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Name: 20171224_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 24, 2017
1343 lines.

Alex Jones discusses how globalists attempt to divide people based on race, region, ethnicity, and sexual orientation in order to conquer them. He encourages people to support independent media like InfoWars because they expose the narrative of the globalists. He interviews former technical director of the National Security Agency, William Binney, who claims that the information leaked by Guccifer 2.0 could not have been obtained by a hacker from another country and suggests an inside job instead. Binney criticizes intelligence agencies for not providing President Trump with accurate information and recommends him to appoint Binney as a special investigator, which would be "their worst nightmare." Jones discusses government surveillance with Binney, who explains that mass surveillance violates the Constitution and citizens' rights even though they may not realize it. He shares his challenges in his career due to his work in this area and praises Trump for meeting with him and acknowledging the deep state. The conversation turns to censorship and control, with Binney arguing that population control is one of the main objectives of mass surveillance. The segment then discusses various topics related to news and products, including Harvest Right freeze dryers, Infowars Biome Defense Probiotic, allegations against Hillary Clinton and FBI agents, rumors about Alex Jones, a singer accused of rape, and the alleged connection between the movie Fifty Shades of Grey and kidnapping women. Jones debunks claims made by Jorge Ramos, discusses the case of Kate Stanley, Nancy Pelosi's stance on dreamers, terrorist attacks around the world, and statistics regarding

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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Folks, I have plugged maybe two hours.
Hi friends.
We're in the middle of the Second American Revolution.
The globalist social engineers are trying to play us off against each other in a big way.
They're trying to play us off according to race, according to region, according to ethnicity, background, sexual orientation, male, female.
And again, it's in the WikiLeaks, it's in the Facebook documents, it's in their own admissions that they're cold-bloodedly doing this.
And it's up to us
To understand they're doing that, and to transcend it, and to educate others about what's happening and what is unfolding.
The divide and conquer we're witnessing is a desperate last-ditch attempt to have this country forget that we were under globalist control, forget that the social compact had been broken, forget that we had been de-industrialized, and to basically grab
Victory from the jaws of defeat.
We've beaten the globalists.
The fact that we're aware of their multinational operation, the fact that we're aware of their private fellow reserve, the fact that the public is becoming more and more informed, that's the end of their operation.
So if we can beat their censorship, if we can reach out to other folks that aren't awake yet, and if we can elect good people to public office, but also rebuild our industrial and cultural base,
America's best days are ahead of us, not behind us.
To quote Merle Haggard, the late great, we don't have to keep rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell.
With no chance for freedom or the Liberty Bell.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Mother, tell your children not to walk my way.
Tell your children not to hear my words, what they mean, what they say.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, into the third hour.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and we're joined by really an American hero, William Binney, former technical director of the National Security Agency, one of the most famous codebreakers in U.S.
history, and the equivalent of a multi-star general when he was heading up that agency.
He's also been a whistleblower to Congress, been SWAT teamed, been targeted, been persecuted,
Never charged with anything, because it was all intimidation.
AGoodAmerican.org is the award-winning film he's in.
He was also the main technical director and fact director for Oliver Stone's incredible film, Snowden.
So much of what we now know about the illegal spy grid being used against us for the political class is thanks to him, Mr. Drake, Sybil Edmonds, and many others.
But he is the chief whistleblower out there, ladies and gentlemen.
He's going to be talking about PGknowledge.eu today and some of the important work he's doing.
But first off, he hasn't talked a lot about this, but today he said he's ready to talk about it.
In light of the whole Russiagate investigation, he wants to get into that and his meeting with the CIA director, Mr. Pompeo, a few weeks ago.
So we're going to talk about how that meeting took place and as much as he can now reveal to this audience today.
So thank you so much, William Binney, for joining us to discuss this.
Well, thanks for having me, Alex.
Well, you've got the floor.
Where would you like to start?
Well, I think we should start with the research we've been doing on the data allegedly coming from a hack by the Russians into the DNC server.
This was the data that was made available from Guccifer 2 that talked about the leak or the hack that he called a hack on the 5th of July of 2016.
That data he made available for us to look at, so we started looking at it.
And the first thing we found was the speeds were rather high for a transfer across the web to Europe from the U.S.
In fact, the speed, I was here in Europe with Duncan Campbell reviewing all this data again, and we found that the highest speed that that data ran from was taken down off the server, supposedly.
This is all alleged now.
So it was 49.1 megabytes per second.
Which is roughly a little over four times the rate that we could get by a transfer.
We also attempted to transfer data across the Atlantic to Europe, to various places in Amsterdam, the UK.
One of the fellows even looked at transferring it to Belgrade and also Albania, but it was pointless to even try because the network couldn't even handle it anywhere near it there.
So the highest we got was roughly one-fourth the speed necessary to transfer the data, which meant it was impossible to go across the net.
But it is, however, compatible with a download to a thumb drive.
So if you had a USB thumb drive, you could download it at those speeds.
So what you're saying as a technical expert who tested it, this was an inside job just like Snowden doing on a thumb drive at point-blank range.
That's the speeds that this was basically impossible to be an outside hack, which is what we know from British ambassadors, from spies, from other leaks.
Can you then quantify why Trump wanted you to meet with Pompeo to explain this to him?
Well, Director Pompeo said to me when I first sat down, he said, the President said I should talk to you if I wanted to get facts about the Russiagate.
That was really a shocking statement to me, because what that really says to me is the intelligence agencies aren't even telling the President or the head of the CIA the facts in the case.
I mean, if they ask me what the facts are,
Why aren't the intelligence agencies, the FBI, NSA, CIA, the members of the CIA, telling even their president or the chief of the CIA, the Central Intelligence Agency?
And I know it's all classified, you can't get into it, but a lot of this is public now.
The president has the code keys, he's got authorization, he could go in and see all this, but of course it was
Of course, it was the Obama holdovers, we know, up until Trump got into office, that were still there with the keys, spying on the President-elect.
We now know that.
Yes, for example, early on, when the conversation between President Trump and the President of Mexico and Australia were released, I mean, that's a clear indication that that kind of information, to me, came from NSA.
Because any communications of the President leaving the White House are encrypted.
So that the agency that has the keys and provides the equipment and the keys for the president to communicate is NSA.
So they would be able to decrypt and translate all those conversations.
So they certainly are a prime suspect for releasing that.
But let me get back to that hack in in June, July of 2016.
There's more to it than just that.
When we looked at the data, there were two batches of releases.
The main one was dated the 5th of July.
There was a later one dated the 1st of September, also from Guccifer 2.
But when you looked at them, and if you only looked at minutes, seconds, and milliseconds, those two data sets merged.
They merged right together like a glove on a hand.
So that you basically would have one continuous set of information.
So it means to us that Guccifer 2 is playing games, and that this wasn't even a hack.
You don't even know if it was a hack of the DNC, or if it was something downloaded, transferred somewhere else, and then downloaded again.
And sir, I know this is simple for you as a top expert, but just explain.
Not only transfer rates showed how to be done point-blank at the computer, at the server itself, but also the data, the way it was taken down and put down together, was all done together, congruent at one time.
Yeah, and it basically says that Goose for Two is playing a game with us, right?
They're playing a game with us and everybody else.
Because it's not the Russians that can be inside these secret facilities, obviously, getting the info.
Yeah, well, that plus all of the indications are that it wasn't even a hack at all in any way, shape, or form.
Wow, so you explain this to Pompeo.
Please continue.
Yes, and also I said that
If members of Congress are going to call this an act of war, then they ought to do like President John F. Kennedy did and President Reagan.
Kennedy released the photographs of the missiles in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis because it was something that was very serious.
And also, when the Russians shot down the Korean South Korean airline over Sakhnin Island, he released the ground-to-air control of the fighters, giving where the ground control ordered the shoot-down of the plane.
So, those were serious situations and they basically declassified classified information so that they could show how serious the situation was and prove it to the American public and everyone else.
Now, I know you're a scientist, a computer scientist, so you just go off the facts, but just big picture, looking at this with William Binney, who's blown all this wide open, and the President wanted you to go talk to the head of the CIA.
He doesn't even have the keys to the NSA!
He can get into all this, they've got him sequestered, but he's getting enough info to know he needs to talk to you, showing again the whole rush of things made up, it was an inside job of people trying to expose the criminality of Hillary, and what was going on!
Yeah, there's really no guarantee that even if he asks for all the information about Russiagate that's held by NSA or the FBI, that they'll even give it to him.
Because if they don't want to give away information to anybody, they can keep it and hide it internally.
They don't have to share it with anyone.
Couldn't the President appoint you as a special investigator and you've got the clearances to go in there and investigate for him?
Uh, well I don't have the clearances anymore, but uh... But the President could get those for you.
Yes, yes he could, yes.
That's, that's true.
Would you take that job if the President authorized you to?
Uh, if he wanted me to do that, I would do that.
Yes, absolutely.
And that'd be their worst nightmare.
I mean, we can't trust the former head of the NSA.
Who can we trust?
I mean, it's just a bunch of politicos in there with the code keys.
Samantha Powers, all of them in there, meeting with the former CIA director and everybody to set up Trump.
I mean, these people are just, have committed incredible crimes, in my view.
We'll be back with William Benning, a true American hero.
There's John Wayne, the actor, then there's the real John Waynes.
William Benning's one of those.
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, William Binney, the former head of technical, actual operations of the National Security Agency, the man behind the movie Snowden, the main expert on that, is our guest this segment and next.
He is on the road in Europe.
He thinks his
His computer battery will probably last about 45 after or so, but if it cuts out he'll be gone.
This is so huge, okay?
He's one of the leading experts in the world.
The president wanted him to meet with the CIA director because they're trying to understand what's going on.
Because this is so complex and the agencies don't tell each other a lot of information.
And so here is William Binney looking at the supposed Russian hack they're saying.
They've never proven Guccifer 2.0 was a Russian.
But now we know what British ambassadors and others have said they've been told.
They've said they've met with the supposed Guccifer and that it was a group of US intelligence operatives and people that were upset about what was happening.
I have had high-level contacts confirm that to me back during the election.
And I know that people like Eric Prince got information that I had separately had but not released about it and that Eric Prince knows.
So all I'm saying is this is not a secret.
This has been in British and German newspapers but not really in our news.
It's a huge scandal.
It's the key to understanding Russiagate and how they're trying to remove our president
With zero evidence, they've got NSA transcripts of General Flynn not doing anything wrong, but then an FBI agent who worked for Hillary, who's disgraced, is the one that wrote up the forms claiming what he told them didn't match the NSA spying.
So this is huge, huge news and blows the whole Russia narrative wide open.
William Benny, please, break this down and get into other angles, because again, you're the expert.
Well, we're looking at other evidence also, technical evidence, that looks like even earlier claims might be a total sham also.
So in other words, it looks like virtually all of this data has been a fabrication.
That's been created as a diversion, basically, so that we can pay attention.
It's like we're playing the Wizard of Oz game.
Pay attention.
Don't pay any attention to the man behind the curtain.
Look at all the side show that's going on.
Pay attention over here.
Don't look at me.
I just think that this whole thing has been a setup from the beginning and it's being right now the technical evidence is starting to show that and prove that and we'll be publishing information about that hopefully very soon.
Was your whole meeting with Pompeo, I mean did he say it was off record or what else can you tell us about this amazing meeting requested by the president?
No, he didn't say it was off the record or anything.
He just said he wanted to talk to me about getting, the President asked him to talk to me about getting facts about Rushgate.
So I just told him everything I knew at the time, and we're getting more and more information that kind of corroborates everything we've been saying about it being a fabrication.
And we'll be adding that publicly shortly, I hope.
It's a matter of verifying everything we've done.
We don't want to say something that we can't actually show and prove.
Well, I know that you've received classified awards.
You can't talk about those, but it's been reported that you've gotten some of the biggest awards in the country you can get.
I mean, you were running operations against the Russians, and so you'd be the expert to investigate the Russians.
From your, you know, spy chief gravitas, when you say it looks like it's a setup beyond just an inside job, without getting into statecraft and things, as an expert, what are you seeing?
Well, there are people in other countries involved, like in the UK, with the
Suppose a report from the British intelligence, you know, that kind of thing.
And also, internally, if you believe Cy Hirsch, what he's saying is people in the FBI know exactly who leaked the data, and they're not talking about that.
And so there are people in the FBI, people in lower ranks in the CIA, also people in NSA who are involved in all of this.
Those are the three agencies of the main ones who made up the, you know, the Intelligence Community Assessment, where they claimed 17 intelligence agencies.
Well, it was really only three, and it was hand-picked people from those three to come up with a predetermined outcome, which is what they did.
And they wrote a 14-page ICA Intelligence Community Assessment paper
That's right.
Please don't interpret our judgment to mean that we have absolute facts to prove that this is absolutely true.
So what they're saying is, you know, this whole report was a big sham, and they had no evidence whatsoever, nothing to back up any claim they were making, and it was just, you know, another fabrication.
So it just shows you the extent of the organization behind this charade.
Well, I know where to look out of these 17 agencies.
It's that handful of people that put out the hoax that all 17 agencies all concurred, and then who put out these scurrilous fake reports.
I mean, I think you start with them in your investigation of who really cooked all this garbage up.
If you were speaking to the President, and he obviously listens to what you have to say and what you write, what would you say he needs to do next?
I would say he needs to clean house.
He's got to start firing people who are in charge of these agencies and replace them with people who will do a proper job.
And that means cleaning out the internally, cleaning out the agencies and making sure they start to obey the Constitution, which they're not doing now.
And that includes the Department of Justice.
I'm not excluding them either.
They're a part of this charade too, in one form or another, covering up for the people who are involved in this.
Because if the FBI knows who did it, they also know, at least some of them.
Now whether they're telling anybody, that's another story.
We learned by Obama, when he first got into office, I was also on the list.
That was a whole data leak that came out of federal law enforcement.
And there were hundreds of thousands of names and phone numbers of mine that were private.
And I even had some of Trump's private numbers.
Those were his numbers at Mar-a-Lago and also one of his private numbers at Trump Tower.
I never even had the nerve to use, but we got the list.
And I was like, wow, that's the number I got for him at Mar-a-Lago.
So they were illegally surveilling him all these years and intensified during the campaign and then they can't even find anything.
That shows he's got a pretty good record if they're illegally spying on him and nothing's there.
Yeah, but it also shows all the illegality that they've been involved in, including violations of the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments, trying to use his communications without warrants against him in terms of, you know, charging him with something.
That is a clear violation of the founding principles of our nation, and this is fundamentally treason at the highest levels, in my view.
You're right.
William Binney's our guest.
I think it's fair to say that the House of Cards is coming down.
I mean, it's coming out.
They surveilled them.
It's in the Flynn documents.
They got caught lying.
So what do we do legally now to make sure that they end up getting in trouble before they launch the next part of their fiction, as Ron Paul called it last week, as you called it, a charade.
Hello everybody, and happy holidays.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Noble tidings we bring to you and your kin.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We're good to go.
And something I said so much during the last two years, but I'll say it again, as we approach the end of the year.
You know, we're getting near that beautiful Christmas season that people don't talk about anymore.
They don't use the word Christmas, because it's not politically correct.
You go to department stores and they'll say, Happy New Year, and they'll say other things, and it'll be red, they'll have it painted, but they don't say, well, guess what?
We're saying Merry Christmas again.
Myself, Barron, all of my children, all of my grandchildren, they're here with us tonight.
I want to thank you.
God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.
Thank you very much.
Merry Christmas, everybody.
Merry Christmas.
Happy New Year.
Thank you.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
For every question they don't want you to ask, he has the answer they don't want you to hear.
He is Alex Jones.
And that doesn't mean I have all the answers, but the amazing guests we have like William Benny and Dr. Ron Paul and others, they do have the answers.
And I was just on the website pgnowledge.eu and the Good American and a bunch of others.
They've got the documents and the breakdowns of the fraud that it was an internal deal.
There was no Russian hacking.
They're just involved in a giant hoax.
And they want to basically have it where any surveillance of their illegal activity is supposedly Russian.
Because they're committing all these crimes.
But, again, William Binney is our guest.
The film, A Good American.
In the nine minutes we have left, sir, please break down the great work you're doing in Europe.
Again, that's so important.
The president asked you to meet with the CIA director and just other key facts that folks should be made aware of.
Well, first of all, I would recommend that they take a look at A Good American, the movie.
It's only something like $4 to look at Netflix and so on, on web, and you can access it there.
It really gives you the background.
My career in the NSA gives you the idea how intelligence works, but also it leads you into understanding how they're doing this mass surveillance and what it means and how it can all be pulled together.
And then, of course, it also gives you the idea of how they're violating the Constitution and everybody's rights, even though they don't know it.
But they shouldn't go around saying things like, I'm not doing anything wrong, so I have nothing to fear, simply because, you know, they're not really free to have free thoughts and be creative and innovative without having the government watch you.
Because if you start doing something that is not compatible with their thinking, they'll come after you, just like they did us.
And so they made it impossible fundamentally for us to do the kind of analytic job that we had developed inside NSA and do a similar job outside commercially or even with other departments of government they wouldn't let us do it.
They got us fired and contracts terminated and it was a whole series of things they did first at the NGO and then at the INSCOM and then at Customs and Border Protection and
So, everywhere we went, they made sure that we couldn't succeed at that job.
So, eventually, and then the Department of Justice started coming after us, trying to put us in jail with fabricated evidence, and we stopped all that by telling them that we had exculpatory data and evidence, then that they were doing, their effort was malicious prosecution, and then they finally left us alone.
So in the end, you know, after so many years of that, we basically found an opportunity over here in Europe where they value privacy more.
And we decided to come over here and do this job over here, put together a system that will allow us to analyze massive amounts of data and pull out only what's necessary and what's relevant.
And make sense of massive data, which we could have done in the US 20 years ago, but they denied it and kept us from doing it.
So we're over here now doing that.
And we're looking at commercial applications, insurance and banking and all kinds of applications on massive data around Europe.
So basically the trailblazing research you did that could actually target real terrorists, real criminals, and not violate everybody's privacy, at the same time really stopping disasters, you've run into folks in Europe that are actually looking at allowing you to actually try to build that?
Yeah, and they're actually helping us by, you know, they're organizing and we're forming a company and they're backing us and financing it.
So yeah, absolutely.
That's amazing.
A good American is amazing.
I had to come over here to do it, you know?
What's the matter with America?
Well, as you warned previously as a whistleblower, and then in interviews, and here, and then of course the movie Snowden,
The political class is making hundreds of billions of dollars off this giant super spy grid that spies on everything, but then it's so massively over-targeted it then does nothing to actually stop real problems.
It violates everybody's rights and then lets the political class use it in political campaigns
Not just against Republicans, but the Democrats and the CIA have used it against Dianne Feinstein and others, and it's all admitted they've illegally done it.
And it's now this nightmare with a new superclass, with godlike omnipresent surveillance powers, dragnetting their political opposition.
It's just astounding.
Yeah, and they're acting like they have no respect for the law, and they're above the law, and nobody's going to do anything about it.
I mean, here you have these people lying directly into Congress and everybody knows it.
They got caught at it and still nothing happens.
Now what is the matter with the Department of Justice?
Why aren't they holding these people accountable?
I mean, they certainly do that with whistleblowers who are exposing the problems and the crimes.
So, anybody who exposes something, you step on them, and everybody else who commits them, you give them retroactively.
I was about to say, Loretta Lynch, first they lied about the tarmac meeting, then when it came out, it was totally illegal.
He was under criminal investigation by her.
The FBI documents have now been released by the FBI.
They're trying to find out if it was a cop or whoever to get them fired.
Right, and you can also don't forget that Mueller and Comey
Two of the main players back in as early as 2001 and 2004 in the Department of Justice and the FBI, who actually were using the Stellar Wind program, the illegally acquired data, against individuals inside the United States for common criminal activity.
And of course then they did the parallel construction of the DEA and the rest of it.
And then, so, they were in charge, I guess, later when you got SWAT teamed, too, right?
I mean, these are monsters.
That's right.
They're basic criminals.
That's all.
And they know it's criminal what they did, and it's all come out!
Well, I tell you, if we could just get rid of these guys... That's why I'm calling our Department of Justice now our Department of Just Us.
Well, sir, I'm just blown away by your courage and Mr. Drake's courage and all the others and what you've gone through and how they tried to put you guys in prison.
That's a whole other story.
But then patriots inside justice would leak that you'd been set up.
So there is a God.
There is justice.
But good men and women have to stand up and have to tell the truth.
I hope this whole Clinton globalist Bush
Yeah, I think they're really afraid of him and what he'll be able to achieve.
They're also afraid of him because he might see through them, which I think he does, and start to break up their game.
That's one of the things they don't want to happen.
I mean, the thing that they fear most is sunlight on the activities they've been performing.
And they want to keep it, that's why the mainstream media is one of their main targets, so they can't, they won't broadcast any other opinions or views other than the ones they want shared.
So, you know, I think the basic problem with why they hate Trump so much is because they fear him so much.
That's right, and as you've said, now Google, Facebook, Twitter, they're using NSA style tools to spy on liberal, conservative, you name it, outside speech, and then censor us in real time, not just keep you off mainstream news, not just keep me off, but then censor us in real time, not because we're fake news, but because we're researched real news.
Yeah, that's right.
And you can't have that in a controlled environment.
That's also what one of the reasons, one of the things I said about the bulk surveillance is that one of the main objectives is population control.
Now, also to make that happen, you have to control the narrative that's fed to the larger population of the country.
And that takes the mainstream media.
And that's basically what's happening
They are, in fact, controlled by the government, the shadow government, and those who want to control the narrative.
And now they admit they want to sew it up in free speech and authoritarianism.
Now they have their spy grid in place.
This is really happening, like history shows it would.
Well, you're really a hero.
I know you don't want to hear that, but you really are a hero, and you've been vindicated and everything.
You're a real class act, William Benny.
Thank you for your time, and Godspeed.
Well, thank you, Alex.
Folks, learn more at goodamerican.org or pgnowledge.eu.
It's up to us now to spread the word.
Thank you, doctor.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Be one, you're strong.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
It's coming out that these FBI agents that are having to leave the whole fake Mueller investigation didn't just exonerate Hillary and cover up for her when her and her aides lied, but they praised DOJ official after defying Trump travel ban.
The Supreme Court has now again completely authorized, and of course we knew that would happen, it's clear in law, but I've got a bunch of news on that front right now.
The first thing I want to get at here though is that this Mueller thing is completely transparent.
And that's why the media now goes into this whole hoax mode of fake news that Trump got caught working with the Russians during the campaign and Flynn's going to testify to it because it's all they've got and they did that on purpose.
So you've got to know.
They did that on purpose to test it, to see if folks bought it, and then to suspend their head investigator, who's famous for doing that stuff, for four weeks, to gauge it.
They're testing right now.
And so get ready for some other whoppers, because a lot of psychological studies show, you put big enough lies like that out, it just creates the perception, even if people find out it's not true, it still gives those that want to buy into it a subconscious hope.
It's very, very delusional behavior.
But they're getting ready with the indictment for obstruction, so they need to kind of have that background out there.
Now, I didn't cover this a few days ago when they attacked me, because there's a new attack every day.
But Newsweek and everything else put out lies about yours truly.
Because Media Matters, run by George Soros, put out a story attacking me, so when they do that, all the other minions go, oh, our boss said do this, let's follow it.
And they said that I put out a vile anti-lesbian rant, where I said lesbians want to eat people's brains.
Uh, no.
I said, then you've got the rich executive types, like Fifty Shades of Grey, that want to torture you, they trick you into a bondage setting, and then they torture you.
I was talking about
The whole bondage situation where people end up getting in bad situations when they get tied up.
So I was mixing the two things together.
I don't hate anybody if they're gay or lesbian or any of that.
But it's a fact that in the gay or straight bondage movement, if you study criminology, not just here but in Europe, it's really bad in England and really bad in Germany.
Like one of the main guys in the Scorpions said, no, I've been to parties and clubs where they kill people.
And folks, they do.
And it's coming out.
Gay, straight, you name it.
I'm just saying bad stuff.
So the media then edits that together to make it sound like I'm saying lesbians are eating brains.
No, I said globalist devil worshippers do stuff like that.
And there's been cases of psychopaths that do eat people's brains while they're alive.
Like... Who was the guy up in Milwaukee?
Jeffrey Dahmer.
That's how desperate fake news is.
Infowars host Jones' vile anti-lesbian rant.
Jones impersonates a liberal lesbian eating brains.
Well, they got a problem.
Somebody else put out fake news about it, about when I talked about it, and they got it right but also wrong.
Alex Jones' Harvey Weinstein comments are vile beyond belief, where I talk about how they train you to get tied up like Fifty Shades of Grey, but then you end up getting tortured and killed.
You go to California, you're there, you're gonna be a crack whore, and they're done using you, they're gonna put you in a snuff film for European consumption, and they're gonna torture you to death.
I'm talking about general evil.
Heterosexual, homosexual, you name it.
And then here it is.
Studies that prove domestic violence is LGBT issue.
The part about lesbians was about most studies show they have the highest levels of domestic abuse.
It's just what it's in the news.
So it's not just like men hurt women or vice versa.
It's that this goes on with women too.
Women aren't perfect.
Let's all stop bashing each other and just realize the facts.
Now, the reason I raise all that
And here it is, Soros Fund Manager Rape Beat Playboy Models, $27 million lawsuit.
Soros Fund Manager, blah blah blah.
You have this other group, branding women, using women to recruit them, and you had Hollywood star females that were second in command, former Smithville actress second in command, in sex cult.
Torture cult.
I mean, I'm just reading the stuff.
Hollywood actresses, sex slavery, enslaving other women.
I'm just telling you, this is what's at the bottom of the barrel is men and women torturing people.
Lesbian women, straight women.
Gay men, straight men.
It's going on.
It's happening.
That's what I'm saying.
And then it'll be, Jones went back to attacking the lesbians again!
Yes, there are lesbians that do bad things.
There are straight people that do bad things.
I'm sick of it.
Everybody knows I'm not on some kick against lesbians or anybody else.
I'd be a big hypocrite if I was.
I like women.
I get it.
So the point is, is that now there's this story on Infowars.com and Newswars.com that just broke.
Hashtag Me Too.
Female singer accused of rape by former colleague.
It's moment of reckoning coming for female predators.
And folks, I see the police reports the news, but it's always back of the paper, or I know folks it happens to, where you get the butch chick, and then she beats up the non-butch chick.
And, you know, smacks her around her rape shirt.
And that's what's being reported here.
Singer Melanie Martinez has been accused
Again, that's allegedly going on here, of rape by former colleague.
Suggesting that Me Too reckoning is also coming for female predators in the entertainment industry.
Musician Timothy Heller accused Martinez of rape in a tweet on Tuesday morning, in which included a detailed story, and it's a woman that goes by Timothy Heller, about how the abuse began and the unspecified date.
And kept hitting on her, kept grabbing on her, and then finally raped her, reportedly.
Now, who knows if that's true or not?
You know, if I question it, now I condone rape.
No, I mean, about half the rape allegations you hear out there end up to be fake.
That's well known in criminology as well.
Does it lessen the real rape?
No, but it turned out the whole lacrosse thing, raping the black lady, was fake.
It's just, this is how people get attention.
I'm not saying this isn't real.
Because it kind of fits the whole MO.
But we don't know.
I'm just getting at the fact that that story is up on Infowars.com, and the Huffington Post got it right that I talked about people like Harvey Weinstein in Hollywood end up getting women into bondage, and a lot of times when they finally get them tied up the fourth or fifth time, sometimes they never come back.
And I told you that back before it had come out, he'd raped women, reportedly.
I'm not saying he's doing it, I'm saying that type of stuff goes on.
So that was the same thing I broke down.
They say, oh, he said a horrible thing about Harvey Weinstein.
Which wasn't even true, but at least they got the quote that it was about men, 50 Shades of Grey stuff, being training for kidnapping women, and for getting women in bad positions.
So look out, men or women, don't go into dungeons with people you think you know, even four or five times, and then get chained up on the fifth time.
That's what psychopaths do, and a lot of people come up missing because of that, and movies like 50 Shades of Grey and the accompanying books have popularized a whole new launch of this, and many women are going on Craigslist
And on these other hookup sites, and are going and meeting men they don't even know to get tied up!
That's not a good idea!
And yes, it's mainly men doing it to women.
It's also butch women doing it to men.
I'm just giving you the MO.
And it's gay men doing it to gay men.
But the point is, you're crazy if you go into one of these dungeons.
You're nuts.
Because it's all about, like pedophilia,
First, they want to make contact with your kid, and then they want to test him and touch him a little, so if the kid reports it, they can deny it.
It's a feeder into a very dark, evil, twisted underworld.
It's very, very satanic, and you don't want to get involved in it, young people or anybody else, okay?
I mean, I remember like 15 years ago, my family has a long time gay friend that I've known since I was a kid.
He died a few years ago, and he was a newspaper reporter, stuff like that, and I heard, you know, when he got into a bunch of stuff before he died, you know, this whole wild scene or whatever, and he was an older guy, that he was going to stuff like this and got hurt.
So, the point is, ladies and gentlemen, this is real stuff, and this whole bondage thing isn't cute, it isn't funny, and Hollywood sells you it's sexy and it's cool.
You got 13-year-old girls reading stuff like, uh, Fifty Shades of Grey.
It's a load of garbage.
All of it is hateful and bad and leads into a very, very evil place.
Anything beyond, if your wife likes you slap her on the rear end a couple times, I think anything beyond that is evil.
And it's bad.
And, I'm just warning you, and I'm done.
They'll say that's an anti-lesbian thing, because they want you to stay in it.
They want fresh meat, they want to hurt you.
The whole globalist satanic combine.
So you've been warned.
You've been warned.
Now, I'm gonna stop right there.
Ladies and gentlemen,
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That's a
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
One of the top experts in the world and a best-selling author.
One of the top experts on China.
Stephen W. Mosier is going to be joining us.
Bully of Asia.
Why do we see the big pivot to Asia?
What's China really up to?
What's their global endgame?
Because today we've watched the 34-hour special broadcast that has my normal syndicated show in the middle of it.
But it's titled, Know Your Enemy.
Well, the Communist Chinese
Are the folks allied with George Soros, the Clintons, all of them?
They penetrated us probably a hundred times worse than Russia.
And so all that's unfolding.
Coming up in the next segment, then we'll open the phones up after that.
But Roger, I want to give you the floor in the next four minutes here to recap.
This House of Cards coming down, the media that we first telegraphed six months ago preparing to turn on the Clintons, that's now happened.
We do have our finger on the pulse.
Tell us how the House of Cards collapsing is going to look like and how long can this Democrat civil war go on as delicious as it is?
Well, Alex, once again, InfoWars has been on the cutting edge of the Clinton story.
You know, when I wrote my book, The Clinton's War on Women, which is, of course, available at the InfoWars.com store right now at a terrific price, I really wondered whether they would ever be fully brought to justice.
But what we have seen is an extraordinary sea change where the left has decided that the baggage of the Clintons has become a steamer trunk.
That they can no longer be the face of the opposition that the American people are fed up with Bill Hillary and their greedy little daughter Chelsea.
So in recent weeks, you have seen Ross
Doubt that of the New York Times, Chris Hayes of MSNBC, the elitist punk David Rothkopf, whoever he is, and Michelle Goldberg writing in the New York Times, all turning viciously on the Clintons.
What this means, of course, is growing optimism among House Republicans that they will get a special prosecutor to look into the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, and indeed into Bill's long, tortured list of sexual assaults.
Now, I want to stress that some in the media still trying to pass Bill Clinton's activities off as consensual, saying that these were infidelities or indiscretions.
Well, ask
Juanita Broderick about that.
An extraordinary piece last week by Aaron Klein of Breitbart.
An incredible piece by Ed Klein, the award-winning author, detailing five new women who came forward in just the last ten days, all of whom were sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton.
This is creating a firestorm, a critical mass, if you will.
The Clinton's days as the head of the Democratic Party, at least the titular head, the face of the party of
Kennedy, Truman, and Roosevelt is over.
And who is leading this charge to declintonize the Democratic Party?
Well, my sources tell me it's none other than Barack and Michelle Obama.
Remember that the Obamas continue to control the machinery of the Democratic Party.
That's the nominating process for their candidate in 2020.
Now, the blood was never good between the Obamas and the Clintons.
They needed each other.
They had a tendency to cover for each other.
But who can forget Ed Klein's incredible reporting in which Hillary Clinton barked at the president over the email scandal, call off your dogs, Obama.
Well, now it seems that the dogs have been sicced on the Clintons.
This performance in Arkansas last week, in which they had the 25th anniversary of Bill's election, in which they both looked like octogenarians ready to go to the great beyond, was kind of their final act.
I was about to say, not making fun of old folks, the Clintons particularly look like evil crypt keepers about to be shoveled into their graves.
Hopefully all their evil works will be shoveled in there as well with old George Soros and his demonic son Alex.
Roger Stone, thank you so much.
We'll talk to you soon.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, you cannot make this up.
Two weeks ago, they had congressional hearings where Paul Watson had an article about the Islamic truck attack, the ISIS attack in New York.
And they said during lunch, this was YouTube, Facebook and Twitter executives,
We found that Infowars had the top story about the attack, and it was fake news.
And the fake news was that a major imam had warned de Blasio publicly, on WABC but also on Fox News, that there were imminent ISIS attacks coming and which mosque were teaching it.
Now that was all true.
And the congressman says, I want it taken down.
They said, yes sir, we already took it down at lunch so that people couldn't see it.
We're the target, not because we're fake news, but because we have the best guests on.
We do the research.
They just misrepresent what we say in the news sometimes, but then say we put out fake news, like Martian slave bases.
I never said that.
They just say I said it, but where's the video?
Where's the article?
Where's the text?
It's fake news.
Time Magazine, all of it's going bankrupt, folks.
It's all falling apart.
So, there's a new article that just went up on Infowars.com, and we're going to our guests, but it all ties together.
YouTube says InfoWars.com is harmful while ignoring its own pedophile problem.
If you type in how to have, it comes up with how to have sex with your kids.
In fact, the top searches are that.
But then if you're on YouTube and try to click and go to InfoWars.com, it says be careful, may contain malware,
Phishing attempts or disturbing content?
Yeah, disturbing content.
So, now when people try to go off links that we put under our videos, and we're partnered with YouTube, they're saying, be careful.
This is total defamation.
And it's just getting worse by the minute.
Speaking of worse by the minute, Communist China is absolutely allied with the left and many globalists in this country.
And they are now militarily expanding all over the world.
They've got 97% of rare earth minerals that we've just strategically let them have.
The Panama Canal.
This has all been the globalist's sell-out of the country.
And joining us, published by Regnery, is Stephen W. Mosier, Bully of Asia, the new book.
And of course, he's one of the top journals and experts on China, highly recognized out there.
I'm not going to go over his whole
I think so.
He was invited there by the Chinese government where he had access to government documents and actually witnessed women being forced to have abortions under the new one-child policy.
Mr. Mosier was the pro-church atheist at the time, he's been on before, but witnessing the traumatic abortions led him to reconsider his convictions and eventually become a practicing pro-life Roman Catholic.
And he joins us now, pop.org, to get into just China, their stance, what they're doing, what the mindset is of the communist authoritarian regime that controls a billion, 300 million people.
So thanks for joining us.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
Where should we start?
There's so much to get into.
I mean, I'm now more and more under Chinese-style net censorship.
They're starting to block us everywhere, and it's crazy.
Well, it is, Alex, and they're blocking you because you're telling the truth.
And there are a lot of people out there who don't like truth tellers.
The global elitists want us to go quietly into that good night.
They want to use Chinese serfs, Chinese slave labor to produce cheap goods, which
They import into this country and of course millions of American workers have been unemployed as a result.
But what the point I want to make and in fact the point I make in Bully of Asia is this is all part of a an effort concerted with and in fact in many ways led by the People's Republic of China.
People need to understand in the United States that that China declared war on us back in 1991.
Now you didn't hear about this.
But you're hearing about it now, and what I mean by that is, when the Soviet Union collapsed, Deng Xiaoping said to his comrades,
The old Cold War is over, America won, but the new Cold War is now beginning between China and America, and China, the middle kingdom, is going to win this one and become the dominant power on the planet.
And they admit it's economic.
I mean, you're the expert, but they even said then we're going to flood them with bad drugs, legal drugs, prescription drugs, opiates, stuff ten times stronger than Oxycontin.
They brag about what they're doing, and they found lots of accomplices in our government.
Well, they did.
I mean, China's been at war with us ever since.
They've been stealing our intellectual property, stealing our factories and jobs, opposing us internationally, warring against us in cyberspace, making these amazing territorial claims to the South China Sea.
In a saner time, you know, claiming the entire South China Sea would be an act of war.
And we just sort of, we went to the Hague Tribunal and said, tell China to stop.
And the Hague Tribunal said, stop.
And Xi Jinping, the new Red Emperor of China, Xi Jinping, the President of China, the head of the military, the head of the Chinese Communist Party, says the Hague Tribunal's ruling on the South China Sea is nothing more than waste paper, toilet paper.
And that's how China regards all international law.
They are not going to be bound by the current international system.
They're going to violate it in every way they can to profit themselves.
That's what's been happening for the last 20 years.
And finally, finally at long last, I think we have a president who understands this and is willing to seriously take on China.
I think that's good for America and it'll be good for our future if we can simply carry out his policies.
I knew back in the mid-90s, FBI reports were 10,000 Chinese front companies in the U.S.
infiltrating everything.
Now, reportedly, it's far worse than that.
They're making a lot of our defense components.
Again, they've penetrated and bought off massive numbers of state, local, federal officials.
I mean, from your deep research, how bad is the penetration?
Well, you know, when I met with Chris Cox back in 1998, he was head of the Cox Commission looking into Chinese efforts to destabilize the United States back in 1996 with the election by pouring money into the Clinton campaign.
So this Russian collusion I have to smile at because there was real Chinese collusion beginning in the 90s and continuing to the present day.
It was 8,000 front companies in the United States that Congressman Cox put in his report.
It's tens of thousands more now.
We have Confucian Institutes, so-called, going into American universities.
Confucian Institutes, which are run by the Ministry of State Security in China,
Where you cannot talk about the three Ts.
You cannot talk about Taiwan.
You can't talk about Tibet.
You can't talk about the Tiananmen Massacre back in 1989.
All you can talk about is, you know, how wonderful the People's Republic of China is and how everybody should learn Mandarin Chinese so they can read the news reports from the New China News Agency, which is the propaganda arm of the Chinese Communist Party.
So the penetration is very deep.
It's continuing and we've got to wise up to it.
We are five or ten years away from a tipping point after which China will become so strong and powerful that there will be no recovering.
No recovering.
And notice we hear from the
I don't
They're literally cackling like the Wicked Witch of the East saying, too late my pretties, it's already done!
Well, we'll see if that's the case.
Trump, at least, is trying to get us awake to this to a certain extent.
That's why it makes me so mad the whole Russia canard.
Not that I'm a rusophobe or a rusophile either way.
Don't hate Russia, don't love Russia.
I just have studied the facts and it looks like Russia on a Richter scale, what?
I mean, maybe one-tenth?
I mean, it seems so small compared to the sophisticated Chinese total penetration, plus the elites here that have been open-armed to it.
Let's talk about this with the author of The Bully of Asia, Stephen Mosher.
Straight ahead.
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Matt in Ohio, you're on the air, another Matt, go ahead.
Yeah, hey, listen, I just wanted to say real quick, I'm a longtime listener of InfoWars, and I just wanted to say that the t-shirts that you guys are offering are absolutely fantastic, and that really is a great way to deal with this battle in the InfoWars.
It might seem like a simple thing, but particularly these slogan t-shirts that you guys got up right now are absolutely amazing.
Well, thank you.
My favorite new one is the Don't Tread On Me, but instead it says Won't Tread On Me.
And it's a big Dayglo snake, Gadsden snake.
And then it's got the American flag, Infowars.com on the right arm.
I mean, that's a great way just to meet like-minded people and spread the word and also exercise free speech.
And the newest one is Trigger Warning T-shirt.
Trigger warning t-shirt, which is the symbol of a trigger, with a yield sign and then InfoWars.com on the back.
That is the new Shirt of the Month, available exclusively at InfoWars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He's going the distance!
He's going for it!
The Bully of Asia is the book!
Stephen M. Mosier, expert on China, is our guest right now, ladies and gentlemen.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Stephen, getting into this, when we see Mao Zedong being put in power by leftists and the CIA in 49, that's now been declassified.
The John Birch Society wrote about it back in the 50s and got made fun of.
And then now we see Lloyd Blankfein, as I mentioned earlier, tweeting at Trump going, I've been to China, their infrastructure is way better, good luck turning America back on.
It's one thing to see China wanting to be dominant.
It's another thing to then see elites in our own country allied with it, selling it out, making sweetheart deals, getting rich off of it, moving to China, and then celebrating it.
It's so painful to see why they hate America so much.
A, is what I just said accurate from your research?
And then B, why do they have that attitude?
You know, Alex, there's a lot of money to be made in China because China is a country run by a corrupt elite.
The Chinese Communist Party is the largest party in the world, has 90 million members.
But when we're talking about the elite, we're just talking about the top 10,000 or so.
The people who run the provinces, the people who run the major factories, the people who get into power and literally make billions of dollars.
In ill-gotten gains.
So if you go to China and if you link up with people like Xi Jinping and people like Wen Jiabao, the leaders of provinces, the leaders at the state level, the national level, yeah, you can make a lot of money by selling out the United States and by helping the Chinese elite oppress their own workers.
There are probably a hundred thousand demonstrations by workers in China each year.
Against factory owners who are in cahoots with the Chinese Communist Party, who don't pay them just wages, who won't allow them to organize and strike for higher wages.
When they do start striking, when they do start organizing, the People's Armed Police, so-called, the People's Armed Police, which are not on the side of the people, but on the side of the party, come in with their AK-47s and break up the demonstration.
So, this is a tiny elite in China,
Cooperating with our own elite to suppress wages in China to produce cheap goods, which are then flooded into the United States and other foreign countries.
The goal, of course, of the Chinese Communist Party is to industrialize China, to move the factories of the world to China, away from the United States, away from Europe, and to use the rest of the world as a source of raw materials and a source of consumers.
And I'm afraid to say that that project
Which began in the 1990s and picked up speed with China's entry into the World Trade Organization 17 years ago is very, very far along.
China produces more than half of the world's steel today.
They're flooding the market with cheap steel.
What does that do for American steel workers?
When that subsidized cheap steel comes into the United States, well, it puts them out of work.
Fortunately, we have a president now who sees the problem and who is standing up for ordinary Americans, blue-collar workers.
Sure, exactly.
Let's talk about the endgame here.
If the U.S.
is totally sold out, they won't even have any bargaining chips.
Our own elites just want to make money today and not even have power long-term that they could leverage out.
So they really are short-sighted, even from a Machiavellian perspective.
Let me ask you this question.
The suicide nets around the Apple factories, the forced abortions, the Falun Gong, Buddhists arrested.
Used to, the American left would criticize this.
So would the right.
Now you see almost no news about this anymore.
Showing our own establishment would like to implement something like this here.
Well, yeah, people don't know, but they're going to learn now from your show, Alex, that a new cultural revolution is underway in China.
You remember the old cultural revolution launched by Mao Zedong back in the 60s, which followed on the heels of political purges in the 50s, which cost
Tens of millions of lives.
I mean, Chairman Mao Zedong was the greatest mass murderer in history, responsible for at least 65 million deaths.
Well, over the last 30 years, beginning when I was in China, first in China back in 79 and 80, the Chinese Communist Party has eliminated, has killed 400 million of its own unborn citizens.
That's the result of the one-child policy.
And any country, any leadership
That's willing to kill 400 million of its own unborn citizens is obviously will stop at nothing to achieve its goals.
And its goal really is the China dream.
When you hear President Xi Jinping, who is also the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping was also the chairman of the military commission, General Xi Jinping.
Say that he dreams a China dream.
That China dream, as I write in The Bully of Asia, is the world's nightmare.
China dreams of overturning the current world order.
I was about to say, what does their endgame look like when you talk about us being five to ten years of this being irreversible?
Because whether it's genetic engineering or chemical dumping or dirty coal, I mean, they just do not care.
It is just absolute balls to the walls, pell-mell, this dream, no rules, no nothing, no regulations, while we have regulations heaped on us by our very own elites that are investing in China.
Well, here we have to go back to the very founding of China, way back in 220 BC, when the brutal Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, killing millions of people in the process, unified China under a single emperor.
And China, of course, was known as the Middle Kingdom, the kingdom in the middle.
And it had, it felt, a natural right, a manifest destiny, to control all of its smaller neighbors.
Well, that manifest destiny that China feels, that's embodied in the China Dream, is now something that China wants to extend to the entire world.
China dreams of being the world's dominant power.
Replacing the United States.
And of course, a world dominated by China would be less free, be less democratic, it would be less safe.
Not only for Americans, but for the Chinese people themselves.
I mean, look, Christians in China are being told they cannot bring their children to church.
This is new.
This just came out a couple weeks ago.
Children under the age of 16, it's illegal to bring your own children to Catholic mass or to Christian religious services.
Home church leaders are being arrested.
The crosses are being ripped off the top of churches.
Catholics have been told to stop, you know, any contact with... And is that because now our media won't criticize China?
They feel like there's a green light to be even more repressive?
Well, I think part of it is the fact that our own media wants advertisements placed by Chinese companies and, of course, they're making money off the China trade.
The other thing is that they think that the United States, that China, in many respects, our own elite, which I believe that leftists in general have a kind of self-loathing that they project onto society as a whole.
They don't respect the United States.
They think of China as, in some ways, a more just society because they believe Chinese propaganda that we provide housing and food for our people.
I mean, they get off on Buddhists being taken and having their organs stolen.
I want to talk about, briefly, with you on the other side, then we'll let you go, how to stop them, though, what you think the weak points are in the Communist Chinese system.
Straight ahead, Bully of Asia is the book.
Support this network and not only support us but trigger the verified Libtards on Twitter.
They had an absolute meltdown a few days ago.
They found an ad that I had cut for Brain Force, which by the way you should also get in 4WarsStore.com.
Always use the opportunity to promote it even more.
They had a meltdown over an ad that I cut in April and they found it like it was some secret and they were like oh my god this is the funniest thing ever.
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An ad of me promoting Brain Force, which is a new tropic, which like literally half the people in Silicon Valley take, which everybody has their different brand of.
Oh, but when InfoWars does it, it's bad and it's funny somehow.
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I mean, Joe Rogan built his entire podcast on selling his version of the exact same product.
You gonna go after Joe Rogan too?
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Gonna get triggered over this?
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You're literally making Infowars and me money.
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Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a long-time InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks for the awesome BrainForce AnthroPlex.
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And thank you so much for doing that for us to keep us healthy.
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order, and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, we've got a bunch of multinational corporations that have a vision of world government they want.
That's now out in the open.
They've been programming the average American to hate our heritage, to hate Christianity, to hate free market, and then to lionize communist countries.
People tell me, oh, we want to be like Cuba.
They have free health care.
Yeah, but no MRI machines.
I mean, Venezuela doesn't even have medicine for malaria right now.
They long since ate their dogs and cats.
There's this total bizarre romantic romanticism associated with communism that breeds on the universities.
And I understand rich elites want to sabotage the next generation so there's no competition from that generation.
That's clearly what this action is.
Kind of like a grizzly bear will find a female grizzly bear that just had a bear cub and will kill it.
It's just pure, aggressive, dominant behavior.
Extremely authoritarian.
It creates nightmare societies.
It doesn't create survival of the fittest.
It creates survival of the most demonic and evil and controlling.
And so, joining us is Stephen M. Mosher, one of the top experts on China.
New best-selling book out, Bully of Asia.
They say they're taking over.
They've done a pretty good job of it.
Russia and other countries try to pull out of globalism.
China's dictator, call him president, put in charge by the Central Committee and the Politburo, he came out when Trump got elected about, what, 11, 12 months ago, and he said,
I'm going to prop up the New World Order.
I'm going to keep the Euro in place.
I'll help you defeat Trump, if people remember.
They were like, yay, our new leader is the communist Chinese president because he'll play along with all this.
So we've gone from criticizing Tiananmen Square a few decades ago to our media will not even discuss it today.
And it just goes on and on and on, that we're becoming like China, they're not becoming like us.
Trump just wants to put the brakes on it a little, and the howling and screaming, even though the economy comes back, only gets more deafening.
So, what is their endgame?
How do we stop it?
And other key points.
Well, their endgame is obviously world domination.
That's what the people may have heard about the New Silk Road.
China is spending trillions of dollars to create a series of railroads.
And ports, opening sea routes and land routes to Europe.
The New Silk Road is all about restructuring the world economic order around China, drawing Europe, drawing India, drawing the Middle East away from connections with the United States and forging connections with China.
So that's obviously an effort to dominate what Harold Mackinder called the World Island.
You know, back 100 years ago, this great strategist said, he who dominates
The world island will dominate the world.
Well, we don't have ambitions in the United States to dominate the world.
We've been a benevolent world leader.
We have not claimed territory when we've gone in to try to promote democracy.
China wants territory.
It wants power.
It wants clout.
It wants domination.
And it's New Silk Road is an effort to dominate Eurasia.
And I'll tell you what, if China winds up dominating everything from Manchuria in the East, Siberia in the East, all the way to European Russia in the West, it's game over.
Basically, they will control so much of the world's population, 4 billion people, and so much of the world's landmass, that the United States will necessarily be a second-ranked power.
And they admit all this.
How did they...
Get 97% control of rare earth minerals.
Why did we strategically let that happen?
Plus, that's not normal.
Other companies or countries should have a bigger percent than 3% total.
I mean, wow!
How did that disaster happen?
Again, for those that don't know, you need rare earth minerals for all the electronics that run civilization.
How did they get such a corner on the global market of that key area?
Well, Alex, you know, rare earths are not all that rare.
They're found in the United States.
We had some rare earth mines years ago, but they were shut down by an overactive Environmental Protection Agency.
China, of course, doesn't mind violating environmental rules.
In fact,
The main job of the Chinese Environmental Protection Agency agents is to go out to mines and factories to take a bribe and then go home and write a nice report saying there's no problem with pollution.
Anyone who's been in China knows that pollution is terrible, that Chinese lung cancer, throat cancer rates are the world's highest, and there's no effort really to rein in this kind of pollution.
But who cares?
The Chinese elite certainly don't care if Chinese workers' lives are sacrificed.
As long as their power as long as their their their wealth continues to go up, you know, we hear a lot about North Korea What people need to understand is that North Korea is China
I don't
Providing technology for his nuclear research program and at the same time they they are protecting North Korea by a mutual security treaty I mean anyone who fell for that as of course the Clintons did back in the 90s and Everyone in fact up to President Trump fell for that little charade doesn't understand the point of China's China's relationship with North Korea and
Uh, Chinese party supremo Xi Jinping doesn't want to help solve the North Korean problem.
He helped to create the problem.
He sustains the problem, and he's using it for his own purposes, which is to say, to distract the United States and the world from the real threat, which is China itself.
And again, the worst human rights abuses, the suicide nets, the forced abortions, the killing of the Buddhists and Christians, and leftist media tried to cover that up for decades.
It's all now admitted.
I think it's beyond just a romanticism for communism.
I just think the average leftist really likes authoritarianism and really wants to appease China and get on the payroll.
Well, I have to agree with you because if the leftists in the United States have no respect for the freest, most democratic country that has ever existed in the world, which is the United States of America,
Then they have to embrace something, you know.
They can't let their minds remain completely empty, and so they embrace this distant mirage of socialism, the idea that you can create heaven on earth.
And not knowing very much about China, not wanting to disturb their own illusions, they romanticize the country.
They romanticize strong leaders who are going to solve supposedly problems overnight.
And they fantasize because they love that socialist authoritarianism that they'll be part of the ruling elite.
Just briefly, as we're going to break, and I appreciate your time, Bully of Asia, Stephen Mosier, always a great guest, been on before, one of the top experts out there.
Talk about just briefly your awakening as an atheist.
You know, as kind of, I guess, a liberal, whatever.
You're over there, you actually see it for yourself, that transformation.
Well, years ago I was at the University of California at Berkeley, one of the high temples of secular humanism, teaching Chinese anthropology.
I was finishing up a PhD at Stanford University.
I was selected to go to China and study the People's Republic of China.
I found myself in the midst of the most horrific population control program the world has ever seen, the one-child policy, which involved the forced abortion of women
Seven, eight, and nine months pregnant.
They're forced sterilization following so they wouldn't disturb the population control program in years to come.
And I really did have, in the operating room, witnessing the forced abortion of women who were very close to giving birth.
I came to understand, first of all, the sanctity of human life.
These were little, tiny human beings, little sons of Adam, daughters of Eve, who were being sacrificed to the population control program.
And I came to believe that if hell could exist and, you know, as it were, the pit of hell opened up before me as I was witnessing forced abortions, then there must be a compensating good, there must be a compensating heaven, there must be a God.
So, in a kind of strange way, I found God in China.
Because of the absolute absence of God and godliness in that.
Beautifully said.
Because when you're surrounded by good and justice, you don't appreciate it.
Once you're put into hell for one moment, you awaken.
Bully of Asia, thank you so much, sir, for your time.
God bless you.
We'll be back.
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Matt in Ohio, you're on the air.
Another Matt, go ahead.
Yeah, hey, listen, I just wanted to say real quick, I'm a long-time listener of InfoWars, and I just wanted to say that the t-shirts that you guys are offering are absolutely fantastic, and that really is a great way to deal with this battle in the InfoWars.
It might seem like a simple thing, but particularly these slogan t-shirts that you guys got up right now are absolutely amazing.
Thank you.
My favorite new one is the Don't Tread On Me, but instead it says Won't Tread On Me.
And it's a big Dayglo snake, Gadsden snake.
And then it's got the American flag, Infowars.com on the right arm.
I mean, that's a great way just to meet like-minded people and spread the word and also exercise free speech.
And the newest one is Trigger Warning T-shirt.
Trigger warning t-shirt, which is the symbol of a trigger, with a yield sign and then InfoWars.com on the back.
That is the new Shirt of the Month, available exclusively at InfoWarsStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
You know, I'm not really good at whining.
I'm not really good at saying, oh poor me.
Because I've asked for everything that's happening.
But I do need the listeners and viewers to understand something.
We're in a fight.
And if the attacks taking place against InfoWars, and against NewsWars, some of which I can talk about publicly, some of which I can't talk about yet, but soon, aren't recognized by you as an attack on all of our freedoms, we will lose.
Now we've come from behind.
People now know there's a private corporate world government.
They now know our elite sold us out to Communist China and sold out their people to total slavery to be the engine to build world government.
We now know about the globalist pedophile networks and how they control populations.
We now know about their eugenics based one world government plan.
We know about their plan to make us all renters living in 200 square foot coffin apartments where families have basically been made illegal.
We know the enemy's plan.
We know it's diabolical.
We know it's anti-human.
We know it's authoritarian.
We know it's nasty.
We should be able to stop it.
But that said...
Google and its sub-companies, Facebook, Twitter, they're all ratcheting us down and banning Milo and Roger Stone and new people every day.
They're banning popular leftists that have their own platforms because they don't want anybody but the controlled central systems.
All the major newspapers are going bankrupt.
They're all getting propped up.
Time Magazine's bankrupt.
It just got bought out.
It's all collapsing.
And it's response is to go ahead and launch censorship.
So if we just sit here and confidently take it like, well that's no big deal, being banned on Google AdSense, being banned on AdRoll, being constantly curtailed, being blocked from putting our films on iTunes, all of it.
We put up with that discrimination, we're gonna go from being in these digital ghettos, as Matt Drudge has warned, to physical ghettos.
It should make us total cost celebs to have all these congressional hearings saying, shut down Infowars and the heads of YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter go, yes sir, we shut them down at lunch.
I mean, we have the video.
It's on screen right now.
And now this article by Paul Joseph Watson.
I don't want to make the news about us.
I got stacks of incredibly important stuff here.
But if you go to YouTube and you type in how to have,
How to have a great trip.
How to... How to have a great vacation.
No, you get how to have sex.
Get auto loads.
How to have sex with your kids.
And YouTube and Google, it's parent company, just lost millions in advertising last week as companies found their advertising was being placed on pedophile videos promoting child sex with adults.
This is just their coming out to condition us where we don't care anymore.
Got the Deputy Pope arrested for it.
You got all these major arrests happening daily.
And you've got all these publications coming out saying Trump isn't going after pedophiles.
There's no pedophiles.
Alex Jones made it up.
It doesn't exist.
Pizzagate's fake news.
Pizza is code word.
Cheese pizza for child porn online, the FBI reports.
The media focused on a pizza place.
To then try to make it look like no pedophilia exists in the world by putting out that fake story that everybody then ended up reporting on to ignore the spirit cooking and the devil worship and the pedophilia arrests and all the rest of it.
They distracted off with that decoy.
But here it is, and we're gonna break tomorrow.
Disney involved in sexualization of children.
Disney, though, hires people that are convicted child rapists to run movies with children on the set.
I mean, this is who they are.
They're about selfishness, and there's nothing more selfish.
I felt guilty when I ate veal because it's baby cow.
Imagine, again, these people are all about having no guilt.
So the story's on Infowars.com, Newswars.com, our final outpost.
YouTube says Infowars.com is harmful while ignoring its own pedophile problem.
So you know this is the next step for us being banned on made up pretenses.
So we have our own platform here for now.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
But people stop down the street and they go, I don't see you streaming on Facebook anymore.
I don't see you.
That's because they block us from sharing the link.
You have to go right to Alex Jones on Facebook to see the feed.
You've got to go right to Infowars.com forward slash show.
You've got to go right to the Alex Jones channel because they're not letting you share it.
You've got to click notifications.
You've got to want it to come to your inbox or they'll block it.
But it frustrates me because folks love us and watch us when it just pops up and they can see it.
But when they can't, they just go, oh, where's Alex Jones?
Get to sign up for our free newsletter.
Infowars.com forward slash newsletter.
So you get the videos and the articles they don't want you to see delivered to your inbox.
I've been saying we've got to go back to email.
We've got to get big in email.
Everybody's got to follow us on email.
You've got to sign up to get our alerts because it's happening.
Having ignored its own pedophile problem where wannabe child molesters abuse the platform to stalk children for months, potential years, YouPube is now declaring links to Infowars.com harmful and disturbing.
Oh the irony, a user who attempted to link through to InfoWars from a YouTube video on their phone sent us the following screenshot.
I've seen it too.
Be careful, this site may be harmful, states the warning.
The site you're trying to visit, InfoWars.com, may have malware, phishing attempts, or disturbing content.
I think it's pretty disturbing when you type in how to.
How to fix your car, how to whatever, you get how to rape children.
No, YouTube's harmful.
Amazon's harmful.
Apple's harmful.
They're the globals.
They're the ones in bed with China.
They're the ones that openly want to run our lives and say we're obsolete and who took over all the major platforms.
This website then offers a back to safety option.
Oh, back to safety.
Don't leave.
Stay here with us on YouTube.
This is so Orwellian.
Option to prevent the user from accessing InfoWars.
And it goes on with the Daily Mail reporting on it.
I can't even deal with this anymore.
I mean, do you understand?
They are trying to snuff us out.
And if they can snuff us out, they can snuff you out.
We are the champion.
I didn't ask to be the champion.
I'm not complaining about it.
I'm quite honored.
I don't feel up to it, quite frankly.
Now, before I go to break, come back the next hour and I will take your phone calls the entire hour and cover other big, important, breaking news.
Quite frankly, I just went off what I saw medical doctors prescribing to their patients, but it wasn't prescription, but they were charging people $100, $200 for the formulae.
And I came up with our own formula, working with some scientists and developers.
And I said, what are even better mineral, vitamin, amino acid mixtures with beetroot concentrate for the heart?
That's why it's the red pill.
There's no artificial additives here.
With preglanone, which is the Olympic team lets you take.
It doesn't consider it an illegal steroid, but it is the precursor to all hormones in the body.
Your body has to have it to be able to make hormones.
Your body produces it on its own.
But with all the chemicals and things in the environment and all the estrogen mimickers, it ends up getting basically blocked.
And then levels of it go down more than 60% on average by the time you reach 20 years of age.
It starts dropping precipitously up to 60 plus percent by the time you're 70.
You can read all the details at InfoWars.com or InfoWarsStore.com.
But I'm so excited, the new product at InfoWarsLife.com in a glass bottle,
Two-month servings, filled to the brim, filled to the absolute top, the real red pill.
This is a heart and brain pill, a nootropic, but doesn't have any stimulants in it.
But boy, does it stimulate, because it's beyond that.
It doesn't compete with BrainForce.
BrainForce is amazing, super high quality.
Absolutely supercharges you with natural, healthy compounds the brain needs to activate with healthy stimulant like green tea and things like that.
Everybody loves it.
It's 50% off.
Now we have 50% off storewide right now and we have free shipping at m4store.com for Cyber Monday and then it's got to end.
The special's been going for over a week.
We've got a whole bunch of other specials that are about to end as well, but the point is... Red Pill!
The real red pill is here.
Supports optimal brain function.
Supports hormonal balance.
Supports healthy aging.
Made right here in America.
120 capsules.
And ladies and gentlemen, you add the preglanone to it, which is the precursor to all the hormones that your body has to have to even make the hormones in your glands.
It is amazing!
It is really dramatic for me personally and others.
So it is a vitamin, mineral, amino acid, multi with the preglanone and with the beetroot.
And you add all that together, it is amazing.
Life.com or 888-253-3139.
You've got to have these building blocks, and it is amazing.
Be sure and consult your health care provider if you've got any questions, though, because these are serious formulas.
So, the real red pill, now available at InfoWarsTore.com, and your purchase funds the operation.
Just briefly,
My dad is an oral surgeon and dentist.
He's about to retire.
About 15 years ago, he heard me ranting and raving about fluoride and toothpaste and how it causes brain damage and lower IQ and dental fluorosis.
And he said, son, I don't care who you have on the air.
That's a bunch of bull.
You need fluoride or you die.
And I actually showed him what was in the water supply in the Florida.
He said, this is incredible.
This is Grignard Reagent's heavy metals.
They're covering for it, calling it Florida under law with a loophole to dump toxic waste in the food and water.
Now, CNN had to admit last month, in utero and in children, massive IQ reductions.
Well, six years ago, the EPA said, reduce it in water by half.
You don't drink your sunscreen, but hydrofluorosilic acid is a
I don't
The American Dental Association says don't brush children's teeth until age 6 with it.
Why does it say nursery water?
They're at the store with added fluoride.
And they didn't add calcium fluoride, boys.
And girls, they added hydrofluorosilicic acid.
That's why my dad and I developed, with the same folks that make Toms of Maine, it's private-labeled, super blue, non-fluoride toothpaste with colloidal silver and high-quality iodine.
But you die without iodine.
Massive iodine deficiencies in the country.
If you drink the stuff that's at the store, it'll kill you.
That's a different type of iodine.
This is the real medical grade.
It's 33% off right now and we have the bubblegum natural flavor organic flavored for children that doesn't have as much of the peppermint in it because it says concentrated toothpaste.
Super blue toothpaste available at InfoWarsTore.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones