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Name: 20171127_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 27, 2017
2890 lines.

In his broadcast, Alex Jones discusses various political issues, including globalist influence on companies like Amazon, Apple, Google, and Microsoft. He accuses Jeff Bezos of being anti-free speech and using his platforms to spread false information against Trump. The speaker also criticizes Amazon for its dehumanizing practices in their factories and shipping centers, as well as the disturbing content promoted by YouTube, including child exploitation videos. Jones encourages listeners to support alternative media platforms like InfoWars and promotes various products available on Infowarstore.com. He discusses ongoing investigations into former presidents George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter, as well as the downfall of the Clinton family and the current state of the Democratic Party. Jones also talks about China's growing power and influence and its strategic plan to destabilize America. The InfoWars show promotes various products such as health supplements, food items, and patriotic apparel. The team at InfoWars discuss how YouTube has become a platform for rampant pedophile rings that use the site to share child sex results but does not seem to be focused on censorship when it comes to this issue.

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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
When you come face-to-face with the fact that we're dealing with organized evil, with these mega corporations, and that everything they preach about all day, being loving, being good, caring about humanity, is a cover for who they really are.
Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft.
Truly wicked, wicked organizations.
It's all coming up.
Top of drugs report.
As it said best, Amazon warehouse of hell.
Robots replace exhausted humans.
They make you package one package per nine seconds or you're fired.
Total enslavement like a Chinese slave factory.
But it's okay because it's liberal.
When Apple has suicide nets at its factory and forced drugging, it's liberal.
But first let's go to John Bowne's report on the New World Order.
Even though Nancy Pelosi is defending fallen Representative John Conyers after his sexual misconduct came roaring out of the closet, and even though embarrassed Senator Al Franken refuses to resign, and even though the sexual misconduct in Congress is so massive,
It is under sealed confidentiality agreements that have cost taxpayers $17 million.
All of the Sunday morning talk shows went after the commander-in-chief, using the allegations surrounding congressional candidate Roy Moore to lump Trump into the fray while simultaneously protecting their corporacratic comrades.
George Stephanopoulos starts right now.
Representative Jackie Speier has said she knows of two other members of Congress who have engaged in sexual harassment.
Still unnamed, and as of now, facing no consequences.
And then there's Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, accused of sexual misconduct against minors.
President Donald Trump defending him this week, saying that Moore denies it, and implying that his denial is enough.
But according to a report just out overnight in the New York Times, that defense of Moore infuriating Trump's Republican colleagues on Capitol Hill, who had been trying to distance the party from those misconduct allegations.
Today on Face the Nation, there is maybe a split, maybe there's not a split, but there appears to be a split between the president, who doesn't believe Roy Moore's accusers, and Senate Republicans, including McConnell and Mike Lee, other senators who've looked at the evidence, looked at the responses from Roy Moore, and said, we believe the accusers.
Do you think that split matters?
Just back away a little bit.
Having Moore win and then come to the Senate presents just a whole host of political problems that will not be easy to deal with.
Sexual harassment.
A national turning point?
Or is it?
After refusing to back Alabama's Roy Moore.
The president said if the allegations are true then that Roy Moore should step aside.
President Trump decides to stand by his man.
I can tell you one thing for sure.
We don't need a liberal person in there, a democrat.
Good Sunday morning.
There are moments in the past half century when as Americans we've been forced to re-examine our attitudes and ourselves.
Vietnam, civil rights, gay rights.
In politics, we're now facing the crucible of sexual harassment.
Our revulsion at what we've learned and our uncertainty of what to do about it going forward.
Is it time to demand the resignation of all politicians accused of harassment?
Is it better to support an accused child molester of your own party than to have the other party win an election?
The revolt against sexual harassment and assault may in part be a backlash after Donald Trump's 2016 victory when millions of voters overlooked more than a dozen allegations of sexual misconduct and put Mr. Trump in the White House.
A result that triggered thousands of women nationwide to begin an anti-Trump movement that has flexed its muscles since the inauguration.
With two weeks until the special U.S.
Senate election in Alabama, President Trump is again aligning himself with embattled Republican candidate Roy Moore.
Today on Twitter, the President called Moore's Democratic appointment... Are we not all under unyielding harassment by the corporate media?
When do the American people get what their tax dollars paid for?
The names behind the $17 million payout to the victims of perverse hubris lingering in the nation's capital.
I'm going to shoot you straight.
InfoWars has changed the world because you've supported us.
The globalists are on the run, but they're launching counter-offensives.
And now more than ever, I am thankful for your support and I'm asking you to visit InfoWarsStore.com.
Running right through to next week on Cyber Monday, we've got free shipping storewide and clearly the biggest sales in our history.
We just keep launching bigger and bigger sales.
We've got our new tropic, RainForce, 50% off.
We've got so many other products there that are 50%
We're good.
There's a need for a new world order.
But it has different characteristics in different parts of the world.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
We think just like we think.
I suspect even now orders are being shouts into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Sutler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words are for the means to meaning and for those who will listen,
But the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You designed it, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You taught me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice.
Intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and subduing your submission.
We need cameras.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who would you be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
And it is Cyber Monday, the 27th day of November 2017.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
I do intend to open the phones up and take your calls today.
The news is getting so insane, so crazy, that I don't even know where to start anymore.
I mean, just look at these headlines.
Amazon warehouse of hell, robots replace exhausted humans.
And then, if you go deeper,
You learn that all of Amazon, every bit of it is taxpayer subsidized, nationwide, and it is exempt from all of the major laws that it lobbies for against us to shut down Main Street, to even shut down Walmart.
It has slave factories in China, the equivalent of slavery here, absolutely cold-blooded, absolutely technocratic.
It gets $1.48 every package it ships of taxpayer money.
Other big companies don't get that.
He's building buildings all over the major cities where he's based, where they basically push the employees to then live in a small apartment, pay more per square foot than you normally would.
He's buying up the grocery stores, he's buying up the infrastructure, and he's doing it all through monopoly systems.
And he says he's going to replace humans, that that's his ultimate goal, but it's okay, he's abusive and oppressive and repressive, because he likes Obama!
And that makes it trendy, kind of like Apple with the suicide nets and the stairwells, and around the buildings at their Foxconn factories.
Remember that?
And the people jumping off the roofs, and the forced drugging, but the media didn't care because it's Apple!
And they're trendy and they support Black Lives Matter.
So it's okay if Obama funded the Arab Spring and the Muslim Brotherhood to put hundreds of thousands of women into slavery as young as six years of age and rape them to death and throw gays off buildings because they pose and say they're liberal.
So it must be okay.
Meanwhile, while all of this is going on, while Google admits that even if you turn off all the spy functions, they're still watching you, they're still listening to you, they're still tracking where you go, what you do.
You've got cancer rates skyrocketing, you've got vaccines killing people all over the place, and causing neurological disorders, and causing all sorts of problems.
But despite all of that, we're told
That sex scandals dealing with men asking women out is paramount to Harvey Weinstein raping women according to eyewitnesses and Kevin Spacey basically sexually assaulting men.
All of that is paramount in the media's conflation
With a man asking a woman out or a man trying to kiss a woman and then she rebuffs him, that is paramount now with rape and pedophilia.
But the American people see right through all of this.
We've seen wall-to-wall coverage in the controlled corporate press that Trump supports a child molester, Roy Moore, as if he is a child molester, as if he's been proven or convicted
When they have far more proof of Bill Clinton on a sex traffickers airplane going to an island where sex traffic children were taken.
And we have senior Secret Service agents like Mr. Bongino saying that while they were there, they witnessed things you couldn't believe and they've threatened to release the information.
But that's not even in the news.
They wrote about it last Friday.
Didn't even get any coverage.
Who cares?
Ex-Secret Service agent threatens to drop new details about Bill Clinton and Lolita Express.
But meanwhile, Trump comes out and says, we haven't seen any proof, and until I see proof on Roy Moore, I'm not gonna support the Democrat.
Pelosi comes out and calls Conyers an icon.
But that's okay.
Now the media spins it, oh look, Trump supports a child molester.
But he hadn't been convicted of it, hadn't been proven.
Talk about defamation, but see he's a public figure, so they hide behind that.
Meanwhile, Trump has come out and said that he will not campaign for Moore.
And he said he wouldn't campaign for him before and didn't originally support him.
But again, it turns into this giant diversion as if all the crimes on earth against women were done by Judge Roy Moore.
Meanwhile, CNN had a big report out yesterday saying sexual harassment globally by the numbers and said, oh, the Middle East doesn't have any problems.
America, that's where we're bad to women.
I'm not kidding.
So that's how they operate.
Meanwhile, last week, major corporations broke ties with Google and YouTube, for now, over the fact that they have been promoting sexualization of children and softcore child porn, if you could call it that, and weird snuff film videos, simulated snuff films of children being killed, cut into videos that are supposed to look like they're family friendly.
Last night I started getting more intel about this and then saw it in the news today.
This is on InfoWars.com.
YouTube autocomplete tool shows users
profoundly disturbing child sex results when they search for how-to videos and that's coming up as well.
You just type in how to change a tire, how to sail a boat, how to tie your shoelaces, how to plant tulips, how to sell your bike.
No, that's not what you get.
How to have sex with your kids and then a bunch of other vulgar
Searches are the first thing you get.
How to have sex with your kids.
You think that's all by accident?
This is the religion of the people running things.
It's hurting innocents.
And if they can't screw their brains up with television...
That's the low-level stuff.
At least they can screw your kid up, get him on drugs.
That's the main overall satanic transmission.
Then they can get their hands on him and rape him even better.
But the real good thing is torturing him to death before you gouge their eyeballs out while they beg for mommy.
Infowars is changing the world, sending shockwaves across the planet.
The globalists understand that.
They know they have to destroy nation states, they have to destroy Christian civilization, they have to destroy the family.
They can't leave anything standing.
Or when their great tyranny comes in, liberty will spring back up in those institutions.
They have scientifically figured out how to do this, and they're cold-blooded enough to actually try to execute it, and they've gotten a lot of their plan done.
But they were counting on operating in secret, in the dark, denying all of this existed using mainstream media.
But that doesn't work anymore.
So the whole facade is now falling down around them.
When I get up here and tell you that we're one of the most influential
...organizations of the world now for the resistance.
It isn't a brag.
I'm on the front lines wearing a general outfit with the enemy shooting at me 24-7.
I'm simply telling you we've been successful, so that's good news, but at the same time they're coming after us because of it, because we're now a figurehead, a focal point.
A flag, a symbol that they want to take down, and they want to destroy, and they want to discredit.
They're trying to assassinate my credibility ahead of assassinating me physically.
That's what the top minds and best analysts have said, and I concur with the analysis.
We're in a very serious situation, so I'm asking you this Thanksgiving to understand that we wouldn't have this info war if it wasn't for you, and I thank you, and I appreciate you, and I celebrate you, and I cover all these negative things.
Not because I'm trying to make you depressed, but because I believe in you, and know that when you're faced with these globalist operations, you'll want to stand up and do something about it.
So again, I salute you, and I thank you, and I thank my family, and I thank the crew, and I thank everybody in the last 22 years for sticking with this movement, and to now see such success, the enemy's pushing back, and so now is the time for critical effort.
And that said, we're running specials all throughout this week that help fund our operation to be able to continue on under globalist attacks, under censorship, under boycotts, under lawsuits, you name it.
You've taken us this far, and if you'll just get the great products we have that are great for you and your family, and symbiotically then support us, nothing can stop us, ladies and gentlemen, when you stand up and vote with your dollars, vote with your euros, and get the products at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're running a special from Monday, when I'm shooting this right now, right through next Monday on Cyber Monday, eight days from now, when we do a special 36-hour broadcast.
On Monday, we have Brain Force that's been sold out, 50% off the Great Nootropic and free shipping storewide.
We've got Tuesday, November 21st, Silver Bullet.
995, 50% off.
Knockout Sleep Aid, 50% off.
Wednesday, Super Metal Vitality, 50% off.
Living Defense, 50% off.
Thursday, on Thanksgiving, 50% off.
All the high-quality, storable foods, 50% off.
Prostate Guard has been proven to be great for your prostate and more.
Friday, November 24th, X2, the good halogen that blocks the fluoride and all the rest of it.
You'd die without it.
50% off.
Alexa Pure Pro, another great system of water filter.
Twenty-five percent off.
Saturday, November 25th, launch of Emmerich Essentials new essential oil blends.
Sunday, launch of Tactical Walls.
Monday, the 27th, launch of a new product we haven't told you about.
So much more.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com.
Or 888-253-3139.
Please pray for us.
Please spread the articles and videos.
Get past the censors.
And please financially support us.
We're getting great products at the same time.
And we will not let you down.
We will win together.
We will have a renaissance.
We will go to the stars.
And we will kick these social engineers, control freaks, psychopaths' ass into the dustbin of history.
They're hanging on by their nails right now.
So I'm thankful for you on this Thanksgiving, and I'm thankful for your support.
I'm asking for your support again, because we're all in this together, and we're winning!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, coming up, ladies and gentlemen, inside Amazon's slave factories and inside their slave shipping centers, and how Jeff Bezos is truly organized evil.
Everything he does is meant to be dehumanizing, anti-human, and quite frankly, you know, I walked in this morning, there was my wife again on Amazon, and I said, honey, we gotta dehabitualize this.
All these little packages coming to people's houses are undercutting all the markets.
He's made special deals with the government.
He gets $1.48 every package from us.
He took over the publishing industry.
He devastated that.
He's moving on to everything.
He's anti-free speech.
He owns the Washington Post.
Churning out lies against America.
Trying to have Infowars shut down and putting out disinfo that I'm a Russian agent that needs to be arrested.
And he does this to any industry, any media, anything.
He wants total control.
And he psychologically studies how to get you tied into his systems.
He wants to own the grocery stores you go to, the self-driving cars, the packages you get, where you live.
He's pushing the coffin apartments so you own nothing, you have nothing.
He's trying to replace you with robots.
He's a super uncool guy, okay?
And of course he's all tied into DARPA and his daddy and a whiz kid who just magically did all this on his own.
It's like Bill Gates.
It's like Apple.
All of it are in-Q-Tel government DARPA fronts.
And they even admit it when you read deeper literature.
And Trump is trying to stop this anti-human system.
That's his big crime, is that he's against this total control grid
The globalists are building, so that's coming up.
YouTube, when you type in how to fix the number one search is how to have sex with your kids.
Massive pedophile arrests going on all over the place of people sex trafficking three, four, and six-month-old babies for gang raping.
That's all coming up.
As liberal media says, there is no pedophilia.
It doesn't exist.
No one wants to sexualize your children, and you turn on the television
And it's sexualization of children, and then we've got a report break in the next few days of what Disney's up to.
And I'm just gonna leave it at that.
But you talk about caught red-handed.
This is the coming out of the pedophiles, folks.
I'm gonna stop right there.
But this stuff's gotten so hardcore that I already knew it was true, and that their religion is pedophilia.
But when you actually see them on store shelves selling sexualization of babies, I don't even know what to say at this point.
You know, I almost just need to take a vacation because I'm not complaining.
I've just reached the maximum point here.
I mean, I'm
I don't even know what to say anymore.
I mean, these people are evil.
They are scientifically evil.
They have a will to dominate you.
They hate you.
It's a feeling of just pure, complete, absolute, they're going to run your life.
They know how you work.
They're going to program you.
They're going to set you up.
They're going to get you.
They're going to make you sick.
They're going to dominate your life.
They're just vicious.
They only feel good when they're running over you and doing something bad.
And if people would just wake up to how bad these folks are and start making better life choices, it'd all be over!
I have harangued everybody around me to not use Amazon for years.
We were off of Amazon for years.
Without me even knowing, they put our stuff back on Amazon.
And the argument is in our marketing and shipping, sir, we had to do it because then they sell counterfeits or our products at lower prices and undercut us.
So we have to have a presence there so we can shut down everybody else selling our stuff.
So we have to just have a limited deal there just so we can't be associated with Amazon.
It's such a monopoly.
We've got to have one of their tentacles around our neck or we can't even communicate with the monster.
And they've got the exhausted humans hanging around inside the factories as the robots are right next to them replacing them.
That's up on newswars.com and everywhere else.
And meanwhile, I have Bezos breathing down my neck.
And he's about to get not just a $1.48 every package, and tax exemptions in all these cities, and where the cities actually pay to build their factories, and you thought paying to build a sports stadium was bad.
This is next level.
They now have a bill that's set to pass the Senate anytime with bipartisan support, because Bezos has greased all the skids, where every federal purchase, whether it be automobiles or printer ink or government uniforms, will go through Amazon.
And Amazon's going to give them a computer program interface where you can only shop on government computers with Amazon.
And of course Trump's trying to stop that, and that's why they want to kill him.
Because you're going to buy from Jeff Bezos, who's anti-gun, anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-human, pro-robot takeover, because he's such a jerk that if he thinks he can wreck humanity with Apple and Google and all the rest of these psycho jerks, then he's a big man because he screwed over everybody.
And he made you pay for it, and you were so stupid, you kept buying everything from him in the little Pavlovian boxes.
Oh, and the free shipping, because it's been paid for by taxpayers.
And there you are, slitting your own throat, shutting your own city down.
It's not innovation, it's cancer!
It's organized, scientific, bug-eyed evil!
By a collection of psychopaths who love slave camps, who love slave labor, who love forced abortion, who love forced drugging, who love suicide nets.
You're never going to hear Black Lives Matter or Kaepernick or anybody bitch and complain about millions of Chinese slaves or millions of Buddhists in prisons with their organs being harvested because that's not the script!
You follow Apple and Amazon's script and Google's script to act like you're all liberal and loving while your own white papers say you're going to replace humans and humans are dog meat and garbage and filth!
Now coming up!
Should have said it at the start of the broadcast.
You want movement from Trump?
You want movement from the Justice Department?
His new FBI director has signaled he's getting ready to put Robert Mueller, James Comey, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Billy Boyd, pedophile Clinton, in the grease.
He's got the grease turned up at a nice 300 degrees or so.
He's turning it up to 350.
They're in the hopper and the button's going into the grease.
So that's coming up.
Roger Stone joins us with the exclusive intel on that.
Also is General Michael T. Flynn really turning on Trump?
Somebody talk to folks in that camp and we'll have the answer for you on that and more on the other side.
Tomorrow's news today at InfoWars.
I'm Alex Jones.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You can learn a lot about the weaknesses
of our enemies by studying what they attack, by studying what they fear.
They fear families living together.
They fear people loving God.
They fear individuals being independent and successful and empowered.
They fear communities really coming together and sharing in the bounty of a free market system.
And they fear individuals openly exercising their First Amendment.
That's why it is essential on every front to support InfoWars.
When you get a t-shirt like this new shirt that is my all-time favorite, it's brand new, super nice fabric, it's designer-made, won't tread on me with a big Gadsden snake right in the middle of the chest,
A Dayglo, m4wars.com on the right shoulder, with an American flag, m4wars.com on the back.
When you wear it, it telegraphs to friends and to foe where you stand and what you believe.
And so many things will happen.
We are the majority.
And it lets the minions of the bullies that are out there trying to intimidate us know and understand that we're not backing down and we're aware of what's happening.
But just as importantly, it will allow you to meet like-minded people.
Who could become some of the best friends in your life?
So many people stop me on the streets, all over the country, and shake my hand and say, here's my husband, here's my wife, or here's a photo of my husband and my children.
I was wearing one of your t-shirts at the park, or at church, or at the mall, and met my spouse.
So many people write me.
And also told me on the street that they met like-minded people wearing these t-shirts that then became their new employer or their new business partner.
We have to fly our flag.
We have to wear our colors.
So, won't tread on me, the new shirt at Infowarsstore.com.
When you get excited and you take action, nothing can stop you.
And I want to see seas of this iconic shirt out there at big events, and at Trump rallies, and at land rights rallies, and at Second Amendment rallies, and on C-SPAN, and on national television.
We changed the world with the Bill Clinton rape shirt.
And the Lock Her Up Hillary For Prison shirt.
We've changed the world because you took action.
Now let's take it to the next level and also support InfoWars and our operation financially when you get the shirt.
So promote free speech, stand up to bullies, get a high quality shirt, meet like-minded people.
Again, and fund InfoWars and the expanding operation we've got in the face of the globalists trying to shut us down.
It is a total complete 360 win.
Please commit today to visit InfoWarsTore.com and look at all the amazing Patriot apparel from ball caps to sweatshirts to high quality t-shirts at InfoWarsTore.com and we will continue to change the world together for the better, for our children, for righteousness and for justice.
I'm Alex Jones, and we will continue to change the world together for our children, for our communities, for ourselves, and for truth, and for justice.
Again, I want to thank you all for your support, and I salute you all for what you've done in the InfoWarm, whether it's spreading links to articles and videos, or spreading the word on the ground, or telling folks about local radio stations, or supporting our local sponsors.
All of it has changed the world, especially your prayers.
So please, from myself and my family and the
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on, for your mind.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, Roger Stone, former head of the Trump campaign, has talked to folks.
We'll just leave it at that, and he's got the inside scoop on the FBI new director getting ready to move against Mueller, Comey, the Clintons, you name it.
This is very exciting news.
Well, you suddenly see all these emails being put out now showing the cover-up of Mueller and others back six, seven years ago of Uranium One.
I'm saying we got to handle this specially.
I'm the only one that looks at it that he killed it to shut down the informant, to shut down all that information.
So that's all coming unraveled.
And the media for a week has been saying that General Flynn is turning against Trump because he's not talking to the White House lawyers anymore.
We're going to explain why.
And I'd already figured this out, but as soon as we were able to talk to the parties, it was what we thought.
So that is coming up.
The White House is full of operatives, folks.
The White House is full of globalists who want to leak stuff.
That's like communicating to Mueller.
And Flynn understands that, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
That's how hijacked the White House is.
It's still doing a lot of good, but Trump is surrounded.
Just like Trump fired the head of an agency, it's totally under law, he can do it.
They're now suing him over it because the person that quit appointed someone and is claiming they have the right to appoint someone, not the president.
And the media plays on the public's ignorance and goes, oh look!
Trump fired the head of an agency.
He can't do that when the law is 100% clear for 240 years!
Now before we go any further, I am excited to announce to everybody the launch of something absolutely new, dynamic, and exciting.
And I am so excited to be able to break this down here on air and to be able to
Offer something like this to the public because something like this will be so popular and so successful that it will help fund our operations and our expansion.
Now, first off, ladies and gentlemen, we're in the middle of a 34-hour live broadcast and we're live 10 hours a day right now from 8 a.m.
past 3 p.m.
in the afternoon Central.
But now, we are going to be more and more often doing
34-hour broadcast, where they kick off at 8 a.m.
with David Knight and The Real News, run through InfoWars Live with your truly Alex Jones, right through Owen Schroer, and the War Room that comes on at 3 o'clock every day.
So it starts one day, runs through 24 hours, and then back through another 10 hours.
That's 34 hours live, and we're calling this 34-hour live transmission, Know Your Enemy.
We're going to get into the globalists, and how they run monopolies, and how they're anti-human, and how they have a church of AI, and worship world government, and worship AI computers, and believe that they're going to become gods.
I reported that ten years ago on my film, Endgame.
Now you notice that's all over the news.
Google executives met to launch their new church of worshipping AI.
Also, be part of the revolution spreading the word.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Reaching out to new people during the special 34-hour broadcast.
Please, whether you're watching on Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, or listening on a local radio station, or watching us on a local TV station, tell everybody about the transmission and spread the links.
That's how we get around the censors and the globalists that are openly having congressional hearings, talking about how they're trying to shut down our free speech.
But first off, ladies and gentlemen,
Introducing the cleanest, purest, most researched heart and body energy nootropic out there.
I'm so excited.
It's a two-month supply and it goes directly to supercharging the body.
Introducing, ladies and gentlemen, the Real Red Pill.
Now, this doesn't compete with Brain Force Plus, that's so incredibly popular and is a very, very inexpensive, high-quality nootropic that blows away the competition and is our number one best-selling product.
It goes together with it.
The Red Pill has the very best amino acids, wide-spectrum, organic-sourced vitamins and minerals, every vitamin, every mineral you need,
With key amino acids that allow the uptake of it with one final highest quality sourced ingredient.
That I learned about six, seven years ago from medical doctors that are prescribing this to their patients even though it's not prescription.
And that's preglanone.
They've been giving us this since the 20s for arthritis.
And as you get older, by the age 20, it starts dropping massively.
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Listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
George H.W.
Bush just turned 93.
He's now the oldest living president in U.S.
Number two is Jimmy Carter.
At 91 years of age.
Isn't that interesting?
Joining me is Roger Stone, former head of the Trump campaign.
to give us the intel on the new FBI director releasing all these emails from the Clinton era and the Obama era with Mueller ordering the investigation shut down.
We also have the ongoing Justice Department trying to block and have gag orders against the informants from speaking to Congress about what they know with real Russian collusion and the Uranium One deal.
But these new emails being released by the FBI director signals a big change
And looks like justice is about to be done, a little bird told me.
Another little bird told me about what was going on with General Flynn.
And is he really talking to Mueller?
Is that really true?
Because he stopped talking to the Trump administration.
Another little bird told me that's because there's a bunch of leakers in there.
He might as well be talking to Mueller.
It's not that we don't trust Trump, it's that he's surrounded.
So joining us via Skype is Roger Stone.
Roger, thank you for joining us.
Alex, great to be here.
Well, let's get right into the FBI director, the new director.
This is big.
Tell us what your sources tell you.
I spoke to a member of Congress yesterday who tells me that all Washington is buzzing about the fact that 75 pages of emails were posted on the FBI's website, The Vault, but not pursuant to any request from Congress.
This is most curious, and indeed, these emails represent a bombshell.
Among other things, they show the special treatment that was afforded to Hillary Clinton by FBI Director James Comey.
And essentially, they pierce the cover up in the email scandal which dogged her through the presidential campaign.
They also document further the violations of the Hatch Act by the Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.
Now, you'll remember, Alex, that McCabe's wife was running for the Virginia State Senate.
And the Clintons funneled $457,000 to her campaign through a PAC controlled by Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton running dog and ally.
So McCabe has deep legal problems.
Comey's problems are now compounded.
What does all this mean?
A source very close to the new FBI director told me that this is the signal that Director Wray has decided to clean house.
That the Obama-era figures still at the FBI are not long for this world.
Wow, so this is a real glimmer of hope here that he might actually do his job because the level of Russian and Communist Chinese and other foreign collusion of the Democrats is just staggering.
And then Mueller killing the investigation of the Clintons in the middle of all this.
Buying off the shipping companies, buying off the mines, buying off the Canadian government.
I mean, this was a real Russian operation that was successful getting 20-30% of our strategic weapons-grade uranium stockpile.
I mean, you talk about classic spy stuff with Mueller delivering weapons-grade samples on tarmacs.
There is nothing more, Alex, than the Comey, Mueller, McCabe gang fears more than a special prosecutor on the matter of Uranium One.
That's because such an investigation would necessarily entail both Mueller and Comey, who both headed the FBI during that investigation,
McCabe, who was also there, but additionally, then U.S.
Attorney Rod Rosenstein.
How ironic that the four men who are twisting Donald Trump's tail at this very moment would find themselves under federal investigation.
Now, the current legal problem lies in the fact that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself in the Uranium One matter.
That means, technically, that the person in charge of appointing a special prosecutor on Uranium One is none other than Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Will Rosenstein appoint a special prosecutor to look into Rosenstein?
Highly unlikely.
That's why the decision must go to the U.S.
Solicitor General, a solid Republican and a man who takes his responsibilities seriously.
The House of Cards is about to come down.
In the meantime, I want to get into Flynn and other subjects, but let me just interject.
Now we see the colossal error that Trump made getting rid of Flynn, which we now know he admits, and how they buffaloed the entire administration basically with this rogue move to appoint a special prosecutor
When it was Rosenstein clearly covering his butt for Uranium One the entire time, getting Sessions to recuse himself with no connections to it.
He should recuse himself now when he's up to his eyeballs.
Mr. Rosenstein, this is outrageous.
It is indeed.
Now, this same member of Congress tells me that 95% of the members of Congress for whom the U.S.
taxpayers paid out to cover up sexual assault settlements are Democrats.
That's why Nancy Pelosi is struggling mightily to keep this list from the American people.
I think it is inexorable, Alex, that those names are going to come out.
And we're going to see more of what we saw in the instance of John Conyers, the senior Michigan Democrat who Nancy Pelosi incredibly called an icon over the weekend.
It was Conyers who led the charge for the impeachment of my mentor, Richard Nixon.
Somewhere, Nixon is smiling.
Can you hear me?
It's just amazing, amazing arrogance.
But as you said, the House of Cards is coming down.
Let us go now to the question of General Flynn, because I think this is very important.
The headline that we showed just a few moments ago that indicated that Flynn, because he has ceased communications between his lawyers and the President's lawyers, has turned on the President.
I am told at the very, very highest levels of the Flynn camp that this is untrue.
That Flynn's loyalty to the president remains intact despite the fact that he was sacked only 30 days into his tenure as NSA director and that indeed that the reason that they have ceased
The cooperation and the communications is solely because of the leaks inside the Trump White House.
Flynn's lawyers fear that anything they tell the president's lawyers will end up on the desk of Robert Mueller.
Roger Stone is our guest here.
Again, if we pull back from this, you can see the colossal bluff they've been engaged in, completely in bed with the Russians, the Chinese, anybody else that would buy them off.
Red-handed, all of them personally making millions of dollars off of it, in front of God and country, and now desperately trying to spy on Trump to find something, thinking, well, if we sold out to the Russians, maybe he'll sell out too, then we can control him.
Not finding anything.
The panic has only intensified.
Now they've illegally leaked, they've illegally spied, they've been caught lying about it all.
This just gets crazier and crazier.
Well, and the real sign, Alex, that the jig is up is the way the mainstream media has turned viciously on the Clintons in the last 10 days, where suddenly among their biggest defenders in the media are those saying, well, perhaps we should have impeached Bill Clinton over Monica Lewinsky.
Perhaps it was time to take a closer look at Bill's
Uh, activities.
The problem remains the same though.
Half the mainstream media continues to harp on Bill's consensual but distasteful sexual relationships rather than his track record of vicious assault on women such as Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willey, and others.
The worm has turned.
The Clinton's time in the barrel is upon us.
We're going to come back in 70 seconds and get into what does the collapse look like?
What's the next shoe to drop?
What does the Clinton's time in the barrel look like?
And can the civil war inside the Democratic Party be won by either side?
Or will it deliciously just continue on and on?
Hour number two, straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
According to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, due process is only necessary when you're a Democrat.
When asked by NBC's Chuck Todd whether or not embattled rep John Conyers should be in or out of Congress as he faces down sexual harassment allegations, Nancy Pelosi replied, we are strengthened by due process.
Just because someone is accused, and wait, was it one accusation?
Is it two?
Well, Nancy, to answer that question, it was revealed last week the taxpayers footed the bill for a $27,000 settlement for a staffer of Conyers that claimed the 88-year-old congressman made sexual advances on her and then fired her after she wouldn't succumb to them.
A lawyer who worked for Conyers said she'd often encounter the congressman in his office walking around in his underwear.
Conyers, who's the longest-serving congressman, has denied all sexual harassment allegations against him.
Nancy Pelosi says we need to give him a pass because Conyers is an icon.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
I'm good.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
One of the top experts in the world and a best-selling author.
One of the top experts on China.
Stephen W. Mosier is going to be joining us.
Bully of Asia.
Why do we see the big pivot to Asia?
What's China really up to?
What's their global endgame?
Because today we've launched the 34-hour special broadcast that has my normal syndicated show in the middle of it.
But it's titled, Know Your Enemy.
Well, the Communist Chinese
Are the folks allied with George Soros, the Clintons, all of them?
They penetrated us probably a hundred times worse than Russia.
And so all that's unfolding.
Coming up in the next segment, then we'll open the phones up after that.
But Roger, I want to give you the floor in the next four minutes here to recap.
This House of Cards coming down, the media that we first telegraphed six months ago preparing to turn on the Clintons, that's now happened.
We do have our finger on the pulse.
Tell us how the House of Cards collapsing is going to look like and how long can this Democrat civil war go on as delicious as it is?
Well, Alex, once again, InfoWars has been on the cutting edge of the Clinton story.
You know, when I wrote my book, The Clinton's War on Women, which is, of course, available at the InfoWars.com store right now at a terrific price, I really wondered whether they would ever be fully brought to justice.
But what we have seen is an extraordinary sea change where the left has decided that the baggage of the Clintons has become a steamer trunk.
Douthat of the New York Times, Chris Hayes of MSNBC, the elitist punk David Rothkopf, whoever he is, and Michelle Goldberg writing in the New York Times, all turning viciously on the Clintons.
What this means, of course, is growing optimism among House Republicans that they will get a special prosecutor to look into the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, and indeed into Bill's long, tortured list of sexual assaults.
Now, I want to stress that some in the media still trying to pass Bill Clinton's activities off as consensual, saying that these were infidelities or indiscretions.
Well, ask
Juanita Broderick about that.
An extraordinary piece last week by Aaron Klein of Breitbart.
An incredible piece by Ed Klein, the award-winning author, detailing five new women who came forward in just the last ten days, all of whom were sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton.
This is creating a firestorm, a critical mass, if you will.
The Clinton's days as the head of the Democratic Party, at least the titular head, the face of the party of Kennedy, Truman, and Roosevelt is over.
And who is leading this charge to declintonize the Democratic Party?
Well, my sources tell me it's none other than Barack and Michelle Obama.
Remember that the Obamas continue to control the machinery of the Democratic Party.
That's the nominating process for their candidate in 2020.
Now, the blood was never good between the Obamas and the Clintons.
They needed each other.
They had a tendency to cover for each other.
But who can forget Ed Klein's incredible reporting in which Hillary Clinton barked at the president over the email scandal, Call off your dogs, Obama.
Well, now it seems that the dogs have been sicced on the Clintons.
This performance in Arkansas last week, in which they had the 25th anniversary of Bill's election, in which they both looked like octogenarians ready to go to the great beyond, was kind of their final act.
I was about to say, not making fun of old folks, the Clintons particularly look like evil crypt keepers about to be shoveled into their graves.
Hopefully all their evil works will be shoveled in there as well with old George Soros and his demonic son Alex.
Roger Stone, thank you so much.
We'll talk to you soon.
I'm gonna shoot you straight.
InfoWars has changed the world because you've supported us.
The globalists are on the run, but they're launching counter-offensives.
And now more than ever, I am thankful for your support, and I'm asking you to visit InfoWarsStore.com.
Running right through to next week on Cyber Monday, we've got free shipping storewide, and clearly, the biggest sales in our history.
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We've got so many other products there that are 50%
We're good.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Last night I did the dancing, came dancing,
Ladies and gentlemen, you cannot make this up.
Two weeks ago, they had congressional hearings where Paul Watson had an article about the Islamic truck attack, the ISIS attack in New York.
And they said during lunch, this was YouTube, Facebook and Twitter executives,
We found that Infowars had the top story about the attack, and it was fake news.
And the fake news was that a major imam had warned de Blasio publicly, on WABC, but also on Fox News, that there were imminent ISIS attacks coming, and which mosque were teaching it.
Now that was all true.
And the congressman says, I want it taken down.
They said, yes sir, we already took it down at lunch, so that people couldn't see it.
We're the target, not because we're fake news, but because we have the best guests on, we do the research.
They just misrepresent what we say in the news sometimes to then say we put out fake news, like Martian slave bases.
I never said that.
They just say I said it, but where's the video?
Where's the article?
Where's the text?
It's fake news.
Time Magazine, all of it's going bankrupt, folks.
It's all falling apart.
So, there's a new article that just went up on Infowars.com, and we're going to our guests, but all ties together.
YouTube says InfoWars.com is harmful while ignoring its own pedophile problem.
If you type in how to have, it comes up with how to have sex with your kids.
In fact, the top searches are that.
But then if you're on YouTube and try to click and go to InfoWars.com, it says be careful, may contain malware,
Phishing attempts or disturbing content?
Yeah, disturbing content.
So, now when people try to go off links that we put under our videos, and we're partnered with YouTube, they're saying, be careful.
This is total defamation.
And it's just getting worse by the minute.
Speaking of worse by the minute, Communist China is absolutely allied with the left and many globalists in this country.
And they are now militarily expanding all over the world.
They've got 97% of rare earth minerals that we've just strategically let them have.
The Panama Canal.
This has all been the global saw out of the country.
And joining us, published by Regnery, is Stephen W. Mosier, Bully of Asia, the new book.
And of course, he's one of the top journalists and experts on China, highly recognized out there.
I'm not going to go over his whole
I don't
He was invited there by the Chinese government where he had access to government documents and actually witnessed women being forced to have abortions under the new one-child policy.
Mr. Mosier was the pro-church atheist at the time, he's been on before, but witnessing the traumatic abortions led him to reconsider his convictions and eventually become a practicing pro-life Roman Catholic.
And he joins us now, pop.org, to get into just China, their stance, what they're doing, what the mindset is of the communist authoritarian regime that controls a billion, 300 million people.
So thanks for joining us.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
Where should we start?
There's so much to get into.
I mean, I'm now more and more under Chinese-style net censorship.
They're starting to block us everywhere, and it's crazy.
Well, it is, Alex, and they're blocking you because you're telling the truth, and there are a lot of people out there who don't like truth-tellers.
The global elitists want us to go quietly into that good night.
They want to use Chinese serfs, Chinese slave labor to produce cheap goods, which
They import into this country and of course millions of American workers have been unemployed as a result.
But one of the point I want to make and in fact the point I make in Bolivia is this is all part of a an effort concerted with and in fact in many ways led by the People's Republic of China.
People need to understand in the United States that that China declared war on us back in 1991.
Now you didn't hear about this.
But you're hearing about it now.
And what I mean by that is, when the Soviet Union collapsed, Deng Xiaoping said to his comrades,
The old Cold War is over, America won, but the new Cold War is now beginning between China and America, and China, the middle kingdom, is going to win this one and become the dominant power on the planet.
And they admit it's economic.
I mean, you're the expert, but they even said then we're going to flood them with bad drugs, legal drugs, prescription drugs, opiates, stuff ten times stronger than Oxycontin.
They brag about what they're doing, and they found lots of accomplices in our government.
Well, they did.
I mean, China's been at war with us ever since.
They've been stealing our intellectual property, stealing our factories and jobs, opposing us internationally, warring against us in cyberspace, making these amazing territorial claims to the South China Sea.
In a saner time, you know, claiming the entire South China Sea would be an act of war.
And we just sort of, we went to the Hague Tribunal and said, tell China to stop.
And the Hague Tribunal said, stop.
And Xi Jinping, the new Red Emperor of China, Xi Jinping, the President of China, the head of the military, the head of the Chinese Communist Party, says the Hague Tribunal's ruling on the South China Sea is nothing more than waste paper, toilet paper.
And that's how China regards all international law.
They are not going to be bound by the current international system.
They're going to violate it in every way they can to profit themselves.
That's what's been happening for the last 20 years.
And finally, finally, at long last, I think we have a president who understands this and is willing to seriously take on China.
I think that's good for America and it'll be good for our future if we can simply carry out his policies.
I knew back in the mid-90s, FBI reports were 10,000 Chinese front companies in the U.S.
infiltrating everything.
Now, reportedly, it's far worse than that.
They're making a lot of our defense components.
Again, they've penetrated and bought off massive numbers of state, local, federal officials.
I mean, from your deep research, how bad is the penetration?
Well, you know, when I met with Chris Cox back in 1998, he was head of the Cox Commission looking into Chinese efforts to destabilize the United States back in 1996 with the election by pouring money into the Clinton campaign.
So this Russian collusion I have to smile at because there was real Chinese collusion beginning in the 90s and continuing to the present day.
It was 8,000 front companies in the United States that Congressman Cox put in his report.
It's tens of thousands more now.
We have Confucian Institutes, so-called, going into American universities.
Confucian Institutes, which are run by the Ministry of State Security in China.
Where you cannot talk about the three Ts.
You cannot talk about Taiwan.
You can't talk about Tibet.
You can't talk about the Tiananmen Massacre back in 1989.
All you can talk about is, you know, how wonderful the People's Republic of China is and how everybody should learn Mandarin Chinese so they can read the news reports from the New China News Agency, which is the propaganda arm of the Chinese Communist Party.
So the penetration is very deep.
It's continuing and we've got to wise up to it.
We are five or ten years away from a tipping point after which China will become so strong and powerful that there will be no recovering.
No recovering.
And notice we hear from the
They're literally cackling like the Wicked Witch of the East saying, too late my pretties, it's already done.
Well, we'll see if that's the case.
Trump, at least, is trying to get us awake to this to a certain extent.
That's why it makes me so mad the whole Russia canard.
Not that I'm a rousaphobe or a rousophile either way.
Don't hate Russia, don't love Russia.
I just have studied the facts and it looks like Russia on a Richter scale what?
I mean, maybe one-tenth?
I mean, it seems so small compared to the sophisticated Chinese total penetration, plus the elites here that have been open-armed to it.
Let's talk about this with the author of The Bully of Asia, Stephen Mosher.
Straight ahead.
Infowars is changing the world, sending shockwaves across the planet.
The globalists understand that.
They know they have to destroy nation states.
They have to destroy Christian civilization.
They have to destroy the family.
They can't leave anything standing.
Or when their great tyranny comes in, liberty will spring back up in those institutions.
They have scientifically figured out how to do this, and they're cold-blooded enough to actually try to execute it, and they've gotten a lot of their plan done.
But they were counting on operating in secret in the dark, denying all of this existed, using mainstream media.
But that doesn't work anymore.
So the whole facade is now falling down around them.
When I get up here and tell you that we're one of the most influential organizations in the world now,
I'm on the front lines wearing a general outfit with the enemy shooting at me 24-7.
I'm simply telling you we've been successful, so that's good news, but at the same time they're coming after us because of it, because we're now a figurehead, a focal point.
A flag, a symbol that they want to take down, and they want to destroy, and they want to discredit.
They're trying to assassinate my credibility ahead of assassinating me physically.
That's what the top minds and best analysts have said, and I concur with the analysis.
We're in a very serious situation, so I'm asking you this Thanksgiving to understand that we wouldn't have this info war if it wasn't for you, and I thank you, and I appreciate you, and I celebrate you.
And I cover all these negative things, not because I'm trying to make you depressed, but because I believe in you, and know that when you're faced with these globalist operations, you'll want to stand up and do something about it.
So again, I salute you, and I thank you, and I thank my family, and I thank the crew, and I thank everybody in the last 22 years for sticking with this movement.
And to now see such success, the enemy's pushing back, and so now is the time for critical effort.
And that said, we're running specials all throughout this week to help fund our operation to be able to continue on under globalist attacks, under censorship, under boycotts, under lawsuits, you name it.
You've taken us this far, and if you'll just get the great products we have that are great for you and your family, and symbiotically then support us, nothing can stop us, ladies and gentlemen, when you stand up and vote with your dollars, vote with your euros, and get the products at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're running a special from Monday, when I'm shooting this right now, right through next Monday on Cyber Monday, eight days from now, when we do a special 36-hour broadcast.
On Monday, we have Brain Force that's been sold out, 50% off the Great Nootropic and free shipping storewide.
We've got Tuesday, November 21st, Silver Bullet.
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Knockout Sleep Aid, 50% off.
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Monday, the 27th, launch of a new product we haven't told you about.
So much more.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com.
I think?
They're hanging on by their nails right now.
So I'm thankful for you on this Thanksgiving, and I'm thankful for your support.
I'm asking for your support again, because we're all in this together, and we're winning!
The Bully of Asia is the book.
Stephen M. Mosier, expert on China, is our guest right now.
Ladies and gentlemen, again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Stephen, getting into this, when we see Mao Zedong being put in power by leftists and the CIA in 49, that's now been declassified.
The John Birch Society wrote about it back in the 50s and got made fun of.
And then now we see Lloyd Blankfein, as I mentioned earlier, tweeting at Trump going, I've been to China, their infrastructure is way better, good luck turning America back on.
It's one thing to see China wanting to be dominant.
It's another thing to then see elites in our own country allied with it, selling it out, making sweetheart deals, getting rich off of it, moving to China, and then celebrating it.
It's so painful to see why they hate America so much.
A, is what I just said accurate from your research?
And then B, why do they have that attitude?
You know, Alex, there's a lot of money to be made in China because China is a country run by a corrupt elite.
The Chinese Communist Party is the largest party in the world, has 90 million members.
But when we're talking about the elite, we're just talking about the top 10,000 or so.
The people who run the provinces, the people who run the major factories, the people who get into power and literally make billions of dollars.
In ill-gotten gains.
So if you go to China and if you link up with people like Xi Jinping and people like Wen Jiabao, the leaders of provinces, the leaders at the state level, the national level, yeah, you can make a lot of money by selling out the United States and by helping the Chinese elite oppress their own workers.
There are probably a hundred thousand demonstrations by workers in China each year.
Against factory owners who are in cahoots with the Chinese Communist Party, who don't pay them just wages, who won't allow them to organize and strike for higher wages.
When they do start striking, when they do start organizing, the People's Armed Police, so-called, the People's Armed Police, which are not on the side of the people, but on the side of the party, come in with their AK-47s and break up the demonstration.
So, this is a tiny elite in China,
Cooperating with our own elite to suppress wages in China to produce cheap goods, which are then flooded into the United States and other foreign countries.
The goal, of course, of the Chinese Communist Party is to industrialize China, to move the factories of the world to China, away from the United States, away from Europe, and to use the rest of the world as a source of raw materials and a source of consumers.
And I'm afraid to say that that project
Which began in the 1990s and picked up speed with China's entry into the World Trade Organization 17 years ago is very, very far along.
China produces more than half of the world's steel today.
They're flooding the market with cheap steel.
What does that do for American steel workers?
When that subsidized cheap steel comes into the United States, well, it puts them out of work.
Fortunately, we have a president now who sees the problem and who is standing up for ordinary Americans, blue-collar workers.
Sure, exactly.
Let's talk about the endgame here.
If the U.S.
is totally sold out, they won't even have any bargaining chips.
Our own elites just want to make money today and not even have power long-term that they could leverage out.
So they really are short-sighted, even from a Machiavellian perspective.
Let me ask you this question.
The suicide nets around the Apple factories, the forced abortions, the Falun Gong, Buddhists arrested.
Used to, the American left would criticize this.
So would the right.
Now you see almost no news about this anymore.
Showing our own establishment would like to implement something like this here.
Well, yeah, people don't know, but they're going to learn now from your show, Alex, that a new cultural revolution is underway in China.
You remember the old cultural revolution launched by Mao Zedong back in the 60s, which followed on the heels of political purges in the 50s, which cost
Tens of millions of lives.
I mean, Chairman Mao Zedong was the greatest mass murderer in history, responsible for at least 65 million deaths.
Well, over the last 30 years, beginning when I was in China, first in China back in 79 and 80, the Chinese Communist Party has eliminated, has killed 400 million of its own unborn citizens.
That's the result of the one-child policy.
And any country, any leadership
That's willing to kill 400 million of its own unborn citizens.
This obviously will stop at nothing to achieve its goals.
And its goal really is the China dream.
When you hear President Xi Jinping, who is also the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping, who is also the Chairman of the Military Commission, General Xi Jinping,
Say that he dreams a China dream.
That China dream, as I write in The Bully of Asia, is the world's nightmare.
China dreams of overturning the current world order.
I was about to say, what does their endgame look like when you talk about us being five to ten years of this being irreversible?
Because whether it's genetic engineering or chemical dumping or dirty coal, I mean, they just do not care.
It is just absolute balls to the walls, pell-mell, this dream, no rules, no nothing, no regulations, while we have regulations heaped on us by our very own elites that are investing in China.
Well, here we have to go back to the very founding of China, way back in 220 BC, when the brutal Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, killing millions of people in the process, unified China under a single emperor.
And China, of course, was known as the Middle Kingdom, the kingdom in the middle.
And it had, it felt a natural right, a manifest destiny to control all of its smaller neighbors.
Well, that manifest destiny that China feels that's embodied in the China dream is now something that China wants to extend to the entire world.
China dreams of being the world's dominant power.
Replacing the United States.
And of course, a world dominated by China would be less free, be less democratic, it would be less safe.
Not only for Americans, but for the Chinese people themselves.
I mean, look, Christians in China are being told they cannot bring their children to church.
This is new.
This just came out a couple of weeks ago.
Children under the age of 16, it's illegal to bring your own children to Catholic Mass or to Christian religious services.
Home church leaders are being arrested.
The crosses are being ripped off the top of churches.
Catholics have been told to stop any contact with... And is that because now our media won't criticize China?
They feel like there's a green light to be even more repressive?
Well, I think I think part of it is the fact that our own media wants advertisements placed by Chinese companies and and of course they're making money off the China trade.
The other thing is that they think that that the United States that China in many respects our own elite which which
I believe that leftists in general have a kind of self-loathing that they project onto society as a whole.
They don't respect the United States.
They think of China as, in some ways, a more just society because they believe Chinese propaganda that we provide housing and food for our people.
I mean, they get off on Buddhists being taken and having their organs stolen.
I want to talk about briefly with the only other side that won't let you go, how to stop them though, what you think the weak points are in the communist Chinese system.
Straight ahead, Bully of Asia is the book.
Before we even had civilization 6,000 years ago, humans communicated through the clothing that they wore, the society they were part of, what class they were from.
And today we see the leftist, the globalist, controlling fashion, controlling culture through Hollywood and through their media systems.
But more and more there is a rebellion against that system.
Clothing is a statement, and it's essential to make that statement by wearing your colors loud and proud, just like I do when I'm out on the streets of America.
So right now, folks, we're gonna debut some new shirts and also some of the classics from the InfoWars store.
This is one of our newest shirts.
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I'm calling it InfoWars In Your Face.
It's a navy blue shirt, really high quality, feels great, fits great, with a big red InfoWars.com right in the center.
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And remember, WikiLeaks shows
We're good to go.
Says it all.
Need I say more?
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Then this is the shirt for you at infowarestore.com.
Now, if you want to be a little bit more low-key, this is a brand new shirt, hot off the press, the same great fabric.
That's Info Wars with an American flag.
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And this shirt, The Spirit of 1776, is a great addition to do just that.
At InfoWarsStore.com, we've got more than 15 versions of different Molon Lambe or Come and Take It in good old-fashioned English t-shirts.
And right here on the back, the good old Don't Tread on Me.
Spread the word.
I designed this baby.
It's an AK-47 saying, come and take it.
And then, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
The Second Amendment is the type that fills up the image of the firearm.
This shirt is the second oldest shirt in our arsenal.
It's been around about 19 years.
It's the classic InfoWars tyranny response team shirt.
And of course we've seen the NFL taking a knee.
Uh, during the national anthem to basically piss on the American flag.
That's disrespectful.
But when you fly the American flag upside down and explain under U.S.
code that the country is under crisis, it's a symbol of respect for the nation and the flag to point out the country is in crisis.
Our republic is in distress.
Ask me why.
This baby is a classic year-round.
Good old camouflage with the Dayglo orange hunting, don't tread on me, Info Wars.
Oh, and this is my birthday suit.
Mama gave me this one, so I guess I better go out and put another shirt on.
I call this the Patriot Rock and Roll shirt.
I think the image tells you what it's all about.
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And I almost forgot.
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The Dayglo.
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Over 20 ball caps we've put out.
It's got the nice patch.
The Don't Tread On Me.
This, my friends, is the ball cap that I wear when I'm out and about in town.
The crew absolutely loves it as well.
Thank you all for your support and check out the amazing Liberty Apparel at InfowarsStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
Yeah, yeah.
Infowars.com, yeah.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, we've got a bunch of multinational corporations that have a vision of world government they want.
That's now out in the open.
They've been programming the average American to hate our heritage, to hate Christianity, to hate free market.
And then to lionize communist countries.
People tell me, oh, we want to be like Cuba.
They have free health care.
Yeah, but no MRI machines.
I mean, Venezuela doesn't even have medicine for malaria right now.
They long since ate their dogs and cats.
There's this total...
Bizarre romantic romanticism associated with communism that breeds on the universities.
And I understand rich elites want to sabotage the next generation so there's no competition from that generation.
That's clearly what this action is.
Kind of like a grizzly bear will find a female grizzly bear that just had a bear cub and will kill it.
It's just pure, aggressive, dominant behavior.
Extremely authoritarian.
It creates nightmare societies.
It doesn't create survival of the fittest.
It creates survival of the most demonic and evil and controlling.
And so, joining us is Stephen M. Mosier, one of the top experts on China.
New best-selling book, Bully of Asia.
They say they're taking over.
They've done a pretty good job of it.
Russia and other countries try to pull out of globalism.
China's dictator, call him president, put in charge by the Central Committee and the Politburo, he came out when Trump got elected about, what, 11, 12 months ago, and he said,
I'm going to prop up the New World Order.
I'm going to keep the Euro in place.
I'll help you defeat Trump, if people remember.
They were like, yay, our new leader is the Chinese president because he'll play along with all this.
So we've gone from criticizing Tiananmen Square a few decades ago to our media will not even discuss it today.
And it just goes on and on and on, that we're becoming like China, they're not becoming like us.
Trump just wants to put the brakes on it a little, and the howling and screaming, even though the economy comes back, only gets more deafening.
So, what is their endgame?
How do we stop it?
And other key points.
Well, their endgame is obviously world domination.
That's what the people may have heard about the New Silk Road.
China is spending trillions of dollars to create a series of railroads and ports, opening sea routes and land routes to Europe.
The New Silk Road is all about restructuring the world economic order around China.
Drawing Europe, drawing India, drawing the Middle East away from connections with the United States and forging connections with China.
So that's obviously an effort to dominate what Harold Mackinder called the world island.
You know, back a hundred years ago, this great strategist said, he who dominates the world island will dominate the world.
Well, we don't have ambitions in the United States to dominate the world.
We've been a benevolent world leader.
We have not claimed territory when we've gone in to try to promote democracy.
China wants territory, it wants power, it wants clout, it wants domination.
And it's New Silk Road is an effort to dominate Eurasia.
And I'll tell you what, if China winds up dominating everything from Manchuria in the east, Siberia in the east, all the way to European Russia in the west, it's game over.
Basically, they will control so much of the world's population, 4 billion people, and so much of the world's land mass, that the United States will necessarily be a second-ranked power.
And they admit all this.
How did they...
Get 97% control of rare earth minerals.
Why did we strategically let that happen?
Plus, that's not normal.
Other companies or countries should have a bigger percent than 3% total.
I mean, wow!
How did that disaster happen?
Again, for those that don't know, you need rare earth minerals for all the electronics that run civilization.
How did they get such a corner on the global market of that key area?
Well, Alex, you know, rare earths are not all that rare.
They're found in the United States.
We had some rare earth mines years ago, but they were shut down by an overactive Environmental Protection Agency.
China, of course, doesn't mind violating environmental rules.
In fact,
The main job of the Chinese Environmental Protection Agency agents is to go out to mines and factories to take a bribe and then go home and write a nice report saying there's no problem with pollution.
Anyone who's been in China knows that pollution is terrible, that Chinese lung cancer, throat cancer rates are the world's highest, and there's no effort really to rein in this kind of pollution.
So, but who cares?
The Chinese elite certainly don't care if Chinese workers' lives are sacrificed.
As long as their power as long as their their their wealth continues to go up You know we hear a lot about North Korea what people need to understand is that North Korea is China
North Korea is a tributary state of the communist China.
It is armed and defended by Beijing under a mutual security treaty.
So here you have the irony of China saying, oh, we don't like Kim Jong-un.
We want to do something about his nuclear program.
We believe in denuclearization.
At the same time that they're providing components for his missiles that they're combining
Providing technology for his nuclear research program and at the same time they they are protecting North Korea by a mutual security treaty I mean anyone who who fell for that as of course the Clintons did back in the 90s and Everyone in fact up to President Trump fell for that little charade doesn't understand the point of China's China's relationship with North Korea and
Uh, Chinese party supremo Xi Jinping doesn't want to help solve the North Korean problem.
He helped to create the problem.
He sustains the problem, and he's using it for his own purposes, which is to say, to distract the United States and the world from the real threat, which is China itself.
And again, the worst human rights abuses, the suicide nets, the forced abortions, the killing of the Buddhists and Christians, and leftist media tried to cover that up for decades.
It's all now admitted.
I think it's beyond just a romanticism for communism.
I just think the average leftist really likes authoritarianism and really wants to appease China and get on the payroll.
Well, I have to agree with you because if the leftists in the United States have no respect for the freest, most democratic country that has ever existed in the world, which is the United States of America,
Strong leaders who are going to solve supposedly problems overnight.
And they fantasize because they love that socialist authoritarianism that they'll be part of the ruling elite.
Just briefly, as we're going to break, and I appreciate your time, Bully of Asia, Stephen Mosier, always a great guest, been on before, one of the top experts out there.
Talk about just briefly your awakening as an atheist.
You know, it's kind of, I guess, a liberal whatever.
You're over there, you actually see it for yourself, that transformation.
Well, years ago I was at the University of California at Berkeley, one of the high temples of secular humanism, teaching Chinese anthropology.
I was finishing up a PhD at Stanford University.
I was selected to go to China and study the People's Republic of China.
I found myself in the midst of the most horrific population control program the world has ever seen, the one-child policy, which involved the forced abortion of women.
Seven, eight, and nine months pregnant.
They're forced sterilization following so they wouldn't disturb the population control program in years to come.
And I really did have, in the operating room, witnessing the forced abortion of women who were very close to giving birth.
I came to understand, first of all, the sanctity of human life.
These were little tiny human beings, little sons of Adam, daughters of Eve, who were being sacrificed to the population control program.
And I came to believe that if hell could exist and, you know, as it were, the pit of hell opened up before me as I was witnessing forced abortions, then there must be a compensating good, there must be a compensating heaven, there must be a God.
So, in a kind of strange way, I found God in China.
Because of the absolute absence of God and godliness in that.
Beautifully said, because when you're surrounded by good and justice, you don't appreciate it.
Once you're put into hell for one moment, you awaken.
Bully of Asia, thank you so much, sir, for your time.
God bless you.
We'll be back.
You can learn a lot about the weaknesses
of our enemies by studying what they attack, by studying what they fear.
They fear families living together.
They fear people loving God.
They fear individuals being independent and successful and empowered.
They fear communities really coming together and sharing in the bounty of a free market system.
And they fear individuals openly exercising their First Amendment.
That's why it is essential on every front to support InfoWars.
When you get a t-shirt like this new shirt that is my all-time favorite, it's brand new, super nice fabric, it's designer-made, won't tread on me with a big
Gadget and Snake right in the middle of the chest, a Dayglo, InfoWars.com on the right shoulder, with an American flag, InfoWars.com on the back.
When you wear it, it telegraphs to friends and to foe where you stand and what you believe.
And so many things will happen.
We are the majority.
And it lets the minions of the bullies that are out there trying to intimidate us know and understand that we're not backing down and we're aware of what's happening.
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So many people stop me on the streets, all over the country, and shake my hand and say, here's my husband, here's my wife, or here's a photo of my husband and my children.
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So many people write me.
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We have to fly our flag.
We have to wear our colors.
So, won't tread on me, the new shirt at Infowarsstore.com.
When you get excited and you take action, nothing can stop you.
And I want to see seas of this iconic shirt out there at big events, and at Trump rallies, and at land rights rallies, and at Second Amendment rallies, and on C-SPAN, and on national television.
We changed the world with the Bill Clinton rape shirt.
And the Lock Her Up Hillary For Prison shirt.
We've changed the world because you took action.
Now let's take it to the next level and also support InfoWars and our operation financially when you get the shirt.
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Please commit today to visit InfoWarsTore.com and look at all the amazing Patriot apparel from ball caps to sweatshirts to high quality t-shirts at InfoWarsTore.com and we will continue to change the world together for the better, for our children, for righteousness and for justice.
I'm Alex Jones, and we will continue to change the world together for our children, for our communities, for ourselves, and for truth, and for justice.
Again, I want to thank you all for your support, and I salute you all for what you've done in the InfoWar.
Whether it's spreading links to articles and videos, or spreading the word on the ground, or telling folks about local radio stations, or supporting our local sponsors, all of it
We're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
You know, I'm not really good at whining.
I'm not really good at saying, oh, poor me.
Because I've asked for everything that's happening.
But I do need the listeners and viewers to understand something.
We're in a fight.
And if the attacks taking place against InfoWars and against NewsWars, some of which I can talk about publicly, some of which I can't talk about yet, but soon, aren't recognized by you as an attack on all of our freedoms, we will lose.
Now we've come from behind.
People now know there's a private corporate world government.
They now know our elite sold us out to Communist China and sold out their people to total slavery to be the engine to build world government.
We now know about the globalist pedophile networks and how they control populations.
We now know about their eugenics based one world government plan.
We know about their plan to make us all renters living in 200 square foot coffin apartments where families have basically been made illegal.
We know the enemy's plan.
We know it's diabolical.
We know it's anti-human.
We know it's authoritarian.
We know it's nasty.
We should be able to stop it.
But that said...
Google and its sub-companies, Facebook, Twitter, they're all ratcheting us down and banning Milo and Roger Stone and new people every day.
They're banning popular leftists that have their own platforms because they don't want anybody but the controlled central systems.
All the major newspapers are going bankrupt.
They're all getting propped up.
Time Magazine's bankrupt.
It just got bought out.
It's all collapsing.
And it's response is to go ahead and launch censorship.
So if we just sit here and confidently take it like, well that's no big deal, being banned on Google AdSense, being banned on AdRoll, being constantly curtailed, being blocked from putting our films on iTunes, all of it.
We put up with that discrimination, we're gonna go from being in these digital ghettos, as Matt Drudge has warned, to physical ghettos.
It should make us total cause celebs to have all these congressional hearings saying shut down Infowars and the heads of YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter go, yes sir, we shut them down at lunch.
I mean, we have the video.
It's on screen right now.
And now this article by Paul Joseph Watson.
I don't want to make the news about us.
I got stacks of incredibly important stuff here.
But if you go to YouTube and you type in how to have,
How to have a great trip.
How to have a great vacation.
No, you get how to have sex.
It auto-loads.
How to have sex with your kids.
And YouTube and Google, its parent company, just lost millions in advertising last week as companies found their advertising was being placed on pedophile videos promoting child sex with adults.
This is just their coming out to condition us where we don't care anymore.
Got the Deputy Pope arrested for it.
You got all these major arrests happening daily.
And you've got all these publications coming out saying Trump isn't going after pedophiles.
There's no pedophiles.
Alex Jones made it up.
It doesn't exist.
Pizzagate's fake news.
Pizza is code word.
Cheese pizza for child porn online, the FBI reports.
The media focused on a pizza place.
To then try to make it look like no pedophilia exists in the world by putting out that fake story that everybody then ended up reporting on to ignore the spirit cooking and the devil worship and the pedophilia arrests and all the rest of it.
They distracted off with that decoy.
But here it is, and we're gonna break tomorrow.
Disney involved in sexualization of children.
Disney, though, hires people that are convicted child rapists to run movies with children on the set.
I mean, this is who they are.
They're about selfishness, and there's nothing more selfish.
I felt guilty when I ate veal because it's baby cow.
Imagine, again, these people are all about having no guilt.
So the story's on Infowars.com, Newswars.com, our final outpost.
YouTube says Infowars.com is harmful while ignoring its own pedophile problem.
So you know this is the next step for us being banned on made up pretenses.
So we have our own platform here for now.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
But people stop down the street and they go, I don't see you streaming on Facebook anymore.
I don't see you.
That's because they block us from sharing the link.
You have to go right to Alex Jones on Facebook to see the feed.
You've got to go right to Infowars.com forward slash show.
You've got to go right to the Alex Jones channel because they're not letting you share it.
You've got to click notifications.
You've got to want it to come to your inbox or they'll block it.
But it frustrates me because folks love us and watch us when it just pops up and they can see it.
But when they can't, they just go, oh, where's Alex Jones?
Get to sign up for our free newsletter.
Infowars.com forward slash newsletter.
So you get the videos and the articles they don't want you to see delivered to your inbox.
I've been saying we've got to go back to email.
We've got to get big in email.
Everybody's got to follow us on email.
You've got to sign up to get our alerts because it's happening.
Having ignored its own pedophile problem where wannabe child molesters abuse the platform to stalk children for months, potential years, YouPube is now declaring links to Infowars.com harmful and disturbing.
Oh, the irony, a user who attempted to link through to InfoWars from a YouTube video on their phone sent us the following screenshot.
I've seen it too.
Be careful, this site may be harmful, states the warning.
The site you're trying to visit, InfoWars.com, may have malware, phishing attempts, or disturbing content.
I think it's pretty disturbing when you type in how to, how to fix your car, how to whatever, you get how to rape children.
No, YouTube's harmful.
Amazon's harmful.
Apple's harmful.
They're the globalists.
They're the ones in bed with China.
They're the ones that openly want to run our lives and say we're obsolete.
And who took over all the major platforms.
This website then offers a back to safety option.
Oh, back to safety!
Don't leave!
Stay here with us on YouTube.
This is so Orwellian.
Option to prevent the user from accessing InfoWars.
And it goes on with the Daily Mail reporting on it.
I can't even deal with this anymore.
I mean, do you understand?
They are trying to snuff us out.
And if they can snuff us out, they can snuff you out.
We are the champion.
I didn't ask to be the champion.
I'm not complaining about it.
I'm quite honored.
I don't feel up to it, quite frankly.
Now, before I go to break and come back in the next hour, and I will take your phone calls the entire hour and cover other big, important, breaking news,
Quite frankly, I just went off what I saw medical doctors prescribing to their patients, but it wasn't prescription, but they were charging people $100, $200 for the formulae.
And I came up with our own formula, working with some scientists and developers.
And I said, what are even better mineral, vitamin, amino acid mixtures with beetroot concentrate for the heart?
That's why it's the red pill.
There's no artificial additives here.
With preglanone, which is the Olympic team lets you take, and it doesn't consider it an illegal steroid, but it is the precursor to all hormones in the body.
Your body has to have it to be able to make hormones.
Your body produces it on its own.
But with all the chemicals and things in the environment and all the estrogen mimicers, it ends up getting basically blocked.
And then levels of it go down more than 60% on average by the time you reach 20 years of age.
It starts dropping precipitously up to 60 plus percent by the time you're 70.
You can read all the details at InfoWars.com or InfoWarsStore.com.
But I'm so excited, the new product at InfoWarsLife.com in a glass bottle,
Two-month servings filled to the brim, filled to the absolute top, the real red pill.
This is a heart and brain pill, a nootropic, but doesn't have any stimulants in it.
But boy does it stimulate, because it's beyond that.
It doesn't compete with BrainForce.
BrainForce is amazing, super high quality.
Absolutely supercharges you with natural, healthy compounds the brain needs to activate with healthy stimulant like green tea and things like that.
Everybody loves it.
And it's 50% off.
And we have 50% off storewide right now.
And we have free shipping at InfoWareStore.com for Cyber Monday.
And then it's got to end.
The special's been going for over a week.
We've got a whole bunch of other specials that are about to end as well.
But the point is... Red Pill!
The real red pill is here.
Supports optimal brain function.
Supports hormonal balance.
Supports healthy aging.
Made right here in America.
120 capsules.
And ladies and gentlemen, you add the preglanone to it, which is the precursor to all the hormones that your body has to have to even make the hormones in your glands.
It is amazing!
It is really dramatic for me personally and others.
So it is a vitamin, mineral, amino acid, multi with the preglanone and with the beetroot.
And you add all that together, it is amazing.
Life.com or 888-253-3139.
You've got to have these building blocks, and it is amazing.
Be sure and consult your health care provider if you've got any questions, though, because these are serious formulas.
So, the Real Red Pill, now available at InfoWarsTore.com, and your purchase funds the operation.
I'm going to shoot you straight.
InfoWars has changed the world because you've supported us.
The globalists are on the run, but they're launching counter-offensives.
And now more than ever, I am thankful for your support and I'm asking you to visit InfoWarsStore.com.
Running right through to next week on Cyber Monday, we've got free shipping storewide and clearly the biggest sales in our history.
We just keep launching bigger and bigger sales.
We've got our new troping, RainForce, 50% off.
We've got so many other products there that are 50%
Thank you.
After years of research, working with top developers here in the United States, with the latest cutting edge science, we are rolling out three new digestive gut aids.
One of them is a powerful pro-digestive enzyme, Carnivore, for being able to break down meat and other proteins better, and then the other two is a
Powerful 50 billion live probiotic culture of the very best strains in flora life advanced restoration And we also have an everyday extremely affordable flora life everyday maintenance But all of these are the very cutting-edge top-of-the-line probiotics and digestive enzymes at an extremely affordable price That is my goal here is to bring you the very best at the lowest price
When you purchase it at InfoWarsTore.com, you know you are also financing the attack on the globalists and the defense of our republic and freedom worldwide.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
It's called pregnenolone.
And I learned about it five years ago, getting a checkup at the doctor, and I noticed they were selling it.
And then I learned, though, that if you take it with multivitamins and the right amino acids and the right minerals in a compound together and soup it up with beetroot concentrate, that the leading science showed that all of that together gave your body the complete building blocks to produce not just key hormones, but other compounds that come out of your glands.
And it's so game-changing.
I've been taking the red pill the last few months and the amount of energy it gives me, the amount of stamina, the amount of focus.
You can even make claims about what it does for your cardiovascular system, what it does for your brain, but there's no classic stimulants in the real red pill.
It's just all the building blocks your body needs so that you can naturally produce the hormones and other enzymes and things that make our lives possible.
So the real red pill, vitamin, minerals, and pregnenolone, as well as beetroot, is so powerful.
Supports optimal brain function, supports hormonal balance, supports healthy aging.
By age 20,
Our body stops producing as much pregnenolone, which again is a neurosteroid precursor.
That's why the Olympic team lets you take it, that's why all the sporting teams and other organizations let you take it, because it's in a steroid class, but it's naturally occurring and is a precursor, so it's reportedly, you can do your own research, totally and completely safe.
It's the building block that your body has to have to then make all the other hormones.
But then they've got to have the vitamins, they've got to have the minerals, they've got to have the amino acids, and then it's all right there together in the real red pill.
You know, this had another name six months ago when we were having the first samples come in that I began to take.
And I noticed that the pills, let me open a bottle of this to show you.
The pills were, depending on the batch, pink or red.
This particular batch of the beetroot's not that dark, which is barely pink.
And I thought, a pink pill?
I go, ooh, Matrix, red pill!
Call it the Real Red Pill.
And it's amazing.
Now, again, we have a product that is our best seller.
This doesn't compete with Brain Force that has the green tea extract.
A little bit of it, and has some of the Aromante in it, and gives you good, clean, strong pick-me-up, but that's not even the main reason.
It's got the L-theanine, it's got a whole bunch of other, alpha-GPC and other things in it, black pepper, fruit extract, and a bunch of other things that are known to give you good, clean energy.
But this does have some healthy stimulants in it.
The real Red Pill doesn't.
It just has all the building blocks for you to have the hormones and the other things that your body needs.
That's why I'm so excited about Brain Force Plus, which is still 50% off.
That special's about to end because the supplies are about to sell out.
And the Red Pill, the real Red Pill, out of the gates, ladies and gentlemen, is 50% off.
It's a powerful multivitamin.
It is a powerful mineral spectrum vitamin.
But what it's really powerful for is that it has the pregnenolone in it and the beetroot and more and all of it together.
Dramatic response is what I personally experienced.
And that's why out of the gates I'm offering 50% off on this.
The reason we're doing that is I want you to try it and see how amazing it is and give us your reviews before it goes back to the regular price.
And it's got a lot of ingredients in it.
It costs a lot to produce this.
Again, it's got a two-month supply in it, ladies and gentlemen.
120 capsules in a nice glass bottle.
Super high quality in your purchase.
Helps fund the operation.
But I'm really impressed with the real Red Pill.
So I hope you'll get your bottle today and tell us what you think there as well.
Okay, when we come back, more Democrats are calling for Republicans to be arrested en masse.
I'm not kidding.
And then we're going to take your phone calls as well.
I'm Alex Jones.
Please stay with us.
With few remaining days left on the legislative calendar, Congress sure has a lot on the agenda, including reauthorization of mass surveillance.
The current authorization for the controversial Section 702 expires December 31st, and it's the first time Congress has faced reauthorization since Edward Snowden revealed the NSA's mass surveillance apparatus.
Civil Libertarians have urged Congress to take this reauthorization as an opportunity to implement meaningful reforms to shield innocent Americans from mass surveillance.
But with the clock running out, Congress appears poised to just jam through reauthorization.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has just took up a blockbuster case.
The privacy of emails, photos stored in the cloud, even heart rate history from a smartwatch could be at stake.
The case Carpenter vs. U.S.
will determine whether the history of cell phone locations stored by a phone service provider is searchable without a warrant.
It's a legal theory known as the third-party doctrine.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
First time callers today.
And we'll be taking your calls starting the next segment.
And by the way, we're going to have open phones throughout the war room with Owen Schroer coming up.
And then right through the evening with a bunch of Millie Weaver and Rob Doo and Michael Zimmerman and Paul Watson.
And just so many other people are going to host right through nighttime, right through the middle of the night, right through into tomorrow, and through the broadcast, a 34-hour live broadcast.
We did one about a month ago, and the mainstream media got really, really upset about it about three weeks ago.
And I saw that, and I thought, well, let's just do some more of these.
Because we've gone from, you know, just having my show four hours a day live to ten hours a day live and we're going to relaunch the Nightly News and other things in the near future.
We're just hiring crew and trying to expand because you either expand or you contract and the globalists are trying to shut us down.
So we're just going to try to expand and get even more hardcore and break more big news and just tell the truth and promote freedom in the face of all the things they're doing.
But that said,
I've got several clips here that I want to play.
The first clip is MSNBC, and the MSNBC show has a guest on who's a Democratic Party pollster.
I actually lost my video list.
I'm sure I'll find it again here in a minute.
It's like an explosion of papers.
People ask me why I have all these papers printed.
It's because, especially in the old days of the Internet,
Stories would disappear or it was hard to load things.
You sit there on talk radio with a computer up with five or six stories and you try to go back to the story and it'd take five minutes to load.
So I always print everything.
But then sometimes there's so much printed and so much breaking and so much going on.
That it's hard to keep track of, so it definitely has its downside.
But there it is.
It's a story on Infowars.com from Alex Thomas.
MSNBC guests, Republicans are domestic terrorists.
Also accuses GOP of being pro-Putin and pro-pedophile.
Remember, the Democratic Party is the sexual deviance, is the pro-sexualization of children, I mean, is the pervert party.
During a segment
On Saturday's broadcast of MSNBC's AM Joy, the liberal network allowed a Democratic pollster to call for his political enemies to be arrested and put in prison for failing to adhere to a variety of left-wing viewpoints.
Frenard Ahmadi?
Is that how you pronounce it?
Made the comments during a discussion.
And the reason that's important is, we've got more of them saying that.
So, you've got them saying, arrest our opposition, get rid of the free speech, ban Alex Jones off the internet, ban Matt Drudge.
But then simultaneously, we're going to have an uprising November 4th, we're going to kill everybody and kill Trump.
And then they go, oh, you're crazy, we're not calling for that.
We have full-page ads calling for driving people from office and overthrowing Trump.
And you've got communists marching everywhere saying we're going to kill everybody.
And you've got Black Lives Matter groups being funded by big telecoms and big internet companies calling for cops to be killed.
It's going on all around us.
And then they play this game where Jones claims Democrats want to overthrow Trump.
Jones claims Democrats are calling for violence.
And they just do this over and over and over again.
Because again, they want to energize their people, get them mobilized, while telling you nothing's happening, go back to sleep, you go back to sleep.
It's a classic military tactic.
And these people mean business, but the most positive news I've seen yet is that
You've seen the FBI release all these emails.
From back during the Obama years when Mueller killed the FBI investigation into Hillary and Uranium One.
And the word is, Washington is abuzz, according to the congressman and other sources that Stones talked to, that the new FBI director is preparing to go after Mueller, Comey, Hillary, all of them.
None of them are invincible.
The Democrats are beginning to turn against them, you notice, hedging their bets because, man, Mueller and the Clintons are on the Russian payroll.
And the Chinese payroll, you name it, and they are just no wonder they're trying to say everybody else is a Russian.
I mean, imagine me and me and watching congressional hearings, there's been five of them I've seen, where they say Alex Jones is a Russian agent and we censored him at lunch and we're gonna block him.
And, I mean, never got a dollar of Russian money.
It's just crazy.
Most of the Russian media is leftist.
RT America is run by a bunch of leftists?
I mean, no proof, no nothing.
No court of law.
They just say it.
Meanwhile, they are literally in bed with them.
So they mean business.
And YouTube is pushing people to pedophile sites on how to pick up kids and how to have sex with kids, building a community of pedophiles.
And then meanwhile, they're blocking people on their smartphones going to Infowars.com.
So, it's getting worse and worse.
They're also releasing the Deputy Director McCabe, who's a Clinton operative, and all his communications with his wife running for State Senate campaign and all of that.
I mean, it just gets worse and worse with these people.
But since I mentioned it, let's go ahead and go to that clip of the MSNBC Democratic Party operative saying, let's get them out of office and then let's put them in jail.
Here it is.
Which is what their plan is.
It's always been that.
And they want to declare the election a fraud, declaim it all Russian, kick out all these Congress people that got elected, federalize the elections, which they've already done, one of Obama's last actions, and then have a one-party permanent state.
They're attempting an authoritarian takeover.
And it's the dumbest rhetoric.
They've done nothing to help people, like they're supposed to drop cheeseburgers from helicopters.
Get the regulations out of the way, cut the taxes, have fair trade, have a boom time.
It's happening.
And in the midst of the biggest boom time we've seen in 30, 40 years, they are freaking out, saying the world is ending, everything's over, because they want depressed, dumbed down, pathetic people.
Facebook executives admit it.
From Sean Parker to their own documents, to Hillary emails, how she hates her loser constituents.
And then they go out there to the whole lottery ticket crowd and go, they didn't give us anything.
What have they done?
Lock them up.
So the stupidest people watch that and go, yeah, what'd they give me?
Give me a free car or something.
Go to North Korea.
They can't even make cars.
Let's play this so-called billionaire, Tom Sayre, can't wait to impeach Trump, and he runs these ads, this little globalist, you know, environmental land grabber, insider, automotive communist China guy, just dripping with narcissistic self-importance.
Here it is.
You have become, perhaps, the loudest voice calling for impeachment.
The Constitution... Look at this guy.
...sets the ground for impeachment as treason... Hey, pause.
They all do this self-confidence thing where they go... Reliable sources.
It's like... You know, like you just, like, stole something out of the cookie jar.
It's always just... I can't even do a fake confidence look like...
It'd be like a joke, like, hey ladies, how you doing?
Okay, let's go back to it.
Or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Which has the president violated?
Good morning, Dana.
I would say it's clear that he has violated the Constitution in the sense that he has violated his trust with the American people through obstructing justice by firing the head of the FBI, Mr. Comey, for what he said explicitly was over the Russian investigation.
He has been taking, in contradiction of the Emoluments Clause, he has been taking payments from foreign governments almost since the very first day that he took office.
The president is exempt from all that of their pre-existing businesses.
This guy knows that the audience are idiots watching this.
So he sits up there and just con artists everybody that says he can't wait for Trump to be impeached.
We'll be back with your phone calls on the other side.
There's so much other news I haven't gotten to yet, but their whole house of cards is coming down and they can act all confident as long as they want.
You scumbags are going down.
Infowars is changing the world, sending shockwaves across the planet.
The globalists understand that.
They know they have to destroy nation states, they have to destroy Christian civilization, they have to destroy the family.
They can't leave anything standing.
Or when their great tyranny comes in, liberty will spring back up in those institutions.
They have scientifically figured out how to do this, and they're cold-blooded enough to actually try to execute it, and they've gotten a lot of their plan done.
But they were counting on operating in secret in the dark, denying all of this existed using mainstream media.
But that doesn't work anymore.
So the whole facade is now falling down around them.
When I get up here and tell you that we're one of the most influential
I'm on the front lines wearing a general outfit with the enemy shooting at me 24-7.
I'm simply telling you we've been successful, so that's good news, but at the same time they're coming after us because of it, because we're now a figurehead, a focal point.
A flag, a symbol that they want to take down, and they want to destroy, and they want to discredit.
They're trying to assassinate my credibility ahead of assassinating me physically.
That's what the top minds and best analysts have said, and I concur with the analysis.
We're in a very serious situation, so I'm asking you this Thanksgiving to understand that we wouldn't have this info war if it wasn't for you, and I thank you, and I appreciate you, and I celebrate you.
And I cover all these negative things, not because I'm trying to make you depressed, but because I believe in you, and know that when you're faced with these globalist operations, you'll want to stand up and do something about it.
So again, I salute you, and I thank you, and I thank my family, and I thank the crew, and I thank everybody in the last 22 years for sticking with this movement, and to now see such success, the enemy's pushing back, and so now is the time for critical effort.
And that said, we're running specials all throughout this week to help fund our operation to be able to continue on under globalist attacks, under censorship, under boycotts, under lawsuits, you name it.
You've taken us this far, and if you'll just get the great products we have that are great for you and your family, and symbiotically then support us, nothing can stop us, ladies and gentlemen, when you stand up and vote with your dollars, vote with your euros, and get the products at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're running a special from Monday, when I'm shooting this right now, right through next Monday on Cyber Monday, eight days from now, when we do a special 36-hour broadcast.
On Monday, we have Brain Force that's been sold out, 50% off the Great Nootropic and free shipping storewide.
We've got Tuesday, November 21st, Silver Bullet, $9.95, 50% off.
Knockout Sleep Aid, 50% off.
Wednesday, Super Metal Vitality, 50% off.
Living Defense, 50% off.
Thursday on Thanksgiving, 50% off all the high-quality, storable foods, 50% off prostate garlic, it's been proven to be great for your prostate and more.
Friday, November 24th, X2, the good halogen that blocks the fluoride and all the rest of it.
You'd die without it.
50% off Alexa Pure Pro, another great system of water filter.
Twenty-five percent off.
Saturday, November 25th, launch of Emmerich Essentials new essential oil blends.
Sunday, launch of Tactical Walls.
Monday, the 27th, launch of a new product we haven't told you about.
So much more.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com.
I think?
Dust in a history.
They're hanging on by their nails right now.
So I'm thankful for you on this Thanksgiving and I'm thankful for your support.
I'm asking for your support again because we're all in this together and we're winning.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, there's a phenomenon that if somebody's gonna screw you over or cheat you, unless they're a total psychopath or sociopath, they normally
Make up a reason that you've been dehumanized so they can do it to you.
They say you deserve it.
And that's why Democrats and globalists and people that have sold the country out hate it so much.
Because you're not going to kill your dog if you love it.
But if you decide you're going to kill it for whatever reason, might as well decide they deserve it.
And that's really what these parasites have done.
I mean, you look into that billionaire guy that runs all these ads against Trump.
He's a total establishment slime bag on the inside track.
And all these guys are.
And they have been selling this country out.
So Trump just halfway got a few of the bear traps off our legs in the last year.
And the economy roared back.
And the media's like, well look, there's still homeless people.
Absolutely, the country's still got problems.
Most of the homeless are either drug addicts or mentally ill, but there's still big economic problems in this country.
We're far from out of the woods, but to cheerlead against it really shows you who all these folks are.
And that's why it frustrates me so much to be a hypocrite.
Because you're just brought up in the midst of this, and even though you know it's destroying you, you still do it.
Because PCs are made in a slave factory, so why not have Apple?
Even though Apple is the worst, and the worst politically, and my enemy, and trying to shut me down publicly, and discriminating against me, I still have iPhones for everybody in the office, because they're proprietary, they work together, we can get our work done.
But it's like living with the devil.
Same thing with Amazon.
Same thing with YouTube or Google.
I mean, I know who they are.
I've read their corporate writings.
Their own executives have gone public and said, we made the decision to take over, replace you with robots, and we're gonna kill you!
And I'm just sitting here, listening to what they say in policy reports, versus all their grandstanding about how liberal they are.
And to watch them bend over backwards to be nasty, bend over backwards to hurt poor people, and then grandstand when these guys are on average worth like $80 billion a piece, and how they escape taxes, but then they try to get bigger taxes on the middle class.
I mean, they're so evil!
And none of this is my opinion, it's a fact that Google doesn't pay taxes.
Income taxes.
Corporate taxes.
General Electric.
Al Gore.
The Clintons.
Any of these dirtbags.
They all got tax-free foundations.
And they're all just selfish, worldly, nasty people.
And they know liberalism makes you dependent, makes you dumb, makes you stupid, makes you envious, makes you screwed up, makes you a loser.
So they use it as a weapon system on you, and they know it's a weapon system.
I'm gonna go to CA and Nicholas and Colt and Brian and Peter and John and others right now, but I'm gonna say this one more time.
There's a global architecture.
There's a global ruling class.
They're super sociopathic.
They have an agenda.
It's public.
They're exploiting your weaknesses.
They admit they're doing it.
This is not my opinion.
And the way they trick you into not caring, they then say you deserve to die.
And they want me shut down because I know their philosophy.
I can show you a stack of articles where from pillar to post, Amazon is creating a monopoly with Chinese slave labor, and tax exemptions, and government funding of their buildings, and taxpayer money per package, $1.48, where you can't compete with them.
And then he's a socialist bleeding hard on top of it.
It's all cold-blooded psycho talk.
That guy is as liberal as the Easter Bunny.
It the Clown has more morals.
But again, every one of the billionaire leaders is a liberal.
Because it's a scientific weapon system to screw you over.
The universities are designed to create mentally ill, gibbering basket cases.
Everything is a takedown on the country.
And Trump's just some desperate attempt to not totally destroy the country and they're all just howling with anger because man, they had this country on its knees and it was over.
We were out cold.
But we got back up.
And it would be so hard
To live under them if they get their way, but we'll be so dumbed down it won't even matter.
I'm sorry, I'm ranting.
God, these people are just so bad.
I was watching this morning the House of Horrors, Warehouse Horrors, and the big giant warehouse where they replace people with robots, and everybody's got a package.
One package every nine seconds, like rats.
Who should I go to?
Nicholas Colt?
Brian, we're going to go to Brian, but I'm going to do it after the break, because we're going to break in two and a half minutes, and I don't want to cut him short, and I'm going to go write your calls.
Why don't we come out of break?
But I just read here about how Seattle's going to pay for everything, so they put their new corporate headquarters there when it's already there.
Or how they just, now sex robot craze, and it's a guy sitting there next to a sex robot
Proud of the fact that he doesn't want a real woman and he's going to teach women he doesn't need them because he has a robot.
And he thinks it's so cool not to procreate and give up.
I mean, it's just the death of our culture.
The death of everything.
By design.
Briefly, they're doing everything they can to shut us down.
That's why I do these 34-hour
Really fundraiser broadcast that bring in the extra funds we need to hire more reporters and more crew because they're not going to let me just sit here at this size.
They're trying to destroy me.
They have newscasts talking about how they're trying to destroy me.
I aired one Friday where they talked about how we've attacked his sponsors and attacked his products and we're trying to shut him down, but it's hard.
They're working and if they can get us the lead elephant, they can get you.
That's why we make it easy with the best probiotics.
Now available at InfoWarsTore.com.
The new digestive enzyme, Cardivore, that's so powerful.
Floral Life Advanced Restoration Formula.
We have free shipping extended at InfoWarsTore.com through Cyber Monday.
We have 50% off our new incredible product.
And that, of course, is the real red pill.
The amino acids, the vitamins, the minerals, the pregnenolone, that is the precursor to all your hormones, that if you don't have it, you can't even produce your hormones.
But mix with the amino acids, the vitamins, the minerals, all of it together and the beetroot, this is for your brain, your heart, stamina, energy, it's just
Probably the most exciting thing we've ever come up with except for the True Earth Deep Ionine X2 that nobody else has.
But such a game changer that folks love so much.
So that's now available.
The Red Pill.
We have a limited shipment in.
I bet it sells out in a week.
We should get more in early next year.
But get the Red Pill and support the broadcast.
It's 50% off, out of the gates, because I know you're going to love it so much.
I want our first, our customers that are most dedicated, who always buy our new products, to get it discounted, because it's an expensive product to make.
Again, it's available at InfoWarsTore.com.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The Real Red Pill.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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Just briefly, my dad is an oral surgeon and dentist.
He's about to retire.
About 15 years ago, he heard me ranting and raving about fluoride and toothpaste and how it causes brain damage and lower IQ and dental fluorosis.
He said, son, I don't care who you have on the air.
That's a bunch of bull.
You need fluoride or you die.
And I actually showed him what was in the water supply in the Florida.
He said, this is incredible.
This is Grignard Reagent's heavy metals.
They're covering for it, calling it Florida under law with a loophole to dump toxic waste in the food and water.
Now, CNN had to admit last month, in utero and in children, massive IQ reductions.
Well, six years ago, the EPA said, reduce it in water by half.
You don't drink your sunscreen, but hydrofluorosilicic acid is a
Hopped up version of fluoride.
It's been turned into an acid.
It's an adjuvant.
It's very toxic.
But there is the CNN headline that fluoride in the water and in toothpaste is causing IQs to drop precipitously.
And for seven years the
American Dental Association says don't brush children's teeth until age six with it.
Why does it say nursery water that at the store was added fluoride?
And they didn't add calcium fluoride, boys and girls.
They added hydrofluorosilicic acid.
That's why my dad and I developed, with the same folks that make Toms of Maine, it's private labeled, Super Blue non-fluoride toothpaste with colloidal silver and high-quality iodine, which you die without iodine.
Massive iodine deficiencies in the country.
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That's a different type of iodine.
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Super Blue Toothpaste, available at InfoWarsTore.com!
To the Alex Jones Show!
We're approaching one year that Trump's been in office, coming up in January.
Defending the republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
You know a man by his enemies, boy they are upset at Trump.
I'll say this though, he's letting us down, his new head of the CDC is a pro-vax.
And you see him with a whole fake drug war thing that's a total joke.
He's bringing the country back, bringing the jobs back, crushing political correctness.
Soros-funded group claims repealing net neutrality is racist.
And again, they play these games.
Obama's net neutrality move, before he left office, gives control of the internet over to the UN for censorship.
And brings all these controls in, and then has taxpayers pay for all this broadband, and then claims the government has jurisdiction over all other forms of media.
It isn't net neutrality.
And so what Trump's FCC is doing is going back the way it was, real net neutrality.
But again, it's all the way they label things.
It's all how media lies to people.
Here's an example.
Day before Thanksgiving, we get the raw video of Congressman Joe Burton to a girlfriend, naked.
I said I thought it was probably revenge porn, and that it was wrong for whoever put it out, unless that he was actually going after somebody that didn't want to be sent that.
That's his personal stuff.
I showed that we had the video.
I didn't show the video.
Made it clear I thought it was wrong.
The neocon media picked it up and said that I
did revenge porn and that somehow we had the footage and we got it from the congressman.
Knowing that we didn't show the video, they can then just lie and say that we had.
It's just next level deception.
That's what we're dealing with here, ladies and gentlemen.
And it just goes on and on and on and on where
I think it's bad judgment sitting there doing that into some webcam to some woman you barely know.
The point is, the big issue is who released it.
It was already on the internet in still images.
We're pointing out it was a video.
And it was revenge porn, unless she could prove that it was unwanted advances.
But how is what he did equated with Bill Clinton on the Lolita Express with known pedophiles transporting children with Secret Service saying Bill Clinton was involved?
Imagine my shock!
Okay, let's go to your calls right now.
I said I was going to Brian next, so he hung up, okay?
CA in Morocco, Nicholas in Texas, Colt in Kansas, Peter in New York, John in Cali.
Let's go ahead and go to CA in Morocco, out there in the Mediterranean.
Go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
It's actually Zach reporting from Morocco right now.
Okay, you didn't tell him it was Zach, it just says CA.
Yeah, I did say Zach.
Maybe the phone broke up there.
I'm overseas.
Let's start over!
Intergalactically, I'm gonna put you on hold.
We're gonna start over, we're gonna put Zach up there from Morocco, and I'm gonna start over.
Just because I didn't used to be OCD, but I'm getting really OCD about little things.
And then if I can just have them that way, everything's gonna be okay.
So let's start over.
Let's go to your phone calls.
Zach in Morocco, you're on the air.
We haven't heard from you in a while, Zach.
You got hauled in last time you called in.
That's correct.
And well, actually reporting from Iraq now for several reasons, one of which happens to be some of the major updates that I'm going to sort of release right now, right here.
So we warned of Yemeni terror attacks
Obviously, that was spoiled and stopped, thankfully.
But what I can verify, and your team could pull up, it's public news now, as of yesterday we have 10 high-profile Yemeni al-Qaeda ISIS targets neutralized by a drone strike authorized by the White House.
That could be pulled up, and that occurred yesterday.
We also have the Islamic Military Counterterrorism Coalition, the IMCTC, meeting
I don't know how you guys did it.
I don't know how we did it.
We got this out here and this is happening.
This is breaking yesterday.
Okay, for folks that don't know,
I know folks that know who you are.
You've told us who you are.
We've checked it.
You are who you say you are.
Used to be in the military and intelligence operations.
Now you're out with a security clearance.
You're not giving us anything secret.
You're talking about stuff that's human intelligence, that's public.
It's public domain right now.
But you did get hauled in a few weeks ago when you called in the last time.
How did that go?
And now how are you able to call back in?
It's essentially an intimidation tactic, basically making me aware of legal implications of my actions, which is always used as an intimidation tactic.
However, I'm not going to be intimidated.
And quite frankly, I did go overseas for certain safety reasons, but I feel quite safe overseas.
In the meantime, I do have family and certain connections and sources, obviously, while the FBI gets their house in order, which is currently occurring.
But again, the two main... Okay, so let's be clear.
You're calling in from Morocco.
And you've left the United States so you can call into this show.
I did see the drone strike news.
I know that Trump's getting the Saudis to stop playing their double game.
And you're saying from your personal experience as a U.S.
citizen, you think this is actually working?
It's definitely working.
People have been calling for years.
Where's the reparation of Islam?
Where has the Islamic countries come together?
You have it right here.
You have the meeting on Sunday.
You have the meeting of the Islamic Military Counter-Terrorism Coalition, essentially the heir of NATO.
They are turning on these forces, double-crossing all these deep state actors, and it's not like the Arab countries don't want to see the reformation.
It's not like they're not sick and tired of this crap.
And if it wasn't for Donald Trump and the administration that's in there, this is... Hang on, I don't want to say who you are, but you're actually pretty famous, and of course you are
A Muslim, at least one of your parents has been Muslim.
And so, I mean, you're a well-known, respected person, but you don't want who you are to be known at this point.
That's why they've picked you up.
But you're saying as a citizen, who's had to leave the country so that you're able to even call into the show, you're just pointing out that we are actually rolling up the deep state backing of Al Qaeda and ISIS and Wahhabis and the rest of it?
Physically, every day.
I mean, the drone strikes that went on over the weekend were critical.
I mean, very critical in the civil war that's unfolding overseas.
I can't emphasize the importance of the meeting of these 49 Islamic countries that do not include Syria, Iraq, and Libya currently, which for obvious reasons.
Because who's running it now?
And what we do also see is a humanitarian okey-doke, a flanking from, I don't know, the left, the deep state in America, coming up with this sort of humanitarian crisis, saying, look what's going on with the Yemeni civilians.
Hey, that's not our problem.
That's a result of the leftist Obama-Bush-Cheney-Clinton machine.
Now it's being rolled back.
We have to be legitimate.
None of this is secret.
It started about seven years ago and then going through Benghazi they funded Arab Springs to put radical elements into destabilized moderate regimes and to overthrow secular regimes and bring in a destabilization and Trump is cutting that off, making straight deals with everybody.
We'll do trade, we'll do investment, we'll work with you, but all the double games are over.
Because it's been directed by us, is what basically is happening.
And so that whole program that's been going on since the end of World War II, you're saying Trump's successfully pulling up those roots?
Without question.
I mean, it's a timestamp.
27 November, Saudi-led Arab NATO declares total war on terrorism.
Iran, Iraq, and Syria not invited.
This is due to the fact that Donald Trump is in power and they have the backing and they're not worried about being double-crossed and run over by what's been going on in this country generationally for quite some time.
Well, without getting into stuff that's already gotten you picked up twice, which you didn't give anything out secret, what you're talking about is all news.
I just don't want your perspective.
This is really upsetting the deep state, isn't it?
Because once we stabilize the Middle East, then we can deal with China, who again, deep states double-crossed us to.
One thing at a time.
Some of these countries overseas are definitely waiting for it.
I know specifically, with complete validation, the American government's been waiting for it.
And deep state actors there, when Hillary's pay-to-play had been rolled up this week as well, which you're going to start to see that come out in the news, you know, the phosphate companies getting the money for the foundation, getting millions of dollars.
And that was just, you know, that was just a step.
How does Iran play into this?
Are they figuring out they better watch it?
Well, you know, a little too late.
A little too late.
It's going on right now.
I don't think people realize the significance of what occurred on the 27th of November with this Arab coalition coming together and physically, I mean physically being in the same room and declaring war on these actors that are obviously deep state backed.
This is the reformation.
This is one of the most important moments in recent history as far as the war on terror goes in our safety as a country and as a world.
This is incredible.
Wow, you had to go to Morocco to call in.
We'll come back with Zach from Morocco.
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Meet Candace Owens, the new face of the toxic right.
Wow, thanks for coming into town.
I'm so happy to be here.
Great to have you.
You're even more impressive in person.
It's wonderful to have you.
Where should you start in the few minutes we've got to break?
I think you should recap what the feminist cult tried to do to you, you know, in your own words.
They just thought, basically, you're a woman, you're reportedly, you know, supposedly a minority, and then so you belong to them.
Right, absolutely.
So long story short, I was creating, I considered myself a Democrat and a liberal about a year and a half ago as Trump was kind of rising up.
I was trying to build a product called Social Autopsy and essentially I thought I was creating something that was going to help stomp out bullying.
And while I was doing that product, I was contacted by these, you know, self
Proclaimed feminists and they basically tried to take me out the same woman that were saying that they were being attacked By anonymous trolls in the internet were telling me that they didn't want to figure out who these anonymous trolls were And long story short I figured out that these girls were harassing themselves that it was all a lie and that there was no movement of white male conservatives that were stalking and harassing these girls and when I made that statement I
The left media came after me and tried to smear me.
I was literally force-fed the red pill, which is why I call myself Red Pill Black.
So here they are, running false flags against themselves, and then you were saying, running them against you, to go, oh look, see, you're under attack, honey, come join us.
Yeah, and what they told me was that I was being attacked.
The second I said, I'm not pulling my project, that's crazy, they told me that white men, anonymous white men, were going to come after me.
And all of a sudden, all of these screen names started popping up.
It was very obvious, you know, like, Alex at supportTrump dot com.
And what they really didn't want
Was you running a system scanning who the bullies were?
Right, exactly.
Because that would have got them.
It would have gotten them in trouble.
So I instantly was ripoffed.
I was intelligent enough, obviously, to understand what was happening.
And it was just a crazy thing to go through, to think that everyone that you thought you were against, you were actually for.
And it happened just in time.
It was just as Trump was saying that the media was fake.
And I was like,
He's telling the truth.
I caught them in a false flag and you can't just deny what's sitting in front of you and they tried to lie about me.
They tried to smear me because I was saying, hey, these guys, these gamers are telling the truth.
These girls are harassing themselves.
It didn't happen.
But see, most people would just get into the victimology that I'm being given victim status.
Okay, I'm your victim and then you work for them.
No, let's be clear.
There is nothing to be gained by being a victim.
This race to the bottom has got to stop.
And I don't think people have understood that yet.
There's no Medal of Honor you get, there's no job you get.
It does not affect your bottom line to be a victim, unless you're being financed like these girls were and you get to run 501c3 charities for Hillary Clinton.
But, you know.
And it has been unbelievable.
I have never seen more love and more kindness.
I gave a speech last night at Texas State University to their young conservatives.
Then, when I meet other conservatives and I show up and I speak to them.
You're awesome!
We're gonna be back!
We're winning!
We're on the march!
The empire's on the run!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen, right here on The Alex Jones Show.
And that's why mainstream media and all these corrupt governments hate us.
Not because we're fake news, but because we've dialed into what's really going on.
We have the expert guests.
We have the sources.
And we just keep breaking all the big news days, weeks, months, or years before it comes out.
And they want to be able to spin things and control it.
Like, here's an example.
Soros was in the WikiLeaks and other documents that came out last year saying, I want the UN to run things, have Obama give the internet over to the UN, then we'll only direct the news to us, and we'll put up systems where you have to go through a site saying this is dangerous if you try to go to InfoWars.
That's in the news today.
They finally did it.
Even though Trump got elected, they're just going ahead with it.
Here it is up on InfoWars.com, a Jerome Corsi article.
It's linked up on DrudgeReport.com right now.
Let's put that on screen and show folks where to find it.
Right there in the middle column.
Soros, second story down.
Funded groups claim repealing net neutrality is racist.
But again, it's not net neutrality.
They got rid of net neutrality last year, 14 months ago, calling the new takeover of the internet net neutrality.
All Trump's doing is going back to what was there before.
And again, let me break down Trump.
His dad was really old-fashioned, an anti-communist, a John Birch funder.
Okay, that's a fact.
You can actually look that up.
It's not even a secret.
Trump sat there, played possum as a businessman, kept waiting for the country to get fixed, didn't want to run for president.
And he's a pragmatist and he wants deals that are straight forward.
Not Machiavelli where you fund both sides.
And that's very refreshing to a lot of folks actually in the Middle East who know they've been getting manipulated into a de-industrialization campaign.
Trump just says, invest your money with us and we're going to stop overthrowing you and killing you.
Because they understand where the plan was actually going.
You think it's bad for us to have all the poorest, most uneducated Muslims coming here?
Imagine being over there and having radical Muslims put in charge of your country.
Now I'm going to go to the other callers, Nicholas and Colt and Amanda and Peter and John and others, but take Jack Posobiec, who's hosting the fourth hour.
I'll host some of the hour with him to take calls.
He was in Naval Intelligence.
Never made a big deal about it.
Was a Trump booster.
Trump would tweet him and liked him.
They found out in the news he was in Naval Intelligence.
They had him stripped of his national security clearance because the President liked him.
So in America, it's traitorous to back the President and follow the law.
Well, same thing with our guest, who I know who he is.
They don't like him either.
But he's not telling you anything that's secret.
As a citizen, he's giving you his perspective on what Trump's doing.
But what I get from you, though, is you say this realignment, this reformation, this giving Islamic countries a chance to not be manipulated by the globalist deep state in this whole class of civilizations, you're saying Trump and our military is successfully derailing that?
That's the top question.
I mean, he made his first trip there.
That was the first foreign visit into Riyadh, and on the 26th of November, you have all the countries uniting, the Arab countries uniting, in a complete unity fashion, in a complete unified fashion, to fight terror, and what we think terror is today.
And, you know, as the shake-ups come through the deep state, we're really realizing what it is, and, you know, kind of the wool that's been pulled over everybody's eyes as a public since 2001, and that's enough.
It's enough.
Everyone's sick of it.
And, you know,
Yeah, he's trying to get our dollar back, trying to take care of our military, trying to take care of our workers, trying to boost our security.
I mean, he's just straightforward as a pragmatist trying to run America like a successful business and treating people like they're not crap.
You have Barack Obama during his presidency destabilizing Libya where there's now open slave trade, a war widening in Syria, and he received the Nobel Peace Prize.
Donald Trump quietly goes over to Saudi Arabia where he receives criticism, unifies these Arab countries who are fairly moderate against the legitimate threat that is destroying this world, and what does he get?
It's disgusting and I really hope that there's an awakening stateside because it has to happen.
As an honorably discharged veteran of this country and somebody who's been in these fields for a long time, the state of the world right now is very bizarre and we've got to back Trump.
As an individual who's sitting over here right now, this is unreal.
I'm really at a loss for words and it's occurring.
This is happening right now.
You know, these things are going to be unveiled.
This is his first year.
And, you know, come year two, come year three, when his presidency is looked at historically, the things that he's doing for the way he's being described is just so incredible.
I mean, they're describing him as, you know, being ridiculous or being a sociopath or something like this.
But quietly, he is realigning the world.
I think
Next time you call in, tell them to tell me you're on the line and I'll look over there and notice it and go to you.
You shouldn't get in trouble for calling into the show.
I mean, all you've talked about is your personal opinion as a citizen, but I'm sad to hear you had to leave the country to even be able to call in.
I do work over here and I have family, but yeah, that was pretty much the legal advice.
As far as I'm concerned with my legal team, the problem is going to kind of solve itself stateside for me.
The FBI is going through a major shake-up and I really can't speculate on that, but it's happening quickly.
Well, aren't most of the folks that are still in the military, because we haven't talked off air, but I would guess, I mean, you were telling me on air before, aren't they supporting you?
Yes, I mean within the individuals that know me personally, it's absolute support for me.
People know who I am and we know what we're doing.
Unfortunately, when you deal with certain skills like this and you deal with certain information like we're dealing with, not everybody can know what's going on.
So, eventually the story will be told.
They're trying to sabotage a good president, and we all have a responsibility to tell the truth about what's happening.
The scum that funded Benghazi and funded the Arab Spring are the people trying to get control of this country again, and they're on TV saying arrest all of us that don't play ball as a form of intimidation.
Well, guess what?
Your message got received.
It didn't intimidate us.
It's making us dig in and work even harder.
God bless you, Zach.
Be safe.
And Zach is his first name, I'll just leave it at that.
But he doesn't want to go public at this point.
But he's a decorated guy, intelligence operations with the Army Special Operations Command, and doing a lot of work.
And he's over there right now, working for the U.S.
government, and he's telling you what the President and our military is doing right now, as it's just totally attacked.
Just totally attacked, because it's rolling back the takeover of radical Islam, and Trump's gotten
I don't
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OK, who's up first?
Nicholas Colt.
Amanda, Peter.
Let's go ahead and talk to Peter in New York.
Peter, you're on the air.
I wanted to talk about the geomagnetic field.
Yeah, the Earth's rotation is slowing for some reason.
That changes the field.
That's the main driver of climate change, right?
I believe that the field is generated in the mantle and that the lava flows are changing.
It's possible.
I'm not 100% sure what's driving it specifically.
I just know that it's moved about 1,000 miles in 100 years.
Yes, sir.
And again, right now the Earth's rotation is actually slowed a bit as well.
It will affect all of that.
Magnetic field itself has been weakening, and if it weakens to a certain point, where they say if it goes into a flux point, having a pulse shift, that a solar flare would take out everything.
Well, that's right.
The magnetic field is our shield.
And if we lose that, it would take out all of our electronics, and then we won't be doing too well.
They predict 90% of people will die in one year if there's a power outage.
Anything else, Peter?
I'm glad you brought up such a central point in hell to do that.
You want to hold over?
You got more to add?
I wanted to bring up how it affects climate change.
Let's talk about that when we start our number four, then Jack Posobiec and so much more on the other side of this quick break.
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All right, Peter brought up the electromagnetic field of the Earth's been getting weaker.
It's been changing.
And the Earth's rotation has slowed.
Of course, the sun's the main driver of climate.
If we don't have that magnetic field, a lot more of the solar radiation will make it into the earth, and then all these folks thinking they're going to be God, like Jeff Bezos and others, they're not going to be doing too good like the rest of us here on the surface of the planet.
We'll have to go into those little bunkers.
Or his little bug eyes.
But maybe he meant to live in the dark.
One eye points in the other direction.
So, a little hammerhead shark looking for monopolies, looking for free press to shut down.
Because he heads up the Washington Post calling for free press to be shut down and for the president to be arrested and for me to be arrested.
He's just a real pig.
But Peter in New York, go ahead.
Yeah, I just wanted to close up by saying, you know, they want to focus on CO2, right?
Something that every plant needs is the fundamental... Well, they do that because it's something that's on the Earth they can tax and control.
They know it's all a fraud.
Now, if you change the North Pole, where, you know, the entire structure of the Earth is pointed to the Sun based off of our poles, aligning with the Sun's poles being pulled through space,
If you realign that, you're going to have entire climate change, wherever the North Pole is, is now going to be where the new, you know, coldest area is, where you have the least sunlight.
So you're going to change everything.
We should do a whole show on, say, a pole shift, and if it put the new pole, let's say, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, you would just have, like, the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the new pole.
You'd have a big Arctic on one side, or Arctic and then Antarctica.
Yeah, it's an interesting theory that they were saying that they're thinking it might be going to where the Bermuda Triangle is, and there's a South China Sea anomaly as well.
And that might be the new locations of the poles.
Now, that's just a theory.
Well, that'll fix the problem China's got with overpopulation.
If the new ice cap hits China, that won't be too pretty.
No, sir.
They're already killing their own people off quick enough.
I think they'll lose a few more.
I tell you, we're on a very volatile planet.
You know, they've got volcanoes going off in Mali and in Mexico right now.
Yeah, the Ring of Fire is really, really active.
And like I said, if it all comes back, you know, you're having a fluctuation of those liquid lava flows within the mantle.
I mean, that's going to change.
But if you'll just pay some carbon taxes... It'll all be okay.
We just got to cut that carbon dioxide.
A lot of it coming out of that volcano, but that's okay.
You know, it's like when Apple owns a slave factory.
As long as it's liberal.
Like, as long as the volcano is liberal, then the CO2 is good.
Thank you very much, Peter.
Great points.
Let's talk to Amanda in Tennessee.
You're on the air.
What about Tucker Carlson and a helicopter news?
Go ahead.
Yeah, I was wondering.
He had a video that he obtained, I guess, three or four weeks ago.
And it looked like debris or like snow blowing across the video for over half of it.
You're talking about during the Vegas shooting?
Well, I know the FBI went and picked up the caller you heard earlier when he talked about it being an Islamic attack.
There have been shootings all over town and helicopters being used and the FBI showed up.
They drugged the guy and they declared national security.
He's had to leave the country just over that.
So, do you think they'd be having the FBI at his house in two hours after he called in about that if it was just a rumor?
No, they don't want that discussed.
So, Vegas is as phony as a $3 bill or as Obama's birth certificate.
Isn't that crazy?
That is so crazy.
So many people.
They had the Saudi military was having a convention there that week.
Yeah, because I remember the most I've heard is what you've gone over and the other guy that had done some research into all the planes that had changed.
Sure, well the FBI showed up and they told him, they said, you talk about that again, we're going to put you in prison.
Because that's classified information.
Even though he'd figured it out himself.
The fact is, the government, the military all knows.
They've been ordered not to talk about it.
Because it's all part of this deal that Trump's got with the Saudis.
We'll see if that's really the case.
That was an Islamic terror attack from all the evidence we have.
Thank you so much.
With few remaining days left on the legislative calendar, Congress sure has a lot on the agenda, including reauthorization of mass surveillance.
The current authorization for the controversial Section 702 expires December 31st, and it's the first time Congress has faced reauthorization since Edward Snowden revealed the NSA's mass surveillance apparatus.
Civil Libertarians have urged Congress to take this reauthorization as an opportunity to implement meaningful reforms to shield innocent Americans from mass surveillance.
But with the clock running out, Congress appears poised to just jam through reauthorization.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has just took up a blockbuster case, the privacy of emails,
There's a long way to go!
And it's show time to get there.
Give me liberty or give me death.
It's Alex Jones.
And hosting this hour, the fourth hour, is Jack Posobiec.
Then we've got a 34-hour broadcast going.
We're three hours in.
We've got 31 hours left of Know Your Enemy.
That's why I had the author of Meet the Bully
I had the author on earlier that's dealing with the big bully in Asia, Communist China.
Jack Posobiec lived over there before he even joined Naval Intelligence and was a big part of the Trump campaign as well.
But I wanted to have him on with us today to get into knowing our enemy.
What is our enemy?
We know it's mainstream media, but who owns them?
What's their agenda?
Why are they trying to block
The restoration of this republic.
I'm going to be back tonight, 8 to 10 p.m., but there's a full list of the talk show hosts, the guests, the breaking news, the info, but you can be part of the revolution as well by spreading the live links to us on Facebook, on Twitter, on YouTube, or just InfoWars.com forward slash show, because Facebook, Twitter, YouTube are blocking people trying to share our videos.
There's articles on InfoWars.com about it.
They intend to just wear you out with the censorship instead of you going, oh my gosh, it's all true, they're censoring, they're censoring the Patriots, they're censoring folks that want to reboot America.
They just think we'll just kind of give up and go away.
But instead, when you get excited, we've had 30-something million people tune in before just to extra streams and things during a marathon broadcast.
Now that was the biggest ever on election night.
And I guess over two days that happened.
We did a 34-hour broadcast the other day and outside of our regular shows and millions of listeners on AM and FM a day and about a million views conservatively a day just on YouTube alone or a couple million a day on Facebook, we had an additional million and a half people that we could track that came in and watched on the streams or saw stuff.
And those were new people.
Those were new IP addresses we could see in the aggregate of new people coming in that were tuning in.
And that's who we're really looking for.
It's not that you're being overlooked.
You're just appreciated.
We know you're awake.
Probably more awake than we are.
Probably awake before I was born.
God bless you.
We stand on your shoulders.
We're looking for folks that aren't awake.
That's how we're going to win.
That's how we're going to defeat the globals.
They want to target kids when they're little and brainwash them and do all this and we just want to wake everybody up.
Old, young, black, white, doesn't matter.
We're in a fight for hearts and minds and we're just promoting Americana and choice and free market and freedom.
We're just promoting the thing everybody wanted and it's coming back.
We're a year into Trump being elected.
Basically 10 and a half months into him being in office and you already see the economy and record new jobs and record new small businesses and record low lending.
The big mega banks responded by not lending even more to try to stop and then try to raise interest rates, but it hasn't worked because people understand we're under economic warfare.
So that's why when you shop at Infowarsstore.com, there isn't a place in this fight
We're buying the products that you already need.
Water filters, air filters, non-GMO heirloom seeds, t-shirts that spread the word, high-quality supplements.
There's not a place where buying products has a bigger political effect.
You know, I'm waiting on the next month or two to see how we're going to expand.
I would like to be able to hire Pacific.
I'd like to be able to hire a whole bunch of people.
I'd like to be able to launch a lot of new shows.
We've already, you know, launched two new broadcasts in the last month.
Five days a week, the war room with Owen Schroer and then of course David Knight and the Real News.
The enemy's coming after us and I'm not complaining, I'm just saying we're having an effect, we're having victories and we're trying to gauge whether we can continue on expanding because there is no getting
You know, zero-sum game where we're just one size.
We've got to either expand or contract.
The globalists want us to contract and go away.
We understand we'll be destroyed if we do that.
All of us.
We've got to expand.
So we've got free shipping about to end store-wide.
It's got to end by tomorrow.
We've got Silver Bullock, Hoyle Silver, Brain Force, the new Tropic bestseller, Survival Shield X2, the good halogen, all 50% off free shipping.
Supermail, knockout sleep aid, ProPure water filtration.
It's all there.
50% off, free shipping, and we have the new
I want to call it nootropic, because it's for the brain, the heart, you can even make claims on this, because it is a multivitamin, amino acid, all the minerals, with pregnalone, that is the precursor to all hormones, but legal according to the Olympic Committee, because it's the precursor to all the steroids in your body, they're natural, so your body can make them.
Without it, it can't do it.
But if you just take pregnalone by itself, without these vitamins and minerals and other amino acids, you can't upload it.
That's what the scientists that developed this at one of the top firms in the country came up with.
I had already done the research and said, why aren't we selling an amino acid pregnant loan combo?
Because I noticed only top medical firms were getting people to pay on their prescription for it.
People have paid $200, $300 for something similar to this just because they were at a doctor's office.
This is $80 usually.
It's 50% off.
It's $39 right now.
Free shipping store-wide.
Sign up for auto shipping, an additional 10% off.
This is how we finance the war.
And now, taking over, Jack Posobiec, ladies and gentlemen.
Jack, thank you so much for hosting the broadcast, my friend.
Alex, it's great to be back.
Happy Thanksgiving, and dare I say it, Merry Christmas even.
I think we're allowed to say that again now.
Wow, but you're really not being politically correct now.
How dare you?
I'm so sorry.
I'm just, I'm going crazy.
It's Cyber Monday.
You know, we saw all the insanity of Black Friday, and now people who are smart aren't going out there and fighting each other.
For, uh, you know, for a new TV and a new computer, they're actually going and just buying stuff online that they can do at the end of the work week.
And notice they're saying this Black Friday is the biggest ever, and the good news is, yeah, it sure beats us an extra billion for his anti-American activities.
He hit more than $100 billion this week.
But record, people are going to smaller sites now.
There's kind of a kickback, a pushback, a blowback against Amazon right now.
Well there is, because people are finding out so much about how Bezos is essentially misappropriating their money, is spending it for his lobbying in Congress, the way that he was potentially buying out in many ways the Obama administration, the way that he's purchased the Washington Post and has funded all sorts of oppo research crap against Trump and against Republicans, and people are fed up with it.
The same way they're fed up with the box stores, they're fed up with the fighting, they're fed up with the
I think?
When you talk about getting back their country, and people just say, oh, whatever, and they swipe to the next thing on their phone.
It's crazy.
And that is why we've got to wake people up, because this is what they're tuned to.
They're tuned and they're programmed to want the TV.
And that's why they're scared of Infowars and you and others, is we have excitement about freedom and show how it's the engine and the progenitor of everything great.
Jack Posobiec, take over.
I'll be back tonight, 8 o'clock Central, during the 34-hour broadcast.
Lots of great people today in the lineup.
Back to Jack Posobiec.
Be sure and follow him on Twitter.
Amazing, the 34-hour telecast that goes live now that we're finally a part of.
I'd like to also give a warm and hearty welcome to everyone from Vice and BuzzFeed and all the other left-wing sites out there.
Mike, I don't know if they're watching, ThinkProgress, DailyKlaus, Politico.
See, they actually went in the last 34-hour
34-hour livecast that was done.
Someone from Vice actually sat and watched and tracked every single thing that was on, except that he said, it turned my brain to mush.
I couldn't understand what was going on.
He actually had a conniption fit.
Now, possibly, no, actually, it's not the InfoWars that was turning your brain to mush.
That is the soy-based diet that you've been taking part of for so long.
But don't worry, hopefully we can help you with that.
And if your brain is having problems, then you simply should try the new, uh, the new real red pill, or try the new BrainForce, because then you might actually be able to participate at that level.
Right, turn my brain to lush.
Mark Lark, uh, Lamoureux.
And it was less Fox News and more of a super scary QVC.
And, and you look at this guy's face and...
I question how much of it was much to begin with.
I mean, I don't think this was 100%.
We didn't have to go to the full 100%.
But I would like to give a firm welcome to Mark and say thank you so much for watching because it only gets better from here.
We've only had our first dose of Alex Jones for the day.
He's going to come back this evening with breaking even more stories.
We've got Jack Posobiec right here.
I'm live from Washington, D.C.
to break down so much of what's going on in this corrupt capital that President Trump is fighting, fighting against so much that's going on on the Internet.
We're going to talk about YouTube.
We're going to talk about Pelosi.
We're going to talk about Conyers and Franken, who came back to work today despite the fact that there are numerous settlements and allegations against them.
Stick right here.
We're gonna break it all down.
Hopefully bring out some news that I've got from my sources as well and tell you all about the amazing Cyber Monday sales that are going just for today at InfoWarsTore.com.
So if you want to get the Cyber Monday sales, the free shipping, go there to InfoWarsTore.com.
You can also get one of my...
Infowars is changing the world, sending shockwaves across the planet.
The globalists understand that.
They know they have to destroy nation-states.
They have to destroy Christian civilization.
They have to destroy the family.
They can't leave anything standing.
Or when their great tyranny comes in,
Liberty will spring back up in those institutions.
They have scientifically figured out how to do this, and they're cold-blooded enough to actually try to execute it, and they've gotten a lot of their plan done.
But they were counting on operating in secret, in the dark, denying all of this existed, using mainstream media.
But that doesn't work anymore.
So the whole facade is now falling down around them.
When I get up there and tell you that we're one of the most influential organizations in the world now for the resistance, it isn't a brag.
I'm on the front lines wearing a general outfit with the enemy shooting at me 24-7.
I'm simply telling you we've been successful, so that's good news, but at the same time they're coming after us because of it, because we're now a figurehead, a focal point, a flag, a symbol that they want to take down, and they want to destroy, and they want to discredit.
They're trying to assassinate my credibility ahead of assassinating me physically.
That's what the top minds and best analysts have said, and I concur with the analysis.
We're in a very serious situation, so I'm asking you this Thanksgiving to understand that we wouldn't have this InfoWar if it wasn't for you, and I thank you, and I appreciate you, and I celebrate you, and I cover all these negative things, not because I'm trying to make you depressed, but because I believe in you.
And know that when you're faced with these globalist operations, you'll want to stand up and do something about it.
So again, I salute you, and I thank you, and I thank my family, and I thank the crew, and I thank everybody in the last 22 years for sticking with this movement.
And to now see such success, the enemy's pushing back, and so now is the time for critical effort.
And that said, we're running specials all throughout this week to help fund our operation to be able to continue on under globalist attacks, under censorship, under boycotts, under lawsuits, you name it.
You've taken us this far, and if you'll just get the great products we have that are great for you and your family, and symbiotically then support us, nothing can stop us, ladies and gentlemen, when you stand up and vote with your dollars, vote with your euros, and get the products at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're running a special from Monday, when I'm shooting this right now, right through next Monday on Cyber Monday, eight days from now, when we do a special 36-hour broadcast.
On Monday, we have Brain Force that's been sold out, 50% off the Great Nootropic and free shipping storewide.
We've got Tuesday, November 21st, Silver Bullet, $9.95, 50% off.
Knockout Sleep Aid, 50% off.
Wednesday, Super Metal Vitality, 50% off.
Living Defense, 50% off.
Thursday on Thanksgiving, 50% off all the high-quality, storable foods, 50% off prostate garden, which has been proven to be great for your prostate, and more.
Friday, November 24th, X2, the good halogen that blocks the fluoride and all the rest of it.
You'd die without it.
50% off Alexa Pure Pro, another great system of water filters.
Twenty-five percent off.
Saturday, November 25th, launch of Emmerich Essentials new essential oil blends.
Sunday, launch of Tactical Walls.
Monday, the 27th, launch of a new product we haven't told you about.
So much more.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com.
Or 888-253-3139.
Please pray for us.
Please spread the articles and videos.
Get past the censors.
And please financially support us.
We're getting great products at the same time.
And we will not let you down.
We will win together.
We will have a renaissance.
We will go to the stars.
And we will kick these social engineers, control freaks, psychopaths' ass into the dustbin of history.
They're hanging on by their nails right now.
So I'm thankful for you on this Thanksgiving, and I'm thankful for your support.
I'm asking for your support again, because we're all in this together, and we're winning!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
Jack Posobiec here, hosting the big fourth hour on InfoWars this Cyber Monday.
Make sure you go and check out your Cyber Monday purchases if you're going to make those.
Now is the time to buy your Christmas presents.
Get in there.
Dare I say Christmas presents?
Are we allowed to say Christmas presents again?
Well, I'm saying it.
So now is the time to buy those.
If you go to Amazon, you can get the Citizens for Trump book.
That's my book, all about the inside story of the people's movement to take back America.
And if you also travel over to the InfoWars store, you can find a lot of deals over there, so much that's going on, so many sales that are available just for today.
Now I want to keep that, make sure that everybody knows that these sales are only available today, they're Cyber Monday sales, and
For people who've been following me for a while, you may have known that I recently got married.
And getting married, it changes your perspective on so many things in ways that I didn't expect.
You know, it was a beautiful wedding, my wife looked amazing, so many people were there, everybody was there, but it changed your perspective on a lot of things.
I didn't see that coming.
I honestly didn't
I mean, it's it's a plan to realize that, you know, this is it, man.
This is your wedding day.
You get one.
You get one.
So this is my wedding day.
My father was there.
My mother was there.
My whole family was there.
So many friends.
Life events and it gets you thinking about moving on in life and it gets you thinking about about where you're going.
I think it's this generational type moment.
And it got me thinking to quite honestly, it got me thinking about getting older and getting and thinking about aging and say, you know what?
This is it, Jack.
This is your wedding.
This is your wedding day.
You guys are going to have kids.
This is their mom.
Here she is like this is all set in place and me.
But you've got to start thinking about this stuff and the aging process is going to happen.
And by the time he's coming for all of us.
And that's why there's so many great products at the InfoWars store that can help with healthy living, that can help with people
We're good.
With the auto ship is in there.
It has a delivery entry.
It's normally $79.95.
Today, it's $39.95.
$40 savings.
Actually, 50.03% off today if you get it for Cyber Monday.
And it's just an amazing product.
It's giving you those vitamins, those minerals, and the pregnalone that is going in there that's really going to support your health.
It's going to support your brain function.
That is so much of what you need.
As you get older and as you get as you as your body starts aging and you go through those generational moments in your life.
There's also a few other specials out there that are up on the InfoWare store.
And just for today, I want to make sure that you guys understand it's just for today.
Huge sales.
Free shipping all through Cyber Monday, the Silver Bullet Collidal Silver, the Brain Force, Survival Shield X2, Supermail Vitality, Knockout Sleep Aid, the All Pure Pro, that's the filter, the air filter that the InfoWars studio uses.
It's amazing, it's incredible.
You guys should really check it out if you want that type of healthy living that we're all going to need.
And my family, we did a report on this actually from Thanksgiving dinner.
We talked about healthy living and we talked about the importance of eating living foods, having vitamins and supplements and...
And living that way, going non-GMO, because we talked about it, because my wife comes from Europe, and in Europe, people don't eat the way we do here.
They eat from the village.
They eat straight, I mean, they don't even talk about farm-to-table, because it is farm-to-table.
It's all farm-to-table.
So they eat straight from the village, they eat vegetables that are straight from the garden.
It's so different, and they have so many vitamins and minerals that are taken out of that food in the processing.
Yeah, I think so.
And she gets up there today, excuse me, yesterday, and so they ask her about John Conyers.
Now John Conyers, it's been proven that he had a settlement, a sexual harassment settlement, with a former staffer who alleged that he demanded
That she sleep with him and that if she did not, he was going to fire her.
Well, he did fire her.
She filed a complaint.
There was a settlement through this secret house process.
Massive story broken by Mike Cernovich.
A lot of the legwork, the journalistic investigation done by the people at BuzzFeed because he knew they were going to attack him.
But then Pelosi, she comes up there and in the midst of all of the Democrat haranguing,
About Roy Moore and Donald Trump.
She goes around and she says, oh well, no, if it's John Conyers, we need to have a due process, we need to have an investigation.
I'm unwilling to look into this stuff because these women haven't come forward publicly.
Keep in mind, coming forward publicly when you're the victim of sexual assault is what Nancy Pelosi was calling for here.
And then she said,
She basically what happened was the Democrats are now all freaking out because she stepped out of line when it comes to the Democrat talking point.
So the media is upset at her.
Chuck Todd from NBC is upset at her.
Daily Beast, which is a Clinton organ, is super upset at her because she spoke out of turn.
And she actually had the temerity, believe it, the audacity even.
To suggest that we adhere to constitutional due process and rule of law in this country rather than immediately turning over, right, and saying someone is guilty just because of allegations.
And I will say to her on this, to her credit, she's actually right.
She's actually right.
We should have that for any allegations or any due process.
Anytime there are these allegations, especially in the case of Roy Moore or President Trump, when these are done,
Right, right before an election, we should have investigations.
But look at NBC, even NBC's headline, she stumbles on alleged harassment.
It said, well actually Pelosi, what she said was constitutional.
What she said was for once in her life, in line with the United States Constitution that says under the Bill of Rights that says that everyone gets
The right to due process and a fair trial, I believe it's the Sixth Amendment.
So, with her remarks, they were saying, oh no, the progressives are saying it's muddling the message on misconduct, it's putting politics ahead of women, and what she actually said was flying in the face of the entire war on women narrative that the whole left, the media, the Washington Post, everyone has been trying to say.
So, she actually pointed out that it was constitutional
To investigate these things.
Now, the one point, though, where I would suggest that Pelosi is actually wrong in this case is that here's the issue.
There was due process already.
There was due process when this was brought before the settlement committee, when the committee looked into it, and the settlement was agreed upon by John Conyers' office.
And by the complainant, the woman who was the accuser in this case.
So there actually was due process.
And it was investigated and it was settled.
That's why the 264 settlements which need to be unsealed, we're calling it hashtag unseal the deals, why it needs to come out.
Because these are not just accusations.
These have been investigated, these have been proven to have merit, and millions of dollars, $70 million of U.S.
taxpayer money, our money essentially, is going to cover up these sexual crimes, these schemes of our congressmen, possibly congresswomen, we don't even know who's involved in this.
We're saying unseal the deals, let us know the names of the members of Congress who are involved in this, and we are going to get to the bottom of it.
We're sticking with the story, so we hope that you stick with us here on InfoWars.
You can learn a lot about the weaknesses of our enemies by studying what they attack.
By studying what they fear.
They fear families living together.
They fear people loving God.
They fear individuals being independent and successful and empowered.
They fear communities really coming together and sharing in the bounty of a free market system.
And they fear individuals openly exercising their First Amendment.
That's why it is essential on every front
To support InfoWars, when you get a t-shirt like this new shirt that is my all-time favorite, it's brand new, super nice fabric, it's designer-made, won't tread on me with a big Gadsden snake right in the middle of the chest, a Dayglo, InfoWars.com on the right shoulder, with an American flag, InfoWars.com on the back.
When you wear it, it telegraphs to friends and a foe where you stand.
And what you believe.
And so many things will happen.
We are the majority.
And it lets the minions of the bullies that are out there trying to intimidate us know and understand that we're not backing down and we're aware of what's happening.
But just as importantly, it will allow you to meet like-minded people
Who could become some of the best friends in your life?
So many people stop me on the streets, all over the country, and shake my hand and say, here's my husband, here's my wife, or here's a photo of my husband and my children.
I was wearing one of your t-shirts at the park, or at church, or at the mall, and met my spouse.
So many people write me.
And also told me on the street that they met like-minded people wearing these t-shirts that then became their new employer or their new business partner.
We have to fly our flag.
We have to wear our colors.
So, won't tread on me, the new shirt at Infowarsstore.com.
When you get excited and you take action, nothing can stop you.
And I want to see seas of this iconic shirt out there at big events, and at Trump rallies, and at land rights rallies, and at Second Amendment rallies, and on C-SPAN, and on national television.
We changed the world with the Bill Clinton rape shirt.
And the Lock Her Up Hillary For Prison shirt.
We've changed the world because you took action.
Now let's take it to the next level and also support InfoWars and our operation financially when you get the shirt.
So promote free speech, stand up to bullies, get a high quality shirt, meet like-minded people.
Again, and fund InfoWars and the expanding operation we've got in the face of the globalists trying to shut us down.
It is a total complete 360 win.
Please commit today to visit InfoWarsTore.com and look at all the amazing Patriot apparel from ball caps to sweatshirts to high quality t-shirts at InfoWarsTore.com and we will continue to change the world together for the better, for our children, for righteousness and for justice.
I'm Alex Jones, and we will continue to change the world together for our children, for our communities, for ourselves, and for truth, and for justice.
Again, I want to thank you all for your support, and I salute you all for what you've done in the InfoWar.
Whether it's spreading links to articles and videos, or spreading the word on the ground, or telling folks about local radio stations, or supporting our local sponsors,
All of it has changed the world, especially your prayers.
So please, from myself and my family and the amazing crew here at InfoWars, thank you for all you've done.
You are the InfoWar.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm just an average man with an average life.
I work from 9 to 5.
Jack Posobiec here, hosting the big fourth hour on InfoWars, part of the 34 hour long live stream that's going on today, because the title
Of today's 34-hour livestream, the theme, if you will, the homage that we're going for is called Hashtag Know Your Enemy.
It's Know Your Enemy, the live 34-hour coverage, and we're talking about establishment propaganda, and we're talking about fake news.
So part of knowing your enemy is understanding your enemy, right?
It's got to be like Sherlock Holmes and that story where the dog didn't bark, right?
You have to find the thing that no one else is talking about that you think that they should be talking about, right?
We talk about the importance of stories that the mainstream media doesn't seem to want to get into because so much and so the question is why would the media not want to get into those stories and would rather get into others and so
Here in 2017, one of the stories that broke over the weekend, it broke over Thanksgiving, so many people may have missed it, but I want to talk about it today.
I know Alex brought it up, but is here in 2017, of all the times that we're talking about this, 10 years, 12 years after the service has been launched, YouTube.com, the fact that there are rampant rings of pedophiles using YouTube.com, so many in fact,
That when you go to YouTube and type autocompleting, they're actually giving you the automatic results for, essentially, child sex results.
Extremely disturbing stuff like how to have sex with your kids.
And they have like the word S-E-X instead of the E, they flick it out with a star.
So keep in mind that YouTube and other places consider that Infowars.com is a site that needs to be banned.
Remember, YouTube is owned by Google.
Google is one of the big backers, the big pushers for net neutrality, which would be essentially keep in place the Obama era internet regulations that they want to put in place, that they want to have furthered over the internet.
So my question to YouTube is, why is it
And my question to Google is that why all this time that you're calling people like InfoWars, people like Jack Posobiec, Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, Roger Stone, Twitter just suspended Roger Stone.
Why are you so focused on us?
Why are you so focused on the things that we're saying, the news that we're breaking?
Do we make mistakes?
Sure, we're human as much as anyone else.
But why aren't you focusing, right?
You're trying so hard to push for net neutrality.
You're trying so hard to use these Soros-funded bots to generate these campaigns on net neutrality.
John Oliver with his ties to Soros and lobbyists.
To push his numerous, essentially these crazy, it's like two minutes hate sessions on John Oliver when he talks about net neutrality and Ajit Pai and really racist stuff that they've been saying about our FCC Chairman Ajit Pai.
He is a Republican, but he was originally appointed by Barack Obama all the way back in 2012.
So my question for them is, why are they so focused on censoring us?
They're so focused on shutting down the things that we're saying, the news that we're putting out, the reports that we're doing, all of which have been confirmed true.
But when there's rampant pedophile rings on YouTube, we saw the same issue with the Elsagate videos, these videos of Elsa and Spider-Man, little, you know, cartoon characters that kids love, but they're being put into cartoons where they're essentially performing perverted and disgusting acts on each other or to other people.
And the kids, when you're searching on YouTube, right, you want to go search for Frozen, right?
You want to go search for Elsa, it's this beloved Disney story, Disney movie out there, so you go and search for it, but then the suggested results will come up with Elsa and Spider-Man and Elsa doing other things in these disgusting
These disgusting videos.
It's all out there.
This is all out on YouTube.
Numerous people have looked into this.
Numerous people have said this is clearly not okay.
But for some reason, YouTube had no problem with it until people like us, people who started asking questions and pushing back on these videos and pushing back on all of this crap that's out there on YouTube.
And keep in mind, these videos, these videos,
That were up before they were banned, before we rang the bell on this, before we talked about the pedophile rings on YouTube.
They had millions of views.
There were people that were safely clicking on these things.
Millions of times, and watching them, and how many of those views, unfortunately, because of YouTube's completely lax environment for controls and completely lax content environment, how many of those millions of views were children?
How many of those millions of views were people who just wanted to show their kids some fun Elsa videos on YouTube?
Now, I don't know if there's a YouTube, like, safe mode that you could sign in for children,
But was this done to get around YouTube child filters because it would ping it as just, oh a video about Elsa, but then you actually see what Elsa is doing in the video.
But no, YouTube and Google aren't spending their time focused on this.
YouTube and Google are spending their time focused on
Going after InfoWars, going after us, shutting us down, demonetizing the videos like the videos done by the great Paul Joseph Watson, going forward and trying to mark die so many people that have been affected by this.
They took down
Conan O'Brien's YouTube page over the Thanksgiving break, and not a lot of people saw that, but they just completely took down Conan O'Brien.
And Conan O'Brien, no, I wouldn't say he's a conservative or Trump supporter by any stretch of the imagination, but why would they take down his account?
Why would they take down someone with a huge account like his?
You know, talk show host, former Simpsons writer.
They went after so many people.
Meanwhile, there are these predators and disgusting perverts on YouTube
That are using their service.
The same Twitter had the same problem with Periscope.
Instagram has an issue with this.
Even Bloomberg is running stories about Snapchat and Snapchat's entire huge problem with so many of these pedophile rings because they're able to use now these social media services privately in many cases or going undetected by the higher levels because they're not putting their attention towards them.
They're putting their attention towards conservative voices.
They're putting their attention towards the conservatives, the people who are Trump supporters, the people who want to take their country back, the people who actually want to do the right thing by their country.
And you can look at this.
You can look at the rings of these pedophiles that are committing sex crimes and then broadcasting it for pay over the internet.
A lot of this happens in the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Southeast Asia.
Where they will film children being abused, some as young as two, some as young as nine years old, being abused, and then it's pay-for-play video, pay-per-view, where they can then go watch it on, and a lot of the customers tend to be in the United States, tend to be in the UK, Canada.
This is all out there, anybody can go and find this information, and I wish, I wish to God we didn't have to talk about this stuff.
But why are they so focused, right?
Yeah, they just got rid of this one, this huge pedophile ring that was streaming this child sex abuse, right?
But there's so...
There's so much of it that's rampant and still goes on on these networks that are still being used.
This is deep web stuff.
This is huge deep web stuff.
But why are the internet companies, and this is what you have to ask yourself now, why aren't they focused on going after these people?
Why should the police have to be involved at all?
Shouldn't they know what content is being pushed on their own ISPs and on their own platforms?
Shouldn't they know what kind of content is out there?
And I'm not saying they should be reading emails, but they should definitely know if there are chat rooms and if there are groups
And if there are videos on YouTube with millions of views, shouldn't they be doing something to self-police what's going on, or at least self-report the users that are sharing this type of deviant and sick content out, that they should be reporting it to the police themselves?
But why are the companies then so focused on things like net neutrality?
These are the type of questions
That's great.
The big question here.
Why does this only go down when people like Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones, Jack Posobiec, Mike Cernovich point this stuff out?
Then they say, oh, we're sorry.
It was a mistake.
Is it a mistake?
Or what worse are you trying to cover up?
That's the type of questions we're here to answer today and every day, hopefully, as we continue to... We're very proud of the fact here at InfoWars that we're a teleprompter-free operation.
We don't get our talking points from the private Federal Reserve or from Nazi collaborators like George Soros.
We get our talking points from common sense and research from we the people.
That means our guests, our researchers, you the listeners, the callers.
But that said, today I've got a script I'm going to follow for the first time ever.
It's you, the listeners, the viewers, that wrote my talking points.
I came in here an hour ago and I literally just went to InfoWarsTore.com and printed the five-star reviews.
The first few pages.
These are in the order of how they've been posted by you, the listeners.
And it's five-star after five-star after five-star.
It's amazing from third-party sites.
So, this is what you, the listeners and viewers, have to say about the products at InfoWarsLife.com.
Let's go over them right now.
This is verified by our Mark.
Five-star review for Anthroplex is for men and women.
I take it as directed.
As is one uses it too much, it will cause reflections of adolescent years and skin and muscle and hair growth will of course increase sex drive as a given.
Easy does it.
Yeah, it's hardcore.
It's very, very serious.
Not a game.
Thank you, Mark.
Here's another one from Patrick.
Energy all day.
I use this along with Supermail and it makes me have drive energy all day on my 12 to 14 hour day.
Another review.
I love this one.
Keeps my husband going and going and going.
This must be the stuff the Energizer Bunny is on.
I guess that's some fine lady using her husband Adam's account.
Here's another one ladies and gentlemen.
Five star review for Winter Sun Vitamin D3.
This product is amazing and will keep you from the winter blues.
I don't get sick last winter while I was taking this for the first time in my life.
Amazing product.
Again, tastes good as well, they say.
Here's one from Brian.
I love this product and I live in Wisconsin.
Thank you all.
It's time that we turn the clocks back and lose the sunshine.
I love this product and I am a night owl.
Every night owl should have this product.
I will buy this product as soon as possible again.
And I should add,
That's a great name for this product.
Not just for the winter, but for night owls as well.
In fact, it should probably be called Night Owl.
Night Owl's Winter Sun.
Or, Night Owls Get Sun in the Winter.
Okay, I'm going to stop.
I said I'd shut up!
But back to the script.
Liquid Sunshine is what they call it.
I love that name too.
I will be using this product for two years now.
It's wonderful out in the Pacific Northwest to get this Liquid Sunshine.
Patrick, thank you for the support and for the review.
You make it literally possible.
Continuing with Silver Bullet, the highest quality, 30 parts per million colloidal silver out there.
Dale, should be called Magic Bullet.
Oh my gosh, the listeners are so much smarter than me and I'm not being patronizing.
I've been, that's what a Silver Bullet's supposed to be though.
So, I've been using Silver Bullet Colloidal Silver for years now.
This was the first product I purchased from Inforestore.
Whenever I feel the first hazes of cold or sore throat coming on, a dose of Silver Bullet Colloidal Silver has always ended it before it starts.
I've been giving it away for family and Christmas and birthdays since 2015, and it's worked for everyone.
It has become an expected gift for our family, and that's why we get you the best products, because we want to repeat customers.
It's all a win-win.
That's an awesome review.
Thank you, Dale, for your support and for what you've done for your family.
Well, I got 20 seconds left, folks.
I can't get to all the other Silver Bullet reviews, the Caveman reviews.
They're all five-star.
They talk about the meal replacement, how great it is, how it blows them away post-workout, pre-workout.
Taste, you know, okay, they say, but it's the results that really matter.
Best post-workout ever is what Andrew says.
Find it all, folks, at InfoWarsTore.com or InfoWarsLife.com.
You can't lose because you're funding the second American Revolution, and I salute you all!
Listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Be one, you're sold!
Be one, you're sold!
Be one, you're sold!
Defending the republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Show us your habits, your facts, your fears.
Coming to you live, a huge fourth hour.
We have breaking news from Washington, D.C., where I am firmly ensconced here today.
And this this is out of the office of Congressman Al Alexander Green.
Now, we were talking earlier today about these unsealed settlements, these case files, so many of them, 264 covered and settled by our taxpayer dollars.
Well, and we talked about how John Conyers, that settlement came out then.
There were some other people that started looking into other congressmen and congresswomen.
264, obviously, that is a huge number of settlements, especially considering the fact that there are only 435 members of the House and 535 members of the Senate.
So we're talking 50%, if you assume the current serving number.
Huge number of that, but we've got this one by Al Green, who's a congressman, and he stated that
It is a joint statement, essentially, and I'm reading it right now.
A joint press statement that came out between himself and a woman named Lucinda R. Davis.
And the congressman wrote,
In the present climate, we wish to quietly and jointly quiet any curious minds about our former and present relationship with one another.
We are friends.
We have long been friends.
At an unfortunate time in our lives, and both of our feelings were hurt, we made hasty allegations and charges against one another that have been absolutely resolved.
And as consenting friends, we both regret our former claims that have since been maintained
We're good to go.
At one point was threatening to sue Congressman Al Green.
He filed a lawsuit against her and then alleged that she had evidence of her dealing drugs.
She then went away.
So is this a silencing of his victim?
Was he a victim of a shakedown?
What was going on?
So now, today, just about 40 minutes ago, this new statement by Congressman Al Green, and I'm trying to get his party out here because I want to make sure you guys know,
Well, maybe the producers can check that for me, but there are so many there were allegations again about discrimination that someone was going after him 1.8 million dollars that was coming out of his office.
So now because they know the heat is on because they know that so much of this.
Is coming down on their heads.
And I told people, I told people, he's the ninth congressional district out of Houston, Texas.
I told so many people that this was coming out.
Oh, excuse me.
This is one of the guys.
He filed articles of impeachment against Trump just a few days ago.
This is one of the guys who was trying to impeach Trump, who actually filed the articles of impeachment against him.
Huge, hardcore liberal Democrat.
The name just, just flicked me.
I was looking at his account and I saw that up there.
So now he's putting out this statement that said, oh well, you know, there were claims and there were settlements.
The heat is on.
The heat is on for every single one of these scumbags serving in our Congress, representing us or claiming to represent us in the United States Congress, the United States government.
This shows how far our Republic has come, how far our Republic has fallen to see this type of behavior being, and there it is, the out of nowhere, they're calling it, statement.
It was just a quote-unquote, a circumstance.
It was just a circumstance, and it certainly didn't involve the employment office or any taxpayer money, but they're so worried about this circumstance coming clean.
Well, guess what?
These are the type of people, these are the type of people that are calling for the president's impeachment.
They're claiming that he should be impeached.
These are the same ones that call President Trump a rapist and a sexual abuser and all this stuff, and now we see
That they're the ones running scared of what they're been doing.
This is this is a CYA kind of statement.
This is presuasion.
This is trying to get the cart in front of the horse to let people know because they know what's coming and they know that we're coming for them.
So we're going to stay on that story as it breaks.
We're going to keep an eye on it.
But one thing that I wanted to put out today and to let people know and this was a huge story that broke over the weekend.
The fact that there was a child porn case.
That involved the FBI and Geek Squad that was thrown out by the judge.
And why was it thrown out?
Because of a lawsuit by a George Soros funded organization called the Electronic Frontiers Foundation.
And so now we've got George Soros, essentially,
Pushing forward to protect suspects of child porn.
And let me put this into context for people.
Here's what happened.
So there was this guy, he was an oncologist, Mark Rittenmeyer, and he was going in Kentucky to get his computer worked on at Geek Squad, his desktop, to get his computer worked on at the Geek Squad.
And they went in there, and as they were working on it, they found a picture.
That looked very strange to them.
It was a picture of a young girl, and it was a picture that they found in an unallocated space on his desktop.
They were trying to clean it up, but what they actually saw in there was what they deemed as child erotica.
They turned it over to the FBI.
The FBI then went and got a search warrant
Went into this guy's house, went in through all of his items, went in through all of his electronic devices, they found hundreds of photos of childborn.
Hundreds of them.
All throughout his house, they had the evidence that they had him dead to rights.
Up until this George Soros Foundation, the EFF, George Soros Funded Foundation, came in and sued, actually sued, the Department of Justice over the search warrant.
And in their lawsuit, they essentially stated that the search warrant was inadmissible and that all of the evidence should be inadmissible as well because of the fact, because of two reasons.
Because of first, because the FBI
Gave, um, gave reward money to Geek Squad for turning over, for turning over the, the evidence that they found.
The FBI gave reward money to the Geek Squad.
Well, here's what, here's what the Soros Foundation said.
He said, they said that if, if they had been paid by the FBI, then that kind of made them deputy FBI agents.
This, this, this is as crazy as it gets.
We're good.
We're good to go.
Essentially, erotic enough, the judge stated, to constitute child porn, and so that the entire search warrant for the man's house, the oncologist's house, was thrown out, as well as any evidence that was found in that search, meaning the hundreds of pictures of child porn.
Now, in legal terms, legal circles, this is known as fruit of the poison tree.
This is known as getting evidence off of a search warrant that you can't admiss,
That's right.
For the last six years has been fighting this case and now thanks to the intervention of the George Soros Foundation, right, this Electronic Frontiers Foundation, it's been thrown out and he walks away a free man.
This is what happens to justice in our society.
This is what happens when we actually catch someone like this, one of these sickos, and try to put them behind bars.
George Soros and his cronies in these, you know, saying they're just protecting the digital rights of people.
Well, excuse me, I don't think that
Child pornography is a digital right and I'm not exactly sure why George Soros foundations are being listened to by the halls of our government.
But that is the fight that we're in and this is the kind of story that you're not going to hear covered on CNN.
You're not going to hear covered on so many of these mainstream media sites and that is why you come here.
You come here for the stories about what's really going on in our country and getting into the actual issues of what we need to do to fix our nation.
According to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, due process is only necessary when you're a Democrat.
When asked by NBC's Chuck Todd whether or not embattled rep John Conyers should be in or out of Congress as he faces down sexual harassment allegations, Nancy Pelosi replied, we are strengthened by due process.
Just because someone is accused, and wait, was it one accusation?
Is it two?
Well, Nancy, to answer that question, it was revealed last week the taxpayers voted the bill for a $27,000 settlement for a staffer of Conyers that claimed the 88-year-old congressman made sexual advances on her and then fired her after she wouldn't succumb to them.
And a lawyer who worked for Conyers said she'd often encounter the congressman in his office walking around in his underwear.
Conyers, who's the longest-serving congressman, has denied all sexual harassment allegations against him.
Nancy Pelosi says we need to give him a pass because Conyers is an icon.
Lee Ann McAdoo, InfoWars.com.
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