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Name: 20170904_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 4, 2017
3474 lines.

In this InfoWars broadcast, Alex Jones discusses the crisis in Houston, North Korea's missile tests, Russian mass evacuation orders, and violence in Berkeley. He criticizes mainstream media outlets for their coverage of President Trump and promotes products available on InfoWarsLife.com and InfoWarsStore.com. Jones also addresses censorship and de-platforming alternative media outlets like Infowars, encouraging critical thinking and engaging in productive debates. In another segment, an InfoWars reporter confronts a liberal professor from the University of Texas regarding Greg Fenves' statement that Robert E. Lee symbolizes neo-Nazis. The conversation becomes heated as they debate on political correctness in academia.

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And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Hard to believe it's already August 30th, 2017 on this Wednesday Global Edition.
We're gonna have our intrepid reporter who just spent three days down there on the alligators and the fish swimming through the houses and with the rest of our team rescuing more than 40 people out of their submerged houses yesterday.
That's why we didn't have Michael Zimmerman on yesterday and many videos didn't get uploaded because he had to abandon that just to help save the people.
It is a catastrophe.
Houston mayor orders curfew to prevent mass looting, warns bridges and roads are starting to fail.
You tie that together with hell freezing over, Berkeley police arrest 13 protesters in connection to Antifa vicious fascist attacks on peaceful prayer vigil.
As long as they scream Nazi, it was okay to hit folks in the head with clubs and bike lots.
And Pelosi's had to come out because they realize this is hurting them bad with their focus groups.
Their little revolution has blown up in their face.
Thank God Trump pointed out that Antifa was worse than the Nazis because the white supremacists weren't actually attacking people first.
Then it escalated.
It was horrible what happened.
Both sides are bad.
But the people that attacked first are the bad guys.
You're allowed to be a moron Nazi in America.
You're allowed to be a moron, Mexican racist or black racist, but you're not allowed to just beat up whoever you want because they've got a bald head, so they must be a Nazi.
All that said, it is total information overload.
As sick leftists celebrate Hurricane as a victory over conservative white Americans.
Big story from Dan Lyman chronicling it on NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com for TV viewers.
We'll go over some of that coming up.
But here is the big news.
So big that I'm mad at myself that I haven't been following this more than the last few weeks because I want it to go away.
And I'm not the type of person that ignores something.
I'm not the type of person that sweeps stuff under the rug, but I realized, I psychoanalyzed myself and realized that this is so out of our hands to a great extent that I catch myself doing the ostrich head in the sand situation.
Ostriches don't really do that.
They stick their head in the sand and turn their eggs once a day, but regardless,
Because what do you do?
We're still at war with Korea since 1953 and the ceasefire armistice.
And they've been firing all these missiles over Japan.
Trump said if you fire them at Guam, near Guam, we're going to attack you.
So they backed off there.
But now they've come back saying we're going to go ahead and fire missiles off towards Guam, Alaska, you name it, get ready.
And our military and our president will be forced to respond.
So again, the nightmare of another addled
Pot-bellied weakling communist.
Kim Jong-un threatens all of the earth.
And here's the big news.
Russia orders mass evacuation out of the east of Russia.
They've never done that over North Korea missile launch.
And that tells you back channels, they've told the Russians, we're going in, we're going to use nuclear weapons to take everything out.
Because believe me, you can't hit North Korea and not hit them with nuclear weapons.
They've got 100,000 pieces of artillery.
They've got tens of thousands of rockets already loaded.
They've got nerve gas, they've got everything, and they've got a little demonic goblin running their country.
So, if he's going to do this, and he's gone completely megalomaniac, you've got to preemptively hit him, and you've got to wipe out the entire DMZ and their main cities.
Or they'll have retaliatory power.
And if China doesn't stand down, and if Russia doesn't stand down, we go to WW3.
Thermal nuclear, just like that.
Orders mass evacuation over North Korea missile launch.
Trump on North Korea.
All options are on the table.
North Korea threatens more ballistic tests over Japan.
That's Mikhail Thelen, InfoWars.com.
The other's The Hill.
Here's a Paul Joseph Watson article.
You might want to read it at NewsWars.com.
Top forecaster predicts U.S.
confrontation with North Korea by September 12th.
That means war!
Well, he was the founder of Vice, syndicated radio TV host.
Gavin McInnes is with us.
He's got so many shows on so many platforms I can't even go over it all, but he's compoundmedia.com.
He's also, I guess, working with The Rebel.
Twitter at Gavin underscore McInnes.
And he joins us now, but he is a Swiss Army knife of intellectual ideas.
So, let's front and center my maestro.
Well here's what I, I understand that politicians like Hillary, the DNC, I understand that they want to incentivize single moms.
They want to shatter the black family so they can make more Americans dependent on them.
What I'm obsessed with these days is how eager the populace is to assist these people.
How eager they are to jump in bed with these people where they have no real gains.
If you're Roman soldiers taking over a town in Brittany and burning it, you get to rape the women, you get the gold.
They're not even getting anything!
They're screwing their own future, but it's VR.
It's imaginary.
They're jumping next to the Roman soldiers and marching with them, saying, let's rape and pillage my town.
And you go, well, that was easy.
I mean, these people were thought policing ourselves.
So the Gestapo, the Secret Service, they don't even have to show up for work to thought police us, because we'll do it.
Like this Google Memo thing.
That he was fired not just by the CEO but by his peers.
Forbes called it an anti-woman screed.
You had Salon saying it confirms your worst fears and they've just taken this this fake narrative that he said women don't belong in the workforce and they've exaggerated and I don't
I don't think any of the media has even read it.
And he was also saying he saw the future and he saw that he was about to get penalized for being male, which is illegal.
And he was saying, hey, company, I want us all to work together.
Women are a huge asset to the workforce.
Sexism is bad.
Equality is good.
However, do we really need to demand every single aspect, every single
Every single floor, every single cubicle of this building is 50% male, 50% female.
Do they really need to all, do the coders, which is a very rare skill, do the coders all have to be 50% female?
Because that's forcing women into a role.
It's slavery.
It's forcing them into the Foxconn factory in China.
That's really what it is.
Let's get George Costanza into the NBA.
Let's get some short, fat Jewish guys playing NBA.
The NBA is black.
The MLB is Hispanic.
I was about to say, I was an okay football player, but by the time I was a sophomore and they put me on varsity in a 5A team in Dallas, and huge black guys and white guys were running me over, I said, I quit.
I have broken ribs.
They're like, well, you did some good tackles.
I'm like, dude, I'm done.
And again, it wasn't like I was mad that most of the guys running over me were black.
It was just, that's the way it was.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
We take it for granted that millions of Koreans, tens of thousands of U.S.
died as well as hundreds of thousands of Chinese in the Korean War that is still on.
Armistice signed July 27th 1953 and 60 plus years later we sit here on the verge of that ceasefire ending.
Now, two weeks ago, North Korea said they were going to fire missiles between 10 to 20 miles off the coast of Guam and our Air Force Base there.
Trump signaled that if he did do that, we would have retaliatory strikes on North Korea.
Kim Jong-un blinked and did not carry out the test.
Instead, he has started firing multiple missiles overnight, yesterday and today,
Missiles over the territory of North Korea at a very low trajectory and crashing them into the ocean or if we start doing that to Russia or Russia do that to us.
Imagine if Russia pulled up ships off the coast of Florida and fired a missile over Florida over the peninsula from the east from the Atlantic Ocean and then it plunged into the Gulf of Mexico say in Tampa right off the shore.
Would that be an act of war?
Very serious provocation.
And Russia, according to the Russian news, has ordered mass evacuation over North Korea missile launch.
The Daily Star is reporting former UK diplomat World is much less safe due to North Korea threat.
Russia's civil defense officials have reportedly ordered to shift residents in the country's Far East to safer areas.
An extraordinary movement fears of worldwide conflict.
North Korea
Anger the international community by launching a missile that flew directly over Japan.
It's not like they shot it up into space and it came back down.
They shot it right over.
You know, a missile you can see with the naked eyeball.
With a missile trail.
That's like in a western, you know, the guy walks up and starts shooting the gun by your feet saying, come on, pull, draw, do something, boy.
North Korea, anger the international community by launching a missile that flew directly over Japan and says they're going to fire more.
They've been firing others as well the last few days, but not over Japan.
In response, U.S.
President Donald Trump threatened to the communist state with military action, warning all options are on the table.
As the Trump
Reeled from the provocative test, thousands of people from the city of Vladilaskov, if I'm pronouncing that right, were moved as part of an emergency operation.
Russian President Vladimir Putin fears the U.S.
may wage war against the secretive state that Trump threatened to unleash fire and fury should it fire more missiles.
And then you can go back up everything that they're reporting here.
In other mainline reports, I have reporting on each section of this overall boil-down article that's linked at newswars.com and infowars.com.
Trump on North Korea, the Hill.
All options are on the table.
Let's go more into his statement.
President Trump said early Tuesday, now it's Wednesday, that all options are on the table.
North Korea fired a missile that flew over the Japanese airspace.
Trump said in a statement, the world has
Received North Korea's latest message loud and clear.
The regime has signaled its contempt for its neighbors, for all members of the United Nations, and for minimum standards of acceptable international behavior.
Trump said, threatening and destabilizing actions only increase North Korea's regime's isolation in the region and are among all nations of the world and all options are on the table.
His comments come after the Pentagon confirmed late Monday that North Korea fired a missile that flew over Japan's airspace.
But you wouldn't know any of this was going on and that today Russia announced an evacuation of major cities in the east of Russia ahead of possible nuclear war because all we're hearing is First Lady on her way to Air Force One was wearing high heels.
You know, they've had major directors come out and say that Wonder Woman is a step back because it shows a woman looking good, using her body to be impressive.
As if men don't do that as well.
And it's the same thing.
See, they hate Melania because she's projecting the feminine power.
One large aspect of it.
She also has smarts and they can't stand it.
There she is up on the pedestal with the high heels and later she gets off the plane not wearing them.
The point is that the top story yesterday wasn't the bridges failing, and the roads beginning to fail, and the looting, and the dead police officers, and the craziest coastal natural disaster in history, the costliest, divided USA embraces as the flood brings us together.
I'm looking at DrudgeReport.com right now, but look, GDP up, jobs up, but you wouldn't even know that in mainstream media.
Whenever Eric Trump tried to tweet a drudge link to CNBC a month ago or three weeks ago about great jobs numbers, they blocked it and said this violates our terms of service.
Inappropriate or hateful.
Because the truth
It's hateful.
You need to stall the economy as much as possible to make Trump fail.
The big banks came out and said the economy's gonna go down last week.
The Federal Reserve said it's gonna go down last week.
They did everything they could to drive down the economy.
But now, since they're failing, they just get more angry.
And Kathy Griffin climbs out from underneath a rock to get more publicity.
And she says she's no longer sorry for decapitated Trump photo to get more attention.
Yes, we knew you were never sorry.
And then it's a directive of the globalists to try to start a race war, class war in this country by you, the elites, trying to destroy the middle class and complete their journey to total financial impoverishment and serfdom.
You want your slaves disarmed.
You want them controlled.
But, as the left prepares their civil unrest, they want to back away from the wind-up toy of Antifa drooling meth-heads that they've created.
Fearing Antifa mayhem, Berkeley Mayor wants free speech week cancelled for UC conservatives.
That's right.
You, as conservatives, period, cannot have free speech because of the Antifa.
Just like they bring in the Islamicist, they cause the big crisis, they're not compatible with our free way of life, our open society, and then we have to get rid of our open society because of them.
That's in the WikiLeaks.
That is the plan.
And then if somebody fights back against these people, when they're clubbing them in the head or killing somebody, and one of the antifa gets killed, they will give them royal honors.
Like Jesus Christ was hung on the cross again.
But, again, they're having to distance themselves now ahead of the edicts banning free speech that, oh, they are against the evil meth-head Antifa.
Berkeley police arrest 13 protesters in connection to Antifa violence.
The spitting, the clubbing, the attacking, the bike locks, the cowardly hordes of women.
Ganging up and stomping and kicking on men who dared go to a prayer meeting drenched in spit as they hawk loogies on them and howl and scream.
Just a bunch of gang thugs.
Show you some of these mug shots that just want to go out and beat the daylights out of people.
Real ne'er-do-wells.
Nancy Pelosi finally condemns Antifa for Berkeley violence.
Oh, after she said, oh, I'm glad they did that over the weekend, she said, they're fighting Nazis.
The problem was, a lot of the Nazis happened to be black and Hispanic.
They were attacking not just white, who she's dehumanized as part of her rearguard action, with all the stolen loot she's gotten to get us all fighting with each other.
So they don't know what to do because the internet has thousands of videos, some of them millions and millions of views apiece, much more powerful coverage than mainstream media, and people are seeing the horror of the living dead meth heads.
Men in dresses, running around beating up women and men who don't even defend themselves.
It's just the image of the decadence, of the insanity.
Berkeley Mayor, we should classify Antifa as a gang.
So the big news is the left turns on the Antifa, at least on the surface, because they know they've got their leftists preparing some false flags, and the globalists know they're getting ready to launch some false flags against different liberal associated installations to blame on Trump and the Liberty Movement in a giant operation to bring in civil unrest.
So that's just some of the news.
We're going to be getting into more details on today, but don't worry about North Korea threatening to attack their neighbors or launch nuclear weapons at Japan or Seoul, South Korea or the U.S.
Don't worry about Russia evacuating its major eastern cities, because the word is that Trump has green-lighted nuclear strikes on North Korea, if need be, to remove the threat, and Russia has been consulted on that.
Never mind all that.
We need to have the Democrats say that Trump mentioned the crowd size while touring Texas.
He said, look at this great crowd of people out here to help.
Look how wonderful you are out here taking action.
All these great people out here.
Having some solidarity, thanking the locals.
And they turned that into, oh, he's bragging and he has a big crowd.
Well, that's right.
You couldn't get anybody out to protest him, really, in Phoenix.
So you pointed cameras at the bikers for Trump and had the headline everywhere that that was bikers against Trump.
CNN reporter Trump showed very little empathy to Harvey victims because he was solemn most the time, but then when he acted excited, that was wrong too.
Meanwhile, we're on the edge of World War III and Antifa is celebrating Texas hit by Harvey.
Dr. Kanta Ahmed is a best-selling author, researcher, medical doctor, and she's written the book In the Land of the Invisible Woman.
I want to talk about the radicalization on the Muslim Brotherhood, on who really runs this political Islam that is allied with the globalists for worldwide domination.
The United States relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood dates back to the Eisenhower era.
And sometimes it's not with ill intentions that the United States has engaged with the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Muslim Brotherhood has been very good at becoming media savvy, at becoming available.
But if you want to read a Muslim,
...and understand the Muslim Brotherhood's reach, and why it's not just the media, and it's not just government appointees, or you want to blame a Democrat administration or a Republican administration.
It's actually academia in the field of Middle Eastern studies that has perpetuated a lot of this confusion, refusing to distinguish Islam from Islamism.
One of the arguments I get from editors is, how can you prove the Muslim Brotherhood causes terrorism?
Well, they often are not pulling the trigger.
But none of these groups, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah, they would never exist without a non-violent ideological underpinning.
And for almost 20 years after 9-11, we have to separate the fact that, yes, there's violent jihadism, but there is a powerful totalitarian ideology underneath that, which is driving violent jihadism.
And therefore, the Muslim Brotherhood is responsible for all of these
And by the way, if anyone doubts my belief or my authenticity and commitment to Islam, we can refer only to the Quran itself, which warns Muslims that there will be those who will cede and betray insurrection from within their mosques.
With no intention other than to divide the society around them.
The gravest sin in Islam is to create insurrection and disrupt society.
And that is what the Muslim Brotherhood is doing.
When they asked the Prophet in his lifetime, while he was still alive, what do you most fear?
They asked the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, what do you most fear is going to happen to your followers?
He first refused to answer and then finally reluctantly said, what I fear most is going to come and emerge from among you.
They will appear as if they quote the Quran perfectly, but it will go no further than their throats, meaning it will spare their hearts.
And these people will come suddenly.
He baited him.
He trolled him.
He baited him.
He trolled him.
He baited him.
I wish I was that smart.
That's, that's the Trump dimension.
That's the Trump dimension.
He trolled him.
That's the Trump dimension.
He baited him.
That's, that's the Trump dimension.
He trolled him.
That's the Trump dimension.
That's the Trump dimension.
He trolled him.
That's the Trump dimension.
He baited him.
I wish I was that smart.
That's, that's the Trump dimension.
It's, it's Trump.
Just trolled you.
But that's okay!
This is historic.
It's epic what happened.
But you know what?
It happened in Texas, and Texas can handle anything.
Thank you all, folks.
Thank you.
Thank you.
And CNN played that exact clip, and then criticized the president.
And I don't even know if I should play some of these demonization clips, because CNN is so discredited, they're such a joke, they're so sick, that why should we even give them attention at this point?
CNN reporter Trump showed very little empathy to Harvey victims, as though he was coming to a small campaign rally of sorts.
They say this from their air-conditioned offices when everybody, the locals, the sheriff's departments, the emergency management, the state, have said that Homeland Security, FEMA, everything under Trump's direction has never been anywhere close to this responsive.
It's been called completely and totally responsive by the governor.
And this is the biggest hurricane flooding disaster in U.S.
All the experts agree, hands down,
People in Brazil don't act like this.
People in China don't act like this.
People in Russia.
People in Europe!
We have a spoiled rotten media and their spoiled rotten constituents who are like Day of the Dead meth heads on one end or arrogant wannabe know-it-all academics that just cuss and scream and yell and hate America.
Owen Schroeder has gone out twice in the last two weeks in Austin.
And last night, after the kids went to bed at like 10 at night, I spent an hour and a half just watching the footage he shot, unedited yesterday, over an hour of it.
He just uploaded it in 20 minute chunks last night, with people screaming and cussing at him, and saying the most horrible things, and then not even able to even finish sentences.
And then they tell him, we're UT professors, or we're this and that, and they're like, you know, F Ben Carson, he's not black!
The footage is on Infowars.com with the headline, shock video.
Alt-left says Ben Carson not black.
And then she says he's retarded.
To see any black person that supports Trump,
Even though he put himself through school as an admitted top brain surgeon, which is about the hardest job there is, he's done brain surgeries that nobody else has survived from, removing kids' heads that are together where the brains are grown together, and the kids are fine today.
But no, he has no accomplishments, because he supports Trump, he supports free market, he is an Uncle Tom loser, according to them.
These people are just sick, and it goes on and on.
The footage, there's hours of it.
There's close to two hours of it on our YouTube channel.
And then I sat there and started watching footage from California of the same stuff.
And McBrain showed me the same clip this morning that I sat to see last night, where they're talking to this guy and he goes, yeah, Trump's a Russian and he's going to go down for being a Russian.
And the reporter goes, the independent reporter goes,
But sir, they've already dropped the rush thing.
He goes, well, that's because we're on the race thing right now.
We're going to go back to that.
Even the guys on the street have talking points.
Just like I told you three months ago, Roger Stone was talking to high level folks that were in editorial meetings.
That's what Mueller wants to do is try to indict Donald Trump Jr.
And then go after Donald Trump claiming he covered up some Russia meeting where Donald Trump Jr.
met with a lady for 10 minutes to try to get dirt on Hillary.
That's your job to meet with people to get dirt on Hillary.
They were doing the same thing in Russia to Trump.
They couldn't find anything.
Does that make the DNC investigators Russian agents?
Because they went to Russia and went to England and went to Germany?
It doesn't matter.
The guy admits on tape, hey, we're just got talking points, bro, to bring Trump down.
And all these people pretend they're part of the establishment.
A lot of the people are astroturf.
They get paid a couple hundred bucks a day to go out and do this.
Sometimes more to be violent agitators.
$1,200 a day.
That's been in the WikiLeaks and other documents.
But most of them are just there because they think it's a cool thing to do and they're like in an in crowd.
These people are so uncool and so dumb they think MSNBC and CNN has their best interest at heart and they're really cool out there screaming Nazi, Nazi, Nazi and beating up people at prayer meetings with bite blocks until they have to have brain surgery.
We'll be right back with the latest on Harvey.
It's deteriorating quickly.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
I can't hear you.
You're a f***ing anti-American!
I'm an anti-American?
You stupid bastard!
I'm a f***ing patriot!
Now you know you're winning the information war when the other side has no response but to resort to censorship.
Drain the swamp?
We're gonna have to drain the privilege out of Washington first because that's what the swamp feeds on, their privilege.
I can't stand for people to exercise their First and Second Amendments together.
You found it.
It's the real news.
That's what you have to look forward to.
He's not sorry when snowflakes can't handle the truth.
It's your host, David Knight.
Start your mornings every Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.
Central, 9 a.m.
The Real News with David Knight.
You can find us on Infowars.com forward slash show.
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How did he get in here?
He's supposed to be with a few people outside.
How about... How about all week we're talking about the masks, the crowds that are going to be outside wearing masks?
Well, it's hot out.
It is hot.
I think it's getting warm.
You know, they show up with the helmets and the black masks, and they've got gloves, and they've got everything.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
The Chief Vampire Squid.
The Master Pound for Pound Biggest Face Sucker.
The Globalist Cancer.
Goldman Sachs.
Has been waging war against President Trump.
And they admit they have.
Come out in their emails.
Come out in their statements.
Come out in Lloyd Blankfein's tweets.
As he ridicules Trump's attempt to defibrillate the American economy.
But despite all of that, we are back on our feet.
The globalists left.
Their throngs of mindless slaves are cheering the Gulf of Houston.
They've got the Black Lives Matter folks out on Twitter showing the looting they're involved in, bragging about how they're attacking white people.
But the majority of folks have come together and are helping each other, and it's a beautiful thing to see.
But it just boggles my mind to see how incredibly nasty the left is.
The footage is on Infowars.com.
Owen Schroer, our great reporter and talk show host, will be joining us coming up in the middle of the next hour to play some of these videos.
But it's really hard on the crew because the bleeping
Because every other word is an expletive with leftists.
Who are really just, before you'd kind of call them trash.
Grab in any big city, you see trash of all colors, white trash, black trash, just trashy meth-head types.
And you see folks hanging around, you know, outside halfway houses or hanging around, you know, whatever.
And you can even see a normal homeless person versus a mentally ill one versus like a little criminal demon one.
You go, man, why do those people look like demons?
Why do they always look crazy?
Even the ones that call themselves UT professors just look like they're whacked out and have chips on their shoulders and
Snort methamphetamine five or six times a day.
What's wrong with them?
Well, they're fundamentally losers, they're hateful people, and they want to hate somebody, and they hate anybody else's success, and they hate light in your eyes.
They get off on taking Christian children and giving them to Muslim foster homes and ripping crosses off their necks and putting burqas on their head.
They get off on pushing down prayer vigil people and 20 women kicking them and hitting them and spitting on them until they're covered in spit.
They get off on cussing at people and telling them that they're Nazis because they want power!
They want control!
But they don't want the responsibility.
So we'll play some of those videos and go over the good, the bad, the ugly, the moronic, the just plain sad, to know what we're facing.
Because we're not cherry-picking these people.
You go to a Democrat event, you go to an anti-Trump event, I mean, it is like a Day of the Dead convention.
Gotta ask ourselves, what happened to these people?
Well, statistically, they're six times more likely to steal, nine times less likely to give to charity,
14 times more often telling you all the great things they did.
You know, not only did Quentin and Michael go down there and pull more than 50 people out of their houses, people that couldn't get out, families, they then wouldn't even shoot video of it because, well, that would be immoral to almost even show we were doing it.
And then, well, we're not going to talk about what we did.
Now see, there's the opposite of a conservative or libertarian, which I think we should show how virtuous libertarians and conservatives are.
All the statistics from the UK, the EU, Canada, all the universities have basically the same numbers.
Don't believe me?
Just type in to mainstream news, search engine, they even admit it.
Liberals more likely to steal, less likely to give.
And you'll get the numbers.
Some statistics are even higher.
I've seen numbers where they're 20-something times more likely to steal.
These are bad people that know you're good and like, go racist!
Rich person!
And they know you've got morals, so if someone's guilting you, well maybe you did something, and you introspectively look in because you have a conscience that they don't have, and they're like sitting there like Grimer Wormtongue.
Heh heh!
Oh, is it working on them?
Ah, good!
They're con artists!
They're frauds!
And they know it!
It's their power!
One time about three years ago, I've told the story many times when we get back on the news, I was staying at some friend's house that have a lake house.
And my son and I got up at about 7 a.m.
and went down and we're fishing on a community dock in the little homeowners association.
It was a very small homeowners association there, but this woman walks up and I think she must recognize who it was.
And I'm sitting there putting a worm on the hook.
We've caught some perch and bass.
We're just playing around, drinking coffee.
My son's sitting there, catching fish, and she's just going, we're here from the University of Texas staying with friends and we're going to have the main gypsy leader here today.
You don't have a problem with that, do you?
I'm like, the main gypsy leader?
I go, what?
Is it Irish Pikes or is it Romanoffs?
She's like, or Romas?
She goes, oh, you know about them.
Oh, oh, you know how they're the most wonderful people on earth.
And I'm just like, okay.
It was like some weird, like worship the gypsies thing.
I'm like, okay, yeah, great.
Thank you.
I'm being nice to her and all of a sudden she's like... She's talking to my son who's like 14 now.
He was like 10 years old.
She goes, what happened to the side of your head?
Did someone hit you?
And she looks at me and I'm used to liberal mental illness.
I'm just ignoring her.
And there's this big dock.
I mean, there's like, it's like 40 feet across the front.
Sticks out about another 60 feet.
So she's over here where we are in our business.
And she wasn't a half-bad looking woman.
And my son goes, no, that's my birthmark.
He's got a little red birthmark on the side of his head.
You guys have seen him on TV.
A little stork bite, as they call it in Germany.
And she goes, oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean anything.
I'm just, just, just.
And it went on and on and on and on.
And I didn't even get into the rest of the story.
We're over there barbecuing that night and then she and a bunch of liberal professors and the gypsies show up over at our friend's house where we're cooking and it was just like an assault of liberal crud and just seeing if they could mess with us.
And that's all they are is a cult of creeps!
And they went and found, historically, the most creepy people they could, that are a gang system that's designed to feed on people, whether it's the folks from Eastern Europe, you know, that came out of India and other areas thousands of years ago, or whether it's the Irish pikeys.
They let the, and I'm not saying it's the Irish, I'm part Irish, but they let the Irish pikeys and the folks from Eastern Europe as well
In England, steal your mobile home and keep it, because that's part of their culture.
Don't believe me?
They call them caravans in England.
Gypsies told they can keep caravan.
Because it's part of their culture to steal, and it's part of their culture to live in a caravan.
Just like they've said in Sweden, Muslims are allowed to rape because it's their culture, they don't get in trouble.
And that's all this is, is mass cuckolding.
To see, hey, can we take a five-year-old girl begging for mommy, not give it to grandma, that's the family.
Even the social workers say, don't do it, the grandma's great.
In fact, give them back to mom before you do this.
Whatever mom did, we don't know.
And then they give them to hardcore Wahhabis that wear full hoods on their heads, and they take her cross away and tell her she's gonna go to hell if she doesn't convert to Islam.
And then the Muslim mayor, who's already been convicted of corruption, says, I don't care.
We're going to keep giving the kids to Muslims because the Muslims are getting the money.
And then I'm a hateful person because I don't want to be preyed upon by cultures that this is how they operate.
In Islamic countries, they are parasitic, top-down nightmare scenarios where women are lower than animals.
And now they harvest Christian children!
It all started with El, especially out in Washington State, where I always see the reports.
They will take Christian children...
Who are five, six years old and say, yes, I'm Christian.
When they're teaching them, Heather has two mommies or whatever.
And then they say, oh my God, that's a hate crime.
And they take your child and then quote, give it to a lesbian couple.
This is real news to, to, to teach them to be diverse.
They kidnap kids because their parents are Christian and take them and give them.
And it's not that I hate those women for what their quote, sexual proclivity is.
It's that I hate their politics.
And that they're hunting us, and they're harvesting us, and they know it, and they love it, and they say, we want to kill all the white people, we want to extinct the white people, we want to extinct the heterosexuals.
It's Michael Moore, it's the Medusa, you know, the major publications of the feminists say, we want to have white women abort their white babies.
They teach white genocide at the colleges.
And then they teach the whites, hate yourself and hate everyone around you, and do whatever Michael Moore, the guy just looks like a total creep, and is a creep, do whatever we say, or you'll be in the bad group.
And they want acceptance so bad, and they want to shake with their fake indignance, their fake anger at everyone.
It's just incredible to see these people.
This guy on screen is like the son of Michael Moore.
But let me digress here.
I'm going to get back to the hurricane back into North Korea.
Massive escalations there.
And don't just think, because we haven't had a major war with them since 53, even though they've hijacked our ships and attacked South Korea hundreds of times and are now firing missiles right over the coast of Japan.
Don't think it won't kick off, because Russia is, for the first time, evacuating their eastern area.
I hope they don't kick off.
I hope and pray this doesn't happen.
But what I'm telling you is, the clock has never been closer to doomsday.
And that's what the experts are saying.
Now before I go any further, I want to ask the listeners of this broadcast to commit to this transmission.
I want to ask the listeners and I want to ask the viewers to go to InfoWarsTore.com and to look at the thousands and thousands and thousands of products that are there on the site.
And I just want to ask folks when they go to the site to support us because we need your support.
Now, obviously, I'm sick of saying that.
And obviously deep down, I'd much less not do this six, seven days a week.
But I'm not going to let these criminals win.
And everybody knows now that's paying attention that I'm not exaggerated.
We've laid out exactly what we're facing.
And quite frankly, I can't believe how bad it is.
But the good news is what they're trying to sell is so authoritarian and so evil that if we simply just say no to their bullying, say no to their brainwashing,
Say no to their fraud.
They're going to collapse, and they know they're going to collapse.
Why do you think Nancy Pelosi's come out and said Antifa is fascist, Antifa is a gang, Antifa is evil?
Because they tried to sell Antifa, Sornos funded it, but it's such a consortium of the dregs of the loser earth.
Again, a Day of the Dead convention.
I'm not kidding.
These people are pathetic.
It's very sad.
And this walking dead witch queen has been told by her advisors, this is blowing up in our face with our mainline constituents.
Everyone's turning against us.
That's why the smarter Democrats have said, back off Russia, back off the Antifa, back off Trump's races.
You're totally turning everyone against us.
But they've been in their own little San Francisco and Seattle echo chambers
Then when they'd come up, starting to attack me, physically and verbally in Seattle, they'd say, why are you here?
This is Seattle, like, this is Sparta!
As they waddled up.
And I said, to show what incredible fascist you are, to show how physically ugly you are, to show how fallen you are, look at yourselves.
Look at you.
You hate yourself.
So you are projecting
That hate on to us.
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Okay, I'm going to come back, get into more with new developments on North Korea, the most serious ever.
I'm going to give you the latest on
Hurricane Harvey.
Also, government fast-tracking mandatory vaccination as media muzzles debate.
Robert F. Kennedy exclusive to InfoWars.com.
New big pharma strategy, kill the messenger.
Will Congress and Trump declare war on Wikileaks?
That's like declaring war on your right hand.
Trump does that, it's a real betrayal and a real black mark against an otherwise stellar and amazing individual.
We'll break it all down and what's happening in the economy.
The globalists are panicking as we hit 3% growth rate.
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Yeah, I'm not bragging, folks, but they've come after my children, as everybody knows.
I've stood my ground.
Come after me.
But it's not because I'm pig-headed.
It's because I know there's no future.
I know that if we give in to them, we're going to lose everything.
You know, Zimmerman had a headline up there, one of the videos he got up, of
People being saved from their flooded homes in Houston.
And I changed the headline to InfoWars crew assisting evacuating stranded Houston citizens.
I'm really proud of Tim and Q and folks that do some work for InfoWars.
Getting this big army truck.
You can see we got the firefighters there with us going in, saving the folks.
I think they pulled like at least 50 people out of their houses just yesterday alone.
But Zimmerman's coming back today.
He's been up there for three days.
Now, you know, the leftists are saying they hope everybody dies there and or they're looting and they're celebrating even in mainstream news and then criticizing Trump.
But look at Quentin wearing his Blackwater shirt.
But they are definitely pleased that this might stall the economy.
But I'm really proud of the Cajun Navy and everybody else is down there trying to do everything they can to
Stabilize the situation, but it is really really unraveling bad, but the reason I make the point about our crew down there helping is
They did it because it's the right thing to do.
Then they didn't even shoot much video because they were too busy to do that.
And that's secondary.
And then they didn't even want credit for it.
That's how conservatives and patriots and people that have been in the army and other places are, is they don't ever brag about stuff.
Versus Antifa, so nasty, they're running around spewing racist garbage and chanting against Trump and hoping everybody dies in Texas because you're a redneck scum.
And that's not just some minority of people doing it.
It's Michael Moore saying he hopes all the white people die.
It's major Democrats saying this is karma.
I've got the article.
Major Democrats saying it's karma on Texas.
These are the nastiest people.
If an earthquake hit California and devastated, I'd say this is horrible, this is terrible.
Even if it was all Democrats, I'd think it was bad.
But it's a bunch of conservatives and libertarians in California.
But they're so stupid, they're so tribal, they're so mindless.
There it is, a professor said,
Harvey was karma because Texas voted Republican.
That's the New York Times.
The Boston Herald.
They're all reporting it.
These people are crazy!
It's not just a small group of them.
Owen couldn't get people in Austin yesterday on tape to say they were worried about Harvey or Trump.
They would get mad and say, screw him!
He's here just trying to look good.
If he didn't show up, you'd crucify him.
Nothing's gonna make these miserable losers happy.
And I've got the breaking.
Alexander Durgin is going to be joining us, the advisor to Putin about the evacuation of Russians out of the east.
intercepts missile during test amid North Korean standoff.
Evidence shows we've shot down North Korean missiles before.
It appears it just happened again.
That's on NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com with our great writer, Kit Daniels.
That's all coming up.
But look at these headlines.
Whole city now underwater as Harvey makes another landfall in U.S.
And now a new tropical storm.
Sorry, I didn't get to that yet, is now forming and may T-bone the same area.
Houston says bridges, roads starting to fail under stress of flooding.
Port Arthur tweets plea for boats as Harvey flooded evacuees in their shelter in Port Arthur.
Pentagon says 30,000 National Guard troops prepared to assist in response to Harvey.
The governor needs to call them in right now.
It's going to get worse.
Fake Homeland Security and immigration agents are ordering Houston residents to evacuate in a bid to rob their houses, report warns.
The nation's largest oil refinery shuts down in Hurricane Harvey floods.
Crippled Houston watches dams levees forecast offshore.
It's historic.
It's epic.
Hour number two, straight ahead.
Reality is always wilder than Fantasyland, than Zuckerberg's VR fake world, where we all worship his baboon butt.
How did he get in here?
He's supposed to be with a few people outside.
How about... How about all week we're talking about the mass of crowds that are going to be outside.
Where are they?
Well, it's hot out.
It is hot.
I think it's too warm.
You know, they show up in the helmets and the black masks.
And they've got gloves and they've got everything.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
There's a need for a New World Order.
But it has different characteristics.
In different parts of the world.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
Let's go to a few minutes of this live briefing by Governor Abbott right now.
I'm going to take this Fox News feed for a few minutes.
And Stefan Molyneux is joining us.
Owen Schroer, Michael Zimmerman, Alexander Dugan is also going to be joining us.
Russia is evacuating the East.
Ahead of possible strikes by the US that would include nuclear strikes on North Korea after they continue to fire missiles at Japan.
And Trump says all options are on the table.
So I'll give you a briefing on that.
But let's go to the governor's briefing right now from the command center in Houston.
I guess he's in Austin, Texas.
He was in Houston last night.
Here is the governor.
They've been working with the EPA on a daily basis to address environmental-based issues.
They've deployed rapid needs teams to assess needs that have arisen in certain areas, including water and wastewater assessment teams, especially focused in that regard on the Corpus Christi, Ingleside, and Rockport areas.
A report from the Texas Parks and Wildlife.
They have 5,000 evacuees at state parks in the state of Texas.
Most of those are in shelters, cabins, or mobile homes.
A report from the Department of Public Safety.
There are more than 2,000 Department of Public Safety who are deployed to targeted regions and they will continue those deployments to ensure the safety and security is maintained in those regions.
From the Texas Forest Service, they continue assisting local fire departments in all of the affected regions.
From the Department of Health, they have deployed multiple health care teams.
To give you an example of what they are doing, they have set up two emergency room departments at the George R. Brown Center in Houston, as well as they are setting up a medical shelter at the new evacuation center opened up in Harris County at NRG.
New information about transportation and that is there are transportation buses that are available that will be transporting evacuees from the Southeast Texas region and taking those evacuees.
Ladies and gentlemen, this just broke from the un-American enemy of the country, CNN.
They're saying Houston got hit because of global warming.
We've had record low hurricanes.
Houston's always been hit by hurricanes.
Just the city's so built up now, so the scale of any disaster is going to be bigger.
It is a record storm.
This is the voodoo they push.
Sachs says Texas Governor Greg Abbott needs to resign and that we should apologize for having Houston being an oil town.
While all these liberals fly around in private jets and have carbon footprints, one of
One of Al Gore's houses alone in Tennessee has 35 times the average Tennessean carbon footprint just on electricity alone.
I mean, holy Toledo!
But it's okay.
Pay him a carbon tax.
Jeffrey Sachs.
Who is this guy?
Houston's an oil town.
And he goes on to blame Texans, blame oil, and blame Governor Abbott.
These people seize on anything.
They want to control the energy and shut it off and screw you over because they've got investments in China.
This is unbelievable.
They're saying that if the governor would have not tried to block the carbon taxes, paying Al Gore money, that this wouldn't have happened.
It's like saying the sun won't come back during an eclipse unless you give the witch doctor your child to sacrifice.
Total quack fraud garbage of these people seizing on everything.
So see, this is just the more schooled way
A little bit less kooky, it's still super kooky, than just saying, this is your karma, Texas, you're Republican, so you got hit by a hurricane.
No, it was a big bayou, it was a big shipping lane, it was a big shipping port, and then an industrial port.
Houston, just like Galveston.
Galveston's the oldest city in the United States.
400 and something, 450 years old.
They got New Orleans as the next oldest.
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People say, well, I know these compounds work because it's admitted in science.
These are other, what you sell, they, BuzzFeed said, it's like, it's already best-selling stuff.
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Why these aren't anything new?
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Alright, all the big news, straight ahead.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, Stefan Molyneux has arrived with a shotgun with us for the balance of the hour.
We also have Owen Schroer coming in, who was confronted by the vicious, nasty Trump protesters last night, who screamed and yelled that Ben Carson is mentally deficient and not a black person.
Crazy white people not knowing how racist and just insulting.
It's like stuff the KKK would say a hundred years ago.
That blacks are stupid, and that they're dumb, and that, I mean, it's just, it's crazy.
So that's coming up.
Unbelievable footage is up on Infowars.com.
Stefan Molyneux, The Art of the Argument, is his new book that just came out today.
We've got government fast-tracking mandatory vaccinations as media muzzles debate.
We have Alexander Dugin, a top Putin advisor, joining us because it was just announced last night that Vladimir Putin is directing the evacuation of some of the largest eastern towns and cities in Russia for the first time ever.
Uh, on word that President Trump has basically told them that nuclear weapons are on the table to take out the North Koreans military buildup in the DMZ.
And I don't want any of this to happen, but he just fired a missile over Japan, which is an act of war, not just off the coast, but over it at low altitude.
Here comes a big missile and he's threatening to nuke everyone.
It's another example of the big state government worship, another communist monster threatening the whole planet, as the leftists hope for Hurricane Harvey to destroy Texas.
This is just breaking!
CNN is reporting that New York Times writer Jeffrey Sachs is calling for
Governor Abbott to resign saying Abbott didn't allow carbon taxes to pass and so that it's his fault a hurricane hit Houston.
Houston is one of the oldest cities in the U.S.
It's built on the ship channels out to the Gulf of Mexico and was built so they could have safe harbor, but it's always flooded.
And now the city's one of the largest in the world, six plus million total, ten million metro, and so that's why it flooded.
It's always flooded, but it's a huge flooding because the city's bigger now.
And there's large populations there, but to project onto this that
Well, it's the karma.
We've got professors saying it's the karma of the evil Texans because they supported Trump.
Total religious voodoo by these people.
So it only gets crazier and crazier.
And you gotta ask yourself, why is Antifa cheering this?
Why are there Antifa news articles out criticizing the police arresting 14 looters in
Houston, this is total and complete beyond nihilism, because nihilism is just not caring.
This is just nastiness.
This is the losers of the world that have been living on the backs of limited free market, largesse in the West, and laissez-faire, now just hating anything successful and trying to pull down civilization.
That's what this is, but have we turned a corner?
Because now Nancy Pelosi and others have been forced to come out and say, okay, Antifa, the countless videos of them beating up a prayer vigil in Berkeley over the weekend and spitting on people en masse and groups of women stomping on men that roll over.
I don't know.
While he equally criticized the nationalist, white nationalist, Nerdy Wells, and he was the ultimate devil.
But there's your takeaway.
Nancy Pelosi now agrees with Trump that Antifa is bad.
Is she a white supremacist too?
But why suddenly have the San Francisco police come out and said, they're a gang, they're dangerous, stop them?
Why has the mayor come out and apologized?
Why has Pelosi, who was calling them white supremacists and saying they deserve to be beaten up Sunday, why has she suddenly turned around?
Because even CBS News has them on there going, well, they're Nazis, they deserve to get beat up when they were a prayer group.
Just because you project something onto somebody doesn't mean it's true.
And so now, what happened in the halls?
Of these parasite globalists that they finally got.
It was blowing up in their face.
We're hitting the tipping point.
The fourth turning that Molyneux and so many others talk about.
And it's getting more explosive, more accelerated, more dangerous, more bad news for the globalists.
3% growth rate as the big banks try to tamp down the economy to sabotage the new renaissance.
Stefan Molyneux, am I wrong or have we reached, I believe, the beginning of the true heart of the quickening and the real moment of danger as well?
Well, we've reached to the point where we have to stare into our screens and stare into our cameras and say, look at me!
I'm the media now.
The only reason that Pelosi and others are turning against Antifa is because alternative media has been relentless in pointing out
How violent they are, how destructive their ideology is.
And so originally, of course, a free press was supposed to restrain the growth of government power.
Now you need the alternative media to restrain or try and control the corruption of the mainstream media.
That's been our job, and this is one of the first great victories we've achieved.
See, that's why you're so much better than I am anyways, because you just came out and said, new media, forced it out, has more viewers, showed their frauds, they just lost a major war force-feeding us wannabe vampire meth-head armies as heroes, as Captain America, when if anybody's fascist like Red Skull, it's them, they've got this ass backward and are projecting who they are onto us, and this is a spectacular victory that not just Pelosi, but leftists everywhere,
From CNN to the New York Times, are now quickly jettisoning their anti-Fasoros army.
Well, this is amazing lack of a time lag these days, Alex, in pushing back against false narratives.
Because in the past, you would create a demonic enemy.
You'd say, well, they're the worst human beings possible and therefore we have to restrict their free speech.
And the pace of pushback would be so slow, the laws would already be on the books by the time the blowback occurred and everyone realized they'd been bamboozled.
We're good to go.
Stefan, what's incredible is...
You're not left-wing, you're not right-wing.
I don't speak for it, but I've been watching you for years.
I know that.
You're just common sense.
So am I. And we're almost synced.
And the media keeps asking, how is Trump?
How is Molyneux?
How is Jones?
How is Watson?
How are all these people, like, synced?
Or are we communicating?
And they think we are.
And they're asking, who's directing us?
Common sense is directing us when we have hundreds of videos around the country of mobs of scumbags beating up men, women, and children, screaming Nazi when some of the folks they're beating up are black.
And are women.
It's not that.
We're not directed like them.
We're organic.
And they keep attacking us like they still have air superiority.
They keep operating arrogantly like, hey, MTV Awards, you had 2 million viewers this year.
You had 4 million last year.
We have videos every day with 2, 3 million views.
Most of our videos, 50,000, 100,000.
Tens of millions of views every couple of days.
Don't you understand?
We are destroying you!
Well, I think they do understand that.
You know, there's an old saying that says, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
I would amend that with the new media, Alex, to say, any sufficiently advanced common sense is indistinguishable from collusion.
It looks like we're colluding because we have common sense.
I mean, scientists don't collude, they just all follow the rational scientific method, and that's how, for the most part, they try to adjudicate their disputes.
Mathematicians are not in collusion, they're just following objective and rational rules, and so it looks like magic,
Because we're not ideological but we are rather common sense based.
And it tells you everything you know about them that they don't get that.
They've got to be directed because everything they're doing is nonsensical.
They have, of course, an agenda.
They wish to control people.
They wish to control your thoughts.
They wish to sow irrationality into you to harvest, like an evil demon seed, to harvest from your errors and from your corruption.
They have sown.
They wish to harvest the fruit of government power.
And so, I don't have an agenda other than I care passionately about the truth.
I'm willing to be corrected.
Reason and evidence is the way to go.
Debate, conversation, and research is the way to go.
I don't have an agenda like I want people to do something.
I need them to do something.
I want them to avoid irrationality.
My Ten Commandments center around the thou shalt nots rather than thou shalts, which are much, it's much less restrictive to say to someone don't do something rather than do something specific.
They have an agenda.
They're always being run by that agenda.
And whenever you have a thirst for power, the first thing to go is any honesty, common sense and integrity.
And we're really seeing that now because now we have something to compare the media to.
We have something to compare them to, which is the more honest media, the independent media, the media that answers to the people, rather than the powers that be.
I've got to put together a news report, or you can, or we all should, that simply shows clips of Antifa doing horrible, vicious things, and then shows CNN and MSNBC and at least 20 videos I've seen in the last three weeks.
Endorsing them and saying, when it's time to be violent, when violence is for peace, when violence is good, what is Antifa?
And to watch these operatives, most of them CIA and others, promoting, just like they promoted the Arab Spring, violent, anti-freedom, anti-open society scum, being able to go out and preemptively attack folks after they've been labeled
Nazis and dehumanized.
So here's the $64 trillion question, Stefan.
When is CNN going to say that they don't support Antifa?
When are they going to call them out?
They keep asking Trump to come out and distance himself and repudiate the Nazis, which he's done hundreds and hundreds of times.
Even when he does, they say he hasn't.
So when is CNN that has actually endorsed the Antifa scourge?
When are they going to repudiate a group they've actually endorsed?
Well, I think everybody knows the answer to that, Alex.
They're going to repudiate Antifa when they can reframe Antifa as some right-wing extremist organization.
As long as they're anywhere centered on the left, they're going to have to dodge that.
Because now, there's no such thing as the memory hole.
You know, in 1984, the government controls the technology, the government controls the media, and when anything inconvenient happens or the government is caught in a contradiction or a hypocrisy, they just flush it down the memory hole and away it goes, deep into the rear view, over the curve of the earth.
Now, there's no memory hole, because stuff that people wrote a year ago, five years ago, ten years, can be resurrected, and now you can juxtapose Antifa being violent with people in the media and people in politics supporting them.
And this lack of a memory hole, this immediacy of pointing out hypocrisy, is an incredibly powerful weapon to point out the agenda that's driving these people.
They have no idea for consistency, they have no plan for consistency, they want their drug of power, and they'll tell any lie to get it.
But at least the lies now can be exposed, which means
Everyone can see the addiction for what it is.
Well, that's right.
Gruber said, who helped write the Obamacare scam with the Republicans, to rip people off bipartisanly.
I don't want liberals and others to support it when it's an admitted scam.
He said, thank God you have no attention span.
Thank God the public's so stupid.
In six different videos.
And it's true, folks kind of had a goldfish mentality for a while, at least some people, but now because there is no memory hole, no furnace into which yesterday's news is dumped and then the new reality of history's actors as, you know, Karl Rove, that whole thing is in trouble because Drudge or yourself or others
Go and show.
Here's where they said you could keep your doctor and it was free.
Here now they're saying it doubles your prices.
Or, you know, here they are over here telling you that they know there's WMDs, and here they are telling you they never told you that there were WMDs.
So, they've got that huge problem in that we can just go back and show how they're counting on us having no memory, but we do now because the memory hole has been blown to pieces.
The Iraq War.
Don't you wonder, Alex, if the alternative media had been as strong back then, in 2003, if it had been as strong then as it is now, I genuinely believe America would not have performed that disastrous invasion, that act of brutal imperialism and destruction.
I genuinely believe that Libya may not have been destroyed, the gateways to the migrants of Europe may not have been destroyed.
If social media
Was as strong then as it is now.
Now, because it is as strong now, we may see, we may have seen the last of the horrifying, imperialistic, unjust wars.
We may have seen... Well, they admit, I mean, Britain first led the deal to, along with Senator...
All right.
As a really political arm of domination.
So we now see the imperialization of the Middle East was actually to be used in the final takedown of Europe and the United States.
And now the whole globalist master plan, in their own words, is on fire.
They admit globalism is in cultural retreat.
People are against it, but still they're force-feeding it.
How do you predict this collision is going to look?
It depends how well we can maintain our platform, Alex.
As you know, the whole goal of certain elements within the left, and the globalist elements as well, their particular goal is to get us to shut the hell up.
Now, they can't interrupt our passion, they can't stop our eloquence, they can't stop our research, they can't stop our facts, and they sure as hell can't rebut our arguments.
So what they're doing is they're hoping to unplug the studios.
They're hoping to find ways that we can be de-platformed, which is such a confession of helplessness.
If I'm a boxer and I'm terrified to get into the ring with some guys, because I think I'm going to lose.
So they have no answers.
So they're looking to unplug the cameras.
They're looking to unplug the lights and have us go completely dark.
It really depends on how well we can navigate this particular de-platforming issue, which is the very biggest issue, I think, going on.
You're right.
As usual, 100% on target.
Everything goes dark.
So how do we raise the alarm?
Because they've been slowly titrating and censoring and the listeners would go do something and lawsuits are filed and we beat them back.
But now people are so used to the censorship they're kind of just almost accepting it and it's what?
500% what it was a year ago?
I mean it is exponential.
Well, the real danger here, in my view, Alex, is not even the external censorship.
It's the self-censorship.
There's everyone out there who has these platforms who says, well, you know, demonetization and ghettoization and all the stuff that's being done for objectionable content.
And of course if we have decent schools people would be able to handle even the most corrosive content with intellectual agility and certainty.
My concern in particular is that people internalize the censorship and try and avoid these problems.
And I'm not going to do that.
I don't think you're going to do that because you haven't so far as far as I've ever known you.
So the important thing is don't let them get in your head.
Don't let them shut you down internally.
Don't try and pick a safe and easy route because that's surrendering without a fight.
That's desperately what they want.
These are all supposed to be flares shot into people's faces to get us all to look away from the light and we have to resist that and continue speaking the truth and deal with the consequences that arise.
Well, I'm proud of Paul Watson, yourself, everybody, myself.
First it was 50% demonetization, then 76% for everybody.
It's all an algorithm, they admit it.
Now it's 95%, and now Facebook goes, we're not going to let conservatives or libertarians advertise.
That was announced yesterday, and their Jihad Watch, and all these groups are being kicked off PayPal.
The rebel media has been taken down in Canada.
I mean, it's really ultra-intense, and I agree with you.
They're trying to get the little guy to self-censor.
They're trying to get the big guys to self-censor.
They're trying to get a Joe Rogan scared to have me back on.
That's not happened, but they did, you know, try to delete his stuff or block it or not let it be seen or, you know, basically just, you know, threats.
This is happening to everybody right now, and here's the problem.
We give in to this.
The globalists know they're incredibly unpopular.
They want to bring in real authoritarianism now, because they understand that if they beat us in this phase, we're just going to come back.
So they're going for all the marbles.
You have a perfect storm of old dinosaur media, the corrupt corporations, the big multinationals, the out-of-touch government people, who are now admittedly saying,
We want an Antifa army to beat you up.
We want to kill Trump.
We want to arrest our opposition.
We want to go like brown shirts and beat folks up everywhere and pour coffee on Alex Jones.
They're turning, as you said, desperately to the authoritarianism switch.
And that's what we've got to understand.
We're very close to beating them.
This Antifa admission of them being a criminal gang,
Shows they're distancing themselves now, knowing that intimidation didn't work, knowing we're not backing down.
So what do we do next to really let the troops know we're entering the thick of the critical juncture of this deciding war right now?
I think patience, and I have gained new respect over the years for the idea of having some compassion for your enemy.
One of the things that has struck me, I just had a very long conversation with somebody who had left Antifa, who had left the extremist violent movements, and we talked about the reasons why, how he got into it, and how he got out.
It's a very, very important conversation for people to listen to.
But one of the problems is that in government schools, in most of the media that's aimed at children, you just get one view.
One view.
You never encounter anything different.
Now then you get on social media as an adult and you start looking at alternative media and this new information comes in and it feels alarming.
You're kind of programmed to react against it badly.
I think that we also have to be sensitive to trying to recognize that these people have been programmed.
And deprogramming them is not always a matter of yelling, although I've certainly done my fair share over the years.
No, you're right!
It's a cult then!
It's a cult!
How do you approach it?
Right, well I think that you have to show some compassion for where they've come from and some sense of how their soul, their reasoning, their humanity has been stripped from them by the corrosive sandblasting and propaganda they get all from the media, all from the mainstream media, from schools all the way from kindergarten through to postgraduate and doctorate degrees.
It's a relentless amount of propaganda.
That is hard to stand against and it's hard to step out of.
Because then you feel really disoriented and it's very painful to realize how much you've been lied to over the course of your life and where you actually stand in relation to the truth and virtue.
And so I think we need to be somewhat delicate in this operation and approach these people as in a sense wounded against their permission and against their will and a little bit more treatment and a little bit less aggression.
I'm sort of reminding myself of that every day because I think that Jesus' commandment to love your enemy may in fact have more power here than I've thought in the past.
Well, exactly.
You've got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, when it's the right time.
If they're coming at you with a hatchet or whatever, you've got to, you know, obviously get out of the way or stop them.
But if they're just screaming at you, that's my problem is, I run the gamut when they're screaming, F you Nazi, to running up saying, talk to me, tell me, but they'll never talk.
They'll never articulate.
Literally, almost never, just screaming, Nazi, F you, die, die, die, and...
Then when they're getting violent, and when I finally get a few of them to talk to me, they actually then shake their head and don't know what to do when you say, I'm a human, you've been lied to, what they said I said I didn't say.
Do you understand that the big banks, you know, that control the Republicans too are against Trump?
He's not perfect, but why does the mainstream media hate him?
You know the corporate media is the power structure.
Why are you so committed to this?
Why have you bought into this hype?
A few of them you can actually get through to.
And I think those conversations are essential because people hit because they can't speak.
People scream because they can't reason.
And I think we're all born with the capacity to reason.
I mean, as a father yourself, you know, your kids are very rational.
If you give them the space and capacity to debate and reason with you, they take to it like fish to water.
They have had their capacity to think and reason and use words and debates and language stripped from them by a very, very corrupt educational system and a media system.
We have to try and find a way to restore their humanity, their capacity to reason.
Not to agree with us!
I don't want anyone to agree with me.
I want us to face together the truth and reason it out.
But the globalists want to add in debate.
Stefan Molyneux, come back.
We'll talk about your book, The Art of the Argument, Western Civilization's Last Stand.
Stay with us.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
Well, he was the founder of Vice, syndicated radio and TV host.
Gavin McInnes is with us.
He's got so many shows on so many platforms, I can't even go over it all.
But he's compoundmedia.com.
He's also, I guess, working with The Rebel.
Twitter at Gavin underscore McInnes.
And he joins us now.
But he is a Swiss Army knife of intellectual ideas.
So, let's front and center, my maestro.
Well here's what I, I understand that politicians like Hillary, the DNC, I understand that they want to incentivize single moms and they want to shatter the black family so they can make more Americans dependent on them.
What I'm obsessed with these days is how eager the populace is to assist these people.
How eager they are to jump in bed with these people where they have no real gains.
If you're Roman soldiers taking over a town in Brittany and burning it, you get to rape the women, you get the gold.
They're not even getting anything!
They're screwing their own future, but it's VR.
It's imaginary.
They're jumping next to the Roman soldiers and marching with them, saying, let's raven pillage my town.
And you go, well, that was easy.
I mean, these people were thought policing ourselves.
So the Gestapo, the Secret Service, they don't even have to show up for work to thought police us, because we'll do it.
Like this Google Memo thing.
That he was fired not just by the CEO but by his peers.
Forbes called it an anti-woman screed.
You had Salon saying it confirms your worst fears and they've just taken this this fake narrative that he said women don't belong in the workforce and they've exaggerated it.
I don't think any of the media has even read it and he was also saying
He saw the future and he saw that he was about to get penalized for being male, which is illegal.
And he was saying, hey, company, I want us all to work together.
Women are a huge asset to the workforce.
Sexism is bad.
Equality is good.
However, do we really need to demand every single
Every single aspect, every single floor, every single cubicle of this building is 50% male, 50% female.
Do they really need to all, do the coders, which is a very rare skill, do the coders all have to be 50% female?
Because that's forcing women into a role.
It's slavery.
It's forcing them into the Foxconn factory in China.
That's really what it is.
Let's get George Costanza into the NBA.
Let's get some short, fat Jewish guys playing NBA.
The NBA is black.
The MLB is Hispanic.
I was about to say I was an okay football player, but by the time I was a sophomore and they put me on varsity in a 5A team in Dallas, and huge black guys and white guys were running me over, I said, I quit.
I have broken ribs.
They're like, well, you did some good tackles.
I'm like, dude, I'm done.
And again, it wasn't like I was mad that most of the guys running over me were black.
It was just, that's the way it was.
We've got to align ourselves with the truth.
Not with the stereotypes.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
You know, we have a lot of amazing guests on, and this is one of them that I really should just shut up, but he gets me really excited with what he's saying so true.
We've got to get Stefan Molyneux, who's got his own show, reaches tens of millions a week, on with David once a week, you with once a week, next week when you launch your show, and with mine, because he's just so on target in his history, his research.
I've done a lot of history research, and I even learn a lot of stuff from him, but when he writes the book, The Art of the Argument,
Western civilizations last stand, which I haven't read.
It just came in yesterday.
I mean, it really is true.
Stephen Mullen is one of the best debaters out there, but it's because it's logic and common sense that he's saying you cannot disagree with it.
And I can't think of when he's been wrong.
So, I mean, I think we can really say
We have certain experts that know more about intelligence operations or military operations or this or that, but just in general sense, I think Stefan Molyneux is one of the smartest people, if not the smartest we interview.
We've got to get him more involved in the info war.
That means I can get on the telephone with him and talk about it, but we're launching a larger platform to AM and FM stations.
A lot of big things are happening.
Info wars is exploding because of that vacuum, and the enemy knows that.
They had a bunch of articles just last week going,
Paul Watson, Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux, he was listed.
These are the people that are beating us.
We've got to ban them on YouTube.
And like he said earlier, Owen, what an incredible admission that, oh, they're destroying us.
And they're getting our, quote, followers to follow them.
No one's following us!
We want everybody to be free!
That's what Western civilization is.
It's not a skin color.
It's what took us out of the Dark Ages, into this, was thinking.
Stefan Molyneux is... I don't know what his opinion is on things because he just presents facts.
He just provides a centrist point of view that you can't debate because it's factual.
Whereas someone like me, I'm a very opinionated debater.
You can pretty much make a fair judgment where my opinions lie.
But Stefan does a great job of remaining central.
Cutting right to it.
They're losing because we have independent media.
That's why they're now repudiating Antifa.
Which again, if we don't celebrate this victory, no one will even know it's a victory.
Because as patriots, we're always moving forward to the next issue.
Not celebrating our laurels.
And now Dianne Feinstein is coming out and kind of giving Trump some fair critique, saying that he's doing a good job.
So you're seeing some politicians perhaps having to come around.
Well, they know it's blowing up in their face, which again, we're in a war.
We have to celebrate our victories more.
Stefan, I mean, don't we as just free thinkers, as common sense folks, I don't call us conservative,
Shouldn't we celebrate our victories more?
Is this not a big victory, a turning point that they're having to kind of back off Trump?
Not that Trump's perfect, but as a figurehead.
I think so, and I think there is a great sense across the world, Alex, that we are at the end of a particular era of expanding state control, of expanding state power and state regulations and so on.
And the fact that Donald Trump is in there cutting a lot of regulations and doing a lot to help free the market from its constraints is one of the reasons why job numbers are up enormously, more than a million since he took office, and we've got economic growth that has outstripped anything.
That mostly happened during the Obama era.
So people are actually seeing the facts.
There are people out there who are bold in their predictions, who say, if we get more free market, we can have a soft landing on all this deficit and debt.
We've got to transition people off their dependence on the government.
And we either do that because the government runs out of money, in which case we have god-awful revolutions in the streets, or we find a way to stimulate the free market and draw people, lure people away from dependence on the state to independent, productive lives.
And we know that that's what works.
The other stuff, Venezuela and North Korea, doesn't work.
You always end up with pot-bellied psychos running everything.
Your book, for radio listeners, The Art of the Argument, shows a burned out New York City.
Well, that's what's already happening in Venezuela.
They're three years into starvation.
Almost all the pigeons, flamingos have all been eaten.
All the farm animals have been eaten.
They're in total collapse level.
Talk about your book, The Art of the Argument, Stefan Molyneux, because I can't wait to read it and where folks get it.
Well, of course, Alex, you know how much writers hate to talk about their own books, you know, but I'll find a way.
I'll find a way to try and make it happen.
So in the front of the book as well is The Thinker.
And The Thinker, of course, is part of this sort of destroyed landscape, because this is what happens if we don't think.
We all have to make decisions.
We have to make decisions individually.
We have to make decisions collectively.
And by the way, if people want to go to artoftheargument.com, they can get a nice easy way.
To get there, we've got Kindle at the moment.
I've read the audio book.
It's going through the process and the print book will be out very shortly.
So I appreciate people's patience on that.
The idea, the basic foundational thing is we either speak, we reason, we all submit to something larger than ourselves.
Whether that's God, whether that's philosophy, reason, evidence, science, whatever.
We need something to control every ego.
And thinking is the thought crime.
Thinking is the thought crime.
Because they want to get their minions into a total unthinking system.
Right, and so I'm aiming to give people the skills to have productive debates.
I want to engage with the left.
I want to engage with people who strongly disagree with me.
I want, because we both end up better.
You know, if you and I are debating about the best way to get to Vegas,
Whoever is right gets us both to Vegas.
We both get what we want.
You shouldn't hold on to your position.
You should hold on to the truth.
You should submit your angry will.
You should submit your ego to the truth.
We all benefit thereby.
And we're either going to reason with each other or it's going to come to bike locks and fists and suppression of free speech and violence.
And guess what?
If you look at our crowds versus their crowds, you know who's going to win a physical war.
We don't want to prove ourselves physically defeating a bunch of meth heads.
No, it's tragic.
And we can bring people to the table of conversation, to the table of civilization.
Or, another part of the book is very important, in how to expose sophists.
So there are some people who want the truth, but don't know how to get there.
And this book is aiming to give them the tools to get it.
And there are predators that know this, who are beyond sophists and sycophants, who want total control and want serfdom, so they're sabotaging intellect and critical thinking and common sense, and the rising tide, rising all ships.
How do you deal with those people?
Identify, isolate, ostracize.
They need to be shown for who they are, which is a perilous task.
When you call upon society to recognize the language parasites, those who use words to pave the way for violence, those who use language to pave the way for guns and blood, they need to be identified, they need to be shown.
Why do they tend to recruit dumber and dumber people?
Because I know there's a conspiracy of power, people collude, but it is true.
A lot of it is just ineptitude, arrogance and greed.
Those people get together and then they become more and more decadent.
They hand power on to their subordinates and then it just gets more and more accelerated like Rome.
Pelosi and Waters, I mean, they don't even know what planet they're on, but they're arrogantly calling for war and attacks and violence.
I mean, it's just ridiculous that I've read about that in literature, and I used to think, oh, that's exaggerated.
But the longer I live, I realize, no, literature is just images of real things people saw in their times.
Well, of course, less intelligent people are very susceptible to emotional manipulation.
And now, I also want to say people who are less skilled in the art of intellectual self-defense, the art of the argument.
And you can quite easily fill those people with venomous, bottomless, I dare say, satanic hatred.
And then when they're filled with all that hatred, you simply point at an enemy and those shock troops, and this has happened from the French Revolution onwards, it's happened in Weimar, it's happening in Venezuela, you get less intelligent people who have fewer intellectual skills, you fill them full of hatred, you pour all of your venom into them, and then you unleash them on your enemies and that silences people who might otherwise disprove your arguments.
And then you divide that group again and play them off against each other over and over again, that's a real
British Empire, Roman Empire, formulaic.
I go down here to cover Trump.
It's getting worse.
It's getting worse.
You go out there and for two hours running the camera live, it's every minute is the most frothing, crazy, sad, but also ridiculous behavior.
I don't even say one word to these people before they start chanting they hate me.
They act like Looney Tunes characters.
They chant death to America.
And that's why I think the subtitle of your book is so imperative, Western Civilizations Last Stand.
It's almost a cryptic message, because these people have no arguments.
And that's the entire point.
All they have is hatred.
So in that logic, they've already fallen.
Well, I don't want to put words of stuff on his mouth.
Do you agree they're getting worse, those that aren't coming out of it?
That the cult programming, the ghost dance is getting more intense?
Because it seems to be getting more intense to me.
Oh, without a doubt.
And without a doubt, I guarantee you, I guarantee everyone out there, this escalates until we push back.
This is going to continue to escalate until it's Cambodia, until it's Pol Pot, until it's some sort of horrifying Cuban-style or North Korean-style dictatorship.
There is no end to the thirst for power over other human beings.
There is no point at which you say, OK, that's it.
I've got enough power.
What's wrong with me?
I can't stand power over people.
What's wrong with us then?
I can't stand power over people.
Everybody knows, I want everybody to be empowered, doing their own deal.
What's wrong with us, Stefan, that we don't want to run people's lives?
Well, see, here's the thing.
You have a dangerous disease, Alex, called empathy.
And what you do is you say, well, you know, I don't like to have a gun put to my head and be told what to do or else.
So I'm pretty sure other people don't want that either.
And if you have that basic empathy, then it's really, really hard to control others.
Empathy is one of the great natural resources of the world, but it's entirely underestimated.
And if you have it, you don't seek power over others because you know how it feels to be bullied or to be controlled, or you can imagine it and you recoil from it.
Instead, I want people just to commune and all of us together and their attributes with my attributes.
We have a great party.
But if you look at the response that even some of the quote-unquote left is having to their own, I think that the hate and the vitriol is starting to scare away some of their own.
Oh, that's a good point.
Everywhere we go, from Dallas to Austin to LA, they start fighting with each other now and will just randomly beat up their own people now, Stefan.
Well, people are really identifying where things have gotten.
You know, there's a lot of preparation.
It takes decades of preparation to produce this kind of concentrated hatred with little conscience, with sadistic qualities, with aggressive qualities, and a complete willingness to use violence in the pursuit of a very ill-defined intellectual end.
And so I think people are looking at this as the tip of the spear and saying, OK, how much is back there?
How much is wrong in our culture?
How much is wrong in our media and particularly how much is wrong in academia?
That's so many people are coming out of this.
We generally think, oh, well, you know, people are violent.
Well, I guess they must be uneducated and so on.
These are people in colleges.
These are people who've gone through a lot of education and I think this is really pulling up a pretty horrifying situation.
People are turning the lights on saying, wait a minute, if this is happening now, what are the steps that led up to it and how can we stop these dominoes from falling and landing on them?
A lot of historians and sociologists are concerned that when you have a crazy leftist, kind of Bolshevik, globalist funded thing like this in other areas, you tend to get a fascist backlash, which turns out to be something basically as bad.
When the people that do produce decide, okay, we're going to clean this up, that tends to get co-opted as well.
So how do you balance that when you're fighting for your life?
When they're so radical, you stare into the abyss, you become the abyss, like Nietzsche said.
How do we not become something like them?
Well, of course, if you've got some crazy guy running at you with a bike lock swinging, philosophy isn't really going to help you much.
There's no words that are going to be some sort of security guard around you.
And of course, our whole goal is to avoid that kind of stuff, Alex, of course.
And the way that we do it, we have the option now to not have
We're good.
To have people push back, not with weapons, but with words.
And so my goal, again, the whole point of the book, TheArtOfTheArgument.com, is to give people the skills, the ability, the language in a tightly reasoned and entertaining package, so that we don't have to escalate to another blowback situation, to a Weimar-style aggression from the right.
I'm going to make sure your book gets hand-delivered to Trump.
Well, I would appreciate that.
I'm not bragging about my contacts.
We don't talk about them.
We don't know how we're getting it.
It's not just Roger Stone.
But I've got ways, and I'm going to get your book to the President.
I mean, he's already clearly aware of what's going on.
This is the type of book he'd really read.
And I guess your title is a little bit of an ode to art of the deal.
No, no, that's a complete coincidence.
I will maintain that now.
Yes, of course, that had something to do with it.
And if we don't give people language, they're going to start picking up swords in response.
You know, there's only so much that people can stand being physically aggressed against and beaten down before that.
I love it.
He always finishes my question before I ask it.
I don't want violence, but if somebody hurts my family, if they keep pushing, once the switch, I mean when they're on TV saying, with the former CIA director saying we're going to kill the president once we plunge the economy for the next two months, he's trying to hurt the economy, he's trying to hurt my family, he wants to kill my president.
I know as a figurehead, he means he wants to get me, and it starts turning areas on my brain.
Stefan, I don't like, you know, getting very cold, very militaristic.
You know, that's in all our family histories, but I'm not just good at business and life and everything else.
I start turning on the switches to be the killer.
And I'm not saying I'm going to start killing people, but don't they understand what they're opening up here?
Well, I don't think they do, Alex, because it's been a long time since I guess Europeans, and I've said this for years, Europeans, very nice, very, very nice people give you the shirt off their back.
Until they're not.
And then they're really, really not.
And I think of this in, you know, Britain, England versus Germany versus Hitler in the 1930s.
It was like, appease, appease, appease.
Let's try and find the nice way out.
Let's try and be reasonable.
Let's try and negotiate.
And then at some point it's like, OK, I guess we're just going to have to bomb Germany back to the Stone Age.
Because Europeans, very, very nice.
Until they're not.
And then they're really, really not.
And I really want to avoid that, if at all humanly possible.
And I think we can avoid it now.
And that brings us to North Korea.
I mean, the Clintons gave them the missiles.
I don't want to demonize the Clintons.
It's always them, the missiles, the reactors.
And now he's firing it over Japan, a low-trick, they can see the missile going over and crashing and threatening to nuke everybody.
And you see Putin evacuating Eastern Russia.
They've never done that.
And the word is, they've told, Russia's reportedly going to stand down if Trump hits North Korea.
Which is good.
Well, it is an astonishing and terrifying situation, of course.
And it feels like this loop, you know, back when you and I were, I guess, younger.
I'd like to say young, but younger.
When we were younger, there was this loop of like, well, Russia's going to bomb you.
There's all this nuclear stuff going on.
And it seems like we keep pulling back from that.
And then, you know, there's always a new jerk in the universe who's going to make things more difficult.
But Russia was never firing missiles and doing stuff like this.
And we're the ones, our elites are the ones that actually, Russia didn't give North Korea the stuff.
No, that's right.
I mean, I don't have a lot to say about what should happen geopolitically.
I don't have access to the military information that other people do, but I will say this.
North Korea
Was a communist country and now it's morphed into the usual nightmare freak show of totalitarianism and concentration camps that this does.
What we can do of course is look at this as we can look at Venezuela where people are breaking into zoos to eat the animals.
We can look at that and say this is the end result of collectivism.
This is the end result of central planning.
This is the end result of expansions of government power in particular over the economy.
They come for your stuff and then they come for you.
And so I want us to look at North Korea and say what a horrifying situation.
We're still early days in the West.
It's getting later as we move forward.
We need to find and dig out this ideology, argue against it, and discredit it.
Once and for all, we need to discredit this collectivism before we're all gone from the planet.
I was about to say, how do you do that?
It's like discrediting cancer.
Do I need to?
I mean, I remember just five years ago, whenever Sean Pym was still worshipping
The Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez is saying America should be like this.
It was already a hellhole.
They'd eaten all the zoo animals two years ago.
I mean, it's way beyond all that now.
We're going to come back from break and talk about all this and get Owen's take on it.
How do you discredit Cuba?
How do you discredit North Korea?
How do you discredit the Soviet Union?
Again, it's like discrediting gonorrhea.
You know, you really don't want gonorrhea.
You really don't want brain cancer.
You know, you really don't want to stick your hand in a garbage disposal.
But we have to do it because every idiot walks over and says, I wish we had free health care like England.
I'm like, people with money in England come over here because they got to wait for it.
I mean, you people are idiots!
Communism is a damn nightmare!
You're a f***ing anti-American!
I'm an anti-American?
You stupid bastard!
I'm a f***ing patriot!
Now you know you're winning the information war when the other side has no response but to resort to censorship.
Drain the swamp?
We're gonna have to drain the privilege out of Washington first because that's what the swamp feeds on, their privilege.
I can't stand for people to exercise their First and Second Amendments together.
You found it.
It's the real news.
That's what you have to look forward to.
He's not sorry when snowflakes can't handle the truth.
It's your host, David Knight.
Start your mornings every Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.
Central, 9 a.m.
Real News with David Knight.
You can find us on infowars.com forward slash show.
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It's mind control.
Mind control.
Corruption of your thoughts, yeah.
Destruction of your soul.
Owen Troyer is our guest, riding shotgun with Stefan Molyneux, the art of the argument, Western Civilization, Last Stand.
The new book is available.
You know, it's available on Amazon.
More and more, I'm trying to order stuff directly from people on their own shopping carts, their own sites.
Amazon is funding anti-gun, globalism.
They own the Washington Post.
They're trying to destroy the country.
But I don't care where you get it, because, you know, it's like using a smartphone to shoot a video.
Yeah, it's a device that spies on you, made by slaves in China.
We admit that.
We're not hypocrites, but we're using it for good.
But I guess, karmically, we admit that there is some bad in it.
But wherever you get the book, get the book.
Where's the best place to get the book, Stefan Molyneux, where we don't get it from Amazon?
The Art of the Argument.
Well, artoftheargument.com is the gateway to the book, and we're trying to get it to as many places, of course, as possible.
And by the way, let me say, I want to buy 5, 10,000 of them.
I want to really, I haven't even read the book, I know it's going to be excellent, everything you do is excellent.
I want to sell this book at Infowars store.
Well, that's very kind.
Thank you.
And I just wanted to ask your listeners for a favor, of course, if you buy the book.
And I think you should.
I think it's a great book.
Like, I poured everything I've got in 35 years of debating and philosophy and everything.
I poured everything into this book to try and give people the tools they need to win these debates.
If your listeners can go and buy the book, you know, even if you don't have time right now, you can buy it.
You can read it later.
Buy it now.
Because, of course, if you buy the book, it gets pushed up on the bestseller list.
It gets visible to more and more people.
It causes a chain reaction, so everybody should buy the book, read it, because I've already been reading it, I can't wait to read it, and then also donate it after you read it to the library so hundreds more will read it.
These are all aggressive information warfare tactics that are peaceful that we use, and every little bit is like drops, drops of rain, and we're about to break the dam.
We're so close.
And I think one of the things as well is it will help you be more skeptical of the education you received.
Because once people read this book and they understand how easy it is to make a really great argument, how compelling it is to make a really great argument, and how powerful it is, then what you'll do is look back and say, OK, I read this book in a couple hours, I'm now armed to the teeth intellectually.
What was going on during the dozen years that I was in government schools?
You know, it really, I think, will give you a sense of how much was taken away from you, how much of your humanity and your birthright and your capacity to reason that is the only thing that makes us human, how much was stripped from you that might make you angry.
I don't mind that.
I hope it'll make you effective.
Well, we're in an information war, and we've all got to have these tools, and I think I know how to debate, but it's all about logic.
I'm going to read the book this weekend.
I'll carve out four or five hours, stay up late, maybe pour a scotch or something, and I'm going to read the whole thing.
Stefan, do five more minutes with us after the break.
It's a one-minute break.
I want to ask you, what happens if they kill...
Trump, which they're really laying the groundwork for very ominous statements, but briefly supporting our transmission.
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Don't have it yet.
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The only problem is I get a little too excited and go too fast because it's the animating contest that Liberty Jefferson talked about.
Back in 70 seconds to finish up with Molyneux.
More with Owen Schroer and Alexander Dugin, top advisor to Putin, about the evacuation happening in Russia and the situation with North Korea.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Look, I know the supernatural is something that isn't supposed to happen, but it does happen.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, the new book, The Art of the Argument, Stefan Molyneux, amazing.
We had a huge victory, we just joined us.
Pelosi, the Democrats are having to, they're very anti-fascist, saying they're a gang, they're horrible, they're evil.
Because the images of them spitting on people, beating up women, children, is blowing up in their face.
So, some sanity is being shown by the captains of the
Democratic Party, which is a good thing.
Their arrogance, their spoiling for war seems to be dented a little bit, but still they have creepy guys like Phil Mudd of the CIA, former deputy director, saying, oh, we're going to kill the president the next two months.
We're going to plunge the economy.
We're going to screw everything up, cause riots, and then kill him.
Now, maybe behind the scenes, the decision has been made not to kill him or to back off for now.
Maybe it's because the president's starting to go their way a little bit on Afghanistan.
I don't know.
Stefan Molyneux, what do you think's really going on here?
Well, they're trying to see everything that they can get away with.
And, you know, Trump is something that really came out of, I guess, right fields, you could say.
An unbought president with, in a sense, nothing to lose.
And this is not the next step on anyone's career ladder if you've got a successful TV show and a beautiful wife and a great family and a good business.
So he really was a surprise.
And they, I think, are very shocked.
At the groundswell of support.
They've lost control of the narrative.
Trump is the social media president.
It was people who broke down the media lies about him and communicated directly to the people who got him into the White House.
So they're facing both Trump and social media.
They can de-platform social media, but that's limited as well because of the Sprysand effect.
You know, if they ghettoize some video, there are already lists on Twitter and other places of videos that have been ghettoized by YouTube.
So they're just getting more and more views.
So everything they're doing is blowing back on them.
And so I think they're trying to do everything they can to get away with it, but they don't have enough power to go full totalitarian as yet because of the social media and because of people's growing awareness of things.
So I think they're going to have to hold back on anything too drastic.
And this, of course, is the time where we need to strike hard with as much reason and evidence as possible and show no mercy to the false narratives.
And with them admitting they want to ban us, that automatically makes us the avant-garde counterculture.
Which we already were.
We're fighting the power structure.
We're bringing back the renaissance that is still the most advanced.
Human System, the real progress they're trying to suppress, when we're really the progressives and they aren't.
One of the crew members, Matt, brought up a quick question, a final comment from you on this.
Antifa, the left, they want to say words are hateful, like mother, father, because they know we're winning with words, so they want to claim the non-violent path of debate is violence, and now they're banning conservatives even speaking
At Berkeley, because Antifa attacks.
So, so, you know, they're moving forward with claiming violence is good, but words are bad.
Well, they don't want us to have solidarity.
You know, there's collectivism, which is imposed by the state, which is a disaster.
But then there's solidarity.
You know, every time I come on the show, I just looked it up.
2010, Alex, was the first time we did a show together, seven years ago.
And every time we do a show together, people are like, oh, you guys shouldn't be talking.
It's all the people from the left, of course we should be talking.
We need allies.
We need to stand together in this.
So they want to divide us.
Don't have a family.
Don't have any connection.
Don't have friends.
Stand alone because they know they can knock us down.
They know they can knock us down if we stand alone.
If we stand together...
We are virtually invulnerable, but if we stand alone, you know, it's the old thing.
We either hang together or we hang separately, and they want to separate us and ready the nooses.
And that's in the Facebook documents where they said, our average person's a liberal alone, we want to keep them more alone, so they only interface with our virtual reality bots.
This is the beginning of the Matrix.
And we are blowing it wide out of the water.
And this is what I love about the title of your show.
Info Wars.
That is an apt and perfect description of where we are.
And it is us who wield words who stand between the population and guns.
It is the words that are going to defuse the guns or nothing else.
CNN is calling for Trump's death.
But telling him to stop using Twitter and shilling outrage over and over again, like we're going to Pavlovidly clap our hands like seals and say, yes, you're right.
No, good job using the Twitter.
Get the book, folks, The Art of the Argument, Stefan Molyneux.
Stefan, thank you so much.
Can't wait to read your book and can't wait to get you back up.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, Alec.
We'll be back.
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Alright, all the big news straight ahead.
You're a f***ing anti-American!
I'm an anti-American?
You stupid bastard!
I'm a f***ing patriot!
Now you know you're winning the information war when the other side has no response but to resort to censorship.
Drain the swamp?
We're gonna have to drain the privilege out of Washington first because that's what the swamp feeds on, their privilege.
I can't stand for people to exercise their First and Second Amendments together.
You found it.
It's the real news.
That's what you have to look forward to.
He's not sorry when snowflakes can't handle the truth.
It's your host, David Knight.
Start your mornings every Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.
Central, 9 a.m.
Real News with David Knight.
You can find us on Infowars.com forward slash show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, he's the best-selling author and a leader of one of the newest but also largest Russian political parties last 30 years, Alexander Gugin, geopolitical.ru4pt.su.
And I appreciate him coming on on short notice because I've got Western newspapers here reporting.
That Trump is saying all options are on the table, and also that Russia has ordered mass evacuation over North Korea missile launch.
I wanted to see from Russia how accurate that is and what he thinks that means, because I understand the globalists gave North Korea the nuclear weapons, they gave them the fissile material and the missiles.
I'm not being an apologist for Russia.
So many times in our news they blame Russia for North Korea because Russia has economic activity with them.
You'd think you'd want that to get the country out of the situation it's in.
But I see this, if accurate, as a sign that the U.S.
has been talking to Putin, that Trump has, and letting him know there's a good chance if he does fire missiles at Guam or hits Japan, which could happen even in an accident, after they fired this missile a few days ago right over Japan, that this could trigger
A military response.
Have a strike and then not have him destroy Seoul or Tokyo.
So we'll get Alexander Dugin's take on this, but also get his take on the Afghanistan situation.
You've got
Gorka being kicked out, you've got Bannon leaving, and them saying, look, Trump's going to become more globalist now, and suddenly we start to see that, but the left's still frothing, saying kill him, kill him, and trying to drive down the economy to stop him.
It is just a mess.
So I want to get the Russian perspective from one of Putin's advisors, Alexander Dugin, for joining us.
Thank you so much for coming on on short notice.
Thank you Alex and all American audience.
So first of all concerning North Korea.
I don't think that North Korea represents a real danger.
That is a very unpredictable country with an unpredictable leader.
But there are worse things
I am absolutely sure that North Korea is lesser evil than the globalist tendency.
They are regional.
So if they will be not too much aggressed or blamed, maybe all their play with nuclear power is this time to the inner consumption.
That is the sign of power that is directed to its own population, the North Korean population.
You're saying they want it for internal power and they're wanting it so they don't get messed with once they become a nuclear power.
And I agree with you that the globalists are the big threat.
They're the ones that arm North Korea.
Geopolitically, how have the globalists been using North Korea since 1953?
How is it being used as this trigger?
So, I think the problem is that we should find a way to minimize the dangers and the threats from North Korea.
And Russia has nothing to do with this regime because we are living more than 25 years outside of communist ideology.
So we have nothing to do with Kim Jong-un personally.
I know, and Putin has been criticizing him, and our media has been trying to lie about that.
So, is this accurate?
I know it's in the Russian news and the U.S.
news that Putin ordered mass evacuation from areas of the East.
Is that accurate?
No, because we don't believe.
No, it is exaggeration.
We know, we are aware about some danger and threats from North Korea, but not up to the point to evacuate the population.
So it's more of a travel advisory?
Yes, yes, it is more than that.
I think we see that America and Trump, under influence of globalists, they have given to North Korea before nuclear power,
And Putin's crime is actually crushing the jihadis and Trump has joined him in that.
That's why the globalists are so upset.
Yeah, absolutely.
And for example, after North Korea with its unpredictable leader being armed with nuclear power, after that, the same people who have done that,
They keep blaming that and trying to invade, to create a new conflict, because the conflicts, the possible conflicts with involvement of United States and the military operation against North Korea will blow the region.
That's right, and China was on the side.
China was on the side, obviously, with millions of troops coming across the Yalu River until the commander of U.S.
forces, MacArthur, wanted to drop atomic bombs on him, and then Harry Truman pulled him.
So what is the Russian nationalist view?
What is your view?
And if you know, what is Putin's view overall with China?
So, I think that China is going to defend its own regional interest.
That regional interest, they are growing and becoming, step by step, more than regional.
So, I think that represents a kind of challenge to all of us.
But we should not blame the Chinese as such.
We shouldn't demonize anybody.
We need to try to understand rationality that is behind the decisions or the strategy of the other.
We need to understand other.
So we should be out of this understanding of black and white world because there is the real
By the way, Trump calls it
A moral realism.
So, realism, I agree.
Morality is used so, so many times, was used as pretext to completely unjust and aggressive... Sure, so what does Trump mean by moral, moral realism?
I think he's saying the moral thing to do is to be a realist.
That's better.
But realism is based on the rational calculation of interests, of possibilities, of balance of power.
And I think, from strictly rational point of view, rationalist and realist point of view,
United States has no interest to start the war with North Korea now.
It will cause much more negative consequences than positive.
For example, after starting this war, if it will happen,
Trump immediately will be criticized by the same person they push now him to do that.
And that is clear because they use any pretext.
They have no morality.
So, globalists... Globalists are... Let's define globalists.
They are truly psychopaths, sociopaths.
They revel in the fact that they're completely amoral.
And they always use double standard.
Now they are criticizing Trump because he is not willing to aggress North Korea.
But tomorrow, when it will start, they will be blamed for the quite opposite.
So they have no morality at all.
And morality serves for them as a pretext to do anything they want.
What you're saying is they use morals on us because they know we have morals.
We have to understand that they're manipulating us.
Yes, and morality should be moral.
Rationality should be rational.
Realism should be realist.
We shouldn't mix all that.
We have our conservative vision of things that is based on the moral, on the fundaments of the origins of our identity.
We're based on, we all share, whether we're in Russia or the United States or Mexico, wherever we are, a common sense worldview that everyone already innately knows.
We have the same moral grounds.
It is based on Christian origin of our civilization, of our history.
We have the moral.
After that, we need to apply this morality rationally.
Why do globalists hate Russia so much and why do they hate Christians so much?
I think that there is only one reason.
Because they really hate Russians.
Because Russians are more Christian than other Western peoples.
Because we have conserved, instead of all repressions of Bolsheviks, materialists, atheists,
Revolution, we have conserved our faith inside of us and precisely we are hated so much because we are still believing in Christ.
We are still Christians and they hate Christianity precisely because they hate Christ.
And there is only one entity
Let's talk about the Antichrist world system with Alexander Dugan straight ahead.
Jump in any time you want, Owen.
This is important information.
Michael Malice is our guest.
He has traveled to North Korea repeatedly.
He's written a best-selling book.
Fiction couldn't make up a hit-the-clown creature like Kim Jong-un.
He's running around like a hobbled tyrannosaurus feeding on humanity.
I hate Kim Jong-un, but the poor people, it's like, what do we do?
You've been there.
I mean, these people are literally on another planet.
What do we do?
I mean, there is no easy answer.
The only thing we can do is put pressure on China, and China has started to buckle, which is a very good sign.
It's easy for North Korea when it's us versus them, when it's the U.S.
imperialists, as they call us, versus them.
But now when you have the international community uniting, including their big brother China, that's a very different dynamic.
And it's a better dynamic, because why is this our problem entirely?
And you're an expert on this.
Let's talk about the North Korean-China relationship.
Why has China been going along with this for 50 years?
China doesn't want a U.S.
ally on their border.
China doesn't want 25 million North Korean refugees crossing the river and living in China where they have nothing to offer.
And China basically doesn't... No one wants a collapsed state on their border that they have to basically deal with the problem.
I mean, are we closer to midnight than ever?
Because most experts I talk to say if there's nuclear war, it's going to start in North Korea, not the Middle East.
Not in Ukraine, not on the border of Russia.
I mean, what do you think of the experts you talk to?
Because, I mean, you're all over the place talking to top experts.
I mean, how serious is this?
I got four children.
I want to know.
I think it's good.
Your kids are fine.
Your kids are safe.
North Korea, in their literature, constantly talk about the fact, we know we can't win.
They say this explicitly.
So they're not... Listen, everyone talks about how he's crazy and suicidal.
He's satanic, like you said.
If he's suicidal, they've been around for 70 years.
That's taken a long time to kill yourself, huh?
Alex, you touched on it earlier.
They have something called the monolithic ideological system.
We're good to go.
And that without the leader, basically, no one would exist.
So, it's a very dark quasi-religion that they push on the people.
And again, when you're this demigod at the head of a country, and you're effectively a billionaire, what would it take for you to, you know, quit your job?
It's going to take a lot.
And it's going to take a combination of threats and rewards.
And Kim Jong-un doesn't want to go the way of Gaddafi or Saddam Hussein.
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His best-selling books have been translated into scores of languages.
The fourth political theory.
Alexander Dugin is our guest.
I want to get him back up for a full hour.
I appreciate him coming on on short notice to talk about North Korea and the situation there.
But getting into why the globalists hate Christians and particularly hate Russia.
Because I've been threatened by globalists in off-the-record conversations and they said,
Basically come out against Russia and leave Muslims alone and just accept them and do whatever they say.
And I'm not against Muslims in general, but the super orthodox radical Wahhabis that want to kill Christians to take over that aren't compatible.
I'm like, no, I'm not doing it.
But these people have sold out to it and the word has gone out.
And Russia is not importing all these people.
And again, I'm not against migrants coming in, because we're not having babies, we're killing our kids.
But bring them in from, like I said, Brazil or something.
Don't bring them in from places where women are slaves and all this is happening.
So, Alexander, you were really intriguing.
You were getting into this anti-Christ system, this anti-Christ force.
What is it?
Define it.
Why is Hollywood?
Because I've talked to high-level Hollywood folks.
They go, listen.
Hollywood used to love Russia because it was run by communists, killing Christians.
Now, they want to destroy it.
It's number one enemy.
Why do they hate flyover country, American Christians, black or white?
Why do they hate Russians so much?
So, my idea, there is a kind of geopolitical reason as well.
Because the Atlanticists have some special attitude in geopolitics.
Regards from the Mackinder, British Mackinder and Admiral Machen, American.
They considered Russia a kind of global enemy as representative of civilization, the so-called land power that will be always against
And Trump pragmatically says we should be allies with Russia, resources, culture, history, science, and they hate that because they want to continue the nonsensical war.
So, Trump is not an Atlanticist.
He is an American patriot.
Maybe now he's a little bit hijacked by Deep State or by globalists.
It is clear.
I am very sorry about all about going out from the White House of Steven Bannon and the changes, very negative changes in Trump.
And he said two weeks ago, he said it's dangerous and it's stupid when they force him to sign more sanctions.
So he pragmatically understands that...
Yes, yes, yes.
He is not pro-Russian.
He is not anti-Russian.
He is certainly pro-American.
And he is trying to create, to base, to found his politics on rational calculation.
And Russia is not
And that's why they hate Flynn, because Flynn geopolitically said we need to team up with Russia and Japan, South Korea, the UK, the EU is going to fall, it's ideologically evil, it's pro-Islam, radical Islam.
He said we need to ally right now with non-radical Islam, Russia, Japan, the UK, bring down the EU, have a new economic golden age, wipe out radical Islam, stabilize the Middle East, and the globalists don't want that, they're horrified.
Yes, yes, exactly.
And there is a kind of important contradiction between political realism and international relation and globalism.
Because globalism is working instead of
We're good to go.
Today's task bites away.
First of all, they create the sociological ethnic chaos in the Western world because they bring with themselves the other identity.
Their identity destroys the identity of the Western European or American population.
So they are used as the weapon of mass destruction.
But at the same time... Hold on, this is Stu Powell from Alexander Dugan.
Stay there.
The Fourth Political Theory is the book.
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When we come back, Dan, I want you to finish up on the globalist WMD culture wars, which they had met in their Wiggy Leagues, and to get back into this Antichrist force.
You're a smart guy.
I want to hear your definition of that.
And then talk about the 100th year anniversary this October of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
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How did he get in here?
He's supposed to be with a few people outside.
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Where are they?
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Roger Stone's on a well-deserved week-and-a-half vacation, so the fourth hour is hosted by Owen Troyer!
And they've got all the footage.
There's hours of, we'll play the highlights, of insane brainwash Antifa and our own Michael Zimmerman just got back from three, four days down in Houston with some of our other crew that just happened to be military veterans.
And they've saved a whole bunch of people.
They intended to go down there and cover things, but then...
I don't know.
I define Antichrist's spirit as this, anti-human, anti-tradition, anti-God, anti-justice.
It wants to be God and it doesn't want to end our free will.
It tricks us in a Faustian bargain to give up our, not our free will, but to give our will over to them.
They want to have us give our will to them.
They don't like Russia because Russia has a strong will.
And they don't like the United States because we have a strong will, because we're kind of in between this whole thing, and got a halfway broke off from the whole, you know, globalist system.
And so right now, they want us fighting with each other.
Clearly so.
So, Alexander, please define for us.
You guys jump at any time you want.
You're about to host the next hour and 20 minutes, though.
Because you got into, right before last, this satanic force.
Even if you don't believe in it in a spiritual way, the globalists manifest it.
They have an operating system.
They have a code.
It's a lie.
It's deceive.
It's have no morals.
Double back.
Never be anything.
Be beyond Machiavellian.
Engage in injustice.
Be totally selfish.
Only care about yourself.
And then it creates collapse.
And then it moves on to the next thing that it destroys.
And so beyond pragmatism, I see it as cancer.
That's why I'm against it.
I want to build up every country, every nation, and then have every area be so wealthy and so successful, which we can do now, that we all just share in this community of minds what we think is the best, and then that produces, you know, the next level of humanity.
Instead, the globalists want to steal all the technology, suppress everybody, and then they believe they're going to basically break away from humanity
With the brainchild that humanity actually created, which is the ultimate selfishness of Satanism.
So, define that for us, and then the 100 year anniversary of the bullshit revolution, financed by the Bank of England, financed by the Federal Reserve, on record, 100,000 Americans go over there, overthrow the government.
Begin the mass slaughter.
We're not defending the czars or anything historically, but you're a real recognized historian in Russia.
Let's tackle those two things because we're at the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution and the Nazi collaborator Soros, sworn to overthrow Russia, sworn to turn the world over to radical Islam.
He is swearing to overthrow America this year.
So now I see with images of Antifa and left liberals in America very, very close to Russian memory images and the situation
So, something, what is going on now in the United States reminds me very clearly of the Russian situation, and not only the beginning of the revolution, but as well the Kurds of the 30s, of the year 30s, when they accused the people without any
I think?
They say they want to
They say they want to shut us up, put us in prison, and kill us.
They say they're following a Bolshevik-slash-Maoist takeover.
The only thing new is they like Mao's takeover better than the Bolshevik takeover.
So, now, if you consider liberalism, he became totalitarian.
He was a kind of ideology of liberty.
But today, he has changed in totalitarian ideology that proposed to us not to be liberated, but to be liberal.
And we have no choice.
We are obliged to be liberal.
Because if we are not liberal, they will call us Nazis, they will call us reactionary fascists.
And that is enough to kill us, to marginalize us, to aggress us, because we are not
And let's talk about how they did it.
They only had Moscow for the first year, right?
Intimidated the military to turn their guns in, then the local cities.
They didn't start the Red Terror for four or five years, and now they're trying the same thing with Loretta Lynch.
She said they're gonna have strong cities, and have cities that agree to go under Justice Department control, and literally they then install local communist leaders.
We sent teams in that spied on them.
I mean, they literally believe they're executing the second Bolshevik Revolution, and here we are talking to a Russian historian, very respective.
He says, yes, this is happening.
But again, it's not Russians doing it.
The globalists infected them with this to stall Russia from the Renaissance, just as they've been stalling us now.
Alexander, please continue.
This is a very important difference between Russian situation and American.
We had not a second amendment.
So we, in the history, conservative, Russian conservatives, who were against Bolshevists, we have put all our faith in Tsar, in our leader.
So everybody, Russian supported Tsar.
But Tsar was killed, and we had no weapon, no guns, no law that would secure our freedom, and we had no Second Amendment.
The only thing that we could do is to pray to Tsar.
And you are now in the same situation if you will follow only your leader,
Mr. Trump or any other persons.
So you could be in the same situation, in the same trap.
You should rely on yourself, not on Russia, not on allies.
We are allies of American people.
But we're totally synced, we're totally synced.
You're surrounded, we're surrounded.
But we've got God inside us and we're not going to be able to stop as we follow God's common sense and light.
That's why I was going to interrupt you and say...
Trust in ourselves, not in Trump.
Trust in God that's inside of us because there you like just some farmers for you know wolves and stuff had limited guns but mainly only the military did and so the Bolsheviks only had to trick the military to turn the guns in then they killed what tens of thousands of the officers.
Here they've got to get us tricked into turning them in which is why they want financial collapse to have a starving to then turn in the guns which is the admitted plan.
What you're saying is so critical.
Soros is planning this folks.
They are planning it ever
Continually, we must stop it.
Mr. Duggan, powerful.
Final comments on that.
And then final comments, again, you got into the whole Antichrist system.
And then you're not wanting to get back into that.
Let's talk about what is Antichrist to you?
What is globalism?
So, the Antichrist is not only a theological figure, it is as well a political figure, because the evil, in order to come into the matter and the reality, they need to have a kind of tool, a kind of ideology, wrong ideas, wrong cultural patterns, or wrong organization.
It's a virus, it's confusion.
Yes, exactly.
So the most important thing is to stay with our roots, with our tradition, with our Christian faith, with our spiritual path.
This is why they hate the Russians.
Yes, because that is the only way to save our dignity and our freedom.
Yes, so we need to rely on ourselves.
You have the Second Amendment, I think that gun in the hand of the moral person, of the traditional person, is the only bodily representation of its freedom.
And you talk about Putin.
I know you won't talk about...
I know you want to talk about your personal conversations with Putin, because I know the media makes a big deal of it.
I'm in the same position talking to Trump.
I don't want to get into that, because it's way beyond all that.
It's not that I tell Trump what to do or whatever.
He gets it.
He syncs up, just like we do.
But Putin clearly is a Christian.
His family were secret Christians.
That's why they hate him.
And I've read reports about him for like a month at a monastery.
And reportedly, you know, you've advised him.
I know you can't get into all that, but clearly you're saying with Putin, he is a Christian.
Yes, Putin is a Christian, he is Russian, he is conservative.
That is clear.
But what is important, Putin reflects the will of the people.
He understands Russian people, and he doesn't understand liberal ideology.
He is on the side of the people.
Maybe he can commit the errors.
He is not sane.
I'll say this, I've been around globalists and Megyn Kelly and all their people.
They are
In awe of Putin, his spirit, they recognize he's the enemy because what he stands for, they fear him.
Yes, absolutely.
And he is, we have spoken about that, Putin and maybe Trump, they are a kind of supporter of the last fortress, the last... Last stand.
Yes, exactly.
Against this expansion of globalist, anti-Christian new wave that was, first wave was our Bolshevik revolution.
And that is the second wave of the same spirit, of the same anti-Christ attack against all the humanity.
But I'm absolutely sure we need praise Putin too much.
We need from American side... No, I agree.
We just have to recognize what the enemy fears.
Yes, we should follow our national interest and that is how we will arrive.
Yeah, they fear somebody who is a slave to the people and the truth, not a slave to globalism.
And there are kind of natural allies.
And natural allies is not on the basis of sympathy or antipathy.
The natural allies... Survival.
Yes, survival and the common values and the common beliefs and common morality.
The Antichrist spirit wants to dominate and control because it's weak.
Strong people just want open freedom.
And that's the difference is we don't want to dominate Russia.
We want our kids to grow up free.
We want to be free here.
We want you to be free.
We want us all to colonize space together to do everything.
And the globalists say, no, humanity's scum, you're all done, it's all over.
Alexander Duggan, this is one of the best interviews we've ever done.
I want to put this out as clips, you name it.
This is really gold.
I just feel bad that interviews this powerful.
The Stefan Molyneux was powerful.
Everything's a quickening, that I'm not giving it justice.
The audience, I think, realizes how powerful this is, why the enemy hates this broadcast, because they know it's an open, free channel for free minds.
It scares them.
And as weak as I am individually, this whole family we've created is very strong.
And the enemy is very, very scared.
Alexander Dugan, thank you so much for the time today.
Yeah, welcome.
I was very, very pleased.
That's a good interview.
Very powerful.
The truth's powerful.
How could someone not serve the truth?
Because they've been twisted and fallen.
You've been sitting there for an hour quiet.
Well, yeah, I've just been absorbing all the Jedi knowledge that you have been imparting on our audience.
I think in the end, geopolitically, I do see that Putin and Trump are going to form an ally.
It might not be immediately.
Trump instinctively knows that.
It might be a few years down the road when some other geopolitical pieces fall into place, but I do see that coming.
But the amazing thing about it, because you kept, and Alexander kept talking about the natural ally that the United States and Russia would be, because of the conservative values, because of the understanding...
I don't know.
With distracting the United States from Russia, trying to intimidate the United States from a relationship with Russia.
Meanwhile, they want us to be obsessed with all of these failing things, like in China, North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, the Middle East, all these places where we just keep failing.
Which are globalist messes that sap our energy.
And the globalists get money from.
Instead of focusing on Russia, where we're a natural ally, a powerful ally, an ally that could actually stand up.
And has more resources than Africa.
The only ally, geopolitically, I see right now that would be possible... Well, it's got more than Africa.
And China's got all the resources now.
Because they went into Africa.
We need to go into Russia.
They all get wealthy.
So how do we... That's what I'm saying.
So the only formidable thing we can do... Well, clearly the economic marriage between the U.S.
and Russia...
If their free market is the total way to go.
You can't, some will go, oh they're really commies.
Give me a break.
We go in there with all their natural minerals and their culture and the brains they've got and the engineers.
That is the next level.
The clear alliance is the U.S.
and Russia.
And look, and that's why the globalists are scared of it.
Because the globalists are allied with you.
That's it.
That's it.
That's everything.
That's literally everything right there.
You end the globalist monopoly with an alliance with Russia.
And look at all the space that Russia has to expand their infrastructure.
Look at all the building that you can do in Russia.
Four times the size of the US.
It's crazy.
So I think that that, to me, that's the answer why they're trying to stop the United States from Russia.
Four times the size.
Like seven times the resources.
Like a sliver of it's populated.
But they value the family, they value God.
That's everything.
And again, people go, oh, they're communist.
We diseased Russia with the globalist scourge.
And they're fighting communism now.
We're fighting the exact same toilet bowl creatures.
And here's the difference.
It's not going to happen like he said here.
The problem is, I don't want to get violent because we're winning the Info War.
It's no pleasure for me if a war kicks off and, you know, we've got to wipe all these globalists out.
I just want them to get out of the way.
Move, bitch, get out the way!
You see them headlights?
You see me knock them curtains back?
Get out the way!
It's not going to be good for these people because, you know, I saw stories
People on Hurricane Harvey going down to try to loot people's private property.
Guess what?
They got their heads blown off.
Yeah, the police report, there's a, they've made 14 arrests, but there's a little, probably over a hundred dead bodies.
It's the same, it's the same mindset that you're alluding to, Alex.
Oh, I'm just going to walk into this shed and loot these people.
Nothing's going to happen to me.
You know, something is going to happen to you.
This is America.
People stand up for themselves and people have rights here.
You can't just march all over us.
You can't just- It's so clear the Democrats just want a bunch of desperate slaves.
Oh, we're just gonna come in here and do a march and we're gonna impeach Trump.
Uh, no you're not.
It's not going to happen.
That's, that's, that's the same mindset.
Well, they even changed the, the sentencing for the looters.
So it's now five to life.
We'll see if that even stops them.
Well, I think a gun will.
Well, a gun works every time.
We learned that, unfortunately.
Well, you're going to host the whole next hour.
You've been there for three days.
You have us 30 seconds going to break.
Michael Zimmerman, what was it like in Houston?
It's absolutely devastated.
We were focusing on one neighborhood yesterday.
We pulled out 47 people and 11 animals in just a time span of eight hours or so.
This is in one neighborhood.
The whole giant army truck we got.
That's one of Q's buddy's trucks.
The veterans, you know, just going down there doing this work to help people.
That thing's giant.
How big are those wheels?
What kind of army truck is that?
I've never seen one that big.
It's a two and a half ton truck.
It's also lifted.
Paul Watson.
Thank you for joining us here today.
I appreciate you coming on.
You're about to go on a well-deserved holiday.
So tell folks about your video that's gone viral where you say you're done.
I'm done with YouTube until they change their policies or until they signal that they're going to change them, Alex.
I mean, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher came out with a quote last night.
The mistreatment of conservatives and libertarians by tech monopolies is a civil rights issue.
And that's what it comes down to.
It's Google and Facebook.
Those are the big two.
Okay, I was banned by Facebook yesterday, get this Alex, for posting a picture of a famous ginger YouTuber who made a parody joke video about feminism 18 months ago, who was in on the joke.
Because I posted a picture of it again 18 months ago, which obviously offended some feminists.
They banned me on Facebook.
So literally Facebook is now being run by the same people who screamed bloody murder.
Let's explain something.
You're a public figure attacking newspapers and TV every day.
So am I.
If we don't have speech, no one is.
They want to destroy us with straw men, not let us respond.
And let's explain.
You had Facebook videos, Paul, with 30 million views, some of them each.
I mean, bigger than CNN.
That's why they took you down.
That's why they're trying to ban PewDiePie.
Because they don't want anybody they don't control with a voice.
Google and Facebook are basically monopolies at this point.
They're acting like public utilities.
You'll notice, Alex, that back in the day, Zuckerberg, Schmidt, Jack Dorsey of Twitter, they used to talk about themselves as public utilities.
In fact, there's a quote here, which I've got from Time, where Zuckerberg is talking about Facebook as a public utility.
So they acted like that.
They consolidated.
Now they've become monopolies.
They need to be treated as public utilities.
This is what Steve Bannon came out and advocated two weeks ago, okay?
If I want running water in my house, Alex, I can only pay one company.
Now, it's still a private company, but it's a monopoly.
I don't have a choice.
Now, at this point, Google and YouTube are complete monopolies.
YouTube does not have a competitor.
A serious competitor as a video platform.
This is why prominent YouTubers, prominent social media and free speech advocates need to get behind this.
Because as the congressman said, this is a civil rights issue.
Something needs to change now.
It's gone too far.
And you're saying you're leaving YouTube to make a point, to have a clean break to show it no longer has any semblance of freedom.
Stay there.
I want to announce this right now.
We have seen incredible victories.
We've seen America come together during this horrible, worst of hurricanes in modern history, Hurricane Harvey that hit Houston.
We have seen the GDP hit 3%, which they said Trump could never do, as the banks tried to plunge the stock market, tried to block the moves he made just to take the ball and chain off America's ankle.
We have seen TPP and the carbon taxes killed.
We have seen the border becoming secured.
We have seen a thousand plus companies coming back to the U.S.
and we've seen so much more.
But Nancy Pelosi has had to come out and a bunch of the Democrats say, okay, anti-faucet gang are dangerous or evil because everybody saw the videos of them spitting on people and attacking people and hitting them with clubs and bike locks.
It's a victory for real independent media.
It's a victory for listeners and activists and people seeking the truth, spreading links, telling the truth.
We are winning!
And you talk about Jedi Council, I feel like I'm with you guys, the audience and the great callers.
Here we are with Alexander Dugan, one of Putin's top advisors, talking about what really is going on in Putin's brain and his brain.
They'll talk to us just like Hamid Gul, the former head of Pakistani intelligence, the guy that ran the whole Afghan war.
He talked to me.
Even though he was a Muslim and didn't totally agree with my views, he knew I was real.
And that's the difference.
I'm not against the Pakistani people.
I'm not going to roll over and die for the globalists using them against us.
I'm not against anybody.
I really do want justice.
That's why they're scared of this broadcast, because we're the real deal, gentlemen.
We kind of operate in a vacuum right now, us in the media, because there's such an instant gratification society, and there's so much news every day that it's tough to actually take a step back and look at the bigger perspective and say, what is the size... Globalism's on fire, burning down.
We are...
So I say, what does the seismograph say about the Great Awakening right now?
What does the seismograph say about the Renaissance?
It's a nine.
It's absolutely off the charts.
As you just pointed out, they're now admitting that Antifa is a violent group.
Okay, that pebble got thrown into the pond.
Because they said Trump was evil for saying that!
And let's recall, this pebble got thrown into the pond a year ago when they tried to say that Trump supporters were violent.
So they tried to throw that in the pond, didn't create a ripple.
We threw the Antifa's violent in the pond a year ago, now the ripples are out there.
And they're saying it's terrorist, it's criminal.
We're winning, winning, winning, winning.
And it's just going to keep happening.
And again, we get stuck in this vacuum of the instant gratification news cycle that's 24 hours.
But in the overall scope of things, we are having... We are 87 to zip in an NFL Super Bowl.
The only part where, I mean, you know, and I think we would all agree, the only part where we would sit here and say perhaps we're not getting constant victories is the fact that the globalists are trying to expand the wars.
But we've known that we were going to have to fight this battle.
Trump is trying to fight this battle.
And if we try to instantly pull out, it'll explode.
And who knows what he's really up to?
Who knows what tactician things he's doing behind the scenes?
Because we know what his instincts are.
He put them out on Twitter.
Well, he's the master at making the globalists think they're winning and then pulling the rug out from under them.
We'll see.
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And again, supporting this broadcast supports the American Way, True Freedom, Renaissance, battling the pedophile rings, promoting world peace with countries that actually want to work with us, Free Market, and sending the crews to Houston and everything else.
But everybody knows we're on the march.
50% off on Emerson Central.
It's selling great, but I want people to try this as an introductory offer on organic, Nature's Way, private-labeled.
He was always happy for me to plug Nature's Way with the top companies.
It's in the top three, but I didn't want to get attacked.
But the CEO wants to do it.
It's Nature's.
Nature's brand.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
I can't hear you.
You're a f***ing anti-American!
I'm an anti-American?
You stupid bastard!
I'm a f***ing patriot!
Now you know you're winning the information war when the other side has no response but to resort to censorship.
Drain the swamp?
We're gonna have to drain the privilege out of Washington first because that's what the swamp feeds on, their privilege.
They can't stand for people to exercise their First and Second Amendments together.
You found it.
It's the real news.
That's what you have to look forward to.
He's not sorry when snowflakes can't handle the truth.
It's your host, David Knight.
Start your mornings every Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.
Central, 9 a.m.
Real News with David Knight.
You can find us on infowars.com forward slash show.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
And they knew the job numbers were coming out this week of 3% growth rate that they haven't had in like 15 years.
And so they were just like, the big banks say the economy's going under.
Trump sucks.
Everything's horrible.
Dump the stock market.
It didn't work.
3% growth rate.
Way higher than that.
They're cooking the books against it.
And Trump's out giving a speech right now.
They are... Oh, tax reform speech.
Let's go to some of the tax reform speech right now.
Here is El Presidente.
We must be vigilant.
We must protect the lives of our people.
I was on the ground in Texas yesterday to meet with Governor Abbott, who is doing, by the way, an incredible job.
He'll probably be president when Trump wins.
And local officials, so that we could coordinate
The very big and unprecedented federal response.
In difficult times such as these, we see the true character of the American people.
Their strength, their love, and their resolve.
We see friend helping friend, neighbor helping neighbor, and stranger helping stranger.
And together, we will endure and we will overcome.
The Globeless Parasites are screwed.
The news will say he just gave a divisive speech.
To those affected by this storm, we are praying for you, and we are here with you every single step of the way.
And I can speak, I know, for the people in this room.
Remember, Hillary wouldn't even show American flags.
Now she goes, oh, I'm becoming a pastor.
I love Jesus.
And let's remember when Obama had hurricanes, they were just golf memes that surfaced.
That was it.
All of America is grieving with you, and our hearts are joined with yours forever.
The citizens of Texas and the Gulf Coast need all the prayers, support, and resources our communities have to offer.
And they go, oh, it's just words.
No, they need somebody to donate.
This head saying, give the Clinton Foundation, and then they steal it.
He just says, give!
I don't know how this guy goes from Texas to Austin to Corpus Christi to Missouri to D.C.
to New York.
This guy's unbelievable.
I mean, during the campaign.
Remember when he would do, like, eight campaign stops a day?
This is insane.
We would cover it.
Zimmerman and I would go cover three of them in a week.
We'd come back dead tired.
This guy's 70 years old, just owning it.
Thank you.
But he's seen them.
June 14th.
Not Nancy Pelosi or Maxine Waller.
Yeah, let's go back to El Jefe.
Great, great people.
All affected by this tragedy.
We're also glad to be back in the heartland with the very, very fine folks of Missouri.
Oh, I like that.
My hometown.
Globals are crapping a brick right now.
They can see the poll numbers.
They got fake ones, so they have like 20 more to them.
They always like 70% right now.
They are crapping bricks.
And unfortunately for them, his response to Hurricane Harvey has been so great that it's only going to make his voters increase.
That's why they're panicking.
Let's go back.
And they said, whatever you want is okay.
So I said, good.
But I'm especially pleased to be here in Springfield, the birthplace of a great American icon, the legendary Route 66.
Who would have known that?
Yeah, I don't know.
They're trying to bring it back, I think, too.
This is the place where the main street of America got its start, and this is where America's main street will begin its big, beautiful combat that you're all seeing it right now.
This is a comeback of historic proportion.
Not fake Obama optimism.
Thousands of companies coming back.
1.6 million new jobs.
Four trillion in the stock market, and the big banks... Goldman Sachs trying to scuttle it, and they can't!
He doesn't do lip service.
He says what he does.
I think he crashed the economy, though.
I'll tell you, they do it.
They're screwed.
They want to.
They're threatening him.
He's not getting the blame.
Everybody saw it.
Trump's like, here it is.
They're like, no, you're not getting it.
We've lost Americans millions and millions of jobs, trillions of dollars, and billions of hours spent on compliance and paperwork.
And you have seen what's happening with regulations.
They're going fast.
We need regulations.
Yeah, just him getting rid of those.
We'll be back.
We'll get into what happened.
This is big coming up with what happened in Houston.
We've got all that exclusive.
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I've been everywhere, man.
I've been everywhere, man.
My name's Michael Zimmerman, man.
I'm in studio with Alex Jones, man.
Let's have a laugh at half my share, man.
I've been everywhere.
Is that Alex Cash?
Alexander Cash.
Yeah, right.
But because of those who look on and do nothing.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
I'll be honest, I'm a little ashamed I'm not a friend of Bubbles.
So you're going in.
Suicide mission.
I've been on the suicide mission a while.
Let's just briefly go back to Trump live for a few minutes and then the big coverage with you guys.
I'm gonna let you guys take over.
Let's play a few minutes of Trump and then you and Zimmerman are gonna cover with footage he shot that nobody's seen yet.
Of what's happened down there in Harvey for three, four days while he covered it.
And then we'll get into your big clips with the anti-Trump people in Austin that just show how sad and zombie-like their people are.
But here's a few more minutes of Trump in his live speech happening right now in Missouri.
Here it is.
That is why the foundation of our job creation agenda is to fundamentally reform our tax code for the first time in more than 30 years.
I want to work with Congress, Republicans, and Democrats alike on a plan that is pro-growth, pro-jobs, pro-worker, and pro-American.
There is no more fitting place to launch this effort than right here in the American heartland, surrounded by hard-working men and women whose skill, determination, and drive are truly second to none.
And by the way, before I start, Ivanka Trump, I see my beautiful daughters in the audience.
Stand up.
She's working very hard.
I'm very proud of Ivanka.
For many decades, Route 66 captured the American spirit.
The communities along this historic route were a vivid symbol of America's booming industry.
Truck drivers hauled made-in-America goods along this vital artery of commerce.
Families passed through bustling towns on their way to explore
The Great American West.
And high quality manufacturing jobs lifted up communities.
Gave Americans a paycheck that could support a family.
Mr. Cook is a great example of the people that do it.
Stand up.
Stand up.
Stand up.
This is President Trump today giving a speech live on tax reform in Springfield, Missouri.
Let's go back to President Trump.
I think they like you.
And provided millions of our fellow citizens with the pride and dignity that comes with work.
But in recent years, millions of Americans have watched that prosperity slip away in the rear view mirror.
And it wasn't pleasant to watch.
Especially for me.
I would sit back
I was in business and I could see what was happening.
Wasn't good.
If we want to renew our prosperity and to restore opportunity, then we must reduce the tax burden on our companies and on our workers.
In the last 10 years, our economy has grown at only around 2% a year.
You look at other countries and you look at what their GDP is.
They're unhappy when it's 7, 8, 9.
And I speak to them, leaders of the countries.
How are you doing?
Not well, not well.
GDP is down to 7%.
And I'm saying we were hitting 1% just a number of months ago.
So we're going to change that around folks, that I can tell you.
And we're going to change it around.
And today, a very appropriate day that this should happen, we just announced that we hit 3% in GDP.
It just came out.
And on a yearly basis, as you know, the last administration, during an eight-year period, never hit 3%.
So we're really on our way.
If we achieve sustained 3% growth, that means 12 million new jobs and $10 trillion of new economic activity over the next decade.
That's some numbers.
And I happen to be one that thinks we can go much higher than 3%.
There's no reason why we shouldn't.
So this is our once-in-a-generation opportunity to deliver real tax reform for everyday, hard-working Americans.
And I am fully committed to working with Congress to get this job done.
And I don't want to be disappointed by Congress.
Do you understand me?
Takes a jab at Congress there.
Congress is failing the people.
See, Trump understands our frustration.
I think Congress is going to vote for Obama.
I hope so.
They get the chance, don't do anything about it.
Tell you what, the United States is counting on it.
Here are my four principles for tax reform.
First, we need a tax code that is simple, fair, and easy to understand.
Gotta love that.
That means getting rid of the loopholes and complexity that primarily benefit the wealthiest Americans and special interests.
Our last major tax rewrite was 31 years ago.
It eliminated dozens of loopholes and special interest tax breaks, reduced the number of tax brackets from 15 to 2, and lowered tax rates for both individuals and businesses.
At the time, it was really something special.
Since then, our tax laws have tripled in size, and the tax code itself now spans more than 2,600 pages, and most of it is
Not understandable.
Tax rates have increased and special interest loopholes have crept back into the system.
The tax code is now a massive source of... This company is basically just filing exemptions.
...for tens of millions of Americans.
And let's remember, it was the Trump haters that called him out for using those loopholes.
So you think they're going to love this speech?
I doubt it.
...had two simple pages of instruction.
Today, that basic form has 100 pages of instructions, and it's pretty complex stuff.
The tax code is so complicated that more than 90% of Americans need professional help.
Including Barack Obama.
See, this is the key.
Trump comes out here, he talks about GDP, he talks about jobs, he talks about the economy, he talks about the tax bracket.
He knows this stuff.
He's dealt with it.
Obama was clueless on all of this, folks.
Obama has zero experience in the economy, zero experience in the free market, zero experience with taxes.
He has no idea what he's doing.
Trump actually knows.
That's why he can make sense of it.
Let's go back to Trump.
First and foremost, our tax system should benefit loyal, hard-working Americans and their families.
That is why tax reform must dramatically simplify the tax code, eliminate special interest loopholes, and I'm speaking against myself when I do this.
There it is!
And I might be speaking against Mr. Cook, and we're both okay with it.
Is that right?
It's crazy.
Oh my gosh, how dare Trump?
Well, I like his idea that he pitched during the campaign that if you're below the poverty line, you just write, I win.
You don't pay any tax.
Tax loophole?
Tax reform?
Does he have a magic wand?
Would Trump have a magic wand?
Well, how's he gonna... Tax reform?
What, does he have a wand?
And allow the vast majority of our citizens to file their taxes on a single simple page without having to hire an accountant.
Second, we need a competitive tax code that creates more jobs and higher wages for Americans.
It's time to give American workers the pay raise that they've been looking for for many, many years.
This is the type of speech that any average American will hear and get behind.
In 1986, Ronald Reagan led the world by cutting our corporate tax rate to 34%.
That was below the average rate for developed countries at the time.
Everybody thought that was a monumental thing that happened.
But then, under this pro-America system, our economy boomed.
It just went
It just went beautifully right through the roof.
The middle class thrived and median family income increased.
Other countries saw the success.
They looked at us.
They saw what is America doing, what's happening with the United States.
And they acted very swiftly by cutting their taxes lower and lower and lower and reforming their tax systems to be far more competitive than ours.
Over the past 30 years, the average business tax rate among developed nations fell from 45% to less than 24%.
And some countries have an unbelievably low tax, including, by the way, China and some others that are highly competitive and really doing very well against us.
They are taking us, frankly, to the cleaners.
So this is going to be the trick first, because the media is going to spin this, they're going to lie about what he said, and they're going to say that he has no idea what he's doing with tax reform, when he knows exactly what he's doing with tax reform, and he has the experience to prove it.
From this next break, we're going to talk about Hurricane Harvey, the devastating effects on Houston, and that area with Michael Zimmerman, who was boots on the ground.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones Show, fourth hour.
Well, he was the founder of Vice, syndicated radio and TV host.
Gavin McInnes is with us.
He's got so many shows on so many platforms, I can't even go over it all.
But he's compoundmedia.com.
He's also, I guess, working with The Rebel.
Twitter at Gavin underscore McInnes.
And he joins us now.
But he is a Swiss army knife of intellectual ideas.
So, let's front and center my maestro.
I understand that politicians like Hillary, the DNC, I understand that they want to incentivize single moms.
They want to shatter the black family so they can make more Americans dependent on them.
What I'm obsessed with these days is how eager the populace is to assist these people.
How eager they are to jump in bed with these people where they have no real gains.
If you're Roman soldiers taking over a town in Brittany and burning it, you get to rape the women, you get the gold.
They're not even getting anything!
They're screwing their own future, but it's VR.
It's imaginary.
They're jumping next to the Roman soldiers and marching with them, saying, let's raven pillage my town.
And you go, well, that was easy.
I mean, these people were thought policing ourselves.
So the Gestapo, the Secret Service, they don't even have to show up for work to thought police us because we'll do it.
Like this Google Memo thing.
That he was fired not just by the CEO, but by his peers.
Forbes called it an anti-woman screed.
You had Salon saying it confirms your worst fears.
And they've just taken this fake narrative that he said women don't belong in the workforce, and they've exaggerated it.
I don't think any of the media has even read it.
And he was also saying he saw the future and he saw that he was about to get penalized for being male, which is illegal.
And he was saying, hey, company, I want us all to work together.
Women are a huge asset to the workforce.
Sexism is bad.
Equality is good.
However, do we really need to demand every
Every single floor, every single cubicle of this building is 50% male, 50% female.
Do they really need to all, do the coders, which is a very rare skill, do the coders all have to be 50% female?
Because that's forcing women into a role.
It's slavery.
It's forcing them into the Foxconn factory in China.
That's really what it is.
Let's get George Costanza into the NBA.
Let's get some short, fat Jewish guys playing NBA.
The NBA is black.
The MLB is Hispanic.
I was about to say I was an okay football player, but by the time I was a sophomore and they put me on varsity in a 5A team in Dallas, and huge black guys and white guys were running me over, I said, I quit.
I have broken ribs.
They're like, well, you did some good tackles.
I'm like, dude, I'm done.
And again, it wasn't like I was mad that most of the guys running over me were black.
It was just, that's the way it was.
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Alright, if I was Nancy Pelosi right now, I would be about to start covering Hurricane Katrina.
Or maybe Hurricane Sandy.
But no, we live in reality here.
We're gonna cover Hurricane Harvey with Michael Zirman, who was boosted on the ground.
And actually, you know, I just want to say this on air.
I give big props to you, Michael Zirman.
You actually went out there.
You put your own personal safety on the line to help these people.
You said you took at least 40 people out of their homes.
You rescued animals.
I know that there were some other staff with you.
So big ups to you guys.
You guys showed the true embodiment of the American spirit.
And it's something that must be tough.
You know, you saw the devastation.
You saw the flooding.
What are the people like down there?
Do they have spirit?
Are they hopeless?
Are they desolate?
What is the attitude of the people that you were helping?
It's mixed.
We were focusing on just this one area.
There was a couple square miles, a few neighborhoods off of this main road.
And we're driving through there in a two and a half ton truck, probably five feet deep in water.
Water's coming into people's homes.
It's about a foot and a half deep in their houses.
And a lot of people are just waving at us going by.
It's like they're not concerned yet.
But the bayous are rising, water's continuing to come in.
Yeah, the reservoirs are being drained.
We're telling them, it's like, look, if you don't get out before nightfall, we're not going to be able to fish.
So you're saying that you even were coming in to help people and they didn't want it?
Some people did not want the help, but then there were other people, like this one guy who was a Cuban family of five.
None of them spoke English, but these guys who were going down the street in a jet ski were able to translate for us, and they were telling us, hey, the guy's upstairs.
He's probably 70-something years old.
Was he stuck up there?
He couldn't walk, yeah.
They need to hatch it.
Hatch it through the roof.
Well, no, he was upstairs in an upstairs bedroom.
But this guy's bedridden and has dementia, too.
So we had to put him on a walker and carry him down the stairs, five of us guys, because he weighs, you know, 230 pounds or something.
Down these wet stairs, put him in the back of the truck in order to, you know, get him evacuated.
Because these people, you know, their home has two or three feet of water in it.
And you're trying to hold this guy out of the water, too.
So there were some interesting challenges yesterday just getting people out of this area, but this is just one area of the outskirts of Houston.
And there's these little pockets, you know, you'll be on one street and it's fine.
Then you drive half a mile down it and you've got feet of water.
Well, that was another thing that I heard you mention when you came on the show when you were in Houston that I noticed, too.
Even when we were trying to drive north because we couldn't go east, even some of those areas were flooded.
It's just weird how you don't think of it like that, but it's all these little pockets.
They're totally flooded everywhere.
I guess it really just depends on where you're located.
Elevation, yes.
Certain neighborhoods, if they're three feet down, they're going to have three feet of water.
If you're at, you know, whatever that level is, you're going to have no water.
But this is one of the areas we're driving.
Now is that the truck you guys were talking about?
This is the truck is talking about.
It's owned by a friend of our head of security, Q. And these guys are veterans.
They were just out there, you know, they saw the need and they said, hey, we can we can go help people.
So we saved 47 people yesterday who needed to leave their homes and go to these centers that they've got set up for people.
But we're driving through four or five foot deep water, just searching these neighborhoods for any houses.
People are hanging white sheets or towels out of their window if they needed rescue.
And we actually got one call towards the end of the night yesterday.
There was a 911 call and National Guard had already left the area.
They were moving to other places because they thought the whole area was cleared.
So the local fire department asked us, hey, can we get one of our guys on your truck?
Go out there for this medical call.
Yeah, you can actually see the water coming in there in this bed of this truck, which is like five and a half feet off the ground.
And they gave us this medical call.
They said, you need to go check this house.
The guy's in bad condition.
We got a 911 call.
We get there.
You know, we're able to get our way inside the house.
No one there.
So presumably he got out on a boat, but there's just so many houses and it's so difficult to get around.
I mean, that's a that's a standard pickup truck right there.
Totally underwater, and this is all over Houston so the damage of this is just going to be this is lifting a guy and his wife into the Vehicle well, this is so powerful to me because it really does unite the the fellow American with one another like you said doesn't matter if you're from Cuba there's a Vietnamese family
We rescued some Middle Eastern families.
It's like, it doesn't matter.
And you know, it's really sad to see some of the media response from this.
You know, Houston is one of the most diverse cities in America.
I think it actually is officially.
It is the most diverse, yes.
And you saw all this hate coming from quote-unquote leftist media saying, Houston deserves it, Texas deserves it, they're conservative.
Hey, dimwits, Houston actually voted for Hillary Clinton.
They don't even check the facts before they report these stories.
But what I see is somebody like you, I mean look at, this is powerful stuff to me.
This is bringing the guy down the stairs.
This is powerful stuff to me that should unite America.
It doesn't matter what your politics are.
We're out here to save lives.
We're out here to thrive.
We're out here to make sure that the fellow human is going to live to see the next day.
Here's a family of six and their four dogs.
How many animals do you think you guys rescued?
So you were counting?
11 animals, yeah, I counted from the beginning.
11 animals, 47 people.
Maintaining families.
I mean, that's what you guys are doing.
It's just amazing to me.
I know that you are from Houston.
You obviously have family and friends there.
It's just, it's so hard to think.
How long it's going to take these people to get back to their everyday normal routines, normal lives.
It's just, it's devastating.
But to have people like you go out there and help them, I'm sure returns hope to their lives.
We'll be right back.
This is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You're being anti-American!
I'm an anti-American?
You stupid bastard!
I'm a f***ing patriot!
Now you know you're winning the information war when the other side has no response but to resort to censorship.
Drain the swamp?
We're gonna have to drain the privilege out of Washington first because that's what the swamp feeds on, their privilege.
I can't stand for people to exercise their First and Second Amendments together.
You found it.
It's the real news.
That's what you have to look forward to.
He's not sorry when snowflakes can't handle the truth.
It's your host, David Knight.
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Central, 9 a.m.
Real News with David Knight.
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He trolled him.
He baited him.
He trolled him.
That's smart.
That's the Trump dimension.
That's the Trump dimension.
He trolled.
That's the Trump dimension.
He baited.
That's the Trump dimension.
He trolled.
That's the Trump dimension.
He trolled.
That's the Trump dimension.
He trolled.
That's the Trump dimension.
He baited.
I wish I was that smart.
That's the Trump dimension.
It's, it's Trump.
The plan of Trump.
And thus by extension Trump.
Trump just trolled you.
But that's okay.
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, in case you didn't know, InfoWars has launched to the next level.
Real News with David Knight every morning, 8 a.m.
Next week on Wednesday, we start the War Room, hosted by yours truly, along with special guests like Roger Stone, Everyday Mike Cernovich, the list goes on.
So be sure to tune into that.
Again, you can catch David Knight already.
He's live every day before the Alex Jones Show at 8 a.m.
And then next week on Wednesday, we launch the War Room, which broadcasts after the Alex Jones Show.
And we're able to do that with your support.
You make that possible.
You make it possible for Michael Zimmerman to go down to Houston and help people down there, as well as shoot video reports.
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Now this is something that Zimmerman is chomping at the bit about because he was just in Houston
And he saw the devastating effects.
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And you saw when you went down to Corpus to cover the storm.
There were entire stores closed.
Most of the stores were closed.
If you don't have a week's worth of food on hand, what are you going to do?
When I got to Houston, I couldn't find a restaurant to go eat at.
No, they were all closed.
I was like, well, I guess I'll eat the beef jerky that's on the truck.
Yeah, it was actually, when I got back, Rob was looking at the expense report here, and he was like, oh, why are you eating at these restaurants?
There's nowhere else to eat, man.
They're all shut down.
This is the only options we had.
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People in Houston had a warning of a few days that it was going to be bad.
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And when you purchase products from us, you fund what we do here.
And we are an expansive organization, just rapidly expanding in the face of the globalists.
To defeat the New World Order and uplift humanity.
Alright, let's give Zimmerman another minute here to talk about what he saw in Houston.
Heroic efforts down there with other members of the crew.
And then we're going to get to this video of the leftists I endured yesterday.
But Michael, just kind of final thoughts as Hurricane Harvey continues to devastate the southern states right now.
I think it is going to be a continued effort.
FEMA is saying we're going to need volunteers for years to work on this.
You know, over the next few weeks, it's going to be the cleanup work, you know, cutting out drywall in people's homes.
But you really see how together people have been, you know, pulled.
And there are some issues with the looting and some issues like... It's been pretty minor, I would say.
At least it seems like that in comparison.
They have 14 arrests out of a city with, you know, six and a half million.
And I think one or two people got shot trying to loot.
And these people, you know, there's always the argument, oh, they're just trying to get food for their families.
These people are trying to steal televisions.
No, come on.
Let's be real.
You know, things of that sort.
So if it was just people needing food, there's plenty of shelters out there in Houston right now for that.
So that's not an acceptable excuse for breaking in and stealing things.
And, you know, in a city like Houston where 40% of the population owns guns, you're pretty likely to get shot in the face trying to break into someone's house.
You know what?
I'm going to make a prediction here in a second, but unfortunately, bad news here.
24 deaths confirmed in Louisiana near Lake Charles.
And that's just in Louisiana, my crew is telling me.
So that's not even on, I think, the 10 deaths that have already been confirmed in Texas.
Of course, Louisiana is getting hit with the second wave of Hurricane Harvey right now after it re-enters the states.
from the gulf.
A group in Houston said, oh, this is fake news, because someone is claiming it's going to be way worse.
There's going to be 50 inches of rain.
That happened.
It's over 51 now, I think.
People are going to be without power.
Over 100,000 people as of Monday night were without power.
That you can even measure.
Probably more than that.
Yeah, that was just according to the energy company.
And most of the energy company doesn't even know what's going on.
I mean, you can't even get to the down line.
Yeah, exactly.
You can't even get to where the lines are down.
But, I mean, I think people really are working around the clock.
We saw a lot of first responders, military.
Yeah, you saw it.
I mean, you saw the Cajun Army and everybody that went out there to help.
Individuals stepping up.
You know, here's a military truck and right behind it is some, you know, rednecks with their boat.
It's all lines of boats, people on Sea-Doos.
And, you know, it is really people coming together.
When I got to the hotel Sunday night, you know, because I wanted to get down there ASAP, they told us it'd be, you know, two, two and a half hours to get some food.
Because their kitchen was, you know, they had two guys working in there.
That's how it was when we were out at Corpus Christi.
I was sitting next to a Hispanic guy at the bar.
He goes, well, hey, I've got some friends down the road.
You know, if we can get there, if the roads aren't too full of water, we'll have food there.
So, you know, we had awesome ceviche and beer in their garage.
And they just had a little storm party.
And they invited me, a total stranger, to join them for that.
Because, hey, you don't have a meal tonight.
That's Americana.
It's people stepping up, you know, coming together.
It wasn't about, oh, I'm white, or they're Hispanic.
Did they ask you who you voted for?
They didn't.
It didn't come up.
No left, right, black, white, you know, no politics or anything like that involved.
It was just, hey, want to come have dinner and some beers with us?
It really humbles people when they see, you know, real tragedies and stuff that brings people together because, you know,
Hey, our entire city just got flooded.
We're not even going to have another election unless we come together and fix this mess.
So let's all put our differences aside and fix this mess.
And I think that that's what's going on with Hurricane Harvey.
And I do think that this is going to be good.
Unfortunately, like we're about to we're about to share these videos.
You know, I go down to cover Trump addressing Harvey and Austin, and I have to deal with these protesters.
It's really sad.
Again, you would think that with this tragedy everybody could get together, but the left still can't do that, or at least elements, radical elements of the left still can't do that.
But I just want to make a prediction real quick before we move on.
Guys, maybe you can find this number.
I think it's Harris County is Houston, right?
Harris County.
Hillary Clinton, I think, got 57% of the vote in Harris County in the 2016 presidential election.
If you guys can find that, pull it up.
I think she got 57% of the vote.
I am willing to make a call right now that in the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump
Get 60% of the vote in Houston.
I bet he eclipses Hillary Clinton's 57, and I bet President Trump gets 60% of the vote in Houston.
Let's see if my memory serves.
What, 54?
Very close.
So I'm guessing that Trump gets a massive edge in voting in 2020.
Not that it may not even affect the election.
I'm just saying...
For all the people out there that hate Trump, this is what he does for real people.
Real people are seeing the real effects from a real president and what it means to them.
So that's why I'm predicting President Trump eclipses Hillary Clinton's 54% in the 2020 election.
Just a prediction I'm making here because I think that how he's handled Hurricane Harvey has been amazing.
Well, he's being a leader.
He's stepping up.
Governor Abbott has said everything we've asked for we've got from the president.
But how dare Melania wear high heels?
I saw the picture she had high heels on.
I'm gonna bitch and complain about her shoes.
Oh my gosh.
I still think it's a big upgrade from our former first lady.
You mean, I'm not even going to go down there?
We won't go there.
Let's get to the radical left that I dealt with in Austin yesterday.
You know, it's amazing to watch these videos because you're not sure what's the most radical thing you see.
Is it the Texas professor making fart noises with her mouth at you for a sustained period of 10 minutes?
Is it a woman who claims that Ben Carson is a white nitwit?
Is it a man who continually tries to rip the microphone out of my hand?
Is it a literal pot-bellied goblin telling me that I'm the worst thing going?
So guys, where should we start here?
Let's start with the epic fail.
Trump protesters can't talk, only want to pick fights.
This is a video that me and Harrison shot yesterday in Austin, Texas at the Texas Department of Public Safety.
Owen Schroer here for InfoWars.com, and we are at the intersection of Koenig and Guadalupe in Austin, Texas.
We came here to cover President Trump coming into Austin to address Hurricane Harvey.
I really didn't want to deal with protesters today, but... They all have that silence is real.
Let's go!
I really didn't want to deal with him.
I felt bad that I had to do this.
You know, I thought that Harvey could bring us together, but no.
These people want to impeach the president.
Come on, let's see if they can figure out why.
It didn't take one minute.
It didn't take one minute.
Why is InfoWars filming this part of the collection of people?
Why wouldn't we?
Why would you?
Do these people, do these people, well because it makes no sense.
Don't these people want attention?
Don't they want their message out?
I think that everybody's working on getting their message out and we can do it.
Oh and by the way, we were the only people that even covered this.
So if it wasn't for us, their protest would have never even happened according to history.
So she should be thanking me, even though I embarrassed the whole group.
This is a victory to them.
Just getting together to bitch and complain together.
That's a victory.
Because I want to hear from people like you to figure out what you're thinking.
I mean, come on, this is... I'm ashamed of my president, Trump, thank you.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Here we go.
Give them their platform.
Ashamed as he's trying to help Hurricane Harvey.
InfoWars sucks.
Listen to him chanting.
I didn't even speak to the media.
I got a chant going.
I got a chant going.
What about gay frogs?
Hey, who behind their sign mentioned gay frogs?
That's actually a real issue.
That's the funny thing about it.
Alright, um...
I don't know which nitwit to interview first.
These guys all drank their ashes.
These guys love fluoride.
Here, let's see if this guy will talk.
Is InfoWars fake news?
What is InfoWars report reports fake?
He's literally making fun of me the whole time, so then I come up to him and I'm like, okay, what's up?
And then he has nothing to say.
Are you like InfoWars, sir?
He's from Dallas, actually.
He's based in Austin, right?
Yeah, what's wrong with that?
You're disgusting.
We bring a lot of money to the commerce here.
You should like that.
Moldy locks back there.
We pay taxes.
Based on conspiracy theories and fear-mongering and hatred, it's pretty f***ing disgusting.
What do we do that's hate-mongering?
You're a smarmy little prick.
What did I say?
This is my... What are you talking about?
I'm doing an InfoWars, Mike.
You're a f***ing prick.
Trump hasn't given a f*** out of my city.
You prick.
Is this spreading love do you think?
Are you spreading love?
I'm just asking questions.
I haven't seen you.
I showed up here and you're the one that started hating me.
So that's not asking me my opinion.
Actually I was trying to talk to her and you stepped in front of me.
What am I?
So I'm gonna eat but I didn't want to be a glutton.
You're really tough aren't you?
Dude, I'm literally standing here as- I've never been in a fraternity.
I haven't seen this yet, this is my first time watching this.
Hold on, I'm cowardly for stepping into a crowd of people that hate me.
Sandy Hook kids were child actors, right?
The damage you've done to those kids- They always go to the same thing.
They always go to the same thing.
Go gay frogs!
So then I said, oh, let's talk about gay frogs.
Well, then they disappear.
Then they go, Sandy Hook!
So I was like, okay, fine, let's talk about Sandy Hook.
And then they all start screaming at me when I actually want to have a conversation about it.
It's so typical.
I'm gonna come with facts.
No, it's because John Alder and Megyn Kelly and the rest of them didn't actually go into detail.
They just gave these idiots the talking points and then they don't have any facts to back it up.
But I'm gonna tell you something here.
In this video, there's multiple times where you can see the conversation I'm having with the people.
The people on the other end of it are actually thinking for the first time in their life.
You can literally see it in their face, their brain trying to work.
Like for the first time, somebody getting on like the bench and trying to lift it up and they're struggling to get it up and just the bar.
But they're thinking, they're trying.
You're being very provocative.
You're being provocative.
I'm being provocative.
Okay, I'm being provocative.
Just by being here.
Just by being here, I'm provocative.
I'm not welcome here.
You guys are so tolerant.
Look at this guy.
They, none of them, I look, I asked one of you to have an educated... Honestly, the best of that video, the best of that video is actually at the end of it.
So go check out Epic Fail.
Trump protesters can't talk, only want to pick fights.
That's on the Alex Jones YouTube channel.
Let's go to the other one.
Can we go, though, to the point where the lady says Ben Carson is not black?
Okay, let's go to this woman.
This is, I mean, folks, this is what we're dealing with.
These people drive next to you on the side of the road.
I mean, wow.
Listen to what this Trump protester says.
Black people, he would have had Ben Carson on his team.
Deal with that.
Go watch a movie and I'll understand everything.
Well, not you.
I'll understand how Ben Carson is actually a white dimwit, even though he's a black neurosurgeon.
No, he's good at one thing, just like Rain Man in the movie.
What is he good at?
Brain surgery?
You ask him any other question, he's as dumb as a box of rocks.
Yeah, alright.
But you though, how about you?
What about me?
What are you good at?
What's it to ya?
Well, you're here making fun of a brain surgeon, so you must be something spectacular.
What are you, an astronaut?
What are you doing?
Okay, thank you for your time.
Look at the girl behind her.
I'll take that.
These people behind are listening to our conversation and they're actually like, here you guys can just cut it there.
There's multiple points in this video and the other video where the people are listening to the conversation and they're seeing the debate and they're like...
Whoa, wait a second.
Wow, our side is actually full of faggots.
Dude, there's another part where the same lady who keeps blowing this fart noise machine at me, where one of the other protesters smacks it out of her hand.
So they're really getting sick of each other.
But I gotta say this.
There's a young black man in this video and in the other one, and this is one of the most encourageable young men I've ever met, and it was so sad.
That same woman... See, I talked to the young black man before that video, and we were talking and chatting and hit it off.
And then this, and then that crazy woman says I'm a racist, so I grab the young man, here, yeah, yeah, this is the part in the video, if you could just roll this for, just roll this as B-roll, guys.
So I grab this young, this young man that I was just speaking with, that I was getting along with, she goes, you're a racist!
So I grab this young man, I'm like, oh yeah, I'm such a racist, I want this young black man here to have a bright future and succeed.
And, and she goes, oh, you just have a token black kid.
That's how they think of it!
That's literally how they think of everything.
Alright, you know what?
We've got 30 seconds.
Go to this crazy UT professor.
This is a UT professor.
Does Robert E. Lee represent neo-Nazis?
And you don't read periods!
You're just here trying to look pretty, trying to make a name for yourself.
I can't help how good I look.
This isn't even the best.
Alright, we've got to go to break.
I'm a little above average.
I'm pretty strong.
This woman is a professor.
Alright, you know what?
Okay, on the other side of the break, guys, let's just have the UT professor lined up and let's just play the UT professor.
This is what your children are being exposed to when they go to institution of higher education, folks.
They get crazy women like this.
We'll be right back.
Final segment.
Paul Watson, thank you for joining us here today.
I appreciate you coming on.
You're about to go on a well-deserved holiday.
So tell folks about your video that's gone viral where you say you're done.
I'm done with YouTube until they change their policies or until they signal that they're going to change them, Alex.
I mean, Congressman Dana Robacker came out with a quote last night.
The mistreatment of conservatives and libertarians by tech monopolies is a civil rights issue.
And that's what it comes down to.
It's Google and Facebook.
Those are the big two.
Okay, I was banned by Facebook yesterday, get this Alex, for posting a picture of a famous ginger YouTuber who made a parody joke video about feminism 18 months ago, who was in on the joke.
And because I posted a picture of it, again, 18 months ago, which obviously offended some feminists, they banned me on Facebook.
So literally Facebook is now being run by the same people who screamed bloody murder at me.
And let's explain something.
You're a public figure attacked in newspapers and TV every day.
So am I.
If we don't have speech, no one is.
They want to destroy us with straw men, not let us respond.
And let's explain.
You had Facebook videos, Paul, with 30 million views, some of them each.
I mean, bigger than CNN.
That's why they took you down.
That's why they're trying to ban PewDiePie.
Because they don't want anybody they don't control with a voice.
Google and Facebook are basically monopolies at this point.
They're acting like public utilities.
You'll notice, Alex, that back in the day, Zuckerberg, Schmidt, Jack Dorsey of Twitter, they used to talk about themselves as public utilities.
In fact, there's a quote here, which I've got from Time, where Zuckerberg is talking about Facebook as a public utility.
So they acted like that.
They consolidated.
Now they've become monopolies.
They need to be treated as public utilities.
This is what Steve Bannon came out and advocated two weeks ago, okay?
If I want running water in my house, Alex, I can only pay one company.
Now, it's still a private company, but it's a monopoly.
I don't have a choice.
Now, at this point, Google and YouTube are complete monopolies.
YouTube does not have a competitor.
A serious competitor as a video platform.
This is why prominent YouTubers, prominent social media and free speech advocates need to get behind this.
Because as the congressman said, this is a civil rights issue.
Something needs to change now.
It's gone too far.
And you're saying you're leaving YouTube to make a point, to have a clean break to show it no longer has any semblance of freedom.
Stay there.
How did he get in here?
He's supposed to be with a few people outside.
How about... How about all week they're talking about the mass crowds that are going to be outside.
Where abouts?
Well, it's hot out.
It is hot.
I think it's too warm.
You know, they show up with the helmets and the black masks.
And they've got gloves and they've got... And Tifa!
Okay, that's Donald Trump's rendition of tequila using the word Antifa.
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Our products are legendary, they're groundbreaking, they're life-changing, and then they change the world because we pay it forward by expanding Infowars.com.
Alright, let's get to this video of a Texas, a University of Texas professor in the streets protesting Trump yesterday, folks.
This is a professor of higher learning.
Again, folks, the anti-Trump supporters out here.
Here's one of them.
She's a professor at University of Texas.
That's nice.
She flicks off the camera, just like a good liberal does.
They hate Trump.
Well, maybe that's because you started rubbing up on him.
What do you think about Greg Fenves saying that Robert E. Lee represents neo-Nazis?
Yeah, who Greg Fenves is?
Yeah, the President of Texas.
Do you know who his father is?
I asked you a question.
Do you know who his father is?
Probably Mr. Fenves.
Do you know who his father is?
Mr. Fenves.
You have no f***ing clue, do you?
So, can you answer my question?
His father survived to Auschwitz.
He has every right to say whatever he wants.
Now all of a sudden she has an accent.
Did you notice that?
Okay, that's interesting logic.
But I asked a question.
No, if you had read his statement, you would know.
I did, and I'm referring it to you.
It does Robert E. Lee represent neo-Nazis?
And you don't read, period.
Does, does...
Trying to look pretty?
Trying to make a name for yourself?
I can't help how good I look.
You're such a big, big dude!
You're so... I'm a little above average.
I'm pretty strong.
I'm just asking you, does Robert E. Lee represent neo-Nazis?
No, ma'am.
No, I'm not.
Listen, look.
You see this young man right here?
This young man has a bright future, and I love that.
I love the fact that this young man has a bright future.
So how am I a white supremacist?
Token little person, right?
I've never even met this man before.
Token little person.
How racist is that?
Because we're both Americans.
And look at him, he's standing by my side like, how dare you?
So does Robert E. Lee represent neo-Nazis?
Do I say that?
No, it has nothing to do with that.
It's not what he said, but it's also not what I said.
This is classical Washington.
This is why higher education is failing.
She tries to steal the camera.
Can you please keep her off my camera?
And then that Trump supporter right there, Latino Trump supporter, had my back.
That's why she wants to erase this footage because it shows how ignorant professors are.
She tries to grab the camera and erase the footage because it's so damning of her character.
And this was the best thing, Mike.
So, okay, so you have like this group of Trump protesters, all right?
And then you have the Trump supporters.
And on the Trump supporters,
There was a blonde lady, there was a Latino man, there was myself, there was the young African-American gentleman, and then there was a young girl that looked to be of Filipino descent.
All white.
Protesters, all white.
Every single one of them.
Trump group, totally diverse, totally loving, totally open.
Trump protesters, all white haters.
Hateful white leftists.
So there's higher education in this country.
A professor that makes fart noises with her mouse.
She misquotes Greg Fenves' She tries to say, oh, you don't know what he said.
I said what he said.
You didn't.
This is it for the Alex Jones Show.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
You've got great air filters.