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Name: 20180110_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 10, 2018
3177 lines.

Alex Jones discusses conspiracy theories involving George Soros, Antifa, and martial law, citing documents he has provided to the FBI for investigation. He criticizes mainstream media for not covering these issues, accuses Antifa of being terrorists and claims that Soros has a Nazi collaborator past while funding riots in other countries. The show encourages listeners to support Infowars by purchasing their products.

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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
President Trump's fitness for office is now the top story in the country.
So while Hilary Kofton stumbled her way through the campaign trail for months...
CNN lectured us for months about how we were all outrageous conspiracy theorists who are peddling fake news for merely questioning her physical health.
With that in mind, watch Sean Hannity...
Spread conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton's health.
That was reckless speculation by Sean Hannity.
She is now physically fit to be president, and there's no doubt about that.
But when some crackpot writer known for inventing fake quotes, who admits in his own book he's not certain the content is true, distance-diagnoses Trump as being mentally ill, the same guy, CNN's Brian Stelter, says it's incumbent upon journalists to treat it with credibility.
But many Americans are worried, and journalists need to cover that.
It is fair to ask about his fitness.
Conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton's health.
That was reckless speculation.
It is fair to ask about his fitness.
Reckless speculation.
It is fair to ask about his fitness.
Reckless speculation.
The New York Times' Maggie Haberman said Trump fanned conspiracy theories about Hillary's health.
But despite admitting that parts of Wolf's book are quote, flat out false, she's doing exactly the same thing about Trump's mental health.
Something is unleashed with him lately.
I don't know what is causing it.
I don't know how to describe it.
Over a dozen lawmakers met with a Yale psychiatry professor for two days after which she told them Trump was falling apart under the stress.
What was one of her primary pieces of evidence for this claim?
That Trump CNN wrestling tweet from six months ago.
I might as well end the video now because that's a watertight argument, isn't it?
Case closed.
Trump's not crazy.
You are!
You've been driven crazy by Trump.
Many of you were crazy enough to believe that a joke about Trump watching the Gorilla Channel for 17 hours a day was real.
That's how maniacally obsessed you are about Trump.
From two scoops of ice cream, to the way he drinks from a cup, to Trump's well-done steak with ketchup.
You just can't stop thinking about every minute detail of his existence.
Seriously, the media is like a jilted ex-lover that Trump dumped who is now relentlessly stalking him.
They even hide in bushes to try to catch a glimpse of his golf swing.
They create delusional alternate reality websites in which Hillary won the election.
These are not well people.
You want to talk about crazy?
I'll tell you what's crazy.
Rioting in the streets because you don't like an election result.
That's crazy!
Trying to shoot up a baseball field full of Republican congressmen.
That's crazy!
Burning down college campuses because you don't like someone's opinion.
That's crazy!
Thinking hurricanes are mother nature punishing Americans for voting for Trump.
You know you're watching these hurricanes now and it's really it's hard especially while promoting this movie not to not to feel mother nature's
That's crazy.
Holding Trump's mock-severed head aloft with a deranged sociopathic look on your face.
That's crazy.
Screaming at the sky like escaped mental patients because you're so triggered by Trump.
Stop it!
That's crazy.
Endorsing a group that's listed as a terrorist organization by the DHS and FBI.
That's crazy.
Thinking that Trump's tweets are going to make the planet uninhabitable.
We all live in a world that could literally be ended in terms of a habitable planet because of the sad man's insecurity.
That's crazy!
And all of that craziness was brought to you by the mainstream media's hysteria.
The same people responsible for one solid year of rampant, fevered, anti-Trump madness are now calling Trump crazy.
I mean, talk about projection.
You want to see crazy?
Don't look at Trump.
Look in the mirror.
When you're literally having to take medication to treat your Trump derangement syndrome, you're probably not the most credible voices to be calling other people mentally ill.
When you look like you've just escaped from a straitjacket after bouncing around a rubber room for a few hours, maybe you shouldn't be questioning others' psychological... That's right.
The full report's on InfoWars.com.
We have giant news on the other side.
Stay with us.
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This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Info War.
Well, the big headline on NewsWars.com, as well as DrugsReport.com, China may halt purchases of U.S.
Treasury's markets rattled.
We can pull the CNBC up and show folks the latest with the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
But when you pull back from this, think about it.
A foreign communist dictatorship
...can then dictate what's happening inside our nation and drive down the stock market... ...substantively, right now.
The S&P's down 4.67, NASDAQ 26.34, and then it just goes on from there.
Let's pull the Dow Jones Industrial Average up for folks right there.
We're watching on television.
Think about that!
China has a 15% corporate tax.
We had a close to 40.
We cut ours to theirs.
They go to zero.
Tell U.S.
companies and others, become state-connected, controlled by the Communist Party that takes Christians and Buddhists and houses them in facilities and harvests their organs, executes them for their religion, and sells their organs.
Executes Christians and Buddhists for secretly conducting their religion in their own homes and kills them!
Not a word out of Hollywood, not a word anywhere.
Now the Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 20.45, still well above 25,365.
And without even looking this morning, I knew that I would go look and find pundits saying, look, Trump's policy on China has already hurt the markets as they cheerlead an attempt to tank the markets to try to kill the nationalism that we've rekindled.
Communist China comes to our private Federal Reserve and set up this monetary policy to put us into debt, and they become the biggest owner of U.S.
fiat treasuries
So that the Communist Chinese, the greatest mass murderers in history, can hold us by the short hairs.
Oh, but instead we get to hear about Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, who's fended off the globalist takedown operation, is trying to stabilize its population, and put fires out.
If Russia's like a ship, big old ship,
Long history, culture, past.
It's got smoking, burning holes all over it.
But at least it's not run by the people that blew the holes in it.
And that's its crime.
We, on the other hand, run by Hollywood, run by the Communist Chinese, run by the folks that hate flyover country as their religion.
In all their internal tapes and diaries and admissions, they hate Christians.
They hate poor black people.
They hate poor white people, poor Hispanics.
They're elitists.
They're feudal lords.
And they play us all off against each other.
And then you've got Trump saying, we're just going to match the tax you have so that it's more fair.
And they go, we're going to zero.
You don't hear Bernie Sanders or Hillary complaining that Communist China went to zero corporate tax for the big rich fat cats.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, it's the Trump AA!
15 points to give trillions to rich people!
No, the rich people wrote the law to move it offshore, and I know you know that, but just to watch them prey on the economically illiterate public in this country, and to watch Owen Schroyer go out, and every person he talked to supported Trump's tax plan,
When they told him it was for Bernie.
And that Bernie supported it.
But as soon as they told him it was Trump's, they said, you're fake news.
You're a liar.
Except for one black guy.
He said, okay, I'm ignorant.
I need to get informed.
All the delicate genius white people.
And I'm not just, I'm just, it's, it's, we just continue to see this.
Are really, it's actually what they say, that white people are kind of the problem, liberal white people.
Because I'm serious, we go out, we interview them, they're the worst!
And they're always the cheerleaders wanting to virtue signal how they know everything and they're great and blah blah blah.
Now those young ladies were somewhat nice, this older lady just says, fake news, and he says, well thank you for talking to me, I appreciate you, and shakes her hand and she just bowls past him and says, fake news!
No, we read you his tax plan.
You said you supported it because Bernie Sanders was behind it, and then when you heard that it wasn't, you hissed and ran off.
Utilities cutting rates cite benefits of Trump tax reform.
Nine years ago, 50 plus percent of our power was from coal.
He's got like 30% under Obama.
You let that power come back on the market, turn those clean plants back on again, and you're talking about trillions in the next decade of tax cuts.
As Trump said, getting rid of regulations, bringing back the coal, all of this is the equivalent of tax cuts.
And then you get real tax cuts on top of that.
Now let's shift gears though, for me covering this more.
We'll get into the 7.6 magnitude quake that striked the Caribbean and all the latest stuff.
There's just so much, but the whole DACA thing.
Trump is smart about business.
He's already frozen hundreds of thousands of Hondurans that are here illegally and shipping them back and hundreds of thousands of people that are here illegally from Guatemala.
I mean, they're being shipped back in mass and upwards of 70% reduction of illegals coming across.
But then he says, like he always said during the campaign, no to DACA in its present form.
If you have judges that see the documents that you were here as a child and that you have lived here for over a decade and you're not a criminal,
We're going to vet you, then we can do it.
But no DACA in its present form.
What does Ann Coulter do?
What does the so-called, and I'm not attacking Ann Coulter, but the, you know, the guardians of conservatism, they go, Trump's going back on his word.
He says he would look to have DACA if it's redone and if they vet the people.
Remember how super conservative Christians who I love to death, and they have the right to really be out there in the culture war, tell people what they think, and okay, that's fine, but they believed the media when they said Trump hates gay people and he's a homophobe and he wants to kill them and all this, even though he had Peter Thiel at the thing and people weren't waving rainbow flags and all this being inclusive.
The media lied and a lot of conservatives piled on going, wow, he hates, you know, he hates these people.
Then when Trump did what he said he would do and was inclusive, they flipped out.
And it's the same thing happening here again.
Where he says, DACA in its present form lets people bring in even their second cousins, and you got 45 year old men that we know we've deported repeatedly with a fake name, claiming they were born here, and you're gone!
Okay, you're gone!
And you can bring your mother, your father, or siblings.
But let's debate that.
You can't bring 10 deep.
People go, well that's 5 million people, blah blah blah.
If they're vetted, we aborted all our kids.
If there are some people out there that see the Hispanics being turned into racists as well and being tribal and being manipulated by the left and brainwashed, that's a big problem for America.
But Hispanics in general are good, hard-working Christian family people, and if Trump can embrace and judo the globalists and make a reasonable thing to bring in people that aren't criminals, it's a replacement population.
The black population's going down.
The white population's going down.
The third, fourth generation Hispanics are going down.
Every industrialized group goes down.
Japan's going down.
Italy's having 1.2 kids.
There aren't going to be Japanese and Italians in a couple hundred years.
So the issue is, Trump really has a pragmatic plan, like he would say in those hour, two hour long speeches.
The media took it out of context, like they always do.
And misrep, he said, all Mexicans are racist!
The media probably clipped that out and said I said it.
Didn't say that.
And it's the deception, and then they use that back against him, going, oh my gosh.
He is going to have blanket amnesty.
No, there are a good 800,000 people here that have been here, were born here, but the parents were illegals and didn't even go in to get them the citizenship, didn't even know they could, or were scared to do it, or they got here when they were five years old, and
Obviously, you can't pull those people out of the country, it's stupid anyways.
And then you give the globalists the high ground, they can play the game.
Instead you go, you're a felon, you're here fake, you're a fraud, you're out of here!
And you're new pouring in illegally, you're out of here!
And we're gonna vet who we have coming into the country.
And hey, you don't like new people coming in?
There's a lot of Hispanics don't like people coming in and driving down wages.
Well, you should have had kids, and they were white people or anybody else.
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Another Matt, go ahead.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
All right, let's keep score here.
Trump promised to pull us out of the TPP and put in place fair economic policies to counter globalism, to bring our nation back.
He's done that in royal flush, aces, spades, all the way.
I'd give him a 100 so far, just because the effort and what he's delivered.
He has flip-flopped on troops in Afghanistan and expanded them when he said he would pull them out.
He has not acted yet on exposing vaccines that he promised he would do in that Blue Ribbon Commission.
He has kind of gone sideways on Julian Assange until suddenly his lawyers are arguing that Assange isn't a criminal and is good and they've ended federal grand juries.
So that's one where he's starting to go the right direction.
And there's some other places where the president has not done what he said he would do.
And one of the big ones, some could say, is now DACA.
But that's a semantical manipulation.
And this is very sophisticated what's happening.
He said during the campaign, DACA in its present form just lets anybody that says they were a kid here, with no proof, just be here.
Obama sets these immigration hearings for two, three years out.
Ninety-something percent of people don't show up.
It's a total fraud.
Seventeen percent of the people coming across, they're calling them children.
Only seventeen percent are children.
These are handicapped people.
These are things that will absolutely weigh down the country.
This is crazy.
Remember they bought 35,000 pairs of 6X underwear?
Remember that?
I mean, this is insane.
They're not even testing you for diseases.
They're letting you come through with leprosy, cholera, drug-resistant TB.
I mean, just an assault on the country.
You should at least test the people if they're sick and take them to a hospital.
It's like biological warfare against the country.
But now you've got a judge coming out blocking the Trump administration plan to roll back DACA.
So see, you've got everybody praising Trump, saying, oh, he's suddenly going to be liberal and go with the original DACA.
That's how the media is spinning it.
So if he doesn't, he's betrayed everybody.
But it also hurts his base.
This is how the psych warfare people do it.
They go, we'll declare he's now caved in to us so that it'll look like he's double-crossed if he doesn't.
And then we'll also say to the base, he's betrayed them, and that'll give us more leverage and we'll chip away at that, pushing him more into our arms.
And then we can still set him up and bring him down later once we've gotten rid of his base.
That's the Machiavellian strategy.
Roger Stone's coming in the next segment to give you an exclusive breakdown on the post-mortem of Steve Bannon's political career and life and stuff that he told me that was spot on.
I actually considered not hiring Roger Stone eight months ago when we first hired him because he was so anti-Steve Bannon behind the scenes, not in a treacherous way, but saying, I fear he's really turned against us.
He's bringing in the generals to get a 25th Amendment.
Now I'm getting intel.
And I was like, I don't like that, Roger.
I think Steve Bannon's great.
And he said, OK, we'll be pro-Bannon.
Got screwed over, but now he's willing to talk, so I'll see how much he'll say in the next segment.
That's very important.
But getting back to DACA, this is very sophisticated.
He just sent back hundreds of thousands of Hondurans that were here illegally, a lot of them children.
He just sent back, again, hundreds of thousands of people from Guatemala.
I mean, it's everywhere.
People from Mexico.
And a judge is ruling, hey, you can't do that.
You gotta let everybody stay here.
And then all Trump's doing is having bipartisan meetings saying, listen, if somebody's really been here and they're not a criminal, and they've been here a long time, then it's stupid to pull them out of the economy and get rid of them.
When it doesn't matter if you're Hispanic, white, or black, everybody knows fourth, fifth generation Americans statistically are very lazy and very entitled.
And hard-working immigrant labor, to a great extent, one area of that is hard-working immigrant labor.
There is a criminal element that's particularly criminal though.
That basically neutralizes all the good of 95%.
And Trump has that pragmatic understanding that we've got to deport the criminals, deport people that are here illegally, deport people that are lying and have fake social security numbers or stole them, and go after the underground economy the Democrats have set up of controlling this underclass that is mainly Hispanic immigrants.
Chinese women are now outpacing Mexicans as the group coming here.
Wealthy or middle class, they are getting free healthcare, their babies become U.S.
citizens, and they're milking everything.
So if you want the real group, and I'm not bashing Chinese in general, it's just very hard-working, smart people, but they are coming over here and colonizing the U.S.
and going directly on welfare and keeping their money in China.
So you can type it in.
The number one group outpacing all Mexicans that are coming in is Chinese women here to have babies.
They get here two months before they're going to have the baby on a visa that Obama would give them.
They go get an apartment.
They get the baby supplies.
They have the baby.
That baby's now an anchor.
That's fraud.
China would put her in a death camp for that.
I'm not saying put them in a death camp.
Don't come here and do this.
This is sick.
Screwing America over needs to come to an end.
So Trump is there with an olive branch, he has the meeting, and then everybody gets horrified when Wolf Blitzer and all the other hosts and, and, and Jeb Bush starts praising him.
And they all know they're super unpopular.
They know that hurts the president.
But he's making a calculation of judo
To show people they're a fraud, just like Trump said.
You're gonna like what I do for the real dreamers.
If you're really here, if you're not a criminal, if you're contributing, you were really here when you were a kid, okay, I said that during the campaign.
That's how they're spinning it that he's a liar.
Let's play a clip of Wolf Blitzer praising this.
This is the presidency many thought he was capable of.
Let's play Dana Bash first.
Here's Dana Bash, a piranha-like deceiver, now suddenly loving the president.
Here it is.
This was kind of stunning.
I have not seen anything like this.
There's a lot to discuss with regard to the substance because there are a lot of unanswered questions and a lot of real discussion in this room.
But I think it definitely bears underscoring.
Look, we've all covered a lot of photo ops for the sake of bringing the cameras in to send an image around the world.
That's not what this was.
And we are as skeptical as they come.
I think that's fair to say.
This really was a negotiation.
We really got a fly on the wall.
Okay, so there you go.
People being brought to the table to be sold on something that's reasonable.
Hey, we can't have felons and people deported 30, 40 times and rapists saying they were born here when they weren't with no proof.
They're going to leave.
That's what he always said.
And again, people are misrepresenting.
Trump continues to do 90% of what he said he'd do.
Now, if he goes sideways on this, we've got a big problem.
We need to keep him honest about it.
But seismically, America First, cutting the taxes, cutting the regulations, turning the coal back on, cutting the corporate tax to bring the jobs back in, that has panicked the entire New World Order.
They don't know what to do.
And that's why they're still scrabbling to try to get rid of Trump.
And he's so damaged the establishment that he could never
Make a deal with them to leave him alone.
They're going to continue to always try to remove him because of what he symbolizes, but they will try to suck him in and manipulate him with his advisors to go along with this.
Let's go out to break with Wolf Blitzer.
And again, this is cringeworthy, but this is part of their psyop.
Here it is.
Down the road.
I'm Wilf Blitzer in Washington.
We want to welcome our viewers here in the United States and around the world.
Let me go to Jim Acosta, our Chief White House Correspondent.
Jim, you listen closely.
And I got to give the President of the United States a lot of credit.
He allowed the TV cameras in there for this really remarkable meeting.
I've covered the White House as you have for many years.
I don't remember when a White House has allowed TV cameras in such an unusual way.
So there you go, folks.
We'll be back.
You can't have a right if it's not being exercised.
That's amazing.
I think this video is going to trigger leptards.
So this is a Glock 18C machine pistol.
This fires about 11 rounds.
Pretty crazy.
We've also got an M249 SAW.
Wow, that's fun!
Up against the wall, commies!
That's amazing.
That's amazingly cool.
This is the best range I've ever been to.
They got the big thing downstairs.
Got this VIP area.
A little bit more.
And it's, you know, it's usually really busy downstairs.
Not as much here.
But, I mean, come on the weekends, it's real busy.
But during the weekday, tag off your family.
Come and shoot it.
That's what we say.
Come and shoot it.
Yeah, instead of come and take it, come and shoot it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live broadcasting worldwide.
And we're about to go to Roger Stone with some really big exclusive news.
And we don't get into infighting here, and I basically won't even engage in it privately.
And Roger, the stuff he was telling me going back really eight months ago is when it started, I basically told Roger I didn't want to hear about it.
And even though everything Roger so far had told me over the last few years before that was so accurate, I just couldn't believe it.
And Roger was very positive on air and tried to see Bannon as the good guy inside the White House that was going to keep us on track.
And there might even be some truth to that, but now we know about Bannon being behind the made-up Mafia dossier.
And I heard about that from Stone.
And we now know that he's the guy that let Wolf in, and that he indeed did say those things.
And all these witnesses are coming forward, even though Wolf twisted other interviews he got and has been caught in a bunch of stuff.
Bannon's the guy that actually did say that stuff and did bring him in.
Bannon thought he could run for president last week.
His response was, maybe I'll run for president in 2020.
And his response was, I'll keep running Breitbart.
And people are like, no, you're gone.
And as I said the day after this all happened last Thursday, I said, Steve Bannon's gone from Breitbart or Breitbart's done.
And the people spoken, well, indeed that happened yesterday, but it's not about, oh great, somebody's head just got chopped off, let's play polo with it.
It's that...
I am shocked by the Machiavellian garbage and his ego, and is he evil?
Is it his ego?
What's wrong with him?
We now know he was the big leaker.
He brought the generals in.
He was positioning this book right now for a 25th Amendment run at him.
And I remember Stone telling me this eight months ago, and I don't know how much he can tell you, or his sources obviously he can't give you.
He gave me some of them.
I was like, Roger, you know, you're not usually somebody that's just mad at somebody or envious of somebody, you know, because they're a big political party.
He goes, absolutely not.
I like writing for Breitbart.
You know, I really liked Steve Bannon until he got in.
This is the intel we're getting, Alex, and I'm telling you, he brought in the generals thinking it'd be a coup for him and...
Somebody like Ted Cruz down the road, who he worked for before, and I'm listening to this, and he goes, I'm telling you, and he brought up the Chinese double agents, and that'll be key coming up, involved with Bannon, all this other stuff, and I don't know how much he can say on air, but post-mortem, we're not gossiping here, I don't ever do this, we need to really just put it all out about Bannon, that is he an egomaniac, did he get manipulated, or is he really
Just a super bad dude, because if so, we'll have to continue to look out for what he's going to be doing, creeping around in the dead of night, basically.
So, Roger, you've done nothing but positive about Bannon, but behind the scenes, you're never really a negative guy, but you were just continuingly to say, it's Bannon, it's Bannon.
And I almost, and I'm glad we hired you eight months ago, and I'm glad you're our correspondent, but I almost didn't hire you because I just thought it's crazy to say Bannon is this double agent, but now you've been proven correct.
I mean, how did you know this?
Well, Alex, so many things that didn't make sense in the beginning of the Trump administration now suddenly make perfect sense.
The fact that Steve Bannon never helped any other true Trump supporter get into the senior White House staff, the fact that virtually every candidate
Bannon promoted for a cabinet job, uh, globalist Rex Tillerson, for example, the candidate of Condoleezza Rice, not a Trump supporter.
Uh, so while giving lip service to the Trump movement, Bannon helped formulate an administration that was completely staffed by never-Trumpers.
It didn't make sense then, it does make sense now.
It was Steve Bannon, who was the original patron for General John Kelly, getting him first to Homeland Security, then helping him get into the White House Chief of Staff's job.
Bannon and I met, I guess, a little over a month ago in New York.
For several meetings, we extended, as you know, an invitation to appear here on Info Wars, which he declined.
I thought that was really strange.
He was out of public office.
It was an opportunity to speak to millions of freedom-oriented Trumpers around the globe, yet he passed on the opportunity.
But we're not mad at him about that.
Let's go back to you saying it makes no sense.
He's in there.
He's doing nothing.
We're being told by other sources.
He's helping bring them all in.
He says he's for the agenda, but he's the one sabotaging it.
He shows everybody the big board.
And then, going back about eight months ago, as you were saying this, going back,
Well, he told me a little over two months ago that Trump would be gone by July.
That he was pessimistic that the president could survive.
Little did I understand at that time.
It was because of what he himself was orchestrating.
And Alex, there's no question whatsoever that he saw himself as the president's successor.
And now you have an entire new and disturbing line of inquiry.
Remember that Steve Bannon was a member of the National Security Council until he was kicked off the council in August.
During that period, he learned about Miles Kwok.
Miles Kwok is a Chinese national living illegally in the United States that the Chinese government is seeking to extradite.
Steve Bannon knew firsthand that the Chinese president had asked President Trump directly on two occasions, once at Mar-a-Lago, once at the G12 conference,
And by October he has a financial deal with Quok to finance Breitbart as the Mercers, who I do think are patriots, appear to be ready to throw in the towel.
So let's be clear, he's calling Trump a traitor at the same time talking to a snake reporter that he brought into the hen house.
Well, and I'm told the FBI is all over this like a cheap suit.
I mean, the question is,
When did Bannon begin taking money from Kwok?
How much did he take?
I give Matt Drudge credit for the one who put together the pieces of this particularly nefarious scheme.
But Bannon was clearly Kwok's protector during the time he was on the National Security Council.
But let's give credit as well.
I first learned about Kwok from you and I kept saying, why are you harping on Kwok?
You said because it's the key to Bannon.
You were the first to say that.
Can you tell us the extra intel you had?
Yes, it's absolutely clear.
Kwok is a double agent.
I believe that he was working for the Chinese, spying on America.
I believe that he then flipped and went to work for Pompeo and the boys in Langley.
But quite clearly, Steve Bannon became his protector in return, I believe, at least allegedly,
We'll be back and talk about this.
This is incredible.
It's clear.
This is incredibly delusional.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Here we are, the day after this all broke last week, saying either Bannon goes or Breitbart goes.
Big victory.
Breitbart is Benedict Arnold.
He is the enemy.
He has been flushed.
And then again, last night in that particular program, we played the clip from where I had said last week that either Bannon goes or Breitbart is going to be in deep trouble.
Josh, eight months.
First person I heard talking about it.
Espionage investigations.
You couldn't get into it then.
What can you tell us now about this mysterious tycoon and about your statement that sources tell you, and you're one of the most connected people I know, talking to reporters, mainstream, alternative, foreign, you name it, every day, every hour, every few minutes, on the report that you're getting that Bannon is under investigation by the FBI.
And what are they investigating?
Well, it now appears, just to recap, that Steve Bannon, as a member of the National Security Council until last October, pardon me, last August, learned that Kwok was the subject of a tug-of-war between our government and the Chinese government, that the Chinese president
Ask President Trump directly for the extradition of Miles Kwok.
And that the President has guaranteed that extradition.
And this was most definitely one of the talking points in the President's efforts to get the assistance of the Chinese in terms of tamping down the North Korean nuclear threat.
We now know that Bannon reached out to and engendered a relationship with Kwok after leaving, or perhaps contiguous with being on the NSC.
And lo and behold, when the Mercer family, a patriotic family out of Long Island,
Pulled the rug out from Breitbart's financially, while Bannon announced that his new financier was none other than the Chinese national and fugitive criminal, Miles Kwok.
This, to me, looks like self-dealing.
It appears to be corrupt.
It may, in fact, be treasonous if these facts are as represented.
But Alex, I go back to my meeting with Bannon several months ago.
And his absolute certainty that Trump would be removed in a 25th Amendment play and his long-sighted plan to get rid of Jared, get rid of Ivanka, with whom he is obsessed, and lay the groundwork
For his own presidential candidacy.
At one time, an operative who worked for Steve approached me and asked me what I thought of a Steve Bannon-Laura Ingram ticket.
I love Laura Ingram.
No one is more loyal to the president than she is.
I can't see her joining such a ticket, but I now see the game plan.
Take Trump down.
Blame Mike Pence in the deep state.
Step into his role.
It is a duplicitous, incredible plan that involved the takedown of Donald Trump.
And that's how a lot of folks become successful.
They just take over when Breitbart mysteriously dies.
And then if the president can be destroyed or removed, suddenly you step into all of that.
I mean, wow.
And then meanwhile, he's so self-centered and delusional that he's got dandruff all over him.
Looks like
You know, he drinks 14 bottles of scotch a week.
But you gotta give his... I mean, post-mortem on him politically.
I don't think he can come back from any of this.
How did this slob think that he could game everybody?
I guess he comes out of Hollywood.
How did this slob... How did Slob Bannon, the Slob Bannon, Jabba the Bannon... Sloppy Steve.
Yeah, Sloppy Steve.
I'm just giving him new accolades.
How did he think he would execute this entire thing?
Well, the answer, Alex, of course, is money.
He used the Mercer's money to buy himself into Trump world.
Donald Trump is one of the world's foremost geniuses on using OPM, other people's money.
It's one of the things that made him one of the great business successes.
He's got the sizzle, you've got the cash, let's make a lot of money together.
It's worked for him his entire life and it's made him a billionaire in his own right.
So, Bannon bought his way into Trump world using the Mercer's money.
From day one, it's clear that he intended to push Trump aside and move to the head of the class.
You're right about it being odd in the sense that Steve is a reclusive guy, rarely left his apartment in New York by his own admission, never put on a suit, wore the same pair of shorts every single day, not exactly a Hale Fellow well met,
No charisma, no magmatism of the Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan type.
Why he ever saw himself as a candidate is extraordinarily hard to understand.
But his Machiavellian game plan now is completely clear.
It even took me a while to piece it together.
When he was telling me Trump was going down in a 25th Amendment play, what he was saying was,
He was working with others to take Trump down in a 25th Amendment play, confident that once Vice President Mike Pence became president,
With Donald Trump's blood on his knife, he, Steve Bannon, could emerge as the rightful heir to Trumpism, the rightful heir to American nationalism.
And then right as Bannon was about to be removed, he then, through Breitbart, put out, we're going to support Pence now.
Again, using that weapon in a Machiavellian way to attack Pence again with his ongoing strategy to make Breitbart the only good guy in the world.
I mean, wow!
That is sick!
But if you look at all the evidence, that's what happened.
Is there any way someone else was playing him, and he was just the front schlub, and he's just an innocent, dandruff-colored, uh, you know, red-eyed goblin?
No, I think that we have nailed this down.
Look, what other explanation could there be for the fact that he never helped anyone else who was savvy about Trump.
He never helped anyone who was a true early Trump supporter get into the White House staff.
I can't tell you how many dozens of people he promised to help, that he pledged to help, but never lifted a finger.
And here's the last piece.
Here's the last piece.
He brings in the Deep Staters, still fails, but here's the key to all of it.
He said we're going after every Republican, even those that have good records.
Only Ted Cruz will be left alone.
Everyone must give us campaign money and support us or we'll come after you.
Totally positioning themselves.
And we know he first worked for Ted Cruz, put out the Mafia dossier that was fake.
So I think that's the other play, is those two together.
I see Count Dracula, Ted Cruz, at the center of this.
Entirely possible, Alex.
Look, Ted Cruz is a Bush family retainer.
He got a secret million dollar loan from Goldman Sachs, which he did not report on his campaign finance reports as required by law.
His wife is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
He's a confession.
He's a fraud.
We call him Fat Dracula.
And my guess is that he was Bannon's backup candidate.
If the voters didn't buy Steve in a Trump takedown, maybe they'd buy Ted Cruz.
Well, that's
Well, I mean, how delusional is it with a guy that has the charisma of a dead rat with giant pinwheel red eyes and literally dandruff falling all over him?
He's really dandruff Steve.
Flaky skin, you know, eczema Steve, sorry, or whatever it is.
Unbathed Steve.
Filthy Steve.
Now Benedict Bannon.
But, I mean, I'm not just insulting him, it's who he is, if the shoe fits.
I just don't get how he thought he would execute this.
It is crazy.
Well, but it is hubris.
Look, when you go from laying on your couch in Manhattan in your in your stuffy apartment to a palatial office at the White House, you can understand how he would begin to have delusions of grandeur.
Trump does make it look effortless.
He's like Ronald Reagan in that sense.
He is a guy who
I think?
Vanity Biographies on Steve Bannon.
He's on the cover of Newsweek this week talking about his future plans.
You can see the orchestration.
And we now know how he was the Laker.
Do five more minutes for me because I want to get back to this.
So you can confirm your sources.
The FBI is investigating Bannon.
My sources tell me they're now looking into his relationship with Miles Kwok.
All right, I want to give you five more minutes before our next guest comes on, because I want to get into DACA and how you really read what the president's doing.
I go back to what he said the media ignored.
He said, no, we're going to fix it.
But the old DACA is not fair.
But yeah, we'll do something for people that can really prove they've been here and aren't criminals.
We'll be back the second hour.
Please spread that link.
Just briefly, my dad is an oral surgeon and dentist.
He's about to retire.
About 15 years ago, he heard me ranting and raving about fluoride and toothpaste and how it causes brain damage and lower IQ and dental fluorosis.
And he said, son, I don't care who you have on the air.
That's a bunch of bull.
You need fluoride or you die.
And I actually showed him what was in the water supply in the Florida.
He said, this is incredible.
This is Grignard Reagent's heavy metals.
They're covering for it, calling it Florida under law with a loophole to dump toxic waste in the food and water.
Now, CNN had to admit last month, in utero and in children, massive IQ reductions.
Well, six years ago, the EPA said, reduce it in water by half.
You don't drink your sunscreen.
But hydrofluorosilicic acid is a
I don't
The American Dental Association says don't brush children's teeth until age six with it.
Why does it say nursery water?
They're at the store with added fluoride.
And they didn't add calcium fluoride, boys and girls.
They added hydrofluorosilicic acid.
That's why my dad and I developed, with the same folks that make Toms of Maine, private labeled, Super Blue non-fluoride toothpaste with colloidal silver and high-quality iodine.
But you die without iodine.
Massive iodine deficiencies in the country.
If you drink stuff that's at the store, it'll kill you.
That's a different type of iodine.
This is the real medical grade.
It's 33% off right now, and we have the bubble gum, natural flavor, organic flavor for children, that doesn't have as much of the peppermint in it, because it says concentrated toothpaste.
Super Blue Toothpaste, available at InfoWarsTore.com!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
President Trump has slammed sneaky Feinstein.
Feinstein for possibly illegal testimony release.
All their criminal linking.
Comey's in trouble.
Mueller's in trouble.
The wheels have come off.
We'll ask Roger Stone about that in a moment because this just broke from the great people at Breitbart.
And then Drudge and Breitbart that helped launch the whole thing, and now back in the hands of good people, hopefully.
Fusion GPS admits they used John McCain to pass anti-Trump dossier to Obama-era intel agencies.
So we're going to get Roger's take on that in a moment, but Roger, finishing up, DACA.
I'm going to wait and see what the president does.
It's good to have people at the table.
It's good to say I don't hate immigrants.
If you've been here since you were a kid, you can show it.
We're going to vet you.
You can be a citizen.
But if you've been deported 20 times, 30 times, some 40 times, and you're a 40-something-year-old criminal, you're gone!
And if you try to come here illegally, you're gone now.
I mean, he's making a deal and he's cut back the illegal immigration 70%.
Ann Coulter and others are running around like chickens with their heads cut off to be holier than thou.
If I see Trump flip-flopping like Afghanistan and stuff, I'll talk about it.
But I haven't seen this yet.
I see him actually trying to not let them paint him as a Nazi and keep the promises he said during the campaign.
Alex, I couldn't agree more.
You know, my phone was ringing off the hook last night from troubled Trumpers, and I say, look, don't rush to judgment.
Let's see what happens.
Right now we're in negotiation.
The president is saying a lot of things, but watch what they do, not what they say.
I'm willing to give the president the benefit of the doubt.
He's a sympathetic individual.
He has empathy for people who are brought here not by their own volition, who would like the promise of America, who came here as children, who aren't criminals, who have jobs or are going to school, who are, you know, productive members of society.
So don't rush to judgment.
Let the president work a deal.
We need border security.
We need that wall.
There's going to be some horse trading here, but I put my faith in Donald Trump.
Let's not put the cart ahead of the horse.
He's not a dictator.
You know, a bunch of conservatives said he's screwing us just to get headlines and get clicks.
We can do that all day.
We don't do it.
We have integrity.
He's screwing us on taxes.
It's a screw.
He's not going to do it.
And then he did it.
I can't believe how much he actually got of what we wanted because he's not a dictator.
No, look, I only wish that the President got the kind of loyalty from Steve Bannon that he's gotten from you, Alex, or Paul Manafort, who Bannon savagely had talked yesterday, but who has, despite his massive legal problems of being, you know, targeted... Swatting raids, millions in legal bills, he's been a... ...has remained completely loyal to the President.
Think about it.
They say Manafort.
All your problems can go away.
All you've got to do is lie.
Roll on Donald Trump.
Say, yes, I was trafficking with the Russians and Trump knew everything.
It would be a lie.
And he refuses.
He remains steadfastly loyal to the President.
And by the way, you talk to him almost every day.
You've been business partners for decades, one of the most successful firms in D.C.
We're going to break here in about a minute and I'll let you go, but how is he holding up?
The man has done absolutely nothing but be a patriot for Western civilization.
Well, I can tell you this.
He's 100% behind the president.
He's outraged by this attack on him by Steve Bannon.
He's an Italian-American.
They can threaten him with everything they want.
He's not going to bear false witness against Donald Trump.
He would go to prison first.
But at the same time, he's confident that these charges against him are bogus, that they're trumped up.
He's brought a sweeping lawsuit against Mueller that he's very confident about.
So he remains upbeat.
I mean, I know a lot of what you talk to him about you can't talk about because there's lawyers and stuff, but I mean, how's his spirits?
Well, considering that he is under house arrest, he essentially can't leave his apartment in Alexandria, Virginia.
They refused to let him travel.
No travel for Christmas, inability to see much of his family.
He's holding up amazingly well, and Alex, he's a big fan of InfoWars.
He follows exactly what we do here every day.
Well, we're a fan of what you're doing, and you were so on target on Kwok and Bannon.
I apologize, Roger, because you were right behind the scenes, and you wanted to go after Bannon.
I said, let's not do it, and I feel guilty, but thank you for being right.
You're amazing.
Thank you, Roger.
We'll be back.
Mike in Arizona.
You're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a long-time InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks for the awesome BrainForce AnthroPlex.
My girlfriend would like to say thanks for the AnthroPlex, too.
Thank you.
I use the BioTrue Selenium, the Super Blue toothpaste.
For you folks who aren't big normal toothpaste fans, the Super Blue is awesome.
And thank you so much, Alex, for the InfoWars Life products.
They are quality.
I can't wait to get some more.
And thank you so much for doing that for us to keep us healthy.
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order, and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen, right here on the Alex Jones Show!
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live in the second hour broadcasting worldwide on this Wednesday, already the 10th day of January 2018.
Dr. Mark Faber is an amazing individual, a lot of great economic predictions and laurels under his belt.
He's Mark Faber, editor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom and Doom Report.
That's gloomboomdoom.com and I'm not going to go over all of his long bio or books or reports.
I want to get right into what's happening in the global economy.
We were trying to get him on for weeks on other big issues and on the
And on this recovery, and the Democrats trying to sabotage it, and the EU, and migration.
But now you've got China is reportedly thinking of halting U.S.
Treasury purchases.
That's worrying markets right now.
The markets are down some, but still well above 25,000 on the Dow Jones.
So what does he make of all of this?
What is his overall breakdown on Trump lowering our taxes to what the Chinese communists have?
And now they're going to lower to zero.
Well, my pleasure, Alex.
Yes, yes.
Well, we can talk about the global economy, which is kind of strengthening somewhat.
But as you know, a lot of this strength is due to government deficits and to money printing.
In other words, the expansion of balance sheets of central banks and, of course, of credit growth, which is very strong.
So it's kind of a mixed recovery.
It's been very good for assets.
Asset prices since 2009 have not only recovered, but they've gone and made new highs.
Bonds, stocks, dollar was strong until a year ago.
Commodities have also done quite well over the last 12 months.
So real estate has equally gone up around the world.
We had a really an exceptional kind of a asset recovery, asset bubble, I would say.
And that has led to stronger economic growth that looks reasonably good on the surface.
But if you dig deeper, it's, of course, unstable economic growth.
And that's exactly where I was going next.
Can this Trump populist nationalist rally that's spreading across the world, can it
Pull the world markets up into a true global recovery, or is it like a sugar high?
And a sugar high that I want, because at least it's a bubble keeping us from a total collapse or depression that might actually create some new industry and jobs in the United States, and the U.S.
is kind of one of the better houses in a bad neighborhood, and we're entering into a trade war.
It looks like an economic war with the Communist Chinese.
I mean, if you looked at where we were going,
It was bad, and so yes, it's another bubble we're riding with Trump, but isn't that all we've got is bubbles?
I mean, is that what you're getting at?
Yes, I think we've got a lot of bubbles, and I need to correct you.
I don't think that you can call the Chinese communists any longer.
It's a one party system, the Communist Party, but it's anything but communist.
It's ultra capitalistic, with lots of very wealthy people having been created, both through state subsidies and privileges, but as well as through private initiative.
So, I mean, we've had in China, I'd say almost a rubber baron capitalism in the last few years.
And that has propelled the economy forward.
We have less regulation than in the US.
We have less socialism than in Europe.
And that has been very favourable for the economy.
Well, I totally agree with you that China is an authoritarian, one-party kleptocracy, where the upper party members and members of the Politburo and Central Committee are billionaires, and then they are killing Buddhists and Christians for practicing their religion secretly.
It's an ultra-corrupt, evil elite, hard-working, good people under them.
It's a true travesty, and I never see our media even criticizing Communist China anymore.
Do you agree with a lot of economists that China is in a much more precarious position than even we are, with their state-run system trying to prop up 10% growth rates, that our bubble is underpinned with some problems, but that their bubble is even much more dangerous?
Well, I think we had huge credit growth in China.
According to the Bank of International Settlements, no country ever had the kind of credit growth China had over the last five to eight years in terms of percentage increase.
However, and I need to point this out, whereas in the Western world, credit growth flows into transfer payments, in other words, it goes into
People's pockets from one pocket into the other.
In China, a lot of infrastructure has been built with this credit growth.
And this infrastructure benefits, actually, economic growth in the long run.
So if you look at, say, infrastructure in China, in Shanghai, Beijing, and so forth, and other cities, and you compare it to the infrastructure in the US,
With few exceptions, the U.S.
has actually very poor infrastructure.
This is rotting!
And you see that, you see the globalists moving from the U.S.
to China, building them up, saying they're the future.
And then Trump, it looks like, is trying to imitate China, but not with authoritarianism, just letting us have jobs, trying to build up infrastructure.
And I've seen Lloyd Blankfein making fun of him in tweets, saying China's better, you'll never stop us.
I mean, it looks like there's a lot of, I guess you could say, China-philes in the global elite, and they're betting on China, and that's one reason they hate Trump so much, is he's trying to bet on America.
Yes, I mean, I wouldn't write off America, but we have to see very clearly.
Say, in 1750, in other words, approximately 250 years ago, China and India accounted for approximately 60% of the global economy.
And then came the Industrial Revolution in Europe,
And a huge progress we have achieved through inventions and innovations and the application of these innovations to industry and commerce in Europe and in the US.
And as a result of that, the percentage of India and China of the global economy declined to less than 5% in the 1950s, partly also due to failed
And then the West gave them the Promethean fire of the Renaissance, and now we're being double-crossed.
And now, what has happened in the last, say, 20-30 years is that the Western countries experience a relative decline
And there's nothing you can do against this relative decline.
You can try to age well.
I'm in a relative decline.
I'm not as strong as I was when I was 20 years old.
I can't do sports as well as when I was 25 years old.
So I'm in a relative decline.
But I can try to age well as you as well as you.
So we have to try to do that.
And as Western societies,
In my opinion, we have actually accelerated our decline with failed policies by essentially socialist minded... Well, let's talk about that.
And the socialists say they want to kill the West.
It is a self-loathing.
It is the culture.
And it will destroy the prosperity of the very SJWs calling for its collapse.
Dr. Mark Faber, the editor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom, Doom Report, with us with one more segment of where this...
Collapse is going, and then we'll be in the hands of murderous one-party system.
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Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a longtime InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks.
For the awesome BrainForce AnthroPlex.
My girlfriend would like to say thanks for the AnthroPlex, too.
Thank you.
I use the BioTrue Selenium, the Super Blue toothpaste.
For you folks who aren't big normal toothpaste fans, the Super Blue is awesome.
And thank you so much, Alex, for the InfoWars Life products.
They are quality.
I can't wait to get some more.
And thank you so much for doing that for us to keep us healthy.
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order, and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones here, back live.
The Daily Mail, one of the most popular newspapers in the UK, has a lot of hard-hitting news.
They also have like a swimsuit section of, you know, girls in bikinis or whatever.
I like it.
It's one of my favorite online papers.
They've been banned on Virgin Atlantic train stations and trains.
Because the head of it says that it's xenophobic to even cover immigration issues.
Well, Mark Faber, who's been on every TV show out there, you know, is a top expert, editor, publisher of the Gloom, Boom, Doom report, he got called racist and evil for even talking about the demographics and the Islamists being brought into Europe and how the West is committing suicide.
But then Peter Sutherland, that engineered all this, who just died, by the way, yesterday, the head of the EU program,
And the founder of the modern EU, he headed up the migration operation now, and he said we're going to get rid of Western civilization.
So, there's a vitriol against it when the technology and the system of it will work in other cultures, and if everybody just wants to die and not have kids, then let people come into the, you know, high-tech, you know, space-based system, and then humanity can just move forward.
Because we've certainly seen the West before it really was modern, you know, living in squalor as well.
But there is a war against it by authoritarians who want to break away civilization and don't want the general public to have access to free market and success.
And that's the technocracy Google talks about, and that's why they hate Mark Faber.
So, super respected CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, everything you can imagine.
Suddenly, Prasada Nangrata, because he dares talk about
The reality of it's not just the death of the West, as you said, it's the accelerated death.
Why are Western elites fetishizing Dr. Faubourg and the death of the West?
I also wonder why.
But we have to see one thing very clearly.
Say, if you look at the last 20, 30 years,
Wealthy people, in other words, the asset holders, have become immensely rich as a result of money printing and credit growth.
And the average household, the typical household in the US, the typical household in Western countries in Europe, has had essentially a declining standard of living.
I would actually say that most boomers, people like myself, born just after the war, their children will die poorer than we will die and they will earn less money.
And this is statistically proven that in real terms, inflation adjusted, they earn less.
Most young people cannot afford to buy a house, cannot afford to buy an apartment.
Unless they have parents who will buy it for them.
But otherwise, on their own, they can't do that.
And as you've said, is this not social engineering where they have set it up, Russia's trying to change this, to not have families, they've engineered it to not just deindustrialize but depopulate the West.
And then once you've depopulated it, then you've got third world.
That is not a good prognosis.
So why has everything been set up to have crony capitalism to transfer wealth to the Jeff Bezos's of the world while he runs around as anti-family jihad?
Yes, well, there are many explanations for that.
But I'd say
Our entitlement society and the socialist thought that everybody should be precisely equal when in fact some people are born a little bit more intelligent and some people are born with some more money than others.
I mean, it may be sad to say so, but we're just not all exactly equal.
Some people can go to Harvard and most people cannot.
And so we have in the Western world this tendency to move and equalize everything.
That I will never understand.
That we have fought against communism and socialism for years, for maybe the last hundred years.
And now we introduce it through the back door.
Well, that's right.
And I think this is a huge failure of democracy.
And I'm not sure that democracy will survive in the long run.
Democracy is an experiment.
For the last 5,000 years of history, we had essentially all kinds of systems.
But for the last 200 years,
We have had this movement towards democracy and it's only just recent that everybody can vote.
This is not... And now they're using democracy to vote out democracy with new permanent elite classes based on their race or what color they are, attempting to replace something that they see they're threatened by, but really it's the system that brought them in.
Yes, precisely.
It's like an animal farm.
Where some big pigs are more equal than others, some animals are more equal than others.
And for me, it's very difficult to understand this frame of mind, that we just actually accelerate our relative decline, which would happen anyway.
So we have different civilizations, we have the Persian civilization, we have the Egyptian civilization, we have the Greeks, the Romans, we have the Spanish Empire, the British Empire, we have
The supremacy of America.
Which is, which is waging war against the nouveau riche and the very engines of wealth, pulling up the ladder of success to create a permanent elite class and a giant underclass.
This is the conscious movement of civilization into neo-feudalism, is it not, Dr. Fauber?
Yes, that's a good expression.
Neo-feudalism, I'd say.
Actually, it's a very bad feudalism, because most of the feudals, they had actually some education, whereas today's elite infrequently has no education whatsoever.
How long do you think... I mean, what do you think of Trump just in closing?
I mean, do you think he's a good guy?
What advice would you give him?
Well, as you know, it's a very difficult thing to to clean the swamp of Washington, because there's so many parties and there's so many organizations just to get the documentation that you need from the FBI or CIA.
They resist actually telling you what they have been doing.
And so, yes, he's doing a great job relative to what he can do.
In China, Xi Jinping has the power.
He can say, I'm going to do this and that will be done.
Nothing else.
Trump and any Western leader doesn't have that power.
There are people behind the scene that pull the strings and so forth.
And so he's much more constrained than, say, a Chinese leader or, let's say, Vladimir Putin.
You're absolutely right, and then there's so much treachery, because we've been so wealthy and so spoiled, there's all these spoiled brats that won't get behind something good, because we're not a dictatorship, but get behind it to make it happen for everybody.
No, they all want to say they're better, they're better, and just run around and engage in fratricide.
Dr. Mark Faubert, very impressive historical information and market info.
Thank you so much for joining us again.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Stay with us.
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And coming to us live from Houston, the studios of Phonoscope, former congressman, medical doctor, great patriot, Ron Paul.
You've got the Ron Paul Institute, great place to visit as well.
There's the Liberty Report and so much more.
So Dr. Paul, thank you so much for joining us from the Liberty Report studios.
I think the country is in a big mess and though I'm optimistic on the long run because I think the philosophy of liberty and libertarianism is on the move and making great strides, but more intellectually than politically.
The politics of this country is a mess and it's epitomized by what's going on between Republicans and Democrats and quite frankly I don't see a whole lot of difference between the two.
They fight and argue who has the power and who can control things.
But they're really in bed together when it comes to big government spending and the Federal Reserve and the foreign policy of policing the world, so they're all the same.
The seriousness of our problems, I don't think there's a way out, but we have to change the philosophy of the country.
And that's what my goal is, to change people's attitudes.
Right now, there's a large number of people who would like to see the changes, a lot of frustration out there, but there's still a lot of people.
Totally dependent on the welfare system and on the warfare and this policing of the world and the military-industrial complex and they are very powerful.
They are the deep state and they have a lot to say about what's going on.
So even though we hear this noise in Washington, unfortunately the deep state is our biggest enemy.
I mean, what's it like for you to be exposing world government for 40 years, sir, and now to see it being admitted and the Federal Reserve being a problem being admitted?
There's got to be some satisfaction there, but separately, can you speak then to the overall battle we're seeing between nationalism and globalism?
I don't think that the foreign policy has changed.
We're still sending more troops overseas.
And right now, you know, they're talking about major changes in the Middle East, which is going to antagonize the conflict between the Saudis and the Shias.
You know, Saudi Arabia and that war going on in Yemen and our support for that.
We're guilty, morally speaking, of providing the weapons to Saudi Arabia for what's happening there.
And it's a fight between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
And we don't need that.
It's been going on for too long.
We need to stay out of that.
We can't afford it.
And besides, I think if you want to compare things, Saudi Arabia is a mess.
Why we get on the moral high ground of supporting them...
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm going to open the phones up to get your quick pop-in take on DACA.
Is Trump betraying us?
I don't think we've seen the evidence that yet.
The media is just...
Acting like you've done it.
A lot of conservative groups are playing along with it to get clicks.
But I'll get your take on it.
I'd love to hear from you.
What do you think about China reportedly thinking of halting U.S.
Treasury purchases?
Well, good!
We shouldn't be based in fiat garbage.
We shouldn't have you with unfair trade deals to get all our money and then buy our country up with it.
That's just some of the news and information.
That's breaking.
Wolf again admits that he didn't interview any White House cabinet officials.
It had been denied previously by John McCain that he had passed on the anti-Trump dossier.
Now it's confirmed.
They're not admitting it.
They're just a pack of liars.
It really is incredible.
I want to get your take on this and so much more.
Also, we've seen record earthquakes the last year and a half.
Volcanoes reawakening.
Exploding, erupting all over the world.
They say the pole is moving.
They completely shift.
Oh, I totally forgot too.
Giant explosion over Russia.
That shook the ground and was a huge white-orange fireball.
Nothing like anyone's ever seen in modern times.
Though there are all sorts of weird sky events going on.
So, who knows?
There is just so much craziness.
I have not been plugging, really, the last two days, any products here on air.
Uh, because I've just been so focused on news, but it is your purchase of the products that makes the broadcast possible.
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They even had media investigations with BuzzFeed and people calling them going, we want to see it.
It must be fake.
They're like, no, it's really real.
So they've had campaigns that people go on there and try to vote stuff down.
I mean, they are just so angry where they test our stuff and test it and test it.
California labs that has stuff 90 percent higher or no, it's nine times higher than EU that has the next highest standards.
I mean basically there's more lead in the air than in California that you can quote put in a supplement or any other product unless you call it a food product and that's why what is it 60 something of our products are all California standard but if you've got something that's got I don't know 10-15 ingredients in it it's also a large serving like caveman
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, any can of chicken noodle soup has probably five times the lead California says is allowed.
The lawyers wrote it like that to make it impossible.
It's a total joke.
So that's just an example of all the scams, all the things, all the bamboozling, all the garbage that's been engaged in with them trying to sabotage us in the news, trying to say we have terrible products.
It's just insane.
And then we test and test and test more than anybody we know of because we know we're under a microscope, ladies and gentlemen.
So whether it's the sleep aid knockout you need, which is amazing, we just, I said, you know, melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
And I said, I talked to the big organic producer companies that we have make it, and I said, how much money is really in that?
And they said, on average, about maybe a dollar of melatonin, and then the container costs 50 cents or so, or less.
And I said, so, I can put the same amount of melatonin in, it's making a bigger capsule, it's powdered, so you actually absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and several other things, and I checked with scientists, none of them interact badly, they're all from nature, they're all healthy, they all have good, you know, good clean records, and then you get a sleep unlike other systems.
Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues, and he writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
Used to be a racehorse in Haines.
He was an aide-de-camp before he left criminal law and went into family law.
But the point is, he's a smart guy.
Doesn't smoke marijuana, doesn't drink anything, and a real clean-cut guy, UT professor.
They wanted him to be the Dean of the UT Law School, but he didn't do it.
The point is, he's a prestigious guy.
And Mr. Goody Two-Shoes, you know, German-American guy.
But genuinely like Ward Cleaver.
And he was on like three or four drugs and sleep studies and UT brain studies because he couldn't sleep after years of going overnight and not sleeping.
His brain rewired himself.
And these drugs he was taking, he couldn't even get sleep.
It was ruining his life.
I don't
I've gone and showed, you know, UT Science this and everything else.
This is insane.
Wow, it's incredible.
I've taken melatonin stuff by itself and it didn't help.
Wow, this is incredible.
And I said, yeah, I don't know.
I just had the idea to mix everything known, you know, scientifically and in the wives' tales together to make you sleep.
And, you know, it's powerful.
Uh, you know, some people have to take two of them, some people take one of them.
If I had a bunch of caffeine and I've been up late, you know, I'll take one.
And you just have better sleep, period, when you take it.
And, you know, it's got, what, like seven, six, six, seven dollars a product in it?
And then we sell it for $19.95.
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By the way, Randy says he wants to come in and do a testimonial about it.
Because I said, yeah, you look like 10 years younger.
He said, oh yeah, it's just I'm off all the sleep drugs.
Uh, he says, this is totally free, but he goes, he goes, do you know what it is in there?
And I said, it's the synergy of it, of the chamomile, the lemon balm, the L-tryptophan, the valerian root, the melatonin, and several other ingredients, all just moderate dose.
They're all the recommended dose, and they just fuse together, and whatever they do chemically in the brain, that Mother Nature, God gave us our Mother Nature, is incredible.
So, that's available at Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
But thank you for committing to get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
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They had an absolute meltdown a few days ago.
They found an ad that I had cut for Brain Force, which by the way you should also get in 4WarsStore.com.
Always use the opportunity to promote it even more.
They had a meltdown over an ad that I cut in April, and they found it like it was some secret, and they were like, oh my god, this is the funniest thing ever.
So they literally had an autistic screeching fit over
An ad of me promoting Brain Force, which is a new tropic, which like literally half the people in Silicon Valley take, which everybody has their different brand of.
Oh, but when InfoWars does it, it's bad and it's funny somehow.
If that's the best they've got, we advertise products that got five-star independent reviews that you see right there on InfoWarsStore.com.
Brain Force Plus.
They had an absolute meltdown.
It was hilarious.
They wrote it at Vice.com!
Listen, if this is the best they've got against yours truly, that I advertised Brain Force six months ago, everybody in Silicon Valley takes some kind of nootropic.
This isn't like some hokey snake oil.
I mean, Joe Rogan built his entire podcast on selling his version of the exact same product.
You gonna go after Joe Rogan too?
Absolutely incredible that they had all these massive hissy fits over me making an ad for Brain Force.
Well, here I'm making another one right now.
Gonna get triggered over this?
We'll sell even more bottles of it.
You're literally making Infowars and me money with your autistic hissy fits.
Carry on with your autistic screeching.
Because it's a lot funnier from my perspective.
If that's all you've got, it's quite pathetic at this point.
Get your BrainForce right now.
BrainForce Plus.
Personally recommended by me at InfoWarsStore.com.
And now, get BrainForce Plus at 50% off for a limited time at InfoWarsStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Remember, it's pretty much illegal in Sweden and Germany and other areas if a llamas just rapes and kills a woman or stabs a lady, jogging with her dog.
It's a daily occurrence.
To even report that it was a Muslim, there's a new story up on Infowars.com.
Germany won't deport convicted jihadists because it's against his human rights.
Yeah, they're even starting to say they're allowed to rape people because it's cultural.
I saw a story out of Big Brother reality TV show that I didn't cover last night.
It's up on Infowars.com.
I'm sure it's here in the stack, but I missed it.
Where a transgendered woman, and Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, if you say that a man
That a woman that says she's a woman that has male genitals and doesn't have ovaries, no, that's a man that they will ban you.
Facebook calls us and says, take this down and we're banning it.
I mean, it's happened several times.
It's crazy.
We're gearing up a lawsuit because of it and they've been put on notice.
You see the lawsuits against Google that my name's in and everything.
I've been told I don't need to be a party to all these things.
They're just going to sue and put me in there.
Singer rejects kiss from transgender.
It's labeled transphobe.
So it's basically rape on these social engineering shows.
They wanted Paul Watson to go on there and I said do not do it and lower yourself to that.
And I mean I said do what you want.
You can still work here but I think you're crazy.
He said no I agree.
But they wanted him on this season by the way.
I'll get Watson on about that.
I forgot.
It's the number one show in England for like what a decade running.
In the UK, something like 20 million people watch it each week.
They have everybody in there and social pressure guys to have sex with guys and then you know women women and then you're not cool if you don't.
They literally bully him to kiss and then I guess have sexual relations, they're all under the covers, with another guy that's got long hair and is an unattractive guy.
But remember, Google executives say in the lawsuit that I'm in, that broke big national news yesterday, or two days ago, it was two nights ago, it was about a day and a half ago, that executives walk in all dressed insane and go, I am a golden dragonet, and I'm a beautiful ornate building, everyone agree, and then these big
Circular amphitheaters, they go, you are Golden Dragon!
This is in the lawsuit, and they have the files and the documents.
You are Golden Dragon!
You are ornate, beautiful building!
And they go, eugh, eugh, eugh, eugh!
And then jump around.
Again, you cannot make this up.
You go, this is just total mental illness.
No, it's from the Tavistock Institute.
They used our openness and our diversity against us to say
Oh, use the word gay or you hate homosexuals.
And then it sounds reasonable, and then 40 years later, don't use the word mother and father.
Someone might not have a mother and father, and that helps them.
This is in the lawsuit.
Tucker Carlson reported on it too.
A yellow-scaled, wingless dragonkin.
Is a dragonkin a female dragon or a baby dragon?
And an expansive, ornate building.
And it's literally, I'm a dog, I'm a cat, I fetish that I'm a four-year-old girl, and it's an obese 400-pound man, and then other men go, I like to have sex with kids, and then they come, and then, and then, this is on television!
And it's a big fat guy dressed up like a little girl going, I like men, I like that, I can have sex with men if I want.
They're all just throwing it in your face as a big sick joke and then beating you over the head with the media saying you're hateful if you don't let us teach your three-year-olds about this.
Gosling elders, reach down, touch their genitals, rub them, help them.
Want to play the clip?
Remember that?
The Surgeon General.
We shouldn't be shy about it.
Reach down, grab them and help them.
I'll play that next hour.
Let's dig out a couple of times of her defending it.
The right wing got pretty upset about me talking about something very normal, like masturbation, but it's not you, the government, coming in and reaching down.
That's called pedophilia.
Now there's Newsweek.
Remember the time Bill Clinton fired his Surgeon General for encouraging masturbation?
And Newsweek's like, see, it's totally normal now.
In Sweden, they reach down to little girls.
The government comes in and they touch them all.
Bill Clinton likes me, by the way, when he's not on Jerry Epstein's plane.
That's how she talks.
But white people don't know what it's like to be poor.
That's the issue we're told about.
What a creepy freakazoid!
But again, it's all a scientific plan, and now it's, I'm a golden dracula!
And I identify as a six-year-old girl, and I want to date your son who's six.
Well, no you can't, that's pedophilia.
Shut up, I'm calling the police!
You're going to kiss me and have sex with me on TV?
You're a transphobe.
You're a woman if you say so.
He goes, you're a woman.
I'm under your control.
I will say you're a woman, but I'm not going to be with you.
Well, the next level is on television.
You've got to let them have sex with you.
You basically have to get raped.
Singer rejects kiss from transgender, gets labeled transphobe.
And hated across the media, all beating you over the head.
Tavistock Institute, continuing.
You know, we talk about how Gallup...
And how all the rest of them sampled between 9 and 15 to 16.
During the election they went crazy.
20 points on average.
CNN would have 30, 40, 50, no 46 points was the highest ever.
Where they oversampled 46% more Democrats than Republican callers in their calling.
Oh, are you a Democrat?
Oh, are you a Republican?
People calling the CNN line.
They participate in the fake poll and they have Hillary at 69%.
Just like the New York Times said, 98%, 97%.
She's unstoppable.
We have a scientific algorithm.
The real algorithm showed Trump was going to win.
And I told you it was coming with Oprah.
You can see this a mile away.
Rasmussen Poll shock.
Oprah, 48%.
Trump, 38%.
Because, go read the Rasmussen poll.
They're pretty nice.
They only add... I haven't read the actual thing yet because I've read it hundreds of times.
It's always the same.
They do about 9 to 10 points more over sampling for Democrats.
Can one of the crew go into that and actually read the methodology?
But again, they're famous for these.
It's not like I'm just here telling you this.
So, Oprah versus Donald!
And the winner is... Oprah!
I stick my tongue in Harvey Weinstein's ear!
I've got three billion dollars and a chip on my shoulder and I'm part of the most elite eugenics group in the world!
And I fund black depopulation!
But I take myself real serious!
And I bring women to Harvey Weinstein!
But I'm gonna lecture you how you're bad!
And how all men are bad, but Hollywood's good!
And how all these actors act all upset and hang on to every ridiculous word!
Because I'm phony!
And people are rejecting me!
So what are we gonna do?
Oprah really won the election, did you know?
Trump tried to steal it, but she's really the president.
Yes, CNN said so.
Elizabeth Warren, too!
Oh, but Oprah's home, one of her dozens, has been affected by mudslides.
And she's posted a photo of her walking knee-deep in it.
Here, let me just click on that.
For some reason, my clicker's not working now.
Maybe one of you guys can post it for me.
But there you go.
It's so loving.
During the next break, I'll actually go into the nomenclature of that.
I'll go into the methodology of it, and we'll see.
But, I mean, that's how they do it.
They say, oh, we consider that there's, you know, 10% more Democrats in America, so we oversample for them.
And then we ask, are you a Democrat?
Well, why yes.
Well, do you like Trump or Oprah?
Oh, I like Oprah.
But you oversample.
And you beat people over the head.
And what's in the WikiLeaks?
It's the good old
John Podesta, two years out from the election, saying, we've got to finance every major pollster, get out ahead of this, and push them into even higher oversampling.
He goes, 15 isn't enough.
15% more Democrat.
Oh, but look, there it is.
Oprah's home affected by California mudslides.
Oh my gosh, this is the concerted effort.
Oh, she is just such an angel.
And it's just all, she's such a survivor, she's such a good person.
She cares about everybody.
And this is now what's going on.
Simply amazing.
And notice when I talked about her being a black Nazi.
Which, being a part of the eugenics group, I mean, that's what the Nazis were.
There were plenty of black Nazis in World War II.
You can actually look it up.
The media thought that sounded crazy, so they ran with that.
But when I got into her sticking her tongue in Weinstein and women saying that he, you know, she brought women to them and basically set them up, and that, you know, she's been involved as a child prostitute and all the rest of this stuff, and, you know, the fact that she doesn't want her lesbianism to do nothing wrong with lesbianism, it's fine.
The point is just, you know, let's get it out front.
Let's be proud of it.
And nobody wanted to touch that, see, because, oh, you don't talk about that with the grand leader!
I mean, she's like the shadow president now.
They're about to say, watch.
She's really like America's conscience.
It's the phenomenon, you know, after Trump won, America stood up and she became the voice.
She's our mommy when she's not sticking her filthy tongue in Harvey Weinstein's fetid, scaly, diseased ear.
Stay with us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Yeah, if you go back to the campaign, a year and a half ago, they were saying Trump hates Hispanics, he hates Mexicans, he says they're all criminals.
And we offered rewards to people on air, of anybody that could find us a clip of him saying that.
No, George Ramos and everybody said he said that.
He would give hour-long, two-hour speeches and they would take it out of context.
He said, if you've been deported, if you're a criminal, if you can't prove that you haven't been living here since you were a kid or that you haven't been living here a long time and have a job and a part of society or in school, we're deporting you and we're going to stop everybody else just pouring in the way Obama is, you know, saying, again, 60-year-old men and women are children.
It's like in Europe, they call these jihadis.
There's like another fetish thing on Infowars.com that we cover.
A German documentary on the Kids Channel for kids showed a teenage girl, like 14, that dates her Arab boyfriend.
And everybody looked at it and said, that guy looks like he's 25.
And it turned out he was.
And it's how cool it is on the kids shows, you know, get your Muslim boyfriend, and it's, you know, it's so great.
And it's just, this is what the government does.
They tell young girls, girls, go get a Muslim who just came over, 80% military age men, and even get on a plane with them.
Go back to the Middle East, where in many cases, you're never seen again, sweetheart.
And they always pick a sweet guy, like, we're so... We're Islamists and we're real sweet and, you know, we're real Western.
And again, it's the priming the pump.
They should have TV ads telling German women, especially Eastern European women, man, they are, you know, it's real poor, they want to get out.
And these slick guys, baby Jules, you're so beautiful.
Oh, you're gonna come with me?
And if they're lucky,
They end up in 50 guy gangbangs, shot in LA.
I mean, you want to get on a train to hell.
You go and you get on an airplane with an Islamic man when you're 14, 15 years old, you're 20, whatever, you're crazy.
And it's one of the most known, documented things out there.
And it's all about their love.
It's all about priming.
Because the refugees aren't 15.
They're military-age men.
And they are literally running TV ads, UN-funded, with rock star movie stars going, I wear the hijab in German, oh, I love Islam.
And the issue is...
We can show you those ads, is that it's a German pop star who is saying, wear a hijab, do this, and it's just TV shows everywhere saying, young women, go to an anti-racism conference, concert, these women show up, and it's mainly men, and then 50 of them line up and gang rape them.
We got the videos.
Well, we don't show that, we just show the women begging and clawing.
You can watch hours of them, like, come up for air, like...
And it's just liberal!
All right, that's enough.
Just get it off the screen.
I can't look at it.
Here it is!
See, look!
Me too!
The hajib is beautiful!
Ah, enjoy the difference!
Ah, yes!
Send the spider to the fly!
Yeah, don't bring people in if Europe has 1.3, 1.5 replacement rate from
Don't bring them in from Latin America.
Don't bring them in.
Don't encourage any of the Europeans to have children.
Oh, that's a bad thing they're told.
Encourage North Africa and the Middle East!
They advertise, come here, we have women.
And the Imams, they have the, when the men are weak, the women are ours!
We will go.
They are strong breeding stock.
We will conquer the world with them.
It is the order of Allah to go to Germany and take their women.
And then Ergun came out last year and said, we will burn down every European city if you don't let us come in.
And you're a womanizer!
Just hordes of young Turks.
They'll kill all the Christians like we always do.
And then it was like, liberal I, wear the hijab I, get on an airplane with him, go to Saudi Arabia, go to Libya, go to Somalia, and we're gonna take you and sell you on a slave lot to a sheik, and you'll never get out of the dungeon.
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now, with all the refugees spreading disease around, we have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
Alright, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
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Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live.
This happened a few months ago, but we posted it because it hadn't gotten a lot of attention, or as much as it should, on InfoWars.com a few days ago.
And I didn't play the audio because it's kind of low, but we've edited it down to like five minutes.
You can watch the whole thing at PrivateSectorArms.com, also on InfoWars.com.
The article's originally from Louder with Crowder.
A fat SJW walks into a gun store, hilarity ensues.
Well, I don't really think it's funny.
I mean, this person is whacked out, man.
They think an American flag's Nazi, a gas can flag's Nazi.
They grab Bibles, start throwing them all over the place, cracking the window, throwing them on the roof.
And this is a literal brainwashed victim.
And this is what SJWs are like.
We go out, our crew faces them, but they'll march up with guns and actually threaten us.
It's illegal to walk around with guns in most areas, but you don't do it brandishing them.
So they're just allowed to do whatever they want.
They're extremely dangerous because they really believe what they're being taught at college.
They tell them, you're important, you're powerful because you're going to fight Nazis.
They go home and play World of Warcraft and
Walks in and starts saying stuff about, oh, you won't sell the, you know, the K-word, one of the expletives for Jews.
And the left always just spews race garbage and everything.
I said, the mainstream media is broke back.
And the young Turks go, that's code for gay.
No, the original definition means broken, failed, dysfunctional.
But you guys take every word and then say we can't use it because you're control freaks.
You're threatened by words.
Excuse me.
A fat SJW walks into a gun store and true sadness ensues.
It starts with Antifa Annie.
That's her name.
We think, because you're not in California, they arrest you if you even say the sex of somebody or don't say it, so we just say it.
And it's not just a Stephen King book.
So again, it starts with Antifa Annie mistaking a flag for a Nazi flag.
It ends with Bibles being thrown on the roof.
What's amazing is, you've got to go watch the full ten and a half minute video because he is so polite.
He's so nice, he never even tries to bait her.
I mean, I would have gotten mad.
You're like throwing Bibles around and calling me a Nazi and spewing explosives about Jews all day.
It's simply incredible.
So Don Teague was born in Washington and raised in the Philippines during the Marcos dictatorship.
As a missionary in the 80s and 90s, he saw an early age.
Being a citizen was the right to bear arms was one of the greatest things about this country's freedom.
He began arms dealing in 97 created the private sector LLC in 2014 in July and the most left-wing area of the capital city right near Evergreen College and you can tell us exactly where he's located as our name reflects the private sector LLC private sector arms for the sole purpose of facilitating the propagation of small arms and tactics by the law abiding.
That's the opposite of the UN's deal.
So, we're going to talk to him right now.
Again, he's in Washington State.
Thank you for joining us, Don.
Do you think this is funny?
I'm not putting down Steven Crowder.
He's a comic.
I think it's very disturbing.
Yeah, hi Alex.
No, I don't think it's very funny at all.
Unfortunately, it's pretty par for the course around here.
A lot of people act like that.
A lot of people talk like that and drop all the
The words that everybody seems to be buzzing about these days.
But yeah, it was ridiculous.
She comes in, she starts asking me right off the bat, using Nazi terms.
I'm assuming that she thought I was a Nazi, and so she wanted to, I don't know what, trap me in my prejudice by being like, you know, hell no, I'd never sell to those people.
Yeah, I just, uh, I didn't even know what she was talking about at the time, but she educated me real quick.
And I'm not just saying this to be mean.
These people all act like central casting from a Hollywood movie where a nut house, you know, loses power and the doors get open and 10,000 lunatics get loose.
They all literally act like bridge dwellers.
Yeah, like I said, we see it a lot, but not to that level.
I mean, I didn't really think she would take it that far.
I guess I probably gave her a little bit too much rope to hang herself with.
You know, there wasn't a whole lot of damage other than, I think, mainly for everybody just kind of now validating that, yes, in fact, people are out there like that.
They do feel that way.
They are saying those things.
They are coming up, getting in your face.
They're trying to bait you into doing something that they can then justify whatever kind of violence they want to inflict upon you.
Why should you choose to do that in a gun shop?
I have no idea.
And of course, Evergreen College, what, you're by Olympia, right?
And so, in memory service, isn't that where the white teachers were held hostage, and then they just said no whites allowed for a weekend or whatever, and then the school defended that and said all whites must leave, and then professors that said this is insane and racist, who were liberals, they were suspended, right?
Correct, they were.
So do we know if this mind control victim probably came from that college or where?
Yeah, I don't know for sure.
She said something about that she was 30.
We found out later that, in fact, she was probably only 22, 23 years old.
She might have been going to college there or maybe, you know, and this comes from a guy who was homeschooled most of my life.
Maybe she was homeschooled and maybe it was not done appropriately in some basement somewhere.
I have no idea.
Well, exactly.
There's the bad side of homeschooling with the leftist sometimes and sometimes right-wing folks.
Expanding on that...
I don't know if you ever saw the video of the, we call him Goblin Man, attacking me with hot coffee.
They thought I staged that.
I mean, I would walk down the streets of Seattle and my wife and family said, look, stop going out alone.
They stayed in the hotel.
I was attacked every minute or so.
People throwing stuff, dumping coffee, screaming at me, screaming Nazi.
I mean, have you ever seen that footage?
I'm looking at it right now.
And yeah, that's, that's crazy, man.
Yeah, I don't go downtown Seattle for that very reason.
No, I totally would believe that would be something that would happen.
It happens downtown Olympia all the time when people are trying to make a point in front of City Hall.
They do that to the police.
So yeah, of course, you're very, you know, people know what you look like.
You stand for all kinds of things that people don't appreciate or would like to shut you up about.
Tell us about the compendium of this, or the track.
I mean, you've lived there a while.
I mean, what's the track of this, you know, getting bad?
I mean, and how bad do you think it's gonna get?
They seem to be radicalizing, getting more delusional, more insane, where they think the American flag is Nazi.
It's just misinformation, or...
I guess they just say, okay, insert, if I don't know anything about it, I'm going to insert whatever I can to justify my outburst.
But yeah, it is getting worse.
I mean, this is the second time something like that has happened to us.
The first time was literally a year and a day earlier.
It was the day after Trump was elected, and we had somebody spray paint FU about 12 times.
In two different colors all over our storefront.
They gorilla-glued the doors, the locks, the hinges, both the front and the back.
That's Antifa.
That's what they do.
Yeah, and this guy was dressed the same.
Tall, heavyset, all black, you know, shit-wearing boots.
And then trying to, I don't know, I guess keep us from doing business or something.
But it wasn't anything a can of WD-40 couldn't work out.
We had the communists attack, publicly, a cat shelter that was on a vacant lot because they said that white women ran it.
White liberals, by the way.
So they had a cat sanctuary.
They've been trying to shut down the Blue Cat Cafe here in Austin.
And the news says it's a good thing.
The news goes out and agrees and says, oh yes, these are white people.
I'm not kidding.
And vandalized the cat thing because that, I mean, it's like, as long as it says JW, just do it.
I think that's, I think the media has empowered these people.
Oh, absolutely.
Yeah, not only are they getting a whole bunch of press, it's just like when anything else does anything stupid, people like to watch it a lot.
In fact, I...
I really thought that there was somebody out there trying to take video of her doing what she was doing.
The way she was talking, it didn't make any sense that somebody would be that dense.
Let's talk about it when we come back.
Exactly, just like ISIS does it for recruitment.
Let's talk about that and play some of it coming into the store when we come back.
This is the real it, folks.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Fighting a good fight is trying to empower humanity.
There's nothing more liberal than being able to defend yourself and grow your own crops and raise your children as you see fit and worship God or not worship God.
Live and let live.
And the globalists have used our open society against us.
That's why George Soros calls his group the Open Society.
And they have got an army of antifa that they have at the Golden Globes and that they build up as these heavenly people that come up to my reporters in Austin with trigger fingers on their assault rifles, to use their term,
And they say, are you scared?
Because we're not letting you onto this park by the Capitol to speak.
And Ellen Schreuer is by himself, and Owen's a tough guy.
He goes, yeah.
They go, oh, you're shaking, your hand's shaking, when they're all bumping into him and hitting him, and they got their guns.
They go, are you scared?
And he goes, yeah, I'm scared.
You're a bunch of thugs with guns bumping into me.
They had clubs hitting him in the sides, what they do off camera.
And again, these people are monsters.
What was happening is, he was scared because he was about to beat your brains out.
And don't think, you little Antifa turds, there weren't police snipers trained on you.
The point is, it's out of control.
And these slugs are all the weakest people you can imagine, but they're empowered by the media and the government, and the police, who don't even like them, have been told, leave them alone!
Almost everywhere!
So I used to buy into leftist garbage even ten years ago, that
That the left, before it was called Antifa, really, I was told about anti-fascists longer ago than that by Steve Mason, he warned me about them.
I was like, what?
He was like, oh yeah, the so-called anti-racist groups, they're really racist and they're communist, Red Brigade, and they're in Austin, and I'm like, okay.
He's a documentary filmmaker, good friend of mine.
But I still, until I experienced them coming out in full force,
And I remember, you know, Breitbart had articles, and Brandon Darby wrote articles about how they were trying to firebomb stuff, and I said, oh, that's a setup.
No, I was wrong, and I apologize for that.
Brandon Darby was right about what they did.
So I apologize to Brandon Darby for articles not written by me, but by others that I then bought into.
So that's a correction years later.
And thank God they're in prison.
They deserve to be.
So, speaking to Don Teague, privatesectorarms.com, privatesectorarms.com is the website for his site.
We're going to play some of this video here in a moment, but you talk about other attacks and things.
What is the climate?
How bad do you think it's going to get there after your gun shop got attacked by the person grabbing the Bibles that you were giving away free and throwing them into the glass and on the roof?
Yeah, well, we're kind of, uh, we're up on a hill here, and most of the activity happens downtown.
And as it turns out, a lot of people around here that protest are very lazy at protesting.
So they end up going downtown.
They start up here.
They march down towards City Hall.
They make their deal down there.
They break a few things.
I guess one of the banks got smashed really bad downtown here a few months back.
They arrested the guy.
He was all masked up.
They threw him on the ground.
They handcuffed him.
Then they pulled the mask off, and a judge let him go, as the story goes, because they did not identify him during the time that he actually committed the act.
Only after they had already arrested him.
So there's no way to properly identify him.
So they ended up throwing it out.
So yeah, I mean, the police around here, they're definitely getting told to be hands off.
And I'm hoping it doesn't ever come to this, but it just might get to the point where something happens that will might be a tragedy.
And a lot of people get hurt.
And we hope that doesn't happen.
The police around here, though, don't get me wrong.
These guys are great guys.
They do their best with what they have.
And I'm sure a lot of them personally feel a lot different than how the city is having them act.
And of course, they are required to do their job accordingly.
But I bet if you or I, who are more libertarian and Christian conservatives, if we went in a gun shop and threw Bibles up against the window and cracked it and threw them on the roof and told people they were Nazis, we'd get arrested for disorderly conduct.
But I guess you didn't really push for that, did you?
Yeah, no, I wanted them to tell me what the crime was here.
I wanted to find out, I mean, is there a misdemeanor?
What's going on?
They pretty much just told me, yeah, she didn't commit any crime.
I guarantee you, I guarantee you, if those were Korans, she'd be in jail right now.
Oh, it'd be a hate crime!
Yeah, it would be ridiculous.
But of course, if you look at the video, you notice that they didn't even know those were my Bibles.
They thought those were her Bibles.
So when they showed up, what they thought they were against was literally a religious, gender-fluid act of
No, no, no.
She said, I want to burn these Bibles.
She came to destroy your religious freedom.
She literally is a book-burning anti-fascist when that's what the fascists do is burn books.
Right, right.
And of course I told her, yeah, you can do whatever you want, read it, burn it.
I was obviously being sarcastic.
I didn't actually expect her to be like, well, actually I would burn it.
Well, that's what the Nazis did.
So, kind of strange.
She's coming in.
She's using, you know, she's using the horrible language.
And then she's burning, wanting to burn books, asking me if it's strictly Christian.
You know, the whole first part of that, Old and New Testament, the whole first part of that is the Torah.
So here she says she loves Jews, but she says the K word.
I think she might have got offended because when she walked through the door, the first thing she said was, I'll bet you don't even sell to K.
And what I thought she said was, I'll bet you don't even sell the Dykes.
Well, I do actually.
We have a huge transgender community in the area.
President of Pink Pistols is one of our number one fans around here.
So in fact, we do.
So my response to that was, hell yeah, I sell the Dykes.
Well, then she basically corrected me on what it was that she had said, and then walked around, pointed out a few other things, asked me if I even obey the law, some stuff like that you saw.
She grabbed a plastic gun, a rubber ducky in here that was for training.
She pointed it at me, pulled the trigger.
She looked really depressed that it didn't go bang.
So I kind of rubbed the handle of my gun and I told her, you know that's a fake, right?
And she's like, well, that doesn't do me any good, Den.
And so she kind of threw it on the ground, I asked her to put it back, and then that's when I went ahead and started filming it.
We're going to come back in a moment and play some of this, but let's start playing some of it now when she comes in to the facility and starts calling him a Nazi and saying, why do you have Nazi flags?
Here it is.
Nothing too common, that's why I read books.
No, it's not legal.
You wouldn't tell me it's illegal, would you?
Of course not.
I'm a law-abiding citizen, aren't you?
We're all law-abiding in our own ways.
Um, let's see here.
Really, you don't do anything illegal?
Do you do anything illegal?
Why would you come in here and ask me that?
That's kind of messed up.
Well, I'm just assuming.
Why are you being aggro, though?
I'm not being aggro.
I'm just being, like, inquisitive.
The first thing you did is you came in and
We're bleeping the k-word and all that because they'll say we did it.
You are familiar with the Nazis though.
Yeah, definitely.
So it's very publicized what actually stands for them.
Those are free.
You can take one of those if you want.
Free Bibles?
Are these, um... You can read it, burn it, do whatever you want with it.
That's actually nice of you, because I would burn it.
But, I mean, actually, are these...
Alright folks, we'll be back with the craziness going on outside Evergreen College in Olympia, Washington, where truly the inmates are free, running wild like Day of the Dead, and they think we're all Nazis, and they're out to get us.
They're just lunatics.
Are you sure?
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They had a meltdown over an ad that I cut in April and they found it like it was some secret and they were like, oh my god, this is the funniest thing ever.
So they literally had an autistic screeching fit over
An ad of me promoting Brain Force, which is a new tropic, which like literally half the people in Silicon Valley take, which everybody has their different brand of.
Oh, but when InfoWars does it, it's bad and it's funny somehow.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're breaking the conditioning!
InfoWars comes to mind.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones.
Google is being accused of hiding negative stories about Hillary and her campaign by changing its algorithm to bury stories like the Clinton body count story.
That's according to website InfoWars.
It's time we get confirmed there are at least two shooters with fully automatic weapons.
Dr. Martin Luther King has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
JFK was shot from the back and the front.
It was almost as if there were planned implosions.
It's just pancakes.
They took the babies out of incubators.
Lucky children to die on the front lines.
I think this is a national security imperative.
We have clear things that we do not understand how they work operating in areas that we can't control.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world the central bank is in charge?
Israel claims the attack was accidental.
Some former US naval officers say it was on purpose.
They describe today's action as part of a continuing cover-up.
Russian intelligence compiled a dossier on Mr. Trump during visits to Moscow.
Russian scum!
Denied everything.
He called it all fake news.
And he accused CNN of being fake news.
This is a national emergency.
If they kill Trump or remove Trump, it will cause a massive civil war in this country.
This is a FEMA high-level emergency.
Are you aware that Mr. Stone also stated publicly that he was in direct communication with Julian Assange and Wikileaks?
The White House and the President are citing info wars.
They can shut us down, you're next!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Now, here's the deal.
We're talking to Don Teague, owner there in Olympia, Washington, of a firearm store.
You gotta be brave to do that.
Such great people out in the middle of Washington, actually, you know, lumberjacks and farmers just, they're right outside those little country towns.
Everybody's a listener.
You walk in any of those cities, man, I am attacked in 60 seconds.
I mean, old ladies come over.
Happens in Austin now.
They'll just scream, you Nazi, you Russian.
They'll even slap me in the back of the head or knock your glass of water over.
And you've been dehumanized.
It's like a Nazi literally in Germany going, you Jew!
It was just an excuse to hate whoever they want.
And then, of course, it spilled over into everybody.
And I'm not being a victim here.
I'm just saying the Antifa came out of the Red Brigades, Mao Brigades.
30 years ago.
It's a fact.
They've written books.
It's who they are.
And they believe that violence is the way to anybody that's establishment or bourgeois or bougie.
And they can have nice cars and houses and things.
In fact, usually they're middle class or wealthy.
You can't.
And what they really are is just a dangerous group.
But then their followers
Are crazy!
They'll get like 25 year old guys on average, like we've got footage and we followed some of these people back and figured out who they are because we got to do something about this.
And, uh, then once stuff starts happening to them, all totally legal, they flip out.
They can't believe that we're actually pushing back.
You know, you want to follow families, their cars, you want to threaten people, you want to do stuff over for following you.
Okay, so when we're going to be there with your mask is off because you are a terrorist organization.
You've been listed as this in many areas and the entitlement that they just get to demonize you and that they get to have violence because quote you're a racist is that is just insane garbage and
These people are all going to end up in prison.
You're not going to have your communists take over.
You're not going to win.
Even if the communists took over, this would be the first group they got rid of.
So I wanted to give Don Teague, as we finish up some of this video, just the pitifulness.
We've got Antifa knocking women on the head and, you know, stabbing people and burning stuff.
But to get one with their mask off.
Or to get one of their followers with a mask off and just kind of stumbling around and weird and you try to humanize them, you try to talk to them, and it seems to only make them madder.
Don, you're a smart guy.
Other key points you'd like to add about this phenomenon?
Because this is how the Mal Brigade started, with a bunch of useful idiots.
This is very dangerous to allow this to go on in America, in my view.
What do you think?
Yeah, absolutely.
And they're receiving a lot of help online.
People are putting out videos going, hey, this is what this Antifa is about.
They're putting out videos of people that are a lot more combative and abusive.
They're giving people ideas around here like, because we just passed this law, or we just decided we were going to not enforce these laws, and it's been noticed by these groups,
They're giving these people advice on how to take it right up to that line.
This is what you could do as long as nobody put hands on you or you don't put hands on somebody or you know you use this and you don't point it at them or you just infer about this and so they have this kind of passive aggressive scenario thing that goes on and if it stays like that then really the only you know the only weapon that it's going to use against us is ourselves anyway.
You lose control.
You lose your mind.
It's it's
You know, it's obvious that you're going to get upset when they start doing things like this.
You're going to want to yell.
You're going to want to scream right back into their face.
But when that passive aggressiveness just starts to grind down on you, you have to remind yourself truly about what's important.
And that's how you conduct yourself.
And by conducting yourself appropriately, by raising your kids appropriately, with a fear of God or a fear of a higher power, the fact that this is exactly how you're supposed to treat people, this is how you treat your elders, whether you come from whatever kind of family that you come from, the understanding that people are naturally good and as long as we're raising our kids properly, we're not going to put these things out on the street.
And like you said, you're not saying she's the one that attacked the store before and spray-painted all the garbage and put superglue.
That's what Antifa does.
You're saying it's on the surveillance cameras you were saying someone that looked like this person.
Well, bag, black, clothes, boots, all the usual.
The accoutrement.
And the classic Nazi accoutrement.
You know, it's funny, they actually, not because people that wear black.
I wear black a lot.
You know, it's slimming.
I like it.
It's simple.
But when you're wearing combat boots and all black and you're wearing a little black cap and you're engaged in street violence and you're calling people Nazis, it's just a little weird when you're wearing a Nazi outfit.
Yeah, and if you notice, when she first came in, she came in more like a man.
And then by the time she threw stuff around, where I'm assuming she thought that this was going to be the last straw that broke the camel's back, and I was going to come running out there and do something stupid.
But if you notice, by the time she walked back in, she was wearing pink rimmed glasses, she had her hair all pulled down.
She definitely, you could tell, it was a woman at this point.
Uh, which later on after, uh, you know, a month later when she started attacking our intern and his wife while having dinner, the officer during that time, the same officer that showed up during that time, did actually, uh, identify her as a, as a female.
See, I should have asked you the history of this up front.
I'm not good at interviews.
In fact, Don, when we put this up on YouTube and Facebook, I'm going to put this intro part right on the front.
Tell people just in two minutes what happened and then the history of this person harassing you.
Yeah, so she comes in, she starts telling me, asking me if I sell to a bad antisemitic word.
And at which point she educates me on what that means.
She accused me of being a Nazi.
She runs around, she speaks passively, aggressively about everything in the store.
She picks and chooses, tries to push me over and over again, and then finds the Bibles.
I tell her she can have some.
She says she's gonna burn them.
She takes the whole stack, throws them out the door.
Pegs the front door with it, however so gently.
Tries to throw them up onto the roof with her four-year-old jumping throws.
Sure, and you've been attacked before, but the big part I wanted to get to was the, what happened to your intern?
Something else happened?
Oh yeah, so about a month later he goes up and he's eating at a store with his wife.
She shows up, she identifies him.
I think he was open carrying, that might have been the reason why she saw that he had a gun, so she decided to go kind of attack him a little bit.
And then she probably noticed that he was wearing the same logoed shirt that he always wears when he gets off work.
And so she started filming herself on her phone.
Screaming at him and yelling at him and calling him all kinds of names and a Nazi.
And then she grabbed his chicken nuggets off the table, stuffed them in her mouth, kicked the rest of them on the floor.
He immediately called the police.
They showed up eventually after she followed him out into the parking lot because he removed himself from the situation to be on the phone with 911.
She follows him out of the parking lot, starts kicking and putting the boots to his car.
You know, not any major surface damage.
Sure, but that's still illegal.
Did she get in trouble?
It's still an aggravated... Did she get in trouble?
So she did not get in trouble.
The exact same officers were the ones that showed up earlier.
They once again said that no crime had been committed and that they could not commit an arrest because of an RCW rule in Washington State unless that act had happened directly in front of them.
Wow, this is coming to a head.
Don, stay in touch with us.
Now these people are just out of control and they're getting trained to do this.
I told you, they grab your food.
They do it to me.
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What a great idea Joseph Farah.
The true pioneer of Patriot, Libertarian, Americana media to promote basic Americana that Trump has now fully begun to reboot the country with.
And I know these are just postcards online you can send for free to the President and share to others.
But man, that'd be a great hat.
All this stuff.
Great graphic stuff.
Mr. President, thank you for your service.
You know, I've seen President Trump talk about the veterans and how great they are, and they are, but talk about how he's never done anything like they have and how they're the best.
Absolutely, Alex.
You know, uh...
I gotta tell you, the thing I'm excited about this is, you know, we worked with the White House to ensure that we had a path to get these messages to Trump.
That's what people need to understand.
I mean, I don't know if, you know, we're over 10,000 now.
Did Donald Trump read 10,000?
No, but I have a feeling maybe he has somebody who's keeping him up to date on this kind of stuff.
And maybe one of these days we can get him to tweet this.
I think?
Making us all more effective.
Alex Jones, you recognize that, and I appreciate you bringing this to the attention of your vast audience.
Oh absolutely, but I mean it's bigger than that!
Psychologically, something happens when we're thankful.
So everybody needs to go to the site ThankTrump.us and explain how they do this.
It's very easy.
We've linked it on Infowars.com and make this about the president.
I agree.
Well, it's so easy.
Just go to ThankTrump.us.
It'll instantly take you to this special page where you've got nine different cards.
We've added a few recently, added three recently.
We'll probably add some more.
I think what we're seeing right now, Alex, is
We have not seen anything like this in our lifetimes.
Would you agree with me on that?
I'm absolutely downfounded.
It's incredible.
I mean, I was around for Reagan.
In fact, Reagan was the thing that got the guy, the personality who took me from the far left
To being a constitutional, you know, limited government kind of guy, okay?
That's what Reagan did for me.
But what Trump is doing, in his first year, the accomplishments are greater.
They're more stunning.
I'm just amazed at how much he's- And that's why they're so scared.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
We're all living in America!
It's wunderbar!
We're all living in America!
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to go ahead and break this next hour.
Cruz has been working on it today, and he's appeared to be authentic.
And it ties into my deep research on how they've already operated before.
And what they've been caught doing in other countries, both in Europe, the third world, you name it.
These documents purport to show George Soros' son, who does honcho and finance most of the Antifa, the women's marches, led by Linda Sorcer with her burka on and the obscenity that she leads the women of America right into Islam, just like the EU has TV ads that tell young girls the date of
Fully grown Muslim men, that's a wonderful idea.
We were just showing those clips earlier.
I mean, this is just insane.
These documents purport to show, and they appear to be real, these are non-disclosure agreements and contracts for Antifa to cause civil unrest in Baltimore, with the media hyping up all the race war stuff.
I think?
It's all what we know they've really been up to.
I think?
The professors were locked in their classrooms, taken hostage, and told that whites are inherently evil by the whites leading the minorities.
And they have the non-white day.
And when professors said it was racist, they were kicked off by the faculty.
So this is a true cult.
And we're just talking about how they're building this army for violence.
It's not like they're going to take over when they have full-page ads.
Let's print that, remember, a few months ago in November for rioting nationwide and overthrowing Trump November 4th.
Couple months ago.
That didn't happen.
They're trying to do it.
And then we talk about it and say, list them as terrorists.
And then they don't want to discuss that either.
Because they don't want us to have a discussion about it.
So, Don, I wanted you to be able to finish up with the police not saying they can't do anything when she kicked your employee's car door, ate his food, turned it over.
I didn't even know that story.
I was telling you how they do that to my food.
Yeah, so like with that thing, I'm just saying
Those police officers probably did whatever it was that they could.
But then after that, they came right down.
They broke the no trespass order when she came down in here, literally right after the police let her off of attacking this other guy.
And then when we called the police department, we did have them on speakerphone asking them directly if, you know, we had video that she had been in here, she had committed the trespass.
She had broken that.
Was there anything they were going to do about it?
And they confirmed that they would do absolutely nothing for it.
So just remember to watch your own back.
And take care of yourself when you can.
Take care of each other.
Yeah, these are safe zones for these people to commit these crimes.
And then finally, if somebody fights back, they're the cause to live and a poor baby.
And the president says, hey, both sides were fighting, you know, there in Virginia, and Antifa's bad.
Oh no, Antifa, they're not bad.
They're wonderful people.
Yeah, it's ludicrous.
You can't even compare the two of what's going on.
So how many times total have you had the shop attacked?
Has this person shown up or have your employees been screamed at, their food stolen, their cars attacked?
Yeah, so so far with the one person we've had three points of contact and then that's assuming that that was a different person that attacked us the first time.
Wow, okay.
Don Teague, you've got Nico Acosta's number, our lead producer.
Call us the minute anything happens, please, okay?
Yep, will do.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you.
Don Teague.
It just never ends, man.
And then we've got these documents that are just incredible.
And then you read them and it's exactly what they do.
And that's why I, they're stopping our free speech because I can't go out to one of these pro-America rallies, pro-Trump rallies, pro-gun rallies, because if communists come over to me and say, are you scaring up your finger on your trigger?
I mean, I just can't do it.
I just, I, it's not like I'm Mr. Tough Guy either.
It's, it's fight or flight.
I don't have the good reverse.
I actually wish I did.
And, you know, I got so upset that when I saw them bullying Owen that I just felt guilty that I didn't have people out there with him.
I just can't handle it anymore.
And I'm not being dramatic here.
These people are the scum of the earth, literally funded by a dirtbag Nazi collaborator who helped round up his fellow Jews and then overthrow dozens of countries, overthrow Ukraine using the very tactics
Of starting riots and killing police.
And then they overthrew the government of Ukraine.
People say this is so bold.
He's done it all over the place.
He told Fareed Zarkaria on CNN that, I gave billions of dollars to overthrow Ukraine.
I'm very proud of myself.
I do.
It's like this demon toad with his demon son who goes to spirit cooking Aleister Crowley events and looks all creepy and weak.
But you know what?
We won't stand up to him, so... I guess that's how the cow ate the cabbage when we come back for the next segment.
I'm gonna go ahead and play, we got a couple videos, but where it shows CNN going, Alex Jones made it up that George Soros was a Nazi collaborator, and then I cut to him on 60 Minutes admitting it and saying he's not ashamed of it.
I did whatever I had to do to survive.
I've had Hollywood folks go, we know Soros is bad, but you know, it's kind of anti-Semitic to talk bad about him.
This is years ago.
And you know, you know, they would have killed him if he hadn't done this.
And I'm like, wow.
That's how you get in that position is, is incrementally people bully you into submission like Antifa's doing.
And then finally, I'm not going to lift a finger up.
I'm going to go help the Nazis.
The one thing if he went and hid.
But you're gonna go help them and then you're the one calling everybody Nazis when you are worse than the Nazis because you're somebody that betrayed your own people to them.
Look up Alex Soros.
I mean, you look at him, he just, he's creepier looking than Brian Stelter or Hillary Clinton.
It's like, where do they get these people?
Everybody's so scared of him.
Well, I'm not scared of him.
I'm scared of failure.
I'm scared I'm not strong enough to do enough against him.
And I just pray.
You pray for, I mean, oh God.
That's not even one of the bad ones.
Type him partying, or him drunk, or him bombed out of his brain, or him spirit cooking, and you'll see the stuff.
You'll see them with a woman, supposedly for mock sacrifice, being carried along behind him, and he's like smiling at you.
I mean, just look at him.
Talk about entitled.
Let's put Alex Soros back on screen if we can.
And just understand that he thinks he's gonna beat you.
He thinks he's better than you.
He thinks he's got you.
He and his father think they're unstoppable.
These are horrible, horrible, selfish people.
That are whacked out of their minds.
Completely mentally ill.
And they think, I mean just look at that narcissism.
And notice these guys never show their teeth because they look so psychotic.
Their PR people say, look, you don't see it, but do not smile.
But you can find it.
Type in Alex Soros smiling.
And I mean, man, you talk about Big Bad Wolf, but this is like the 10th generation of the Big Bad Wolf.
So this is like the, you know, the mental munchkin.
And it's just give me a break.
Give me a break.
But you know what?
They want to start a civil war down the streets, so that's how they can, you know, get at the American people.
But you know what?
You're failing, and you're going to continue to go on to fail because you've been identified scumbag.
So you keep having Media Matters write your talking points about us and launch all your behind-the-scenes stuff because our audience, I know, are the best out there.
And no matter what you do or what you lie about or what you push or who you try to buy off or what scams you run, they know the truth about us.
You judge a tree by its fruits, and they are financially
Supporting us.
They're spreading the articles, the videos, the subscriptions.
They are telling their co-workers, their neighbors, their church about it.
Their co-workers.
And they are ringing the alarm bells like Paul Revere's of every race, color, and creed.
There's only one race.
We're standing against evil.
Whether you're from China, or whether you're from Germany, or whether you're from Mexico, or whether you're a Muslim that wants to be free, or a Christian, or a Jew, or even an agnostic, and there's a lot of atheists that don't like globalism, that I think overall are good people.
I think they're wrong, but you know, whatever.
We're gonna stand against you, and your plan to divide us all against each other is failing.
And you're losing.
And you're going to lose everywhere.
George Soros overthrew the elected government of Ukraine to loot that country, and he funded all the dossiers and crap that's come out to put out the Russiagate thing, because he's a dirtbag, upset he can't suck the blood out of Russia anymore, and he is a failure.
And he is going to go to the pit of hell where demons go.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk to Colt in Kansas.
Colt, you're on the air.
You can skid a buck, you can run a trot line.
Let's try.
So, as I've got older now, when I bale hay every year, my sinuses just go nuts after the second and third day.
Well, I heard about your caveman and so I started trying it and actually I haven't got sick at all and I've been taking it for eight months now.
You know, it's funny you say that because I, from time to time, go read the reviews and people have talked about reduced allergies and
Look, here's the deal.
They give you a bowl of chicken soup and everybody knows it's been associated with getting well quicker.
This is hundreds of times stronger per serving.
It's concentrated organic chicken bone with chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and a bunch of stuff that is actually known to be anti-inflammatory.
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And so, I mean, it really is an insane formula.
I saw three or four years ago that the biggest, hottest thing in bodybuilding and in the Olympic athletes and in NFL players, but also folks who wanted to detoxify and for weight loss as well, depending on how you want to use it, would be bone broth.
Boiling down chicken bones, boiling down beef bones.
But beef can have some issues.
We went with chicken.
And that for your bones, your cartilage, your energy, if you remember to just take a scoop of it with your milk or mix it with whey like I do, so it tastes good.
It's crazy how good these products are.
So I didn't mean to go into a whole other plug about it, but if people just try this ultimate bone broth formula, they will see for themselves what it does within a week or so.
So thank you for the plug, my friend.
It is.
Yeah, it's amazing.
I love it.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Thank you, God, for letting us get in the position of at least being able to fight back against these Globals and get off our knees.
It's God's only reason we're starting to turn a little bit of this around.
You know a man by his enemies, you know Trump's good by these enemies.
I want to play part of this powerful report from InfoWars.com with Millie Weaver.
The People's Choice Awards looking forward to Trump's deal in seven days with his fake news awards that have got the globalists so scared as we take the narrative away from them.
And then, proof of organized crime and terrorism that is incontrovertible and incredibly damning if it's real.
I read these documents they look real and everything in them is what I've seen in the playbook manifested by Antifa and we know what the Justice Department was involved in with the whole race riot stuff the last four years of Obama.
It failed because America came together and things like Houston got hit by the hurricane and that was so unifying but this is huge and
Trump has to act against Soros and others if these documents are real.
We're going to get to these in the next segment.
Let's play part of the Mellie Weaver report that's on NewsWars.com.
Weaver reporting for InfoWars.com.
Well, President Donald Trump has announced that on Wednesday, January the 17th, he will be announcing his fake news awards.
Which I'm sure is going to cause a lot of stir within Twitter and social media.
So we're here in Austin, Texas, and let's go ask Austin who they think deserves a Fake News Award.
Who do you think should win a Fake News Award?
Um... CNN.
We're actually correcting a story that we have been reporting, and this appears to have changed the understanding of this story.
Who do you think should win a Fake News Award?
Donald Trump!
He says everyone reports fake news, but he's the biggest fake news reporter.
What has he reported that's fake news?
I haven't listened lately.
I just stopped listening.
So you don't really have anything specific?
Well, a few weeks ago he was saying all kinds of stuff about... God, I don't remember, but it was fake news.
Do you think all of the media is credible in the United States?
So you trust CNN, ABC, NBC?
I don't know who to trust.
Who do you expect that he'll give a fake news award to?
I didn't know there were awards.
Jake Tapper.
Jake Tapper, you think he should win?
I'm a big fan, though, so now I'm pretty biased.
I mean, everyone is.
But yeah, no, I like Jake Tapper.
He should get some award this year.
And I think I've wasted enough of my viewers' time.
Who do you think should win a fake news award?
Uh, well, based on recent events, probably Tapper over at CNN.
My seven-year-old son now, whenever I'm bothering him, he goes, fake news!
People report things that aren't always the truth.
I can't say that they're just not credible.
It's just, you hear things and then they report them and maybe didn't do fact-checking, but I think that every news source is probably guilty of that.
CNN Money said, no more of this.
If you're going to do any more stories on Donald Trump and connections to Russia, it needs to go by the top brass.
And I think it's a few months too late.
What do you think about CNN?
Is CNN fake news?
Um, well, I'm technically a college student still, and we're allowed to use CNN as a reference.
You get, like, an approved listing of where you can get, like, so usually it's, like, New York Times or, like, CNN.
And Fox News isn't on there?
Nothing is real news.
There is no real news out there.
Do you think CNN should win a fake news award?
No, I think they should all win a f***ing fake news award.
You know what I'm saying?
They all lie to you in some way or another.
Whether they directly lie to you or they just kind of like throw some butter over the f***ing truth.
You know what I'm saying?
Just so it slides down your f***ing throat a little easier.
I think they just tried to like, you know...
I don't know, just persuade America to believe something that's not even true.
It's a hardcore tie between MSNBC and CNN.
Like, they're really going at it.
They try their best to just trick everyone.
But overall, I think anyone over there could probably be at the top of the list for awards.
Anyone at CNN.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
This is Soros' love letter to the world.
It means, I hate you.
But you know what I say, my Lieblings?
I love you.
Imagine when he's helping the Nazis round up all those thousands of Jews.
He sure had a good time.
He's proud of it.
George Soros.
But don't worry.
I want to play that clip, guys.
We have several of them.
Of him on 60 Minutes saying, I helped the Nazis.
I'm not ashamed of it.
It's how I survived.
And then all these other shows saying, I'm a liar.
Now, I'm going to play that clip, and then I'm going to turn over this segment to Roger Stone, who's co-hosting, because we've got such bombshell breaking news that there's some other pieces of it, some other exhibits that I want to get to you coming up in the next segment.
But do we have that clip I was asking for earlier, guys?
They say I make it up that Soros was a Nazi collaborator, and this is all over the news.
This is the facelift for this guy, and then he has an army of people that dress like Nazis, going trying to stop free speech and have civil unrest, and we're going to show you documents, and what's shocking about the documents is, if they're real, it's proof of total terrorism, criminal activity, racketeering, I mean, it's cut and dry.
Antifa's already getting declared terrorist by Homeland Security, by the state of New Jersey, and other areas, but it's all tied to Soros that funds it, and if this is indeed accurate,
Then it is bombshell.
And what's interesting reading the documents is everything in it is in other pieces of their own press releases and full-page ads.
So if it is a forgery, someone took what they've said and done and put it in this as just a way to say, look, why doesn't anybody, you know, do anything about this?
So we're going to analyze that in a few minutes.
But right now,
And of course, the media said that this was fake.
When I covered this, they had dozens of major newspapers say, Jones is a liar.
There was no New York Times full-page ad.
And people went and actually got it.
They said, yeah, it is.
And then you go to their website, and it was there.
And this is Antifa.
This is the group funded by George Soros.
Refuse fascism.
And that's what's in the document.
So you're going to see some incredible stuff coming up here in just a few minutes.
But let's go ahead and play the clip of Anderson Cooper, CIA, leftist, one of the wealthiest men in America, from one of the biggest dynasties, talking about a silver spoon, telling you that George Soros is actually, hell, he stormed the beaches at Normandy?
With a knife in his teeth, and he killed 5,000 Nazis himself and saved a million Jews.
That's right, I heard it on CNN.
I heard it on CNN, and his crap doesn't stink either, but he sure looks like an old leather face.
So let's go ahead and play that clip, then Roger Stone takes over, we'll be back in the next segment.
It's the claim that the August protest was some sort of a left-wing plot.
Who, you might ask, would say something so offensive?
An elected representative who's serving right now in the U.S.
And look at the background.
George Soros is one of those people that actually helps, you know, back these individuals.
Who is he?
My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
Yes, yes.
Went out in fact and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
That's right.
Not, not at all.
Do you think George Soros funded the Neo-Nazis who marched in Charlottesville?
It would be interesting to find out.
These conspiracy theories were first spread by radio talk show host Alex Jones.
Is this lost on anyone?
George Soros is a famous Nazi collaborator.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Roger, you take over while we collate and get ready for the next segment of Bombshell Info.
Tell us what's coming up after we break this down.
Next segment.
Efforts by Facebook to censor a new Roe v. Wade movie.
We are going to look at Senator Dianne Feinstein's incredible action in the GPS fusion matter where she has unilaterally released full testimony allowing other witnesses to synchronize their testimony to facilitate
A cover-up and we're going to focus in again on Mr. Soros and his activities which clearly violate the law.
There's a difference between the First Amendment and fomenting violence and advocating the murder of others.
It's high time for the Justice Department to launch a crackdown on Mr. Soros.
We are also going to comment on the deafening silence.
I hear nothing from Brian Stelter.
Brian, where are you?
It was only days ago when Alex Jones laid down the challenge.
One million dollars.
To the charity of Brian Stelter's choice to climb in the ring with Alex Jones.
So where is the demon spawn?
Why do we hear nothing but silence?
Now, today, I'm going to double down.
I will be Alex Jones's second, and I'm laying down the challenge to Jake, also known as Fake Tapper, the faux journalist who you saw only seconds ago on your screen.
So a second million dollars.
Climb in the ring with me.
I will be Alex Jones's second.
My guess?
The boys at CNN don't have the cojones to face us.
Yet they continue to promulgate the myth that George Soros is just some benign philanthropist.
They deny his Nazi past.
Yesterday, on the war room, my colleague Tyler Nixon exposed incredible new documents absolutely proving the Soros plan to foment violence in the United States.
Now, this is not new, really.
Julian Assange at WikiLeaks laid out for us, chapter and verse, how Soros was paying for the violence at Donald Trump's campaign rallies.
At a certain point, one must ask, how is it
That you can urge others to advocate the assassination of the president.
You can urge others to advocate violence against other Americans and not be violating the federal law.
Will someone wake Jeff Sessions up?
Will someone tell the Justice Department that George Soros lives in New York City in a life of opulent and lavish wealth and that, yes, he too shall be prosecuted for his crimes?
We were told in the aftermath of Watergate that no person is above the law.
Yet we continue to exist with revelation after revelation against Hillary Clinton, her husband Bill, their greedy little daughter Chelsea, Barack Obama trafficking guns to ISIS, trafficking guns to Al Qaeda.
Uh, covering up the illicit drug trafficking within these United States by ISIS so as not to upset their fragile Iranian nuclear deal, and yet our Justice Department continues to do nothing.
It shakes one's faith.
But then you have a stunning result, as we saw in Las Vegas two days ago, where a federal judge declared that the Cliven Bundy family would not be retried because of gross
Mismanagement and falsehood by the U.S.
government, the U.S.
attorney, in which they hid exculpatory information from the defense in violation of the law and the Constitution.
Therefore, it restores one's faith in our judicial system.
It shows that there is a God in heaven.
It shows that our prayers here at InfoWars for the Bundy family have been realized by a benevolent God and that justice has been done in that case.
Let me take a final second here to point out that if you like the reporting here at InfoWars, if you like our 10 hours a day, if you like the Real News with David Knight and what we're doing at the War Room later in the afternoon after the Alex Jones Show, please, folks, go to the InfoWars store now and give us your support.
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Pike in Arizona.
You're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
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Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order, and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
It's documents like this that make the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
I remember it was eight years ago, Obama had been in office about a year, year and a half, and we got documents from federal marshals
And then when I showed those documents on air and covered them, about two days later, a state police officer in California sent me the information.
And it wasn't the exact same documents, it was a variant of it.
We learned it was the Southern Property Law Center and ADL had put them out.
So, I know how to look at these documents.
And when I read over these new ones that are so huge, I said either somebody super smart took all the main statements of these groups and things they've done and things they've said they're doing.
Because Antifa has the same tactics nationwide and worldwide, overthrowing countries.
George Soros funds them, he brags about it, Ukraine, you name it.
That somebody took this and put their agenda into it to bring attention to it.
But as you said, we were talking earlier, I've got Harrison Smith in here, one of our great researchers and videographers.
If these documents are real, posted to 4chan, who breaks more news, real news, than the New York Times and the Washington Post combined, if this is real,
Then, this is the smoking gun.
Because we know they're funding it.
Soros brags he overthrows countries, crashes things.
Antifa was in the New York Times on November 1st saying, starting November 4th it begins.
Drive Trump from office.
You go to refuse fascism.
They say, we're going to be violent up front.
We're allowed to because you're all Nazis.
If you're a capitalist, you deserve it.
Kill the cops, you name it.
I mean, this is what they push.
They've now been listed as a terrorist organization.
So these documents are in line with what they already admit.
But we'll get Roger Stone riding shotgun with us, former head of the Trump campaign.
Take, but just walk through where these come from, what the backstory is purportedly on these, and we're going to document them for TV viewers.
Adon Salazar is writing a blurb about this with the documents to go up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
But out of the gates, the material in the Russian dossier has all been proven completely fake, and it was fake on its front from the beginning.
When you read these documents, it's real stuff, real plans, things they've said before just put together, and reportedly a non-disclosure document and contract.
So, please, as we swing the document cam over, this is Friends of Democracy, admittedly run by George Soros' aide-apparent, Alexander Soros.
You've got the floor here for the rest of the segment, and we'll come back with Roger and break this down.
Tell us exactly what we're looking at here.
Well, like you said, you know, we can theorize and we can have sort of the point-by-point timeline what happens, but until we have the actual documents, I mean, this is, if these are true, this is the smoking gun.
And we really, right now, we have researchers trying to figure out whether or not these are authentic.
They seem authentic to me.
The only real problem with it is that they're almost too good to be true.
It almost says exactly what we would expect them to say, and it's almost like two
But we have them on CNN and MSNBC saying, we're going to be violent, we're allowed to attack you and kill you, we're coming, we're going to kill the president.
I mean, they're saying all this in public.
Absolutely, and at the time.
So these documents have to do with the 2015 Baltimore riots, the Black Lives Matter riots that were inspired.
Which we know was funded by the Justice Department.
Yes, well yeah, we know that a lot of people were putting funds into all these riots that of course started with Ferguson and spread throughout all of these things.
So this goes back to 2015, and where this comes from is there is a user on 4chan, and 4chan is a totally anonymous website.
Sure, it's like a place for WikiLeaks.
Yeah, it's like WikiLeaks.
There's obviously a lot of fake stuff posted there probably, but this seems pretty real.
And so a user says that his brother basically was a loser, a loner, barely had a job, and yet recently, in the last couple years, he'd taken to traveling around the United States.
So this guy who leaked it said he's a little suspicious.
Which they admit, Soros is funding a group of about a thousand, and they fly around.
Well, he just gave $18 billion.
I mean, what you could do with that money is ridiculous.
So, obviously, there's tons of funds to fly people around, to program these people, train these people.
So, I'm saying, what you read in here is what they're doing.
And so, this leaker says he went looking through his brother's stuff, basically looking for proof of where his brother was getting his money.
He thought maybe it was going to be drugs.
He was looking for sort of proof that his brother was maybe involved in something he shouldn't be involved in.
Well, he found these documents.
And so these documents he took a picture of with his cell phone and then posted them to 4chan.
And it's an action document from the Friends of Democracy, which is a pack by George Soros' son that it's
It's mission statement is to get money out of politics, so that's funny enough.
But this is Action BWI 04-18-15.
BWI is the airport code for Baltimore.
04-18 is April 18th, which is 15-2015, which is the date that the riots started.
And this says that the Action Oversight Committee of the Friends of Democracy has determined that on this Saturday, operators will implement Action 04-13-15
In part, to seize as much momentum as possible from current civil unrest in the Baltimore area.
Friendly officials in various administrative agencies for Baltimore have told us to expect large law enforcement response to our operations.
So, it talks about friendly... But then they selectively did stand down in Baltimore and let Antifa attack.
Oh, it literally says that.
It says, uh, agit.orgs.
They have this, uh, they have this, like, militaristic and Orwellian way of, of describing everything.
So, agit.orgs, which I guess is agitation organizers, at each act point have a specific... That's all agit.prop.
That's all Soviet.
Uh, it sounds very Soviet.
And they have specific departure times and must travel on designated routes.
These routes have been guaranteed by friendly Baltimore officials and law enforcement as safe for ops and aux ops.
So this entire thing is coordinated.
They're given safe zones.
They're coordinated.
Just like we saw in Charlottesville.
I believe these documents are real.
They seem extremely real, and they have signatures at the bottom that all seem like they come from different hands.
I mean, it would be hard to fake all of these signatures.
Is that his brother's signature?
We don't know.
Let's continue.
Yeah, we haven't been able to identify that.
So not only do they have friendly law enforcement in there, they actually are communicating with them during the riot.
And this is called Level 7.
And Soros is set up as a private intelligence op.
That's why the last James Bond movie, they admit, is based on him and his quantum group, which is his real group.
And so these two are the most important ones.
It's post-action objectives, and this is where it almost seems like it's too good to be true.
The primary objectives... Because if this is true, it's smoking gun of organized crime terrorism.
Ideal objective outcome.
Civil unrest that leads to the deployment of martial law-like policies for Baltimore, creating a feedback loop.
Literally, they're saying it here.
Take it nationwide.
Yeah, yeah.
It's a detonator.
Well, and they want to cause violence against the police to inspire police response, to inspire more conflict.
To make a war with local government for federal takeover, which Lynch was announcing the Strong Cities Initiative and announcing the UN to federalize cities under civil emergency mainstream measures.
And at the same time, the Open Societies Foundation was sending people in secret to lobby the government for federal oversight or federal control of local police.
So literally, they're making the problem with one hand and offering the solution with the other.
The solution is, of course, more control, more federalization, centralization.
And these documents are going live on Infowars.com as we speak.
We're going to come back at Roger Stone's take on this and get to the heart of these documents with one of our great researchers, videographer.
So great to have Harrison Smith here with us.
I really am always pushing him to get more on air.
We're going to start a whole new show soon with the great crew here.
Zach back there and other folks are really smart.
We're going to get everybody on air.
We're going to get Dari on air.
We're going to get Ali on air.
We're going to get everybody on air.
We're going to get Matt on air.
Everybody's going to be on air.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Simon Roche is the head of the office of the HQ of the world's largest non-state civil defense organization in South Africa.
And in many other countries, once communists take over or leftists take over, they slowly isolate the whites, put them basically in controlled areas, farm ghettos, and then start exterminating them.
That's now accelerated in South Africa.
It's been basically complete in Zimbabwe.
Tens of thousands of whites killed.
The leftist media in the West celebrates it.
They teach at major universities.
It's good.
And now the second most powerful party in South Africa is set to take power, openly saying they will kill every white.
No, that's just about accurate.
For a long time we've been
Predicting these things.
We're not hidebound by doctrine as many people are.
You know, they're supposed to conform to the narrative of the New South African Rainbow Nation.
Our organization, St.
Londers, the largest of its kind in the world, as you said, operates on facts, statistics, data, true information.
And it is very much the way that you've described.
There's an ongoing decline in South Africa, particularly, or Southern Africa.
I think so.
...political territory by a Leninist, Stalinist political party called the Economic Freedom Fighters whose leader very famously in recent months has said that blacks should invade white farms with the spear in the hand.
The reality is that the chances of a white farmer in South Africa being murdered on his farm
Are more than double the chances of a policeman in this violent society being killed.
Now, when a man who tills the soil stands more than twice the chance of a crime fighter in a violent society dying, then you know that there's something wrong.
The statistical likelihood of a white person being murdered by a black person in South Africa
Is more than 12,000% higher than any black person in the USA ever stood of being lynched.
We're not condoning lynching.
We're saying get a sense of perspective.
The persecution of whites in Africa is larger than persecution statistically that's been done to blacks in this country.
By more than 12,000% that's correct.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so do we.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And Harrison Smith and Roger Stone, who was dead on about Bannon at least eight months ago.
He went from, why is Bannon doing nothing?
Why is Bannon helping him?
Why is he bringing in deep staters to
Eight months ago, we've got to come out against him.
We've got to do it.
He's an operative.
He's getting the 25th Amendment ready.
I'm told he's bringing in all these bad people.
He's the leaker.
And I'm like, Roger, I think you're wrong.
And Roger respected me enough to, he started working with us, to not go on this crusade, which was correct.
But maybe Bannon wouldn't have revealed himself.
Maybe they would have pulled the book.
That's a whole other subject.
He's going to bring that up.
Point is, we break next year's news today, as we say.
So Roger Stone, normally hosting this hour, pretty similar on 20 hours a day live.
So Roger will have more hours than he ever wants.
We're breaking this incredible news.
Well, first of all, Alex,
My congratulations to Harrison Smith and Rob Due for getting the entire document.
We first learned of this and reported it yesterday on the War Room, but we had only obtained three pages of what appears to be a blueprint for revolution, a game plan for the violent overthrow of the American system.
Now, Harrison, I believe, has turned up the entire document, and it is the veritable smoking gun.
In the meantime, we've had the opportunity to show this document to some of our sources in U.S.
Army Intelligence, and they tell us they believe they are authentic.
Now, don't hold your breath if you don't see coverage of this stunning development on CNN in tonight's news.
No, I think that's unlikely.
What we do have here though is an extraordinary expose of exactly what George Soros has in mind for America and why it's time for the U.S.
Justice Department to recognize Soros for what he is, Alex.
Not some benign old philanthropist, but a criminal who is using violence and financing violence to overturn our system of democracy.
Everything in this document, other than the signatures and things, is things they've done, word per word, and their plans, and actually what they've said, and then Soros is admittedly with his son, his son admittedly does run these groups, is honchoing it, is doing this, and has overthrown other governments with it, and they've said on the news that they're going to use anti-funds.
CNN says they're legitimate.
So, again, somebody either wrote a big article,
About what they've admittedly done, put it in document form, skills I've never seen, or it's completely authentic.
But either way, it is very damning.
Harrison, let's go through more of the document in the time we have here.
Sure, yeah.
Speaking of the violence, this is, so, supposedly in this packet there are 26 pages, or at least at the bottom of these pages it'll say 1 out of 22, 1 out of 26.
So, we have six documents, which is the total amount that is on line right now, and they're actually hard to find.
And the fact that they've been scrubbed pretty much as soon as they're put up is one of the reasons that I think they're authentic.
But speaking of violence, this is page nine, and it's escalation level three or four.
It says, quote, the decision to escalate to three or four is based upon assessment from the committee, along with information from law enforcement and Baltimore officials.
Again, this means that law enforcement and Baltimore officials... And they admittedly had to stand down.
Yeah, they did.
The mayor, I believe, admitted it.
She said Obama told her to.
I didn't know that.
Pull that up.
Yeah, I don't know.
Okay, and so... Justice Department told her.
So that means that, I mean, this was a protest against the police, that the police are actively organizing and manipulating while it's actually happening.
That's what this is saying.
And so what it says is that escalation level 3 and 4, that basically means attacking buildings and destroying...
Well that's why they admittedly, for other areas, admittedly hire action role players and actors to do it and then they simulate it.
Well, and again, this document breaks down, actually, the chain of command, where they have the agit-orgs, and then they have the operators, and then they have the auxiliary operators, and then they say, you know, oh, you're allowed to use weapons, which they call props, you're allowed to use those as long as other demonstrators have done it first.
So they're edging and... They have a law enforcement threat continuum.
And they're pushing the people who really are there because, you know, people that went to these riots, a lot of them, that emotion was real.
They really were going to protest.
But they're being manipulated and puppeteered and encouraged in a certain way so the outcome of the controllers is reached.
They're basically being made to enslave themselves in a lot of ways.
And here's another interesting one.
So this is either real or someone who has intimate knowledge of their actual attack profile.
Has this.
If this was fake, it would just be impressive that they were able to fake this so sophisticatedly.
I'm not bragging, but I mean, I'm an expert on the anti-fascist and the Black Lives Matter and the globalists going back to Seattle covering it there.
This is the maximum knowledge of them.
This has got to be real.
Or, again, someone who has been inside made it.
And so, here's another interesting thing.
This says that we are expecting possible injuries, if not from today's action, then very likely during action BWI 042515.
On the 25th of April, if you look at the Wikipedia, it says like 18th protest begins, 25th violence escalates.
And again, they say in the New York Times...
The nightmare must end.
The Trump-Pence regime must go.
November 4th, it begins.
Be there.
Join with thousands who gather in cities and towns across the country.
A movement, a protest that continues every day, every night, growing until we become millions determined to stop until this regime is driven from power.
And then it goes through it on the plan, calling for violence on the website.
Yeah, that's a $100,000 ad.
You can't do that.
You know what shocked me?
Stuff on the site is word for word from that.
Well, and it talks about the agitation of local civilian population, the escalation of civil unrest, the provocation of hostile, they say, hostile law enforcement, which hostile probably just means... Once they don't control.
People that might actually stand up.
No, when we were in D.C.
for the inauguration, the cops were later admitted, ordered to stand down.
The Antifa was able to beat up Black Lives Matter.
Families just trying to get in.
Even press is trying to get in.
They mainly targeted women for some reason, trying to get men to fight back, knowing men will fight if you go after a woman.
And then they admitted we're targeting women to do this, and it took me hours to get in.
Then they said no one was there.
This is simply astonishing.
Okay, and so here we see some of the outline of the funding, how they're paid, when they're paid.
You have this sticky note that supposedly is from this guy who the documents belong to.
He's maybe calculating his take, which seems to be $26,000 for one person, for this one event, as well as travel, because he didn't live in the same city.
Well, it appears from the document he's a squad leader.
He's level 70.
This may be to operate the whole node he's bringing in.
Yeah, it seems like these documents are the operator level.
This is a platoon funding.
Right, and there'd be people above him who are called AgitOrgs, and people below him who he would probably control called Auxiliary Ops, and who knows, you know, how much knowledge they actually have of what they're involved in.
But that shows, and it says, do not report this income to anybody.
They've handled it with the tax authorities and accounting firms.
I mean, the levels of collusion just don't end.
And then finally, they have this approved practices, which really, I mean, it just blatantly says, you know, closed fist may be used only below the neck and above the belt.
Kicking is not permitted unless provoked.
Props, they say props, which just means weapons.
And I always wonder, why do they hit me low, and why do they knock your food over?
It's all in there.
They're just following instructions, yeah.
They're not doing anything, you know, for themselves.
You know, do not congregate with other ops or ox-ops in a group of more than two.
Do not make prolonged eye contact when in crowds.
Which is why they never talk, and why they never... It's all a program.
It's all acting, it's all play acting.
It's why the communists will never talk to you on camera, because they're controlled.
Yep, and it says they'll update you before aggressiveness should be increased in concert with the law enforcement and the officials.
Do not engage with the friendly... This is a great one.
Allied law enforcement have been instructed to merely not engage, but have not been told to assist.
Same thing that happened in Berkeley.
They're not helping the rioters, but they're not... The gun stores attacked three times we just had on last hour.
The police won't help.
They won't help them, and they're told not to.
He's taking his car, attacking, throwing Bibles that he gives away on top of the building.
Nothing is done.
Yeah, and so this has, it just has the chain of command who's escalating it.
This protest against law enforcement is being orchestrated by law enforcement.
Let's come back with Roger because this is too important.
He's got other news to hit, but he wants to cover this.
Again, they admit the goal was to trigger a chain reaction of dominoes, of martial law, and then Obama could come in, but they failed.
America didn't buy it.
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You can't have a right if it's not being exercised.
I think this video is going to trigger leptards.
So this is a Glock 18C machine pistol.
This fires about 11 rounds.
Pretty crazy.
We've also got an M249 SAW.
Wow, that's fun!
Up against the wall, commies!
That's wild.
That's amazingly cool.
This is the best race I've ever been to.
They've got the big thing downstairs.
They've got this VIP area.
It's a little bit more.
And, you know, it's usually really busy downstairs.
Not so much here, but... I mean, come on the weekends, it's real busy.
But during the weekday, tag off with your family.
Come and shoot it.
That's what we said.
Come and shoot it.
Yeah, I said it.
Come and take it.
Come and shoot it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You know, we're sending out an SOS.
George Soros has overthrown more than 10 countries he brags about, the latest Ukraine.
He's overthrown financially more than 20.
He's a Nazi war criminal.
He admittedly funds Antifa, the Islamic groups in the U.S., all of it.
And they've got stuff saying overthrow the government, go after the cops, you know, all this stuff before last November.
And then you see these documents.
So, Harrison, other key points, things we should recap.
I mean, they're talking about triggering martial law three years ago, back in 2015, three and a half years ago, so that Obama could basically stay in office.
And it turned out that the Justice Department was funding it.
They were pushing it.
This is their goal, to get America fighting with each other, but it didn't work.
I want to get Roger Stone's take on this, but finish up with the documents here.
They're now on Infowars.com.
Don got the article up, correct?
The blurb?
We'll put that on screen too.
Infowars.com to see these.
Go ahead.
Sure, yeah.
Just to go over again the timeline, obviously the Ferguson riots that happened as a result of the killing of Mike Brown, I believe, you know, those snowballed and spread to different cities.
The people in Baltimore saw this happening and with the death of Freddie Gray, actually the arrest of Freddie Gray on the 12th, they jumped on this opportunity and either enacted a plan that they had planned previously or planned at that point this entire insurrection that was taking place in Baltimore.
And it's so crazy, you could see the media scripting it, pushing it.
Starbucks saying, you know, tell whites they're bad when you come buy coffee.
It was a total hysteria that Jeff Bezos was pushing all of it.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
Right, and there you see him destroying some of the storefronts and stuff that were probably pre-planned positions.
They're probably being directed by these agit-ores.
And again, it's very racist.
You hire, in many cases, they've caught him.
They're hiring black people, but led by the whites in masks, to come out and burn stuff to then create racial division.
It's a double-sided deal.
Oh, absolutely.
Well, yeah.
Their ultimate goal is obviously division.
I mean, they even say it.
It says, escalation of civil unrest.
It says they want to create an environment where organic conflict can grow.
This is what they say.
Yeah, this is what they say their goal is.
And these protests were supposedly a reaction to police violence.
This is a protest against the police, and yet in these documents we have the police actually orchestrating and telling the protesters where to go.
And we know the police letter came out and said, we were told by the Justice Department to stand down, don't be mad at us.
Just like D.C.
for the inauguration.
I want to just stop here because in over an hour and a half I haven't plugged.
I don't even plug anymore sometimes because the news is so hot.
It's a paradox.
When it's super hot, I just drop plugging and then we don't fund ourselves and we can't expand.
We need to hire more camera people.
We need to hire more writers.
We need more people like Harrison.
Harrison, you know, you've been here how long?
Almost a year.
A year in February.
And what, I mean, have you seen us like, what, we had like 20, 30 people since then?
It's been huge since I moved here.
It's almost an entirely new office, yeah.
Because so far I've not paid myself last year.
I am literally reviewing the final accounting, which is fine.
I'm putting everything into this and dealing with other attacks behind the scenes and I'm not bitching.
It's great.
We just, a lot of money means we can take the globalist on and you see the great people we're hiring, what we're
We're good to go.
50% off.
That's why I'm not even plugging the newspapers because they're not up.
I'm not mad.
We're a small organization.
But Infowarsstore.com.
Commit to support us.
Pray for us.
Spread the link.
Spread the articles.
Roger Stone, I mean...
This is incredible.
Because again, everything in these documents is what they've already admitted they're up to.
So, it's just crazy.
Where do you see this going now as their Russia narrative implodes, as Trump being mentally ill implodes, as their operative Bannon, that we literally discovered isn't a globalist operative, is ferreted out, but his stay-behinds are still there.
I mean, this is incredible.
Look, Alex, we've always understood that this backdrop of violence is what is necessary for the 25th Amendment takedown of our president.
These two strategies work hand in glove.
My intention, now that I have satisfied myself through my own Army intelligence sources that these documents are real, I'm going to seek comment tomorrow from the office of Maryland Governor Larry Hogan.
I want to know whether local law enforcement in Baltimore acquiesced in this plan for violence and undermine the rule of law.
We are going to the governor's office tomorrow for his comment, and I'd like to know what
Alex, when I
Went to Hungary and Romania six months ago.
Officials in both places predicted exactly this.
Almost word for word, they told me exactly how it worked and that this is what Soros would do.
They've seen it in Europe and they said it's coming your way.
Make no mistake about the criminal nature of George Soros and what he has in mind.
Why is this guy not locked?
I mean, he's been convicted in a bunch of countries.
Well, and his little evil gremlin son.
I mean, what is up?
Well, you know, I think that there are some people, unfortunately, that have so much wealth that they live in an aura of protection.
George Sos lives in New York City.
He could be detained very easily by the FBI, by the New York Police Department.
We have here absolute proof of involvement in crimes.
It is against the law to advocate the murder of the President of the United States.
It's against the law to pay someone else to advocate the murder of the President of the United States, or any federal official.
Yet, Mr. Soros has done that repeatedly, seemingly with impunity.
Well, that's right.
Everything in that document, whether it's real or not, is stuff they've all done, and I'm just sick of it.
I mean, you know, Antifa's very emboldened now when our reporters are out there walking up going, you scared with guns?
That's brandishing right there.
That's a felony, man.
And we went to the police station, Owen and I went to the police station to try to file a report about that, and they basically told us, uh, there's nothing we can do about it.
In Austin, the local Austin police said, oh, you gotta take that to the FBI.
And these are the groups that are literally advocating, when they launch their main operation, that was just a beta test, to literally go out when the revolution starts and shoot, each person's supposed to shoot five cops a night.
And I mean, if the cop unions put up with this, I don't say you deserve it, but God, man up, man.
We're standing up against these puds.
I'm tired of putting up with them, okay?
And I'm not even some cop worshipper.
They're good cops or bad cops.
But God Almighty, a bunch of communists want to kill you, funded by some evil Nazi collaborator.
I'm done, man.
That was one of the things that when I watched the Baltimore riots in 2015, I, you know, I've always been, you know, very
It's always been important to me to see police brutality and to make that more aware, make people more aware of that and all that sort of stuff.
But during the Baltimore riots, I saw these agitators throwing rocks at the police and stuff, and I go, man, this is such a bad tactic.
I am suddenly on the side of the police in this situation.
It's insane.
Let's go ahead.
It was the left that's always priming us against the cops.
And then the government passes laws and we blame the cops for what the laws are.
It's our fault.
Nine times out of ten.
It's not a cop worship.
It's a stop scapegoating.
It's our problem.
We let it happen.
Let's do something.
Owen Schroer is about to take over with the War Room and Roger Stone.
Owen Schroer, you want to pop in?
Go ahead.
Yeah, I had to pop in when I heard you guys having this conversation because I got privy to something today.
Now, if you watched one of our videos when we were covering the Kate Steinle March, there was a gentleman... That's when they came with the
We're good to go.
That same day, that same day, a fellow who was walking side-by-side with me, he had a handgun, and he got arrested for having a handgun that day.
I remember.
So they arrested a guy who was a conservative for having a handgun, but somehow these individuals who mash their face and point rifles at me,
Get away arrest free!
Because these are the brown shirts of the dirty city council with their bid rigging and their scams and all their insider garbage.
And it's time to go to the bars.
It's time to go out.
It's time for women when these guys hit on you that are city officials.
You know, you're an operative for America.
You're not commanded by anybody.
I infiltrated Bohemian Grove, you name it, not run by some agency.
It's time for us to run operations against them.
Yeah, it's like... We need women to infiltrate the Democrats.
Well, but I gotta say this, Alex.
My hat's off to the guy who has the hammer and sickle on his mask.
At least he's telling you exactly what he is.
A communist.
That killed 200 million people.
It's like the Nazis were horrible, they killed 30 million.
These people have killed hundreds of millions, and we're supposed to kiss their big fat asses?
They are the ones fomenting revolution, and it's time for the silent majority to demand action.
They want war?
They want to kill us?
We're just gonna info-war their butt.
Roger, you're gonna be on The War Room coming up.
Looking forward to it.
We're going to be taking questions.
Yes, indeed.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Radio stations across the country starting to pick it up.
Folks, we're under attack.
We're not bitching.
We love this fight.
But every time you pray for us, buy a product, spread a link, it's just kind of like a video game.
Get more power.
And they just can't stand it because the more they beat us down, you keep building us up.
It's just like...
They blast my fist off, another one grows.
And we're just smashing them thanks to all you guys and the great crew.
The War Room's coming up!
InfoWars.com forward slash show!
Just briefly.
My dad is an oral surgeon and dentist.
He's about to retire.
And about 15 years ago, he heard me ranting and raving about fluoride and toothpaste and how it causes brain damage and lower IQ and dental fluorosis.
And he said, son, I don't care who you have on the air.
That's a bunch of bull.
You need fluoride or you die.
And I actually showed him what was in the water supply and the fluoride.
He said, this is incredible.
This is Grignard Reagent's heavy metals.
They're covering for it, calling it fluoride under law with a loophole to dump toxic waste in the food and water.
Now, CNN had to admit last month, in utero and in children, massive IQ reductions.
Well, six years ago, the EPA said reduce it in water by half.
You don't drink your sunscreen, but hydrofluorosilicic acid is a
Hopped up version of fluoride.
It's been turned into an acid.
And it's an adjuvant.
It's very toxic.
But there is the CNN headline that fluoride in the water and in toothpaste is causing IQs to drop.