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Name: 20180218_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 18, 2018
1867 lines.

In this segment, Alex Jones discusses the controversy surrounding a movie and promotes various products from Infowars Life and Store. He criticizes those who try to manipulate public opinion through media coverage and encourages listeners to use alternative news sources like InfoWars."

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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Senator, are there any draft bills or anything out there right now that you think might get a second look at this point?
Something that's already been out there and sort of sits somewhere in the middle that you could actually get some more attention on?
Yes, and I'm a co-sponsor of all of them.
One of them, for example, is Senator Feinstein's bill.
There are a number of us that are sponsoring it that says that you cannot legally purchase
An assault weapon.
And then it goes on for a hundred pages to define what is an assault weapon and what is not an assault weapon.
Collectors items, for example, would not be an assault weapon.
But I'll tell you what is, and it's the two assault weapons that have got us here in Florida.
The AR-15 and the Sig Sauer that took out 49 people in Orlando.
And that is Democrat Senator Bill Nelson, who has armed bodyguards himself, who is a monster.
Dianne Feinstein and others have introduced their bills before.
All semi-autos are banned.
And that's all under the UN's own admitted treaty that their main goal
Is disarming the American people and the Swiss people, because there's only a couple countries where citizens still own guns.
Ladies and gentlemen, the globalist-backed Arab Spring killed over a million people.
Over 200,000 plus women and children, many of which sold into slavery.
You don't hear a word about them being humanized.
After criminals in our government, Hillary, Obama and others destabilized North Africa and areas of the Middle East.
You don't hear a word.
These people were in there helping overthrow secular pro-Western governments to turn it over to the Islamists and then they shake their finger when 17 innocent people get killed and tell us as gun owners we're to blame.
Because somebody got a semi-automatic rifle, and despite that, semi-automatic rifles are still used only in a fraction of the crimes.
Look it up.
And mass murder, mass shootings are flat since the early 1990s.
Overall gun crime, as you know, is down close to 60%.
So, those are the facts.
And what's outrageous is, they level their finger at you and I and everybody else.
This is America, born out of the Second Amendment.
And you tell us that it's our fault, and there's this whole pitch from CNN and others.
No more!
Make it stop, President!
It's your fault!
Make it stop!
Make it stop when the left backs the communist Chinese running their country where they have millions of people in slave camps and execute tens of thousands and sell their organs?
There's no news coverage of that.
There's no waving the bloody cert.
There's no complaining about suicide nets at Apple factories in China and people being, you know, suicided.
It's all just these grandstanding globalists up there using these events to then humanize only what they want to humanize and then tell the American people that they're to blame when they have their own firearms.
And then Feinstein has said before, I want to ban all the guns.
Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
The letter, oh, I don't mean that.
I never said that.
No, no, no.
What they're up to, it's what they're pushing, and it's sick.
Because these Joker-like creatures like Hillary want their slaves disarmed.
They want you domesticated.
They want you controlled.
That's why they're banning having best friends in public schools and decades ago banned tag and dodgeball and want to ban contact football.
It's on, because they want to make way for the robot takeover.
That's their own emissions.
They want to make it where exploration is not about humans, and the law is keeping you safe.
Well, under the laws of robotics that Isaac Asimov envisioned, keeping you safe is the perfect way to enslave you.
And that's exactly how they hypothesized, and that's now what's actually happening.
But coming up... Wow!
We have got a full raft of incredible information straight ahead, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm just going to leave it at that until we come back, because this is a bombshell transmission, and we're kicking it off right now.
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You know, Australia is a good example.
Canada is a good example.
Because each of them had mass killings.
Somebody somewhere will comment and say, Obama politicized this issue.
Well, this is something we should politicize.
I'm not going to carry a gun.
I don't want to be involved in a gun fight.
If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
So the notion that gun laws don't work is not borne out by the evidence.
He says that the Chicago police had a plan over this bloody 4th of July weekend.
Nonetheless, as you indicated, Corey, there was a count of casualties that could have been from Afghanistan or Iraq.
We'll make it.
Harder for law-abiding citizens and criminals will still get their guns.
In many cases the offenders, felons, some out on parole, some out on bond.
We have to respect the tradition in this country of people who want to defend themselves and their family from violence.
There are people at high levels in this government who have
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The average American does not have that.
Mayor Bloomberg, why can you defend yourself but not the majority of Americans?
I mean, look at the team of security you got.
Every day, every school, at every level.
One thing that I think is clear with young people, and with adults as well, is that we just have to be repetitive about this, and we need to do this every day of the week, and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
Was this the weapon of choice for a new kind of terrorist?
When a five-year-old girl said she and a classmate should shoot each other with bubbles, the school called it a terrorist threat.
AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals.
You know, the right to bear arms is because that's the last form of defense against tyranny.
Lay down your arms, you damned rebels!
But we don't need the ability to arm ourselves against the army or the police.
What kind of a situation in the U.S.
would you see that happening?
I mean, we've got a lot of Constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
...discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem, us.
To say, we're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not knocking down, if you want them, come and take them!
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones!
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live Global Sunday Transmission.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
It is the 18th day of February 2018.
Hard to believe we're in 2018 already, halfway through the second month.
I'm going to cover this more in the second hour because I've got a bunch of other super critical news to get to on what world government's up to, plans to crash the economy by the globalists unless we stop them, the Democrats admitting they want to have a race-based platform because America isn't white anymore, but white people said don't be racist and opened it up.
See, it's a total double-crossing by the party of the KKK, but it won't empower people to get on the race-based narrative.
It's just a way to control people.
So that's coming up.
There's so much to cover here, but first, because we're covering the Second Amendment and the tragic events that just unfolded in Florida, I'm seeing these headlines, not just from CNN, but other fake news establishment media.
And it's that.
Make it stop, Mr. President.
Make the violence stop.
You need to stop it right now.
And that idea that if somebody rapes their wife, or somebody runs over somebody with a car, or somebody stabs somebody, that somebody's to blame.
You're like, well, people don't blame you if you're stabbed or if you're run over.
That's right.
They only do it if it's guns.
Because guns could fight back against a foreign power, they could fight back against tyranny, and they empower the individual to protect themselves from crime.
And the Democrat model is high crime to control populations that they actually control.
Oh, they bring the drugs in, they run the local barrios, they run the ghettos.
I mean, that's their model.
Look at Chicago, look at Detroit, look at
Look at L.A.
They are criminals!
And they've been caught, and it's what they do.
And they're race pimps.
And they're the party of the KKK.
They know race baiting.
So, they get these sad mothers and others that have lost families, and I totally understand them saying, hey, do something, fix it, stop it, stop it now.
But the idea is, oh my gosh, another person on psychotropic drugs, who'd been adopted, and in the whole foster care system, and then his parents had died, and his brother was in a mental institution, he's been in the system his whole life, on government drugs, mass murder pills, mass murder suicide pills, as I told Piers Morgan a number of years ago, and they kicked me off the air, you're not supposed to say that.
It's on the insert those drugs can make you kill people.
And he said he was going to kill people, and he said, I'm going to be the mass shooter.
He saw the media hyping it.
Is it the media's fault?
Is it the psychotropic drugs' fault?
Is it the mental illness' fault?
It's all of that.
The Second Amendment is secondary.
He would have gone and gotten a car and run over people.
You've had Muslims kill hundreds of people apiece, and it doesn't even hit the news.
They won't say it's a Muslim.
But they will say, truck attack!
Is it time to start restricting people's access to big trucks after the New York attack?
A few months ago?
Is it time to not let people rent big trucks?
So I can't go rent a U-Haul because another Muslim runs over a bunch of people?
It's the same thing with the damn guns!
So here it is, Dem Senator touts proposed gun ban that goes for 100 pages, bans all semi-autos.
That's being announced right now.
Played the video last segment, it's up on InfoWars.com.
Yeah, you knew this was coming.
Mitt Romney, Mr. Globalist.
He's getting ready to run for the Senate as we first broke four months ago.
It's now been announced to then position himself like he's a winner, because he never won in politics, at a federal level.
Get him into the senatorial position like Hillary did, and then run against Trump.
And he says, ban the semi-autos.
So there you go.
That's up on Infowars.com from Red State.
MSM eagerly touts angry students' new gun control reforms.
End assault rifles!
Ban them!
Do something!
Do something!
Well, I mean, what about the four or five truck bombs that happened today?
Hundreds and hundreds of dead.
No one even pays attention in Pakistan and Egypt and everywhere else.
You know, ban Islamic bombings!
Do something!
I mean, I'm gonna tell them, left!
Do something!
Another Islamist goes and kills 50-something people at the gay nightclub.
Gets hardly any coverage, and they say this is the biggest mass murder in Florida history.
17 dead.
I don't know, 56?
I mean, again, it's all just fake news world.
They think you're not paying attention.
Cuomo of CNN, the guy that says you can't read WikiLeaks.
Total liar.
You know, the hit-and-run guy.
He's famous for being drunk driving and crashing into things.
They let him off in New York.
That's on record.
It's not as bad as being found with a dead intern like Joe Scarborough.
But hey, if you're an establishment, you know, whatever.
As they say, no autopsy, but get out of jail free, whatever.
Bill Clinton, all of it.
Jerry Epstein, all nine yards.
But when you look at this, it's just this idea that everyone else is to blame, but the media and the government, everybody with the bodyguards.
So then...
They run headlines that he was an NRA member and he was an NRA trained.
None of it was true.
He was in the school pellet gun club in middle school.
Then, it's like saying, don't teach him how to drive and not try to run people over.
It's the same story.
You're like, well, don't take my right to drive with someone else.
There's something wrong.
But see, that's the mindset here.
Then they said, Ted Cruz
And all of the Republicans, same guy I mentioned Cuomo, on CNN said, Cruz wouldn't show up today for the show.
Cruz did the interview, they taped it and didn't air it, and Cuomo was so arrogant he thought he'd go on air and say, Cruz won't show up, nobody will show up.
We've got the video.
She laughed.
And then meanwhile, the Republicans are all begging to come on, even doing interviews, but they won't air them.
Again, imagine the arrogant, criminal nature of that.
Robbing the truth.
So, it's amazing.
CNN lies about Cruz Trump avoiding questions.
Florida Governor Rick Scott calls on FBI Director to resign for failing to investigate.
Tip, absolutely.
Trump says the same thing.
They control corporate media.
A taxi.
But the new thing when we come back is they're now saying all pro-gun info online will be banned because Russia runs it.
Let's talk to Victor in Florida.
Victor, you're calling.
Go ahead.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Infowars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are on a razor's edge right now.
Private corporate global government is trying to directly overthrow any independent nation, whether it be old world, first world,
Third world, it doesn't matter.
This is global, AI, mega bank, robber baron, total war conquest in their own words, their own white papers, their own admissions.
And they just were so arrogant they hoped you wouldn't look into it.
They know we're pointing it out, that's why they're trying to shut us down.
Again, ask yourselves why they're so scared of InfoWars.
Because we don't just cover whatever the big news is, we cover what the actual policy is.
And it's very draconian.
So, remember a year and a half ago it came out in WikiLeaks that George Soros
Wanted Obama to hand full control of the internet over to the UN and then ban all nationalistic, all patriotic, all pro-family, you name it, media, and quote, only push media affiliated and approved by him.
And it turns out he advises Google, Facebook, Twitter.
He spends billions off all the swindled black ops and, you know, money laundering operations and things he's admittedly involved in.
He's a giant criminal kingpin.
His wealth is, most of it's under the surface like an iceberg.
And now it's in the news, Soros proposed to regulate Google, Facebook, infuriates internet users, and then they've announced in the Financial Times, you name it, George Soros is running it, he's trying to block the Brexit, the UK actually voting and not being under EU control, and he says that he wants them to shut down anti-EU speech.
And that ties into this.
CNN reports that pro-Grund tweets are coming from Russian bots to sow discord.
And then on Drudge, there's a headline, Russian journalists who uncovered election interference confounded by Mueller
Only 90 people with 2 million made America scared and it was trolls that were paid by whoever paid them and 80 plus percent was helping Bernie and then Hillary and then once everything was viral Trump they jumped on that just for their customers and then they jumped anti-Trump and funded real protests when he was president-elect saying he's not my president.
That's all confirmed right now!
You got Hillary with almost $3 billion, you got some Russian troll farm, which is like tiny compared to the other troll farms.
But it doesn't matter, see?
They're gonna say, if you're pro-gun, you're a Russian agent.
God, George Washington was a Russian.
The Russians have a time machine.
They went back to try to stop the British Empire that was so good.
And the whole thing's Russian.
George Washington, Iwo Jima, the Marine Corps, it's all Russian.
The Army, everything's Russian!
And of course, I'm being sarcastic, but that's what they're saying!
First it was 600,000 people a few weeks ago, then it was 2 million.
Got emails saying, you're a Russian agent.
And then Twitter had to back off because the lawsuits went, actually none of these people are.
We were just told to do this by Congressman Schiff.
Just say they're all Russian agents because they like Trump or they like free market.
Go to Venezuela, go to North Korea, go to all the other crap holes, go to collectivism.
If you want a couple thousand party members running your life and deciding who can have a business, if free market in America sucks so bad, get the hell out!
And it doesn't mean we're perfect, by the way.
These are multinational corporations playing everyone, manipulating everyone.
I've got big stacks of articles here.
Here's one on the World Net Daily.
America's number one enemy, a world government summit.
So again, America is the number one enemy at the world government summit.
We covered some of this last week.
CNBC reported it.
It's called the world government summit.
And at the summit, all they talked about
Was how they had to stop America and nationalism and free market, and they had Goldie Hawn bumbling around pushing world government.
So, constant world government meetings, constant power being transferred out of our countries, these multinational groups.
And then Trump comes along and says no, and then he's the bad guy.
But remember, world government doesn't exist, even as the whole thing's being announced.
So, you got Soros.
Saying take over the internet, shut down free speech, and despite the fact that Trump's in power, they're still just going ahead with it.
A lot of people go, well, a lot of people I know that were so-called libertarians or patriots, when they saw their websites and things go way down being pro-Trump and being censored, they all just flipped and became anti-Trump.
And then it still killed their readership.
Somebody wanted to read that.
It's like, and I know people off record that went, man,
I was making, you know, $500,000 a year off advertising, but my site has been around 10 years, whatever this is, real person I'm talking about, and I'm going to come out against Trump.
And the weird thing is they're dumb enough to even tell me that so they won't be banned, and then they attack me later.
Like, you tell me you're a traitor, and you tell me you're doing this for money, and then you've got the nerve to run around and talk crap about me to the news and stuff when you are a whore!
And then, of course, they're already censoring everybody now.
Once you idiots went, oh, we'll be part of the inclusive group that is promoted, we'll be part of the goody boy club, and then we'll get promoted.
Once they got all you fools compromised to go along with censorship, they had everything.
But you don't think I didn't get the calls from Facebook two and a half years ago, two years ago?
I had Facebook go, just watch what we can do if we don't block you.
I could fart in a minute and have 5 million views for about a month.
And I didn't shut up!
I kept going through and they went, nobody on your Facebook can see your stuff now unless they go to the very front page of there.
We're going to ban that soon.
I mean, that's the real world you live in, folks, where they're working around the clock to kill free market, to kill America.
The battle's happening.
That's not rhetoric.
This is now.
But the one thing they can't stop is those hundreds of AM and FM stations and hand-sharing articles and videos.
It's the Streisand effect.
They jumped the shark.
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We'll be back with the really big news on the other side.
Be part of the rebellion.
Spread the live video links.
Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand?
I'm ringing the alarm.
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to InfoWarsStore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Dude, I'm not doing that!
They're having congressional hearings saying they want me completely banned.
The Democrats want me arrested.
They're suing me.
I'm under attack, Frank!
Okay, they banned us off Google Ads.
We were bringing five million in a year.
It cost a lot to run this.
They're just chopping off all my tentacles.
I keep growing more as fast as I can.
And as fast as I cut them off, I'm shooting out tentacles.
Tell Frank why we need support.
Tell him right there.
Hey, Frank!
Frank, this is not bragging.
We don't say, oh, we're under attack for attention or because we like the attention, although of course everybody likes a little bit of attention, it's nice.
But I can't do TV, and I can't do radio, and I can't publish books, and I can't sell anything, and I can't do live events because they systematically strangle you out of existence using every... We're the heretics!
Yeah, exactly, using every resource at their disposal.
So it's not bragging, it's a daily reality, and that's why you've got to support things like Infowars and...
Sure, and we didn't do it for the last hour and thirty-something minutes.
We're doing it now.
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Everybody wants somebody to fight?
We're fighting!
And we love you and we appreciate you.
All we're saying is, we kicked their ass, but they're doubling down on us to make examples of us.
If you make examples of us and fund us, we will be victorious and you win.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
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Brett Smith, author of Thump, The First Hundred Days.
Explain to people about Thump and why this is an important book and how it ties into things.
And I just thought to myself, you know, this is brilliant.
This is the ultimate juxtaposition of what everyone says about the president.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Now, I know that you as listeners and viewers have seen mainstream media lie quite a bit.
You understand what's going on.
So the big mission is to reach out to other people
You aren't aware of what's going on, and let them understand there's a big, epic battle going on where we're trying to get control of our country back under our own government.
Not that it's perfect, but at least it's our own system, not some megalomaniacal, authoritarian, anti-human, transhumanist technocracy.
And I'm gonna give the number out here in a moment.
We're gonna open the phones up right into the next hour.
But when I saw the headlines the last few days, well you saw it, we covered it.
Nicholas Cruz was part of a white supremacist compound.
The leader of it admits it.
None of it was true.
And then, it would be retracted, but then MSNBC and CNN, it would get retracted by the local paper in Florida, but they wouldn't retract.
And now even AP and the New York Daily News won't retract when they go,
Nicholas Cruz was a member of the NRA and trained with them.
No, they had a pellet gun club that wasn't NRA at the school.
It's, it's, it's simply incredible that this is going on.
So, they do it over and over again.
New York Daily News runs fake news headline claiming Florida shooter was trained by the NRA.
And again AP and others have run with with similar stuff that he was trained at white supremacist thing and in the NRA and then I see this headline
Ted Cruz and all other Republicans are scared to go on CNN.
They're the ones always editing them, taping them, claiming it's live.
CNN will tell you, oh, this is live, Mr. Jones.
This is why I quit even turning their calls years ago.
And you get there, they tape it, they say it's live.
It goes on for like 30 minutes.
You go, this isn't live.
You're not going to break.
And I go, the show you claim is on in two hours.
And so I started videotaping in studio, and then that would go viral, saying, here's a CNN interview they won't let you see.
So, Cuomo, the CNN so-called host, the Hillary Clinton acolyte, the hit-and-run artist, the brother of the governor.
We have a clip we're about to play.
He said that Senator Ted Cruz was scared to go on and debate him.
And it turned out, the day before and that day, you name it, Cruz was like, that's weird.
I'm doing my daily stand-up with CNN.
And they're not putting me on air.
So they interviewed him again.
He photographed it this time.
Let's pull those articles up if we can.
Ted Cruz posts CNN interview photo after network claims no show.
This is the crap they do where, oh, there are no Republicans on because they're scared.
CNN makes a decision.
Don't let them respond.
Put out our talking points.
Ban the Second Amendment.
Ban semi-auto.
All Republicans are to blame.
Trump's to blame.
On and on and on.
And they won't show it.
Now, there's an actual photo, guys, if you pull it up.
It's on Twitchy.
There's an Infowars article about it as well.
We had one of our guys write a story about it.
It's owned.
Ted Cruz posts a CNN photo.
If you scroll down, it's right there.
Go ahead and scroll down more.
There you go.
There he is.
So, Ted Cruz isn't scared to do an interview with him because, let me tell you something about Ted Cruz.
He's got great rhetoric and has a really great voting record, but Ted Cruz, he wants to be establishment.
And he would have beaten Trump
If he'd have stayed anti-establishment instead of ganging up on Trump and playing into that when there were still 16 people running against Trump.
It was yours to lose, Cruz.
And I know who he is scared of.
Ted Cruz is scared of Infowars.
I didn't know that I was renting a condo for the inauguration that was next door to Ted Cruz.
And I have the proof.
I got video of it.
I'm checking out after the Women's March on Saturday afternoon about to go catch a flight home.
Friday was the inauguration.
The Democrats were in the block of skidding in.
The next was the Women's March, funded by Soros.
$287 million to fund it.
And I'm waiting for the rest of my crew, who was on the same hall but down, to get out.
And I'm standing there, and out of the shadows comes Ted, because the lights weren't working in the hallway towards our two rooms on the end.
We both had corner condos.
So I guess he lives there.
Charlie, we know where he lives.
The point is, what is the chances of that?
So Ted Cruz comes gliding out of the darkness.
I, within 10 seconds, go boom, boom, boom, go live.
We're on the elevator.
Boom, I've got him.
Later I turn the camera off and have a conversation with him.
And he says, oh yeah, I'll come on, sure.
I'm not scared to come on.
And you know, Trump just stays true.
I'll leave him alone, blah, blah, blah.
I said, fine, we'll call you next week.
Never call us back.
Not that we need Ted Cruz on to be... It'd kind of be uncool having Ted Cruz on, you know, because he's kind of establishment.
You know what I mean?
It's like, oh my god, we have top senators, I mean Rand Paul, his people won't let him on.
We call, when Rand Paul's on, he calls us, he calls Nico Acosta to get on.
And I'm like, oh look, Rand Paul calls me, I'm a big boy.
It's like, they want to talk to some mother.
Who, you know, saves kids out of a car, or they want a firefighter, or a veteran, or they want interesting news.
Our listeners aren't into Hollywood and wannabe Hollywood politicians.
They want mavericks.
They want original.
So I just thought it was funny to point out that Ted Cruz is scared to come on here.
And he's scared to death.
Rand Paul's not.
His crew is.
In fact, last time Rand Paul was on, he said, why don't you ever call me?
And I said, you know, your staff's blocking us.
Oh, no, come on.
That's not.
I'm like, you want to talk to my producer?
He goes, OK, I thought you're mad at me.
And I'm just like, next time you want to call back.
I mean, this is the Twilight Zone world I live in, where it's national news.
Was that last year?
They tell Trump, don't come on my show and stop talking to me.
So, what are they so scared of?
They're scared that we've got their numbers.
So, again, and by the way, Ted Cruz is a man, is one of the most articulate, smart people out there.
He's not scared of actually debating me.
He knows they're gonna then go, oh look, Ted Cruz was on with the guy that says, you know, that they had NBC News saying I said no one was killed in Florida.
I never said that!
He doesn't get that coming on this show is the Zeitgeist.
He hasn't figured it out yet.
The touchstone is stuff like Drudge and Infowars.
He still acts like he's anti-establishment, but then at the end of the day, he doesn't get what Trump's got.
And this isn't about me or Ted Cruz.
It's about you understanding.
Stop caring what your in-laws say.
Stop caring if some idiot walks up and calls you a racist because you're pro-free market.
It's all weak-minded people that still think they could go along with the establishment.
If I was on Bill Maher, I'd be uncool.
If I was in the big movies, I'd be uncool.
I couldn't do all that.
I don't want to.
This is what's important.
This is what's modified.
This is Genesis.
This is new.
This is new green buds, not old stuff falling down.
And I'm not against old in general.
But our renaissance, our republic's the latest idea.
We're the liberals, we're the avant-garde, we're the cutting edge.
So, this segment's multifaceted.
The news is running all these hoaxes that are anti-gun and anti-Cruz.
And then here's Cruz going, I am trying to get on, I am trying to get on.
But you know they're fake!
So why are you even trying to get on the thing that's scared to have you on?
When you'd be president if you'd come on InfoWars instead of that idiot, candy-ass Glenn Beck!
You don't get it!
And that's why you lose!
That's why you fail!
Let's go ahead and go to this clip of Ted Cruz.
So, we invited Republican Senators, you know, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz.
He's from Texas.
Because he talks about this issue a lot.
We invited the governor to come on the show this morning.
They declined.
We say, let's get after it.
It's not a slogan.
It's an approach.
You have to take these issues on.
You gotta ask the tough questions.
You must be held accountable.
Rubio says this is an inexplicable tragedy.
That couldn't be less true.
Governor Scott is actively fighting right now to penalize doctors who even ask patients in their state if they have firearms.
Where are they?
They won't come on here.
They're on Fox News this morning.
The mothership.
So they won't be pressed about gun control.
What are they afraid of?
Mafia gangsters like you that want to disarm us so you can be a capo and roll over us as your personal slave?
And you and your criminal family?
I mean... You and your hit-and-run?
Drunk driving?
I mean... Maybe that, you big ol' fat ugly dumbass thug!
You're not an American!
And we're gonna break your back politically!
Nothing... Nothing to call me out here to read books.
No, it's not legal.
Well, are you anybody that's illegal, would you mind?
Of course not.
I'm a law-abiding citizen, aren't you?
We're all law-abiding in our own ways.
Um, let's see here.
Really, you don't do anything illegal?
Do you do anything illegal?
Why would you come in here and ask me that?
That's kind of messed up.
Well, I'm just assuming.
Why are you being aggro, though?
I'm not being aggro.
I'm just being, like, inquisitive.
The first thing you did is you came in and asked me if I sell the kites.
I don't even know what that is.
You don't even know what kites are.
What is it?
You're supposed to if you don't.
Well, I would sell the Jews, sure.
That's actually funny.
You don't like Jews much?
No, I love Jews, I just don't know.
I'm surprised you don't hate them.
Those are free, you can take one of those if you want.
Free Bibles?
Are these, um... You can read it, burn it, do whatever you want with it.
That's actually nice of you, because I would burn it.
But, I mean, actually, are these... Are these New Testament?
Yeah, new and old.
Oh, it's got both.
Holy crap.
And I think it's about ready to pick up those Bibles.
And now she's throwing them up on the deal.
Yeah, my name is Don, and I'm with Private Sector Arms over in West Olympia.
I just had somebody who walked in, and they're still outside my store, but they took a big stack of Bibles and started throwing them at the store, and now it's throwing stuff up onto the ceiling, and I think they're coming back.
Alright, alright.
You said I could do whatever I wanted with them?
Uh, 3012 Harrison Avenue.
I don't know.
Say hi for me.
Well, I don't really think it's funny.
I mean, this person is whacked out, man.
They think an American flag's Nazi, a Gadsden flag's Nazi.
They grab Bibles, start throwing them all over the place, cracking the window, throwing them on the roof.
And this is a literal brainwashed victim.
And this is what SJWs are like.
So Don Teague was born in Washington, raised in the Philippines during the Marcos dictatorship.
As a missionary in the 80s and 90s, he saw early age.
Being a citizen was the right to bear arms, was one of the greatest things about this country's freedom.
So we're gonna talk to him right now.
Thank you for joining us, Don.
Do you think this is funny?
I'm not putting down Steven Crowder.
He's a comic.
I think it's very disturbing.
Yeah, hi Alex.
No, I don't think that's very funny at all.
Unfortunately, it's pretty par for the course around here.
A lot of people act like that, a lot of people talk like that, and drop all the words that everybody seems to be buzzing about these days.
But yeah, it was ridiculous.
She comes in, she starts asking me right off the bat, using Nazi terms.
I'm assuming that she thought I was a Nazi, and so she wanted to, I don't know what, trap me in my prejudice by being like, you know, hell no, I'd never sell to those people.
But like I said, we see it a lot, but not to that level.
I mean, I didn't really think she would take it that far.
I guess I probably gave her a little bit too much rope to hang herself with.
But, uh, you know, there wasn't a whole lot of damage other than, I think, mainly for everybody just kind of now validating that, yes, in fact, people are out there like that.
They do feel that way.
They are saying those things.
They are coming up, getting in your face.
They're trying to bait you into doing something that they can then justify whatever kind of violence they want to inflict upon you.
Why she choose to do that in a gun shop, I have no idea.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
See, everybody looking for something wants to be part of the establishment.
See, I'm out here in the wild, wild west.
I'm out here prospecting for freedom.
I'm out here looking for the new Atlantis.
I'm out here looking for the space bases.
I'm out here looking for the life extension.
I'm out here looking for the next thing, and the next, and the next, and the next.
I'm out here looking for that jump in human development.
For myself and my family, and your family together in the future.
I look at mainstream news everywhere saying, I started seeing this Friday night on the news, and then it's all over the internet.
Russians are pro-gun!
They're behind all the pro-gun stuff online!
If you see somebody on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube pro-gun, they're getting run by the Russians!
They're everywhere!
Run for your lives!
Everyone's in danger!
All political speech that's not globalist, that's not leftist, is now Russian.
You can see where this was meant to go from the start!
A year and a half ago!
Right when they lost the election!
They didn't have their tail between their legs.
They said, Obama signed an executive order federalizing the new election.
And we're going to overturn Trump's election and all others and permanently federalize it and we're going to have illegal aliens vote.
And now they've got all these states legalizing illegals voting.
While they go, you're a conspiracy theorist, no illegals ever vote.
No one wants illegals to vote, but we are passing laws where illegals can vote.
You're like, you logically say that to me and you're, shut up racist!
So we're going to open the phones up as we start the next hour, maybe even right now.
877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
Long-time callers, first-time callers agree, disagree.
Hey, maybe you're an Obama supporter, a Hillary supporter.
Maybe you think the new...
Russiagate crap I'm about to cover.
This incredibly comical plagiarized BuzzFeed flath.
Maybe you think that's the big proof.
Well, tell me you disagree and come on down to the Head of the Line.
By the way, a lot of folks that say if you disagree, call the Head of the Line.
They're not getting calls.
We've gotten 24,000 calls during a three-hour show.
I'm sorry, 24,000 plus.
We have a digital
I'm sorry, the engineer popping here, what did you say it was?
Hey, will you find that old number?
I want to show that.
Highest, $25,000 in a few hours.
Nobody's got that.
National host begged for it, whatever.
Our callers really are amazing when we get to them, but usually people that call in disagree.
They don't even have anything real to say because
What are you saying?
I want free market.
I want America.
I want prosperity.
I want equality.
It's the West that sold equality.
It's the West trying to enforce it.
Somehow they flipped it around and said our greatest strength is our greatest weakness.
There's slavery going on and caste systems under three billion people of seven and a half billion right now.
Look it up.
3 billion people live basically as slaves.
But see, that's okay.
You just go watch your mythical Black Panther in some super high-tech, a made-up African nation, and give it a 99% score on Rotten Tomatoes that no one ever else got.
Stanley Kubrick's got like 75.
Everybody else, you know, 80, if they're lucky, the best directors.
Oh, but you're 99, because you're racist.
And the news said, you're racist if you don't say Black Panther is the best movie ever.
Normally, I don't get bought into hype and stuff, but I'm like... I mean, if the movie's good, I'll go see it.
In fact, I'd like to see a movie with nothing but black people in it.
I mean, I like movies that are...
I like Japanese movies rather than Japanese or French movies or Mexican movies.
A lot of the best directors are Mexican directors.
It's just a fact lately.
The last 20 years, I'm like, who made this?
There's always a Mexican, you know, at the end of the name.
So I'll go see a Mexican movie all day long.
I don't care.
It's like Jimi Hendrix.
I'm not virtue signaling when I say
I'll go to this soul food place, unfortunately it closed around 10 years, because it's got the best southern cooking.
I don't care if purple people, blue people, green people, or polka-dotted people are behind the counter.
Just treat me nice, get a big tip.
I want collard greens and chicken fried steak and chitlins.
I want sweet potato pie, baby!
I want buttermilk biscuits!
With a big ol' nice black lady coming over and pouring it on there!
And I listen to Jimi Hendrix because it touches my soul.
And I listen to Beethoven, he touches my soul.
He's a German guy.
Everybody just wants to live in peace on average, but elitists play us off against each other and I am sick of it!
I'm gonna stop right there.
The globalists are at war with humanity.
They are cold-blooded technocrats that know how to manipulate us, and people say, well, then how do we beat them?
If you're aware of the manipulation, it doesn't work anymore!
And we've got them on every front if we just wake up to it and do something about it.
But if I'm told
You go see a movie, and you give it a perfect score, or you're a racist, and we're gonna find out with your Rotten Tomatoes account, which I don't even have, if people have those, if you didn't give it a perfect score, we're gonna call it hate speech, that is, and it has nothing to do with black people.
I wanna do like a whiteboard on this or something, a blackboard, oh that's racist too, sorry, a chalkboard, there you go.
That's where this mental illness ends.
There is no end.
And you can explain, like, here's the political class, the advertising people.
They want you to submit what they're doing.
So there's their image of their company.
They claim there's a big problem for black people.
They know you're well-meaning, black, white, whatever.
They get you to think of it as a charity case and to feel guilty.
And then they tell you, here's the agenda, as if they represent these black people.
That's the same thing that Dreamer said.
We never played his clip.
I forget his name.
It was in my last week.
I mean, we can pull it up, but like, Dreamer says, Hispanics are being exploited.
He says, I'm a Dreamer.
He goes, just saying, we represent you, now you do what we say, and we speak for you.
That's exactly what Bill Murray said, who's a real liberal.
He's a real guy that's for freedom and working together.
He has a record of that.
He's like, the comedy's all over now.
And you've got all these groups claiming they represent all the quote minorities, and this group and that group.
They're always making a new minority group to divide us into more crap.
And how about you're an open, free mind, common sense, and you like productivity versus all that other crap.
But I'm ranting.
The phone number again to join us is 877-789-2539.
If you guys launch that phone system for me, I can see the callers.
I will come back and get to some of those.
And then I'll get into the Russiagate stuff, which, I mean, you know, it's gotten so comical at this point, but I still probably should cover it.
XCI operative says U.S.
has long meddled in the election, but it's okay since they are god cops.
I'm not joking, that's what the CIA, the leftists call themselves, the CIA.
That's, okay, that's the New York Times.
Shock, Mueller indictment, plagiarized from BuzzFeed, word for word about a leftist, basically Soros-funded, pro-Bernie Sanders group.
And then they got some other advertising, $2 million once Trump was the hottest thing by advertisers.
And what is, you hire a company to promote you.
And it's just a company that takes business from everybody.
That's their big Russian collusion.
Versus Hollywood and the globalists and all the media and billions for Hillary.
Two million though, the Russians, man, they're magic.
Bernie, Trump not speaking out against Russia is a horror show.
When he got most of the actual Russian money.
Of course!
That's hilarious.
Trump tweetstorm, Russians laughing their asses off, we'll get to that.
Facebook ad VP, MSN ignores facts about Russian ad spending for election.
Hillary Clinton outspent the Russians 53 to 1.
Dems struggling with the rising popularity of the GOP tax plan, but
They've got one of their demographers out with polls saying, don't worry, the race-based politics the Dems believe will work, they believe they'll turn minorities into racists, who won't care about free market or real issues, they'll just vote as a race bloc, like Muslims tend to do, and that's why the liberals love them and think that they're under your control.
So, whatever.
The Republican blue bloods are scum, the Democrats are the worst thing since cancer.
Can't we all be smart enough to see what's going on here?
I'm smart.
I'm going to be successful one way or the other.
But if you want real government trying to deliver you a level playing field and a free market that's guaranteed to make you more wealthy than any other system ever has, it's yours to lose.
That's all I got to say.
This is an equation that's known like 2 plus 2 equals 4.
Just briefly, we've got to end this special.
A, because we're not getting more Superlue toothpaste, I'm told, till April.
And I don't want to just shell out of it and then not sell the rest at full price and don't fund our operation.
But I want to introduce you to it to see how great this fluoride-free, concentrated, additive-free, fortified with colloidal silver and iodine toothpaste and mouthwash systems are.
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And then the full price is out to go back Tuesday.
We're going to be sold out for a few months if I keep selling at this count.
So, InfoWarsLive.com, super below 50% off.
It's about then.
I knew about iodine a long time ago and the effects of iodine because looking at, again, the root cause of what's going on, we are all exposed to endocrine-disrupting chemicals every single day.
We're exposed to lead.
We're exposed to mercury.
We're exposed to bromine, chlorine, and fluoride, the other toxic halogens.
But think about what's going on right now in America and around the world.
What does an iodine deficiency do?
Well, it causes you to gain weight.
Think of all the thyroid problems that we're having and we're seeing right now around the world.
Our bodies absolutely must have the good halogen, iodine, or we will die.
And you look at all of the thyroid problems and all the people that don't have energy, that have all sorts of hormone problems.
And from my research, and a lot of just mainline research, it leads back to iodine over
And over and over again.
If you've been in this field as long as I have, like 20-something years, you know it's very hard to detoxify and to get those things out of the body.
Iodine is one of those miracle substances.
I mean, this is so massive.
Just iodine alone is just as critical as vitamin C. I would say it's even more critical because you look at all of the glandular tissue in the body, the reproductive tissue, the ovaries, the breast tissue in women, the prostate gland.
Fertility is key.
Fertility, but all your glands are what, really, your pituitary gland, which gets calcified with fluoride, the parathyroid, the pancreas, the GI tract, actually.
The whole GI tract is a gland that needs iodine because the GI tract produces serotonin and all these things.
Iodine is the miracle substance that pretty much everybody needs.
And you're carrying your kid on your shoulder up a big hill, and you get up to take him off, it's like you're flying.
All of a sudden, it was like, boom!
Started losing weight, all this energy.
I guess the iodine was sucking garbage out.
It's as important as vitamin C. You gotta have vitamin C. You gotta have iodine to live.
You gotta have water to live.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
I want my ancestors to know I was pro-human.
And I want us to win.
We're gonna win.
Lisa Remnant.
Yeah, we'll be lucky if 10% of us survive.
That'll be a big victory.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I am trapped on a planet in deep space.
I am trapped on the third planet from a standard yellow star.
So close it causes genetic mutations in my genetic bloodline every cycle and gives me cancers on my skin.
Think about how fantastical that sounded.
Think about how insane that sounded.
I am trapped on a planet, in deep space, on a spiral arm Milky Way galaxy.
I have a vision, a race consciousness as a human, of something bigger, and a longer history, and even bigger tomorrow.
And that's what we're talking about.
The global technocrats have already captured the future.
They're already 20, 30, 40 years advanced that we know of.
They may have already had singularities that have been controlled.
Super jumps in technology.
They're acting like we don't even exist.
And there's kind of a discussion about how to deal with this.
And do they entertain us to death and have us be sterilized or just kill everybody outright?
They're like, for the good of the earth, just kill everyone.
And so they're kind of like, hmm.
Well, there's seven plus billion of them.
You know, we're the new globalist life form.
And if we wipe a bunch of them out, they can really get aggressive and do some amazing stuff.
Because after all, we stole all their technology and did this to them.
We're just pretending we're gods in a breakaway civilization.
So we're actually kind of scared of them because we're not who we really say we are.
So let's kind of sit back and wait.
And the top globalists are like, kill, kill, kill.
Release the bioweapons now.
Release, release, release.
Save the Earth of the human scourge, and you will merge with the AI God.
Save the Earth.
Prove yourselves worthy.
A lot of globals are going, you know, I don't really know.
I trust this.
Make no mistake.
You're all got front seats.
Tear on barbecue.
All of you little... ...meat-neck people that serve evil, believe it gives you power.
You will be destroyed.
It's a metaphysical, universal rule.
You will be destroyed.
And I do take pleasure in it, because you are cancer being removed from the universe.
But yes, you're fools.
Yes, you can.
See, only close to your final goal do you begin to actually pick up on what you did and what fools you were, as if any entity promising you power to do horrible crap would actually give you the power, as if it could give you the power.
That's lie number one.
Lucifer can't give you the power.
Over the dream of the power.
As if you were ascendant enough to even imagine that.
Let's go to this clip.
This is a dreamer.
I'll pronounce his name wrong.
I'm an idiot.
Hilario Yanez.
Is that right?
And he's talking about how they're using dreamers as pawns.
And make no mistake.
Everybody's being used as a pawn.
Let's admit it.
Here it is.
You're a dreamer and you're speaking positively about Donald Trump.
I figured you'd be the kind of person who would be speaking more highly of the Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
They've got a different plan.
You know, I grew up on conservative values.
You know what, I went to this late.
They just pointed that out.
It's like a two minute clip.
I'm going to come back and play the clip.
All I'm telling you is, and I'm going to say this again, not from a power trip, because it's the opposite.
I feel super weak.
Tell a look at a globalist that I feel like, like I feel super weak in front of God.
And like a little globalist, like little worms over here.
And then the public's super powerful, but doesn't realize how powerful they are.
I'm like, don't you realize you're an amazing, powerful being, made in the image of God, and you just don't get it.
I'm just trying to explain to people that the globalists are a joke.
I mean, they really are a joke.
And they're standing in the way of human development.
And they really are like space cancer.
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Watch me!
Watch me!
I got it!
Watch me!
Alright, let's do this.
I can pontificate all day long, but I want to play this clip from Hilario Yanez that I meant to get to earlier in the week, pointing out that everybody's being used as pawns.
It's a manipulation.
The U.S.
has one of the most open immigration systems in the world.
This idea that if you just don't let anybody come in and keep this permanent underclass that's undocumented here, that you're bad.
That is pure manipulation.
I'm going to go right to Keith and David and Dennis and Perry and John and Don and Zach and Daniel and J.K.
and Karen and Kevin.
We're going to get to everybody.
But boom, boom, boom.
Start your engines.
Here's that clip.
You're a dreamer and you're speaking positively about Donald Trump.
I figured you would be the kind of person who would be speaking more highly of the Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
They've got a different plan.
You know, I grew up on conservative values.
I grew up on, first of all, you know, putting God in my life.
Jesus Christ is my Savior.
I grew up on family.
I believe in prosperity.
I believe in hope, working hard, and standing on your own two feet.
And that's what the Republican
You know, values are.
And that's what I believe in.
At the end of the day, I make decisions based on my values.
And as far as the Democrats, I'm a little confused as to what their message is.
I'm a little confused as to what they believe in.
And so, for me, it's more appealing to appeal to my values and something that aligns with those.
Elaria, you say that Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have used the Dreamers, people like you, as political pawns.
You know, a little bit about the Democrats.
Look, Trump won.
That's the reality.
I think it's time to move on.
I think the reason he won was because he had a great message.
He had great principles, whether you agreed or disagreed.
And the reality is, look, Russia was not involved with this.
It was a clear win.
And I think CNN needs to move on from that and really focus on the American issues.
But here's the fact.
Look, the Dems failed to act back in 2008, back in 2011.
I think now, look, I could go all day about Democrats.
I possibly could have my own show.
But look, I want to focus on the American issues, on this American issue.
It's not a Republican, it's not a Democrat issue, but it's an American issue.
And Republicans right now have a chance to make history.
And this would look great on President Trump's legacy.
I mean, this is something that President Trump would be known for.
It's something that Obama couldn't do.
Something that President Bush couldn't do.
And that's get border security and also give me the chance to serve this country.
Well, there you go.
But the Democrats and the Republicans, they want a permanent underclass.
It's hard to become a citizen.
It's easy to get here to manipulate and control those people.
I think we should end it.
I want to go to Zeke.
I want to go to David.
I want to go to everybody, JK and others, here in a moment.
But that's what this is all about.
This is about globalism.
It's about breaking the back of the country.
Let's go ahead and, again, who did I say I would go to first?
Let's go ahead and go to David in Washington.
David, you're on the air.
Thank you for joining us.
Thank you very much.
You bet.
Alex, how you doing?
Good, my friend.
Go ahead.
Well, I have a lot of questions, but I have a lot, but I want to talk about the Florida shooting.
Okay, people call in and we don't screen your calls, so you're on air.
We're not screening your call.
While you get your thoughts together, I'm going to come back to you because we get hundreds of calls.
We don't screen calls.
It's where you're calling from.
Okay, we're going to move on, though, here.
Zeke in California.
Zeke, you're on the air.
Zeke, thanks for calling.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
I appreciate you, Alex, and all the work you do.
Thank you.
I'm going to jump right on into it.
I called before the election when you was asking the question, is somebody going to go with Hillary and they're going to go with Trump or whatever.
And I say Hillary, you know, but it was a hard pill to swallow because I had my reasons why I couldn't ink a doctor Trump at the time.
But I can see it's very important and key that Hillary didn't win.
And then everything else that came out since then, right?
So it's just a very deep situation.
So I'm fully tuned in.
So I'm calling with a confessional.
Because I'm confessing.
Yeah, I did it.
I'm more of a Ron Paul dude.
Like, like Aaron Russo is the person that introduced me to that Ron Paul existed.
When American Freedom and Fascism came out.
Great film, man.
Great film.
Great guy.
I love him.
Great dude.
Met him.
Did him.
You know what I'm saying?
Work to help him get that film out.
I've been around since then.
I pay attention to it.
My confessional is, it was not an accident.
I have my reasons.
That could be discussed at another time.
That's not really part of the whole point.
But I'm more of a romper in terms of my personal politics, but I was willing to vote for Hillary at first, and Trump, because I had my issues.
Well, I couldn't as a black man, right?
Like, vote for Trump for certain reasons, but I'm beyond that.
I'm past that.
I dealt with it.
I deal with it.
I see what's going on.
Like, I can really see, right?
So it's pretty vivid.
It's high resolution.
Well no, I can see how you can be confused during the campaign, but now the whole system against Trump.
Why do they hate Trump so much, but the economy coming back?
Why do you think that's the case?
All of that.
It's so major, because we have to deal with socialism, Marxism, how the socialist Marxists took over the left wing, and some of it's openly that, and people's doing all this stuff.
And so, so many things have been commandeered, but other people have been holding the torch and still maintaining it for freedom.
Those of us that understand the importance of the Constitution, right?
Literally, we can go beyond race.
You know, we know some things... No, you're right, you're right.
I'm going to jump, and Zeke, thank you, you're right.
It's all about
The Bill of Rights Constitution, the globalist hate it because it points out the people are in charge and creates new processes.
I mean, it's perfect?
But they want to get rid of that.
They even say North Korea is better than America on NBC and CNN.
It's crazy.
We're going to go to J.K.
in Washington, D.C.
J.K., you're on the air on this live Sunday broadcast.
Thanks for calling, J.K.
Yes Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I'm just going to real quickly mention about your products.
I've been buying them for the last eight years and they're amazing.
Thank you.
You work on liberals and conservatives.
So I called to say what I think is the main difference of what we can do compared to the other side and that is love your enemy.
And you can't be a Christian, I hate to say it, but you can't be a Christian unless you love your enemies.
No, no, I agree.
I tend to get where I hate globalists, and I hate their minions, but a lot of them are just idiots.
I actually feel sorry for them, and not in an elitist way, but it's like, how do you get through to them?
Let me ask you this question then.
How do you reach out to somebody trying to throw coffee in your face?
I thought of that guy, that goblin who drew coffee on your face.
I was just thinking of that.
You do have to love him, but you can stop him.
If he was trying to kill you, you can kill him first before he kills you.
Love your enemy is not what people think.
It's not a suicide.
They mistranslated, they admit it out of the Hebrew.
Thou shalt not kill.
It's thou shalt not murder.
Don't go out and randomly kill somebody.
But somebody's trying to, the whole Bible, somebody's trying to kill you and your family.
Rise up and smite them.
Well, Jesus said to the disciples, he knew he was sending them out into the world, about 10 or 12 of them, he said, sell your clothes and buy a sword or a knife, and then they said, we got these over here, and there were two of them, and he said, that's enough.
So, he said that.
He said, protect yourself.
But Love Your Enemy, it's not what people think.
Love Your Enemy, it'll keep you from joining them.
Love Your Enemy, as you crush their evil.
Love Your Enemy, hate sucks.
There's a lot of different ways to look at it, but that's what's going to separate us.
Do they love their enemy?
Do the hateful people love their enemies?
No, they don't.
So that's the nuclear... No, you're right.
And George Washington was the first person in a modern area.
It doesn't sound modern, but in the last 400 years it's more modern, to really not allow any atrocities.
And he said, we have to be clean.
That's what we're going to win.
We cannot engage in atrocities.
And that's what we're built on.
And so it's already here, and when Obama said we're not a Christian nation anymore, he was hoping that was the case, but it's not the case.
We are, and I'm saying true Christians, and you can't be a true Christian if you don't love your enemy, and everyone just needs to try that, and that's what we need to do.
No, I agree, but it's hard to love Hillary.
I mean, I just, but I hear what you're saying.
I love the human she was once, but I hate her evil.
I'm gonna fight her.
Great points, J.K.
Thank you for the call.
Now we're going bam, bam, bam.
David in Washington, Dennis in Kentucky, Perry, John, Don, Karen, everybody.
Your call straight ahead on the other side of this break.
They're trying to block us.
Spread those links.
Tell those folks what to do.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
By the way, we got Paul Watson co-hosting with me this week.
A couple days.
We've also got Milo Yiannopoulos in studio co-hosting.
Big, big broadcast week coming up at the Weekday Transmission.
We've got our review coming up with Paul Watson.
Speaking of him, of Black Panther, I haven't seen it yet, but he breaks it down.
So that's coming up.
We've got David and Donna and like a hundred other callers here, but I'll try to get as many of you as I can.
Just get your point out.
Don't need to thank me.
I thank you.
You're awesome calling in.
We'll move to the next person.
We've got Donna and Corey and Danielle and so many others I'm gonna go to.
And David, Donna in California.
Thanks for calling, Donna.
You're on the air.
Alex, my privilege to speak with you.
I feel like I was divinely found.
I found you divinely.
You and your family and everyone's in my prayers daily.
Well, thank you.
I need those prayers, sweetheart.
I'm telling you.
Yeah, I really, I really cover you with the prayers.
And, you know, and I, like I said, I found you all maybe this year sometime.
The products are wonderful.
I'm telling you, I'm trying them all, but I've got my favorites.
I'm doing good on that.
And I just wanted to say that, you know,
It is so much.
What I've just heard over the broadcast over the last several months, it is so much.
I make little notes, and today that's why I'm calling, because I just made some notes.
I said, you know, the Clinton Foundation, the slush funds for the government lawsuit payoffs, the $21 trillion unsupported adjustments, on and on and on.
And I'm old enough to remember the Great Society when Johnson brought that in.
And I remember my parents saying, oh man, this is the beginning of the end.
Well, here we are, here I am, have lived the history of all this to see what's going on.
So keep up the good work.
I love you.
You're telling the truth.
And I'm so glad I found you.
Donna, you're awesome.
Please don't take me anymore.
But absolutely, it's not that your parents were bad people.
They knew if you just gave your kids everything, it'd ruin them.
And then, you're a loving parent, you still do it.
But it's like, doing this to a culture will destroy everything.
And it's such an epic time to be alive, but look at how they're having to pull out all the stops.
But they're lying.
That shows me the establishment's on its last legs.
But that doesn't mean
That when this establishment collapses, we're in some heaven.
We then have to be good and honorable and we have to go out and work hard and employ people and build a future.
Because if we don't do it, Donna, who will?
Absolutely, absolutely.
And you've got my support.
Like I said, I'm getting the product, I'm getting the word out.
It's just awesome to have found you because I feel I have found the truth.
And you know, Devin Nunes is my congressman out here in California.
He's awesome.
And I wrote him, you know, I get his emails and I wanted to respond the other day, or I did, and then I got something back about
Uh, government servers and all this stuff, and I had, I know I had sent something to him before and didn't see that, so I just didn't even go there.
Let me tell you what's happening.
I'm not doing that.
There's an info war going on by the globalists, and I'm glad you raised that.
That's the problem.
There's so much we don't have time to cover it all.
That's why I'm so frustrated constantly, because I'm not doing a good job, because you just remind, that's why I take more calls, you remind me.
I've had my crew send me this, I've had Roger Stone send it, and I've seen it.
When you're going to Congress or your Congressman sends you something, if he's a Republican or she's a Republican, Google will say stuff like, these are government servers, we're not sure this is safe.
They're trying to get between you and your Congressperson.
Is that what you're talking about?
Because I've seen that.
Yeah, and because I am, see I'm an old lady kind of, but it's kind of funny, I'm still working, but I'm a computer tech.
I have so embraced all this technology.
I had to learn it.
Sure, well they're scared of Nunez.
They're scared of anybody with a backbone.
So anybody with a backbone, Google's playing their games.
Well okay, and then guess what?
I had my accounts hacked last week.
No, I hear you, ma'am.
That's what I'm saying.
They're trying to intimidate everybody.
We're in a war!
And people shouldn't get scared and go, oh God, if I fight, they'll get me.
Fight harder!
We're in a war!
They're having to do all this to average people as an attempt to bloody your nose and make you roll over.
Can you imagine what they'll do, Donna, if we roll over?
How bad it'll be?
No, this old lady's not rolling over.
And so, anyway, I didn't answer their little questions about the server and all that junk, so I wrote Devin a letter.
And I thought, well, I'm going to try snail mail, and I sent it to Washington.
That was all when the memo was coming out and all that stuff.
But I told him in there that I feel like I've hooked up with the real news.
God bless you.
And that's what it is, folks.
They are so scared of you communicating with real people, because they know you're awake, and they're doing all sorts of weird crap, and it's admitted, and I mean, I'm telling millions of people you're Russian agents, if you're pro-America, and sending them emails, Twitter, that is so aggressive and bullish, I mean, it's just, it's like saying you're a child molester, you're a, you know, it's sick.
Let's take another call before we got a break here.
Hmm, he's been on the longest here.
Thank you, Donna.
Let's talk to David in Washington.
David, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, David.
Oh, hey, Alex.
Sorry about that.
It's my first time calling.
Well, go ahead and finish your point.
Oh, so the guy, Nicholas Cruz?
Yeah, everybody thinks that he's the- he's part of the White Supremacy, but, like I said, it's fake news.
So, I looked at a comment on the channel, one particular comment, and I was, like, what the hell?
The comment said that Nicholas Cruz, the influencer,
Was they Trump's supplier?
Let me let you go on that point.
You don't, we don't know what any of this is.
He was in foster care.
He was mentally ill.
His brother's in a mental institution.
He's just a classic cutout.
We don't know.
The point is the FBI was warned.
They did nothing.
And so we know there's a major, major coverup going on.
Now look at all these callers.
Corey, I appreciate your call.
We've got so many people here to go to, but we've got to go to break here in just a minute.
Carlos, 30 seconds from Canada.
Carlos, go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
Just a reminder to anyone who is examining what a globalist is.
In many, many instances, these globalists
Revenues, shareholdings are so enormous these days that people... That's right, most of these Forge 100 are bigger than top governments.
They're arrogant, they've gotten away with everything, and they're just running wild.
And Trump is just trying to slow that down a little, and they're throwing a temper tantrum.
There is a solution, Alex.
And if you give me a minute, I'll explain how to go about it.
Real fast, give us a solution.
We've got to get a break.
Solution is simply to examine the Federal Reserve
No, that's right.
I think they backfired here.
Trying to make it all about Russians meddling.
What about big banks?
Democratic Party?
Great point.
We'll be back.
Carlos, you're awesome.
Stay with us.
30 minutes of transmission left.
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Can you beat Oprah, by the way?
Yeah, I'll beat Oprah.
Oprah would be a lot of fun.
I know her very well.
You know, I did one of her last shows.
She had Donald Trump.
This was before politics.
Her last week.
And she had Donald Trump and my family.
It was very nice.
No, I like Oprah.
I don't think she's going to run.
I don't think she's going to run.
I know it very well.
Pimping women, bringing women to Weinstein, all of it.
This is mainstream news.
Let's talk about why you think she's unelectable.
You think of, you know, the identity politics vote, the woman vote, the bitter vote, the millennial vote, the dumb vote.
She's got all of these different votes that end up being more than 50% of the country.
The people who generally have skin in the game and get politics, they're a minority.
So I was kind of scared and then I talked to Roger Stone a second ago and he goes, dude,
Can you imagine the kind of skeletons this woman has in her closet?
And then he dropped it, but he's right!
She's a lesbian!
So I just think that Trump was alluding to that, and we've heard stories of her paying off people to hide lesbian affairs.
She tried to hide that her husband was, I mean, her brother was gay, died of AIDS.
She's tried to hide the fact that she didn't really grow up in poverty.
I mean, she's such an obvious liar, and that works for daytime TV, but it won't work in politics, where everything has to be aired out.
She doesn't have a chance in hell.
And when we watch the Golden Globes, too, we know Mira Cervino isn't there, because she said no.
But everyone else, you look at them and you go,
Well, you're here.
Did you say yes?
I mean, Salma Hayek pretends she was a victim, but she did the lesbian scene in the movie for Weinstein.
All these people followed the rules, and now after they've done this, which is really just very expensive prostitution,
They put on their low-slung black dresses and go, me too.
It's over now.
I'm gonna stop being an expensive prostitute.
No, sorry, it doesn't work like that.
You can't get on your high horse when it's fashionable.
Look, we know what Time's Up means.
It means I knew, we all knew, we let it go, but now the jig is up and everyone can see the casting couch.
So starting today, we're not going to popularize it anymore.
We're not going to ignore it.
Ooh, how brave!
You let a thousand rapes go under the radar, and starting today, you say time's up!
You're not going to allow rape anymore because it went public?
What a crusader for justice you are!
We're so impressed, you feminists!
You want to get raped?
You want to get abused?
You want to get killed?
Go to Hollywood!
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Thank you for joining us during this Sunday transmission.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And in this short segment, I wanted to break down two incredibly important facts of logic of common law.
First off, some of the parents and some of the victims of the tragic event last week in Florida that left 17 dead have asked President Trump to do something and to stop it.
Stop it now.
Stop the gun violence.
You can't ban evil.
It's up to all of us to be prepared for it, to be ready for it, and to not help create a climate with all the
Psychotropic drugs, and all the shoot-em-up video games, and all the nihilistic death culture.
It's up to all of us to do something about that, and to also see the warning signs of someone that called himself school shooter for two years, and who we've interviewed people that call the FBI on him, when he said he was going to shoot up the school.
We've had him on our show.
No coverage in the media.
We've had students from the school that survived.
And saying that they believe there should have been armed teachers there, like the Trump-supporting coach that rushed and saved a bunch of people and got shot and killed.
Why didn't he have a concealed carry?
So, we can't mitigate all evil.
We can't stop all evil.
We can't guarantee that as long as there's free will that we can make the world a utopia.
Everyone that says they can do that is a liar.
And by the way, I am trying to do something.
It's communism and socialism and fascism and authoritarianism that has killed.
Two hundred million people in the 20th and early part of 21st century, and that's on record.
And so, you look at the Islamists killing millions every year and targeting Christians, and it's not even on our news.
They won't even say it's Islam when it happens.
But when you get 17 people killed, it is the end of the world and all gun owners, by extension, are then guilty and
People like Jimmy Kimmel get up on TV and say, you dirty Christians and the NRA stuff in your pockets, it's your fault.
It's not my fault that I live in America where our forebears believed that the citizens had a right to arm themselves for the first time in history, except for Switzerland.
I am proud of that fact.
When you go to InfoWars.com, you'll see all the articles right there, with Mitt Romney and all the rest of these people.
Getting on the bandwagon saying, yes, do something.
We do have the mental health laws.
We do have the things in place.
And over and over again, nothing's done.
So that's the big truth.
You can't ban evil, but you can do things that mitigate it and control it and cut it down.
And everything we're doing with Hollywood and this culture and all this nihilism and all this garbage is making it worse.
Not in the mass shooting area, that's flat.
But culturally, there are a lot of mental illness problems.
There are a lot of other issues that we cover.
Now that said, the epicness, the other great truth is the CIA and others actually say that the Cold War for monopolar U.S.
control was won by the early 1990s, that that was the Third World War, and that it was an Info War and a Cold War.
And they call the coming cyber war, economic war, global system, with terrorism and the rest of it, the Fourth World War.
The issue is, is that the globalists are actually playing nation-states off against each other, and there's a fight to return America to the people again, and that's the big, huge fight that's happening that they don't want you to debate, that they don't want you to know, that they don't want you to discuss.
And that's why when there's giant Islamic attacks and hundreds killed every month by people driving trucks over folks, they don't even call it Islamic, it's barely in the news, and they sure as hell don't sit there and then blame the truck manufacturers, though they have put up what they call freedom barriers all over Europe, where you can't have any open squares because Muslims will run over you.
Hundreds and hundreds.
I mean, you've seen it.
It's incredible.
But again, just like with guns, if you were going to sit there and
Blame gun owners?
Well then you have to blame all car owners for anybody that ever uses a car as a weapon to kill people.
And cars kill a lot more people every year, obviously, than guns do.
So there's this big, epic, historic battle going on right now.
And you've got real history being overwritten and you've got Marvel Comics kind of writing its whole new history we'll cover coming up later in the last segment of today's radio show with Paul Watson's review of the new Black Panther movie, fourth largest grossing film in history.
Fake quasi-history.
What people take this stuff is like real history versus real history.
But there is a huge, epic, historical crossroads battle happening right now.
It doesn't mean nationalists are perfect.
It doesn't mean Trump's perfect.
What it means is, though, he's really trying to be the president, really trying to return power back into the United States, the sovereignty back into our Congress, back into our courts, back into our legislatures.
And that's why the foreign offshore globalist power is saying he's a outside power.
That's why they're saying I'm an outside power and you didn't really vote for Trump because you can't really be an American.
They're saying you don't have a stake as an American and if you try to vote and act as one, somehow you're with a foreign power.
That's the incredible psych warfare alchemy crap that's totally fallen its face where they've indicted a troll farm that it turns out BuzzFeed wrote about and that we talked about in 2013-2014 that was pro-
Sanders and pro Soros, whoever pays them.
And it turns out most of their work has been to just make money by whoever's paying them.
It's kind of like they talked about the $200,000 package that RT bought in 2016 because
Twitter sold them the ad package.
They've tried to sell us ad packages.
I've bought ad packages before on Facebook, not on Twitter.
And they tell you the keywords to promote and what to do.
And that's the Russian bots is RT $200,000.
They want them to buy millions of dollars worth of it, like the other media did during the whole campaign.
There is no Russian collusion.
That's been proven.
It's a way to change the subject away from the epic battle of the attempt to restore our republic and bring our country back.
And the globalists want to be able to point to all the independent real media that's exposing their narratives and their propaganda and their lies and say that info wars and news wars, that we're all Russian agents, that is so authoritarian, so dangerous and so out of control.
They don't want us there.
So we can point out, here's just a few examples, of where the New York Daily News and others ran the headline that the killer was trained by the NRA, that he went to a white supremacist compound, both those were lies, they know it wasn't true, they still won't retract.
We write about it and show how it's a lie.
They said no Republican would come on and talk about the shooting.
It turned out they banned all the Republicans and that they'd all actually been doing interviews and Ted Cruz was smart enough to document it and take photos of it.
So that's what, you know, Mr. Cuomo does when he's not involved in hit-and-run operations, when he's drunk driving is.
He goes, oh, everybody's scared to come on my show when they're not having anyone on.
And it's, again, it's a new level of lying.
CNN reports that pro-gun tweets are coming from Russia bots.
That's from Twitchy up on Infowars.com.
So that's how they operate.
That's how they do it.
And it's really, simply put, amazing.
I'm begging everybody to understand, we're in an information war.
And the reason Trump said it is, he's actually doing what he said he would do, and trying to restore the sovereignty of the nation.
Mitt Romney, that I was just showing you the article, it's up on InfoWars.com, is getting ready to run for the Senate, so he's positioned to look like a winner and run against Trump in 2020.
And he's going to be the establishment's real challenger, because he wants to keep us in TPP and all these global governance situations.
The elite doesn't know what to do because they're entitled to believe they control this country.
They're the multinational combines that have hijacked it.
They are the issue.
They are the problem.
And they need to be exposed.
And I know you as an audience know that.
The reason they're trying to contain us and the reason they're trying to block you sharing the articles and videos and people reporting it everywhere is because they know it's effective and they know you're effective.
And if they can silence him full wars, they can silence you.
All right.
That's it for this special transmission.
Again, coming up, the final segment of the radio show today.
We're going to do our analysis of Black Panther, the movie, and look at it from all different angles and more.
And then there'll be the weekday transmission, 11 a.m.
Central, InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Be sure to watch the other broadcasts as well with David Knight and Owen Schroer and many others as we expand the amount of transmissions coming out every day.
Now 10 hours live from the InfoWars News Center in Austin, Texas.
I'm Alex Jones.
Melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
I talked to the big organic producer companies that we make it, and I said, how much money is really in that?
They said, on average, about maybe $1 a melatonin, and then the container costs $0.50 or so, or less.
And I said, so I can put the same amount of melatonin in, just make it a bigger capsule that's powdered so you actually absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and then you get a sleep.
Unlike other systems, I mean, Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues, and he writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
The point is, he's a smart guy.
He doesn't smoke marijuana.
He doesn't drink anything.
He goes, man, I gotta really thank you.
I am sleeping eight hours through the night.
I only have to take one knockout.
I've gone and showed, you know, UT Science this and everything else.
This is insane.
I said, yeah, you look 10 years younger.
He said, oh yeah, it's just, I'm off all the sleep drugs.
He says, this is totally free.
But he goes, do you know what it is in there?
And I said, it's the synergy of it.
Of the chamomile, the lemon balm, the L-tryptophan, the valerian root, the melatonin, and several other ingredients.
All just moderate dose.
They're all the recommended dose, and they just fuse together, and whatever they do chemically in the brain, that Mother Nature, God gave us our Mother Nature, is incredible.
So, that's available infullwarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
But thank you for committing.
They get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it, but it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing millions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films and, you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out so you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called reap what you sow.
Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a long-time InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks for the awesome BrainForce AnthroPlex.
My girlfriend would like to say thanks for the AnthroPlex, too.
Thank you.
I use the BioTrue Selenium, the Super Blue toothpaste.
For you folks who aren't big normal toothpaste fans, the Super Blue is awesome.
And thank you so much, Alex, for the InfoWars Life products.
They are quality.
I can't wait to get some more.
And thank you so much for doing that for us to keep us healthy.
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order, and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
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888-253-3139 You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And ladies and gentlemen, we are back here with you on this Sunday evening in the final segment.
I am Alex Jones, your host.
I want to go to a very interesting piece that Paul Watson put together over the weekend dealing with the new Black Panther movie that is now the fourth largest grossing movie on opening weekend ever and may even eclipse that.
Okay, great.
I hope it does well.
I can't stand these new superhero movies because they try to pack too much into it.
It's like watching a World of Warcraft video game or something.
Kind of like the first Hobbit they just came back out with was pretty good, but by the third installment I thought I was again watching World of Warcraft.
It's just ruined.
And I've seen the trailers.
It looks like some of the same garbage.
I hope
It's different.
Because I like a fantasy film as much as anybody does.
My problem is, over and over and over and over and over again, these films are political.
And they admit this one is political.
What I know is this.
I'm gonna go see the film this weekend, I'll give you my review.
Because something hyped this big I need to be able to actually see it so I can analyze it.
I don't
And that's why you see the Olympics having their ratings go into the toilet instead of stratospheric.
People are tuning out.
Now that creates the perfect storm of mainstream media coming in.
And wanting to censor, and wanting to shut down new alternative competition, whether that competition is accurate or not, it fills the spectrum.
They don't want it there, and they admit they don't want it there, because it is basically exposing them.
Not just the media complex, but the whole government complex, all of these white shoe boy Harvard types that think they're the new elites.
They're the ones pushing identity politics and race politics and betting on that to control the population because they know the people not just here but worldwide are awake to what they've done and what they have become.
I like going and seeing an exotic film set in some far-off imaginary world like this mythical kingdom in Africa.
But I don't like being lectured about how evil I am or told this is a film with a 99% score which we all know is baloney.
So let's hear from Paul Joseph Watson as we conclude this global Sunday transmission.
It's a piece of s**t. I haven't actually seen it, but we now apparently live in a world where the quality of a movie is determined before it's even released, solely on the basis of how woke it is.
It doesn't even matter whether I've seen it or not.
If you give Black Panther a bad review, you're racist!
I don't care!
I don't care!
The very fact that you're ordering me to like it or be called racist, the very fact that you're so fragile you're talking about censoring bad movie reviews as hate speech to artificially keep the ranking high, means I'm gonna say it's a piece of s**t. You know why?
Because I don't like being told what to think.
So it's a piece of s**t. You white people state of s**t!
Out of our way on Feb 16th!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure if all white people boycotted Black Panther on its release date, given that they make up about 62% of the US population, Black Panther would be a total flop.
For which you probably blame white people.
So I carefully did not buy Black Panther tickets for the opening weekend because I did not want to be the white person sucking black joy out of the theatre.
Whilst the appropriate day for me to buy tickets is next weekend, okay?
It's never okay, bigot!
By buying a ticket, you could be taking up a seat that would otherwise have been taken by a black person.
Why are you disenfranchising African Americans?
So if you go and see the Black Panther movie as a white person, that's bad.
And if you don't go and see it because, maybe like me, you're not into movies about comic book heroes, that's bad too because it means you're racist!
Black Panther's Wakanda gets everything right about Africa that Trump got so wrong!
Yeah, let me explain something.
Africa is a real continent with real countries.
Mmm, doesn't exist!
But wait, let's say it did exist.
Wakanda is actually almost identical to the very stereotype of what you say Trump is trying to create in America.
Wakanda is homogenous.
Wakanda is isolationist.
Wakanda is willing to exploit its natural resources.
Wakanda is protected by walls.
Wakanda doesn't allow immigration.
Wakanda is based around national self-interest.
That's literally everything you say Trump is bad for doing, but when fictional black people are doing it, suddenly it's amazing.
Finally seeing black people ruling their black country on their black continent, minding their black business, thriving with their black dollars and black resources!
Right, so now you're in favor of an ethnostate?
I mean, gee, all you need to do is replace one word, and BuzzFeed and the alt-right would be on the exact same f***ing page!
So Black Lives Matter are portrayed as the villains, the hero is a nationalist, the hero is basically Black Trump!
Why is Hollywood pandering to racist Trump supporters?
But seriously, it sounds like a lot of social justice warriors are gonna be very disappointed with this movie.
More than a movie, Black Panther is a movement!
Black people have been striving to remind the world for years that Africa is a continent, not a country.
A continent made up of nations rich with histories and achievements in fields from the arts to mathematics.
But such representation is seldom being portrayed by Hollywood.
Then along came Black Panther, which opens in theatres across the country on Friday.
Okay, this is Wakanda.
And this is Africa.
Africa is portrayed as a shithole because it's a shithole.
It's not a high-tech Hollywood CGI futurescape.
Africa has fundamental problems.
Poverty, disease, starvation, poor infrastructure, rampant political corruption.
Six million slaves who were enslaved by other Africans.
None of these problems are going to be fixed by the portrayal of a place that doesn't exist in a movie.
That's like saying the movie Wall-E was going to fix the Earth's environmental problems.
It's that f***ing dumb.
Also, why are all these leftists white-splaining to black people, telling them that the Black Panther movie is some kind of Emancipation Proclamation 2.0?
I mean, talk about bigotry of low expectations.
You think an entire ethnic group is so fragile it needs a comic book character for self-validation?
Sounds pretty racist to me.
If this movie is so empowering and such a force of nature, why can't you tolerate criticism of it?
I mean, when dictators get 98% of the vote in sham elections, it's not normally because 98% of the population really likes them.
It's normally because there are consequences for not voting for a dictator.
Pretty good review, right?
No, not good enough.
This is less like a movie and more like a cult.
It's like the Church of Scientology.
No criticism allowed!
Both are starring in movies, but Anthony Sadler
Helped stop a terrorist attack.
He subdued a terrorist.
He saved countless lives.
He's a real hero.
This guy put on a leotard and pretended to be the king of a fictional country.
And which black hero does the entertainment industry worship and exalt?
Leotard guy.
The dude who looks like Catwoman got a sex change.
That's your hero.
Could it be anything to do with the fact that Sadler's movie is directed by an evil conservative?
And despite being panned by the critics, Clint Eastwood's film, featuring a real black hero, did well at the box office.
What's all this crap about first black superhero?
There's been tons of black superheroes.
Storm, War Machine, Luke Cage over there on Netflix, Nick Fury, Cyborg over in the f***ing DC Universe, that f***ing stupid flying guy with the fake wings.
I don't remember what his name is.
Who cares?
But there's lots of black characters.
Tons of them.
Tons of black superhero characters.
And then they say, oh well, he's not the first black superhero, but he's the first black superhero to ever have his own movie.
That's not true either!
There was the entire Blade trilogy.
There was f***ing Spawn.
There was Steel.
Terrible movie, but still a black superhero movie.
Meteor Man, Blank Man, Hancock with Will Smith.
Uh, you could even make a case for men in black, also with Will Smith.
Given its hype about being a watershed cultural moment for social justice, why are there no gay people in the Black Panther movie?
Hmm, not so woke after all.
I don't see many disabled, autistic, Muslim, furry dwarves in there either.
So the media's all like, conservatives are angry at the Black Panther movie, they're so triggered!
I'm not angry at the movie.
I'm unimpressed by your transparent effort to exploit the movie for racist, divisive social engineering by relentlessly shoving it down everyone's throats, telling us what we can and can't think, lecturing us on how we should behave because of our skin colour.
F*** you!
Not liking a crappy feminist Ghostbusters remake doesn't make me a sexist.
Not genuflecting in front of Black Panther as the greatest movie of all time doesn't make me a racist.
So if you're looking forward to seeing Black Panther, then good, I hope you enjoy it.
But how did we get to the point where everything is so hyper-partisan, everything is so divisive, that a comic book movie becomes a huge wedge issue?
Don't we have enough to bicker about and hate each other for already?
Policing people's thoughts down to a level where they're racist if they don't like a movie.
That's stupid!
If I want to call this movie a piece of s**t, then I will.
This movie is a piece of s**t. I started working with some of the top labs in the country many years ago, but intensely the last year to bring out a lot of new brands.
And I said, what is the cleanest, healthiest thing that goes after seasonal distress, the things that pollen and dust and all the trees and plants cause, but that doesn't have even herbs in it that speed up the metabolism and get you in a heightened state?
Because sure, you're all jazzed up, your body's gonna ignore the fact that it's under attack.
I said, what naturally deals with it, but helps the body in its own way actually heal it?
And they said, well, that is Japanese quail eggs
Type of quail, Japanese quail, fed a specific diet by the French.
They discovered this like 40 years ago.
It's not patented, not documented, but it's got better rates in the studies than placebos and then, you know, a lot of other products that are out there.
So I continue to marvel at Mother Nature and what God gave us on this planet.
Because the results we've gotten just at the office, people with serious
Issues with pollen, with dust, you name it.
The results we've gotten with the pollen block have just been insane.
And it just makes my head spin.
Why did I not, suffering from this for so many years, not know about it when it has alleviated
My issues, like I said, 70%.
I mean, it has been a game changer.
I still sneeze some.
I still might have a little burning in my sinus, but the pounding headaches, the fog is gone.
And that's what personally happened for me.
See what happens for you.
Give us your review.
We'd love to hear what you have to say.
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You are the resistance.