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Name: 20171019_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 19, 2017
3108 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses the 2009 scandal involving Russia's acquisition of control over 20% of U.S. uranium through charitable donations to the Clinton Foundation, highlighting the importance of competence in government and criticizing those who push for war while claiming to resist. The show features an interview with Larry Grathwald, a Green Beret who infiltrated the Weather Underground, and his daughter Lindsey who talks about witnessing violence by Antifa and Black Lives Matter in Berkeley. They discuss the potential classification of communist groups as terrorist organizations and the contributions made by figures like Larry Rathwald, Ron Paul, and Matt Drudge in exposing the dangers of communism. The show promotes various products such as Harvest Right freeze-drying device, Living Defense against parasites, InfoWars Biome Defense Probiotic, and Knockout Supplement. A radio commercial advertises Pure Soap, Cal Bend Soap Company, VirtualShield.com, fully cooked bacon with a shelf life of 10 years, Super Blue Fluoride-Free Mouthwash and Toothpaste, and the story about what happened in Vegas, emphasizing alternatives to harsh chemicals, high prices, and mainstream media coverage respectively. The narrator talks about globalism's negative effects on the world and how people are becoming aware of them."

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Ladies and gentlemen, it's already Thursday, October 19, 2017.
The whole house of cards on Hollywood pedophilia is now breaking in mainstream news.
The whole house of cards on how the Clintons, but also the leadership of the Democratic Party were on the Russian payroll.
It's all collapsing.
This is going to be an incredibly important transmission.
Let's kick it off with the one, the only, John Bowne.
With the real power elite colluding with the Russians, please stand up.
The mainstream media is being forced to accept a heavily documented investigation into Russian corruption leading to Bill and Hillary Clinton.
The Hill reports, before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010, giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium,
The FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin's atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.
Obama's FBI under Mueller and then Comey, together with the Justice Department under Rod Rosenstein, essentially buried an investigation into Vadim Mikoyan.
The Russian negotiating the padded no-bid contracts after the Obama administration alerted Congress by approving of the selling off of 20% of the United States uranium supply via Uranium One to Rosatom and then allowed the same company, Rosatom, to sell the uranium in the United States while Bill Clinton received hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees for Russian audiences interested in the uranium deal.
All under the watch of Hillary Clinton while she served as Secretary of State.
We have the documents.
We have the witnesses.
We have the FBI reports that were given to Mueller and then to Comey that were completely and totally killed because Mueller's law firm and companies that Mueller sits on the boards of are heavily invested with state-run
Mining and energy companies and gas companies and, wait for it, defense companies in Russia!
And it's in the FBI investigation!
Hillary as the Secretary of State was signing... Waivers!
Our reports suggest that the Clinton Foundation received millions of dollars from interested parties in the transaction.
Bill Clinton received $500,000 for a speech in Moscow, June 2010, from the Russian government-aligned bank.
The same month as the speech, Russia began the uranium acquisition process.
This pattern raises serious concerns about improper political influence on the process
...by the Clintons during the Obama administration.
Has the Justice Department fully investigated whether the Russians compromised the Obama administration's decisions to smooth the way for transactions?
And if not, why not?
Mr. Chairman, we're working hard to maintain discipline in the department.
It wouldn't be appropriate for me to comment on any ongoing investigation.
The Department of Justice today, under President Trump, Attorney General Sessions, could tomorrow come back and say we are removing this gag order.
We believe that there's a compelling national interest to know.
We want this individual to testify before Congress.
We want the public to know exactly what went on.
So this is not something that's unbreakable, but it just simply takes a request from the Department of Justice to remove that gag order.
If that gag order is not removed, I think it's doubtful this businessman's going to want to go public because he doesn't want to be put in legal jeopardy.
Mikerin's use of extortion and bribery is well documented.
Regardless, The Hill reports, the lack of fanfare left many key players in Washington with no inkling that a major Russian nuclear corruption scheme with serious national security implications had been uncovered.
On December 15, 2015, the Justice Department put out a release stating that Mikerin
A former Russian official residing in Maryland was sentenced today to 48 months in prison and ordered to forfeit more than $2.1 million.
No more fumbling around for the drain on the swamp.
If there is any justice, congressional investigations and prosecution need to immediately follow up on all of this evidence.
The FBI now has evidence that Russia for years has been doing this, and they're reporting the FBI has evidence that literally they used bribery to gain control over America's uranium industry, all while the Obama administration did nothing.
And the Clintons benefited to the tune of nearly $145 million.
You want a real Russia collusion story?
We've got it.
John Bowne reporting for Infowars.com.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Last night in the desert I came dancing to my music
It's the broadcasts that I know are particularly historical and important, but I really attempt before we go live to just calm down and slow down before I turn into the Tasmanian Devil from Texas.
Because anybody that's been listening for even a decade or 20 years knows I can be very negative.
People also know that I'm not going to tell you that we're winning if we're not winning.
I'm not going to tell you that we're having spectacular victories by the day against the globalists unless it's really happening.
Now that said,
I got a really good feeling, and I got a really bad feeling.
Best of times, worst of times.
The world's a paradox.
Because the globalists are going to strike back, and they're going to strike back hard, and they've been striking back.
But nevertheless, they are being routed.
And I'm going to tell you who is the main icebreaker going through their lives.
His name is Donald John Trump, and he's from New York City.
And I just love the fact that the globalists took over one of the most American cities, pure Americana, and turned it into a globalist command base.
But that's the way God works.
That city of corrupt globalism is now being retaken.
Out of that Babylon comes
A great man of change and courage who is the catalyst for devastating victories right now.
I mean, Trump is leveling the playing field.
He is doing two-way streets with China.
He's taking care of American workers, our veterans.
It's incredible.
But everything Trump's strong on, they try to make his weakness.
That's why he tries to get charities to give $25,000 to $50,000 to every veteran that's killed in combat.
Every active duty soldier, sailor, marine, member of the Air Force.
And that's why he tries to personally visit them or give them multiple phone calls.
And because that's one of his big strengths, that he personally gives money or gets a charity to give money, they make it his weakness.
That's what this whole scandal is with the few dead soldiers that happen to have Democrat Party mothers who are political activists.
And you just look at how they take his strength and they try to turn it into a weakness.
And then my old friend Rick Linkletter said, you know, I don't know why Alex is against the power structure and against elites is suddenly so for Trump.
In a big article interview he did for BuzzFeed about his new film.
Last flag standing.
Again, I'm teleprompter free.
I'm going from memory on the name of the film.
And what are you talking about?
The global government, Hollywood, mainstream media, Silicon Valley, the big tech companies, the communist Chinese, the EU.
Who isn't against our president?
And who isn't against the American people?
And who doesn't want to dominate and bully us into submission and sell off our jobs and our secrets and our ingenuity?
You've got the whole globalist world trying to force us into TPP that would have transferred our sovereignty into a secret offshore combine.
And Trump killed it the first week in office doing what he said he'd do and transferred the power back to Congress.
The reason he could do that is Obama had done all these unconstitutional things.
Through executive power.
Nobody challenged him.
So Trump's just killing it all with executive power.
And they're harassing his tenants.
They're harassing his members.
They're harassing his family.
They're harassing everyone he knows.
They're basically suing thousands of people associated with him.
They are
Including yours truly and Roger Stone and everybody else.
They are coming after us because they'd stolen this country through fraud.
And they're a bunch of parasites, feeding on poor people and feeding on third world populations.
And if Trump can deliver the American dream again, then their collectivism can't compete with that and it's game over.
Just look at DrudgeReport.com.
Bloomberg has to admit.
Google Slayer.
Trump picks anti-trust Simons for FTC, a lawyer known for busting trust.
That is exactly what this country needs, and that's exactly what Mother Jones a hundred years ago would have told you was needed.
But not the Mother Jones of today.
That's a Goldman Sachs-financed, George Soros-controlled, fake leftist group.
Teddy Roosevelt is the type of guy I would have called for this.
You got Google with 90% control over search, and a bunch of other functions, and we got their executives on video admitting their search is fake now, and that people have to pay for what they get, and that they restrict populists, conservatives, libertarians, and even the president, and the head of Twitter says, we might ban the president off Twitter!
You can have Twitter accounts dedicated to killing the President and Twitter accounts dedicated to bankrupting InfoWars, but you can't have the President speak out and call Comey a liar two months ago, saying he ordered the investigation to stop but claimed it was still ongoing against Hillary.
The memo came out two days ago.
The President was correct.
Remember when they looked at Conway and they said, how do you know he was being spied on?
How does he know?
She goes, he's the president.
He knows things you don't know.
And of course it all came out just like he said.
Gee, think the president can go look and see if he was spied on?
But I don't need the president to do it.
I was sent the federal documents.
You notice the media didn't touch that.
It was Trump's private phone numbers at his resorts in Florida and New Jersey and New York.
I mean, and I knew they were his numbers because I had two of them.
They've changed the number.
I had the private number to his apartment in Mar-a-Lago to give him a call sometime.
Trump likes it if you just try to call him.
The media inside baseball knows that.
That's how they're able to get through to him as well.
He sits there at night still just answering the switchboard number.
Citizens actually hit the president sometimes.
They're trying to stop him doing that, but he's a guy that runs hundreds of towers and resorts and
Golf courses?
He's all about what do the people want?
What do they do?
If the food isn't good at a resort, he throws a fit.
If the right marble isn't put in, he throws a fit.
He's OCD about that, folks.
And he doesn't like seeing America get run into the ground.
And they don't know what to do.
So he's not perfect.
He gets bad advice sometimes.
But you know a man by his enemies.
They hate his guts because he's standing up for what's right.
Now, when we come back, start your engines.
Mainstream News is having to report major publications like The Week and others that the major pedophile scandal in Hollywood is the next level to break.
Well, exactly as we told you months ago.
And they talk about the award-winning film An Open Secret that's interviewed the witnesses and stars who were abused as children.
They're going to be in studio tomorrow.
Notice that Mainstream News has got their ear to the ground.
They knew we were about to break this tomorrow with them in studio.
So notice it's now in
Major mainstream publications today, and that's our job.
Forcing them to report.
Hollywood sex abuse film, an open secret, released online.
It's been award-winning, very popular last year.
It's been released online.
We're gonna play big excerpts of it tomorrow with the director, the producers, and more.
They're arriving today in studio.
Get ready for that.
Corey Feldman hints at naming Hollywood pedophiles.
We've been in talks to get him on the broadcast.
Directly, reportedly raped by these people.
So that's all coming up.
Then, the big news.
We're going to get into the new Trump nominee to head up the Federal Trade Commission, who's going to go after the big mega-corporations like Bezos of Amazon and his monopoly.
All the rest of these people, Google, you name it, get ready.
And we have fewest job claims since 1973, shows U.S.
job market firm as the globalists panic, try to cause a stock market crash.
That's all coming up as well today.
And then the big shoe to drop, Russiagate.
It's worse than we even said, but we were on target.
It's just deeper and nastier.
The entire Democratic Party at the top's involved.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we're running
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Nootropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen, BrainForce Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to 50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's 1996 at Infowarslife.com or simply call toll-free 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth turmeric chaga mushroom bee pollen and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already.
At 15, incredible.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at Infowarslife.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit Infowarsstore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever.
And when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus and 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I do not have words to describe to you intellectually what I'm looking at right now and spiritually how I'm feeling.
I feel really good.
But I also know the enemy is rallying against humanity right now and is in the process of preparing to strike back.
So watch your six, ladies and gentlemen.
I knew
That Robert Mueller had delivered uranium in 2015 to the Russians, illegally for Hillary.
I knew that they had gotten hundreds of millions of dollars into companies that Robert Mueller is on the board of, and that Mueller has worked for via his law firm.
I knew that Comey was his minion.
I knew that Mueller basically is still the head of the FBI to a great extent and put major stay-behind networks in management positions who were basically part of the Clinton Foundation crime machine.
And we had guest after guest on covering all of that information.
But now to see it in the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.
To now see the Attorney General say Hillary's being criminally investigated.
To now see the lawyer for FBI operatives and FBI informants who were in Russia and in Europe and in D.C.
and in New York witnessing the Democrats with photos and documents and videos.
Of them sitting around, you know like all the famous FBI videos you've seen where it's in the briefcase and they're sitting around doing arms deals?
Same thing!
High-level Democrats on video.
That's the big breaking news on Infowars.com right now from Dr. Corsi putting all the information together.
That this entire investigation started back in 2011, was finally killed in 2015, and that despite the fact that all that came out, they still allowed the Uranium One deal to transfer upwards of 30% of our highest quality uranium to the Russians.
There's the headline on Infowars.com.
Documents show other Democrats, not just Clintons,
On Russian payroll, Uranium One scandal threatens to bring down the entire Democratic Party.
It's exactly what Roger Stone said in January of 2016 here on the air.
And he was just doing the research himself from the Panama Papers that had come out a month before.
And from his sources in D.C.
that confirmed it.
And that woman who exposed it a year and a half ago, her car blew up.
She died four days ago in Panama.
Investigative journalist with major international syndicates.
Her car was blown in pieces up to 50 yards away.
Just like Michael Hastings.
But in California, they said it wasn't a car bomb, even though it was.
With her, they said, yeah, it's a car bomb.
And of course, that was for Panama Papers.
She was in Malta.
Malta car bomb kills Panama Papers journalist.
So ladies and gentlemen, just think about how massive this information is and the courage of the people getting it out.
And now you know why, starting last January, Roger Stone was doing, no exaggeration, because he was coming and visiting us here, he would do 15, 20 interviews a day.
You couldn't go to dinner with him.
He'd duck out and do 10 minute interviews out in the parking lot of a steakhouse.
Then he'd take a call from the president, well, president candidate at the time, and it was pretty amazing.
Here, talk to Trump.
But what's incredible is that that's when they went, Roger Stone's a Russian agent, even though in the 80s,
Russians tried to contact him about secrets, and he helped the FBI round up a bunch of Russians and U.S.
citizens who were indicted and convicted.
Roger Stone came up under Nixon, the famous anti-communist, and the Red Scare, and Senator McCarthy.
Roger Stone was around way back then.
He's been doing this since he was 18 years old.
The opposite of a communist.
So what do you do when an old red hunter is on your Democratic Party butt?
What do you do when a red hunter is on your tail?
The bane of the Democratic Party since 1917, the Republicans have been on them for working with communists and working with the Russians.
What are you going to do?
When people like Vice President Richard Nixon are on your tail.
And don't forget, he was the Vice President for Eisenhower.
Then came back, became President.
What are you going to do when Nixon's later best friend, Roger Stone, the Red Hunter, is on your butt?
Roger Stone's a Red!
Roger's everybody's a Red!
Remember when they started saying on television, Tucker Carlson, when he doubted the official fake story about Russiagate?
They said to Tucker Carlson, you better watch it, you're working for the Kremlin, you're on his payroll.
And of course, if you know anything about Tucker Carlson's Blue Blood East Coast family, they're patriots, his dad was the head of Voice of America.
You don't just think he was in the CIA, do you?
And the rest of his family.
And Tucker Carlson said, you better watch it right there.
And that's why they started saying, I'm a Russian agent.
And members of... Remember Rand Paul?
We ought to get all these clips together.
Rand Paul!
McCain said, on the floor of the Senate, is a Russian agent being paid by Vladimir Putin.
Total defamation, total slander, total desperate libel.
And if you wonder why they're so desperate, ladies and gentlemen,
It's because John McCain, it turned out, was involved with banks on the Russian payroll.
And it turns out Hillary, and both Podesta brothers, and a bunch of the Democratic Party, in Dr. Jerome Corsi's article on Infowars.com, were in banks, and in brokerage firms, and in energy companies, and in military companies, and Hillary was the head of the State Department for most of those eight years, and she was transferring everything out of the country so she could sign waivers.
And claim it was legal, but she kept it secret.
And that's why they are in total and complete panic mode in D.C.
right now, and that's why they have the whole media brand Trump, and the Republicans, and all of the rest of the resistance as Russian agents, because it's just like in an old spy movie.
When you catch one spy, they go, no!
They're the spies!
It's them!
It's them!
With no proof.
But then when Roger started exposing it and was going to testify, he got shot in the back with a polonium dart.
Little gelatin darts that dissolve.
But it deflected.
It cut his back real bad in his backyard.
It hit him in his backyard and got real sick.
Two days later they tested it was polonium.
And then a few weeks later he's going to testify, they T-bone his car and almost kill him.
And in some armored vehicle, you know, races off.
Because they wanted to say it was all Roger Stone, so that a dead man couldn't resist them, and a dead man couldn't speak out.
So let me tell you something.
They've been failing on every front.
When we come back, we're going to play these clips where the lawyers for the informants and the rest of it are getting ready to testify to Congress, and they are in full panic mode.
Please remember to support the broadcast.
We have a bunch of specials that are about to end.
Brain Force, the amazing, high-quality nootropic.
That's about to end.
50% off right now.
Anthroplex, it's basically the dry capsule form of Super Metal Vitality.
It's 50% off.
It's been sold out for a while, but I want you to try it and see how great it is.
InfoWarsLive.com or 888-253-3139.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Nootropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen, BrainForce Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to $50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's $19.96 at Infowarslife.com.
Or simply call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus, or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get...
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm gonna have to end even sooner our Caveman Ultimate Paleo Bone Broth Turmeric Chaga Mushroom Bee Pollen
And more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already.
At 15, incredible.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, we now know why the Democrats were so desperate going back in early 2016 claiming that Tucker Carlson, myself, Senator Rand Paul, Roger Stone, Donald Trump, his whole family were basically Russian agents.
It's because that's what they were fearing most.
Because there have been criminal investigations going on in 2011 to 2015 that Mueller and Comey had ordered killed.
Now the informants, the FBI agents, they're all coming out.
They're now having congressional hearings.
And many experts agree this could take the Democratic Party, that's already just a coastal elite party, and extinct the party.
This is so big, ladies and gentlemen,
That it's hard to calculate.
But that's why they're fighting for their lives, because they thought Hillary would get in, they thought the sellouts to Communist China, to Saudi Arabia, to the EU, to the Russians, they thought it would never be known because they'd be in charge.
Well now, ladies and gentlemen, they are blaming their enemies for what they've done.
That old tactic.
And it's been proven!
Mueller delivering uranium illegally as a bag man to the KGB FSB.
This is beyond a James Bond movie.
And it's all coming out.
Everything we told you a year ago, but more.
All the same reports, but then the rest of the story.
And I can't even believe how brazen it was.
The Clinton Foundation.
So, let's go ahead and go to a few of these clips, because this is threatening to bring down their whole system.
This is Grassley, an Iowa Republican, as Victoria Tosing, the lawyer representing a former FBI informant, to allow her client, who says he worked as a voluntary informer for the FBI, to be allowed to testify about the investigation into Uranium One that got killed.
Let's go ahead and play a clip of that report with reporter Ms.
Attorney Victoria Tunsing.
She's representing that FBI informant at the center of this latest Clinton Foundation scandal.
I'll start with you, Victoria.
This is your client.
He wanted to tell Congress about all the bribery, all the scheming, all the kickbacks, all the corruption.
He had the information.
He wanted to tell a story.
What happened?
Well, when he started working for the FBI in 2009, they had him sign what's called an NDA, a non-disclosure agreement.
They never gave him a copy of it, and when he went public in 2016, way after all this case stuff was done,
The Justice Department, under Loretta Lynch, called him and threatened him with his freedom if he violated the NDA.
Now, I've never heard of an NDA that had a criminal penalty for violation, but they won't show him a copy of it.
So, we decided to go to the members of Congress and the Senate, and I have breaking news for you, Sean.
While I was in makeup,
I got a letter from Chairman Grassley asking my client to give them information.
Now what this does is set up a constitutional issue because the executive branch cannot say to someone, don't you give information to the legislature.
So it'll be a very interesting thing to see how the Justice Department responds.
So they have the power to lift that NDA.
That would be amazing.
And again, that's not even a national security letter.
It's an NDAA, and those don't cover criminal activities.
Just like whistleblowing.
Even for classified stuff, if people are doing illegal stuff, you bring it to Congress.
The problem is when they do, then Deep State's SWAT team raids them.
Like Bill Binney and many others that this has happened to.
Let's go to the clip now.
FBI uncovered Russian nuclear kickbacks months before the Uranium One deal passed.
So the FBI investigation gets killed, even though it's under investigation, with the payoffs.
Money to the Podestas, to Hillary, to other Democrats.
The FBI head kills it, the Justice Department kills it, they let the deal go through to give one-third of our uranium, and then witnesses to it get threatened with jail if they talk to Congress.
Here it is.
An issue before an agency called CFIUS, Alphabet Soup, but that is the agency that decides whether foreign governments may buy U.S.
companies or product.
The Russian entity wanted to buy a company that had 20% of the American uranium.
It's called Uranium One, was the name of the company.
And that issue was before CFIUS.
They were supposed to decide whether there was an okay deal and whether there was any corruption or any kind of problems or national security issues regarding this purchase.
And this was at the same time, correct, or during the same time, that your client was already providing information to the FBI?
My client had been providing information for a couple of years before this really got voted on by CFIUS.
And here's the rub.
Law enforcement officials in the Obama administration knew that there was corruption in this company.
And that information about the corruption in this Russian entity never made it to CFIUS.
Evidently, because CFIUS authorized the purchase in October of 2010.
That's Cicero with the great reporter, Sarah Carter.
Now, I don't want to toot our horn, but I want people to know the facts here.
If you go back four and a half years ago, Tosh Plumlee, now retired CIA contractor, came on this broadcast and he said, Alex, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, all of it is about shipping arms to rebels for the Libya and now Syria war.
And he had that from the U.S.
Army, from NATO, and from others in the Middle East.
And there it is from October 2014.
Now that's the third interview.
Benghazi whistleblower tells all.
He got Justice Department threats, you name it.
And we lay out that Hillary as Secretary of State
Had the power to sign secret orders circumventing federal law, because of the previous law, that you could ship prohibited weapons or materials to states where it was prohibited, or to groups where it was prohibited, if she signed the letters.
So you would give money, as a terrorist group, or a foreign government, or a corporation, to the Clinton Foundation.
We have the emails.
Then they, within usually a few days,
Usually it was about a million dollars or more.
Just to meet with Hillary was a couple hundred thousand.
Or to have her be given your email or request.
So first you give a couple hundred thousand just to have her agree to talk to you.
Then you give a million asking for what you want, and almost always you got it.
Didn't matter if it was anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, didn't matter what it was.
And if you paid enough, they would have it.
Then the orders of the State Department, which controls the Pentagon to a great extent, and the CIA, they would then deliver
that to you on a C-130.
And Tosh Blumley took part in those flights.
And he risked his life to tell you.
Now, he only knew part of it.
Very, very famous, by the way.
He was in the Bay of Pigs.
But before that, he was flying arms to Fidel Castro.
This is in congressional hearings.
He was in the Frank Church Committee.
He was in the Iran-Contra Committee.
You say, well, how was he still in the CIA?
Well, there's dark hats and white hats.
And because he's a whistleblower, he was protected, and until three years ago, still flying flights.
I mean, he used to come on the show, leading groups of C-130s as the head, you know, as Commodore of the Skies.
Fifteen C-130s lined up behind him, about to fly to wherever.
He'd say, hold on, Alex, I gotta tell them to wait ten minutes.
I'm turning the engines off.
I got my time zones.
And then, alright, I got ten, fifteen minutes for you.
I mean, there's interviews where he's on the tarmac, flying whatever it is.
And then on the air saying, we're flying high impact kinetic weapons to the jihadis and nobody likes it.
I'm not going to say I'm doing it, but I've done it.
I'm on board an aircraft right now and we're really pissed about this, Alex.
And I don't care if they kill me, I'm going to tell you.
We need him on now, now, now, now, now, now, now.
I only say that because that busy producers are great, but I've kind of lately been running around saying, Tosh Plumlee, Tosh Plumlee, because let me tell you, he is the one that broke it all and we stuck our necks out and now everything you're hearing about Hillary and exporting things to the State Department and those waivers, that is directly from the CIA and the patriots in the CIA to Tosh Plumlee.
They said, you're willing to get killed, you go ahead and you do it.
But that is, I'm so proud of the fact he's a Texan.
So there you go.
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I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end in the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
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And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
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But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
There's a reason when you get internal videos of top YouTube executives, directors of major operations, that they say, number one enemy is Alex Jones.
We must shut him down.
And it's not Alex Jones.
It's that the Tosh Plumlees.
And the people like that that come on this broadcast four and a half years ago and laid out everything about Benghazi, specifically how they did it, why they killed the people, how they shipped the weapons, the anti-tank weapons, the anti-aircraft weapons, out of there to Syria, how that war was coming, how Hillary quarterbacked the operation.
And reportedly the ambassador wouldn't go along with it, so they let him come and kill him.
That's why they told him, evacuate the bases, and some of the folks didn't get the message to evacuate, so they were there and took on 300, 400 jihadis, killing most of them.
Oh, and too bad for the globalists, four people survived.
You see?
But even before that happened, they were already flying into the jihadis' weapons.
And the C-130s would land and see people with Al-Qaeda flags.
This was first here, and then later Rand Paul talked about it.
Ted Cruz, to his credit, said, we're not Al-Qaeda's air force.
And all of that broke.
And John McCain, remember, he was over in the Middle East meeting with the, quote, leaders of the rebels who were Al-Qaeda.
So then when the public woke up to that four years ago, they changed the name to ISIS.
Which is just the name of the Islamic State, to confuse the public, that they wanted to make out of Syria, part of Syria and part of Iraq.
Part of Eastern Syria, Western Iraq.
And our military, and good people in the deep state, said no to that plan, and four and a half years ago, General Dempsey,
Went and met with Obama and said, we are not going to have a military strike from the air on Syria.
We're going to work with the Russians to contain the civil war and end it.
And then Assad will step down after elections in the future when the war is over.
Now you see Trump putting pressure on Iran, saying we made a deal with you and the Russians four and a half years ago, our military did, bypassing Obama.
You're now going to pull out of there and we're going to have elections and Assad's going to step down.
We're going to put sanctions on you.
And if you want to attack our troops in Syria, that's what all this really is, we're going to go to war with you!
We made a deal with you!
The American people, the folks that put Trump in, from the good side of the deep state, you're going to follow that agreement!
No more backstabbing, no more weasel stuff!
If Gaddafi would have made a deal ten years ago, like he did with Obama, to come in out of the cold and work with the West, Trump wouldn't have double-crossed him.
See, America used to be known until about the mid-60s.
If we made a deal with you, we followed it.
Now we cheat you on the deal and we've lost our soft power.
Now what does Joe Biden hope to do as the Russiagate comes out and as a Democratic?
His son in Ukraine got control of a $4 billion a year company that controls the Russian gas coming in.
They jack up the prices and then rob Europe.
The profits of the company have gone off the charts.
He personally, reportedly, is getting hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
His son, by the way, just got out of college a few years ago.
And is now a viceroy sitting on the Russian gas that has to go through Ukraine into Eastern and Western Europe.
So they seized control of the switching pipes and the conduits that Ukraine had that come out of Russia.
And what's he say?
We're going to play the video.
Biden urges Obama holdovers to stay put.
They all call me all the time.
I say, please stay, please stay.
What do you think?
Eric Holder did, and Loretta Lynch, and Robert Mueller, and James Comey.
They all put stay-behind networks in, and here he is, speaking with Ohio Governor John Kasich, University of Delaware.
Here's the clip of them admittedly staying.
We're staying in government.
We're going to overthrow Trump.
We're never going to stop.
And here's an article exclusive to NewsWars.com by Dan Lyman.
Does a great job.
Deep state making US a failed state.
Top judicial watch investigator sounds alarm.
Deep state is a giant socialist organ protecting itself, he said.
It's a cancer.
McCain says American patriotism is bad this week.
Now we've got Biden urging people to stay put, to resist, to not follow orders, to not do what you're supposed to do, to block making America great again.
Let's play that clip.
Here is Joe Biden, who still thinks he's the Vice President.
When someone would yell at a State of the Union liar, these are basic norms.
There's a reason why we have certain basic social norms.
Hit pause.
They've got people shooting congressmen.
They've got Democratic strategists on TV saying hunt Republicans.
They've got Hollywood saying kill Trump.
They've got Phil Mudd, former Deputy Director of the CIA and Deputy Director of the FBI, put in by Comey.
And Mueller is a Mueller minion.
Does Mueller call me the mud saying we're going to kill the president soon?
And then you say someone's saying Obamacare doesn't cover illegal aliens when it was in the bill?
And the congressman says you lie?
And you set up there about basic norms.
We have basic norms.
We're going to sexualize your three-year-olds.
And teach him how to be sexually screwed up and we're going to ship HIV blood all over the country and give that to you in hepatitis.
And we're going to tell you 2 plus 2 equals 5.
And we're going to get rid of our sovereignty and treat our veterans like crap and have the VA cut their funding off and have the Thomas computer at IBM decide who gets healthcare and who doesn't as a death panel.
They're now using Thomas computers, the National Health Service in England.
And if you were ever a smoker, you don't get any surgery or healthcare now.
Could have been 20 years ago.
If you're a drinker, you don't get any surgery.
But Thomas, the little Nazi IBM computer, named after a Nazi, can't make that up.
With all this run by a former Nazi collaborator.
Who the ADL gives awards to.
You can't make this up!
And he's going to tell us, back it up, let's start from the beginning again.
He's going to tell us, folks, about norms.
Here, I'm going to try to shut up during this.
Everything he says is a lie.
Let's hear from this lying sack of anti-American, parasitic garbage about how we need decorum and lay down while these people bankrupt the country.
Here it is.
When someone would yell at a State of the Union liar.
Oh my gosh.
These are basic norms.
There's a reason why.
I'm sorry, pause again.
It took me three and a half hours to get into the inauguration because there were Democrats, it's all on video, beating up men, women, and children outside and assaulting everyone.
The next day they had their George Soros Women's March led by Linda Sorcerer.
The admitted jihadi, islamicist, Palestinian activist with half her family in prison in the Middle East for their activities.
You could all go have your demonstration, couldn't you?
But we couldn't go see our president inaugurated because you're a bunch of thugs!
Play the clip about decorum.
Here it is.
They're the arbiter of how we work together.
It's the thing that I find the most debilitating.
About what's going on now.
There's a destruction of these norms and it's generating chaos.
It's generating chaos internally.
You're trying to generate chaos.
I don't want to see the Chief of Staff quit.
I don't want to see the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of State quit.
All the people who are in our administration who are still there, they call me all the time and I say, please stay.
Please stay.
Please parasites.
There has to be some competence.
We're going to win.
It's not even about the issues.
It's about the norms.
I'll conclude by saying... That's enough.
You don't say... That's enough of that piece of garbage.
He's all nice.
We're being so friendly when we hit people in the head with bike locks and we call for violence and we have our surrogates say all whites are inherently evil and no white day at major colleges and while we push all this stuff and while we push war and say we're the resistance and say we're gonna kill the president and have all of our minions say it and then, see, they want us to get calm again.
Just like Ted Bundy, the serial killer, would just say, it's gonna be okay, just put the handcuffs on, I'm not gonna kill you.
Just put the gag on.
And as soon as they did that, he'd say, you're so stupid, I'm gonna torture you to death for weeks, whore.
I'm gonna bite chunks out of your body.
You're such a dumb idiot.
And then he's just saying, settle down, just get in the basement, just put the handcuffs on.
He's standing there in a room without a weapon.
He says, put the handcuffs on.
You're like, yes, master.
Let me put the handcuffs on and Biden's down.
Come down here.
I'm going to strap you onto this bloody gurney.
Never mind the dirty clothes and, you know, that woman hanging on a me hook right there.
And just be normal.
Talk like I talk.
Be politically correct.
Be passive.
Because I'm going to hurt you politically bad.
I'm going to do the equivalent of torture you for six months and rip your teeth out with pliers.
And I'm going to tell you how great it is while I do it.
These are the monstrous pig demons we're dealing with.
And we see them, we're awake, we're not going back to sleep, jerk!
Now remember folks, when you spread the articles, the videos, the links to NewsWars.com, the live feed links on Facebook, Google, Twitter, 20 plus people can use each membership of PrisonPlanet.tv.
I want to thank you all for supporting that.
It helps spread the word and how we get in the face of these folks that are already so scared of us.
So thank you all for your support.
And don't forget, we've got really big specials ending on BrainForce, 50% off and a lot more at infowarestore.com.
So please financially support us.
But whatever you do, spread the word.
The revolution's happening now and we are the resistance of the globalists and we're winning.
Hour number two straight ahead, baby!
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing what is the end of globalism.
We're witnessing the end of the Democratic Party.
We're witnessing the takeover of the Republican Party.
Are we about to enter some type of nirvana?
A Valhalla?
A utopia?
Far from it.
But the deep
The centralized power of unelected globalist combines seeking diplomatic and corporate tax exemption and immunity is burning down before our eyes.
It's beyond the
Archaic garbage that is royalty, but at least someone in that clan, someone in that tribe, someone in that group had led people to success and cultural and military victory.
But then it would always become decadent, corrupt, even in the better societies that forced the royal bloodlines to be at the front of the battles.
As soon as royalty stopped being at the front of the battles, it became the cancer.
But now, global corporations, tax-exempt, taking control of governments, to suck dry populations, and then have a rearguard action of political correctness, getting everybody to racially fight with each other?
That's all this is!
And it's in the WikiLeaks!
And it's in the government documents!
How's a Jeff Bezos worth $100 billion himself, sitting on top of a trillion-dollar company?
Who's got the laws written where he gets a $1.48 for every package of taxpayer money given to him.
So he can leverage out even the Chinese slave factories and leverage out even Walmart.
Even the other big fat parasites.
Now he spends hundreds of millions of dollars a year, it's chump change, to create division.
Sexual division.
Cultural division.
To fund Black Lives Matter.
And so does Google and Facebook and Twitter.
And so does IBM.
Every stinking one of them.
Not because they're liberals.
Their executives are some of the most hardcore anti-human people.
They're beyond racist.
They're so elitist that their factories are always amongst the most vicious and hateful mass suicides and just forced drugging and abortion.
Because they want people poor and under full control.
They do not want to build economies that are sustainable and successful to build families.
They want a post-industrial world with a bunch of poor people.
Brutal conditions in Amazon's warehouses threaten to ruin the company's image.
Yeah, but that's nothing, ladies and gentlemen.
It's like California, they legalize giving people HIV or hepatitis, but 20 years ago they passed Prop 65, where the USDA and the FDA say that lead is dangerous at 1,000 times what California says it's dangerous.
The EU is 250 times higher.
There's more lead in the air.
But then California passes a law exempting basically California businesses.
They pay a $500 fine, but then no one outside of the state's basically exempt.
I mean, this is parasitic behavior written into a state law to launch attacks against all the other states.
Who thinks like that?
George Soros.
He funds a lot of it.
And then what happens?
You can't have jobs anywhere in America.
That's why in California they've got signs on every major building and in restaurants.
This food, steaks, chicken broth, has twice, naturally in the bones, the level of what they say is lead.
The spectrometers can hardly even pick it up.
But they don't care, because they aren't exempt.
Just like the EU bureaucrats are exempt from the laws and the regulations and the taxes.
Look it up!
It's the new royalty!
And guess what?
We're gonna educate the public about it, jerks.
And then when we're done, you're all gonna be sued out of existence and thrown in jail.
Think about the pink slime scam, buddies, and get ready.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Ladies and gentlemen, tomorrow in studio, you're going to witness a controlled demolition of the Hollywood pedophile elite.
You're going to witness the detonation cap being struck.
You're going to watch the beginning of their absolute total collapse.
They are your sworn enemy.
They are the diseased brain of the globalists.
Hellbent on destroying culture for absolute complete domination.
They are so mentally ill and so incredibly competitive that they see your prosperity as evil.
They don't see overall prosperity as their collective prosperity.
They see it as a horrible affront to them.
That's why they push collectivism that we've seen ravage every country that ever tried it.
And here we are, 100 years into the great experiment of Marxist-Leninist ideology, and 220 plus million dead we know of at the hands of communism.
Fascism and all other governmental exterminations we know of are only another 60 million.
Communism accounts for over 80% of deaths by government in the last 100 years since the luscious, in the eyes of the globalists, sickening, anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-God, bloodbath, orgy of carnage and death that is the great vampiric red terror suckling
On the blood of your children.
That's who they are.
And they wish to suckle on America.
And they've already suckled on our jobs, our industry, our technologies, our inventions, and used it to buy off and enslave most of the world while hanging around our neck!
The laurel of the tyranny!
While they themselves preach hatred of the host!
The great creature that they rode!
Yes, America has been a power slave of the globalists.
But now globalism is in free fall worldwide.
Coming up, Millie Weaver, who is a model and in some films, things out in Hollywood.
She reached out to us, I don't know, like seven years ago?
Back when she was like 18 years old.
Wanting to tell her stories.
And I said, listen, we can't be the lead elephant on things.
We have a lot of the guests on and experts on that first break things, but I know Hollywood's really bad and does a lot of really terrible things.
But I said, if you'd like to be a reporter on news issues for us, you could file reports.
That's why we've got reports seven years ago when she was 18 years old for us.
Her sister also did quite a bit of stuff in Hollywood and she wants to come on there and talk about some of her experiences at the bottom of the hour.
I've asked her not to name names because some of this is in the public record if folks want to look it up but we are tomorrow going to have in studio the folks that made the film that is now getting a lot of attention and open secret to
Now, magically, this broke today on the 19th, even though we've been scheduling this week on Friday to have these folks in studio.
But here is the article, or the group of articles, that we'll be getting into at the bottom of the hour.
Is Hollywood sitting on a pedophile scandal?
Well, does a bear live in the woods?
Do fish live in the sea?
Do birds fly in the sky?
Is grass green?
And did grandma love you?
Maybe she didn't, but most grandmas do.
Ladies and gentlemen, you can't swing a stick in L.A.
in the elite areas, elite maggot areas, or you can't swing a stick in D.C.
or New York, in the so-called elite areas, without hitting a pedophile.
Now, pedophiles are only the Renfield procurers.
I told you, this sex scandal with Weinstein is meant to legitimize going after Trump, to make all scandals about males and females together in what could be consensual sex.
I'm not defending what Weinstein did.
Looks like assault.
Certainly looks like intimidation, stalking, racketeering.
Had others involved in the cover-ups.
Definitely sleazy to the max.
Roman Polanski raping 13-year-old girls and things, getting away with it.
Meryl Streep saying he's a great guy, even when it's known he is.
That tells you who they really are.
But I told you, this sex scandal with Weinstein will fall into the gay mafia and men dominating men, many times not even for the pleasure of sex, but for domination.
It's that Eurythmics song.
Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to be used by you.
There's certainly plenty of folks in Hollywood that like all this.
There's a lot of people that don't.
So, it goes from the heterosexual, to the homosexual, to the pedophilia, and then it's human sacrifice, torture, death, murder.
And they prime people with things like Fifty Shades of Grey and all this to get people into it, thinking it's avant-garde.
But finally, the 10th or 15th time you're in that dungeon, it didn't tell anybody where you were going?
Once you've been running around with a bunch of folks and they think they've got you where they want you, they're not going to let you out of those ropes.
And you're going to be down there for a couple weeks if you're lucky, maybe a few months.
So they might keep you for a couple years in a dungeon.
They're going to come in and laugh at you with a bone sticking out of your side, begging for your money.
And finally when you become a gibbering, wailing person, finally when they hear you making happy noises, totally mentally ill, totally broken, they're going to say, get that slab of crap out of here and throw it in the river.
They're going to open an acid bath up and dunk you in there.
Hollywood doesn't like it when I tell you this.
Hollywood is a spider hole for devil worshippers to get your young daughters and sons out there so they can rape them and torture them to death.
It's not, the gay mafia is only one level.
Below that's the pedophiles and below that is torturing men, women and children to death.
Their favorite thing is a two, three year old crying for mommy, begging in total horror.
They just sit there in those dungeons and rape and torture them and they want to do that to your family.
But because they can't, that's why they give them the vaccines that cause all the brain damage and neurological disorders and cancer.
Because if they can just spiritually torture you that way, it's kind of like a bonfire from a distance.
They feel the heat, their God rewards them.
Because Satanists, true psychopathic Satanists, are not happy.
Unless they're torturing an innocent person.
They have nightmares.
They're tortured.
They're scared.
They feel alone.
They feel powerless, most of them.
They're just really freaked out.
That's the deep psychopathic study.
Not the stuff you see on TV where, you know, American psychopaths mounting women's heads on walls.
He's cool.
He feels really great.
That's their act.
Most of the really hardcore ones are tortured.
And they describe it as white light blazing.
Like in the Manchurian Candidate remake, when they activate the mind control guy, suddenly everything's bright and beautiful and wonderful.
And that's exactly... I've talked to top psychiatrists that have actually studied the famous serial killers.
They've been on the show.
You've heard them.
And they... I mean, in the real study, it's like they come alive.
It's like... It's like everything's good now.
But that's because they're, like, possessed, basically.
We're not sure... If you don't believe in spiritualism, that's fine.
It's just... It's an archetype.
And so, only when they get your kid out of a backyard,
Or only when they're grooming your kid and watching them in school.
Or only once they get them in the vehicle and take them to the dungeon and then torture them and then get away with it.
Only then do they have enjoyment in life.
It's like oxygen.
Imagine yourself underwater.
You go to the deep end.
You go down 10 feet.
It's kind of fun at first, but suddenly you want air.
You kind of panic.
When they're not torturing your children or your wife or your husband or your daughter or your son, when they're not torturing a good innocent person or poisoning them, they're not getting air.
So they need to torture and kill you.
Look at North Korea!
Millions tortured to death every decade.
Total slave labor.
All about domination.
All about control.
Look at the Nazis.
Look at the Communist Chinese.
Look at Pol Pot.
Look at the Khmer Rouge.
Look at every time the Aztecs.
It's all about priest of power torturing and chopping people up and having control over them.
There's some type of demon energy in the universe that enters into people and always manifests this from a sociological, archaeological point.
It's a known fact.
We're facing hordes of devil worshippers.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running...
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering, for the first time ever, 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Nootropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then Brain Force is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen,
Brain Force Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to $50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's 1996 at Infowarslife.com or simply call toll-free 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth turmeric chaga mushroom bee pollen.
And more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already.
At 15, incredible.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Bolan Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Rainforest Plus and 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Relentlessly attacking the power structure.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Can you imagine the children, the women and the men?
A lot of folks like to torture strong men.
I think the Mexican drug cartels, a lot of them are torturing men until they give up and beg for their mommies.
But then if they can't torture the man to do it, a lot of times the cartel heads will commit suicide.
That's even been in a big investigative report I read like 20 years ago based down in Matamoros.
In a Texas Monthly article, that they tortured this other narcotics trafficker to death for like two days and they couldn't get him to break, even though they pulled his eyes out, ripped his teeth out, cut his testicles off, were burning him, pouring hot grease on him, the guy just kept going, you're going to hell, I've defeated you, you're crushed, and the cartel people just freaked out, some committed suicide, others just gave up, just, ahhh, ahhh, see, I mean this is some weird stuff, ladies and gentlemen.
This is some weird stuff these people are into.
And I'm telling you, it's gringos in LA, and it's Chinese in China that are into it, and it's Mexicans in Mexico, and it's black people in Haiti.
It's devil worship.
And people can't ignore this stuff at their own peril.
But you serve God or you serve the devil.
Remember Bob Dylan?
There's video of this, he wasn't joking.
In two different interviews, he said, you know, I sold my soul to the devil.
And he said, you gotta serve somebody, and this system's run by the God of this world.
And he even became a Christian for a while, but he said, you know what?
I just decided to go back to the God of this world.
And so I served the devil.
I sold my soul.
That's Bob Dylan.
Smart guy, stupid guy at the same time.
Bob Dylan, I don't care about star name dropping, has heard this show, seen our material, heard about that years ago, still decides to go along with the system.
He could write songs 30 years ago about sundown on the union, about world government, and about GMO crops.
Think he knows what's going on?
And why would Bob Dylan decide to go with the God of this world, as smart as he is?
Not me, Jack.
The devil can take a big old jump in the lake, as they say.
Yeah, Katy Perry says she sold her soul to the devil.
They don't just do that to act cool.
I've been in Hollywood, and I've had people ask me, hey, the devil isn't that bad.
Lucifer isn't that bad.
All you gotta do is renounce Christ, and you're gonna be a very, very rich man.
I never told that story until Mark Dice told it.
Mark Dice is there at one of the biggest reality TV show companies in the world.
They're offering him his show with one of the lead members of Motley Crue.
And he's in there alone with the head producer, the head of the company.
And the guy looks at him and he says, you know what?
I like the devil and I worship the devil.
And Lucifer's God.
And if you'll just tell me that you worship Lucifer, I'm going to give you this job.
Mark Dice wouldn't worship Lucifer, so he didn't get his stupid reality show.
Who wants it?
I've been on the shows and didn't have to worship the devil.
Who cares?
Having a real, in-depth discussion with you, being able to really long-form break things down, really talking about what's happening, is so much better than being in some decadent, dirty mega-city with a bunch of soulless people.
They're scrabbling for recognition in their moment in the sun, their 15 minutes, and having to go in there and sit in front of devil worshippers and say, fine!
I renounce Jesus Christ!
That's what they want you to do.
Well, I don't.
And I'm not renouncing the Republic.
I'm not renouncing my family.
And I'm not getting on my knees and I'm not scared of you.
I know who you are.
And that's what they hate.
Because they want to torture us into submission.
They want to break our will.
They want control of our will!
Because you never really give up your will.
They just want you to turn it over to them.
They want you to be a slave for them.
That's what they're after, not the money!
The money is the light that brings in the moths to the flame.
Or the angler fish at 10,000 feet down.
So the other little fishies think they're about to eat another little plankton that's glowing.
Oh, it's a little worm that's glowing.
I'm going to get some dinner.
And you get up closer and all of a sudden there's a big old black fish with big old blue teeth.
You're dead.
And it's just sucking you in.
You see that light?
Get a little bit closer and it's like, yeah!
Stick your arm in this drainage ditch, I'm gonna rip it off!
And then when you're begging for your mommy, I'm gonna let you crawl away.
And I'm gonna reach out with a big long arm, and I'm gonna drag you right back in.
And there's gonna be popcorn and lollipops and clowns down here.
And you're gonna love it!
You're gonna like it.
You're going to enjoy it.
So just come on down here, sweetheart.
You're gonna like it.
Cause you're gonna float too.
Ah, it's so liberal.
All the big feminist leaders say we shouldn't have families.
That hurts women.
We should have the trannies teach the three-year-olds it's liberal.
Families are bad.
Stick your arm in this drainage ditch.
Oh, I can put two and two together.
Ellen DeGeneres, CNN.
She's invested and works for Mandalay.
We knew that
Jesus Campos disappeared for days to be told what to say, and now the Daily Mail has a big long 10-page article saying exactly what I told you yesterday, saying put two and two together.
Yet, today's news yesterday, Mandalay Bay owner insists security guard Jesus Campos appear only
Again, why do they fear us?
Why do they hate us?
Because we can say 2 plus 2 equals 4.
And as Winston Smith said in 1984 to O'Brien,
Freedom is the ability to say 2 plus 2 equals 4.
And O'Brien said it is, my friend.
And I'm going to torture you until you're completely mentally ill and you don't know what 2 plus 2 equals, period.
You're just going to say whatever I said.
Because I want to dominate your soul.
Now get ready.
I'm going to torture you for a month straight.
Oh, George Orwell.
Secret Intelligence.
Telling you, he said, this book is what the Fabian Socialists are.
They are priests of power that want to stomp on your face forever.
Or lock kids up and starve them to death while you rape them.
It's all there.
It's all there.
You ignore it at your peril!
Millie Weaver's coming in to get it all out and we got other huge, exciting news about trust-busting by Donald Trump.
What Trump put out in his tweet five years ago, that he thinks child molesters ought to be executed.
He's not like Salon and CNN and the New York Times, no matter how much they admire pedophiles.
He doesn't want to grab your kid out of the backyard.
He doesn't want to have your kid stick their arm down in a drainage ditch.
That's not what he's into.
He's into six foot tall supermodels because he's not intimidated by something powerful.
He doesn't want to dominate something little and defenseless.
He wants somebody to love him.
He's not a devil worshiper.
That's why they hate him.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Nootropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen,
Brain Force Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to $50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's 1996 at Infowarslife.com or simply call toll-free 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our Caveman Ultimate Paleo Bone Broth Turmeric Chaga Mushroom Bee Pollen and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already.
At 15, incredible.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com.
You're fighting the tip of the spear, but these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
It's the time of the season to expose the power cult that is Hollywood and D.C.
and how the predators there want to get you involved in every form of corruption there is.
Drug dealing, money laundering.
It's not just men abusing women or women abusing men.
It is the gay mafia oppressing and dominating people.
That's being covered by gay folks in Hollywood.
But below that it's the pedophile mafia and then there's the occult mafia that we first started exposing 20 years ago with whistleblowers from the BBC in London.
And now it's coming out that the Prime Minister reportedly tortured and murdered children.
Mr. Heath, that's top police commissioners are saying that with evidence.
We also just have all of this incredible evil coming out, where one of the top members of the royal house's entourage, Jimmy Savelle, had a secret satanic dungeon where he took children to rape them, and he went and had sex with other leaders with dead bodies of children at the hospital, and reportedly conducted satanic rituals where children were killed, and then there's a list of the children that were found dead.
Freshly killed, but also dug up.
You want to find out about it, just look into it for yourself.
So when I talk about Hollywood, and the next shoe to drop being pedophilia, and then after that, the final level, outright Satanism.
That's why they're pushing bondage and stuff for young women.
So the first 10-15 times you do it, there's no problem.
Suddenly you're at a party, you're tied up, you never come back.
It's not like serial killers that trick women to get in and they put handcuffs on and then, you know, I won't hurt you if you put handcuffs on.
No, it's your friends do it and then finally you get killed.
And they do it to men, they do it to children, they do it to women.
This is what they're into.
And they had one of the top members of the Scorpions go public and talk about clubs in Germany.
He named them a few years ago.
Where'd they go?
They'd kill people at these.
And sometimes this is with thousands of people.
They'll drag in a bum and, you know, shoot him.
That's kind of the entry level is killing bums.
You gotta pay a lot of money to kill kids.
But that's how this works.
That's why they want a lot of illegals coming in.
That's why they've got thousands of kids they've smuggled in from Haiti.
One of the favorite things to kill is small black children.
There's a famous case you can't find on the internet, but I have the newspaper clippings of the Rolling Stones and a black child that was found dead in New York at their house in a voodoo ritual.
It's disgusting.
It's despicable and we are bound to see this happen and come out from Hollywood as we see more of these celebrities being given some support from the people, from the American people.
When they see that the American people are appalled by
The sex abuse and the satanic ritual stuff that's been going on in Hollywood, they're going to get more comfortable, more confident, and coming out releasing more.
And again, we're mainly radio, but we syndicate television as well.
But if you're a radio listener, that's Millie Weaver, one of our great reporters.
It hasn't been six or seven years you've been filing reports for us.
I think 2013 was when I first started filing some, but then we kind of came back on later.
It's been quite a while.
So maybe I talked to you before that, so it's been at least five years, but it seems like, I mean, I know your story, and of course, you've never really gotten into your personal, your sister's story.
On air, you're just doing reporting.
Now you live here, obviously, with your son, and you're doing a great job.
Here at InfoWars, but just your overall as a woman and as a researcher and as somebody who lived in Hollywood as a teen and then saw some of the underbelly of what goes on there.
What is all this latest news really about?
Well, what I can say is this.
It's real.
100% real.
What these celebrity women are saying goes on.
It's actually even worse.
They're just at the tip of the iceberg, what's going on.
And it was so bad, in fact, that myself and a group of other women actually got together in Hollywood and we created something called the Hollywood Girls Club, which, you know, it's been completely
We're good.
Roman Polanski?
We were not following the typical feminist model, feminist norm.
Were you virtue signal all day, but then helped take folks to rape rooms?
Yeah, no.
Not like some of these other people here who I have, you know, suspicions about Meryl Streep and Madonna and some of these other women who claim that they're feminists.
Meryl Streep does standing ovations for Polanski saying he did nothing wrong and should be allowed out of prison for raping a 13-year-old girl.
Yeah, and that's because they're all covering for these Hollywood predators, these demonic, filthy scum that are out there abusing women.
But it's bad.
You have a concentrated level of talent and beauty all coming to Hollywood.
So what are you going to have?
A concentrated level of predators.
They all magnetize there.
And so then you have all these girls being taken advantage of, and then they come out with a bad taste of men in general.
And that's what it seems like the media is trying to do in hijacking these celebrity women's abuses by telling all women that, see, this is all a problem of masculinity.
It's all men's fault.
Men are the bad guys in general.
When in reality, you have a handful of predatory-type men out there, and what needs to happen with the real men out there
The good-hearted men out there, they need to, instead of saying, oh well, you know, okay, and try to disinvalidate it by saying, you know, these women, maybe they're asking for it, maybe they're trading for their career, or whatever.
No, the real men need to say, you know what?
We're going to take on these women's plight.
We're going to fight these predatory, disgusting...
And then that way the leftists can't be the gatekeepers, just like they control the environmental movement but want to tax carbon dioxide, but ignore genetic engineering, atmospheric manipulation, nuclear reactors leaking.
They always want to lead the movements so that they can control them because obviously it's like the missing children groups, it turns out, keep getting run by pedophiles.
Or, you know, it's like the cancer research groups are actually run by the drug makers who don't want you to have a cure.
The globalists want to divide the sexes.
They do not want people having traditional marriages.
They don't want men and women getting along, raising productive members of society.
They don't want that.
So what are they doing?
They're having these predatory type men get away with sexually abusing and assaulting women, and then if you can convince the other general population of men to say, oh well, you know, she asked for it because they're attacking masculinity as a whole, the feminists are,
Then what happens?
The feminists decide, well, we'll take up your plight, we'll take up your cause, and it needs to be said right now.
We need real men coming and saying, you know what?
These women were abused, and we're gonna come after the scum out there in Hollywood, the Harvey Weinsteins, the disgusting types out there, because we know they do not represent masculinity.
They represent weakness.
And we hear on that Weinstein tape,
He isn't even trying to make her feel good or get her in bed.
He wants to humiliate her watching this disgusting blob shower.
And obviously the other things he does are things I'm not going to mention here.
It's about humiliating gorgeous, beautiful women.
I'm not going to get into the things they do, but obviously what's come out in Hollywood is these guys are so degenerate.
It's not sex with these gorgeous women.
It's making them do degrading things.
And these are the beta males.
These are the guys who women naturally wouldn't be magnetized to.
And then meanwhile you have all these alpha males out there in society who aren't preying on women, who aren't trying to get in these positions of power to do these things.
And those are the men that women need to come and help them, essentially.
And that is what it is.
Modern culture creates these cults of betas.
Who are then twisted and seek after power, but it's always really twisted versions of it.
I mean, making, you know, beautiful women basically get on the ground like a dog and eat crap.
That's the kind of things reportedly Mr. Weinstein's into.
If you want to take down feminism, because feminism is vile, it's repulsive, it's all about man-hating, and I will not stand for it.
And it's all about weird technocrat women controlling women.
As if you don't have a husband that's there to defend you and help you, and you help him.
The state's your husband.
The women are forced to go to these feminist women that hate men for help, rather than going to the real men in society, the men that can actually stand up and say, we're going to come after the Harvey Weinstein's, we're going to come after these sick predators that want to do this to women.
We're going to play some of that tape when we come back, and I know I want to be careful because I know your story and your report and your sisters, but if you want to, without getting into names, talk about just what really happens in Hollywood when you were even underage, just so people get an idea of imagining women out there luring young girls in
Just like they use women or children to lure folks into the ice cream truck, and then you're never seen again.
I mean, that's what Hollywood is.
That's what Nickelodeon is.
That's what MTV is.
It's all a big lure to sexualize and get your children.
That's why the left hates me so much, because a large portion of them are now fellow travelers on board.
A larger percentage than I thought actually like all this, because they're all so beta and so cupped.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we're running
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Nootropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen, BrainForce Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to 50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's 1996 at Infowarslife.com or simply call toll-free 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
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That's 50% off Rainforest Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
And our intrepid reporter, Millie Weaver, her and her sister, back when they were underage and then after they were 18, were in Hollywood and witnessed
A lot of what we're already seeing, but she's saying it's the tip of the iceberg.
We have producers and directors of the award-winning film, An Open Secret, in studio tomorrow, that The Week and others are reporting on, saying this could bring down the pedophile networks in Hollywood.
So that's the next level.
Before we get more into your story and show some of these articles and documents that folks can watch, who are watching this stream online at infowars.com forward slash show and on some cable and TV stations around the country, but describing it for radio listeners, we'll go over it.
But, Millie, before we get into your story and what happened to you and what it's like now to see this breaking as Hollywood implodes, as the snake eats itself, as this thing begins to crumble, as the rats try to leave the sinking ship, what about the deeper stuff, the devil worship, the pedophilia?
I mean, you were underage when some of this happened to you, but I wouldn't call it classical pedophilia if you're 16 or whatever.
But what about the occult?
Did you ever run into that in Hollywood?
Oh, definitely, without a doubt.
I was, you know, I had been exploited when I was underage by a prominent mogul in Hollywood.
I won't say names.
And once you're in that loop, you have people surrounding you, basically making sure that you're in their circle, in their network.
And so I was surrounded by big time producers, big names, my sister and I, you know, we had
Record deals on the table and all these people that were surrounding us it wasn't until years into associating with these people I mean I was these are the Grammy Awards I was at the Grammys I was at the Academy Awards bunch of different things and I was being groomed essentially to be inducted into the Hollywood celebrity circle and
And we now know that's what Disney did.
Most of these big stars, male and female, are primed right through being sexually abused many times by the time they're six or seven years old.
And then they're even rehiring directors that rape little kids.
Disney does.
Yeah, and you know, one of the producers that I was working with, you know, records Carrie Underwood, Selena Gomez, big-time multi-millionaire producer, records for Disney, you know, did a bunch of soundtracks for 300 and all
In fact, since we have a new audience every minute, guys, pull up the article about the famous director that raped a 12-year-old boy and still got hired by Disney.
I'm gonna put that on screen.
That broke last week.
Go ahead.
So, essentially what happened was, right when you get to the precipice, right when you're about to sign your contract, about to sign your movie deal, that's when they start revealing what they are, who they're affiliated, what they're about.
And that's when they start telling me about their OTO affiliations, Illuminati, drinking blood, a bunch of stuff.
Just to be clear, with your contacts, you were able to get in the Getty Center that nobody can and got video of actual manuscripts of child sacrifice that are 500 years old that we premiered here.
With you and your contacts, you guys actually got in there.
Nobody's ever gotten that out.
Yeah, and my sister, actually, she was invited to one of these rituals and she went.
And she said she saw basically a big fat woman sitting up and dancing up on a stage naked and they had a guy dressed like Jesus sitting in a chair thrown and they were essentially enacting a ritual where this big fat naked woman was this
The bat, what is it?
The goddess.
Yeah, the goddess.
And she was trying to seduce, and she seduced and kissed the guy that was looking like Jesus, and then they all took a communion to it.
And that's just entry-level blasphemy.
That's entry-level, yes.
And then once I started realizing, oh my gosh, these people, what am I getting into?
And I wanted to get away from that.
You know, that's when it all broke loose.
I started being gang harassed, stalked, threatened.
Gavin helped me get away from them.
I met him totally separate from these people and they freaked out and we were gang stalked.
We were harassed.
They charged false charges against him for saying that he harassed them when they called him and made death threats toward him.
It was as though the courts, everything, were just interlaced with these corrupt people.
You know, it's disgusting how bad it is in Hollywood and sorry it's hard for me to say all of this just because it brings back a lot of memories.
You're doing a great job.
You're strong.
It was hard for me to talk about.
Because I'm a guy, and I kind of just sloughed it off and thought it was weird and said, hey, watch it, I'm going to knock you upside the head.
And they were like, going, ha, ha, ha, like they're guys.
But I mean, I've had producers just during a meeting, they just reach over and grab your genitals.
It's just an act of domination.
Well, the worst part was, you know, after this big Hollywood person, celebrity, had, you know,
Sexually abused me.
How old were you then?
I was well, I was 17.
I just turned 17 at the time But that's when my mom reached out to some attorneys and tried it, you know, and then you find out that these Attorneys that are women that say that they're feminists aren't really out to help women and that's the hardest part is the realization and that kind of red-pilled me in a big way to realize how vile these feminist women are that say that they're helping
Women and really they're out there just kind of protecting and being handlers and damage control for some of these bigwigs It's really disheartening, you know And that's why I say we need more women to come forward and as well as men because there's there were child actors like Corey Feldman Corey Heim there are much more than are willing to be brave enough to come out against and Corey Feldman is hinting at naming Hollywood pedophiles.
I mean the word is
You heard it here first, folks, in the last few months.
The pedophile scandal is about to break and then the Weinstein comes out after that.
So I really think, I'm not defending Weinstein, it's terrible, but they've allowed this to come out in the New Yorker after the New York Times and NBC spiked it back in 2004 and 2009 because they want to use all this to smokescreen the pedophilia.
And then we have these feminists now out there in the media, which enrages me, taking this on as their champion, their plight, their, oh, this is all men, this is all masculinity, we need to all like whip these men into submission.
That's what the feminists say.
And it's disgusting because in reality, what we need is we need
We need real men to stand up and come after these predatory types because these women who are out there saying this, pushing this MO, they're part of the globalists, they're part of the elites, it's all part of this divide and conquer strategy where they want to divide men and women so we don't have marriages, we stop having as many children, we stop having successful moral... And by the way, that's in all the government documents.
That's in the Tavistock, that's in the CIA, it's all been declassified.
Mainstream news, and they've done it.
You know, and it kind of reminds me of this story that Gavin told me about his grandpa and how times used to be versus how they are now.
You know, they're putting all these chemicals in the water to try and lower sperm counts.
But, you know, I want to talk about his grandpa.
Apparently, one of their neighbors kept beating his wife.
Okay, and the men kept finding out, and Gavin's grandpa kept finding out through the wives.
The wives would keep complaining, you know, this guy, he keeps beating our friend so-and-so, he's beating his wife, and you know what they did?
They went over there with guns and they beat him up and said, if you ever put your hand on this woman again, we will
Mess you up bad.
And you know what?
He stopped and the women stopped complaining!
Their wives stopped complaining and they didn't need feminism.
Because men acted like men.
Men acted like men and nowadays it's like the guy's beating up the women, the women are all hearing the other women complain and the men aren't doing anything.
So what do they do?
They go to the feminists who are going to try to demonize all men.
Who are actually more like madams who want to control women.
I've been around some famous feminists and they, even though they're old women,
They actually hit on you.
I mean, I'll just say it because they put Joy Behar image on Twitter grabbing a man's genitals without asking.
I mean, she didn't do that, but I was on CNN with her too, not just of you.
And she's like, you're a good looking young man.
Hey, how long are you in New York?
And she didn't go all the way, but it was like the famous madam in the movie, like,
Hey, baby, why don't you come up here and see me sometime?
And for an older woman, I mean, she was definitely putting it on and wasn't joking.
Well, I'm not going to say arrest her if she grabbed a guy's genitals.
You know, the point is the next time he said stop, though, then it would be right if she continued.
But it just shows what a bunch of hypocrites they are.
And I have actually met and been told about and was in circles with people who are like, oh yeah, that's so-and-so.
She's a madam.
And the madams have tried to come and talk to me.
And again, you've got a lot of women that just have that madam spirit as well for the powerful men.
We're going to go to break and come back with more just briefly, folks.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Millie Weaver's our guest.
She was a model and actress out in Hollywood and had some success with her sister, but soon learned that it was a nightmare.
Just in the last minute and a half break, you were talking about some of the cost of your friends and people that died, that went to mental institutions, just at the hands of one individual.
And it wasn't just older men when you were underage that, you know, groomed you and that were having sex.
It was, you were telling me, also being raped.
So tell us about some of that.
Yeah, so basically we were kind of being damage controlled, handled I guess by some big name Hollywood managers and producers and it turns out, I found out later that one of these producers was in association with the
I don't
Well, think about this.
If I didn't join their group, join the occult, that's what the offer was being put forward to me on the table.
If I said no, was I going to wind up like those girls?
And that's when I tried to go to the authorities, get help, and the gang stalking, and all that stuff was tremendous.
I had severe anxiety.
It was horrible.
And you were just there a few years.
As this all begins to come out, you were downtown this week on Congress and did a report and a lot of people were oblivious or they thought Hollywood was only about, you know, feminism or guys being pushy.
I mean, you can really see how
They're obscuring what's really going on just by focusing on guys that are borderline assaulting women, which I think is terrible.
We talked about this weeks ago, saying that's where it's going.
You talk to the trendies and they just don't seem to have any idea what's going on.
Hollywood is a satanic, mafia-run town.
An industry.
And so, why do we have these women only now after all of these years coming forward?
Well, I think it's partially because of the fact that Harvey Weinstein is coming under fire and he's likely to be prosecuted.
Maybe they feel safer, maybe they feel like there's more of an alternative method.
They can rely on in covering and exposing what their statements are, but I feel like their statements have been way underreported in the mainstream media.
I also noticed in your person on the street report, the women particularly just 10 years ago would want to be on TV.
Now they're all looking at their own phones.
It's made them so insular or so inward looking.
But in a way, that's good.
People don't even like reporters or Hollywood anymore.
Used to, folks would jump to be on TV.
Now they don't.
I mean, this is really the collapse of mainstream media.
But I notice your frustration as well.
They also didn't want to be on TV about something serious.
Some of the pop stuff on the Internet's made it where it's all just, you know, mindless stuff.
And that's the stuff that YouTube pushes, not the serious topics.
Well, the frustration there was that it seemed like hardly anybody had heard about these celebrities coming out about sex abuse.
And I'm asking them, you know, did you hear about the Hollywood sex abuse scandals?
And they're all like, no, no, no.
And then finally, some of them, when I mentioned Harvey Weinstein, they said, oh, you know, I think I saw something about that on social media.
But none of them said they saw it on TV or on mainstream media.
Your report was very important.
We ought to take this clip talking about it, put it on the front, and put it back out, but with a headline like...
And then just point, and then you'll get 5 million views like your last video.
You'll do a super video, it's like 50,000 views than the other one you did.
But the last video I did has like 5 million views now, the one before that, where you took on Eminem, so great job.
Millie Weaver, I appreciate your courage.
Let's talk more about this on the War Room coming up.
There's some time.
We could do a whole hour on this.
Thanks for your courage.
Thanks, Alex.
You and Gavin, and your sweet son.
He's so, so good.
We'll be back.
Stay with us, folks.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I ask, well, what is going to happen to those people that we can't re-educate?
That are die-hard capitalists?
And the reply was that they'd have to be eliminated.
And when I pursued this further, they estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers.
And when I say eliminate, I mean kill.
25 million people.
I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people.
And they were dead serious.
That was from an interview back in 1992.
Mr. Grathwald died in the last few years, and I was shocked to hear it.
I said, let's get Larry back on back in 2013.
Six months had gone by, and they said, oh, you know, he died tragically.
But if you see the documentaries he was in back in the 90s, or the interviews we did back in the 2000s right through to 2013,
You then see the Weathermen and Bill Ayers and the Antifa and the Globalists, the Democratic Party, literally pushing the same rhetoric now.
And you see them in the 2010 Army documents that are public, declassified, talking about re-education camps in America.
They use the term
Re-education camps.
Just type in army documents, talk about re-education camps, and it says conservatives and libertarians will be sent to the re-education camps, how they'll process our social security cards, how they'll put the children in one area, the women in other areas, the troublemaker men will be taken.
This isn't Red Dawn and a nightmare vision of Russian occupation.
No, ladies and gentlemen, this is America.
And you can find this in the Library of Congress, you can find this on Scribd, you can find the articles by Paul Watson that actually have the subsections clipped out.
Just type in Infowars.com, army documents, details, re-education camps for Americans.
That is the Soviet term.
So Lindsey Grathwald is the daughter of Larry Grathwald, who infiltrated the Weather Underground.
He was a Green Beret in Vietnam, highly decorated underground organization.
Her father wrote the book Bringing Down America in the 70s and re-released it in 2013.
He was on the break from his book tour when he passed away on July 18, 2013.
Lindsay worked with her dad behind the scenes, mostly researching Obama's ties to domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers.
Fast forward to today, she saw Antifa.
Uh, and Black Lives Matter and others in Berkeley violently attacking people.
She was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area and was shocked at the violence she saw on the streets and the cops doing nothing.
She knew people like Bill Ayers were involved and she found out she was right.
So, uh, she joins us now.
Your father was just an amazing patriot infiltrating the highest levels of people with Harvard and Cornell degrees, calmly sitting around, as he said, talking about exterminating
Uh, 25 million people.
And that was in the 70s.
They had this plan.
Now they got Obama in.
They put these networks in place.
Now they're calling for a war.
Riding shotgun with us in this hour is one of our investigative reporters as well, Millie Weaver.
Thank you for joining us.
Thank you for having me.
I'm honored to be here, Alex.
First snapshot.
I mean, you say it yourself.
We are witnessing their plan yet again.
They've said November 2nd, the main uprising begins on the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Yeah, absolutely.
And here in the Bay Area,
Things are getting pretty crazy here.
I feel like I live in the hornet's nest, is what I call it.
And every time we step into a city like Berkeley or San Francisco, simply for, you know, if you wear an American flag, you're subject to violence.
It's pretty scary.
Well, I've always loved the American flag, but I thought some people used it to launch wars I didn't like, and it could be misused.
But since they've tried to ban it, now I wear it.
Since they don't like it now, now I'm flying it.
You know, something peculiar I noticed when I was at Berkeley was all around the town I saw graffiti, but the graffiti had this hammer and sickle mark on it.
So I found that bizarre.
I had never seen hammer and sickle graffiti anywhere other than Berkeley.
I mean, that town is very much Marxist.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, the mayor himself, I mean, he's a member of the BAM, which is a domestic terrorist group, by any means necessary.
He's actually a member on their Facebook page.
And these people, I mean, their ultimate goal is to overthrow our government and bring us into a Marxist-Communist
And your father was the trailblazer.
Talk about your dad.
Talk about his history.
Talk about... I mean, you never want to talk about himself, but talk about Green Beret, Vietnam, how he decorated a patriot, why he infiltrated.
I mean, because I know he was on the college campus doing the GI Bill.
He wasn't even looking for this, but he saw them running around.
I mean, talk some about your father.
Yeah, my father, you know, as you said, he was in Vietnam.
He enlisted when he was 16 years old and he went into the Army and he was in Vietnam by the time he was 17 and he spent his 18th birthday in Vietnam.
And when he returned home, he became a drill instructor at Fort Knox, Kentucky.
And he got married to his first wife and had my two sisters, and at that point he decided he wanted to use the GI Bill, so they moved back to Cincinnati, which is where my dad was born and raised, and he decided to go to the University of Cincinnati to get his education.
And that's where he ran into the SDS.
And he was very alarmed by them and he just so happened to, his first wife happened to
Her father worked for the Cincinnati Police Department, so my dad immediately went to him and basically said, you know, these people, they're serious, they seem pretty crazy.
And that's how it all started.
The Cincinnati Police Department started the investigation, had my dad go to meetings and report back to them, but they quickly realized that this group was serious.
I'm not sure.
Bernadine Dorn, Mark Rudd, Linda Evans, Jeff Jones.
I mean, these are names that, I mean, for me, I've heard about them all my life.
So, for me, when Obama was running for president and, you know, they had the Bill Ayers came to play, it was just, you know, it was absolutely mind-blowing to me, you know, that he was in the public eye and that nobody was questioning anything about it.
Basically, my dad ran messages between the Central Committee, which was people like Bill Ayers.
They were the leaders of the Weather Underground.
Their mission was to go around the country and to cause as much damage as they could, blow up buildings.
Bill Ayers himself said that in a revolution, innocent people have to die.
To them, killing innocent people was just part of the revolution that needed to happen.
And they claim that they've never killed anybody, but my father was, you know, actually there when Bill Ayers said that Bernadine Dorn placed a bomb on the window ledge of the Park Police Station in San Francisco, California, which killed Sergeant McDonald.
They claim that that never happened, but my father actually talked about it, wrote about it, and had to testify in front of the Senate.
And his story has always stayed the same.
I believe that they did.
Let's be clear, we're going to break.
Your father was a hero, and so are you, working with him for decades.
He lives on with this important work.
We will defeat the communists.
We will defeat the globalists that fund them.
But you have to understand, Mueller, Comey, all of them that put stay-behind networks in, they even admit this.
And they're planning violence in this country.
And clearly, Las Vegas has connections to it.
That's why they're covering it up.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with Larry Graff Wall's daughter.
Who survives him and just did a great job helping him get his books and material out.
This is inside the terrorist organization.
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That's 50% off Brain Force Plus and 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Millie Weaver, just a few weeks ago, was out there with Gavin, our producer and camera guy with InfoWars, and their car got broken into, they got threatened, they went and showed the different
Professor classes and meetings where they were promoting how they were going to go out and be violent.
In fact, those reports are up on Infowars.com.
You can tell folks some of the names of the reports, but if you want to know the brainchild, the operating system, the granddaddies of BLM and all this, it's communist cop killers.
In fact, the founder of BLM, the lady that they say is the grandmother of it, is in Cuba fleeing justice from just shooting a cop that wasn't even doing anything to her.
And the whole point is they want violent revolution, and they believe the time is now.
And suddenly there's Red Brigades all over Austin marching, and there's people all over the country doing it, and they're calling for violence and saying, the 100th anniversary is here.
Then you look at Obama, who sat at the feet of Bill Ayers, who he lived with, and you understand that this now has state backing, and how close we were if Hillary would have gotten in.
We have Larry Grathwald, the only man who ever infiltrated
The weather underground successfully and helped send some of them to prison.
We have his heroic daughter who helped him write his book and travel the country before he died four years ago.
You know, it was interesting because while I was in Berkeley, this man came up to me on the street and he said, hey, do you want to see the real commies, the commie leaders, the leaders of BAM, Antifa and the communist movements?
And I said, OK, sure, why not?
But I was a little bit suspicious because I didn't want to walk into an ambush or a trap.
But we went there hesitantly.
And of course, that's when we saw the Rev Com bookstore.
And inside, I was expecting much of young Antifa looking punks to be the leaders, putting it all together and plotting and scheming.
No, believe it or not, it was much of old,
White people.
And I was just completely shocked to see these gray-haired people looking like professors and city leaders and planners.
Tell folks the name of the report so they can pull it up and show TV viewers and radio listeners because you got footage of all this.
This is powerful.
I think it was like exposed Berkeley communist leaders.
I think that I don't remember.
We gotta republish that with inside a Berkeley communist meeting never before seen.
Look at these communists, they have such dead eyes.
It's exposed.
Berkeley Antifa leaders caught wargaming against Milo.
That's a strong headline, but I think we should say, you know, inside a communist training meeting at Berkeley, because that's what that is.
Exactly, and look at these people here for the viewers.
They're always weird, creepy old people, man.
And the guy said that these were all, like, Russian communist infiltrators and that, you know, it wouldn't be friendly if there were.
And let's be clear, it's not Russians that are doing it.
Our government funded the Bolsheviks in 1917.
It's the same global as let this disease worldwide, and so it's blowback from there.
Russia has kicked all this out.
Let's go back to Lindsey Grathwald.
Lindsey, what is it like to just see the whole Weatherman experiment was like a beta test?
This is, what, hundreds of times bigger than what it was in the 70s?
Or what would you say the magnitude of this is living in San Francisco?
It's huge.
It's scary.
I have to say something.
After watching that clip, I need to tell you guys the story.
That video that you just showed in front of Revolution Books, I was there that day.
I'm not in that video, but I was there, standing in front of the store with some friends, and we were holding an American flag in front of the store later.
This was after, I think, this video.
And Revolution Books actually, just this last weekend,
I'm not sure.
Let's be clear, they're watching a video of Milo speaking on the internet
Uh, from the same day about how they tried with their minions they sent out to violently stop him.
I mean, this is literally communists at their command base directing their minions and just look at the sorry sacks of garbage.
And what the school did was the school made it so that any type of amplified... And they also had trendy type thugs trying to stop you?
Well, no, this guy actually was the one who tipped us off right here.
He said he had sat in on a meeting and he knew their plans and he was essentially giving us a tip.
Well, he's a cool guy.
I just saw some other communists going by.
But he did say they know you, they've seen you, they're after you now.
And lo and behold, our car gets broken into.
So, I found that interesting.
How soon after?
I think it was like the next day.
Yeah, go to her Twitter.
Where is that posted?
All the windows knocked out, the stuff stolen.
Yeah, that was the next day that that happened.
And what was interesting is, Berkeley, the campus, made it so that you couldn't use an amplifatory device, so no speakers.
And so they knew that, and Milo went out there to try and just talk with his voice.
There it is.
InfoWars Reporter.
Carve, analyze, equipment stolen at berkeleyprotestinfowars.com, newswars.com.
Sorry, Millie, go ahead.
So they sent their agent out there to yell over him because they knew that the Berkeley staff made it so you couldn't use an amplifatory device to drown out the provocateur.
Nobody could even hear Milo, so Milo left.
And the left openly says ban free speech on Berkeley, and they've done it, of Christians, of conservatives, and then if you try to have a prayer rally, we're gonna come back and talk about this that you were a witness to, in San Francisco, they come out and viciously attack you and the police and the mayor defends it and Pelosi defends it, but then
They had to back off a week later and say, okay, it's bad.
So I want to ask our guests, what do you think that's about?
Well, you know, our rally, I just want to say that we were supposed to have, that we had to cancel, the Chrissy Field, and then there was the St.
Noah Marxism in Berkeley.
We had created what we had called Liberty Weekend.
And those rallies, to be honest, I mean,
We had a couple hundred people that were going to show up.
It wasn't until Charlottesville that people really started paying attention.
And literally the day after Charlottesville, there were people calling us out, calling us Nazis.
And that's when Pelosi got on TV and Mayor Lee and all of them and just drilled into everybody that we were white supremacist Nazis without even trying to reach out to us, without even really looking to see what we were about.
I don't know.
Um, all the intel that we were getting, it was dangerous and so we made the decision to cancel it.
And I don't think they were planning on that because it backfired on them because Antifa showed up in full force as we saw in Berkeley.
I was there, I went to Berkeley the following day.
And they were going to attack people even if it was the cops and regular citizens.
They're so hateful.
And so then they didn't have some patsies for there to be violence, two-sided.
It was just a full display of how they started the whole Charlottesville thing as well.
And then it turns out their leaders, cheap dip for one year, were also running the white supremacist group.
And I, you know, it's crazy.
I mean, we, in Berkeley that day, we, you know, Berkeley had said, you know, no, they gave us a list.
No helmets.
Hold on, stay right there.
We got to go to break.
Stay right there.
Larry Grathwald's wonderful daughter is our guest.
Stay with us.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running the biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus, there's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever 50% off, and I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
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They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
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Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
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And when you purchase Brain Force Plus or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLife.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end in the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm gonna have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth turmeric chaga mushroom bee pollen.
And more concentrate.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
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At 15, incredible.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Bolan Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLive.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus and 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, communists killed over 220 million people in the last century.
We're now at the 100th anniversary of their mass murder, the most deadly ideology Earth has ever seen, even dwarfing the murder of radical Islam.
The threat is real.
This is the Infowar.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
From the command center, from the front lines, there are no lines anymore.
There's only the third dimension in cyberspace and our will to be free.
Huge mega bankers, tax-exempt foundations, the richest fortunes on earth, the Ted Turner's, the Bill Gates's.
They are all there with people like Soros, quarterbacking and generaling their operation.
$18 billion he just gave this year to crush America and crush Russian resistance to communism, socialism, the whole atheist ideology, the sexualization of children.
You want to know Russia's crime?
Their national TV shows now for at least six, seven years.
Sound like this broadcast, and by the way, do play clips of my show, I'm told, every day on private and Russian television.
I never asked that.
I've never been to Russia.
I don't speak five words of Russian.
The point is, is that Russia was Christian and was anti-communist before they got taken over in 1917, and the very same grandchildren of the same mega-bankers, on record, that financed that bullshit revolution.
Are launching one now.
And they mean business.
Now, Larry Grathwald, you're riding shotgun, you've been attacked many times.
You were in Charlottesville, I forget.
I mean, that's why Millie Weaver's here.
The Antifa should be taken serious.
They have military-like training.
I don't know who exactly is giving them the training, but they were doing war-like maneuvering and essentially pulling the alt-right people out.
They have phalanxes, they're kettling people.
They're using police tactics.
They have training, and somebody's training them.
That's all I've seen.
And you know what's interesting?
My mom's stepmother, her family was actually from Russia, and they had fled the Bolshevik Revolution.
They had everything taken from them.
Which was a New York-London liberal revolution.
A bunch of people meeting, just like they're at that bookshop, saying, we're taking over.
They mean business!
And you got some bozo-the-clown old crazy mental patient running your life in a death camp.
That's right, they took their estate, their wealth, everything.
They ran them out.
They were lucky to get away with their lives.
I would take the threat of Antifa, and even on November 4th, pretty serious in that if you have grandma at home in an area that you think that Antifa could, you know, protest or keep your family out of those areas and just be prepared to defend yourselves if you get attacked.
Exactly, because let's be clear, these, they call it anti-fascist.
They've got communist tattoos, they're communists.
But notice, the last 30 years we're told communists don't exist.
But it actually came from here.
So let me go back to Lindsey Grathwald.
I want to get more into where you think Antifa's going, how we stop them, but just stories about your dad, because there's a couple documentaries he's in.
I interviewed him probably 15 times or so.
You know, I read his book.
Tell us some stories about your dad, because the same way
I was going to local college at 18 years old.
I went in, I read a bunch of history books.
I wasn't a green beret like your dad that fought communists.
And I was hearing America's evil, the founding fathers are bad, guns are bad, all whites are bad.
These were white professors.
And I knew it was classic communism.
And so I said, I better fight this.
That's what I, it's the same path as your dad.
So I think we were on many levels the same paths.
Uh, him just earlier back in the seventies, right around the time I was born.
So tell us some stories about Larry Grathwald.
Cause you know, these are the type of patriots that literally we would have lost by now if it wasn't for their instinct.
He wasn't directed by government.
He did it on his own, just like I did.
Yeah, he did.
He always said he felt that he did it because it was the right thing to do.
And I definitely know where he's coming from because I feel the same way with what I'm doing.
I feel like I can't, there's no way I can just stand back and watch them take over my country.
Can't do it.
There's a couple, I mean one thing, my dad, he, you know, for a lot of years, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorn, the Weather Underground, they were really quiet throughout the 80s and even part of the 90s.
And it wasn't until Obama ran for office that, you know, they really came out and people started talking about them.
Who Obama lived with in college, just wanted to add that.
My dad did a lot of extensive research, as you know, because you spoke to my dad many times.
And every time we would research something, we would find something else.
There was always something.
They weren't just neighbors.
He wasn't just a man in the neighborhood, like he wanted to say.
Um, so, my dad, you know, he felt, you know, he needed to get out, he needed to speak up, because here's this man running for president who is an outright communist, a Marxist communist, and my dad got out and really tried to speak with people, and we ended up going to St.
Mary's College.
Bill Ayers spoke at St.
Mary's College, I want to say it was in 2010, maybe.
And your dad confronted him?
Yeah, well, my dad tried to.
The thing about that was that when my dad got to the front of the line, Bill Ayers abruptly ended the Q&A session and ran out the back door.
We followed him, like we, my dad, myself, and a few other people, we followed them.
And he got in their car and he drove away.
It wasn't long after that that I found out that Bill Ayer's son, Malik Dorn, he goes by Malik Dorn instead of Malik Ayer, he's a teacher in a middle school here in the same district that I live in, in the Bay Area.
So Bill Ayer spends quite a bit of time here in the Bay Area.
I also, when I started doing research of Alma and Tifa and, like, Refuse Fascism and BAM and all these domestic terrorist groups of today, I found that Bill Ayers was actually here during one of the riots that, you know, happened in Berkeley.
I think it was in April.
He was actually here in the Bay Area.
He was helping them make signs.
So he's very active and very involved in this, which I wasn't surprised.
Of course.
So Obama was their next foundation, Ford Foundation, Carnegie Endowment.
It all came out in the Frank Church Committee hearings in the 70s that good liberals exposed the Communist takeover plan with the foundations.
It wasn't just conservatives.
This is so monstrous.
When the average person is faced with this,
They just, they just can't believe it.
But what was it like for your dad to then see, once Obama came out, to see the Weather Underground terrorists come out from under their rocks after two decades of hibernation?
Just absolutely mind-blowing.
You know, it's like, and I can, now I can even understand even more because of what I'm witnessing today, how bad it is now, even as opposed to where it was, you know, before my dad passed away.
But it's just mind-blowing that, and
What was even more mind-blowing is that, you know, as much as people would get out and talk, like, you know, you and my dad and so many people, you know, Trevor Loudon, you know, getting out there and trying to show the actual facts and the proof that this man is not what he claims to be, and nobody would listen.
It was very just... But what is it like now to see people really are starting to wake up now, do you agree?
Oh, I love it.
You know, it motivates me.
It motivates me a lot to get out there and do more because, you know, it's like finally, you know, people are waking up and seeing it.
And I feel like, I mean, because it's so obvious now.
I mean, people that used to be liberal are coming out to me and saying, you know, wow, like, especially after our rallies and they got canceled here in the Bay Area.
I have people coming to me and apologizing to me for us having to cancel it.
A lot of liberals are deciding, they're still liberal, and they're not joining this truly fascist communist organization.
You know, we build up basketball players, football players, golf players, all that, but guys that are trailblazers, like your dad, you know, really are the type of people that if we didn't have him, because I can look at him, he's like patient zero, but in a good way,
You know, during the Red Scare in the 1910s when the Bolsheviks first started overthrowing the Russian government or monarchy then,
The United States government started actually going and finding communists and deporting them, even if they were U.S.
And that's how serious they took the threat of communism.
Now we're to the point where in California, it's legal for government employees to be outwardly communist.
Let's come back with the final segment with our guest, Anne with Millie, a victim of Antifa all over the place, from Charlottesville to there in California at Berkeley, and the daughter of Larry Rathwald.
Please stay with us.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running the biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus, there's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States, we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever, 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Tropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen, BrainForce Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to $50.99.
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Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
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Or simply call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus, or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get...
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end in the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm gonna have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth, turmeric, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already.
At 15, incredible.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus and 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
I'm here live.
to 3 p.m.
Then, right after the transmission ends, it's Owen Schroyer and The War Room with Roger Stone and many other co-hosts that come in and join The War Room.
Your call, special guests and more.
And of course, David Knight is on 8 a.m.
right before we go live every day, all times central from right here in the Austin, Texas system.
to 11 a.m.
Broadcasting and transmitting on radio and TV and the internet worldwide.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, it's not inexpensive to run this operation.
We're hiring more editors, more videographers, more fact-checkers, more researchers.
We've got legal fees, obviously.
We've got licensing fees.
It takes a lot to fund this, even though we're in Texas.
We couldn't do this in L.A.
or New York because of the cost.
We would be a third the size.
So we're doing it on the cheaps here in Texas, but I do like to take care of my crew.
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That's about to end.
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It's $19.96 right now.
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And so it all works in synergy together.
Great point about the knockout.
You want to have IMAX-level movie theatrical dreams take the knockout.
What, is that what happened for you?
We need to talk about this beforehand.
A bunch of other people in the studio, a bunch of the crew I've talked to that take the knockout.
That's the valerian.
I have the most insane, vivid dreams I've ever had in my life.
Well, it's all about wild sourcing and organics, so we get different batches.
Like, the last batch was, it was good, but not super strong.
I'd take two.
The new batch came in, and I mean, it is, it's funny you said that.
I'm taking one pill, even when I'm sleepy, it's just so much better.
I was about to say, it is like...
You have really good, vivid dreams.
But again, we're not a big industrial deal.
This is all wild-crafted or organic source, so each batch is different.
This particular batch really lives up to the name Knockout.
And it really makes the globalist mad when you support us, so please take action and support us today.
And just commit to sign up for AutoShip.
It's a $10 or 10% off on your order.
And the Knockout is 33% off as well, so that's also on sale.
That's right.
And again, we don't raise the price and lower the price.
We really already have a discount of usually 10%.
Everything's always discounted 10% because everybody likes sales.
But I'm just also now buying more and more from the big organic manufacturers that we get it from.
And so we're just leveraging up and up and up and up and up.
And as everybody knows, you know, they had BuzzFeed Test 7, the products in California that has the highest standards in the world.
The FDA has a thousand times a higher standard for lead.
There could be a thousand percent more, but they say there's a problem.
California says that there has to be less lead in your products than there is in the air.
And it passed this thing, but I said, listen.
Then there isn't kale, either.
But I said, folks, the liberals never give up.
Just know that.
OK, I mean, you think that makes them mad?
And so they've almost bankrupted California.
It's truly amazing to watch California commit suicide like this, and it's very, very sad.
Speaking of the devil, you're out there in California.
Larry Grathwald's daughter joins us, Lindsey Grathwald.
I've been doing a lot of the talking here.
In the time we have left, both you ladies, what are other points people should know about the clear and present danger of communism?
Because Millie, during the break, we'll do one more segment after this if you have time, before John Rappaport comes on.
You were talking about, you know, the communist bombings of the 1910s, the 1920s.
Alex, did you ever talk about that?
They called them anarchist bombings, but they were communists trying to overthrow the U.S.
And I said, yes.
That's why they deported a bunch of them.
And the same thing today.
The communists call themselves anarchists so they don't give their movement any blame while they destabilize the society.
You want to speak to that, Lindsey?
Yeah, it's, well Bill Air, I mean Bill Air has always called himself an anarchist.
I think he even probably said that when he was on your show.
So it doesn't surprise me.
He goes, I'm not a communist, I'm an anarchist, Alex.
I've never wanted violence.
It's like, it makes you wonder, do these people have cognitive dissonance, or are they enlightened?
So they have total disrespect for you, and are going to sit there and say, no one's ever called for violence against congressmen, just top democrats.
They're just gaslighting everyone.
That's it.
Yes, absolutely.
When we went to Berkeley for the No to Marxism rally that was canceled, they actually showed up.
I don't know if it was Antifa or if it was BAM, what group it was, but there was a big truck that actually showed up.
They started handing weapons and shields to the people on the street.
So, I mean, earlier, I wanted to say, because we were talking earlier about the training, you know, you were saying that they're trained.
They are definitely well-trained, a lot of them.
I saw it.
I saw it in Berkeley.
And when I was up in Portland for a rally, I actually, there were actually signs in Portland for Antifa training at Union Buildings.
So, I'm not sure if you guys are aware of that, but they do train in Union Buildings up in Portland.
Wow, again, what would your father think?
Again, the only man to ever infiltrate the weather underground and survive and expose their plan to overthrow the U.S.
government, bring in Latin American communist forces just like Red Dawn and communist Chinese, and then put 50 million Americans in forced labor camps and kill 25 million of us, and that was back with 70s numbers, so it'd be about 100 million they'd want to put in camps and 50 mil they'd kill.
They've got to be upset they haven't gotten their plan yet to kill 50 mil, but I've been around communists, they tell you,
We're going to kill people and you better get in line.
Back when I was exposing Bush for bad stuff he was doing, communists would want to come on air.
They'd call themselves liberals and later at dinner they'd say, listen, you're a libertarian.
We're going to let you be part of it.
We're going to kill everybody.
We want to kill people.
They'd really get off on talking about killing people.
It's sickening.
Growing up, I heard these stories.
My dad was pretty certain that things like this would eventually happen, and people called him crazy for it.
Now, not so much.
People are seeing what's happening right now, and you're seeing the violence and everything that's happening in the streets.
I take that very seriously, especially with the violence that I've seen firsthand with myself and my friends.
I have no doubt that they are in it to win it, that they are in this to overthrow our government and to take over.
This has been going on for decades.
It's not something new.
Let's be clear, they don't want a republic where we elect people and where we have a constitutional democracy.
They want state-run politburos and central committees just like Communist China, because I've studied them.
The modern groups, correct me if I'm wrong ladies, their main model is China.
They see China, and also North Korea strangely enough, as the model.
You know, a lot of people are talking about how the strategic and best move might be to not go out and try to face these communists in the street and just let them go out and be terrorists so that we can then pressure our government officials to formally classify them as terrorist organizations.
Well, that's happening, but here's the problem.
They're smart like they'd bomb stuff in the 20s and call themselves anarchists or blame it on conservatives.
They clearly did Mandalay.
He was a leftist operative with ISIS people.
It's all come out now.
We've got the evidence.
They will do attacks and blame it on America.
The problem is they've got to be stopped.
Yes, absolutely.
We believe that that's what they were trying to do with our rallies in the Bay Area, is that they wanted the violence similar to Charlottesville, and then it was going to turn on us.
It was going to be, we caused it, our people did all this, and the violence is on us, not them.
That's right.
Stay right there.
Lindsey Grathwald, her father, a true hero, exposing the murderous communist plan.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWar.
And look, we got our problems.
We're not perfect, but America's free market system builds such opportunity and freedom.
And we've got really powerful elites trying to take control.
Millie Weaver, you got cut off by the break.
You've survived a lot of Antifa confrontations, Charlottesville, many trips to Berkeley.
Just, it's like going to North Korea or something.
And then Lindsey Grafwald, daughter of just a real hero, Larry Grafwald's here.
So just other points you ladies would like to make.
The left likes to criticize President Trump for initially not coming out hard enough against the alt-right elements that were out there in Charlottesville.
And the reason why the mainstream media is coming after him, well, we know many reasons.
They hate him, they want to take him down.
But why did Trump not come out so hard against them?
Well, because it wasn't being reported how vicious and militant the Antifa were.
We came out against both!
Yeah, he did come out against both, but what I want to make very clear here is that although some elements on the right had vile views, okay, which I even got into debates with them because some of them were openly fascist.
I mean, all three leaders were Democrats.
Antifa side came out there prepared with weapons, water balloons, violent.
So I think that he was looking into it before he initially made those statements.
But the reality here is that what I will say is this, the Antifa did win that battle.
They did.
I saw it.
I saw it happen.
The alt-right people retreated.
But they lost the war because a month later they attacked peaceful people at a prayer rally in San Francisco where our guest lives, and then Pelosi even had to turn against them.
How big a deal was that, Lindsey Grathwald?
And why do you think they finally, a week after that San Francisco attack on peaceful prayer vigils, calling black people they were beating up Nazis because they were Christians, why did Pelosi and others have to retreat from the vicious activities of Antifa?
I think she had to because, well, it wasn't just citizens that got hurt that day.
There were actually people in the media that were there that Antifa turned on and started beating up that Sunday in Berkeley.
Think about that, a bunch of beta cuck cowards, so vicious in a gang, they beat up anybody they can get their hands on.
That is the just, it's just the lawless idiot weakness wimpness of them.
It's like there's nothing worse than wimps.
A big tough guy being a thug's bad, but there's nothing about a bunch of cowards ganging up on some, you know, fat guy and beating him up.
Right, I mean, I witnessed, that day in particular, I witnessed, I actually went in with Joey Gibson, who is Patriot Prayer.
He, him and I, we went there, and I was behind him, and he walked in, I'm sure people have seen the videos of him walking in with his arms up, you know, saying peace.
I was about 150, 200 feet behind him, but I blended in with the crowd.
Nobody recognized me.
I watched them, you know, mace them and beat them while the cops did absolutely nothing.
The cops stood down.
They didn't help.
And it wasn't just, you know, Joey.
I watched a father and son get beat up that day right in front of the police.
You see in the video that you're showing the video.
I don't think so.
But, I mean, I witnessed many, many instances like that, and it was very sad because I know the city and I know the Bay Area spent millions of dollars for extra, you know, police force that day.
However, the police did nothing and... Exactly, and for those watching on TV, they see it, but these are black guys having people throw things at them and say they're racist Nazis because they come to a prayer rally.
And, you know, and white guys being attacked, and you name it.
Let's talk again, Lindsey Grathwald.
I know you don't have a website, you're not plugging anything, but one of your friends, I think, has a fundraiser going.
Tell us about that briefly.
Yeah, Kyle Chapman, basic man, he's facing some prison time.
He actually was protecting... We're out of time.
Just join us again soon.
Join us again soon.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, we tend to leave the most important show last.
That's why we're in the fourth hour.
Coming up is John Rappaport of NoMoreFakeNews.com.
He's had that side for 15 years.
The globalists claim they trademark copyright fake news.
Saying we're the fake news when we just keep proving what we're saying over and over again.
We just had this breaking FBI helps rescue 84 children from a sex trafficking ring.
That's a new breaking story.
It's almost every day.
But Snopes says there is no uptick in child molesters and child traffickers getting busted.
Even though the numbers show a six-fold increase from 2016, Millie.
Well, Snopes has been caught many times trying to cover for the left and they claim things are false that people have proven to be true.
So I don't really see Snopes as a very accurate source for fact-checking.
And again, it's almost every day we see these busts.
That's right.
And they just keep saying, there's no such thing as pedophilia.
That's why they created the Pizzagate deal.
There was pizza code in the Podesta emails, which the FBI says is for child pornography, cheese pizza, things like that.
Then the CNN, New York Times, Washington Post all focus on a pizza place he'd go to, hoping we'd all cover it and look at it.
We go look at it, cover some of the weird anomalies.
They then say that we said Hillary was in there killing kids in the basement, which we hadn't, and then now write articles every day saying there's no such thing as pedophilia, it's not in the Catholic Church, the Deputy Pope just didn't get arrested, which he did, and it just doesn't exist.
Just like they said there's no sexual abuse in Hollywood.
I've talked to people both in the Hollywood entertainment industry that were sexually molested as kids.
I've talked to people that were sexually molested by high-ranking, high-level politicians when they were underage.
And I can't name names.
It was all off the record.
But I will say that I have no doubt in my mind that eventually these truths will come to light.
And we've been saying this for months.
Now it's in mainstream news.
The Week reports Hollywood shitting on a pedophile scandal.
We've got Corey Feldman hints at naming Hollywood pedophiles.
That's the next big shoe to drop.
And we've got the directors of the film that they're reporting on in The Week, an open secret, in studio tomorrow.
Directors, producers, you name it.
So get ready for that.
David Knight's gonna happen in studio first, 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m.
with The Real News with David Knight.
Now, I was about to hand it over to our guest host who does a great job once a week, and of course that's John Rappaport.
He's taking over here in just a moment, but Lindsey Grathwald, daughter of Larry Grathwald, the Green Beret that was going to college and then just infiltrated the weather underground, was the only person that would be able to do it because he was right there.
They knew he was for real, enrolled before he even tried, where they planned to take over the country and put 50 million of us in death camps and kill half of those 25 million total.
But I was saying, yeah, come back on soon with any other tidbits you didn't get to.
And she said, how about the death of my dad?
I knew he was on a book tour, and he was on a tour following Bill Ayers around the country, the founder and head of the Weather Underground, and the guy that Barack Obama lived with when he was going to college.
And she then brought up the mysterious nature of his death, which I'd never heard about.
So just briefly, please tell us about that.
Yeah, so he was on a break from his book tour in July of 2013 and we had been trying to get a hold of him for, well, I talk to my dad very regularly and long story short,
We couldn't get a hold of him.
He wasn't responding and so I had to, because my dad lived in Cincinnati and I still live here in California, so I had to have someone go and check on him and that's when my aunt discovered that he had passed away.
Because of the fact that he passed away alone and you know there was no
Thank you so much.
Now, the interesting thing about that is that my father, you know, he was a vet, so he went to the VA quite often.
He had had health problems in the past, so he was very adamant about going to the doctor and, you know, keeping himself healthy as much as he could, and he was never diagnosed with lung cancer.
It was very shocking to all of us.
We had all kind of thought that, you know, maybe he had passed away from a heart attack.
I mean, you know, my dad was 60.
He was 67 years old.
So, you know, it was quite possible he could have passed away from a heart attack or a stroke or something like that.
And that's kind of what we had expected.
We did not expect lung cancer.
Well, this sounds very, very, very, very suspicious.
That just sounds basically unheard of.
I remember him being on the air during that book tour, and I said, man, be careful.
He was, as you know, following Bill Ayers, who also had a book tour, around trying to confront him, and then he dies.
Same time.
They both came out with books around the same time, both my dad and Bill Ayers.
So, yeah, it's something that and then when I when I've tried to question it, the investigator who has been lead investigator, you know, that day when they found my father, that person no longer work with the township that.
I mean, basically when I try to get answers, I can't get any answers.
Sure, and he may have had some lung cancer, but they're going to be killing him without anybody knowing.
That sounds very rare.
Could have died from something else.
Then they go in, he has some cancer, they claim, and that's it.
You were talking about one of your associates facing prison time for something out there in San Francisco.
Tell us about that.
He's a great guy.
He's out there.
He was in Berkeley in March and in April when the police stood down and he was out there, you know, defending himself.
Sure, so what happened to him?
Because we're about to be out of time.
He is facing prison time.
So he does, and I gave you guys the website.
It's back to the right, and I remember reading about this, so he gets attacked, he fights back, and not only do Berkeley police let you get attacked, that's admitted, they admit that they're proud of themselves, and they ban even students from having free speech if it's not communist, but then now when they attack you, you then get charged for it.
And so he's facing eight years, possibly eight years prison time for protecting and defending people.
So he's trying to raise money for his, you know, legal defense.
You know, all of us, I mean, it's, you know... Absolutely.
Well, we're out of time, but I want to get him on the show.
I want to get you with a better microphone.
I'm going to send you one, because I think it still is on internal, Mike, not external like you think it is.
But you really have eloquent stuff to say, and we want to do that.
Tell people the URL exactly where they can donate.
Okay, so it is called backtheright.com and if you click on explore and then you click on legal it will take you to where you can donate towards his legal fund and I know that he would be very... This is a war, folks.
Alright, God bless you.
You're a wonderful lady and I see a little princess castle behind you so it looks like your dad's got some grandchildren.
Yes, yes.
That's my daughter.
I was pregnant with her when he passed away, actually.
I never got to meet her.
Yeah, but he does know his grandson.
Yeah, he's very close with him.
He lives on.
Yeah, very proud.
He lives on, and my son talks about him all the time.
He does.
Thank you so much for all you do.
Okay, we're going to hand this over to the one, the only, and I need to get this guy.
He wants to hire reporters and actually do stuff where he's at on the East Coast.
We're going to get that set up soon with the one, the only man over there, John Rupport, NoMoreFakeNews.com.
He's going to take over.
We're going to go to break.
We'll be back in four minutes.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
Thanks, Millie Weaver, today.
Great job.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you.
And thank you, Gavin Wentz, going out there with you, being attacked by Antifa, too.
These are very, very dangerous, evil people.
They want to control the police department so they can falsely charge everybody, but we're going to fight back and stand up against them.
We have huge specials at InfoWarsStore.com that are about to end.
50% off on Brain Force, 50% off on Anthroplex and more.
You are the folks that fund InfoWars.
You are the resistance.
God bless you all.
We'll be back with John Rappaport.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
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I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
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That's 50% off Rainforest Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
John Rappaport here, sitting in for Alex in a fourth hour on InfoWars.
Man, so much to talk about here.
From the perspective of being a reporter, which I've been for 30, 35 years now, here's the thing about the Vegas story.
It's blowing up all over the world.
Way beyond the capacity of major media
Or the cops or the FBI to deal with it.
This is a good thing.
A good thing, folks.
That's why I named my site No More Fake News back in 2001.
Point I'm getting at here is do not let this story go away.
Do not let it die because
As we know, mainstream news has already moved on.
It's over.
Yeah, boy, that was really something.
Now, let's get to Weinstein.
Let's get to this.
Let's get to that.
But what happened in Vegas stays in Vegas.
And what I'm saying is, this is one of these opportunities where the more people that share these stories, the real stories about what really happened there, the real lies, the real contradictions,
The more people are going to wake up as they see how major media are trying to choke this off and narrow it down to one crazy guy who was a shooter.
We don't know why.
We'll never know why.
The usual, right?
But now online, there is so much activity.
About this story.
In so many different places and so many stories being shared.
With millions and millions and millions of people looking and reading and waking up that we are engulfing the major media to the point where they're not even doing any more press conferences in Vegas.
They said that no more.
That's it.
We don't want to hear anything more.
We don't want any of these distractions.
We don't want any of these questions from anybody.
No independent reporters can get in.
We're just going to cancel all the press conferences.
And the people of the Sheriff's Department look like they're really under the gun, and they are.
But if we, independent media, Infowars, keep on putting out more and more stories on the lies that are uncovered, what's going to happen is we own the story.
We own the coverage.
Not them.
They are the liars.
The government is lying.
Major media are lying.
The FBI is lying.
The cops are lying.
Picture it.
They get smaller, we get bigger.
They get smaller, we engulf them.
We expose them.
This is what happens.
This is the seesaw.
I've watched it for a long time.
Since 1982.
Who's on top?
Who's on the bottom?
Independent media?
Major media.
Alternative media?
Major media.
This is our channel, our pipeline to destroy globalism.
That's what's happening, you know?
We're being told time and time and time again that the world is independent, interdependent, interconnected, everything is connected to everything, it's all one gigantic system and we can't possibly secede.
We can't opt out.
It's all too, you know, it's all connected and, you know, we've got this wonderful system and it's getting better all the time.
That's globalism talking.
And now they've got this thing called soft Brexit.
Have you heard of that?
Britain decided, hey, we're out of here.
Bye-bye, European Union.
We're gone.
They took a vote.
Basically because of the immigration policy that was being forced on all of Europe by the European Union.
That's why.
That's what happened.
People in England know what's going on with massive
Unscreened immigration.
They know that the disaster that it is, as it keeps on going and going and going.
So they say, we're getting out of the European Union.
All right.
So now the leaders in England are saying, yeah, but there's this thing called soft Brexit.
And what that means is, yeah, you can leave, but you're really still part of it.
All the trade relations you had before, you still have now.
There's still going to be waves of immigrants, but you can say that you've left the European Union.
I mean, this is how criminal and vicious, disgusting, slimy they are.
People want to get out.
Austria, they want to get out.
I know people in Australia, they want to get out.
Of globalism, of the system.
I don't care what you think about Trump.
Love him, hate him, indifferent, doesn't matter.
But the words that he spoke about globalism and nationalism have spread like wildfire around the world.
You can say, well, he never meant it.
Ah, he's a captive of globalism.
Ah, this, that.
It's all a pawn to put up a job.
I don't care about any of that.
I'm just telling you the effect.
The effect is on and on and on and on as people begin to wake up.
What are we doing in these international prisons called globalism, technocracy?
Why are we all connected in these insane trade deals?
Why do we have to send millions of jobs out of the country to faraway places where they pay slave wages and they have no environmental regulations whatsoever so that people can be poisoned, work 20 hours a day, die,
Bring on the new workers, etc.
Then export all these products back here.
You know, it's a paradise.
It's wonderful, folks.
This is globalism.
They really think this was going to go on forever and nobody was going to notice and nobody would care?
Did limousine liberals in New York really think that all the unemployed people in the Midwest, people who were thrown out of good manufacturing jobs by globalism, would never care, would never raise their voices, would never support somebody who was talking anti-globalism like Trump?
Did they really think that was going to go on forever?
And so like lightning around the world, what's happening is a contagion effect.
People waking up and saying, let's opt out, let's get out.
Let's be the nation we are and try to fix that.
We're not obligated to fix the entire planet all at once.
That's a fantasy.
It always was a fantasy.
It was the talking point of the fascists, the communists, the globalists, socialists, whatever.
We're going to fix everything.
We're going to fix the entire planet and make it really good for everybody.
Yeah, that was the cover story.
That was a lie.
That was the front behind which was the Iron Fist.
We're going to rule the planet and the European Union.
They're one of the major, major, major test runs for globalism.
Let's see what happens if we collect all these European countries that are already socialistic.
And create a bigger one.
We'll be back.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Nootropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen, BrainForce Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
That comes to $50.03.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's $19.96 at Infowarslife.com.
Or simply call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus, or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get...
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth, turmeric, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already.
At 15, incredible.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Back here, John Rappaport sitting in for Alex in a fourth hour.
I'm going to talk about one of the InfoWars products in a minute, but I just want to give you something here.
Look, the socialists, the globalists, they want you to think that everything's free, see?
Hey, free everything for everybody.
Everybody gets everything for free.
Now, the brain dead, of course, buy into this because it sounds great.
Wow, yeah, that's what I've always wanted, is everything for free so I don't have to do anything.
In this world.
I can just float through life and everything is somehow, it just shows up in the mail, whatever, you know?
Everything is free for everybody.
Well, try that out when you get out of college and you see how that works out for you.
What the globalists are really afraid of, terrified of, that somebody somewhere is actually making a living telling the truth.
Somehow that's happening, you see, because that's called free enterprise.
That's called capitalism.
That's called exchanging something of worth for something else of worth, a product.
And InfoWars funds its operation by selling products to people.
People buy the products.
They like them.
They get healthier.
They support the InfoWars.
The information, therefore, continues to get out.
The anti-globalist, pro-individualist, pro-freedom information gets out.
That's a formula.
That's called a formula.
Do you see that?
Product for sale.
People buy the product.
It helps them, makes them feel better, healthier.
That funds the operation.
The operation is to get out the truth.
The truth destroys globalism.
It's like a self-contained operation.
It doesn't depend upon somebody saying, oh, we've got to overthrow everybody and then everybody gets free everything.
No, it doesn't depend on those kinds of lies.
Intentional, vicious lies.
That's called
Open market, free market.
Globalists hate it.
So, Survival Shield X2, nascent iodine, bio-true selenium, 40% off at Infowarsstore.com for a limited time.
It's an example of one of the products I'm talking about.
Survival Shield X2, nascent iodine and bio-true selenium for a massive 40% off
At InfoWarsStore.com and if you're on auto ship 10% more off.
Perfect super combo supporting a healthy thyroid and supercharging your health.
Help support the immune system and thyroid health.
Help fund the InfoWars.
That's what I'm talking about in the fight against globalists.
Get great products that are life changing.
That works.
That really works.
And there are some people out there, they've never been educated about this.
What is this?
What kind of a system is this?
Is this globalism?
No, this is anti-globalism.
This is down right where you live.
Here's the money.
I like it.
It's great.
The money goes over there, those people over there, here, are telling the truth about what's happening in the world.
Waking people up.
That's called voluntary free open market capitalism.
Not crony capitalism, not mega corporations taking over the world, not Rockefeller, not globalists trying to ensnare and entrap
In some serpentine cave the entire planet by saying we're going to give you utopia!
Just the opposite.
You're free.
You can choose.
You can decide.
You can decide how to spend your money.
You can make decisions.
We give you this, you give us that.
That's like a silver bullet to a vampire, folks.
Silver bullet to a vampire.
Because the globalists, they're out to convince people, depend on us.
We love you.
We're the government.
We'll give you what you need.
We know you're disabled.
We know you can't do anything.
We know you're helpless.
We know you have no brain.
We know you can't think for yourself.
We know you're not independent.
We know that you're ignorant.
We know
All of these things and we love you for it.
Because we are the Messiahs.
This is what we are bringing you, a new planet where nothing is necessary from you.
No effort, no time, no imagination, no intelligence, no work, no labor, no vision.
And you get everything for nothing.
Isn't that what everybody wants, really?
Is everything for nothing?
Let's try it out.
Let's see how it works.
Let's go to China and see how it works.
Let's not look at the capitalist operations that are going on in China, you know, the gigantic industry and commerce and trade and everything.
No, let's look at the other side of that.
Where we keep tabs on everybody, and everybody in China, that's a lot of people, folks, is going to be on a facial recognition system.
And people will get points for good behavior, which is very specifically defined.
And if you get good points, you get ahead in life.
If you're a good communist, a good citizen, if you toe the line, if you keep your eyes straight ahead, if you're loyal and unquestioning, if you accept your lot in life,
As assigned to you, you get points.
And if you do the opposite, you get prison.
That's called utopia, folks.
That's called utopia.
That's behind the mask, when you drop the mask of everything for nothing.
That's what you really see, of course.
What else would you think?
Workers of the world unite are going to take over the planet.
How's that going to operate?
We're going to have a gigantic somewhere in the Gobi Desert.
We're going to have a billion workers gather and make decisions about how things are going to be run in the world.
Is that really that's really what's going to happen?
The communists inserted a little thing called, you might remember it called, dictatorship of the proletariat.
And that was, you see, while we're reaching utopia, where everybody loves everybody and shares everything and there's no private property and nobody owns anything, temporarily we need to have a transition phase and we call that the dictatorship of the proletariat.
And that means
Not that the proletariat is the dictatorship, although it sounds that way.
No, it's that the few elite people who really are the wise ones, who can see the total vision of communism, they will rule over everybody else with an iron fist.
They will own all the companies, all the businesses, everything in the country, and decide who produces what, where, and when, and how much, and where it goes, and all of that.
Sounds great, doesn't it?
We'll be back in a few moments to continue the tale.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we're running
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever, 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Nootropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you, and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen, BrainForce Plus is now 50% off, or $19.96.
That comes to $50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's 1996 at Infowarslife.com or simply call toll-free 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth, turmeric, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already.
At 15, incredible.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman, but only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear
Because we're fearless.
We're bold.
Because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win.
We're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com.
You're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible, high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
John Rappaport here in our last segment, fourth hour, sitting in for Alex at InfoWars, talking about globalism.
Globalism says to you, you don't really exist.
I'm getting down to the essentials here of what this war is all about.
You don't really exist, you see, as yourself.
That's an illusion that you have.
You're really part of a great whole.
And this great whole is all moving in a direction that is good for humanity.
And we, the leaders, have seen that.
We know that.
And we're conducting the orchestra to arrive at a much better place.
Who's going to believe that, really?
I mean, you'd have to be a complete moron to buy that tune.
Who are you, anyway, who are leading us in this direction?
The President of the European Union?
Unelected by anybody?
With, you know, a sense of his own entitlement the size of Mount Everest?
That's the guy who sees the future for all of us, who can say to any one of us, you don't really exist as a separate self, as an individual.
That was all an illusion throughout history, but now we know that you are, you know, you're a little cell in a great body, and we are the brain of that body, and we are leading you into a much more glorious future, so come with us.
That's the story, folks.
That's the story of globalism.
It's cheap cheese.
Cheap suit.
Cheap rhetoric.
Only a fool would buy it.
And so we're seeing the rejection of it by more and more people.
Now, you go to a place like Silicon Valley, where the elite tech heads see how they can hook into this machine and make it work for them.
And they're all for globalism.
And they'll tell you how humanity is going to benefit from this, because your brain is going to be hooked up to a supercomputer one day, and then you'll have all the wisdom that ever has existed throughout time and space.
They'll give you the biggest line of BS you've ever heard in your life, because they see a way to hook up and make an advantage for themselves.
And be in a prime position with the surveillance state.
With censorship.
With the CIA.
We'll give you whatever you want.
Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
So naturally, there's suddenly going to be humanitarians of the highest order.
And they're going to lay it on thick and deep, baby.
And so will titans of industry and the military-industrial complex and the neocons and anybody else who can climb on the wagon, university professors who will get grants and stipends and speaking fees and so on, to write all kinds of gibberish about how the individual is out and the group is in.
Which is the history of sociology for the last 50 years.
You could sum it up.
Okay, folks, here's the course.
The individual is out, the group is in.
Have you got it?
Okay, you all get A's.
You don't have to come to class for the rest of the year.
That's it.
That's the lesson.
Globalism wants to take you.
This is not abstract.
They want to take you.
And your family and turn you into little tiny cells in the great body of the future of this planet.
No nations, no borders, no traditions, no customs, no local populations.
What do you think massive immigration and open borders is really all about?
Forget all the hype and this and that and whatever.
That's what it's about.
Let's bring in so many people to so many places that after a while you can't recognize anything as it existed before.
And no one has any memory of the past in that place.
No one can remember the culture, the art, the music, the philosophy, the technology, the science.
It's all gone.
There's just masses of roiling people everywhere on the planet.
That's the precursor to globalism.
That's what it's all about.
That's why it's happening.
And that's why all these vicious front groups are being deployed in order to keep it that way.
To keep the doors open everywhere and to say that anybody who even has a question about this
Who even proposes the possibility of somehow that there should be a ceiling on this immigration is a horrible, criminal, vile, racist, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Because that's the globalist agenda is to keep the doors everywhere open.
That's why.
When they say erase borders, that's not just a slogan.
That's what they're doing.
That's what they're trying to do.
And so, part of the Great Awakening is when people who live in a place called a country that has a name suddenly say, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
We don't want that.
We never did.
We see what you're doing.
We see where you're going.
We're not signing up for that.
No, absolutely not.
The globalists never wanted that kind of conversation.
They never wanted anybody to really see what they were doing, or understand the reason why.
They were hoping to skate by without that ever happening, but... it happened, and it's still happening, all the time.
You can see it, you know it, you can feel it.
How did we wake up one day
And all of a sudden the rhetoric and the doctrine was, you don't really live in America, that's just a fiction.
See, that was an illusion.
You were always living in a much larger sphere, only you didn't see it.
Where did this come from?
Who passed that rule?
Where was that needing that I missed?
Where this was all decided, you see, like it sprang up as if out of nowhere, and everybody was on the same teleprompter.
Oh, sure!
And I'm talking people from the spiritual side of things to the hard political side of things, to the economics.
They have their bases covered.
Oh, yes, we're all together in the cosmos, floating along.
And when we translate that down into earthly existence, we see that there is no more such thing as you or you or any individual.
Where did you get that from?
Who got inside your brain and put that message there?
Because, excuse me, but I seem to remember that when this thing called a republic was formed, and the founders and the documents, you remember that, right?
Declaration, Constitution, so forth, that if you actually read these things now, now, you see that everything was structured to have severely limited government, the absolute opposite of globalism.
In order to maximize the individual and his freedom and his liberty and his vision for himself and his future.
That was the message.
Otherwise, why limit the government?
Come on.
There'd be no reason to limit the government unless the entire stress was on the individual.
We're trying to maximize the liberty of the individual.
And free him from what was historically the chains of oppression.
Divine right to rule of kings and the monarchs and the priest class, theocracies and all of that.
And now, there you are.
Here I am.
This is InfoWars.
Been nice talking with you.
Carry the message forward.
John Rappaport.
See you next time.
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