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Name: 20171009_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 9, 2017
3458 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including censorship on social media platforms, suppression of free speech rights, Harvey Weinstein scandal, selective enforcement of YouTube policies, and manipulation by media companies. He promotes alternative platforms and websites like InfoWars, NewsWars, and PrisonPlanet to counteract censorship on major social media platforms. The speaker also talks about various products available through InfoWarsStore.com and InfowarsLife.com such as Emmerich's Essentials organic-based household products, Survival Shield X2 and BioTrue Selenium, InfoWars Life super blue fluoride-free products, Biome Defense Probiotic, and Alexa Pure Breeze air purifier to support the operation financially.

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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Cut me another lie tonight, out on the streets again.
Turn me on, I'm the hottest guy, but some men never forget.
Better turn me loose!
Better set me free!
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live broadcasting worldwide here for the next four hours as we are every weekday at 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Then the war room's coming up.
Noah and Troy are when this transmission ends for another three hours of live television slash radio broadcast.
Okay, let's get right into it.
I'd love to get into Weinstein and the ongoing collapse of Hollywood and the mainstream media combine.
And I will.
And I'd like to get into the NFL having to back down from Trump and Pence and how this is another big defeat for them.
And I will get into that.
But I've just got a really serious gut feeling every day and it's been getting stronger and stronger.
And that's because North Korea is threatening to test an above-ground hydrogen bomb in the Pacific Ocean and is threatening to fire missiles at Guam again.
And Trump has said that if they do that, we're going to strike North Korea.
Now a lot of people say, well, that's warmongering.
CNN spins it and goes, Trump wants to have war with North Korea, which isn't really true.
And he claims he was against the Iraq war, but that's not true.
Now we found the clips.
On Fox and on CNN during the campaign of two weeks before the invasion got launched saying it's a bad idea.
I've played those.
I'm not even going to dig them back up and play them again.
It's just, it's just everything's a lie.
But that's a little side factoid.
Excuse me.
The issue here is it's bad for us to go to war preemptively and I don't want to.
And I have four children.
On the other side of the equation, North Korea is out of control.
So I see where Ron Paul and others say, hey, we don't want to escalate this with North Korea.
I agree with Rex Tillerson as well.
The problem is we've been appeasing, appeasing, appeasing, and North Korea is completely out of control, threatening to nuke South Korea, Japan, you name it, preemptively, and the U.S.
You can't say we'll nuke you preemptively, and we've got missiles aimed at you, and we may just go ahead and blow you up, and have the spokesperson at the U.N.
two weeks ago say, we will preemptively destroy you with missiles, prepare to die.
That's like if I take a gun, point it at you, and say, I'm gonna pull this trigger any minute.
Then it's not preemptible if we strike them, and I don't want that to happen.
I'm simply saying, we're not in control of the entire equation.
Kim Jong-un and his cohorts are a bunch of megalomaniacs on insane power trips.
Donald Trump would struggle not to fire back at North Korea.
Is the headlines we've got today.
And I'm going to be going over some of those.
Will North Korea test an H-bomb today?
Experts fear Kim Jong-un's shitty-busting nuclear weapon could be detonated within hours.
Senator Horker, who's now resigning, says Trump is steering U.S.
towards World War III.
He concerns me.
He would have to concern anyone who cares about our nation.
Well, Corker, if you can read exclusively at InfoWars.com, is set to be indicted and is under criminal investigation.
It's been going on for four years, previous to even Trump getting in.
Corker's begged to be in the administration to get protection.
Now, he knows he's about to be indicted.
He's begged.
That's why he is a Mueller mouth.
Whatever you hear out of Corker is written by Mueller.
He is now, just like they admit, Chuckie Schumer, is the mouth daily of Jimmy Kimmel.
So when you hear Jimmy Kimmel, that's Chuck Schumer.
Instead of a teleprompter, it's a puppet prompter.
It's a meat puppet marionette.
And that's what Corker is.
When you hear Corker, that's the mouth of Mueller.
The mouth of Mueller.
He's a avatar of Mueller, I guess, who's our president.
The Democrats should say he's God, he's the president, and he's getting imminent indictments ready as well.
But if Corker behaves himself, the indictment might not come.
So behave yourself, Corker.
We'll be back with all the news straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWar.
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There's a lot of clutter on the internet.
I want to tell you where you can find our new program, Real News with David Knight.
You can find it on Twitter at realnewsx2.
Same thing on Facebook.
We have a YouTube channel, Real News with David Knight.
And you can watch the live stream every Monday through Friday at infowars.com forward slash show.
Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States.
Whenever you want to have a debate with a state liberal that always resorts to violence, we need to wake people up.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Monday, October 9th, 2017.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Monday Worldwide Transmission.
The websites are NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and InfoWars.com.
And more, it's vital that everyone remember that those are still our sites and where you go to get the news and information because Facebook, YouTube, Twitter are just massively nakedly...
In super hardcore, brazen fashion, censoring mainline YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter videos that are viral.
And that's because YouTube and Facebook admit they're coming out with their own video production like Netflix.
There's going to be no more you in YouTube.
That's official.
They've told shareholders.
But they don't want to, you know, just let all the fans know that's the case.
So they're doing it on the back of fighting racism, fighting extremism, you name it.
But mainline sites that aren't even political, but that are popular on YouTube and other channels, are being demonetized and now blocked.
And the reason I'm leading the broadcast with this today is because it's so naked.
Mark Dice has millions of viewers a week on his YouTube channel.
Good friend of ours, friend of the show, smart fella, follows all their rules.
He showed all the black-on-white crime just to expose how the media is covering it up and the different attacks on churches and things.
And now it's directly connected to Antifa and CNN and others that are promoting violence.
And it was done to expose violence.
The video was deleted, and they said if he does another one like it, he'll be kicked off YouTube permanently, which they've done twice before, deleting his channels back when they had hundreds of thousands of subscribers.
His main channel has over a million subscribers now.
So, he put out a video, very calmly, very professionally.
That's why they did it, because it is professional, it's effective.
He's got a degree in media, RTF.
He's been around for a decade plus.
He's a best-selling author.
And he doesn't have standing, though.
So they said, we're deleting your video.
One more, you are disappeared.
And people will argue, well, it's their channel.
No, they said that they are a utility.
They said they're there for the public.
They're a digital soapbox.
The you in YouTube built them.
They set up a monetary system to get the audience, and now they're cheating it.
And now they're manipulating it to basically turn it into nothing but a cable network, like Time Warner was, now Spectrum.
So you go ahead and go the direction of Time Warner at YouTube, Google, you will destroy yourself.
But Facebook's doing the same thing.
Twitter's doing the same thing.
When a video's calm and professional and unifying, they take it down.
In fact, the video we're going to play coming up later in the hour,
Mark Dice points out that the main videos they're deleting are eloquent, well-spoken, loving black people who are speaking out against the degradation of big city liberal corruption like Chicago.
If you are a well-spoken, friendly, nice black person and you go on video and you talk about what's really hurting your community and our communities, you are gone!
That is the number one voice they don't want heard because the Democrats and
Google have all given to Black Lives Matter because they want to keep the black community radicalized, divided from everybody else, vengeful, chips on their shoulders, dependent in Section 8 housing.
They think they own you as a voting bloc, and they know you're struggling to get free, and they are PO'd big time.
They're great society since the 60s has had you in a stranglehold and has destroyed your community and they don't want that information out.
They don't want the crime statistics out.
I'm gonna go over seven statistics you need to know about black-on-white crime.
On average it's 7 to 10.
In some areas it's 40 to 1 like Chicago black against white.
That's still a minority of black folks doing that but it makes up a large part of the crime and of course they kill each other as well in those communities.
It's horrible.
And it's a gangster culture sold by MTV, pushed out there.
It is a militarized situation, and the very people now censoring the information coming out are the very ones that control and feed off these populations.
And it's totally cold-blooded, it's organized, it's focused, and it is completely arrogant and transparent.
So that's all coming up later in the hour.
Now that said, we've got some really big developments on the Vegas front we're going to be getting into.
Clearly a cover-up.
We just don't know the exact specifics, but we know it's cover-ups of Islamic connections, Islamic trips.
Antifa material.
We now know he did go to the Middle East, not just his common-law wife.
We know he bragged about it to other girlfriends.
Exactly what the hostage rescue team member told me last Monday was that there's Antifa material, paraphernalia, trips to the Middle East, photos of the Middle East, and that the media is covering that up, and that he had more than obviously one accomplice.
The Sheriff's Department's now come out and said that.
More than one accomplice, but they've been going along in other respects with the cover-up.
Now, continuing, we're going to be getting into all of that.
The Democratic Party is really, really upset right now.
They're hopping mad because
The Dow Jones Industrial Average just keeps going up and up and up as Trump pushes to cut taxes and has already cut regulations.
That's why the Fed is announcing, what, a fifth rate increase at the end of the month to try to stymie the bullish economy, try to bring the bear in.
The public understands one of the few ways they can vote now is supporting Trump and the economy financially.
And so this is a true money war.
Bigger than an information war.
It's folks putting their money where their mouths are.
And the globalists have been pulling their money out, Warren Buffett and others, trying to actually plunge it so they can buy out of people more, but that's not been happening.
And the new jobs are coming in, and the growth rates are coming in, and the factory orders are going up, and it's just really, really upsetting the globalists right now.
Trump's insane Dow Jones rally just keeps going.
Oh my gosh.
Federal government jobs are down 13,000.
Trump's fired 13,000 federal employees.
Needs to be a lot more than that.
We've also got reports here about private sector jobs being way up.
And then when we come back from break, I'm going to get into shock poll.
NFL now leased like sport, core fans down 31 percent.
They're down an additional 20 percent in the three years previous to that.
We're talking about a 50
One percent drop in viewership and support.
That is gorgeous.
We're going to teach you Hollywood scum how we're going to break your political neck.
You like it?
Because it already happened.
So crawl over in your rat hole and die.
And only your uncool fans will keep watching.
And everybody will know those are the nerds.
Those are the schmucks.
Those are the suckers.
Watch the NFL's broken back.
And to watch what's left of the NFL trying to crawl into a wood chipper is beautiful.
You just keep doing it, you narcissistic, evil scum.
You anti-American Hollywood filth.
You just keep feeding yourself right into that meat grinder.
You're just so stupid.
And you never interrupt your enemy when they're destroying themselves.
I don't think so.
Ah, so good, so enjoyable.
Oh, and Weinstein, to watch them fire him and the rats leave the sinking ship.
And Meryl Streep that talks about how she loves Roman Polanski, the convicted pedophile that grabbed the 13-year-old girl, brutally raped her, anally.
She stood for him as a standing ovation a few years ago during the Oscars and said he should be brought back and everything, and how much she loves him.
Well now she said she hates Weinstein.
See, they were so arrogant before that she would stand up and support a pedophile.
But now she called Weinstein a god.
Now she's deserting.
I'm just so good.
This all heralds, if you look at all the different...
The money plunging in the NFL, mainstream media, the newspapers dying, Hollywood dying.
It's gorgeous.
It's beautiful.
Our enemies are absolutely imploding.
We're presiding over their political, cultural, and spiritual death.
Praise our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Tropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen, BrainForce Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to $50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's $19.96 at Infowarslife.com.
Or simply call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus, or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listeners supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our Caveman Ultimate Paleo Bone Broth, Turmeric Chaga Mushroom Bee Pollen, and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already at 15.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Bolan Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Rainforest Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So, Hollywood is like a person that wants to commit suicide because they're so miserable, decadent, and unhappy.
The pedophilia isn't enough for them.
The devil worship isn't enough for them.
The two or three women a day isn't enough for them.
No, they want to screw over middle America.
They want to go after Christians.
They want to sow racial discord and discord between the sexes.
That's what they do.
Mr. Weinstein was the main funder.
We're going to get to that in a moment, of creatures like Michael Moore.
But let's just look at what Hollywood, that controls California and Sacramento, is also raining down on everyone.
This is from the LA Times.
Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill Friday that lowers from a felony to a misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.
It's the equivalent of a $50 parking ticket.
The measure also applies to those who give blood without telling the blood bank that they are HIV positive.
Isn't that just cute?
And they said, this disease is not a stigma.
Yes, someone isn't bad because they have HIV or AIDS.
But it's bad to go donate blood and not tell them, or to give it to someone.
It's flat-out attempted murder, and it is murder if you're successful.
Unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen.
To give somebody an autoimmune disease that can kill you, and it's killed millions of people in this country, and the numbers have finally gone down with it, and you're going to watch HIV infections explode in California.
There's a lot of other diseases now.
Our venereal diseases are off the charts.
And then it'll be, oh, we need free health care.
That's why we have this.
And then I've got all these stacks of articles of gays cutting holes in condoms to give it to somebody.
It's called gift-giving, and then gift-receiving, and the practice is called bug-chasing.
But what this is, is bug-murder.
I mean, it's bad enough to rape somebody.
Now you're gonna rape them with a virus.
This is HIV rape.
And I guess in the precedent of this, I guess it's okay to give somebody hepatitis and not tell them.
Meanwhile, there were a couple cases in Florida, another one in Texas, another one in New York, I saw just this year, where gays were cutting holes in condoms to give it to people, a form of attempted serial killing.
And they were able to give it to people.
So once they die, down the road if they die, it's serial murder.
But see, some of these folks are so unhappy, so worldly,
So lost that they want to then go out and spread the misery.
Just like mass shooters don't want to just die, they want suicide by cop.
And maybe take a few cops out with them.
So we're hearing about Will Weinstein and all the corruption.
What about the Clintons and the Factor 8 scandal, where over a decade they knew that all the blood coming out of the prisons
...had HIV and hepatitis in it, and were certifying it as good, and having it put into the Factor VIII drug of Bayer, knowing that the virus and all the rest of it was transmittable, and that it killed, conservatively, over 100,000 hemophiliacs alone.
And it came out Bayer knew that's who these monsters are.
Hillary liked to represent pedophiles.
Look it up.
Hillary liked to represent monsters, serial killers, horrible people.
You understand?
I put CBS News up there, Bayer admitting that they did that.
So you want to know who these folks are, ladies and gentlemen?
They're murderers.
And if they can pass a law and couch it in political correctness, that you can go give blood when you've got diseases, or give it to people unknowing.
I mean, why can't you just walk up to your boyfriend and shoot him in the head?
Or your girlfriend?
If you've got HIV... I mean, can you just unknowingly shoot someone in the head, too?
Or unknowingly hit him in the head with a hammer?
Because that's where we're at!
But see, oh, if we let teachers teach your five-year-olds about masturbation, and teach your five-year-olds about sex, even when parents don't do that, it's not pedophilia.
It's not sexualization of children.
It's the state teaching tolerance.
And, you know, we're going to be tolerant.
We don't like the stigma of HIV, AIDS.
So we're just going to let people spread it.
It's no big deal.
Not a problem.
And if you just tuned in and think this is The Onion or something, it's not.
I just read to you from the Los Angeles Times.
I first read about bug chasing in, uh...
The San Francisco Chronicle and other publications more than, it should be like 20 years ago.
And when I read it on air then, people didn't believe that I was reading real articles.
Now it's well known and there's even news articles defending it going, oh you should understand how chic it is.
Just like the practice in the UK and the US and some liberal cities where you can pay for someone to be blinded by psychologists or psychiatrists.
Because they identify as a blind person and then the city and the county pays for taking care of them now that they're blind.
And then there's video of them pouring the bleach, the Drano, on their eyes.
And then you're blind.
And they just go on the TV shows, they go, oh, it's so gorgeous, she has such courage.
And she's a completely mentally ill person, the type that would stick her hand in a garbage disposal.
You know, when you want to gouge your eyeballs out, you're a lunatic.
They used to put you in padded rooms so you wouldn't do it.
But now it's so brave.
Oh, look, she's so brave, she's blind.
And we pay for it.
Let's teach the five-year-olds.
You're not really a girl, you're a boy.
Let's go get you an artificial... Oh, you're a... And radio stations are like, Alex, don't say it!
Violates FCC, but you can teach five-year-olds.
So I won't say it, but we know what they do.
Teach five-year-olds that you need to have your body parts cut off and don't criticize it or you're abusing children.
No, teaching kids they want to cut their genitals off and prepare them through the Tavistock Institute to line them up by age seven to have the genitals removed even before the age of consent is beyond abuse.
It's like something out of a satanic nightmare.
But it's all done with the state and it's all done lovingly.
Just we're doing this.
They even admit, every time we give the preemies their vaccines, a lot of them die.
So we get the respirators ready and try to keep them alive, but it's policy to protect them from these diseases.
And you're just like, wow, if a lone nurse was killing people in the hospital, it'd be a huge national scandal.
But if it's done with the bioethics board, now ladies, gentlemen, get the respirators ready.
Prepare injections.
And they enjoy it.
And they enjoy watching the nurses who don't like it follow the death cult orders.
Let's see if we can let them put HIV in the blood.
It worked so well and we got away with what we did in Arkansas.
We only killed 100,000 or so there.
Let's just have everyone go give blood so we can ship the blood all over the country and all over the world and kill millions.
And if you don't like it, you're not liberal.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Tropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen, BrainForce Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to $50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's $19.96 at Infowarslife.com.
Or simply call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus, or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get...
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listeners supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end in the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm gonna have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth turmeric chaga mushroom bee pollen.
And more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already.
At 15, incredible.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now on InfoWarsLive.com.
You're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible, high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus and 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
50,000 unstoppable watts!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It's a reliable source of information!
50,000 unstoppable watts!
Anthrax and radio!
We are back live!
Let me finish up with what I was covering earlier.
California is announcing that it's going to tank the blood supply and let people knowingly give HIV hepatitis infected blood and then it can then be shipped all over the country to other blood banks.
And again, the LA Times reports point-blank Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill Friday that lowers from a felony to a misdemeanor parking ticket the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.
The measure also applies to those who give blood without telling the blood bank they are HIV positive.
And what happened is you had all this unhealthy, multiple sexual partner, no condom stuff going on.
It spread.
People got really sick.
Heterosexual, homosexual, you name it.
But to defend all those lifestyles, the media made it like, oh, it's a crime to have it.
Well, when somebody's got drug-resistant TB, that'll kill you.
It's a crime to have it and expose people.
It's not a crime that you're quote, gay.
It's a crime that if you spread this knowingly to someone, you've just killed them.
But that's how they spin this whole thing.
And it really goes to show us how crazy Hollywood and the California elite have gotten because they're in the news saying, this will help get rid of the stigma.
What, the stigma of having an autoimmune disease and getting a bunch of cancers and then shriveling up and dying?
It'll get rid of the stigma to have a huge new outbreak?
It'll be loving to the people that aren't told and get given something that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and will probably kill them?
And shorten their life by 20, 30 years?
That's a nice thing?
You're basically saying people have a right to go around and spread disease, and then you spin it like there's some moral high ground to that.
You see, there's no end, because the most radical of the left is always going to be in charge, and they're always going to be mining downward, searching for the hell they want.
And then everybody else just follows them down this rat hole, and they promise everybody they're leading them to some Valhalla, and they're not!
So you heard me right, folks.
That's the LA Times all glowing, oh great, you can give blood now?
And you can give it to people and not tell them, wonderful!
It's so liberal!
Hollywood, the NFL, mainstream media, all these people are in their own little insane asylum bubbles.
They're always from
Very latchkey, kept, secluded, hermit-like lifestyles, where they just go from their tiny apartment to their little job on the subways like rats, or on the highways, and then back again to go be entombed in their living rooms watching mainstream television, and they really believe that's reality.
But the people
Inside the structure that are doing the programming are the most insane.
The inmates are running the asylum, ladies and gentlemen.
And then somebody like President Trump comes along and just brings back common sense.
That was the most progressive thing ever when we founded the country.
Not that we ever lived up to it, but we were trying to.
He does an America reboot, and they act like they're dying.
Because folks, these globalists are so miserable.
That they want to kill, steal, and destroy.
They want to hurt other people.
They enjoy the deviance of pulling other people down with them.
You ever gone crab fishing?
You can pull them up with a piece of meat on a string, and you can throw the crabs in the bucket, and they won't fight with each other until one tries to get out.
And as soon as one tries to climb out, they'll go over and stop them!
Now I don't know why those crustaceans do that,
But that's what the little cancers are up to.
Pun intended.
His first victim received a text saying, maybe you have the fever.
I have HIV, LOV, oops.
And that's what he does.
That's a guy, that was the guy that just arrested in New York.
Cutting holes in condoms and then letting people know, hey, got the fever?
That's your T-lymphocytes, your white blood cells getting eaten.
And then when they're gone, you'll have no more immune system and you'll have a long, slow death and have to pay out all your money for drugs.
But it's okay because I'm liberal!
I kill you!
But see, that's in New York!
New York's backwards, man.
You can't just go around giving people a disease that'll kill them.
That's a homophobic, ladies and gentlemen.
And I strongly suggest New York get their laws in line with California.
Now does Weinstein sound as bad now that you've heard that?
I smell a hit job in this, cutting him out of his company to sell it to the Chinese.
And that is what the word is for Miramax.
And that's how they're going to take down the old Hollywood elite.
They're totally done.
They're weak.
All the pedophilia is known.
They don't want to embarrass the other pedophiles with that.
So they're going to bring out the other things.
And that's the word.
And that's the rest of the story.
Oh, and look, Ted Heath, former Prime Minister of England, we've had guests on that reported he liked to slit little girls' throats.
Oh yeah, the raping them is just low-level.
Ted Heath, police chief, calls for Westminster child sex ring inquiry.
They've already caught a bunch of people that the kids told them about with sex dungeons, with dead kids, but it's okay.
Are they all... because, I mean, it's liberal.
They had programs
Where they would really work hard to get coroners and people in the hospitals, so that right when a child died in a car wreck, they would all just rush in, sometimes up to 20 men, and just take turns with the dead body.
Because, you know, not all of them could be as elite as the royalty to actually have fresh living children, so they would just go have sex with the dead ones.
Sorry not to tell you about all this, but that's what the police have discovered.
That's who we're fighting.
When you look at Chelsea Clinton or Hillary or Bill, understand, raping women is just the opening salvo.
Well, they're flying around on Jerry Epstein's Aletheia Express with the 10-year-old girls on board.
Of course, a lot of those little girls reportedly got flown to secluded private islands.
You know what happens to them there, right?
The same type of people who like to legalize putting HIV in the blood supply and giving it to people.
You go, why would you do that?
Because you like to kill people, because you're a devil worshipper.
And most of these people don't go to devil worshipper meetings, they're just devil worshippers.
And you know, for your lunch, just bring in a four-year-old, five-year-old girl, have them beg for mommy, lay out the plastic, slit their throat.
Because after all, you just want to have sex with a dead body.
Now that's who wants your guns, and that's who wants your kids, and that's who wants you to take vaccines.
Hell, they'll probably start saying, everyone must have HIV for solidarity, or you're a racist and we're going to arrest you.
Because they already say, we're going to make you take these hundreds of deadly vaccines that they admit can kill you on the insert.
We're going to make you take those.
Even though we have this huge history of secret experimentation, even black folk syphilis, and Appalachians, and everybody else, we don't care.
We're going to make you do it.
Because it's their cult.
And there's a lot of them.
And they mean business.
And they're not gonna be defeated until we wake up and admit just how serious the situation is.
North Korean news straight ahead.
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I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
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And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
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But these specials have got to end.
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But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
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That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
For your mind.
I'm gonna hit the huge North Korea news at the start of the next hour.
They're set to perhaps test an H-bomb today.
What is Trump's call before the storm?
We've got more info on that as well.
And I'll open the phones up and take your calls.
But flooding in from all of our sources, everyone we know is having their YouTube videos taken down that expose Islamic terror attacks, Islamic raping, black-on-white crime.
It's all being censored.
If you just dryly report on something, you're being shut down.
This is amazing censorship all being triggered in their attempt to suppress everybody.
So I'm going to talk about that in a moment.
Before we go any further,
You absolutely are the heart and the soul and the strength and the blood supply of this operation.
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That's the new special.
I thought I could run it for three or four weeks.
We've got to probably stop it this week because it's selling so fast.
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Similar stuff, $60, $70 out there on the market.
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So we're not going to let them sit there and then sue us over it.
We're not stupid.
Plus, I want to sell the best stuff out there, even though it's hard to meet those standards.
Because they set them where they're almost impossible to meet.
But again, 50% off, Brain Force Plus or 888-253-3139.
Got the Molon Labe t-shirts, got the new InfoWars ball caps in that are really awesome.
They've got InfoWars.com on them and so much more.
My starting point is Twitter, right now.
They put out a documentary that I've seen on the Sweden rape epidemic, showing that it is the rape capital of the world according to the EU and UN's own crime heat maps.
That has violated community guidelines, where they say that the communists going and voting on it don't like it, and so he's banned, and if it happens anymore, he'll be erased.
Same thing happened to Mark Dice, putting out a video exposing the Islamic man from Africa that said he wanted to kill white people.
And folks go into a church, he went and did it, and they covered up the motive in the media, even though it was mentioned, and then YouTube is deleting videos about it, because you don't have rights as a white person.
You're supposed to be victimized and sit there and take it.
Now the leftists sell it that, oh, we're stopping racial division.
No, we have to admit when a bunch of whites are doing something wrong, like when the idiot went and killed the black folks, you know, in the church.
He's a piece of scum.
You have a right to say that's bad and to talk about it.
I have a right to talk about the same thing or vice versa.
You should.
It's important to be able to communicate.
And they can't compete with us, so they want to shut us all down.
It's never going to work.
But they're making their move.
The battle is now.
It's never been this intense.
So don't just take these shows for granted.
Because they are already demonetized.
Mark Dice a year ago.
He doesn't bring in any money now from YouTube.
We're down 90-plus percent of the money we bring in.
That's why we had to open up other ways to fund ourselves.
So, first they go, OK, your money's gone.
Well, that didn't work.
You're about to be off here completely.
You toe the line.
You don't show crime statistics.
You don't talk about nothing.
You understand, or we'll shut you down.
Here is Mark Dice reporting.
We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming of mocking liberal lunatics and exposing the fake news industrial complex to bring you this important news bulletin about YouTube censoring my channel again.
YouTube deleted the video that I posted last week titled, Black Man Shoots Up White Church, Media Ignores Anti-White Hate Crime Because It Violates Their Community Guidelines.
And then they penalized my channel so I can't livestream for three months.
I'm sure many of you saw the video before it got deleted, but for those of you who didn't, it was about this black guy who went into a white church in Tennessee and just started opening fire, killing one person, injuring six others, including the pastor, to get revenge for Dylann Roof, that white supremacist who did the same thing to a black church in Charleston, South Carolina, two years ago.
The video is about how the mainstream media is ignoring this story for three basic reasons.
One, the perpetrator is a black man who committed an anti-white hate crime, which doesn't fit with the liberal agenda that only white people commit anti-black hate crimes.
Two, he is an immigrant from the Sudan.
And three, he was stopped by a law-abiding gun owner who had a concealed carry permit who was carrying at the church.
So now not only is the mainstream media covering up this hate crime and lying by omission by pretending that such crimes don't happen, but now YouTube is actively censoring the story.
After deleting the video for violating their terms of service, they sent me this notification.
I, Mark Dice, as you may know, our community guidelines describe which content we allow and don't allow on YouTube.
Your video
Black man shoots up white church, media ignores anti-white hate crime, was flagged for review.
Upon review, we've determined that it violates our guidelines.
We've removed it from YouTube and assigned a community guidelines strike or temporary penalty to your account.
It didn't show any graphic photos or video.
It didn't use harsh language.
It simply was talking about the fact that this crime has been ignored by the mainstream media and now YouTube is trying to actively censor the story.
I did file an appeal against this false and Orwellianly creepy community guideline strike, so it is possible that in the next couple days, perhaps, the video may be restored.
But this is disturbing on so many different levels.
The fact that somebody or some panel of thought police at YouTube reviewed the video after the trolls flagged it, which they flag everything, and they determined that it was a violation of YouTube's policies.
They did a similar thing to this woman, whose channel is Red Pill Black, a black conservative, after she posted this video criticizing some of the insane demands of Black Lives Matter.
Oh, can't have a black woman criticizing Black Lives Matter.
Community Guidelines strike.
She appealed the strike, and a lot of people started tweeting to YouTube and the Team YouTube account.
That's kind of like the customer service Twitter account at YouTube.
And they did restore the video.
But just the fact that they took it down in the first place... Okay, that's good.
This full video is up on Infowars.com.
I'm going to retweet it in full right now during the break at Real Alex Jones because he shows the other black commentators who are good-looking, smart, patriots, libertarians, they're not even conservatives, that are taking YouTube by storm.
I mean, a lot of these folks have 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, or 70 million views per video.
Yes, some of the videos have 70 million views.
We had Brandon Tatum in here just Friday.
And they're like, no, no, no.
You talk about discrimination because it's all selectively enforced.
Like, I'm not even going to show what DICE shows because YouTube left this up, but they'll use it against me.
It's a black guy with butcher knives saying I'm going to murder white people and I'm going to murder Trump.
They've left that up for a year.
You're allowed to say you're going to kill Trump, kill me, kill everybody.
But if you are a black person and you eloquently talk about free market in America and how it's a great country to live in compared to others, you will be deleted just for being articulate!
While YouTube lets everybody else do what they want.
This is real discrimination, folks.
Against patriots, against common sense people, against libertarians, against people that just want to live in peace!
I don't hate black people.
I don't hate white people.
I hate idiots.
And I'm sick of them trying to cause a race war.
The numbers show the NFL's getting their ass handed to them.
The numbers show Hollywood's collapsing.
It's all a bellwether of this.
So I'm here to tell you, folks, no, I don't put a good face on things unless it's good.
And North Korea's a bad situation, but other than that,
The globalists are trying to overturn the economy.
It's upsetting them.
They're trying to cause a race war, and none of it's working.
It's not working.
But they're arrogant.
They're narcissistic.
They're crazy.
Like Hillary, they won't go away.
They won't give up.
But I guess that's good.
Because they are completely extincting their operations.
They are completely discrediting themselves to the ends of the earth, and they're driving themselves to the ground.
The only question is, will they take us with them?
Ratings are down 31% on the year for the NFL.
Now they're down again.
They're plunging.
Now it's over 31 points.
New numbers in.
It's 50 plus points last three, four years.
I mean, understand that those are bellwethers.
Hollywood is imploding.
The NFL's imploding.
Mainstream TV's imploding.
And they are in their death throes trying to bully us into submission.
It's not gonna work.
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Alright, all the big news straight ahead.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The war was lost.
The treaty signed.
I was not caught.
I didn't want to get in the middle of Corker stuff, but I've known for a year from Roger Stone, he was under criminal investigation, was going to probably be indicted.
All right.
That's in the news now.
I mean, I've heard all these back channel Corker stories, but now they're using him as a set piece.
I think so.
The kingpins think they can use all these folks they're getting ready to burn to destroy Trump and it's just pathetic kamikaze attacks.
So that's coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Briefly, Roger Stone's gonna pop in.
I want to open the phones up on the North Korea issue.
They say they may test an H-bomb a day or tomorrow.
Trump says he may respond.
Is that Trump's
Call him before the storm comment.
We should really be discussing that.
The NFL's rating slipped even more.
It was 31% from last year.
Now Sunday, the numbers slipped even more.
And it added up to over 55% now.
It was 51%.
So it is just absolutely imploding right now.
Amazing to watch all of this unfold.
The toll free number to join us is 877-789-ALEX.
That's 877-789-2539 on any of those issues, and we'll get you up and on the air.
Again, 877-789-2539.
Give us a minute.
First-time callers.
I'm going to get first-time callers on again.
We've got to turn the phone system on.
It's a computerized system.
We can take up to 50 calls at once.
Technically, there can be 50 on the screen.
They can see how many calls come in.
What was the record once?
24,000 calls in two hours?
Yeah, 24,000 calls during a two-hour show.
I mean, even national talk shows beg for calls.
The issue is that we have a lot of regulars who are wonderful folks who sit there speed dialing, and then they get in first.
And we don't screen calls, and then you end up getting on.
So that's why most of the time I say first-time callers, just 24,000 calls.
Now, some folks will call back 20 times, but that was thousands of callers calling in.
So the toll-free number to join us is 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-ALEX.
Let me just briefly, in the short segment we have, get into Meryl Streep.
She has come out and attacked Mr. Weinstein.
She's come out and gone after him.
And there's a whole backstory on this, how the SNL covered it up, the New York Times covered it up, and Matt Damon covered it up, and all the usual suspects.
But now she's calling him disgraceful, once called him a god.
Imagine being around people where somebody wants to be called God.
That's just the most uncool group of people.
I've been around folks before that are like groveling, telling me how great I am.
I'm like, listen, don't do that anymore.
And they get really upset.
And of course, they always hate you to begin with.
They always can't wait to stab you in the back.
As soon as possible.
What a disgraceful group of slime.
But Meryl Streep just a few years ago in multiple interviews would stand up and give standing ovations to a man that kidnapped and raped a 13-year-old girl, Roman Polanski.
And she is proud of the whole situation.
And so, that's how much power she thought she had just a few years ago.
But now, from a guy hitting on a bunch of girls and, you know, having two or three, you know, dates a day, sounds exhausting.
He's a sleazy guy.
And let me tell you something, there's a lot more beneath the water than just that.
Why are they all ganging up now?
Because it's just a group of scum circling the toilet bowl.
And all the photos of Hillary,
Putting her hands all over Weinstein?
They all love the glitz and the Oscars and they get to go peacock around and, you know, look at each other and take selfies.
I mean, what a group of just disgusting filth.
Here, we got about 30 seconds but let's go out with the Meryl Streep video of her defending child rapists.
Yes, Roman Polanski, I'm very sorry that he's in jail.
That was for Roman Polanski.
For the pianist.
I don't stand up for a guy.
I'd like to hold all the girls down and rape them until they bleed everywhere.
Fall of Babylon is here.
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Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Even though they were alerted in March of this year by Homeland Security, Equifax, one of the big three credit monitoring companies failed to patch a security threat that led to hackers obtaining personal information of 143 million Americans, which included Social Security numbers, for as long as three months.
The CEO of Equifax, Richard Smith, who oversaw the breach of the data will comfortably glide down on a golden parachute to the tune of $90 million when he retires guilt-free.
Your own information technology system did not tell the Equifax security division that the Apache Strut software, which contained the vulnerability that led to this breach, was running on the Equifax system.
How did that happen?
Congressman, the day after the notification came out,
From certs, the security team notified a wide range of people in the technology team.
If, as sophisticated a company as you headed is, with so much at risk,
How does this happen that I can't fix stupid as a colleague of mine used to say?
There's so much at risk.
I've talked to other software companies and people in this space who say some companies have an automated system that when a patch comes out it automatically gets installed.
That's not what you had necessarily, right?
I'm unaware of an automatic patch.
I'm told by my staff that this current, this latest data breach was about 143 million
People, is that right?
There was some slight movement and the numbers adjusted.
Press release came out from the company last night.
It's 145.5.
Okay, I appreciate your accuracy there.
But under current law...
You're basically required to alert each of those that their account has been hacked, but there's really no penalty unless there is some sort of a lawsuit filed and the Federal Trade Commission or...
There's an article in WGN-TV that talks about Equifax doing their own investigation into the three executives.
That sold their stock and profited?
And I just, I guess they must have a pretty good investigative team there, because between the press release that happened on Friday or whatever it came out, and then a story on Sunday, and today we have a revelation that those folks didn't know that this breach took place.
Mr. Chairman, according to your testimony in the House yesterday, over the last three years you've spent $250 million on cyber security.
That's about $85 million a year, correct?
Yes, that was an estimate that over the last three years it's approaching a quarter billion dollars.
And since 2016 you have made personally about 69 million dollars, is that correct?
I've not tracked that number to be honest.
In hindsight, do you think Equifax should have spent more money protecting people's data rather than compensating you so well?
Smith was paid the big bucks for one singular reason.
To keep our data safe, which he failed to do.
While Yahoo originally said that one billion accounts had been hacked, it took years to find out that all three billion accounts had been hacked.
A breach that was discovered in 2013 and not disclosed until three years later.
Wells Fargo is facing a lawsuit claiming that the top brass knew that millions of fake accounts had been created in an unprecedented scam.
Bloomberg reports, as of April, the bank had spent at least $445 million on fines, remediation, consultants, and civil litigation.
The company still faces a raft of investor security suits seeking to recoup the losses from a $30 billion decline in market capitalization.
After the scandal broke and wrongful termination cases filed by fired bankers, the company said in August its review found employees may have created 3.5 million bogus accounts, more than 60% higher than its initial estimate.
These are the companies locked in with Congress, lobbying laws and making deals.
A crony capitalist swamp of crooks putting their personal fortunes before America's safety and security.
The very thing that made them rich in the first place.
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.com.
And they've turned DC and much of this country into a stagnant swamp of individuals
That endanger not just our country, but our entire civilization.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're now well into the second hour.
I intend to take calls this hour, starting in the next segment.
We've got a lot of big news.
You've got the Hollywood scandals and their hypocrisy.
You've got the NFL continuing its ratings nosedive as they show America, as Hollywood has done, how much they hate this country.
We have a huge awakening happening.
We have Catalonia under basically martial law, after they voted to secede.
They're threatening to march in Spanish troops tomorrow if the secession leader doesn't throw in the towel.
We've got Dow Jones Industrial Average going to another all-time high and the Federal Reserve saying they're trying to block it to stop the Trump recovery.
You've got Senator Corker resigning amid criminal probe.
Roger Stone's going to be joining us briefly to talk about that.
You've got police investigations of giant child sex rings.
Not just torturing and raping children, but killing them.
That's in the Daily Mail.
It's all coming up and more on the Vegas shooting as it emerges that that was completely staged.
But here is, and by completely staged, I mean we're being lied to.
It really happened.
But the official story we're getting is not.
We've got multiple shooters, we've got top forensics experts being clear on that.
You've got sources on the ground talking about the Islamic connections, talking about
The trips to the Middle East that we told you about first on Monday, that broke in the news yesterday, that indeed he did go to the Middle East multiple times.
I mean, we were told this.
I'm on record Monday telling you what my sources said, that the police think there's more than one shooter, they didn't act alone, all that stuff, and that they believe he was radicalized.
We've got Colonel Schaefer, former high-level Army CIA, huge connections today.
The guy that broke much of Benghazi, agreeing with me.
You've got top federal forensic psychiatrist saying the same thing.
You've got Craig Sawyer, a leader in SEAL Team 6, a top federal forensics officer, and somebody who testifies in federal court about ballistics, on yesterday saying 99% chance there's more than one shooter.
He goes, but a ballistic study needs to be done.
Well, we have a ballistic study being done by one of the top ballistics personnel in the country.
And so that ballistics test is being done right now, and the findings should be out tomorrow or Wednesday.
And they already had
Some basic research on it, but we've paid to have them be able to go out in the field and actually conduct the test, not just simulate them in a laboratory or on a computer.
I'm gonna leave it right there, but people ask, why wasn't Infowars in Vegas after this happened?
We've been in Vegas, okay?
Now we're not in Vegas, now we're doing the research, so we're on this, you better believe it.
Now, I haven't gotten to this yet, but here's the big news.
We have Trump last week at a meeting with the generals and their wives at the White House saying, this is the calm before the storm up here having dinner together.
People say, well, what did you mean by that?
And he wouldn't say.
Well, now we're being clear.
They're talking about North Korea threatening to test a hydrogen bomb above ground.
And Dershowitz is saying that Trump's call before the storm is a message to North Korea and Iran.
Iran's responded by saying they're ready for war, may launch it preemptively.
So very serious time to be alive.
Senator Corker is saying Trump is steering America towards World War III.
So that means Mueller is saying that because they've got him with a sealed indictment already reportedly.
And so anything you hear him say now is whatever Deep State, the Clinton crime mafia, the pedophile mafia wants their slaves to say.
But when we come back, I will play that column before the storm clip and then give you the rest of the story and then go right to your phone calls on that situation.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, InfoWars.com.
We're good to go.
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Nootropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen, BrainForce Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to 50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's 1996 at Infowarslife.com or simply call toll-free 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end in the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm gonna have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth turmeric chaga mushroom bee pollen
And more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already at 15.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Bolan Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I usually give the phone number out.
And people call in on a whole bunch of other subjects than the one I've kind of mentioned.
But that's fine.
I like to grab a bag.
I don't like how callers bring up topics I would have forgotten to cover.
But I want to get into World War III issues.
I want to get into North Korea.
I want to get into what does Trump need to do?
Because I support him domestically.
I think he's a good guy.
He knows North Korea is threatening everybody and is very, very belligerent.
And that maybe, you know, standing up to them might be the right thing to do because nobody's tried that and things just get progressively worse and have now come to a very dangerous head.
With them firing missiles every week over Japan, threatening to nuke Japan, threatening to nuke South Korea, threatening to imminently, preemptively attack us.
At the UN, their spokesperson said, it's imminent, we're going to attack the mainland with nuclear fire.
Trump just said, if you attack us, we'll hit you with fire and fury.
One thing to say, if you hit me, I'll kick your butt, but to say, we will hit you first, that's... Under international law, you name it, somebody starts talking like that, you got a right to hit them.
And the North started the war back in 1949, 1950.
It's never been stopped.
It was just a ceasefire.
So, I'm not selling a war.
I've got four children.
But my gut tells me if we keep letting this guy push and push and push, it's going to be a war.
And he's going to have better weapons then.
Right now, he can hit the U.S.
They don't know if the warhead will stay intact and won't detonate up in space or something, or fizzle out.
Those are complex warheads, jacketed in the plastic explosive, to drive in the uranium and plutonium together.
But depending on the type of system they've got,
This isn't a game, and I love how Corker is saying it's Trump's fault, and he's pushing it to World War III.
It's the Clintons!
They gave him the reactors and the missiles, hoping that would appease him, and then it didn't!
And we've got this evil chipmunk up there.
It looks like he's been feeding off the bodies of his dead people.
Britain preparing for war with North Korea.
The UK's new aircraft carrier, the HMS
Let me go back to the top.
I want to read it.
The HMS Queen Elizabeth could be brought into service early.
It's a big gear up.
aircraft carriers are converging.
And U.S.
And Trump's talking about ominous stuff getting ready to go down.
So I'm glad some callers want to talk about that.
But also, let's talk about something that'll kill a lot more folks than got killed at the tragic events in Vegas.
That's California legalizing going and giving blood if you have HIV or hepatitis.
And giving it to your sexual partner and not telling them.
Now that's manslaughter, attempted murder in other states, and it should be.
How would they pass something like that, making it a misdemeanor, basically?
It's a slap on the wrist.
For all intents and purposes, it'd be like saying, you know, we're going to give you a parking ticket for murder.
Well that, in all intents and purposes, that's legalizing murder.
If you scroll down in the article, right there, it's got the LA Times quotes.
That are just unbelievable, where they just talk about how they're doing it.
Talking about how you can give blood and it's no big deal.
Well, it'll kill you!
But they say, oh, you're being mean to the gay people by making it a stigma.
Okay, so I can give somebody drug-resistant TB and know it?
Or I can give them cholera, is that okay?
No, I'd go to prison too.
But because it's a liberal disease, they're defining it as that.
Just like it's okay to sexualize your children as long as it's for tolerance.
Well, then it's okay.
Now, there it is.
This is LA Times.
Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill Friday that lowers
From a felony to a misdemeanor, the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.
The measure also applies to those who give blood without telling the blood bank they're HIV positive.
There you go.
So, as the disease explodes again, just remember that this happened.
This is true mental illness, ladies and gentlemen.
Next level.
So we got Dan, and we got Mary Lou, and we got Murdoch, and we got David, and we got Bill, and we got Sean, and many, many others.
Let's go to Dan in Indiana on North Korea.
Dan, you're on the air.
I'm concerned.
I'm concerned.
If we go to World War with North Korea, this is another sign of Jacob's Troubles.
And Mr. Jones, can you explain why you sure had to come at the beginning of Jacob's Troubles, and at the end of Jacob's Troubles, and are willing to give back your money, your $2,500 from the Bill Clinton rape contest, if you can answer that?
I appreciate your call.
I said first-time callers, and he likes to get through.
A nice fella, I guess, that won one of the awards for saying Bill Clinton's a rapist.
He did a great job.
I recognize his voice.
I remember the video.
And we got into an argument about post-Trib and pre-Trib, and I'm not going to argue about it.
The devil's real, God's real, and I'm going to fight corruption.
All I know is a lot of the pre-trib folks don't want to get involved.
They go, praise the Lord, the end of the world's coming.
I'm not going to fight the evil.
Jesus will be back.
And I just think that's a cop-out.
I'm not saying you're doing that, sir.
You're out there saying Bill Clinton's a rapist to his ugly face.
You've got a lot of courage.
So I appreciate you.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mary Lou in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Welcome, Mary Lou.
Hello, Alex.
Now I have a, real quick, I'd like to get in here.
Number one, Owen did a show, and he was talking about the American Horror Story series.
Now, my husband and I watched the one particular show, and it had Lady Gaga, and how they kidnapped a child, and how they had the children in the basement doing the ID where they were taking out their blood.
Now, the thing that's really kind of getting me is, and we turn around, we jump into the NFL football,
We're good to go.
Okay, here we go, we jump into China, which China is actually buying and taking over Hollywood.
I mean, how do they come into play?
Well, I mean, ma'am, that's the same reason they want to put HIV blood in the blood supply and all the rest of it.
They've got to do incredible things to break our will and let us know, we're going to murder you, we're going to poison you, we're going to sexualize your kids, we're going to put most of the public on Luvox.
You know, other serotonin reuptake inhibitors that, quote, increase death by 33%.
I mean, they're just killing us.
This is a death cult of people turned over to pure evil, and now they're saying, give your partner HIV.
Give them hepatitis.
Give them something that'll kill them.
You're not gonna get in trouble.
It's okay.
They're just lawless.
They know what they're doing.
Lady Gaga admits she's a devil worshiper.
She says she has someone sleep in the room with her because demons come attack her.
I mean, she says she gave her soul to the devil, like Kesha.
These people are gone.
And the brain is like on a radio transmitter receiver.
And there's all this spiritual stuff going on, and these people turn themselves over to pure wickedness.
And it's going to get worse and worse, and people are just going to be doing crazy things, like running off cliffs, like a bunch of, you know, pigs saying, I'm legion, and then the demon jumps on the pigs and they run off a cliff.
I mean, they're just screaming, we want to give you blood and kill you!
Your kids belong to us!
I mean, MSNBC's like, your kids belong to us!
We rule!
God is bad!
Families are bad!
We're gonna inject AIDS in you!
Let us murder you!
It's just pure Satanism, it's just... Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running...
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering, for the first time ever, 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Tropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen, BrainForce Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to $50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's $19.96 at Infowarslife.com.
Or simply call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus, or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get...
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end in the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm gonna have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth turmeric chaga mushroom bee pollen.
And more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
He's bigger than I am already at 15.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're a tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalism.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He never gives up.
He's Alex Jones.
Broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas worldwide.
All right, coming up in the next segment, I'm going right back to your calls, Murdoch, David, Bill, Sean, and many others that are patiently holding.
We're doing first-time callers today, 877-789-2539.
That's the new number, the number we've been using for years with the Sunday Show.
We're now producing the show completely here in-house.
I love GCN, but why, if I have my own giant studios, have I been still producing it with GCN over these years?
It's just a vestigial
Kind of pleasantry that I've been involved in, and it's good to have them as a backup, but InfoHorse is syndicated by yours truly, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, continuing here...
We're seeing a complete and total rout of the Democratic Party elite structure.
And the doddering, blue-blood, country club, racist Republicans, if anybody's racist it's the Democrats and them, they haven't figured out as wannabe elitist yet that the world has moved on many, many times.
And that the only thing more uncool than a doddering Democrat is a traitorous, larcenous, arrogant,
And you saw Judge Roy Moore.
You see Eric Prince getting ready to run out West against another one of these guys.
They're in full panic mode.
But then comes in Corker suddenly.
He's the new champion that hates Trump and is saying he's going to start World War III and is this idiot.
Well, I know from back channels and my own research as well that Corker is as dirty as a
We're good to go.
When we talk about Corker, we're talking about Mueller.
So why is Mueller saying all these things right now, joining us as Roger Stone?
Because it's bigger than just Corker.
It's understanding the anatomy of a puppet and what they're doing as Hollywood collapses, both financially, ethically, culturally, as the NFL has now lost 35% of their viewers this year.
It's like four or five points every week now.
It was 31%.
20 points before that in the last three years.
A 50-plus point drop.
I mean, they're in free fall.
This is gorgeous.
Pence walks out, they go, oh, how dare you?
Just makes him a bigger hero.
They don't understand the public has broken with them.
It's like a woman that leaves a man, she ain't been back for 10 years, you're still like, Martha's coming back soon.
No, she's not!
She'd rather die than live with you, you jerk!
And it's the same story.
It's like anybody that's out of a relationship and glad.
It ain't ever coming back.
It's never gonna come back.
It's over.
It's bye-bye time.
A lot of us in our relationships, as many years later, try to get you back, and you're like, are you joking?
Over my dead body.
So joining us, Roger Stone, what do you make of this historic point?
I mean, we're still in a serious fight, and they could kill the president, and they're trying to censor, and it's bad.
But at the same time, it's because they're getting their clocks cleaned.
I mean, everything they do... In fact, we don't even need to be here.
If they just talk, the public does the opposite.
They are that anathema.
Well, Alex, if I may steal a line from the late, great Jackie Gleason, how sweet it is.
I love to see this liberal gnashing of teeth.
They thrash around because they understand the American people have caught on to 30 years of failure.
The two-party duopoly is totally exposed by Trump, has been routed by Trump despite their best high-tech
I think so.
Then there was the appeal to the Electoral College.
They've been trying to destabilize him, to delegitimize him.
But as America gains jobs, as America gains confidence, as America has a leader who stands tall around the world and no longer cowers, the American people, the folks in flyover country, the folks who watch InfoWars, we know what's really going on in the country.
These folks are routed.
They're beat.
They can't win an election.
Uh, they continue to thrash and smear the president.
You have a former defense secretary or defense information director
...steps forward two days ago and says that the president will resign.
Mr. Clapper, James Clapper, says the president will resign if Manafort testifies.
No, he won't.
That's false.
That's a lie.
That's disinformation.
There's nothing Paul Manafort could say about the president that would be embarrassing.
Because there was no... They're just creating the idea of saying where's the resignation when it doesn't happen like Trump did something wrong.
Everything they do is a lie.
I mean just take seeing another saying that Trump begged Corker.
You told me behind the scenes a year ago that he was over there groveling and begging before he was even president-elect and Trump just threw him out of there.
The whole purpose of Corker visiting Trump at Trump Tower
We're good to go.
This guy has lined his pockets.
The FBI and the SEC were hot on his trail.
We presume they still are.
He didn't quit because he was tired.
He didn't quit because he was disgusted.
He quit two steps ahead of the posse.
That's the truth, Alex.
Well, we've got your article up on Infowars.com that Corker, the real reason he is resigning and not running again isn't just because he saw Judge Roy Moore big victory in the other populist swings and every runoff race being lost by Republican establishment candidates and Democrats.
A total signal that the realignment is just now accelerating.
You break down the huge investigation, bullet point by bullet point, that it looks like indictments could be imminent of Harry Corker and all of this attacking Trump.
Flip-flopping as him supine on his back, or I guess on his belly like a baby goblin, dragging his little belly up to mommy, begging Lord Mueller not to smash him.
No, I think you put your finger right on it, Alex.
He now believes that by trashing Trump, he can curry favor with the prosecutors and void time in the pokey.
That's exactly what this is about.
They got him by the short hairs.
And citizen journalists contacted me today about a whole new scandal in which the senator pressured a major car manufacturer to move and locate in his native Tennessee and then he and his administrative assistant formed a partnership and quietly bought up all the land around the new but yet unannounced location.
Citizen journalists, folks who are plugged in right here at InfoWars, brought us this stunning report and it all checks out.
Wow, that is just classic corruption.
It's very old-timey.
I mean, this guy makes Lyndon Johnson look like Mother Teresa.
It's looking more and more to me like Senator Corker would steal a hot stove.
This is stealing in the Clinton genre.
It's of that caliber.
Where he comes to the Senate relatively modest in his finances.
He's forced to amend and re-amend and re-amend his financial disclosures because he gets caught hiding millions of income that he never publicly reported.
This is all at the Infowars.com site.
I mean, it is their chapter and verse.
And the FBI and the SEC under Obama and under Trump have been breathing down the good senator's neck.
I see articles every day from CNN and others where it's total inversion of reality, and then these weird videos that are just comical to watch.
As you said, flailing pundits with almost no viewers.
How long can this charade go on, watching them flap in the wind like this?
Well, sadly, unfortunately, as you know, Alex, there's a lot of stupid or I should say gullible people in America.
But that really started to break up with the rise of an alternative media that is both vibrant and robust.
As long as you have the InfoWars.com, it does another fine alternative mainstream and conservative sites that will report the truth.
Uh, then you have an alternative narrative and more and more people realize the plausibility of what they're being told by alternatives.
All right, Roger Stone, thank you for joining us.
Thank you so much.
Call straight ahead.
We'll be back.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Nootropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen,
Brain Force Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to $50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's 1996 at Infowarslife.com or simply call toll-free 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free Super Blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm gonna have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth turmeric chaga mushroom bee pollen.
And more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already.
At 15, incredible.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com.
You're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
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That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, we are back live, about to go to Edwin and Mark and Murdoch and Dave and Bill and Sean and others.
First caller I'm gonna go to is gonna be Sean here in a second.
When I read the LA Times,
What I know about the blood scandals, and I know about the federal laws, and I read the LA Times saying that the state of California is lowering the criminal penalty from a felony to a lowest level misdemeanor, literally a parking ticket, it's $50, for knowingly giving somebody HIV, or going and giving blood,
Well, it's still a felony to give them hepatitis or something.
Why is it okay?
And they go, we don't want a stigma on it.
So you're going to give it to a bunch of people so there's no stigma?
This is literally suiciding yourself for political correctness.
It's total insanity.
And I can't believe that I actually read this in the LA Times and they're fawning over it like, like it's a good thing.
It's not satire.
And you realize that's their attempt.
But you know, there's federal law unknowingly infecting somebody, not just state.
But California almost signed the bill last year.
Other states have been doing it now.
California's got a bunch of cities that do it.
So does Maryland.
So does Illinois.
Maryland has seven towns that let illegals vote illegally and count their vote.
Vote fraud, right there.
Violates federal law.
Violates state law.
But they're just doing it!
And if they infect the blood supply, so what?
Now the Maryland cities rescinded the vote that allowed it, though, because they found it's a federal violation.
Yeah, that's what happened in Illinois.
They passed the law last year, and it got to the governor's desk, and the governor said, I can't sign it, even though I support it, because it violates federal law.
Yeah, you can't pass a law legalizing
Murder either.
I mean, it's just... I don't know what to say at this point.
But it's the madness of these people.
Let's go ahead and go to Sean in California.
Let's talk about Jerry Brown, old moonbeam.
You know, I don't care if he believes in UFOs.
I don't care if he wants to be a New Ager.
But when he wants to virtue signal and say people with HIV can give blood, what is his problem?
But it's become a big thing in the liberal gay community to spread it, and to want to get it.
Well, if you want to kill yourself, that's your issue.
But... If you want to cut your nose off and spite your face, but not mine... Man, this is so wild.
Then you wonder, what's next from these folks?
What's next from Virtue Signal in California?
Because if you say, hey, throw kids in meat grinders, it's for the children, they'd probably do it.
As long as you say it's for a good cause.
Sean in California, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you?
I'm alright brother, go ahead.
First of all, I just want to say that I've tried a numeracy of products and man, they're wonderful.
I'm going to be quick and I just want to say thank you for helping us, you know, have a healthy life, which all these people are pushing terrible ones.
Thank you.
Now with Jerry Brown, I'm very surprised that he's not even putting it out to the Californians that we know.
Like I only knew from David Knight three weeks ago.
And I find it very shocking that they're not even giving us a chance to even go against what he's voting for.
I didn't even know about this until I saw the LA Times Friday night and I was looking at InfoWars and I went, man, I missed that.
And I didn't, I saw it on a blurb article and I clicked the LA Times and then I went and read the bill.
And it's only two pages long.
I could not believe it.
I know, and I still can't believe that he made us a sanctuary state at the same time, which kind of also puts into everything that you're saying.
Well, that's the thing.
I mean, I had the head of the Border Patrol on from Texas sector, and even though orders were don't do it under Obama, they did it with a lot of courage.
They said, listen, we bring in people that even have the black plague, that have cholera, that have TB, drug resistant, that have leprosy, and we're not even told to keep them or give them treatment.
We're told just push them into the U.S.
That's hurting the person that has it, much less how they're going to spread it.
So what do you think the endgame is?
I mean, it's to spread disease and bring down the U.S.
Yeah, definitely.
They're trying to do like a mass, you know, quiet killing, it seems like to me.
I mean, if they're just letting, they just barely let out the hepatitis thing.
I'm barely hearing about it here in California.
Oh, and you've got a huge spread.
And then they say take vaccines.
But they find it's not in people that are vaccinated or that are middle class or even poor.
It's in the giant homeless, illegal alien population.
Oh yeah, and it's running rapid here.
I mean, we've got homeless people on almost every corner, and I'm in a beach community.
You know what I mean?
So, it's very scary what he's doing, and he's like a Wild West trying to get all these things passed before maybe he passes away, or people finally start to open their eyes here.
It's really scary.
Buddy, I've been in L.A., and I've been in Seattle in the last year, and I was like, there was feces all over the ground.
It wasn't dog manure.
There was just crazy-looking people everywhere, and I mean, yeah, it's a demonic spirit.
I mean, it is sabotage of humanity by design.
And they love it, because it makes the globalists feel good to drive by and see the filth, see the dirt.
That makes them feel better.
They like it.
Thank you for the call.
Great points.
That's from psychology and criminology I've studied.
Psychopaths and sociopaths, psychopaths particularly, love to see starving children with bones sticking out of their sides.
They love to see rotting bodies.
They love the smell of rotten meat.
They love feces.
They love death.
And you have to understand that.
And as they become clearer, you're going to see them announce it.
So, that's what's going on here.
They're all sharing needles.
They're all trendy, though.
Don't worry.
They're all super cool, man.
Super, super cool, bro.
Uh, listen.
You heard the caller say he likes the products.
Of our 45 products, 10 or 11 are proprietary, where we went out and looked at top formulas already out there and made them better and souped them up.
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It passed California standards, and then they were so dumb, they went, oh, the lab says this is an example of actually the best B12, and didn't even know it's who we private labeled from.
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I mean, the irony of that, how none of these weapons formed against us are prospering.
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Infowarslive.com or 888-253-3139.
I'm gonna go to, he's been holding the longest here.
My eyes aren't as good as they used to be, guys.
I mean, they're still really good, but not that... There's a bigger studio now.
Can you blow that up for me?
I can barely read those, these bright lights.
Who's been holding the longest?
Would that be, uh, David?
And then it'd be Murdoch.
Then it'd be, uh, Bill, Edwin, and Mark.
So I'm gonna go to all of you when we start the next hour.
By the way, I'm of good cheer.
We're winning the battle.
We're having a great effect thanks to you and all of us together, but
It's getting draconian.
I mean, they're coming after me seven ways this Sunday, and they are trying to shut us down everywhere.
I just got a letter threatening me with stuff about the Weinsteins from a law firm an hour ago.
So, that's the kind of stuff we've got going on around here.
And we're definitely a target.
They want to bring us down.
They don't understand.
We were just a detonation cap, like the cap in a round that fires a projectile down a tube.
Down a pipe, down a barrel.
We already detonated a long time ago.
Now, I keep firing missiles as fast as I can, but we already kicked the big domino over.
So, you might want to understand that, that I've already done my work.
The big chain reaction, my listeners and I have set off, it's already shaking the world.
And we're just getting started.
And I love it.
I love you attacking us.
I'm going to run you over politically.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
This message is transmitted at the request of the President of the United States of America and the Office of Homeland Security.
In compliance with the United Nations, the President of the United States has declared martial law.
Curfew is now in place.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We are the resistance and that's well known.
All these political whores, Hollywood funded trash are calling themselves the resistance.
And technically they can be the resistance to the resistance.
But they are the opposition.
They are the establishment.
They're the
Globalist scum.
Like Harvey Weinstein.
That's the tip of the iceberg.
Funding all those Michael Moore films and all the rest of it.
And now they're burning him down for... There's these articles like, every night have a different woman at the table.
And then he'd take them for a tour.
And he was having sex with them.
Yeah, if he was trying to make people have sex with him, who didn't want to, but if it wasn't even working there, and they're turning this huge thing, it's something bigger, folks.
They're taking over a studio.
The Communist Chinese have been trying to take over Miramax.
This is a Democratic Party deep state coup against their own people, and they don't care because they all eat themselves.
We have major pedophilia going on is what I'm saying.
I don't defend what Weinstein's doing.
I hope he burns in hell.
But understand that the fact that Meryl Streep has come out and says she loves Roman Polanski and he shouldn't be in jail over in Europe and that he got away with it for decades raping a 13-year-old girl.
He admitted it.
And he said everybody likes to have sex with little girls.
No, everybody doesn't.
And 13?
And you held her down and raped her?
And then you just shoot your mouth off about it?
That's the only reason you ended up getting in trouble again.
Because there were connections to it in Europe.
I mean, take one look at Michael Moore.
I mean, he looks just like Dennis Hastert's son, doesn't he?
I mean, look at that boy.
You know that's a scumbag right there.
That is a demon pig.
He knows exactly what he's doing, manipulating liberals.
He's meant to keep people poor and under his control.
He is a monstrous scumbag.
But notice the New York Times and all of them squashed the stories back in 2004.
And yeah, it's wrong to call people in that work with you and tell them, watch me take a shower.
It's, it's, it's, it's... Borders on sexual assault.
But these people are adults.
And they're there in their filthy Hollywood trying to get powerful in that system.
And so what do they expect?
You lie down with dogs, you get fleas.
But the children, they don't have any way to defend themselves.
So people make jokes about Weinstein.
There he is.
With Carrie Fisher.
And then you've got Hillary coming over.
This footage is from one of their private meetings.
Getting serious though, you can Google Hillary Clinton and Weinstein with her with her hands all over his chest and belly.
There's videos.
I mean, I think those two probably had a role in the hay or something, but Hillary likes the girls.
She'll reportedly get rough with them, slap them around a little bit.
She can party with the worst of the boys.
Let me tell you, she likes old Bill getting rough with them.
Hell yeah.
That's what they like.
She's just the power of it for these slugs.
Can we go out to break with Meryl Streep standing ovation and her also saying she's sad that a guy that kidnapped a 13-year-old girl and anally raped her is in prison?
Because it's important.
It's important we understand who these people are.
Here it is.
Then we'll go to break and come back and we'll have a guess and we'll take your phone calls.
Do we have that clip from earlier?
Go ahead.
Yes, uh, Roman Polanski.
I'm very sorry that he's in jail.
That was for Roman Polanski.
Oh, my.
Harrison Ford's so proud of himself.
Oh, there's Roman Polanski's good buddy.
He was supposedly over there that day, uh, Jack Nicholson.
All sitting around together.
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The answer to tyranny's liberty in 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Will Johnson's joining us at the bottom of the hour, then Mike Cernovich is joining us, and Will's welcome her out shotgun with us.
I know Cernovich likes roundtable discussions.
Cernovich did a documentary on the record rapes going on in Europe.
And none of it's graphic.
It's banned.
There's no cuss words.
Um, there's other videos dealing with the black Islamic guy that went and shot up the white church, just like we covered the white idiot bad guy that went and shot up the black church, but you can't cover that for whatever reason, so his video's been banned.
I mean, it's getting bad, folks.
They're trying to ban us off YouTube, Facebook right now.
It's getting serious.
Meanwhile, Roman Polanski kidnapped a 13-year-old, raped her, and then Meryl Streep stands up, gives him standing ovations,
At the Academy Awards.
And then years later, when asked about it, she says, yeah, you know, it's wrong that there was attention on him and he'd been free for decades and then was put in jail in Europe for stuff he did over there, reportedly.
So this is the arrogance.
But now she's turned on Harvey Weinstein, who's owned by this BN Media Group out of Qatar, which I know the Chinese are trying to buy.
So all I'm saying is I'm not defending all the stuff he did and the creepy stuff and having staff members come in and say, watch me shower.
I mean, it's just
It's crazy bad.
My point is, is that the real news is the police investigating the Prime Minister of England raping and murdering children.
That's the Daily Mail.
Ted Heath, police chief, calls for Westminster child sex ring inquiry.
And they've tracked down the dead bodies, the kids, you name it, and he's involved.
I'm not even going to say the rest of the stuff on air.
I mean, you can't make this up, folks.
The point is, is that evil is alive and well in this world.
And here's Meryl Streep saying that Harvey Weinstein's a god.
And the reason I'm playing this is, she'll get up and say she loves Roman Polanski.
When he's a convicted rapist of a 13-year-old girl that they took in a house, drugged, and sodomized.
And that's okay.
But Weinstein now she says is disgraceful.
It's because they know they're weak now.
Hollywood is collapsing.
The NFL is collapsing.
Mainstream media is collapsing.
The Republican Party, elites are collapsing.
This isn't about Republican or Democrat for me.
It's about the elites in trouble and the populace getting together and having policies that are good for people.
So let's play that clip and go to our amazing guest who does some viral videos and demonstrations that are some of the hottest ones on YouTube.
But here is that clip since I mentioned it.
I just want to thank my agent Kevin Uvaine and God, Harvey Weinstein.
The Punisher.
Old Testament, I guess.
Yes, Roman Polanski, I'm very sorry that he's in jail.
It was for Roman Polanski.
This is a convicted
Rapist of a child.
Now again, this just broke.
German actress, 61, says film director Roman Polanski raped her when she was a 15-year-old child model.
And we show a photo of her right there.
So this is the type of stuff we're talking about.
And again, it's the hypocrisy.
It's Hollywood saying men wearing the pants is bad, and having the words mother and father in school is bad.
This is the cult running our lives?
And we're breaking free of these people.
And I think the NFL and Hollywood being so evil is unifying us about what really made America great so we can get back to that experiment of trying to be the great country we wanted to be that did make us so great.
Despite all our problems.
Bill Johnson.
I've been called that too, man.
I've protested the KKK like 20 times.
Attacked by him.
UnitedAmericaFirst.com is his site.
Will, where do we start here with the whole breakdown of what we see in this civilization?
What's front and center at United America First for you right now?
I guess front and center is just bringing awareness to all the lawlessness that's going on.
I mean, you've been touching on it all day today.
I've been watching your show with Senator Weiner, Nancy Pelosi.
They call me white supremacist.
Now they're giving HIV like it's okay.
They're probably going to bottle it next and tell everyone to consume it.
That's a good point.
You've made the point, and again, back when they've been doing it, I've said there's wars on black people with these drug laws that are focused on black people and they should be changed.
But when there is a war saying go out and kill white people, mainly by white people trying to trigger minorities to do it, what's behind that?
Because you've made that point.
You know, I've been talking about that for the last two years.
There is literally a war on white people in America, and I think ultimately the objective is to get at Christianity, because they want to remove Christianity.
I mean, just look how the liberal left, they're trying to bring in these Islamic terrorists into the country, and the first people they're going to attack will be Christians, specifically white Christians.
And I've been noticing it when they started talking about reparations, white privilege, and they've been talking about that for years.
What do you think's behind it all?
Because it seems so crazy.
Well, you know, like I said, the majority of the people in America, they are white.
And the majority of the white people in America are Christians.
That's just it.
And I think what's behind the whole thing is that they want to destroy this country.
They're so upset.
So when Donald J. Trump became president, they figured they would pick up the speed and just really start calling white people white supremacists, neo-Nazis, fascists, because this wasn't taking place during Obama.
I mean, if it was such an issue, for example, with the statues and monuments, why not take him down when Obama was in office?
He probably could have signed a second order to take him down.
Well, now they want to take down Columbus' deal, and he wasn't exploring, he did do the things, that's what was going on back then.
But we learned that trade from the Muslims and the Arabs, and I'm not saying fight with them, but you've still got slavery going on in different areas of Africa and the Middle East under Islam.
Why doesn't anybody get upset about it currently going on?
Why is it Columbus 500 years ago?
Well, you know, it's the same thing with BLM, Black Lives Matter.
Black lives only matter when there's a white person or a cop is involved.
And today, the Democratic Party still have black people enslaved.
It's just a different slave mentality.
It's completely different than the way it was before.
And I've noticed a lot of black people today, they have on shackles on their hands and their feet, and there's no locks on them.
And then when you tell them the truth, for example, like Infowars, when you come out and you speak the truth, they get upset with you.
They get angry.
You know, the whole thing about talking about the truth hurts.
And it's a clear example of it.
But it's blown up in the NFL's face.
Their ratings are down 35% now in just one year.
It's blowing up in Hollywood's face.
Everybody is rejecting it right now.
But they only seem to be intensifying what they do.
Where do you see this going?
You know, I mean, I think it's all going downhill, to be honest with you.
You know, when I saw the Kaepernick and NFL football players doing this, just think about the impact.
Had Kaepernick, you know, went up to four or five white police officers, locked arms with him and said, I'm going to stand on a national anthem with them on the field.
How much more support would he have received by doing that?
I mean, it's amazing they have this whole division, this whole thing, how they want to destroy this country, mainly because they're upset about Donald J. Trump, because Hillary Clinton didn't win.
She is a criminal.
She is a crook.
And we know it.
And she called black folks super predators and got laws passed that gave blacks three to five times longer sentences.
How is that not super racist?
That is absolutely super racist.
I was in Arkansas when Bill Clinton was governor, and I remember they were running ads on the radio talking about how you can buy stocks into the prison system.
And at the time I was working an electrician job, and this electrician has told me that they were building prisons as far as the eye can see.
And he was wondering, who are they going to lock up?
And that was during a time Hillary Clinton called black people, specifically black males, super predators, and they were locking people up at alarming rates.
And if you're a white guy or a black guy isn't a predator, you put them in prison five years, they're going to have an education in it when they come out.
And they're going to have a completely different view, different opinion on society and life.
And they believe that the Democratic Party is going to be the party for them, even when they come back out.
It's not that the Republican establishment is good, but that's why they hate Trump, too.
I'm going to come back and talk about this with Will Johnson.
UnitedAmericanFirst.com has a lot of courage.
He was out there at the prayer rally that the Democrats attacked when Antifa got so violent.
We'll pull up some of that footage.
And finally made Pelosi say, OK,
Antifa is a terrorist organization, so he had a lot of courage.
We're going to talk to him about that when we come back.
Stay with us.
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I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
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On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end!
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price, because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support, because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible, high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Rainforest Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
For the last two years, I've been saying there's an attack on white people in America.
If you go out and you say you're a Trump supporter today, you're automatically racist.
Because you're white.
Right now, the war is the Infowar.
That's the war that we're in right now.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones.
And it's Will Johnson, who, it was over a month ago now, time flies, a big turning point because Trump had been wrong to say, yeah, the white supremacists are horrible.
And so the people there with clubs and stuff on the other side attacking him, when a lot of folks there were just covering what was happening at the statues, both sides are bad.
They went, oh my gosh, you don't care about white supremacists.
And then a month later, a few weeks later, there's all these attacks around the country.
Uh, you know, on, on Nebai trying to have a demonstration, who isn't a liberal, and finally Pelosi had to say, okay, these are bad groups.
And I, you know, I talked to reporters that were there.
It was a very diverse crowd of people that were concerned about the First Amendment, mainly Christians, that came out for a prayer vigil of every, not every race, we're all the same race, red-blooded Americans, and just vicious scum.
What were the Democrats thinking, Will Johnson?
Because you were there.
What were they, and you've been at other events.
What were they thinking to think they could just get away with things like this, and then have it in a bubble, in a vacuum, where people didn't see what they were doing?
It's like the NFL.
Who thought they'd get away with that?
It's like they have this weird confidence, but nothing to back it up.
I mean, who thought?
It's like a mouse starting a fight with a lion.
I mean, what do you think's happening?
You know, first of all, I want to thank you for, you know, putting me in the intro of your show there.
It's absolutely an honor.
You know, as far as the rally that took place, where we're trying to take place at Chrissy Field in Sacramento, I'm sorry, in San Francisco, it was myself, Gabriel Silva, Lindsey Grathwald, and Joey Gibson.
And you've had, actually, Larry Grathwald on your show a couple times, and his daughter, I've been working with his daughter.
Oh, he was a great guy that infiltrated the Weathermen and their whole plan, and just died a few years ago.
I'd love to have her on.
What a pain.
Yeah, she would love to.
She'd love to talk to you.
And she's actually filling her father's shoes now.
So she's an awesome lady.
So when we were trying to have the rally there, we noticed that they were going to try to intermingle Antifa along with the rally goers, people that were going to come there to participate in the rally.
And we didn't want to have another Charlottesville take place.
And that's exactly what they were trying to do.
Nancy Pelosi called us.
Me, I'm an African, I'm American.
Black American.
Gabriel Silva, he's Hispanic.
And then we have Joey Gibson, he's Japanese.
And then Lindsey Grathwald, she's the only Caucasian that was organizing this.
But she called all of us neo-Nazis, white fascists, white supremacists.
I should have added, you were the organizer of it.
I should have said that up front.
You weren't just there, you were the organizer.
Yes, myself, the four of us were organizing this event.
And then she called it white supremacy and sicked this mob of crazies on you who they were the ones dressed like Nazis and I'm not saying this is a virtue signal I've been all over the country 90% of the people saying kill whites go out and are white people and it's it's what are they what are they up to?
You know without them even looking at who was organizing this rally who was putting it together they just automatically say that because why because we support the president
We're for America.
We don't have an issue supporting the flag.
But they deliberately attacked us for that reason.
And because they didn't even look to see who was organizing this, they automatically said that.
And then they were going to bring all this violence.
They had Antifa members there that weren't even from California that were just militant crazies.
I mean, it was unbelievable how they mounted up.
They're fine about Soros.
It's admitted.
Yeah, I believe it.
And there were so many of them that we couldn't even hold and we didn't want to create another Charlottesville because soon as, if we would have went on with it, they would have said, look, Trump supporters are being violent again.
Knowing good and well that they were bringing all of these people in to be violent towards us.
It's always been the left is violent.
If you have a conservative movement or rally or march or whatever it is, and you can be 100% peaceful, they will bring these people in to bring the violence.
It has always been the other side that's bringing the violence.
You don't see that happening when they have a rally.
You don't see conservatives showing up, throwing rocks, throwing these M-80 bombs at them, calling them all these racial names.
You don't see that.
It only happens when conservatives that support America does this.
Absolutely, and America's now rejecting it across the board.
They've got polls, something like 70% of black Americans totally don't want all this NFL stuff either.
In fact, the polls show people think there's more unity than ever, despite Obama and Pelosi and the globalists trying it.
I think America has finally seen through how they're using race to control us.
They are using race, and it's always been the other side.
It's always been the left that always uses a person's sex to try to divide us.
They try to use your religion.
They try to use your nationality.
They try to use your color.
They always use something.
They always say black people won't vote Trump.
They always say gay people won't vote Trump.
They always say intelligent women won't vote Trump.
They always use something to try to divide us.
But, you know, for the most part, you always hear conservatives always refer to us as Americans.
Who are they going to vote for?
It's always the other side that's bringing the division.
And that's because they're the party that always did it.
It's so crazy how they switched everything.
Because the Republicans, with the Civil Rights Act in 59, really freaked them out.
They realized their racist strategy wasn't going to work in the South.
So they just flipped.
And then ever since then, it's just been crazy.
It's been 100% crazy.
And just like I said earlier, they are in support of being lawless.
I mean, the canvas that they're laying out and they're painting is just completely black.
I mean, it's unbelievable that the state of America that we're in right now, and they're really pushing even more to bring all this violence and this hate, just like they have a thing coming out November 4th, where they're going to go out and they say they're going to march against the Trump-Pence regime, as if that's an issue, and then they're going to be violent towards people who they consider to be Trump supporters,
Are fascists, and the first people that they're going to go out and identify as Trump supporters are fascists, are going to be white people.
I'm telling you, that's exactly who they're going to attack first.
But I'll tell you who they're even more afraid of, and I agree, is on YouTube, all these super amazing YouTubers.
How about competition?
There's all these new black YouTubers that are like, getting more views than I'm getting.
They're like, way more article than I am.
They're just dominating.
They're all getting suspended and blocked.
I mean, the left is really scared of black folks saying, look, I'm a libertarian, I'm a Christian, hey, I'm not part of this Democrat.
They are really scared.
You're absolutely right.
I mean, I have my YouTube channel, and all of a sudden, here in the last month or so, they've been... You know, I can't even monetize my videos.
I put a video out, and I just said, this is a test.
They won't even let me monetize that.
And it's because of what I'm saying in the video.
They no longer just do it by on the catchphrase... Yeah, talk about discrimination, because you're Christian, because you love America, you're not allowed to monetize.
Because the things I'm talking about, because I'm bringing awareness to what the crazy left is doing.
They don't like the fact that a black person is no longer on this virtual plantation of the Democratic Party.
They want me to put me back in line.
That's right.
They also think because you take the money away, we're going to stop.
We're going to fight even harder now.
You think we care about the money?
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
Stay right there, my friends.
Stay there, Will Johnson.
Mike Cernovich coming up.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we're running
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And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our Caveman Ultimate Paleo Bone Broth, Turmeric Chaga Mushroom Bee Pollen and more.
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50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever.
And when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus and 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to The Antidote for Fake News.
It's Alex Jones.
Riding shotgun with us is Will Johnson of UnitedAmericaFirst.com who organized the prayer rally a month ago out in San Francisco that made Pelosi have to admit, okay, Antifa's out of control after she'd said, white supremacists are coming to San Francisco, go out there and go after them.
Then she realized she had liability because of it and realized it was a multi-racial crowd of just patriots out there that were for free speech, mainly Christians, and they had to back off.
But Antifa November 4 says they're launching a revolution.
They say that's the peak of it.
October 1st was their main launch.
Mike Cernovich is joining us now again with Will Johnson riding shotgun.
But this morning...
I was already planning to go on air with Mark Dice in his video about a black Muslim from Sudan, where again, they're killing all the Christians.
They're black, but see, they're Muslims.
They're killing them.
That's what it's about.
It's about religion.
And nobody seems to care about hundreds of thousands of Christians killed just the last few years in the Middle East and Africa, from Nigeria to Libya.
I mean, it's bad.
And this is all going on, and then his video got deleted.
It was a very, I'd seen the video, a very well-spoken, focused video about, look, a black Muslim comes in, he says he wants to kill whites, he goes and targets this church, why isn't there more coverage of it?
And they just deleted the video saying this is racist, basically.
Well, Mike Cernovich put out a history video about Sweden, now the rape capital of Europe.
According to Heat Maps for Rape, according to the UN, you pull up the maps, global rape numbers, Sweden's number one in Europe.
And it's admittedly that 95% of the rapes are Islamist men of every color.
That's their culture.
Woman's unattended, she's scantily clad, that means you can see her face, rape the hell out of her.
So Cernovich had his video taken down and they said one more time we're going to delete you, period.
So, this is how they operate, this is what they do, and it's massively intensifying right now.
What does this signify, Mike Cernovich of Cernovich Media, that this is accelerating right now?
Yeah, this is a big issue, by the way.
Even, there's a guy, Phil DeFranco, he has a site called DeFranco Elite, and he's a true, like, lefty liberal.
There's another guy, Casey Neimat, or something, who just signed a deal with CNN.
Their videos are now being demonetized, too, and what YouTube is doing is, anybody who's alternative media, even if you say things they disagree with,
So for example, this Casey Neomar, I'll see if I can find the link.
He's a lefty, pro-Hillary guy.
He did a video saying that I will donate all of the adsense revenue on this video to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting.
YouTube demonetized him in a second, and then they go, oh well, any video that talks about a mass murder or shooting can't be advertised.
But they let Jimmy Kimmel and CNN, what they're saying is they all have speech, you don't.
It's all completely racketeering, total discrimination.
Right, that's exactly right.
And he even showed, he goes, well that isn't true because Jimmy Kimmel's video has a Chrysler ad in front of it and then Phil DeFranco.
And by the way, these aren't people who agree with us.
These are very lefties, but I defend the free speech rights.
No, I agree, but see how the left has gone along with the censorship?
Now they're finding out.
This is for the entire competition to the dying media complex.
This is their plan to end competition.
This is their plan to survive.
Yes, anti-trust violation, and this is why I oppose all censorship.
Of course, I don't like the KKK, but if they have their rights taken, I lose mine?
Exactly, that's what I always say.
I go, look, I'm not down with the Nazi boys coming to my parties, but if they want to have a little tiki torch rally and 20 people want to hold the torch for 10 minutes and sing... Exactly, Nazis shouldn't come to my house, but they can have a rally if they want one.
Let's have Will pop in here quick.
Will of the United America First, who got attacked by Antifa for trying to have a rally.
I mean, they're attacking us on the street.
Big corporations are taking our free speech away.
What are we supposed to do?
You know, just to touch on that, what if it's Black Lives Matter, you know?
I don't agree with Black Lives Matter, but they should be still able to go out and say what they want to say and do what they want to do, as long as they don't have to bring violence to anyone.
But that's just it.
You had these guys that were out here with the tiki torches, they weren't being violent to anybody, they were saying stuff and doing stuff people didn't agree with.
I think they should have every right to go out there and do that.
I agree.
Well, why do you think then, Will Johnson, they're accelerating the censorship?
Because they want to destroy this country.
They want to suppress everything that is waking people up.
I don't think ever before have I ever seen black people stand up for a president, specifically a white president, like now, for Donald J. Trump.
I didn't even see it with Bill Clinton.
And that's what they're banning.
I agree.
They're most afraid.
Why do you think they're most afraid of the eloquent, amazing black folks that are getting viral videos every... I mean, I gotta say, talk about competition.
Because they always go, oh, you're saying they're eloquent like a black person who can't speak well.
No, they're getting a lot more views than I'm getting.
They're more better spoken than I am.
And I welcome the competition because it's ideas.
But let me ask Cernovich that.
I'm sure you've noticed, and Mark Dice points it out, the real group they're banning for anything is Red Pill Black and other black folks that are getting off the plantation, Cernovich.
Well, the reason that they want to do that is the media covered up sexual predator Harvey Weinstein's conduct for decades.
They know that this great man, Will here... Hey, Will, I'll just ask you a question.
If you had found out that Harvey Weinstein had been sexually harassing and maybe doing worse with women over decades, would you have covered that story up?
There's your answer.
I would have talked about it.
I mean, seriously.
I mean, if you're committing a crime, regardless of who you are, people should talk about it.
That's why they want to shut you down.
That's why they want to shut us all down.
Because you got common sense.
Yeah, we have morality, we have decency.
Harvey Weinstein couldn't say, oh, don't break this story, I'll give you an interview, or I'll give you VIP tickets to my next film.
He would say, we don't care, dude, you can't buy us.
By the way, we now know the New York Times covered it up in 2004, 2009, Meryl Streep, all of them, CNN covered it up, they're all complicit in this, but they're covering up the pedophilia on top of it.
Why do you think Weinstein's breaking now, Mike Cernovich?
Well, they have to have.
That's exactly why it's because there is a major, major pedophile problem.
And they just sent him out like a sacrificial lamb.
I mean, even what they're trying to do, Harvey Weinstein, this story just broke.
I don't agree with this.
They're going to remove his name from the credits of shows and films he did.
No, no, no.
You can't rewrite history.
See, that's what I'm saying.
I don't like Weinstein, but most of this was concerning women.
It's creepy.
I don't like it.
With the pedophilia and Meryl Streep, you know, it hasn't gone back on Polanski raping 13-year-old girls, anally.
That's okay, but then he's the worst guy ever.
I think it's part of a, from what I've heard, a corporate takeover of Miramax by the Chinese.
Yeah, it's definitely not what it appears to be.
The big question is that only anybody should ask is, well, why now?
They've had this story for decades.
Why did they break it now?
That's it.
Why now?
So why?
Well, you nailed it.
They broke it because they were probably, just like the media was paid off by Harvey Weinstein for decades to cover up his conduct, they probably got paid off by his own brother.
His own brother planted the story.
His own brother.
And now suddenly, Harvey Weinstein is, God, I don't want to defend the guy, but I just speak the truth.
And when you share the truth, sometimes it seems like you're defending, I'm not defending Harvey Weinstein, but I speak the truth.
The truth is that suddenly he's removed from the company.
They want to take away all his credits and all of his royalty rights and everything for films that he already did.
You can't rewrite history like that.
He actually did all this stuff, so probably they were paid off.
My guess is the New York Times was paid off by Bob Weinstein and others in the Weinstein Corporation.
All right.
Will Johnson, we're going to break.
I'm going to come out with a final segment with Mike Cernovich, but closing comments from you, my friend.
I want to thank you, Alex, for allowing me to come on and talk today.
You know what?
It's a real honor.
You know, we have to wake people up as much as possible.
And I've been listening to you for years, and you've been saying everyone needs to come together.
You've encouraged people to do their own thing.
And you're part of the reason why I started doing my thing and started coming out and started speaking, minus God pushing me to do it.
And I want to thank you again so much for allowing me to come on today.
Sir, I mean, thank you for what you're doing.
You're here because you're kicking butt.
You're telling the truth.
You've got a lot of courage.
And it was your event, the courage to do that in San Francisco, that showed the true evil of Antifa.
I'd say in the last six months, you've done more than I've done.
So let me thank you.
And that isn't about sitting there just giving platitudes.
It's true.
We should recognize people like you.
Don't you agree, Mike?
Oh, and we do.
That's the whole point.
That's why you hold those contests.
I hold contests.
That's why we're always promoting people, retweeting people.
I promote because the thing is...
I don't want a leader like you or me or anybody to be a leader.
I want the movement to be so big that they can never stop us and they can't stop America.
Exactly, absolutely.
Mike Cernovich, stay there.
Will Johnson, UnitedAmericaFirst.com.
Everybody be sure and follow him.
Please come back soon, Will.
And let's put you on hold.
I'm going to get the number for Larry Grathwald's daughter.
I want to get her on.
We'll be back with Mike Cernovich.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we're running
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And when you purchase Brain Force Plus, or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get...
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth, turmeric, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
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50% off Caveman, but only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com.
You're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible, high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
Owen Schroyer with a bunch of his great co-hosts who pop in to host the War Room 3 to 6 p.m.
to 3 p.m.
We have David Knight with the Real News in the mornings.
Mike Cerner is with us right now.
He also contributes to the War Room.
We just had Will Johnson on.
Again, I'm not... People go, oh Jones is defending Weinstein.
No, I'm not.
I attack him all the time.
It's why is this happening now?
The story isn't the New York Times and CNN covered it up.
The story is it fits right in with the Clintons and their whole history of weird behavior and abuse.
The story is we've got all these major pedophile rings going on and all this unfolding.
Mike Cernovich, what do you think, with your ear to the ground, this huge Weinstein scandal signifies?
I think, and again, I think Weinstein's a vile person, but if you want to look at what is really truly happening in the world, Weinstein was a sacrificial lamb given to the world by the pedophiles to draw attention away from pedophiles and pedophilia.
That's what's really going on here.
And then they basically make heterosexual sex the big taboo.
They teach you, like, you get in trouble when it's this, but you don't get in trouble if you're... I mean, Roman Polanski, great point.
He says, yeah, I raped a 13-year-old.
We all love 13-year-olds.
It's no big deal.
No, we don't.
And then Meryl Streep stands for him, and they all clap, and she defends him.
That's okay.
But then she says Weinstein's horrible for being a pervert and pushing himself on women.
Again, sacrificial lamb.
That's what's really going on here is they hope that that'll get attention away from the true pedophiles in Hollywood, but they backfired.
And by the way, you know, give the devil their due.
I'm going to give a lot of credit to the liberals who they called out a lot of stuff about Bill O'Reilly, but they called out Weinstein, too.
So I just I do want to give credit to all the people who are really trying to take a stand.
Sure, but what changed?
I think it signifies they know Hollywood's collapsing and isn't powerful and is being bought up by the Chinese, by the Saudi Arabians, by a conglomerate of multinationals.
So now these moguls who thought they were king are now learning they're expendable because once multinationals own it, they no longer run it.
Then the media is happy.
New York Times owned by the Mexican kingpin to cut them off.
We're just looking at oligarchs using the media as part of their proxy wars.
That's one issue.
It was a big backfire, though, because I've heard from Capitol Hill sources that Republicans are looking into holding hearings about the casting couch in Hollywood, about the pedophilia in Hollywood.
So this was a tactical error, I think, because there are Republicans, I'm not going to name who, but very high level sources at Capitol Hill have told me
They're thinking about holding hearings into Hollywood, into the sexual practices of harassment, and the pedophilia stuff as well.
Well, just financially, Hollywood is going insolvent and begging for foreign countries to buy it up, which is a national security violation here of our media.
And I see the NFL collapsing ratings, money.
I mean, it just seems like everything they touch turns to manure.
But they don't care, Mike.
They just get more intense as they lose.
Do you agree with that, A?
And B, where's this going?
It's definitely everything they touch is going to fall down because they are nihilists, they are satanists, they are practices of dark arts who don't believe in building and creating, who believe in tearing things down.
That's the big thing that Ann Coulter tweeted out.
What she doesn't understand about Harvey Weinstein is that why did he make the girls watch him shower rather than watching them shower?
It's a narcissist idiot!
If he made it about the girls, they'd love him!
It's about him!
It just shows he's a creep!
Yeah, it's about debasing the women.
I bet you there was scat involved.
I bet you all kinds of... Exactly.
It was about worshipping this toad creature.
A pot-bellied, you know, goblin is what he is.
So Harry Weinstein was a practitioner of goblin worship.
He can be added to the goblin... Well, keep going with that.
You're really on to something here.
I don't mean to interrupt.
Yeah, so that's what's going on, and that's what Ann Coulter and other people miss, is Harvey Weinstein was not attracted to beautiful women.
This is the mistake that people are making.
He was attracted to debasing and destroying what he thought was beautiful, what other people thought was beautiful.
The women that would come out at the office from the place they had a restaurant and his deal, and he had like an apartment there, they would come out totally looking freaked out after they'd gone in, so it was not enjoyable.
Well, that's what they report.
Right, exactly.
It wasn't about... I mean, you know, let's just be honest.
If anybody's a big-time Hollywood director, beautiful women are throwing themselves at you.
You know, let's just not pretend that they're... Yeah, you don't need to do all this perv stuff.
Right, exactly.
So why would he have to do it when beautiful women would love to have a meeting with him?
Well, because again, it was about, and that's why he would come in on Friday night.
What they would do is he would wear a bathrobe.
Yeah, look at what he's doing with Emma Watson.
She's a feminist.
I would really like to hear.
Look at that face, too.
That reminds me of the picture I saw of Soros with two young women.
They have this look like
There's some kind of thing going on.
I don't really know.
But he has that creepy look on his face.
George Soros has it in a picture of him with two young women, too.
There's something going on there.
They say he'd bully and yell at them up front to get them upset and then have them have sex.
So he isn't wanting women to want.
He wants to, like Pennywise, he wants to horrify you and then get your energy.
He wants to rape you, basically, but not have it be an official rape.
Spiritual rape is what I call it.
It's definitely called spiritual rape, and that's the primary motivation of a lot of this pornography we watch on the internet.
Well, not we, but that people in general watch, is they want to spiritually rape people, and that is what Weinstein would want to do.
He didn't want, you know, beautiful women to come in and say, wow, you're beautiful, you know, let's make love or whatever.
He would say, no, you're beautiful, I want to destroy you.
I want to make you watch me in a bathrobe with this big sweaty man boobs and everything,
That's what he wanted to debase them, to destroy them.
That's exactly it.
He wanted to revolt them.
Yes, and then that is the true power.
Remember, the true power of the Satanists is that they put it in your face.
We've talked about this many times.
They always want to destroy innocents.
He didn't want to put a goddess on the pedestal.
He wanted to destroy it.
We talk about this all the time, which is why are these demonic worshippers and evil people putting it in our face?
They want to.
So what do we do against them?
What do we do next?
Flaunt it.
So what's the next shoe to drop, Mike?
Pedophilia stuff, man.
This is going to give a lot of courage to underage victims now.
There was already once that story broke in the New York Times.
Big, big stories already broken.
That's why they had to fire him so quick.
Remember, Weinstein was freaking out about this story a week ago, hired Lisa Bloom, a big PR team.
And when you read the allegations, they're creepy, but it wasn't worthy of the complete and total freak out.
That he had, right?
It's bad stuff, Alex.
Don't get me wrong.
I don't want anybody to think that.
No, but I agree.
But it's like Red Adair using dynamite to blow up an oil well on fire.
This explosion is meant to smoke screen, suck all the oxygen out of the room of other stories.
So I expect to see more pedophilia stories are going to break.
And it's a great time.
We're finally beating them.
Hollywood is the enemy.
The NFL is the enemy.
All these American, anti-American institutions, they are the enemy.
Because you know when the Daily Beast says they're
There's a Hollywood pedophile epidemic about to come down.
They're all positioning themselves to not go down with a ship, but the whole thing's been involved covering it up.
So I think the target is the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Daily Beast that helped cover this up.
Folks can follow you right there on Twitter.
Mike Cernovich, thank you so much for joining us.
Yeah, thank you.
Also, Cernovich.com.
All right, buddy.
There goes Mike Cernovich.
Thank you.
Coming up, we have Matt Dubiel of WCKG 1530 in Chicago hosting the fourth hour.
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Now, in the first little five minutes, before Matt Dubio comes on, we have a boil-down detailing the selective enforcement of YouTube and its reign of terror against free speech.
Stay with us.
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It's Alex Jones!
I think so.
And you know what?
That's just the world we're living in now.
We've all more or less accepted it.
Casey Neistat made a video about the Las Vegas shooting.
He said, literally a video about charity, where I state all AdSense is going to that charity.
YouTube says not suitable for advertisers.
We love what you're doing to help, but no matter the intent, our policy is to not run ads on videos about tragedies.
It's their policy, and it doesn't matter what's your intent.
Let's hop on over to Jimmy Kimmel, who did, in my opinion, have a very powerful monologue on his show, Jimmy Kimmel on the mass shooting in Las Vegas.
I'm a huge fan of Jimmy Kimmel, and I agree with him, actually.
But I'm also a big fan of free speech.
YouTube, if it's your policy to not run ads on videos about tragedies, no matter the intent, then how do you explain this?
Jimmy Kimmel on mass shooting in Las Vegas.
GMC ad.
Here's an ad for the new Blade Runner movie, and it's number one on trending, okay?
Yesterday, Idubbbz made a video that got 10 million views in the first day.
Didn't get a blip on trending.
So they not only made the conscious decision to put ads on this video in contradiction of their own statement, they've also decided to trend it number one.
This is called selective enforcement.
When you have rules that are so general that you can prosecute pretty much anyone you want, when you use that broadness to enforce a certain ideology, that's censorship.
Now, as much as I love Jimmy Kimmel and agree with him,
Would YouTube put ads and promote somebody from the conflicting side, from the right, with an opposing view?
I don't think so.
I don't at all.
And while I disagree with them, like I said, I'm more a proponent of free speech.
And what they're doing is clearly picking a side.
And they're paying them too.
Like, ABC needs that AdSense revenue?
Even after Philly D tweeted this and it got 350,000 likes, they never responded to the criticism.
In fact, they doubled down.
This video has more ads than I've seen in the past month since this adpocalypse happened.
Just out of curiosity, I went and checked this morning to see if ads were still on the video in response to Philly D's criticism.
Let's have a look.
Royal Caribbean.
Wells Fargo.
University of Phoenix.
That movie looks awful.
I'm not going to watch that one.
Just to get my opinion.
It's not relevant to this video.
But seriously, this looks like horse s***.
So their response was not only to ignore the criticism, not enforce their own rules, but to double down and put what seemed like even more ads on the video.
And here's the thing.
I think they should have ads.
I think we should all have ads.
This whole thing, this outrage is ridiculous.
And you know how I know that?
I was watching CNN when the shooting was happening.
This was an active live shooting.
There was a reporter live on the scene giving updates.
This is a screenshot I took off my own television.
These guys were running ads.
Five minute long ads.
Every five minutes.
When they knew people were watching, glued to the TV, looking for live updates.
This one I pictured here.
Three out of seven ads.
Here's the ironic touch.
Brought to you by Coca-Cola.
Dr. Pepper.
You know, at first I was just angry at CNN for monetizing this tragedy, this live tragedy, right?
I'm glued to it, too.
I'm looking for updates on these sick...
Are basically just pulling the money lever.
Because that ratings are so high.
But then when I think about it after a couple hours, I'm like, hold on.
These are the same brands that boycotted YouTube!
Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi!
These are the same guys that pulled their ads out of YouTube!
For being inappropriate!
That caused this new guidelines that you can't put ads on tragedies.
Unless you're, you know, someone that we approve.
Like Jimmy Kimmel.
Nobody's sincere.
These brands don't give a s**t about monetizing tragedy.
They've been doing it for decades on CNN.
It's just about control and politics and money, and that's it.
I saw all these brands that boycotted YouTube, and I'm like, oh my God.
So this is confirmed just a total sham.
I truly don't think that you'll see any more edgy, interesting channels coming up in a big way on YouTube anymore.
All you're ever gonna see on YouTube anymore is Jake Paul, Logan Paul.
You won't see it.
You're gonna get more Dude Perfect.
There's no soul left.
There's no backbone left.
And I'll tell you what else, if you want more proof that we are truly living in the darkest timeline, that is Logan Paul.
On a Tonight Show.
He preceded Ryan Gosling.
Advertisers are lining up to put their ads on this video.
There you go, folks!
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The globalists' great error is to believe that as they collapse humanity, they end up on top.
The truth is, humanity is coming down fast, but we're miles above them on our journey to hell.
I'll see you again!
The Alex Jones Show.
WCKG 1530 a.m.
Matt Dubial is hosting this hour and I'm gonna hand the baton to him right now.
But what an insane time to be alive here.
They're coming up in about 54 minutes.
We're gonna have Owen Schroer in the war room for the next three hours.
Matt Dubiel's been carrying us six, seven years in Chicago.
Great guy.
A lot of big, big plans in the works, too.
Great to have him co-host a few times a week with us here in the fourth hour.
But he joins us right now.
So go ahead and take it over, my friend.
Thanks for being here with us.
Thank you, Alex.
It's a strange time.
There's a lot of this economic espionage going on.
These YouTubers and these content creators are seeing what we've all seen firsthand.
They're being attacked, and they're being attacked on a money basis.
And we kept warning the liberals.
It was like, listen, if you're PewDiePie or anybody and you've got billions of views, they don't like you having that.
Once they're done with their little, the Nazis, then the conservatives and the Christians, now it's you.
They're going to absorb everything.
And it has nothing to do with, they just use the content as the excuse.
Yeah, they just want control of all the content.
Yes, they don't care.
They don't care if it's conservative or it's liberal.
They don't care about any of that crap.
What they can't have is PewDiePie or Cernovich or Alex Jones or Matt Drudge and they can't control Drudge.
Because he's, and I'll get into that a little bit later, he's out of the gate, and so is InfoWars, and there's some safety valves in place.
But these other guys that are on the internet only, they're in a honeypot, and they're going to get shut off at some point.
Well, you say it's sophisticated.
That's why we've always targeted to keep the MNFM.
And to do other platforms, because we've been getting censored day one, exactly.
All these folks think they're just on YouTube or Facebook.
Baby, you ain't got nothing.
Like Drudge always says, you gotta get outside the electronic ghettos, create your own thing.
It's why it's so important to support local stations.
It's what, yes.
It's important to support local stations.
It's also important for everybody to go to InfoWars on a daily basis.
To go to NewsWars.com on a daily basis.
To go to PrisonPlanet.com on a daily basis.
Sign up for the newsletter so that in case something happens... It's already happening!
Right, it's already happening, but it's like little beta tests.
Little stress tests.
Little, what happens when we do this?
What happens when we do that?
And it really has nothing to do with anything other than, you know, money.
It's all about the money.
It's about getting Kimmel's advertisers away from YouTube because that's the new thing.
And they want to get them back over to ABC and CNN.
They want to get them back over to the networks because they're missing the money.
And they suck at social media.
That's the gag, is they're missing the money.
But if the NFL would just get up and love the flag in America, at least on the service, they wouldn't have lost 35% of their viewers this year.
So exactly, they're doing one thing to get the money, but the other hand to stop it.
Why are they doing that?
Because there's a drop in listenership and viewership and readership on their dying properties.
So then what do they do?
Anyway, alright, so let's use it, let's use it to virtue signal to certain advertisers.
We know the media buyers are millennial women, a lot of them.
So literally they're just punching psychological buttons with mental patient buyers.
Absolutely, that's exactly what they're doing.
They're going for the cash grab.
If you go, if you read Adweek, if you read any of these publications, and normal people typically don't, I only do because I, we're in radio.
I have, I have, yeah, it's crazy.
And all they talk about is how millennial, how do you get the millennial, how do you reach the millennial.
By the way, meanwhile, the people with the most money right now are still our parents, the baby boomers.
No, it's baby boomers and people up to like four, exactly, they're ignoring all the money.
They're ignoring it because they're planning on a future where they gotta just change.
They're buying their time right now to get everybody and use these vehicles, these failing vehicles like CNN.
They realize they're failing so they want to control the future, but it's not even working.
It's weird.
It's the weirdest thing.
It's not working in so many ways.
But there's another secret part of this, which you're insulated from, and a lot of the content providers and creators are insulated from.
And I'm not, because we have a terrestrial radio station.
And that is the rating system that Nielsen and Arbitron... Oh, wait, I can't talk about that.
I'm not supposed to.
Here's an example, Alex.
There's 12 million people in Chicagoland.
2,500 people are in control.
They're monitored by Nielsen.
And those are the people that control things.
Guess where their proclivities are?
Guess what they're more likely to do?
Guess what they're more likely to watch or listen to?
Yeah, they demographically control it with their demographic file on who they send the offer to, where they put the Nielsen boxes.
They already know what they're going to demographically show.
And each person counts for, and they won't tell us, but one person might be weighted as 30,000 people.
Oh, Nielsen's been caught with fake ratings for MSNBC and CNN.
They've been caught like, what, five times?
It's just like the election polls when they thought Hillary was going to win by 95%.
It's because the people they're talking to are in this tiny little group and they're listening to people in the echo chamber.
But isn't this then like the buggy whip makers in 1920 stolen and stopped making buggy whips?
I mean, isn't this death throes we're seeing?
Well, there's always, yes, the old media is dying.
You've been saying it for years.
That said, you can still, and these other folks can use the old media, and Matt Drudge does it masterfully.
I mean, everybody in Talk Radio looks at Matt Drudge's website.
That's the insulation to keep his engine going.
It's because traditional media still uses him.
But if it were up to the Facebooks and the Twitters and the Instagrams,
That's a good point, exactly.
It's like, well just like Murdoch's come out against these big monopolies now, that's old media realizing your enemy isn't conservatives, your enemy's the big meganopolies like Google that are playing this game.
And in the meantime, all of these companies are fighting for that rev share.
They're fighting for the advertising dollar.
That's why they jump from one thing to another.
The story for those people leaving YouTube was an excuse for the old media companies to get them to buy with them.
Economic espionage is what it is, and it's happening not just in the entertainment and the media industries, it's happening all across the board.
Sure, what was the NFL?
Because I could have told the NFL, you do all this stuff during the flag, you're going to lose half your audience.
How'd they walk into that one?
I mean, it's like...
Well, to me, the NFL, that's them punishing a former client.
The former client was the United States government that used to pay them, and now they're saying, oh, yeah... No, you're super astute.
I'm not just kissing your butt.
You're super astute.
I missed that.
You're right.
The government stopped spending $100 million a year or whatever with them.
That's when that all started.
Yeah, and then they went, okay, you know, remember all those flybys and stuff?
Remember when we used to salute the troop and we used to say everybody stand up for officer so-and-so who was in the army?
Well, we're not going to do that anymore.
And we're going to let this Kaepernick nonsense go on.
They wouldn't have done that in the past because they would have lost money.
But didn't they get, even though it was still canned, that was the only soul left, because at least it wasn't about the corrupt players, the rich people, it was about average folks.
Didn't the NFL get that that was the secret sauce?
Not that they were paying for it, that's not good.
They should have been doing it.
The point is, didn't those idiots get?
That's why folks were tuning in to begin with.
They should have gotten it, but you know what?
They got so used to the money.
They got so used to the money from Susan G. Komen and from the government that was extra-found money.
It was icing on the cake.
It was above and beyond the licensing fees and the jerseys and all that stuff.
And now they figure out they've lost 35% of their viewers in one year.
Will them backing off save them?
Oh, God, no.
They're in trouble as it is.
I mean, I play football.
I know you did.
I won't let my kids play organized football.
Let them get brain damaged?
No way!
So the NFL killed itself?
They killed itself and they knew it was going down and they're just trying to, it's like Goodfellas, they're trying to have the party in the restaurant until the credit runs out and they're just going to get everything they can get out of it until the thing's over and when it's done they're going to torch it and move on to the next one.
So the NFL is basically already burning down?
I think so.
All right, Matt Dubiau, I jumped in on your time.
Always great talking to you.
Go ahead and take over, my friend.
Great job with all the work you're doing.
WCKG, 1530 AM.
How else do folks follow the great lineup you've got there?
The great lineup is InfoWars Wall-to-Wall.
I'm going to tell you exactly why we're doing that.
You've got David Knight in the morning and War Room in the afternoon.
InfoWars all day long.
We stream on iHeartRadio.
We stream at WCKG.com.
And we're on the air on AM 1530 and FM 102.3 here in Chicago.
And bigger, better things to come, thanks to you guys.
Hey, you're doing great.
Your website looks better than mine.
We just want to... It's good to have Matt Dubiel here.
We love him.
He's going to be hosting more and more shows.
If I can get him to host his own show every day, we'll do it.
We'll see what happens.
He'll be back on the other side of this break.
I'm Alex Jones signing off.
The new site is NewsWars.com.
And we are in a news war for the heart and soul of this country and the planet.
Stay with us.
We'll be back.
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I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth, turmeric, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and more.
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That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
That guy's not Alex Jones.
Who's that guy?
My name is Matt Dubio, filling in for Alex for the final hour here.
And we're doing it from WCKG, the radio station in Chicago that
Now carries David Knight in the morning from 8 to 11.
If you're in Chicagoland and you want to listen to InfoWars, and I'll tell you why that's important coming up.
I got a warning for Cernovich and Ben Shapiro and Stefan Molyneux and a lot of these big YouTube and internet stars of sorts, but content creators and alternative media contributors.
There's a warning I have for you.
It's very important.
And I'm going to share with all of you listening what exactly that is.
I was talking to my son.
Four kids here in Chicago, and we run this radio station AM 1530 FM 102.3 WCKG.
And my oldest son is talking to me about fluoride the other day.
And he says, Dad, did you know that if you do this to fluoride, it becomes, I don't know if it was cyanide or whatever it is.
And I said, yeah, can you believe it?
That stuff is in the water.
That stuff is in the toothpaste.
It's not in our water because we have a filtration system.
And therefore, it's not in our shower.
Think about this.
Everybody talks about the water you drink, maybe the coffee you drink, the water you drink, right?
But they forget about your largest organ, and that is your skin.
It's your largest organ.
We're made of over 80% water, and yet you need to have clean, toxin-free water.
There's a good way to do that, and you can do that by getting the Alexa Pure Pro water filtration system from infowarstore.com.
Here's why it's important right now.
It's 20% off for a limited time.
So if you go there now for a limited time, just do it now.
If you're not filtering your water, now is the time.
It's the stuff you put in your body through your mouth.
It's the stuff you put on your body through your skin.
And if Jimi Hendrix used to put the acid in his headband to absorb it, imagine what you're absorbing and what's happening when that hot shower water is breathed in by your body.
It's bad news.
Now to the warning.
So the warning for, and you could get that 20% off at InfoWarStore.com.
The warning I have is for, there's an economic espionage info war going on, and I know you hear about that a lot, and you hear about the details about it, and then you hear some of these YouTubers and these internet content creators talking about demonetization, and the thing for regular people, like you and I, is
That really doesn't affect us.
Who gives a crap if some guy on YouTube isn't getting paid for his YouTube video?
Here's what you have to understand, okay?
And this is the warning for Cernovich.
This is a warning for Ben Shapiro.
He does really great stuff.
I see all these videos all over the place.
You know, Shapiro dismantles so-and-so, and Shapiro dismantles this issue.
Stefan Molyneux, who does a really great radio show on YouTube.
And the problem is, is radio and television have abandoned developing talent, okay?
So, all these people had to go to the Internet.
And thank God that they came.
Because if it weren't for the internet, they wouldn't be able to create and explore and expose some of the things that they've been exploring and exposing.
Another one of the downsides of the internet media and the alternative media is there is a dirge of fake news and misinformation, okay?
This is a reality.
Advertisers say they don't want to be a part of that.
And we can understand why they wouldn't want to be a part of that.
We could then go, all right, well, so what's happening with this money thing on YouTube and Facebook and so on?
Well, what's happening is, it's a honeypot.
And what is a honeypot?
A honeypot is a place where you can collect and attract a bunch of things or people or bears or things, right?
And in this case, the Internet
The internet has become a honeypot for alternative media creators, a lot of them truth-based, libertarian-based, and some conservative and some liberal.
And what happens on the internet is they can now be shut off just like that.
They can be shut off.
They can be demonetized first.
That's the first step.
And that's the thing that the people that, like you and I, that aren't creating a bunch of, you know, I'm not big on Twitter.
People, I have a Twitter.
It's at Matt on air on Twitter.
But I'm not on there, right?
Because I have a radio station.
And so I'm not doing a lot of stuff on there.
But if you shut down Cernovich's Twitter, then what?
If you take Ben Shapiro off of Facebook and YouTube, then what?
Go look at the Alexa rankings.
of websites.
You just go to like Alexa.com.
It's run by Amazon.
And if you look at the biggest websites on the Internet, namely like the DrudgeReport.com and Infowars, right?
These are huge, huge websites.
In some cases, they're bigger than Twitter, in some cases, right?
So if you go and you look at their rankings, you'll see there's a time in history, in the recent history, where they got slapped down in their rankings.
Now, that doesn't mean that their true analytics from third-party providers are also slapped down, but the public ones, the ones the media buyers look at, those have been slapped down.
So you see a big dip on InfoWars.
I know the people at InfoWars.
They've never had more traffic.
You'll see a big dip on DrudgeReport.com.
Why is that?
And why should Ben Shapiro and Philip DeFranco and Stefan Molyneux and Paul Joseph Watson be careful?
Why should they be planning for the future now?
Why am I putting Alex Jones and David Knight and Owen Schroer and wall-to-wall info wars on AM 1530 WCKG and FM 102.3 here in Chicago?
Because you can't shut down the radio.
I'm licensed by the FCC.
Now, they could take our license away, but they don't typically do that unless you're doing something terribly wrong.
And we follow all the rules and we do everything we're supposed to be doing.
But they can take your Facebook away.
They can take your Twitter account away.
Or they can shadow ban you, which means that they don't show your post, they don't show your information.
It gets quieted.
It's silenced.
And so if you're Cernovich or you're Ben Shapiro, you're only on the internet.
There's a kill switch for all your content.
Not only is there a kill switch for all your content, but we know they have the technology to just erase your name and your voice.
They know what my voice sounds like.
They know what Alex's voice sounds like.
They know what Shapiro's voice sounds like.
They know what your typing structure and voice in type sounds like or looks like.
And they can shut those things off with the technology they have today.
And who's going to shut it off?
Is it going to be like the dark arm?
Is it going to be George Soros?
Maybe not.
More likely in the near future.
We're good to go.
It's them that wants to protect their turf, their money.
The side effect is the people on different sides fight in the meantime.
It's economic espionage.
It's happening in nearly every facet, and I believe it's happening with Weinstein.
I think this is an episode of how do we sell Miramax to the highest bidder?
Oh, Weinstein doesn't want to do it?
All right, let's drop the info on Weinstein.
Now we got something on him.
Now he's out of the company.
Our obstacle is out of the way.
We can sell to the Chinese or whoever they want to sell to.
All of this stuff comes down to follow the money, who benefits, that sort of thing.
That's what you got to be thinking about.
So my advice to Cernovich, and he's already taken it, is get on the radio.
Get on media.
Get on real media.
Make sure that people can reach you offline or online on your own properties.
Alex is doing it.
That's why AM radio and FM radio is now more important than ever for him, for both parties, for America in general.
If you're a radio station owner out there like me and you want good content, you gotta get with InfoWars now.
You gotta call the affiliate folks at InfoWars.
Get on their line now and start adding some shows from InfoWars because
We all know there's no other shows on Westwood 1 and Premier anyway.
It's all garbage.
Coming up, we're going to talk more about the economic espionage and how Jimmy Kimmel, Crybaby Kimmel, factors into it.
Next on InfoWars.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running
The biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus.
There's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Nootropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen, BrainForce Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to 50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's 1996 at Infowarslife.com or simply call toll-free 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm going to have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth, turmeric, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
It's bigger than I am already.
At 15, incredible.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at Infowarslife.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end!
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer BrainForce at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit Infowarsstore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever.
And when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
My name is Matt Wilkins from Alex Jones on Infowars.com slash show.
That's where you can get the live feeds.
We're carrying the Alex Jones Show live in Chicago from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Monday through Friday.
Again, live in Chicago from 4 to 6 on Sundays.
And it's not, that's, it doesn't stop there.
But wait, there's more!
We added War Room in the afternoon from 4 to 6 here, Monday through Friday.
And the David Night Show and Mornings.
And the reason why we did that, the reason why I pushed the button on that, even though we get attacked by advertisers, we get attacked by a boy you wouldn't even believe.
I got somebody from a Muslim foundation, an Islamic foundation, buying up the land around the radio station and trying to keep us out of our own property.
I mean, the attacks and the barbs keep coming in different ways.
They manifest themselves
In different ways and the reason why we're doing this regardless of that is because now more than ever the info war is real.
Now what the info war is for you listening is might be different than what it is for the creators of the content but it all has the same result and that is there are things going on in the media which is why the media covers things the way they do.
And sometimes doesn't cover things at all.
And the danger in the honeypot that is the internet and alternative media is that guys like Mike Cernovich and Ben Shapiro at the Daily Wire and Stefan Molyneux at Free Domain Radio and Paul Joseph Watson who's huge on Twitter and and YouTube and Philip DeFranco and the list goes on.
Matt Drudge even with the DrudgeReport.com and InfoWars and Alex Jones.
The challenge is
They can be shut off on the internet.
Now there's 13,000, more than 13,000 radio stations, AM and FM radio stations in the United States of America.
They all need shows.
It's up to you to call your local AM station or your local FM station.
In middle America, you know the ones that are like struggling right now?
The ones that are like, well, should we run this program?
Or we can't run Rush because he's on the other station.
Tell them about Alex.
Tell them about David Knight.
Tell them about Owen Schroyer.
Tell those radio stations to put these shows on.
That's important.
Because even if you get 1% of those radio stations to carry this show and these shows, even if you get 10% of those radio stations to carry these shows, they can never take them all down.
They're not on a network.
It's not like turning off Facebook or implementing an algorithm that totally extracts Alex Jones' voice or Mike Cernovich's tweets or Stefan Molyneux's videos.
Or the Daily Wire's content.
They got three radio shows at the Daily Wire.
None of them are on the radio.
Guys, you gotta get your content on mainstream media because it's less controlled.
It's less controlled in the aspect that they could just shut you off.
It's less controlled in the aspect that Daily Wire is subscription-based.
So if they get subscribers, by the way, this is what Glenn Beck was hoping to do, and people in the business understand this.
They think that, you know, Glenn Beck is on the outs.
Glenn Beck made a very wise decision, and that was he went to Fox News so people would think he was conservative, and then he used those conservative stripes like a veteran on his shoulder, and used those to get people to join the subscription of the Blaze.
And like buying products from InfoWars or buying t-shirts that are in the InfoWars store, I'm wearing the
Legalize Freedom t-shirt today.
You can get that at theinfowarsstore.com, I think.
If not, get the other cool shirts.
But by buying those things or subscribing to those people's products and services, that's how you support them.
And then they become completely impervious to advertiser and network advertiser pressure and support.
Think about the power in that.
There's another show from Austin, Texas, and Adam Curry's been in the studios there at InfoWars and filled in.
The No Agenda podcast, for example, they don't even take advertising.
They don't really sell products either.
What they do is they solicit listener support, like NPR does, except legitimately.
And so the power of the media is being attacked
And the media is being used as a tool for economic espionage.
Let me explain.
We rented a movie last night on Netflix.
We got it in the mail.
We didn't just download it.
And I just texted my wife a minute ago to find out what the movie was.
And it was with Will Smith and Edward Norton.
You've probably never heard of this movie.
It was a colossal piece of crap, but it's very important.
And this is why I bring it up.
It's called Collateral Beauty, she says.
Thank you.
Collateral Beauty.
And in the movie, there's an advertising agency that Will Smith and Edward Norton own.
And it's tanking.
It's tanking because... for various reasons.
And they want to sell it.
So what do they do?
Edward Norton gets a bunch of other people in the company
To hire a private investigator and follow Will Smith in order to leverage him so that they can get him to agree to sell the company.
I don't know if it's a Miramax movie.
Collateral beauty.
We turned it off because it was such a piece of crap movie.
It wasn't entertaining.
But the concept, think about the concept, okay?
I don't know, maybe Miramax made it.
But the concept was that Will Smith, the character that he plays in the movie, wouldn't
So they hired a private investigator to dig up dirt on him so that they could get him to sell the company.
Now, there's tons of articles right now about how the Chinese want to buy Hollywood.
I don't know who that is.
I don't know if it's the government.
I don't know if it's... I don't know who they are.
But there's groups in China that are trying to buy into Hollywood.
Miramax was largely, if not wholly, controlled by Harvey Weinstein.
And now, it's not.
Now they can do what they want.
You see how that works?
It really doesn't have anything to do with the fact that he's a disgusting human being that forced or put people in positions where they had to watch him do things that nobody should ever have to watch a person do without their consent.
It doesn't matter.
They didn't care about all that stuff.
He was doing all that stuff for all this time.
Nobody cared.
Why do they care now?
Why now?
Who benefits?
Well, I think it's pretty obvious.
One of the first times I was on the Alex Jones Show on Infowars.com, my name is Matt Dubil, by the way, and I'm filling in from Chicago from WCKG Studios, but one of the first times I was on Alex's show was because my son was
Pulled aside at TSA on our way to Disney World in Florida.
And I videotaped it.
And I debated on whether to make a bigger stink about it.
And I found the video.
I shared the video.
It went viral.
And it went viral online because people were
Up in arms about it.
It also went viral online because the media, I was on CNN, I was on Inside Edition, I was, I mean, I was on Fox and Friends, you name it, I was everywhere.
And I don't say this to brag, they only called me because of the video.
They wanted my son to be on there.
And I'll explain to you why my wife and I decided not to allow him to be a part of this.
It's very important for you parents, we're going to talk about that in the next segment, how to protect your children.
The reason why I was on was because, because of the TSA and the new rules, they had my son, who at the time was in a wheelchair for a broken leg, sequestered, and they wanted to separate him from me, and they wanted to, they were searching him and swabbing him for explosives.
He was three at the time.
And the video, you know, went crazy.
Well, the reason why the media cared about it was because it fit with another story that day.
And the story that they were pushing that day was that the TSA changed the rules so that wouldn't happen anymore.
It was a bunch of crap.
They used it to their own ends.
And furthermore, the results of 9-11, us forbidding or forgiving and throwing our hands up on our freedoms,
Made it so that we ushered in those scanners and that whole system.
It was an economic result from a tragedy.
Do they really care about preventing the bombings or the terrorism?
Or did somebody get paid because they put the scanners in?
Do they want to put scanners in anywhere else in the country?
I don't know.
What else do they want to implement?
What other problems and reactions and solutions did they need for that to happen?
We'll talk more about that and we'll talk about protecting your kids coming up next.
For Alex Jones, it's Matt Dubio from InfoWars.com slash show.
I'm broadcasting from Chicago and we'll also talk about the 59 tragic deaths in Chicago last month that nobody's talking about on any media outlet.
Least of all Crybaby Kimmel.
That's coming up next at InfoWars.com.
Now ladies and gentlemen, we're running the biggest special we've ever had for our best-selling product, Brain Force.
Now Brain Force Plus, there's 20% more in each bottle.
And we're now purchasing so much of it from the major organic manufacturer here in the United States that we've been able to get it for less.
So I'm offering for the first time ever, 50% off.
And I thought I could offer this for maybe a month.
I'm going to have to stop this special within a week because it is blasting out of our warehouse because the fans of it already are stocking up.
They know how great it is.
A whole bunch of organic, natural, healthy, known nootropics.
Nootropic means for the brain.
And if you want good, clean, focused energy, then BrainForce is for you and you're supporting the broadcast at the same time.
So for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen, BrainForce Plus is now 50% off or $19.96.
That comes to $50.03.
A little bit over 50% off the regular price.
Similar nootropics that aren't even as pure or strong cost $50 to $70.
It's a good deal at $39.
It's 1996 at Infowarslife.com or simply call toll-free 888-253-3139.
And when you purchase Brain Force Plus or any of the other great products like Secret 12, Caveman, Oxy Powder, Super Mel Vitality, our fluoride-free, super blue, colloidal silver, and iodine-empowered toothpaste, you get
To support the information war and get really high quality products.
When you sign up for AutoShip, you always get 10% off.
And there's free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
There's free shipping on all orders of $50 or more.
Again, that's infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to just briefly thank listeners for their support of the broadcast and remind listeners that we are listener supported and it is your financial support getting good products in return that you need and that symbiotic relationship and that 360 win that makes everything here we do possible.
And we're not just going to have to end in the next week the Brain Force Plus special 50% off.
I'm gonna have to end even sooner our caveman ultimate paleo bone broth turmeric chaga mushroom bee pollen and more.
You talk about next level meal replacement.
Next level compared to whey.
And it's great to mix with whey and then make shakes.
It's incredible.
My son is growing like a weed using it.
He's bigger than I am already at 15.
It is amazing.
50% off Caveman.
But only a few days left.
It's about to end.
And folks, the globalists hate it when you do this.
We're the tip of the spear because we're fearless, we're bold, because we understand the stakes are too high.
The globalists win, we're all slaves.
So don't thank me for what I'm doing.
I want to thank you.
We're all in this together.
And when you get the great Molon Labe t-shirts, and you get the great books and videos, and when you get the great water filtration, you help yourself, you help your family, when you get the great air filtration systems, all of them,
On sale right now at InfoWarsLive.com, you're fighting the tip of the spear.
But these specials have got to end.
I mean, it may just be four or five days left that I'm able to offer Brain Force at this price because it's selling out so incredibly quickly at 50% off.
But again, thank you all for your support because this helps fund our operation as we expand in the face of the globalists.
Again, visit InfoWarsStore.com today and commit to helping the InfoWar.
Funding the InfoWar is now more important than ever, and when you fund the InfoWar, you get incredible high-quality products at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's 50% off Brain Force Plus, 50% off Caveman, but only for one week.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Oh, perfect!
I got a fever and the only cure is more cowbell!
It's Matt Dubio from Chicago.
That is the best I could do on Walkin'.
Filling it for Alex Jones from our WCKG studios.
And I have a baseball hat on, I have a t-shirt on, I threw this jacket on if you're watching at infowars.com slash show.
Just because I wanted to look somewhat respectable, but I was at the pumpkin patch today.
It's Columbus Day and as Italian Americans were fans of Columbus Day as Americans were fans of Columbus Day it was discovered by one Italian and named after another and So one of the things we do is we go to the pumpkin patch.
I have four kids I love my kids more than anything and It's very important to me to protect our children
And it's never been more difficult.
Now, I want to share with you the psychology of Hollywood and the media.
And this has come a little bit from first-hand experience.
This has come a little bit from just paying attention.
And I want to really speak to Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert.
You know, I tweeted the other day.
I'm not a big Twitter guy.
My Twitter handle is at MattOnAir with two Ts.
But I did tweet the other day that 66%
Of the major network late night shows.
And I'm just talking about the ones that are on after the news.
So you got ABC, CBS, and NBC.
66% of those hosts are guys named Jimmy.
In fact, 66% of them are rich, liberal guys named Jimmy.
That are white, by the way.
100% of them that are in late night are rich, liberal, white guys.
So that's Colbert, Fallon, and Kimmel.
I call them Big Pussy and Little Pussy.
And Pussy Kimmel and Pussy Fallon, just like in Goodfellas.
Not Goodfellas.
The Sopranos.
That was a couple of the characters' names.
And here's what you have to understand about those guys.
Somebody tweeted in response to me and said, well, those guys are rich because they're in late night.
And that couldn't be further from the truth, actually.
They're all rich because they were rich before they got into late night, and they were chosen because, and he said they were chosen because they were funny.
They weren't chosen because they were funny.
They were chosen because there's been an initiative to install a certain kind of host, a certain kind of way, for a certain kind of result.
Now, some could say that it's to push an agenda, and that might be true, and I think that it is to some degree.
But the others would say that it's also because the media buyers tend to lean towards the liberal side of things, and so in order to get the money from the media buyers who have a liberal bias, it makes sense to expose and share a liberal bias.
Another aspect of that business is the ratings keepers and the Nielsen houses that are more likely to have a box in their house that shows you what they watch and tells you what they listen to on the radio are more likely to have a little bit of a liberal lean.
So it makes sense to have three liberal white guys
On late night.
It also makes sense because if you see three liberal white guys talking about liberal issues in a liberal way, you'll start to think that that's the way that white guys think.
And that's a great way to get other white guys to think that way.
And what's another great way to do that?
To permeate the NFL?
To permeate ESPN?
I'm sorry, MSESPN?
To change the movies?
So, the people that are in the entertainment industry, they are there to make money, and they're there to be seen.
And what's really scary about the movie business and the television business in general, is that it's built upon people that want to pretend to be somebody else.
That's the whole concept of acting.
They want to be somebody else.
Harvey Weinstein knows that.
He knows how badly that young actress wants to be somebody else.
He knows how badly she wants to be chosen.
And therefore, he's in a position of power, and he could put her in certain movies or in certain TV shows, and that, if she has some talent, could make or break her.
Therefore, he has the power.
I have the power!
Somebody's gonna use that clip later against me, but I don't care.
In my Twitter feed, it says I'm the most powerful man in American broadcasting.
That's tongue-in-cheek, but it's also somewhat real, and I say that because I'm not controlled by any of those big companies.
We're independent.
So that's what makes me powerful, is I answer only to myself.
That's what I mean by that.
So, Harvey Weinstein has this tremendous amount of power over a bunch of people.
That want to pretend badly to be somebody else.
So now, how do you attract people that want to pretend to be somebody else?
And more importantly to what's going on right now, how do you attract children who might want to be somebody else when their parents are protecting them?
Well, you start by seeping it into the media that the children aren't part of their family anymore and the family's a community or a village or some nonsense like that.
So you drip that into the schools.
And then the next thing you do is you either have a white van and you pass out candy in front of the school like a creep and hope, if you're a child predator, that you don't get caught or you have casting calls.
And that's what, I'm not saying that all the casting agencies are doing this, but they're feeding into a system where your child is trained to pretend to be somebody else with your, the parent's, permission.
And this is where the danger really ensues.
And the commercials go like this, they're on the radio, they're on Facebook, they're all over.
And I'm not saying the casting companies specifically are doing this on purpose, but they're feeding their feeder ramps into a society and a business in Hollywood that we know has problems.
And here's what they say.
How would you like to be on the Disney Channel?
Just like so-and-so.
How'd you like to be on hit shows on Nickelodeon?
Just like so-and-so.
Have you ever heard that your kid's cute?
We have.
People say it to us all the time.
Maybe it's true, maybe it's not.
Maybe they're just saying it.
Oh, you should get the so-and-so kid into the movies.
Oh, you should get so-and-so kid.
No way.
Well, why?
Well, for number one, I don't need to have them be chosen.
We make our own lives and we make our own way.
So I don't need a Harvey Weinstein to choose us and give us his blessing to do something.
We just make it happen.
That's number one.
But number two, I'm not going to teach my kid that it's okay
To pretend to be somebody else.
That's a slippery slope.
But that's exactly what they do.
And what are the results of that?
Let's just think about it for a minute.
Lindsay Lohan?
Britney Spears?
Shia LaBeouf?
Were they all part of the Disney program in Florida?
I don't recall.
I know at least a couple of them are.
And they've all flipped out at some point.
I wonder why that is.
The worst thing you can do, parents, is allow your kid to be in a room with an adult and look at them and tell them that it's okay to pretend to be somebody else, and it's okay to look for that other adult's approval in any way, shape, or form.
And then, even worse, to put them into a system that has a history.
Macaulay Culkin, Corey Haim, Corey Feldman.
Google R. Kelly, the music business.
Look at what they're doing.
They're they're attracting.
It's a honeypot for young people, sometimes with talent, sometimes just they want to be discovered or they want to be somebody else.
It's a honeypot for them to be moved into the direction that is not a good direction.
Where they're sitting amongst actors and actresses like Meryl Streep that say things like, you know, Roman Polanski is, oh, he's so great.
Woody Allen is, oh, Woody Allen.
They're creeps.
They're disgusting creeps.
Harvey Weinstein is a disgusting creep.
Look at what's happened to these children that have gone into that business.
And yeah, there's some kids that maybe have turned out okay.
Look at Katy Perry!
She was raised by a minister or a preacher of some sort.
Boy, does she go down a different direction.
Holy smokes!
Parents, stay away from the acting and modeling casting calls.
The guys that end up doing the big decisions are guys like Harvey Weinstein.
Do you want your kid alone in a room with Harvey Weinstein or anybody like him?
Or anybody that would say that he is God, like Meryl Streep did?
All roads lead to Hollywood in that scenario.
All casting call roles.
And yeah, a lot of the people in that business are great people.
A lot of those people in that business would never harm a soul.
But some of the people they answer to are guys like Harvey Weinstein.
So the next time you hear a commercial on the radio or on television about some casting call, so your kid could be on some crappy show, by the way, then watch some of those shows.
Watch some of the shows on Disney and Nickelodeon.
Watch some of the crap they're doing.
Watch how they make the parents look.
Watch how they make the kids look.
Watch the environments.
Pay attention.
Look at the Pixar movies.
We're the dads.
Some of them don't even have parents at all.
They're just orphans.
Boy, it's a big topic.
It's a dangerous, slippery slope.
Filling in from Chicago, where we play Wall to Wall Info Wars from 8 in the morning till 6 at night.
It's Matt Dubio in for Alex Jones from the WCKG Studios.
Follow me online at mattonair.com.
And thanks to everybody there doing great work.
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