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Name: 20180419_Thu_Alex
Air Date: April 19, 2018
3323 lines.

Alex Jones discusses how mainstream media has not reported on the truth behind a chemical attack in Syria, which is believed to be a false flag. He also talks about Laura Loomer going to a James Comey book signing event and exposing him as a fraud. Owen Shroyer then goes into how Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are banning conservatives left and right in an attempt to control the narrative. Alex Jones argues that these media outlets attack him and Infowars constantly, but fail to air videos of him saying he believes people have died at Sandy Hook or criticizing conspiracy theories. The aim is to maintain a narrative that discredits alternative news sources like InfoWars so as to win the court of public opinion. Jones emphasizes that free speech and the right to report on events without censorship are crucial, which is why the media seeks to silence those who hold differing views. A video shows Laura Loomer confronting former FBI director James Comey at his book signing event and asking him questions about the unverified dossier and his leadership ethics. Alex Jones of Infowars urges viewers to support the company by purchasing products from their online store, such as vitamins and supplements, in order to continue funding the production of content. He discusses a recent clip of an alleged chemical attack in Syria that has been debunked as fake news, emphasizing the importance of spreading awareness about such false narratives. President Trump's tax cuts have forced Californians to pay their fair share of taxes for the first time in years. They used to be able to get their state tax deducted from their federal tax because California's state tax was so high. Now, they are also being hit with federal taxes and they're complaining. Meanwhile, traditional methods of delivering fake news have become less effective as people wake up to the fact that they have been lied to for a long time. The mainstream media has lost credibility and InfoWars is able to survive without taking big corporate advertising and government money.

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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Slow news day?
Nope, there's no such thing anymore.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Filling in for Alex today, I am Owen Schroyer.
Stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks of news to cover.
And more stacks.
But, if the Democrats, if the deep state had their way, I wouldn't be allowed to come on here and cover all this news.
Info wars wouldn't exist.
And while it seems trivial at this point for me to come up here and talk about the attacks on free speech as Twitter and Facebook and YouTube are banning and censoring conservatives left and right, and then they say, oh, we're an equal opportunity forum, open forum, open platform.
You got a list about a hundred people, a hundred conservatives banned from Twitter, banned from Facebook, politicians, people that do art like Sabo, members of the media.
If you're a conservative, you're gone.
Bye-bye, conservative.
You're not allowed on Twitter.
You're not allowed on YouTube.
You're not allowed on Facebook.
Oh, but that's just one level.
Then they'll go even farther.
I am subscribed to get a notification every time Trump tweets, every time the White House tweets.
I don't get them.
Thanks, Twitter.
And then they wage lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit attacking us to try to handicap us financially and then destroy us in the court of public opinion.
That's their goal.
And I'm going to talk about that
When we move on here in the next segment.
But I mean, just the whole swath of news that we're going to cover today.
Everything is on a high wire right now.
And we're either going to fall or we're going to get to the other side and be better off because of it.
But I'm not even sure where to begin.
We've got Laura Loomer coming on.
She was at... I told you this was going to happen yesterday on The War Room.
She disrupted a James Comey event.
James Comey, what a fraud that guy is.
Just what an absolute fraud.
And that was the FBI director, one of the biggest frauds in history, James Comey.
And then he's like, well, I'm no longer a Republican.
Nobody gives a damn about your political affiliation.
You are a Clinton operative.
You are a scum bag.
Oh, and Kit Daniels has the story at InfoWars.com.
Lawmaker, Comey lied to Congress, suggests new evidence.
So we've just got more evidence of Comey being a liar.
Did Comey perjure himself too?
Did Comey leak?
Well, he admitted that after he said he didn't leak.
Then he admitted he did leak.
But then he said he didn't leak.
And then the timeline doesn't make sense of when he may have leaked or may not have leaked.
Oh, you're leaking, James Comey.
Then they have this new narrative.
Michael Cohen would flip against Trump.
Well now, let's think about that.
What does that even mean?
He's gonna flip against Trump?
Flip what?
Well, okay.
Michael Cohen is gonna flip on Trump.
Michael Cohen comes out and says, Trump had an affair with Stormy Daniels.
Oh my gosh!
Nobody cares.
Cohen's gonna flip on Trump.
It's just ridiculous!
Then you've got...
A chemical attack in Syria, a total false flag, the OPCW can't even go investigate, the media won't cover it, and then one of the individuals who was there in the attack, or the alleged attack, on video, has now gone public and said the whole thing was staged!
Who reported that first?
InfoWars, right here, the Alex Jones Show!
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
It is Thursday, April 19th, 2018.
Filling in for Alex Jones today, I'm your host, Owen Schroyer.
What you can expect today.
Laura Loomer joins me in the first hour.
We're going to talk about her going to the Comey book signing and doing what Loomer does best.
Injecting a little truth into their staged event and then exposing the frauds for what they are.
Mike Cernovich joins me in the second hour.
We'll cover all the news with Mike, get his take on everything that's going on right now.
And then Hotep Jesus, the individual that went into Starbucks, cried racist, and got a free coffee.
He'll be joining us!
I'm sorry!
It's so ridiculous!
Oh my gosh.
I almost want to, like, go to a Starbucks and try to reenact this.
And just be like, yeah, I'm a white male.
Can I get a free coffee?
They are going to look at me like I'm some kind of three-headed creep.
So he's going to be joining us to talk about that.
In the meantime, all of this news, I'm going to try to get to all of it.
But let's recall something.
Because we have a memory here.
And we don't just flush things down the memory hole.
We don't just forget things.
We don't just bury things.
And there's two stories that really show you how inept, or corrupt, or incompetent, or bought and paid for, controlled, whatever you want to say, mainstream television media is.
You can go over every news station during all of their news coverage for the last two weeks, and you will only find about five places out of hundreds, zero, if you're on television, you might get something from One America News Network.
If you're tuned into Tucker Carlson, you might get a little bit, Lou Dobbs.
Other than that, every outlet, every voice, every talking head is saying that a chemical attack happened in Syria.
Now, it doesn't matter that you have multiple reports of it being a false flag.
It doesn't matter that if you take a look at history, you realize that false flag chemical attacks in Syria are commonplace.
It doesn't take long.
Here's another video.
Here's the doctor waiting for his cue.
Okay, now fall over.
Fall over.
Are you ready?
I'm gonna fall.
Okay, here we go.
3, 2, 1.
There he goes.
He's down.
He's out!
Now is this from sarin gas?
Is it from chlorine?
You don't know!
They don't have to tell you!
All they have to say is, chemical attack Syria, Assad bad, bomb them!
And then every television media personality parrots that point.
Except, again, Tucker Carlson, Lou Dobbs, Laura Ingraham questions it a little bit, but they all go with it.
And then you've got Rand Paul, you've got European diplomats, politicians, everybody saying it's a false flag, reporting that it's a false flag.
I've got a stack of news.
Here it is.
Former naval chief says it's a false flag.
Alan West questioning whether the chemical attack in Syria was actually the work of Assad.
Robert Fisk has a great story that came out two days ago about the search for truth in the rubble of Douma.
And one doctor's doubts over the chemical attack, he breaks it all down beautifully, and this story was from two days ago, but there's actually been developments since then where the OPCW, so we're what?
Almost two or three weeks removed from the alleged chemical attack.
They haven't even investigated the scene!
They haven't even gone into the scene to do an investigation, and we're already bombing them!
And then we're outrageous for being upset about that!
And then... Here's a story from Sputnik.
Syrian boy in white helmets fake chemical attack video reveals the truth.
They found the actual kid from the video and he admits it's fake!
I mean... You know...
There it is.
We'll play the video.
We'll play the video.
We won't play it now, guys, but... We'll play the video for you, you know.
There it is.
There, you know.
I mean, eh.
It's just like the famous footage of that one kid in the back of the ambulance.
He's covered in dust and he's got the open wound on his head.
All fake.
All fake.
You can go watch the video where they're applying the makeup and they're smashing their hands on his open wound.
He would be shrieking in pain if that was an open wound.
It's all fake.
So now let's bring it home.
So InfoWars has been telling you that this is a false flag since day one.
That's not because we have some sort of intel.
It's because we have a memory.
It's because we know our history.
Yeah, there's the famous boy.
That's fake!
That is fake!
Here's this another one fake.
They're doing the mannequin challenge.
He's under some rubble.
And then magically he gets up and walks away.
It's all fake.
You know.
But let's bomb Syria over it.
Okay, but so now let's bring it home.
Ladies and gentlemen, they are trying to sue us into oblivion right now, because our audience is so massive, and we're so effective, they cannot beat us reporting the truth.
See, the truth always wins out.
And that's why we keep winning.
Because we just tell you the truth.
We don't have any agenda.
We're not managed or manipulated by Russians or by American politicians or big pharmaceutical companies.
We just give you the truth.
And so they attack us, they lie about us, they sue us with these frivolous lawsuits.
But here's why.
They can't get away with false flags to lead us into foreign wars with InfoWars existing.
They can't lie and rig an election to get Hillary Clinton selected president with InfoWars existing.
You see how that works?
They can't lie and stage events and then use it for a political agenda when InfoWars exists.
So in order for them
To not just go with their fake news and make it real, make it truth in the eye of the public.
They have to shut us down because if we exist, their fake news does not win.
These most recent lawsuits, folks.
Think about this.
Think about this dirty trick that shows you how they're all colluding against us.
Take, so I get under attack for, they say, I said that the Parkland shooting never happened and they're all actors.
They take a clip of me talking about these student actors who are literally wearing the Marjory Stoneman Douglas
There's a theater logo on their shirt.
The theater department coach or teacher is right there behind them.
She even speaks.
And so there's the clip.
So I'm just explaining how they're actual actors like, like in theater, like they're thespians.
And they take that clip and they cut it out and then they play it on television and they say, Owen Schreier says that the Parkland shooting never happened and they're actors.
Even though I never said that, I specifically said they're not crisis actors, but they're in the theater department.
But they clip it up, and they lie about it, and then they play it on television.
But this is even the dirtier trick.
They remove the video from YouTube of me saying it.
So they lie about what I said, clip it, and then play it out of context and commentate over it.
Then they use their operatives at YouTube to remove the video of me saying it so that you can't even watch the original report!
Do you see how dirty these scumbags are?
Troyer said the Parkland shooting never happened.
He said they're actors.
I'm gonna go listen to that clip.
I'm not sure about that.
Oh, you can't find it.
They removed it.
They banned it.
So we don't even get a voice.
So then now they steal our voice.
So now they steal everything we do and then misrepresent it.
I've worked here for almost two years.
Alex Jones has never said no one died at Sandy Hook.
In the two years I've worked here, and then somehow I'm involved in that suit, I wasn't even here during Sandy Hook.
Alex Jones says people died at Sandy Hook like every day.
But how often does the media report on that?
How often does the media show you a clip of Alex Jones saying he believes people died at Sandy Hook?
Zero times, folks.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It seems repetitive and almost ceremonious at this point to sit here and say the First Amendment is under attack, InfoWars is under attack, but they never stopped.
They never stopped attacking free speech.
They never stopped banning conservatives on Twitter and Facebook.
They never stopped attacking us with frivolous lawsuits to try to bring us down.
And while we get flack,
For last Friday night's reporting of being against the strikes in Syria, warning about World War III, a voice in the wilderness, amazing.
InfoWars, the big conspiracy theorist, the right wingers at InfoWars, the conservatives, the alt-right, is anti-war?
A voice in the wilderness?
Nobody's gonna join InfoWars in being anti-war?
Nobody's gonna join InfoWars in being against strikes in Syria over a false flag?
I can't even get the Young Turks to join us on trying to stop World War 3?
Who are these people?
And it does look like we're avoiding further conflict in Syria for now.
As more people are reporting that it's a false flag, more evidence of videos coming out that they staged the whole thing, the White Helmets are basically... I mean, let's give the... Let's give the White Helmets a round of applause!
I mean, this is Grammy, Emmy... I mean, just give them all the awards.
I mean, this is the best performance art you could imagine.
I mean... When are the Oscars coming up?
Give this doctor an Oscar.
Oh my gosh, but Infowars is fear-mongering over strikes in Syria.
Yeah, they fake a chemical attack, bomb Syria, kicks off Russia, and then I'm just supposed to be like, oh yeah, cool.
Oh, but then MSNBC reports, like breaking news, Rachel Maddow looks like a cartoon character.
I can't even stand.
I mean, okay.
And then she says,
Well, we've got new reports that Donald Trump has back channels with Russia, and that he's been in communication behind closed doors with Russia, talking about diplomatic policy and foreign policy, and they're like, oh, we got him.
We got Trump now.
He's got a back channel with Russia.
He's colluding.
And I'm looking at this and I'm like, thank God Donald Trump has a back channel with Russia.
Thank God Trump and Putin are talking behind closed doors, and they're not going to go to World War III.
Thank God!
And MSNBC's Rachel Maddow was like, ha ha ha, we got Trump in Russia.
We're going to force him into World War III.
I'm a loving peacemonger.
Rachel Maddow, I want to bomb Syria and go to war with Russia.
I look like the cartoon character Mandark from Dexter's Laboratory, but I'm a good liberal that wants to bomb Syria.
So that's who they want on air.
A total loon.
Probably chemically imbalanced.
Rachel Maddow.
Net looks like a giraffe.
Looks like a cartoon character.
I think she's had Botox injected into her eyebrows so that she's constantly looking angry.
But regardless, that's who they want on air.
That's who they want covering news.
A total nit.
A total sellout.
A chemically imbalanced cartoon circus act like Rachel Maddow.
There she is, the cartoon character Mandark from Dexter's Laboratory.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Oh my gosh.
But let me explain something about the mainstream news.
They'll attack Alex Jones all day long.
And they'll pair at the same talking point, he says no one died at Sandy Hook, and they'll play the same clip, the same clip, over and over and over and over, as if he's never done any other broadcast, he's never said anything else, that's the only thing Alex Jones has ever done, was one little clip saying no one died in Sandy Hook, even though that's not what he said!
He's on air, reporting on an ongoing event, and playing devil's advocate, and looking at all the angles.
But here's the key.
This is what you need to understand about the mainstream news.
How many times has Alex Jones said, on this show, right here, where I sit, he believes people died at Sandy Hook.
He feels bad for the people that lost lives at Sandy Hook.
He believes that there were actual deaths, you know, children died and what have you.
How many times has Alex Jones said that, in this seat, reported that?
I've worked here for two years.
I've heard it hundreds of times.
Now, how many times has the mainstream media played any of those clips?
How many times have they played a clip of Alex Jones saying he believes people died at Sandy Hook?
Zero times.
And if you understand why they won't play those clips, then you understand everything.
Because think about it.
If their agenda, if their real goal
Was to just attack Alex Jones and embarrass Alex Jones?
Then they would play those clips of him saying that he believes people died in Sandy Hook and they would play it and then they would say, ha ha, got you Alex Jones, we beat you, we made you retract.
But they don't do that.
Do you know why?
Because they have to maintain this attack stance
That Alex Jones doesn't believe anyone died at Sandy Hook.
Even though it's fake news, even though he said he does believe that hundreds of times.
They can't play that clip because then it destroys their only attack dog.
It destroys their narrative.
It's the same thing with gay frogs.
Oh, Alex Jones believes chemicals in the water are turning the frogs gay!
And then he just reports on the study, reports on the sci... There's a damn video of Berkeley scientists!
See, but that's the point.
It's not about showing you what Alex Jones actually says or believes.
It's about building a straw man.
Yeah, there's the video of the scientists taking the frogs, the chemicals in the water, you know, messing with their genders or sexual reproductive organs, etc.
Oh, but we're crazy for reporting on that and we're conspiracy theorists.
But they have to maintain the narrative that Alex Jones doesn't believe anyone died at Sandy Hook because that's their attack dog.
That's what they think is the chink in our armor.
And they never show any of the videos of Alex Jones actually saying that he believed people died.
And so that's how the fake media works.
And... When they can attack us and sue us over things we never said... I'm not even... I wasn't even working here during the Sandy Hook thing and they try to lump me into that stuff.
I wasn't even involved in politics when that went on.
I was in sports media!
But somehow I'm involved in that.
I mean, Schreuer doesn't think anyone died in Parkland.
I never said that!
In fact, again, it's the same thing.
I'm on air that day covering it, like, almost in tears because I have to cover another shooting.
And they're like, well, Schreuer thinks we're all crisis actors.
We looked at the people that were speaking, and they all were in the theater department.
They were being coached by the teacher who runs the theater department.
So it's like, what do you do?
So now they sue us, frivolously, made up bullcrap, not to win in court, they can't win in court, to demonize us, to dehumanize us, to hopefully win in the court of public opinion, and then try to financially handicap us.
But it's not working because we have a First Amendment right, you get it?
That's why they have to stop the First Amendment.
That's why they have to censor free speech.
That's why they're censoring conservatives, because the truth wins every time!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Laurel Umer.
He's about to join me here on the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer filling in for Alex today.
You know what?
Well, I'll talk about that later.
But... Well, it's just incredible.
All the attacks that we're under.
But then your support at InfoWarsTore.com.
I mean...
The times we're living in are honestly insane, and I'm not even sure if we here at InfoWars can even comprehend our role in history right now.
Like, we understand that this is potentially the most important times in human history, but I don't even know.
I mean, do I even do a good job fulfilling my role here?
It's like, are we even worthy of this role in history right now?
But look at this.
Look at this.
See, you don't get this kind of stuff unless these are just crazy times in human history right now.
All the government corruption, a guy like Trump getting in, all the... I mean, imagine if they applied the same microscope to all the other politicians that they've applied to investigating Donald Trump.
Folks, people like Nancy Pelosi, worth $100 million as a senator, what do you think would turn up on her?
It's just incredible stuff.
But let me just get focused here as we're joined by Laura Loomer.
Let me read some of these headlines.
First of all, this is from the Politico.
Look at the dirt bags at the Politico that spin this.
Headline, Trump allies urge criminal investigations of Clinton, Comey, and Lynch.
You see what they did here?
Trump allies.
As if these people like Ron DeSantis have never been around.
Ron DeSantis, he's just a Trump ally.
Jeff Sessions, he's just a Trump ally.
Uh, no Politico, these people were in government before Trump!
But that's what they spin it, so they make it look like a Trump thing and a partisan thing and they say, Trump allies want to investigate Comey and Clinton.
How about members of the government want to do their job and investigate criminals?
There's your headline, Politico!
But they spin it and they say Trump allies.
Oh, it's Trump doing it.
No, James Comey and Hillary Clinton are a bunch of lying criminals!
Fox News.
GOP reps refer Comey, Clinton, McCabe for criminal investigation.
Infowars.com, Kit Daniels.
Lawmaker, Comey lied to Congress, suggests new evidence.
Then you've got...
Dirty Cop Comey was only taking pre-screened questions at first book signing event in New York City.
Laura Loomer was at that.
She joins me in a moment.
Far-right activist interrupts Comey book event.
That was Laura Loomer.
So, Laura, do you believe that James Comey was taking staged questions?
Was this a staged event that they had for Comey up there in New York?
Yes, it was, and I saw it with my own eyes, and that's why I had to do what I did and, you know, ask a question, you know, out in the open.
I was waiting inside that Barnes & Noble for five hours before the event started, right?
It started at 7 p.m.
and I got there probably at 9 o'clock in the morning.
And before the events began, about an hour or so before, somebody, one of his staff members, brought a big fishbowl, a glass fishbowl, out onto the podium and said, well, Mr. Comey won't be signing books, but he's going to be doing a Q&A, so if you want to ask him a question, you can fill out this piece of paper, put it in the bowl, and we will be deciding which questions he reviews.
So what I don't understand is,
How are you able to ask James Comey a question and really check him like a real journalist would on his corruption and lies and fraud when he and his staff are screening and determining which questions are appropriate?
Well, this is just typical.
I mean, they can't let an actual question be asked of James Comey.
I'm surprised they even let you in.
I mean, you're like public enemy number one at these deals.
What was the response, though?
Because you can see in the video how some of the women turn around and they're like, oh!
They're like a gasp that you would even dare step out of line.
But I mean, what was the overall response?
I mean, what was Comey's response like?
I mean, looking in his eyes, what was it like?
Well, James Comey was like a deer caught in the headlights, right?
Because he thought that this was liberal New York City, Hillary Clinton land, where everybody was there to support him.
And when I asked my question, as soon as I said, hey, Comey, hey, you know, he just got this really kind of somber look on his face.
And I think he was really dumbfounded.
I don't think he was expecting that because he thought, well, you know, being the former director of the FBI, people are going to listen to me when I tell them they can only ask questions when I tell them they can.
But that's not how I operate, and that's not how any journalist should operate, really.
This is America, and we have freedom of the press, and, you know, the ability of the press to ask questions shouldn't be dependent on, you know, the feelings and the desires of the corrupt officials that the fourth estate was created with the intention of, you know, keeping track of.
Uh, of course you saw the audience.
They weren't too happy.
I was booed.
Um, I was actually, uh, assaulted as well on my way out.
Nobody really saw this on camera, but, uh, there was a lady who put her foot out and kicked my leg and said, whoops, don't kick.
Uh, but the security was, um, grabbing my arm.
So some liberal bitch tried to trip you?
She actually did and I kind of, you can see in the video that I kind of moved forward like this as I'm walking out because she actually tripped me and said, whoops, don't trip.
So these people are violent.
Yeah, like she's in kindergarten or something, like some like kindergarten stunt, like, oh, have a nice trip, see you next fall.
Grow up!
Yeah, I know, exactly.
And, you know, James Comey just was dumbfounded because, I don't know, a lot of people don't know this, but James Comey released his book pretty much yesterday.
Yesterday was the beginning of his book tour, the very first day.
Prior to coming to Barnes & Noble for the book event, he was on The View.
And while he was on The View,
It was a breaking news alert that 11 lawmakers filed a criminal referral and delivered it to the desk of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, calling for people like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton to be prosecuted for their participation in this salacious and unverified dossier and, you know, trying to sabotage Donald Trump in illegal ways, you know, by obtaining this
That's what it is.
That's what it is.
He is so scared.
Honestly, they're all so scared.
Hillary Clinton... See, Trump is...
I don't know.
Trump gets in, so now they're in a total panic.
Comey knows he's a criminal.
Clinton knows that she's a criminal.
And so now these investigations are coming down and they're trying to act like, oh, it's fake news or it's just a Donald Trump thing.
But no, these people have been just lawless.
For years, these people have been lawless.
And so Comey is up there.
I mean, what is it?
Doesn't it tell you everything though that they're so afraid of you, Laura?
That they're so afraid of you asking a question.
I mean, that shows you how criminal these people really are.
They can't even let Laura Loomer ask a question.
Yeah, and look, this isn't even just a one-time occurrence, right?
You saw this with Hillary Clinton when I confronted her at her book signing.
You saw it with Chelsea Clinton when I confronted Chelsea Clinton at her book signing.
When I confronted Huma Abedin at Hillary Clinton's book signing, Secret Service escorted me out and assaulted me.
These people think that they are above the law, and I just have one thing to say to them.
If you do not want to answer questions, and you do not want to interact with the American people, do not host a book signing.
Don't even write a book, right?
Because I don't want the American people to be robbed of their hard-earned money for these books that these people don't even write, right?
They don't even write their own books, first of all.
And then on top of that, you know, you're going to kick people out for coming to ask you a question at your own book signing.
That's not how it works, all right?
Well, that's how it works in the controlled media.
I just can't even believe it.
You're in a room of like a hundred people and they're just total nitwits.
I mean, it's like, see, that's the incredible thing too.
If you would have asked these people four years ago, first of all, they probably don't even know who James Comey is, but if you just would have asked them, do you think the FBI is corrupt?
They would have all said, yes, of course the FBI is corrupt.
Oh, but now that it's defending their, their goddess, Hillary Clinton, oh, the FBI is glorious.
Don't you dare insult James Comey.
No, look, I mean, there's just so much cognitive dissonance and people just don't want to hear the truth.
They're just blinded by their own bias.
And the fact of the matter is, James Comey can talk about ethical leadership all he wants and he can claim that he is, you know, the standard or
Uh, you know, the spitting image of what's, uh, you know, or Plato's ideal concept of what ethical leadership can be.
But it doesn't change the fact that 11 lawmakers filed a criminal referral against him, and he probably will end up getting prosecuted for his crimes.
And that's what you told him.
You told James Comey to his face he's gonna get locked up.
We're gonna have the video on the other side.
Owen Troyer, Laura Loomer, this is the Alex Jones Show.
And Nigel Farage joins us for the next 10 minutes.
You can follow him at Twitter, Nigel underscore Farage.
He's helped lead the populist movement.
What is the latest from the UK?
Look, remember in 2013, it was in fact British public opinion that shifted our politicians, that stopped us getting involved in Syria.
And don't forget, the object of the government at the time was to arm the rebels.
Alex, if we'd done that, we'd have armed ISIS!
It would have been mad!
And actually, it was British public opinion affecting our politicians that stopped Obama and America from getting involved in this.
So, I'm a great believer actually with all these things.
Trust Middle England.
Trust Middle America.
They tend to get it right more than London or Washington DC.
Now, Mrs May does appear keen to get involved militarily.
All I can tell her
We're good to go.
We're on record for using chemical weapons no fewer than 52 times.
ISIS could quite easily have done this, hoping the world would blame Assad and the Russians, particularly in the wake of the arguments that are still going on about the poisonings that took place in Salisbury, England.
So, the answer is, we don't know.
You're a leading expert on this.
Why is the left allied with radical Islam?
Why are they trying to flood?
Because they hate Christianity.
They can't, I mean, you know, they deny absolutely our Judeo-Christian culture, which if you think about it actually are the roots completely of our nations and our civilization.
They deny that.
They also, don't forget Alex, they want to abolish the nation state.
They want to get rid of it.
They want to replace it with the globalist project and the European Union is the prototype for the new world order.
Do you know, if Hillary had won that election,
Last year, she was going to sign America up to get really close to this kind of thing.
So, you know, we may sit here right now, Alex, and be a bit critical of Trump, but on many other things, he's got things right.
And when you send a message, when Angela Merkel sends a message, as many of you as want to come can come, what do you think they're going to do?
In fact, the liberals have become the very fascists that they try and criticise with their rhetoric.
And look, what's really happening here?
You know, don't underestimate
How massive the seismic shock of 2016 was.
The victory of Brexit.
The victory of Trump.
You know, we're winning.
Look at Hungary the other day.
We are winning, but it doesn't feel like we're winning because the left and the state are fighting back with all their might.
And you know something?
If we can resist,
This politically correct charge, this attempt to stop us thinking and speaking freely, if we can resist that, then our victory actually will be complete.
So don't get down, everybody.
Don't get depressed.
They're behaving like this because we're beating them.
And let's remember, you're the guy when Trump thought three months before he was going to lose that came and privately cheered him up and cheered up the troops.
And you were a critical catalyst in this, just as you were in Brexit.
You're amazing.
Thank you for joining us.
I know you're very busy.
But that's as the EU has said.
They'll try to start a wider war to keep the EU.
Don't you think that's what part of this attempt to start World War III is about in Syria?
I think the globalists have wanted to have some form of conflict with Russia as an argument for us all to surrender our national sovereignty and give it up to a higher global level.
They've wanted it for years and now they see their opportunity and we must protect it.
Thank you so much Nigel Farage.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Is James Comey Darth Vader and Mueller Emperor Palpatine?
Or is Soros Palpatine?
I don't know.
But think about the state of the American society when a former FBI director, a disgraced FBI director, disgraced by the Democrats and the Republicans.
Don't forget that the Democrats threw Comey under the bus as well.
They try to act like you don't remember that.
They try to act like they never did that now, building Comey up as some hero.
No, the Democrat scum said that Comey deserved to be fired before the Republican scum did.
So, but think about it.
James Comey, a disgraced, fired FBI director, writes a fake book called Higher Loyalty, because his higher loyalty is to the Clinton crime syndicate, all bashing President Trump.
So he, the whole book, a disgraced FBI director, a total scumbag, about to be under criminal investigation, probably perjured himself, probably going to end up in jail, writes a book attacking the President of the United States, a populist,
And then does a book tour and he gets celebrated by a bunch of nitwit liberals.
Oh, but see, the whole thing is staged and you can't even ask a real question.
He only takes staged questions.
Well, we don't like that kind of stuff here.
And we, the patriots, are going to disrupt.
So here is the video of Laura Loomer going to James Comey's book signing and telling James Comey the future.
He's about to go to jail.
Hey, Mr. Comey, how is it ethical to brief the President of the United States on an unverifiable and salacious dossier?
And how is it ethical leadership to not tell him that his political opposition, Hillary Clinton, paid for that?
You didn't disclose that information.
See, see, I would have been cheering.
I would have been going crazy.
I would have been like, yeah!
And these nitwits are like, ah!
It's like water on the Wicked Witch of the West.
You should tell me today, filed a criminal referral against you.
Filed a criminal referral against you.
Ma'am, you're going to have to leave.
Oh yeah, ma'am, you got to leave.
Yeah, get her out.
Alright, so pull it down.
Wow, oh my gosh, Laura, I mean, how dare you?
I mean, you know, and the funny thing is, the funny thing is you actually asked, I mean, you asked a great question.
I mean, that's the deal.
It's like, uh, hey, hey, call me.
And in fact, he was the one that warned Trump about the dossier to begin with.
So, so he actually warned Trump about the dossier to begin with, and then you bring it up and you're like, hey, what about that dossier?
Oh, you gotta go, Loomer.
Well, the funniest part about it is his whole entire speech.
He talked for 20 minutes before I asked him a question.
And the entire topic was ethical leadership.
I want to know, how are you going to sit here and talk to people for 20 minutes straight about ethical leadership when you, Mr. Comey, are a disgraced former FBI director and are probably one of the most unethical officials to ever hold that position in human history?
And it's all going to come out, too.
It's all about to come out.
But here's the thing, Cece, and you know this, the whole reason why they do that.
So it's like the two minutes of hate from 1984.
George Orwell.
And it's like, this is like porn for them or something.
So James Comey talks for 20 minutes about ethical leadership and you know that the entire subtext is Donald Trump.
So the whole subtext that they're all thinking is like Trump bad, Trump unethical.
They don't have to say Trump.
It's already assumed that James Comey is talking about Trump when he talks about unethical leadership.
This is their five minutes of hate.
This is like, they like get off to that.
And it's all fake, like it's all pseudo.
They don't live in reality.
They have this fake, propped-up belief that Trump is some sort of dictator.
And so they all just get off to this at this book signing event like, yeah, talk about the unethical leadership, James.
And they're all just thinking about how dirty Trump is.
Meanwhile, James Comey's the most crooked director of the FBI, probably since the FBI's inception.
Hoover would be rolling over in his grave right now, right?
I mean, James Comey has completely tarnished the reputation of the FBI and has just discredited the organization.
What was once a respected law enforcement agency is now an... It's a total joke!
The FBI has become a meme!
I mean, really, if you think about it, the FBI is now a part of meme culture because that is how much credibility they have lost under James Comey.
But it's just amazing because, again,
Before the Trump phenomenon, before the 2016 presidential election...
I mean, you can look at the polls now.
What was people's confidence in the FBI?
I mean, nobody was confident in the FBI.
Nobody trusted the FBI.
Everybody knew the FBI was a bunch of liars.
They wouldn't even have known who James Comey is until they hated James Comey for talking about the Clinton email investigation, which he let Clinton get away with, and they hated him then.
Oh, but now they love James Comey.
I mean, what is with these people's minds, Laura?
I mean, do they even have the capacity to think?
I mean, what is their IQ level?
I think an ant.
Can think more critically than these people.
Get that face off the screen!
Get it off!
Yeah, it's horrible.
That is creepy stuff.
Look, they just have no morals, just like the people that they worship.
And it's cognitive dissonance, alright?
It's complete cognitive dissonance.
I'm willing to bet all the money in the world that if this was a Donald Trump event or, you know, a right-wing event and a left-wing person came up and, like, confronted them and asked them a question, the liberal media would be plastering that person's face on the front page of the New York Times, they'd be on the cover of Time magazine, they'd be hailed a hero.
But because it's a conservative, people just attack you and say, oh, you're a protester, oh, what you did is so wrong.
But that's how the left operates, right?
They have no morals, they have no principles, and everything with them is completely partisan, right?
It's not, the facts don't matter, the truth doesn't matter.
Wait, wait, wait, let me ask you this.
What do you think would have happened if James Comey would have done this book tour and this book signing event in October 2016?
Oh, I mean, every single Democrat would have gone crazy.
I don't know if you've seen this ad.
It's a phenomenal ad.
I think it's called, it's on the website lioncomi.com.
And there's some pack that put this video together.
If you could pull it up, it's really great.
And it shows all the Democrats from October
You know, I just, uh...
I just pray to God these people are brought to justice.
And I remember that line from Batman when the Joker looks at the TV screen and he goes, I know singers.
That guy's gonna sing.
And I think Comey is one of those guys.
I think Comey is going to sing like a canary when he's brought to justice and he's going to sell Clinton and the rest of them down the drain.
Laura Loomer, thanks so much for joining us.
Great work as usual and keep up the great work.
I knew you were going to do this.
I didn't talk to you before.
I knew you were going to do this yesterday.
I talked about it in the war room.
We'll continue to monitor everything you do.
Laura Loomer on Twitter, there's her account right there.
Make sure you support Laura Loomer's great work and follow everything she does.
Laura, thanks for joining us today.
Thanks for having me.
So, Comey is, I mean, he's in a bad way.
And he knows it.
And he's doing the fake book tour to try to save his public image and then so the media
Can spin everything and act like this is some conservative attack even though the Democrats attacked him and threw him under the bus first?
It's just incredible.
You know, and I'm just going to say this because last night I went to a Foo Fighters concert and I wanted Alex to go with me.
And I was begging Alex to go and I'm talking to him and he's like, on the phone yesterday, and he's like, no, he's like, you go, you have fun, you know, have a great time.
You know, I'm like, Alex, you got to come.
He's like, no, no, no.
I got work to do.
I got work to do.
I got to take care of these lawsuits.
I got to investigate this, you know, Comey criminal charges coming against him.
So you guys go.
I got to work.
This is like 7 o'clock last night.
I mean, Alex Jones, I mean, the guy won't even have fun because he cannot stop working, folks.
So when you support us at InfoWarsTore.com, understand that you are funding a total committed madman to freedom and truth, Alex Jones.
And you've heard the stories about Glenn Beck having to sell his private jet or whatever, a failing conservative pundit, a fake, Glenn Beck, Judas Goat, Cheeto face.
He buys private jets.
That's the kind of guy Glenn Beck is.
He buys ugly sweaters and private jets and stuffs his face in a bowl of Cheetos.
Alex Jones, when you support InfoWars at InfoWarsStore.com, builds a studio.
Builds up other people's careers like myself.
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We have four studios here at InfoWars.
Because of you at InfoWarsStore.com.
Alex Jones didn't go buy a private jet with your money.
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But thank you for committing.
They get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
But it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing millions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films and, you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out.
So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called reap what you sow.
Reading this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
The Gulf of Tonkin.
Weapons of mass destruction.
Babies in incubators.
All fake news to send us to war.
Now we cover that.
We know that.
And we don't like that.
So we come out against the strikes in Syria because we know that they're based on a false flag.
Which, by the way, the OPCW still can't get in.
Yesterday they were under gunfire, couldn't get in to investigate.
Today, they're blocked again.
They can't even get into the scenes.
Haven't even investigated the scenes of the chemical attack, or the alleged chemical attack.
Rand Paul says the Syrian chemical attack false flag.
I bet Rand Paul said it too.
You got all kinds of people, you know.
politicians, European politicians, naval intelligence, I mean, you know, everybody knows it's a false flag.
I mean, Trump knows it.
He lied to us.
He gaslit us.
And then who knows what actually happened with the strikes.
Who knows if they lied about that too, but this is all fake.
So, we cover it, we report that it's fake, and we try to stop another foreign intervention over fake news, and then we get demonized.
But here's the clip of the boy
In the recent videos that they're claiming were videos from the chemical attack, here is that boy, and I'm going to have to speak over this because it's in subtitles, because it's not in English, but here is the boy saying, who is in the video, that the entire event was staged.
So there's the boy and his father.
An 11-year-old Syrian boy who was presented as a victim of a chemical attack in Douma by the White Helmets has told how his video was shot.
Here's the kid.
We heard a cry outside shouting, go.
We ran to the hospital, and as soon as I entered, they grabbed me and started pouring water on me.
The father speaking, I was doing construction jobs at the local stadium.
When I found out that my family was in the hospital, I almost went crazy.
I left work and returned to our district.
I didn't see anyone.
I didn't hear anything about the chemical attack.
Well, that's amazing.
Must have been a media fake news story.
I smoked outside and felt nothing.
I entered the hospital and asked about my family.
So here he is at the site of the alleged attack.
He's saying there was nothing there.
I saw that water had been poured in the room and saw some children.
They shouted, hello.
I went upstairs and saw my wife and children.
I asked, what are you doing here?
So obviously he's confused at this point, like what's going on?
Why are people talking about this when there's nothing going on?
They answered, someone shouted outside that they started to smell something.
So we ran in here.
After that, we were given dates and cookies.
Praise be to Allah, the children were fine.
This is incredible stuff.
Here in the hospital, we didn't see any chemical attack symptoms here.
So, the White Helmet staged the whole thing.
I mean, it's literally a staged event.
They just faked the whole thing.
Yeah, but let's bomb Syria.
This is ridiculous, man.
Syria wants to be about rock and roll and sport events and having sovereignty and being secular.
And so the globalists just have to rape it and destroy it and remove Assad, man.
I mean, it's just so gross.
Mike Cernovich on the other side.
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Red Pill, now available at InfoWarsStore.com, and your purchase fucks the operation.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
So, I was making a joke.
I don't even, did I make it on air during the break?
I don't remember.
But basically, we just play a Sputnik video, so now we're gonna be Russian agents.
That's what they're gonna say.
Oh, Infowars is colluding with Russia, they played a Sputnik video.
That's like, that's like someone in Russia playing a video of me doing a man on the street just because it's a video.
I mean, it's raw, it's real.
I mean, there's no agenda.
It's just a video.
And so they play it and then they say, oh, they're colluding with the Russians and Infowars is colluding and it's all fake news.
And it's like, no, no, no, we're just playing a video.
So it's like, I can't even play a Sputnik video without being considered a Russian agent.
It's like, oh, how dare Sputnik go shoot a video of the area where they say the chemical attack happened and where they staged the whole thing and he talks to one of the boys and one of the men that was there and experienced it.
I mean, how dare they?
I'm not sitting here acting like Sputnik is the final source of truth here.
They're just playing a video.
They're just talking to people playing a video.
And so then all I do, all we do, is we just analyze it, and we break it down, and we say, well someone's lying here, and what would make sense?
For Assad to gas his own people?
So we don't need to get a motive for the Vegas shooting.
We don't need to get a motive for Assad gassing his own people.
The mainstream television news just reports it.
Just does what they're told.
Just goes along with the fake news.
Just goes along with the cover-up.
But now here's a video from the BBC.
Former head of the UK Navy, Lord West, doubts the official story on the Syria attack.
Absolutely right to do a rap across his knuckles to show him that the international community are not willing to put up with this, and it's right to do it.
But I just wonder, you know, we've had some bad experiences on intelligence.
When I was Chief of Defence Intelligence, I had huge pressure put on me, politically, to try and say that our bombing campaign in Bosnia was achieving all sorts of things, which it wasn't.
I was put under huge pressure.
So I know the things that can happen with intelligence.
How about that?
And I would just like to be absolutely sure.
Intelligence agencies vying to go to war?
We have no evidence.
They don't even fabricate evidence anymore.
Well, I think the answer is...
I just don't, why do people like this exist?
He's out here trying to report the truth, trying to shed light on a false flag, perhaps trying to stop a larger war, and he's muddying the waters, says the BBC host.
Give me a break.
Go back.
...said on Friday or accused a Western state on Friday of perhaps fabricating evidence in Douma or somehow being involved with what happened in Douma.
Given that we're in an information war with Russia on so many fronts, do you think perhaps it's inadvisable to be stating this so publicly?
Given your position and your profile, isn't there a danger that you're bludgeoning the waters?
Well, I think the answer is, if there's a real concern, let's face it, if he hasn't done it, then that is extremely bad news.
You know, if Assad hasn't carried out the attack, and I think it's just worth making that clear.
No, see, exactly.
That's it right there.
Here, that's it.
Pull the clip out.
Exactly right there.
That's what it is, because if people understood
That they would lie about something like that to go to war, their entire game would be over.
Their entire facade would collapse.
The entire house of cards would fall in on itself.
That's the key!
I didn't even... See... People want to... That's... Oh my gosh, this is so... This is so important.
This is... That's literally everything.
They have to maintain their lie that Assad gassed his own people because if the truth comes out, that intelligence agencies would fabricate that, lie about that, and then the media in lockstep with the fake attack, with the fake news, would go and report on it all day long and shove it down your throat, the fake narrative.
If people understood that that was the deal, their whole game is over.
And people are understanding that's the deal.
That's why they're losing.
That's why CNN and MSNBC are failing.
That's why... You can't even... Show me one liberal talk show that they don't read off a teleprompter.
The only thing that you can find, and trust me, I've tried, is Rachel Maddow.
The circus freak is the only liberal that can actually do a show and probably doesn't rely on a teleprompter all the time.
Now of course Mandark reads off a teleprompter.
I'm not saying that.
I'm just saying there isn't a liberal with the IQ and the thought capacity and the wit
To do what we do here, to go live for three hours without a teleprompter, to report on real news.
Oh, my teleprompter says Assad gassed his own people.
Yes, Assad gassed his own people.
Assad very, very bad.
Oh, but when you find out that the intelligence agencies lied about it, the whole thing was staged, and the media went along with the lie?
Folks, I mean, this is like...
I mean, do you understand how big this is?
Do you?
I mean, look at this.
They fake an attack in Syria.
This is so ridiculous.
Then they send an anchor from CNN.
I mean, they send an anchor from CNN into Syria and she puts her head in a backpack and is like, oh yeah, it smells like sarin.
You dumbass, you'd be dead if that was sarin.
But that's what I'm saying.
That's how stupid they are.
Oh my gosh.
She sticks her head in the backpack and smells like Sharon.
Was it a sarin attack?
Was it a chlorine attack?
You don't even know!
That's how dumb you are!
You didn't even do your research before you went to the scene of the alleged crime, and then you sniff a backpack that you think smells like sarin, even though sarin gas wasn't even the chemical used in the attack!
Oh, God!
Oh, I mean, see, this is what I'm talking about.
Let me explain something.
I hate politics, okay?
I hate it!
I hate this crap!
All of this news on my desk that I gotta cover about nonsense in California, not liberals wishing Barbara Bush was dead, I mean, all of this crazy stuff, Governor Cuomo in New York pardoning felons, oil, I mean, I hate this stuff!
I wanna go to a rock and roll show, I wanna go to a ball game, that's what I wanna do!
But you know why I don't do that, folks?
Because I realized five years ago that the mainstream media are a bunch of liars.
And I had to do this.
There was no other option.
There is no other option.
That's why this is so key.
And the people are waking up.
As soon as the facade of the mainstream media falls, it's game over.
It's game over.
And they have to have us removed from the playing field before they collapse, because we are the game changers.
We are the real news.
And so, it's just, if people understood how fake television news was, how scripted, they just get their talking points from the intelligence agencies that lie all day long.
They claim they're the arbiters of intelligence.
They are the arbiters of destroying intelligence.
That's what they do.
They muddy the waters with their lies.
They start wars with their lies.
And then Chuck Schumer goes on television and says,
You better not cross the intelligence agencies.
They've got five ways of Sunday of messing up or getting back at you.
Oh, so then they lie about chemical attacks, they lie about Trump colluding with Russia, they lie in some dossier.
It's all a big lie.
So you know what?
I can't just put it all aside and watch sports and rock concerts because I have a mainstream media lying to the public trying to send us into another war and censor my free speech.
I mean, that is everything.
These people, it's just total fake news.
Owen Troyer here for InfoWars.com.
Now, I am at City Council today to discuss an incident that happened on December 10, 2017, where I was trying to go to a memorial march for Kate Steinle, but I was met with armed masked men that prevented me from entering and were intimidating and threatening me.
I'm going to bring this issue to City Council.
Let's see how they take it.
Alright, well I'm going to start by asking the council a question.
Given everything that's happened in the month of March with the bombings and the police officers saying, if you see anything suspicious, say something.
I think we would all agree that masked men walking around with firearms is something suspicious.
Now I'm going to play this video for the council to review.
That illustrates that exact thing happening.
Now, I am a firm believer in the First Amendment right, so an individual has the right to walk around with their face covered.
I'm a firm believer in the Second Amendment right.
I believe in constitutional carry, so you can carry a rifle or whatever firearm you want with you.
According to U.S.
Code, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 13, Subsection 241, Conspiracy Against Rights states, if two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any state, territory, commonwealth, or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised them the same, or two or
More and more persons go in disguise or on the premises of another with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years.
Well, on December 10th, the video you're witnessing right now, I went to a memorial march for a deceased victim of a violent crime.
And I was met, as you can see in these pictures, by masked men with arms on their triggers of rifles, battering clubs, etc.
Here you can see this man has his finger on the trigger, keeping me from going to a park
A memorial, here's them, with shields and clubs blocking the entrance from a park for a dead person's memorial.
Now, if that doesn't violate the code, I don't know what does.
And I find it timely that we sit here today with you all discussing getting more funding for police.
But I did not hear one person make a suggestion to keep violent criminals off the streets.
Well, maybe if we looked into sanctuary city laws and keeping masked men with guns off the streets, we wouldn't have to have a hundred police officers out there every time somebody wants to have a march, which is every weekend.
Now, I'll just say this in closing and provide an illustration for you.
If I was outside, holding a rifle, keeping people from getting into this city council to state their claim, do you think I should be arrested?
I think everybody here would agree, yes, that should be an arrest.
But for some reason, and I'm not blaming the APD, because I think they're good men and women.
Most of my experiences with them have been positive.
But if we're not going to arrest armed individuals with masks, brandishing weapons, intimidating people from their free speech, a clear violation of the law, I just want to know why, and I want to know if this city council thinks that that's the type of city that we should live in.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you.
Mayor, if he would provide us with a link, because I couldn't see that.
Absolutely, I'd be happy to.
Thank you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
So I just had the great crew remind me here.
We're so inundated that we don't even remember our own stuff.
On Friday, I am doing a WikiLeaks special.
When I host the War Room, which is what I'm normally hosting today, Owen Troyer filling in for Alex Jones here on the Alex Jones Show.
But on Friday, when I'm hosting the War Room from 3 to 6 p.m.
Central, we're doing a WikiLeaks special.
And what I'm asking the audience to do is to call in with your favorite WikiLeaks content, whether it's a Podesta email, a DNC email, a Vault 7 release, you know, emails from years ago during the Bush administration, whatever it is, your favorite WikiLeaks content.
We're doing a WikiLeaks special from 3 to 6 p.m.
Central on The War Room, hosted by myself and Roger Stone.
And we're just going to cover all the WikiLeaks stuff, and whatever your favorite content is, or whatever you think is the most groundbreaking or the most revealing, because they don't deny the content of the WikiLeaks as being legit.
They never have.
Because they're real.
So we'll just go ahead and we'll just shed light back on those WikiLeaks emails.
You know, the $65,000 hot dogs that Obama paid for with taxpayer dollars.
They said they want to use the same channels and the same waitresses.
$65,000 hot dog, huh?
I have a feeling that that $65,000 hot dog comes with some nice pecs.
Some nice muscular legs.
You know what I'm saying?
So, that's what we're going to do on Friday in the War Room.
I'm looking forward to that.
Now, I also have to say the crew corrected me.
Apparently Rachel Maddow is completely scripted.
The whole show.
And they have the article that breaks it all down.
I mean, these... Of course it's scripted.
I mean... But here's the thing about... Look, Rachel Maddow is a total circus freak.
But I at least give her credit.
I mean, she can basically go on air for three hours, and it seems like she's original and not reading off a teleprompter, but apparently the whole thing is scripted.
So there is no liberal outlet of free speech, essentially.
It's all controlled, it's all teleprompter reading, it's all fake, there's no wit, there's no creativity.
That's why there's no liberal talk show hosts.
You can't find a liberal talk show host that has a radio show, because radio is teleprompter free, you have to be able to think on your feet, and you have to know your facts.
Well, there is no liberal that possesses those traits.
So Rachel Maddow ends up being totally fake news as well.
I thought at least she was speaking from the heart and the mind, as corrupted and dumbed down as it may be.
But the whole thing's scripted, so I'm fake news.
But here's the other key to just put a cap on what I was talking about, the fake news and the Syrian attack in the last segment.
They don't just lie.
This is not an isolated incident of mainstream media lying about a chemical attack in Syria, folks.
They lie about everything.
How do you think, if you had a real media, if you had a real television media in this country, the whole Russian collusion Trump investigation would already be torn to shreds.
But if you watch most of the television media, 90% of it, you'd think it's legit.
You'd think they actually got something.
I mean, that's... See, that's how fake it is.
I just... I just want people to understand that.
And if you understand that, you understand everything.
That is like the first step.
To the awakening process.
That is the first step to enlightenment.
Is understanding how fake television news is.
And how controlled and how scripted.
Here's a story from RT.
Russia's OPCW envoy exposes 8 UK lies in Screeple case.
Yeah, it looks like that was a British false flag.
And then you find out that Scripple has connections to Kimball Wood, who has connections to the Clintons, and it's all the same group, folks.
I mean, the Clinton Crime Syndicate is worldwide, bodies getting buried worldwide to try to hide the evidence of all their crimes.
I mean, this is sick, twisted stuff.
And if you watch television news, you wouldn't know any of it.
None of it.
And that's, to me, again, the biggest, the biggest thing that can wake people up.
Because, I mean, I just, I apply most things in life, it's a basic psychological practice, I apply most things in life to what my experience is, and I feel like the average human has the same psychology as me.
And that's the case most of the time.
When I first started watching news covering the Boston Marathon bombing in sports media, it was like, it was obvious to me how fake it was.
I didn't need someone to tell me that CNN was fake news.
I didn't need someone to tell me that MSNBC was fake news.
All I had to do was watch it for 30 minutes and be like, this is a joke.
And I feel like that same capacity exists in most people, but that's why they dumbed them down with the fluoride in the water.
That's why they distract them with the sports, and the Kardashians, and the Biebers, and the Jersey Shores, and all of that nonsense.
The Kardashians.
You know, I just, it's just so fake!
It's so fake!
I just, I mean, I, ugh, literally, Khloe Kardashian
Is like the biggest story to the trendies right now.
And the snapchatters and the twitters and everything.
Khloe Kardashian, she has a baby or something.
Oh and then they have this whole story like her husband is cheating on her.
It's all fake!
It's all fake!
Khloe Kardashian is probably OJ Simpson's daughter!
I swear.
Let me just get into some of this news.
I'm going to lose my mind here.
It's just all so fake.
I can't even deal with it.
Here, let's go to this stack.
Look at this.
You know, the liberal stronghold of California, folks.
California has 8 of 10 most polluted U.S.
There you go.
California, the liberal stronghold, the most polluted state in the country.
Trump tax cut not for everyone.
1 million Californians will owe 12 billion more next year.
President Donald Trump's tax cuts have forced Californians to pay their fair share of taxes for the first time in years.
It used to be, because California's state tax was so high, that they didn't even have to pay a federal tax.
They got that deducted.
Well, Trump said, no, you're going to have to pay your fair share, California.
And so now California also has to pay the federal tax and they're all looking at their taxes.
They're getting raped by their state taxes.
Now they're also getting hit with the federal taxes.
Welcome to the real world, California.
You haven't been living there for too long.
By the way, if you look down on the streets of San Francisco, you're going to see human feces.
California bill could force businesses to submit salary data to state.
So now the state of California is funding a new program to analyze all the salaries in the state of California.
To make sure women are getting equal pay.
So that's what we're gonna spend our money on in California.
They can't afford it, but they'll do it anyway.
And then a transgender woman gets booked into a male section of the jail during a protest, and she's complaining that she's not in the female section.
Well, how about this?
I'm gonna go out on a limb.
Whatever private part you were born with, that's what you are!
And that's what jail cell you should go in.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Alright folks, now...
Owen Troyer filling in for Alex Jones here.
I was just talking about, you know, I don't care if you like the Kardashians.
Just know what it is.
Just know it's all fake.
Just know it's all garbage.
I have things that I do to get my mind off of this stuff too, like go to a ballgame or whatever.
Fine, if you want to follow the Kardashians, fine.
I'm not mad at you.
Just know how fake it is.
Not just their, literally their bodies are fake, I mean literally plastic bodies, but all the stories, whatever story that they're reporting on is fake.
You know, relationship troubles or anything like that, it's all fake.
It's all for show.
So just know that the Kardashians are totally fake.
And that the entire Kardashian popularity movement was started by Kim Kardashian sucking a wee-wee on camera!
It's just sad how far our society's fallen.
That's really what this comes down to.
And Joe Rogan talked about this recently on his podcast, and also the blatant hypocrisy of liberals when it comes to their policies.
Here's a great clip from Joe Rogan's podcast.
So now let's talk about mass shootings.
So, get rid of gun-free zones.
No one wants to hear that.
Get rid of gun-free zones.
If you're not going to establish a perimeter outside of a building where I can go, don't tell me I can't bring my gun in there.
A sign on a window is not stopping somebody from coming into the building.
We've seen it time and time and time and time again.
No way.
If the guns were the problems, we would have a mass shooting at every gun show
Every single day.
But we don't.
The same reason you pointed out why that one place in Georgia, when everybody had to have a gun, crime went down.
This logic is dangerous.
People don't want to hear that, though.
They don't want to hear that the answer to gun violence is everyone has a gun.
That's such a convenient answer for a guy like you.
It's very convenient.
So many guns, you can't count.
But here, let's look at the alternative.
We've been living in it.
And we're acknowledging that there's a problem.
So why aren't we entertaining the fact that maybe that is the case?
Now, that's the picture that liberals try to paint in this gun debate.
That, oh, the gun activists, the gun nuts just want everyone to walk around with a gun to each other's heads.
No, no, no, no, no.
It's about having the right to a firearm.
And then if you know how to use it, and you have a concealed carry, now you become, you know, a protector of yourself and others around you.
But they always use that argument, like, gun nuts just want everybody to have a gun, so everyone's pointing a gun at each other.
No, that's not what it is.
So just discount that.
Go back.
These teachers being armed would be the answer?
Alright, so... Or do you think there should be armed security on the campus?
I say it should be multi-layered.
Because if you really want to put things into perspective, and the NRA didn't add about this, and people got pissed off, but it's the truth.
Whatever school the president's kids go to, they are guarded by guns.
That school is protected by guns.
Anything we hold valuable in this country is protected with guns.
No one is more anti-gun than Hollywood.
When you hear about any sort of crime or gun violence, the left-wing people in Hollywood are the most vocal, the most
Virtue signaling, the quickest to jump on their pedestal.
Meanwhile, what percentage of their movies involve gun violence?
And if you look at the Academy Awards, did you see the security at the Academy Awards?
You see all these left-leaning, liberal actors being protected by people with flak jackets on, carrying guns with fingers outside the triggers.
I mean, dogs.
It's crazy.
You know what it is though?
It's a loss of touch with reality.
Well, they're also insulated and protected.
That's part of it.
Because their mindset goes like this.
Well, I have security guards.
I mean, Kim Kardashian's the biggest... I did a video on that, so that was the first thing that came to mind.
Biggest what?
She's the biggest hypocrite on that, right?
Well, she's a dum-dum.
Yeah, of course.
A ton of people.
That's unfortunate.
Steve Harvey had her on Family Feud.
They were on Family Feud.
The Kardashians in the West were talking about how stupid Kim was.
But we know this, though.
That's the crazy thing.
There's no incentive for her to be intelligent.
There isn't.
I mean, she's good at making money.
Oh, absolutely.
And I don't falter for that.
Hey, make your money, boo-boo.
But at the end of the day, she still has access to scores of young, influential minds.
I understand that.
That's unfortunate, but there's nothing we can do about that.
There isn't, but... Other than you point out the fact that she's a dumb-dumb.
Pretty much, yeah.
She's not a terrible person.
She's not.
I don't know the woman.
I've heard her talk.
I just don't think she's really interested in expanding her mind.
I just don't think that's something that's not beneficial.
Here's the thing about that, though.
The mindset, though, is there are people who we pay to carry guns.
I don't need to carry them, therefore you don't either.
So it's the same story, and you can obviously watch the full clip on the Joe Rogan experience, but it's the same story.
Liberals have a double standard.
They don't want you to have a gun, but they're all protected by guns.
But it really is sad.
I mean, look, Kim Kardashian has the IQ of a kumquat, okay?
And she influences millions of people.
And that's sad.
That people idolize somebody that's that fake.
A porn star.
So I bring in Mike Cernovich now.
He's going to be with me for the conclusion of this segment and as well in the next segment.
But it's the same story, Mike.
Why can't liberals at least take a look in the mirror before they spout off about their policies?
Hypocrisy is probably just a natural human condition and to protect your own ego.
So in a way, liberals are doing what everyone does, which is being a hypocrite.
The difference is that liberals, they want
A big, massive government.
See, the reason that I'm not liberal is because I believe that humans are fundamentally flawed, whether that's because of original sin, as the Bible teaches, or whether it's because of the way we evolved, we had our ancestors were very... I mean, if you ever think about it, our ancestors had to murder people to conquer territory, to procreate, and then that leaves us here trying to be moral, righteous people.
And that's why I don't support big government, because I don't trust people to have a large amount of power, and that includes myself.
I don't trust myself to have a large amount of power.
Liberals, though, they want this massive government, and they lack... But think about it, though, Mike.
Mike, but think about this.
If you asked the average liberal, hey, do you want a bigger government?
I bet they would all say no!
Well, yeah, they've actually, that's one of those trolls that Crowder and those kind of types do, which is really funny.
If you go ask a liberal, you say, do you believe that we should expand government?
Oh, no.
God, no.
We need to keep government, you know, small.
Who would want, you know, who would want bigger government?
That's why they frame it in different ways.
So, for example, if you want gun control, as liberals do, and you want gun bans, as liberals want, you have to expand the size of government because who else is going to go door to door and kick down doors and confiscate guns from people?
So you're right.
That's a great point.
It is actually one of those.
It's fun.
Like Mark Dice and other people, that's sort of their wheelhouse.
Go in and ask liberals, do you support bigger government?
And they'll all say, oh, no, the government, the government's way too big, has way too much power.
I mean, just think about that.
These people are so predictable in their brainwashing, in their cognitive dissonance, that you can literally plan to do that video.
You can be like, hey, watch this.
I'm going to go ask these people about this, and here's how they're going to respond, and I'm going to have a funny video on it.
You can do it every time with these people.
You can't trick conservatives like that.
They know what they're talking about.
They've done their research.
I mean, it's just incredible to me.
But what do we do?
I mean, if they don't want to become informed, if they don't want to do research, I mean, I can't help them.
No, we just have to not let them have more power.
That's the problem.
We know we can't trust them.
Either Comey or McCabe are lying.
This is something that nobody wants to talk about on the left.
Either Comey lied about McCabe's media contacts or McCabe is lying.
Think about it.
Either the director or the deputy director of the FBI
Is a liar.
That should be a big story.
And the media, they're not even talking about it.
They're talking about, oh, maybe Trump had a Diet Coke today.
What about Stormy Daniels?
Oh, but I'm going to give a third option there, Mike.
Let's take this into consideration.
How about maybe they're both liars?
Oh, wow.
Maybe both of them are liars.
I think that is probably the odds-on favorite to win that deal.
Mike Cernovich is going to break it all down.
The news on Comey on the other side of the break.
Don't go anywhere.
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Melania did not kick me out of the White House for installing coal-burning fireplaces.
Fake news!
Mr. President!
Why are you throwing balls at my face, Kurt Cousins?
It's Kirk.
That's what I said, Gerd.
I'm making you Secretary of Offense.
Now, prepare for fire and fury!
You like that, Kirk Cousins?
You like that?
Well, there you have it.
Terrific spot.
Funny and satire without being overtly political or nasty.
Congratulations, John D. Domenico.
As someone who's known Donald Trump and studied his speech patterns myself for many years, you nailed it.
You really nailed it.
Thank you very much, Roger.
I'm very excited to be on the show, I have to tell you.
Well, I've been doing Trump since 2004, right around the end of the first season of The Apprentice, when there was a big demand corporately for Trump to come in and roast people and do apprentice games and things like that.
So I've had a really long runway with him and to learn his voice and to really
Get it down especially these last two and a half years since he's announced he's become more physical and his Speech has become more him.
It seems like he seems like he was very restricted on the apprentice blue team green team He did a good job, but blue team you're fired.
It was kind of he seems so big and
In a way since I have been doing him for so long I had done him in so many other platforms that when he announced I was I wanted to make sure that he was 100% in the race and I thought to myself you know if he can make it to the first
If he can make it to the first debate, I'll be set for the fall, because that's how, you know, they book out months in advance for these corporate things, and as you well know, not only did he make it to the first debate, he crushed it in the first debate, and the second debate, and third debate, and then things just started taking off.
And a friend of mine, Tom Shalhoub, who is on, he's still on Fox News, but he was on the show Red Eye,
Um, he brought me on.
I think I did about 50, 60 appearances on Red Eye as Trump.
And then because of that, I did Fox and Friends a number of times.
So it was a great platform and we did some really wonderful comedy and then some other shows picked me up and then voiceovers and the corporate stuff and it's been kind of, it's pretty much taken over my, there's Tom right now!
Tom Shalhoub, a very funny guy in his own right.
Well, as you know, the pundits in the mainstream didn't see Trump coming.
So, I can see why it started slowly.
They were the last people in the world who thought that he would win.
What was it?
Jeb Bush said, you're not going to elect a president?
You're not going to insult your way into the presidency?
Guess what, Jeb?
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer filling in for Alex today.
Normally I host the War Room from 3 to 6 p.m.
but Alex has some work he's dealing with behind the scenes.
I'm sure you can imagine what it is and so I fill in today.
Mike Cernovich is my guest and we were just talking about James Comey a little bit briefly getting into that and you now have
Potential criminal investigations going on into James Comey with some of the Republican members of Congress.
Pushing Jeff Sessions to begin a criminal investigation into Comey, into Clinton, into McCabe.
And Mike, you were breaking down in the last segment how when you do a cross-reference analysis of what McCabe says and what Comey says, one of them is dishonest, one of them is lying.
Why doesn't anybody talk about this?
I mean, Trump has a crooked toenail and it's the main story, but the head of the FBI and number two at the FBI can't even get their story straight and the media doesn't want to touch it.
Well, yeah, we live in a bizarre world where the liberal, because if you go back and if you watch old clips of you or Alex, people can read my writing from 15 years ago.
I've always been distrustful of federal power.
And now all of a sudden you have people who were, oh, yay, rape Radley Balco, the rise of the warrior cop.
We really have to do something about all these federal SWAT teams kicking down doors.
Oh, yay!
Ten members of the FBI SWAT team came in with machine guns and kicked out Paul Manafort's door at five in the morning, and the guy's wife could have got murdered.
You know, who knows what could have happened?
Oh, yeah, I can't believe it.
I love Deep State.
So what we're seeing is that they, the left, they don't have principles.
They don't actually, they're not moored to any truth higher and above themselves.
As I've even said, for example,
And my own people don't like to hear it.
I've even said that, you know, what happened to those two African-American men in Starbucks in Philadelphia, I don't like that.
I don't like that at all.
And I do think we should look into it and find out what was there because I have a principle.
The principle is that you need to treat people with dignity and kindness.
You need to treat people equally.
But the left, they don't have any principles.
But let's stay on this topic and kind of get into the psychology of it.
And let's use Donald Trump as a nexus.
Like you said, if you look at, you know, what Mike Cernovich talked about or wrote about, it's consistent with what he talks about and writes about today.
Same with Alex Jones.
But the odd thing to me is, and this is honestly like, it's a mystery to me, most of the, you know, quote-unquote liberals or whatever that are, you know, the anti-Trump in the street, just like us, I would say that they were even probably more closer allied to our beliefs
Then, than they are now, and that all happened after the Trump nexus.
So they used to be on the same page of, you know, demilitarize the police.
You think?
And it's like they're a totally different breed.
It's like everything in their mind changed.
I mean, how do you even explain that?
Scott Adams actually does a great job of that in his book, When Bigly About Trump.
It is literally a psychological condition called cognitive dissonance.
And of course, the original study of that involved actual literal cults.
The original research in cognitive dissonance involved an end of days cult.
And the cult leader said, OK, everybody's going to die tonight.
The world's going to end tonight.
The world didn't end.
And then the cult members, rather than say, Oh, wow, I guess we were wrong.
Oh, okay.
Well, you know, we'll go learn from this.
What they said was, Oh, we believe in him even more now.
Because to admit that they were wrong would be to admit that their own ego is flawed and the injury, the injury would be so much, do so much damage psychologically that they just couldn't do it.
So that's the same thing here.
And that's it though.
And their cult leader is the mainstream news.
The mainstream news got that.
This is a great point, actually.
Maybe that'll be my next article is the mainstream news said Trump was going to lose.
OK, great.
OK, you said it.
He was wrong.
So what should have happened?
And what would have happened if people were rational is they would have said, well, son of a gun, I guess the media doesn't really know what they're talking about.
I need to go read books or watch someone else or listen to another podcast.
But no, rather than admit that, wait, I've spent decades of my life being told lies by the fake news media.
Oh, crap.
What does that say about me?
I don't want to, I don't want to go there.
I don't want to have a hard, because that's what you learn if you're a Christian.
If you're a Christian, you learn that you're a sinner, and when you sin, you don't say, well, I mean, it wasn't really a sin that I did that.
No, you learn, okay, that was a sin.
You need to repent, you need to confess, you need to live a better life.
So Christian conservatives are more protected against a lot of the cult-like behavior of the left because they're used to admitting
That hey, I did the wrong thing here.
I really need to be better in the future.
Whereas people who don't have any kind of a religious belief, they just go, oh well.
The media couldn't have been wrong.
Something, something, something.
Russia, Russia.
No, that's it.
That's actually, that's exactly it.
And so they have this denial that they're in the cult.
So like they hate, they act like the Trump people are in the cult and everything and they act like they hate that.
But really the ugliness is just their own denial that they're in a cult.
I mean, that's really what this comes down to.
Mike, I want to get your take on a story that's surfacing here.
The media is now saying that Cohen is going to flip on Trump.
You know, they got Cohen.
They illegally raided his place, his house, his hotel, his office, everything.
They got all the documents.
I mean, imagine if somebody did that to Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer, what we would find out.
Well, I see that the media, as usual, is preying on public ignorance of the legal system.
The attorney-client privilege belongs to the client.
You can't just snitch on a client.
You can't just say, oh, you know, my client did X, Y, and Z. It doesn't work that way.
The client is the one who decides if you're allowed to talk about the scope of the representation, what you found during representation.
So you know this in these articles, the media, they never actually quote any lawyers about the real law, right?
They never go, oh, hey,
Yeah, they don't want to quote Alan Dershowitz because he's actually against what they're doing.
Right, so they never... The same thing with the lawsuits against Alex and Infowars.
To their credit, the Daily Beast actually quoted a free speech lawyer.
And the free speech lawyer said, well, actually, that might be anti-SLAPPED.
This was, it looks like this lawsuit is actually a political stunt.
And I was like, holy cow!
Since when?
It was like the first time I read an article about a lawsuit where they actually quoted a free speech lawyer.
And there's a reason they don't quote the free speech lawyer, because if you actually do talk to a free speech lawyer, they're going to tell you, well, no, no, wait a minute.
If you sue someone,
And it's just a publicity stunt, then you might actually have to pay that person's legal fees, because that's called a strategic lawsuit against public participation.
And Texas, like California, where I live, has what's known as an anti-SLAPP law.
That means that if you want to file a strategic lawsuit against public participation, then you're going to have consequences for that.
So they, I was like, wait a minute, since when
Do you actually interview an actual lawyer about this stuff?
Well, that's why they never want to talk to lawyers, because a real lawyer will tell you, this is why I've never sued anybody for defamation, even though people lie about me, edit videos.
It's so hard to win that suit, to prove damages.
Yeah, not only is it almost impossible to win, but you might end up having to pay the other side's legal fees if they conclude that you were really just trying to silence a chauffeur's speech.
And just to be clear too, because some of the audience isn't aware of this, Alex is filing the anti-SLAPP.
So Alex is fighting back against this.
Mike Cernovich is going to stick around with us for one more segment.
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I knew about iodine a long time ago and the effects of iodine because looking at, again, the root cause of what's going on, we are all exposed to endocrine-disrupting chemicals every single day.
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And you're carrying your kid on your shoulder up a big hill and you get up to take him off, it's like you're flying.
All of a sudden it was like, boom!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show final segment with Mike Cernovich and we're talking legal stuff with Mike right now and I want to get his take on what he would do if he was Michael Cohen because
You know, Trump is obviously the final target here.
Trump is the target.
Trump is the enemy that they're trying to take down.
They're just going to all these other conduits to try to get people to quote-unquote flip.
But, Mike, I mean, it seems like it's clearly unconstitutional, this raid on Cohen's house, his office, his hotel.
I mean, what would you do if you were Michael Cohen?
I mean, this is such an abuse of power by Mueller sending the FBI in there.
I mean, what are Cohen's options?
Or do they just sit and wait and build a case?
Well, we actually, there's some breaking news right now.
The inspector general has sent a criminal referral of Andrew McCabe to a U.S.
So this story just hit.
If the, if the crew can go to my Twitter timeline and just retweet it.
So you and I, maybe we made it happen because, you know, we were just talking about how either Comey lied or McCabe lied.
Had to be one or the other, but now breaking news that again, it's coming from CNN.
So we would never want to stake our reputations on a CNN report.
But according to CNN, the Justice Department's Inspector General has sent a criminal referral regarding former FBI Director Andrew McCabe to the U.S.
Attorney's Office in Washington.
According to a source,
This is a blockbuster, Owen.
This is massive.
But see, this is why they're panicking, Mike.
You know, as well as I, they've got... I mean, look, if they conducted the same raid on a Comey or a Clinton or a McCabe or a Rosenstein that they did on Cohen, these people would be locked up for life with the evidence they could get.
I mean, it's just insane.
So does Cohen just kind of sit back and wait for all of their corruption to be exposed before he acts?
Well, I actually read an interesting thing on Twitter, because I did buy Comey's book also.
When they found out that pedophile Wiener had access to classified emails, the FBI actually, rather than getting a warrant and seizing Hillary Clinton's private servers, what they actually did was said, oh, can we just work with your lawyers on this so that we don't breach attorney-client privilege?
So when it came to Hillary Clinton, they really, really, really cared a lot about the attorney-client privilege.
So you're right.
Deborah Wasserman Schultz and the Awan brothers, every email sent to or from a congressional member is now in the hands of potentially terrorists in Pakistan because of the Debbie Wasserman Schultz scandal.
They didn't take her email, but they go after Cohen for allegedly, you know, paying off some kind of porn star.
But this shows how shook they are, and this is a really, really, really big development here.
So what do you think happens then?
I mean, what do you think, what are the tea leaves that Mike Cernovich sees right now with McCabe and Comey now in the legal crosshairs?
Well, I mean, there's a reason McCabe raised $500,000, right?
Remember that GoFundMe?
Yeah, and he was even still getting a pension too!
Yeah, he'll get his pension when he's 57.
He just doesn't get it when he's 50.
Oh, poor, poor baby.
You don't get a lifetime pension at 50 years old.
Yeah, you're a corrupt scumbag in a bureaucracy and you don't get your pension.
Oh, I'm so upset.
Well, imagine, think about the people who work for a living.
I mean, I'm not going to get a pension at 50.
Maybe when I'm like 80 or something, I'll be able to retire.
Yeah, that's what I like.
But he knew that he did something bad.
And that's why they held that GoFundMe early on when everybody thought he was a victim.
So here's my question, then.
I'm just asking questions, you know.
Then again, I don't care.
McCabe's always going to threaten to sue me out, and I slapped him the next Tuesday.
Did McCabe raise that money in bad faith?
Because he knew he was facing criminal peril and he didn't disclose that to his people in Great Plain.
Oh, was McCabe possibly fundraising for legal fees?
And then think about the nitwits that actually gave him money.
How dumb are they gonna feel when McCabe goes under?
Mike Cernovich, great stuff as usual.
Follow him at Cernovich Media.
On the other side, we're gonna be joined by the individual that went into Starbucks and got a free coffee because he's black.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Owen Troyer filling in for Alex Jones here, and I am now joined by Hotep Jesus.
And he was the individual that went into Starbucks and requested a coffee, just had to say racism, and he got a free coffee.
Boy, it's amazing.
The liberal nonsense never stops providing opportunities for content.
So, Hotep Jesus joins me now.
What was your motivation or your idea?
How did this idea come to you when you decided to walk into Starbucks and say, hey, give me a coffee or you're racist?
Did you expect them to give you the coffee?
And what made you think of that?
There was not a single doubt in my mind that I was going to get that call.
Not a single doubt.
You know, I understand liberal politics.
I've been studying it for a while now and understand that.
And I've tweeted this before.
I said, if an individual, especially a black individual, wants to excel in this society, they should follow the liberal narrative and all doors and opportunities will be open to them.
And I knew it would work.
I knew it would work.
So I decided, you know, I said, you know what?
I'm standing here by this Starbucks.
I had this idea in my mind.
I said, let's test this thing out and see what happens.
The video started to go viral on Periscope.
And now here we are.
Well, and it's such a brilliant idea because not only does it just show you how the average individual will just totally back down, it's like, oh, I don't want to be a racist!
Here, have a coffee, have a coffee!
But then also, you expose how predictable they are.
I mean, that's the most incredible thing about it.
I loved your face when I asked you, I was like, did you expect to get that coffee?
You're like, are you kidding me?
I could have walked out of there and owned that Starbucks!
I actually think that I could continue to do this every day of the week, as long as this story is relevant.
I do believe that I could walk into another Starbucks and get a coffee.
Now, are you planning on doing that?
I mean, I don't want to out your plans.
They're not going to listen anyway.
They won't even know.
But, I mean, are you thinking about doing that?
If I happen to be near a Starbucks, I absolutely will do it again.
I'm not going to go out of my way to do it, but if I'm near one, yes, you better believe it.
Hey, you know what?
I mean, why stop at a coffee?
I mean, maybe they'll give you a cookie too.
I mean, what else they got?
What else can they give you?
I could go for a chocolate chip cookie.
There you go.
And if they give you a white chocolate chip cookie, I mean that, now you're talking lawsuit.
Now that's racist.
No, but it's crazy because, so I don't even know, so the original story though, that started this whole Starbucks thing, which then you hijacked into the Matrix and then stole that energy for yourself and made the viral video.
I mean, the whole thing is just so insane to begin with to me.
I mean, I'm sure that you could probably find an event like this almost daily where someone's loitering in a coffee shop or something and they get asked to leave.
I had Brandon Tatum on with me the other day.
He said, when he was a police officer, that he had to do stuff like this all the time.
People, hey, you gotta go.
You're not, you know, buying anything here.
You gotta go.
Same thing with the parking lot.
Some parking lots say, unless you're shopping here, you can't park here.
It's the same deal.
But they make a whole issue of it because they make it a race thing.
It's just, it always comes down to just avoid the actual subject, which would be, is this guy loitering legally or is he shopping?
And it just becomes, it always just turns into a race thing with these people.
Yeah, I don't, I don't know.
You know, so this thing is pretty sticky, right?
So, do we know the name of the person that called the cops?
I, I, I couldn't tell you the name.
I assume it was the Starbucks.
The reports say it was the Starbucks that called the cops.
Yeah, so it's funny that this lady calls the cops.
I think she's terminated now, but we don't know her name, we don't have her picture.
Why is that?
She's just like some mysterious lady.
But we have these black gentlemen, we know who they are.
Yeah, you know what?
Oh my gosh, that's actually really interesting.
Because you would think if it was a white lady, they'd plaster her picture everywhere.
What was her nationality?
Was her a race?
I have no idea.
That's funny how we don't care.
I'm going to assume, I'm going to assume it's a white woman.
Because if it was a black woman, I'm sure the picture would have been up there.
And let me just say this too.
We may not, I hate the whole race baiting thing.
But as a black man, if I know an establishment is calling the cops,
Because I'm a black man, I'm getting the hell out of there.
I would not have been arrested.
I'm like, oh, they're calling the cops for loitering?
All right, we'll stand outside.
So, you know, that's my only gripe with these gentlemen.
Like, why were they so stubborn?
If they were aware that the cops were being called, why were they so stubborn to stay there?
Were they, like, trying to exercise their rights?
Did they feel like they're being racial profiled?
Because at the end of the day, you can't loiter.
Like, I can give that to you.
You can't loiter.
But, as a black man, I do expect to be arrested.
Well, and I gotta say, too, it almost makes me question whether this wasn't some sort of a setup, or some sort of a publicity stunt, where they schedule, they plan the whole thing, and they say, yeah, call the cops, and then we'll get arrested, and it'll become a media story.
Yeah, like, why wouldn't you just leave?
And the lady that called the cops, the Starbucks worker, was actually an Asian lady, so I guess they just didn't want to touch that or whatever, but I'm surprised they didn't say, you know, she's a big racist.
This is Black Lives Matter's fault.
This is the same thing that happened to Sandra Bland, right?
They put the battery in these people's back.
And whenever something pops up, the first thing they say is race.
They don't look at it agnostically or objectively and say, am I in the wrong here?
They just immediately decide to rebel.
When Sandra Bland was pulled over, she was going to walk away with a warning, but
She had the cigarette in her hand.
She didn't want to put it out.
She was being disobedient.
And this is... I don't blame Sandra Bland, R.I.P.
to that beautiful young lady.
She was actually a hotel.
And after that incident, she was attacked by Black Lives Matter, which I hated.
But the truth of the matter is, it's Black Lives Matter fault for making black people think everything is about race.
And it's not.
It's not the case.
What we have to do is...
Yeah, and I think that it also creates this victim mentality, where they approach every situation as a victim, and so they think they're righteously in the right because they're a victim, and they don't understand that's not what people are looking at this situation like.
They're looking at this not, oh, you're a black man loitering, they're saying, hey, you're not shopping here, we have paying customers, you gotta go.
Yeah, I mean, it's Philadelphia, right?
We all know Philly.
Philly isn't, you know, the safest city, I should say.
I don't know if there were previous incidents of crackheads or dope addicts, you know, loitering.
We don't know, right?
So this could have been premeditated, right?
This person could have dealt with this on an ongoing basis, and this is just how they handle it.
But me, as Hotep Jesus, when I walk into an establishment,
And I'm going to stay there for a while.
I'm going to purchase something.
I don't understand why they decided they were above purchasing a muffin or coffee.
And I don't want to sound like I'm attacking them, I just don't understand their thought process.
Well, and I think it goes back to what you were saying earlier, and you want to, you know, put the spotlight on Black Lives Matter.
Maybe this is a thing where they make them feel entitled.
So it's like Black Lives Matter now, oh, you're a victim, so you're entitled, and so they feel like they're entitled to sit here and not patronize the business, and then they get arrested and it becomes a national issue because they want to make it a race thing.
But my guess is, and I'll ask you,
If it was two white individuals that went in there and loitered and got arrested, do you think it would be a national story?
No, absolutely not!
This thing wouldn't have gotten past the local newspaper.
Probably wouldn't even have made it in that.
The hot thing right now is race.
If you take a black man and you can paint it as racism, that's national news.
The media is going to make papers, serious paper off of that.
And I've been calling this out since 2014.
Black people are being used by the media for clicks and ad money.
And black people are volunteering for it.
What they don't realize is black people are portraying themselves as weaklings across the entire globe.
This is not power.
HOTEP is power.
We would never portray ourselves as weaklings or victims.
And I don't like it.
Well, and again, it just shows you the mindset where it, they, I mean, they feel like in the right, like, oh yeah, this should have been a national story, yeah.
And then Starbucks, they're gonna close down thousands of stores, bring in Eric Holder to do some racial bias training at Starbucks.
I'm a liberal, I mean, it's a liberal company, and they don't even know what they're doing.
I mean, it's just, the whole thing is madness.
And you know what?
Hold that thought.
Hotep Jesus is with us.
He's gonna stick with us for another segment.
I don't know.
You know what?
Starbucks should just shut down.
Starbucks is the KKK.
I mean, Starbucks is the KKK.
Shut them down.
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Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
Hey, brother.
Good, man.
Thank you for calling.
Hey, hey.
I just want to say thanks for your products and everything that you're doing to try to save the country.
I mean, I've tried your Secret 12, Super Male, Anthroplex, the Silver Bullet, Biome Defense, Micro ZX.
I mean, it's all good stuff.
Secret 12, if everybody would just drop their energy drinks and get some Secret 12, take a shot of that.
That's the thing about Secret 12.
Just a half a dropper has way more energy and it's totally... People ask, why is it sweet?
Real organic B12 is sweet.
And exactly.
When I'm super tired, I go, hey, why am I drinking coffee at 10 at night if I'm going on some show like Coast to Coast?
Secret 12, 30 minutes later, massive energy.
It's amazing.
Yeah, that stuff will wake you up and the clarity of mind that comes along with that is just amazing.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So, after
With some further research into the subject matter, and further consideration into the series of events, I now have a new theory about what happened at the Starbucks in Philadelphia.
So apparently, there was a black woman that worked there, and then when Holly Hilton, a white lady,
Not Asian.
I'm going to correct that record in a minute here to explain, but Holly Hilton was the manager of the Starbucks that called the police that eventually led to the arrest of those black men.
Well, there was a black lady, Leisha Cash, who worked there, who was essentially saying that Hilton was racist and cut her pay and eventually was trying to squeeze her out.
I mean, it's like, so maybe, did she know those black individuals?
How about that for a question?
Did Cash know the black individuals that went into that Starbucks and then created the national news story so that they could tell you that this lady was a racist?
Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, in Torrance, California, you had a white man get kicked out of a Starbucks for not paying and using the bathroom.
And that was only discovered because there was a black man in the store, not an employee, just recording him, harassing the white guy.
And then he got kicked out by the Asian lady who ran the Starbucks.
So you had it happen in California, but the white guy left so he didn't get arrested.
And then it happens in Philadelphia, the black guys don't leave so they get arrested.
And then I ask, did they know Cash, who was a disgruntled employee from before?
But here's the other thing about this.
To say that this woman that works at Starbucks is racist, I mean, I don't know, but I feel like you can't work in the service industry and be racist.
You have to deal with people from every walk of life that come in and shop, so you can't really, I mean, it just doesn't really make sense.
But, I don't know, I mean, just considering all the different angles here,
I'm starting to think more and more that this thing was like some sort of staged publicity stunt, and they might not even have known the type of coverage it was going to get.
They might have thought they could just kind of keep it local there, and then it got all this attention.
I mean, this whole thing just gets weirder and weirder to me.
Hotep Jesus was the man, and his website, booksbybrian.com, also hotepnation.com, those are his websites.
So he got the brilliant idea to go into a Starbucks and demand a coffee, otherwise they're racist.
He's going to go get a free chocolate chip cookie after the show.
And then his video goes viral.
So there's, he got his Starbucks mug right there.
Was that a free Joe?
This was the free Joe.
So we need to get that cup and put that cup in a glass case and save it for all eternity.
There it is right there.
Oh, they even put your name on there.
You know what I have a problem with, man?
With Starbucks.
I wasn't mad at Starbucks at first, but now I'm mad at Starbucks for this racial bias training.
And I'm gonna tell you why.
First of all, what does Eric Holder know about Black people?
What does the NAACP or the ADL know about Black people?
The Black people really suck one in the hood.
You see, Black Lives Matter, NAACP, and Eric Holder are not the voice of Black people.
That is the bourgeoisie that keep Black people down.
And Starbucks failed.
They failed.
If they really wanted to do some racial so-called bias training, they would have got some real people in the real world and not these bootlickers and Uncle Toms.
That's what they would have done.
But they don't care about black people.
Well, what does this even mean?
I mean, what is racial bias training?
I mean, that, so basically they're insinuating just by doing the racial bias training that all their employees are racist.
Otherwise, what are you doing?
Racial bias training is their PR attempt to save face.
Nothing more, nothing less.
But what are they going to do, though?
I mean, that's the thing.
I agree with you completely.
What are they going to do?
I'm going to tell you what they're going to do.
They're going to go in there.
They're going to push Black Lives Matter, LGBT agenda onto those people, right?
And they're going to try and give black people a certain privilege, I guess, at Starbucks.
But really what's going to happen is, is it's like walking into a brainwash tank.
And they're going to brainwash these people with liberal politics.
No logic will be held in this meeting.
You are so correct.
I guarantee you, that is so spot on, I guarantee you they immediately start pushing the Black Lives Matter propaganda.
In fact, I bet you Black Lives Matter ends up running this sensitivity training.
Yeah, they're going to hand out Black Lives Matter paraphernalia.
People will be signed up to Planned Parenthood email lists.
I can't stand that organization.
They killed more black people than anybody.
They're going to give them feminist propaganda.
They're probably going to invite them to the damn slut walk next year.
I think the crew just suggested that they should now change their uniform to Black Lives Matter t-shirts.
What do you think about that?
They might as well, because that's what it's going to turn into.
But it's funny, now pull up his tweet.
Now, you got the free coffee.
There it is right there.
That is a legendary cup of coffee right there.
Hotep Jesus.
It's on the thing.
He got it for free.
And you had the brilliant tweet, uh, my black privilege got me a free coffee.
I mean, it's just insa- honestly, I just can't believe how insane these people are that we deal with.
You know, that's the craziest thing to me, is that they are so obsessed with identity politics, and they're so obsessed at proving to everyone that they're not racist or not this or that or the other thing, they can't even just live a normal life!
Like, they can't just have normal social interaction!
Because liberals are the real racists of this country.
Don't forget, it was the Democratic Party that was behind slavery.
They did not want to abolish slavery.
It was the Republicans, the Whig Party, that was opposed to slavery.
Wow, you know what?
Hold on, Hotep Jesus.
You need to go to some sensitivity training.
You need to go to the Starbucks sensitivity training because you cannot say things like this.
No, no, no.
Are you serious?
I mean, liberals are what we call undercover racists.
I'd rather you give me a blatant racist that calls me an N-word to my face than to give me a Hillary Clinton who had slaves—you can go Google that article or DuckDuckGo that article—who had slaves and calls you an N-word behind your back.
Or Hillary Clinton, she changes her cadence of her voice when she thinks she's talking to black people.
It just happened again!
Like, last week, she's speaking normally, and then she's bringing on a black guest, and all of a sudden she goes into her southern drawl again!
And you're like, wow, this woman is actually so out of her mind now, she's changing her voice in real time in front of hundreds of people just to cater to a black audience.
You know who needs racial bias training?
That's who needs racial bias training.
You know what racial bias training would be?
Taking people like Hillary Clinton and making them live in the hood for a year straight.
That's racial bias training.
Yeah, or just getting any understanding.
I mean, that's what I'm saying.
It's all hearsay with them.
They don't care what black people are dealing with or aren't dealing with.
They don't know what it's like in an inner city school.
They don't have a clue.
They just sit here and they just project like they care.
It's fake care.
It's covert racism.
I hate it.
POTEP Nation is against it all.
This is why you see us, you know, people get mad at me.
They say, oh, you have all these right-wing people that are following you.
Yeah, well, guess what?
I'm team conservative, because liberals are disgusting.
All right, hotepnation.com, hotepnation.com, the Hall of Fame, free coffee for a black man.
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Good morning.
My name is Andrew Grossman.
I'm a partner at the law firm Baker Hostetler.
I represent Alex and InfoWars in the lawsuit that was filed by Brendan Gilmore.
This morning, we asked the district court to dismiss Mr. Gilmore's lawsuit, to require Mr. Gilmore to reimburse InfoWars for the expense of responding to his lawsuit.
And to sanction Mr. Gilmour for using a federal court to wage a publicity stunt.
Now let me be clear about this.
Mr. Gilmour's claims against Alex Jones and Infoworks are legally defective.
We are confident that the suit will be thrown out of court.
But make no mistake, vexatious lawsuits like this one are dangerous.
Because they seek to chip away at our cherished First Amendment rights.
The First Amendment gives all Americans the right to have their say on today's news.
Alex Jones thought it was strange that Mr. Gilmour was popping up in all the media coverage on the events in Charlottesville, with what seemed like the same anti-Trump talking points every time.
And that is exactly what Mr. Jones questioned.
Was the media, with Mr. Gilmour's eager assistance, spinning the story against President Trump?
That is the kind of probing question that every cable news analyst, every columnist,
And every American who cares about what's going on in this country asks every day.
They try to make sense of what they see reported in the news, and then they say what they think.
The First Amendment absolutely protects that speech.
Now, Mr. Gilmour disagrees.
He obviously opposes Alex Jones's political viewpoint.
He says that InfoWars is not what he considers to be responsible journalism and that it can therefore be suppressed.
His lawyers say that the law should distinguish between speech that informs the public and speech that they think misinforms the public.
But the whole point of the First Amendment is that people like Mr. Gilmour and his lawyers do not.
I think?
And that's why we're asking the court to find that Mr. Gilmore's lawsuit is what the law calls a strategic lawsuit against public participation.
If the court agrees, Mr. Gilmore will be required to reimburse InfoWars for the expense of responding.
And will be subject to additional monetary sanctions.
Mr. Gilmour brought these consequences on himself.
He left it the chance to file a lawsuit instead of exercising his own First Amendment rights to talk back.
We can only hope that he will come to understand the wisdom of Justice Brandeis' words that when it comes to fighting perceived falsehoods and fallacies, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.
And with that, I'll turn it back to Alex.
Thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
I've been bamboozled, folks.
I've been had.
I was told by Alex Jones that he was working hard, fighting for Infowars.
But CNN got the leaked photo.
Alex Jones is actually hanging out, chilling at his house.
And CNN leaked the photo.
Guys, show it.
There it is.
So I was bamboozled.
I was told I was filling in for Alex because he was busy working, but there he is lounging.
In his luxurious home, just lounging.
And CNN got the photo and leaked it.
So, unbelievable journalism by CNN to get into Alex Jones' house and get this graphic image of Jones lounging while I'm covering the news on air.
I mean, just unbelievable stuff.
So there it is, Alex Jones lounging at home on a Thursday.
You know, I mean, they're trying to sue us into oblivion, but there's Alex just chillin' out.
Now that is funny.
Alright, here's the deal though.
We are under massive attack.
They are trying to bring us down with these lawsuits.
We're fighting back.
You're fighting back by supporting us at InfoWarsTore.com.
Now, Kit Daniels is working relentlessly today, pumping out news stories like a water geyser.
Flashback, McCabe threatened to take everyone down with him if charged.
I was saying I thought it was going to be Comey that was going to be singing like a canary, but maybe it's going to be McCabe.
McCabe likely faces charges, may take Comey down with him.
So wait, you know what?
Okay, okay.
So here's what I'm going to do.
Let me, let me just go through all of the Comey news because it's kind of been a, it's kind of a cyclical thing today.
So here we go.
Alright, so we talked to Laura Loomer, Comey's on his book tour, the higher loyalty, his higher loyalty was to the Clintons, not to the United States, not to the Republic, it was his higher loyalty to the Clintons, so he let Hillary Clinton get away with massive crimes, and then they try to cover the whole thing up and act like it's not going on by demonizing Trump, attacking Trump, and he goes on this big book tour, he goes on the Stephen Colbert, he goes on The View, he does the whole tour, all the nine yards, there he is right there.
It's possible that James Comey eats carrots after he removes them from his rectum.
It's possible.
I'm just saying.
I don't know.
I'm not reporting that he does that.
I'm just saying it's possible.
You know, after all, that's what Comey says.
It's possible Trump got urinated on by Russian hookers.
Well, it's possible that James Comey likes to stick a carrot up his rectum and eat it for lunch.
But it's possible.
I don't know.
So he's on his book tour.
It's a failing book tour already.
He got like some million dollar advance for it.
But here's the news.
Dirty Cop Comey was only taking pre-screened... I did that twice today!
Pre-screened questions at first book signing event in New York City.
Yeah, the whole thing is fake.
Comey's fake.
The whole thing's scripted.
These people are the biggest phonies in the world.
James Comey, the phony.
Lying James Comey.
Lawmaker, Comey lied to Congress, suggests new evidence.
Again, that's Kit Daniels at Infowars.com.
The story is there.
Ex-FBI Director James Comey may actually face prosecution due to the growing evidence suggesting he lied to Congress and dabbled in corruption according to a lawmaker.
And now you have these investigations going on.
It's all being exposed.
He probably perjured himself.
Then you have this from Fox News, GOP representatives refer Comey, Clinton, McCabe for criminal investigation.
Oh, oh, oh, hey, ooh, now McCabe is in there as well.
And so then it becomes full circle and Kit Daniels goes into the time machine and reminds you, in the stories at Infowars.com, McCabe threatened to take everyone down with him if charged.
Bingo, bongo, boingo!
There is the target.
Okay, well, you've got... You know what, Jeff Sessions?
Why don't you get off your damn ass?!
What is... What is Jeff Sessions doing?
I mean, I can't even...
The guy is like, where is he?
Earth to Sessions!
Earth to Sessions!
Like, do we need to send out, like, a search squad?
I mean, where is Jeff Sessions?
What is he doing?
So, Sessions...
Here's the deal, Sessions.
I don't know what your deal is.
I don't know if you're blackmailed.
I don't know if you're compromised.
I don't know if you're a wuss.
I don't know if you're working behind the scenes with all this stuff.
But if you want to be the greatest attorney general in the history of the United States, if you want to go down as a legend, if you want the name Jeff Sessions to be legend for humankind, to be legend for justice, to be legend for America, you will bring these people to justice.
And you just found target number one, Andrew McCabe.
He's told you he will sing like a canary!
Get him into questioning!
Earth to Sessions!
Earth to Sessions!
I need to send out like a sonar beam or something!
Where is Jeff Sessions?
You've got a stack of suggestions sitting on your desk to do your damn job!
What are you doing, Jeff Sessions?
What is the Keebler Elf doing?
But here you go!
Mr. McCabe!
Andrew McCabe!
Folks, he is... But think about it!
There's got to be at least one person of this whole criminal cabal that is willing to sell them all down the drain for their own skin.
Of course there is!
Of course one of these scumbags is going to try to save their own hide by selling the rest of them down the drain!
I mean folks, if you bring in Hillary Clinton, you just reeled in a 5,000 pound fish.
You just reeled in a 10,000 ton whale.
That's what Hillary Clinton is.
The biggest criminal, maybe on Earth.
Maybe in the history of Earth.
I don't know.
I can't get a damn investigation into the crook.
So Sessions, Earth to Sessions.
Paging Jeff Sessions.
So they're suggesting you start a criminal investigation into Clinton, Comey, and McCabe.
McCabe says he's gonna sing.
And isn't this an admittance of guilt?
What do you mean, I will take everyone down if I'm charged?
That's an admittance of guilt!
That's admitting that there's something to take you down!
That's admitting that there's a whole criminal cabal that you could bring down!
And Sessions is buried in a hole!
Okay, alright.
Have I screamed enough about that?
You know, I mean,
It's just such a joke!
Everybody knows Hillary Clinton is a crook.
Everybody knows James Comey's a liar.
Apparently, except Jeff Sessions!
You know what, though?
Patience is a virtue.
And God will provide.
And they're going down.
And maybe they get to live out their life on earth here for as long as they can, but they're gonna burn.
They're gonna face justice when it's all said and done, folks.
But McCabe, he'll take them all down.
I mean, he basically admits it.
I mean, that is the face of scum.
I don't know.
Like I said, it's possible James Comey eats carrots from his rectum.
I don't know it.
I'm not telling you he does.
I'm just saying I don't know.
That's all I'm saying.
That is one of the creepiest mugs.
You know what?
I'm going to do a news blitz on the other side, folks.
As you can hear, my voice is going, so I've been hitting the Lung Cleanse, I've been hitting the Super Silver Immune Gargle here, trying to maintain my voice, and it's actually working.
You can tell, it should be gone by now, if it wasn't for the Super Silver Immune Gargle.
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Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
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As soon as I start to feel like I get a little sick, you know, maybe like a little raspiness in my throat, I drop some Silver Bullet and it's like, I'll still feel a little sick, but it won't last as long.
Well, let me just say something, Victor.
It's people like you that then fund the whole operation, because a very small percentage of people buy products, and a very small percentage of them buy a lot of the products, so thank you.
But when you mention the Silver Bullet colloidal silver, it's got thousands of reviews, a 98% review.
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It's not a Silver Bullet, but it's the closest thing you're going to find to a Silver Bullet.
Pike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a long-time InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks for the awesome BrainForce AnthroPlex.
My girlfriend would like to say thanks for the AnthroPlex, too.
Thank you.
I use the BioTrue Selenium, the Super Blue toothpaste.
For you folks who aren't big normal toothpaste fans, the Super Blue is awesome.
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And thank you so much for doing that for us to keep us healthy.
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Red Pill, now available at InfoWarsTore.com, and your purchase funds the operation.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Do liberals like rock and roll?
I'm just trying to find one thing that I could possibly have in common with these people.
I mean, they hate freedom.
They hate free speech.
They hate guns.
They hate America.
Do you at least like rock and roll?
I mean, can we at least go enjoy a rock show?
Or do you hate that too?
Because that's Americana.
Shredding a guitar.
John Rapport is going to take over in the fourth hour.
I'm just going to do a news blitz here.
It may not have any rhyme or reason to it because I just got these stacks of news all out of control here, but let me just quickly recap the stuff we have talked about.
Oh, I didn't even get into this stack either.
Oh my god, I got another stack over here.
So, the big news that is developing right now, and you can monitor the situation at InfoWars.com,
Is that you now have Republican members of Congress, and the Democrats should be on this too, but they're all about taking down Trump.
So, the Republican members of Congress have put the documents on Jeff Sessions' desk to begin a criminal investigation of Comey, McCabe, and Clinton.
McCabe says if he goes down, he's going to take the whole crime syndicate down.
And where is Sessions?
And the joke is he's gearing up for tomorrow's big holiday.
Reefer Madness with the Keebler Elf.
So then you've got...
More evidence coming out, more reports coming out that the chemical attack in Syria was a false flag.
More politicians, more war veterans, you know, intelligence people.
Yeah, total false flag.
You even got the video of the kid that was in, well, allegedly in the chemical attack and his father that were allegedly there and they came out and they did an interview saying, nope, didn't happen, didn't see it.
They can't even make up their mind.
Was it chlorine?
Was it sarin?
Well, based on the narrative, they would say it's sarin, but it can't be sarin because if it was sarin, the people that are treating the people wouldn't have been able to breathe the air either.
And then a CNN reporter goes and puts her head in a backpack that is allegedly covered in sarin gas and then lives to report on it.
I just can't even believe it, man.
I just, you know, it just shows you how pathetic these people are.
Because I've been in political media for maybe five years now.
Boston Marathon bombing happened what, 2013, April 2013?
I didn't care about politics, never followed politics, didn't even know a damn thing about politics.
I knew, I studied history, I knew about the Constitution, I knew all that, but as far as news and current events and politics, I didn't care, I didn't care to watch it.
But now, it takes me five years, it took me five years to be better than anyone CNN could ever put on air.
I'm not bragging, that's like being the tallest midget or something.
It's just amazing how pathetic these people are.
That they would go sniff a backpack they think is covered in sarin gas.
I can't get over this!
Alright, that's fine.
So then they push this new narrative that Cohen is going to flip on Trump, which doesn't even make sense.
There's this thing called attorney-client privilege.
And then you can't flip.
There's nothing to flip.
It's just a misnomer to act like there's something to flip.
There is nothing to flip.
You guys are flipping crazy.
HR McMaster's father's death labeled suspicious and is being investigated.
Okay, I don't know what the deal with that is, but there you go.
Oh, Nikki Haley.
You know what?
I'm not a big fan of the warmonger Nikki Haley, John McCain, and drag.
So I'm just going to say this.
Seriously, she just has an air of arrogance and evil.
That's just my opinion.
But let me just ask you this, and I'll move on.
As the ambassador to the United States, Nikki Haley, what has she accomplished?
Has Nikki Haley... What would you say?
Has Nikki Haley...
Has Nikki Haley been responsible for more bombings?
Or has Nikki Haley been responsible for more peace treaties?
How many peace treaties has Nikki Haley negotiated?
How many bombings has Nikki Haley negotiated?
Oh, well, she just had another one in Syria.
She blamed Assad before it even happened.
So Nikki Haley is a warmonger who has a much
Stronger resume for bombing people than for peace treaties.
Great ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley.
China stages last minute live fire drill in show of support for Russia.
Paul Joseph Watson at InfoWars.com.
So China's doing live fire drills in the sea.
You've got the South China Sea military issue going on.
They're building islands out there.
Thousands of US troops amass on Syrian border for military drills.
So now the US continues to
I don't know.
He's hiding in the Keebler Elf tree.
Russian-American flight connection could be severed as U.S.
reduces visa issuance.
So now the U.S.
is basically stopping issuing visas to Russians.
They're stopping Russian pilots.
They don't want us to get along with Russia.
You know, Russia is the bad guy, so we can't get along with Russia, even though Russia's nationalist and they like guns and Christianity and stuff, so they're the bad guy.
The liberals really exposed themselves by celebrating Barbara Bush's death.
I'm not going to sit here and act like I'm some fan of Barbara Bush, but you just don't dance on the dead.
I mean, especially professors and media members.
I mean, that just shows you how crazy they are.
New York Governor Cuomo grants 35,000 paroled felons the right to vote.
Why do you think he did that, folks?
Because the Democrats are freaking out they might lose in New York, and they're trying to do everything they possibly can to get more votes.
So whether it be non-citizens voting or now felons voting, that's what Cuomo is going to do to try to stay in office.
Because he can't stay in office based on his merit.
I mean, the guy's a total scum.
Hog Angers Holocaust Survivors.
This is Attention Hog.
By publishing a book, hashtag never again.
Oh my god.
Never again, David Hogg.
The camera hog.
How about never again a false flag leading us into war?
How about that?
How about never again a million babies aborted in the United States?
How about that?
How about that for a never again?
No, David Hogg.
You are a Democrat pawn.
Man jailed for life after deliberately infecting men with HIV.
So you get jailed for life for that.
I think this story is out of England.
You know, journalists don't even tell you where these stories are anymore.
It's such a joke.
Like, do people even go to class?
So I have no idea where this story happened, but I know it didn't happen in California, because in California you can go infect a thousand people with AIDS and it's legal now.
And you don't, you don't know, it's all good.
This is insane!
Kid Daniels, again, outrage over New York City shipping human excrement to small towns.
Folks, the trash problem in New York City is such a problem.
Like, if you haven't been to New York City, if you're walking around in New York City, there's literally trash in the streets because they can't put it anywhere.
They don't have alleys, the dumpsters are all full, so they literally just put their trash in the streets.
And now there's so much human excrement they don't know what to do with it, they literally load it up onto trains, and they call it a poop train, and then they dump it in middle America.
Isn't that just a perfect representation of how liberals that flock to these cities like New York and LA,
Destroy them, and then dump all of their you-know-what on Middle America.
I mean, that's what they do.
Liberals, coastal liberal elites, who live on the coast, literally just dump their you-know-what on Middle America.
That's what they do.
Hidey-ho, Middle America!
Here comes the poop train!
You remember that migrant caravan that comes here every year that got stopped?
Well, they're gonna keep coming, and remnants of it, the ones that decided to keep going, are still going to try to cross the border.
Said to be about 500 of them.
And where is Jeff Sessions?
Nobody knows.
Nobody knows, nobody knows.
Americans waste 150,000 tons of food per day.
You know, this is actually something I learned that in China,
If you don't finish the food on your plate, you're like, you're like a jerk.
Like, you're really like, you're like, what?
Like, it's the most rude thing you can do to leave food on your plate.
Maybe that's something people in America should start considering, because this is, I mean, this is bad.
I mean, the amount of food that we throw away, considering how many people go starving every day, I mean, oh, but I guess, well, you know, conservatives can't talk about that.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Oil tops $68 for the first time in more than three years as U.S.
crude stockpiles fall.
Oil soars 2.9% to three-year high.
I'm wondering if this has anything to do with Rex Tillerson and his removal from the Trump administration.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Just throwing it out there.
Human-mouse hybrid.
Scientists grow human brain in tiny rodent.
That's from the Express, published today.
InfoWars told you they were doing that years ago.
Where's our Pulitzer Prize?
Hyper-realistic robot that is indistinguishable from humans.
Startles punters at a London pub.
And then you've got the facial...
Um, replication technology where you can take anyone's face and then say something and then it looks like they're saying it.
This is the next fake news attack is using these technological weapons.
John Rapport takes over in the fourth hour.
We'll be right back.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
Broadcasting live from the UN Stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Final hour here of The Alex Jones Show, and the Jedi Master, Jon Rappaport, is warming up and ready to go, and he takes over on the other side, and I will depart.
I want to again remind this massive audience that on Friday, during the War Room, which I host from 3 to 6 p.m.
Central here at InfoWars,
I am doing a WikiLeaks special.
So we're doing a call-in special on Friday.
You call in to the show with your favorite WikiLeaks content.
Podesta emails, DNC emails, old Bush administration war stuff, the Vault 7 release.
Anything from WikiLeaks.
What is your favorite?
What do you think is the biggest thing to come from WikiLeaks?
What do you think is the craziest thing?
What do you think is the most exposing thing?
I'm doing this on Friday on The War Room.
A call-in WikiLeaks special.
Because that's what they're scared of, folks.
That's the truth.
That is the razor's edge of reality.
The WikiLeaks content that they hate.
It is like sunlight to a vampire.
So we're going to go ahead and we're going to put light on that vampire.
Because they never denied that the WikiLeaks content and the emails were real.
So it is real.
So Obama did order $65,000 worth of hot dogs with taxpayer dollars to the White House.
So, Friday, WikiLeaks special, call-in special, three hours long, your favorite WikiLeaks content.
So get ready for that.
They're gonna hate it.
They hate the truth.
Now this story just went up on the Drudge Report.
Senate panel will vote on bill to protect Mueller despite McConnell's opposition.
So McConnell comes out, does the right thing, and basically shoots down the bill that was gonna protect Mueller in case Trump decided to dump him, which he should never even been there.
I mean, Mueller, to say that Mueller
He shouldn't even be fired because he shouldn't even be there to begin with.
But the Senate's going to vote on it anyway.
And you know that Chuck Schumer is going to start crying if this bill doesn't pass.
I predict that right now.
Chuck Schumer will cry.
If he can't get his bill passed to protect Mueller.
You know why?
Because Chuck Schumer's a dirty, rotten scumbag who probably has some skeletons in his closet and he knows if McCabe goes down, he's probably going down with him.
Folks, I'm telling you.
You can't even believe it.
Every lawyer, everyone that comes up in this deal to bring down Trump, the latest judge, Kimba Wood, the judges, the lawyers, the people, the this, the that, they're all connected to Clinton.
I mean, you can't even believe it.
They're married to the brother, they were on some committee, they hosted some event, they were some big fundraiser, their families, they're all connected.
Hillary Clinton
I don't know if she's actually doing it.
I mean, she might be in an iron lung.
But somebody is rounding up and activating all of the Clintonites.
The entire Clinton crime apparatus has been activated against Donald Trump.
Do you understand?
Do you understand?
And they're so powerful that there's no one that can even stop them.
Trump won't even do his job as president and stop them.
Trump should shut this thing down from the beginning.
Sessions should have all these people investigated.
It's not happening.
But the Clinton crime syndicate is so vast and so powerful, you are seeing the entire thing being activated right now against Trump.
They bring down Manafort.
They bring down Flynn.
They bring down Cohen.
It's all to try to bring down Trump.
And they're all connected to the Clintons, folks.
Every single one.
Do not doubt this for one second.
Everything that you see to try to bring Trump down is a Clinton operation, 100%.
And you might have some Obama factions in there.
He's tied in with the Clintons, too.
It is a total... The Clinton crime syndicate has been activated to bring Trump down because if Sessions does his job and Trump makes him do his job, they're all going to jail and they know it.
That's why they're in the fight for their lives.
But then they do the stupid things with polls.
New poll finds race between Cruz and Beto too close to call.
Let me tell you something.
All these polls are fake.
They're all fake.
Don't rely on any poll you ever see.
It's all fake news.
It's all a lie to get you thinking something that's not true.
John Rappaport, Jedi Master, takes over on the other side.
You stay classy, InfoWarriors.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, John Rappaport.
Welcome everybody, John Rappaport here, sitting in for Alex in the fourth hour at InfoWars.
So what I want to talk to you about today is coincidentally something called
The Infowar!
What a coink-a-dink!
I happen to be sitting here and on a site, a news outlet called Infowar is talking about the Infowar because it's incredibly real and it is upon us.
We are in the middle of it.
This is no joke.
It is happening all around us.
What part do you play
What do you do?
How do you see this?
How do you look at it?
How do you respond?
Because you know that the giants of industry, digital industry, are doing everything they can
To slant the news, to censor the news, to black out the news, to divert the news, to pump up fake news, to pretend that independent media are doing the fake news, when mainstream news has been doing the fake news for as long as they've existed, basically.
That's how they started.
Well, we need some fake news.
Well, we don't have any news.
Yeah, exactly.
So we have to start the news and let's make sure that it's fake right from the beginning.
Right, boys?
So we'll put out the news that benefits us and we won't permit any news that doesn't benefit us.
Shall we put that on the masthead of the New York Times?
No, I don't think we need to do that.
As long as we
The controllers understand what we're doing.
We'll be fine.
And that was the beginning of modern news.
Before then, you had the priest class and the dictators and kings and strongmen who would hire and actually create the eunuchs.
The eunuchs, the castrati, who would present the news to the people direct from the mouth
Of the ruler who was ruling by divine right.
And the eunuch would present the news.
Well, if you followed television news for the last 40 or 50 years as I have, you've seen a whole parade of eunuchs go by.
And they're all good at what they do.
That's why they take on the big checks.
Delivering fake news.
And because they got caught with their panties in a twist after the election of 2016 and somehow the fake news that they were dispensing didn't work, they had to go on the attack and they had to use the term fake news to deride and to derogate and to destroy the independent media who had suddenly
Vaulted up into prominence.
My God, look at what's happening.
Info Wars, right out there.
All of a sudden.
Well, for some reason, our traditional news websites are just not functioning as we thought they were, and they're losing money, and we're losing money, and everybody's losing money.
And here's this thing called, what, InfoWars, and they've got millions of listeners, and they're not even taking any corporate, big corporate advertising and government money.
How is that possible?
Well, they're, I don't know, let's see.
Let's appoint a task force to figure it out and find out what's going on.
How are they surviving?
Well, let's see.
Well, they're selling products.
How dare they?
Well, I mean, that's what we try to do.
We put up ads.
Yes, but we don't sell the products.
We let the advertisers sell the products.
That's far more dignified.
Don't you see?
Here's a product for a medical drug that can kill you in five days, but we have nothing to do with it, and we just allow the ad that says it's the most wonderful breakthrough in the history of healing on the planet.
So, we've distanced ourselves, as we always do, from these sorts of things, but here, this news operation is actually selling products that, what?
Improve health!
How dare they?
How dare they do that?
These products actually contribute to health in some way?
Yeah, well, apparently so.
Lots of people are buying them.
Well, that's outrageous.
That can't be done.
We have to stop that from happening.
Otherwise, if people are healthy, I mean, you know, what's going to happen to the hospitals and the doctors and the pharmaceutical companies?
The vaccinators, I mean, for God's sakes, man.
We've been in charge of this operation for a long time.
Killing people at a tremendous rate while we say that we're healing them.
And we just can't let this go by.
We're going to have to start attacking InfoWars.
On all possible fronts.
Because our news is the important news and the only news.
Yes, boss.
But did you see that we're sinking into a swamp, a lake, an ocean of red ink?
And we're incredibly sunken down there in debt.
And we've refinanced the financing of the financing of the loans of the loans.
And we're just hanging on really by a thread.
Well, that's ridiculous.
How could that be?
We're the rich and the powerful and the controlling.
How could our news operations go down?
Well, boss, it seems that the people just don't trust us in the same way that they used to anymore.
Well, how is that possible?
Appoint a task force and study that, my man.
I want to know the answer.
Why have we lost the trust of the people?
Well, we've already done the surveys, boss, and what they are coming in with is that more and more people think that we're lying to them on a regular basis to protect high-level criminals among us.
Well, I mean, that's true, but they're not supposed to know that.
How have they figured that out?
Well, I don't know.
But they have, apparently.
And they're figuring out more every day.
Well, we have to stop that from from taking over.
I mean, this is like a plague.
Isn't there some drug or vaccine that we can deploy to stop these people from learning the truth about us?
Well, not so far, boss.
I mean, we can maim and injure and brain damage and
Kill people and make them infertile, or we can do all of these things.
I mean, we've been doing that for quite a while now.
But as far as actually finding something that's going to make them believe in us again and trust us,
We've been working in the labs.
I mean, I've got reports here stacked this high, and so far, they just haven't been able to come up with anything that's really essential and useful and so forth.
Just, we don't know exactly what's happened.
What I'm trying to say, boss, is that this is a mystery.
It's a mystery as to how and why the people are waking up to the fact that we've been lying to them all along.
Not just now and then, but all the time.
This idea has now gotten loose.
It's like a tiger that's escaped the cage, and we just can't find it and shoot it.
That's what's happening, boss.
Well, that's very sobering, my boy.
I don't know what to think of that.
We're going to have to appoint another task force to try to figure that out.
I'm going on vacation myself.
I'll be back in about a year.
But I'm expecting some updates on this as soon as possible because if the truth gets out in the info war...
You know what could happen to us?
Well, yes, boss.
I mean, we've got a list of crimes as long as from here to Mars.
And if these crimes are exposed on every level and every front, and all the deception and the criminality and the bribes and the corruption and the stench of it would rise from here to the end of the Milky Way.
We'll be back with more of the info.
It was about 25 years ago that I began to read publicly available books that have been written for the State Department and for the CIA by top professors at Georgetown, Harvard, and Yale.
So that the CIA and other agencies could understand the complex political system they were building.
And in short, it was going to be called a technocracy.
But it was going to fund communism and socialism and fascism.
But really what it was, was crony capitalism.
So decades later, after fighting against this, humanity is somewhat awake to the threat.
But at the same time, despite all our successes, changing this paradigm really is an inside job.
It's up to us personally.
So, I don't feel sorry for myself being demonized by mainstream media and being attacked and the globalists filing frivolous lawsuits.
I expected that to happen.
This is 21st century warfare.
I just wanna make sure that you, the listeners, and you, the viewers, many of you already understand this, so I'm not patronizing those of you that are already awake, but I wanna make sure all of you realize this isn't just some more entertainment.
This isn't just some other talking head.
The reason they hate what we cover is because I and others have researched what they actually are planning, and it is nightmarish, it is authoritarian, it is eugenics-based, it is anti-human.
And we've already come so far together
That I know that if each and every one of you will just go research these issues for yourself, you will find out how real it is and understand it's not your duty.
It is your basic survival to stand up against this anti-human onslaught.
If you go back into history, it was 3% that volunteered for the Revolutionary War back in 1776.
But if you look at the Infowars audience, it's maybe 10% of the United States.
Another 10% or so worldwide.
I think that's a conservative estimate.
But we have 50, 60, 70 million people listening.
We have more than that that have tuned in over the years.
The point is, is that if you look at that, that's less than 3% of the world population.
So what you're doing has already changed the world and instead of sitting here and going into each product and telling you how great they are, I'm just going to encourage you to go research them yourselves because you're funding our operation.
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You can swallow it as well.
So, Super Blue Silver Immune Gargle is also the latest product we've got at InfoWarsLife.com.
Without you, we couldn't do it.
So thank you all for remembering InfoWarsTore.com, and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
John Rappaport back here in the fourth hour, sitting in for Alex at InfoWars, describing the InfoWars that we are in the middle of.
And the super-duper controller is talking to his underling.
He's about to go off on a year vacation to try to get away from it all because he's losing the info war and his media outlets, these traditional outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post, CNN and so forth and so on, are absolutely going into full fail.
Full fail.
In the sense that
They are failing to convince people that they have the truth.
In fact, more and more people are realizing and recognizing that they're lying all the time, and they've been lying since the beginning.
So when they decided to use the term fake news to accuse independent media of being fake,
It took about 3.726 seconds, by my calculation, to turn that whole sucker around and have millions of people saying, you're the fake.
You people, you mainstream news people and the controllers behind you are the fakes.
And you've been the fakes for a long time and we know it.
That's what's been happening, and it keeps on happening.
So their only strategy at this point is to try to just black out and censor and destroy all of independent media, which they're failing to do.
And before I get back to my little drama that I was staging in the last segment, you play a role in this.
Not, it would be nice if you did,
Or I think you should know you play a role in this.
You've got to play a role in this.
And there's a very simple thing you can do among all the other things you can do.
There's a simple thing you can do is be your own media.
You don't have to start a blog.
You don't have to start a website.
You take the very best stories and articles and podcasts and
radio shows and so forth of independent media that you truly believe are the best information and you cut and paste and link and do whatever you need to do to send them direct to as many people as possible.
That's what you do.
And you do it every day.
And you keep on doing it.
You become your own media outlet in that sense.
That's what you are.
And if people don't respond, you just keep going anyway, because some people will respond.
They will respond.
And you keep doing that, and you keep doing that.
And if, let's say, 50,000 people do that every day, then Facebook, Twitter,
Google rankings, YouTube, who cares?
Who cares?
Who decided that in order to get access to good information, you have to go through these intermediaries.
That's all they are, this social media thing.
Well, we are the intermediaries now.
We position ourselves between the public and the media, you see.
And so you put up your little pictures and picnics and whatever and all that crap.
But basically, we're interposing ourselves so we decide what you want to see and what you shouldn't see and we want to protect you because we know you can be triggered at a moment's notice and terrible things can happen to you and we want to protect you.
Kind of.
Are you kidding me?
You don't need them.
We don't need them.
We can make use of them for as long as it's possible, but it's not necessary.
You send out the links to the stories, to the truth.
You hook people up with the truth yourself every day.
You're the social media.
That's it.
It's very simple.
Oh, but I don't know if I can do it.
Yeah, you can do it.
But I'm not sure you can do it.
But you see, you do it.
Just do it.
You'll feel better.
You'll feel better.
Now, let's get back to this, because you see, when we last left this little magic theater that I was inventing in the last segment, the controller, the big time controller who was going off on his vacation,
Who represents everything that's fake and deceptive and criminal and disgusting about this planet is talking to his underling and one of the sticking points here that the boss can't understand is that there's this thing called InfoWars.com that is actually supporting itself by selling products.
I want to revisit that.
Yes, boss.
Well, you see, let me just read you what they're talking about here.
They've got a product called Super Male Vitality, 50% off, Survival Shield X2, 25% off, three months food supply.
You get an Alexa Pure Pro, filter free, et cetera, et cetera.
Vitality and Balance Combo, Super Male Vitality and Real Red Pill, 50 off.
True alpha male combo, 50% off, etc.
Well, I've never heard of such a thing.
Where do they get this?
At InfoWarsStore.com.
You see, they've got this crazy idea at InfoWars that there's a free society of exchange of good for good.
Oh, that's ridiculous.
We're moving into complete socialism and globalism.
How can they even think that that's possible?
Well, boss, they're not only thinking it, they're doing it and it's succeeding because people are going to InfoWars.store.com.
How does this system work?
Well, it's simple.
InfoWars sells supplements, other very good products,
According to them, you know, people buy them, they spend money for them, and that money funds the operation of InfoWars.
Well, that sounds like free enterprise to me.
Yes, it does, boss.
It sounds like, what was that word?
Yes, boss, that's the way they operate.
And they're actually succeeding?
Yeah, they're not only succeeding, boss, they're expanding.
That's impossible.
I mean, the New York Times is financing the financing of the red ink of the red ink of the red ink.
They're going down the toilet if you really look at their books.
So how can this, what did you call this, InfoWars?
How could they possibly be succeeding?
Well, they have this page called InfoWarsStore.com with products that people
...are finding valuable to their health.
This is very sinister.
We'll be back with more after the break.
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Have you got mental health issues?
Right, so you're talking about killing my kids.
How have I found you before the police have found you?
How have I got you here before the police have found you?
Where are you running to?
I'm not going to hurt you.
I'm not going to hurt you.
You're threatening to murder my children, bruv.
I'm not going to hurt you.
If I wanted to hurt you, I'd already hurt you.
I'm not going to hurt you.
You're threatening to murder my children.
How do you think, brother, if you've got mental health issues, you need help, bruv.
If that's the case, if you're standing in front of me now, yeah?
Are you gonna come to my house and hurt my family?
So what are you saying, kid?
Someone keep brainwashing me.
Someone's brainwashing you?
And I can tell someone's brainwashing you.
Who's brainwashing you?
Ali Dawa.
Ali Dawa's brainwashed you to kill my kids?
I got that from YouTube, actually.
Someone said he'll kill someone and take them away.
It's like some merchandise, like some Islamic... Can you have an arm wrestle?
See, mate?
Family one.
They always go, Friendly, Friendly Newton, I am your friend.
I am only saying this to sell t-shirts, my friend.
That's why all over the world, no Christians or Jews or anyone else is allowed to live in our countries.
And we take your women and we rape and kill you.
But I am your friend.
I am mentally ill.
I love your impression, Alex.
But he... See, after a couple of minutes, I felt like I was talking to a ten-year-old.
Now I'd say I'm a good, I'd say I'm quite a good judge and I'm not, and I know the same.
Most of the time when I find people or see people who said they're going to beat me up or hurt me, then they melt or their arse goes.
With him, I generally
Well, I believed and I found out now because he's actually now sectioned in an assessment centre in London.
He's previously been sectioned.
He suffers from schizophrenia.
But that makes it, that doesn't make him less dangerous, that makes him as dangerous.
And then the name he mentions, when he says Ali Dower brainwashed him, Ali Dower is a Muslim preacher in London who targets 14 to 16 year old children.
Now the most dangerous thing about this, which I believe the police probably intentionally left it like this,
If I caught up with him, which I did, and they probably knew I was going to go and catch up with him, because he's... If you read the stuff he said about my children, any father would go get him.
Now, whenever they're aimed at me, I'm bothered, but I'm not being as bothered.
Now, then they start aiming them at my children and my wife.
They're going to murder my children.
This gentleman here said he's going to rape my daughter, chop her up, he's going to slaughter her throat.
Um, he's gonna cut my mother.
Now my intention to go there was to citizen's arrest.
If the police aren't gonna arrest him, I'm taking him.
And I'm gonna drag him down the police station and bring him in there and say, you do something about it.
The British public are more awake than they've ever been.
The reception I get now across the whole country is positive.
The label that they've attacked me and beat me down with of racist is gone.
No one ever says that anymore.
They just say I'm against Islam, I'm anti-Islam.
Um, so yeah, I'd say that people are waking up and I'm so glad that through the media or alternative media, we have an opportunity to speak to people direct.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, John Rappaport.
John Rappaport back here in the fourth hour sitting in for Alex at InfoWarsStore.com Supermail Vitality 50% off.
That's InfoWarsStore.com.
And as I was explaining,
Back there in the last couple of segments.
People in traditional lying fake media.
They just don't understand a person to person operation.
They don't get it.
They don't even know what that is.
In other words, somebody is engaging in actual
Here is money.
I like what you sent me for the money and therefore I'm supporting your operation.
That's what's happening at InfoWars.
They want to put up fantastic numbers of pharmaceutical ads, for example, instead of that.
That's what they do.
They're in bed with pharmaceutical companies
Body and soul.
Despite the fact that even conservative estimates are that in the U.S.
alone, medical drugs approved by the FDA are killing 106,000 people a year, that's a million people a decade.
Traditional media outlets couldn't care less.
But if you were swooping in on Earth from a remote planet, and you were looking down at these giant media outlets that are, you know, wrinkling and fading and drowning, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the BBC, you know, CNN, etc, etc, etc.
You would be saying the following.
Look at how much of their advertising is this thing called pharmaceuticals.
Now, we've studied them from a distance, and we can see that they're killing people at an enormous rate.
So what should we conclude about these traditional giants of media that are supposed to be disseminating the truth to people when these are the prime advertisers that they're using?
I mean,
If the aliens were, you know, were showing up, were perceptive and honest, it would be a slam dunk.
They would say, well, we certainly don't want to pay any attention to what they're broadcasting and printing because, you know, they're supporting death, basically.
We are the death media.
Good morning.
This is death brought to you by your trusted, your most trusted name in news.
We are death and we are proudly giving space to advertisers whose products are killing you at an enormous rate.
Of course, we're not covering that with the news, but that's what we're doing.
And we're glad to have you here and, you know, use these products that we are representing here and you'll die.
It's a great day, isn't it?
In the new world brought to you by your fake news outlets forever.
Now, this is actually what's happening in the fake news world.
And it's been happening for a long, long time.
And as a reporter, starting out in 1982, I've spent an inordinate amount of time documenting this chapter and verse.
The drug, the destruction of human life by the drug, the studies reporting on the overall effects of pharmaceutical drugs.
The lying mafia at the FDA who approve these drugs as safe and effective when they are destroyers of life.
And the medical journals that are publishing fraudulent reports on the clinical trials of these drugs that make them out to be marvelous and safe and effective when in fact they are going to be killing people.
Amazing, isn't it?
When you just kind of put it that way, which is the way that it is, you get a better perspective on what is fake and what is real.
Indeed, you do.
And as I've reported on this program before, and written about extensively, coming into the arena of fake news about vaccines, vaccines, yes,
The next generation of vaccines that is being heralded now by the press called DNA vaccines.
Now they inject you, or will inject you, with synthesized genes that they claim will protect you from various diseases.
The only thing is, the only catch, is that these synthesized genes will
Permanently alter your DNA.
Permanently, not just momentarily.
And that will be true of every human on the planet who receives one of these DNA vaccines.
And let's suppose that indeed these vaccines become planetary.
They will be the next generation of vaccines for everybody.
Then anybody and everybody, untold numbers of people who receive any of these vaccines will have their own DNA permanently altered.
Well, that's no problem.
We can assure you we've got it covered.
It won't be a problem.
This slight alteration is not going to affect anything as to do with health or functioning.
It's just
You know, it's kind of, think of it as a cherry on top of the cake.
That's all it is.
Yes, but you see, they don't know that.
They don't know anything.
It's a grand experiment.
They do want to alter DNA, that's for sure.
No question about it.
Because they believe that you and I and everybody else are, what should we call ourselves in their eyes?
Farm animals that are here to be experimented upon.
And if one experiment doesn't work out so well, well, that's just the way science operates, you see.
And speaking of science, and all the flood of fake science that we see coming down the pipeline, where are the so-called truth-telling media about that?
Why aren't they pounding on the story?
And let's see, what story could I pick up out of my hat?
Oh yes!
Have you ever heard of CRISPR?
It's a marvelous thing.
It's the latest in precise, surgical-like gene editing techniques.
So they can just cut and snip a gene here or there, replace it with another one, take out one.
It's all very, very, very concise and precise and so forth.
The only thing about it is, excuse me, is
Unintended consequences.
Yes, that's a nice phrase, isn't it?
You'll see that in the major media.
Yes, well, there may be some unintended consequences, which translates means unknown consequences, wouldn't you say?
Well, yes, I suppose you could put it that way.
Well, that is the way it is.
Well, I suppose.
And if there are unknown consequences, by which we mean
ripple effects in the rest of a person's genetic makeup as a result of this very clever gene editing, then who knows what chimeras and hybrids we will be creating in the future when we let this technology out everywhere.
Well, I don't know about that.
Well, let me tell you something.
It is out everywhere already.
No, that couldn't be.
These things are regulated.
No, actually, not so.
Because you see, the CRISPR, up-to-the-minute, magnificent gene editing technique, which has unintended consequences, is very cheap.
Very cheap.
You can buy it.
Anybody with a lab and an idea can have it.
How do you like them apples?
We'll be back.
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Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
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Most tiniest scales.
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Will it work?
We don't know.
Is Trump right?
Well, he's trying to at least follow through on his promise.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Back in the fourth hour, last segment, John Rappaport.
One of the things that I'm explaining, and people are waking up to this, is that we're playing offense now.
Not playing defense.
It's a mindset, okay?
In the info war.
In the war for freedom.
Not defense, offense.
Oh, well, they said this and I don't like that.
And isn't there a way that we can get them to change their minds about what they're saying in the mainstream media?
Et cetera, et cetera.
And we're trying to get them to understand.
Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Declaration of Independence from the liars means that you're going to tell the truth.
And you're going to tell the truth on offense.
We're playing offense here.
Know the truth.
And not only set yourself free with it, but set others free with it.
Playing offense.
Well, the bad guys and thing and blah and they can't, you can't, there's nothing you can do about it because everything's taken over and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
You're just making an excuse for doing nothing.
That's what's happening there.
Lots of people, you know, they live by making excuses.
Yes, my greatest trait is I know how to make excuses.
And if somebody would like to hire me at a very high salary, I can provide them with 10,000 excuses that I've compiled.
Excuses that allow me to do nothing.
To do nothing.
And to maintain
That all is lost, and there is only doom ahead.
You know those people.
I know those people.
We don't have to pay any attention to them.
That's underneath playing defense, you see?
It's three rungs on the ladder.
The bottom is, uh, nothing, nothing works, and it's all horrible, and...
We're doomed.
Then, you know, you should get up out of that.
Next one is, oh, we're playing defense.
And I hope that there's just not too much coming at us.
And maybe if we just plead with a certain expression on our faces, the bad people who are lying to us and spreading fake news all the time will just become transformed and tell the truth.
Good luck with that one.
Try to work on that one, and you get back to me on how well that goes.
You know, up at the top of the ladder, you're playing offense.
You know the truth, and you're using it to set yourself and other people free.
That's the job.
That's one of the jobs.
Anybody can apply.
And be automatically accepted.
As long as you use your brain, your head, and you play offense.
That's the deal.
And the controllers don't get that, you see.
Because really, in a final analysis that I've been building up to here for the last hour, they're pretty stupid.
They don't understand freedom and people talking from freedom and acting from freedom.
They just don't get it anymore.
It doesn't make sense to them.
They can't believe what they're seeing.
They're blown away by it so they don't want to look at it.
They don't want to think about it.
That it's possible that a movement is growing so large and is so diversified
In so many different ways, on so many different issues, that there are so many people who are actually revealing the truth, while they are carrying on with their usual fare of lying, as they have always done from the beginning.
They can't believe it.
They don't know what to make of it.
It's driving them crazy.
So they have to make up all kinds of names and accusations and lies, which we are seeing, believe me.
Many, many, many, many lies are being thrown at people in independent media to make them out to be the worst.
They've got nothing else to do.
They can't actually deal with what is being presented.
I mean, I had a guy, how much time do we have?
Yeah, I think I can get this in.
One of these so-called quackbuster websites, you know, well, we expose the quacks of natural health and defend the practice of real science.
So some years back, and these people are always jabbering on and on and on and on.
So some years back, I spoke with one of these guys and I said, well, you know, there's a very interesting study published in the Journal of American Medical Society, July 26, 2000.
Dr. Barbara Starfield, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.
And let me tell you what it said.
Every year, the medical system in America, that's your system that you're defending, kills 225,000 people.
That's a conservative estimate.
So if you extrapolate out a decade, that means they're killing 2.25 million people in the U.S.
alone every 10 years.
And I think that if you want to bust some quacks, really bust them, baby,
That you'll go after the people that are making that happen.
Don't you think?
I mean, it makes sense.
And I'm just referring to a review in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
I'm not making this stuff up.
You can read it.
So he said something like, well, that's not really our area.
No, it wouldn't be your area.
That wouldn't be your area.
Your area would be lying about natural health.
Real health.
That would be your area, right?
Not really our area.
We don't care about a medical system killing 225,000 people a year and all the turmoil and horrendous tragedy that that engenders.
That's not our area.
We don't care.
That's your major media.
That encapsulizes
What major media does mainstream every day.
And you want to play defense against that?
They have the ball and we're shifting around trying to plug up a hole here and a hole there while they're coming?
That's the strategy?
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I see, for example, in the area of vaccines, there are some people that, you know, are playing defense.
Well, we're just reacting to the latest thing that they've released about vaccines.
No, no, no, no, no.
Find the position, which is the truth.
And then play offense.
On the entire issue.
Yes, you can cite specifics and so forth.
You are the media.
You are media.
You are truth teller.
You present the news wherever you find it and you pass it along however you do it.
But you do it.
And as the flood of the truth increases and the wave grows higher and more inevitable, shall we say,
They, the controllers, sink further and further and further and further and further.
They don't know what to do.
They don't have an answer.
They never did have an answer.
But now, the truth is loose.
It's out of the zoo.
It's out of the cage.
It's out on the streets.
It's everywhere.
Play offense, my friends.
And I'll see you next time on InfoWars.
John Rappaport signing off.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
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