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Name: 20171229_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 29, 2017
3015 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, topics discussed include Sheila Jackson Lee's prioritization of her own importance over her constituents, record low temperatures on New Year's Eve, protests against Trump at Disney World, and the "Pocahontas" policy. InfowarsLife products such as BrainForce Plus, a cognitive enhancer, and Alpha Power, a testosterone booster, are promoted with free shipping available at InfoWarsStore.com. The show emphasizes spreading truth and information to fight against evil, while also highlighting the importance of being aware of news organization tactics.

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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Filling in for Alex today, I'm Owen Schroer.
Paul Joseph Watson will be taking over soon in the second hour.
And if you want to talk about raw, unmitigated arrogance, you want to talk about
Feeling like you are truly above the rest of the population, truly beyond reproach.
Well, you look at Hillary Clinton saying, why aren't I 50 points ahead?
You look at James Comey and Peter Stroke changing the terminology in the Hillary Clinton investigation so that she did not get indicted.
But this is something that seems to be infecting many Democrats, if not all, including Sheila Jackson Lee, who apparently thinks she is the most important person to ever step foot on an airplane.
Here's a report from John Bowne.
Democratic Representative Sheila Jackson Lee has had a career loaded with grandstanding half-truths, blanketed racism, and sheer hubris.
And frankly, maybe I should offer a good thanks to the distinguished members of the majority, the Republicans, my chairman and others, for giving us an opportunity to have a deliberative constitutional discussion.
That reinforces the sanctity of this nation and how well it is that we have lasted some 400 years.
That we have lasted some 400 years.
Sinus Hall, where we are right now, has 42 statues showing you the moment of the signing of the U.S.
Constitution on September 17, 1787.
He is incompatible with the office and the leadership of this country, and yes, the idea that his continuous assault on women only compounds the fact that I would ask him, it's a job that he does not seemingly like, he needs to resign.
This is a disgrace.
Stop talking about foolishness.
Be a leader and be the commander-in-chief and stop all of this.
When are we going to get the kind of leader that is deserving of the American people?
I am sick and tired of it.
I want a president.
I do not want a person that moves away from where the people are dying.
It's enough.
It's enough.
Members are reminded to refrain from engaging in personalities toward the president.
I've said the same thing as far as 10 years ago to the German people and to any population of people that is a declining population that doesn't, isn't willing to have enough babies to reproduce themselves.
And I've said to them, you cannot rebuild your civilization with somebody else's babies.
You've got to keep your birth rate up.
This Western civilization still is a baby.
Unbelievable statement that should not come out of the mouth of a member of the United States Congress.
I stand here as a freed slave because this Congress came together.
Are we going to be able to do it today to free America?
I yield back.
Now Lee's lunacy has reached a height that challenges common sense.
The Daily Caller reported, Jean Marie Simon, 63, accused United Airlines on Twitter of bumping her from a December 18th flight from Houston to Washington D.C.
in order to accommodate Lee.
Lee responded with an angry Twitter tirade of her own Tuesday, accusing Simon of targeting her because of her race.
Lee wrote,
She first traveled to Guatemala at the behest of Amnesty International.
Simon is designated as a hardline Democrat by the D- Well, you just heard it.
Sheila Jackson Lee, swamp creature extraordinaire.
The louder they scream against Trump, the harder they will fall.
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That's infowarslife.com.
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Boy, I'll tell ya, a little global warming would sound pretty good right now, wouldn't it?
It's funny how that works.
Al Gore.
Can you believe Al Gore was the vice president?
I mean, this guy is such a joke, he predicted the polar ice caps would be completely melted by now.
How does a man that pathetic become the vice president?
Welcome into the Alex Jones Show.
Filling in for Alex today, Owen Schroer, Paul Joseph Watson takes over in the second hour.
We got some news out here today.
Of course, global, well not global, but here in America we're going to have some record low temperatures it looks like for New Year's Eve.
Al Gore completely embarrassed, he's not choosing to make any statements.
You had a building in the Bronx
Get set on fire or caught on fire yesterday.
They're saying it looked like it may have been a child playing with a stove.
I started to remember what happened in, I think it was in England when that apartment building burned.
It was mostly inhabited by migrants.
And it still stands just like a burned building just standing there, a total eyesore.
You've got New Year's Eve security.
Being ramped up because of threats of terror attacks.
It's so loving, though.
It's so tolerant.
You should be tolerant of the open borders that lead to terrorism.
What's wrong with you, you racist?
But, perhaps more shocking than Al Gore being completely wrong with his predictions on global warming,
With this building that burned in New York City that I believe they said I think, what, 12 dead?
Perhaps the Trump derangement syndrome that we thought had reached peak insanity when they were literally screaming at the sky.
That was an event for them to protest Trump, screaming at the sky.
You caught a little bit of Sheila Jackson Lee doing that in the last segment.
But how about this?
A protester has decided to
Protest Trump by going to Disney World and yelling at the robot Trump.
This is truly an unprecedented display of insanity.
Here is that video of this moron protesting a robot.
That I took an oath.
35 simple words that have been repeated by every American president throughout history.
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
That's our chant for Hillary.
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Notice how no one's joining along.
When you chanted that in the halls of a Trump rally, the entire halls were ringing with lock her up.
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
You know, this is actually a pretty sad story here, folks.
Now, I don't know what Sheila Jackson Lee, I don't know what her deal is.
Is she a swamp creature that's freaked out because of the things that Trump is doing behind the scenes?
Does she have her own crimes that she's hoping don't get exposed?
Or is she truly just another one of these complete, bumbling morons suffering from Trump derangement syndrome?
It's really sad.
It's really sad that this is what the propaganda news has done to individuals.
It's really sad that people's souls are so sucked that they ignore all the evidence in front of their face and instead go with their emotions that are triggered by fake news.
And so, this individual, so brainwashed, so soul sucked,
Goes to Disney World to yell at a Trump robot.
You can't make this stuff up.
And I really don't know what you do with a person like that.
Insane asylum?
Mental institution?
You know, he shut a lot of those down in the 90s.
Maybe it's time to reopen some of these mental institutions.
If you're going to Disney World to shout at a robot, maybe there's something wrong with you.
If you're Sheila Jackson Lee, and you want to make a big scene of yourself on the floor of Congress, and you want to make a big scene of yourself on an airplane because of your hubris, maybe there's something wrong with you.
We've reached a lot of turning points in 2017.
A lot of things where the genie can't be put back in the bottle.
And I think another one of the things that we're going to see here in 2018 is just the continued of the Trump derangement syndrome, but perhaps even peak insanity levels, especially
If Republicans gain seats in Congress in the 2018 midterms.
Because just like these poor, soul-sucked, brainwashed zombies thought Hillary Clinton was going to win, and thus, they freaked out, they threw temper tantrums, they cried, they screamed at the sky, they still protest Trump, they believe fake news like Russian collusion,
Just like all of that because of fake news saying Hillary Clinton was going to win, the same fake news is going to tell them that the Democrats are going to take Congress, the Democrats are going to sweep the 2018 midterm elections, and then their hopes are going to be blown back up that when they take Congress they can impeach Trump.
And when that fails,
And when they're faced with the second harsh reality that everything they believed in was a lie, what are they going to do then?
We've already seen Antifa get violent.
We've already seen Black Lives Matter chant to kill police.
What are they going to do next?
And what is it going to take
For the police, or again, I'm not kidding, maybe we need to reopen mental institutions.
You see, there's a weird thing you can do with an individual who thinks that they're invincible.
For example, look at food stamps.
We've been talking about all these people on food stamps that feel totally entitled to food stamps.
They feel like their family is your responsibility.
How dare you expect me to care for my family?
I need my food stamps.
Just give me my food stamps.
We've played the clips over and over and over.
You've seen the stories of someone's food stamps getting denied at the grocery store and then they tear the grocery store apart.
There's always something you can do to stop someone that feels invincible without actually having to do anything.
This is all you gotta do to stop that.
You wanna get food stamps?
You're gonna get drug tested.
How much do you wanna bet half of food stamp recipients would no longer receive food stamps?
Either A, because they failed a drug test, or B, because they don't want to take a drug test.
So it's the same type of situation
If you're going to go to Disneyland or Disney World and yell at a Trump robot and cause a scene, maybe it's time to lock you away in a rubber room for 24 hours.
You start doing that, all of a sudden the Trump derangement syndrome will disappear.
I just don't see how it gets any better because 2018 is going to be another year of nothing but defeat for these people.
They're going to be defeated in Congress.
They're going to be defeated in the culture war.
They're going to be defeated in the information war.
And we're, I mean...
I guess it's bad that Trump cut our taxes.
I guess it's bad that the stock market is reaching records.
I guess it's all bad.
Why would you want to get on the winning team?
Why don't you just continue to hate America?
Because to you, that's the winning team, even though you keep losing.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
No, we're not done with the liberal lunacy quite yet.
A man yelling at a robot?
That's just the beginning.
Students support new Pocahontas policy.
I wonder if that's named after Elizabeth Warren.
Allowing applicants to self-identify as people of color.
Who comes up with this stuff?
You ever wondered that?
Whose brainchild is that?
I'm gonna just go ahead and say today on air that I am a Zimbabwean transsexual.
So, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
My name is Owen Schroyer.
I am a Zimbabwean transsexual hosting the show today for Alex.
And this is just part of the new Pocahontas policy here at InfoWars where you can identify as whatever you want.
If you want to be a green badger, if you want to be an orange pumpkin, whatever it is, you just identify as that and then therefore you are because, well, your feelings.
But no, this is a serious thing.
At Brown University, applicants will have the opportunity to self-identify as people of color during the application process.
So again, I'm thinking that this is directly, we should call this the Elizabeth Warren policy, but the Pocahontas policy is just fine too.
But here's the clip from Campus Reform talking to the students about this policy.
Welcome to Campus Reform.
Today we're at Brown University where a new policy was enacted giving students the ability to self-identify as people of color on their application process.
What do students think of this new policy?
Let's find out.
The school is giving students the chance to self-identify in their words as whether they feel as if they're a person of color on the application process.
Some people are calling this the Pocahontas policy because students can simply check something that they don't apply to.
What do you think?
Do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing?
Overall, I think it's a good thing.
I think this is a positive aspect.
It's intended to create a, you know, an atmosphere of inclusion and support diversity and I don't see anything wrong with that.
Including that would be a really great move.
Hold on!
Pause it, pause it, pause it.
This is like... Think about it like this.
You've got all these people at universities that will protest, you know, a Milo Yiannopoulos speech, or a Ben Shapiro speech, or whoever's speaking on these campuses, and they get violent, you know, Luchin Wintret, from the Gateway Pundit, they take his speech from him.
So you've got all of these crazy liberals out there that want to protest free speech.
And I'm wondering,
If they would still agree with this policy, if Milo Yiannopoulos showed up and said he was black, and he self-identifies as black, and then when they protested him, he'd say, hey, you are all racists against black people.
I wonder how that would go if you turned the worm on him like that.
But see, here's their problem.
They don't have, they don't even have two-dimensional thinking.
They have one-dimensional thinking.
Fully one-dimensional thinking.
Hey, we're going to say that you can identify as whoever you want on your application because of tolerance.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I don't see anything wrong with that.
Yeah, it's loving.
It's good.
And let's go back to the video.
Here they are.
Here's the actual morons that believe that.
But he identifies as something it should be their right to.
I think it would generally be a positive thing.
People should be granted all the options that they feel necessary to express themselves in that way.
The goal is student comfort and attracting a more diverse student body, then I don't see it as particularly harmful.
I feel weird talking about this as not a person of color.
But you could feel like one, though.
See, exactly!
No, no, pause right there!
Rewind it!
Oh, this is the perfect thing!
I love it when this happens.
I had this happen to me all the time when I'm out interviewing these brain-dead liberals, where some of them may actually have the ability to begin the process of second-dimensional thinking, but they've never actually been challenged to go to that level.
There's a specific video where I'm talking to a guy here in Austin, and I forget what I asked him, and I put the mic in front of his face, and he's like,
Whoa, that's true.
Like, how did you?
That's what happened to this guy.
He's like, yeah, yeah, you should be able to identify as whatever you want, but you know, it's kind of weird for me as someone that's not a person of color to be saying that.
And so then the guy asking the question says, well, maybe you are a person of color.
Do you feel like it?
And then he's like, oh, so, so watch this again.
This is the moment.
These are, these are beautiful moments for the first time.
I mean, this guy is at Brown University.
Supposedly these are bastions of higher learning and this guy has never been challenged enough to kick in to a second dimensional gear of thinking.
For the first time in his life, probably, this guy from Campus Reform kicks this guy's thought process into second gear and he freezes.
Watch this.
You're talking about this as not a person of color.
What if you feel like one though?
There it is!
He doesn't know what to do!
That's it!
He's trying to go into second gear, and he can't do it!
He's never done it before!
He's at a university, he's at Brown University, supposedly higher learning, high education, and he's never been so challenged that he's had to go into second gear of thinking.
This is so gold!
I'm telling you, everything
I just want these liberals to understand, man, we're not your enemy.
We're really not your enemy, man, okay?
We're not racists.
We're not bigots.
We don't hate people.
We're just trying to get you to wake up.
That's all.
And I know it might be hard, and it might be uncomfortable for you to actually have to think beyond your feelings and to kick into second gear and have critical thought, but I promise you it is worth it in the end.
Just play this gold for me one more time.
I'm telling you, these students, these young liberals, have never been challenged at their universities to actually go into critical thinking and to go into second-dimensional thinking because it's all about their feelings.
It's all about liberalism and tolerance and not offending anybody and not having differing opinions because that might offend somebody.
And then here this student is,
A campus reform reporter who's not even a professor at the university for the first time ever causes his mind to go into second gear.
One more time, watch this poor brainwashed student for the first time in his life have to kick his thought process into second gear.
I feel weird talking about this as not a person of color.
What if you feel like one though?
Brain freeze.
If the school came to someone who falsely claimed to be a person of color and said you're not, what if the person had said, I am, I identify that way?
Here it is again!
This is incredible!
I don't think I have the opportunity to change my ethnicity.
But why is it different than gender?
Oh, wow.
Yeah, that's a really good question.
I think it's intended for those people that want to identify as a person of color or whatever it may be.
Is racial identity something that is fluid over someone's life?
I'm losing it here.
I feel like people tend not to try and make up their identity.
I feel like something that people themselves know better than people who don't know them and something that society likes to put on them.
I think that gender is something that is inside of you and that you feel, whereas ethnicity... Oh my, listen to these people!
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You know what?
I'm not sure.
Am I a male or a female?
Let me check real quick.
Well, it looks like I'm a male, but I'm feeling like a female today.
I'm a Zimbabwean transsexual dog hosting the Alex Jones Show today because of my feelings.
That's how I feel.
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Matt in Ohio, you're on the air, another Matt, go ahead.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother Mainstream Media Government Cover-Ups
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Owen Schroer filling in for Alex Jones today.
And you may or may not be able to notice, but I'm a bit under the weather today.
And I'm telling you, if it wasn't for InfoWarsStore.com and the products there that I'm taking, I would not be able to get on air today.
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I'm not recommending you do that.
Vitamin B12.
So, I mean, if it wasn't for BrainForce, forgot, yeah, BrainForce, if it wasn't for just the combination of products at Infowarrestore.com, I don't even think I'd be able to get on air today just because...
Uh, just the allergies are just so bad down here, and it's just, it's just crazy right now.
And then there's winter, because global warming isn't working.
I'm a little ticked off.
I'm kind of a fan of global warming, to be honest.
But if you haven't tried the products at InfowarsStore.com, I'm not sure what you're waiting for.
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They're going through Emmerich Essentials.
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Look at the reviews for Brain Force Plus.
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Look at the reviews for Silver Bullet.
And you will see that these products are no joke and they truly do work.
Okay, in the last segment...
We played the campus reform video where students at Brown University are looking at a new policy where, they're calling it the Pocahontas policy, I think they're naming it after Elizabeth Warren, where you can just identify as whatever you want.
So if you want to identify on your application as a Native American, like Elizabeth Warren did when she lied about it, then that's okay now.
Which, again, this shows you how they don't have a second dimension of thinking, how they can't kick their thinking into second gear because
These are the same people that want to virtue signal all day long for minorities, virtue signal all day long to try to give them more benefits, and if you're white, you know, take a back seat, but they don't even understand.
I mean, it's sad.
They don't even have the second level of critical thinking to realize that
This policy completely destroys their liberal policies catered to minorities, where they get all the advantages.
Because now, if anyone can claim to be a minority, then nobody's a minority.
But they don't get that.
And what I was breaking down that I thought was so powerful, and then it actually happened again and again and again, and I was focusing on the first guy, but this is so illustrative.
And I really, I really want people that disagree with Infowars, that think we're nuts, that hate Trump, that are these indoctrinated liberals, you really believe in a utopia.
Again, we're not your enemy.
I'm not attacking you.
I'm just calling it as I see it.
And I want to go back to this video that I shot in Austin, Texas.
Actually, Harrison was my cameraman that day.
Trump came to town to address Hurricane Harvey here.
I ran into an individual who was protesting Trump and I asked him a couple questions and you saw the exact same thing.
So what I want liberals out there that see this, I just want you to recognize something here.
I'm not your enemy.
We're not your enemy.
We want to help you.
You have a serious brainwashing problem.
You have a serious issue of Stockholm Syndrome.
You really have mental issues.
We really care about you.
I'm not trying to insult you.
This is not me being mean.
And just to prove what I'm talking about, let's roll this clip of the man protesting Trump that I forced to think critically who had a total brain freeze.
All right, come on.
Hey, we found, this man will talk to us, so why should Trump be impeached?
Because he's lied a thousand times on record.
What does he lie about?
Should we look it up on his phone?
No, he's recording right now.
But you're the one saying impeach the president.
Yeah, yeah, because you're the one who wants to impeach him.
I mean, I can impeach him myself.
But you're out here with the impeach Trump crowd.
Yeah, I would love to.
You see this?
You see this?
Pause right here.
You see this?
This is, this is, this is, this is the individual who's never been challenged to go to the second degree of thinking here.
First time being challenged and starting to go there.
Let's watch the rest.
Because we've got a liar.
I know, so it keeps coming back.
So what did he lie about?
Let's look this up.
Now he goes to his phone.
But you're out here protesting, you shouldn't have to look it up.
You know, you should already know your cause, don't you think?
You're probably, you know, right in some way.
I mean, if you have to look it up, it must not be that important to you, you know?
This sounds like a leading question.
I'll tell you what, I'll let you do some research and we'll come back.
How about that?
There he goes.
No problem.
Hey, thank you for talking.
So, I already tried to talk to you.
So that's enough, guys.
There's this, and I understand why, because we come on here, we call them libtards, you know, but folks...
What is the future of an individual like that individual, or an individual like we saw in the campus reform video, that can't even critically think?
Yeah, look at his face.
I'm not insulting this individual, but look at that face.
That is the face of a man who, for the first time ever, has been challenged to think beyond his own feelings.
And he realizes it, and he goes, wow, yeah, you're probably right.
But think about it, what is the future of an individual who cannot think past one degree of thought process?
What is the future of an individual who cannot think past their feelings?
And beyond that, what is the future of a country?
What is the future of a school?
What is the future of a group of people that cannot think past first dimensional thinking?
What is the future for them?
Uh, not good.
That's how you get tricked into slavery, right there.
Mike, I remember a little more than a decade ago hearing people talk about and write about probiotics and how we needed to supplement healthy bacteria in our gut to displace the bad bacteria.
At first I thought it was a load of baloney, but as I talked to established brain surgeons and scientists and experts on autism and so many other subjects, I began to learn that the globalists are actually very aware of the fact that the gut
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Fungus has been known to colonize fruit flies.
And other insects and other animals.
It's been connected to killing massive numbers of bats and connected to all sorts of serious health problems and brain tumors.
I mean, it's crazy.
We've only just begun to understand a little bit about what fungus and other things are doing in our bodies.
And we know our gut does not need to be filled with this garbage that has filled out the niches of our intestines because the good bacteria have been driven for our body.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, let's look at some of this news that we have here today.
You've got a rare intersex shark, the first of its kind.
So yeah, I mean, I guess that's kind of rare.
The only one.
Pretty rare.
You know, but this is probably a conspiracy theory like the gay frogs and the atrazine probably doesn't exist.
But now, for the first time ever, a intersex shark has been found with male and female reproductive systems.
I'm sure that has nothing to do with the chemicals that we've intoxicated our planet with.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with that at all.
Nothing to see here.
Nothing to see with the gay frogs either.
This is a story in the New York Times today.
The year the news accelerated to Trump speed.
It really is mind-boggling.
Everything that got exposed in Trump's first year in office.
It's almost impossible to sit here and try to name it all and that's because it was breaking all the time.
I mean just look at everything that was exposed with Barack Obama.
Look at everything that was exposed with Hillary Clinton.
Look at everything that was exposed with the FBI.
Look at everything that was exposed with the Me Too movement.
It's really quite incredible.
Meanwhile, half of abducted Iraqi Yazidi girls remain in ISIS captivity and sex slavery.
Thousands of kidnapped girls forgotten in hell.
And that was the liberal Arab Spring!
And this was also a result of what Hillary Clinton's policy in Libya did, where they have slaves now.
But we're the racists, because we call it out.
And that's a great point.
In fact, I was going to probably pop it on the show today about that.
That's why I came in here when I saw you were covering it.
And just the whole fact, like the New York Times admits, news at Trump's speed.
We are taking control of the narrative, not just Trump, all of us, by what we want to break, what we want to focus on, not letting the globalists set the subjects anymore.
Their back is broken in 2017.
Now the big war is in 2018 with the floundering
Remnants of the globalist.
I completely agree.
And they can't keep up.
And that's why they're failing.
See, there is no one at the New York Times that could actually write a story where they have to do some serious soul-searching and say, wow, you know, maybe all those negative stories we wrote about Trump were inaccurate, considering none of them really caught any headwinds.
Meanwhile, look at all the momentum going against Robert Mueller right now, how it's been discovered that that whole thing was a witch hunt, beyond a witch hunt, and that the same FBI agents that were trying to rig the election for Hillary Clinton, look at James Comey, look at Peter Stroke, are the same people that are now behind the Trump-Russia probe.
Oh, but I'm sure that there is no bias there.
But look at this victory for Trump.
China offers tax incentives to persuade U.S.
companies to stay.
Folks, there is a geopolitical climate change happening right now.
And you have to understand that what Trump did when he cut the corporate tax rate to 20%
Is he basically just kicked China in the groin.
Because now China does not have a stranglehold on manufacturing companies coming in.
So now all of a sudden, America gets this new boost to their economy.
America gets this new boost of manufacturing companies wanting to come and do business in America.
And that breaks China's will to dominate that sector, which is what they wanted.
And so now all of a sudden, with this whole North Korea thing, China doesn't have as much power to wield as they had before when they could just dominate that and take all the manufacturing.
But, see this is what the Democrats don't understand.
But maybe they do understand and perhaps they just want China to have the booming economy.
They don't want the United States to have a 3% GDP growth every year.
And in fact,
I truly believe we will see, I mean barring something catastrophic, we will see probably a four if not a five percent GDP growth within one quarter of Donald Trump's first four years in office.
And I really believe that.
And that's what you do to build your country back up.
If you're an enemy of a country, what do you do?
You attack their energy sector.
You try to destroy their energy supply.
Look at what Obama did to coal.
Trump reverses that, brings coal back, GDP shoots back up.
China's back's against the wall now.
I know that this is too complicated for the average, honestly, probably just the average person, but the average liberal has no idea.
They couldn't even probably find China on a map, if you want to be perfectly honest.
But then you have this story, could the Dow hit 25,000 before 2018?
It's flirting with it.
I think right now it's at like 24.7 maybe.
I'm not sure what it currently stands at.
According to this story published this morning, it was at 24.8.
President Trump, man.
He's not perfect.
I'm not going to sit here and fanboy over Trump, but I mean, my goodness.
Can you imagine if Hillary Clinton would have been president?
I can't even imagine.
I honestly, I cannot even imagine.
And you know, if Hillary Clinton would have won, none of this Weinsteingate would have happened at all.
None of it.
Weinsteingate would have never happened.
Hollywood would have never been exposed.
Because every time, every tactic that they use to try to take down Trump, whether it be this Russian probe that's now been exposed as totally biased, and now even beyond bias, with what appears to be traitors inside the government,
You've got this Weinstein gate where Hollywood gets exposed as a bastion of sexual deviancy and sexual assault.
And you know, you've got some people calling it both ways, like, yeah, okay, these powerful men in Hollywood were probably inappropriately abusing women, but at the same time, there were women in Hollywood that were glad to put themselves out there for a role or for career advancement.
So it goes a little both ways, but this was the battle they chose because they thought it would come back and land on Trump, which it's not.
It's not sticking.
So again, they're just exposing themselves.
A powerful person has been accused of misconduct at a rate of once every 20 hours since Weinstein.
And not to politicize this, but just to call it as it is, 90% of these people are good liberals!
90% of these people hang out in the same circle of friends as Bill and Hillary Clinton!
A lot of these people are even donating to Bill and Hillary Clinton's campaigns, Obama's campaigns, getting praised by the Obamas for how good they are, getting praised by the Michael Moores for how good they are.
Oh, then they get exposed as sexual assaulters.
Never would have happened if it wasn't for President Trump.
So, just remember,
Before you want to blame Trump of whatever it is you're going to try to blame him of, you're probably the guilty party and it's going to come back on you, Sheila Jackson Lee.
You might want to get out of office before you have a hard fall.
Now this story actually broke yesterday.
Date set for Trump's first physical exam as president.
I have a feeling that when we get these results, the physical exam is on January 12th, I don't know when they'll make it public.
I have a feeling that these results are going to trigger the liberals so hard.
Now this is actually going to be interesting.
Because you know that they're going to try to spin this and say he's unfit, try to invoke the 25th amendment, say he's unhealthy, he can't handle it.
That's going to be the spin, and then if they release the reports and he's fully healthy, healthiest president ever, what are they going to do then?
So this is just another liberal breakdown waiting to happen here when Trump's health is announced.
Honestly, I don't know how Trump does it.
I don't know how Trump works so hard.
I don't know how he sleeps four hours a day and is still able to do everything he does.
It's really quite shocking to me.
I could never do it.
And I'm 28 years old.
I couldn't imagine a 71-year-old man sleeping four hours a day and working his ass off.
But then again, as far as I know, this is the only president of the United States that's sober.
I've never heard of a president that never drank alcohol or never touched any drugs.
Obama used to brag about that stuff.
You know, maybe that has something to do with it.
He's never intoxicated himself with drugs or alcohol.
But that's just incredible, and I'm expecting that physical to be sterling, and for the liberals to actually freak out as the mainstream fake news spin is, he's unfit, he's unhealthy, he can't make it, we need to invoke the 25th.
Then the health report comes out, oh, President Trump is one of the most healthy 71-year-olds probably walking planet Earth.
Paul Joseph Watson takes over on the other side.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Support this network and not only support us but trigger the verified libtards on Twitter.
They had an absolute meltdown a few days ago.
They found an ad that I had cut for Brain Force, which by the way you should also get in 4WarsStore.com.
Always use the opportunity to promote it even more.
They had a meltdown over an ad that I cut in April and they found it like it was some secret and they were like oh my god this is the funniest thing ever.
So they literally had an autistic screeching fit over
An ad of me promoting Brain Force, which is a new tropic, which like literally half the people in Silicon Valley take, which everybody has their different brand of.
Oh, but when InfoWars does it, it's bad and it's funny somehow.
If that's the best they've got, we advertise products that got five-star independent reviews that you see right there on InfoWarsStore.com.
Brain Force Plus.
They had an absolute meltdown.
It was hilarious.
They wrote it at Vice.com!
Listen, if this is the best they've got against yours truly, that I advertised Brain Force six months ago, everybody in Silicon Valley takes some kind of nootropic.
This isn't like some hokey snake oil.
I mean, Joe Rogan built his entire podcast on selling his version of the exact same product.
Gonna go after Joe Rogan too?
Absolutely incredible that they had all these massive hissy fits over me making an ad for Brain Force.
Well here I'm making another one right now.
Gonna get triggered over this?
We'll sell even more bottles of it.
You're literally making Info Wars and me money with your autistic hissy fits.
Carry on with your autistic screeching.
Because it's a lot funnier from my perspective.
If that's all you've got, it's quite pathetic at this point.
Get your Brain Force right now.
Brain Force Plus.
Personally recommended by me at InfoWarsStore.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Owen Schroer here with Alex Jones sitting to my right and we are about to throw things over to Paul Joseph Watson.
We wanted to get a little round table going here.
And I'll just start it with this Alex.
I have never been more patient in my life because
Well, it's like, they've fallen apart at every angle.
They've fallen apart at Trump-Russia.
They've fallen apart on global warming.
They've fallen apart on open borders.
They haven't succeeded anywhere, Alex.
We keep winning!
And that's because no one ever really challenged them, and they had this con game going, this illusion, and the globalists had hijacked America and hijacked Europe and used those engines and our good name to take over the world, but ragtag groups for decades
Going back to Barry Goldwater, right through Ron Paul, you name it.
Ronald Reagan, when he was running for office, talked about the globalists.
Because of that, and then the new media like Drudge Report and Infowars, and then Breitbart and others that came along later, we normalized covering globalism and the new world order and what was really going on.
They thought they would just use the power of the appeal to authority of MSM
To just call us kooks, call us conspiracy theorists, but it doesn't work anymore.
But they are going to counter-strike.
I mean, 2017 has been an amazing year for Awakening, but I agree with Paul.
I think 2018 is going to be even more important than 2016 and 2017, and so everybody better be watching their six, and I think out on the offensive.
Paul Watson, tell us what you got coming up today.
Alex, we've got the news out of Germany where Berlin is setting up a safe zone, a cultural enrichment free zone, to protect women from migrant sex attacks.
They don't say that directly, but obviously that's what it's for given what happened two years ago in Cologne.
We'll see if it's xenophobic if these women run to the safety of these Red Cross stations where they can seek refuge from migrant sex attacks.
We've also got the left being completely triggered by Trump tweeting about global warming.
This continues to rumble on.
They're claiming that he's saying you can't disprove global warming by citing the weather, despite the fact that that's what they do every single day.
Well, they even cite volcanoes.
They even say volcanoes are man-made.
Yeah, any extreme weather event, even if it's in an isolated example, they say it's proof of global warming.
If you try to do that against global warming, no, no, no.
You're insane, you're anti-science.
Wait a second, the insanity doesn't stop there.
They blame migration.
On global warming.
They even say that migration is a result of global warming.
Yeah, they open the borders up, they say come in, they drive down the wages, they exploit the third world, implode them, write white papers admitting they're doing it by design, but then for public consumption, a dust storm, a volcano going off, an electromagnetic storm.
It's all us, the humans, it's all our fault.
What else is coming up, Paul?
Well, we've got a new prediction of terror attacks.
They're saying that the ISIS terror attacks are likely to increase in 2018 because they're being driven out of Syria and Iraq, of course.
The UK, along with a lot of other European countries, are deliberately allowing ISIS jihadists to return to the country.
Not just return, rolling out the red carpet in some cases, giving them welfare, giving them housing.
So yeah, of course the likelihood of terror attacks is going to increase if you import terrorists.
I mean, it's a pretty simple equation there, isn't it?
We've got MSNBC saying that Democrats need to run on an impeachment platform in 2018.
That's all they're going to talk about.
So again, they've got no actual policy platform.
All they've got is, we hate Donald Trump.
It failed in 2016, it's going to fail again.
But they've got nothing else to go with.
So that's all they're going to go with in 2018.
All right.
Well, Owen, great job co-hosting throughout the week.
I have this mixed deal.
Most Talk Radio doesn't do that different host over the show, but it's the Alex Jones Show.
It's Tim Fuller's live.
The listeners all know who it is, the host.
They love the whole crew.
And so we're going to have Paul Watson for the next two hours, then Rob Dews coming in in the fourth hour.
He's got the folks that
On 8chan and the rest of it.
Moderate the QAnon boards.
We'll talk about all that to take your phone calls on that subject and so much more.
Again, I'm Alex Jones.
Paul Watson is taking over.
Of course, Owen Troyer has just done a great job here in the first hour.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Mike in Arizona here on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a longtime InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks for the awesome BrainForce AnthroPlex.
My girlfriend would like to say thanks for the AnthroPlex, too.
I use the Biotru Selenium, the Super Blue toothpaste.
For you folks who aren't big normal toothpaste fans, the Super Blue is awesome.
And thank you so much Alex for the InfoWars Life products.
They are quality.
I can't wait to get some more.
And thank you so much for doing that for us to keep us healthy.
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order, and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, InfoWars is gaining more momentum.
Our movement is gaining more momentum.
And now, thanks to you, we are setting new milestones.
You have made Paul Joseph Watson set a new milestone over the last week.
So we thank you for everything you do for us.
Without further ado, I pitch it to Paul Joseph Watson.
Take over, Paul.
Thanks Owen.
Top story up on InfoWars.com this Friday.
December 29th is this headline.
Berlin sets up New Year's Eve party safe zone to protect women from migrant sex attacks.
Of course that's our headline.
They don't directly admit that that's the reason for this program.
In the actual press release in the article put out by the BBC.
But the article reads, Berlin's New Year's Eve party at the Brandenburg Gate, obviously an iconic location for freedom, not so much anymore, will feature a safe zone for women to protect them from rape and sexual assaults by gangs of migrant men.
Women who feel harassed will be able to seek help from a special safety zone located on Elbertstrasse, which will be staffed by the German Red Cross.
I remember last year, the one-year anniversary of the Cologne sex attacks, they had police out in force, and this is the footage you can see from the 2016 January mass molestation of women outside the Cologne Cathedral.
Again, police stood down, they lied about it, they put out an NPR-style taxpayer-funded documentary that said it was white German men responsible for the sex attacks.
Of course, that was complete nonsense.
The government itself
...admitted that the vast majority, almost all of the attackers, were North African migrants or asylum seekers.
We're talking women being grabbed, sexually assaulted, in some cases raped.
There was a woman who became pregnant after being pinned down and raped.
She had to have an abortion because of this.
Again, this is December 31st, 2015, Cologne sex attacks.
They tried to cover it up.
The year after they had police out in force and the left said, oh this is so xenophobic!
How dare you profile the precious Muslim migrants!
And yet they turned up again!
The next year they turned up in huge numbers even after all the negative publicity as a result of these mass sexual assaults the year before.
So that you can't even have police protecting women from being raped anymore without being called xenophobic in certain European cities.
So now they've got the Red Cross staffing a safe zone.
Again, this is about segregation.
Segregation of women in major European cities during major events.
This is the Islamisation of Western society.
Women who feel harassed will be able to seek help from a special safety zone which will be staffed by the German Red Cross.
While organisers will obviously never acknowledge it, the safe zone
It's blatantly designed to protect women from sexual assault by predominantly Muslim migrant men.
Now if you go to the BBC article which is linked from my article from Infowars, they admit that this is a response to events two years ago in Cologne which have since been repeated in other cities.
Every time there's a music festival in Sweden there's a
A number of sexual assaults of women, they call for banning old men because again you can't say exactly what type of men are doing this because that's xenophobic.
We can't actually crack down on the perpetrators now, just blame old men.
Just blame old men.
But even in the BBC article they admit this is a response to Cologne when quote hundreds of women reported being attacked by gangs of men with migrant backgrounds.
That's not Infowars, that's the BBC acknowledging that.
Again, despite the fact that they had a documentary, a lefty taxpayer-funded documentary in Germany come out later and say that it was German white men that were responsible and it was unfair to blame the precious migrants.
So they got the BBC being honest for a change.
Shocking footage, and we were rolling it earlier, we can roll that again, that later emerged from the night of December 31st 2015 in Cologne.
Shows women screaming as they're assaulted, with police totally overwhelmed and unable to properly respond.
One eyewitness, and we did an article about this at the time of the video, who was a hotel security guard who fought off some of the attackers.
Now remember, probably some of you will remember this article, they had a hotel security guard, big guy, I don't think he was German, I think he was an Eastern European, who was actually in fistfights with some of these migrants as the women ran behind him for protection.
Because the police didn't show up for about an hour, so women had to literally run into the doorways of hotels and try to seek refuge there.
He said at the time that police told him the scene resembled a civil war.
The few police that were there at the time when it began.
Some women were pinned down and raped by the migrants, with one victim even being impregnated and later forced to have an abortion.
You can link through to that story in the article.
Despite the unprecedented chaos, the German media failed to report on the attacks for days.
There was a huge cover-up in mainstream media.
This came out instantly.
As it was happening on social media, but there was a lockdown in the German media for days with them denying that this had even happened.
This is the same German media that works directly with the German government to cover up the identity of migrants when they rape women.
In both mass molestation cases and individual cases across the country.
That was official government policy, remember, to cover up the identity of these rapists for at least a year in Germany.
And they did that for days on end after this mass molestation, which was one of the biggest stories of 2015, easily.
And yet they covered it up for days afterwards.
Nobody even knew about it until this deluge of social media reports just became impossible to ignore.
German police were ordered to subsequently remove the word rape from their initial report.
Again, part of the cover-up, because at the time, Germany was being subjected to this great cultural enrichment experiment overseen by Angela Merkel, who now herself has basically admitted that it was a total failure, as have most of her government.
Her approval rating is collapsing.
The AFD, the anti-immigration party, swept into third place in the German election because of this completely failed policy that has seen German violent crime rates surge across the country.
So they covered it up.
They covered up Cologne.
Cologne's pro-refugee mayor, you'll remember this one, Mayor Henrietta Recker, responded to the incident by trying to absolve Muslim migrants of blame and was derided for suggesting that women prevent further attacks.
By keeping them at arm's length.
Just a mob of 20 men surrounding you as a woman.
Just, yeah, keep them at arm's length.
That's a solution, isn't it?
German Interior Minister Ralf Jaeger also asserted that Conservatives who criticised the wave of migrants flooding into the country on internet chat rooms were, quote, just as awful, those were his words, just as awful as the migrants who sexually molested women.
Absolutely incredible reaction from the German government.
Deny, deny, deny, cover up, and then blame the people who are criticising you.
Blame the people who actually want to stop this from happening again.
Despite virtually all of the perpetrators being asylum seekers and men from migrant backgrounds, and they had to admit, it took them about six months to admit it was true, but they did eventually.
Then the left came out and said, oh but these aren't refugees, these aren't asylum seekers, although some of them were,
These are people who've been in Germany for years.
Oh great, so these are the supposedly integrated migrants that are doing this.
Well great, that makes the problem even worse.
What are you talking about?
So after it was revealed, after they had to admit after about six months that it was mainly migrants, North African migrants, Germany's public broadcaster later released a documentary claiming the migrants were wrongly accused and that the real perpetrators were white German men.
We saw this elsewhere in Germany as well, when the crime stats came out.
When it came out that violent crimes against women particularly were through the roof, and they did the same thing in Norway.
They just said, oh, it's like Norwegian drinking culture that's responsible for this.
Again, complete cover-up.
Feminist groups in Cologne, you may remember this video,
Also responded by visiting the local refugee centre literally the day after and handing out roses to some of the very same migrants who may have been involved in the attacks in order to apologise for xenophobia.
So that was their first instinct.
After, what was it, up to a thousand women raped, sexually assaulted, groped, the local feminist chapter in Cologne, their first instinct was not to go on marches decrying this, demanding it never happen again.
No, it was to go to the migrant centre and give them flowers.
And anyone who criticised this was bad.
We're bad for saying this, that you can't sexually assault women en masse.
We're bad.
We're xenophobic.
Give roses to the actual migrants, some of whom would have been involved in these attacks.
Again, this is the fetishisation of Islam.
The alliance between the far left and Islam.
And that's seen no greater than in Germany itself.
Now, as I mentioned earlier,
The following year, of course they thought this was going to happen again.
We'll get into what happened the following year.
This is the Alex Jones Show, live breaking news at InfoWars.com.
Before we even had civilization 6,000 years ago, humans communicated through the clothing that they wore, the society they were part of, what class they were from.
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This shirt is the second oldest shirt in our arsenal.
It's been around about 19 years.
It's the classic InfoWars tyranny response team shirt.
And of course we've seen the NFL taking a knee.
Uh, during the national anthem to basically piss on the American flag.
That's disrespectful.
But when you fly the American flag upside down and explain under U.S.
code that the country is under crisis, it's a symbol of respect for the nation and the flag to point out the country is in crisis.
Our republic is in distress.
Ask me why.
This baby is a classic year-round.
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Thank you all for your support and check out the amazing Liberty Apparel at InfowarsStore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones, live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
We're live, it is December 29, 2017.
As we edge closer to 2018, we're talking about a top story up on Infowars.com where German women in Berlin have been offered the use of safety zones during the New Year's Eve celebrations coming up here in a couple of days' time, ostensibly to protect them from migrant sex attacks.
We've gone through the history.
We've pointed out that last year there was a huge police presence at Cologne.
And these are the cities where, again, these migrant men turned up in their hundreds.
Looking for what?
A repeat of the same thing that happened the year before in Cologne?
When there were numerous sexual assaults, absolutely horrific rapes of women.
That's now looking like it may happen again, potentially.
So they're setting up these migrant, these women's safe zones to protect them from Muslim migrants ostensibly in Berlin.
They're at the Brandenburg Gate, an iconic site.
But again, you know, I don't understand.
We're told that Muslim migrants are peaceful.
They respect women.
So why do women need safe zones to prevent them from being sexually assaulted in major European cities?
Doesn't make sense to me.
Jack Montgomery tweeted about this story.
Sharia by the back door.
Women only party zones in Germany.
Women only concerts in Sweden.
Women only train carriages in Britain.
That's being proposed.
Westerners are being persuaded to accept Islamic cultural norms in the name of public safety.
Again, it's all about bending over backwards to their culture.
Even though some cultures are better than others.
It's about complete capitulation and indeed they asked a professor after the Cologne sex attacks in 2015 what he thought it was all about.
He said the attacks were meant to send a message to Europeans that they cannot protect their women.
That was the psychological aspect behind it, according to that professor.
Now we're seeing again, bending over backwards.
Not any, you know, national conversation about should we stop importing millions of these people every year?
They've had to do that actually in Germany now just because of the backlash.
But again, that's not the conversation.
The conversation is about, again, bending over backwards, creating safety zones.
We don't need safety zones in major European cities during major celebratory events.
New Year's Eve.
We should not need that in Western countries.
This is not Egypt.
This is not Tahrir Square, for God's sake.
But again,
It's about acquiescing to an invasive culture, not reasserting our own culture, and taking a look at these immigration policies that have caused this problem in the first place.
No, we can't talk about that, because as the feminist said, who gave out roses to migrants the day after the mass molestation in Cologne, that would be xenophobic.
We have to have safe spaces.
Well, Viktor Orban has set up a similar safe space.
It's called Hungary.
This is out of Breitbart.
Accept the will of the people on migration, culture or hit the road, Orban tells Europe's leaders.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that Europeans are asserting their will by supporting leaders who reject mass migration and support Christian foundations and gave a warning to politicians who deny the natural order of democracy.
Of course, he's in alliance now with these other countries, especially Austria,
Check Republic and others that have this alliance which is based around rejecting mass immigration.
You don't see terror attacks in Austria, you don't see terror attacks in Hungary, you don't see mass molestations of women in Hungary either.
The Conservative Fidesz party leader told Kossuth radio listeners that 2.3 million Hungarians took part in the national consultation against the George Soros-backed pro-mass migration plan and Mr Orban now intends to spend the next few months convincing his opponents
That Europe is right to protect her borders and her culture.
So will he be successful in using his own country as an example to say, look, we're peaceful.
Women can walk down the street at night without fear of being accosted and assaulted.
Do you want to be like us or do you want to continue down this path of disaster, of cultural suicide?
Asked by the 180 Minutes host what made him think that after two years since the migrant crisis, progressive leaders would listen now,
Mr Orban said, because in the meantime elections are being held in Europe, those who argue for a mixed population and to abolish societies based on national and Christian foundations in favour of living in multicultural societies are continually losing ground in national elections, Orban observed.
Because we saw that in no greater example than in Germany a couple of months ago with the AFD surging into third place.
He went on to say, European people will assert their will.
Look at the elections that have been held in Europe over the last few months.
I think this process will intensify.
So Viktor Orban set up a safe zone for women.
It's called the entire country of Hungary because he's not following the same disastrous policies that created these problems in the first place.
London, on the other hand, different story.
This is also out of Breitbart headline.
Delivery drivers reveal London no-go zones made too dangerous to work by acid attacks and knife crimes.
Of course we had postal workers in Sweden repeatedly a few months ago and again more recently come out and say look we can't do deliveries to certain no-go zones in Sweden which don't exist according to the left and the media.
You're a xenophobe, you're a bigot if you say they do.
But the delivery drivers in Sweden are saying we're not going to go here.
The police are installing microphones on the streets to pick up the screaming of women being raped because they can't have police stations in the area because they just get attacked and firebombed.
But again, it's all conspiracy theory, no-go zones don't exist.
Well, delivery drivers have branded large parts of London no-go zones in which acid attacks and rampant knife crime have made them too fearful to work.
Again, the no-go zones that they say don't exist, you're a conspiracy theorist, a xenophobic bigot if you say they do exist.
The frequency of assaults using corrosive liquid in the city, officially the world capital of reported acid attacks, has left drivers choosing to take a big pay cut rather than braving dangerous areas of London at night.
So this would be very lucrative for some of these drivers, but they're saying we're just not going to do this, it's too dangerous now.
A quote, we used to work till 2am, now people are stopping before 10pm, one moped driver revealed to The Sun, after 8pm or 9pm, we're not going to those dangerous places.
Now they found out what exactly areas they refused to go to and, well imagine my shock, it was Hackney, it was Stoke Newington, boroughs which local MP Diane Abbott boasts are ethnically diverse, noting just 36% of residents describe themselves as white British.
Another area described as one to avoid by the drivers is Bethnal Green in East London, which lies in the corruption-plagued Islamist-connected borough of Tower Hamlets, again, where the white population's basically shrunk to about 30%.
White people, white British people, are a minority in London across the entire city.
These are the areas in which these acid attacks are taking place.
Also named by the drivers were regenerated regions.
Such as Elephant and Castle and Stratford, the latter of which police say is hit by child sex grooming gangs.
So again, you know, diverse, culturally enriched, lovely places to live.
Sex grooming gangs, acid attacks and the like.
US President Donald J. Trump has previously called attention
To some of the problems faced by Britain and its capital city as a result of mass immigration, especially that of terror attacks committed by Islamic extremists.
And of course, what was the reaction to that?
Well, the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, who calls London a beacon of diversity, said that Donald Trump was not welcome because he dared to tell the truth.
We'll be back on the Alex Jones Show live in the next segment.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
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For far too long, the liberal media complex has controlled the narrative.
For far too long, the silent majority has been muzzled.
The silent majority is no longer silent.
And we control the narrative now.
This is The War Room.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Gavin McInnes joins us, syndicated radio and TV host, former founder of Vice, you name it.
But just, it's going into overdrive, the desperation with this Russia crap.
And I used to laugh at it, but man, I'm not laughing anymore.
They have intelligence committee hearings, House committee hearings, and they say, those are the Russian agents.
No proof, no judge, no indictment, no FBI at my office.
Just total lies, like saying I'm an Easter Bunny from Pluto.
They never know when to quit.
They're just getting crazy.
Gab McInnes, what do you think's going on here?
Well, we're seeing the progression of lunacy.
I mean, over the past year, it started with fake news.
And then I stopped saying that because it wasn't just fake, it was deranged.
So I called it mentally ill news.
And now, it's crazy ex-girlfriend news.
Where she goes, I know you were with that Russian chick.
And you go, what are you talking about?
I just went out for beers with Matt.
Yeah, Matt was talking to someone else, talking to Alex, and Alex was talking to that Russian chick.
So you're with her now, and you go, wow, you deluded lady.
Please stop coming to my work.
Please stop screaming at me about people you think I was with.
Meanwhile, by the way, she's in bed with a Russian.
Like, for all this
Scrutiny, the left demands.
You turn the tables to them and you point the mirror at them and we find out, oh, she's on Craigslist setting up Russian gangbangs.
We've got Russians setting up ads on Facebook.
We've got lies about the Trump prostitute dossier.
So every time they get just a taste of what they put us through, they're exposed for the perverts and the colluders and the election riggers that they are.
You're right.
They've reached crazy ex-girlfriend level.
The New York Post did a feature today about a threesome I had in 1994, saying that we're bragging about sexual encounters.
Yeah, sorry I got laid when I was 24.
I'm 47 now.
Oh, that's the same thing.
They're digging through everything in the world just looking for somebody to tell lies, and it's all like, Jones had a lot of girlfriends.
I mean, it's like, what do they got?
Steven Seagal was in the news today.
In 1991, he asked a woman to sit on his face.
Oh my God!
Stop the presses!
I thought we were going through the normal stages of, what do you call it, death?
Where it's denial, and then it's depression, and then it's anger, and it's acceptance.
I forget the exact degrees.
But we started out with those, but we didn't go to the next one.
They just kept going on the crazy one, and it's gotten crazier and crazier.
They're getting people fired.
They're making up lies.
I think the way it ends is riots.
It really has to end there, because there's no rationale here.
They refuse to talk to you.
They hate free speech.
They don't want to give Nazis a platform, and a Nazi is anyone that likes Trump.
So you go, well, I can't rational.
I can't ration with you.
You're out of your goddamn mind.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Another world.
Another time.
In the age of wonder.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We're live, it is the Alex Jones Show!
Before we get back into the news, I want to tell you about some of the massive discounts we have at infowarsstore.com with the New Year's extended specials.
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I want to finish up with some of the cultural enrichment news.
I often say some cultures are better than others.
Well, we have this headline out of The Independent.
Sounds really reasonable, that, doesn't it?
A woman in Pakistan has been gang raped on the orders of a village council after she married a man of her own choice, according to local media.
The alleged assault occurred in a city, district, I cannot pronounce and won't even attempt to do so, near Faisalabad, less than 100 miles from Pakistan's border with India.
The Express Tribune reported.
Police have reportedly arrested three suspects, including two brothers, over the rape of the 19-year-old woman.
The teenager said in a press conference her father had brought her back home after village council members promised the family could give her away in a traditional ceremony.
Again, this is the culture we're importing into the West, and the Left says it's so progressive!
But the council allegedly kept her captive and allowed three men to rape her.
Again, perfectly reasonable.
The News Channel reported she later escaped captivity.
DNA testing reportedly confirmed she was gang raped.
Her family have appealed to authorities to hold council members responsible.
But again, you know, maybe that's just part of their culture.
Maybe we shouldn't be xenophobic bigots and say that gang raping women is a punishment for them wanting to marry
The husband of their choice is a bad thing.
No, we should be progressive.
We should tolerate that.
Not just tolerate it, let's bring it in.
Let's start saying that the hijab is a symbol of feminism, even though the very first feminist groups in the Middle East tore it off in protest.
Even though people in ISIS-occupied areas of Syria and Iraq, the first thing they do when they're liberated from ISIS is remove the hijab.
No, it's progressive.
We should tolerate it, not just tolerate it, but promote it.
Now we have gang rape being sanctioned by local councils and this has obviously been happening for decades.
In Pakistan, so why do you think when we import these people they think it's perfectly fine to sexually assault women who don't wear the veil?
But then let's fetishize the veil, let's embrace it, which is what the left is doing, let's have Barbie dolls released,
Hijab Barbie to normalise it all when this is the culture from which it emerges.
Now I've quoted
Muslim reformists, people who are in a position to know and say, no, this is the modesty culture.
The gang rape springs from the exact same well that the hijab does.
But no, let's embrace the hijab.
Let's exalt Linda Sarsour as the leader of the resistance, even as she tweets about removing the vagina of her critics, of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who's been targeted to death.
For death by Islamic extremists.
No, let's exalt those people.
Let's buy hijab, Barbie, and let's normalise all this.
That's what the left wants to do.
That's why they've allied with Islamists.
That's why ISIS in its own manifesto said, hey, we broadly share the same goals that the far left in America does.
They want to bring down America.
They want to bring down the capitalist system.
So do we.
Let's recruit them.
Let's give them weapons.
That was in their own
Propaganda leaflet that they put out.
We reported on it.
Then you had, of course, the FBI field memo, which we reported on, where they said Antifa members were going out to Syria and other places and meeting with Islamic terrorists for training.
That was an FBI field manual.
We put it in a recent article about that subject.
So that's why they're aligning, because they broadly share the same beliefs.
And because I'm not talking about liberals, I'm talking about the far left, the militant Antifa types, broadly sharing the same goals, the destruction of Western civilization as Islamic radicals.
So is it any surprise that they're glorifying, that they're embracing
That they're promoting this kind of modesty culture that leads to the gang rape of women by local council decree in countries like Pakistan.
Some cultures are better than others.
CNBC reports terror attacks are likely to increase in 2018 with ISIS and Al-Qaeda both still dangerous.
The caliphate may be in ruins but that doesn't mean ISIS is gone forever.
Terror attacks are likely to increase in 2018 as the destruction of the Islamic State's physical stronghold in Iraq and Syria will strengthen its will to strike out abroad, experts say.
ISIS will want to show that they're still in the fight and their followers remain as fanatical as ever, said Louis Saeed Passant, a former British Army intelligence officer.
The number of attacks globally will likely increase as the group switches focus from the war in the Middle East to international terrorism.
Adam Dean, executive director of the counter-extremism think tank Quilliam, makes a similar argument.
He said, quote, We're going to see, without a doubt, more attacks in the West.
Dean said ISIS is now more focused on revenge and warned against the false sense of victory that many expressed after the death of Osama bin Laden.
So ISIS is losing its territory in Syria and Iraq thanks to Trump dropping bombs on them rather than leaflets, which is what the Obama administration did.
So they're all making their way back to the European countries from which they emerged.
And we're letting them in!
We're rolling out the red carpet and saying, by all means, not only come back in, but we'll give you welfare, we'll give you housing, we'll give you jobs.
Meanwhile, people who've actually lived in Britain and fought for Britain in sporting events, patriotic people, are being deported.
Oh, but if you're an ISIS jihadist, you can come straight back in.
You know, Sadiq Khan says Donald Trump's not welcome, while literally I think it's over 400 ISIS jihadists have poured back into the UK while we face this unprecedented threat, while we have jihadists roaming the streets.
After three major terror attacks this year in the UK alone, now we have the highest proportion of ISIS jihadists being allowed back into the country.
Absolute insanity.
We'll be back in the next segment to talk about it.
We'll also talk about what happened in Cairo today when more Christians were massacred by an Islamic extremist.
This is the ideology that we're importing in the West, that the far left is embracing.
It has to stop.
This is the Alex Jones Show live breaking news at Infowars.com.
We'll be back, don't go away.
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Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones, the cure to fake news.
Coming to you live from Austin, Texas.
We are live!
It is the Alex Jones Show, December 29, 2017 edition.
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At InfoWarsStore.com, please support this network as it's under constant attack by getting the products.
Again, I make this point over and over again.
The reason they were able to take down other networks, or at least hamstring them, is because those networks were dependent on outside advertising.
I'm talking about the likes of Breitbart, you know, when they have huge leftist autistic screeching boycott campaigns against certain news outlets, against certain companies.
They're successful to a certain extent because those outside advertisers just cave to the pressure.
They don't know that it's an organised boycott.
They just freak out and pull their advertising.
We're not reliant on that.
We're not dependent on that because we have these products in-house.
We're only dependent on you and you as our audience.
We know you're not going to be influenced by unhinged, screeching leftist outrage mobs that try and bring down different opinions by sabotaging them financially.
Of course, we've had that happen.
In other areas, but not with the products because we're only dependent on you.
That is why we appreciate you getting those products at InfowarsStore.com.
Let's dip back into a few news stories.
I'm going to save the
Freak out over Trump's global warming tweet until the top of the hour because that's going to be a long one.
Let's get into a few smaller stories right now.
Government kills nine in attack on Egypt church.
Again the Coptic Christians being slaughtered.
This is barely even a news story anymore because it's become so prevalent.
A government opened fire on a church south of Cairo on Friday killing at least nine people.
In the latest apparent jihadist attack on the country's Christian minority.
Again, people don't care about minorities when they're not Muslims, or in other cases, other faiths.
When it's Christians, you know, who cares, right?
They're Christians.
That's the general attitude amongst many on the left.
Because these attacks are so commonplace now, they're being ignored.
Health Ministry spokesman Khalid Magad said to state television the gunman was shot dead after killing nine people and wounding others, including a police officer.
But the Interior Ministry said in a statement that the assailant, a wanted jihadist implicated in attacks on police, had been wounded and arrested.
Cell phone footage posted on social media appeared to show the bearded gunman wearing a bulky ammunition vest sprawled on a street, barely conscious as people restrained his arms and then handcuffed him.
The Islamic State group's affiliate in Egypt has killed dozens of Christians in church bombings and shootings over the past year and has threatened further attacks against the minority.
So again, huge amounts of Christians being driven out of the Middle East, being driven out of North Africa.
And again, it's barely a footnote.
What's the biggest story of the year?
Oh, it's the Me Too movement.
This has never been the biggest story of the year.
It's been the biggest story of the year for the past 10 years, even since the Iraq war when Christians were driven out of the region.
But again, now it's barely a footnote.
Sputnik News reports the US reportedly evacuates Daesh leaders, that's ISIS.
I don't know why news organisations continue to use the term Daesh because it just confuses people.
It's ISIS.
Leaders from Syria's Deir ez-Zor region again.
US helicopters have evacuated ISIS leaders from several areas across the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor to the country's north-east, Syria's SANA news agency has reported.
I remember a few days ago we had
The Russian general come out and say, why are ISIS jihadists still being trained by the US military in Syria?
You've got elements of the Deep State, which Trump obviously has no control over, that still want to overthrow Assad as part of that disastrous regime change policy that Hillary Clinton and Obama were following, and in some areas they're still training and protecting ISIS jihadists.
Remember the whole, oh, should we arm the Syrian rebels debate, when the Syrian rebels we're in alliance to were defecting to ISIS for years while that was still going on?
Well, now it appears that
They're protecting them.
They're evacuating them.
They're getting them to safety to get medical treatment.
The article continues.
SANA reported that according to residents, the jihadists were evacuated Wednesday and flown to safety in al-Hasakah province, much of which is presently under the control of Kurdish and US forces.
Sources said that several U.S.
helicopters had conducted low-altitude flights into the Alsad camp for temporarily displaced persons landing near the Al-Hasakah Dam in southern Al-Hasakah province, bringing in terrorist leaders reported to have joined a new group of militants supported and organized by the U.S.
So obviously they're going to label them
Something different than ISIS and say, oh, these are the moderates.
They're still jihadists.
They're all jihadists.
They're all in league with each other.
They either fight each other to see who can control the caliphate or they just defect to each other.
And in some cases, it appears that the U.S.
elements of the deep state are still not only training, but protecting those rebels when they need medical treatment.
In recent months, the Syrian government has repeatedly accused Washington of providing various forms of support for ISIS and other terrorist groups operating in Syria, including intelligence which allowed militants to attack Syrian army positions.
So again, they're giving intelligence to the terrorists who are attacking the Syrian army.
According to Damascus, US airpower has been used on numerous occasions to rescue terrorist leaders,
From there.
His deep state handlers convincing him to follow the same disastrous policy that Obama and Hillary Clinton have been following, that the likes of John McCain support too.
It appears that at least in some areas of Syria, that policy is continuing with these rescues of ISIS fighters, but they're just going to label them moderate rebels, they're going to call them by a different name, and everyone's going to look the other way.
But certainly Syria and Russia are ringing the alarm bell over it once again.
We'll be back in the next segment of the Alex Jones Show to talk about how the left is freaking out over, you guessed it, Donald Trump's tweet once again.
We'll be back, don't go away.
Just briefly,
My dad is an oral surgeon and dentist.
He's about to retire.
And about 15 years ago, he heard me ranting and raving about fluoride and toothpaste and how it causes brain damage and lower IQ and dental fluorosis.
And he said, son, I don't care who you have on the air.
That's a bunch of bull.
You need fluoride or you die.
And I actually showed him what was in the water supply and the fluoride.
He said, this is incredible.
This is Grignard Reagent's heavy metals.
They're covering for it, calling it fluoride under law with a loophole to dump toxic waste in the food and water.
Now, CNN had to admit last month, in utero and in children, massive IQ reductions.
Well, six years ago, the EPA said reduce it in water by half.
You don't drink your sunscreen, but hydrofluorosilicic acid is a
I don't
American Dental Association says don't brush children's teeth until age six with it.
Why does it say nursery water that at the store with added fluoride?
And they didn't add calcium fluoride, boys and girls.
They added hydrofluorosilicic acid.
That's why my dad and I developed, with the same folks that make Toms of Maine, it's private labeled, Super Blue non-fluoride toothpaste with colloidal silver and high-quality iodine, which you die without iodine.
Massive iodine deficiencies in the country.
If you drink the stuff that's at the store, it'll kill you.
That's a different type of iodine.
This is the real medical grade.
It's 33% off right now, and we have the bubble gum, natural flavor, organic flavor for children, that doesn't have as much of the peppermint in it, because it says concentrated toothpaste.
Super Blue Toothpaste, available at InfoWarsTore.com!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We are live, and once again, Donald J. Trump has trolled the left with one of his tweets and seized control of
The News Narrative.
This headline is up on Infowars.com.
Trump global warming tweet prompts mass triggering.
President Trump's tweet poking fun at global warming alarmists has prompted a mass triggering with the blue check mark brigade once again losing its stuff over Trump trolling.
Trump tweeted the following late last night.
Here's the tweet from Donald J. Trump.
He said, quote, in the east it could be the coldest New Year's Eve on record.
Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old global warming that our country, but not other countries, was going to pay trillions of dollars to protect against.
Bundle up!
Oh, you can imagine the seething autistic screeching that immediately followed this tweet.
We had a selection of those tweets in this article.
And again, this is the overarching point.
They use weather to prove global warming when it goes in their favour.
Whenever we have a hot summer, whenever we have a heatwave, the left, the global warming alarmists point at it and say, oh look, this is proof of global warming, it's so hot.
Trump does the same, the same thing that on the flip side said, look how cold it is, maybe we need some more global warming.
They say, how dare you?
You unscientific bigot!
How dare you claim that weather has any relation to long-term climatic trends?
That's what they do every single frigging summer!
In fact, you had Chris Sillizza from CNN tweet in response to this.
He said, quote, by the Trump logic, a warm summer would be incontrovertible evidence that climate change is real.
That's literally what the left claims every time there's a warm summer.
They want to have their cake and eat it.
Of course, they also claim that cold winters are part of global warming.
They claim that mild winters are part of global warming.
Just any weather, any weather whatsoever, any kind of hurricane season, any kind of extreme weather event, whether there are a few of them, whether there are lots of them, either way, it all proves that man-made global warming is real.
And you need to give us your tax money to soar it out.
You need to give us those lucrative government grants over and over again.
You need to pay those exorbitant, soaring electricity bills.
Look at Spain, for example.
They had a green economy, all based around this pseudo-scientific fraud.
25% unemployment rate.
That's what it resulted in.
It resulted in a 50% unemployment rate for young people.
They've got abandoned factories all over the country crumbling, falling apart, and they're all reliant on green energy, which is largely useless.
It takes more energy to power a wind turbine than the actual energy you get from it.
And what's the result?
Exorbitant, skyrocketing electricity prices.
I have to pay my parents' electricity bill because they can't even afford to pay it on their pension.
They live in Spain.
Completely out of control, but now Trump dares tweet about it in a jokey fashion, and the blue checkmark brigade just lose their stuff.
I mean, let's go back to this article.
Let's see some of these responses.
The mass triggering.
Daniel Dale said it's funny.
When Trump made his Paris court announcement, the White House evaded for days as reporters asked whether the president still believes global warming is fake.
He just tweeted it out.
David Frum.
This is what David Frum said.
Now, bear in mind, David Frum is a neocon.
He was George W. Bush's speechwriter before the invasion of Iraq.
He responded to this, and this is a funny thing that you see now.
All these neocons are trying to come back to prominence, having had their ideas completely annihilated by the course of history.
They're trying to come back to prominence by ingratiating themselves with the far left.
David Frum said, when the alien archaeologists study the ruins of human civilization, this will take a prominent place in their notebooks.
That's George W. Bush's speechwriter for the invasion of Iraq.
You know, if anyone knows about ruining civilizations, it's David Fromm.
We'll get more into this.
On the other side, this is the Alex Jones Show live breaking news at Infowars.com.
Don't go away.
Mike and Eric, you developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
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There's so many things that are in it.
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Alright, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
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Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So whenever we have a hot summer, whenever we have a heat wave, the left cites it as proof that man-made global warming is real, that we need to hand over more of our tax dollars to solve it, that we need to support the scientists
Who get by with lucrative government grants year after year after year, pushing this pseudo-science.
So weather proves global warming if it's hot, and if you're arguing for man-made global warming, but try and flip that around and say, look how cold it is, doesn't this disprove global warming?
How dare you challenge our orthodoxy?
They will come after you.
This is what's happening right now in the aftermath of this Donald Trump tweet.
We have Al Gore, of course, who was one of the cult leaders for this entire ideology stretching back over a decade now.
Al Gore came out and predicted over and over again that the North Pole would be completely ice-free.
He's been proven wrong again and again and again, which is the point.
All these climate scientists, Al Gore, whoever you want to look at, Paul Ehrlich, all of them, going back to the 60s, they all predicted catastrophe.
And they all cited certain dates by which that catastrophe would happen.
None of it happened!
They were caught lying, deceiving, over and over again.
Why is anyone still listening to these people?
I remember being a kid, being like 8, 9, 10 years old, and hearing on the news, oh, the north of England is going to be like the south of France within 15 years.
They're complete BS!
Obviously, you have minor fluctuations in temperature.
You have big fluctuations in temperature, in climate, depending on the behavior, the activity of the sun, which is the biggest driver of climate.
Even the UN's own reports, even their own biased reports, say that human activity is responsible for about 6% of temperature change over the course of about 100 years.
And even those figures are skewed.
We have the decline scandal, the whole climate gate issue, where they were caught changing temperature measurements to fit in with their doctrine.
These are liars.
These are deceivers.
These are pseudo-scientists.
We have this article out of Gateway Pundit, and we flash back to this every year because it's been proven wrong every single year.
Nine years ago, Al Gore predicted North Pole would be completely ice-free by today.
Nine years ago this month, Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice-free in five years.
Gore made the prediction to a German audience in 2008.
He told them the entire North Polar Ice Cap will disappear in five years.
In fact, we have a video of this.
Which we can go to in a second, where he made the same prediction in 2009 that the North Polar ice cap would be completely ice-free, be completely disappeared, melted.
By now, it didn't happen.
Let's go to this clip.
This is from 2009.
This is Al Gore.
Here it is.
...suggests to Dr. Maslowski that there is a 75% chance that the entire North Polar ice cap during summer, during some of the summer months could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years.
Within the next five to seven years, again that was 2009.
So he said by 2016-2017, the North Pole would be completely ice-free in the summer.
It would be completely melted.
He said that for numerous different years as well.
It didn't happen.
In fact, at the end of the summer this year, we had this article out of Zero Hedge.
Record Arctic sea ice growth in September.
So again, you've had the same thing for the Arctic, the North Pole.
We've had expansions, rapid expansions in sea ice, depending again on the behaviour, the activity of the sun.
Yes, sometimes it shrinks down.
Sometimes it rapidly expands.
But again, we're seeing it again after this Trump tweet, where they're all claiming, oh, the weather's not proof of climate change.
Oh, but it is if we say it is in summer, because that goes in our favour.
What's up with that?
Which is a scientific blog breaks it down with a headline.
Record-breaking winter cold.
Don't worry, the climate explainers have it covered.
The article reads, does record-breaking winter cold cast doubt on climate predictions of milder winters?
So again, remember, global warming was supposed to bring us milder winters.
Could any weather or climate shift cast doubt on the dominance of that wicked little trace molecule, carbon dioxide?
Apparently not, according to leading climate explainers.
It's cold outside, but that doesn't mean climate change isn't real.
That's the headline out of USA Today.
So what happens if global temperatures take a real plunge for a sustained period?
Don't worry, the explainers have that one covered as well.
They've got everything covered.
It's cold, it's mild, it's hot.
Extreme weather events.
No extreme weather events.
They've got it all covered.
It's all global warming.
Whatever happens, just conveniently, it's all global warming.
Shut up.
Don't talk about it.
You're a denier.
James Hansen.
Now he was on this whole Gaia train where they basically said that, you know, that part of the human population may need to be wiped out for the good of the Earth.
James Hansen, former NASA GISS director, published a paper which suggests global warming will trigger a short ice age in the near future.
So, if we get an ice age, that's also because of global warming and your sinful lifestyle.
It's your fault for having too many hot baths, as Prince Charles once said while he lives in opulent luxury in mansions around the world.
They've got all the bases covered.
Global warming is an infinitely flexible, unscientific, unfalsifiable theory which can be stretched to accommodate any observation
Some climate scientists even shamelessly reject the very concept of scientific falsification with regard to the conduct of climate science.
So no matter what happens to the weather, the climate explainers shamelessly cobble together an explanation which blames bad weather on your sinful lifestyle.
It's all your fault and whatever the weather does, that's proof of global warming.
Whatever the observation, the climate explainers have their theory.
Their infinitely adaptable theory, which they claim is science.
Warm weather confirms their worst fears.
Cold weather is waved away.
Whatever the observation, the explainers shamelessly adapt their theory to provide an explanation, based on their scientific theory, which cannot be falsified by any conceivable observations, even an abrupt plunge into a new ice age.
So even if we had a new ice age that lasted for decades, they would still continue to insist that global warming was responsible.
Oh, and by the way, these are the same people who back in the 70s, and you had Time Magazine, Newsweek, front page cover stories about this, who back in the 70s were saying that there was going to be a massive trend of global cooling.
That that was what humanity was responsible for, that's what we had to tackle in the decades going forward.
Again, proven spectacularly wrong, so why is anyone listening to them now?
Look at this headline out of Sky News.
Scientists predict mini ice age could hit UK by 2030.
A mini ice age that would freeze major rivers could hit Britain in less than two decades, according to research from universities in the UK and Russia.
You see a flashback headline where they predicted a global cooling back in the 70s were proven completely wrong.
But now a mathematical model of the sun's magnetic activity.
Again, the sun is the main driver of climate.
Suggest temperatures could start dropping here from 2021 with the potential for winter skating on the River Thames by 2030.
When did we last have
Skating on the River Thames.
It was during the last mini Ice Age, what now, 400 years ago, where we have artist representations of people ice skating on the River Thames in London, because it was a period called the Maunder Minimum, where sun activity was low.
Again, the sun is the main driver of the climate.
A team led by math professor Valentina Zharkova at Northumbria University built on work from Moscow to predict the movements of two magnetic waves produced by the sun.
It predicts rapidly decreasing magnetic waves for three solar cycles beginning in 2021 and lasting 33 years.
Very low magnetic activity on the sun corresponds with historically documented cold periods on Earth.
You could go through history!
Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, we swung wildly between warm periods and cold periods.
They see Time Magazine, the global warming survival guide.
The current propaganda phase is global warming.
If we have a mini Ice Age, they'll just switch it back and say, oh, by the way, you're also responsible for this.
Whatever happens, Ice Age, heatwave, cold weather, hot weather, you're to blame.
Give us your money.
Stop having hot baths.
We're the elite.
We're going to tell you how to live your life while we live in opulent luxury.
Screw you.
That's basically the message.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I will be back with more news after the break.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
Don't go away.
I remember a little more than a decade ago hearing people talk about and write about probiotics and how we needed to supplement healthy bacteria in our gut.
To displace the bad bacteria.
At first I thought it was a load of baloney.
But as I talked to established brain surgeons and scientists and experts on autism and so many other subjects, I began to learn that the globalists are actually very aware of the fact that the gut is the first line of the immune system and it's tied to the brain.
So I began taking probiotics and they made my life a lot better and a lot healthier.
We have developed with the top firms in the United States powerful 50 billion live organism probiotic floralife that is so critical
I'm good.
Floralife by itself at 50% off the amazing Advanced Restoration 50 billion live probiotics.
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MycoZX that targets the fungus, that targets the candida, that targets the mold.
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Because we know the good bacteria are being knocked out by the toxic food we eat.
So it's good to replace those with a high-quality source like floralife.
But what about the fungus?
What about the mold?
What about the candida?
It creates a literal slime wall in the intestines, and it feeds on the nutrients before your body even gets it, literally colonizing your body.
Fungus has been known to colonize fruit flies.
And other insects and other animals.
It's been connected to killing massive numbers of bats and connected to all sorts of serious health problems and brain tumors.
I mean, it's crazy.
We've only just begun to understand a little bit about what fungus and other things are doing in our bodies.
And we know our gut does not need to be filled with this garbage that has filled out the niches of our intestines because the good bacteria have been driven for our body.
So it's not enough to just have the floralife or another high-quality probiotic to replace your gut.
That's critical.
The other part is a compound like MycoZx that has all these key ingredients of organic herbs and other systems that are known to break down this garbage in the body.
That's why, at the end of the month of December into early January, we're offering Floralife at 50% off and free shipping, almost a loss leader, and Mico ZX, 30% off at InfoWareStore.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Watch me!
Watch me!
I got it!
We're live on the Alex Jones Show.
Before I get back into the news, I want to tell you about another great product we have available right now for 33% off at Infowarsstore.com.
It is Flora Life.
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What do we have?
Just a few days left of the year.
But you can take advantage of those huge discounts, support the network and get free shipping on everything at InfoWarsStore.com while supplies last.
Let's get back into some of this news, talking before the break about global warming and the left asserting how much they love science, how scientific they are, how bigoted, uninformed, and in some cases now they're claiming that Trump's mentally ill because he made fun of global warming, because he suggested for a moment he committed the thought crime
That it may not actually be a thing, given these massively cold temperatures we're experiencing, not just in America, but also in many parts of Europe.
For the left, they're all about science, right?
They stand on the side of science, unless you're talking about gender and sexuality, in which case there are 75 different genders.
In which case, chromosomes don't determine sex.
That's what they're literally saying.
These are the scientists.
These are the pro-science leftists.
They stand firmly on the side of science.
They're meticulous.
They also say that chromosomes don't determine sex.
Yes, this is actually a new story.
Biology professor lectures state rep on sex determination stuff.
The San Jose State University biology professor recently accused a Texas state legislator of being bigoted for tweeting that there are only two genders.
How dare he?
In case you forgot how many genders there are, that's the tone in which they tweet.
Republican State Representative Briscoe was hit back.
The backlash was monumental after he attached a picture of the XX and XY chromosomes.
He committed that particular thought crime.
Describing herself as a geneticist, Rachel French, the professor, the biology professor, responded to the tweet with an extended harangue in which she impugned Kane's motives and derided his understanding of biology.
This is what she tweeted.
Bear in mind, this is a biology professor.
This is who's teaching your kids right now.
Quote, hey, geneticist here, you disingenuously and for bigoted purposes oversimplified a complex phenomenon.
She went on to tweet a few notes.
One, sex and gender aren't the same thing.
Again, that's that incredibly deluded argument that there are untold genders, that toddlers can be gender fluid.
We had Lewis Hamilton, the Formula One champion, having to apologize
For ribbing his nephew because he was wearing a princess dress.
He said, boys don't wear princess dresses.
He was castigated.
He was crucified.
He was forced to recant for his thought crime.
Well, this is what this biology professor is saying.
Sex and gender aren't the same thing.
And two, chromosomes don't determine sex.
She literally tweeted that out.
This is a biology professor saying that the XX and XY chromosomes
Don't determine sex.
The most unscientific, incredibly obscure thing you could ever say as a scientist.
Chromosomes don't determine sex.
But these are the people who stand with science.
We're unscientific, ill-informed bigots for questioning global warming.
They're scientific when they say chromosomes don't determine sex.
These are the people who are teaching your kids.
Absolutely incredible.
Oh, by the way, Elizabeth Warren tweeted that she was all about the science.
This is the woman who claims, of course, Native American ancestry.
There's no evidence for that whatsoever, but she's all about the science too.
Absolutely insane.
Idiot protests Trump by yelling at his robot doll during Disney World show.
This is one of my favourite headlines of the week by far.
Trump derangement syndrome claimed another victim after a former executive assistant at NBC decided to protest the president by yelling at his animatronic robot doll during a show at Disney World.
Now you've probably seen this robot doll.
They have a big show, all the past presidents reading a statement, all the robots, they all look really lifelike, realistic, probably apart from the Trump one, which looks like it was a
A Hillary Clinton doll that they had to reconfigure after she lost the election.
Some people have claimed that.
So all these presidents, of course, current and former, get up and give this speech.
All these robots.
Very lifelike.
It's quite a good show.
Quite an interesting show.
But Jay Malski decides to
Assert himself as a member of THE RESISTANCE by getting up at this Disney World show.
Bearing in mind he'd be surrounded by parents with their kids.
Frightened kids.
Who's this screaming idiot, Daddy?
He got up and started screaming, lock him up!
At a robot.
He literally did that.
While other audience members, probably concerned about their frightened children, told him to shut up.
One of the audience members informed Mouski that he was literally yelling at a robot, telling him he's not real.
He tweeted, Mouski, the brave resistance member, tweeted, I protested real Donald Trump at the Hall of Presidents, cuz.
I'll never get this close in real life.
Hashtag lock him up.
Now, the responses to this tweet were monumentally funny, as you can go and see for yourself.
One person pointed out Disney World is a private park and has a set of guidelines and standards to ensure guests have a good experience.
That video is disgusting and immature.
Families trying to enjoy their vacations, not listen to your friend's ridiculous shouting.
Well, Malski doubled down in response to this by suggesting that his protest was legitimate because Disney is a public institution because it's a publicly traded company.
So this guy literally thinks that because Disney's on the stock market, that means it's a public institution.
Yeah, that's the level of intelligence that we're dealing with here.
In a tweet that was subsequently deleted, after he started to get attention for this, Malski posted a picture of the Trump robot and remarked, Okay, are we allowed to say that we want to murder this?
So he literally tweeted his desire to murder a Trump-like robot before he even did this.
This is a level of sanity.
This is virulent Trump derangement syndrome on display.
He's come out since and given an interview with a far-left SJW outlet.
Ekler of Trump animatronic at Disney World responds to haters.
He said, check your privilege.
Well, check your intelligence, because you're a complete dunderhead and you've been ridiculed beyond all expectation.
This is the Alex Jones Show Live.
We'll be back in the next segment with more breaking news, which you can find at InfoWars.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are back live on the Alex Jones Show, getting right back into this news.
Now, of course, a couple of days ago, we had CNN literally hiding in bushes to get footage of Donald Trump's golf swing behaving like crazed buddy boiler stalkers stalking their ex-boyfriends.
Well, now we have this headline, CNN's quest for truth.
Behind truck blocking view of Trump golf course stretches into second day CNN's quest to uncover an explanation.
There you see them hiding in the bushes to try and get a shot of his golf swing.
Absolutely incredible.
But they had a larger objective with this.
They were on a quest to uncover why a truck, and if a truck was blocking their view of Trump's golf course.
Well this stretched into a second day on Wednesday.
And once again bore no concrete answers, but rest assured, CNN's on the case.
Noah Gray, a producer for CNN who tweeted a picture of a white box truck in front of hedges adjacent to the golf course on Wednesday, tracked down what looked to be an identical, if not the same truck parked Thursday in a parking lot at the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Department.
When asked about the truck, again, this is an important national security issue, the Sheriff's Department told CNN it did not order the truck to obstruct the media's view of the President.
Grey Nota, the spokesman for the department, Todd Barbera, reiterated that denial on Thursday, saying the management team didn't order the truck.
So they're on it Wednesday, they're on it Thursday, no doubt they're still on it today.
Was this truck used to block the media?
The massive story that CNN's hot on the case of...
CNN's John Berman, who sat in for Anderson Cooper on his 360 evening program on Thursday, said that the truck, which was in a lot behind a fence, was parked in such a way that they could not compare license plates.
This is completely obsessive crap.
Berman also said that where the truck was parked on Wednesday outside of Trump's golf course, only Sheriff's Department vehicles had parked there previously.
This is how beset they are with every tiny frigging nuance of Donald Trump's life.
It's ridiculous.
The truck blocks CNN's view of the golf course one day after the network touted exclusive footage of the president hitting the links.
Remember before he was even inaugurated where Trump
I think it was Trump went to dinner with his family.
And the media, they were like, oh my God, he's gone to dinner with his family!
That level of obsession hasn't decreased a year later.
Let that sink in.
CNN reached out to the Secret Service.
Listen to the Secret Service's response.
This is funny.
For comment on whether it had anything to do with the Trump, the driver of which in the video could be seen blocking a view of his or her face.
The Secret Service responded in a statement, quote,
The U.S.S.S., Secret Service, is in the business of protection and investigations, not in commissioning vehicles to block the media's view of the President's golf swing.
And I think that underscores the ludicrousness of this obsession.
Hiding in the bushes, crafting conspiracy theories about Trump, using a truck to block their view.
There was another one a couple of days ago.
The Associated Press article asking, why does Trump only stay at Trump properties, Trump-owned properties, when he's in DC?
Well, the answer's obvious, because your relentless hysteria, your obsession, your relentless hysteria about his presidency being illegitimate, makes it unsafe for him not to stay in Trump-owned properties.
We don't want a James T. Hodgkins and Mark II on our hands, do we?
You've radicalised a significant portion of these idiotic resistance members, some of whom are quite prepared to carry out violence.
So why do you think Trump's careful about where he stays, where he appears in public?
When your level of obsession, your level of hysterical obsession, comes down to hiding in bushes and crafting insane conspiracy theories about trucks.
And the Secret Service being in on it and all that kind of stuff.
When you've got that level of obsession, when you've tried to delegitimize the very legitimacy of his presidency, of the election itself, you're going to have crazies out there who are willing to take a pop shot.
And your rhetoric is partly responsible for that, as we saw in the case of James T. Hodgkinson when he tried to shoot up a bunch of Congress members.
So why do you think he stays at Trump-owned properties in DC?
More Trump derangement syndrome.
Professor who blamed Trumpism for Las Vegas massacre resigns.
A far-left Drexel University professor known for making inflammatory remarks on social media is resigning from his teaching job, blaming a right-wing internet mob for alleged harassment.
The same
Blame excuse they come out with every single time.
You write absolute crap on the internet, you're going to get crap back.
It's called being a public figure.
Having an opinion on social media, you're going to get some back.
Whenever the left does it, whenever they get some heat back, oh, it's harassment.
Because they're snowflakes.
This is the same guy who tweeted that he wished for white genocide over Christmas.
That was his Christmas wish.
You know, a time when people come together, there's this, you know, unity of humanity, where we can drop the politics just for a few days, get together and celebrate the core principles of what it is to be a human.
We want white genocide!
That's the mindset.
George Siccarello-Meyer, an Associate Professor of Politics and Global Studies at the Philadelphia School, will be leaving next year.
They finally got rid of him after all these ridiculous statements on Twitter.
On Christmas Eve, he said all he wanted for the holidays was a white genocide.
This is a guy who said he wanted to vomit or yell after seeing an airline passenger giving up a first-class seat to a US military service member.
Voluntarily, by the way!
That's a nice gesture, isn't it?
Giving up your first-class seat to a US military service member.
No, it made him want to vomit and yell.
Oh but Sheila Jackson-Lee can just steal somebody else's seat and that's perfectly fine and they're racist for complaining about it!
This is the new left.
He's finally been made to... And those comments aren't even the worst of it.
In fact, you can go and look.
You can go on Twitter.
I think there's a Twitter account called 4LeftWatch which tweeted out some of his past statements.
Absolutely insane.
Anyone else would be banned for them on Twitter.
Imagine wishing black genocide.
You'd be banned in a heartbeat, and rightly so.
This guy tweeted that a year ago.
Nobody touches him.
He's sacred.
But now he's finally being forced to resign from his job.
He's whining and bitching about harassment because people dared to challenge his dumb frigging opinions on Twitter.
See you, moron.
The American Mirror reports CNN's Don Lemon, Trump saying Merry Christmas is a dog whistle to base.
President Donald Trump wants Americans to feel free to say Merry Christmas again, but CNN's Don Lemon thinks that's a dog whistle to his base.
Lemon aired a clip from Trump pointing out that people are saying Merry Christmas again since he took office.
And he said, quote, This is a line that we've heard from Donald Trump many, many times.
Why does he continue?
This is a dog whistle to the base because no one has ever stopped saying Merry Christmas.
So the left are coming out again.
They're saying, don't be stupid.
We never stopped saying Merry Christmas.
The war on Christmas isn't a thing.
Forget about it.
Stop obsessing about it.
What's your problem?
Oh, by the way, they're also saying we're triggered by Trump saying Merry Christmas.
We say it promotes white nationalism and we're implying that it's racist.
So anybody who complains about Merry Christmas being kind of frowned upon, they're insane, they're conspiracy theorists.
Oh, by the way, we're going to frown upon you saying Merry Christmas and say you're racist for doing so.
Newsweek article claims Trump uses Merry Christmas to promote white nationalism.
So again, Don Lemon is up there saying there's no war on Christmas.
Nobody says saying Merry Christmas is a bad thing.
The same mainstream media is saying that anyone who uses the term Merry Christmas is promoting white nationalism.
That Donald Trump is a dog whistle for white nationalism.
This is out of Newsweek.
This came out like a week ago.
How Trump and the Nazis stole Christmas to promote white nationalism, the author and several academics link Trump's repeated Christmas wishes to a desire to exclude other religions and foment a culture war.
So again, there's no war on Christmas.
Nobody's telling you you can't say Merry Christmas.
Oh, by the way, if you do say Merry Christmas, you're racist and a white nationalist.
Absolutely incredible mental gymnastics from the left.
And Don Lemon had an entire panel where they were up there saying, oh, nobody's attacking Christmas.
Oh, by the way, if you do vehemently say we should all say Merry Christmas, you're a white nationalist.
Oh, you can't have it both ways.
Absolutely incredible.
We'll be back in the next segment.
The final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
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And joining us is a true visionary, best-selling author, researcher, scientist, Dr. Michael Savage.
He's written many number one New York Times best-selling books, but he's got the newest one I can't wait to read, God, Faith and Reason.
He was the first person I ever heard, like 15 years ago, say that liberalism was a mental disorder.
And I got that some were clearly mentally ill, but now, with Trump derangement syndrome, it's a mass psychology of mass mental illness, and it's getting worse, and the most radical ones are adding to the hysteria.
It's like telling a schizophrenic, oh, it is true, there are men in the walls coming to eat you.
That'll make them go jump off a cliff.
So now the media has told them, yes, Nazis are everywhere, yes, everything's horrible, even though the economy's getting better and all these good things are happening, they are literally going insane and assaulting
Dr. Savage, myself, women wearing Make America Great Again hats are being beaten up on the street.
Michael Savage, you told us what was coming, so tell us the next level.
What's coming next?
It's my Einsteinian moment, Alex.
I discovered it in writing this book.
Why is God invisible to us?
Why are we not idol worshippers?
Why are we not worshipping period blood and chicken feathers, as so many of the immigrants seem to do in basements?
You know, with chickens and vultures and God knows what.
You drive around in San Francisco, they used to be in New York on the cars, a little Saint Christopher medal on the dashboard, right?
I figured they're nice Catholic people.
You drive around in San Francisco, they can't even see through the windshield.
Dream catchers, pillows, voodoo dolls.
This is the meltdown of the United States of America.
Once we lost our connection to the roots of America, which was deeply rooted in monotheism, in one God, once we lost that, we started to lose America.
And it all started with Allen Ginsberg, Timothy Leary, and William Kunstler, the three most evil people in the history of this country, who took this country from where it was to where it is.
And we've only begun on this insane road, Alex.
You know it and I know it.
You live it every day.
So what are we on the other side of reality supposed to do?
Put up with it?
Well, we do.
But we gotta resist the resistors.
Because we are the true resistance.
They're garbage.
They're nothing.
They're insane.
They'll go away like you blow them down in the wind.
I'm not to fear them.
They're nothing.
They're garbage.
And I wanna know why the Hells Angels haven't come out, the plumbers haven't come out with pipes, the electricians haven't come out with wire, and said, cross this line.
That's it.
You know, back in the 60s, during the anti-war demonstrations, in New York, the head of the plumbers union said, enough is enough with these scumbags.
And he called out the plumbers to come out to the next hippie march.
Let me tell you something.
The hippies never marched again where the plumbers were.
And that's what has to happen.
There has to be a line in this country.
It's enough of these insane crybabies.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen, right here on the Alex Jones Show!
We're live it is, final segment of the Alex Jones Show because Wallroom with Owen Troyer is coming up next.
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Now I want to talk about this article, which actually was up at the Daily Mail, which is a little bit confusing because normally they get most of this stuff right.
This is by David Mark Tosco, who breathlessly tweeted, exclusive, a White House intern flashed the white power sign while posing with Trump and the rest of his intern class last month.
So he thought he had a big exclusive on this dark, shady expression of white supremacy amidst Trump's inner circle.
I think they changed the headline later on the Daily Mail to try and water it down because they realised they'd put their foot in it.
The headline of the Daily Mail is exclusive.
White power at the White House.
Trump in turn flashes alt-right symbol used by notorious extremists during group photo with the President.
A former White House intern is coming under fire after flashing his own white power sign during a photo op with President Donald Trump.
Jack Brewer, who graduated from Emory University in Atlanta, is clearly blocking orders personally given by the President to give a thumbs up in the picture that was taken in the White House in November.
So this is his big exclusive.
A month-old story
Of a young guy doing the OK hand sign during a photo.
That's your big exclusive, is it?
Absolutely incredible stupidity beyond the pale.
Even the ADL!
I mean, use Google for God's sake!
The ADL came out, what, a year ago, nearly a year ago, and said the OK hand sign is not a white supremacist hate symbol.
That was one of the headlines out of the Independent Anti-Defamation League, says OK hand sign, not a white supremacist hate symbol.
So even the ADL, which, you know, its entire foundation is based on creating
Hysteria over supposed hate symbols.
Supposed hateful messages.
Even the ADL, which makes its money off doing that.
Its very existence is dependent on fanning the flames of that hysteria.
Even they said it was not a white supremacist hate symbol.
And they said that nearly a year ago.
Like, can you use Google.com?
Oh, and a big exclusive.
Somebody did the OK hand sign a month ago.
They've ruined this guy's life.
The top thing that's going to come up when anybody searches this guy, when he's applying for a job, is that he's a white supremacist.
Turns out he's Jewish.
Daily Mail did an update, Daily Caller, sorry, did an update story on this.
White House intern Jack Brewer, accused of flashing white nationalist sign by Daily Mail, tells me he was simply emulating POTUS, Donald Trump, who's also done the same OK sign on numerous occasions,
And he has Jewish heritage!
This guy's Jewish!
Mike Tokes came out with a tweet in response to this, addressing the writer of the Daily Mail article who fell for this stupidity and seems incapable of doing a basic Google search.
He said, David, the slightest due diligence would have shown you that this is not true.
It is not a hate symbol.
You've caused irreparable damage to this intern's reputation and future career prospects.
Retract and issue an apology immediately.
Whether they've done that in the time since this came out yesterday, I didn't have a chance to check, but that's the case.
They've damaged this guy's reputation.
Any potential employers are going to look and see, oh, he's a white supremacist.
No, he's not.
This was a 4chan troll to get you to say that doing that is a white supremacist hand sign.
And you fell for it over and over again.
Just because a bunch of people on an internet forum say it's white power doesn't make it so.
It's the OK hand sign, and even the ADL acknowledges that fact.
So you're literally spreading fake news and ruining this guy's life.
And as far as I've seen, there's no retraction yet.
Remember back, I think it was about six, eight months ago, Mike Cernovich and Cassandra Fairbanks got up in front of the White House Press Briefing Room altar there, the lectern,
And did the same thing.
Then the Independent came out two days later and said, oh my God, look at this bombshell proof of white supremacy.
These are the same people who are actually attacked by the alt-right on a regular basis.
But no, they collectivise, they lump everybody in, they try to demonise Trump supporters by saying they're white racist nationalists for doing that.
The OK hand sign.
This is fake news.
This was fake news nearly a year ago.
But they're still
Promoting it, they're still pushing it, they're ruining this guy's reputation, they're ruining his future career prospects.
Stop being idiots and falling for every single frigging 4chan troll!
It's quite simple.
Moving on, MSNBC contributor urges Democrats to run on Trump impeachment.
This was James Peterson who was asked by Steve Kornacki, is impeachment part of the message for 2018 for Democrats?
He responded, it absolutely should be.
So again, the Democrats have no actual policy platform.
They're running on being the anti-Trump party, even though that that specific reason was why they lost in 2016.
We should welcome this.
Any Trump supporters should love this.
They still have no ideas whatsoever about how to reach the middle and working class with actual policies.
They're absolutely terrified that the Trump tax cut will resonate with people in the working and middle class, as it already is.
What's their response?
Oh, should we get an actual policy platform that addresses this?
Maybe cater to these people who voted for Trump for that very reason because they've been abandoned economically?
We're just going to continue autistically screeching about how evil Donald Trump is, about how we should impeach him.
They've got nothing.
They've still got nothing.
It's not going to translate into votes.
It didn't before.
It's not going to do it again.
Will they actually get a policy platform this time?
It remains to be seen.
Farmer's markets are now racist, by the way.
Another thing you can add to the list.
Farmer's markets are insidious white spaces, normalised white eating habits.
So hipsters, which, you know, those are the kind of people who attend farmer's markets, they're racist, you can't attend them anymore.
Farmer's markets normalise the food consumption habits of white people and contribute to the oppression of minorities, according to two professors at San Diego State University.
Again, these are the people teaching your kids.
Farmers' markets are one such environmental improvement that can lead to gentrification, Bosco and Jossar argue, saying farmers' markets are exclusionary since locals may not be able to afford the food and all feel excluded from these new spaces.
So the author of this article, Chris Menehan, points out, when white people move out of a city, it's white flight.
When they move in, it's gentrification.
And when they move to another country, it's colonization.
So basically,
Any behaviour while white is racist.
This social exclusion is reinforced by the whiteness of farmers, the professors argued.
Whiteness of farmers markets and the white habitus that they can reinforce, the professors say, describing farmers markets as white spaces where the food consumption habits of white people are normalised.
God forbid would you have something that caters to a certain segment of the population.
As you would with Mexicans or black people, now it's okay for them, but white people, it's racist for them simply to turn up at a farmer's market.
So white people casually eating food is now racist, another one to add to the list.
Fitness coaches guilty of perpetuating fat oppression, professors warn.
I can't figure out which is the funniest here.
We've got a biology professor saying the X chromosome and the XY chromosome don't deserve insects.
We've got professors saying that farmers markets are racist.
We've got other professors saying that fitness coaches, people in gyms who try to help people lose weight, are now perpetuating fat oppression.
Once again,
These idiots are teaching your kids.
That's going to wrap it up for the show.
Owen Troyer is coming up.
Ballroom Live!
Don't go away.
You can't have a right if it's not being exercised.
I think this video is going to trigger leptards.
So this is a Glock 18C machine pistol.
This fires about 11 rounds.
Pretty crazy.
We've also got an M249 SAW.
Wow, that's fun!
Up against the wall, commies!
That's amazingly cool.
This is the best race I've ever been to.
They got the big thing downstairs.
They got this VIP area.
It's a little bit more.
And it's, you know, it's usually really busy downstairs when I come here.
But, I mean, come on the weekends, it's real busy.
But during the weekday, tag off your family.
Come and shoot it.
That's what we say.
Come and shoot it.
Yeah, instead of come and take it, come and shoot it.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome, everyone, to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
This normally is called Overdrive, and I'm your host, Rob Dew.
Thanks to Paul Joseph Watson and Owen Schroyer for sitting in.
I'll let you know that Owen will be, in about an hour, will be going live at infowars.com forward slash show for The War Room.
But for the meantime, I will be here.
For the most of this hour, I'm going to be conducting an interview with two individuals known as Pamphlet Anon and Baruch the Scribe.
And these two individuals reached out to me.
They're moderators on 4chan and 8chan and Reddit, and they mainly deal with cultivating the news that QAnon has been putting out.
If you're not aware who QAnon is, we're going to go over that.
I really wasn't aware until I found these two Jerome Corsi stories back in December.
I'd kind of heard about QAnon, but I wasn't really paying much attention to it.
I don't really get on a lot of 4chan boards.
Or anything like that.
But here's an article from December 22nd.
QAnon links resignation of Google Schmidt to Trump's executive order.
And the executive order they're specifically talking about is the executive order blocking the property of persons involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption.
And that is what he did.
He actually signed it on December 20th and December 21st.
It went in and then immediately Eric Schmidt resigns.
So it was a very short post.
It's in the article.
You could read it.
The executive order allows the Treasury Secretary in consultation with the Secretary of State to confiscate U.S.
assets of anyone materially assisting, sponsoring, or providing financial material or technological support to those engaged in human rights abuses and or corruption.
So I covered that a few days ago on The War Room, and people are speculating now that it has to do with Schmitt's womanizing, and who knows how many flights he took on the Pedo Express.
Or if he did go on it.
When she arrived at the DNC to run for president, everything was in shambles.
And then Eric Schmidt came in and helped organize her voter databases, her online strategy, how she was going to win.
Billions and billions of dollars behind this failed candidate.
And she couldn't beat one man with his Twitter and his private jet.
So what it shows you is the awakening that's happening.
And so these two individuals that are going to come on that are part of Anonymous is really about
It's just another manifestation of the global awakening that really took place this year.
It's going to turbocharge next year.
We're already seeing the fall of mainstream media happening in real time every day.
Something happens where we just take a brick from their facade.
But let's go into this article.
According to the cryptic narrative, Schmidt played a major role in Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign and in the subsequent conspiracy to promote the CrowdStrike analysis of the DNC email heist and the Fusion GPS dossier.
So that may be one reason why Schmidt is getting out.
And because he knows that his time has come.
Also, shockingly, QAnon directly suggests that the heist of the DNC emails, including emails from the Hillary campaign chair John Podesta, were an inside job by Seth Rich, an IT employee of the DNC, who became disillusioned with Hillary.
Rich realized they were colluding against Bernie Sanders.
We've talked about that.
This is information I think most of our audience already knows.
So shockingly QAnon also claims Debbie Wasserman Schultz put out a contract to MS-13 gang members to murder Seth Rich.
That would be bombshell if we were able to get bona fide evidence of that.
At this point it's just a claim on an anonymous board.
So we're going to talk to these two guests coming up.
I don't know.
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He's going the distance.
He's going for speed.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
So just a quick show note to the crew in there.
I didn't have much time to talk to them before I came on.
From time to time I'm going to be referring to things on my computer and feel free to go to it.
And I also want to show my menu bar so people can follow along at home because we're going to be jumping between Reddit and 8chan posts and jumping all over the place.
And if you haven't been into this culture,
It can get a little confusing.
My two guests are going to say you should lurk instead of post and ask questions.
Just kind of watch and you'll see how things play out.
But if you go to reddit.com forward slash r forward slash cbts underscore stream it will take you to a sticky post that went up this morning by Pamplinanon basically talking about this information and if you want to post things on here
This is a good place to post your information that you have.
What we're trying to do here is to reach out.
Two patriots out there who might not be aware of this system set up, because when I was talking to the two guests earlier today, they said, we wanted to start doing these to get people to come out and bring out more information, help connect more dots, because they're only interested in the truth.
They're not getting paid to do this.
They're doing this as volunteers.
But there it is.
CBTS stands for Calm Before the Storm.
I don't
And it's about 500 pages long.
It's a PDF.
And I'll be referring to that from time to time.
So there you can see the calm before the storm.
When you see that, that's what it stands for.
Calm before the storm.
And I'll go to pamphlet first.
And where do you want to start with this?
Why is QAnon so important to where we're at today in this global situation we find ourselves in with Trump coming in and really taking it to the globalists?
Well, first of all, hey, how you doing, man?
I'm doing great.
Thanks for joining me.
Yeah, thank you.
Okay, QAnon is important, I think, because early on in his post was that this is going to be the biggest Intel drop in all of world history.
And I think that's absolutely true.
This is far bigger than
It's far bigger than anything that's come before.
It encompasses so many different groups of people in power that it's just mind-boggling.
And the things that he's revealed are just, it's shocking to people.
What do you think the biggest bombshells that he's dropped so far?
Uh, Matt, what do you think?
Hey Rob, great to be on your show.
Hi Brooke.
Yeah, it's terrifying.
It's the fact that the world is run by faith and worshippers, which Alex Jones has been saying for decades.
So I think if you've been listening to InfoWars, then you'll know this already.
It's just we've had confirmation now from this individual who is obviously one of President Trump's right-hand men.
And I'll say this, I'll go back to the top of this PDF if you download it.
It's fairly large, but I think it's worth it.
One thing that's great about this is it takes everything offline.
There's a picture, one of the first Q posts is a picture of Trump and Stephen Miller, I believe Kushner's in here, and they're all giving the thumbs up, and if you follow
That picture, man, I think it's just more like a funny... You can't really draw any firm conclusions from that.
It's definitely interesting.
And also another point with that, the file name of that image, I believe, had the words, do it.
Which is just, it's great.
But there are a lot of other things that came up after that picture that really do prove him to be what he says he is.
Now, his first post was on October 28th, so he hasn't been posting for that long.
Barely, I guess today would be three months.
Actually, yesterday was two months.
I'm sorry.
Two months.
That's right.
His first post was talking about Operation Mockingbird.
Hillary Clinton's going to be detained, not arrested, and then we've seen Hillary Clinton wearing a boot, which some people claim she's hiding an ankle bracelet, one of those ankle bracelets that don't allow you to leave your general area, your country, or whatever.
Where do you think that lies?
And I know that's kind of speculation at this point, but then we'll get into some of the hardcore things that we can prove.
Yeah, Rob, so the way Q has been leaking has been really interesting.
What he's done is, most of the time, he's been asking questions that basically answer themselves.
So if you've got that PDF in front of you, or the map, he'll fire off a whole lot of questions.
Was the election supposed to be rigged?
Did good people prevent the rigging?
Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?
I'm just reading Q's 12th post here up on the web.
Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?
Who guards former presidents?
So what he's doing is he's giving us background information directly, because of course, you know, each the next question answers the previous question.
So he's giving us information, which is very difficult to pick up via semantic analysis, through surveillance.
Software is pretty bad at that at the moment.
But what he's also doing is asking us, he's giving us riddles that we need to solve.
So we can then dig deeper and find out what is the truth behind what he's leaking.
And in this first post, at the very bottom, it says he's got Mockingbird at the top.
Then he has Mockingbird 103017, which would have been two days later after he made this post.
He also is talking about Soros' money.
Why did Soros donate all of his money recently?
Why would he replace all of his funds in a RC?
What does RC stand for?
Sorry, man, which post are you looking at?
I'm looking at his first post, October 28th.
The very first one.
Right, the very first one.
Where is HRC?
Is that what you're asking me?
No, no, no.
He just says RC.
Why would he place all his funds in a RC and then... Oh, yes.
It's at the very bottom.
Registered charity.
George Soros transferred his personal funds into his Open Society Foundation.
Obviously a bit of a panic move to try and protect it, but yeah, I don't think it's gonna work.
And so you think he might use this executive order to go after George Soros as well?
I think he already has.
Now, you were telling me earlier that there was a post that it took you a month to figure out what he was saying in it.
What page number is that post on?
And we'll go to it and we'll show it to everybody.
Oh, wow.
Okay, that is a little bit tricky.
I'll tell you what, Rob, I'll tell you what the most spectacular example for me is.
Is the Lord's Prayer.
Queue on November the 15th.
I think so.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
He writes out the Lord's Prayer.
And, yeah, I don't think we really even noticed that.
Okay, so that's now November the 15th.
Alright, hey, we're about to go to break.
I'll let you finish that up on the other side.
You're watching the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host Rob Doo.
Infowars.com forward slash show is the free stream.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
All right, we are live here in the fourth hour.
I'm your host, Rob Dew.
Thank you for watching.
Infowars.com forward slash show is the free stream you need to send out to everybody.
And we are talking with two moderators on 4chan and 8chan and Reddit, who basically have been cultivating and curating the QAnon posts.
And we were focusing on a post from Tuesday, the 14th of November.
And it is, if you're reading along at home, you can find it on page 175 in your textbook of QAnon posts.
It starts off with who financed 9-11?
Who was Bin Laden's handler?
Why was the Clowns in America, that's CIA, tasked to hunt, capture, kill Osama Bin Laden?
Why not military intelligence?
If we found Osama Bin Laden, eliminated security, why would we not kill him and not take him alive?
Why wouldn't we want to capture him and extract more information?
And he also says, it alludes to an endgame talking point, I guess you could say.
Perhaps someday we will understand, people will understand, they had a plan to conduct another mass extinction event.
World War I, World War II, orchestrated by planned select families.
Not a lot of this is stuff we know, but then he goes into the Lord's Prayer, and Baruch, why don't you break that down?
Why do you think it's important
We were, as we were going to break, you were kind of getting into that.
Why was it so important that he go into the Lord's Prayer at the end of this?
Yeah, Rob.
You're absolutely right.
Some good questions from Q to make us think.
Go do research.
And then he typed out the Lord's Prayer.
And yeah, I didn't get it.
I thought, OK, Q is a Christian, maybe he's a Catholic.
I mean, he has thumbs up another post to a Catholic prayer.
So I thought, wow, that's cool.
He's a Christian, that's brilliant.
And then on November the 7th, I think it was?
Sorry, I think it was on December the 7th, still holiday, so a few weeks later, the Pope announces that he wants to change the Lord's Prayer.
And yeah, so a couple of people noticed that.
I missed it.
But then Q popped on two days later and said, future proves past.
Why was the Lord's Prayer posted?
Which version?
Why is this relevant?
And I was absolutely floored.
Basically, Q knew somehow the Pope was going to change the Lord's Prayer.
So here's an individual who has somehow inside knowledge of the most secret inner workings of one of the most closely guarded places in the world, which is the Vatican.
That was very, very impressive.
That was amazing.
That was the most spectacular proof I've ever seen.
And you notice he didn't give it away up front.
He didn't say, oh, the Lord's Prayer is going to be posted.
Guys, keep your eyes open.
No, because that would just alert, you know, whoever's watching, the bad guys, because the bad people do watch these forums as well.
So Hugh gave us this perfect method of proof, which he could then go back and say, see, told you so.
Yeah, that's staggering.
The queue knows the Pope's mind.
Yeah, exactly.
And he has made some predictions on that FAQ.
He predicted President Trump's Twitter being shut down, I think a couple days before.
He predicted the upheaval in Saudi Arabia.
He predicted an incident with a helicopter at a Rothschild estate in the UK days before it happened.
He predicted a terrorist attack by Bangladeshi National involving fireworks the day before it happened.
I mean, this is incredible stuff.
He would have to be getting this, you know, distilling info from the NSA, presidential briefings.
I mean, where would you, how would one find information like this?
You would have to be getting almost like tuned into the consciousness of the world, it seems like.
Yeah, I think you're absolutely right.
This is a man or a team who is standing right next to the president.
And who knows exactly what the President is doing at all times.
You can't just suck this out your thumb.
This is hardcore prediction of the future.
And that's very important.
I mean, like you were saying right at the beginning of the show, these are anonymous posts on 4chan and 8chan, which are famous for being anonymous.
I think so.
Yeah and I think that's why it took a couple months for him to rack up some of these predictions and then people started really taking notice.
Jerome Corsi's been taking notice as well.
He's been writing articles.
I'm sure he'll be writing one about this interview today.
There's a post from Monday, November 20th.
It's a really long post, but talking about what is a key, what is a key used for, using these question things.
But then he goes into the MSM.
But he also makes a little nod to the alternative media.
Why are non-MSM platforms cast as conspiracy and or non-credible?
This is page 178 if you're reading along in your book at home.
What power of influence was recently discovered?
Read 2016 election.
That's the people.
That's the people power of what he's saying.
How much power and influence does Twitter, Facebook, Reddit have in influencing the minds of people?
Has the stranglehold of MSM been diminished?
What is open source?
It moves on, continuing on the next page.
Let's see, who guards the narrative?
Does the MSM shelter and protect select party members, i.e.
Hillary Clinton?
What prevents a news organization from simply making up sources and stories?
Absolutely nothing, and we've seen it all over the place.
What if Hugh Hefner was a CIA?
What is a honeypot?
So, baby Hugh Hefner, I guess he's alluding to he was a guy who was procuring women for these different Hollywood elites.
Notice how once Hugh Hefner died,
The Me Too movement just exploded.
So it was like he was the spirit of Hugh Hefner, or Hugh Hefner himself was keeping a handle on that.
What do you think of all this that I've just brought out?
Yeah, that's right.
That revelation about Hugh Hefner was breathtaking.
So basically the plan was, Hugh has always worked for the CIA, apparently, according to Hugh, and I believe him.
Basically, you know, so somebody, a celebrity, a congressman, a, you know, a senator gets invited to a Hugh Hefner party.
Obviously, there's a lot of girls and they're provided with a private space.
And guess what?
It's all on hidden cameras.
And the girl was underage, although she didn't look it.
You have now got that person for life because of blackmail, and that's how it works, blackmail.
I believe the CIA needs only a budget of $10,000 to $20,000 per country to entirely undermine the elected representatives of the people through sexual blackmail.
It's a very powerful method, and it's how this whole web
I'd spread across the world.
I'd spread across Washington, D.C.
And we're now undoing it, thankfully.
Yeah, exactly.
And, you know, we saw, there was speculation why we went into Panama to go after Noriega was that, and this comes out in John Perkins' book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, that he had an island off the coast of Panama, Consadora Island, and he had pictures of George W. Bush getting it on with people and doing drugs.
And that's why we bombed certain buildings, because they held those photographs, because we weren't in the digital age yet.
It was all analog.
We'll be right back with the rest of our interview from Baruch Describe and Pamphlet Anon.
You're watching InfoWars.com forward slash show, the fourth hour of Overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
Stay tuned.
I want to apologize to listeners.
I lied to you when I told you Trump would win the election, and he did.
I lied to you when I told you that they're admitting that fluoride's causing brain damage, and it turned out I was right.
I lied to you about a global government existing that was trying to take control of our country, which they now admit is true.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world, the central bankers in charge?
I guess, actually, I didn't lie to you.
And I'm on air every day fighting the globalists as they try to shut down free speech in America, as they try to derail our recovery, as they try to fold us into their world government, open up our borders, hand us over to the Islamic caliphate.
But I'll tell you this.
When I'm on air, I wear a sports jacket and a nice shirt because I respect the fact that you're tuning in and watching and listening to what I have to say.
But we're involved in very, very important activities.
And that's why I want to reach out to you right now and explain something that's so critical.
And that if you grasp it, we'll be able to literally turn the tide even faster against the globalists.
And it's just this.
I'm not always wearing this, ladies and gentlemen.
I dress like this to politically get messages out to folks that aren't awake, to spur debates, but to also meet like-minded people who are out there feeling like they're alone and don't know how many of us there are.
It's like Martin Luther King said, it's all of us in one human race who all have incredible skills and gifts that God gave us that we bring together in the human family.
You do incredible things.
A few months ago, I saw media demonizing folks that put up signs at universities that said, all lives matter.
Then they demonized people that said, it's okay to be white.
These are universities where they're saying it's inherently evil and an abomination and satanic to be white.
Right outside Austin, Texas.
Texas State University says that.
Most major universities are directing this to create racial division in this country and it's sickening.
That's why I have designed with our crew
Yeah, if you're just talking about how you're white or how you're black, it's okay.
That's fine to be proud of yourself.
But isn't it really great to realize we all got red blood?
That's why the shirt is in red.
Out here in space together, the dark blue of the night sky, but all of our red blood together ties us together and that's what makes us great.
The globalists are creating a fake debate to turn us against each other.
Let's come together and say all lives matter.
The fact is it's not just okay, it's great to be human.
Let me show you a few of the other designs we've got.
They're available at InfoWarsTore.com.
They help spread the word and they help support the broadcast.
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This shirt is white.
And you've got major universities, major publications like BuzzFeed saying it's milk racist because it's white.
So yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's a white shirt that says it's okay to be white, okay to be black, okay to be brown, but it's great.
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And despite the fact that all these shirts are super high quality and are destined to be best sellers, through Christmas, we're offering 25% off at InfoWarsStore.com on these limited edition shirts.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The front lines of the human awakening.
It's the InfoWar.
And now, Alex Jones.
There must be some kinda way outta here
Rob Dues here with the fourth hour of Overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
It is my pleasure to be with you.
If you ever need to get a hold of me, you can always hit me up on my Twitter at D-E-W-S-N-E-W-Z, Dues News on Twitter.
Yesterday I was hosting the War Room and we put out a video.
About the Roy Moore lawsuit, because as quickly as it came out, the Secretary of State finalized the election and said it was going to be certified and we're not even going to look at this allegations of voter fraud.
Well, I would encourage everybody to go to this.
Roy Moore lawsuit proves election fraud in Alabama Senate race.
You need to learn.
So whether or not this election gets overturned is irrelevant.
What we need to learn is the bag of tricks, which is what QAnon is teaching us.
He's teaching us about the bag of tricks.
So the big thing on here, and I'm going to go over this just for a second and then we'll get back to our guests, is this graph.
And in Jefferson County, if you can zoom in on this graph here, there were 20 precincts in Jefferson County where people that voted straight Republican ticket, Roy Moore got 34% less votes than those who voted straight Republican ticket, which is a statistical impossibility.
In fact, he says it's 1 in 15 billion.
The guy who did this, this was, what's his name?
By Phil Evans.
Phil Evans was the researcher, computer programmer who's looked at election fraud.
So there were 20 of these precincts, and the total votes that he got less were 13,000 votes that went to Doug Jones.
So if he got 13,000 less votes, that's a 26,000 vote
I don't
How they found bundles of pre-filled out ballots that had Doug Jones already filled out in them.
Of course, they destroyed them all.
We can believe that.
But it's an 80-page piece.
I went over it pretty thoroughly.
You should check out that video, Roy Moore Lawsuit Proves Election Fraud in Alabama Senate Race.
Now let's get back to our guests.
I want to go over
Actually, I want to ask you guys this question, and you can both answer this.
You reached out to us, you wanted to come on to talk about this, and from what you were telling me, the purpose is to wake other people up that this forum exists, and for others to, I would say, the older generation.
Let's just say the older generation isn't as internet savvy, especially on these different board services.
But they have a lot of human interaction, human networks going along.
And so we need these people to start getting involved to help fill in the dots.
But why don't you guys say it in your own words, each take a minute, talking about why you want more people to get involved in this quest for truth.
Yeah, thank you, Rob.
So the power of the chant, you know, like 4chan and 8chan, you've got all these young men, basically, who are, like, obsessed with winning, obsessed with finding out the truth, obsessed with investigation.
And they've done amazing things for us.
They found out so much helpful information and new snippets that confirm what QAnon has been claiming.
But the story behind QAnon is so big.
That we need to get it out to as many people as possible, which is why we're going wider.
We're talking to YouTubers.
We're talking to InfoWars.
We're talking to all the independent media.
We're not talking to the mainstream media.
We don't care about them.
We're talking to the people.
We're available to answer your questions directly on the subreddit.
Let me just pass over the pamphlet here.
You can tell us why we did what we did.
Yeah, sure.
How am I coming through, guys?
Oh, you sound great.
Pretty good now?
You sound great.
100 million bucks.
Very nice.
Very nice.
Glad we got it fixed.
So, I mean, up to this point, this whole thing with QAnon has been more or less restricted to the chans, and that's a very specific subset of the population.
It's a very specialized subset of the population, too.
They're very good at what they do.
But they're not everybody, and there are a lot of
People out there that just cannot function on the chance the way these people can, but they're a massive untapped resource themselves.
They have all sorts of connections.
I mean, a lot of them could be retired intel or military.
There's so many people out there from older generations that are not involved in this fight.
And what we're trying to do is get them all of the information.
All of these people who work on these boards, they're incredible, man.
The information they put together, it's phenomenal.
Totally phenomenal.
And we're trying to get that information into a format that these older generations and people who can't understand the chans and the way they work, get it into a format they can understand and teach them how to spread it.
All right, I want to go to the latest.
This is the latest email posted in the PDF that you can download off of the subreddit, the Calm Before the Storm subreddit.
It says, we are moving fast.
Remember, not all within the C-A, which is CIA, D-J, DOJ, F-I, FBI, are bad apples.
House cleaning top, i.e.
Rosenstein McCabe, is what I think that reads into.
Restructuring one to two.
Which is interesting.
Operations 24-7 speed, which is another term for cameras to start rolling.
So guys, what do you think is in store in the next couple months going into 2018?
Well, one thing that I've heard, I believe, Steve Bannon talk about, I've mentioned this before in a number of our previous interviews, they called the first year of Trump's presidency here the year of salvage, trying to salvage everything they could.
Go ahead, Baruch.
Yeah, I think Pamphlet is absolutely right there.
If what Hugh is claiming is true, which I have 100% belief, I have 100% confidence that he is telling the truth, then the crimes by the so-called elites who rule over us are so unimaginable that we're going to need all the help we can get.
Um, to educate the world.
I mean, it is going to be terribly shocking.
Um, I think, I think, uh, that Steve Bannon quote is absolutely right.
This year was the year of, of salvage.
It was the year of the operations to clean up the world.
And then next year will be the year of justice where we see all these people, um, dragged in front of military tribunals and we will hear and see all the evidence of their unspeakable crime for ourselves.
But the more people we tell now that that is going to happen, the easier the blow will be.
Q has given us very specific orders.
That on the Chan, on 8chan especially, he said, you guys need to tell people.
You need to, you need to red pill the normies, as you would say in Chan speak.
You need to tell people what's really been going on.
You need to tell them what, what, what are so-called elites like Obama and the Clintons and Joe Biden, all the elite, super elite crowd, what they really get up to in their spare time.
And that's what we're doing.
Well, and I think that's the big key.
If we can expose the pedophilia, which kind of leads into Pedogate and Pizzagate, if you can expose the Satan worship, if you can get people to understand that your world leaders don't think and act like regular people.
They're not regular people.
These are predators.
Going back to that post from Friday, December 22nd, why do the clowns do with all the access codes and tech?
Who controls North Korea?
Who really controls North Korea?
What families are protected using leverage?
Bank financial leverage?
Nuke strike package leverage?
Why is Iran protected?
Why is Iran funded by the U.S.?
Because we need enemies.
What news about Iran broke?
So this is just a few days ago.
What about WMDs?
Why did Brennan and others provide false intel about North Korea's capability in Iran's tech and nuclear development?
Plate is full, people.
We need to have faith.
We'll be right back with our final segment with our two guests.
Anonymous, 4Chan, 8Chan, and Reddit moderators.
We'll be right back.
Pamphlet Anon and Baruch Describe.
Thanks for watching InForce.com forward slash show.
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To having a healthy gut and a healthy life.
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Support this network and not only support us but trigger the verified Libtards on Twitter.
They had an absolute meltdown a few days ago.
They found an ad that I had cut for Brain Force, which by the way you should also get in 4WarsStore.com.
Always use the opportunity to promote it even more.
They had a meltdown over an ad that I cut in April and they found it like it was some secret and they were like, oh my god, this is the funniest thing ever.
So they literally had an autistic screeching fit over
An ad of me promoting Brain Force, which is a new tropic, which like literally half the people in Silicon Valley take, which everybody has their different brand of.
Oh, but when InfoWars does it, it's bad and it's funny somehow.
If that's the best they've got, we advertise products that got five-star independent reviews that you see right there on InfoWarsStore.com.
Brain Force Plus.
They had an absolute meltdown.
It was hilarious.
They wrote it at Vice.com!
Listen, if this is the best they've got against yours truly, that I advertised Brain Force six months ago, everybody in Silicon Valley take some kind of nootropic.
This isn't like some hokey snake oil.
I mean, Joe Rogan built his entire podcast on selling his version of the exact same product.
Gonna go after Joe Rogan too?
Absolutely incredible that they had all these massive hissy fits over me making an ad for Brain Force.
Well, here I'm making another one right now.
Gonna get triggered over this?
We'll sell even more bottles of it.
You're literally making Info Wars and me money with your autistic hissy fits.
Carry on with your autistic screeching.
Because it's a lot funnier from my perspective.
If that's all you've got, it's quite pathetic at this point.
Get your BrainForce right now.
BrainForce Plus.
Personally recommended by me at InfoWarsStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
One of the great things about working here at InfoWars.com is things never kind of stay the same.
In fact, back over here is where my cubicle used to be, where I used to help produce the Alex Jones Show when it was back over in where we now have our podcast studio.
Now this is the main studio.
We have another studio across the hall that Owen Schroer is about to go live from.
We've just built another studio that's even bigger than this one.
And how do we do that?
We do that with your support.
We don't get funding from the government.
We don't have
I don't
We're all in this together at the end of the day.
That's why we have our two guests on.
And I just want to tell you that we have some New Year's specials.
We're extending them until the end of the year.
We've got free shipping on just about everything in the store.
Mico ZX is back in stock.
It's 25% off.
But if you get it with the Floralife Combo Pack,
It's 50% off both of them together.
So, Floralife's 33% off, MycoZx is 25% off, but if you get them both together, 50% off.
That's a great deal.
And really great for your health, because the MycoZx goes after the bad candida and the fungus and mold that's inside your system, and the Floralife helps replenish that good bacteria that you need to help digest your food.
That's the basic building block of all your health, is having good digestion.
That's where your digestive system lives.
And then I'm just going to read off the rest of the things that are 50% off.
It's an amazing list.
Supermail Vitality, Brain Force, which by the way, I took my two Brain Force right before we started.
You can hear the can shaking right here.
I just opened it up.
Here's the cotton that I pulled out right here.
I mean, just to have my two Brain Force, I feel great, ready to rock and roll.
Alpha Power, 50% off.
Cell Force, 50% off.
Survival Shield X2, 50% off.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion, 50% off.
The Red Pill, 50% off.
All Super Blue products.
That's the toothpaste, the mouthwash,
With colloidal silver, I'm getting so excited.
Colloidal silver and iodine in them.
Secret 12, 50% off.
All Info Wars Life Select storable food, 50% off.
And let's go with the other ones that aren't 50% off.
Carnivore, Floral Life, 33% off.
ProPure products, 25% off.
All these are with free shipping.
DNA Force, 33% off.
Silver Bullet, 67% off.
It's like less than $10 a bottle for some of the most powerful colloidal silver on the market.
$9.95 a bottle.
Don't stop.
Go to Infowarsstore.com and check out our great deals.
Free shipping.
You can't beat them anywhere.
So use some of that money you got from Grandma for Christmas and help us out.
Appreciate it.
Now, how do I know that the world is waking up?
It's stories like this.
From Axios.
Facebook stopped putting disputed flags on fake news because it doesn't work.
Because more people clicked on those stories because they knew it was a bogus flag.
They can see through the BS, Mark Zuckerberg.
Zuck, Zuck, Zuck cucked himself.
You could say.
Right there, Facebook stopped putting the speed up.
So we beat them and less than, like, they put this out two months ago.
It didn't even take that long.
That's how easily we're destroying the lies.
So let's go back to my two guests, Pamphlet Anand and Baruch Describe.
They're both 4Chan, 8Chan moderators, also on Reddit.
Once again, I want to tell people where they can go to find out all the information on QAnon.
It is reddit.com forward slash r forward slash CBTS underscore stream.
It's kind of a long one, but once you get that, put that in your in your browser history and you can go to it at any time.
And it's the subreddit calm before the storm.
And I want to go back to that last.
Yeah, sure.
You're right.
I mean, it takes time, but it does take work.
It takes a lot of work.
The amount of work that the people who are involved in this put into this is just incredible.
And the work they do is, like I said before, totally phenomenal.
But man, some of the truths that get revealed through this are distasteful things.
They're disgusting things.
I've seen things I wish I could unsee, man.
It's sick stuff.
And I think it's important that people really pay attention to this because this stuff is really terrible stuff.
And it's going on right under our noses.
We've been letting it happen for so long.
And people have been trying to get the word out there, but nobody has really, truly paid attention.
And I think the biggest thing about this is that people finally are starting to wake up to it.
Yeah, I completely agree, man.
A lot of sick stuff.
Q did warn us.
In fact, he warned us in one of his posts a while back.
He said, difficult to swallow, important to progress though.
And I thought, yes, you're going to tell us the truth, aren't you?
Do the elites worship Satan?
Sorry, I don't have it right in front of me, so I'm paraphrasing, but I'm pretty close.
Do the elites worship Satan?
I mean, do they go to Epstein Island?
That's Jeffrey Epstein, the man who was at the centre of a paedophile scandal during Bill Clinton's presidency.
You know, what do they do there?
What symbol is on the top of the temple on Epstein Island?
So yeah, these are unimaginable horrors if you've never been exposed to them before.
But they need to be faced.
There is an awful lot of information out there.
The problem is, because it's so horrifying, it attracts a lot of disinformation.
Thank you to the clowns for that.
But there is a lot of good information.
I mean, I would recommend reading the books by people like Kathy O'Brien, people like Bryce Taylor, and going into them with a mindset that
This woman is telling the truth.
And then you can start red-pilling yourself very quickly.
He mentions Snow White, let's see, I don't know, maybe 20 times in his posts?
He also mentions the Godfather 3.
What does that represent in these?
He mentions the Godfather 3 almost as many times as Snow White.
So, go ahead, what does that represent?
These are the lovely little cryptic clues that we love to spend hours and hours trying to unravel.
So, Snow White is the CIA supercomputer.
called HAMR, H-A-M-R, and it's hosted at Amazon's data center.
And Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the CIA, we believe, again, this is not confirmed, we believe that it's their supercomputer infrastructure that they use to conduct domestic surveillance, which of course is entirely illegal, but that's never stopped them before.
So Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' reference is to the clowns in action.
His film references are fascinating.
There's The Son of All Fears, which as you know is about a suitcase nuke.
It's a Tom Clancy story about a suitcase nuke that goes off on the continental U.S.
And Jack Ryan discovers that it was a terrorist group because of the uranium signature.
Very good book.
One of my favorite novels of his.
Then there's The Hunt for El October.
It's just like maybe a little piece of the plot is the key that we need to grab.
But on our channel, on our channel, you know, from now on we'll know that, oh, this book really refers to this.
And then, you know, and then we'll find the right answer.
So I can't tell you for sure.
I think Red October means the torpedo that comes back and destroys the Russian sub.
Hillary and Obama's Russian narrative has actually backfired.
It's their torpedo and it's come around because they did the maneuver.
Trump did the maneuver.
Godfather 3, a number of possibilities.
The plot is the Pope, obviously,
The Pope obviously asks Michael Corleone for some financial help in exchange for control.
So is it as simple as that?
Or is it as simple as one of the very first lines in the movie where Michael says, children are the most precious wealth in all the world.
You know, the only treasure worth having.
He says something like that.
I mean, is that for him?
We don't know yet, but we will because Q will turn up again and he will explain this.
So we're confident that, yeah, all the answers are coming.
And I just want to remind everybody where they can go.
We've got like a minute left.
Yeah, listen, if I could expand real quick on what I said before.
I think it's really important to mention that this is not just Trump supporters involved in this.
This is people from all sides that are waking up to what's going on here.
And I think it's important that we recognize that.
A lot of us really need to kind of bury the hatchet, especially for something this big.
I agree.
Because we're fighting evil.
We need to come together for this, man.
This is sick stuff, and it really needs to be taken care of.
Gentlemen, thank you for joining me.
We definitely have to do something in the New Year, long form, commercial-free, hopefully in our new podcast studio, which can all be built thanks to you by going to InfowarsStore.com and checking out some of the great deals.
Happy New Year, everyone.
I'll see you in 2018.
It's going to be a great year.
I can't wait!
InfoWars.com forward slash show war rooms.
2017 has been a earth-shaking year.
And 2018, guaranteed, is even going to be wild.
In fact, my good friend Stefan Molyneux said it's going to be like the Battle of the Gods, Ragnarok.
So get ready, ladies and gentlemen.
And that's why, thanking you for all your support, we are extending free shipping store-wide at InfoWareStore.com into early January, and the massive 50% to 67% off all our best-selling items.
So ladies and gentlemen, whether it's Colloidal Silver, or Brain Force, or MycoZX, or Floralife, they're now back in stock.
They're all massively discounted with free shipping at InfoWareStore.com.
Take advantage of it, right through the new year, in a salute to the InfoWarriors, and into a thanks to all of you that have made this operation possible.
For myself, the entire InfoWars crew, thank you for your support, thank you for bringing America back from the edge of death, and thank you for standing against the globalists and their bullying garbage.
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