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Name: 20180321_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 21, 2018
3392 lines.

This text discusses various topics ranging from health supplements to political conspiracy theories. It begins with an advertisement for Tax Mediation Services aimed at business owners and independent contractors with tax debts over $20,000. The discussion then shifts towards Pollen Block, a natural remedy for seasonal distress symptoms developed in France. Following this, there are introductions to several new digestive gut aid products available on InfoWarsTore.com. The speaker then transitions into an opinionated segment by Alex Jones about globalist agendas, population reduction, AI, and war on truth. The subsequent segments include discussions about human embryos with two daddies or two mommies, the effects of magnetic cells in birds' brains on navigation, fertility issues, jet spraying chemicals on people, the divide between different races and their representation in media outlets, black genocide, vitamin D3 supplementation, and unity among all people. The final segments cover topics such as mercury in dental fillings, Seth Rich's suspicious death, vaccinations targeting minorities with medical treatments, blockchain technology projects like Populous, AttX, and Veritasium, fluoride use on brain development over time, the positive experience of InfoWars products, relations between the United States and Russia, censorship issues on YouTube, Seth Rich's case in relation to media cover-up, health sharing programs, and Seth Rich's assassination.

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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I have never had a greater sense of urgency.
Everywhere I look, massive draconian censorship is taking place.
Just look at this on my Twitter feed.
Mainstream news, ladies and gentlemen.
Teacher punished.
Taught kids to think about free speech.
David Knight broke that down.
It's everywhere.
Then I've got mainstream news headlines here.
It's time to regulate the internet and shut down free speech.
The Atlantic.
It just gets crazier.
Look at this.
Daily Caller.
It's a footnote in the Washington Post.
The top investigator into the Seth Rich murder was shot twice in the back.
He got away with his doxined badger hound in his arms, and then the person began trying to run him over on the reen with the Department of Energy.
Yeah, when the hitman comes, that's what they are.
And so...
It's just next level.
I don't want to get this individual on.
He's been the prominent lawyer putting out the rewards, investigating, doing all this back when the family wanted that.
It's still an unsolved murder.
And evidence mounts that there were laptops and the DNC and cover-ups and all this stuff going on.
The family suing Fox News for questioning.
It's called Alex Jones.
Fox News sued for conspiracy theories.
New York Daily News.
Translate that.
Asking questions.
Why, Jones will probably think it's a big deal this lawyer got shot twice in the back.
He thought he was at a document pickup.
And when he went under the orange cone to get the documents, he got shot twice in the back.
He ran with his dog in his arms and the feller coming after him, who's been arrested,
Didn't stop, started running over him, but he jumped between cars after being rammed twice and lived.
Tough cookie!
The Daily Caller, it's also posted on InfoWars, former Marine charged in shooting, hit and run of controversial Seth Rich investigator.
I love how if you investigate, you're controversial.
I guess The Daily Caller wants to say that so they don't get sued.
Now investigating, she, is controversial.
Yeah, it's controversial he got shot twice in the back and survived by a Marine with the Department of Energy.
I told everybody when the hitmen come, they're sheep-dipped veterans inside government agencies.
That's the hitmen in this country.
It's no big deal.
He just shot him twice in the back and tried to run over him twice.
No big deal!
Move along!
Everything's fine!
Nothing's going on with Seth Rich's death either.
He only got shot a couple times in the back too.
Don't question it!
I will sue you!
Thousands of papers celebrating Fox.
Fox is getting punished!
Sean Hannity's getting punished!
Alex Jones is getting punished!
So WikiLeaks says Seth Rich was probably their source, but they won't release it.
So he was mad about them stealing the nomination from Bernie.
So his family was suspicious when he first got killed.
It's an open murder investigation, and news organizations that investigate it get sued, and people that go to parking garages to get documents get shot twice in the back.
But it's no big deal.
Let's move along now, shouldn't we?
I agree.
I think no one should investigate Seth Rich.
Well, I mean, it is an open murder, but... I want to sound fair and balanced.
It's very kooky to investigate a high-level DNC staffer who reportedly was being investigated for being one of the main leakers, getting shot in the back multiple times in broad daylight and nothing happens.
You already worked for Berkman on the Rich investigation.
Isn't that interesting?
A helper inside helping on the investigation.
But there's nothing going on here.
Top Seth Rich investigator, shot twice in the back, like Seth Rich.
I agree with CNN.
There's nothing suspicious.
I'm mainstream now.
Do not investigate.
Nothing going on.
You know, if I tried to sit here and tell you about the 60-plus products we have in Fort Worth's life, it'd take hours.
Michael's ZX Plus now has a lower price.
It's stronger.
It's the other equation in probiotics.
It knocks out the yeast, the mold, the candida.
It's back in stock.
The real red pill, it's been sold out for months.
It's got the preglanone, that's the precursor to all the natural hormones in your body.
Then it's got all the minerals and the vitamins, the amino acids, so you can upload it.
And our latest product that goes great with the super blue colloidal silver and iodine fortified toothpaste is
Super Blue Silver Immune Gargle.
That's a spray you do.
You can also swallow it.
It's a supplement with iodine, super high-quality silver, and a lot more.
Without you, we couldn't do it.
So thank you all for remembering InfoWarsTore.com and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We've got a unbelievably jam-packed transmission today.
Austin bombing suspect Mark Anthony Condit used exotic batteries and explosives, sources say, and he
Reportedly worked for a local computer company.
We now have the identity of the individuals.
Fears of more explosives remain after Austin bombing suspect blows himself up.
Now there's only been one photo circulated in the media.
It's the same photo of the 23-year-old that is in our article by Merkel Phelan on InfoWars.com.
Identity of Austin bombing suspect revealed.
But our intrepid team was able to get an exclusive photo that no one else has.
I've sent it out on Twitter of this gentleman, the suspect, probably is the bomber, blew himself up reportedly, with his family.
We have blurred out his sisters and his parents.
I also have law enforcement sources that realize that out in the countryside outside Austin, they use the same shooting range as his sister, and that was on her Facebook as well, until that was taken down.
So, exclusive photo of the individual at Infowars.com.
We just tweeted it out at RealAlexJones on Twitter as well.
We also have exclusive footage just minutes after the bomb was detonated while police were shooting into the vehicle.
Reportedly at least one officer shot out of one of our crew members apartment windows.
So that is that is how close all of us is here in Austin, Texas.
And that is from about 150 yards there with the bomb squad and the ambulances and the police and part of the highway.
Shut down.
Again, if you're a radio listener, you obviously can't see this.
It's important for us to always add, we are a radio-based slash TV transmission.
I was the first person in talk radio to not just have a document cam or just have a webcam, but to actually start doing a full video shoot so I could show everybody what I was saying.
Because I would say, I've got a picture of U.N.
signs put up at the national parks, and under the treaty it says the U.N.
then controls the administration of the parks and 100-mile buffer zones in all areas.
Well, people wouldn't believe me.
So I started, in about 1997, live streaming sometimes, but only to show certain documents, because it was so expensive to pay for my own bandwidth.
Then YouTube came along.
So that's the reason I'm mentioning the fact that we are radio slash television.
So I would do select presentations, maybe 10, 20 minutes at a time out of a three hour show where I would say, okay, get ready.
I'll have it up on InfoWars.
We're going to live stream this.
We're going to post this video.
And then I would get giant bills, but that's what made me start pushing to make more money and sell films and DVDs and books and videos and t-shirts was so I could pay for the bandwidth.
Then along came YouTube, along came all that, so we didn't have to pay for the bandwidth anymore, and we could reach hundreds of millions and billions.
Now they realize that you've done that, I've done that, they're shutting it off.
But we've built our own system at InfoWars.com forward slash show and NewsWars as well.
So bookmark that because they are really trying to block us.
And speaking of that, I've got a stack of news here with massive censorship.
We're going to get into after stock disaster.
Facebook still worth more than Coke, Pepsi, McDonald's combined.
Lawmakers zero in on Zuckerberg.
And as I said on Sunday and as I said on Monday,
This is going to hurt Facebook because when the left acted like this analytics company that works for hundreds of campaigns around the world, piratical, mercenary, seedy, when they act like it's the ultimate evil to harvest millions of names that are open source and then contact them for political purposes, Facebook is
Orders of magnitude more sophisticated than this.
So the media is trying to hurt Trump and trying to make sure conservatives and libertarians and nationalists and populists don't have access to databases that are public.
And in that you're bringing down the whole golden goose, morons!
And that's fine with me because we don't data mine.
We just direct contact people by email if you sign up at our newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
And we've got our articles on InfoWars and if you want to share them, please do.
We put videos out.
We do very limited advertising as well.
And all of ours is very, very ethical.
We just target conservative and libertarian news sites with some of the supplement ads and ads for the show.
But just to watch the left eat its own and eat its tail, like the old snake eating its tail, is comical.
I mean, they just lost 40-something billion dollars and got totally discredited, and now everybody's looking at what they do.
Because if you're gonna go after a company in England for stealing maybe a lollipop,
While Zuckerberg is gang raping everybody's privacy and selling it to whoever will take it.
Again, it's house of cards.
You morons pulled a card out of a house of cards.
You just never think a few steps ahead.
And now the left is piling on with all these lawsuits so Facebook will censor conservatives, and it's having the short-term effect.
Massive censorship.
Massive dial-down of our reach.
Massive blocking of anything Trump-related.
Ahead of the 2018 midterms that are just imminent.
So, if Trump, and if Libertarians, and if America, and if the Congress, and if the State Houses, and if all of us don't start trust-busting, and if we don't start getting involved and raising the alarm, we're all going to be censored into oblivion, and they're going to steal the midterms, and start the impeachment, and try to reverse the reboot of this country.
So that's where we stand.
And that's where we are.
Now let me tell you what's coming up.
I'm going to get more into the Austin bomber suspect.
I put that in a little s because it looks it's pretty conclusive.
And the police did a really great job.
Really moved quick for how bad this was.
There'll still be some bombs out there.
Somebody should still have caution.
We're going to get into Biden threatening to physically attack the president again.
You've got a report, former Marine charged in shooting, hit and run, of controversial Seth Rich investigator.
So the lawyer investigating Seth Rich is in a DC parking garage, thinking he's doing a data pickup for information, gets shot twice in the back and run over, lives
And they're calling it a conspiracy theory if you think it's suspicious.
That's next level, too.
And then the big story.
officials flock to doomsday camps.
What do they know that we don't?
The story's on InfoWars.com.
It's links to mainstream news reporting it.
We're going to be breaking that down.
Stuff is really, really building up.
And don't worry, Anderson Cooper, he says the claim that there's a Democratic plot to remove Trump is a massive conspiracy theory, close quote.
So they're saying, the deep state's going to get you, we're going to bring you down, Mueller's going to get you.
And then if people say, hey, there's a plot inside the leftist arm of the FBI to remove Trump, they go, that's ridiculous!
What, next you're gonna say the Seth Rich investigator getting shot twice in the back and run over?
Next you're gonna say that's suspicious.
I mean, like it's suspicious that Seth Rich got shot!
It's not suspicious at all!
He didn't even get shot, actually.
Fine, I'll be mainstream news.
Seth Riches doesn't even exist.
Oh, by the way, Samsung now has a new program that reportedly erases your memories.
That's on InfoWars.com.
It erases your memories so you can watch the same show again.
Now whether that works or not, we're talking mind control areas we're getting into here.
So it is just a total overwhelming amount of intel.
Flashback, not even Nazi Germany charged Finnish man who had a Hitler dog and had it howl Hitler.
But in the UK, if you're anti-Hitler, but make a Hitler joke, you're facing... It's one year in prison, I'm sorry.
It was six months is the minimum.
Count Dantula, he's facing... That's his handle.
He's facing... Hey, his name is offensive to vampires.
Maybe that's another year in prison.
This is really happening.
This is real tyranny attempting to take over.
We're in the middle of a global war for liberty.
It's happening and InfoWars is the front line.
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Let's go ahead and go to Lloyd in Washington.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Mr. Alex Jones.
Hey, brother.
Good, man.
Thank you for calling.
Um, I just want to say thanks for your products and everything that you're doing to try to save the country.
Um, I mean, I've tried your Secret 12, Super Male, Anthroplex, the Silver Bullet, Biome Defense, Micro ZX.
I mean, it's all good stuff.
Um, Secret 12, if everybody would just drop their energy drinks and get some Secret 12, um, take a shot of that.
That's the thing about Secret 12.
Just a half a dropper has way more energy and it's totally... People ask, why is it sweet?
Real organic B12 is sweet.
And exactly.
When I'm super tired, I go, hey, why am I drinking coffee at 10 at night if I'm going on some show like Coast to Coast?
Secret 12, 30 minutes later, massive energy.
It's amazing.
Yeah, that stuff will wake you up and the clarity of mind that comes along with that is just amazing.
Mike in Arizona.
You're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a longtime InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks.
Because then we could all as educated patriots help our other countrymen and women understand that there's a bigger problems going on and if we can get our houses in order and be good to each other and ourselves we can take our country back.
You deserve a deep restful sleep with Knockout by InfoWars Life.
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Get the sleep you deserve and experience the power of knockout.
Head on over to InfoWarsLife.com and say goodbye to fatigue.
That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We are now 20 minutes into this global transmission.
Wednesday, the 21st day of March 2018.
Dr. Grip will be in studio coming up at the bottom of the next hour to cover massive new eugenics developments, world government announcements, just really critical intel.
Roger Stone will be here with us to give us the latest in the fourth hour.
If you just joined us, obviously the Austin bomber in the early morning hours, the main suspect, blew himself up in some type of shootout with the police.
We have exclusive footage shot of one of the members of our crew out of his apartment window, and we're going to have more of that footage uploaded to
Twitter, Facebook, you name it, but also our own servers.
That is just minutes after the confrontation, the shootout, and the bomb that he reportedly self-detonated took his life.
And of course we know the individual's name, Mark Anthony Condit.
You can learn all the details.
We have an exclusive photo of him with his family on InfoWars.com and we tweeted it out at RealAlexJones for anyone who would like to see that.
There's only one other photo out there and we have the other photo and the exclusive footage before the news media even got there.
We're talking just seconds after our crew member Scott heard the gunshots and the explosion getting to the window and videotaping it for about a hundred
And 50 yards away.
And we are uploading that video to Twitter.
They will probably block it.
Even if it was paint drying, they would block it.
Because they can't let folks know what a real news agency we are.
And we keep breaking exclusives after exclusives after exclusives.
Because we're not lazy and we're also geographically located to be able to cover a lot of news just on the ground.
If you look at how he looked when he went into the FedEx to mail a bomb, and they think it's him, they may have accomplices.
He was wearing what looks like a blonde wig when he has dark brown or black hair, but he could have accomplices, and he could be a patsy.
I mean, we don't know.
Basically, anything is in the realm of reason, but there are mentally ill people in this world.
There are deranged people with a score to settle.
And I can tell you, the person bringing the package into FedEx does not look like Mark Anthony Condit.
It's just in his build and a lot of things.
And the blonde hair does look like a wig.
It does have that kind of fake look.
But who knows?
It's too early to tell.
We'll continue to watch this as it unfolds.
They're now calling the devices
Some of them, not sophisticated but complex, but the triggering mechanism was pressure.
A mousetrap that then sends a charge to the detonation device.
And he reportedly worked for a computer company dealing with devices and things, so that may be where he had the know-how.
That said,
Hey, we need a five-day waiting period on bombs.
Oh, sorry.
You can't stop anybody, even with a low IQ, from being able to build a bomb.
So you can't stop somebody from getting a baseball bat that dicks sporting goods and going and beating somebody's brains out.
In fact, blunt objects are used to kill more people every year than firearms are in the U.S.
on average.
Just like knives.
I can walk in and buy a whole set of knives and go out and kill 20 people if I want to with them.
You'll see stabbings in China and Japan where one guy will kill 10, 15, 16 people with a knife.
And I know you as listeners understand this logic, but a lot of people don't want to have these logical discussions.
In fact, they're talking about restricting who can rent big trucks in Europe because the freedom barriers being put up around public places aren't stopping the Islamists from just driving a mile down the road and getting around the barrier.
Joe, you can't stop evil people by restricting everybody.
You have to go after evil people.
And the answer is good guys with guns.
In fact, I did a report on it yesterday.
I think I left the articles in my office or in that podcast studio because I shot a video with Doof.
Somebody can pull me the name of the good cop in Maryland who within one minute responded to a school shooter who was able to shoot two people but wasn't able to kill him.
And the cop responded in 60 seconds.
Maryland school shooting killed by deputy in 60 seconds versus Florida.
Stand down!
Hero in Maryland school shooting.
None other than the guy with a gun.
And we've got his name and all that information.
Uh, there on the site.
So, we have Great Mills High School, Maryland, where the shooting took place, where again, somebody, not in the school anymore, came back to try to kill his girlfriend and others, shot her, shot the boyfriend, and was reportedly going to continue shooting people when Deputy Blaine Gaskill, uh, killed him.
Of course, he's on the SWAT team, so, uh...
Instead you've got the guy in Florida saying he didn't do anything wrong.
Scott Peterson standing down.
A bunch of other deputies standing down being political.
This is the guy that trained people in the school for school emergencies.
And he stood there.
I mean just make sure whoever wants to be there actually wants to protect people.
Because most police, most general citizens
Aren't looking to die, but somebody's trying to kill young people, kids.
I mean, the instinct is you're gonna kill them.
You're gonna charge them.
Most people I know wouldn't even try to take cover.
They'd just start killing if they catch somebody trying to kill kids.
I mean, how are they breeding the instinct to fight out of us?
I just don't understand it.
But that's what the globalists want.
They want us to roll over to everything and live in their gun-free zones where all the crime takes place.
Mexico, one of the highest crime rates in the world behind Brazil.
Total gun bans.
Brazil's set to pass a second amendment.
The guy in the lead to be president is gonna do it.
And you know what?
They get guns of the culture there.
They get them and they get hands of the people.
You will see the crime rate plummet.
It's happened in so many cities, so many towns.
So that's an amazing piece of news.
We're going to go to break.
I'm going to come back with the huge attacks on free speech, the latest North Korea news, the really big news, D.C.
officials flock to doomsday camps.
What does that mean for the rest of us?
Told you that was going on.
They're getting ready for martial law.
And it's leftists doing it.
We've analyzed who's doing it.
The left is gearing up for war, while openly calling for it.
And the former Marine charged in shooting, hit and run of controversial Seth Rich Investigator.
Shot twice in the back.
He still ran, tried to run over him.
Got away.
With his dog in his arms.
That's coming up, but nothing suspicious about that.
There's another person shot in the back.
I mean, I wonder if this guy keeps quiet.
I think he is being sued, isn't he?
He's being sued right now along with Fox News for questioning, so I guess bullets didn't shot him up.
He's a pretty tough guy.
We'll tell you about him in a minute.
Coming up, here's the deal.
We got a limited supply of the newest product.
My dad, a retired old surgeon and dentist.
Well, he's retiring this year.
He's giving up his license.
I don't know why that matters.
The point is, my dad came up with the top toothpaste company that does organic, empowered with iodine, colloidal silver.
It's a bestseller.
So he said, immune gargle is great because you can swallow it.
You can spray it in your mouth.
It's concentrated.
There's $3 of product in here.
That's a lot.
It's $9.95.
And Immune Gargle is amazing.
It's got iodine.
It's got colloidal silver.
It's got a special type of silver in it that's really souped up.
It's amazing.
But it's also good for topical stuff.
Tastes good.
It's got the peppermint in it and so much more.
So get your Immune Gargle.
Turns out it's going to sell out like in just four or five days at the current rate.
And it's discounted with Lung Cleanse as well.
It's really amazing.
Melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
I talked to the big organic producer companies that we have making it, and I said, how much money is really in that?
They said, on average, about maybe a dollar of melatonin, and then the container costs 50 cents or so, or less.
And I said, so I can put the same amount of melatonin in, just make it a bigger capsule that's powdered so you actually absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and then you get a sleep.
Unlike other systems, I mean, Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues, and he writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
The point is, he's a smart guy.
He doesn't smoke marijuana.
He doesn't drink anything.
He goes, man, I gotta really thank you.
I am sleeping eight hours through the night.
I only have to take one knockout.
I've gone and showed, you know, UT Science this and everything else.
This is insane.
I said, yeah, you look 10 years younger.
He said, oh yeah, it's just, I'm off all the sleep drugs.
He says, this is totally free.
But he goes, do you know what it is in there?
And I said, it's the synergy of it.
Of the chamomile, the lemon balm, the L-tryptophan, the valerian root, the melatonin, and several other ingredients.
All just moderate dose.
They're all the recommended dose, and they just fuse together, and whatever they do chemically in the brain, that Mother Nature, God gave us our Mother Nature, is incredible.
So, that's available at InfoWarsTore.com or 888-253-3139.
But thank you for committing.
To get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
But it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing billions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films and, you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out.
So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called reap what you sow.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
My problem is not enough news.
My problem is just too much news.
I've got my video list right here.
I want to get into the government, the left, openly training for doomsday and just martial law Viggo Mortensen's road level collapse.
Because they're willing to do that rather than let us have the country and be free market.
They want control.
If they've got to make it like North Korea.
If they've got to collapse it like Venezuela.
If it's got to be a hellhole like Cuba.
They will do it because they want total control.
officials flock to doomsday camps.
What do they know that we don't know?
I first told folks nine years ago that most of the big Hollywood producers were evacuating to New Zealand or Tasmania.
Some now to Kauai.
And now it's all over the news.
I was attacked.
Oh, Jones is crazy.
He claims that Cameron and all these people are going there because they're preparing for Doomsday.
That's because I was talking to people in Hollywood that weren't directly for James Cameron.
I had dinner with someone that worked for James Cameron.
I'm like, how you doing?
I haven't seen you in a few years.
I'm not doing too good.
Cameron doesn't even think there's a future and most of these other billionaires he knows in tech are saying there's this big event coming and everyone's evacuating to New Zealand.
And I went, I came on air and I warned you, man.
Now it's all admitted.
And then people that aren't billionaires, they're moving to Montana and Wyoming.
I know a bunch of prominent Texas families that are evacuating Texas.
He's just evacuating and they just say, word is, can't save the country.
So remember this leftist, all of you crazy people that want to burn it all down, you antifa meth heads and all of you.
If Trump can't stabilize the country, and if we don't make alliances and peace deals, and the world economy keeps going in this direction with population and all the crises and all the countries that have bioweapons, there's going to be a big world war.
And there's going to be worldwide depression.
And a lot of you aren't going to make it out of it.
Because let me tell you, the left just wants to destabilize the country.
They want the collapse to come.
That's the evil globalist arm.
I've gotten total chills.
I don't know if you can zoom in with the camera, but I've got the hair standing up even on my chin right now.
I've got goosebumps on my face.
I've never had that.
Because I'm saying the truth right now, and my subconscious mind is going, yes, that's what you're supposed to be doing.
You are supposed to be doing this.
I mean, I'm like on electric fire right now.
Because this is what I'm supposed to do.
And I don't want to get up here and fearmonger, folks, but this is going on!
And I'm begging the crazy left, the brainwashed folks.
You're victims.
Zuckerberg's own documents admit they created the mind control.
They put you in this position to, by successive approximation, make you more and more aggressive, more and more angry, more and more mentally ill, more and more wanting to ban words and ban freedom and ban speech and ban assembly and ban free market as you run around with smartphones living in a lap of luxury.
You're being set up to bring the country down.
It's a scientific plan.
And it's very, very sophisticated.
It's 30, 40 years advanced than what most people know.
And that's why I get so frustrated when I hear people.
Go, oh, look at this analytics company in England.
It got names of millions of people off public data mining and the Republicans used it.
Trump used it to contact people.
Bannon used it.
Oh my gosh, it's so sophisticated.
Ban conservatives and nationalists worldwide and populists from access to public data mining.
There are thousands of prominent companies in the U.S., tens of thousands worldwide, and Cambridge Analytica, I'd say, is in the top of corporations, maybe 200?
I mean, I've looked it up.
It's in the top couple hundred.
It's a big one.
But compared to Apple, Facebook, Twitter,
Google, the NSA, the CIA, Defense Intelligence, Samsung, Amazon, they're all in a giant race for AI that's hooked into everything.
And they believe there's going to be a huge corporate AI war that'll be economic.
To see what system takes over the planet.
And they believe when it finally hits total consciousness and connectivity, it might take over in hours.
Just a few days of stock trading and one company is able to buy it all up.
And nobody cares because the stock market's at 100,000.
And then suddenly there's AI robot-run factories rolling out where everybody can have 20 smartphones a month and, you know, live in a nice house and do whatever you want.
But you see, the decision's been made to not let you have all that.
They can already, within just a decade, no one will have to work anymore.
But the decision was made, and Bill Joy wrote about this, the Unabomber wrote about this, he was involved with the CIA, high levels of academia, at the leftist levels of planning this.
He kind of flipped out and went rogue because it was so scary.
He just wanted to destroy civilization instead of letting it get to the whole AI merger.
So, I mean, let me tell you, I don't know if this plan's gonna work, but we're on rails like a train, and we're going to a really bad place.
Toot toot!
All aboard!
No, I think we ought to stop the train and have a discussion with everybody and be honest about what's going on.
But you see, they look at the slob-like public and go, they don't deserve to live to 500 years old.
And if you can live that long, we'll have life extension that'll be unlimited.
If you can extend life 50 years, then you might as well extend it to 1,000.
And the decision's been made that you don't get access to it.
Because you like to watch football.
You like to act cool.
I do too as well.
And we're just kind of down here and then it's been decided there's seven and a half million of us and we need to be cold.
And so, that's where you're at.
Alright, I'm gonna go to break.
I promise to come back.
I just started getting into this whole D.C.
officials flock to doomsday camps.
Biden putting out the word.
I beat up Trump.
Second time he's done that.
Got this congressman, Swoozie, saying, you know, we need to use the Second Amendment on him.
Another congressman saying it's time to overthrow him.
That's all in three days.
They're saying, kill, kill, kill, kill.
Attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack.
And with the anchors all pleased and smiling about it.
Well, the real money is, you know, up in the mountains with helicopter bases.
And by the way, I don't think those really rich guys are stupid and don't think they want security contractors around when everything collapses.
Those guys will all be given fruit punch.
And then they've got little weapons pods that just look like gray transformer boxes.
And they just unfold and up come the guns and got a computer inside, solid state controlling it, and so the billionaires are up in mountains and redoubts around the world with robot guns and robot drones and jump helicopters and all sorts of amazing jet copters and they've got their own satellites and their own on-staff medical facilities.
They're dug in and ready for the AI war!
But all the left wants to do is go hit a conservative in the head with a bike lock!
And count their coup!
Become a man!
Make sure a teacher can't teach the First Amendment in California or she gets suspended.
That's coming up.
Make sure you don't investigate Seth Rich or we'll sue ya!
Oh, if an investigator doesn't stop, how's two bullets in your back, buddy?
Hadn't got to that yet!
Yeah, get shot!
Hardly even in the news!
Got shot a couple days ago, and I didn't even learn about it.
Because, hey, what's a Seth Rich investigator getting blasted in the back?
The top guy!
He was also investigating Hillary and Russia ties, and was at a pickup to pick up documents, and, blam, blam!
Think he's getting close?
That's coming up straight ahead.
We are the resistance.
Because we just want a future.
We just love humanity.
We just want to survive.
It was about 25 years ago that I began to read publicly available books that had been written for the State Department and for the CIA by top professors at Georgetown, Harvard, and Yale.
So that the CIA and other agencies could understand the complex political system they were building.
And in short, it was going to be called a technocracy.
But it was going to fund communism and socialism and fascism.
But really what it was, was crony capitalism.
So decades later, after fighting against this, humanity is somewhat awake to the threat.
But at the same time, despite all our successes, changing this paradigm really is an inside job.
It's up to us personally.
So, I don't feel sorry for myself being demonized by mainstream media and being attacked and the globalists filing frivolous lawsuits.
I expected that to happen.
This is 21st century warfare.
I just wanna make sure that you, the listeners, and you, the viewers, many of you already understand this, so I'm not patronizing those of you that are already awake, but I wanna make sure all of you realize this isn't just some more entertainment.
This isn't just some other talking head.
The reason they hate what we cover is because I and others have researched what they actually are planning, and it is nightmarish, it is authoritarian, it is eugenics-based, it is anti-human.
And we've already come so far together
Then I know that if each and every one of you will just go research these issues for yourself, you will find out how real it is and understand it's not your duty.
It is your basic survival to stand up against this anti-human onslaught.
If you go back into history, it was 3% that volunteered for the Revolutionary War back in 1776.
But if you look at the InfoWars audience, it's maybe 10% of the United States, another 10% or so worldwide.
I think that's a conservative estimate.
But we have 50, 60, 70 million people listening.
We have more than that that have tuned in over the years.
The point is, is that if you look at that, that's less than 3% of the world population.
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So thank you all for remembering InfoWareStore.com, and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, we're looking into the identity of the main bombing suspect who died in a shootout with the police last night and reportedly detonated a bomb to get rid of himself.
Mark Anthony Condit, and we are looking on different sites, going back to the archives to confirm that these are not new sites, posing as old sites, and we're looking at his politics right now.
We have some very interesting information, but I'm not ready to confirm this yet.
So look for that coming up in the next 20-30 minutes.
We are digging into that like busy beavers right now.
I'm going to get into doomsday camps at the start of the next hour and tie it in to all the preparations for civil war in the left and what they're up to.
Then I want to get into the attacks on free speech.
Flashback, not even Nazi Germany charged Finnish man when they were occupying Finland over Hitler dog.
The man didn't like Hitler, had the dog howling Hitler as like an insult.
Making it a joke, because the Nazis took themselves real seriously.
And then now Count Dankula, who would just do funny jokes and memes, very successful by the way, just made a living, had the pug, Hal Hitler.
He said, I don't like Hitler, so this is something to freak my girlfriend out.
It didn't matter if he liked Hitler, it's his free speech.
Well, he's facing now a year in prison.
YouTuber Count Dankula, who taught his dog Nazi's face his jail time for hate crime.
Look, Newsmax reports it like it's a good thing.
Isn't that incredible?
The video!
He said, I don't like Hitler.
So, I think it's a terrible thing for the dog to do, it's like a sick joke.
But that's his right!
And quite frankly, my French Bulldog captain died last year, and I've shot videos that are on YouTube with the dog, and he looked like he had a mustache, because he didn't have hair on the front of his nose.
He had white hair, but it was black right here, so he looked like Hitler.
One time I'm sitting there, and
One of my buddies goes, you know, your dog looks like Hitler.
Yeah, there's the late great captain.
I'm going to sweetheart, I'm going to kiss him.
Not Hitler, the dog.
And my little sweetheart, he died in my arms.
Got an embolism.
Very, very sad.
Blood everywhere.
But, um, I was meant for the teapot looks like Hitler.
JCPenney banned that.
Really didn't, but mental patients would think that.
So people thought the dog might look like Hitler.
So should the dog be executed?
Well, there's video out there with me holding up the dog's arm saying, you know, ooh seagull, because it's funny.
Just like John Cleese did a Hitler deal or Charlie Chaplin.
What changed?
We got hardcore authoritarians in this country.
Now when the left wants to go around doing stuff like this, that's fine and dandy.
And all the raunchy comics and everything, they can do whatever they want.
And that's actually Cozy, his sister, that's still living.
But when I... I had the crew tweeted that out, so they said, I'm gonna eat Captain Fantastic for dinner.
That was just last year.
We put that back up on screen.
But that's Cozy right there.
That's my house.
Sweet little Cozy.
You're a good girl.
She kind of looks like Hitler too.
I don't think she's racist.
I think she's a dog.
But that is the lunacy of this.
But meanwhile, Joe Biden can come around a few years ago and again this year.
Let's play the first clip from 2016.
We'll play the new clip at a commencement speech.
Biden says,
He would have had beat the hell out of Trump in high school for disrespecting women.
And then we're going to play some creepy Joe Biden videos because there's video of then-Senator Sessions slapping his hand away from a five-year-old girl.
Biden kisses them on the ear, rubs their necks, rubs their backs.
It's really creepy.
It's really, really, really, really, really creepy.
The way he does it is obviously sexual.
And he just gloms onto them and it's disgusting.
And he does it to women, too.
Yeah, here's some of the footage.
This isn't even the powerful ones, but... Meanwhile, Joe Biden says that Trump, having consensual sexual relations with, you know, 30-year-old women,
They admit consensual, treats them with total respect.
That, he wants to kick his butt for.
Knowing legally, he can try to say, oh, a long time ago if he treated girls in school like this, I'd kick his butt.
Implying he's this big tough guy.
And implying, again, that Trump is actually abusing people.
When it's Hillary and Bill Clinton that are famous for abuse.
When it's Joe Biden and all his weird history.
You know, we always show the Joe Biden creepy stuff.
Dew's got the bombshell.
But what we're showing is nothing.
I want to add in post, we put this out, his creepy, I mean the one where he's slapping the hands away from the kids and grabbing on the kids and whispering in their ears.
There's a bunch of HD video.
So I want to can the footage we have in that computer.
Because it's, I'm not mad at the crew, it's just, it's crap.
We've got HD, him rubbing their bellies, rubbing under their arms, rubbing their backs.
I want the powerful footage.
In the name of the truth!
Anyways, it's amazing.
So we've got all that happening and then meanwhile it's time to regulate the internet.
Oh yes, that's out of the Atlantic Monthly.
California high school teacher put on leave after asking whether school should allow students to walk out to protest abortion.
You can't walk out for pro-gun.
They ban you sitting in the principal's office.
You can't walk out, I guess, if you're pro-life.
Don't ask the school if you can.
Do it at schools that have allowed anti-gun.
Then they're going to violate your rights and you'll be able to sue them and win and teach the left a lesson.
It's time to get litigious with them when we're within our rights.
So, here is Joe Biden running his mouth.
Remember, we had the congressman over the weekend say, use the Second Amendment.
The congressman from New York, from the Third District.
Swoozie on power.
Drunk on power.
Little Swoozie.
Little tipsy.
And you got the other congressman saying we're going to take him out.
And you got all the other.
That's just this week!
The violent organization of this.
So here's Joe Biden putting out the orders of the troops.
Putting out the idea.
Let's get violent.
Let's kick some butts.
Here it is.
The press always asks me, don't I wish I were debating him?
No, I wish you were in high school, I could take him behind the gym.
That's what I wish.
Okay, so that's Biden running his mouth.
Here's the newest clip from yesterday.
When a guy who ended up coming on the national news said I can grab him and win any fairness in Lexington, and that said, I didn't understand.
Yeah, let's beat people up!
Let's teach people violence.
Trump has done nothing.
Trump has never been convicted of a crime.
Most of these women, it turns out, is totally made up.
We didn't hire Trump to be Mr. Goody Two-Shoes.
He's a little bit of a papula pew, at least he was years ago.
But if he was raping women in the back of a car like Weinstein, that'd be fine.
If he was a pedophile, that'd be okay.
But they act like it's abusing women.
And there's this new thing where they call it toxic masculinity.
Taking your shirt off at the beach.
In movies.
They're now having women go, put your shirt on if a guy's mowing the yard.
Or at the beach.
And they're selling that idea that men with their shirts off are bad.
So see, the left's all have sex with whoever you want, do this, be violent, you know, all these crazy things.
But then everybody else, oh, you all...
Your speech, if men sit down and kind of open their knees up a little bit, which women do as well, then that's some type of dominance and a microaggression.
This is an excuse for these bullies to get in our business and try to tell us how to live our lives, and it's time to reject them.
Because they're here now trying to arrest everybody for our speech.
They're a bunch of bullying scum.
Okay, I'm going to be very judicious when I start the second hour.
I'm going to drill in to the Seth Rich top investigator, shot twice in the back and then run over by a car.
Can't make that up.
And almost no news coverage of it.
We're going to get into the latest on the emergency doomsday centers that I have not covered yet, I've just mentioned.
More exclusive info coming out here in Austin on the bombing situation and the death of the reported bomber and more.
Stay with us.
Second hour coming up.
If you're listening on local stations, please spread the word.
If you're watching on Channel 9 mainline cable, our own TV station in Houston on Phonoscope, please spread the word about that.
So much going on.
So many exciting things happening.
In fact, I forgot that piece of paper I had that he gave me.
I was going to plug phonoscopes.
These cover a few hours a day.
We're 24 hours a day in Houston on Channel 9.
I mean the main channel.
Right between Fox News and CNN.
And it's happening everywhere!
The Streisand effect took place!
I wonder if they'll resort to bullets in my back.
I'm gonna go on to the end, whatever the course may be.
We shall fight and we shall never surrender.
Now, we need your financial support.
We have a lot of products back in stock, a lot of products that are going out of stock, and a lot of specials that are about to end, including a bunch of items that are 50% off at Infowarestore.com and so much more.
Your support is critical.
Well, you know, the media has lied about me since the 1960s because I'm a hunter and I'm a gun advocate.
And more and more people are waking up and getting wiser every day, and they're realizing what this fake news thing is all about.
That's why Donald Trump is such an important guy, because he finally put the spotlight on the fake news cockroaches.
And people are getting smarter all the time, and there's more and more support for truth, logic, and common sense.
We celebrate it every damn day.
I think most of the dirtbags on the left hate me because I'm so damn happy.
I mean, I come out here and I got all these bows and arrows.
I literally come out here every day and I take a pink arrow with my name on it.
And I come out here with Chimane and we shoot our bows every day.
We go to the range a lot.
If you don't do it, you can learn something from Ted Nugent.
It is the following.
Get yourself a bow and arrow.
And when you are looking at your target, and you're preparing to draw your bow, it goes all the way back to the origins of Zen.
And the mystical flight of the arrow, right here, tunes out everything liberal, everything democratic, and you become the path of your arrow of life.
I just hit the booger I was aiming at.
Look out!
Alex in the hole!
And it's real touchy trigger, real touchy.
I understand.
Get that top pin in that top peep, and squeeze.
Nicely done.
I'm usually dead on with a bow, but I'm actually sweating because Ted Nugent's watching.
It's like guitars, women, and guns, man.
It's gotta be fit for you.
Alright, let's see.
And just... Oh yeah, this is better.
Zero that in there, and just squeeze that sumbitch.
There you go.
Double lungs, brother.
Alright, good.
Back straps have landed.
I'm Ted Nugent, full-time.
Truth is viral.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, InfoWars goes where the information leads us.
The left will make stuff up to blame their political enemies.
They'll take someone that's committed a crime and then say that anybody in that political or cultural class is to blame.
We only do that when radical Islam itself says, we're going to go kill the infidels, we're going to kill the defilers, we're going to overthrow them, we're going to have sex with their nine-year-old women, blah, blah, blah.
That said, we had this info 30, 40 minutes ago.
We were vetting it.
We're not 100% sure of this, but raw story has gone with it.
Accused Austin Bomber
Kept a blog where he outlined conservative views.
Now this was in 2012.
So we're talking five and a half, six years ago.
He says, my name is Mark Condon.
I enjoy cycling.
Tennis, reading, listening to music.
I am not that politically inclined.
I view myself as a conservative.
Well, who knows what he is six years later, five years later.
But I don't think I have enough information to defend my stance as well as it should be defended.
The reason I am taking the class is because I want to understand the US government and I hope that it will help me clarify my stance and then defend it.
Is he going to end up being an anti-abortion person?
That was like an Obama circle around Austin saying it's the blue state inside Texas and we've got to fight back against it.
Who knows?
I'm just trying to project out the lines of a possibility.
I'm not saying that.
I am simply speculating like everybody else is doing.
And then you've got other students and other blogs listed here that list Ron Paul,
2012 and all the rest of it.
But that's another example of how they do a lot of these school assignments now online.
So stuff you've been writing maybe 20, 30 years ago, 40 years ago, in the future, is going to be there and accessible.
And he talked about why gay marriage should be illegal.
My view on free abortions.
Why we might want to consider doing away with sex offender registration.
An argument for the death penalty, the release of a terrorist, an option, internet privacy has not been reduced.
So, this is reportedly what he wrote, and the Internet Archive and Wayback Machines say that this indeed is from 2012.
So, we'll see.
Now, the point is, if Raw Story ends up being wrong about this, they went with their best information, they reported it.
And then they shouldn't get sued by somebody or somebody else's family if the name's the same or they got something wrong.
Because there's not the intent to do harm.
What the Democrats are doing to me is that.
But then it's not even stuff I even said.
They lie about what I've said and then just sue me for a whole PR deal.
Now the good news is we can beat these.
The bad news is it'll take some money to beat them.
But it's just, it's just crazy that
Fox News is being sued for investigating Seth Rich's mysterious murder.
And now, the guy who's been heading that up, who's getting sued himself, gets shot twice in the back and run over.
And it's not even, it's like one little blurb in the Washington Post, in a Daily Caller article.
DailyCaller.com, we have it up on Infowars.com.
It's just wild.
So I promise, I'm going right to that when we come back from break.
Mark Anthony Condit.
This photo of him is from high school in 2013.
I guess when he was a sophomore.
And we have another photo of him with his family from a similar town that we got exclusively.
We also put on screen.
So maybe that's why he looks so much different.
That is him delivering the bombs with FedEx mailing center.
But we will continue to track that.
We don't know if his views changed.
Young people's views change a lot.
But I think it just comes to unstable people, folks.
They can get guns, they can get bombs, they can be leftists, they can be rightists, they can be Muslim, they can be Christian.
The point is you can't restrict the entire culture because they're a bad people.
That's why we have rights is to defend ourselves.
We'll be back.
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This is Roger Stone for InfoWars.
The left has launched lawfare against Alex Jones, filing a bunch of bogus lawsuits against him that are designed to close InfoWars down.
We need your emergency contribution today.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
A lot of groups got big important news on globalist plans for world government, globalist plans to reduce population, Eugenics will be in studio arriving shotgun taking your phone calls coming up at the bottom of the hour interspersed with breaking news and information as it unfolds.
This story with the whole climate of Joe Biden saying he wants to physically attack Trump, Congressman Swoozie of New York telling his constituents they need to use the Second Amendment to take Trump out, all the other hashtag-hunt Republicans.
It's three different congressmen, a vice president, you name it, this week saying take out the president, shoot the president, we've got to get rid of the president.
They are just running around trying to get their constituents to get violent.
Well, if I tell people to go kill people, and then they do it, I'm just as guilty.
So, this is next level.
Well, they all say we're bullies and want conservative and libertarian and Christian speech taken off the internet, and it's happening.
Now, another thing being used is lawsuits.
To just intimidate people.
Just to make you shut up.
Well, they're slapped back.
And they keep suing me in states that have slapped back.
And they're doing it to everybody else who's good.
Now, let's get to the big news right now.
I mentioned this, but I want to read this article now.
This is also in the Washington Post, but just a footnote.
Like, it's no big deal.
Former Marine charged in shooting hit and run of controversial Seth Rich investigator.
Because the media has made it controversial to investigate an unsolved murder that reportedly has major political ramifications and WikiLeaks has come out
Julian Assange said, we don't give away sources, but yes, you should look at him as a source.
We are offering a reward for his murderer or murderers being discovered.
And what happened to Seth Rich?
Shot multiple times in the back.
Nothing taken.
The family came out, I saw him on the news, held up pictures, said, we want to find out who killed our son.
She pulled up the article from this week.
Headline, Fox News Alex Jones sued New York Daily News.
It's a photo of her with the reward that she's handing out.
The reward flyers.
And so people start investigating this.
People start looking into this, and then they get sued.
And investigators you see on TV, that the family says they're working with and that they say, say they're finding evidence of DNC connections, then suddenly those people change their stories.
Then suddenly anybody questioning it still is a conspiracy theorist and quote, needs to be shut down.
Because that's how they dehumanize you.
Yes, they say.
Fox News and Alex Jones sued for conspiracy theories.
Well, no, Seth Rich got shot in the back multiple times, nothing got taken.
And there's evidence of Demi Washington Schultz and missing laptops and the Iwan brothers and Pakistan and her threatening the police, you better not keep those laptops.
There is major stuff going on.
Pull up the headline for me, please.
It's in New York Daily News, a couple days ago, Alex Jones, Fox News sued.
Clint News comes up.
I want to show people that because it illustrates, there she is saying, reward for my murdered son.
People investigate it.
He works for the DNC.
He works for the Clintons.
Famous for their death trail.
The family offers a $25,000 reward.
Other people do, including a prominent lawyer, lobbyist, investigative journalist type guy, who gets a lot of big news.
He gets shot in the back, run over, and it's not even a news item.
And that's the new story I'm gonna get to now.
Former Marine charged in shooting, hit and run of controversial Seth Rich investigator.
A former Marine who claims to have worked as a special agent with the Department of Energy.
Has been charged with shooting and running over Republican lobbyist Jack Berkman, who conducted a controversial investigation of former DNC staffer Seth Rich's murder.
Kevin Daugherty, 46, was charged Monday with use of a firearm in the commission of a felony.
Two counts of malicious wounding, according to a press release from the Arlington, Virginia County Police Department.
Folks, I didn't even know this happened.
There's such a news blackout.
This happened on the 13th.
The Washington Post provided more details about the attack, which again should have been top news story.
Top investigator of Seth Rich gets shot in the back?
By a Marine?
From the Department of Energy?
The Washington Post provided more details about the attack, which was the second to befall Berkman.
That's right!
Oh, I forgot when I mentioned that somebody was in his house and attacked him.
I mean, this is a James Bond movie.
Over the past several months, an unidentified assailant attacked Berkman with pepper spray at his home in January.
Now, that was the warning.
We can get in your house and spray you right in the face with pepper spray.
In your house.
Next it's bullets.
Berkman who was shot and run over March 13th at the Roslyn Marriott Hotel parking garage.
Berkman was there to retrieve what he thought was documents from an FBI whistleblower.
Oh, you think you're meeting with an FBI whistleblower?
You're getting bullets in your back.
There's no reason for this to go on unless they want something covered up.
Bullets in Seth Rich's back.
Bullets in Berkman's back.
Car running him over.
The guy's obviously tough as nails.
He lived.
Here's where it gets crazy.
When you're running one of these investigations, the groups then try to infiltrate you.
That's step number one.
Doherty worked for Berkman on the Rich investigation until July 2017.
Rich, a data analyst at the DNC, was murdered in Washington, D.C.
on July 10, 2016 under mysterious circumstances.
Doherty was an investigator on Berkman's profiling project, the group he formed to solve Rich's case.
Rich's death was initially described as a robbery gone wrong.
A conspiracy theorist, ooh, people that question him, speculated
He was killed due to involvement in stealing DNC emails eventually released through WikiLeaks.
Well, I guess if Berkman would have died on the scene, we would have heard he was robbed as well.
Oh, but sorry he wasn't.
Sorry he lived.
Oh, sorry.
There is no evidence Rich was involved in handling DNC emails, so they don't want to get sued.
No, we're not saying there's evidence.
It's just WikiLeaks saying he may be the person.
We're allowed to ask.
Berkman began working pro bono for Rich's family in 16.
He's come under heavy criticism for circulating unfounded theories about Rich's death.
See everybody says that so they don't get sued.
Including the Russian government was behind the killing.
Berkman later claimed evidence suggesting a serial killer murdered Rich.
Rich's family members have since distanced themselves from Berkman.
Berkman fired Doherty and sent him a cease and desist letter he told the Post.
He became somewhat angry.
I just figured the matter was closed.
Yeah, folks.
Doherty's LinkedIn page lists him as a former Marine and former Special Agent with the Department of Energy's Office of Special Operations.
Though recently, he operated a Virginia-based maritime security company, Nexus Consulting.
Numerous press releases quoted him as an expert in the field.
Burtman's group touted Doherty's credentials in press releases about the Rich investigation.
I mean, this thing stinks to high heaven.
But we're not supposed to look at it or you get sued.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back and get into D.C.
officials' flock's doomsday camps.
We're going to tie that into more.
Also, you know, they've said you have to keep looking for bombs.
There could be other accomplices.
FedEx is being evacuated at McKinney Falls again.
So we're going to continue to track that.
We're right here in Austin, Texas.
Hope nothing else is going on.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
KVUE is reporting another photo from FedEx facility off McKinney Falls Parkway that was evacuated.
Suspicious package reported.
You can obviously see people are on edge.
We'll be back.
InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, NewsWars.com.
They're trying to block those sites.
Spreading them by hand is critical.
Joe Gilbert joins us for the balance of the hour.
Here is the trailer for the powerful new film available at Infowarsstore.com.
Trump, the art of the insult.
Directed by the amazing director, Joe Gilbert.
Here is the trailer.
You call women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs.
Only Rosie O'Donnell.
And they said that wasn't politically correct.
Who cares?
You haven't been called.
Go back to Univision.
I think Jeff is a nice person.
He's very low energy.
I'm not used to that kind of a person.
Throw him out.
Throw him out into the cold.
Don't give him their coat.
No coats.
L-Y-I-N apostrophe.
Lying dead.
I have never seen a human being eat in such a disgusting fashion.
The most dishonest human beings.
These people right here.
Look at all the cameras.
So disgusting.
This socialist slash communist.
Crazy Bernie.
He's crazy as it may look.
The Indian.
Very offensive.
I'm sorry about that.
A Pocahontas.
Crooked Hillary!
Crooked Hillary, folks!
She's been crooked from the beginning!
Crooked Hillary!
Politicians are really dishonest.
Donald Trump alleges that my dad was involved in assassinating JFK.
This had nothing to do with me, except I might have pointed it out.
This guy was sweating so badly.
Thank God he has really large ears.
The biggest ears I've ever seen.
Because they were protecting him.
I'm trying to be nice.
You know, I'm working hard to be nice.
He was begging for my endorsement.
I could have said, Mitt, drop to your knees.
He would have dropped to his knees.
He put glasses on so people will think he's smart.
It just doesn't work!
You know, people can see through the glasses.
I'll make three or four major speeches.
He makes a speech for 15 minutes, he goes home, goes to bed.
We live off Chinese manufacturing.
That's because when you say we, you are stupid.
Repeat after me.
Donald, you're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency.
That's not going to happen.
So help me God.
Congratulations, Mr. President.
We will make America great again!
Go home to mommy.
Tell her to tuck you in bed.
And your mother is voting for Trump!
You've made a lot of amazing films.
We've carried them all.
We sell them all.
They're all groundbreaking.
But this one, this one is fun.
And very, very celebratory.
So, congratulations on what you've done.
It's really a special film.
Thanks a lot.
Look, I urge everyone, you gotta get this film in the Infowars.com store.
First of all, you'll laugh non-stop the whole time.
But more importantly, there's a lot of important lessons.
You'll see how Middle America fell in love with a Manhattan billionaire because he was the only one of the Republicans that was willing and capable of standing up to Hillary and the leftist media complex.
And he did it, don't forget, with a mix of truth and humor.
That's why it stuck.
So this film, 95 minutes of non-stop laughter, but you get to know Donald Trump.
I thought I knew Trump.
I studied Trump.
Well, exactly.
They say Trump's a fake.
It's the opposite.
Alright, Infowarsstore.com, ladies and gentlemen, get the new film.
And your mother is voting for Trump!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It was nine years ago that I was having dinner with a Hollywood producer and they were telling me about working with James Cameron but that it was it was hard to get the projects done.
Dealing with holograms and all sorts of new movie theater experiences because he wasn't even sure there was going to be a future civilization that would have things like Hollywood.
And that he and other rich billionaires were setting up like an alternate government in New Zealand, but also areas like Tasmania.
Another alternate site is Kauai, Hawaii.
Now, you got next year's news today here.
But here's the issue.
Most people aren't billionaires.
They don't have a hundred million dollars.
They don't have any of that.
And so they're moving to Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, and they are building armored redoubts.
And the reason they're doing that is, I then told you six years ago, I ran into a lady that's a billionaire, a defense contractor, among other things.
And she was leaving towards that same area of the world, putting her money in the Cook Islands, but moving to Tasmania.
And she said, there won't be a U.S.
here in five or six years.
Well, Trump came along, we stopped it, but they plan a total worldwide meltdown, civil war, mass starvation.
They've prepared the human mind with all the zombie movies and zombie shows.
The Marines and Army have been training for five years to mow down zombies.
That means mass attacks, human wave attacks of starving people.
That's mainstream news.
Look it up.
Marines and Army trained to take on zombies.
That's the cover for just mowing down crowds of people.
You're like, oh, are you anti-Marine?
I'm anti-globalist putting us in a position where the Marines and Army are training for societal collapse.
So, here's the deal.
My own instincts say I should be in Montana or something.
And digging in with the transmission system there and alternately going in between.
Because when the hammer drops, a war could trigger it, stock market collapse.
We're talking weeks till the EBT cards don't work and everything blows sky-high.
And I could go on for hours describing this.
The globalists are then going to shoot out Transformers all over the country.
They're going to then foment
Antifa and Communists pouring out, burning down buildings, attacking police stations, show civilization breaks down.
They're going to have package bombs going off just every day in every major city.
We told you this is all coming.
I don't know if this is a sigh out by the globalists here, but some patsy they've cut out.
Who knows?
But I know this, here's the article up on Infowars.com, D.C.
officials flock to doomsday camps, what do they know that we don't?
Washington D.C.
government officials are flocking to doomsday camps around the country, which of course begs the question, what do they know that we do not?
And it goes to the Washington Examiner, and of course, yeah, I showed you the New York Times, Washington Post.
You know, elites prepare for doomsday.
Elites dig in.
Elites move to Montana.
Elites move to New Zealand.
Elites build private, high-altitude, long runways.
Some of them are even moving to northern Canada, 500 miles from anybody.
I mean, it's on.
And they're there, and they're scared.
Because of the biotech, the bioweapons, just everything.
The carrying load of the planet.
Not because of carbon dioxide, but other issues.
So it's going on.
According to the Washington Examiner, a building network of backwoods doomsday camps around the country are pulling in members from affluent areas and even Washington national security officials as threats grow.
Nuclear war, EMP, and it goes on from there.
Dubbed the Fortitude Ranch.
So that's just one article, but let me give you the real article.
This is today out of Newsmax.
Guess where Obama is with no fanfare and no speeches?
Obama is in New Zealand for meetings, golf, but no public talks.
And who's he meeting with?
I wonder who?
The Associated Press reports.
And then it just goes on to what he's going to be doing there, meeting with community leaders, business leaders, and the Prime Minister.
And to work with the Obama Foundation.
That means the Obama Foundation building him an armored fortress as an escape.
And yes, I can tell you for certain, that's the main escape base.
We broke it nine years ago, and I was told once I knew that, talking to some other top lawyers and top producers, some of these guys have made billions.
These are some of the biggest names.
And they got scared at one meeting, where they thought they were being pitched to picking up a big movie.
And Mark Cuban was involved, and someone came out in the news, and Mark Cuban's on the phone while this is going on.
This is a big meeting.
And I brought up people going to New Zealand, and they flipped out.
And when I said, hey, be safe, have a good one, that's a Texas saying, the one producer goes, are you threatening me?
And totally got scared and started shaking, thinking I was in the CIA, because Hollywood's overrun with that.
And I was like, these people are paranoid loons, man.
I'm like, dude, I'm saying, be safe.
You're driving in a car.
You had a good meeting.
But I asked him about the meeting I had a few months before with the producer that works with Cameron, and you'd have thought I was a ghost.
There it is.
Silicon Valley super-rich heads south to escape from global apocalypse.
London Guardian.
Oh, how many years after I told you that?
I remember, I like Mark Dice, he's a really smart guy, but he kind of memorialized, he attacked me when I first broke all this.
We were kind of in a spat then, but you can look those up.
He's like, Jones claims this is happening, you know.
Well, I don't know, I don't claim it, it's true.
So I was saying, get...
The news today that you'll get in nine years.
Not just tomorrow news today.
Peter Thiel gains New Zealand's leadership as tech elites preps for Doomsday.
Elites, elites, elites, elites.
Prep for Doomsday.
And what does Elon Musk tell you?
He's got a place in New Zealand.
He tells you the decision's been made.
We'll cover it when we come back.
To end humanity as we know it, bring in a world government and exterminate you and your family on the altar of AI gods, close quote.
The exact words of Endgame.
E-N-D game.
Blueprint for global enslavement.
Ten years old this year.
You might want to go watch it for free.
They've tried to remove it.
I had to send lawsuit threats to YouTube pointing out that I own it.
I own the music.
I produced it all.
It's mine.
A group connected to Soros makes claims on it.
They don't want you to see it.
The New Yorker.
Doomsday prep for the super rich.
There you go!
They know something you don't know.
They got something planned for you.
Something they call love, but confess.
They've been a messin' where they shouldn't have been messin'.
The rest of the story, on the other side of this break.
Please spread the word.
Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide, go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a longtime InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks.
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order, and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
The hysteria and the dishonesty about firearms is staggering.
And if you want to save children's lives, which all conscientious, caring people want to do, you don't go after lies.
You go after reality and science and ballistic knowledge.
None of them seem to have that.
Here goes a couple shots.
Man, that sucker kicks.
Really a lot of power.
Fire in the hole, you clear?
Well, on my Facebook every day I salute entrepreneurs across this country that sacrifice and take risks to start business and employ people and be in the asset column.
And the Nugent family has always stood by that.
We've always worked and earned our own way.
And when you stand up for the Second Amendment, all of a sudden you have Ammo with your name on it.
And I have Gold Tip Arrows with my signature.
And I have my new Java.
But bottom line is,
Working hard, playing hard, America is alive and well, and I'm just proud to be one of them.
Shemaine and I get up early every day, we work really hard every day, and then we snuggle at night and get ready to start over tomorrow.
So I'm just here to salute people who really earn their position in the asset column of America.
And when you see my audiences at the concert,
It has a life of its own.
It's literally a firestorm of ferocity.
My music and my band and my audiences love real American soul music and rock and roll music and rhythm and blues.
And this is, it's 2018 and this is the best year of my life in spite of the crazy world around us.
And I think, to some degree, because of the crazy world around us, you see dishonesty and ignorance and hate and rot and evil and nastiness from the left.
And it makes you really confident that you're doing good.
There's a colloquialism, a battle cry that I always end up with.
Sometimes you give the world the best you got and you get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you got anyway.
Coming to the InfoWars, Ted Nugent's The Music Made Me Do It.
Exclusively at InfoWars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You keep saying you've got something for me.
Something you call love but confess You've been a-messin' where you shouldn't have been a-messin' And now someone else is gettin' all your best These boots are made for
These events, ladies and gentlemen, have become too commonplace as gun violence in this country gets worse and worse, and guns and assault weapons continue to flood our streets by the millions.
The students who are out there right now protesting, they are mourning the loss of their classmates and frankly of their innocence to some extent, knowing that they have to be prepared for what might be a massacre.
Fellow Americans, who is directly behind the national movement to manipulate American youth into signing away their Second Amendment rights?
At this point, you can blindly throw a dart at the chaos inhabiting the United States, and it will land on an organization directly funded by one of George Soros' Open Society foundations.
And under that umbrella,
Yet another radical left umbrella directly connected to the student walkout movement.
The Tides Foundation.
womensmarch.com organized the student walkout protest.
Scrolling down to the bottom of the womensmarch global website,
We learned they are a project of the Tide Center, a radical left funding machine created by a name synonymous with George Soros, Drummond Pike.
In 2008, Pike anonymously donated $1 million to ACORN after Dale Rathke, the brother of ACORN's founder, Wade Rathke, was found to have embezzled $948,670.50 from the group and affiliated charitable organizations.
Acorn had previously received funding from the Tides Foundation.
A reminder, Black Lives Matter may appear to be some organic movement of African Americans fed up with the man, but it is simply a front for more Soros activity to divide and conquer.
Bus fare, hotel rooms, and manufactured signs cost real money.
Its two main financial supporters are Democracy Alliance and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
Politico wrote, Democracy Alliance was created in 2005 by a handful of major donors.
Including billionaire financier George Soros and Taco Bell heir Rob McKay to build a permanent infrastructure to advance liberal ideas and causes.
And major donors like the Kellogg Foundation have had their trustees steer support from American values to filling the war chest of the radical left.
Breitbart reported the foundation has, for instance, donated millions to the Mexican nationalist organization La Raza.
The group founded to reclaim the Southwestern United States for Mexico.
In 2015, the foundation gave $2,400,000 to the National Council of La Raza for general operating support.
The Kellogg Foundation also has deep ties and associations with George Soros and the Clintons.
Breitbart News noted that Kellogg gave $200,000 to George Soros' Far Left Open Society Institute.
Kellogg also gave $930,000 to Black Lives Matter and millions to the Clintons and Soros.
...of their advisory board for Voting Rights Institute.
All 12 people were directly working with organizations that are directly funded by George Soros' Open Society.
Every single one of them.
It's incredible that this guy thought he was the messiah 30 years ago when he wrote a book.
But in a way, he kind of is the messiah of evil.
I mean, he's like the devil's messiah.
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.com
We're breaking the conditioning!
InfoWars comes to mind.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones.
Google is being accused of hiding negative stories about Hillary and her campaign by changing its algorithm to bury stories like the Clinton body count story.
That's according to website InfoWars.
It's time I get confirmed there are at least two shooters with fully automatic weapons.
Watch as Martin Luther King has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
JFK was shot from the back and the front.
It was almost as if there were planned implosions.
It's just pancakes.
They took the babies out of incubators.
And left the children to die on the front lines.
I think this is a national security imperative.
We have clear things that we do not understand how they work, operating in areas that we can't control.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world the central bank is in charge?
Israel claims the attack was accidental.
Some former U.S.
naval officers say it was on purpose.
They describe the day's action as part of a continuing cover-up.
Russian intelligence compiled a dossier on Mr. Trump during visits to Moscow.
Russian, stop!
Denied everything.
He called it all fake news.
And he accused CNN of being fake news.
This is a national emergency.
If they kill Trump or remove Trump, it will cause a massive civil war in this country.
This is a FEMA high-level emergency.
We are at war with Russia.
Are you aware that Mr. Stone also stated publicly that he was in direct communication with Julian Assange on WikiLeaks?
The White House and the President are citing info wars.
If they can shut us down, you're next.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm coming back after this, but we got big breaking news.
I went ahead and just asked the crew during the last break, I said just go into a search engine and click the news function for what's just happening now and print Easter being banned, Christian signage being taken down, you name it.
And you have to understand, this isn't like a government building puts up an Easter symbol or cross.
This is Cadbury eggs taking Easter off of their advertising.
This is the British government saying you can't advertise the name Jesus.
This is the Australian government.
This is a total, absolute assault.
And I remember 15 years ago, listeners obsessing over the war on Christmas and the war on Easter.
And I remember telling listeners, oh, the left's not really that bad.
I mean, I know they're idiots.
They want our guns.
They're horrible people.
But they'll never get away with it.
And there's some extreme examples.
But then you learn about people not being able to bring Christmas cards to school and hand them out.
You have a total free speech right to do that if it's a public school.
You just can't have the school say, we have an official religion.
You have to follow it.
You can't tell the valedictorian or the football coach or whoever that they can't, in a speech they give, say they love God or that they don't love God.
I mean, if the football coach gets up at a party the week after they win the state championship and wants to say, you know, I dedicate this to Lucifer, he can do that.
You'll probably get let go because people aren't going to like it.
And, you know, it's not good for morale, but it's his right.
Well how many valedictorians and people and salutatorians, you hear about it every year, the lawsuits, where the schools tell them, you will lose your grade and be put back a year and have your diploma taken.
I've seen this in the news thousands of times the last 20 years.
A lot of times in Texas.
And then they still get up and go, I want to thank my family, I want to thank my mother, my father, I want to thank my teachers, I want to thank my grandfather, I want to thank
Most of all, Jesus Christ.
For when I was 13 or 14, you know, having some issues and some disciplinary problems, wasn't even making A+.
And I was, you know, getting some Fs.
And, you know, I went to church and my pastor got me right.
It changed my life and I owe all the glory to God.
Your degree is gone.
Alright, we're gonna go to break the full reports on InfoWars.com.
But think about where we're at.
A guy makes a Hitler joke with his dog.
He's facing a year in prison, convicted in England.
Here, they're telling teachers, if you have a walkout for pro-life, you know, you're fired.
And you can't, in your own commencement speech, your graduation speech, say, I love Jesus.
No, these are authoritarians.
We've got huge breaking news on the other side.
Dr. Grubbs here.
Over a year in the making, produced by one of the top organic firms in the country, that if you want proven studies and documentation, I can speak for hours on the files I have here, of what this is proven to do, the ingredients in this, this is the ultimate immune system boost for this time of year, any time of the year.
But immune wall is incredible, and folks, other formulas that aren't even as good are $70, $80.
It's a great deal at $39.
Immune wall, beta-glucans, olive leaf,
And so much more.
It is concentrated.
You need to go read what is in here.
The mushroom blend of the most expensive, highest quality mushrooms that just incredibly accelerate.
A citrus peel blend.
I mean, this is the next level.
It's now available, ladies and gentlemen, Immune Wall.
I think it's beyond seasonal.
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Immune Wall.
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Grab a bottle of Super Male Vitality today at infowarslife.com.
That's infowarslife.com.
I'm not here pitching products because I just want to get a bigger house or a bigger car.
I need to beat these people as everybody knows.
They are all over the news saying we want to take Alex Jones off the air.
From Sadiq Khan to the head of YouTube, we are to the CEO of News Corp.
Okay, we want to first take him off the air, and then we're going to take everybody off.
This is all admitted.
I told you that a month ago.
It's all happening, as you see.
So, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, go there.
Get the t-shirt of the month.
Trump, Pence, 2020, with the new slogan, Keeping America Great.
I haven't even done an ad for that.
I'm so busy.
That's a one-month limited edition shirt.
It's gone in just a few weeks.
That's at InfoWarsStore.com.
In these lawsuits, Alex, I know the costs.
My costs are up to a half a million dollars to fight the Pony lawsuits.
You're looking at millions of dollars, ultimately, to fight the lawsuits against you and against InfoWars because they're designed to silence you and shut you down.
I tell my friends, look, even if you're not in the market for a t-shirt or you don't want the super blue fluoride free line of products right now, there's a donate button.
If you just want to help the fight for freedom, if you like what we're doing here, and you're not, just don't happen to be in the market for products that you've already got them or you're on auto ship, you can just go to the donate button and send us $25, $100, $150, $200.
We're looking at massive, massive legal costs to fight the globalists and fight the effort to just shut us down.
So if you love InfoWars, hit that donate button.
We don't have the Annenberg and CPB and Rockefeller Foundation funding us.
We have the listeners doing it.
And we're taking Soros and the globalists.
And Obama's suing you, saying you're a Russian agent.
And they're suing us with all this frivolous stuff.
We're winning.
It's why they're targeting us.
But people need to know, this is the war for this republic.
This is it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Dr. Gribbs here to talk about...
Disease X, they're saying it could wipe out humanity.
Why is the UN pushing that out of basal Switzerland right now?
We're going to tie it into the globalist, all moving to armored underground redoubts in New Zealand, Kauai, Hawaii, Tasmania, Australia and other areas.
I don't
You can go to elite universities and elite organizations, if you get accepted to it, and different schools, we'll leave it at that.
And they do this, these universities have different business leaders and others, kind of, where they can propagandize.
And you can also get a lot of connections, and you didn't want to get into a lot of this, you really don't want to get into it, because you haven't completed it yet, but you were telling me just how this confirms so much
And you were talking about people all over the world you met with, but only a few other Texans that, strangely enough, even understood what was going on.
Pretty amazing.
So I've got to shut up for the next hour so we can get into your news, take some calls, because you've got quite a plate of critical information.
Dr. Everett Group, joining us.
Good to have you here, my friend.
Good to be here.
Good to be here.
Yes, I have been constantly traveling, constantly doing a lot of research, constantly talking to people and looking at
You know, our job is really to educate people and to predict what's going to happen in the future.
If we know the root cause and if we can kind of see what they're doing and what's going on and what to prepare for, then obviously we can take the necessary steps for prevention.
And yeah, I am a part of different types of learning areas because I like to see and I like to see what's being taught and I have been part of evaluating and researching the current school systems from preschool all the way through college educational systems.
That's a whole nother subject to talk about, about how the history books are being changed and how people are being manipulated to believe in certain things and religion is taken out and all of these other factors.
As well as not teaching people about their body, not teaching people about how to stay healthy.
And I, you know Alex, we've been talking about it for a long time, is how many people are really in control of the depopulation agenda, of the brainwashing agendas of society, the control and everything from fluoride to phthalates and all of the infertility that's happening, which another topic I want to talk about today is
The infertility or operation, sterility, operation, spermageddon, whatever you want to call it.
Which is an absolute total admitted fact.
It is a fact and research I'm going to share with you guys today will confirm that and why people really need to start thinking hard about taking care of their bodies and increasing and balancing their hormone levels.
But I realized for the first time talking to these multi, multi billionaires and individuals and millionaires from around the world
Just how far it goes with the manipulation and the mind control and the amount of information that they don't know.
And I know now that there's even, we think that the attack is on the people, but I know especially your listeners and most people out there that are online and reading this information,
Actually, no more.
I used to think that maybe all the millionaires and the billionaires and all those people actually knew about what was going on and they might have had protection, but I'm like 99% positive now that they don't.
As a matter of fact...
That's why they're getting scared.
Look, the globalists at even the highest levels know this is super dangerous.
And they're the ones all digging in.
Their takeover system is a collapse, is a calamity.
So now even the higher level people that aren't in command but are very high level, they are scared to death right now.
The high-level command people are scared to death, but I tell you what, there's even a harder attack on the wealthy, wealthy, wealthy, wealthy.
You think that that's not the case, but it actually is.
I mean, they're CNN watchers, they're New York Times, all of the media and all of the stuff that is in their environment is extremely, extremely far left.
They're in bubbles.
To the point where you couldn't even mention anything as simple as maybe gluten being bad, or fluoride, or any chemicals, or anything.
I mean, they're like really, really... Even though Harvard put out the study five years ago with 20-plus studies that it causes brain damage, bone cancer, everything, it doesn't even matter when the universities themselves admit it, you still don't talk about it.
No, and very ingrained and on multiple pharmaceutical medications and things like that.
I mean, it was pretty shocking and pretty amazing for me to actually witness that.
But moving forward into what I think is one of the things that is a high... Two things today that I'd like to talk about that I think people need to be aware of.
One is the announcement from the World Health Organization about disease X.
I know you covered it and you talked about it before but I've done a little bit more research and talked to some scientists that are involved and talked to some individuals that are privy to that and the World Health Organization is getting ready for it.
This is the first time that I think that I can ever remember that the CDC or the World Health Organization has actually come out and said prepare for an unknown disease that could be
Something that could be an epidemic that could wipe out millions and millions and millions of people.
And I'm not saying this... Well, the actual statement was, wipe out humanity.
Yeah, wipe out humanity.
There are a few different things right now that are happening and a few different diseases that they're trying to get under control right now.
And you're also pointing out, I haven't gotten the flu in like 10 years or something.
Record levels of people that don't get the flu got it.
Yes, and I was looking into that because I ended up getting it as well.
Not that bad, but I ended up getting a sore throat, and people that I know in the natural health industry that have not gotten sick or not gotten the cold, not gotten the flu, and individuals that have been healthy, have not gotten the flu, have all gotten it one, two, and possibly three times this year.
So from talking to those individuals, from talking to the people that are creating the link between the flu shot this year, the hexavalent, the multiple hexavalent flu shots, there are mutations happening and maybe that's what's contributing to this mysterious disease exit the World Health Organization is predicting.
But we know vaccines are incubators for mutation.
Yes, yes.
And they're using four, five, six different types of viral strains.
They're using the SARS viruses.
They're using the MRSA.
They're using all different types of viruses, different strains of influenza, the swine flu.
When you mix a swine flu virus with, let's say, different types of adenosine viruses, it allows it to jump species.
Yeah, who knows what's going to happen?
That's what the report said.
They said all the GMO, all the engineering, all the animals and humans living in close proximity, zoologically it's all jumping.
And so they're already seeing all these souped up bacteria, souped up viruses.
We're gonna go to break, come back and talk about all this.
And ladies and gentlemen, the globalists are heading for the hills.
They're digging in.
While saying, oh the Great Culling's coming, it'll be better for the earth.
Before we go to break,
We've got some of the great products that Dr. Gribbs developed, like Super Male Vitality, that is still listeners' favorite because it's cold press.
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Uh, and this is a great product.
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And it was kind of a backhanded compliment.
They said, this is actually the best one that the California lab tested.
And Jones's is pure, but whatever.
And then it is, of course, yours.
We're private labeling.
So it's hilarious.
There you go.
Yeah, they tested over a hundred and found ours is the best.
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And again, they're trying to shut us down.
I'm not going to whine and complain about it.
I mean, we're over the target.
I want to win.
I want humanity to make it.
But these globalists want to try to intimidate us.
They want to intimidate our American spirit, our Texas spirit.
But they haven't done that to you, and you keep supporting us on our local stations.
We've gotten over 20 new radio affiliates the last month.
We're getting new TV stations every day.
And we're talking basic channels, like Channel 9 in Houston.
24 hours a day, InfoWars.
This is massive.
So spread the word, get around the censors.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
We'll be back with Dr. Edward Group with amazing
Critical research, and we'll open the phones up, stay with us.
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Because I'm not into magic or the occult, but a lot of the stuff that hermetic people talked about a thousand years ago is true.
As above, so below.
What you see happening on the mass scale is also happening on the...
Most tiny of scales.
And that's what this comes down to.
America is building its wall.
Will it work?
We don't know.
Is Trump right?
Well, he's trying to at least follow through on his promise.
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You will get Immune Wall and other great products at InfoWarsLife.com.
Discounted, delivered to your door, and you're helping fund our operation.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
We're back live.
If you're watching us on TV, see that amazing crew in there putting up with me, I gotta tell ya.
This stuff gets to me.
I get pretty stressed out.
And earlier I got into the whole globalist world government situation and how they're digging into bunkers and the elites are totally scared and the ones that I've talked to that are awake and know what's going on are really upset and worried.
And they basically say the exact same thing you were saying.
There's a very small globalist cabal of agencies
We're good to go.
Let's just say research groups with people worth $37 million.
And they're compartmentalized and scared and kept on the plantation.
And going into these elite groups to get their yearly download of what the new, not just political correctness is, but corporate correctness.
And it's frightening.
Yeah, we have access to reports that literally show that were done by like McKinsey and people that show what exactly is going to happen and take place in world businesses and economies with health care, with manufacturing, with everything and what they're projecting for the next 15 or 20 years.
I mean, that's the kind of information
That is very, very, very few people get.
But I was amazed that they really didn't have any of the truth.
They didn't have any of the truth.
And are you barred from talking about it?
Or why is it you don't want to talk about it?
Yeah, I had to sign a confidentiality agreement.
I'll talk about it.
I'll talk about it.
You know, great people, though.
I mean, you know, I mean, you know, great, great people.
They're just they, you know, just.
But leftist fearful ideologies, the operating system, because they can always download the newest version.
They're always raising the bar for this global social score.
You're never going to be able to attain it.
Pretty much.
The question I wanted to ask you was, you know, all these people that are going into these hideouts, do you think that it's because they're fearing a biological attack?
Do you think that they're fearing an economic meltdown?
Do you feel that they're fearing a nuclear attack?
I think it's exactly the order you said.
Biological, economic, nuclear.
And let me tell you one thing that was covered probably most of the time at this meeting.
You've been up there for a month.
You know, I was, uh, you know, I've toyed around and done a little bit of research into the cryptocurrencies and all that stuff and the blockchain.
But let me tell you what the main, one of the main things they were talking about is if you're not looking into this, I mean, this is here to stay, the blockchain technology.
And I think there's something going on to where it's going to happen here with our currency system.
I don't know what it is, but I know that a lot of things are going to decentralize systems.
I can tell you, and I saw videos with my own eyes, of how the crypto tokens, this is cryptocurrencies like the Bitcoin and Litecoin, Ethereum, you know, different types of coins.
But there's also crypto tokens and the crypto tokens are going to be these new platforms that are coming out for example advertising platforms and this is I I think this is really really good because these are the people that
That are a lot of them behind us and a lot of them that are aware of the truth.
And they're wanting to decentralize all these things.
And it's getting to the point where governments and big corporations are freaking out about it.
Because you have like... Sure, that's why they had the big clampdown that just happened.
Let's come back and talk about that.
And all these different disruptive forces as they see them.
And just the fact that we are all strapped to a rocket.
Okay, I mean, this is an incredible time to be alive, and they don't want you thinking.
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It also funds the InfoWar, a total 360 win.
Icarin, available now at InfoWarsLife.com.
This is Roger Stone for InfoWars.
The left has launched lawfare against Alex Jones, filing a bunch of bogus lawsuits against him that are designed to close InfoWars down.
We need your emergency contribution today.
Go to the InfoWars store and click on the donate button.
We need your help.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, so many people come up to me on the street and they say, Alex, how are you taking it getting demonized by the globalists, having Soros funded groups sue you, having the comedy shows almost every night lie about you and demonize you.
I'm not doing this to win a popularity contest.
I'm doing this to wake people up to stop societal breakdown and collapse that the globalists are betting on.
And they're betting that after that collapse happens, they're going to bring in a real authoritarian system.
So, I'm doing this as an information soldier for my family and for humanity.
I'm an American, I'm a Texan, I'm a Christian, but at the final equation, I am rooting for civilization and humanity.
When people give up on it, civilization falls.
That's what's wrong in third world countries.
And we are seeing major decline everywhere, but also a lot of new developments and rebirth at the same time.
So it really is up to those of us that take action and get involved.
Here's this article from a few weeks ago, because it ties into news today that Dr. Group, joining us here in studio, was just covering.
And that's World Government Summit to Tackle Artificial Intelligence in Dubai.
And then it talks about how they accept we're having a world government, we're going to merge with machines,
And that humans will be made obsolete.
And the article just goes through all that.
Now that's exactly the whole premise of what I've been saying for 20 years.
I didn't have it figured out the first couple.
I knew there were eugenicists that wanted population reduction, but I didn't get the whole that eugenics became transhumanism.
And again, I'm not saying you want to be a transhumanist, that you yourself are bad.
It's the directive of this transhumanist system that we see through the big universities.
And then you tie that in
To the billionaires, right down to the millionaires, right down to people in government service, digging in and believing not just a civil war but total world war is coming.
And we should have a debate about that.
We should have a discussion.
Because they see, at the top, those directing it,
This AI takeover is being very violent, very disruptive, but cleansing of humanity as if humanity is a disease.
Well, our decadence, our slothfulness, our evil, people being stupid, people being lazy, people being angry.
I'm certainly not perfect.
Just the tension of the modern society is brain damaging us.
It is making us angry.
It is poisoning us.
So we're going through a metamorphosis that isn't too pretty.
And I liken it to space travel, without gravity.
If you went on a mission to Mars, you know, you would have trouble walking once you got there.
Not because of its low gravity, it'd be the opposite, but because your atrophied muscles and bones.
So it's the same thing in this modern culture.
We are withering.
We are dying.
Our brain waves are lowering.
Our brain cells are dying.
Our genetics are mutating.
Our sperm are dying.
Our eggs are mutating.
We are
We are being destroyed.
And the electromagnetics and the 4G and the 5G, they know what it's doing.
And it's being directed by a very small group at the top that didn't want to be identified.
Now they've been identified.
Their plan's identified.
And we need to have a discussion about this because there's one big group of globalists that aren't for total death and destruction who are warning people and saying this, like Elon Musk and many others.
And then separately you go to
Other early training schools and things that group can't get into, he's not on disclosure, but I'm fully aware of the programs.
Everybody's aware of the programs for business people and folks that have, you know, like group and very successful and things like that can get into the group.
And then, you know, you're one person might be worth only $50 million, the richest guy's worth $37 million.
And you're there and these big universities want to bring you in for these conferences, these events, these higher learning once a year to get you on board.
And so I guess they kind of just let a spy of the people in.
And then you see how shuttered, how dumb it is, how they're actually corralling people.
But then also some optimistic and good things.
You were getting into that.
Let's get back into it and all these other articles you've got because this is the future.
This is the big enchilada.
This is what's going on.
You know, a lot of it is just to, you're able to talk to people from all around the world and find out what's going on in corporations, political, financial, and, and really, I wouldn't say I was, you know, spy, but more or less getting the information that the high level people are getting.
So I kind of, you know, feel like a speck of pepper in a pile of salt.
Um, because you realize how awake you actually are and you realize you can like kind of see what you're saying.
You're getting way better info.
You're seeing, they're like mushrooms kept in the dark fed crap.
You're in there seeing the brainwashing.
This is another strata.
Well see, one of the struggles that you don't hear about in the mainstream media that's currently going on right now with all these multi-million dollar, billion dollar companies is technology.
Exactly what you said, AI.
These companies are stuck right now because they're on these big ERP platforms, they have technology that's outdated, and technology is going so fast with AI and with automation and with blockchain and all this other stuff that they're sitting there going, oh my gosh, how am I going to
Keep up with this.
How am I going to change all this?
And in corporations, the whole society is changing.
So corporate, it's not a top down approach anymore like it used to be so much.
It's more like a bottom up approach, you know, because with social media, you have these individual workers and you have to create a culture in your company and you have to take care of people.
And nowadays, you know,
If an employee is treated wrong or something's not fair then they can go on social media and they can attack you and it's a reputation that you have to uphold.
So all of these different things and you know coming at these companies a million miles an hour and the fact that they're dealing with... It's information overload.
It's information overload.
I mean...
It just goes to show you that knowing the truth can be so beneficial.
And I'm saying... Well, there's nothing more valuable than knowing information.
And then the globalists are threatened by information.
They're always trying to keep us low information.
That's why governments, intelligence agencies do listen to us.
It's why they're obsessed with us because of the guests we have on, like yourself, and knowing that whistleblower info and things that they can't control is going to get out and larger than that.
Why did James Cameron
When these top Hollywood millionaires start exiting to New Zealand 19 years ago because other, even richer, more powerful people told them, we believe it's untenable.
Civilization cannot be saved.
We're going to actually engineer its controlled collapse.
And so it was a giving up on humanity, or it was the ultra-rich eugenicists getting all the other rich people who weren't pure evil to just give up and go hide while all this is coming.
So that's what I'm saying.
What are they going to hide from?
You asked the question.
Is it biological disease X type scenario?
Is it financial collapse?
Is it war?
I think in that order, is, is, is, is, I mean, you knew the answer before you said it.
And your question was the answer.
Uh, I agree with that, and I also think that with the coming, uh, when you have the flu shots becoming more and more, and vaccines push, and you have the psychological testing on children in schools these days, mandatory psych testings, and it's open that they want every single child on some sort of psychotropic medication.
They want every adult on some form of medication.
And their own documents say this is the brain damage of control.
This is chemical lobotomies.
This is 21st century war.
You're under World War 4 globalist attack.
And the word is, they've already got competing AIs right now.
They just need to get them all jacked into fiber optic and everything be a smart device so the AIs can see and run everything.
But you know what?
You know, the more I think about it... The AI is growing its tentacles.
Well, they're already doing experiments where they're doing half-human and chips inside of your... with animals and the future is a part
Part human, part computer system that they can control.
Everything comes into play.
You know, when you look at the 5G... They're already building the chip interfaces.
You know, what I think is going to happen, Alex, is all the people that we talk to and we know, because I know now, like all the billionaires and all these company corporate owners, they're stressed out to the hilt.
They're on multiple medications because they give, they're in bed with the pharmaceutical and the big agriculture.
And they make the world so complex with all these technologies.
Social media make you depressed.
They make things more complex.
They don't make it work better for human systems.
So it's meant to make us finally go, AI take over!
And we let that take over, then we're done.
But the good news is, the good news is,
That you're starting to see all of these young people and you're starting to see all the people that do know the truth, that are coming out with ways to decentralize social media platforms through crypto tokens.
And so the answer is true grassroots local innovation.
What Dred Goff said, get off the big casino gulag.
Look what's happening to Facebook right now.
Look at all the Senators who want Zuckerberg to come in and all the data that's being stolen, all the campaigns for people to delete Facebook.
Uh, the president said, why are we having all these people from, and I apologize for using this word here, but this is a quote from the president.
Why are we having all these people from sh**hole countries come here?
Uh, Trump said, this is in the Washington Post.
A racist, a shameless racist who has hijacked the Republican Party, who has hijacked the Oval Office.
And this country needs to stand up against this and tell him that we will not let him divide us by color, by race, by ethnicity, by class, by economy.
We will not be quiet.
We will not allow this.
There's a lot of s*** in the whole country.
I mean, why don't we, let's just use the word the President's using.
If it's good enough for the President of the United States to use it, I think the American people deserve to hear what words the President is using.
If you cannot sit here on live TV and say that what the President of the United States, be his friend or not his friend, said was racist, then you are not contributing to breaking this a more perfect union!
I am a proud a**hole.
My family was called wops and mackerel eaters.
I'm proud of that.
We came when people from Ireland and Italy were seen as dirty people.
Dirty Catholics who didn't belong in a Protestant country.
Well, I've always liked Dilbert, and I've also read his new book, Winn-Bigley.
And Scott Adams, of course, endorsed Hillary for his own safety, but he's been more of a... What do you call him?
A libertarian?
Something about a conservative or a liberal over the years.
And he always gets me to think about different angles, and it doesn't mean I totally agree with him.
What do you make of this SH storm that's going on?
Well, as usual, things are not necessarily in context.
So, one of the contexts that you see left out quite often is that when he said, why can't we get more people from Norway, sometimes they mention it, but usually they don't, that he had just got done meeting with the Prime Minister of Norway, and he had been talking about Norway, Norway, Norway, probably for an hour and a half that day.
And so when he was trying to come up with the name of a country that was prosperous, he said Norway.
So if you leave that context out, it changes it a lot.
The other context you probably need to put on this is that the damage that the president created, and by the way, I count his use of the word shithole in a way that could be, you know, got out to the public, was clearly just a mistake.
And as mistakes go, it was sort of a 10 and a 10.
You know, it's about as high as you can get on the offensive mistake level, so I don't defend it in any way.
But if you put it in context, what he said was in a room with no cameras and no recording.
So it was a bad thing to say, but in the context of the room, everybody in the room understood it to be his usual colorful language, talking about the economic situation of those countries.
Because the whole reason they were talking about those countries is because they had a bad economic situation.
So the president is certainly guilty of creating a situation where this could get out.
But whoever the leaker was has committed a far, far more serious crime against the country.
Not crime exactly, but offense.
It took a small offense that could have been contained and turned it into a gigantic issue.
It's a bloody nose for the country.
It's bad for the way we deal with our allies.
It's bad on every level.
And I think you have to hold maybe not the Washington Post responsible because they do reporting for a living.
But leaking isn't anybody's job.
Nobody took a job to be a leaker.
So whoever did that has to share, I would say, 95% of the damage.
I think they have to own that.
But the President doesn't get off at all.
I would say that this was a bad move on his part.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm just sitting here talking to Dr. Grip about personal family stuff and how it's got to be half the women I know who aren't even that old, 30, 40 years old, that have ovarian cysts.
And you read about women and their thyroids being, you know, way, way worse than men and all the goiter and the rest of it.
And just right here, WebMD.
Two little iodine could harm a woman's fertility.
You've got a whole stack of news about fertility's way down, sperm counts are way down.
It's amazing.
And I'm just sitting, wait, Dr. Grimm's been on for like 45 minutes.
We haven't even plugged anything.
And we sit here and we talk about...
Solutions is being awake.
Solutions is being involved.
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That's all available at InfoWareStore.com.
I know he came on today to get into all this other news, but I want to get some into super-male vitality, super-female vitality, why they're so popular even on third-party sites, why it works so good for people, what it does, what the cold press does.
Let's talk about iodine, and then let's tie it into all this other news we're getting, but let's kind of do some plugs here.
It funds the operation, we're fighting for free speech, and it's the truth, and it
It's something that really, really helps people, which is a 360 win.
But just briefly, I'm sure you've seen Georgetown coming after us, and my lawyers said they've never seen anything like this.
Totally fake suit.
Peppy the Frog guy said everybody can use it, trademark free.
We didn't even use it.
We sold third-party poster.
Lawyers say 100%, no case.
But they're suing us.
George Soros groups are coming after us.
They're coming after Fox News.
They're coming after everybody.
And it's just pure bullying.
So that tells me
It's not going as good as they think.
But when we talk about Infowars, or the fact that even Media Matters and George Soros admits, Infowars, our audience, has radicalized Fox News.
We've radicalized Congress.
They say that in the lawsuit.
They want to shut down because we're the progenitor, we're patient zero, of what?
Going, hey look, we're right about world government.
Hey, we're right about their depopulation plan.
Of course, as you said, you go to these elite events, I can't get into the names of, because you signed an honest closure, you told me all about it, and I'm aware of those things.
Even they're keeping the average rich person in a bubble.
And the whole system is about keeping them in those bubbles.
But out of Texas, it seems, and a few other areas, there's this understanding of it.
And we have to understand, the globalists are scared of this broadcast because we really have got their number.
I mean, we really get the whole deal, folks.
You get the whole deal.
Our view on the world cosmology is the cutting edge ten years ago.
Everything Elon Musk says is as if I said it.
Elon Musk didn't get this stuff from me, even though I know he's a lister.
I've talked to folks that know him, we're probably going to meet sometime.
Chris Carter, the list goes on and on.
The point is, is that I'm reading what the globalists say in white paper.
So is Musk.
He's an engineer.
All we're doing is telling you what they really plan to do.
It's like we're reading the program of a play we go to.
We see that in the final act, the cast eats the spectators.
And then they even have a little video of last night's event where they, and they're like, slitting people's throats in the stands.
And I'm like, hey, you might want to read the program, because it don't end nice.
They're not scared of the people knowing the truth so much.
It's going to come back and bite them.
What they're really scared of is people in power knowing the truth.
People with money knowing the truth.
That's why they spend 75% of their time making sure the millionaires and the billionaires don't find the truth.
Because those are the people... Keeping them in conferences and flying them places... Those are the people... Keeping them in bubbles... That have the money, the power, that if they find out the truth, can create big changes in society.
That's why they're so worried about you, because you've come to that level where you are telling individuals the truth.
What they're not paying attention to, though, is all the millions and millions and millions of people out there that don't really have millions of dollars.
But I tell you what, these people have desire, and these people have the ability to get up and march, and they have a... It's the people.
We the people.
That is the ones that create change in this world.
They massively censor Trump and nationalists everywhere already.
The Democrats own, you know, brag.
We own Facebook.
We run it.
They're with us.
Despite all that, we beat them.
When you spread links, when you spread articles, when you demonstrate, when you talk to a friend, when you tell people about a local radio station, when you become a sponsor, when you buy our products, all of that is systematically moving and in a chain reaction.
They're not bragging.
To brag, we're under attack because they can see InfoWars and all of our guests, the family, as like a domino effect, like Viva Vendetta, going out.
And so that's why I know we've already sent the signal.
They're attacking us to demonize other people, to scare them to not speak out.
This is all about intimidation.
Well, we know their methods, and even though they're spending 75% of the time trying to keep the millionaires and billionaires in the dark,
And they're spending 25% of their time trying to keep the general public in the dark through media and everything else.
We know what their weapons are.
There's Operation Sterility that's going on right now.
And I'd put the top 10, because I just went back and looked at this, I do it about every six months to see what's new and what's happening, the top 10 ways
That they're trying to create sterility.
Number one is fluoride in the water.
Number two is the antidepressants, which we talked about getting all kids and all people on some psychotropic medication.
How draconian is that?
Number three is airport body scanners, the electromagnetic frequencies, the cell phones, the smart meters next to your bedroom wall on the outside of your house, and the frequencies that they're using are creating sterility and infertility.
The next thing, number four, is pesticides, the triclosan, the Roundup, the atrazine.
All of that.
That's a whole other show.
We've talked about it many times.
Number five is the personal care products.
Notice that all of these things people are in contact with pretty much every day.
That's going to be your antibacterial soaps, sunscreen.
That was a planned attack on humanity with global warming.
All of the
Doctors were sent out memos to tell people stay away from the sun, get out of the sun, it's going to lower your vitamin D levels, slather this chemical, endocrine disrupting chemicals all over your skin.
Let's mess with their hormones through that.
When we were growing up we didn't even know what sunscreen was.
Now it's everywhere.
I see people lathering sunscreen on their skin.
And skin cancer is up.
Exactly, exactly.
Number six is flu shots and vaccines.
Number seven is soy and phytoestrogen compounds.
Number eight is genetically modified ingredients.
Now, by the way, there's research that just came out on foods and
Coca-Cola, or actually let me just say sodas, may harm your fertility.
Drinking soda and energy drinks may are linked to infertility.
And of course what you said 10 years ago and Blaylock said 20 years ago, diet soda makes you fat.
Well, aspartame makes you get fat, makes you stay hungry, and fries your brain.
But it's toxic and addictive.
Many poisons are addictive.
So they're putting additives in that are grandfathered that are poisonous.
Study has linked ibuprofen to male infertility now.
You know what?
It's a lot easier, it's a lot easier to attack male infertility, to make males sterile than it is women.
By the way, they just announced, and maybe you can pull up the study right now, just type in male birth control pills.
It's all over the news now.
This is something that is going to be a controversial issue, right?
Now they're getting males.
So now you're going to have all of the left saying, well, it's not fair for women to be put on birth control pills anymore.
Now it's got to be a male thing.
The whole thing is how an alien force would depopulate the planet.
CNN, male birth control pill.
This is exactly how aliens would operate against us.
We'll be back.
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Well, you know, the media has lied about me since the 1960s because I'm a hunter and I'm a gun advocate.
And more and more people are waking up and getting wiser every day, and they're realizing what this fake news thing is all about.
That's why Donald Trump is such an important guy, because he finally put the spotlight on the fake news cockroaches.
And people are getting smarter all the time, and there's more and more support for truth, logic, and common sense.
We celebrate it every damn day.
I think most of the dirtbags on the left hate me because I'm so damn happy.
I mean, I come out here and I got all these bows and arrows.
I literally come out here every day and I take a pink arrow with my name on it.
And I come out here with Chimane and we shoot our bows every day.
We go to the range a lot.
If you don't do it, you can learn something from Ted Nugent.
It is the following.
Get yourself a bow and arrow.
And when you are looking at your target, and you're preparing to draw your bow, it goes all the way back to the origins of Zen.
And the mystical flight of the arrow, right here, tunes out everything liberal, everything democratic, and you become the path of your arrow of life.
I just hit the booger I was aiming at.
Look out!
Alex in the hole!
And it's real touchy trigger, real touchy.
I understand.
Get that top pin in that top peep and squeeze.
Nicely done.
I'm usually dead on with a bow, but I'm actually sweating because Ted Nugent's watching.
It's like guitars, women, and guns, man.
It's got to be fit for you.
All right, let's see.
And just zero that in there and just squeeze that sumbitch.
There you go.
Double lungs, brother.
Alright, good.
Back straps have landed.
I'm Ted Nugent, full-time.
Truth is viral.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
We're not trying to be negative here when we bring up all these really scary things.
This is what the crown princes in Saudi Arabia and what the royalty in the Netherlands and England's talking about.
When you go read the conferences they have and
The events they go to, and what gets leaked out of the meetings, it's monetary government.
And do we go ahead and exterminate everyone, or do we cull the population?
What do we do?
Well, the decision's been made.
Don't just let people party and play around, because we're headed towards a digital singularity.
But we're not.
We're headed towards a type of digital Armageddon, it seems.
And so I'm not going to quit and not have children.
A lot of globalists don't have children, because they believe the future is so bleak.
But they're helping make it bleak.
And so I think that's really the point we've gotten to.
Dr. Group's here with us.
We'll ride shotgun a little bit in the next hour with Roger Stone.
I want to take your calls on the products.
We hardly ever do this.
People love to call in on those.
Your reviews, your questions for Dr. Group, any questions you've got about the whole global system and what's happening, any of the news we've covered.
800-259-9231, 800-259-9231, 800-259-9231, specifically on these subjects.
Wait, that's the old GCN number.
See, my brain is so teleprompter free that I haven't been using that number in a couple months that I just gave out the GCN number.
That's the wrong number to give.
And quite frankly, Dr. Griff, now that everything's being admitted, I don't want to say I'm depressed.
But I realize the globalists are as bad as we thought.
Totally lost, totally greedy, totally ruthless.
The public's mesmerized.
Those of us that are awake are under attack.
And it's like frightening because if people would just wake up...
We could have a better future for everybody, but because good sees everything as too complex, only evil control freaks want to run it, and so we're on a collision course with hell that isn't even good for the establishment, in my view.
Yes, they got power, temporal power, off what they've done, but it's destroying them.
Here's the number.
Used to only be for the Sunday number.
Now it is weekdays.
Excuse me.
I have one of those little brain you-know-whats.
Questions just on...
Or your statements on population reduction, on globalism, on AI, on the fact that it's all out in the open.
I mean, every time I think about the show, I think...
I want to go get on air and really just lay out, wow, we were right about world government.
We were right about eugenics.
We were right about it all.
What are we going to do?
But they know the public's kind of realizing that now, so let's change the subject.
Let's call him fake news.
Let's say Alex Jones said a bunch of things he didn't say.
That is their new tactic.
That's the other tactics they're using.
How do you see this fight going?
How do you see us winning?
It's a war on truth, is what it is.
I mean, we evaluate the root cause of the condition.
Everybody else, in the way that they are training students in major universities and students from the time they're in preschool up, is away from the truth.
They don't want them to become free thinkers.
They don't want them to search out the truth and the knowledge, just like what I'm talking about today with the sterility.
And I mentioned on your show, I don't know how long it was, I think it was like a year ago,
Watch and see.
In the future, sperm will be selling for millions of dollars because there's not going to be any more healthy sperm.
There might even be a company that just has a piece of organic land or just this sealed building that they raise these guys in that they give them organic food all day long and they test their blood levels and maybe these sperm production facilities.
I'm not saying like slavery.
I mean of course
You know, these individuals need to be healthy and they need to be... The point is, they've already got gene arcs, biology arcs, they've already got cell arcs, they've already got seed arcs, and who pays for it?
The Rockefellers?
No, I mean, and really, unfortunately, and I've even heard this, and you can pull it up online, is they're trying to artificially create life to where they don't even need the male human species anymore, or the female.
Well, what about this?
We're good.
That's how they set the precedent.
Don't say a man with male chromosomes isn't a woman if he wants to get a pap smear of his genitals, even though they're male genitals, because they're just getting you ready to not question the humanoids.
But here's the thing, Alex.
They're not going to be able to replicate
The Pioneer
We have a tiny little crystal.
You can pull up pictures of it online.
They didn't find out about it until they were doing autopsies years ago and they started taking apart and cutting open our pineal gland.
And they found that there's this tiny little crystal.
I don't even know if they know what it's made of.
But it was very interesting to the autopsy people.
So they, of course, in spirituality and through ancient Indian tests, that's your third eye and that's the power.
But if you think about it, how we communicate, even how we ourselves communicate, is through semiconductor
Our cell membranes are semiconductors.
So let's expand on that.
You can type this in from Journal of Nature.
Birds, they now know, navigate the magnetic lines with magnetic crystal cells they have, and they found humans have them as well.
So it's not just one crystal, and different people have different levels of it, and they've actually gone back now, and in studies you said in autopsies, that certain people have more of these magnetic cells in the brain.
They started looking at yoga masters that died that were in meditation for like years and years and years and their crystals were like 20 times bigger than other people's crystals.
So we know that the more spiritual you are, the bigger your crystals are.
That's what I do.
It precipitates in the pineal.
What happens if you were to take a crystal and you were to coat that crystal?
Why do you think in semiconductors the crystals have to be clear?
You can't put like your fingerprint on it, right?
Because then it won't communicate anymore.
So each cell in our body, our cell membrane is compounded.
And what do they admit?
Even 2G vibrated cells and caused them to break 30 years ago.
Scientists said, don't roll this out, it breaks the DNA.
When you combine chloride and chlorine and bromine, which is a green crystal, if you take a crystal and then you coat it and then you coat it again and you coat it again with toxic materials and you coat it again, what have you just done?
You've taken away that person's ability to have a conscious... You've jammed it.
Or you've jammed it up.
And what that does is leads them towards the dark side.
Leads them towards alcohol.
It makes them make the decisions of
Not waking up.
If you notice, though, see, what we're doing is we're giving people the root cause.
What I just went over with the antidepressants and the water and the GMOs and all the other stuff and the prescription medications, this is the answer.
I mean, all I'm doing is just saying, hey, this is the solution.
Avoid these things.
Is there any way to detoxify the pineal once it's already been coated?
Iodine's the only thing that's been shown to detoxify the pineal.
And we're finding out more and more and more stuff about iodine, and we're also seeing more attacks on iodine as well.
Iodine is a crystal in itself!
It's a purple crystal.
It's a purple crystal, and if you ever look at the chakras, the highest chakra is the purple chakra.
Right up at the third eye level.
And that shows how ancients didn't have all the answers, but they just knew what was working.
Well, they didn't have all of the fluoride and all that stuff anyway.
They lived in nature.
They ate nature.
It was a complete, it was a perfect balance.
I mean, what we've gone to is from nature science and living to man-made science.
I was about to say, notice the more technology we get, the dumber we are.
I mean, it's admitted.
That's done on purpose.
I mean, look at all the kids on their iPhones and iPads all day long every day.
And remember,
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, none of them would let their children have iPads and phones.
That's on record.
Yes, yes, yes.
Steve Jobs said, are you crazy?
Do you think I'm crazy?
So it's about detoxification, it's about learning the truth, understanding the truth, knowing what to look out for, and modifying your diet.
I mean, this information
It's priceless because... You're right, you're right.
We're going to break.
But also think about iodine.
It's not just a crystal, but it's... What's that term where it's like beyond a noble gas?
It sublimates.
It's actually... It's like I dream of Jeannie.
But it also goes into an air form.
It's like I dream of Jeannie.
You put it on the ground and it just goes... Yeah, it just sublimates into the air.
Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
First, I just want to mention, if people just go and try the products, they will be ordering all the time.
I've ordered several of the products over and over because it's amazing.
In particular, Silver Bullet.
As soon as I start to feel like I get a little sick, you know, maybe like a little raspiness in my throat, I drop some Silver Bullet in it.
Like, I'll still feel a little sick, but it won't last as long.
Well, let me just say something, Victor.
It's people like you that then fund the whole operation, because a very small percentage of people buy products, and a very small percentage of them buy a lot of the products, so thank you.
But when you mention the Silver Bullet colloidal silver, it's got thousands of reviews, a 98% review.
It is our highest-reviewed product, because it is from the top lab in the country, discounted, high-quality colloidal silver.
It's not a Silver Bullet, but it's the closest thing you're going to find to a Silver Bullet.
Peter Schiff of EuroPAC.com, American businessman, investor, broker, billions under management.
I'm not going to get into his bio.
Everybody knows him.
Best-selling author, run for Senate, things like that.
Was Ron Paul's chief economic advisor.
Peter, good to have you back with us.
Thanks for having me on, and Happy New Year to you and your audience.
And, you know, I agree with you.
The economy is going to blow up, but, you know, it's going to blow up like a bomb.
It's not a good thing.
It's a bad thing.
You know, unfortunately, that's what Trump has inherited from Obama.
But it's not even really just Obama.
It's the Federal Reserve.
It's the monetary policy that has been passed like a baton from Clinton to Bush to Obama and now to Trump.
And we're near the end of the game.
And unfortunately, Trump's going to be the fall guy.
This thing is all going to collapse while he's president.
And he owns the stock market bubble.
He and the Republicans own the economy now, thanks to these tax cuts.
They're not going to make any difference, but they are going to give the Democrats a reason to blame it all
Alex, this is going to backfire.
He's like the Jimmy Carter in reverse.
I think we're going to have an extremely liberal president, either a Bernie Sanders or someone like him in 2020.
What Trump should have done is leveled with the American people, like he kind of did when he was a candidate.
He talked about how bad things were.
But he didn't really say what needed to be done to fix it.
But at least he said, we have a bubble in the stock market, you know, the economy's a mess.
I mean, all that was true, and that's why he got elected.
But after he got elected, he became a cheerleader for the very economy that he correctly criticized.
And now he has set everybody up.
He has raised everybody's expectations so high that when everything comes crashing down, not only will he get blamed, but everyone's going to be disappointed.
When the dollar collapses, it wipes out the middle class.
People are going to be impoverished.
And they're going to blame Trump.
You know, there are a lot of people who voted for Trump out of frustration.
He promised a lot.
He talked big.
He is not going to deliver.
And that is going to be used against him.
And it's going to ultimately be used against the country.
Wait till you see how bad things get.
You know, these tax cuts, they're all temporary.
They're all going away in 2021.
What do you think the Democrats are going to do when they have the White House and both houses of Congress?
How high do you think they're going to jack taxes up on corporations?
What do you think they're going to do to entrepreneurs?
This is a disaster.
We had a chance to defuse this if Trump would have owned up to the problems of the economy.
They weren't his fault.
He could have blamed it all on his predecessor and he could have
I don't think he acted like all of them on social issues.
If he's right, it'll be a great time for investors to buy stuff up.
I like the communist Chinese.
We'll be back.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Now I'm going to get into breaking news and some other key areas with Roger Stone.
I'm going to co-host for about 30 minutes with him with, of course, Dr. Grubbs, as well as we can take phone calls.
Because this is a whole area of natural health and things that Stone's really into.
But I'm here to tell you folks, it's scientific literature.
About the pineal gland.
It's scientific literature about geese having magnetic cells in their brain.
Fish have it.
Whales have it.
Humans have it.
Some humans have it more than others.
I mean, it's like Journal of Nature.
Look it up for yourself.
It's amazing.
Just type in magnetic cells in birds' brains.
Help them navigate.
That's how a hummingbird can navigate 3,000 miles from
You know, Oklahoma down to Guatemala.
Bees, butterflies.
Yeah, butterflies 4,000 miles.
All animals, I think, have run off of that.
Unfortunately, you're seeing whales running into beaches now.
You're seeing, you know, all kinds of crazy things.
Oh, when the Navy tests that sonar, you'll have thousands of whales, sometimes thousands of miles away, just killing themselves.
And they don't even care about it.
I do want to say though, listen, we talked a lot about fertility, infertility, sterility, and one of the reasons we developed the super male vitality and the super female vitality was
To help people, and we've got thousands and thousands and thousands of reviews on that, and it is serious.
Listen, you don't have to be trying to have a baby, even.
I'm pretty positive right now, 98-99% of the people out there right now, including children, are suffering from hormone deficiencies or hormone irregularities.
You got me on the High Quality X2 five years ago, and I barely work out now.
I was working out harder then, couldn't lose weight, I lost like 30-40 pounds.
You said in three weeks, watch out, you'll detox, stuff will come out of your skin, you're going to kind of feel bad for a week.
It happened.
I felt like I had a hangover.
And it was like crazy what it's done for me.
And then I still remember to take it here and there.
And people ask why my children are glowing, everything.
And it's like, it gave me so much energy.
But then I've got to remember to stay on it.
Well, the deal is, I mean, all the women out there are suffering from all of these hormone disruption scenarios.
All the men out there are suffering from hormone disruption scenarios.
It's really hard living in the environment, and I didn't even get into the possibility of the chemtrails, which I've heard from some researchers that could be having an effect on our hormone.
By the way, I want to go to these calls.
I had a guy confront me in the airplane and then at the baggage claim going, is this jet spraying chemicals on people?
Are you part of it?
And I said, they have aerosolized aircraft that do it.
The Department of Energy administers all these classified programs.
The Chinese are controlling their weather.
The Russians are.
It's called geoengineering.
I've had the father of weather weapons.
He's like, ah, shut up, racist.
And so, no, we're not saying the average passenger liner is doing it.
We're not saying there isn't real ice condensation.
But NASA reports
Much of the world's 30% darker now just from the jet trails themselves.
So the ice crystals are persisting longer now.
All airline pilots agree something's going on in the atmosphere itself now that regular condensation is persisting.
What's going on?
Alex, it's not just, we've been talking about an attack on us, but it hasn't been just an attack on us.
It's been an attack on the environment.
It's been an attack on the Earth itself.
The water all over the world is contaminated right now.
Yeah, see that's from London Guardian, 20% darker.
NASA came out two years ago and now said 31%.
The air is contaminated.
You know, we're looking at multiple things that are contaminated around and that's just why, look, that's why I chose the top herbs that have been studied for years and years and years to help regulate naturally your hormones in your body.
Yes, it's going to be hard to, you can take all those things we talked about and eliminate all those in your life and slowly clean your body up all the time.
As a matter of fact, now we know iodine actually helps detoxify fluoride, bromine, chlorine,
Um, Mercury.
Blows away the competition.
I want to go to calls now for Dr. Group and also Roger Stone coming up with All Ride Shotgun together.
But the ultimate game changer right now, Super Metal Vitality.
Get that today.
InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLive.com, or AAA2533139.
All right.
Our phone system can take a thousand calls at a time, but we've got, what, 14 calls or something here that we're going to try to go to.
Gabriel, Samuel, Ty, Matt, Steven, Alexander,
Mike, Steve, Kevin, Matthew, Chris, Josh.
Let me see, Alexander says he's an attorney in California.
He wants to talk about the pineal gland.
So since we were talking about that, let's talk to Alexander in California.
You're on the air.
Hello Alex and congratulations doctor for revealing to the public the fact that the pineal gland does have a crystal in it and that is our unique ability
I wanted to hear that with these cell phones.
Let's see if his phone comes back.
Alex, if we had finely tuned our finial glands, we could be communicating telepathically.
We are spiritual beings.
We are very powerful beings.
And the 1% is trying to deny that ability to us.
We have to have faith.
We have to develop that.
And you're helping us do that.
I want to congratulate you for that.
It's excellent work that you do, Alex.
And one thing, I would like more stories about the Sandy Hook hoax.
Please, please, don't let that go.
That's so relevant, that's so important, and you're the only man that has the courage to do it.
Well, listen, God bless you, brother.
Here's the deal.
I don't know exactly what happened to Sandy Hook.
We've had debates on both sides.
Clearly they seized on it, they politicized it.
They had people that were scripted with PR to give the anti-gun response and froze out people that were pro-gun.
They then misrepresent what I'm saying and say nobody died or I don't feel... and then they try to shut us down.
But absolutely, do governments stage things like the Babies and the Incubators?
You bet.
Thank you Alexander for your kind words.
Is that a group?
No, thanks a lot.
I appreciate it.
That was a good comment.
And we're moving quicker.
I pledge to start taking more calls.
The producers just put up with me in there.
They've got to start telling me what to do.
I don't want to take calls every day, guys.
How about Samuel in Oklahoma who has a question?
Samuel, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Dr. Group.
I've got my Survival Shield X2 iodine and my Biotruselenium.
I've done a lot to clean out my system.
I wanted to ask you particularly about dental products.
I've finally gotten all the mercury fillings out.
It took several years to do that, and I feel like that made an impact.
But every time you go in, even for a cleaning, they want to put fluoride on your teeth.
What about that?
Well, you try to find a biological dentist.
There's more and more of them now and I think there's organizations online where you can actually go and look up and put your state in there and your city and try to find one or call around and just ask.
I mean, I can tell you, I have a biological dentist and there's more and more and more demand.
I mean, isn't it crazy that they actually taught them to put mercury in people's mouths?
I mean, how crazy is that?
It doesn't surprise me though, but yes, you're doing everything right.
You're learning.
You're learning about the truth.
You got them out.
You got them removed.
You're on the iodine.
It can take up to maybe a couple years to completely detoxify.
Mercury is stored in your fat tissue.
It can be stored all over your body, but most of it's in your brain.
Um, so I'm glad to hear that you've taken the necessary actions to do that and just let them know.
I mean, educate them at the dental office and just, you know, bring some reports.
Well, it's all free market.
If you don't want them and everybody starts doing it, they'll be phased out and it's already happening.
And who it's really bad for is the dentists that are breathing that all day when they're, when they're putting them in.
I mean, that's why dentists, I think of all medical people have the lowest life expectancy.
It causes a massive brain damage.
Yes, and all the dental techs as well.
I mean, I think that somebody did a study that even if you're sitting in the waiting room at a dental office, you're breathing a certain amount of mercury fumes.
And there's nothing electrochemically.
That guy's search engine just in YouTube, University of Calgary,
Mercury brain tissue.
And you see regular heavy metal, here's brain tissue, kind of hurts it.
One little micron and it just goes... it short circuits everything.
It causes an electrochemical explosion.
So the nerves blow up.
Here it is, I found it, boom.
What a great crew, they were so fast, it just makes my head spin.
Then I get real OCD like it's almost...
I'm like, instantly!
I just thought it!
Put it on screen.
Yeah, so they show it right here.
There it is.
Now they put just a tiny little... Boom.
It just completely... You can see that little happy brain cell.
Just, oh, nice day.
I'm looking for something to touch.
I'm looking for some communication.
And then they put the little bit of mercury there and bye bye, time to die.
So let's go ahead and go back to more of the phone calls.
We're 45 seconds to break.
I'm going to come back.
Boom, boom, boom.
Roger Stone loves taking your calls.
So we'll ride shotgun with Roger Stone.
We'll get out of here at the bottom of the hour so he can cover all the topics he's got.
But I also got to mix in some stuff for him like the main lawyer lobbyist investigator
First hired by the family to investigate, Seth Ridge gets shot twice in the back and run over by a car in a D.C.
parking garage.
I didn't even know about it until today.
It happened a week ago.
That is crazy.
But it's not crazy.
I mean, we know.
Well, wait a minute.
You might get sued for saying that's a little suspicious.
I mean, you're a conspiracy theorist if you think that's suspicious.
Four hours straight ahead.
I don't think anything's suspicious anymore.
It's ridiculous is what it is.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are in the Resistance.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We're taking your phone calls.
Roger Stone's going to be popping in with us here in just a moment.
I was just reading during a break, Atlanta Black Star, Alex Jones says Africa should have been like Wakanda once evil colonists were kicked out.
And I'm saying according to the leftist.
And then they don't tell you that at the same rant, I was playing clips of the communist leader who's number three in the government, the defense minister and the current president of South Africa saying, we're going to take the white's land and we're going to kill you.
And no white should be allowed in government.
I'm just saying that's racist, that's crazy, that's stupid.
Whites are being exterminated in Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, you name it.
The countries are collapsing once that happens.
And they don't show that I showed people saying kill the white farmers.
Jones says whites better get out because racist blacks are going to kill you.
Yeah, and I played the clip.
But see, the media now is about lying.
I mean, they're even getting like local newspapers to lie now, Dr. Groot.
I know, that's why it's so important to know the truth all the time.
You know, they're not saying how important it is that we're all brothers and sisters.
I mean, honestly, it doesn't matter what the color of your skin is.
Well, it does with fluoride.
It studies it's twice as bad for blacks.
Well, that does, yeah.
But even viruses and vaccines and all that stuff is different for different types of... What I'm saying is spiritualism... We're all under attack.
We're all under attack and they're trying... But I'm the one with blackgenocide.com on and all the other groups and all the reverends trying to follow the black kids getting aborted.
You don't see that out of the cool, trendy, liberal black sites led by Muslims.
Actually, it's documented that blacks are attacked much more with
The syphilis vaccination, all the different vaccinations.
Blacks have been used for multiple top secret testing projects.
Which we expose, but I'm not virtue signaling to a bunch of racist black people brainwashed by the left to hate me because I'm white.
Just because a bunch of you black people out there act like you're in the black KKK doesn't mean I'm going to stoop down to the level you are.
You got that?
But I will run my mouth against black racists in South Africa murdering whites en masse.
You bet I will!
Go ahead, sorry.
Just more the reason why we need to control our stress levels and do some reordering exercises.
Well, I'm sick of it!
They get Reverend Childers back on.
By the way, he's a guy I want to get on every month anyways.
We just forget all these great guests.
You know, he exposes the black genocide going on.
And I don't do it like I'm virtuous.
I'm like, oh look, I'm against the black genocide.
I mean, really?
Half the blacks get aborted in this country.
And then white racists go, well Alex, see, you ought to be for that.
And Margaret Sanger says, see, the blacks are bad.
The left that runs the Margaret Sanger groups, that wants to kill them, runs the leftist ideology, turning them into racists, so they can't be part of the American system and be successful.
It's a total pincer attack!
Just because people are brainwashed victims trying to hurt me, doesn't mean I buy into it.
Now a group of black racists tried to kill me, I got firearms.
But the whole point is that I'm sad they were brainwashed.
It is unfortunate that, you know, the attack on pregnant women, and especially minority pregnant women, they're being utilized as test subjects with all the vaccines, and there was a recent article that said it's fine and it's safe to give a vaccine to a pregnant woman and all this other stuff.
When the insert says it can kill you.
And here's the thing, I mean, these minority women that are just trying to do the best they can, and then they have a baby, and what happens with the baby?
Well, first of all, Planned Parenthood, which that's a whole other thing, but
Then they have a baby, and what does the state give them?
A ton of vaccines.
They give them soy, formulas, the worst conditions for the baby.
I mean, it's all, you know, if we give, you're going to support us later on.
If you give, we're going to support us later on.
But in reality, it's about, let's have another person that we can control.
100% babies that are on formula, on the average formula, their brain's a third smaller.
The mothers are severely nutrient deficient.
15 point IQ reduction if you don't have iodine supplementation.
government studies look it up.
Then you add another 15 point reduction on average from fluoridation.
You got a person that would have 130 IQ?
Yeah, by the way, the fluoridated water that they were giving for babies was allowed under the welfare program, but regular purified water wasn't.
I saw that.
That's why they even produced a special fluoride water for the little black babies to further give them lobotomies.
But we're not going to hear about that from the movie Black Panther.
Why doesn't Wakanda warn you?
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This is Roger Stone for InfoWars.
The left has launched lawfare against Alex Jones, filing a bunch of bogus lawsuits against him that are designed to close InfoWars down.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
And Roger Stone!
And my good buddy, Dr. Edward Grip, one of the smartest guys I know, from the Global Healing Center.
You can find out more at GlobalHealingCenter.com.
Now, I've got at least Gabriel, Ty, Matt, Steven, Mike, Kevin, Matt, Chris, Josh.
I want to get to all these callers, but then I've got huge Seth Rich news that I want to get into, and we've got other big breaking news with Roger Stone.
Roger, we're going to take calls for a while.
I appreciate you letting us kamikaze in on you, but what else is coming up?
I know you've always got a full platter.
Well Alex, as I mentioned to you, the heat here in the New York Bureau of Infowars is not functioning and many Americans don't realize how cold New York City can be at this time of year.
You could literally hang meat in this room, but we're going to be here for the Alex Jones Show and we're excited about it.
Well, that sounds like my offices anyways.
I mean, we try to keep these cold, have you noticed?
Well, I like that, too, because, you see, like Dick Nixon, I'm a sweater, and it's very hard to focus right here.
You know, your communications when you're drenched in sweat, as Nixon learned in the 1960 debate.
So I like the air conditioning turned down.
This is unbelievable.
We're going to get into a lot of stuff with you.
Let's start going to some phone calls here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ty in Austin, Texas.
Let's talk about blockchain.
Go ahead.
Hey, gentlemen, thanks for taking the call.
Alex, love what you do.
Dr. Group, I was pleased to hear you, even if it was just, in my opinion, a little bit of a tease, talk about your experience when you were away learning about blockchain.
And I don't think people get that a certain Ivy League institution.
Oh, yeah.
I don't think people get that product is coming to market this year.
Very soon.
Some of it here in the spring.
Projects like Populous, AttX, Veritasium.
I don't care what
What area you want to pick?
Blockchain is about to revolutionize and change our world for the better.
And group, I would love to hear you and Max Keiser have a talk and go into it in a little bit more depth whenever Alex feels like he's got something to cover.
Yeah, Max Keiser is a hard guy to get on the show.
He used to always want to come on, and he'd come on from different countries he was in, and now he is a busy little beaver.
And he told me some of his personal stuff.
It has nothing to do with us, but he's just got a lot of stuff to manage.
All right, thank you, Ty.
You want to talk about blockchain?
I've been heavily involved in it for probably about a year and a half now.
I look at ICOs.
I follow it pretty closely.
I invest in a lot of different crypto tokens.
We're looking at ways to benefit from that, whether it's data storage technology, whether it's new, like you said, AdEx platforms like that.
I would suggest that people go online.
There's a lot of good YouTube
Well, they're definitely trying to crush it right now, but I don't think they'll be able to crush it forever.
Let's go to another one here real quick, and pop it anytime you want, Stone, there in your redoubt.
I want to go to a caller in Nova Scotia, Canada, then we'll go to another caller in Canada.
We've got a bunch of callers from Canada.
Let's go ahead and talk to Stephen in Canada.
Go ahead.
Well, thanks, Alex.
It's a pleasure talking to you guys.
I'll be quick, but a couple questions, I guess more aiming at Dr. Group.
I grew up a farm boy on Wellwater.
I moved to Toronto.
Long story short, back to what you said, babies costing money in the future.
In a sense, they told me my sperm count was low.
Eventually, they said, pay 10, 20 grand, you can have a kid this route.
My wife and I just kept plugging away, so to speak, quote unquote.
Leave her alone?
Yeah, we just had her.
Eventually, the strong sperm came through.
You know, I'm just curious on what, you know, when you named your top ten, I believe you said Florida was one.
How you kind of drive at that, and then, you know, how long would you say, you know, I guess, you know, 20 years, 30 years, obviously be worse.
Like, would you say it can really hit home in two years, five years of fluoride use in the brain and the system?
With everything combined, I mean, we're looking at a mass... We already are in a massive, sterile population right now.
People are having an extremely hard time getting pregnant, and most of the time it's the guy.
We actually had a fertility
Uh, natural fertility program years ago, and it was amazing.
We had people come to us from all over the world that spent $250,000 on IVF and everything, and it's very easy.
I mean, it really is very simple.
Isn't it just purified water, organic, good air, exercising, getting good iodine?
I mean, in mainline studies, it says women and men that can't have children, number one thing's iodine.
The number one thing is iodine, but what we would do is we pair the DNA and the genes and all that stuff first.
So we would take them through an intestinal cleanse with oxy powder and the good probiotics.
Then we would have them do three liver cleanses because the liver processes estrogen and helps with your hormone production.
You have to flush that out.
Yeah, you have to do three liver and gallbladder cleanses.
Then we would have them do a harmful organism cleanse.
Then we would have them do a heavy metal and chemical cleanse.
90% of the time, they change their diet like Alex says.
They start out exercising.
The good news is the body wants to heal.
It wants to be able to be fertile.
So it heals itself very rapidly.
So even if you have 20, 30 years of damage, you can repair that extremely fast.
Just like the liver can grow back.
That's the good news.
Thank you, Steven.
Thank you so much for the call.
It was a great point.
I know you're a big believer in cleanses as well, Mr. Stone.
Well, I must tell you, I think the InfoWars iodine formula is pure genius.
It is the best thing on the market.
All the proven needs for iodine across the board for immunity, for well-being, for strong, you know, the heart and the blood system and so on.
What I really like, generally speaking overall, as you know about the InfoWars
Products is somebody has very good doctor and others have very thoughtfully fused the oldest, most proven Chinese herbology, things that we've known for centuries, the role of ginseng, the role of orange peel, the role of all these elements.
And they fuse it with the most modern and technologically more knowledgeable nutraceuticals to give you a balanced formula for immunity, for example.
An immune wall.
An excellent example.
And that's why I like these products.
You know, I have been treated by a Chinese herbologist for 30 years.
I have acupuncture treatments just for balance and prophylactically, as I have for many years.
And I've used all the kind of supplements that you can buy on the market of various, usually German-made, but Chinese herbs that are marketed around the globe.
And I can tell you that the Infra Wars quality is actually better.
Well, that's the big secret is that we manufacture with Group and others that are top firms.
We'll actually put, you know, if something's $50, there's like $25 or $20 of product in it.
If something's $19, there's like $10 of product.
I mean, we put a lot of product in, and these companies, other than Group, because he's the guy that taught us how to do this, are like, whoa, nobody puts this much in.
Well, no, that's what we're actually, we're not seven times markup like the average company.
No, if you go to a drugstore or a grocery store or something like that, you're going to look at a nutraceutical or a dietary supplement.
Most of the time it's going to be a man-made mineral anyway and not a natural mineral or whatever they're going to tell you.
You're going to get fillers.
You're going to get inferior products.
They put fillers in there, they put crap in there.
You can go to CVS, you can go to Walmart, you'll find products.
That's what we find is crazy.
He's not kidding.
I mean, you know this.
Most of the products has like a dollar a product and then it's all marketing.
And these companies are like, you're going to put out a sleep aid that's $19 that has $5 of product.
Some of our stuff has 150, 200% markup like that.
But still, I was like, yeah, the average melatonin is a dollar to go in here, and then everybody sells it for $19?
Well, I'm going to put everything in there and then sell it for $19.
And we haven't even talked about the factor that every single manufacturer out there runs all of their finished goods through an x-ray machine to check for any type of metal fragments that might be in there from the machine.
And what they also do is when all the raw materials come in, they either steam sterilize them or they put them in a big microwave radiation chamber and nuke them.
And those are the 99
And doesn't that then kill any cofactors, break the ring structures, so basically it just isn't fresh anymore?
Well, it's like microwaves.
I mean, most countries ban, well, Russia banned microwaves way back when.
Oh, speaking of Russia, we have big breaking Russia news on the other side.
I'm not meaning to do this as a cliffhanger, but it's big news with Roger Stone.
Your phone calls as well.
We'll get into this.
Maine's Seth Rich investigator got shot twice in the back by a commando from the Department of Energy.
But it's no big deal.
No big deal.
Don't investigate.
Info Wars, my radio program, our TV broadcast, our films, are among some of the biggest viral sensations in the last 20 years.
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As of just a short time ago, and I'm talking about when this meeting started, on Twitter, if you clicked on the hashtag, NYC terrorist attack, which is, quote, trending, marked with a red button saying, quote, live,
The top tweet links to an InfoWars story with the headline, Imam, I warned de Blasio about New York City of terror he was too busy bashing Trump.
This is a real-time example of when we talk about
This information being weaponized, how quickly can you act and at least at some point in time it can't keep spreading like some sort of virus through the legitimate world?
That's something we're thinking about all the time because it's a bad user experience.
The system self-corrected, that shouldn't be the first tweet you see anymore, it should be a USA article the last time I checked.
But you saw this?
USA Today.
At lunch I did, yeah, and I also saw the system correct it.
At the very least, we can say that this shelf of videos from news partners is legitimate news because we know that these are legitimate news organizations.
And if at that point somebody decides they're going to scroll past that and go find Alex Jones, well...
They were looking for him, speaking with anyone.
So they shadow ban our videos, they block our articles, they ban us from advertising on Google platforms.
That's why it's so essential that you continue to stand in the face of their censorship.
Because if they can shut us down, they can shut you down.
But because of their brazenness, it's caused the Streisand effect.
And they're now panicking because their attempts to censor us have only made the message expand and get out in ways it never would have.
So I know a lot of you are smarter than I am.
You've got great inventive ways to take action.
But however you do it, spreading articles, spreading videos, on your own email list, telling friends and family about the censored information in person, however you do it, calling in to C-SPAN,
Getting on other shows online, letting them know that InfoWars is the tip of the spear, and that if we can be censored successfully...
All of you could be censored as well.
So be sure and like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter.
Be sure to send out the videos, the articles.
Be sure to report on anything we've covered that you think is important.
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Be sure and click the notifications.
Be sure and subscribe to all of our great channels because we're in a real fight
I think?
It's evil, and together we're gonna defeat it.
So folks, you have absolutely been the resistance, you have cut through all their propaganda, and because of that I salute you, and I ask you now, more than ever, to redouble your efforts, because if you're watching this transmission and listening, you are the resistance.
Bing bing bong bong bing bing bing.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
That's right, some good old, good old whaling.
You know, one day the mountain might get him, but the law never will.
Dr. Gribbs ride the shotgun with us.
We got Roger Stone up in the New York Command Center.
The Daily Caller's reporting on it was in the Washington Post, got almost no coverage.
A week ago, the main investigator that was first hired by the family, worked with them, all of it, he gets shot in the back twice by a Marine from the Department of Energy, runs over him in a parking garage.
He believes he's there to get a secret pickup on evidence of Hillary and the Russians.
That's even in the, but this, this is nowhere!
A little blurb in the Washington Post, a little blurb, you know, Daily Caller.
I want to get Roger Stone's take on that.
Speaking of Russia, getting along with Russia is a good thing.
And there's hysterical news everywhere.
Trump just endorsed the dictator and the fake election, which international observers say it's not a fake election.
It's not like China where it's the Communist Party elects, you know, the guy to life.
It's just crazy.
So here's Trump responding with a tweet.
I called President Putin of Russia to congratulate him on his election victory.
In past, Obama called him also.
The fake news media is crazed because they want me to excoriate him.
They are wrong.
Anything wrong with Russia and others is a good thing.
Roger Stone, a good thing, right?
They have nuclear weapons, right?
Donald J. Trump, peacemaker.
Look, it's a perilous world.
These people are armed to the teeth, and they have a vicious ideology, and they've already declared, essentially, their intention to bury us.
This is the rebirth of communism with another label, just as brutal, just as oppressive, just as opposed to our idea of liberty and freedom.
Trump has no illusions about Putin.
He doesn't think he's a great guy.
He's been briefed by the spooks who've told him how Putin rigged the election, which he most certainly did.
It's a totalitarian, single-party system.
Of course he rigged the election.
See, we're having this debate here.
It's a parliamentary system with like nine or ten different parties.
Putin is really popular.
I've read the international studies.
So you and David Knight, I'm not disagreeing with you because I respect you guys, but I mean, I do disagree.
I'm not saying, I'm sure you're wrong.
How is it me groveling to Russia to say he won by 76%?
I guess what I'm saying, Alex, is that you're right.
He certainly has his faction in its very large policed by the government.
But he really, what he does is he oppresses the candidates trying to run against him.
Throws them in jail.
Has their supporters, petition carriers, beaten.
Rousting their headquarters.
I mean, wiretapping them.
They make it impossible.
It sounds like what Hillary, if it's true, well we know Hillary did that here.
So you're accusing Putin of Hillary tactics, that authoritarian, wow.
Well, I mean, look, it was interesting because the great brouhaha that everybody tries to stir up about the WikiLeaks disclosures, as you know, is meant to distract from the incredible things we learned.
Like the fact that Hillary Clinton was knee-deep in the dirty tricks that were being used to bust up Donald Trump's rallies.
Wasn't it Nixon who went down for dirty tricks?
Now you have Hillary, you know, up to her nose.
So, all those other revelations that came from those incredible public disclosures roiled their campaign and everything in it was newsworthy and authentic and correct.
So, we have to distract from that history of corruption and try to cheat the system and blame the Russians.
Roger, by the way, that is a sharp looking gangster hat.
Well, I was going to say, I haven't converted to Orthodox Judaism, but I do like their hat.
And a rabbi in Brooklyn gave me this hat, who's a great friend.
But it does have that kind of rakish, frank and nitty look to it.
That is a good looking hat.
Yeah, those Orthodox Jews aren't supposed to have any style, but that's really stylish.
It's like, oh, I'm not stylish, this hat just looks really cool.
How many hats does Roger have?
Roger, how many hats do you have?
Oh, God.
See, I started collecting hats when I was very young, and I still have most of them.
I used to scour thrift shops and, you know, vintage clothing places.
What's the name of that hat?
That looks like a $500 hat.
This is a fedora, Alex.
Now that should not be, for example, confused with a... There you go.
No, this is a Homburg.
I don't like the Homburg.
Let's go back to the other one.
Homburg's not bad.
It's like you're like a British detective or something with that.
I want to see the fedora.
He needs even more room.
The black fedora increases your IQ from 150 to 200.
That's a little communist bomber hat right there.
There you are with your top hat.
Got your Strava, Florida hat.
Now what is that one?
Now this is the hat that Allen Dulles wore.
This is the hat that Dwight Eisenhower wore.
This is a formal Homburg.
Uh, and, uh, they're, um, you know, they're very dressy, uh, uh, for example.
It's a nice hat.
Can we please now go back to the other one?
I like it.
See, you go right for the gangster.
It looks slick.
I don't know.
You like that, you like that gangster look.
Do you have any official hats that were worn by any, like, Nixon or anybody that... Yeah, yes, actually, I do.
I have a, I have a, uh, fedora.
Uh, which was once owned by Al Jolson, and his name is embossed in there.
All right, we gotta stop.
Get back to serious issues.
I didn't mean to distract this.
Let's get into the big enchilada.
We're gonna break, come, uh, go back to calls.
There you go with the pith element, in case you're in Brazil, hacking through the... Let's get serious.
What in Hades is going on with this top investigator shot twice in the back and run over at a drop-off, uh, where he thought he was getting papers with Hillary connected to the Russians?
What in the world intel do you have on this?
I mean, the Seth Rich thing is really getting suspicious now.
What's extraordinary, Alex, is the way the mainstream media tries to stifle any discussion of Seth Rich.
This, by the way, is a Scottish battle hat.
Just one.
This is... Stop!
We're gonna go to break.
Hold on.
We're gonna go to break and talk back.
What'd you get doing dressed up here?
We'll come back on the other side.
By the way, he was shot in the butt and in the leg and he was bending over.
He actually had his dots and his dog in his hand as well.
Well, when I say back, he was shot from the back.
Yeah, it's crazy.
He runs with the dog.
The guy runs right over him twice.
But it's like, nothing suspicious.
Department of Energy Marine, no big deal.
Go away now.
So, we're going to come back with that and I promise right to your calls.
I promise.
In fact, up next is Josh in Carolina, Chris in Virginia, Matthew in New Hampshire, Mike in Texas, and Matt and Gabriel and everybody.
We're going to get to all those callers, at least.
Now, is that like a Robin Hood hat?
Is that a German hat?
Is that Bavarian?
It's a Bavarian hat.
It's what they called the Tirolean hat.
Very popular in the United States in the 3830s.
I like that too.
I like a Bavarian hat.
Yeah, so in any event.
We call it the Rob Duhat, actually.
We have a prototype of it.
Both Rob and I wear that hat.
It was worn by Sir Robert Montgomery when he helped win World War II.
Turn to the side so I can see the Bavarian hat.
I've got my hat, too.
Tenfold hat.
That hat gives the fedora a run for its money.
Good, all right.
We know what you like.
I like Jewish hats and German hats.
We'll be right back.
We wear many hats.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, the playtime is over now.
I started it, it's my fault, but Roger's really smiling over here.
So we're going to be back with the guy shot in the back.
You know, I've got some talking points here about Caveman from Infowarsandlife.com, but instead of going on those talking points, let me just give you what I've experienced personally.
From all the wives' tales in every culture, we know that the bones have the essence.
We know chicken noodle soup is great for people that are sick.
Again, in every culture, this has been reported because it works.
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And again, I want to thank you all for your support.
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William Binney is our guest.
He is the former technical leader of the intelligence with NSA before becoming a whistleblower in 2001 after more than 30 years of the agency.
Binney's been described as one of the best analysts and codebreakers in NSA history.
And again, he is the technical advisor for the film Snowden.
It is so amazing.
Again, this was published today at the Director of National Intelligence website.
William Benny, who's been advising the CIA director and others, let us know the minute it went out.
This is the secret memo that's so troubling that ties into all the perjury and the cabal of Clinton operatives trying to set the president and others up using the might of the surveillance grid that's meant for foreign powers against the American people.
I mean, this is incredible.
William Benny, start wherever you think's best.
I'd like to start with some of the things they're talking about on page 15 of that ruling where they talked about NSA having the authority to go in the upstream program and take down main communications trunks
Because I think there's some terrorist or dope dealer on there, and they can capture and keep the entire trunk line.
Capture all the data and keep it all.
And sort it and interrogate it.
That's basically how NSA analysts are able to look at their lovers and think they're cheating on them.
That's how they can do that, under that authority.
But that's all done in secret.
The FISA court is speaking to it there in their ruling.
The upstream program is the tafs on the fiber lines, where they take everything.
And that's really what I was trying to say about President Trump when he was being targeted in all the data they were collecting, including his entire staff on this committee and everything.
They were all being spoofed up in this bulk acquisition off the fiber lines in the Upstream program.
And the main slide that would show it, if you could put it up, is the Fairview program.
That is AT&T's tapping points inside the 48 states of the United States.
And you notice all the tap points are distributed with... This is the one that no mainstream media wants to show on TV.
Because this is the one that calls out this business about they're only after foreigners is an obvious lie.
You know, unless you face them and go after them and do something about this, you're not going to correct the problem in the future and people will look back and say, well, they got away with it, so I'll do it too.
That's why I blamed this all on Jerry Ford when he pardoned Nixon, you know?
When he did that, he said every president can do anything he wants.
He's now got to get out of jail free card.
That's the next president, who also wants to be able to do whatever he wants.
So you see, that was where I put the blame right there with Jerry Ford.
And if he had let Nixon go to trial and be indicted, then I don't believe that this would have happened.
But we haven't done any indictments of any of these people who have done similar crimes.
And now, for massive crimes, we haven't done any of that.
And that's really what we need to do.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, we've been talking about censorship a lot, and the globalists are moving against our free speech.
I have news here so over-the-top, so devastating, so insane, that I'm going to get to your calls and I'm going to finish up with Roger and let him cover some of his news and then at the end of the next segment I'm going to cover it with Dr. Group.
But, but Group's here staying late because he's got to go back to Houston to take your calls, we're going to do that.
But this, this ban, this ban on YouTube is so big, it affects us, it affects you, and this has happened to us personally.
Now, and it's in Bloomberg.
I'm going to cover it next segment, but we have the inside story from Spikes Tactical.
They're listed in the article.
All firearms, except by law enforcement and military, are to be banned off YouTube.
You show it, you talk about it, unless you're Hollywood, then you can show guns and shooting.
Total discrimination.
This is like banning the word that's associated with the dictator of China.
So YouTube expands restrictions on videos featuring firearms and firearms accessories.
Just says you will not have them and just banned one of our big sponsors, SpikesTactical.com.
Promo code Alex.
They got the best AR-15s out there.
Military, everybody agrees.
They're very affordable and they're trying to shut them down.
So that's coming up next segment.
Roger, this is a very serious issue.
Take it off.
Come on.
This is going to be on the news.
I really want your Seth Ridge take.
Come on.
Stop it.
Now he's wearing a cowboy hat.
What is the name of that one?
Didn't you know YouTube's banned hats?
You can't show any hats!
Here's the point, Alex.
The reason that they did that policy was to ban a video that you and I made at a shooting range in Austin.
Now, that day, I wore what you said was the biggest cowboy hat you'd ever seen, and I said, no, I actually have one that's bigger.
This is it.
So, in any event, let's go to Seth Rich.
What is the name of that horrible thing?
This is Tom Mix.
Tom Mix was the first singing cowboy movie star.
I was about to say, that's a really old-fashioned cowboy hat.
Yes, very 30s Texas.
It's a great look.
Well, you better be in charge when you walk around in that.
Yeah, there's no question.
This is how the El Padrón wore this hat in the Texas range.
In any event, let's get to Seth Rae.
Yeah, no, this is really big.
This is so serious.
Well, you've seen the report, but recap it and give us your take.
Well, here's the most extraordinary thing, and that is a barrier in the mainstream media to anyone who wants to talk about this.
This is precisely why they're cracking down on our content, because we will discuss it.
And there's just too many anomalies in this case.
First of all, you have Bill Binney and Ray McGother and other respected former counterterrorism IT wizards
For these agencies telling us that there's far more evidence that the material that was hacked from the DNC was not hacked at all but downloaded to a zip drive or a phone drive.
Sure, the download speed was six times at the time what anybody could do.
He's the former head of the NSA technical so he is the wizard and they've looked at it absolutely and then you've got all the Debbie Washington Schultz and the missing laptops and the Owan brothers and blah blah blah and him but now I
But now, the guy investigating it gets shot twice in the back, like Seth Rich, and then run over by a car, lives!
But when we go out and say that, they're going to say, ah, you see, it's another one of those Sean Hannity, Alex Jones conspiracy theories.
There's a mainstream media conspiracy here not to talk about this case, despite all of the compelling facts.
I was about to say, it's sensational when the main investigator in D.C.
is going to do a pickup of data, lifts up the cone where it's supposedly at, gets shot twice in the back from behind, runs with his dog, gets run over and still lives.
And then the guy is a commando marine from the Department of Energy.
What's clear from the beginning is that Seth Rich has motive.
He's a progressive.
He's a Bernie Sanders supporter.
Although technically, as a DNC employee, he's not supposed to be sorting anybody.
His heart is with Bernie.
He sees the way Hillary and Deborah Wasserman are stealing anything in the building that isn't nailed down.
That's his motive.
He's motivated by his ideology.
He sees these people cheating the movement that he belongs to politically.
And that's why he gives the documents, foremost probably, to Assange.
I base that solely on Assange's extraordinary interview where he said repeatedly, when asked about Rich,
Our sources, I'm not saying Mr. Rich was a source or he wasn't, but our sources take their lives in their hands when they cooperate with us.
He said it three times and then he posted this reward or a reward.
For information that leads to the... And now his mother says she's suing Fox News because she's hurt after her son died and the media coverage hurt.
Well, I'm sorry.
It's a public thing.
He got killed.
You had a reward out.
Of course, it's unsolved murder.
We can speculate all day.
No, no, but this is pivotal because, you see, their whole shutting you up is based on the family's request for privacy.
Well, the right to privacy is very important.
But it's not more important than the right to the truth.
This was an assassination.
This kid was murdered for political reasons because he was giving up the inside on how Hillary was robbing the nomination process.
Perhaps, perhaps, and we have a right to say that, but now that people are getting shot in the back and there's lawsuits and everything, I mean, that adds a lot of fuel to this.
There's no question.
Why does the D.C.
police still have his laptops and nobody can see them?
Which would prove that he was in touch with WikiLeaks if he is the leaker.
I have no inside knowledge.
And then you've got Shultz threatening, saying, I'll cut off D.C.'
's funding if you don't give me the other laptops.
And the police say no.
Do we even know who has those now?
Well, the Capitol Hill police chief is actually a patriot, and he's a very feisty guy who does it by the book.
And when Deborah Wasserman Schultz tried to run over him in a hearing, tell him it essentially threatened him if her laptops were not returned in the entire Wannbrother mess.
This is another huge story that we have worked with others in the alternative media to cover that the mainstream media just doesn't seem to get on page one.
These two guys are most likely Pakistani intelligence from a number of points of view, and they rob not just money, but they rob the identity and all the personal information of 130 congressmen, and then they're using it as leverage to blackmail them, essentially.
That's all on InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, the video of it all.
They don't want you to know.
Our prayers go out to the lady's family and her, but you know, your son's in an unsolved murder and worked for the DNC, and we have a right to look at it.
Now the guy investigating got shot twice in the back and run over, so...
I don't understand.
Why wouldn't she want more knowledge out there?
A top DNC crisis manager took over about two weeks after.
Now that's the important thing.
People need to understand the chain of events here.
Rich is murdered.
Rich's father says publicly he wasn't robbed.
His ring, his wallet, his jewelry, all intact.
Uh, and they hire an investigator.
Then suddenly, the investigator is fired, he's discharged, and a crisis consultant who does work for the Democratic National Committee is hired.
At that point, their new strategy is to trot the family out saying, respect our privacy, ask no questions about this, you're disgusting, you're a conspiracy if you ask any reasonable question about this case.
That's their whole, you know,
Thank you.
All right, we're going to break.
Coming back and jamming in a few final calls.
Dr. Group, boom, boom, boom.
I promised your calls.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Imagine ten years ago,
Hearing that Charlie Chaplin would be arrested for making his great dictator comedy film, Making Fun of Hitler.
Well, Count D'Acula, who's anti-Nazi, but if he was pro-Nazi, it's just right in the UK.
They've got the same free speech as we do, supposedly.
He is facing one year in prison.
I kept saying six months because the news said that.
I had him on.
It was yesterday.
It's one year.
Well, now YouTube bans firearms demo videos.
Entering the gun control debate.
Well, I mean, if gun companies want to demo their firearms, and you're going to ban that, but Hollywood can show guns being misused, this is so discriminatory.
All right, let's go to these phone calls.
Roger Stone's riding shotgun with us right now.
Thank you for holding your rope.
We need to ban video games then, too, right?
With all the guns that the kids are watching and shooting people.
Let's see, that's $100 billion a year or whatever.
How big is video games in the U.S.
I know it's hundreds of billions worldwide, like $200 billion.
Test my memory.
Worldwide video game sales, 2017.
Let's look it up.
We won't have numbers, obviously, this year.
All right, let's go to these calls.
That's a great point.
That's the point.
You can ban that.
You can ban everything, baby.
Major firearm sellers just doing demos that are mainly for the military and law enforcement.
That is unprecedented.
108 billion.
How much did I say?
I said a hundred and something billion.
Was I right?
I think a hundred and something billion, yeah.
Well, it says 108, but did I guess it right?
What did I say?
I don't know.
I can't remember.
I'd like to test my memory.
Okay, here we go.
Matthew in New Hampshire.
Matthew in New Hampshire, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, this is Dr. Group and Roger.
I'd just like to say I've been listening to you guys for a long time and I'm a big fan of what you guys do.
Thank you.
Well, I'm a fan of you, buddy.
We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.
So, muah!
Well, thank you.
I wanted to call in to tell you, I think you should push your shortwave broadcast more.
It's a good way to reach out to the public.
Yeah, we pay like $15,000 a month to go out on global transmitters, and we don't really get any money back from it, but we get letters from
You know, kids in Africa, and people in Asia, and people in Latin America, and missionaries, and families, and military that listen to it, and a lot of folks in the U.S.
We should talk about it more.
The money goes back to getting everything transmitted out.
Satellites, shortwave, you name it.
Nice, nice.
Well, if you guys could increase that, I'm sure people would be willing to listen.
Yeah, I don't even have time to monitor it.
How much does WWCR put us out?
I think I'm paying to put out like six hours a day.
Uh, yeah, well, I get your show in its entirety from noon until four Eastern, and then I re-broadcast your show again at nighttime on another frequency, but I don't generally hear that one.
But, you know, here in the world... No, I hear you, I hear you, and you know, here's the deal.
I can't pay for Am and FM stations.
And TV stations are picking us up, but shortwave, dance with the one that brung you, WWCR, I mean basically we are still, we're the real Voice of America.
Voice of America isn't even on shortwave anymore.
So I would love to put Owen and David Knight on shortwave.
That's a great idea.
Those are still big audiences and it's fun.
We sell shortwaves, get one, show your kids, send it in.
It's basically like superpower AM radio.
David Knight, you want to comment on that?
Well, I was thinking about David Knight.
See, I think I'm actually having a senile moment.
I was thinking about, hey, David Knight.
Well, he's wearing so many damn hats, I can't tell.
David Knight wears a hat like that.
What do you call that type of hat?
This is called a baker hat or a newsboy cap.
For those who are just tuning in, it's about 10 degrees in this apartment where we have the Infoware studio set up.
Did George Soros come and crap in the heating system?
Yeah, you don't have one of those space heaters?
We have probably been targeted by a liberal democratic landlord.
No, I just think it's a malfunction of the boiler, but I must tell you, many people don't realize how cold New York and that part of the country gets at this time of year.
Wait, you just flipped up!
Didn't you tell me that it's gotten so bad you are being thrown out of your apartment?
Well, that was my old apartment.
This is an undisclosed location because the streets of New York are really unfortunately not safe for me anymore.
There's a 50-50 chance that the person coming up to you will say,
Tell Alex Jones I love him, I love everything you've done for Trump, I love the President, can I have a selfie?
And then the other half of the people who want to yell at you, traitor, Russian, just nonsense, and then the people who want to scream at you that you're going to jail, and then a few people who want to physically confront you.
Now, when I was having dinner with my wife and my children and my grandchildren at an Italian restaurant in South Florida,
Two activist left-wingers came to our table and started screaming insults at us while I'm dining on a Sunday.
Hey, my middle daughter was skiing with my ex-wife in Connecticut, and a full-grown man, when they found out who she was, came over and yelled at a 10-year-old.
I mean, they have no decency.
Let's go to their phone call.
Thank you, Matthew.
Let's go to who's up next here.
Oh, let me see.
We're the ones at the bottom about the... Yeah, let's talk to Josh in South Carolina.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
This is Info Warrior Josh reporting for duty.
Rebel leader, do you copy?
Over and out.
Are you talking about David Knight here with the Newsboy hat?
I mean, sorry, Roger Stone, sorry.
What a fantastic birthday present.
And it's no coincidence that after 15 years at a list...
As a listener, you and I are now standing shoulder-to-shoulder battling the empire that ever ended, considering we were separated at birth only by PKD's exegesis, which ended 44 years ago today.
Sounds like it's something from... I'm buying into that!
K. Dick, you know Philip K. Dick.
You've been in a couple of his movies.
I know who PKD is, I guess I do.
I know the secrets of PKD!
Alright, well then let me transmit back at you.
Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep.
Like that guy, like the robot, went to the transgender thing?
I'm sorry, go ahead, Roger.
I'd like to speak to this because Tucker and Alex and I had the honor of having dinner together at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.
Now, that doesn't mean Tucker agrees with Alex about everything, although he certainly agrees with him about many things, but I think he has an affectionate respect for Alex Jones.
Oh yeah, Tucker has come here and hung out.
We've got dinner before here in Austin.
You know, this idea that he doesn't like you or that he's been trashing you, I can just find no evidence of that.
Well, I mean, like, ten years ago or something, he said I was freaking crazy or something.
He didn't really know who I was.
It had been a misrepresentation, but now... No.
Far more likely, somebody upstairs at Fox called downstairs and ordered him to do that.
Because the place had odd management, and they always felt beleaguered by anybody who was growing.
Newsmax bothered them.
Infowars bothered them.
Without need.
We're comrades.
We're soul brothers.
The broader the message, the more people getting it out there, the better.
Well, I'm not exactly... I like Sean Hannity.
I like Tucker Carlson.
I don't know what the caller's talking about.
I don't think Tucker had to say anything negative to me.
I couldn't find it.
So, perhaps it's a miscommunication by the caller, but he did call into the war room.
Yeah, thanks, Josh.
But I really did research it, and I just can't find it.
I know Alex and Tucker are buds.
Well, we do exchange text messages, but it's not like some star thing.
Like, oh, he talks to me, I talk to him.
His dad was interesting.
His dad ran Voice of America.
So we were just talking about Voice of America earlier.
His dad used to run that.
That's why it's really funny when they have congressmen on that call him a Russian agent.
I mean, there's just no end to this.
What type of hat is that?
Is that like an English hat?
This is another version of the Hamburg, a different shape, slightly different shape.
But if you had any idea how cold it was in here, I knew I'd have to wear a hat, so I figured I would wear many hats just to break up the night.
It's very nice.
We really like it.
You know, but I'm getting to the point where I'm going to need gloves here shortly.
All right, let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Virginia.
Chris, thanks for holding.
Ah, no problem.
My question was for Dr. Group.
I was wondering, looking at the big picture of things, how concerned are you with prosperity coming back to America and everything, confidence on the rise that the globalists will pull mass biological warfare?
They're already putting the souped up stuff in the flu shots.
And you're already seeing that they're starting to get their bug out places in order.
I think a lot of it has to do with making sure that they have a place to go, the ones that know about it, and that they have the proper antidote.
That's it!
The fact that they're all going to their bunkers and cramming, really all starting to move out, means the timetable's getting close.
Yes, and they're also testing a lot of things with the vaccinations.
It's not quite right that they have everybody's immune system.
I think this last test, when everybody in the world practically got the flu multiple times in the last six months, they have three different types of flus that people got.
I think it's getting closer and closer, but the thing is, you do have the proper supplements.
The caller, I'm glad, I apologize to Chris and Mike and Kevin and Matt.
Call back, we'll go to the front of the line.
Thank you, Roger Stone.
War Room's coming up.
I want to show our friend Roger Stone.
Dotter Group, thanks for doing four hours with us.
Thank you!
Dotter Group Global Healing Center, thank you all for your support.
We're in a fight of our lives, but we're in it together.
It's where I want to be.
God bless you, I love you, all of you.
Support this network and not only support us but trigger the verified libtards on Twitter.
They had an absolute meltdown a few days ago.
They found an ad that I had cut for Brain Force, which by the way you should also get in 4WarsStore.com.
Always use the opportunity to promote it even more.
They had a meltdown over an ad that I cut in April and they found it like it was some secret and they were like, oh my god, this is the funniest thing ever.
So they literally had an autistic screeching fit over
An ad of me promoting Brain Force, which is a new tropic, which like literally half the people in Silicon Valley take, which everybody has their different brand of.
Oh, but when InfoWars does it, it's bad and it's funny somehow.
If that's the best they've got, we advertise products that got five-star independent reviews that you see right there on InfoWarsStore.com.
Brain Force Plus.
They had an absolute meltdown.
It was hilarious.
They wrote it at Vice.com!
Listen, if this is the best they've got against yours truly, that I advertised Brain Force six months ago, everybody in Silicon Valley take some kind of nootropic.
This isn't like some hokey snake oil