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Name: 20171117_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 17, 2017
3322 lines.

In this radio broadcast, Alex Jones discusses sexual harassment allegations against Al Franken and criticises mainstream media for ignoring reports of settlements made by members of Congress. He also talks about the effects of high soy intake on testosterone levels and mental health, the dangers of modern art being used to destroy masculinity and femininity, and the importance of protecting one's health through informed decisions regarding vaccines and other products. Jones promotes various InfoWars products while discussing issues related to free speech, globalism, and political correctness.

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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are in the process of a time of great enlightenment, of revealing, taking place.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
First off, though, here is a powerful report from John Bowne.
I'm sorry, I'm having a personal crisis.
What am I going to do?
Oh, poor baby.
Why don't you make an amends to her?
Tell her how genuinely sorry you are.
She's gotta accept that.
Leigh-Anne Tweeden, a model, sports broadcaster, and TV host, has revealed the behind-the-scenes harassment she endured on a USO tour with Senator Al Franken emceeing.
Al came up to me and he's like well we we need to rehearse our kiss and I'm like yeah okay and I just blew him off you know because I'm thinking we don't need to rehearse the kiss I mean we're doing a live you know 60 second skit in front of troops are not filming a movie right and so I blew him off because I didn't think he was serious and then he kind of said it again he's like well we need to rehearse the kiss Leanne and
I'm like, okay, Al, okay, you turn your head to the right, I'll turn my head to the right.
Okay, we got this.
It was relentless.
That's what I could hear in his voice, right?
He started getting relentless and I'm like, why is he insisting that we have to rehearse the damn kiss?
I mean, it's just a, it's like a fake kiss, right?
This is all I could think about.
Good God, Al!
You know, it's not SNL for goodness sakes, right?
We rehearse the line and I'm coming towards him and he comes up and he grabs me and he puts his hand behind my head and he aggressively comes in and he mashes his mouth up against mine and he sticks his tongue in my mouth.
And as it happens, it happens so fast and he puts his tongue in my mouth and his mouth is just wet and slimy and to this day I call them fish lips, okay?
Because it's disgusting.
Back in January, Franken went for the jugular on the GOP, championing sexual assault victims.
25% of American women say they have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.
And recent high-profile revelations about abuse, for example, former Fox News chairman Roger Ailes' abuse of his employees, as well as the allegations of sex bias at Kay and Sterling Jewelers, demonstrate that we are far from addressing this issue on a broader scale.
So I urge my Republican colleagues
To reconsider their support for this resolution, I urge them not to force vulnerable women.
Who have been wronged into the dark.
Franken's hypocrisy even went so far as to silence dissent among American news media.
And the power trip isn't just resonating from Franken's office.
Two unnamed current members of Congress have engaged in sexual harassment.
One of them allegedly exposing themselves to a staffer.
Like so many of you, I have a Me Too story to share.
I was working as a congressional staffer.
The chief of staff held my face, kissed me, and stuck his tongue in my mouth.
So I know what it's like to keep these things hidden deep down inside.
I know what it's like to lie awake in bed at night wondering if I was the one who had done something wrong.
I know what it's like years later to remember that rush of humiliation and anger.
You know what?
Many of us in Congress know what it's like.
Because Congress has been a breeding ground for a hostile work environment for far too long.
That's why I'm reaching out to congressional staff and to former congressional staff to share their Me Too Congress stories if they feel comfortable in doing so.
Representative Jackie Speier also recently revealed that Congress has paid out 260 harassment settlements in the last 20 years to the tune of 15 million taxpayer dollars.
Talk about hypocrisy.
It's gotten so bad that congressional staffers
Signed an open letter demanding mandatory harassment training for the hordes of perverted power-mad congressmen and congresswomen darkening the doorsteps of our nation's capital.
Al Franken should resign today because he's simply the first domino to fall.
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.com.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
The transmission is straight ahead.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Last time I checked, more than $8 billion had been paid out since 1983 to the Secret Vaccine Damage Fund by a secret federal court whose job it is to cover up the deaths, the brain damage, the paralyzations that have happened by the hundreds of thousands.
Quite frankly, the millions that have been brain damaged.
We're going to be breaking that down today because there's another secret fund we just learned about in Congress to pay off the sexual harassment and sexual assault of women, and yes, men, and yes, underage pages that are raped on the desk.
That's all coming up today and more.
But first, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to get to a powerful report by Paul Joseph Watson dealing with
A new type of superhero that we're dealing with, and of course that soy boy.
Now a lot of these folks that have been damaged by this, and the other estrogen mimickers that are in our environment, like their enslavement.
So we found the only way to reach out to him is kind of making a sick joke about it.
But it's hurting all of us, and it's hyper-feminizing women and accelerating breast cancer and other problems in the womb as well.
So I want to get to this powerful report, and then we'll get into the science behind it after that, tie it into vaccines, and so much more, because this is a directed agenda.
It's an admitted social engineering agenda to break up the family, to discredit men,
Emasculate men and more.
Here's Paul Joseph Watson's report.
Is soy food consumption turning men into p**** and making them more likely to adopt left-wing beliefs?
You've probably seen the BuzzFeed Try Guys video where they measure their testosterone and it's literally half or less the normal level for a man.
Their testosterone is so low it's below the average for an 85 to 100 year old man.
We're all super fricking hot.
Imagine my shock.
And as we know, the only men who seriously watch BuzzFeed are tofu-eating, male-feminist virtue-signalling, beta-orbiter soyboys.
Which led me to this, one of the funniest things on Twitter ever.
This guy's compiled a huge list of the most virulently insufferable far-leftists on Twitter.
And guess what?
They all consume soy products in copious quantities.
Soy boys!
Remember Will Wheaton, the twat who insulted Christians immediately after the Texas church massacre of Christians.
He's a soy boy!
The pez-neck New York Antifa professor who constantly tweets about wanting cops to be killed.
He's a soy boy!
Casey Newton, the Verge editor who said he'd walk through fire for Hillary Clinton.
He's a soy boy!
That's the Chew, the Jeopardy winner who's such a good feminist.
He wants to wipe out all men and admits he can't satisfy his wife.
He's a soy boy.
He's such a soy boy he thinks Starbucks charging extra for soy milk is racist.
This guy who said he was suicidal because he's ethnically white.
He's a soy boy.
This Tumblr male feminist who brags about how woke he is.
He's a soy boy.
This dude who's such an ardent feminist he took his wife's last name.
He's a soy boy.
This idiot who thinks saying all lives matter is racist and hates his own family because they're conservative.
He's a soy boy.
This communist who thinks anyone who disparages soy is a fascist.
He's a soy boy.
Jesse Cox, the comedian who said he'd rather die than see America stop taking in refugees.
He'd be a soy boy.
And that's the thing.
There seems to be an even closer correlation between male feminist virtue signalers who defend Muslim refugees
And their soy fetish.
Despite the fact that the mass importation of people from a society that literally produced something called the rape game is putting more women at risk than ever before.
Yeah, not very feminist that, is it?
Say it loud, say it clear.
Refugees are welcome here.
Delicious tofu dog.
Soy boy.
If the U.S.
cared about civilians in Syria, maybe it shouldn't have stopped accepting them as refugee.
When your local Thai food spot calls you back to make sure you only want two orders of tofu, drunk and noodle, because you usually order three.
Soy boy.
If you're LGBT and support Trump's Muslim and refugee bans, you're putting many of our brothers and sisters at risk.
And f**k you!
Soy isn't healthy?
Okay, but I'm literally using it as a dairy substitute, so what's your point?
Soy boy.
Non-refugee men are far more likely to be rapists statically.
Stop being a xenophobe!
This guy posted a picture of his soy-filled fridge, then said if his own son turned into a woman because of eating too much soy.
He wouldn't see it as a negative.
Soy boy.
I wonder if the Norwegian guy who felt guilty about the Muslim migrant who raped him being deported is also a soy boy.
Bet he is.
What is it about soy that turns men into such spineless wimps?
I mean, this guy is such a total b****.
He is stunning!
Soybeans contain high amounts of phytoestrogens, organic compounds that mimic the female hormone estrogen in the human body.
This reduces testosterone and lowers male sperm count.
Men who eat half a serving of soy a day have 34 million fewer sperm per millimetre than those who don't.
Men with low testosterone have impaired sexual functioning.
They lose their libido.
Men with high estrogen take on feminine traits.
They find it harder to handle stress.
They become less assertive.
They become low energy.
Their voices get higher, their genitals shrink, they lose muscle tone and they lose hair.
The fact that they use soy therapy for women that are post-menopause, meaning that their femininity has sort of dropped, right?
They don't have as much estrogen.
They use soy
To produce more womanly hormones for those types of women is a clear indicator to me that I don't want to take that s*** because I don't want to be more womanly.
Men with high testosterone handle dramatic situations better.
They don't get scared by loud noises.
Low testosterone is also linked with mood swings and depression.
It's a constant source of interest to me how my most obsessive and vehement haters on the left always relentlessly complain about how maniacally depressed they are.
Studies have repeatedly shown how liberals are more unhappy than conservatives.
Every year since 1972 when Pew began its study,
Significantly more Republicans have reported themselves to be very happy compared to Democrats.
Soy lowers testosterone, and low testosterone causes depression.
Obviously it's not the only factor, but consider this.
In 1992, soy food sales in the U.S.
stood at $300 million a year.
They now stand at over $4 billion a year.
This has coincided with a substantial drop in men's testosterone levels in the U.S.
since the 80s.
According to Dr. Thomas Travison and his colleagues behind one such study, the average levels of the male hormone are dropping by about 1% per year.
This means that a 40-year-old man in 2017 would have testosterone levels about 20% lower than a 40-year-old in 1997.
All of those soybeans contain
Phytoestrogens, that's plant estrogens, and they are a form of estrogenizing influence on the body.
They create hormonal havoc.
They create endocrine disruption.
And who's most at risk?
Well, boys who were on soy infant formula when they were babies, boys who grew up and their brains and bodies developed on soy milk and other phytoestrogenic foods.
And young men and older men who get health conscious and start drinking a lot of soy milk and eating soy shakes and soy energy bars.
Moogs can be one of the side effects.
After retired U.S.
Army intelligence officer James Price was diagnosed with gynecomastia, he was found to have estrogen levels in his bloodstream.
Eight times the normal limit for men.
Take a rough guess at what Price's favorite drink was.
Soy milk.
Parents are switching their infants over to soy baby formula in droves.
25% of babies in America are now fed soy infant formula.
A baby exclusively fed soy formula receives the estrogenic equivalent of at least five birth control pills per day.
So that suggests that rather than people with already pre-existing left-wing beliefs being attracted to vegan-style tofu soy diets, we're actually creating an army of soy boys from birth.
What a terrifying thought.
And let's be clear, I'm not talking about gay people.
I don't think soy changes sexuality.
I'm talking about effeminate acting straight guys.
Let's call them tri-guys.
When it comes to men actually behaving and acting like men, soy is the silent killer.
We're losing an entire generation of young men to soy men.
If you don't want to develop a bunch of retarded beliefs about how inviting in millions of rapey migrants is a great idea, about how anyone to the right of Michael Moore is literally Hitler,
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, more straight ahead.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
There was a group of seven families hired by the British Crown in 1855 to do a genetic breed line test to try to discover why the royal family was having so many genetic problems.
They were also seeking to discover the makeup of the human DNA.
They were postulating they could discover what we were made of and that they would also develop systems of social control over the population.
A grandson of that breeding program, Aldous Huxley, wrote A Brave New World in 1932.
Now there's a reason that he put the book out.
He later said in 1961 in a speech at Berkeley and in a book titled Brave New World Revisited that they were going to put chemicals in the food and water to make men basically feminine and then to hype women up into a hyper feminine state but that was only phase one.
They would then completely remove
Humans having intercourse, and humans would be created in the Petri dish.
We're now here.
So you have to understand, this is a plan.
You read something written in 1932, that was close to a hundred years of advanced research knowledge.
They invented biometrics, everything.
His brother went on to run the United Nations World Government Program for UNESCO, that is then adopted by all the major nation states.
The reason I point that out is,
When we talk about is soy making us feminine?
Is soy driving down sperm counts?
Well, it's weaponized soy.
They grind up the core of the soy and put it in soy milk, not just the outside of the soy.
So yes, it has caused a lot of genetic things in Asian men over generations.
I'm not going to go into all the genetic things.
Everybody knows what's happened.
And now it's being done on a hyper level with the new types of soy where they don't
Get rid of the part of the plant that's even higher in estrogen.
And this is a estrogen drug that men are on.
So you wonder why they're so depressed, freaking out, hating everyone, trying to be feminine.
They are taking weapons grade levels.
Now, women that take this, it grows super fast cancers in the ovaries, super fast cancers in the uterus, super fast cancers in the breast tissue.
It's a admitted fact.
Glyphosate does it as well.
And you sit here and warn people, and the soy makers push the Google results and others, where you've got all their debunking at the top that's total lies.
It is an absolute fact that soy alone is a main contributor.
And then you've got the estrogen makers, they use in printer ink, all the major printer inks.
It's just overwhelming.
It's not debatable.
Just like vaccines cause what they say they're stopping most of the time, don't protect you.
I've got a big stack of news and government reports right from it.
They put out puff pieces for Google at the top that are all total lies.
But it's a fact and I've got all the statistics, the numbers from the government, from the CDC internally in 2000 saying we've got to stop this.
It's caused millions of people to be brain damaged.
We've paid out billions of dollars secretly, just like they pay out secretly for the sexual harassment.
This is the big issue.
So Paul Joseph Watson has a very, very important report.
It's titled, Soy Boy, to try to reach out to these people and show them why they're so depressed, why they're so unhealthy, and why they're so crazy, hyper-feminine, hysterical, from the Greek word, or you can go back to Latin, I guess after that, dealing with the uterus.
Or a hysterectomy.
He cut out the hysteria.
The point is that that's what's happening with these people.
And it's a scientific plan.
And the article's on newswars.com about the soy boy phenomenon.
But it's a very, very serious issue.
Men from just 20 years ago
Already have a massive reduction in testosterone.
If you go back 40 years, it's even more intense.
Men have less than half the testosterone they did.
This is a program in the West.
As soon as other countries become westernized, the same thing happens.
Let me show you some photos of Clint Eastwood, not a big steroid head, not a hyper-masculine guy, but a guy who's almost 90 years old and who exercises and takes care of himself.
I mean, there he is back in the 50s, okay?
Clint Eastwood, classical masculine traits, okay?
Longevity, strong, productive, honorable, hard-working guy, quit his big career to be in the Korean War, even though he was already a star, came back after that, a great patriot.
Let's look at the modern male.
Let's put him on screen, I'll describe him for radio listeners.
Wearing a shirt that says, white males are terrorists, white men are terrorists, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is a male.
That is not a
The person's been contacted, it's been identified.
So that is a man who absolutely then sees what's left of old masculinity, and because they don't have it, they hate it.
This is classical projection, ladies and gentlemen.
So, there you go.
And then people revel in being unhealthy, revel in being weak, revel in being mentally ill, because they're addicted to the poison.
A heroin head will make excuses about why they're on heroin.
An alcoholic will do the same thing.
These people are addicted to super weaponized estrogen.
And they are whacked out of their brains, and they don't know how to get out of it, and they don't know why they have the highest suicide rates, or why they're so depressed, or why things are so horrible.
Because this is what has been done to them by design.
And that's the bottom line.
The globalists admit that they social engineer worldwide.
They admit they have programs to break up the family and to target men.
It's all declassified.
They admit they promote ugly art.
They promote the end of the family.
To control you, go read Brave New World.
So, get the video, soy boy, out to everybody.
But also, this is a live radio slash television show, but later today when we post this to Facebook, we post this to Twitter, we're live streaming right now.
Get it!
Give it to young people in your family.
Give it to your wife, your husband.
Show them the footage.
Show them the articles.
Show them the documents.
Show them the information.
And also warn them about vaccines.
One of my friends, his wife, sneaks off with their baby and gets some vaccines.
Gonna give them the flu shot at six months old.
And she says, I don't care if it hurts them because it'll protect them from something else.
But the statistics are all there.
It doesn't.
And we're going to go over some of those today.
But you have to hammer people with this.
And you have to explain to them that just a year ago, research, Dr. Blaylock, the science, the CDC reports that came out, those were the top of Google and Bing.
They're all buried now.
You have to know the exact headline.
Our exact study to find it, and we're going to be putting together special reports now just to put this knowledge out of the CDC's own head in 2000.
The minutes got leaked in 2005, ABC News reported on it, saying we've got 2 million people seriously brain damaged in the last decade, our numbers.
He said we've got hundreds of thousands that have died.
From MMR and other vaccines causing autoimmune response in the brain.
You don't think they don't know?
He goes, we're going to have a revolt on our hands if this goes public, but we've got to stop.
We've got to take the thimerosal out, but that's what the scientists told the director.
It's not thimerosal, that's part of it.
The whole thing causes an autoimmune response.
Let me tell you this, a baby by the time it's six months has had about 50 shots.
Some of them have three or four things in each shot.
Would you let 50 bees sting your baby?
No, chances are they'd have an autoimmune response, swelling of the brain, swelling of other things, and then would possibly die.
When you go get allergy shots just of, you know, elm or whatever, they make you have an EpiPen to do it.
I've done it, but why not with vaccines?
Why no EpiPen there?
Because they don't want you to know it's an autoimmune response.
It can kill you.
Hey, Daniel.
We confirm suspicions, Ed Veritas.
It's not a shock to you, but to get the employee at YouTube on tape admitting that they do it?
I mean, you must be a threat if they call you out by name.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
After just a short time ago, and I'm talking about when this meeting started, on Twitter, if you clicked on the hashtag NYCTerroristAttack, which is, quote, trending, marked with a red button saying, quote, live, the top tweet links to an InfoWars story with the headline, Imam
I warned de Blasio about New York City of terror.
He was too busy bashing Trump.
I don't know what happens in somebody's mind or how dark their heart must be to say things like that.
This is a real-time example of when we talk about
This information being weaponized.
But Trump doesn't challenge these lies.
He actually went on Jones' show and said, Your reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
How quickly can you act?
And what's your responsibility to set the record straight so that the people who saw this
That's something we're thinking about all the time because it's a bad user experience and we don't want to be known as a platform for that.
You have Ruppley, and then I think you have them feeding other entities.
InfoWars comes to mind, where those are echo chambers.
The system self-corrected.
That shouldn't be the first tweet you see anymore.
It should be a USA article the last time I checked.
But you saw this?
USA Today.
At lunch I did, yeah.
And I also saw the system correct it.
That man's a threat to this country.
They didn't call out Fox News by name.
They didn't call out anyone else by name.
They said, when it comes to Alex Jones, we need people to scroll and manually find him and manually have to find that video.
We're not going to allow that video, if it gets 10 million views, to be on the front of the so-called news carousel.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
We are going to end free shipping tomorrow.
The specials we have for the last four days are gone, because a lot of those items were about to sell out, like Super Male Vitality and Super Female Vitality, but the probiotic, Biome Defense, about to sell out, but still 50% off.
Super blue colloidal silver fluoride free mouthwash 50% off vitamin mineral fusion still 50% off but we've added caveman true paleo formula it's so amazing that people love so much that's 50% off as well free shipping it's got to end z shield is also being added for the things that have gotten taken off the list the amazing heavy metal detoxifier this is the newest shirt that I want to be
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
There are new documents out, released by the Pentagon and the CDC, telling us exactly what top virologists, endocrinologists, brain surgeons, epidemiologists have told us here on this broadcast since they started giving U.S.
troops the anthrax vaccine back during the first Gulf War and through it.
They've had five rounds of it in five different years, spanned out from 1990 through just about, what, four years ago.
They suspended giving the shots because there were so many deaths, and they had entire wings of medical personnel, including doctors, leave.
Because they would see up to 20% of the servicemen and women, including special forces people, they weren't acting, in bed for days, weeks, months, or dying.
Now ladies and gentlemen, you can look that up for yourself, but it's all come out.
But listen, I had top scientists on.
You know they've now found anthrax that they believe is a million years old under the permafrost that shouldn't be there.
They're finding it inside rocks in coal mines.
It is plant spore bacteria, basically.
Bacteria that go to the plant family.
And the spores
They believe, might be how life started, if you don't believe in God, or God did it that way, floating on the solar winds.
The elite are obsessed with it.
They're also obsessed with something called gene lines.
The Lazarus gene.
Immortal cell lines.
They've found only
A few hundred people that they've told us about who have cells that you can put in a petri dish and walk away and it has no food, no oxygen, no nothing, sealed, and the cell is alive in 20 years.
Look up immortal cell lines.
Now they've also found that these are cancers.
Fast-acting cancers.
When you get an immortal cell, it starts replicating and it kills you.
This is not movies, this is not fiction, this is the equivalent of a zombie.
That's why they call it the Lazarus gene, or the Lazarus cell line.
Now, they did this to the troops to give them anthrax,
And then to have blood draws on individuals later to see if they created a mutagenic new system within the body and the troops were used in mass experiments and that's all coming out.
They knew it was deadly, they knew it didn't protect them, just like shooting black people up telling them it's vaccines and they were giving them live syphilis.
By the thousands and then letting them spread it to hundreds of thousands.
And next time your wife, particularly women that get bullied by the media and the doctors, next time your wife's looking at you and she tells you, oh, I'm going to give the baby all these shots, you can pull up all the reports where it doesn't protect them.
It actually gives them the flu a lot of times, gives them the hepatitis, gives them the measles, mumps, rubella.
The outbreaks are bigger in vaccinated groups.
That's where the outbreaks are coming from.
I have stacks of news here today.
The inserts say on vaccines may cause miscarriage.
Now there's all these studies out saying it's causing miscarriages.
And they're in the news going, gee, could these studies be true?
Wow, this is amazing!
Who would have ever thought?
If a woman gets stung by one bee, she doesn't usually have... And I go to this because the average person can get this when you're trying to wake them up.
When you get stung the first time by a bee, you don't usually have an autoimmune response.
You don't usually have an allergy.
You don't usually have your throat swell up.
But the second time, third time, fourth, that's when you tend to get the allergy.
Or when a whole bunch sting you.
People used to be so afraid of bees when I was growing up.
I'm like, ah, I've been stung many times.
Big deal, be tough.
They go, no, no, I'm allergic.
I saw some kid at the pool swell up, almost died.
They had to put him in an ambulance and it was terrible.
Then I got stung by a swarm of bees once when I was plowing a field at my parents' place.
I was plowing up an area my mom would put a garden into in between some trees, a little area of trees on their four acres here in town.
Got stung probably 15 times.
Whole swarm just like a movie.
Chased me, stung me.
Chased me in the house.
Just in the second I opened the door, five or six got in.
We're in the house.
But it was like a big swarm, just like in the cartoons.
Big black swarm around me.
Pulling stingers out.
I'm like, whoa.
All of a sudden, throat starts swelling up.
All of a sudden, can't breathe.
I go, I was like 18.
I go into my parents' medicine cabinet.
I know to take liquid Benadryl.
It's there.
Guzzle it.
Put baking soda to denature it.
Pulling stingers out.
Get in a cold shower.
Start getting dizzy.
Call my dad.
He says, I'll be there in five minutes.
His dental office is like five minutes away.
He gets there.
By then it was already going down.
And I'm laid out naked on the kitchen floor.
Swole up, but it was starting to go down.
When you give a baby vaccines, it's the same thing in the studies.
They're having autoimmune responses.
They start having convulsions.
They get blood on the brain.
The breathing areas close.
And now, if you're smart, because they train the doctors.
We've played the clips on air at these big consortium meetings they have.
They just had one a few months ago in Houston, where one of the lead people said, it's white people that aren't taking vaccines.
I just want to get rid of them.
We need to kill all the white people.
Remember that clip?
Sounded insane.
Don't believe me?
Just type it in.
Vaccine doctor says we should kill all the white people.
You'll get the video.
They had hundreds of doctors down there and they talked for hours.
How do we force the public to take this stuff?
How do we lie to them?
How do we... Well, don't lie, just tell them.
It's better your child have convulsions than ever get the flu.
So, now they're having to admit when you get a smart one... But see, that's what they're telling you.
Did you know, you can look it up for yourself, the higher educated somebody is, the less vaccines they take.
The higher educated, and you know who doesn't take them?
The doctors and the medical people.
That's why they're having to fire them all over the U.S.
because they see the preemies that they give the vaccines to die.
They have to put them on respirators.
They get the respirators ready when the bioethics board says, well you've got 20 preemies in there unvaccinated.
Until about six years ago, you'd never do that.
You said, it's a policy, do it!
Just to see what they can get away with.
And they get the respirators ready, and a lot of times, you lose the baby.
We've had nurses on about it.
It's been in the news.
Oh, that's a lot bigger than sexual harassment, isn't it?
But it's hidden, in plain view, against those of us that understand and are informed, the media lies and says, oh, you just don't believe in science.
It's like, black lives matter, science matters.
These signs are all over the country.
Billboards, people's yards.
Black Lives Matter and science is real!
It's like saying, oh yeah, you don't believe in learned immunity, huh?
Don't know anything about white blood cells, do you, Alex?
Well, it's not just white blood cells, it's telemphysites, and I know all about it, yes, and I've literally lived studying this for decades.
My mother was a triathlete when she was in her 40s, was winning gold and silver medals at the major regional and national level.
She was beating former Olympic athletes.
University of Texas masters told them take flu shots.
She almost died.
Other members of her team got really sick and she never made it back to that level again.
I don't, I mean, I can read the science, but I can also see my uncle took the tetanus shot.
Whole arm blew up.
He was in the hospital for two weeks, almost died.
I was five years old when that happened.
He worked on a ranch, stepped on a nail.
They said, get another tetanus shot.
Almost killed my uncle.
That's a real person.
I got people sitting down here that went to Vietnam a few months ago.
They told me all these shots almost killed her!
And they told her, you can't ever take a vaccine again because you have the, you have like a bee sting, the next time it could kill you!
I know all about learned immunity.
I went and got the shots and stuff to, you know, stop allergies.
And it helped, because it was just a little bit of what was really in the environment.
But I got an EpiPen when I did it.
They're not telling you what it can do to you until it's too late.
And they told her, you can't ever take a shot again.
It'll probably kill you.
But when your baby has a convulsion, they say, bring him right back in and get more.
Hell, stick your baby in a beehive.
Cram him in there.
It's good for him.
You can learn a lot about the weaknesses
of our enemies by studying what they attack, by studying what they fear.
They fear families living together.
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They fear individuals being independent and successful and empowered.
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When you get a t-shirt like this new shirt that is my all-time favorite, it's brand new, super nice fabric, it's designer-made, won't tread on me with a big Gadsden snake right in the middle of the chest,
A Dayglo, Infowars.com on the right shoulder, with an American flag, Infowars.com on the back.
When you wear it, it telegraphs to friends and to foe where you stand and what you believe.
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But just as importantly, it will allow you to meet like-minded people.
Who could become some of the best friends in your life?
So many people stop me on the streets, all over the country, and shake my hand and say, here's my husband, here's my wife, or here's a photo of my husband and my children.
I was wearing one of your t-shirts at the park, or at church, or at the mall, and met my spouse.
So many people write me.
And also told me on the street that they met like-minded people wearing these t-shirts that then became their new employer or their new business partner.
We have to fly our flag.
We have to wear our colors.
So, won't tread on me, the new shirt at Infowarsstore.com.
When you get excited and you take action, nothing can stop you.
And I want to see seas of this iconic shirt out there at big events, and at Trump rallies, and at land rights rallies, and at Second Amendment rallies, and on C-SPAN, and on national television.
We changed the world with the Bill Clinton rape shirt.
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I'm Alex Jones, and we will continue to change the world together for our children, for our communities, for ourselves, and for truth, and for justice.
Again, I want to thank you all for your support, and I salute you all for what you've done in the InfoWar.
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So please,
From myself and my family and the amazing crew here at InfoWars, thank you for all you've done.
You are the InfoWars.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You know, people ask why I get really frustrated and angry sometimes.
There is a admitted declassified worldwide eugenics program working the corporations and governments to test deadly chemicals and biologicals on the public to control the population but at the same time use us as guinea pigs in
Lethal testing to develop super science level drugs and treatments.
And of course an example I harp on a lot is you've got all these animal rights laws in place, and you've got all these human rights laws in place, but they just basically ignore the human rights stuff.
But then you've got the human-animal chimeras by the thousands that have been gestating on labs and being born for 35 years, and they just now told us about it last year.
Of course, I told you about it 22 years ago, but it's now public.
And they have no rights.
And I've talked to people that have been involved in the labs, and they won't get into any details.
They just say it is horrifying beyond anything you've ever imagined.
So, if you think pedophilia and satanism and all this sexual harassment stuff is even the bottom of the rat hole, mutating the whole planet, creating horrible genetic abominations, is the finger painting of the demon elite that runs this planet.
It's like the $50 million catch-up on canvas that went.
That's meant to debase art.
That's meant to laugh by these big brokerage firms when they, you know, pay $100 million for a bucket of horse manure.
It's a sick joke that everybody's starving and they're going to fill their house with buckets of horse manure.
It's saying, you're crap.
I'm going to spend money on this ugly thing.
It's blasphemy.
It's inversion.
It's like killing a baby.
Because I'm selfish and I want to.
I'm going to do it.
And then that's all declassified.
They admit that they started funding this in the 50s to make ugly art force-fed to short-circuit people's minds.
And then play a game with you and say, oh, the beauty of the eye of the beholder.
That's not my opinion.
It's declassified modern architecture.
All of it.
I'm not saying all modern architecture is ugly.
Some of the Japanese style is very beautiful, but it's not really modern, it's simplistic.
Different term.
But the big block houses, the big... There it is, independent newspaper, Modern Art as a CIA Weapon.
See, because you have to understand, we're here to talk about the engineering.
They've got blueprints, they've got owner's manuals for us, they talk about what they're doing, they're a bunch of inbred, super rich people that are almost all into Satanism.
I know folks that know the top Hollywood people, the top Rockefellers, the top DuPonts.
I know two different people that know the DuPont family.
And separately, before I ever talked about it on air, they told me most of the men are trans, that's the elite thing, and then they're also devil worshippers.
And it's just like, whoa!
That'll be.
Jones says trans people are devil worshippers.
No, I'm saying what I was told.
That's what the whole thing is.
It's this hermaphroditic thing.
It's like, take over the human.
Don't be male.
Don't be female.
Rebel against creation.
Rebel against procreation.
And their sperm counts are down 90 plus percent.
The families are falling apart.
It is a war on life.
The genetic engineering, the terminator seeds that don't produce new seeds, all of it is about total corporate domination of the life force of procreation and corporate scientific control where babies are born out of plastic bags that aren't even humans.
They're just engineered.
And that's full control for the ruling classes that have always wanted that.
And then BuzzFeed celebrates, we have low testosterone, we're weird nerds, our moms all gave us soy!
And a lot of these moms are with the program.
This is a sacrifice of their son, but not on an altar, but for their life, turning him into a pet.
It's safer that way, isn't it?
To have your son be your pet.
And you wonder, they're black, they're white, they're Hispanic.
Look at the BuzzFeed video.
They all look the same.
They all look like their souls were sucked.
And they all act like four-year-olds.
They got hit.
And they got hit hard.
And they're gone.
You have to understand, they want you to be gone too.
They know it!
I go back to Omega Man and that allegory where his blood's got the antidote.
It's like the Last Man on Earth Remade, and they had I Am Legend.
It's the third remake, not any good.
But you got the dumb zombies, you got the uppercast zombies, the undead, and you got the cure, and they go, dude, we don't want it, and we're gonna kill you, okay?
You understand?
You're not going to give us the cure.
We don't want the cure.
We don't like you.
Do you understand?
And it's like a wretched development, and it's a rebellion against God, against nature, against femininity, against masculinity.
And they say, see, because they don't have that.
So what they have is a petulant kind of 13, 14-year-old, spoiled, rotten thing, where they go out and wear onesies now.
Remember, that's the new fashion.
And I've seen men all over Austin, the trendy, wearing onesies.
What do they call them?
They have a name for them.
Male onesies.
And they revel, look I'm a joke, look I've been destroyed, look I'm programmed, look I'm fighting back, I'm rebelling.
But they're not rebelling.
They're rebelling against their biology, but the central programming system is what's destroying them.
And they'll tell you they're financially not doing well, they're statistically the most depressed, they're committing suicide at the highest levels.
They don't care.
They just want to take you with them.
Listen, I've got the cure.
It's right here.
It's called reality.
It's called the plan.
It's called being aware of the engineering.
It's called understanding.
Choosing your destiny, not having someone else choose it for you.
And they say, I don't want that.
I'm going to get together in big groups of us and we're all going to conquer you and that existentially is how you become powerful is in mass groups conquering the original biology that you live longer, you're stronger, you're better.
It doesn't matter though.
You don't care.
If you could conquer that.
You see, you're facsimiles of the elites you are trying to mimic, who are not the elites.
They are the elite of evil.
They are the elite of corruption.
They are just like you.
They were given their wealth over and over and over again.
They're spoiled.
They hate flyover country.
They hate men that are bigger and stronger than them.
They want to walk around the mall when they go, knowing they're part of the engineering, knowing they're hitting you with vaccines, knowing they're poisoning you.
They know it.
They write books about it.
They brag about it.
You don't just think they want to humiliate women like Harvey Weinstein does, or be pedophiles, do you?
They want to wreck it all, and they're doing it.
I'm not going to belabor this, but we need a lot of capital to fund this operation, and we need people to spread the word.
We've got a new t-shirt in that I really think is powerful.
It says, if you're coming for mine, you better have yours.
And it's got an M4 AR-15 on the front, Infowars.com.
On the right shoulder, it's at InfoWarsTore.com.
It's a powerful new shirt.
Helps you spread the word.
Meet like-minded folks.
And we have the new probiotics in that are not the vegan base, like the Great Biome Defense we have as well, but carnivore digestive enzyme to help absorb the meat, the protein, the fat, all of it, the carbohydrates.
As you get older, you have less of these enzymes.
And so it's really, really good.
To do that.
Carnivore, 33% off.
And the free shipping will end.
You notice a bunch of the other specials have ended.
On Super Mel Vitality and all those, because they're about to sell out.
But I've extended free shipping through Sunday.
And that's got to stop.
It is going to stop.
But we've got other things that are now 50% off.
Caveman got back in stock.
In strawberry and in chocolate flavor.
Ultimate Paleo formula.
Amazing meal replacement.
Stamina strength.
You name it.
Get 50% off.
33% off on Carnivore, the new digestive enzyme.
We've got Floralife Advanced Restoration, 50 million live probiotics.
That is back in stock.
And we also have the new 15 million live probiotic Floralife Everyday Maintenance.
Made by the biggest official organic producer we've probably labeled with our own particular latest souped up brew.
Again, they've killed all the good bacteria in most people's guts with the pesticides that bioaccumulate in the food.
You take the good probiotics, it's amazing.
And this is something libertarians and conservatives, this is something liberals have been smart about actually.
They're the highest group not vaccinated, they know what they're doing.
That's more of a brain bug upper cast of them to not their low-level ones.
But you notice they're the ones that avoid it like the plague.
The point is, it will change your life.
So good for the gut.
I know some people that have had irritable bowel, you name it, they get on a high-quality probiotic like Floralife or like Biome Defense at m4wrestore.com and it just does so much.
We've now got three different great probiotics.
One of them is vegan.
These other two aren't, obviously, and the enzyme isn't.
It's Carnilife.
It's meant to break down the protein and fat in your stomach better and just does amazing things.
So please support us today and get great products you need.
Let's talk to Danny.
Let's talk to Dr. Group.
You're on the air, Danny.
The nascent iodine, the B12, and the super male are incredible products.
Thank you.
I would like to ask Dr. Group, are there any supplements or products that help promote the growth of stem cells, and would you consider making one, if there is?
Well, the DNA force is probably the biggest product that's designed to do that, but the fastest way to stimulate stem cells, and this was a study by USC, we were talking about it earlier, is water-only fasting.
I haven't found anything in my over 20 years of research that can actually stimulate stem cell production as fast as water-only fasting can do it.
And according to USC, in 72 hours you can regenerate your entire immune system.
And it reboots itself.
So, I mean, think about that.
You can go overseas to Thailand and get a $120,000 stem cell treatment, or maybe a $50,000 stem cell treatment, or you can do it for $1.99 a day with spring water or distilled water.
Let me be clear.
There's hundreds and hundreds of studies just on biopQQ elomics and DNA force that we're allowed to talk about because it's so powerful.
It regenerates nerves in some cases, so an area that was dead, like your knee, your back, it may come back.
It may hurt worse for a while.
I had a finger that was chopped off and was still numb up on the front.
I took DNA for a few months.
It came back, sort of tingling.
The feeling is back.
So it doesn't grow telomeres.
It keeps them from shrinking as fast, correct?
Yes, and I mean the cleaner your body is, and the more you detoxify, and the healthier you become on a daily basis, the better your body is at producing stem cells.
Danny, you've got to try DNA Force for yourself.
As Dr. Group said, the fasting is amazing.
Each person is different, so consult your physician or do your own research.
But we're running the biggest specials.
We run in like six months and free shipping, store-wide at InfoWarsStore.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
He only did.
It is so...
I mean, I rarely start cussing and screaming, but when I was lifting weights this morning in my garage with a couple of my friends, I heard from a friend who just talked to his wife that she was talking about taking their six-month-old baby that she already snuck off to the so-called doctor and got six different shots for when he was about five months old and he got sick from it.
Not too sick.
We've got videos.
I forgot to play this the other day.
In fact, they had it over on the other side.
I just might not find it.
It's the police going, it's the law.
We're going to arrest you if you don't take your shot.
Come into your house.
And I've seen them do that in poor black, Hispanic, and white areas.
Pardon me?
Oh, you've got it.
Let's play it then.
And I remember footage in Maryland years ago.
They had dogs and all the poor people were shown to get their shots and the judge was telling them it was the law, they had to do it.
And it was all made up.
Young mother in California threatened with arrest at a bus stop for not vaccinating her children.
If we lose this battle, what just happened to that young mother in California will soon start happening all over the nation.
And what they do is they say, we're going to kick you out if you don't have it.
It's a policy.
Then they claim you're truant.
So it's all a color of law trick.
And they teach them this at seminars.
Well, it's for the best that we lie.
Despite the fact that I have a stack of news here from government reports, studies about miscarriages, brain damage, that it doesn't protect you like it says it will.
And then now Google, Bing, and others place all the fake news articles at the top, and it won't even let you actually read the inserts.
They've always known vaccines are linked to miscarriages.
They knew the anthrax vaccine was super dangerous.
Quote, I called the police department to make a complaint for harassment, was told the sergeant that me not giving my kids shots is a criminal act, and I will be arrested.
That's Claremont School, but it's not criminal.
Here's that video.
So I just want to know, do you have the vaccine records, ma'am, or not?
They already know.
Who are you?
What is your name?
I'm Mr. Del Boston with the school district.
Okay, what is your first name?
Felipe Del Boston with the school district.
Okay, what is your position?
I don't understand the purpose of you being here.
Ma'am, I'm the one who needs to know if you have had your son with the vaccine.
Why do you?
They already know what I have.
They know what I have, so I don't understand the purpose of you being here.
I don't understand the purpose of you being here.
I don't understand.
I don't understand the line of your questioning.
I don't understand what your position is at Claremont School District, and I'm asking these questions.
What is your position?
I'm asking the question, ma'am, do you have the vaccine?
I'm asking you.
I'm not answering any questions until I know who you are.
I don't know who you are.
Who are you?
Give me a card.
I already told you who I am.
I don't know who you are.
What is his position, ma'am?
Thank you very much, ma'am.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I don't know who this man is.
He came with the Claremont Police Department to make sure, I guess, to treat my six-year-old like a criminal because, I don't know, to make sure he doesn't have any immunizations.
I am recording this because this is harassment.
I am embarrassed that I have walked my kids to the school, the bus stop this morning, and they have harassed me.
I don't know who this man is.
He has not identified himself.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Excuse me.
What is your name?
Can I have your card?
The officer refused to give her name.
The officer refused to give her card.
I have no idea who these people are.
See, all lives matter, folks.
And you see what you just witnessed right there.
They come to the bus stop to tell her it's illegal, you gotta give your kid shots.
They call, sergeant says, that's right, you're gonna go to jail.
Total lie, total fraud, total racketeering.
After years of research, working with top developers here in the United States, with the latest cutting edge science, we are rolling out three new digestive gut aids.
One of them is a powerful pro-digestive enzyme, Carnivore, for being able to break down meat and other proteins better, and then the other two is a
Powerful, 50 billion live probiotic culture of the very best strains in Floralife Advanced Restoration.
And we also have an everyday, extremely affordable, Floralife Everyday Maintenance.
But all of these
...are the very cutting-edge, top-of-the-line probiotics and digestive enzymes at an extremely affordable price.
That is my goal here, is to bring you the very best at the lowest price.
When you purchase it at m4wrestore.com, you know you are also financing the attack on the globalists and the defense of our republic and freedom worldwide.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, I've spent much of the last hour on vaccines and on the fact that the sperm count is down over 90 percent, testosterone is down over 50 percent.
Europe-wide, Japan-wide, Brazil-wide, US-wide, anywhere that eats a modern soy-based or glyphosate-based diet, because glyphosate bioaccumulates in all the major crops that use it.
It basically is estrogen chemical and breaks down into several different types of estrogen mimickers.
And so, you know, the New York Times says 50% since the 1970s.
It's far worse than that.
They're always whitewashing it all, you know, the actual reports.
This is happening!
And the soy, and the vaccines, and the fluoride... I mean, folks, fluoride's one of the most studied things in the last 200 years of modern science.
And they know that hydrofluorosilicic acid is a weaponized, souped-up, electrified acid base
You stick your hand in hydrofluoric acid, you pull it out, it's like rubber and falls off.
It's one of the most deadly acids out there.
It's right up there with hydrochloric.
Hydrochloric acid.
And when they put it in water, it becomes an adjuvant.
It carries everything through the blood-brain barrier.
You get a little bit of hydrofluoric acid, everything else they're adding to the water.
Believe me, they're adding quite a bit on purpose.
Is then souped up, so you don't have to put as much in.
It's the delivery system.
So when we say fluoride's causing 15 point IQ reductions, if you just drink it, what is it?
The Harvard study was three years.
When you're a child.
Oh, but they have it even after that came out years ago.
Oh, fluoride water for babies.
It's for your babies.
I wonder how CNN feels now that it's come out.
They've had to report it.
Lower IQ in children if you drink it just while you're pregnant.
So that's why I'm so frustrated is that I have just today
Stacks of news, government documents where, oh here's one they admit the government knew that anthrax vaccine wasn't going to help you and was hurting the troops.
They've probably known that for 25 years.
You can't find an immunity for something you can't kill.
You can't kill anthrax unless you put it in an incinerator.
You can't radiate it and then shoot it into somebody and
Then wonder why they get anthrax.
Gee, we gave this to 500 people and this... These five platoons or whatever and a bunch of them have got big sores all over them and they're bleeding out of them.
It's anthrax.
You got anthrax.
And they weren't giving them the anthrax shots.
I'm gonna tell you this again.
To protect you from it, they wanted to see how it would mutate in your body.
With different batches they did different things to.
They manipulated the anthrax, did a live genetic mutagen test on you, and that's now come out.
They were getting the blood from the troops for advanced research into life extension because they want to know why certain cell lines will not die.
There are animal cells and there are plant cells that can live millions of years in hibernation.
And they're finding all sorts of new species and all sorts of new types in the rocks.
Remember they always thought, oh, you need light to live.
No, they're just, they got mines in South Africa that are three miles deep.
And they're digging into rock that's just full of microbes.
They don't even know what they are.
We might dig into something that kills us all.
But I sure know it's not good to take it and go, let's give it to a million troops.
Yeah, that's a great idea.
And then take their blood and see what it does.
Do you think the people that would give black people syphilis or radiate little kids in the 50s, 60s, and 70s and 80s, do you think they stopped now?
They didn't stop any of it.
Just the secret testing alone.
Because see, I've got so much news to cover here today, but I just, I get mad about this, and it upsets me so much.
I'm going to say it again, then I'm going to get to the other news.
You know, they just pulled up an Arctic thaw, and now they just dug up a bunch of anthrax.
That's down in ice.
It's millions of years old.
Arctic thaw threatens early superbugs from hibernation.
Well, I'm sure if you inject all the troops with it, I mean, you know, the Navy dug up the Spanish flu that killed 40 million people and... Remember the SV40 vaccine they had 6-7 years ago?
They put an attenuated version of that in there.
It came out in the medical literature.
You know, that's the crazy part is...
They go, the year before the H1N1 outbreak, we put a simulant into that year's vaccine.
And I'm like reading this in medical journals where they admit they were jacking with it and put a simulant.
That means another attenuated virus in it.
And yes, you attenuate, you radiate, you fry, you cut up.
Viruses, they tend to not operate as well.
Just like you put a cell phone up against your head, it vibrates the DNA and breaks it as well.
That's what they do.
They blast them with radiation or with microwaves or with both.
And then they inject it into you.
And just like a lot of insects are immune to poison, you may kill 99% of them, but that 1% was already immune.
They were a mutation.
You start giving billions of people mutagenic vaccines and you know full well what you're doing, and you're there to get their blood work afterwards and patent the blood.
You know, they've, for about 45 years, have been taking everybody's blood at birth, put it in a database.
I learned about it from a nurse in the secret government program that we expose, and it later became mainstream news.
I'm credited with that.
I'm just pointing that out.
And then they took the blood and they sold it to big companies.
And the companies then patented your genes and your unique protein factors, and then people are going to get gene therapy, and they're going, sorry, we do have a gene treatment for you, but 22 years ago, this company or that company bought your blood and patented you!
And there have been court cases, and the federal courts have said both, the companies own you, and other cases have said they don't.
And you've got genetic therapies
That they go, you know, that'll be $180,000 per treatment, and there's a 100% cure rate, but you gotta have 10 treatments, and your insurance doesn't cover it, because we bought your blood sample.
Now that's just for at birth!
Can you imagine the military application of that?
You see, something hundreds of times bigger than the Manhattan Project.
People's blood, taken at birth, so they can know your genetics, and they can manipulate your genetics, and they can use your genetics, and they can now re-sequence them with a gene editor that they had 30 years ago that I just told you about last week, literally, that they then inject directly into live species.
And you're gonna trust them.
It's all a trust thing.
I told you there's a pediatric place that I'm not taking my children to anymore, but when we first went there, you know, we search engine vaccine, pediatricians that don't make you vaccinate.
And I went and found the place and the guy owned a big, big clinic in town.
And he was retiring about 10 years ago.
And he walked over to me and I brought my son and daughter in for checkup.
And he goes, you know, I've worked in the city clinic like you're supposed to for continued education.
You gotta do things like that.
We were given, kids a few years ago, an East Austin 1960s live polio vaccine that had SV40 cancer virus in it.
And he goes, and I refused to do it, but they continued to do it, and they continue to do it to this day.
And I said, that's incredible.
And he grabs me by the arm, he's a big guy.
He goes, don't you ever tell anybody I told you that.
And I said, hey man, I already know that, okay?
I already know.
Don't worry.
Now he's been retired.
I walk with her on my new baby.
Nurse walks over.
Doctor walks over.
She goes, you get your stuff and you get out of here.
There are no problems with vaccines.
They're perfect.
Of course, she's been in the training.
I even know the training.
You can go watch it online.
You can lie to me and say that.
And I said, guess what?
We're gonna beat you.
I know you don't take them.
I know you don't give your kids them.
They're lucky I don't get out in front of them with a bullhorn.
I'm thinking about it.
I say, that's the scum here.
They don't take it.
The highest educated doesn't.
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It's Alex Jones.
Now here's an example of the quandary we're in, or the paradox.
They've got more than 30 microaggressions they teach at universities just on sexism, that if you tell a woman she looks nice, that's a form of harassment.
Or, if somebody ever asks you out, period, even if you're not even, you know, working with them or whatever, that that somehow is a microaggression.
Or it's the same thing, they say, if you tell a black person that, uh,
They look good, or something they said was really cool, or that they did a great job, well that's patronizing, that's the same deal.
Uh, no, it's like, it's more like Brandon Tatum gets 70 million views on one video, that's because he nailed it like a hole in the one, more eloquent than I could ever be.
That's saying, this is really good!
But see, that's where they make all the fight about,
And did a guy ask a girl out versus Harvey Weinstein literally, reportedly raping people, chauffeur, others witnessed this, assaulting women almost every day, humiliating them, Bill Clinton settling rape cases, all of this.
So I got a lot of stuff I want to talk to her about, but I just thought of this when they punched her up on Skype and I saw her there.
I was going to say, wow, Candace Owens looks great on TV.
She's even more beautiful in person and super smart and super articulate.
And she looks really great today.
It's good to see her face.
I'm married.
I'm not hitting on her.
And it's not, I don't think it's a microaggression to say, wow, you look great.
I mean, is that bad?
Because the left says that's bad, just as bad as raping somebody, is it?
It is not that bad and I do not understand why people are suddenly so offended by compliments.
I really think it's just like the ugly girl strike back movement and they don't get compliments so they turn compliments into something that is not to be desired.
I don't subscribe to it.
Oh yeah, some women act like I'm a pervert or something because I open a door for them.
I did that because when I was growing up I got slapped in the back of the head by my mother if I didn't.
It's just automatic.
I know, that's the most hilarious part when guys are being chivalrous and they now turn it into an act of attack.
It's so ridiculous.
It's gotten so ridiculous on the less, but they can't enjoy anything.
Not a compliment, not a kind jester, it's just where we're at with them at this point.
And they admit, millennials, you name it, are the most depressed, unhappy people statistically.
You'd think they'd want to get out of what they're in instead of getting deeper into it.
You would think so, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
They're miserable.
They're absolutely miserable because they've sucked the fun.
I talk about this all the time.
Liberals have sucked the fun out of everything in life.
There is nothing left for them to suck the fun out of, which is why they're miserable.
They have nothing else to leech onto.
I want to get your take on this.
Why do you think it's all coming out now?
The internet, chain reaction, people feel safe now.
But there's more to that because mainstream media has embraced this even though it's burning down their own system.
I think they know it's time to actually get rid of the old Democrat guard and then hope that they can roll this into a larger movement to again conflate or mix men and women having normal interactions with rape culture.
You know, I think it really boils down to politics.
I think that it's just a strategy for them to cast a light on people, a negative light on people that they don't want to see there.
And what's happening is the right is using the same tactics to fight back.
So now we're kind of in this civil war of people talking about what is or what isn't sexual assault.
And what it ultimately comes down to is the Democrats are the ones that first shifted that definition, right?
I was talking about it with Owen yesterday, but initially when I learned about rape, it was like hardcore rape.
It's somebody
Slipping something into your drink, it's you running down an alley from a stranger and, you know, them trying to kill you.
It's something you're going to call the cops for.
I mean, assault's real.
I got three daughters.
I got a son.
Somebody sexually assaults you or grabs you, call the police.
I mean, if it's serious, what is assault?
What is rape?
What is harassment?
Call the police is what it is.
Right, exactly.
But the definition has shifted so much and now it can be, like you just said, a compliment.
It can be guys and girls hooking up in college, they're drunk and after a party they go and they have sex and the girl wakes up in the morning and regrets it or doesn't remember all of it.
So now she's being taught and indoctrinated with the idea that this is sexual assault and rape and that could not be more false.
And that movement and that change definition is extremely harmful, not just for men but for women as well.
It's turning women into over-analyzing psychopaths.
And I should have introduced you properly.
It's just you were here for a few days, got to know you, went out to dinner with you and the crew.
So I was talking to an old friend again, Candace Owens with Red Pill Black, and her experience as a liberal, as a mainline feminist, being inducted, you know, into their cult, briefly, was what woke her up, what was really going on.
Is that a fair way to say it?
Or are they trying to induct you in?
Right, no.
So what I always say is that I was a liberal, but I was more of a, it's almost like a sleep hypnosis.
Like, I wasn't active.
I was never out there wearing a pussy hat.
There was no ideas even of mine that were technically liberal.
But because I'm black, and from the time that we are put in school, the way that we are even taught...
Our history is biased, and it's all a lie.
They make us think Democrats are the hero.
They make you think that you cannot think anything outside of the fact that you are a Democrat.
That indoctrination happens in our youth, and we carry it with us.
We go to college, you learn the exact same thing, and it's a mass brainwashing.
So if you're not paying attention to politics, which is the case for the majority of the black community, we aren't paying attention.
We're too busy trying to feed mouths, or for me it was payback student loans, and you just go, oh yeah, sure, I'm a Democrat.
But when you start paying attention, and here's my theory, every single black person is a conservative.
And when they find out how we have been lied to and manipulated by not just the media, but the Democrats, most especially, what they have done to us, it is going to be hell for them.
It's just crazy, too, when you learn the Democrats know what they're doing, like the group of feminists that you later exposed were the ones harassing you to then be the savior.
I mean, it's a cult.
They know what they're doing.
They're just cold-blooded.
It's ugly.
It's just gotten absolutely ugly and I think black people are waking up to it and I pay if I'm anything to help it's going to be hell for the Democrats by 2020.
Absolutely, and for the Republican rhinos that are the very same type of so-called blue-blood elites.
What do you make, because we're going to go to break and come back and go over all this, what do you make of the domino effect, though?
Because it is just crazy.
A Dems' reckoning with Bill's sexual offenses is the final nail in the coffin.
I mean, this is the Democrats and people saying this.
Dem Senator Bill Clinton should have resigned following Lewinsky's scandal.
They're saying Franken should resign.
And you know, I'd say, well, if there wasn't a photo of him grabbing her breast, he's clearly doing it.
If he didn't have a history of this, more women are coming forward, I'd say wait and see.
But with him, we have the smoking gun.
People are saying, well, why did Trump talk about this and not more?
It's smoking gun, the photo.
But I think, I think, you know, the Mort thing's pretty creepy.
I'm going to get your take on that.
In fact, let's, let's cover that now.
What do you think about the Roy Mort thing?
Because I don't care that he happens to be a Republican.
If this stuff's true, I'll throw him under the bus in two seconds.
Right, absolutely.
So I will say that some of the facts surrounding this are extremely shady.
I tend to agree with the fact that the handwriting doesn't match.
So that is a little shady.
Obviously, the timing of the complaints, no matter... You know, you're making some great points.
We're going to reconnect with you on Skype because it's breaking up a little bit.
We're going to come back with Candace Owens, Red Pill Black, on the other side.
And that's where I stand on more.
If somebody's guilty of something, but the prosecution tries to set them up, the whole case is thrown out.
And we've got women that are Democrats that are backing down, or who've been caught working for the other candidate.
We've got handwriting that doesn't match.
We've got weird testimony.
We've got the mall saying, this stuff never happened, he wasn't thrown out, he wasn't throwing women.
But then you got him saying, I did date 17-year-olds, and I got their daddy's permission!
I just think that's a little creepy.
But is it illegal?
No, it's just...
The politicians, they're all weird freaks, man.
I don't know what's going on.
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Alex, I can't believe it.
I'm talking to you, believe it or not, from Washington, D.C., a place I never come.
I'm right in the center of Mordor, where all the money is going missing.
Well, let's talk about that because two days before 9-11, it was reported that two plus trillion was missing.
CBS reported it from the Pentagon.
Then it was four plus trillion later, and then now the numbers I'm seeing all combined, we're talking about 20 plus trillion?
What has happened, and it started in fiscal 1998, the federal government has been in very significant violation of the laws related to its finances, both constitution and financial management laws.
And one of the symptoms of this is that every year there are significant, what's called undocumentable adjustments.
So it's transactions that aren't approved in appropriation or you can't prove are approved in appropriation and are not transparent as they're required to be.
And it's been going on for literally since 1998.
But then in 2015, Department of Defense reported 6.5
I think.
And instead of figuring out what went wrong, you know, did money not get deposited?
Is money disappearing?
You just wrote an item that said undocumentable adjustment and now they balanced.
So the way the government has balanced the books at the end of every year is to just write these undocumented adjustments, which I would say is illegal.
You can't be spending money that you can't document is in compliance, you know, has been approved by Congress, is appropriated under the variety of mechanisms.
So if you finance criminals doing criminal things that are killing you, you've got to cut off their money.
And that's why I keep talking about enforcing the Constitution and holding the government accountable.
Because if you shut off that secret money, you know, that's being taken illegally,
You have a way of turning this around because you have one group of players who are operating outside the law, financed with our money, and whether it's the breakaways or the money rolling into Silicon Valley, you've got to address that, which is why I keep coming back to enforce the Constitution.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Candace, about three weeks ago, spent a few days in Austin.
My wife and I and the crew, Owen Schroer and others, took her out to dinner to a place called the Russia House that's actually Russian food.
And they've actually got some clothes you can put on as a joke there.
So we donned some Russian outfits and shot this joke video that ended up airing on some U.S.
news as if we were serious and in Russia as if it was a joke, which it was meant.
No, this is not proof of our Russia collusion.
Here it is.
We pledge allegiance to Comrade Putin and his great minion Donald J. Trump to make America great again.
We pledge this plan to destroy the Americans, to save their economy, and their people, and their border, and their military.
Hail Putin!
Hail Russia!
We will never surrender!
That is the KGB plan!
Well done, comrades!
We're still in America!
We didn't force Candace to be part of that.
She was sitting one down from my wife.
But, you know, I'm never good at really promoting things that are huge news.
Well, the reason Candace was coming on, I kind of just got off onto the Judge Roy Moore thing and the big sex scandal stuff, just as an example of, is it bad to tell a woman she looks nice or tell a man your suit looks good?
I mean, if I see a guy wearing a suit looks good here at the office, I go, man, who's your tailor?
You know, that looks sharp.
That's a nice car.
I mean, this is not harassment to talk to people.
And she's going to get into that.
But I forgot the main reason she's on.
This is so huge, and this is such documentation of censorship.
Just two weeks ago in Congress, they said, Paul Watson's article's number one on Twitter about the Islamists plowing the car over people, and how the mayor knew and was warned, which was in the news, he'd been warned, obviously that Islamic attacks were coming using cars.
They said, sir, we saw it at lunch during the break and we banned it.
Now that was Twitter and Facebook both nodding, you know, that they dealt with it.
Here it is.
This is hers.
Can my children be friends with white people?
This came out November 11th.
We covered it last week.
We mentioned it this week.
I mean, it is the craziest condescending article I've ever seen.
She talked about it and linked to it.
And then they're so politically correct, and they're so censoring her, because she is a, use a cliche, smart, powerful, good-looking black woman, what they really fear, not on their plantation, they banned her!
They froze her account!
We removed something you posted.
This is from her account, and this is her response back to them.
And again, this will do.
They attack us, and then when we respond back, they didn't stop the New York Times from posting this or linking to it.
No, you can't respond back.
In fact, I've noticed this that...
A lot of folks will criticize Nazis now and make connections to Islam and how Islam helped the Nazis in World War II.
It's a fact.
We've had that blocked.
Everybody else posts, the Imam of Jerusalem and others with Hitler.
They go, oh, we don't let you promote Nazism.
That's like saying PBS can't air a documentary about Hitler.
You're promoting it.
See how they play these games?
So Candace goes, this is racist to say white people are inherently bad and they don't want her, a black woman, responding to it, pulling back the curtain.
That's all I am, or she has a little toto, pull back the curtain, that's the power of truth.
And they blocked her, they suspended her as punishment.
And they've told us, they said, you keep doing what you're doing, you'll be totally banned.
And they're giving us a, they still haven't done it, I talked to them last week.
The head of the brand, quote, of, this is high-level execs, Alex, don't work with us.
We're going to ban you.
Don't say we didn't warn you.
So, again, Candace Owens, we've got you connected back now.
Your Skype's better.
Go over this for radio listeners that can't see it, how amazing this is.
Well, what's really particularly fascinating is you see that they say that they're banning me because I violated the policy and they don't allow people to attack people based on their race.
That is why I got banned from Facebook.
Well, the article I was linking to was quite literally attacking people based on their race.
So they were fine with the article existing.
They were fine with the article being shared on Facebook.
They were not fine with me taking a satirical stab, a hyperbolic approach to taking a look at what this article was saying.
Essentially, this article was advocating for segregation.
It was pro-segregation.
Stephen asked the question, can my children be friends with white people?
Could you imagine how the heads would turn if Ann Coulter wrote a piece entitled, Can My Children Be Friends With Black People?
Could you just imagine?
Imagine how that would be perceived, how violently that would be perceived on the left.
But when I take an article and I say, yeah, you know, you're basically advocating for segregation, okay, and I use sarcasm and humor, they put me on suspension.
Not the author of the article, not the New York Times page for having the balls to even air something like that.
They put me on suspension.
And it goes back to what you said.
They don't like to see a black person criticizing, calling out racism, and, as we know and as
Racism is totally fine as long as it's being geared toward white people.
Well, that's the game they play where you show the Imam of Jerusalem with Hitler and they say, we're not going to let you promote Hitler.
And they know full well you're showing history, you're exposing it, it's a fact.
I mean, you can even see, you know, Hollywood movies about World War II and the Arabs working with the Nazis.
Or I guess they're going to have to ban Raiders of the Lost Ark.
I mean, it's fiction, but it's based in North Africa that the Nazis occupied.
With the Muslims inviting him in and I mean I'm just stating a fact that every major Muslim country backed up behind Adolf Hitler.
That is a historic fact.
I'm not promoting Hitler.
Same thing, you're showing some whacked out race baiting guy selling all this white guilt
Shane, here's what you gotta do.
It's not enough to be, you know, a mixed couple.
It's not enough to be liberal.
You gotta adopt whatever we say, or I'm not gonna let you in the in-club.
That is literally like Jim Crow laws, but as you said, reversed, or the white golf course that won't let blacks join.
I mean, this is next level.
What do you think's behind it?
Self-imposed segregation is what we're taking a look at.
What's behind it is the Democratic Party.
This has kind of always been their initiative.
They pretend they're helping black people.
Now they're creating safe spaces.
Black people are creating their own safe spaces.
I forgot what college this was.
It's a bunch of them.
A bunch of them created safe spaces.
Completely backwards in terms of our progress, and that's because the media is constantly feeding this narrative.
They're constantly race-feeding.
They're constantly trying to separate the races.
They're constantly trying to create these conflicts.
And some people are biting on it.
Some people that are absolutely sleeping and brainwashed are biting on this ridiculous narrative.
I'm not one of them.
So I am continually silenced.
It's always going to be an uphill climb for me because I don't plan on shutting up.
I'm going to keep saying what I have to say, and I'm going to keep calling out the media, and in this case, the New York Times, for their absolute BS.
That's right.
And expanding on that, I knew when I saw it a month and a half ago, that whole Air Force cadet thing was timed by the Deep State and the NFL was all being coordinated.
It was all totally fake just to create division.
We are living in a time of propaganda.
It amazes me that so many people learn about propaganda in school.
That's the number one thing we learn about yellow journalism.
We learn about Hitler.
And we answer the questions to these tests positively.
Yes, this is propaganda.
Well, Hitler does propaganda.
But we are unable to apply that logic when we are existing in an era of propaganda.
People don't understand it.
We're going to come back again and hopefully do a couple more segments if you've got time.
Again, Red Pill Black, folks, you need to follow her on Twitter, on Facebook, everywhere, because she's got to kind of hopscotch back and forth.
On different platforms.
That's how you beat them.
You stay on the platforms.
You force them to censor you.
You force them to ban you because you decry the New York Times writing this.
Yes, this is an actual article that appeared in the New York Times.
My response is no.
Your children should not be friends with white people.
In fact, avoid them at all costs.
Best not mingle.
Might be a better idea if we separated things from the whites altogether.
This is your quoting from the article
And they're saying, no, you're bad, but the New York Times is allowed to have it, tweet it, and they tweeted it, then it's all praised, but then when you point out it's racist, they use the race label to shut you down.
It's beyond 1984.
Right, it is.
And me taking a satirical stab and adding to the article and saying, yeah, go ahead, separate the kids, and where are we going to end up?
Right back into Saturday.
But that's what he says in the article!
You're basically paraphrasing him.
Right, exactly.
The critique is what upsets them.
Someone endorsing it in this megaphone, hyperbolic way is what upsets them, and it's ridiculous.
It's absolutely ridiculous that writers should be embarrassed they ever put that forth, and people in the black community need to speak out against it, and that's what I did.
All right, let's come back and get into whatever you want to get into, because I know you've got a lot to say and a lot to cover.
And then I want to get back into the avalanche that is crushing the Democratic Party.
Just new revelations by the hour, more women coming out against Franken, who's famous for this, and who, when the woman's asleep, he's grabbing her breasts and bragging about it.
I mean, he's got to resign.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We confirm suspicions at Veritas.
It's not a shock to you, but to get the employee at YouTube on tape admitting that they do it?
I mean, you must be a threat if they call you out by name.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host, Alex Jones.
As of just a short time ago, and I'm talking about when this meeting started, on Twitter, if you clicked on the hashtag NYCTerroristAttack, which is, quote, trending, marked with a red button saying, quote, live, the top tweet links to an InfoWars story with the headline, Imam
I warned de Blasio about New York City of terror.
He was too busy bashing Trump.
I don't know what happens in somebody's mind or how dark their heart must be to say things like that.
This is a real-time example of when we talk about
This information being weaponized.
But Trump doesn't challenge these lies.
He actually went on Jones' show and said, Your reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
How quickly can you act?
And what's your responsibility to set the record straight so that the people who saw this
Know that it's fake news and at least at some point in time it can't keep spreading like some sort of virus through legitimate world.
That's something we're thinking about all the time because it's a bad user experience and we don't want to be known as a platform for that.
You have RT, you have Sputnik.
You have Ruppley, and then I think you have them feeding other entities.
InfoWars comes to mind, where those are echo chambers.
The system self-corrected.
That shouldn't be the first tweet you see anymore.
It should be a USA article the last time I checked.
But you saw this?
USA Today.
At lunch I did, yeah.
And I also saw the system correct it.
That man's a threat to this country.
They didn't call out Fox News by name.
They didn't call out anyone else by name.
They said, when it comes to Alex Jones, we need people to scroll and manually find him and manually have to find that video.
We're not going to allow that video, if it gets 10 million views, to be on the front of the so-called news carousel.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
We are going to end free shipping tomorrow.
The specials we have for the last four days are gone, because a lot of those items were about to sell out, like Super Male Vitality and Super Female Vitality, but the probiotic, Biome Defense, about to sell out, but still 50% off.
Super blue, colloidal silver, fluoride-free mouthwash, 50% off.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion, still 50% off.
But we've added Caveman True Paleo Formula.
It's so amazing that people love so much.
That's 50% off as well.
Free shipping, it's got to end.
Z-Shield is also being added for the things that have gotten taken off the list.
The amazing Heavy Metal Detoxifier.
This is the newest shirt that I want to be our best seller, that I personally wear
Around town now is my favorite shirt of all time.
It says, Won't Tread on Me, InfoWars.com on the right-hand shoulder of the American flag, InfoWars.com on the back.
Really soft, great fabric, and it helps fund our operation.
And it's got the Gadsden snake, just simply as the snake, very iconic, with InfoWars.com in Dayglo yellow on the back, and InfoWars.com with the American flag on the right-hand shoulder.
We also have InfoWars
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
On Twitter, at Red Phil Black.
On YouTube, at Red Phil Black.
Candace Owens.
They're scared of her.
That's why they've got so many disinformation campaigns going against her online.
People contacting me, making stuff up.
She needs to ignore all that, move forward, keep putting out content, giving her analysis, and don't let them shoot her down.
They tried it with me and so many others.
But people that are successful just ignore it, laugh at it, and move forward.
So they fear her, and you can tell why.
And just all these new great voices that are just
Of every color, creed, all humans, all red blood, all strong, all with souls full of light and liberty is scaring the globalists and their whole facade is falling right now.
This is such a beautiful time to be alive.
You know, you just don't get tomorrow's news today.
You don't just get next week's news today here at InfoWars.
A lot of folks would love to be able to say, hey, they have congressional hearings every month saying they're censoring InfoWars, they're trying to shut us down.
Soros admits they're meeting in secret to try to shut us down.
I mean, they got Soros people and lawyers, and I'm not going to get into it yet, behind the scenes, trying to stop us.
So listen, it's like electricity flipping the light switch on when you're a teenager.
Daddy and Mommy got to pay for that.
And there's engineers and lines and technology that goes into it.
I don't know.
And going, man, we got missiles coming in and blowing up all over the place.
I mean, you don't just think they're on national TV saying, shut us down, and they're not playing games.
I mean, they have run major operations against us.
And there have been a lot of good people that have come in, you know, as heroes in that process.
And I'm not at liberty to get into all of it, but I'm talking about
Breaking my family up, folks.
I'm talking about coming after everybody I know.
I mean, you know, it's serious, okay?
And I'm not... This is what I wanted.
It's what I asked for.
I want to defeat the globalists.
I want to change the world.
We're doing it.
But I need your prayers.
And I need you to understand that, you know, we put a really happy face on this because we're not SJW whiners.
I'm just saying, you wanted me in the ring when you financially support us, when you pray for us, when you spread the articles and videos.
You are us.
You are stepping in to the ring with me, with Candace, everybody else.
And let me tell you something, they've taken the gloves off.
Well, we took them off a long time ago.
That's good.
I'm just telling folks, you want to fight?
You want somebody to fight for you?
Baby, we're doing it for all of us together and our children.
But I'm telling you, I need people to go to M4 Wars Store.
I need you to sign up for AutoShip on the great supplements and products.
If you like something, keep the AutoShip on.
Don't like it?
Cancel it.
It's free to cancel.
10% off additionally.
We got free shipping running through Sunday.
All the other specials had to end because I sold out of most of the shirts and a bunch of other products.
50% off.
But Caveman's back in stock.
50% off.
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It's so good.
If you eat a high-protein diet especially, we can help everybody.
That's in.
And we've got our new probiotic.
It's excellent as well.
What I'm very proud of, that's at infowarshore.com, Floralife Advanced Restoration.
Really high quality.
And we've also got the 15 Billion Live Probiotic Everyday Maintenance.
We've got a new t-shirt in, a couple new t-shirts, the new Don't Tread on Me, which I think is a very powerful design, and then a new one that one of our security guys had the idea for.
If you're coming for mine, you better bring yours with a picture of a M4 AR-15.
A great new shirt.
I haven't seen that variant, but there it is, a brand new deal on Don't Tread on Me and From My Cold Dead Hands, basically.
Okay, getting back to Candace Owens.
Candace, you've got the floor now for the rest of this segment.
The next, I know you've got a lot of important points that you like to point out and that you like to make, so what else is on your radar?
And if you want to get back into the whole Judge Roy Moore thing, you got cut off by a break.
Yeah, no, so I think one thing that I definitely want to talk about, and I keep saying that people are not talking enough about it, and I'm excluding you because I think that you're one of those people that has always kind of seen through this because you've been a victim of it, but the psychology of trolling is quite impressive online, on Twitter in particular, that they can make up a lie, right?
We're good to go.
Exactly, and of course,
You could expand on that, but again, it's the old St.
World War II.
They didn't have radar then, it was just coming out.
But the Germans would put their anti-aircraft guns wherever the real stuff was, the factories.
So they'd have a few reconnaissance planes go out and get shot at, and then they knew where to go.
So, I mean, I see you getting shot at.
Whoever's getting shot at the most, that's who you know is the good guy.
Right, right.
It's so interesting, and I didn't realize that at all.
I specifically thought that.
For me it was going to take a little bit longer because I mean I just started this and they came so viciously and it makes you question like who's in this movement, who's not in this movement, who's here just as like a parasite to try to feed off of of new blood and I think that it's so fun.
They've got a lot of TV executives that work for them they call it cue scores, viewability, watchability.
You don't just have the aesthetic of people wanting to watch you then you're also well-spoken and you're smart.
You mix that together you got the trifecta they're scared.
Right, and they tried to stomp me out so quickly and so viciously, but one of the coolest things, and I want to give some credit to this and credit to you and credit to Dave Rubin and Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Cernovich in this moment, because one of the coolest things is that people are starting to go back to what I call humanism, this human element.
And no matter what you say, right, you and I spoke, we looked each other in the eye, we had a conversation about where I'm from, what I'm doing and what my goals are.
Because you are relying on your instinct as a human being, right?
A smear campaign can't work on you.
And that says something, that this is a return to being a human, relying on your gut instinct instead of being fed something by a propaganda machine that tells you they repeat it enough times and it's true.
And that has been the coolest thing that I have seen in this conservative movement, is people that are relying on their instincts and standing up for one another when they see their friend getting shot out.
That's right, and it isn't working, so they increase their lives, and Google helps with the search results.
But my bottom line is, I think it's an old Southern kind of weird thing, but it's like, hope your daughter, when she's 17, marries an older rich guy, because he's stable, and then she won't get a bad young guy.
And any old world thing does that.
You go to Mexico, that's done.
You go to Russia, that's done in the rural areas.
Japan does it.
I mean, it isn't just the Muslims doing it.
They're doing it like they're nine-year-olds, though, marrying them off.
But it's a little creepy in a modern way, but then all the other stuff it looks like is made up.
And so that's why, you know, I then kind of lean back and I think it's appropriate that Trump's going after Franken because we got the photographic evidence.
You know there was photographic evidence of Moore grabbing some woman's breast, then Trump would have come out against him.
Trump didn't even endorse him!
Right, that's absolutely true.
That's 100% what he said about Trump is that he's going to do the right thing at the end of the day.
And I agree that Frank and I mean, the evidence is right there taking a look at it.
Roy, I just I don't know where the story is going to end.
I have no guess.
I did a poll on my Twitter.
You know, do you guys believe Roy?
Do you think this is a smear campaign?
I was saying before, I'm not sure if I got cut off, but the evidence definitely is getting a little weird.
I don't buy that the yearbook was not tampered with.
That's not to say that he didn't sign it at all.
Oh, it's not even his signature!
Yeah, it's like two different signatures whatsoever.
But, and I'm going to drive this point hard home, is that if
For any reason there's truth to these allegations, he absolutely needs to step down, and I think that there's not a single conservative that would disagree with that statement.
I totally agree with you.
Yeah, we're not like the Democrats who are going to defend people just because they're in a party we halfway support.
I hate the Republican leadership, and if he's just one more of those guys, get rid of him.
What do you make of CNBC, NBC, and others?
We have an article on Infowars.com.
Defending it and saying that Franken did nothing wrong, but that Moore is bad.
I mean, that is just, these people are ridiculous.
I mean, obviously if we had Moore grabbing some woman's breast in a photo, then we'd say step down now.
I think it's absolutely ridiculous.
And let me say something, I know some people were saying on one side of the argument, oh it's not a big deal, it's a joke.
That's not funny.
To me, if I'm sleeping and somebody's groping me, that's not funny.
That's never going to be funny.
I have a very good sense of humor, you know, and... I've run into this.
I've run into this with leftists.
They use saying they're comedians as an excuse for bad behavior.
Yeah, absolutely.
And it's not such a bad behavior.
When somebody is sleeping, there's something that is so incredibly violating about that.
The idea that somebody is sleeping and a picture was taken of them.
Count Dracula.
Presumably someone, yeah, presumably someone that they didn't know too well making a sexual gesture.
That is not funny whatsoever.
We're not going to pretend that's funny.
Well, here's the deal.
My wife loves me.
My wife loves me, but I know better than to just grab her in her sleep.
I'm going to get slapped in the face.
Yeah, same.
I agree 100%.
It doesn't matter who the man is.
Least of all, when it's a man that's a stranger.
It's disgusting behavior.
You gotta, like, pat him on the arm a little bit.
You wait.
You don't, like, just grab even your wife.
I mean, it's assault behavior.
Just what he did to her behind closed doors.
We'll be right back in 70 seconds.
She'll do this a little bit longer.
Then I'm gonna open the phones up and cover a ton of news.
Stay with us.
Let's talk to Danny.
Let's talk to Dr. Group.
You're on the air, Danny.
The nascent iodine, the B12, and the super male are incredible products.
Thank you.
I would like to ask Dr. Group, are there any supplements or products that help promote the growth of stem cells, and would you consider making one?
There is.
Well, the DNA force is probably the biggest product that's designed to do that, but the fastest way to stimulate stem cells, and this was a study by USC, we were talking about it earlier, is water-only fasting.
I haven't found anything in my over 20 years of research that can actually stimulate stem cell production as fast as water-only fasting can do it.
And according to USC, in 72 hours, you can regenerate your entire immune system.
And it reboots itself.
So, I mean, think about that.
You can go overseas to Thailand and get a $120,000 stem cell treatment, or maybe a $50,000 stem cell treatment, or you can do it for $1.99 a day with spring water or distilled water.
Let me be clear.
There's hundreds and hundreds of studies just on BioPQQ alone that's in DNA Force that we're allowed to talk about because it's so powerful.
It regenerates nerves in some cases, so an area that was dead, like your knee, your back, it may come back.
It may hurt worse for a while.
I had a finger that was chopped off and was still numb up on the front.
I took DNA for it for a few months.
It came back, sort of tingling.
The feeling is back.
So it doesn't grow telomeres.
It keeps them from shrinking as fast, correct?
Yes, and I mean, the cleaner your body is, and the more you detoxify, and the healthier you become on a daily basis, the better your body is at producing stem cells.
Danny, you've got to try DNA Force for yourself.
As Dr. Group said, the fasting is amazing.
Each person's different, so consult your physician or do your own research.
But we're running the biggest specials.
We run in like six months and free shipping, store-wide at InfoWarsStore.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
In the heart of the resistance.
Rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
With their so-called resistance meeting, an anti-Trump dark money conference.
We'll give you the latest intel on that and so much more.
Candace Owens, Red Pill Black, is our guest.
Her story's amazing.
But just in the time we have left, you know, as much as I get attacked, she gets attacked.
Imagine how much good Trump's doing that he's being attacked so much.
And I never got to this yesterday, and I didn't get to it two days before that.
I'm going to play today some of his speech in Seoul, South Korea, because I want to make a documentary out of it, almost, the speech, because you could, like, in an hour documentary, show the 30-minute speech, but clips of what he said being true about South Korea and then about North, just the difference of two different
Countries the same people and then one is a total hell the other is the most productive country in the world The longest one of the longest living I mean, it's just it's total upside-down world and it just shows how authoritarianism is a horrible nightmare And it's only good for a few psychopaths that run it Candace.
What's your overall view on Trump?
You think he'll survive?
I absolutely think he's going to survive, and I think I could be a little biased.
I just came back from hearing Steve Bannon speak.
I'm down here at a conference, and I mean, he just lit the room on fire with the energy, talking about how they did it and how they're going to keep doing it.
And look, Trump is prepared for this.
You know what he was going into, and he just has the spirit for it.
He's a fighter, and he is inspiring the rest of us to be fighters.
I had to say, I was sitting there and I was going,
I have never felt patriotic in my entire life until this moment, until Trump became the president.
Think about how crazy it is that we grew up in a country where we weren't proud to be in this country because that's what our leaders told us was okay, that we had to be ashamed to be American, that we had to open our borders, that we had to sort of get rid of everything that represents the USA.
And now this populist movement is alive.
Trump is basically draping himself in the American flag and reminding us of how great this country is.
So I absolutely think he's going to survive and I think it'll get harder and then it's going to get easier because voices like mine are standing up and we're not ashamed and we're going to keep fighting and we're going to help him.
What you just said is so true.
It's not just optimism.
It's not just empty optimism.
It's not just the positivity.
It's that we've got the base, the history, and the system to do it and to come together.
And the way he goes to other countries that also have the right stuff and praises them and tells the truth and it creates real unity.
I mean, in other countries, even in France and places, they love him now.
In Japan, in South Korea, in Russia, in areas of Europe, Latin America, the hype isn't true because
Because they didn't want us to be interested in leaders anymore.
They didn't want positivity.
They wanted us to kind of just give up and go away and be austere.
But you're right.
Trump has a fighting spirit that is infectious and is now helping get others with fighting spirits to stand up and who are positive.
And the sleeping giant really is rising and all the screaming and yelling and threatening is
The slaves of the brainwashing and those that are brainwashing realizing their time is over.
It doesn't mean some utopias here.
It just means, listen, we're not asleep anymore.
We are not asleep.
You are exactly right.
And Trump is an absolute legend.
He is a hero in this country.
And it's sad to me that there are people that are programmed to hate him.
Because if they could be a part of this, if they could feel this energy, this movement, it feels like a fire, like in a belly of a beast right now.
And it's coming alive.
And even hearing, I heard Katie Hopkins speak this morning, and she was just talking about how they've lost UK.
To hear someone who's patriotic about America that's not even American telling you what happened to their country, and she's saying, this country is great, okay?
Don't let them do to this country what they did to ours.
How do you not hear that?
How do you not hear the stories of people that have lived through this, that are telling you that we are lucky, that we still have our country, but we damn well better fight for it, and that is what people like you and I, and many other people that have done this before me, you know, I'm new and just getting here, are doing, and we're not gonna stop.
I'm excited.
Do a little bit more in the next segment with us, Red Pill, Black if you can, because I want to hear about this conference, I want to hear about that excitement, because you just lit me on fire!
And that's why InfoWars plugs into all this, listeners, because we are awake, we are victory, we are fighters as well.
That's why this is happening.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Candace Owens, red pill black, just set me on fire.
I wanted to kick into that again when I talked about the type of person Trump is, and how he's a fighter, and how he went to Scotland for six months, about a year before he decided to run, or before he announced it, and he made the decision not to do it for his family, and then he felt so guilty.
That he basically envisioned the whole thing, winning, how they'd make fun of him, what they'd do, what would unfold.
And I was told this by Roger Stone, who talked to Trump about it at length, was the head of his campaign at first.
And then later, in Politico, there was this whole article about how Trump did it.
And it had some of the same stuff from Ben and others about what Trump, you know, did.
And he's very fatalistic.
That's why he'll walk without the Secret Service, and he just says, I don't care, stand down.
And he doesn't want to die, but if somebody kills him, then he knows we'll win even bigger.
It's something else, folks.
I mean, Trump's the real warrior.
The real deal.
I'll tell you, I know the other behind-the-scenes stuff.
He's not a racist.
In fact, it's the opposite.
I'm not going to be patronizing about it and say Donald Trump really likes black people, but he does.
Because he likes people that are optimistic, energy strong.
He loves everybody.
Unless you're trying to dominate him, then he wants to dominate you.
And who he wants to dominate is the bullies.
He wants to set America loose, folks.
And he got screwed over.
His dad came from nowhere.
Their family had to fight in New York in the middle of that with a mob and everything to be builders, and they won.
You don't think they didn't do some stuff behind the scenes to let folks know to leave them alone?
I mean, the Trumps are fighters, folks, and the globalists.
Are scared of him.
It's real.
Does it mean he's not co-opting them?
Does it mean he doesn't do everything perfect?
He's getting the best done he can, and that's why they're so scared.
And I'm not going to go over all the accomplishments, but you just set me on fire there.
Spend a few minutes at this conference hearing Bannon speak, who this woman was you saw speak, talking about what other countries are like.
Because let me tell you, you go to some other countries, folks, especially third world countries or other stuff, you learn real quick
What authoritarianism is, what bondage is, what people giving up is.
And then you understand, now I see why the globalists bash America so much, because it's got ideas that ever implemented bring down their global system.
Doesn't mean we don't have sins, doesn't mean we don't have big problems!
The difference is, we've had these experiences together, and we've got an idea that Martin Luther King talked about, that is the American dream, that we never really realized it, is unlimited.
Just 10% getting realized, that is the richest country in the world!
We had half the world's wealth until about a decade ago.
And it's because we were creating the wealth.
So get back into this conference, Who You Heard Speak, give us the details Candice, Red Pill Black.
It's not over yet.
I can just tell you that this is the most amazing thing and I...
I think so.
You punch back and you keep going.
And you keep doing what you do.
You punch back and you keep going.
And that has been the mentality and the theme of this counter-resistance, which is a David Horowitz event.
He does it once a year.
And he really pulls everybody that is on the front line, everyone that is getting killed by the press, killed by people in the community that are lying about them, smearing them when they're just trying to do the right patriotic thing to do for this country.
Katie Hopkins, if you don't know her, she's a British reporter.
She's huge, absolutely massive.
She writes for the Daily Mail.
She's the one that writes all those pieces, and her speech, I mean, I almost brought tears to my eyes.
I mean, everyone was on their feet, just a round of applause, standing ovation for her.
She was so funny and so quirky in a way that, you know, only the Brits can do.
Milo's gonna be speaking, Ann's gonna be speaking, Gavin McInnes up there.
I mean, I don't think I've laughed harder.
He's like, he could be a stand-up comedian and he's just talking about... He used to be a stand-up comedian.
He got banned.
He got blacklisted because he became a libertarian.
Yeah, well, and he's just telling the story about how he was at the Deplora Ball and he just punched somebody back.
And that sort of is, that is symbolic of what it is that we're talking about.
And they can't stand the fact that we're finally punching back.
Yeah, they don't know what to do.
And he says that, he says the person made a face and they just couldn't believe it, Alex.
They were getting punched back, you know, because they saw them, they had just been the bullies and they had been punching us and they've been saying, this is what you are.
They tell me you're a coon, you're Uncle Tom, you're a doctor, you're this and you're that.
And I'm saying, I'm not going to take it sitting down, okay?
We are the counter-resistance.
We are here.
And Steve Bannon, when he talked about Trump and his fighting spirit and how he met him,
And everyone here is telling their experiences.
There's a double amputee who is, I believe, the congressman in Florida.
He fought for this country, lost his legs, and now he's a congressman.
He is talking to us, telling us about how patriotic he is and how he wants to help this country.
And meanwhile, Colin Kaepernick is on the cover for GQ.
He's on the cover for an outstanding... And it looks so stupid when you see the covers with, with, uh, Colbert and all of them propped up.
It's embarrassing.
I wouldn't be on the cover of GQ if they asked me now.
I wouldn't take a Peace Prize now.
It's all... They don't get what jokes they are.
It's such a joke, but when you look at this guy who's got two prosthetic legs and he is still fighting for this country as a congressman, and you feel the energy in that room when he spoke.
And by the way, he's the same congressman that went in when they wouldn't put up even three, four months in Trump's picture at the VA in Florida, remember?
Right, yes, yeah, he is just, this man, okay, is amazing, okay, and I cannot emphasize enough how amazing this man is and how he can move the room and his experience, his fighting spirit, it is that fighting spirit, that is what David Horowitz was able to curate with this weekend.
If you are a fighter, if they are trying to silence you, you are here this weekend and he wants you to inspire one another and that's why- And that's what I need the audience to know.
I know they're not doing it, but you can't go to sleep, and I know you're not meant to fight politics every year, every month, but this is the big global turning.
This is the fight.
Every bit of energy we put in now goes on for thousands of years.
Yes, this is the fight.
There's no other fight.
This is the fight that everyone needs to be in.
Do whatever you do, whatever your talent is, if it's videos, if it's talking, if it's blogging, if it's writing.
It's praying.
Be a part of this, because we are making history right now, Alex.
And I can't underestimate the power of prayer as well.
It's just, we need everything.
And I say that all the time.
It's not just me making videos, people that support me.
You know, I couldn't do without them.
I couldn't do without them writing to me and saying, we don't believe this, keep going, keep going.
So it's... Oh, absolutely.
And the things they've made up about you won't even...
I thought you said you were all total bull, but again, exactly.
Just say it's bull, move on, just keep getting the... And keep fighting.
Punch back and keep going.
That is what Ann Coulter said to me.
That is what Katie Hopkins said to me.
And I said, God bless you, woman, because they've been doing it for years and years and years.
And I looked at myself and I said, what's my excuse?
What am I upset about, you know?
This is one of many smears that are going to come.
They're going to try to shut me up.
And you know what my job is?
To punch back and keep going and to wake up the black community.
Because this is a war, okay?
This is an information war.
And what side of it you fall on is going to be how you represent yourself historically.
Because we are making history right now.
I was about to say, a lot of folks have come now and we're starting to have big victories, but this is the peak of the battle we're going into.
So this is the hardest time, but also the best time to be getting involved.
And every call to C-SPAN, everybody that wears a t-shirt in public, everybody that is loving to their children, everybody that prays to God, everybody that supports a broadcast like this or shares a link.
All of it together is a giant mountain of energy every day.
Many hands make light work, folks.
So again, when I tell you thank you, InfoWars, the president's told me this.
It's been said all over the news.
They know it.
Trump wouldn't be president if it wasn't for InfoWars, if it wasn't for you, the audience.
We were the key heart cadre in support and in information warfare and in breaking stories.
We're identified by Podesta, Hillary, everybody, as the stories that sunk them.
Again, those stories that sunk them, they're coming after me for now.
But that's how time-space works.
It doesn't matter.
I've already won that battle.
The larger war is here, but I've now got to deal with missiles they fired back at the time that that happened.
But we're here, it's all happening, and I want you to know, this is history.
Candace Owens, Red Pill Black, I want to talk to you again whenever you want to come on.
You're wonderful, you're amazing, and I'll say it, you've got a beautiful soul.
We really appreciate it.
That's why the enemy fears you.
We'll talk to you soon, and please come on and give us a report about the rest of the event.
Absolutely, I will.
Thank you guys so much.
I so appreciate you guys that watch InfoWars.
You're amazing.
We appreciate you!
Before we even had civilization 6,000 years ago, humans communicated through the clothing that they wore, the society they were part of, what class they were from.
And today we see the leftist, the globalist, controlling fashion, controlling culture through Hollywood and through their media systems.
But more and more there is a rebellion against that system.
Clothing is a statement, and it's essential to make that statement by wearing your colors loud and proud, just like I do when I'm out on the streets of America.
So right now, folks, we're gonna debut some new shirts and also some of the classics from the InfoWars store.
This is one of our newest shirts.
It's a limited edition.
I'm calling it InfoWars In Your Face.
It's a navy blue shirt, really high quality, feels great, fits great, with a big red InfoWars.com right in the center.
On the shoulder, InfoWars.com and an American flag on a blue background.
And remember, WikiLeaks shows
We're good to go.
Says it all.
Need I say more?
You want to have a political message out there?
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Then this is the shirt for you at infowarestore.com.
Now, if you want to be a little bit more low-key, this is a brand new shirt, hot off the press, the same great fabric.
That's Info Wars with an American flag.
This is more stealth if you just want to basically reach out to other fellow travelers that are awake to the worldwide revolution against the globalists.
And this shirt, The Spirit of 1776, is a great addition to do just that.
At InfoWarsStore.com, we've got more than 15 versions of different Molon Lambe or Come and Take It in good old-fashioned English t-shirts.
And right here on the back, the good old Don't Tread on Me.
Spread the word.
I designed this baby.
It's an AK-47 saying, come and take it.
And then, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
The Second Amendment is the type that fills up the image of the firearm.
This shirt is the second oldest shirt in our arsenal.
It's been around about 19 years.
It's the classic InfoWars tyranny response team shirt.
And of course we've seen the NFL taking a knee.
Uh, during the national anthem to basically piss on the American flag.
That's disrespectful.
But when you fly the American flag upside down and explain under U.S.
code that the country is under crisis, it's a symbol of respect for the nation and the flag to point out the country is in crisis.
Our republic is in distress.
Ask me why.
This baby is a classic year-round.
Good old camouflage with the Day-Glo orange hunting, don't tread on me, Info Wars.
Oh, and this is my birthday suit.
Mama gave me this one, so I guess I better go out and put another shirt on.
I call this the Patriot Rock and Roll shirt.
I think the image tells you what it's all about.
It's all about freedom.
It's all about rugged individualism.
Resist Tyranny.
Made in America.
And I've been showing you the fronts of these great shirts.
The backs are really cool.
Look at that back.
That is pure Americana.
And I almost forgot, we've got dozens and dozens of great limited-edition ball caps available.
The Dayglo.
Perfect when you're out jogging or out walking the dog, down the road.
This is my favorite ball cap.
Over 20 ball caps we've put out.
It's got the nice patch.
Infowars.com, the don't tread on me.
This, my friends, is the ball cap that I wear when I'm out and about in town.
The crew absolutely loves it as well.
Thank you all for your support, and check out the amazing Liberty Apparel at InfowarsStore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
All right, Millie Weaver just got back from the Clinton event, Hillary Clinton event, and she said she's getting stalked, getting followed, and they broke into her phone.
So I'm gonna have to find out more from her during the next break.
That's going on right before I got on air 30 seconds ago, 45 seconds ago, so all hell's breaking loose basically here in the War Room.
That's why I call the Ellen Schreyer Show the War Room.
I mean, that's what this is.
It's like we had the Al Franken news a day and a half before, but I wasn't afraid to put it out.
I was just like, OK, but I got to wait and I can't say who the woman is.
I'm not going to cover it.
See, most people would want that big breaking story.
I just want to be credible and actually help things and make things better.
But you can see how we tweeted out just to have it on record before it came out that we had the news.
That's why they constantly, you know, say, oh, we're fake news, because they know, folks, we make mistakes, but we're not trying to make mistakes.
We are beating ourselves up to tell the truth.
And not because we're Mr. Goody Tissues, man.
We want to have integrity.
My ancestors had integrity.
I remember being a teenager.
You're kind of naturally nasty when you're a teenager.
I'm thinking my dad and his dad and my mother's dad and my mother's brother were just Mr. America, goody two-shoes, and it wasn't an act.
It wasn't.
It was like they were enslaved to being good men.
I'm not as good as they are.
I'll be honest with you.
I have a dark side.
I don't let it run me, but I can see into the enemy more because I see how they see us.
So that's how God works.
I'm more twisted.
And so I understand what the enemy's up to.
But back when I was darker, I was never given over to evil, but when I was darker, I thought
People that are into evil, they think they're so strong because they're not good people.
They think they're strong because they only care about themselves, and the truth is, they're weak.
They're weak.
You see, the fact that I have a weak side, I can understand these people.
And my good side's big.
That's the difference, though.
I've got all these Hillary clips I want to play, and I'll get into their latest secret meeting.
This is very, very important.
You know, I've got so many of these.
Let's just go ahead and start with the first one, and it's self-explanatory.
Corporate media is now behaving like questioning the Clintons is some war crime and that, you know, Trump wants a dictatorship even though the Clintons tried to get dictatorships.
Obama tried to put it in that they're the ones that want to censor the press.
They're the ones that want to open our borders up and sign us over to the TPP and dictatorial systems.
And then now they're setting it up where Trump's the bad guy.
And anybody that criticizes the Clintons wants a dictatorship.
Oh, because what, you're still in the government?
So we want you out of government?
That's a dictatorship?
Because that's how they see it.
It's their camp, still in power, and they're holding back the great Trump evil.
Here it is.
This appears to be the politicization of the Justice Department and our justice system.
This Uranium One story has been debunked countless times by members of the press, by independent experts.
It is nothing but a, you know, a false charge that...
Look at this reporter, he looks just like the Buzzfeed reporters, like a woman that cut their hair short.
And I'm not being mean, but they're all like little skinny zombies you've never heard of, because that's who slime bags like Hillary want to be around.
They don't want to have real men around them.
In fact, they've had mainstream news articles saying, and psychiatrists have pointed out, that Hillary always wants really ugly people around her, because she's ugly too.
See, that's why misery loves company.
But oh, Uranium One, it's been debunked.
Even the New York Times admits it's smoking gun.
You guys have been caught red-handed, but you say it's been debunked.
Oh, and you never had a secret server either.
You told our reporters that.
Oh, I never had a server.
None of it was hacked.
If you like your doctor, you can keep it.
Here, let's continue.
Members of the press, by independent experts, it is nothing but a false charge that the Trump administration is trying to drum up in order to avoid attention being directed at them.
Even Trey Gowdy, somebody who's hardly a fan of mine, said that there doesn't seem to be the basis for a special counsel.
Of course, there isn't.
But if I try to take myself out of it, which you know is kind of hard because it's personally offensive that they would do this, but taking myself out of it, this is such an abuse of power and it goes right at the rule of law.
As Secretary of State, I went around the world bragging about America's rule of law.
That we were a nation of laws.
Okay, what has Trump done?
You know, the justice system was blind and obviously... Cut her off.
She doesn't say anything.
I can't listen to it.
Here's what Trey Gowdy really said.
Here's the clip she's talking about.
On the issue of special counsel, I did not sign.
Jim Jordan's a great friend.
I have tremendous respect for him.
I did not sign the letter because I don't think the threshold has been met for the appointment of special counsel.
I think this is a really important point.
You can investigate something without special counsel.
In fact, 99.9% of all investigations in this country are done by the women and men at the Department
You're saying the threshold has not been met?
At what point is it met?
What do you need to get there?
If you do get there?
A conflict of interest where the Department of Justice and all 94 U.S.
Attorney's offices are ill-suited and the public would not have confidence in an investigation that they ran.
I mean, look, Bob Mueller was appointed special counsel.
Some of your viewers don't have confidence in him.
So the appointment of special counsel does not talismanically make people all of a sudden have confidence.
I was about to say, it was done because people didn't have confidence and it was done politically.
So why do we create another political thing?
That's what's really being said here.
But we're getting lost here in the weeds, folks.
They're all super guilty.
The fact that he's saying it doesn't reach the level of special counsel, that means there's not public confidence.
Well, I think there is a public confidence in the Justice Department right now.
Actually, Gowdy, I disagree with Gowdy on that.
But here's Morning Joe saying Uranium One is dumb conspiracy theory.
Oh, you didn't give the uranium?
There wasn't a criminal investigation?
Mueller didn't order its end?
You're full of baloney.
Here it is.
We had an Attorney General that stepped up and did not look like he was not going to allow, look like, he was not going to allow our President, our Republicans in Congress, turn this Justice Department into some device for a tyrannical autocrat in the making.
If he listened to Donald Trump, this would shatter constitutional norms and would be chilling.
President Trump and his allies have been hammering the Clinton State Department for months, calling the Uranium One deal, quote, Watergate modern age.
It's also been covered virtually wall-to-wall on Fox News.
Sam Stein, Shep, actually just... It's incredible.
Shep undercut this entire conspiracy theory, and it is...
And like the clown show.
Because, again, you had all these agencies that had to sign off on it.
This wasn't Hillary Clinton saying, give me money and I'm going to take care of this.
Agency key control!
Criminal investigations, they ordered killed!
Gosh almighty!
I mean, uranium deals, secret deals, transfer deals, and then you're talking about Donald Trump Jr.
trying to meet to find corruption on Hillary?
That's Russian collusion!
But uranium transfers aren't, and then buying off politicians?
We'll be back, stay with us.
Have you?
We confirm suspicions, Ed Veritas.
It's not a shock to you, but to get the employee at YouTube on tape admitting that they do it?
I mean, you must be a threat if they call you out by name.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
After just a short time ago, and I'm talking about when this meeting started, on Twitter, if you clicked on the hashtag NYCTerroristAttack, which is, quote, trending, marked with a red button saying, quote, live, the top tweet links to an InfoWars story with the headline, Imam
I warned de Blasio about New York City of terror.
He was too busy bashing Trump.
I don't know what happens in somebody's mind or how dark their heart must be to say things like that.
This is a real-time example of when we talk about
This information being weaponized.
But Trump doesn't challenge these lies.
He actually went on Jones' show and said, Your reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
How quickly can you act?
And what's your responsibility to set the record straight so that the people who saw this
That's something we're thinking about all the time because it's a bad user experience and we don't want to be known as a platform for that.
You have RT, you have Sputnik.
You have Ruppley, and then I think you have them feeding other entities.
InfoWars comes to mind where those are echo chambers.
The system self-corrected.
That shouldn't be the first tweet you see anymore.
It should be a USA article the last time I checked.
But you saw this?
USA Today.
At lunch I did, yeah.
And I also saw the system correct it.
That man's a threat to this country.
They didn't call out Fox News by name.
They didn't call out anyone else by name.
They said, when it comes to Alex Jones, we need people to scroll and manually find him and manually have to find that video.
We're not going to allow that video, if it gets 10 million views, to be on the front of the so-called news carousel.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Alex Jones!
We are going to end free shipping tomorrow.
The specials we have for the last four days are gone, because a lot of those items were about to sell out, like Super Male Vitality and Super Female Vitality, but the probiotic, Biome Defense, about to sell out, but still 50% off.
Super blue, colloidal silver, fluoride-free mouthwash, 50% off.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion, still 50% off.
But we've added Caveman True Paleo Formula.
It's so amazing that people love so much.
That's 50% off as well.
Free shipping.
It's got to end.
Z-Shield is also being added for the things that have gotten taken off the list.
The amazing Heavy Metal Detoxifier.
This is the newest shirt that I want to be our bestseller, that I personally wear
around town now is my favorite shirt of all time.
It says, Won't Tread on Me, Infowars.com on the right-hand shoulder of the American flag, Infowars.com on the back.
Really soft, great fabric, and it helps fund our operation.
And it's got the Gadsden snake, just simply as the snake, very iconic, with Infowars.com in Dayglo yellow on the back, and Infowars.com with the American flag on the right-hand shoulder.
We also have Infowars
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Coming to you from the former United States of America from deep in the heart of Texas.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, Millie Weaver just came in here.
They just got back from Hillary Clinton's visit to Austin, Texas.
We got other reporters going to her Dallas event.
Sure they know that.
Her stupid book tour of her failure of a book.
What happened?
You happened, lady.
People woke up to you.
Millie just came in and told me the footage they got.
Now, it was Millie
One week before, in Cleveland, Ohio, one week before September 11th, when Hillary fell down like one of the towers, and fell on her face, the media tried to cover it up, but we had the footage.
They would just show her stumble and say that was it, not the rest of her falling over and being thrown on the side of the black ambulance, like a side of beef, as the Secret Service said.
Milley and Gavin were following her around, and they got her in the emergency tent for an hour, and the emergency stretchers
We have those articles.
In fact, here's some of the footage of Hillary falling down.
They were at the event and they got Hillary having to be lifted out of the ambulance again.
They had to pull her up and had to physically set her up and pull her out.
And you see them holding on to her and helping her upstairs, all that other footage.
It's like the weekend with Bernie's when she has these seizures from the brain tumor.
You know, we're not supposed to know that information.
You know, there's federal laws on medical records.
So, I just had a CIA source say that that should be looked into.
The point is, is that they have footage of her having to be pulled out of the vehicle, not being able to get up, and they have them calling the Dallas police, or Austin police, Dallas is next, on
Millie, and then the Dallas police tell their goons, leave her alone, she's allowed to be out here on the sidewalk.
So good for the awesome cops.
I don't know if the Dallas cops will be so good, because she's about to be there next.
So this is just incredible.
Now I want to go ahead and go to this next clip, but she's going to be coming on either next segment or fourth hour with myself and Mike Cernovich, but we're going to have Millie Weaver, our intrepid reporter, her and Gavin just when it comes to devastating victories every time they go out.
They've got powerful gods.
And I don't mean that in a paganistic way.
That's a quote from the show Rome on HBO.
It was actually a real quote from Julius Caesar.
He'd talk about people that kept having good success, good luck.
They'd say, these men have powerful gods.
And you know, the fact that good luck, God's on their side, the force is with them.
They just, every time they go out, it's just fantastical what they get.
So very, very awesome to have
Them on the team, they just continually get really powerful stuff.
So... Again, this is just them trying to block.
So you can't see, but they've got the footage.
They're blowing it up right now where they're picking her up and getting her up.
Which is what the Secret Service told us one month before she collapsed on September 11th last year.
One month before.
They told us
Listen, we don't know what's wrong with her.
You're the one who has guest on about her brain tumor.
All we know is she's having convulsions every 45 minutes or so.
She's got a black ambulance.
It's got lift gates on it on the back and the front.
They've got clinic things set up.
She's having these convulsions all the time.
And that's all we're going to tell you.
So just tell everybody, follow her around, you'll get it.
Well, we got her in the emergency tent the week before in Cleveland.
This Dutch video guy, he was a fan.
He just got back there and caught it.
So the Secret Service was right.
We were proven right again from our sources.
It happened.
Just like we told you the reported main shooter in the Vegas thing, Paddock, had gone to the Middle East with his girlfriend and had a visitor and was there days earlier and had Islamic paraphernalia and antifa.
That all came out later, except for the antifa part.
Because, I mean, we got that directly from, and people say, well, wait, I thought the FBI was corrupt.
But then you're saying the hostage rescue team.
They're not all corrupt.
A fish rots from the head.
Crap rolls downhill.
I mean, you're in there, and you see all this Islamic stuff, and you know where Paddock's been.
You've got his M.O.
You want to tell people you don't see gun owners being blamed?
Because the guys that actually do the shooting in the FBI, they're former military, or current military, or patriots.
They don't like the politicos always getting away with murder.
I haven't even hit on the news.
I mean, it's usually such big topics that I literally sit here with like 200 articles, probably.
I bet if I count all these articles up, I bet there's 200.
I mean, just this stack's like 15.
So 15, 15... 45...
Sixty-five, seventy, oh yeah, it's well over.
Maybe a hundred and twenty.
A little bit light today.
Sometimes I have two hundred, three hundred.
I don't know, this is a big stack.
That's like thirty articles.
The point is, is that...
I don't have all the answers.
We've got social engineers.
They admit they're doing this to us.
They only operate in the dark.
They operate with our tax money.
They operate with corporate jurisdiction offshore that are above the law.
They got thousands of labs, human-animal chimeras.
Hell, that's 35 years old!
Who knows what they've got now?
All I know is all they talk about in public reports is how they want to get rid of the majority of the public, how we're a bunch of weevils eating up their planet.
And I'm like, listen, buddy.
I'm going to tell people about this.
And it's not because I'm some hero.
They're trying to make me take vaccines and my kids, and I know they're jacking with them.
It's called self-preservation.
When I see somebody else in a car wreck get out with their face smashed, bleeding, I have empathy because I know what that feels like.
I know it could be my kids in that wreck.
The fact that I got nerve endings doesn't mean I'm a wimp.
It's the opposite.
I've got feelings because that's how you get through the world is having feelings.
Being connected.
The globalists work to not have feelings, and they become psychopaths, or sociopaths, and it's a joke!
And I'm tired of these people!
I don't like them!
They don't produce wealth, they don't produce longevity, they don't produce anything but baloney, like North Korea.
And you know what I'm gonna do?
One way or another, if the water doesn't rise over Bear Creek, or the hair doesn't lip the Admiral, I am going to shoot a special video about Trump's speech in South Korea.
Because if I just air it, it's 30 minutes long, it's powerful, but if I show images and documents and clips, and make it like 45 minutes, an hour long, where he builds up South Korea and shows how they're like one of the most successful countries in the world, per capita for the average person, the biggest middle class, I mean, it's just amazing.
They have the highest rate of autism, though, because they're very dutiful.
They take all their vaccines.
They do whatever America says!
Well, that means the corrupt interests that are in America.
That means America's perfect, or great, or the best, or the worst.
We're amazing.
But we're not one thing.
We're amazingly good.
We're amazingly bad.
We're looking forward.
We're looking backward.
We're looking all around.
Freedom comes with that.
A lot of choices, a lot of good, a lot of bad, a lot of in-between.
But he just lays out how they are, compared to the North, how it's two different universes completely, and how authoritarianism versus independence and the individual is two different universes, and how the secrets of the universe must be unlocked by the individual mind and the individual inventor, from the lowliest to the highest, and that's what's going to empower us into the future.
It is an incredible speech.
And it documents the difference between free market and communism, authoritarianism and libertarianism.
Just briefly, if you don't buy the products we've got at Infowars store, the probiotics, the digestive enzymes, Carnivore, it's so amazing what it does for you, getting all the nutrients, breaking stuff down.
She can take all the vitamins and minerals you want, so if you don't have the digestive enzymes, you don't actually get it out of there.
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Free shipping goes to the weekend.
We've got a lot of new specials.
The old specials had to end.
We have new specials that are about to end on Vitamin Mineral Fusion, on Caveman and more.
Now 50% off with free shipping.
Some of those are a loss leader at that price.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com.
You can learn a lot about the weaknesses of our enemies by studying what they attack.
By studying what they fear.
They fear families living together.
They fear people loving God.
They fear individuals being independent and successful and empowered.
They fear communities really coming together and sharing in the bounty of a free market system.
And they fear individuals openly exercising their First Amendment.
That's why it is essential on every front to support InfoWars.
When you get a t-shirt like this new shirt that is my all-time favorite, it's brand new, super nice fabric, it's designer-made, won't tread on me with a big Gadsden snake right in the middle of the chest,
A Dayglo, Infowars.com on the right shoulder, with an American flag, Infowars.com on the back.
When you wear it, it telegraphs to friends and to foe where you stand and what you believe.
And so many things will happen.
We are the majority.
And it lets the minions of the bullies that are out there trying to intimidate us know and understand that we're not backing down and we're aware of what's happening.
But just as importantly, it will allow you to meet like-minded people.
Who could become some of the best friends in your life?
So many people stop me on the streets, all over the country, and shake my hand and say, here's my husband, here's my wife, or here's a photo of my husband and my children.
I was wearing one of your t-shirts at the park, or at church, or at the mall, and met my spouse.
So many people write me.
And also told me on the street that they met like-minded people wearing these t-shirts that then became their new employer or their new business partner.
We have to fly our flag.
We have to wear our colors.
So, won't tread on me, the new shirt at Infowarsstore.com.
When you get excited and you take action, nothing can stop you.
And I want to see seas of this iconic shirt out there at big events, and at Trump rallies, and at land rights rallies, and at Second Amendment rallies, and on C-SPAN, and on national television.
We changed the world with the Bill Clinton rape shirt.
And the Lock Her Up Hillary For Prison shirt.
We've changed the world because you took action.
Now let's take it to the next level and also support InfoWars and our operation financially when you get the shirt.
So promote free speech, stand up to bullies, get a high quality shirt, meet like-minded people.
Again, and fund InfoWars and the expanding operation we've got in the face of the globalists trying to shut us down.
It is a total complete 360 win.
Please commit today to visit InfoWarStore.com and look at all the amazing Patriot apparel from ball caps to sweatshirts to high quality t-shirts at InfoWarStore.com and we will continue to change the world together for the better, for our children, for righteousness and for justice.
I'm Alex Jones, and we will continue to change the world together for our children, for our communities, for ourselves, and for truth, and for justice.
Again, I want to thank you all for your support, and I salute you all for what you've done in the InfoWar.
Whether it's spreading links to articles and videos, or spreading the word on the ground, or telling folks about local radio stations, or supporting our local sponsors, all of it has changed the world, especially your prayers.
So please,
From myself and my family and the amazing crew here at InfoWars, thank you for all you've done.
You are the InfoWar.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So, CNN goes on to say investigating the Clintons is what happens in an authoritarian country.
In the morning, Joe goes on to say what Joseph Stalin would do.
Actually, what you're doing, trying to attack free press, trying to raise taxes on poor people, all the rest of it, that's what Joe Stalin would actually do.
So let's go ahead and play a few more of these clips ahead of Millie Weaver.
We're going to go into the fourth hour with Mike Cernovich, who's doing a great job co-hosting that with us.
With Hillary here in Austin and where she was and what happened to her, having to be picked up and propped up and brought in.
New footage of this, them trying to have the cops go after her.
Our reporters, the cops said, no, you leave them alone.
So, a lot of good things happening there.
People know who the enemy is, don't worry.
But right now, let's go ahead and go to this clip.
CNN investigating Clinton is what happens in an authoritarian country.
Now we've got some technical problems here.
Let's stop it.
No big deal to have that occasionally happen.
You guys want to try to reload it or just say it's not there?
I'm cool either way.
This happens on live TV.
So that clip's not working.
I've been wanting to play that one.
That's a really good one.
Let's re-download that one.
Let's go ahead and go to the next one dealing with the Joe Stalin stuff.
So here's that clip.
First of all, we're going to get how horrific this is, what a horrific precedent this would set if Donald Trump goes after his political opponent this way, uses the Justice Department, pressures the Justice Department, pressures the Attorney General to do this.
This is what happens, this is what Joseph Stalin would do, this is what tyrants have done for years, is sick their
They're people on political opponents, but it is the underlying charge, the claim here that somehow the Clintons benefited from this still going through.
It's an absence of malice moment where, you know.
Paul Newman leans back in his chair and says, prove it.
They're not gonna prove anything here.
There's no smoking gun here.
There's no nothing here that's going to prove that the Clintons somehow got money.
I mean, it might look bad.
Putting a special prosecutor out there is going to uncover absolutely nothing and set a horrific precedent.
You know, Mika, there have been times in this troubled presidency that people have stood up and actually put the Constitutional Republic first.
You saw that with Jeff Sessions, recusing himself because it was the right thing to do.
You saw that with Rod Rosenstein, recusing himself and appointing Bob Mueller because that was the right thing to do.
And in doing that... Those are a bunch of cowardice.
What about that dead intern in your office?
Oh, that you're always trying to destroy?
By the way, look at Joe Scarborough.
You know, I don't believe he's really an alien from Mars, but in Mars Attack, the girl has the beehive haircut because she's really an alien.
I mean, is he really an alien, Gray?
Let's put him back on screen.
I'm being sarcastic.
He's going to say, Jones believes Scarborough is an alien.
Just what a bozo the clown.
And then you've got Mika Brzezinski and her war criminal father, you know, sitting there, and it's like, it may look bad, they got money from the Russians and gave them all the uranium, but they got the government to say it was legal under Obama, so it's okay!
And then they have the FBI kill an investigation.
He just sits up there bumbling.
This is what you get when a dead intern's found in your place, and then forever after,
You're just this creature.
Look how pathetic they all look.
I mean, almost no one even watches these shows.
And now he's going with this David Brock look.
Where he has this big bozo hair.
I am from Mars.
I am here, planet of Mars.
And we're just supposed to bow down to this guy.
I'm so sick of him.
Oh, look at this little sniblet of news.
Pelosi Soros headline.
Anti-Trump Dark Money Conference.
That's up on NewsWars.com.
The Democracy Alliance.
Yeah, well they're not funding the Arab Spring or overthrowing the Iranian government trying to cause a race war.
A dark money organization of prominent far-left donors that have all pledged to funnel money to approve left-wing groups to resist President Trump, close quote, traveled to California's La Cosa Resort
That's the News Wars headline on it.
But notice, 7 of the 10 richest members of Congress are Democrats.
Yeah, I've seen the statistics.
The Democrats have 5 times the wealth of the Republicans in Congress.
Just like all the top globalists, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Ted Turner, just all of them are Democrats.
Because they're globalists.
They want to wreck everything, take over, flood us with cheap labor, tax-exempt, but they want to raise taxes all day so there's more middle-class money because they get bailouts and stuff.
Warren Buffett, biggest recipient of the 2008 bailout.
$487 billion that his company and he got.
He got something like 50, I don't know, he pulled the McClatchy headline, it'll say on the sub-yield.
He got 50-plus billion himself in one day.
I'd buy that for a dollar.
Boy, I'm glad he's a liberal.
Hey, I get all your tax money and fund third world slave factories, but as long as I say I'm liberal, look, he always poses because he owns Dairy Queen with an ice cream cone.
So, there you go.
You tell the average leftist, you know the really rich people are for globalism and are leftists because they don't want you to have any money or any future.
Oh, shut up, you KKK member.
I heard Tom Brokaw say you were a Nazi.
Did Tom Brokaw show a clip of that?
Because Tom Brokaw is a joke.
He looks just like George W. Bush though.
He's like, Tom Brokaw here?
Hey, I got a word racist.
He a racist.
Tom Brokaw.
The other one come out of retirement, Ted Koppel.
It's like, if you grow up watching these guys, they're like, they're like Crypt Keepers.
I'm here to defeat you.
It's like, oh my gosh, if he calls me a blue-butted baboon, it must be true.
Tom Brokaw just called me a Chinese jet pilot that dropped out of a baboon's butt.
Look at the smugness of him.
He's got that same narcissistic mental patient look that George W. Bush has.
They did get the clip, Intrepid Crew.
Here's the clip of them saying, um, CNN, investigating Clinton is what happens in authoritarian countries.
They're investigating Trump, made up crap, shut down the press, arrest Alex Jones, but when we say investigate them, oh, that's authoritarianism.
Here it is.
You have to also do it in context.
Back November 22nd.
That's Cuomo.
Remember, we're allowed to read WikiLeaks.
He said, you're not, and if you do, we'll arrest you.
Sorry, let me get back to Cuomo.
He also said, let your daughter shower.
With men.
And let them see their genitals or you're sexist.
You're against trannies.
He said that.
So, back to the guy that thinks that full grown men should shower with your 12 year old daughters.
Here he is.
You have to also do it in context.
Back November 22nd, after the election, the president was asked about this.
Are you going to go after the Clintons?
Because you kept saying you were going to do it all during the election.
Here's what he said.
Here's what he said.
Well, when it goes up, I'll read it.
So, look, I want to move forward.
I don't want to move back.
And I don't want to hurt the Clintons.
I really don't.
She went through a lot.
And suffered.
In many different ways.
And I'm not looking to hurt them at all.
Yeah, that's him trying to be gracious.
So that's where this started.
Now... By the way, pause.
I told him days before that, they're going to play possum and come at your neck, sir.
And I told him that about ten more times.
And now the president does listen to what I say, even more, because every bit of it came true.
Sorry, let's go back to Cuomo.
Because of what's been going on with him, Jeffrey Toobin, do we see a very different posture now being motivated by the U.S.
Department of Justice?
You know, I don't want to be Chicken Little, but you know what?
This is what happens in authoritarian countries like Turkey and Russia, that when a party takes power, they start criminally investigating their opponents.
I mean, that's what this is.
That's what you've been doing to Trump!
What hasn't happened, as you just pointed out, Chris, but, you know, we're talking about the Clinton Foundation back in the 90s.
This is the 90s, it's ongoing now!
They just robbed Haiti of all the money.
Again, they've just done it, they've started it, they've done it, and then...
It turns around on them, and they're just totally freaking out, going, this is authoritarian!
Stop it!
Fourth hour coming up with the new Clinton footage.
Hillary having to be helped up.
She can't even set up exclusive footage.
Hour number four.
It's huge.
Stay with us.
Spread the live leaks to everybody.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting world-wide, it's Alex Jones.
We're getting ready with this bombshell Hillary news.
Footage we just got of her having to be helped out of her car.
Ties into her collapsing with Millie Weaver and Gavin Wins.
And, of course, hosting will be Mike Cernovich.
But first, here's a few minutes of Paul Watson yesterday on with Gavin McInnes on Get Off My Lawn.
How we doing, Paul?
Good to be here, Gavin.
Uh, how's life?
You're killing it!
It's not too bad.
I've been trying to spend more time on YouTube recently.
Spend more time on scripting videos, especially.
And less time on Twitter, which is very addictive, but I'm trying to get away from Twitter a little bit.
So I put this video up last night because I thought it was...
Quite apropos with what's going on with the whole sexual abuse scandal fallout, because it seems to be being conflated by the media and by the left.
I'll give you an example.
The last thing I saw on Twitter last night was a headline out of Fox News.
Steven Seagal accused of telling actress to sit on his face in 1991.
So they're talking about... This was a conversation over the phone, Gavin.
Like, he didn't even say it to her face.
She said no.
That was the end of it.
Whatever else Steven Seagal may have done.
It's like, the world will keep turning despite this apocalyptic bombshell from 26 years ago.
And that's what I talked about in the video that I put up last night.
The new sexual puritans.
The process that we're seeing, they're conflating all these like vague allegations, men clumsily approaching women being rebuffed and then taking it and conflating it with actual sexual assault of the Harvey Weinstein variety.
So you've seen
All these top feminists over the past couple of weeks, Lindy West being given a platform by the New York Times, Helen Rosner, Kate Harding, Matt McGorry, the actor on CNN, basically saying, oh look, this proves what we claimed all along, that all men are misogynists, all men are perverts, look what's happened, we've been proven right.
So they're taking it, twisting it, and hijacking it to try and resurrect third wave feminism, trying to resurrect this misandric belief that
Yeah, well it's ultimately about power, right?
It's about telling you how to have sex, what you can and can't do.
And I think that's why they embrace Islam, because the jihadists are saboteurs.
So they're going to burn your house down, metaphorically, and maybe literally, and then once they've sabotaged culture, then I can get in there and I can dictate everything, including how courtship works, how all men behave, what men say.
No, I mean, they make a list.
There's a big Medium article which went viral by Helen Rosner, and she lists it.
She says, right, now you have to support Black Lives Matter, you have to stop watching non-ethical porn, you have to stop using the terms social justice warrior and feminazi,
You have to support abortion.
You have to be quiet as men.
Otherwise, you're on the same team as all these evil sexual abusers.
So it's completely transparent what they're doing.
It's like the professor with the New York Times op-ed yesterday, you know, should I let my kid be friends with white people?
You read his article and it's like, yeah, you should apologize for being white.
And by the way, that's not enough.
You also have to adopt
Well, his wife is white, by the way, that guy.
Yeah, he's clearly friends with whites.
Well, every time you argue with feminists about this, they always say the same thing about all the fake allegations.
And again, it's becoming a challenge here to separate all the stories, because we sound like we're rape apologists here.
Yes, rape is bad.
That's why we have the cops.
Go to the cops.
Even sexual assault, go to the cops.
Anything untowards, and it's illegal, go to the cops.
Otherwise, I don't know, you didn't like the way someone spoke or you felt uncomfortable?
It's not illegal.
Get over it.
You know, we all have.
But the one thing these women keep saying is, why would they lie?
Why would they exaggerate?
Why would they want to put themselves through that?
And I say, because I can give you a bunch of examples, like Jamie Peck, who built her career on criticizing Terry Richardson.
Alright folks, we'll be right back.
That full lengthy interview is posted at Prison Planet on YouTube and at InfoWars.
Stay with us.
We'll be back with the latest on Hillary Clinton, Mike Cernovich and more.
Stay with us.
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He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Okay, Mike Cernovich is co-hosting with us in this fourth hour.
We're getting him connected right now.
The footage you're about to see is really important because we're going to have even more footage.
This just happened like an hour ago.
Millie Weaver and Gavin Wentz, the camera guy, both of them intrepid reporters, just got back to the mothership here in Austin, Texas.
Hillary was here in Austin today.
Millie Weaver, our reporter, will give you the details.
She's also going to be up in Dallas now.
And we first got the reports from the Secret Service last year that Hillary was having convulsions every 45 minutes and had a black ambulance.
And that we should tell our listeners and everybody else to follow her around and get her on video.
She had a medical tent as well.
Well, a couple weeks later, Millie and Gavin in Cleveland, Ohio caught her in a medical tent for an hour.
Emergency stretchers, people running through.
We have that video.
A week later on September 11th, a month after we broke this news that she was having convulsions every 45 minutes, she fell down on 9-11 in New York.
The media only showed her wobbling, didn't show the fall, and said we made it up.
But despite the fact they pulled it off the internet, the video kept getting uploaded, they had to back off.
That was a real waterloo for mainstream media.
So you went down there today, I don't know if you were wearing your Bill Clinton rape shirt.
Oh I was, I most definitely was, and I triggered a lot of people.
You would not even believe.
There were a lot of Austin liberals out there lined up to see Hillary Clinton, and she was very secretive and elusive.
You know, when she even first pulled up, they had a garage that would shut so that you wouldn't capture or see her getting out of her car as to maybe hide if she were to stumble or fall.
You never know.
But it was
Very handled.
You had her whole staff there, like a bunch of cult members.
And yes, I did get harassed by her staff.
They were stalking me, following me around.
One of the private security was even pushing up into me and I had to keep telling him, stop.
I do not want you touching me.
And by the way, by next hour, you guys just got back in the last 45 minutes, you'll have all the video downloaded and ready for the war room with Owen Schroeder.
You're going to be able to show all this.
But you were telling me that they call the Austin cops, but the Austin cops, when they got there, what happened?
Yeah, I was like, please call the police.
We're on a public sidewalk.
I'm allowed to be here talking to people that consent to talk with me.
And guess what?
They brought the police, and the police were totally cordial, and they ended up telling Hillary's psychotic staff, cult member staff, to back off.
You can't be in my space.
You can't be touching me and pushing your body up against me.
Yeah, this is Texas, and I'm sorry to say, I did it in New York, where the police a lot of times will actually back
The Democrats, you know, being anti-free speech.
And of course, people can't see it on radio, but you have the rape shirt down there of Bill Clinton, which became iconic in the election.
And we had the contest exposing Bill Clinton as a rapist that probably turned the tide of the election.
It was our audience taking action that did that.
But alone, you having her coming out of a deal and them holding her up and holding her by the arms, clearly not just guiding her, but holding her up thinking she may fall any minute.
Stumble her way into her chair in her seat and then allow people in so that she could be sitting in a stationary position while she's signing and autographing books.
And essentially, you know, we're seeing somebody having to literally lift her.
It looks like the guy is lifting her up out of the car.
And again, they tried to hide around the corner.
They tried to hide inside where they parked her.
They're being very, very secretive.
Just like the Secret Service told us, there is a black ambulance vehicle that she uses now.
Have we gotten Mike Cernovich on yet?
Okay, great, because I want to get Mike Cernovich's take on this before we go to the footage.
He's supposed to be hosting this hour.
I appreciate him letting us run into what he's doing at Cernovich on Twitter.
Mike, we've been on this from day one.
Obviously, we see the whole collapse of their structure, the elite turning against the Clintons.
You're going to be getting into all that coming up.
But what do you make of the new footage we've got that we're about to premiere of them clearly
Hiding her around the corner and trying to hold her up under her arm, you know, like she can't walk by herself.
By itself, you'd say, eh, but you added to all the other evidence.
This is amazing.
Yeah, and then she broke her foot by tripping down the stairs, the multiple falls, the scooby van.
People can go back and see that you and I and others have talked about the scooby van.
And they call this, of course, a conspiracy theory and even worse.
But that was from Secret Service sourcing.
Everybody knows within her, because again, it's all a drill.
It's all orchestrated.
Well that's right and even under campaign events the last few months of last year they would all circle her and the crowd was in on it.
I mean we now learn we were vindicated, this is true, this is happening.
You know, Donna Brazile also talked about how cult-like Hillary Clinton's staff is, and I can attest to you that I've been to multiple rallies, multiple Clinton-speaking events.
They are extremely cult-like, and even today, they were cult-like in the way they harassed me, stalked me, told me I needed to leave while I'm on a public sidewalk.
They're cult-like, just like Donna Brazile said, so why wouldn't Donna Brazile's testimony on Hillary Clinton's ill health also be correct?
And again, if you're a TV viewer, we are rolling this video here.
And we have it slowed down.
There she is.
Literally, it looks like being held up her arm.
Then she's like, oh look, there's cameras.
So they take their hand off.
Do you see they're shutting the gates?
They were trying to shut the gates and hide her completely walking into the event.
They did not want people getting in.
This is amazing.
I haven't even seen this yet.
It's brand new.
You're seeing it for the first time.
Yeah, no.
I thought, because I saw earlier on Twitter that Hillary had still been traveling in her big Scooby van and they were walking her behind the van while a bunch of fans were surrounding her.
And as you know, that was standard operating procedure was they would say never let anybody get her on camera.
And by the way, where is that on Twitter, Mike?
Is that Ed Cernovich?
Did you retweet that?
Because we want to show that right now to give us different angles of what happened.
Show it.
Tell us where to go.
Yeah, yeah.
So Jack Posobiec had that on his Twitter account, where it shows Hillary being escorted to the back of her big Scooby van.
And I thought that was the video we were talking about, because as we know, the media
Doesn't go behind the van because that's when they have to lift her up and prop her up.
So if you ever watch footage of her getting into the van, they always escort her to the other side away from the camera.
Sure, and you see them in the shot as they're trying to close the gate.
She's like, hey, look, and they're holding her up and then they take their hand off.
I mean, this is she is really ill.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
So yeah, I didn't even, I hadn't even seen that video.
I thought you were talking about this other video that I'm looking for and I'll retweet so that it's at the top.
Yeah, this, this is startling actually.
Can we watch that video?
Yes, let's roll that video again for TV viewers.
Radio listeners, Infowars.com forward slash show.
This was literally shot like an hour and a half ago.
Billy got back like an hour ago and you can see it where they are holding her, not, not just touching her on the arm, but holding her up under the elbow.
She sees it.
So they start closing the gate.
Uh, to basically cover up what's going on.
Yank you up by your arm, you know?
She needed help, obviously, getting out.
Yeah, we found the video, so I retweeted it to my timeline.
So, as you can see, they're escorting her to the back of the van because they don't want to see anybody have her lift her up.
So, it's amazing.
We're going to show that when we come back from break.
Here's the footage.
Hillary's still traveling in what appears to be a modified van.
I mean, look at her hobbling out.
She's got a boot on.
Oh, wow.
Gavin, we have footage of that boot, too.
So there's the boot.
I mean, she looks like she's a person in a nursing home.
And then there's the ambulance.
There's the black ambulance.
And then she still thinks she's going to run for office in a couple years.
Well, she's walking with a limb.
Donna Brazile even came out saying she has ill health.
Well, Mike Cernovich, great job, Millie.
I'm going to let you get all the new footage ready for the war room coming up in about 45 minutes.
But I want you to be able to take over.
What else is coming up, Mike Cernovich?
Oh, I didn't know.
I thought I was riding shotgun or you were riding shotgun.
We'll be happy to ride shotgun if you want.
We just don't want to hog your hour.
You've got a lot to cover.
No, no, no.
I like the panel discussions anyway because I haven't even seen that video.
Tell us what you want to get into then in the next 45 minutes.
Yeah, well, you know, I think that video that you drew on was big.
I think that the sexual harassment scandals are big.
The Hollywood stuff is big.
I mean, there's so much to talk about, man.
Sure, but let me just say this.
I hadn't seen the footage that Posobiec just put out.
I mean, clearly she's being helped out by them there.
I mean, I'm not being mean.
My grandma just died.
The point is, she looks like a nursing home person.
And the point is, this is the elite's creature?
And then Bill Clinton looks like a cryptkeeper?
I mean, it's like Cousin Lurch.
We'll talk about it all with Millie Weaver.
Mike Cernovich and more.
They're getting all the footage ready.
We got a bunch of it.
Hillary having to be held up in Austin, Texas.
Stay with us.
We confirm suspicions at Veritas.
It's not a shock to you, but to get the employee at YouTube on tape admitting that they do it?
I mean, you must be a threat if they call you out by name.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host, Alex Jones.
After just a short time ago, and I'm talking about when this meeting started, on Twitter, if you clicked on the hashtag NYCTerroristAttack, which is, quote, trending, marked with a red button saying, quote, live, the top tweet links to an InfoWars story with the headline, Imam
I warned de Blasio about New York City of Terror.
He was too busy bashing Trump.
I don't know what happens in somebody's mind or how dark their heart must be to say things like that.
This is a real-time example of when we talk about
This information being weaponized.
But Trump doesn't challenge these lies.
He actually went on Jones' show and said, Your reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
How quickly can you act?
And what's your responsibility to set the record straight so that the people who saw this
That's something we're thinking about all the time because it's a bad user experience and we don't want to be known as a platform for that.
You have RT, you have Sputnik.
You have Ruppley, and then I think you have them feeding other entities.
InfoWars comes to mind, where those are echo chambers.
The system self-corrected.
That shouldn't be the first tweet you see anymore.
It should be a USA article the last time I checked.
But you saw this?
USA Today.
At lunch I did, yeah.
And I also saw the system correct it.
That man's a threat to this country.
They didn't call out Fox News by name.
They didn't call out anyone else by name.
They said, when it comes to Alex Jones, we need people to scroll and manually find him, and manually have to find that video.
We're not going to allow that video, if it gets 10 million views, to be on the front of the so-called news carousel.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
We are going to end free shipping tomorrow.
The specials we have for the last four days are gone, because a lot of those items were about to sell out, like Super Male Vitality and Super Female Vitality, but the probiotic, Biome Defense, about to sell out, but still 50% off.
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We also have Infowars
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
And Mike Cernovich and Millie Weaver.
Millie just got back like an hour ago.
There's more footage coming up this hour.
More footage on the war room with Owen Troyer and Roger Stone.
And Mike Cernovich is one of the contributors as well.
Mike Cernovich is hosting this hour.
I'm getting out of this segment even though I'm invited because I gotta go look at all the rest of this footage and I'm gonna be listening to Mike.
But if you missed it,
Here's the footage.
You tie this in with all of her other collapsing, that she still has the ambulance, that she's hobbling around with a boot on.
I mean, she looks like she is basically living in a nursing home.
And look, look, she's an evil woman.
They tried to cover up her illnesses.
We're slowing this footage down.
There was one car, Millie was saying, behind the motorcade that got in late, so they were unable to close the gates to cover up what was happening.
Let's back that up again.
And Millie and her cameraman, Gavin Wentz, caught it on tape, and she's being lifted out of the black ambulance, which is a mobile ambulance, but black, so you don't know it's a black ambulance.
This is simply incredible.
Millie, tell us about this video, narrate this for radio listeners, and what else you saw.
Well, you could tell that by the way they were having her come into the back end of the bookstore, they were trying to have it very discreet and private.
They even had gates that they could shut so that you wouldn't see it.
But like you were saying, there was a tail end of the motorcade that came in late, had some problems trying to, weaseling through, shimmying through the gate, and that's what allowed us to capture this footage.
But she could have clearly been dropped off at the very front entrance of the bookstore, and she could have waved to her
Fans who are sitting out there, sitting on the floor, probably waiting for hours to come see her.
But that's not what happened.
She had clear as day being lifted out of a vehicle.
That's right.
Which is what the Secret Service told us.
She's got to be lifted out of vehicles, put back in.
That was over a year ago.
Then she fell down a month after we were told.
And you've been on her tail, you and Gavin.
That's right, and her staff was so cult-like.
I mean, look at them all standing around.
I mean, obviously you have people there, but this guy here, he was one of the ones that followed me around.
The guy with the beard followed me around the entire time where I was, along with that other security guy in the green, and they were the ones harassing, following me, pushing their body up against me.
And what did the Austin police say to him?
The Austin police told him to stop.
They said, you know, you need to keep a distance from her and I was very grateful for the Austin police and even Hillary Clinton's crazed female staff members that came and told me I had to leave right now because I was harassing and hurting people's feelings and offending people.
They didn't seem to care that these guys were kind of manhandling me in a way and that they threatened, we're going to call the police.
I said, please do call the police because
You know, I'm allowed to be here.
This is the public space.
Well, this is Hillary, again, like the Secret Service told us over a year ago, having to be lifted out of vehicles.
Mike Cernovich, the Don of Brazil, all of it coming out.
The establishment turning against the Clintons.
What does this signify to you?
Well, I would like to know if the media, the New York Times, is going to report that a female journalist, Millie Weaver, was potentially assaulted in a major attack on the free press by Hillary Clinton's people.
I think that's very interesting that it's okay for a conservative or independent journalist to be manhandled by Hillary Clinton's entourage.
By Hillary's goons, who we know have gone after women before that have been abused by Bill Clinton.
And it's not the first time.
It's not the first time.
I've been to her other rallies during the campaign season and her staff was always really crazy and attacking me.
Mike, what does this signify to you, though?
The whole establishment turning against the Clintons.
What does that signify?
Well, they're trying to regain the moral high ground which they lost by defending Anthony Weiner, Al Franken, Frankenstein's monster, Kevin Spacey, Weinstein, the whole thing.
And they know that they realized, hey, we can't falsely accuse
Right-wing people of stuff, if the real accusations against our people aren't addressed either.
So now they're going, well Bill Clinton, he's old, he's senile.
Hillary Clinton, she has Parkinson's.
Who, you know, or whatever.
Donna Brazile, by the way, confirmed again, I've never gotten an apology, confirmed that doctors who liked Hillary
We're actually emailing about her health, but again, the fake news media doesn't want to cover it.
Well sure, they fired one doctor that went public and said, listen, I'm not against her, but you know, this lady's got serious medical problems.
Yeah, Dr. Drew lost his whole show.
Remember that?
I mean, the cover-up!
It really shows how high the cover-up goes.
It's Dr. Drew, very popular.
He's a liberal, by the way.
He's not one of us.
And he just said, wow, there's something wrong here.
Show canceled.
The machine.
That's what they would do to protect the Clintons.
But the Clintons aren't giving up, and their minions aren't.
So when you've got an immovable object comes into the unstoppable force, you get explosions.
But now that the Clintons lack power,
They're saying, well, we'll just throw Bill Clinton away because he can't raise money for us.
Even Senator Gilbrand, she goes, oh, Bill Clinton should have been removed from office after the Monica Lewinsky affair, which by the way, no, he shouldn't have.
So she's now basically agreeing with the impeachment.
Right, even though she was with him all last year, raising money, cha-cha-ching.
Well, you know, Bill Clinton was actually impeached for lying.
He was impeached for lying.
It wasn't the act, actually, of having sex.
Yeah, no, it was consensual with her.
I don't think that was an issue.
It should be an issue with Christian voters or whatever.
They cover up consensual sex like it's the raping or pedophilia.
No, it's not.
But then they don't want to talk about the actual cases like, you know, Kathleen, Willie, and... Exactly.
So let me ask you this question, Ann, Mike Cernovich.
Why are they trying to mix normal sexual relationships in with, like, pedophilia and rape?
It's not going to work.
It seems like an attack on heterosexual relationships in general, an attack on the family.
Yeah, what do you think, Mike?
I think that's what it is.
Yeah, well, I've said this before, too, and I know that it resounded because the Southern Poverty Law Center was really upset.
As I said, the reason that they're attacking us is because they want to attack the nuclear family, and that is why they are trying to destroy us whenever they can.
They want the degeneracy, and also what they're trying to do is, the Washington Post did this.
Let's re-examine the Roy Moore story.
If WaPo had only run one story where a 14-year-old girl accused Roy Moore of what he did, I think I would have believed it actually.
But it was all package-targeted, ready, and a bunch of it's been proven to be fake.
Yeah, and then they go, oh, and there was an 18-year-old, and then the media lumped them all in as accusers, right?
So watch the trick the media did.
The media goes,
Four women have accused Roy Moore.
Well, no they didn't.
If an 18-year-old girl says, I went on a date with a guy and we had an ice cream cone and he never did anything.
That's not an accusation.
That's not an accusation.
There's nothing wrong with that, right?
I mean, the real deal is, I think it's a little creepy, but it's not illegal.
The guy's a stud, okay?
The point is, his problem is he wasn't raping him, he wasn't a pedophile, then he'd be in the club.
Yeah, so I wasn't, you know, I wasn't defending him being 32 years old, walking around in a suit at a shopping mall.
Yeah, I mean, I think it's creepy.
It's like a creepy, studly guy.
But, you know, and there could be something real.
The point is, if something real comes out, we're going to throw him overboard.
The Democrats are still defending, you know, MSNBC and they are defending Al Franken.
But in some of these states, it wasn't illegal to go on a date with someone in that age group.
For me, it's creepy, but is it Harvey Weinstein?
What do you think, Mike?
Well, yeah, and did you notice that Gloria Allred, when she went on the news, she said she wouldn't admit that the signature was authentic.
Have you guys played that footage yet?
No, I saw that.
I had that in the clip.
I never got to it.
In fact, you know, we've got that when we come back.
Grills Allred over more accusers, and she went on to say she wouldn't say it was real.
You can see her on video.
It's amazing.
I can neither confirm nor deny, you know, lawyer speak.
Well, Mike, we're going to be watching and gearing up for the next show.
I know you're going to be tweeting down a lot of stuff.
Big breaking news here.
Great team effort.
Everybody getting this out.
You're taking over.
We want that clip.
And we have Katie Turr, Grills Gloria Allred over it and a lot more straight ahead on the other side with Mike Cernovich.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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And he said, son, I don't care who you have on the air.
That's a bunch of bull.
You need fluoride or you die.
And I actually showed him what was in the water supply and the fluoride.
He said, this is incredible.
This is Grignard Reagent's heavy metals.
They're covering for it, calling it fluoride under law with a loophole to dump toxic waste in the food and water.
Now, CNN had to admit last month, in utero and in children, massive IQ reductions.
Well, six years ago, the EPA said, reduce it in water by half.
You don't drink your sunscreen, but hydrofluorosilicic acid is a
I don't
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen, right here on the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Mike Cernovich.
And we're back.
Mike Cernovich.
Facebook.com forward slash Mike Cernovich is where you can find a lot of great videos.
Today, by the way, 40th birthday.
Happy birthday to me.
But even though it is my birthday and this war against the globalists, we don't get days off.
So I'm actually going to a wonderful trip.
I'm going to leave right after this actually, take a great trip, have a nice weekend away.
But you all are too important for me to not be with today because
I'm not always able to talk with you on Fridays because I just wrapped up production on a big film.
Everybody's so busy.
That's the thing is we do live in a golden era of media and journalism.
I right now am sitting on a bombshell story that will rock the halls of Congress that I'm working on.
I'm here talking with all of you.
We're building a big film that I was doing.
That's in post-production.
Alex is building
The studio's out.
And this is why the support from all of you is so important, and why the product specials matter so much, because there are no outside advertisers for Alex.
There's no outside advertisers for me.
This is all 100% listener funded, and a lot of people don't get it.
I hear from people in right-wing media all the time.
You know, Mike, I can't make any money doing this.
Mike, you know this.
Mike, that.
Because Toyota Corolla
Isn't going to advertise with right-wing media, with the media that tells the truth.
You're not going to get Mercedes-Benz.
You're not going to get BMW, Keurig, the coffee maker.
They even pulled out some Hannity, right?
Hot dog companies pulled their ass from Hannity.
You name it.
So that's why the support of the listeners are important, but it's a two-way commitment.
That's why I'm here on a Friday on my birthday with you, because your support matters.
And I thank you for the support that you've given me, the support that you've given the whole InfoWars crew, because there are a lot of people who are very grateful for all the support you are giving.
And you give that every time you order and you get stuff on auto ship.
And you buy the products while they're on special, subscribe and save.
Caveman True Paleo Formula, that's the product that I always plug because that's the one I personally use.
With me, I just don't plug anything, right?
I just don't, because I don't plug anything that I don't take.
But I know the Caveman stuff is amazing.
It's collagen.
I've done smoothie recipes before with frozen berries.
Smoothie recipes with a banana, almond milk.
You throw in some Caveman True Paleo strawberry formula with some frozen blueberries and a banana, and you have all the nutrition you need for your joints and other parts of your body.
And that's the one that I think is the best.
And so thank you again for your support.
And let's get back to, well, that is fun, by the way.
You know, I'm actually publishing an article today, 40 life lessons when I turn 40.
Which is kind of like cliche, but it's kind of cool.
Those things tend to go viral.
And we do want our message of positivity to go viral.
I really don't like that people don't realize how positive and upbeat and fun Alex is.
You see a side of that on the show.
But, you know, what we're doing is warfare every day.
Warfare against the globalists.
Warfare against the pedophile Hollywood establishment.
Very important to remember, though, to spend time with your family, to reflect, to be good to one another.
That's ultimately the message from me, the message from the whole Infowars team is we want to make the world better.
The fake news media, they have to lie about us, actually, to make us look bad, because all we want to do is make the world a better place.
We want you to be healthier, wealthier, wiser.
And every day, and that's why we share real news, where I got to give credit to NBC.
I never thought I would say this.
But NBC did some real journalism.
This video you're about to watch, I couldn't believe I watched this on NBC.
I'll be completely honest with you.
This video you're about to watch, a journalist named Katie Tuerer actually does real journalism and confronts Gloria Allred about potential forgery accusations.
So I want you, if you're at home listening, very attentively, and if you're watching, to watch attentively.
Let's play that clip and then let's analyze it once it's over.
At this point, I have no reason to believe that what he wrote in the yearbook is anything but his signature.
Does your client, Beverly Young Nelson, remember him signing it?
She remembers being with him.
It was on the counter.
She alleges that he took it, that he signed it, and she was thrilled that he had signed it because, as far as she knew, he was a DA and that was an important position.
So she saw him sign it?
I don't think at the time she had a clue whether he was an assistant DA or a DA, but he signed it, she took it,
As far as she knows, I mean, there's no reason for her to think it's anything but his signature.
But did she see him sign it?
You know, I don't...
I haven't asked her if she saw him, but we did describe what happened that evening in question, that what she alleges was that she put it on the counter, that I think that he asked to sign, or that he did sign it, that's all.
I ask this because it seems like you're not 100% sure that it is his signature, and if you're not 100% sure that it is his signature, why would you show it at a press conference?
Well, why does anybody doubt that it is his signature?
Well, Roy Moore's campaign is saying, and Roy Moore himself is saying, it's not his signature.
Well, he has a motive to say that, and let him prove that it's not.
We have offered to provide it to an independent expert at the hearing, which would be held in Washington, and we have allowed it to be examined.
Have you gotten any response from anybody in Congress?
I have no reason.
They have not provided me any evidence to suggest that it is not his signature.
All they've done is make this bold assertion that it's not, but they have not provided any evidence whatsoever to support their assertion.
Of course they have a motive to make that assertion because he is denying, first he denied even knowing her.
Then he, uh, he compounded that, uh, or confused that whole issue by saying something to the effect that, oh, well, she appeared before him in a divorce case, and, uh, apparently that does not appear to be accurate either.
I would, I, I'm telling people if you want to
Witness a master class in deception.
How to spot a liar.
Just watch that video with the sound on and then the sound off.
Can you say KD Tour?
By the way, all credit to KD Tour.
I don't do this very often, but I always believe that we should give credit because that's integrity.
I always believe that as hard as I am on the fake news, I don't have a problem with real journalism.
I have a problem with fake news and I tip my hat to Katie Tour there.
That was a master class in exposing a liar.
Gloria Allred would not defend her client.
So I don't know what to say.
I'll tell you this 100% confession, my confession time, a story I got wrong.
When people told me that that yearbook signature was fake,
I'm going to tell you right away that I told people, guys, that sounds like a conspiracy theory.
I don't believe it.
Leave me alone.
The idea, maybe I'm just naive.
The idea that they would go to that length to forge a signature like this, right?
So you can read my tweets where I told people that I believe the yearbook was authentic.
I told people that I thought it was a conspiracy theory to doubt it.
And now I'm the one who looks like the fool.
But you gotta own your mistakes in life, and I own that mistake.
I accused a lot of people of spreading conspiracy theory about a Ford signature, but Gloria Allred right there confirmed the conspiracy theory.
She's the one who won't stand by her client.
This is her client.
She doesn't trust her own client.
She doesn't believe it's true.
She's hedging her bet.
So Gloria Allred is now the person who has cast that entire signature into doubt, and that really goes to show the real problem of fake news.
They had me conned.
And I spot fake news for a living.
I'm doing a documentary on fake news called Hoax.
Even with my great ability to spot media hoaxes, even I, Mike Cernovich, fell victim to the con of the fake news media and that forgery.
So that goes to show I don't know how much can you trust on the news.
Probably none of it.
But you can trust InfoWars.com.
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So, won't tread on me, the new shirt at Infowarsstore.com.
When you get excited and you take action, nothing can stop you.
And I want to see seas of this iconic shirt out there at big events, and at Trump rallies, and at land rights rallies, and at Second Amendment rallies, and on C-SPAN, and on national television.
We changed the world with the Bill Clinton rape shirt.
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I'm Alex Jones, and we will continue to change the world together for our children, for our communities, for ourselves, and for truth, and for justice.
Again, I want to thank you all for your support, and I salute you all for what you've done in the Info War.
Whether it's spreading links to articles and videos, or spreading the word on the ground, or telling folks about local radio stations, or supporting our local sponsors, all of it has changed the world, especially your prayers.
So please,
From myself and my family and the amazing crew here at InfoWars, thank you for all you've done.
You are the InfoWar.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Mike Cernovich.
And we're back with the final segment.
Mike Cernovich.
You can find me at facebook.com forward slash Mike Cernovich.
Here to talk about, and we'll call this segment, how Congress covers up
Sexual misconduct, sexual harassment and sexual assault by its members.
This is very, very disturbing stuff that I'm about to break a bigger story on probably Monday.
We'll see.
It's a very big story.
Everybody in Congress is going to feel it.
It'll be on the level of the Susan Rice story.
So stay tuned for that.
But what I've been learning is that if we click on to, um, uh, Reed Wilson had a tweet where the Congressional Office of Compliance releases a year by year breakdown
Of harassment, claims and settlements.
So we're going to take a look at this chart and for those of you just listening in, excuse me, for those of you listening in, we'll just read it to you and those of you at home can watch.
There is a star chamber designed to completely silence victims of sexual misconduct by congressmen.
So it's called the Congressional Office of Compliance.
Now under federal law,
Under federal law, any complaint a staffer makes against a congressman or congresswoman, it has to be kept confidential.
It goes to this very quiet little star chamber where you don't have any due process of law, government attorneys bully you, berate you, they do anything they can to keep quiet.
And then if they settle the lawsuit with you, under law, under federal law, it would be a violation of federal law for you to go public with this.
So what are they hiding?
Well, we're about to reveal a lot of this because when I found this chart where they talked about the number of settlements every year, there was one year I believe there was something like four million dollars in settlements.
I can see if I can pull the chart up real quick because the numbers are startling.
In 2007, 25 sexual misconduct cases were settled, four million dollars.
In 2002, 10 were settled for $3.9 million.
And then in other years, you have $400,000, $800,000, $806,000.
Big numbers.
Now, we, the taxpayers, are paying this.
This should be a way bigger story, as bad as Al Franken's video was.
Maybe some people could say, well, it was a joke.
Do I agree with that?
Look, you know, I've said a few things trolling that I shouldn't have said.
I'm not going to cast a lot of stones, but this is not a joke.
This is taxpayer money being paid out for the misconduct of members of Congress, many of whom are multi-millionaires.
They're using taxpayer money to seduce women, and then when the women complain or when they're not being seduced, when they're actually being harassed, our money
Is paying them to go away and it's all silent.
So we have to get this out there.
So what I've done is, and it's my pin tweet right now.
I'm offering a cash reward for a list of these settlements.
So I have said that I will give $10,000.
I would give $10,000 cash, Bitcoin, check, whatever people want to do.
I want to know.
About these settlements.
The fake news media, by the way, has always known about this Office of Compliance in these secret star chambers.
But most of these people who are engaging misconduct, as we're now learning, are Democrats.
So the media, rather than doing their job and finding out who is doing this, they're covering up for Democrats.
Yet again.
But they can't cover up for Democrats anymore because now they want to come after Roy Moore.
Now suddenly they care.
Oh, Roy Moore, they got to go after Roy Moore.
Well, where were they when Anthony Weiner was sexting underage girls?
Which, by the way, was caught on camera.
Anthony Weiner is going to prison because he was caught on camera seducing a 15-year-old.
The media reported that he was, you know, in a lot of trouble.
But they didn't report that he was married to Uma.
He had access to classified emails, classified information.
This man, this sexual predator, was almost in the White House.
He was a great friend of Chuck Schumer.
You notice that the media never called Democrats and said, hey, Chuck Schumer, do you disavow Anthony Weiner?
They said, oh, well, we'll report on the charges against them, but we're not going to hold Democrats accountable.
You can't hold... Here's how the media plays it.
Mike, you can't expect us to blame every Democrat.
For something another Democrat does?
Even when he was part of the Clinton's inner circle?
Even when Bill Clinton officiated Wieners and Uma's wedding?
Mike, you can't do that.
That's an unfair standard to do.
So we're not going to do it.
But then suddenly, when Roy Moore is accused, in some cases of merely going on a date for ice cream with an 18-year-old, that's an accusation.
If you're a Republican,
Going on a date and eating an ice cream cone with an 18-year-old, that constitutes an accusation, right?
But if you're 15 years old and you're, you know, sexually assaulting young girls, 15-year-olds, and it's on camera, well, you know, that isn't the fault of Democrats.
Well, with Roy Moore, within 44 minutes, our media had called every Republican in the Senate and demanded a statement.
And ask them to disavow Roy Moore, who, by the way, is not in the Senate.
Let's be quite clear about this.
Roy Moore is not in the Senate.
So isn't it interesting how, when it's a Republican accused of something, even if it's just merely going and having an ice cream cone with an 18-year-old, the media is all over it.
They're calling every Republican, you better do something about it.
You better say something about it.
But when it's a Democrat caught on camera doing something bad,
The media goes, oh come on guys, you're being unreasonable.
You can't expect every Democrat to take personal responsibility for what one bad apple did, right?
It's always a bad apple.
Oh, it's just a bad apple.
Even though over and over it's been shown that Democrats are actually the real rapists.
Democrats are the real rapists.
So yeah, 25 senators disavowed Roy Moore within like a matter of minutes because every
Reporter was on the phone calling them.
Well, how many report how many senators have disavowed Al Franken?
Where's that story?
Right, that that's what the media and that's why they hate us and they want to get us all banned and everything because if it weren't for us, they wouldn't have even reported on Al Franken.
I called the media people out.
It was noon Eastern Standard Time.
Before Chris L. Hayes.
Dave Weigel of the Washington Post, Matti Iglesias of Vox.
You name a high-level Democrat, they waited hours.
And I call them high-level Democrats because if you do work in the mainstream media for the Washington Post or CNN, that's what you are, you're a high-level Democrat.
It took them hours.
And then I'm on social media going through their timelines, screencapping and saying, look, we haven't heard anything from these high-level Democrat operatives in the media.
And then suddenly they realized, oh, we're getting caught.
Well, we got to ban Cernovich one of these days, but until we have him banned, because I'm like the Socrates of Twitter, right?
I'm the gadfly.
I'm the guy saying, well, wait a minute, Chris Alhaze, you were just saying that every Republican has to disavow Roy Moore, but now you're not even talking about Al Franken, who was caught on camera.
What about that?
So using the Socratic method, because I am the Socrates of Twitter,
They hate me and they do want to give me the hemlock and virtual hemlock.
They want me removed from the internet virtually.
And I do sincerely believe, based on reasonable information, that they do want me killed with literal hemlock if they had the power and could get away with it.
But luckily, there are people watching out for us.
And indeed, WaPo even ran a column by Kate Harding who says, I'm a feminist, but we should keep Al Franken in office.
So this is an amazing column, I encourage everybody to read it, where she goes, I'm a feminist, I study rape culture, and I don't want Al Franken to resign.
The mask has slipped off.
She admits it doesn't matter what you do.
You can be a rapist if you're a Democrat.
If you're a Democrat and you're caught on camera molesting a woman, they'll even call it a virtual grope.
This was a great line from, you know, NBC, because we praised Katie Tour on NBC for actually asking Gloria Allred real questions.
Another commentator on NBC had said, well, Al Franken didn't grope her.
It was a mock groping.
Boy, they really want to look at camera angles when it's a Democrat, right?
So even when you give them
Even when you give them a picture, they're like, well, you know, were his fingers technically touching her?
Was it merely hovering?
Yeah, NBC Pundit said, not actually groping is mock groping.
The level of mental gymnastics they'll go through to protect their own.
So that's why I'm grateful that Kate Harding in the Washington Post said, oh, we know he groped her.
But who cares?
He's one of us, and we will protect our own.
So keep that in mind when they call you, the great listeners, when they call you a conspiracy theorist.
The conspiracy is now out in the open, where they admit that they conspire to cover up for their own side.
Great hour.
Thanks, everybody.
You can again find me Facebook.com forward slash Mike Cernovich or Twitter.com forward slash C-E-R-N-O-V-I-C-H.
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