert Mueller, has come up completely dry.
Except for exposing their own corruption, their own special unit inside the Justice Department and FBI, with McCabe, Comey and others, to try to frame the president for Russiagate, to try to stop the duly elected president from taking the reins of power, to try to block the electoral process of voting in this nation.
They have filed a new mammoth lawsuit alleging the sky, the house, the kitchen sink and everything in it.
And Roger Stone is named, and we have the blueprint.
We predicted this a year ago.
Politico, Obama lawyers form a worst-case scenario group to tackle Trump.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
And they just said to stop Trump, period.
And that's the group that sued Roger Stone, the president, a year ago to harass them.
And to cause them hundreds of thousands of dollars, something Roger doesn't have, and to dig into their lives.
And now they've got the Democrat Party launching it with Democrat Party money.
So they show the public that illegals aren't voting, as the Democrats hand out in 14 states.
They've got CNN comparing all Democrats that are anti-war to pedophiles.
And Nazis.
And then they put us in the same report.
I don't have the money to sue CNN.
CNN doesn't care if I fight them for two years and waste my time, then win a judgment.
They just want us out of the game, folks.
CNN associates InfoWars with Pedo Channel in bid to shut down its competition.
This is next level, ladies and gentlemen.
And the Democrats, who are anti-war, if you scroll down to Jimmy Dore and others, I'll read the tweet here.
Points out that, so CNN is so scared of YouTube news channels, that they're creating a fake crisis so that YouTube will now fully demonetize independent news.
My show goes against the pro-Syrian war narrative being uniformly pushed by the establishment news.
So they smear me hard.
And they say, sites like Jimmy Dore runs right beside Alex Jones, pedophiles, and North Korea, and white supremacists.
I mean, if that isn't the most ridiculous... It's like saying... And their site ran next to CNN.
Ooh, that's even worse, isn't it?
And then CNN calls for us to be removed and demonetized.
Or in the reverse order.
So, they are a clear and present danger to end the First Amendment, to sue everyone, to bully everything into oblivion, to have illegal raids on the President's lawyer.
Then, one day later, the judge leaks it to the four winds.
All this private stuff that isn't even an issue.
They are mad dogs.
And so the question is, what does the President do to counter this?
We're going to Roger Stone here in just a moment.
But first, ladies and gentlemen, first, it is critical that everybody understand that we the people are awake, we're involved, we're focused.
And we can win if you take action.
And one big way is supporting our local affiliates.
Spreading the articles and the videos continually, to not just your inner circle, but to others that aren't aware of what's going on.
Printing off articles, leaving them at the dentist, leaving them at the barber, leaving them at the school, getting my films, watching them and then donating them to the local library, or buying the books we sell, and then donating them to the local library.
Every person you reach is critical.
Because you reach the person with the truth once, the lies don't work anymore.
Once the blinders are off.
Once they've taken the red pill.
And of course financial support.
They're trying to drain us.
They're trying to shut us down.
It is a full frontal assault.
Everywhere with sad parents up there saying Alex Jones shouldn't bring up our cases anymore.
We're not.
Megyn Kelly brought it up.
We responded when she lied about what we said about Sandy Hook.
We said we think people died there.
But when there's anomalies, people have a right to question.
And so now we're being sued for saying, quote, we have a right to question.
They actually played that on her program to say that nothing sacrosanct.
No, because people like you are out there, you vampire.
You are the vampire.
You are a vampiric, lying deceiver, and you got caught in front of the whole world, and your ratings are tanking further because you have no empathy, no soul, no nothing.
Everyone sees through you, Megyn Kelly.
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With the big breaking news exclusively first, Roger Stone of InfoWars, we don't go away from the controversy, we go towards it when it's telling the truth, has been listed in the latest lawsuit with a bunch of other people, including the Russian government and President Trump.
Roger Stone, what is this really all about?
Well, Alex, there's nothing quite like waking up for a hearty breakfast, you know, the kind Winston Churchill used to enjoy, and then learning that you have been sued by the Democratic National Committee, the official apparatus of the Democratic Party, and your co-defendants are the Russian state, the general staff of the armed forces of Russia.
The GRU, someone allegedly calling themselves Guccifer 2.0, a bunch of Russian names I don't recognize, somebody named Joseph Mifsud, Wikileaks, Julian Assange, Donald J. Trump for President Inc., Donald J. Trump Jr.
Paul J. Manafort Jr., Jared Kushner, the President's son-in-law, George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, and menacingly John Doe's 1 through 10.
Alex, this is a left-wing conspiracy theory.
They can't prove this anymore in a court of law than they can in the court of public opinion.
Sure, no, no, no.
I mean, their whole Russia investigation just fell apart, so they're just rebooting a new one to act like they've got something.
We'll come right back with Roger Stone exclusively here.
Sued along with the GRU, the Russian military, the Russian government, the president.
I wonder if I'm one of the John Does, because I kind of feel left out here that I've not been added.
I guess they just don't think they'll buy the guy from Texas as a Russian agent.
But we're playing German music.
Must mean we're on the German payroll.
Stay with us.
One of the reasons that your audience is so awakened and so able to process information is because your health products actually greatly enhance neurological and cognitive function.
This is something that I've been noticing that, you know, people who live on junk foods and processed foods and take medications and go in and out of the pharmacy, they're dumbed down and they're easy for the globalists to control.
You get on turmeric, like your body's product, and you've got the nootropics and all these other products.
What happens is people, it takes a couple of months, but all the clouds start clearing out of their heads, the cobwebs go away, and they start being able to see with clarity what's happening in the world.
Like, you're giving people the information to wake them up, and the nutrition to wake them up.
I mean, the brain's a physical organ.
The brain has to physically and biochemically work before the brain can process the information that you're downloading to people.
Here's my problem.
When I do take the bodies and the X2 and things, I'm already so crazed and focused that then I see everything so clear, I tend to get mad.
I have the same issue.
Neurological disorders are exploding.
IQs are dropping.
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And I'm glad you mentioned that, because bodies have just come back in.
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When you do the extract, it leaves all the heavy metals behind.
The heavy metals stay in the root, so the turmeric root has lead in it, some lead.
Well, that's another reason.
It's left behind.
The top lab we ended up using to make this said that, they said, listen, you want to go with the more expensive extract anyways.
Because then you can't pass the metals testing if you don't.
So anyway, what I really noticed was that it's this combination that you're providing people the information to awaken them and the nutrition.
Because if you're living on junk foods, folks, you're not going to be able to wake up and process the information.
Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a longtime InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks for the awesome BrainForce AnthroPlex.
My girlfriend would like to say thanks for the AnthroPlex, too.
Thank you.
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report, it's Alex Jones.
Well, the Democratic Party itself has filed a massive, massive lawsuit against Roger Stone, and against the President, and against Russia, and Roger's going to pick it all apart and destroy it right now, but doesn't this really mean that
The whole Mueller thing has fallen apart completely.
They admit that.
They've moved on to sexcapades and, you know, things with Trump's lawyer.
So they're trying to reboot it here to have another fake lawsuit which they then use as PR so that their willing accomplices in the media can parent the deception, Roger.
I mean, the problem here is, Alex, is the same.
It has to be seen within the broader context of what's going on.
Infowars being sued in a series of malicious, baseless, meritless, but salacious suits designed to get negative headlines.
My being sued by Project Democracy.
This lawsuit is essentially a knockoff.
It's a one-off.
It's not a winnable case in a court of law because it's a left-wing conspiracy theory.
It strings together a series of events but provides no evidence of collusion.
They're there.
They have no proof of collusion by the Russian state.
They cannot prove that the DNC was hacked.
Ironically, the reason the DNC can't be penetrated on that question is the plaintiff's unwillingness to let the FBI or anyone else examine their servers.
How curious.
How flawed is this lawsuit?
But it's meant to grind you down, as you know.
They're trying to grind InfoWars down.
They're trying to ground me and the Stone Cold suit crowd.
It costs you thousands of dollars just to fight these and have them dismissed or defeat them.
I was sued in Manhattan for defamation in a politically motivated suit.
I won before an overwhelmingly Democratic jury.
They didn't have a case.
There is no case here, but Alex, listen to this star lineup of defendants.
I'm being sued with the Russian Federation.
The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, GRU.
A GRU operative using the pseudonym Goosepher 2.0.
Well, there's some supposition in your documents, buddy.
Somebody named Joseph Mifsud.
Never heard of him.
Julian Assange, the crusading journalist.
Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.
Donald J. Trump, Jr.
Paul J. Manafort Jr., Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law, George Papadopoulos, never met the guy, Rick Gates, and John Doe's 1 through 10, one of whom is most certainly Alex Jones.
Let me ask you this question.
I know under campaign finance reform, political activity like this is barred against people from the other party or other operatives.
Clearly, the Republican Party should come in and finance the counter to this.
If there's a new precedent for the Democratic Party with its billions of dollars, can start suing people.
Katie, bar the door.
I mean, this is so authoritarian, Roger.
Well, look, the good news here is that when you go down through this list of plaintiffs, the only one, the only defendant, pardon me, with deep pockets who must defend, is that Donald J. Trump, for president, incorporated the president's campaign, which is more than solvent.
And they're going to have to be in court.
My guess is they're suing people unsuable in the United States.
And as they're suing the Russian state, I don't think they'll be sending lawyers.
They're suing the general staff of the armed services of the Russian state.
I don't think he's going to be showing up.
It's a frivolous lawsuit.
It's meant for the PR.
Listen to what we are charged with, Alex, since you're most likely in the John Doe list.
It's a giant stunt.
I mean, that's all.
It's just a giant stunt to put all their fantasies in there and act like it's real again.
Like the lawsuit saying that I'm saying that nobody died at Sandy Hook in the last few years and that I'm bullying the families when I beg Megyn Kelly not to bring it up in her interview with me and I have it on tape.
Then she goes, how dare Alex Jones bring up Sandy Hook in our interview.
There's nothing sacrosanct.
She actually says it.
He's so horrible that in my interview he brought it up.
She just kept bringing it up!
Kept bringing it up!
She is an absolute fraud!
God, she makes me sick!
Go ahead, sorry.
Alex, you're kicking a corpse.
Look at her ratings and the trajectory of her career after her trip to Texas.
Look, they tried every trick in the book.
They interviewed you late at night.
They turned up the heat in the rented house where it was shot to 100 degrees to make sure you'd perspire.
They shot you from below to make you look satanic.
And guess what?
You still kicked her butt.
So, you know, I know how this one came out.
Extraordinary in that we are charged with computer fraud and abuse, RICO, RICO conspiracy, violation of the Wiretap Act, stored communications, misappropriation of trade secrets, Washington D.C.
Uniform Trade Secrets Act, trespass, I presume that's the alleged break into their servers, conspiracy to commit trespass.
This is a hoax.
Whoever filed this should be held up for sanctions.
They have no case.
It's a left-wing conspiracy theory by a bunch of zany left-wing conspiracy theorists.
Some lawyer at Project Democracy is probably having a relationship with someone at the Democratic National Committee, so we reproduce the same phony, bogus, meritless, baseless lawsuit to get a great headline out of Roger Stone and
Donald Trump Jr.
and our non-association with the Russians.
It's lawfare!
The same thing you see every day at InfoWars with the latest Sandy Hook lawsuit, with the claim that you were grooming an employee for gay sex.
I know you, Alex.
That's not you.
So, I mean, it's all malicious.
It's just meant to get that negative headline.
And this is, you know, they just want to fight.
The point here is, they don't seem to understand that
Rather than wearing us down, rather than encumbering us, this just inspires me.
I love the taste of liberal blood.
You want to rumble?
Let's rumble.
The lawyers who filed this, I need them disbarred.
At a minimum, I need them sanctioned.
This is an abuse of the process, Your Honor.
This is absurd.
They have no case.
They string together facts that they find suspicious in their lefty worldview.
You lost the election.
There is Russian collusion.
A ton of it.
Unfortunately, it's with your girl Hillary.
And unfortunately, they're the ones who paid $145 million to Bill and Hill.
The Rooskies.
Passing the rubles to them, not us.
Oh, Bill got a half million for a speaking fee.
That's called a bribe.
Can you say Uranium One?
And who's in this tar baby?
Well, if it isn't Mr. Mueller, Mr. Comey, Mr. McCabe, and Mr. Rosenstein himself, the U.S.
attorney who perpetrates the fraud of... And that's my next point.
Notice this is on the heels of the Republicans calling for a criminal investigation of Comey, Rosenstein, Hillary.
McCabe, absolutely.
It's time.
They got caught in a criminal conspiracy, meeting with the Russians to pay them for fake info that turned out to be fake, and paying their wives to write it up.
It was even a payoff there, and Hillary giving money to McCabe's wife, a half million.
These are such arrogant, sanctimonious, criminal frauds.
And just like they filed this latest law fair piece of fiction, you know they're going to have it turn into a Netflix movie before you can, you know, click your heels once, or your ruby slippers.
We're going to be off to fantasy land, off the land of Oz here, and there's going to be a whole Netflix show based on this screenplay.
This is a screenplay.
I bet a Hollywood person wrote this.
This is a, what, hundred page
Well, if that's true, Alex, I just want to say right up front, I want James Woods to play me in the production of that screenplay.
This is an abuse of the process, but it shows that it is what they are down to.
Mueller is out searching for crimes that have, pardon me, nothing to do with Russia.
Uh, and, uh, there is, uh, you know, they are, every day they are more and more exposed.
So they have now to launch this, this two-part campaign.
And it has to be seen in context.
This lawsuit is just part of a larger scheme of lawsuits against me, against Alex Jones, against InfoWars.
We're good.
No proof is necessary.
No evidence.
It just becomes Alex Jones said.
Roger Stone said.
It doesn't even need to be corroborated.
These things are out the window.
They point to the charge.
So they defame you.
They steal your identity.
They put out hoaxes and frauds.
Then they openly call for us to be removed because they can't face the truth.
But there's a large segment of America that understands it and is rallying behind us and our listeners.
Our affiliates are not being bullied.
We are getting so many new affiliates.
We are expanding.
But these lawsuits cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to see them through and countersue them, if not millions.
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Audience, radio affiliates, TV affiliates, thank you!
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But they've cut off the sponsors.
They've blocked us advertising on Google.
They have filed 13 lawsuits.
We've beaten six.
But understand this, I am your soldier.
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You are receiving this transmission.
You are the resistance.
You know, Roger Stone, I have to say, is just as articulate as I am, maybe more so.
He can certainly stay focused better than I can.
They'll at least let him a little bit on some of these shows.
I guess he's been around Washington 40-something years, the rest of it.
He was, during most of the campaign, banned off Fox, CNN, MSNBC.
CNN led the banning campaign.
They were very proud of that.
They're calling for my banning as well.
They called for his banning on Twitter, which has happened.
But imagine, I'm being accused of being a Russian agent with no proof.
I'm being sued and they're saying, as I said, nobody died at Sandy Hook.
And that I brought Sandy Hook back up when it's Megyn Kelly.
She says, how dare Alex Jones bring this back up when she did it on record.
I mean, I released a recording of her saying we weren't going to go there.
Or that she might just barely mention it when the whole point was that.
And then she's like, Alex Jones did it again.
He brought it up on my show that I asked him to, but she doesn't say that.
It's next level where we don't even really get to respond.
Roger gets little bits here and there.
But, you know, you've denied you're tied to Russia, you've gone over the proof, everybody knows that.
I think you just attacked the narrative here that this is lawfare, this is a stunt, this is a publicity stunt, yet again, and then tied into all the attacks on the free press.
Because America needs to understand how those two things go together, Roger.
Look Alex, the only thing worse in politics than being talked about is not being talked about.
They attack InfoWars, they attack me, they attack many of our handful of comrades who are amazingly effective simply because we are effective.
They would not be launching these kind of campaigns.
They spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on bots denigrating you, InfoWars, me, regurgitating the Goosebump 2.0 lies, the Julian Assange lies, the WikiLeaks lies, the Podesta email lies.
This lawsuit says yet again, Stone predicted with great accuracy the future releases of WikiLeaks.
Yes, it's called coincidence and working your sources, but they have no proof.
It's a fantasy, a fairy tale, a left-wing conspiracy theory.
And it is going to be used for fundraising purposes.
You say, give to the DNC, help us in our lawsuit against the bad guys.
This outfit, Project Democracy, which is an Obama-blessed front organization, the alum of the Obama administration is suing me, using all these expensive
And by the way, you're not just saying that Obama founded this.
They admit in February of last year, Obama created it to stop the Trump agenda.
That's the headline.
And it's targeting everybody.
That's what listeners have to understand.
We're not kidding here.
If you don't buy the products, if you don't support us, if you don't buy the products at Infowarsstore.com, we will not weather this.
Roger has spent, I know, I don't know if I'm allowed to say, but it's a million bucks.
That's most of the money he had.
I guess I did just say it.
You know, with all these fake suits.
And he's winning them.
But Roger, are you going to do a slapback for the suit you won in New York when you got sued for defamation?
Or does New York have a slapback?
I'm told I've got to countersue.
I just countersued last week in DC.
You were there, you know, against Georgetown.
Zero mainstream media coverage that I've countersued them.
Rather than, I want to fight to have most of these dismissed because I want to focus my attention on a lawsuit to reveal whether or not, as I believe, and I believe I can prove in a court of law, I was subject of an unconstitutional, politically motivated FISA warrant for surveillance, along with Paul Manafort and Carter Page.
Numerous mainstream media publications, including the New York Times, have asserted that that is the case.
The government refuses to admit it in their legal wrangling with Manafort and his attorneys.
And that is the lawsuit that I have to pursue.
They have no probable cause to have examined my personal communications, other than the fact that I was for Donald Trump and an advisor of his.
And that is their interest.
The same reason, at that juncture, Manafort was also targeted.
So, uh, it is, uh, that's the lawsuit I want to focus on.
I'm going non-offense here, Alex.
We will deal with all of these, and we will seek sanctions and punishment for those who waste the court's time with this kind of frivolous crap.
Great job, Roger Stone.
I got one more question.
We're back in 60 seconds.
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Red Pill, now available at InfoWarsStore.com and your purchase fugs the operation.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Roger Jones about to leave us.
He was on with us the last 30 minutes.
He has been sued along with the Russian government, President Trump and others for a wild raft of what he calls a hoax, a conspiracy theory.
I am the beneficiary, I say that sarcastically, of similar lawfare lawsuits where they file these fictions and it's like a Hollywood screenplay with no evidence.
It's defamatory, but it's filed into court so it has some protections, not once the media picks it up.
Because they've thrown a temper tantrum because they lost the election and the country's coming back, and they're the globalists and they're the ones in bed with Russia.
Roger's getting hundreds of calls, he's gonna be a very busy person defending his First Amendment, his rights, you name it.
But the Democratic Party is now going after individuals.
Talk about bullying.
This is unprecedented.
And it shows their desperation.
All this with the backdrop of Comey, Mueller, McCabe,
All caught in perjury to Congress.
Congress is now saying, that's not just me months ago, but I showed you the spots where he changed testimony week to week, month to month, all those testimonies.
Comey's caught.
He lied and said he wasn't leaking.
Been caught leaking.
I mean, they are in a lot of trouble if Sessions hadn't been... I mean, the word is that he was castrated by Nancy Pelosi in a woodchipping accident.
I mean, I'm being sarcastic here, but this has become downright treacherous and treasonous
No evidence of anything after giant investigations.
We've all been wiretapped.
We got documents over a year ago that I've been wiretapped.
And I mean, there's nothing there.
There's nothing going on.
But they don't care.
They just keep pressing and pressing.
So, just briefly, the backdrop of this, Roger, with Comey bizarrely running around falling on his face, and just all of the sanctimonious garbage by this group of criminals, don't they get
They're probably not going to be able to set us up or get Trump.
The bullying isn't intimidating us.
And even if they were able to take us out and take Trump out, the world's moved on.
Nationalism, populism's exploding, globalism's in retreat, Soros is in trouble.
Now those of us that are on the front line, we're taking the brunt of their counter-assault.
So we need financial support, prayers, local affiliates need to be thanked that they're carrying this.
This is the second American Revolution.
So just any other key tidbits about the point in history we are right now.
Let me just show you how wild the deep state and the left is in these lawsuit strategy.
John Brennan, General James Clapper, you remember him?
The guy who lied to Congress under oath about the metadata collection program on Americans.
Susan Rice, the entire front line of the deep state, filed a brief calling themselves a friend of the court in this exact same lawsuit where Project Democracy is suing Donald Trump and I. Why are these big shots in the deep state filing suits?
And their paper says the Russians often use political consultants as cutouts.
That's what it says.
It doesn't say that I am one.
It doesn't say they have evidence of one.
They just say it occurs, like, you know, bears take a dump in the woods or the sky is blue.
It's like the cherry blossoms are beautiful in April and May in D.C.
It's like, oh, well, since the cherry blossoms are out, it means Roger Stone's guilty.
I know.
These lawsuits against me...
It'll say, this particular host, Owen Schroyer, said this, and it's not even true.
And then, this person, that's why we're suing him.
And then they say, Kit Daniels, who's not even in a lawsuit.
It's like, a lot of it doesn't even match up, it's like insane!
Yeah, no, reading their lawsuit, it's a work of fiction, spinning together a bunch of things that they read about in the newspaper but they didn't like, or that they're fake news sites produced that is not factually correct.
They're very big on that.
It's interesting the way now Newsweek, for example, which is essentially the purchase of the trade name Newsweek, not the Newsweek magazine or the company that was respectable you once know, now is in the hand of crazy leftists who pump out fake news day and night.
So be aware.
If you see Newsweek,
It's most likely bogus, whatever they've prepared.
It's basically a retread of BuzzFeed and all the rest of it.
Politico got so discredited, they created Axios.
They're all having to create new organizations and new names because they're so discredited.
It's exactly right.
Meanwhile, you're absolutely right, Alex.
This has cost me
Almost a million dollars.
StoneDefenseFund.com is where you send your contribution.
I already have to deal with Senate Intelligence and Judiciary Committee requests, and I'm going to end up testifying there.
They have asked for an enormous dump of documents, all of which are innocuous, by the way, and there's not nearly as much as they might think.
Uh, but I have those legal costs.
Now I have the Project Democracy, uh, suit where we've been ordered to give oral arguments in our motion to dismiss, very rare.
Uh, and now this lawsuit that I have to defend.
So it's an attempt to bankrupt, uh, my, my family.
It's an attempt to, to distract me when I should be at the rail parts fighting to protect
This reformist outsider president.
I don't agree with him on Syria.
I don't like the idea that he signed the budget deal.
But he's a hell of a lot better than Hillary Clinton.
That I do know.
God bless you, Roger.
It's good to be working with you.
There he goes.
He'll be back on The War Room today, coming up 3 o'clock with Owen Schroyer.
We're about to go to our amazing next guest, Katie Hopkins, who I just love the work she's doing in the UK and here in the US and also on Fox News.
But before we go to her, just briefly,
A lot of people ask me, are you down?
I was at a restaurant last night and I had five different tables of people come over and say, we love you, Alex.
We know you're going through a lot.
Keep it up.
We know they're lying about you.
And I said, listen, thanks for the support, but don't feel sorry for me.
This is what it's like to fight for your country.
And these globalists are criminals and we're forcing them out in the open.
We're forcing them to come out and to really show people who they are.
And so, yeah, for those of us that are at the front lines, there can be some problems, but this is what we came here to do.
And so, here's an example.
Since Katie Hopkins is joining us, this is something she's covered a lot, and we'll get into whatever topic she wants to cover.
Rotherdam Council ordered to apologize to grooming whistleblower.
And there are members of Parliament who were forced to resign because they talked about Muslim men running giant sex grooming and kidnapping rings.
Thousands of girls as young as six, seven years old, in many cases, in towns.
Thousands per town.
Well, I know Katie Hopkins has covered this and been demonized.
They have a nationally funded play about the assassination of Katie Hopkins.
This is the bullying.
But this newest article we'll cover later goes through how people tirelessly for 18 years have been exposing this and being demonized, being attacked.
You name it.
And then now they're being proven right.
This is the monstrousness of the left all over the world and their alliance with the worst forms of Islam.
It's truly insane.
There's so much to cover.
Katie, you've always got a full plate of really interesting things.
What do you want to tackle first?
Well, just to pick up on your point there, Alex, about the grooming gangs, I was actually reported to the police
On the grounds of hate speech, because I pointed out that 80% of grooming gangs are of Pakistani Muslim origin.
And in that town that you just mentioned, a place called Rotherham, on Pakistani National Day, they hoisted the Pakistani flag in towns where thousands of young girls have been raped by Pakistani Muslim men.
And that's the sort of thing that's happening in the UK.
I spoke out against it.
I said it's inappropriate to be raising the Pakistani flag in towns where my kind of children, white daughters like my own, have been raped by these men.
And I was the one that was reported to the police.
And the police and crime commissioner investigated me because of my tweets on that subject.
But the thing I wanted to talk to you about right now, Alex, is Alfie Evans.
You've probably heard of him.
22-month-old little baby.
The Supreme Court have just ruled
Katie Hobbs, we gotta go to break.
We'll come back and talk about little Alfie Evans, sentenced to death just now.
That's breaking.
And Nigel Farage joins us for the next 10 minutes.
You can follow him at Twitter, Nigel underscore Farage.
He's helped lead the populist movement.
What is the latest from the UK?
Look, remember that in 2013, it was in fact British public opinion that shifted our politicians, that stopped us getting involved in Syria.
And don't forget, the object of the government at the time was to arm the rebels.
Alex, if we'd done that, we'd have armed ISIS.
It would have been mad!
And actually, it was British public opinion affecting our politicians that stopped Obama and America from getting involved in this.
So, I'm a great believer actually with all these things.
Trust Middle England.
Trust Middle America.
They tend to get it right more than London or Washington DC.
Now, Mrs May does appear keen to get involved militarily.
All I can tell her
is be careful because public opinion now against intervention is probably even stronger than it was four years ago.
Let's put it like this.
If it wasn't Assad that did it, you know, you can make arguments about the deep state doing it, but equally don't forget that ISIS themselves a couple of years ago
We're on record for using chemical weapons no fewer than 52 times.
ISIS could quite easily have done this, hoping the world would blame Assad and the Russians, particularly in the wake of the arguments that are still going on about the poisonings that took place in Salisbury, England.
So, the answer is, we don't know.
You're a leading expert on this.
Why is the left allied with radical Islam?
Why are they trying to flood?
Because they hate Christianity.
They deny absolutely our Judeo-Christian culture, which if you think about it actually are the roots completely of our nations and our civilization.
They deny that.
They also, don't forget Alex, they want to abolish the nation state.
They want to get rid of it.
They want to replace it with the globalist project and the European Union is the prototype for the new world order.
Do you know, if Hillary had won that election,
Last year, she was going to sign America up to get really close to this kind of thing.
So, you know, we may sit here right now, Alex, and be a bit critical of Trump, but on many other things, he's got things right.
And when you send a message, when Angela Merkel sends a message, as many of you as want to come can come, what do you think they're going to do?
In fact, the liberals have become the very fascists that they try and criticise with their rhetoric.
And look, what's really happening here?
You know, don't underestimate
How massive the seismic shock of 2016 was.
The victory of Brexit.
The victory of Trump.
You know, we're winning.
Look at Hungary the other day.
We are winning, but it doesn't feel like we're winning because the left and the state are fighting back with all their might.
And you know something?
If we can resist,
This politically correct charge, this attempt to stop us thinking and speaking freely, if we can resist that, then our victory actually will be complete.
So don't get down, everybody.
Don't get depressed.
They're behaving like this because we're beating them.
And let's remember, you're the guy when Trump thought three months before he was going to lose that came in privately, cheered him up and cheered up the troops, and you were a critical catalyst in this, just as you were in Brexit.
You're amazing.
Thank you for joining us.
I know you're very busy, but that's as the EU has said.
They'll try to start a wider war to keep the EU.
Don't you think that's what part of this attempt to start World War III is about in Syria?
I think the globalists have wanted to have some form of conflict with Russia as an argument for us all to surrender our national sovereignty and give it up to a higher global level.
They've wanted it for years and now they see their opportunity and we must protect it.
Thank you so much Nigel Farage.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've got breaking news.
Obviously, yesterday, 11 valiant members of Congress did the right thing and said that they are calling for a criminal investigation of Comey, McCabe, Lynch, and others, which they've all been caught open and shut.
Congress is pointing that out.
We pointed this out last year, this year.
It's all there.
The perjury, the leaking, the colluding, the paying their wives and husbands at Fusion GPS.
Millions of dollars to create the fake dossier?
I mean, these husbands and wives over there just went to work there while they wrote the dossier and then left.
On the dossier.
I mean, this is so open and shut, but, oh, Comey looks like a big stuffed puppet, you know, of Mr. Goody Two-Shoes, so he must be great.
Yeah, how many psychopaths look just like that?
Just because he looks like he's a nice guy.
Give me a break.
That's so you don't want to watch your kids.
I'm here to tell you, he's a creep.
But Justice Department, this is the breaking news.
Justice Department watchdog probes Comey memos over classified information.
They've opened a criminal probe at the Justice Department.
The Wall Street Journal tries to water it down, but that's what this is, is that it is a classified secret and confidential material, and they have opened a criminal probe, because that is a criminal statute.
There's your headline.
Now, we've got big breaking news with Katie Hopkins of Hopkinsworld.com on Twitter at Katie Hopkins.
And she joins us.
We're going to get more into the grooming gangs that they're having to admit are going on that her and others valiantly exposed.
But as she pointed out, Alfie Evans that we've followed for so long, Trump's tried to invite her over here so much more, Supreme Court rules against parents for second time.
So give us the latest breaking details on this sad story.
So his parents went back to the Supreme Court.
They're still fighting to try to save their son.
The Supreme Court just decided that that wouldn't be the case.
The Supreme Court has overruled the wishes of the parents.
They have declared that Alfie Evans's life is futile.
And I think there's a big distinction as a mother.
If someone told me medical treatment is futile, I understand that.
But if someone tells me my child's life is futile, that's a very different thing.
The father went to see the Pope.
This has been going on for what, well over a year and a half or so?
Yeah, it's been a long battle for these parents.
And before them, there was another child, Charlie Gard.
Same again, the parents fought hard, wanted to keep their child alive, wanted to take their child.
Actually, eventually, they said, OK, we'll just take our child home so he can dine in his own cot, because he never saw his own cot.
And the hospital wouldn't even allow the child to go home to die.
They demanded the child's life was taken in hospital.
And that seems to be the egregious bit here, is this way of these hospitals treading roughshod over something that feels it needs a lot more humanity to it.
The fact they're just going to turn off this child's life support.
And there's been a very vociferous campaign outside the hospital
His army, you know, they're called Alfie's Army, have been campaigning to try and save him.
So a really tragic day for the parents and a very difficult time to kind of rationalise the state having more say than the mother or the father.
Well, take Iceland.
They're about to be the only country in the world with zero Down Syndrome children.
And people say, oh, that's good.
Well, now they've got some EU countries saying, we want to make it the law of genetic testing and we will force you to terminate a Down Syndrome child.
And then people say,
Oh, well, that's not eugenics.
It's classic eugenics.
And then next it's going to be other genetic disorders.
And then they're already listing people that are aggressive or people that are freedom-oriented.
They're saying that's a mental illness.
So now we've got to designer those embryos.
What we are facing is a true Gattaca or Brave New World type scenario here.
It's a really nasty thing and I think one of the things that really strikes home is the involvement of lawyers.
You know, you and I would both agree we see way too much of legal action in our life because we're trying to be silenced.
I think it's a very sinister thing when you have legal action involving parents who are just fighting hard to try and keep their son alive because they love him so much.
I don't think this is a place for the courts and I don't think this is a place, I don't think the state should ever have the final say
On who dies and when they die.
That feels very sinister to me indeed.
Have you seen National Dutch TV?
It was a few months ago where they sit there with a very well-operating Down Syndrome gentleman and they tell him how worthless he is and how he's bad for society and how much money he costs and the poor guy sits there and apologizes to him.
It actually made me get tears in my eyes.
This disgusting activity and it's always leftists.
They're just
They always call us Nazis, but in their real activity, they're the people that act and behave like Nazis.
It's absolutely bizarre, and what's really crippling me about it, what really drives me insane is the leftists, Labour, they will never admit that actually our national healthcare system is broken because of uncontrolled immigration, because we have half of Africa here who can get their treatment for free, half of Afghanistan is in my country getting treatment
For free.
If you fly over from Somalia yesterday and you arrive today and you're pregnant, you can have your babies in the maternity ward.
I'm going to pay for that as a taxpayer.
But one of our own children, this tiny baby, when his parents want to keep him alive, somehow he has to be disposed of.
You know, if I had my way, if I was in control of our healthcare system, British people would be prioritised.
And nationals would come first in the queue and be first in the line.
And I think that's a principle we need to have if we're going to have state medicine or nationalised healthcare.
Kenny Hobbins, you just hit on the Cloward and Piven method.
It's just one university study where they admit from the 60s, as you know, that they want to bankrupt Western societies so they can have a full communist takeover.
That's being directed by the large foundations who want total control.
They'll sit offshore in total opulence and tax-free with their trillions, but we will live in a communist, socialist, SJW nightmare.
Of ignorance and poverty.
Permanent poverty.
But if you look at what Macron called for on Monday with the head EU official on migration, they said, oh, we want 200 million North Africans the next 30 years, and we want it basically in Europe as we know it, and it will bankrupt things, we will have a civil war with Eastern Europe, but it's the right thing to do.
It sounds like
Like a Kurt Vonnegut satire.
It sounds like a hallucination of a lunatic.
But exactly.
They won't give French or Brits healthcare.
Paul Watson's in great shape.
Runs three miles a day.
But he got...
A really bad cold four years ago.
Strep throat, was coughing up blood for like three weeks.
He had to go beg them four or five times to let them go to the National Health Service and to get a waiver to go to a real doctor.
They have two tiers, even though he has money.
And they kept giving him a little pack of like Tylenol and, and, you know, a little pack of Band-Aids.
That's what you get.
Oh, here, you have strep throat.
It could kill you.
Here, just go home.
But then if they're foreigners, they just give them royal treatment.
It's, it's sick!
They are absolutely prioritised here.
Macron is a very suspicious character.
The only good news coming out of France today that I quite like, a Muslim lady
Who refused to shake that hand of the gentleman officiating on her nationalization into France.
She refused to shake his hand and she's now being rejected as a French citizen because she would not observe cultural norms in France.
So finally someone seen sense and said that, listen, if you won't shake our hands, then you don't deserve to be French.
So I'm glad about that, at least.
But I don't trust Macron one little bit.
I was there for his
Celebration of his win in the polls.
And he walks up to the stage to the European National Anthem.
That's right.
Katie Hopkins is on fire.
Stay with us.
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Hi, I'm Millie Weaver.
I'm a reporter for InfoWars and the reason I brought this microphone up here to show you guys is there have been so many times that I've been accosted, spit at, had urine thrown on me by rogue people, especially Antifa groups, radical communist leftist groups.
Because of the lies and propaganda that the mainstream media spews about InfoWars and Alex Jones.
So I get attacked because of these lies.
Physically attacked.
Now, a lot of this lawsuit that's been put against Alex Jones and InfoWars surrounds Charlottesville.
I was there in Charlottesville.
I was the Info Wars reporter on the ground reporting to you guys what happened.
We all know that the mainstream media afterward decided to spin a biased, one-sided storyline that you had a bunch of rogue
KKK extremists come and attack a bunch of peaceful protesters out there.
What I can tell you is that because I had the ability to live stream and to broadcast on social media, which those broadcasts went viral, I was able to show what exactly actually happened out there in Charlottesville.
There was violence on both sides, but I will say the overwhelming majority of the violence
Was coming from the Antifa leftist anti-protesters.
The ones protesting people who were out there trying to stand up for protecting a statue.
And yes, there were rogue elements on both sides.
But one side came with pepper spray, tear gas canisters, ice chests full of water balloons with chemicals and urine and feces in them to throw.
And that was depicted and caught through my ability
To live stream, broadcast on Facebook, on YouTube, on these social media sites that they want to remove us from.
I got the truth out there with Charlotte's film.
While at the same time, myself and my cameraman especially were pepper sprayed in the face for being InfoWars.
I made it clear to both Antifa and some of the radical elements on the
Alternative right side that we did not agree with any of their positions.
But what I told them was, I do agree with your right to free speech.
Both of you guys have a right to be out here and peacefully protest.
That didn't stop us from being pepper sprayed and attacked because of the lies and the propaganda that the mainstream media spreads about us and InfoWars.
That's why it's so important that we protect free press, guerrilla journalists,
All of us out here today who are in this room should understand and know the importance of our ability to go out there and tell the truth when sometimes the moral integrity of mainstream media is lapsed.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Katie Hopkins is an English media personality.
She first came to notice in 2007 as a reality television contestant and later became a columnist for British newspapers initially with The Sun and later The Online Mail.
That's their kind of spin on it.
Her role as a presenter for the radio station LBC was terminated in May of 2017 following her comments on Twitter about the Manchester Arena bombing.
That's right, don't criticize our precious little Islamicist.
She joined the Canadian and the rebel media in January 2018.
Hopkinsworld.com, Twitter, KTHopkins.
I've been busy, she's been busy, but I want to talk to her about doing some commentary for us as well.
And I know that there's been some other folks who want to work with us.
We've just been, not so much tied down with these fake lawsuits, but they have been a distraction.
Again, the good news to all our listeners is,
The lawsuit of the week, as we now call it.
All of them are frivolous.
All of them are fake.
We've got 9 of the 16 thrown out in just the last few months.
But now you've got the whole thing with the Sandy Hook hoax.
I'm not saying Sandy Hook didn't happen.
The hoax that I'm bringing up, the hoax that I'm saying the kids didn't die.
The little edited four or five second clips where I played Devil's Advocate years ago and said I can see how people don't believe any of this is real and they're all actors because the government lied about babies in incubators to get us to war and you've seen all the other fake news and WikiLeaks and blah blah blah.
But no, I think people died there, but they don't show that part.
Just like Megyn Kelly played clips of me saying Hillary is responsible for murdering thousands of children in the Middle East.
She edited that to say that
Hillary Clinton did it in a basement in D.C.
That's how dangerous these people are, folks.
And then they hurt the families by bringing it up over and over again.
Megyn Kelly coming to town saying the interview's for one thing, it's for another thing.
Then she turns it around and says, I'm bad.
I want to get back into the open borders, globalism, what their plans are.
Can Europe be saved with Katie Hopkins?
And that this is the 50th anniversary of a key speech that a gentleman gave that's been proven to be true, Enoch Powell.
But just getting into
Media disinfo what they've done to you.
I've seen cases where they say you've said one thing but don't even show the clip and then call for you to be deplatformed.
This is their policy and now suing Roger Stone, suing the president with no evidence of Russian collusion.
The left is so authoritarian, they're always authoritarian when they get control.
Where do you think this is all going?
I think what we have to be conscious of and always prepared for as Conservatives fighting for the cause is that legal action is one of the tools and techniques used to silence us.
And that can be used in other ways as well.
I'm thinking about there was a Maltese journalist, she's called Daphne Galizia, and she was doing a brilliant job investigating mafia links.
And she, her relatives said when she died, she was blown up in a car bomb to silence her.
But she was inundated with legal action against her by a British firm.
And I can see that that happens to all of us.
If we start saying truths that they don't want to hear, we suffer legal action, police action.
I have people that report me to social services about my kids.
Because they will try and silence you in any which way.
And what's important is trying to focus on delivering your message and remembering that what your job is, is to deliver your message and tell your truth and try not to be distracted.
But I know that's hard.
And we all need support at times to get through that.
I have my husband, luckily.
And she exposed the Panama Papers, which were the missing links on Hillary, the Podestas, and their whole network.
And so they blew her car up over it.
I mean, whoever blew it up.
Hillary and the Podestas would never do anything like that.
They're very nice, good people, you know, when they're not at Aleister Crowley rituals publicly.
But where do you see them going as their temper tantrums get more and more insane, as they try to cling to power?
But despite all that, America starts to come back.
Hungary's coming back.
All these countries are rediscovering nationalism.
As humanity awakens, I don't think they realize yet they can't put the genie back in the bottle, intimidating you, firing you.
In fact, they fired you on British radio.
You've come to the U.S.
I'd say your profile is just, what, three or four times bigger than it was even a year ago.
I don't think it's working.
No, it's very frustrating for them that they fire me from my column.
Well, they don't renew my contract.
They fire me from my radio show, the biggest commercial radio show in the UK at the time on the weekend.
And yet I still seem to pop up.
And I am really annoying in that way.
It's like they're playing
I think it's something I always say to the liberals that they are Dr. Frankenstein and I am their monster.
You know, they created me.
They created you.
Because the mainstream media is so useless.
Because they tried to silence us, actually what happens is our voices get louder.
And it goes to show that it doesn't matter what you take from us.
Take our jobs, take our money, take our legal freedom, lock me up.
It doesn't matter.
I'm still going to go to Skid Row and show you what life is like in LA under the Democrats.
I'm still going to go to South Africa and show you the genocide of the white farmers there, because you're not going to stop me.
And this is the determination we all need, is to take the knockbacks,
To try and not talk too much about them actually.
Clinton's a maniac.
Let's not waste her time talking about her.
She's old news.
She's yesterday's story.
Let's move forward.
Talk about the red wave coming.
Talk about midterms.
And how are we going to get people out?
And how are we going to turn California red?
And how are we going to sort the border out?
And how are we going to show the National Guard at the border?
You know, this is where our truths are.
Let's not be distracted by little old ladies like Hillary Clinton who can't really walk down a set of stairs without breaking both legs and two arms.
Well, isn't that emblematic, though, of the Deep State and the Globalist, that she still is, like, the Deep State co-president, along with Mueller and Comey?
And I know for a fact she's directing the lawsuits against me, against Roger Stone, against others.
That shows how crazy they are, that they've got that evil, crazy person who's clinging on to power despite brain tumors, everything else.
I mean, it just shows how it's hierarchical, and how all the so-called conservatives I know
Behind the scenes are the cool, funny, neat people.
You get around liberals, they're the most neurotic, uptight, they're like the old-fashioned conservatives that nobody liked.
I'm a libertarian.
And I remember, you know, kind of by the time I was born, I'm 44 years old, there wasn't a lot of the old stuffy conservatives left, but I know what liberals were talking about.
That's when liberals were the avant-garde.
The modern liberal is the most stuffed shirt, establishment, weird, neurotic, OCD, control freak the planet's ever seen.
There's no way they're going to win.
Alex, we don't do ourselves any favours by talking about them or by criticising them, actually, or by stating the obvious.
We know that they're absolutely deluded maniacs.
We accept that.
We need to move forward from that.
What we need to start saying and doing is asking the questions they can't answer.
So tell me, Democrats, who's going to run against Trump in 2020?
Tell me, who are you going to put up and who's going to win?
Because I see no credible candidates now, right now.
And Muslim population, tell me, if Islam is so fantastic,
Why do you always seek refuge in Christian countries?
Why not stay in countries that practice Islam?
And tell me, if we want to have sanctuary cities, why is it so many parts of California are saying, no, we don't want those sanctuary city laws.
We're not going to accept that.
We want federal law and we want tight laws and we want immigrants out of our country.
Ask them the hard questions and let's move this agenda forward.
No, I totally agree with you.
You're absolutely right.
I want to get into the whole MeToo movement and the bizarre woman that leads it when we come back and a few other key points.
But before that, just briefly, tell us about this Enoch Powell because I was unaware of this famous speech.
Sky News is covering it.
You were pointing it out and what he predicted 50 years ago to the day.
Fifty years ago today, Enoch Power gave a speech to Conservative gentlemen just before the Race Relations Act of 1965.
And he said, he predicted that 20 years from then, so in our history, that the black man would have the whip hand over the white man.
It was seen as the most controversial speech ever made.
It was seen as promoting racial hatred back in the day.
But people went out on the streets, they heard what he said, and they were demanding the repatriation of migrants.
He said that the white man would essentially become enslaved to the black man and that they would take over.
And when I think about it, you know, the BBC, there's outrage over the fact that the BBC have shown some of his speech.
There's outrage over what he said.
People call him a racist.
But of course, then I reflect on South Africa, where you can't get a job if you're a white man, and you can no longer run a farm, say, if you're a white man, and that the killing of whites is seen as acceptable, and I wonder just how crazy Dr. Powell really was, or whether he was quite a wise guy.
Well, exactly, and the left always use racial politics, and the communists do, and that's who runs most of the world in these third world areas, so it's a recipe for destruction.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Katie Hawkins, journalist, researcher, Firebrand for Freedom, is our guest for one more segment.
We've got another guest joining us in a ton of news.
I'm going to be breaking in the next hour.
But getting right back into this, I've got so much to cover, so many questions for her.
She can talk on any subject, but I was asking her in the break, I said, what else is on your radar?
And she said, Sweden's deadly problem with hand grenades, which is really a Muslim problem.
And I was reading where rape there's up like 3,000% in the last decade.
95% is Islamic, but if the police say it, they get fired.
This is crazy, but I was reading in the BBC article, Sweden's deadly problem with hand grenades.
It goes on to say that Stockholm and its no-go zones are now expanding, and they don't know why people leave hand grenades sitting on the path.
It's so that a Swede picks it up and dies, that's what it says.
But they won't even put two together, these are...
I don't
No-go zones in Europe.
There's no-go zones in Brussels, Belgium.
So he offers a liberal to go there.
They go there and almost get killed, basically.
Now they suddenly admit the no-go zones and all the acid attacks.
But that's only...
20 million Muslims or whatever, you know, that have come in the last decade or so.
10 million in the last five years.
Imagine if they get their 200 million that Macron wants.
I mean, like you said, why are they leaving the wonderful world of Islam if Christianity is so bad and they need to convert us, Katie Hopkins?
Why are they coming to the horrible, dreaded, evil Christian countries?
Well, I would say to Mr. Watson, don't just sit in your bedroom challenging others to go there.
Go there yourself, my friend.
I went there because I'm a brave lady and I walked the no-go zones of Rinkabee and others.
I was told to F something off and go and suck my mum and that I didn't belong there.
A lady tried to stop me getting off the bus because she saw my hair and she was going, no, wrong place, wrong place, wrong person, because she'd never seen a white person in Rinkabee and some of these no-go zones.
But there, there is a specific gang problem.
These hand grenades now sell for about $30 a piece.
They're ubiquitous as the tool of the trade.
And what's really interesting is the Swedish media are still trying to cover it up.
And grenades are listed under flammable items so that they don't count as an actual criminal offense.
And you know, rape over there, they try and downplay it, even though they're the rape capital of Europe.
So they're still not being honest, but will be very interesting, Alex, to your point earlier about the rise.
Yes, absolutely.
But what's wrong with the left to want to commit cultural and economic suicide and not even try to convert people coming in?
But as you know, they run these ads in Germany saying, wear the hijab.
The children's shows say, worship Mohammed.
They tell 15-year-old girls, go get a 25-year-old Muslim man.
He'll give it to you right.
I mean, this is on children's shows.
You cannot make this up.
Not just here or there, it's everywhere.
Some weird cuckolding fantasy or something of the left to like tell 15-year-old girls go get you a Muslim man, he'll take care of you at night.
And this is on children's shows, and then showing the man with the 15-year-old girl, them sitting around, you know, and talking about how great their sex is for... I mean, the left has gone completely insane.
Didn't they get they'd be thrown out of power doing this?
What's wrong with them?
They don't get it at all, and yet it's happening time after time after time.
So in Germany, for example, we've seen the AFD, Alternative für Deutschland, now second in power.
They are the opposition force.
We've just seen in Italy the Greens and the Liberals be replaced.
By the much stronger right-wing movement and the anti-migrant movement.
And we're going to see the same in Sweden.
And it delights somebody like me.
But what's very interesting in Sweden is that the issues of the Muslims are coming out of the suburbs and are now touching on middle class areas, the politer parts of Sweden.
And all of a sudden, the liberals are saying, wait a minute, maybe this migration thing
isn't working as well as we thought.
So they are having to wake up to the problem because it's suddenly coming to their back door.
And I think that's fascinating.
They deny it while they can't see it in the poor suburbs.
Now it's coming to the middle class areas and you've got a 67 year old man dying on his bike because he picked up something he thought was a toy and it turned out to be a hand grenade.
They're starting to say,
Oh, maybe we have got a problem.
I look forward to the day when they say Trump was right about no-go Sweden.
62 no-go zones now in Sweden.
Well, I agree with you that we should talk about what we're doing and what we're trying to build and how the economy is getting better everywhere we bring nationalism and free market back.
You have the left attack.
You're willing to go into these really dangerous places.
Paul has gone into that no-go zone before.
They had to leave because they threatened to kill him.
But I agree.
I'd like to see Paul do more of that.
He does a great job.
Maybe we should have Paul and you sometime.
Maybe I could fund an operation for you and Paul.
You could give him a tour around Europe and you could take Paul into those areas.
Or maybe take me into those areas.
He doesn't need a mother figure, but I think you should definitely target Paul, challenge him to go to some of the more adventurous... It's not a mother figure!
It's fun to have a bunch of, you know, saucy folks out together.
My challenge to Mr. Watson would be to leave his bedroom for once and his camera and get out there and tell the truths of the people, listen to people and tell their stories.
That's my challenge to InfoWars.
That's my challenge to Paul.
I look forward to him taking me up on it.
You know, I have actually...
Only time I threatened to cut Paul's pay was about six years ago.
I said, listen, you're going to get in front of a camera.
You're really smart.
You're going to come on my show.
He's a very reserved guy.
You know, those Northern England folks.
What's the secret then to get a Northern Englander like him so you can hang out with him for like half a day and he doesn't say two words when he's not on air?
What do you do?
Because Paul's a great guy.
What do I do?
What's the British secret to get him out there?
Maybe you have to attach electrodes to his underpants.
I'm not entirely sure, but I'm not sure that that's legal either.
Maybe you could just say, Katie Hopkins said, get your little tush out of the door, go and find some truths and go and bring some real reporting to InfoWars.
Show some footage of places where you've been.
Because people cannot argue with footage that you've taken from places that you've been.
That's the way we win.
They can call you a racist, they can call you an Islamophobe, but you play that footage.
I think Paul needs an older, experienced woman like you to show him around.
I think I would terrify the poor child.
I think we should keep it that way.
I'm being bad.
Katie, seriously, thank you so much for spending time with us.
I want to get you to town.
Whenever you want, I'll fly you here first class, have you on the show.
Love to talk to you.
It's on the 13th to the 20th of May.
I'll come find you.
Oh, good.
Well, you're welcome to come in here as well.
And you're also welcome if you want to co-host any.
That is just fabulous.
What's next?
I mean, you're always doing something new.
What's coming up next?
Yes, well, there's three or four projects.
I don't like to give them away too early, but certainly the Rohingya Muslim story is irritating me to death.
You know, we hear all about the Rohingya Muslims, but there's a very different side to that story.
The Muslims have invaded once more.
They've been persecuting the Burmese people.
I want to get in there and tell those truths.
And certainly I want to get into Syria as well and tell the truths of the Christians in Syria.
They need Assad to protect them.
The Christians in Syria will be wiped out if al-Qaeda get in.
And there is a really Christian resurgence going on in Syria.
So those are on my list of missions that I need to accomplish in 2018.
Katie Hopkins, thank you so much from Hopkins World.
Thanks for joining us.
My pleasure.
That lady's really fun and smart, and she's right.
We should be asking them questions like, hey, why do you want to come here to America so bad?
Little simple things like that.
Tim Black's going to be joining us real time.
Black, he is a real liberal who's anti-war and stuff, and he's getting demonetized and blocked on YouTube and places, and that ties into this whole purge that's going on.
So we'll be talking to him.
Lionel's coming up, former prosecutor.
He can get into everything with us.
I tend to open the phones up some in the next hour as well.
A lot of big news we haven't gotten to, like the Justice Department watchdog probes, coming memos, over classified information.
That means a criminal investigation.
That is all coming up.
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Something mainstream corporate media has done.
is basically blacklist or ban any liberal or conservative that is anti-war.
And by anti-war, I don't want to start wars based on false flags and then be part of them.
It's non-interventionist.
I've always been that way.
Back when I was against wars under Bush, they called me a communist in the news.
Now I'm a super right-wing racist.
It's all just labels.
And they constantly lie about me and demonize and try to deplatform us off Twitter, Facebook, YouTube.
CNN a couple months ago said, we want Alex Jones off the air.
They said, why is he on the air?
He says, nobody died at Parkland.
But I didn't say that.
They just said that, or they had little edited clips.
So they had to put my YouTube channel back up.
There's an article on InfoWars.com today, CNN associates InfoWars with Pedo Channel, and meant to shut down the competition.
And they have gone after Tim Black, who's very, very popular.
They've obviously gone after Jimmy Dore, because I guess he was on the Young Turks, but now he's almost as popular as they are.
So they want him blocked, because he's anti-war.
And that's what liberals are finding out is, liberals that are real liberals, that are pro-free speech and anti-war, they're being kicked off the air just like we are.
And it's very dangerous.
And that's because the big corporations, News Corp, two months ago, I read the article in the Wall Street Journal, their new CEO said, we're going to start with Alex Jones and Wikileaks.
And when conservatives accept him off, when liberals accept WikiLeaks being taken off, we're going to basically de-platform everybody, and we're going to make hundreds of billions of dollars extra.
And then it just started, and the left went, hold on to your tinfoil hat, Alex, you're going to be off the air soon.
They were celebrating it.
So this is all a concerted effort.
We're about to go to break, but I want to go to Tim Black right now.
For now, he's on Twitter and Facebook at RealTimBlack, TimBlackTV.com.
He's got two popular shows.
They've got millions of listeners a week.
And that's why he's being demonetized on the platform.
Because if you're real and not taking the script, doesn't matter if you're liberal or conservative or what color you are, they want you silenced because you're not controlled.
And he's another one of the real liberals who isn't scared to come on the show.
I'm asking Doar to come on, because he's probably scared he'll get criticized if he does.
Everybody should be talking to everybody.
It's ridiculous.
So thank you for coming on, Tim.
Hey man, thank you for having me, Alex.
I appreciate it, man.
On a school walkout day, nonetheless.
So it's great, man.
That's right.
In fact, they've got the walkout going to take the guns or whatever.
You know, if the young people want to do that, that's their issue.
But you know, Soros is funding that.
Yeah, you know, it's not that.
It's, you know, just that the young people are concerned, you know, regardless of Soros involvement.
You know, they just see violence.
You know, they see violence.
They see death.
And they're just, you know, just scared.
They're kids, Alex.
So, you know, in the spirit of that, I'm glad to be here with you and just, you know, recognizing that, you know, I do support these young people, brother.
I mean, it's good to say that up front.
The left will say, crucify him for daring to come on my show.
But shouldn't we all agree that they're targeting anti-war people, period?
Oh yeah, brother, yes, absolutely.
I mean, you know, that's why I appreciate what you said earlier before I came on where you expressed that, you know, anyone who's anti-war is put into a bucket, right?
The bucket of do not touch, the bucket of smear.
You know, there's no anti-war movement on the left if it wasn't for people like Jimmy Dore, myself, Lee Camp, and Nico House.
It's barely noticeable, Alex.
And that's because people get demonetized.
It's all about the money.
Oh yeah, man.
Absolutely, man.
That war machine has to keep turning.
I just can't believe that so many people in the whole spectrum roll over to these wars just because they get a little bit of money.
It's sick.
Yeah, you know, I was the same way.
You know, under Obama, man, when I woke up, so to speak, Alex, man, I realized that Obama, he was starting more wars.
He wasn't ending wars.
I mean, when he came in, we were at war two places.
By the time he left, we were at war seven places.
You know, we talk about it on our comedy tour that, you know, he dropped more bombs, like 226,000 bombs.
Obama dropped bombs until we ran out of bombs.
So I was against the war then.
I'm against it now.
It has nothing to do with Trump.
It has nothing to do with Obama.
I'm just against war as a principle, brother.
Well, I agree with you.
I'm against offensive, preemptive war when we are siding with the bad guys.
Now, if somebody attacks us, that's not war, it's defense in my view.
But it's the person that starts it, that's the war.
The people fighting back is the defense.
Back in 60 seconds, we're committing a big cardinal sin.
A liberal and a libertarian together actually being anti-war.
This is the big no-no.
But this is America still, right?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
The human herpy, Megyn Kelly, has been out defaming me as usual.
I'm not saying she has herpes.
I'm saying she's like a human herpy.
She just keeps coming back.
She called me... I'm gonna cover this at the bottom of the hour after our great guest leaves us.
Last year, and told me how sexy I was.
I said, let me call you in about five minutes.
I had to get to the office, get another phone to record it, because I didn't have a recording app on my phone.
I had a memo recorder, but not something that records calls, so people could hear this crazy bull.
I knew she was full of it.
She'd already edited me saying Hillary's murdered children in the Middle East.
She edited it together with other stuff, saying I said Hillary was killing kids in a pizza place.
And so I talked to her about that.
And I go, I don't want to get into Sandy Hook.
I think people died there.
She goes, oh, oh, I might bring that up.
That's not why I'm coming.
The whole thing was that.
Then she gets on TV and says, yesterday, with some of the victims' families, Alex just keeps bringing it up, saying your kids didn't die.
He's a monster.
How dare him bring it up?
I've got you, witch.
At the bottom of the hour, I'm going to play where I tell you I don't want to talk about it, and I think people died, and then you would not put it in your TV show, and now I'm being sued for how you edited it!
You are unbelievable liar!
Excuse me, I am really mad, man.
Because, because it's, the whole cruiser is saying, you're not saying that.
Hillary edited a tape of me where I played devil's advocate and said I can see why people don't believe it because of the staged chemical attacks.
A couple years ago I said this, because of the babies in the incubators that get us in the Gulf War, saying they beat their brains out.
That was a PR company.
That was a young actress.
We've never been to Kuwait.
That was fake.
They admit it.
But I'm going to stop ranting.
It's the whole nature of this current war and the last three chemical attacks.
And then Google says ban Alex Jones because he says the chemical attacks were staged.
The UN admitted it.
I'm going to stop right there.
Tim Black's our guest for two segments.
He's got great audio.
I want to invite him back.
I know he's got a popular show.
He's being censored.
He's being blocked.
He's getting shadow banned.
He's being demonetized.
That's compared myself, Jimmy Dore, and others to pedophiles.
You can't make this up.
Go see the news report.
It's on InfoWars.com.
White supremacist and oh, and North Korea, a dictator, and saying we need to be completely deplatformed because we're bad people.
CNN's who's bad saying, get rid of us.
And what's the unifying factor?
We're all anti-preemptive offensive war.
You've got the floor, my friend.
Lay out what's happened to you, what's happened to others, and just, you're right, there's like four or five real liberals now that are anti-war.
Now it's myself,
Laura Ingraham a little bit.
Tucker Carlson is laying out real arguments.
I mean, what world have we reached where Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones sound like Tim Black and sound like Jimmy Dore and then the media wants us all kicked off the air?
We've entered a strange time, Alex, but the fact is we all want to report the truth.
At the end of the day, that's what we're about.
And the truth of the matter is, brother, we don't have a reason to go to war with Syria.
We don't have a reason to bomb Syria.
The social media censorship is rampant across all platforms, whether it's Facebook, whether it's Twitter, whether it is YouTube.
Now, YouTube, you know, they're demonetizing videos.
To get me, Alex, what they did was they went to a six-month-old video
Instead, I was bullying the Las Vegas shooter.
Now, I don't know... How do you bully a mass murderer?
That's the video they... They could have got me for other videos, but that's the one they chose.
And I said, wow, you know, this is crazy.
So I'm unable to live stream.
But this is not just about me.
It's about all the others who have content that has been flagged by YouTube as being harassment or bullying.
That is not harassment or bullying.
That's where we are.
Our live streaming was blocked for two months saying bullying.
They just go through anybody that is an establishment and they block us.
It's what they do.
Yeah, that's what they do, man, and they call us conspiracy theorists, according to that CNN article that you quoted earlier.
I know for a fact that Jimmy Dore is not a conspiracy theorist.
He asks questions.
Alex, I think that you are a conspiracy theorist, but that doesn't mean, Alex, that I don't think you shouldn't be able to speak, you shouldn't be able to have your platform, that you shouldn't be able to maintain... And by the way, you have a right to that, and I have a... Exactly!
Absolutely, yeah, man.
I mean, that's what we fight for.
I'm a true liberal in the sense that I want freedom of speech.
I feel that if you have an opinion, Alan, if I disagree with it, I should be able to give you a retort.
I should be able to respond to you, not shut you down.
That's not what we wanted.
Anyone who's truly about free speech would feel the same way.
What do you think's happened at the universities?
I know it's the big corporate money coming down to the student groups.
That's why they're anti-free speech.
And now they're graduating and going to work at Google, Facebook, Twitter.
And it's heartless because you're right.
They're really censoring as much the conservatives, organic leftist groups, because they don't want original old-fashioned liberalism around.
They want the new pro-war, fascist, anti-free speech version.
Yeah, they want the, you know, some people confuse these people with progressives.
These people are not progressives.
These people just grabbed this name because it was popular at the time.
Unless you're anti-war, unless you're looking for universal healthcare, unless you're looking to end interventionist wars, if you're willing to up the minimum wage, I mean, there are certain characteristics of a person who is truly progressive.
So a lot of people get that mixed up.
The same thing they do with you, Alex.
They call you alt-right.
I don't believe that you're alt-right at all.
But that's the label they give you because they can smear you with it.
So that's the same thing that happens on the left.
If you go to the white supremacist people, they hate me more than anybody for some reason.
Yeah, and I don't believe that you're a white supremacist.
Why do you think the ultra-leftists, the fake leftists hate me and the white supremacists hate me?
Because if you go to the white supremacists' sites, they hate me more than... I mean, it's like, I don't know why they hate me so much.
They don't watch your content, probably, and when they do, it's little pieces that have been altered or edited by someone else.
The same thing happens to me.
People assign beliefs to me that I don't have.
You know, the fact that I want to end wars and I don't agree with Joy Reads, the MSNBC crew,
The Clinton loyalists, the fact that I didn't vote for Hillary.
You know, I did vote for Trump, but I didn't vote for Hillary either.
So that's a problem for them.
And in fact, Alex, it's more of a problem for them that they have a person like me, a black man who's not a Democrat, than it is to have you, Alex, the Libertarian.
Absolutely, but we've been put in the same nest.
You talk about defamation.
They're suing me for defamation.
I didn't do it.
It's a PR, so the lawyers say it'll be thrown out, but it's still going to be costly.
This is defamatory, putting us in with pedophiles, and then calling for us to be banned.
Since when does a news organization go around policing everybody, calling for their competition to be shut down?
Last time I read, that's called racketeering organized crime.
Yes, it's like control, mind control, man.
They want everyone thinking the way they think based on the narrative they're able to put out through corporate media.
I mean, they can't control it.
Alex, I don't think they had any idea that social media would become such a dominant force, brother.
They were caught with their pants down, brother.
They didn't see it coming, and now they're just trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube, and it's not going to work, because we're going to win, Alex.
We are going to win.
Well, that's it.
I said this privately to my crew ten years ago.
I said the elite are arrogant on the left and right.
They think their big billion-dollar systems are going to beat us.
People want real content and real debate.
We just go out and promote Americana, free market.
You promote something a little bit different, but still, grassroots.
The people want what's real.
They want what's gritty.
And, but once the elite figures that out, you'll have a perfect storm of big corporations, media and government, and the establishment wanting to shut everybody down.
And they finally hit that panic point in the last few years, and now we're seeing the big push.
And I think it's going to blow up in their face.
But let me ask you this.
A, do you agree with that?
B, how do we counter, though, the massive sustained censorship?
Yeah, I do.
I do agree it's going to blow up in their face and I think we countered a massive censorship by continuing to band together, continuing to talk to each other.
This is a start, Alex, to a dialogue.
Am I going to get backlash for talking to you?
Yeah, I am.
But you know what?
It's worth it to me because I think it needs to happen.
I've been talking about we should reach across the aisle, that we should talk to one another, and if I can't, if I'm unwilling to risk
And I'm against nuclear war and dying.
Oh yeah, that's another thing too, brother.
Life is good.
You know, look, they ask you what kind of day you're having, Alex.
Any day above ground is a good day.
So let's see if we can keep that going, that winning streak of being alive going for both of us.
Tim Black's our guest.
We'll do one more segment with him.
It'll definitely happen back soon.
Very popular.
Millions and millions of listeners and viewers every week.
So he's being blocked because...
I could listen to this guy.
I can't listen to the other fake liberal shows.
It's just sanctimonious, cult-like dribble.
Just like the establishment Republicans.
And that's why they're all trying to shut it down right now.
Tim Black's our guest.
I'm Alex Jones with Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
This is the most hated transmission by the globalists.
We'll be back.
Owen Troyer here for InfoWars.com.
Now, I am at City Council today to discuss an incident that happened on December 10, 2017, where I was trying to go to a memorial march for Kate Steinle, but I was met with armed, masked men that prevented me from entering and were intimidating and threatening me.
I'm going to bring this issue to City Council.
Let's see how they take it.
Alright, well I'm going to start by asking the council a question.
Given everything that's happened in the month of March with the bombings and the police officers saying, if you see anything suspicious, say something.
I think we would all agree that masked men walking around with firearms is something suspicious.
Now I'm going to play this video for the council to review.
That illustrates that exact thing happening.
Now, I am a firm believer in the First Amendment right, so an individual has the right to walk around with their face covered.
I'm a firm believer in the Second Amendment right.
I believe in constitutional carry, so you can carry a rifle or whatever firearm you want with you.
According to U.S.
Code, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 13, Subsection 241, Conspiracy Against Rights states, if two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any state, territory, commonwealth, or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised them the same, or two or
More and more persons go in disguise or on the premises of another with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years.
Well, on December 10th, the video you're witnessing right now, I went to a memorial march for a deceased victim of a violent crime.
And I was met, as you can see in these pictures, by masked men with arms on their triggers of rifles, battering clubs, etc.
Here you can see this man has his finger on the trigger, keeping me from going to a park
A memorial, here's them, with shields and clubs blocking the entrance from a park for a dead person's memorial.
Now, if that doesn't violate the code, I don't know what does.
And I find it timely that we sit here today with you all discussing getting more funding for police, but I did not hear one person make a suggestion to keep violent criminals off the streets.
Well, maybe if we looked into sanctuary city laws and keeping masked men with guns off the streets, we wouldn't have to have a hundred police officers out there every time somebody wants to have a march, which is every weekend.
Now, I'll just say this in closing and provide an illustration for you.
If I was outside, holding a rifle, keeping people from getting into this city council to state their claim, do you think I should be arrested?
I think everybody here would agree, yes, that should be an arrest.
But for some reason, and I'm not blaming the APD, because I think they're good men and women.
Most of my experiences with them have been positive.
But if we're not going to arrest armed individuals with masks, brandishing weapons, intimidating people from their free speech, a clear violation of the law, I just want to know why, and I want to know if this city council thinks that that's the type of city that we should live in.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you.
Miss, yes?
If he would provide us with a link, because I couldn't see that.
Absolutely, I'd be happy to.
Thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
Rallying patriots worldwide
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Coming up, you're going to hear the audio where I told Megyn Kelly when she was here last year I didn't want to get into Sandy Hook.
She goes, oh, I could bring it up, but I don't want to have an interview about that.
It was what her whole interview was about.
She was already meeting with the family beforehand, had it all planned.
And then I hear, oh, you brought up Sandy Hook.
Stop it.
And she does it again.
And I get sued for what was said in the interview.
But then the suit misrepresents what I said, and it's edited, and it's to pit me against families.
That's all they can do.
It's crazy.
Tim Black's our guest.
Right now he's still banned from live streaming on his YouTube channel, because he's popular, and because he's catching on, and because he's anti-war.
Remember when the left was anti-war?
Remember when they were pro-free speech?
If the KKK, by the way I've done this more than 15 times, was out there trying to block people from speaking, they haven't done that since the 60s, 70s and 80s, since they got their asses locked up, I'd go out and protest them.
But the left goes out, Antifa goes out, for conservative speakers at universities, you name it, and then even when other liberals say, well let's let them be here, oh they try to have those professors fired.
Tim, I'm not sure you're bashing the left, because the right-wing's involved trying to censor a news core, has come out and said they want to be part of this takeover of the internet.
That's why I'm warning the left.
But man, the average leftist person needs to understand, I think what you've been saying is, if they don't defend free speech, they're going to lose theirs as well.
Absolutely, man.
Look, right now they're focusing on Alex Jones, and I did a video about this, and I say, look,
Don't laugh.
Don't cheer for what's happening to Alex Jones, because next they're gonna come for you.
Now, I had no idea that a month later they would come for me.
But what I'm saying is, guys, this is a slippery slope.
You know, you don't get to pick and choose who has the microphone, who's able to speak.
We all need to be able to have the microphone.
And I also want to say, this Syria thing, they're using the Syria just because we don't believe, I don't believe, for instance, that the Syria chemical attack has been proven, okay?
So they're using anyone who believes, hey, oh wait, no evidence.
I want to see this evidence.
I feel the same way about Russia.
If you say Russia stole our election, Alex, if that's what they're saying, they need to present some proof.
Now, for two years, they haven't presented truth.
You know, if you got it, present it.
If you're not going to present it, well, hey, I'm not going to believe it.
I'm not going to believe it just because the elitists and the corporate media tells me to believe it.
And what do we have proof of?
Hillary stole it from Bernie, bragged about it.
I mean right there, the real theft, Bernie would have probably beaten Trump.
And I wouldn't even be glad about that, but he'd probably be better than Hillary.
The point is, at least he's honest about what he stands for.
She stole it from him.
And she's in the WikiLeaks saying she hates her constituents.
I mean, the woman's a monster.
Absolutely, man.
I had Donna Brazile, the one who passed the questions to the Hillary Clinton campaign.
She was on my show about four months ago, and she admitted, hey, yeah, I did pass the question.
I mean, this is reality.
So, folks, free speech is important.
Without free speech, I wouldn't have been able to ask Donna Brazile that tough question.
The reality is, we need to band together on free speech.
And that's what they don't like, is there's people like you that have morals at a core level and will ask real questions no matter what side it's against.
I'll do the same thing.
When Trump launched that illegal thing,
Some of my listeners are mad at me.
I blew up Friday because I got kids, man.
And I know we're on the wrong side in Syria.
I mean, I'm against offensive war against innocent people.
And that's what this is.
This is bad news.
Absolutely, brother.
Yeah, I did see your tweet about that.
I did see the video clip.
About how you felt about it now.
And actually, I was glad to see it, brother, because we need more voices.
It doesn't matter what your ideology is.
We agree on this issue.
We agree that the Syria attack was preemptive.
We didn't get the investigators in there yet.
They haven't given us a definitive ruling.
Give me that information and then we'll decide.
And that's just the way we need to be, especially when it comes... Look, Alex, tell me why would we bomb a chemical facility?
If we think there's chemicals there, why would we bomb it, Alex?
It makes no sense.
I've had CIA people on.
They totally agree.
No one bombs chemical facilities because it kills all the towns around it.
And so the idea that Trump blew up chemicals, that's not true.
And anybody who knows anything knows that's not true.
Well, a lot of people don't know anything, Alex, because they watch MSNBC, they watch CNN, they watch Fox News, and they're just listening to this narrative.
Around and around it goes, and that's why people like us are being censored, because we try to break that connection.
We try to come in with some information that's contrary, just to wake people up, and that's not what they want, Alex.
They want that echo chamber of BS, and I can't stand for it, brother, and I'd rather be a fighter for truth and justice than a person who's getting paid well, sitting behind these
That's right.
Hell, when I've been on CNN they have record viewers, but they can't do it.
No, they can't do it, man.
You're right, it would be exciting.
It's two people with different ideas, different vantage points, respectfully disagreeing on the issues, passionately, you know, voicing their feelings, what they believe, what they've uncovered, what their journalism has led them to believe, you know, and not demonizing one another, not saying, you know, this person's a horrible individual just because I disagree with them.
This is about the information.
This is about what we feel.
This is about what we've discovered, you know, what we believe to be true.
So I think that would sell like hotcakes, frankly.
And I don't think they want that.
That's the last thing they want, Alex.
They'd rather have it where they control the narrative and they do that online.
And look, Alex, you're big as hell, man.
You're what, 2.4 million subscribers just on YouTube.
I don't know how many people get you on the radio or on Sirius or wherever you are.
We were up till the censorship, and I'll be honest, it's had an effect.
We were up to like six million a day.
We're down about three and a half, four million people a day, one way or another.
And I mean, some days a lot bigger, but on average, 365 days a year, it's that many actually tune in or watch.
Now, if you can't read us and see our clips, I have no idea.
That's just on our platforms, but it's probably then 10 million a day, see our material.
That's amazing.
That's amazing.
And it's not going along with the corporate narrative.
And as long as you do that, you're going to be in the crosshairs.
Alex, you've been doing this for almost two decades.
You know that better than I do.
Well, listen, I'm impressed, Tim, with what you do.
I've seen your work before.
I know you've got some fans here in the office, because I've got libertarians, liberals, conservatives work here, agnostics, Christians.
I'm all about just regular people.
I mean, I am a guy from Texas who's pro-gun, and I'm pro-life, and all the rest of it.
I know the average liberal is a good person.
What scares me is they're being converted to this authoritarianism, and I'm worried about a civil war.
So, Tim, you're at timblacktv.com.
I hope you'll start joining us, and not just to have a discussion about free speech.
We agree.
We should discuss, you know, the minimum wage.
We should debate gun control.
We should debate any issue.
In fact, I try to get other liberals on.
They're too scared to come on or just have talking points.
No, man.
Look, I have no talking points.
It's happy 420 day.
And I want to legalize marijuana too.
We can have that conversation.
Hey, I was totally against Sessions wanting this war on pot smokers.
I'm for decriminalization.
That's a good thing that Trump finally says he's going to try to do what Obama never did.
Yeah, exactly, exactly.
And when I pointed it out, people didn't like me.
See, I've been banished on the left, too, for not falling in line with Obama.
I mean, I woke up to Obama during his second term.
I woke up late, but I did wake up, and people don't like that either.
So, I'm used to the criticism, brother.
I can take it.
You're not in a cult, and neither am I. And that's what I said Friday night.
I'm not in a cult.
And that's it.
Alright, Tim Black, thank you so much, sir.
Thank you, brother.
Take care now.
Thank you.
Real Tim Black.
And by the way, we are all brothers and sisters in this world who don't want to die from nuclear war.
Okay, so we're all bound by the fact that attacking Russia could start a nuclear war.
Let's not do it.
Now, I'm gonna go after Megyn Kelly, a lion witch, on the other side.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, earlier I called Megyn Kelly the human herpes, or the herpes of media.
She won't go away.
She has horrible ratings.
She is a big fat liar.
She's a slimy lawyer.
She's very unattractive in person and I'm not trying to be insulting her.
I just want you to know, in person, I found her absolutely unattractive.
And she came here and said how much she liked me and how great I was.
Until she sat down for the interview, and then it was all Sandy Hook, it was all Pizzagate, and I'm like, listen, I don't think they're doing anything illegal at the pizza place.
It was a red herring.
We didn't create the story.
Mainstream media did.
I said, Sandy Hook, I happened to play Devil's Advocate years ago, but I believe people died there.
The media has edited that.
I'm sad for the families.
I believe they died.
She edits that out, has me debating about Sandy Hook, and they've now sued me using the interview.
But the interview, I'm saying people have a right to question.
And then I talked about in the interview, one of the parents says, we saw, you know, he saw his son's dead body that day, and the media, Zero Hedge and others pointed out, well, other parents said that they weren't allowed to see their children, and so did the coroner.
And all we said was, we believe kids died, this is why the internet's saying this, look at Zero Hedge.
That's not even us!
So the lawyers look at that, all of it, it's just there's not a case there.
But I'll be honest with you.
People ask, how do I handle all these attacks?
I had five different groups of people come up to me yesterday.
Well, it was more than that if you count the Mexican food restaurant I had a business meeting at from like 7 to 9.
But I had one guy come over and say, F you to me while I was sitting there at the table.
And then he walked off.
And I didn't even get mad at him.
Because I understand this is a weak-minded person that believes the fairy tales.
And he loves the mainstream media that lied us into war and killed millions of people in the Middle East.
He loves the globalists.
He loves all this.
And so these are weak-minded people, but not Megyn Kelly.
This disease of deception.
She calls me up and she says, I really am intrigued by you.
You're really amazing.
She told me she thinks Putin's really sexy too.
That was in front of our crew later when she was here.
And it's just all really weird, but it's fake.
She's like, oh, I really want to go out to dinner with you, get a steak, get a dessert, oh, you're so cool.
And I'm just like, and I've got hours more of the tape we never put out, just because nobody wants to hear it, nobody cares.
Megyn Kelly is like kicking a dead dog, politically.
The media will say, he threatened her and says he's going to kill her.
No, it's a metaphor.
She's a dead dog.
It's like kicking a dead dog.
It doesn't feel it.
She's already dying.
She's politically dead.
During the campaign, she destroyed herself, but she stuck a fork in it in Texas.
So, she made herself a focal point, thinking Alex Jones was a target to take down, and it just reminded everybody how much they hated Megyn Kelly.
So she comes here, she acts all nice, she deceives, and then, a year later, she's involved in a lawsuit.
She was involved with the families, it turned out, in fundraisers and planning an event for the show.
It was all about Sandy Hook.
And so in my conversations with her, I said, I don't want to get into Sandy Hook.
I told her that when she got here, too.
And she goes, well, I could just ask you about it.
But no, this is just a profile.
That's not what it's about.
She gets here, and they had Sandy Hook family set up for the interviews.
They were going to have a rally at Sandy Hook about me.
I mean, this is total lying, OK?
That's what she does.
She deceives.
So I'm going to play some of these clips.
Was I invited on these shows to say,
To the family suing me?
It's been years since I even played devil's advocate in debates, where I said it all happened like it was said, or none of it happened.
I can see why people believe that, because there's much media lying, but we've investigated it, we think it happened.
No, it's, I can see how you believe it didn't happen, or I can see this is all fake.
I'd sit there and look them in the eyes and say, I'm not the one bringing up your children, I'm not the one bringing this back out.
Megyn Kelly keeps saying, here's her big crime, in my view.
Alex Jones has no
He just has nothing that's sacred.
He keeps hurting these families.
He did it again.
Last year.
In response to your show!
Is that lost on anyone?
And it's not like I've got some soft spot on this and they've got me.
I can't prove that the shooting didn't happen.
I can't even prove whether the chemical attack happened or not or who did it this time.
The other times the rebels got caught.
We don't know!
Could the chemical attack be staged?
Rand Paul thinks so.
A lot of other experts think so.
I'm leaning that way.
We don't know yet.
Will I get sued for saying we don't know?
They'll say, Jones says nobody ever died.
No, no.
The New York Times reports, pull it up, 54 chemical attacks by ISIS in Syria.
That's the New York Times!
They're doing it constantly!
They put out videos of themselves screaming Allah Akbar and launching it.
The UN test it and it's Saudi Arabian!
I gotta hurry up.
I'll never get to these clips.
It's just insane to watch this.
We're like a washing machine.
It's brought up.
Alex, apologize.
Say, for attacking the families.
Well, I never attacked the families.
But I'm sorry for their loss and I think it happened.
Another month.
Say you're sorry.
It's just the same crap.
Because they think you don't have a memory.
That is the media who are using these families.
So let's go to part of the clips where we talked about this.
This is where I taped her in her pre-interview because I knew she was lying.
And then we'll go to what she's now doing.
Oh my gosh, Alex has no heart.
Nothing's sacred.
He brought it up again.
No, you did and lied about it!
You, you, you did it!
You did it!
And then I'm going to ask the families, are you going to be accomplices to this?
So the gun control lobby has cheap shots.
Because we have our own platform.
Millions are going to see this.
Millions are watching.
And see, I pulled back the curtain one time for new viewers.
They're never under the control again.
And that's why they fear us so much.
Because I'm going to show what you really did, lady.
Here it is.
Then good, or at least an open heart, would be hiding from evil.
And so that's why I let Megyn Kelly set up this conflict on her own.
No, I mean, I can ask you about that.
This is not going to be a contentious, you know, sort of, gotcha exchange.
That's not what this show is, and that's really not what I want to do.
I want to do in-depth profiles on people, just interesting people.
So I can ask you to have this with the critics today, but this isn't going to be an, uh-huh, let's play a clip.
Then it goes on from there.
The full interview is up on Infowars.com.
Let's go ahead and roll as we go out to break then.
What she did yesterday, in amongst every other channel doing the same thing, is some of them even worse.
Jones bullied the children and sent people to their houses to be mean to them.
And Jones still says nobody died and made fun of the fa... None of it's true.
But see, it's just like war propaganda.
It's put out there to manipulate your feelings.
Here it is.
Because nothing is sacrosanct to Alex Jones.
He and his team renewed their attacks on Heslin and others last summer.
Pause again!
Back it up.
She launched it all and then says I did it.
Here it is.
Because nothing is sacrosanct to Alex Jones.
He and his team renewed their attacks on Heslin and others last summer.
Again claiming that Neil is a liar.
Take a listen to their show.
Hey, pause.
We did not call Neil a liar.
You are a lying, fake, worn-out propagandist that looks like, you know, the Saturday morning shift at a topless bar.
Let's go back to her.
Fact checkers on this have said, cannot be accurate.
He's claiming that he held his son and saw the bullet hole in his head.
That is his claim.
Now according to a timeline of events and a coroner's testimony, that is not possible.
The coroner said none of the parents were allowed to touch the kids or see the kids.
Maybe they, meaning at the school, I'm sure later maybe the parents saw their children.
The point is, is that because the media lies so much...
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Have you got mental health issues?
Right, so you're talking about killing my kids?
How have I found you before the police have found you?
How have I got you here before the police have found you?
Where are you running to?
I'm not going to hurt you.
I'm not going to hurt you.
You're threatening to murder my children, bruv.
I'm not going to hurt you.
If I wanted to hurt you, I'd already hurt you.
I'm not going to hurt you.
You're threatening to murder my children.
How do you think, brother, if you've got mental health issues, you need help, bruv.
If that's the case, if you're standing in front of me now, yeah?
Are you going to come to my house and hurt my family or not?
So why are you saying it, kid?
Someone keep brainwashing me.
Someone's brainwashing you.
I can tell someone's brainwashing you.
Who's brainwashed you?
Ali Dawa.
Ali Dawa's brainwashed you to kill my kids.
I got that from YouTube, actually.
Someone said he'll kill somebody I'm taking my kids.
This is merchandise.
Like some Islamic... Have an arm wrestle.
Can you have an arm wrestle, see, mate?
No, listen, bruv.
Family one.
Family one.
They always go, Friendly, Friendly Newton, I am your friend.
I am only saying this to sell t-shirts, my friend.
That's why all over the world, no Christians or Jews or anyone else is allowed to live in our countries.
And we take your women and we rape and kill you.
But I am your friend.
I am mentally ill.
I love your impression, Alex.
But he... See, after a couple of minutes, I felt like I was talking to a 10-year-old.
Now I'd say I'm a good, I'd say I'm quite a good judge and I'm not, and I know the same.
Most of the time when I find people or see people who said they're gonna beat me up or hurt me, then they melt or their arse goes.
With him, I generally
Well, I believed and I found out now because he's actually now sectioned in an assessment centre in London.
He's previously been sectioned.
He suffers from schizophrenia.
But that makes it, that doesn't make him less dangerous, that makes him as dangerous.
And then the name he mentions, when he says Ali Dower brainwashed him, Ali Dower is a Muslim preacher in London who targets 14 to 16 year old children.
Now the most dangerous thing about this, which I believe the police probably intentionally left it like this,
If I caught up with him, which I did, and they probably knew I was gonna go and catch up with him, because he's... If you read the stuff he said about my children, any father would go get him.
Now, whenever they're aimed at me, I'm bothered, but I'm not being as bothered.
Now, then they start aiming them at my children and my wife.
They're gonna murder my children.
This gentleman here said he's gonna rape my daughter, chop her up, he's gonna slaughter her throat.
He's going to cut my mother.
Now my intention to go there was to citizens arrest.
If the police aren't going to arrest him, I'm taking him.
And I'm going to drag him down the police station and bring him in there and say, you do sank about him.
The British public are more awake than they've ever been.
The reception I get now across the whole country is positive.
The label that they've attacked me and beat me down with as racist is gone.
No one ever says that anymore.
They just say I'm against Islam or anti-Islam.
Um, so yeah, I'd say that people are waking up and I'm so glad that through the media or alternative media, we have an opportunity to speak to people direct.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
So they'd have you believe that I'm this supervillain like Cobra Commander.
Well, if I'm Cobra Commander, where's Baroness?
Well, the good part about Cobra Commander, I think Baroness is pretty sexy.
What do you think?
Anyways, folks, getting back to this, you've got someone who's not sexy, Megyn Kelly.
I just say that because they hold her up there.
She looks like a reanimated corpse, a mannequin or something.
And she's a big fat liar.
And she was planning this whole show around Sandy Hook.
And they were going to have a town hall demonizing me but they even threw her under the bus.
With the whole thing of why are you even giving him a platform?
Remember that was last year's recycling.
And I get they have like calendars.
So a year later they're doing it again, and then next year it'll be, Jones said nobody died again and attacked the children!
And there'll be crying parents on TV.
And here's the deal.
I know the parents know that I've been clear about this for at least four years.
And so...
The Democratic Party, the media, has picked up on this.
They recycle it over and over again.
And at a certain point, I mean, there's going to be an anti-SLAPP lawsuit filed.
And Texas law is very strong on this.
We don't want to give away the whole strategy here, but the media is going to have a heyday with that.
Jones sues victims of Sandy Hook.
You sued me!
You said I said stuff I didn't say!
You go on shows and I don't get to go on them!
They have edited clips on there of me saying what?
Oh, I think they're probably telling the truth.
You know, they probably got to see him later.
I was reporting on the Zero Hedge and others with anomalies.
And that's why people ask questions.
And governments have been caught staging things, but I began to say Sandy Hook happened years before, and they took that as weakness.
So I've learned how they work, the media, because they're sociopaths.
They think I'm one.
They go, oh, Jones is backed off on this.
He must be... No, as we get more information...
And as the Sandy Hook folks, not all our listeners, some of us are saying I was Bo Bridges.
You can look this up.
And Bill Hicks, that I was covering up Sandy Hook.
I'm like, you know what?
I'm not in the Sandy Hook religion.
I'm sick of this.
So these claims that I profit off Sandy Hook, my listeners want to jump off a cliff when they hear about this.
The media just said that I said Parkland didn't happen.
Everybody knows that's not true.
So it's the media doing this.
This is their plan.
To bring up victims of mass shootings, to like have a new mass shooting all the time, even though they can't have them all the time.
You know the Democrats stood down in Sandy Hook, they stood down in Parkland, that's been confirmed.
They don't want that discussion.
They just want to bring back mass shootings over and over again to remind you of them, to create the psychology that they're happening all the time on my back.
To create a statute to ban my speech.
That's the admitted plan.
All Americans should be against this and see it for what it is.
But let's go back to the Megyn Kelly clips.
I'm sorry, here it is.
Because the media lies so much, you can't blame the public asking questions and you can't ban free speech of people that are asking questions.
Hit pause.
Back it up.
About just two seconds.
Now, how reasonable was that?
That is what I'm being sued for.
And they add stuff in there I didn't say.
But that's listed word for word in a lawsuit.
You can't blame people for questioning.
They want that banned.
Is this like a Twilight Zone episode or something?
Now, she has to act all upset about now joining me live after that horrible abuse we just heard from Alex Jones.
I'm sure they did see their kids that day.
It's just probably a little, you know, mistaken, you know, thing from NBC.
That turns into dun, dun, dun.
Here it is.
People that are asking questions.
Joining me now for his first interview since filing his lawsuit, Neil Heslin, along with his attorney, Mark.
Hey, pause.
Oh, that's the idea that no one's doing any interviews.
They filed the lawsuit on Monday.
Neal Haslam's been all over TV for years saying Alex Jones says this didn't happen and I'm a liar.
I've not been saying that.
I did Devil's Advocate in debates years ago.
This is known.
But see, I don't have a voice anywhere but here.
I didn't kill his son.
I've never been to Sandy Hook.
But it's like I did it, you see?
Let's go back to it.
Thank you both so much for being here, Neal.
Pleased to see you again.
So, why now?
Why after all the years of his attacks on you, why now?
Well, it's accountability and responsibility.
It's going on for four and a half, five years.
Back it up again.
Back it up.
It's accountability.
It's responsibility.
It's been going on all these years.
No, we knew Kelly was trying to set us up for a lawsuit with this when she came.
And she failed.
And we know they've filed 16 lawsuits the last few months against us.
Oh, because there's a Soros Democratic Party hit out on everybody.
The Democrats just filed suit against Trump, Roger Stone today.
Oh, that's why.
It's because this has been, this is, yeah, the media, Mr. Haslund, has been putting this back out over and over again and dragging me through it, misrepresenting what I've said, no matter how many times I clarify, no matter how many statements or how many apologies.
It's, it's, the lawsuit says, say you're wrong and make apologies for stuff I didn't say.
And then I wasn't even given a chance to do that.
In the statutory, it's unbelievable.
Here, let's continue.
Well, it's accountability and responsibility.
It's going on for four and a half, five years.
The lies, the trauma that he imposes.
Look at the woman back behind him.
I'm not saying she's an actress.
I'm not saying it's scripted, like Hillary did fake town halls and all the rest of it.
It's just the way she's looking.
Everything's choreographed.
I'm not saying Mr. Haslam is an actor.
What I'm saying is, look at this.
And then I'm not supposed to even respond when this is done every month, every year.
Just Alex Jones, Alex Jones.
And I'm like, oh, I'm sure your kids did that.
I'm so sorry for you.
Oh my God, Alex Jones won't stop.
No, you won't stop.
You won't stop.
I haven't been to Connecticut.
Maybe I drove through it once.
I haven't been to your town.
I didn't hurt anybody.
But see, I got free speech.
I'm pro-America.
So NBC wants to do this.
Let's continue.
Now back it up.
Back it up five seconds for the harm I'm doing.
Because I tell Megyn Kelly I don't want to get into this and she does it and then here it is.
Let's continue.
There's attacks on you.
Why now?
Well, it's accountability and responsibility.
It's going on for four and a half, five years.
The lies, the trauma that he imposes, the pain and suffering with the lies he peddles.
You know, to say that Sandy Hook was a hoax and it never happened, it's an outright lie.
It's a total disrespect to myself, my son, the individuals who lost their lives that day, but it extends so much further than that.
It's a disrespect to the community and the law enforcement, the first responders.
Who stood down?
You can look it up.
They stood down in Sandy Hook.
They stood down in Parkland.
That's a fact!
And he needs to... it needs to stop.
Pause again.
Alex Jones needs to stop.
Alex Jones...
Alex Jones has been inviting you on the show for years.
Alex Jones told Megyn Kelly he believed your child died and that I was sorry.
But I didn't hurt your child!
And gun owners have been blamed, collectively, for anything that happens with guns.
You don't blame cars, Mr. Haslund.
You're a public figure.
You're on the air.
You're bringing me up.
You're saying I'm a liar.
Your suit says that I called you a liar.
I didn't.
We just said it's not just Sandy Hook, but he has been going after the Sandy Hook parents from the beginning.
Pause again.
I have never gone after the Sandy Hook parents.
Notice she doesn't show any clips of that.
I'm going after the parents.
Who in the hell would try to go after people's parents who have dead children?
We have said that they've gotten picked up by the Democrats and the media and used for talking points and engines hired by Bloomberg to be flown around and give anti-gun speeches.
That's a fact!
And I'm sorry for your loss, but I can't give up my rights because projected guilt is put onto me.
That's wrong.
If somebody kills somebody with a baseball bat, you don't blame Louisville Slugger.
You don't blame Ginsu Knives or somebody stabs their wife to death with it.
Or you don't blame other knife owners.
A man stabbed his wife to death today, and all of you with knives in your kitchen, you're responsible.
Let's continue.
I know that the Posners have been... A woman went to jail for issuing death threats to them after listening to Jones on InfoWars.
Let's pause again.
And what happens is they come and tell the police, tell them, we'll let you off easy, just say it's InfoWars.
And they go, then the woman was barred by the court from listening.
People are hearing, bar the court from listening.
The show is so evil if you listen, you'll start going.
The same people that don't think any of these shootings are real come and confront my reporters, and I'm not giving them any attention, and threaten us.
And they've been doing it for four years.
Not this particular woman, but others.
So again, she knows this.
She knows they say I'm Bo Bridges and all this crap.
And I'm Bill Hicks.
She knows the whole story.
She knows I've issued hundreds of clarifications.
They're not gonna let me clarify!
Because they think they're deceiving and manipulating their audience.
And that's why Megyn Kelly is a vampire on the dead children of Sandy Hook.
She's a disgusting vampire using her death to attack the First Amendment.
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By the way, we're going through all our emails and everything right now.
And we're going to be publishing some pretty powerful stuff next week.
We have been in contact with Leonard Posner.
For a long time.
I'm going to cover up his phone number right here.
We tried to get him on in a debate about this, but instead we had the American Free Press folks that believe the shooting happened on against another fella.
And then again, the whole Sandy Hook didn't have a community got so mad that we even had a debate.
They began to say that I was involved in a cover up.
I said, I'm done.
And that was like three years ago.
Because I believe kids died there, but I did say I could see what the media and their history of lies, how people could say that, you know, they don't believe anything they see in the media, once you've been lied to hundreds of times.
But, here is Leonard Posner, who lost his son, and he says, Alex, document cam, please.
I am very disappointed to see how many people are directing more anger at families than lost their children in Newtown, accusing us of being actors.
Haven't we had our share of pain and suffering?
All these accusations of government involvement, false flag.
See, we're saying government involvement, stand down.
They knew he was on the Prozac like all the other cases.
That's confirmed.
See, he's not saying here that I didn't say anybody died.
I used to enjoy listening to your shows.
Now I feel that your type of show created these hateful people and they need to be reeled in.
Now this is January 29, 2013, ladies and gentlemen.
This is a month after Sandy Hook.
Guys, I can't believe it was that long ago.
Is there even a time stamp wrong on there?
And it goes on.
This is Aaron Dykes responding.
I wrote this email in his office with him.
We want a response.
I worked this with Aaron.
That's what he hit with the email.
Thank you for contacting us to share your point of view.
Alex has no doubt that this was a real tragedy.
Paul Watson was like threatening to quit.
And I wasn't even saying it didn't happen.
I was just devil's advocate.
He said, it's all bull Alex.
Don't do it.
Get out of it.
His instincts always right.
And sympathies with the victims and their affected loved ones.
Oh, we have sympathies.
Alex would very much like to speak with you.
How we can confirm that you are real, and we later did, Lenny Posner.
Please let us know how we can best be in contact with you, and we'd love to discuss your concerns and hear your side of the story.
Sincerely, Aaron Dykes and Alex Jones.
I dictated it.
That's how I do things around here.
People record it.
So, I sent this.
I guess they're... I don't know who found this.
Get all the Posner emails.
We found some other stuff, too.
And I guess if everybody wants to play this game, we're going to play it with you.
And we're going to... I don't have the time for it, but they're making it a big national issue.
We're digging out all the clips from three, four years ago where I said it happened, and the full clips where I go, but I can see how people, you know, question.
And then how they edited it for the Hillary ads.
It's just, God Almighty.
There's just never an end to this crap, man.
And I gotta countersue or people won't stop doing it.
And I'm not looking forward to that, but it's gotta happen.
Unless they drop these cases.
And I'd have these families on right now.
I'd go on these shows and be nice and talk to them.
They don't do it.
Because they don't want to humanize me.
They want to lie.
I wonder if his phone number is still good, because I've called it, Rob Deuce talked to him, Aaron's talked to him.
He never got on the phone with me.
I've tried a few times.
And we got more emails from him.
And he sent us this article.
Mourning Noah Posner, the Jewish boy whose life was taken too soon.
I'm so sad for you, son.
But you'd think in the news I killed him.
And that all other gun owners did.
Now we've got a former prosecutor coming on to discuss a little bit that Lionel's going to take over.
I'm going to finish up with a few more of these clips on the other side, then get Lionel's take on it, then he'll host the rest of the hour.
They're trying to shut us down because we have massive ratings and huge listenership.
We're growing despite everything they've thrown at us.
And that's what this is about.
They're using these families.
But let me tell you something.
I've talked to multiple people in the families, and they know where we stand.
So when they go on the news and say all this, they're misrepresenting where I'm at.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So we're back live, ladies and gentlemen, responding to only a thimble of the... I checked it on, like, Wednesday.
It was 33,000 articles.
Alex Jones, Sandy Hook, and Google News.
Every TV channel.
Every local show.
Every radio show.
And by the time they're done, it's... Alex Jones bullied the families.
Alex Jones sent people to their houses.
Alex Jones says none of them died.
Alex... It's just... It's like a telephone game.
It's all people like Megyn Kelly pushing this lie.
So I just read an email from Lenny Posner of us in 2013, giving him condolences and asking him on the show.
I get that Hillary edited tapes of me, you know, doing devil's advocate discussions, but that doesn't matter when you edit tapes like Megyn Kelly does.
So it just doesn't float boats.
Doesn't win lawsuits.
But I think you think it wins PR wars.
All it does is get you slapped back, sir.
So, the First Amendment doesn't go away.
The Second Amendment doesn't.
Just because people blame other people's rights for what a crazy person on Prozac with a gun illegally does.
And there was a police stand down in Sandy Hook.
There was a police stand down in Florida this year.
And it's the same thing over and over again, and we're going to continue to discuss it.
Now, let's move on to the next clip.
They continue in the media to say that I bring up Pizzagate.
Was the emails and Podesta and the discussion of code words reportedly used in child pornography and things, and the other Podesta brother and the stuff he is into, you know, the art he's into in the Washington Post, Little Naked Kids, that's all confirmed.
Notice Podesta didn't come after me.
Tony Podesta.
But CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post all focus on a pizza place, which no evidence of anything popped up in.
That we then secondarily covered, and that the media then hung around our neck again to demonize our number one enemy.
So then somebody, a person that just so happened to be an actor, I'm not saying he was doing this as part of any stage deal, goes in and reportedly fires a round into the wall.
Then Megyn Kelly edits a thing for Fox News before she left of me saying Hillary was killing kids in a basement there, when I was saying she's killing kids through what she did with the Arab Spring.
That's how deceptive Megyn Kelly is.
She's the one bringing all this stuff back into the news.
She's the one doing all this, and then I have to respond, and then people say, why are you bringing this back into the news?
I'm not!
In fact, I just talked about it.
I'm not even going to play her piece from yesterday about the pizza place and all that.
And how they've tried so hard in the media to get somebody to go do something to that play so they can blame me.
Nothing's going on there.
I've actually...
Had my crew go in undercover, check it all out.
Eat pizza there, they say it's real good pizza.
So, a lot of weird liberals there, weird fundraisers going on, whatever, that's liberals.
But, you know, DC crowd anywhere is weird.
But good pizza, whatever.
That was a red herring, a setup, a honeypot.
Not by the people involved with the pizza place, but the Democratic Party and the media diverting on some little rumor on 4chan that no one was covering on Reddit.
And making it the big mountain out of the molehill, because the mountain was in New York, and Epstein, and Weiner, and the Clinton Foundation, and the little black kids out of Haiti, and the convictions, and the sex branding, and the slavery, and all of it.
That, you see, they didn't want in the news.
But you learn.
You live, you learn how you get chumped.
We didn't break it.
We didn't push it.
But we got targeted in it.
This is all a process of learning.
It's bigger than InfoWars.
So we're not going to that club.
I'm done.
The Tar Baby of the pizza place I've been trying to get out of for years.
And they always bring it back up.
Alex Jones says this is going on at the pizza place.
Alex Jones says none of it's true.
All of it's lies.
They won't drop it, just like Sandy Hook.
They won't leave it alone.
And then I got people calling me saying, will you please stop doing that?
More weirdos are coming in.
I'm like, I'm not the one doing it!
Tell the Democrats and the media to stop it!
Sue Megyn Kelly!
God Almighty!
She's such a liar!
I'm so sick of her!
So, Victim's Mom, this has to be a day of reckoning.
So let's go to Posner's wife.
They're divorced now.
Let's go to this poor lady.
Maybe she missed the show.
I find that hard to believe.
Coming back with that I'm doing all this stuff is because I'm a target, folks.
And the media is using these families.
Here it is.
This lawsuit that you just filed with your former husband Noah's dad, what do you hope comes out of this?
Accountability, no more no less.
You know, I think there comes a time when if there's a choice that's made over a relentless period of years to peddle falsehoods and to profit from them, then there has to be a day of reckoning.
And accountability.
And they say that sunlight is a great disinfectant.
Well, I say let it shine.
But part of this lawsuit includes an interview.
Yeah, yeah.
Back up a few seconds.
Megyn Kelly does an interview.
She makes it about this.
They're suing me for the interview where I say it happened.
And they want the falsehoods to stop, that I'm not saying, so the media says the falsehoods that I supposedly said, but they're not guilty.
Anderson Cooper pushed the Arab Spring that killed close to a million people.
And that threw gays off buildings.
That's on record.
Soros isn't a Nazi collaborator.
He's launched all these constant lies, all these wars, all these frauds, all these evil things he's done, and he sits there, the same people that told their WMDs in Iraq, and looks at you and says, you know, what needs to happen here?
But notice they can't show what I've actually said or done because they don't have it.
They have four second clips Hillary edited for ads two years ago.
So I feel good about all this because it's all going to come out.
I'm not dumb enough to be pitted against the parents.
It's the media doing all this.
But let's continue.
Here it is.
Part of this lawsuit, I understand, includes an interview that we did together, which Alex Jones has been distorting.
I just find it inexcusable that this person is out there peddling these lies about one of the most heartbreaking of all tragedies.
Pause again.
CNN has been caught doing all these fake chemical attack coverage.
Cooper's famous for staging things with bombs going off.
All I say is it looks like blue screen when he turns.
Doesn't mean it didn't happen.
It means I thought you're in a studio.
Something CNN's been caught doing.
Doing interviews not on the streets so they can control things, but with a green screen.
They go shoot some video of the spot, then they do it in a studio.
That's routine.
That is not saying it didn't happen.
Here it is.
But notice, he said some things about an interview we did that's inexcusable.
Tell us what it is, Cooper, but you don't do that because you work for the CIA.
Here it is.
That's right.
He no longer gets to desecrate my son's memory.
He no longer gets to negate my pain and profit from it.
That is correct.
You and I both know where we were on that night and the pain that came with that event.
We both know where we were that night?
And the pain that came with that event.
They leave it all nebulous, like, God, what did Alex do that night?
I didn't know.
Cooper turns, his nose disappears.
They go, oh, that's digital fragments.
Digital fragments go all over the page.
I don't know what they're doing over there.
I'm not saying this woman's lying.
I'm saying it looks like they were in a studio, which CNN's famous for.
I mean, I could go out at night and have explosions going off and going, I'm here in Austin, explosions are going off, don't doubt me, I'm CNN.
That's what Cooper's been caught doing.
Were you ever able to get Lionel Skype going?
Well, it's good I'm here to host the fourth hour then, isn't it?
And I got plenty to talk about, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, I'm ready to launch a bigger network and a lot of other hosts, but we just gotta get something past Skype, the access units, digital connections.
Cause it is just artsy.
Seems like Skype works better over there on the other side of the building, but maybe... Eh, what do I know, you know?
What am I?
A ham sandwich?
Chopped liver?
We'll be back.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
The anatomy of CNN and mainstream media disinfo.
Straight ahead.
And Nigel Farage joins us for the next 10 minutes.
You can follow him at Twitter, Nigel underscore Farage.
He's helped lead the populist movement.
What is the latest from the UK?
Look, remember that in 2013, it was in fact British public opinion that shifted our politicians, that stopped us getting involved in Syria.
And don't forget, the object of the government at the time was to arm the rebels.
Alex, if we'd done that, we'd have armed ISIS!
It would have been mad!
And actually, it was British public opinion affecting our politicians that stopped Obama and America from getting involved in this.
So, I'm a great believer actually with all these things.
Trust Middle England.
Trust Middle America.
They tend to get it right more than London or Washington DC.
Now, Mrs May does appear keen to get involved militarily.
All I can tell her
...is be careful, because public opinion now against intervention is probably even stronger than it was four years ago.
Let's put it like this.
If it wasn't Assad that did it, you know, you can make arguments about the deep state doing it, but equally, don't forget that ISIS themselves a couple of years ago were on record for using chemical weapons no fewer than 52 times.
ISIS could quite easily have done this, hoping the world would blame Assad and the Russians, particularly in the wake of the arguments that are still going on about the poisonings that took place in Salisbury, England.
So, the answer is, we don't know.
You're a leading expert on this.
Why is the left allied with radical Islam?
Why are they trying to flood?
Because they hate Christianity.
They deny absolutely our Judeo-Christian culture, which if you think about it actually are the roots completely of our nations and our civilization.
They deny that.
They also, don't forget Alex, they want to abolish the nation state.
They want to get rid of it.
They want to replace it with the globalist project.
And the European Union is the prototype for the new world order.
Do you know, if Hillary had won that election,
Last year, she was going to sign America up to get really close to this kind of thing.
So, you know, we may sit here right now, Alex, and be a bit critical of Trump, but on many other things, he's got things right.
And when you send a message, when Angela Merkel sends a message, as many of you as want to come can come, what do you think they're going to do?
In fact, the liberals have become the very fascists that they try and criticize with their rhetoric.
And look, what's really happening here?
You know, don't underestimate
How massive the seismic shock of 2016 was.
The victory of Brexit.
The victory of Trump.
You know, we're winning.
Look at Hungary the other day.
We are winning, but it doesn't feel like we're winning because the left and the state are fighting back with all their might.
And you know something?
If we can resist,
This politically correct charge, this attempt to stop us thinking and speaking freely, if we can resist that, then our victory actually will be complete.
So don't get down, everybody.
Don't get depressed.
They're behaving like this because we're beating them.
And let's remember, you're the guy when Trump thought three months before he was going to lose that came in privately, cheered him up and cheered up the troops, and you were a critical catalyst in this, just as you were in Brexit.
You're amazing.
Thank you for joining us.
I know you're very busy.
But that's as the EU has said.
They'll try to start a wider war to keep the EU.
Don't you think that's what part of this attempt to start World War III is about in Syria?
I think the globalists have wanted to have some form of conflict with Russia as an argument for us all to surrender our national sovereignty and give it up to a higher global level.
They've wanted it for years and now they see their opportunity and we must protect it.
Thank you so much Nigel Farage.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The front lines of the human awakening.
It's the Infowar.
And now, Alex Jones.
That's right.
He no longer gets to desecrate my son's memory.
He no longer gets to negate my pain and profit from it.
That is correct.
You and I both know where we were on that night and the pain that came with that event.
They don't tell you what I said.
They don't say there was no blue screen.
We were on the street together.
With no car sounds in the middle of the giant vigil.
And all the people there playing the flowers.
It's just a background with the flowers of the town hall and her and Anderson Cooper.
And then he turns and his head's shimmering and his nose disappears, which everybody knows is a chroma key.
That does not mean that the shooting didn't happen.
It doesn't mean she's bad.
I'm just saying, that's what listeners wanted us to address.
That and Nancy Grace.
Can you pull up the Nancy Grace, Sandy Hook stuff?
Because I mean, that's ridiculous.
They're at a cul-de-sac the day after and there's cars going in circles and it's the, she goes, I'm joining by such and such via satellite.
And then she's right across from the lady.
I don't know why they did that.
And Grace is actually there.
And then the cars are going behind Grace.
And then you see the same car, because it's a roundabout.
And you're like, well that's the same car.
That's another same car.
Okay, watch that ambulance.
What is this?
I don't... I think they almost do this to mess with us or something.
I'm serious, man.
That's why I've told my crew when there's a big mass shooting or something, and there's really crazy anomalies, just wait till I get here to figure out what to do, because they do this stuff so they can get us to say, wow, that's really weird.
And they go, oh my gosh, why are you doing that?
You hurt me!
And we're like, no, no, we're sorry.
You hurt me.
And like five years later, you hurt me.
Stop hurting me.
And we're like, we're not bringing you up.
They're talking about us.
We think your child died.
We're sorry.
We're sorry.
We didn't kill him, but we're sorry.
You will stop doing it.
You will stop doing it.
And you're like, but I'm not doing it.
No, this isn't the Nancy Grace one.
It's a famous one.
Go ask Rob Dewey, he'll give it to you.
We've been up and down this a hundred times.
She's sitting there, in like a director's chair, and there's another person she's talking to.
They're talking about how they're on satellite and the cars are driving around in circles around them.
It's unbelievable.
I don't know what that means, but I'm allowed... See, what they don't want you doing is questioning big events.
They don't want you looking at things... Jones is a crazy conspiracy theorist.
He says that, you know, that rebels have been caught doing chemical attacks.
The U.N.
admits it.
The Pentagon admits it.
Did you guys pull me the New York Times?
I wanted 54 times ISIS carried out chemical attacks in Syria.
Print it for me.
There it is.
Did I say 52?
Is my memory right?
ISIS used chemical arms at least 52 times in Syria.
Iraq reports.
Print that for me, please.
It's because they shoot the videos of it themselves.
And then we go, oh look, Assad's winning, the U.S.
is pulling out, so is Russia.
This just happened at the wrong time.
Assad's the dumbest dictator in the world to do this.
Then we go, somebody's shooting at the U.S.
people going to check and see if it was a chemical attack, and the U.N.
people, because it's a war zone, a rebel-held area.
Do you think the rebels want them in there looking for a chemical attack that didn't happen?
And then we got the footage we saw all week.
of people hit by nerve gas and the doctor if he's even a doctor's like he's 18 years old like okay ready oh oh oh we're not saying chemical attacks don't happen i'm saying i know a junior high bad play when i see one
It's like the Hillary Town Hall she kept having.
And I was like, man, this looks like this was shot on 80 millimeter.
This is the crispest lighting, everything.
All the people look like central casting.
This is staged.
And then it came out in the WikiLeaks.
It was staged.
You know a production!
When you go watch Jurassic Park, do you know it's a Steven Spielberg movie?
How do you know something that's real versus it's not?
You know, your eye knows it.
You know acting.
That's why you go see the rare movie where the acting's so good, like the People versus O.J.
Simpson, parts of it weren't even that good, but there were segments of that that were so good that I actually just spent a disbelief, and I never do, because it was so good.
But see, they were following real stuff and real transcripts is how they could do it.
And they lived it as real, so as actors it was easy to kind of fit that role, but you know when you're seeing scripted crap.
So am I saying this stuff didn't happen?
They're grabbing people, they're giving them scripts, they've got agendas, they've got angles.
Hogg said he was at his house when the attacks happened.
Then he said he was in the school when it began and closed the door.
Then he said he was in a closet doing interviews during it.
The day we stop questioning that is the day we roll over and die.
The shooting happened.
Hogg's an anti-gun spokesperson and we don't know what he really did at school because he's told us three different things.
We call BS Hogg.
And boy are his ten minutes of fame over.
They decided the public's not buying into his poo-poo.
So now he's in trouble for Never Again books.
Oh, now the leftists are going to bring you down.
The leftist religion.
Now you've hurt Holocaust survivors.
See how that works?
Hogg, Mr. Anti-Free Speech, how are your boycotts going, Mr. Hogg?
Here, let's go to the next clip.
Sandy Hook parents fight back.
I can't even look at the Young Turks.
Let's do Kelly.
Sandy Hook father has had enough of Alex Jones.
This is her on MSNBC promoting her show the day before.
And her flagging ratings.
And, uh, but they at least have to halfway admit, though, this is the only halfway honest thing, AP was more honest, where it actually admits that I'm, well, well, well, here it is for yourself.
Two families of children who died in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary shooting are now suing radio host Alex Jones for defamation.
The controversial host of InfoWars has long suggested the media faked information about the shooting.
He talked about it with NBC's Megyn Kelly last June.
All of the parents decided to come out and lie about their dead children?
I didn't say that.
What happened to the children?
I will sit there on the air and look at every position and play devil's advocate.
Was that devil's advocate?
The whole thing is a giant hoax.
The whole thing was fake.
Yes, because I remember in, even that day, if I go back from memory, then saying, but then some of it looks like it's real, but then what do you do when they've got the kids going in circles in and out of the building with their hands up?
I've watched the footage, and it looks like a drill.
Yesterday, Alex Jones responded to the lawsuit in a video message.
I believe Sandy Hook happened.
And early on, I was being bullied by internet folks and others to say nobody died.
And when I wouldn't say nobody died, in the debates, and I would actually side with those that said that people did die, they would say that I was a government agent.
Well, at least they put that part out of the 10-minute thing, but I lay the whole truth about what happened.
And then when I started getting the emails and like mainline people were like, we're gonna get you Bo Bridges.
I'm like, okay, uh, I'm, this is crazy town.
I'm not involved in this.
And here we are four years after, five years after it happened.
Oh, by the way, you've got more emails with the parents here.
I'm going to make a documentary about this.
The Sandy Hook event, and the hoaxes that followed.
Not that Sandy Hook was a hoax, but that the hoaxes of the media after.
It's just, you could teach a whole college course on this.
Stay with us, more to come.
Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide, go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a long-time InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks for the awesome BrainForce AnthroPlex.
My girlfriend would like to say thanks for the AnthroPlex, too.
Thank you.
I use the BioTrue Selenium, the Super Blue toothpaste.
For you folks who aren't big normal toothpaste fans, the Super Blue is awesome.
And thank you so much, Alex, for the InfoWars Life products.
They are quality.
I can't wait to get some more.
And thank you so much for doing that for us to keep us healthy.
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
We are witnesses to the most ruthless attack on a president and the people who voted for him and the free system that allowed it to happen in American history.
From the highest levels of government to their media, universities and billionaires, their hateful defiance of his legitimacy is an insult to each of us.
But the ultimate insult is that they think we're so stupid that we'll let them get away with it.
These saboteurs, slashing away with their leaks and sneers, their phony accusations and gagging sanctimony, drive their daggers through the heart of our future, poisoning our belief that honest custody of our institutions will ever again be possible.
So they can then build their utopia from the ashes of what they burned down.
Their fate will be failure, and they will perish in the political flames of their own fires.
We are the National Rifle Association of America, and we are freedom's safest place.
You know, I just heard that National Rifle Association ad.
Airing on the radio side, TV side.
We had a video ad going with Dana Lash.
I always call her Losh.
I'm teleprompter-free.
Dana Lash.
Great, smart, syndicated radio host.
Great lady.
Very successful spokesperson for the NRA that the left wants to basically kill and says is a witch and burn her, literally.
They heard that ad running and Media Matters wrote stories about it.
George Soros' outfit.
Saying, oh look, the National Rifle Association is spending money with Alex Jones, like they're the arbiter, they're the boss, they're the god, and ooh, if they say it's bad, it's bad.
No, morons.
I like that ad.
So, I have part of the radio ads on the network, so I run that ad.
Even though one of those ads is about $1,000 a minute, I run it.
And eat $1,000 every time.
I pay to air the NRA.
Figure that out?
So you guys don't get it, do you?
I'm not doing this for money.
I'm not doing this for myself.
I don't sit there and calculate the work I do about me personally.
It's about my children and the future.
I'm a kamikaze.
I don't care what you do to me financially.
I don't care how you come after me.
I'm committed.
Because I know you're bad people and I want to get you off of our collective backs.
Isn't that something you can now understand, dumbos?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I've got a tiger by the tail to explain the sea.
I won't be much when you get through with me.
He never gives up.
He's Alex Jones, broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas, worldwide.
Yeah, we've been pulling up the emails and videos of what I said three and a half, four, even almost five years ago about Sandy Hook.
And it's really painstaking to find where they found the clips where I say, I can now see how people think the whole thing's staged and nothing happened.
They cut that out.
Versus though that I think it did happen, blah blah blah, and the Democrats are trying to grab this and use this as a way to keep bringing up gun control.
Because they don't get the school shootings the Democrats and their victim disarmament zones so lust after with their police stand downs often enough.
So there's a way to recycle it, just bring up Alex Jones is attacking the families.
And it is true fake news, but got more emails here with parents and we're getting the videos together.
And that's why they want to shut down our YouTube channel.
They don't want us to fire back.
CNN wants to have our videos taken down for saying nobody died at Parkland.
Shouldn't I be able to say that even though I didn't?
Because they can't stand that the videos didn't say that.
They talked about the police standout.
But they didn't go, oh we took Alex Jones' videos down because he exposed the police standout with witnesses.
No, no, let's misrepresent.
CNN, NBC, these are villains!
So, our investigation is moving forward.
And no doubt, I'm making a Sandy Hook documentary.
About it, about the stand-down, about how they... I mean, I haven't made a film in six years.
I've been so busy.
And boy, I used to have films I watched 30, 40 million times.
This is it.
I'm making a Sandy Hook film.
And I'm gonna lovingly seek out all the parents and give them their say, and I'm gonna show how the shooting happened, and I'm gonna show how he was on Prozac, and how he got a gun illegally, and how they bulldozed his house and the school, and then how the media over the years did all this stuff, and then how they blamed me for Parkland and said I said it didn't happen, and now the lawsuit, it'll be, it'll be all of it!
The whole thing!
I don't know what you call the film, the Sandy Hook phenomenon,
Sandy Hook versus the First Amendment?
Sandy Hook versus reality?
Not that the shooting didn't happen, but how it's been used now to misrepresent everything.
This is their big key.
It's not just get Alex Jones.
They want to create the Alex Jones precedent.
The Alex Jones statute.
They say that.
They want to preemptively have the court say, we're going to sue you out of existence and rule against you if you question gas attacks.
Oh, but Rand Paul's doing it too, isn't he?
And everybody else that's got a brain.
And our own military.
And the head of British Special Forces.
Because the rebels have done... This is the New York Times.
Your God... Occasionally tells the truth.
ISIS used chemical arms at least 52 times in Syria.
And Iraq.
I mean, that's a fact.
And then it goes into the London-based Intelligence Collection Analysis Service, IHS, confirms what the UN found.
Well, it ain't hard to do that.
If I had a multi-million dollar funded think tank, which is fine with me, I'm not saying they're bad, I could sit there and get some scientists on the board, and military analysts, and watch the ISIS videos to confirm what town they're in, and show the mortar they're firing, and check it in Jane's Weapons Quarterly, and that's a Saudi Arabian sarin gas
30 kilo munition.
And they're screaming Allah Akbar and they got what unit they're with with ISIS.
I mean, yeah, it's not hard, man.
So, they stage this stuff continually.
We've got to look at everything with a jaundice eye.
Once we don't have proof at stage, that's fine.
And the media humanizes families in all this.
But what the kids are telling people is they got brought in and got sprayed with water.
I mean, you get hit with any type of gas, even chlorine.
Yeah, show the fake footage from this week.
This has been aired on CNN, MSNBC.
The 18-year-old doctor blinks.
Falls over.
Everybody zooms in.
The little kid's laughing.
Let me tell you what's going on with real nerve gas.
I mean, that is the...
That is the fakest thing I've ever seen.
Now what CNN would do would be get the families to sue me, show real nerve gas victims, blue, feces coming out, bleeding out of the mouth.
Say, Jones said this didn't happen, and then never show you this.
See how that works?
That's the tactics of these people.
Sleight of hand.
And they do it over and over again, and they are so incredibly pissed off right now that these kids are going on TV and going, no, they grabbed me.
They brought me in.
And then, of course, the best are little kids.
Let's just show little kids with an oxygen thing when they're asleep.
And now here's a little kid.
I was doing construction jobs at a local stadium.
When I found out that my family had been in the hospital, I almost went crazy.
I'm reading if you're a radio listener from television.
I left work and returned to our district.
I didn't see anymore.
I didn't hear anything about the chemical attack.
It's an empty hospital because everybody's already gone home.
I didn't hear anything from the chemical attack.
I smoked outside and felt nothing.
I entered the hospital and asked about my family.
I saw that water had been poured in the room and saw some children.
And there's the kid from TV, right there next to him.
Then shouted hello!
I went upstairs and saw my wife and children.
Play a little bit of the audio in the background.
I asked, what are you doing here?
They answered.
Someone shouted outside that they started to smell something.
So we ran here.
After that, we were given dates and cookies.
Praise be to Allah, the children were fine.
Yeah, they created hysteria, folks.
Even French and German crews that have been there say they're living in basements because of the war there.
It's a rebel-held area.
They're not all bad people.
They're just caught up in it.
And they're living in basements, and there was a basement fire that got into the sewer, and some people got smoked out, and a few got carbon monoxide poisoning.
None died.
That's what we know now.
And they just went, oh my god, chemical!
Because that's all you're ever hearing.
It's not the 50-something that ISIS launched that are in the New York Times.
But that's the anatomy of the hysteria.
Let's continue with The Father Place.
Some people, some people, we don't... I'm going to hit pause back in a minute.
Yeah, even the London Independent sent top journalists.
This has been out for four days.
No coverage in the US.
They said, no, there's nothing there.
Chemical attack didn't happen.
Exactly as the Russians said.
The Russians just want their one port.
They want to get out of there.
They don't want to get caught in a war.
Neither does our military.
And the globalists are trying to do this.
Why would the Russians or the Syrians stage this right when they want?
Riddle me that.
Oxygen starvation in the rubbish filled tunnels.
Yeah, there it is.
From people burning, cooking with charcoal.
Let's continue.
Let's go back.
Some people, some white people, we don't know any one of them.
Come to here and they said chemical attack, chemical attack.
Here in the hospital, we didn't see any chemical attack symptoms.
And again, they're in the hospital talking to a real doctor.
He's not 18.
In the hospital.
With people with broken legs behind him.
And he's saying, there was no chemical attack, no symptoms.
And there's hours of this.
And it's getting out.
British news, French news, German news, Russian news.
And the media will go, oh look, they showed Sputnik.
I read Sputnik, it's way more active in our media.
RT is a bunch of liberal crap most of the time.
RT America is worthless.
So, this thing about RT, I don't agree with RT.
The point is, it ain't running Jack Squad on this show.
The Truth's running this program.
We'll be back to open the phones up to get your take on all this and more.
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Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
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That's infowarrestore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Alright, we're back live.
Got one segment left before War Room starts.
I'm going to take like four or five calls right now.
877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
Finally, the Congress is calling for criminal investigations of Comey, McCabe, all of them, and now you've got a criminal investigation by the Inspector General in the Justice Department right now of Comey, and they admitted classified stuff he leaked.
I mean, he is
Stick a fork in him if somebody just has any hair on their chest around here.
I mean, I'm serious, man.
We're under globalist attack.
Let's just get this going here, man.
Let's go!
I don't know how that punk Soros and Hillary and all these walking dead pieces of crap stand in the way of prosperity and justice and trying to start World War III.
How the hell this group of scum has bullied us into this position?
But I'll tell you what it is.
America has so much hospitality, is so Christian, even though we've abandoned most of our Christian values, the guilt of Christianity, which is a good thing if you're powerful and strong, to be nice and to have restraint.
But it's been turned against us to turn us into these self-loathing, hating idiots that let some weird Nazi collaborator and a bunch of degenerate, crazy, insane, anti-freedom leftists run our lives.
Game's over!
You're an enemy.
Feel your hand.
Let's go.
Ramming speed.
And they keep going.
I'm gonna get you.
I'm gonna threaten you.
I'm gonna kill you.
I'm gonna sue you.
I'm gonna... I already got the message!
Let's just go!
It's not a pissing contest, man.
I'm not playing games here.
I don't like all this standing around.
And by that I mean, just keep pushing.
Just keep pushing.
They're gonna false flag some more, too, don't worry.
By that, they'll wind up loons and let them attack and they'll have a gun deal and bring the Saudis in and kill the Patsy.
I mean, they're running some false flags, baby.
And they always go, oh, nothing happened!
The shooting didn't happen!
Thinking you're an intellectual moron.
No, the shootings happened in Vegas.
But they let it happen.
See, here's what happens when you're not a coward.
Other people see that and they give you the information.
And I've got the information.
In fact, I got way more information than I want to know.
But I'm trusted with all the information because I'm not a coward or a sack of crap.
Not that special of a person.
I see a bunch of criminals wanting to run my life and dominate me.
I'm gonna fight.
And I may get killed in the process, but I've got what you call instincts.
I didn't plug last hour, I haven't plugged this hour.
We're under total global attack.
We got products that are unbelievable.
We got giant sales on the iodine and on the super metal vitality and so much more.
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Even according to BuzzFeed's test, they got so mad about it.
They're so stupid.
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But, you know, it's overpriced.
But this is the best in the country according to the lab's test.
It's who we private label from.
And we were selling it for less.
This is the best, though.
You're a moron.
Their own test said we sell the best out of over 100 tested at $10 less than Whole Foods.
That's what I mean.
You can't make up the little fun things that happen in the universe.
So, I want to be a man at the end of my days.
I want to be strong.
I don't want to be a coward.
I don't want to be a chump.
I don't want to be a vampire.
Got it?
And quite frankly, all these attacks, I don't enjoy it at a certain level.
It just means I got to fight harder and I want to beat you.
But, I mean, it's like you guys are giving me Christmas here.
I mean,
It's not a heady thing.
It's not like, oh, it's like I meant to take you on, and the prayers are being answered.
I mean, I'm becoming the number one enemy of the New World Order, and we're changing the world together, and whatever happens, man, this is what I, this is awesome!
To be able to stand up against you child molesters and devil worshipers, and to know you're gonna get physical, and so you're all gonna beg at the end.
But we're not going to take pleasure in dispatching you.
It'll be like taking the trash out.
Dispatching you politically, but the other way if you start a big fight.
So, we get the fact you're cold-blooded murderers, but we're not some kid in a dungeon begging for mommy.
So anyways, let's go ahead and take a few calls here.
Terry in Bakersfield, California.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Hello there, Bill Hicks, I mean Alex Jones.
My name is Justin Case.
I'm a fake news reporter calling on behalf of the fake news media across America and around the world.
And I have a very important question for President Donald Trump.
That the fake news media like the Communist News Network, I mean CNN, the fake news, Fox News, the Communist BS, I mean... Commie Central, you know, Viacom.
Yeah, and the NBS, I mean NBC, and the prim media like the New York Slimes, I mean Times, and, you know, the Washington Joke, I mean the Washington Compost.
Now this is a question that Megyn Kelly actually forgot to ask you.
And if you answer this question to be true, and so does President Trump, it'll actually be something that you have in common with Hillary Clinton and with Michelle Obama.
Okay, here's a very important question, and please let me get to the end of the question.
Here it is.
President Donald Trump,
Is it true that you are a Russian secret service, gay, retarded, illegal alien from Mars?
How good different is that from the crazy media today?
Well they're the ones in bed with all the foreign powers.
It's obvious we're the Americans.
We get in power even halfway and the whole country turns over.
There's so much going on and brother I want to help you during your commercial breaks.
I suggest you do one simple thing when you're stressing.
Take 10 slow, deep breaths.
No, no, I agree.
I'll be honest.
I'm not stressed out by their attacks.
I'm stressed that I'm not strong enough and I run out of energy.
You know, and I feel guilty.
Just so you know, I started working as a radio personality at 14 years old at my high school.
At Clayton Valley High School in Concord, California.
I'm the round mountain of sound, for those of you who went back then.
If you're looking for somebody as a sound engineer or producer, I've owned my own ad agency.
I would be more than happy to work for you, and I am fearless about taking on the neutered world.
Alright, well talk to Daria in there, she's the Russian agent.
She's got to be clear about Putin.
But yeah, we'll get your name and number right now.
Let's do it.
We're trying to expand here in the face.
That's why they're still trying to stop us, but God bless you.
Thank you, Terry.
Brennan in Arkansas.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Brennan.
Yes, sir.
Hi, buddy.
Go ahead.
Well, I was in the Marine Corps four years serving that stance, but mine and I had a buddy in mine, an infantry.
He got out a few years ago and that first Syria attack with the gas attack when everybody was like, Oh, you know, crazy stuff going on.
Some things just didn't add up.
And I called my buddy and I said, Hey, I don't, I don't think that looks right.
I don't, some things aren't fitting together.
And he said, well, he's got,
I don't know.
Well, the UN, even the New York Times says the gas attacks are fake, except ISIS.
Because it's not like they totally control ISIS.
They give them the weapons, and then ISIS can't stop videotaping it, because, you know, they want to get that ala Akbar.
Like, over here, it's like, you're cool if you're a professional wrestler or rock star, like the Rolling Stones or Hulk Hogan.
Over there, as you know as a Marine, putting those videos out of them launching attacks makes them rock stars, and they get money.
So they can't, we have all the videos of ISIS launching the attacks.
I agree.
And you stated also about why would they do a chemical attack on a small population and civilians?
That's the same thing with me.
If they were going to use them, they would use them on an enemy in mass.
Yeah, you don't use chemical weapons, like you said, in an emergency if you're being overwhelmed, fire some mortars, some stuff at them to knock out tank battalions.
It's a World War III weapon, and you only use it in a total emergency.
Plus, Assad gave them up.
Let me ask you, this is Marine.
I'm sure they told you.
If you ever find chemical weapons, don't blow them up in place.
Because it rains them down on everybody.
And if I remember right, if we ever had a Geneva Convention, if there was ever chemical weapons used, I think that
Hi Alex, I was just wanting to make a point about how the mainstream media may be trying to set people up for
I don't know.
Then the people will say, hmm, maybe this is something else that we should... Kim, that is the smartest thing I've heard in a month and I meant to say that myself.
They're branding me as fake news to psychologically inoculate so that when big stuff comes out, they can go, oh, Alex Jones says it.
So, they're panicking because what's about to come out about jewelry, they don't want people to have, um, they want their... Kim, stay there.
Kim, stay there.
I'm coming back to you.
I told them last minute we'll see if we can patch in the other studio so I can go into the war room.
I'm not mad at the engineers.
You're great.
We got to be ready to do this all the time.
This is the new system.
I'm going to be going back and forth all the time.
We're going to come right back with Kim.
Kim is the best caller of the day.
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