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Name: 20180323_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 23, 2018
3212 lines.

In various episodes, Alex Jones discusses topics such as globalist agendas, trade issues with China, the need for a strong military presence, and promoting his own products on InfoWarsLife. He also interviews professors and addresses controversies involving critics like David Hogg. The show features advertisements for other products including MycoZX Plus for candida infections, Reverse Osmosis water filtration systems, ProPure systems, Winter Sun vitamin D3 supplements, Carnivore digestive enzyme product by InfoWars Life, and more. Jones also talks about the importance of education and voting out the Democrat Party while addressing concerns with Breitbart media organization.

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Alex Jones, the cure to fake news.
Coming to you live from Austin, Texas.
Well, here we are, ladies and gentlemen, Friday, the 23rd day of March 2018.
I am your host, Alex Jones, going to be here for the next four hours.
We got Roger Stone popping in to give us his take on Donald Trump's new National Security Advisor, Mr. Bolton.
Who a lot of people really don't like, including myself, because he still pushes the failed Iraq War and other things like that.
But the word is on Bolton, he knows all the connections, he knows all the players in the State Department, in the UN, in the Pentagon, and that he will be an apparatchik or a tool, a, you know, effective munchkin
To use his words, to carry out the policies that the President wants carried out, and that he won't sit there and leak information, like McMaster did as a final attack.
In fact, it was 10 days ago.
Now remember, 10 days ago, last Monday.
Not this Monday, but the month before last, that Roger Stone was on the show, and he said he will be gone within 10 days.
And nine days later, the announcement that McMaster was gone was there, obviously probably accelerated a little bit of time by the fact that the word is he's the leaker on Chief of Staff Kelly saying, don't congratulate Putin.
And then Trump
Being president again, going and doing what he wants to.
Obama congratulated Putin on his election.
You can argue he keeps himself in state power and media power to have political power so people believe in him and vote for him, but they don't call the communist Chinese dictator a dictator when he is appointed by the Communist Party and now for life.
He had them make him a dictator.
And even strip their powers.
So the media won't call him a dictator.
Cover of all the papers this weekend when his vice president became co-dictator.
They said, oh, he was elected, and you'd read the whole article, it'll never tell you, by the Politburo.
By the Central Committee.
So, little things like that get in my head.
It's not about defending Putin or saying he's perfect.
I'm just tired of the lies.
Vladimir Putin is not a dictator.
A strongman, yes.
A loved strongman.
The Communist Chinese president is a dictator by the very classic definition of it, like his predecessor Mao Zedong.
I'm going to stop right there.
We're going to get into Bolton.
I'm going to get Professor Boyle on, who's worked with him and went to school with him and knows him.
He's going to come on and talk about Bolton today.
I know Pucinich doesn't like him.
We're trying to get ahold of him.
He wants to pop in.
But we'll get your take on that.
But for me, it's a side issue.
It's going to be just brief footnotes from these guys because they want to comment.
And I want to hear what they have to say, but I'm not worried about it.
Because you're going to get Donald Trump's policies, what we elected him for, not Bolton's.
So we're going to be breaking all of that down today.
There's been a new sickening attack by Stephen Colbert and the main star, stupid Hollywood term, of Silicon Valley.
Misrepresenting what I said about Silicon Valley when I said, I think I even went shooting with that guy once.
With Mike Judge.
I think I met that guy.
As if I was attacking him personally.
Thomas Middleditch, that's even a real name, I was pointing out that the cover of the magazine talking about the triumph of beta males was globalist propaganda.
So again, they always just turn everything around that, oh, I'm attacking the poor actor.
No, I was attacking the push of beta males.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this Friday Worldwide Transmission, the 23rd day of March 2018.
I am your host Alex Jones.
We have a plethora of informative guests joining us today to get into President Trump's new National Security Advisor, Mr. Bolton, Paul Joseph Watson, Professor Francis Anthony Boyle, Roger Stone, who's friends with
The new National Security Advisor.
Good friends with him.
They drink whiskey and play poker together for 30 years.
So he'll be giving us his take on him.
He likes Bolton.
And he says Bolton is an apparatchik.
And that means he will follow Trump's orders and will not leak and is dog-like in his loyalty.
So that's the case.
Even though I disagree with some of Boyle's views.
Then I trust the President.
But the president, you know, brought some good people in, he's brought some bad people in.
That's why Trump said you're going to see a lot of hiring and a lot of firing during the campaign.
He said, I'm going to go through a lot of people till we get the best team.
That's what corporations and companies do.
That's what the military does for special units and things, is that you've got to go through a lot of people to find the best.
This thing of just, oh, you got put in there, so now you're there for four years or eight years, is what's brought us this whole stagnant situation we're facing as a culture.
So for me, Bolton is a side issue, but we will get into John Bolton here today and look at different perspectives of five horrifically bad foreign policy ideas that Donald Trump should disqualify John Bolton for.
So we're going to be looking at all of that today, obviously.
The big story, though, is President Trump's speech yesterday.
For 15 minutes before he signed the new WTO complaint, moving forward with $60 billion.
First the news said $50 billion, but once he announced it was $60 billion.
But as the president pointed out, it's $400 to $500 billion a year depending on how you look at the numbers that Communist China puts on us.
It's like 400 billion classic trade deficit through tariffs, unless you look at the corporate taxes every year that stay there, because now there's 0% tax, they were 15, we were 40.
You add that, it's another 100 plus billion.
Some numbers have it at 990 billion a year, the lowest numbers at about 850 billion a year.
Global trade deficit and 500 billion conservatively of that is China.
They're more than half of it.
They're the issue.
And of course the US accuses China of stealing patents in WTO complaint.
That's like accusing humans of breathing oxygen.
China disregards everything.
Steals everything on record.
And then US companies
And US courts and the federal marshals politically get the order to stand down and let China engage in the gang raping of this country.
And the total de-industrialization, in the globalist's own words, to teach us a lesson and to bring us to heel.
Just like Hillary said, black people were super predators and to be brought to heel like a dog.
It's the same mindset of breaking the people through economic conquest and control.
That's the theme of the New World Order.
Well, I've been putting that message out for decades.
And it's a message that's based on what the globalists have said and what they've done.
And people like President Trump have been putting that message out for 40 years.
And now we've got somebody in there.
We've got somebody in there.
Understand what's going on.
The media is spinning it that it's going to hurt innovation, it's going to hobble innovation.
No, it's not.
China puts out a bunch of copied crap as cheaply as they can.
I'm not kidding.
Half of what you buy made in China breaks before you get it out of the box.
You get it out and it's broken.
Or it breaks in a month.
You'll be sitting there looking at these catalogs on the airplane, you order some laser cat toy like I did, where the cats walk around and it shoots lasers out.
It's broken when it comes out of the box.
I mean, it's a joke.
Why do we do this?
We threw away our industry, we threw away quality, we threw away everything for the communist Chinese.
Their own people don't even get any of the wealth.
But that's the thing about evil.
Evil always only hurts people.
Including those that are on top.
They think they're getting ahead, but it always ends up hurting them.
So that's big news.
We're going to be getting into all of that.
Also, Reuters reports, it's up on Infowars.com, U.S.
warships, because it's one big ship, but it's got support ships.
Shale near disputed island in South China Sea, officials say.
Latest attempt to counter what Washington sees as China's efforts to limit freedom of navigation.
Yeah, they're just taking over waterways that have been used for thousands of years by everybody and just saying it's theirs.
And building artificial islands to expand their range another 12 miles each time.
It is incredible.
That is all coming up.
But then I've got this stack of news that is just as amazing.
France has another terror attack.
Two dead, dozens injured as ISIS government takes hostages in supermarket.
Moroccan terrorists demanded release in 2015.
Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam.
Meanwhile, German minister on Migrant, a German minister for Merkel, says knife crime may be up 1,200%, but he said don't let people get close to you, be sensitive, it's your fault the Muslims are stabbing you.
You cannot make this stuff up.
Just like the mayor, the Green Party mayor of Cologne, that told the women that hundreds that got raped in one night on video, she said wear bracelets that say don't rape me.
In Arabic, and don't dress sexy.
That's right, girls.
The feminists tell you, listen to Linda Sorcerer, gonna cut those genitals off.
There's nothing more liberal.
White farmers flee South Africa in fear of land grab.
And then I've got the President, the Vice President, the Defense Minister, and the second biggest party, Communist leader, all on video, we heard it last week, saying, we're gonna take all your land and kill you.
And then the communist leader came out yesterday and made fun of the whites and said, better leave the keys and the tractors and everything if you want to get out of the country alive, and called Australia racist for saying they'd take white farmers.
I mean, you got the president saying, we're gonna take your land, you'll be lucky if you make it out alive.
You got the communists saying, we're gonna slit your throat, whites.
And it's happening everywhere.
And then, when they try to get out,
The communist leader and others say, we're not letting you go.
We're going to make sure you turn everything over to us or you're dead.
And it's liberal.
Oh, it's so liberal.
White genocide.
That's coming up.
It's all coming up today and so much more.
I've got a ton of clips.
David Hogg doesn't get attention anymore.
So he's running around and tirades, cussing, all of this.
Saying horrible things about me.
You name it, we've got those clips coming up.
And I think he's just a wonderful person and a hero.
So I'm not going to say anything bad about him because CNN says I'll have my free speech taken.
I'm not allowed to criticize grown young men in a man's world.
Cussing at people and shooting their mouths off, but we're going to play those clips coming up.
And I think he has his free speech.
I don't.
I agree with him.
And I want to thank him for teaching me in America how we should behave.
Thank you, David.
Now, before we go any further, we have a huge sale on Supermill Vitality that is cold press herbs and compounds.
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Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
Hey, brother.
Good, man.
Thank you for calling.
Hey, hey.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So, if you go back to the eve of the Gulf War, the second Gulf War in 2003, it was then-private citizen Donald Trump who was on Fox News twice and CNN once in the clips we can find.
Saying, I don't think this is a good idea.
I don't think we should go in there.
Saddam Hussein is not a good guy, but he's nothing compared to some other people in the regime.
Why are we destabilizing the area?
But if we go in, it should be quick and we should get out fast.
They would then take the end of that quote in the Washington Post, the New York Times,
And cut it off and have him say, we need to get in and get out quick.
No, he said, we shouldn't do this, but if we're going to do it, we need to get in and get out quick.
Now the left hated that fact that they'd all been pretty much pro-war, that Trump had been right.
It was also Senator Rand Paul that
I don't know.
Because Trump brings in a big diverse group of people.
Take the outgoing economic advisor, Mr. Come.
Well, he disagreed with Trump on globalism and nationalism and on tariffs and all the rest of this.
And Trump used him for a year to find out how the system worked to make all the contacts.
And now he's gone.
McMaster is a globalist that has been leaking and has been giving intel to ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
We know that.
He's been playing a double game.
And Trump's gotten rid of McMaster.
Remember when McMaster went on television last year, back in April and May, and said, we're going to have an invasion of Syria, we're going to take Assad out?
Trump said, no we're not.
They didn't start the war.
We're going to kick ISIS and Al-Qaeda out.
Then we're going to stabilize the area and try to have a coalition government with Saudi Arabia and others being part of it.
And now that's happening.
The beginnings of that's happening.
So Trump is really pragmatically, whether it's North Korea or whether it's Syria, really trying to stabilize things, but doing that through positions of strength.
Saying to China,
No, you're not allowed to build artificial islands all over the South China Sea, right off the coast of the Philippines, even in old ancient Chinese maps that are a thousand years old.
They don't claim that they own that area.
They've never had claim on it, and it's out of control.
So Trump's got U.S.
warships right there in their face, escorting Japanese and South Korean
And that's because that's what the United States is doing is securing our economic position
Using our military to protect our seaways and to protect our commerce and industry, but not using it to go start wars, not using it to destabilize, not using it to stir things up.
Trump is a businessman.
He is pragmatic.
He knows real warfare, 90% of it, is economic.
And informational.
Less than 10% is physical.
The communist Chinese have got 98% of the world's rare earth minerals, but they didn't have any of it 50 years ago.
They've got giant farming operations in Latin America, Africa, Asia, you name it.
They are rapidly expanding, and it would be the Chinese century, headed up by a communist dictatorship that's anti-American and very, very dangerous.
Trump realizes the single pronged spear attack of military power is not going to do it.
We need the pencer attack of military power, economic power, but with a trifecta, the cultural superiority of free market Americana.
That is the trifecta and that beats the Communist Chinese and their monopoly command and control system.
They are a joke unless America basically doesn't use its gravitas and its soft power.
And so Trump got up there with the Vice President and said the era of economic surrender is over.
We've got these clips coming up.
He also talked about how he meets with the South Korean and the Chinese dictator and you know all the rest of them and they smile, they laugh, they know it was globalism.
They know it was the Trilateral Commission set up 40 years ago, 41 years ago.
They know it was all done to siphon off the United States wealth and build it overseas where it's command and control and vertically integrated.
And so, they've got 500 billion dollars, depending on how you slice it, 400, 600 billion of our 900 plus billion dollar trade deficits with China, more than half of it is, and he's saying you're lucky it's only 60 billion.
That's why it's the first of many orders.
Because you guys are screwing us over.
And you guys are using your own multinational power of all these groups of countries, as President Trump said, coming together, Europe, Communist China, you name it, to screw the United States.
Because the other countries want deals.
South Korea just doesn't let China push it around.
Japan doesn't do that, vice versa.
Same thing with other BRICS countries.
Same thing with the EU.
They all make deals with each other, constantly, horse dealing.
Horse trading on who's going to get this, who's going to get that.
It's all reciprocal minutia.
Instead we have this fake libertarian movement that's not libertarian, that's economic surrender, the Heritage Foundation, all of it, runs up this huge white flag back in the 70s, it had already begun before that, and says
We're for free trade!
We're for fair trade!
We're for free trade!
We're for fair trade!
Fair trade!
Fair trade!
Free trade!
Free trade!
Which means no controls, no tariffs, no nothing, dump whatever you want on us, but not the other way around.
And that's the issue, is that if the world wants to be in an orgy,
Of truly free market and ship anything around you want, do anything you want.
That would probably actually be good for innovation and overall a good thing.
But not when you're 50 years behind the eight ball of being selectively screwed over and your industry's been transferred.
And it's not an orgy.
We are chained up by our ankles with a line of 180 countries raping us.
And I hate to use that analogy, but that's what it is.
We got our hands on our ankles.
We're getting annihilated politically, financially, culturally.
We're paying for all of it, going into massive debt, because criminals hijacked our country and leveraged it to build their own global empire.
And now, at the 11th hour, here comes Trump, who isn't out to get the country, he just tries to do a little something for us.
It's almost like giving us a wet rag for our forehead while they slit our throat.
And you see oxygen come back in the economy, and you see things start turning around, and the globalists are pissed because they know if you wake up to that and understand this is by design, their game is over!
Yeah, the Asian age gets it.
Free trade, a corporate scam.
That just means they dump whatever they want on you and exploit you, and then have regulations on the other side so you can't sell anything!
One-way streets aren't libertarian.
They're frauds.
And Trump is in there like a bull in a china shop, letting them know the day of America's surrender is over.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live broadcasting worldwide.
There are stories on Infowars.com that are of the very utmost importance.
Julian Assange, that is non-partisan, extremely honorable, extremely brave, and is quite frankly a living legend, in prison now for four or five years up there in the Paraguayan embassy in London.
He has come out and said British government was involved in the plot to bring down Trump.
Well, that's obvious.
Proud House, the CFR, all of that is an extension of Cecil Rhodes and the whole roundtable groups.
It doesn't mean the conspiracy is British.
Corporations use the British Empire model of the British East India Company, Dutch East India Company, for the modern global system.
Cecil Rhodes wrote books about it.
You know, they named an African country after him.
So, when people wonder how I know how all this stuff works, Carol Quigley wrote a book in the 60s for the CIA.
Rhodes wrote books over a hundred years ago about it.
His plan was adopted.
He used to write full-page articles in the Times of London.
You can read them online.
And you read stuff you wrote in like 1890, and you look at it and you go, my goodness, 130 years later, 128 years later, they did it!
Well, you might want to read the next few chapters of what globalists then said in the 30s they were going to do.
And what they said in the 60s they were going to do.
Because what they wrote in the 30s, they've now pretty much gotten.
Who am I talking about?
Aldous Huxley, best-selling author.
His brother, head of the World Eugenics Society.
After Hitler made him look bad, in 1947 they changed the name to the World Transhumanist Society.
And if you read Brave New World, written in 1932, you go, my goodness, that's what's happening now.
And you go, how did he envision this?
Well, he wrote, Brave New World revisited in 61, right before he died, and he said it's an actual world government plan of the British elite.
To end the family, to end the sexes, all of it.
So, I'm gonna tell everybody again, the reason they had Stephen Colbert attack me again last night, the reason they've got more than 10 programs attacking us weekly and daily, not even counting CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, I mean, I get attacked everywhere.
Because only academics are supposed to read this stuff.
Well, guess what?
If you understand Brave New World, you understand why I talked about the cover of the Hollywood Reporter magazine, The Triumph of Beta Males, a few weeks ago.
And they made fun of that with the main star of Silicon Valley.
And it's amazing that I didn't attack him personally.
I know Mike Judge.
In fact, I've met that guy.
South by Southwest four years ago.
I've been shooting with basically the whole cast that goes back to the beginning.
I've told you that, there's videos and photos of it.
The point is, is that, and we're going to Roger Stone here in one minute.
The point I'm getting at here is, that's how they turn this whole thing around.
They're pushing beta male, they're pushing the end of the family, they're pushing soy boys, the sperm count's dropping, the testosterone's dropping, everybody's getting cancer, women are getting cancer, women are hyper-feminized, men are feminized.
It's an agenda.
And then instead of me going, oh look, Hollywood reporter.
Instead of them saying, oh, Jones criticized the push by the government for beta males, and by the UN and UNESCO, they turn around and say, oh, he attacked you as a person, saying you're a beta male, so that men that feel like beta males think I'm attacking them.
And they point out on the show, we're not beta males.
Well, no, I know that.
I said they have alpha males pose as beta males to make that cool.
So they, again, misrepresent everything I said.
Can you guys pull up the actual cover?
Just type in, Hollywood Reporter, the triumph of the beta male.
We had articles at Infowars.com.
Just type in Infowars.com after it and then put triumph of the beta male.
Watson's headline was, Hollywood Reporter Celebrates the Triumph of the Beta Male.
If radio listeners want to see it.
There it is.
Good job.
Thank you.
New Hollywood Reporter Covers Celebrity's Triumph of the Beta Male.
And then it is a, not even subliminal, of gay men, that's the image of it, I'm not saying they're gay men, stacking.
Where they're all putting their hand in their pocket behind each other.
As they have a
What's the name of that?
Hollywood bombards you with so much of this stuff, I don't even know the factoid name of it.
It's called the, uh... Well, I'm not going to say it on air.
So it's all in your face.
And my issue is, why is this all what we're force-fed?
Because, as Aldous Huxley said...
My brother Julian Huxley runs the society.
We're going to end the family, make men more feminine, make women more male, then make them sterile, and then phase humans out altogether.
That's the globalist program, and it's a stated fact!
And that's what Colbert, every time he attacks me, it's on chemicals in the water making the frogs bisexual or sterile.
Or those issues because they've got a directive as they process humanity into this beta male sterile program to make it a joke, to make it funny, and to neutralize it because I'm here warning you about their main assault.
I'm going to stop right there.
Joining us for the balance of this hour is the former head of the Trump campaign, and of course, best-selling author, the only member of the folks with Nixon, supposedly, with the plumbers.
They're not going to jail because he wasn't involved.
Just quite a historical figure.
Roger Stone, dreaded by the left, dreaded by the globalists.
He knows John Bolton, now tapped to replace McMaster.
He predicted
Last Monday on this show, ten days ago, that he would be gone within ten days, and he was gone within nine, and people are flipping out saying this is one of the architects of the fake Iraq War, something Trump was against, something Stone was against at the time, so was I. Why is this happening?
Well, Roger has the answer, because he plays poker and drinks whiskey with Bolton, going back for decades, and he says we don't have to worry our little heads about it.
And I tend to trust Roger.
Let's see what Mr. Stone has to say.
Mr. Stone?
Thank you, Alex.
You know, I do know John Bolton very well, and I think he's a good man.
He was an early supporter of President Ronald Reagan.
He's a real conservative.
I don't think he is one of the architects of our failed Iraq policy.
I think he is an operative, a highly skilled one, a very capable man, carrying out the orders of his boss, in those days, George W. Bush.
He's a vast improvement over General H.R.
McMaster, whose clear ties to George Soros and the Open Society Institute we established right here at InfoWars.
I honestly think that you will find Bolton to be a most capable executor of Donald Trump's foreign policy as opposed to a guy making policy himself.
And let me just add this, not to brag, but why they fear Infowars, why they fear you, why there's probably 500 articles a day lying about you, misquoting you, misquoting me.
I mean, the lies have reached the next level.
We'll talk about some of that next segment so people can understand the level of propaganda we're dealing with here and why they're so afraid.
You wrote the articles for InfoWars six months ago, exposing McMaster and this direct Soros mole, and that McMaster was Soros funding, and you talked to Trump, obviously we won't talk about that, but Trump was shocked.
Then he discovered McMaster was one of the main leakers, just got caught again last week with the whole Kelly thing, and this week the congratulation of Putin.
So it is the InfoWars.com articles that got directly to the President, that were hand-delivered to him, that now cause the same reaction for him to remove McMaster.
So that's a whole other story.
No, I think you're absolutely right, Alex.
The president is glad to hear alternative views, and I think he knows that he doesn't always necessarily get the straight story from the tight circle around him.
That's why he's been making these big changes.
That's why we have swapped out our Secretary of State, why we have swapped out our CIA director.
While we are swapping out our national security advisor.
These are all improvements from the previous appointees in my opinion.
And we can see that Trump has set sail in year number two at a rampage ramming speed for nationalism and to fulfill his other promises on so many fronts.
So I agree with you.
I think Bolton is an apparatchik from what we know and he will implement the will of the president and that's what matters.
Let's talk about that of Fiona Hill, the Soros mole, on the other side.
It was about 25 years ago that I began to read publicly available books that had been written for the State Department and for the CIA by top professors at Georgetown, Harvard, and Yale.
So that the CIA and other agencies could understand the complex political system they were building.
And in short, it was going to be called a technocracy.
But it was going to fund communism and socialism and fascism.
But really what it was was crony capitalism.
So decades later, after fighting against this, humanity is somewhat awake to the threat.
But at the same time, despite all our successes, changing this paradigm really is an inside job.
It's up to us personally.
So, I don't feel sorry for myself being demonized by mainstream media and being attacked and the globalists filing frivolous lawsuits.
I expected that to happen.
This is 21st century warfare.
I just wanna make sure that you, the listeners, and you, the viewers, many of you already understand this, so I'm not patronizing those of you that are already awake, but I wanna make sure all of you realize this isn't just some more entertainment.
This isn't just some other talking head.
The reason they hate what we cover is because I and others have researched what they actually are planning, and it is nightmarish, it is authoritarian, it is eugenics-based, it is anti-human.
And we've already come so far together
Then I know that if each and every one of you will just go research these issues for yourself, you will find out how real it is and understand it's not your duty.
It is your basic survival to stand up against this anti-human onslaught.
If you go back into history, it was 3% that volunteered for the Revolutionary War back in 1776.
But if you look at the InfoWars audience, it's maybe 10% of the United States, another 10% or so worldwide.
I think that's a conservative estimate.
But we have 50, 60, 70 million people listening.
We have more than that that have tuned in over the years.
The point is, is that if you look at that, that's less than 3% of the world population.
So what you're doing has already changed the world and instead of sitting here and going into each product and telling you how great they are, I'm just going to encourage you to go research them yourselves because you're funding our operation.
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Silver, salt, nanosilver, iodine, deionized water, stevia, peppermint, essential oil, and so much more.
Thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Roger Stone last Monday said within 10 days McMaster will be gone for leaking and because he's been working with George Soros.
He's gone.
He told you back in January of this year, he said by the middle of March, Tillerson will be gone.
He has the sources, as you know.
And so now, is he selling us out with John Bolton?
What's really happening and what's the next shoe to drop?
We're also watching, coming up next hour, Trump is set to give a press conference on the omnibus bill.
This is the swamp striking back.
I would expect the president to say he's going to veto it and send it back because all it has is defense, doesn't even have the border wall, and it is the biggest budget we've ever seen.
We'll get Roger's take on that as well right now.
Alex, I think John Bolton is a good man.
He's a solid conservative, an early supporter of Ronald Reagan.
I think he's more of an apparatchik, an operative rather than a policymaker.
He's very highly capable, and I think he will carry out the orders of his boss.
In this case, President Donald Trump.
The first order of business has to be firing Fiona Hill, the Deputy National Security Advisor who has previously spent seven years working for George Soros and who was, and probably is today, a member of the Trump White House staff.
Again, what's the next shoe to drop, and what does this signify?
The shakeup.
We're already seeing action-wise from Trump.
If you thought year one was good, standing up to China and its $500 billion trade deficit with us, standing up to their warships, threatening the Philippines, Japan, and others, moving U.S.
warships in point-blank range, making North Korea come to the table.
Hundreds of billions in new jobs, millions of new jobs themselves, the border becoming secured, crushing the back of political correctness, pulling us out of TPP, renegotiating NAFTA and GATT.
I mean, wow!
The shake-up we're seeing is very nationalistic.
Say what you want about Mr. Bolton, and he's got problems, obviously, but he is a nationalist, an anti-globalist.
Well, I would say this, Alex.
The next thing that I believe the President is going to pull out of his hat is the denuclearization of North Korea.
My sources tell me that there's a deal on the table that could be effectuated that would be a great plus for world peace.
Now let's see what the president's critics have to say if he pulls that off.
Roger, I've been asking the questions here, but I gotta go back to this.
McMaster, how did you know last Monday, not this Monday, last Monday, nine, ten days ago, that he would be gone within ten days?
And again, Fiona Hill, what's your intel on her?
Because isn't she the key nexus with Soros?
Well, obviously, Alex, like any journalist, I cannot give up my InfoWars sources, but sources at the highest level in the White House told me that McMaster was on thin ice last year.
He survived only because of the shift from Reince Priebus to General Kelly, and General Kelly saved his job.
We predicted some weeks ago that he was back on the skids.
I predicted Monday his firing was ten days away.
You recall that Sarah Sanders, a very nice lady, vehemently denied that, said there were no changes being anticipated at the NSA.
Now, nine days later, he's out.
Infowars, once again, tomorrow's news today.
As far as Fiona Hill is concerned, I have to believe that Bolton will bring in his own deputy.
I expect that deputy to be a nationalist like Bolton, and I think it is bye-bye Fiona Hill.
Well, I know Bolton is a nationalist, and he also doesn't like radical Islam.
My problem is, even if he's a nationalist, he doesn't seem to find a war he doesn't like.
I understand we need hawks to make North Korea get in line with China and others, but again, I just go back to our listeners being really, really worried about this.
I'm not really worried because I trust Trump.
He keeps bringing people in and finding out who will execute operations.
And so as you said, he is an apparatchik, or a tool, and he knows everybody in the UN, in the State Department, in the CIA, in the Defense Department.
So if Trump wants somebody that knows the lay of the land as a scout,
I don't expect Trump to not get some goblin guides when he goes into Mordor, and I don't expect him to not get some goblin blood on him or goblin slop.
I just don't want to, you know, catch him kissing goblins.
I don't want to catch him in bed with a goblin.
And that's really what it comes down to.
Well, but just think what a vast improvement Bolton will be over General McMaster.
McMaster was a pipeline to Soros.
McMaster was pushing to expand our involvement in Afghanistan and Syria.
I don't think you'll see this kind of stuff from John Bolton.
I actually think, on balance, the President's made an excellent choice, and I think we will be praising Bolton months from now.
And weren't you...
I forget what's off record and what's on record.
Didn't somebody very close to you, maybe the guy wearing a black hat right now at Roger Stone, didn't you recommend Bolton to the president?
I knew that he was under consideration.
I said he was a very good man.
I didn't nominate him or anything.
There was some discussion that he might need to shave his mustache to get hired.
Fortunately, that didn't happen because somebody photoshopped a picture of him without the mustache.
Frankly, he looked ridiculous.
So, uh, I think the President's making an excellent choice.
By the way, you're not joking.
The President hates his mustache.
That's really true.
Hates his mustache.
I mean, Trump tells him, shave that damn thing off.
What is that, a rat?
The President?
What's the quote he calls it, a rat?
The President likes that clean-cut look.
You know, he likes that clean-cut look.
And he likes to joke with Bolton about his Wilford Brimley style mustache.
But frankly, look, I'm glad he got the job.
I think conservatives, anti-globalists, will be praising Bolton in a matter of months.
Why does Bolton shave the mustache the president asked him to?
Well, it's kind of a personal thing.
I mean, Alex, if somebody asked you to change your hairdo, would you do it?
Well, it's only because I don't think about it.
I don't put anything in my hair, I comb it in about 30 seconds in the morning.
His viewers should probably notice that at the time.
Yeah, there he is without a mustache.
Yeah, bring back, bring back the stache.
Oh my gosh, it does look like, like he has like a mop broom or like one of those dust brooms under his nose.
Getting serious, you always have a lot of stuff on your radar.
What else are you looking at right now?
Well, there's a big move today because the Daily Beast, which is one of the least credible news organizations in the country, believes that they have proved that Guccifer 2.0 is a Russian hacker, which allows them to revive the headline, Trump associate Roger Stone was in touch with Russian hacker.
Anybody who will look at that exchange between Goose for 2.0 will realize it is perfunctory.
It is innocuous.
No, no.
If you on a message board as a journalist, I mean, we were reaching out as well.
We reach out to all the hackers.
We want the scoops.
It's a smear.
So, the point is, my conversation with him anyway was ex post facto.
It happened long after the DNC material had been published by WikiLeaks.
This is meaningless.
But it gives the left an opportunity to recycle that headline, Trump associate Roger Stone communicated with Russian hacker.
It's fake news, Alex.
What do you think China's going to do?
They say, quote, they're going to fight till the end against our, quote, tariffs when they're the ones with the tariffs on us.
Look, I think this is all negotiating posture between both sides.
The Chinese have figured out what all these foreign countries have figured out.
Trump is not a pushover.
Trump will not draw a line in the sand and then watch you walk over it.
Trump means business, and there's mutually beneficial business to be done between the United States and China.
Trump is, above all, a dealmaker who wants what's best for the United States.
So how much of this is posturing for the negotiations ahead?
I think that's most of it.
But Trump said that they all laugh when he meets them because they know it's all one-sided globalism and that the era of our surrender, as Vice President Pence said, is over.
Thank you, Roger Scum.
Well, I think in all honesty, when the President went to his first international meeting, where he was essentially snubbed by all these snotty European leaders, they made an enormous mistake.
All they did, I think, was force the President to double down on his resolve to bust up their combine and get better trade relations for the United States.
Never underestimate Donald Trump.
That's right.
Thank you, Roger Stone.
Thank you, Alex.
What an amazing time to be alive right now, ladies and gentlemen.
What an incredible time.
To see such positive things happening.
And it's just riveting to know they tried to intimidate, destroy Trump, tried to destroy his family, tried to destroy my family, and it didn't work.
That said, the new thing I'm going to cover a little bit later in the next hour is all these articles, NPR and others, where they misrepresent what I've said.
Here's one out of the New Zealand newspaper, and it says that Alex Jones
Has been banned off YouTube for bullying children.
Than lying and saying that I bullied David Hogg or said that he was a crisis actor and said that he wasn't in the school.
I never said that.
I said they've been picked as spokespersons, they are on the acting club, they admit they're actors, but...
They're out here putting a PR stance on it.
So it's next level, folks.
I'm not being sued for saying normally that at Parkland.
I'm being sued by the Vatican, basically, the Black Pope and Georgetown University for nothing to end the First Amendment.
A foreign power is trying to end the First Amendment.
And my lawyer said that it suits a complete joke and a total fraud.
And nothing they say, I said, I said.
It'll be thrown out summary judgment.
But they want the fraudulent headlines to make it look like we're going down and we're in trouble when we're winning and they're losing.
We know the media has lied about me since the 1960s because I'm a hunter and I'm a gun advocate.
And more and more people are waking up and getting wiser every day, and they're realizing what this fake news thing is all about.
That's why Donald Trump is such an important guy, because he finally put the spotlight on the fake news cockroaches.
And people are getting smarter all the time, and there's more and more support for truth, logic, and common sense.
We celebrate it every damn day.
I think most of the dirtbags on the left hate me because I'm so damn happy.
I mean, I come out here and I got all these bows and arrows.
I literally come out here every day and I take a pink arrow with my name on it.
And I come out here with Chimane and we shoot our bows every day.
We go to the range a lot.
If you don't do it, you can learn something from Ted Nugent.
It is the following.
Get yourself a bow and arrow.
And when you are looking at your target, and you're preparing to draw your bow, it goes all the way back to the origins of Zen.
And the mystical flight of the arrow, right here, tunes out everything liberal, everything democratic, and you become the path of your arrow of life.
I just hit the booger I was aiming at.
Look out!
Alex in the hole!
And it's a real touchy trigger, real touchy.
I understand.
Get that top pin in that top peep, and squeeze.
Nicely done.
I'm usually dead on with a bow, but I'm actually sweating because Ted Nugent's watching.
It's like guitars, women, and guns, man.
It's got to be fit for you.
Alright, let's see.
Oh yeah, this is better.
Zero that in there, and just squeeze that sumbitch.
There you go!
Double lungs, brother!
Alright, good.
Back straps have landed.
I'm Ted Nugent, full time.
Truth is viral.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You know, coming up, we have the dramatic footage of Owen Schroer going to the City Council yesterday and putting on an antifa mask and saying, imagine if armed men were outside of this building and weren't letting people in the City Council.
Well, he said a month ago, that happened to me in Austin, Texas, and here's the video.
And he provided them the video and played it in the chamber.
And it's dramatic?
I'm going to retweet it out at Real Alex Jones right now because it posted yesterday and then ended up scrolling off InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
It's a big deal.
Now, we have a professor, Francis Boyle, joining us that is not a big fan of John Bolton.
And a lot of listeners will say, well, you just had Roger Stone on who's friends with him and said nice things.
Why are you going to have somebody on that hates him?
Because we're not a cult.
We don't sit there like the mainline right wing or the mainline left wing and have one view and one thing I come up with and then that's what we go with.
We are going with experts out there, respected people that know Bolton to give you their opinion and you can make it up yourself.
I'm saying it doesn't matter to me until I see Bolton start actually having influence.
Because if he's just going to be a apparatchik,
As Trump has a very diverse cabinet, then that's fine.
Because you saw him bring in the Goldman Sachs people, and then they didn't have any sway.
And then they left.
So Trump has a strategy and we're going to be looking at every angle of it with Francis Boyle coming up here on the other side of this break.
He'll leave us at the bottom of the hour and then I'm going to open the phones up with the balance and play a bunch of key clips.
We've got a lot of them today that are really important.
Some of the new clips.
Trump is set to have his press conference any minute.
So we've got folks with watchful eyes.
Y'all see that crew in there?
Not a lot of chatter going on, they're just focused on the news and they're watching to see when President Trump starts his press conference.
We'll give you the excerpts of that or go to it live, but I predict he's going to say there's some good things in the omnibus spending bill, some bad things, but that he is not going to sign it because it doesn't have the border wall and because it has too much frivolous spending in it.
The swamp is delivering a giant
Stinking mess.
But we'll see what the President does.
He hasn't signaled completely yet.
That said, I don't think the President's perfect.
I like the fact that we're returning sovereignty to the country.
I like the fact that the globalists and the communist Chinese dictator and all these people are so upset at Trump.
And I like the fact our economy is showing signs of turning around.
And I like the fact that Trump has drawn out the globalists and their operatives and really exposed them and has had so much courage to go through all this.
And because I supported Trump, I have people in every restaurant I sit in in Austin,
Where my family's been in and around Austin since 1822.
Before it was Austin.
My family's been here since 1822.
Raised Colonel Travis's son.
Involved the founding.
Involved the Declaration of Independence.
Involved with the presidency.
All of it.
Didn't have any family at the Alamo though.
Contrary to popular belief.
And in my own town.
They come over with their children and tell me I'm a Russian agent that's going to prison and get in my face.
Or they reach out their hand so that I reach it out so they can pull it back like they're five years old and go, oh yeah?
I mean, it is amazing to deal with it.
I've never seen conservatives or Christians or libertarians act like this.
The modern left is a frothing
War mongering, drooling, hateful, fascistic, anti-free speech mob.
And of course, for every person that comes over and does that, ten people come over and shake my hand.
Liberals, conservatives, black, white, old, young.
But the entitlement, the hatred of, oh by the way, they're all white.
Everyone that comes over and confronts me is a weird, mentally ill, neurotic, race-obsessed, Russia-obsessed, wannabe ruling class, political apparatchik of mainstream corporate media that thinks they found Hitler rolled into Stalin, rolled into everything else in one.
So it just shows an incredible climate.
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It's Alex Jones.
Well, I opposed Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton as they were selling us out to the Communist Chinese and others and setting up a police state in America.
And then I opposed George W. Bush because she was involved with radical Islamists in the deep state and the globalists.
I'm being heavily involved in 9-11 attacks and I pioneered that day one, exposing the bombs in Building 7 and interviewed people that would be killed a week later, like the Deputy Head of Emergency Management, Mr. Jennings.
And I went through hell.
And I'm not complaining.
I'm just saying I have integrity and so I don't just get on board the Trump bandwagon for nothing.
We were on over 100 affiliates in 2001.
I was, I don't know, 27, 28 years old.
I'm 44 now.
And I was on over a hundred affiliates, I had four crew members, and I was bringing in three million dollars a year.
And I was putting it back in and building an infrastructure with it.
And within one month of exposing 9-11 as an inside job, I went down to about 26 affiliates.
And the network was just my satellite provider, but to their credit, people tried to get them to take me off the air, and Ted Anderson called and said, well, this is killing you, and you're losing millions, and we're losing millions, but I'll back you, you know, coming out and exposing us, because, you know, that's your right.
So that's the Ted's credit, and it's why I still use him as a satellite uplink.
And I have for 20 plus years.
But the reason I say all that is, I don't go with the wind of what is popular.
I'm not trying to win popularity contests.
I'm trying to force into the ethos, into the new birth of political understanding, what's going on.
I'm trying to hit the barbed wire.
I'm trying to be the shock troop.
So when they lie about me and Georgetown sues me and the globalists come after me and they have hundreds and hundreds of articles a day, conservatively, sometimes thousands, and the Daily Show and entertainment programs lying about me and, you know, say, hey, you heard Alex Jones hates black people?
Oh yeah, I heard that.
They don't show a clip.
It's pure defamation trying to get some crazy person to kill me.
Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, all say take me off the air.
And why?
Because they have people like Dr. Francis Boyle on the show.
This isn't about left or right, it's about Americana, it's about Renaissance, it's about common sense.
Trump has a lot of globalist enemies.
He's just bringing power back to the US, in my view.
That said, John Bolton clearly is a bush minion, an apparatchik, and knows what went on on 9-11 and a lot of other things.
And Trump has brought up 9-11, and Trump has brought up the CIA, and they backed off real quick when he did that.
So, Trump is playing a sophisticated game here, and I'm not inside his mind, but I know he is expanding U.S.
influence, U.S.
In a good way, with North Korea, you name it.
Francis Boyle may disagree, but I'm not here trying to win a popularity contest.
People keep saying, man, you're getting really attacked.
How are you handling it?
This is exactly where I want to be.
Now, instead of losing 70-plus affiliates, we've gained over 100 radio affiliates the last year and a half, and we've gained now over 100 TV affiliates.
That's why they're really coming after us.
We're on 24 hours a day on Channel 9, Phonoscope in Houston.
We should just be on 4 hours a day.
We're on broadcast TV.
So many affiliates are coming online.
I can't even keep track of it now.
It's very exciting.
So check your local listings.
Because they tend to harass and yell at our affiliates.
None of it does anything.
But a lot of our affiliates are like, yeah, don't even make a big issue.
Don't put us on the radar.
We're going to plug you're on.
It's great.
We got a great response.
It's happening.
So America is awake.
They're ready to move.
The country's in a fight right now over who is going to control it.
Yeah, I just got the No Bull Radio Network with two stations in San Antonio, you name it.
Stations Houston.
I mean, that's just Texas.
They've always fought to keep me off the air in Texas because the globalists thought that I'd really take off here.
Well, it's happening.
I mean, I've been up to like ten affiliates before in Texas, but a lot of them are small.
Well, now a lot of them are giant.
So, all I'm saying is no army can stop an idea whose time has come to quote Victor Hugo
And this is a very sophisticated time we're in right now, and so when we have different guests on, like Francis Boyle, it's not because we're a cult speaking off one sheet of music.
We're getting different ideas of people I respect, and who I know are good men, but they may be divergent from the other views.
Now, let's go ahead and go to Mr. Boyle, and then we will go to Trump also, win that speech on the omnibus.
A package bill comes up.
You kind of heard my intro here.
Just getting into, you know, where is Trump?
Is Trump good?
Is Trump bad?
I'm happy because he's a nationalist returning power from the globalists and their anger makes me happy.
But it doesn't mean a nationalist could end up hurting us as well.
What is your view on Trump right now?
I know you don't like Bolton.
Well, Alex, thank you very much for having me on.
My best to your viewing audience.
I want to make it clear I'm a political independent.
I always have been.
I did not vote for Mr. Trump and I certainly didn't vote for Mrs. Clinton.
I think we'd be at war today against Russia if Mrs. Clinton had been elected.
So my personal opinion is that we dodged a bullet on November 8, 2016.
But I am concerned about Bolton.
I don't hate Bolton, to correct you, but he's extremely dangerous.
He is a diehard neoconservative.
Sure, I should say you hate his views, and you're a best-selling author, you've gone to the top universities, Harvard, you know the globalists, you know Kissinger.
I mean, I'm not gonna go over your whole background, but you've been right there in the middle of it.
And let's just compare Bolton to Kissinger.
I went through that same Ph.D.
program at Harvard that produced Kissinger, and they gave me Kissinger's old office there at the Center for International Affairs.
Now, we know for a fact that Kissinger has been advising President Trump and McMaster, who was just fired, and Jared Kushner.
And Kissinger is a real politiker, technically would qualify.
And Kissinger, for example, recently spoke very positively in public about President Trump's initiative to negotiate with Kim Jong Un.
And I support that.
I support a peace process there with North Korea.
After all, it's Kissinger and all them that did the whole deal with China as well.
And realpolitik just means apolitical, pragmatic.
That is correct.
Highly pragmatic.
And I support negotiations.
Even Secretary of Defense Mattis, you know, a four-star Marine Corps general, said a war over there would be a catastrophe.
But Bolton, for example, as I said, is just a diehard neoconservative.
He was on the original PNAC report that was basically the Mein Kampf for the neoconservatives that, as you correctly pointed out, led to the
War against Iraq that was a total catastrophe and those of us dealing with the Middle East knew it would be a total catastrophe.
Indeed, Trump, when he was running for the presidency, said it was a catastrophe and he was right.
But let's just take North Korea.
Now, Bolton just recently had an article in The Wall Street Journal
By Murdoch.
Yeah, saying he thinks a first strike is legitimate.
That's right.
And that we should do it.
And as a matter of fact, he has also publicly stated that President Trump should go to these negotiations and give Kim Jong-un an ultimatum.
Either you agree to denuclearize now or we're going to attack you.
So it's somewhat incongruous now, as I see it, for President Trump to be going forward into these negotiations, which I believe he should do.
I believe he should do it in good faith.
You'll note that Kim Jong Un, starting with the New Year,
It has basically capitulated to most of our demands.
Well, I know you're one of the top guys that's also helped write up the international law and American foreign policy on chemical weapons, you name it.
You can uniquely speak to Dick Taunt and this meeting coming up in the next few months.
So when we come back, tell us when you look at these signs, the average person doesn't see what's going on because we see the surface, what you read from this and what the Bolton card entering the deck signifies.
Dr. Francis Boyle joins us on the other side.
The president said, why are we having all these people from, and I apologize for using this word here, but this is a quote from the president.
Why are we having all these people from whole countries come here?
Trump said this is in the Washington Post.
A racist, a shameless racist, who has hijacked the Republican Party, who has hijacked the Oval Office.
And this country needs to stand up against this and tell him that we will not let him divide us by color, by race, by ethnicity, by class, by economy.
We will not be quiet.
We will not allow this.
There's a lot of s*** the whole country.
I mean, why don't we, let's just use the word the President is using.
If it's good enough for the President of the United States to use it, I think the American people deserve to hear what words the President is using.
If you cannot sit here on live TV and say that what the President of the United States, be his friend or not his friend, said was racist, then you are not contributing to breaking this a more perfect union.
I am a proud f***-toler.
My family was called wops and mackerel-eaters.
I'm proud of that.
We came when people from Ireland and Italy were seen as dirty people.
Dirty Catholics who didn't belong in a Protestant country.
Well, I've always liked Dilbert, and I've also read his new book, Winn-Bigley.
And Scott Adams, of course, endorsed Hillary for his own safety, but he's been more of a, what do you call him, a libertarian?
He's not been a conservative or a liberal over the years.
And he always gets me to think about different angles, and it doesn't mean I totally agree with him.
What do you make of this, of this S.H.
Storm that's going on?
Well, as usual, things are not necessarily in context.
So, one of the contexts that you see left out quite often is that when he said, why can't we get more people from Norway, sometimes they mention it, but usually they don't.
That he had just got done meeting with the Prime Minister of Norway, and he'd been talking about Norway, Norway, Norway, probably for an hour and a half that day.
And so when he was trying to come up with the name of a country that was prosperous, he said Norway.
So if you leave that context out, it changes a lot.
The other context you probably need to put on this is that the damage that the president created, and by the way, I count his use of the word shithole in a way that could be, you know, got out to the public, was clearly just a mistake.
And as mistakes go, it was sort of a 10 out of 10.
You know, it's about as high as you can get on the offensive mistake level, so I don't defend it in any way.
But if you put it in context, what he said was in a room with no cameras and no recording.
So it was a bad thing to say, but in the context of the room, everybody in the room understood it to be his usual colorful language, talking about the economic situation of those countries.
Because the whole reason they were talking about those countries is because they had a bad economic situation.
So the president is certainly guilty of creating a situation where this could get out.
But whoever the leaker was has committed a far, far more serious crime against the country.
Not crime exactly, but offense.
It took a small offense that could have been contained and turned it into a gigantic issue that's a bloody nose for the country.
It's bad for the way we deal with our allies.
It's bad on every level.
And I think you have to hold maybe not the Washington Post responsible because they do reporting for a living.
But leaking isn't anybody's job.
Nobody took a job to be a leaker.
So whoever did that has to share, I would say, 95% of the damage.
I think they have to own that.
But the President doesn't get off at all.
I would say that this was a bad move on his part.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Now, Dr. Francis Boyle is at the University of Illinois.
When I brought him on, I probably should have introduced him, but I've been having him on for 15, 16 years.
And he's worked with all the globalists.
He's been at the highest levels of the U.S.
government with the U.N.
He is responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 89.
And it just goes on from there.
I'm not going to get into the fact that he's a lawyer, international law.
He's represented world leaders at the Hague.
You name it.
From Slobodan Milošević to, it just goes on from there.
He exposed the genocide in Sri Lanka.
So he's been around the block about a hundred times.
And so I want to get his pragmatic realpolitik view on what true Trump really is, what the word is, and where this is going.
But first let's finish up on North Korea.
Uh, no more missile tests, no more threatening to hit Guam.
Looks like the maximum pressure had an effect.
Come to the table.
The word is he pretty much already agreed before the meeting to a framework.
Uh, and I know you know a lot of these folks who confirm or deny that, but I heard that from high-level sources.
And now that's being admitted, the question is, will Kim Jong-un try to back it?
We're good to go.
Yes, Alex, I was moderately encouraged certainly all along now until Bolton and Pompeo as Secretary of State are in there.
And two, you know, we have two hardliners.
And Pompeo has called for a tack on North Korea.
So who in the White House today
Has the stature to give President Trump realistic advice along the lines of Kissinger, who was giving advice to McMaster, I take it he still advises President Trump when Trump wants it.
Who is in there?
Right now it looks like
Secretary of Defense Mattis, but if you're reading the newspapers today, he might be forced out too.
So I'm not sure exactly who's giving this type of advice to President Trump, that he needs to go forward, to negotiate in good faith, not to issue an ultimatum,
And all the signs coming out of North Korea, I think, are extremely positive, having followed this dispute for quite some time.
Well, and I also agree with you on Russia.
The warmongering and propaganda against Russia are certainly the worst in my lifetime.
And as I told you, I went through the
Same PhD program at Harvard that produced Brzezinski before me, Mr. Globalist.
And he stacked the Obama administration with all his protégés.
And they're all in the mainstream news media, mongering for war against Russia.
Isn't this historically the first time that we've had both parties
Frothingly anti-Russia?
I mean, is that why it's so bad that the triumph of the Globalist and Brzezinski was getting the Democratic Party to become just rabidly anti-Russia?
Well, what you're saying is correct, Alex, but it's a bit more complicated than that.
I spent 10 years studying Russian history and Soviet politics at the University of Chicago and Harvard.
And, uh, was qualified to teach both subjects to, uh, undergraduates at Harvard.
I passed my PhD, uh, uh, oral general exam.
Because you're a Russian expert, not... Yeah.
But, but the bottom line is, in 10 years of, uh, studying this, I only had two professors who my... at Harvard and Chicago, who I thought were fair, reasonable, and balanced when it came to the Russians and the Soviet Union.
It turns out, Alex, that what happened is,
After World War II, the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency set up all these Soviet Russian research centers that, for the purpose of qualifying professors like me and experts with AMs and PhDs in these areas, to be used as part of the Cold War
Against the Soviet Union.
And that was a generation ago.
And that then filters down to media pundits and TV stations.
Sure, sure.
Where do you see this going then?
I'm sorry, repeat that please.
No, I'm saying where do you see all this going now then?
Well, so far, Trump has resisted the warmongering against Russia.
And the demonization of President Putin, which I think is the correct thing to do.
These comparisons of Putin to Hitler, like Mrs. Clinton and all the Democrats and the Democratic-oriented news media, is just warmongering propaganda.
That is extremely... Well, Russia's not invading any countries.
It's Hillary that invaded a bunch of countries and said, I came, I saw, he died.
Last person I heard that was invading Libya was Hitler.
So, if anybody's like Hitler, it's Hillary.
Well, I think she's pretty close to it, yeah, which is why I... I mean, she invaded the same country Hitler did.
Pardon me?
She invaded the same country Hitler did.
Well, in any event... I mean, Hitler did invade North Africa.
Well, he did.
That's correct.
So I'm saying she's comparing him to Hitler.
I mean, she's the one that has the Hitlerian comparisons here.
Yeah, I've been quoted to say that, you know, Mrs. Clinton, you can do the Google.
She's a psychopath and a war criminal.
But most people don't realize that
We, in the United States, invaded the Soviet Union twice under President Wilson.
North at Arkhangelsk, and in the east at Vladivostok.
And the theory there was to strangle the Bolshevik baby in the cradle.
And it failed.
So we have invaded them.
They haven't invaded or attacked us.
And so the history here is just completely turned on its head.
Doc, we're out of time.
I want to have you back up on the other shows.
David Knight in the morning or Owen Schroer in the evening for a full hour to get more into this history.
It's riveting stuff.
But either they finally dug up something that they think they can get Trump for and he's rolling over the neocons, which I don't think is happening, or he's just getting them in there to saber rattle to scare North Korea and others to say, look, look at the hawkish group I've got in.
I think it's one of the two.
I think it's the latter.
What do you think?
Let's hope it's disabled ratting, and that we're not going to have war against North Korea, and we're not going to have a war against Iran, which both Pompeo and- Bolton.
Yeah, because that'd be bigger than a catastrophe.
That'd be called Armageddon.
Francis Wells' books can be found all over the place.
They're excellent.
Look them up.
We'll be back.
Trump's live right now on the Omnibus and more.
Mike in Arizona.
You're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a longtime InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks.
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
William Binney is our guest.
He is the former technical leader of the intelligence with NSA before becoming a whistleblower in 2001 after more than 30 years of the agency.
Binney's been described as one of the best analysts and codebreakers in NSA history.
And again, he is the technical advisor for the film Snowden.
It is so amazing.
Again, this was published today at the Director of National Intelligence website.
William Benny, who's been advising the CIA Director and others, let us know the minute it went out.
This is the secret memo that's so troubling that ties into all the perjury and the cabal of Clinton operatives trying to set the President and others up using the might of the surveillance grid that's meant for foreign powers against the American people.
I mean, this is incredible.
William Benny, start wherever you think's best.
I'd like to start with some of the things they're talking about on page 15 of that ruling, where they talked about the NSA having the authority to go in the upstream program and take down main communications trunks.
And because I think there's some terrorist or dope dealer on there.
And they can capture and keep the entire trunk.
Capture all the data and keep it all.
And sort it and interrogate it.
That's basically how NSA analysts are able to look at their lovers.
People are cheating on them.
That's how they can do that.
Under that authority.
But that's all done in secret.
The FISA court is a thief to it.
They're in their ruling.
This is the upstream program.
It's the taffs on the fiber lines where they take everything.
And that's really what I was trying to say about President Trump when he was being targeted in all the data they were collecting, including his entire staff on this committee and everything.
They were all being spoofed up in this bulk acquisition off the fiber lines in the Upstream program.
And the main slide that would show it, if you could put it up, is the Fairview program.
That is AT&T's tapping points inside the 48 states of the United States.
And you notice all the tap points are distributed with... This is the one that no mainstream media wants to show on TV.
Because this is the one that calls out this business about they're only after foreigners is an obvious lie!
You know, unless you face them and go after them and do something about this, you're not going to correct the problem in the future and people will look back and say, well, they got away with it, so I'll do it too.
That's why I blamed this all on Jerry Ford when he pardoned Nixon, you know?
When he did that, he said every president can do anything he wants.
He's now got to get out of jail free card.
That's the next president, who also wants to be able to do whatever he wants.
So you see, that was where I put the blame right there with Jerry Ford.
And if he had let Nixon go to trial and be indicted, then I don't believe that this would have happened.
But we haven't done any indictments of any of these people who have done similar crimes.
And now, for massive crimes, we haven't done any of that.
And that's really what we need to do.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Alright, the President has his remarks live right now in the magic of DVR computers.
We'll just back up a few minutes and play some of his statements on the omnibus big spending bill.
But, the big news is...
The 60 billion dollar trade penalty on China, which is just a bite of the apple, but lets them know the era of our capitulation is over.
There is no free or fair trade.
We're being ripped off by all these countries.
It's a joke!
No one does this.
That's why we've gone from the number one industrial power, over half the world's industry, to now like 20% of it.
And the globalists are these geniuses that sold us off.
Well yeah, it was good for them.
So that's coming up.
And we've also got powerful report from Owen Schroyer.
Wait till you see what happened to the City Council yesterday confronting them about Antifa right here in the ATX.
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And you're standing up against George Soros, Comedy Central, Georgetown University, two of Hillary's law firms, all trying to destroy us, and they're failing.
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I salute you.
Let's go to the President in his ongoing remarks on the omnibus spending bill.
I don't know what he said yet.
This just started six, seven months ago.
I don't know whether he's shooting down the bill.
I think he will.
Here it is.
Some tremendous trade deals are being made with various countries.
We're negotiating very long, very hard.
But very quickly.
And the deal with South Korea is, according to Secretary Ross and Bob Lighthizer, is very close to being finished.
And we're going to have a wonderful deal with a wonderful ally.
We're getting very close to it.
It was a deal that was causing a lot of problems for our country in terms of employment and in terms of lots of other things.
I might ask
Secretary Ross to just say a few words about that and then we're going to get on to this ridiculous situation that took place over the last week.
So... Bingo!
He's gonna shoot it down.
Thank you, Mr. President.
We believe we are relatively close to a pretty comprehensive resolution with the South Korean government.
It will encompass, if it goes through, both the 232s and broader trade issues.
And we hope by sometime next week to be able to have a real announcement.
Gettin' things done, boy.
Thank you very much, Wilbur.
I appreciate it.
It's unbelievable.
The last time...
We negotiated something like this, and as you know, it's always been a problem for our country.
They get together and they create a series of documents that nobody's been able to read because it was just done.
Now, you tell me who can read that quickly?
Takes a long time to read it.
For the last eight years, deep defense cuts have undermined our national security.
How old are, and they just, if you look at what's taken out, they've hallowed our readiness
I think?
This dangerous defense, as crazy as it's been, as difficult as it's been, as much opposition to the military as we've had from the Democrats, and it has been tremendous.
I try to explain to them, you know, the military is for Republicans and Democrats and everybody else.
It's for everybody.
But we have tremendous opposition to creating
Really what will be the far by far the strongest military that we've ever had.
We've had that from the Democrats.
So if we take something for the military, they want something for in many cases, things that are really
A wasted sum of money.
Shrimp on treadmills.
And it's very bad for our country.
Teaching Kenyans how to be transgender.
We're looking to do funding for our final fight in certain areas.
As you know, we've gotten just about 100% of our land back from ISIS.
We have troop increases necessary to accomplish what we have to do.
And we have, very importantly, a pay increase for our troops.
And this will be actually the largest pay increase
For our incredible people in over a decade.
It increases total defense spending by more than 60 billion dollars from last year and funds the addition of critically needed ships, planes, helicopters, tanks and submarines.
We have
Submarines being built the likes of which there's nothing anywhere in the world like the submarines we build.
Our military equipment is the best equipment in the world and billion dollars from last year and funds the addition of critically needed ships, planes, helicopters, tanks and submarines.
We have submarines being built the likes of which there's nothing anywhere in the world
We were just switching from the Fox News feed to the White House feed, because theirs is better.
And again, he's signaling that it's a bad bill with a bunch of pork, so he's going to shoot it down, calling it crap.
But he's also signaling he might sign it, because it's got so much good stuff in it, which I don't like that too much, and Rand Paul doesn't.
We're about to find out.
Keep going.
Well, we're going to go to break.
We're going to go to break and come back with this and find out right now what's going on with that.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
Got the Owen Schroer report coming up.
We're in front of the Austin City Council letting armed men intimidate free speech in Austin.
And we're also going to open the phones up in the next hour.
I'm Alex Jones.
Please spread all the live links and tell folks about the local station you're watching or listening on right now.
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It's not a silver bullet, but it's the closest thing you're gonna find to a silver bullet.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, I was going with...
What the president had said he thought he would do earlier in tweets, and he came out and said it's been a mess and, you know, horrible last week dealing with this omnibus bill with the horrible things the Democrats would demand be put in here if we were going to get military funding or border security or any of it.
So Trump vows to sign $1.3 trillion spending bill averting a government shutdown just hours after he tweeted out that he was probably going to veto it, was looking at vetoing it because the spending was so out of control.
But then I guess he understands that the economy is in so much trouble that he thinks they'd use a shutdown to derail things.
I tell you, it's hard to make a decision on this, who's right or who's wrong.
We are just in a mess.
I am considering a veto of the omnibus spending bill based on the fact that the 800,000 plus DACA recipients have been totally abandoned by the Democrats, not even mentioned in the bill, and a border wall, which is desperately needed for our defense.
He's trying to legalize 800,000 DACA people that he said in the campaign that they could prove they had been here and weren't criminals.
He would.
He's saying the Democrats have abandoned them.
So that's a political shot back at him.
This is just crazy.
Let's hear a few more minutes of Trump, but we know what happened in the press conference.
Trotting out Matt Essin talking about our strong military and our border and why he did the bill and trying to explain to us why he went along with it.
He did the good thing on tariffs yesterday against China.
He's done so many other good things, but I don't know.
This is kind of a wash right now.
We'll open the phones up in the next hour, get your take on it, but here's more of the president.
Our military equipment is the best equipment in the world, and one of the things you saw two days ago with Saudi Arabia and with other countries.
Saudi Arabia, as an example, is buying hundreds of billions of dollars worth of our equipment, and we're getting very fast approvals on that.
Therefore, as a matter of national security, I've signed this omnibus budget bill.
There are a lot of things that I'm unhappy about in this bill.
There are a lot of things that we shouldn't have had in this bill, but we were, in a sense, forced, if we want to build our military, we were forced to have.
There are some things that we should have in the bill.
But I say to Congress, I will never sign another bill like this again.
I'm not going to do it again.
Nobody read it.
It's only hours old.
Some people don't even know what it is.
$1.3 trillion.
It's the second largest ever.
President Obama signed one that was actually larger, which I'm sure he wasn't too happy with either.
But in this case, it became so big because we need to take care of our military and because the Democrats
Don't believe in that, added things that they wanted in order to get their votes.
We have to get rid of the filibuster rule.
We have to get rid of the filibuster rule and go to 51 votes in the Senate.
If we're going to have really sustained, continued success.
DACA recipients have been treated extremely badly by the Democrats.
We wanted to include DACA.
We wanted to have them in this bill.
800,000 people.
And actually, it could even be more.
And we wanted to include DACA in this bill.
The Democrats would not do it.
They would not do it.
To prevent the omnibus situation from ever happening again, I'm calling on Congress to give me a line-item veto
For all government spending bills, and the Senate must end, they must end the filibuster rule and get down to work.
We have to get a lot of great legislation approved, and without the filibuster rule, it'll happen just like magic.
All right, there you go.
And the President is right, he then went and signed it.
This is just minutes ago, we're a few minutes behind here, because of the breaks.
And I see what he's doing, it's pragmatic.
He's saying, fix it.
Because I have no way, I'm not a dictator.
Now if I have a line item veto, like many governors have, like Rick Perry had in Texas, you can go through and kill the pork.
And I think that's something the President really should have.
So we're going to be looking more at that.
We'll be opening the phones up.
The toll-free number to join us in the next hour is 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
On the China trade war, on the globalists, on the gun-grabbing that's going on, on the censorship happening, on Bolton.
On all these topics and a bunch of clips coming up.
The toll-free number is 877-789-ALEX.
And let's do this while everybody's dialing.
Let's do first-time callers.
We haven't done that in a few weeks.
First-time callers, you can agree, you can disagree.
All I'm asking you to do is to have a good phone and to have your point.
Because I want to hear from you.
So there's the toll-free number 877-789-2539.
We'll try to go to those as quickly as possible.
So coming up in the next hour, right to your phone calls and a ton of other news and clips we haven't gotten to.
Now speaking of other news, armed Antifa is all over the country beating people up.
And attacking and menacing people with guns, and major publications are calling for violence against people, and gentrifiers, you name it.
Well, Owen Schroer, our intrepid reporter and host of The War Room, went and confronted the Austin City Council yesterday about it, and it was powerful.
Here it is.
Owen Troyer here for InfoWars.com.
Now, I am at City Council today to discuss an incident that happened on December 10, 2017, where I was trying to go to a memorial march for Kate Steinle, but I was met with armed, masked men that prevented me from entering and were intimidating and threatening me.
I'm going to bring this issue to City Council.
Let's see how they take it.
Alright, well I'm going to start by asking the council a question.
Given everything that's happened in the month of March with the bombings and the police officers saying, if you see anything suspicious, say something.
I think we would all agree that masked men walking around with firearms is something suspicious.
Now I'm going to play this video for the council to review.
That illustrates that exact thing happening.
Now, I am a firm believer in the First Amendment right, so an individual has the right to walk around with their face covered.
I'm a firm believer in the Second Amendment right.
I believe in constitutional carry, so you can carry a rifle or whatever firearm you want with you.
According to U.S.
Code, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 13, Subsection 241, Conspiracy Against Right States, if two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any state, territory, commonwealth, or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised them the same, or two or
Well, on December 10th, the video you're witnessing right now, I went to a memorial march for a deceased victim.
Of a violent crime.
And I was met, as you can see in these pictures, by masked men with arms on their triggers of rifles, battering clubs, etc.
Here you can see this man has his finger on the trigger, keeping me from going to a park
A memorial, here's them, with shields and clubs blocking the entrance from a park for a dead person's memorial.
Now, if that doesn't violate the code, I don't know what does.
And I find it timely that we sit here today with you all discussing getting more funding for police, but I did not hear one person make a suggestion to keep violent criminals off the streets.
Well, maybe if we looked into sanctuary city laws and keeping masked men with guns off the streets, we wouldn't have to have a hundred police officers out there every time somebody wants to have a march, which is every weekend.
Now, I'll just say this in closing and provide an illustration for you.
Radio listeners, he puts on a Antifa disguise.
In the city council.
This is how you do it.
This is truth on parade.
If I was outside, holding a rifle, keeping people from getting into this city council to state their claim, do you think I should be arrested?
I think everybody here would agree, yes.
That should be an arrest, absolutely.
But for some reason, and I'm not blaming the APD because I think they're good men and women.
Most of my experiences with them have been positive.
But if we're not going to arrest armed individuals with masks, brandishing weapons, intimidating people from their free speech, a clear violation of the law, I just want to know why.
And I want to know if this city council thinks that that's the type of city that we should live in.
Thank you for your time.
Mayor, if he would provide us with a link, because I couldn't see that.
Absolutely, I'd be happy to.
Thank you.
So there you have it, folks.
Now, there's many marches coming up in Austin, Texas, including one this Saturday.
Now, I'm not sure you're going to see armed men with masks show up at this one, but there's other marches and protests planned in the future, and this is not going to stop.
And we're always there to report it for you.
So let's see if there's any difference
In the way police officers approach armed masked men on the streets during a protest, or if the same thing is allowed to continue without any arrest.
Because I theorize, if you arrest one of these Antifa guys or masked men in the streets with weapons, intimidating and threatening people, they all go away as soon as one goes to jail.
But we'll wait and see what the response is from City Council.
Alright, great job.
Stay with us.
Melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
I talked to the big organic producer companies that we have making it, and I said, how much money is really in that?
They said, on average, about maybe $1 a melatonin, and then the container costs $0.50 or so, or less.
And I said, so I can put the same amount of melatonin in, let's make it a bigger capsule that's powdered so you can actually absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and then you get a sleep.
Unlike other systems.
I mean, Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues.
He writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
The point is, he's a smart guy.
He doesn't smoke marijuana.
He doesn't drink anything.
He goes, man, I gotta really thank you.
I am sleeping eight hours through the night.
I only have to take one knockout.
I've gone and showed, you know, UT Science this and everything else.
This is insane.
I said, yeah, you look 10 years younger.
He said, oh yeah, it's just, I'm off all the sleep drugs.
He says, this is totally free.
But he goes, do you know what it is in there?
And I said, it's the synergy of it.
Of the chamomile, the lemon balm, the L-tryptophan, the valerian root, the melatonin, and several other ingredients.
All just moderate dose.
They're all the recommended dose, and they just fuse together, and whatever they do chemically in the brain, that Mother Nature, God gave us our Mother Nature, is incredible.
So, that's available at InfoWarsTore.com or 888-253-3139.
But thank you for committing.
They get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
But it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing millions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films and, you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out.
So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called reap what you sow.
Alright, coming up the next segment.
I've got several of these clips.
We've got another one.
Where David Hogg has a profanity-laced interview... I wanna... I wanna air that one, too.
We've got that bleeped, right?
I wanna air that.
What we'll do is we'll take calls, and at the bottom of the hour, I'm gonna air the profanity-laced piece by the high school senior, who's a public figure, who calls me a piece of S.H.
you-know-what, and who calls me a scammer and a liar and a fraud,
And then says he wants to debate me.
And then says he's scared to.
And then goes on TV and says we're scared to debate him.
And that we can dish it out, but we can't take it.
And he's just bullying me in that he can attack and then CNN can go and say, Alex Jones said David Hogg is a crisis actor and nobody died.
And I didn't say that.
And then CNN tries to get my YouTube channel taken down.
And it becomes a national scandal.
A national scandal, and they put our YouTube back up, and then CNN denies that they ever did it.
That's how dumb they think you are.
They don't think you remember day-to-day what they do, and now Hogg is running around in these profanity-laced rants against gun owners and the NRA, and he then talks about me, and says I'm a liar and all these things on C-SPAN today.
And what do you think's gonna happen?
You know the Southern Poverty Law Center trolls, 10,000 of them that have taken over YouTube, that YouTube didn't wink wink.
Oh, we're sorry, we're taking you down for your free speech.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, they made a mistake.
They'll say, oh, Jones is bullying Baby Hog again.
Well, Piglet's calling me a piece of you-know-what.
Piglet's all over the news saying I'm a liar.
Piglet's challenging me to debates.
And it's hogwash.
He's in a man's world.
He's a public figure.
NPR says I'm being sued for saying no one died in Parkland.
I have the articles right here.
None of that's even true.
I didn't say nobody died.
I didn't say they were crisis actors.
Lies on lies on lies on lies.
And now he's gone after me for Gay Frogs Show.
We put together the joke piece.
Will Eric come up at the bottom of the hour?
Where I show
Blurred out at first.
He's on C-SPAN.
He's on national TV.
He's a public figure.
But we're gonna be politically correct.
We're gonna show his name and his face blurred out because he's a child.
And did you hear all over the news?
It's their branding.
Jones bullied children.
Jones said victims weren't shot.
Lies on lies on lies.
While he's up there in profanity-laced tirades on television that we're gonna play.
And calling me names and lying about me on television.
But that's the Democratic Party using children, he's really a young man, as human shields.
They use young men as human shields, call them children.
So it's lies on lies on lies on lies.
And it's the anatomy of lies.
But see, while they think they're destroying my name, while they think
They're intimidating me.
I didn't get into this to be myself successful.
I got into it to break through, blow a hole through the lies and expose it.
Somebody's got to do it.
Just like I lost 70 plus radio stations when I exposed the globalists working with Saudi Arabia and others to tear out 9-11 day one.
I was there to get that story out to expose it and I did.
You see, now we're gaining affiliates and support now, because America's more awake.
But the point is, is that I'm not here to win a popularity contest or walk on some filthy Hollywood red carpet.
Or to be on CNN.
That's where all the cowards are.
That's where the liars are.
That's where the past is.
The Renaissance.
The stars.
My children's future is based on truth and justice and integrity.
And not courage.
We have no future if we don't beat them.
I do this out of self-survival.
Out of self-interest.
It's not courage.
It's life force.
And it's will.
And we are winning.
That video is coming up.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, Trump about 45 minutes ago signed the omnibus spending bill to keep the government open and to get military and border security funding and the rest of it.
The Democrats held him hostage because they had the filibuster.
He's calling to be given a line-item veto.
He's calling for the filibuster to be removed to allow the Senate, like the House, to pass bills with a 51%.
And I agree with that.
And he's not letting him hold the country hostage.
We're already so down the rat hole in debt.
It's more important to cut regulations, cut taxes, and to engage in trade war with China and everybody else, because we've been under a trade war for 50 years to de-industrialize us.
So the Democrats are playing games to sabotage the economy.
Trump is full steam ahead, and I don't like deficit spending, but we're already deep into this now, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got to reignite our economy, bring industry back, get optimism back, cut off the communist Chinese, deal with the radical jihadis, and Trump is shutting down all the leftist funding.
The communist Chinese, the Saudi Arabians have rolled over, everybody's rolling over but the EU, the Pope, and Hollywood.
Trump is cutting them off, and China is still standing, but they are having thousands of riots a month, they enslave their people, they're force-moving more farmers off their land, millions are being executed every few years, they're selling political dissidence organs, and our media propping them up and not calling them dictators, and all this is incredible.
But Trump, good copshit and bad copshit.
Okay, we want to work it out with you, it's great, but you've been ripping us off, boom, this is happening.
And it's a fact!
China has giant internal tariffs against us.
It's a fact they dump all this garbage on our market.
It's a fact these other countries do it in coalition.
All right, I'm going to go to your calls.
Bottom of the hour, David Hogg, the poster child out of 3,000 students at Parkland.
Where the mass shooting happened, where there were not crisis actors, we never said that.
That's a huge media lie.
We said they picked four students out of 3,000 who were all in the drama club and all anti-gun and all interning and wanting to work with CNN, with Democrat parents.
They picked them as the PR people to go out with anti-gun classic talking points.
And that's a fact!
And it's come out that CNN's banning conservative students and giving people stage questions and all that.
So what are they going to do when they're getting caught doing that?
Misrepresent what we said in the straw man.
Hogg has now blown up in a, his vicious tirade, cussing and yelling at gun owners, frothing, attacking me, you name it.
It's all coming up at the bottom of the hour and then more calls.
But right now, we're gonna go to your phone calls.
JR, Nick, Laurel, Tim, Cameron, Mike, Mark, Jay, Greg, you name it.
There is so much to break down.
You know, I'm glad that Laurel wants to talk about the shooting of Seth Rich, investigator.
Yeah, the lawyer, the lobbyist investigating that and Hillary's Russiagate was going to a drop box.
This is a week and a half ago.
Nobody covered it.
It's finally in the Washington Post.
Got shot twice in the back and run over, but lived with his dog by a Marine with the Department of Energy.
At a drop-off, he believed, in a parking garage, under a cone, getting documents on Hillary and Russia.
That's not suspicious?
I'm glad Laurel thinks it's a big deal.
You're on the air, Laurel.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I'm so glad to be talking to you.
Thank you, me too.
I use multiple of your products.
We have t-shirts, we have the Super Blue Toothpaste, the Selenium, the B12, the Iodine, the Wintersun, and I ordered the Micro ZX.
Thank you, because without you funding this operation, it costs a lot.
The globalists are going to win, plus they're great products.
How do you like them?
Oh, we love them!
My husband and I both do all of this, and I can tell if I haven't taken my B12, iodine, and vitamin D in the morning.
I just, I have a hard time functioning.
I tell you, the iodine particularly, this particular type, is really amazing.
What's your view on the investigator getting shot twice in the back in D.C.? ?
I think this is just the tip of the iceberg for those who are associated with Hillary.
I think we're going to see people dropping like flies.
I think that if anybody is associated with Hillary, they need to have security on them, because this is just the beginning of them trying to cover things up.
I'm really concerned about that.
Well that's another issue for us is that we have now armed security where also a lot of us have a concealed carry and it was because of Hillary being defeated and the stuff that started happening I'm not going to get into on air but it's directly from them and I've been told you better stop it well I mean I can't just roll over we got here from rolling over so that's a whole nother cost we have you know we're talking quite a bit of money every week for 24 hour a day armed security and
It's just a serious situation.
That's where this country is.
That's what's going on.
And the Democrats are also on the news trying to wind up their listeners and constituents.
Two congressmen, no three, two called for attacking the president and shooting him this week, using guns on him.
Another one called for his overthrow.
So three in one week.
I mean, they're trying to activate their constituents.
I agree totally.
And they're just trying to make it so that
We all believe that Hillary did nothing wrong and she's not sick so that they can somehow squeaker into some other position so that she can try to worm her way back up to the top again or somebody that she has mentored herself.
And that's because she worked for the Globalist and David Rockefeller and others and got all the computer programs and the Nexus programs to have all the dirt and everything with that foundation.
That's why she's so powerful is that she's got the blackmail, the dirt,
Imagine the stolen hundreds of billions.
I mean, yes, she is, her and Bill Clinton are just incredible criminals.
God bless you.
Laurel, thank you so much for you and your husband's support from Florida.
Please spread the word.
By the way, we have gained over 100 radio affiliates last year and a half, over 100 TV affiliates.
And if you're watching us on cable or listening to us on a new station or any other station, you've got to spread the word.
That's the critical mass.
This is so exciting.
And a lot of these stations are huge, but even little ones are important.
You know, a lot of stations now have their main channel, but they've got other sub-digital channels.
Those are there.
Like, I don't even really... I've got cable and I never heard of using it.
Rabbit ears are so cool now, where you just go through broadcast TV and then you'll have like three or four other channels and it'll be like Bonanza reruns or I Love Lucy or BOOM!
It's Alex Jones 24 hours a day!
That's what's happening.
And then you spread the word, it is big.
FM translators, all these new stations coming online.
It's exciting.
Let's go to Cameron in Florida.
Cameron, you're on the air.
Thank you for calling in.
Brother Alex Jones, first off, I just want to say I thank you and I'm praying for you and your team by name, in Jesus Christ's name, every single day.
Now listen, I want to give a shout out to Owen Schroer and his courageousness and everything that your reporters are doing because we, as American people, need to be that courageous to
I think so.
Cameron, you sound like the type of person we need as a reporter.
We're looking for people like Owen, who had fire in his belly and had a track record on the street doing good work.
Look where he is now.
I think he's already on like 30-something radio stations.
He's only been on a few months.
David Knight's show's exploding.
We need people like you to be auxiliary reporters for InfoWars.
Go out, cover stuff.
If it's good, we'll end up trying to hire you for special events and stuff.
And once you get some legs under you, try to hire you on.
I can hear your passion.
It's beautiful.
Tell folks about your app or where they find you.
Owen Schroer and I would be like Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage.
It would be a beat down on these liberals out there.
Slapping the hands.
Get in the ring, Owen.
I mean, it would just be power bombs left and right.
And Matt Drudge is like Andre the Giant.
You know, the absolute, you know, just boom there.
Unstoppable wall.
I tell ya, I love the... Well, who am I if we're professional wrestlers?
So many people, so many people who are being courageous, these Tommy Robinsons, the Alex Joneses, the Matt Judges, the people who are out there getting this out.
Guys, this is real time, real life.
We are watching the endgame of a strategic chess match.
We have a president, Donald J. Trump, that is just, he's a man and he's bringing out the men and men like an alpha male.
No more of this
Well, Cameron, I want to learn more about you.
Are you on Twitter?
Are you on Facebook?
You got a website?
Who are you?
I am, brother, but I called you from a burner phone for a reason.
Ah, you need to go public to fight against the globalists.
You're awesome, Cameron.
We love all of you.
Folks, if you want to be reporters here, we'll tell you how.
Our latest product, by the way, is Immune Wall.
It's very, very affordable at $29.95.
It's 25% off out of the gates.
And we set out with beta glucans, olive leaf, and a bunch of other key compounds that are absolutely documented.
We can even make claims about what this does to bolster your immune system and make you healthier, especially if you're going to be traveling or you're under stress or it's in the winter months.
This is something everybody should be taking.
Wellmune is patented.
And documented in all the hundreds of studies.
And then you got the ancient stuff there as well.
The organic olive leaf extract is what the Roman soldiers would take whenever they started getting sick.
Just chopped full of all those key enzymes and vitamin C and so much more.
Then it's got all the concentrated highest quality organic types of mushrooms that are documented for your body.
And then concentrated citrus peel, orange peel, lemon peel, organic orange peel.
It's all there, ladies and gentlemen, and I'm not going to sit here and hype this product up.
So whether it's the sleep aid knockout you need, which is amazing, melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
And I said, I talked to the big organic producer companies that we have make it, and I said, how much are you in that?
And they said, on average, about maybe a dollar of melatonin, and then the container costs 50 cents or so, or less.
And I said, so, I can put the same amount of melatonin in, let's make it a bigger capsule that's powdered so you can actually absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and several other things.
And I checked with scientists, none of them interact badly, they're all from nature, they're all healthy, they all have good, you know, good clean records.
And then you get a sleep unlike other systems.
Randall Wilhite.
His name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues.
He writes the Texas Law Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
The point is, he's a smart guy.
You know, doesn't smoke marijuana, doesn't drink.
He goes, man, I gotta really thank you.
I am sleeping eight hours through the night.
I only have to take one knockout.
I've gone and showed, you know, UT Science this and everything else.
This is insane.
Wow, it's incredible.
I've taken melatonin up by itself and it didn't help.
Wow, this is incredible.
And I said, yeah, I don't know.
I just had the idea to mix everything known, you know, scientifically and the wives' tales together to make you sleep.
And, you know, it's powerful.
And they're all game changers.
You need to really go read the third-party reviews or power reviews and others that we have linked.
Our average review on InfoWareStore.com, there's more than 40,000 reviews now, is 94%.
They even had media investigations with BuzzFeed and people calling them going, we want to see it, it must be fake.
They're like, no, it's really real.
So they've had campaigns that people go on there and try to vote stuff down.
I mean, they are just so angry where they test our stuff and test it and test it in California labs that has stuff nine times higher than EU that has the next highest standards.
I mean, basically, there's more lead in the air in California than you can, quote, put in a supplement or any other product, unless you call it a food product.
But 60-something of our products are all California standard.
But if you've got something that's got, I don't know, 10, 15 ingredients in it, and it's also a large serving like Caveman?
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, any can of chicken noodle soup.
Has probably five times the lead California says is allowed.
It's just insane.
And then we tested, tested, test more than anybody we know of because we know.
Now we're under a microscope, ladies and gentlemen.
But thank you for committing to get the great products.
The books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
But it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like, it's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films.
And you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out.
So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called reap what you sow.
That's available at Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to tyranny.
He is 1776.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I got some great callers so far.
We are about to go to Mark.
We're going to go to Mike, who says he knows the protocol where police move dead bodies.
I want to hear what that is.
Tim wants to get into John Bolton.
Nick wants to get into getting the Democrats out.
wants to talk about vaccines.
Greg wants to talk about omnibus bill.
John Bolton.
Michael wants to talk about censorship.
Because it is crazy right now, ladies and gentlemen.
But I got to tell you, the listeners have really been coming through.
The affiliates have been coming through.
The TV stations are coming on board, but that just makes the Democrats get that much matter.
And that's why, you know, this is the fight of our lives.
They really are authoritarians.
They got to be dealt with.
And the word is, Trump is going to move with trust-busting on Google, Facebook, Twitter.
He is going to take everything they do and turn it against them, like they try to claim this Analytica deal, you know, get the names of 200,000, and then 5 million, then 50 million, using that 200,000 database to reach out to Facebook and contact 50 million people.
I showed you our reach last year was 9 plus billion, like that right here.
9 plus billion on Facebook.
Look at this right here.
9, Dr. McCann please, 9 plus billion 2017, up from 6 plus billion 2016.
That is directly from the internals of Facebook you are seeing right there.
Total followers increased 82.9%.
So you can say, they can go, oh they reached 50 million.
We reach like 50 million every day or something on there.
Despite the fact that that was 2016.
That was the election.
I told you we had 86 million viewers and listeners that one week, man, of the election was unbelievable.
And it was a new peak, but then we had a new plateau.
And we've experienced it in many other areas.
Here's what happened in 2017.
We still got even bigger, but look, they cut our reach off and don't let us reach all the people, the millions, tens of millions that follow us on our different platforms on Facebook.
But it doesn't matter.
We already got them in InfoWars and NewsWars and it's done.
So now Facebook with the Democrats goes and reports on the Analytica group.
And then everybody goes, wait a minute, but Facebook does that a billion times, literally, what this little company did.
Because I'm showing you, our reach is nine, you know, nine billion.
They're saying, ooh, Bannon's was 50 million.
Ooh, ooh, ooh.
I mean, this is ridiculous!
So, that's the reality of what's going on.
Yeah, they put the brakes on us on those platforms, but we always knew that was coming, we knew their plan.
So now Facebook is imploding, falling apart, 60-something billion lost, just absolutely being shredded, becoming MySpace.
Because the left wanted to keep the right wing from being able to data mine it when they own it and run it, the left.
So they just blew up their own golden goose because somebody snuck in once and got a little fleck off a golden egg, you Democrats have, and ran off a little fleck of it in the dark.
And you're so mad that Bannon went and got some names off Facebook that you went in and threw a battle axe at your goose and sliced its head off.
You people are amazingly stupid!
You never think more than one or two steps down.
You're stupid!
Like cancer!
Yeah, you're able to take over, and then everything goes to hell every time authoritarians take over.
Because you suck!
Because you're stupid!
Because all you do is rob what other people build, morons!
We're dealing with control freak parasites of every race, color, and creed, who historically get together, and take over, and convince good people to give them the power, and by successive approximation, they dominate, then they end up ruining everybody's lives.
Then the left creates crony capitalism, screws over a real free market, then goes, oh, the solution's communism and socialism that works even worse than crony capitalism.
As if we weren't capitalists anymore, because we became globalists.
And all the games they play with Bernie Sanders.
It'll be like Venezuela.
Alright, I said I'd go to your calls.
I apologize, I'm being bad here.
Who should I go to first?
Mark, the fight for independent media.
You're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
I'm a big fan of yours, and God bless you and your team.
Thank you, sir.
I just want to say, you guys are being attacked left, right, and center by everybody.
And have you ever thought of starting an association with all the independent media like InfoWars or Drudge and so on, so you can become a stronger entity, and maybe people would think twice before attacking you, and you can also be a great lobby group
Well, I mean, I want to create, like, a foundation that's the Human Preservation Defense League that's anti-AI, taking over free will.
I've wanted that for 20 years.
Now's the time.
It's going to be tax-exempt and some other advantages to get the word out.
We are looking, and we've got to file lawsuits against a bunch of these people to teach the minions that shine onto this that they're going to be sued, they're going to lose.
I mean, we can win these, it'll just take a lot of money to then counter-sue them, but we'll get the money back.
And I don't want to do that, it's against my nature, but I have to.
But yes, they're attacking us because we've got their blueprint.
They're attacking us because we did have 87 or 86 million actual listeners and viewers on election week.
That's when they went from being arrogant to actually looking and going, oh my god, InfoWars is one of the biggest media organizations in the world.
Drudge is the biggest.
And they don't know what to do.
Not the New York Times, not the Washington Post, CNN.
They're all lobbying to have me shut down.
I mean, think of how larcenous, how criminal, how un-American, how fraudulent.
NPR, all of them, shut Alex Jones off.
He said no kids died.
He bullied kids.
You know, on and on and on.
One time somebody saw bodybuilding on a computer.
It even says in the EEOC report, that turns into a headline, gay grooming.
People say, how are you handling it?
My wife does.
And I keep explaining every segment.
I lost almost all my affiliates, to tell the truth, about 9-11.
I've been physically attacked.
I lost almost all the money I was making.
The money was to get the word out.
I'm against the globalists.
They're my enemy.
It's all about stopping them.
I know they're bad.
I've seen what they do.
Of course I know they're after me.
We're in a war.
So everybody, don't think I'm losing.
Don't think.
No, no, no, no.
This is what I was meant to do.
I want to take the attacks.
I'm saying, though, when the enemy comes in, when evil comes in like a flood, when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against it.
And you are that standard.
I'm only a focal point.
Of somebody that understands, like somebody that's gotta swim in these boat wrecks, where somebody's gotta swim a hundred yards underwater to get out and get their kids out.
They're not even good swimmers, but they're able to do it in the dark.
It's like, it's not courage.
We're gonna die if we don't get through that damn bulkhead and get to the surface!
You think I wanna swim through these waters?
You think I like what's going on?
You think I personally enjoy it?
I don't.
But I realize I've gotta do this, or my family and your family's screwed!
That's why I say, don't thank me.
I'm not a hero.
I don't have courage.
I do not have courage.
I have seen the enemy.
I know how evil they are.
I know their commitment.
The only way is to stand against them.
And quite frankly, I am so honored to be under attack.
I am so honored to be demonized.
I am so honored to be one of their main enemies because that means I'm hurting them and I want to go on hurting them.
So no matter what they do, no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
And I need your prayers and God bless you, Mark.
Send me an email.
What are your ideas?
They're great ideas.
We love you.
We love you, Mark.
I love you, Mark.
I love you.
Everybody in Canada, I love everybody.
We are up against psychopathic technocracy tyrants that admit they're bringing in a world government with an AI takeover and mass extermination.
So do you think I care if they sue me?
Hell no!
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants.
His obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gonna cut you down.
Sooner or later gonna cut you down.
Alright, JR, Nick, Tim, Mark, Greg, Michael, Ricky.
We're going to all your calls coming up here.
But first, earlier, I mentioned David Hogg, who the mainstream media has continually misrepresented the facts about.
They have continued, in three NPR pieces this week, on CNN this week again, on MSNBC, so many clips that get sent to me, I can't even look at them all.
I asked some of the crews to give me transcripts saying that I said no one died, and I said they were actors, and I said he was from California and 24 years old.
I didn't say that.
My crew didn't say that.
No one said that.
Then, CNN, who he works with, who he wants to work for, who he's visited before the shooting ever happened, lobbies to have InfoWars shut down, lobbies to have us taken off YouTube.
A competing media organization, that's interference, that's super uncivil in the courts.
When big organizations get involved, they can even be criminal.
They try to get our channel shut down, they get it shut down for a while.
We have the videos, we show the world what it was, it wasn't what they said.
YouTube then is forced to put it back up.
Then they go after our sponsors.
And they're still, all over the news, three, four weeks later, lying about what I said and about what I did.
And now, David Hogg, God bless him, comes out and attacks me, calls me a piece of crap, does all this other stuff, calls me a con man, says he wants to debate me, then he's scared to debate.
They go on NBC and say folks are scared to debate him, obviously talking about us.
It's wild.
And so a lot of deception, a lot of things are being said clearly that aren't true, and he's a public figure.
He's in a man's world.
He's a senior in high school.
He wants laws passed.
Well now, his cohorts of the four kids, young people chosen to be in the media out of 3,000, have called people murderers, Dana Loesch, Bernher.
All this has gone on.
And it goes on and on and on and on and on and on.
And people are like, did you hear it on NPR?
Did you see it on local TV?
They say you're being sued by David Hogg because nobody died.
David Hogg tweets, I've been sued for saying nobody died.
None of that's true.
I mean, it is wild what comes out of this guy's mouth.
And whoever's telling him to say this stuff, or is it coming out of his own mouth?
That's even worse.
I don't know.
So we're going to play a clip of him with it bleeped out.
Profanity-laced interview.
And then him on C-SPAN this morning attacking yours truly.
Here's the first clip.
Pathetic f***ers that want to keep killing our children.
They have blood from children's spatter all over their faces, and they wouldn't take action.
Because they'll still see those dollar signs.
Are you exhausted?
I'm beyond exhausted.
Is it energizing, this exhaustion?
Is it an energizing exhaustion?
Yeah, it's just as energizing as it is exhausting at this point.
I get to a certain point where I get so tired that I just keep going.
It creates a positive feedback loop in some ways, where the more stress and work that I put on me, the more work and stress that I can deal with.
But at this point, it's like, when you're an old ass parent, it's like, I don't know how to send an
What type of person are you when you want to see more money than children's lives?
What type of shitty person does that?
And like, there's this whole... I mean, the way that they're talking about it now, the way Rick Scott has been talking about it, is like, when the shooter arrives, we need a metal detector and a guard.
With Rick Scott, it's like, when I get elected as Senate, we're not gonna let that f***ing happen.
I mean, you guys better not.
He's like, oh, I'm going to implement all of these amazing things.
Let me make sure I do it right before my election for Senate when I try calling out Bill Nelson.
He's starting this political.
So do you see that as opportunistic?
Oh, it's absolutely opportunistic.
He does not give a **** about these kids' lives at all.
He only cares about his re-election.
That's why this stuff is being implemented in a year, not today.
What is striking to me about this is that you guys
I can't watch any more of it.
Get it off.
Get it off.
Get it off.
There's just hours of it.
They take the guns from everybody in Mexico, and they have one of the highest crime rates in the world.
Same thing in Brazil.
Hitler took the guns.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
You know, political power goes out of the barrel of the gun.
And then another crazy person, everybody knew was going to attack, goes and kills some people, and then I'm to blame, and all gun owners are to blame.
Well, if somebody runs over somebody with a car, are they all to blame?
Or somebody with a baseball bat?
This is common sense!
And you've got a young, high school senior teenager, cussing to get attention,
To pull a stunt, but none of us are supposed to talk about it.
Because if you respond to him when he's calling you a piece of this or a piece of that, or his cohorts are, you know, calling Dana Loesch a murderer, and people are chanting, burn her, well then you're a bully.
That's what CNN wants, is to use this to kill the First Amendment, not just the Second Amendment.
You got YouTube banning all guns, with citizens having guns or showing guns, but
Hollywood and the video game makers and all them, they can show all the guns they want.
This is an incredibly discriminatory system.
So let's go ahead and go to David Hogg on C-SPAN 2 with the editor of Axios.
That's because Politico knows they're discredited now, so they've changed the name to Axios to make it sound like they're independent.
And he's interviewing him, asking a question, and then he gets into the gay frogs.
Here it is.
You're 17, you'll be 18 next month.
You, online, were the victim of a conspiracy video attacked by this sort of InfoWars crowd.
What was that like?
It was wonderful.
It was great advertising.
When individuals say these things to us, I think it's important for their viewing audience to realize they're simply trying to make money off them.
For example, one of the main people in this situation that I don't want to name the name of, but as you said is from Infowars, he shouts a lot.
I'll just give you that hint.
He looks red.
He's advertising many of these things, and the power lies in these advertisers to pull out of these fear-mongering, hate-loving people that just want to spread hate and division in America.
For example, on InfoWars, one of the main things that he spoke, one of his famous things is saying that, uh, one of his most famous statements was saying that, Topwater is turning the frogs gay and will turn you gay too.
First off, gay people are awesome.
I don't think that's a problem at all.
And secondly, if you noticed at the end of that video, he advertises water filters.
Yeah, the water's poison, bro.
Now, we can play all the scientific reports.
We're putting one together with all the scientists about the frogs becoming gays, the term the scientists use, going after males, trying to fertilize eggs that don't exist, and then the species dies.
Now, here we did it so we're not mean to Mr. Hogg, who's a public figure.
We've now turned this into a frog.
But there's Berkley News, pesticide advertising can turn male frogs gay.
And that's all I ever did, was read a Journal of Science headline that said that, and they went, what are we gonna do?
Well, just say he said it, and then just misrepresent, like they said, an Infowars-like group.
You are the victim of a conspiracy.
Notice how evil Axios is.
They know I didn't say that.
They know I didn't do that.
They know lawsuits are getting ready for this.
And so they went, oh.
An Infowars-like group.
We're going to come back and play the clip where we transferred Mr. Hogg into a frog.
It's pretty funny.
And he's a public figure.
We mean it in jest.
And YouTube will probably try to shut us down for this.
And then we'll win the big antitrust lawsuit and discrimination lawsuits.
That's why they backed off the last five times.
Because we're going to engage in our First Amendment.
And you can let Mr. Hogg call us liars and names and scam artists and everything else.
We're just gonna sit here and have fun and show you mainline scientific journals showing I'm right.
And then people are gonna... Absolutely!
It's all a 360 win.
If I sell something, I use it.
If I tell you, hey, fluoride's really bad, all this other stuff's really bad, we have the best gravity-fed filters out there to fund our message and get it out.
Or, hey, we have major iodine deficiencies.
We have the purest one out there in major studies.
Check out all the benefits.
This will help you and your family.
It's because we're using it.
We want you to use it.
We're building an economy.
You bet.
We're about solutions.
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Look at this report from LifeSite.
Facebook says group wanting to burn alive Christian mom meets community standards, but she's banned from Twitter.
So we're going to talk to a lady who's reached billions of people and who they're targeting and who's been banned from Twitter, the activist mommy, Elizabeth Johnston.
So Elizabeth, let's get into why you're so hated, why you're so feared, and why they're trying to ban you.
Hi, Alex.
Look, you know, I don't toe the line.
And I am pushing back against some of their pet agendas.
I push back against the feminazis and the LGBT agenda and the slaughtering of children through abortion.
Brainwashing our children to think Islam is a religion of peace.
These are the things that I address on my platform through articles and videos that I create.
And, you know, I am being censored frequently.
And right now, there's a story going that there's a group on Facebook called I Will Find Activist Mommy and Burn Whoever Runs It Alive.
And people, hundreds, thousands of people have reported it.
And Facebook said that that death threat does not go against their community standards and they're not going to remove the group from Facebook.
One of the things, Alex, one of the things that really has drawn a lot of attention to my platform, I don't know if you heard about it last year, is that I burned a Teen Vogue magazine when Teen Vogue was
Teaching teenagers, kids, how to sodomize one another.
Oh yeah, tell folks about that.
Yeah, they printed a tutorial online of how to have anal sex.
And I was livid, as were millions of parents.
And so I filmed a quick two minute video, burned a piece of magazine, called it smut, and called upon
The public to go to their stores and their libraries and make sure that Teen Vogue was not being carried, that it was being pulled from the shelves.
We started hashtag Operation Pull Teen Vogue and as you probably know, we gave Teen Vogue such a black eye that they have not recovered from it and they actually had to shutter their print edition.
December was their last
Print edition because we have really done such damage to their reputation.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So, David Hogg, the poster child, who's an adult, of anti-gun, cussing, yelling, hating people that are Second Amendment.
On national TV he loves the Second Amendment, he loves gun owners, but in private interviews he hates everyone and is cussing at them.
He goes on C-SPAN with Axios, that's the sheep-dipped Politico, because they know everybody was leaving Politico because they know it's a fraud, so they now have Axios as their new fraud, and
You got the Axios editor in there being very careful with his fraud.
He just says, sites like InfoWars, InfoWars-like groups have been in a conspiracy against you and hurting you.
And then he goes on, because they've told him, Jones is getting ready to sue.
The law firms are lined up in D.C., which they are.
I've got to go to D.C.
in a couple of weeks.
So everybody will get what they want and they'll start rolling.
He's like, well, am I supposed to say the name?
They're like, yeah, don't say the name, dude.
We're gonna say, oh, it's InfoWars, things like that, and then say things they didn't say.
You understand?
We're gonna teach you, David, how you murder the truth.
Axios will teach you.
CNN will teach you.
So, we have now transferred him, you know, as a joke, fun, to protect his identity.
He is no longer David Hogg.
He is now David Frog.
Here it is.
You're 17, you'll be 18 next month.
You, online, were the victim of a conspiracy video attacked by this sort of InfoWars crowd.
What was that like?
It was wonderful.
It was great advertising.
When individuals say these things to us, I think it's important for their viewing audience to realize they're simply trying to make money off them.
For example, one of the main people in this situation that I don't want to name the name of, but as you said, he's from Infowars, he shouts a lot.
I'll just give you that hint, he looks red.
He's advertising many of these things, and the power lies in these advertisers to pull out of these fear-mongering, hate-loving people that just want to spread hate and division in America.
For example, on the end of a war, one of the main things that he spoke, one of his famous things is saying that, one of his most famous statements was saying that, Tapwater is turning the frogs gay and will turn you gay too.
First off, gay people are awesome.
I don't think that's a problem at all.
And secondly, if you notice at the end of that video,
He advertises water filters.
Ooh, interesting!
Yeah, beer commercial show, girls in bikinis, and you're gonna get girls in bikinis if you drink Bud Light.
We're gonna find the woman of your dreams, you fly to Cancun with sandals commercials.
We have the highest rated spectrum, four different companies of high quality filters, and we're saying every major tap water, almost all well water has atrazine, it has mercury, it has roundup in it.
The biggest thing you can do is drink filtered water.
Everybody knows that.
A lot of the bottle waters have been contaminated.
I got really, Mountain Valley Spring from Arkansas has been tested.
It's super high quality, great minerals.
We enjoy that lavishment here at the office.
You know, that's even a step above filtering your water.
And at my house, I have Mountain Valley Spring.
We also have reverse osmosis and our ProPure and AlexaPure systems.
When I go on the road, I take one with me.
And I still drink iced tea and stuff that has the bad tap water in it, but I'm limiting it.
And my baby gets filtered water.
So yes, I'm saying our tap water is highly contaminated.
Can we put the Berkeley study up about making frogscape, please?
Because it actually makes them want males.
They go and try to fertilize other males.
There it is.
Testicide atrazine can turn male frogs into females.
So, there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
And then we have the scientists saying it literally makes them gay.
And Atrazine does the same thing to male humans.
Now, that is a fact.
Hogg's like, hey, this is a great thing.
I'm not... Now you're really seeing what's going on, right?
It's a chemical takeover, not to make you gay, but to make you sterile.
That's a side issue.
The fertility's dropping, it's admitted, it's happening to the deer, it's happening to the other forest animals that drink water that's run off of this.
There's thousands of articles and it's totally known!
But they transfer that into, I'm a fraud.
Alexa Pure.
They're great gravity-fed systems.
They're great air filtration systems.
Pro-Pure is amazing.
They're apples and oranges.
The filters, some are better at this than that, but it's all 99.9% reduction.
Some of it total reduction, depending on the hundreds of chemicals.
The studies are up there.
The test.
The globalists have gone and grabbed the filter companies we use and gone and looked at them and don't want to publish the stuff because it shows it's exactly what we said.
I mean, I just go out and find out whatever the top stuff is and I sell it.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Yeah, you should filter your air.
You should filter your water.
We have Non-GMO heirloom seeds, the biggest selection online out there.
Now it's like 16 different companies we sell.
Springs here.
Support us!
Next they're gonna say, you know, having a garden isn't a good thing.
So, there you go.
Jeff Bezos sells supplements, but he's okay.
When I do, I'm a con artist.
So that's how it works.
Jeff Bezos is the biggest supplement seller in the world.
And the Washington Post, more than 20 times I know of, has articles that I'm a fraud and I sell snake oil.
When I sell at least 16 products sold in Whole Foods as their main product that I also sell, because it turns out they really are the highest rated, they really are the best, and they really are affordable, because back then Whole Foods used to be pretty good about supplements, wanting you to get stuff that's actually real good.
So I go to the big companies.
A few of them have actually been contacted now and said, stop saying that.
Whole Foods is on our ass.
Even though contractually what you're saying is true and you can do it, stop it.
See, they are after us, folks.
They are after us.
They are.
Our vitamin B12 rated the best.
When BuzzFeed tested it, they couldn't believe it.
Our colloidal silver rated the best.
The toothpaste, all of it.
It's the best.
We're gonna bring you the best.
It's what we're gonna do.
It's what I do.
Our information has changed the world already.
But now suppliers are saying they're cutting quality now that Bezos took it over six months ago.
So the real snake oil now is Bezos.
Yeah, he's taking the California standards off, he's taking all the standards off, and it is bad.
But he's going, I'm a liberal!
Ho, ho, ho!
Golly gee, does that take?
Ho, ho, ho!
Ho, ho, ho!
Ho, ho, ho!
Sorry, I'm going to go to your calls now.
They got JR's been holding the longest.
JR, you're a trooper.
God bless you.
From Dallas?
Feel like I ought to be playing the theme from Dallas.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, how's it going, sir?
Good, brother, thanks for calling.
Hey, long time, first time.
First of all, thank you for being on the forefront, you know, when it comes to free speech.
I have a selfish question on vaccines.
Go ahead, you're on the air, JR.
Yeah, so our baby boy, he's about one and a half.
And I know you're not a doctor, but after watching you and some other documentaries, my wife and I decided to delay vaccination.
But not sure if we should avoid them all together or just skip the MMR and polio.
Just kind of get your take on it.
I'll take my answer off there.
God bless you, sir.
I want to give you my personal view on what happened in my life.
I have four children.
None of them have ever had a shot in their life.
They lie and say it's the law to take them to go to school.
There's a waiver form.
There's not even a law.
I believe in inoculation.
I believe the science is real.
It works.
The companies have been given protection since the mid-80s.
Billions have been paid out secretly.
The inserts admit it can brain damage you and kill you because the additives and the secret testing and the globalist eugenics agenda, not just to poisoning the food and water, but the vaccines.
Heard about black folks getting shot up for 47 years by syphilis?
Then it turned out it was poor white Appalachians and everybody else and people in Peru and other areas?
And India?
They give them polio shots and it gives them the polio?
That's come out.
They admit polio gave millions polio, the polio vaccine.
My grandmother was told she got her second polio inoculation and she got it a week later and the doctor said you got it from the live virus.
She died last year.
She's gone.
She was alive for 60-something years, with the majority of her muscles eaten, thanks to our loving government and shop.
So I'm telling you, when you take those things, you take your life in your hands.
If there was some deadly pathogen killing masses of people, and I saw folks take the vaccine and not be affected, and not have serious side effects, I'd take it like I'd eat a big old piece of pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving afternoon.
If another disease came along and it was proven to be blocking it without huge side effects, I'd eat it like a big ol' slice of cherry pie.
I got a pin in my leg.
I've had both my arms and legs broken.
I've been in surgeries.
If there's a drug when I'm sick I can feel better, I'll take it if it doesn't hurt me.
I believe in science.
We're innovators here.
But vaccines are a protected industry, liability protection.
They've been caught worldwide with SV40 alone of thousands of contaminants.
That they estimate gave Americans 98 million cases of cancer just from the 1950s to the 70s when they supposedly stopped putting in the polio vaccine that was contaminated with live super virus that is a bio weapon and they believe has probably killed 300 million Indians.
100% of the Indian sewage system, look it up, is infected with SV40 alone.
SV40 is associated with hundreds of cancers that didn't exist until.
One of them has a long name, but it's purple yogurt, basically, colored, uh, tumor that grows huge in just a few weeks and eats your brain and then, and then giant purple juice just shoots out of your nose.
It eats your brain.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, Paul Watson is in the cockpit.
He's in the bullpen.
He's coming out.
He's ready!
And nothing on Earth's gonna stop him!
The American Wrecking Ball, Paul Joseph Watson.
Wait, wait, it's from England.
That's coming up.
We'll go to your phone calls right now.
Let's talk to Nick in Las Vegas.
Go ahead, Nick.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Solid work going on at Infowars up there.
I like the products.
I'm a Latino for Trump, calling to say we need to vote out the Democrat Party via education.
Signs, pounding pavement, pounding that rebar out there, along pathways and what have you.
Got to do it now, got to get out there.
You hear me OK?
No, you're 10-4 on target.
The Democrats are stealing elections, they're pulling out all the stops right now.
Yeah, Alex, let me tell you the importance about this from the real world here in the Southwest USA.
I ran 901 calls as an EMT in Los Angeles and Las Vegas under the last four years of the Obama administration.
It was horrible.
It's a real privilege to serve the public.
Don't get me wrong in this capacity, but it pushes the limits of the 901 system and no one talks about that.
No one talks about the added stresses on the 901 first responders and
Yeah, you know, it's just a huge deal.
That going on, you know, going back to education.
We really need to get these guys out and force these sensible Democrats.
I love a lot of them.
Got a lot of family members that are Democrats.
We've got to force them to become libertarians because the Democrat Party is just going so far crazy.
It's just out of control.
We've got to force them.
We've got to force the truth on them.
We have to force them to acknowledge reality.
I mean, the Republican Party, we're the ones that, you know, I'm sorry if I'm just ranting on, but
The mainstream media and the Democrats have created a huge hoax that it's the Republicans that are racist historically.
Yes, it's a total hoax.
It's all Republicans.
I know.
The Democrats are a really nasty lot.
In 1860, to quote Vanessa Sousa, the eve of the Civil War, no Republicans owned slaves.
All slaves were owned by Democrats.
It's just out of control, Alex.
I had, when my grandfather ran for office and won in Texas, people that knew him came up and called him an N-word lover because he was pro-Eisenhower and, you know, for desegregation.
I know.
My family has been, you know, attacked and stuff for standing up for what's right, and then the left calls me KKK when they're in the party of the KKK.
I'm a Spanish-speaking, you know, fourth-generation American, you know, but Alex, they call me racist.
You don't know the reverse racism that goes on to, you know, from... Well, I'd call it bullying, and I do read about it and I do hear about it, absolutely.
I mean, the bullying that goes on for, you know, Hispanics, Latinos, blacks, you name it, by friends and family if they don't toe the line, if they don't vote for Hillary Clinton, the war criminal.
I totally get it.
It's crazy.
Thanks for letting me say my piece, Alex.
I really appreciate it.
No, thank you, my friend.
Look, we're all brothers in arms in this fight, and I've had friends and family that have been EMTs.
That is one job.
That is probably one of the toughest jobs there is, especially in a big city.
I mean, because you're just one dead baby.
You walk in, a baby's gotten up on a table and grabbed heroin and overdosed, and it's still half alive, but it dies in your arms.
I don't care how tough you are.
Or then you go to a car wreck, there's bodies strewn everywhere and arms and legs cut off.
Little kids crying.
I mean, I've only seen a few fatal wrecks that I've pulled over and helped, and I am traumatized.
I still have nightmares about them.
Seeing people's heads, you guys' heads half cut off, and him trying to walk with it like this, and blood spraying like eight feet in the air.
And I remember, I mean, I was like 15 when that happened.
Riding past another car, this Corvette, this other car, one of my friends was racing over the I-30 bridge, and I saw that happen.
And yeah, imagine seeing that every day.
You're at somebody's house that ate poison.
Every day, somebody calls somebody and commits suicide.
Every day, it's a car wreck with a smashed little kid's brains all over the ground.
Every day, it's a homeless guy walking out in front of a Mack truck.
Every day, it's a cop shot in the belly.
Every day!
That's what servants really are, and I salute you!
Don't thank me, brother.
I get it.
And you're the people that make the wheels turn.
You got my respect all the way.
From the farmers, to the mechanics, to the fishermen, to the police officers, to everybody else telling the truth and taking action.
We are the people.
We are America.
Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
Hey, brother.
Good, man.
Thank you for calling.
Hey, hey.
I just wanted to say thanks for your products and everything that you're doing to try to save the country.
I mean, I've tried your Secret 12, Super Male, Anthroplex, the Silver Bullet, Biome Defense, Micro GX.
I mean, that's all good stuff.
Secret 12, if everybody would just drop their energy drinks and get some Secret 12, take a shot of that.
That's the thing about Secret 12.
Just a half a dropper has way more energy.
People ask, why is it sweet?
Real organic B12 is sweet.
And exactly.
When I'm super tired, I go, hey, why am I drinking coffee at 10 at night if I'm going on some show like Coast to Coast?
Secret 12, 30 minutes later, massive energy.
It's amazing.
Yeah, that stuff will wake you up.
And the clarity of mind that comes along with that is just amazing.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I've gotten some really bad news lately from high-level connected sources, major editors,
And I'm going to try to investigate this more, and I'm going to ask Paul to investigate this more, so we can get on the ball here, because I'm not in competition with WorldNetDaily.
I'm not in competition with The Daily Caller.
I'm not in competition with Breitbart.
I want more groups like that, more organizations.
All Drudge does is link to people and give them everything, and they hardly ever even give him any love back.
And I just say that because without Drudge, I was just thinking about that last night, I was just like, it isn't just like saying it about Drudge, it's the truth.
Like, we don't do enough to thank Drudge.
Because without Drudge, that's just the spoke to the whole deal.
That's the heart of it.
And of course, you're the whole engine, and God's the whole universe, the spectrum in which we live, the ocean in which we swim.
But I was recently talking to a direct source about Breitbart, and I'm going to get Paul to look into this, and Breitbart being taken over by some left-wing consortium and sensitivity training, and that they're about to derail the whole thing and bring Breitbart down.
And that's a real, real tragedy if that's the case.
But you know, all that talent will just go elsewhere.
So I'll ask Paul in a minute if he's heard anything about that.
Paul Joseph Watson here in just a moment.
Because I haven't really talked to him about this yet.
But right now, real fast because I've got to get to Paul.
He's here to host.
Everybody wants to hear him.
But I want to hear from Tim and Mike as well because we've been holding him a long time.
Tim in FEMA Region 10.
You're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
You've taken my call.
Good afternoon.
Thank you, sir.
Alex, I've been listening to you since I was a small boy, so probably like 15, 16 years.
I'm going to get into Bolton, but I just want to make a suggestion to you, sir.
Alex Jones, I listened to years ago, would have called him out immediately.
I've heard it out of your mouth.
This is Mr. World War III, okay?
And one thing I want to make a suggestion on your show, sir, is today you scratched the surface just a little bit.
We're good to go.
Well, yeah, that's because we blew a big hole in their main operation and have invaded.
And I see that Trump's for real.
We're transferring the power back to the country.
I'm focusing on that beachhead because the enemy's trying to take that out.
I was trying to build the movement for people to be literate about who ran things, who the globalists were.
And then a president came and said, Americanism, not globalism.
I just had Cone resign because he's a globalist.
I mean, you understand, we've moved the ball so far down now that we've done that.
And I still do it constantly, actually, probably three or four times a day.
And I should go back into all those histories and things.
It's just that I've looked at it so many times and know about it.
It's kind of like ancient history.
I know it's important.
I've been doing this 20-something years.
You're absolutely right that we should cover those things more, but do you recognize that we now have won many levels of that?
Now we are, we have now invaded our country again and are trying to retake the republic.
We've now moved into the next phase.
Oh, absolutely Alex.
You know, I voted for Trump.
I'm a United States Navy veteran.
You know, I'm a patriot just like yourself.
And I know that we are, you know, moving the ball forward, like you said.
You know, things I talk to my dad about every single day is like, I see Trump do greatness, and I listen to you, and now you know, and every single day, but, and then I see him make questionable decisions.
It's like, dude, what are you doing?
I'll tell you why, because he's not a dictator, and I'm not saying he should be.
He can't let them hold the country hostage from his perspective, and I tend to agree with him.
It's not perfect.
He has to get deals done.
But overall, look how much better it is, and look how much they hate him.
Oh, I agree.
I'm not complaining.
But why doesn't he hire Dr. Korski, Dr. Pachenik, you know?
Hire one of them.
Get those guys in.
Or what about Governor Ventura?
You know, I would love to hear him back on as a show.
I haven't heard him in a while.
No, we should try to get him back on.
Well, you know, I like Jesse, but I disagree with some of his politics.
And he is a show argumenter, but he's on.
He just seems like kind of mad about the world and whatever.
So it's just kind of a sideways interview.
But we should get Ventura back on.
I gotta jump.
Thank you so much.
Let's go to Tim in Philadelphia.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
That was Tim.
That's what I meant then.
Then I was going to go to the other caller about the body bags and all the rest of it.
He dropped.
I thought that as I was looking.
Tim is Tim.
Alright, I'm out of time for callers.
I'm sorry I can't get to the other ones.
Paul Joseph Watts is going to take over.
I'm just going to say this briefly because I didn't really plug last hour.
You see them on C-SPAN.
You see them on ABC, NBC, CBS.
You see them on The Daily Show.
I didn't even play.
Do we have that Daily Show boiled down?
I'll play that right now.
They had the Daily Show, or the old Daily Show host, whatever, NBC's host.
Who's the idiot?
Stephen Colbert.
What's he on now?
I'm not trying to act cool saying that.
He attacks me all the time.
I don't pay attention.
We have a clip where he had the main guy from Silicon Valley on.
And they're implying that I'm attacking him as being a beta male when he was on the cover of a magazine celebrating the triumph of the beta male.
And I wasn't even saying the cast was bad or he was bad or that Mike Judge, my good friend, is bad.
I know a lot of the cast has been shooting with him and out with him.
Mike's invited me out when they're in Austin.
I think that guy shot with us.
I recognize him.
The point is, he says, oh, I know Alex Jones.
Thomas Middleditch, that's a nice fake name, responds to Alex Jones' beta male criticism.
No, they're pushing beta male.
They're saying toxic masculinity's bad.
The family's bad.
Trudeau in Canada wants to ban the word mother.
I should have led the show with that.
They're telling government agencies, don't use the word mother.
Someone else might not have a mother, so it's hurtful.
So let's go ahead and play just a few excerpts of the show with Stephen Colbert last night.
Here it is.
It's ruffled some feathers.
I know, I've heard.
I've heard the legends.
Yeah, that the beta males are taking over.
You know who Alex Jones is, right?
Of course.
Alex Jones said this.
He all right feels threatened.
He says, Alex Jones said, the globalists are teaching us to turn off our life force.
It's a camouflage so the alpha males that are still left don't notice they're being taken control of and being enslaved.
Is this true?
Is this true?
Are you enslaving the alpha males?
Because you know I consider myself a bit of an alpha male, Tom.
Oh really?
So do I, Steven.
Oh do you really?
Yeah, I go to bed in full plaid, eating a cheeseburger and shooting a gun.
Oh really?
I can go to bed in camo, you can't even find me.
I mean I remember when Google, well I guess they didn't, maybe they announced it, when I heard Google was essentially catering your searches based on algorithms.
We would search the same thing and we would potentially get different results based on our previous searches, right?
It's all the aggregation of the internet.
It's like the worst thing to have happened.
Twitter, it's like how can you control elections with bots and minions to like create trends when they don't even exist.
That didn't surprise me, although to be honest I'm happy it's out there so maybe people can take the red pill and get woke!
It's documented!
We got aliens!
You're an alien!
I'm an alien because I'm part of the Illuminati!
Buy my protein powder!
I'm in.
I'll buy it.
I'll buy it.
Well, Thomas, thanks for being here.
Nice to see you again.
So, that's a nightly basis.
And notice Hogg this morning, Jones claims there's chemicals in the water not making us masculine on C-SPAN.
They are so worried about that because it's a fact and you can mitigate it.
I think?
UNESCO-admitted program, and they don't want to debate about that.
They don't want you to see all the documents.
Throw up some of the mainline documents.
Just type in, studies show atrazine making frogs sterile, making them gay, making them die, making mammals do the same thing, same thing shows it in humans.
It's a fact!
Okay, there it is on screen.
So, they just think they can laugh about it all, and then celebrate that men are these effeminate, cowardly, chicken-neck creatures, and then make them love it, and when I'm warning males this is happening, make the choice whether you want to be like this or not.
They want to make themselves victims, and say that I'm just attacking them because they look like a beta male.
But no, those two guys are not beta males, they're alpha males that sold out at the Globalist, clearly.
Now, InfoWars4.com, InfoWarsLife.com, huge discounts on water filtration, air filtration, just so happens, running this week, and a lot of other great supplements there.
Your financing makes it all possible to shove it down the you-know-what of Colbert and the other betas.
Now, Paul Watson's coming up!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live on the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show on this Friday edition.
Now obviously there's been huge fallout over the signing of this budget bill which happened just over an hour ago in the White House.
Absolute revolt!
Revolt in many quarters amongst Trump's base.
That he signed this package that it basically devotes very little money to the border wall along the Mexican border while devoting significantly more money to border walls in places like Jordan, places like Tunisia, all over the world, which have nothing really to do with the security of United States citizens domestically.
Going through some of the responses that we've seen to this in the past hour,
Mike Cernovich tweets, obviously a regular guest on the show, I've revised my odds that Trump will be impeached from 5% to 35%.
They're saying the fury is so intense over this that people are going to be turned off, people are going to become disenfranchised, and the Democrats are going to win the House later this year.
There you see Cernovich's first tweet, he also tweeted this, Congratulations to my Liberal friends, you're getting Congress back!
I hope your party does more for you than real Donald Trump has done for his supporters.
So that is, you could call it strident criticism, if you were being negative about it, you could call it throwing toys out of the pram.
But this is the sentiment amongst basically all of Trump's base, all of Trump's most prominent base, at least in terms of media.
Jack Pasovic tweets have spoken to many high-profile Trump supporters today after bill signing.
Not a single one of them think GOP will keep the House now.
So they think because of this, the momentum has been completely stopped, everybody's irate over it, and this is going to cost the GOP the House later this year, which obviously opens up at least the potential for impeachment.
There's a headline up on Infowars.com right now, Trump-based revolts over signing of budget bill.
This is the day that the swamp won.
And it goes through more reaction from more prominent pro-Trump people on Twitter.
Mark Pantano tweeted this.
March 23rd, 2018.
This is the day the swamp won.
Trump surrendered.
Ann Coulter, who of course has been hot on the case of the border wall for over a year now, very critical of Trump at every step of the way.
She tweeted this, quoting Trump, who said, I will never sign another bill like this again.
She said, yeah, because you'll be impeached.
That is the level.
That is the visceral, vitriolic level of feedback, of reaction to the signing of this bill.
She followed up with another tweet.
Remember, this is end culture.
She got millions of followers, big conservative following.
She tweeted this.
Massive defence spending to induct transgenders and build big beautiful walls in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia.
So, again, the bill devotes more money to these walls in Tunisia and Jordan to stop ISIS getting into Jordan in one case than it does the US-Mexico border wall.
We're also going to go to another story soon about how it actually disqualified Trump from using the types of wall that he visited, that he went down to the border to visit, just days ago.
He's also not getting the 1,000 ICE agents that he wanted out of this bill.
He's getting absolutely nothing out of this bill.
He threatened to veto it.
He signed it anyway.
People are absolutely apoplectic.
They're furious.
Stefan Molyneux tweets this.
It might be my memory, or maybe I'm just getting hard of hearing, but I don't recall chance of dramatically increased military funding and protect DREAMers at Trump's campaign events.
Another irate, angry reaction from Stefan Molyneux.
I mean, I put in the article it was a mixture of deep disappointment and outrage.
It's mainly outrage, to be honest with you.
Another Jack Berzowic tweet here.
If the bill is all about military funding, why not just do a clean military funding bill?
Instead, it's got all this pork barrel.
It's got all this funding for all these ridiculous projects, many of which Trump supporters never signed on for in the first place.
In fact, they demanded the opposite.
Trump promised it, and now they're getting the opposite of what he promised.
Of course, Matt Drudge had the headline up, Fake Veto.
That's his top story.
This story is out of Daily Caller.
Broken promise.
Trump, GOP, Congress give Planned Parenthood $500 million in taxpayer funds.
That is not something that
Conservative Republicans voted for, is it?
President Donald Trump, Congressional Republicans broke their promise to Conservative voters by giving Planned Parenthood approximately $500 million in taxpayer funding in the omnibus bill that Trump signed into law today.
Trump, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and other Republican leaders promised their voters for years that they would defund Planned Parenthood if given the chance to govern.
But now with Republican majorities in the House and Senate and a Republican in the White House,
The nation's number one killer of unborn children will continue receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer funding.
Chuck Schumer's happy about it.
Nancy Pelosi's happy about it.
Lindsey Graham's over the moon.
Now if you're impressing those kind of people, if those kind of people are fawning over you, something has gone decidedly wrong and people are pointing it out.
Immediately after this happened, CNS News reports congressmen had 1,000 minutes to read 2,232 page bill.
You saw Rand Paul complaining about this vehemently last night.
The stack was, what was it, like that big?
Like two feet?
Three feet tall?
Just the bill alone?
They had 1,000 minutes to read it.
None of them read it.
They just passed it anyway.
Members of the House of Representatives have 1,000 minutes overnight.
Some of them probably didn't even read a page of it to read a 2,232 page bill that spends 1.3 trillion.
And it gets more into that.
So absolute rancor over this budget bill.
This is Breitbart.
GOP and Democrats fully fund a border wall.
That's great, right?
No, it's not.
It's in Jordan.
It's not on the Mexico border.
The 2018 omnibus bill provides just enough funds to build 33 miles of fencing on the Texas border.
So you saw Trump come out after he signed this bill and say, look, this is a start.
This is a first step.
This will fulfill short-term funding for the border wall.
But it will pay for 33 miles of fencing.
This is not even the proper border wall that he asked for.
It's not the border wall he went and visited or the prototypes for it a few days ago.
And the headline on that is spending Bill Trump banned from building border wall with prototypes he toured in San Diego.
So this bill specifically, specifically bans President Trump's Department of Homeland Security from building new border walls and fencing with the prototype designs the president's most recently visited.
So those huge walls that you saw that actually would keep people out, unlike the miles of pointless fencing that went up under George W. Bush and other presidents, that has now been banned
By Trump signing this bill!
Why do you think people are furious about this?
So you've got 33 miles of fencing, that's paid for, 1.6 billion dollars.
Beyond that, nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
But Jordan on the other hand, let me look at this, what is this?
500 million dollars of funds appropriated for a border wall in Jordan.
They've also got walls in Syria, walls in Tunisia, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia.
To stop Islamic State militants transferring between those countries.
So Jordan gets 500 million, these other countries get hundreds of millions, so actually I think it equates to more money being sent abroad to these border walls in Middle Eastern countries than the border wall in the United States, which was the centrepiece of Donald Trump's campaign.
Now you see why people are angry about this.
Spending Bill does not fund 1,000 new deportation agents Trump requested.
Again, out of Breitbart, the omnibus spending bill passed by Republicans today does not fund the 1,000 new Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents that President Trump requested last year.
It only funds an additional 65 ICE agents.
He got 65 out of 1,000.
That cannot be called anything other than a failure, than a disaster, and people are angry.
We'll be back to talk more about it on the other side.
This is the Alex Jones Show live, InfoWars.com.
You know, I've got some talking points here about Caveman from Infowarsandlife.com, but instead of going over those talking points, let me just give you what I've experienced personally.
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Peter Schiff of EuroPAC.com, American businessman, investor, broker, billions under management.
I'm not going to get into his bio.
Everybody knows he's a best-selling author, run for Senate, things like that.
Was Ron Paul's chief economic advisor.
Peter, good to have you back with us.
Thanks for having me on, and Happy New Year to you and your audience.
And, you know, I agree with you, the economy is going to blow up, but, you know, it's going to blow up like a bomb.
It's not a good thing.
It's a bad thing.
You know, unfortunately, that's what Trump has inherited from Obama.
But it's not even really just Obama.
It's the Federal Reserve.
It's the monetary policy that has been passed like a baton from Clinton to Bush to Obama and now to Trump.
And we're near the end of the game.
And unfortunately, Trump's going to be the fall guy.
This thing is all going to collapse while he's president.
And he owns the stock market bubble.
He and the Republicans own the economy now thanks to these tax cuts.
They're not going to make any difference, but they are going to give the Democrats a reason to blame it all
On Trump and the Republicans.
Alex, this is going to backfire.
He's like the Jimmy Carter in reverse.
I think we're going to have an extremely liberal president, either a Bernie Sanders or someone like him in 2020.
What Trump should have done is leveled with the American people like he kind of did when he was a candidate.
He talked about how bad things were.
But he didn't really say what needed to be done to fix it.
But at least he said, we have a bubble in the stock market, you know, the economy is a mess.
I mean, all that was true.
And that's why he got elected.
But after he got elected, he became a cheerleader for the very economy that he correctly criticized.
And now he has set everybody up.
He has raised everybody's expectations so high that when everything comes crashing down, not only will he be blamed,
But everyone's going to be disappointed.
When the dollar collapses, it wipes out the middle class.
People are going to be impoverished.
And they're going to blame Trump.
You know, there are a lot of people who voted for Trump out of frustration.
He promised a lot.
He talked big.
He is not going to deliver.
And that is going to be used against him.
And it's going to ultimately be used against the country.
Waiting to see how bad things get.
You know, these tax cuts, they're all temporary.
They're all going away in 2021.
What do you think the Democrats are going to do when they have the White House and both houses of Congress?
How high do you think they're going to jack taxes up on corporations?
What do you think they're going to do to entrepreneurs?
This is a disaster.
We had a chance to defuse this if Trump would have owned up to the problems of the economy.
They weren't his fault.
He could have blamed it all on his predecessor and he could have finally put politics aside and done the right thing for this country.
Instead, he acted just like all the other presidents.
Who have just, you know, continued to kick the can down the road.
I don't think he acted like all of them on social issues.
If he's right, it'll be a great time for investors to buy stuff up.
I like the communist Chinese.
We'll be back.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are live on the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to get back into the news here in a second.
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Now, Lindsey Graham has come out and praised Donald Trump.
Should we be concerned?
Lindsey Graham.
Trump has been one hell of a good Commander-in-Chief.
This was over the appointment of John Bolton.
Friday, Lindsey Graham spoke very highly of President Donald Trump after he announced former UN Ambassador John Bolton would serve as his National Security Advisor.
According to Graham, Bolton's appointment sends a strong message to the United States' adversaries, to which Graham described Trump as one hell of a good Commander-in-Chief.
Now, this Bolton thing, of course, has split opinion as well.
Obviously he's an improvement on McMaster, but he is a neocon.
He did advocate, propagandise, sign on for the invasion of Iraq, and continues as far as I'm concerned, and I haven't read any retraction, to think that Middle Eastern intervention is a good thing, when it obviously isn't, and it's been proven completely disastrous for decades on end.
But, you know, some people say he's a neocon, but he's our neocon.
He does understand the threat of Islamic terrorism way more than
PC McMaster did, so he is an improvement.
But again, that's split opinion.
Although the fact that Lindsey Graham is now praising Donald Trump is probably not a great sign, especially if you combine it with this budget bill, which has caused an absolute eruption amongst Trump's base.
We'll see.
I mean, this is the biggest eruption of outrage of disappointment I've seen since last year when he struck Syria again to relieve himself of pressure from the Deep State, which is why he essentially did it.
So we'll see.
I mean, this is the biggest volley of outrage I've seen since that.
Will he try and walk it back?
Will he try and sign a new bill into place to fund the border wall?
How's he going to do that?
When all this money is going to these foreign countries to build border walls in Jordan and Tunisia and Egypt, it remains to be seen.
But again, massive eruption of outrage and disappointment amongst Trump's base over the signing of that bill, especially given, you know, four or five hours ago, he suggested, he implied he was going to veto it.
Then he signed it anyway and said, oh, I need a veto on each line item, which, well, wait for that to come along then.
Don't sign the bill.
You know, others are saying he was, you know, $700 million for the military.
That's a good thing.
Others are saying we didn't elect Donald Trump to beef up the US military to have more interventionist wars.
So again, this has caused a big ruckus and it's going to rumble over the weekend.
Let's move into some European news now, though, because we had another Islamic terror attack in Europe today.
Terrorist hostage taker shot dead in France after killing three and injuring several.
Now, this is an attacker who shattered Al-Akbar before attacking a supermarket.
He killed a butcher who was working in the supermarket.
Whether that had anything to do with the religion of peace remains to be seen in terms of the fact that it's a butcher.
Obviously, the implication is obvious.
There was a man who was killed in jail in the UK because he left a bacon sandwich outside a mosque.
But now this attacker
Killed three people, and in fact, one of the hostages, he took hostages inside the supermarket, but one of the police officers offered to exchange himself for the hostage.
He's now in critical condition in hospital, but an absolute hero for doing that selfless act.
The gunman, reportedly of Moroccan origin, first opened fire at four police officers in the historic town of Carcassonne on Friday morning.
He later stormed the supermarket in the nearby town of Trebes, taking numerous hostages.
So eventually,
Actually, it didn't take the police that long to storm the supermarket and liquidate the terrorists.
That decision was obviously probably based on the Abbata clan siege, which was absolutely disastrous because they waited for far too long before storming the building.
But the situation in France is desperate.
I mean, you have Marine Le Pen.
Her immunity was stripped.
She's facing charges of hate speech now for posting pictures of Islamic State atrocities online to draw attention to the atrocities of the Islamic State.
So you've got a situation in these European countries, in France.
In Sweden, in Germany, in the UK.
We've seen it in the UK over the past couple of weeks for sure, where people are getting prosecuted for words, for speech, for satire.
Meanwhile, all these Islamic terrorists who fought for ISIS, as ISIS falls, are coming back into Europe, not being apprehended, not being in prison, being rolled out the red carpet, in some cases being given welfare and housing.
Meanwhile, people like Marine Le Pen,
...are being prosecuted for posting pictures of ISIS.
She faces three years in prison.
Meanwhile, they let the terrorists back in.
I mean, even in Belgium now.
I was reading about Belgium.
At least they imprisoned them.
At least they put them, in some senses, in solitary confinement.
They stopped them from radicalizing the other prisoners.
In the UK, in Sweden, in France, in these other countries, they just say, come right on in.
Oh, you can walk around Westminster in the centre of Parliament with an ISIS flag on your back.
The police won't do anything.
They'll send you on your way.
Don't you dare post a satirical video about a pug dog though.
Because you're going to get locked up in a cage.
And we've got some stories on that actually today.
This is out of Dangerous.com.
Graham Linehan celebrates the death of free speech.
It's a good thing that some British comedians have come out and defended Count Dankula, the guy, obviously you've heard him on the show, he put out the video, convicted, convicted of grossly offending the Jewish community or whoever faces up to a year in jail.
Some comedians have supported him.
Graham Linehan hasn't because he's a far-left ideologue.
He's a complete idiot.
He openly supports Antifa.
Now what's funny about it is that Graham Linehan, who supports locking people up for mocking Nazis essentially, made a television series called Father Ted about 20 years ago in which the characters
Dressed up as Nazis and acting like Nazis to mock Nazis.
So I guess they should be in prison and Graham Linehan should be in prison.
But no, he's a complete hypocrite.
Sending other people to cages for the exact same thing.
We'll be back on the other side, InfoWars.com.
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They had an absolute meltdown a few days ago.
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They had a meltdown over an ad that I cut in April and they found it like it was some secret and they were like, oh my god, this is the funniest thing ever.
So they literally had an autistic screeching fit over
An ad of me promoting Brain Force, which is a new tropic, which like literally half the people in Silicon Valley take, which everybody has their different brand of.
Oh, but when InfoWars does it, it's bad and it's funny somehow.
If that's the best they've got, we advertise products that got five-star independent reviews that you see right there on InfoWarsStore.com.
Brain Force Plus.
They had an absolute meltdown.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
You're back on the Alex Jones Show live.
Let's get into more news out of Europe right now.
This is up on Infowars.com.
German minister on migrant knife crime, don't let people get close to you.
Oh, what a solution!
Here's how you don't get stabbed.
Just avoid people who want to stab you.
Well, you don't really see them come in.
You don't really see them come in, do you?
That's kind of how it happens.
A German minister has caused controversy after he reacted to reports of increased knife crime amongst migrants by telling German citizens to not, and this is a quote, let people get close to you.
Knife crime is surging in Germany, and I go through the stats in this article.
It's gone up 12,000% in the last 10 years.
And over the last
For five years, since 2013, it's jumped 600%, which of course, as we know, has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Angela Merkel and Germany have imported around 2 million largely Muslim migrants since 2015.
There's no connection whatsoever.
Despite a German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs study which revealed that there was
We're good to go.
And now the way of dealing with that is not to reconsider whether inviting people in from these dangerous areas who tend to commit more crimes and are overrepresented in crime stats, not to reconsider that policy, but to just tell people to avoid stabbers and murderers.
Just avoid them.
Well, we're doing that already.
Who isn't avoiding being murdered?
I mean, God forbid.
So this is Herbert Ruhle.
He's the Minister of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia.
He's a member of Angela Merkel's CDU party, so that's the main governing party, despite the fact that it's basically been derailed since the last election.
But he came out in this video in German, and the translation's in the article.
Where he just called for Germans, he said, this is the solution to migrant knife crime.
You have to be more sensitive towards it.
So you have to change your behaviour, the problems with you, not with the criminal committing the crime.
He said, quote, citizens will just have to be more sensitive, adding, you don't necessarily have to let people get close to you.
Now, what does this remind you of?
Well, Cologne, New Year's Eve 2015, what happened after the mass molestation of women in Cologne on that night by predominantly Muslim migrants, asylum seekers?
The mayor of Cologne came out after, Henrietta Recker, and told women in the aftermath of the mass molestation
To just keep them at arm's length.
Remember that?
She was asked by a journalist how women could protect themselves against sexual assault while they were literally being surrounded by gangs of 20, 30 men and groped, in some cases raped.
She said, quote, there's always the possibility of keeping a certain distance of more than an arm's length.
That is to say, make sure you don't look to be too close to people who are not known to you.
So the solution to not being raped is to just keep the rapist at arm's length.
And that's going to work fine.
Yeah, I mean, you don't need pepper spray.
You don't need to reassess the policy of importing rapists.
No, just keep them at arm's length.
In fact, there was a video released by police in Finland.
We played this way back, probably a couple of years ago now.
Well, they give women advice on how not to get raped.
And it's literally this woman using the force, the force, and outstretching her hands to repel the rapist, the would-be attacker, with some kind of invisible force field, like she's using the force to shoo him away.
They actually put that in a police video telling women how not to get raped.
I mean, this is, this is the level of
This is the memeness of Europe right now, that we've got people coming out and saying, you don't want to get stabbed, you've got a higher risk of getting stabbed, just avoid being stabbed!
Like, what?
What does that even mean?
Absolutely incredible.
But there is hope in Italy, which brings me to my next story.
Eurosceptic, Five Star and Liga are now the most popular parties in Italy.
Now of course they came out on top during the recent Italian elections.
Now the wave of anti-establishment Euro-sceptic feeling in Italy felt through the election campaign and demonstrated by the result has carried on.
With the latest poll showing Five Star and Liga, which are the two anti-EU populist parties, as the most popular parties in the country.
For the first time, Anti-Mass Migration Liga have overtaken the lefty PD, which was the government before the election, meaning that Italy's two most popular parties now comprise of rising political outsiders.
As a combination, they now collectively poll 53%.
So they're still working out the negotiations for the coalition government there in Italy, but whatever makeup it has, it's going to be a populist composition of parties.
And now those parties are the most popular in Italy.
So Italy is a beacon for the rest of Europe.
It's a beacon for Sweden, which has its election coming up in September later this year.
Of course, another country that has massive problems with immigration, which is why those populist parties in Italy won, mainly because of 10
We're good to go.
Now 57% agreed that that should happen and less than a quarter, just 22%, disagree with the statement according to the results.
So again, this whole narrative that we've had since Brexit, the very months after Brexit and still today, is that everyone regrets voting for Brexit.
No, complete nonsense.
Whenever they do the polls,
Did you regret voting for Brexit?
It's always a tiny, tiny percentage in the single digits.
Now, even with the backlash to it, the people who basically don't support democracy, they want a second referendum.
Even amongst those people, only 22% as the entire country want to stop Brexit.
So again, the narrative that it was a huge mistake and that everybody regretted it, proven completely false once again by actual polls.
Now, earlier this week on the Alex Jones Show, we had Count Dankula.
He, of course, faces up to a year in prison for a joke video which he made to mock Nazis.
Like, he turned his dog into the worst thing imaginable, which was a Nazi, which suggests that he hates Nazis too, to insult his girlfriend, to make a joke about his girlfriend because she loves the dog too much.
You've seen the video, you've seen the aftermath, you've seen the trial.
Now he faces up to a year in prison.
Now this is all happening, meanwhile, police in Britain, in some cases in some areas, are taking days to respond to emergency calls.
This is out of Breitbart again.
Police forces taking days to respond to 999 calls while hate crime declared priority.
As forces in Britain declare tackling so-called hate crime a priority, the police watchdog has released a report revealing officers are taking days to respond to emergency calls.
So in one area,
One area of the UK between 20% and 50% of reports requiring police to send a unit within 24 hours missed the target.
So they couldn't even get there within 24 hours after an emergency call.
This isn't a non-emergency situation.
With thousands of 999 calls assessed as requiring action within an hour, police took hours or in some cases several days to respond.
Oh, but if you send a mean tweet, they'll be there.
And in fact, in the case of Count Dankula, they tipped off the media, had the media waiting outside his house to photograph him.
That was all a very well-organised operation, wasn't it?
But if you've got an emergency, which isn't, oh, somebody hurt my feelings, it could take days.
Here's another headline.
Police Scotland create hate crime files on over 900 young teens in one year.
They've declared hate crime a priority.
In fact, I was sent a tweet today, or a DM on Twitter,
Where somebody's son went on Snapchat and sent their friend an insult, a homophobic insult, it wasn't even that mean, it was mild, calling somebody gay in the context of an insult.
The police investigated it and the guy was punished.
And now his life is ruined.
They've got these WhatsApp messages of these young kids that are being made public.
Again, it's edgy humour.
They're insulting each other as boys, as young men do.
But now because of an insult, a homophobic insult, that gets investigated.
We've had instances of playground insults with children 11 years and younger.
Someone insults someone else on the playground, the police are called.
Meanwhile, violent crime's going up, it's going up in London, it's going up in Scotland too.
We've got vastly understaffed police forces, we've got a lack of resources and money for police forces, yet they're investigating Snapchat insults!
Snapchat insults, and in some cases they can't respond to 999 calls for days.
What the hell is happening in the United Kingdom?
This has really come to the boil over the past
Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
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