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Name: 20180109_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 9, 2018
3261 lines.

In "The Alex Jones Show", the host discusses topics like censorship on social media platforms, YouTube's algorithm changes targeting conservative content creators, North Korea's relation to globalists and Trump's criticism from mainstream media. He promotes products such as health supplements and encourages listeners to buy from his website. The show also covers fake news exposure despite attempts by major media outlets to discredit them. Other topics discussed include race, politics, media coverage, Michael Wolff's book, Hollywood hypocrisy, Oprah Winfrey possibly running for president, and Google's new fact-check feature targeting conservative websites.

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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So, are we surfing towards a new era of prosperity at Americana Worldwide, or are we surfing towards the apocalypse and thermal nuclear war triggered by the crisis on the Korean Peninsula?
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
Paul Watson joins us at the bottom of the hour.
He's launching a big global initiative that we're going to break here in just about 30 minutes from now.
I'm going to leave it at that.
Also, I'm in hundreds of headlines, just as we've already told everybody, but it's now confirmed in more documents, that the number one enemy of Google, the archetype that they basically chant against,
Uh, is Alex Jones.
We already have undercover recordings.
We already have congressional hearings.
We're Google execs.
Twitter and Facebook people are like, we were stopping Infowars and Paul Watson at lunch.
They're like, we want him shut down.
We want Infowars stopped.
Sir, we were on it during lunch.
It's like villains out of a cheesy cartoon or a James Bond movie.
Like, I want James Bond stopped.
Sir, we were working on it just before we came back in here.
We're, we're trying as best we can.
And why?
Because we've got their number.
Not trying to make it about me.
We're at the center of this because we're the archetype of the individual and what they don't like.
There it is out of New York Magazine, The Hill.
Alex Jones was reportedly banned from Google.
And other things we learned from James Damore's class action suit.
It's more than that.
They have like drills, and it's in the computers, and they drill fearing Jones is coming.
And later I learned that from some of our sources when we got documents that Google's totally obsessed with us, and it hired a company millions of dollars to go downvote my name, my products.
When Google got caught, they said, oh, it's an accident.
We're going to stop doing that.
Why are they scared?
Because they're building an AI world to dehumanize us.
They're building a system and they want to start with their employees where you could be anything but heterosexual or white.
The worst thing is a woman who has babies.
And they actually call white men into the rooms and the other white men in charge have everyone chant, oh bad white people, bad white people.
And they have the documents.
But here's the deal.
You want to create a thing that's anti-human.
This is all anti-human.
They play us off against each other.
The story's up on Infowars.com.
It is in the documents that high-level Google execs come in and announce that they are golden dragons, or dragonettes, like a female dragon, and that they are also a beautiful, ornate building.
An expansive, ornate building.
And you say, well, that sounds insane.
Like, let's pay for a woman to dump bleach in our eyes because she identifies as
As blind, and then taxpayers pay for it.
It starts with sex changes.
Oh, you don't like me if you don't accept my sex change.
Hey, cut your genitals off.
It's a free world.
I'm a libertarian.
I'm not paying for your nose job.
I'm not paying for you to have a lizard tail added on.
I'm not paying for your body modification.
I'm not criticizing it.
Some body modification is quite nice.
The point is, is that you can do what you want.
But then saying, I've got to pay for it.
What they're saying is I'm transphobic.
And they started with humans, men going to women, women going to men, and now it's, well, identify as a beautiful ornate building or as a golden female dragon.
So this is a cult.
It's not even insane people.
They're teaching insanity as a program.
And they know I've got their number.
And if people listen to me, it's over.
Now, that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Paul Watson's coming up on that.
Trump, it's now been announced, is planning to go to Davos to face the globalists down at point-blank range face-to-face.
So, we are sending crew to Davos.
We won't obviously pay the $100,000 to get in.
Maybe we should and let him refuse us.
Maybe I should go to Davos.
You know what?
You know, I hardly ever put myself in the field these days.
I do so much more in the digital command base.
But we're going to Davos.
That's happening.
Trump is cheered at the championship college game between Georgia and Alabama.
But then they focus on individuals saying F him and a few booing and say, Trump was booed, Trump was hated, Trump's a failure, the economy's imploding and blah.
So that's all coming up as well.
A jam-packed transmission.
Please share all the different live links.
Impeachment isn't gonna work.
The Russian collusion investigation was a total dud.
But the left isn't giving up on their Olinsky's rules for radicals, and they're gonna hit him from the flank with something new.
This time, it's questioning Trump's mental stability!
The new obsession is the 25th Amendment, for which the bar is set very high, but for some reason the left thinks they will be able to involuntarily remove President Trump from office because they do not like his tweets.
But these aren't just Zelensky tactics at play.
Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz warns that Democrats attempting to declare Trump mentally unfit to hold office is straight out of the communist playbook.
These psychiatrists now, who are trying to diagnose without ever having met the man, that's what they did in Russia.
I represented dissidents who got locked up in mental hospitals.
That's what they did in China.
That's what they did in apartheid South Africa.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We're good to go.
Well, this is going to be a momentous transmission.
As we accelerate towards the singularity, not the singularity that the globalists have envisioned, but the true singularity, oneness with the mind of God, the planets align and more and more happens in a day than happened in the previous week.
Then more happens in a month than happened in the previous five years.
And then more happens in the next year than happened in the previous 50.
And then more happens in the next year than happened in the previous 100.
And then 1,000.
This is the great acceleration.
And then 10,000.
And there's going to be horrible things that are going to happen.
There's going to be incredibly good things that happen.
It's going to be mind-blowing.
So strap yourselves in, ladies and gentlemen.
Reality is the real trip.
Reality is the real excitement.
Reality is the real show, and each of us are not spectators, but we are on the field.
I disagree with William Shakespeare, the whole world is a stage, each of us players upon it.
That is only a shadow of reality.
The world
is reality and each of us are farmers and fathers and mothers and builders and strivers and trailblazers and warriors and lovers and children and old and young in the compendium of the great experiences of our species and are part of a great genetic connection to the past into the future.
But of course, for people that are all about fake it until you make it, the world is a stage and each of us players upon it.
It's a true statement within its limited context, but not within the great compendium of the space-time continuum.
Here's what's coming up.
Trump to face down the globalists face-to-face in Davos.
And it's very strange that just recently I've been invited by journalists and others to go to Davos.
So again, the planet's relying on that.
We've also got Trump being absolutely 95% cheered at the big football game, the college championship between Georgia and Alabama.
And so the corporate lying press spun the whole thing and said that he was booed and then zoomed in on small crowds protesting him and one football player saying F Trump.
So we've got that situation.
The article's up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
We've also got Bannon Group shopped anti-Trump document.
But as soon as they saw that Trump was going to win, Bannon jumped on the bandwagon.
I remember Breitbart was anti-Trump until about eight months before the election, and suddenly, completely jumped on board.
And I, you know what, I just said, fine.
You were Cruz people, and I like Cruz too, until he really engaged in dirty tricks, something I didn't see Trump do.
Sometimes the high road's the dirtiest trick.
I mean, it just...
Compared to people that think, you know, dirty's powerful.
I mean, I guess from their perspective.
But, you know, it's the sneaky overhanded tactic.
But not underhanded tactic.
But Bannon Group shopped anti-Trump document.
Incredible video on Infowars.com.
A fat SJW walks into a gun store.
Hilarity ensues, comes in and says, you're a Nazi, you're a criminal, what are these Bibles?
Starts throwing them around the store, because the guy gives people Bibles.
And he says, can I have them?
He goes, yeah, if you're going to give them to people.
He grabs a bunch, comes out, throws them up against the windows, cracking one of the windows, starts throwing them on the roof.
Flipping out.
I think it's a guy.
It identifies as a woman.
Runs around and throws a fed outside and the police come and don't even arrest him.
And the owner doesn't even want him arrested.
Just says, ah, whatever.
This is really a poor distraught person.
But they see a Gadsden flag and a colonial flag.
The original 13.
And just America is triggering.
And this is a person that guaranteed has been in mama's basement.
is just totally a victim of what the Facebook documents admit is a systematically imprisoned person and they're actually been so scared by Trump coming in and feeling like their little cocoon's being damaged when it's actually people trying to break through like they're trapped in a car.
We're coming, we're trying to get you!
We're like, no, no, the demons are gonna get me!
Here, the economy's imploding and we're gonna get the jobs back and we're really trying to sustain the family and we're trying to get you out.
They're like, no, no, you're evil!
I mean, it's the same thing.
You're, like, trapped under ice.
We're trying to hack through it to get to you.
You're falling down a well.
We're trying to get to you.
You're, like, knocking the ropes out of your hand.
To the firefighters.
Get away!
The firefighters have American flags on their shoulders!
I mean, you watch the video.
It is mental illness on display.
So people laugh at it, but in a way, this is a good thing.
This person has come out of their cocoon.
They feel so threatened to go out and meet the Nazis.
And they meet a mild-mannered, well-spoken, loving person who's trying to give them Bibles, and the person is screeching, I'm going to burn them, I'm going to throw them in the trash, so flipped out that a fellow citizen can have guns.
This is a cult.
A very, very sad cult at that.
And you go to a college campus, or you go to a high school, and about half the young people look like
Zombies that can't even hardly walk.
And they've all got cell phones up their face while they walk around.
They're stumbling over, they're falling down.
And they just know how to go racist, bad, evil, homophobe, bigot.
That's their entire language is just bitching and griping like obese, mentally ill, baby birds on hallucinogens.
Howling, screaming, yelling like body snatchers.
And then they'll see you and have no compulsion to run over as a throng and begin clawing and slapping and then they'll fall down.
Remember the abortion demonstration?
When we went out to say all lives matter, black lives matter, the majority of black people are aborted.
So we're out there saying the KKK supports abortion and here show up people in full black, white and black and Hispanic.
Zombie-like skin, all of them super pale, even the black people are like white, and they all weren't trying to act like zombies, they were like Frankenstein going, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, eww, e
I'm not kidding, you can go watch it!
And then we got them at the Capitol, everywhere else!
And like, we kill our kids, we love Lucifer, you'll never stop our high priestess inside killing the babies.
And you're like, what is up?
These are literally people that have jacked into something evil.
I mean, they're gone.
It's not fake, it's not acting, it's real.
Because we've gone undercover in these groups and they are just like lunatics.
The modern world, TV, smartphones, the culture, the dyes, the estrogen mimicrers, the serotonin reuptake inhibitors they're on, the illegal drugs they're taking, they are whacked out of their head.
And just like the Bible said, you take pharmakia, you take strong drugs, you open yourself up to evil to come in.
It's a fact.
It's not just some mental illness that's in all of us that gets activated.
Something else comes and imposes itself.
And it's what you think of in lore of like goblins or demons or gremlins.
They're people, but they'll run over chirping.
They don't go to school for this.
We're showing video right now.
You'll hear... Was the noise he made.
I was like, what in the world?
And then... You're like, what is going on?
You've got a demon right in front of you, angry that you don't want total death.
Because they don't want freedom.
You can offer them money to come on the show.
You can even try to be nice to them and they go... They don't want success, folks.
They don't want anything.
They want to grovel in their own spiritual feces.
They want to writhe around like snakes.
Now, I'm done talking about that.
Paul Watch is coming up with huge breaking news in about 15 minutes.
When we return...
When we return, the proof of fake news again.
This should be in the fake news awards.
Coming up the 17th, the president's going to host.
Isn't that luscious?
He gets these huge standing ovations and cheered.
The media shows small group booing.
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Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
There is so much to cover, so much breaking behind the scenes.
I was late getting back in the studio here.
Joe Arpaio is running for the Senate in Arizona.
We'll definitely support that.
Roman Polanski, who Hollywood just loves, won't face a 75 child molest charge in L.A.
prosecutor, besides expired statute of limitations.
So I guess they're saying Plancy can come back for the admitted rape of a 13-year-old girl that the great feminist Meryl Streep thinks is wonderful.
So that's coming up.
And then we've got Ivanka Trump praises Oprah Winfrey's Golden Globe speech in a tweet.
I'm not going to attack Ivanka.
Maybe she's trying reverse psychology or something on a speech that said her father was a horrible person, basically, and that was racist and bad, attacking women.
I don't know how you think that curries favor with these people.
They're going to give you a quarter.
But, again, that's why we've got your father, I guess.
She put out happy holidays, too.
Hey, can't we just have our Christmas?
It's ours.
You can have your holidays, and we think they're fun and cool.
Well, I'm in another country, and they've got a festival.
I go take part in it, and it's neat.
I don't show up in some other country and go, I don't have this festival in my country.
I'm offended by this, but side issue.
Let's get into the big meat and potatoes here.
Yells F to Trump.
One of the players does.
Georgia versus Alabama.
That's the scale of the protest.
There was a protest outside.
Billing the president.
A few little knots of people that got in for publicity stunts at the National College Championship.
And so the media then began to spin it all over the news that Trump was booed at the game.
They also spun it that, oh, Trump is on vacation all the time.
He said he wouldn't go on vacation all the time, like Obama.
And they say he has this executive time until 11 in the morning, and that all of that is spent watching television, because a few tweets of him watching live TV have gone out.
So because there's a few tweets that go out a week of him watching something live, that means during that three hours every day of executive time, he's only watching television.
When I've talked to people that are in the White House, and I've heard about what the President does, and I've experienced it myself,
He gets up at about 7 in the morning, spends about an hour to himself, goes in, eats breakfast, watches television, then gets briefings, then reads a bunch of documents, and then in between things,
He will turn the audio back on, unmute the television, and watch a section, see what they're saying, and then multitask.
And he does that as a way to be able to work up to 18 hours a day.
He cycles through it.
He also has them bring him stacks of news, and what he calls the clips, on an iPad.
And they would come in and show him viral videos, or what the internet was saying, or what his fans were saying.
He calls them the clips.
Every time I've talked to him, he's like, I really like watching you in the clips.
You know, you're going to be their next Rush Limbaugh.
Boy, I wish they had more stuff like you cover on mainstream TV, but I like you in the clips.
He's a 71-year-old guy.
He calls it the clips.
And he does, as I told people before it was even known.
He reads the New York Times constantly and watches CNN quite a bit.
People are like, oh yeah, Jones claims.
He pulled these articles up like a year ago.
The president reads the New York Times.
He does, and now it's confirmed.
That's one of the main things he reads.
Because I know a lot of people in the White House before and since, and I know what the President's up to and what he's doing.
When he's at Mar-a-Lago, or he's in New Jersey, or he's at Trump Tower, he is working until 2.30 in the morning many nights.
Then he goes to bed for four or five hours.
And he is on the phone calling people at midnight.
I knew about this and once was even able to get through.
I couldn't believe it.
Rogers said, yeah, you know, he calls me sometimes.
You really should call this hotline number.
That's just a general switchboard, but Trump is on it.
And the media knew about it, they were able to call him.
So you could call 10, 15, 20 times, and that didn't work.
Tried a couple nights, the president answers.
Well, they shut that down.
Because he would do that at Trump Tower, too, on the switchboard.
He just loves to surprise people and hear what they really say.
Because he gets, he just loves crowds, he loves people, he loves interfacing.
Look what he's done at Mar-a-Lago.
And everything they've done is try to isolate him, even at Mar-a-Lago, putting up fences and stuff where he eats, so that people can't come talk to him.
He still busts out and goes and talks to them.
So, the guy's always working, and look at the results in the economy.
So they're trying to play clips of him saying, I won't vacation nearly as much.
He doesn't!
Yeah, George W. Bush went to work at 6.45 in the morning, and he also got off at about 3, and exercised twice during the day.
Obama came in at 10.
But would exercise a couple times and then go play basketball or go watch a movie and screw off.
I mean, Obama and Bush were very, very lazy.
Bush Sr.
He worked about 12 hours a day.
Bill Clinton, in between partying, he worked a lot.
But the point is, Hillary was so power hungry, nobody works as much as she does for her.
But those are the facts.
But with Trump, we get a good economy.
We get more jobs.
We get rising standard of living.
We get a record stock market.
We get all the things he said.
Tax cuts.
What he said, he did.
Killing TPP.
But that's why they're pushing this new thing that he's lazy.
He's not just mentally ill.
He's not just racist.
But he's lazy.
So let's start getting to this right now.
Trump cheered at college football national championship game.
Some news reported the truth, but the rest of it would just show pockets of people protesting or booing, or show one football player booing, to make it look like overall everybody hates Trump.
Here it is.
Welcome, members of the ROTC units from the University of Georgia and the University of Alabama, joined by our president, Donald J. Trump.
That's called cheering, not booing.
But CNN and others would cut that into people booing outside the motorcade 30 minutes before to create the illusion that he was being booed and then dub it over.
We've got those plebs we're going to break here though.
The cheering just goes on and on.
In the interest of time, let's stop because it goes on for another five minutes.
I mean, standing ovation.
This is CNN, though.
Fans at Championship Game have mixed reaction to Trump's motorcade.
So, small group protesting, it gets more attention than a hundred and something thousand fans cheering.
Here it is.
It's like about a hundred people booing.
Not even all of them are booing.
So this on CNN, this is what they show.
A mixed group of 100 people booing, and then this is the mixed reaction.
Maybe 200 people.
So a crowd of about 200 booing, and that is what CNN aired.
They call that a mixed reaction.
They show the one of booing and their little setup, George Soros, MoveOn.org, Antifub, you know, Meth Head, Heroin Head, Devil Worshipper Rally, literally, that's what they are, go to one of them, and then they just, you know, don't even show you what hundreds of thousands did.
That's deception.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk to Colt in Kansas.
Colt, you're on the air.
You can sked a buck, you can run a trot line.
So, as I've got older now, when I bale hay every year, my sinuses just go nuts after the second and third day.
Well, I heard about your caveman, and so I started trying it, and actually, I haven't got sick at all, and I've been taking it for eight months now.
And, I mean, just like cold sick, you know?
Usually sinuses and stuff, between changing seasons, you know, your sinuses wear up.
Since I've been taking caveman, I haven't had any problems.
I haven't got sick one time.
I couldn't believe it.
You know, it's funny you say that, because I, from time to time, go read the reviews, and people have talked about reduced allergies, and, look, here's the deal.
They give you a bowl of chicken soup, and everybody knows it's been associated with getting well quicker.
This is hundreds of times stronger per serving.
It's concentrated, organic chicken bone with chaga mushroom.
We're good to go.
Well, depending on how you want to use it, would be bone broth.
Boiling down chicken bones, boiling down beef bones.
But beef can have some issues.
We went with chicken.
And then for your bones, your cartilage, your energy, if you remember to just take a scoop of it with your milk or mix it with whey like I do, so it tastes good.
It's crazy how good these products are.
So I didn't mean to go into a whole other plug about it.
But if people just try this ultimate bone broth formula, they will see for themselves what it does within a week or so.
So thank you for the plug, my friend.
It is.
Yeah, it's amazing.
I love it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones!
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
And joining us from London, England, is the editor of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
He also writes for NewsWars.com, Paul Joseph Watson.
Now, there's two pronged issues that we're going to be talking about here that are totally critical.
I'm not Hunter S. Thompson.
I'm not going out to write gonzo journalism, a lot of it really hilarious and interesting, about myself.
I'm here to try to reboot nationalism and renaissance and true classical liberalism worldwide.
And I'm here analyzing the globalists' technotronic plan for a technocracy.
That said, though, we have multiple congressional hearings this year and last year.
We have an Armed Services Committee, National Security Committee, Judiciary Committees, where they say Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson are the number one enemy, and they brag about censoring us, Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
In front of Congress, and they said, we just censored Paul Watson at lunch.
And the Congressman goes, good, be quicker next time.
Because Paul had the number one story on Twitter.
Now, we knew from internal Google documents, that Google admitted it was real, they hired millions of dollars worth of people to put out that
I'm banned from Google campuses, but also that I am banned basically on the internet with a stealth ban, InfoWars, you name it.
And we've seen that.
And then we have YouTube executives saying, oh, we work with the New York Times to censor Alex Jones.
The New York Times even advises us on what to censor.
And we know in the WikiLeaks that Hillary would then advise the New York Times how to censor.
So they kind of fence their censorship through that.
It's incredible.
So, you'd think that we'd really be honored by this, but in this age of censorship, folks go, okay, big deal, you're being censored.
Well now, we learn, in New York Daily News, Alex Jones was reportedly banned from Google and other things we learned from James Damore's class action lawsuit, and he's put documents attached to it showing this, but it gets worse.
White males are booed at company events and told they're evil with white males leading the minorities in it.
And they get in trouble if you say it's bizarre to have executives at speeches describe themselves as female golden dragons, dragonettes, and expansive ornate buildings.
I'm not kidding.
Fox News is even reporting this.
And you think, well, this is mental illness.
No, it's transhumanism.
They're training everyone that we're going to overthrow society, and the only thing that you're not allowed to be is a white male, a woman, who is heterosexual, who wants to baby.
Again, humans.
Continuing on.
It's not tolerance, it is a AI program to end humans, and it's a disease being put out and set up in the name of tolerance.
Camille Paglia agrees with that as well.
Calls it child abuse what's going on.
This, oh first if you're a girl you can be a boy or a boy be a girl.
So Paul Watson's going to cover this this segment and then he's got a big exclusive breaking in the next segment that just went live on Infowars.com.
We're going to tell you about that coming up.
This is so big.
If you get involved in this, this is going to absolutely devastate the globalists with another one of their key operatives.
And yes, the media got it right yesterday in hundreds of publications when they said, Jones is preemptively striking Oprah, the eugenicist, Winfrey.
They said it's racist that I said that she's funding black depopulation.
I mean, she is.
It's incredible.
It's like saying it's racist to say Harvey Weinstein was a Nazi collaborator.
But joining us, Paul Joseph Watson.
It's not a heady thing to have them attacking us in Congress and wanting a shutdown.
Now the left says just shut us down, have us arrested.
It lets us know just how dangerous these folks are.
But thank God for people like Mr. DeMoor and others who are speaking out against this.
Let's tackle this first.
Paul Joseph Watson.
Well yeah, we can go back to that congressional hearing which you mentioned earlier Alex.
This was in early November, it was after the vehicle attack, the truck attack in New York by a member of the Religion of Peace, which of course the initial concern after that was, you know, Islamophobic tweets as it is after every single terrorist attack where people get mowed down and murdered.
But they had a House Intelligence Committee hearing into Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election.
A few days later, this rep, Mike Quigley, Democrat, gets up and basically starts complaining to this Google executive about why an InfoWars story about New York Mayor Mike de Blasio ignoring warnings from an imam about terrorist radicalization in New York appeared at the top of the hashtag NYC terrorist attack during the vehicle attack.
He basically said, how dare you allow this to trend at the top?
Well, it trended because it was an interesting story and because it was a true story.
It was not fake news.
Was there a letter from an imam that was sent to Mayor Mike de Blasio before this attack warning about radicalization of terrorists in New York City?
Yes, there was.
Imam Tawhidi, who is a prominent Muslim on Twitter, anti-radical Muslim, posted the letter that he sent to Mike Blasio, OK?
So it's not fake news.
On the very face of it, it's not fake news.
So then they basically said, yeah, that was top and trending, but we took it down quickly and we'll make sure it won't happen ever again.
So we had that, actual congressional conversations about them directly censoring Infowars because we're peddling fake news, even though it's verifiably, provably not fake news.
In fact, after that, Alex, the New York Times contacted me for comment.
About another issue which was very similar, which happened after the Texas church massacre back again at the beginning of November, where I was simply taking segments from the shooters LinkedIn profile confirmed and putting them out on Twitter.
Again, completely verifiable, completely fair, legitimate news coverage content as a breaking news event was happening.
And then of course, Google freaked out, the left freaked out, they got them to censor us again, they got Google to take that down from their top search results when people were searching for information about that attack.
So the New York Times reaches out to me and they're like, what strategy do you use to get to the top of Twitter?
How do you do it?
What's your secret?
And I responded, I just said, there's no secret.
I'm covering breaking news with real information.
I'm just doing it before anyone else does.
And that's what really hurts them because, you know, they're losing control of the narrative.
And that's the whole point, Alex.
You know, after Brexit, after Trump, they came out with this phrase, which was, oh, the post-truth world.
Oh, it's so frightening that other people with independent media platforms are actually able to challenge our narrative.
And it's because, you know, they're losing debates, they're losing national referendums, they're losing elections.
So then they had to come out with this post-truth world nonsense, which in reality means, oh damn, we're losing control of the narrative, what are we going to do?
They had to come out with this fake news nonsense, which was completely debunked, actually, by a Stanford University study, which found that fake news had no impact on the election.
It's all complete baloney because they're so paranoid about losing control, losing their monopoly over information and over the power to manipulate.
That's right.
And now, Paul, what are they going to do when Trump coming up in eight days has his
Fake News
We're good to go.
Well, I mean, this whole lawsuit, James Damore lawsuit proves, you know, we've heard this line over and over again.
Oh, it's impossible to be racist against white people because they have institutionalized power.
Well, this is one of the biggest corporations in America and the world encouraging its employees to discriminate against, mistreat and literally boo white people.
So how about that for institutionalized power?
And they're directing it against white people because of this wider social engineering message.
Now the big news when we come back, and then we're going to dive back into what's the master plan by the social engineers who said that whites are inherently evil, this directed by white executives who are anti-human, admitted eugenicists, post-human exterminists.
Why are they challenging the white men?
Well, they admit they believe the West is the only threat to them.
I want to apologize to listeners.
I lied to you when I told you Trump would win the election, and he did.
I lied to you when I told you that they're admitting that fluoride's causing brain damage, and it turned out I was right.
I lied to you about a global government existing that was trying to take control of our country, which they now admit is true.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world, the central bankers in charge?
I guess, actually, I didn't lie to you.
And I'm on air every day fighting the globalists as they try to shut down free speech in America, as they try to derail our recovery, as they try to fold us into their world government, open up our borders, hand us over to the Islamic Caliphate.
But I'll tell you this.
When I'm on air, I wear a sports jacket and a nice shirt because I respect the fact that you're tuning in and watching and listening to what I have to say.
But we're involved in very, very important activities.
And that's why I want to reach out to you right now and explain something.
That's so critical.
And that if you grasp it, we'll be able to literally turn the tide even faster against the globalists.
And it's just this.
I'm not always wearing this, ladies and gentlemen.
I dress like this.
To politically get messages out to folks that aren't awake, to spur debates, but to also meet like-minded people who are out there feeling like they're alone and don't know how many of us there are.
It's like Martin Luther King said, it's all of us of one human race who all have incredible skills and gifts that God gave us that we bring together in the human family.
You do incredible things.
A few months ago, I saw media demonizing folks that put up signs at universities that said, all lives matter.
Then they demonized people that said it's okay to be white.
These are universities where they're saying it's inherently evil and an abomination and satanic to be white.
Right outside Austin, Texas.
Texas State University says that.
Most major universities are directing this to create racial division in this country and it's sickening.
That's why I have designed with our crew
Several new limited edition t-shirts that expose this evil and fight true institutional leftist based racial division and classical race war designs.
Yeah, if you're just talking about how you're white or how you're black, it's okay.
That's fine to be proud of yourself.
But isn't it really great to realize we all got red blood?
That's why the shirt is in red.
Out here in space together, the dark blue of the night sky, but all of our red blood together ties us together and that's what makes us great.
The globalists are creating a fake debate to turn us against each other.
Let's come together and say all lives matter.
The fact is it's not just okay, it's great to be human.
Let me show you a few of the other designs we've got.
They're available at InfoWarsTore.com.
They help spread the word and they help support the broadcast.
A total win-win.
This shirt is white.
And you've got major universities, major publications like BuzzFeed saying it's milk racist because it's white.
So yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's a white shirt that says it's okay to be white, okay to be black, okay to be brown, but it's great.
To be human.
To literally take minorities and turn them into the equivalent of Brown Ku Klux Klan.
This shirt is amazing, it's iconic, and it's limited edition.
They're all available at InfoWarsStore.com or by calling toll free, 888-253-3139.
And despite the fact that all these shirts are super high quality and are destined to be best sellers, through Christmas, we're offering 25% off at InfoWarsStore.com on these limited edition shirts.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Now, why do the globalists fear us?
Why do they have secret hearings, congressional hearings?
Why do foreign leaders call me?
Why does the president call me?
Why do the U.S.
intelligence agencies listen?
Come out in WikiLeaks, foreign governments are obsessed with InfoWars.
It's because we have the best guests, we have the best researchers, and we understand the globalist model, and we create a narrative based on real research, not a false narrative.
Doesn't mean our narrative's perfect.
But we create a narrative based in real geopolitical and historical and then also modern contexts.
And we read high-level white papers from the globalists and from other groups to understand the real thinking.
It's how I knew they were worshipping AI gods and planned to make humans obsolete.
They were writing this 20 years ago!
Billionaires were saying, we're going to major meetings and the plan is to bring in machines, replace humans, and we're going to merge with machines and get rid of everybody.
People go, you're nuts!
And I made films and wrote books.
And now Elon Musk comes out and says, red alert!
The billionaires plan to get rid of everybody and merge with machines and become gods!
The enemy are those that say, worship AI gods!
And he's working with the Pentagon!
You got Trump, the Pentagon, InfoWars.
We're just pro-human.
We don't want the technocracy.
We don't want to make you poor.
We don't want to phase everybody out.
We just aren't suicidal.
We're not even perfect.
But that's why we're so hated.
Now, Oprah Winfrey has been promised that she's going to get extended life if she does this.
So has Harvey Weinstein, all of them.
And she's in the meetings, it's been leaked, it's been in the Associated Press that she's part of a worldwide depopulation group and heads up the Africa operations through her front group for Bill and Melinda Gates to reduce population.
And I said, just like the Nazis, you know, would have a minority face for areas they came in to take over, the globalists have her as the black face to fool black folks.
I mean, that's a well-known tactic.
It's called the Judas Code.
The media says I was being racist against blacks because I don't want them exterminated.
Or I don't want 52% of blacks to be aborted before they're ever born.
They always cut things out of context, but people know who listen.
Now, Paul is launching this.
They fear us because we can say, lock her up, kill her for prison, that becomes the deal, that's the deciding meme that takes down the Clintons with all of our concerted actions together.
And I know in thousands of cases we've had game changers.
Because of you.
You're the game changer.
We do the research, you do the research, we work together, the audience, our guests, we all come together as a college of ideas, the Human Defense League, the Pro-Human League, I think I'm going to start a foundation literally along those lines.
It's got to be done.
And just the Common Sense Human Survival League.
Just the Common Sense League.
You know, the league of do unto others as you have them do unto you.
And if you do this, that Paul has called for, we can fatally politically wound her.
If you punch this out and get this out, it's over.
And that means James Woods has got to help, and everybody else has got to help.
Oprah must disavow Harvey Weinstein.
We'll use their tactics on them.
Why did Winfrey know, and when did she know it?
Let's use her tactics when she gets up there in a six-minute speech and says, men are the problem, women come together.
Hollywood's been abused, as if Hollywood is, you know, the thing not abusing us.
So, her inversion of reality is so arrogant, her fake acting, her fake crying.
This woman is a monster manipulator.
She's the only black person ever allowed into the
Cold Springs Harbor eugenics facilities with the Rockefellers and others.
That's in the news.
Okay, I mean she is the only person allowed into the eugenics cult because she is a critical person to carry out the assault.
So, that said, she's the ultimate Benedict Arnold.
These are facts.
I know truth stranger than fiction about AI gods and all of it, but it's all out in the open now.
So listen to me and go research her.
Paul Watson, you have the floor for the next six and a half minutes.
Break down your incredible idea that everyone must retweet, everyone must do videos, everyone must send to local radio stations, everyone must hammer, because she's going to be, if not the candidate, the weapon system against the American restoration in the next two and a half years.
Paul Joseph Watson.
Well, it's very simple, Alex.
And the left uses this tactic against the right all the time.
And in most cases, in most prominent cases at least, people on the right completely cave in.
They apologize.
They bow to the witch hunt, to the mob, to the twitch fork people.
And it's simply a petition.
People say, oh, people just ignore petitions.
What's the point in that?
Well, that's entirely the point.
It's a petition demanding that Oprah Winfrey disavow her friend Harvey Weinstein.
Now, if she ignores the petition, and it has 100, 200,000, 300,000 signatures, that's a pretty big deal.
So the whole point is for her to ignore the petition, which she overwhelmingly likely will.
If she does disavow him, then more power to her.
We had an impact.
But it's simply a petition.
Listen Alex, she got up there at the Golden Globes at an event organised, run, hosted by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.
This is a media organisation, a collection of journalists that report on only Hollywood.
What have they said about the sexual abuse scandal in Hollywood for the past 20 years?
Absolutely nothing whatsoever, despite the fact that everybody knew about it for the best part of the past 20 years.
Remember, it was going to come out in 2004.
New York Times, they spiked that story.
This organisation has known about it.
You have people like Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, who knew about what he was doing to women in the 90s.
This was like two decades nearly before
Oprah Winfrey was hanging out with him.
Close professional relationship.
You've seen the pictures.
She's literally nozzling his ear in one case.
There's a picture of her with the actress Cady and Noble when they met Weinstein at a 2014 event in London.
Noble, who went on to file a lawsuit against Weinstein for basically raping her, said that Oprah was swinging off his arm, in reference to Weinstein, to lure her in with the promise of boosting her career.
So you've got all this happening.
You've got Oprah Winfrey rehabilitating Bill Clinton back in 2004.
After everybody knew about his sexual predatory activity.
You've got Oprah Winfrey endorsing Hillary Clinton after she intimidated Bill Clinton's rape victims.
Oh, but now Oprah Winfrey's this big representative of the Me Too movement.
You've got Meryl Streep sat back in the audience and they showed a clip of her on Sunday night, nodding yes, this is our movement now.
Meryl Streep!
The woman who stood up and applauded a paedophile rapist in Roman Polanski, you know, 15 years after he was arrested defended him, five years after that defended him.
Absolutely incredible.
You've had a bunch of women come forward over the past six months with new accusations that Roman Polanski raped, abused them.
What did Meryl Streep say about that?
So they all get up in front of each other, they all agree with each other, they're all responsible for covering up this sex abuse scandal for at least 20 years.
Oh, but no, they're now the representatives of abused women.
Absolutely sick, rampant hypocrisy, and now Oprah Winfrey is at the head of it, having palled around, nuzzled Harvey Weinstein,
It's obvious they've got a relationship.
It's obvious they've got a relationship and she's known as being pretty wild.
That's all legal.
Luring women in to a known rapist, that's a whole other quantity as you just said.
She's actually sticking her tongue in his ear.
And again, rebooting the whole Clinton dynasty repeatedly, exactly when they're known sexual predators.
Oprah Winfrey is a monster.
Please continue, Paul.
Well, you had Courtney Love back in 2005 saying, you know, don't let Harvey Weinstein take you to a hotel room.
You had Seth MacFarlane making jokes about it a few years ago at the Golden Globes, I think it was, basically on the basis that everybody knew he was a sexual predator.
Scott Rosenberg, screenwriter, actor and producer,
Whose first two films were distributed by Weinstein's company, Miramax.
He said, quote, everybody effing knew about Weinstein's behavior in Hollywood.
Yet she's palling around with him.
Oh, but she knew absolutely nothing.
I mean, how many photos does she have to appear with him in?
I mean, I just did a Google images search and it was just like two solid pages of it.
It wasn't just one thing where, oh, I appeared in a photo with him, it's nothing.
They're best buddies, got a professional relationship, worked together on projects,
And then you get to the other aspect with Oprah Winfrey, Alex, which is when she said in a 2013 BBC interview she thinks generations of older people, meaning white people, quote, just have to die to solve the problem of racism.
Oh, so this is our big uniter, is it?
The woman who says old white people need to die.
Absolutely incredible.
Sign this petition.
If we get like 100,000 signatures, she will not disavow Weinstein, then that's going to be a massive story.
They hounded Trump for months.
Will you disavow David Duke?
No, you never even met David Duke, but they just kept throwing it at him for months.
Will the media cover this?
How many signatures can we get on this petition, which is up right now at InfoWars.com?
That's right.
Petition Oprah must disavow Harvey Weinstein.
It goes over all the key points of what a monster she is.
Truly duplicitous.
Just like we saw George Soros lead fellow Jews to the Nazis and help steal their money.
Oprah is helping lead black people and others into globalism, into communism.
In between the time she's luring women into Weinstein and sticking her filthy tongue in his filthy stinking
Dirty ears.
And so you want to fight?
You better believe you got one, witch.
Everybody, retweet it from at Prison Planet.
That's Paul Watson and Real Alex Jones.
Get this out.
Make it number one.
Jam it down their throat.
Support this network and not only support us but trigger the verified libtards on Twitter.
They had an absolute meltdown a few days ago.
They found an ad that I had cut for Brain Force, which by the way you should also get in 4WarsStore.com.
Always use the opportunity to promote it even more.
They had a meltdown over an ad that I cut in April and they found it like it was some secret and they were like, oh my god, this is the funniest thing ever.
So they literally had an autistic screeching fit over
An ad of me promoting Brain Force, which is a new tropic, which like literally half the people in Silicon Valley take, which everybody has their different brand of.
Oh, but when InfoWars does it, it's bad and it's funny somehow.
If that's the best they've got, we advertise products that got five-star independent reviews that you see right there on InfoWarsStore.com.
Brain Force Plus.
They had an absolute meltdown.
It was hilarious.
They wrote it at Vice.com!
Listen, if this is the best they've got against yours truly, that I advertised Brain Force six months ago, everybody in Silicon Valley take some kind of nootropic.
This isn't like some hokey snake oil.
I mean, Joe Rogan built his entire podcast on selling his version of the exact same product.
Gonna go after Joe Rogan too?
Absolutely incredible that they had all these massive hissy fits over me making an ad for Brainforce.
Well, here I'm making another one right now.
Gonna get triggered over this?
We'll sell even more bottles of it.
You're literally making Infowars and me money with your autistic hissy fits.
Carry on with your autistic screeching.
Because it's a lot funnier from my perspective.
If that's all you've got, it's quite pathetic at this point.
Get your BrainForce right now.
BrainForce Plus.
Personally recommended by me at InfoWarsStore.com.
And now, get BrainForce Plus at 50% off for a limited time at InfoWarsStore.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones.
Joining us is Paul Watson from her botanic, Majesty's England.
Paul, I wanted to get back into, in the five minutes we have left with you, any other tidbits you want to hit on, where the battle with fake news is going, but first ask the question, do you agree with me that the main reason they hate us is we've got their number, we read the source documents, and so many times what we break, we don't ever get credit for, but ends up being big national news stories, we've proven over and over again we can get around their Berlin Wall, just like Matt Drudge does when we team up, it's unstoppable.
Uh, and so that's why they want to try to extinguish us just through pure absolute panic.
But there's the Streisand effect of them all over the news and lawsuits and Google documents coming out our ears where
They are literally obsessed with me and you at Google, Facebook, and Twitter, and we are like the mascots of evil.
We're like the Five Minutes of Hate.
They literally throw darts at our faces.
I mean, what is it we're doing that's so powerful?
Not bragging about us so that everyone can recognize if they're so scared of this, we need to know what this is and use it against them.
What else is it?
Well, I think it's just the fact that they've had control over their echo chambers for so long until, you know, it started when we really started having an effect, which was before the election.
And we really jumped onto this cultural narrative, which was against the regressive left.
Then it started to snowball because we got more and more followers.
And now it's, you know, like Vice put out articles saying the right, it's not even the right, it's just common sense people, it's libertarians, it's everyone, is winning the battle on YouTube.
They're completely decimating all the leftists on YouTube.
So they see that going on and they get really jealous now because they used to leave YouTubers alone back in the day, but now they see people, even like PewDiePie, who's barely political, is building up at least this idea that he's independent.
And they can't control him.
And that's the threat that they hate.
The threat of not being able to control somebody's message who has that much power.
So now we've got on YouTube, there you see it, what I was talking about, the rights dominance.
By the way, I wish you wouldn't have told them that.
Because in Congress they talked about that.
In the New York Times, everywhere they quoted you.
And then that's when the real censorship kicked in.
And they said, look, they're General Watson.
It says they are defeating us.
And they use the fact
Gosh, but they finally weren't as arrogant anymore.
See, I wish we had stayed under the radar.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but they were still so arrogant until you said that they finally admitted it to themselves.
I don't know, it's all my fault.
Can I apologize?
But yeah, they were like, yeah, they're basically right.
They are dominating us.
And that's when you saw the algorithm change.
Like, Alex, when I upload a YouTube video, I instantly lose like 300 subscribers.
In the aggregate, I get more per day, but still, I'm set on a certain tier where I literally get subscribers mass deleted.
We have the executive saying our number one mission is shut Alex Jones down.
We just don't let people see their videos.
We don't let them have their notifications.
People have to hand-share it as an act of rebellion.
Pick the videos you think are most important and spread them.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, meanwhile, there's a top tier of advertiser-friendly creators who can monetize tragedies, like Jimmy Kimmel when he goes on a gun control run after the Las Vegas massacre.
He can monetize that.
You've literally got people who can film the dead bodies of suicide victims, like Logan Paul.
That doesn't get taken down by YouTube, but they took down a video put out by the Polish government.
Talking about immigration, that got censored.
They censored a video of Jordan Peterson, a professor, defending himself against accusations of racism.
So it's a two-tier system.
We're on the bottom tier.
It's deliberate now.
It's completely out in the open.
They can't hide it any longer.
They're really trying to not only bury us with the algorithm, but outright censor us.
It's only going to get worse unless we keep screaming from the rooftops about it and unless we go on the offensive, which is what this petition's about.
Share the petition, sign the petition on Infowars.com
to have Oprah Winfrey disavow Harvey Weinstein.
Remember, Christians worldwide got rid of real discrimination, or tried to.
So how does the left come in?
They turn it around and go, oh, it's affirmative action to censor all the conservatives, libertarians, and white people so that we can be even, but it's big corporations that are actually doing it.
It's not even being done for the minorities.
It's just incredible.
Paul Joseph Watson, thank you so much.
We'll be back with North Korea's latest developments.
Impeachment isn't gonna work.
The Russian collusion investigation was a total dud.
But the left isn't giving up on their Olinsky's rules for radicals, and they're gonna hit him from the flank with something new.
This time, it's questioning Trump's mental stability!
The new obsession is the 25th Amendment, for which the bar is set very high, but for some reason the left thinks they will be able to involuntarily remove President Trump from office because they do not like his tweets.
But these aren't just Zelensky tactics at play.
Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz warns that Democrats attempting to declare Trump mentally unfit to hold office is straight out of the communist playbook.
These psychiatrists now, who are trying to diagnose without ever having met the man, that's what they did in Russia.
I represented dissidents who got locked up in mental hospitals.
That's what they did in China.
That's what they did in apartheid South Africa.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live now, well into hour number two.
Paul Joseph Watson, who just joined me in the last hour, will be hosting the fourth hour from London, England.
We also have some other very informative guests, Gavin McGinnis of CRTV, and the great work they're doing over there is going to be joining us.
Joel Skousen, WorldAffairsBrief.com, editor, pilot, Marine Corps officer and aviator for the Vietnam era, best-selling author, one of the top experts on relocation and the safe home.
We sell all of his books and materials from the documentary Breakdown.
strategic relocation, the film, his color book, and also the other great book, The Secure Home, all available at M4Store.com.
But the reason we have him joining us here
Yes, we are.
For worldwide thermonuclear war that the globals were planning to allow this to happen.
He's already covered that probably a hundred times here literally.
But now you see in what 20 plus years they've not had negotiations to actually send delegations.
The media said oh it's been two years since they used the hotline.
Well yeah, they'll use the hotline two years ago after a firefight or something, not using the hotline to have a major, some of the biggest talk since 1953, the last ceasefire armistice in my view.
Now the real expert on this is Joel Skousen, and he's been over in that part of the world and covered it in depth.
Trump lining up the ships, the weapons, the submarines, the cruise missiles, the satellites to hit the North and the new SpaceX launch and that secret payload for the Air Force.
That's really got North Korea paying attention because from all my military contacts, and I've been saying this for about four months, so has Skousen, I mean they've been told we're going to hit them.
I don't
My friend, is to watch CNN, MSNBC, all of them, it's one thing to undermine the President and America first, try to sabotage it, but to be dangerous enough, almost uniformly, to not even criticize Kim Jong-un now, and say Trump is insane, Trump is crazy, he's going to get us in a war, that historically is, don't they have any common sense, don't the globalists care at any level about
That's a very measured response, I think, and points out we're the one with the big arsenal.
But you're the military man and the expert on this from your research.
Where are we currently?
Let me be frank, Alex.
The globalists know exactly what they're doing.
It's not a matter of common sense.
It's a matter of utter lack of morality.
Just like World War II, they knew that Hitler was going to strike the West, but they invested in it and they built him up as an enemy, just as they had been building up Russia and China as enemies for decades.
I mean, we gave the first nuclear-enriched uranium to Russia so that they could explode their first weapon a year after the Japanese attack.
We gave
We brought Mao Zedong to power in China and we've been through especially through the Clinton administration and the Department of Commerce giving military technology to China and now we've been doing it since the Clinton administration through Israel.
A lot of Americans don't realize that the technology we give to Israel they're allowed to sell to China
To make hard currency cash.
Michael Wolff paraded before the world trying to tell him about all of it.
He's even saying that a hundred percent of the staff in the West Wing of the White House has at some point in the seven months he had access to the White House.
By the way, that's the biggest mistake Steve Bannon ever made.
...was giving Wolf access to the White House and not betting this guy as the enemy of Trump that he is.
Wolf says that virtually 100% of everyone in the White House have told him that in some way or another Trump is a child and acts like a child.
I mean this is just ludicrous to believe that 100% would say that.
The truth is that Trump is super wily like a fox.
In my personal experience and what we've seen and what he's delivered, it's the opposite of that.
But he certainly, you know, has some childlike attributes.
He is a flatterer.
He accepts flattery back and forth.
I've talked about how they manipulate him through flattery.
But, you know, this is more a spoiled person syndrome.
But he is not dumb.
I mean, Trump is a very, very smart man.
He is limited by the cordon of information they put up around him and they keep him churning with one crisis after another.
I mean, I don't know how the person can operate in the White House with the crisis management that's going on there.
But North Korea is the biggest issue on the table in the White House right now because Trump is about or is inclined to do the right thing and that is take down North Korea militarily
He knows in his gut that there is no negotiated solution with Kim Jong-un, and yet every one of his globalist advisors is pushing that negotiation.
And they are reveling in the fact that North Korea, as I predicted in the World Affairs Brief, North Korea would turn on the charm offensive in order to stop Trump from attacking him, in order to give to Trump's advisors the excuse that you can't attack Trump while they're in negotiations, and especially during the Olympics.
So this was a very smart move by North Korea.
To play the charm offensive with South Korea.
Notice they didn't play it with Trump.
Trump is suspicious of that.
Trump has trumpeted many times that North Korea has lied every time they've gone to the negotiation table and he's absolutely correct.
But South Korea and their government is full of a bunch of pacifists.
Exactly, so they're going right at the weak link, right at the people that will be attacked and trying to break away partners in the coming attack.
That's right.
And the South Korean government has numerous times pushed back against Trump about a military solution.
And, you know, they are in part responsible for not sounding the warning about their people about the growing military threat of North Korea.
And it is ominous now.
I mean, you've got 15,000 artillery tubes positioned less than 40 miles from Seoul, which can literally wreak havoc at that.
And so they are at risk of being as harmed.
And so the South Korean government thinks that we can postpone this by having negotiations.
But look, it's going to be war one way or the other.
The more you postpone it, the more you guarantee that North Korea will be stronger and more powerful when they do strike.
And they are going to strike.
And a lot of folks say, oh, they're starving, they're weak, you know, they're being used as a set piece by China.
Why are we doing this?
But I agree with you.
Long term, they've been set up for a reason.
Michael Moore, Hillary bragged and said Trump will be faced with an international crisis very quickly that will embarrass him.
People see what a fool he is.
They thought he'd back down.
The Clintons, the Chinese communists, I believe the evidence is clear.
Just like they gave him the missiles and the weapons.
And just like some of the leftists in Israel have been known to trans... We're not anti-Israel, but Israel has been endangering everybody's security, selling stuff to China that we give them.
It's wrong.
It needs to stop.
So, clearly they're trying to... They thought they'd manipulate North Korea into embarrassing Trump.
I think that's why North Korea got so belligerent and had so many tests and nuclear tests as soon as Trump got in.
Well, it was because they thought they had globalist backing behind the scenes.
Well, the globalists are really turning on the pressure on Trump to stop this strike.
But incredibly, incredibly, Alex, it came out today that the bloody nose military option is still on the table.
I covered this in the World Affairs Brief, where the Pentagon is thinking about giving Kim Jong-un a bloody nose, meaning a very small token military attack in response to the next missile test that will take out
Uh, you know, some Mitchell missile launch site, etc.
Hold on, stay there, and let's explain the threat continuum.
If he's threatening nukes, threatening to blow up Guam, testing missiles, we just blow up a missile base and say, okay, it's your move now, and then let them launch the attack, and then that way we can go in and totally destroy them if they, if they call us, because we're not bluffing.
Let's discuss that straight ahead with Joel Skousen.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Joel Skousen of WorldAffairsBrief.com is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com are our main sites.
PrisonPlanet.com is the backup, but they all have original content on them.
They also have a lot of the same content as well.
And it's an act of serious resistance when you spread the articles and videos.
I don't have to tell you.
That's a question I've got for Joel because it's just getting insane.
Facebook, Twitter, Google executives admit they're censoring us on their lunch hour before Congress.
Google documents come out where they say we're the number one enemy and we're banned from their campuses and they're hiring groups to go delist us online.
And I mean, I'm not on a power trip, folks.
In fact, I'm actually freaked out that now, literally after Trump,
I think?
Well, the core that they are most afraid of in the news is any hint that there is a conspiracy in government, whether it's globalist, whether it's the dark side, the deep state.
And you openly talk about that.
It's one of the reasons why you're the biggest person on the block in the conservative libertarian movement.
It's because you dare to discuss conservative openly.
I dare to discuss it.
And that's why I have a large following as well.
But they hate that.
And it's not so much that you're big, that's one big thing, but it's the content.
The content is absolutely essential.
I've said for years, the more conservatives steer away from the conservative, you're falling, conspiracy, you're falling right into the trap.
Of the liberal media that denigrates conspiracy.
They don't want to hear it.
They don't want that information because it resonates with people that have a conscience.
When you talk about 9-11 being a government operation from beginning, it resonates.
Especially if they get the facts, if they're at all open-minded.
And that's the big threat that you are.
And literally, I enjoyed very much Paul's segment before I came on.
He was right on.
This is a major violation of free speech throughout the world.
And we are becoming the Holocaust victims of this time and age.
I don't
Panic and so even if we fight and don't win all this now as you said it will create waves Of other people that awaken throughout time and space and that's why it's so timeless They want to make us think we're powerless.
We're not but getting back to North Korea
Because you didn't tell me what you thought.
I mean, I know the Globalist helped give them the weapons.
I know they give them stuff through China.
But since things got worse with North Korea as soon as Trump got in, is there any intel confirming that back channels have told Kim Jong-un, go ahead and be blusterous.
Go ahead and get in Trump's face.
You know, we're not going to back him.
Because certainly the media is acting like they like Kim Jong-un and don't like Trump.
I mean, it's outrageous.
I don't think, Alex, there's been any concerted effort to get Kim Jong-un to be the kind of wild card that he is.
This is in his DNA.
This is why he was allowed to rise into power.
It's to China and Russia's best interest to have the appearance of a crazy man in North Korea, so that when he starts World War III, and that's been the plan for years on the communist side, and the globalists know this, and that's why they have been permissive with North Korea for years,
You can only tell this if you compare it to how we treat Iran that doesn't even have a nuclear weapon yet.
And we've been in a death threat mode against Iran for decades, and yet North Korea, we keep giving them a pass.
Now, they're going to give them a pass again if Trump isn't very, very careful.
He's made a couple of tactical mistakes.
In the first place, he had the equipment on the ground to be able to shoot down North Korea in the past two missile tests, and he should have done so.
That's the only suitable bloody nose strategy from a military point of view that's worth its salt because it appears to be defensive.
We're protecting Japan's airspace from these missiles by shooting them down.
That would give him a bloody nose, but not the pretext of being able to attack South Korea.
Now, if you do an attack on the land of North Korea, Kim Jong-un has to save face.
He's going to attack South Korea, and it's going to be disastrous to allow those artillery tubes to open up before we're ready to take them out.
And believe me, it's the largest military operation you can mount to take out 15,000 artillery tubes spread out over 100 and 150 miles along the DMZ.
Well, Trump has hinted at secret weapons, and our sources say
Yeah, there's obviously a lot of them up there, but even more have been deployed just for this.
I'm not sure that they would allow those to come out.
It's my belief that because the globalist intention is to allow a nuclear first strike on American military forces, they don't want to expose the secret weapon systems until after that strike occurs.
Then, as they
Push Americans to join a militarized global government in response to the devastation of our military.
They bring out secret weapon systems to protect us against further attacks.
Now, there are a full range of secret weapons, including neutron bomb weapons and large area weapons that are capable of taking out large forces of North Korean artillery forces, which are the main threat against South Korea.
How much, and it's anybody's guess as to whether or not they would bring those out, but I can tell you, I think they're going to be very reluctant to do so until World War III starts, because they don't want the American people to know they have the capacity to defend us.
Well, I think
They've got a contingency plan here.
If Trump attacks South Korea, they will attempt to get him to negotiate a truce short of victory, just like they did in the first Korean War.
So that this would preserve the trigger event to resurrect itself after 2020 sometime, when Russia and China will be more ready to prosecute a third world war.
So they can win either way.
I mean, the globalists are deeply ensconced in the Trump administration.
It's going to be difficult to rip them out.
I have lost total confidence in Jeff Sessions' ability to root them out, and Trump's ability to see who's a globalist and who isn't.
I mean, he hasn't got anyone surrounding him to advise him, and tell him that Christopher Wray, who he installed as FBI Director, is just as much a globalist as James Comey was, and as Robert Mueller was.
But when he learns they're bad, he gets rid of them.
Exactly, but it just shows that he's being given horrible advice.
It's hard to do.
And again, we're not trying to talk over each other.
His Skype kind of degraded there at the end.
But very powerful information.
Thank you for that perspective and research.
We're all obviously praying and focused and watching.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
Thank you, Joel Skousen.
We'll be back with other huge breaking news.
The President has responded to Oprah Winfrey.
We have the video.
Stay with us.
Straight ahead.
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What a great idea, Joseph Farah.
The true pioneer of patriot, libertarian, Americana media to promote basic Americana that Trump has now fully begun to reboot the country with.
And I know these are just postcards online you can send for free to the President and share to others.
But man, that'd be a great hat.
Magnificent, all this stuff.
Great graphic stuff.
Mr. President, thank you for your service.
You know, I've seen President Trump talk about the veterans and how great they are, and they are, but talk about how he's never done anything like they have and how they're the best.
Absolutely, Alex.
You know, uh...
I gotta tell you, the thing I'm excited about this is, you know, we worked with the White House to ensure that we had a path to get these messages to Trump.
That's what people need to understand.
I mean, I don't know if, you know, we're over 10,000 now.
Did Donald Trump read 10,000?
No, but I have a feeling maybe he has somebody who's keeping him up to date on this kind of stuff.
Every one of these days we can get him to tweet this and really explode this thing.
But I appreciate so much you taking the time to have me talk about this because, you know, it's not all the independent news sites out there that we all, I wish we all just got along and we all supported everybody, supported each other's initiatives.
It would go a long way to, you know, bringing us together.
Making us all more effective.
Alex Jones, you recognize that, and I appreciate you bringing this to the attention of your vast audience.
Oh absolutely, but I mean it's bigger than that!
Psychologically, something happens when we're thankful.
So everybody needs to go to the site ThankTrump.us and explain how they do this.
It's very easy.
We've linked it on InfoWars.com and make this about the president.
I agree.
Well, it's so easy.
Just go to ThankTrump.us.
It'll instantly take you to this special page where you've got nine different cards.
We've added a few recently, added three recently.
We'll probably add some more.
I think what we're seeing right now, Alex, is
We have not seen anything like this in our lifetimes.
Would you agree with me on that?
I'm absolutely downfounded.
It's incredible.
I mean, I was around for Reagan.
In fact, Reagan was the thing that got the guy, the personality who took me from the far left.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
There's an addendum that I want to add on to the last two segments here that I didn't get to that was important and I wanted to bring up for Joel Skousen along my point of it being the globalists that keep propping up North Korea through China that keep giving them weapons and it's true that Israel has a long history off and on of transferring sensitive technology to China and it's completely legal.
The United States transfers money and military equipment to Israel, and then they transfer it to China, and so does our government.
And so does the British government.
I mean, it's all these big arms selling countries, but China then gives it to North Korea.
And if you look at China's weapons, they're all clones of U.S.
And they're constantly threatening to attack us.
And so one of the points that the crew raised was in a Vice report.
I don't just go off Vice News.
I remember the research that came out last year that the missile factories that were in Ukraine that were producing engines for the Russians for their Satan missile, heavy lift missile, that's what we call it, the Satan missile.
They've got a numerical number for it.
Being transferred and suddenly that's why North Korea's missiles can get off the launch pad and go so high.
The headlines, no one is sure which country is helping North Korea make its missiles.
But then when you read deeper into it, they go, but it is in the area controlled by the group that Soros backed and overthrew the Ukraine.
So, when Russia was running Ukraine, or had some connection to it, put it to you that way,
When there was a friendly government, they weren't transferring their heavy lift boost technology to North Korea.
It happened when the globalists took over.
And it's the same story.
Who gave the Chinese the Long March missile perfection?
Who gave them the MIRV technology?
Who gave them the booster technology?
Who gave them the avionics?
Who gave them all of it?
The United States of America!
And Israel.
And it's just suicidal!
Reminds me of the stories in the news about quite a few brokers, five or six of them, who were in the World Trade Center and were making so much money at their terminals while the building was on fire, they didn't evacuate and died.
But not before, some of them, one of them made like $15 million in a few minutes and was transferring the money to his family, but it's suicide banking.
Why are we giving China everything?
Well, Trump says, no more.
We're gonna have a 38.9%, almost 40% tax.
You got a 15, we're going to 15.
China goes, we're going to zero.
The globalists have set it up, we're flyover country, to screw us.
And Trump, who's far from perfect, nobody is, is at least trying to help the country, and that's why it makes me sick.
We got a Noah Schroeder video coming up here in a little while.
Where he went out, and I said, you know, during the campaign, and then now, right through last year, until the tax cut was passed in December, you can go out, Fox News has done it, others have done it, and you read people Trump's tax plan, but you tell them it's Bernie Sanders or Hillary, and to a person, they say, I want that.
Same thing happened in Austin, Texas.
But I told Owen, listen, they won't talk to you.
Take the M4's flag off the mic and hold a Bernie sign.
And he went out and did it.
And they come over and they love Bernie's plan, except it's Trump's plan.
And one guy has enough integrity to say, I guess I look like an idiot, a black guy.
This old white lady, after he's super polite to her, walks by and goes, fake news, once he turns his back.
I mean, the level of cowardice and disingenuousness is insane.
And of course, all during the bill, they said, oh, really won't do that.
Oh, it's not true.
Now even CBS News goes, okay, the average family is $13,000.
I mean, that's going to explode the economy.
And yeah, the tax cuts to companies is going to explode it more.
And guess what?
It did explode.
So that's coming up.
We've also got amazing developments in Russia we're going to cover in the next segment.
But I want to get to this first.
President Trump has responded to Oprah Winfrey saying he knows her well, been on her show many times, been out to dinner with her many times.
You watch what Trump said on his show 25 years ago, 30 years ago.
It's everything he did today.
Nathan Gatz is a scam.
We're getting screwed over.
If I ever became president, I'd do this, but I don't want to.
I want to get good leaders in.
But they're running Oprah publicly now, even if she's probably not going to run officially, to make it look like, oh, the women and the black folks are against him.
Well, we have record
Low unemployment for blacks in 11 months and 20 days.
We're 10 days out from the one-year anniversary.
And if you don't appreciate how we've turned the corner, something's wrong with you.
And then I see the people that hate us, like this video that's on Infowars.com, a fat SJW walks into a gun store, hilarity ensues.
It's like 10 minutes long.
I watched it this morning.
It actually made me get a tear in my eye.
It didn't make me laugh.
Because this is a brainwashed victim.
But also nasty and dangerous.
These SJWs can hardly walk.
They act like demonic three-year-olds.
Because they have a Gadsden flag, they march in and call them a racist.
That says the Southern Provincial Law Center.
I guess people's places shot up because they said the Gadsden flag is a white supremacist flag.
And this SJW walks in
And it flips out.
And I say it because, you know, California you get arrested if you say somebody's gender wrong, so just it.
And there's a stack of Bibles and they're free and it says, can I have these?
He says, yeah.
We're going to give them to people.
So it begins to throw them, crack the window, throw them on the roof, flop it, wrack like a big baby.
And the cops come and the guy doesn't even want it to be sent to jail.
He just wants it on record to not trespass again in case it might be dangerous.
But I mean, this is a LARPer, not even a LARPer, someone that plays video games all day, going out to find a Nazi.
And this person literally is in a haze, a dreamlike state, hardly walk, kind of rough.
That's people that are in a dreamlike state.
They're sleepwalking.
And the studies show it.
SJWs generally have lower brainwaves closer to sleep.
They're in a trance.
They believe it.
Comes in and says, oh, you won't, uh, sell guns to a expletive.
I say the expletive, they'll edit it out on the Young Turks or somewhere and, you know, Megyn Kelly and play it and say that Jones is calling people names.
It's always the left spewing racial terms and teaching people racial terms and teaching you sex terms that you never imagined.
You know, like an Upper Decker or a Dirty Sanchez and all this stuff that you don't even want to know it.
They just throw it at you constantly.
Excuse me, that's what they do.
But it's like everything I ever learned that's like crazy.
How they chop their arms and legs off for sexual fetishes, how you pour Drano in your eyes, how you have sex with automobiles, how they go after children, all of this.
And then we're the bad guys.
I'm going to have to come back with Trump.
But let's go to Trump's response right now to Oprah saying he thinks it's a bluff.
And I tend to think it is, but they're going to run her as like the shadow president.
That's why she's got to be exposed.
We've got the petition to have her renounce her lordship that she reportedly has relations with.
Publicly, she kisses all of them and sticks her tongue in his ear.
Lord Goblin Weinstein.
Let's go back to Trump.
Here it is.
Can you beat Oprah, by the way?
Yeah, I'll beat Oprah.
Oprah would be a lot of fun.
I know her very well.
You know, I did one of her last shows.
She had Donald Trump.
This was before politics.
Her last week.
And she had Donald Trump, and my family was very blessed.
No, I like Oprah.
I don't think she's gonna run.
I don't think she's gonna run.
I know her very well.
You know, that's a little message he knows about the stuff in the closet.
And nothing wrong with being a wild woman!
I mean, she likes her men, let me tell you.
Now, luring young girls into Weinstein, that's another pickle, another kettle of fish.
But as they say, I know I think Ivanka did this at Trump's direction to play good cop and bad cop.
She's been saying she likes Oprah in tweets.
I said, oh, this is more liberal stuff.
You know, she's got to watch it.
But see, Trump's just going, hey, I'm not going to fight with you, Oprah.
Hey, I'm not going to do it, lady.
Hey, this is stupid.
Oliver Benz, nice to you.
You want to start a fight with me, you're not going to get what you want.
But it doesn't mean that people like me
aren't gonna come in from the other angle like an attack dog because Oprah Winfrey is a African depopulating witch.
And I will stand against true hardcore Nazis like her.
She's as bad as Hitler.
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Just briefly.
My dad is an oral surgeon and dentist.
He's about to retire.
And about 15 years ago, he heard me ranting and raving about fluoride and toothpaste and how it causes brain damage and lower IQ and dental fluorosis.
And he said, son, I don't care who you have on the air.
That's a bunch of bull.
You need fluoride or you die.
And I actually showed him what was in the water supply and the fluoride.
He said, this is incredible.
This is Grignard Reagent's heavy metals.
They're covering for it, calling it fluoride under law with a loophole to dump toxic waste in the food and water.
Now, CNN had to admit last month, in utero and in children, massive IQ reductions.
Well, six years ago, the EPA said reduce it in water by half.
You don't drink your sunscreen, but hydrofluorosilicic acid is a
I don't
The American Dental Association says don't brush children's teeth until age six with it.
Why does it say nursery water that at the store was added fluoride?
And they didn't add calcium fluoride, boys and girls.
They added hydrofluorosilicic acid.
That's why my dad and I developed, with the same folks that make Toms of Maine, it's private-labeled, Super Blue non-fluoride toothpaste with colloidal silver and high-quality iodine, which you die without iodine.
Massive iodine deficiencies in the country.
If you drink the stuff that's at the store, it'll kill you.
That's a different type of iodine.
This is the real medical grade.
It's 33% off right now, and we have the bubble gum, natural flavor, organic flavor for children, that doesn't have as much of the peppermint in it, because it's this concentrated toothpaste.
Super Blue Toothpaste, available at InfoWarsTore.com!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of victory, from the front lines of those seeking Christ, we bring you The InfoWar.
Front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
That doesn't mean I'm a Pharisee.
Doesn't mean I'm a glitterbug preacher up there telling you how good I am.
I'm wicked.
I've got just as evil a brain as the worst of those people out there, but they're missing a connection to God, and that's the difference.
But God tends to use bad boys throughout history to really take down the evil, and I am a blessed vessel.
And I'm not a hypocrite.
I don't lie to you about who I am and what I stand for.
And when I say I'm evil, I'm not out committing evil deeds.
But I have a wicked heart.
And I'm a vengeful person.
And vengeance is God's.
But the churches need to warn people about corrupt governments and evil systems.
And they don't do that because most of them aren't churches.
And I'm not judging your church if they're a 501c3.
People are born into this since the 50s.
But you become a charity of the government when Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or the right of the people to peacefully assemble the press or redress of grievances and all that.
But the first thing in the First Amendment is government has no jurisdiction over churches.
That's how the Hopi Indians can get out, you know, sit out in the middle of the desert and take peyote, because that's in their religion.
Supreme Court rightfully said they've been doing it for 10,000 years.
It's their religion.
And their priest can't administer it.
And in major medical studies, it's been shown to be one of the best things for depression.
You name it.
Not that I know anything about that.
I'm just sitting there telling you what the medical reports say.
And that's a side issue.
As you go off into pharmakia.
The reason I mention that is, we are fighting good and evil.
And at the end of the day,
The globalists are evil.
Hollywood is evil.
North Korea is evil.
Their people aren't evil, but the people running it are evil.
And you see what communism and globalism creates.
Abject poverty and slavery, people at each other's throats, because that's what scum wants.
And scum never takes responsibility for what they've done or the wrong they've done.
They only attack, attack, attack.
And their failures, they always blame on you, when they're the ones that are the authors of everything they've engaged in themselves.
Communism never failed, it was that you didn't go along with it right.
But when you get down to brass tacks, globalism is designed to fail.
Before I get to this powerful Owen Schroeder report, I'm the guy that comes up with the specials and the products and a lot of stuff around here.
We have a great team.
And they try to meet with me and say, hey, you're ending all these specials, we're selling out of all these products.
You got to stop the free shipping and you got to stop the sales because we just sold out of all these items and we're not getting more for months.
And I said, I know, but I never got around to new sales.
That's why we have free shipping still today, but on Rainforce and on a bunch of other bestselling products, they're no longer at 50% off because they're about to sell out.
But literally,
Some of the specials are still there because I just have been working on news and information and things, and so that's not the crew's fault.
That's my fault.
So I don't just say, the sale ends today, the sale ends today, and then it doesn't end because I haven't gone and sat around and looked at all the great products and come up with a new sale.
So what we do have is something we're going to launch until next week.
And which I'm not even gonna do justice to when I plug here today, that is over a year in the making, produced by one of the top organic firms in the country, that if you want proven studies and documentation, I'm even able to speak for hours just on the files I have here, of what this is proven to do, the ingredients in this, this is the ultimate immune system boost for this time of year or any time of the year, but immune wall.
Is incredible.
And folks, other formulas that aren't even as good are $70, $80.
It's a great deal at $39.
It is $29.95 out of the gates.
Immune walled.
Beta glucans, olive leaf, and so much more.
It is concentrated.
You need to go read what is in here.
The mushroom blend of the most expensive, highest quality mushrooms that just incredibly accelerate.
A citrus peel blend.
I mean, this is the next level.
Well-immune, beta-glucans, and it's big dosages of all of them.
And it's a great price.
Most supplement companies mark things up four to seven times.
We mark it up 140%.
At retail, and we never sell at retail, we're always at least 20% off.
Sometimes we go 50, and people have responded, but these aren't games where we raise prices, and then we lower prices.
Like they do on Black Friday, most companies have been showing, like, they'll boost them the week before, and then lower them the next week to regular price.
We don't do that.
These are a really great deal.
So for yourself, your children, your family, I give our vitamin B12 to my children.
I give them, when they have a sore throat, the colloidal silver, and they're super healthy.
An immune wall finally came in Monday.
The 18-wheeler showed up Monday from the plant here in the U.S.
and I wasn't, I was going to cut ads, have an old fancy rollout, but
Here's the fancy rollout right now because I have it.
I'm literally wargaming our promotions and pitches just live on air because I just haven't done it.
I mean, it's an amazing product.
Page after document cam shot, please.
Look, master product development line approved by the lawyers, the scientists, everything.
You know, most things can't make claims.
High beta glucan, medical mushroom, citrus peel, olive leaves.
Now modern science allows these studies and ingredients scientifically with clinical trials to bring you the most potent formulas.
And it goes through well immune.
The main ingredient helps prime immune system for support.
It's got all the studies.
This is certified.
When traveling strengthens immune cells to protect against harmful effects of stress.
And it's clinically proven to improve key immune responses.
Well immune is clinically proven safe for daily use.
You can boost your immune system year round.
Activate the immune system and help support.
And then it's got all the studies right here.
And what it does.
The organic turkey tail mushroom, the organic reishi, organic maitake, organic shiitake, organic orange peel, organic lemon peel.
It's got everything in it right there, ladies and gentlemen.
It's a vegetable capsule, and you owe it to your children.
I mean, look at this page.
Substantiated claim sheet.
I'm just showing you the internal stuff approved by lawyers and the scientists.
Just look at this.
Look at everything it does.
I mean, it's insane.
I can't even go over all this.
It's ridiculous.
Strengthens your body's key immune factors.
Produces enhanced immune support by helping activate the bodies on defenses.
Strengthens immune cells to protect against the harmful effects of stress.
Helps support healthy functioning of your immune system.
Assists in enhancing overall health and vitality.
Helps prime the immune system.
Helps your body mobilize your immune system.
It just goes on and on.
And that's page after page.
I mean, I can't even go over all this.
Healthy energy boosting.
Good for the heart, good for the joints.
It's insane how good these concentrated herbs are.
It's now available, ladies and gentlemen, Immune Wall.
I think it's beyond seasonal.
This is something, particularly in the winter, though.
I was giving another leading brand that cost more to my children until this came in.
Now this is what I'm giving them.
And they look so good, they're so healthy compared to the other children.
I'm just being honest.
Everybody sees my children and says, are these kids like movie stars or something?
Like glowing.
I mean, what's going on here?
And I'm like, man, I'm just feeding them organic food and I don't have to sit there at the breakfast table and the dinner table and make them take this stuff anymore.
They just go over and, you know, take it.
And it's not drugs.
It's just concentrated plants.
Good, healthy things.
And yeah, it's good to feed them the mushrooms themselves, and it's good to feed them the eggs, and it's the organic eggs, and all of it.
They're getting all that, but you add this, it just takes it over the top.
So there is free shipping.
It's still in place.
And it will be over soon.
I've just got to shut that off because it's still up on the site.
Beta, Glucan, Olive Leaf, and more.
Immunewall, InfoWarsTore.com, InfoWarsLive.com, or 888-253-3139.
And again, there are still some of the best-selling items like the Real Red Pill 50% off, XU 50% off, and a bunch of others, but a bunch of them are gone because they've sold out.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
And please, I didn't plug for the last hour and 50 minutes, so I'm going to do a little longer plug here.
Support our local affiliates, become sponsors, whatever you spread the word about the local stations, and spread the live links, videos, articles.
You see The Globalist everywhere.
The Google documents, the national lawsuits, everywhere.
That's why I haven't sued Google yet.
I told you I was, because I've been talking to folks behind the scenes saying, don't worry, it's coming, and Trump's going to trust bust them.
That's why they're so desperately trying to get him out because busting up those trusts is the next thing to happen.
These are anti-American groups.
But that's all going to come after the fake news awards coming up in eight days of our great maverick president.
The scourge of tyranny.
The man hated by vampires everywhere.
The man hated by communists and dirtbags and filthy SJWs and evil witches like Hillary Clinton.
Just briefly.
My dad is an oral surgeon and dentist.
He's about to retire.
And about 15 years ago, he heard me ranting and raving about fluoride and toothpaste and how it causes brain damage and lower IQ and dental fluorosis.
And he said, son, I don't care who you have on the air.
That's a bunch of bull.
You need fluoride or you die.
And I actually showed him what was in the water supply and the fluoride.
He said, this is incredible.
This is Grignard Reagent's heavy metals.
They're covering for it, calling it fluoride under law with a loophole to dump toxic waste in the food and water.
Now, CNN had to admit last month, in utero and in children, massive IQ reductions.
Well, six years ago, the EPA said reduce it in water by half.
You don't drink your sunscreen, but hydrofluorosilicic acid is a
I don't
The American Dental Association says don't brush children's teeth until age six with it.
Why does it say nursery water that at the store with added fluoride?
And they didn't add calcium fluoride, boys and girls.
They added hydrofluorosilicic acid.
That's why my dad and I developed, with the same folks that make Toms of Maine, private labeled, super blue, non-fluoride toothpaste with colloidal silver and high-quality iodine, which you die without iodine.
Massive iodine deficiencies in the country.
If you drink the stuff that's at the store, it'll kill you.
That's a different type of iodine.
This is the real medical grade.
It's 33% off right now, and we have the bubble gum, natural flavor, organic flavor for children, that doesn't have as much of the peppermint in it, because it's just concentrated toothpaste.
Super Blue Toothpaste, available at InfoWarsTore.com!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Coming up, Gavin McGinnis of HRTV is going to be joining us.
CRTV, going from memory there.
My head is spinning right now.
I mean, it is just so insane, everything that's going on.
There's just too much news.
It's just getting crazier and crazier and crazier.
When we come back, it's the top link on DrudgeReport.com.
Wolf admits, didn't interview any White House cabinet officials for anti-Trump, but let's get to this powerful Owen Stroyer report.
Here it is.
So, I don't know if you, have you been following Trump's tax plan at all?
Yes, I have.
And what do you think about it?
Well, I think it's got some real issues.
I mean, are you a supporter of Trump?
Do you not like Trump?
Don't like him.
Okay, not a fan of Trump.
So you probably, I mean, do you think he would like his tax plan?
I think that it gives people money back, but it's under the guise of helping out the middle class when in reality it kind of helps out his cronies and the people he planned to help out with to begin with.
I'm not a fan of Trump or his tax plan.
Well, I feel the burning.
Still do, but... Well, don't you think, I mean, there's a couple highlights here.
We're trying to get people to agree.
There's a couple highlights from Bernie's proposed tax plan.
For example, he wants to preserve tax credits for people that produce electricity from wind, biomass, you know, geothermal, solar, stuff like that.
Would you support something like that in a tax plan?
Power stuff that's, you know, more sustainable, renewable.
He wants to provide tax credits for that.
Would you get behind something like that?
Would you support that?
Would you support that?
People that work with renewable energy, sustainable energy like wind, you would support that?
Of course.
Yes, yeah.
I'm not super educated on this subject so I don't really want to put forward a lot of opinions.
What about the child tax credit?
Bernie's plan wants to double the child tax credit to make it $2,000 per kid that's a dependent so that some of those middle class families or whatever that have multiple children, they keep some of that money in their own pocket.
Is that something you support in a tax plan?
Yeah, yeah, I'd be okay with that.
People might abuse it.
So they might start having kids?
Yeah, just to get a tax deduction and it wouldn't be good.
Well, they'd still be paying more for having a kid, though.
That is true.
So I'll just give you one more here and we'll let you go.
He wants a repatriation tax.
So basically, some of these assets and monies that are sitting overseas that people have been trying to avoid the taxes at, he wants to put a mandatory tax on that as a repatriation effort.
Like offshore bank accounts, etc.
Yeah, exactly.
Is that something that you would support in a tax plan?
Yeah, definitely.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, I think that's fair.
Yeah, if it would alleviate, you know, um, the taxes that lower income families have to pay, then yes.
...hold hard cash that these corporations and people have overseas, a mandatory tax.
Would you support that?
Good luck finding it.
Yeah, I support it, but they're, it's so lawyered up and buried in, uh, yeah.
It's good luck finding it.
Okay, so now, what if I just told you, I actually just told you, Trump's tax plan?
Then, um, I mean, clearly I don't know what I'm doing.
So, how do you feel about it now?
I'll have to re-look at the facts, because I don't trust anything that comes out of his presidency.
Now, what if I told you that I actually just read to you Trump's tax plan?
I'd be surprised.
I'd kind of believe it, honestly.
I'm really bad at politics and all this stuff.
I'm a science major.
Okay, so now what if I just told you that I actually read you Trump's tax plan?
I think those, you know, those are things that I don't... I'm speechless.
You may not like Trump, but maybe some of his policies are good.
We'll see.
Alright, well that's what just happened.
So you just said you supported his tax plan.
Hey, thank you for your time, ma'am.
You were wonderful.
Have a great day, okay?
Thank you.
Impeachment isn't gonna work.
The Russian collusion investigation was a total dud.
But the left isn't giving up on their Olinsky's rules for radicals, and they're gonna hit him from the flank with something new.
This time, it's questioning Trump's mental stability!
The new obsession is the 25th Amendment, for which the bar is set very high, but for some reason the left thinks they will be able to involuntarily remove President Trump from office because they do not like his tweets.
But these aren't just Zelensky tactics at play.
Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz warns that Democrats attempting to declare Trump mentally unfit to hold office is straight out of the communist playbook.
These psychiatrists now who are trying to diagnose without ever having met the man, that's what they did in Russia.
I represented dissidents who got locked up in mental hospitals.
That's what they did in China.
That's what they did in apartheid South Africa.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, he's one of the founders of Vice.
He's a famous comedian, filmmaker, and he, of course, hosts a very popular TV program with CRTV.
Gavin McInnes is joining us for the next 30 minutes, maybe longer.
And he wants to get into the very same things I want to get into.
Oprah Winfrey and the President's response.
Our story's top length on the left-hand side of Drudge.
Wolf admits that's the king of yellow journalism.
I mean, CNN's the king of fake news entity, but...
He is the king of fake journalism.
Didn't interview any White House cabinet officials for anti-Trump book.
But then he said he interviewed everyone!
So see, they've been claiming Trump's lying, saying he never saw him, he was never in the White House.
Then he learns, well, he was never in the Oval Office, Trump never met him.
Then the guy said, well, he did.
And then he said he also interviewed the President on a bunch of programs.
But now we learn he didn't interview any of them!
Wow, a known liar is a liar!
That's coming up.
We've got Oprah.
Oprah must disavow Harvey Weinstein.
We've got videos and photos of him grabbing him, kissing him, sticking her tongue in his ear, bringing hot chicks to him.
I mean, I know Oprah likes to party.
And that's fine if you and Weinstein like to, you know.
All right.
Little kid with a monkey on his shirt.
I mean, my kids have had Curious George shirts.
Doesn't mean that they're monkeys.
But we've got that.
The Weeknd says goodbye.
To H&M of a racist monkey sweatshirt ad.
That's right, because again, if somebody's got a shirt about monkeys, little kids love monkeys, coolest monkey in the jungle, that's racist.
I didn't know that.
I think all four of my kids actually have shirts that say something about monkeys, and you go to the store and they'll have like, your kid can be a unicorn, your kid can be a monkey, or your kid can be a fish, or your kid can be...
With the little bath towels they wear on their heads so bath time's fun?
I think all my children have had monkey outfits.
I didn't know that I was saying my children were monkeys.
So, we're going to talk to Gavin McGinnis about that as well.
But first, here's the president responding to Oprah Winfrey saying she might run for president or be the shadow president.
Here it is.
Can you beat Oprah, by the way?
Yeah, I'll beat Oprah.
Oprah would be a lot of fun.
I know her very well.
You know, I did one of her last shows.
She had Donald Trump.
This was before politics.
Her last week.
And she had Donald Trump, and my family was very blessed.
No, I like Oprah.
I don't think she's gonna run.
I don't think she's gonna run.
I know her very well.
Yeah, he knows her very well.
A lot of skeletons is what he's hinting at.
I was kind of mad at Ivanka Trump praising Oprah Winfrey's Golden Globes speech, because it is a bunch of bull and anti-male stuff, but maybe they're trying the judo move of being friendly here.
Well, Gavin McGinnis and myself, we're not going to go with the judo move.
Gavin McGinnis, my friend, what do you make of all this?
I make of it, I was actually pretty worried about it last night because you think of, you know, the identity politics vote, the woman vote, the bitter vote, the millennial vote, the dumb vote.
She's got all of these different votes that end up being more than 50% of the country.
The people who generally have skin in the game and get politics, they're a minority.
So I was kind of scared and then I talked to Roger Stone a second ago and he goes, dude,
Can you imagine the kind of skeletons this woman has in her closet?
And then he dropped it, but he's right!
She's a lesbian!
Well, the word is she likes it all.
Oh, yeah?
Well, I think you know what a lot of lesbians do, especially when they're young and in their honeymoon phase?
Oh, we all know.
They're into women then, but really they're intimidated by men, and then they just want a man that'll let them bring women in, but they want a man.
Well, a lot of them will use men as human dildos.
Because it's just, it works, and it's an organic little piece of penis there that basically simulates... Whoa, whoa, family audience, whoa, whoa, sorry, go ahead.
So I think Stedman is just a human dildo that she would use with Gayle.
This is just a theory, of course.
But it's not unheard of for lesbian couples to use a third guy as just sort of a sex toy.
Well, yes, and it's a horrible abuse to the man, too.
I think it should be outlawed.
Poor guy.
He must be crying himself to sleep at night.
Yeah, it's terrible.
Family Show, sir.
Please continue, Gavin.
So I just think that Trump was alluding to that, and we've heard stories of her paying off people to hide lesbian affairs.
She tried to hide that her husband was, I mean, her brother was gay, died of AIDS.
She's tried to hide the fact that she didn't really grow up in poverty.
I mean, these stories do well on daytime TV.
I had two pet cockroaches.
Come on!
There wasn't a prisoner in 1700 who had pet cockroaches.
She's such an obvious liar, and that works for daytime TV, but it won't work in politics where everything has to be aired out.
She doesn't have a chance in hell.
Exactly, but they're going to run her like she's this glorious woman that cares.
Meanwhile, she's literally the wingman going out and getting tail.
And I guess you're going to go ahead and say it, I'm going to say it.
She's well known with Weinstein to enjoy tail together.
The word is, she gets in bed with, I mean, I got Hollywood contacts.
I mean, people see Oprah and Weinstein, they go in the room with a couple of hot young chicks and it's party time.
Well, you've seen that picture of her handing over that, uh, I think she's a British R&B singer.
The hot blonde, and you can, the way Weinstein is touching her, I mean... And the blonde's holding on to her, the blonde's like a little monkey clinging on.
The blonde is like, help me!
It's like something out of ISIS, like Pakistan or something, where they're handing over these little boys to the other jihadists, and there's sort of this trepidation, like, am I doing this?
Are we really doing this?
Yes, it'll be okay, sweet one, it'll be okay.
It's demon stuff!
She's handing a woman over to a famous rapist.
Yes, and when we watch the Golden Globes too, we know Mira Cervino isn't there, because she said no.
But everyone else, you look at them and you go, well you're here, did you say yes?
I mean Salma Hayek pretends she was a victim, but she did the lesbian scene in the movie for Weinstein.
All these people followed the rules, and now after they've done this, which is really just very expensive prostitution, they put on their low-slung black dresses and go, me too, it's over now, I'm going to stop being an expensive prostitute.
No, sorry, it doesn't work like that.
You can't get on your high horse when it's fashionable.
Can you imagine being a high-end escort in New York or Chicago or LA and you knock, knock, you go to the door and it's Oprah Winfrey in a dominatrix outfit?
I would do it, and I don't care what my wife says.
I would do it for the story.
Can you imagine at the bar with your buddies, and you just got back from having sex with a three-billionaire lesbian mogul?
I mean, the stories are amazing.
Well, that's right.
Here it is from the New York Post.
Lesbian flings, prostitution, and abuse lies.
Oprah's hidden life.
And the word is, she's seen more tail than a toilet seat.
She doesn't even know who her dad is.
Look, America is ready for another black president.
America is ready for a woman president.
America is not ready for an unmarried, closeted lesbian with a deep, sordid past who believes in the secret.
She believes that if you keep saying something like, I want a Mercedes Benz, it'll magically appear.
She told a woman who had cancer that she could use the secret instead of chemo.
I mean, she did recommend Western medicine, but this woman said, I'm going to go with the secret, thanks Oprah, and then promptly died.
Exactly, but it gets worse.
It gets worse.
Oprah runs this big tax-free cult with Bill and Melinda Gates and teaches Africans depopulation.
And I'm trying to find the article I saw a few years ago.
In Europe, she runs a group of women that pledge to never have children for the Earth.
Well, she's racist, too.
I mean, she goes to these inner-city schools and she says, I don't like it here.
They're all petty and they're materialistic.
Meanwhile, she's the most materialist person in the world with the, you get a car, you get a car, you get $450 cheese steak knives.
But when it comes to other people, it's steak and strokes.
She hangs out, she's the only black person led into Bill and Melinda Gates' whole eugenics operation.
Oh really?
And then she went to school in South Africa because she likes the blacks there.
They seem more ambitious.
She spends, what, 40 million dollars of it.
It's got a beauty salon.
It's got a yoga studio.
Only 150 girls can go.
Thanks, Oprah!
You helped the black elites in South Africa.
Mugabe's kids can go.
Oh yeah, look into her and quote, secret meetings with world leaders to push depopulation with David Rockefeller.
I mean, it's insane.
I want to come back with Gavin McInnes and continue along this line and get into Trump, Wolf, all this ridiculous garbage that we're going to get into, fake news, when he got this huge standing ovation at the football game yesterday.
And then they said he was getting booed and showed people outside.
I want to get into the whole monkey controversy.
Your kid can't wear a monkey shirt if they're black or that's racist.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
The reporting is not taking us to a place where I would be able to say with any free confidence that the result of it is going to be the president being guilty of being incompetent in Russia.
There's no evidence of that that I've seen so far.
How do we get that?
I mean, this is the presidency.
I have no idea.
And frankly, there may not be anything against the president.
I have no idea.
I mean, seriously.
I mean, it's a f***ing lie.
Several months ago, the Washington Post applauded me personally in Project Veritas about one of our investigations, saying it, quote, validates his group and its controversial methods.
But when we turned our cameras against them, the Washington Post cried foul.
If we investigate one of their enemies, we're their friend.
If we investigate one of their friends, or them, we're their enemy.
See, in the final analysis, it's really not about our methods or our techniques.
Don't let them fool you with this talk about morality.
That is James O'Keefe of Project Veritas and their latest video exposing the Washington Post.
James O'Keefe joins us now.
James, it's truly incredible what you've done.
You've exposed CNN, you've exposed the New York Times, you've exposed the Washington Post as total fake news, total agenda-driven, bias-driven, yet somehow they still get support and they still get funding.
It's really shocking.
Well, thank you very much for having me on today.
It's a joy to be with you.
You know, we expose people who buy ink by the barrel, right?
And that's the old adage, and it's not about the techniques.
We use undercover aliases to get people to open up.
It's a premise by which to extract honest comments from our subjects.
It's not new.
People did it throughout the 20th century.
One Pulitzer's for doing so in Chicago, posing as janitors.
Posing as would-be voters.
Somehow we're having this conversation about deception is not allowed when you're going undercover.
And they're assigning fake motives to me about what I'm trying to do.
Because we have exposed the New York Times.
We forced the New York Times to change their social media policy.
So now they're trying to shut us down.
We're going after the whole freaking matrix.
The whole establishment media cartel.
And we are an existential threat to them.
And I've said this again, I am not stopping.
We have people all over embedded in all these places.
There's nothing they can do to stop us, and that's why they are freaking out.
George Orwell said in 1984 that the party tells you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.
It was their quote, final most essential command.
And Alexander Solzhenitsyn said in the Gulag Archipelago, or he said in his Harvard commencement address, that the media is more powerful than all of these other branches of government.
So they're just an organ that disseminates and distributes whatever their narrative they want to be.
Now the videos that you just showed show the national security correspondent, he's the beat reporter, the subject matter expert for the Washington Post, saying that there's probably not a story there.
He said it's an effing crapshoot, an effing black box.
And what's interesting about this video is that it contradicts everything we hear, read and see in the Washington Post.
So if the paper's editorial pages and the opinion makers, which is by the way 90% of our media, if it's not grounded in the facts of their own investigative correspondence, then what are they grounded in?
If they're not grounded in any fact-finding endeavors, well maybe they're just making this stuff up.
So I'm telling people say, well, James, they're coming after you this week.
Well, yeah, they are.
Because we're exposing them.
This is what they do.
This is what people do to people like me.
And unfortunately, I have to be kind of, you know, the people at Gettysburg, when they're storming the field and the person in the front always takes the most shots.
They're the one who gets shot down.
We have to make it clear that nothing is going to deter us from the struggle.
Your question, what is it going to take?
It's going to take
Many videos like the one you just show over and over again until the tipping point is reached.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Gavin McInnes of CRTV and the founder of VICE and so much more.
He agrees with the President.
That's right.
Gavin McInnes, he agrees with the President.
Hillary Clinton
Is nothing compared to Oprah Winfrey when you talk about the incredible skeletons.
And if she thinks she's really going to run in 2020, I think it's a bluff.
Trump thinks it's a bluff, but Gavin McGinnis, he's really up on his Oprah history.
Gavin, I mean, there's nothing wrong with being a prostitute, but pimping women, bringing women to Weinstein, all of it.
This is mainstream news.
Let's talk about why you think she's unelectable.
Look, her own mother said you can take Oprah out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of Oprah.
She was remarkably promiscuous in the day, to put it mildly.
She was turning tricks.
She was basically a prostitute.
And that's still in her DNA.
So when she's with Weinstein and she's in this big world with these billionaires, she still has that ghetto mentality of
You want to try this girl out for a while?
Let's try this girl.
Hey, mind if I come along?
And she's got the money to keep it all silent.
But when you run for election, as we've seen with Trump, everything comes out.
Things come out that weren't even true.
And Oprah would never stand up to that kind of scrutiny.
I mean, look at her whole life.
She was such a slut.
Sorry for the family show violation there.
But she was such a slut.
Her mother sent her to what's-his-name Vernon Winfrey.
That wasn't even her father.
It was just this guy, by the way, deserves an award.
He took this kid from the ghetto who claims to have pet cockroaches, slutting around like a prostitute, and turns her into a pillar of society, a stalwart businesswoman who makes billions.
This guy deserves half her money!
And she comes out of that and pretends that it's always been peaches and cream and she's perfectly normal.
No, she's a sexual deviant.
She's basically a pimp.
And the idea of her even having a snowball's chance in hell as president is totally laughable.
Sorry, Libs.
Eight years.
You blew it again!
Gavin, it's incredible, as I refresh my memory, her own biography says she was a teen prostitute.
Well, that, I'm sure, fits right in in Hollywood.
You've got her sticking her tongue in Harvey Weinstein's ear, all over him, kissing him.
Reports in the news of Weinstein and a bunch of hot young chicks with her arm in arm going into rooms.
I mean, she is a maniac.
And then you've got British starlets and others saying that she would lure women in and that Weinstein would say, meet Oprah, and then they would basically just
I mean, she's not going to disavow Weinstein, as Paul Watson wants in his new petition, because she's probably a bigger deviant than Weinstein, who then goes to the Golden Globes and lectures us about how men, all men, are pigs and bad.
I mean, this woman is the ultimate hypocrite.
Yeah, she gets raped by her black cousin, allegedly, and decides to pin the blame on white men and Trump.
It's like she uses her rape as a flamethrower and just directs it at anyone she doesn't like.
If her flight is late, it was my rape.
It really trivializes the genuine victims.
You get a rapist!
You're a rapist!
You're a rapist!
You're a rapist!
You get to be a rapist!
You get to be a rapist!
She's corrupt, and on the surface you go, oh, successful black woman, smart, articulate, empowering.
She delivers a good speech.
Because, as David Brooks pointed out in the Times today, there's a Potemkin Village mentality with the left, and they just go, Trump, evil bad man, black lady, good lady, and they don't go deeper than that.
Like, they don't go, who is this person?
And with the White House, they don't go beyond the Potemkin Village, and they don't look at
Unprecedented black unemployment, 2 million new jobs, Dow records broken every day, ISIS on the run.
They ignore all of that, all of these global victories, this draining the swamp, and they just go, ah, he made a rude joke in a bus, and that woman's black!
Gavin, what's even worse, and I totally agree with you, you're causing me to have all these things I'm remembering about Oprah, but just the other night at the Golden Globes,
They cut to Meryl Streep and they're all shaking their heads yes about how evil men are and have tears in their eyes.
This is a woman that does standing ovations at the peak of the controversy six years ago when they wanted to let Roman Polanski off for kidnapping and raping a 13-year-old girl until she reportedly anally bled everywhere.
I'm not going to be gross, but he raped the little girl.
And while reportedly another big movie star was there, and oh, that's just breaking!
The police have announced he can come back, the charges are dropped, even though he confessed to it and everything, and he was convicted and ran off.
No future charges, because Polanski, the statute of limitations is over.
So, meanwhile you've got Meryl Streep saying that Richard Dreyfuss, when she agreed to do The Stein, slapped her too hard in an Academy Award winning movie.
I mean, the slap's famous, I mean, it's real!
That's what you do in acting.
I've been in stunts and stuff and got bloodied up.
I said, I agree to do it.
You want a stuntman to do this?
If not, you gotta drop your knees to the ground, you gotta get drugged by the police, they're gonna throw you in there, and I got bloodied up.
It wasn't even that big a stunt.
The point is, is that she goes, oh, Richard Dreyfuss slapped me too hard, oh, I'm traumatized, when she is literally, like Oprah, running around, covering up, and pimping for predators.
Look, we know what Time's Up means.
It means I knew, we all knew, we let it go, but now the jig is up and everyone can see the casting couch.
So starting today, we're not going to popularize it anymore.
We're not going to ignore it.
Ooh, how brave!
You let a thousand rapes go under the radar and starting today, you say Time's Up.
You're not going to allow rape anymore because it went public?
What a crusader for justice you are!
We're so impressed, you feminists!
Oh, the left, The Huffington Post, really attacked when I said, you know, young girls think they're going to be movie stars, they get on a bus, they get off, even the big casting companies are a front for porn, and they just say, you're not going to be in movies, but you can be a star here, and then they end up not even paying them, then they drug them up and use them for prostitution, and this is the admission, and then the media, the left attacked me saying it was a conspiracy theory,
Because they don't want young girls to know the most miserable place on earth, or young men as well, is Hollywood.
You want to get raped?
You want to get abused?
You want to get killed?
Go to Hollywood!
We all feel that way.
When we see kids on TV, when we see kids in movies, we go, oh, that's sad.
Some parents don't love them.
Some parents want to force their kids to absolve themselves of a childhood and go make the family money by being a star.
Like the Phoenixes.
The Phoenix's mother, forcing those poor kids.
Juan Phoenix didn't want his kids to get involved in that.
He wanted them to live in Costa Rica and have a fun life.
But no, they got to get into Hollywood.
So you get raped once in a while.
We're all going to be rich.
And it's the same when you see these women in movies.
You think, wow, you want to be famous and rich so bad you're willing to prostitute yourself.
They're all just very high-paid sex workers.
And it is brutally sad.
And I loved watching the Golden Globes the other night, because for the first time ever, America can see these people through our eyes, which is, these are all disgusting, greedy whores.
That's right, and literally Oprah Winfrey is known for luring women into Harvey Weinstein and then she's going to lecture us.
Because again, she has the talent.
She is talented.
She's a great liar.
She has a lot of charisma.
But other than that, it doesn't just take talent.
You know how she worked her way up right through the whole power chain.
She fit right in.
She's a pimp and Harvey Weinstein is the biggest paying John in the history of Hollywood, but neither of those two are unique.
That is the culture of Hollywood.
That's why the term casting couch exists!
Oprah Winfrey sticking her filthy tongue in the filthy ear of Harvey Weinstein.
And then lecturing us about racism when she's worth $3 billion.
The highest paid entertainer in the world.
We'll be back with Gavin McInnes.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
Spread those links.
Spread the live links right now.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
We're all living in America!
It's wunderbar!
We're all living in America!
I'm Alex Jones, your host, Gavin McGinnis, founder of Vice, comedian, filmmaker, is with us.
He's on CRTV.com.
A lot of people ask me, you know, why are you promoting CRTV that's got the Duck Dynasty guys and all these other shows on it when it's directly competing with you?
It's not competing with me.
I wish Mark Levin, all those people, the best.
They've got a nice lineup of people.
They do a good job.
Some of it's pretty racy.
You'll find different
Different strokes for different folks.
We're in a war against globalists that want to totally control our lives.
And the left knows how to unify to take over countries.
We have to unify at least ideologically.
Now that's one question I've got.
I'm going to get some other subjects.
I knew about problems with Bannon.
Not just from Roger Stone, who just said, oh, he's horrible bad news, but I just don't want to infight either.
And this is going back during the campaign.
I knew about all the stuff.
I know some of the stuff Wolf says is true.
Some of it isn't.
But not just from Stone.
I have a lot of other sources.
I mean, and I'll leave it at that.
We're not just talking about your normal political sources.
I'll put it to you that way.
Bannon was behind the whole deal with the Mafia dossier, but that was pure bull, so it didn't go anywhere, with Ted Cruz.
So Bannon knew he was beaten about eight months out from the campaign, and that's when he went total Trump, and then they got him in there.
And it just looks like he's not an evil guy, he's just a total opportunist.
And people like Steve Miller are great.
When I talk about infighting, I see other talk show hosts.
People in the news going, well, we're not like that fringe drudge or the fringe info wars.
It was some mainline conservative group saying that that wasn't even important.
I saw it a couple places where they want to go.
We're establishment Republicans.
Don't they get in this time and place in history?
Being a libertarian, being a patriot is just about common sense.
That's what people want.
It's uncool to be seen as the establishment.
It's uncool to be toadying trying to get into the White House or trying to be, you know, part of the in crowd.
I don't need to go be in the in crowd.
I built the info war in Austin, Texas.
We have the most viewers.
We have the most listeners after Drudge.
I hope Drudge gets five times bigger.
I'm not like, one day I'll be bigger than Drudge.
You know how dangerous that is?
I want to see CRTV take off, which it is taking off.
I want to see it huge.
And I did the same thing to my own detriment and the country's detriment.
I waited too long on Bannon because I just hoped he'd pull up.
I know, it's terrible stuff.
And if he wants to play around with me or something, that's fine too.
I'll get nasty like I did with Glenn Beck.
The point is, is that, how do you weigh that in all the, you gotta do the full hour now because I got other questions for you, Gavin.
We only got like seven minutes left in this segment.
How do you weigh that?
Because notice, you're not an infighter either.
But everybody else wants to be like we're in high school again, you know, trying to be, you know, the cool kids.
The cool kids in high school weren't at high school at prom.
They were hanging out with, you know, you know,
You know, 25-year-old women whose husbands were out of town.
I mean, they just don't even get it that we don't want to be in their club.
What's your take on that?
Well, the left has too much unity.
They will take any rapist, pedophile, any racist BLM who wants to kill white people, any jihadist, Linda Sarsour, Sharia law lover who wants women as second-class citizens in AIDS case.
They'll take anyone who contradicts
Their entire ethos, as long as it gets their numbers up.
As long as they have mutual enemies.
But we here on the right, we have the opposite problem.
And we can't wait to disavow.
And we got the Never Trumpers, and the Neocons, and the Paleocons, and the Libertarians, and the New Right, and the Alt-Right, and the Alt-Light.
And they all hate each other's guts!
And maybe it's because I kind of come from the left, but I don't like that.
I want unity.
And when Steve Bannon came out and said all these things about Russia collusion, God, it was just, I just prayed for it not to be true.
And his defense seemed semi-reasonably.
He said, no, no, no, I was just saying that Russians are bad people.
But it took him forever to say that.
And I just thought, oh, great.
Just give the left...
I just saw Bannon at Horowitz's Freedom Weekend, Restoration Weekend, and he got up there on the podium, he did a bunch of different speeches that weekend, and he talked about how Trump is a man of the people, and he talked about how stupid the media is.
And how evil and incompetent they are.
And how Trump's a rock star and he's a hero.
And I thought, finally, finally we have someone who understands Trump.
And then a few days later, Mr. Two-Dress-Shirts-At-Once can't wait to tell us how incompetent he is.
And it's just, like, keep it to yourself.
This isn't the way it works.
I was talking to Stoneman.
He was trying to have his cake and eat it too.
Look, it's all strategic.
And I have the inside baseball.
I just want to put a...
Final nail in the sky so he doesn't come back like the plague.
Come back like herpes.
I'm not going to say it.
The point is, he strategically to his own audience sounds like the best thing ever.
Basically lifting what I say and other patriots say.
I'm just saying.
Which is fine for people to do that word for word, but then don't stab us in the back.
Because I want to write the talking points for the big takeover and the victory and we're starting to do it.
We're storing things.
But then to the other audiences, he does what he wants there to play the Machiavellian game.
And there's not room for Machiavellian crap.
The straight-on, straight-shooting attack is the way to win.
Yep, and these lies run sprints, the truth runs marathons, and look at how many failed attempts the left has had.
This Michael, what's his name, Wolf Book will be done in a couple days.
We'll realize how much of it was not true.
We already lost Russia.
We've gone through the sexual allegations.
We've gone through the show us your tax records.
We've been through so many week-long hypes and they just let that go and jump on to the next one and they're showing themselves for what they are.
A crazy ex-girlfriend who had too many gin and tonics and wants to burn your house down.
The left has become Left Eye Lopez and they're about to die.
You're absolutely right.
And the only reason I brought up Bannon is because I, just like you, that's why I like you, you never end fight.
And I never do.
It's just that when do you finally denounce somebody?
Because I mean, I love Mike Barth.
They do great work.
When, I mean, do you think Bannon can actually stay there and not cripple it?
Yes, I mean I've heard talk that they're going to focus on Pence now and be less supportive of Trump.
I'll abandon Breitbart when they abandon Trump or they abandon the truth, but I'm just kind of dropping the Bannon thing and saying, well that's disappointing, let's move on.
Let me give you this last piece of intel.
I was told by multiple high-level political operatives, who've never steered me wrong, that Bannon brought in the generals, brought in the 25th Amendment deal, and actually had this plan to come out now, even if he was in the White House or not, to make the 25th Amendment move on the President, but he's so strong and beaten all the Russiagates, that Bannon hedged his bet with all this, thinking he'd be protected with what he said in that book.
And I was told this six months ago.
So Bannon was crapping on Trump so that when Trump gets impeached or Trump gets kicked out, Bannon could say, I told you so, I never really liked that guy.
Yeah, and now the word is Breitbart's going to go against Trump and be pro-pinch.
That is outrageous.
That makes me sick.
That's just, that's the problem with the right!
We get into this high school stuff.
I saw this at Fox News in the green room with stabbing the back of young conservatives because they were young whippersnappers and they didn't deserve to be here.
They didn't deserve their place.
I love Crowder and Shapiro and Andrew Klavan.
I love lots of little never-Trumpers.
As long as you're not an alt-right Nazi, you want less government?
Come on in!
Let's dismantle the government together!
And when they lost, when they lost, they got on board, admitted they were wrong, and are now cheerleading America's renaissance.
I don't know what the solution is.
I think the solution is, as you say, just more content, more talking, more truth getting out there.
You know, your model with this, CRTV isn't competing with me, is the same as the free market model, which is there isn't a finite amount of pizza.
You guys are gonna wake people up that come to me?
I'm gonna wake up people that come to you when they try to censor us?
Our answer is grow, get big, get all over TV!
I hope you get on every TV station in the country!
I'm gonna subscribe to it!
We've got to grow to beat the enemy!
There's not a finite number of slices of the pie.
There's infinite pies.
And similarly, there's infinite information out there.
There's infinite truth.
There's infinite conspiracies.
There's infinite lies out there.
And we have to get our numbers up to fight all these to win.
Non-zero-sum game.
One more segment to get into the other topics you want to cover.
This is the best interview ever with Gavin McGinnis.
I'm Alex Jones.
And I just feel so good the truth has been told here.
Spread those links.
We'll be back.
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Simon Roche is the head of the office of the HQ of the world's largest non-state civil defense organization in South Africa.
And in many other countries, once communists take over or leftists take over, they slowly isolate the whites, put them basically in controlled areas, farm ghettos, and then start exterminating.
That's now accelerated in South Africa.
It's been basically complete in Zimbabwe.
Tens of thousands of whites killed.
The leftist media in the West celebrates it.
They teach at major universities.
It's good.
No, that's not true.
That's just about accurate.
For a long time we've been...
Predicting these things.
We're not hidebound by doctrine as many people are.
You know, they're supposed to conform to the narrative of the New South African Rainbow Nation.
Our organization, St.
Londers, the largest of its kind in the world, as you said, operates on facts, statistics, data, true information.
And it is very much the way that you've described.
There's an ongoing decline in South Africa, particularly, or Southern Africa.
I think so.
...political territory by a Leninist, Stalinist political party called the Economic Freedom Fighters, whose leader very famously in recent months has said that blacks should inflame white farms with the spear in the hand.
The reality is that the chances of a white farmer in South Africa being murdered on his farm
Are more than double the chances of a policeman in this violent society being killed.
Now, when a man who tills the soil stands more than twice the chance of a crime fighter in a violent society dying, then you know that there's something wrong.
The statistical likelihood of a white person being murdered by a black person in South Africa
More than 12,000 percent higher than any black person in the USA ever stood of being lynched.
We're not condoning lynching.
We're saying get a sense of perspective.
The persecution of whites in Africa is larger than persecution statistically that's been done to blacks in this country.
By more than 12,000 percent, that's correct.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I've really thought about revealing this for a while, and I'm gonna go ahead and line up some guests if they're willing to come on about it, but I've got several sources that told me eight months ago, six months ago, exactly what was going on.
And now that I've been just talked about it 10 minutes ago, my phone's blowing up, but they told me Bannon and Pence are planning a 25th Amendment purge of the president.
They've brought in these generals, at least two of them are bad, and they're working with the deep state to then develop this program to remove him via the 25th Amendment if the Russia thing doesn't work.
And then they added the information that again Trump was unaware that Bannon was bringing in people to prepare these stories for takedown and books.
And then literally this all happened and now the proof's even more intense.
Bannon has now got Breitbart saying they're going to go for Pence and stop supporting Trump.
I mean, it's so obvious what's happening.
And then communist Chinese connected money is flowing into Breitbart.
I don't want to attack Breitbart.
But if Breitbart attacks America's recovery, we're coming for you politically.
Good Lord, I am sick of the incredible level of treachery.
Now, our final segment with Gavin McGinnis, and he's got several big stories he wants to get into, because you've got this world department store chain.
Tell us about this latest controversy that's breaking right now at Infowars.com, and it's also on DrudgeReport.com.
So H&M, a huge chain, $18 billion corporation, they have this innocuous little sweatshirt for kids.
It says, the kookiest monkey in the jungle or something like that.
Coolest monkey in the jungle.
And the model for it happened to be a black kid.
So they obviously didn't see any correlation, because it's not 1920s America, and we're not a bunch of blind hillbillies that have never seen a black person before.
So they just said, yeah, that sounds good.
Assuming the parents who put the kid in the shirt also thought the same.
But these race-obsessed, myopic losers go, well, that's clearly racist.
A giant corporation is trying to call black people monkeys.
And what they do is they bring these ghosts of the past, these racist Klansmen from the past, and they inject it into modern society and make racism where there was none.
So now H&M is on the defense, essentially apologizing for not being racist because they didn't notice.
And we've got, you know, pop stars like The Weeknd and now Nicki Minaj having to distance themselves from something that is clearly not racist.
I mean, imagine it was Halloween, right?
And these little kids show up and they're dressed as animals and there's a white kid dressed as a monkey and a black kid dressed as a monkey.
And you said to the black kid dressed as a monkey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
And then looked at the parents and said, what are you doing there?
That's not cool.
That's for racism.
If I saw an ad with a black kid with that shirt, I'd say that's a cool shirt.
Again, my children, multiple ones, have had the Curious George bath rubs, because you know, little toddlers, they like to put it on, and it makes it fun if they take a bath or whatever, and they run around the house in it, and they've been octopuses, they've been monkeys.
I mean, who would even think like this?
No more monkeys jumping on the bed?
Ring any bells?
Kids act like monkeys!
They jump around, black kids and white kids and Asian kids act like monkeys!
My eight and a half month old daughter's favorite toy is a Curious George monkey and I act like a monkey with it and I'm teaching her how to make monkey sounds.
They just are, the demand for racism is so high.
Well babies look like little monkeys to begin with.
There's no racism there.
So they have to drag it from the past and throw it on ads.
We are primates.
We are, I mean, you know, we are in the ape family.
Listen to the scientists.
I mean, I guess we are actually monkeys.
Look, 50 Cent calls his crew G-Unit.
Bathing Ape is one of the most popular clothing lines in the hip-hop community.
Who cares?
Why are you making everything about 1930s?
I know why.
Because this entire industry is based on the myth that America is a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, blah, blah, blah.
But there's no examples of it, so they go, well, let's just make that into an example so I have more fodder to complain.
Gavin, they know what they're doing, too.
LeBron James worth hundreds of millions of dollars, bitching about racist white people everywhere, who are the majority of his fans.
The NFL has lost 20, 30, 40 percent, depending on the week of their viewers.
It's all falling apart.
And they just keep pushing, keep pushing, keep pushing.
And I've heard the football players go, I don't care.
I got an $89 million contract with five more years left.
I don't care if the NFL goes under, because I'll have mine.
I mean, this is incredible.
By the way, LeBron James, there was a propaganda poster in World War II that had a big ape holding a woman, and he's wearing a Kaiser helmet.
It says, Defeat the Brute, and he's holding this woman like King Kong with a big club.
And then LeBron James did a parody of it on the cover of Vogue, where he's holding Giselle Bundchen going,
I don't
In some cases.
And they're dropping a knee because they hate America so much.
Because they came from nothing, and now they're millionaires, and they're getting all these charges dropped, all these gun charges dropped, all these rape charges dropped in the NBA, and they can't wait to complain about how horrible America is.
As a Canadian immigrant, as someone who came here in the 90s, I'm just incredibly grateful that I get to live in the freest country in the world, where the free market can reign supreme, and the people who benefit from it can't wait to bitch!
That's because they want to shut it down for us.
They're directed by the globalists.
They know what they're doing.
It's completely cold-blooded.
Here is Trump at the championship college game between Georgia and Alabama, getting a standing ovation by 70-plus thousand fans and a packed attendance.
The media didn't even pick up on this, but then hundreds of stories about a couple hundred people outside that were bussed in booing in the rain.
So let's go ahead and play what really happened.
This should be in the president's fake news awards coming up in seven days.
He should play what really happened.
And of course the big fake news award is that no one was inside.
CNN showed right as they opened the gates on Inauguration Day last year.
The President should do that and then show it was actually a packed crowd from a CNN photo from behind him.
You can actually see me there, right up at the front.
That's crazy.
But they show you no one there and then here it is jam-packed, record crowd.
Again, for the fake news awards, the nomination goes to the media.
CNN saying that the President was booed when this happened.
That's right after they announce him.
Can we back it up when they announce his name?
Yeah, let's back up to the beginning.
I know there's like five minutes of them cheering him, but here it is, folks.
This is what happened.
Members of the ROTC units from the University of Georgia and the University of Alabama, joined by our president, Donald J. Trump.
Oh, Donald J. Trump, he goes up six, seven times in October.
Okay, R.G.C., uh... The Elvis Presley in 1956, they're throwing their panties at him.
Okay, now let's go to the next one.
The news didn't show this anywhere.
This is all over the place.
The president booed at the game.
No, not at the game.
Outside in the rain.
Here it is.
And the award for greatest fake news goes to CNN for reporting that he was booed at the event.
No, outside a small crowd, booed.
Sounds like maybe 50 people out of the 200 million are booed, booed.
Why did I get bust here?
Booed, booed.
Alright, Gavin McGinnis.
I mean, boy, how great is this award show the President's gonna do?
Fireside chat.
You want to talk about the tweets, the fireside chat.
How dare them talk about taking his Twitter away so he can communicate with us?
You want to close up with that?
Well, that was a big turning point for me during the election.
I was worried because I read the polls and I read the New York Times and I go, uh-oh, it's not looking good for our guy.
Then in Florida, he just takes out his phone and he just goes like this.
And you're looking at the Rolling Stones in Rio.
I mean, there are a hundred, two hundred thousand people.
Just a sea of people.
It looks like an ocean of Skittles.
Just all these humans out there.
And you go, wait a minute.
I don't think we're getting the full story.
And that's why I love his Twitter.
Ninety percent of the stories about him this summer were negative.
Ninety percent.
So the press is taking everything he says and spinning it.
And Trump has figured out a way to jump over the lamestream media and just talk to us like we're buddies.
I'm like really smart, a very stable genius.
Yeah, good!
I want to hear that he's had enough of Pakistan.
By the way, it is genius to run.
We would never run for office and win the presidency against all odds.
Try it!
Try it if it's so easy, guys!
I love hearing that he's had enough of Pakistan, that he's withdrawing $285 million from the UN.
Obama says he's drawing a line in the sand with Syria.
North Korea's coming to the table.
North, you need to slap a wrist when someone talks a big game.
Obama lets Syria walk all over him.
Then Kim Jong-un starts talking trash about Trump and he just slaps him down again.
We need a whack-a-mole president because we've got too many ingrates out there.
You're absolutely right.
All right.
CRTV.com, Gavin McGinnis.
I love coming on your show.
I love the fact you have Paul on.
You're welcome to have all our crew on.
We want to have you back on and all the other folks from CRTV.
Keep it up.
And how do folks get one of those handsome coffee cups?
I want one of those.
Go to CRTV.com right now and sign up and you get $10 off and a free mug with my mug on it.
Alright, and folks, they didn't get rid of the free shipping at InfoWarsTore.com, but a lot of the sales have ended.
We appreciate your support as well.
And we have coffee mugs at InfoWarsTore.com, but whatever you do, spread the live links.
Okay, I'll introduce Paul Watson with huge breaking news in hour number four straight ahead.
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Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a long-time InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks for the awesome BrainForce AnthroPlex.
My girlfriend would like to say thanks for the AnthroPlex, too.
Thank you.
I use the BioTrue Selenium, the Super Blue toothpaste.
For you folks who aren't big normal toothpaste fans, the Super Blue is awesome.
And thank you so much, Alex, for the InfoWars Life products.
They are quality.
I can't wait to get some more.
And thank you so much for doing that for us to keep us healthy.
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
For every question they don't want you to ask, he has the answer they don't want you to hear.
He is Alex Jones.
All right, linked up on Drudge on the left-hand side.
Wolf, that's the charlatan of charlatans, admits didn't interview any White House cabinet officials for book, but we have the clips, and they even found it, without me even asking.
We're going to play that at the start of the next segment, then Paul Watts is taking over.
We have the clip of him saying, oh, I interviewed the president.
Well, no, he never even saw the president.
Bannon would sneak him in the back door.
And people are like, what in the... Gorka's like, what are you doing letting this guy in?
And they use that like, oh, Gorka admits they knew he was there.
Yeah, because Bannon told Gorka.
By the way, I don't trust anybody Bannon brought in now, okay?
I know Gorka was posing in hundreds of photos of him shooting guns and, I don't like that Alex Jones!
And the big thing is, I'm not going to go down to their level.
It's just that, dude, all you guys are nobodies that hijacked a movement that George Washington right through to Matt Drudge and Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson and our listeners built.
We are the Infowar.
We are the future.
And you guys have been caught hijacking things.
Paul Watson, I'm going to host with you a few minutes.
It's great to have you on twice.
Everybody loves you.
Gab McGinnis was on fire earlier, but I don't want to get into infighting, but I'm not going to sit on huge big things anymore.
Just because I don't want to be an infighter.
I'm going to go ahead and see if I can get the people on who knew the backstory about Bannon because he now, I guess, wants to go after Trump and support Pence.
That's exactly what I was told, that the generals were brought in, Pence was working with them, and that they're looking at a 25th Amendment deal as their backup, you know, if something happens to the President.
And that none of them ever leave town at the same time, you know, because, oh, they got to be there to babysit and all this other arrogant crap these guys talk about.
Same thing we see all the time.
And that they had this book time for right now when they were going to be moving with the Russia stuff in the 25th Amendment, but all that's hit a dud now.
And Bannon thought they'd launch this and that they would then be taking Trump out now.
This year with his triggering, but instead it blew up in his face like every other attempt.
And I was told that was the plan.
I was told stuff that was in Wolf's book, but twisted now that I had a chance to read the book.
And I just cannot believe how good these sources are.
So what do we do about this?
What do we do about this?
The book itself is... I mean, everybody's going to have forgotten about it in a week's time.
The 25th Amendment's never going to happen.
You need two-thirds of the Congress and the Senate and the Vice President and most of Trump's cabinet to mutiny on him.
It's never going to happen.
Like I said in the video, there's more chance of Hillary Clinton representing America in ice skating at the next Winter Olympics.
Not going to happen.
Just again underscores their complete desperation and their complete hypocrisy.
You had Brian Stelter, your favourite CNN host, Alex, who in 2016, over and over again, reckless conspiracy theories.
How dare you even discuss Hillary Clinton's health?
He's up there two days ago saying it's incumbent upon every serious journalist to ask questions about Trump's health, even though this guy's basically a fraud.
He's got no direct access.
He's made up stuff in the past.
He can't even get this book edited properly before it's published.
It's complete baloney.
As I said in the video, Trump's not insane.
You're insane.
We're talking about people who literally start taking medication because they're triggered by Trump's tweets.
And I include examples of that.
In the video.
They've been driven insane by Trump and it's projection.
They're pointing the finger at Trump.
Because that's all they've got left.
They're scraping the barrel and it's pathetic.
Well that's right, and you know, they're saying I'm mentally ill, the young turds are, that deny the Armenian genocide, get Islamic funding out of Gulf dictatorships.
They're saying I'm insane.
I mean, a lot of that was tongue-in-cheek I said about Stelter.
I'm just saying, that photo of him with that smile, does he not look like the creepiest person you've ever seen?
Like Creepy Kane or Creepy... I mean, Wolf and this guy look so creepy.
And then they said I said it on a bunch of shows because they're Jewish.
I didn't even know if Stelter was Jewish, and I looked it up, he wasn't.
It's total insanity.
He's definitely a sorry boy by the looks of it, but that's neither here nor there.
The Yale psychiatry professor, though, Alex, her big evidence of Trump being insane was that CNN tweet from six months ago.
Like, that's all they've got.
That's their big evidence.
It's absolutely pathetic.
Well, in my rant, I said, Hillary looks evil, this guy looks evil, and so does Wolf.
They cut all that out and then say, being ugly is code for Jewish.
And I'm just, they're the ones injecting all this race stuff.
It's crazy.
Impeachment isn't gonna work.
The Russian collusion investigation was a total dud.
But the left isn't giving up on their Alinsky's rules for radicals and they're gonna hit him from the flank with something new.
This time it's questioning Trump's mental stability.
The new obsession is the 25th amendment for which the bar is set very high but for some reason the left thinks they will be able to involuntarily remove President Trump from office because they do not like his tweets.
But these aren't just Zelensky tactics at play.
Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz warns that Democrats attempting to declare Trump mentally unfit to hold office is straight out of the communist playbook.
These psychiatrists now, who are trying to diagnose without ever having met the man, that's what they did in Russia.
I represented dissidents who got locked up in mental hospitals.
That's what they did in China.
That's what they did in apartheid South Africa.
Liam McAdoo, InfoWars.com Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Now, I gotta be careful here, because what mainstream corporate horror media does, funded by George Soros, Media Matters, and others, they put out the talking points for the rest of the prestitute media to repeat, is all do big breakdowns with articles, videos, proof, mainstream news.
And then later, hours later, I'll just mention what we already covered, and they'll grab that clip, edit it together, and say, Jones attacks Oprah Winfrey in a homophobic rant claiming she's a lesbian.
No, I said nothing against her that she likes women.
I'm not going to judge people.
I'm a Christian, but I'm a libertarian.
Why is she closeted about it?
And she was admittedly a child prostitute and then brought women to Weinstein, has been seen with women with Weinstein, sticking her tongue in his ear, doing all of this stuff.
And you have major actresses saying that she lured them there for Weinstein.
And this is what she's known for, ladies and gentlemen.
And so, they then spin that into, Alex Jones hates lesbians.
It's like I did a report off a Discovery Channel show where there's a phenomenon where they're creating new acronyms, hundreds of them, where people have sex with appliances and cars.
And I was tying it into sex with robots.
Why would you want to have sex with a rubber mannequin?
But I said, I guess there's these big fetishes where you catch a guy in your garage, you know, having sex with a tailpipe.
They spun that and said, Jones in an anti-gay rant says gay men will rape your car.
And I had a guy on the street say, man, I saw an article in my Yahoo feed that you say gay guys are going to rape our cars, Alex.
You know, not all us gay guys are, you know, liberals.
And I don't appreciate that.
I've been a listener.
And I went, did you see me say that?
He goes, well, no.
But I said, yeah, it's a lie, OK?
I mean, I don't have to sit here and prostrate myself either or sit here and basically lay down on my belly because it doesn't even matter.
I don't hate anybody as long as they don't hurt somebody else.
But you've got major H&M, World Store being boycotted because they showed a black young man wearing a shirt that says monkey on it.
Just like, let's ban the name of this hall, because it says Lynch.
The last name's Lynch, but don't get rid of Loretta Lynch.
And then all these stars and people are leaving, and they're, oh, they're so mad at their sponsorship, when it's the opposite of racism to have a shirt that says, coolest monkey in the jungle.
When everybody gets apparel for their kids, it says they're a monkey.
That's one of the most common things, other than T-Rexes.
Paul Watson, you want to comment on the whole Oprah Winfrey thing and her?
Up there pontificating to everybody in our face, telling us what to think, telling us what to do, telling us how we're bad to women, declaring a war on men and how she's going to fight Trump.
And then she's virtually signaling to Meryl Streep that, you know, defends pedophilia and the rape of young girls, literally.
You cannot make up how ridiculous this is.
And that's why Trump said, oh, I don't think she's going to be running.
No, I know her real well.
I don't think she wants that.
He's saying, lady, you got more skeletons in your closet than a mausoleum.
Paul Watson, what are they thinking?
Well, that was a bang-average speech to begin with.
Just because you've got a bunch of out-of-touch celebrities with crocodile tears in their eyes boo-hooing over it doesn't make it good.
In fact, there was a tweet that somebody put out, I think this encapsulates the situation, it says, Only Hollywood would treat getting caught enabling and engaging in nearly systematic sexual abuse as the perfect occasion to lecture the rest of us on the issue.
And that's exactly what, she gets up there and virtue signals in front of all those other celebrities who were in on it, who covered up for him for years.
And they're all, she's the big moral guardian of the sexual abuse of women.
Absolutely incredible.
Now you've got this messianic insanity that we saw with Barack Obama, you know, our Lord and Saviour Barack Obama.
Van Jones came out on CNN.
And called Oprah the Queen of the Universe!
She's like literally walking on water and healing cancer now, Alex, just because of that one nine-minute speech where she said, oh yeah, sexual assault of women is bad.
She's the new Jesus right now.
You went on Anderson Cooper and said she's the queen of the universe.
We can try and get that clip later if you want.
So we're starting to see this messianic call because the Democrats have got absolutely no one else on the bench whatsoever.
They're going all in with Oprah, even though now some of her closest friends are saying she's probably not going to run at all.
And it's okay, it's okay, it's okay that she was a streetwalker.
It's not okay that she did it as a young teenager.
But the fact that she's known, and she's been accused by prominent people, and there's photos of her bringing actresses to Weinstein so he can jump on her, and then she reportedly hangs out with him, sticks her tongue in his ear, and then they've got some type of weird relationship.
Well, the other issue is she got up in front of this
I don't
That's incredible how they've turned this around and now they're just blaming all men or all white men.
When it's their problem, they covered it up.
The cancer's within Hollywood and they're turning it around on us and saying that we're responsible for it.
Absolutely incredible.
You know, you had like Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, they knew about it in the 90s.
She was hanging around with Weinstein as late as 2014, probably after that, Oprah Winfrey.
Very, very cosy with them as well, as you can see from the pictures.
People knew about it in the early 2000s.
People knew about it in the late 90s.
You have Meryl Streep getting up in 2012 and calling Harvey Weinstein God!
The Punisher!
While she, you know, defends, applauds, literally, a pedophile who raped a 13-year-old child.
Who, by the way, L.A.
just announced, even though he's admitted child rapist, statute of limitations, he can come back for raping the little kidnapped little girl, anally, until she bled everywhere.
Sorry to give you details, but that's what he did.
It's not just statutory rape.
They raped her.
Drugged her and raped her.
Reportedly other men, but they never went after them.
Some very well-known people that look quite devilish, strangely enough, in the face.
But people that play devils would do such a thing.
So we've got all that going on.
Since you mentioned it, there's so many clips of her standing ovations right in the middle of controversy for him.
Her singing, He Did Nothing Wrong, bringing him back.
There's a lot of these clips.
Here's one of Meryl Streep defending a child kidnapper and anal raper.
Here it is.
Goes for Roman Polanski.
For the pianist.
Yeah, that's her standing ovation.
There's another one where she says, Let him go, he's a good guy.
And Harrison Ford, what an idiot.
These people are sick.
Martin Scorsese's an idiot, even though he's a good director.
Ah, Jack Nicholson, no wonder he's standing up, yeah.
Yeah, old Jack, I bet you do.
Yeah, I bet you really do stand up there, buddy.
And you got Weinstein rubbing his belly.
Back up to the last segment.
So there's Meryl Streep.
But there's another one where she's on a two-up.
She's on a film show.
Paul, you've seen this where she openly defends him.
Yeah, that was six years after the one that you just watched.
So that was during the Oscars.
Yeah, we've got it.
We've got it.
They found it.
Here it is.
Let's play Meryl Streep just gushing over a child rapist.
Here it is.
Yes, Roman Polanski.
I'm very sorry that he's in jail.
I hope he dies.
Goes to Roman Polanski.
By the way, until everybody made a big deal about it, they didn't even arrest him in Europe for reportedly stuff.
Paul, I mean, where is this all going with these sickos lecturing us?
Meryl Streep says Richard Dreyfuss slapped her too hard in a scene and now she's a victim.
I bet that little girl got hurt pretty bad by those dogs lining up and gang raping her.
She's also making the Catherine Graham film with Steven Spielberg, isn't she?
She's still fronting herself as this icon of feminism.
That clip that you just played, that was when he was arrested again in Switzerland for raping a 13-year-old girl, six years after she stood up and applauded him.
Absolutely incredible.
They had 100 Hollywood figures sign a petition.
Top Hollywood figures demanding his release.
After everybody knew what he did, like decades afterwards.
Oh, but now they're the big moral guardians on the sexual abuse of girls and young women.
He can't even get back into the United States without being arrested.
They never disavowed him.
Meryl Streep never disavowed him.
Now you've got all these new people coming out who say that he raped them when girls were 15.
Renate Langer, the actress, German actress.
Another British woman called Robin Ann, an actress that accused Polanski of raping her when she was 16.
And a lot of evidence shows Meryl Streep and Oprah Winfrey are just that.
That's right.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be back with Paul Watson.
I want to apologize to listeners.
I lied to you when I told you Trump would win the election, and he did.
I lied to you when I told you that they're admitting that fluoride's causing brain damage, and it turned out I was right.
I lied to you about a global government existing that was trying to take control of our country, which they now admit is true.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world, the central bankers in charge?
I guess, actually, I didn't lie to you.
And I'm on air every day fighting the globalists as they try to shut down free speech in America, as they try to derail our recovery, as they try to fold us into their world government, open up our borders, hand us over to the Islamic Caliphate.
But I'll tell you this.
When I'm on air, I wear a sports jacket and a nice shirt because I respect the fact that you're tuning in and watching and listening to what I have to say.
But we're involved in very, very important activities.
And that's why I want to reach out to you right now and explain something.
That's so critical.
And if you grasp it, we'll be able to literally turn the tide even faster against the globalists.
And it's just this.
I'm not always wearing this, ladies and gentlemen.
I dress like this.
To politically get messages out to folks that aren't awake, to spur debates, but to also meet like-minded people who are out there feeling like they're alone and don't know how many of us there are.
It's like Martin Luther King said, it's all of us of one human race who all have incredible skills and gifts that God gave us that we bring together in the human family.
You do incredible things.
A few months ago, I saw media demonizing folks that put up signs at universities that said, all lives matter.
Then they demonized people that said, it's okay to be white.
These are universities where they're saying it's inherently evil and an abomination and satanic to be white.
Right outside Austin, Texas.
Texas State University says that.
Most major universities are directing this to create racial division in this country and it's sickening.
That's why I have designed with our crew
Several new limited edition t-shirts that expose this evil and fight true institutional leftist based racial division and classical race war designs.
Yeah, if you're just talking about how you're white or how you're black, it's okay.
That's fine to be proud of yourself.
But isn't it really great to realize we all got red blood?
That's why the shirt is in red.
Out here in space together, the dark blue of the night sky, but all of our red blood together ties us together and that's what makes us great.
The globalists are creating a fake debate to turn us against each other.
Let's come together and say all lives matter.
The fact is it's not just okay, it's great to be human.
Let me show you a few of the other designs we've got.
They're available at InfoWarsTore.com.
They help spread the word and they help support the broadcast.
A total win-win.
This shirt is white.
And you've got major universities, major publications like BuzzFeed saying it's milk racist because it's white.
So yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's a white shirt that says it's okay to be white, okay to be black, okay to be brown, but it's great.
To be human.
To literally take minorities and turn them into the equivalent of Brown Ku Klux Klan.
This shirt is amazing, it's iconic, and it's limited edition.
They're all available at InfoWarsStore.com or by calling toll free, 888-253-3139.
And despite the fact that all these shirts are super high quality and are destined to be best sellers, through Christmas, we're offering 25% off at InfoWarsStore.com on these limited edition shirts.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
News, analysis, reports.
It's The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live, it is Tuesday, January 9th edition of the Alex Jones Show, fourth hour.
We're talking about, of course, the big story of the week so far.
Oprah Winfrey, Variety reports, Gayle King, Oprah Winfrey not considering 2020 bid but is intrigued by the idea.
CBS This Morning host Gayle King said she does not think that her best friend, Oprah Winfrey, has changed her mind about running for president.
Publicly, she has dismissed the idea.
King said she talked to Winfrey on Monday after a day of speculation about her intentions.
The response was so great, it generated talk in traditional social media.
Of course, everybody exploded in deity-like worship, as we're going to play here in a second.
But Winfrey's best friend went on to say, quote, I absolutely don't think her position has changed.
I was up talking to her late last night.
I do think she was intrigued by the idea.
I do think that basically she doesn't really know.
But it looks like Winfrey's not going to run at this time.
Obviously, if she gets drafted by the amount of hysteria and messianic fervour that we've seen from the left over the last 24, 48 hours, she may not have a choice.
Van Jones has come out on CNN and basically said that she's the queen of the universe and can do no wrong.
Maybe she's going to walk on water and cure cancer.
We've got that clip from CNN.
Here it is.
Then, as you consider this possibility, what do you see?
I mean, obviously, you know, people would have said Donald Trump could have never been president, and he's president.
Well, the question is, does she want to be demoted from Queen of the Universe to President of the United States?
That's the only question.
If she wants to do it, she can do it.
She is probably the most beloved human being on Earth.
She's probably the most beloved carbon-based life form on Earth.
If she runs, she will destroy anybody in front of her.
The question is, does she want to do it?
Um, I've talked to a lot of people who are close to her, who are around her.
There's basically, you know, bedlam in Oprah-land right now as people, you know, people are begging her, please run, please run, please run.
But she's given no indication that she has moved off of her position, that she doesn't want to do it.
I will say that speech last night was extraordinary.
That speech, she did in nine minutes what Barack Obama did in 17 minutes in 2004.
Alright, I'll leave it at that.
That is Van Jones.
Worshipping Oprah Winfrey, the Queen of the Universe, can do no wrong.
She gave an astounding... No, she didn't.
She gave a bang average speech, let's be honest.
What kind of bravery does it take to get up in front of a bunch of people who are guilty of the very thing that you're lecturing everyone else about?
Covering up the sex abuse scandal for 20 plus years.
Now, does this mean that Oprah Winfrey hasn't got a shot of becoming president?
No, it doesn't.
She's got a very good shot.
Given that the Democrats have virtually nobody else to even take on Trump.
Breitbart reports election betting odds place Oprah 2020 ahead of every Democrat.
When it comes to predicting who will be president, electionbettingodds.com shows that actual people betting actual money in this category put Oprah Winfrey at the top of the Democratic heap.
She's got 8.5% on this betting website which places her above
Senator Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, all of them.
Oprah is right at the top.
Hillary Clinton still at 1.6%.
She just won't seem to go away like a turd that won't flush.
But Oprah Winfrey, according to the betting odds website, is the preferred candidate for Democrats, the most likely candidate as it appears in the run up to the 2020 election.
Now, some Republicans are out warning that she's going to be a very strong candidate.
Sonny Johnson says if Oprah combines the economic message with culture, GOP won't have a chance in hell in 2020.
Republicans and the broader conservative movement must not underestimate the political potential of Oprah Winfrey as a Democrat presidential contender in 2020.
Breitbart's Sonny Johnson went on to say Republicans are not going to have a chance in hell of defeating Winfrey as a presidential candidate in 2020 if the talk show celebrity successfully fuses an economic message with her cultural powerhouse assets, said Johnson.
Now, of course, if you take the content, the large S of her content from the speech on Sunday night,
That's not what she's going to do.
She's going to ramble on about identity politics, the number one losing issue for Democrats, as was proven in 2016.
And of course, they're so wedded to that ideology of identity politics, dividing people based on race, gender and class, that they're going to hold her to it and they're going to force her to have that message, which means she's not going to have the wider cultural message, the wider economic message that Trump was able to tap into to win the presidency.
So again, it's one issue if she runs, it's another if she actually has the right message to unify American people around voting for her because she didn't send a very unifying message in a 2013 interview with the BBC and we've got this clip here that we can play in a second where she told an interviewer that basically to solve racism we need more racism and we need old white people to die out.
She actually said
She was obviously speaking about older white people on Twitter.
She didn't specifically say white people.
She's obviously talking about white people.
She said they just have to die.
That's a direct quote.
Let's go to that clip.
Oprah Winfrey in 2013.
Here it is.
Still, and there's a whole generation, I say this, you know, I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own, you know, community in the South, there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.
So, there's Oprah Winfrey, the Great Uniter.
We've had like one and a half years of the media saying that Donald Trump is dividing people down racial lines.
I don't recall Donald Trump ever saying that a certain race of people, and yes, that's obviously who she was talking about, context.
I don't recall Donald Trump ever saying that a certain race of people, or a certain age group of people, just have to die.
But no, he's the Great Divider, Oprah Winfrey's the Great Uniter, in their world of fake news.
Imagine what veterans, people who fought in World War II, people who fought in Korea, people who fought in Vietnam, would think about such a statement.
Is that a unifying message?
Is that a message of presidential quality?
Now we have this petition up on InfoWars.com, as I mentioned on the show earlier.
Will Oprah Winfrey disavow Harvey Weinstein?
She gets up at the Golden Globe, sets herself up as this
You know, angelic moral authority against the sexual abuse of women.
They all worship, they all genuflect before her, the very people who were complicit in covering it up for like 20 years.
But they're the victims now and we need to be lectured about it.
She gets up in front of an event literally hosted by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which organizes and hosts the Golden Globes.
They're the ones responsible for reporting on Hollywood.
They're the ones who said absolutely nothing about this scandal for the past 20 years.
But then they put on this show where they're all dressed in black.
Look at us.
Look at how hard we can virtue signal.
There was some other actress wearing a sweater that said poverty is sexist.
Nobody really knew what that meant.
Turned out the sweater cost $380.
Could have donated that to a homeless charity, but no.
So all these out-of-touch, preening, virtue-signalling hypocrites get up there, lecture everybody else about sexual abuse, when they're the ones that helped cover it up by saying nothing about it for the best part of 20 years.
These people have appointed themselves as the moral guardians of the MeToo movement, and it's absolutely sickening.
We'll be back in the next segment of the Alex Jones Show to break it down further.
Don't go away, breaking news at InfoWars.com.
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That's InfoWarsStore.com.
Tommy Robinson, the activist and citizen over in the UK, has launched the Tommy Robinson Show.
He's also got the newest book, Enemy of the State, and also Muhammad's Quran, actually quoting what's in it.
But there's no doubt that 10 million in Europe, millions here, just in the last couple years, have brought in anti-family, anti-Christian, anti-woman, anti-gay,
Crazed people that kill each other in their own countries and know they're attacking and are covering it up.
What, till they build critical mass?
I mean, they've blown up the drawbridge.
They've stormed the castle.
They want reinforcements in before they declare what's happened.
I mean, why are they clamping down and even saying in Congress, Alex Jones cannot tell people that a Muslim killed folks in New York?
They actually say that.
They say, this is fake news.
It must be banned.
Alex, you know what's amazing for me was I've recently traveled to East Germany and I've just come back from Poland three or four days ago, yeah?
The difference in Poland, when you see a country where you never thought people would be grateful for communism at a time, but because they had communism and because it didn't change till 1990 and because of the Iron Curtain... They recognize authoritarianism.
Yeah, they recognise it.
They didn't have an influx of immigration.
So they're still, because they're the only culture and the only race in their country, they're allowed to be proud of who they are.
In our country, we can't.
I've just come back and I've come back and I've seen the most unbelievable scenes of patriotism that I've never seen.
I've never experienced anything like I experienced this weekend in Poland.
I saw hundreds of thousands of Polish who were defiant, who were so energetic.
They know.
They know what it's like to fight.
It's what they said to us.
You haven't been challenged.
You have not been challenged.
The biggest civil uprising in history was in Warsaw, I believe, in 1944.
That was the Jews, yeah.
They all have relatives after relatives who have told them these stories.
They understand the need to fight.
They understand the battle against communism.
They understand what communism done to their country.
They understand what Islam will do.
When I went to East Germany, I spoke to elder people there.
They said, we've seen this before.
You can't talk about it.
You'll lose your job.
Is this communism?
We've had communism.
We've got away from that.
Now we have the same with Islam.
You can't talk about Islam.
You can't talk about refugees.
You'll lose your job.
You'll lose your work.
So, to see the difference in the different countries, and to know that Eastern Europe, to know that Hungary, to know that Poland, to know that Czech Republic, I think are going to become countries that we all look to for inspiration.
All because they won't be conquered.
We'll be right back.
Remember, it's the mega-banks, the ultra-rich using the Muslims.
They are being used.
They're victims too.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
Before we wrap up the Oprah Winfrey News, and I remind you again to go and sign that petition, I think it's up to about 4,000 signatures.
We need way more than that.
We need it to go viral.
We need like 100,000, 200,000 signatures at least.
So she can then ignore it, and we can say, why is she ignoring this petition for people asking her to disavow her friend Harvey Weinstein?
That's not going to look very good, is it?
If she does disavow him, then fair enough, more power to her.
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InfoWarsStore.com, Brainforce Plus I should say.
Other products are out there which are quite similar which is why it was amazing how the media took a hold of this.
I think it was a couple of months ago.
And they were so triggered by me making a video about it, an advertising video, which actually I made back in April so it was really old, where I advertised the fact that I took Brainforce Plus
To help me with mental clarity, and they had an absolute fit over that.
Even though this field, New Tropics, has been popular, especially in Silicon Valley, for years and years and years.
This isn't some hokey recipe that we cooked up in a basement, like top whiz kids and professionals take this thing, they rave about it, so we got our own product based on that idea.
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And it not only helps you with mental clarity and acuity, it triggers the holy heck out of the left whenever I mention it.
There you see a headline.
Actually, that's funny, because we're going to talk about the guy who wrote that story in a little while.
That's out of Vice Media.
They were so triggered by me holding up a bottle of Brain Force Plus and talking about it, they discovered this ad, which was made in April.
It was like a six-month-old ad, and they went absolutely ape.
And that is the perfect reason why you need to get your bottle of BrainForce Plus today at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's funny how we've literally monetized their liberal tears and are actually making money out of it every time they get triggered.
Funny how that works, isn't it?
BrainForcePlus at InfoWarsStore.com.
Let's get back into the news here.
We're talking about Oprah Winfrey.
Talking about now some of her friends saying she's
Not gonna run, but she finds the idea intriguing.
We've got Van Jones basically saying she's Queen of the Universe and would crush everyone in her path if she did run.
She could walk on water and cure cancer as well, presumably.
But of course we have a little reminder as to the true nature of Oprah Winfrey with this petition up on Infowars.com.
Oprah must disavow Harvey Weinstein
She got up in front of a Golden Globe ceremony, which is organized and hosted by the very press association that has refused to investigate Hollywood sex abuse scandal for the past 20 years.
That's the level of hypocrisy and double standard that we're dealing with.
In fact, we got Ben Shapiro clip where he discusses this, the fact that this Hollywood Foreign Press Association has said nothing about the Weinsteins of their industry.
They covered up.
The truth about his behaviour, like the rest of the actors in Hollywood.
The likes of Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, they all knew about it, they said nothing.
This press association whose job, whose only job was to report on Hollywood.
Also, complete silence, and they're the ones hosting the Golden Globes, at which Oprah Winfrey gets up and gives this amazing speech, bang average speech, bang average speech, in front of all these people who agree with her, their virtue signalling to each other, and yet they're the ones responsible for covering the whole thing up in the first place.
Let's go to this Ben Shapiro clip, here it is.
I gotta let you go, but one last thing.
You sort of went out on a limb today.
You said you don't think she was that brave.
You know, everybody in that room was up on their feet.
And you said she wasn't brave last night.
What did you mean?
I mean, what the hell kind of risk was she taking?
She was standing in front of an entire town filled with sexual abusers and harassers.
She said nothing about it for 20 years.
She's being cheered by people who said nothing about it for 20 years.
And there she is, pretending that she's leading the fight.
In what way has she led the fight?
I sort of missed it.
And just because she said some stuff last night, I haven't seen how things have materially changed.
I mean, Reese Witherspoon was mentioned that she measures things before Oprah and after Oprah.
What changed after Oprah?
Oprah said a bunch of stuff.
Well, I was under the impression that most of us agreed with that stuff when this stuff first broke, and she louded the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.
Where were they reporting on the sexual harassment and abuse scandal for the last 20 years?
It is literally their job to cover Hollywood.
And yet it took the New Yorker and Ronan Farrow to uncover all this stuff.
Where was the Hollywood Foreign Press Association that was receiving such plaudits at the hands of Oprah Winfrey?
Again, a woman who is good friends with Harvey Weinstein being cheered by Meryl Streep, a woman who gave a standing ovation to Roman Polanski.
Yeah, but there's a circle of support that ignored everything that you just mentioned so potently.
Ben, thank you very much.
Great to see you tonight.
There you have it.
Let's not forget the fact that TMZ also reported, after the Harvey Weinstein revelations came out, that Oprah called up her friend Harvey Weinstein and offered her support.
After it all came out, she still offered her support, reportedly.
Now, of course, the team Oprah came back and denied that, but they did acknowledge that she wanted to get Weinstein on her show for an interview, so she actually wanted to give the serial sex predator
A platform to explain his side of the story, and that's the least worst of it.
According to TMZ, she actually initially called him up to offer her support to the serial sex predator and her best friend, Harvey Weinstein.
We've shown you the pictures.
Tons and tons of pictures of her canoodling, not just posing for photographs, literally like nibbling on the earlobe of Harvey Weinstein at these Hollywood bashers.
Over the past three years at least, going back probably even further, given her professional relationship with him, lasted at least, I think it was ten years stretching back.
According to British actress Cady and Noble, when she met Weinstein at a 2014 event in London, a picture of which is in the article which features the petition on Infowars.com, she said Oprah was swinging off his arm.
Oprah was swinging off the arm of Harvey Weinstein.
She said that Weinstein used Oprah to lure her in with the promise of boosting her career.
Weinstein subsequently sexually assaulted Noble according to a lawsuit which has been filed against Weinstein in a Manhattan federal court back in November.
The attorney of this British actress said Harvey wasn't acting alone.
Harvey wasn't allowed and unable to do what he did to Cadian and other women without help.
Now, bear in mind Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and others knew that Weinstein had sexually harassed Gwyneth Paltrow back in the 90s.
Scott Rosenberg, the screenwriter, whose first two films were distributed by Harvey Weinstein's company Miramax, said, quote, Of course, we had the famous clip of Courtney Love coming out in the, I think it was the early 2000s or mid 2000s, where she said,
I accept an offer to go to Harvey Weinstein's hotel room.
It was common knowledge amongst many in Hollywood, yet now we have these reams and reams of pictures of Oprah Winfrey hanging out with her best friend Harvey Weinstein, years after these revelations were known inside Hollywood.
We have her reportedly calling
Harvey Weinstein immediately after everything broke back a few months ago about him being a serial sexual predator.
And now Juanita Broderick, Bill Clinton's rape victim, is coming out and saying to Oprah, it's funny how I never heard you mention my name.
We'll get to that on the other side.
This is the Alex Jones Show live.
Don't go away.
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You can't have a right if it's not being exercised.
I think this video is going to trigger leptards.
So this is a Glock 18C machine pistol.
This fires about 11 rounds.
Pretty crazy.
We've also got an M249 SAW.
Wow, that's fun!
Up against the wall, commies!
That's amazingly cool.
This is the best range I've ever been to.
They've got the big thing downstairs.
They've got this VIP area.
A little bit more.
And it's, you know, it's usually really busy downstairs.
I'm here, but... I mean, come on the weekends, it's real busy.
But during the weekday, tag off your family.
Come and shoot it.
That's what we say.
Come and shoot it.
Yeah, instead of come and take it, come and shoot it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're breaking the conditioning!
InfoWars comes to mind.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones.
Google is being accused of hiding negative stories about Hillary and her campaign by changing its algorithm to bury stories like the Clinton body count story.
That's according to website InfoWars.
It seems like it's confirmed there are at least two shooters with fully automatic weapons.
Dr. Martin Luther King has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
JFK was shot from the back and the front.
It was almost as if there were planned explosions.
It's just pancakes.
He took the babies out of the incubators.
And left the children to die on the front porch.
I think this is a national security imperative.
We have clear things that we do not understand how they work operating in areas that we can't control.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world the central bank is in charge?
Israel claims the attack was accidental.
Some former U.S.
naval officers say it was on purpose.
They describe the day's action as part of a continuing cover-up.
Russian intelligence compiled a dossier on Mr. Trump during visits to Moscow.
Russian, stop!
He denied everything.
He called it all fake news.
And he accused CNN of being fake news.
This is a national emergency.
If they kill Trump or remove Trump, it will cause a massive civil war in this country.
This is a FEMA high-level emergency.
Are you aware that Mr. Stone also stated publicly that he was in direct communication with Julian Assange and Wikileaks?
The White House and the President are citing info wars.
If they can shut us down, you're next!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
We're live.
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We've got War Room coming up in a little while, but I wanted to get into this article up on Vice.com.
Remember when Vice was quite a fresh, edgy news network?
They actually produced interesting, intriguing documentaries.
They went where other news crews refused to go.
Well, now they're just a source of unremitting cancer.
The headline is, why alt-right vloggers are in Scotland to defend a Nazi dog.
Now you remember the story, and in fact this emerged again, it cropped up on Friday because they had a hearing, or at least we thought the decision was coming down in the court case, of Mark Meacham, who you remember put up a funny YouTube video where he taught his dog to do seagulls.
Basically to make fun of his girlfriend who thought the dog was, you know, too cute.
He thought he would troll his girlfriend by making it do seagulls.
It was hilarious.
It was John Cleese level humor.
But no, we can't have humor anymore in the United Kingdom.
Literally, they're trying to say that making fun of Nazis is a hate crime.
That's basically what they're trying to do in Scotland right now.
So Vice.com decided to write an article about this, basically siding with the state that literally wants to lock up a guy for making his dog do some funny tricks.
Okay, that's how far Vice has sunk in the past, what, five, six years since it began.
The headline, why alt-right vlog?
Like, he's not alt-right!
This article gets into how, oh, these people generalise, they over-simplify.
You do it in your frigging headline!
This guy is not alt-right, clearly!
Not everybody who disagrees with you is alt-right, okay?
Not everyone right of Chairman Mao is alt-right.
So it says in 2016, originally the headline said last year because this guy doesn't even know what year it is, the Scottish man taught his dog to seek out to speeches of Hitler.
The story only gets weirder from there by Joe Bish, the TrendyVice.com journalist.
So they go on to say the furor has been covered by all your favorite white right wing media guys, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, and even Canadian far right real doll, Lauren Southern.
Now this piqued my interest because Real Doll is another term, an industry term, a brand name, for a sex robot!
In the rest of this article, this guy rails against Mark Meechan, otherwise known as Count Dankula, for being, quote, anti-feminist, okay?
So he's bad because he's anti-feminist, he's a misogynist, he's a sexist.
Well, in the same article, this Joe Bish, this vice journalist, calls a woman a real doll, calls a woman a sex robot.
So he's basically referring to a woman as a sex toy while bashing Meechan for being a misogynist.
Yeah, how does that work, Joe Bish?
I think we know who the real misogynist is.
You're literally comparing a woman to a sex object and then lecturing us
About how we're the misogynists.
Oh, and by the way, Vice has a rampant sexual harassment problem within its own offices.
Maybe you should deal with that before lecturing other people.
Vice apologises for boys club culture after allegations of sexual harassment.
Vice magazine has apologized for a boys club culture after it emerged that allegations of sexual harassment at the company led to four settlements.
So they're having to pay out money to all these women who were harassed within Vice's offices.
They hire guys like Sam Chris, the male feminist who turns out is another accused sexual harasser of women, like all these left-wing male feminists turn out to be.
And in this article, he's literally referring to a woman as a sex toy.
While lecturing me?
While lecturing Mark Meacham about how we're anti-feminist?
Oh yeah, you're the big feminist, aren't you?
Whatever the hell your name is, Sam Bish.
Joe Bish.
He's obviously been taught feminism by Sam Chris, his best friend.
So he's talking about us being misogynist anti-feminist while literally referring to a woman as a sex toy.
That's the left.
That's vice.com.
That's cancer.
Absolutely incredible.
You know, it's this thing again.
They reserve the most vitriolic, misogynistic, sexist hatred against women who are conservatives.
Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, women like that.
As long as they're conservatives, you can say whatever the hell you like about them.
Oh, but you're the male feminists.
Absolutely incredible double standard exposed yet again with the unremitting cancer that is vice media.
Let's get into some of these other headlines right now.
Virgin Trains stopped selling Daily Mail.
Concern over editorial position on immigration.
This came out in the UK today.
Virgin Trains has stopped selling the Daily Mail because it disagrees with its editorial line on immigration, LGBT rights and unemployment.
Right, so a virgin train's now going to refuse custom from people based on their political views.
This is the whole thing once again.
It's this purity test.
We saw it again in the United Kingdom with Toby Young, who they hired to be on some government education board.
Oh, but they dug up a tweet from 2009 in which he talks about a woman's breasts.
So he failed the witch hunt mobs ideological purity test because he talked about a woman's breasts eight years ago.
He must be sacrificed, he must be crucified, his career must be burned at the stake.
Is it really because you're offended about the fact he talked about a woman's breasts eight, nine years ago, given that all these male feminists turn out to be the biggest sexual abusers of women imaginable?
Or is it because of his political beliefs, which you disagree with, so you use the power of the mob to publicly shame him and burn his career at the stake every single time?
Now he apologized eventually.
At first it looked like he wasn't going to apologize and back down, but he backed down again.
Don't apologize!
You're giving them power by apologizing in the first place.
Don't do it!
Tell them where to stick it immediately and they'll back down.
That's what's happening in the United Kingdom.
We have Beyonce's veganism promotes discrimination, professors warn.
Again, two professors out of the United Kingdom, University of London, recently warned that Beyonce's veganism reproduces existing patterns of discrimination and equality.
So now you can't even be vegan.
That's not woke enough for these people.
In an article in a recent issue of Feminist Media Studies, they argued that Beyonce's adoption of the 22 Days Vegan Challenge perpetuates inequality because it's actually post-feminist dietary practice.
If that sounds like gobbledygook to you, that's because it is.
They make the argument that the empowerment of the individual is worrisome to some feminist scholars since it shifts the onus of self-improvement onto the individual and away from society.
So again, it all comes back to this rampant hatred of the individual.
You can't even have your own dietary choices in the interest of self-empowerment now because that's not
You know, giving your debt to society in this collectivist, socialist, phony, utopia mindset.
This is the insanity coming out of universities.
These people are teaching your kids.
Daily Caller reports Google's new fact-check feature almost exclusively targets conservative sites.
Imagine my shock.
Google, the most powerful search engine in the world, is now displaying fact-checks for conservative publications in its results.
So you go, you search for the Daily Caller or whoever,
Gives you the website, but then it gives you this series of reviewed claims, which their impartial, independent fact-checkers have determined to be fake news.
Oh, you mean like Snopes, who of course are known for inventing fake quotes and then claiming that... I mean, I'll give you an example.
A WikiLeaks email came out during the election.
Where an individual gave a quote, I wrote an article about it, Snopes came back and said no, he didn't really mean to say that, this is what he meant to say.
Completely created a new quote.
They're not independent, they've been debunked over and over again as a hyper-partisan outfit, and now these people are fact-checking us on Google.
Absolutely insane.
War Room is coming up.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk to Colt in Kansas.
Colt, you're on the air.
So, I got a couple things I want to talk about.
I'm from, actually, Clearwater, Kansas, and I grew up on a ranch and stuff.
We bale our own hay and stuff.
Things stalled, you know, all the way through my childhood.
You can sked a buck, you can run a trot line.
That's right.
So, as I've got older now, when I bale hay every year, my sinuses just go nuts after the second and third day.
Well, I heard about your caveman,
You know, it's funny you say that, because I, from time to time, go read the reviews, and people have talked about reduced allergies, and, look, here's the deal.
They give you a bowl of chicken soup, and everybody knows it's been associated with getting well quicker.
This is hundreds of times stronger per serving.
It's concentrated, organic chicken bone with chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and a bunch of stuff