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Name: 20180326_Mon_Alex
Air Date: March 26, 2018
3257 lines.

Alex Jones' show discusses gun control measures and a globalist agenda, promotes independent media, and shares various products available on his website. He talks about recent mass shootings with Mike Cernovich and encourages listeners to stay informed and involved in politics.

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From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Black Lives Matter would have black Americans believe that they should fall in line when it comes to the confiscation of the one thing that stands in the way of tyrannical oppression, the second amendment.
Rapper Killer Mike and others have spoken up for the great equalizer with a long history of protecting black communities now threatened by an unrelenting liberal agenda.
We are raising a generation of kids where everyone gets a trophy.
But in real life, everyone don't get a trophy.
You know, in real life, in real life, the cops don't come on time.
You know, in real life, depending on where you live, you're not gonna have the time to try to logic your way out of something.
I think if you look at the, right after the Emancipation Proclamation, what was going on down in the southern states, it's very clear that the Dixiecrats wanted to disarm black people to keep us from defending ourselves against the Klansmen who were murdering white and black Republicans to
To control the ballot box.
So I think history is ripe with examples of, there's a correlation, direct correlation between gun control and black people control.
From what was said today, it seems that gun control in fact hurts the African American community.
You have seen why there was so much gun control earlier in life, in American life, because it controlled African Americans.
Gun control is about controlling people.
The right to bear arms is because that's the last form of defense against tyranny.
Not to hunt, but to protect yourself from the police.
And do you see any link between that and these sorts of incidents?
Not really.
You know what I'm saying?
If somebody wants to kill people, you know, they don't need a gun to do it.
Makes it easier though, doesn't it?
Not really.
You can use, uh, you can strap explosives on your body.
They do that all the time.
Let me tell you what Frederick Douglass said about the right of self-defense.
When government fails to protect the just right of any individual man, that man rests on his original right
of self-defense even if it means shooting down his pursuers.
Slaves plus guns equal freedom.
The abolition of slavery was inevitably due to the arming of blacks.
Now if you think for one minute that I'm going to cede these rights back to the federal government or any government or any court
You better think again.
And why should these folks be concerned?
The recently signed omnibus snuck Senator John Cornyn's Fix NICS Act gun control legislation right by the American people.
Gun Owners of America writes, the bill now contains take the guns first language to send millions of additional names to the FBI background check system.
These will include many veterans and older seniors, plus those with outstanding traffic tickets and medical marijuana cards.
But then there's more.
The GOP's school safety proposal, also buried in the more than 2,200-page bill, prohibits money from being used for guns and gun training.
So none of the omnibus funds can be used to arm teachers or school resource officers, as had been proposed to the American people.
Not someone who's overstayed a visa, not someone who crossed the border without permission, but an American citizen.
What process is currently afforded an American citizen before they go on that list?
I'm sorry, there's not a process afforded the citizen prior to getting on the list.
There is a process should someone feel they are unduly placed on the list.
Yes, there is.
And when I say process, I'm actually using half of the term due process, which is a phrase we find in the Constitution, that you cannot deprive people of certain things without due process.
There are far greater economic issues plaguing parts of America that unfortunately require a defenseless American citizen, like a woman for instance, to pack heat.
Take that away and America plummets into far more chaos than it's already in.
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.com
Ladies and gentlemen, when we come back, we're going to kick off the main broadcast.
We are seeing the totally synthetic, artificial, Soros, Democratic Party funded move to not just destroy the Second Amendment, but also the First Amendment.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
Well, on the heels of the omnibus debacle Friday,
In that nightmare situation, we are then treated to a half a million young people, led by their teachers, led by their professors, led by the breakaway government of government employees.
Marching to have the constitutional right that the country was founded on and that actually started the Revolutionary War.
Marching to declare gun owners the enemy and marching to declare that they would confiscate all of our guns and kill anyone that did not turn them in.
We have video clip after video clip after video clip of them saying, we're gonna ban all your guns, we're gonna take all your guns.
And you may say that you're going to take it from our cold, dead hands.
Well, we're going to take it from your cold, dead hands.
We've got the signs.
We've got the speeches.
We've got videos from around the country, not just in D.C., with people running for office, for the Office of Sheriff and other offices, saying, sure, you're not going to turn your guns in?
We're going to kill you.
And of course, congressmen going and speaking at town halls saying, time to use the Second Amendment against Trump.
This is a real move by the globalists, by the left, by George Soros, who successfully overthrown countless countries, including Ukraine, to pull off the same thing here in the United States.
That is what we're facing.
That is what we're dealing with.
This is the reality.
They know politically the country is realigning against globalism, realigning against collectivism, realigning against socialism, realigning against the Department of Education and all these predatory groups, and they don't know what to do except get aggressive.
They played clips of myself and Dana Loesch over and over and over again during the eight-hour event that C-SPAN covered live.
And they would play
Clips of me saying Hitler took the guns, Stalin took the guns, Mao took the guns, and if you try to take the guns, 1776 will commence again.
They think that by putting that out, which is true, it's inoculating the students to where when they hear the truth later in life, they never wake up and go, wow, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao did take the guns.
Hugo Chavez took the guns.
And then they played Dana Loesch saying they'll march and they'll rally and they'll blame gun owners, but we'll stand firm.
So, it's a tactic they use, and I see it a lot, and I don't know what to call it, but it's where they take something that's totally true, like water is wet, or 2 plus 2 equals 4, or free market works better than socialism, or America's better than most other countries,
And that America actually has lower crime rates than countries that have total gun bans.
Like Mexico, Brazil, and many others.
Or that the only country with lower crime rates than us is in Europe, Switzerland.
That has basically almost no crime because of their right to keep their arms.
And that the pockets of crime are in blue areas where they have gun bans.
They were playing clips!
Last night I got home and I watched hours of it.
Because it had archived, it was over, the live event was over, so I could fast forward to shots in between set changes when they had other Hollywood people come out or other rock bands come out or other hip-hop bands come out and call for gun control in between the washed-up Hollywood stars and Democratic Party operative students reading their teleprompters and their talking points.
And they would play clips of me and Dana Loesch and clips of Charlton Heston and clips of Wayne LaPierre and clips of
The Motor City Madman, my fellow patriot and now Texan, who I want to get back on the show this week.
We're about to air the big interview we did with him.
Ted Nugent.
They'd play clips of Governor Huckabee.
They'd play clips of everybody demonizing him, saying, this is the enemy.
And then they would sit there and say, we're coming for you.
You're shaking in your boots.
We're going to get you.
So what is that tactic where they put truthful things we're saying up and then demonize it?
Remember just a month ago, the big evil, YouTube, was taking down my channels.
They were taking down thousands of other channels.
Weeks later, they banned most of the gun channels.
And they said, you're bullying children, claiming that David Hogg and others are crisis actors and no one happened in Parkland.
No one died.
Was it true?
What we said was, out of 3,000 students, they picked four to fly around on private jets, who were Democratic Party operatives.
To spout their propaganda over and over and over and over and over and over again.
And when anybody criticized them, they said, oh, you're bullying kids.
And then they ran newscasts all over the place saying, look, Jones is insane.
He says this student's movement nationwide is synthetic and funded.
The day after.
The Women's March, funded by George Soros and the Democratic Party, said, we're running this, we're funding it, we're organizing it.
And then BuzzFeed a week later admitted it.
So I was reporting facts.
And their response was, misrepresent what Alex Jones has said, and then shut him up.
Then David Hogg over the last week put out a profanity-laced video going, F gun owners, F old people, they're all morons.
We played the bleeped clip.
That was banned.
So YouTube banned a video of David Hogg bullying himself.
You see, because Hogg's like Jesus.
You aren't allowed to criticize him.
He's the second coming.
He's a public figure.
He now wears a purple armband.
I mean, the fascist iconography is incredible.
And they're saying this public figure cannot be criticized.
So they're gonna have their cake and eat it too, go up to the First Amendment.
And so George Soros-funded Media Matters did the same thing, where they took the truthful clip I said, the truthful statement, again this was on March 4th, I've been saying it for a week before that, or for two weeks before that, it happened on Valentine's Day,
And they played it with a clip from my own home, like I was weird and I was discredited and I was bad, that I said that it was completely scripted.
Now, that was true then.
That is true now.
This was 18 days after the Parkland shooting.
It was known the day after.
The Democrats were funding it, giving the scripts.
Hogg and others were on video, going, I'm sorry, what am I supposed to say?
What was it again?
Not that they were
Not victims, not that the shooting didn't happen, but that they were chosen because they were in the drama club, because they were anti-gun, and because they would go along with the agenda.
And now, there they are with thousands of buses.
We have videos that, Jack, let's look at another shot where you see hundreds pulling in, and still hundreds more.
I was there in D.C.
when Soros spent 280 plus million dollars.
The day after the inauguration of Trump to bring in over a million women and I saw hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of buses just on the streets I saw.
That's major money.
And then if you say that, you're evil.
If you say that, you're bad.
If you say that, it doesn't exist.
They want to kill logic.
So here is...
George Soros' group, Media Matters, immoralizing me saying the sky is blue, but again, they put it out like, oh look, don't say this, it's wrong.
It's this appeal to authority, like, we're Media Matters, and all the rest of the media has to look at this now, and here's your script, go out and say Alex Jones made this up, but this is completely grassroots.
The private jets, the thousands of buses, the hundreds of millions of dollars, here it is.
It's 11 o'clock at night.
Texas time and I'm live here on Facebook for now.
We have been banned from live streaming and uploading on our main YouTube channel with billions of views.
And I tend to get really animated here on air.
You know what?
I went to this light.
We're going to come back to this.
But this is what they put out on the news as fake news.
Me saying it was scripted and paid for the whole response to get our guns.
And now we have the videos and their statements where they openly say it.
But let's go out with Hogg saying you're shaking because he's coming.
Here it is.
You can hear the people in power shaking.
They've gotten used to being protective of their position, ensuring safety, the safety of inaction.
Now let's stop right there.
The safety of the globalist bodyguards, the safety of the Republicans trying to get our guns too.
Now the power structure is shaking that the American people are awake and most young people are awake, and studies show most Generation Z is awake, and so this is an attempt by Hollywood, the old globalist order, to hype up and push a bunch of young people to be the new spokespersons to sucker in a whole other generation.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
So on Valentine's Day, February 2018, another liberal Democrat's Blue City Sheriff's Department stood down.
Coward County.
And it wasn't one deputy, it wasn't two, it wasn't three, it wasn't four, now we know it's more than ten.
Just as witnesses that we had on that day and the day after said, they went outside and there was Sheriff's Department all just sitting there.
And then those videos were banned, and they said that I had said that no one died.
And then folks actually saw the videos and they went, that isn't what Mr. Jones said, so it backfired and YouTube had to put our channel back up.
And David Hogg and others came out and called for us to basically be shut down.
Because it's not just our Second Amendment that they're after, they're after our First Amendment.
Now, let's continue here.
On the heels of that, I get sued, Fox News gets sued.
For pointing out that Democrats were funding Antifa, that helped exacerbate what happened in Charlottesville.
They then misrepresent what we said about that.
So this is the tactic, as they're getting their script ready, using a crisis, not letting it go to waste, as Rahm Emanuel said, the former chief of staff for Obama.
So they go pick four young people to fly around on jets, who then put out the exact Bloomberg, Obama, Hillary, slash,
Michael Moore playbook, word for word, as anti-gun activists who are now saying they want gun bans in America.
First they said just reasonable restrictions, now we have their speeches, we have their signs, they're up on Infowars.com, there's a Steve Watson article we can pull up and show TV viewers, where sign after sign says, we'll take your gun from your cold, dead hand.
Confiscate your firearms.
We'll ban all guns.
On and on and on.
And then we've got other speeches around the country at town halls.
The same things being said.
So this is their agenda.
They're being very, very, very honest with us.
And some of the speakers, we're going to play clips of the next segment, said the exact same thing.
One of the first four from Parkland.
The four horsemen of the Second Amendment apocalypse.
That's what they want.
That's what they're pushing.
But they didn't want the narrative out there of, hey, the Democrats are funding this.
Hey, Soros admits he's funding this.
Hey, they're flying around on private jets.
Hey, CNN staging town halls and only letting people give the questions that they've been handed.
Hey, a lot of these students are conservative and libertarian, including victims, and they don't have a voice.
Those were the videos the first week being banned by YouTube via CNN's complaints that were filed.
They're tortuous interference, so that you wouldn't see the other students that we were having on.
Silencing them, so they could steal their right.
And again, Media Matters then puts out the statements, the rest of the media, fake media, picks it up, and so you put a video out, 18 days after it happens, totally admitted the Democrats are funding it all.
They edit the video, where I don't show the article in BuzzFeed, where the Democrats admit they're running it and Soros is funding it.
They just clip it out and say, look, Jones is a conspiracy theorist.
He says the sky is blue.
And because they've attached my name to it, they're selling the idea that I'm discredited.
Because they want to discredit me, at the same time they want to discredit the Second Amendment.
And they recognize Infowars is at the heart of defending the Second Amendment and mobilizing the people.
Newsweek and Time, eight years ago, in two separate articles, said Alex Jones is the prophet
of the Tea Party.
All I've done is bring the cure to their globalism from Americana in history.
I didn't write the playbook of success in America.
I simply re-uploaded it, you re-uploaded it, you the audience, and now we're giving them a run for their money.
So the enemy's striking back, and striking back hard.
But we have the data, we have the plans, we have their operations, and we have the counterpoints!
So, here I am, stating what's admitted fact, as you see the crowd of a half million bust in, and CNN lying about the crowd size and saying it was a million, Capitol Police said half a million, and now you understand what they're scared of, the fact that I say 2 plus 2 equals 4.
Here I am, on March 4th, saying 2 plus 2 equals 4, even 18 days after.
They were still saying that the Democrats weren't involved.
Here it is.
They want to be able to smoke.
They want to be able to drink big drinks of soda.
Here it is.
It's 11 o'clock at night, Texas time, and I'm live here on Facebook.
For now.
We have been banned from live streaming and uploading on our main...
YouTube channel with billions of views.
And I tend to get really animated here on air.
And in these emergency videos I do, but I'm gonna really try to be calm today because of the super grave nature of all this.
And we will upload this on some backup channels.
But think about where America has gotten and where Europe has gotten, where the political left is arresting old women
That share memes against ISIS.
And they put them in prison.
That was in the news today.
And they're only a few years ahead of where we are.
This is the authoritarianism of our generation.
And they say every three generations really hardcore tyranny tends to come and we're in the middle of that by any historical yardstick.
We have seen a huge national scandal that started seven days ago on a Friday.
It's Friday night right now.
I'm coming to you from my home.
I'm going to walk through all this.
But last Friday, CNN said, we are lobbying YouTube to take down Alex Jones.
He says no kids died in Florida.
He says they're all crisis actors.
And then they banned videos where I was saying they're not crisis actors, it's a real shooting.
They've just been Democratic Party operatives and been scripted for what they're saying.
The four they chose for media coverage out of the 3,000, that's all come out.
So, that was seven days after and then I guess a week or so after that they republished the video.
The point is, is that
It's this weird tactic where they take something that's totally true and they put it out there like it's totally false.
And this is their big assault.
And so we should all be pointing out it's synthetic, it's organized, it's manufactured, it's trying to steal our right.
They don't get into the sheriff's department standing down.
They don't get into the fact that the person wasn't allowed to own guns.
They don't get into the fact that he'd been adjudicated mentally ill.
They don't get into the fact that other students don't want to be anti-gun and that they're being silenced.
They don't get into the fact they're trying to shut down the free speech of pro-gun people.
They don't get into any of those societal issues or that where you take the guns, you have higher crime rates in every case across the world, not just here in the U.S.
They want to blame American gun owners and put guilt on us for 16 dead young people in a Democrat-run victim disarmament zone where they stood down!
And then if you criticize that, they try to silence you, while they talk about how they're gonna kill us!
And when I come back, I'm gonna play them saying, they're coming to take our guns, they're gonna ban them all, and they're gonna take them from our cold dead hands, and they're gonna kill us!
Well of course you wanna take our guns, so you can kill us!
We understand what you're all about, scum!
I was talking to Steven Seagal last night and this morning and he had some very heartfelt, very, I think, compelling things to say that just at a gut level rang true to me.
Plus what we've seen what's been done to the president, now admitted.
Some women offered up two million big Democratic Party donors to say that Trump raped them.
The women have recorded this.
I know the FBI has it.
We first broke that months ago.
That's now been in the news.
So we know there's a bunch of foul play going on.
I don't know personally about this latest thing or what happened.
The thing that I find interesting is this woman is saying she was in my movie.
There's no record of her being in my movie.
She doesn't have a credit.
We've looked through the movie.
She's not in the movie.
She says she came to my home in Beverly Hills.
Guess what?
I didn't have a home in Beverly Hills.
I think these are all made-up stories.
And, you know, I not only resent it, but this is something that is designed to destroy my life, destroy my income, destroy my marriage.
We have 90-95% fake journalism, fake news.
90-95% of the news in America now is fake news.
Nobody has ever told you before, nobody knows what's true and what's not.
And when you're in a situation like that where you don't know what's true and what's not, how can you weather the storm?
How can you walk forward?
How can you do anything and know that you're right about what you're doing?
How can you make a decision and know that you're right?
You know, like I say, there's a deeper, deeper, darker picture here going on.
And what's really happening, in my opinion, is not just the witch hunt and the McCarthyism, but it's also, I believe, and I shouldn't be the one to say this,
But I will, and I'm sure you'll confirm it.
I'm also being persecuted for my political views and my political affiliation.
There is a secret society within our government.
This is a full-fledged hot right now.
It's just secret.
And Congress is interviewing informants right now that are talking about this, and they are completely confirming that the sole purpose of this
Our secret society is to overthrow Trump and destroy anyone who is friends with Trump or supporting Trump, and particularly supporting Putin.
And once they do this, their agenda is to be able to overthrow the America that is there now and start a war with Russia.
That's what we all are starting to see.
Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a longtime InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks.
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order, and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
I think it's important to really sit back from the 30,000 foot view and quantify where we're at.
Humanity's waking up to the fact that there are big, multinational corporations that are involved in social engineering to try to make the public as docile, dumb, and atomized, that means alone, as possible.
And everywhere the globalists are in control, they're engaging in genocide of Christians, genocide of whites, and genocide of Western culture.
There's another article out by Dan Lyman.
Genocide of white South Africans accelerating.
Warren's Australian senator.
And the government of South Africa responds by saying, yeah, we're going to not let you leave and basically kill you and take your property.
No media coverage here in the United States.
So that's for your Kumbaya situation right there.
And that is all being globalist financed and quarterbacked and that is the model.
Huge news next segment.
Communist China is in the news.
Because they manipulate and control many of the data chips and many of the phone switching computers through Swedish, Dutch, German and other front companies here in the United States.
90% of espionage in the U.S.
is Chinese.
That's well known, that's admitted.
I have mainstream news articles getting into it.
The reason I raise that issue is Communist China
He's threatening all sorts of military action against the U.S., trade war, you name it.
Well, they're the ones that have been in a trade war with us for at least 50 years.
And how does Trump, how does the EU, how does the U.K.
respond with sanctions and expelling Russian diplomats and just saying you're guilty of nerve gassing two former Russians living in England with no proof?
And then a whole new Cold War is launched on the back of that, and Russia's like, it's preposterous.
We don't care about some old GRU colonel.
So I have stacks of news here dealing with that.
China flies bombers and fighter jets near Taiwan as military tensions ramp up.
Trump to expel 60 Russian diplomats from US.
Russia vows imminent response.
The US only understands force, close quote.
Against common sense and intel law, Russia to retaliate over diplomats expulsion by UK allies.
14 EU states announced mass coordinated expulsion of Russian diplomats over the case.
So, meanwhile, China willing to hold talks with the US and resolve trade differences.
I have my really big article here.
Overhaul of U.S.
telecom database sparks fear of catastrophic failure.
And the article, out of free beacon, doesn't get to it later.
Communist Chinese compromise of the entire U.S.
It can take down the entire U.S.
phone system with their coordinated database in one second flat.
But the Russians are gonna get us, the Russians.
I mean, if the Russians were involved in our business, I would be all over it.
But they're not.
And that's why.
Russia's got some high-tech weapons, but they're a big, big country, biggest in the world, geographically, and they're having real trouble.
They're heavily infiltrated like we are, and they're tottering on the edge of going under globalist control.
And so, that's why the globalists are so excited.
They're so close to destroying the U.S., finally getting us on our knees to have their way with us.
They're so close to getting Russia back under their control, and the raping and murder of Christians, and just the mass slaughter makes the left drool with pleasure.
You have to understand that they have a rapist energy.
It's a satanic, child molester energy, and they want to get a hold of Christian countries.
People say, well, why?
It doesn't make sense.
I know, but study communist, study socialist, study globalist.
They hate you and your family.
They hate God.
They hate justice.
That's what this is.
Now, speaking of hating and wanting to kill us, there's a bunch of clips up on InfoWars.com.
There's a Stephen Crowder article.
There's a Steve Watson article that show the signs in the post.
And we want to confiscate your guns.
And if you don't turn them in, we're going to get you.
And if you don't turn them in, we're going to kill you.
And they would have like 10 minutes of hate from 1984.
They would play a clip of me and the crowd would scream with anger.
I mean, they're trying to wind folks up to go out and carry out major, major attacks.
So there's an article up on Infowars.com.
Candidate for sheriff in North Carolina suggests killing Americans to take their guns.
But before that, he just says ban everything but single shot, which is being honest.
That's what the gun control groups want.
And then I've got one of the four.
I love how they always double-speak.
You know, Hogg, he knows his demographics.
He'll go and face the nation and go, nobody wants your guns.
Nobody's trying to take anything.
Go to Sleepy.
And then he goes in front of the March.
We're gonna get them!
They're shaking in their boots!
We're gonna take everything!
I'm wearing an armband!
Cold dead hands!
So there you go.
The signs.
Okay, we'll pry from your cold dead hands.
But here's the individual running for the Sheriff's Department in North Carolina.
This is a Daryl Fisher.
Here he is.
First off, I would like to see the age for purchase of any firearm raised to 21.
I think that we should ban the sale of all high capacity magazines, handguns, and long guns.
I think we need to ban the sale of any mechanism that will allow a firearm to fire in rapid succession.
Any weapon that's designed for use by the military, I think it's a shame.
You've heard people say, you'll have to pry my gun from my cold, dead hands.
Yeah, hashtag hunt Republicans.
So, that's the spirit in the air.
They've always wanted our guns to have their political way with us.
These are parasites, and they're idiot followers.
We come back, I've got more of these clips, and I'll get into the serious escalation with Russia.
And you know, people are really mad at Trump about signing the omnibus bill, which just means they have 12 spending packages a year, not the budget.
But it's part of a budgetary process, and then you combine one or more, that's an omnibus.
Yeah, he kind of had a Hobson show.
He had a choice where every choice was bad, and he wanted to keep the economy going.
I'm not defending it, but I think Congress gets the real blame for passing that thing, but Trump could have stayed on it more.
The big issue is this Russia situation.
Because Trump's way more hardcore on Russia than Obama ever was, because he's getting bullied into it, and it only makes it worse.
And Russia is not guilty of the things that the globalists say Russia is guilty of.
The only thing Russia's guilty of is pulling out of the New World Order.
We also have Trump going sideways on exposing vaccines.
He has put out rhetoric that is not strong on the Second Amendment.
So he is beginning to listen to political advice, moving him more to the center, which will end up losing us the midterm elections coming up.
So Trump's way better than Hillary, and he's gotten rid of a bunch of globalists in the cabinet.
There's some good things he's doing.
He's fighting China, screwing us over on one side of deals.
It's just that he's not
The Messiah.
And it's not perfect.
But the big enemy is the Democrats and the globalists coming for our guns.
And people better get mobilized because they mean business.
They've gone from eating around the edges over the years and denying all this stuff they wanted to bring.
Very out in the open, everywhere saying they want to repeal the Second Amendment.
So that's coming up.
Tim Frugier came in here and he said, Alex, we are going to sell out of BrainForce Plus, our incredibly popular nootropic, healthy energy, healthy stamina, show good for the brain, our number one best-selling product because it works so well, over 5,000 five-star reviews on Power Reviews.
He said, but it's about to sell out.
I said, why would we do 50% off if it's about to sell out?
He said, because we have a huge shipment coming in two weeks, and we've noticed that when we discount BrainForce,
It brings people in to buy other products, like the Red Pill Challenge.
The Real Red Pill product is now back in stock, which is a 7-day challenge.
You take about 7 days to let it kick in.
It's all the precursors to everything your brain needs.
The preglanone and so much more.
So we've got both of those 50% off, the Real Red Pill and we've got our great new Tropic Brain Force 50% off.
Comboed together or separately at Infowarslife.com and your purchase funds the operation.
Stay with us.
There is an issue.
There is a movement.
There is a phenomenon.
Taking place right now.
That is the number one issue on this planet.
Not just for humanity, but for all life forms.
Now I've been on air more than 23 years, but only now, studying how we're attacked by mainstream media, and by globalists, and by major governments, do I understand the whole continuum.
The ballgame.
So this is some of the most important information you're ever going to hear here, and it's up to you, if you care about yourself and your family, and if you're conscious, if you're not an animal, as the globalists think you are, if you're not dead inside, to listen to me.
I noticed in the last decade the number one thing mainstream media will attack me for is when I talk about how the human species through fluoride and through atrazine and through thousands of other chemicals is being changed.
Our IQs are being lowered, our sexuality is being confused, our fertility is being destroyed.
That's a fact.
And I just noticed the last few years with all the late night comedy shows and all the Comedy Central shows and the newspapers.
Eighty percent of the attacks, including two in the last 24 hours, are when I show people Berkeley and Harvard and Princeton and Yale and Cambridge and all these groups
Saying the manipulation of the genetics and the hormones, the sexuality of amphibians and fish and mammals and everything is out of control.
Amphibians are collapsing, fish are collapsing, they are asexual or bisexual or they are deformed.
The male frogs, just under a little bit of atrazine, go over to the male frogs, their olfactory is changed, try to have sex with them when they can't, they're dying.
And we would cover that and they would attack it and say we said it when I was actually holding up mainline journals saying it's making the frogs quote gay.
You know, using that term to get people to look at it.
And then I look, just last 24 hours, David Hogg, the spokesperson for gun control,
And, you know, shows with Stephen Colbert and Thomas Middleditch claiming that I'm attacking him for being a beta male when they had a big magazine cover saying the triumph of the beta male.
I was saying they're mainlining and pushing the beta male.
I wasn't attacking Mr. Middleditch or Mike Judge, who's a good friend of mine.
I think Silicon Valley is a really funny show.
I was just saying the media is pushing all this and then misrepresenting what I've said because they don't want you looking at it.
They don't want you researching it.
Because the additives and the chemicals and the whole deal is in the UN, UNESCO founding documents in 1947, the same year we got the National Security Act, to carry out this eugenics transhumanist operation.
For example, on Infowars, one of his most famous statements was saying that tap water is turning the frogs gay and will turn you gay too.
First off, gay people are awesome.
I don't think that's a problem at all.
Alex Jones said, the globalists are teaching us to turn off our life force.
It's a camouflage so the alpha males that are still left don't notice they're being taken control of and being enslaved.
Is this true?
Is this true, Bob Townsend?
Are you enslaving the alpha males?
Because you know I consider myself a bit of an alpha male.
Oh really?
Do you want to debate it or just let them make a big joke out of it?
Because they're scared of us having a discussion.
And I didn't realize this was the heart of their operation until they attacked me so hard.
Almost all their attacks every day are based on this because they want you to not look around you and see what's happening.
What do you as viewers and listeners think we should do?
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's weird.
It's weird.
Does that make sense?
Like it's starting to get to me.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen.
Right here on the Alex Jones Show.
You know, they put in the lawsuit against me that Georgetown University is carrying out against Infowars of the First Amendment.
They're calling for the repeal of the First Amendment in the suit.
They said one reason I'm being sued is, even though the person isn't a plaintiff, is saying that Umar Mateen was an FBI informant in the Pulse nightclub shooting.
Now, that was in the Associated Press at the time.
And we just simply pointed out there was another stand-down and that he had been saying he was going to do this.
Remember his father bizarrely went and stood behind Hillary Clinton at one of her rallies there in Florida, just a few miles from where it all happened?
You can just type in Umar Mateen's father at Hillary rally.
Remember the bizarreness of that?
It turns out he's an FBI informant.
And it's being reported on by CBS News.
Father of Paul's gunman was FBI informant.
Widow attorney says, and now because the prosecutors have allowed that into the case, they want a mistrial.
So not only was the son an FBI informant, but he was one too, and then the son worked for an international security company, a mercenary group, and then went and attacked the nightclub.
And people reported, by the way, multiple shooters.
They said, no, we saw two different men shooting.
But then, I'm sued, and in the suit it says, and Jones said Pulse nightclub shooter was an FBI informant.
Just like I said, the Democrats are scripting the anti-gun rallies and paying for the buses and the airplanes on record, and they brag they are in AP, Reuters, BuzzFeed, you name it.
They then sue me and put in there, in the lawsuit, that's totally separate.
They're suing me, claiming that I said that the guy, the photographer who's a Democrat, works at the State Department, killed the girl that died in Charlottesville.
I didn't say that.
But then they have a 70-page brief where it says, and we're suing him because he said Umar Mateen was an FBI informant.
And we're suing him because he says the Democrats fund the kids.
And we're suing him because he says this and that.
And then here it is.
Umar Mateen's father was an FBI informant before Pulse shooting.
New York Daily News.
I mean, I told you this last year.
Next year's news today.
But it was in the news then!
That's what's crazy is it'll pop up in mainstream news, we report it, then they attack us, and they say that we made it up.
See, I've been chosen as the fake news icon.
As the fake news card.
They think the public's dumb, doesn't really pay attention.
So they've decided to brand me as fake news so that if the sun comes up and they want to say it didn't, they go, Jones said the sun came up.
People walk out, they see a yellow ball, they go, well Jones is fake.
So I see a yellow ball.
But I don't.
Because I don't want to get attacked, I don't want to be ridiculed.
They're culturally saying, if you see the sun come up, or you say 2 plus 2 equals 4, we're gonna viciously attack you, and call you names, and sue you, and go after your sponsors, and destroy your life, so you better say 2 plus 2 equals 5, or whatever else we want.
That's the psychological tactic here.
So, I'm attacked in thousands of publications saying Jones made it up and said that the FBI staged the Pulse nightclub attack.
No, I didn't.
No, I didn't.
No, I didn't.
The FBI came out and leaked that they were ordered to stand down, just like in San Bernardino.
Before that, the FBI, two agents, one a federal FBI agent, another a federal marshal, were under criminal investigation two years before San Bernardino attack on the Christmas party by two jihadis for investigating the mosque and those two going to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
So how do you spin it when the FBI comes out and says we're being ordered to stand down?
You just say Alex Jones says the FBI did it.
You lie about it, you try to shut him down.
That's how they counter this, but oh sorry!
Sorry, father of Pulse gunman was FBI informant.
Widows attorneys say so was the shooter.
Pulse's gunman father was FBI informant under criminal investigation.
Oh, see?
Under criminal investigation.
The FBI was ordered to stand down.
And you can read the article where they were investigating and Obama's Justice Department killed it.
And then Omar Mateen's father is so arrogant
He put out YouTube videos calling for killing gays, calling for jihad, and then his son goes and does it, and he's got the nerve to show up at a Hillary Clinton event and stand behind her as a symbol to the other jihadis that you can trust Hillary, we're okay, they're still on our side.
That was all a message.
To an individual that all the evidence points towards being some type of multinational intelligence asset, Umar Mateen's father, and then Umar Mateen, part of an international mercenary police group, one of the largest in the world.
And then we don't even say we know what happened.
We just say it should be investigated and we're the bad guys.
That's why they want us shut down.
You cannot make up stuff this crazy.
Like the top investigator.
For the Seth Rich investigation, shot twice in the back and run over with his dog.
He lives.
They grabbed the guy that did it.
He's a 40-something-year-old Marine assigned to National Security at the Department of Energy.
You can't make that... When a government hitman comes, that's exactly what it's like.
They got some cutout job at the Department of Energy or another place like that.
They get activated, they come.
Seth Rich gets shot in the back.
You investigate, you get shot in the back.
Move along!
Move along!
Move along!
Nothing to see here!
Nothing to see here!
Nothing to see here!
Alright, I haven't gotten to Russia yet.
And China involved in all of our microchips, all of our telecoms, they could flip a switch, it's mainstream news, and turn all our telephones off, all emergency, everything.
But Russia's the problem, because they say they nerve gassed somebody with no evidence.
Boy, I wish that was our problem.
Mike Cernovich is coming up.
He's got a ton of stuff to cover.
I'm going to get into the clips I set out to air in this segment, but I didn't have time to get to them, where they're talking about all the violence they want to do to us, and how they're going to take our guns, and just this boiling fascist group of leftists that are anti-gun, anti-free speech, out beating people up all over the streets.
Thank God we got a Second Amendment for times such as this, when this country's in deep, deep, deep, deep crisis.
And Trump is.
Starting to go sideways in some ways under incredible pressure.
He's gotten so much done as well.
But he's starting to become hit or miss under massive attack.
So we can bitch and complain all day about the omnibus.
Spending packages, but my point is let's move on and get better people elected to Congress because that's where the problem started and let's understand they're trying to steal elections all over this country and they're pouring in foreign money and they're doing it all right now and Trump's counting on the people to be rallied and to be strong and to realize we just started the war to take this country back and it's not gonna be a cakewalk!
It's not a joke!
This isn't a game!
They're not libtards, folks.
They're hardcore criminals on top with a bunch of dumbed-down, mindless, alone people that are scared and desperate who think they're going to become successful as soon as they get your guns and run your life.
Now, as I said earlier, this is so important for funding the operation.
Plus, if you've never tried it, I think once you try it, you're going to love it because we went out and studied the top nootropics in the country.
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Right now, Brain Force Plus, our best-selling nootropic, is 50% off.
It's 50% off our best-seller Brain Force Plus, a fan-favorite nootropic to help you supercharge your mind.
And for a limited time, it's 50% off, because it's about to sell out, but we get more in about a week and a half, and at this price, it's basically a lost leader.
But I want you to see all the other great products.
The Real Red Pill is preglanone, which is the precursor, the healthy precursor, to all of the hormones, so to produce normal hormones, you've got to have it.
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We've got that with the vitamins, the minerals, the amino acids, all.
But it's a seven-day challenge.
It isn't like Rainforest that hits you in 30 minutes.
You've got to take the Real Red Pill for a week.
It doesn't have additives, so it's a pink pill, actually.
It's got some turmeric in it.
But the point is, is that the real red pill is amazing.
It's 50% off.
It's been sold out.
It just came back in.
I just told them 50% off.
I guess that hadn't changed yet.
We'll get that change for you right now.
So again, Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com.
Or 888-253-3139.
And we're going to end the $50 off of the Alexa Pure Breeze today.
We're going to end 25% off on Super Mel Vitality and Super Female Vitality today because both of those are shelling out.
Mico ZX, 50% off.
That's got to end.
The reason they haven't ended is I've been coming up with new specials today.
Right before we went live today, I said let's do 50% off Rainforest and on the Real Red Pill.
And the Fog of War, we haven't lowered the price of the Real Red Pill, but we will as we speak as they're listening.
Alright, we'll be back with our number two to cover all the other geopolitical news.
The stupid Stormy Daniels stuff.
The CFR admits the New World Order is in deep trouble.
You ought to hear what the head of the Hungarian Parliament is saying about Soros.
It's all coming up.
But you are the resistance.
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That's InfoWarsStore.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I'm kind of bouncing off the walls here behind the scenes, because to me this isn't an act.
I'm genuinely upset, and the globalists and George Soros are so evil, this is so manufactured, it's so fake, they've tried to silence my free speech for a month, building up for this assault on the Second Amendment, and to build this precedent to take our guns, and then I don't even care about the guns themselves compared to what it means once they're gone, and the tyranny and the oppression
And how everywhere the Democrats are in control, everywhere that they're in charge, everywhere that they're running the system, creates a nightmare of collapsing buildings, drug addicts everywhere, zombie-looking people everywhere, and that's what they want!
Delaney Tarr is one of the four horsemen of the Second Amendment's apocalypse.
I know Mike Adams is setting up Hogwash, or Hogwatch, to track everything that Mr. Hog's up to.
And, you know, here she is coming out saying, we want the guns.
And then we've got campus reform, where they go, hey, whatever assault weapons are, ban them all.
And we've got other people saying, we're going to kill the gun owners if they don't turn their guns in.
Look, we know that's what it's about.
It's about wimps getting together in big armies and taking our lives over.
Here it is.
There are so very many things, so many steps to take.
Like right now.
Sign our petition.
It takes two seconds, and it matters.
We will take the big, and we will take the small, but we will keep fighting.
When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile.
We are not here for breadcrumbs, we are here for real change.
You know, I think I'm gonna intro every segment in the rest of the broadcast today with that.
And then we could edit that together in with the sheriff's candidate saying we're going to kill the gun owners.
They don't turn them in.
And then the signs where they said that out there.
And then we'll edit that into Hogg saying we're shaking in our boots.
So, we'll edit her in with the candidate saying we're going to kill the gun owners.
And then we'll edit that into Hogg saying they're shaking in their boots.
No, actually the establishment
Are the ones shaking in their boots because we awakened, and that's why they're spending billions of dollars creating synthetic astroturf that you're witnessing right now with the March to Destroy Our Lives.
Here's Campus Reform.
I'm Kevin Phillips with Campus Reform.
Today we're in Washington, D.C.
at the March for Our Lives protest.
We're talking to attendees about what they want to see, and when they talk about banning assault weapons, do they know what assault weapons are?
Let's find out.
What sort of policy changes would you like to see enacted?
I think there needs to be a complete ban on assault weapons.
We need laws in place that are going to prevent people from walking into schools with assault rifles.
Yeah, I think there definitely needs to be a ban on these assault rifles.
Any banning of any guns I would be supportive of.
To give up some rights to have assault rifles, it's like a higher priority than people losing their lives.
Assault weapons are not necessary for home defense.
They're not necessary for the average citizen to have.
What laws would you like to see?
What kind of guns would you like to see banned?
Just assault rifles.
Who would support the ban of assault weapons moving forward?
How many of you would support banning the sale of assault weapons moving forward?
Okay, so five out of five for banning an assault weapon.
Do you know what an assault weapon is?
Now, see, they're the earlier phase.
They're just getting them ready to ban something.
And now she's there introducing Delaney Tarr.
The next phase is ban everything.
So again, this has all been done in other countries.
It's a formula.
Here it is.
There are so very many things, so many steps to take.
Like right now.
Sign our petition.
It takes two seconds, and it matters.
We will take the big, and we will take the small, but we will keep fighting.
When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile.
We are not here for breadcrumbs, we are here for real change.
That's right.
You're not here for breadcrumbs.
You want to take the whole right the country's founded on.
And you want our free speech.
We get it.
Well, guess what?
It's not happening, sister.
We'll be right back.
Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
Hey, brother.
Good, man.
Thank you for calling.
Hey, hey.
I just want to say thanks for your products and everything that you're doing to try to save the country.
I mean, I've tried your Secret 12, Super Male, Anthroplex, the Silver Bullet, Biome Defense, Micro ZX.
I mean, that's all good stuff.
Secret 12, if everybody would just drop their energy drinks and get some Secret 12, take a shot of that.
That's the thing about Secret 12.
Just a half a dropper has way more energy and it's totally... People ask, why is it sweet?
Real organic B12 is sweet.
And exactly.
When I'm super tired, I go, hey, why am I drinking coffee at 10 at night if I'm going on some show like Coast to Coast?
Secret 12, 30 minutes later, massive energy.
It's amazing.
Yeah, that stuff will wake you up and the clarity of mind that comes along with that is just amazing.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
So, Delaney Tarr is one of the original four horsemen of the George Soros Second Amendment apocalypse.
They're the four students chosen out of the 3,000 because they're anti-gun, their parents are anti-gun.
They were put on airplanes and flown around the country, put on every TV show you can imagine to push...
I don't know.
The supposed shooter had been on psychotropics and been adjudicated to have no right to own guns.
They never talked about any of that.
Instead they said all gun owners are to blame, you're guilty, you're bad.
And if you tell us, hey young adults!
Who are public figures.
We disagree with that.
You're banned off Twitter, Facebook or YouTube for criticizing them because they are just coming for your second amendment.
Of course they're coming for your first as well.
That's what always happens in history with this formula.
And there is a formula of gun control from Australia, to the UK, to Germany, to France, to the Netherlands, to Mexico, to Brazil.
If you go back in the last hundred years, everywhere it starts, we just don't want you having military weapons.
Well, guns are there to protect yourself from criminals and government.
Hunting is secondary.
Then once they get the semi-auto, then they
Start taking everything, and finally the shotguns.
And so, Dianne Feinstein, Michael Moore, all the usual suspects, the Violence Policy Center, the Bloomberg Group, they've all said they want the civilian abolition of firearms ownership.
The official UN treaty that Obama signed, but was never ratified by Congress, the Small Arms Treaty, says since July 17, 2000, it's been re-upped each year,
It's passed around the world as more countries sign on, you can look it up online, that the civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
Now a power monopoly of the state is called a dictatorship.
It's called a police state.
It's called authoritarianism.
Police state doesn't mean cops are bad.
It means you've got no rights.
The left always goes, oh you hate cops, when I say I don't want a police state.
No, that means arbitrarily I have no rights, the government has all the rights, there's no balance of power.
So, they said that civilian ownership of firearms is a quote, quote again, civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state and therefore needs to be abolished by treaty, by law, and by military and police enforcement.
Close quote!
Exact quote from the treaty.
Implementation papers that are the codex of how it will be implemented.
Guess who went to the U.N.
to actually dig that up in 2001?
Guess who went and writes for the New American Magazine and published it?
Bob Dacey, my old good buddy, I haven't been on here in years.
Let me get Bob Dacey back in the studio.
Bob Dacey went, he went to the U.N., he got the documents, and he actually published that so we'd even know it.
Because guess what?
The U.N.
will put out a statement, but they keep their implementation documents secret.
It's like the U.N.
has 31 articles of universal rights.
But when you read Article 30 and 31, it says all those rights are waived if the UN feels like it.
So you need to go read it for yourself.
Civilian ownership of firearms threatens a legitimate power monopoly of the state.
Well, I say a power monopoly of the state can go right to hell.
Mao Zedong understood it.
Political power grows out of what?
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
And so you get the media, and the hype, and the big public schools, and you get four students all over the news, and you say kids are against guns, and then you push them out there, and you've been a bunch of old washed-up Hollywood stars to create this image.
They've taken most the guns in South Africa, now the genocide's begun there.
Dan Lyman, article, newswars.com, right now.
But let's go back to Delaney Tarr and this formula.
First, they
Don't let you give guns to family or have private sales so that when you die you can't transfer your firearms or you can't give your grandson a firearm.
That's the gun show loophole they want to get rid of.
Then they ban semi-auto, always calling it a machine gun, but it means all semi-auto.
Then they ban bolt-action, then they ban shotguns, but first they make you put the shotguns in a hunting club
And your guns are at a hunting club, but then there'll always be some nut that checks them out and does something, so then that's banned.
And then your country descends into hell on earth, and the globalists loot the daylight side of it, because they don't want free market.
This is the exact formula, and now Delaney Tarr, the video's up on Infowars.com, in an article, tells us exactly what she wants.
This video needs to go viral to the four corners of the earth.
Thousands of signs saying the same thing.
Ban all guns.
We're gonna kill you and take your guns.
This is what they're doing.
This is their move.
This is their plan.
And she sits there in the exact same getup.
By the way, I've been in Hollywood movies.
I've been around it.
I'm not saying they weren't at the school.
I'm not saying shootings didn't happen.
But the Democrats are funding this.
It's all scripted.
You've got the Hispanic girl with the shaved head and kind of the military outfit.
And you've got Hogg in his little outfit.
And then you've got this other little Madonna look with the other girl.
And it's the same events, the same women's march that funded Madonna the day after Trump got elected saying, I want to blow the White House up.
I was there videotaping and I was there.
There she is in the same little get-up, the same production crew, the same operation.
The Women's March funded by Soros is the main funder and organizer of this.
Same people, same deal, same operation.
And what do they want?
Your guns.
They say, you give us an inch, we'll take it a mile.
It's not an inch to ban private sales.
That is registration by Fiat.
And then you don't let people have them if they're semi-auto.
And then you ban people until 21, even being part of the shooting sports.
This is a formula!
This is a program!
And it's got me angry!
I told you when Trump got elected, this meant the big assault was about to start.
Because people would go back to sleep.
And then they'd come.
So here is Delaney Tarr.
There are so very many things, so many steps to take.
Like right now.
Sign our petition.
It takes two seconds, and it matters.
We will take the big, and we will take the small, but we will keep fighting.
When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile.
We are not here for breadcrumbs, we are here for real change.
We are not here for breadcrumbs, we are here for real change, to have the Second Amendment to the country destroyed.
Now, we've got all the clips of them saying that, that's an hog that we're shaking on our boots.
But let's hear from Madonna, 15 months earlier, in the same park, at the same mall, financed by the same group, with the same podium, saying this.
I'm angry.
Yes, I am outraged.
Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
But I know that this won't change anything.
We cannot fall into despair.
As the poet W.H.
Auden once wrote on the eve of World War II,
We must love one another or die.
I choose love.
Are you with me?
She'd choose love, but let's blow up the White House and congressmen are getting shot and all the rest of it.
But it's always cute when that happens, right?
Or when the globalists fund the Arab Spring and millions die and hundreds of thousands of women get sold to sex slavery, including little kids.
None of that's on the news because Hillary ran that.
That's kind of cute.
But let's go out to break with David Hogg saying we're shaking in our boots.
That the establishment is.
No, the big money, the establishment, took the guns all over the world, hog!
Here it is.
You can hear the people in power shaking.
They've gotten used to being protective of their position, ensuring safety, the safety of inaction.
Inaction is no longer safe.
And to that we say, no more.
Yeah, well you know what, David, I call BS.
Alright, that's good.
And again, the idea that no one can ever get shot again, well that's like banning evil.
It's this idea that when anybody gets hurt because you have a right, it's your fault.
Like if somebody runs somebody over with a car.
It's your fault if you own a car.
This is asinine.
We should reject this nonsensical nonsense.
As the InfoWars family of listeners and viewers know, we are always researching and bringing you the very cutting edge of high quality products.
And that's especially true when it comes to nutraceuticals and supplements.
We know that our modern environment is bombarding our guts with all sorts of toxins and heavy metals and pesticides, herbicides that basically kill the good flora.
We have been working for several years with top researchers in the United States to bring you three new top-of-the-line affordable probiotics that are true game changers.
Now the first is a digestive enzyme that I'm extremely excited about.
All of us know that if you eat a lot of meat,
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Well, Carnivore from Infowars Life, ladies and gentlemen, is the next level of digestive enzyme.
And when you take it, combined with the new Floralife, that I'm going to break down here in a moment, and also the everyday Floralife maintenance, they synergistically work together.
The globalists are bombarding our gut.
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And whether it's our new digestive enzyme, Cardivorb, or whether it's the new Floralife Advanced Restoration, or the Floralife Everyday Maintenance, it is critical for you and your family to have healthy guts.
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There are some similar formulas out there that are at least three times the cost of this.
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That's not my philosophy, ladies and gentlemen.
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But whether you take one, two, or all three,
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Simply put, our new Floralife line is the very best out there.
That is my goal here, is to bring you the very best at the lowest price.
Many probiotics out there don't even have capillates that bypass the stomach so it never even gets into the upper and lower intestines.
Both of these systems have targeted delivery so it goes right through into the upper and lower intestine.
We've tried several other formulas that were excellent, but this is, after two years of research, what we are bringing to the market.
And your purchase doesn't just give you better digestive health and all the different micronutrients and things you need.
It also funds an organization dedicated to promoting liberty worldwide.
Whether it's Floralife Advanced Restoration, Carnivore, Digestive Enzyme, or the everyday maintenance that's great for the go.
It's all available at infowarestore.com today.
When you purchase it, you know you are also financing the attack on the globalists and the defense of our republic and freedom worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Folks, if you ever wanted to be toe-to-toe with the globalists, if you ever wanted to be toe-to-toe with world government, with people that want to take all your basic rights, your right to property, your right to religion, your right to raise your own children, your right to defense, that is their sworn stated goal.
And then you see the mobs of leftists, and you go on to major university campuses,
I look at old photos of people.
I don't care if they're black or white.
I think what people used to look like just 30 years ago.
And they had light in their eyes.
They had fire in their eyes.
All of us look unhealthy compared to the way we used to look.
But you go to Slitterbot or something and I mean it looks like Day of the Dead.
It looks like a bunch of undead reanimated walruses.
And you just see the young people, all they're on is their smartphones, and the IQ is lowering, and cancer is exploding, and the brainwaves are low, and people don't pay attention, and we're in crisis!
And the globalists are the authors of 90% of it, and the other 10% they're helping make as bad as they can.
And they believe humanity's failed, they believe humanity's over.
And everywhere!
The left is violent, and hateful, and bullying, and aggressive, and creating a spirit of assault, and a spirit of confrontation, and a spirit of war against the American people.
I'm not going to play what I played last week, probably ten times, the three different congressmen saying, use the Second Amendment against Trump, overthrow Trump, time to take Trump out.
The attacks, Republican congressmen getting shot,
Republican members of city council, neighbors walk over and shoot him in the head.
Rand Paul getting attacked.
The leftist media saying, too bad he didn't take Rand Paul out.
The dumb left doesn't even know that Rand Paul is one of Trump's biggest critics in many cases.
They just don't differentiate anything.
Rand Paul's more anti-war than any Democrat in Congress.
They don't care.
They just want to hate people.
And they have whipped them up into an absolute frenzy.
And then I see this weird, scummy, ne'er-do-well individual running for sheriff.
Darryl Fisher in North Carolina, rattling off.
I mean, we've got hundreds of these videos.
And I've got people threatening Owen Schroer in Austin and following him around for two hours trying to tell him he can't videotape or talk to people.
They don't agree with his First Amendment either.
What these are is a bunch of soft thugs that we've all let push us around so long that they think it's time for them to go ahead and just fully take over.
So let's hear from this piece of trash, Daryl Fisher, that thinks that if we don't turn our guns in, we just have to die!
From my cold dead hand!
To quote Charlton Heston, doesn't this fool know?
First off, I would like to see age for purchase of any firearm raised to 21.
I think that we should ban the sale of all high-capacity magazines, handguns, and long guns.
I think we need to ban the sale of any mechanism that will allow a firearm to fire in rapid succession.
Any weapon that's designed for use by the military, I think it should be banned.
You've heard people say, you'll have to pry my gun from my cold, dead hands.
You think if he was the sheriff, it'd be like Broward County, Coward County?
Where they'd stand down and then land the Second Amendment?
Where they wouldn't bust him when he was supposedly not supposed to have a gun?
You think so?
That's exactly the types that run blue areas, where they always stand down, and where the mass shooters always come, where they're always magically allowed to do what they want.
Just like the lawsuit against me from Virginia, and the news article said that I said that Umar Mateen was a federal informant, and that I made that up, turns out him and his daddy were both that, and it's just come out the trial of his widow.
And remember, he's the one that showed up, the father, the federal informant behind the video camera, there with Hillary Clinton at that rally.
Motion reveals Pulse Gunman's father was FBI informant.
Who shot videos calling for the death of Gage?
And we reported that back when it happened in 2016.
And now the Democratic Party is suing me through Georgetown University and their First Amendment clinic.
And the lawyers have never seen a First Amendment clinic sue to end the First Amendment.
And it actually does that.
So, I'm lucky, though.
The investigator into Seth Rich just got shot twice in the back and run over by a car, and it barely made the news, but by the grace of God, he survived.
People are getting shot in the back for this, folks.
Hillary and the globalists have taken their gloves off.
Well, you know what?
I've taken mine off in the Infowar, and I believe in God, and I believe in Providence, and I believe in you.
Now, I feel sorry for the crew around here, because I got a little bit wound up during the breaks, but...
I do need your prayers, though, because, ladies and gentlemen, this is a real war, and everybody else out there fighting, I want to salute you and thank you for what you've done.
But now, more than ever, we're getting a lot of new affiliates and a lot of new TV and radio stations, and if you're listening to us, spread the word about that station.
Call that station and thank them.
Become a sponsor.
This is a war.
This is the whole future of the country, and they are taking the gloves off because we're handing their butts to them.
Because this is a flash sale.
Tim thinks we've got four or five days of this till it sells out.
There's more in coming in for two weeks.
Or 13 days coming in.
13 days.
14 days.
Our best-selling nootropic Brain Force Plus.
We went out and studied the top brain pills that are healthy and good that are usually 5, 6, 7 percent markup.
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It is the most popular online nootropic right now, I can officially tell you, and you know why?
Because everybody knows the ingredients, everybody that's into nootropics knows that we only have normally 150% markup.
Right now, we've got like a 50% markup on this, and by that,
You know, we're making, I think, like $5 on this.
We need to sell a lot of it to fund our operation.
And I told Tim, he's a really smart guy, I said, Tim, why do you want to go 50% off on this, even though it's going to sell out in the next few weeks?
And he goes, Alex, we found when you do this, it increases overall sales as people then buy other stuff.
And so that's what's going on here.
He said, yes, everybody still buys it at regular price.
He goes, let's go $19.95.
He's absolutely right.
So while you're there, we're going 50% off on the real red pill.
It's been sold out.
It's a seven-day challenge, though.
It takes seven days, from my experience with the pregnant woman and everything in the Senate.
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So BrainForce hits you in 30 minutes.
But a real red pill.
Do yourself a favor.
Take the 7-Day Challenge.
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We've also got MycoZX to knock out the bad stuff in your guts.
The other side of the equation, a probiotic.
It knocks out the yeast, the mold, the candida.
It's amazing.
That's 50% off.
Survival Shield X is 25% off.
But a bunch of those specials end today, like Supermeal.
That sale ends today.
BrainForce is the new sale.
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On screen you see a Fox News camera inside the World Economic Forum as President Trump meets with world business leaders.
And we've got the HD footage if you're a TV viewer that Dan Lyman shot earlier today as President Trump with three Marine One helicopters, Blackhawks, arrived there in Davos to put in another 18-hour workday.
Works about 15 hours a day when he's regularly back in the U.S., 18 hours a day according to sources.
Dan Lyman
Infowars.com reporter is on the ground in Davos.
We haven't talked to him for 24 hours, so a lot has transcribed.
You can follow his amazing tweets and information, not just retweeted at RealAlexJones, but also on his Twitter account.
All right, Dan Lyman.
Wow, a lot's happened.
We'll be rolling this HD footage in the background while you give us a briefing.
Where do you want to start on day one of Davos as President Trump arrives?
It was definitely an interesting day with Trump's arrival.
The helipad was a lot more crowded than it has been on the other days, which is kind of a slap in the face to the other leaders that have been showing up in the past days that people, I guess, weren't as interested in.
It was very crowded out there, but it was great to see him come in.
It was magnificent.
I would say that even the people who don't like him are still fascinated by the prospect that he's in town.
There's a kind of an aura that he brings with him.
There is definitely an awakening and it's happening even at the highest levels, even within Davos.
You have the defectors here and there.
And this video that you're airing right now, I watched that earlier today.
The awe that Trump puts everyone in, he silenced the room.
Someone called it that he had turned Davos into Versailles.
And it was an incredible reception that he received there.
And I think they all know they're in the presence of a lion, a true alpha male.
The caption had something to the effect of, this is true power.
Trump silences a room full of media journalists and globalists.
And it's true.
I mean, these people, they don't shut up.
I hear them talking constantly.
They're always on the phone.
They're talking to each other.
And then when you see Trump coming in the room, it's just like every cell phone is out.
Everyone's in awe.
I don't
He couldn't beat the establishment, he couldn't beat the globalists, they were all against him, and now they worship the ground that he walks on, whether they want to admit it or not.
That happened yesterday.
Suddenly, the heads of Davos said, we love Trump.
I had the headline here, it was like, we love him, it's been a great year.
Actually, the world economy's better, thank God for Trump.
And it's like suddenly they've all been attacking him, and then now they all start saying, we love Trump, we love Trump.
I mean, this just shows how Rockefellers and people are able to bully all these guys into line.
Trump's not even bullying it, he's just leading.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Coming to you from the former United States of America, from deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I'm gonna tell you something right now.
Go out in public and I run into old ladies and young men and families looking at me with all that light in their eyes, saying, thank you for what you're doing, Alex.
It makes me have mixed feelings because I know you're as smart as I am.
I know you're just as strong as I am or stronger.
And I don't know what to tell you to do.
I don't know the answers.
I got involved 25 years ago.
Been on air 23 years.
We put a dent in them, and they're coming after us, and we're under the gun.
But I expected to be under the gun.
I just didn't expect to be under the gun, basically, number two.
Trump and then Alex Jones.
I mean, that's it.
Trump is under the gun in ways I can't even imagine.
And then I think about what we've gone through.
And it hadn't made me feel sorry for myself, it's made me get really upset that I can't do more to beat these people, because they're really bad!
And they're really evil!
And I'm tired of people being half-awake to what's going on!
We gotta get aggressive.
We ought to do whole shows just on solutions, but that means supporting independent media, it means you getting into the media, it means you going and speaking at city council, calling into C-SPAN, marching.
But also, not giving one red cent to globalists, or leftists, or any of these people.
Because as libertarians, and Christians, and conservatives, and nationalists, we're nice folks.
Not anymore!
And I was down in San Antonio this weekend.
I took my daughters and some of their friends, took two carloads down, my wife and I, with our baby daughter.
She's almost 11 months now.
She's the baby.
And I hung around at the hotel and Riverwalk while the girls were at Six Flags and I'd go pick them up later.
Because they ran, you know, ages 15 down to 10.
And I got mobbed in Six Flags.
I got mobbed outside.
I particularly had Hispanic folks who were, you know, white-collar business people at their meetings, you know, down to bellhops that were huge listeners and were telling me, I heard this two days ago.
I was watching you.
I saw the video you shot today up in your room when I was checking out.
Like 30 minutes later, I'm like, yeah, you just saw that?
They're like, well, I get alerts.
I'm going to watch it later.
What do we do?
They're really making a move.
And it made me feel so good, except those people all think I'm going to do it.
And I'm not bitching at them.
And I'm not even saying I know what to do.
I don't know what to do.
I don't know what to do.
But the globalists are pure evil.
They're devil worshipers.
They're pedophiles.
You think I feel big?
When it comes out all over the news in federal court that not just the nightclub shooter, but his father was a federal informant and was part of some mercenary group.
And we already got that from our sources.
It came out in the news.
And I'm being sued over it by the Democratic Party.
And it's in federal court today and has come out all over the news.
And now, some of the number one Twitter trending information is Christina M. Provala, or Tor Alava, FBI special agent.
Martin considered developing Omar Mateen into a confidential informant for the FBI after investigating him and not finding a tie to terrorism.
Sometime after a sheriff's office contacted the FBI about comments Omar Mateen was accused of making in his workplace, he was a security guard for G4S.
That's the biggest security firm in the world.
Co-workers said Omar Mateen made comments about being connected to Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood.
He claimed he had familiar ties to Al-Qaeda.
Martin questioned Siddiqui, who said during the Russian invasion some family fought for Afghanistan.
Siddiqui also told Martin there was a distant family connection on his wife's side of the Fort Hood shooter.
But Martin said he couldn't verify.
Martin had Omar Mateen's supervisor wear a concealed recording device.
That's how freaked out people were.
But never captured Omar Mateen making such statements.
And then it just gets into how the FBI was warned.
The whole thing tells a story as you go through it through the years.
That starts in 2006.
Just read them all.
Martin with other law enforcement interviewed Omar Mateen in his apartment three times.
Noor Salam was in the home all three times.
The first two, she went in and out of the common area, she's being tried right now, where Omar Mateen was being interviewed.
The third time, she was there the whole time, served refreshments and baked goods.
Thought it was cake.
It was very good, by the way.
During the first interview, Sadiq showed up.
Omar Mateen admitted making the statements, but Martin didn't remember whether it was before or after his father arrived.
Omar Mateen said he made the comments because he felt harassed at work.
You're a Muslim security guard.
Don't work at the gay bar, dude.
Omar said, Marin said he advised Omar Mateen, go to his human resources department.
The father called Martin upset with his son.
Said something like, if he had done those things, he was stupid.
Defense finished questioning Martin.
Prosecutors will question after lunch.
That's from inside the trial of the widow, saying she's part of it.
Who knows?
And it's all coming out that the father and the son were federal informants.
No kidding.
And yet again, it's the very security supposed to protect you that ends up killing you, just like they stood down in Coward County nearby.
So the shooting should happen in another blue state cesshole.
Another blue abscess.
Another blue cancer.
I want to get your take on the biggest assault on the Second Amendment we've ever seen.
The Democrats now admit on CNBC, ABC, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Associated Press, the speeches yesterday, Saturday.
They want a total global gun ban.
That's what the UN wants, that's the plan, total control, where only the megastate has the weapons.
It's a simple equation, it's why we have the Second Amendment.
Now we got a lot of mentally ill people and police that stand down all over the country.
Every time there's a mass shooting in a red area, the person gets killed in a minute and a half or shorter!
Because they got people hired there that want to defend people.
Most police are incredibly competent and honorable men and women who got into it because they care about what they're doing.
Just like the average citizen's a hard charger.
Americans love to fight.
We're not cowards.
Every red area they start a mass shooting, in minutes the piece of crap's dead.
I don't care if it's Texas where some guy in a mental institution, who wasn't even supposed to have guns, escapes the mental institution, the Air Force doesn't file the paperwork, he goes and shoots up a church, and then patriots outside start shooting at him and chase him down and kill his ass, deader than a hammer, within two minutes.
That's Texas.
But that's the same all over this country, if citizens feel like they've got a right to stand up and do something.
And that's what the Second Amendment's about.
The 99.99999% of us, of every race, color, and creed, that don't want to go shoot up a school or shoot up a church, but just want to live our lives!
And we got firearms, because there's a bunch of crazy scumbags out there, and we're not going to roll over to them!
And then a Nazi war criminal piece of crap, like George Soros,
Has hell been on overthrow in this country?
And sure, before he dies, he'll finally break the will of this nation and have his big leftist persecution, everybody.
Well, I'm here to tell you, you little piece of crap, you'll see hell before you ever see that.
And your son Alexander will never see that as well.
You will never cross the River Jordan, my friends.
You will cross the River Styx into hell itself.
So good luck.
And you know it!
You think you're going to take us with you?
No, you're not.
America and the world is waking up and I know in my gut they've jumped the shark.
As long as we raise the alarm and point out what's going on and as long as we get involved.
But know this, just like the NRA is getting record members right now but Remington is going bankrupt from all the lawsuits and the rest of it, they see InfoWars as one of the main
Fingers on the hand, or the fist of the resistance.
And if they can chop off any of those fingers, they're going to weaken us.
I'm not worried about it.
I'm only worried that I'm not going to stay the course.
I know I am, but I want to be the strongest I can be.
But I need your support now more than ever.
Because we're under the full globalist attack.
And guess what?
I wouldn't have it any other way!
We'll be back with your phone calls.
I'll give you the number.
It's been sold out for months, and now it's back.
It's MycoZX Plus.
Lower price, more ingredients, because we scaled up, signed a year contract with an even bigger organic manufacturer and producer.
But now, we're able to go at 50% off to $27.
Instead of $39, 50% off.
Because there's a lot of product and a lot of ingredient in MycoZx.
Now, it's the other side of the equation.
Everybody thinks about probiotics and how great they are for your gut because of toxins in the environment, pesticides, herbicides.
But more importantly than bad bacteria, the probiotics help displace.
Yeast mold creates slime walls and once the candida and the yeast and the mold and all that get in there, it causes all sorts of serious issues.
Well, this has got a bunch of concentrated herbs in it and compounds known to destroy that slime wall.
Don't wait to start detoxifying your body until it's too late.
Pick up a bottle of the new and improved MycoZX Plus now from the Infowars store.
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Our ultimate non-GMO formula is sourced from powerful organic herbs that have been gathered from around the world and then concentrated for maximum potency.
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Info Wars Life wants to bring you the highest quality products.
Our unique combination of ingredients is designed to assist the body in regulating proper balance and creating superior vitality in males.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
I set out with top researchers, top scientists, top developers, with the biggest organic producer in the country, to come out with Immune Wall.
Because it's backed by clinical studies.
The compounds that are in it are the latest, modern, patented technology that we can even make claims on.
But then it's got all the ancient herbs that line up their compounds with it, dead.
Our ancestors knew work.
So let me just briefly tell you that historic story and invite you to get your immune wall for your husband, your wife, your children, your neighbors today, all those you love, because you can support your own body, build a greater wall, a greater defense against viruses, bacteria, outside microbes, boost your immune system, and boost
Humanity's immune system to build basic societies of liberty and freedom.
Because I'm not into the magic or the occult, but a lot of the stuff that hermetic people talked about a thousand years ago is true.
As above, so below.
What you see happening on the mass scale is also happening on the mass scale.
Most tiniest scales.
And that's what this comes down to.
America is building its wall.
Will it work?
We don't know.
Is Trump right?
Well, he's trying to at least follow through on his promise.
But we can build a wall in our own life that's been proven to work, and without this wall, we would all die.
We set out to bring you the very best immune capsule for yourself and your family, and I know it's going to be a bestseller.
I want you all to try it, so you reorder it, you fund the InfoWar, our world's a better place, you're healthier, you name it.
So that's why, out of the gates, the normal MSRP is $39.95, but we're doing 25% off, $29.95, despite the fact that other similar formulas are $50, $60, $70, and aren't as organic and aren't as fresh.
This is a 360 non-zero sum game win.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
So, more than a year and a half ago when Omar Mateen went and shot up that Pulse nightclub and killed, what was it, 50-something people in Florida.
The media came out and demonized anybody that said that there was reports of a stand down or there had been warnings, but I remember then it came out that he'd been an FBI informant.
Now the feds are saying the father was the full informant and the son was only involved with the FBI being looked at as an informant.
The point is we've been proven right yet again.
And they hope nobody looks at that, just like they don't want anybody looking at Seth Rich and the chief investigator who used to work for the family, just got shot in the back twice and run over, lived, the cops caught the guy, and he was a Marine, 40-something years old, assigned to Special Security Unit of the Department of Energy.
And that's exactly how it works in the military.
People graduate if they're General Enlisted.
And not a commissioned officer into other agencies.
You've got these guys embedded everywhere, from the Marines, the Army, you name it.
And they go do little special jobs.
So, it's the exact type of guy you'd expect from a cut-out group to go do assassinations.
It's exactly who does it.
And then he's shot in the back, and no, it's no big deal.
We've got Mike Cernovich coming on.
He loves taking calls.
I want to take your calls on the march, what we do, how we take action.
And on the whole Russia situation that I'm going to get more into as well.
I don't get into the Russia thing when they call me a Russian or they call Roger Stone.
Everybody's tone deaf to that.
Everybody's sick of it.
They know it's not true.
But when they launch big sanctions on Russia or kick their diplomats out with no proof and escalate new Cold Wars and Trump starts giving into all this, it's a bad thing.
Especially when the Communist Chinese have infiltrated us.
Thousands and thousands of times the Russians.
I mean, if the Russians were in our business, I've never been to Russia.
I'm not on Russian payroll.
I don't give a flying you-know-what.
If they were still communist?
But no!
It's all a canard by the globalists that are the outside globalists, so they need some outside power to point at, so that we don't see that they're the outside power.
And we have the U.S.
Ambassador here saying the people we're expelling are intelligence operatives or intelligence agencies.
No, they're not.
They're diplomats.
Are some of them probably double agents?
Or probably in that capacity?
But they're just getting rid of the diplomatic corps, which is never a good idea.
They don't want communication between us and Russia.
When you start expelling diplomats, that's the first move towards war.
Then sanctions.
Then blockades.
Then taking part of Ukraine.
Overthrowing the government.
That's what Jordan Soros is doing.
We face the same enemy.
Here it is.
Today, President Trump announced the expulsion of dozens of Russian intelligence officers from the United States, along with the closure of its consulate in Seattle, Washington.
This is the largest expulsion of Russian intelligence officers in United States history.
The United States takes this action in conjunction with our NATO allies and partners around the world in response to a military-grade chemical weapon attack on the soil of the United Kingdom by Russia.
And yet the latest
That's enough of that.
That's enough of that.
That's John Huntsman.
Whose daughter, famously, on Piers Morgan the night after I was on there, in 2013, called for me to be shot.
She said, Alex Jones needs to be shot and killed.
And she went on to say, Piers, you could wear a uniform while you did it, and she fetishizes it.
So that just is a little side tidbit about who these people are and what they stand for.
Now let me get the number out here.
The toll-free number for you to join us is 877-789-2539.
877-789-2539 or 877-789-Alex.
First-time callers,
Please have a good, strong phone.
That's all I ask.
And have your points ready on the Russia situation.
Whether you agree with me, disagree, I want to hear it.
We don't screen your calls.
Just have a point, have a clear phone.
You're on the air.
And what do you think about this giant assault on the Second Amendment?
Where they now are like, yeah, we're going to take your guns.
Yeah, we're going to kill you if you don't turn them in.
Yeah, we're coming for you.
They mean business.
What are we going to do about this?
And thanks to Trump, the Republicans have raised more money than the Democrats, but those big PACs are sitting on it.
They should be financing big marches.
They should be getting people galvanized.
They should be striking back.
But most of them are like Huntsman, these neocon liberals, who are not really conservatives, and that's our problem.
And it's that same Republican blue-blood operation that passed that giant pork-barrel omnibus bill, wrapping the defense spending in giant buckets of pork,
And Trump, I saw one editorial that had like the Komiyoshi Maru, Wrath of Khan scenario, where if he killed it, it would make the economy go down, they would just pass it back again later.
Or he could just put the pressure on them and say it's their fault, I don't agree with it, but I'm gonna sign it.
Everybody's still so upset about that, because you can grandstand and Twitter and Facebook will let you spread your articles and videos if you attack Trump.
I'm not saying the people that attacked Trump are wrong.
I'm not saying they're morally, you know, not allowed to say that because I've got problems.
But when people get hysterical about what Trump did, get as hysterical about Congress that actually passed it.
And realize, the day before, he put big tariffs on China.
That's what's really screwing us over, and the tax cuts, and the reform, and the trillions and trillions of the stock market, and the hundreds of billions coming in for new jobs, the two million new jobs, on and on and on.
Trump, overall, is a godsend.
That's why they're trying to remove him.
But, if his constituents fall asleep, if we go to bed, if we stop supporting, if we stop keeping his feet to the fire, he will move to the center
That's the way politics works.
And ladies and gentlemen, the Democrats will win the House coming up this year and the impeachment proceedings will start.
So remember, we're not staring down the barrel of Hillary Clinton right now.
But let me tell you, we have stirred up these criminals.
They thought they had the country on its knees.
They thought they were invincible.
They thought they were unstoppable.
And now they are moving against us big time.
They see the NRA and Infowars, and the free press is their biggest enemy.
They hate the Drudge Report, they hate the NRA, they hate Infowars.
Because they know we've never compromised.
And they want to intimidate the NRA into bowing.
But thanks to Gun Owners of America and all you out there who keep them honest, we have the gun culture growing.
We have the culture of self-reliance growing in the face of the domesticated masses and a growing remnant of people are spreading the word and that's why the globalists are now going to throw everything to the wind, caution to the wind, and they are going to go all out against us to bring in total tyranny.
And that's why
On Facebook, on Twitter, on YouTube, on your own websites, your own platforms.
You've got to get political as a way of stopping total physical civil war and economic collapse.
If people don't get motivated, if they don't get active, if they don't get involved, the globalist plan to bring us into a depression, to break our will, will succeed.
This is a maximum red alert.
Now, I've got the big Russian news, I've got more of the gun-grabbing clips, I haven't even scratched the surface on a bunch of other information here, but we're fighting for our basic rights.
We're seeing this giant, organized, globalist criminal syndicate move against the people while the Communist Chinese are giving the keys to Apple, the keys to Google, the keys to satellites, the keys to all the emergency phones.
That is in the news today, that's coming up next hour as well.
Jason, Tim, Alyssa, Jeremy, your calls as well.
Mike Cernovich, you name it.
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And you stand against the globalists.
You're the reason we're here.
You see them all freaking out about us everywhere, playing clips of me at their gun-grabbing Soros march, their anti-America march.
It's because they know we're awake, and they know what's going on.
Back in two minutes, we're going right to your phone calls.
And again, if you're listening to local radio stations, tell everybody about it.
That's how we get around the censors, is you.
You are the solution.
We know the media has lied about me since the 1960s because I'm a hunter and I'm a gun advocate.
And more and more people are waking up and getting wiser every day, and they're realizing what this fake news thing is all about.
That's why Donald Trump is such an important guy, because he finally put the spotlight on the fake news cockroaches.
And people are getting smarter all the time, and there's more and more support for truth, logic, and common sense.
We celebrate it every damn day.
I think most of the dirtbags on the left hate me because I'm so damn happy.
I mean, I come out here and I got all these bows and arrows.
I literally come out here every day and I take a pink arrow with my name on it.
And I come out here with Chimane and we shoot our bows every day.
We go to the range a lot.
If you don't do it, you can learn something from Ted Nugent.
It is the following.
Get yourself a bow and arrow.
And when you are looking at your target, and you're preparing to draw your bow, it goes all the way back to the origins of Zen.
And the mystical flight of the arrow, right here, tunes out everything liberal, everything democratic, and you become the path of your arrow of life.
I just hit the booger I was aiming at.
Look out!
Alex in the hole!
And it's real touchy trigger, real touchy.
I understand.
Get that top pin in that top peep and squeeze.
Nicely done.
I'm usually dead on with a bow, but I'm actually sweating because Ted Nugent's watching.
It's like guitars, women, and guns, man.
It's got to be fit for you.
All right, let's see.
And just zero that in there and just squeeze that sumbitch.
There you go!
Double lungs, brother!
Alright, good.
Back straps have landed.
I'm Ted Nugent, full-time.
Truth is viral.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, Mike Cernovich is coming up.
We're going to have phone calls while he's on.
Can you believe the media a month ago tried to ban InfoWars, saying that we said the Democrats were funding these young high school students to be anti-gun, which is all admitted?
And now we see these huge rallies saying, we're going to take all your guns.
And David Hogg goes, F all you old people and we're taking over.
And then YouTube takes down videos of him talking like that.
To watch the media and the internet censoring in live time with the memory hold is amazing.
And then separately, China flies bombers near Taiwan as military tensions ramp up.
Turns out China's in control of our telecommunications.
That Trump's launching all this stuff with 14 other countries against Russia with no proof because two people got nerve gassed?
I mean, the Germans did sink the Lusitania to get us into World War I, but the Lusitania was a weapon ship, a passenger ship converted under military flag that sailed back and forth in front of the U-boats.
The Germans put full-page ads in the New York Times and the Times in London saying, don't sail on this ship, we're going to sink it.
But that got us into World War I. At least the Germans at least sank the ship.
In this case, they don't even say there's proof the Russians killed these people or nerve gassed these people.
So Jason, Tim, Alyssa, Jeremy, we're gonna go to all of you right now.
Let's go ahead and go to Jason in Canada.
You're on the air.
What do you think about all this?
I think Trump has a lot of power to change the narrative on this.
Is there any way he could launch an investigation on the FBI and all the things that were missed leading up to the shooting?
Well, he's been asking the Justice Department to do it.
That's the agency that does it.
And they've been kind of refusing, the Inspector General starting to.
Yeah, the DOJ's been a big disappointment.
So here's the problem, and it's also a good thing.
Everything in our government is a paradox.
Everything in our government is separation of power, so one group doesn't get too much power and get out of control, because historically our founders knew that was the problem.
So each agency, or each segment, bounds down the other.
The Democrats and the Globalists went totally rogue.
Yeah, and if I could just make a couple other quick points, Alex.
One is, it would be nice to hear
You know, if Trump kind of acknowledged the independent media and their role in this, and all the progress that's been made, and they could even memorialize the idea of fake news, so it would just haunt them every single year.
And you could put it on the same day that Rockefeller spoke to all the news media, it was like back in the 50s, when he thanked them for basically keeping the public ignorant.
It was 1991 in Avignon, France.
And he thanked the New York Times and Washington Post and all of them for keeping globalism secret.
And he said without them doing that, it would be impossible.
Yeah, put it on that date and memorialize it as fake news.
No, I agree.
Everyone's gotta go to the newer systems of it being decentralized.
Everybody knows decentralization is the way to go.
Centralization is the way of tyranny.
It's also the way of catastrophic failure.
The globalists do it so they can have access to all our information.
We need to move away from the cloud.
I absolutely agree with you.
Yeah, and you know, the info war hasn't gone on for a long time.
That's a good one for the listeners to recognize that.
You know, like, uh, back when they were, uh, uh, printing, uh, you know, when the Bible was basically on the black market and, uh, people were being hunted down for owning them, uh, it was a, uh, someone who developed the technology of the printing press that made it possible to print more Bibles faster.
Yeah, that was Gutenberg.
You're absolutely right.
And that was the real beginning of the Renaissance.
Uh, thank you so much.
All right.
We'll be back.
With Tim, Alyssa, Jeremy, Rick, Kerry, Dean, Tony, Clifford, Linda, and others.
Stay with us.
Mike Cernovich coming up as well.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Of course, it's old news for our audience, but the word was back at the time, Omar Mateen and his father, Nour Salam, or his father, a separate man, but his widow, Nour Salam Trial, all of this is coming out.
So back at the time we talked about the Pulse nightclub shooter being connected to the FBI and his father being an informant and he being an informant and now that's coming out in the news.
Omar Mateen's father was an FBI informant before Pulse nightclub shooting.
And that's the big conspiracy theory that I supposedly push and that I supposedly made up.
Well now it's CBS News a year and a half later.
Now it's the Orlando Sentinel.
Now it's New York Daily News.
Now it's CNN.
Pulse Gunman's father was an FBI informant under criminal investigation.
Attorneys say.
And now they want a mistrial in the widow of his daughter-in-law, the wife of the reported shooter.
Omar Mateen.
That came out in the local news at the time.
See, here's why they hate InfoWars, here's why they hate Mike Cernovich, here's why they hate Drudge Report more than anything, is because it'll come out on local news, a document, a video, a photo, it's confirmed.
But CNN, MSNBC, all the usual suspects, they would ignore that before.
But then we'll take something they don't want seen, we'll put it out, and they go, oh, it's a conspiracy!
Jones says they're FBI informants, even though I didn't get that out of the clear blue sky.
I didn't make that up.
It was in the local Orlando newspaper.
How long ago was the Orlando shooting?
Almost a year and three quarters ago?
It was about a year and three quarters ago.
And that's what's so mind-blowing about all this is
It's in the lawsuit.
The Democrats filed through Georgetown University.
That never happens.
It says in the lawsuit, amongst other things, that I made up that Omar Mateen and his father were federal informants for the FBI.
That the FBI was ordered to stand down.
That was in the Orlando newspaper at the time that they were reportedly informants and that the FBI had them under investigation.
So again,
They think you don't have a memory.
Now, riding shotgun with us for the rest of the hour, and we'll take your phone, Carl, is Mike Cernovich of Cernovich Media.
He's been really upset about Trump and the omnibus bill, which I am as well, but I'm even more mad at Congress.
He's been really, really upset about the fact that
Why don't the Republicans that have raised even more money thanks to Trump than the Democrats, why aren't they having buses?
Why aren't they having demonstrations?
But also the Omar Mateen things come out, you got Seth Rich, investigators shot twice in the back.
Regardless what you think about Seth Rich, that's crazy.
You've got all this stuff happening.
And I want to get his take, just politically, where we are right now in the Republic.
And why would the anti-gunners come out and say, you give us an inch, we take it a mile, we do want to ban guns, we're going to kill people that don't turn their guns in.
I mean, the Democrats have gone to a new phase of calling for violence and really frothing and building up towards something big.
Is Soros crazy enough to actually try a physical overthrow like he's done successfully in other countries?
Mike Cernovich, good to have you on.
What do you want to tackle first?
Yeah, I mean, I want to talk about why the media refused to cover an FBI informant who was plotting, convicted of plotting to murder Pamela Geller.
There was a big, I mean, I don't know, Alex, I'm just, I'm really charged up today.
I'm going to try not to yell on air, but Pamela Geller, people tried to murder her and yet the media attacked her because she's friends with John Bolton, but they didn't cover the trial of the man in Cleveland.
Who was an FBI informant who was then charged with being part of the Garland, Texas murder plot.
And didn't folks even say where Geller's daughters lived who are apolitical and say go kill them?
I mean, this is an example of leftist bullying against you, I, our families.
Like you said, they're trying to gear people up to kill us.
And her daughters, Pamela Geller is Jewish, and her four young daughters are Jewish women who now are marked for death by the radical people who want to attack Geller.
And then the media goes, you and I are anti-Semitic, and I go, wait a minute, I'm trying to protect four young Jewish women against jihadi terrorists that the media has sent on them.
So the whole thing is so frustrating, Alex.
And then this Omar Mateen thing,
You and I, I remember, I was in New York at the time and I remember I got a tip and then you, I talked to you and you said you got the same tip.
They said that Omar Mateen was an FBI asset or connected to an FBI asset.
And then people go, oh, you're a liar, fake news, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah.
Well, it turns out, and I want to talk about this and I really want to lay it out for the people who listen because this story is about why they hate us.
You and I,
Even though we don't join these groups, we believe that in court, black, brown, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Catholic, agnostic, no one should ever be convicted of a crime they did not commit.
However, it was revealed that 12 days into the trial of Omar Mateen's wife, that Omar Mateen's father, who you can find a picture of him with the VIP seat at Hillary Clinton's rally, you can find that, Omar Mateen's father was an FBI asset.
Not only was he an FBI asset, but when people reported Omar Mateen to the FBI and said, hey, this Omar Mateen guy says he has connections to Al Qaeda and ISIS, FBI goes, well, we're not going to do anything about it because we like his dad so much.
So if gay lives matter, why did the FBI, which had the power to stop this terrorist attack against gay people, why did they not act?
If brown lives matter, why is the Department of Justice, in my opinion, framing an innocent brown woman, innocent Muslim woman, Omar Mateen's wife, to cover up?
That's the world we're in, Alex, where you and I, we're actually trying to save every life, every person's life, and we're standing up against this tyrannical, unethical prosecutor
But we're the bad guys.
So it's now proven the FBI could have, under Mueller and Comey, let's not forget either.
Comey and Mueller, this was under their watch.
They now knew about Nicholas Cruz.
They knew about Omar Mateen.
And in my view, they also knew about the Vegas shooting.
And that's why the Vegas shooting is not getting any traction.
That's right.
Again, Mike Cernovus is joining us.
You've got another cowardly blue state area, Coward County, standing down.
30 plus times.
It was 20.
Now it's 30 plus times that there were warnings.
Things could have been done.
He should have been adjudicated to have his guns taken.
Should have been able to buy them.
He was on psychotropic drugs.
He was under government care.
Another government stand down.
The deputies stand down.
And then they turn it all around and blame gun owners.
For what happened with 16 dead, and then Soros funds this giant march with thousands of buses.
We have video on hundreds of buses just on one street.
This is so synthetic, this is so fake, this is so insane how they turn it around and blame us.
Yeah, they want to disarm gun owners, but they don't want to hold the FBI accountable.
And isn't that a good shift, Alex?
Isn't it interesting how you and I, a couple of white guys who are called all kinds of names by these groups,
Why is the SPLC not standing up for Omar Mateen's wife and saying, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute.
It's actually the deep state that is trying to frame an innocent woman in order to cover up
Their complicity in the Pulse nightclub massacre which killed gay people, right?
There's nobody from the SPLC, the ADL, the ACLU.
You and I and your listeners and my listeners and readers, we're the only people left in America who actually cares about the civil rights and civil liberties of all Americans.
We really have gotten to that point where my lawyers, look at these lawsuits against us.
They're totally fake.
They're not even lawsuits.
They're just screeds of lies in there.
And they said they've never heard of major universities like Georgetown having their free speech division.
These are endowed set-up groups with taxpayer money to defend the First Amendment, trying to destroy it.
But I think, Mike, that's because they're so desperate.
Well, and they are, they're complicit.
Again, let's just look at the facts.
No conspiracy theories.
Let's just look at the facts.
The facts are the FBI had advanced warning that Omar Mateen was a domestic terrorist.
That's a fact.
The FBI chose to do nothing.
They chose to not prosecute him, even though he lied to them and thus could have been prosecuted like General Flynn was for obstructing justice.
The FBI had advanced warning of Nicholas Cruz.
The FBI informant involved with the plot against Pamela Geller, recently convicted.
So the facts are thus.
The FBI in the deep state could have stopped these attacks.
They haven't.
Just like San Bernardino.
Let's ask why on the other side.
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So whether it's the sleep aid knockout you need, which is amazing, melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
And I said, I talked to the big organic producer companies that we have make it, and I said, how much are you in that?
They said, on average, about maybe a dollar of melatonin, and then the container costs 50 cents or so, or less.
And I said, so, I can put the same amount of melatonin in, it's making a bigger capsule, it's powdered, see, I should absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and several other things, and I checked with scientists, none of them interact badly, they're all from nature, they're all healthy, they all have good, you know, good clean records, and then you get a sleep unlike other systems, I mean,
Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues, and he writes the Texas Law Family Code.
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The point is, he's a smart guy.
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I've gone and showed, you know, UT Science this and everything else.
This is insane.
Wow, it's incredible.
I've taken melatonin stuff by itself and it didn't help.
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They even had media investigations with BuzzFeed and people calling them, going, we want to see it, it must be fake.
They're like, no, it's really real.
So they've had campaigns that people go on there and try to vote stuff down.
I mean, they are just so angry where they test our stuff and test it and test it in California labs that has stuff nine times higher than EU that has the next highest standards.
I mean, basically, there's more lead in the air in California than you can, quote, put in a supplement or any other product, unless you call it a food product.
What is it, 60-something of our products are all California standard, but if you've got something that's got, I don't know, 10, 15 ingredients in it, and it's also a large serving like Caveman?
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, any can of chicken noodle soup.
Has probably five times the lead California says is allowed.
It's just insane.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So many steps to take.
Like right now.
Sign our petition.
It takes two seconds.
And it matters.
We will take the big, and we will take the small, but we will keep fighting.
When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile.
We are not here for breadcrumbs, we are here for real change.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live.
Mike Cernovich is here.
Your phone call is coming up next segment.
I'm going to get into Russia with him as well and what Trump's up to and what his information is on what's happening inside the Trump administration.
But you are getting into the incredible persecution of conservatives, libertarians, of just nationalists, of just free speech activists.
You're a lawyer in your own right.
I know you've looked over some of the lawsuits against us, and I'm not just putting a good face on it.
These will cost money.
We've got to beat them.
But my lawyers tell me, some of the top guys in the country defamation-wise, they say
We've never seen suits like these.
These are defamatory themselves, but it's defamation protected by court because it's in a lawsuit.
And again, they even say, Jones says that they were connected to the FBI, that Umar Mateen was.
Well, that was in the news then, it's in the news now.
So, it's just next level, this intimidation, and where they're going, and it makes me ask, what's the next step?
Just in the violent rhetoric, and where are the Republicans?
Where is Trump?
It's just crazy.
Well, I mean, the next step is for them, for us to be assassinated.
I mean, there's no, there's no nice way to put it.
We all know that the Family Research Council shooting happened in 2013.
A man, Floyd Lee Corkins, went on to the SPLC target list website.
He went in to murder as many people.
This is what he said.
He said, I want to kill as many people, he said.
He said he wanted to kill as many people as possible.
And he said this to the FBI, and the only reason he was stopped was by a good guy with a gun.
So the SPLC has actually, directly, in ways that you and I never have, even though the fake news wants to say otherwise, directly incited a mass shooter.
Media doesn't care.
They don't talk about that.
They don't report that.
Instead, they'll dox four young Jewish women because they don't like the mom, Pamela Geller,
So that's the thing, the left's always been dirty and bad worldwide and I thought that maybe they were nicer here, but really it's just time in the phase for them to go into the red terror.
Yeah, every day that I wake up
Is for me a relief that I haven't been murdered or targeted.
I haven't been targeted for assassination, of course.
There's no question.
The Family Research Council happened.
I mean, if you, if somebody said they went on our website and they clicked on a target list and they went to commit a shooting, oh my God.
Because they called it a targeting list for those that don't know.
Yeah, yeah.
So the SPLC literally has a target list, and then a man goes on a mass shooting.
The SPLC has never apologized to the victims.
They have not disavowed that shooting.
They try to pretend it doesn't happen, and the media is complicit.
There are maybe four or five articles, tops on it, and they bury the lead about how that was a direct incitement by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
And now the Southern Poverty Law Center had 10,000 people hired by YouTube and Google to censor us.
What do you make of that whole purge that's still ongoing?
Well, my YouTube channel, I was gaining 1,500 new subscribers a day.
My videos were doing 20,000 views a day, and now I actually hardly even do much on YouTube because my videos are doing like 1,500 views, 2,000 views because the SPLC has unsubscribed people and gutted my YouTube channel.
They've already taken over.
We're good to go.
Yeah, I actually, this was last week, I have 66,000 subscribers, even after the unsubscribes.
I had three live viewers, Alex, when I went and did a live stream.
No, no, I saw you link to that show.
That's impossible.
They're not even, that means three people had to be on your YouTube page to see it.
That's called shadow banning.
You were not able to hit any of the subscribers.
Yeah, and it's interesting and then I'll point that out and then suddenly like the next day then I'll get a couple hundred or something and then, you know, because they think that we're going to forget about it and not pay attention, right?
So three live viewers on a 66,000 subscriber channel, it just doesn't really add up.
So what they're doing is they're trying to play a PSYOP.
Hey, hey, we're banned from our main channel from streaming still, so at least you get your three.
I mean, that's what I'm saying.
It's here, folks.
It's here, and it's the so-called left, the champions of speech that are doing it.
Yeah, I actually unpublished every YouTube video that I'd ever done because what they'd done is they went back to someone's channel, actually Wayne Dupree, African-American, very powerful man, powerful voice.
They found a video from four years ago.
So they're going through every video and watching every video with a fine-tooth comb and if you say one wrong word or one foul language or
You know, there's a word that begins with C. That was common during the election.
They've decided now that if you say anything like that, even four years ago, they'll ban you.
Or they'll, you know, they'll suspend it.
So that's where we are, Alex.
That's why I told people that.
Let me ask you this, because I'm asking a lot of questions.
What's on your radar?
What's next?
How'd the big gun grab march go yesterday?
I know you made the point.
Where are the Republicans in the funding?
I mean, this is the real fight.
This is bigger than the election 2016.
People better understand that.
Yeah, it was a highly successful march.
And the left has shown that they can mobilize and organize and bust people in less than a month.
So if the Democrats can get 800,000 people out into Washington, D.C.
alone, and they can have coordinated marches all throughout the country,
That shows that they can bust people in.
There is going to be a major blue wave in November.
There's no question about it.
The Republicans don't want to win.
Trump went on stage with Charlie Kirk and said, oh Antifa, is it really a big deal?
You know, they just get too much attention.
Despite the fact that multiple Trump supporters have been assaulted and almost murdered.
And in fact that there's a pending criminal case in New York where an Antifa terrorist attempted to murder he's charged with mob action and was trying to strangle a Trump supporter.
Oh no, I saw Trump in that interview that he did and it was on Fox last Friday and I'm not trying to attack Trump, but it's true, they go, you know, they really attack us on campus.
And we're being shut down nationwide, our 20,000 campus groups.
Trump goes, yeah, but you're still really popular.
The left, nobody really agrees with them.
And the guest host is like, no, they're attacking us and shutting us down.
He's there telling the president, we're under attack.
We need federal funding to be pulled from these universities.
These universities are out of control, saying no whites on the weekend, no whites on the commons, and it's weird white teachers leading this classic racism crap.
I mean, Trump...
Have they compromised him?
Because I gotta be honest here, he's still doing a lot of great things, but man, I mean, he is starting to really slide.
What in the hell is going on, Mike?
Well, I'll tell you the truth that nobody really wants to hear, and it's cost me thousands of followers, and I'm fine with that, so I don't want anybody to blame you for what I'm about to say, but I'll just tell you the truth.
If Alec Baldwin makes fun of Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live, Trump will tweet about it.
If a Trump supporter in a Trump hat is knocked unconscious,
Trump says it's no big deal.
I just don't see him caring about the patriots who are on the front lines really making things happen.
Does he know how much those people love him and how important they are?
Because I know for a fact he does.
I think he's in a bubble and doesn't know.
Well, I'm only going to apologize for him for so much.
No, I hear you.
Well, you know what?
You know what?
Because it's fair to do.
Let's look at the negative of Trump when we come back and go to phone calls.
Because what I've been told is you've got to get on his butt, and us just blindly supporting him makes him go to sleep.
So let's go after Trump when we come back.
Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Alright, we're going to your phone calls here in a few minutes.
Mike Cernovich is our guest, but I'm very thankful for President Trump.
I like the things he's done on NAFTA and GATT, the TPP and tariffs on China, and the $4 trillion in the stock market, the 2 million new jobs.
I'm not going to go through that all.
It'll take a long time.
Markedly, in the last month, I've seen some big changes.
But the big one isn't even that omnibus.
Because he got handed that by Congress.
That would have stalled the whole government.
It's big pork barrel.
I'm not saying I absolve him, but I understand why he did it.
Because he's the cheesy Star Trek.
It's like the Kobayashi Maru.
I saw an article where it's like there's no good choice.
Probably the least of the... But I get the principle choice still shut the government down, but they would have blamed him.
But now Russia vows revenge.
The U.S.
only understands force.
That's a Kit Daniels article, breaking it down.
Kicking all these diplomats out, calling them spies.
No proof saying these people got nerve gassed by Russia over in the U.K.
Meanwhile, China flies bombers and fighters near Taiwan.
Threatens attacks against our ships.
That's Reuters.
Meanwhile, we've got the big news here being reported that even the FCC is talking about how the Communist Chinese have infiltrated the companies inside the United States that control, through one central system, all of our phones and all the phone number indexes.
That's just one example.
Overhaul of U.S.
telecommunications database sparks fear of catastrophic failure.
That's not a free beacon, but you've got to read all the way on page three
How is Chinese engineers infiltrating and getting the database?
I'm not on some China-bashing thing, even though they're the biggest mass murderers in history.
It's just that...
Trump's not going after the vaccines now, even though it hurt Barron.
Trump is, and he's only turned a certain amount, but if he stays on that course, it's pretty soon he'll be back to Hillary Clinton.
And they're out to get him, and it's his supporters fighting hard and under attack, and the bullying and all of it.
He needs to fire up and get more aggressive.
He needs to be exposing election fraud in the states.
He needs to be out there.
Meanwhile, the Democrats are full steam ahead.
And the more he rolls over to them, the worse they get.
And so, again, I think Trump looks at mainstream media too much.
I think the old Republican leadership does.
They don't matter.
I go out there in the country.
And the young people, the Hispanic folks, the black folks, the white folks, they don't know who these senators and congressmen are.
They know who I am.
They know who Steven Crowder is, who's just exploding by the way.
Paul Watson, Mike Cernovich.
They know who Jack Posobiec is.
They know who my son is.
That's who's popular.
I'll be sitting there
Again, with famous people who are national TV hosts.
No one knows who they are than who I am.
And I'm not bragging, it's just Trump 71, he's dialed into mainstream news, and what Mike Cernovich said about he's obsessed with what Alec Baldwin does on stupid programs like Saturday Night Live, instead of
When his people rally by the thousands and get physically attacked, that's the meat and potatoes.
That's the issues.
Instead, he thinks he'll virtue signal with Melania and go, good job, kids, protesting for safety.
As if he's going to neutralize it.
No, they're calling for his head.
They're run by savage political operatives and get programmed and get a talking point sheet on record.
They're not going to listen to you being nice to them.
So, Mike Cernovich, what in Hades, before we go to Jeremy, Rick, everybody else who I promise I'm going to go to, what do you think is really going on with Trump?
Well, you nailed it.
It isn't that Trump doesn't care.
It's that he is still in that old media bubble and he doesn't actually know who matters and who is influential.
There's a reason that these groups are going after you and not Fox News.
There's a reason that they want to destroy you.
It is, again, you and I have talked about it.
Yeah, I wrote this article.
It bothered people.
I was kind of like, what it's like being famous and people go, oh, you're full of yourself.
I'm like, no, actually, I don't.
I want to be less famous.
I'm actually trying to keep a lower profile.
But we're more recognizable than almost anybody that you see on the so-called news.
People are talking about the Stormy Daniels ratings.
Well, when I went on 60 Minutes, 15 million people tuned in to watch.
The most since Michelle and Barack Obama had done their special.
I was the biggest ratings drop 60 Minutes had had other than Barack Obama inauguration.
And Pele lost his job after it.
He was, well, because they realized that, and that's why they won't debate us.
They realized that the truth is on our side.
Look what happened to Megyn Kelly!
She totally botched it.
She lost that show right after the interview.
Exactly, and Trump was obsessed with Megyn Kelly for years, even though he didn't realize she was a paper tiger.
These people are paper tigers who frame us, and they lie to us, and if we don't let them lie about us, and we actually say, no, actually, what you're bringing up isn't true.
Yours was actually really true.
Oh, so, you know, you're actually- Hillary goes, you said Hillary fell down.
He goes, yeah, she did.
He doesn't understand
New media at all.
Here's a great example that I use, which is, why has Trump given multiple exclusive interviews to the New York Times, but he's never sat down with Bill Mitchell, who, you know, you're a controversial guy, I'm a controversial guy, even though the media lies about us, like I understand.
But Mitchell is very well spoken, looks great, right down the line, the perfect kind of guy to be in the Trump administration.
Right, Trump could just give the guy an interview and completely change Bill Mitchell's business overnight.
Bill Mitchell would get ten times bigger and that'd be nothing but good for Trump.
Exactly, and Trump doesn't care about Bill Mitchell.
Bill Mitchell's on there, you know, Trump cheerleader, leads the Trump cheerleading squad.
Trump doesn't care.
Trump doesn't say, you know what, Bill, you're a great guy.
I want to do an interview with you, somebody who actually likes me.
Could you imagine Bill Mitchell as press secretary?
I mean, he's good on every topic.
So even if that's not an administration job, there's no reason Trump can't sit down with him.
That's new media.
Sit down with Bill Mitchell.
Give Bill Mitchell that one-hour exclusive interview.
But they don't want to do that.
Bannon went on 60 Minutes.
I told Bannon, I said, Bannon, you need to try to go on the Joe Rogan podcast or Dave Rubin or something during the Don Jr.
And I said, you should go on Alex Jones and do new media.
Bannon didn't get it either.
No, they think like you get on the establishment, you've arrived.
The few times I get on these big things, the audience doesn't even like it.
Unless you totally overthrow the tables, like I did on Piers Morgan.
It's a joke!
If I go on one little Christian station in Alabama and plug my videos, I would sell a thousand copies.
I'd go on CNN and plug it and sell none!
There's zombies watching!
It's background noise!
It's elevator music!
People are not listening!
Well yeah, and actually NBC wanted to do a big interview with me, and I told the guy, who seemed like a nice guy, I said, I go, look man, no offense, but
I'm just bored with people coming in and trying to bring up irrelevant stuff because it doesn't move the needle for me.
Being on NBC, for me, just doesn't move the needle at all.
60 Minutes, I didn't sell any books, Alex.
15 million people watched.
I sold zero books.
None at all.
So I'm thinking, I went on HBO Vice, they spent 13 hours with me.
13 hours.
I didn't sell one book of Gorilla Mindset from that video, but when I come on your show and I talk about how Gorilla Mindset has over a thousand reviews on Amazon, and also a hundred just like that, people go, oh wow, over a thousand reviews on Amazon?
Because we have an awake, active audience.
It's a totally different world.
And that's why they hate InfoWars.
Not because of me.
It's because of all the guests and that we're awake and we have an audience that's awake.
That's why I keep telling the audience, you're the secret.
Stop telling me how great I am.
They see InfoWars and other outlets like ours and yours as focal points of awake people and that's what they want to shut down is that we're able to come together and realize we're not alone.
Well, and they hate the liberals too!
They hate Dave Rubin.
Dave Rubin's channel is constantly under attack.
They hate Joe Rogan because Joe Rogan is talking about Seth Rich and saying, man, this is really weird.
The problem is Joe is so popular right now.
That's why I worry about him.
I think they might frame him for something.
Joe's so popular that they can't go after him the way they've gone after the Rubin report.
So Dave Rubin is a liberal.
Jordan Peterson is a liberal.
So even if you're a liberal, if you're waking people up and getting people to think for themselves and not be zombies, they're going to target you.
So it isn't even a war on conservatives per se.
It's a war on independence.
It's a war on independence.
We'll be back with calls.
Turkey's latest censorship bid is actually not much different than what YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook are already doing.
Turkey is now regulating internet broadcasts, according to Bloomberg, and video streaming services will have to apply for permits to broadcast their content in the country.
But when you compare the details of Turkey's censorship program, you'll start to realize that a lot of it is similar to the community standards used by Silicon Valley to censor conservative and libertarian voices.
Just listen to the following from the Bloomberg piece.
The regulation will require online video streaming companies and pay TV services to apply for a license from the watchdog, known by its Turkish initials RTUK.
Courts can block access for Turkish users if the necessary permits aren't secured.
So, to obtain a license in Turkey, you have to adhere to a specific set of standards enacted by the watchdog.
Similarly, to stay on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, aka keeping a license, you also have to abide to a specific set of standards enacted by the site's watchdogs.
Many of whom adhere to anti-free speech social justice warrior ideologies and are thus similar to Turkish censors.
Now listen to more from the Bloomberg piece.
RT UK has become notorious for aggressively handing out penalties or banning broadcasts that it judges to be immoral, inconsistent with Turkish family values or that stray from the government line on politics.
That sounds just like censorship on YouTube, especially with the site's recent purge of Second Amendment videos.
It judged to be inconsistent with Google's values and strayed from the establishment line on politics.
This is Kid Daniels for InfoWars.com.
This is Roger Stone for InfoWars.
The left has launched lawfare against Alex Jones, filing a bunch of bogus lawsuits against him that are designed to close InfoWars down.
We need your emergency contribution today.
Go to the InfoWars store and click on the donate button.
We need your help.
Melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
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But thank you for committing.
They get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
But it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing millions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films and, you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out.
So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called reap what you show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth!
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth!
You're an anachronism, like a ghost from another time!
I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages!
You're a bug, Mr. Wordsworth!
A crawling insect!
An ugly, misformed little creature who has no purpose here, no meaning!
I am a human being!
Words, Mr. Wordsworth, that have no substance and no dimension, like air, like the wind!
I don't care!
I tell you, I don't care!
I'm a human being, I exist!
And if I speak one thought aloud, that thought lives!
Even after I'm shoveled into my grave!
Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth!
Delusions that you inject into your veins to make you think you have a strength when you have no strength at all!
You have nothing but spindly limbs and a dream, and mistake has no use for your kind!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, we got phones loaded with great people with great comments about the gun grabbing, about Trump on Russia, you name it.
Mike Cernovich is our guest.
Mike, you were getting to a point where we hit break, finish up with that.
And then I was getting into Russia, how the more he expands operations against Russia, the more they say, oh look, you're just backing off, you know, to get us off your back.
And then it's just made up.
I'm not in love with Russia.
Communist China is so, so in control of our country at so many levels.
I just wish Americans realized how perilous the situation was.
So please continue.
Yeah, Trump is not a bad person.
The issue is he surrounded himself with really dumb advisors.
I don't know, for example, if you saw the GOP ad.
I don't want to single it out too much because it's a good kid, a high school kid.
But the GOP goes, oh, this kid is going to use his tax cut to pay for college.
And the answer is like, no, the college is too expensive to do that.
And two, tax cuts aren't how you get the youth vote.
But if you're the GOP, that's what they think.
Oh, tax cuts.
They don't realize no college kids can't write Trump and chalk on the sidewalk without facing death threats.
That's what matters to me.
The issue is the free speech.
The issue is the authoritarian left.
The issue is that they're out of control.
But the old elites are so used to living in freedom, they have no idea we've got a giant Bolsheviks infection.
Our leg is rotting off with green pus coming out, and the Republican establishment is playing golf.
Yeah, where Trump had a college campus, they'll kick you out of class.
There was a student kicked out of class for claiming that there were only two genders, even though that was the topic of the discussion for debate.
There's nothing from this from the Republicans.
There's nothing from this from Trump.
So the issue is that Trump has buffoons all around him, GOP stooges.
His number one advisor is now a guy by the name of Johnny DeStefano, whose previous job was driving John Boerner to spray tans.
That's who he has, that's kind of the running inside joke is, how Johnny DeStefano, whose last job was taking John Boerner to his spray tan appointments, how does that become Trump's chief advisor?
Well, it really does say it all.
So these people are telling Trump.
And this is why I threw a big fit about the omnibus bill.
People go, Cernovich, you're fair weather, you're this.
And I go, first of all, I'm not fair weather or anything.
I don't work for the GOP.
I don't work for Trump.
I work for the people.
And my job is that when you turn into a Mike Cernovich transmission, you don't know what you're going to get because you know that I always bring the fire.
So what I told people, though, is if you supported Trump signing the omnibus bill, Johnny DeStefano and all these other advisors are going to say, see, see, Don, you know, we told you that this was no big deal.
Your base wouldn't care.
And then Trump will say, oh, yeah, you guys are real smart.
You guys are real right.
I get more to understand that we don't stay on Trump.
He will get influenced by the people around him.
So when we push back and then that gets on Fox News, Trump goes, well, wait a minute.
You guys told me this was a good idea.
You guys told me that the people weren't going to care and they do care.
So that's why we have to raise a holy heck.
Whenever Trump does something like the Omnibus Bill.
But likewise, we don't want to be negative.
And when he does great things, and he's done many amazing things.
Sure, all the stuff he was planning for 20 years, China, the economy, all this he's doing is that's what he believes in.
But the problem is he only watches basically Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, as you said, the New York Times.
They try to keep Infowars, your material, away from him.
And so that's why this is happening.
We've come so far.
I want to go to some phone calls here, but what about the Russia situation?
I mean, that is really dangerous because there's no evidence Russian nerve gas these people and now we're just barreling towards war.
Yeah, well, they've always wanted World War III, and it looks like we're now going to have a proxy war in Syria, and it'll be the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Israel.
I don't know if you saw this, but there are things that you can watch that if you're woke, you know what is happening.
So there was a bunch of news footage of Saudi anti-air strike missiles shooting so-called Iranian missiles, and then that went viral.
And you're like, well, wait a minute.
Why is that clip going viral?
So, we'll talk about the Trump-Russian diplomats, but something important yesterday happened that all woke people noticed.
Is, whenever you're starting to see a new messaging, you're like, oh wait a minute, they got their talking points now from the deep state.
Oh that's how, I mean, they still attack us with stuff that Podesta wrote two years ago.
You know, gay frogs, nobody died at Newtown, all, exactly.
So you see the new talking points coming out that Saudi Arabia's gonna help in Syria.
Saudi Arabia's got weapons to fight Iran if Iran attacks them.
It's the idea that Iran's getting ready to attack.
So you're now seeing these great viral videos, and I retweeted one of the videos yesterday.
They go, the Houthi rebels and Yemen backed by Iran.
So you're like, wait a minute, now they're doing this brilliant propaganda.
Because they're going to propagandize us into war.
So war is coming.
The movie is turning dark.
And it's going to be, there is even an article, Saudi Arabia opened up planes to Israeli airspace for the first time.
So now the Saudis and the Israelis in the United States
And the Saudis are secretly meeting with Israel every day in Cairo.
And so they know how to put pressure on Trump.
A lot of wild stuff behind the scenes.
Getting him all confused.
Telling him the war is coming.
He's got to defend America.
Get it all rolling.
And they go, sir, this will get us out of the Russia thing.
Even though it's not true.
Be hard line with Russia, which is in Syria.
And then get with Saudi Arabia.
And exactly.
And the whole thing unfolds.
Yeah, so we're headed towards World War III.
I've told people that you're crazy if you're not stocking up survival food, survival water, Nacian Iodine.
I have it.
I use the InfoWars Iodine.
People go, what supplements do you take?
And I go, I take like 50 different supplements and I do take the Iodine because we have to realize that it's coming.
And I'm not a doomsday person.
When people watch me, if anything, they're like, why aren't you freaking out more?
This is a bigger deal than you make it out to be.
But people have to have canned foods or survival foods.
I was about to say, even mainstream news admits that the billionaires are fleeing to New Zealand.
They built the bases years ago.
Now they're leaving.
That's in the news.
The jets are leaving.
They're saying we're gone.
What are they thinking?
All this travel from Argentina to Antarctica.
What's going on there in an article?
There's all this travel and all of a sudden this newfound interest.
What's going on?
So when you watch the news, you're like, wait a minute, the news is now telling us
That we should like Saudi Arabia, even though they sponsored 9-11.
We just did, how big of an arms deal now with the Saudis?
I think one billion.
The Saudis are going to get nuclear technology.
Oh, the Saudis, like Israel, for the first time, use their airspace.
Oh, and the Saudis are shooting down missiles by rebels in Yemeni, given them by Iran.
So anybody intelligent sees the table is being set for World War III.
Well, I gotta tell you, it's an incredible time to be alive, and we got the left and the globalists trying to shut down free speech, trying to take our Second Amendment.
World War III, Iran vows to obliterate Israel in 25 years as Middle East tensions escalate.
It's all insane.
You know, I promise to go to all these calls.
We'll go to Greg, I'll go to Jeremy, I promise, and a few others, and I'll try to go some into the next guest that's coming on to guest host with us, Gerald Celente, always informative, but a few more minutes with Mike Cernovich.
Just briefly,
We've got to pray, we've got to be involved, we've got to reach out to the White House.
You've got to call talk radio.
You know, they hate info wars.
If we can force a story out, the thing gets picked up by the rest of talk radio and then Fox News.
And so get these issues out.
However you see them, however you take what we've said, make up your own mind.
Because we're not giving you talking points, we're just having a discussion.
And let's raise this alarm about World War III, about a new Cold War with Christian Russia, about the police state here at home, about the attack on free speech, about the gun grabbers, about George Soros, who just realized that
Most of us can't afford a bunker to run in New Zealand.
I know I can't.
So please, let's pray for peace and let's pray for great awakening.
Briefly, before we go to break, come back in a few more minutes with Mike Cernovich and calls.
We sell products here to fund our operation and we have the great nootropic.
We're good to go.
It's an incredible time to be alive.
I personally think we're going to make it out of this with God's grace, but we've got to be focused and involved.
We'll be back in just two minutes with your phone calls.
Stay with us.
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Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
Hey, brother.
Good, man.
Thank you for calling.
Hey, hey.
I just want to say thanks for your products and everything that you're doing to try to save the country.
I mean, I've tried your Secret 12, Super Male, Anthroplex, the Silver Bullet, Biome Defense, Micro ZX.
I mean, that's all good stuff.
Secret 12, if everybody would just drop their energy drinks and get some Secret 12, take a shot of that.
That's the thing about Secret 12.
Just a half a dropper has way more energy.
People ask, why is it sweet?
Real organic B12 is sweet.
And exactly.
When I'm super tired, I go, hey, why am I drinking coffee at 10 at night if I'm going on some show like Coast to Coast?
Secret 12, 30 minutes later, massive energy.
It's amazing.
Yeah, that stuff will wake you up.
And the clarity of mind that comes along with that is just amazing.
You are receiving this transmission.
You are the resistance.
I've got a tiger in my tail!
He never gives up.
He's Alex Jones.
Broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas.
I never give up, because giving up's death.
Alright, I apologize to the callers.
The great Gerald Cilente.
I backed him up 15 minutes.
I can go to your calls with Mike Cernovich.
I always enjoy listening to Gerald.
Appreciate him.
The great Trends Forecaster.
He's coming up in 15 minutes.
Mike Cernovich is here with us.
Jeremy in North Dakota.
Thanks for holding, Jeremy.
You're a trooper.
You're on the air.
Thank you, sir.
What's on your mind today?
Alright Jeremy, are you gone my friend?
Alright, I appreciate you holding.
I appreciate that.
Let's take another call.
Let's talk to a caller in Philadelphia.
Let's talk to Tim in Philadelphia.
Tim, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Thank you, sir.
Alex, actually Mike Cernovich was just saying about, you know,
And yourself about, you know, I love Trump and I love the positive things that he's done, but I'll say one of the things I kind of disagree with him on and he did say was in order for him to stop this right now, he needs to go on the offense and he needs to, you know, pursue national reciprocity and getting that passed.
Because I know right now it's kind of just sitting in the House of Congress.
If he would pass this and help this get through, it would really shut up the left.
No, I agree.
Well, if you look at Trump, on the economic front, he's doing a great job.
He's obsessed with that, with turning the economy on, because that's the base deal.
But the constituents want ideology, I think is what Mike Cernovich is saying, and they want to see him interact and interface with his cohorts that are going through physical hell on the street.
They want to hear him recognize what we've gone through, and then we'll be ten times stronger.
Is that what you're saying, Mike?
So as you know, when you're attacked, you don't say, no, no, no, I'm a good guy.
Please, please, please leave me alone.
That's how you get storm rolls.
So here's the way to win.
Let's title this segment.
How Trump can win in 2018.
Go on the offense, demand that Congress do an up or down vote on reciprocity for a concealed carry.
That'll make the gun vote come out big time.
Exactly, he's just got to direct stuff and if it doesn't happen, it's okay.
At least he's trying, because when he gives an order that's right, we all get mobilized.
Exactly, Mike.
So what else does he do?
He calls for reciprocity, up or down vote.
He presses, you know, for repealing any other... How about silencer bans?
Silencers aren't using crimes.
What else does he do to get people mobilized?
He goes after Facebook, which as we now know has censored you, censored me, and they're criminals.
They're data processing.
I don't know if you read the reports, but they are, if you have an Android phone with Facebook on it, they monitor every text message and every call that you've ever made and every contact to a level that if you were a computer hacker, you would go to prison for your life.
So Trump needs to demand national reciprocity.
He needs to- Criminal investigation of- Didn't they jump the shark going after this Analytica thing?
To me, that's nothing compared to exactly what Facebook does.
The left was so dumb to open up the can of worms, they run Facebook.
Now they've opened up the fact that it's a giant criminal data mining operation.
A criminal RICO investigation into Facebook would be two.
Three would be demand that all state universities which do not support and respect free speech will be denied federal education funding.
Well, you're laying it out.
Up or down reciprocal concealed carry vote.
Criminal investigation, racketeering, not just antitrust of Facebook, who is the main problem.
And then the big one, these universities that say no free speech and spout all this kill the cops, white people are the devil stuff.
Your federal funding is stripped.
That would neuter their ass fast.
What else?
Yeah, well I'm getting fired up just thinking about that, see, and that's what Trump has to realize.
Announce those big pillars right now.
Yeah, we want to hear about an offense, exactly.
Yeah, we're tired.
I'm tired of Stormy Daniels, Trump, Alec Baldwin.
How about a criminal investigation of George Soros for money laundering and for fooling around with the elections?
Hey, I want you to write an article.
Everybody should be writing these articles about what Trump needs to do in like 10 points.
Damn right.
I'm excited right now.
Thank you so much, caller, for bringing that up.
More calls straight ahead with Mike Cernovich in 60 seconds.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
We'll tell you how to follow Cernovich on the other side as well.
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It's Alex Jones.
Well, I gotta say, Mike Cernovich is on fire today.
We're taking your phone calls.
Coming up in another segment, the great Gerald Celente will be here, but...
People think that I want to be establishment.
And I'll never forget Karl Rove during the RNC.
We landed in Cleveland.
There's video of this online.
And I'm trying to talk to him and he goes, you don't get it.
You don't play by the rules.
You'll never be on Fox.
And I was offered three different Fox News shows.
And I was like, wait, they don't pay anything till I'm on for like six months?
Then I make a half million dollars a year?
I mean, I was 27 years old bringing in three million dollars a year.
We bring in 50 plus million dollars a year now, but I put it into infrastructure, satellites and the crew.
I don't even want more money.
I want a smaller house.
I'm happy with my Dodge car and my Ford truck.
I'm not trying to get a bigger house at the Country Club.
I'm not.
I'm trying to change the world.
So to have them laugh at me and go, you're not on Fox News, and have Fox News executives, I'll never forget, Newark Daily News go, Jones tried to get Fox Shows, but he failed, because they want everybody to think we're trying to sell out to be with them, when that's the furthest place, you know, that I want to be.
So, again, but Trump is a good patriot, a good nationalist, but he still doesn't get
That Fox News and the New York Times don't matter.
Is that what you're getting at, Mike Cernovich?
It's the grassroots.
It's the future.
It's populism.
And the good news is, Eastern Europe, Latin America, they all get it.
They're all anti-establishment.
Hollywood's never been more uncool.
I mean, doesn't Trump get that?
He does not get it, and it's funny you bring up Fox News because I held a massive event in New York called the Night for Freedom, and a couple reporters who wrote about it go, oh, Cernovich showed that he's not ready for Fox News because he called out Hollywood pedophilia.
And I said, how many people on Fox News could sell out an event in New York and hold it?
Maybe Hannity, maybe Tucker, a couple people.
So they go, oh, how dare Cernovich call it Hollywood pedophilia?
He'll never be on Fox.
And I go, I'm bigger than the people on Fox.
I'm recognized in public.
I'm walking down San Diego with my wife, who's Persian,
And a Latino man and his Latino girlfriend go, hey, we watch you on Alex all the time.
We love you guys.
Tell Alex, I said, hi, take a picture.
I want to post it on Instagram.
We are, we are uniting.
We are uniting the races and that's why they hate us.
By the way, that's why the left is claiming they own Hispanics.
Because per capita, Hispanic Americans are the most awake, most resonant group with these shows.
I found that's who they really fear.
Well, and that's why they keep bringing up spirit cooking because Hispanic voters are very Catholic.
And actually, one of my readers said when his mother read that story, which made all the Latino newspapers, she did the sign of the cross.
So that's why people go, oh why does Clinton keep bringing up spirit cooking?
That was two years ago, even though there was a vote for everything.
Because that killed him with Catholic and Hispanic voters.
Because they know a woman with a goat head and Aleister Crowley and people in vats of blood, they know that's devil worship.
The media is trying to go, oh that's not devil worship.
The hell it isn't.
Yeah, exactly.
So that could have tipped the Latino vote in ways that they weren't anticipating.
Oh, I can tell you, Podesta and them believe that's what killed Hillary was drugs linking to Paul Watson's spirit cooking article.
And they keep, that's the thing, they keep bringing it up.
Because to me, I'm like, why do you bring that up?
I forgot about it.
So if you're a Catholic Latino and you see a woman holding the head of Baphomet,
With blood going down on it.
You know what that means if you're Catholic.
You know what they're doing there.
You know what that symbolism is.
Well take one look at that woman and then all the Aleister Crowley crap.
And little kids and vats of blood.
Good God!
Yeah, and that's why they keep bringing it up.
Otherwise, to me, I tell these people, wow, you have to go back two years to find things about me that you don't like.
I can go back yesterday and find the fake news media docs for Jewish women and their mom is a man who's literally convicted.
So let me ask you this when I get a few calls.
My gut is we're going to win if we stay awake and get involved.
But this is the big assault.
I think they're planning something really, really big.
And the fact that Trump's rolled over to the false flags and patronized the gun grabber groups and tried to neutralize them, that was the wrong advice.
He encouraged it.
And I think he sowed the seeds of big problems.
Yeah, it's over.
Trump will be impeached.
Beginning in November 2018.
If he does not take immediate offensive action.
I agree.
I think he's got a month or two to turn it around and wake up.
Or he just screwed himself.
No question.
You know, I put an emergency warning out to him and he called me two days after about it.
The media kind of picked up as he instantly responded.
I said, if you don't attack during the next debate, you're done.
He kindly got that.
The thing is, they got the clip to him.
And it's not that he's highly influenceable.
He goes with his gut when somebody else seconds what he already thinks.
The problem is, if nobody seconds what he thinks, then he'll go with them.
And that's the problem.
And I don't, and I can't, it's very hard to get my, I mean, we got into stuff about
McMaster and the Soros operative, and so that happened.
Took him six months.
And I just can't get stuff through to him, Mike.
What do we do?
I mean, I know they've cut your sources off to him.
Well, there's a reason that the fake news media smeared multiple of his workers and lied about them.
Johnny DeStefano is now Trump's right-hand man, and Johnny DeStefano is as establishment as it gets, as basic Republican loser as it gets, and they're telling him, oh yeah, your base loves you, they love the tax cut.
Actually, my taxes went up because of where I live, so the tax cut ended up hurting me and a lot of people in the room.
A little clash, mine went up too, but it is good for the overall blue-collar and other economy, but yeah.
Now, Trump did a kind of JFK tax deal.
It was very classic Democrat.
Well, the answer is that, the point is this, Alex.
I supported the tax cut, even though my own taxes went up, because I want money going to hard-working workers.
No, no, I do too.
I told people my taxes went up.
That said, tax cuts don't get the vote out.
People don't say that.
No, ideology does.
Vision does.
Gun rights do.
Free speech does.
Showing that you're a leader, that you're playing a winning game.
This ought to be his new slogan.
Trump fights for America.
Not this or that.
Infowars fights.
Cernovich fights.
Alright, Mike Cernovich, we really appreciate you.
Come back more often.
I know you're a busy guy.
We really appreciate you.
How do folks follow you on Twitter, Facebook, while you're still there?
Yeah, the best place to find me is C-E-R-N-O-V-I-C-H dot com.
Cernovich dot com.
I'm glad we had a great hour because people gossip and said we don't like each other and everything.
And I'm like, we talk every day.
We're just, you know, busy.
It's all lies.
People constantly spend their time trying to get us to fight.
So Cernovich dot com is the best place to find me.
All right, buddy.
Great job.
Thank you.
Every caller holding has either got a bottle of X2 or a bottle of Brain Force or whatever t-shirt they want.
Get their names and numbers.
I give the number out some days and I don't take the calls and then I get really mad at myself.
So I get caught up in stuff and I apologize to Alyssa, Rick, Dean, Tony, Clifford and Linda.
You guys all holding an hour.
Just give us your name and number, what you want.
I'm going to hand it over to the shipping department across town.
I'll email it to them and we will ship that out to you from South Austin.
I gotta let Gerald Swanson take over.
He's all wound up, ready to go.
He'll just have 45 minutes.
When we come back, I apologize to him.
Thank him.
Let me take over here briefly.
Yeah, I've got to assess what I'm going to do about Trump, because I just go with what's right, and I really try to study things.
And I'm very thankful, and I know Trump's good overall, but we've got to get on his butt.
We've got to create such a nationwide movement that we communicate with him and let him know what's going on, that we're really upset, or we're going to really get in deep trouble.
But all I've got to say is the left are evil people.
They really are satanic.
They really are control freaks.
They're just losers.
They're just bad people.
And we're going to have to get awake.
We're going to have to get involved.
We're going to have to get focused.
Or this country will implode like any other nation has before.
And when we go up, it's going to be spectacular.
And I don't want to go that route.
Briefly, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
They're trying to block those articles, those videos.
You keep hammering them out.
You keep sharing them.
You keep emailing them.
You keep hand-showing them to people.
Little business cards.
We've got, briefly, 50% off.
It's only going to last a day or two because Brain Force is going to sell out.
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It takes about a week to build up, so take that seven-day challenge and make it easy.
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And a bunch of other specials, 25% off Sphermal Vitality, X2.
That is all going to end today.
So again, thank you all.
You make it all possible.
All right, the top trends forecaster, Gerald Cilente, on the other side of this quick break.
And then the War Room coming up in 45 minutes with our own Owen Schroeder.
Stay with us.
Owen Troyer here for InfoWars.com.
Now, I am at City Council today to discuss an incident that happened on December 10, 2017, where I was trying to go to a memorial march for Kate Steinle, but I was met with armed, masked men that prevented me from entering and were intimidating and threatening me.
I'm going to bring this issue to City Council.
Let's see how they take it.
Alright, well I'm going to start by asking the council a question.
Given everything that's happened in the month of March with the bombings and the police officers saying, if you see anything suspicious, say something.
I think we would all agree that masked men walking around with firearms is something suspicious.
Now I'm going to play this video for the council to review.
That illustrates that exact thing happening.
Now, I am a firm believer in the First Amendment right, so an individual has the right to walk around with their face covered.
I'm a firm believer in the Second Amendment right.
I believe in constitutional carriage, so you can carry a rifle or whatever firearm you want with you.
According to U.S.
Code, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 13, Subsection 241, Conspiracy Against Rights states, if two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any state, territory, commonwealth, or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised them the same, or two or
More and more persons go in disguise or on the premises of another with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years.
Well, on December 10th, the video you're witnessing right now, I went to a memorial march for a deceased victim of a violent crime.
And I was met, as you can see in these pictures, by masked men with arms on their triggers of rifles, battering clubs, etc.
Here you can see this man has his finger on the trigger, keeping me from going to a park
A memorial, here's them, with shields and clubs blocking the entrance from a park for a dead person's memorial.
Now, if that doesn't violate the code, I don't know what does.
And I find it timely that we sit here today with you all discussing getting more funding for police, but I did not hear one person make a suggestion to keep violent criminals off the streets.
Well, maybe if we looked into sanctuary city laws and keeping masked men with guns off the streets, we wouldn't have to have a hundred police officers out there every time somebody wants to have a march, which is every weekend.
Now, I'll just say this in closing and provide an illustration for you.
If I was outside, holding a rifle, keeping people from getting into this city council to state their claim, do you think I should be arrested?
I think everybody here would agree, yes, that should be an arrest.
But for some reason, and I'm not blaming the APD, because I think they're good men and women.
Most of my experiences with them have been positive.
But if we're not going to arrest armed individuals with masks, brandishing weapons, intimidating people from their free speech, a clear violation of the law, I just want to know why, and I want to know if this city council thinks that that's the type of city that we should live in.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you.
Mayor, if he would provide us with a link, because I couldn't see that.
Absolutely, I'd be happy to.
Thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Wonderful being here.
This is Gerald Cilenti sitting in with Alex Jones and being a host this rest of this hour.
It's a real honor to be on InfoWars.
And I thank all the guests and what all the people do to bring truth and freedom to America at a time when we're losing it.
And when I say we're losing it, we know you had to do is look this past weekend.
In all the news, after rallies, youth look to midterms.
Yep, student activists pushing for tougher firearm rules focused on November elections.
You know, enough of nothing, man.
Everybody that I know, adults, are looking toward high school students to lead them.
I mean, not for nothing, man.
I'd been there.
I was a high school student at one time, and I was a young guy at one time.
And my dear father, may his soul rest in peace, we'd be eating dinner, and he'd say to me, I was a teenager, he'd say, you know, son, they say that youth is wasted on the young.
You take a couple more bites and he'd say they were talking about you.
In other words, you only know so much when you're a kid, so take it easy.
Stopping firearms?
Oh, yeah.
Look at that crazy place over there.
It's at war all the time.
People are blowing each other's brains out with guns virtually every day.
The economy's down in the crapper.
Oh, Switzerland?
Ah, yes.
The richest country in the world.
People haven't been to war since what?
Eh, about the 1850s.
And everybody has guns.
That's right.
They're not killing each other.
It's not gun violence, it's violent mentality.
Oh no, those video games have nothing to do with it.
No, that's why they use those same games to train guys going into the service.
That's all this is, electronic warfare.
Shoot, fire, boom!
Hey, you remember Obama?
Yes, the Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner.
Gave us the Libyan War, Assad has to go in Syria, and in the book Double Down said, quote, I'm really good at killing people.
With all his drone strikes, I've killed over 4,000.
So, you want to have gun control?
What just came out with that young man who, uh, set off those bombs in Austin?
Bomber described self as, quote, psychopath.
Hey, wait a minute.
He didn't use a gun.
He used a bomb.
Oh, you're gonna stop bombers, huh?
Oh, yeah, we'll stop them.
No, you won't.
Strap it on yourself and blow up people in a subway?
Or wherever you want to go, in a mall?
You can't stop it.
It's crazy minds.
You're gonna ban all the knives?
Oh yeah!
We just use plastic knives in our kitchen.
And you cut somebody up with a knife real quick.
Has nothing to do with it.
It has to do with the mind.
Hey, how about those guys that get in cars?
And hit mobs of people on the streets and kill masses of them.
You're gonna ban cars?
It's the violent mentality of America.
Go to the movies!
You know, back in the day, when they used to have movies when I was a young guy, they were never allowed to show blood.
And now, man, they got that body flying apart.
Take it easy with the youth.
They're not going to lead me.
We should be leading them.
There was a thing called elders once upon a time.
When you're a kid, you only know so much.
You gotta go through the trip to get there to know what it's about.
So save it, Jack and Jill.
Gotta be even here.
Not going up your hill.
I know the story.
And by the way, if you want to occupy something other than gun violence, how about occupying peace?
Well, that's a bigger word.
And again, I'm very pleased to be here.
And one of the great products available at InfoWars that I love is Supermail Vitality.
That's right.
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And, uh, for an old guy man, this thing really, really helps me a lot.
And, when you buy it now, you have a 25% off at InfoWarsStores.com.
And to help support the broadcast and get the best all-natural products,
Again, they're dropping the price 25% at infowarsstores.com.
And, you know, they say Supermail Vitality has received thousands of five-star reviews from listeners who have been blown away by the effects.
And I've been blown away by the effects, and so too have a number of my friends.
You know, the older you get, the more vitality you need to keep going.
And this thing keeps me alive and hopping and going in a very good direction.
So I really would suggest you consider getting Supermail Vitality for 25% off at InfoWarsStores.com and see the product your fellow InfoWars like Gerald Cilenti swear by.
Make sure you get it.
Before they run out, because when you get this, man, you're gonna be running.
I run all over, by the way.
Every time I run from block to block, I gotta go from here to there, I run.
And super male vitality keeps that boogie going, you know?
So going back to this, all these protests, and all the media attention that they're getting, again, how about looking at the bigger issue?
And to me, the bigger issue is that violence has become the norm and is very well accepted.
And again, Hollywood sells it.
And the military-industrial complex makes money off it.
You look at that new budget that was passed.
Half the dough is going to the military-industrial complex.
Oh, you want to stop gun violence?
When anybody says to me, you know, what do you think about banning guns?
They say, I'm all for it.
I'm all for it.
Let's start with the military.
Let's cut that budget way back, man.
Bring home the troops, secure the homeland.
I'm a believer in George Washington and Eisenhower, and George Washington's farewell address, no foreign entanglements.
Can't keep losing these wars, don't keep spending money on them.
So, violence?
How about the militarized police of the United States?
Yeah, get rid of all their, a lot of their stuff, and then tell me to get rid of mine guns.
All right?
So, save it, man.
Don't want to hear it.
Because again, you could strap on a bomb.
Hey, look at the TSA.
Look at the feel-up freaks at the TSA.
Oh, you missed that study?
They feel you up and check you down, and they can't find you.
80% failures.
Be right back.
Turkey's latest censorship bid is actually not much different than what YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook are already doing.
Turkey is now regulating internet broadcasts according to Bloomberg, and video streaming services will have to apply for permits to broadcast their content in the country.
But when you compare the details of Turkey's censorship program, you'll start to realize that a lot of it is similar to the community standards used by Silicon Valley to censor conservative and libertarian voices.
Just listen to the following from the Bloomberg piece.
The regulation will require online video streaming companies and pay TV services to apply for a license from the watchdog, known by its Turkish initials RTUK.
Courts can block access for Turkish users if the necessary permits aren't secured.
So, to obtain a license in Turkey, you have to adhere to a specific set of standards enacted by the watchdog.
Similarly, to stay on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, aka keeping a license, you also have to abide to a specific set of standards enacted by the site's watchdogs.
Many of whom adhere to anti-free speech social justice warrior ideologies and are thus similar to Turkish censors.
Now listen to more from the Bloomberg piece.
That sounds just like censorship on YouTube, especially with the site's recent purge of Second Amendment videos.
It judged to be inconsistent with Google's values and strayed from the establishment line on politics.
This is Kid Daniels for InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Hey, welcome back, welcome back.
Wonderful being here.
Great honor.
To be a host on the Alex Jones Show on InfoWars and thank you for all you do and to let freedom ring at a time when, boy, they're doing everything they can to stop it.
You know, one of the big issues going on, of course, is today the United States joined in with the European allies and others in expelling Russians because they allegedly poisoned a spy over there in the UK.
Several days ago.
Yeah, I remember.
A spy, right?
Like, it's not Mary Poppins, you know.
It's Cinderella they did, you know.
It wasn't Mother Teresa.
If they did it, it was a spy, you know.
Big deal, right?
The Russians claim they didn't do it.
And just like they have provided not one shred of evidence, not one piece of hard evidence, that
The Russians hacked the DNC in 2016 so that all the dirt about Hillary Clinton, or some of it, came flowing out.
Not one piece of evidence.
We believe, we suggest, you know, we could, you can't go to, can't go to court with we believe and we suggest.
How about showing me some evidence, Junior?
It's like colon, and you know what?
Goes down the colon, don't you?
Powell held up that little vial of colon crap and says Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al-Qaeda when they didn't have any.
So, going back to now this screeple poisoning in Russia and the United States joining in with others to throw out Russian diplomats and other Russians.
This is what they said.
These are the quotes about their proof that the Russians did it.
This is Theresa May, the British Prime Minister, whose popularity rating is in the toilet, where it belongs, and having difficulties with Brexit to get their people's minds off the problems.
She's the one that started this.
It's highly likely that Russia is responsible.
Highly likely?
Is that a fact?
No, it's highly likely.
What else came out?
Washington responded, it's likely responsible, the Russians.
Donald Trump said, it looks like.
And what else do we have here?
Ah, the German Chancellor?
Highly likely.
Macron, the caisson?
From France, there is no other plausible explanation.
Only one explanation?
No other plausible ones?
How could anybody take this baloney?
And that's what's going on.
So, it's very important to stay with the facts.
And one of the facts are that, you know, one of the things I keep saying is that if you pump
Trillions of gallons of poison into the earth, into the water, and into the air.
It's not going to be so good, particularly when you're living in an environment with so many chemical composites, whether it's in the rugs or the wood, or whatever else you got around your place.
So that's why it's really important for you to consider Alexa Pure Breeze Air Purifier.
And that's right, and just like with the
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And the air in your home, like the air that they keep putting out by the prostitutes in the media, it's filled with dust, bacteria, allergens, and viruses.
So you gotta clean that air and your Alexa Pure Breeze Air Purifier that you can get for $50 off with free shipping for a limited time only at InfoWars.com is the way to go.
So, again, it's about cleansing the air and cleansing your mind from the garbage that they keep pumping into it, which is why I very much enjoy being on InfoWars with Alex Jones and David Knight with The Real News.
And again, all the products tie right into it.
They're all connected.
Keeping you healthy and keeping you clean at a time when they just keep pumping dirt down our brain.
And again, staying with this comments about Russians.
And by the way, the Russians have been asking for proof and they refuse to give it to them.
And again, what little clown in life would take garbage from a little jerk like Macron that got sown from France by saying there is no other plausible explanation?
Oh wait, you just, only your explanation is the plausible one?
Oh no, not Junior.
You're a little Rothschild sellout bankster boy.
A boy of nothing that would be nowhere without the dough pushing you where you are.
And then that other little clown, another little you-know-what, the NATO Secretary General, Secretary Jerk, Jens Stoltenberg, said this was consistent with a general, quote, reckless pattern of Russian behavior over many years.
And then they got this other guy, Boris Johnson.
You want to see a living clown, a live freak?
Boy, I'll tell you, man, a lot of you folks out there are too young to remember the greatest show on earth, the Ringling Brothers' Barnum and Bailey Circus.
This is a guy you would have spent a lot of dough to see a living freak like you've never seen before.
Step right up!
Step right up!
It's Boris Johnson!
A clown in real life, and a clown in fake one, too!
This is what this little jerk said.
Again, this is without a shred of evidence.
He said that our quarrel is with Putin's Kremlin, and with his decision, and we think it's overwhelmingly likely
That it was his decision to direct the use of a nerve agent on the streets of the UK.
We think you can't think of anything.
You're a complete waste of a moron and you're perfect.
You are perfect because you represent the UK.
Is it the F-U-K?
Well, maybe.
Because that's what you're in, man.
The UK!
And you could put whatever levities you want in front of it.
Those two just came out of my mouth because of the crap coming out of yours.
How could any adult buy this?
And they're all doing it.
Without a shred of probative evidence.
I think it's overwhelmingly likely.
Yeah, you think.
And they pull Putin into it.
I mean,
Killing this jerk guy?
And by the way, they've shown no photos of him.
Nothing about him.
But it's just more propaganda.
And that's what prostitutes do.
They get paid to put out.
Media whores.
Paid by their corporate johns.
Or their Washington whoremasters.
Don't forget to tune in.
The CNN, CNBC, ABC, and all the rest for a freak show near you.
And that's why you need to support InfoWars and put your money where your mind is.
I like super male vitality.
I like clean air.
And I like a good time.
I don't like these people ruining it for me.
So do what you can to support InfoWars.
Keep truth alive.
The time when we really need it.
It's been sold out for months and now it's back.
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So there's a lot of product and a lot
Now, it's the other side of the equation.
Everybody thinks about probiotics and how great they are for your gut because of toxins in the environment, pesticides, herbicides, but more importantly than bad bacteria, the probiotics help displace.
Yeast mold creates slime walls.
And once the candida and the yeast and the mold and all that get in there, it causes all sorts of serious issues.
Well, this has got a bunch of concentrated herbs in it and compounds known to destroy that slime wall.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
I'm not here pitching products because I just want to get a bigger house or a bigger car.
I need to beat these people, as everybody knows.
They are all over the news saying, we want to take Alex Jones off the air.
From Sadiq Khan to the head of YouTube, we are to the CEO of News Corp.
In these lawsuits, Alex, I know the costs.
My costs are up to a half a million dollars to fight the polio lawsuits.
You're looking at millions of dollars, ultimately, to fight the lawsuits against you and against InfoWars because they're designed to silence you and shut you down.
I tell my friends, look, even if you're not in the market for a t-shirt or you don't want the super blue fluoride free line of products right now, there's a donate button.
If you just want to help the fight for freedom, if you like what we're doing here, and you're not, just don't happen to be in the market for products that you've already got them or you're on auto ship, you can just go to the donate button and send us $25, $100, $150, $200.
We're looking at massive, massive legal costs to fight the globalists and fight the effort to just shut us down.
So if you love InfoWars,
Hit that donate button.
We don't have the Annenberg and CPB and Rockefeller Foundation funding us.
We have the listeners doing it.
And we're taking Soros and the globalists and Obama suing you, saying you're a Russian agent, and they're suing us with all this frivolous stuff.
We're winning.
It's why they're targeting us.
But people need to know this is the war for this republic.
This is it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Hey, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back!
Wonderful being here on InfoWars, and again at a time when it's very hard to find... It's not fake news they're putting out so much as dumb news.
I mean, yeah.
Hey, did you hear about Stormy Daniels?
Come on, stop.
I don't want to hear it anymore.
Yeah, I was on with David Knight this morning on Real News, and he made a comment.
And boy, I love being on with David.
The guy really knows his
Financial data, as well as a lot of other great information.
And he said to me, you know, we're talking about the trade war going on.
Or as the media calls it.
And he said, you know, China started this.
And I said, yeah, you're right.
He said, look at the deficit we have.
$375 billion deficit.
Who would do business with anybody and keep losing money?
And everybody's outraged that Trump wants to stop that.
And again, I make it very clear, when it comes to geopolitical things, I'm not on the same page as Trump on most of them, or many of them.
But when it comes to this, I'm totally on the same page as him.
The facts are there.
We lost a job since Bill Clinton sold us out with NAFTA, and the rest of the Democrats and Republicans.
And he sold us out with the World Trade Organization, that China joined, by the way, two weeks after 9-11, when no one was watching.
Their middle class went from 5% back in 2001 to almost 35% today.
And we all know that everything we pick up now, it's made in China, made in China, made in China.
And what's really, who's fighting Trump on this, are a lot of the people that are getting their products made up there.
The retail sector.
You know, it's made in China, and they're bringing it back, marking it up, and making dough on it.
So they're fighting that.
So, in picking up what David said,
Here's a story.
Wall Street Journal admits China started the trade war.
And this is by Wall Street Journal's Greg Ip.
China started it long before Trump became president.
I mean, how many more facts do you need?
We lost over 3 million jobs.
Those are facts.
Just with China.
Lying, Slick Willy, I didn't have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky, I smoked but I didn't hail Clinton, promised us 200,000 manufacturing jobs with NAFTA.
We lost nearly a million.
We went from a positive trade balance to now we're down what?
71 billion with NAFTA with Mexico.
It's one loss after another.
17 billion down in Canada.
So, it's not a trade war.
One of my top trends back in 2016 was self-sustaining economies.
They're throwing out this baloney that, yeah, you know, prices will go up.
Well, so what?
If my wages go up, which they're not going up now for most Americans,
And I'm making a lot more, I'll pay more.
Just like when you have a lot of dough and you buy luxury products.
So we became a dollar store society.
Isn't that wonderful?
Because they pay us dollar store wages.
Because slimy, slick willy, and arrogant, warmongering freak.
Wonder why Hillary Clinton lost.
Can't understand why.
Ah, because she's as disgusting as it is?
They hate women, that's why.
Oh yeah, that's why 52% of the women voted for Trump.
Anyway, Bill Clinton sold us out.
He sold out our high-paying jobs.
You don't want to get your hands dirty in the manufacturing jobs!
You can get a job in the retail sector.
Yeah, waiting on tables.
Become a bartender.
How about ambulatory care?
Or, uh, I got a better one.
Hospitality sector.
So we can pay you nothing and work in Target, Walmart, and all the other ones that have taken over the country.
So, yes, I'd love to pay more if I'm making more.
And a self-sustaining economy means we have, what, 320 million people?
We're rich in just virtually every resource we need.
Great country by
Both demographically, psychographically, and naturally.
Why do I have to buy Chinese?
I want to buy American.
When I want some nice prosciutto, a cup of cola, a parmesan, I want Italian.
Like, I want a nice French red wine and some nice cognac.
But I want to buy my American shoes and my American pants.
And drive the American car, if that's the best one there.
I want to bring production back here, because when I was a young guy, people working in what are now Rust Belt states, had very nice middle class lives.
They were making more, and living better.
Now we're earning less,
And buying less.
And you know the data.
American consumer has over $13 trillion in debt.
So, going back to the trade.
As we speak, boom, zam, ba-da-boom!
The Dow is up and sharp, over 600 points.
I mentioned to David Knight this morning, Dow going down had nothing to do with the so-called trade war.
Just as those little headline news jerks in the business media said, oh, the last reason was they fired that guy Gary Cohen.
He left.
Gary who?
Gary what?
Gary who cares?
That wasn't it at all.
The markets went down last Thursday.
Excuse me, last Wednesday, following Jerome Powell
The new Fed Chair statement that interest rates were going up.
This is from the Financial Times.
Thursday, remember he comes out Wednesday.
The markets were up 250 points.
After they absorbed what the Fed Chair said, the market closed down almost 50.
That's like a 300 point change.
So here's what they said.
Powell lifts Fed rates.
The Federal Reserve lifted short-term interest rates by a quarter point, and forecast rates would rise faster than expected in the coming years.
That's what drove down the markets.
Don't believe me?
How about this one?
The Wall Street Journal.
Again, Thursday after the Wednesday.
Stocks fall after Fed raises rates.
From his eternity paper, A Record, The New York Times.
Market cheaters and falls as Fed raises rates.
That's why the markets went down.
Not the baloney about Gary Cowen.
Not the baloney about raising tariffs.
What are they talking about?
$60 billion?
That's Trump change.
375 billion dollar trade deficit just with China?
It's interest rates.
That's what's concerning the markets.
The markets went up on cheap interest rates.
Unprecedented in the history of the world, part one and part two.
Nobody ever heard of negative and zero interest rate policy or quantitative easing.
We say the Trump rally and we were the first magazine to call it a week after he got elected.
It's in our Trends Journal.
We were the first one to say back in December, it'd be a 10% correction in 2018.
And there was.
And now we're saying the Trump rally is peak.
It won't crash because of the Trump tax policies that are allowing companies to repatriate money overseas, and by lowering the taxes, they're reinvesting in stocks.
That's going to keep the market up, because already stock buybacks this time of the year are at record high, and so too are mergers and acquisitions.
So it all depends on interest rates.
If interest rates go up too fast,
The market goes down hard.
And I want to watch, and I keep saying to people, watch the price of gold.
As goes gold, the opposite direction will be the markets.
So thank you very much.
See you soon.
And until the next time, stay tuned to InfoWars.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, I've got some talking points here about Caveman from Infowarslife.com, but instead of going over those talking points, let me just give you what I've experienced personally.
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