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Name: 20171024_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 24, 2017
3108 lines.

In this episode of InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses globalism, censorship, and the rise of conservative voices in media. He mentions Aldous Huxley's work on eugenics and how technology will have complete control over human lives. Google is working on creating neighborhoods with weather management systems and flexible buildings, which Jones believes are part of globalist plans to make life uninhabitable outside controlled megacities. Dr. Michael Kaufman discusses the rapid advancement of science and technology news while Paul Joseph Watson shares his experience being censored by YouTube for critiquing feminist comedians. Candace Owens has also been censored and blocked by the left for her conservative views as a young, well-educated black woman. The show also covers President Trump's decision to release secret government files related to deep state conspiracies and corruption."

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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
How do you get somebody to accept slavery?
You make them love it.
You make it a fad, you make it trendy, you make it cool.
I remember reading the work of Aldous Huxley's brother, Julian Huxley, that ran the United Nations Futurist Program of Eugenics in several of the books he wrote.
And he said, in the future, we'll make the sex indistinguishable.
It'll be done in a laboratory.
We would have completely broken up the family.
We'll take children at birth, like they're eggs taken from an inn.
And we'll have people living in tiny coffin-sized apartments inside bubble-domed cities, so that we can control and micromanage every facet of their lives, and that'll just be the upper class.
I broke that down in my film, my seminal film a decade ago, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, that's free online.
Here is the London Independent today.
Google to create its own neighborhood with weather management systems and flexible buildings.
When you actually look at the models of it, it's not a classic Homer Simpson, you know, style dome over the city out of sci-fi.
It's buildings all self-contained with corridors to the other buildings and is the equivalent of a controlled habitat dome city.
Because of all the GMO destroying our immune systems, you'll have to live in these soon, or die.
Just like peanut allergies kill thousands every year, this will, normal pollen will kill you dead in a hammer.
That's all part of the designed operation taking place.
Notice, I told you this was all going to be announced, and I told you that Gardasil was killing people in the trials, and I told folks that diet soda with aspartame makes you get fatter.
And it's an excitotoxin I had brain surgeons on.
Just everything we've laid out, and that fluoride lowers IQ, but it doesn't matter.
They'll just have folks come out with news articles saying it's a mental illness to question government authority and to believe that there's conspiracies.
And then people that I even know personally tweak this out as the proof there's nothing nefarious going on in the world.
No, we just have false flags carried out by our government that have been declassified.
And so we've got a lot of people that just can't handle the truth out there.
They can't deal with it.
They can't face it.
They don't know what to do.
People that are informed, people that are involved, people that know how the world really works, they see it as threatening.
So not just the dumbed-down mass of the public, but a lot of pseudo-intellectuals, they hate it because it makes them feel stupid.
Instead of hearing us warn them and being accurate and breaking the JFK news about Trump
Release the information this Friday.
Instead of admitting we're credible, they have to say we're not.
Because they don't care about being free.
They just care about being delusional and feeling like they're part of the power structure.
Just like we told you in January of last year.
That Manafort did business with the same Ukrainian companies that John Podesta and his brother both did deals with, and that Uranium One was an actual illegal deal with the Russian government and the Clintons, and they were paid tens of millions of dollars.
And that the entire Russiagate thing was a smokescreen to divert off the fact that they've been caught red-handed.
Well, now all of that is broken, just as we said it would.
Oh, and we said Trump was being spied on by Obama.
That's all been declassified now.
I mean, it's just crazy to have a memory and to remember all this and to know what's coming and to know what's happening.
And to see people, oh, I want biometrics on my car.
It's cool.
You know, only the elite models have it.
Or, oh, I want to live in a 200 square foot apartment and pay five times what I would per square foot because it's so cool.
I'm in the bubble with a bunch of other losers that think they got the winning lottery ticket when they're really schmucks.
And then meanwhile, the new Democratic Party or leftist global party platform is kill all the white people.
Got a stack of news on that today.
Meanwhile, the men taking classes to unlearn toxic masculinity.
Yeah, learn how to be a total cuck.
Teach the women assertiveness training.
Teach the men how to be cucks.
Then the men wonder why none of the women want them.
It's all planned out just like they said they would.
The end of the family, the end of humanity.
There's a lot of so-called pseudo tough guy males that go along with this thinking they're part of the winning team.
It's Paul Joseph Watson and the t-shirt has finally arrived.
Nothing triggers safe space snowflakes more than this slogan and my face.
It is the new t-shirt from Infowarsstore.com.
Conservatism is the new counterculture.
You've seen how much this triggers the safe space snowflakes.
The left controls culture.
They control arts.
They control entertainment.
They have the complete monopoly on culture, which is why conservatism is the new counterculture.
We are striking back in the culture war.
This triggers snowflakes like nothing you've ever seen in your life.
You've seen how much they absolutely hate
The image of my face and that particular slogan, conservatism, is the new counterculture.
This t-shirt is not only a conversation starter, it will trigger the holy hell out of leftists.
It will make me incredibly happy.
It's available right now.
Get yours at infowarsstore.com.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Google has announced the Zeitgeist UN Movement's plan to force us into self-contained bubble cities.
This was called for by
Julian Huxley, the head of the UNESCO program in 1947, to force us into artificial environments and coffin-sized apartments to basically end normal human activity through controlled zones.
You may have seen the film THX 1138, George Lucas' first big hit with Robert Duvall.
That film is based on the vision of the Fabian Socialist Society in London, England, and on the plans of Julian Huxley.
That's how they were able to write Brave New World in 32, predicting much of what's already happened, because that was the agenda.
And I've got to say, they've built about 80% of where they plan to get us.
And so this is how they're inserting us into the Matrix-like grid.
Here is my film from 10 years ago predicting this.
Here's part of the intro.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
Once free nations are slaves to the will of a tiny elite.
The dawn of a new dark age is upon mankind.
Countries are a thing of the past.
Every form of independence is under attack, with the family and even the individual itself nearing extinction.
Close to 80% of the Earth's population has been eliminated.
The remnants of a once free humanity are forced to live within highly controlled, compact, prison-like cities.
Travel is highly restricted.
Superhighways connect the megacities and keep the population from entering into unauthorized zones.
No human activity is private.
AI supercomputers chronicle and categorize every action.
A prison planet dominated by a ruthless gang of control freaks whose power can never be challenged.
This is the vision of the global elite.
Their goal.
A program of total dehumanization where the science of tyranny is law.
A worldwide control grid designed to ensure the Overlord's monopoly of power forever.
Our species will be condemned to this nightmare future unless the masses are awakened to the New World Order master plan and mobilized to defeat it.
Erected by a secretive group, the Georgia Guidestones are a testament to the elite's plan for a world religion, global laws, with a global court and army to enforce it.
And set in stone, it is written that the population never rise above 500 million.
In this film, you will learn how our world is truly governed.
You will see how highly secretive roundtable groups interlock to form a global intelligence network.
This group has been steering planetary affairs for hundreds of years.
Now, in the final stage, they prepare for open world government.
A goal tyrants throughout history have lusted after.
Dr. Michael Kaufman is a published ecologist specializing in ecosystem research, forest ecology, and ecosystem... That is part of the intro to the three-hour film that I'm proud to say has been seen more than 15 million times online for free.
You might want to go watch it.
That's just a shot from YouTube if you're a TV viewer.
It's on some of our channels on PrisonPlanet.tv, NHD.
We do sell the DVD with expanded extras at InfoWarsTore.com if you would like to view the film and have it in your library.
The reason I raise that is every day the science and technology news is more and more wild.
And Google is already beginning to start one of these neighborhoods in Austin, Texas, out by the old Robert Mueller Airport.
And first, they incentivize you to be part of it.
Google to create its own neighborhood with weather management systems and flexible buildings.
When you actually look at the maps they've put out of these, they are contained cities.
And they are contained glass structures
that then have corridors to the other buildings and are 21st century versions of the dome cities that were imagined on planets like Mars.
But the globalist goal is to make life so untenable outside of the controlled megacities and so dangerous that you never even venture outside of them.
That is the goal is to keep you in the environment, build everything like it's a giant,
Times Square, where you're bombarded by the artificial virtual reality proto-matrix system.
You go from sitting around the table talking to grandma and grandpa and your dad and your mom and your cousin, your brother, and people when they came to visit, and reading books, to sitting around eating dinner around the radio, sitting around the television eating dinner,
And now everyone has their own computer at the dinner table.
Now you're wearing goggles.
Now you've got eyepieces.
Now you've got brain chips.
Now the television has absorbed you.
Everything you're doing is being tracked.
I would tell people this 20 years ago, because it was all public then, but it was in white papers.
They would say, you're insane.
The NSA doesn't exist.
The Council on Foreign Relations doesn't exist.
The Federal Reserve is federal.
They would tell you.
Now, Endgame is 10 years old.
And I knew that if we exposed the emergence in the final phase of world government, where it emerges and comes out in the open, that it's so authoritarian, so unelected, so outrageous, and the whole thing counted on stealth, that if we simply spoke out against them and simply took action,
That there would be no way that they would ever be able to win unless they completely went to the next level and just used bioweapons on the population.
And went ahead and just wiped everybody out.
So we're dealing with a very, very sinister group of globalists, but they're not going to try to carry all this out.
If they know you're awake, it'll be too dangerous.
They'll never get away with the final phases.
And that's why this is so life and death.
Elon Musk is worried about people who talk of AI gods.
I cover that in Endgame, how the globalists believe they are these AI gods.
They're going to be taking over the planet.
We're going to be insignificant.
Their plan is to make us obsolete and simply get rid of us.
Everything I told you in Endgame is now admitted.
Oh, but the CIA in the 60s, I'm going to cover this history later, they developed the term conspiracy theory for pseudo-intellectuals that get hurt by learned men and women, who get upset by true gravitas, true historical research, true grass, and so it's just something for pseudo-intellectuals and cowards to just throw out there and, oh, there's a new study out, conspiracy theorists have a fundamental cognitive problem, say scientists, and then they've got extreme examples of flat earthers and
Folks that, you know, see goblins or, you know, dragons in clouds and think they're real?
And they use that extreme to then say everyone that sees patterns is idiots.
And it's all imaginary because they don't want you studying TPP.
Just ten years ago when they were first setting up TPP, I would cover it and they would have news articles saying Jones is lying and claiming there's a thing called the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
They would say Lou Dobbs was crazy.
He got fired.
They said it didn't exist.
They said the North American Union didn't exist.
Even though we had all the documents.
Bush signed it with Vicente Fox.
And Paul Martin in 2005 in Baylor, Texas!
Let's see, a pseudo-intellectual just says, oh, that's Alex Jones.
We don't get celebrated for being right.
No, all the pseudo-intellectuals make fun of us.
We're going to come back from break and get into massive censorship.
The next level is here.
A lot of people are going along with it, thinking they won't be censored.
You're next.
We're going to play one of the censored videos.
Paul Watson's video that was blocked and removed that they don't want you to see in the next segment.
Before we do that, ladies and gentlemen, just briefly, we're running some of the biggest specials ever, and they are ending.
It's ending today.
It will end today.
Rainforest Plus, 20% more, great new tropic, highest quality, leading competitors, 60, 70 bucks.
It's always a great deal at $39.
It's $19.96 right now.
That's going to end today.
We have Anthroplex, the amazing
Stamina, libido, you name it.
Amazing pill.
It's the dry formula.
It's organic.
It's like Supermill Vitality.
It is half off right now.
Other leading brands are $50 to $70.
Again, it's $19.97.
You cannot beat the quality and the price.
A lot of other specials right now, so be sure to check those out.
We'll be right back.
On a daily basis in this country, but also overseas, there are massive busts of actual pedophiles and the kidnapped children.
What's insane is there's almost no mainstream news coverage of it, because the establishment is in on it.
We know who runs this global government cult, and they are pedophiles and even worse.
It's been said the devil's greatest trick was convincing the world that he didn't exist.
Now whether you believe in the devil or not, evil exists on this planet.
And the glue that welds together this globalist, one-world, psychopathic system is the exploitation of men, women, and most importantly, children.
We all know from history books that every ancient culture in different periods engaged in human sacrifice during pre-collapse periods.
Camille Pagli and other historians have written extensively on this and its historical fact.
And since President Trump got into office close to 10 months ago, we have seen record numbers of busts, not just of people looking at child porn, but of actual traffickers, of actual kidnappers, of people that had children in their hands.
We've seen the Deputy Pope arrested for reportedly kidnapping over 100 children over 40 years and trafficking them.
We've seen the previous Pope step down amidst another giant child trafficking scandal and reported blackmail operation.
We've seen Sandusky and his son indicted and convicted.
We've seen countless reports of high-level judges and politicians and people in both parties getting busted soliciting sex from sometimes children as young as six months old.
And now from our Hollywood sources and major filmmakers we're learning that the Weinstein debacle and fiasco and nightmare is only the tip of the iceberg and that below that is the giant pedophile army and below that the true Satanism that goes on at the bottom of this filthy rabbit hole.
And that takes us to today's news.
And it comes out in local news, but gets almost no national news coverage, no matter how horrific or how sensational.
This is from 9 News out of Denver.
FBI helps rescue 84 children from sex trafficking.
It's gotten almost no coverage here in the United States, but it's big news in France and Russia.
Again, they rescued 84 children, some of them as young as 3 months, being pimped out.
At places like restaurants and truck stops all over the United States, this is industrial level.
This is even retail level, where the general public's getting involved in this.
This is widespread.
That's why we've seen Salon and all these other big leftist publications in the New York Times come out and basically defend pedophilia, why the UN's defended it.
That's why they've created fake Pizzagate stories that they claim we created, so they can then claim there's no such thing as pedophilia going on in the world, when the truth is they've busted British Prime Ministers and world leaders involved in Satanism and killing children, not just raping them.
The good news is, thanks to President Trump,
We're good to go.
Bottom line, there is an attack on innocence in this world, and InfoWars is fighting it.
And when you spread the word about our shows, and spread our live links, and spread our articles, and spread this report, you are standing directly against these evil organizations and groups that exploit our children, and you are standing for humanity and a future.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
While the globalists social engineer us to fight with each other over race or religion or where we're from,
They are building a breakaway civilization, a technocracy.
Google is announcing plans to build bubble cities.
As we accelerate into the prison planet agenda, Elon Musk, as he's worried about people who talk of AI gods.
The universe shouldn't exist, scientists say, after finding bizarre behavior of antimatter.
Confirming other top researchers saying there's an outside force holding and containing the universe together.
Everything we've been laying out for two decades, on target.
Because this was already known.
They're now announcing the human-animal chimeras.
They're now announcing the fact that infant mortality is exploding.
They're now announcing that cancer is exploding.
It's all engineered, and they believe you will evolve to accept your destruction, that you will evolve into accepting your servitude.
I was told that once by a top globalist off record.
He said, Alex, you think people will adapt and overcome this.
You should join us, that's why you actually are aware of it.
He said the public will adapt lazily to the new system, and they'll celebrate with little jogs and runs their family that died of cancer.
They'll look for the cure, but never ask why they're all dying.
And we'll give them the little charities, the little runs, the little events they'll do to learn and have nostalgia for all those that died around them.
Then they'll go live in their little bubble cities.
It'll be trendy.
The Zeitgeist said it was cool.
The UN said it was cool.
The New York Times said it was cool.
And now Google's gonna give it to you.
And you're gonna live.
Like the Japanese dude by the millions in apartments that are less than 60 square feet.
Oh, you think 250 square foot zoned in in New York and Austin and other areas is small?
You're gonna live in literal coffins that come out of the wall and then go back in and you're gonna love it and they're gonna tell you
And just, you know, another generation, that it was a conspiracy theory that people ever lived in houses, or that there were ever mommies and daddies, or that mothers ever gave milk, or that women ever gave birth vaginally.
They are now teaching in the major social planning textbooks, I've got one on screen right now, that you will only get meat once a year, and where you work and what you do will be controlled by central computers in bubble cities.
This is seven years ago being taught in the UK to school children.
And if you don't like it, you're going to live in freedom ghettos.
It's all been planned out.
You're like, hey, you got that from the movie.
You got that from the books, Hunger Games.
No, they got that from the reality of what they're building.
Then they popularize it.
It's called predictive programming.
Remember, we're the fake news.
We told you Trump was going to win.
We're the fake news.
We told you last week Trump was going to release the JFK documents, and the next day he said he would.
Just like we said, because we talked to him.
Because we're the fake news.
No, when you're the fake news, when you're the counterfeit, you say the real thing is the bad guy.
Just like we exposed the Russian collusion of the Podestas and Hillary a year and a half ago, so they turned it around and had hearings in Congress saying we were.
But now, the story's up on NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Photos of police beating Catalans.
Fake news, Spanish foreign minister says.
Show people a screenshot watching on TV.
Look at that.
We've got hours of police beating women bloody, beating men, attacking families with children, pepper spraying people.
I mean, the footage we're showing isn't even the hardcore stuff.
I mean, there is footage of them just beating the living daylights out of women, men, and children.
This is the light stuff here.
I mean, yeah, they're slapping them, they're hitting them, they're throwing them downstairs, they're beating women, grabbing them by the hair, they're choking women.
But that's okay.
Grabbing people by their hair, dragging them out.
That's alright.
How dare you try to vote?
Which they did 80 plus percent to pull out.
Now they have martial law there.
It's okay.
Oh, there's a woman getting thrown down the stairs because the French government and the U.S.
government and the Spanish government, all of them, have been siding with the central Spanish government.
Oh, they supported Kosovo breaking away when there was an Islamic invasion out of Albania.
That was an actual invasion.
Oh, they said all countries, subgroups have a right to split off.
Oh, and now they say that, no, no, no.
Eastern Ukraine doesn't have a right to split away.
It's been part of Russia for 500 years.
That's where Russia started, was in the Ukraine.
So, there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
But, okay, I'm sorry we got caught being fake news again.
If you're a radio listener, there's no footage of women and men and children being beaten up and drugged by their hair and attacked.
And there weren't thousands of arrests.
And there weren't hundreds of people hurt.
And their fingers broken.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
It's all fake.
Because the government said so.
Just like MSNBC and CNN.
Back on September 11th last year, 13 months ago, remember what they said?
They said it's a lie on the internet.
Hillary did not fall down.
Hillary did not fall down.
She only stumbled, and then they show the first part of her stumbling, but not her falling on her face and being loaded, as the Secret Service said, like a side of beef into the black ambulance that we first told you about a month before, and said, watch, she's having convulsions every 45 minutes.
You see, they said on the news, oh, she didn't fall.
See, Alex Jones is a liar.
She only stumbled on the curb.
And now we have the Spanish foreign minister
Coming out and saying it's all made up.
It never happened!
It never happened!
You're a conspiracy theorist!
Maybe you could tweet out this article.
Conspiracy theorists have a fundamental cognitive problem.
Say scientists feel superior if you're controlled by all this brainwashing and want to be delusional.
Just say we're liars.
Just say we're wrong.
Just say it doesn't exist.
And Twitter and Facebook and Google will make it easy for you because Julian Assange tweeted out
An image at the U.S.
soccer team playing over there in Spain.
I guess the Spanish people chanted.
They chanted, lock her up.
They also chanted Trump.
You can hear them chanting, Trump, Trump, Trump!
And then, lock her up!
Lock her up!
In English!
And then in Spanish!
And they said it's sensitive, it's hateful, and they banned the video!
We have that coming up!
They're saying, we're with you America, lock her up.
Lock her up.
There are also chants of Trump heard.
Lock her up in Spanish and then repeat it later in English.
This is banned video because you can't have a couple hundred thousand people in a giant stadium in solidarity saying, lock her up.
Spain wants out of the EU.
Everybody wants out of the EU.
They know we're breaking out of the globalist.
Russia's breaking away from the globalist.
The only Russian leadership there is in all this is that Russia in the modern age is breaking away first.
And look.
If you go to my Twitter, they actually, that's a, he retweeted it.
There it is.
They blocked it and said it was sensitive earlier today.
Please Trump, lock her up.
Yep, that's what they said.
Spaniards chant at soccer match between the US and Spain.
Twitter banned the video.
He re-uploaded it.
And coming up, Paul Watson's banned video.
All these professors, all these liberals from the UK to the US are calling for all whites to be killed and saying whites are inherently evil.
They're mainly whites saying it.
If you say that's wrong and racist, you are banned!
So they're not just racist, they're fascist anti-free speech!
Is that a fact?
That George Soros is financing a global, I'm not gonna call it conspiracy, but a global effort to discredit and delegitimize Donald Trump.
This is George Soros in action?
This is a man who has put up billions into the electoral process, but he's funding the most radical organizations, which are anti-Trump.
It's called megalomania, and the old evil Nazi collaborator
George Soros knows mainstream media is totally discredited.
That's why in 1998, 60 Minutes had him on.
He bragged and said, I'm not ashamed of being a Nazi.
I did what I had to do to survive.
My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours.
Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
That's right.
Was it difficult?
Not at all.
Not at all.
Maybe as a child you don't see the connection.
But it created no problem at all.
No feeling of guilt?
In fact, it was free market.
I filled an itch.
I'm proud of it.
In 2017 he has his minion get up there from the CIA, Anderson Cooper, and say it never happened, Alex Jones made it up.
Despite the fact we have the clip.
That shows how weak they are.
They know they're exposed.
So just tell bigger lies.
Talk about Hitler and the big lie theory.
And so that's why it's a revolutionary act to financially support this broadcast.
And we've got specials that are ending in the next few days.
50% off Brain Force.
It's the known, highest quality, healthy, organic compounds for healthy, more active, focused brain.
20% now and more in each bottle.
We're doing 50% off.
Not because it's not selling.
We sold so much of it.
It's gotten so popular that I ordered the biggest order ever of it.
So I could do it 50% off, to see if my free market idea would work, to sell even more at lower prices, make you even happier, and fund ourselves to expand.
A win-win.
It's worked!
I thought we had a two-month supply.
It'll be sold out in a couple weeks at this rate, so I've got to end the special in the next few days, and then put it back to regular price until more comes in.
That is going to end in the next few days.
Secret 12, 40% off, about to end.
Survival Shield X2, 40% off, about to end.
BioTruth Selenium for mustard seed, strong, strong formulation, 40% off.
The new specials, it'll continue for a week or more.
Anthroplex, or until they sell out, 50% off.
That's the dry form of Super Mel Vitality.
And Super Mel Vitality, 30% off.
Highest quality known organic, high quality herbs, ladies and gentlemen, that have passed the strict, almost impossible California standards, until we know someday what we've talked about we know they're going to do.
But the point is, ladies and gentlemen, it's all available at InfoWarsLive.com, InfoWarsStore.com, or 888-253-3139.
As everyone now knows, the globalists are trying to shut down free speech worldwide.
And they see InfoWars as the tip of the spear.
George Soros groups are coming after us.
They're suing us.
They're lying about us.
They're attacking us because they know we're not Nazi collaborator scumbags like they are.
They know we're telling the truth and they know politically we are kicking their asses.
Now more than ever, spread links to articles and videos and information at NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com.
And support us financially, getting high quality products so we can stand against the billionaire globalists that think America is a bunch of slaves that they control.
I'm Alex Jones, and we've proven we can resist these criminals as long as you support us.
So please fund our operation at infowarestore.com and spread the links.
It's a revolutionary act against these scumbags.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
How long can the globalists hold out?
Saying there's no world government, and then it comes out there is.
Or there's no NSA spying, and then it turns out there is.
Or, there's no Hillary-Russia connections, and then it's thousands of times worse than any Trump connections.
Just bag men on tarmacs giving him uranium, and the bag man is Robert Mueller, the guy running the investigation on Trump.
And all they've got is Trump's son trying to find out if Hillary was working for the Russians.
Give the guy a medal.
And now...
The Spanish government comes out and says there was no violence in Catalan.
It's fake news.
No women were beaten.
There's hours of women having the snot beaten out of them, and the BBC is running with this like it's true, and the UK and the US and everybody is supporting what the Spanish government's done, saying, well, you know, you don't have a right to split away from countries, but you supported what happened in Kosovo when that was Muslims invading out of Albania.
In the case of what you've seen in Ukraine, and then what's happened in the East that's been part of Russia for 500 years, where Russia started, they have a real claim to secede, and I'm not even backing that.
I'm just backing reality.
And then you've got hundreds of thousands at the big Madrid stadium, chanting, please Trump, lock her up, in Spanish and then in English.
And then the Spanish government somehow gets Twitter to ban the video.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you, Trump's real approval rating is like 65 points.
These polls are all fake.
We've proven it before.
I already covered it yesterday.
So what is their response going to be?
Anything viral, anything truthful is going to be shut down.
We're going to play a banned video that YouTube blocked that had 700,000 views on YouTube, had 3 million views, 3 million views as well on Facebook.
Now this is the type of video that they're trying to ban.
This is the type of thing that they're trying to stop.
And other things they're going to do is they'll try to flood the internet with other fake news and hope we pick it up and report it, but then try to discredit it.
But the point is we're not ever trying to do that on purpose.
And when we do it, we will tell you about it.
So what we know and what we understand and what we see beginning to unfold here, ladies and gentlemen, is the system in total panic right now, trying to censor the true and independent news as hard as they can.
Because they're losing.
USC professor, this is just today.
Whiteness must be, by any and all means necessary, destroyed, has an image of a black woman
Killing a white person that is depicted as a pig.
Basically shot in the side of the head.
Professor tweets that white people should commit mass suicide.
This is just today, the news.
Professor claims math, algebra, and geometry promote white privilege.
See, it's a war against science and reality, and a war against language.
The globalists want a permanent underclass that thinks any information superstitiously is like devil's work.
So joining us is Paul Joseph Watson to talk about a video he shot dealing with a prominent feminist on campus in the UK that has some really ridiculous views that she's entitled to.
We're entitled to counter them.
His video's been blocked on YouTube.
Paul, thanks for joining us.
Alex Jones, I like this shot.
It's good to have you here, Paul.
What do you make of what's happening?
Well, Alex, this was a video that I made almost four months ago now.
It went viral for YouTube, did really well, got about 700,000 views.
All it was was me responding to a celebrity's opinion.
This is a feminist comedian who got up on YouTube and claimed, oh, white men and the far right are a bigger terror threat than Islamic terrorists.
So this is a public figure.
This is not even a private person up on YouTube making those ridiculous claims.
I did a rebuttal video, of course completely debunked and crucified her with the facts.
Now that video is hidden behind a censorship electronic Berlin Wall, listed alongside ISIS propaganda and actual neo-Nazi content, because they put it behind this wall, which they introduced, by the way, a few weeks ago.
I warned about it.
We've been warning about it for months.
This is where they're coming.
This is what they're going to do with the ADL policing thought crimes on YouTube.
I said this would happen months ago.
As soon as YouTube announced we're going to partner with the ADL, which thinks that a cartoon frog is a hate symbol, to police speech on YouTube.
Well, what do you think is going to happen?
And Alex, the context of this is key.
One week ago I put out a tweet saying it's no wonder that Lindsay Lohan is defending Harvey Weinstein, which she did temporarily before backtracking.
She's a Muslim convert all but.
This is how she treats women.
This is how she thinks women should be treated.
Some left-wing blog wrote an article about it.
ISIS supporters got hold of it, literal ISIS supporters, and I was getting like 10 death threats from ISIS supporters an hour last Saturday, had to shut off all my messages.
So that's the context.
Islamic State supporters want to kill me, and YouTube just wants to silence me for criticising people who run defence for Islamic terrorism.
So Alex, I guess I should be grateful, right?
You should be, and now it's reported today that the UK has brought in a record number of Islamists who they know are terrorists, and your terrorism chief says you're going to rehabilitate them, kind of like they've done in Sweden with the record numbers of bombings.
So they admit there's record numbers of Islamic terror, and the answer is bring more in and be sweet to them.
Oh yeah, totally.
Alex, there was a guy walking around the Houses of Parliament last year with an ISIS flag, huge ISIS flag on his back, waving it around, didn't get arrested.
He was let on his way.
And they arrest nine people in the UK a day for mean tweets and comments on Facebook, mostly about Islam.
So think about that.
They're literally arresting people every day for criticising Islam.
If you want to walk around the Houses of Parliament in London, the centre of government, with an ISIS flag, well just go right ahead.
Absolutely incredible.
As he said, the UK is now the biggest country in terms of allowing ISIS fighters back into the country.
They've fought with the Islamic State.
They've beheaded people.
These people are coming back from Syria and Iraq, and they're just letting them in.
They're not even arresting them.
I mean, they'll start giving them jobs and welfare and housing next, Alex, like Sweden will become even worse than Sweden.
So that's the context of how ridiculous this is.
And let's be clear, liberals now worldwide, their most popular thing they talk about isn't even wealth redistribution now.
It's how they're going to be violent, how they're going to kill the white people and kill the Christians.
That's why they've merged with ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
And they just get more and more radical, more and more insane.
Even the major studies admit the Balkanization, the polarization is just widening a huge gulf by the minute.
Where do you predict this is going to go?
Because the Democratic Party, the Liberal Party worldwide, it's main platform is kill the white people now.
Well, we saw where it was going with James T. Hodgkinson a few months ago.
It's going towards the legitimization of political violence against conservatives.
We've seen it happen.
That's only going to increase.
Meanwhile, you've got, remember the video from a few weeks back, where they mock
Hank hung a white boy in this rap video.
That was allowed on trending on YouTube.
They put it the number three trending video on YouTube.
Oh, but if you got a video on the Alex Jones Channel, no, we're going to relegate that.
That's not just us claiming it anymore.
They admitted it in the James O'Keefe video.
It's all admitted.
Oh, but we're going to demonetize controversial content.
Oh, but if Jimmy Kimmel wants to talk about Las Vegas Massacre, then we'll put that number one trending, and it'll have ads plastered all over it.
And let's be clear, we'll have a million views, Kimmel will have 100,000 in the same day, we're not allowed on the trending, then they put him to the top and force feed him to everybody, and then we have the executive on video admitting they do it.
And right from the beginning, this whole adpocalypse moral panic, the same companies that contrived that moral panic, these big corporations and said, oh, we don't want our ads on all this hate speech on YouTube, were the same ones plastering CNN with ads.
They had five minute blocks, Alex, during their live coverage of the Las Vegas massacre.
Five minutes of news, five minutes of ads in that order.
Selectively enforced.
It's all incredible.
Let's talk about where this goes because we've seen more censorship the last six months.
We saw the previous ten.
It's clearly logarithmically, exponentially increasing.
Where do you see this ad-pocalypse going?
On the other side with Paul Watson.
I'm Alex Jones, NewsWars.com.
Globalization has not been an unalloyed good.
I am a free trader.
I'm a strong supporter of globalization.
Globalization doesn't seem to be working for the middle class, for ordinary people.
We are in an information war, and we are losing that war.
The rise of nationalist movements all over the world, as a counterbalance to globalization, maybe it's most marked with the European Economic Community, to simultaneously erect a system where the top is so far from the bottom, that the bottom has no connection to the top.
The old rules-based system is beginning to crumble, hastened by Brexit in Britain and in the European Union, and hastened by what President Trump is standing for.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
The global governance is failing.
The globalists had already thought they had full control of America, and then the world are in total panic mode in an existential battle, seeing their entire authoritarian world government crumble and collapse in front of them.
And so George Soros funds Media Matters.
CNN, MSNBC, all these legal groups that are openly suing Trump thousands of times, setting up and suing us as well, trying to sabotage our suppliers, trying to shut down our support base, trying to get us kicked off radio and TV, trying to have us criminally investigated, trying to have us shut down.
But I have the Republic behind me and common sense and an awake population to defend against you.
I'm not those poor, sad, hard-working Eastern European peasants that you helped round up for four years when you sent them to death camps, Soros, and you thought you could bring down America.
You're going to find out we're not going to go so easy.
So he's $18 billion in to this fight right now.
But here's the good news.
Hillary had almost $3 billion.
Trump had about $400-$500 million.
But he had the people, and so he won.
And so this force-feeding of his culture war, and trying to buy off groups, isn't going to help him.
It's going to blow up in his face.
Because no army can stop an idea whose time has come.
So I'm asking listeners and viewers of this transmission.
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The fact that he's going to have to put in hundreds of times a year what he put in previously of his stolen loot just kills him!
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That will make this operation continue strong in the face of the enemy, and we will defeat these scum.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Paul Watson's riding shotgun with us.
We've got a lot of amazing folks on the broadcast today.
Candace Owens, Red Pill Black, is going to be in studio with us coming up the next hour.
Cole McCaffrey is also going to be on.
John Hunt, the son of E. Howard Hunt.
I think so.
We've got about 99% accuracy.
Occasionally we pick up stories that turn out to not be true, and when we do, we report on it.
It is true that Spain has arrested thousands of people and blocked independence and declared civil emergency, basically martial law.
And it is true that their foreign minister has come out and said it's fake news, that no one was beaten up, no one was assaulted, none of it happened.
You talk about arrogance, that's like Baghdad Bob when U.S.
forces were five miles outside Baghdad and explosions are going on behind him saying, the Americans are in Kuwait, we have defeated them.
But one thing I did put out because it looked like Assange's account and had been censored by Twitter, was that footage in Spain of them chanting, lock her up, was a parody account.
Boy, I sure wish that was true.
But it does get chanted here at events, folks wearing the t-shirts, so that is art imitating life.
So that is a mistake we made and we have just told you about it.
The difference between us and CNN is we don't fake locations.
We don't lie to you.
We don't give you disinfo on purpose.
We don't support political violence either.
Paul, they're going from censoring now and intensifying to outright violence, state violence, individual violence.
What are they building towards?
Is this radicalization?
Because they're losing, and so it's a natural occurrence.
But I see big money.
Soros going from a half a billion a year funding Civil War in America to 18 billion.
He just went all in.
What is going on with that, Paul?
Well, Soros is on a war footing, Alex.
That's why you went all in, because they're beginning to lose the culture war, which is what we're seeing in Hollywood.
They're starting to freak out.
Today, you've got this big left-wing boycott organization against more of Breitbart's advertisers and the hedge fund that is funding Breitbart and a lot of associated projects.
So now we see the split.
We see people taking sides.
The right, the big money on the right, is also now coming down fast with the hedge funds funding people on the right.
That's why George Soros went all in.
And YouTube's a perfect example of that.
By the way, let me just be clear.
Let me just be clear.
I haven't done it, but we have had big money offered to fully finance everything.
And the thing is, I'd rather finance it with the listeners buying products and do it ourselves.
But, you know, I'm tempted just to, because they're not going to control what I say.
I've seen the contracts.
I can't believe I've been offered just unbelievable amounts of money and total control because this is a giant war.
And you know what?
I might just take the money.
Paul, what do you think?
I think you should, Alex.
I mean, we're really at a point where we need to take sides now.
And with YouTube, that's really emphasised by the fact that a few months ago, the New York Times put out the bat signal, which was, YouTube is a safe space for the right, which was like my tongue-in-cheek comment.
So that's immediately when all this censorship started, because they started freaking out.
In fact, they admit that you heralded it and that free speech had to be destroyed.
I mean, they actually said, see, Watson's right, and he's more popular than all of us combined, so let's shut him up!
I mean, what a bunch of authoritarian loser jokes.
Don't they get the Streisand effect?
Exactly, that's the whole point.
And I just retweeted the video that I uploaded to your Facebook, Alex, earlier today.
This video that's been censored on Facebook.
It's hidden.
Comments, views, thumbs up, all removed.
You can't even view it if you're not signed in.
It's not going to be shared.
It's not going to be recommended.
So go and get that Facebook, which I just retweeted, and share that.
What a shame, Alex, if this gets 10, 20 million views.
Streisand effect, they never understand it.
I'll give you another one.
Well, first Shia LaBeouf a few months ago, his people, because I made a video saying that he was in a bunch of crappy movies, tried to get that video removed.
YouTube didn't, to their credit, they didn't even consider the complaint.
But now JK Rowling has filed a privacy complaint against one of my videos because I used publicly available pictures that were in newspapers of her mansions and said, if you love Syrian refugees so much, why don't you take any in?
You've got 18 spare bedrooms in this one mansion alone.
By the way, Paul...
I want to play that video describing for radio listeners in the next segment.
What was the name of your video where you show the actual minute clip where he goes out of his way to go to the little boy, gives him more time than anybody else in the room combined, and then later goes back to him, but they just cut the part out where the boy's reaching out towards him and say, look, Trump ignored him.
This is the same thing they do when world leaders, you know, reach for her hand first, his wife's hand.
Such deception.
What was the name of that video?
I want to play that since they're trying to censor it.
It was, J.K.
Rowling is a vile piece of bleep.
And I don't think there was even any swearing in it, but that's what it was called.
Okay, because I want to show... Have they blocked that video like the others, or are they just about to?
The funny thing is, I'm not going to draw much attention to it, even though I've just talked about it, because that video is still monetised, and the privacy complaint I only just found out about was a month ago, so it looks like they may not do anything about that, but it shows you how nervous they are.
They've done something about this one, it's gone, it's basically dead now, nobody can watch it unless they're signed in.
And then, Alex, we come back to, oh, YouTube's a private company.
It can do what it wants.
Google's a monopoly.
You know, if my water company doesn't like my opinions and wants to shut off my water supply, no, they can't do that.
We've come to the point now where Google basically is the internet.
It needs to be regulated like a telecommunications company to defend free speech.
It's like they can't cut off your phone service if they don't like your conversation with someone.
And we're at that point now.
I mean, this is brutal.
This is brutal, shocking censorship and so many people I even know are quietly going along with it and now virtue signaling, you know, tweeting stuff out about conspiracy theorists are crazy, even though I know these very individuals are just as awake as I am because they want to start hedging their bets and siding with the power structure so they can keep their careers going.
That's how you lose everything!
You give in to classic authoritarianism, you lose everything, idiots!
What are people's problems?
Where are their instincts, Paul?
They think they're going to team with the winning side.
It's not going to happen, because this is not just affecting political videos, right?
A channel, an entire channel just got deleted where they reenact fun, historical, medieval weapons.
That got completely wiped, the entire channel, because they said, oh, terrorists might learn from this.
Meanwhile, you know, on Twitter...
Because anybody independent like SPF Russian or anybody that's got hundreds of millions of views a month, they want it shut down.
That's why they approached PewDiePie.
They said, work with us.
Let us buy you out.
We'll leave you on YouTube with your 18 billion views.
If you don't, we're going to shut you down.
He didn't let them shut him down.
Now they're trying to completely destroy him.
I mean, that's what they do.
It's Hollywood gangsters, just like the wife of
Weinstein, they would threaten people that didn't buy her $5,000 clothing line.
They would tell stars, you're gonna buy the entire clothing line of my wife or I'm gonna have you blackballed.
These are nothing but knuckle-dragging thugs!
And the left can violate their rules and their terms of agreement all day long.
You had a tweet last week, over 200,000 retweets calling on John Hinckley Jr.
to assassinate Trump.
It wasn't until we put an article about it the next day, over 24 hours later, that it even got removed.
It went viral.
This comedian that I criticised in this video was on Twitter before she pussied out and left Twitter because of
And now we've got Maxine Waters saying, take the president out.
She said, I'll take him out tonight.
It's absolutely incredible.
They get away with it every day.
I mean, I don't even talk about the death threats anymore on Twitter, but that one in particular, over 200,000 retweets before they even considered taking it down.
It's one rule for them, another for everybody else.
Paul, do five more minutes with us ahead of Red Pill Black joining us.
I know you really first saw her on YouTube.
She was already big, but you really helped push her out there in the open.
They've really been attacking her since she's been on Fox News and the rest of it.
She's coming up here in a few minutes, but I want to come back
After this quick break, I'll just ask you a few other questions about Trump, the economy, these wars, where you see all this going.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
I see!
I see trouble on the way.
You know, we know they proposed communist Chinese style censorship.
That was their words seven, eight years ago in Australia.
We know they brought some of it into Canada.
But man, to see them trying to bully and attack and threaten to kill everybody, and then we just nobly resist them with facts and information, and their answer is censorious, and then we have the internal documents.
We ought to play that intro coming in and then play a video of our guest, where Project Veritas has got the undercover cameras, and they're like, the number one thing is shut down Alex Jones and Infowars.
And it's because folks,
They know Paul routinely has videos with 20 million views.
And all the time I'll see one with like 35 million views.
And it'll just be gone the next day.
And that means, because if a video gets 35 million views on a couple days, that means it's gonna get 200, 300 million.
It'll be one of the all-time videos ever.
Well, they're not gonna let that happen.
So they're just shutting it all down.
And that's why this is so important, Paul.
We got four minutes left.
Other key intel.
Yeah, I mean, it boils down to the fact that the left has no argument.
They're getting completely crucified.
Even on Twitter now, I'm starting to see it shift, which was a big left-wing echo chamber.
Because again, they have no argument.
Calling everyone a Nazi doesn't work anymore!
How many times do we have to tell them this?
I mean, perhaps we shouldn't, because it's such a losing strategy.
My ancestors fought the Nazis, your ancestors all got bombed by them.
What planet are they on with this Nazi crud?
And then the left is literally everywhere saying they're going to kill whites, and it's mainly whites saying it!
Total hysteria, Alex, and that's emphasized no more than the issue I made a video about yesterday, which is on the anniversary of the election, they're all planning to go out and have these screaming temper tantrums where they literally have giant public hissy fits.
And you've got a new video before it's censored.
How do folks find it?
Give them the name.
Yeah, that's screaming helplessly at the sky, that's what it's called, because that's what their event's called.
And again, Alex... By the way, they thought we were faking this after the election, when we got footage in D.C.
of people going... But now, literally, they officially are doing it.
And it's interesting, because it came out of Sweden.
They were the first ones to do it, the liberal basket case of Sweden.
So it's a Stockholm fit.
Yeah it was literally like that scene in Network although they were doing it for more righteous reasons where they all lean out on their balconies and just scream.
Sweden did it right after the election.
There's this crazy video which I put in that one where they're just all just screaming incoherently out of their apartment block windows.
But I mean the fact is
They don't have an argument, so they always resort to censorship.
And they have no principles, so they're perfectly adept at doing that.
Whereas, generally speaking, the right doesn't.
And the right is open to everybody having an opinion.
The left is vicious and underhanded.
They don't care about that.
The reason this video's gone or it's censored or hidden is a massive outrage mob flagged it on YouTube.
And if their policies are that fragile, where anybody can just organize on a forum and get a video taken down, then there's something seriously wrong with their policy, Alex.
And it's all targeting either conservative political opinion or just like generic medieval weapons videos and channels like that.
It's completely failed, it's embarrassing, it's ridiculous.
Well they're targeting, I even saw sites where people have cats.
Just any complaint gets rid of it, because if it's viral and they don't control it, and it's not political, if you don't virtue signal that anybody that thinks the NSA is spying on you is a kook, and there's no world government, and fluoride's good for you, if you don't virtue signal, they take away your podcast.
Yeah, every video I upload now is automatically demonetized.
There's no review.
No, it's demonetized.
And you know, we can survive, but that obviously disincentivizes independent creators from creating their own broadcast platform.
I'm proud of libertarians.
I'm proud of the common sense community, the reality-based community.
I'm proud of libertarians.
I don't really call myself a conservative.
I'm just a patriot, common sense guy.
The intimidations only made everyone make more videos and get more aggressive, but also start side channels.
Attack on their main platforms, intensify the attack.
Redouble it, but also create new platforms, new websites like Drudge's Shed, and attack there.
Attack on multi-platforms.
That's the key, Paul.
That's the key, and the key is to be on the battlefield.
People say, oh, just start your own YouTube.
No, it would be a tiny echo chamber.
We need to get in their face and be out there on the battlefield.
Surprisingly enough, Facebook doesn't really send to videos.
They only send to, like, offensive words.
Introduce Red Pill Blacks.
Hold on.
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But to get the employee at YouTube on tape admitting that they do it?
I mean, you must be a threat if they call you out by name.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is a lunatic.
Because we know that these are legitimate disorganizations.
And if at that point somebody decides they're going to scroll past that and go find Alex Jones, well, if we were looking for him to be him at that evening, that man's a threat to this country.
There's a guy on the radio.
His name is Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones, for example.
Time to stop submitting to this parody!
It's time to realize that we're being enslaved!
I heard that on Alex Jones!
InfoWars went even further.
InfoWars, it's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
We are in an information war and we are losing that war.
Nobody can dispute the fact
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Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Harvey Weinstein, Eminem, plus a P. Diddy solution to NFL protesting.
My name is Candace Owens, and you are watching my vlog series, The Myth of the Coon.
Man, life comes at you fast, Hollywood.
It's like one minute you're up there singing and tap dancing, mocking everyone from your moral high ground, and the next minute, bam!
The world discovers that you've been covering up for a serial rapist.
America voted for a misogynist, said every actor and actress everywhere just after they had got finished smooching up to Harvey Weinstein.
We know, celebrities, this is different.
If we've learned one thing from your undying support of Woody Allen and the Clintons, it's that rape is totally fine so long as it's financed by globalists.
Thank you, Hillary, for being a constant beacon of strength.
Hope and determination for me and millions of other young women.
You've been a role model and an inspiration and a voice of reason in uncertain times.
The point is that I was really hoping that Bill Clinton, a rapist, would be in the White House.
You taught us that women can be raped so long as it's by your husband.
This is me, holding my breath.
Thanks, Jimbo.
And speaking of men who disrespect women and are somehow celebrated in Hollywood, have you heard Eminem's new diss track?
Personally, as a former fan, I was a little disappointed.
After years of hearing about how you wanted to rape and kill your ex-wife and even your mom, calling Trump and Steve Bannon racist felt a little PG.
Eminem on a diet.
Sugar-free sheen.
In fact, the only people that should be offended by Eminem's diss track is CNN.
Because plagiarism is a no-no.
Races and religions.
If you want to see the full video, it's got about three minutes left.
It's gone viral.
It's powerful.
It's Harvey Weinstein, Eminem, and Why the Left Can't Stop Losing by Candace Owens, known as Red Pill Black on Twitter and on YouTube.
And she's been censored, she's been blocked, she's gone through a lot but fought back and they've had to back off.
They just want to wear us out and get us to quit.
Paul ejected out of here.
He's got a lot of articles and things to write, things to do on Twitter at Prison Planet.
You can follow yours truly at RealAlexJones, and it's key to do that.
And as we get censored, sign up for the free newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter, so videos and articles that are being censored particularly can be sent directly to you.
That is so critical, and it's absolutely free.
InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
But Candace, I want you to tell about your story first, because you were already viral before Paul kind of, you know, got you on his show.
Now you've been all over Fox News.
I've seen you everywhere.
Just doing an amazing job.
But Paul, introducing how the left goes around intimidating YouTube personalities that they see as successful, bullying them into joining their cult.
Just like when young college students get to college, they say, get in here to the dorm.
The racists are out there.
The KKK's on campus.
Let us indoctrinate you before you go outdoors.
They're burning crosses.
They did this in a cyber way to her.
Introduce Candace Owens for folks.
I mean, Alex, there's nothing more dangerous to the left than a young, well-educated, intelligent, black, conservative woman.
Nothing more.
It's like kryptonite to them, which is why they came after her immediately after she started getting a lot of attention, you know, back a couple of months ago.
Also now with Candace, there's a big hit campaign against her, which is taking something she did like
Well, I'll tell you what they're doing.
They just want to confuse everything to get her off balance and think she needs to respond to it.
She just needs to respond once she's done and move forward with how they are losing and how they are pathetic.
Paul Watson, thank you so much for joining us, my friend, and thank you for bringing this young lady to my attention.
Thank you, Paul.
All right, thanks guys.
Take care.
There he goes.
Wow, thanks for coming into town.
I'm so happy to be here.
Great to have you.
You're even more impressive in person.
It's wonderful to have you.
Where should you start in the few months we've got to break?
I think you should recap what the feminist cult tried to do to you, you know, in your own words.
They just thought, basically, you're a woman, you're reportedly, you know, supposedly a minority, and then so you belong to them.
Right, absolutely.
So long story short, I was creating, I considered myself a Democrat and a liberal about a year and a half ago as Trump was kind of rising up.
I was trying to build a product called Social Autopsy, which Paul just mentioned, and essentially I thought I was creating something that was going to help stomp out bullying.
My passion behind it was well intended, but it was totally naive and not something that now I know that I shouldn't have done.
And while I was doing that product, I was contacted by these, you know, self-proclaimed feminists, and they basically tried to take me out.
The same women that were saying that they were being attacked by anonymous trolls on the internet were telling me that they didn't want to figure out who these anonymous trolls were.
And long story short, I figured out that these girls were harassing themselves, that it was all a lie and that there was no movement.
Of white male conservatives that were stalking and harassing these girls.
And when I made that statement, the left media came after me and tried to smear me.
I was literally force-fed the red pill, which is why I call myself Red Pill Black.
We had to get rid of the comments being hosted on our own servers five years ago because they kept sending a secret service to the FBI here, people making threats.
We use Disqus now.
But before we did that, and we've done some tests before just to recreate it, you can see the same bot from the same place saying racist white stuff and then racist black stuff, and it's the same people doing it to create
I mean, it'll be an article particularly about unity or something good happening.
Or a black guy, you know, saving flood victims or something that are white.
And that's when they come in to create the disunity.
And then you know it's literally them stirring it up and starting it.
Then some other real racists may come in and join in, but they're literally engineering it.
And it's in the WikiLeaks they do that.
So here they are running false flags against themselves, and then you were saying running them against you to go, oh look, see, you're under attack, honey, come join us.
Yeah, and what they told me was that I was being attacked.
The second I said I'm not pulling my project, that's crazy, they told me that white men, anonymous white men, were going to come after me.
And all of a sudden, all of these screen names started popping up.
It was very obvious, you know, like alex at support trump dot com.
And what they really didn't want.
Was you running a system scanning who the bullies were?
Because that would have got them.
It would have gotten them in trouble.
So I instantly was ripolled.
I was intelligent enough, obviously, to understand what was happening.
And it was just a crazy thing to go through, to think that everyone that you thought you were against, you were actually for.
And it happened just in time.
It was just as Trump was saying that the media was fake.
And I was like, he's telling the truth.
One of the least racist places you'll be is at a real tea party or a Trump rally.
There's still some racists there on both sides.
But, I mean, it's just the experience.
And now that people have broken through that wall, the media said tea parties, races, don't go to it.
As more minorities actually go, they're finding out all the love.
And that's what's panicking the globalists.
And it has been unbelievable.
I have never seen more love and more kindness.
I gave a speech last night at Texas State University to their young conservatives.
Then, when I meet other conservatives and I show up and I speak to them.
They're awesome.
We're going to be back.
We're winning.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Is that a fact that George Soros is financing a global, I'm not going to call it a conspiracy, but a global effort to discredit and delegitimize Donald Trump?
This is George Soros in action?
This is a man who has put up billions into the electoral process, but he's funding the most radical organizations, which are anti-Trump.
It's called megalomania and the old evil Nazi collaborator.
George Soros knows mainstream media is totally discredited.
That's why in 1998, 60 Minutes had him on.
He bragged and said, I'm not ashamed of being a Nazi.
I did what I had to do to survive.
My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours.
Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
That's right.
Was it difficult?
Not at all.
Not at all.
Maybe as a child, you don't see the connection.
But it created no problem at all.
No feeling of guilt?
In fact, it was free market.
I filled an itch.
I'm proud of it.
In 2017 he has his minion get up there from the CIA, Anderson Cooper, and say it never happened, Alex Jones made it up, despite the fact we have the clip.
That shows how weak they are.
They know they're exposed.
So just tell bigger lies.
Talk about Hitler and the big lie theory.
And so that's why it's a revolutionary act to financially support this broadcast.
And we've got specials that are ending in the next few days.
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We're doing 50% off.
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We sold so much of it.
It's gotten so popular that I ordered the biggest order ever of it.
So I could do it 50% off to see if my free market idea would work to sell even more at lower prices, make you even happier, and fund ourselves to expand.
A win-win.
It's worked!
I thought we had a two-month supply.
It'll be sold out in a couple weeks at this rate, so I've got to end the special in the next few days, and then put it back to regular price until more comes in.
That is going to end in the next few days.
Secret 12, 40% off, about to end.
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Until we know someday what we've talked about we know they're going to do.
But the point is, ladies and gentlemen, it's all available at InfoWarsLive.com, InfoWarsStore.com, or 888-253-3139.
As everyone now knows, the globalists are trying to shut down free speech worldwide.
And they see InfoWars as the tip of the spear.
George Soros groups are coming after us.
They're lying about us.
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They're attacking us because they know we're not Nazi collaborators, scumbags, like they are.
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Now more than ever, spread links to articles and videos and information at NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com.
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So please fund our operation at infowarestore.com and spread the links.
It's a revolutionary act against these scumbags.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Meet Candace Owens.
The new face of the toxic right.
That's what the face of pedophilia, coming out of the closet, Salon Magazine.
They've been competing with the New York Times with dueling articles about, hey, pedophiles are nice people.
Leave them alone.
Well, the folks that promote pedophilia, you know, grabbing your kid, I guess, out of the backyard or whatever, I guess knocking on the front door and demanding, you know, they get to go out with them.
Sweden wants to legalize that.
I've got articles here today.
So has Belgium.
You're a bad person.
Because you're not in their cult.
But isn't it a badge of honor?
But then you were telling me, notice, even though you have videos with millions of views, that's the top thing on Google.
Google used to put up whatever got the most hits on top.
They admit now, conservatives, libertarians, they discriminate against us, and they put only the vilest lies by pedophile apology publications up there about us.
But again, a badge of honor.
And that's why Google is going to get its butt sued off by the federal government for antitrust very, very soon.
So get ready.
Yeah, absolutely.
It was crazy to see it.
It's the number one hit.
I've done so many things, and they ran this article, and everything in it is a lie, obviously, but that's to be expected, and at the end of the day, I think that totally serves the conservative movement, saying that I'm urging everybody to vote Republican.
That's a lie.
I'm not a Republican.
I'm not a registered Republican.
They needed but do a little bit of research to determine that everything in there was just false, but they are trying to get black people not to listen to me.
It's not going to work, obviously.
What was the process like for you?
Because there are real liberals that mean well.
I used to be more, you know, just solid libertarian, so I didn't like the Republicans, I didn't like the Democrats either.
I knew they were bad, but now the Democrats have just gone completely insane.
I mean, is that what got you to awaken, or was it just the fact that you caught them in a false flag?
I caught them in a false flag, and you can't just deny what's sitting in front of you, and they tried to lie about me.
They tried to smear me because I was saying, hey, these gamers are telling the truth.
These girls are harassing themselves.
It didn't happen.
But see, most people would just get into the victimology that, I'm being given victim status, okay, I'm your victim, and then you work for them.
Right, no, let's be clear.
There is nothing to be gained by being a victim.
This race to the bottom has got to stop, and I don't think people have understood that yet.
There's no Medal of Honor you get, there's no job you get, it does not affect your bottom line to be a victim, unless you're being financed like these girls were and you get to run 501c3 charities for Hillary Clinton.
And if folks would just be optimistic, because when I was like 12 years old and kind of a punk, I'd say, Dad, why does everybody love you at stores and restaurants?
People like stop their cars in traffic and like, hey, who are you?
I mean literally when I was a kid like women would jump out of cars run over my dad and I'd say what's going on?
What are you doing?
He'd say I've got a good attitude and I've got energy and and and I and people see that and that's what Trump talks about is positivity and just being positive the economy came back, right?
That's exactly right, and I think that there is this new hope and there is this optimism that's surging right now.
It's definitely happening in this conservative movement.
You just feel this sort of brotherhood and sisterhood of people that are tired of being lied to and are willing to rush to the front lines.
I don't care.
As long as I can run as many hippies on me as they'd like to.
I'm not going anywhere.
I don't care.
It really is incredible to sit back and witness this.
They're getting more and more panicked.
What do you think they're going to do next?
I mean, I've got a stack of news just today.
With black professors, white professors, you name it, saying, we've got to kill all the white people.
I mean, it is just, it's beyond KKK.
I mean, it's like, what is going on here?
It's absolutely insane.
I don't see how they could possibly up the ante.
I was giving a speech last night, as I said, and I said to the kids, like, you know, they've already exhausted all of the vocabulary.
They're going to have to start inserting words in front of it.
You know, uber racist, super sexist, you know, extra misogynist.
Unalloyed racist.
I mean, that's what Tom Brokaw called me.
And then didn't play a clip.
You know, if I'm going to say Hillary, you know, was best buddies with a KKK wizard, I'm going to show you a news article.
Right, right.
They just say things and they hope that people that aren't thinking for themselves are just going to believe whatever they say.
So I'm the new face of the toxic right?
I don't even know what that means.
And they didn't contact me, they didn't ask any questions, but that's what Google is there to produce results for people that are looking for something and people no longer think for themselves.
You know, they look for an instant hit and they try to learn as much as they can in one or two headlines.
And that is sort of the battle that we're facing.
But people are waking up, man.
Time is ticking, you know?
What has this process been like for you since you woke up?
Since they basically ran over you in a false flag operation that you mentally survived and didn't fall under their victimology control system.
How long ago did that happen?
That happened last year.
It happened in April of last year.
And I kind of needed to take a break.
I was not doing anything at all.
I wasn't producing any videos.
I needed to just kind of digest everything.
I mean, you wake up one day and everything that you thought was real was a lie.
I felt like I was being kicked down the rabbit hole.
And it was incredibly psychologically challenging to go through, to be honest.
And then a year later I said, I'm in this.
I'm jumping in this.
And I'm going to be involved and I'm going to speak up because everything Trump is saying is true about the media.
And I flipped over my laptop and two videos went viral.
And it's because I was tapping into a subconscious.
People are tired.
And now you've reached hundreds of millions of people.
And now I've seen them demonize you on controlled corporate media, but I've seen you on Fox News.
And so now, I mean, let me guess, you walk down the street?
Do you run into more fans than haters?
Oh, absolutely.
And especially, there's such a movement happening.
Even when I was in L.A., I was shocked to see that there's this young, conservative movement that is happening.
And they're so optimistic, and they're so happy.
And, of course, I do get some attractors and some haters, but that is to be expected.
I named my series, The Myth of the Coon, fully understanding that that was going to be the first thing that they called me.
And all I can do is encourage people to be smart and be vigilant because the lies are going to keep coming.
We saw that yesterday, which Paul mentioned.
They said that I was like a government show and that I was secretly going to go back and start to dox children.
Complete lie fabrication, but that is what they're trying to do.
Turn conservative.
Well, that's all they've got.
Kale has 20 times the lead than is allowable under California law.
An apple has about four times.
And some of our products don't pass California standards.
Out of 40 products, two of them we know don't.
And they're listed as food items, so they're exempt.
Because if you've got a big enough serving size, it's going to have a level not allowable in California because they passed the law so they can sue anybody.
And they've given exemptions to people inside California.
They just pay a $500 fine.
But everybody else, they come at you for millions of dollars.
But then the media runs with these headlines, Alex Jones caught high levels of lead.
Just totally made up.
Total lie.
They don't tell you it's Prop 65.
They don't tell you people in California are basically exempt.
I mean, it's just they sit there preying on their readers.
Alright, I mean look, people know, the mainstream media, they are hitmen, okay?
They go after certain people, they are paid to go after certain people, and they are paid to keep certain people in power.
And unfortunately, with the rise of Donald Trump, they've lost, and they keep on losing.
I fully believe what Steve Bannon said, that if he runs again in 2020, he's going to win by a way.
Well, when you talk about a re-education camp in 2010,
It leaked, and they said, no, it's a real document that Jones got.
How did he get it?
And the Army's response was, a few months later, just to release it, it was a field manual for internment.
And it talks about Social Security numbers, how to process Americans.
So it's for here and overseas.
And it says we're going to put people in re-education camps.
That don't go with the collectivist model during the collapse.
They were planning an engineer collapse under Hillary.
And that's the authoritarian communist term, is re-education camp.
But when you look at a re-education camp, it's where you get a bunch of people in a sports stadium, those that submit get taken care of, those that don't get beat up and attacked.
It's a peer pressure thing, and it's about getting you to denounce yourself as bad, getting you to also rat other people out.
Well, that's what colleges, high schools, and businesses are now.
It's basically Maoist-style re-education camps, and people get off the bus, you pay to send them to college, they get off and they're scared, and they bring them in, the professors bring them in, scare the hell out of them, especially minorities, and induct them into a cult right then.
And they were doing that cyberwise with you, but you got wise to it, and now are a major titan against them.
We'll be back.
I'm Alex Jones with Red Pill Black.
On a daily basis in this country, but also overseas, there are massive busts of actual pedophiles and the kidnapped children.
What's insane is there's almost no mainstream news coverage of it, because the establishment is in on it.
We know who runs this global government cult, and they are pedophiles and even worse.
It's been said the devil's greatest trick was convincing the world that he didn't exist.
Now whether you believe in the devil or not, evil exists on this planet.
And the glue that welds together this globalist, one-world, psychopathic system is the exploitation of men, women, and most importantly, children.
We all know from history books that every ancient culture in different periods engaged in human sacrifice during pre-collapse periods.
Camille Pagli and other historians have written extensively on this and its historical fact.
And since President Trump got into office close to 10 months ago, we have seen record numbers of busts.
Not just of people looking at child porn, but of actual traffickers, of actual kidnappers, of people that had children in their hands.
We've seen the Deputy Pope arrested for reportedly kidnapping over 100 children over 40 years and trafficking them.
We've seen the previous Pope step down amidst another giant child trafficking scandal and reported blackmail operation.
We've seen Sandusky and his son indicted and convicted.
We've seen countless reports of high-level judges and politicians and people in both parties getting busted soliciting sex from sometimes children as young as six months old.
And now from our Hollywood sources and major filmmakers we're learning that the Weinstein debacle and fiasco and nightmare is only the tip of the iceberg and that below that is the giant pedophile army and below that the true Satanism that goes on at the bottom of this filthy rabbit hole.
And that takes us to today's news.
And it comes out in local news, but gets almost no national news coverage, no matter how horrific or how sensational.
This is from 9 News out of Denver.
FBI helps rescue 84 children from sex trafficking.
It's gotten almost no coverage here in the United States, but it's big news in France and Russia.
Again, they rescued 84 children, some of them as young as 3 months being pimped out.
At places like restaurants and truck stops all over the United States.
This is industrial level.
This is even retail level where the general public's getting involved in this.
This is widespread.
That's why we've seen Salon and all these other big lepist publications in the New York Times come out and basically defend pedophilia, why the UN's defended it.
That's why they've created fake Pizzagate stories that they claim we created, so they can then claim there's no such thing as pedophilia going on in the world, when the truth is they've busted British Prime Ministers and world leaders involved in Satanism and killing children, not just raping them.
The good news is, thanks to President Trump and many other great patriots around the world, from Australia to England to the US to Canada, the pedophile rings are being busted at record levels.
But they're running mainstream news articles claiming that we've made it up and that there is no pedophile phenomenon and there is no roundup taking place.
The individuals covering this up are either incredibly stupid or they're collaborating, ladies and gentlemen.
Bottom line, there is an attack on innocence in this world, and InfoWars is fighting it.
And when you spread the word about our shows, and spread our live links, and spread our articles, and spread this report, you are standing directly against these evil organizations and groups that exploit our children, and you are standing for humanity and a future.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've got a major security breach in the White House.
Red alert!
Red alert!
A major security breach at the Capitol, ladies and gentlemen.
Trump is treason!
Trump is treason!
Trump is treason!
Trump is treason!
Why are you talking about tax cuts when you should be talking about treason?
Why is Congress talking about tax cuts when they should be talking about treason?
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there's the major security breach at the Capitol.
And you've got Mitch McConnell going along with him.
Of course, I don't really see it as a security breach.
Anybody can carry in a bunch of little
Two by three Russian flags, and then throw them at Trump.
And that's what the left does.
They're always about personal shame.
They're always about peer pressure.
It's always very middle school or very elementary school.
This happens to me in Seattle, New York, downtown Austin.
We could go out, you know, tonight and walk around.
This would happen.
Most people walk up, shake our hands, appreciate what we're doing.
Black, white, Hispanic, old, young, trendy, you name it.
But every 20th person would scream, F you Russian spy!
You're going to prison!
You're gonna get it!
I mean, we've talked about it.
People have seen it in live feeds.
There it is.
Protester throws flags at Trump.
Security breach in the Capitol.
We tweeted the video out at real Alex Jones.
Candace Owens is here with us, but I talk about this all the time, and people have seen our live videos.
This is all they've got.
What are they gonna do as it comes out?
Bombshell, Podesta worked with the same Ukrainians as Manafort, and when it turns out both Podesta brothers got tens of millions of dollars from the Russians with Hillary to transfer the uranium, something we broke a year and a half ago, and they have the Russian connections, not us.
No wonder they did this, just like Roger Stone said a year and a half ago, they blamed us for what they've done.
But hypocrisy is their middle name, you know what I mean?
They don't care.
They can get caught doing the things over and over again, and they can be caught red-handed, as they have been done over and over again, and they don't care.
They double down on their ignorance time and time again.
And honestly, it's just, it's getting boring at this point.
But that's the stunt.
They just like parrots on every channel say Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia.
When the FBI, former FBI head Mueller, was the bad man for uranium and in companies getting millions of dollars himself from the Russians, you literally have a guy with the Russian arm up his rear end puppeting him.
He's a sock puppet.
Then claiming the people that aren't are the Russian agents.
And that's what they do.
That is what they do.
Well you know this is going to be all over the news, this is going to be everywhere.
Like proof, they yelled at him and said he was a Russian.
And this is what they do to me, it's so pathetic!
They said that yesterday about me, you know, that I'm somehow a spy.
I mean, they turn things, anything that's a threat to them, they try to control the narrative.
That's because they're the outsiders, they're the globalists.
I'm ranting, sorry, go ahead.
You're absolutely right.
No, you're right.
They are the globalists, and that is exactly true.
And they're losing power.
So what we're seeing is kind of like a psychosis, you know?
They don't know what to do.
They're losing power.
They've been in power for so long.
And a new media is emerging, and they are not in control of it.
What does it mean when a girl can flip over her laptop and get millions of views, that it can be circulated 80 million views on Facebook?
Dubbed in Portuguese and in French, which means we're not just hitting an American sentiment.
It's a worldwide sentiment that's being lied to.
Their time is running up.
It's a great time to be lying.
I'm personally excited about it.
You got Kanye West.
I don't care what people think.
People don't think.
I like him more now that I know he liked Trump.
That's why they literally grabbed him and threw him for a week in a mental institution when he started tweeting that he liked Trump.
I am the biggest supporter.
He went to visit Trump and they threw him in a mental institution.
I am the biggest.
I've always been the biggest supporter of Kanye West and that's just because I followed his music and I knew as soon as Trump came out, I wrote on my Facebook page, Kanye's going to come out supporting Trump because all he promotes is individualism.
Everything that he does is against globalists and people didn't understand that moment when he took
I don't know.
Right, and I listened to his music, so I understood what he was saying.
Why am I here?
If this is all puppetry, why am I here?
We all know she didn't deserve this award, and she didn't.
Why did I show up?
And he never went along with her narrative, and he has died on the cross time and time again, as an expression, to be able to say that.
Well, literally, he has no criminal record, nothing, no mental problems.
He goes and visits Trump.
A week later, they throw him in a mental institution for a week, until he's able to get himself out.
You know, the saddest part to me... How long was he in?
Three, four days?
I think it was about a week.
And the saddest part to me was just that the black community, he has been so inspiring for all of us.
It was sad to see them that easily manipulated and saying, oh, well, you know, Connie just must be going crazy because he supports Trump.
No, think about it.
Think about why he is supporting Trump.
Think about why he said... He's an American!
It's like they took
It's all insanity, and it's getting more insane, and I'm just hoping that with my voice added to the mix, people can start to wake up.
And it makes me happy that you say, yeah, I had Kanye West wrong, because at various times, we've all bought into the propaganda.
You know, and that's why I try to approach things with sympathy when I go and I meet with liberals and I speak to them, I try to say, listen, I was one of you.
I was one of you a year and a half ago.
So, and you were elements of, you were, you know, it's everyone buys into their narrative at some point, but we are waking up, we are stronger together, and as long as we have each other's backs, the globalists are going to lose.
I feel very strongly about that.
I agree with you, and sure, we can call ourselves conservative, you can call yourself whatever you want.
There's so much bad in the Republican Party, the blue blood establishment, the same ones that gave us Obamacare, the Mitch McConnells, the Paul Ryans.
I mean, we're not, I know I'm not endorsing those people.
I'm endorsing the real libertarian Americana takeover of the Republican Party.
And I hope that happens to the Democratic Party.
Right, right.
And that's something that people are confused about with me.
They say, oh, well, since you're speaking out against Democrats, you must be a Republican.
And that's not true.
I'm speaking out against Democrats because I'm trying to wake up black people.
And they are the ones that are using black people every four years to get their votes and lying to manipulate them.
Black unemployment almost doubled under Obama.
Because he just knew he had folks.
Under Trump, he's literally actually bringing the factories into those areas, getting tax incentives, literally doing it.
I know for a fact, behind the scenes, it's not some tokenism like the media says.
Trump likes everybody, and he likes energy, and he's favorite preachers, and everybody that he personally hangs out with are black folks.
And that's been known forever when he got all those NAACP awards and all the rest of it.
He used to be friends with Al Sharpton.
As soon as he runs for president, though, that's all over.
People don't remember.
It's like, oh, he was already on NBC.
He had his own show.
He was doing all these things.
He was never accused of being a racist until he ran for president of the United States.
If that doesn't tell you that your mind has been hacked...
Floyd Mayweather said that too.
Yeah, you know, think for yourself.
That's all I am promoting and that is what they are so scared of.
What do I do that's different?
I think for myself and I go out and I say to people, don't listen to me, go think for yourself.
I don't care what your thoughts are, just make sure they are your own.
And again, it's not for me about worshipping Trump, but when I've been put in the same basket, so have you, we've had a little bit of what Trump's gone through, so there is that common ground we've been over, there is that kinship, and we've experienced the lies, we've experienced the demonization, we've experienced a little bit of what he's gone through.
People always ask me, why do you think Trump won?
Obviously he won because when you guys called him rapist, racist, sexist, you had already done it to everybody in America, so nobody cared when you called him that.
They knew that that was just your trick, and that is what liberals do when they don't want to see something successful, and they don't want to accept a different thought, you know?
Because with liberals, my big awakening the last few years was this.
I thought only high-level liberals were cold-blooded social engineers, but now
Even mid-level and low-level ones know it's a scam, know it's about power, and know it's about manipulation and bullying other people that have consciences.
That's why all the studies show the average liberal six or seven times more likely to not give to charity but to say they are, more likely to steal.
I mean the numbers are incredible because they're fakes trying to manipulate the other well-meaning people.
The worst people that I have ever known in my entire life have all been self-proclaimed liberals.
It's almost putting on a face.
I'm a good person because this.
I stand up for black people.
I throw a thumbs up.
They're posers!
They're posers.
I share a tweet about Black Lives Matter even though I'm completely uneducated about how terrible that group is.
But this makes me feel like a good person.
It's that white guilt we're talking about.
Half of those liberals and the white guilt and they pretend to care about tons of things.
They don't even educate about the things they're speaking about.
And they don't know what to do with someone like me who says no thank you.
So they just scream you're a racist?
Have you had them scream that in your face?
No, not in my face.
No one's yelled at me yet.
I just, it's like, Russian!
F you, Russian!
They run up, and you're like, whoa, dude, you know I'm not a Russian agent.
They go, screw you, you're going to prison.
And they just did that to the president.
That's what they do.
Yeah, yeah, I don't know.
We'll be right back.
We're going to be right back on the other side of this quick break.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
Globalization has not been an unalloyed good.
I am a free trader.
I am a strong supporter of globalization.
Globalization doesn't seem to be working for the middle class, for ordinary people.
We are in an information war and we are losing that war.
The rise of nationalist movements all over the world has a counterbalance to globalization.
Maybe it's most marked with the European economic community.
To simultaneously erect a system where the top is so far from the bottom that the bottom has no connection to the top.
The old rules-based system is beginning to crumble, hastened by Brexit in Britain and in the European Union, and hastened by what President Trump is standing for.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
The global governance is failing.
The globalists had already thought they had full control of America, and then the world are in total panic mode in an existential battle, seeing their entire authoritarian world government crumble and collapse in front of them.
And so George Soros funds Media Matters, CNN, MSNBC, all these legal groups that are openly suing Trump thousands of times, setting up and suing us as well,
Trying to sabotage our suppliers, trying to shut down our support base, trying to get us kicked off radio and TV, trying to have us criminally investigated, trying to have us shut down.
But I have the republic behind me and common sense and an awake population to defend.
Against you.
I'm not those poor, sad, hard-working Eastern European peasants that you helped round up for four years when you sent them to death camps, Soros.
And you thought you could bring down America.
You're gonna find out we're not gonna go so easy.
So he's 18 billion dollars in to this fight right now.
But here's the good news.
Hillary had almost $3 billion.
Trump had about $400-$500 million.
But he had the people, and so he won.
And so this force-feeding of his culture war, and trying to buy off groups, isn't gonna help him.
It's gonna blow up in his face.
Because no army can stop an idea whose time has come.
So I'm asking listeners and viewers of this transmission.
Now more than ever to understand, when you spread the articles, when you spread the videos, when you spread the live feeds at InfoWars.com forward slash show, or Facebook, Google, Twitter, or other platforms, or you spread the podcast, and when you buy the products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are involved in a revolutionary act against these globalists, because pennies
against their thousands of dollars and millions against their billions is already defeating them and will defeat them.
The fact that he's going to have to put in hundreds of times a year what he put in previously of his stolen loot just kills him.
So I'm asking you as the enemy ups their power against us.
As the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against it.
And InfoWars is imperfect, but we are seen by the enemy as the standard.
As one of the main standard-bearer operations against them, and that's why we're under attack.
So rally around the flag, my friends, and financially support us today.
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That will make this operation continue strong in the face of the enemy and we will defeat the scum!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Cole McCafferty, 12-year-old viral sensation with his ultimatum to the NFL.
His latest video has 7 million views.
He's going to be joining us.
CNN famously went after him for supporting Trump, you know, saying, you're just an ignorant kid.
I remember that now that I think about it.
He's going to be joining us via Skype.
For the first 30 minutes of the next hour.
And then we've got St.
John Hunt, whose father, admittedly, is the person that they based Ethan Hunt of Mission Impossible on.
He was a sniper in World War II, before the war even got declared, and OSS operations in China, fighting the Japanese.
And then he went through his whole history of being the head of the plumbers for Nixon.
He ran the operation to kill Kennedy.
He gave us and George Norrie his deathbed confession simultaneously.
We got the video.
The audio version is what
They were able to premiere first, but the point is, now they're getting ready to go public with the diaries.
So his son, St.
John Hunt, good friend of mine, gonna be joining us because Trump is getting ready on Friday to release the 3,000 plus pages on the JFK files.
I predict they're already been covered up, blacked out, but going back to our guest here,
I don't know.
And quite frankly, a better talk show host than I am.
I mean, it's just all the new talent is really freaking people out.
And it's organically, a lot of them are black folks that want off the globalist plantation.
I wanted off tubing.
Where would you say we're historically right now?
It's interesting, I actually had a phone call with one of my friends the other day and he said, Candace, I used to grow up and I remember thinking that Alex Jones was an absolute conspiracy theorist and that he was crazy and now he's the most relevant thing in the media.
He's the most relevant person in the media.
And I said, that right there, that sentence tells you exactly what's going on.
It is the death of the old globalist media and the rise of the new media, which is the people's media.
You know, it's the people's media.
They're not being told what to say.
I didn't come here just on the set.
There's no talking points.
We're just having a conversation.
It's not say this, say that, here's what we're going to talk about.
And that's what people are craving.
They are craving the truth and that's what we have to keep giving them.
The only time I say, say this, is if somebody says it during the break.
And then I go, well you repeat that.
But exactly, we never put words in people's mouths because we just want the real.
That's what folks are looking for.
All they want, they just want honesty and they've just been duped and lied to.
And especially the black community, they are, they need that, you know.
You want to know what's affecting the black community.
If you want to have real conversations and say that black lives matter, let's talk about Section 8.
Let's talk about welfare.
Let's talk about these systems that were put in place to keep black people in poverty.
Let's talk about the Democratic stronghold.
We're good to go.
Well, what you're doing is just absolutely beautiful.
And when I say that, it's not just lauding you.
People like you are the reason I know we're going to win, because there are just thousands of new prominent people that are so eloquent, so smart, catching all the stuff I miss.
And used to, you know, when I missed stuff, I got upset that I was one of the few people out there.
Now it feels good to know, hey, other people are getting it.
I can actually sometimes kind of not go 100 miles an hour.
Right, it's true.
People are starting to get it more and more and you don't even see that now.
You know, you don't even see how many people are starting to understand that, wow, this guy that I thought was like totally weird is actually, has been trying to tell us the truth.
And now people are waking up to the truth.
Everyone's being red-pilled and I just want to invite people to understand no matter what you've said, no matter what you've done, there is a place for you in this movement and if you wake up...
And you last week said some terrible things about Trump.
I don't care.
You don't have to delete it.
I'm welcome to have this.
I'm so excited to have this.
And if folks got sucked into racism on all sides, it's just tribalism.
We hate the other football team.
It's stupid.
There are bad people of every group.
It doesn't matter.
Transcend that and then you get real power over the globalists not controlling you.
Just like Martin Luther King said.
And you look at leftists today.
It's the opposite of what Martin Luther King and Gandhi said.
He said judge people off what they do and what they stand for.
Like, I go to a restaurant because there's good cooking.
I don't care if they're Chinese, black, white, whatever.
If it's good food and they're nice, I'm going there.
I listen to music, whether it's Middle Eastern or whether it's Jimi Hendrix or whether it's Russian or Japanese, if I like it.
I like, you know, some of the Buddhist music I hear.
I wear clothes if I like them.
I mean, you know, it's just, that's common sense.
Right, absolutely.
And look, you have hit the nail on the head.
I've been doing a lot of ranting here.
We've got a short segment coming up for you to finish up.
We're going to be back on with Owen today.
And I'd like to take you out to dinner tonight.
I'll get my wife involved, see if we can get a babysitter.
Text me in.
Because I'd like to take you out and also maybe, you know, go out on the street, shoot a live video or something.
Let's do it.
And experience the nice folks, but also the mean ones.
Let's absolutely do it.
I think that's something that people need to see and I'm happy to throw it up on, you know, my YouTube page, my Twitter page.
I'm getting a lot of black people that are craving this.
I don't know if they watch your show, but more and more of them are and it's important that they do.
I mean, you know, a lot of the famous black civil rights folks, most of them are dead now.
Oh, yeah.
He would come on the show back when I was going after Bush and, you know, the other globalists.
And then they still liked me, but, you know, sometimes they'd kind of be like, eh, you know, I don't know so much.
And I'm mad because I'm teleprompter free.
Who's the famous civil rights guy that was a famous comedian who just died this year?
What's his name?
He'd been on the show probably 20 times over the years.
And I forget his name.
But he saw through the whole deal.
And it's just crazy to see how far we've come.
But again, the globalists, if you read the WikiLeaks, they know people are coming together against the offshore megabanks.
The true discrimination of the fact that they're tax exempt, that the rules they pass, the laws they pass, they're exempt from.
They have diplomatic immunity.
So they say in WikiLeaks,
All we've got now is culture war, and that's the code word for men against women, black against white, that's what it is.
And it doesn't mean when there's an organized group against you out there that you, you know, sometimes act like you have to be in a group to protect yourself.
I'm not saying people that are in groups are bad.
You have to understand, though, that that's the most basic tribal form of humanity and is not the successful form going into the future.
We need a tribe based on ideas and free market and true, open, free society.
Right, and I have to say this to conservatives.
I've seen a little bit of this in the movement, but we cannot become the Democrats.
We have to be accepting.
We can't become a party of absolutes.
You know, people may not agree with every single thing that we're talking about, but if they're willing to listen and have the conversation, there's a place for them here.
And I just want to make sure that we, you know, keep our eye on the prize and don't become the party of, well, if you don't think this or that, then you can't be considered a conservative.
You're allowed to think different thoughts.
As long as you appreciate that people can have different thoughts, you're ready to break the globalist cycle.
That's why I call it the Red Pill Party.
Because like you say, red-pilled, it's not about black, it's not about white, it's about red blood, red-pilled, not blue blood.
Because you've got blue blood elites in China, you've got elites in Africa, you've got elites in Latin America, they all operate the same way.
Everybody else is poor to control them.
So it's red against blue?
It's a system of mind control and it is red against blue.
I'm just happy that I get to be a part of this and on the forefront of the lines of I'm going to wake up a ton of black people.
I mean there's just no shot that they're going to keep doing what they do to us over and over again.
Well you even got the letters from the racist LBJ saying these black folks are ugly, they got their own industries, their own hotels, I'm not defending segregation but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Lower illegitimacy than the white community in the 1950s and within decades they totally reversed those numbers and I can't even say what LBJ said in the letters that are publicly confirmed.
He said I'm gonna have those n-words voting Democrat for a hundred years.
Yeah, but they don't know that and what you have to understand is that we are taught in school that the Democrats saved us over and over and over again.
So that indoctrination starts when we are five years old and in school learning about history and does not stop until you're through with college.
So we've got our work ahead of us when you're trying to reverse years and years of misinformation.
And again, it's the same victimology.
And it doesn't mean the victim stuff isn't there.
They just teach you that your leg never heals, basically.
They just say, oh, just remember this and obsess on it.
And it just creates, in every group out there, these basket cases.
It's just total mental illness.
We're going to go to break and come back and get into your vision of the future.
Then we've got our other guest joining us.
You're going to be on with Owen Schroer, coming up at 3 o'clock today in about an hour.
And 15 minutes or so.
So that is all coming up, ladies and gentlemen, today, in about two hours.
Before I go any further, please support the broadcast.
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We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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You are receiving this transmission.
You are the Resistance.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Red Pill Black, ladies and gentlemen, is the YouTube site.
For now, they're trying to banner Candace Owens is here.
We have another super YouTube star joining us coming up in the next segment because I want to celebrate Cole McCafferty and others who the establishment is demonizing.
Because this is the future.
The people now have a voice.
The people now all have their own TV network.
And it's game over for the arrogant people at MSNBC, CNN, and even Fox.
Trying to stop this revolution has gotten watered down and lost half their ratings.
Don't they get it?
You're not going to stop progress.
I think that they are starting to get it because as you said they're losing and they keep losing and they can't stop losing and it's an exciting time to be alive and I encourage everybody out there get your voice out there don't be scared to say whatever you're thinking nobody can stop you.
Well, I'm just impressed with all the work you're doing and the fact that you didn't give up when they banned your videos, blocked your videos.
You fought back.
They had to restore them.
So many people quit.
No, no, you never quit.
They're just trying to wear you out.
And now there's about to be antitrust hearings.
Trump's appointing a guy to the Federal Trade Commission that wants to go after Google.
I mean, it's on.
Good, I'm so excited to hear about Google because they are really doing the most evil work behind the scenes.
And Facebook too.
They were, you know, totally promoting that article.
If you search for me on Facebook, that salon hit, the new face of the toxic right, the new face of the toxic right, had 20 shares.
And videos that had an average of 100,000 shares every time just one person puts it on their platform on Facebook.
And that was what was coming up.
Well, Google admits their whole algorithm's fake now.
Right, yeah, they admit it.
I mean, you type in vaccine damage, you get 20 pages of BS saying there's no danger in vaccines, when the inserts say they can kill you.
Yeah, absolutely.
And it all just changed the last year.
I mean, Google's extincted itself.
Have you heard now they want to force us into bubble cities?
No, I've not heard that.
Actual bubble cities.
I don't even know what that means.
They just zone it where you get a 200 square foot apartment, that's it, and then they basically force you into it.
It's terrifying.
Everything terrifies me.
I mean, Jeff Bezos, another character that is completely evil.
Him buying Whole Foods upsets me.
They just keep acquiring more and more and more and more and people have to sit and they have to think deeply about the implications of these people controlling everything from your food to your media to your Google.
Jeff Bezos is on Twitter, Google, Whole Foods, Amazon.
These are things that we have to really think about to understand the globalist environment and how we can break out of it.
Well, I'm excited.
I'm excited about taking you and your crew to dinner tonight.
So, during the break, before we get the sex kits on, I want to thank you for coming on.
You're going to be on with Owen today, and then go take a rest or whatever, but tell me what kind of food you want tonight.
We also got you some good Tex-Mex you wanted, so that's in there in the conference room.
But I just really look forward to taking you to dinner, and I hope you can be a contributor with InfoWars.
I need to get Pasobic hired, and a bunch of other folks that want to come on board.
We're so busy with the news every day.
We have trouble expanding but thanks to the listeners supporting us we're building quite an organization.
Millie Weaver has an idea.
To start, you know, kind of like the five, but not have it be just five people, but I think five women.
And I think somebody like you could probably anchor that.
Yeah, there definitely needs to be new media and women definitely need to have a platform, a true platform, not being told what to say by producers that have an incentive.
Well, I know that's what I want to watch.
I mean, you know, I'm a guy and it's not just watching girls because they look nice.
I kind of just get sick of guys.
So it's fun to see women's perspectives.
Because I don't watch a lot of Fox, but I do watch some of Hannity and some of Tucker, but I like the morning show.
Tucker's got the best faces.
Yeah, he does.
I wish all those folks would come on and debate me.
They won't do it.
Maybe if we give you a show, or if you're gracious enough to do one with us, then maybe you can get them on.
Maybe it's less threatening, though.
I think you're probably more intellectual than I am.
Um, thank you.
I appreciate that compliment.
I'm gonna accept it.
But I'm not just saying it.
I mean, you're just, you just lay it all out so ladylike, but also, it's good stuff.
Yeah, that's what I try to do.
I try to, you know, I don't, I keep it really PG, and I try to keep it honest.
So, thank you so much for supporting me and for having me here.
You bet.
You know, I'm also used to seeing you on a camera cam, but it's just fun to have you here in person.
All right, folks.
Red Pill Black on Twitter.
Follower there, Red Pill Black on YouTube.
Candice Owens, Facebook and Instagram.
The next
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
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These conspiracy theories were first spread by radio talk show host Alex Jones.
But to get the employee at YouTube on tape admitting that they do it?
I mean, you must be a threat if they call you out by name.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is a lunatic.
We are in an information war and we are losing that war.
Nobody can dispute the fact
InfoWars.com InfoWars comes to mind.
So right now the war is the InfoWars.
You watch InfoWars?
InfoWars.com I want freedom!
That's what I want!
And that's what you should want!
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
My name is Cole McCafferty and I live in Philadelphia.
Today I'm speaking directly to the American public and the NFL.
When you see a casket come home from the battlefield with dead American soldiers and Marines in them, the American flag drapes their casket.
This is the only time when you should kneel for the flag.
The soldiers who have gone and fought and died for this flag have shown their conviction by giving their life.
NFL players say they kneel for our flag to show their conviction.
NFL players, I present this challenge to you.
If and when the rules are changed and you're required to stand for this flag, show the same conviction that our soldiers have shown and paid the ultimate sacrifice for.
Otherwise, you lack the conviction of the American people who protect this flag and defend all that it stands for.
Let's see if you'll give up those millions.
My name is Cole McCafferty and I'm a 12-year-old boy and I understand national pride.
Why don't you?
And that's Cole McCafferty.
He's been out there for two plus years since Trump first announced he was the first young person at age 10 to come out in support of the president.
And he's loved all over the world, except by fake news media here in the United States that's demonized him.
His latest video on the NFL has 7 million views on one platform alone.
He's from Philadelphia.
Cole first made waves in May of 2015 at age 10 when he was the first child in the U.S.
to endorse then-candidate Trump.
The media has described him as President Trump's most voracious supporter.
Cole has been interviewed and written up by basically every publication out there.
And you can find him at Facebook at 4ColesFuture, Twitter 4ColesFuture, YouTube 4ColesFuture, and Instagram at 4ColesFuture.
And he is the michaelstrangefoundation.org.
Cole just spoke at Extortion 17 and was awarded Young Patriot
Ward and Cole, thank you so much for joining us here, because more and more I want to just celebrate the new wave of resistance to the globalists.
But I love the fact that CNN viciously attacked you two years ago.
It made you only fight harder.
You didn't go away with your tail between your legs.
You realized you were over the target getting the flag.
And now I'm telling you, you're an example to everybody out there.
You're an example to my son, who's been on air since he was about 12.
And just for the amazing success you've had.
Thank you, Mr. Jones.
First off, thank you for having me on your show today.
It is an honor to be here.
I'm wearing a Extortion 17 shirt in honor of the Michael Strange Foundation.
I'm involved with Mr. Charlie Strange.
And I was just awarded the Young Patriot Award.
By the way, um, I saw your interview with Megyn Kelly.
You got her good.
You got her good.
She thought she was going to make a fool of you, but you turned it around and, you know, you proved her to be a liar.
That was a very smart thing you did, setting up your own video recording equipment.
Well, let me ask you this.
Well, I knew as soon as she was lying to me and saying that, you know, that I turned her on and stuff, that she was trying to set me up.
I wasn't stupid.
And a lot of folks say, oh, but wasn't she hot?
I didn't find her to be attractive.
I mean, she just was basically a robot or a mummy.
But let's go back to when you first went public for Trump and nobody else was, and the media was billing you as a joke.
Why did you do that, Cole?
Why did I do that?
Well, I first read Donald Trump's two books, The Hour of the Deal and The Hour of the Comeback.
And I learned from those two books that this man was $1 billion in the red.
And our country is $20 trillion in debt.
And I thought this is what our nation needs.
A cutting edge business sense to get us out of this trillion dollar debt, which will come back to haunt us.
But I learned from my father, he takes great inspiration from Donald Trump, that he is a hardworking businessman.
He will follow something through to the end, and that's what our country needs.
We need politicians that are real, that are going to get things done, and we'll see it through to the very end.
Obama said he would get troops out of Iraq.
They're still there.
Our country needs someone who will uphold their promises.
And with Trump, you can see that's what he's been doing.
He tried to get health care tax breaks passed, but these politicians, these politicians, these horrible politicians, both Democrat and Republicans, have been weighing him down.
I was about to say, Trump, when it comes to the exuberance to the economy, to the border, to the military, to killing the TPP, to getting jobs back, I mean, so many good things have happened, and they've blocked him on repealing Obamacare and getting the tax cuts so far.
And every major economist admits, if they don't get these tax cuts through, and if we don't repeal Obamacare, they're designed to be wet blankets on the economy, to permanently end America's expansion phase, when China and India and everybody else are supposedly the new development zones.
I would agree with you there.
Media has been going after this man for a year now.
They've started to ridicule.
They've treated his family like crap.
And I can tell you this, there's a double standard.
Obama didn't get this.
You see, this is a political mugging and witch hunt.
The liberal media and Hollywood glorify violence and resistance against our president.
Madonna starts to blow up the White House.
Kathy Griffin posed in a photo holding Donald Trump's decapitated head.
This is an American!
The velocity and direction of the liberal media is anti-Trump.
That's right, and all they're using is peer pressure to make us think he's unpopular with their fake polls.
But we know the polls are skewed by at least 15 points.
So they're the ones destroying themselves.
They're the ones discrediting themselves.
CNN is the real walking dead.
They know they're zombies.
They just prop them up as a facade because they don't want to admit total defeat.
And now all they can do is pose
As mainstream media, well they're not even mainstream media anymore.
We are the mainstream media in that we're covering what people want and the truth and the globalists know it.
Cole, McCafferty, stay there.
We're gonna come right back and talk about what it's like being 12 years old and being famous since you were 10 now with hundreds of millions of views out there.
And do you get any backlash at school or on the streets from folks for standing up?
Because the left is all about the bullying.
Globalization has not been an unalloyed good.
I am a free trader.
I'm a strong supporter of globalization.
Globalization doesn't seem to be working for the middle class, for ordinary people.
We are in an information war and we are losing that war.
The rise of nationalist movements all over the world has a counterbalance to
Globalization, maybe it's most marked with the European economic community.
To simultaneously erect a system where the top is so far from the bottom, that the bottom has no connection to the top.
The old rules-based system is beginning to crumble, hastened by Brexit in Britain and in the European Union, and hastened by what President Trump is standing for.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
The global governance is failing.
The globalists had already thought they had full control of America and then the world are in total panic mode in an existential battle seeing their entire authoritarian world government crumble and collapse in front of them.
And so George Soros funds Media Matters.
CNN, MSNBC, all these legal groups that are openly suing Trump thousands of times, setting up and suing us as well, trying to sabotage our suppliers, trying to shut down our support base, trying to get us kicked off radio and TV, trying to have us criminally investigated, trying to have us shut down.
But I have the Republic behind me and common sense and an awake population to defend against you.
I'm not those poor, sad, hard-working Eastern European peasants that you helped round up for four years when you sent them to death camps, Soros, and you thought you could bring down America.
You're going to find out we're not going to go so easy.
So he's $18 billion in to this fight right now.
But here's the good news, Hillary had almost 3 billion dollars, Trump had about 400-500 million, but he had the people, and so he won.
And so this force-feeding of his culture war, and trying to buy off groups, isn't gonna help him, it's gonna blow up in his face.
Because no army can stop an idea whose time has come.
So I'm asking listeners and viewers of this transmission,
Now more than ever to understand, when you spread the articles, when you spread the videos, when you spread the live feeds at InfoWars.com forward slash show, or Facebook, Google, Twitter, or other platforms, or you spread the podcasts, and when you buy the products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are involved in a revolutionary act against these globalists, because pennies
against their thousands of dollars and millions against their billions is already defeating them and will defeat them.
The fact that he's going to have to put in hundreds of times a year what he put in previously of his stolen loot just kills him.
So I'm asking you as the enemy ups their power against us.
As the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against it.
And InfoWars is imperfect, but we are seen by the enemy as the standard.
As one of the main standard-bearer operations against them, and that's why we're under attack.
So rally around the flag, my friends, and financially support us today.
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And we've got to end it in a matter of days.
50% off our best-selling nootropic RainForce, 50% off AnthroPlex, that's the pill form of Super Mel Vitality, and a bunch of other specials that are about to end
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Cole McCafferty is our guest.
He's been in the political spotlight since he was 10 years old.
We're going to be going back to Cole here in just a moment to talk about his experiences on the streets since then and in school.
But first, I told you this was happening a month ago and now it's confirmed.
Elites moving to sacrifice Clintons just like Weinstein.
They realize they failed.
The old bluebloods are getting ready to flush Pelosi, the Clintons,
And of course, Maxine Waters, because they realize it's destroying them.
But there's a civil war.
They're hanging on.
Just like the Republican leadership's hanging on.
So the separation of powers, not just in the legislative, executive, judicial, but the separation of powers within parties is keeping them from setting up their authoritarian dictatorship.
Our founders knew what they were doing.
They tied down the power of the state and of strong men and women.
I don't mean that in strong, in a good way, you know, like the king rat.
Big article by Kit Daniels on NewsWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Really, really important.
This happened just a few hours ago.
Security breach at the Capitol.
We had Trump there visiting with Mitch McConnell and a guy threw five or six little two-by-three Russian flags screaming, treason, treason, Russia, when there's nothing except his son investigating Hillary for uranium-1.
With a Democrat-connected lawyer they sent, that's what they've got.
And $100,000 in Facebook ads.
When you've got Hillary with almost $3 billion, a billion and a half she got herself, another billion on top of it from PAX.
You've got all the media, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, foreign governments, the Vatican, the EU, the Communist Chinese, all against Trump.
And then they claim that, oh, the Russians came and ganged up and stole the election, when Hillary stole at least five states.
Try to steal another six.
And of course Trump was right about millions of illegals.
It wasn't 3.3.
It was 5.6.
That's all come out.
Harvard confirmed it.
So, again, now they're being exposed as the ones with the Russian connections.
Mueller being on the payroll of the Russians.
Six companies giving uranium deliveries on the tarmac.
And I'm not saying the Russians are even bad.
That's what foreign intelligence agencies do.
Russia isn't in our business one twentieth like China.
But here's the ridiculous clip of another, you know, theater
This is what they do to me.
When I go to downtown Austin to eat dinner, or downtown San Francisco, or anywhere else, or downtown Seattle.
This is all they've got.
So here's the audio and video.
Trump is treason!
Trump is treason!
Trump is treason!
Why are you talking about tax cuts when you should be talking about treason?
Why is Congress talking about tax cuts when they should be talking about treason?
That's right, we... That's right, we... Agent?
Agents of government?
Not about tax cuts!
Quietly from American state taxes!
Quietly from American state taxes!
Yeah, because you really don't want to cut those taxes for the slaves.
Because if they get their own money and have their own future, then you can't have your thumb on them.
Under my thumb!
Can we pull up Rolling Stones Under My Thumb and maybe a minute before go out with that?
Listen, Cole, you're doing a great job.
We appreciate you.
Talk about your personal experiences and what you've gone through.
Kind of sharing in some of the
Grief, some of the targeting that Trump's gone through.
Has that made you stronger or has that made you weaker?
Well, I was at his rally in Bristol, front row.
And I saw protesters, there must have been a hundred of them, outside, waiting in the parking lot.
And they were screaming and throwing, what was it, rocks at some of the people leaving the arena.
And that was a scary time.
That was when I first encountered anti-Trump people.
I'm going to call them people.
One was wearing a wig, a funny little hat that said something.
I understand.
They're basically escapees from mental institutions, but since the 80s they shut the state-funded mental institutions loose.
So now the main mental institution is the Democratic Party.
Well, you know, I said a while back that we have this new Cold War where, you know, the Republicans, they are the new capitalists and the Democrats, they are the new communists.
We're fighting this civil war between them.
You see it with all this party division in our Congress.
They can't get anything done.
What I think needs to be done is we need to bridge the gaps.
We need to do away with all these stereotypes about the left is crazy and Republicans are a bunch of gun-toting morons.
We need to come together to help rebuild our country.
Like I said before, we are $20 trillion in debt.
We need to find ways to overcome that.
We need to get rid of this guy in North Korea.
We need to get troops out of Afghanistan.
And furthermore, we need to work with Russia instead of yelling, collusion, collusion.
Because only when the United States supports Russia will NATO allow them to go into North Korea and Syria to help the United States defeat ISIS and defeat the Kim regime.
We need to ally ourselves with Russia.
Well, my friend, I appreciate your work and I appreciate your courage.
Just in closing, has anybody been mean to you in school?
Because most of the feedback I get, 20 to 1 is positive.
Including, you think of classic liberals, they've really woken up.
This revolution against globalism is all over the world.
It's incontrovertible.
We're winning everywhere, but you do have to go through some ridicule by the mental patients.
Have you gone through any of that in school?
No, no, I've been boxing since I was 8 years old, and
Look, I'm not afraid of anyone.
There are these trolls online that follow me just to say stuff.
But I have to tell you this, I'm not afraid to get into a fistfight with them.
You have done well, Lord Vader.
All right, I look forward to speaking to you very soon, Cole.
Cole McCafferty.
And it's For Cole's Future on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram.
You're doing a great job, my friend, and your latest videos are amazing.
And to the point, and again, from the mouths of babes, thank you so much, Cole.
Thank you.
I'll see you on the 2020 campaign trail.
I'll be there to help Trump win.
Well, he's going to win an even bigger landslide.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, they think we're under their thumb with their intimidation and garbage.
But we're not under their thumb.
No, in fact, they're beginning to realize they're under our thumb, because we're awake.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Is that a fact that George Soros is financing a global, I'm not gonna call it conspiracy, but a global effort to discredit and delegitimize Donald Trump?
This is George Soros in action?
This is a man who has put up billions into the electoral process but he's funding the most radical organizations which are anti-Trump.
It's called megalomania and the old evil Nazi collaborator
George Soros knows mainstream media is totally discredited.
That's why in 1998, 60 Minutes had him on.
He bragged and said, I'm not ashamed of being a Nazi.
I did what I had to do to survive.
My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours.
Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
That's right.
Was it difficult?
Not at all.
Not at all.
Maybe as a child, you don't see the connection.
But it created no problem at all.
No feeling of guilt?
In fact, it was free market.
I filled an itch.
I'm proud of it.
In 2017 he has his minion get up there from the CIA, Anderson Cooper, and say it never happened.
Alex Jones made it up, despite the fact we have the clip.
That shows how weak they are.
They know they're exposed.
So just tell bigger lies.
Talk about Hitler and the big lie theory.
And so that's why it's a revolutionary act to financially support this broadcast.
And we've got specials that are ending in the next few days.
50% off Brain Force, just the known, highest quality, healthy, organic compounds for healthy, more active, focused brain.
20% now and more in each bottle.
We're doing 50% off.
Not because it's not selling.
We sold so much of it.
It's gotten so popular that I ordered the biggest order ever of it.
So I could do it 50% off to see if my free market idea would work to sell even more at lower prices, make you even happier, and fund ourselves to expand.
A win-win.
It's worked!
I thought we had a two-month supply.
It'll be sold out in a couple of weeks at this rate, so I've got to end the special in the next few days, and then put it back to regular price until more comes in.
That is going to end in the next few days.
Chicra 12, 40% off, about to end.
Survival Syldex 2, 40% off, about to end.
BioTrue Selenium from Mustard Seed, strong, strong formulation, 40% off.
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Highest quality known, organic, high quality herbs, ladies and gentlemen, that have passed the strict, almost impossible California standards, until we know someday what we've talked about we know they're going to do.
But the point is, ladies and gentlemen, it's all available at Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com, or 888-253-3139.
As everyone now knows, the globalists are trying to shut down free speech worldwide.
And they see InfoWars as the tip of the spear.
George Soros groups are coming after us.
They're suing us.
They're lying about us.
They're attacking us because they know we're not Nazi collaborator scumbags like they are.
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Now more than ever, spread links to articles and videos and information at NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com.
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It's a revolutionary act against these scumbags.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The reason we're playing that music is E. Howard Hunt is admittedly the guy they based the Ethan Hunt character on Mission Impossible on.
And had a famous career as a government sniper in the OSS and the CIA, and was a benchwarmer, basically a backup team, running a large part of the Kennedy assassination in Dealey Plaza in 1963.
He'd been photographed there, he'd been arrested there in the railway car with the weapons, but the police ran on it and dropped it, and we can show you all that.
The big thing is, he ended up doing a deathbed confession on audio and then on video to his son, St.
John Hunt.
And we put all those videos out with the late Jim Mars and St.
John Hunt online.
John Hunt's also a best-selling author.
He most recently wrote two books.
Two books with Roger Stone getting into the Bush crime family and then also the Clinton crime family and the war on women.
Both those books available at Infowarstore.com, stjohnhunt.net where you'll find all of his books.
Now obviously 91% of people in Gallup polls believe the government killed Kennedy.
The congressional report said there was more than one shooter.
You never hear about that report though, even though it was more in-depth than the Warren Commission.
The reason Mr. Hunt's joining us is, very soon he's talking about releasing his father's diary that's even more powerful, going back to the time of the Kennedy assassination.
And of course he was also one of the top plumbers for, I mean, what didn't E. Howard Hunt be involved in?
He always believed it was for the country, but the point is, is that stjohnhunt.net has it all right there.
And he's gonna break it down for us in this segment the next and a little bit the next hour and then Roger Stone's gonna be hosting the fourth hour from New York where we have a crew there.
I was gonna go to New York to meet with some big Republican bigwigs but I just...
You know, I have a lot of work going on here, so I didn't go.
But Roger did go.
There may be some big interviews coming out of that, but I'm going to leave it at that.
Because Roger's a capable reporter from Forbes.
He can do it.
I can send him to do a man's job.
But again, St.
John Hunt joins us.
Great to have you back on, my friend.
It seems just like yesterday, we shot those documentaries we put online for the public for free.
But that was like, you know, six, seven years ago now.
So good to see your face, my friend.
Yeah, Alex.
It has been quite a while, but it doesn't really feel like too long.
I remember
Yeah, you've been on with us before, obviously, since then.
We may have to go to telephone with you, because the video's fine, but my audio is having issues here, so in about 10 seconds, if it keeps doing it, we're going to go to phone, but that's no big deal.
That just builds the suspense.
What do you make of the big announcement that we broke last week that we're looking to see the President, of course it was confirmed Saturday morning by the President, release the 3,000 plus pages of the secret CIA files?
Well, no one can be happier about that than myself.
As you know, according to the documents themselves, they have around 400 pages of documents concerning my father, E. Howard Hunt, and there's nobody on this planet that would like to know more about what's in those pages than myself.
I think there's going to be a lot of
A lot of good information for JFK researchers.
I think that some of that information is going to lead us to, you know, the reason that my mother was killed.
She was threatening to blackmail the White House during the Watergate days and flew to Chicago with Michelle Clark, who was a CBS reporter, and was planning to
To have a press conference in the next day or two where she was going to, in her own words, blow the White House out of the water.
Now, also, you know, there's going to be a lot of incendiary stuff, I think, in those pages, because Deep Throat himself, quoted by Bob Woodward in his book, said that the contents of the files were political dynamite.
And that was also quoted by Holliman in his book.
James McCord, one of the Watergate burglars, said that Dorothy Hunt, my mother, told him
That she had evidence she was taken to Chicago that would blow the White House out of the water.
And then of course the plane, for those that don't know, coming into what, Midway Airport there in Chicago, blew up.
That's correct, yes.
There was more than suspicious situations going on with that plane landing, or crashing as I should say.
Now was your mother just an agent of one, helping your father, or was she ever in the CIA?
My mother was a contract agent for the CIA, but prior to that she was working in OSS in Geneva, Switzerland, under... who was the... I can't remember his name anyways.
He was a CIA chief before Dick Helms.
And so she had a long history of intelligence work and she was semi-retired at the time of Watergate, but throughout our family life she had always
Provided my father with information because she worked at embassies.
And if there was something that needed to be photographed and sent to the CIA from that embassy, surreptitiously, then she would be the one to do it.
And of course, you tell the story in one of your books about your dad in like machines inside of a bag, tearing it up, throwing it in a pond.
I mean, just all sorts of stuff.
Yeah, there was... Matter of fact, part of these files will show
Some of the pieces that were stolen from my father's safe the day after the Watergate burglars were arrested.
John Dean had my father's personal and secret safe broken into and the contents removed, some of which were destroyed by then acting FBI Chief Al Patrick Gray.
Those were files that my father kept on the meetings and the notes who attended the
...meetings with regards to the different burglaries and different assignments that the White House had given my father to carry out.
You know, I'm asking the questions here, but you're really the expert.
Growing up in the middle of this, everything your dad said is just being confirmed.
It dovetails with all the researchers.
What is it like, 53 years after the assassination, to now see the president about to release these files?
A and B, I'm concerned they've already blacked them out.
It won't be Trump's doing.
I'm concerned, like Obama said, I'm about to release the 9-11 files, but they were all blacked out.
Right, right.
That was a huge disappointment for everyone.
I just hope that it's not going to be more of the same.
Personally, I'm nervous about the files.
I'm certainly excited.
It always helps me to better understand what my father was into, and especially during that part of his life.
I know that he was a heavy hitter.
He was the first one in the CIA to suggest that Fidel Castro be assassinated coinciding with the Bay of Pigs invasion.
And of course, I know from my conversations with him that he was very involved in the CIA mafia plots against Castro.
He was just a man all over the place, you know.
He was part of the Bay of Pigs invasion, successful Guatemala coup invasion, so he was a very serious person in the CIA.
Nixon, in fact, knew my father.
If it was only likely, because they'd met prior to the 70s in Montevideo, Uruguay, when Nixon was vice president, went on a goodwill tour.
My father walked over to his table in the luncheon room and complimented Nixon on his various doings as a politician, and Nixon asked him to sit down, and they spent about two hours together.
So, Nixon kept an eye on my father throughout my father's career, getting higher and higher in the layers of CIA.
And when Nixon wanted to put together a special investigation group for the White House, my father was the first one that came to his mind.
He said, Howard Hunt, we need to get Howard Hunt.
Now, later on the same tapes, you know, the famous smoking gun tapes, where Nixon is ordering the payment of a million dollars to my father.
To keep his silence.
That ties into your mother's aircraft being blown up.
Just briefly as we got a break here, and we'll come back with more on the documents.
When did you discover, as it's now admitted, that your dad was the model of the Mission Impossible, Ethan Hunt?
That was just a funny little story.
My father told me that, and I thought, you know, that's... He told me one time down in Miami that they had used Ethan Hunt, and I thought that was very respectful of them.
So I think that's great.
It's interesting and now it's all coming out.
I'll ask you, why did your dad do the deathbed confession on the other side of this break?
We'll be right back with St.
John Hunt.
I'm Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
On a daily basis in this country, but also overseas, there are massive busts of actual pedophiles and the kidnapped children.
What's insane is there's almost no mainstream news coverage of it, because the establishment is in on it.
We know who runs this global government cult, and they are pedophiles and even worse.
It's been said the devil's greatest trick was convincing the world that he didn't exist.
Now whether you believe in the devil or not, evil exists on this planet.
And the glue that welds together this globalist, one-world, psychopathic system is the exploitation of men, women, and most importantly, children.
We all know from history books that every ancient culture in different periods engaged in human sacrifice during pre-collapse periods.
Camille Pagli and other historians have written extensively on this and its historical fact.
And since President Trump got into office close to 10 months ago, we have seen record numbers of busts.
Not just of people looking at child porn, but of actual traffickers, of actual kidnappers, of people that had children in their hands.
We've seen the Deputy Pope arrested for reportedly kidnapping over 100 children over 40 years and trafficking them.
We've seen the previous Pope step down amidst another giant child trafficking scandal and reported blackmail operation.
We've seen Sandusky and his son indicted and convicted.
We've seen countless reports of high-level judges and politicians and people in both parties getting busted soliciting sex from sometimes children as young as six months old.
And now from our Hollywood sources and major filmmakers we're learning that the Weinstein debacle and fiasco and nightmare is only the tip of the iceberg and that below that is the giant pedophile army and below that the true Satanism that goes on at the bottom of this filthy rabbit hole.
And that takes us to today's news.
And it comes out in local news, but gets almost no national news coverage, no matter how horrific or how sensational.
This is from 9 News out of Denver.
FBI helps rescue 84 children from sex trafficking.
It's gotten almost no coverage here in the United States, but it's big news in France and Russia.
Again, they rescued 84 children, some of them as young as 3 months, being pimped out.
At places like restaurants and truck stops all over the United States, this is industrial level.
This is even retail level, where the general public's getting involved in this.
This is widespread.
That's why we've seen Salon and all these other big lepist publications, the New York Times, come out and basically defend pedophilia, why the UN's defended it.
That's why they've created fake Pizzagate stories that they claim we created, so they can then claim there's no such thing as pedophilia going on in the world, when the truth is they've busted British Prime Ministers and world leaders involved in Satanism and killing children, not just raping them.
The good news is thanks to President Trump and many other great patriots around the world, from Australia to England to the US to Canada, the pedophile rings are being busted at record levels.
But they're running mainstream news articles claiming that we've made it up and that there is no pedophile phenomenon and there is no roundup taking place.
The individuals covering this up are either incredibly stupid, or they're collaborating, ladies and gentlemen.
Bottom line, there is an attack on innocence in this world, and InfoWars is fighting it.
And when you spread the word about our shows, and spread our live links, and spread our articles, and spread this report, you are standing directly against these evil organizations and groups that exploit our children, and you are standing for humanity and a future.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alright folks, Alex Jones here broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host.
I want to ask St.
John Hunt, whose father clearly was one of the main leaders of the operation to kill Kennedy, and that according to his own deathbed confession as well.
I want to ask him,
Why did his father support being part of that operation?
Because I know from reading his book and also interviewing him and seeing the confession that his father thought it was the right thing to do.
Why did a large faction of the deep state decide to kill John F. Kennedy in 1963 in Dallas?
And is Texas the reason the president's dead?
Because I know they got cold feet in Chicago and in Miami.
Why did Texas get the job done?
Well, I think it's more than evident that JFK was pursuing a line of politics and engagement with
I think?
On ending the war in Vietnam, for one, which ran directly against what the military-industrial complex had in mind.
And they felt that he was a danger to this country in those terms.
That this was not the time to show weakness to the communists.
This was a time to show strength.
You know, there was a strong movement that LBJ was very much in favor of to remove Kennedy.
Johnson had his own particular reasons.
He knew that he was going to be sacked as Vice President in the upcoming elections and very well indicted for trial and arrest based on his many crimes during his reign.
Exactly, he was a cornered rat.
What about parallels today?
Why do you think Trump's agreed to release these when the last few presidents blocked them?
A. And B. Now there's more of a war in the deep state.
It's not as monolithic.
I'm not saying Trump's a choir boy, but clearly the entrenched power structure doesn't like him.
Give us your views on Trump and why he's releasing this and what you think of Trump.
Well, I think Trump is releasing these because, first of all, he's a maverick.
When you put him along next to our prior presidents, he's a man that's cut from his own cloth.
He doesn't follow in the footsteps of anybody else, and I think that's one of the strongest reasons why he was elected.
People didn't want more of the same.
They didn't want Clinton's name in there.
They didn't want a president that, you know, was just gonna go along with the same old routine, the same old show.
And that's one of his strongest attributes.
And I think for him to release these files goes along directly with that.
I think, as you said, Alex,
Prior presidents would have denied this, but Trump's not like them.
He's not going to kowtow to anybody.
He's going to do what he thinks is right.
And thank God, he thinks that this is an important enough issue, and it certainly is, to, you know, let's get it done.
Let's get it over with.
Let's look into this and get it out in the open.
If something bad is in there, then let's talk about it.
Let's bring it out.
I like Trump for that.
In the beginning, I wasn't a Trump man or anything, but I favor him because of his individualism.
I think that what's been done to him by the mass media, by the news media, mainstream media, is just abhorrent.
It's an embarrassment.
They should be ashamed of themselves.
And this to me proves he's the strongest president that we've ever had, because for someone to endure this amount of criticism and false accusations, lie after lie after lie, and still come out doing what he said he would do for the people, that man is worthy of anybody's vote.
You can't help but admire Trump, the hell he's gone through.
You can't help it, especially in our own little ways, yourself, myself, yours in some bigger ways in your family history.
You've been through a lot of stuff.
You've experienced persecution for telling the truth.
And when you see somebody then get hit with 50 times what we've been hit with, and they just get stronger, you can't help but admire them.
I do.
And that's a fact.
I admire Trump very much.
I'm very grateful that he's going to release these.
I hope.
There's still, you know, there's still enough time where certain agencies can, you know, put up a fight.
I think midnight tomorrow night is the deadline, isn't it, Alex?
Yes, and he was talking about doing it on Friday.
He said, if, he said, barring new information, but we know he's already met with Pompeo and they told him don't release it.
I just hope that they're not, you know, nothing-burgering us and that they don't, you know, like I said, black it all out.
Right, right.
Yeah, that would be a shame.
To me it would show a huge weakness in Trump, and I don't think he's that kind of person.
No, I agree, but a lot of these documents could have been blacked out 20 years ago.
We don't know.
That's true, that's true.
I'm nervous about it.
I'm very hopeful, I'm excited, but I also don't want to be
Too excited to be disappointed if they're less than what we hoped for.
We just have to wait and see.
And that's something I haven't completely nailed down.
But boy, I tell you, St.
John, they had such egg on their face.
I know you've been talking to Roger a lot.
You've co-authored books with him.
You know, two of these great bestsellers that came out during the campaign that may have decided the campaign to a great extent.
The Clintons' war on women and the Bush crime family that gets into all this.
Just sitting back and watching this whole revolution unfold, it's, I mean, the power structure is in so much trouble.
Well, I wonder, Alex, if the power structure is really going to... I mean, how do we know once they release the documents, how do we know that those are the real original documents?
I mean, they're capable of... Forging.
Forging anything in any way, shape, or form and backstopping it with facts and details and older files that will... I mean, that's what they... that's their business.
That's the CIA's business.
That's what the FBI does.
That's what the Department of Justice does, is that they lie and they backstop it with their own made-up proof.
So, I don't... I would be astounded if there's anything in those files that is going to
In a word or so, name that the CIA was involved in the JFK assassination.
I just don't think that will ever come out.
Well, we've got the bombshell file about George Bush and how the FBI director wants to talk to him involved with the whole JFK situation.
We have documents like that, but I agree with you.
I think the deathbed confession of your father, both the audio, the video, and the letter
Knowing who he was, knowing he got arrested that day in Dallas, it's clearly him, knowing his whole background in overthrowing governments and assassinations, I mean, that is real credibility right there.
That is real credibility.
I think that has a lot to be said.
First of all, I've been asked, well, why do you think your father told the truth?
Why don't you think he just made something up just to, for disinformation purposes, let's say?
Well, the answer to that is that if my father wanted to make something up, he clearly would have used the Russians
As the agency involved in the assassination of President Kennedy.
He would not have named his own people because he loved the CIA.
He was a lifetime CIA officer.
27 years in the clandestine services and prior to that in OSS.
So he would never have named CIA, his beloved CIA, as being involved in the death of Kennedy unless it were true.
We're going to go to break, my friend, and come back and get some final comments from you on all this.
And then Roger Stone has taken over from New York City.
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We'll be right back with St.
John Hunt on the other side.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
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It's Alex Jones, live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
We're good to go.
We're going to have Roger Stone taking over the next segment for the hour and then the War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Roger Stone will be back.
He co-hosts that.
And you're going to have St.
John Hunt back on for a more extended period.
Maybe even open the phones up or take some Twitter questions.
Again, his father, one of the more famous spies and assassins and a guy that helped overthrow governments and ran major operations, reported that he came down to be backup and basically run on the ground the assassination of Kennedy.
Now strangely enough, his father had sued a newspaper previously for saying he was the guy, and they had photos of him there, and had lost that suit.
So then a court of law jury said, no, Mr. Hunt, you are the guy.
And then later, he basically, you know, came clean with it.
His son, St.
John Hunt, is with us right now.
What about this being a PSYOP?
Some people are saying, the President may not know, just like you said, oh here's the documents and then it's something else that basically bolsters the official story and then we're all here celebrating the release and then it turns out, like you were saying, could be doctored and as a setup.
I think that's always a possibility and I think that's primarily the first thought that one should have in situations like this.
Why trust anything that the CIA or FBI or any of the other agencies has to have?
I mean, why are they all of a sudden allowing the truth of truths to come out now?
They've had 25 years to, you know,
To doctor to erase to reconfigure any of these documents and and that's that's a long enough time so I think we just have to wait I think we're all biting our nails here waiting waiting for the for the release and I think it's people like yourself Alex and and other JFK assassination researchers
People that use the Freedom of Information Act to sue the government for files and for information.
I think it's going to be left up to you guys to really sort through this and discover if this is just a smoke screen again or if these are in fact the real files that they have been promising to release for 25 years.
And let's expand on that.
The smoking gun is your father's deathbed confessions on audio and video.
The smoking gun in all of this is that information and that 90 plus percent of the American people now know the truth and are not buying the official story.
We've already won this battle, so I'll be surprised if this isn't a PSYOP in the next few days coming out.
Yeah, Jim Mars is just an amazing man and we have a lot to be grateful and thankful for what Jim has spent his life doing.
As a reporter, he covered the JFK assassination in Dallas, and then continued bringing us the truth.
An author of many, many books, and certainly he's a well-known figure amongst certain circles, assassination researchers and people like that.
My father's testimony, that confession to me was the smoking gun.
Never before had there been an actual CIA official, an operative, an official to come forward and name names and describe what the circumstances were about my father's personal involvement in the JFK assassination.
And I felt he did this
Just before he died, because he wasn't ashamed of it.
First of all, I think I convinced him that notoriety for him would be good.
He was proud of what he did.
He felt Kennedy was a danger to this country, and he stood by that till the very end.
All right, St.
John Hunt, amazing, my friend.
Thank you so much, stjohnhunt.net.
Look forward to being back on in one hour on The War Room with Owen Schroyer, Roger Stone, and the fourth hour is only...
Transmission, you are the resistance.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, taking over for the next hour is Roger Stone from New York City, where my crew is up there, waiting, working on some big, important interviews.
A lot of meetings going on, a lot of behind-the-scenes things happening in New York right now, and Roger Stone is about to take over.
Roger Stone, you know, it's great to have the exclusive last week that the JFK files would probably be released by the President the next morning.
He confirmed that, barring new information, he was intending to release it.
But I'm concerned
It was 25 years ago they were supposed to declassify it.
Presidents have blocked its release since then, like George Herbert Walker Bush, clearly involved in it himself.
That's what the FBI files show.
If they had 25 years to doctor these, why not then make it a big thing in our face, where it's the CIA saying it's Lee Harvey Oswald?
And then he supposedly worked for the Russians or something.
That would fit into the whole Russian phobia thing.
I mean, just who knows, with all the forgeries and fake birth certificates and everything else we've seen, what's going to be coming out of this.
I mean, if you have St.
John Hunt's dad, E. Howard Hunt, who got arrested that day in Dallas, saying he ran the operation.
He got 90 plus percent of Americans knowing the truth.
You've got the fact that credibility in government's at a 7% level.
I think we've already won this war, so if we battle this battle again, it's the only chance they've got at us only having a Pyrrhic victory, because then they can pull stunts.
Well, Alex, I think that your concerns are well-founded.
Although my sources, at least one lifer in the Central Intelligence Agency, tells me that the agency has been caught by surprise.
They did not expect this move from President Donald Trump.
They evidently believed that they could talk him out of it, and therefore now their fallback position
We'll be to try to redact and hold back large swaths of information.
It was Dr. Jerry Corsi here at InfoWars who first pointed out to me that the data dumped by the National Archives in this past July, the first small batch of documents pertaining to the Kennedy assassination, were so heavily redacted and so much of the material was withheld for purposes of national security
That they were completely and totally unusable.
They were worthless.
In other words, my concern now is that the intelligence agencies counterman the President, that they nullify his bold decision here, using a backdoor bureaucratic process to neutralize the information that the President has ordered released.
And if that happens,
If there is widespread cover-up, we here at InfoWars will be the first to let the American people know.
Roger, that's a great point, and I think that's where this is going.
And I agree they've been blindsided, because you notice on Friday they're like, oh, Roger Stone is full of baloney.
We've talked to the intelligence sources.
Pompeo, the President's not going to release it.
And then the next morning, the President tweets, yes, barring new info, I will next week.
And so that deadline is basically here now.
So that signals, we can put the article back on screen, we're just showing folks, where they said on Friday, Trump likely to block release of classified JFK files.
Boy, they were eating crow the next morning.
No, I had a call from NBC on Thursday night.
I had spoken to the president.
Very friendly, upbeat conversation that morning.
And I had made what I thought was a compelling but brief case for the release of these documents.
The president asked a few
Pithy questions.
And then he said he would think about it.
Now, from the tone of his questions and the content of his questions, I was optimistic that the president was going to do the right thing.
And I think he has done the right thing.
But I think he has caught the Central Intelligence Agency and the other intelligence agencies by surprise.
Now, it is typical of these agencies to stall, to obfuscate and to cover up as much as possible.
Why would they do so?
Why would they be concerned of events of more than 50 years ago, in which all the principal participants are deceased?
The answer is, they're still using the exact same tactics.
The lies, the leaks, the forgeries, the omissions.
We have seen them use the same kind of tactics on this president as they used on that president because he challenges the power of the deep state and he challenges, in this case, the power of the neocons who had already decided we were going to war over Syria.
Don't worry about a thing.
Hillary has promised us the expansion of the proxy war.
And that is the seat of their opposition to Donald Trump and why our intelligence agencies, just as they undermined Kennedy, now seek to undermine Donald J. Trump.
Clearly, they're panicking.
Clearly, the establishment can't stand what's happening.
And we just saw the footage.
Let's cue it up.
About two hours ago, the security breach at the Capitol, a idiot throwing two by three little Russian flags, six or seven of them, at the president, screaming, traitor, traitor, you're a Russian agent.
You know, forget tax cuts.
God forbid, you know, this evil Russian agent.
He wants to get the economy going again.
As everything they said about you, myself, the president, just like you said a year and a half ago, first, off the Panama Papers and other sources, they kept asking, how does Stone know we're involved with the Russians?
Podesta's time in the barrel is coming, because it was in the Panama paper documents that he was on the Russian payroll.
Now it's all coming out.
Tarmac meetings, Mueller giving them uranium, six companies that Mueller part owns, hundreds of millions of dollars from the Russians.
It turns out that there was a Russian penetration, and it was of the Democratic Party, which is the classic party always spreading their legs to the Russian, GRU and FSB and KGB and all the rest of it over the years.
I mean, it's just
It's stunning!
That of course, oh yeah, the Patriots, we're on the payroll of the Russians.
You know, famous red hunters that you work for like Nixon, we're on the, I mean, you're a guy that helped, you know, scoop up Russian spy networks in the 80s.
This is ridiculous and now it's blown up in their face, but when I go out tonight in downtown Austin, I guarantee you, there's gonna be people, as I'm taking my wife downtown to dinner, there will be people that run up and scream, F you Russian!
When they work for the people that were working for the Russians!
Yeah, it's really outrageous.
Look, I was drawn to politics because of the anti-communism of Senator Barry Goldwater.
I stayed in politics because of the anti-communism of Governor and then President Ronald Reagan.
I'm a man who had actual family members mowed down by Russian tanks in Budapest in 1956.
I loathe the Russian system, I loathe totalitarianism, and I loathe the way they treat Christians and gays and others in their society.
So the idea that we would traffic with the Russians to affect the outcome of the U.S.
election is insulting.
As well as patently, completely, provably false.
Alex, I think there have been two events in the last two weeks that really have reversed the entire Russian narrative and turned it into a boomerang on the Democrats.
The first one is obvious.
We now know that FBI Director Mueller, FBI Director Comey, Assistant FBI Director McCabe, and Ron Rosenstein, the de facto Attorney General of the United States today, were in charge of the investigation into Russian bribery and the efforts by the Russians to use illegal methods and bribes to the Clintons.
And they ordered the investigation killed.
And they ordered the investigation killed.
That's the treason.
Let's go out to break with this idiot who's known as Ryan Clayton.
He works for the Huffington Post and is an Antifa Soros minion.
So a Soros snake throwing Russian flags at the president screaming traitor when his fingers ought to be pointed right back at his fat ugly face.
Here it is.
Trump is treason!
Trump is treason!
Trump is treason!
Trump is treason.
Trump is treason!
Trump is reason.
Why are you talking about tax cuts when you should be talking about treason?
Why is Congress talking about tax cuts when they should be talking about treason?
This president is fired with agents of the Russian government to steal elections.
We should be talking about treason in Congress, not about tax cuts.
All right, folks.
We're going to go to break.
We're gonna come back with Roger Stone on the other side.
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Is that a fact that George Soros is financing a global, I'm not going to call it a conspiracy, but a global effort to discredit and delegitimize Donald Trump?
This is George Soros in action?
This is a man who has put up billions into the electoral process, but he's funding the most radical organizations, which are anti-Trump.
It's called megalomania and the old evil Nazi collaborator.
George Soros knows mainstream media is totally discredited.
That's why in 1998, 60 Minutes had him on.
He bragged and said, I'm not ashamed of being a Nazi.
I did what I had to do to survive.
My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours.
Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
That's right.
Was it difficult?
Not at all.
Not at all.
Maybe as a child you don't see the connection.
But it created no problem at all.
No feeling of guilt?
In fact, it was free market.
I filled an itch.
I'm proud of it.
In 2017 he has his minion get up there from the CIA, Anderson Cooper, and say it never happened, Alex Jones made it up, despite the fact we have the clip.
That shows how weak they are.
They know they're exposed.
So just tell bigger lies.
Talk about Hitler and the big lie theory.
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As everyone now knows, the globalists are trying to shut down free speech worldwide.
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It's a revolutionary act against these scumbags.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You want to stop tyranny?
So does he.
It's Roger Stone.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Roger Stone is here with us in his clean shirt, new shoes.
That is a sharp-looking jacket he's wearing.
Me, I'm kind of being a little weird today with my periwinkle blue with my
Electric blue, so I guess I'm going to a disco tonight or something.
Just having some fun here, folks.
So much going on.
It's crazy.
As we predicted, the elites are moving to sacrifice the Clintons, just like Weinstein.
But the Clintons and others are hanging on for dear life.
Really toxic.
The party is in danger of completely collapsing.
The Republican Party's fighting for its life.
I want to ask Roger Stone about that in a moment and let him take over.
But briefly, ladies and gentlemen,
We have the globalists and the Soros front groups coming out of the woodwork.
A law firm set up by Obama admittedly is suing Stone.
I've got groups connected to the Democrats suing me.
A flea's not going to kill you, but if it bites you between the eyes while you're driving down the highway, it might make you swerve and kill you that way.
You know what I mean?
It's like horseflies running a horse off the edge of a cliff.
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I never wanted to be big, and about 12 years ago they were trying to shut us down and harassing us and coming after us.
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So I want to salute all of you that have supported us.
It's the last day to get brain force 50% off.
Okay, Roger, I wanted to ask you this question and turn the baton over to you because I think you've got a lot to cover there in New York today.
What's going on with Trump saying, well, I'll work with the establishment Republicans against, you know, Bannon's Tea Party group.
I saw that as kind of a good cop, bad cop deal because overall he keeps doing so much good stuff.
Or what's really going on with that?
And what's going on with Fox News trying to brand the Republicans establishment as invincible?
And, you know, this new Liberty No Rhinos movement that you and I and others have been spearheading that Bannon's now on the bandwagon with.
And that's great.
I mean, what is that going on?
Is that Trump playing good cop, bad cop?
Alex, first of all, I always thought Steve Bannon would be more effective from the outside.
Like us, he's a rabble rouser, he's a street fighter, and he really is a revolutionary at heart.
And I think that he has correctly identified the fault line in the Republican Party.
Between those who believe in the radical reform party of Donald J. Trump and those who are for the status quo, who like things just the way they are.
The big corporate money, the special interest campaign contributions pour in, you get re-elected, you really don't mix it up with the Democrats other than maybe for the television cameras once in a while, and everybody goes out to dinner afterwards and they slap each other on the back.
The American people, I think, are tired of that.
Now, there is no question that Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are very persuasive guys, and they are in the President's face, constantly pointing out how much he needs them and how much he needs the support of the Republican caucuses, which sadly, they haven't been very adept at delivering.
In all fairness,
The House, under Paul Ryan, has passed some 300 bills that the President has asked for that the Senate has never taken up.
So it is unfair, to a certain degree, to throw Ryan into the same bucket with Mitch McConnell every time.
That said, the president realizes that the Bannon movement is helpful to him because it gives him leverage and Donald Trump is a man who likes to keep everybody guessing about his next move.
As I like to say, the one thing that is predictable about Donald Trump
Is that he's entirely unpredictable.
He does have, I think, enormous leverage in these primaries.
I don't think the lesson of Alabama is that the president has no juice.
I think the lesson of Alabama is Trumpism is more important than Trump himself.
That it is the principles that he ran on that are manifest and most important.
Well, I mean, look at Austria, look at Italy.
The people of Alabama elected the most Trump-like candidate.
But I mean, everywhere, patriot populists are winning all over the world.
Just this week, we've seen it in Italy, we've seen it in the Czech Republic, we've seen it in Austria.
I mean, this is global awakening.
Trump just rode in on his surfboard, which is great, but this is a lot bigger than Trump.
I totally agree.
And I think what you're going to see here, Alex, is the president is not going to support all of Steve Bannon's challenger candidates, nor is he going to support all of Mitch McConnell's incumbents.
He's going to pick and choose.
He is going to, on the basis of sophisticated polling and political calculation, figure out where he can have the greatest impact.
But I'll say this.
I would not want to be an incumbent United States Senator running against my President.
Now, when they say, oh, you know, Jeff Flake voted with the President 97% of the time.
Yeah, they vote with us on National Hamburger Week.
But where are you on the tough votes, like Obamacare's repeal, or the upcoming tax legislation?
So, don't be fooled by these phony statistics where they say, oh, he supported the president 90% of the time.
Yes, on innocuous party-line votes.
But where are you on the big issues?
That's right.
Stay with us.
More with Roger Stone, straight ahead from New York City.
Globalization has not been an unalloyed good.
I am a free trader.
I'm a strong supporter of globalization.
Globalization doesn't seem to be working for the middle class, for ordinary people.
We are in an information war and we are losing that war.
The rise of nationalist movements all over the world has a counterbalance to
Globalization, maybe it's most marked with the European economic community.
To simultaneously erect a system where the top is so far from the bottom, that the bottom has no connection to the top.
The old rules-based system is beginning to crumble, hastened by Brexit in Britain and in the European Union, and hastened by what President Trump is standing for.
Americanism, not globalism!
Will be our credo!
The global governance is failing.
The globalists had already thought they had full control of America and then the world are in total panic mode in an existential battle seeing their entire authoritarian world government crumble and collapse in front of them.
And so George Soros funds Media Matters, CNN, MSNBC, all these legal groups that are openly suing Trump thousands of times, setting up and suing us as well, trying to sabotage our suppliers, trying to shut down our support base, trying to get us kicked off radio and TV, trying to have us criminally investigated, trying to have us shut down.
But I have the Republic behind me and common sense and an awake population to defend against you.
I'm not those poor, sad, hard-working Eastern European peasants that you helped round up for four years when you sent them to death camps, Soros, and you thought you could bring down America.
You're going to find out we're not going to go so easy.
So he's $18 billion in to this fight right now.
But here's the good news.
Hillary had almost $3 billion.
Trump had about $400-$500 million.
But he had the people, and so he won.
And so this force-feeding of his culture war, and trying to buy off groups, isn't going to help him.
It's going to blow up in his face.
Because no army can stop an idea whose time has come.
So I'm asking listeners and viewers of this transmission.
Now more than ever to understand, when you spread the articles, when you spread the videos, when you spread the live feeds at InfoWars.com forward slash show, or Facebook, Google, Twitter, or other platforms, or you spread the podcast, and when you buy the products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are involved in a revolutionary act against these globalists, because pennies against their thousands of dollars, and millions against their billions, is already defeating them and will defeat them.
The fact that he's going to have to put in hundreds of times a year what he put in previously of his stolen loot just kills him!
So I'm asking you, as the enemy ups their power against us, as the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against it.
And Infowars is imperfect, but we are seen by the enemy as the standard, as one of the main standard-bearer operations against them.
And that's why we're under attack.
So rally around the flag, my friends, and financially support us today.
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Get great deals on water filtration, and non-GMO heirloom seeds, and high-quality organic coffee, and so many other great products at InfoWarsLife.com.
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And we've got to end it in a matter of days.
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50% off Anthroplex.
That's the pill form of Super Mel Vitality and a bunch of other specials that are about to end at InfoWarsLife.com or 888-253-3139.
That will make this operation continue strong in the face of the enemy, and we will defeat these scum.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I got no friends!
From the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I got no friends!
Because they can read the papers, folks.
It's Roger Stone from New York City.
A lot of stuff going on.
So watch NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com tonight and tomorrow for live feeds, special guests and more.
Now back to Roger Stone.
Thank you, Alex.
I think that any time that Special Counselor Robert Mueller is out of the news, perhaps the supporters of the President begin to breathe easier.
In my opinion, that is a mistake.
Mr. Mueller has been essentially a legal executioner for both the Bushes and the Clintons.
We know, definitively, when FBI Director Comey was fired by President Donald Trump, that Robert Mueller auditioned, in essence, interviewed for that job the very next day.
He was passed over.
That of course creates the potential for a massive conflict of interest.
He could be biased against the president because the president decided to appoint someone other than Mr. Mueller to that FBI position.
Yesterday, however, we learned from an extraordinary news story that Mr. Mueller has been allowed to invest in a hedge fund controlled and run by the billionaire George Soros.
And in this particular case, since the necessary opening ante was a minimum of $10 million,
Mr. Mueller was admitted to the fund without the required funding.
In other words, he was getting preferential treatment.
Now, add to that the fact that we've established that the Uranium One investigation
The Justice Department investigation into the bribery by the Russians of American officials and American business people, as well as the massive bribes to Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, that ended up securing the approval
Of the transfer of 20% of the enriched uranium to a company controlled completely by the Kremlin.
And I gotta say this, now that it's all come out, because I just can't help but ask this, how do they continue on with a fake investigation when it's like Hitler's sitting on the Nuremberg trial as the Chief Justice, or in somebody's divorce trial, the husband or the wife is the judge over the trial?
He's got to recuse.
He's got to drop it.
The whole thing's a fraud.
This is just ridiculous.
No wonder, like you said a year and a half ago, they've said we're all Russian agents because they are.
Well, but unfortunately, what's missing today are the New York Times and Washington Post editorials calling on Mr. Mueller to step down because of this stunning new conflict of interest, which we have just now discovered.
The mainstream media never targets
The wrongdoing of the bad guys.
In this case, embittered liberal Democrats and neocons unhappy about the fact that Hillary Clinton is not president and can't give them their expanded proxy war in Syria.
So, we don't ever have the luxury of having a docile or absent mainstream media.
They're usually calling for our heads, in most cases, on the basis of completely trumped up and fraudulent information.
Reminds me just the other day of Anderson Cooper insisting that InfoWars was wrong about the fact that George Soros was, in fact,
A Nazi collaborator.
Alex, you were forced to take actual footage and show it right here at InfoWars in which he admits, in his own words, that if he didn't do it, somebody else would have.
They live in denial.
By the way, it's worse than that.
The Spanish government's now saying the police didn't beat up any women or anybody else in Catalonia.
They're saying that's fake news.
It's just next-level lying.
Since you mentioned how it's stunning, the connections of the Clintons and Mueller to the Russians, here's Newt Gingrich saying the same thing on Fox News.
First of all, I do think it's useful, not just to look at Russia, but to look at Saudi Arabia, to look at China.
I mean, lots of countries have figured out that hiring a lobbyist, giving money to a foundation, endowing a university, the level of foreign money penetrating this country is very disturbing.
And I think that we ought to have some kind of congressional hearings just to set the record of how many different countries are trying to influence us and to remind us that a lot of these so-called professors come from endowed chairs that have been endowed by foreign governments.
So they're not necessarily giving us academic truth, they're in effect hired spokesmen.
In the case of Russia, I've always thought
I've always thought it was crazy that we're over here looking at a very minor issue about Trump.
You had the Uranium One deal.
You had, I think, $135 million going to the Clinton Foundation.
You had Bill Clinton getting a half million dollars.
You had the Podesta Group doing things that were representational, including, I believe, representing a major Russian bank.
The total surround for Hillary Clinton of Russian influence peddling was stunning.
There you have it, Newt Gingrich, still one of the most articulate conservatives out there, and able to capsulize these things in a way the American people can understand them.
The entire Russian narrative is boomeranging on the Democrats, and what an irony that it wraps up Mueller, Comey,
McCabe and Rod Rosenstein.
And that's why they're all so fatalistic to get the president, because they're protecting themselves.
If they don't get him, they'll all go to jail for what they actually did!
The linchpin on this is quite obviously Jeff Sessions.
Now, I have been a critic of Attorney General Sessions on this program.
I liked him immensely when he was in the United States Senate.
I cheered his appointment as Attorney General because I thought he would be a tough, no-nonsense federal prosecutor interested in the rule of law.
Instead, he's proposed a return to minimum sentences, which is unnecessary because the Congress set up a no-face commission that can set federal minimum and mandatory sentences.
It is interesting that the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia objected to the appointment of this body to take the heat off of the politicians.
What it means is the Commission can set rules and a floor under which judicial sentences cannot drop, meaning the prisons will be flooded with people who are guilty of non-violent crimes or people who have harmed no one.
Jeff Sessions has been gung-ho for asset forfeiture, working out new rules in which the states
It is famously known that Jeff Sessions wants to crack down on the 29 states where the people in those states have decided to legalize medicinal marijuana.
At complete variance with the position of President Donald Trump, who says, this is a state's rights issue.
Let the states decide.
And then, of course, there is his stunning failure to prosecute Hillary Clinton.
Now, I was buoyed last week and he said there was an investigation, but even as we speak, the Trump Justice Department is in federal court seeking to block the release of Hillary's emails.
That's right, you heard it right.
The Trump Justice Department is seeking to block further release of Hillary Clinton's emails.
What about the need for transparency and the right of the American people to know?
Which side is Jeff Sessions on?
I have now, I think, solved this riddle.
Jeff Sessions is the Attorney General of the United States in name only.
He is being managed and handled by a coterie of deep state aides, and in fact, Rod Rosenstein, the former U.S.
Attorney for Maryland, a liberal Republican,
Who I guarantee you did not vote for Donald Trump, is the de facto Attorney General of the United States.
Jeff Sessions, I think, should pack it in.
You may be a critic of Rudy Giuliani, but if he were your Attorney General today, Bill and Hillary would be on their way to the pokey.
I'm Roger Stone, and I'll be right back.
On a daily basis in this country, but also overseas, there are massive busts of actual pedophiles and the kidnapped children.
What's insane is there's almost no mainstream news coverage of it, because the establishment is in on it.
We know who runs this global government cult, and they are pedophiles and even worse.
It's been said the devil's greatest trick was convincing the world that he didn't exist.
Now whether you believe in the devil or not, evil exists on this planet.
And the glue that welds together this globalist, one-world, psychopathic system is the exploitation of men, women, and most importantly, children.
We all know from history books that every ancient culture in different periods engaged in human sacrifice during pre-collapse periods.
Camille Pagli and other historians have written extensively on this and its historical fact.
And since President Trump got into office close to 10 months ago, we have seen record numbers of busts, not just of people looking at child porn, but of actual traffickers, of actual kidnappers, of people that had children in their hands.
We've seen the Deputy Pope arrested for reportedly kidnapping over 100 children over 40 years and trafficking them.
We've seen the previous Pope step down amidst another giant child trafficking scandal and reported blackmail operation.
We've seen Sandusky and his son indicted and convicted.
We've seen countless reports of high-level judges and politicians and people in both parties getting busted soliciting sex from sometimes children as young as six months old.
And now from our Hollywood sources and major filmmakers we're learning that the Weinstein debacle and fiasco and nightmare is only the tip of the iceberg and that below that is the giant pedophile army and below that the true Satanism that goes on at the bottom of this filthy rabbit hole.
And that takes us to today's news.
And it comes out in local news, but gets almost no national news coverage, no matter how horrific or how sensational.
This is from 9 News out of Denver.
FBI helps rescue 84 children from sex trafficking.
It's gotten almost no coverage here in the United States, but it's big news in France and Russia.
Again, they rescued 84 children, some of them as young as 3 months, being pimped out.
At places like restaurants and truck stops all over the United States, this is industrial level.
This is even retail level, where the general public's getting involved in this.
This is widespread.
That's why we've seen Salon and all these other big leftist publications in the New York Times come out and basically defend pedophilia, why the UN's defended it.
That's why they've created fake Pizzagate stories that they claim we created, so they can then claim there's no such thing as pedophilia going on in the world, when the truth is they've busted British Prime Ministers and world leaders involved in Satanism and killing children, not just raping them.
The good news is, thanks to President Trump and many other great patriots around the world, from Australia to England, to the U.S.
to Canada, the pedophile rings are being busted at record levels.
But they're running mainstream news articles claiming that we've made it up, and that there is no pedophile phenomenon, and there is no roundup taking place.
The individuals covering this up are either incredibly stupid, or they're collaborating, ladies and gentlemen.
Bottom line, there is an attack on innocence in this world, and InfoWars is fighting it.
And when you spread the word about our shows, and spread our live links, and spread our articles, and spread this report, you are standing directly against these evil organizations and groups that exploit our children, and you are standing for humanity and a future.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone sitting in for Alex Jones and you're on Info Wars.
To finish the last segment, Jeff Sessions has become a total and complete captive of the establishment assistant attorney generals surrounding him.
This is why there has been no effort to prosecute Hillary or Bill Clinton or the Clinton Foundation.
There has been no effort to prosecute Loretta Lynch for her illegal activities in the cover-up of Hillary's email scandal.
There has been no effort to prosecute officials at the Internal Revenue Service who were harassing free enterprise and conservative-oriented organizations.
And there has stunningly been no action whatsoever against the Obama National Security Apparatus.
We know, based on documents handed down by the super secret FISA court in November,
That the Obama administration illegally surveilled as many as 30,000 Americans for political purposes.
Let me be more specific.
1 out of 10 government conducted surveillances were illegally of U.S.
It's pretty simple.
This is political espionage, but the dirty work was done not by a band of Cuban burglars brought in from the outside, but by the actual intelligence services of the United States government.
Your tax dollars at work.
This is clearly a far more serious crime than anything anticipated or executed at Watergate, the wholesale spying on American citizens in violation of the U.S.
Yet so far, Ms.
Rice, Mr. Clapper, Admiral Brennan, pardon me, Admiral Rogers, Mr. Brennan, presumably Valerie Jarrett, they have paid no price whatsoever.
Leading me to wonder what exactly Jeff Sessions is doing over there.
Perhaps he is so controlled, so handled by the circle around him, that what he says and does in these congressional hearings is actually meaningless.
But until we get an Attorney General who is committed to the rule of law and who is prepared to hold Democrats to the exact same standards to which Republicans have been held, there will be no justice.
No justice, no peace, as a friend of mine likes to say.
I notice also that one member of Congress particularly deserves real accolades in the President's decision to release the still classified John F. Kennedy assassination documents.
That would be Congressman Walter B. Jones of North Carolina, who courageously put together a bipartisan coalition of both Republicans and Democrats, right, left, and center, supporting full transparency and the release of these documents.
My hat is off to a great public servant, Congressman Walter Jones.
In this case, he has done the American people.
An enormous and beneficial service.
A beautiful 1920s style Spanish architecture, 10 bathrooms, 11 baths.
This is going for a mere $63 million.
No, I will not be moving in any time soon.
But it is an exquisite property where history was made.
Brezhnev visited the president there.
Chinese dignitaries, after the opening to China, visited President Nixon there.
It is there that Nixon famously loved to walk on the beach.
And yes, he did sometimes wear wingtips.
If you get out that way, Casa Pacifica, you really should check it out.
It is quite extraordinary.
The other recommendations that I make regularly to any of my friends who are visiting Southern California, there are two must-stops.
One is the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, and the other is the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley.
Both of these are extraordinary experiences, great for families.
If you're out that way, I strongly urge you to take both of them in.
We are also interested in a story that I've been following, in which Michael Caputo, who was dragged before the House Intelligence Committee, may yet be dragged before the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Simply on the basis of the fact that he worked for the Donald Trump campaign and that he once lived in Russia.
In fact, he lived in Russia while working for the Bill Clinton administration, where he was sent to that country to attempt to foster democracy and promote the election, that's right, of Boris Yeltsin.
Mr. Caputo testified openly, freely, and under oath for the House Intelligence Committee only to have Congresswoman Jackie Speier accuse him publicly of perjury, a crime.
Speier was not present for Mr. Caputo's testimony, so therefore we must assume that she is basing her claim of perjury on a reading of the transcripts of Caputo's testimony.
The problem with that, of course, is that Mr. Caputo himself is not allowed to obtain and have a copy of this transcript.
Therefore, it makes it quite difficult for him to conduct and defend himself.
Now he has gone on the attack filing specific complaints with the House Ethics Committee and with the division of the FBI that deals with cybercrime since she made these charges electronically.
Kudos to Michael Caputo for pushing back.
He also knows nothing whatsoever about the Russian collusion, delusion.
Folks, we've said it before, but we're going to say it again.
We are listener supported.
We would not be here with this broadcast and our expanding broadcasts without the loyal support of the men and women who we like to call info warriors.
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If you enjoy the War Room, which will be coming up next, you should know the War Room is only possible because of our expanded sales at the InfoWars.com store.
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Up for liberty.
If you want to support our expansion, our new studio, more programming, more pro-liberty voices here at InfoWars, stop by the store and give us your support today.
I point out, Alex Jones never posts anything for sale at InfoWars that hasn't been rigorously tested and gotten, in some cases, literally thousands of testimonials from happy customers.
You'll never find a product at the InfoWars.com store that we do not use ourselves.
I'm Roger Stone, right here with Alex Jones.
And we're not getting what humans always thought was key.
The bone broth.
The bone broth.
The bone broth.
The bone broth.
The bone broth.
The bone broth.
Well, now it's the next level of that.
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It tastes like Ovaltine.
It tastes like Ovaltine.
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It tastes like Ovaltine.
It tastes like Ovaltine.
It tastes like Ovaltine.
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I can say without a doubt, at least in my experience...