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Name: 20170907_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 7, 2017
3096 lines.

This show discusses Hurricane Irma's potential devastation to Florida and the Caribbean. The governor urges evacuations but gas shortages make it difficult. Alex Jones criticizes those who attribute hurricanes to global warming and discusses IBM's role in the Holocaust, raising concerns about modern information technology misuse. Other topics include Harvest Right, Caveman, corporate responsibility, and various conspiracy theories.

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You've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Ladies and gentlemen, there are some people out there saying that hype about Hurricane Irma is just that hype.
But I agree with the governor of Florida and others, as well as the mainline meteorologist.
When I say mainline, I mean all of them agree that this storm has the potential
To be the most devastating storm in U.S.
It's only hit small islands in the Caribbean so far and has destroyed everything, rendering these islands uninhabitable.
The storm is still at 180 miles an hour.
It's gone as high as 185 miles an hour.
Nothing will be left standing but
Concrete telephone poles, when something's at that speed, it'll even push over concrete buildings.
All you'll have is steel girders left.
If it hits Cuba, if it hits the Dominican Republic, if it directly hits these areas, which it's starting to graze right now, you're going to see incredible loss of life.
And that's why they've said in Florida, get out.
Get out of your house, get out of the state, get out.
The problem is the gas is already sold out in most major cities in Florida, especially in southern Florida and on the east coast, where many of the tracks show the storms headed.
But NOAA has chosen, with its computers, a track that shows it going towards
South Florida and the Keys and then turning a bit towards the West and going into the Gulf of Mexico.
And so many times, where does it go once it jumps Florida?
Right into Louisiana, right into Mississippi, right into Texas.
So, you talk about nail-biting.
If this sucker hits major cities as a Category 3, it is going to
Create devastation rarely seen.
If it hits as a 4 or a 5, or God forbid a 6, it's like 14 Godzillas came out of the ocean.
The level of destruction we're about to see.
So I'm getting chills, personally.
And one of our crew members, Quentin Carter, his wife stays part-time in Florida.
They've got a house there.
And he's going there to take care of her and the dogs.
I tell you, when he lands, everything's already going to be sold out.
But he's a smart guy.
He's already got a generator and plywood and stuff ready.
But he's going to be there reporting from us live.
And he's where a lot of the storm tracks say it's going to be hitting down there on the east coast in southern Florida.
This is amazing.
This is biblical.
We just saw the giant storm Harvey, and they're still finding dead bodies there, and a bunch of Houston's already underwater.
And unfortunately, this is going to distract some from the aid effort there, but how could it not?
Now, Harvey brought us together.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
And a lot of times, historically, you see this in the Bible as well, great, great tragedies are visited upon people as a warning to wake up.
The left is saying it's global warming, it's man-made.
The left is saying pay carbon taxes to globalists.
But if we had signed on to their carbon taxes two years ago, it wouldn't have reduced greenhouse gases that they say drive these storms.
And we've seen record lows in hurricanes the last 20 years.
That's the Weather Channel's own admission.
But now it's heating back up, and this is the biggest, most deadly hurricane ever recorded.
Now, typhoons get up to 170, 180 miles an hour, because the Pacific Ocean's bigger, and they have storms like this routinely.
So, clearly, they've only been measuring these for 60 years accurately.
You know there's been hurricanes reported by the Spanish galleons and by the British Navy and by the U.S.
Navy back before they had all the fancy equipment that talked about not a tree left standing on an island.
Or not a tree left standing on a coastline.
Well, we've never seen hurricanes where not a tree's left standing.
So, they've been hit by sixes and you know there's been sevens.
We've only been recording things for a little bit of time.
So when they say this is the most deadly storm in history, it's the most deadly storm ever measured in the Atlantic Ocean.
And it is a nuclear storm, as public officials are calling it.
And they tell the trainees that, the trainees go, rip me off.
I mean that's that's what we're dealing with here, and I'm sick of it!
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We are going to have continued coverage of Hurricane Irma that has already flattened more than five major Caribbean islands.
It still hasn't hit
The bigger islands of Cuba and of Hispaniola, of course, that makes up Haiti and the Dominican Republic, but it's getting very, very close.
It's moving slowly through the Atlantic Ocean into the eastern Caribbean and
Barbuda has been, quote, totally demolished after Hurricane Irma levels 90% of all dwellings, including steel-reinforced concrete structures, totally destroyed.
They are now reporting that the island is uninhabitable.
Across the board, flights to Caribbean destinations, period, are being cancelled by all major airlines.
Richard Branson's luxury Necker Island that Obama likes to hang out at, close to Jerry Epstein's private island, destroyed by Hurricane Irma.
Completely destroyed.
Miami Beach Mayor urges residents to get out of town now.
This is a nuclear hurricane.
The problem is the gas is sold out in almost all areas of southern and particularly eastern Florida.
The stores were sold out a day ago.
The roads are clogged.
A lot of people don't have gas.
This is a mega disaster about to happen.
If it hits Florida Broadside and runs up the state as a Category 4 or 5, it will be biblical.
It may just jump the state.
Leaving a limited trail of disaster and devastation, and smack into the panhandle, running up through Tennessee in many of the tracks.
Or, it may hit Texas and Louisiana again.
There's a good chance in some models, they're just not trying to create panic, that if it does jump into the main gulf of Mexico, that it's going to come into Louisiana or Mississippi.
That's where they normally go.
And there's a good probability it's going to hit Texas again.
So you think about that, ladies and gentlemen.
This is incredible.
Oh, and Limbaugh, who I'm not attacking, said the media is hyping this.
They always overhype hurricanes.
It's not going to be a strong one when it hits us.
And I get he's trying to maintain calm, and he's there on the east coast of Florida, and he's been through many hurricanes.
And a lot of times they hype up hurricanes, and they're not bad.
So, I think it's fair to say what he said, but this is different.
This hurricane is a Category 6.
So, to hype this and to say it's doomsday level for people on its path is not the normal exaggeration.
Yes, the media has cried wolf.
Folks, no, I don't cover a lot of hurricane news normally, because usually it's hype.
I'm covering Irma.
Because we just got t-boned in Texas by Harvey.
And Harvey was a soaker.
And knocked some stuff down and turned over some buildings and things.
But it's nothing in its power of Irma.
We're gonna know.
In the next 24 to 36 hours, where it's going to hit and where it's going to go.
And it's like watching a big monster just lumber towards the country.
How could you even turn your eyes away from it?
It's riveting in a sickening way.
A lot of the past, having gone up the East Coast and then into Georgia, then into South Carolina.
Two nuclear power plants in Florida are directly in the path of Hurricane Irma.
Could it cause another meltdown like we saw with Fukushima?
South Florida nuclear plants say they're ready.
Irma will be devastating for U.S.
emergency, says U.S.
Emergency Chief.
Yeah, it's very serious knocks to the economy.
military preparations for Hurricane Irma now include four Navy ships and thousands of troops.
Dade residents find some pumps dry.
Water in short supply.
That was just hours ago.
Now they're saying most pumps dry.
That was last night.
Now most pumps are dry.
Airlines scramble and roads fill as residents and visitors rush to get out of Florida ahead of Irma.
Staring into oblivion.
Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Turks and Caicos.
Brace for impact as Irma powers on after laying waste to multiple Caribbean islands, killing 10 islanders we know of in the deadly path.
Protein surfer dies in Barbados catching Irma wave.
Home Depot customers attacked in plywood dispute during Hurricane Irma preparations.
Irma may topple construction cranes in South Florida.
Residents warned to evacuate.
Hurricane Irma.
Big retailers say more supplies are on the way as Amazon gouges customers.
Well, they're liberal, so it's okay.
Just like Apple and slave factories.
As long as you're liberal.
Slave factories are cool.
Suicide nets are neat.
You'll float, too, says Amazon chief Jeff Bezos.
You'll float, too.
Hurricane Irma has a potential of affecting every major city in Florida.
USA Today reports from reports with NOAA.
Hurricane Irma, Florida expected to get hit, but we're unclear.
So that's just some of the news we're going to be covering today.
Meanwhile, they're turning churches and monasteries from Spain to Germany to France over to Islamist and even taking down the crosses.
And brands of food that have just crosses tiny in the distance on top of buildings are removing it not to be hurtful of the Muslims.
And now another major French monastery turned into an asylum center.
Hungarian Prime Minister warns the Islamification of Europe is real.
And another big report.
Germany and Sweden announced expansion to not just give welfare and free housing to returning ISIS members.
This is Der Spiegel reporting it like it's a good thing, but they're going to give them, the headline states, preferential treatment at the head of the welfare line, as the red bloody carpet of Islam's victims is rolled out into the Middle East and North Africa, and as 80 plus percent of the refugees, the invaders, are military age men.
You can rebuild from a hurricane, you can't rebuild from an Islamic takeover.
There it is.
Returning Islamic State fighters given protected identities to start new lives in Europe.
I hadn't seen that one, that Breitbart article.
I just had the article yesterday that I got to, so I thought I'd mention it, where ISIS fighters in Sweden given preferential treatment for housing and welfare.
Now, a lot of people are criticizing Trump for raising the debt limit.
They want to scuttle the U.S.
They want to lower our bond ratings, Mooney's and others.
The big central banks have been trying to downgrade the U.S., trying to kill the Trump recovery.
They've been trying to and have raised interest rates, what, four times since he got in, trying to put a damper on.
They're putting out all this bad news to kill the recovery because they want to consolidate control and they know the recovery beginning will get Trump's agenda through.
So when the Republicans that helped write Obamacare wouldn't repeal it, when they wouldn't give the tax cut, what is Trump supposed to do?
He uses leverage.
Goes with the Democrats and gets the debt ceiling raised so they can't corner him while we've got major hurricanes and huge disasters and have Standard & Poor's and Moody's and Barron's and others lower our credit rating and plunge us into a depression that they hang around the neck of populists just like they did in 1929.
Just like they blamed protectionism for that when it was the whole globalist gear up.
History's repeating.
So Trump did what he was supposed to do.
Getting the $8 billion in aid for Harvey.
He's about to need probably $40 billion in aid for Florida alone.
That's a conservative number.
They're estimating.
If we don't prop up the economy now, the globalists are going to implode it.
I don't like fiat money, I don't like all this, but the globalists have been using it for 102 years to buy up the world, using American money.
Now Trump's trying to use it to get the economy going, because we don't have that, we have nothing!
For the first time in decades, the debt started going down this year.
The trade deficit started going down this year.
Trump was taking us in the right direction, but I see Ann Coulter and others going, you didn't do enough with DACA, because you say you'll work with the Democrats and the Republicans if they reform it.
You're breaking your promise to all these families that came to the White House and talked about how they were killed by illegal aliens.
No, he's not!
DACA was done illegally as an executive order by Obama.
It's totally lawless.
Most of the people are full grown adults who are lying about being here since they were little.
And Trump wants a plan where you show you've been here, you've got a degree, you're out of high school, you don't have a criminal record, then you could become a citizen!
But not a wide open to call anybody that gets here a dreamer with no evidence and have a fiat total legalization.
That's a fraud!
And the Republicans won't go in there and create a bill that's reasonable so Trump used executive power that Obama used to create it to kill it.
If it was illegally born, then Trump can legally, with that same executive power, kill something.
And he said, you fix it, I'll put it through!
That's keeping the promise to not let people that have been deported 42 times, 26 times in many of these famous cases.
Rape, murder, arson, mainly against the Hispanic communities where these people live.
But again, the media distorts what he said, just like he did when he said Antifa is bad too.
They said, oh, he's endorsed white supremacists.
Three weeks later, Antifa's running around beating prayer vigils, and the Democrats turn their back on it, realizing the optics weren't working.
America wasn't buying it.
I'm not just defending Trump to defend him.
I'm not getting paid by Trump.
I'm defending him because I study the real policies, not what we've been told he's supposedly doing.
But we're about to get hit with another massive hurricane.
We have to up the debt limit because they're trying to trick him into not doing it to devalue the entire country's rating right when Trump's trying to get our rating to the highest level.
We'll be back.
And everybody will have lower rates, better quality care, and better access.
I don't remember saying that everybody in the country would have a lower premium.
That's why your spotlight on the cockroaches, Alex, is so important.
That's really what we do to people.
That's what our job is.
Oh, this guy isn't doing too good.
Ted Nugent was telling me about this guy.
He looks like he's pretty sick.
Is that Nancy Pelosi?
Is that Chuckie Schumer?
What's her name?
The one that can't remember who attacked Korea.
She thinks it was Putin.
And the fact that he is wrapping his arms around Putin while Putin is continuing to advance into Korea.
You know what Ted Nugent told me?
Turn the lights on, Pat.
That light over there.
It's over there.
Right over there.
Turn the lights on.
Spotlight the cockroaches.
You've perfected that over the years.
Nancy Pelosi needs medical attention.
Democratic Party has just been screaming racism over and over again.
Hey ladies, hold on.
Come on over here.
Nancy Pelosi came by the house.
Did you know that?
However, these freaks are serious and they threaten to kill our family because we hunt, because we believe in the Second Amendment, because we trounce and spotlight the cockroaches on the left that hate America, hate the Constitution, hate the American dream, hate independence.
Why do they hate it?
Why do they hate it?
Okay, here comes Donald Trump.
Pat, will you please assist me with the camera?
Here comes Donald Trump with the assistance of the American people.
We are going to drain the swamp.
Mr. Moore, your chauffeur is here.
Don't try to get out.
Let me just help you a little bit.
We're not being violent.
Is this cool or what?
No Michael Moores were hurt in the filming of this.
This is a much more useful creature.
A carrion beetle that eats rotten meat.
Let's get all of our friend in there.
We the people are
We're not supposed to act like French and Canadians!
Because to be an extremist, to be radical, are like those Americans who went to Concord Bridge when the British were going to take our guns, and we didn't sit down and have tea with them, we shot them in the damn head!
We killed them!
You come to take away our guns, we'll cut you in half!
Somebody write that down!
Bye, Democratic Party!
Oh, and Paul Ryan's down in there too.
Bye-bye, Paul Ryan!
Look at my wonderful birth city of Detroit.
It was the work ethic epicenter, the productivity epicenter of the globe when I was born in 1948 until Mayor Coleman Young and the Liberal Democrats took over and trained people, brainwashed people, de-sold people that you don't have to try.
You just stay home or you go ahead and make Chrysler products that won't even run and will still send you a bonus check.
But when you give people something
The worst thing you can do to a human being is to give him stuff because then he has no pride of work ethic or ownership or earning his own way.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I get in here, and I read the news, and I go over the information.
And it's so ultra-massive, and so important, that it's like my head's going to explode.
And people that know me say, you're so calm in your regular life around your family, around your wife at dinner, why are you bouncing off the walls on air?
I look at hundreds of articles before I get here.
I watch dozens of video clips.
I read sections of legislation.
And then I watch mainstream news and see what they're saying about it.
It's incredibly frustrating.
Like, I actually watch what Trump says and what he puts out in a press release on DACA.
And then I see the conservatives attacking him.
And then I see the liberals attacking him.
When what he's doing is incredibly reasonable and is keeping his promises.
That's what's frustrating.
And it isn't about groveling to Trump.
When he's wrong about WikiLeaks, that put him in office basically, saying it's bad, and when he's wrong about his marijuana war, and so many other issues, I talk about it, but as a person overall, he's in our corner, trying to turn the country back on, financially, and culturally, and militarily,
And trying to transfer power back to the people.
And then I look at something like Irma coming in.
America should be coming together big time with this storm about to hit and praying for Florida and getting ready to support Florida and helping get people out of Florida and other states because this is an incredible time to be alive right now.
But instead, particularly, I see the Democrats trying to get political points out of everything they can, and it's sickening.
They need to get in trouble, politically and culturally, for what they're doing.
They're bad people!
They're really bad!
And I'm sick of them!
I'm tired of their crap!
And then I see something last night as I was going to bed about this, and I almost couldn't go to bed.
It was so powerful.
And then I got back up this morning and was at InfoWars.com and saw the report.
And I thought, well, surely this is going to be big news all over the place.
So I put it into a search engine at 6 a.m.
this morning when I got up, and I saw in the news feed maybe five stories on it.
Now, I want to post this in full to InfoWars.com.
I don't ever do that with other people's news, but I'm sure the Daily Caller's fine because this is so powerful.
But the headline isn't one-tenth as strong as it should be.
And when we come back, I'm going to give it that headline and post it to InfoWars.com.
And news like this is so powerful.
That I don't even feel worthy to cover it because I don't feel like I'm going to build it up enough.
I don't feel like I'm going to explain it properly and talk about how mega ultra massive it is and how it connects to everything and how it totally illustrates exactly what we're facing.
But I'm going to cover it when we come back.
I mean, I'm like a race car engine revving too many thousand RPMs right now.
This is just incredible.
And it's amazing!
I'm gonna stop right there.
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Vampires on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, all the big news straight ahead.
How did he get in here?
He's supposed to be with a few people outside.
How about...
How about all week we're talking about the massive crowds that are going to be outside.
Where am I?
Well, it's hot out.
It is hot.
I think it's too warm.
You know, they show up with the helmets and the black masks and they've got gloves and they've got everything.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
This breaking news story, if we don't get it out to everyone, will simply become another footnote in the legion of crimes committed by the Clinton crime family and their adjuncts.
Ladies and gentlemen, there's a story from the Daily Caller, and it's also in several other major newspapers, that is getting almost no attention today that broke last night.
We've posted the story in full to Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
One of the top Democrat IT operatives, who later fled, or was trying to flee to Pakistan, and who had other members of his family who did flee,
who were inside the Democratic Party servers and knew about all the information and crimes that were going on and knew that Homeland Security had tried to get into the computers 20 plus times but the Democrats had refused to let them in.
Now the case has broken wide open and we know why Debbie Washerman Schultz was so threatening to the head of the DC police and threatened the Democratic Party
And the congressperson that controls that district to cut their funding.
Why she would, in broad daylight, be so bold?
It was all a giant confidence act.
The police report indicates and reports that Washerman Schultz, IT aide, planted the computer for investigators to find and left them notes specifically for the Justice Department and more.
Now some ask, why would they do that?
Because they knew that Seth Rich had been gunned down in the back.
They knew others had died.
They knew that Homeland Security had been there 20 times under Jay Johnson, who admits in congressional testimony that they wanted in the servers to look at Russian meddling and other foreign agencies in the computers.
As part of the investigation to Hillary and her server.
Which was nothing but a drop box for foreign operations to get intel, then they would make donations to her foundation.
We now know what was happening.
But why is this so mega massive?
They've known since April when all this went down, that it was planted there for them to find, folks have said that from the beginning, this has been kept from the public for five months,
And that there were lettors to the Capitol Police, to the Justice Department, and others, detailing activities going on in the DNC.
Now, why would you do that if you're fearing for your life?
That's why I always tell whistleblowers, if you know something, you better get it out.
You better not dangle it out there.
The DC Madam.
Fox News has aired this back when she died.
She said on my show she had a bunch of dirt on the officials and that she was going to use it if they didn't leave her alone.
And I said, lady, you're going to get killed.
You need to put that out right now.
And she said, no, I'm not going to get killed.
I let her talk to her landlord, where she owned her condo, the manager.
I let her talk to detectives involved, you name it.
She was murdered.
And the suicide net was not even in handwriting that resembled anything of hers.
It was in what I called, you know, shoddy kind of army officer hitman handwriting.
But continuing, ladies and gentlemen, this is so mega-massive.
Because you think about how the FBI Mueller and Comey covering up for the Clintons and the news coming out last week in congressional testimony that Comey had absolved the Clintons and told them in a letter and privately that you will not be
Found to be guilty.
Go ahead and just have a meeting with me for optics.
Total fraud!
Admitting that he found them not guilty before he even investigated.
Admitting that he falsified the investigation that Loretta Lynch was involved in, meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac.
So, this is now unraveling as we speak.
That scandal has gotten out front.
Their only hope is to have Mueller throw enough garbage at Trump and enough fake charges behind the scenes to have Trump strike a deal with them behind the scenes to call off the dogs.
We have the entire Democratic Party power structure, right through Chuckie Schumer, right through Nancy Pelosi, they're all involved.
Bill and Hillary Clinton, we have them dead to rights, target on.
All we do is pull the trigger at the Justice Department and indict them, and their whole armada is going to the bottom of Davy Jones' locker.
This is all about Mueller.
It's all about Comey and their obstruction of justice.
It's all about them caught perjuring themselves to Congress.
It's all about them trying to blackmail the President, claiming they had this letter, and then saying they didn't have it, and then leaking it to the press, and then having to admit that indeed the President didn't tell them to stop the investigation, because we had Comey two months before in Congress saying the President had never asked him to do it, and that meeting where he was claiming the President had asked him to
Kill the investigation and obstruct justice had happened before he testified in Congress that first time.
They're tied up in knots.
They're tied up in lies.
They're tied up in corruption.
All of this is going on and now we know this Pakistan family running much of the Democrats IT and these brothers trying to flee the country were fleeing not from justice but for their lives!
They gave this information to the Feds.
They gave this information to Trump.
And it was enough to get the Capitol Police, Democratic Party operatives to still know that this information had been given to Trump, this information had been given to Sessions, this information had been given to them.
And that if they gave the information back to her, they would be obstructing, plus it had already been downloaded and copied by the FBI and by the Justice Department, and they already had copies of the letters!
They were asking the Capitol Police to give them a hard drive, to give them a laptop, and to give them hand-typed letters that were already in the hands of the feds!
This is beyond any Perry Mason movie I've ever seen.
This is beyond anything I've ever imagined, where you've got them so dead to rights.
You've got them not letting Homeland Security on their servers when they claim espionage is going on during the campaign.
You've got Tarmac meetings.
You've got Mueller.
You've got Comey.
Covering up for the Clintons.
Covering up for the Bushes.
Covering up for Obama.
You've got all these naked crimes.
Getting caught doing it.
Lying to Congress.
Perjuring themselves.
All of it.
And then this confidence game of the media claiming Trump and the Libertarians and the Republicans are all Russian agents and that's why we won the election.
You've got the Clintons up to their eyeballs with Russian collusion.
Hidden a country they didn't sell out to.
They pimped out America like a $2 whore.
And now, you've got them since April with this information and none of it ever brought to light, none of it ever brought out.
The story is now posted at NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com from The Daily Caller.
And The Daily Caller, since I printed this this morning, has changed the headline to make it more powerful, as I was just complaining earlier.
Here was their old headline, exclusive police report indicates Washerman Schultz, I want this reporter on ASAP.
Police report indicates Washerman Schultz aid, IT aid, planted computer for investigators to find.
Representative Debbie Washerman Schultz,
is in a lot of trouble.
A laptop Representative Debbie Washburn Schultz has frantically fought to keep from prosecutors from examining may have been planted for police to find by her since-indicted staffer Imran Awan.
Imran Awan.
Along with a letter to the U.S.
There's no doubting it.
It was planted with letters.
I mean, what more does it take when it's a letter?
So even the Daily Caller puts doubt on a story that is crystal clear from their police sources that there's a laptop that was planted, that was left there with these letters.
And by the time it gets out to the press, it's like, no big deal.
They were just trying to flee the country.
Don't worry what was in there.
Don't worry about it.
We've just got Debbie Washerman Schultz, if there's nothing in there, sitting there
Months ago, two months ago, threatening the police chief of the District of Columbia that you're in big trouble if you don't give me that laptop right now, even though the brothers were already part of a criminal investigation.
She was publicly obstructing on city television, on the cable channel that covers District of Columbia affairs in front of the whole world, potentially.
You ask, why would she be so arrogant?
Because it's all a con game with these people.
Here's the clip.
Under my understanding, the Capitol Police is not able to confiscate members' equipment when the member is not under investigation.
It is their equipment and it's supposed to be returned.
I think there are extenuating circumstances in this case, and I think that, you know, working through my counsel and, you know, the necessary personnel, if that in fact is the case, and with the permission of, through the investigation, we'll return the equipment.
But until that's accomplished, I can't return the equipment.
I think you're violating the rules when you conduct your business that way.
And you should expect that there will be consequences.
I yield back.
Gentlemen, thank you for your testimony.
And she threatens him more before that in the full clip.
In fact, we should probably back it up and play five minutes of it.
I mean, it is amazing.
And she is so scared.
We can't return the equipment.
Police Chief Matthew R. Varadosa told the Florida Democrat.
So now,
As Hurricane Irma barrels down on us, Trump needs to tweet this.
Trump needs to talk about this.
We need to get Fox News covering this.
Because of course he planted the laptop.
Of course they're letters.
Of course he's trying to flee the country.
If he was this hardcore criminal, probably was doing things illegal for the Democrats, he gets scared.
He doesn't want it to be directly linked back to him, so he leaves it where they're going to find it, with notes!
It gets back to the police, the info leaks back to the Democrats, they go into full session meetings and say, you're going to give us that back right now, or you're in big trouble, and we're gonna shut down your department, we're gonna cut your funding, we're gonna come after you.
Why would you do it if there wasn't something devastating on it?
And we know,
That Trump and Sessions and all of them know this, and no wonder you go back a couple months ago, Trump started flipping out on Sessions, saying, why aren't you doing anything?
Because we know what's going to be in there.
All the foreign money, the Clinton Foundation, propping up the Democratic Party.
They've now done a cursory inspection of the Southern Poverty Law Center's books.
Guess how much they've put in just the last couple years in the Caribbean banks?
$64 million in just the last couple years.
And you know, there's a lot more than that.
60 plus million.
What do you think the Southern Poverty Law Center does?
The SPLC is a hardcore, deep state cutout of leftist foundation operations, nexusing in the CIA.
You heard Steve Pachetnik on, just a couple weeks ago, who ran whole CIA projects.
Saying, yes, we helped set up the SPLC and it's modern set up and they've really stabbed America in the back.
Oh, it's a CIA operation!
But not run by the CIA.
The CIA helped set up their current configuration more than 25 years ago because of real white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement.
They were supposed to infiltrate and find those groups.
Instead, they turned it into a takeover of the white supremacist network in the country to beef it up, to empower it, and to weaponize it.
But they couldn't get anybody to join.
They couldn't find anybody.
What a godless, evil group of sick garbage.
I think I'm going to ask Pchenik to come on.
You know what?
Let's ask him to come on tomorrow and tell us about the SPLC.
He's been hauled into federal court repeatedly when he talks about stuff on the show for violations of this or national security that.
No, the national security violation is that that abomination, that offshore network is trying to cause a race war in this country and destroy unity and I'm not going to sit here and take it anymore!
Stories up on InfoWars.com.
Please punch it up, reviewers.
We gave it a more powerful headline as it deserves.
Police report to the Daily Caller that high-level Democrat DNC staffers planted the laptop and wrote letters to the police before trying to flee the country.
Think about that.
That's the reality.
That's the real takeaway.
That's the real headline here, ladies and gentlemen.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Even before the show started, 49 minutes ago, I went in and I said, I want this headline posted.
I want this news up.
I want this information up.
I want it with a real headline so people understand what they're seeing!
The stuff just hides in plain view and it gets crazier and crazier and crazier what these arrogant monsters have done.
Have you seen the picture of Debbie Washburn, Schultz and Hillary where they both look like witches tackling and laughing at a campaign event?
Gotta put that on screen.
Dim IT staffer planted computer for feds to find, left letter for DOJ slash police.
The information contained in that laptop will destroy the Clinton Crime Syndicate if it gets out.
And that's why she'd boldly go and get in everybody's face.
So the Daily Caller might be scared with their headline to say what their investigative team got from the police, but we're not.
And our listeners aren't either.
And it's time all this information come out or we're going to lose to these monsters.
We've got their chicken necks in our hands.
And they've got their little rotting pink feet scratching at us.
It'll do nothing.
Can't even draw blood politically.
If we just keep bearing down and squeezing their little necks till their political eyeballs pop out, we're going to have victory!
And it's time to politically burn this sucker down.
With all these rat goblins running it.
It's time politically to wake up and to see the sleeping giant rise.
Paul Watson.
Thank you for joining us here today.
I appreciate you coming on.
You're about to go on a well-deserved holiday.
So tell folks about your video that's gone viral where you say you're done.
I'm done with YouTube until they change their policies or until they signal that they're going to change them, Alex.
I mean, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher came out with a quote last night.
The mistreatment of conservatives and libertarians by tech monopolies is a civil rights issue.
And that's what it comes down to.
It's Google and Facebook.
Those are the big two.
Okay, I was banned by Facebook yesterday, get this Alex, for posting a picture of a famous ginger YouTuber who made a parody joke video about feminism 18 months ago, who was in on the joke.
Because I posted a picture of it again 18 months ago, which obviously offended some feminists.
They banned me on Facebook.
So literally Facebook is now being run by the same people who screamed bloody murder.
Let's explain something.
You're a public figure.
It's acting newspapers and TV every day.
So am I.
If we don't have speech, no one is.
They want to destroy us with straw men, not let us respond.
And let's explain.
You had Facebook videos, Paul, with 30 million views, some of them each.
I mean, bigger than CNN.
That's why they took you down.
That's why they're trying to ban PewDiePie.
Because they don't want anybody they don't control with a voice.
Google and Facebook are basically monopolies at this point.
They're acting like public utilities.
You'll notice, Alex, that back in the day, Zuckerberg, Schmidt, Jack Dorsey of Twitter, they used to talk about themselves as public utilities.
In fact, there's a quote here, which I've got from Time, where Zuckerberg is talking about Facebook as a public utility.
So they acted like that.
They consolidated.
Now they've become monopolies.
They need to be treated as public utilities.
This is what Steve Bannon came out and advocated two weeks ago.
If I want running water in my house, Alex, I can only pay one company.
Now, it's still a private company, but it's a monopoly.
I don't have a choice.
At this point, Google and YouTube are complete monopolies.
YouTube does not have a competitor, a serious competitor, as a video platform.
This is why prominent YouTubers, prominent social media and free speech advocates need to get behind this.
Because as the congressman said, this is a civil rights issue.
Something needs to change now.
It's gone too far.
And you're saying you're leaving YouTube to make a point, to have a clean break to show it no longer has any semblance of freedom.
Stay there.
We're good.
In 1814 we took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson down to mighty Mississippi.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we caught the bloody British in a town in New Orleans.
We fired our guns and the British kept a coming.
There wasn't as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to run it on down to Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
We are back live.
This breaking news is so incredibly important and everyone has to get it out to your neighbors, your co-workers, your friends, your family.
It's got to become one of the biggest stories in the country.
As you know, last week it came out that then-FBI Director Comey had lied to Congress.
When he said that there was an open investigation into the Clintons when he went and interviewed them.
It has now been confirmed and Comey has admitted that he'd already told them they were exonerated and the investigation was closed.
Now, on the heels of that massive fraud, The Daily Caller, talking to their sources in the DC police and others, have confirmed
That one of the IT brothers that's now being held on house arrest, Imran Awan, who tried to flee the country, had planted the laptop there in the federal building with a note to the police explaining what was on it as a way to have an anonymous tip because he feared for his life with the other IT staffers that have mysteriously been killed, like Seth Rich.
This is huge, massive news.
The laptop had the username RepDWS.
Even though the Florida Democrat and former Democrat National Committee Chairman previously said it was a Wands computer and that she had never seen it.
That was to Congress.
Later, she told the D.C.
police on video.
That's my personal property.
You have to give it back to me if I'm not under criminal investigation.
And he said, well, I can't give it back to you, obviously pointing out that she was under criminal investigation, which we now know she is.
This is incredible.
And the whole thing is unraveling, and their confidence game is coming to its knees.
Top Democrat IT staffer planted the laptop and wrote letters to police as a tip to expose corruption, and this has been sat on since April and now.
Awan is in house arrest in Florida, set to be hit by Hurricane Irma, and has asked a judge to remove GPS, citing possible emergency with kids in Pakistan.
I hope that he doesn't end up disappearing during the hurricane.
And by disappear, you know what I mean.
So great job to the Daily Caller that is on this beat.
This is central.
I want to get their reporters on to break this down.
And he struck a deal to be let out of jail a few weeks ago, out of federal jail.
Federal prison.
Now he is in Florida on house arrest and reportedly is working with the Department of Justice.
The problem is the Department of Justice is riddled and filled with Obama and Clinton appointees that have been involved in every crime you can imagine.
Now we know why
Former FBI Directors Mueller and Comey are after Trump so hard because they're desperate to change the subject away from the crime family and the Democratic Party they've been protecting so long whose head is now on the chopping block.
Now it's up to you to get the story out.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Star Spangled Banner flutters in the sky.
Trying to make the scene.
Time hustles those who wait to die.
Sweet Soul Sister.
Where to begin, ladies and gentlemen?
You can't deny that we're seeing an acceleration in time-space.
And you can't deny that the forces of corruption are being revealed, and even being revealed by themselves.
And we see earth changes increasing as well.
They've even tried to blame the Pacific Rim
Being the most active in its recorded history, which is only about a hundred years, where it's been scientifically recorded.
But it is the most active.
They're trying to blame that on global warming.
They're trying to blame that on you, on your personal geoengineering.
But they're saying that government geoengineering, which they admit is going on in their own white papers, doesn't exist.
And you're a kook if you say it does exist.
So you are geoengineering, and you're the cause of all the problems, but not all the big shadowy Department of Energy programs.
Who's the big conspiracy theorist now?
And then they put out a new movie, Geostorm, about geoengineering, rolling out all the technologies to everybody, the electromagnetic antennas, space-based systems, aerosols sprayed by aircraft,
So everybody can say, oh I heard that!
That's in a movie!
Alex Jones got it from that!
He doesn't know it's from a movie!
And then we can... have...
Bill Gates come out and say, whoa, there are technologies like that, but it's not like a movie.
It's actually going to help everybody.
We've got a UN treaty and a UN Office of Weather Modification, so we're globally going to control this now.
See, they talk to you like you're an idiot.
I've seen and showed folks.
Mainline fifth-grade social studies and science textbooks that say the government's adding things to jet fuel to create particulate to create a sunscreen to protect the earth.
But then when we point out it's going on they go, oh you're insane it doesn't exist.
But then once it's admitted
They'll say, well, Alex Jones was right, and that there's some stuff going on, just not what he's saying, that every trail you see is geoengineering.
I never said that.
It's ice crystals.
It's condensation.
It's a condensation trail.
So then they go, well, Alex is funny.
It came true.
There's all these reports the frogs are turning gay.
But see, back when he said it 18 years ago, it was kooky and made up.
Now it just came true, which makes him even more of a kook.
When it was always just public in the documents.
We got a lady joining us who's suing CNN.
And we're going to talk more about the hurricane of all hurricanes.
Michael Malice is our guest.
He has traveled to North Korea repeatedly.
He's written a best-selling book.
Fiction couldn't make up a hit-the-clown creature like Kim Jong-un.
He's running around like a hobbled tyrannosaurus feeding on humanity.
I hate Kim Jong-un, but the poor people, it's like, what do we do?
You've been there.
I mean, these people are literally on another planet.
What do we do?
I mean, there is no easy answer.
The only thing we can do is put pressure on China, and China has started to buckle, which is a very good sign.
It's easy for North Korea when it's us versus them, when it's the U.S.
imperialists, as they call us, versus them.
But now when you have the international community uniting, including their big brother China, that's a very different dynamic.
And it's a better dynamic, because why is this our problem entirely?
And you're an expert on this.
Let's talk about the North Korean-China relationship.
Why has China been going along with this for 50 years?
China doesn't want a U.S.
ally on their border.
China doesn't want 25 million North Korean refugees crossing the river and living in China where they have nothing to offer.
And China basically doesn't... No one wants a collapsed state on their border that they have to basically deal with the problem.
I mean, are we closer to midnight than ever?
Because most experts I talk to say if there's nuclear war, it's going to start in North Korea, not the Middle East.
Not in Ukraine, not on the border of Russia.
I mean, what do you think of the experts you talk to?
Because, I mean, you're all over the place talking to top experts.
I mean, how serious is this?
I got four children.
I want to know.
I think it's good.
Your kids are fine.
Your kids are safe.
North Korea, in their literature, constantly talk about the fact, we know we can't win.
They say this explicitly.
So they're not... Listen, everyone talks about how he's crazy and suicidal.
He's satanic, like you said.
If he's suicidal, they've been around for 70 years.
That's taken a long time to kill yourself, huh?
Alex, you touched on it earlier.
They have something called the monolithic ideological system.
By which they mean, everyone in the country thinks the same way and thinks in line with the leader.
So they boast about the fact that there's no independent thought in the entire country.
That it's the leader, which is a human being, that kid like you said, who gives the people their political spiritual life.
And that without the leader, basically, no one would exist.
So, it's a very dark quasi-religion that they push on the people.
And again, when you're this demigod at the head of a country, and you're effectively a billionaire, what would it take for you to, you know, quit your job?
It's going to take a lot.
And it's going to take a combination of threats and rewards.
And Kim Jong-un doesn't want to go the way of Gaddafi or Saddam Hussein.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Coming up in the next segment, we'll look at all the storm tracks and discuss the type of damage we can witness from this Category 6, a new category of hurricane.
They're not officially called Irma a Category 6, but they say above 165 miles an hour is basically a Category 6.
It's at 185 miles an hour, never seen in the Atlantic Ocean before.
Again, typhoons get up to 180 sometimes.
They turn the other direction as hurricanes enter in the Pacific Ocean and, of course, are more deadlier of storms.
Now, again, they've only been recording hurricanes accurately for 50, 60 years, so there's been storms this damaging before, but since they've been recording them, this is the fastest-turning hurricane and has already destroyed quite a few islands in its wake and is set now
to go over Cuba and of course the island of Hispaniola that's divided by Haiti and of course the Dominican Republic.
Many of the tracks show it going right up the eastern seaboard starting in the Keys and southern Florida.
Though NOAA has picked out of hundreds of different models, they believe it's going to, with their computers, go around, hitting the Keys, but going around Florida into the Gulf of Mexico.
So a lot of different tracks we'll be looking at coming up.
First off, I wanted to get a guest on who's taking action.
We have seen the last two weeks the Family Research Council, it's already been attacked and shot up because of Southern Poverty Law Center reports, terrorization, stalking.
We've already seen them file a lawsuit.
We've seen the D. James Kennedy Center, mainline international Christian church that reaches tens of millions of people a week.
D. James Kennedy, super mainline
But they have come out and said the same thing.
Camille Paglia came out and said today that we're going to be covering, and she's a lesbian, but also a historian and researcher and a smart lady.
She said this transgender stuff with kids is child abuse.
Because you're telling a three-year-old, you're a boy, but you're really a girl, you're a girl, you're really a boy.
If people grow up and want to identify something else, I'm a tolerant person, I don't hate them, that's their issue.
But to have government and schools sexualizing children, I mean, if it was a man at the park coming over to your five-year-old son and saying, I think your little girl want to get in the ice cream truck with me, you'd think you had a new serial killer, he'd go to jail.
But when they do it in the name of tolerance, it's happening.
But I'm digressing here.
They're filing suit.
Diamonds and Silk are looking at filing suit.
I'm looking at filing suit because the Southern Poverty Law Center, with its 60 plus million dollars, we've now discovered offshore, Weekly Standard's reporting on that, and they're finding more money every day.
They are listing myself and hundreds of other people, well thousands total, in this national database that they create, this shadowy, multinational organization with ties to the CIA,
They are going on and just putting people in the midst of white supremacists and other unsavory groups and terrorist groups, and then Amazon and everybody else is taking the database and saying, oh, D. James Kennedy, you can't sell your books on Amazon.
Oh, D. James Kennedy, you can't be part of our program that we say any charity can be listed here as a searchable function.
So they're being excluded in a discriminatory way never before seen.
I think it's wrong if you own a big bakery not to bake a gay couple's, you know, cake.
But I'm a libertarian.
The point is, if they don't have the right as a small bakery to do that, how then can you tell Christians that they can't say marriage is between a man and a woman?
And even if it's hateful and, you know, you say some church says they hate people, which the D. James Kennedy group and others aren't, it's their free speech right, isn't it?
So this is real censorship.
This is real electronic gulags that Matt Drudge and others have warned about.
It's here.
And we're in these databases and we're being refused service across the board.
We have real bonafide damages here.
I have standing.
I don't particularly want to sue, but we're looking at who to because we have to stand up for ourselves.
Here's the headline.
Attorney announces lawsuit against CNN on behalf of the American people.
Joni points out how CNN continues to blast Americans as white national radicals, and for CNN calling on alt-left rioters to show up at events and cause havoc, who have now been listed as terrorists.
So they called the anti-fighter to go out and be violent.
It's like Don Corleone telling, you know, one of his hitmen to go kill somebody, Luke Obrazi.
He's just as guilty as Luke Obrazi.
Joni says CNN made a slip-up and publicized the Southern Poverty Law Center list on their website as their own, when they realized it four hours later they took it down.
She's taking action.
She has standing.
Because she's an American.
She's a conservative.
She's a patriot being listed as a white supremacist marked for death.
And she's a
Lawyer, currently involved in multi-jurisdictional federal and state litigation with heavy focus on employment, contractual disputes, non-compete trade secrets, and wrongful death issues, both plaintiff and defense.
Maybe she's the lawyer I should get for a suit.
I mean, I'm being damaged.
It's already like 7 million this year already.
Worked closely as a corporate legal advisor, contractual issues with the board of directors, the board of trustee issues related for corporate entities.
She announced a lawsuit against CNN on behalf of the American people.
That are being targeted as radical terrorists, close quote.
I mean, it's like they're saying rad off Hitler.
This is marking us for death.
This is serious psychological and cultural terrorism.
Joni, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Southern Private Law Center, I've talked to a bunch of the top lawyers.
They all say you've got open and shut cases, but two years of litigation.
Why on earth have they gotten so radical?
And why have you been forced to take action?
Well, you know what?
Are you seeing me okay, Alex?
Because I lost you.
I am seeing you.
So go ahead.
I'll tell you what happened is, you know, we've all been, you know, I've been watching this go on for the last couple of years and you made a great point earlier on.
You are a connection expert.
And you know, people can, you know, see, oh, gosh, this doesn't look right over here.
This doesn't look right.
But I'll tell you when it all came together for me.
And listen, I'm a little late coming to the party.
But you know what?
Sometimes that's good because by the time you get to the party, people got all the small talk out of the way and they're ready to get down to action.
I'll tell you what really got me on board and off the couch three weeks ago.
I watched as Michael Moore, he had a bad day that day.
You know, his show bombed and he was on with Don Lennon, who is just a race baiter.
He cannot even be called a journalist because that's an insult to journalists.
But he got on CNN and he was being, you know, probed by Don Lennon.
And he said, he made this statement, Alex.
He said, Trump is a rapist and he is raping the United States.
And if his supporters have a chance to redeem themselves tonight, if they denounce him, but if not, they are complicit to rape.
And I want to tell you something.
That got me off the couch and I called my nephew, he's a great guy, first year at Liberty, Corey Jones, and I said, Matthew, I need to know about this Twitter stuff.
I need to know.
And we talked and I said, I'm going to take action.
And I'll tell you what, in three weeks, Alex, we now have over 25,000 people that have signed up for this class action lawsuit.
Wow, I didn't know that this exploded like this.
Joni Turner, congratulations on standing up for our free speech against these bullies.
They call us Nazis with no evidence.
Putting people in a group, not letting them have commerce, demonizing them, shutting them off from jobs, firing them, bullying them, beating them up.
That's what the brown shirts did in Nazi Germany.
Well, that's exactly right.
I'll tell you Alex, what happened is, and you know, I've had a couple people ask me, well why not MSNBC?
Well, everybody knows that MSNBC, they're idiots.
You know, they're a clown show.
And so, when you go and listen to them, you know, anymore, I mean, people don't take them serious.
But why CNN is so... They have gone from lying to the American people, which is a crime in and of itself, but to lying about them, Alex.
And what they have done is they have... That's right.
They're attacking the American people.
Hillary got in trouble for saying half of Trump supporters are deplorable.
They're saying all of you are rapists.
Oh, rapists, Nazis, and what they're doing, and Alex, this is so good, and I can't even tell you how good this is, but what they are doing is they're creating a false narrative to create a group, and then they are funded, they are funded by the same people that the Southern Poverty Law Center is funded by, then they're going out and they are calling their wolves
And Antifa and all of the Black Lives Matters, like what is that?
And all these radical groups that hijack these names.
And they're coming and they're putting maps out, Alex.
And you touched on that right before I came on.
They are putting maps out.
And CNN accidentally put it up as their own map.
It's the hate map, you know, that Southern Poverty has up.
And what they're doing, Alex, is they're creating this narrative, and then they're calling and paying these guys to come and attack us.
And it's crazy what is going on.
And you know what?
I just said, I looked at the TV and I said, no more.
If you think you're getting away with this, you're wrong.
I'm coming after you.
That's all I said.
I'd never even heard of Periscope.
And I heard of Periscope the day after my nephew again told me about it.
I got on there and now we're 25,000 strong, Alex.
Well, let's go over this lawsuit, because they want to sue gun manufacturers, they want to sue cities and police departments until they collapse, but they don't have cases.
They're losing their cases everywhere.
Again, I've talked to top lawyers in Austin, D.C., New York.
I mean, I've got some of the top firms, and they're ready to file lawsuits, and they say all these cases where we've got the letters back from major credit card companies,
Letters back from major online companies saying, we're not going to do business with you because you're listed as a hate group.
I mean, we have it against the companies and the Southern Poverty Law Center, open and shut, total discrimination.
Why would they be so bold?
What are they thinking?
You can't just say somebody's a rapist and somebody's Hitler and then put them in a database to discriminate against them when you can't do that to any American.
I mean, this is crazy.
And look at this one, Alex.
Have you seen this one?
And I loved how you were talking about the back page news stories.
JP Morgan just gave a million dollars to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
James Murdoch.
I want to tell you something.
You've got a cause of action against them too.
JP Morgan.
A financial system just gave one million dollars.
You can't find this anywhere.
CNN, you know, kind of put it under the radar.
Oh, they go around and pass the plate.
A bunch of Hollywood stars gave a million dollars apiece to it in the last month, namely George Clooney.
Oh, listen, I have a little... George Clooney's here from Cincinnati.
You know, I have a little... He was one of my first little dates.
I used to do a little talk show with his mom, Nina.
And I can tell you that he was as silly back then as he is now.
But, you know, not as well known.
And he's as left as you can get.
I mean, look, he married, you know, I don't know, I don't think she's... I think she's Lebanese, his wife.
And, you know, it's Hollywood.
But the thing is, Alex, what you have put your finger on is it's the connection.
People think that these are occurring.
It's the connection.
It is all connection.
This is mass racketeering, classically bullying on a mass scale against the American people.
And they think libertarians and conservatives are so nice we won't fight back.
Again, you're a lawyer.
You're an expert in this.
But I've talked to the top lawyers.
They say it's cut and dry.
That if people are going to get in trouble for not baking somebody a cake, you can't just deny people because they run the website Jihad Watch with very respected groups just showing what jihadis are saying and doing.
You can't deny them on PayPal because they've been listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
And it expands out from there.
Over in England, if you criticize Islam, you're getting arrested.
Or if you make fun of ISIS, you're getting arrested.
I mean, this is crazy.
And you asked a question just a moment ago, and it's so funny watching you because I can tell your mind when you were saying your head explodes.
It is.
I know how that is because it connects so much that it's so easy to get off on a tangent because it all makes sense.
But I want to take you back to something that you had said earlier about
You were asking about, you know, the legal group that this has.
But you know, Alex, the Southern Poverty Law Center, it started out as being, you know, okay.
But then, just like everything else that the left has done, it's been hijacked.
And I'll tell you, what is happening now... It's been turned into a new Clinton Foundation with 60-plus million offshore.
They say that's probably not even legal for one of these tax-free groups that's supposedly out there.
It got started to give black people and other poor folks who are discriminated against in the South money to sue, which is laudable, but it's basically never even done that and is now this mysterious cut-out group
And I've had high-level CIA people, not just people like Steve Pchenik, who's run major operations, point out that he was involved setting them up to infiltrate law enforcement to look for white supremacists, but that was never really done.
They instead use it as a group to take over law enforcement, just like the ADL has been caught breaking into police stations and stealing data.
Go ahead.
And you know, the thing about it is, is that when you start making connections like this, people go, oh, it's a conspiracy.
Well, I'm here to tell you, I was a prosecutor before I went into private practice, and the largest crimes that are committed, the ones that affect people the most, they start out as conspiracies, but it's all connected.
And why this is so powerful, and getting back to what I wanted to say to you, is that you said, why do you think that they are being so bold and coming out now?
Well, Alex, they've been quiet as they have snuck into every one of our institutions.
You think the media has gone bad?
You should try fighting in this court system.
And what they've done is they've been quiet all these years, you know, that Obama, oh my gosh, number one traitor.
He should be actually, he should be, you know, put on trial, but we won't go there.
But what's happened is,
Sure, for those who don't know, explain to them, as a former prosecutor, the Southern Poverty Law Center and others, they go, take people to galas, give them cash awards, infiltrate their lives, bring lots of nice ladies to the little galas and parties.
It's really a cult that takes over your local government.
Then Loretta Lynch tried the Strong Cities Initiative to federalize law enforcement and bring in U.N.
I'm telling you, when they start up or how they have to get there, a serial killer doesn't become a serial killer because he looks like one.
He's a serial killer because he looks like a George Clooney or somebody that he can get people in, and then he kills them.
These people that are looking so good, the Southern Poverty Law Center, what could they do?
You know, I'm thinking they're down there helping the poor people in the South.
No, what they're doing is they're working with CNN and a lot more powerful people, and they are targeting, make no doubt about it, they are targeting a group, they have a group specific in mind, and then they are funding the wolves that are gonna come in, and they are, we have no freedom of speech anymore.
I have people that are contacting me, they're being shot at if they have a Trump sticker.
I mean, this is huge.
It's not just a small case.
Tell folks how many people you now have on your class action suit, because obviously the media is not going to cover this.
Well, you know, I have been contacted by a lot of media, but I've refused to talk with them.
I was with Bill Mitchell just a little bit yesterday.
We have 25,000.
Now those are singular people that have signed up, and listen Alex, these people have given their full names, their addresses, and their phone numbers.
These people aren't messing around.
They're not putting on burkas or covering up their faces saying, these are like, here's where I live, this is my phone number, and we're coming after you, CNN.
And I'm telling you, it's going to explode.
And every day that I am working on this, the case gets larger and it gets more complicated.
This is riveting.
I'm so blown away that my producer got you because
I mean, the media, I haven't seen any coverage, so I figure they were covering it up or just waiting to try to spin it or demonize you.
But let's walk through then how you woke up, why you got upset when you started this and how it's gotten so big so fast.
What happened?
And again, and I really mean this, Alex.
I started my Twitter page a year ago in June because I was going to go to the World Series of Poker and play, and I was going to tweet my journey.
Because as a prosecutor and as an attorney, I don't use social media because a lot of people I put in jail are just going to be getting out soon.
So I don't want them to find me.
So I was not in the Twitter game at all.
I explained earlier how I saw Michael Moore, and I've been watching how CNN has just gone down the slippery slope.
Just as our legal system has.
So when he literally called out and stated as fact that our president was a rapist and that we as American, conservative American citizens, now they know who they're targeting.
It's Trump supporters or conservative Americans that we are complicit to rape.
That, excuse me, it pissed me off.
And I got up, I called, the first thing I did is I called my little nephew, because you know, the up-and-comers, the millennials, they're good on this sweater stuff.
And I'm like, Corey, what should I do?
And the first thing he said to me, and Alex, this will come as a compliment, he said, Joni, you've gotta get Alex Jones on this.
And I said, who is Alex Jones?
Three weeks ago.
Now I am intimate with you, Alex, and you didn't know that, but I had no idea who you were.
That's awesome.
And so what has happened, Alex, is that when I first did my first Periscope, I think it was 19 days ago, it says on Periscope, you know, I was just ticked and I was just going down the causes of action.
And a lot of those were, while they pertain to the case,
They weren't the stuff that was really going to stick.
And Alex, I'm going to tell you something.
Trust me, I don't want to start shouting.
My mom and dad are, my mom's a preacher, so I'm a daughter of a preacher.
We won't get into that.
That was a whole bunch of stuff.
But I want to tell you something.
The more that I've got looking at this, listen, Alex, they are basing, okay?
They are basing this false reporting, and you know, CNN, I mean, they've gone desperate now.
They're staging news stories.
And what they have done is, they are basing what they're doing on two Supreme Court cases.
The one is Brandenburg v. Ohio, and it happened right here, one street over from where I am in my office right now.
And then also, Texas v. Johnson.
Do we have a break coming up?
Tell me if I need to hush.
No, you're great.
I'm going to hold you over because Mike Cernovich is coming in.
He's been wanting to show him as well.
He's been listed along with myself directly in there with the white supremacist.
So he's coming in.
So we'll be able to continue.
We're going to break in one minute though.
OK, great.
Well, I'll just tell you that a little teaser for break.
I have two cases now that I just I am so excited.
They're Supreme Court cases.
They've been around for a long time.
Brandenburg since 1969.
It's time that our legal system get on the ball and get up to date with what's going on in our world.
And it's time that you have somebody that's not afraid to be a case of first impression to go after him.
And that's what's going to happen.
And CNN, you better watch it because I'm coming after you and I've got some solid grounds to do it.
That's right.
Joni Turner, former prosecutor, a respected lawyer.
You can follow her on Twitter at Joni Turner Law.
And ladies and gentlemen,
If you've been shot at, if you've been fired, if you've been beat up, if you've been called a Nazi, especially if you've got a police report or whatever, you need to sign on to this lawsuit.
Because I've been telling you, we need to sue, and I'm going to sue.
I'm just looking, because we've got a lot of really strong cases.
I've been hurt bad.
Seven million dollars now that we didn't bring in this year to fund this operation because of these lists and us being denied access to the marketplace by the racketeering of the Southern Poverty Law Center and their cohorts at CNN, MSNBC and others.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Boy, I tell ya, the globalists have got a tiger by the tail, having the Southern Primary Law Center and others.
Just say all Americans that voted Trump are white supremacists.
All Americans that voted Trump are rapists.
These are the talking points that are now causing violence.
And Antifa is out savagely beating and attacking even prayer groups, multiracial groups, transsexuals that are at libertarian meetings.
I mean, they'll attack anybody.
And Joni Turner is a former prosecutor.
She is a lawyer.
Deals with these type of cases.
This is racketeering.
This is organized fraud, civil rights violation, trying to deny conservatives, libertarians, just free thinkers, access to the marketplace.
We've been kicked off AdRobe.
We have been blocked from big credit card companies.
We've been blocked from all sorts of other major firms, even though we're well established and respected.
Because we've been putting the Southern Poverty Law Center database that they're now putting thousands and thousands and thousands of more people in.
They have a live hate map with over 900 dots.
Wes, one of our chief engineers, no criminal record in his life.
He would fight traffic tickets, beginning with a speeding ticket he didn't know.
He's been working for me 15 years.
This started about 10 years ago.
He was put in a sovereign citizen database.
The Southern Provincial Law Center showed the police department videos saying if someone fights a ticket they're a terrorist and he's been put in a gang member task force platform.
When they pull him over now they come out with guns drawn.
Mike Cernovich, you've been put in the database.
So I've been put in the database and it's caused us to
More money than we were going to make to even expand this operation in 2017.
You came through, bought more of the products, but they're now trying to shut us off on PayPal.
They are shutting off mainline Christian churches with hundreds of thousands of members.
Major platforms like Amazon.
You're a lawyer as well, Mike Cernovich.
They've really jumped the shark here.
We're going to get back into the hurricane and this huge Debbie Wasserman Schultz news and FBI cover-up news that's so bombshell here in just a few minutes.
And you're going to be riding shotgun.
But as a lawyer, hearing her break this down, she's going to get more into it.
Again, the question, why are they so reckless now?
Why are they doing things that every high-powered lawyer I've talked to says we will win on?
They're drunk with power.
Ultimately, they've never been held accountable.
Nobody's ever gone after them.
It takes a lot of time, a lot of energy.
And you know that if you go after them, they're going to bring down the hammer.
They're going to try to ruin your life.
They're going to go to your neighbor's house and say, knock, knock.
I'm a reporter with so-and-so.
Did you know your next door neighbor is a lunatic white supremacist neo-nazi?
That's how they get you.
They'll go into your neighborhood and they're knocking on doors and go... Let's show it on screen.
You're here in the Southern Poverty Law Center in between Nazis.
Let's put that article up on screen.
Yeah, I mean they added me to their hate list in an effort to have me murdered.
Remember Floyd Lee Corkins.
Everybody should know Floyd Lee Corkins.
What they do is they create these hate lists and then
They're in cahoots with the media, so what they'll do is they'll knock, knock, knock.
Oh hey, neighbor of Mike Cernovich, did you know that he's been added to a hate list?
How do you feel about that?
How do you feel about being on the hate list?
How do you feel knowing that you live next door to a... So it's all classic stalking, classic harassment.
What do you think of Joni Turner, a high-powered lawyer, former prosecutor?
She's already got thousands of people signed up with documentation of how they were attacked or discriminated against because they had a Trump sticker or, you
Republican city council members, that neighbor comes over, shoots him twice in the head, says, die Trump supporter.
We ought to get that guy's widow signed up.
I mean, Joni, they have jumped the shark.
Oh my gosh.
It is, it is even worse than we know.
And Mike, I'm sorry that that happened to you because that is, that's incredible that when I saw that they were putting up the names of individuals, it was amazing to me.
But they are doing this not, and you're exactly right Mike, they have never been held accountable.
And that's what's going on in our court systems too.
Our judges, they aren't even going by case law anymore.
If they will look you up on a database and if they find out that you're a conservative and that the judge is liberal, because they all have been, you know, because the federal judges the last eight years, because most of them were appointed by Obama.
You might as well forget arguing law with them.
I'm telling you, I've been closer to being in jail the last four years than I ever have in my life because I just want to go at them because I know that they've got an agenda and that my clients are suffering because they are not being held accountable like you said, Mike, and like CNN is not.
But they're getting desperate also.
I want to say that, Alex.
They're getting desperate, too, because they thought that they were going to have another eight years with Hillary to go ahead and sneak in.
Oh, my God.
Thank God that he had mercy on us and that
Donald Trump had the guts and the teflon.
Listen, that boy was made for this place and time.
You may not like everything he says, but his life was divinely appointed.
Oh, there's no doubt this is divine intervention.
He is a huge stumbling block to them, their whole operation, and he's bringing their hate out and showing everyone just how vicious and hateful they are.
Yeah, he's giving people the opportunity to see who they are.
I mean, one thing I always ask is, when have you ever read a special report on CNN about the far left?
Where are the media coming from?
No, no, they have reports saying Antifa's good.
Yeah, they go, well, you might not always agree with them.
Actually, we're going to put that in one of the films we're doing, which is Van Jones is going to be overlaid with people being attacked viciously by Antifa, where Van Jones of CNN says, oh, well, Antifa, they're actually pretty good guys.
Don Lemon saying the same thing.
Jake Taper refusing to cover it.
So we're going to overlay it.
And run media on them, and of course that is why they hate us so much, because they know that we have professional operations, we have professional people, we have creative people.
The real creative people in Hollywood, this summer, Hollywood had a terrible summer.
Because they've shut out the creative people.
By the way, I'm not bragging, but that mutual friend you had contact me, I mean, the super high caliber folks that are about to come out against the globalists that have been pushed, they're not conservatives, they're not libertarians, they're not liberals, they're just freedom lovers.
People are finally sick of it.
The globalist left has pushed too far.
Well, yeah, actually, and we definitely can't leak that out, but yeah, just for those of you listening and watching, an amazing opportunity for the world.
And for just waking people up.
And the truth has presented itself.
And again, the person that would be doing this project with Alex is a very well, everybody listening would know who this person is.
But he isn't a so-called conservative.
He's just a free thinker.
He's tired of people saying, you know what?
You can't talk to these people.
You can't do anything with these people.
Don't listen.
He just says, I want to hear creative ideas.
And right now the orthodoxy is being on the left.
They're so boring.
I know what they're going to say.
It's a dogma.
It's like going to some crazy church, you know, where they brainwash you.
It's a cult.
So the actually creative people in Hollywood, the creative people in the industry, the creative people in journalism, I have reporters call me up just to talk.
It isn't even that we're doing a story.
They're just like, what is new?
Because they're so bored of being in a big office, a big conference room with 50 people where they go.
Oh yeah, Trump's a racist, his people are bad, everything's bad.
Here's the newest talking point that came down from Podesta.
Let's all repeat it five billion times.
Yeah, they're just burned out.
That's why they all watch here.
They watch here, even though they might not agree with the politics, because at least there's original thinking going on here.
You never know, when you watch Infowars.com, you never know what is going to happen.
And that's what keeps people captivated, what keeps people watching.
And we bring in great people, or you bring in great people like Joni.
Who is going
Priest class people that tell everybody how to live and what to do and they all talk with real affected voices and say it with lots of authority like daddy caught you stealing money out of his wallet and junior you're in a lot of trouble.
Joni you're chomping at the bit.
Oh, I know.
I'm telling you, it's all I can do to jump in.
But everything you're saying, I'm not kidding, it's so true.
I don't know if you saw one of the stupidest shows on television, but The View yesterday, they had Mike Huckabee and Cheryl.
And I'm telling you, when they want to create a lie, how can you fight against it?
Joy Behar, I think that's her name.
Oh my gosh.
Here's what she says to Sarah.
She says to Sarah, how are you going to dispute this fact?
It is proven.
Here's what she said.
It is proven that 95% of what Donald Trump says is a lie.
It's proven.
And Sarah just looks at her and like,
Well, how do you say that?
How can you defend that?
That's right, they got caught lying in the election, so they decided to triple and quadruple what they did.
Oh, it has just gotten crazy, but I'll tell you what, what CNN is doing, there you go, what CNN is doing
Um, is, you know, they are parading around and they're still running that they're number one in cable news network.
And I just want to read you this really quick, guys.
This is going to be part of our suit.
But on their, on their, if you go on their website, on their editorial policy, they say that they are 100% dedicated to integrity and the accuracy of all their stories.
And before they run them, their stories are reviewed by a team of senior editors, and listen to this, and by practice specialists and their lawyers way before they broadcast.
So that means they're saying we're all rapists and Nazis with pure calculated legal intent of malice of forethought with intent to do harm to deny us access to the marketplace and classic violation of the Civil Rights Act, the Geneva Convention and every modicum of a decent society.
I'm going to tell you something.
I don't know who their lawyers are, but those lawyers have turned into a bunch of yes people.
They better get themselves some new lawyers because they've headed them down the wrong road, which I'm glad now.
I can watch them now.
People used to say, well, I stroke out when I watch them.
I'm like,
Don't anymore!
I hope they get worse, because now it's like being in the living room with a defendant on the other side of a case.
You know, I'm going, just spew it, Don Lemon!
Get on there, Van Jones Show!
That's right.
Don't interrupt your enemy when they're in the process of destroying themselves.
Well, Joni, thank you for giving us one of the first interviews.
Please come back next week to give us updates.
But just in 60 seconds or so, tell us what's next in the case, where you filed it, and when we're going to start seeing some of the fireworks.
Because they're suddenly getting a little concerned, and suddenly
Well, they are.
And I'll tell you something.
We sent our first cease and desist letter.
We have not certified the class yet.
So there's not a lawsuit filed.
And probably the lawsuit will come in three to four weeks.
I understand.
So first you've got to give them a chance to go back on what they've said and correct it under the statutes.
Well, the reason that we send the cease and desist is because I'm going to go in and try to hit them with an injunction.
And what an injunction does, you have to send the cease and desist prior to.
An injunction shuts them down right then.
And I don't want to shut down CNN.
Just stop calling faceless people Nazis.
It's fire in the theater.
Or creating your own stories that are false, that are creating a targeted group.
So that's where we are.
If you're a United States citizen that has voted for Trump or a conservative,
Feel free.
Where they go, Alex, is www.ourtakedown.com.
Or if on Twitter, it's at Joni Turner Law.
And it explains there to you where you can go and you have to just go and you sign up and you will become part of this lawsuit.
And Alex, I want to tell you what an honor it has been to be on your show.
And please keep your voice going.
Oh, I will.
You're awesome.
Listen, I've called for everybody to sue him.
Class action suits.
In fact, I'm going to join your class action suit.
That won't stop me from filing other aggressive suits that we are going to file because we're under attack.
We're being assaulted and I've got to defend myself.
Joni, I'm impressed.
Look forward to talking to you soon.
Thank you, Alex.
Nice to see you, Mike.
And we need to recap what's happening with the hurricane and then get into this huge Debbie Washington Schultz story.
It's up on Infowars.com.
But let's hit this first.
Let's cue up Debbie Washington Schultz from several months ago.
I'm sure you've seen this.
They've talked to the police.
Imran Awan, who was trying to flee the country, now in house arrest.
He left the laptop there with letters to the police about all the criminal activities.
It was Debbie Washerman Schultz's computer.
No wonder she's threatening the cops on tape saying, give me my computer back.
But she told Congress that it wasn't her computer.
So we've got her in perjury.
We've got her threatening the police involved in obstruction.
Trying to abscond with the evidence.
It just goes on and on and now we know for months, no wonder Trump was so mad, the feds are sitting in the DOJ still full of Obama holdouts they're trying to ferret out.
They are sitting on top of the bombshell of something so criminal that it got this brother to leave this with the police.
I believe Mike Cernovich because he was fearing for his life.
Yeah, and he wants to flip.
He actually wanted protection.
I was about to say, you've been in D.C.
for weeks.
Tell folks.
Yeah, yeah.
So he wanted protection, because he knows the body count is high.
So that is why, again, great story broken on the Daily Caller.
By the way, I knew you were sitting on this because of sources.
You told me some of this a week ago when I called you when you were in D.C.
Yeah, but, you know, you always want to let... See, I like to let other people break news, is the way I look at it.
So when I sit on things, too, you don't... And I don't always want to share what I know all the time, because that's... You're already redlining the engine.
You can't let some other people break some news.
You can't be show number one, or... It's really asking for it.
It freaks the enemy out more to be getting it from more sites.
That's exactly right.
So what I do is I like people to break news, and then I link to the news they break.
I only want to break a story every two weeks.
If I break a story every two weeks, I'm happy.
Or even one a month.
That demoralizes the enemy better.
Yeah, because then they don't know.
They're like, oh my God, who's breaking news everywhere they look?
So it's well known in D.C.
this is going on.
Tell us about it.
Yeah, so it's well known in D.C.
that Debra Washman Schultz is completely done, pretty much.
Even her own defenders have told me off the record, these are the highest level people of the DNC go, hey off the record, we're not going to stand up for her.
So right now there's this bribery trial in Florida going on with the Senator, and they're still kind of having his back.
But they've all told me, no, no, no, no, no, Deborah Washman Schultz is hated.
We all want her to go down and to be taken down.
We're not going to defend her.
So that's why you're not seeing a lot of, they tried to send the A1 Brothers story, but you're not seeing people who are Democrats coming out in support of Ferrari.
Sure, but doesn't, like the sweater, isn't she the string that pulls the whole Clinton crime syndicate down?
I think they're just going to pin it all on her, and she's a very corrupt, evil person.
There's a lot of people, people know where the bodies are buried on her, so she tries to threaten other people.
They're going to say, look, you know, how far do you want to go?
But it did show how desperate she was to march in, and let's play that clip again, a couple months ago, and tell the head of the D.C.
police, you know, you're going to get it.
You're in big trouble if you don't give me my laptop back.
When she just told Congress it wasn't her laptop, here it is.
From my understanding, the Capitol Police is not able to confiscate members' equipment when the member is not under investigation.
It is their equipment, and it's supposed to be returned.
I think there are extenuating circumstances in this case, and I think that, you know, working through my counsel and, you know, the necessary personnel, if that in fact is the case, and with the permission of, through the investigation, we'll return the equipment.
But until that's accomplished, I can't return the equipment.
I think you're violating the rules when you conduct your business that way.
And you should expect that there would be consequences.
I yield back.
Gentlemen, thank you for your testimony.
There will be consequences, you can bet, threatening, and I say D.C.
Police, that's the Capitol Police, but she's also threatening the D.C.
Same thing.
She looks like a demon.
I mean, people should actually study that clip and just look at the scowl that she has.
She's radiating aggressive hatred.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
That shows you just how evil these high-level Democrats are.
Just take a look at that with the sound off.
Show that picture to your child and say, what do you think?
Is this person good or evil?
We'll be right back with the latest on the mega hurricane and what Cernovich thinks the angles are.
Well, he was the founder of Vice, syndicated radio TV host.
Gavin McInnes is with us.
He's got so many shows on so many platforms, I can't even go over it all.
But he's compoundmedia.com.
He's also, I guess, working with The Rebel.
Twitter at Gavin underscore McInnes.
And he joins us now.
But he is a Swiss Army knife of intellectual ideas.
So, let's front and center my maestro.
I understand that politicians like Hillary, the DNC, I understand that they want to incentivize single moms.
They want to shatter the black family so they can make more Americans dependent on them.
What I'm obsessed with these days is how eager the populace is to assist these people.
How eager they are to jump in bed with these people where they have no real gains.
If you're Roman soldiers taking over a town in Brittany and burning it, you get to rape the women, you get the gold.
They're not even getting anything!
They're screwing their own future, but it's VR.
It's imaginary.
They're jumping next to the Roman soldiers and marching with them, saying, let's rape and pillage my town.
And you go, well, that was easy.
I mean, these people were thought policing ourselves.
So the Gestapo, the Secret Service, they don't even have to show up for work to thought police us, because we'll do it.
Like this Google Memo thing.
Matt, he was fired not just by the CEO, but by his peers.
Forbes called it an anti-woman screed.
You had Salon saying it confirms your worst fears.
And they've just taken this fake narrative that he said women don't belong in the workforce, and they've exaggerated it.
I don't think any of the media has even read it.
And he was also saying he saw the future and he saw that he was about to get penalized for being male, which is illegal.
And he was saying, hey, company, I want us all to work together.
Women are a huge asset to the workforce.
Sexism is bad.
Equality is good.
However, do we really need to demand every single
Because that's forcing women into a role.
It's slavery.
It's forcing them into the Foxconn factory in China.
That's really what it is.
Let's get George Costanza into the NBA.
Let's get some short, fat Jewish guys playing NBA.
The NBA is black.
The MLB is Hispanic.
I was about to say, I was an okay football player, but by the time I was a sophomore and they put me on varsity in a 5A team in Dallas, and huge black guys and white guys were running me over, I said, I quit.
I have broken ribs.
They're like, well, you did some good tackles.
I'm like, dude, I'm done.
And again, it wasn't like I was mad that most of the guys running over me were black.
It was just, that's the way it was.
We're talking about the intimidation and the bullying by globalists and leftists and just how Nazi-like they truly are.
I was just talking to Matt, one of the producers.
His mom, he took photos of it this weekend.
He just had forgotten about it because you kind of suppress this type of stuff.
They were eating at Kirby Lane in North Austin and she has an Infowars.com sticker on her car.
And somebody put a sign on the car saying, Trump and Alex Jones are effing idiots.
And we're going to show you photos of this next hour.
They're loading it into the TV computers and things so we can show it to you.
And then his
Roomate at his house, girlfriend who moved here from San Francisco, she behind his back just said, you know, I can't even talk to him and be his friend because he works there.
This is a cult, ladies and gentlemen, and these people aren't going to stop.
And they've been induced to get violent, to get aggressive, to get crazy as they flee
Seattle and you know places like LA and places that are having economic problems for the average trendy as a replacement for foreign labor.
They come here and try to repeat it with a bunch of dogmatic bullying.
I need to plug here because that's how we fund our operation but Cernovich and then we'll get into the hurricane more but I mean these people are getting worse and worse and worse and finally though their violence their arrogant
Violence where they thought they could just have signs that say we come in peace and then viciously attack people like Mars attacks.
Don't run, we are your friends.
It's finally blowing up in their face.
Yeah, on the other hand though, people are very good too.
Oh no, no, no.
People carry me on their shoulders in most areas and most folks like me in Austin.
It's a minority of crazy people though.
Yeah, exactly, and that is why support from the audience is so crucial and why going to Infobarstore.com is so important because literally working here makes people a target.
Literally coming into the office, people right now are already hating on me on Twitter going, oh you're with Alex Jones, why would you go with Alex Jones?
They're trying to divide us.
They want to control everything.
Yeah, they're trying to divide us.
And people tell Alex, too, every time I come on, they go, oh, you can't have him on.
That's what they try to do is they want to ostracize us because they're a cult.
They want to isolate us.
Because it's in the Facebook documents.
They, on average, are the most isolated, alone people.
And all they have is this reflected power of the globalists that they're going to control and run our lives.
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Third hour straight ahead with Mike Cernovich, the author of IBM and the Holocaust and more.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Mike Cernovich riding a shotgun with me because he's here in town interviewing me for a documentary he's making with a great crew.
The movie's hoaxed.
Can't wait to see that.
And he's going to be hosting, whenever he can do it, five days a week, at least an hour, of War Room that comes on every day at three o'clock central.
And this transmission ends for three hours with Owen Schroyer here in the HD studio kind of traffic cop-copping everything, Roger Stone, and so many others.
Millie Weaver, you name it.
David Knight, of course, is on in the mornings at 8 a.m.
Central with Real News.
Let's get into Hurricane Irma.
If Harvey blew up in their face and showed the real unity of America, how are they going to try to spin this against Trump when if it really does hit Florida as a Category 3, 4, 5, or 6, you know, a new category, I mean, this is just crazy times.
Yeah, there was actually one of these islands, the prime minister of the island city, you can't even inhabit the island anymore.
Sounds like Barbados, it's got another name.
I'll pull it up.
Yeah, yeah, so that's how bad it is now.
It's completely destroying everything.
And Trump will... It's Barbuda.
Barbuda, there you go, yeah.
Totally demolished, uninhabitable, says the governor.
Yeah, exactly.
You can't even go there anymore.
They actually lost communications for hours where nobody could even send a text message or a cell or anything.
That is how close we are to a global worldwide calamity.
But the people are rising up.
I mean, Trump, I mean, you want to talk about the debt ceiling deal, which a lot of people in the traditional right-wing media are criticizing him for, but he showed the Republicans that, hey, you guys for nine months have done nothing for me.
They're not going to have the only veto.
They're not going to use their veto power to
To logjam him and then control his agenda.
So he said, I'll deal with the Democrats now.
If you don't want to deal with me, the Republic... So all the conservative media people are freaking out, but they don't see that he is now pit... By the way, can you guys pull it up, the video through the White House window of him and Junkie Schumer?
Schumer looks like he is in cloud nine, because Trump's totally defeated him.
And the fact now that he's bringing him in, they're like on their knees wanting power again.
Exactly, which is a beautiful play.
It's Team A versus Team B. I always tell people they ought to just read Trump's books before opining on him.
And Trump's management style is he loves people, Team A, Team B. Right now, he has now created the Democrats versus Republicans.
So Paul Ryan thought they were just going to have some stooge, and then they backbit him and backstabbed him and betrayed him and everything.
So Trump goes, fine, I'm not going to wait for you guys to cut a terrible deal.
With the Democrats.
I'll go cut a better deal with the Democrats.
Plus, because he had to get the aid going.
They want to lower our rating at Moody's and Standard & Poor's to finally crush the economy.
So his first mission is to keep the economy going.
Yeah, and Schumer's happy, and this sends a message to the Republicans that... Because Mitch McConnell, he blew Trump off, actually.
Trump had tried to have... Oh, Mitch McConnell is on such a power trip.
I'm so sick of that piece of garbage that gave us Obamacare, wanted total amnesty, and then Trump delivers on shutting down DACA, which is a total fraud, and they're backbiting him on that!
They are just scum!
Yeah, they literally, he literally wouldn't have a meeting with them.
This is 100% true.
Snubbed him.
The media tried to spin it, but McConnell actually, a couple weeks ago, wouldn't even meet with Trump.
And here's the deal.
Everything is the midterms.
We're going to come back with the author of IBM and the Holocaust, won major awards.
To break this down, but this is going to tie into all the subjects we're currently facing.
And he's got his newest book, The Nexus, Nazi Nexus, America's Corporate Connections, Hitler's Holocaust.
And the reason I cover this is the big globalist corporations pushing modern leftist agendas and consolidation and the EU and all of this stuff, this came out of IBM.
The Nazis got most of their ideas from Thomas Watson and Margaret Sanger.
And this guy wrote an award-winning book, New York Times number one bestseller.
Edwin Black.
Well, that's what they do, that's why when we talk about how the corporations now are trying to track us, control us, manipulate us.
The AI.
Yeah, they're like, oh, this is crazy.
Like, no, this is literally historical.
This is what they always do.
And, of course, the Bush family, Prescott Bush and the other Bush family.
They were the head of the banking.
Yeah, they traded with the Hitler.
Brown brother of Meherman.
And they tried to have a takeover too.
That was the McCormick-Dickstein committee exposed that.
Spedley-Butler, they tried to hire for the coup.
Two-time congressional medal honor winner defeated it.
Then they decided it would be too embarrassing to arrest all these people.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Mike Cernovich is in studio with us.
We're not going to get political in this interview.
Our guest is an award-winning number one New York Times bestseller.
He's been on many years ago.
Probably been ten years since Edwin Black's been on with us.
He wrote IBM and the Holocaust that won so many awards it makes my head spin.
On how the barcodes or the numbers that you see on Jews and others in death camps were put into the Hollerith code machine that he has on the cover to decide how long to work you or what to do to you.
He's got a new book out, Nazi Nexus, America's Corporate Connections to Hitler's Holocaust, Edwin Black, and it ties into the Bushes, you know, all of them.
So he joins us to the bottom of the hour, then I will get into the hurricane and other breaking news here.
Pray for Florida, you know, get ready for that because there's just so much going on.
And of course, our guest before we went on, we don't ever pre-interview people, he just said, listen, I don't want to get political.
I want to just talk about real Nazis because we're hearing all about Nazis constantly in the media.
Let's talk about real Nazis.
Well, absolutely.
I mean, we've got folks here that the media
Calls right-wing extremists and then they lump us in with white supremacists we have no connection to.
So we hear a lot of Nazi this, Nazi that, but meanwhile a lot of the technology, a lot of the culture, a lot of the systems, the whole rat line, 30 plus thousand Nazis brought here to America.
That we're here after World War II to be put in charge of intelligence operations, NASA, you name it.
My grandfather worked for a big oil company.
He was in the Army Air Corps.
He worked for a big oil company and moved into mid-level management.
The only places to eat in some of the areas in West Texas and in New Mexico then were military bases.
So you'd go there to get a hamburger or a steak or something when he worked for oil companies and there'd be a bunch of Germans in there and they were pretty arrogant.
I'm not bashing German people, I'm part German.
But they'd shoot their mouth off and there'd be some fistfights.
He never really told me about the details, but my grandmother later did.
But they'd run their mouth at even people at military bases.
And so there were so many of these Nazis brought in, they're so arrogant, but you never hear about them.
You never hear about Nazi collaborators that are still alive and well operating politically, but we're not going to get into that.
We're going to get into IBM and the Holocaust and real Nazis.
We'll probably be listed by the ADL as Nazis for this, but we're going to cover it here.
So I really want to thank Edwin Black for coming on with myself and Mike Cernovich.
Good to have you with us.
Thank you for having me.
At least we know that I'm not going to be called a Nazi by anyone.
Let me first open up my remarks by saying that all of us should pray for the people in Texas, Louisiana, Florida, and Georgia.
My family's there, my wife's family is there, and we're all watching the winds and watching the clock.
So, let me explain why people who study the Holocaust, like I do, and who are committed to human rights, do not like the arbitrary and false use of the word Nazi.
Let me explain what a Nazi is.
A Nazi, which is, of course, the National Socialist Workers' Party, a Nazi is a person who tried to organize
The identification of the Jews and other enemies, the expulsion from society, the confiscation of their assets, their ghettoization, their deportation, and even their extermination.
So before you are a Nazi, you've got to be committed to the types of things that German Nazis did and their affiliates across Europe, which would be concentration camps, extermination camps,
Labor camps, confiscation, things of that nature.
So people like me want a proper reference to Nazis.
And of course there are allies because the Nazis had many allies throughout Europe.
They had allies in the Arab world through the Mufti of Jerusalem.
But amongst their key allies were American businesses.
Now, there were five major American corporations that made all the difference between the success and the level of success of the Hitler regime.
Now, there were hundreds of companies that were trading with the enemy, but even when Standard Oil sold
Thank you.
But what the five companies that were indispensable to the outcome, to the level of destruction, to the reach of the Nazis did, was bestow upon the Hitler regime something they never had before.
Now, the first one of these was the Ford Motor Company.
Now, when I say the Ford Motor Company, I don't just mean Henry Ford.
I actually mean the Ford Motor Company, which distributed the most anti-Semitic screed in the history of the United States, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Dearborn Independent, and they did this actually from their dealerships.
And Henry Ford idolized Hitler, and Hitler idolized Henry Ford.
He had a picture of him on his piano.
And it was Henry Ford who had this fictitious idea that Jews control all the money and the media and the militaries, who made Hitler believe that it wasn't just enough
To be anti-Semitic, which of course Germany was anti-Semitic and Hitler was a key anti-Semite.
Now when he went into other territory, he had to root out the Jews.
Not just conquer the territory, but root out the Jews for the so-called International Jewish Conspiracy.
And your book walks through his own letters, his admissions, where he was almost like a superfurer, Hitler's brain.
I say Karl Rove was Bush's brain, you're saying to a great extent Henry Ford was Hitler's brain.
I wouldn't go that far, because remember, the guy we blamed for the Holocaust, the guy we blamed for World War II, was Adolf Hitler.
But Hitler had help, and he had ideas, and it was more than ideas.
He had material support.
So he gets this idea of the International Jewish Conspiracy, which just fortifies his anti-Semitism.
The second corporation that had a vast impact
While Germany believed in racial superiority for generations before the 20th century, it was the Carnegie Institution that invented the medical and scientific racism that allowed the Hitler regime to medicalize
His racial superiority and seek the master race.
So that was the, the Carnegie was critical in the weaponization of medicine, and I noticed simultaneously the Rockefellers were involved heavily at the same time here, but that's a whole other subject in what we see as some of our modern medicine as well.
Rockefeller was financing the program that sent Mengele into Auschwitz, and we're gonna get ahead to IBM.
No, in our modern medicine.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
It was General Motors.
That took the Nazis off of horseback and put them into motorization.
That's right, because when they first invaded Czechoslovakia and Poland, they were still mainly on horses, but suddenly they had all these big Ford trucks.
No, it wasn't Ford.
It was General Motors.
I know General Motors had factories as well, right?
In Germany, right?
And these were Opel trucks because General Motors secretly operated Opel through a facade where Opel had a fake board of directors, a fake management,
And it all reported to Sloan and Kettering in the United States.
And of course, they ultimately burned their papers and invented all the Sloan-Kettering charities and foundations.
It's just crazy, and you walk all through this.
Now, IBM, when do they come in?
Because that's the technocracy, that's the coding, that's the science end of the extermination.
IBM comes in.
In the first minutes of the Third Reich in 1933, IBM said, we are the solutions company and we will give you any solution that you want, including the final solution.
So we are talking about Watson.
And, uh, of course, Watson is the, um, was the president of IBM, and he is the one they've named this little, uh, uh, artificial intelligence system after, and this, this, uh, uh, game show, uh, computer.
That's what I was about to say.
For you, a best-selling New York Times seller, historian, researcher that has all the documents, just one of the biggest brains out there, what is it like to see the computer that decides what our veterans get healthcare-wise, that runs the bioethics boards that were developed, these systems in Germany, to see something called Thomas Watson, to see computers named after this guy orchestrating and running these high-powered supercomputers today?
Well, let me say that Thomas Watson was a convicted criminal and extortionist before he ever got to IBM.
And once he joined IBM, he became a war criminal, a conscious war criminal.
So here's what happened.
IBM, directly from New York and through its overseas subsidiary,
Thank you.
Sure, and I interrupted you, Edwin Black, best-selling author, historian, researcher of IBM and the Holocaust, Nazi Nexus, you name it, a whole bunch of other books on eugenics from the historical record.
We're covering this, you know, just to give people an idea of what real Nazis are, not, you know, CNN saying that if you want lower taxes, you're a rapist or you're a Nazi.
This is what real Nazis do, and the real Nazis in this country got away with it, and I'm going to ask him, you know, his view on why that happened, but I interrupted.
So, number one, you were saying is Ford
Then Carnegie, then General Motors, what, then IBM?
Well, Rockefeller.
So it's Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, General Motors, and then you say, where did Hitler get the names?
So once they identified the Jews, it wasn't just one census, it was continual censuses and it was registrations.
They even went to the Mormon genealogy archives.
They went to the baptismal books of churches going back one and two and three generations to code all this stuff in.
Once they had the Jews identified, well, the next step was exclusion.
They would cross-tabulate
All the names of the Jews against the Bar Association, the Medical Association, the faculty roles, the health insurance, all those people would be excluded.
And so the first real computers, your book breaks this down, that really did work, the Hollerith machine, IBM, was being used to literally drill down and track who you're connected to, where you came from, where you work, how important you are, so they could decide in waves who to go after and how to take control of the economy.
Right, because what Hitler needed when he came to power to destroy the Jews was a computer, but no computer existed.
What existed was the IBM punch card, which many of your listeners will know what that is.
It stored information in the holes and rows that were read, and out came something new called information.
So we have to understand that the information age that you talk about,
And that everyone talks about was not born in Silicon Valley.
The Information Age was born in Berlin in 1933.
And what is the Information Age?
The Information Age is the individualization of statistics.
In other words, first they could count
And that would just yield a number.
But once they had the IBM punch card, they could count not how many people were in a room, but how many were men and how many were women.
And Sir Francis Galton in the 1850s, a eugenicist, he first envisioned that they needed machines to be able to tabulate and figure all this out.
So it goes back even before people like Hitler or people like Thomas Watson.
Is that accurate?
But it was Watson and IBM who figured out a way to take the eugenic crusade and apply it.
So Galton and others envisioned it, but IBM was able to actually deliver it, and then Hitler executed it.
That's right.
That's why the American eugenics program failed, ultimately, because they couldn't afford to systematize all these index cards.
But Hitler spent the money and was able to systemize the entire destructive system.
Let me lay this out so you understand the threat that could resurrect today.
It's the identification of the Jews, the expulsion from society, and once they get their names and they've pauperized them, now they control all the banking systems.
They just run those names against the bank accounts and they can automatically identify all the property, all the savings accounts, the assets that need to be seized.
So the third step was confiscation.
The fourth step was ghettoization.
One day,
Uh, everybody, uh, who has been targeted moves across town, um, into a, a slum.
Eight families into a slum.
And you've been incrementally submitting each time, but still surviving.
So, finally, then the next thing is go to a death camp and be killed.
The fourth step, the fourth step is ghettoization.
The fifth step is deportation.
All the trains in Europe were running on IBM punch cards.
And then finally, even extermination.
Jews were only tattooed in Auschwitz, but the Auschwitz tattoo began as an IBM number.
By the way, let's add, because you're the main historian from my own research, they also got shaken down and extorted.
You didn't get deported unless you could pay to get deported.
No, that's not the case.
It was the people who avoided deportation for a day, a week, a year, a month, whatever it was, who were shaken down.
But more than just be shaken down, with the IBM technology, these people could be robbed.
They could be robbed juridically.
They could be robbed with decrees.
They could be robbed with... Sure, sure, so this gave the science of tyranny bigger teeth.
Yes, it's automated teeth, not bigger teeth.
And so what Hitler had that other murderers didn't have was information technology.
In fact, the difference between the Blitz and other Kriegs or other wars was the information.
Okay, so let me ask you this.
I know you don't want to get into politics, you want to just be scientific about your research that's, I know, the top out there, highly respected, all off the source documents.
We're sitting here as a libertarian or conservative.
They have new databases.
They put us in them.
I'm kicked off Amazon.
I'm kicked off AdRoll.
I'm kicked off Google.
They put me in a database as an extremist.
None of what they say is true.
Cernovich is happening to him.
And it's happening to millions of people now.
In this political situation, conservative filmmakers like Dinesh D'Souza are being locked up, Soros is in documents saying overthrow Israel, arrest everybody that disagrees with him, control all information.
I mean, quite frankly, I look at what's already happening in the class action lawsuits, followed by Christian groups that have been put in these databases alongside dirtbag Nazis, and I see a similar thing of ghettoization, like Matt Drudge said against conservatives, happening.
That's contemporary, and I'll leave that for another segment.
But what I will tell you is this.
If Hitler had the tools, the IBM tools of today, it would not have taken him 12 years to wage the Holocaust, and he probably would have won.
And today we have what could be done in a matter of hours, could be done in a matter of seconds, and we really need to think if we are not controlling, there are not forces controlling corporate forces.
Who are controlling our information, information technology... Well, I'll stay there.
I know you've got to go in, but let me do five more minutes on the other side, because this is so powerful, because you've been talking about technocracy for, you know, days and weeks and months here, and it's really coming to a head.
Elon Musk warning.
This won't get political, but let's get scientific.
Elon Musk saying the race for AI may trigger World War III.
I mean, this is so important, because the roots of this stretch into everything today.
I'm getting chills right now.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
He trolled him.
He baited him.
He trolled him.
He baited him.
I wish I was that smart.
That's that's the Trump dimension.
That's the Trump dimension.
He trolled him.
That's the
That's the Trump dimension.
He trolled.
That's the Trump dimension.
That's the Trump dimension.
He trolled.
That's the Trump dimension.
He paid it.
I wish I was that smart.
That's, that's the Trump dimension.
It's, it's Trump.
The plan of Trump.
And thus, by extension, Trump.
Trump just trolled you.
But that's okay!
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3, 3, 1, 3, 9.
IBM and the Holocaust.
And now Watson runs the eugenics computers.
Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I've read a lot of history books about World War II because it's so pivotal and important to our whole world, but I read this book, like, when it first came out, like, 20 years ago or whatever it was.
It was amazing.
I've since scanned over it again.
This is an expanded edition that's out now.
There's a new book, Nazi Nexus.
Edwin Black, I want to get some closing comments for five minutes from you and, you know, just other comments on where our world is currently today and
How these type of technologies obviously are being used to control us.
But Mike Cernovich, just watching you sit here with your mouth hanging open, listening to this historian lay out these facts.
It's just crazy that the average person doesn't know this.
Yeah, most people don't know about how the technology was used.
And I guess something I would like to hear you talk about, please, Mr. Black, is you said that earlier, and this is a very compelling statement, I believe it's true, but I would love to hear you elaborate.
You said that if Hitler had had the technology available today, he probably would have won World War II, and he would have had the Holocaust done so much more effectively and differently.
So would you elaborate on that, please?
It was IBM that sent, an IBM manager that sent the memo that's saying it was our company that sent this directly to Watson that put the Blitz in the Blitzkrieg.
It's important to understand that this wasn't five guys in a basement in New York operating this as a rogue operation.
The entire IBM-Nazi alliance
Which began in the first days of the Hitler regime in 1935 and went all the way in 1933, went all the way to the last minutes of the fall of Berlin in 1945, was micromanaged directly by Thomas Watson because he was getting a commission on every aspect and every dollar of the Nazi relationship.
What is now taking big facilities and 2,000 machines and bunkers.
You see a picture in the book of a bunker Dachau.
Remember there was an IBM customer site in every concentration camp.
The name of that customer site was the Hollerith of Thailand, which Hollerith was the trade name of IBM.
It was located and attached to the Arbeitseinsatz, which was the Labor Assignment Bureau.
And in cases like Dachau, it was across from the main gate.
In Mauthausen, it was across from the
Parade Plaza, so there were different locations, but all of that would be unnecessary today because the information would come to a tablet, it would come to a phone, and on top of that people would be marked not with a tattoo, which I remind you only in Auschwitz and a little bit in Mauthausen later were they marked with a tattoo.
Today they would receive an RFID chip,
And there would be drones capable of which are available today which are capable of sniffing out these RID signals and they can actually draw their battery from the from the broadcast signals.
So we are faced with today whether or not we are going to control our information and
So that it benefits society or allow our information to control us.
I'd like to say that it's not that they're all in one big giant conspiracy.
That's not the fact.
They each have a business as usual conspiracy.
They each have a business-as-usual conspiracy and they are competing with each other.
So Ford was competing with General Motors and IBM was actually competing with Remington Rand and other companies.
IBM actually filed a lawsuit in the Third Reich.
And so here's my next $64 trillion question.
Why didn't IBM get in trouble after World War II?
This is all admitted.
They had the McCormick-Dixton Committee hearings.
Hell, the Nazis even tried to overthrow the U.S.
with collaborators.
This is all admitted.
Why didn't they clean them out?
Why'd they bring so many over?
IBM... No one could wage war without IBM.
Not the Allies, and not the Nazis.
So they didn't want to get rid of an asset in the new Cold War?
Uh, IBM was doing the weather reports for the Normandy invasion.
And supplying them to the Allies, to Eisenhower, and supplying the same reports to the Nazis, so they could figure it out.
And remember, even when the Americans were occupying Berlin and Germany after the Third Reich fell in May of 1945, there was a group called the IBM Soldiers and the Machine Record Group.
Yeah, but they were figuring out how many people would die from radiation poisoning when they dropped the bomb on Hiroshima a couple months later.
Wow, so as soon as we took over the Nazis, we started using them immediately because they already had the technocracy, the best primitive AI ready to carry it out.
Well, you actually spoke about the Nazis coming over.
This, of course, a famous program called Operation Paperclip.
And our space program was in large measure run by Werner Von Braun, who is the same rocket genius that the Nazis employed
To develop the V1, V2 and other V rockets to do the blitz over London to target lower Manhattan.
And of course, operated a murderous death camp operation called Dora, where they were developed.
These were caves where they were developing this technology.
It's important to understand.
And I think your listeners need to understand.
When Watson and IBM organized the rape of Poland's Christians and Jews, it wasn't because he hated Poles.
When he arranged for advanced units and materials to be in the Netherlands just before the Nazis invaded, it wasn't because he hated the Dutch.
When their technology was being developed to bomb New York, it wasn't because he hated the people of Manhattan.
It was never about the National Socialism.
It was never about the
The anti-semitism, it was always about the money.
Because Thomas Watson was a sociopath.
That was my last question.
You're amazing, Edwin Black.
It's so good to have you on Skype.
Please come back in the next few weeks.
Do like two hours with us.
But that was my next question.
Was Thomas Watson a Nazi?
Was it ideology?
Or was it pure greed?
No, he was not a Nazi.
He was not a Nazi.
He was a criminal sociopath.
That means
Sure, but then after
he put the money into a trust and it seems like IBM has continued this global domination
I don't understand why they're still in IBM.
The other conspirators with the Third Reich were dismantled, were taken over, were liquidated, were penalized.
It's actually not even a new company.
IBM Germany today is the same company with a different name than it was during the Hitler regime.
During the Hitler regime, it was called DeHommage.
Well, we've only covered one of your books, and you've written how many?
Uh, I think 11 or 12.
Well, please tell my producer which one you want to cover next.
I'd love to have you on once a month to cover all the books.
I want to sell them all at infowarestore.com because I want to read them all.
Uh, Edwin Black, thank you so much for spending the time with us.
Uh, just riveting, very painful information, but important to know.
And thank you for having me.
I'll be back.
You bet.
Thank you.
Yeah, because I've read a bunch of history books I've studied, and this guy's dead on with his research.
He's the best out there.
That's why he's respected.
But, you know, hearing this, and he's gone now.
The parallels to us libertarians, conservatives, classic Americans being called Nazis, while meanwhile the globalists are carrying out the thugs in the street, the listing us, the intimidation, the going after us, the ghettoization.
Yeah, the parallels are ominous and they're obvious and all these tech companies now are conspiring with the government to track people.
They're conspiring now with hate groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, which almost certainly funds websites like the Daily Stormer and other organizations to make everybody look bad.
We need the documents on the $64 million in the secret bank account.
In fact, pull up, folks, the Weekly Standard.
First it was $10 million they found, now it's $64 million.
I wonder if next week it'll be a billion.
They're just now going through federal records and most of them have obscured 60-plus mil in secret bank accounts.
It looks like they're illegal.
Wow, I didn't even know that they had found even more money.
64 mil.
It's weekly standard.
It's in my stack, guys.
So that just shows, what are they doing with that money?
Why are they hiding it?
What are they up to?
Who are they funding?
I think that they fund all of these alt-right organizations and alt-right groups because then they can say, look, you've got to give us money.
Look at these people, you know, carrying, you know, KKK rallies and committing these crimes.
And then all of them are former Obama people.
They found another guy in Knoxville, actually.
How dumb do they think we are?
Right, they just found another guy too.
He was in Knoxville.
He was another Occupy guy who actually used to go to anti-racism rallies.
So these are people who would attend anti-racism rallies and now they're trying to lead this racist movement.
Well, that's why the Southern Poverty Law Center offshores all this money so that they can fund these types of operations and then they can say, oh my God, look at how bad these people are.
And then they get more donations, bigger donations.
But you can see now the partnership that YouTube
When I was hearing him talk, all I could think about was, like, wow, this is how they're targeting Paul Joseph Watson.
This is how they're targeting everybody, demonetizing videos.
They are using Nazi technology to target dissident thinkers, creative thinkers, people who are visionaries and enlightened, and that's how they're demonetizing all these videos on YouTube, cutting off people's livelihoods, destroying lives.
And I apologize.
My brain just said 64 million.
I was looking for the article.
I couldn't find it in my stack.
I guess the crew couldn't find it, so I just found it in my phone.
So I sent it to them earlier this morning.
The crew's awesome.
We're just total information overload here.
Southern Poverty Law Center has 69 million parked overseas, and top analysts are saying they've never seen a non-profit do something like this.
This appears to be illegal.
It's gone from 10 million two days ago
Uh, on Tuesday, to 69 million, and they believe there could be hundreds of millions more.
They're now just having to go bank by bank in the records, because it's all obscured, but in the countries they have some records, so as they check new countries, they're finding more and more every day.
Good God!
Is this another Clinton Foundation?
I want to know if there's human trafficking.
Oh, you found it.
Yeah, yeah, they have it printed out.
So, this is like what you would do if you were a human trafficker or something.
This isn't what you would do if you were... This isn't what you'd be doing if you're a law-abiding person.
This is what you would be doing if you're doing trafficking or other kind of illegal offenses.
It's absolutely 69 million dollars.
I mean, you think about it, and then meanwhile they support websites like Salon that advocates pedophilia, and then you start to wonder what is actually really going on with the Southern Poverty Law Center.
They don't just advocate it.
They have drooling slobs with video of a little five-year-old girl dancing, talking about how much she wants to...
I mean, you can't make this up.
No, but the 69 million dollars, I mean, anybody... This is why the fake news media won't cover it.
This should be on CNN.
This should be the biggest story in the world.
Listen, I used to hear when I first got politically involved 25 years ago that it was all run by devil worshiper pedophiles.
And I wasn't an atheist.
I'd been brought up a Christian.
I had a spiritual experience.
Believed in God.
But I wasn't sure whether I was crazy or not.
Maybe God wasn't real.
Well, let me tell you.
I've been in the middle of this.
It's real.
The devil's real.
Demon possession's real.
It's all real.
You said you used to be an atheist.
You've changed now.
Well, once you see the evil, like that Deborah Wasserman Schultz video, when you look at that, there's no other understanding of what's happening.
It's other than evil.
It's a satanic, demonic possession.
It isn't normal human behavior.
There's a certain look that they all have.
So what was the process of you being a scientific guy, lawyer, successful author,
How did you go from that to like now, oh yeah, there's a total five between good and evil, as we were talking last night privately.
Well, you know, you grow up, you learn about good and evil, and then when you become indoctrinated into culture, you no longer recognize good and evil.
That's the first thing the devil does, they tell you it doesn't exist.
Right, they want people morally stunted and to not think that there is actually good or evil, then you can't recognize it.
But what Trump has done is he has shown
People he's forced out essentially.
It's like a mass exorcism is what we're going through now is it's like oh, yes Yeah, exactly right so that just occurred to me actually while we're talking glad you asked It's like a mass exorcism so before you might see a pocket of evil an occasional like pedophile an occasional really creepy guy
But with Trump coming up preaching about the American Way and trying to restore goodness and virtue, it is now a mass exorcism of people... When he said, God, we want you back, help us, we need you, we want the covenant, come back in, that began the exorcism.
He was invoking Jesus Christ.
It was pulling out the cross, you know, and the exorcism...
Yeah, and now you look everywhere you go, so it isn't that there's a discreet person that you can write off and say, oh, that person's just a little bit off, or that's a small portion.
No, they're radiating the same thing.
Yeah, and they all have the same vibe, the same aura, the same kind of demonic force.
So when did it finally click for you, an atheist, that there was something going on?
It started to click with me when we started investigating the spirit cooking thing with the WikiLeaks because I remember when people, I discreetly remember this, I was leaving a flight and people were going, oh yeah, there's these spirit cooking parties and I like laughed because I would make fun of all that stuff.
I'm like, come on guys, you know, it's good to joke around.
Because you're not into that.
So I thought it was just a joke.
So I'm actually getting off an airplane and my Twitter followers are like, dude, you got to look at the spirit cooking emails.
I'm like, come on guys, this is a joke.
You know, ha ha ha.
They're like, no.
So then I read the actual emails from the Podesta family talking about the spirit cooking, and then I went and actually got the recipe book off Amazon.
I should see if I can still find it.
Blood, semen.
Yeah, you can read the recipe book.
And then the media goes, well, the spirit cooking story is fake.
And I go, dude, I bought the book.
The book was on Amazon.
And then she said she wrote in books that she's doing real rituals.
Yeah, and that they believe she's a vampire.
She's like an old woman, but looks like she's 40.
Right, so then I go, this is really weird.
And then when I did more research, I found that Tony Podesta, this is in the Washington Post, this is before any of this.
2007 has pictures of naked kids on the walls.
And he has a basement where they go look at, quote, art.
Look this up, maybe, if your people can find it.
It's a subterranean art exhibit, Tony Podesta.
I don't want to show it all.
It's underground.
So why would you have a basement where you would display art?
There's no explanation.
But all over the house, he said, the headline was like, radical art.
He's like, yeah, I'm radical.
I got naked neighborhood kids.
I paddled their butts and take pictures.
Little 8-year-olds naked on the walls, and this is in the Washington Post!
Yeah, and the Guardian, the subterranean, and that's where I thought, anybody who's watching movies in a basement... See, that's, when you get into Satanism, it's lesser magic.
You know the power they get?
Like when psychos send letters to the cops saying, you can't catch me?
To put it in the news!
Saying, I got pictures of naked kids on the walls, and I got a basement where we screen special movies in the major paper, that's power!
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
All right, we're going to do five minutes to the next hour and show some photos for TV viewers and describe them for radio listeners of Matt, one of our producers.
His mom came down from Dallas to visit with an InfoWars sticker on the back of her car.
And what happened?
And then what happened with his roommate's girlfriend from San Francisco?
These people literally believe you're a demon if you're associated with Trump or InfoWars.
That shows the brainwashing.
What, tax cuts?
What, Obama signs an executive order outside of law legalizing 40-year-old men calling them children with DACA?
Trump says reform it, only have it be real kids that were already here when they were little?
They say screw you, Nazi.
While they put in total surveillance grids, start penalizing conservatives and banning us from the marketplace.
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But getting into Irma before we go to break and come back with other breaking news with Mike Cernovich and of course the host of his own site NoMoreFakeNews, John Rapoport.
I want to cover the hurricane all day, but I mean, it's barreling in, it's going 180 miles an hour.
Most tracks show it going right up the middle of Florida and just wreaking devastation we've never seen.
It's a Category 6, and I just look at this and it's like we're living in a disaster movie or something, but really this is human experience.
Volcanoes, asteroids, earthquakes.
Typhoons, hurricanes, we're here and it brought us together.
So, will this curse be a blessing?
I think it's up to us.
The left, you know, is in their drawing rooms, Mike Cernovich, trying to figure out how to spin this.
Yeah, we've lived in an unusually peaceful time.
I've always told people, read about the World War I trench warfare battles.
Yeah, your faces would be shot off with machine guns, rushing in, trench foot, rats would chew on you while you try to fall asleep.
This is only a hundred years ago.
We are a very, very primitive species.
Pampered babies.
Yeah, and we forget that even though life is soft now, we are a very primitive species and we could go either way.
We can go the way of the dark.
We can go the way of the light, and that is the choice that's being presented with us.
So what we did not see in Harvey, people did not go the way of the dark.
There wasn't the mass rape gangs that you very often have and that you would have in other parts of the world.
That's where it happened.
So when Harvey hit, people went the right way, it was the light way, and it showed unity in the country.
That's what we need to see in Florida.
More unity.
Florida's got some good folks, but is it as moral as Texas to come together?
I think they will, because a lot of the people in Florida had fleed the oppressive regime of Castro, so there's a very strong sense of pride there, and they know the world is going to be watching, and they will not want to disgrace their family names by letting the kind of things we saw with Katrina happen in Florida.
Powerfully said.
We're going to be back with the fourth hour.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
And we're doing it!
Coming up, John Rappaport in the next segment.
I'm gonna get to a video that is sickening of the mayor of the crime-infested globalist mega-city of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, saying Trump's not welcome here because of the Dreamers.
Well, also what's not welcome there is law and order.
Or, you know, police that aren't corrupt.
So, we're going to play that, come up in the next segment, and I'm going to punch out and let John Rappaport, the virtuoso of research and documentation...
To join us.
But Matt, one of the great producers here, his mother came down this weekend, he just remembered it earlier, we were talking about intimidation, he kind of suppressed it, the reason I say that, he told me he had, a photo of watching folks go over to his mother's car and put signs on it, put notes saying, you know, we hate Alex Jones, we hate Trump, they're idiots.
And then another story he had about his roommate of many years, his new girlfriend from San Francisco, found out he works here and it's like,
She just can't even believe it.
It's just the abject Nazi-like behavior when they're calling us Nazis and they're financed by their cultural guru, George Soros, a literal Nazi.
So, Matt, narrate this for radio listeners.
We'll put the photos on screen.
We never get the crew on air.
That's why we never do.
They're not used to it, and we never get the mics on, but he's joining us now.
Go ahead, Matt.
Hey, guys.
Can you hear me now?
Yes, we can.
I can hear me now.
All right.
Yeah, it's funny.
There was kind of a personal story.
We had the woman who was a lawyer on talking about a class action suit because of a lot of the harassment that's going on.
Funny story, I typically don't take things too personally, but it's different when something strikes close to home with your family.
We were out for Sunday brunch, my mom and I, she was down to visit, and these people who
We're good to go.
They left this loving note on my mom's car because my mom, she's got an InfoWars sticker.
She takes pride in what I do.
And it says, Alex Jones and Trump are effing idiots.
And see, they want to intimidate you where you don't have your speech, only they have theirs.
They're all about suppressing it.
They're all about shutting it down.
Yeah, and here's my mom.
Your mom is so cute.
Oh, she thought it was hilarious.
You know, not me.
Because, you know, my mom, she's heard about some of these things on... This is your mama.
You want to defend her.
Oh, you know, she's such a good sport about it, and it's that car behind her.
It was one of those Subaru Outbacks that, you know, a lot of leftists... I don't want to say a lot of leftists, but when it's, like, got all the coexist bumper stickers on it... Oh, no, you know, that is the car.
It is a Subaru Outback.
It is a...
I don't want to stereotype, but it was pretty hard to miss.
And you know, they're sitting right next, or they're parked right next to her, and it's like you almost see the notepad, you know, sitting there on the dash.
And then that segues into what's happening with your roommate.
Well, you know, that's the funny thing.
The point that I'm getting at is really about agitation propaganda.
And it's funny that people will go out of their way to leave a note to a total stranger who they have never had an interaction with.
And the deal is, is that
You know what I mean?
Super... That's right, they're the susceptible idiots that believe they're doing something with their life, telling somebody that Infowars is evil, that we oppose all the wars and the secret surveillance and IBM and the Holocaust.
They don't even know who we are!
They watch Jon Stewart or they watch Colbert and believe the fiction they're putting out is real.
These are idiots!
And the thing is, is that this political atmosphere has, uh, kind of bled over into a lot more entertainment now.
And so, these people who are, again, big TV heads, or... Exactly, you just hit it.
People that aren't even politically involved are now being politically awakened.
The globalists put them to sleep, wanting them to be quiet, now they've activated the zombies.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Coming on at 6!
Alright, I'm turning this over in just a few minutes to Jon Rappaport of nomorefakenews.com.
He's had that domain name for like 15 years.
Boy, the fake news wars are on.
That's why we have newswars.com.
But Matt, one of our producers,
Was finishing up with his mom visiting from Dallas.
Infowars.com in the back of her car.
Somebody rides a pad saying Alex Jones and Donald Trump are effing idiots.
And then they've got all their bumper stickers on their car.
They just want you to shut up.
They want to peck you into submission.
But you were talking about your roommate of many years, girlfriend who's from San Francisco, a refugee of her own collapsed system, and that she's telling him he can't associate with you.
A lot of folks I know have gotten divorces.
Over not supporting globalism.
I mean, this is such an authoritarian ideology.
Yeah, so that story goes like this.
You know, I was out of town and she, I don't know if she had too much to drink or what, but she confronted my roommates in kind of a passive-aggressive move.
And, you know, my current roommates know my old roommates.
We all get along together.
We all went to school together.
We just kind of wound up splitting because you can't have eight people in a house or whatever.
Oh yeah, you know, I had known her for two years.
We'd always, you know, really gotten along.
And then out of nowhere, not even to my face, but to my roommate's face, they say, you know, we can't even be friends with him anymore because of where he works.
And apparently it got to the point where other people, you know, had to leave.
And so it was just kind of sour grapes, I guess.
And by the way, Daria, U.S.
Army, Special Operations, you name it, that's not where she's getting these messages, but a job she had in California.
She was showing me earlier these friends going, how dare you be with that scumbag Alex Jones?
How dare you work there?
You're going to pay for this.
She's not even put on social media that she works here.
How are they even finding that out?
Maybe we should get Daria on camera.
Maybe IBM is tracking them.
I don't know, it's just crazy how they want to get in our faces and bully us and have signs saying, you know, we are all about peace and then go and attack prayer vigils with signs that say, you know, peace, peace.
Sorry, Daria, go ahead.
Yeah, what's funny is that these people, they want to insult you first, but then when you try to go back at them and just make a joke, you know, a really silly joke, that they get really offended and really self-righteous at the fact that you dared to insult them when they were the first one to insult you.
Oh, there's no logic!
That's what I noticed!
Yeah, exactly.
They're very... they have no sense of self-awareness.
I just find that to be very disturbing.
Why do you think they're expanding their aggression?
Just because they feel like they're not in power now?
Because the media told them so?
Well, I think it has to do a lot with, again, what I was talking about, agitation propaganda.
It's a specific term for what they're putting out.
A lot of times, you cannot escape this political atmosphere.
No, especially if you're tuning in to like late night shows, things that should be... Every late night show out there attacks me and then they have a new one saying I hate long-haired men and I want to hurt long-haired men.
I guarantee I'm gonna have some long-haired guy walk over and probably attack me because I hate long-haired men.
Total mental illness!
Well, you know, that's just one step away from being transgender, right?
No, I'm just kidding.
I'm kidding.
Guys, great job breaking this down.
I'm going to do a whole report on it.
Mike Cernovich comments on that.
Well, we live in our bubbles now, and the media's radicalizing people.
That's actually one of the arcs in the film Hoax, The Media's More in Truth, which is that the media is radicalizing its foot soldiers of Antifa, these other violent people that commit their crimes, and the media goes, oh, well, you know, we're just objective observers, we're not doing this.
Oh, look, the Republicans played baseball here with no security.
Oh, we didn't do anything, though.
Yeah, yeah.
Wink, wink, nod, nod.
Here's where you can find Republicans and they don't have bodyguards.
There was another article, too, about the bodyguards of Trump.
So they're actually, and now USA Today, of course, yesterday created a database of 4,500 people who are members of Trump's golf club.
To harass them.
They just play golf, right?
So that's what they're doing is they're letting people know, hey, here's how you can go target people.
But don't they get that that's not going to make us back off?
It's going to make us get that much more aggressive?
Well, what they don't understand is that they're going to be blamed for things that happen.
So that's what I tell people in media that I'm friends with.
I go, look, man, you guys just got to knock it off.
Because if something happens, like for example, if something happens to somebody's mother because of a bumper sticker she has,
People are going to blame the media.
They're going to blame CNN.
And that's what I've been telling them.
They're playing with fire.
They don't know what they're doing.
They need to disavow.
I know.
They don't think logically.
Like, didn't they know when Antifa went out and attacked everybody, prayer vigils that it would blow up in their face?
I mean, now they're having to pull back.
That's what's scary is they're not logical.
The drunk with power.
We're turning this over to Jon Rappaport, but I had to play this and get your take on it, and then we'll let Jon just come back and cover it and get into the next hour here before you go on in about 47 minutes during War Room.
You're going to be co-hosting with Owen Schroyer right here out of these studios.
Yesterday, Emanuel comes out and says, well, Trump's repealed DACA.
Horrible, racist evil person.
He's not welcome here.
And by the way, if you're illegal, you're welcome here.
All Trump said is, these aren't really kids that were already here since they were little.
It's mainly adults and people that have been deported before.
And it's all fake.
And there's got to be some vetting.
This is an executive order outside of law, just legalizing everybody.
But then that was ignored what he really said.
But think about the takeaway of this with this mayor.
Where you can say, okay, and also not welcome law and order, also not welcome safe society, also not welcome a property tax base that isn't being eroded.
I mean, these Democrat-run cities are sinking into the mud, and here is Rahm Emanuel demonizing the president trying to save the economy.
Right, because he has no answers.
He has no answer for the violence.
He has no leadership.
How many people are shot every weekend in Chicago?
30 to 50 people some weekends are shot.
Record numbers of murders in Chicago.
And rather than deal with those real problems, he virtue signals.
This is why Hillary lost.
This is why the Democrats keep losing.
By the way, do we not have that clip?
Because there's a press conference.
Oh, it's ready?
Okay, well, let's go ahead and play that clip.
But I want to emphasize one thing that the alderman noted, the chairman, that I think is very important.
And that is that President Trump has talked about ending the DREAMers program.
To all the DREAMers that are here in this room and in the city of Chicago, you are welcomed in the city of Chicago.
This is your home and you have nothing to worry about.
Chicago, our schools, our neighborhoods, our city, as it relates to what President Trump said, will be a Trump-free zone.
You have nothing to worry about.
And I want you to know this, and I want your families to know it, and rest assured, I want you to come to school, but more than just come to school, pursue your dreams.
That's right, come to school and get shot by all the Mexican mafia, drug gangs, and everything that have their main base in Chicago.
Community College is free, and it is open to dreamers.
It is the only public college in the United States.
Everything's free.
Just come here, collapse everything.
Everything's free, but no one wants to be there.
People are fleeing Chicago.
We're on the radio in Chicago.
There are great people there, but they're infested by criminals like this guy that wants to exploit and lower wages.
In the eyes of the city of Chicago, because you have big dreams, and we want to be part of those dreams.
So rest assured in that effort.
He wants gun owners to not be able to fly on planes.
Not with their guns!
Just because you're a gun owner, you can't fly on planes.
What do you make of that?
Yeah, he wants to bring in more death and destruction into Chicago.
That's what they all want.
They can't build so they want to destroy.
They want MS-13 in Chicago.
They want mass shootings in Chicago.
You're from Illinois.
They want murders in Chicago.
They want crime in Chicago.
Because then that allows a big government to come in and say, oh, you need us.
Because if you don't have us, you'll have even more crime.
So what he is saying there is that I want MS-13 in Chicago.
I want more murders.
I want more shootings.
I want more crime.
I want more chaos.
I want more destruction.
That way you're going to have to come to me on your knees and give me more power.
Ed Cernovich on Twitter.
I'm at RealAlexJones.
We're going to skip this little four minute break and then the one at 50 so that all the time I just took from Rappaport is given back.
Just like that.
Thank you all for your support of the InfoWar.
Now back to John Rappaport.
And, NoMoreFakeNews.com.
John, take over.
Rahm Emanuel.
The man of great peace brings peace to Chicago.
Of course, he can't be the mayor.
That's the position he's in.
Why can't he be the mayor?
Because he can't do anything about shootings, and more shootings, and more killings, and more crime, and more shootings, and more killings in Chicago.
Because he won't do anything about it.
Because he wants to deflect the attention to some grand idealistic program.
Everybody come to Chicago.
Everybody come to Chicago.
The main hub for the transshipment of drugs, street drugs, in the United States.
By the way.
By the way.
Yeah, Rahm Emanuel.
This is a guy.
How the people of Chicago can even think about leaving this guy in office is way beyond any semblance of sanity.
But let's get to another American city.
I've got some stories here we're going to cover.
Technocracy on parade, on the march, planned societies, planned to self-destruct, planned to be insane.
Planned to plan your life, how you will fit into a slot, how you will be a citizen of the world, denied of your basic rights and freedoms and the ability to pursue your dreams, as Rahm is talking about.
But I'm talking about the real thing, not his fake news.
That's the capital city of California.
Which has got one of the biggest economies in the world drowning in debt, of course, the government.
Another lunatic bunch of bureaucrats there.
But guess what Sacramento is doing now?
They have just instituted a program which they call Advance Peace, P-E-A-C-E.
City Council voted on it, reported by Fox up there.
They're going to pay gangs not to commit crimes in Sacramento.
They're going to pay selected gang members to finish school and then they're going to get good jobs for them.
The capital city, one of the largest economies in the world, California, is down on its knees, surrendering to gang violence and bloodshed in the city because they admit they can't do anything about it.
They don't know what to do.
They're idiots and lunatics in bureaucratic offices.
I'm sure there are police officers in that city who would like to do the right thing.
But apparently there is no plan and there is no way from the top to deal with gang crime in Sacramento.
So they're going to pay and they put about 1.5 million in the pot in Sacramento.
Is it that's going to make a difference?
I can just see.
Well, you get a gang member there.
Look, we got this program.
You see, we know that you're you're shooting people.
That's OK.
You know, I mean, we can't do anything about that, but we can give you some money.
If you'll finish school and just not kill anybody for the next three, four years and we could find you a job.
Yeah, we could do that.
And how much would this job pay?
Well, I don't know.
I mean, maybe, I don't know, thirty five, forty thousand a year.
Well, I could make that in a month dealing drugs.
Oh, I see.
Well, but look, you could be a good citizen.
Who said I wanted to be a good citizen?
This is the program of the capital city of the state of California.
They're trying to plan society, plan their city around the idea of total capitulation to gang violence in the city.
Think about that for a minute.
Talk about the breakdown of law and order.
This is way beyond that.
This is law and order saying,
There's nothing we can do.
Nothing we can do.
Because if we did something, it might offend somebody.
So let's just continue to go down and grovel on our knees in front of these gangs and offer them money.
Tax money.
The people's money to not commit crimes.
Please, sir, would you not commit crimes?
We will pay you money.
That's the program.
That's the fantastic plan that has been forwarded by the city of Sacramento.
And not a word from the governor of California about this, Jerry Brown.
What's he thinking?
He's right there in Sacramento.
That's where the governor's office is.
Does he care about this?
He's like Rahm Emanuel, writ large.
Welcome to the sanctuary state.
Did you know, for example, if you take in what they call future unfunded liabilities, that's promises to pay out pension money and so forth into the future.
Do you know what the total debt of the state of California, the government is?
Bordering on 500 billion dollars.
500 billion dollars.
I'm not making that up.
And they want to, you know, open the borders.
Unlimited numbers of immigrants will give you free services, give you free everything, because what's money after all?
It's just something that we're inventing.
And the federal government will never let us go completely broke, will they?
We don't think so.
So we're just going to keep adding debt and more debt and more debt.
That's their attitude.
So we throw a few more million in the pot.
For gangs, so that they will not commit crimes, as if this program is really going to work.
Who's kidding?
Who here, right?
But it'll show that we're really peaceful people, you see.
This is another attitude on the left.
We're peaceful.
We love everybody.
Doesn't matter what you've done, what you're doing, what you're gonna do, who you're gonna hurt, who you're gonna kill.
Yeah, you see, we're peaceful.
We forgive everything, and we're willing to show it by giving you money, as much money as we can spare.
You know, to you it might be spare change, Mr. Gang Member, but it's in the spirit of giving, and gifting, and being nice, because above all, we have to be seen to be nice, because we actually started
I don't know, using our police force and the state guard to crack down on murder.
Murder, we're talking about here.
Then we might be perceived to be of ill will.
We might be perceived to be bad people, harsh, harsh people, severe people.
And we can't have that, because in California, it's all about being nice.
That's the deal, you see.
And that's who we are.
All right.
So that's story number one.
Planned society doomed to fail.
I'm going to get into another one.
This is just unbelievable.
This has flown below the radar.
A study.
There are several German researchers on this, so you know it has to do with Germany, but there's also U.S.
It applies across the board.
The premise of the study was.
Mass immigration.
It's a good thing.
This is a scientific study.
It's a good thing.
We all know that.
You just open the doors and the gates and the borders to everybody, everywhere, and you just let everybody in, in unlimited numbers, and that's a good thing.
That's the premise.
There's no argument about money breaking the back of government budgets, terrorism, crime, etc.
That's all off the table.
But what we really have to deal with here, you see, folks, in this scientific study is how do we get people who are hostile to immigration to change their attitudes?
That's what we're looking for, because they are obviously the bad people and we have to do something about their physiology, their metabolic processes, their brains, their hormones.
And so this study
gave a hormone slash neurotransmitter called oxytocin to a group of people who were considered to be hostile toward immigrants and immigration.
Because oxytocin is called the cuddle hormone, the nice hormone, the love hormone, the friendly hormone, nasal spray,
To these volunteers in a medical study.
This is medical study.
This is Brave New World we're talking about here.
This is technocracy at work.
We're going to rearrange society by rearranging people's thoughts and their minds by affecting their hormones.
And lo and behold, they discovered that if they gave this love hormone, oxytocin,
to these xenophobic, hostile people toward immigrants and immigration.
And they also threw in some social cues.
They turned around a surprising number of these hostile people in their attitude.
Ooh, we like this.
This is good.
Let's have more medical experiments.
How about dropping it from planes instead of just shooting it up volunteers' noses?
Yes, indeed.
This is wonderful.
Very, very good.
Make no mistake about it, folks.
And I've detailed this for 20 years or more now about how medical drugs are being used to actually engineer society, and not in a good way.
This is the cutting edge, or a cutting edge, of technocracy.
The use of technology, in this case medical, to transform society.
And here's a study that was based on that alone.
So, if you sitting out there might have some reservations about open borders, mass immigration, if you are aware of certain crimes that immigrants have committed, factual crimes on the record, brutal crimes and so on and so forth, and you might be inclined to speak out or say anything about this, well, the obvious remedy for you would be oxytocin.
You'll be smiling.
You'll be friendly to everybody.
It won't be a problem anymore for you or society.
That's the deal.
That's your technocracy at work.
That's globalism and technocracy hand in hand, marching toward a glorious future in which everybody is free and placid.
We will return in a moment.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You know, someone very profoundly once said, many years ago, that if fascism ever comes to America, it'll come in the name of liberalism.
You're a white male!
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All right.
This is a big one.
This is a big one.
Screw in your brains real tight on this one, because this is a window into technocracy, medical death science, and the planned society.
Via vaccines.
I've been tracking this one for decades, but here's quite an interesting current story is where it starts, because the FDA is cracking down.
There's some company in California that decided that they could push a cancer treatment that combines stem cells with the smallpox vaccine.
That's the story in the press.
I have no idea whether that's accurate, true, a complete picture of what's going on at this company.
But nevertheless, whatever the FDA is cracking down, especially on the issue of where did this company get the smallpox vaccine?
Because it is guarded very carefully wherever it exists around the world.
And you'll understand why in a minute.
So that's the current lead on the story.
In the statement from the FDA, they talk about how powerful the smallpox vaccine is, and then they make the statement that it could be life-threatening or cause very, very, very severe problems, health medical problems, in people with certain prior medical conditions, etc., etc., including
Immune system problems.
Get that?
In other words, a person who has a weak, compromised immune system should never be taking the smallpox vaccine.
It's a no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
For several reasons, one of which is that this is called a live virus vaccine.
It's got whatever it is that they say, called smallpox, right there in the vaccine, percolating.
That's the FDA, the official word from the U.S.
government on this.
If your immune system is weak, watch out.
Do not take this smallpox vaccine.
Okay, that's part one.
Part two, however, however, get this, between 1966 and 1980 on the continent of Africa, and I'm sure we have many listeners from Africa, there was a World Health Organization mass vaccination campaign to eradicate smallpox
With the smallpox vaccine?
Roughly a hundred million shots of the smallpox vaccine were given to Africans on the African continent.
So how many of those people would you guess already had severely compromised immune systems?
From hunger, starvation, protein, calorie malnutrition, contaminated water supplies for decades and decades, overcrowding, sheer poverty, war, etc, etc, etc.
The things that have existed on the African continent for a very long time and are in fact the primary causes of disease there.
And rip apart people's immune systems.
Getting the picture?
In other words, from the years 1966 through 1980, the World Health Organization was making sure that the smallpox vaccine, which should never be given to anybody with a weak immune system, was given to millions of Africans with weak immune systems.
The FDA, which recently warned that this could be life-threatening, which means it could kill you, they were giving that vaccine to anything and anybody that moved that they could find on the continent of Africa.
Depopulation anybody?
Of course, in 1980,
When they popped the corks on the champagne, the World Health Organization and said, we have eradicated smallpox on the African continent.
Maybe they were just talking about eradicating people on the African continent.
Think about it.
Think about it.
And now I'll give you the capper on that story.
In the late 1980s, an acquaintance of mine who shall remain nameless, a respected biologist with close and intimate knowledge of the smallpox eradication campaign in Africa, a very reliable source, told me off the record the following.
Actually, after they popped those champagne corks,
The World Health Organization held a secret meeting in Geneva, secret, at which they discussed the smallpox vaccine.
And they decided that they would never, ever use this vaccine again.
And I said to this biologist, why did they decide that?
And he said, why?
Because it caused cases of smallpox.
That's why.
The globalists at work.
Medical branch.
Medical cartel of the globalist takeover.
We know what's good for the African continent.
We know what we're going to do.
We decide, they obey.
We sell, they buy.
We destroy, they accept.
And we call it
Help, aid, humanity, wonderful, triumph, victory, the greatest thing that ever happened in the history of medical progress.
That's the story for the ages, folks.
Get it around, spread it around, let people really know what was behind that campaign.
And what is, in fact, behind many vaccine campaigns?
Because smallpox is not the only vaccine.
Even if you believed in vaccine pseudoscience, smallpox is by far from the only vaccine that you would want to give someone whose immune system is already compromised.
But it's being done every day, all over the world, with dire, dire consequences.
All right.
Before we jump on.
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You see where we're going with all these stories?
Sacramento story, oxytocin, the love hormone, FDA smallpox vaccine, the so-called eradication campaign of smallpox on the African continent.
Every one of these stories is all about technocratic globalist type government intervention from the local level all the way to the global level to say,
This is what the future looks like.
This is the future we're installing.
This is the future we're lying about.
This is the future that you'll just love because we tell you to love it.
And you'll overlook all the heinous, grotesque, horrendous effects because you'll believe us.
We're the authorities.
We love you.
We care, etc, etc, etc.
And this, of course, is gobbled up.
By the left.
Because they want to believe that they're doing something good and they stand for something good.
Also known as virtue signaling.
Tell me what I'm supposed to support in the name of greater humanity.
Just tell me what it is and I will.
Because then I'll be sending out these signals and my friends and people I don't even know will say, well, he's a good and righteous person.
No brain, no mind involved, no thought, no analysis.
Well, what would you expect?
Do you find a college anywhere now that teaches logic in a serious way?
That teaches how to analyze information?
How to separate evidence from fakery?
That goes into this on a very deep level, as it should, in the age of information?
And disinformation?
Of course not.
Just take these generalities that mean nothing and put them into your head and then go spout them out there and all will be well.
Of course, you'll be so dumbed down you can't even think for yourself, but you won't notice it because you're too dumb to notice that you're dumb.
That's called education.
Here's your bill, $200,000.
You just went into debt.
You're a graduate now.
Good luck in finding a job.
Why anybody would want to do that to their kids is beyond any semblance of sanity.
Any semblance of sanity.
A reasonably intelligent 18-year-old could go to the library for six months and learn more
And become more independent-minded than four years of a liberal arts college.
That's for sure, for sure, for sure.
Okay, let's jump to another piece here.
Same theme, okay?
Bill Gates, I think you've heard of him, right?
Bill Gates, the great savior of humanity, and Sergey Brin, one of the co-founders of
Don't be evil.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
They're now funding a project.
Hate to even say this, but here we go.
Laboratory grown meat for the masses.
Grown in a lab for the masses.
What could possibly go wrong here?
This is supposed to be, you know, another one of these great humanitarian solutions.
We don't need any ranches.
We don't need any cows.
We don't need any of that anymore.
We're going to phase all that out, you see, because we'll be able to grow meat in a lab and you're just going to love it.
And it'll be fine.
It'll be great.
Well, of course, I mean, we haven't done any long term health studies on this, but who cares?
We didn't do any health studies of any kind on GMO food either, you know.
So what's the difference?
And there's actually no fat in this meat.
So we're going to have to do something to make it taste good.
In fact, we're going to be adding fat to the lab grown meat.
We don't know exactly how we're going to do that yet, but we'll figure out a way.
That conjures up, folks, all kinds of incredible images, doesn't it?
Yeah, we've got this thing that looks kind of like a shoe that you found in an alley next to a garbage can at midnight that's labeled burger now, and it has
After all that, it has no fat.
So you just kind of brush the flies off.
You pick it up and you say, well, let's see, we got, we have that fat over there, guys.
Let's bring it over and somehow add it on.
You know what I mean?
Mush it somehow.
Inject it.
We've got to have machines that do this.
So how do we do that?
Well, we'll figure out a way.
Mmm, that's going to taste great.
And then, of course, they're not paying any attention.
They're not talking about paying any attention to the actual mineral content of the meat, which is part of the deal.
What minerals is it going to contain and at what levels?
Yeah, that could be sort of another problem, right?
But don't worry, it's all going to be worked out.
And it'll be pure because when we say laboratory, you're supposed to think pure.
Oh, wait a minute.
There's another factor here that it's actually this lab grown meat is grown in fetal, F-E-T-A-L, fetal as in fetus, bovine serum.
And, you know, when you're dealing with that,
Fetal bovine serum, you get all kinds of, you know, microbes in there and contaminant.
I mean, you know, there's all kinds of things that could end up in there in the medium that you're growing the meat in.
Yeah, and that would not be good for your health, that is.
No, not at all.
But Bill Gates, Sergey Brin, do no evil, save the world, we are the new messiahs.
They think it's a great idea, so they're bankrolling it, of course.
And I'm sure that up the line, step right up and get your lab-grown meat.
Give me one of those LGM burgers.
Sure enough, we've got it right here.
Let's see.
It was shipped last year.
We had it in the freezer.
Now, this isn't from an animal, is it?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Animals, you see, are dirty.
And, uh, there's too many variables there.
You never know what you're going to get.
But this, in the lab, we know.
We've got the standards.
Everything is pure.
Just put a lot of mustard, ketchup and mayo and whatever pickle and so forth on there.
Quite a bit, I would say, OK?
And of course, and here's the capper folks on this wonderful story.
As you can see, this is a kind of Frankenstein creation where you kind of stitch together different elements.
The fat is added on to the lab grown meat.
And then if you want minerals, I guess you're gonna have to inject some of those, you know, it's sort of that kind of piece operation.
Well, while you're at it, other things could be added to the meat, couldn't they?
Things that perhaps we wouldn't even know about.
For our own good, of course.
Oh, absolutely.
Like, oh, I don't know,
If it were determined that, say, 30% of the American population is clinically depressed, and they're moving pretty close to that direction in their surveys and polls and so forth and pseudoscience, well, it might be a good idea to add in some Zoloft or Paxil or whatever the latest antidepressant is into the lab-grown meat.
And, at the same time,
What about edible vaccines?
I mean, there are already articles that have been written about that as a different way to deliver vaccines.
I mean, instead of trying to push the population into getting toxic, life-destroying, chemical-laden injected vaccines, instead of trying to do it that way, why don't we just add it into the laboratory-grown meat?
In the lab, we can be very precise, of course, about how much vaccine we put in and how many vaccines we add in.
I think now the largest number of vaccines that are rolled up into one jumbo vaccine is maybe five or six, but why not 20 or 30?
That certainly would be a good idea because then you eat a burger and you get 20 or 30 vaccinations all at once.
Of course, there could be a problem depending upon how many burgers you eat.
We'll figure that out later.
I'm sure we can cross that bridge when we come to it, but the basic idea is very sound, isn't it?
That we want to vaccinate everybody, and so that's the way we're going to do it.
So that's where we are on this laboratory-grown meat story.
How do you like those apples, Alex?
Well, John, I apologize for cutting in on the first 15 and not jumping at the end.
I was driving down the road listening to you on our local.
As an affiliate, I just wanted to point across the story that obviously they know they're going to move with animal rights to ban the eating of meat.
That's an admitted goal.
But Peter Singer and PETA and all of them push.
They're going to put big taxes on it.
But don't worry, they'll have lots of laboratory stuff because having the serum of ground-up baby dead cows and
All this stuff being grown, that's okay.
They want to take control of the food chain.
None of it has to do with...
We're good to go.
We're forcing us onto a vegetarian diet.
I'm not bashing vegetarians.
There's a lot of problems with meat today on ethical issues, a lot of problems, you know, with it being contaminated.
But this move is the gates of others who are obsessed with weather modification, world government, forced inoculation, pharmacological fruits and vegetables that have vaccine venom.
It's all about taking control of the natural environment and creating an artificial system they control that they can then backdoor
Absolutely, Alex.
That's the big picture.
And notice, folks, and when I was researching my first book back in 1987 called AIDS Inc., I was looking for the actual causes, chronic, endemic, decades, centuries long in Africa.
And I came across many, many, many, many mainstream studies that mentioned this little thing called protein calorie malnutrition.
Protein calorie malnutrition.
What happens when somebody is suffering from that?
In other words, they're just not getting enough protein in their diet.
What happens is they become weak.
They become disabled.
They can't think straight.
They're confused.
They could even hallucinate.
They are stumbling around.
They can't resist whatever is going on at the top.
And that is the condition that would be created very easily by this kind of synthetic shift over.
No, animals, we don't want anybody to eat animals anymore.
It's not a matter of choice.
We're just not going to let that happen anymore.
It's the same thing you see in California, for example, with the whole vaccine, mandatory vaccine.
We don't want to give you a choice anymore.
It's not a matter
Parents deciding for their children.
That's out.
We want to mandate it now.
You've got to do this.
Well, the same thing is going to be.
This is the agenda.
Let's put it that way with meat.
We're not asking you whether you want to eat this or eat that way, whether you want to eat from a lab or from a from an animal, because up the road, the plan is you're not going to have choice.
You're going to have protein, calorie malnutrition one way or another.
Because we know that then you're going to be very easy to control.
Okay, folks.
That's the fourth hour here.
John Rappaport sitting in for Alex.
Appreciate it.
And we'll see you next time.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.