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Name: 20171123_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 23, 2017
3522 lines.

Alex Jones discusses Thanksgiving and its representation of American culture while addressing the current political and economic situation. He connects the financial war between globalists and those opposing it to South Africa's white genocide and globalist plans for cultural genocide against Christians and whites. He also mentions the connection between ANC-connected black communists and the Black Lives Matter movement, the importance of preparing for future crises with storable food and supplies, and the dire situation for whites in South Africa due to globalist capital forces. The show covers various topics including Hillary Clinton's health issues, InfoWars products, secret service, antifa, Paddock's Islamic paraphernalia, social engineering, human-animal chimeras, globalists, news, a trip to South Korea, and the idea of America being in an information-based civil war with counterculture values. Jones criticizes CNN for its hypocrisy and demonization of historical figures like Christopher Columbus and Thanksgiving while highlighting the media's focus on slave auctions in Libya when similar practices occur in many Muslim countries. He expresses gratitude to his audience for their support in fighting against these narratives.

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Well, here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
One of the few true Americana holidays that we've got.
Probably my favorite holiday.
The 23rd day of November 2017.
We've seen total demonization of the Italian Christopher Columbus.
We've seen the total demonization of Thanksgiving.
We've seen attempts to get rid of the holiday.
To use it to cast aspersions on Western civilization and Western expansion that undoubtedly was a mess.
And there were crimes on all sides.
When I say all sides, it wasn't just the settlers, or it wasn't just the troops, or it wasn't just the empires, or it wasn't just all the different native tribes.
It was all of those different countless changing factions that played into this.
I think?
And then take the women and the children.
The same stuff that was going on in Europe for 10,000 years.
Same stuff going on in Africa for 10,000 years.
Same stuff going on everywhere in the world.
Humans acted the same.
And so, we never see big pieces being done on the bad things that the Native Americans did or, you know, the way they behaved.
Because it's not part of the liberation theology.
Starting in the 50s, the Ford Foundation and the Carnegie Endowment created liberation theology where they thought that Jesus would have fought back and was a revolutionary and hated capitalism and was a communist.
And so they got
The different populations that were Christian, poor, black, Hispanic, you name it, to become liberation theologists.
And that was just one part of it.
But to teach that in the schools to everybody that America was bad, the founders were bad.
This was an undermining of the nation state and our ethos, where we came from, so that people of color particularly wouldn't have a idea in their head that they had a right to the American birthright.
Or that they've been critical parts of this great saga.
It's all just, you were good, but you were exploited, and the whites were bad.
When it was way more complex with whites that were indentured servants, and bounties, and people basically as slaves, and company stores, and sharecroppers.
But they just continue to play on the incredible ignorance of the public.
The last few weeks, CNN claims they've broken the news that there's slave auctions in Libya.
Broken the news?
In seven different Muslim countries, they sell women on top slave blocks, you know, up on a stage.
And it's all known.
It's Muslims doing it.
But all these reports from CNN breaking, you know, this supposed news that we've been talking about forever and others have been documenting,
It's about, oh, the poor migrants, the poor babies, the poor migrants.
These are people in Africa that are being kidnapped and grabbed and sold into slavery by Muslims, but somehow they turn it into, quote, Muslims by using the term migrant.
That's the new definition of Muslims is a migrant, never a Muslim invader.
So they take Muslims of slaving people and then turn it into the catch-all word of poor little Muslims, which is migrant.
So they know what they're doing, ladies and gentlemen, but we're going to be covering that a lot more here during the transmission.
But I'm proud of Thanksgiving and I give thanks to you, the audience.
Thanks to God.
Thanks to my family.
Thanks to the great crew.
And I just want to thank you all for what you've done.
We have extended the specials from earlier in the week as we planned to do, but we have new specials that are added each day.
And X2 is 50% off, super high quality, just absolutely
A bunch of stuff is there.
Biggest sales ever.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Again, I want to thank you all for what you've done.
I want to thank you all for your victory, breaking your conditioning against the Globalist.
I want to encourage you all to keep supporting the broadcast by purchasing high quality products at Infowarsstore.com, which is a win-win for everybody because they're high quality and it helps fund this operation.
Thank you so much.
I'm gonna shoot you straight.
InfoWars has changed the world because you've supported us.
The globalists are on the run, but they're launching counter-offensives.
And now more than ever, I am thankful for your support, and I'm asking you to visit InfoWarsStore.com.
Running right through to next week on Cyber Monday, we've got free shipping storewide, and clearly, the biggest sales in our history.
We just keep launching bigger and bigger sales.
We've got our new tropic, RainForce, 50% off.
We've got so many other products there that are
We're good to go.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing the lies and disinformation.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We have a giant spectrum of news.
The European Union's euro is crashing.
People are having police called on them for using the word tranny.
Claiming it's an illegal word, not just a hateful word.
All because Facebook just this year said it was now hateful.
No one ever really said that before, but they decided.
They first have a debate about a word, then they're
Their group decides it's illegal, and next week it'll be more words.
They tell you what words you can use.
They're God.
So that's coming up.
Charles Manson dead at 83, and so much more in this third hour.
But first, ladies and gentlemen, here's Stefan Molyneux talking about how...
This is a great 20-minute video he did explaining that conservatives shouldn't play the reindeer games.
They shouldn't play the leftist games when it comes to running around taking any accuser and elevating it as if it's judge, jury, and executioner.
So here is Mr. Infuego himself.
Republicans, I just got one question for you.
Are you trying to lose?
Are you trying to give away the stored blood and treasure of Western civilization as a whole?
Is it a calling to lose?
Is it a job?
Is it a career?
Is it a hobby?
Whatever it is, you pretty much got it down to perfection!
You've got a Senate seat on the line!
Senate seat on the line!
Moore has been accused of touching girls inappropriately 40 years ago, right before an election.
And you see, the mainstream media cares so much about all of this inappropriate touching that they, in 44 minutes, they call up all of the Republican senators and they get all, oh, what are your comments?
What do you think?
I need your comment on this.
Tell me what you think.
What are your comments?
Because you see, the mainstream media, they're appalled, they're outraged, they're horrified at any kind of inappropriate touching of teenage girls.
So this is what they do, and this is why you lose, but you don't have to.
Stop taking this moral high ground of self-congratulatory moral preening!
As you ride the four horses of appeasement, compromise, and moral self-congratulation into the abyss.
You took people's votes.
You take the money from the taxpayers to do your job.
Now start doing your job.
Start winning!
Stop accepting the left's rules, because the left has no rules.
The left is like, they seek power like water from a high place seeks a low place.
They just... whatever.
Joe Biden, you can watch these videos that make you feel like space aliens are breeding right under your skin.
Joe Biden is on video grabbing everything, aged in the single digits, as they try to wriggle away like some kid in space alien movies.
That's pretty close.
This is who the left loves.
We've got no problem with these guys.
Think they care about children and the girls?
If they cared about children, why would there be a national debt?
If they cared about children, why would there be all these unfunded liabilities running into hundreds of trillions of dollars?
Why would they be selling children off to Chinese banksters for 12 extra votes?
If they talk about inappropriate touching of the young, how about an abortion forcep?
They just... We'll talk about that another time.
This is who the left loves.
They care about these girls.
Stack all of this stuff that the left accepts and loves and praises.
But Roy Moore, you see, he signed a yearbook.
He signed a yearbook in...
December of the next year.
And he signed it as Ray, not Roy.
And he signed it D.A.
when he was, at the time, in fact, D.B.A.
Deputy District Attorney.
And also he got the name of the restaurant he was referring to wrong.
And one of his accusers says, oh, he locked me in a car.
I couldn't get out.
The locks were childproof.
Well, this was 1977.
Child locks weren't required until the 1980s.
That's all proof, right?
They had Clinton dead to rights.
He had a major news network holding off an interview with Winnie the Pooh Broderick, who says Bill Clinton raped her, until after the impeachment hearings.
They're perfectly happy to cover up this kind of stuff.
But he signed a yearbook!
You understand?
If you don't fight this, it's gonna be raining rape in 2018.
Rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape.
You're gonna be like those sad, paralyzed little baby goats.
Legs up!
Don't move!
That's the word that does it.
Inappropriate sexual plot.
The Democrats don't care.
About this stuff?
Because they'd praise so many people who've done infinitely worse than what Moore is accused of.
They don't care.
And so in the Darwinian underworld of modern politics, they win!
That's right.
And joining us is Stefan Molyneux, live and in the flesh, on this Monday, the 20th day of November 2017, to cover the waterfront.
And let's just continue in the time we have left in this short segment.
If we were watching this like a football game or like a battle between Lord Wellington and Napoleon, I mean, whatever the case would be, where are we at this point?
And why do the Republican leadership want to be patted on the head by mainstream media when it's a dying
Anachronism that they should be running from.
I mean, I think it's because they've been mummified up there and they've all been selected previously because they were such yes men and because they don't think and because they really are tied into the matrix.
Well, in general, it's a crime gang in Congress.
They do things that are immoral and horrible, and I have a pretty strong inkling and feeling, Alex, that we're going to see happen to Congress what recently happened to Hollywood in terms of the blowout of sexual harassment allegations, and probably worse.
So they are in for the full Weinstein treatment, I think, coming up.
There is rumblings on Twitter that this is all coming because, of course, they've been paying off, what is it, $15 million in slush money, taxpayer funded funds to keep women quiet.
And I want to know who these people are as an American.
Voter, you should really want to know who these people are.
Who are you voting for?
Who has stuff on them?
Do you think that a congressperson can be independent if they've been subject to this kind of star chamber review?
If they've been subject to allegations that are paid off in terms of sexual harassment or worse?
They're not independent.
People got stuff on them.
Can they vote according to their independent conscience?
If they can be blackmailed with this stuff?
I don't know.
I doubt it.
So we really need to see this kind of stuff.
And all of these people acted in these terrible ways with no idea that people like you and I were going to ride up on our little ponies of truth and start shooting the flares of illumination into the sky.
So all of this is old school behavior.
It's horse and buggy crap.
Without the alternative media to hold their feet to the fire, to keep speaking truth to power, these guys would have got away with it.
And imagine how much they would have got away with it if Hillary was in power.
Well, that's some footage I've got coming up just in the next segment.
We have Hillary supporters that are book signing, attacking our female reporter, grabbing her mic, hissing, screaming, and these are like 40, 50, 6-year-old women hissing and going crazy and acting like animals.
It's like the left has degenerated so much.
They are terribly lazy.
They are like Olympic swimmers who've spent their entire life training swimming with the current, with a jet pack and a motorboat and water skis.
I mean, because they've had the mainstream media on their side, they've had government schools on their side, they've had academia on their side, they've had Hollywood on their side, they really haven't had to formulate a really good argument against strong and rigorous intellectual opposition for the last 50-odd years.
The last time someone came up with a good argument against him was Joseph McCarthy.
And look what happened to him.
They had enough control of the media to destroy that man's life and to cover up all of the communists who were in the State Department and other areas of government.
So, they're lazy!
And the people who've been swimming against the current, we've really sharpened our intellectual weapons and we are tanned, fit, rested, relaxed with Bruce Lee bellies and ready to rock and roll.
So we are unfortunately outclassing them enormously.
And when you think you're all that, and then you run up against the real opponent, the inevitable response is a kind of strangled panic.
That's it.
I mean, they're like drowning rats, is what it looks like.
Just flailing around, squeaking, and pissing themselves.
Infowars is changing the world, sending shockwaves across the planet.
The globalists understand that.
They know they have to destroy nation states.
They have to destroy Christian civilization.
They have to destroy the family.
They can't leave anything standing.
Or when their great tyranny comes in,
Liberty will spring back up in those institutions.
They have scientifically figured out how to do this, and they're cold-blooded enough to actually try to execute it, and they've gotten a lot of their plan done.
But they were counting on operating in secret in the dark, denying all of this existed using mainstream media.
But that doesn't work anymore.
So the whole facade is now falling down around them.
When I get up here and tell you that we're one of the most influential organizations in the world now for the resistance, it isn't a brag.
I'm on the front lines wearing a general outfit with the enemy shooting at me 24-7.
I'm simply telling you we've been successful, so that's good news, but at the same time they're coming after us because of it.
Because we're now a figurehead, a focal point, a flag, a symbol that they want to take down, and they want to destroy, and they want to discredit.
They're trying to assassinate my credibility ahead of assassinating me physically.
That's what the top minds and best analysts have said, and I concur with the analysis.
We're in a very serious situation, so I'm asking you this Thanksgiving to understand that we wouldn't have this info war if it wasn't for you, and I thank you, and I appreciate you, and I celebrate you, and I cover all these negative things, not because I'm trying to make you depressed, but because I believe in you.
And know that when you're faced with these globalist operations, you'll want to stand up and do something about it.
So again, I salute you, and I thank you, and I thank my family, and I thank the crew, and I thank everybody in the last 22 years for sticking with this movement.
And to now see such success, the enemy's pushing back, and so now is the time for critical effort.
And that said, we're running specials all throughout this week to help fund our operation to be able to continue on under globalist attacks, under censorship, under boycotts, under lawsuits, you name it.
You've taken us this far, and if you'll just get the great products we have that are great for you and your family, and symbiotically then support us, nothing can stop us, ladies and gentlemen, when you stand up and vote with your dollars, vote with your euros, and get the products at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're running a special from Monday, when I'm shooting this right now, right through next Monday on Cyber Monday, eight days from now, when we do a special 36-hour broadcast.
On Monday, we have Brain Force that's been sold out, 50% off the Great Neutropen and free shipping storewide.
We've got Tuesday, November 21st, Silver Bullet, $9.95, 50% off.
Knockout Sleep Aid, 50% off.
Wednesday, Super Metal Vitality, 50% off.
Living Defense, 50% off.
Thursday on Thanksgiving, 50% off all the high-quality, sortable foods, 50% off prostate garlic that's been proven to be great for your prostate and more.
Friday, November 24th, X2, the good halogen that blocks the fluoride and all the rest of it.
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Saturday, November 25th, launch of Emmerich Essentials new essential oil blends.
Sunday, launch of Tactical Walls.
Monday, the 27th, launch of a new product we haven't told you about.
So much more.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com.
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Please pray for us.
Please spread the articles and videos.
Hit past the censors.
And please financially support us.
Getting great products at the same time.
And we will not let you down.
We will win together.
We will have a renaissance.
We will go to the stars.
And we will kick these social engineers, control freaks, psychopaths' ass into the dustbin of history.
They're hanging on by their nails right now.
So I'm thankful for you on this Thanksgiving, and I'm thankful for your support, and I'm asking for your support again, because we're all in this together, and we're winning!
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
Stefan Molyneux of Free Domain Radio is our guest.
He's also an author, researcher.
We'll tell you about his book and more.
Before I go any further, I want to be clear.
I'm not a tribalist.
George W. Bush, twice for me trying to ask questions, had me arrested on his orders.
Once in New York, once here in Austin.
I was later told.
I don't like the Republican bluebloods.
I want to get rid of them.
But leftist ideology, going back to the Jacobins and their French Revolution, if you study it, is really the mindset of Charlie Manson.
His clips about global warming, and his clips about world government, and his clips about killing people, and how he's an elitist.
He was involved in a CIA program.
He was there at the same time as Theodore Kaczynski, who was in the MKUltra program.
That's LA Times, by the way.
They were involved in the occult.
They were going to be the ruling class.
They were involved with all the big, rich, powerful baronesses and heirs, and he was mad because they were kicking him out of that club.
When he set up his own little cults, they just went and killed a bunch of people to get back at him.
We know that.
I covered it last hour.
Went over all the evidence.
But when you hear what he's saying all those years ago, it's what Antifa's saying today.
But they weren't this deranged.
They had a lot of well-meaning liberals that were well-spoken, involved, and really were against police brutality, and really were against real racism.
And now they just mutated into something a thousand times worse than I thought.
Race-baiting and culture-dividing and shaving cream companies saying it's bad to be a man.
That article's up on Infowars.com with the video.
Toxic masculinity everywhere.
Genocide the whites.
It's a good thing.
Trump gets the black players out of prison in China.
Their dads, you know, like, screw you.
It's just a frothingness.
So when I coined the term left-right paradigm,
I meant they control us within fighting left-right.
We should get out of it and just be pro-human.
But now it really is a left-right issue in that the globalists went for broke with leftist ideology worldwide because it's collectivist.
And that's what they want.
And now it's metastasized, gone rogue in many ways, and has literally gone insane.
And I don't know where it's going now as they rampage and try to stop recovery, as the EU implodes, and as this battle is joined.
Stefan, I mean, what would you call this time historically?
It is a time of the first potential pushback against the spread of state force and state power in the history of the world.
Somebody asked me the other day, Alex, it's an interesting question.
They said, have you ever
Noticed or known of a country that has turned back from ever-increasing state power without going through some massive collapse and some massive godforsaken Venezuelan style, you know, hunting pigeons in the town square and rats in the sewer, fundamental decay, and it's really hard to think of one.
But, but we do have this conversation, we have this capacity to reach the masses.
Absent of gatekeepers, we can bypass everyone who's supposed to keep the truth.
With Trump and with other people and so on.
So there is this pushback, never in history has it ever been successful.
Basically people have had to twiddle their thumbs, cry their tears and break their hearts as society slides off the abyss and then cross their fingers that in a couple of hundred years we can get civilization back.
Now for the first time we have the capacity to put the brakes on the inevitable tsunami of escalating state power and really if you have the capacity to do that, that's all you should be doing these days.
So, not only do the tyrants have technology to manipulate, we now have technology that keeps boomeranging back on them, and their plans don't go the way they want more and more, and now humanity is learning from its mistakes, and most of the so-called minorities I talk to are not racist idiots.
They know about the manipulation.
It's fake polls, it's disinfo, just like during the election.
That's why they're panicking.
They know they're losing control.
Well, what people need are simple facts.
And what we hope, I think, through providing simple facts and reason and evidence to people as a whole, is we can get them to have their love overcome their fear.
This is going to sound all kinds of Hallmark sort of style squishy, but I think it's really, really important.
There are people who, there is the left, and then there are the people who are the scared of the left.
And those are the majority Republicans, you know, prior to Trump and the Never Trumpers and so on.
So there are other people on the left who openly admit that they'll use any satanic method that they can through their Satan Prince Saul Alinsky.
They've been very honest about this.
They'll use whatever power, whatever manipulations they can.
They have no standards, just to gain power.
So there's the left, the hard left, and then there are those who are scared of the left.
They're a power cult.
They're power cults, and so the left want our blood, the left want our subjugation, and those who are scared of the left are hoping to appease them to buy a decade or two of peace.
Well, the decade or two was a decade or two ago, and no more appeasement is going to work.
It's going to all happen within our lifetime.
So I want to bring people to love freedom more than they fear the abusers, more than they fear the people who can harm you, more than they fear the abuse of the media or of social media, more than they fear what they can lose from people attacking them unjustly.
And we see people, you know, Trump waded through endless accusations of abuse and racism and sexism.
We've got Roy Moore who's not backing down or backing out.
Of what I think are unfounded allegations against him.
We have to show people how love can overcome fear.
How love of freedom, love of the future, love of our civilization, love of our history, love of our children, that is the only power that can overcome the fear that will get us all plowed under in the usual socialist expansion in history.
You're absolutely right.
You've always got these socialist, Jacobin, Illuminati expansionists who are the opposite of eliminating people.
They're the counterfeit of what you call the Enlightenment and Francis Bacon and all the rest of it.
And they are just dedicated, they'll tell you, to dominating you.
They don't even want a civilization.
They want to gouge our eyes out, turn our skulls into goblets.
And then drink up all the wine and sit on top of a pile of skulls and not even care that more wine doesn't come because they burned down the vineyards.
It's the same thing we see in Africa, killing all the white farmers.
It's just a powerlust to have that minute of power gouging somebody's eyes out, even though you're going to starve to death in two weeks.
Once somebody has admitted to you, Alex, that they have no principles,
Then there is no end to their escalation of destruction.
And we've seen this.
We've seen this in the French Revolution, where you have thousands of priests and nuns dragged out of monasteries and churches and chapels and eyes gouged out, throats slit, heads cut off in the streets.
I think?
Collectivized all the farms, gave all of the farm machinery to incompetent people, killed off all of the rich and competent farmers, and then millions and millions of people starved to death.
We saw this in China, tens of millions of people slaughtered.
We saw this in North Korea, where it's basically one giant open-air prison camp.
There is no end to the escalation of the aggression they will use.
This is why
We have to, not just oppose the evil that is coming, but show the light of love and reason and happiness and joy, and that is the light by which we must drive back the darkness.
Because there's an old saying that has really stuck with me from Nietzsche, where he said, when you confront monsters, when you face down monsters, be careful that you yourself does not become a monster.
We must oppose the evil, but guide ourselves by the good as much as possible.
Because when you stare into the abyss, a lot of times you become the abyss.
We'll be back with Stefan Molyneux, who again is on fire, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll cover a bunch of big breaking news with him.
And get into all these words they're trying to ban.
Facebook told us, you use the word tranny, you're banned.
But then the left can use it all they want.
I mean, this is true discrimination.
Just briefly, my dad is an oral surgeon and dentist.
He's about to retire.
About 15 years ago, he heard me ranting and raving about fluoride and toothpaste and how it causes brain damage and lower IQ and dental fluorosis.
And he said, son, I don't care who you have on the air.
That's a bunch of bull.
You need fluoride or you die.
And I actually showed him what was in the water supply in the Florida.
He said, this is incredible.
This is Grignard Reagent's heavy metals.
They're covering for it, calling it Florida under law with a loophole to dump toxic waste in the food and water.
Now, CNN had to admit last month, in utero and in children, massive IQ reductions.
Well, six years ago, the EPA said, reduce it in water by half.
You don't drink your sunscreen.
But hydrofluorosilicic acid is a
I don't
The American Dental Association says don't brush children's teeth until age six with it.
Why does it say nursery water that at the store was added fluoride?
And they didn't add calcium fluoride, boys and girls.
They added hydrofluorosilicic acid.
That's why my dad and I developed, with the same folks that make Tom's of Maine, it's private labeled, super blue, non-fluoride toothpaste with colloidal silver and high-quality iodine.
But you die without iodine.
Massive iodine deficiencies in the country.
You drink the stuff that's at the store, it'll kill you.
That's a different type of iodine.
This is the real medical grade.
It's 33% off right now, and we have the bubble gum, natural flavor, organic flavor for children, that doesn't have as much of the peppermint in it, because it says concentrated toothpaste.
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That's InfoWarsStore.com.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We can rebuild him.
Better than he was before.
We have the technology.
We have the capability to make the world's first bionic man.
Steve Austin will be that man.
Better than he was before.
Wrongs and our problems.
But then why does everybody want to get here?
Because there was a little bit more freedom.
And a little bit more leave me alone.
And suddenly you got all these choices.
And suddenly you got all these doctors.
And suddenly you got all these vacations.
And suddenly you got all these new appliances.
And suddenly you live longer.
And everybody then points at it and says it's evil!
It's evil!
Get rid of it!
Obama says that's right.
You can't have cars or air conditioning if you're in Africa.
How is that not the most racist thing we've ever heard?
So what you've got is a bunch of kleptocrats who want to use the tidal forces of human nature, tribalism, and have a new reverse colonialism, but not for the people of the third world invading the West to actually share in the spoils, because that's the plan, is to have people come here and work and live and make things better.
No, to come here to politically conquer it.
Stefan Molyneux, I've been asking a lot of questions and I've got a ton of news here I want to go over with you, but what else is on your radar screen you want to impart to the viewers?
Yeah, I was thinking about this, you know, calling the police on words that people find offensive and so on and I was just thinking over the break, Alex, you know what I really, really want and I think I speak for a lot of people
I want a little bit of space.
I want a little bit of breathing room.
I feel like we're all kind of getting squished up together with this political correctness.
You know, it's like if I was doing the interview and I like, I had the camera like right up here, be a little, little claustrophobic, little, little bit of an invasion in personal space.
And I really, really want some space.
I want, like if people want to change their gender, just don't force me to pay for it.
If people are irresponsible with their sexuality, just don't force me to pay for it.
If people would rather play video games and learn some job skill,
Let them live with the lower wages.
Let's have a little bit of space.
Let's have a little bit of personal privacy for our money, for our thoughts, for our opinions.
If you disagree with someone in the public square and it really bothers you, go engage them.
Mind to mind, verbal battle to verbal battle.
Don't call the police on a word you find upsetting.
That is very claustrophobic and that's saying that we don't have any personal space anymore.
We don't have any privacy for our wallet.
We don't have any privacy for our communications.
We don't have any privacy for being offensive.
And who on earth is to say that the person who is the most offensive now might not be the person who gives us the biggest moral breakthrough in the future?
Anti-slavery was highly offensive to people when it first came out.
Who on earth has the omniscience to know that what is offensive now might not be moral tomorrow?
Well, the old left said, hey, I may disagree with you, but I'll fight the death for you to say it, because political speech and unpopular speech is the most protected.
And of course, you're talking about the article.
College calls police on student who said tranny.
They arrest you if you don't use the G or Z or whatever the new cult words are.
How about a cult?
No longer use mother or father.
We have words for you.
Use this.
It's a revolution.
They know what they're doing.
And so, they talk about their local Antifa group at this Minnesota college, and it's called Devil Worshipping Queers, and notice, the gay folks can use the word queer all day, I don't care, but then somebody else says, hey, they're having their queer rally, it's the name of the rally, and I've had strikes on my YouTube for saying they had this, you know, the such-and-such queer rally, which is the name of the rally, but then I can't say the name of the rally, because they're, it's like a god complex with the left, and they're using these little subgroups then to be the little victims to where
Trannies came up with the name Tranny.
That's the name they gave themselves.
I looked it up, and I looked up where it came from.
This year, Facebook decided it's hateful, they banned it, and so now everyone else is saying it's an FCC word when it's not, and it's just like incredible that I had Facebook
So we're going to shut you down and ban you on Facebook.
But we want to have one of our executives talk to you.
And I couldn't believe it.
It was the head of the quote, Facebook Brands.
So we get the phone call.
We go, we're recording this.
Rob, you and us are in there.
We haven't played it yet.
And then they don't even listen to us.
They go, OK, well, just don't just just paraphrase me.
And then they go.
Just don't use that word.
But what if I'm reading a news headline?
They just go, I'll call you back in a few days and we're going to give you a full list of all the words you can't use.
Well, they never called us back.
So, I mean, I'm on a phone call with an executive telling me don't say tranny.
Tranny, tranny, tranny, tranny, tranny, tranny, tranny, tranny.
I mean, again, folks, this is such a war on words.
It's crazy.
What do you think?
Well, this is what happens when you get multiculturalism.
Often, so often, Alex devolves into multi-legalism or multi-rules-ism.
You know, multiculturalism is kind of sold like, well, you can get a wide variety of delectable treats on Main Street because there's going to be lots of different kinds of ethnic restaurants.
If you're really into Natasha Atlas, you'll be able to appreciate her music even more.
And it's all this softy-gooey, you know, there'll be different songs, different music, different food, and so on, and that's great.
And that's how it's kind of sold to you, but what actually happens is...
You end up with different rules for different groups.
And they start off as ostracism punishment rules.
And then they escalate to banning on social media rules.
And then they go all the way to legal rules in society.
And you end up with different rules for different groups.
No objective standards.
You go from multiculturalism to multi-legalism.
Where protected groups have different sentences, protected groups have different rules, and, you know, the n-word can be used by rappers, but not by anyone else, and this word can be used by this group, but if this group uses it, it's horrible and opposing.
You get this fragmented, broken mirror of opposing methodologies, and it breaks society apart.
It's total discrimination, too.
It creates new classes, as you just said, and they know what they're doing.
This incredible balkanization, which results in the self-policing of people and the hostile opposition to other groups.
Because if you have to self-police all the time, if you're a white male, say for instance, you're not in any protected group,
So many white males, I just did this video on masculinity as a whole and so many white males are feeling like, well I can't say this and I can't apply for this job because it says are you part of a minority or are you a woman when you apply for this job and I know if I don't check that off I'm never getting to the interview phase and I can't say this and everyone's gonna attack me for that and what happens is then you see these other groups who seem to be getting away with astonishingly
Huge breaks in these rules, and there's this frustration with your own inhibited state, and then there's this mounting resentment against other people who flout these rules with impunity, and this is how they set us against each other.
Create these rules, have them apply... Exactly, it's meant to create race law.
...500 of these, minus 500 of these.
It's meant to create racial division.
And then we end up resenting each other and fighting each other.
It's meant to create racial division.
The endgame is all of us hating each other.
And it's such a shame, because if we all agree to submit to reason and evidence, we can have very positive and productive and enjoyable discussions.
But we're turning into, it's like a science conference, where you've got tarot cards and voodoo as to whose conjecture or hypothesis becomes validated.
We need reason and evidence, because if we simply bow to political correctness, we are going to tear ourselves apart!
As a society.
And those of us who can see the tears coming are desperately trying to sew them back together.
But there's lots of people out there with scimitars just slashing away at the entire tapestry and fabric of what holds us together as societies.
And we must do everything we can to prevent that from happening.
Because what's on the other side of that tapestry is a whole lot of blood and bones.
And you notice
For a long time, the Hollywood elite, the comedians, they were exempt.
They could tell the dirty jokes.
They could just say the racial jokes.
Now they can't either, and they're not liking it.
I mean, this is such a prison that's been built, and it's like a self-perpetuating system that just gets more loony and more crazy.
I mean, I think it's destined to fail.
Well, we do have some bright sparks in all of this, and this all comes out of the alternative media.
The left has traditionally used allegations of sexual misconduct to undermine and cripple their political opponents.
We see that, of course, happening in Alabama.
The plus side is since now there's an alternative media to bring up Bill Clinton, they're now, on the left, throwing the Clintons under the bus so that they can retain this weapon.
Of sexual allegations against the Republicans or non-leftists.
And anything which diminishes the power of the Clintons in the public sphere, I find it really hard to think of as in any way bad.
All right, Stefan Mullin is straight ahead.
I'm going to play some of the banned radio.
The police were called on this to create the color of law that they weren't allowed to even describe the names of the groups.
Because remember, the left's allowed to use all these groups.
You're not.
They said so.
We'll be back.
Infowars is changing the world, sending shockwaves across the planet.
The globalists understand that.
They know they have to destroy nation-states, they have to destroy Christian civilization, they have to destroy the family.
They can't leave anything standing.
For when their great tyranny comes in, liberty will spring back up in those institutions.
They have scientifically figured out how to do this, and they're cold-blooded enough to actually try to execute it, and they've gotten a lot of their plan done.
But they were counting on operating in secret in the dark, denying all of this existed using mainstream media.
But that doesn't work anymore.
So the whole facade is now falling down around them.
When I get up here and tell you that we're one of the most influential
...organizations of the world now for the resistance.
It isn't a brag.
I'm on the front lines wearing a general outfit with the enemy shooting at me 24-7.
I'm simply telling you we've been successful, so that's good news.
But at the same time, they're coming after us because of it.
Because we're now a figurehead, a focal point.
A flag, a symbol that they want to take down, and they want to destroy, and they want to discredit.
They're trying to assassinate my credibility ahead of assassinating me physically.
That's what the top minds and best analysts have said, and I concur with the analysis.
We're in a very serious situation, so I'm asking you this Thanksgiving to understand that we wouldn't have this info war if it wasn't for you, and I thank you, and I appreciate you, and I celebrate you.
And I cover all these negative things, not because I'm trying to make you depressed, but because I believe in you, and know that when you're faced with these globalist operations, you'll want to stand up and do something about it.
So again, I salute you, and I thank you, and I thank my family, and I thank the crew, and I thank everybody in the last 22 years for sticking with this movement, and to now see such success, the enemy's pushing back, and so now is the time for critical effort.
And that said, we're running specials all throughout this week to help fund our operation to be able to continue on under globalist attacks, under censorship, under boycotts, under lawsuits, you name it.
You've taken us this far, and if you'll just get the great products we have that are great for you and your family, and symbiotically then support us, nothing can stop us, ladies and gentlemen, when you stand up and vote with your dollars, vote with your euros, and get the products at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're running a special from Monday, when I'm shooting this right now, right through next Monday on Cyber Monday, eight days from now, when we do a special 36-hour broadcast.
On Monday, we have Brain Force that's been sold out, 50% off the Great Nootropic and free shipping storewide.
We've got Tuesday, November 21st, Silver Bullet, $9.95, 50% off.
Knockout Sleep Aid, 50% off.
Wednesday, Super Mel Vitality, 50% off.
Living Defense, 50% off.
Thursday on Thanksgiving, 50% off all the high-quality, storable foods, 50% off prostate gardens.
It's been proven to be great for your prostate and more.
Friday, November 24th, X2, the good halogen that blocks the fluoride and all the rest of it.
You'd die without it.
50% off Alexa Pure Pro, another great system of water filter.
25% off.
Saturday, November 25th, launch of Emrix Essentials new essential oil blends.
Sunday, launch of Tactical Walls.
Monday, the 27th, launch of a new product.
We haven't told you about so much more.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Please pray for us.
Please spread the articles and videos.
Get past the censors, and please financially support us.
We're getting great products at the same time, and we will not let you down.
We will win together.
We will have a renaissance.
We will go to the stars, and we will kick these social engineers, control freaks, psychopaths' ass!
Into the dustbin of history.
They're hanging on by their nails right now.
So I'm thankful for you on this Thanksgiving, and I'm thankful for your support.
And I'm asking for your support again, because we're all in this together, and we're winning.
I'm Alex Jones.
Your host, Stefan Molyneux, is riding shotgun with us today.
Stefan Molyneux has his new book out that I've read.
It's excellent.
The Art of the Argument.
Be sure and get that and find out more at Free Domain Radio on YouTube while it's still there.
Two weeks ago, congressional hearings, they openly said
Oh, we saw Paul Watson's article at InfoWars was number one about the attack, saying it was Islamic and that the mayor had been warned.
This is fake news.
And then Twitter, Facebook, Google execs were like, sir, we saw it at lunch and took it down.
And despite all their censorship, we've had five billion views altogether.
I know because YouTube told us, they said, let us monetize all this, but also take most of the other channels down.
You let everybody use your stuff.
But I knew it was just a way to give them the authorization.
To take all material off.
So we don't just have our two, whatever, billion views on our channels.
We have three billion.
That was a couple years ago.
They told us it's like four billion, so I'm guessing it's five billion now.
It's probably way bigger.
They don't like the fact we're way bigger than the Young Turks.
The only thing bigger is something like PewDiePie, who they want to take over because they don't control him.
Even though he's not even political, it's about control.
People don't want their Hollywood garbage.
They don't want their mainstream trap anymore.
You can get a few idiots that do, but people want real diversity and ideas.
But we're under censorship.
That's why you've got to hand-share the links to InfoWars.com and the stories and the videos and the live feeds on Facebook, on Twitter, on YouTube, and on other platforms.
It's why you are absolutely authorized to grab our feeds and put them on your Facebook, your Twitter, your YouTube, whatever.
Just get the information out there.
Support our local radio stations.
Become a sponsor.
Support their sponsors.
Support us!
We've got free shipping through this week.
I'm extending because of the Black Friday sales and it got back in stock.
50% off Brain Force, our incredibly popular nootropic.
Brands that are similar are $60 to $70.
It's a deal at $39.
It's $19.95 right now, but it's a small shipment.
We're not going to get more and probably till the end of the year.
So Brain Force Plus, 50% off.
We've got some other big specials we're running today as well, but a lot of these specials can only run for a few days.
So Brain Force Plus is the special we've got today and 25% off ProPure water filtration systems and several other big specials.
Don't forget our fluoride-free toothpaste that's got colloidal silver and iodine in it.
Don't forget we've got our new line of probiotics, Fluorolife and the digestive enzyme for big carnivores.
Check that out at InfoWarsTore.com.
And when you get excited about what we're doing, we can get more crew, more people, we can expand and not be destroyed.
Because we're either going to grow under these attacks, and believe me, they're intense, or we're going to implode.
And I've decided to grow in the face of it.
Big fish eat little fish.
So whether it's highest quality body armor at the best prices, or whether it's books and films and non-GMO heirloom seeds, thousands of great preparedness items at InfoWarsTore.com or 888-253-3139.
And there's several specials we had last week that are about to end.
I don't have time to get into, but Stefan,
We're really right.
I mean, we're not just...
Here saying all of this.
I don't
This is where I see things, Alex.
We are in a house
The sun is rising, the vampires are beating down the door, but we still have to invite them in.
If we don't invite them in, poof, they turn into ash from the rising sun.
They have missed the opportunity to crush us.
You know, you've been doing this longer than I have, I've been doing it for about 11 years in a public sphere, many years before that in a private sphere.
Back in the day they tried to smash me down, back in the day, and continually they try to smash you down, but it's too late.
We have become too big.
There are too many interconnected people.
There are too many networks.
There are too many freedom lovers who are supporting each other.
Now, if they try and smash people down, all they do is raise the profile.
In other words, what I'm saying is, the Liberty Virus, my friends, has gone airborne!
It can no longer be contained.
And that means that it's a wonderful opportunity for everyone out there.
Please do not view the liberation of Western civilization as a spectator sport.
Do not sit there passively in your chair, thumbing your remote and hoping that other people are going to save the world for you.
We have passed the tipping point, the Overton window.
Has gone so far now that what was impossible before has become commonplace now.
What was radical before has become commonplace now.
So I invite and urge everyone, everyone, do not have this incredibly powerful moment in time be nothing more than something you look at and are passively hoping that other people will do for you.
Get up, get involved, support, start something, write something.
It's a webcam and a microphone.
You can do that for 50 bucks.
Really dig deep.
Find a way to talk passionately about freedom and truth and everything.
Don't let them conquer you!
Don't let them conquer you.
And don't let other people save you.
You know, there's an old... It was a poster when I was a kid that was around.
And it was a kid looking at his father after the Second World War.
This was during the Second War.
And the kid was saying, Daddy, what did you do in the Great War?
And the kid, the father, was like shamefaced and looking down because, I don't know, I guess he didn't really do much of anything.
This is easier.
It's much easier than trench warfare.
You know, we know when he's asking us to snort mustard gas into our lungs or, you know, have shells barraged down on our heads, at least yet.
So it's much easier.
This is the easiest fight that has ever had for the greatest stakes in human history.
And please, please, I beg people on my knees, do not let this opportunity for heroism pass you by.
Self-esteem, self-respect is something that you really have to
Fight for.
It's like health.
It doesn't just happen to you.
You have to take active steps to have pride in yourself.
And there's no greater gift to yourself than acting in a courageous, moral manner against vicious and immoral people.
So, everybody has this opportunity.
The barrier to entry has never been lower.
The stakes have never been higher.
And the fight, frankly, has never been more fun.
Join in.
That's right, and again, I don't like to demonize our enemies because that's something that means I've got a crutch and I want to feel elitist.
I mean, those of us that have natural compass know that putting somebody else down doesn't make us bigger, but you have to recognize.
At any Hillary event, or any Democrat event, these aren't just antifa events, these are gibbering, hateful people that can hardly talk, and they are lunatics, and it's getting worse, and it is a mass form of psychosis.
And of course that's been proven in psychology that you don't just have individual psychosis.
Humans are designed that usually somebody in the group must know the right way.
So they're following a bad leader and they won't admit they've been wrong and they won't admit things are serious.
It's like the Germans still thought they were going to win when the Russians were a mile away from the right chancellor and Hitler still thought he was going to win until two days before.
And it just shows.
I kind of got to give it to them though.
They won't give up, but they're becoming caricatures of zombies.
I mean, here's just 10 seconds of this.
We can't show a lot of it because of the radio stations and TV stations and most, I mean, it's been bleeped, but they're flipping everybody off.
They're cussing, screaming.
These are women attacking our female reporter, physically grabbing on her, grabbing the mic, cussing at her for just coming up trying to talk to him about Bill Clinton.
Here it is at a Hillary book signing.
You're not going to get away with this.
This is Hillary Clinton signing.
I agree.
We got to cover all the flipping off because we're on a lot of TV stations now and I guess you can't FCC show them flipping everybody off.
I didn't even know that.
I apologize to some of the stations that called us last Friday.
I was showing some of these women flipping people off and they're like, you can't show that.
So, but, but it's only picked a few.
They're all like this.
What happened to them?
Well, there are people, of course, who use false ethics to gather power.
And there are other people, though, who have good intentions, who simply have the wrong information.
So I put Twitter at something this morning, which I'll mention briefly here, Alex, which is, you know, people care about poor people in the third world.
Now, in the past, when Western companies went to the third world and scraped up a bunch of resources and took them out of the third world, people said, well, that's wretched, terrible imperialism.
OK, I understand that case.
But now in the West,
A lot of countries in the West are scooping up the smartest people from the third world and bringing them into the West.
Now, intelligence is one of the greatest natural resources, along with empathy, that the world has.
So how is it terrible to strip my natural resources from the third world in the past, but now taking the intelligent people, the most competent and educated people out of the third world, thus damning those countries to ever- It's a total brain drain!
How is that not equivalent?
Stay there.
I want to do five more minutes, because I noticed this.
Even when I was a little kid in the country, people were smart, they were cool, they were good-looking.
Now I go to the countryside, where a lot of my family's from, and it looks like Beverly Hillbillies, and it's just cable TV or satellite TV and people, because it's like the brain's left.
And it's the same thing with the third world.
It just wipes it out.
We'll be right back.
That's a key point he just made.
Just briefly.
My dad is an oral surgeon and dentist.
He's about to retire.
And about 15 years ago, he heard me ranting and raving about fluoride and toothpaste and how it causes brain damage and lower IQ and dental fluorosis.
And he said, son, I don't care who you have on the air.
That's a bunch of bull.
You need fluoride or you die.
And I actually showed him what was in the water supply and the fluoride.
He said, this is incredible.
This is Grignard Reagent's heavy metals.
They're covering for it, calling it fluoride under law with a loophole to dump toxic waste in the food and water.
Now, CNN had to admit last month, in utero and in children, massive IQ reductions.
Well, six years ago, the EPA said reduce it in water by half.
You don't drink your sunscreen, but hydrofluorosilicic acid is a
I don't know.
The American Dental Association says don't brush children's teeth until age 6 with it.
Why does it say nursery water that at the store was added fluoride?
And they didn't add calcium fluoride, boys and girls.
They added hydrofluorosilicic acid.
That's why my dad and I developed, with the same folks that make Toms of Maine, it's private-labeled, Super Blue non-fluoride toothpaste with colloidal silver and high-quality iodine.
But you die without iodine.
Massive iodine deficiencies in the country.
If you drink the stuff that's in the store, it'll kill you.
That's a different type of iodine.
This is the real medical grade.
It's 33% off right now, and we have the bubble gum, natural flavor, organic flavor for children that doesn't have as much of the peppermint in it, because it says concentrated toothpaste.
Super Blue Toothpaste, available at InfoWarsTore.com.
Well, here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
One of the few true Americana holidays that we've got.
Probably my favorite holiday.
The 23rd day of November 2017.
We've seen total demonization of the Italian Christopher Columbus.
We've seen the total demonization of Thanksgiving.
We've seen attempts to get rid of the holiday, to use it to cast aspersions on Western civilization and Western expansion that undoubtedly was a mess.
And there were crimes on all sides.
When I say all sides, it wasn't just the settlers, or it wasn't just the troops, or it wasn't just the empires, or it wasn't just all the different native tribes.
It was all of those different countless changing factions that played into this long before the Vikings colonized North America.
The Vikings certainly visited it for a thousand years before Christopher Columbus supposedly discovered it.
That's now documented.
But long before white men ever colonized it, all the native tribes did was run around and try to dominate and control each other and take over and kill the men and then take the women and the children.
The same stuff that was going on in Europe for 10,000 years, same stuff going on in Africa for 10,000 years, same stuff going on everywhere in the world.
Humans acted the same.
And so we never see big pieces being done on the bad things that the Native Americans did or the way they behaved.
Because it's not part of the liberation theology.
Starting in the 50s, the Ford Foundation and the Carnegie Endowment created liberation theology where they thought that Jesus would have fought back and was a revolutionary and hated capitalism and was a communist.
And so they got
The different populations that were Christian, poor, black, Hispanic, you name it, to become liberation theologists.
And that was just one part of it.
But to teach that in the schools to everybody that America was bad, the founders were bad.
This was an undermining of the nation state and our ethos, where we came from, so that people of color particularly wouldn't have a idea in their head that they had a right to the American birthright.
Or that they've been critical parts of this great saga.
It's all just, you were good, but you were exploited, and the whites were bad.
When it was way more complex, with whites that were indentured servants, and bounties, and people basically as slaves, and company stores, and sharecroppers.
But they just continue to play on the incredible ignorance of the public.
The last few weeks, CNN claims they've broken the news that there's slave auctions in Libya.
Broken the news?
In seven different Muslim countries, they sell women on top slave blocks, you know, up on a stage.
And it's all known.
It's Muslims doing it.
But all these reports from CNN breaking, you know, this supposed news that we've been talking about forever and others have been documenting,
It's about, oh, the poor migrants, the poor babies, the poor migrants.
These are people in Africa that are being kidnapped and grabbed and sold into slavery by Muslims, but somehow they turn it into, quote, Muslims by using the term migrant.
That's the new definition of Muslims is a migrant, never a Muslim invader.
So they take Muslims and slaving people and then turn it into the catch-all word of poor little Muslims, which is migrant.
So they know what they're doing, ladies and gentlemen, but we're going to be covering that a lot more here during the transmission.
But I'm proud of Thanksgiving and I give thanks to you, the audience.
Thanks to God.
Thanks to my family.
Thanks to the great crew.
And I just want to thank you all for what you've done.
We have extended the specials from earlier in the week as we planned to do, but we have new specials that are added each day.
And X2 is 50% off, super high quality, just absolutely
A bunch of stuff is there.
Biggest sales ever.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Again, I want to thank you all for what you've done.
I want to thank you all for your victory, breaking your conditioning against the globalists.
I want to encourage you all to keep supporting the broadcast by purchasing high quality products at Infowarsstore.com, which is a win-win for everybody because they're high quality and it helps fund this operation.
Thank you so much.
I'm gonna shoot you straight.
InfoWars has changed the world because you've supported us.
The globalists are on the run, but they're launching counter-offensives.
And now more than ever, I am thankful for your support, and I'm asking you to visit InfoWarsStore.com.
Running right through to next week on Cyber Monday, we've got free shipping storewide, and clearly, the biggest sales in our history.
We just keep launching bigger and bigger sales.
We've got our new tropic, RainForce, 50% off.
We've got so many other products there that are 50%
We're good.
I'm Alex Jones, your host!
We're now an hour into this worldwide broadcast, and joining us is a true visionary, best-selling author, researcher, scientist, Dr. Michael Savage.
He's written many number one New York Times best-selling books, but he's got the newest one I can't wait to read, God, Faith and Reason.
I think we should start first with the book and the time we have him with us, then we'll get into Russiagate and the calls for martial law, the calls for killing the president.
Sweden is pushing to change their flag to an Islamic flag, saying that we started the Crusades and we're bad, despite the fact that it's the opposite.
He was the first person I ever heard, like 15 years ago, say that liberalism was a mental disorder.
And I got that some were clearly mentally ill, but now with Trump derangement syndrome, it's a mass psychology, a mass mental illness, and it's getting worse, and the most radical ones are adding to the hysteria.
It's like telling a schizophrenic, oh, it is true, there are men in the walls coming to eat you.
That'll make them go jump off a cliff.
So now the media has told them, yes, Nazis are everywhere, yes, everything's horrible, even though the economy's getting better and all these good things are happening, they are literally going insane and assaulting
Dr. Savage, myself, women wearing Make America Great Again hats are being beaten up on the street.
Michael Savage, you told us what was coming, so tell us the next level.
What's coming next?
Look, I wrote God, Faith, and Reason, but that doesn't mean that I talk to God.
I've been looking for Him all my life, you know.
What's coming next is just finish the narrative of where the insane go.
When the insane take over the asylum, what do they do?
They kill everyone in sight, then they start eating each other.
They eat each other.
They become cannibals.
I predict cannibalism is on the horizon, which will be sold as a wholesome alternative to veganism.
In other words, you go all the way down the line of no living creatures, but now eat people.
Because that's the natural way.
After all, that's the way it was done in the South Pacific until the missionaries came along and told the savages, it's not okay to eat your daughter's nose, which they did.
I spent many years in the South Pacific.
The last piece of human flesh that was known to have been eaten in the Fiji Islands was in 1939 in front of a missionary.
When they took a young girl, you talk about molestation, they took one of the young girls from the servant class, actually the slave class in their village,
And they cut her nose off and threw it on the fire to roast it for the missionary.
And he respectfully declined.
Yes, that's right.
Missionaries save them from cannibalism.
Never given credit for that.
Because the psychotics must go through hell in order to be saved.
And that's where they're going.
But they're not taking me with them.
I'll tell you right now, Alex.
They're not taking you with them.
They're not taking your audience with them.
All I can say is, if they want to go there, good luck to them.
But don't try to take us because we ain't going with you.
And what you're saying is dead on.
I remember listening about two years ago, you said they're going to eat their own.
The next level of psychotic behavior is cannibalism.
Inmates literally killing the wardens and then finally killing themselves.
And they're already politically doing it with Donna Brazile coming out and Wolf Blitzer and even Rachel Maddow's brother over there, Hayes or whatever his name is.
They're all turning against the Clintons right now.
What do you make of this?
It's a game, it's a shell game.
They know she's unelectable, so they figure get rid of her and get someone even more psychotic than she is.
Someone more power-mad than she is.
Someone more, to the left if you want to put it in common parlance, than she is.
She's yesterday's news, she lost the election, she's burned her, her path is over.
So they figure, you know, burn her, what have they got to lose this way they can make believe they're fair.
Now what is worse than Hillary Clinton?
Hillary Clinton is power-mad, but in a strange way, she's a centrist power-mad person, leavened by her husband, by the way, who's far less crazy than she is.
I don't think you've heard anyone say that.
Bill Clinton would be less of a danger to the country than Hillary is.
But yesterday's news, they're old, they're not progressive enough, you know, Alex.
You gotta get someone who's half-lizard, half-human.
And wholly insane in order to run for office and have a, uh, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
That without carbon dioxide, there wouldn't be any plant life.
Without plant life, we'd all be dead.
And of course, what's interesting is that during the period when we had higher levels of carbon dioxide, I'm talking eons ago, there was more plant life, which allowed more animal life to grow.
Having said all of that, all the years in New York City that the seltzer men were around, selling these bottles of seltzer on trucks, it was a very popular beverage.
Well, I think that the little bubbles of carbon dioxide in the seltzer water somehow crossed the blood-brain barrier and destroyed an entire generation that's now running the media.
I can name them all.
Wolf Blitzer, seltzer, carbon dioxide, toxic poisoning.
Shall I name all of those who must have been OD'd on seltzer as children as they sat around the tables discussing Karl Marx and Engels for breakfast and then were sent to camps in the Poconos?
The Red Diaper Doper Baby Camps, where they could go to communist camps and sing the Communist Internationale.
If you think I'm making this up, people don't know anything about the history of the New York Liberal.
I know everything about it because I ran from them.
Well, absolutely.
There's a lot of folks that actually went through that.
We'll tell you, like Joseph Farah, your friend from World Net Daily.
He was a young Lebanese-American, but his parents were communists in New York, and they literally sent him to communist camp, and were literally training him to be a weather underground person.
Well, I was never trained to be a weather underground person.
I was trained just to get out there and not get stepped on by life.
And, you know, here I am, you know, Alex, it'll be 24 years this March that I'm in radio.
It was purely as a result of praying to God to open up the Red Sea for me that this happened.
But I've told my listeners, and I'm going to tell them again today, and I'd like to mention it to your great audience,
Okay, what's this with the God book, Savage?
What, did you suddenly find religion?
It's not that I found religion.
I've been searching for... I've been looking for God ever since I've been a little boy.
Whether it was the little boy story that I tell boy in the... papers in the street.
Four-year-old kid, Bronx, Longfellow Avenue.
A Jewish newspaper is blowing up the street.
I thought it was a holy book.
I didn't even understand the language, but I thought it was a holy book.
I ran after these sheets of paper in the street, bundled them up in the wind.
It's a true story.
Brought home this whole bundle of paper.
Mom, look what I found.
Look what I found.
I saved this.
And she laughed and she patted me on the head.
She said, it's okay, Michael.
It's just a newspaper.
So I've been looking for evidence.
The evidence.
The evidence.
The evidence.
And all I found are glimpses.
And here's my most important point.
It's my Einsteinian moment, Alex.
I discovered it in writing this book.
Why is God invisible to us?
Why are we not idol worshippers?
Why are we not worshipping period blood and chicken feathers, as so many of the immigrants seem to do, in basements?
You know, with chickens and vultures and God knows what.
You drive around San Francisco, there used to be, in New York, on the cars, a little Saint Christopher medal on the dashboard, right?
I figure they're nice Catholic people.
You drive around in San Francisco, they can't even see through the windshield.
Dreamcatchers, pillows, voodoo dolls.
This is the meltdown of the United States of America.
Once we lost our connection to the roots of America, which was deeply rooted in monotheism, in one God, once we lost that, we started to lose America.
And it all started with Allen Ginsberg, Timothy Leary,
And William Kunstler, the three most evil people in the history of this country, who took this country from where it was to where it is.
And we've only begun on this insane road, Alex.
You know it and I know it.
You live it every day.
So what are we on the other side of reality supposed to do?
Put up with it?
Well, we do.
But we gotta resist the resistors.
Because we are the true resistance.
They're garbage.
They're nothing.
They're insane.
They'll go away like you blow them down in the wind.
And historically, we're gonna come back and talk about... I'm not to fear them.
They're nothing.
They're garbage.
And I want to know why the Hells Angels haven't come out, the plumbers haven't come out with pipes, the electricians haven't come out with wire, and said, cross this line.
That's it.
You know, back in the 60s, during the anti-war demonstrations, in New York, the head of the plumbers union said, enough is enough with these scumbags.
And he called out the plumbers to come out to the next hippie march.
Let me tell you something.
The hippies never marched again where the plumbers were.
And that's what has to happen.
There has to be a line in this country.
It's enough of these insane crybabies.
All right, Michael Savage is on fire today.
So we're going to come back and get more into the book, because he's absolutely right.
He called it his Einsteinian moment.
It's true.
Once you have just basic good God out of your life, you disintegrate into human sacrifice idiocy.
The mass mental craziness is intensifying.
We'll cover it on the other side.
Infowars is changing the world, sending shockwaves across the planet.
The globalists understand that.
They know they have to destroy nation states, they have to destroy Christian civilization, they have to destroy the family.
They can't leave anything standing.
Or when their great tyranny comes in, liberty will spring back up in those institutions.
They have scientifically figured out how to do this, and they're cold-blooded enough to actually try to execute it, and they've gotten a lot of their plan done.
But they were counting on operating in secret in the dark, denying all of this existed using mainstream media.
But that doesn't work anymore.
So the whole facade is now falling down around them.
When I get up here and tell you that we're one of the most influential
Organizations of the world now for the resistance.
It isn't a brag.
I'm on the front lines wearing a general outfit with the enemy shooting at me 24-7.
I'm simply telling you we've been successful, so that's good news.
But at the same time, they're coming after us because of it.
Because we're now a figurehead, a focal point.
A flag, a symbol that they want to take down, and they want to destroy, and they want to discredit.
They're trying to assassinate my credibility ahead of assassinating me physically.
That's what the top minds and best analysts have said, and I concur with the analysis.
We're in a very serious situation, so I'm asking you this Thanksgiving to understand that we wouldn't have this info war if it wasn't for you, and I thank you, and I appreciate you, and I celebrate you, and I cover all these negative things.
Not because I'm trying to make you depressed, but because I believe in you, and know that when you're faced with these globalist operations, you'll want to stand up and do something about it.
So again, I salute you, and I thank you, and I thank my family, and I thank the crew, and I thank everybody in the last 22 years for sticking with this movement, and to now see such success, the enemy's pushing back, and so now is the time for critical effort.
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Into the dustbin of history.
They're hanging on by their nails right now.
So I'm thankful for you on this Thanksgiving, and I'm thankful for your support.
I'm asking for your support again, because we're all in this together, and we're winning.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm not going to be talking much because Savage rarely gets wound up here on the air, and a lot of times when he does, he gets so angry he's got to go off the air.
I'm going to try to just let him flow, because he's in rare form today and I love it, as long as he'll stay with us this hour, or much of this hour.
He's got the new book out that I can't wait to read, God, Faith, and Reason, Michael Savage.
The fact that Michael Savage was looking for God
Like Carl Jung, you know, was seeing in archetypes meant that he had God's stamp on him.
People that are looking to destroy God and overturn goodness and overturn decency and who say there isn't a God and who are saying that basically they're God or they're going to destroy God or they're going to worship human sacrifice or they're going to worship ugliness.
They're of their father, the devil.
I don't care what religion or culture you come from.
When you look at globalism, the leftists, the Soviets, the Nazis, all these authoritarian systems, they had a bloodlust to run everybody else's lives, to control language, and basically had a mass psychology and a will to kill.
And that's what Michael Savage was starting to get into.
And now we see the left going, yeah, we want guns, we're going to kill you.
And we're communist.
And we hate you.
And we're going to bring in radical Islamists.
And we're going to let them promote slavery in their own countries.
We're going to have Muslim women.
We now learn what it's really all about as the gloves come off, the mask comes off, and we're face-to-face with 21st century evil.
Michael Savage, you were on fire last segment.
I'm showing footage of Mall of America from two days ago on our TV feed, where a Somali man stabbed another two people, screaming Allah Akbar, and now many areas of the country look like Somalia.
Please continue.
Well, on my website I put up Somali Muslim stabs.
They didn't report that.
They said it was a burglary gone wrong.
I never saw such propaganda in my life.
Trump calls it fake news.
This is not fake news.
This is beyond Goebbels what we're seeing.
I have never thought I'd live through a time when you look at people in the media, they look normal, they look like they want to live, they don't look suicidal.
You know, ordinary men, women of all races, they're insane.
They're suicidal.
They're digging their children's graves.
What is it going to take for them to understand that they are the problem?
They're the gatekeepers of information.
We're marginal.
You have a small show that's large in reach and power.
I have a show that's small in a way but very large in reach and power.
Alex, can we save the country from these insane bastards before it's too late?
Well, this is different than other countries.
We're not disarmed.
We haven't been disarmed.
And let me tell you something, there are tens of thousands of retired military, retired cops, and unretired military and unretired cops.
No one's stepping on them.
It's just not going to be as easy as it was in 1917 in Russia, where the guns had been seized.
It's certainly not going to be as easy as the knocking on the door in Germany, Poland, Hungary, and the other places where the Jews and others had been disarmed.
And let me tell you something else.
And is that why they're so upset?
Is it because our ancestors laid down provisions for just their type of scum?
I don't know who we're talking about when we say they.
Who's the head of this?
I mean, who are the leftists?
Mentally ill?
Devil worshippers?
How many are there?
How many are there of these boogeymen?
Who are they?
Who are they?
Who's actually?
They're the SJWs.
They're the mainstream media.
It's the Hollywood crowd.
It's the big mega banks.
It's all the elites that want to... It's people like Jeff Bezos.
Who gets all this taxpayer money and all these monopolies, and then he's literally working with the Washington Post to try to shut me and Matt Drudge and others down, and calling us all Russian agents.
Yeah, I saw that's crazy about Drudge.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
I mean, this guy sends more traffic to the Washington Post than anyone else, and they attack him to show you how insane they really are.
But let's forget Bezos for one minute.
We say the enemy, the enemy there.
They want to get us.
You touched on an important point, okay?
The way we know God, Christians or Jews in this country, gives us free will.
We're the ultimately, ultimately the most free people on earth.
If we actually believe in God, we come to understand we have free will.
He gave us life, but we have free will to act out our lives.
The opposite are the statists or the central governmentists, if you want to call them, all of these other demons.
They say, no, you have no free will.
We are your will.
We are your will.
We are the Hitlers.
We are the Stalins.
We are the Mussolinis.
We are the Pol Pots.
We tell you what shall be.
We are your will.
You have no freedom.
You're just a moat in the mire.
A moat in the mire.
You're nothing.
And that is the greatest threat to these globalists, which is free will.
Individualism, if you want to call it that.
So I, as a tremendous
I never liked anyone telling me what to do.
It's just a part of my nature.
It doesn't mean I'm a tough guy.
I'm not.
I'm not bulletproof.
I'm just resistant to people telling me what to do.
You're not taking it lying down.
Whether it was a teacher saying to me when I was young, you're not a gentleman.
I used to hear that all the time.
I didn't want to be a gentleman.
What do you mean you're not a gentleman?
What does that mean?
Remember how they train kids?
You're not a gentleman?
What do you want me to do?
What, do you want to step on me and put on a skirt?
You want to turn me into, like, a trans, uh, whatever?
I mean, get off my back!
Don't tell me what to do.
I'll tell you what to do.
So now, we're facing this thing with God.
Let's go back to God.
The E equals MC squared moment.
I didn't even explain it.
It's the most important thing.
So all my life, I've looked for God.
I can't find him.
I keep saying, where's God?
Where's God?
I can't see him.
The Buddhists worship a statue, right?
In essence, they're idol worshippers.
I love their poetry.
But basically, you're worshipping an idol.
All of these Catholics who left Catholicism to fake Buddhism, you know, with the hands in the restaurants, like, thank you for the water, and they thanked the waiter 50 times for a napkin.
They don't even know what Buddhism is.
That's not Buddhism.
The fallen American religious person who becomes a Buddhist, they don't even know what Buddhism is.
Okay, so now we come to us.
We can't find God.
We can't see God.
We can't touch God.
The moment!
God doesn't want us to see Him, feel Him, and touch Him.
Because in searching for Him everywhere, that's the finding.
In searching, we find.
That's the success.
By the way, I hadn't read your book, but you notice I just said that.
The fact that you were seeking as a child showed... I mean, that's the proof right there.
Well, I always was looking for his presence, whether it was the newspaper blowing down the street, or looking at cloud formations, or studying the stars, or, you know, I became a biologist for a reason, which was to, uh, you know, when I first saw the bones of a bird in anatomy, and I said, oh my God, look how God, or the grand designer, created the bones of a bird are hollow!
Why are they hollow?
So the bird can fly.
The bones are lighter than ours, right?
Mammalian bones are not hollow.
The bird's bones have holes in them, in essence.
This is so genius, right?
And then you look at the bird's wing, fold it up, and you unfold it, and you see anatomical similarities to our hands, and you say, there has to be a grand design.
Then you study Einstein, you know, the kids in college have the picture of him with the crazy ear with the tongue out.
That wasn't Einstein.
Einstein is the man who went to the perimeters of the universe and came back and said, the more I study the outreaches of the universe, the more I have to, the more I understand there has to be a God.
That's what Einstein actually said in his later years.
He wasn't this great atheistic hippie.
And that's the left's triumph, is they take icons and turn them towards their service.
Let's come back and talk about your Einstein moment, straight ahead with Michael Savage, the new book, God, Faith and Reason.
This is something you want to read and share with people.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Michael's got a dog in his lap.
We're going to come back.
That's my mascot.
And by the way, he's real because I feel he's real, just like your trans people.
Is he real?
Do you identify as a walrus?
Maybe I do.
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I'm Alex Jones, and we will continue to change the world together for our children, for our communities, for ourselves, and for truth, and for justice.
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From myself and my family and the amazing crew here at InfoWars, thank you for all you've done.
You are the InfoWar.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And Michael Savage, what a treat.
God, faith, and reason.
Michael Savage, number one New York Times bestselling author.
I cannot wait.
To read this book, in fact, once the kids go to bed tonight, I'm going to start getting into it.
Then I'll have two in the morning reading the whole thing.
I will get it read by this weekend.
Because the more I burrow into the mental illness of the left, they're a bunch of people that want to be alphas, but they don't want the responsibility.
And they're not real intellectuals.
They want to say they're the intellectuals, then create an authoritarian system where all thought has to be approved by them.
That's called a cult.
And they are waging war with any stable civilization because they want to conquer it instead of joining with it.
It's just a bunch of betas getting together and trying to be alphas, is my view.
And Michael Savage, who just joined us, was getting into... I like the Brave New World analogy.
Alpha, beta, gamma, delta.
I think they're more like deltas.
You look at guys like Wolf Blitzer.
Do you actually think he's even a beta?
These people are fakers.
There's nothing there.
There's no education.
There's no knowledge.
There's no history.
Or you bring others up.
Well, what have they actually achieved?
Who are they?
What have they written that anyone will remember?
Alex, I have to interject right now because I believe my book today, this one is my most important book, I think it's the definitive book I've written that could lead America back to the standards we hold in esteem.
It may sound too megalomaniacal for most people, but you know what?
So what?
I've got to say it.
If I won't, who will?
If I'm not for myself, who will be?
If I'm only for myself, who am I?
But it's no brag, just fact.
If not for people like you and a few others, Matt Drudge, Donald Trump, let's say it, myself and a few others,
If we weren't here, we would have lost.
So we have to admit, we are the resistance.
Our audience is really the key.
And so it's true.
We would be totally defeated if it wasn't for us.
And that means our audience.
We're not taking credit.
We're saying, we've got the munitions that will blow the enemy up.
We'd be out of business.
Alex, I want to do something for you and your audience, which is this.
You know, there's a lot of books.
There's a lot of Hackney writing.
This is my magnus opus.
It's based on my entire life quest.
Can I read you a half of a page?
Hey, please take over.
Please do the next segment.
You've got the floor.
Go ahead.
I was at a funeral for a friend, a friend's father.
I had told a friend of mine who was an American, you know, a World War II hero, who was a bit of a Nazi.
I loved him anyway.
We're friends.
We argue all the time, but we had a mutual respect for each other.
And we'd fight, argue, whatever.
So my friend's father dies.
Henry had survived Auschwitz.
They cut three of his fingers off in a saw.
He was an extremely bitter man.
So he dies.
And so I go to the funeral, and my friend of Nazi sympathies was Bob.
So I'm going to read from there.
It's a half a page.
So Bob shut his mouth that night, many years ago.
And as I've said, he tends to harbor certain Nazi sentiments.
So when I told him about Murray's mutilated hand, I wasn't surprised at his lack of immediate pitying sounds.
But I like a challenge, so I went on.
Murray never cried about his hand, I told Bob.
He came to America with Florence.
Who he met somewhere over there and had a family, namely Joel.
He was full of life this Murray.
He was a big drinker.
He loved women.
He beat his son with a strap, but he was a big personality.
Bob nodded at that.
I think the anti-Semite in him liked the never cried and beat his son parts of Murray.
So I proceeded with my funeral story.
I had lost touch with my friend Joel for a few years.
His wife threw him out for beating her and at least one of their daughters.
And he was in one of his episodic hidings, this time from the Sheriff's Department.
They were after him for his house and all his earnings to give to his greedy wife.
Somehow I heard his father, Murray, had cancer and was dying.
I called his mother and went over a few days later.
We brought over a bag of groceries.
You know, French bread, a pound of sliced turkey, some wine, some vegetables, and a quart of milk.
The usual stuff you bring when someone's sick, poor, and housebound.
Florence and Joel greeted us at the door of their little one-bedroom apartment.
I always liked it there, remembering the holidays in my own house when I was a boy.
Having been in the antique business like my deceased father, Benny, the place was filled with oversized, high-quality furniture and paintings.
Murray was in a bathrobe and a gigantic English armchair, shrunken but beautiful in a way.
He pulled me close and said,
I remember when you took me and Joel to Berkeley almost 20 years ago.
I know you almost 20 years.
That's not a short time, he said.
You took me to a bar on Telegraph Avenue.
Michael, those were the good times, now are the bad times.
Bob, I prided you, hear this?
I extend one good deed 20 years ago, and this guy remembers.
It's like one of the best moments of his life, this one drink I bought him.
So he goes fast into the hospital, where he insists they let him out, probably to die at home.
And three or four days later, boom, it's over like that.
Joel told me,
He had been sick most of the night, vomiting, probably those toxic chemicals.
He forces himself up and says, Joel, she's there on your left, the angel of death.
Joel gets scared.
He says, Pop, there's nobody here but me and Mom.
Murray stares at the big chair across the small room.
To your right, Joel, on the couch.
There, there.
He stands up, starts to walk across the room and collapses.
I can see that even the anti-Semite Bob is tearing up.
Wiping the tears from his face.
Listen, you racist bastard, I said to him.
Looking at that hole in the ground with Murray's caskets so bare and hearing the rabbi's ancient chant and watching the young Mexican gravediggers move by that chant, I became reminded of my own hole waiting.
I never knew where I wanted to live, I whispered to Joel's friend from Israeli intelligence, and I sure don't know where I want to die.
We never know where we're going to die, he reminded me with a 70s rockers cackle and grin.
That's it.
I write jazz.
See, people think of me in a way that I'm not.
They make me into what I'm not.
They categorize you.
They categorize me.
I'm fundamentally a poet and a writer who's also got some political beliefs.
I'm not a politician who also writes.
And they want to challenge me on a literary level.
If they want to challenge me, let them write something better than that.
It's in God, faith, and reason.
This is not a book of preachy.
This is a book of stories.
Well, exactly, and what I get from that is death's the great equalizer, and all of our shared humanity and struggles together unify us.
If you tell stories about life and death and friends, it brings everybody together.
A Holocaust survivor or some guy with Nazi sympathies, that's why they want to keep us divided and dumb the culture down, because literature like that, that points out real feelings we had, unifies us in our humanity and our life and our death.
The vision is what we're talking about, and we have to remember that.
As the true resistance.
Isn't it interesting how smart the devil is?
They take we who are the resistance and make themselves into resistors.
I see all these dumb idiots driving around here in San Francisco with the bumper stickers that say resist.
And you've been saying and I've been saying we are the resistance for decades.
Suddenly they're the resistance.
No, we haven't taken the country back.
We're just beginning to pull the puss out.
Well, I understand all of it.
The hatred for Donald Trump is not really a hatred for Donald Trump.
It's a hatred for white, heterosexual, Christian males.
We know that.
Everyone knows that.
It's because he's a white, heterosexual, Christian male.
It's not because he's a left-winger or a right-winger.
They just wanted somebody other than a white, heterosexual, Christian male in the White House.
End of story.
I was going to ask you that if you could do one more little segment after the break.
Now suddenly it's a coming out, not mainly by minorities, it's mainly white people and others saying, whites are evil, get rid of them.
If you have a white baby, abort it.
Major feminist magazines.
This isn't just a few people, the left is really showing us that they're anti-Christian, anti-white, to a Hitlerian level but reversed.
But Hitler wasn't a Christian, he was anti-Christian.
This is how it started.
This is what they do, they demonize us first.
Then they march us into the camps and then they kill us.
I'm warning people out there.
It's much worse than they think.
It starts with an idea.
The Holocaust started with an idea written by a French anti-Semite a long time before the ovens were actually built.
A long time before the Zyklon B was actually manufactured.
I'm warning everybody listening to me.
These professors are the true evil Nazis of our time.
These must be weeded out like the poison that they are.
And the universities that harbor these evil, failed intellects must be called on the carpet as well.
I blame the universities.
I don't blame these marginal psychotics.
Pol Pot.
How did Pol Pot start?
A little tiny guy in Cambodia.
He went to Paris to study Marxism.
He became enthralled with Marxism.
He came back and introduced Marxism in Cambodia.
He put together the 13-year-olds, the 14-year-olds.
He gave them the red bandanas.
He called them the Red Brigades.
What did the Red Brigades do?
The Khmer Rouge.
They went and they started by humiliating the middle class.
Their own race now!
Doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects... Hold on, do one more segment.
Explain the process of how they get a group ready to be exterminated, and you see it again, exactly being followed formulaically, and then you hear the Weathermen and others saying, we're gonna round up the Christians and Conservatives, we're gonna kill you!
Infowars is changing the world, sending shockwaves across the planet.
The globalists understand that.
They know they have to destroy nation states.
They have to destroy Christian civilization.
They have to destroy the family.
They can't leave anything standing.
For when their great tyranny comes in,
Liberty will spring back up in those institutions.
They have scientifically figured out how to do this, and they're cold-blooded enough to actually try to execute it, and they've gotten a lot of their plan done.
But they were counting on operating in secret in the dark, denying all of this existed using mainstream media.
But that doesn't work anymore.
So the whole facade is now falling down around them.
When I get up here and tell you that we're one of the most influential organizations in the world now for the resistance, it isn't a brag.
I'm on the front lines wearing a general outfit with the enemy shooting at me 24-7.
I'm simply telling you we've been successful, so that's good news.
But at the same time, they're coming after us because of it.
Because we're now a figurehead, a focal point, a flag, a symbol that they want to take down, and they want to destroy, and they want to discredit.
They're trying to assassinate my credibility ahead of assassinating me physically.
That's what the top minds and best analysts have said, and I concur with the analysis.
We're in a very serious situation so I'm asking you this Thanksgiving to understand that we wouldn't have this info war if it wasn't for you and I thank you and I appreciate you and I celebrate you and I cover all these negative things not because I'm trying to make you depressed but because I believe in you.
And know that when you're faced with these globalist operations, you'll want to stand up and do something about it.
So again, I salute you, and I thank you, and I thank my family, and I thank the crew, and I thank everybody in the last 22 years for sticking with this movement.
And to now see such success, the enemy's pushing back, and so now is the time for critical effort.
And that said, we're running specials all throughout this week to help fund our operation to be able to continue on under globalist attacks, under censorship, under boycotts, under lawsuits, you name it.
You've taken us this far, and if you'll just get the great products we have that are great for you and your family, and symbiotically then support us, nothing can stop us, ladies and gentlemen, when you stand up and vote with your dollars, vote with your euros, and get the products at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're running a special from Monday, when I'm shooting this right now, right through next Monday on Cyber Monday, eight days from now, when we do a special 36-hour broadcast.
On Monday, we have Brain Force that's been sold out, 50% off the Great Nootropic and free shipping storewide.
We've got Tuesday, November 21st, Silver Bullet, $9.95, 50% off.
Knockout Sleep Aid, 50% off.
Wednesday, Super Metal Vitality, 50% off.
Living Defense, 50% off.
Thursday on Thanksgiving, 50% off all the high-quality, storable foods.
50% off Prostegard that's been proven to be great for your prostate and more.
Friday, November 24th, X2, the good halogen that blocks the fluoride and all the rest of it.
You'd die without it.
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Saturday, November 25th, launch of Emrix Essentials new essential oil blends.
Sunday, launch of Tactical Walls.
Monday, the 27th, launch of a new product we haven't told you about.
So much more.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Please pray for us.
Please spread the articles and videos.
Hit past the censors.
And please financially support us.
We're getting great products at the same time.
And we will not let you down.
We will win together.
We will have a renaissance.
We will go to the stars.
And we will kick these social engineers, control freaks, psychopaths' ass.
Into the dustbin of history.
They're hanging on by their nails right now.
So I'm thankful for you on this Thanksgiving and I'm thankful for your support.
I'm asking for your support again because we're all in this together and we're winning.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
That's right, it's an information war.
I go out in downtown Austin, downtown San Francisco, downtown areas, Upper West Side, New York, Seattle.
People punch me, they throw coffee at me, they slap me in the back of the head, they come up behind me and knock my foot over and just say, F you Nazi!
And then their behavior is so Nazi-like in the stages of authoritarianism.
First they yell at you, then they attack you, then they shut your business down, then they make you live in a ghetto, then they haul you off to prison.
And Michael Savage was getting into the left.
They're authoritarianism, and all over the news, hashtag hunt Republicans, and Rand Paul being tackled and attacked, and Republican members of city councils being shot in the face by their neighbors, and Congressman Scalise, and on and on.
They're getting violent.
They want violence.
They're pushing it, and you were getting, historically, with the Khmer Rouge, Cambodia, and the Pol Pot, the killing fields, as an example, but it always basically follows the same formulae.
Please continue with that historic warning, Dr. Savage.
I will, but I want to say something.
The book, God, Faith and Reason, it's a very benign looking book, isn't it, Michael?
Let's say you don't know me, you see this in a bookstore.
Nice old guy, God, Faith and Reason.
If people took this to work and put it on their desks, let's see how tolerant the left is from a benign book such as this, which is almost apolitical, okay?
Let's just see it as a little billboard on a desk at work.
Pol Pot, Cambodia.
Nice professor goes to Paris.
He studies Marxism, comes back and says, I'm going to introduce that economic system.
So he introduces it.
Then he hires 12, 13, 14 year old boys and girls, gives them the Khmer Rouge, the red scarf.
He tells them, go out and humiliate the teachers.
Anyone who could read or write, anyone who was literate in Cambodia, was targeted by the Marxists.
Didn't matter.
All one race, remember that.
Teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants, didn't matter.
Any literate person was first humiliated.
Personally humiliated in the street like you're being yelled at.
That's how it starts.
And the thugs, the Khmer Rouge, then work them in the fields and kill them.
Now we had the Mountain of Skulls.
That's what communism brings.
That's what Rachel Madcow, Wolf Blitzer, and company will bring to this country unless they are taught who they are and what they're doing to this nation.
They may not actually think they want that to happen, but they will lead to a mountain of skulls unless they are reined in.
Somebody has to explain to these sub-morons, these sub-intellectuals, these pseudo-intellectuals, these uneducated dolts, that things start with an idea.
Now, you see in this country, who's the Khmer Rouge?
Do we have it?
Of course we have it!
The Antifa, the Democratic Party.
How about Ferguson, Missouri?
How about Baltimore, Maryland?
What was that?
There was a reason for Ferguson?
Burning a city down?
Attacking police?
The killing of police?
The war against police?
This is all part of the same Khmer Rouge effect in the United States of America.
They couch it under the guise of only certain lives matter.
They use race as a shield and a spear.
To silence those of us who see who they are, but never forget their end.
They have said point-blank what they want to do.
They want to kill 30 million Americans.
I read this in the 60s, Alex.
This is nothing new.
I forget the name of the group.
He's still alive.
He's Obama's good friend there in Chicago.
Yeah, that's the weatherman that Bill Ayers said... Thank you.
Bill Ayers was a member of a group that said if we kill 30 million Americans,
We'll be able to save America.
Don't think that they still don't want to do it.
Well, our population's doubled since then, so it'd be 60 million.
Well, about the number that was killed in other countries under that kind of psychosis.
So if it's kill or be killed, people better take the proper steps to protect themselves.
Last February, I was attacked outside a restaurant.
Remember that story?
I mean, I'm an older guy.
I didn't pick a fight.
I was sitting there with my dog, having two drinks.
People came to like me.
We talked, and some guy was on the end of a bar.
Older guy.
I didn't say one word to him.
I didn't even look at him.
I didn't know who he was.
I walk out of the restaurant.
I turn around.
There he is, looming over me, 20 years younger, a foot taller.
One thing led to another.
I wound up on my ass.
Luckily, I didn't die, I didn't break my skull.
The dog got scared to death, the poor little teddy was shaking like a leaf.
Rand Paul had six broken ribs and a punctured lung, and then now he's come out and said, no, the neighbor hates me, he's a leftist, and the media's making excuses for it.
He tackled him and then started stomping him in his yard.
This guy should be charged with murder.
First of all, he's a U.S.
How come he had no Secret Service?
Dianne Feinstein has Secret Service?
Wait a minute.
Why doesn't he have any Secret Service?
It only applies to the leftists?
Let's put that aside.
We're all at risk right now.
Let's not think conservatives and people are just too regular.
He was mowing his own yard.
Well, that's a terrible story.
He could have been killed.
But the point of my being knocked to the ground was, who protected me at that time from getting killed, hurt, banging my head, breaking my ribs?
I'm an older guy.
How come I didn't break anything?
Alex, I'm going to tell this story on the air today several times in my life, and I'm not tempting fate.
God knows I'm not tempting fate.
I've seen a hand come down.
A hand came down, cushioned the blow.
It could be the push-ups I do at night.
It could be a lifetime of very clean living.
That's a joke.
But nothing broke.
I was in Fiji 30, 40 years ago when I was a plant collector looking for medicinal plants way ahead of all of the people who think they know this field right now.
Plant collector.
One night, we're drinking kava kava all night.
I wanted to leave the village.
All of my Melanesian friends, they're black people in the islands.
They used to look at me when we drank a lot of kava, and they'd say to me, in Fiji, and I think he's Fijian, they'd look at my eyes.
I guess that was a transracial thing at the time.
They loved me.
I loved them.
All of a sudden, in the middle of this kava drinking, I had an instinct.
I wanted to leave that village.
I said, so my friend Dominico said, don't go, don't go, don't go.
I said, I have to go.
He said, I can't go right now, man.
We've been drinking this all night.
I said, I gotta get out of here.
So I go, I walk in the dark along an edge.
I go back to my other village.
The next morning he comes to me, he was like shaken.
He said, come back with me, I want you to see what you walked on.
He said, you were walking on a path that fell about 500 feet to the sea.
It was six inches wide, this little path that you were on, and you didn't fall.
I look back on that moment, and I have to say to you, I think that God put me here for a reason.
And I think the reason is the sin qua non of God, faith and reason.
I believe this book could be the one that reaches to those who have left God.
And again, it's not a book to bring you to a church or a synagogue or a temple.
It's a book to bring you to yourself.
Because in looking for God, you'll find yourself.
People don't know who they are today.
You'll throw away the drugs.
You'll throw away all the crutches.
You'll throw away the beads.
You'll throw away the dream catchers.
You'll throw away your evil leftism.
And you just might find
That God might be your salvation.
Because believe me, as I sit here...
There's a reason for everything, and God is above all of us.
As Rocky Graziano, the great middleweight fighter, said, somebody up there likes me.
And I hope that somebody up there likes you, Alec.
And I hope somebody up there likes me.
And I hope somebody up there really still likes America, despite what we have done to ourselves by permitting this virus of left-wing fascism to take over the country.
Well, I think you've hit the heart here.
It's not just that liberalism is a mental illness.
Liberals hate God, and they hate existing success, and they don't want to join with it, even though we're not trying to make them.
We have free will.
They don't like that we made some of the better free will discussions and some of the better free will choices in our life, and they don't like free will and want to force us into their authoritarianism.
And then they believe they're in power by bullying us intellectually and spiritually.
As they see us rebelling, they're having an existential crisis because they feel like they're dying.
As their control over us is dissipated, they're going through a true breakdown.
Look at all the major inventions of the world.
Trains, cars, planes, telegraph, computers, medical advances.
I'm sorry to break the news to all of those out there who don't want to know the news.
All invented by dead white males.
You want to make it real down home here?
I can name one invention after the other.
Almost all of them invented by dead white males.
Now it is true that thousands of years ago, or a thousand years ago actually, China was more advanced than any country on earth.
Six masted sailing ships, coal mines,
And do you know when those advancements in China came to an end?
When the mandarins took over.
Who were the mandarins at that time?
The mandarins were the central government types, the long fingernails.
They sat up there in the Washington D.C.
of China and they controlled everyone's life.
They killed all creativity, all inventiveness in China.
We'd already be out of the solar system with Mars bases if the mandarins hadn't taken over.
That's right.
So the mandarins are now trying to take over again through the media.
The mandarins are right there.
Jake Tapper, mandarin.
Wolfie Blitzen.
Mandarin, mandarin, mandarin, mandarin, mandarin.
I'm not talking about mandarin oranges.
They're control freak cultists, a new dark age.
They want to run everything.
Very dangerous people, never forget who the enemy is.
They have names, they have faces.
Never forget who they are.
They are the intellectual avant-garde that will lead to the mountain of skulls unless they're called out and spit upon verbally and intellectually.
That's all I want to say about it.
You know, at a certain time you gotta roll your sleeves up and get down in the gutter and not be so intellectual about it.
These people are out for blood.
Michael Savage, thank you for giving us a whole hour.
I know you're a very busy guy.
Your show's coming up in one hour.
The new book, God, Faith, and Reason.
And folks, get my new t-shirt at infowarstore.com.
That's how we fund ourselves as well.
The new Don't Tread on Me, free shipping storewide.
Thank you, Michael.
You're amazing.
Thank you for all you're doing.
I can't wait to read the book.
God bless, Alex.
Thank you.
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God bless you.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Well here we are ladies and gentlemen.
One of the few true Americana holidays that we've got.
Probably my favorite holiday.
The 23rd day of November 2017.
We've seen total demonization of the Italian Christopher Columbus.
We've seen the total demonization of Thanksgiving.
We've seen attempts to get rid of the holiday, to use it to cast aspersions on Western civilization and Western expansion that undoubtedly was a mess.
And there were crimes on all sides.
When I say all sides, it wasn't just the settlers, or it wasn't just the troops, or it wasn't just the empires, or it wasn't just all the different native tribes.
It was all of those different countless changing factions that played into this long before the Vikings colonized North America.
The Vikings certainly visited it for a thousand years before Christopher Columbus supposedly discovered it.
That's now documented.
But long before white men ever colonized it, all the native tribes did was run around and try to dominate and control each other, and take over, and kill the men, and then take the women and the children.
The same stuff that was going on in Europe for 10,000 years, same stuff going on in Africa for 10,000 years, same stuff going on everywhere in the world.
Humans acted the same.
And so we never see big pieces being done on the bad things that the Native Americans did or the way they behaved.
Because it's not part of the liberation theology.
Starting in the 50s, the Ford Foundation and the Carnegie Endowment created liberation theology where they thought that Jesus would have fought back and was a revolutionary and hated capitalism and was a communist.
And so they got
The different populations that were Christian, poor, black, Hispanic, you name it, to become liberation theologists.
And that was just one part of it.
But to teach that in the schools to everybody that America was bad, the founders were bad.
This was an undermining of the nation state and our ethos, where we came from, so that people of color particularly wouldn't have a idea in their head that they had a right to the American birthright.
It's all just, you were good, but you were exploited and the whites were bad.
When it was way more complex with whites that were indentured servants and bounties and people basically as slaves and company stores and sharecroppers.
But they just continue to play on the incredible ignorance of the public.
The last few weeks, CNN claims they've broken the news that there's slave auctions in Libya.
Broken the news?
In seven different Muslim countries, they sell women on top slave blocks, you know, up on a stage.
And it's all known.
It's Muslims doing it.
But all these reports from CNN breaking, you know, this supposed news that we've been talking about forever and others have been documenting,
It's about, oh, the poor migrants, the poor babies, the poor migrants.
These are people in Africa that are being kidnapped and grabbed and sold into slavery by Muslims.
But somehow they turn it into, quote, Muslims by using the term migrant.
That's the new definition of Muslims is a migrant, never a Muslim invader.
So they take Muslims and slaving people and then turn it into the catch-all word of poor little Muslims, which is migrant.
So they know what they're doing, ladies and gentlemen, but we're going to be covering that a lot more here during the transmission.
But I'm proud of Thanksgiving, and I give thanks to you, the audience.
Thanks to God.
Thanks to my family.
Thanks to the great crew.
And I just want to thank you all for what you've done.
We have extended the specials from earlier in the week as we planned to do, but we have new specials that are added each day.
And X2 is 50% off.
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Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Again, I want to thank you all for what you've done.
I want to thank you all for your victory, breaking your conditioning against the Globalist.
I want to encourage you all to keep supporting the broadcast by purchasing high quality products at Infowarsstore.com, which is a win-win for everybody because they're high quality and it helps fund this operation.
Thank you so much.
I'm gonna shoot you straight.
InfoWars has changed the world because you've supported us.
The globalists are on the run, but they're launching counter-offensives.
And now more than ever, I am thankful for your support, and I'm asking you to visit InfoWarsStore.com.
Running right through to next week on Cyber Monday, we've got free shipping storewide, and clearly, the biggest sales in our history.
We just keep launching bigger and bigger sales.
We've got our new tropic, BrainForce, 50% off.
We've got so many other products there that are 50%
I think so.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, I've spent much of the last hour on vaccines.
And on the fact that the sperm count is down over 90%, testosterone's down over 50%.
Europe-wide, Japan-wide, Brazil-wide, US-wide, anywhere that eats a modern soy-based or glyphosate-based diet, because glyphosate bioaccumulates in all the major crops that use it.
It basically is estrogen.
And so, you know, the New York Times says 50% since the 1970s.
It's far worse than that.
They're always whitewashing it all, you know, the actual reports.
This is happening.
And the soy and the vaccines and the fluoride.
I mean, folks, fluoride is one of the most studied things.
In the last 200 years of modern science.
And they know that hydrofluorosilicic acid is a weaponized, souped up, electrified acid base.
You stick your hand in hydrofluorosilicic acid, you pull it out, it's like rubber and falls off.
It's one of the most deadly acids out there.
It's right up there with hydrochloric.
Hydrochloric acid.
And when they put it in water, it becomes an adjuvant
It carries everything through the blood-brain barrier.
You get a little bit of hydrofluorosilicic acid, everything else they're adding to the water, and believe me, they're adding quite a bit on purpose, is then souped up so you don't have to put as much in.
It's the delivery system.
So when we say fluoride's causing 15-point IQ reductions, if you just drink it, what is it?
The Harvard study was three years when you're a child.
Oh, but they have it even after that came out years ago.
Oh, fluoride water for babies.
It's for your babies.
I wonder how CNN feels now that it's come out.
They've had to report it.
Lower IQ in children if you drink it just while you're pregnant.
So that's why I'm so frustrated is that I have just today
Stacks of news, government documents where, oh here's one they admit the government knew that anthrax vaccine wasn't going to help you and was hurting the troops.
They've only known that for 25 years.
You can't find an immunity for something you can't kill.
You can't kill anthrax unless you put it in an incinerator.
You can't radiate it and then shoot it into somebody and
Then wonder why they get anthrax.
Gee, we gave this to 500 people and then this... These five platoons or whatever and a bunch of them have got big sores all over them and they're bleeding out of them.
It's anthrax.
You got anthrax.
And they weren't giving them the anthrax shots.
I'm gonna tell you this again.
To protect you from it, they wanted to see how it would mutate in your body.
With different batches they did different things to.
They manipulated the anthrax, did a live genetic mutagen test on you, and that's now come out.
They were getting the blood from the troops for advanced research into life extension, because they want to know why certain cell lines will not die.
There are animal cells and there are plant cells that can live millions of years in hibernation.
And they're finding all sorts of new species and all sorts of new types in the rocks.
Remember they always thought, oh, you need light to live.
No, they're just, they got mines in South Africa that are three miles deep.
And they're digging into rock that's just full of microbes.
They don't even know what they are.
We might dig into something that kills us all.
But I sure know it's not good to take it and go, let's give it to a million troops.
Yeah, that's a great idea.
And then take their blood and see what it does.
You think the people that would give black people syphilis or radiate little kids in the 50s, 60s, and 70s and 80s, do you think they stop now?
They didn't stop any of it.
Just the secret testing alone.
Because see, I've got so much news to cover here today, but I just got to get mad about this, and it upsets me so much.
I'm going to say it again, then I'm going to get to the other news.
You know, they just pulled up an Arctic thaw, and now they just dug up a bunch of anthrax.
That's down in ice.
It's millions of years old.
Arctic thaw threatens early superbugs from hibernation.
Well, I'm sure if you inject all the troops with it, I mean, you know, the Navy dug up the Spanish flu that killed 40 million people and... Remember the SV40 vaccine they had 6-7 years ago?
They put an attenuated version of that in there.
It came out in the medical literature.
You know, that's the crazy part is...
They go, the year before the H1N1 outbreak, we put a simulant into that year's vaccine.
And I'm like reading this in medical journals where they admit they were jacking with it and put a simulant.
That means another attenuated virus in it.
And yes, you attenuate, you radiate, you fry, you cut up viruses.
They tend to not operate as well.
Just like you put a cell phone up against your head, it vibrates the DNA and breaks it as well.
That's what they do.
They blast them with radiation or with microwaves or with both.
And then they inject it into you.
And just like a lot of insects are immune to poison, you may kill 99% of them, but that 1% was already immune.
They were a mutation.
You start giving billions of people mutagenic vaccines, and you know full well what you're doing, and you're there to get their blood work afterwards and patent the blood.
You know, they've, for about 45 years, have been taking everybody's blood at birth, putting it in a database.
I learned about it from a nurse in the secret government program that we exposed, and it later became mainstream news.
I'm credited with that.
I'm just pointing that out.
And then they took the blood, and they sold it to big companies.
And the companies then patented your genes and your unique protein factors, and then people are going to get gene therapy, and they're going, sorry, we do have a gene treatment for you, but 22 years ago, this company or that company bought your blood and patented you!
And there have been court cases, and the federal courts have said both, the companies own you, and other cases have said they don't.
And you've got genetic therapies
That they go, you know, that'll be $180,000 per treatment, and there's a 100% cure rate, you gotta have 10 treatments, and your insurance doesn't cover it, because we bought your blood sample.
Now that's just for at birth!
Can you imagine the military application of that?
You see, something hundreds of times bigger than the Manhattan Project.
People's blood, taken at birth, so they can know your genetics, and they can manipulate your genetics, and they can use your genetics, and they can now re-sequence them with a gene editor that they had 30 years ago that I just told you about last week, literally, that they then inject directly into live species.
And you're gonna trust them.
It's all a trust thing.
I told you there's a pediatric place that I'm not taking my children to anymore, but when we first went there, you know, we search in vaccine pediatricians that, you know, don't make you vaccinate.
And I went and found the place and the guy owned a big, big clinic in town and he was retiring about 10 years ago.
And he walked over to me and I brought my son and daughter in for checkup.
And he goes, you know, I've worked in the city clinic like you're supposed to for continued education.
You got to do things like that.
We were given, kids, a few years ago, an East Austin 1960s live polio vaccine that had SV40 cancer virus in it.
And he goes, and I refused to do it, but they continued to do it, and they continue to do it to this day.
And I said, that's incredible.
And he grabs me by the arm, he's a big guy, and he goes, don't you ever tell anybody I told you that.
And I said, hey man, I already know that, okay?
I already know.
Don't worry.
Now he's been retired.
I walk there with my new baby.
Nurse walks over.
Doctor walks over.
She goes, you get your stuff and you get out of here.
There are no problems with the vaccines.
They're perfect.
Of course, she's been in the training.
I even know the training.
You can go watch it online.
Don't lie to me.
You can say that.
I said, guess what?
We're gonna beat you.
I know you don't take them.
I know you don't give your kids.
They're lucky I don't get out in front of them with a bullhorn.
I'm thinking about it.
Infowars is changing the world, sending shockwaves across the planet.
The globalists understand that.
They know they have to destroy nation states.
They have to destroy Christian civilization.
They have to destroy the family.
They can't leave anything standing.
Or when their great tyranny comes in, liberty will spring back up in those institutions.
They have scientifically figured out how to do this, and they're cold-blooded enough to actually try to execute it, and they've gotten a lot of their plan done.
But they were counting on operating in secret in the dark, denying all of this existed using mainstream media.
But that doesn't work anymore.
So the whole facade is now falling down around them.
When I get up here and tell you that we're one of the most influential
Organizations of the world now for the resistance.
It isn't a brag.
I'm on the front lines wearing a general outfit with the enemy shooting at me 24-7.
I'm simply telling you we've been successful, so that's good news.
But at the same time, they're coming after us because of it.
Because we're now a figurehead, a focal point.
A flag, a symbol that they want to take down and they want to destroy and they want to discredit.
They're trying to assassinate my credibility ahead of assassinating me physically.
That's what the top minds and best analysts have said and I concur with the analysis.
We're in a very serious situation so I'm asking you this Thanksgiving to understand that we wouldn't have this info war if it wasn't for you and I thank you and I appreciate you and I celebrate you.
And I cover all these negative things, not because I'm trying to make you depressed, but because I believe in you, and know that when you're faced with these globalist operations, you'll want to stand up and do something about it.
So again, I salute you, and I thank you, and I thank my family, and I thank the crew, and I thank everybody in the last 22 years for sticking with this movement, and to now see such success, the enemy's pushing back, and so now is the time for critical effort.
And that said, we're running specials all throughout this week to help fund our operation to be able to continue on under globalist attacks, under censorship, under boycotts, under lawsuits, you name it.
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Into the dustbin of history.
They're hanging on by their nails right now.
So I'm thankful for you on this Thanksgiving, and I'm thankful for your support.
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You got a business.
You didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Now here's an example of the quandary we're in, or the paradox.
They've got more than 30 microaggressions they teach at universities just on sexism, that if you tell a woman she looks nice, that's a form of harassment.
Or, if somebody ever asks you out, period, even if you're not even, you know, working with them or whatever, that that somehow is a microaggression.
Or it's the same thing, they say, if you tell a black person that
They look good, or something they said was really cool, or that they did a great job.
Well, that's patronizing.
That's the same deal.
Uh, no.
It's like when Brandon Tatum gets 70 million views on one video, that's because he nailed it like a hole in the one, more eloquent than I could ever be.
That's saying, this is really good.
But see, that's where they make all the fight about.
And did a guy ask a girl out versus Harvey Weinstein literally, reportedly raping people, chauffeur, others witnessed this, assaulting women almost every day, humiliating them, Bill Clinton settling rape cases, all of this.
So I got a lot of stuff I want to talk to her about, but I just thought of this when they punched her up on Skype and I saw her there.
I was going to say, wow, Candace Owens looks great on TV.
She's even more beautiful in person and super smart and super articulate.
And she looks really great today.
It's good to see her face.
I'm married.
I'm not hitting on her.
And it's not, I don't think it's a microaggression to say, wow, you look great.
I mean, is that bad?
Because the left says that's bad, just as bad as raping somebody, is it?
It is not that bad and I do not understand why people are suddenly so offended by compliments.
I really think it's just like the ugly girl strike back movement and they don't get compliments so they turn compliments into something that is not to be desired.
I don't subscribe to it.
Oh yeah, some women act like I'm a pervert or something because I open a door for them.
I did that because when I was growing up I got slapped in the back of the head by my mother if I didn't.
It's just automatic.
I know, that's the most hilarious part, when guys are being chivalrous and they now turn it into an act of attack.
It's so ridiculous, it's gotten so ridiculous on the less, but they can't enjoy anything.
Not a compliment, not a kind gesture, it's just where we're at with them at this point.
And they admit, millennials, you name it, are the most depressed, unhappy people statistically.
You'd think they'd want to get out of what they're in instead of getting deeper into it.
You would think so, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
They're miserable.
They're absolutely miserable because they've sucked the fun.
I talk about this all the time.
Liberals have sucked the fun out of everything in life.
There is nothing left for them to suck the fun out of, which is why they're miserable.
They have nothing else to leech onto.
I want to get your take on this.
Why do you think it's all coming out now?
The internet, chain reaction, people feel safe now.
But there's more to that because mainstream media has embraced this even though it's burning down their own system.
I think they know it's time to actually get rid of the old Democrat guard and then hope that they can roll this into a larger movement to again conflate or mix men and women having normal interactions with rape culture.
You know, I think it really boils down to politics.
I think that it's just a strategy for them to cast a light on people, a negative light on people that they don't want to see there.
And what's happening is the right is using the same tactics to fight back.
So now we're kind of in this civil war of people talking about what is or what isn't sexual assault.
And what it ultimately comes down to is the Democrats are the ones that first shifted that definition, right?
I was talking about it with Owen yesterday, but initially when I learned about rape, it was like hardcore rape.
It's somebody
Slipping something into your drink, it's you running down an alley from a stranger and, you know, them trying to kill you.
It's something you're going to call the cops for!
I mean, assault's real.
I got three daughters.
I got a son.
Somebody sexually assaults you or grabs you, call the police!
I mean, if it's serious, what is assault?
What is rape?
What is harassment?
Call the police is what it is.
Right, exactly.
But the definition has shifted so much, and now it can be, like you just said, a compliment.
It can be guys and girls hooking up in college, they're drunk, and after a party they go and they have sex, and the girl wakes up in the morning and regrets it, or doesn't remember all of it.
So now she's being taught and indoctrinated with the idea that this is sexual assault and rape, and that could not be more false.
And that movement and that change definition is extremely harmful, not just for men, but for women as well.
It's turning women into over-analyzing psychopaths.
And I should have introduced you properly.
It's just you were here for a few days, got to know you, went out to dinner with you and the crew.
So I was talking to an old friend again, Candace Owens with Red Pill Black, and her experience as a liberal, as a mainline feminist, being inducted, you know, into their cult, briefly, was what woke her up to what was really going on.
Is that a fair way to say it?
Or are they trying to induct you in?
Right, no.
So what I always say is that I was a liberal, but I was more of a, it's almost like a sleep hypnosis.
Like, I wasn't active.
I was never out there wearing a pussy hat.
There was no ideas even of mine that were technically liberal.
But because I'm black, and from the time that we are put in school, the way that we are even taught...
Our history is biased, and it's all a lie.
They make us think Democrats are the hero.
They make you think that you cannot think anything outside of the fact that you are a Democrat.
That indoctrination happens in our youth, and we carry it with us.
We go to college, you learn the exact same thing, and it's a mass brainwashing.
So if you're not paying attention to politics, which is the case for the majority of the black community, we aren't paying attention.
We're too busy trying to feed mouths, or for me it was payback student loans, and you just go, oh yeah, sure, I'm a Democrat.
But when you start paying attention, and here's my theory, every single black person is a conservative.
And when they find out how we have been lied to and manipulated by not just the media, but the Democrats, most especially, what they have done to us, it is going to be hell for them.
It's just crazy, too, when you learn the Democrats know what they're doing, like the group of feminists that you later exposed were the ones harassing you to then be the savior.
I mean, it's a cult.
They know what they're doing.
They're just cold-blooded.
It's ugly.
It's just gotten absolutely ugly and I think black people are waking up to it and I, hey, if I have anything to help, it's going to be hell for the Democrats by 2020.
Absolutely, and for the Republican rhinos that are the very same type of so-called blue-blood elites.
What do you make, because we're going to go to break and come back and go over all this, what do you make of the domino effect, though?
Because it is just crazy.
A Dems' reckoning with Bill's sexual offenses is the final nail in the coffin.
I mean, this is the Democrats and people saying this.
Dem Senator Bill Clinton should have resigned following Lewinsky's scandal.
They're saying Franken should resign.
And you know, I'd say, well, if there wasn't a photo of him grabbing her breasts, he's clearly doing it.
If he didn't have a history of this, more women are coming forward, I'd say wait and see.
But with him, we have the smoking gun.
People are saying, well, why did Trump talk about this and not Moore?
It's smoking gun, the photo.
But I think, I think, you know, the Moore thing's pretty creepy.
I'm going to get your take on that.
In fact, let's, let's cover that now.
What do you think about the Roy Moore thing?
Because I don't care that he happens to be a Republican.
If this stuff's true, I'll throw him under the bus in two seconds.
Right, absolutely.
So, I will say that some of the facts surrounding this are extremely shady.
I tend to agree with the fact that the handwriting doesn't match.
So, that is a little shady.
Obviously, the timing of the complaints, no matter... You know, you're making some great points.
We're going to reconnect with you on Skype because it's breaking up a little bit.
We're going to come back with Candace Owens, Red Pill Black, on the other side.
And that's where I stand on more.
If somebody's guilty of something, but the prosecution tries to set them up, the whole case is thrown out.
And we've got women that are Democrats that are backing down, or who've been caught working for the other candidate.
We've got handwriting that doesn't match.
We've got weird testimony.
We've got the mall saying, this stuff never happened, he wasn't thrown out, he wasn't throwing women.
But then you got him saying, I did date 17-year-olds, and I got their daddy's permission!
I just think that's a little creepy.
But is it illegal?
The politicians, they're all weird freaks, man.
I don't know what's going on here.
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You're on the air, Danny.
The nascent iodine, the B12, and the super male are incredible products.
Thank you.
I would like to ask Dr. Group, are there any supplements or products that help promote the growth of stem cells, and would you consider making one?
Well, the DNA force is probably the biggest product that's designed to do that.
But the fastest way to stimulate stem cells, and this was a study by USC, we were talking about it earlier, is water-only fasting.
I haven't found anything in my over 20 years of research that can actually stimulate stem cell production as fast as water-only fasting can do it.
And according to USC, in 72 hours you can regenerate your entire immune system.
And it reboots itself.
So, I mean, think about that.
You can go overseas to Thailand and get a $120,000 stem cell treatment, or maybe a $50,000 stem cell treatment, or you can do it for $1.99 a day with spring water or distilled water.
Let me be clear.
There's hundreds and hundreds of studies just on biopQQ alone that's in DNA Force that we're allowed to talk about because it's so powerful.
It regenerates nerves in some cases.
So an area that was dead, like your knee, your back, it may come back.
It may hurt worse for a while.
I had a finger that was chopped off and was still numb up on the front.
I took DNA for a few months.
It came back.
Sort of tingling.
The feeling is back.
So it doesn't grow telomeres.
It keeps them from shrinking as fast, correct?
Yes, and I mean the cleaner your body is, and the more you detoxify, and the healthier you become on a daily basis, the better your body is at producing stem cells.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Candace, about three weeks ago, spent a few days in Austin.
My wife and I and the crew, Owen Stroyer and others, took her out to dinner.
It's a place called the Russia House that's actually Russian food.
And they've actually got some clothes you can put on as a joke there.
So we donned some Russian outfits and shot this joke video that ended up airing on some U.S.
news as if we were serious and in Russia as if it was a joke, which it was meant.
No, this is not proof of our Russia collusion.
Here it is.
We pledge allegiance to Comrade Putin and his great minion Donald J. Trump to make America great again.
We pledge this plan to destroy the Americans, to save their economy, and their people, and their border, and their military.
Hail Putin!
Hail Russia!
We will never surrender!
That is the KGB plan!
Well done, comrades!
We're still in America!
We didn't force Candace to be part of that.
She was sitting one down from my wife.
But, you know, I'm never good at really promoting things that are huge news.
Well, the reason Candace was coming on, I kind of just got off onto the Judge Roy Moore thing and the big sex scandal stuff.
This is an example of, is it bad to tell a woman she looks nice, or tell a man your suit looks good?
I mean, if I see a guy wearing a suit that looks good here at the office, I go, man, who's your tailor?
You know, that looks sharp.
That's a nice car.
I mean, this is not harassment to talk to people.
And she's going to get into that, but I forgot the main reason she's on.
This is so huge, and this is such documentation of censorship.
Just two weeks ago in Congress, they said, Paul Watson's article's number one on Twitter about the Islamists plowing the car over people, and how the mayor knew and was warned, which was in the news, he'd been warned, obviously that Islamic attacks were coming using cars.
They said, sir, we saw it at lunch during the break and we banned it.
Now that was Twitter and Facebook both nodding, you know, that they dealt with it.
Here it is.
This is hers.
Can my children be friends with white people?
This came out November 11th.
We covered it last week.
We mentioned it this week.
I mean, it is the craziest condescending article I've ever seen.
She talked about it and linked to it.
And then they're so politically correct, and they're so censoring her, because she is a, use a cliche, smart, powerful, good-looking black woman, what they really fear, not on their plantation, they banned her!
They froze her account!
We removed something you posted!
This is from her account, and this is her response back to them.
And again, this will do.
They attack us, and then when we respond back, they didn't stop the New York Times from posting this or linking to it.
No, you can't respond back.
In fact, I've noticed this that...
A lot of folks will criticize Nazis now and make connections to Islam and how Islam helped the Nazis in World War II.
It's a fact.
We've had that blocked.
Everybody else posts, the Imam of Jerusalem and others with Hitler.
They go, oh, we don't let you promote Nazism.
That's like saying PBS can't air a documentary about Hitler.
You're promoting it.
See how they play these games?
So Candace goes, this is racist to say white people are inherently bad and they don't want her, a black woman, responding to it, pulling back the curtain.
That's all I am?
Or is she a little Toto?
Pull back the curtain.
That's the power of truth.
And they blocked her.
They suspended her as punishment.
And they've told us.
They said, you keep doing what you're doing, you'll be totally banned.
And they're giving us a... They still haven't done it.
I talked to them last week.
The head of the brand, quote, of, this is high-level execs, Alex, don't work with us.
We're going to ban you.
Don't say we didn't warn you.
So, again, Candace Owens, we've got you connected back now.
Your Skype's better.
Go over this for radio listeners that can't see it, how amazing this is.
Well, what's really particularly fascinating is you see that they say that they're banning me because I violated the policy and they don't allow people to attack people based on their race.
That is why I got banned from Facebook.
Well, the article I was linking to was quite literally attacking people based on their race.
So they were fine with the article existing.
They were fine with the article being shared on Facebook.
They were not fine with me taking a satirical stab, a hyperbolic approach to taking a look at what this article was saying.
Essentially, this article was advocating for segregation.
It was pro-segregation.
Stephen asked the question, can my children be friends with white people?
Could you imagine how the heads would turn if Ann Coulter wrote a piece entitled, Can My Children Be Friends With Black People?
Could you just imagine?
Imagine how that would be perceived, how violently that would be perceived on the left.
But when I take an article and I say, yeah, you know, you're basically advocating for segregation, okay, and I use sarcasm and humor, they put me on suspension.
Not the author of the article, not the New York Times page for having the balls to even air something like that.
They put me on suspension.
And it goes back to what you said.
They don't like to see a black person criticizing, calling out racism, and, as we know and as
Racism is totally fine as long as it's being geared towards white people.
Well, that's the game they play where you show the imam of Jerusalem with Hitler and they say, we're not going to let you promote Hitler.
And they know full well you're showing history, you're exposing it, it's a fact.
I mean, you can even see Hollywood movies about World War II and the Arabs working with the Nazis.
Or I guess they're going to have to ban Raiders of the Lost Ark.
I mean, it's fiction, but it's based
In North Africa, the Nazis occupied with the Muslims inviting them in.
And I mean, I'm just stating a fact that every major Muslim country backed up behind Adolf Hitler.
That is a historic fact.
I'm not promoting Hitler.
Same thing.
You're showing some whacked out race baiting guy selling all this white guilt.
Shane, here's what you gotta do.
It's not enough to be, you know, a mixed couple.
It's not enough to be liberal.
You gotta adopt whatever we say, or I'm not gonna let you in the in-club.
That is literally like Jim Crow laws, but as you said, reversed, or the white golf course that won't let blacks join.
I mean, this is next level.
What do you think's behind it?
Self-imposed segregation is what we're taking a look at.
What's behind it is the Democratic Party.
This has kind of always been their initiative.
They pretend they're helping black people.
Now they're creating safe spaces.
Black people are creating their own safe spaces.
I forgot what college this was.
It's a bunch of them.
A bunch of them created safe spaces.
We're completely backwards in terms of our progress, and that's because the media is constantly feeding this narrative.
They're constantly race-feeding.
They're constantly trying to separate the races.
They're constantly trying to create these conflicts, and some people are biting on it.
Some people that are absolutely sleeping and brainwashed are biting on this ridiculous narrative.
I'm not one of them, so I am continually silent.
It's always going to be an uphill climb for me because I don't plan on shutting up.
I'm going to keep saying what I have to say, and I'm going to keep calling out the media, and in this case, the New York Times, for their absolute BS.
That's right.
And expanding on that, I knew when I saw it a month and a half ago, that whole Air Force cadet thing was timed by the Deep State and the NFL was all being coordinated.
It was all totally fake just to create division.
We are living in a time of propaganda.
It amazes me that so many people learn about propaganda in school.
That's the number one thing we learn about yellow journalism.
We learn about Hitler.
And we answer the questions to these tests positively.
Yes, this is propaganda.
What Hitler did was propaganda.
But we are unable to apply that logic when we are existing in an era of propaganda.
People don't understand it.
We're going to come back again and hopefully do a couple more segments if you've got time.
Again, Red Pill Black, folks, you need to follow her on Twitter, on Facebook, everywhere, because she's got to kind of hopscotch back and forth.
On different platforms.
That's how you beat them.
You stay on the platforms.
You force them to censor you.
You force them to ban you because you decry the New York Times writing this.
Yes, this is an actual article that appeared in the New York Times.
My response is no.
Your children should not be friends with white people.
In fact, avoid them at all costs.
Best not mingle.
Might be a better idea if we separated things from the whites altogether.
This is your quoting from the article.
And they're saying, no, you're bad, but the New York Times is allowed to have it, tweet it, and they tweeted it, they put it, then it's all praised, but then when you point out it's racist, they use the race label to shut you down.
It's, it's, it's beyond 1984.
Right, it is, and then me taking a satirical stab and adding to the article and saying, yeah, go ahead, separate the kids, and where are we going to end up?
Right back into Saturday.
But that's what he says in the article!
You're basically paraphrasing him.
Right, exactly.
That's the critique is what upsets them.
Someone endorsing it in this megaphone, hyperbolic way is what upsets them.
And it's ridiculous.
It's absolutely ridiculous that writers should be embarrassed they ever put that forth and people in the black community speak out against it.
And that's what I did.
All right, let's come back and get into whatever you want to get into, because I know you've got a lot to say and a lot to cover.
And then I want to get back into the avalanche that is crushing the Democratic Party.
Just new revelations by the hour, more women coming out against Franken, who's famous for this, and who, when the woman's asleep, he's grabbing her breasts and bragging about it.
I mean, he's got to resign.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Infowars is changing the world, sending shockwaves across the planet.
The globalists understand that.
They know they have to destroy nation-states, they have to destroy Christian civilization, they have to destroy the family.
They can't leave anything standing.
Or when their great tyranny comes in, liberty will spring back up in those institutions.
They have scientifically figured out how to do this, and they're cold-blooded enough to actually try to execute it, and they've gotten a lot of their plan done.
But they were counting on operating in secret in the dark, denying all of this existed using mainstream media.
But that doesn't work anymore.
So the whole facade is now falling down around them.
When I get up here and tell you that we're one of the most influential
Organizations of the world now for the resistance.
It isn't a brag.
I'm on the front lines wearing a general outfit with the enemy shooting at me 24-7.
I'm simply telling you we've been successful, so that's good news.
But at the same time, they're coming after us because of it.
Because we're now a figurehead, a focal point.
A flag, a symbol that they want to take down, and they want to destroy, and they want to discredit.
They're trying to assassinate my credibility ahead of assassinating me physically.
That's what the top minds and best analysts have said, and I concur with the analysis.
We're in a very serious situation, so I'm asking you this Thanksgiving to understand that we wouldn't have this info war if it wasn't for you, and I thank you, and I appreciate you, and I celebrate you, and I cover all these negative things.
Not because I'm trying to make you depressed, but because I believe in you, and know that when you're faced with these globalist operations, you'll want to stand up and do something about it.
So again, I salute you, and I thank you, and I thank my family, and I thank the crew, and I thank everybody in the last 22 years for sticking with this movement, and to now see such success, the enemy's pushing back, and so now is the time for critical effort.
And that said, we're running specials all throughout this week to help fund our operation to be able to continue on under globalist attacks, under censorship, under boycotts, under lawsuits, you name it.
You've taken us this far, and if you'll just get the great products we have that are great for you and your family, and symbiotically then support us, nothing can stop us, ladies and gentlemen, when you stand up and vote with your dollars, vote with your euros, and get the products at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're running a special from Monday, when I'm shooting this right now, right through next Monday on Cyber Monday, eight days from now, when we do a special 36-hour broadcast.
On Monday, we have Brain Force that's been sold out, 50% off the Great Nootropic and free shipping storewide.
We've got Tuesday, November 21st, Silver Bullet, $9.95, 50% off.
Knockout Sleep Aid, 50% off.
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Living Defense, 50% off.
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Saturday, November 25th, launch of Emmerich Essentials new essential oil blends.
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Monday, the 27th, launch of a new product we haven't told you about.
So much more.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Please pray for us, please spread the articles and videos, get past the censors, and please financially support us.
We're getting great products at the same time, and we will not let you down.
We will win together, we will have a renaissance, we will go to the stars, and we will kick these social engineers, control freaks, psychopaths' ass!
Into the dustbin of history.
They're hanging on by their nails right now.
So I'm thankful for you on this Thanksgiving, and I'm thankful for your support.
And I'm asking for your support again, because we're all in this together, and we're winning.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
On Twitter, at Red Phil Black.
On YouTube, at Red Phil Black.
Candace Owens.
They're scared of her, that's why they've got so many disinformation campaigns going against her online.
People contacting me, making stuff up.
She needs to ignore all that, move forward, keep putting out content, giving her analysis, and don't let them shoot her down.
They tried it with me and so many others, but people that are successful just ignore it, laugh at it, and move forward.
So they fear her, and you can tell why.
And just all these new great voices that are just
Of every color, creed, all humans, all red blood, all strong, all with souls full of light and liberty is scaring the globalists and their whole facade is falling right now.
This is such a beautiful time to be alive.
You know, you just don't get tomorrow's news today.
You don't just get next week's news today here at InfoWars.
A lot of folks would love to be able to say, hey, they have congressional hearings every month saying they're censoring InfoWars, they're trying to shut us down.
Soros admits they're meeting in secret to try to shut us down.
I mean, they got Soros, people, and lawyers, and I'm not gonna get into it yet, behind the scenes, trying to stop us.
So listen, it's like electricity flipping the light switch on.
When you're a teenager, daddy and mommy gotta pay for that.
And there's engineers and lines and technology that goes into it.
And hydroelectric dams and on and on and on.
Same thing with mama bringing in those groceries.
You just think you're there and you're mad that she didn't get you three of the things you wanted.
She didn't have the money.
I mean, it comes down to that, and don't just expect to turn InfoWars on like water, and it just comes out of the faucet.
And I'm not complaining at listeners.
I'm just not good at getting up here and going, man, we got missiles coming in and blowing up all over the place.
I mean, you don't just think they're on national TV saying, shut us down, and they're not playing games.
I mean, they have, they have run major operations against us.
And there have been a lot of good people that have come in, you know, as heroes in that process.
And I'm not at liberty to get into all of it, but I'm talking about breaking my family up, folks.
I'm talking about coming after everybody I know.
I mean, you know, it's serious, okay?
And I'm not, this is what I wanted.
It's what I asked for.
I want to defeat the globalists.
I want to change the world.
We're doing it.
But I need your prayers.
And I need you to understand that, you know, we put a really happy face on this because we're not SJW whiners.
I'm just saying, you wanted me in the ring when you financially support us, when you pray for us, when you spread the articles and videos.
You are us.
You are stepping in to the ring with me, with Candace, everybody else.
And let me tell you something, they've taken the gloves off.
But we took them off a long time ago.
That's good.
I'm just telling folks, you want to fight?
You want somebody to fight for you?
Baby, we're doing it for all of us together and our children.
But I'm telling you, I need people to go to M4 Wars Store.
I need you to sign up for AutoShip on the great supplements and products.
If you like something, keep the AutoShip on.
Don't like it?
Cancel it.
It's free to cancel.
10% off additionally.
We got free shipping running through Sunday.
All the other specials had to end because I sold out of most of the shirts and a bunch of other products.
50% off.
But Caveman's back in stock.
50% off.
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It's so good.
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That's in.
And we've got our new probiotic.
It's excellent as well, that I'm very proud of.
That's at infowarshore.com.
Floralife Advanced Restoration.
Really high quality.
And we've also got the 15 Billion Live Probiotic Everyday Maintenance.
We've got a new t-shirt in, a couple new t-shirts, the new Don't Tread On Me, which I think is a very powerful design, and then a new one that one of our security guys had the idea for.
If you're coming for mine, you better bring yours with a picture of a M4 AR-15, a great new shirt.
I haven't seen that variant, but there it is, a brand new deal on Don't Tread on Me and From My Cold Dead Hands, basically.
Okay, getting back to Candace Owens.
Candace, you've got the floor now for the rest of this segment.
The next, I know you've got a lot of important points that you like to point out and that you like to make, so what else is on your radar?
And if you want to get back into the whole Judge Roy Moore thing, you got cut off by a break.
Yeah, no, so I think one thing that I definitely want to talk about, and I keep saying that people are not talking enough about it, and I'm excluding you because I think that you're one of those people that has always kind of seen through this because you've been a victim of it, but the psychology of trolling is quite impressive online, on Twitter in particular, that they can make up a lie, right?
I think so.
But it's one of these things that's moving that we have to mobilize and we have to be able to see through vicious smear campaigns.
And we cannot let people stomp out advertisement dollars, people that are doing the right work.
I mean, the situation with Warren Moore and Sean Hannity is an example of just that.
People pretending that they're a mob on Twitter and say, oh, if you don't do this, I'm not going to support you anymore.
And then these advertisers just bend over, you know?
And of course.
You could expand on that, but again, it's the old St.
World War II.
They didn't have radar then, it was just coming out.
But the Germans would put their anti-aircraft guns wherever the real stuff was, the factories.
So they'd have a few reconnaissance planes go out and get shot at, then they knew where to go.
So, I mean, I see you getting shot at.
Whoever's getting shot at the most, that's who you know is the good guy.
Right, right.
It's so interesting, and I didn't realize that at all.
I specifically thought that.
For me it was going to take a little bit longer because I mean I just started this and they came so viciously and it makes you question like who's in this movement, who's not in this movement, who's here just as like a parasite to try to feed off of of new blood and I think that it's so fun.
They've got a lot of TV executives that work for them.
They call it cue scores, viewability, watchability.
You don't just have the aesthetic of people wanting to watch you then you're also well-spoken and you're smart.
You mix that together you got the trifecta.
They're scared.
And they're trying to stomp me out so quickly and so viciously.
But one of the coolest things, and I want to give some credit to this and credit to you and credit to Dave Rubin and Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Cernovich in this moment, because one of the coolest things is that people are starting to go back to what I call humanism, this human element.
And no matter what you say, right, you and I spoke.
We looked each other in the eye.
We had a conversation about where I'm from, what I'm doing and what my goals are.
Because you are relying on your instinct as a human being, right?
A smear campaign can't work on you.
And that says something, that this is a return to being a human, relying on your gut instinct instead of being fed something by a propaganda machine that tells you they repeat it enough times and it's true.
And that has been the coolest thing that I have seen in this conservative movement is people that are relying on their instincts and standing up for one another when they see their friend getting shot out.
That's right.
And, you know, it isn't working, so they increase their lies, and Google helps with the search results.
My bottom line is, I think it's an old Southern kind of weird thing, but it's like, hope your daughter, when she's 17, marries an older rich guy, because he's stable, and then she won't get a bad, you know, young guy.
I mean, any old world thing does that.
You go to Mexico, that's done.
You go to Russia, that's done in the rural areas.
Japan does it.
I mean, it isn't just the Muslims doing it.
They're doing it, like, their nine-year-olds, though, you know, marrying them off.
But it's a little creepy in a modern way.
But then all the other stuff, it looks like, is made up.
Right, that's absolutely true.
That's 100% what he said about Trump is that he's going to do the right thing at the end of the day.
And I agree that Frank and I mean, the evidence is right there taking a look at it.
Roy, I just I don't know where the story is going to end.
I have no guess.
I did a poll on my Twitter.
You know, do you guys believe Roy?
Do you think this is a smear campaign?
I was saying before, I'm not sure if I got cut off, but the evidence definitely is getting a little weird.
I don't buy that the yearbook was not tampered with.
That's not to say that he didn't sign it at all.
Oh, it's not even his signature!
I mean, they at least could have done a good job with that.
Yeah, it's like two different signatures whatsoever.
But, and I'm going to drive this point hard home, is that if
For any reason there's truth to these allegations, he absolutely needs to step down and I think that there's not a single conservative that would disagree with that statement.
I totally agree with you.
We're not like the Democrats who are going to defend people just because they're in a party we halfway support.
I hate the Republican leadership and if he's just one more of those guys, get rid of him.
What do you make of CNBC, NBC, and others?
We have an article on Infowars.com.
Defending it, and saying that Franken did nothing wrong, but that Moore is bad.
I mean, that is just, these people are ridiculous.
I mean, obviously if we had Moore grabbing some woman's breast in a photo, then we'd say step down now.
I think it's absolutely ridiculous.
And let me say something.
I know some people were saying on one side of the argument, oh it's not a big deal, it's a joke.
That's not funny.
To me, if I'm sleeping and somebody's groping me, that's not funny.
That's never going to be funny.
I have a very good sense of humor, you know, and I've run into this.
I've run into this with leftists.
They use saying they're comedians as an excuse for bad behavior.
Yeah, absolutely.
And it's not such a bad behavior.
When somebody is sleeping, there's something that is so incredibly violating about that.
The idea that somebody is sleeping and a picture was taken of them.
John Dracula.
Presumably someone, yeah, presumably someone that they didn't know too well making a sexual gesture.
That is not funny whatsoever.
We're not going to pretend that's funny.
Well, here's the deal.
My wife loves me.
My wife loves me, but I know better than to just grab her in her sleep.
I'm going to get slapped in the face.
Yeah, same.
I agree 100%.
It doesn't matter who the man is.
Least of all, when it's a man that's a stranger.
It's disgusting behavior.
You gotta, like, pat him on the arm a little bit.
You wait.
You don't, like, just grab your... even your wife.
I mean, it's assault behavior.
Just what he did to her behind closed doors.
We'll be right back in 70 seconds.
She'll be with us a little bit longer.
Then I'm gonna open the phones up and cover a ton of news.
Stay with us.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Well, here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
One of the few true Americana holidays that we've got, probably my favorite holiday, the 23rd day of November 2017.
We've seen total demonization of the Italian Christopher Columbus.
We've seen the total demonization of Thanksgiving.
We've seen attempts to get rid of the holiday, to use it to cast aspersions on Western civilization and Western expansion that undoubtedly
was a mess.
And there were crimes on all sides.
When I say all sides, it wasn't just the settlers, or it wasn't just the troops, or it wasn't just the empires, or it wasn't just all the different native tribes.
It was all of those different countless changing factions that played into this long before white men were colonized.
North America, the Vikings certainly visited it for a thousand years before Christopher Columbus supposedly discovered it.
That's now documented.
But long before white men ever colonized it, all the native tribes did was run around and try to dominate and control each other and take over and kill the men
And then take the women and the children.
The same stuff that was going on in Europe for 10,000 years.
Same stuff going on in Africa for 10,000 years.
Same stuff going on everywhere in the world.
Humans acted the same.
And so, we never see big pieces being done on the bad things that the Native Americans did or, you know, the way they behaved.
Because it's not part of the liberation theology.
Starting in the 50s, the Ford Foundation and the Carnegie Endowment created liberation theology where they thought that Jesus would have fought back and was a revolutionary and hated capitalism and was a communist.
And so they got...
The different populations that were Christian, poor, black, Hispanic, you name it, to become liberation theologists.
And that was just one part of it.
But to teach that in the schools to everybody that America was bad, the founders were bad.
This was an undermining of the nation state and our ethos, where we came from, so that people of color particularly wouldn't have a idea in their head that they had a right to the American birthright.
Or that they've been critical parts of this great saga.
It's all just, you were good, but you were exploited, and the whites were bad.
When it was way more complex, with whites that were indentured servants, and bounties, and people basically as slaves, and company stores, and sharecroppers.
But they just continue to play on the incredible ignorance of the public.
The last few weeks, CNN claims they've broken the news that there's slave auctions in Libya.
Broken the news?
In seven different Muslim countries, they sell women on top slave blocks, you know, up on a stage.
And it's all known.
It's Muslims doing it.
But all these reports from CNN breaking, you know, this supposed news that we've been talking about forever and others have been documenting,
It's about, oh, the poor migrants, the poor babies, the poor migrants.
These are people in Africa that are being kidnapped and grabbed and sold into slavery by Muslims.
But somehow they turn it into, quote, Muslims by using the term migrant.
That's the new definition of Muslims is a migrant, never a Muslim invader.
So they take Muslims and slaving people and then turn it into the catch-all word of poor little Muslims, which is migrant.
So they know what they're doing, ladies and gentlemen.
But we're going to be covering that a lot more here during the transmission.
But I'm proud of Thanksgiving and I give thanks to you, the audience.
Thanks to God.
Thanks to my family.
Thanks to the great crew.
And I just want to thank you all for what you've done.
We have extended the specials from earlier in the week as we planned to do, but we have new specials that are added each day.
And X2 is 50% off.
Super high quality.
Just absolutely
A bunch of stuff is there.
Biggest sales ever.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Again, I want to thank you all for what you've done.
I want to thank you all for your victory, breaking your conditioning against the Globalist.
I want to encourage you all to keep supporting the broadcast by purchasing high-quality products at Infowarsstore.com, which is a win-win for everybody because they're high-quality, and it helps fund this operation.
Thank you so much.
I'm gonna shoot you straight.
InfoWars has changed the world because you've supported us.
The globalists are on the run, but they're launching counter-offensives.
And now more than ever, I am thankful for your support, and I'm asking you to visit InfoWarsStore.com.
Running right through to next week on Cyber Monday, we've got free shipping storewide, and clearly, the biggest sales in our history.
We just keep launching bigger and bigger sales.
We've got our new troping, RainForce, 50% off.
We've got so many other products there that are 50%
Thank you.
He aligns himself with the truth, but it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Okay, Mike Cernovich is co-hosting with us in this fourth hour.
We're getting him connected right now.
The footage you're about to see is really important because we're going to have even more footage.
This just happened like an hour ago.
Millie Weaver and Gavin Wentz, the camera guy, both of them intrepid reporters, just got back to the mothership here in Austin, Texas.
Hillary was here in Austin today.
Millie Weaver, our reporter, will give you the details.
She's also going to be up in Dallas now.
And we first got the reports from the Secret Service last year that Hillary was having convulsions every 45 minutes and had a black ambulance.
And that we should tell our listeners and everybody else to follow her around and get her on video.
But she had a medical tent as well.
Well, a couple weeks later, Millie and Gavin in Cleveland, Ohio, caught her in a medical tent for an hour.
Emergency stretchers, people running through.
We have that video.
A week later on September 11th, a month after we broke this news, that she was having convulsions every 45 minutes, she fell down on 9-11 in New York.
The media only showed her wobbling, didn't show the fall, and said we made it up.
But despite the fact they pulled it off the internet, the video kept getting uploaded, they had to back off.
That was a real waterloo for mainstream media.
So you went down there today, I don't know if you were wearing your Bill Clinton rape shirt.
Oh I was, I most definitely was, and I triggered a lot of people.
You would not even believe.
There were a lot of Austin liberals out there lined up to see Hillary Clinton and she was very secretive and elusive.
You know, when she even first pulled up, they had a garage that would shut so that you wouldn't capture or see her getting out of her car as to maybe hide if she were to stumble or fall.
You never know.
But it was
Very handled.
You had her whole staff there, like a bunch of cult members.
And yes, I did get harassed by her staff.
They were stalking me, following me around.
One of the private security was even pushing up into me and I had to keep telling him, stop.
I do not want you touching me.
And by the way, by next hour, you guys just got back in the last 45 minutes, you'll have all the video downloaded and ready for the war room with Owen Schroeder.
You're going to be able to show all this.
But you were telling me that they call the Austin cops, but the Austin cops, when they got there, what happened?
Yeah, I was like, please call the police.
We're on a public sidewalk.
I'm allowed to be here talking to people that consent to talk with me.
And guess what?
They brought the police and the police were totally cordial and they ended up telling Hillary's psychotic staff, cult member staff, to back off.
You can't be in my space.
You can't be touching me and pushing your body up against me.
This is Texas, and I'm sorry to say I didn't New York, where the police a lot of times will actually back the Democrats, you know, being anti-free speech.
Of course, people can't see it on radio, but you have the rape shirt down there of Bill Clinton, which became iconic in the election.
We had the contest exposing Bill Clinton as a rapist that probably turned the tide of the election.
It was our audience taking action that did that.
But alone, you having her coming out of a deal and them holding her up and holding her by the arms, clearly not just guiding her, but holding her up, thinking she may fall any minute, fits into the photos of her being helped up the stairs, or her falling down on her face, or her being helped out of the vehicle, or in the vehicle.
And now Donna Brazile is saying they looked at replacing her with Joe Biden because of her health.
And you know they had people stopping the front of the line from coming into the building so they were waiting for Hillary to get out of her vehicle so that they can then have her stumble her way into her chair in her seat and then allow people in so that she could be sitting in a stationary position while she's signing and autographing books and essentially you know we're seeing somebody having to literally lift her it looks like the guy is lifting her up out of the car.
And again, they tried to hide around the corner, they tried to hide inside where they parked her.
They're being very, very secretive.
Just like the Secret Service told us, there is a black ambulance vehicle that she uses.
Now, have we gotten Mike Cernovich on yet?
Okay, great, because I want to get Mike Cernovich's take on this before we go to the footage.
He's supposed to be hosting this hour.
I appreciate him letting us run into what he's doing at Cernovich on Twitter.
Mike, we've been on this from day one.
Obviously, we see the whole collapse of their structure, the elite turning against the Clintons.
You're going to be getting into all that coming up, but what do you make of the new footage we've got that we're about to premiere of them clearly
Hiding her around the corner and trying to hold her up under her arm, you know, like she can't walk by herself.
By itself, you'd say, eh, but you've added to all the other evidence.
This is amazing.
Yeah, and then she broke her foot by tripping down the stairs, the multiple falls, the scooby van.
People can go back and see that you and I and others have talked about the scooby van.
And they call this, of course, a conspiracy theory and even worse.
But that was from Secret Service sourcing.
Everybody knows within her, because again, it's all a drill.
It's all orchestrated.
Well that's right and even under campaign events the last few months of last year they would all circle her and the crowd was in on it.
I mean we now learn we were vindicated, this is true, this is happening.
You know, Donna Brazile also talked about how cult-like Hillary Clinton's staff is, and I can attest to you that I've been to multiple rallies, multiple Clinton-speaking events.
They are extremely cult-like, and even today, they were cult-like in the way they harassed me, stalked me, told me I needed to leave while I'm on a public sidewalk.
They're cult-like, just like Donna Brazile said, so why wouldn't Donna Brazile's testimony on Hillary Clinton's ill health also be correct?
And again, if you're a TV viewer, we are rolling this video here.
And we have it slowed down.
There she is.
Literally, it looks like being held up her arm.
Then she's like, oh look, there's cameras.
So they take their hand off.
Do you see they're shutting the gates?
They were trying to shut the gates and hide her completely walking into the event.
They did not want people getting in.
This is amazing.
I haven't even seen this yet.
It's brand new.
You're seeing it for the first time.
Wow, yeah.
No, I thought because I saw earlier on Twitter that Hillary had still been traveling in her big Scooby van and they were walking her behind the van while a bunch of fans were surrounding her and as you know that that was standard operating procedure was they would say never let anybody get her on camera.
And by the way, where is that on Twitter, Mike?
Is that Ed Cernovich?
Did you retweet that?
We want to show that right now to give us different angles of what happened.
Show it.
Tell us where to go.
Yeah, yeah, so Jack Posobiec had that on his Twitter account, where it shows Hillary being escorted to the back of her big Scooby van, and I thought that was the video we were talking about, because as we know, the media
Doesn't go behind the van because that's when they have to lift her up and prop her up.
So if you ever watch footage of her getting into the van, they always escort her to the other side away from the camera.
Sure, and you see them in the shot as they're trying to close the gate.
She's like, hey, look, and they're holding her up and then they take their hand off.
I mean, this is she is really ill.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
So yeah, I didn't even, I hadn't even seen that video.
I thought you were talking about this other video that I'm looking for and I'll retweet so that it's at the top.
Yeah, this, this is startling actually.
Can we watch that video?
Yes, let's roll that video again for TV viewers, radio listeners, InfoWars.com forward slash show.
This was literally shot like an hour and a half ago.
Millie got back like an hour ago and you can see it where they are holding her, not, not just touching her on the arm, but holding her up under the elbow.
She sees it.
So they start closing the gate.
I don't know.
Yank you up by your arm, you know.
She needed help, obviously, getting out.
Yeah, we found the video, so I retweeted it to my timeline.
So, as you can see, they're escorting her to the back of the van because they don't want to see anybody have her lift her up.
So, it's amazing.
We're going to show that when we come back from break.
Here's the footage.
Hillary's still traveling in what appears to be a modified van.
I mean, look at her hobbling out.
She's got a boot on.
Oh, wow.
Gavin, we have footage of that boot, too.
So there's the boot.
I mean, she looks like she's a person in a nursing home.
And then there's the ambulance.
There's the black ambulance.
And then she still thinks she's going to run for office in a couple years.
Well, she's walking with a limb.
Donna Brazile even came out saying she has ill health.
Well, Mike Cernovich, great job, Millie.
I'm going to let you get all the new footage ready for the war room coming up in about 45 minutes.
But I want you to be able to take over.
Well, what else is coming up, Mike Cernovich?
Oh, I didn't know.
I thought I was riding shotgun or you were riding shotgun.
We'll be happy to ride shotgun if you want.
We just don't want to hog your hour.
You've got a lot to cover.
No, no, no.
I like the panel discussions anyway because I haven't seen that video.
Tell us what you want to get into then in the next 45 minutes.
Yeah, well, you know, I think that video that you drew on was big.
I think that the sexual harassment scandals are big.
The Hollywood stuff is big.
I mean, there's so much to talk about, man.
Sure, but let me just say this.
I hadn't seen the footage that Posobiec just put out.
I mean, clearly, she's being helped out by them there.
It looks like... I mean, I'm not being mean.
My grandma just died.
The point is, she looks like a nursing home person.
And the point is, this is the elite's creature?
And then Bill Clinton looks like the Crypt Keeper?
I mean, it's like Cousin Lurch.
We'll talk about it all with Millie Weaver.
Mike Cernovich and more.
They're getting all the footage ready.
We got a bunch of it.
Hillary having to be held up in Austin, Texas.
Stay with us.
Infowars is changing the world, sending shockwaves across the planet.
The globalists understand that.
They know they have to destroy nation states.
They have to destroy Christian civilization.
They have to destroy the family.
They can't leave anything standing.
For when their great tyranny comes in, liberty will spring back up in those institutions.
They have scientifically figured out how to do this, and they're cold-blooded enough to actually try to execute it, and they've gotten a lot of their plan done.
But they were counting on operating in secret in the dark, denying all of this existed using mainstream media.
But that doesn't work anymore.
So the whole facade is now falling down around them.
When I get up here and tell you that we're one of the most influential
Organizations of the world now for the resistance.
It isn't a brag.
I'm on the front lines wearing a general outfit with the enemy shooting at me 24-7.
I'm simply telling you we've been successful, so that's good news.
But at the same time, they're coming after us because of it.
Because we're now a figurehead, a focal point.
A flag, a symbol that they want to take down and they want to destroy and they want to discredit.
They're trying to assassinate my credibility ahead of assassinating me physically.
That's what the top minds and best analysts have said and I concur with the analysis.
We're in a very serious situation so I'm asking you this Thanksgiving to understand that we wouldn't have this info war if it wasn't for you and I thank you and I appreciate you and I celebrate you.
And I cover all these negative things, not because I'm trying to make you depressed, but because I believe in you, and know that when you're faced with these globalist operations, you'll want to stand up and do something about it.
So again, I salute you, and I thank you, and I thank my family, and I thank the crew, and I thank everybody in the last 22 years for sticking with this movement, and to now see such success, the enemy's pushing back, and so now is the time for critical effort.
And that said, we're running specials all throughout this week that help fund our operation to be able to continue on under globalist attacks, under censorship, under boycotts, under lawsuits, you name it.
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So much more.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com.
I think?
Dust in a history.
They're hanging on by their nails right now.
So I'm thankful for you on this Thanksgiving, and I'm thankful for your support.
I'm asking for your support again, because we're all in this together, and we're winning.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
And Mike Cernovich and Millie Weaver.
Millie just got back like an hour ago.
There's more footage coming up this hour.
More footage on the war room with Owen Schroyer and Roger Stone.
And Mike Cernovich is one of the contributors as well.
Mike Cernovich is hosting this hour.
I'm getting out of this segment even though I'm invited because I gotta go look at all the rest of this footage and I'm gonna be listening to Mike.
But if you missed it,
Here's the footage.
You tie this in with all of her other collapsing, that she still has the ambulance, that she's hobbling around with a boot on.
I mean, she looks like she is basically living in a nursing home.
And look, look, she's an evil woman.
They tried to cover up her illnesses.
We're slowing this footage down.
There was one car, Millie was saying, behind the motorcade that got in late, so they were unable to close the gates to cover up what was happening.
Let's back that up again.
And Millie and her cameraman, Gavin Wentz, caught it on tape as she's being lifted out of the black ambulance, which is a mobile ambulance, but black, so you don't know it's a black ambulance.
This is simply incredible.
Millie, tell us about this video, narrate this for radio listeners, and what else you saw.
Well, you could tell that by the way they were having her come into the back end of the bookstore, they were trying to have it very discreet and private.
They even had gates that they could shut so that you wouldn't see it.
But like you were saying, there was a tail end of the motorcade that came in late, had some problems trying to, weaseling through, shimmying through the gate, and that's what allowed us to capture this footage.
But she could have clearly been dropped off at the very front entrance of the bookstore
And she could have waved to her fans who are sitting out there, sitting on the floor, probably waiting for hours to come see her.
But that's not what happened.
She had... Claire's day being lifted out of a vehicle.
That's right.
Which is what the Secret Service told us.
She's got to be lifted out of vehicles, put back in.
That was over a year ago.
Then she fell down a month after we were told.
And you've been on her tail, you and Gavin.
That's right, and her staff was so cult-like.
I mean, look at them all standing around.
I mean, obviously you have people there, but this guy here, he was one of the ones that followed me around.
The guy with the beard followed me around the entire time where I was, along with that other security guy in the green, and they were the ones harassing, following me, pushing their body up against me.
And what did the Austin police say to him?
The Austin police told him to stop.
They said, you know, you need to keep a distance from her and I was very grateful for the Austin police and even Hillary Clinton's crazed female staff members that came and told me I had to leave right now because I was harassing and hurting people's feelings and offending people.
They didn't seem to care that these guys were kind of manhandling me in a way and that they threatened, we're going to call the police.
They said please do call the police because
You know, I'm allowed to be here.
This is the public place.
Well, this is Hillary again, like the Secret Service told us over a year ago, having to be lifted out of vehicles.
Mike Cernovich, the Don of Brazil, all of it coming out.
The establishment turning against the Clintons.
What does this signify to you?
Well, I would like to know if the media, the New York Times, is going to report that a female journalist, Millie Weaver, was potentially assaulted in a major attack on the free press by Hillary Clinton's people.
I think that's very interesting that it's okay for a conservative or independent journalist to be manhandled by Hillary Clinton's occupier.
By Hillary's goons, who we know have gone after women before that have been abused by Bill Clinton.
And it's not the first time.
It's not the first time.
I've been to her other rallies during the campaign season, and her staff was always really crazy and attacking me.
Mike, what does this signify to you, though?
The whole establishment turning against the Clintons.
What does that signify?
Well, they're trying to regain the moral high ground which they lost by defending Anthony Weiner, Al Franken, Frankenstein's monster, Kevin Spacey, Weinstein, the whole thing.
And they know that they realized, hey, we can't falsely accuse
Right-wing people of stuff, if the real accusations against our people aren't addressed either.
So now they're going, well Bill Clinton, he's old, he's senile.
Hillary Clinton, she has Parkinson's.
Who, you know, or whatever.
Donna Brazile, by the way, confirmed again, I've never gotten an apology, confirmed that doctors who liked Hillary
We're actually emailing about her health, but again, the fake news media doesn't want to cover it.
Well sure, they fired one doctor that went public and said, listen, I'm not against her, but you know, this lady's got serious medical problems.
Yeah, Dr. Drew lost his whole show.
Remember that?
I mean, the cover-up!
It really shows how high the cover-up goes, as Dr. Drew, very popular, he's a liberal by the way, he's not one of us, and he just said, wow, there's something wrong here, boom, show canceled.
The machine, that's what they would do to protect the Clintons.
But the Clintons aren't giving up, and their minions aren't, so when you've got an immovable object comes into the unstoppable force, you get explosions.
Exactly, but now that the Clintons lack power,
They're saying, well, we'll just throw Bill Clinton away because he can't raise money for us.
Even Senator Gilbrand, she goes, oh, Bill Clinton should have been removed from office after the Monica Lewinsky affair, which by the way, no, he shouldn't have.
So she's now basically agreeing with the impeachment.
Right, even though she was with him all last year, raising money, cha-cha-ching.
Well, you know, Bill Clinton was actually impeached for lying.
He was impeached for lying.
It wasn't the act, actually, of having sex.
Yeah, no, it was consensual with her.
I don't think that was an issue.
It should be an issue with Christian voters or whatever.
They cover up consensual sex like it's the raping or pedophilia.
No, it's not.
But then they don't want to talk about the actual cases, like, you know, Kathleen, Willie, and... Exactly.
So let me ask you this question, Anne Mike Cernovich.
Why are they trying to mix normal sexual relationships in with, like, pedophilia and rape?
It's not going to work.
It seems like an attack on heterosexual relationships in general, an attack on the family.
Now what do you think, Mike?
I think that's what it is.
Yeah, well, I've said this before, too, and I know that it resounded because the Southern Poverty Law Center was really upset.
As I said, the reason that they're attacking us is because they want to attack the nuclear family, and that is why they are trying to destroy us whenever they can.
They want the degeneracy, and also what they're trying to do is they want it, and the Washington Post did this.
Let's re-examine the Roy Moore story.
If WaPo had only run one story where a 14-year-old girl accused Roy Moore of what he did, I think I would have believed it actually.
But it was all package-targeted, ready, and a bunch of it's been proven to be fake.
Yeah, and then they go, oh, and there was an 18-year-old, and then the media lumped them all in as accusers, right?
So watch the trick the media did.
The media goes,
Four women have accused Roy Moore.
Well, no they didn't.
If an 18 year old girl says, I went on a date with a guy and we had an ice cream cone and he never did anything.
That's not an accusation.
That's not an accusation.
There's nothing wrong with that, right?
But then they go, oh, but... I mean, the real deal is, I think it's a little creepy, but it's not illegal.
The guy is a stud, okay?
The point is, his problem is he wasn't raping him, he wasn't a pedophile, then he'd be in the club.
Yeah, so I wasn't, you know, I wasn't defending him being 32 years old, walking around in his suit at a shopping mall.
Yeah, I mean, I think it's creepy.
It's like a creepy, studly guy.
But, you know, and there could be something real.
The point is, if something real comes out, we're going to throw him overboard.
The Democrats are still defending, you know, MSNBC and they are defending Al Franken.
But in some of these states, it wasn't illegal to go on a date with someone in that age group.
For me, it's creepy, but is it Harvey Weinstein?
What do you think, Mike?
Well, yeah, and did you notice that Gloria Allred, when she went on the news, she said she wouldn't admit that the signature was authentic.
Have you guys played that footage yet?
No, I saw that.
I had that in the clip, I never got to it.
In fact, you know, we've got that when we come back.
Grills Allred over more accusers, and she went on to say she wouldn't say it was real.
You can see her on video.
It's amazing.
I can neither confirm nor deny, you know, lawyer speak.
Well, Mike, we're going to be watching and gearing up for the next show.
I know you're going to be tweeting on a lot of stuff.
Big breaking news here.
Great team effort.
Everybody getting this out.
You're taking over.
If you want that clip, we have Katie Turr, Grills Gloria Allred over it and a lot more straight ahead on the other side with Mike Cernovich.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
Before we even had civilization 6,000 years ago, humans communicated through the clothing that they wore, the society they were part of, what class they were from.
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This shirt is the second oldest shirt in our arsenal.
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And of course, we've seen the NFL taking a knee.
Uh, during the national anthem to basically piss on the American flag.
That's disrespectful.
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Thank you all for your support, and check out the amazing Liberty Apparel at InfowarsStore.com.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen, right here on the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Mike Cernovich.
And we're back.
Mike Cernovich.
Facebook.com forward slash Mike Cernovich is where you can find a lot of great videos.
Today, by the way, 40th birthday.
Happy birthday to me.
But even though it is my birthday and this war against the globalists, we don't get days off.
So I'm actually going to a wonderful trip.
I'm going to leave right after this actually, take a great trip, have a nice weekend away.
But you all are too important for me to not be with today because
I'm not always able to talk with you on Fridays because I just wrapped up production on a big film.
Everybody's so busy.
That's the thing is we do live in a golden era of media and journalism.
I right now am sitting on a bombshell story that will rock the halls of Congress that I'm working on.
I'm here talking with all of you.
We're building a big film that I was doing.
That's in post-production.
Alex is building
The studio's out.
And this is why the support from all of you is so important, and why the product specials matter so much, because there are no outside advertisers for Alex.
There's no outside advertisers for me.
This is all 100% listener funded, and a lot of people don't get it.
I hear from people in right-wing media all the time.
You know, Mike, I can't make any money doing this.
Mike, you know this.
Mike, that.
Because Toyota Corolla
Isn't going to advertise with right-wing media with the media that tells the truth.
You're not going to get Mercedes-Benz.
You're not going to get BMW.
Keurig, the coffee maker, they even pulled out some Hannity, right?
Hot dog companies pulled their ass from Hannity.
You name it.
So that's why the support of the listeners are important, but it's a two-way commitment.
That's why I'm here on a Friday on my birthday with you, because your support matters.
And I thank you for the support that you've given me, the support that you've given the whole InfoWars crew, because there are a lot of people who are very grateful for all the support you are giving.
And you give that every time you order and you get stuff on auto ship.
And you buy the products while they're on special, subscribe and save.
Caveman True Paleo Formula, that's the product that I always plug because that's the one I personally use.
With me, I just don't plug anything, right?
I just don't, because I don't plug anything that I don't take.
But I know the Caveman stuff is amazing.
It's collagen.
I've done smoothie recipes before with frozen berries.
Smoothie recipes with a banana, almond milk.
You throw in some Caveman True Paleo strawberry formula with some frozen blueberries and a banana, and you have all the nutrition you need for your joints and other parts of your body.
And that's the one that I think is the best.
And so thank you again for your support.
And let's get back to, well, that is fun, by the way.
You know, I'm actually publishing an article today, 40 life lessons when I turn 40.
Which is kind of like cliche, but it's kind of cool.
Those things tend to go viral.
And we do want our message of positivity to go viral.
I really don't like that people don't realize how positive and upbeat and fun Alex is.
You see a side of that on the show.
But, you know, what we're doing is warfare every day.
Warfare against a globalist.
Warfare against a pedophile Hollywood establishment.
Very important to remember, though, to spend time with your family, to reflect, to be good to one another.
That's ultimately the message from me, the message from the whole Infowars team is we want to make the world better.
The fake news media, they have to lie about us, actually, to make us look bad, because all we want to do is make the world a better place.
We want you to be healthier, wealthier, wiser, and every day.
And that's why we share real news, where I got to give credit to NBC.
I never thought I would say this.
But NBC did some real journalism.
This video you're about to watch, I couldn't believe I watched this on NBC, I'll be completely honest with you.
This video you're about to watch, a journalist named Katie Tuerer actually does real journalism and confronts Gloria Allred about potential forgery accusations
So I want you, if you're at home listening, very attentively, and if you're watching, to watch attentively.
Let's play that clip, and then let's analyze it once it's over.
At this point, I have no reason to believe that what he wrote in the yearbook is anything but his signature.
Does your client, Beverly Young Nelson, remember him signing it?
She remembers being with him.
It was on the counter.
She alleges that he took it, that he signed it, and she was thrilled that he had signed it because, as far as she knew, he was a DA and that was an important position.
So she saw him sign it?
I don't think at the time she had a clue whether he was an assistant DA or a DA, but he signed it, she took it,
As far as she knows, there's no reason for her to think it's anything but his signature.
But did she see him sign it?
You know, I don't...
I haven't asked her if she saw him, but we did describe what happened that evening in question, that what she alleges was that she put it on the counter, that I think that he asked to sign, or that he did sign it, that's all.
I ask this because it seems like you're not 100% sure that it is his signature, and if you're not 100% sure that it is his signature, why would you show it at a press conference?
Well, why does anybody doubt that it is his signature?
Well, Roy Moore's campaign is saying, and Roy Moore himself is saying, it's not his signature.
Well, he has a motive to say that, and let him prove that it's not.
We have offered to provide it to an independent expert at the hearing, which would be held in Washington, and we have allowed it to be examined.
Have you gotten any response from anybody in Congress?
I have no reason.
They have not provided me any evidence to suggest that it is not his signature.
All they've done is make this bold assertion that it's not, but they have not provided any evidence whatsoever to support their assertion.
Of course they have a motive to make that assertion because he is denying, first he denied even knowing her,
Then he, uh, he compounded that, uh, or confused that whole issue by saying something to the effect that, oh, well, she appeared before him in a divorce case, and, uh, apparently that does not appear to be accurate either.
I would, I, I'm telling people if you want to
Witness a master class in deception.
How to spot a liar.
Just watch that video with the sound on and then the sound off.
Can you say KD Tour?
By the way, all credit to KD Tour.
I don't do this very often, but I always believe that we should give credit because that's integrity.
I always believe that as hard as I am on the fake news, I don't have a problem with real journalism.
I have a problem with fake news and I tip my hat to Katie Tour there.
That was a master class in exposing a liar.
Gloria Allred would not defend her client.
So, I don't know what to say.
I'll tell you this 100% confession, my confession time.
A story I got wrong.
People told me that that yearbook signature was fake.
I'm going to tell you right away that I told people, guys, that sounds like a conspiracy theory.
I don't believe it.
Leave me alone.
The idea, maybe I'm just naive.
The idea that they would go to that length to forge a signature like this, right?
So you can read my tweets where I told people that I believe the yearbook was authentic.
I told people that I thought it was a conspiracy theory to doubt it.
And now I'm the one who looks like the fool.
But you gotta own your mistakes in life, and I own that mistake.
I accused a lot of people of spreading conspiracy theory about a Ford signature, but Gloria Allred right there confirmed the conspiracy theory.
She's the one who won't stand by her client.
This is her client.
She doesn't trust her own client.
She doesn't believe it's true.
She's hedging her bet.
So Gloria Allred is now the person who has cast that entire signature into doubt, and that really goes to show the real problem of fake news.
They had me conned.
And I spot fake news for a living.
I'm doing a documentary on fake news called Hoax.
Even with my great ability to spot media hoaxes, even I, Mike Cernovich, fell victim to the con of the fake news media and that forgery.
So that goes to show I don't know how much can you trust on the news.
Probably none of it.
But you can trust InfoWars.com.
Infowars is changing the world, sending shockwaves across the planet.
The globalists understand that.
They know they have to destroy nation states, they have to destroy Christian civilization, they have to destroy the family.
They can't leave anything standing.
Or when their great tyranny comes in, liberty will spring back up in those institutions.
They have scientifically figured out how to do this, and they're cold-blooded enough to actually try to execute it, and they've gotten a lot of their plan done.
But they were counting on operating in secret in the dark, denying all of this existed using mainstream media.
But that doesn't work anymore.
So the whole facade is now falling down around them.
When I get up here and tell you that we're one of the most influential organizations in the world now for the
It isn't a brag.
I'm on the front lines wearing a general outfit with the enemy shooting at me 24-7.
I'm simply telling you we've been successful, so that's good news, but at the same time they're coming after us because of it.
Because we're now a figurehead, a focal point, a flag, a symbol that they want to take down and they want to destroy and they want to discredit.
They're trying to assassinate my credibility ahead of assassinating me physically.
That's what the top minds and best analysts have said, and I concur with the analysis.
We're in a very serious situation, so I'm asking you this Thanksgiving to understand that we wouldn't have this info war if it wasn't for you, and I thank you, and I appreciate you, and I celebrate you, and I cover all these negative things, not because I'm trying to make you depressed, but because I believe in you.
And know that when you're faced with these globalist operations, you'll want to stand up and do something about it.
So again, I salute you, and I thank you, and I thank my family, and I thank the crew, and I thank everybody in the last 22 years for sticking with this movement.
And to now see such success, the enemy's pushing back, and so now is the time for critical effort.
And that said, we're running specials all throughout this week to help fund our operation to be able to continue on under globalist attacks, under censorship, under boycotts, under lawsuits, you name it.
You've taken us this far, and if you'll just get the great products we have that are great for you and your family, and symbiotically then support us, nothing can stop us, ladies and gentlemen, when you stand up and vote with your dollars, vote with your euros, and get the products at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're running a special from Monday, when I'm shooting this right now, right through next Monday on Cyber Monday, eight days from now, when we do a special 36-hour broadcast.
On Monday, we have Brain Force that's been sold out, 50% off the Great Nootropic and free shipping storewide.
We've got Tuesday, November 21st, Silver Bullet, $9.95, 50% off.
Knockout Sleep Aid, 50% off.
Wednesday, Super Mel Vitality, 50% off.
Living Defense, 50% off.
Thursday on Thanksgiving, 50% off all the high-quality, storable foods.
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So much more.
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Please pray for us.
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We will win together.
We will have a renaissance.
We will go to the stars.
And we will kick these social engineers, control freaks, psychopaths' ass into the dustbin of history.
They're hanging on by their nails right now.
So I'm thankful for you on this Thanksgiving, and I'm thankful for your support, and I'm asking for your support again, because we're all in this together, and we're winning!
News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Mike Cernovich.
And we're back with the final segment.
Mike Cernovich.
You can find me at facebook.com forward slash Mike Cernovich.
Here to talk about, and we'll call this segment, how Congress covers up
Sexual misconduct, sexual harassment and sexual assault by its members.
This is very, very disturbing stuff that I'm about to break a bigger story on probably Monday.
We'll see.
It's a very big story.
Everybody in Congress is going to feel it.
It'll be on the level of the Susan Rice story.
So stay tuned for that.
But what I've been learning is that if we click on to, um, uh, Reed Wilson had a tweet where the Congressional Office of Compliance releases a year by year breakdown
Of harassment, claims and settlements.
So we're going to take a look at this chart and for those of you just listening in, excuse me, for those of you listening in, we'll just read it to you and those of you at home can watch.
There is a star chamber designed to completely silence victims of sexual misconduct by congressmen.
So it's called the Congressional Office of Compliance.
Now under federal law,
Under federal law, any complaint a staffer makes against a congressman or congresswoman, it has to be kept confidential.
It goes to this very quiet little star chamber where you don't have any due process of law, government attorneys bully you, berate you, they do anything they can to keep quiet.
And then if they settle the lawsuit with you, under law, under federal law, it would be a violation of federal law for you to go public with this.
So what are they hiding?
Well, we're about to reveal a lot of this because when I found this chart where they talked about the number of settlements every year, there was one year I believe there was something like four million dollars in settlements.
I can see if I can pull the chart up real quick because the numbers are startling.
In 2007,
25 sexual misconduct cases were settled, $4 million.
In 2002, 10 were settled for $3.9 million.
And then in other years, you have $400,000, $800,000, $806,000.
Big numbers.
Now, we, the taxpayers, are paying this.
This should be a way bigger story.
As bad as Al Franken's video was, maybe some people could say, well, it was a joke.
Do I agree with that?
Look, you know, I've said a few things trolling that I shouldn't have said.
Let he, you know, I'm not going to cast a lot of stones, but this is not a joke.
This is taxpayer money being paid out for the misconduct of members of Congress, many of whom are multi-millionaires.
They're using taxpayer money
To seduce women and then when the women complain or when they're not being seduced, when they're actually being harassed, our money is paying them to go away and it's all silent.
So we have to get this out there.
So what I've done is, and it's my pin tweet right now, I'm offering a cash reward for a list of these settlements.
So I have said that I will give $10,000
I would give $10,000.
Cash, Bitcoin, check, whatever people want to do.
I want to know about these settlements.
The fake news media, by the way, has always known about this Office of Compliance and these secret star chambers.
But most of these people who are engaging misconduct, as we're now learning, are Democrats.
So the media, rather than doing their job and finding out who is doing this,
They're covering up for Democrats yet again.
But they can't cover up for Democrats anymore because now they want to come after Roy Moore.
Now suddenly they care.
Oh, Roy Moore, they got to go after Roy Moore.
Well, where were they when Anthony Weiner was sexting underage girls?
Which, by the way, was caught on camera.
Anthony Weiner is going to prison because he was caught on camera
Seducing a 15-year-old.
The media reported that he was, you know, in a lot of trouble.
But they didn't report that he was married to Uma.
He had access to classified emails, classified information.
This man, this sexual predator, was almost in the White House.
He was a great friend of Chuck Schumer.
You notice that the media never called Democrats and said, hey Chuck Schumer, do you disavow Anthony Weiner?
They said, oh, we'll report on the charges against them, but we're not going to hold Democrats accountable.
You can't hold... Here's how the media plays it.
Mike, you can't expect us to blame every Democrat for something another Democrat does, even when he was part of the Clinton's inner circle, even when Bill Clinton officiated Wieners and Uma's wedding.
Mike, you can't do that.
That's an unfair standard to do.
So we're not going to do it.
But then suddenly,
When Roy Moore is accused, in some cases of merely going on a date for ice cream with an 18-year-old, that's an accusation.
If you're a Republican, going on a date and eating an ice cream cone with an 18-year-old, that constitutes an accusation, right?
But if you're 15 years old and you're, you know, sexually assaulting young girls, 15-year-olds, and it's on camera, well, you know, that isn't the fault of Democrats.
Well, with Roy Moore, within 44 minutes,
Our media had called every Republican in the Senate and demanded a statement and asked them to disavow Roy Moore, who, by the way, is not in the Senate.
Let's be quite clear about this.
Roy Moore is not in the Senate.
So isn't it interesting how when it's a Republican accused of something, even if it's just merely going and having an ice cream cone with an 18-year-old,
The media's all over it.
They're calling every Republican, you better do something about it.
You better say something about it.
But when it's a Democrat caught on camera doing something bad, the media goes, oh, come on, guys, you're being unreasonable.
You can't expect every Democrat to take personal responsibility for what one bad apple did, right?
It's always a bad apple.
Oh, it's just a bad apple.
Even though over and over it's been shown that Democrats are actually the real
Democrats are the real rapists.
So yeah, 25 senators disavowed Roy Moore within like a matter of minutes because every reporter was on the phone calling them.
Well, how many senators have disavowed Al Franken?
Where's that story?
That's what the media, and that's why they hate us and they want to get us all banned and everything, because if it weren't for us, they wouldn't have even reported on Al Franken.
I called the media people out.
It was noon, Eastern Standard Time, before Chris L. Hayes, Dave Weigel of the Washington Post, Matty Iglesias of Vox.
You name a high-level Democrat, they waited hours.
And I call them high-level Democrats because if you do work in the mainstream media,
For the Washington Post or CNN, that's what you are, you're a high-level Democrat.
It took them hours, and then I'm on social media going through their timelines, screencapping and saying, look, we haven't heard anything from these high-level Democrat operatives in the media.
And then suddenly they realized, oh, we're getting caught.
Well, we got to ban Cernovich one of these days, but until we have him banned, because I'm like the Socrates of Twitter, right?
I'm the gadfly.
I'm the guy saying, well, wait a minute, Chris Alhaze, you were just saying that every Republican has to disavow Roy Moore, but now you're not even talking about Al Franken, who is caught on camera.
What about that?
So using the Socratic method, because I am the Socrates of Twitter, they hate me and they do want to give me the hemlock.
And virtual Hemlock.
They want me removed from the internet virtually.
And I do sincerely believe, based on reasonable information, that they do want me killed with literal Hemlock if they had the power and could get away with it.
But luckily there are people watching out for us.
And indeed WAPO even ran a column by Kate Harding who says, I'm a feminist, but we should keep Al Franken in office.
So this is an amazing column.
I encourage everybody to read it.
Where she goes, I'm a feminist, I study rape culture, and I don't want Al Franken to resign.
The mask has slipped off.
She admits it doesn't matter what you do.
You can be a rapist if you're a Democrat.
If you're a Democrat and you're caught on camera molesting a woman, they'll even call it a virtual grope.
This was a great line from, you know, NBC, because we praised Katie Tour on NBC.
For actually asking Gloria Allred real questions.
Another commentator on NBC had said, well, Al Franken didn't grope her.
It was a mock groping.
Boy, they really want to look at camera angles when it's a Democrat, right?
So even when you give them
Even when you give them a picture, they're like, well, you know, were his fingers technically touching her?
Was it merely hovering?
NBC Pundit said, not actually groping is mock groping.
The level of mental gymnastics they'll go through to protect their own.
So that's why I'm grateful that Kate Harding in the Washington Post said, oh, we know he groped her.
But who cares?
He's one of us and we will protect our own.
So keep that in mind when they call you, the great listeners, when they call you a conspiracy theorist.
The conspiracy is now out in the open where they admit that they conspire to cover up for their own side.
Great hour.
Thanks, everybody.
You can again find me facebook.com forward slash Mike Cernovich or twitter.com forward slash C-E-R-N-O-V-I-C-H.
Let's talk to Danny.
Let's talk to Dr. Group.
You're on the air, Danny.
The nascent iodine, the B12, and the super male are incredible products.
Thank you.
I would like to ask Dr. Group, are there any supplements or products that help promote the growth of stem cells, and would you consider making one if there is?
Well, the DNA force is probably the biggest product that's designed to do that, but the fastest way to stimulate stem cells, and this was a study by USC, we were talking about it earlier, is water-only fasting.
I haven't found anything in my over 20 years of research that can actually stimulate stem cell production as fast as water-only fasting can do it.
And according to USC, in 72 hours you can regenerate your entire immune system.
And it reboots itself.
So, I mean, think about that.
You can go overseas to Thailand and get a $120,000 stem cell treatment, or maybe a $50,000 stem cell treatment, or you can do it for $1.99 a day with spring water or distilled water.
Let me be clear.