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Name: 20171017_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 17, 2017
3151 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various global events, including North Korea's nuclear threat, California's gender neutral birth certificate law, and proposed impeachment of President Trump based on accusations of bigotry and race baiting. He talks about the concept of planetary corporate private government and urges spreading information about this issue. The Infowars Store introduces their new organic-based household products line called Emmerich's Essentials, which are free of chemicals and toxins. The products include non-nano zinc oxide sunscreen, DEET-free herbal bug spray, concentrated peppermint mouthwash, unscented body wash, tea tree shampoo, and long-lasting natural deodorant. The Prostagard formula provides a blend of plant-based nutrients and antioxidants to support overall body health, while AnthroPlex combats the destructive effects of pathogens found in food and water, which disrupt hormones and accelerate aging. Jones discusses missing government funds with over 21 trillion dollars unaccounted for outside of the 20 trillion national debt. He talks about President Trump's efforts to direct some of this money towards the people and the challenge of balancing opposing interests within the deep state. Catherine Austin Fitts shares her insight on the financial coup d'état that occurred 20 years ago, involving laundering technology and capital into the tech industry, leading to the domination of selected players outside the law while centralizing the economy and causing inequality. The speaker disagrees with Fitz's belief that many insiders do not know what they are doing and only see their own power grabs, claiming that these people understand the dangerous consequences of their actions. The speaker refers to them as "robber barons" who will stop at nothing to obtain power. The speaker talks about the Trump revolution and populist movements as a sign of a global human awakening to centralization of power. He explains that the flow of money from the government budget to prop up the stock market without considering what is best for the economy leads to a centralization of wealth, which ultimately shrinks the overall economic pie. The speaker suggests three actions: firstly, stopping banking at dishonest institutions and moving to an honest and ethical local credit union or community bank; secondly, working with state legislators to prevent CON CON calls or repealing them if they have been approved; thirdly, enforcing the constitution by taking individual action according to one's abilities. The speaker discusses Hollywood, the NFL, and how people's support for these institutions contributes to their continued existence

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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Tuesday, already the 17th day of October 2017.
We're going to be live here the next four hours.
Well, China is moving to put more troops on its border with North Korea.
That could spark larger war.
And North Korea says they're on the brink of all-out nuclear war at any time.
We'll see if that's just more bluffing, but the Chinese saying they're going to move more troops in is very, very serious.
But meanwhile, here in the U.S., we're worried about
Not letting babies choose to be male or female, but just saying they have no sex at birth.
California first to allow gender-neutral birth certificate laws.
Huge new Russia investigation information and more.
But first, the culture war.
Calls for impeachment based on what?
Supposed bigotry and race-baiting as was recently spewed out on the House floor by Maxine Waters' irrational comrade-in-arms, Representative Al Green?
I rise today on behalf
Of the many who have concluded that enough is enough.
There is one among us who seems to incite hatred, bigotry, and invidious discrimination.
Article 1, that Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America, unmindful of his high duties of his office,
And the dignity and proprieties thereof, and the harmony, respect, and courtesies which ought to exhibit and be maintained in American society, has under the inane pretext of dispensing with political correctness, produced a demonstrable record of inciting white supremacy
Sexism, bigotry, hatred, xenophobia, race-baiting, and racism.
Al Green is one to talk.
Back in May, Green made a big stink about a caller that sounded like he was reading off of a script threatening to lynch Green.
Hey Al Green, we've got an impeachment for you.
It's going to be yours.
In fact, we're going to give you a short trial.
And then Green turned his rage on the American people and the president as if one collar represented a huge swath of public opinion.
You cannot hide hate.
You have to confront hate.
If you allow it to be hidden, there will be people who will quite frankly not believe that the level of hate that exists is there.
And it's so unfortunate that many African Americans have to live knowing that they can be threatened with lynching.
Meanwhile, Steve Bannon had warned President Trump that the haters inside his cabinet would attempt to invoke the 25th Amendment.
The 25th Amendment uses the old, the president's crazy offense, saying, quote, unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, end quote.
Bannon has now given Trump a 30% chance of surviving the presidency.
McClatchy reports Jeffrey Rosen, Constitution Center president, told CBS that it isn't too likely Trump will be removed by his cabinet, even if there is a valid medical issue.
The determination of the president's disability is really a political question, Rosen said.
So that means that the cabinet and the vice president decide what disabled means.
It's not a decision for doctors.
California Representative Brad Sherman also filed articles of impeachment.
While smut king Larry Flint has taken out a full-page ad in the Washington Post offering $10 million for information that would impeach President Trump.
Fortune reports, quote, to succeed impeachment requires unimpeachable evidence.
That's why I'm making this offer.
Buried in Trump's secret tax returns or in other records from his far-flung investments, there may be a smoking gun, Flint writes in the ad.
Did he make some financial quid pro quo with the Russians?
Has the business of the United States been compromised to protect the business of the Trump empire?
We need to flush everything out in the open."
Rampant Don Quixotes chasing windmills continue to plunge into a false narrative, feeding on the promise of Obama's globalist handouts
That the American people and President Trump are desperately trying to reverse.
The more fools like Larry Flint, Eminem, the NFL, etc pile on, the more their support will diminish.
You want to criticize the healing of America?
Keep it to yourself or suffer the consequences of the free market.
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.com.
It's Paul Joseph Watson and the t-shirt has finally arrived.
Nothing triggers safe space snowflakes more than this slogan and my face.
It is the new t-shirt from infowarsstore.com.
Conservatism is the new counterculture.
You've seen how much this triggers the safe space snowflakes.
The left
...controls culture.
They control arts.
They control entertainment.
They have the complete monopoly on culture, which is why conservatism is the new counterculture.
We are striking back in the culture war.
This triggers snowflakes like nothing you've ever seen in your life.
You've seen how much they absolutely hate
The image of my face and that particular slogan, conservatism, is the new counterculture.
This t-shirt is not only a conversation starter, it will trigger the holy hell out of leftists.
It will make me incredibly happy.
It's available right now.
Get yours at infowarsstore.com.
These conspiracy theories were first spread by radio talk show host Alex Jones.
But to get the employee at YouTube on tape admitting that they do it?
I mean, you must be a threat if they call you out by name.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones
Alex Jones.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones, for example.
Time to stop submitting to this parody!
It's time to realize that we're being enslaved!
I heard that on Alex Jones!
InfoWars went even further.
InfoWars, it's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
We are in an information war and we are losing that war.
Nobody can dispute the fact
InfoWars comes to mind.
So right now the war is the InfoWars.
You watch InfoWars?
I got a chair going.
Looking at widely reported information from InfoWars.
I want freedom!
That's what I want!
And that's what you should want!
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're live, broadcasting worldwide on this Tuesday, the 17th day of October 2017.
Why did I end the transmission yesterday getting into the situation in Las Vegas?
Because just like a string you can pull out of a sweater and the whole thing disintegrates, the whole thing comes apart.
The situation in Las Vegas is an example of a 20th century corrupt deep state government running in to a 21st century information age.
We got big developments on that front.
Huge developments on North Korea, the biggest yet.
Giant developments on Russia.
Huge developments on the war on humanity, the war on families, the globalist biological confusion operation, big news out of Europe, big news about the Rhino Republicans in deep trouble.
But before we hit that, I have several stories here that tie into all this.
The Austrian election should terrify Europeans.
That's a CNN report.
And they raise the alarm bell here as globalists and say everywhere libertarians, nationalists and conservatives are winning and that will stop globalism, that will stop world government.
Now here's the big news.
They've gone from denying that there's a planetary corporate private government to now having to admit it in just the last year.
And once we have a real debate about
A private, unelected, global government who, as its worldview and cosmology and system, wants to exterminate the majority of the population with population control, dumb everybody down, and have who's left live under extreme austerity with the so-called elites being above the law and ultra-rich tax exempt.
No one's going to buy that!
And I know I've said this thousands of times, but you're the regular listeners.
We've got to get that information out to everybody on the street so they understand that we've been proven right, you've been proven right, and that this is a new kind of war, a 21st century war, an information war, a legal war, a bureaucratic war, a governmental war, where your
Sovereignty and your decision-making and your resources and your labor and your tax money is transferred into the hands of ultra-rich, above-the-law globalists.
So they hit the alarm bell in CNN, Financial Times of London, Atlantic Monthly, New Yorker, all the establishment fake leftist publications.
And John McCain comes out yesterday after helping keep Obamacare in place and trying to kill tax cuts and trying to get the stock market to implode.
They admit that's their plan.
They're telling you that, oh, we shouldn't have the stock market, we shouldn't have jobs, we never have a 3% growth rate, now it's 3.1.
They're running around cheerleading.
The Federal Reserve keeps raising rates to try to kill the recovery.
And Trump, by the way, just summoned Yellen.
He's summoning Yellen to look for her replacement.
He's looking at removing her before she serves the 10-year term.
Hadn't even served half of it.
Fire her!
That's the thing they're scared of.
The President is the only guy in government that can control the private run for private Federal Reserve under the 1913 Federal Reserve Act.
If you can't get Congress to repeal it, you can sure replace who runs it.
At the New York Fed.
Not the D.C.
Not the Dallas Fed.
Not the Los Angeles Fed.
Not the Kansas City Fed.
But the D.C.
Fed, baby.
All the others are just satellites for processing money.
The Federal Reserve of New York's private, and it sets all policy.
And it's dead in the crosshairs, baby.
So McCain
It comes out, says abandoning obligations of international leadership on half-baked nationalism as unpatriotic as any other tired dogma.
Let me tell you, globalism is the tired dogma.
Globalism is the unelected system.
It's the thing telling Africans they can't have cars or air conditioning.
It's the thing telling Americans you gotta be poor.
As if your prosperity or your freedom hurts the earth.
No, that's the big corrupt elites that want the future for themselves.
So now,
We have McCain coming out and demonizing Americanism.
And boy, does he look like he's on death's doorstep.
And I don't want to see him go, because his failed leadership is the reason we're winning.
Just like Pelosi.
Just hang on, brother.
Hang on hard and long.
Pelosi almost collapsed again yesterday, too.
We've got that video.
Just stay on target.
Stay on target.
Stay there.
Stay at command.
Stay in charge.
Stay at your post.
Go down with the ship.
While we sail off.
Excuse me.
I'm just enjoying myself right now.
So we ought to be really, really happy about all this because it's all unraveling for them and they're hitting full panic mode.
So let's go ahead and play John McCain whistling past the graveyard.
Here it is.
Abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain the last best hope of earth for the sake of some half-baked spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems.
He's got we the people behind him, posing like he's an American.
He's the guy that funded Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
He's the guy involved in every crime you can imagine.
Wants your guns.
Wants open borders.
He's as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history.
Can't even get it out, can you?
Hold on!
Stay at your post!
Keep it going, brother!
Oh yeah, the stock market roaring back, confidence roaring back, veterans now seeing 40 plus percent increase in the amount of actual surgeries they're able to get at the VA.
Just absolutely, let's stop that with this half-baked idea that we don't have some foreign secret TPP run every facet of our lives.
Yes, it's so half-baked to actually have the country run by the people.
It's so half-baked not to let foreign multinational secret boards and have the UN control our immigration policy through the State Department as it did until Trump got into power.
It was the UN, look it up, running the State Department immigration program and the quotas in Europe
If Hungary or Austria says we're not taking a million more Islamists to stand unvetted, they get multi-hundred thousand dollar equivalent euro fines per person they don't let in.
Look it up!
Some unelected EU just took over.
How'd that happen?
We were about to go into the TPP, a total final coup against America.
They were going to shut down the free press, everything.
But the good news is, ladies and gentlemen,
The good news is, ladies and gentlemen, America woke up from its slumber.
We broke out of the coma, and we are rising!
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running.
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever,
50% off and I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Tropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen, BrainForce Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to $50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's $19.96 at InfoWarsLife.com or simply call toll-free 888-919-7483.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus, or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get...
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end in the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm gonna have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth turmeric chaga mushroom bee pollen and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already at 15.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer BrainForce at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLive.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Oh, I apologize for getting in here 30 seconds late, ladies and gentlemen, but there is so much going on behind the scenes.
So many big guests and information we're lining up for you here today.
Coming up in the next three and a half plus hours, we have left what we call InfoWars Live with your host Alex Jones.
That's yours truly.
And Owen Schroer is coming up three o'clock today Central.
After this live broadcast ends with a three-hour transmission, we call The War Room.
If you just tuned in, CNN, all the major globalist publications are panicking.
They thought they were going to have a private corporate world government, where they put their corporate operatives into government, ran them for office, and then had them get together and sign away authority to private multinational secret boards, and they were going to set it up where they had diplomatic immunity.
Many major international banks and brokerage firms now have diplomatic immunity, not just the UN.
This is the new royalty where they are a class, untaxable, unregulatable.
I mean, you hear about the UN every few weeks, where they'll catch some UN official with little kids or women or men chained up as sex slaves, or sometimes just slaves.
Or somebody will be driving 150 miles an hour and the cops pull them over and they say,
I'm a Chinese diplomat in the case of Houston.
There's nothing you can do to me.
And the police have to let him go.
And they have diplomatic attache cases and bags, sometimes whole plane loads.
They go, you cannot search any of this.
You cannot look at any of our bags.
It doesn't matter if there's weapons in them or cocaine in them or heroin in them or anything else in them because we have diplomatic immunity.
And that's what globalism is, a bunch of globalist mega banks, big tech companies, perched on top of you, writing stuff like Obamacare, that made their stocks go up 46% in the first year, globally.
Insurance companies globally, on your back, made 46%.
Now you're wondering why they like the Rhino Republicans.
Now you're wondering why they've got them in place.
Coming up in the next segment, I'm going to get into the full story on Russia.
And look, I like Sean Hannity.
I like what he's doing.
And they put out the story that they're going to break the big Russia news tonight.
And what you do is when the media has ignored something, you then build it up with fanfare and kind of relaunch it, and then it gets the attention it needs.
I just don't engage in that behavior.
And I'm not really saying Sean's doing that, but The Hill newspaper and others are reporting stuff we broke over a year ago in the middle of the campaign on this broadcast.
And we can show you the articles.
We can show you the videos.
In fact, we're going to pull some of those up for you.
But it's not just us.
And I don't like tooting their horn for them, but the New York Times broke all this three years ago.
Now the New York Times has gotten even worse since then, but the truth about Russia has been hiding in plain view.
That's why Hillary always came out up front with Podesta and said Trump was in bed with Russia.
Then the only meeting they've got is his son meeting with a woman for 10 minutes who claims she had dirt on Hillary with Russia.
I said give the guy a medal.
So that's all they've got.
Well, when we come back in the next segment, I'm going to break down the entire story, and I'm going to show you that what's in the hill is already out there.
They've got a little bit more now, so I'm not saying it's a fraud, and I hope Sean Hannity has 100 million viewers tonight, instead of, you know, 4 million.
He's the top show on Fox.
But I can't sit here when the media goes, Bannon's revolution to take down the globalists, and Bannon's revolution to defeat the Rhino Republicans.
It's our revolution, it's his revolution, it's Matt Drudge's revolution, it's Trump's revolution, it's a global revolution against the globalists.
And the media wants to make it about Bannon, and then make something up about him or kill him.
So they were making it about me, saying it's my revolution?
I'd say it wasn't.
So it's a trap!
And you notice now they're calling for Bannon to be brought down and Republican establishments going after him because once you get maneuvered into that kind of shadow president out there as they're trying to build Bannon up to be, then they can kill him, you name it.
And now you've got Mitch McConnell, who wouldn't even meet with Trump a few months ago.
Bannon goes out, gets on his tail.
Exposes him.
We expose him.
Countless others expose the Republican establishment.
We get Roy Moore to win the primary election.
All these other establishment Republicans start resigning or start losing in their special elections.
Democrats are all losing in special elections in every one of them.
So the power structure is on its knees.
Because there's a giant global awakening, a giant fourth turning, a giant political realignment.
They want to make it about a Steve Bannon or an Alex Jones or a Matt Drudge or a Sean Hannity.
Because those are about the four most prominent groups out there, so that they can then target that, and then demonize that group or institution to act like the whole plan was theirs, and hopefully derail it.
But when the public knows it's their plan, instead of the Bannon revolution, or the second American revolution, when the public knows that they are the resistance, you can't put the globalist situation back together again.
So I say that for strategy.
And Bannon will tell you that too.
But let's play Mitch McConnell at the Rose Garden with Trump.
Yesterday, the leader of the Senate, the Senate leader, he says winners make policies and losers go home, implying that, oh, he's up there making policy and that he's still there so he's a winner, this lifetime politician, instead of a maverick like Bannon, who's out there with you and us and everybody else, organizing the revolution against these tyrants.
You've got
Mitch McConnell forced back to heel, forced back to Trump to get on board.
You've got Senator Cotton saying get on board with the president or get out of the party.
It's the will of the people.
You've got McConnell trying to grab
Victory from the jaws of defeat, acting like he's still in charge.
No, you were an arrogant S.O.B.
just a month ago.
Now you've been brought back to heel because you're running scared and we shouldn't compromise with you so you can stab us in the back again!
We want you and we want Paul Ryan out of the party!
We want our country back!
Get out of the way!
We want Obamacare repealed, we want tax cuts, and we want them now, scumbag!
We want corporate tax cuts now!
We have the highest in the world!
Here's Mitch McConnell.
You know, the goal here is to win elections in November.
Back in 2010 and 2012, we nominated several candidates, Christine O'Donnell, Sharon Angle, Todd Akin, Richard Murdoch.
They're not in the Senate.
And the reason for that was that they were not able to appeal to a broader electorate in the general election.
My goal as the leader of the Republican Party in the Senate is to keep us in the majority.
The way you do that is not complicated.
You have to nominate people who can actually win because winners make policy and losers go home.
All right, that's enough.
That's what's got in this place where you compromise.
No, that's not what the public wants.
It's a political realignment.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we're running
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering, for the first time ever, 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Nootropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen, BrainForce Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to $50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's 1996 at Infowarslife.com or simply call toll-free 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end in the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth, turmeric, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already.
At 15, incredible.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Next segment, unbelievable BBC footage of the National Broadcasting Network government run over there.
Taxpayers have to pay money to even have a television, even if you don't subscribe to BBC.
Talk about Big Brother having his brainwashing in place.
They're trying to launch the race war there, saying soccer players should take a knee and hate
British history, when the British system was the first government to outlaw slavery and fought over 50 countries.
It was insane.
To end slavery.
Including the United States.
We think the War of 1812 was about.
So, it's just next level.
And the Germans are joining as well.
I mean, this is just all about hating your country, but oh, who's pushing it?
The big corporate media owned by globalists.
And then coming up, leftist Harvard professor, this is the Democrats in general, outlines plan to impeach Trump, install Hillary as president.
That's on newswars.com and infowars.com.
About the intrepid Steve Watson.
Now let's get to the rest of the story on Russiagate.
And the reason I'm going to be clear about who really broke this first and where is not about credit.
It's about understanding the media cover-up
And why Hillary and others went after Trump for what they themselves had done.
Here's the article up on Infowars.com.
TikTok, huge story on Hillary, Russia, set to drop tonight.
Hannity teases bombshell expose.
I want to be clear, Hannity is a lot of great investigative journalism, has the ear of the president like no one else in media.
Does a great job, has a lot of courage.
I don't want to sit here and say this is not new news to put Hannity out.
Everybody should watch tonight.
Again, I hope 300 million people tune in.
Instead of as customary 4 or 5 million, that's the record show on cable.
But we broke this with Roger Stone early 2016.
We hammered it.
We did hundreds of shows, hundreds of articles.
To where I was asking Roger to stop writing articles about it.
I said, I know the Russian thing's bull, but why are we obsessing on it?
And we're going to go over some of those articles here in just a moment, but you can go back to not just us, because I'd love to say we broke it first.
We broke it last year during the campaign with new information.
But if you want to know who broke it all first, 2015, the New York Times.
Now what Hannity's breaking,
And what the Hill's breaking, the Hill's gone to Hannity and said they broke this.
The Hill that spends half their time attacking here is Truly and Trump.
Really a nasty bag of folks over there.
But the point is, is that they know that's not working now.
They're giving up on the Clintons, so now they're trying to run up underneath Fox News' skirts.
But we broke all this.
That's not the story.
I have to explain that first so people understand that the news knew this.
And that's why they went along with the Russia narrative because Hillary got 30 plus million dollars, the Podestas did.
They sold out gas pipelines, uranium, weapons, top components for jet fighters, missiles.
This has been in the news for years.
This is what the Clinton Foundation was.
Was a place for the Chinese communists and the Russians and the EU and anybody else that had money to come get our secrets and to get Hillary as Secretary of State to sign orders getting around Congress with a little-known law where she can, as Secretary of State, let banned weapons and systems
With a waiver, transfer to that country.
So, again, this is all old news.
But now it's breaking again because there's the headline, FBI Uncovered Russian Bribery Plot Before Obama Administration Approves Controversial Nuclear Deal With Moscow.
And that's what's important.
That's the big takeaway.
Is that what we're now confirming, we already had pieces of, but it's triple confirmed.
We're gonna go over it in a moment.
Obama's Justice Department with Loretta Lynch and the illegal tarmac meetings and all the rest of it with Bill Clinton killed the investigation not only of Hillary's servers before she ever talked to Comey and he lied to the public and said the investigation was ongoing when he closed it and she had the letters that are posted on Infowars.com today.
They killed the investigation, then they had a fake investigation after, when Hillary knew there was no real investigation, she partook in the farce.
It's simply incredible.
So now what's new?
More information about how the FBI was investigating the uranium deal, because there was political pressure on it, it was already open and shut,
And then that investigation got killed, just like Jay Johnson's investigation got killed, along with the FBI's investigation, of the servers that were fully wide open to not just the Pakistanis, but many other foreign governments.
And again, Jay Johnson said, covering his own butt, CYA, that he was ordered to stop the investigation, and not allowed in 20-plus times when they tried to get into it.
So you're going to hear all that tonight.
You heard it here a year and a half ago.
And you heard it in the New York Times in 2015, and that shows you how long this has been going on, and why Podesta and his brother, both up to their eyeballs with the Russians, day one put the Russia narrative on Trump because they had to change the subject.
It's a classic tactic.
The good news is, more and more, Trump's getting some control over the Justice Department, and so the chickens are coming home to roost, and it's a beautiful time to be alive.
But tick-tock, you now know what happened.
Let's go over some of the evidence.
The Hill today.
FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow.
And later, the investigation got shut down.
It's a big, long report.
Kickbacks, pay to play, extortion threats.
Because once Hillary and her people took the money, the Russians started putting the screws to them, like any other government does.
You don't think we don't do that over there in Russia?
Under real detente, that would stop.
And it could be stopped.
But the Cold War never really ended.
Here's the New York Times, just so you know.
Okay, here is October 17th, today.
The Hill.
Here's the New York Times.
June 21st, 2017.
Obama White House knew of Russia election hacking, but delayed telling.
That's Obama ordering the investigation killed.
You can read into the article where Obama ordered the investigation killed during the election.
Oh, but he was mad about it and knew about Trump.
He wasn't mad at Trump.
He was covering for the Democrats.
Now, April 23rd, 2015, New York Times.
Cash flowed to Clinton Foundation amid Russian uranium deal.
There it is.
I just learned about that today, my goodness.
In the... the Hill?
My goodness, what a big, major breaking story.
It's so amazing.
Maybe we'll learn that Trump is the president as well, tomorrow, from them.
Here it is, Jay Johnson, Politico, Jay Johnson, DNC did not want DHH's help following election hack.
You actually read deeper, when he testified to Congress, you can play the clip if you'd like us, they said you're not allowed in without a warrant.
They were blocked from getting in.
Because they're not all criminals in the Justice Department and the FBI.
The FBI finally admits it has a bunch of documents about Bill Clinton's tarmac meeting with Loretta Lynch.
Here it is.
They lied about it.
Comey lied about it.
Town Hall.
Isn't that just special?
We've republished this because there's new documents out now.
Comey planned to end Clinton investigation.
Again, Comey planned to end Clinton investigation months before interviewing Hillary.
And let her know in the document.
Screenshot, please.
Here are the documents, and with him letting them know that they already had killed the investigation two months before he talked to her, and she was let known that information.
Total proof of organized crime, racketeering, obstruction of justice, absconding with evidence, absconding with witnesses,
Colluding with them, fixing testimony, involving criminal conspiracies.
I mean, the list just goes on and on and on.
And we have them if we simply route them and clean up this nest of disgusting, filthy, creepy criminals, including the Republican leadership as well.
We can have our country back and add prosperity back.
We won't be perfect, but we won't be fully run
By a criminal conspiracy trying to transfer power to a world government, setting up judicial exemption for themselves to escape justice.
Because really, world government is just a failing forward of their hijacking of the nation state.
I'm Alex Jones, giving you today's news a year before.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running
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Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth, turmeric, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and more.
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But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
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But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Came in last night at half past ten, that baby of mine wouldn't let me in.
So move it on over, move it on over, move it on over, move it on over.
Move over little dog, cause the big dog's moving in.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
More InfoWars Live as I like to dub it.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
And don't forget, for three hours before I go live, radio slash television, teleprompter free.
We've got David Knight and the Real News.
And that, of course, is 8am to 11am Central Standard Time.
David Knight with the Real News.
I'm going to get into a bunch of culture war and North Korean news, and I'm concerned.
It's highly unusual.
Vegas Massacre Security Guard remains missing.
But don't worry, nuclear war with North Korea isn't a problem.
California first to allow gender neutral birth certificate so you can abuse your baby at birth and just decide to not let them have a gender and then mess with them and confuse them as much as possible.
So that's coming up.
And of course you can also give them HIV and not get in trouble.
That's a new gift you can give in California.
Even the Washington Post was shocked by it and said, no longer a crime giving somebody death.
Before we go any further, ladies and gentlemen, we have some big specials, in fact the biggest we've ever had, that are going to end very, very soon.
You notice we just ended the 20% off the Alexa Pure Breeze air purification system because the U.S.
factory and facility is completely sold out.
They're backordered until the middle of next month.
I mean, your order was already shipped out, but we just don't take orders because they are backordered.
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Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
We also have a final run of ChildEase calming support at InfoWarsTore.com.
I work hard to make sure I can bring the InfoWars crew the highest quality supplements because we cannot source those high quality ingredients for our ChildEase supplement for now.
We are ceasing production for the foreseeable future of a well-known national brand that's been out 30 years but that cannot pass California standards.
In the future, so we're going to discontinuing that very popular brand, it looks like, if they can't hit California standards.
That's why we're announcing, I love how California says you can give somebody AIDS and not get in trouble, HIV, but they got lawyers pass laws, but there's more lead in the atmosphere than there is in, you know, an apple, but if it's manufactured, you know, you can't have it.
So, you know, our stuff's the cleanest, BuzzFeed tested it all, got super angry, it was all California standard.
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The 4,000-plus bottles we have in stock are the only bottles left.
Take advantage of that.
Okay, I'm going to stop right there because I need to get to the news.
Please support our local affiliates as well, and please spread the word whether you're listening on InfoWars.com, on a free app, or on a podcast, or whether you're watching on YouTube.
Realize they're trying to block us.
They're trying to shut us down.
Google executives admit we're the number one enemy to be blocked.
Facebook does it.
But despite that, we're still reaching next-to-record audiences.
We got 86 million viewers, or listeners.
The election week, that we could monitor and track.
By that, how many people listen this way, watch that way, we could see all the numbers.
It was obviously bigger than that.
Our normal highest plateau was about 41 million.
Our new plateau was always about 40 million.
Our low was down there.
Now it's 55, 60 million people a week.
One way or another, listening or watching, and it's thanks to you spreading the word.
But that's why, at the same time, if we're going to go 110% against the enemy and their whole program of deindustrialization and turning everybody against each other, if we're going to bring in true unity by exposing the conspiracy, we've got to go 110%.
So please keep praying for us.
Whatever you do, spread those articles, spread those links, especially to listen to the live feeds or to watch the live feeds.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
The globalists are desperate.
It's a social engineer program funded by Google, Facebook, Twitter, the big mega banks, to have the football players take a knee during the anthem, to create racial division, to create class warfare.
Well now, the tax fair funded BBC, nasty organization that it is, where you have to pay them a yearly fee if you even own a television set, even if you don't watch BBC.
The anti-British, anti-American, anti-freedom-based organization that openly is waging war against the family, you name it.
They have now come out with a piece urging football players, soccer players in their country, to take a knee.
Rather than draping themselves with a flag, British sports stars should take a knee.
So this is what they're saying on the BBC, the garbage they're pushing for the globalists to bring down the nation-state.
Here it is.
British four-star should take a knee during the national anthem.
After President Trump attacked NFL players who joined Colin Kaepernick's refusal to stand during the US national anthem, he sparked a wave of protest.
The players stress that they are not protesting either the anthem or the flag, but racial injustice in America and their right to freedom.
Alright, pause.
Kaepernick gave money to a cop killer group, a group whose head they praise as a cop killer.
This is all globalist division.
This moron thinks he's helping people.
He doesn't get it's not meant to bring in the black power in England.
It's meant to create racism and balkanization and turn everybody against each other and kill unifying events like sports.
Kill their unifying effect, idiot!
You're doing the exact thing you think you're fighting, you stupid twerp.
Let's go back to the BBC moron.
All right, Howard, back it up again.
They have freedom of speech outside of the football field.
They work for that company.
If I ran a catering service that did events, say at baseball games for kids or whatever, and the people selling hot dogs took a knee, I'd say, you know what?
You're causing a disturbance.
You work for me.
You're fired.
You want to go demonstrate and do it on your own time?
It's a load of bull!
Do it!
I'm so sick of these people who think it's so high and mighty to run around stirring up trouble.
Why don't you go to an African country where they still have slavery and protest there, bro?
Or why don't you go to the Middle East?
Oh, no, no.
That's politically incorrect.
You wouldn't do that with all the seven acid attacks every day in London.
You'd rather have folks hate a country that's been open and free.
Let's continue.
Okay, so they put up the American flag and the stars and stripes are made up with the words racism.
So again, a total attack that America in its DNA is bad, so it's got to be overturned by something.
What is that?
That's the globalist.
I'm going to come back and play this unedited.
I'm going to come back, shut up, and play it.
Then we've got an economist, researcher, lady that's worked at the highest levels of globalism, managing tens of billions of dollars, Catherine Austen Fitch to get into the global economy, what the globalists are up to.
We'll also take your phone calls and more.
Second hour is only about a minute and a half away.
Please spread the word.
I'm awake.
Are you?
I want to tell you about some of the products at InfoWarsStore.com.
We are under constant attack.
You know it by now from the mainstream media.
They're trying to attack us on every level.
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We don't get put on extremist lists even though they want us to.
That's how they're taking away the YouTube money.
That's why we need your support more than ever.
Because we're not funded by giant corporations who are now pulling the plug on YouTube as they move it into a TV thing, a Netflix model, to drown out independent voices.
So support us by getting the products at Infowarsstore.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So, the globalists are destroying the nation states.
And so, last week on the BBC, it's a trans model named Burger Dork, I'm not kidding, saying that England's just too bad, get rid of it entirely, there's no way to fix it, just demolish the culture.
That's called a takeover, okay?
No, how about you stop trying to dominate our lives?
But this week, it's this professor, again, government, state-funded, trying to destroy the nation-state, telling you how evil and racist America is, with an image of an American flag made up of the word racism behind him.
Here it is.
British football stars should take a knee during the national anthem.
Trying to kick off the race war in the UK.
After President Trump attacked NFL players who joined Colin Kaepernick's refusal to stand... No, they attacked him for saying it was wrong.
He had his free speech.
And now the NFL's losing most of its money and going bankrupt.
Racism is so deeply ingrained that it is part of the DNA of the nation.
Britain is no different.
The police may not kill as many black people, but is that only because they do not routinely carry guns?
Statistically, the rarest way for a black person to die is by cop.
No, liberalism plagues black people.
Britain was the first country to ban slavery.
Everybody else did it.
But you hope folks don't know that.
Roll back the clock?
Rather than draping themselves in the... No, bringing in third world populations and then teaching them to hate everybody.
That's rolling back the clock.
...should take a knee or clench a fist.
The flag is not a symbol of pride, but oppression.
An anthem praising the monarch is not unifying.
But divisive.
A nation that will not deal with the realities of its racism is not one that the children of the colony... But then why do you want to come into the country so bad if it's so bad?
Never again will I stand... Never again, like it's the Nazis!
All right, that's enough.
Never again.
Get the hell out of the country, you little globalist.
Now let's go to the other delicate genius pushing race baiting and everything.
The trans, because you know we can't have mothers and fathers.
We can't have sexes.
We've got to confuse everything and then weaponize it.
Here is Burgendork up there telling you that England is pure evil.
No doubt it's a country that likes to think of itself as inclusive, but that depends where you're standing.
But there's never a good enough.
Do as I say.
I run your life.
Me, as a transgender mixed-race person, we live in a deeply racist society.
Yes, and I'm your boss.
I will tell you what's good and what's bad.
The government's race audit for England identified discrimination against people of colour in many of our institutions.
And if you go to most areas of Africa, blacks will hack you up with machetes.
Does this surprise you?
It's old news to me and almost a bad joke to identify it now.
It's something that we've known for years, but the political will has not been there to deal with it.
And now we've got to make you guilty and beat you over the head.
Why should we expect anything else from a country that's built its success on the enslavement of non-white people?
She got megabanks taking everybody over.
They're conquering everybody right now.
The corporate borg's here taking over.
It wants us to fight with each other.
This is what's happening.
We're being colonialized by globalism.
We're being totally enslaved.
Anything that was good before is being removed.
People like me who call out racism would be listened to rather than ridiculed or threatened.
Hey, you are!
You're force-fed by state-run media!
That wants to totally conquer the people.
...improvement for people of color.
They need to understand that racism is not learned.
It's the only improver of people of color!
Oh my gosh!
Whites are inherently evil!
Total, complete racism!
Did you just hear what that lady said?
Or that man?
Or that per- that creature?
You literally just said whites are the most evil thing on earth!
What if I said trannies are the most evil force in the universe?
I don't really believe that, but see how bigoted you are, thug head?
You thug?
With a wig on?
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That's Infowarslife.com.
These conspiracy theories were first spread by radio talk show host Alex Jones.
But to get the employee at YouTube on tape admitting that they do it?
I mean, you must be a threat if they call you out by name.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones
There's a guy on the radio.
His name is Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones, for example.
It's time to stop submitting to this tyranny!
It's time to realize that we're being enslaved!
I heard that on Alex Jones!
InfoWars went even further.
InfoWars, it's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
We are in an information war, and we are losing that war.
Nobody can dispute the fact
At your own risk!
InfoWars.com InfoWars comes to mind.
Right now the war is the InfoWars.
You watch InfoWars?
InfoWars.com I want freedom!
That's what I want!
And that's what you should want!
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are now well into the second hour and joining us is Catherine Austin Fitts.
She publishes the great magazine, The Solari Report.
Of course, I'm not going to go over her whole bio, but I wanted to get her on to get into the state of the economy, the Federal Reserve, Trump summoning Yellen to reportedly try to find
Her replacement.
And now, of course, we have Trump saying they're not going to loot Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to fund Obamacare.
Something that Catherine Austin Fitch has talked a lot about.
Catherine is the president of Solari, Inc., an incorporated publisher of the Solari Report and managing member of the Solari Investment Advisory Service, LLC.
Captain of the Service Managing Director and member of the Board of Directors of Wall Street Investment Bank, Dylan Reed & Co.
As Assistant Secretary of Housing at Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush administration and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group.
Catherine was and has operated close to over 25 billion of transactions and investments to date and has led portfolio and investment strategy for 300 billion of financial
Assets, liabilities, Catherine graduated from University of Pennsylvania and worked in school, same place as Trump, and studied Mandarin Chinese and Chinese University of Hong Kong.
And she again joins us to get into a bunch of issues that I want to cover, but she wants to get into something even bigger than what's happening at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
21 trillion missing from US accounts at DOJ,
Alex, I can't believe it.
I'm talking to you, believe it or not, from Washington, D.C., a place I never come.
I'm right in the center of mortar where all the money is going missing.
Well let's talk about that because the what two days before 9-11 it was reported that two plus trillion was missing.
CBS reported it from the Pentagon.
Then it was four plus trillion later and then now the numbers I'm seeing all combined we're talking about 20 plus trillion?
Well, actually, Alex, coming into 9-11, it was $4 trillion.
And I was working with a great investigative reporter here in Washington.
It was about to break a huge story in a magazine that gets delivered to all the Congressional and Senate offices on September 15th.
And it was last work with her editor the weekend before, and then that Monday, when Rumsfeld came out and did his sort of limited hangout of the $2.3 trillion, I made the mistake of saying to her, nothing can stop this story from going mainstream now.
And of course, the next day was 9-11, and so it got buried.
But what has happened, and it started in fiscal 1998, the federal government has been in very significant violation of the laws related to its finances.
Both constitution and financial management laws.
And one of the symptoms of this is that every year there are significant on what's called undocumentable adjustments.
So it's transactions that aren't approved in appropriation, or you can't prove or approved in appropriation and are not transparent as they're required to be.
And it's been going on for literally since 1998.
But then in 2015,
Department of Defense reported 6.5 trillion undocumented adjustments, which is 10 times its budget.
And then HUD almost, I think, 300 billion.
Again, many multiples of its budget.
And it's normal in an accounting operation to have some small percentage of undocumented adjustments.
It wouldn't be considered material.
But this is the equivalent
You know, the work was finally audited and documented by Dr. Mark Skidmore from Michigan State University, and we finally loaded up on my website, if you go to missing.soleri.com, we loaded up all the government documents for every year for both HUD and DOD, because what happened was Dr. Skidmore, who's a full professor
I'm going to prove it wrong.
And so we dug into the documents and then he called me and he said, Oh my God, you're right.
How can this be?
And so this is very significant for two reasons.
One is it's a tremendous amount of money, $65,000 per person.
And when you have the president and Congress saying we don't have enough money for health care or this or that,
You know, I beg to differ.
If we weren't disappearing $65,000 per person, we would.
That's number one.
But the other thing is, when we're going to discuss significant changes in the budget, you know, a great deal is being made out to make the general population profligate and wrong, and they should take responsibility for this.
That's the danger of a balanced budget.
Sure, exactly.
Well, let's get into that in the next segment and ask, you know, how we fix it.
But I want to ask now, we always hear about the $20 trillion deficit, but that's only what's currently owed on the books.
Explain to folks, because if they're new listeners, this was in CBS News, ABC News, back when it was $2 trillion, then $4 trillion, then $6 trillion, then $10 trillion.
You see it occasionally, but it's like this whole other giant thing that's hardly discussed.
It's not denied.
Explain to people what it is and where you think it's going.
Well, what it is, is imagine if you got a report from your bank that you had $1,000 less in your bank account than you showed in your checking account register.
And instead of figuring out what went wrong, you know, did money not get deposited?
Is money disappearing?
You just wrote an item that said undocumentable adjustment and now they balanced.
So the way the government has balanced the books at the end of every year is to just write these undocumented adjustments, which I would say is illegal.
You can't be spending money that you can't document.
Is in compliance, you know, has been approved by Congress, is appropriated under the variety of mechanisms.
So, you know, this is basically illegal.
If a company did it, the stock exchange would shut them down.
Investors would shut them down.
The problem is the federal government can continue to sell bonds in the markets, whether they're in compliance with the laws related to their finances.
The New York Fed member banks are executing these transactions.
It means that
The banks and the contractors who run the payment systems are affecting illegal transactions, and Congress is tolerating that.
And here's the reality.
Crime that pays is crime that stays.
If we want to stop the corruption, then we need the money to be run according to the law.
And that's why this is the 800-pound gorilla in the room.
I've seen Rumsfeld ask this in Congress before, by Cynthia McKinney back when she was there, and he didn't even deny the trillions are missing.
So again, where is it going?
Well, that's the question.
There are many possibilities, and I think some of it is clearly going for black budget operations, but I will tell you, from 1995 to 1995,
The Fortune 500 revenues tracked with the GNP and then suddenly starting in 1996 with globalization, they exploded.
They exploded and grew much faster, and I think a lot of that is coming out from government money.
Let's talk about that exactly.
Just like China, admittedly, props up their stock market, the globalists are using American black money to basically manipulate markets worldwide and then siphon even more off for black budget breakaway civilization projects that make the Manhattan Project look like your kids playing on Christmas morning with a set of Tinker Toys.
We'll be right back with the key.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running the biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
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There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
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I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth, turmeric, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
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50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
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But these specials have got to end!
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Catherine Austin Fitch is a consummate insider who's worked the highest levels of the Clinton administration and others inside HUD.
And the information that she's been breaking in the last
Almost 20 years since she went public has been the heart of much of what we know about the whole shadow global finance and economic system worldwide.
There's over 21 trillion dollars missing outside of the 20 trillion national debt.
That's 41 plus trillion.
Not to mention all the obligations.
What's really going on?
Where is the money going?
Well, it turns out it's just like Communist China props up and manipulates their stock market.
The same thing is happening now, but for special interest.
And what's Trump's big crime?
He's actually directing some of that largesse back towards the people and turning the economy back on.
That's made him big enemies of the globalists because they want to use the control to consolidate power and have austerity for us while they live like kings.
But a bigger question is, if Trump is successful, talking to this great researcher and economist,
Is what he's doing tenable long-term.
If he doesn't get the tax cuts and then doesn't cut the spending.
And how could he ever shut down this private corporate looting of the Treasury?
No wonder they hate him so much.
So we'll get her take on, is Trump a good guy or a bad guy?
And why is the establishment so mad at him?
Katherine Austin Fitch, please continue.
Well, Trump is in the sort of in the middle of this turn, because if you look at his first three months in office, he was very much about moving power back to local areas and the Make America Great Again plan, Alex.
The challenge is from April 1st on, he's done a turn and there's a lot more.
There's a lot more about using the military and defense appropriations to keep the stock market juiced.
He's trying to serve both masters, and of course Goldman Sachs and the Goldman Sachs guys are right in the heart of it.
Now Trump's answer for this is, let me get financial reform and tax reform, and then everybody wins.
So he's trying to switch it, you know, not as much in the military into both.
But he's trying to serve both masters.
I don't think you can do both.
But are you saying his heart's in the right place?
Well, I think if you look at many of his different policies, he's trying to do Make America Great Again, but it falls down in the budget.
I don't think he sees now a way to politically
Switch the money, you know, out of the central banking warfare model, and he's playing... And let's be clear, let's be clear, because Goldman Sachs made, what, 37% more just this year than they ever made before.
Record profits, but still they're waging war because they want the control for themselves.
They don't want a bigger economy for everybody.
They want to have the only economy, correct?
Because you've written a lot about that.
So why are they so enraged at him, despite the fact that he's forced them to change policies and it's only made them richer?
Well, but here's the thing.
Well, they're not enraged with him.
I mean, it was Goldman Sachs was instrumental in getting Trump elected.
So, you know, I think you have
Very significant corporate interests on both sides of that election, and Trump's trying to walk a very delicate line, because if you listen to him and Mnuchin, he's taking the position that the stock market is his metric, and the reality is the stock market is deeply, deeply dependent on the military activities.
Absolutely, but let me break this down.
But if he doesn't prop that up, it all goes.
We know it's parasitic.
We know it stays.
We know it's got big problems.
But still, it's how most companies that employ people operate.
And I know you're the expert on this, but let me get this.
They gave 100 to 1 at Goldman Sachs the money to Hillary.
I'm not disagreeing that once he got in, he brought some of them in to carry out his operations.
I mean, that's what he's got to do.
But I mean, are you saying Goldman Sachs was really behind Trump?
Alex, if you look, as soon as the the Wiener laptop, the FBI got court permission to use the Wiener laptop.
So that week before, Goldman Sachs and Booz Allen started trading up dramatically.
So a Trump election traded, you know, a week before.
So I think Goldman Sachs, you know, usually the investment banks are on both sides, you know, in these campaigns.
But if you certainly see putting in Cohen and putting in Mnuchin, I would say that Goldman Sachs was at least on both sides.
Let me put it to you this way.
Mainstream media, the corporate culture, the foreign governments, the Pope, the EU, the Communist Chinese, I mean, they are in a frothing war against Trump.
From my research, it's a real war.
I know he tried to bring in the establishment and compromise them for America, get them to come in and say, hey, the water's fine, come on in.
So I see him trying to co-op them, and so the other way around.
But still, there's a frothing hatred of him, or is that just show?
There are two things going on.
There's tension in the deep state between the people who want to make sure North America is fine versus the people who really want to sacrifice North America to do the global un-fire.
There you go.
You are so smart.
That's it.
He has a soft spot for America that they see as mentally ill.
They see us as lazy and dumb.
He wants to keep America dominant and that's his crime.
No, but I think you have a lot of very capable people in the military and intelligence who understand that the banker's model is overstretched and in danger.
And as risk managers, they say, we've got to reground back into North America.
So I think that there's a portion of the deep state who I would say is more conservative and wiser than the group back in Clinton.
So I don't think this was the deep state against populism.
I think this is two different factions in the deep state.
And part of the challenge is, you know, I'll be tough.
Trump is under tremendous pressure not to do the Make America Great plan.
He's under tremendous pressure to do, you know, Make Israel Great plan.
And there's a real tension there, and part of it is the stock market again is very dependent on military activities.
I mean, I don't think Trump really ended up planning on being an arms salesman for a dollar a year, but that's part of what happened.
And so for all of us, what we need to do is how do we get
What is healthy for counties and states in America to be good for the stock market and the stock market to be good for us on the ground because we've been through a process of secure advertising more and more of the economy into the stock market in a way that's hurting the basic economy.
We're propping it up with government money.
I, you mentioned very rightly, we have 20 trillion dollars of debt.
Well, if I issue you government bonds and then suck that money through the government budget and use it to make corporations wealthier in a way that's not good for the general economy, we end up where exactly where we've ended up right now.
Alright, I got a lot of my questions in there, because I know what your views are on this, and I know they're accurate, and I wanted you, in your own words, to lay that out, but that's really it.
There's another deep state that isn't out to get America, that realizes that we're the heart of the Renaissance, we need to be rebuilt, not sold out on the altar of globalism.
They're not even against the empire and total globalism and the rest of it, they're just not
This sycophantic, pro-China, pro-communist angle, and I know you're also trained in China, that somehow sees America as an adversary, whereas we have elites saying, why should we kill the golden goose?
Is that a good way to say it?
Yeah, so think of it this way.
You have a group in the deep state who I think would like to optimize the wealth and well-being of 325 million Americans, as opposed to take Silicon Valley, re-engineer labor out of everything and make a few people rich and just say the rest are expendable.
Stay right there, because what you just said is the absolute key to everything.
If you want to see all the fake liberals,
The drooling, wicked tech owners.
They are the most ruthless, slave factory-owning, post-human type folks.
And they say they're liberal all day as their political cover.
I'd say Catherine Austin Fitch is a real liberal.
We'll hear from her on the other side.
Stay with us.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
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They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
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Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
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And when you purchase Brain Force Plus, or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our Fluoride 3, Super Blue, Colloidal Silver, and Iodine Empowered Toothpaste, you get...
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLife.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listeners supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm gonna have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth turmeric chaga mushroom bee pollen.
And more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already.
At 15, incredible.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLive.com.
That's 50% off BrainForce+, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Could not have just heard more important information.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Catherine Austin Fitts has managed $25 billion in transactions and investments just up until a decade ago.
She's published this Solari, the magazine, Solari.com.
It's excellent.
We get it right here at the office.
She's been a managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street Investment Bank, Dylan Reed & Co.
Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Commissioner for the United States Department of Housing.
And Urban Development under the Clintons and became a major whistleblower on the first $4 trillion missing from the Pentagon.
It's now $21 trillion plus going into this deep state apparatus.
But when I talk about how you couldn't be getting more important information, did you just hear her?
If you just joined us, I'm gonna get her to now recap it because I was jumping in a lot because it's so important.
Trump simply wants America to be prosperous as a command base for this major system.
The globalists have decided to absolutely exploit people, what they call a breakaway civilization, replace us with robots to make us obsolete.
As Bill Joy, the co-owner of Sun Microsystems said in 1999, 18 years ago in Wired Magazine.
He went to a conference of 200 plus tech owners.
They unanimously agreed
To begin phasing people out, but first get them hooked up to virtual reality, get them so unhealthy and so drugged out that they sign waiver forms to basically be drugged to death after that.
Now this all sounds insane.
This is the admitted plan.
And all the virtual reality shows that are coming out in movies and, you know, Player One, Ready, all this stuff is their admitted plan.
Not my opinion.
That's why the credibility of this broadcast goes up and up.
Not that I'm that smart.
I have the experts on.
I read the globalist documents.
I'm aware of their plan.
Here comes Trump saying we're going to build a world for humans.
We're going to release the secrets of the universe that they already have found many of.
We're going to deploy the technology to new development.
The globalists are like, no you're not.
The tech giants pose as liberals.
And have the BBC churning out that Europe's evil and families are evil and all the rest of it to make us fight with each other in the final phase of the takeover.
Go ask somebody, does Donald Trump own factories with suicide nets around them?
No, Apple.
Does Donald Trump make his people package more than 200 packages an hour, 200 boxes an hour, until their hands are bleeding?
His factories?
No, it's Amazon.
Does Amazon own its own apartment buildings, 300 square foot coffin apartments, 200 square foot, and charge you more per square foot than anybody else has ever been charged, but makes you basically live there to work for them in a sharecropper situation?
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the truth is they're cold-blooded sickos, but they pose as liberals as their political cover, because traditionally it was liberals that were against child labor.
It was liberals that were against slave labor.
They've taken over the global liberal movement with neoliberalism.
So Catherine Austen Fitch, you've got the floor.
Recap what you've said, lay out these facts for people so they understand what we're facing, and then you talk about the shadow global corporate system, where the 21 trillion is gone.
So Alex, a process started 20 years ago.
It's what I call the financial coup d'etat.
This is the same time the money went missing.
What we've done is government has laundered, or through the governmental mechanism, we have laundered tremendous amounts of technology and tremendous subsidized low capital into the tech industry, including Silicon Valley.
And what we've done is we've made it nearly impossible for small business
The security fraud that ended up in the bailouts or the missing money.
But what you've also done is you've laundered, you've made it possible to pay corporations large amounts of money on government contracts.
They invent the most powerful black budget technology and you let them own that or you launder it into Silicon Valley.
So when you talk to the tech
Billionaires, which I have, they will literally say, well, we can replace all humans with AI and software.
And what they don't understand is that they are massively subsidized by the government.
They really don't understand it.
They're just living in their little bubble.
And what they don't understand is as soon as they achieve that, you know, they'll be thrown overboard, too.
So so the reality is we've got to put small business back in the game, and we've got to put municipalities back in the game.
So this is technology really helps humans.
And makes a difference to the real economy, because centralizing the economy shrinks the pie.
And that is the source of inequality.
It's basically the ability of selected players to operate consistently outside the law, financed with government money.
The ultimate discrimination!
The ultimate discrimination!
And then they admit in their white papers, they distract us with all this culture war and fake stuff, and we should all be unified about equal access to the market, transparency, and having tax money used to build a platform for all of us
Well, you know, I haven't seen Bezos do that, but the reality is what we need is a process where we go back to markets.
In other words, we haven't had markets in this country for decades.
Sure, I was talking about Zuckerberg.
Yeah, Zucker, I call him Faceberg.
So the reality is we need to get back to markets and the problem you have is you've got a win-lose relationship now between information technology systems and the financial system and people in places.
You've got to get that back into a win-win because we don't need a win-lose the other way.
We don't need to help people and then have the stock market crash and the money not make sense.
So you've got a governance structure that has
No integrity.
You've got a information systems that have no integrity in a financial system that has lost a great deal of integrity.
And what we're all talking about is how do you bring integrity?
And what I'm saying is, if you finance criminals doing criminal things that are killing you, you've got to cut off their money.
And that's why I keep talking about enforcing the Constitution and holding the government accountable.
Because if you shut off that secret money, you know, that's being taken illegally,
You have a way of turning this around, because you have one group of players who are operating outside the law, financed with our money, and whether it's the breakaways or the money rolling into Silicon Valley, you've got to address that, which is why I keep coming back to enforce the Constitution.
There's an effort, instead of enforcing the Constitution, to change it, which I believe will basically tear up the Constitution, and that's what they have to do to keep all the money that they've stolen through the financial coup d'etat, whether it was the money in the bailout, the missing money, or God knows what money is disappearing, you know, within the 30 miles around me as we talk.
You're right there in D.C.
and that's why they're so arrogant, that's why they're so angry, and that's why they want to destroy Trump, because he just has the idea of let's think humans have a future, let's make humans valuable, but really all they're trying to do is teach us that we're dehumanized, and that we're bad, so we have no life force, so we have no survival instinct, so we just give up.
Well remember, you've got, in these different groups, you've got basically the East Coast and the West Coast.
You see, you've got D.C., Wall Street,
Silicon Valley and Hollywood.
And when you talk with people in these groups, they really don't know.
They see the bubble that they're in, but they don't see the whole picture.
So you'd be amazed how many people who are in this thing, you know, who could go in a different direction if they had an honest map, which is why it's so important what you're doing with InfoWars.
You're trying to give them an honest map.
But I will tell you there are a lot of people in the system who really don't see the big picture.
A lot who are just going with the flow.
And I hate to say this, Alex, the corruption around this in the general population is significant.
It's not just... Absolutely, we deserve what's happening to us.
We have created the atmosphere and the climate to allow this to happen.
Solari.com, Catherine Austin Fitts, one of the smartest people out there.
This is really just an emergency transmission to humanity.
I don't want to just live for today.
I want to live for my children and grandchildren.
I see how far humanity's come, all the things we've done together.
And people ask, why am I so excited?
Why do I have so much energy?
It's because when you realize that there are a few psychopaths on top,
Who do know what's going on and think they're going to fight over who has the final AI control.
Just as Catherine said, you realize what the stakes are.
We got to go to break.
We come right back to Catherine.
She's going to get to this big point she's got.
And then she's going to talk about more solutions.
And like she said, Constitution, Bill of Rights, bring back transparency.
But the bigger thing she talked about is waking people up.
Getting people involved.
Letting people know they have value to expose this program that is such a fraud.
We'll be right back on the other side of this break.
I'm Alex Jones, and if you're receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
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When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end in the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm gonna have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth turmeric chaga mushroom bee pollen and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
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And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
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50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
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And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
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But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible, high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Rainforest Plus and 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're good.
Ladies and gentlemen, people ask why I get so excited, why I'm jumping in over my guest.
Why I'm so concerned, because I've read hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of white papers 20 years ago, that I've listed and named, many of them here today, where the top tech companies charted the future of humanity, and there is no humanity in that future.
The ultimate anti-human racism, the ultimate elitism, saying they're going to transcend humanity with government-financed DARPA programs,
And the common mind of the people building their breakaway civilization that is designed to make people poor and stupid so they can be basically phased out, saving the earth from an infestation of humans?
That's all this is!
It's like an alien force came and did it!
But it's our own species, with psychopaths, and sociopaths, and control freaks in control.
The only thing I disagree with Catherine Austen Fitch, who's a big insider on all of this, is...
She says a lot of them aren't conscious and don't know what they're doing.
They just see their own bubbles and their own power grabs.
But when you read a lot of their own admissions, they see where it's going.
And there is a mad race.
Not an arms race, but a God race.
As Ray Kurzweil said, the top futurist at Google, I don't believe in God yet.
They know what they're doing.
They know how dangerous it is.
But their mad lust for power.
It's like robber baron meets mad scientist.
They're willing to do anything.
Catherine Austin Fitch, other points you'd like to make on that subject.
Solutions, where you see the Trump revolution going, other populist revolutions.
I mean, as negative as some things are, there is a global human awakening to the centralization of power, to mainstream media, and to Hollywood, to the NFL.
It seems to all be in massive decline.
So let me tell you the good news.
The good news is if you look at the government flows, whether it's the credit, the money going missing, the budget, the reality, Alex, is if we run the government budget to prop up the stock market without thought to what's best for the economy, then you get a centralization of wealth, but you shrink the pie from what it could be.
And the reality is, if we turn it around and create a win-win relationship between people and places in the stock market, we can get a much bigger pie, which is what we need to do.
We need to expand wealth.
The problem with this model is it's shrinking it, you know, down into a few hands.
And so
The good news is it's possible.
There's no economic reason why we can't.
What it requires is a really major turn in the economy.
Now, I posted up on my website notes to support this.
I've got a wonderful piece called How to Enforce the Constitution.
Because what you need for the economy to work is you need law.
What we've got is lawlessness and corruption.
We need law.
So the question is, how does each one of us working in our own lives get that?
Well, there are a number of things you can do.
The banks that are transacting the 21 trillion of illegal transactions,
You know, if we all stop banking at those banks and moved instead to an honest and ethical local credit union or community bank is one thing we can all do.
The second thing we can do is we can work with our state legislators to make sure we don't approve the state call for con cons.
Or, if your state is approved, get it repealed.
And then the third thing is, in the list that I posted at Solari.com, there are lots of ideas of how we can enforce the Constitution, and of course everybody's different.
But if each one of us, and here's the other good news, Alex, it doesn't take everybody.
If 5-10% of the people who want to act, it can make a huge difference, particularly if more are just willing to move their bank.
You know, one of the reasons that people go along with this is they watch the general population supporting the criminals.
I mean, again and again and again, you and I have both experienced the extent to which the general population will put their money in their banks, turn on their media, put their advertising dollar in their media, buy from them.
If we will just shift, it's the safest thing in the world to do, just shift the money.
Ellen Chapman, the attorney who wrote J.P.
Madoff about J.P.
Morgan's complicity in Madoff, estimated in her bid that directly or indirectly, 50% of Americans bank at J.P.
Morgan Chase.
Imagine tomorrow if everyone shifted their money.
It would ring huge bells in Wall Street and Washington.
They'd come to their knees and they'd start changing.
And so you're talking about, we have the ballot box, the grand jury box, the cartridge box, the soap box, but we've also got voting with our dollars, with our feet.
Look at Hollywood, look at the NFL.
That power is the greatest power.
It's why the elites want to get rid of the free market system.
They want to use it to get control.
A limited free market, a crony system.
But once they've gotten control, they want to pull up the levers.
They want to get rid of competition because they know that people can turn against them.
And it's beginning to happen.
You're absolutely right.
You did a fabulous interview with Aaron Rousseau, which I always, I keep republishing on my website.
I use it in presentations, where Aaron explained to you the banker's goal is to chip everybody.
It's the mark of the beast.
And now with the rollout of cryptocurrencies, that's exactly what they're, you know, they're getting all the freedom fighters to prototype their control system.
And China has effectively brought in a cashless system.
Sweden's making you get a chip to get on trains.
It's here.
It's here.
And so, you know, the thing I try and communicate, yes, I've worked at the top of Washington.
Yes, I've worked at the top of Wall Street.
These folks believe in slavery.
One of the reasons the African-American slave trade was canceled was the bankers had no way to perfect collateral.
Digital technology changes that.
And the reason I keep hammering on, now is the time, we've got to do it now.
If we don't get the turn in the next one to five years, the reality is where they want to go is replace all the humans with AI and software, chip us all, and there you are.
It's slavery.
It's that, you know, if it goes the wrong direction, it's that bad.
We have nothing to lose by acting.
Whatever risk you have to take, boy, is it worth it.
And even if someone's not a Christian, you can look at how they're using it as an archetype, Revelation, Daniel, all of it, as a total control system.
So even if you don't believe, you know, that this is real, they're constructing it, they're using it as a blueprint, so they're manifesting it and making it real.
Right, but you have to understand they're not only looking to control you physically, they're looking to literally control your mind.
You're talking about implementing a system that can deliver and does deliver entrainment technology, subliminal programming.
I mean, imagine another 20 years of more aggressive technologies.
We know that they have, you know,
Literally technology that can place thoughts into your head.
Oh yeah, the smartphones are programming people, the flicker rates, that's been declassified.
Catherine, I know you're a busy lady.
Solari.com, everyone should get your magazine, give it to everybody.
Everybody should send your website out, please.
We've got three new shows we're doing, and we're launching more broadcast here, so thank you.
I'd love to get you to be a regular contributor whenever you want to come on.
God bless you, and I look forward to talking to you very, very soon.
Very good.
I'm a huge InfoWar fan.
It's always a pleasure to be on.
Thanks, Alex.
Well, thank you.
Solari.com, Kathryn Austen-Fitz.
Thank you so much for all you do.
What an amazing lady.
And again, folks, I can't help but start frothing when she's on because this is all real.
I mean, if I saw my neighbors getting mugged and I couldn't do anything and I was tied up, I would be really freaking out.
If I was a dog and saw my neighbors getting robbed, I'd be barking.
I mean, I'm really upset because this is an admitted plan.
How do you think we just continue to predict everything that's going to happen?
Because the globalists are running an operation.
We're aware of it.
And the good news is, the fact that there's a world government is now known.
The fact that it's authoritarian is now known.
The fact that it's out to get us is now known.
We're going to defeat this.
It's going to be rough, though.
I'm getting chills, though, right now.
Because it's such an amazing time to be alive, and every one of you, of every color, of every creed, all this race war garbage, the BBC program I played earlier where they said whites are inherently bad people.
That's BBC television, every week, having black people tell you you're inherently evil because you're white.
That's pure racism.
But it's not the black people, it is the globalist media control arm wanting us all at each other's throats.
It's so sick, the machines are taking over!
The globalists are taking over!
Their programming is on the television!
We're all being hit with fluoride and GMO!
We're all getting killed here!
And I'm sick of it!
Wake up and take action!
And fight back with what God gave us through Mother Nature.
We got a bunch of specials that are in today.
The Caveman Bone Broth Ultimate Formula will end today, because it's about to sell out.
Super Melo Vitality is 30% off, despite the fact it's been sold out for a while.
We just got it back in.
Brain Force, the great nootropic, is ending this week.
50% off.
Secret 12, high quality, 40% off.
Survival Shield X2, 40% off.
Bio-True Selenium, 40% off.
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Survival Shield X2, 40% off.
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To sign up for AutoShip so you support us each month.
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I forgot to tell you about that.
We've never done that before.
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And spread the links to newswars.com.
Infowars.com now.
It's a war we believe in humanity.
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I think?
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With Z-Shield and InfoWarsLive.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I told you earlier this year, back in March, that Megyn Kelly would destroy herself coming here to do her hit piece, because I knew she was politically already the walking dead.
Now even CNN, the dead reporting on the dead, the discredited reporting on the discredited, the fake reporting on the frauds, is now talking about NBC's Megyn Kelly problem.
No, Megyn Kelly's problem was going head up against the populist champion, Donald Trump.
And then she thought she'd take on...
The mad Tea Party prophet himself, out in the wilderness!
That's what Time Magazine and Newsweek call me.
That's what they call me in the annals.
The Democratic Party is the Tea Party prophet.
I am very proud to be the crazy prophet out in the wilderness telling you this was coming.
In fact, that's basically what I've seen my mission has been, is to take bullets, to take the stabbings, to take the political drive-by attacks, and to get the people awake and aware of what's going on.
So here she is, earlier this year, back when she was the great, mighty Megyn Kelly, saying she wouldn't come on and co-host with me because I couldn't afford her.
Well, lady, the truth is they're about to cancel your contract.
You don't hunt, you don't fly.
You understand?
Here she is.
That's actually the Drudge's chair right there.
So if we wanted to give her a microphone, she could actually co-host From the Shadows and actually copy Matt Drudge.
I don't think Megyn Kelly can help it.
I can't afford you.
Hey, we're of the people.
We don't have a lot of money around here.
No, I'm serious.
We're just here in Texas, and we are just small-time little guys here.
We're not the big, mighty NBC.
Seriously, though, we should hand her a microphone.
Somebody hand her a microphone on the remote, just in case she wants it.
Okay, I'm gonna stop.
And now here's the CNN piece.
You know, it wasn't long ago when Megyn Kelly seemed to have the media world on a string.
In 12 years at Fox News... And you used her as a darling to launch your assault.
You betrayed her.
She got sucked in by being the darling.
After more than a dozen years... Just like the NFL got sucked in.
I mean the story here is that she got lured by being on Colbert and being on Good Morning America and being a superstar.
The big failed globalist media tricked her from being a teleprompter reading fake conservative into being what she really was and then it destroyed her.
She told America, I hate you.
I hate Trump.
I hate the Second Amendment.
I'm an elitist.
I want to be accepted by the Manhattan establishment.
And America said, good, we're not going to watch you.
And without us, you are nothing.
So let's start it back over, because this is just too rich.
Here it is.
They've now moved from good-looking teleprompter readers to ironic ones thinking their nerd audience will think this is less threatening and cool.
And maybe he looks so quirky and mentally ill, like that vice reporter we saw this week, who could hardly talk, that it must be true because an idiot like this couldn't lie to me.
You see the phases, like shark teeth, of the new fraud they come up with.
And you can't beat the Slimer from Texas.
Let's go back to this twit.
Here he is.
You know, it wasn't long ago when Megyn Kelly seemed to have the media world on a string.
In 12 years at Fox News, she went from afternoon anchor to primetime host to media darling.
Oh my gosh.
As her contract with Fox News neared its end, Kelly was one of the most sought-after television personalities in the year.
She was dominant, listen to you.
After more than a dozen years at Fox News, I have decided to pursue a new challenge.
Oh, you're so cool.
Ultimately, it was NBC that won the Megyn Kelly sweepstakes.
She bet on the winners.
Oh yeah.
Oh, she's on the big shows now.
Is it true that you became a lawyer and you became gay because of Will?
So, what happened?
How did a rising... What happened?
We rejected you.
We're sick of you.
So go off in your leftist corners and die.
You hate us having kids?
You just go die.
How's that sound?
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
You know, I hardly ever even talk about Megyn Kelly's crashing and burning and flipping like a car running off a cliff in a Hollywood movie and exploding in flames down the bottom of a ravine.
Because she was already politically destroyed when she went after Trump.
Then her ratings were cut in half on Fox so she jumped ship as a good mercenary would do over to NBC.
Then she tried to destroy me and others and her ratings went down over 70%.
And now even CNN has to report about NBC's Megyn Kelly's problem.
And the story here, the moral is, going with the establishment when it's crashing and burning, something that only happens every couple hundred years in a major cycle, is not a good idea, even if you're a cold-blooded reptile-type person like Megyn Kelly.
And so it shows how all these empty people think that the bigger the stage, the more produced it is, the more authentic and real it is.
But even the little vapid folks that go watch NBC morning shows realize that Megyn Kelly was always a has-been.
In truth, it was Roger Ailes puppeteering her that made her so popular.
And Megyn Kelly, if she offered to work here, I would refuse to give her a job unless we basically had her working here maybe as a court jester.
She could wear a little propeller hat on her head and she could, I guess, I don't know, maybe take out the garbage?
That's a more
Respectful, honorable position, being a custodian, than being a mercenary.
Maybe we'd allow her to do her pittance here.
Or maybe pay some carbon indulgences to the Vatican or something.
Who knows, ladies and gentlemen.
The whole point is, good old Megyn Kelly has crashed and burned.
The poor little sociopath narcissist didn't even know that when she was here in our studios.
So, Megyn Kelly, for myself and the rest of the American people, you're fired!
And to the NFL and all the little
Trendy types that think they can look down their noses at us.
We are done with you.
We want you out of our lives.
Go away.
Stop trying to sexualize our children.
Stop trying to brain damage our culture and society because you're so twisted and so ugly and so fallen that misery loves company.
And speaking of misery loving company, ladies and gentlemen,
Speaking of the globalists and all the little games that they play, and the different things that they engage in,
We now have the entire Russia investigation unraveling in a big way and more news coming out how indeed it was true what Trump tweeted months ago and that we reported on that Comey, then FBI director, had ended the investigation of Hillary a full two months before he ever interviewed her and there are even documents now released by the FBI showing he engaged in massive fraud and criminal
That is at Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
So the Clinton nest that is Comey and Mueller and all the rest of them is just a pathetic group.
Meanwhile, the New York Times reported back in 2015 that there was a uranium deal that Hillary did selling out the United States.
Of course, we reported on it as well, and last year we reported on the fact that Obama had killed the investigation into the uranium deal, but the Hill
Claims that they broke the news today and Sean Hannity's running with it.
Hey, that's fine.
That's kind of a trick folks do.
Old news becomes new.
It's just that The Hill is always reporting on how I'm fake news when we get more scoops than they ever dreamed of in their life.
But again, here is the New York Times.
Cash flow to Clinton Foundation amid Russian uranium deal 2015, April 23rd.
And of course, Jay Johnson said last year and also in this year, there it is in Politico, that they were ordered not to investigate the DNC server hacks or any of that other information.
And now again, as I mentioned, we know that Comey lied about all that and it really stopped the investigation and had staged fake interviews.
And fake interrogations of Hillary and other cohorts, and that Lynch did meet on the airplane.
There are 30 pages of documents with her criminal meeting with Bill Clinton.
While he was under investigation where obviously she was promising that he was promising that once Hillary stole the election that indeed Loretta Lynch would continue to have that job.
But as you know the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.
Now let me get to this really important news dealing with Korea.
A lot of people say hey we're tired of hearing about Korea.
We're not going to have a big war there.
Well, the truth is...
We're having a war.
We've had a war.
It's been going on since 1949.
Millions of people died in it.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans, and there's a ceasefire.
And the Clintons and the globalists gave nuclear fissile material and delivery systems to Kim Jong-un, and he's been threatening more and more people to the point that China is even having to move troops.
They're starting to move more troops to their border with North Korea, which is a big, big deal.
So yes, I know America has problems, and we've launched some wars we shouldn't have, and I was against those wars.
Back when they were happening.
Back when they were so popular.
Because I knew it was to take out non-radical Muslims and put in radical Muslims.
Nuclear war may break out any moment, says North Korea UN envoy.
Kim In-Rong said North Korea is the only country in the world subjected to such an extreme and direct nuclear threat by the US AP reports.
This is RT.
China plot to deploy army against North Korea could start World War III.
It looks like the world is steamrolling its way to a third world war.
A Max Labow article up on Infowars.com.
And it continues.
The photos of recent highway construction in China could be part of a contingency plan to invade North Korea or amass a huge army on their shared border.
China has admitted that.
Experts fear the newly uncovered plot could stoke the fires of World War III, inevitably involving the United States.
The day before, the Chinese dictator, known as the President, met with Trump earlier this year in Mar-a-Lago.
He actually put out state-run media that U.S.
don't strike the North.
If we have to, we will hit them first.
They've had a lot of wars with Korea.
According to the Express UK, Communist China has traditionally been North Korea's closest ally, but Kim Jong-un's continued nuclear and ballistic missile tests have tested Beijing's patience on the rising tensions worldwide.
These new revelations also come as North Korea has spotted transporting 30 Scud missiles
From the south to the capital to Napu on the North Bay Coast opposite China.
New photos have emerged that reveal the Communist superpower is building a six-lane highway in its
Desolately populated northeast on route to North Korea, with most Chinese peasants not able to afford a luxury of a car, the construction of the G1112G on Xionglu Expressway has led experts to believe it could be used to quick deployment of tanks and troops.
Yeah, that's why the signs on our highways are green.
It's an Eisenhower plan copying the German autobahn that the Germans thought was for their cars.
It was really for
Troops to move on.
And so any country that wants to control its nation or fight outside invaders builds large roads especially up to its borders.
Of course those can be two-way roads.
Not as well.
But that's absolutely true.
New photos have emerged that reveal the Communist superpower is building a six-lane highway.
It's led experts to believe it will be used for quick deployment of tanks and troops on the North Korean border.
The photos obtained by Daily Star show Chinese construction workers digging tunnels through the mountains and massive cranes constructing bridges over rivers.
Remember Lloyd Bank fine?
That's American money.
The 20 plus trillion that's come up missing out of the Pentagon and out of Congress.
Most of it's gone to build up China.
That was the big joke.
Take all of America's money and build up the Communist regime for them and then have them de-industrialize us and leverage out all our jobs because no one can compete.
But then along came the Liberty Movement to educate folks and along came Trump.
So now we've got a fighting chance.
How's that feel, globalist scum that have hijacked DC?
Stay with us.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running the biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus, there's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever, 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
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When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
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There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end in the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm gonna have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth, turmeric, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
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50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus and 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to meet the racist tranny that says all white people basically are inherently genetically evil.
This is the same thing the Nazis said about folks that weren't, quote, Aryan.
And this is brought to you by the state-run media, the BBC, and this is what they air basically 24-7.
This is the culture control of the globalists as they destroy the nation-state, turning the people against themselves, using men like this individual, or this woman, this racist.
We don't know what...
She is, or he is, this racist says that white people are inherently the devil.
Here it is.
If white people want to see an improvement for people of color, they need to understand that racism is not learned, it's inherited, and either consciously or unconsciously passed down through privilege.
The uncomfortable truth is that the white race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on earth.
My worry is that whatever governments do to tinker with institutional racism, it is so ingrained in the fabric of British society that it is too late to do anything about it.
Okay, so let's explain what the social engineers are doing here.
They take the UK that first banned slavery and then fought a bunch of wars to stop it, and they take the strength of a country and turn it against them.
A Christian nation.
They don't talk about slavery going on in Africa or the Middle East right now.
No, no.
There's none of that.
And it puts people like this gentleman, a racist guy wearing a wig, it puts this person up on a pedestal where they then tell you that there's never anything you can do.
There's nothing you can do, you're inherently bad, I'm inherently good, because I'm wearing a wig and dressed like a woman.
Okay, fine, I don't care if you do that, but you're not gonna try to sit there and force-feed young children, as they do in the UK, and they do in the US, with tranny time, where men dressed up like demons, you know, in clown makeup, literal...
Clown makeup, some of these trannies, look like Pennywise, come in and terrorize the children.
It is truly disgusting.
And now California is the first to allow gender-neutral birth certificates so we can abuse children more and tell them they're not a boy or a girl.
Because now being a boy or girl, that hurts someone else's feelings that might not be a boy or girl.
So call yourselves purple penguins in school, not boys and girls.
Because somebody else might be offended.
And this individual, what is his name?
His name, ladies and gentlemen, is Monroe Bergdorke.
I'm not kidding.
On screen, the tranny demon speaking to the kindergarten children as well.
I mean, that is even more horrifying.
But see, if you can... And by the way, it's not just this one case.
In Japan, in Germany, in the UK, in the US, we have footage at children's times all over the country at public schools where huge obese men who look scarier than John Wayne Gacy in demon outfits with horns come and say, I'm a tranny so it's okay if a man
With tattoos all over him, creepily talks to your children.
I said kindergarten.
I'm sorry.
These children look like they're four years old.
I'm sorry.
Pre-K, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the brainwashing.
This is the control.
This is what we're talking about to wage war biologically on humans.
The globalists, under their admitted UNESCO transhumanist program, must first outlaw the two sexes, male and female.
And they've literally already begun it.
And if you refuse to call somebody by G or Z or whatever in California, the crazy governor, Jerry Brown, the same one that legalized giving people HIV that'll kill you, the same governor says he will arrest you.
So, if you don't like your 3-year-old, your 4-year-old, your 5-year-old to have the person in a literal
Get the clown, Pennywise, demon outfit, come and talk to your children.
Imagine if this person came and tried to talk to your children at the park, you wouldn't walk, you'd run.
But as long as they say it's for the children, it's okay.
And in many of these tranny times that they're having at schools,
They are teaching the children that they might not be a boy or a girl, or they might be a boy if they're a girl, or they might be a girl if they're a boy.
This is something adults wouldn't do.
And even Camille Paglia, a well-known professor and a lesbian, has said this is the end of our civilization and is serious, hardcore child abuse of our children.
But I don't care about the mentally ill people that want to dress like demons and get near your children.
They've obviously got a problem.
I mean, this type of stuff always has obsessed with children.
We know it.
The issue is the controllers, that if they can get us through, quote, tolerance, to put up with this, we'll put up with anything.
But in elementary school entrance forms all over the U.S.
and Europe now, they're saying, don't say boy or girl on the entrance form, so they're not tolerant of boy and girl!
They're not tolerant of heterosexuals!
They're not tolerant!
It is a conquering!
It is a takeover!
It is an enslavement!
It is a total!
And complete, absolute mass domination of society with elites telling us that we have to submit to them getting between us and our children with vaccines, with GMOs, with these programs, with Heather has two mommies, Daddy's friend Steve, they love each other, they kiss, they sleep in the bed together.
This is what they're teaching kindergartners.
And everywhere else it's called pedophilia.
But when it's done institutionally, and they can get away with people dressed up like demon clowns with your children.
Pull up Tranny Time in the New York schools.
This was put out in the New York Times, like it's wonderful.
And it's the biggest scary looking group of weirdo pot-bellied men.
Looks like a bunch of Dennis Hasterds running around with clown makeup on, just hopping around rubbing their giant bellies in front of children.
And you're like, what alternate universe is this?
What planet did I wake up in?
But again, it's incrementally to make us submit, to break our will, to make us give in to them, to make us go along with what they want, because all this is is a societal wrecking ball to destroy any semblance of normality, any semblance of basic human biology that you see in the bees, and you see in the birds, and you see in the pinnipeds, and you see in all the other major species of otters.
And of mice, and of cows, and of horses, and of everything else, ladies and gentlemen.
They don't see them out telling pachyderms that it's sexist that there's a male bull and a female cow.
But again, imagine if somebody in a demon outfit showed up next to a baby giraffe and said, Hi, I'm a demon!
Be inclusive!
Don't be mean to me!
Let me wear demon horns and come up and look like a complete alien from another planet!
Let a space alien!
And by the way, this is a program.
They dress up like space aliens all over the United States and all over the world, I told you.
In horrible demon psychopath outfits that make Pennywise look beautiful.
And they show up, and they have their way with your children in demon outfits!
I mean, if you've got men that look like 400-pound goblin demons with your children, there's nothing you ought to put up with!
There isn't a species on the planet that would let something that looks like a space alien get up close to its kids!
But only in America does it happen, and I'm sick of it!
I'm tired of it right now!
I gotta handle it more!
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running the biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus, there's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever, 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Nootropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen, BrainForce Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to 50.03.
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Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's 1996 at Infowarslife.com or simply call toll-free 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our Caveman Ultimate Paleo Bone Broth, Turmeric Chaga Mushroom Bee Pollen and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already.
At 15, incredible.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do.
We're good to go.
On sale right now at Infowarslife.com.
You're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit Infowarsstore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever.
And when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLive.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Battling the technocrats at point-blank range and devastating globalists with hardcore results.
You found it!
The human resistance!
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Alex Jones, your host, and I know what the globalists are doing.
I've read their white papers, I've researched their psychological warfare operations.
I'm gonna break down the secrets of that here in just a moment, then go to our guest with big breaking exclusive news that you won't want to miss, believe me.
But first off, if you're a TV viewer, if you're a radio listener, I'll describe it.
From Germany to Japan to the U.S.
to Canada to England to Australia, there are government-funded programs approved by UNESCO through the Departments of Education to send in men dressed as demons.
And they say, oh, it's a tranny.
And then they're going to teach your kids how nice it is to be a tranny starting at age three.
In fact, we can back that photo out to show you.
Now, it started a few years ago with pot-bellied men dressed as women coming and doing it.
You'd never let somebody do this to your child in a park.
But it's done by the schools, so it's okay.
Now, it's people dressed like Pennywise are even scarier, knowing that if parents will put up with that, it moves the Overton window psychologically, where you'll accept sexualization, you'll accept vaccines, you'll accept forced drugging.
And so all over,
The obscenity of scary men dressed as clowns.
Because once you accept, oh, we're just being accepting, then it's clowns.
Then it's, oh, the Tavistock Institute is assigning thousands of children a year in England at age three for gender reassignment.
Tavistock Institute is MI6 Psychological Warfare Private Bureau.
And they're the ones that came up in the 60s with the plans to break up the family
It is all, ladies and gentlemen, declassified.
So, this is an admitted program.
This is an admitted plan.
And, again, if they can get mammals, not just humans, but any mammal, to accept something dressed like a demon.
I mean, if you dressed like a demon in a field and tried to walk over by a, you know, cows, calves, it would attack you.
If you looked like a person, it wouldn't.
If you were dressed like a classical demon and you went up and did something like this to, you know, a baby giraffe or a baby elephant, you'd get attacked.
But they're training everyone to accept this and saying be tolerant.
No, we can't be tolerant because now they're saying the term mother and father isn't tolerant.
Now they're saying they want to get rid of the term mother and father as well.
So the globalists aren't tolerant.
I see the big feminist publications all the time saying fundamentally white people are bad.
Fundamentally the family's bad.
Fundamentally marriage is a bad thing that's got to be gotten rid of.
This is a conquering
By a group of brainwashed, powerless, normally mentally ill people, in my view, who believe they're part of this beautiful vanguard revolution, having the taxpayers pay to have their genitals cut off, and teaching children how to do it.
So, again, if they can get away with sending demon clowns to your school, in the name of openness, in the name of being libertarians, which I am, then the sky's the limit.
This is child abuse, as Camille Paglia
Has said.
It's like last week, Governor Jerry Brown signed an order where it's not even really a crime, it's like a misdemeanor to knowingly give somebody HIV and kill them.
And they thought I was crazy when I said it was bad.
Even the Washington Post said it's now basically legal, or they said it's now a misdemeanor to kill somebody in California.
You see, because the mental illness gets wilder and wilder and wilder, and there's nobody holding these people back from what they want to do.
So the final frontier is your children.
They're not going to have kids.
They can't procreate.
They cut their genitals off.
Just that's why they like Islam so much.
They cut the women's genitals off.
It's all about forcing you to cut your genitals off.
I've been studying these people, man.
This is a pervert cult.
Run by big, crazy scientists that control the whole thing.
Now, as wild as that sounds, truth stranger than fiction.
Let's go ahead now and shift gears into the next subject, ladies and gentlemen.
It was early 2016 that Roger Stone first came on this broadcast.
He had just recently been the head of the successful Trump campaign.
And he laid out the fact that they were bringing up this Russia narrative to cover for Podesta and his brother in Hillary, who had gotten 30 plus million dollars from the Russians just on a uranium deal.
Now Sean Hannity, great guy, has said he's breaking big exclusive news tonight from the Hill.
The Hill scooped themselves, even though they're going on, and reported what we already knew.
The point is, though, they've been unsuccessful covering this up, so now the Hill's having to admit it.
FBI undercover Russian bribery plot.
Again, FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow.
And that Obama killed the investigation into Hillary and the Podestas and the Russia connection.
Then the media spun that a few months ago that, oh, he killed it into Trump and he's the reason Hillary lost.
No, he killed it because it led right to her doorstep.
And so that's the bombshell.
It's now been confirmed.
They also broke yesterday, something that's old news from two months ago that we broke, that Comey had already exonerated Hillary months before he concluded the investigation, meaning it was a fake investigation at the end.
That's why she chose to speak to him and his investigators.
That was now confirmed.
So it's all coming out.
But if you even go back to the New York Times, cash flow to Clinton Foundation amid Russian uranium deal.
April 23rd, 2015.
This is old news.
The cover-up is old news.
But the media is unable to cover this up now, and I guess now Hannity's been given the green light to go with it, showing their cover-up isn't working.
Remember Jeh Johnson?
Saying, hey, the Democrats wouldn't let us in to their
He said they wouldn't let us into their servers.
They were blocking it.
They said get a warrant.
So everything they accused Trump of is what they did.
Now the man who first broke it all here in great detail is Roger Stone, former head of the Trump campaign, now InfoWars.com correspondent.
Alex, Washington D.C.
is reeling not only because of the revelations by John Solomon and his colleagues at The Hill.
Solomon is a solid reporter.
He is the guy who originally broke the story with Sarah Carter about the super-secret FISA court.
Confirming that the Obama NSA spied on roughly 30,000 Americans for political espionage purposes in violation of the law and the Constitution.
Some of what is about to break is known.
I have a report on what will happen tonight.
But first of all, let's look at the incredible reporting by Solomon, who now proves
That the Obama administration, the U.S.
attorney, Rod Rosenstein, and the associate director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, were in charge of an investigation that detailed massive bribes within the Russian nuclear industry to officials in the United States laying the groundwork
For the approval of the transfer of control of a substantial portion of America's enriched uranium output to a Russian front company controlled by Vladimir Putin.
So the breaking news is, we knew the payoffs were going on, now we're just learning the details and it's being confirmed.
This is sensational.
Well, but here's what we will learn tonight.
My sources tell me that we are going to learn that there was a great deal more than was reported this morning by The Hill in that Hillary's so-called reset with the Russians involved the sale of military technology and enormous payments to John Podesta in connection with that so-called reset.
So, Hillary has been caught with her fingers in the cookie jar yet again.
Now, you remember, Alex, that from the beginning, Hillary claimed she had nothing to do with the committee that approved the transfer of this uranium sale to the Russians.
We now know that's a lie, and we know that John Podesta was among those lining his pockets in the sale of additional military
That is the bombshell that Sean Hannity will reveal in greater detail tonight.
We'll be right back with Roger Stone on the other side.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Nootropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then Brain Force is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen,
Brain Force Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to $50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's 1996 at Infowarslife.com or simply call toll-free 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth, turmeric, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
He's bigger than I am already at 15.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Bolan Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, and 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays?
You're the pretender What if I say I will never surrender?
The only voice inside your head You refuse to hear That I'm the face that you have to fear
I'm the enemy!
So who are you?
We are the resistance.
I love the Democrats trying to seal our term.
We've got Trump and only a few other things in.
We're battling the media, the globalists, the communist Chinese, Silicon Valley, all their slave factories in China, Lloyd Blankfein and Goldman Sachs.
We're taking the Republic back, ladies and gentlemen.
And Trump's forcing a lot of globalists to do his will, but they're fighting to destroy him while they're at it.
Roger Stone's our guest.
And again, I'm not trying to steal thunder from Sean Hannity.
Just the facts are, the Hill and these reporters that he's mentioning, the Hill itself I don't like.
They write a lot of disinfo about me, but they do have some good reporters there.
It's kind of a mixed bag.
Are exposing bombshell info about the details of the uranium deal that was reported on by the New York Times back in 2015 that is super shady, like the rest of our foundation, and the witnesses and the documents, as I told you back at the time, of weapons transfers.
Well, that's all here.
So now we know that Roger Stone was dead on, and we're only putting that out here because he's been to Congress.
They said he's a Russian agent with no evidence.
They've said I am.
So we need to point out that those of us that have been in the crosshairs of this are the ones that, day one, before they ever implicated Roger, he was saying, look, Podesta's gonna have his day, you know, the exact quote was, his day in the shoot, his day in the dock, we'll go back to him.
And then they used that clip from my show and others to say, see,
They knew he was getting Russian info.
What, Russians told us that Podesta was paid off?
It was because we were on the Russia beat that we got put in as the Russian agents.
That's why it's important we get the credit now of being right last year so that people understand why we were targeted for our own protection.
I mean, is that not clear, Roger?
We need to make that clear to people.
No, I think this goes well beyond anything we knew previously.
The FBI... No, I'm saying it confirms everything we said and why we were targeted.
Without any question whatsoever.
First of all, let me point out that John Podesta's Russian business dealings were first revealed in the Panama Papers in January of last year.
And a car just blew up.
She just got killed.
Interestingly, so the reporter who first exposed Podesta was brutally murdered only yesterday by a car bomb.
So Alex, be very careful when you start your car.
These people play for keeps.
But what we now know is that the FBI and the Justice Department had a full-on investigation proving multi-million dollar bribery by the Russians to U.S.
officials both in and out of government
And this information was kept from the committee that made this decision, was kept from the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, was essentially covered up.
Now here's the irony, Alex.
The investigation started under FBI Director Robert Mueller.
It finished under FBI Director James Comey.
It was conducted by FBI Associate Director Andrew McCabe and directed by U.S.
Attorney Rod Rosenstein.
In other words, the exact four individuals now pushing that Trump is colluded with the Russians narrative are the four guys who covered up this connection between the Russians and Hillary and the Russians and massive bribes
Within the Obama administration.
How ironic.
I mean, that's why I'm bringing this up.
I'd even forgotten the point that the Pentagon Papers lady that exposed the Podesta connection, proving what you were already saying, she got blown up and killed yesterday as all this comes to a head.
They tried to T-bone and kill you.
You also got poisoned with polonium.
And obviously the feds asked you not to talk about it anymore.
I mean, this really is out of control.
There's no question whatsoever.
Look, I think tonight's show with Sean Hannity is going to help blow this open even wider when it is learned why Hillary Clinton and Podesta were paid so much by the Russians.
Because it involves the transfer, we will learn, of military technology.
These people would steal a hot stove or
In some cases, they would sell a hot stove.
This goes back to something, as you know, Bill Clinton did during his presidency, selling military targeting, missile targeting technology to the Chinese for campaign contributions, giving the Russians $1 billion that they used to build hardened shelters for a future nuclear attack.
So the Clintons have a long history
And Roger, this is so sensational.
The only reason I brought up the fact that we had first all covered this and that more and more has now come out and that yes, Hannity is breaking new information.
Again, you know I support Hannity.
I'm not in competition with him.
I just need to point out we were right.
We got demonized.
They have congressional hearings where they say you're a Russian agent with no proof and they say I'm a Russian agent with no proof and I'm directed by the Kremlin all because Podesta was desperate to cover this up in the campaign.
That's why we've got to point out why we were targeted.
That's exactly right.
I mean, look, you have to take your hat off to the brilliance of it.
Podesta knows that he and his brother are deeply compromised.
There's the uranium deal, there's the bank deal, there's the Gazprom deal.
Bill and Hillary have been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees, which are really thinly described bribes.
What better way to distract the American people from all of that than to say, oh, look over there!
Donald Trump, he's in bed with Putin.
He's in bed with the Russians.
And have the lapdog media parrot over and over again that they've got total proof and they've got NSA intercepts, and it turns out they did spy illegally, but there's nothing there.
They turned up absolutely nothing.
Not a scintilla of evidence.
Not a shred of evidence that would hold up in a court of law.
It is brilliant, in a way, this strategy of distraction.
I think you pointed it out day before yesterday.
The Clintons and the Democrats have systematically accused Trump of everything that they themselves have been involved in, whether it is sexual assault and the phony charges that they're trying to recycle now against our president, or whether it is scheming and taking payoffs from the Russians.
They're guilty, but they project it onto Donald Trump.
Well, it's like the Epstein deal.
He's on the plane 20-plus times with little girdles being flown to this island.
So they have a Jane Doe file a fake lawsuit claiming Trump did it 20 years ago.
Bill Clinton is.
It turns out it's totally fake, just to cover their bases.
Whatever they've done, they accuse Trump of.
It's incredible.
So let me ask you this question.
We're going to go to break, do five more minutes, but be ruminating on this, Roger Stone.
What do they do next?
It looks like the President's finally getting the Justice Department to do some of its job.
We're learning, confirming, again, Comey.
Did lie, did tell Hillary there was no investigation, did sign a document saying the investigation was over when he still kept the investigation going for two months in public.
That's all coming up.
What's the next shoe to drop coming up straight ahead?
And then, ladies and gentlemen, we have Paul Joseph Watson coming up.
Before we go any further, we need financial support.
You know, he's not joking around about the danger we're in.
And I don't enjoy that fact.
I just trust in God.
And no, it's my mission, because I'm not backing down to these pedophile networks and devil worshipers and globalists, and you see it all just coming out.
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He's about to end on Caveman with all those different superfoods, including the bone broth, the turmeric, the chaga mushroom, the bee pollen, and more.
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Brain Force is ending, I say, this week.
The next few days I've got to end it.
Sheikra 12, X2, Biodrisk Selenium.
But the new specials are Anthroplex and Super Male.
50% off on the Anthroplex, 30% off on Super Male.
But here's the problem.
Those are about to sell out because there's not much of those either.
I have this intention to just blow everything out, ladies and gentlemen, and then I'm going to push mainly in the holidays t-shirts and books and videos and things that we've got a giant array of, but a lot of which I haven't been promoting so much.
They're just sitting there.
So that is all coming up.
Roger Stone, vindicated in triplicate, straight ahead.
I've been vindicated and I'm not saying that like I'm bragging.
We're in a total war.
Praise God and thank you for all your prayers.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty, it's Alex Jones.
By the way, folks, we're not trying to act like we're tough guys here talking about danger.
The main reporter that broke Podesta and the Russia connection in the bank account he had down there in Panama, her car blew up yesterday.
She's an investigative reporter with major news agencies.
So I was just talking to
Well, let's just repeat what you were saying off-air, Roger.
I mean, Podesta attacks you and I by name every time he can.
He shakes with anger when he says our names.
And he is one slimy operator that thought he could sell out our secrets to Russia and get away with it.
And he tried to hang around our necks and our president's neck.
Well, he did.
I mean, let's talk about it.
If anything happens to us, we didn't commit suicide.
And Hillary and Podesta and all them are suspects, number one.
And we know
The courts aren't going to do justice, but I'll tell you this for myself and my family.
Something happens to me!
Everybody knows what to do!
And I'm done talking!
And I'm not worried about it!
But if something happens, justice will be served one way or another!
There's a two-way street in this universe!
You wanna say anything about that, Roger?
Alex, you're not- you're not blowing smoke.
I can tell you that since my testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, the number of death threats against me and my family has almost tripled.
But yesterday, in the wake of our uncovering the fraudulent smear of the President for sexual assault,
They hit an all-time high.
15 different death threats in the last 24 hours.
Now, Alex, my wife celebrated her birthday on Saturday.
We had a surprise party for her, mostly family and friends.
I posted it on Twitter.
And the torrent of invective, the torrent of, we're gonna kill you, we're gonna kill your family.
They even threatened to kill my dogs!
That's how outrageous this has gotten.
I gotta be honest with you, I can't travel without security anymore.
Because of people who wanna just come up to you in the street.
I saw people pouring hot coffee on you when you went out west.
This is now times ten, the death threats against us, simply because we are truth tellers.
Simply because InfoWars has been the first one to expose the Russia-Hillary connection.
So, I'm sick of it.
But if anything happens to me, if they tell you that I was killed in a hunting accident, I don't hunt.
If they tell you that I was killed outside crossing the street, believe me, I look both ways.
I have never felt this kind of danger, but let me say this.
They are not going to shut us up.
We are not going to be intimidated or silenced.
We are going to continue to speak the truth.
And that's why they hate us so much, is because they know we're for real, we're not backing down, we're destroying them.
We're winning.
Well, it's one thing to threaten to kill Mabel, and you threaten to kill my wife, you threaten to kill my children, you threaten to kill my grandchildren, kill my dog.
You're taking on more than you can handle, pal.
I'm sick of these cowards who use fake names on Twitter and Facebook.
I was about to say, historically, it's the right-wingers people better worry about, you know, taking action.
I mean, we don't start fights, we finish them.
I hope all these people understand, they start their real civil war,
I mean, they're going to be in some big trouble.
Well, our people believe in the Second Amendment, and they're trained in the use of firearms, and they're not going to have them withdrawn.
If the government seeks to take our guns, I think they're going to regret it.
This has reached a fever pish of hatred.
And the Clintons have been feeding this, Podestas, but attacking both you and I on his Twitter feed.
For months go by, he doesn't tweet at all.
And then out of the blue, he attacks Roger Stone and Alex Jones.
Because they've got so many enemies.
Why is that?
Why do they hate us so much?
Because we're getting to them, Alex.
Because the truth hurts, and they know that we are telling the truth.
Uh, and it doesn't, it doesn't reflect well on them, now with these revelations today.
And by the way, big credit to John Solomon of The Hill and Sarah- Hold on, hold on!
Come back in here!
Sean Hannity.
Well, always give me credit.
I'm just saying, we've been demonized from first breaking all this, and so that's why I'm just interjecting here.
This validates and proves it's all right.
Do five more minutes with us to finish up on how groundbreaking this Hill article is on the other side.
And then we've got Jack Posobiec hosting this hour.
And Roger and I will be leaving here in about ten minutes.
But let's get Posobiec racked up as well.
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Playing basketball in the dry summer heat really makes me sweat.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, this is the InfoWar.
I want to give our amazing crew credit.
I want to give all the supporters and the affiliates and our listeners credit.
God credit, my family credit, the great guests and members of the crew, like Roger Stone, for where we are.
But listen, we're people.
The globalists are people, too.
They're just ruthless and they're scum.
And they know we're on their heels, and they know we can't give up.
We can't give in, we can't back down.
And yeah, with all their threats and all the stuff they've been doing, and then killing this reporter that exposed Podesta, her car blowing up.
I mean, look at Seth Rich, look at all of it.
I mean, next they'll say her car blew up on its own, but the police aren't saying that down there.
The globalists are getting their clock clean.
Globalism is in major decline.
Nationalism is rising.
Every big pusher of world government is either dying or has brain tumors.
2017 has seen Brzezinski, David Rockefeller, McCain, I don't think he'll make it out of the year.
He looks like he's circling the gates of hell.
And I don't wish for any harm upon them, but they're the bully thugs that funded ISIS and Al Qaeda to kill all the Christians in Syria.
They're the people coming for us and coming for our rights and engaging in all the psychological warfare operations.
Man, it's like claustrophobia.
I want them off of me.
I'm not scared.
I want to get them out of the way.
I mean, I'm fleeing forward, and their whole house of cards is coming down right now.
Roger Stone's got some closing comments on how powerful this Big Hill report is, validating everything the New York Times said in 2015, everything we said in 2016 in our sources, and why they put the Russia narrative around all of our necks.
Myself, Roger Stone more than anybody, Paul Manafort, you name it, because the truth was they were the ones behind it.
So Jack Posobiec, breaking all this down, what do you make of how big these revelations are?
Alex, I want to explain some of this for people that are looking at it from the outside to understand how unprecedented of an operation this is.
We're talking about the FBI, and it's outlined in this report here, sending and recruiting sources and informants actually overseas
Working beyond the U.S.
Now this is something that would definitely put them in a jurisdictional area where CIA is going to have a lot of coverage over these activities and what's going on in terms of this.
The FBI isn't just going to be running sources throughout all of Russia tying up with these guys without CIA backing or at least some cover so they understand what's going on and they don't run parallel investigations.
So, this is something, the fact that this was known by Eric Holder, the fact that it got to be so big that charges were leveled against these Russian leaders, this is much further beyond the FBI.
Yes, that's what they're confirming now, but the FBI does not have the ability to operate with impunity overseas.
This all has to fall under the purview of the ambassador of the station chief that's over there at the Moscow and Moscow and I expect that there are many more people at the highest levels of government.
Clapper obviously as DNI would have known about this.
And Alicia had until they basically blew your cover you were doing this as a private citizen being politically involved with Trump that you've been in naval intelligence and worked at classified facilities around the world and so you can actually speak to this but this is quite an investigation and I want to be clear I'm not poo-pooing that they didn't break some big new stuff
I'm only pointing out it validates everything that myself, Roger, and you, you've been accused of being a Russian agent, anybody that's patriotic to America that actually doesn't sell out to the shy comms or Russia or the Middle East, the Saudi Arabians, we're called the foreign agents with no evidence because that's what spies do.
When you catch them, they point at you and say, no, no, you're the spy.
And once again, Alex, it's not the investigation, it's the cover-up.
As Jack just pointed out, Eric Holder was full aware of the fruits of this investigation, and he serves on the Overseas Private Investment Board that approved the uranium sale, but this information was withheld from that board.
So, again, they're caught in their own cover-up.
And who's involved?
Mueller, Comey, McCabe.
Rosenstein, the very guys leading the charge now, accusing our president of colluding with the Russians, for which they have produced no evidence whatsoever.
So the splashback on this in the next 48 hours will be extraordinary, and as you point out, it validates everything we have reported here at InfoWars from the beginning, going back to early last year.
And again, if people joined us just now, this is like an eight-page report from the Hill.
FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot for Obama administration to prove controversial nuclear deal with Moscow.
It was known Hillary was still allowed to do it.
Other deals, weapons technology, they had documents, they had witnesses, they have the whole thing.
Hillary thought she was going to win the presidency.
They didn't care.
Obama killed the Russia investigation.
Never mind.
He killed the Russia investigation because he knew
Hey, I gotta go.
I gotta go.
I gotta go.
I love you.
Alex, what they're going to try to do here is to say that, oh, this has been answered and litigated, that this has already been done before.
Hillary Clinton tries to do this at the same time when they bring up sort of Bill Clinton's discretions in the past.
She says, oh, it's been litigated.
She'll try to say that the FBI investigated and there was nothing done.
Well, now we found that all of this stuff was going on as far back as the original Mueller years.
It was continued under Comey, who was, of course, handpicked by Mueller to replace him.
And that's why Mueller's so desperate, because he's a kingpin.
Yes, he was the one.
He's always been the bag man.
He actually delivers the Russians the goods and it's all confirmed!
And we now know.
Imagine if you had URI or Roger on the tarmac.
Here's the uranium.
And then they're saying we're the Russian agents.
They're gonna say, they're gonna say, who gave Alex Jones the uranium?
And then I guess the worry would be that you would keep it for yourselves and use the power of the InfoWars studio down there.
But no, it's completely unbelievable because Mueller, of course, and this goes back, Alex, to the stuff that you've been talking about for the last 15 years.
All of the stuff that came out in the Patriot Act and warrantless wiretapping, all of the stuff where they're now moving in with Russia.
And you notice that on the Russian side, they were very careful to exclude Vladimir Putin or any of the other major oligarchs in Russia.
They targeted on this one specific guy and they said, look, someone needs to go down.
It's going to be this guy.
And oh, by the way, he just happened to be a rival of Putin's in within Russian government and Russian political circles.
So it almost begs the question, were the Clintons and the Obama administration actually colluding to do the bidding of Vladimir Putin?
So now we're learning that the stuff that they're turning on us, this is how they knew about all this because they were the ones doing it all along with the Russians.
They were the ones with the Russian intel contacts.
Patriot talk show host, Naval Intelligence, you're going to break all this down coming up as you take over.
Two more minutes left, Roger, your audio's back.
This is so sensational, I even forgot about the former FBI director delivering uranium to Russia as part of this deal on a tarmac again!
I mean, you can't make this up!
No, and the irony of having Robert Mueller now sitting in judgment on the President, let's be very clear.
He is going to, excuse the expression, bring some trumped up charges against our president.
This is coming just as sure as the sun comes up in the morning.
And anyone who doesn't see this is being naive.
And why did the president say today that he's not going to fire Mueller?
Deeply disappointed.
I think his advisors convinced him that the firestorm would be too great and that he should simply tough it out.
I think the fact that Mueller auditioned, interviewed with the president for Comey's job the day after Comey was fired
That's a conflict of interest.
Once he was passed over for that job, it created a motive for his efforts.
We forget he admittedly delivered the uranium in the illegal deal.
But how about him?
He's literally a James Bond villain.
I mean, this guy's a joke!
And if we had a real Attorney General...
Who is committed to enforcing the law.
Right now, the guys facing prosecution would be Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, and McCabe.
Instead, who's in their crosshairs but Donald J. Trump?
Just outrageous.
Alright, Jack Posobiec's taking over.
My head is spinning.
Please pray for Infowars.
Please pray for all the guests.
And please pray for justice because we're fighting to take our country back, but it is neck and neck with these evil forces.
And I'd even forgotten that Mueller was the bag man for the uranium deal.
And of course he ordered the investigation shut down.
He's the one delivering the goods!
I mean, these people are hardcore criminals!
We'll be right back with Jack Posobiec.
We'll get into Vegas as well.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running the biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
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I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end in the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
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50% off Caveman, but only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
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But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Rainforest Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Jack Posobiec filling in here, fourth hour.
A lot of stuff that we want to break down today.
There's so much news, there's absolutely so much news that's going on in the country.
I spoke last night in Northern Virginia to a group of Citizens for Trump patriots.
They were trying to just wrap their heads around this.
There are people that have been involved for so many years and they said they've never seen anything like this going on in our country and that is why folks,
I really want to tell you about something important, and that is at theinfowarstoredoor.com right now.
If you guys go there, if you head out to it, there are so many specials.
The Supermail Vitality has now just come back on special.
This is how you support the broadcast.
This is how you can support the InfoWar, keeping all of this going.
Keeping it all out there so we can explain what is going on to everybody.
So it's the combo pack super male vitality with the bio true selenium.
Of course, super male.
It's got that powerful concentration, the herbs, the extracts.
It is.
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When I traveled down to Austin, I saw every single desk there at the info studio had a bottle of super male on it.
Well, the guys, at least all the all the ladies were having the super female.
And it was it's absolutely incredible.
The fact that it's now on sale 30 percent off one of the other sales that is still being run right now is, of course, the brain force 50 percent off.
Can't believe they actually took that much off the price, but that's what they're doing right now.
There's also 50 percent off caveman with brave for with brain force.
I'm telling you guys, if when you try this stuff and I tried it for the
It doesn't make you feel jittery.
It doesn't make you feel so wired up like, you know, an energy drink would, like a Monster or a Red Bull.
This stuff, it gives you this kind of clarity.
You feel a little warm.
I actually felt a little warm.
That's just my own personal experience.
But in a good way, right?
In a good way.
Almost like having a cup of coffee and you felt warm, you feel good, you are ready to go forward.
And it doesn't give you that crash that a sugary drink was.
It doesn't make you feel all wired out.
That's why I like the BrainForce.
And that's why I can't believe that they actually have it at 50% off.
I believe it's just going to be this week.
So if you want that 50% off, you've got to get in and get it this week, all the way down $19.96 right now.
And it's amazing.
Thank you so much, guys, for going to Infowarestore.com and supporting the broadcast, supporting everything we have to go on forward here.
So one of the things that I was just checking out in the break, I actually went and pulled up the old report from Wikileaks to read what they reported, a 2009 cable that came out.
And they put it up on their Twitter account, so I put, I retweeted it to my Twitter, so you guys, if you guys go to Twitter at Jack Posobiec, you'll see it there.
And it says, Action Request.
Embassy Moscow is requested to alert at the highest appropriate levels the Russian Federation.
That FBI Director Mueller plans to deliver the highly enriched uranium sample once he arrives to Moscow on September 21st.
Now remember, this is back in 2009.
The embassy has requested to convey the information with regards to the chain of custody and request details on the Russian Federation's plan for picking up the material.
The embassy has also requested to reconfirm
The understanding from FSB verbally that there'll be no issue with the Russian Ministry of Aviation.
So folks, you look at all of the different players that are involved here, right?
You look at all of the different players, and this is Wikileaks, this has come out.
Oh, excuse me.
This actually was 2008.
So they released it 2009.
We're probably looking at September 21st, 2008, which is very interesting.
And we'll have to go back and verify which year it was because if it was 2008, that's actually the final year of the Bush administration prior to Barack Obama taking office not very long later in 2009.
But that's definitely a big interest.
But what we've seen, folks,
Is that Mueller, Comey, and all of these people have been running their own deep state, their own shadow government, aside from whoever is president.
They're continuing on to do whatever it is that their plans have been.
They're working at the highest levels of our government and the highest levels of the government of Russia.
So when we look at these situations, we're seeing the cable, yes, was 2009 August.
So that's what we have to do.
We have to figure out when exactly the trip was, whether it was 2008 or 2009.
But when it comes down to it, folks, with all of these people are authorized to know about a trip like this, to know that there's going to be a drop off, of course, of uranium, highly enriched uranium, one of the most controlled and watched substances in the entire world.
This is not going to be something that's only contained at the FBI level.
All right.
When you involve the ambassador, you're automatically involving U.S.
We see in the cable, in the leaked cable, that it also involved Russian intelligence, the FSB.
The FSB is one of the pre the.
Successor agencies to the KGB.
So the KGB was under USSR FSB is basically a Federal Security Bureau is kind of how it translates is is basically their version of the CIA.
They also have no other organizations like GRU and ones that go out there.
But FSB is basically the lead what we know then is that there is much wider
Understanding of these connections, much deeper connections between their government intelligence services and our government's intelligence services.
So it also begs the question then, if these connections, if these relationships were had as far back as 2009, if these investigations, even as it has been reported in the Hill, were going back, going on as far back as 2009,
Then what exactly are they investigating now when it comes to this question of did Russian intelligence collude with the Trump campaign?
So if you go with me on this, they're telling us that they had Russian intelligence and all of these Russian active investigations going for almost a decade at this point.
But now they're going to tell us that they're opening new investigations on Russian intelligence.
Well, it turns out that you guys were already working with Russian intelligence as far back as 2009.
So you see how it's totally flipped around.
If they were working with Russian intelligence as far back as 2009, what exactly are they investigating today?
What is it that Mueller is up to when it comes to Trump?
Couldn't he just call his buddies at FSB that he met with when he flew over there and
We're good.
We connect the dots that nobody wants us to connect, and to ask these questions is to know the answer.
Because if they knew what the Russians were doing as far back as 2009-2010, if they were colluding with the Russians, covering up the Clinton investigations, covering up their involvement in all of these deals with millions of dollars flowing, then clearly they would have known if Russia was involved with Donald Trump, which we know now that he wasn't, because they haven't been able to produce any evidence.
Instead, what we've seen is evidence of this racketeering scheme, millions of dollars, witness statements, actual documents, hard evidence.
Where are the congressional hearings?
Where are the indictments?
Why isn't the House Select Committee on Intelligence calling Robert Mueller
We're good to go.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running the biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus, there's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States, we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever,
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I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
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Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's $19.96 at Infowarslife.com.
Or simply call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus, or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our Fluoride Free, Super Blue, Colloidal Silver, and Iodine Empowered Toothpaste, you get
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth, turmeric, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already at 15.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman, but only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Rainforest Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Jack Posobiec sitting in, fourth hour.
We just covered all of the latest and breaking knowledge that's been revealed to us regarding the collusion between Hillary Clinton, the Russians, Barack Obama, and Robert Mueller smack dab at the heart of all of it.
Everything that's breaking down.
Alex reminded us, of course, about the highly enriched uranium that Robert Mueller personally flew himself.
To the Russian Federation working with FSB.
This sounds like the plot of the worst Tom Clancy novel you've ever heard, but unfortunately we're living through it ourselves, folks, and that is what we're going to be breaking down every day here.
Now, a lot of people want to know
We talk about how the InfoWars, the InfoWar I should say, is funded by the listeners, right?
That's where all of this comes up.
But where does the left get their funding for these operations?
Where does the left get their funding for these programs, for all of the social justice activism, for all of these attacks that they're launching on our freedom, on our liberty?
On our way of life, on our traditions.
Where do they get the funding for all this?
Because we know it's not cheap.
We know these global programs, we know these things have massive price tags on them.
How are they getting funding for this?
Well, there's a new report out of the Wall Street Journal today.
So, this is not something, of course they're gonna call us conspiracy theories every time we mention this guy's name, but it's George Soros, again, everyone's favorite demon.
This guy, George Soros, he's transferring 18 billion dollars.
of his personal wealth to the Open Society Foundation.
That is the political arm of his organization.
Now, this is a massive, massive move.
Over the entire span of George Soros' career, the Open Society Foundation has only spent about $14 billion.
And that's billion with a B. You're talking about more money than the Defense Department of some countries.
More money than some countries spend on their national security, their military.
George Soros is spending this money on
It's interesting because when I was younger,
And I'm not an old guy, I'm 32.
But when I was younger, when you did philanthropy, right?
When you did humanitarian work, when you had donations, you would donate to help the people in those areas, right?
So you would, they would say, I would say stuff like, send money to help the rainforest.
We sent the money to the rainforest, that's what all the liberals used to say.
And then they used to say, well, we need to help Africa, we need to feed Africa.
So you'd buy money to get food, and then you'd send the food to Africa.
But now it's George Soros who's come along and said, no, no, no.
What we need to do is we need to help those people by importing them from their countries and bringing them into our countries, bringing them into America, bringing them into Europe, bringing them into different parts of the world where they didn't live to begin with, to allow them to live off of
We're good to go.
Is being invested by George Soros.
Now look, George Soros is 87 years old.
George Soros knows that his time, at least in the physical world, in this world, he's not long for it, right?
He's getting up there in age.
He's not going to be around forever.
So this is his way of making sure that his money
Is spent for social welfare, excuse me, social justice programs on all of these things.
These and we've got, yeah, we've got it up on the InfoWars website right now.
If you guys go to InfoWars.com, you can see it there.
What he's doing is he's setting it up.
This is also helps him, by the way, with the death tax, right?
This helps him keep away from that because that money is now going to be in the foundation.
So instead of him having to worry or his descendants, his son, Alex Soros, having to worry about paying that death tax that Obama put in.
He will now actually be able to just give it to the foundation and the foundation will be able to spend it however they want.
That is the money that we've reported so often goes to Antifa, that goes to these groups like Black Lives Matter, that have put so many of American cities on fire.
This is what he's doing.
He's setting it up so that even if he passes away, right, which the guy's an investor, right?
He understands how to speculate.
He understands how to look five and ten years down the road.
He knows he's not going to be around forever.
So this is his down payment on keeping the resistance, as they call it,
I don't
I think?
No, they're the ones who've been pushing this program, have been pushing this agenda for years and years, and their momentum almost reached a fever pitch, if you will, right before Donald Trump was elected.
And now you're seeing the backlash to that.
Now you're seeing the backlash to their massive Great Leap Forward.
Chairman Mao, the Great Leap Forward, that's what he had in Communist China.
Soviet Russia, they had Stalin's five-year plans.
That is what Soros is pushing forward now.
He's pushing a great leap forward in terms of this multicultural demographic replacement, the multicultural migration of these peoples into the U.S., into Europe, and pushing for more and more of these social justice programs.
The $18 billion.
You know, it's interesting because the media will come and comment on us and they say, well,
You know, he and Alex Jones, well, they just say that everything goes back to Soros, that Soros is behind this, that Soros is behind that.
And I'll say, well, I've got documents that prove that he is.
I've actually tracked the funding.
I've actually gone in.
You can, because charities, right, this is all done under the auspices of charity.
That's the hilarious part about this.
They've set up the charity laws and the charitable giving laws because we're charitable people, especially in America.
We want to actually help.
But what these people do is they twist
The charity laws around to make their left-wing progressive globalist policies be considered charity.
And so all of this money is considered a write-off to charity.
It's like Hillary Clinton.
They said, they said, are you going to give back the $250,000 that Harvey Weinstein gave to the Clinton Foundation?
He said, well, no, I don't have to give it back because that was money he donated to charity.
And the Clinton Foundation was a charity and we already spent it on charitable causes.
And it's like,
Uh, can you actually point to something that you spent the money on other than yourself, the destruction of Haiti, and your daughter's wedding, Mrs. Clinton?
Mrs. Clinton, and then she's, you know, she's, she's tossing coffee over the back of her head again while she, while she goes down as she claims.
So this $18 billion, it's a down payment.
A down payment on the globalists' war against liberty, the war against freedom, the war against turning back our countries to sovereign powers.
It's a war against sovereignty.
That is what this $18 billion is a down payment on.
And his son Alex Soros, he's tied in with so many of these same individuals that his father is.
He's tied in at higher levels.
He's much, much younger than his father.
He is, I think, been groomed by his father.
You can kind of see to step in and fill his shoes when he goes away when he does pass away.
So that is what the 18 billion is.
So they're not going anywhere soon, folks.
We've got Donald Trump in office, and that's one guy.
That's one major, major beachhead that we've taken against.
Globalism and against these forces, but there's so much more we need to do as a people.
That's why we've got to be here every single day breaking down what they're doing breaking down these things looking forward.
They're thinking forward.
We're going to be thinking 10 steps forward because we see this 18 billion and we're going to conduct
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
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And when you purchase Brain Force Plus, or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get...
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm gonna have to end even sooner our Caveman Ultimate Paleo Bone Broth Turmeric Chaga Mushroom Bee Pollen.
And more concentrate.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already at 15.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman, but only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of
We're all in this together.
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Yet our best-trained, best-educated, best-equipped, best-prepared troops refuse to fight.
Matter of fact, it's safe to say that they would rather switch than fight!
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on, for your mind.
Finishing out the fourth hour of InfoWars today, the big fourth hour.
Alex Jones, Jack Posobie riding in the saddle, pushing things out.
I want to tee up War Room coming up later today, right after this, just starting in about 15 minutes.
Owen Schroyer, Roger Stone are coming on, and I'm told they are going to have a huge surprise guest.
But unfortunately, well, I should say unfortunately for me,
They can't actually announce the name of the guest because they need to protect their identity.
Yes, it's actually someone who was an eyewitness, but almost a victim of the Mandalay Bay shooting out in Las Vegas.
Someone who's coming on, who has now been given a gag order, is not allowed to talk about this, is being banned from viewing or visiting the Mandalay Bay Casino out there.
Who is this person?
What do they have to say?
They're coming up on InfoWars.
Let's go!
I don't know.
Thank you.
I want to make you guys aware of some of these huge specials and actually a combo that's available today at InfoWarStore.com.
If you guys get over there, the Survival Shield, X2 Nascent Iodine, and BioTrue Selenium.
It's a combo, so you can actually get them both 40% off.
It's a limited time.
It's not going to be available for long.
You get the extra 10% off if you do the auto ship with it.
Now, this is two formulas.
They are absolutely designed around giving you that support for a healthy thyroid, supercharging your health.
So let the bio selenium, it actually helps support the immune system with DNA production, thyroid health and eyesight.
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This is giving your entire system, your entire immune system, a boost.
The CDC has stated that it's that iodine deficiency, one of the four major deficiency diseases in the entire world that people are facing.
So now, with the InfoWars store, this super combo
They're calling it the Ultimate Survival Pack.
That's the perfect name for it because you can go there, you can get it.
It's 40% off, limited time.
I can't imagine they'll have this.
It looks like it's just this week.
It'll be there.
But if you guys go there, you can get the combo and have that at the 40% off.
Couldn't recommend it more as to go and get that.
Super deal.
Now, yesterday,
In Washington, D.C., there was a very interesting press conference that was held between the President of the United States, Donald Trump,
And an unlikely, shall we say, an unlikely partner in crime, the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Now, Trump and McConnell have been at odds quite frequently lately over, most famously, of course, down in Alabama.
McConnell supported, McConnell was, well, I should say he supported Luther Strange, got Trump on board with him.
But then the grassroots rose up and said, no, we want Roy Moore to win because he's actually the Trump nationalist candidate.
Luther Strange is the globalist.
So McConnell's candidate went down in flames.
Steve Bannon and other Trump nationalists were supporting Moore.
Then McConnell couldn't get health care passed, couldn't get tax reform passed, couldn't pass funding for the wall.
So many different bills.
They're talking about a bipartisan bill now on health care.
We'll have to see how that shakes out.
But if you look, they actually viewed together and Trump said, well, McConnell has asked me politely if I could talk to Trump's allies and get them to stop actually targeting McConnell so much.
Could you lay off?
Could you stop attacking?
Because I can tell you guys.
There is a group that we started called Rev18.
It was started with myself, Mike Cernovich, Jeff Giese, the website is Rev18PAC.com.
We specifically targeted Mitch McConnell and launched a hashtag DitchMitch campaign to go after him, to explain what he's done.
We're calling it our Diss List.
Now, most groups do endorsements.
We did a dis-endorsement.
We called it our Diss List.
We are the group we think that actually McConnell was talking about and said, look, we were doing a $5,000 contest.
It's actually still open.
We haven't picked an overall winner yet.
But if you guys go to Rev18PAC.com.
You can see this contest.
We announced that we're doing a $5,000 giveaway to the best meme, the best video that anyone submitted regarding Mitch McConnell and whether and basically saying that we don't want him to be the leader of the Senate majority anymore because he is not able to get any of this stuff passed.
He is not able to get any of these bills passed.
He's not able to get the agenda going.
So we launched the $5,000 contest and he said, Jack, you know, I thought you guys were supposed to be raising money.
We're good.
Now, we didn't make this.
We didn't ask someone to put this together.
We just said, hey, we're doing a Ditch Mitch contest and we want to see what you guys do so well because we saw the CNN's ISIS, we saw the Alex Jones folk song video contest, we wanted
To see what was out there, because we know the creative abilities of so many people out there in this movement.
So we've got one video queued up, and let's see if we can play that.
This Ditch Mitch video that was submitted, and they took sort of a scene from The Wizard of Oz, but changed it up in a very unique way.
Do we have that, guys?
Shame on you!
What did you do that for?
I didn't buy them!
Not that you tried to!
It's bad enough picking on a straw man, but when you go around picking on poor little dogs!
Well, you didn't have to go and hit me, did you?
Is my nose bleeding?
Well, of course not!
I haven't any courage at all!
I even scare myself.
Don't you think the wizard could help him too?
I don't see why not.
Why don't you come along with us?
We're on our way to see the wizard now, to get him a heart.
And him a brain.
I'm sure he could give you some courage.
You gotta tell him, Silent Breed is people!
Every time I see that, it cracks me up, especially because when they go to Mitch McConnell, and it's so perfect, it so perfectly encapsulates the issues that we have with our leadership.
Mitch McConnell is sort of wringing his hands, oh, I haven't any courage at all.
And then it's John McCain, of course, and Paul Ryan.
We've got to get him a heart and him a brain.
And isn't that exactly the issue that we've been having with our government lately?
To the people who made that meme, uh, Soylent Green, sort of a play on Soylent Green.
I really appreciate it.
Again, we haven't picked a winner yet, so if people want to go to ReveTeamPack.com, they can go, they can sign up.
If you want to submit anything to it, all you have to do is go on Twitter, go on Facebook, go on YouTube.
We've got all the different channels open.
Do your Ditch Mitch video, do your meme.
You can put it out there.
And I want to see more of these.
I want to see more because, I don't know, I like them so much.
And it's amazing to think that we actually got
Just because of doing a contest online, a social media contest, social media driven, we got the President of the United States and the Senate Majority Leader to respond to us with Mitch McConnell saying very cowardly line.
You can see one of the other ones there was sort of depicting him as the sleepy turtle.
Uh, they actually came back and said to us, they said, please, please stop!
Please stop with the memes!
Please stop with the videos!
We can't take it anymore!
We don't have any courage!
We can't, we, I don't know what to do about this!
I don't know how to stop these people!
Well, here's a thought.
Maybe, instead of complaining about it, maybe instead of telling us how much smarter than us you are, maybe instead of talking down to us, you actually listen,
What a concept.
Listen to the people that elected Donald Trump.
Listen to the people of this movement.
Listen to our concerns.
Listen to our policy ideas, what we want, the change that we want to see in our country.
And so there used to be a word for that.
There used to be a word for when the leaders actually listened to the people.
And if I remember correctly, oh yeah, that word was called democracy.
And it's a little something that we used to have in the United States of America, but a long time ago, I don't know, they kind of did away with that.
They did away with listening to the people and caring about what the people thought.
So, we are going to have to remind them.
We're going to have to remind them each and every day that not only do we know what's going on,
But we are going to make ourselves heard.
And if you think you can ignore us, then we are just going to be louder and bigger.
Stay tuned here for War Room.
Catch me on Twitter, Jack Posobiec, J-C-K-P-O-S-O-B-I-E-C.
Really appreciate you filling in today.
Take care, everybody.
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