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Name: 20180123_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 23, 2018
3069 lines.

In a segment of Alex Jones' radio show, he discusses various topics related to globalism, free speech, and censorship. The show begins with Matt praising slogan t-shirts available at Infowarsstore.com for their support of the InfoWars revolution. Alex Jones then delves into the recently released memo on FISA abuse, emphasizing its importance in proving illegal spying. Ted Malik joins to discuss the ongoing Davos event and the "celebrification of culture" in response to globalist trends. A new product called "Immune Wall" is also introduced. Finally, Jones criticizes the EU and the media for ignoring the redactions in the memo while promoting Trump's upcoming speech at Davos.

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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Political outrage turns bloody in Berkeley.
Our KPIX5 crews were right in the middle of the chaos as both Trump supporters and anti-Trump activists come to blows.
Protesters followed Trump supporters to their cars as they left the convention center.
Around the corner and away from police protection on San Carlos Street, a mob mentality took over.
Who voted Trump?
Who voted Trump?
What do you say to the people who dragged a poor white guy out of a car and beat him?
Oh my goodness, poor white people, please, oh my- stop!
These were pure attacks.
Trump supporters, men, women, even the elderly, left this building last night and walked right into danger.
This Trump supporter was the first casualty of the day, with blood streaming out of his face.
Pro-Trump and anti-Trump protesters got into it.
They're throwing things, and the guy who has a Trump shirt on, oh, he just got knocked in the back of the head, he just got punched in the face.
And now they're rushing him.
We're saying, if you're out there and you're trying to represent your First Amendment right to free speech, if somebody comes and attacks you, it's your right to defend yourself.
It got ugly.
Violence erupting at the event as fights broke out.
Fists flying between Trump supporters and anti-Trump supporters.
It gets pretty ugly.
Yeah, I want to warn the folks watching at home, you're about to see some very violent footage.
You want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
Organizers say today's rallies were meant as a show of unity against what they call a seditious fringe allegedly trying to sabotage the president.
You can see there a FedEx delivery driver jumping in to try to put an end to the protest.
Just to strike the numbers.
I'll give it to you.
Liv, if you want to come out, you better be up a hundred of you against one of me, because that's what it's going to take.
This is the heart of 1776.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are broadcasting worldwide on this Tuesday, the 23rd day of January 2018.
Now, I've got a lot of sources obviously in Congress.
I've got sources in the Pentagon.
I've got sources in federal law enforcement.
I've got sources in academia.
I've got sources in the press.
I've got sources across the board.
And in the last few days, I have basically reverse engineered what is in the bombshell congressional memo.
And then I've checked with my sources, without them revealing anything secret, played the little game of, is this accurate?
Is that accurate?
Would this be what's in it?
Would that be what's in it?
And because I already know what's in it by studying the entire compendium and being in the center of the so-called Russia investigation as well, because of all that knowledge, I have been able to reverse engineer it.
And then I've been able to check with people that have seen the memo, or who were part of the memo, or who were part of pieces of the memo, and they have said that basically my analysis of the memo is dead on, and that the memo will probably be released by next week.
Maybe even sooner.
There's a big fight behind the scenes.
Congressman Schiff of California, who's been quarterbacking the whole Russia hoax at the House level, is battling to stop its release, because it's going to come back in the end to Congress and the Democrats.
Folks, they all got in a room together.
The Democrats all got in a room together when he was president-elect.
That's what's in the memo.
And I'm going to reveal that today.
I'm going to reveal what's in the memo.
Get ready, exclusively, tomorrow's news today.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Infowars and our team of investigative journalists and our sources have been able to reverse engineer the bombshell congressional memo on the FISA court's activities and the FBI's activities, the Justice Department's activities, Congressional Democrats' activities, the Democratic Party's activities, Hillary Clinton's activities, the FBI director at the time, James Comey, activities.
And we know what is in the memo.
And we know why they are attempting to not have it released to the public or have it heavily redacted.
Because the Democrats, during the campaign, thought Hillary was invincible and began to illegally surveil the president.
Then they did what you call parallel construction to cover themselves and later went and got a warrant, that too based on fraud.
And as you've already seen the last month,
The drip, drip, drip bombshells, all of these like atomic bombs dropping on the heads of the deep state, and the criminal Clinton crime network, the cabal, the La Cosa Nostra, which means our secret society, our secret thing, La Cosa Nostra means our secret society, our secret thing.
And I've said for weeks, it is a Locosa Nostra-style cabal of the highest levels of the Clinton crime network that they started putting in place in 1993 that Bush pretty much went along with.
I mean, they're like family members.
They vacation together.
Barbara Bush calls him Bill Clinton, her son.
They run the same scam foundations together.
So from 1993,
Right through to Barack Obama in 2017, leaving office on January 20th, they've got at the top of the FBI more than 70% of the key personnel in place, as well as the Justice Department.
I mean, it is a nightmare.
For 26 years,
26 years they have been stacking the federal courts, stacking the FISA court, stacking the Justice Department, stacking the FBI at the top.
And if you're not a globalist Democrat ready to cover up their crimes, you don't get into any positions of power.
It's absolutely true that the average rank-and-file FBI agent is a hard-working person.
I mean, I grew up with new FBI agents that were working 18 hours a day with kidnappings and bank robberies and money laundering and, you know, just risking their lives.
But that's your local FBI.
At the top, it's super political.
It's always been political.
But now, it's globalist, Democrat, crime syndicate.
And so,
It hit me last night as I was going to bed about midnight and I made a bunch of calls that wow I've got to get up in the morning and really get up early and kind of codify all this together and present it because we know what's in
The memo.
We predicted and knew what the FBI was doing before.
What the Clintons were doing.
We've laid all that out.
How they had a cabal inside.
How they were fixing the intelligence.
How they lied to get the FISA court.
How they illegally surveilled Trump Tower.
Myself included.
We broke all that.
With the guest.
With the eyewitnesses.
With the people that have testified behind closed doors in Congress.
Multiple guests we've had on that have been part of this whole thing.
And they're sworn to secrecy and not supposed to talk about it, but then the Democrats selectively put out pieces of transcripts that are edited.
So, they're not playing by the rules here.
So, I got up this morning, took care, made breakfast, hung out with the children, got them off to school, and have tried to collate all this together to present it.
And, you know, I've decided what I'm going to do is,
I'm going to tell you the contents of the memo in the last segment of this hour.
But before that, I'm going to roll through the history of it and what we already know and what's been admitted.
And then I'm going to give you, finally, what's in there.
The reason it's so bombshell is that the memo is the findings
Of stated fact and other documents and witnesses of the FBI and the Justice Department trying to frame the President and his voters as Russian dupes or Russian agents, getting illegal warrants, then covering it up, then destroying the 5,000 text messages, it's a lot more than that, between Stroke and Page, Struck and Page,
And the paying of money through the FBI to Fusion GPS, to the family members of FBI agents, and everybody else, and more documents pertaining to how these individuals did that, and the fact that they've already been caught talking about how they were forming
A shadow government, how they were forming a cabal, how they were forming a secret society.
And all of that has pretty much already come out.
But what's important is the connections to how Hillary Clinton was directing the whole thing through the Democratic Party.
And now we have congressional testimony that's been given.
By the head of Fusion GPS, where he says people are being killed in association with the dossier.
Well, that's actually true.
But it's people that could expose how they manufactured it, and it's people that could expose how they were planning to steal the election, and how they did steal the election.
You know, people that got shot in the back in Washington, D.C.
And that's why you see
Donna Brazile coming out and distancing herself from Hillary in all this.
And that's why you've got the missing laptops being found by the Capitol Police and they won't turn them over even though Debbie Washerman Schultz is on television in their meeting threatening them if they don't.
And she's shaking because she knows what's on that laptop.
So the memo connects the dots.
And it's a lengthy quote memo.
It's really a real dossier.
And it just shows the web of how this is all interconnected.
That's why you've seen Jim Jordan and them going back over a month and a half ago going, you know, I feel like when we finally get these people to testify and find out what's happening, I feel like Strzok and McCabe and all them probably met and decided to make up this dossier, decided to take it to the FISA court.
The president had to order the FISA court to issue it, and I feel like we're going to learn you guys were all in a cabal and knew it was all a big lie, and he doesn't feel like he's got all the documents.
It's just secret.
And then of course a week later, all that came out.
They're letting the Democrats know what they're going to do.
So now, FBI struck and Page spoke of
Secret Society after Trump election.
Trump had been elected.
It's November 9th.
And they say, we are forming the Secret Society now.
We're forming our own organization.
Our thing.
We're forming our new organization.
Call it a Secret Society today.
We're gonna go meet with the Deputy Director tomorrow.
And they marched in there, and they cooked up this whole criminal conspiracy in there, and even called it a secret society.
Because that's what... Secret societies were the old intelligence agencies, like the NSA, the CIA, the FBI.
That's what you called them, was secret societies.
And then in the modern day they go, those don't exist, that's crazy.
No, they formed a La Cosa Nostra.
And I don't mean it's an Italian operation, but La Cosa Nostra means our thing, our secret thing.
And so they have a family with Robert Mueller, with Comey.
With McCabe, and all these people under him, and Fusion GPS to fence the fraud, to fence the lie, and then bring it back, and then try to push it, and the whole desperate thing's falling apart, and I've now talked to sources that have seen sections of the memo,
And it is going to absolutely devastate the Democrats.
And I wouldn't be surprised if Comey and if Mueller and if Hillary Clinton does not go to prison.
Because they broke the rules here.
They've gone so far.
The word is they are going to be indicted.
They are going to go to prison for massive conspiracy against the Republic.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand?
I'm ringing the alarm.
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much begging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to InfoWarsStore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Free Press needs your help, Frank!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.
And I'm all out of bucket.
Oh, shit!
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We are only days, maybe a week max, away from the total devastation of the Democratic Party leadership for their organized, brazen, criminal plot.
To overturn the election of President Trump and remove him from office by framing him for Russian collusion when there was absolutely zero evidence of it.
Now they've moved on to hopefully finding some type of obstruction or perjury when they're the ones in front of Congress, Mueller, Comey, all of them, caught lying over and over and over again.
And so, in the final segment of this hour, I'm gonna just lay out
The intel that I've been told is in the memo.
But the secret congressional memo on the quote FISA court is the story of the illegal spying, then illegally getting the warrant, lying about it, then trying to classify it, then the NSA director calling Trump the first week he's in office, laying it all out.
Trump saying I've been illegally spied on.
The media saying you're insane, that never happened.
Comey testifying to Congress, along with many others, saying it never happened.
When they were involved, that's coming out in the memo.
The memo is really a blueprint for indictment.
It's a prosecution's case to the grand jury, the American people.
That's what it is.
When they say it's bombshell, it's gonna lay it all out.
Who did what, how they did it, the evidence, they've got everything.
Trump's got the whole NSA file now.
The unmasking, Susan Powers, Rice, all of it.
Samantha Powers, Rice, all of it.
I mean, it's all right there, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's the brazen,
Chutzpah, bravado, hubris, craziness!
That they would do this and now commit all these crimes to cover it up.
So, I'm trying to collate because there's so much evidence, so many pieces I want to get to.
This is so big, I'm tempted to go off the air and have Owen Schroeder come host the show, and just go spend two hours in my office and try to really codify it, because I've got all the evidence, I've got the sources, I know what's in the memo, I know it's a blueprint for indictment, it's bombshell proof, it's perjury, it's conspiracy to defraud the voters, it's conspiracy to frame the president, and it's all there.
And you notice, they keep telling you, we feel like this is what's happening, they already have it.
And then they release it.
Jim Jordan, Nunes, Trey Gowdy, everybody.
And you've got the Democrats now, the Congressional Democrats that met with Hillary and others two months before the President got inaugurated.
And there's records of that, reportedly, and then there's the FBI records, and the text messages, and the emails about, we gotta get an insurance policy, we gotta form a secret society, we're gonna stop this guy, and that's the stuff we've got!
And now it's been reported that the type of Galaxy phones they were issued hard-code all the text messages on them.
Well, everybody already knows that.
None of that's ever erased.
You've got to have a special technician that knows how to go in and delete that stuff.
I can't tell you how many times we've accidentally deleted something and we just have an expert go in and pull it back up out of the trash.
And it's more sophisticated than that.
There's another copy as well.
And so they have been caught now saying 5,000 text messages between these two FBI agents have been deleted by accident.
Bleach Bit Creator, ex-FBI experts question loss of Peter Strzok's text.
Well, absolutely.
It's ridiculous.
So, there's so many moving parts here.
That my head is spinning right now, but the bombshell of them saying, we gotta have an insurance policy, we gotta meet, we can't let this guy stay in office.
First they gotta have an insurance policy when he's running for office, then when he wins, okay, we gotta form the conspiracy, we gotta form the secret society, we gotta stop him, we're gonna meet with the deputy director tomorrow.
On and on and on, and that's just what they've released so far, hoping the Democrats give up and roll over, because this is going to be a firestorm.
This is going to be very, very dangerous for the country.
A sharp digital forensics expert may still be able to recover them, said Andrew Zime, creator of BleachBit, the software that Hillary Clinton subordinates use to clear information from her private server.
In general, whenever the software deletes any information, traces are left of the storage device
Though they become disorganized like the proverbial needle in a haystack, but they build in back doors, is what he's telling you, where the government wants to be able to go back in and there's a breadcrumb trail, because it's all still there, to then reproject the skeletal map onto it to be able to pull it back off.
And we've got the man that developed a lot of this.
Dr. William Benny, former technical head of the National Security Agency, joining us in the second hour to talk about all this.
So we'll get a top expert for you on that, and we'll pick his brain on air as well.
So, that's the magnitude of what we're dealing with.
But yes, you get tomorrow's news today.
I have
Made a lot of phone calls to top experts, and we have all the pieces, and we have what the congressional folks have already been hinting at for months, that then the next week, they release word for word.
Remember that tape I played a month and a half ago?
Jim Jordan saying, you know, I kind of feel like they all went to McCabe's office, and they said, we got to stop the president getting in, or got to remove him, got to have some type of insurance policy.
I kind of feel like it was all a cabal of them working together, you know, to stop all this and to create this fraud.
And that's just what I feel like might be there.
Because he has a high-level security clearance and has seen it all.
And the next week, exactly that's released.
So, I've talked to folks that have seen sections of what's been put in the investigation.
It's an investigational finding, a blueprint.
It's an impeachment, basically, of them.
The House indicts, the Senate tries.
The President, well, it's the same thing.
The House has produced an indictment.
That is what this memo is.
It is a blueprint.
It is a finding of fact from their own documents.
It is a house indictment of the Clinton Crime Syndicate.
Lois Lerner thing was huge.
Ohio Representative Jim Jordan told the Daily Caller, my gut tells me this is probably bigger.
Oh, his gut's telling him more!
He's got all the documents of Lois Lerner.
And it goes on and on and on with tarmac meetings with the former Justice Department head Loretta Lynch and all of it.
It's all going to be there.
How these people, this cabal of a few FBI agents and Justice Department, less than 30 people, put there by the Clintons, continued by Obama and others, how they
Protect the Clinton crime machine.
Protect the Obama crime machine.
Collect data to blackmail and attack and go after Christians, Libertarians, Conservatives.
Go after the churches.
Go after the 501c3s.
You name it.
Then they try to stop Trump with made-up stuff in the campaign.
Then they get illegal wiretaps.
Then they get caught.
Then they get warrants.
Then they lie about that.
Then they try to cover up the whole crime.
Then they lie to Congress.
And it's all coming out!
It's all coming out!
Criminals, get ready!
Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues, and he writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
Used to be racehorse of Haines.
He was an aide-de-camp before he left criminal law and went into family law.
But the point is, he's a smart guy.
You know, doesn't smoke marijuana, doesn't drink anything, and a real clean-cut guy, UT professor.
He wanted to be the Dean of the UT Law School, but he didn't do it.
The point is, he's a prestigious guy.
And Mr. Goody Two-Shoes, you know, German-American guy.
But, you know, genuinely like Ward Cleaver.
And he was on like three or four drugs and sleep studies and then UT, you know, brain studies because he couldn't sleep after years of going overnight and not sleeping.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We're breaking the conditioning!
InfoWars comes to mind.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones.
Google is being accused of hiding negative stories about Hillary and her campaign by changing its algorithm to bury stories like the Clinton body count story.
That's according to website InfoWars.
It seems like it's confirmed there are at least two shooters with fully automatic weapons.
Dr. Martin Luther King has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
JFK was shot from the back and the front.
It was almost as if it were a planned explosion.
It's just pancakes.
They took the babies out in incubators and left the children to die on the front lines.
I think this is a national security imperative.
We have clear things that we do not understand how they work operating in areas that we can't control.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world?
The central bank is in charge.
Israel claims the attack was accidental.
Some former U.S.
naval officers say it was on purpose.
They describe today's action as part of a continuing cover-up.
Russian intelligence compiled a dossier on Mr. Trump during visits to Moscow.
Russian scum!
Denied everything.
He called it all fake news.
And he accused CNN of being fake news.
This is a national emergency.
If they kill Trump or remove Trump, it will cause a massive civil war in this country.
This is a FEMA high-level emergency.
We are at war with Russia.
Are you aware that Mr. Stone also stated publicly that he was in direct communication with Julian Assange on WikiLeaks?
The White House and the President are citing info wars.
If they can shut us down, you're next!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Okay folks, I've got to go off air right now, and we've got a very powerful video that's on DrudgeReport.com.
We're leftists, throw fists, spit on people, it's a compilation of the Women's March.
I've got to go off air because William Binney, former technical head of the National Security Agency, the main technical advisor obviously on the big film Snowden,
Who's advised the President and the CIA Director Pompeo, he's now advising the President, he's going to be joining us next hour.
He just said, hey, here, why don't you just have the actual memo they're talking about.
Now there's another memo they're writing about this memo, but here it is, just sent to us.
I've got to go off air.
This is the classified memo.
Right here.
I mean, I told you I have sources and that I'd reverse engineered it, but I guess the decision's been made by whoever's telling Benny to send this to us.
Document Cam, please.
And it's... A lot more is coming up after the break, okay?
This is happening right now.
Can we do a Document Cam shot, please?
Here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
The first look.
You want to look at it?
Got the whole thing.
In fact, the rest of it's coming out of the printer, guys.
We bring it to me place, the one by my office in the hall.
Here it is.
This is why I'm having trouble conducting the show here, broadcast.
United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, Washington, D.C.
April 26, 2017.
Leanne Flynn Hall, clerk of the court.
And it is not very redacted either.
And it's classified.
Top secret.
And then you want it, you got it.
Tomorrow's news today.
This is what Congress has got.
But they've got an unredacted one, except for some code names.
They've got one even less redacted than this.
But this is nowhere in the press, by the way.
I mean, I knew this was coming in earlier and I was dealing with it, trying to conduct the broadcast while I knew all this was going on.
And now I'm trying to go over all this.
But here it is.
Let's just get a document cam shot on this right now so I can send this out live.
People can then stop it and rewind it and the press and people can look at it and go back over it.
There's page one.
That's a good shot right there.
There's page two.
Page three.
Normally do this on air, but obviously this is important.
Infowars.com forward slash show if you want to see this.
This is all how they did it to Trump, how they tracked it, all the spying, good God.
So, it's all right here.
Now I want to explain though, Congress is writing their report on this memo that's a roadmap to the perjury and the lying and all the rest of it.
So, that's a separate part.
Their report on the memo, and then what it connects to.
And they organize brazen conspiracy to overturn the election and defraud the civil rights of U.S.
I mean, the amount of crimes committed here are just absolutely staggering when you read this stuff.
Their authorization they say for spying on Trump was weapons of mass destruction and working for a foreign intelligence operation.
Look at the stuff they said to get this!
So it just goes on and on and obviously this is like trying to eat an elephant in one bite.
I think for everybody's safety we're just gonna go ahead and post this and send out a link to this in the next 10 minutes.
I'm gonna go ahead and go to the
Video that's on DrudgeReport.com, if you want to find it, if you're a radio listener, it's right in the middle of the site.
Foul-mouthed liberals fart, spit, and throw fists at reporters.
We also have a new video where they're saying, we want to take conservatives and we're going to murder them.
We're communists, we're going to chop their heads off.
And everybody's like, yes, we're going to murder everyone.
So that video is coming up as well.
But I told you that I've been talking to a lot of folks that
have seen the original actual memo they're talking about that we now have right here for you first but then as I'm saying don't get confused there's another memo and they're hyping it saying the contents of the memo we're gonna put a report out soon and then they put a report out with this because this catches them in all the different lies and perjury
And remember CNN saying nobody spied on Trump.
MSNBC, the New York Times, you know, we made this up and InfoWars made this up and our guests made it up.
We had William Binning on at the time, who is now advising the President.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
You can put two and two together, but we appreciate Mr. Benny sending us this.
And of course, it was hiding in plain view.
Legally done.
And I'm not at liberty to tell you yet, but we're not breaking any laws doing this right now.
But this is why they hate us.
Let's go to some of this video, and I may not even be able to come back to the next segment.
I've got to get ready for this.
This is just coming in too fast.
I'm Alex Jones.
If you're listening to us on local affiliates, spread the word.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
We need to probably change the headlines on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter that, you know, not that I'm going to break the contents of the FISA memo, but we are breaking it right now.
Again, we deliver.
We need your prayers, folks.
Let's go out to break with some of these demonic-like people.
Here it is.
F**k you!
F**k Infowars!
F**k your followers!
F**k all you Zion pigs!
F**k all you racist pigs!
F**k all you pieces of s**t!
You're sad.
F**k Info!
You're f**king sad!
Look at you!
Look at you, you piece of s**t!
You're a f**king fashion pig!
Hi, yes, Whore Power!
We're out here representing sex workers and equal rights for them because a lot of the time they're excluded from these and our jobs are just as important and just as valid as everybody else's.
So, power to the whores, power to every woman, trans, cis, women of color, all of us are together out here.
So is being a whore empowering for women?
For some women it is.
And for the ones that it is not, that's their decision.
And for the ones that it is, we're so often vilified by society that we have to work just as hard as any other marginalized group to be recognized as having autonomy over our own body.
And that's like super offensive to a lot of the people in society.
This is amazing.
So they're chanting, lock him up.
Here's the funny thing.
If they lock Trump up, the economy would crash, the stock market would crash, the borders would be wide open, and America would become a third world nation.
And that's what they want!
That's what they want!
It's incredible!
You realize you're an idiot, right?
What did I say that's wrong, sir?
I don't really care what you said that's wrong.
My point is that you're an idiot.
So you have no facts to base your statement?
That is absolutely not what I said, and you're distorting it in full force.
You called me an idiot for no reason.
There he goes!
There he goes!
Yeah, there I go.
There he goes!
There he goes!
I'm not gonna do anything.
Of course.
Because you're a coward.
Weren't you about to run away?
No, I was about to leave because I really feel like listening to assholes like you.
If you want to put that on the air, put that on the air.
Will do.
Will do.
Thank you for that content.
Don't worry son, you can do better than your father.
How's this?
Is he gonna fart?
You farted at me?
He farted at me!
Oh my god!
Donald Trump has got to go!
I want to apologize to listeners.
I lied to you when I told you Trump would win the election, and he did.
I lied to you when I told you that they're admitting that fluoride's causing brain damage, and it turned out I was right.
I lied to you about a global government existing that was trying to take control of our country, which they now admit is true.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world, the central bankers in charge?
I guess, actually, I didn't lie to you.
And I'm on air every day fighting the globalists as they try to shut down free speech in America, as they try to derail our recovery, as they try to fold us into their world government, open up our borders, hand us over to the Islamic caliphate.
But I'll tell you this, when I'm on air, I wear a sports jacket and a nice shirt because I respect the fact that you're tuning in and watching and listening to what I have to say.
But we're involved in very, very important activities.
And that's why I want to reach out to you right now and explain something.
That's so critical.
And if you grasp it, we'll be able to literally turn the tide even faster against the globalists.
And it's just this.
I'm not always wearing this, ladies and gentlemen.
I dress like this to politically get messages out to folks that aren't awake, to spur debates, but to also meet like-minded people who are out there feeling like they're alone and don't know how many of us there are.
It's like Martin Luther King said, it's all of us of one human race who all have incredible skills and gifts that God gave us that we bring together in the human family.
You do incredible things.
A few months ago, I saw media demonizing folks that put up signs at universities that said, all lives matter.
Then they demonized people that said, it's okay to be white.
These are universities where they're saying it's inherently evil and an abomination and satanic to be white.
Right outside Austin, Texas.
Texas State University says that.
Most major universities are directing this to create racial division in this country and it's sickening.
That's why I have designed with our crew
Several new limited edition t-shirts that expose this evil and fight true institutional leftist based racial division and classical race war designs.
Yeah, if you're just talking about how you're white or how you're black, it's okay.
That's fine to be proud of yourself.
But isn't it really great to realize we all got red blood?
That's why the shirt is in red.
Out here in space together, the dark blue of the night sky, but all of our red blood together ties us together and that's what makes us great.
The globalists are creating a fake debate to turn us against each other.
Let's come together and say all lives matter.
The fact is it's not just okay, it's great to be human.
Let me show you a few of the other designs we've got.
They're available at InfoWarsTore.com.
They help spread the word and they help support the broadcast.
A total win-win.
This shirt is white.
And you've got major universities, major publications like BuzzFeed saying it's milk racist because it's white.
So yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's a white shirt that says it's okay to be white, okay to be black, okay to be brown, but it's great.
To be human.
To literally take minorities and turn them into the equivalent of Brown Ku Klux Klan.
This shirt is amazing, it's iconic, and it's limited edition.
They're all available at InfoWarsStore.com or by calling toll-free, 888-253-3139.
And despite the fact that all these shirts are super high quality and are destiny bestsellers, through Christmas, we're offering 25% off at InfoWarsStore.com on these limited edition shirts.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I've got to go off air.
Roger Stone, I've just made abreast of the information.
I've got to go make phone calls.
I've got the former head of the NSA coming on next hour, who sent us this information just about an hour ago.
So I've been on air, not complaining here, it's just hard to do, trying to host a show while I decide what to do with this.
I've made the decision.
I'm going to go to Zach, one of the producers, and Roger Stone here for this segment.
You and I are going to go get this file.
We're going to post it on Infowars.com right now, Kit.
I've called Rob Due and Nico Acosta, who are off doing a hiring deal right now, an interview.
Told them, drop that.
Give the guy a hundred bucks or something.
Come back over here.
All hands on deck.
At the newsroom, we have the secret memo.
We have it first.
And I'm going to tell people where to get it in just a minute.
But you're about to get this right now.
And I told people I'd already been told the contents by sources.
Well, I guess people just decided to go ahead and give it all to you right here.
Because fortune favors the bold.
They know they're going to give it to you on the file.
Just post it and say, this is the secret
FISA court memo, and we now have it.
We've now had a chance to scan it.
This has people going to the court during the election and saying, this is illegal, you need to stop.
So there was a fight in the court.
That's why the judges recused themselves and everything.
We have to get everybody reading this now.
We've got to get Paul Watson in England.
I'm trying to call him during the break.
I'm not bitching.
I'm just saying this is all hands on deck.
Paul's got to get on this, everybody.
I'm not going to sit on this.
I'm going to blast it out right now so everybody's got it covered.
Before the media gets it and spins it.
This is incredible.
So get the file.
It's from William Binney, former technical head of the National Security Agency.
And I want you to post it to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com right now with a link to the live feed as we cover this, okay?
And say, William Binney now joining us.
Thank you.
Here you go.
Here, here, oh, yeah, sure, yeah.
Get the file, you're right.
Anyways, so I kept telling you it could break any day.
Well, I guess it broke right here.
And I told you towards the end of the hour, I was going to give you secrets of the memo.
Well, not just the memo, but the report coming out of the memo.
We're going to go right now to Roger Stone for this segment and the next.
Zach, one of our great producers, is going to quarterback that.
But Zach, you were just scanning through the, how many hundreds of pages is this?
It's a hundred.
It's a hundred and... It's a hundred... It's ninety-nine pages without the cover letters.
It's a hundred and one pages long.
So, Zach, just tell folks the little shnibblet you just found during the break.
And I already found out that there was two hearings on suspected abuses of the FISA court laws.
And one was in September, I think, 26 of 2016, which would take place way before the election happened.
And if they're doing another hearing in March, after hearing that there was unmasking that happened with Susan Rice,
And clearly Trump probably put into effort in March another hearing about the same type of abuse.
So, I mean, this just blows out the water that they've known about this illegal wiretapping essentially since September.
And we're about to post it on Infowars.com.
We're going to tweet it out at real Alex Jones.
And I'm not going to do what the press does and just sit on this.
The so-called press, the New York Times and people, we're going to blast this baby out to everybody coming up.
Let's bring Roger Stone in.
You bring him in and out of break, Zach, while I go deal with this on the main deck here.
But Roger Stone, wow.
Thank God William Biddy now advising the president and advising the CIA director.
And wow, this is dropped right in our lap.
What do you make of that?
You know, Alex, we're making history right here at InfoWars.
I now know how liberals felt when it was revealed that Exit had kept tapes and those tapes would be forthcoming.
This is very akin to that.
This is an indelible blueprint of treason, of unconstitutional actions, of an illicit effort to steal the election from Donald Trump.
It shows the abuse of power.
And my question, my most immediate question after just looking at this stuff quickly, what did the president know and when did he know it?
It is not conceivable the highest levels of the NSA and the FBI and the CIA were deeply involved in unconstitutional activity to change the results of the election without the orders of the president.
It's time for us to know what Obama's involvement and knowledge was in this treasonous plan.
We're scanning it right now for the word President or Barack Obama, and so we've got everybody in there reading it.
I'm gonna go work on that, Roger.
Take over.
But, I mean, right now, Infowars.com is 10 minutes away.
We'll do this little segment and the little short one from William Benny joining us to break all this down.
I mean, this is surreal, my friend.
Well, some of my same contacts like you, Alex, in the intelligence community have been telling me that this existed going back to InfoWars many months.
I have repeatedly said that there is a FISA... You broke it in February and March of last year and said everything must be about a FISA investigation.
You told the president that every time you've talked to him and it turns out the president did it.
Well, they were using the full power of the state, the full investigative and surveillance powers of the U.S.
government, for political espionage, to spy on the Republican candidate for President of the United States.
This is 5,000 times worse than the plumbers.
This is 5,000 times worse than the plumbers.
Well, in the case of Nixon, he was using private contractors and inept ones at that, and there was never any proof or evidence that the president himself ever knew about a hand-manded operation that achieved nothing.
In this case, they were using the actual auspices of the U.S.
government and the government's surveillance authority to cheat in the election, to wire the election.
And then, now suddenly, remember the famous 17 and a half minute gap?
I don't think so.
We are really, I think, ahead of the curve news-wise on this, and we're in an extraordinary place where it's all now laid out to bear.
In other words, thanks to InfoWars, thanks to Matt Drudge, the pieces are now coming together.
The dots are being connected.
We know, for example,
That the Obama Justice Department went to the FISA court in July of last year and asked for permission to spy on Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and Trump Tower.
And they were stunned when the judge turned them down.
Because the FISA court, generally speaking, is a rubber stamp.
The FISA Court gets 99% of their requests approved.
It's important that InfoWarriors understand that unlike a regular federal court of law, no probable cause is required.
They can ask to surveil a person or an entity just because they want to, although their responsibility is that it should have some national interest.
In this case, the wholesale spying by the Deep State was solely for the purposes of stealing this election.
And therefore, Mr. Brennan needs to be asked what he knew and when he knew it.
Mr. Clapper needs to be asked what he knew and when he knew it.
Rice needs to be asked what she knew and when she knew it.
Roger, let me interrupt you.
I'm literally in Kit Daniel's office.
While we're trying to post it, they grab control of the computer and turn it off and fry it right in front of us, and then start jumping in.
They are inside our computers right now, but they can't stop us.
They can't stop us from publishing it, because guess what, idiots?
Trump already published it.
It already got published.
We haven't told you yet.
You're fools!
So, you're not going to stop anything, globalists.
Understand that, Hillary Clinton and all of you.
Boy, I tell you, I've never seen something like this.
Live time, in Kit Daniel's computer.
Because I'm on air saying post it.
Can you believe that?
They have whole situation rooms, probably still in our government, criminally battling the American people right now, Roger.
Because they are fighting going to prison.
Some of the highest level officials in the Obama administration are looking at serious, serious jail time.
Public ruin.
And of course this tarnishes the presidency of Barack Obama.
They said that Watergate was a constitutional crisis.
That was child's play compared to what we're looking at here.
Stop there.
The whole house of cards is coming down.
You're going to do five more minutes for me.
Coming back on a break here.
I just need to plug once.
Very expensive around this operation.
We got Soros back ribs coming after us, as you know.
We have great products at Infowarslife.com.
I even forgot to bring my plug sheet in here, but we've got the Combo with the X2 and the Secret 12 together, 40% off.
That is ending today because it's about to sell out.
And I'm just gonna go back to the regular price until more comes in in about a month.
Survival Shield X2 Amazing Secret 12.
It ends today.
Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
And $50 off on Alexa Pure Pro super high quality air filtration systems.
What do you think of our X2, uh, you know, true atomic iodine?
Iodine is essential to every cell development, especially in children.
And iodine is concentrated in the gland where it filters the serum coming through your blood and extracts whatever iodine is present.
If the iodine is not present in sufficient numbers, your thyroid gland has to work double time.
In the extreme, it reaches the limit.
So then, the pituitary gland sends a thyroid growth hormone to it to make sure that it's bigger so it can process more serum and get more iodine from it.
In the ultimate extreme, it's called goiter.
It's a disease.
And people don't realize that if you are short of iodine, if you're deficient, your cells will not mature properly, develop, and never mind radiation coming from Fukushima, but at the same time, iodine enables your cells to develop.
And it's very important for muscular brain development.
A lot of brain problems and breast cancer may be attributable to iodine deficiency.
And by the way, you can just search engine mainstream news admits iodine deficiency on average 15 IQ point reductions, then fluoride added another 15.
It's all admitted.
This is a plan where they bomb us with the bad halogen that our thyroid then uses and it basically then gives us the swollen thyroid.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, in the heart of the Resistance, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right.
This is Roger Stone jumping in the chair for Alex Jones while we grapple with breaking news.
For those just tuning in, the
FISA memo on which the famous classified four-page summary is based has dropped into our laps courtesy of that great patriot and former counterintelligence head Bill Binney.
For me, this is a very bittersweet moment.
I've just hung up with my lawyers because, as many know, Donald Trump and I are being sued in the District of Columbia.
The allegation from Project Democracy and Obama Front is that Stone and Trump conspired with the Russians to steal the DNC emails and give them to WikiLeaks.
I think so.
I don't know.
I can't even begin to tell you how explosive this memo is.
It's a blueprint of a treasury.
It is a blueprint of treason.
It is the outline of a massive program of illegality.
And again, all signs point to the top.
What did the president know, and when did he know it?
That is the question that congressional investigators need to ask.
Now, I know what's going on right now over at CNN.
They're going to try to pretend that this doesn't exist, or that it is in some way illicit.
But I think we have the good.
I think we have the facts, and the American people need to see this.
Jack, any updates?
Alright, so we are on the cusp here of literally making American history.
We at InfoWars are breaking what the entire country has been waiting for with bated breath.
I remember extraordinarily well the days of Watergate.
I was a young aide to Richard Nixon at that time, and I remember how stunned I was when I learned
Sure, you could listen to Nixon and Kissinger talk about how to end the war in Vietnam, how to open the door to China, how to negotiate a strategic arms control limitation with the Russians.
But you could also, unfortunately for his presidency, listen to the illegal activities regarding the cover-up of the Watergate break-in and the coup d'etat, the use of the CIA and the FBI to cover up the actions and the investigation by the FBI.
What we're looking at
Roger, we gotta go.
Great job.
Great job.
We're out of time.
We'll be back with William Benny, former technical head of the NSA, exclusively with the bombshell memo, first at Infowars.com.
Tomorrow's news, today.
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That's infowarslife.com.
You've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, you can believe we've got all 17 U.S.
intelligence agencies tuned in.
They're always tuned in to my broadcast.
But you better believe they're tuned in right now.
William Benny's Skype's not working for some reason.
We're going to get him on the phone, former head of operations for the National Security Agency, who is now an advisor to the president and to Pompeo, the head of the CIA, and has been meeting and giving Pompeo briefings on counterintelligence, just like the Democrats would be the Soviets.
Well, that's how they're operating as a foreign power against this country.
So while we line him up,
Daniel Coates is the Director of National Intelligence that oversees the 17 agencies and he's very important.
We're gonna be talking about him in a moment because mainstream media is already gonna try to spin things and is spinning it that Jones is illegally releasing the 100 page or 99 page technically top-secret
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Memorandum Opinion and Order dealing with the whole history of Obama's illegal spying on the Trump campaign, on President-elect Trump, and then ongoing.
So this is the document.
It's on InfoWars.com right now.
And William Binney drew our attention to it this morning.
This is the big memo everybody's talking about.
So while we line him up right now, let's just play Schiff, the Democrat that's been hot-shelling this fraud in the House.
We'll play him first, saying you're too dumb to know what you read, so he didn't want it released.
Well, sorry Schiff, it just got released at InfoWars.com.
But it got released somewhere else.
We're going to get to that in a moment with William Binney.
And then we're going to play Trey Gowdy.
We saw more Manifest Bias Against President Trump in the memo.
No kidding, we're reading it.
Trey Gowdy, FBI, text mentions Secret Society.
That's in here.
FBI agents discuss Secret Society.
Let's play those clips one after the other.
Then we're going to get William Binney on with us.
Here are some of those clips for background.
Why not allow people to look at it and let Americans make the decision for themselves about whether it's useful information or not?
Well, because the American people unfortunately don't have the underlying materials and therefore they can't see how distorted and misleading this document is.
The Republicans are not saying make the underlying materials available to the public.
They just want to make the spin available to the public.
And I think that spin, which is a fulsome attack on the FBI, is just designed to attack the FBI and Bob Mueller to circle the wagons for the White House.
And that's a terrible disservice to the hardworking people at the Bureau.
But more than that, it's a disservice to the country.
It does make you wonder.
Again, it's a strange coincidence.
Just as, you know, it's possible that these text messages that are missing, perhaps they really were lost.
Perhaps it is another strange coincidence.
The problem, Martha, is for former prosecutors like Chairman Gowdy and myself that worked at the department and worked with the FBI, it makes it harder and harder for us to explain away one really strange coincidence after another.
Look, the point, I think, with respect to
The issue of bias that Chairman Gowdy mentioned before.
We knew that Strzok and Page had an intense anti-Trump bias.
And that's okay so long as they check it at the door and do their job.
But we learned today in the thousands of text messages that we reviewed
That perhaps they may not have done that.
There's certainly a factual basis to question whether or not they acted on that bias.
We know about this insurance policy that was referenced in trying to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president.
We learned today about information that after, in the immediate aftermath of his election, that there may have been a secret society of folks within the Department of Justice
With regard to these new texts and the idea that there could be a special counsel, a second special counsel requested to look into this, how are you pursuing that?
Well, these texts are incredibly important, Martha, for a number of reasons, both what's there and what's not there.
So lay aside this glaring five-month gap in text that the world's premier law enforcement agency somehow missed.
Lay that aside.
What we have seen, what Johnny and I saw today, was a text about not keeping text.
We saw more manifest bias against President Trump
All the way through the election into the transition, and I saw an interesting text that Director Comey was going to update the President of the United States about an investigation.
I don't know if it was the Hillary Clinton investigation, because remember that had been reopened in the fall of 2016, or whether it was the Trump investigation.
I just find it interesting that the head of the FBI was going to update the President of the United States, who at that point would have been President Obama.
Congressman Gowdy, do you want to expound on the Secret Society idea?
Sure, I wish I could.
I wish I'd been the one who either sent that text or received it.
You have this insurance policy in the spring of 2016, and then the day after the election, the day after what they really, really didn't want to have happen, there's a text exchange between these two FBI agents, these two supposed to be objective, fact-centric FBI agents, saying perhaps this is the first meeting of the Secret Society.
So, of course, I'm going to want to know what secret society are you talking about, because you're supposed to be investigating objectively the person who just won the Electoral College.
So, yeah, I'm going to want to know.
Congressman Gowdy, you know, in terms of that glitch of the missing text messages, those months, are you going to subpoena the phone companies to get those text messages?
You know, Martha, Congress is not great at using legal process like subpoenas and search warrants.
Of course we want that.
I hope Mike Horowitz, the Inspector General, got them.
Unfortunately, the way our government's set up, law enforcement is better able to go to communications carriers and get texts and instant messages than Congress is.
So, yes, I want them, but I don't want them two years from now.
And I don't want them after a motion to be held in contempt of Congress.
I want them sooner rather than later.
So either the Bureau needs to find them, or we need to have someone who has really easy access to these things.
That's right.
This has to be done now, because the Clintons and others have been caught committing all these crimes.
They've been caught trying to organize this economic, political espionage against the country.
And they've already committed so many crimes that until they get in serious trouble, they are a clear and present danger.
Now, joining us via phone is William Binney, former technical head of the NSA.
And, you know, the guy credited at the NSA with helping bring down the Soviet Union.
And I guess now he's helping bring down the globalist Clinton cabal that's been using the NSA for decades, I guess now, to dominate and control the American people.
So he joins us now.
We've got to go to break here in just a few minutes.
He contacted us a couple hours ago and said, this might be helpful.
Here's the actual memo.
They're saying it's classified and that Congress is saying they need to get authorization to release.
But then when he sent it to us, we noticed that it was right there on the office of the director of national intelligence website.
We're going to show that to you.
So yes, InfoWars is breaking it.
The media doesn't even know what to do or how to respond to this.
It's simply crazy.
So, Mr. Benny, thank you for joining us.
We'll get into this whole conspiracy against the Republic that's clearly coming into view here, and from your expertise, where you think this is going.
But just briefly, it's incredible.
When did this get put on the Director of National Intelligence website?
And it's wild that there's no coverage of it.
Was this just today, and then you sent it to us?
Yeah, as far as I know, it's just got on the website today.
Uh, and I just found it through another source that passed it to me.
Of course.
Well, clearly, deduction.
The President's, Pompeo's met with you, you're advising the President.
The President has the authorization to do this.
Congress has been asking for it.
So, it looks like the President just declassified this.
Uh, well, somebody, yeah.
Somebody did, that's for sure.
So, I mean, it basically is proving everything that, you know, I've been saying and Edward Snowden's been saying and all these about spying on U.S.
And it goes into much more detail, proving they're collecting in bulk everything that's being communicated inside the United States.
And then they're using it, even NSA analysts are still using it to go against the individual U.S.
citizens, you know, with their own, with their attributes that are not minimized.
This is simply incredible.
William Benny, we're going to go to a break.
We're going to go to a break.
We'll come right back to you.
You'll have the floor with your expertise to lay out the big picture, what we've learned, what this memo tells us.
If you've had a chance to read it, it's 100 pages.
William Benny, former head of the NSA Technical, tells InfoWars it's appeared on the Director of National Intelligence website.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
William Binney is our guest.
He is the former technical leader of the intelligence with NSA before becoming a whistleblower in 2001 after more than 30 years of the agency.
Binney's been described as one of the best analysts and codebreakers in NSA history.
And again, he is the technical advisor for the film Snowden.
It is so amazing.
I think the best work that that particular director has put out, exposed.
Facts.org, agoodamerican.org is a documentary that he endorses in his end that breaks down this total surveillance grid.
Now further confirmed, talking to Benny earlier, who just joined us, and then during the break, this is as big as the WikiLeaks revelations about illegal spying, but it ties into the Democrats spying on candidate Trump and president-elect, exactly what we knew from our sources.
Again, this was published today.
At the Director of National Intelligence website, William Benny, who's been advising the CIA Director and others, let us know the minute it went out.
So we are the first to break it and notice an hour plus later, no media coverage of this.
They don't know what to do.
This is the secret memo that's so troubling that ties into all the perjury and the cabal of Clinton operatives trying to set the President and others up using the might of the surveillance grid that's meant for foreign powers against the American people.
Beyond any Hollywood movie.
So Mr. Benny, you've got the floor for the rest of the hour.
I know you've got some big breaking news that you're able to get into now because this is not secret.
Programs that you helped develop and the upstream controls on all of this.
So we're going to break it down, but let's first get into this memo and what's happened to the President, what's happened to the American people.
The FBI agent's saying we've got an insurance policy, we're a secret society, we're going to overturn the election.
I mean, this is incredible.
William Benny, start wherever you think's best.
I'd like to start with some of the things they're talking about on page 15 of that ruling, where they talked about the NSA having the authority to go in the Upstream program and take down main communications trunks, because they think there's some terrorist or dope dealer on there, and they can capture and keep the entire trunk lying.
Which means, like, if you have a 10 gigabit line, like 64 fibers, and you know there's a drug dealer in there, internationally, I'll take down the whole line, or you think there's one there, you'll take in the whole line and capture all the data and keep it all, and sort it and interrogate it.
That's basically how NSA analysts are able to look at their lovers if they're cheating on them.
That's how they can do that, under that authority.
But that's all done in secret.
The FISA court is speaking to it there in their ruling.
But this feeds right into them doing that.
They say they had two ways doing those who run the cables, basically, meaning AT&T.
They own the cables, so they let them have access.
And the other was the 702 program where they went to the service providers for the Internet or for the phone network.
That also included AT&T.
But this is the upstream program is the taps on the fiber lines where they take everything.
And that's really what I was trying to say about President Trump when he was being targeted in all the data they were collecting, including his entire staff on his committee and everything.
They were all being spoofed up in this bulk acquisition off the fiber lines in the upstream program.
And the main slide that would show it, if you could put it up, is the Fairview program.
That is AT&T's tapping points inside the 48 states of the United States.
And you'll notice all the tap points are distributed with, this is the one that no mainstream media wants to show on TV.
Because this is the one that calls out this business about they're only after foreigners is an obvious lie.
I mean, if you looked at that slide, there are 11 points on that interview slide, excuse me, where the trans-oceanic cables surface on the coast of the United States.
Now that's where all foreign communications are coming into or going out of or transiting the U.S.
If they're only after foreigners, all they have to do is be at those 11 points.
But the rest of the 80 points of distributed tap points go right across the U.S.
with the population.
That means we, the U.S.
citizens, are the target, not foreigners.
And that's the obvious lie.
They've been trying to feed us for years.
Wow, I don't want to interrupt, this is so bombshell, but this is confirming total dragnet of the entire Trump Organization campaign by the Democratic Party in control, unmasking.
They've lied to Congress saying it was only a few people.
This is bombshell proof of perjury.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
I mean, they've been lying to us in many different ways to the committees.
They lie, you know, even within the
Even within the intelligence community, they lie to one another.
So it's all built on lies.
Please continue.
Well, the other point I'd like to make is that it's not just the Trump Organization, it's everybody in the country.
We're all in that boat.
That's how they could put leverage on any of the judges in the Supreme Court, federal judges anywhere, or members of Congress anywhere.
And when Representative Gowdy is saying he's not aware of all this, well, he should be, and he should be asking about that Fairview program and what are they doing at tap points across the United States, like in Kansas or Missouri or, you know, what are you tapping there?
Well, it's not foreigners, I'll tell you that.
Absolutely, as you said, they're dragnetting everybody instead of actually targeting terrorists and others, and it becomes a needle in a haystack, as you've documented and as you're advising the President now.
But the big news is, they did testify that they were not spying on the President or his family or any of this, which is a total lie.
I've already had the DEA leak us documents where they were doing it, including my name in there and private phone numbers, so I know it's accurate.
But this is absolutely incredible, and I don't know how the corporate media is going to ignore this, but then you see the Republicans being pressured not to release this memo they've had.
Sitting on it because obviously they're getting pressured not to but clearly this points towards the president who's authorized to release it through his director of national intelligence and decided to do so today.
Yeah, I think that this is exposing all of this stuff and all this activity on all these agencies and all the political people involved in this.
All this has to happen.
We need to cleanse the house here.
Otherwise, we're going to be... If we don't fix the problems, we'll never fix them and they'll just keep going.
So unless you face what happened and deal with it and hold people accountable, you know, you're never going to correct any of these problems.
Well, the President was critical of the FISA.
He said, my hands are tied, they're ramming it through.
He still signed it, obviously, because it was tied to so many intelligence operations, but he said he wants to fix it.
This is, I think, a big message from the President, declassifying this today, and a little bird telling you about it so we could break it.
But again, this is one of the biggest stories of my lifetime, and it's total silence right now that this is out.
Yeah, that's been my, like even the Russiagate, the mainstream media was pushing an agenda, not any factual evidence.
And so I found them to be totally worthless.
And they were actually, they should unsubscribe to the First Amendment as a part of the free press, because they're not free and they're not oppressed.
They're not looking for the truth and being honest about any of it with any of us.
So, you know, I just see that as a
You know, as a total failure to their obligation to our Constitution and the process that we are supposed to have here in this country.
Well, they didn't think about people like you and Mr. Drake and, you know, countless other FBI agents that have exposed what was going on.
I mean, there have been a lot of good people.
And I know it's just your duty, you've done it, but you've been through a lot now to see all this coming out.
Is there not some satisfaction there, Mr. Benning?
Well, I have to admit that I'm really glad that this is coming out in print and in official documents, so that now we can clearly say, this is really what you've been doing.
You cannot deny this.
This is your documentation.
You know, this is what you're saying to us you've been doing.
So, it's not us accusing you.
You now have to face up to the consequences of what you've done.
Wow, let's get into all this with the former head of operations and the guy that actually did the fighting, did the attacking, and did the defending, William Benny, to help us traverse this 100-page bombshell of bombshell documents at InfoWars.com right now.
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But this, this is a grand slam.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So I started the broadcast off today telling you that I had talked to sources that have seen the classified memo that Congress is writing a big report on that proves all the perjury by top Clinton and Obama officials in front of Congress.
I mean, this is open and shut.
And more and more is coming out about secret societies, cabals, trying to stop the president, this whole made-up Russiagate thing, when Hillary's up to her eyeballs with the Russians, and the Communist Chinese, and Trump has no connections.
William Binney, former technical director, the guy that actually ran the NSA, is our guest for the rest of the hour.
We're going through this document, and of course you always hear, oh, we only spy on foreigners, we never spy on Americans.
Clapper, Brennan, they've all said that.
Well, on page 19, what William Binning was just mentioning, it says, specifically targeting U.S.
Well, the FISA court's supposed to be for foreigners.
But see, they're even saying they're lying in the document.
So, Kit Daniels is going to pop in.
But here's the big news.
I don't care about being in mainstream media on just fluff stories.
I mean, CNN, you name it, is in the news today saying, Neil Strauss better not write a book and United Artists better back out.
And, you know, you shouldn't publish Alex Jones's book.
The secret history of the modern world and the war for the future.
Neil Strauss says he's never seen it where they try to stop it even before there's a publishing deal.
And they're all over the news saying, don't let Jones publish his book.
He's a Nazi.
None of it's true.
These are the Nazi book burners, ladies and gentlemen.
So it isn't about, oh, I can't believe I'm not in the news.
I'm in hundreds of things a day with their disinformation campaign.
But when we break that the secret memo is up at the Office of National Intelligence Director today,
Clearly Trump said, enough of this, I'm the president, boom, put it out.
William Bennett calls, he's already coming on, says, hey look at this, a little bird called him, and...
No coverage, no media.
They don't know what to do.
We're going back to William Binney here in about 60 seconds.
He's very gracious to join us.
But one of our reporters, Kit Daniels, just wanted to make a point about this.
I mean, we're plowing through this 99 pages.
This is incredible.
I've never heard Binney so happy during the breaks we're talking, because this is total vindication.
It's so good for our country.
And again, it's the President.
He clearly has released this.
Now we'll see what the press does.
Kit Daniels?
I only got to page 19 before I found something really bombshell.
It's the fact that it says that procedures have prohibited the use of U.S.
person identifiers to query the results of upstream Internet collection under Section 702.
But the October 26, 2016 notice informed the court that NSA analysts had been conducting such queries in violation of that prohibition.
And it goes on to say that they had to make a, uh, they bypassed that prohibition by kind of reframing the whole argument that they were not collecting data.
Sure, sure.
People are like, hey, this is a crime, so they play games with it.
Let's go to the real expert on this then, William Binning.
Is this not more proof of the fraud?
That they're admitting what they're doing is illegal?
Yeah, but let me give you a little background on the concept of minimization.
That's a concept the court uses all the time, and you know, they keep saying this protects all your identity.
Well, what they really don't understand, or they don't know, I guess, all the data that's collected by NSA is in what they call a collection database.
There is no minimization of any data at all in that base.
So that even analysts, even when, for example, Ed Snowden had said that all they have to do is use the IP of the DNC and they can go into the database and find the information on it.
Well, they can do that with anybody because if they go into the collection database with the knowledge of what their attributes are, phone numbers, email addresses, IP numbers, that they can use that to scarp up out of that database everything about them.
And it's not just them.
The other part that's missing here, and that I haven't come across yet, is what the FBI and the DEA and the DOJ are doing with that data.
Because they also have direct access to it.
And so do the other five eyes.
GCHQ, you know, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, they can get into that database too, through the ICREACH program.
So, you know, this whole thing is a farce.
The minimization is a joke.
The oversight from the FISA court, they can't even tell what's going on.
And the intelligence committees, they're about as worthless as anything.
And as you warned in secret session with Congress 18 years ago,
Back in 2000-2001, if you let hundreds of thousands of people, private contractors, get in these databases, you've created doorways into everything, making us insecure for hackers, foreign governments, clandestine groups.
This is insane, what they've done.
Yeah, plus they open up everything to industrial espionage everywhere.
So, now that GCHQ and NSA and the Five Eyes can go in and do all that anywhere in the world.
William Binney, as the former guy that ran the NSA operations, not the political head, but the guy that ran the operations, as basically the military officer that was in command.
What needs to happen now?
We knew this would be used to abuse, like in East Germany or back in Nazi Germany or other authoritarian regimes that use spying to control against their own people.
They've been caught.
They've been caught lying.
They've lied to Congress.
They're still ongoing with the Russian canard, trying to overthrow a president that's clearly trying to reform things and is clearly for the country.
Say what you want about him.
Clearly, you know, he's trying to build the country economically back up.
And they're just committing these giant, flagrant crimes.
They're caught in the text messages admitting that it's politically motivated and that it's fraud.
They're paying their wives and husbands millions of dollars at Fusion GPS to create the fraud, to launch the larger fraud.
I mean, this is beyond any movie I've ever seen.
If we don't go after them quickly, they're going to pull something like a cornered bank robber.
Yeah, that's right.
I mean, what needs to happen now, Congress needs to make some criminal referrals to the Attorney General.
And he needs to set up a separate jury, grand jury, to investigate and issue indictments.
Because these are clearly demonstratable, but from the evidence directly, the crimes that have been committed.
And all they need to know now are who are all the names they need to put on those crimes.
I mean, there's going to be a lot of them.
Uh, you know, so, uh, I mean, including in the FBI and the DOJ and, uh, you know, probably it's the NSA also.
And again, this isn't some type of vindictive thing, because we go after these people, they're going to fight hard.
I just want them to go away.
They're not going away.
They're not going to Alba like Napoleon.
They're like Hitler.
They're dug in in their, in their Reich's chancellery and they're not giving up.
Yeah, they're letting everybody else die.
But the point is, you know, unless you face them and go after them and do something about them, you're not going to correct the problem in the future.
And people will look back and say, well, they got away with it, so I'll do it too.
That's why I blamed this all on Jerry Ford when he pardoned Nixon, you know?
When he did that, he said every president can do anything he wants.
He's now got to get out of jail free card.
That's the next president, who also wants to be able to do whatever he wants.
So you see, that was where I put the blame right there with Jerry Ford, and if he had let Nixon go to trial and be indicted, then I don't believe that this would have happened.
But we haven't done any indictments of any of these people who have done similar crimes, and now for massive crimes, we haven't done any of that.
And that's really what we need to do.
What do you expect the political class to do, though?
Because obviously the Republicans have had this for months.
They haven't released it because there's so much classified stuff in here showing the crimes.
I mean, in a way, Trey Gowdy and all those guys, even though I like them, they're, by not releasing this yet and wanting to redact it heavily, they're really defending the corrupt system itself.
Yeah, that's right.
And that's why I kept trying to say, even with Trey Gowdy, he needs to ask questions about that Fairview program, the slide you had shown there.
And also, there are other programs, you know, occasionally what NSA does to cover up what they're doing is they rename programs.
They call them different names.
And so if you go ask them about Fairview and they change the name to something like Hemisphere, you know, if that's the case, then they'll say, honestly answer you and say, well, we don't have a program Fairview.
So they play semantical games.
It's like saying, there's no global government, we have global governance.
They just change the names and have musical chairs.
That's right.
That's right.
We're going to go to break with another segment with you.
What's the other key areas you want to get into when we come back, Dr. Binning?
Uh, well, I just wanted to get into the FBI and the DOJ and all of that, uh, and the DEA.
All right, we'll be back.
Ladies and gentlemen, Infowars.com exclusively broke the secret 99-page, 100-page with a cover sheet FISA memo, and we're in a couple hours into this and there's no coverage anywhere.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Now to navigate this, if you just joined us, former technical head of the National Security Agency William Benning is our guest.
Congress has said there is a secret FISA court memo about abuses that ties into how Obama and Hillary and others were illegally spying on them.
That is the memo that the Director of National Intelligence released today.
William Binney, former technical head of the NSA, got a contact from a source, said, look at this.
He was already coming on the show.
I was already talking to sources about what was in the memo and some of the things it dealt with.
And Congress is going to put out another memo, but this is the underlying memo, connecting it all together with the political espionage that's gone on.
Okay, but Gowdy and others who are good guys overall, they don't know what parts to classify, what parts to declassify.
I'd say 90.
90% or more of this document is not redacted.
This is the document that they're talking about.
The FISA Court Memo.
There is a memo.
But then there's also the memo they're going to put out on the secret FISA Court Memo.
Because they didn't want to put out the whole report.
They wanted to tie it in to the new event.
So just to be clear with the semantics on that.
This is a live feed.
Hundreds of stations across the country.
They don't want this story getting out.
So share the live video feed.
Share the document.
And we're going to add a link on there to the Office of National Intelligence, which is the head, 17th agency over everything, that has released this.
And I was talking to William Binney during the break.
You were saying it's very encouraging that the Director of National Intelligence released this today because the liberals and others, fake liberals, are saying, oh,
You know, there's no such thing, you're making it up.
Well, Daniel Coats has now released this with little fanfare.
You've been in a similar position as him.
What do you think is the thinking behind this by the Director of National Intelligence, obviously being directed by the President?
Well, to my mind, I was hoping that this was an indication that the President really wants to clean up the mess in the intelligence community and the law enforcement agencies.
So, you know, I just think that, and that's the one thing that hasn't been addressed so far that I've read in that report, is that the use by the FBI and the DEA and the DOJ by information collected by NSA warrantlessly against U.S.
One of the key indicators as to what they were using it for was given by Senator Feinstein on that House and Senate floor.
When they were challenging the funding for that program in 2013, she came on there and said to defend that program, she said, this program is so useful to us, we put hundreds of people in jail every year with it.
She's talking about U.S.
citizens that used the data against them in a court of law, but they did a parallel construction, meaning they fabricated data to substitute for the NSA data because it wouldn't be admissible.
So what that really is doing is subverting our entire judicial system
And this is what should really concern the Attorney General.
If he wants to have a real, reliable attorney, as an Attorney General, have a reliable judicial process, he has to address this and has to do it as quick, as fast as he possibly can, and correct it.
Looking at the document, do you agree it's about 90% unredacted?
And what do you make from that?
What do you think is redacted in here, Dr. Benning?
Well, a lot of things that you could fill in, like the Fairview program or AT&T, the service providers, you can fill that in from a lot of material that has been released from Edward Snowden and is also on the web.
You just need to collect it together and look at it in concert with one another.
Then you can fill in the missing, the blacked out areas.
It's not that difficult to do if you... You're talking about reverse engineering with open databases?
Yeah, sure.
Well, I mean, the point is that this is now, this is like the first opening in the legal process to now go back and challenge these people, because I'm also going to, I'm supporting three separate lawsuits against the United States government for the NSA unconstitutional collection of data on U.S.
And I'm going to use this ruling also in those courts, and I'm going to be passing that on to the lawyers managing those lawsuits.
So this is going to be leverage for us, too, in lawsuits to actually... Because Congress, when they try to pass laws that cover up all the crimes that these agencies have been committing, they can't do it if they don't match and conform to the Constitution, because those laws are no longer laws.
William Binney joins us.
ExposeFacts.org and GoodAmerican.org is the documentary film.
PGKnowledge.eu, you're also advising the EU on ways to not spy on the general public, but stop terrorists and criminals.
I know you can't get into your meeting with Pompeo, the head of the CIA, at Trump's request, but what Trump said publicly back since he was briefed that he was being spied on throughout the campaign, but obviously he didn't put it out because it was classified, he just said that they were lying
Clearly, the President shows that, yet again, he's quite a maverick here.
And it's not a love fest, it's just a fact.
This is very good, as you were saying, sign that the President does want to reform things and wants to use these systems that you developed to actually target people that via the algorithm and via
Also, I would add, the government is used to it against Jim Risen, Jim Rosen, the Associated Press, Elliot Spitzer to get rid of him because he's going after the
Thank you.
Leveraging Congress and leveraging courts.
So I think that this was the major problem I had with it.
When you acquire this kind of knowledge about the entire population of a country, it gives that central point of knowledge a great deal of power over everybody.
I mean, even if they can't find something on you, if they go find something about somebody you care about, they could leverage you that way.
I mean, that's the old KGB, Stasi way of doing things, too.
Or, exactly, they'll just take that you were someplace, match that up with somebody else, have them say you did something wrong, and say we've got the data points.
That's how this works.
Yeah, they can also fabricate, manipulate the data.
They tried to do that with us, but that failed too.
Because again, a good whistleblower let you know what they'd actually done so you could expose it, if memory serves.
Which has got to scare them that there's so many moral men and women in our government.
The government I don't see is the problem.
The problem is corrupt individuals and cowards in our government.
Yeah, it's the established government, too.
It's about four layers of management in those established governments that really think they have the power to manipulate everybody, including the president.
You've got the general deep state that's grown, and then you've got, above it, the shadow government that's filled with the permanent bureaucracy and corporate bureaucrats who literally think they're God.
Yeah, that's right.
And they know better, you see.
They're the elite group.
Those are the people who have all the brains, so obviously they must know right.
And so therefore, everybody needs to follow what they say.
And when they control all the information and threaten people like the news medias and things like that, who just cower over, they don't stand up for anybody.
Then, you know, you have no mainstream media to challenge anything, to follow what they're supposed to do, and that's why they were written into the First Amendment, is to challenge what government's doing, make sure they tell the people what it is.
You've experienced it, I've experienced it, but I'll cover something, do something.
Two days goes by, George Soros of Media Matters puts out the spin, and then 500 articles, 1,000 articles the next day, go with the exact spin, just rewritten, and you realize the press knows they're not press, they're regurgitators.
They just repeat.
This whole line to create this normalcy bias and just to have this big lie out there.
And it's just incredible.
And then now the fake media wants to shut us down.
They want to shut down the real media.
It's just crazy.
We're going to do one more segment with William Benny here, and I really appreciate him graciously giving us so much time, but looking at this for people that just tuned in, how would you describe the magnitude of this report that you were made aware of that just appeared on the office of the Director of National Intelligence?
The secret FISA court memo concerned about all the corruption that Congress has been talking so much about, the left said didn't exist.
Here it is.
I mean, how would you quantify how big this is?
Well, it involves everything that everybody in the country does in every aspect of their lives.
You know, any kind of issue that you have, medical or otherwise, it involves all of that.
And a rogue group in the government, less than 30 agents in the FBI and Justice Department, lawyers,
Creating this whole fake lie, getting fake warrants, and then lying to the media, and still pushing it, and sending text messages admitting it's a fraud, and admitting they're setting the president up.
I mean, the boldness of that, to be text messaging the crimes they're committing, it shows a level of dangerous hubris, doesn't it?
Yeah, the arrogance of power is what I call it.
They think they have power over everybody.
And the only way to do it is to shine the light on them and go after them.
That's why this Attorney General needs to stand up and do something.
If he doesn't, we ought to fire him and get somebody who will.
That's the most powerful thing you've said.
Sessions, I mean, Trump's doing the right thing here.
This is Trump.
And you notice the silence is everything.
It's everything you need to know.
Infowars.com has the exclusive memo.
They don't want you to see.
Spread the link right now.
This is a war.
Trace in New Jersey wants to talk about vaccines.
Go ahead, Trace.
First off, I wanted to start off with saying I've been waiting hours to talk to you, my man.
You're one of my most favorite hosts.
Second, I'd like to say Super Blue, Survival Shield, the Skelton Defense Pack,
They're all amazing, and I just ordered them all again, along with the Organic Urban Garden Seed Kit at emblewards.com.
But back to my point, in the early 1990s, ADHD was on the rise.
My parents, they didn't believe that vaccines could ever hurt anybody, yet.
Now, yes, I do have ADHD.
I've been taking RainForce now for about almost two years.
And with brain force, I'm able to focus perfectly.
And my parents said that before the age of seven, I was not as hyperactive.
And that's what got me, you know, PQ-ing, wondering, hey, maybe, maybe it was something in a vaccine that could have triggered this change in me that made me so hyperactive.
What is it?
I do think that we're seeing a lot of these behavior disabilities.
For one, we're cramming kids into a classroom for eight hours a day and expecting them to sit and shut up and not talk.
And put their hands on their lap.
So I think that's part of the problem.
And then I think the other part of the problem is we're also injecting them with vaccines.
It's probably having an increased incidence of developmental disabilities.
What's your take on that, Roy?
I wanna, you know, say to Trace, I think it's really great that he's asking questions and he's, you know, he's looking at things like brain force and he's thinking about, you know, things that he can do to take control of his own health.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
Man, the behind-the-scenes conversations with William Binney are incredible.
Not that it's secret, but it's conversations with the CIA director, you name it.
He wanted to get into what needs to happen next, the latest on Russiagate, and then this amazing stuff he's doing in Europe.
I want to bring that up.
PrettyGoodKnowledge.eu, PGKnowledge.eu.
William Binney, we've got four and a half minutes.
Please finish, sir.
Thank you.
Okay, well, I just think that the Attorney General needs to set up these indictments and start attacking the people who have been at the center and the core of this continued violation of our constitutional rights.
A lot of them are embedded in long-time employees of these agencies, some of them appointed and some not.
So that's where the swamp really needs to be cleaned.
And then when they do that, they have to go along with the political cronies that have been helping them out and helping all of this happen.
So a good deal of the U.S.
government should be indicted.
And I think that that's the proper way for an attorney general to proceed.
If he doesn't do that, I just don't, I lose all faith in him.
I do too.
So on Russiagate, I wanted to add one thing.
I don't know that I've said this on your program before.
But I was in the UK examining some of the raw data from Booster 2, the data that was supposedly hacked from the DNC on the 5th of July, and there was a second batch on the 1st of September.
And I was over there with my friend Duncan Campbell, and we were examining the data, the raw data.
Well, not the real, but the timestamp files that were transferred, and trying to put it together to see what the transfer rates were and all that.
And Duncan looked at something, and he discovered this, that if you ignored the date, day, and the hour, and only looked at minutes, seconds, and milliseconds,
You could merge the two data sets from the date of the 1st of September and the 5th of July together into one set of data, which meant very simply put that this Goose for Two, wherever he was, wherever he was, was playing with the data to try to manipulate us and confuse us.
So the whole thing was a basic jam from the beginning of total fabrication.
Didn't you also point out a lot of this data clearly was downloaded at speeds that couldn't be online?
Oh yeah, yeah.
That was the other part.
The speed, and we found out that the highest speed was really 49.1 megabytes per second, which is close to six times the rate necessary on the web would have to be... Sure, only point-blank range with a really fast port could do that.
That's right, that's right.
So our thing was the fabrication.
And, you know,
That was my point to a lot of the media who started calling me a conspiracy theorist and all that.
I was just dealing with facts.
They were just dealing with labels.
Well, Russiagate has imploded completely, but I think Mueller may go ahead with a fake indictment.
The hubris of these people is the most insane I've ever seen.
Yeah, I agree.
It's just outright insanity.
Well, we appreciate your courage.
We wouldn't be here without you and so many other people who have told the truth.
Obviously, Director Stone, I don't agree with some of his politics, but his courage to tell the truth is amazing.
Thank him for that.
Just briefly, pgnowledge.eu.
Tell folks about that.
Yeah, I started a company over in Amsterdam, Netherlands, to try to do what I was doing over here 25 years ago, and since between that 25 years the U.S.
government really wouldn't let me do it, they attacked me everywhere I tried to implement that kind of knowledge and ability.
So I formed a company with some people from the Netherlands, and we are putting together a program to do that over there.
So perhaps that will be a targeted approach to do things like detecting terrorist threats in advance, not for the fact.
And doing all kinds of other data analysis on large data sets.
I'll see you back here during the break.
Stay with us.
We're gonna go to Davos next.
Dr. Grip, you developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing the parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast, Infowarslife.com.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones, live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
Political outrage turns bloody in Berkeley.
Our KPIX5 crews were right in the middle of the chaos as both Trump supporters and anti-Trump activists come to blows.
Protesters followed Trump supporters to their cars as they left the convention center.
Around the corner and away from police protection on San Carlos Street, a mob mentality took over.
What do you say to the people who dragged a poor white guy out of a car and beat him?
Oh my goodness, poor white people, please, stop!
These were pure attacks.
Trump supporters, men, women, even the elderly, left this building last night and walked right into danger.
This Trump supporter was the first casualty of the day, with blood streaming out of his face.
Pro-Trump and anti-Trump protesters got into it.
They're throwing things at the guy who has a Trump shirt on.
Oh, he just got knocked in the back of the head.
He just got punched in the face.
And now they're rushing him.
We're saying, if you're out there and you're trying to represent your First Amendment right to free speech, if somebody comes and attacks you, it's your right to defend yourself.
It got ugly.
Violence erupting at the event as fights broke out, fists flying between Trump supporters and anti-Trump supporters.
It gets pretty ugly.
Yeah, I want to warn the folks watching at home, you're about to see some very violent footage.
You want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
Organizers say today's rallies were meant as a show of unity against what they call a seditious fringe allegedly trying to sabotage the president.
You can see there a FedEx delivery driver jumping in to try to put an end to the protest.
You don't like, you don't like to give a f**k?
Just to strike the numbers.
I'll give it to you.
Liv, if you want to come out, you better be up a hundred of you against one of me because that's what it's going to take.
This is the heart of 1776.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Next segment, Ted Malek, former board member of the DeVos Group, is going to join us.
Trump is going there.
Historic things happening.
He's got big, exclusive breaking news coming up here in about six, seven minutes.
But this is a short segment because I came in late working on big things behind the scenes.
I told you that I talked to high-level sources in the last 48 hours about what is in the classified FISA memorandum about illegal spying and how it tied into the other testimony and other text messages and data of Strzok and of Page and of all the people saying, we're forming a secret society, we're going to set the President up.
We're not going to let him get into office, on and on and on.
First it's insurance policy when he gets the nomination, then it's we're not going to let him in.
Then, before we go on air, William Benny contacts us, the former technical head of the NSA, the main advisor on Snowden the film, with Oliver Stone, I mean, the guy that ran the NSA, okay?
Saying, I just got a call, and I'm not going to say from what agency, but he advises the President, and advises the CIA Director, just type in William Benny meets with the CIA Director Pompeo, saying, hey, this just got put out.
Go on Alex's show and talk about it.
And we went and checked.
And we're like, it's funny, I'm being told I'm going to be given this in the next couple days, and then here it is, and it's got a timestamp date on the Director of National Intelligence site of May.
But we went and looked, it's not there in May.
It doesn't matter.
No one covered it.
And this is the memo.
So the media is not touching it.
They're just saying, oh, we're not going to look at it because it's from May.
They're not denying it's real.
They're just saying they're not going to look at it.
So here it is, all the illegal spying on the American people, targeting Trump and his family, all these FBI people, all of them lying before Congress.
This is the big memo, Gowdy and all them talked about, and the media's going to spin it.
Now what did I talk about?
I'm having all these meetings on the phone for hours.
I'm trying to understand.
These people that have seen the memo that you're now seeing and others, they don't tell me classified stuff.
They say,
I'd go through, well, is it this?
Is it that?
Well, what about Jim Jordan?
And how Jim Jordan keeps saying, you know, I don't know if this is true, I just am thinking maybe the head, the deputy head of the FBI secretly met with Strzok and Page and decided to fix the intelligence for the FISA court and Obama ordered it and they were doing it as an insurance policy against the president.
He said that a week before it was released.
Word for word.
That's the game going on here.
And they said, listen to everything they're saying this week.
And it's what's going to happen next week.
And so they've been trying to get it released.
It popped up, and the former head of the NSA pointed it out to us.
Can't get more credible there.
It doesn't matter when the Easter Bunny said it fell out of the sky.
Today it's there.
Director of National Intelligence.
Mainstream media would have sat on this and said, oh, we have the document and we're the only ones.
Wouldn't even tell you it was there.
We said, no, it's there.
So, I've talked to the CIA, FBI connections, Army Intelligence connections, former technical head of the NSA, and a bunch of other people that talked to the President.
I'm going to leave it at that.
I talked to the President.
Haven't talked to him in months.
I've missed his call.
Media wants a story, there it is.
I've missed the President's call three times the last few months.
General Kelly will find out and go spanking!
I just got to get up early in the morning because that's when the calls come in in his executive time.
That's what Trump does all day.
The point is, is that this is the point we've reached in this country.
Where this has been out for three hours.
Two and a half hours, and it's the real deal, and they're not disputing it's not real, and they won't even report on it.
That leads me to this.
Neil Strauss didn't just write The Pickup Artist.
He's not a pickup artist.
He went and said, basically in his second book, how terrible it is, but he invaded that number one New York Times bestseller.
He's had more than 10 New York Times bestselling books.
He's a listener.
He contacts me.
He wants to write a big book.
I said, sure, knock yourself out.
He's a great guy.
Came to Austin.
We hung out.
Bunch of stuff.
I told you I had a big, you know, big, big author who wanted to do a book.
This New York Times article and dozens of others today say, don't publish his book.
They've contacted his agent and the company, what, United Artists, and they've said, you better not publish it.
And they're like, yes, you're right.
Alex Jones is evil.
Neil's agent is wrong to even talk to him.
You know, we're not going to do it.
You're fools.
Neil's never seen them do this, just during the publishing phase.
This is the book they don't want you to read, dumb-dumbs.
We already had this planned, idiots.
We already figured they'd publish it, print it, and like Milo, ban it.
Then we'd sell 5 million copies.
Now it'll be 10 million.
Bozo the Clown's what you are.
So, you got played again, Jack.
CNN money!
Oh, the evil Alex Jones!
And you know what?
We need to sell 5 million books to fund this operation.
So, yeah, it's the secret history of the modern world and the war for the future.
You like that?
Neil Strauss is a really smart writer.
I've been meeting with him for days.
He's smarter than I am.
He gets this better than I do.
And I'm not just saying that.
So I'm really proud.
We're going to publish this book one way or the other.
But this is what America is.
These people trying to block us putting a book out.
That's the private intelligence networks that within one day of the book proposal going out,
We've already got publishers wanting to publish it, but we want to go with the biggest.
If we're going to go that route, we're not sure.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is insane.
So, hey, they're trying to shut us down everywhere.
Google's banning us from ads.
That cut off $5 million a year we're making.
We need your support, because I've got over 100 crew members.
We're expanding.
Huge studios, satellites.
We want to split a million and a half the next year to be on three different satellites.
We got UHF, VHF cable out of hundreds of stations lined up.
I don't want to say this, but the Clintons are out of power.
Can't send that hit team as easy anymore when I got mine on the roof.
But the point is, is that
It's on, ladies and gentlemen!
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So whether it's the sleep aid knockout you need, which is amazing, melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
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They said on average about maybe a dollar of melatonin, and then the container costs 50 cents or so, or less.
And I said, so, I can put the same amount of melatonin in, let's make it a bigger capsule that's powdered so you can actually absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and several other things, and I checked with scientists, none of them interact badly, they're all from nature, they're all healthy, they all have good, you know, good clean records, and then you get a sleep unlike other systems.
Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues.
He writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
The point is, he's a smart guy.
You know, doesn't smoke marijuana, doesn't drink.
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I've gone and showed, you know, UT Science this and everything else.
This is insane.
Wow, it's incredible.
I've taken melatonin stuff by itself and it didn't help.
Wow, this is incredible.
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They even had media investigations with BuzzFeed and people calling them, going, we want to see it, it must be fake, blah, blah, blah.
They're like, no, it's really real.
So, they've had campaigns that people go on there and try to vote stuff down.
I mean, they are just so angry.
Where they test our stuff and test it and test it in California labs that has stuff nine times higher than EU that has the next highest standards.
I mean, basically, there's more lead in the air in California than you can, quote, put in a supplement or any other product, unless you call it a food product.
What is it, 60-something of our products are all California standard.
But if you've got something that's got, I don't know, 10, 15 ingredients in it, and it's also a large serving like Caveman?
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, any can of chicken noodle soup.
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It's just insane.
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That's available at Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
You found it.
The front lines of the human awakening.
It's the Infowar.
And now, Alex Jones.
We're going to Ted Malek for the balance of the hour here in about a minute.
I predicted it in the first hour.
As I was briefed on this memo in the last two days.
I said I was going to break it down, and William Binney, the former head of operations at the National Security Agency, said this just went up today, it's marked months ago, but I just got this from my contact, and he talked about that, I'm not going to say it on air, but he advises the President.
And I said, they're going to spin this, that this isn't the classified memo, because it's about 10% blacked out.
Then Congress has written a memo, as I said before we even broke this down,
of this memo with all the perjury that the Democrats engaged in and the other info they have in a memo that they are creating that they call the secret FISA court memo.
So they're trying to create a four-page memo off the 199-page memo.
This is the memo.
And I said, I said watch.
You can pull up the video, first hour.
I said,
They have these globalist-run media outlets by Soros, like Right Wing Watch and Media Matters, that before the media reports will put a blueprint out.
And they'll probably say, this isn't the memo.
Alex Jones really thought he had the classified memo.
And they go on to say, it's just the court's opinion.
No, it is the top secret memorandum opinion and order.
It's an order.
The court's opinion is its order.
Oh, it's just an opinion of the court.
That's an order.
Notice they say, oh it's just an opinion.
This is the memorandum.
This is the full memorandum.
Nunes has seen the groups that did it, who ordered it, the blacked out areas and the signatures.
And watch the media go with this, and they'll say, oh never mind, this memo doesn't matter, when it's the biggest memo, bigger than WikiLeaks, William Benny said.
He said this is the biggest thing he's ever seen proving illegal spying, and this is the one they just put out today, obviously Trump had this released, the Office of National Intelligence, and that, this is their blueprint now, just like CNN says don't publish Alex Jones' book,
With a best-selling author, and harasses the talent agency, and then they're over here saying nothing to see here.
Ted Malik, again, is a best-selling author in his own right.
Writes for major newspapers across the country.
Writes a lot of great stuff for WorldNetDaily and Infowars.com as well.
And he joins us to cover Davos that's kicking off tomorrow, and Trump that's going to be there on the 25th.
Such huge news, but first off, navigating the art of spin.
We should also go to your website as well, Theodore Roosevelt Malick.
The End of Ethics and some of your other great books we'll talk about, but what in the Hades?
This is next level spinning here.
It's like when Cuomo got on CNN and said, we can read WikiLeaks, but you can't.
If you read it, you'll go to jail.
You have the document everyone's looking for, and they're saying, don't worry about it, it's no big deal.
Alex Jones is fake news, even though I just had the former head of the NSA on.
What do you say, Ted Mallett?
Well, I'd say, gotcha.
I think you got him.
I mean, we've all been waiting for this memo.
They say it's going to take 19 days to clear those black boxes so that we can see some of it.
We're guessing what's in there.
You've heard some of the Freedom Caucus members talking about it.
They can't obviously disclose what's in it because they're, you know, under confidentiality agreements and secret information.
But this memo, I am told,
is going to smoke a lot of people out of the FBI and the Department of Justice.
So, can't wait to see the whole damn thing.
I was about to say, the word is, a lot of the four pages is what's been redacted.
Yeah, of course, that's what it is.
They black out boxes.
I mean, there's some government documents, you get them and there's one word on a page.
Everything else has been blocked out or blacked out.
So, yeah, I think we got him on this one.
And Trump wants this out.
This is going to get out.
Yeah, it sure is.
Benny was giggling about who gave him a call.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
But Trump is on the on the hunt here.
And that's really we see the head of the EU.
We see Macron admitting it's all collapsing.
What you first predicted a decade ago when Davos man got out of it, you know, and as you're known as the Davos man,
How does all this tie together and their war on the American recovery?
More and more I see Communist China in the Washington Post admits buying off our universities, trying to finance the Democrats for government shutdown.
I mean, it's not Russian collusion, it's Chinese collusion from my research.
Well, there's certainly collusion on many fronts.
I went to see this movie, which I hope you've seen and others should see, The Darkest Hour, this weekend, about Churchill coming to power after Neville Chamberlain
You know, it was such another failure trying to appease Hitler in 1940.
May of 1940.
My dad this weekend saw it.
He said it's one of the best films he ever said.
He said it's an echo just like Trump.
Is that what you're about to say?
Is that we're in our darkest hour?
Your father and I think a lot alike, as you know.
And I wrote an article.
It's going to come out this weekend in a major newspaper.
The title of the article is Trump is Churchill.
So, you know, we're facing the same dark hour.
We need a man of courage.
And Trump is that man.
And I make the comparison in the article.
But what we're really here to talk about is, of course, Davos.
This is Davos Week.
I think you'll get a giggle out of this, your listeners will.
They had 30 inches of snow in Davos overnight, which is why I'm wearing this scarf.
It's the most snow ever in a single day.
So it's a real snow job this year.
It was kicked off this afternoon when the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Modi, gave his speech.
And Trump is, if the helicopters allow him to come in, coming in with, I think, seven members of his cabinet.
Gary Cohn and General Kelly and everybody else and he'll be speaking at the end of Davos this year on Thursday evening or Thursday afternoon.
And the theme of Davos, you'll get a kick out of this, there's always a major theme, the theme is creating a shared future in a fractured world.
You want me to translate that for you?
That means we have to go back to globalism because all of these nationalists and all of these protectionists and all of these Trump lookalikes are beginning and in fact succeeding in fracturing our globalism.
Well, yeah, exactly.
They admit that.
So it's falling like dominoes now, but I don't ever want to be hubris-filled and too confident like The Wolf says in Pulp Fiction.
Let's not start you-know-what yet.
I mean, how are they going to strike back, Mr. Malik?
Well, they've got the major celebrities of the world going there, you know, tons and tons, almost 2,500 people, CEOs galore.
Cate Blanchett will be there.
Elton John will be there.
A lot of Bollywood stars because of the Prime Minister of India are there.
So, I mean, when I was at Davos, you could share a hot tub with Anjali Jolie, but it's the celebrification of culture and the way they're striking back.
The rig master, the head man at Davos, Klaus Schwab, has gone on just before Davos started and given a big interview and he's a very harsh critic of Trump and certainly of nationalism and he said, and I want to quote him to get this right, it is important that leaders not present a national perspective but an international
I don't think it's going to work too well.
Let's talk about what Trump's going to do when he gets there on the other side with Dr. Ted Malik.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
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You understand?
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I need your help, Frank!
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Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Info Wars, knocking them dead!
In the heat of the night!
Got the crew bringing us in!
We got the crew's autobiography.
Autobiography right in our new book.
You are receiving this transmission.
You are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
How's that for synergy?
We are back live.
Ted Malik is our guest.
Paul Watson's hosting the fourth hour.
I'll have to broadcast some with him.
The magnitude of what's breaking.
You know, Dr. Ted Malik.
Has been on the board of directors of Davos, called the Davos Man.
But he was always there promoting Americana and global freedom and countries working together.
But going back over a decade ago, headed up the Aspen Institute, another top elitist group, he really went public against them.
But I've talked to a lot of folks that know Malik, back when we were looking at him on the show a few years ago, and they said, oh Malik's always been fighting the globalists.
It's just that once we began to win, then it wasn't a joke anymore.
And so now we're winning, but you read mainstream news, and Germany says, you promote nationalism, you're banned off Facebook, Twitter, or Google.
We normally, on Facebook, we have 5 million likes on our different platforms.
One has like a 2 million, another has like a million.
A while ago it was about 5 million.
They allowed 44 shares during the break.
I was talking to one of our social media people.
He goes, oh yeah, they're blocking people.
When they hit share, it doesn't go out.
You have to go to folks and post it yourself by hand.
So Google, Facebook, Twitter, they are massively increasing things.
And a lot of people go, I'm just going to be a globalist and a leftist because I want to be promoted on Facebook, Google, Twitter, and all this.
So you're selling out.
To be able to talk to a bunch of fake accounts most of the time.
Doesn't matter.
We've got over 200 AM and FM affiliates.
We're getting a whole bunch of TV affiliates.
We're blasting out, despite all the censorship.
And I'm not bitching about the censorship.
I'm just saying, this is classic authoritarianism.
They want to kick the president off his Twitter.
So again, we're still winning.
But we should not underestimate how the globalists are going to strike back.
And you know, Ted Malik, you've got Donald Trump's big choice at Davos.
A lot of people said, oh, he's a traitor going.
I wish they'd let me in.
I mean, all he does at these global events is stand up for America.
Soldiers, snipers, and security at Davos.
You've got that report.
World Economic Forum in Davos, out.
To heal a fractured world.
You talked about it earlier.
They're gonna heal the fracturing under their control.
One ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.
So, a true sore on Operation Deimos.
Peering behind the elite curiosity curtain.
So, you are the big Deimos insider.
Recap for folks, your trajectory in life and how you got to the highest levels of this and then why you yourself got out of it, Ted Malik.
Well, I'm a scholar, diplomat, strategist.
I've been in a number of important places on Wall Street and the State Department, Center for Foreign Relations Committee.
You know, ambassadorial role in the UN, but I was invited when I was in Geneva, Switzerland, to become part of this Davos Cabal of its early days, help them get American CEOs to come and help them develop some of their country strategies, industry strategies, bring some of the financial... How did you get involved very near the genesis of what is now, was the most powerful group in the world, now they admit, as you said a decade ago, it's falling apart?
Well, I mean, in my case, it was being in the right place at the right time.
I was in Geneva, Switzerland.
They're based in Geneva, Switzerland.
They like smart people.
Some people have claimed I'm a smart person.
You know, I knew lots of Americans have been in American corporate finance and in American financial circles.
So they wanted what I had access to people.
And, you know, this was in the period around 1988.
So Reagan was just ending his term.
Listen, I'm not kissing your butt.
People need to know, you were a darling of Davos.
You were like the cat's meow, Davos man, exactly.
Helping bring it from powerful to really, you know, super powerful.
And that's why I want to know that trajectory, what made you get out of it.
Well, I write about this at some length in my memoir, Davos, Aspen and Yale, about my life behind the elite global curtain and, you know, the role that I, the access that I had, the information that I had, the people I met.
But I was always somewhat cynical about Davos, about its leadership and about its very silly, you know, we're going to save the world kind of mentality.
Thank you.
The world is always a risky place, and these are all the risks.
They have a list of risks, and we're going to make it better.
And the way we make it better is going through them, accessing their global power, and using globalism to make it better.
Sure, you put them in charge, and they're all hopping around like New Age fairies.
That's the whole idea.
They never think about the reward
We're good to go.
Regimes they talk about multilateral solutions.
They talk about inclusive growth.
Uh, you know, about poverty, poverty, poverty, about one, the old one percent, uh, uh, you know, owning all the wealth.
They talk about this year, climate change, climate change.
But I've noticed under their policy, uh, Dr. Malik, the third world's gotten poorer than ever and the elite controlling all the wealth's gotten bigger than ever.
It's funny.
It's, it's got their carbon tax seven years ago, doubling carbon taxes on third world countries and the West.
It was actually the opposite of what they claim they were doing.
Oh, there's been more wealth created and it's,
Going to more people in the last 20 years than ever before.
They don't want to really talk about that success model.
They don't want to talk about really free enterprise.
They're interested in what they call models of cooperation.
Which sounds nice, but it's really another way of saying... Crony capitalism?
The UN, the UN, the UN, the UN and their goals of sustainability are really the only objectives for humankind.
So you're saying they're a group of billionaires, this is key, a group of billionaires committed to UN global governments so that they can have governmental power for their monopolies?
For themselves.
And they have this corporate governance model called multi-stakeholder theory.
Where again, they're not interested in shareholder capitalism as much as they are in, you know, future generations or the environment.
And if you use, if you go to Davos, if you use the reword in front of every other word that you're going to use, every other verb in particular, then you'll be very accepted.
So this year they're talking about reshaping industry.
Everybody has to be global.
Everything has to be global.
You sound like you fit right in, Alex.
You could go over there and mouth it.
Well, last year at Davos, you know, Davos happens, you know, in the eastern part of Switzerland, in Graubünden, German part of Switzerland, actually the old Nazi part of Switzerland, interestingly.
Very interesting history.
But as long as Nazis go, eh, eh, eh, it's okay, I'm sorry, go ahead.
Last year, Davos took place just days after Trump was elected, so I went back and checked
And they said last year at Davos, Trump is going to be a normal president.
Don't worry.
Ignore his tweets.
Ignore his bad behavior.
He's going to mature and grow up.
He's going to become presidential.
This is a direct quote.
He's going to be just like us.
What they said is Davos, man, is very much alive.
Last year, that there will be no travel ban, that NAFTA is the greatest thing ever invented.
And there is no need, underline no need, to build a wall on the Mexican border.
And economic growth under Trump will be worse than before.
The dollar will be weaker than before.
So we know they're shoveling bull.
Do they believe this?
We'll stay there.
We'll come right back to you on the other side to finish up with this.
This is really important.
And Paul Joseph Watson from His Britannic Majesty's London, England will be joining us.
Again, we just broke the big FISA secret memo.
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Now, Max Keiser is a hard man to get on, but he just landed in New York from wherever he's been globetrotting.
He's one of the first people to promote cryptocurrencies and to promote Bitcoin.
And I wish to heaven, what was it, five, six years ago, when he told me, you gotta get on a Bitcoin, that I'd listen to this man.
But Bitcoin has gained 4,000 in just two days.
16,000 per Bitcoin.
If I'd have bought Bitcoin back when I first learned about it, when nobody knew about it, it was just first hearing about Max Keiser.
I mean, I could have invested $100,000 and I'd have...
I'd have 50 million dollars.
I mean, break this down for us.
This is just astonishing.
CNBC, it's now the biggest thing in the world.
Just cryptocurrencies alone is bigger than JP Morgan.
What in the world is going on, Max Geiser?
We needed a way to introduce money that they couldn't control and they couldn't manipulate.
And Bitcoin is that money.
Now they're all scrambling to get involved and the price is going to go a lot higher.
And this is the currency of the revolution.
This is the currency of the global insurrection against banker occupation.
Bitcoin is the real thing, Alex.
The people's currency is definitely going to be cryptocurrency, and the fiat money world is collapsing.
There's about $300 trillion worth of debt in the world, and all of that debt is going to collapse.
It's already collapsing.
Fiat money is collapsing.
What's beautiful about Bitcoin right now is there's a couple of concepts I want to tell you about.
One is called hyper-Bitcoinization, and the other is called the Bitcoin black hole.
So the Bitcoin black hole is when
Bitcoin sucks in all the other fiat money from all the other exchanges and different fiat money and different currencies.
We see that happening right now.
And then hyper-Bitcoinization is when Bitcoin becomes a unit of account.
So everything at your store is priced in Bitcoin.
People are paid in Bitcoin.
People's savings are in Bitcoin.
It becomes a de facto currency, the go-to currency.
That's what people want.
The idea of Bitcoin being something that is outside of regulation and people are trying to regulate it and it's not regulated is false.
Bitcoin is regulated by the Bitcoin protocol.
It's regulated by software.
There's a core development team that is maintaining the Bitcoin network.
Then you have the miners, then you have the merchants, then you have the people who are buying and holding, or hodling as it's called.
And all these things work together in a very beautiful symmetry to create a parallel economy.
I mean, the best thing you can do is just buy Bitcoin and wait.
Just buy and hold.
I don't know who to get it from or what to do, and then some Bitcoin and others just got raided, not raided, they just had hackers steal $65 million.
I mean, I want to know, if I'm going to get into it, Kaiser, I need to talk to one of the Bitcoin wizards.
Listen to this, you know, I was living in London.
I gave Russell Brand a thousand Bitcoin as a gift when it was still in the $2 or $3 range.
I don't know what he did with it.
I think he lost it, but it's now worth $18 million.
You gave him $18 million?
I wish you'd have given that to me!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, Alex Jones here live.
We published today the redacted memo.
The media completely ignored that Nunes is talking about
The memo he's putting out has some of the redactions in it, and they're looking at the classifications, but we already know, as William Benny said, who's met with the former, well, not the former, the current head of the CIA and others, this is Obama and Hillary and others ordering illegal spying on Trump.
And the media tries to spin it and say, well, they put out a press release in May that the court had put out this finding and this memorandum.
Well, yeah, but they didn't put the whole thing out.
And that's what this is.
So we're here pointing out it's on Infowars.com.
And they don't want you looking at it.
So I'll explain that once Paul Watson joins us at the start of the next hour.
Going back to Ted Malik, who's been a big insider, one of the top guys at Davos, and what it's degenerated into, and what it's telling us, and what it told us was going to happen.
I mean, did they believe all this about Trump, that he would back down to them?
Or were they trying to put a good face on it?
What's happening to Davos?
What's happening to the EU?
What's happening to the New World Order?
Well, I mean, I think they're trying to hold their ground.
They've seen the world is fractured.
They admit that Trump is in part responsible for those fractures.
And he surprised them and said, I'll take your invitation to Davos.
I'll come over there and I'll give you the same inauguration speech I gave last January in America.
And I'll tell you the truth.
Now, last year at Davos, Anthony Scaramucci, I don't know if you remember that name, he, you know, he's a Davos-er, he went and said that the President offers, and I quote him, great hope for globalism.
That Donald Trump is really a closet globalist.
Now, if you believe that for a minute, I've got some other bridge to sell you.
Of course, Mr. Scaramucci lasted 10 days in the Trump White House.
So I think that Trump's going to go there on Thursday and he's going to take a victory lap, first of all, and tell them how great America is.
The country is back.
The economy is buzzing.
We've got low unemployment.
We've got high stock market performance.
And it's a great place to invest now that we've got our corporate tax rate down to 21 percent.
And all the other countries in the world, Canada included, are scared as hell because investment is going to flow into America.
Keep going with what's happening at Davos.
To, uh, you know, why you have to change your diet completely and, uh, become a vegan to, uh, why the world is a riskier place by the hour.
So you've got all these high powered people, uh, high up in the mountains, in the Swiss Alps, boarding with each other, partying late into the night.
I tell all the stories again in the, in this memoir, Davos, Aspen and Yale.
Some of it is a little salacious.
I don't want to talk about it.
Uh, online or on television?
Well, tell us a little bit.
Folks are going to read the book.
This is a big party.
Well, it is a big party, and that's part of the reason people go.
They pay $71,000 to attend.
You heard me.
If you want to be a member of Davos as a corporation, The Guardian last year said the price tag was $1 million.
Maybe I should go like this when I say that.
$1 million.
So it's a big price tag and, you know, all the corporate heavyweights are there and they like to party and have dinner with each other and have all the latest celebrities in to talk to them and tell them how bad the world is and what risks we're up against and decry what's happening in places in Europe where they're trying to take back their sovereignty.
It is an interesting party, and the Swiss Air Stewardesses are there to help you enjoy yourself.
The dancing goes on until late, late the next morning.
Why is Davos and the EU so wedded to bringing in unvetted military-age men?
Stacks of articles in Infowars today where women say, I let them rape my children.
It's liberal.
Actual articles.
I let him rape my daughter.
He's an Afghan.
He deserves it.
Where does this death wish come from with Davos pushing at this Islamic love?
Well, I think that you will have a very strong sentiment in Davos, particularly by the European contingent, about why immigration and open borders is such a great thing.
On the one hand, economically, they want cheap labor.
On the other hand, they pretend to be humanists or humanitarian and are willing to basically, I guess, let a billion people cross their borders and take over Europe.
They stopped them at Vienna, at the gates of Vienna in the 17th century, but that's not happening today.
The very pope that has 200 foot walls says everyone must let them into your house.
And then the feminist women go rape me, kill me.
Every day I see articles, they're so cultically controlled, they'll do what they're told.
I mean, I don't know how the EU got women to like literally, basically slit their children's throats.
Well, I don't think that all European women are of that mind, particularly after they let two million people come from those countries, mostly males between 18 and 35, who have performed, well, very unadmirably in places like Sweden and Germany.
So maybe people like Merkel have, quote, learned their lesson
But it doesn't seem that it's the case, because the EU is trying to foist this policy on the rest of Europe, and in fact demanding that countries like Hungary and Poland and, you know, places on the periphery accept more and more what they call refugees or political asylum seekers.
But they're really just economic migrants.
Many of them, in fact, aren't even Islamic.
They're coming increasingly from sub-Saharan Africa.
How many years ago did you say Davos is dead?
I wrote Davos is Dead probably now about six or seven years ago, and I think every year that goes on you could say there's more and more evidence to that.
Certainly last year we had the real nail in the coffin because we had Brexit in the United Kingdom, we had the resurgence of nationalism in many political parties across Europe,
And most demonstrably, we had the election of Donald Trump as President of our United States.
And now all these other nationalists getting elected and free marketers getting elected.
You did predict at first, along with Steve Pchenik of the CIA and a lot of other people, this was coming.
And I see it manifesting itself right now.
And if the EU fell apart and was free market, I wouldn't like that to happen, but it's an evil authoritarian system.
Ted Malik, please join us coming up on Friday when President Trump is there right through the weekend as our correspondent for all the great work you're doing.
Briefly, tell folks about your newest book about the joys of free market.
Well, I think we have to defend capitalism.
So the former CEO of Cargill and I, retired CEO, you know, basically put our minds together and said,
Reading the pages of the wonderful Common Sense by Thomas Paine at the time of the American Revolution, that could be commonsensical today, using our five wits to build better enterprises, more free enterprise, wealth creation.
How could we do that?
And where is it in fact happening?
It's great to talk about it in theory, but let's talk about places where it's actually occurring, where business cultures are in fact producing greater wealth, where there's more productivity.
This is the kind of capitalism we have to support, not this globalism that they preach in places like Davos.
That's right.
We'll talk to you soon.
Thank you, Ted Malik.
I'm going to co-host some with Paul Watson coming up.
And speaking of capitalism, they hate free market that you can vote for the ideas and information that you want to see spread.
And whether it be true, whether it be lies, we're trying to tell the truth compared to CNN.
They're in dozens of newspapers and TV programs right now since last night.
Within a day of our book proposal going out, they already had it telling United Artists and others and
You know, the famous writer, Neil Strauss, that will destroy you if you write this book with Alex Jones.
Well, it's their idea.
This is the true book burning before the book ever gets out of the womb behavior.
But you can stop them.
You make the decision to go, you know, Alex gives me great info.
I'll go check out the products.
Air filtration, very best for your house.
$50 off at $149.
Leading competitors, $400 to $500 for a similar filtration system.
That's about to end.
We have the iodine, the X2, and with the Secret 12 high quality vitamin B12, 40% off.
That's got to end today.
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I think so.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, Paul Watson's taking over.
I want to recap the latest info briefly at the start of the next segment on how we published the document that Nunes and Gowdy and Jordan are talking about.
It has some excise parts.
That's the separate memo they're talking about, as I said at the start of the show, that is going to have all the proof of the perjury to Congress in it.
But this got no attention.
And the media is trying to spin it and going, well, it was released by the Office of National Intelligence, so who cares?
This is the memo.
They're calling it an opinion.
It's Memorandum, Opinion, and Order.
It's the court order.
Courts call their orders the court's opinion.
So Soros groups are the only ones reporting on this right now to get their talking point out.
But Paul's got the info how they're saying you're Russian bots.
You know, if you don't want the EU running your life, or if you want to have lower taxes, or if you want to live longer, it's a Russian bot.
No one has, like, good old most corrupt member of Congress, I mean, even the Democratic Party admits to studies that Maxine Waters, you know, $12 million to her husband's bank, she gave to him.
She says that Trump got, drained the swamp and locked her up from Putin, because none of us can think, like,
If I want to say, hi Paul, how you doing today?
Great to have you on.
Putin, nice to go.
Say, hi Paul, how you doing today?
Great to have you on.
Somebody say, yes, Lord Putin?
Hi Paul, great to have you on today.
Good to have you here with us.
Putin just said, how you doing?
What's coming up today?
The funny thing about it is, Alex, when like friends ask me out, so are you colluding with the Russians?
I'm like, I can't, I can barely even collude with Alex Jones.
So how on earth am I going to collude with Vladimir Putin?
Well, they've now come out and said, they've actually released a guideline of how they treat Russian bots.
And on this guideline sheet, it actually says, you may not even know, Alex, that you're being controlled by the Russian bots, but you are being controlled by them.
And now Twitter's sending out emails to people who started accounts after the election, like way after the election in summer 2017, saying, you followed or retweeted a Russian bot during the election, and they've sent this out to 677,000 people.
This is huge.
This is their excuse.
As you said, it's a fraud to say your speech is a Russian bot.
We're banning you.
Yeah, that's the entree to that.
Now Schiff and Feinstein are out, they've written a letter to Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO, and said the whole release the memo hashtag, the whole campaign is a Kremlin plot.
And obviously we saw with the Congressional hearing, which we talked about last week, where they get up there and say, oh yeah, we've got to stop these Infowars hashtags or these stories of Breitbart or whoever from trending.
This is what they're going to try and push through.
The reason why it trended was because Republican congressmen were out on every TV station.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Trey Gowdy, Trey Gowdy's a Russian bot.
Lord Putin, they're shutting us down.
What do we do?
Oh, I mean, this is ridiculous.
Obviously it's blowing up in their face as the Secret Society comes out, the La Cosa Nostra and the FBI.
I mean, as it comes out, the whole thing was a fraud.
What are they going to do now that he says, ban it all, block it, Twitter block it, it's Russians, the Russians are coming?
Well, they're going to start the crackdown, they're going to intensify it.
I posted something from somebody who received an email from Twitter saying, you know, you're affiliated with a Russian bot, which is basically a warning to people.
It said, I received an email from Twitter stating I followed and or liked content from a Russian government-linked organization during the 2016 election.
That account was yours!
So now I'm part of a Russian government organization.
You are a Russian agent!
Disappear you now!
It's actually happening in America.
You are a Russian agent!
I've kept it quiet all this time.
So they're basically just contacting Trump supporters who say they didn't even create accounts until summer 2017.
Oh, it's a new intimidation.
Listen, you're a damn foreign agent.
This is pure bullying.
Yeah, it's... You're now bullying new accounts, telling them they're Russian agents.
It's a complete hoax.
The entire overarching organization supposedly controlling all these Russian bots, they got like 280 million impressions during the whole election.
Alex, during the height of the election, I got that on my only account in one month.
So apparently I'm more powerful than the entire Russian bot Kremlin network.
No, comrade, you are Putin's son.
The truth, I am Putin's little brother.
How you did not know?
But we joke they're coming for the censorship because we're kicking their political asses.
Stay with us.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, in the last 24 hours, on Facebook, on Twitter, on YouTube, we have seen them not let us share our videos, unsubscribe people by the thousands, not let us have tweets even reach people that are signed up to see them.
We've seen more censorship the last 24 hours than we saw the last two years combined.
They have dropped the hammer.
And Paul Watson and thousands of others are now reporting they're getting messages saying, you promoted the tax cuts, or you promoted Trump going to Davos.
You are a Russian bot.
We have evidence, including thousands of new accounts.
That weren't even around in the election, it's now Russian bots.
Even though Twitter admitted to Congress, all the Russian bots for the entire campaign were not the equivalent of what Paul Watson got at Prison Planet on Twitter in one month.
Congressional reports, CIA reports admit it's non-existent.
The Russians can't even run their own country.
The Chinese run our universities, our media, they've taken over.
But this is insane.
So this is their new push with Congressman Schiff.
Sending out letters to Twitter saying, anyone talking about release the memo, and we have the redacted parts that who knows who's going to release, the memo's public at InfoWars.com, no one pointed it out.
We did, we broke the memo.
We pointed it out, they're trying to spin that.
This is next level.
They are so damn scared of this memo because it admits they're illegally spying on Trump and his whole family in the declassified version released by the head of National Intelligence, Paul.
They are collapsing.
Paul, recap this.
They're terrified.
And we've got internal conversations from Facebook as well, by the way, which I put up on InfoWars earlier today, where they're concerned about BrightBot and InfoWars gaming Facebook's new algorithm so we appear more in people's feeds.
Facebook was caught gaming their own algorithm.
It's all this gaming that's aimed at us and we're part of the Russian troll network.
They game themselves on a regular basis to bury content they don't like.
That's what it's all about.
But now Twitter
Now you can get a headline up which is, Newsweek, Trump supporters are angry after warnings from Twitter about Russian interference.
They sent out 677,000 emails to all these pro-Trump accounts, some of which were not even started until the summer of 2017.
Telling you you're a Russian!
You know, next you're gonna be arrested!
Saying that they'd identified and suspended a number of accounts that were potentially connected to a propaganda effort by a Russian government-linked organisation known as the Internet Research Agency, which is the same agency that got 280 million impressions on Twitter during the whole election cycle, which is pathetic.
I got more than that in one month, just my one account, not including all the other accounts that are way bigger than mine.
You know, they tried to pull the same stunt with Brexit, Alex.
You actually had MPs get up in Parliament and say that Russian bots stole Brexit.
It was a big study.
Russian-linked accounts spent less than $1 on Brexit ads.
Less than $1.
You know with Facebook, you have to spend like $1,000 to get anywhere.
They spent less than $1.
Again, complete baloney.
And now they're saying that Trump... All Trump supporters are just Russian agents because they may have liked or retweeted these accounts, which we don't know, but we can say they're Russian bots.
This is how outside globalist powers that have hijacked our nations point at us, the patriots, and say we're the enemy and come after us.
I mean, this is it, Paul.
They're really doing it.
But what's going to happen now that this is all blowing up in their face and the whole thing's falling apart and they've been caught in secret societies at the FBI to remove the president?
What are they going to do now?
Well, I mean, the whole Mueller thing's completely collapsing.
Even this agent, I'm unsure of the pronunciation, but Peter Strzok, you know, the one with the five months of missing text messages, they've got one of the messages from him.
Or even he says, there's no evidence of Russia-Trump collusion, like the day after the investigation began.
So even in their own internal text messages, they admit it to themselves.
And let's be clear, if we release a U.S.
government secret court memo, which has now been released, redacted, Nunes has the four pages of redactions, that's Russian!
So our own court report at Infowars.com that no one will report on, that's Russian!
Our own FISA court's Russian!
Did you know that, Paul?
It's all... just every single thing, they go to it as an excuse to distract from the fact that their narrative's been completely demolished.
They're using this guideline, which is up on Twitter, let's get it up on InfoWars, GMF is the organisation.
It monitors the activities of 600 Twitter accounts linked to Russian influence.
Efforts online, one of which apparently is mine, accounts were selected for their clear connection, listen to that, clear connection to Russian influence.
But not all of these accounts are...
We can go to congressional hearings and go, Paul Watson's number one today.
We banned him at lunch.
Talking about how it was an Islamic attack in New York with a truck.
They said that was fake!
It was completely admitted!
Paul Watson says the sky is blue.
Don't worry sir, Congressman Quigley, we banned him at lunch.
And so it defines what makes you a Russian bot.
And it's accounts controlled by Russian government influence operations.
It's also accounts for patriotic pro-Russia users that are loosely connected or unconnected to the Russian government.
But it's also users who may or may not understand themselves to be part of the pro-Russian social network.
Oh, I didn't know I was a Russian agent because I wanted to take care of the military and old people and secure our borders and take our jobs back from China.
Those damn Russians!
So any Twitter account that, maybe they support the tax cuts or whatever, and they say they're a Russian bot, if you at any point liked or retweeted them, that also makes you a Russian bot.
And you didn't have to know anything about it.
They're now all putting us on this list.
Do I have another baby then?
Should I name it Russian Bot?
I mean, is that a Russian baby?
I think that's the way it's heading right now, Alex.
But I mean, I went back and found the quote from the Daily Beast, which is when they had the big hysteria over Twitter and Russian influence on Twitter.
And here it is, right before the election, some 36,000 bots on Twitter aimed 1.4 million election-relevant tweets that received 288 million impressions from fellow tweeters.
So again, it was less than I got in one month, and that's their entire operation!
Hillary, fake polls, fake questions, everything rigged.
Hollywood, the Vatican, the EU, Mexico, the Communist Chinese, Saudi Arabia, the whole world against America.
None of that counts.
It's the magical... I'm ready for some of this Russian money, Paul.
Because you know, we're funding ourselves.
I haven't gotten Jack Diddley's squat from the Russians.
I'm still waiting for my cheque from the Kremlin.
But of course, the irony is, when Hillary thought she was going to win, Trump suggested that, you know, we'd have to look at the election results for any kind of shenanigans.
It was like, oh my God, how dare he even suggest the election would be rigged?
That's a direct attack on our democracy.
What happens the very day, the very day after Trump wins?
Oh, it was rigged.
And they've been on this same narrative
So let me ask you this, though.
They are losing now.
I don't just put things in a nice pose to just be positive like they do and lie.
We're really winning right now.
What are they going to do when they start getting indicted and all this comes out?
I mean, because they're just Silicon Valley.
They're all just committed.
While they own slave shops in China, the worst dirtbags ever, just virtue-settling that they're liberal, but they're monstrous Nazis.
What are they going to do when they all fail?
Because we can't just be nice now and not indict these people.
We've got to go after everybody.
Bezos, all of them.
And these are enemies.
They're panicking at the moment, Alex, which is why they came out with this, you know, the fake news narrative.
Completely failed.
They did a Stanford University investigation, found the biggest fake news stories helped Hillary Clinton.
And in the overarching analysis of it, it had no actual impact on the election whatsoever.
Major Hollywood firms created thousands of fake websites pushing fake Trump news.
Yeah, they also created this narrative called the post-truth world, which is basically them saying, damn, our narrative's been challenged for the first time ever.
We're actually losing the argument.
Let's just create this idea that suddenly the truth no longer exists.
No, people are challenging your globalist crap for the first time in decades, and now they're starting to panic.
Now you've got proposals, and we've covered this before Alex, like with the China credit score.
They want to link Twitter accounts, Facebook accounts to government-issued identity cards, which obviously would make people less likely to criticize the government or to have any kind of controversial... Sure, they're going to say you go on a literal gulag, like Matt Drudge said, if you don't play ball.
We got pointed out by William Benny that the actual FISA memo they're talking about, 90 plus percent of it was posted.
We put it out.
Nobody covered it.
They don't say it's a fake memo.
It's full of bombshells.
They just try to say, oh, but it's not the classified parts.
Yeah, but we've already told you.
Reverse-engineered what's in those documents.
And I'm going to shoot a special video.
Paul's going to take over right now.
I'm going to shoot a special video where I lay all that out coming up after Paul finishes up today.
Look for that at InfoWars.com.
But whatever you do, financially support us.
Because we're not supported by the Russians or by George Soros or by anybody else.
We're supported by you.
And we sell high-quality products so you like them and want to buy them again.
Common Sense.
The big sales on X2 and Secret 12 are about to end.
I want to apologize to listeners.
I lied to you when I told you Trump would win the election, and he did.
I lied to you when I told you that they're admitting that fluoride's causing brain damage, and it turned out I was right.
I lied to you about a global government existing that was trying to take control of our country, which they now admit is true.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world?
The central banker's in charge.
I guess, actually, I didn't lie to you.
And I'm on air every day fighting the globalists as they try to shut down free speech in America, as they try to derail our recovery, as they try to fold us into their world government, open up our borders, hand us over to the Islamic Caliphate.
But I'll tell you this, when I'm on air, I wear a sports jacket and a nice shirt because I respect the fact that you're tuning in and watching and listening to what I have to say.
But we're involved in very, very important activities.
And that's why I want to reach out to you right now and explain something.
That's so critical.
And if you grasp it, we'll be able to literally turn the tide even faster against the globalists.
And it's just this.
I'm not always wearing this, ladies and gentlemen.
I dress like this.
To politically get messages out to folks that aren't awake, to spur debates, but to also meet like-minded people who are out there feeling like they're alone and don't know how many of us there are.
It's like Martin Luther King said, it's all of us of one human race who all have incredible skills and gifts that God gave us that we bring together in the human family.
We're good to go.
These are universities where they're saying it's inherently evil and an abomination and satanic to be white.
Right outside Austin, Texas.
Texas State University says that.
Most major universities are directing this to create racial division in this country and it's sickening.
That's why I have designed with our crew
Several new limited edition t-shirts that expose this evil and fight true institutional leftist based racial division and classical race war designs.
Yeah, if you're just talking about how you're white or how you're black, it's okay.
That's fine to be proud of yourself.
But isn't it really great to realize we all got red blood?
That's why the shirt is in red.
Out here in space together, the dark blue of the night sky, but all of our red blood together ties us together and that's what makes us great.
The globalists are creating a fake debate to turn us against each other.
Let's come together and say all lives matter.
The fact is it's not just okay, it's great to be human.
Let me show you a few of the other designs we've got.
They're available at InfoWarsTore.com.
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So yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's a white shirt that says it's okay to be white, okay to be black, okay to be brown, but it's great.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
You found it!
The tip of the spear!
It is The Alex Jones Show!
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson!
So, on the Alex Jones Show on this Tuesday, January 23rd edition, let's wrap up what we were talking about before the break because this has broke in the past couple of hours.
Headline, Democrats urge Facebook and Twitter to probe Russian bots!
Yes, they're back again, the Russian bots controlling everything, dismantling everything for the convenience of democratic narratives to survive and prosper.
Top Democrats wrote to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, a sympathetic ear no doubt, and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, even more so, on Tuesday urging an investigation following reports of Kremlin-linked activity around the release of the memo campaign on social media.
Now exactly what evidence constitutes Kremlin-linked activity, we don't know, because none whatsoever is presented.
Senator Dianne Feinstein and Republican Representative Adam Schiff, far from Republican, both of California, submitted a letter to the two companies.
So instead of releasing the memo, which is what the American people want, the polls show, they're going to block hashtag release the memo trending on Twitter again, presumably.
It says if these reports are accurate,
Which we don't know if they're accurate or not because there's no evidence whatsoever of it.
We're witnessing an ongoing attack by the Russian government through Kremlin-linked social media actors directly acting to intervene and influence our democratic process.
Now when they say Kremlin-linked social media actors, we'll get on in a minute to exactly who that is.
Basically it's anyone who supports Trump is a Kremlin-linked social media actor at this point.
The letter goes on to state
This should be disconcerting to all Americans, but especially your companies, as once again it appears the vast majority of their efforts concentrate on your platforms.
Again, they're trying to bait Twitter and Facebook into following this hysteria.
So they take even more egregious censorship methods, even more egregious than those exposed by Project Veritas only last week, to censor Trump supporters, to censor conservatives, even within the highly controlled and thought-police echo chamber that Twitter already is.
We saw them try to create similar hysteria with YouTube last year with the adpocalypse.
So they restricted, they censored.
Now we're seeing it once again through Adam Schiff, who's been completely decimated and debunked on his Russian hysteria innumerable times over the past year.
He goes on to say this latest example of Russian interference, again no evidence presented for it, is in keeping with Moscow's concerted, covert and continuing campaign to manipulate American public opinion, narrow trust in our law enforcement and intelligence institutions.
These are the same people
Who defend people like this Peter Schrock.
Obviously hyper-partisan, bias, abusing their power.
But then they say, oh, the Russians, the mythical Russian bots are the ones eroding trust in law enforcement.
You won't even release the damn memo!
Who's eroding trust here?
It's not your mythical Russian bots.
The memo in question was written by the House Intelligence Committee about alleged surveillance abuses.
And again, it remains to be seen whether it will be released.
But along with this,
This guideline emerged, which is what they're going from, what Schiff and the others are going from in their hysteria, as to how to identify the mythical Russian bots.
This is from the organisation GMF.
It said the dashboard monitors the activities of 600 Twitter accounts linked to Russian influence efforts online.
Accounts were selected for their clear connection.
Listen to that.
Clear connection to Russian influence, but not all of the accounts are directly controlled by Russia.
What constitutes a clear connection to Russian influence?
Basically anything pro-Trump.
Basically anything anti the Democratic Party.
Well what a convenience that is!
The method is focused on understanding the behaviour of the aggregate network rather than the behaviour of individual users.
So they go on to list.
People who are directly working for the Russian government.
Those that are patriotic pro-Russia users that are loosely connected or unconnected to the Russian government.
This is their Russian bot network.
They also list users who may or may not understand themselves to be part of a pro-Russian social network.
So you may not even know that you're in this Russian troll-bot army, and yet you are.
Because you have certain opinions which aren't very convenient to those in positions of power, to those in the deep state who are trying to sabotage the Trump administration.
So you're part of the Russian bot network.
Now people are sending me messages saying they received one of these emails from Twitter over the past 48 hours.
They've sent out 677,000 plus emails to Twitter users, almost all of whom are Trump supporters, you would imagine, saying you have liked or retweeted or in some way interacted with a Russian bot trying to undermine American democracy.
Again, it's partly a threat.
Somebody sent me a message which said I received an email from Twitter stating I had followed and or liked content from a Russian government-linked organization during the 2016 election.
That account was yours.
So I'm part of the Russian government-linked organization that undermined the US election.
Obviously I don't know about it, but that's okay because they've made that part of the definition.
You may not even know.
He also said he followed real Donald Trump and POTUS.
So, you know, maybe the actual official real Donald Trump account is also part of this Russian troll bot network.
Because at this point, it's just anybody who's shared anything that is pro-Trump at any point.
Newsweek reports Trump supporters are angry after warnings from Twitter about Russian interference through trolls.
Trump supporters in a popular forum on the social media platform Reddit, which is presumably the Donald, have shared their anger about alerts sent out by Twitter last week warning their accounts had engaged with or spread the messages of a network of accounts linked to Russian bots believed to have spread 2016 election propaganda.
Now they cite one example in here, which I think it's in this article that I read earlier.
Here it is.
One individual said he got an email from Twitter accusing me of linking to Russian accounts and retweeting stuff during the election.
This was a user called AnalogDevice, complaining that this was impossible because their Twitter account was opened in the summer of 2017.
So how on earth could he have helped spread Russian propaganda during the 2016 election when he wasn't even on Twitter until nearly a year later?
Again, complete baloney.
It's all BS, but it never ends.
The social media platform sent 677,000 people in the United States these emails and basically said, you're in cahoots with the evil Russians.
Now we flash back to this article, Facebook Russian linked accounts spent less than $1 on Brexit ads because they tried to pull this same stunt after Brexit.
They actually got MPs who stood up in Parliament and said that Brexit was a Russian troll operation.
You know, you had actual troll bots going into the voting booth and voting for Brexit, I imagine.
But they did an investigation and it turned out that less than one dollar was spent by supposed Russian-based operatives to place three advertisements on Facebook in the run-up to Britain's 2016 referendum.
They spent 97 cents to raise the issue of immigration.
It wasn't even directly related to Brexit until they spent less than a dollar
And yet people were getting up in Parliament saying that Brexit was a Russian plot.
So again, complete hysteria.
No evidence has ever been presented for this.
Are there fake news websites?
Are there Russian bots?
But do they have anywhere near the kind of influence that these
Schiff and the others and Feinstein are trying to convince us that they do.
No, it's complete fake news.
It's the very essence of fake news.
It's hysteria to distract from the details within this memo that they don't want the American people to see.
We'll be back with more on the Alex Jones Show after the break.
Don't go away.
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And again, I want to thank you all for your support.
You are funding the information war in 2018.
I remember reading about Ted Malik 25 years ago, studying key people in globalist organizations.
That doesn't mean everybody in them is bad.
But about a decade ago, I started seeing him really critical of it, saying the EU is going to fall apart.
It's going to go down.
It's authoritarian.
And he got involved in all this to promote freedom worldwide.
So you're inside the situation from the beginning.
They knew you were pro-America, pro-free market.
And I guess they kind of sold globalism early on as
Well, I think this is a gradual process.
You know, in the 1992-95 period, globalization and Americanization were somewhat synonymous, as you suggest.
And it became more and more apparent that these globalists had a very, very different agenda.
It had nothing to do with America.
They would use America, use America funding, use American political prowess, but they really had their own agenda.
And that's very evident in what I call the EU-SSR, because it is really, just as I describe it, a kind of new Soviet Union, if you will, that has a very, very strong globalist agenda.
And it's apparent that this transatlantic relationship, which we have largely paid for since World War II, is built on the wrong premise.
They've taken advantage of us.
As Trump said, you know, we were really a goat.
They took our money.
They took our defense.
We paid 80% of the costs of NATO.
And we've looked the other way.
Germany, which is a very wealthy company, a country that's only the engine of growth in Europe, is paying less than 2% of its annual GDP for defense.
I mean, we're paying for Germany's welfare state as a result of our subsidy of NATO.
This is the battle of these decades.
I think we've
Actually surprised them because we're starting to take back territory in a sense.
I mean, the way I put it is, with Trump, we're no longer on the defensive.
We're on the offensive.
And everything he does, week in, actually day in, day out, that's what's so amazing about it.
It's not just, it's not just, you know, carrying here and there willy-nilly once in a while.
Every day something is happening on Trump's watch is real this week.
You know, Jerusalem, Middle East, Russia.
Border secured, economy coming back, and it's the perfect timing of how he waited and did all this, and then just right at the right time as the stars aligned, historically, boom!
It's biblical.
It is.
So I wrote an article some months ago, actually, at the time of the election, saying with Trump's election, it'll be like the first seven days of creation.
And I meant that not literally, but metaphorically.
And the fact is, almost everything that I laid out in that article has happened already, and we've only witnessed the first year of Donald J. Trump.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We are live.
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Before I get back into the news, we're going to talk about what's going on in Sweden, as we do on a daily basis now, almost.
I want to tell you about the new Infowars Shirt of the Month Club.
This is an exciting new opportunity to support this network.
Every month we'll be releasing exclusive new shirts.
Hopefully I get a chance to offer some of the designs for those.
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And, as an added bonus, Alex Jones will sign a random 10 shirts to show his support for the fans that make the info wall possible.
Now, the first one that we've got out, which you're going to be able to get your hands on, is the best-selling Won't Tread On Me shirt, which instead of the typical yellow colour,
As the shirt of the month, it comes in red.
A lot of people don't really like to wear yellow, but that looks like a really cool t-shirt right there that you can see on screen.
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The air in your home is filled with dust, bacteria, allergens and viruses, but with the revolutionary air purification system, the Alexa Pure Breeze, you can remove up to 99.97% of airborne toxins and contaminants in your home.
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For a limited time only at InfoWarsStore.com, where we also have the Chocolate or Strawberry Caveman True Paleo Formula.
Again, for 50% off retail at InfoWarsStore.com for a limited time.
This may be our final batch of the product because we're having a hard time sourcing the concentrated chicken broth.
I may have to change the formula, so this is not going to stick around for long.
It could be your last chance to get Caveman True Paleo Formula at 50% off.
This sale will not last long.
That is also available at infowarsstore.com.
Before we get back into the global news, I just want to mention this because it came out about an hour ago up on Daily Caller.
Even Peter Throck, this guy who schemed at the top of the FBI, you know he was the one who came out with the insurance policy in case Donald Trump won, which of course was the Russian hysteria investigation.
Headline is in jaw-dropping text, Peter Strzok expressed concern about joining Mueller team.
The FBI's top agent on the Trump-Russia investigation sent a text message last year that one top Republican senator says suggests he saw no evidence of Trump campaign collusion.
So even the guy who all this controversy swirls around now as being of course hyper-partisan and biased
Because he hated Trump, as has been proven over and over again.
Even he thought there was no evidence of Russian collusion right back when the investigation began.
The text message is, quote, jaw-dropping.
Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, said in a radio interview today.
He read aloud a May 19th, 2017 text that struck Senator Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer and his mistress.
He said, quote,
You and I both know the odds are nothing.
If I thought it was likely, I'd be there, no question.
I hesitate in part because of my gut sense and concern that there's no big there there.
So he's referring to the Mueller investigation, which had kicked off just two days earlier.
So even him thinks that it's a complete baloney farce.
And yet here we still are today, having to deal with it, having to rebut this narrative over and over again.
With of course now, as I mentioned before the break, Adam Schiff and Dianne Feinstein basically claiming that anyone who circulated the hashtag release the memo campaign, anyone who helped get it trend, was part of a Russian troll army bot network.
Had nothing to do with the fact that you had
Congressmen all over the media for like two, three days solid talking about it.
That's not why it trended on Twitter, no.
It was those mysterious Russian bots once again.
It isn't that convenient because then they can use that as an excuse to distract from the contents of the actual Pfizer memo.
Again, relying on the convenience of this Russian bot hysteria to distract from their own scandals, from their own corruption over and over again.
This is an article up on Infowars.com right now.
Sweden, my favourite country.
Feminist mother refuses to report Afghan refugee after he sexually abuses her 12-year-old daughter.
Now this was supposedly an 18-year-old, as we know from Sweden.
They did a big study, the official government forensic bureau did a study and found that three quarters of so-called child refugees were not children, they were adults.
Now a feminist mother in Sweden refused to report an Afghan refugee who was living in her house to authorities after he sexually abused her 12-year-old daughter.
She put the sanctimony, she put her concern for this Afghan refugee above concern for the safety of her own child.
That's how intense the brainwashing, the indoctrination, the re-education is at this point in time in Sweden.
The 45-year-old woman was working at a refugee centre in Salzburg when she began having a sexual relationship with a refugee who claimed to be 18 years old.
Of course, we've seen numerous cases before, especially at the Calais migrant camp, which was supposedly bulldozed but is basically coming back into place right now, of these refugee workers having sex with migrants.
I mean, that's
That's what they're into.
That's probably part of the reason why they want to get the job in the first place.
Now this woman began a sexual relationship with a refugee who was 18 years old.
He was about to become official, so he had to leave this refugee centre, and she allowed him to move into her family home.
She was divorced, but she had kids.
This 12-year-old girl had some big sisters as well.
And surprise, surprise, within a short period of time the migrant began sexually abusing the woman's 12-year-old daughter, kissing and hugging her, before one incident in September 2017 when the Afghan put his hands inside the girl's underwear and groped her vagina.
Now, we saw the German propaganda of the public television network, because this is in my video last week, where they showed a relationship between, obviously, an adult Syrian migrant, probably in his 30s, and a 16-year-old girl, again portraying it as natural, normal.
Now we have this happening in Sweden.
So the daughter, the 12-year-old, obviously complained to her mother that she was being sexually harassed, sexually assaulted by this Afghan migrant.
And the mother did absolutely nothing.
She didn't report him to authorities.
She didn't even kick him out of the house.
It wasn't until the girl refused to come home from school and then told her father, who's divorced from the mother, that this had taken place.
The big sisters also knew about it and they were told by the mother to shut up.
She said, quote, when he went to trial.
I'll tell you what happened in the trial.
She said, quote, I thought so much about him that he could stay with me.
She was also reportedly a vehement supporter of the Me Too movement against the sexual assault of women.
Of course she was.
But not, presumably, if those women are sexually assaulted by migrants.
Remember what happened in Cologne after the mass molestation of women on New Year's Eve 2015?
The very next day, the feminists all went down to the local migrant centre to hand out roses.
So it went to trial.
The Afghan received just 100 hours of community service for the assault and will not be deported.
Because this is Sweden and it's gone completely insane.
So he claimed to be 18.
Chances are he was an adult, given that three quarters of so-called child migrants are adults in Sweden.
Their own national forensic medicine agency confirmed that.
And of course we had the figures released from the official criminal statistics agency BRA last week that show rape cases across the country, which is already the rape capital of Europe, increased 10% in 2017.
So if Sweden continues to enjoy the benefits of cultural enrichment and now so-called feminist mothers,
Are placing their concern for Afghan migrants over the safety of their own daughters.
That's how intense the brainwashing, the propaganda, the re-education has become in Scandinavia.
We're going to tell you where Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi may be hiding after the break.
Of course, the leader of ISIS.
Take one guess as to where that could be.
We'll be back after the break.
This is the Alex Jones Show live.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Free Press needs your help, Frank!
You can't have a right if it's not being exercised.
That's amazing.
I think this video is going to trigger leptards.
So this is a Glock 18C machine pistol.
This fire is about level ground.
Pretty crazy.
We've also got an M249 SAW.
Wow, that's fun!
Up against the wall, commies!
That's amazingly cool.
This is the best range I've ever been to.
They've got the big thing downstairs.
They've got this VIP area.
It's a little bit more.
And it's, you know, it's usually really busy downstairs.
Not as much here, but... I mean, come on the weekends, it's real busy.
But during the weekday, tag off with your family.
Come and shoot it.
That's what we say.
Come and shoot it.
Instead of come and take it, come and shoot it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
There's a headline up on the Independent website, and it's possible they've changed it by now because it's completely libelous.
Tommy Robinson, who of course has been a guest on this program many times before,
It is in the news today, it came out in the trial of the individual, the Finsbury Park attacker, because you remember that Darren Osborne drove a vehicle into a crowd of Muslims back, I think it was in June last year.
Terrorist attack, we called it a terrorist attack at the time, but now it's gone to trial.
They came out today, mass media, numerous publications, and claimed that Tommy Robinson had sent, in some cases, direct Twitter messages.
Direct messages to the terrorist involved in the attack.
In fact, I tweeted one of these earlier.
The Metro, which is the biggest newspaper in Britain, in terms of sales, it's tracking about the same as the Sun.
They tweeted this, Finsbury Park attacker got Twitter DMs from Tommy Robinson days before attack.
So essentially they're claiming that Tommy Robinson directly contacted a terrorist, and the obvious implication is that he inspired this terrorist to carry out the attack, which killed one person.
Absolutely incredible libel.
It came out that what had happened was this terrorist, way before that, had subscribed to a mailing list, which at one point had sent out content, video content, from Tommy Robinson.
So there's the difference between being a member of a mailing list and being in direct contact with an individual via Twitter DM.
Two completely different things, yet they're using this to smear Tommy Robinson and to claim, or to imply at least, that he somehow inspired this terrorist attack.
And they're still doing it, even though it's been out for about six hours that the guy was subscribed to a mailing list, not that he was in direct contact.
There you see how the Independent
Finsbury Park Terror Suspect read messages from Tommy Robinson days before attack.
Now what they initially claimed, and in fact, I've got the original headline, which they've changed, because they're getting bombarded with people saying this is clearly libelous.
Their original headline was this, because I copied and pasted it into this text file.
Tommy Robinson sent messages to Finsbury Park Terror Suspect days before attack, caught here's.
Now even in this,
Article which is again completely misleading fake news libelous headline even in the article this author admitted Quote mr. Robinson's message, which was identical to that sent to other supporters So what's what's a message that's also sent to others as well.
It's a mailing list completely different thing from the claim that Robinson directly sent Twitter direct messages to a terrorist and
They're still publishing articles.
The Metro still got this tweet up.
Hours later, six hours later, it was completely clarified that this was a mailing list.
Again, shows you the mainstream media, while claiming that we're fake news, will peddle the most damaging fake news that could put people at risk.
It could actually put Robinson at risk.
It's definitely defamed his character.
They'll do it on a whim.
They'll do it every single day.
And they'll feel good about it.
Absolutely incredible that it's still happening as we speak, even though it's hours after it's been clarified.
But being on a mailing list is completely different from actually directly communicating with someone.
Zero Hedge reports German city bans all new refugees as violent crime spikes.
One small German city started turning away new refugees amid an explosion of violence between the newcomers and a burgeoning and illegal neo-Nazi group that's taken root in the city.
So again, this is the problem I talk about.
If you allow these policies to really flourish and enrich these different parts of Germany, where in some cases they have tiny little villages of like 50 people, and then they suddenly now, so by the way, 2,000 refugees are coming to stay in your village.
But don't worry, nothing's going to change.
If you allow that kind of insanity to go on, you're going to bolster actual far-right extremists, because people get desperate.
And if they're the only people who are listening to them, then obviously membership of those far-right extremist organisations is going to rise.
If they're treated like absolute crap by their own government and told to shut up and just take it as their towns and villages are overrun, as crime, as rape, as sexual assault explodes.
Officials in the city of Cottbus, located about 120 kilometres
...has been plagued by a surge of attacks from refugees and right-wing extremists since the beginning of the year.
According to Fox News, Brandenburg State Police said two Syrian teenage boys were arrested under the suspicion of injuring a German teenager in the face with a knife last week.
So it goes through all the different cases of crime.
Basically, they were able to attribute a 10.4% rise in violent crimes in the state during those two years exclusively, or almost exclusively, to refugees.
After the study, they basically said, we're not taking any more.
The Interior Minister, Karl-Heinz Schroeter, told the Mail that the ban on new refugees would be in effect for the next few months.
So initially, it's going to be a few months, and it may be longer than that.
They've had enough of it, they're saying no.
Mention this before the break.
The ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is hiding, or could be hiding, in a European country, in a Scandinavian country.
Now, take a wild guess as to which Scandinavian country that may be.
And it's Sweden.
According to sources the Guardian has talked to,
Top ISIS leaders, including Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, have fled Syria and could now be hiding in Scandinavia.
And if that is the case, then liberal Sweden, where the ID checks are an absolute joke and out of control, is certainly the most obvious choice.
Also, as it seems likely, the first European country to soon resemble the war zone they just left.
And of course that's in reference to the Swedish Prime Minister coming out a few days ago and saying that basically they're considering, or they would at least consider if it was proposed, putting the army on the streets of Sweden because it's so safe, it's so calm, it's so tranquil.
Grenade attacks, sexual assaults, you've got the police having to install
Microphones in some of these no-go Muslim ghettos to pick up the screams of women because they can't have enough police and when they do have police they get attacked.
The police station is basically a fortress in Malmo now.
They can't even have windows on these places because they get attacked, they get burned down.
You've seen police stations bombed.
You've seen riots.
You've seen cars set ablaze.
You've seen the ambulance workers, the fire workers getting attacked in these migrant ghettos.
To all intents and purposes, at least in these concentrated pockets, it does indeed resemble a war zone.
And now they're speculating that Baghdadi himself, the leader of ISIS, could have returned what is essentially now his spiritual home of Sweden.
I mentioned this when I was on with Alex.
This is out of Breitbart.
Health Minister social media accounts should be linked to government-issued identity cards.
Where have we seen this before?
Well, we've seen it with the EU, tried to pull it off, and we've, of course, seen it with China and their social credit score.
But the Irish Minister responsible for mental health has suggested that all public services cards be linked to social media accounts to verify users' identities.
RTE News reports that Jim Daly, the Irish Minister responsible for mental health and older people, has recently called for all public services cards to be linked to the social media accounts of card users to verify their identity.
Now, of course, we've seen this before, not just in China, but also with the European Union or the European Commission, more specifically in 2016, which insisted that state-issued ID cards should be used to log into social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
Why would they do that?
Well, one, it's to completely eviscerate anonymity on the Internet.
And two, if you know
That everything you post on the internet is directly linked to a government ID card and maybe a social credit score if we want to ape the communist Chinese system.
Maybe you would be less likely to criticise the government.
Maybe you would be less likely to leave offensive comments that might upset people on social media.
So no, you should never tolerate a government ID being linked to your social media account.
That's completely Orwellian, it's completely draconian and it should never happen.
Absolutely incredible.
Davos, where of course Trump is about to visit, Indian Prime Minister says attacks on globalism must be stopped.
They are in complete panic mode.
Giving the opening speech at the World Economic Forum's Davos summit on Tuesday, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told global elites that opposition to globalist policies is one of the world's foremost threats.
No, we had the big Davos elitist thing, it was last week, come out and say that Trump poses a direct threat to the centralised globalist agenda that these guys have been putting together for decades, and that that's basically going to be the entire subject of the summit in Switzerland this week.
He said, quote, forces of protectionism are raising their heads against globalisation.
Their intention is not only to avoid globalisation themselves, but they also want to reverse its natural flow.
Yeah, real natural, isn't it?
Being driven solely by the whim, by the will of technocrats against the interests of the ordinary man.
So they're really, really panicking about that.
We've also got this social media censorship.
We had this up on InfoWars earlier.
Facebook employee says new trust algorithm.
We'll prevent InfoWars and Breitbart gaming the system, which is pretty ironic given that Facebook in 2016 got... Oh, I don't... Paul, don't mean to interrupt, I just want you to know, Paul, you've done a great job.
Coming up in 30 minutes, Jack Posobiec, Naval Intelligence, great connections to the White House.
Our memo is real.
Nunes has the redacted areas.
And as we were told, it's a larger document showing the collusion and lies of the globalists.
That's come up in 30 minutes during the war room.
Thank you for the great job, Paul.
30 minutes from now, we're going to suss out the actual memo in detail straight ahead.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk to Colt in Kansas.
Colt, you're on the air.
So, I got a couple things I want to talk about.
I'm from, actually, Clearwater, Kansas, and I grew up on a ranch and stuff.
We bale our own hay and stuff.
Clean stalls, you know, all the way through my childhood.
You can sked a buck, you can run a trot line.
That's right.
So, as I've got older now, when I bale hay every year, my sinuses just go nuts after the second and third day.
Well, I heard about your caveman, and so I started trying it, and actually, I haven't got sick at all, and I've been taking it for eight months now.
And, I mean, just like cold sick, you know?
Usually sinuses and stuff, between changing seasons, you know, your sinuses wear up.
Since I've been taking caveman, I haven't had any problems.
I haven't got sick one time.
I couldn't believe it.
You know, it's funny you say that, because I, from time to time, go read the reviews, and people have talked about reduced allergies, and, look, here's the deal.
They give you a bowl of chicken soup, and everybody knows it's been associated with getting well quicker.
This is hundreds of times stronger per serving.
It's concentrated, organic chicken bone with chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and a bunch of stuff that is actually