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Name: 20180115_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 15, 2018
2927 lines.

In this episode of the Alex Jones Show, Steven Seagal discusses various topics including global geopolitical crisis, demonization of Russia and President Putin, need for Russia and America to become allies, turmoil in Europe due to rise of ISIS after Gaddafi's overthrow in Libya, resistance faced by Trump from deep state agencies, InfoWars merchandise as a way to spread word and exercise free speech. Alex Jones also discusses former President Obama blaming David Cameron for turning Libya into a mess, Trump's "shithole" comment, desire to see immigration compromise despite political attacks, media coverage of these events, Me Too movement covering up real crimes while trying to indict others on false charges, and many reported race-hate crimes turning out to be false flags by the left. They also discuss Hollywood and mainstream media's control over America, rigged reviews for books or products, importance of antioxidants in scavenging for reactive oxygen species and free radicals, Pure Soap as a natural alternative to harsh chemicals and detergents, Brain Force Plus supplement that claims to improve cognitive function, support against globalists and their satanic pedophile armies. They also encourage listeners to buy products from Infowarsstore.com and discuss new details in the Las Vegas massacre.

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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Kicking off another global transmission.
It's Monday, already the 15th day, wow, of January 2018.
We're gonna be live here on my transmission for the next four hours.
Then, The War Room with Owen Schroer, Roger Stone and others.
So much to get to, obviously.
I just finished taping, but basically taped to air like it was live, an in-depth hour and a half interview with Steven Seagal.
And he seems like a smart guy in short interviews I've seen, but really smart on air when he had an hour and a half.
And I talked to him a couple hours this weekend.
He's been trying to get a hold of me for months.
And I did get contacted by former high-level people in the CIA and others saying, hey, Steven Seagal wants to talk to you.
And we need to get him on and counter this whole narrative.
Just like Moby's in the news saying leftist CIA came to him to put out the fake Russia narrative.
I mean, that's really how these wars operate.
And now it's all out in the open.
And that's pretty substantive news.
I'm not going to say any names.
I'm not going to get any of that.
The point is, is that
We have a lot of high-level intel, and we have our own sources on the ground as well.
I was also contacted by law enforcement last night and other sources.
The big raids on the East Coast of a bunch of pedophiles, including pedophiles with children, and that's gonna be breaking very soon.
I've been asked not to report on it yet, but you heard it here first.
Just like on Friday with James O'Keefe, I said, I know what you've got with the Twitter employees.
You've got them spying on people.
I don't
You know, pedophilia.
It's light years worse than that.
And they use all the private intel and sell it.
And they use the data and they leak it out on the dark web.
They all traffic in it themselves.
They also activate your cameras, activate your microphones.
That's old news, but Project Veritas has it on video.
They have it on video, so that's coming up in the next segment.
There we were.
James O'Keefe.
This is the biggest story we've ever broken.
Shadowban one.
Trending on Twitter.
That was last Friday.
And last Thursday it broke.
But it was on Thursday and Friday.
And I didn't guess what his new story was.
Tomorrow's news today.
Or next week's news today.
I have my own sources about what's going on at Google.
Facebook, Twitter, you name it.
But indeed the big expose is the top story on InfoWars.com.
It's the top story on DrudgeReport.com as well.
Perv Twitter sorts through sex messages, pics, videos, you name it.
So, there you go.
And the media all said that, by the way, Drudge was over every day of every week.
Well now, major paper, Drudge is world's most powerful journalist.
And I agree with that.
That's the London Telegraph.
Matt Drudge, world's most powerful journalist, hands down, even after Julian Assange, people like that.
Most powerful, no doubt about it.
And the most powerful leader in the world, Donald John Trump.
The most powerful economy in the world,
The U.S.
And the most powerful radio-slash-TV transmission putting out the key data against the globalists is InfoWars.
And the enemy knows it.
They have congressional hearings saying it, and we're under attack.
So we need your support, your prayers, and to spread the articles and the videos.
Like the big Steven Seagal interview.
He gets into Putin.
He gets into just so much he's never talked about.
Bombshell hour and a half interview.
We're going to air it at one o'clock central today.
So that's in an hour and 55 minutes.
We've got excerpts we're going to air right now when we come back from this quick break.
Then the president's
Martin Luther King Day address.
All the desperate race baiting the leftists are involved in.
Military quietly preparing for last resort.
War with North Korea.
New York Times.
Oh wow, they finally told us.
Oh wow, thank you New York Times.
We now know about that.
And also, ladies and gentlemen, the false alert missile attack sirens.
The drill in Hawaii.
New details in the Las Vegas massacre suggest Steven Paddock's girlfriend may have known something was up.
According to newly released FBI documents, Mary Lou Danly deleted her Facebook account one hour before the Las Vegas cops named Paddock as the man responsible for the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S.
58 people were killed and more than 200 were wounded.
The unsealed documents give the timeline.
Emergency calls to police indicate Paddock began firing onto the crowd of concertgoers around 10.08 p.m.
At 2.46 a.m., Danley's Facebook account was deleted.
And just about an hour later, authorities released Paddock's name to the public at 3.30 a.m.
Now, Danley has remained adamant that she had no prior inclination of Paddock's intentions to conduct the attack, but her actions suggest otherwise.
If Danley moved quickly after the shooting to hide her relationship with Steven Paddock, what did she know and when?
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Monday, the 15th day of January 2018.
By the time I get used to that, it'll be 2019.
To infinity and beyond, as Buzz Lightyear likes to say.
Well, my friends, we have a super loaded plate of key intel for you.
It's Martin Luther King Day.
And you know I grew up really liking Martin Luther King because I actually watched some of his speeches on PBS.
I actually read some of them by the time I got in high school and it seemed to me very conservative and we know he was a Republican until right before his death and then he wasn't sure anymore but back then it was the Republicans that were for the Civil Rights Act and obviously the party of Lincoln on and on and on.
And I've had his nieces and daughters and, you know, folks on to talk about that, and most of them, as you know, are Republicans because of the pro-life issues and a lot of other things.
And the Democrats have had a great victory against reality, somehow taking the victories of the Republican Party, some of the good things it's done, it's certainly done a lot of bad things, and giving it to the KKK Democrats.
But I gotta tell you, the more I see the world today, thank God for Martin Luther King on top of what he did back then, he's helping today.
If you read his writings or his speeches about don't judge people about the color of their skin, judge them about how they act and what they stand for and what they do.
Well of course that's how you judge something.
Today, you look at the universities, the leftists, the globalists, they have just taken all the tribalism, all the racism, all the garbage that as a Christian nation we tried to get rid of, and that the West led the world on curtailing.
And somehow we're all guilty now, and being white or Christian or conservative is inherently bad, and Hollywood and the media beat us over the head.
What a load of crap!
So we've got Trump's Martin Luther King speech and a lot more, but I tell you, the antidote to all these modern leftist racists that are using race to control
Now that they think there's a different demographics, it's called cheating basically, is somebody like Martin Luther King.
So that's why they're trying to remove his name on liberal campuses and remove his speeches for being taught because they're Christian, they're pro-family, they are very, very common sense, and they're not about being in a group.
And so that's why they're attacking Martin Luther King.
And I've gotten beat up by some super conservative folks that say, well, he gave speeches to communists and stuff like that, blah, blah, blah.
Okay, the issue is nobody's perfect.
And I give speeches to communists if they listen to me, because I want to wake them up.
But what matters is what he said about not what color you are, but what you stand for, what you do.
We all know that's true.
And that's right out of the New Testament.
That said, that's coming up.
The big news.
On Martin Luther King Day, on this broadcast, and it's going to be a big national story, is Steven Seagal.
I like when I hear from Steven Seagal when I see him on television, but usually it's a three-minute, five-minute interview on Good Morning America or whatever.
And he's usually in Japan or Asia.
They criticize him for even traveling to Russia, even though one side of his family was from Russia, immigrants to Michigan.
And I've seen the allegations against him over the years, a couple of them, and
You know, it's like asking a woman to take her clothes off 20 years ago, and then there's no evidence of it.
Just like all this other stuff that's being put out.
And you've got Laura Allred's daughter, Bloom, who admittedly defends Weinstein.
Just like Oprah Winfrey, but she actually defends him, running around trying to get money from big donors of the Democratic Party to pay women to say Donald Trump assaulted them.
And even mainstream media says, you know, the dark money that this lady is getting to do this type of stuff is just unconscionable and very, very dangerous.
There's a Hill headline about
Her money and what it's doing and how dark money is making it to where real victims of sexual assault or serious issues like that, be they male or female, don't get taken seriously because there's so much crying wolf going on.
Liberal super PAC gave Lisa Bloom $200,000 to fund sexual misconduct case against Trump.
That's just one case.
And it goes on and on and on.
Here's Fox News.
Attorney Lisa Bloom sought to line up paydays for women accusing Trump of sexual misconduct.
And it goes on and on and on.
And imagine what this is like when this is being done to now thousands of people.
And again, never any discussion of the pedophilia in Hollywood or men being abused.
Women are certainly being abused and it's horrible, but why is it happening now?
Because they know it's Bill Clinton's sexual misconduct that probably lost Hillary the election, amongst other things.
And they know that we exposed it, and we had the victims on, and the little girls that were raped by, you know, people that Hillary Clinton represented and how she laughed about it.
Serious stuff.
And the whole thing with Hollywood and Meryl Streep defending Roman Polanski.
On and on and on.
And Oprah up there with all of her sordid past basically bringing women to Weinstein.
They felt like pimping them out to him.
Luring them in.
These people don't have any room to talk.
They are the worst poster children for supposedly standing up against this type of activity.
So this is a smoke screen they're putting out to cover up Pedophilegate.
And they're trying to create this wave to get mentally ill people and others who want 15 minutes of fame to come out and do this.
And so Moby has come out.
And said that members of the Clinton administration, the Obama administration, CIA leftist, foundation leftist in the CIA, wanted him to go and tell people that Trump is a Russian agent and a Russian spy.
He's very proud of this like it's all cloak and dagger.
Well, I'll just tell you up front that I was contacted by
We're good to go.
In the third and fourth hour today.
So you're gonna hear all about that plus Twitter caught spying on the naked videos and photos of you and your private account.
Told you the cloud is all about total control against you.
But first as we go to break, here is the promo piece that's up on InfoWars.com of the upcoming interview with Steven Seagal.
Ladies and gentlemen, Steven Seagal is joining us in a long form, unedited interview.
This is important information because this witch hunt is destabilizing not just our country, but the entire world.
If you are receiving this transmission,
I was raised a lot of my life in Asia, where your word and your honor is everything.
Without that, you are nothing.
You have nothing.
I've worked very, very hard in my life to build
Uh, a good reputation, and be a man of honor, a humble man, and a good man.
I'm a family man, I have seven children, and I really, really resent the way people have lied and been paid to lie about me without any evidence, any proof.
I think that this is an outrage.
And I think it's not just me.
It's just happening to hundreds of people.
And I think it's gotta stop.
And then you've got the lawyers involved getting caught paying people hundreds of thousands of dollars and getting a percentage of the payouts from the media to go out and line people up to make these accusations.
And there's no due process.
It's just crazy.
And we have the WikiLeaks and other documents where they admit they're doing this for political gain.
And it's run by people like Lisa Bloom, the lawyer who defends Harvey Weinstein, when there's a whole bunch of witnesses that saw him rape women in the backs of cars.
It is simply incredible.
It's two-way traffic now.
And we are investigating that.
And we're already finding that some of the people that are writing articles and some of the people that are paying people are pedophiles themselves.
You want war, you got war.
But I just want to say God bless America and God bless every patriot that's out there trying to fight this secret group of people trying to overthrow our government.
And we have many different names for them, but we know who they are and what they are.
Amen to that, Steven Seagal.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff it says.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing the parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast, Infowarslife.com.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones, the cure to fake news, coming to you live from Austin, Texas.
You know, I could care less about Hollywood.
I could care less about being in movies.
Sure, it was fun 15 years ago.
I could care less about being on red carpets.
In fact, I hate it.
But, Steven Seagal, because the media attacks him, they make fun of him, they demonize him, they lie about him, I feel like I'm a kindred spirit.
Just the last few years, because I'll be honest, you know, even 20-something years ago, I didn't like action movies.
I didn't think they were very realistic.
And, uh,
I mean, I watch like Bruce Lee movies and stuff just because they're nostalgic.
And, you know, quite frankly, my son and I like to watch some of the Seagal movies, you know, just for the fun of them.
Kind of like Walker, Texas Ranger or something.
But the point is, is getting to know Seagal from just watching him in rare TV interviews.
He seems like a really rational, smart, informed, well-traveled father of seven.
And to then just see Lisa Bloom crawl out from under her rock with her mother.
So it's like a clone of her mother.
And just do what they do.
You know, when her mom's over there with her clients and we all knew something was bad when they're... Allred wouldn't even say that the high school annual wasn't, you know, wasn't a fake signature.
And she's running around getting all this money, millions of dollars, you know, hundreds of thousands, you know, per woman to make these allegations.
And they always do get back before
The statute of limitations.
So the statute of limitations has run out.
So you can't put up or shut up and go in and make a false claim to the police.
You just say this has happened and usually you reach out to the person and say, give me money.
You do it through a lawyer.
They say it's not blackmail.
Do it outside the lawyer it is.
Give me money or I'm going to put this out.
And if you don't do it, well, then the media is there.
Especially if you're a conservative, a libertarian, a patriot, a man, you name it.
So, this isn't just about the women, though.
This is about Putin, and about Trump, and about why the deep state's after him, and the things that are happening.
And I've experienced so much of it myself that I know what it feels like.
To have Tom Brokaw just say, Alex Jones is a complete and total racist, close quote.
He said unalloyed, which means total, complete.
Unadulterated, that's what it means.
And it doesn't hurt me in the way they think it does, it hurts me to know they're that evil.
They're that bad.
I mean, Jordan Soros is a Nazi collaborator.
Oprah Winfrey is part of the most elite eugenics organization in the world, the only black person ever let into it.
With the Bill and Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundation.
And then to have them say that about me, you understand, it's their cover.
It's what they do, and they want to tell you, we're going to terrorize you with horrible names, and our minions that watch us believe what we say, and they're going to physically come after you.
They're going to scream and yell at you, they're going to dump coffee on you, and they're going to feel righteous, like it's live action role play.
Like I'm who I am.
And then, here comes the live action role player.
I'm not even human when they attack me, punch me, or pour coffee on me, or scream at me, or spit on me.
Because to them, it doesn't matter.
They're becoming somebody.
They get to be mean to somebody.
They get to bump into people.
They get to throw coffee on them.
They get to attack.
Just like you try to go out to Demonstration Center Austin.
The anti-fuscum shows up, they have their weapons, and they go, you're not going through here.
And the police say, sorry, they're allowed to block your way to the Capitol.
They are God.
Because we're a Democrat city.
And they just hope somebody does something to them someday.
Because they want a war.
They've got the dumbest, most expendable meth-head, you know, basement dwellers that you've ever seen, that can't even hardly talk, but they're paid to be there.
They're paid to be there, knowing they're protected by the government, loving every minute of the cowardice and the sliminess and the patheticness and the promise of power once their globalist system takes over.
You notice there's no denials of those leaked documents out of the foundation that Soros funds that is Sunruns.
No denial.
We want to trigger race war and martial law so that Obama can stay in office and so that Hillary wins.
But you see, it didn't go the way you wanted.
People were restrained.
They didn't buy into it.
It's simply amazing.
Briefly, while we have time left for this segment, here's an article out of the Washington Post.
They're finally actually doing their job.
It's unusual to see a blind hog finally finding an occasional truffle or broken clocks being right twice a day.
I talk about how the Communist Chinese have bought the majority of our debt, 97-98% of rare earth minerals.
They've totally taken over most of the world.
They've bought up Hollywood, and they're buying up even local governments.
They just come right in with foundations and say, we'll hire your wife, we'll hire your husband, $200,000 a year.
We'll hire your son, your daughter, $100,000 a year.
Just let us run things.
And that's how it's done, just straight up money, and the Chinese communists are allowed to bribe whoever they want, because they're not communists.
They're people that sit on top of a billion, three hundred million slaves, and do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want.
And here it is in the Washington Post, University rejects Chinese communist linked influence efforts on campus.
And it goes on to say that they actually come in at major universities across the U.S., set up front groups,
Give tens of millions of dollars to the departments and then literally take them over.
Then the technology is transferred out of the DARPA-funded facilities.
Culturally, no criticism of communist China is allowed.
And that's the University of Texas at Austin.
Russia literally does not have one two hundredth of the influence China has.
It's insane.
It's insane.
Russia is trying to stabilize and not collapse, and the globalists are trying as hard as they can to collapse it.
There's no alliance between Russia and China.
That's all pure malarkey.
And the U.S.
knows that and wanted to work with Russia, but see, the globalists, they're in bed with China.
Everything is China.
Everything is China.
That's the issue.
And every major university, local governments, you name it,
You go to the city of Austin and you go into those city council meetings and there are people that are Chinese communist intelligent agents, intelligence agencies in our city council, whispering in the ear of the mayor.
This is well known.
And it's so bad, we're just completely overrun.
I mean, it is unbelievable.
And Trump's just going, okay, you got a lower tax than us, we'll be lower.
And they go, we go to zero.
But your companies have to be state-run.
So our U.S.
companies are going, we'll be state-run by the Communist Chinese now.
To get zero tax.
And then they can say they live there, but really live here and pay no tax.
Bernie Sanders, eh?
Trump wants to hurt the poor people!
That's why there's 2 million new jobs and highest pay ever and lowest black unemployment ever and biggest stock market, eh?
And we can't bankrupt it and tell these people how to... We have to dictate to all these American slaves and break their back!
We've almost got them where we want them, everybody!
But Trump and people like that are getting in the way of...
So when you get out there and you push racism, and you say white people don't know what it's like to be poor, and you get out there, communists, and you break their back, we're all gonna get rich!
We're gonna show these Christians and Americans!
We're gonna break them!
Let me tell you, that's what Sanders does behind the scenes.
I mean, he's consciously evil.
You understand?
I set out with top researchers, top scientists, top developers, with the biggest organic producer in the country, to come out with a muon wall.
Because it's backed by clinical studies.
The compounds that are in it are the latest, modern, patented technology that we can even make claims on.
But then it's got all the ancient herbs that line up their compounds with it, dead.
Our ancestors knew, worked.
So let me just briefly tell you that historic story and invite you to get your immune wall for your husband, your wife, your children, your neighbors today, all those you love, because you can support your own body, build a greater wall, a greater defense against viruses, bacteria, outside microbes, boost your immune system, and boost
Humanity's immune system to build basic societies of liberty and freedom.
Because, I'm not into the magic or the occult, but a lot of the stuff that hermetic people talked about a thousand years ago is true.
As above, so below.
What you see happening on the mass scale, is also happening on the...
Most tiny of scales.
And that's what this comes down to.
America is building its wall.
Will it work?
We don't know.
Is Trump right?
Well, he's trying to at least follow through on his promise.
But we can build a wall in our own life that's been proven to work.
And without this wall, we would all die.
We set out to bring you the very best immune capsule for yourself and your family.
And I know it's going to be a bestseller.
I want you all to try it, so you reorder it, you fund the Info War, our world's a better place, you're healthier, you name it.
So that's why, out of the gates, the normal MSRP is $39.95.
But we're doing 25% off, $29.95, despite the fact that other similar formulas are $56 to $70 and aren't as organic and aren't as fresh.
This is a 360 non-zero sum game win.
You will get Immune Wall and other great products at m4warslife.com, discounted, delivered to your door, and you're helping fund our operation.
I'm so excited.
The new product at m4warslife.com, in a glass bottle, two-month servings, filled to the brim, filled to the absolute top, the real red pill.
This is a heart and brain pill.
A nootropic doesn't have any stimulants in it, but boy does it stimulate, because it's beyond that.
Quite frankly, I just went off what I saw medical doctors prescribing to their patients, but it wasn't prescription, but they were charging people $100, $200.
For the formulae, and I came up with our own formula working with some scientists and developers, non-GMO, made right here in America, 120 capsules, and ladies and gentlemen, you add the preglanone to it, which is the precursor to all the hormones that your body has to have to even make the hormones in your glands.
It is amazing!
Red Pill, now available at InfoWarsStore.com, and your purchase fugs the operation.
Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a longtime InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks.
For the awesome BrainForce AnthroPlex.
My girlfriend would like to say thanks for the AnthroPlex, too.
Thank you.
I use the BioTrue Selenium, the Super Blue toothpaste.
For you folks who aren't big normal toothpaste fans, the Super Blue is awesome.
And thank you so much, Alex, for the InfoWars Life products.
They are quality.
I can't wait to get some more.
And thank you so much for doing that for us to keep us healthy.
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order, and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Alright, I want to get into the military quietly prepares for a last resort war with North Korea.
Wow, the New York Times just told us this.
I never knew that.
And also the really big news, if you guys can bring it in to me, I had it printed in the printer and I forgot to get it before the show.
It's the Project Veritas article that we have posted in full with the video that's on Infowars.com, where the Twitter employees' favorite pastime is going through your private photos, your private videos, the sex messages you send, saving them, sharing them, giving them to friends, putting them on the dark web.
This is what they do.
And it's all very, very funny to them because they're the new ruling class.
And they tell you it's cool to put your stuff all up on the dark web.
And that really is what the cloud is.
It's their little private internet of your stuff.
And then they just go right into it.
And then when they want to blackmail somebody, or they want to sell pictures or whatever, they get to.
And it's just all wondrous, and they're always smiling and laughing, and yeah, we don't let white people talk to each other, and we don't let them share American flags, and you know, we keep control, and we don't let WikiLeaks spread stuff, and you know, we spy on their naked pictures.
It's just, it's all funny, see?
Because what did Zuckerberg say?
And it's the company philosophy.
I can't believe the users of Facebook trust me with all their private information.
They're a bunch of dumb F.U.
But the media didn't make a big deal out of that.
They just make up fake quotes out of context about crap holes or whatever.
But Zuckerberg, against all his users, black, white, Asian, doesn't matter, says that you're a dumb effer because you trust them.
And so at any one minute, hundreds of Twitter employees, hundreds, and this is just at this group of executives, are looking at everything you do and then giving the intel to the Democratic Party.
And giving it to other corporations, and that's how they know everything before you even know it.
You get a private contact?
You know what's crazy is,
A couple months ago, a couple weeks ago, and then last Friday, they would attack me on Colbert with Tuck Buckford piece, and then edit real clips from the show together to make me sound crazy.
Which is fine, because it just brings us more viewers and listeners at the end of the day.
And then they would say, coming up on Brain Fight, we're gonna have Steven Seagal on.
And then,
They have a character where he dresses up like Steven Seagal and says ridiculous things.
And I'm sitting there, and then Friday I get these calls by one of our government contacts.
He puts me in contact with other people.
They're like, man, Seagal's been trying to get on for six months.
And now he really wants on.
He's been wanting to come on about the Deep State, Putin, the New World Order, everything.
And we're just hammering all your emails.
So we got in touch with you.
And then I talked to some pretty big folks in Hollywood.
They're also obviously government operatives, folks.
Let's not be children here, okay?
It's just like Moby, you know, coming out and saying, oh, the leftist groups and the CIA, you know, they told me to say Trump was a Russian because it's a load of crap.
Well, there are good people in the government.
And by the way, I'm proud of the fact I set all this up without the government help or without rogue groups that are patriots.
But now we are the resistance.
I mean, you are the resistance.
You are the power.
And so, of course, the whistleblowers, the sources we have are just the best there are.
And obviously.
And it's just a big honor to be here and be covering all this, but this is such a big deal.
And these people, they set up platforms to get you to trust them to conduct your private behavior, not on your own email, where you can have a small service, your own email server or whatever, where they're vetted and trusted and they're all about your privacy.
No, you go to groups that call you dumb effers
And who swear to break down Christian societies and cultures.
You got Zuckerberg telling Merkel, don't worry, we'll get rid of their free speech next year, and that was about two years ago.
And then you, you're doing private messages, private videos on all Snapchat, you name it, and now it turns out all of it's been saved, all of it's being used.
But it's worse than that.
They turn on your camera, they turn on your microphones, they spy on you through the apps.
These cell phones are not phones, that's just one app on them.
These cell phones are doorways into your house you can't close.
And things far worse than spiders, and mosquitoes, and gnats, and flies, and wasps, and yellow jackets, and hornets.
Things that will destroy your future, things that itemize and track your algorithm, your mindset, your MO, to absolutely profile you and control your life, and they say they're doing it!
And it's putting out through this culture, through the programming, turning people into what I call artificial sociopaths, or megalomaniacs, where they just go crazy and believe they're invincible.
More and more people that flip hamburgers or rocket scientists, it doesn't matter, are just flipping out and becoming totally delusional and saying they're invincible and their just mental illness is exploding.
And the metrics show all this.
And the more they bring us all this digital culture, the more infertile we get, the more cancer we have, the dumber we get, the more unhealthy.
It is incredible.
Unless you use these venues to consciously fight, because they say in the studies it makes most people in a lower state.
Other people, it takes into a highly agitated state, but not agitated in a lower brainwave, in a higher brainwave, where it fluxes between very high and then animal level.
And I'm boiling down the sophistication of it, but you all understand it at a quantum and psychological and subconscious computing level, of course.
That's why we resonate.
And so, they understand that, they're upset, they're scared.
Because they have been completely delusional and crazy and think they're invincible and they're on designer drugs.
I mean, you look at these tech company heads.
They are whacked out of their gourds.
And they have all these movies.
What's the one that's got, the latest one was about the dad and his daughters marrying the tech guy.
It's all how Bill and Melinda Gates love everybody and the tech giants are really good people and Silicon Valley loves you.
It's got the guy from Breaking Bad in it as the dad.
Point is, I finally saw pieces of it and every...
Two sentences, there would be another sentence of, telecom giants are great, big tech's great, Silicon Valley's great, Bill and Melinda Gates love you, this is all real, we care about you, the tech heads are really good, and then you go see another movie and it's the same message.
And then in the other movie, the communist Chinese are gonna save us.
And then, it's right here in the Washington Post, that the communist Chinese have literally, now that's it, why him?
That the communist Chinese have literally taken over every university we've got.
And they're funding the whole Me Too movement through Hollywood.
That's now come out.
I mean, my God.
They kill their Buddhists and their Christians and sell their organs and not one stinking leftist will say a word.
It's all these feel-good, fun things, these fantasies, these PR pieces where we form imaginary love.
With some trendy tech head.
I'll tell you what the tech heads are doing.
They're all worshipping AI, preparing to take off their human clothing and become gods.
And they're all into really evil spiritual stuff, really satanic at an absolutely Luciferian level, committed to murdering you and your family.
They had to do this to transcend us.
To prove they're not weak.
They had to destroy their humanity.
And you better find out about it and understand it real, real fast.
That said, we don't have the Communist Chinese funding us.
We didn't get billions of dollars of stimulus money like NBC and MSNBC did.
We don't get any foundation money from old Soros.
All we do is have you buying t-shirts, books, films, water filtration, air filtration you need.
We've got to end the special today.
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Okay, let's go ahead and talk to Colt in Kansas.
Colt, you're on the air.
So, I got a couple things I want to talk about.
I'm from, actually, Clearwater, Kansas, and I grew up on a ranch and stuff.
We bale our own hay and stuff.
Clean stalls, you know, all the way through my childhood.
You can sked a buck, you can run a trot line.
That's right.
So, as I've got older now, when I bale hay every year, my sinuses just go nuts after the second and third day.
Well, I heard about your caveman
You know, it's funny you say that, because I, from time to time, go read the reviews, and people have talked about reduced allergies, and, look, here's the deal.
They give you a bowl of chicken soup, and everybody knows it's been associated with getting well quicker.
This is hundreds of times stronger per serving.
It's concentrated, organic chicken bone with chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and a bunch of stuff that is actually known to be anti-inflammatory.
Uh, but we put it there because it's an antioxidant.
And so, I mean, it really is an insane formula.
I saw, three or four years ago, that the biggest, hottest thing in bodybuilding, and in the Olympic athletes, and in NFL players, but also folks who wanted to detoxify, and for weight loss as well, depending on how you want to use it, would be bone broth.
Thank you for the plug, my friend.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth, but it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
A couple years ago, with Pat Riley, Shane Steiner, a few of my friends, I walked in for the second time in my life to see an Alice Cooper concert.
We got there about 10 minutes late.
And, uh, he was opening up for Montley Crew, and I walked in there and I heard that song playing at the convention center in North Austin, and it sounded even better than the song.
It was just like, man, that's awesome.
What an amazing individual.
He's a big patriot.
I know he's a listener of the show, but we hadn't talked him into coming on the broadcast yet.
Now, let's continue here, ladies and gentlemen, with the big news.
I haven't even talked to my lawyers yet.
I learned about this last Wednesday.
People have asked why I haven't responded to it.
And it's because it's just one thing on the surface of like eight other things.
And so when I tell you, I'm a little nonchalant about the deep state coming after me, my kids, my whole life, everything else, because I asked for it.
At the same time, I need to kind of squeal like the baby rabbit, you know, that's been picked up by the wolf or by the coyote, because people need to know that the baby rabbit needs support.
Squeak, squeak.
I don't like getting up here plugging.
I don't like getting up here and having to push stuff, even though these are great products.
And I just realized, though, I did like a 30-second plug as an afterthought, when other talk shows are plugging every segment, and they need to.
And that's the basis of advertising now.
What's happening in the markets and all the rest of it.
But we've got products you really need.
But a gentleman who says he's a famous communist with the Communist Party.
Who sued, it went all the way to the Supreme Court, in the 80s, for burning an American flag in Dallas, Texas, at the last Republican convention that this happened at.
We can put the article up at U.S.
News and World Report, maybe, or I can put it in over here, maybe.
But RNC flag burners sues Cleveland Infowars for 2016 convention arrest.
The police department's been sued, I've been sued.
I was doing a live stream a half mile away inside a restaurant, and
By the time Biggs and them got down there an hour later, he did have burns on his hands.
Second and third degree ones.
I mean, they weren't huge.
There were burns on his hands.
I was like, what happened, Biggs?
And he was all flustered and everything.
I was like, I don't know.
I grabbed at the flag, and then this guy shoved me, and this guy hit me, and I kicked, I fought back into this guy, but I don't know if it was that guy.
The media used that.
Because when you're in a crowd of people, you don't know what's going on.
And the camera shots aren't, you can't tell.
All we've got's like,
Camera moving back and forth, you can't tell what's going on.
And so they used that to make it look like Biggs colluded with the police department to, like, attack this guy and then take away his constitutional rights.
So I guess I'm being sued for civil rights violation.
And the potentiality, of course, is millions of dollars that I don't have.
And it's just wild that I go out to these events and the communists are there with their guns, they won't let Owen go in and speak, they won't let us get to the Capitol.
I'm not saying this guy did this.
I don't even know who this guy is other than that he's famous because he's the guy that got it legalized to burn the flag.
And everybody knows I don't like burning the flag, but you have a right to do it.
A lot of conservatives get mad at me for that.
So this isn't right that I'm being sued for something that
I support if that is his right to do it.
I don't support doing it.
This was hysteria around the Antifa and the Communists and I went out to try to march through them and they attacked me first.
That's on video.
They said they were going to sue me for that.
You can see the video.
They hit me first, running at me first.
And then I just kind of, my Achilles is basically gone.
I stumble into some and end up grabbing the police chief by the arm.
This literally happened.
I look up and it's the police chief.
Point is, is that it's, I don't know what happened.
But the fact that I'm involved in a conspiracy with the police department, with Joe Biggs, because I talked to Joe, and it's the same thing back then.
And it sounds like hooey when you're going, I don't know what happened.
You don't know what happens in these crammed crowds.
Joe reached out to go across, I guess to demonstrate and say something to the guy about burning the flag.
Somebody grabbed him, he pulled aside, then he fell into cops.
And then the cops grab this guy, and then the flag falls on Joe, and then they say some other guy I've never even met, but I remember, works for us, and he did something supposedly, there's another guy in the lawsuit, I don't even know.
So, the point is, you're like, well, we'll defeat this lawsuit.
We have to jack with it.
We have to deal with it.
It's like California.
They have standards 90 plus times higher than the EU that has the second highest in the world, where there's more lead in the air than they allow in supplements or food or whatever.
Kale has 12 to 20 times what's allowed to be in a supplement.
Just kale has more lead than you're allowed to have in a product.
And they got waivers for California companies, and it's only a $500 fine, and for them, for people outside, it's millions.
So we get our stuff tested, and we had another lab test Caveman.
And they said, no, it didn't have even those levels of lead.
It was like double what it's supposed to be, which is super low.
Again, like the air has that.
And I'm just sitting here with that lawsuit in California.
Just to give you an idea of how this works.
And we've got testing showing this.
They put out stuff that isn't true about the testing.
That we've had labs look at this and say that that's incorrect as well.
And I'm in like a Mexican standoff on this deal.
And they just keep doing it.
And that's their tactic.
Those are the ones I can talk about more and more and more.
Sue, sue, sue, sue, sue, sue, sue, sue, sue, sue.
That's how they do this to shut down our speech.
And one California lab got our stuff, tested it, and BuzzFeed had a report.
Past California levels, they couldn't believe it.
Well, guess what?
I told everybody.
You can 2 plus 2 equals 4.
You know what was coming next.
But when we got the lab results in last week, again, and their methodology being wrong, it hurt me.
Not that this is happening to us, but there's this many people in America that will do stuff like this.
When they get up there and call us Nazis on the news, folks, we know it's not true.
But these people, like the ones that shot Scalise, or the ones that attacked Rand Paul, or the ones that dumped coffee on my head, or the people that key your car, or whatever, or spit in your food, they really believe this.
And that's what's so dangerous about this.
I'm not bitching or complaining.
I'm going to tell you right now, if you want to win, put on your calendar every month to go to Infowarsstore.com and buy great products you need.
Everybody needs B12.
We got the highest quality.
They even tested it and had to admit it was like the rated the very highest in the country.
Because they said, here's the one rated highest in the country.
Theirs is pure, but you know, it's overpriced.
And then ours is private-labeled the best in the country for 30% less.
You think that was going to make them give up?
Oh, no.
They don't give up, folks.
So now we have to double test everything, and I'm just putting everything that goes to California, I'm putting a California label on it, saying it doesn't pass California, even though it's not even true.
With video cameras over the desk, at the packaging, we video everything being packaged.
We know what'll happen.
Pull that sticker right off.
Sue Alex again.
I'm not bitching or complaining, but I'm on the front lines, hitting the army, hitting the globalists, hitting their operations.
When I say army, the globalist army of pedophiles and scum.
We are hitting them as hard as we can, every day, committed.
You cannot spend your money a better place.
In my opinion, you cannot, quite frankly, pray for, is it for Trump?
You can't pray for any operation that I know is doing more.
We need your prayers.
We need you to share the links and articles, because we're in a total war, a war for you, a war for us.
We're in this thing together.
And I need you to go to Infowarsstore.com and I need you to get the real Red Pill.
I need you to get Alpha Power.
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Now it's down to like six because we sold out.
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We need your commitment today!
Because I intend to expand.
And I intend to just lawyer up.
That's what I've already done.
And we're doing this judiciously.
We've already knocked out like five of these.
We're going to knock out all the others.
And this is their strategy.
This is the attack.
You want somebody to fight?
We're doing it!
We're not about talk, ladies and gentlemen.
We're about engaging.
Told you last week what Veritas' scoop would be before they released it.
Them looking at your naked photos and videos with your wife.
Them turning the microphone on and watching you.
And O'Keefe shook his head.
He goes, how do you know that?
Because I know.
I know.
And people are very proud of what James O'Keefe is doing.
And again, O'Keefe is being advised by, he told you last year, former CIA folks are working with him now.
And I mean, I never said I was with the CIA, because I'm not.
But now there's a lot of good people that we know with long track records, the CIA helping us, and other groups.
We're here!
What do you think all the NSA whistleblowers are we have on?
These are patriots, and we're going to win together.
We're going to fight the real racism and the globalism and all of it together.
But we need your commitment.
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Coming to you from the former United States of America, from deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Oh, I love Ted Nugent.
Man, Ted Nugent and his wife are so cool behind the scenes.
Just gonna leave it at that.
Gonna have some exciting stuff with Ted Nugent soon.
Now that he's back in the Texas area.
Back from Michigan.
Anyways, I'm gonna leave it at that.
Ted Nugent, daily listener.
We love him.
He tried to get a hold of me for years and then one day he heard Larry Pratt on the show and
He'd been on as a guest before, but I would never push people to get their numbers and stuff.
I mean, he's been on for like 15 years or longer.
And, uh... He called, it was Larry Pratt or somebody, he got the hotline number, and he calls, and they go, this is Ted Nugent, I want to come on.
He called into the show.
I'm not name-dropping, because I could care less about celebrities, but man, that guitar, and just his brain, and what he does for liberty, I just love it!
I love my job.
I love it!
I love you.
I mean, I just, it's been bittersweet.
It's been rough.
And sometimes I feel sick about how bad things are and what they do to me and my family.
And I feel guilty, but only for a few minutes.
And then I just get on my knees and God comforts me and just, you know, it's all clear.
The message, the mission, what we're going to do.
But what hurts me worse is how bad these people are.
That's what hurts me worse is that
God, there's a lot of bad people.
God, they're so cut off from God.
And they just are evil, and once you give in to it, there's no limit.
Let's go ahead and go to this promo for the huge interview that's going to be massive with Steven Seagal coming up in the next hour.
Here it is.
Ladies and gentlemen, Steven Seagal is joining us in a long-form, unedited interview.
This is important information because this witch hunt is destabilizing not just our country, but the entire world.
I was raised a lot of my life in Asia, where your word and your honor is everything.
It was not that.
You are nothing.
You have nothing.
I've worked very, very hard in my life to build
Uh, a good reputation and be a man of honor, a humble man and a good man.
I'm a family man.
I have seven children and I really, really resent the way people have lied and been paid to lie about me without any evidence, any proof.
I think that this is an outrage.
And I think it's not just me.
It's just happening to hundreds of people.
And I think it's gotta stop.
And then you've got the lawyers involved getting caught paying people hundreds of thousands of dollars and getting a percentage of the payouts from the media to go out and line people up to make these accusations.
And there's no due process.
It's just crazy.
And we have the WikiLeaks and other documents where they admit they're doing this for political gain.
And it's run by people like Lisa Bloom, the lawyer who defends Harvey Weinstein, when there's a whole bunch of witnesses that saw him rape women in the backs of cars.
It is simply incredible.
It's two-way traffic now.
And we are investigating that.
And we're already finding that some of the people that are writing articles and some of the people that are paying people are pedophiles themselves.
You want war, you got war.
But I just want to say God bless America and God bless every patriot that's out there trying to fight this secret group of people trying to overthrow our government.
And we have many different names for them, but we know who they are and what they are.
Amen to that, Steven Seagal.
It's a sign called InfoWars, and it's an interface to the people of the planet, awakening the global enslavement.
This is the heart of 1776.
Tomorrow's news today.
New details in the Las Vegas massacre suggest Steven Paddock's girlfriend may have known something was up.
According to newly released FBI documents, Mary Lou Danly deleted her Facebook account one hour before the Las Vegas cops named Paddock as the man responsible for the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S.
58 people were killed and more than 200 were wounded.
The unsealed documents give the timeline.
Emergency calls to police indicate Paddock began firing onto the crowd of concert goers around 10.08 p.m.
At 2.46 a.m., Danley's Facebook account was deleted.
And just about an hour later, authorities released Paddock's name to the public at 3.30 a.m.
Now, Danley has remained adamant that she had no prior inclination of Paddock's intentions to conduct the attack, but her actions suggest otherwise.
If Danley moved quickly after the shooting to hide her relationship with Steven Paddock, what did she know and when?
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well everybody knows that I could care less about Hollywood stars and fame and all the rest of it and Steven Seagal's on the same page.
It's funny though I like nostalgia so I watch old Steven Seagal movies.
I watch old Charles Bronson movies with my son.
That's what we do maybe once a week when the
We're good to go.
You know, reached out to consecutively, separately.
And I don't say this to be impressive, because it's not really impressive.
You know, different government agencies.
There's 17 intelligence agencies.
One of them is mainly just oversight.
And there's a lot of leftists and globalists and people like Reality Winner that are in U.S.
intelligence agencies.
So, remember Reality Winner, the crazy person that said whites all need to be killed and she tried to join ISIS and she changed her name to Reality Winner and like a 25-year-old blonde chick.
Just totally insane.
So, it's embarrassing to a certain extent to be associated with U.S.
intelligence agencies.
I did what I did with the listeners.
I'm very proud of the fact that we're organic, that we're real, that we studied how things actually operate, but I had a lot of guests on over the years that were whistleblowers, who were from those agencies, who were good people!
And now...
In this deep state war, the left really brags everywhere that, oh, we're hooked into the CIA, and we're... You know, Moby's come out, who's a talented guy, bummer seeing him be like that, and, you know, I've seen the secret documents from the CIA, and, you know, he doesn't even understand that's a leftist foundation, globalist arm of it.
But the CIA could get its name back or whatever if it ever started actually defending free market capitalism and the American way again instead of trying to social engineer everybody.
It's been declassified by the 50s.
They were trying to break the family up and putting out ugly art to literally screw people's brains up.
I mean, that's not their words.
I remember growing up and like seeing Dr. Strangelove type movies and reading stuff and the left would go, yeah, the crazy right-wingers think we're poison in their water to lower their IQ and hurt their fertility.
Yeah, the crazy right-wingers think the big foundations have taken over the CIA and are trying to destroy capitalism.
And then I look back at those movies in the 50s and 60s, man, they are thumbing their nose, like, I mean, it's word for word.
They just took what they were doing and put it in movies.
How uncool!
They gave my grandmother polio!
On purpose!
That's been declassified.
And her doctor told her it was the vaccine that did it to her.
I don't feel sorry for myself.
I'm angry, man.
Beyond angry,
Again, we adapt to being abused and discriminated against.
I've told this story probably 50 times, I'll tell it again.
I was flying up to be on The View, and I demanded first class out of them.
I'm not really a first class type of guy all the time, but you know, if you want me on, first class.
And so I'm first class on American Airlines, and there's a guy I recognize from seeing in the news sometimes.
Perfect looking suit, everything.
Visiting his dad, who was a retired general in San Antonio.
And we talk about two hours before he figures out who I am.
Then he told me who he was.
He was the head of the fourth largest bank in the U.S.
And he looked at me, and for about five minutes,
Sitting right next to me in first class.
He's sitting right here and he goes, Jones, you think people are going to adapt and overcome to what globalism is doing?
Because you can see it.
You know what's going on with it.
But what you didn't see is that they're going to adapt to what we're doing to them.
They're going to adapt to the control.
And when we're done,
All these lazy, dumb people are going to be completely obsolete.
And he goes, and we're going to run everything.
And he was good looking, smart, powerful, and in person, super nasty and aggressive.
What I'm saying is, he could read me.
He says, is this off record?
He knows I'm honorable.
He knows it's off record.
And he said, and he just wanted me to know.
You're a fool.
He didn't even say join us.
He was just basically saying you're a fool.
And he said you're never gonna help these people.
They don't want help.
They'll tear you apart.
And it's this decision that you're separate from the people.
And you're going to play the race card and the sex card and all this crap.
And then they program these leftists where they're just like brainwashed victims whose whole identity is in being a victim and being wronged and all this stuff.
And they're gone, man!
They're gone!
But see, I can't join him.
Because there's another thing in the room.
And it's everything.
For his slickness and his, you know, getting up after a three and a half hour flight.
Perfect suit when he gets up, no wrinkles.
I'm all slobbed out.
Gets his black coat that the lady gives him.
Puts his black trench coat on.
And I said, you know, you not believing in humanity, he's destroyed your humanity.
And he just went, like, buddy, there isn't any humanity here.
And just an arrogant, but he looked scared at the end.
He tried to have that, and I've told that story because it was very metaphysical.
It was like meeting the devil.
And I met a lot of people that have that devil spirit, but that guy had the strongest.
He knows how it all works.
He could have been me.
Could have been better than me.
He doesn't want to do that.
He wants to screw you over.
And I sit here and I see these people that hate my guts when I actually care about them.
And they think I'm the bad guy, and they have no idea!
Just two years on 1.3 parts per million hydrofluorosilic acid lowers IQ between 12 and 16 points.
It's a wonder we can even tie our shoelaces.
I remember being a kid, man, and I'd drink water and feel sick and have to go lay down.
And I just knew, and no one was telling me nothing.
I remember seeing Dr. Strangelove when I was about 10.
They're making fun of people in Jack Ripper, talking about their poison in the water.
And I'm like, but they... And then everybody kind of instinctively knew and demanded bottled water.
And then we know a lot of that's adulterated, but at least we know.
Don't drink it!
And they go, oh, New York water is the best in the country, drink it.
And you see the lies.
You'll see a movie and five times they tell you Bill and Melinda Gates love you and the tech giants love you and you're just sitting there watching a comedy and it's all just predatory, man.
Like a big old angler fish coming out of the dark at 10,000 feet down with that light out there dangling it for all the other little angels to come swimming up so that devil can eat you.
And all I know is,
Even if I can't help the general public, I'm gonna be with God.
Whatever my spirit tells me, it feels good to get close to God, because God-fearing is God separating from you.
When you start becoming evil and doing bad things, evil people do satanic things, trying to get separated from God, thinking that's where the power is.
Child sacrifice, child molestation, all of it.
They like that feeling of God pulling away.
Not me!
See, I can feel it, even when I have to look into the mind of the enemy.
And I look at what they're doing and think about what they're doing, I begin to separate from God, and it's torture.
That's why I can really get in the enemy's mind.
I can really get in a room, focus, just absolutely focus for like three hours, and I can just start writing stuff after, and it's all just like, I can't, one of my only sins is, because I know God wants me to do it, is I don't like to separate from God.
Because to even get into the enemy's mind, you've got to separate from God to be able to even get into that zone.
And it's... I can't imagine me cut off from God forever.
You don't want to be cut off from God, folks.
God's there.
God made it all.
And these people that are serving evil are a cancer.
They have dialed into death.
And we've got to stop him.
I promise I'm going to play the President's Martin Luther King Day message.
It's very powerful.
And the Project Veritas video behind the scenes where they're all watching you in your house, laughing at you and your family.
Trace in New Jersey wants to talk about vaccines.
Go ahead, Trace.
First off, I wanted to start off with saying I've been waiting hours to talk to you, my man.
You're one of my most favorite hosts.
Second, I'd like to say Super Blue, Survival Shield, the Skelton Defense Pack,
They're all amazing, and I just ordered them all again, along with the Organic Urban Garden Seed Kit at emeraldwars.com.
But back to my point, in the early 1990s, ADHD was on the rise.
My parents, they didn't believe that vaccines could ever hurt anybody yet.
Now, yes, I do have ADHD.
I've been taking RainForce now for about almost two years.
And with BrainForce, I'm able to focus perfectly.
And my parents said that before the age of seven, I was not as hyperactive.
And that's what got me, you know, PQ'd.
Wondering, hey, maybe, maybe it was something in a vaccine that could have triggered this change in me that made me so hyperactive.
What is it?
I do think that we're seeing a lot of these behavior disabilities.
For one, we're cramming kids into a classroom for eight hours a day and expecting them to sit and shut up and not talk.
And put their hands on their lap.
So I think that's part of the problem.
And then I think the other part of the problem is we're also injecting them with vaccines.
It's probably having an increased incidence of developmental disabilities.
What's your take on that, Lloyd?
I wanna, you know, say to Trace, I think it's really great that he's asking questions and he's, you know, he's looking at things like brain force and he's thinking about, you know, things that he can do to take control of his own health.
I set out with top researchers, top scientists, top developers with the biggest organic producer in the country to come out with Immune Wall.
Because it's backed by clinical studies.
The compounds that are in it are the latest, modern, patented technology that we can even make claims on.
But then it's got all the ancient herbs that line up their compounds with it, dead.
Our ancestors knew, worked.
So let me just briefly tell you that historic story and invite you to get your immune wall for your husband, your wife, your children, your neighbors today, all those you love, because you can support your own body, build a greater wall, a greater defense against viruses, bacteria, outside microbes, boost your immune system, and boost
Humanity's immune system to build basic societies of liberty and freedom.
Because I'm not into the magic or the occult.
A lot of the stuff that hermetic people talked about thousands of years ago is true.
As above, so below.
What you see happening on the mass scale is also happening on the mass scale.
Most tiny of scales.
And that's what this comes down to.
America is building its wall.
Will it work?
We don't know.
Is Trump right?
Well, he's trying to at least follow through on his promise.
But we can build a wall in our own life that's been proven to work, and without this wall, we would all die.
We set out to bring you the very best immune capsule for yourself and your family, and I know it's going to be a bestseller.
I want you all to try it, so you reorder it, you fund the InfoWar, our world's a better place, you're healthier, you name it.
So that's why, out of the gates, the normal MSRP is $39.95, but we're doing 25% off, $29.95, despite the fact that other similar formulas are $50, $60, $70, and aren't as organic and aren't as fresh.
This is a 360 non-zero sum game win.
You will get Immune Wall and other great products at InfoWarsLife.com.
Discounted, delivered to your door, and you're helping fund our operation.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Great evil has come into the world.
But every time great evil comes, goodness rises to match it and to conquer it.
The greatest evil this planet has ever seen has undoubtedly been loosed upon the earth.
The digital systems are designed to mesmerize and put people into a medical-induced spell.
And we're going to be talking about that in a moment with the incredible information that's on Infowars.com and ProjectVeritas.com and DrudgeReport.com.
Top story there.
With them just laughing at you and watching you naked in your house.
I mean, look at your private video messages, your private texts, and they, you know,
They sit there and they tell you when you buy a Samsung TV, they're watching you and listening to you.
And look, we first broke this in 2006, the specific documents.
And the media just said they were fake, even though they were public.
They were public documents put out by Google to its shareholders.
We got it from a shareholder.
Back then, they just flat out lied.
Now they just go, yeah, we're watching you.
What are you going to do about it?
And they made everything go to, remember just five years ago, everything was still on your hard drive.
Or a little server company locally.
It was your server, or, or, or... No, not anymore!
You're on the cloud!
And they're not gonna let you be on your own server now.
We said, what a horrible idea!
It's for total control!
And they call you dumb effers.
Yeah, that's the, you heard it here first, Google's ambient background spy tech.
Scroll down, though, we got a screenshot of our 2006 article, or at least we did.
There's 2006.
See that?
Click on that.
But again, what does that get you?
It gets you Colbert making fun of you, like, oh, when Colbert makes fun of me, I don't feel good and powerful anymore.
No, I feel bad for Colbert.
And I don't just say that to sound high and mighty.
That's a talented, smart guy.
Probably fun to hang out with.
He doesn't look very happy with doing what he's doing.
I was told a few years ago Jimmy Kimmel's a big listener, but you know what?
He got on board.
He's gotten political now.
And they just destroy themselves.
Right in front of everybody.
And even friends of mine that I've known many years are like, yeah, just can't have you on, Alex.
Well, that's fine.
I've got my own platform, but people can't have me on because when we come on, we're number one.
And that's why they all lined up and came out against us.
We really had 86 million people tune in the week of the election.
On terrestrial radio from the ratings that came in.
Meterable videos, articles, podcasts.
We can look at it, 86 million.
That's not counting other people's platforms.
And they put the brakes on that, man.
They put the screws to us.
I'll let the enemy know.
I'm not going to lie.
They've had an effect.
They've hammered us back to 30, 40 million people a week.
That's why if you just get active and spread the links and tell people at the local station and understand, man, we're under attack.
You're under attack.
They can't stop you.
Because they know we get the intel of the president.
They know the military gets the intel of the president.
Listen, InfoWars is just the only outlet, other than Drudge and a few others, that doesn't want to be establishment.
Everybody else is wanting to be the big media.
I like the Daily Caller, but that's Breitbart, same thing.
They do a great job, but they want to be the establishment.
They want to be at the country club.
They want to be the cool kids.
Not us, folks.
We want to be the trailblazers, the cutting edge.
We want to really be changing the whole paradigm, not just kind of going along with it, or kind of halfway doing it, what's safe.
We don't want to be safe.
We want to tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help us God.
That's Jesus Christ.
So I'm going to get these clips, but I'm just pontificating here because there really are
Good people in our government that saw the final plan.
It was so horrible and it was everything we said was coming because we were reading think tank documents.
And I begged and said, FBI, CIA, NSA, Defense Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Navy Intelligence, Marine Corps, Force, all you guys.
I said, this is real.
Go read this.
They said they're going to set up a world government, break up our families, dumb us down with entertainment and finally kill us.
And you know what?
They went and read it all and said, you're absolutely right.
We're going to fight back.
And a lot of people were already more awake than I was.
The point is that we're fighting back.
This is the deep state versus the real state.
And I tell people, check with someone who is in Naval Intelligence and all this stuff.
And, you know, obviously most of that stuff is just human stuff, digital.
It's all public.
Anybody doing a website or researching things is, you know, intelligence.
That just means you're involved in research.
And involved in human activities and things in China, some of the work he did.
And I'm like, you know, me and Rob, we were out there drinking beer with him at my house.
And I go, you know, I'm really with the real Deep State.
And the sub is like, what do you mean?
I said, you know, we're, I mean, I'm with a 200 plus year old intelligence agency.
He's like, he thought I was messing with him.
I said, so are you, man.
It's America.
It's against the globalists.
It's against the crown.
It's against monopolies.
It's just average people taking action.
I'm deep state, Texas.
The real deep state.
I mean, committed.
They call Trump mentally ill and call him a schmuck because he actually cares about American workers and doesn't want to screw them over.
And they even say in elite publications that he cares about people and really thinks he's going to bring America back, doesn't get the big picture, blah blah blah.
And he doesn't want a big sucking scoundrel lowering wages.
And they talk about him like he's an idiot because he actually cares about you.
Doesn't mean he's perfect.
And that's what I'm getting at.
Is they think we're mentally ill because we don't get off on being mean to people that aren't informed.
And using, it's like tripping a two-year-old kid.
That doesn't give me a power trip.
But let me tell you, it's not a power trip, it's a trip to know how real this is and to have engaged it.
I promise all the clips when we come back, because we got the Steven Seagal exclusive interview, they don't want him to be able to speak himself.
They don't want you to actually hear what he says.
They don't want you to hear him get into what really goes on with Trump or Putin or intelligence agencies, the things that are happening.
So, that's all coming up.
But as I said last hour, we have a big nut to crack here, and we make it easy to support InfoWars.
We sell high quality products that'll make your life better, that are so good for you and your family.
The supplements, the water filtration, the air filtration.
And, you know, we had 80-something things at 50% off, and then 50 things, and now we're down to six things that are 50% off, but they're still our best sellers.
I've got to pull it today on these six.
It won't be okay because I've got to keep them until more comes in.
I don't want to sell it out at the ultimate sales price and not get any more for two months.
So I'm going to have to pull these off.
Secret 12, the very best, even according to BuzzFeed's own research.
That's ridiculous.
This is the highest quality B12 in the country.
Jones is okay, but whatever.
It means while we were private labeling what they rated the best in the country.
What do you think we do?
They're going to get the very best.
Plus, you did a good response, then you want to buy more.
Plus, when they do all the testing and try to set us up, if we're private labeled at one of the top places in the country, then it's not going to work when you spike it!
Not that you'd ever do anything fake at BuzzFeed with all your fake pissgate stuff.
Of course, I predicted what was going to happen, and sure enough, there's never any end to them.
You want to stand up to them?
You want to send a clear message?
You need these products?
Get in there, buy them.
I'm trying to expand.
I literally had the Communist Party suing me last week.
Look it up.
Out of Cleveland.
I can't make this up, because we covered a flag burning or whatever.
It's, it's... InfoWarsTore.com.
We're here.
We need help.
Talk to you Alamo.
I'm sending the letter here.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
This is so huge, okay?
He's one of the leading experts in the world.
The president wanted him to meet with the CIA director because they're trying to understand what's going on.
Because this is so complex and the agencies don't tell each other a lot of information.
And so here is William Benny.
Well, I think we should start with the research we've been doing on the data
Allegedly coming from a hack by the Russians into the DNC server.
This was the data that was made available from Guccifer 2 that talked about the leak or the hack that he called a hack on the 5th of July of 2016.
That data he made available for us to look at so we started looking at it and the first thing we found was
The speeds were rather high for a transfer across the web to Europe, from the U.S.
And we found that the highest speed that that data ran from was taken down off the server, supposedly.
This is all alleged now.
So it was 49.1 megabytes per second.
Which is roughly a little over four times the rate that we could get by a transfer.
We also attempted to transfer data across the Atlantic to Europe to various places in Amsterdam, the UK.
One of the fellows even looked at transferring it to Belgrade and also Albania, but it was pointless to even try because the network couldn't even handle it anywhere near it there.
So, the highest we got was roughly one-fourth the speed necessary to transfer the data, which meant it was impossible to go across the net.
But it is, however, compatible with a download to a thumb drive.
So, if you had a USB thumb drive, you could download it at those speeds.
When we looked at the data, there were two batches of release.
The main one was dated the 5th of July.
There was a later one dated the 1st of September.
Goosever 2.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I literally feel like I've been alive for millions of years.
You know, life has been around.
It's a lot that the eye hasn't seen or the ear hasn't heard that God's got in store for us and like working sometimes 18 hours a day and being up since 4 30 a.m.
it's like empowering and it's so enslaving how empty so many people are and then how they try to rob the identity of those of us that want to be good people.
You know, I was brought up not to be guilty for being white, but knowing about how, you know, my dad's dad and other folks had been some of the first Republicans at the Civil War, you know, in Texas and running for office and getting elected and things like that.
And, you know, the fact that, you know, we're not low-level people, we don't put down other groups, we feel bigger.
I don't
Stuff like that.
And my grandfather was the county tax assessor, amongst other things.
And literally, every Thanksgiving, there'd be like 10, 15 old black ladies delivering pies to our house.
Because, I mean, my grandfather did stuff like, just poor people didn't have to pay taxes in the county, on the property.
It just didn't happen.
And he would go, like I said, talk to a more wealthy neighbor and said, I'm going to increase your property taxes.
Is that OK?
Because we're not going to run this old lady out of her house.
You're going to do that, right?
And you compare that to the scum
That is all over us in this country today and it makes me want to throw up and then filthy trash like George Soros that rounded up his own thousands of his own Jews.
That piece of demon filth is out against me and my family and sending his so-called journalist in to try to destroy my life, try to take my children away from me and just plastering garbage everywhere and I have to look at these sacks of trash and I have to sit there and put up with it.
Because the public's asleep.
I mean, if the public knew how bad these enemies were, you would not put up with it for one second.
And I know you know that.
And the big crushing blow many times misses the mark, but the stoic, continual pound will win.
The continued medium blow is how we're going to bring these people down, but I don't feel sorry for myself.
I just get frustrated that people don't understand the level of literal garbage we're dealing with, where the Democratic Party is the KKK, they're the race party, they're trying to turn the minorities into a bunch of racist scum, they hype race continually, and I
At least twice, and at least twice two separately, four times in front of my grandmother, watch people in the grocery store.
Happened twice in the grocery store.
I'd go stay there in the summer when I was a little kid.
Walk over to her and call her an N-word lover.
And then imagine when I see racist blacks going F you in the street, Alex Jones.
We're gonna kick your ass, cracker.
So I get the best of both worlds.
My grandmother helped black people and didn't look down on them and was a good person.
And fought for them to have a better life.
And then I have the racist black people after me.
And then this has happened with East Texas stuff, where my great grandfather traded like 140 acres.
To a old black lady and her husband so they could live up on the road.
And then three generations later, SJWIs literally showing up at our farmhouse are racist black people saying, you took our land and then trying to sue to get it.
And of course they lost when we had the deed and traded them land.
I mean, it's just like no good deed goes unpunished.
And so that's why I know.
Why people decide to be evil who aren't actually evil.
They say, well it's been done to me, somebody was racist to me, I'm black, I'm going to be racist.
Or I'm white, somebody's racist to me, I'm going to be racist.
And I just can't do that.
Like Martin Luther King said, just because, and I'm not exaggerating, I grew up in Dallas.
I grew up where there was a big black neighborhood in our area that was segregated basically.
And I had a lot of black friends, and most of them were great people.
But you'd go to that neighborhood, and people would say, what the hell is that honky doing in here?
And old guys would come out with their shotguns, and I was so mindless, I didn't care.
I just laughed about it, because I wasn't racist.
And I just thought the black people were fun to hang out with.
They were always having fun.
And that's the reality.
You think these leftists are actually hanging around in black neighborhoods when they're 10 years old?
Think Joe Biden ever did that?
Yeah, you get around Democrats.
I never heard the N-word, except out of black people's mouths, except when I finally got around Democrats and people on the East Coast.
And I'm not knocking folks on the East Coast.
I'm talking fact here today, ladies and gentlemen.
I don't need to sit here and say I had a lot of black friends, or my sister's Korean adopted, or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
To prove I'm somebody.
That is nice.
I'm seen as a schmuck by the Democrats and the racists and the controllers because I don't sit there and hate you.
And see, the ultimate racists play into all this.
I'm going to play Trump's speech here in a minute.
The ultimate racists play into this because they're the ones that use it off against each other.
Because they just get it's a tool of control.
And they get it's powerful.
And that's what's so sick about all this.
I'm not going to exaggerate.
That's the problem with having such a crazy life, is that you don't want to exaggerate, but then the truth sounds completely crazy.
But I remember folks around here at the office going, you've gotten a hundred fights with black people.
You know, if it wasn't 100, it was probably 85.
I mean, I really think about all the fights I got in, where I was so unracist, when black people would attack me, I wouldn't run, I'd go ahead and fight them.
McBrain was down there one time.
At the Texas Relays with a bunch of black coaches drinking beer and they said, oh we went to school Alex.
He was a really nice guy.
He wasn't racist, even though some of the black folks were racist and attacked him.
We got McBrink, sat there for two hours drinking with these black coaches I went to hospital with, they'll tell you.
And you know, I'd, you know, some big black guys hurt me bad.
I'd black out, put them in a coma.
My dad gets sued.
We'd, you know, we'd get out of it because I didn't do it.
I didn't start the fight.
I mean, let me tell you, the average black person hasn't been attacked by white people five times in their life.
I've had black people try to beat my brains out and do a good job of it probably 30, 40 times.
I mean, most of those hundred fights were
Elementary, middle school, and that's why it could be a hundred.
I mean, we're talking one every couple days.
Where kids that have flunked two, three grades start to fight with me.
I'd be fighting black kids, Hispanic kids, you know, that had mustaches.
And they would beat me up because I was a white kid.
They were racist.
They wanted to get back at whitey.
But then their mamas would get so mad, a couple years later, they started a fight.
They'd have blood coming out of their ears.
And that's not about being tough, it's about not laying down.
And I'm not laying down any of this crap on Martin Luther King Day, because Martin Luther King was a good man that had a good message, and bad things were happening to black people, but that doesn't mean then you pay it forward and crap on white people just because somebody screwed you around.
And I know most black folks aren't like that.
But the point is, it's sick to sit here, but you know,
It's sick to sit here and watch the leftists play games with everybody's minds because I remember the other group I had to fight all the time and they acted just like the blacks and just like the Mexicans.
Mexicans didn't start as often but
I got hurt more by Mexicans per capita than fighting big black guys.
And then separately, rednecks.
And by redneck, I can say that because I'm a white guy.
Little groups of white guys, crap kickers, whatever you call it.
I'm driving a pickup truck too.
But they would just want, oh, this is a guy that beats everybody's ass?
I mean, I had to get in fights because I'd beat up, you know, their cousin who was 16 when I was 14.
Pretty soon I looked like I was 20 when I was 14.
There'd be some 25-year-old man in the McDonald's parking lot trying to put my head to concrete.
You know what?
I beat his brains out.
That's what I did.
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Trace in New Jersey wants to talk about vaccines.
Go ahead, Trace.
First off, I wanted to start off with saying I've been waiting hours to talk to you, my man.
You're one of my most favorite hosts.
Second, I'd like to say Super Blue, Survival Shield, the Skelton Defense Pack,
They're all amazing, and I just ordered them all again, along with the Organic Urban Garden Seed Kit at mmoars.com.
But back to my point, in the early 1990s, ADHD was on the rise.
My parents, they didn't believe that vaccines could ever hurt anybody, yet.
Now, yes, I do have ADHD.
I've been taking RainForce now for about almost two years.
And with brain force, I'm able to focus perfectly.
And my parents said that before the age of seven, I was not as hyperactive.
And that's what got me, you know, PQ, wondering, hey, maybe, maybe it was something in a vaccine that could have triggered this change in me that made me so hyperactive.
What is it?
I do think that we're seeing a lot of these behavior disabilities.
For one, we're cramming kids into a classroom for eight hours a day and expecting them to sit and shut up and not talk.
And put their hands on their lap.
So I think that's part of the problem.
And then I think the other part of the problem is we're also injecting them with vaccines.
It's probably having an increased incidence of developmental disabilities.
What's your take on that, Roy?
I wanna, you know, say to Trace, I think it's really great that he's asking questions and he's, you know, he's looking at things like brain force and he's thinking about, you know, things that he can do to take control of his own health.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Anyways, I shouldn't sit there and get off into old stories.
The point was is that the tough guy country boys like to act like gangs and start fights with people and they would all hang out in their own gangs, I guess, so they wouldn't get in fights with the other people.
I didn't really hang out in groups.
I was always chasing girls around successfully and
That's why I guess a lot of stuff happened.
I want you, oh, that guy thinks he's tough.
You know, it was just, it was just constantly like a, like a Western or something where, oh, this guy thinks he's a fast draw with his gun or whatever.
And the point I was getting at is, I still don't blame black people and think in general, they're bad, even though almost every one of those fights,
Got started.
And it was all because I fought back starting in like the sixth grade.
And it was just on and on and on and on.
And I mean, I'd be anywhere, just you name it.
Fieldhouse, the movies, and folks would say whether they were
Whether they were rednecks or whether they were black folks, particularly rednecks and black folks, but mainly black folks.
People would be talking, they'd say something, and somebody would start a fight.
I remember sometimes, like, 50-year-old men, like 6'6", he would say their names right here today, walking over to me and saying, you think you're tough?
I'll kick your ass!
Some giant 56-year-old black guy.
And I'm just like, listen!
I'm not looking for any trouble here.
And I'm not telling those stories to act tough.
So I've had broken arms, broken legs, concussions, you know, whole nine yards.
The point is, is that you get pretty high when you're fighting some guy that outweighs you by 150 pounds.
I mean, you know, that just kicks in.
You either do it or you die.
But I'm not sitting here hating anybody just because there's a bunch of racist black people.
But I am not gonna sit there then, and I am not gonna sit there and play along like I did something!
And it's just a mess, ladies and gentlemen.
The society is falling apart, and it's all gang garbage.
Just like you go to a prison.
You got the white area, the black area, the Hispanic area.
If you're in, you know, the East Coast, there's an Asian area.
And they're all in their own area, and that's how they control us.
And that's my message on Martin Luther King Day.
I had this huge... I mean, I cannot hype enough how big the Steven Seagal interview is.
And this was set up...
With current and former and CIA people.
I mean, that's, Seagal couldn't get a hold of me any other way.
It turns out for six months at least, two months intensely.
And we just got to get about, I think we're going to put something like media at InfoWars and put it on the bio page and say only for media, because we get over 10,000 emails a day.
And it's just every time some person is trying to get a hold of me, it's like Rand Paul wanted to come on for months before he was able to get on.
And finally, I got a cell phone call or whatever, so that's how he got on.
I mean, I'm not bitching.
I just need to study how we learn to get these big guests on when they're trying to contact us.
And this is a major counter-strike against the deep state that somebody's going to stand up and say, I didn't do this, and they have no evidence.
Stop saying it.
So some big stuff's happening, big pedophile arrests all over the country.
So, got some big breaking news on that in the next couple days, just like I told you about the whole Twitter thing, them spying on you and your family over the cameras and microphones that you enable and looking at your private videos and photos.
Anything over a cloud, anything that you're not storing on your own computer or on some little local service where it's on a server, those guys are too busy to be digging through your stuff.
We would never dig through your stuff, but we're not asking you to store your email and your photos with us.
I mean, it's just, it's insane!
It's insane!
A bunch of SJWs run Twitter and Facebook.
So that's all coming up as well.
A lot of stories on Infowars.com.
Mohammed is most popular name for newborns, boys in Holland for second year straight.
But the media tried to cover it up and say it was Noah.
So funny, it's just like, you know, they just are all about social engineering.
And then there's some other articles up on Infowars.com that are really, really important.
Flashback Twitter sued for scanning private messages before.
I mean, what type of moron sends their girlfriend, their wife, or whatever, footage of them masturbating or whatever, so the SJWs can sit there and look at it?
You people are nuts.
I mean, it's crazy.
You know, if my children are gone, I still lock the bedroom door.
Not because I'm a criminal.
I lower the blinds because it's about privacy.
But notice all the trendy bathrooms.
The new Alamo Draft House opened up where there's no stalls.
So you're all, men and women together, all crapping together.
Because it's about dehumanizing you.
It's about getting rid of service, getting rid of quality, getting rid... All of us are being discriminated against by the global AI takedown system.
So Steven Seagal versus the Deep State, ladies and gentlemen, today coming up in just about 10 minutes.
The story is up on InfoWars.com.
And you know, I belabor this constantly.
If you don't share the articles, if you don't share the videos, if you don't stay excited about the broadcast, which you see, people are staying excited, so the enemy's attacking us, but they want to censor us, attack us, misrepresent us, and then shut us down and not let us communicate with you.
It's up to you.
So thank you.
So we can actually hear from the President.
The media is going to ignore most of this.
They're not going to play what the President had to say.
President Trump delivers the weekly address honoring Martin Luther King.
And again, I legitimately, despite seeing real black racism and other racism from whites, you name it, I'm not going to play the game.
I legitimately think what Martin Luther King did was great and he gave his life and knew he was under danger.
He's a hero to me.
The left isn't going to take that away from me.
I'm not who they say I am.
They're the monsters using rights to control people.
They're despicable.
Let's go ahead and go to the President.
Here it is.
I have a dream.
Martin Luther King Jr.'
's immortal words, delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, have inspired Americans of all backgrounds since they were spoken on that historic day in 1963.
Dr. King's dream is our dream.
It is the American dream.
It's the promise stitched into the fabric of our nation, etched into the hearts of our people, and written into the soul of humankind.
It is the dream of a world where people are judged by who they are, not how they look or where they come from.
It is the dream of a nation that offers life of dignity and hope to every American regardless of color or creed.
It is the dream of a nation faithful to its founding principle that we are all created equal.
This sacred principle was the cause for which Dr. King and so many other historic Americans sacrificed in places like Selma, Birmingham, Montgomery, and Memphis.
They were hearers who led our nation forward
We're good to go.
And the cause for which he gave his life only gained strength and force and power with the passage of time.
Last week, I was so pleased to be joined by Dr. King's niece, Alveda, as I signed into law the Martin Luther King, Jr.
National Historical Park Act.
This important legislation will ensure that the beautiful historic park continues to tell Dr. King's story for generations to come.
On this cherished day, we honor the memory of Reverend King and we rededicate ourselves to a glorious future where every American from every walk of life can live free from fear, liberated from hatred, and uplifted by boundless love for their fellow citizens.
I ask every citizen to join me in remembering this great American hero and to carry on his legacy of justice, equality, and freedom.
God bless the memory of Reverend King, and God bless the United States of America.
And so heartfelt.
You know, I got tears in my eyes, not because I'm even crying about Martin Luther King, but because the Democrats and the globalists would crap all over that, and take the whites that elected Barack Obama believing the very same group in the demographics that elected Trump for change, would take that and create all this racism and all this division and all these lies,
Knowing it's even in the WikiLeaks.
They go, we're going to use race war.
We're going to use racial division.
It's in the new documents that came out last week that they haven't denied are their documents from Soros group.
It's like, man, we have enough problems with nuclear weapons and flesh eating bacteria and, and, and all these problems.
I don't care what color you are.
Can't we just build a better future on free market and open society?
They bring in all the illegals.
They bring them in and weaponize them.
They bring them in and turn them into communist race baiters.
It's just crazy what's going on, and it's wrong, and it's evil!
They just think we're failures.
The globalists think that we're bad, so they're going to manipulate us, and that's the end of it.
Really, they're bad.
That's why I hope with this interview coming up with Steven Seagal, that I did earlier before the show, that we're about to air.
It's very powerful.
When I say live and unedited, it's taped to air.
It's like big ten-minute segments.
I think once the Skype cutouts, we stopped for a minute and redialed him.
It's the same as the live show.
So I realized I said live during it, and I'm like, it feels live, you know, I'm in here.
But that's coming up.
With a correction, it wasn't live.
I taped it this morning, but I say that on the tape, just explaining that.
And it's very powerful, but they're going to try to block it because they want to demonize him and others and not let people have their own say.
They don't want you to have due process.
This is all about judging people about what they actually do.
I want.
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That's infowarsstore.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
The answer to tyranny.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
What an incredible quest for an incredible adventure.
We all live together in this adventure on this planet, hurtling through deep space at hundreds of thousands of miles an hour.
Crank up that guitar for just a minute.
How beautiful is that?
Let me get to this next report.
I want to be very, very clear about this.
I don't have words to describe the type of juvenile individuals that Facebook, Twitter, Google, you name it, are hiring to carry out their dishonorable activity.
They're not even hiring criminal types.
They're hiring delusional, chip-on-the-shoulder, people that feel inadequate and like they've got to go out and settle scores.
And when you look at the videos Veritas has shot inside Google, Facebook, Twitter, you name it, they're constantly, most of the time, talking about info wars.
How we need to shut Jones down.
And why is that?
Well, because we know what they're up to.
But we're the lead elephant.
They get us, they think they can get you.
But when you watch the full video that's on Infowars.com, there's hours of this stuff.
We'll just play a few minutes of it here.
They're proud of looking at your private messages of you to your wife, or your wife showing you're abreast or whatever, and they're sharing it, they're laughing.
It's their elite class power to violate your Fourth Amendment and to sit there and get off on dehumanizing you.
So just like slave masters, you know, would rape some of the female slaves,
These people are raping your privacy, and they think it's funny, and they're monsters!
But they've been hired because they're little arrested development twerps, and they don't even get the import of what they're doing.
So, hidden camera, hundreds of Twitter employees paid to view everything you post online, including private sex messages.
We've got James O'Keefe on tomorrow, but let's go ahead and go to a clip of this right now.
We can actually read your DMs.
So all your sex messages and your, like, dick pics are on my server now.
No s***!
All your illegitimate wives and, like, all the girls you've been f***ing around with?
You're on my server now.
Oh my God.
I'm listening to your wife.
I'm listening to you and your divorce.
So if I send someone a
I mean, it's like a level... I don't want to say it freaks me out, but it disturbs me.
I've seen way more penises than I've ever wanted to see in my life.
On DM messages?
DMs, tweets, yes.
Lots of dicks.
There's teams dedicated to it.
I mean, we're talking at least three or four hundred people.
Yes, they're paying us to look at dick pics.
If you go to Twitter for the first time, we have information about you.
You leak way more information than you think.
I've seen way more penises than I've ever wanted to see in my life.
DMs, tweets, yes, lots of dicks.
We're trying to get the people on the phone.
We are in SCPS Facebook for Google cars.
We know some stuff.
Let's stop right there.
American Pravda, Twitter.
And if you look at the video of your radio list, you have to see it.
They are all just, the men, the women are just like, they're just so empowered.
They're so getting off on it.
They're just like, they're in heaven.
It's so fun.
I've got all these women on my server and all these men and all...
And it's like a bunch of nerds, man.
And they're like, we're not even as bad as Google.
Or Facebook, which is true.
So we're going to come back, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side as the ride continues into reality out of the globalist lies with Steven Seagal, the mega-exclusive.
They don't want you to have a voice.
They don't want him to have a voice.
Please, wherever you're watching, however you're listening, spread the links.
Tell folks how to tune in.
Facebook, Twitter, Google.
Share the links right now.
Get around the censors, the zit-faced censors.
New details in the Las Vegas massacre suggest Steven Paddock's girlfriend may have known something was up.
According to newly released FBI documents, Mary Lou Danly deleted her Facebook account one hour before the Las Vegas cops named Paddock as the man responsible for the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S.
58 people were killed and more than 200 were wounded.
The unsealed documents give the timeline.
Emergency calls to police indicate Paddock began firing onto the crowd of concertgoers around 10.08 p.m.
At 2.46 a.m., Danley's Facebook account was deleted.
And just about an hour later, authorities released Paddock's name to the public at 3.30 a.m.
Now, Danley has remained adamant that she had no prior inclination of Paddock's intentions to conduct the attack, but her actions suggest otherwise.
If Danley moved quickly after the shooting to hide her relationship with Steven Paddock, what did she know and when?
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
I have a dream today.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this Monday edition, the 15th day of January 2018, and we are joined via Skype from Japan by Steven Seagal, the famous actor and of course famous black belt in martial arts, a friend of Vladimir Putin, of course a friend of President Trump, a friend of so many, and of course a well-known American patriot,
Who we notice has been demonized in the press quite a bit as of late.
In fact, I noticed just last Friday and then a few weeks before that on the same shows of Stephen Colbert, I'm attacked and then next is Steven Seagal.
One voice of calm in these troubled times is right-wing radio host and furious cashew Alex Jones.
We'll be right back with funny man Steven Seagal.
They've got a script.
It is simply incredible.
And then next they go into Trump.
And I've been told by people inside entertainment, inside so-called news, that we are on a hit list.
And you know George Soros is also on record funding Media Matters and others, literally coming out of the woodwork.
I think?
Makes the Deep State come after you.
Well, Steven Seagal has also now written a best-selling book dealing with the wolves of the Deep State, dealing with all the incredible things that are happening.
But the main reason I'm very excited to have Mr. Seagal on today is to deal with this incredibly clear Deep State operation with Gloria Allred and her daughter, Lisa Bloom.
Where they go after everybody that is a nationalist, a libertarian, a conservative, anybody that is even halfway nice to President Trump.
And it's come out in The Hill, in Fox News, even the Associated Press, that attorney Lisa Bloom sought
To line up paydays for women accusing Trump of sexual misconduct And she gets 30 plus percent in contracts that were secret that were leaked of all of the payments that the women get from the media When you realize this it makes your head spin because she also defends Mr. Weinstein Harvey Weinstein who we have a whole bunch of people including a chauffeur that said he would write women in front of
But, oh, oh, oh, she is defending Harvey Weinstein.
This is incredible and they're building all this up.
They admit it to go after President Trump because it was Bill Clinton's documented improprieties with
I don't
On to innocent people that we see as a threat.
And Steven Seagal, because of his close relationship with President Putin, and because he's been a peacemaker, and because he's been a goodwill ambassador, because a part of his family are from Russia, has now come under total deep state attack.
Now, that's my statement on it.
Let's get right to Mr. Seagal, who says he's going to give us a wide-ranging, in-depth interview on this.
Well, he says he has evidence and intel on pedophile networks in Hollywood, and that they're using all of this as well to try to cover up what's happening there.
So, here we go.
Mr. Seagal, from Japan.
Thank you for joining us.
Well, let me start out by saying that there is Martin Luther King Day.
He was a tremendous patriot and an amazing force in American history.
And I'm honored to be here on your show and to be able to pay homage to Martin Luther King today.
First off, let me start by saying that I love the United States of America and the Constitution, and as you have said, I am a patriot.
And I think that this in and of itself, along with what I would consider, or many people consider, saying about me that I know too much,
About things that they don't want me to know about.
I talk about things they don't want me to talk about, so this becomes, you know, very problematic for certain people.
Fascinating when you're talking about Lisa Boone, because it sounds to me like what you're saying is that she's procuring money to pay to women to lie about certain people and make, you know, ruthless accusations about certain people.
And it's not just President Trump.
Uh, and by the way, this isn't just about me, because hundreds of people in Hollywood have been attacked, and hundreds of people in Hollywood have been, uh...
In my opinion, falsely accused.
Certainly, if we look at a number of 100%, my opinion is that 60% of these people are completely innocent.
And that includes me.
And what nobody wants to talk about is that when you accuse somebody, really according to the Constitution of the United States of America,
You should have some kind of due process before you ruin their life.
There should be evidence, there should be proof, there should be witnesses.
And in most of these cases, they're 20, 25, 30 years old, they're not providing evidence or proof or witnesses, they're just throwing out accusations, they push a button on a computer, and all of a sudden somebody's life is ruined.
And they are able to ruin their livelihood, their ability to earn money, their ability to feed their family, their name, their reputation, their marriage, all that stuff.
And you know what I hate about?
These people don't care.
They have a political agenda where they want to assassinate anybody that they think is in the opposite camp or opposes their political agenda, or it's just women
Who are taking money.
And I love what you said when you said, fake press are just as guilty as the dirty people who pay the dirty girls who take money to lie.
That's right.
In fact, I mean, I wrote that months ago that the real villains here are the big organized political systems, particularly the Democratic Party that are kingpins at this, who go out, organize this, then pay the women, and then the press goes along with it and magnifies it, and then if there's just an accusation like the Prairie Home Companion guy, the woman hugged him, she had a short top on, he touched her back,
And then he was fired.
I mean, this is crazy.
I mean, when people say, you know, and I want to, you know, also thank Liam Neeson for coming out and being brave enough to say something.
When people say it's a witch hunt, it's worse than any witch hunt America has ever seen.
When people say it's McCarthyism, it's worse than McCarthyism.
And the sad part is, everybody from every agent to every studio head to every actor, they're all afraid.
I'm afraid to come out and tell the truth.
And this is what's outrageous and this is what's killing America.
And by the way, Alex, you know who's behind these people who are working the fake press and people who are just doing this for whatever, you know, whether it's money or wanting to be famous or wanting to assassinate their enemies.
We have a situation here where
This is ruining our country, and if you know and you know who's behind this, really,
This is treasonous.
This is going to—if we don't change legislation that will stop these people from doing this, I think America will eventually collapse.
And I think these people who are doing this are guilty of treason.
I think that treason is one of the biggest, nastiest crimes that one can commit in the United States of America.
As you know, if convicted, it can be punishable by death.
Wow, what a cliffhanger.
This is the first segment of a wide-ranging interview that Mr. Seagal has agreed to do.
Ladies and gentlemen, Martin Luther King Day.
What an incredible individual that said judge people on the character of their deeds and the content of actually what they do, not off rumors, not off lies, but off the fruits of what they stand for.
And now, any man gets accused, Hollywood, the media, gangs up on it, and their career, their life, their family is destroyed.
We'll be right back with Steven Seagal on the other side.
I'm Alex Jones, and this is the InfoWar.
That's how you do it.
That's exactly how you do it?
Yeah, you look for Trump, or America, or any of like 5,000 keywords to describe a redneck.
We're trying to get a few people on the phone.
It's a product thing.
The idea of the shadow ban is that
You ban someone, but they don't know they've been banned.
Because they keep posting, but no one sees their content.
So they just think that no one's engaging with their content, when in reality, no one's seeing it.
So is it going to, like, essentially ban certain mindsets and or people who could be negative?
No, it's not going to ban a mindset.
It's going to ban, like, a way of talking.
Undercover Twitter engineers to ban way of talking through shadow banning algorithms to censor opposing political views.
And Drudge has the headline that they admit they are opposing people's views, period.
Just not letting you communicate if you're a Christian, a conservative, a libertarian.
So James O'Keefe, you have done it again, my friend.
They're at Project Veritas.
Well, Alex, I mean, this is one of the greatest censorship stories in modern times.
I mean, the things these people are saying on this video, I think this is certainly the biggest thing we have ever done.
These are the most powerful people in the world.
There you have it on the screen in front of you.
Our strategy is to shadow ban.
Now, your viewers might know what this is.
But really what they're saying is that when you tweet or Facebook something, you think it's going to your users.
What these companies are doing, and these engineers are on video describing, is how they make you think that your information is going to your users, but the people on the timeline don't see the information.
That's what a shadow ban is.
And they talk about how they specifically targeted, and this is their words, not mine, rednecks.
Conservatives who tweet about the flag, and they create algorithms where if you mention these things that correlate with certain ideas, they ban you.
And they call it S-H-I-T-T-Y people.
This is what the policy executives, these are not low-level employees.
These are executives at Twitter.
Steven Pierre, a Twitter engineer, says we want to, quote, ban a way of talking.
I hope you play some of these clips for your audience, because this is truly extraordinary.
They say they want to downrank
S-H-I-T-T-Y people to not show up.
We're working on that right now.
So they're describing the products and there's Singh, who's on the direct messaging team, talking about how they use algorithms to target Julian Assange, target conservatives, and to ban a way of talking.
Alex, Twitter bills itself as the public square.
And what your audience needs to understand is if they take away our rights to share our ideas on these platforms, where are we going to go?
I mean, most people don't have the power to create their own website.
I know these are private companies, and we may not want the government to intervene, but unless the CEO of Twitter makes their algorithms public so the users know what they're doing, the government didn't have a choice but to intervene.
I mean, this is scary stuff!
And don't take my word for it, they're on tape saying their whole MO is to quote, ban a way of talking.
This is the greatest censorship story of modern times.
And unlike the mainstream media Alex, we don't just anonymously quote sources.
We have these people dead to rights.
How do we do it?
We spend a year
A year undercover.
Now we've got a story on Infowars.com, I don't know if you know about this, but Twitter has been caught now censoring your exposure.
How is that?
I didn't see that one.
Are they muting me?
Are they shadowbanning my stuff now?
Yes, with O'Keefe's suspension, Twitter confirms authenticity in Project Veritas' videos.
Twitter unblocked James O'Keefe's account after suffering massive backlash for challenging the Project Veritas founder as his expose day on Twitter political censorship went viral.
This is trending on Twitter, Alex, believe it or not, isn't that ironic?
Shadowban, hashtag shadowban, is trending on Twitter from my, looking at my phone here, and everyone is tweeting at the CEO of Twitter.
This is big stuff!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Unedited, you're going to be able to actually hear from him what he actually stands for and what he believes.
I know every time I see him on U.S.
or British or Russian or Japanese television, it's amazingly saying.
And every time we play clips on the show, it's some of the most viral videos that we put out.
But it's always three, four, five minutes on the show.
He said he'll stay with us over an hour, so enough of Alex Jones, let's go right back to Steven Seagal.
Steven, we just left off, for folks that joined us, you said this covert deep state action, which they admit they're involved in, it's in the WikiLeaks, to target the globalist enemies with fake sexual charges being directed by the most dirty system in the world, Hollywood, is threatening to bring down the country.
And I think that really is their plan.
Please continue with what you were saying earlier.
The most genius thing that they have done is figure out a way to control most of Hollywood, figure out a way to control 99% of the press.
Once they did that, they felt that they could control the mind and the future of most of the average citizen in the United States of America.
This was a complete tragedy, and this isn't just about me.
As you know, it's hundreds of people now in Hollywood and around the world.
People like Richard Branson, who's done nothing but good for the United States and other countries.
I mean, you know, it's hundreds of people that have been
And many of those people are completely and absolutely innocent.
And as far as I'm concerned, almost all of them are completely innocent until you've given them due process.
And that's why I think it needs to become criminal if people wantonly and knowingly make up false claims that can destroy people's lives without evidence, proof, witnesses, stuff like that.
It's hundreds of people, Alex.
Hundreds of people whose lives have been broken.
Well, it's a total hysteria now, and again, it's like Liam Neeson said, if you pat a woman on the knee, you're not assaulting them.
And now, in some areas of the world, like Switzerland, the government's saying, get a contract before you even have a relationship.
Whatever happened to passion?
I mean, whatever happened to Elvis is on the stage, and young women are throwing their underwear at him?
I mean, is that a form of rape?
Are they raping Elvis?
I mean, this is crazy, and now they're saying schools are gonna... It's been completely one-sided.
It's been completely one-sided.
You and I know, we have wives, we have children.
I would die for a stranger if I had to.
And as a police officer, any day of my life, I would have thrown my life down on the line to save the life of a child, of an innocent person, of women and children.
We herald and support all the women who have really been abused.
But this movement,
We're good to go.
Do you want to get into Hollywood and the pedophilia rings that you were telling me about over the phone now or later in the broadcast?
Influential people in the United States who have money, who have power, and some of them are very high up in the government.
They are all now putting together a group of people who are investigating.
And I'm really wondering why, every time anybody talks about the Ophelia Rings in Hollywood or Washington or anywhere else in the United States, it gets buried immediately.
Alex, you know this as well as I do, our most precious asset, our most precious thing in life are our children.
And you know that we would die for a stranger who's a child to protect them against this kind of evil.
And why is it?
That pedophilia in the United States is being protected and overlooked.
Our children are the most precious thing we have in this life and we are going to have to break this sort of secret, you know, protected door that everyone is hiding behind.
That's right, and President Trump behind the scenes has authorized incredible arrests.
We're talking five times so far any previous year.
Thousands and thousands of pedophiles, not just with child porn, but in many cases with small children as young as six months old, that were being gang raped.
And it literally will hit the newspaper one time.
Hundreds of arrests here, dozens of arrests there, hundreds of arrests here, every day.
And I personally am working with
We are getting involved in this also.
I'm not going to say too much right now, but I will say that from the deep web to Hollywood to Washington to all over the United States of America, we have people now that are looking deep
We are now blessed by being infused with people high up in the government.
Not just the United States of America.
People are coming in and helping us in the deep web all over the United States of America with money, with intelligence.
We are gathering intelligence to pass to the right people.
I'm not going to say too much about this because I'm getting highly involved in this too.
And we think we're going to start to pierce that veil of evil and be able to start aiding in the apprehension and conviction of a lot of the scum that's out there.
It's truly incredible.
And then the president signed the executive order seizing the child trafficker money and the media basically attacked that and ignored it as well.
They gave it almost no attention.
Which goes to show you this veil of protection that, you know, everybody has.
That everybody has in this dark, dark world.
You know?
Well, President Trump tweeted that anybody that molesters or hurts children needs to be executed.
And we, again, have seen total, absolute record bust, not just here, but all over the world.
And the group that we're working with, again, we're not going to get into all of it, but it's multinational patriots and intelligence agencies.
It's groups from our most elite military forces working with local law enforcement and trying to work with the feds.
And Trump is trying to get good people in place at the federal level.
And they're finding that they've used the pedophilia to blackmail and take control of Congress and that's why the deep state is fighting President Trump and many others so hard right now because they know that this corruption is being broken up just like Putin has tried to do in Russia.
I know you're very good friends with him and we come back from break I'd like to get into peacemaking and why aren't we working
They're Christian, they're free market, they're reformed to many extents.
Why does the Deep State want us to be at war with Russia?
We'll be right back with this incredible interview with Steven Seagal on the other side.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
And we are back, ladies and gentlemen, an exclusive interview.
Steven Seagal joins us from Asia via Skype.
Again, if you're watching on the internet, please share the live links from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more.
And if you're listening on a local AM or FM station, please tell folks
About the local station and the show and the live broadcast that's taking place right now so that people can actually hear from the other side.
Because we have the Democratic Party on record going out offering millions of dollars to women.
You've got Lisa Bloom, the lawyer, Gloria Allred's daughter, coming out, getting caught in the emails that were secret, offering even one woman $200,000 to make accusations.
Against the president, she gets 30 plus percent of the money from these TV deals and from what the media pays to these women.
I mean, this is incredible.
And you notice it's almost always after the statute of limitations, decades later, so that people can't say, well, go put up or shut up, go to the police, show your evidence.
No, it's always done decades ago.
It is a formula.
And what a house of cards, even after this has all come out.
Even after the top Democratic lawyers and top Democrat pollsters and top lobbyists, not just Lisa Bloom, have been caught, have been recorded by women when they're offering them money.
And that's Trump's ace in the hole.
Some of these recordings have already come out where there are good women out there who do care about real victims and don't want people yelling,
Well, I mean, all I would say is that, you know, we have a situation where
Obviously there are women who have really been assaulted.
And as a police officer for many years, you know, I saw this and was honored and able to help people who are in real distress, real trouble.
We want nothing more than to be able to defend those people and help them.
The thing that is an evil tragedy that is going on now is, like I said, people paying
People can lie for their own political agenda and because maybe they want to assassinate their enemy and destroy their name and reputation and family and family life and marriage and ability to earn money.
There are a million reasons.
There's a woman called Michelle Milken who stood up and said, listen,
When people make claims, they lie.
They lie for multiple reasons.
They lie because they want to annihilate their enemies.
They lie for money.
They lie because they want to become famous and get in the news.
And, you know, she said, I'm not just making this up.
I'm the one who's gotten into the FBI files, and the mail files, and law enforcement files, and I've gone over all the statistics, and I can tell you, by my research, my meticulous analytical research, I can tell you that up to 40% of these claims are fake.
Well, I personally think in Hollywood right now, it's a lot bigger number.
What I'm saying is, and I've said before, what some of these people don't realize is this is part of a plan to collapse the United States of America.
Because if the news becomes faker and faker, we won't know, the people will not know what's real and what's really happening.
If the people don't know what's really happening, what do we have on it?
You just hit something.
You just hit something that's profound.
You're absolutely right.
They're putting out all this fake news just to confuse everything.
Mainstream media is already discredited.
So now all they can do is just try to be such liars and accuse everybody else of being liars that no one is honorable anymore or no one knows who's honorable.
And so as the pedophilia comes out and as the gay mafia
In Hollywood, that abuses and rapes so many men.
What I've heard in Hollywood from gay men is that the gay mafia rapes men, abuses men.
It's 2 to 1, 3 to 1 men being abused, not women.
But that men won't go forward because they know people won't believe them.
And people tell men just suck it up.
And that it's mainly the gay mafia pushing this whole thing in Hollywood.
And again, I'm not bashing gay people.
There have been high-level people in Hollywood that say there is a gay mafia.
Chappelle's talked about it, so many other people talked about it, and that they're using this to basically smokescreen the abuse of men by men.
Do you have any intel on that from all of your Hollywood sources?
Well, the intel is coming in from now, and we're getting a lot of it.
But speaking of lies, I just wanted to say something else that we've talked about and that is
Adolf Hitler said something very, very interesting.
And Adolf Hitler had a publicist that said something very, very interesting.
And this publicist was, as you know, paid to fabricate a lie about a multitude of situations, including activities of Adolf Hitler.
And one of the things his publicist repeatedly said was, if you tell a lie,
It's incredible.
And again, they're using the whole Me Too movement.
Yeah, that's sort of part of it, you know.
I mean, I think
We need to start a movement.
We've already started a movement.
A lot of it's secret right now.
We're secretly investigating everybody.
We've got intelligence coming in on all these things.
But our motto should be, and I hate all this hashtag business, it should be, tell the truth.
Tell the truth.
You know, I don't want to just sit here and say that high-level intelligence is battling the pedophile rings and just just say it.
Everybody knows we have incredible sources.
So do you.
I wonder if we should even tell people how you ended up getting on the show.
I mean, I'm not going to, obviously, it's high-level U.S.
intelligence said Seagal's been trying to get a hold of you for months, and I've been trying to get a hold of him for years.
And just so you understand, this meeting was set up by
High level folks in the government, and I'm not saying that to brag, it's so people know there are patriots.
And I don't want to go too far with this, Stephen, but you want to just confirm that for folks?
Oh yeah, I'll confirm it.
At the highest level, people have come to me and said, you know, we think that, you know, there's a bunch of what I call the Alphabet Agents who think some people are
And again, we're not saying that to brag.
I want to explain this to everybody very slowly, very clearly.
Well, I've been told the same thing.
I've been told the same thing by undeniable sources.
And, you know, what's amazing to me is these people that are out there attacking us, I wonder how many times they've done anything for the United States of America.
Did they ever risk their life?
Did they ever rescue anybody?
Did they ever do anything that was at all uncomfortable for them, for the United States of America?
We're going to go to break and come back and get into Putin, get into why they fear Steven Seagal so much, and why they've looked at their actuaries and numbers and decided we've got to destroy Trump, we've got to destroy Seagal, we've got to destroy Jones, we've got to destroy people like Matt Drudge, they've got to destroy people like Rand Paul, who's been physically attacked, and we're going to talk about that all on the other side of this incredible interview with Steven Seagal, uncensored, unfiltered.
What an individual.
No wonder they fear this guy.
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And coming to us live from Houston, the studios of Phonoscope, former congressman, medical doctor, great patriot, Ron Paul.
You've got the Ron Paul Institute, great place to visit as well.
There's the Liberty Report and so much more.
So Dr. Paul, thank you so much for joining us from the Liberty Report studios.
I think the country is in a big mess and though I'm optimistic on the long run because I think the philosophy of liberty and libertarianism is on the move and making great strides, but more intellectually than politically.
The politics of this country is a mess and it's epitomized by what's going on between Republicans and Democrats and quite frankly I don't see a whole lot of difference between the two.
They fight and argue who has the power and who can control things.
But they're really in bed together when it comes to big government spending and the Federal Reserve and the foreign policy of policing the world, so they're all the same.
The seriousness of our problems, I don't think there's a way out, but we have to change the philosophy of the country.
And that's what my goal is, to change people's attitudes.
Right now, there's a large number of people who would like to see the changes, a lot of frustration out there, but there's still a lot of people
Totally dependent on the welfare system and on the warfare and this policing of the world and the military-industrial complex and they are very powerful.
They are the deep state and they have a lot to say about what's going on.
So even though we hear this noise in Washington, unfortunately the deep state is our biggest enemy.
I mean, what's it like for you to be exposing world government for 40 years, sir, and now to see it being admitted and the Federal Reserve being a problem being admitted?
There's got to be some satisfaction there, but separately, can you speak then to the overall battle we're seeing between nationalism and globalism?
I don't think that the foreign policy has changed.
We're still sending more troops overseas.
And right now, you know, they're talking about major changes in the Middle East, which is going to antagonize the conflict between the Sudis and the Shias.
You know, Saudi Arabia and that war going on in Yemen and our support for that.
We're guilty, morally speaking, of providing the weapons to Saudi Arabia for what's happening there.
And it's a fight between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
And we don't need that.
It's been going on for too long.
We need to stay out of that.
We can't afford it.
And besides, I think if you want to compare things, Saudi Arabia is a mess.
Why we get on the moral high ground of supporting them,
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Jimmy Kimmel, Colbert, these programs masquerade as comedy, but they're really fake news.
And they both admit that they get marching orders from Chuckie Schumer and the Democratic Party.
And then what do they do?
In order, they sit there and they attack myself, they attack my family, they attack who I am.
They've had
Tom Brokaw said that I'm a deeply racist person but then not show a clip when everybody knows that I protest the KKK and I support Martin Luther King Day and think he was a great man.
Why are they doing this?
I'm not trying to make it about myself and Steven Seagal.
But the point is you know what they fear by what they attack.
And that's why we're under siege, ladies and gentlemen.
And, you know, Mr. Seagal was mentioning the fact that for many, many years, more than a decade, he was, you know, a sheriff's deputy, you name it.
That's one of the most dangerous jobs, like a volunteer firefighter.
In most of these small counties, that's all there is, is volunteer firefighters.
I've got family that's been seriously burned and gotten smoke inhalation being a volunteer firefighter.
And then people like Colbert
Make fun of Mr. Seagal saying he's served this country and served this flag.
Well, if you don't think firefighters and police officers serve this country, just as much as our military does in many cases, you're full of crap.
And again, that's why they attack people like Seagal, because they know he actually cares about the country.
When people like Colbert making his little joke last week,
And two weeks ago and a month ago, always the same joke, and he dresses up like Steven Seagal, saying, Steven Seagal says he served America, though he never did it!
Well, you know what?
He's serving America today, defending this republic from globalists trying to take it down, and standing with our president.
And all of you that stand for this republic are serving this country in its darkest hours, when the country's starting to come out of its coma.
Now, I'm going to stop ranting, because I want us to get time with Steven Seagal.
You have a situation where you look at geopolitical, global crisis.
We are in a crisis right now.
The world is in a crisis.
We have to look at the geopolitical balance of power.
I have always felt that Russia and America should be brothers.
I've also always felt
That Russia wants to be our brother.
I've also always felt that there has been billions and billions of dollars put into demonizing Russia, and amazing propaganda demonizing President Putin.
And I think that it's an outrage, and it's not just an outrage, it's really bad for our future in the sense that if
Russia and America become brothers.
We have a real chance to have a greater peace in the world and a more chance of global survival.
I'm always
Outraged when I see the kinds of things, like when they say, oh, you know, I don't remember, there's 27 or 37 or 57 intelligence agencies in America all said that Russia and Putin hacked the election.
Well, certainly we don't have that many.
And as you know, that's been debunked.
They never found any proof that I know of.
And yet, you know, the public
I sort of believe that narrative because, as you know, those people pretty much control the press at this point.
And so, what kind of a great sin have I committed by wanting Russia and America to be brothers?
I don't want this for myself.
I want this for the world.
Expanding on that, Russia helped us take out ISIS.
Russia, right after 9-11, gave us the most aid of any country.
Shenan helicopters, you name it, to help us in Afghanistan.
Again, Russia has kicked the globalists out of its country.
That's why they hate it.
We have the same globalists running our country right now, and that's why they hate sovereign nation states.
And geopolitically, it would make perfect sense.
I mean, we privately talked about the real threat here this weekend, geopolitically, and why the globalists have sided with another power, and why they want to basically play the U.S.
and Russia off against each other.
Can we speak about China?
Well, I mean, you know, I'll leave that to you because you've already come out and said it, but the fact of the matter is that at this point, we have a situation where
People are trying, when I say people, you know who I mean.
They're spending billions of dollars to make sure that America and Russia do not become allies.
They fear that because they know that if Russia and America become allies, they will not be able to make America a communist one-world order.
That's right.
And if you look at 1917, the very same globalists funded the takeover and the overthrow of the Tsars, and Russia has come out of 80 plus years of being under globalist rule, and that's why the globalists are so angry.
They've lost Russia, now they're losing America, now the Brexit's happening.
I mean, can you speak to the global phenomenon of populism we're seeing?
Well, I mean, you know, right now, as I said, we are in a very, very precarious situation.
After we annihilated Libya, we annihilated the buffer zones that we had because Gaddafi controlled the tribe.
And once those tribes—once Gaddafi was gone, those tribes kind of created ISIS.
And all of a sudden, you know, we have this situation where you have all of these quote-unquote
Coming into Europe, Europe is, I don't want to say almost gone, but they're in a tremendously difficult situation.
Germany, I don't think will ever be the same, and I think in four or five years it will be, you know, it won't be the Germany that anybody knew.
So Europe is now, you know, kind of
On a slippery slope that I don't see how they'll ever be able to climb back up.
And, you know, the Middle East is a complete mess.
And now we have a situation where every time our president, who was democratically elected, tries to make any kind of a move anywhere, there are people who are, and agencies who are,
We're good to go.
Well, exactly.
And you have Chuckie Schumer saying the intelligence agencies have seven ways to send it to get back at the president.
You've got Phil Mudd, the former deputy director of the CIA, saying we're going to kill the president on CNN.
This wouldn't be put up with.
I mean, this is, in my opinion, the worst America has been in the history of America, in terms of turmoil.
You're absolutely right.
We're going to go to break and start the next hour.
And then we've probably got 20 pages of notes that I wrote while we were talking this weekend.
But I want to just go into different angles on this, how we defeat the deep state.
I think we just let folks know there is a civil war politically going on, not just here, but all over the world as the globalists try to maintain control over nation states and anybody they think could be a leader.
Talk some about that, the ideas of Martin Luther King, straight ahead in the next hour.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
Steven Seagal, joining us from Asia, on the other side.
Stay with us.
You know, someone very profoundly once said, many years ago, that if fascism ever comes to America, it'll come in the name of liberalism.
He goes to jail!
He goes to jail!
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
The fact that former President Obama blamed Great Britain's former Prime Minister David Cameron for turning Libya into a sh** show back in 2016, and when Obama called Mitt Romney a bullsh**, Rolling Stone backed the statement, saying the halls of the White House have heard no shortage of profanity over the decades.
But Trump's sh**hole comment has been morphed into vile and racist by the left.
Hell-bent on destroying their own credibility and any progress on their coveted DACA deal.
And the only thing I regret from all of this, other than I think some people in the media have gone completely bonkers with, you know, just ad hominem on the president, but what I regret is I do want to see an immigration compromise, and you can't have an immigration compromise if everybody's out there calling the president a racist.
I did not hear derogatory comments about individuals or persons.
I mean Trump and his people will play that, you know, play that as if he's being attacked.
That's the price we pay for doing good, down-the-middle, honest journalism when we have someone like this in the White House.
As a c**hole.
As living in c**hole.
Those countries are shitholes.
Remember, we're all shitholers.
That was considered a shithole.
These people from shithole countries.
From shithole countries come shitholes.
These people from shithole countries.
All the countries of Africa are shitholes.
These people from shithole countries come shitholes.
Shithole countries.
Whole countries come here.
People who come from shitholes are coming from shithole countries.
We are all shitholers arm and arm.
You probably come from a shithole.
Your mouth is the foulest shithole in the world.
It's not about
Hang on guys.
Hang on, one second, one second, one second, because we just heard from the President.
Anna, Anna, wait.
This isn't about you and me, okay?
This isn't about you and me.
You can't even sit there and watch the President's own words without calling John Berman and New Day ridiculous.
Because you don't even have the face to be able to look at his own words.
This program isn't putting words in his mouth.
They're quoting him.
That's him on video.
Those are his words.
He hasn't erased this his entire life.
Oh no, I'm not melting.
I'm not a snowflake.
He thinks the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway.
You know what I'm saying?
Norwegian people.
You catch my drift?
People with blonde hair who need a lot of sunscreen.
You get what I'm saying?
I'm saying I'm a racist.
Are you getting that part?
The president is a white supremacist.
We heard in Charlottesville our president is a terrorist sympathizer and our president is a clear and present danger to non-white people in America.
It's that simple.
There's no reason to pretend that that's not what's going on.
This is not a president who's lost a step mentally.
This is not a president in the early stages of dementia that can't control some of the things that he blurts out of his mouth.
If you take Charlottesville and his blessing and love or kinship with understanding there are nice Nazis out there, if we take his
Implied support of a pedophile and now if we take this Additional very clear racist thing.
He's an evil man.
You know, we don't talk about that a lot We talk about he's insane and he's crazy and he's just that's evil and we would rather have Democrats really push as hard as possible to make sure that the bill is included there that we don't have to You know, you know, we don't have to do this.
We don't have to mess with with a visa lottery system We don't have to do any of that These policies are rooted in racism white supremacy and we can see that and we just saw that right now
If Americans buy into this Democratic psy-op and vote more of these slanderous Democrats into the House in the midterms, then the s*** show, as Obama calls it, will surely begin.
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.com Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
New details in the Las Vegas massacre suggest Steven Paddock's girlfriend may have known something was up.
According to newly released FBI documents, Mary Lou Danley deleted her Facebook account one hour before the Las Vegas cops named Paddock as the man responsible for the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S.
58 people were killed and more than 200 were wounded.
The unsealed documents give the timeline.
Emergency calls to police indicate Paddock began firing onto the crowd of concertgoers around 10.08 p.m.
At 2.46 a.m., Danley's Facebook account was deleted.
And just about an hour later, authorities released Paddock's name to the public at 3.30 a.m.
Now, Danley has remained adamant that she had no prior inclination of Paddock's intentions to conduct the attack, but her actions suggest otherwise.
If Danley moved quickly after the shooting to hide her relationship with Steven Paddock, what did she know and when?
Leanne McAdoo, Infowars.com.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
And we are back, ladies and gentlemen, on this Monday edition.
Steven Seagal just spent the whole last hour with us.
He is, of course, back with us going as long as he'd like to.
And I was just thinking during the break about the whole Me Too movement.
Whenever I told the story about being out in Hollywood on multiple occasions and having male producers grab my genitals,
Just like you've got Oprah Winfrey, according to women, bringing women to Harvey Weinstein, telling them that it was safe.
They felt like she was basically, you know, trying to pimp them out.
You have Oprah in photos sticking her tongue in his ear all over him and then defending him.
You've got Meryl Streep defending Roman Polanski raping a 13-year-old girl anally.
I hate to have to get into all of this, but on Martin Luther King Day, the point is these people are covering up the real crimes that are going on by trying to lead the very, very movement that should be basically indicting them.
Probably criminally, according to all the witnesses of Weinstein raping people.
But it's the same thing on the false flags of racism.
There's real racism.
White people can be racist, black people, you name it.
Asians can be racist.
But most of us really care about each other and I want to have a community of humanity.
I want to move forward.
I don't need to play race cards that, you know, we adopted my sister from South Korea and I love her just like my own blood.
And then I get called a Nazi with no evidence by Tom Brokaw and my lawyers just called me last week and they said the statute of limitations is coming up.
You ready to file that lawsuit?
And it looks like I'm going to have to because I just can't put up with the crap anymore.
But just like there's real racism going on,
There's so much fake poop swastikas, fake cross burnings, the thing at the Air Force Academy.
They're reporting that over 99% of the modern race hate crimes that go on are now turning out to be false flags by the left to invoke race in this country and get us all at each other's throats.
Just like the documents that came out last week that they haven't denied from the Soros group trying to fund Antifa to cause riots in 2015
To trigger nationwide race war so that Obama could have martial law.
And those documents came out.
And they have full-page ads now calling for the same stuff in the New York Times.
So this is grave.
And what Steven Seagal is talking about, and what the patriots and U.S.
intelligence have asked us to come on air and talk about.
This is serious and we are striking back and we are exposing the fact that the left is invoking race, the left is invoking sexism and all this as a smokescreen for their own activities and to turn us all against each other in a divide and conquer strategy.
So, Steven Seagal joins us, but, I mean, obviously you follow the news.
Every time, it seems, somebody writes racist stuff on a dorm, or somebody burns a cross in a yard, it turns out the left is doing it.
You know, that's like when the Jewish cemeteries were getting vandalized, the Jewish centers.
Trump said, hey, this is probably staged.
And they went, oh, you're an anti-Semite, even though he loves Jews and loves Israel, and his daughter's married to a prominent Orthodox Jewish man, Jared Kushner.
I mean, it's just insane when they sit there and they use all this and then they continue to get caught.
So with your background and also in law enforcement and all of it, I mean, it's clear they're trying to do this.
Do you think it's working and what can you add to that?
Well, I mean, you know, unfortunately it is working in the sense that, and I'm going to go back to this and repeat myself, once these people figured out a way to control most of Hollywood,
And control most of the press.
This became a crippling blow to America.
Because at that point, nobody knows the truth anymore.
Nobody knows what's real and what's not.
Our press is highly censored and highly manipulated.
Our news is highly censored and highly manipulated.
And so when you have a situation like that, when the average citizen in the United States of America doesn't really know what's true and what's not, they have to develop a real special kind of savvy, you know, by reading between the lines.
And we're in a situation now where I can't think of any news network
That is really telling the truth all the time.
Can you?
No, I can't.
And that's why they're just so scared of Drudge Report or Infowars or an individual like you because they don't like what we're saying because we're simply pointing the elephant out in the room.
Yeah, exactly.
You know, there's a lot of other ways.
We were talking this weekend.
Your book, your novel, The Way of the Shadow Wolves, The Deep State and the Hijacking of America.
I mean, that's exactly what's happening.
I've ordered the book.
I haven't read it yet.
I noticed that it went to close to number one on Amazon.
And then suddenly, this has been in the news, they do this.
They put fake reviews up on the top and remove your good reviews and basically drive them down and remove your stars.
They admit Netflix does this to people they don't like.
I mean, they're just rigging everything.
Yeah, we caught them doing that.
We had all these great reviews that were what we call verified purchases.
And all of a sudden, one night, you know, maybe three, four, five, six weeks after the book had come out, between 3 o'clock in the morning and 6 o'clock in the morning, there were 30 bad reviews that came out.
At the same time, and then we knew.
And right after that, they started doing that.
They started setting up a situation where all of our good reviews that were from verified purchases were being pushed down to the bottom, and all the bad reviews were glaringly right out front.
And then I figured out, you know, what was happening right away.
It's amazing and then again I don't know if you're familiar with this or know this but I mean literally almost every night on the so-called comedy shows they attack you viciously and attack your book you name it I mean it's so transparent I mean I know it's it's probably rough on you it happens to me too but isn't it deep down kind of a something that you're honored to know that these really bad people don't like you Steven Seagal?
Well, it's kind of like Joe Arpaio once said to me.
I remember we were searching for a very, very bad guy, and nobody could find him.
And I found this guy, and then I was able to arrest him.
We sat down and we had a private conversation, and he said to me, Stephen, I know all these people are coming for me.
I know they hate me.
But he said, you know me very well.
You know what I am.
And he said, but all these people that hate me, whether they win or lose in crucifying me, or derailing me, or kicking me out, I want you to know that that many of this group of people who hate me, I consider a badge of honor.
Absolutely, and the cowards that go along with the mainstream media and are intimidated by this, they don't know what it's like to actually be in the arena.
And, you know, you've been a guy in the arena, and again, I'm not kissing your ass, it's true, people that are willing to go up against Hollywood, go up against the media, that's what it's all about, and that's the type of trailblazing that allows us to even have any type of civilization.
I think we're starting to turn the tide, though.
Globally, nationalism, sovereignty, mainstream media's in trouble, Hollywood's falling apart.
I mean, I think we're seeing the beginning of the death throes here.
I mean, like I said, it's now gonna be two-way traffic.
Because even when he thinks, oh, paying somebody to lie is legal, there is some stuff that we're looking at that we think is criminal.
And by the way, treason is criminal.
So we are investigating everybody now.
Those people who talk about, oh, they're investigating this and that, and they're accusing me of, you know, a myriad of different things, we're investigating them now.
And when I say we, I'm not talking about little people.
So, all these people who have been lying because they got money, and all these people who've been paid to lie, eh, you know what, man?
It's two-way traffic now.
There is a movement, and that movement is not just in America, it's all over the world.
There are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people, I think it's hundreds of thousands of people, who really, really, really resent what these people have done to America.
Oh, I think it's tens of millions just in the United States and globally.
That's what they really fear is the global leadership of people like yourself and Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump just promoting sovereignty, promoting free market, promoting coming together.
I mean, that's all Trump does.
And then they take things out of context.
They lie.
They just do anything they can to try to stop us getting control of our nations again.
We've got more straight ahead.
I've got even other key questions with the one and only Steven Seagal.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk to Colt in Kansas.
Colt, you're on the air.
So, I got a couple things I want to talk about.
I'm from, actually, Clearwater, Kansas, and I grew up on a ranch and stuff.
We bale our own hay and stuff.
We sold, you know, all the way through my childhood.
You can skid a buck, you can run a trot line.
That's right.
So, as I've got older now, when I bale hay every year, my sinuses just go nuts after the second and third day.
Well, I heard about your caveman, and so I started trying it, and actually, I haven't got sick at all, and I've been taking it for eight months now.
And, I mean, just like cold sick, you know?
Usually sinuses and stuff, between changing seasons, you know, your sinuses wear up.
Since I've been taking caveman, I haven't had any problems.
I haven't got sick one time.
I couldn't believe it.
You know, it's funny you say that, because I, from time to time, go read the reviews, and people have talked about reduced allergies.
And, look, here's the deal.
They give you a bowl of chicken soup, and everybody knows it's been associated with getting well quicker.
This is hundreds of times stronger per serving.
It's concentrated, organic chicken bone with chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and a bunch of stuff that is actually known to be anti-inflammatory.
But we put it there because it's an antioxidant.
And so, I mean, it really is an insane formula.
I saw, three or four years ago, that the biggest, hottest thing in bodybuilding, and in the Olympic athletes, and in NFL players, but also folks who wanted to detoxify, and for weight loss as well, depending on how you want to use it, would be bone broth.
Boiling down chicken bones, boiling down beef bones, but beef can have some issues.
We went with chicken.
And that, for your bones, your cartilage, your energy, if you remember to just take a scoop of it with your milk, or mix it with whey, like I do, so it tastes good,
It's crazy how good these products are.
So I didn't mean to go into a whole other plug about it, but if people just try this Ultimate Bone Broth Formula, they will see for themselves what it does within a week or so.
So thank you for the plug, my friend.
It is.
Yeah, it's amazing.
I love it.
Trace in New Jersey wants to talk about vaccines.
Go ahead, Trace.
First off, I wanted to start off with saying I've been waiting hours to talk to you, my man.
You're one of my most favorite hosts.
Second, I'd like to say Super Blue, Survival Shield, the Skelton Defense Pack,
They're all amazing, and I just ordered them all again, along with the Organic Urban Garden Seed Kit at emblewards.com.
But back to my point, in the early 1990s, ADHD was on the rise.
My parents, they didn't believe that vaccines could ever hurt anybody.
Yet, yes, I do have ADHD.
I've been taking RainForce now for about almost two years.
And with brain force, I'm able to focus perfectly.
And my parents said that before the age of seven, I was not as hyperactive.
And that's what got me, you know, PQ, wondering, hey, maybe, maybe it was something in a vaccine that could have triggered this change in me that made me so hyperactive.
What is it?
I do think that we're seeing a lot of these behavior disabilities.
For one, we're cramming kids into a classroom for eight hours a day and expecting them to sit and shut up and not talk.
And put their hands on their lap.
So I think that's part of the problem.
And then I think the other part of the problem is we're also injecting them with vaccines.
It's probably having an increased incidence of developmental disabilities.
What's your take on that, Roy?
I wanna, you know, say to Trace, I think it's really great that he's asking questions and he's, you know, he's looking at things like brain force and he's thinking about, you know, things that he can do to take control of his own health.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
There aren't a lot of people out there that I can say are my peers when it comes to going through the meat grinder of Hollywood and the globalists and the lies they spew.
And I know for a fact they've had PIs and so-called journalists living in Austin for two years, going around trying to find somebody to make something up.
And by the grace of God, they haven't been successful.
But when you experience this, and you experience them trying to make you an example to scare all the sheeple, and then you see other people that are being persecuted, you respect people that have skin in the game, and they become folks that are right there in the trenches with you.
When they demonized me and said I work for Russia in House Intelligence Committee and defense meetings, and they had to have kooks come in, leftist policy wonk, not even real CIA people, not covert action people, but policy wonks, leftist foundation types, coming in and saying, Jones has got to be stopped, shut Jones down.
You've seen the hearings.
And then there's no proof.
I've never been to Russia.
I'd like to go.
But at the same time, it made me pay more attention to Russia and really hear what Putin says and watch these three-hour press conferences he gives.
And I'm like, man, that guy's really smart.
He says the things that really make sense.
And he's trying to promote the family and tax cuts for people that have children.
And he's promoting Christianity.
And he's shutting down the Soros foundations that are openly trying to overthrow their nation and trying to subvert their children.
And that's what we should be doing.
My God, we have Soros documents where they're trying to
I think?
Because they know there's an awakening, they know we're angry, they know we're upset, and they want to direct us in on ourselves.
But I'm telling them, you see nationalism rising, you see humanity awakening, and as Steven Seagal said, it's a two-way street now, and the sleeping giant has awoken.
I know you've got a lot to say, and a lot of points we haven't gotten to yet, but just recapping all of this, let's get into Vladimir Putin and why they fear him so much, and why do they hate Trump so much as well, from your research and also personal knowledge.
Well, I mean, I'll just give an example.
Don't you think it's interesting that with ISIS, for example, do you think, I mean, ISIS is almost annihilated now.
Who do you think did that?
And how do you think it got done?
And how many billions of dollars was spent doing it?
I mean, 90% of getting rid of ISIS, as far as I know, was Russia and Vladimir Putin.
Am I wrong?
It's probably over 90%.
Yeah, exactly.
So, you know, those people who are worried about their way of life, and their religion, and the way they live, and being protected from people who are slaughtering women, and children, and Muslims, and Christians, and anyone, anywhere they can.
You know, there's one man who did more to annihilate them than anybody, and that's Vladimir Putin and Russia.
And so, I just wonder, you know, what it is that people—what do they want to believe when they're being told all these things about him that are negative?
I mean, the fact of the matter is, somebody—I forget who it was—they said,
Yeah, Vladimir Putin is this kind of a terrible, rotten person.
I mean, let's face it.
He was head of the KGB.
Oh, that's right.
That must make him terrible.
And wasn't George Bush head of the CIA?
So what's the difference?
I mean, it's just hilarious how these people think.
Well, continue, because you're a humble guy, but you're really good friends with Putin.
And, you know, Putin was promoting communism, and Putin was anti-Christian, and he was promoting radical Islam.
I mean, Europe is openly flooding itself with 80% military-age men, 10 million plus.
They want to bring in another 10 million.
And Eastern Europe and Putin...
Those are my words exactly.
I mean, I think that's what I just said.
And, you know, I literally talk to people on the street, or wherever I go sometimes, people say,
Well, you know, Russia, I mean, uh, you can walk down the street and you can be kidnapped, uh, immediately.
And it's this dangerous place where there are goats running down the street and people, you know, still, uh, you know, use their horse and buggy.
It's like, wow, you know, there's this kind of propaganda and the propaganda is actually working.
The fact of the matter is, you know, Russia's, uh,
Very, very educated country.
They have some of the best...
Medical education in the world.
They are very, very cultured.
They have some of the best musicians in the world.
They have the Bolshoi Ballet, probably the best ballerinas in the world.
They have an amazing medical system.
They are very educated.
Very, very nice, polite people.
Russia is one of the nicest places you could ever go.
And some of the best scientists.
And we can all benefit from this friendship because if Russia and America get together and become brothers, there's no stopping us.
We can be, you know, a force in the world and have the greatest security and the greatest peacemaking capability on Earth.
And that's all I've ever tried to do, and for that I'm being demonized.
It's funny.
Listen, I know you don't want to wade into a whole other fight, but we know what's really going on.
We talked about geopolitically, China has bought up Hollywood, it's bought up most of the companies.
It's China trying to censor things, it's China manipulating things through the Democratic Party particularly, and that's the real wedge there.
People think China and Russia are close, that's actually historically not the case.
And so for people that don't understand geopolitically, who wants this wedge?
Can you give people your perspective, not on the Chinese people, but on the Chinese Communist leadership?
Well, I mean, they are brilliant strategists, as you know.
Some of the best in the world.
And when they do strategy and look at geopolitical strategy,
They don't, like some people in some countries, they don't look at today or tomorrow or next week or next month or next year.
For a long, long time, they're looking 50 years ahead, 100 years ahead, 200 years ahead.
And they've come up with a genius strategy, which is basically the point that they're at right now.
Tremendous assets, tremendous financial assets, and tremendous financial power.
And basically their strategy is to buy into everything and own everything they can.
Therefore, they feel that at this point they would be able to control what they own and rightfully so.
So, you know, I'm not
I'm not condemning them or anything else.
I'm just saying that they're brilliant strategists and have set up a situation where they are able to enter into any of the countries out there, almost any, and do very, very well because of their strategy.
That's right, and now they've bought up most of our debt, they've got 97% of rare earth minerals, I mean, you talk about who's taking this over, the point is it's not Russia, it's China.
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This isn't a game.
This is the real world.
Everybody knows we predict things ahead of time, because we're not predicting it.
We have the sources.
Because we're crazy enough to put it out.
We're fearless.
But we're not fearless.
We realize if we're not fearless, we're going to lose.
So we're afraid of losing, so we're fearless.
Get that, folks?
So Matt Bracken, former Navy SEAL, counter-terrorism expert, can also speak about the Israel thing, where he did a lot of his work.
You just heard my analysis.
What would you like to say to the Secret Service about what's going on?
I know you've read this stuff as well.
What's your analysis?
What do you expect them to throw at Trump right now?
Do you agree that the wheels have completely come off their BS Russia fantasy?
This is bureaucratic Operation Valkyrie, just like the movie or the World War II deal with the attempt to take out Hitler.
We're good to go.
The only thing that they've got left after this, the Mueller-Comey Operation Valkyrie is falling apart, is to signal to the crazy people, the minions out there, to try to do something to take Trump out directly, because he's such a crazy person, such a threat.
And by the way, since day one, Trump's known that, and that's why he's had his own, let's just say, special security that nobody sees.
One of the biggest stories of the last year and most underreported, amazing bombshell story, is that the Garland, Texas, Raw Muhammad event, which had Geert Wilders, Pam Geller, and Robert Spencer there, an FBI special agent was accompanying the assassins from Arizona to the Garland, Texas, event, was in the car behind them, texting them, tear up Texas.
He wasn't there to stop them.
He was there probably to like in case they got pulled over by local cops to make sure they weren't impeded.
He fled when the security guard killed the Jihad assassins.
He was an FBI special agent.
That's who they've been hiring for the last 10 years.
You can't assume that somebody with a federal badge
Isn't a crazy social justice warrior.
That's who they've been hiring.
There are a lot more great loyal patriots out there Not just the frogmen special forces Rangers up and down the military that take their their oath very seriously to protect the the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic and if something like this happens, whether it's a
Mueller and Comey's Operation Valkyrie coup, or them triggering a maniac to try to take Trump out.
It won't work, guys, because if that ever happened, thousands of people would take up their arms, and we know who the traitors are.
There wouldn't be any huge plot, it wouldn't be like marching on Washington, but the traitors would be swinging from lampposts, I guarantee you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And ladies and gentlemen, we are back with the final segment with Steven Seagal.
He's been on with us for, what, an hour and a half or so.
And again, I have been through some of the same stuff he's been through.
I've experienced it.
I sit there and I watch the news.
I watch comedy shows.
They attack me.
Then they attack Steven.
In order.
And we've shown you the clips.
We'll show some more clips of it.
One voice of calm in these troubled times is right-wing radio host and furious cashew Alex Jones.
We'll be right back with funnyman Steven Seagal.
And then I've got patriots in the Pentagon, patriots in other agencies that are like, listen, you gotta deal with this.
I mean, you're under attack.
We're under attack by a group that has been using pedophilia and other sex crimes to blackmail and control, just like they took over the Vatican.
And that's turned out the last pope had to step down because of the blackmail.
And then the deputy pope just got arrested for trafficking 100 kids.
But that gets almost no coverage.
And then stuff from 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago
With no proof.
I mean, you got Gloria Allred with her client admitting she made up the signature or the date on the annual that she added it.
I mean, it's crazy what these people have been caught in.
So Steven Seagal, maybe you've got some Aikido metaphors.
Well, I mean, as I said earlier, we're really blessed in the sense that recently
A very, very big handful of very powerful people, high up in the government, high up in the intelligence community.
Also people with billions of dollars are coming in and fighting with us.
They're helping us get on the deep web.
They're helping us find out everything we need to know about people who are paying people to lie and trying to crucify people that have
Absolutely nothing to do with what they're saying.
It's what they're saying.
And, you know, the one thing that they kept saying to me is, now it's two-way traffic.
And even though these lawyers and some of the people who have been paid to lie say, oh, well, my lawyer will protect me and I'm not doing anything criminal.
Well, most of what they're doing is not criminally, but it looks like they may be finding some criminal activity.
It's two-way traffic now, and we are investigating that.
And we're already finding that some of the people that are writing articles and some of the people that are paying people are pedophiles themselves, and involved in a lot of the
Wow, and that's the thing is, from our sources, but also the research, it's also clear, look at the news, they did not want us to get together.
That's why they've been preemptively demonizing, attacking, and
You know, it's just crazy that you've been trying to get in touch with me.
I've been trying to get in touch with you for a long time.
We're both so busy and have so many contacts that it kind of gets lost like a needle in a haystack.
But I know talking that what they feared is now happening.
And anytime you want to come on the broadcast, it's an open door.
And I'm just very honored to have you here.
It was great talking to your wife earlier and your great family.
And I think just in closing, when they attack us, they attack
Let me tell you something that I haven't told you.
The person who wrote this article on this woman who I don't believe ever met me, who can't even produce a picture of me, can't even say where I really live, 25 years ago, whatever, this person contacted my children.
So to me, that's war.
And he also told one of my producers that he wants to make sure that my movies don't come out.
So that means he wants to kill my children because he doesn't want me to be able to feed my children.
So, you want war, you got war.
That's what I never get, is these people attack and attack and attack, and then we go after them, and then they freak out.
It's like, what do you expect us to do, morons?
All I can say is, you, Alex, and me, we will never do anything illegal, but you know what?
We don't have to.
We don't have to do anything illegal to be able to put people in jail or expose them to the world.
And guess what?
It's in the works!
It's in the works.
Well, it's amazing, and I don't like the snoop system, and I don't like the whole deal, but, you know, the patriots of the government have access to all these systems, and they know everything about me, and they know that I'm a person that really means what I'm saying, and I've been through a lot, and I'm not whining about it, and they've tried to destroy me, and they've literally tried to take my children from me, and they've literally said, you know, you back off, and you throw Trump under the bus, and all the pressure stops, buddy, and you'll have your big Hollywood job, everything else.
Well, I already turned down the money.
Years ago, I did it all, and I'm not bragging, I'm just letting the listeners know, this isn't a movie.
This is the real world, we're doing it, we're talking the talk, we're walking the walk, and we're having an effect.
But your prayers, your support out there, listeners and viewers, no matter what color you are or where you came from, we're all in this together.
And they're scared of what Trump's doing, they're scared of what Putin's doing, they're scared of what we're doing.
There's no truth to the Russian collusion.
The only truth is, Russia is escaping from the same globalist nightmare.
And any of us that have goodwill are the enemy, because we're not like Weinstein, we're not like Oprah Winfrey, part of her big eugenics cult she's in, you know, meeting at the Cold Springs Harbor facility, meeting with the Rockefellers, I mean, pull up mainstream news to depopulate the earth.
I mean, these are sick, sick, sick people.
And so I'm honored to be hated by them.
I'm not saying I'm a hero.
I'm saying we're in this fight now.
It's real.
Steven Seagal, the book, again, is The Way of the Shadow Wolves, The Deep State, and The Hijacking of America, just like they can take you from five stars down to three.
Our listeners can go read it and put it right back up there, I guess, until, you know, they pull something else.
But it's just an ongoing fight.
None of us are going to save the world together.
I mean, none of us are going to save the world by ourselves, but we are going to be able to save the world together if we take action.
We've got about a minute and a half left, and just anything else you'd like to add?
Well, very simply that we are family people.
We are men of God.
We are people who bow down to the great people, not only in America, but in America and around the world, who serve our country, who serve God, and are about protecting our countries, our children, and our way of life.
This is all we're trying to do and we should not be punished for that.
You've obviously gone out and been a deputy and been on all these raids and have served your country.
The media makes fun of that because they're evil and because they invert reality.
But I know huge movie stars, and you've been at the top of the box office, number one movies many times, people like you get recruited as ambassadors when you go overseas by different agencies.
And I haven't been told that, but I've got a sneaking suspicion, Steven Seagal, that you've done more than what
You've even said here when they make fun of your service to the country.
I'm going to remain silent on that and say thank you for your support.
All right.
Thank you so much, Steven Seagal.
We're going to go to break.
I'm going to say bye to you here.
I know it's late over there in Asia where you are.
But again, ladies and gentlemen, we appreciate Steven Seagal spending so much time with us today.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
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It makes the globalists so upset as they try to censor and control civilization and society.
We'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, this has been the extended,
I don't think he's ever done an interview like this and this was a destiny to happen so I want to thank the Patriots and the Pentagon and the CIA and everybody that are patriots on the inside for getting through all the obstacles and making sure that we got connected so we could fight for this Republic.
There's a war going on for the future of the world not just America.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, you've got Jack Posobiec closing out the fourth hour.
Huge interview with Steven Seagal that got played earlier.
I hope everybody really enjoyed that and everything he had to say, all the things that he was able to reveal.
Well, it's happened again, folks.
The mainstream media is attacking yours truly.
All weekend, the attacks have been coming article after article after article.
And what did I do?
What happened, you say?
Why did the mainstream media feel the need to write all of these articles attacking Jack Posobiec, former Navy intelligence officer, everything else that I do to fight for our freedom in this country?
Well, I had the audacity to get retweeted again by the President of the United States.
That's right.
So late on Saturday,
I'm sitting at home with Tanya, and my phone starts blowing up.
I said, what's going on?
What's everything going on here?
And what happened was, the President of the United States, again, went to my Twitter account, saw something that I had tweeted out, and I'll walk you through that in a second, and decided to retweet it out.
To his millions of followers to let people know the truth.
Because, folks, the President of the United States, President Trump, he is watching us.
He is watching what we're saying.
He's watching what we're writing.
He's gotten direct line to us.
And when he sees something that we're putting out there, when we tell you we have sources, when we tell you that we're talking to people at the highest levels, there you go.
There's your proof positive.
President of the United States.
What was the retweet?
What was it all about?
Well, what he retweeted was,
Something about Dick Durbin.
Now, Dick Durbin, earlier in the week, and we've got a video here for you, he said that the president was a racist for using the term chain migration in terms of the DACA debate.
So I think we've got that clip, and let's play it up here, what Senator Dick Durbin said about the president using a racist term, chain migration, according to Mr. Durbin.
When it came to the issue of, quote, chain migration, I said to the President, do you realize how painful that term is to so many people?
African Americans believe that they migrated to America in chains.
And when you speak about chain migration, it hurts them personally.
And he said, oh, that's a good line.
Now this is Dick Durbin, the same person who once referred to U.S.
troops as Nazis.
To this day, whenever someone brings up that guy's name to me, that scumbag, I always remember the fact that he referred to the U.S.
military as Nazis.
But it got me to thinking.
Chain migration's been a term that's been around for years and years, so I went to the C-SPAN archive, and sure enough, look who I found using the term chain migration just a few years ago.
The DREAM Act would not allow what is known as chain migration.
In fact, DREAM Act students would have very limited ability to sponsor their family members for legal status.
So right there, you got it.
Dick Durbin himself using the term that he claims was completely a racist invention of Donald Trump.
Maybe Trump got the term from Dick Durbin himself.
So when I put that tweet out on Saturday afternoon, the president down at Mar-a-Lago saw that and said, you know what?
That's a retweet because it was just too good.
Because we caught him.
We completely caught him.
We got it.
Liar, liar, pants on fire with this guy, Dick Durbin.
Now he's calling the president a racist.
And I'd like to show another story that came out that the mainstream media completely isn't touching on today.
Today, Martin Luther King Day, of course, but the media is calling Trump a racist.
However, the president actually just won a Medal of Bravery, believe it or not, from the Afghanistan people.
The people of Afghanistan just awarded our president a medal of bravery for calling out Pakistan and their harboring of terrorism and everything that they've done to support these groups or facilitate these groups.
Of course, we know that Osama bin Laden was harbored in
Pakistan, not far from one of their military academies right in Abbottabad.
So the Afghan people just awarded a bravery medal to our president.
Not exactly something that you hear from a racist.
Actually, he's awarded by the Afghan people.
You know what's funny is because they gave Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing.
President Trump receives awards from actually the people of Afghanistan, not the United Nations.
Not these global elites, not the Nobel Committee, no.
The people of Afghanistan just awarded him a medal.
But you're not going to hear that.
You're not going to hear that on CNN.
You're not going to hear that on MSNBC.
You may not even hear it on Fox because no one is covering this story.
It's a monumental historic occasion because the Afghanistan people, believe me, they were not big fans of Barack Obama and they were not big fans of George W. Bush.
They're fans of President Trump because for the first time he's standing up to Pakistan instead of shelling billions and billions of U.S.
dollars over there.
Now one other story that I wanted to hit on because I'm a lot of time today is
Not been mentioned by so much of the mainstream media.
Finally Fox picked it up over the weekend, late yesterday they got to it.
So this guy Moby, this, this, this, he's like a singer, he's like a DJ, he does a bunch of stuff.
I thought he was Beck.
I couldn't tell the difference between him and Beck.
He claims that the CIA told him to go on social media and post about Trump and Russia.
He states that he has friends, he has contacts within the CIA and that they
We're good.
That we now know they're using our celebrities, and how many times on InfoWars have we talked about a CIA being in bed with Hollywood, using Hollywood celebrities?
Well, here's a direct link.
Here's a direct link to one of them actually admitting that he's colluding with the CIA to push the Trump-Russia story.
Actually, later on in the comments, he even stated, if you go back to the post that he put up, he even said that there is a plan to get rid of Trump.
So he's out there.
Moby said he went to Washington D.C.
to hang out with his friends who work in the government and later said there are plans, he called them right-wing plans, to get rid of Trump and he heard this from the CIA.
So we've been talking about this and so many
News agencies aren't going to cover this.
So many are hiding it up.
I'm glad that Fox did.
I'm so glad that Fox did.
Because here is proof, folks.
Here is proof of the deep state.
Here is proof of how they work.
They fly him out to Washington, D.C.
They say, hey, we're going to have a great time.
We're going to have a party.
And they don't walk into his office and hand him a stack of documents and say, you need to tweet all these things about Trump.
No, it's not like that.
It's you make friends with them.
You befriend them.
You read these celebrities.
You ply them with alcohol, with drugs, women, whatever it is.
And then through the course of your conversation, you mentioned, you know, by the way, you've got a really big...
Social media platform.
A lot of people listen to you.
You should really tell them about this Trump-Russia story because that's the key to getting him out of office.
He's a Manchurian candidate.
He's being controlled by Putin and all of these, uh, this dossier, this fake dossier, the blackmail they've got on him.
That's what you've got to tweet about, Moby.
And Moby goes, yeah, these are my friends telling me it.
They're, they're good people.
They're patriots.
They work for CIA.
There's, there's no way they would tell me something that's wrong.
And of course they're going to tell me the truth.
I mean, these guys,
You know, these guys are CIA agents.
Think about it, folks.
This is what's going on.
This is the social engineering.
This is Deep State.
This is how all of this works.
He says he had friends with a few active and former CIA agents over the years that were, quote-unquote, concerned, really concerned, that Trump was essentially being run as a CIA agent, or excuse me, a Russian agent.
So, folks,
They call us conspiracy theorists, they call us all every name under the sun for talking about the deep state, for talking about these plots against our president, and yet here is proof.
Here is someone who's involved with us that's actually admitting that that's what happens.
That CIA agents actually go up to Hollywood celebrities
I think so.
We've got to ask, did the CIA ask you to do this?
Did the CIA ask you to tweet this?
So if you see it on Twitter, if you see one of these celebrities, just go ahead and ask him.
Did the CIA ask you to tweet this the way they asked Moby?
Did the CIA or anyone from the government ask you to put up to this?
So anytime they're doing an interview, when Eminem goes and does his crazy and terrible, by the way, anti-Trump rants, these are the questions that we have to ask.
Is this actually
A CIA operation.
If you remember Operation Mockingbird, we know that CIA has in the past worked with media organizations to plant domestic stories to a domestic audience to push narratives that they want pushed.
It's amazing and it's incredible.
These are the stories that we're covering.
These are the things that we're working on here in Washington, D.C., where I am, that other media agencies, I guess, just aren't really going to be running with.
Now, one of the ways that you can support the work that we're doing
Yes, we are!
That are going to be in through this door.
And Alex Jones is going to sign 10 shirts.
I'm not going to tell you which ones.
It's like the golden ticket.
But 10 shirts at random are going to be signed and sent out.
So you might, if you join the InfoWars shirt of the month club, get a signed shirt from Alex himself.
And this is the first one that came out.
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