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Name: 20170815_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 15, 2017
3217 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the globalist agenda and its use of class warfare, economic warfare, and biological warfare through GMOs, vaccines, and geoengineering. He mentions the involvement of George Soros in leftist groups funding attacks on Jewish synagogues and black churches, and accuses him of orchestrating these attacks to control Jews, blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities. Jones also criticizes the media for spreading false information about President Trump and Israel. The news program discusses various current events including President Trump considering a pardon for former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, rumors of Steve Bannon being removed from his position in the White House, and the Charlottesville incident. The hosts criticize media for spreading false information about these events. Jones discusses the manipulation of race and politics to advance a globalist agenda focused on carbon taxes and elitist control. He mentions various sources that support his claims including articles from USA Today and The Economist magazine, which emphasize the importance of demographics and minority support for their plan. Jones argues that this agenda is driven by an elite group who aim to cut resources off from general population while maintaining their own privileges. The speaker discusses how crucial it is for Trump supporters to unite in upcoming primaries to ensure pro-Trump candidates are elected, and the dangers of fake Trumpers attempting to sabotage their efforts. He also touches on the importance of having a survival plan in place for potential future crises and the potential demise of the Democratic party after the 2020 presidential election. The Alex Jones Show discusses the financial markets with Michael Snyder, covering topics such as the role of global central banks in pumping trillions of dollars into the system leading to artificially high stock market values, and the potential for a future market turn. The speaker discusses how the Federal Reserve is responsible for causing economic crashes and promotes his campaign platform to shut down the Federal Reserve. He also promotes a product called MycoZX, which he claims helps with fungal infections and yeast growth. The discussion then shifts to Charlottesville incident, CNN's endorsement of Antifa, and how the situation has been planned from the beginning to bring down Trump and divide America. The segment includes a mention of fake crime hoaxes and how they are used by the establishment to start larger wars. The speaker discusses globalists using false flag tactics to involve the United States in conflicts such as the Gulf of Tonkin conflict, and how people are being divided along race lines with events like Charlottesville being exploited by

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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
We are live on this Tuesday, August 15th in the fight for the Republic, the fight for the future of America.
Alex Jones is working from the road today.
Owen Schroer here hosting.
We are joined by Alex Jones now to kick off the show.
Alex, it's wild times we're living in right now, brother.
It certainly is.
We remember back during the campaign, we have the WikiLeaks, but we knew this before we got the WikiLeaks, they were sending mainly minorities and women, trying to get them to start fights at Trump rallies, and in areas like Chicago, ordering the police to stand down, wanting to get a riot, and then saying, cancel Trump rallies.
He isn't, as a presidential candidate, even allowed to have rallies.
He's causing the hate.
He's causing the violence.
Then, a man who was in Occupy Wall Street, worked with the Democratic Party, then was in Black Lives Matter.
You cannot make this up.
Worked for the Barack Obama campaign.
He now leads the so-called Unify the Alt-Right.
So Hillary creates the term alt-right.
They put that out.
They tell us, that's what you are.
She's God.
She tells you what you are.
She is Lord.
She is Madam President.
Then they connect the white supremacists and the Nazis into the term alt-right.
Then they foment events like this, have the police stand down, which is confirmed.
Then there is some violence.
There is a sad death.
And boom, then they project it onto President Trump.
They project it onto the American people, just like when there's a shooting.
Every gun owner is guilty, except authoritarian states that have guns.
It's fine for them to have guns, but every private citizen that owns a gun is guilty.
Now, I said this a few days ago.
I said Trump came out, said both sides are being bad.
This is stupid.
We should love each other.
We should come together.
That way you're not just sitting there bashing white people or black people or anybody else.
You're pointing out that this is wrong.
There's racist on both sides.
Black Lives Matter and these groups are absolutely racist.
They push this whole anti-white agenda to get whites into their own racial agenda.
That is the program operation that they're launching.
He said the right thing, clearly, at Bannon and his own advice.
But Trump's smart as well.
It was him earlier this year who said all these attacks on Jewish centers, these hundreds and hundreds of bomb threats, may have been coming from the other side, the left.
To blame Trump.
And it turned out, indeed, they caught the ringleader, who was a Jewish journalist, obviously coordinating others, but they shut it down very, very quickly.
Former journalist arrested, charged with threats against Jewish facilities.
So now, today, I'm going to go over some documented examples after the break of famous Nazis that were Jewish.
There's been best-selling books written on this.
They go, oh, you're being anti-Semitic.
No, I'm not George Soros helping round up tens of thousands of Jews and killing them.
I'm not George Soros trying to overthrow Israel.
But see, this is how they overturn reality on the left, is saying Trump's anti-Semitic, but he's a great friend of Israel.
I don't
Again, this is a fight against people like George Soros, Nazi collaborators that literally feed on Jews and fund anti-Semitism, like the group Soros funded in Ukraine, total Nazis, to overthrow that government.
So, we're going to put videos together in the next few days too, professional videos, with all the news articles, all the clips, all the proof, all the facts, just to show it.
Because I did that on purpose.
I've been doing it for months, trying to bait the media into coming out and lying and attacking me, saying, oh, Jones claims that some Jews are posing as Nazis.
I've been waiting for them to do this, because I'm going to expose Soros, and I'm going to wade into this and show
Again, what this monster has done.
But again, I'm the bad guy because I'm not against Israel like Soros, and I didn't help kill Jews.
So I'm the bad person.
If you kill Jews en masse, if you want to overthrow Israel, if you want to overthrow Trump, if you want to overthrow America, and you're funding racist groups, then you're wonderful.
Give your George not no Soros.
We're winning.
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Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones!
It's Tuesday, August 15, 2017.
Nobody ever said it would be easy to take back America from the globalist social engineers that use class warfare, that use economic warfare, that also use biological warfare through the GMO, through the vaccines, through the geoengineering to control populations.
We know they tried to say everybody that supported Trump was a racist, and they sent rioters in, mainly minorities and women, to the Trump events, it's in the WikiLeaks, to attack people, to try to get fights going, to get Trump's rallies cancelled, and the media said, cancel your rallies!
That's why it wasn't hard for me on Saturday, as the rioting by moron groups on both sides was going on in Charlottesville, Virginia, that I said, you watch, the talking point will be time to ban these rallies.
And what CNN and MSNBC and The Washington Post and Google and Facebook and Twitter are doing is ganging up
On Mainline, Trump Supporting Groups, Millie Weaver's Flyover America, that is simply, hey, if you have a small business or you live in one of these small towns or in flyover areas, we want to interview you.
And so it's like folks that own restaurants and gas stations and we're interviewing black folks, white folks, everybody.
Just totally wholesome, good program with Millie.
We're talking G-rated folks.
Unless Andy Foss shows up screaming and yelling and cussing and throwing poo-poo water balloons at people.
And CBS put out a piece saying, here's the alt-right white supremacist meeting.
Look, she has blonde hair.
This is their hateful, stereotypical anti-white garbage that's pushed by MSM to make whites think they're being racially attacked and to create that racial dichotomy.
So after her, uh, Saturday, her and Gavin getting pepper sprayed, witnessing all of this, and now witnessing the CBS News piece that we'll play a short clip of coming up at the bottom of the hour, we'll look at all that.
I'm on the road working on a big investigation, and I'll be live here the next few days with you, but in studio, we've got Owen Schroer, we've got, uh, coming in tomorrow and through Friday, we've got
Roger Stone is going to be co-hosting in studio.
We told you first that Trump didn't know that Arpaio was facing six months in prison for doing his job enforcing the border law, arresting people with felonies and the people that have committed DWI's, you name it.
But now, Trump did learn about that a few weeks ago.
I'll just leave it at that.
And he is looking at a pardon of Arpaio.
So we're going to have Corsi pop in for like 5-10 minutes later to break that down.
And there could be a pardon by the end of the week.
Also, Bannon could be out by the end of the week.
That move is real.
So there's a lot of things we're going to be covering on that front as well.
They put the lie out to the President and others that it's Bannon leaking and coordinating the so-called independent media that they call Alt-Right.
I know.
We do our research.
We see what's happening.
We know what's going on.
I have never talked to Bannon about policy, about news stories, about ideas.
I've had his cell phone number for a long time, from back like two and a half years ago, when folks at Breitbart were saying I should get him on.
And then I would call and we'd play phone tag and never get him on.
And then once he was the advisor to the president, chief advisor, I'd send him a few text messages saying, hey, please come on.
He'd say, brother, not doing interviews.
You know, I'm just trying to save the republic.
You know, appreciate your work.
Have a good one.
I'd ask him to come on again.
He'd say, you know, just too focused in here.
I'm not a public guy.
I don't do any interviews.
I don't talk to any press.
That's my rule.
I talk to no one except the president.
That's what he does.
He sits there and he strategizes in a war room with a bunch of whiteboards with their goals, with their plans, like cutting taxes, like killing TPP, like killing the carbon taxes, like...
You know, defending the Second Amendment, deporting people that have felonies, getting the VA to fix its problems and to privatize it and to give people an option.
I mean, they've delivered on like half of what they said they'd do in seven months.
And that's why the globalists are panicking.
Getting a good Supreme Court justice in, getting the stock market up, getting over a thousand companies to come into the U.S.
Trump is taking the political power away from the elites that are gatekeepers
And make people go through, you know, the elites to basically have jobs or have a future.
And he's transferring it back to the people and back to the states.
He is devolving power.
And anybody that wants to be weak-minded...
I don't know.
We're good to go.
You notice whenever somebody gets run over by radical jihads, when that is a real organized group doing it, they never say it's a Muslim that did it.
Or when the leftist goes and shoots some, you know, councilman in his yard last week to death because he's a Republican, they never personalize it.
Or they never say it's left-wing terrorism when a congressman and others get shot in D.C.
and the left celebrates it and says, hashtag, hunt Republicans.
They want a civil war.
Because they believe that they can then confuse the public to fight with each other, and that'll keep the elite in power during that crisis.
Just like a prison riot, the warden uses that to keep control.
If he starts getting people unifying, the blacks, the whites, the Hispanics, and others, in the prison against bad policies, or against corruption, or against slave labor, you know, things that have happened historically in the past that are put in fictional accounts like Shawshank Redemption, they'll use racial issues to control people.
I think so.
Well, if you start doing that, they've already won.
And I'm not blaming people that have cancelled some of their events just because they want to have security or want to be able to not let the globalists piggyback on what they're doing.
But the answer is to say we're having a peaceful event that's inclusive, like we're going to march against Google's censorship.
I don't
For labeling of GMO.
Or we're going to march for all of these same school choice issues.
This is what unifies us around policy and around real ideas.
And I fully understand why Milley
Cancel some of her meetups, because all they're doing is, you know, on Flyover America, on our little Facebook page, is driving around to see the forgotten Americans of every race, color, and creed that Hollywood on the West Coast and the East Coast disdainfully call flyover country and bitter clingers.
And it's bringing people together.
And so if the media focuses on, look at Millie Weaver, you know, she's this alt-right person, and she's this evil person, and she's having these meetups.
They are trying to sick, bully terrorists.
Antifa scum to come attack at those so the media can churn up more violence in America, blame on everybody and try to restrict free speech.
So I understand on a small budget and our little reporters out there that we need to cancel those for now to reassess what we're going to do and then maybe have bigger events where we can have more security, control the situation, use it as a place where the police won't stand down in a jurisdiction we know isn't controlled by globalists to then illustrate what's really happening.
I'm not talking about her.
Other people are even saying, I'm not going to support Trump anymore because I don't want people to call me a racist.
Well, if you do that, it's never going to end.
They're going to say, you don't like Obamacare, you're a racist.
You don't want to turn your guns in, you're a racist.
You don't want open borders, you're a racist.
This is the new religion of bullying and control that these bullies consciously know that they're carrying out.
But the answer is, we're now in the season of the lawsuit.
And I've said that.
I'm getting ready to file lawsuits.
Everybody just get ready.
I'm filing on Google.
Gotta get it set up.
Gotta get it going.
I am, you know, here in Seattle right now working on that.
I'm going to be meeting with lawyers.
I'm also going to be going to D.C.
next week.
I mean, if serious lawsuits mean serious issues and serious time, I may have to go to New York.
We're looking for the right jurisdiction for the suits.
The next people call us Nazis or racists, and we got a good case, we're suing you.
Even though it'd be a long, drawn-out deal, we have to set the precedent that you can't do it.
You can't have a nice young lady in our camera guy going around to meet Flyover America and talking about American values and bringing us together, red, white, and blue.
That's so...
Sickens the social engineer, race pimps, the scum of CNN, the scum of the Democratic Party, the scum of MSNBC, the scum of the Southern Poverty Law Center that funded and created the Elohim City White Supremacist Command Base, ordered a stand down.
They knew the bombing was happening.
They were all part of it at the time.
The Clintons were involved.
The Deputy Attorney General ran the attack, basically.
These are horrible, evil people that consciously know they're race pimping and want a race-based America and that are betraying white Christians that made us the openest, freest country in the world and brought everybody together.
They have used our strength of true exclusiveness and diversity against us because they are led by a literal Nazi collaborator who told 60 Minutes he's proud of what he did, rounding up more than 10,000 Jews, four Nazis, stealing everything they had and then sending them to death camps.
Remember, the left's main funder is George Soros, and that's why they've caught leftist groups funding attacks on Jewish synagogues, black churches, and you name it, over and over again, is to keep Jews, blacks, Hispanics, and others under the control of
Wicked, evil, parasitic, Nazi collaborators like Soros who are the mafia who conduct false flags against minorities and hype up these events so they can keep them under their horrible, slithering control.
Just like Soros fought in the Arab Spring and put radical Muslims in charge.
They are committed to pure evil.
And when we come back, I'm going to expose that and exactly how the Washington Post reports
As well as the Associated Press, as well as BuzzFeed, that Trump was right.
The Jewish Center attacks were carried out by a Jewish journalist working for...
People really need to order the book at infowarestore.com.
Dangerous.com is the website, and I gotta say, that is the best URL ever.
I bet you paid handsomely for it.
I am jealous.
I won't tell you how much I paid for it, but I'm very happy to have acquired Dangerous.com.
I'm gonna keep, I'm gonna, once the book is kind of, the book tour is over, I'm gonna hand it over to the imprint that we set up, Dangerous Books.
That is, that is like the best in this whole media climate.
I couldn't think of a better
Well, I'll give you an email address.
You know, alexatdangerous.com.
Well, since you're gay, the blaze would be pretty good.
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Oh, Glenn Beck's far more of a fag than I am.
Oh, there's no doubt.
No, I'll leave that to the other big gay... That'll be in the news.
I'll leave that to the other big gay lord in conservative media.
He called me a threat to the Republic.
He called me Goebbels.
Well, you know, he's the new guy who goes around as the Judas Goat and goes, conservatives are all faking frauds.
I'm one.
I'm sorry.
He crawls around on failed establishment publications, always trying to sabotage everything.
You just see his name in the New York Times.
You're like, what are you doing?
And he thinks it's some kind of victory.
It's like, I am parking my tanks on their lawn.
I'm making this insurgency into the enemy territory.
No, they're laughing at you.
No, they have muted you.
He's like, what's the one in Game of Thrones that is...
He's a gelder.
He's a eunuch.
He's a eunuch.
They've cut it off.
They've chopped it off.
Well, the word is actually, I'm not against this, Glenn Beck actually was a woman that transitioned into a man.
Do you think so?
Actually, I heard he's pregnant.
No, no, I'm serious.
This is breaking.
Every day, the Daily Mail seems to find some new pregnant man, and I just know, give it a couple of days, the next one's going to be Glenn, 56, from Texas.
Let me give you the next news.
It's my baby.
Well, that really would be something.
I'm going to be honest.
I've had a relationship with one guy for a long time.
What would your celebrity name be?
Alec Gle... Glelic... Glelics.
Your celebrity couple name is Glelics.
The Glelics Empire attacked Earth from its Mars base.
The little Glenn Beck, Alex Jones clone babies.
That would be an ugly baby.
To the extent that it was Glenn's, yeah.
No, no, you're being nice.
I mean, Glenn is a good looking woman.
What's up with the creepy sweaters, too?
He dresses like an elderly gay antiques dealer.
You just imagine he's got these porcelain glasses and he's looking down his nose at, you know, those nubile young boys in the antique shop or something.
Oh my goodness.
Oh boy.
Well, you know, that's how they... Good news is that was yesterday.
They said he could never do broadcast because he was too busy always designing the interior.
Look at the offices of The Blaze, you know, no wonder their network's gone to shit.
He spent all the time picking the drapes and forgot to come up with a business model.
That's what they said!
But again, I love it.
Yours is called Dangerous, which is real hard.
Dangerous to tyrants.
The best name ever.
He picked The Blaze.
Did he not get the Freudian slip?
Speaking of the devil, we've got a funder operation.
The book's available at infowarestore.com, dangerous.com, not at the flaming ember... The blaze, you know, its end was always prophesied in its name, you know, and it's going to go down.
It's got so many metaphors!
The blaze!
Exactly how it started and exactly how it'll end.
It's kind of like naming a shooting star.
Just the Icarus Network.
That's why I chose Infowar.
It goes on forever.
So, there were probably, let's not exaggerate, I couldn't even track them all, 50 major publications from the New York Times to the Jerusalem Post.
Alex Jones, you know, quote says, I won't even say it because I'll edit it out of context, the Jew word, Alex Jones says that Bleep carried out
The situation
Individuals who happen to be Jewish, I was talking to out in LA.
He said, don't be so hard on George Soros.
He had to do it to survive.
And I said, if people told me they were going to kill me, if I didn't help round up 10,000 of my fellow Austinites, regardless of what color they were, I'd say, pull the trigger.
But Soros didn't say he was even sorry.
He said, I did what I had to to survive, and I'm proud of it.
And then he went on to fund evil throughout his life.
And then it's so weird to have this weird Jewish collaborator
Who does all this, and does all this evil, and overthrows countries, and overthrows currencies, and tries to destroy stable governments, and puts radical Muslims in charge, and just has a track record of pure evil.
And then...
He funds Media Matters that puts out the talking points that are then the orders.
Only when Media Matters puts it out, because I know that's from the Clintons, and from Podesta, and from Soros, then the newspapers all put it out.
So I go, oh look, it's in Media Matters.
Within two hours it'll be in 50 newspapers, or 100 newspapers, or 1,000 newspapers sometimes.
Which is great publicity for us, because the fiction they put out about us isn't real.
And then folks just come to us and find the truth.
That I'm not for destroying Israel.
I'm not for overthrowing Israel.
I am pro-Israel.
Everybody knows that I'm hated by the Nazis for that.
Doesn't mean I support all of Israel's policies.
Israel has different governments that come and go.
And that I support President Trump.
And that President Trump supports a good, stable Israel.
And a good, stable Middle East as well.
And that they're saying he's an anti-Semite.
Remember the headline six months ago from BuzzFeed.
There was also Daily Beast.
They all said, Trump says attacks on Jewish centers are false flag.
They went on to say it's anti-Semitism.
You had attacks on cemeteries, attacks on synagogues, hundreds and hundreds of bomb threats, coordinated.
And the police caught a writer.
With, again, connections to groups funded by Soros and the big left out coordinating it.
And believe me, folks, it wasn't just him from Intel in New York and New Jersey.
And Trump had Jewish groups close to him.
He has a lot of advisers that are Jewish Americans that are patriots saying, sir, we believe this is leftist operations against you and against Netanyahu because they knew the two were allied before Trump even won.
So they're trying to overthrow Netanyahu the same way.
It's not even about Jews.
It's about politics and the left, whether you're black, white, Hispanic, Jewish, Chinese, it doesn't matter.
Using race-based politics.
So we're putting together the videos of the poop swastika and all the fake stuff and Jewish folks and white folks and black folks and Chinese folks and everybody getting caught staging stuff.
Everybody knows people like to frame up folks.
Everybody knows there's been lots of cases of white women, you know carving stuff on their face or back saying a bunch of black guys did it and then it turns out it's not true.
Cops know half the time when there's some big outlandish story that happened it turns out it's fake.
I mean, they know most of the time when somebody finds a pipe bomb, it was them that did it.
I mean, that's just basic criminology, and it's not a reflection on Jews, as if Jews are the only people that do this.
But George Soros is a Nazi collaborator.
He is a race-baiting, radical Muslim-funding pig.
He is, in the WikiLeaks, wanting to overthrow Israel.
I'm not the one doing it.
And I said all that.
About them catching FBI people and leftist groups and Jewish leftist groups posing as Nazis and they've caught rabbis posing as Nazis.
It's been all over the news.
So I'm going to have file folks go into the Reuters, Thomson, LexisNexis stuff in the next week.
I'm going to pull hundreds, hundreds of articles where people got caught doing this and the ADL got caught breaking into police stations and framing people.
And the Southern Poverty Law Center got caught funding Nazis, and Jewish groups got caught hiling Hitler at events to blame right-wingers, and I'm just gonna show where Hispanics got caught doing it and blacks got caught doing it, and the whole false... I mean, Breitbart's written hundreds of articles the last two years showing all the fake stuff nine times out of ten.
It turns out to be completely fake, and that's what I said.
And you've got the leftist mafia that's made up of a lot of different people that goes out and stages racial attacks, stirs up racial attacks, or has police chiefs stand down and mayors stand down who bring in Antifa to viciously attack and to cause a clash between racist white idiots and minority race-based morons, to have a clash, then blame America for it, to create racial divide,
Great racial guilt, so we get bullied into the agenda of accepting globalism and imploding economy and a new world order on the backs of it with scum like CNN and others who take money from gulf regimes funding them to do it.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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God bless you all.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Owen Schroer is in the cockpit there in Austin, Texas.
He'll be co-hosting throughout the transmission.
I'll be off and on with you this week.
I'm here in Seattle working on some important things.
I am gearing up for lawsuits, antitrust lawsuits, civil rights violation lawsuits against Google and others.
I am also looking at very serious lawsuits
I don't know.
We're terrorizing our free speech, so get ready for that.
But here's a snapshot of what we're dealing with.
All the race stuff is to divide and conquer us and divert us.
But what's it really about?
Global carbon taxes.
Tracking everything you do, picking winners and losers, having computers monitor your every action, and taxing the very air you breathe.
Without me even looking, today in Seattle,
The cover of USA Today, just without even trying to find it.
USA Today says, Merkel sees an end of road for diesel gas cars to join other European countries banning gas and diesel cars.
There you go.
There is USA Today.
Now, I just picked up Seattle Met.
Secrets of the Olympic Peninsula.
Opened it to the first thing I opened.
And it's said that Trump can't stop the order of the world.
He can't swim upstream as a salmon.
We will have saving the earth.
We will have carbon taxes.
And I also have in my hotel room, I'm over here in Zimmerman's shooting this live feed, where we set up this little makeshift studio, The Economist Magazine this month.
The headline is, Roadkill.
All right, so it's a weekly publication published by the Rothschilds.
It shows a combustion engine looking like a dead animal, spread it on the road, and it explains global government and how it's going to happen and how demographics, how they're going to make people who aren't Anglo race-based and tie them to demographics of carbon tax.
And so there's no way Trump long-term can stop them because it's totally race-based.
And I forgot to get the magazine over here, but tomorrow or so, I'm going to do
Uh, yeah, I think my wife's got it, actually.
Maybe you can see if you can find it real quick.
I think she's eating, so I don't think it's in the room.
I'll show it tomorrow.
The point is, it actually says in another article, we're going to get the white people.
It actually says, because of demographics, no one can stop it.
We are able to convert minorities to accept the policies of global government, carbon taxes, and elites running things.
It actually, because elites do read, and wannabe elites do read The Economist.
And so you're reading and it says, elites run things, and this elites, it says, don't be nervous.
Our plan is going to work.
We've got the demographics of the non-whites.
Now again, it's not that the minorities who are a majority outside the U.S.
are bad people.
It's that they've been targeted, they've test brainwashed them, and people are tribal.
And they actually say, it doesn't matter, we'll get our global government, we'll cut everybody's resources off.
And when I got to this hotel, they said, would you like to make a green choice and have no, no, uh, new sheets?
Used to, they said, would you like to have it only every three days or ask for it?
Now, and I said, no, I want it all the time just to, you know, see how they'd act.
And they got all, oh, that's sure, that's not good for the earth.
And then I noticed my bath towel was this big.
It was a large washcloth.
And I called him and they said, yes, sir, that's for the earth.
You see, so it's about you have less and less, but you pay more and more.
Africans can't have cars.
Africans can't have air conditioning.
You can't either.
But it's not racist to tell Africans they can't be developed.
It's loving eugenics by the loving liberals on top who I know.
The top liberals in places like here.
I don't
Six-foot-four, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and I'm serious.
And they just run the system.
Bill Gates' dad ran Planned Parenthood, Total Eugenicist, Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, Cold Springs Harbor, Top Nazis, Heil Hitler, the whole way, folks.
They are committed to it, but they're liberals, so it's okay.
And then they'll have the Southern Property Law Center and the known Nazi collaborator will edit out that clip and have me on the news tonight saying, Heil Hitler.
You know what?
That's your problem, scum.
You're the filth.
You're the trash.
You're the garbage.
You're the Nazis.
And you're going down.
So, just understand, we understand your entire plan to blow up our republic, to blow up free market, to blow up renaissance, and to blow up civilization.
The combustion engine is still the best technology.
They've got 200 mile carburetors that'll give you 200, 300 horsepower.
The Japanese had it 30, 40, 50 years ago, depending on the unit.
Of course there's other advanced technologies they're blocking.
But when they say electric cars and batteries, they're going to make cars where they don't work anymore and they're not cost feasible so you only ride buses and trains so they can control where you live and what you do to get you off the land and it's all declassified and it's all public.
That's what you've got to start understanding here is none of this is my opinion.
This is documented fact.
I'm going to Millie Weaver here in a moment.
But what you need to understand is this.
You want somebody to fight the New World Order?
You want somebody to take them on?
They're cutting your energy off right now.
They are putting biological weapons in your vaccines.
I put out a video yesterday.
Racists caught poisoning vaccines.
That's what they actually do.
They say in the UN they do it.
We're talking about real racists here, putting mutagens and cancer viruses in the shots.
Look it up.
SB40 is just the beginning.
Ladies and gentlemen,
That's why we need your hopes and your prayers and everything.
That's why we need you to financially support InfoWars because I will go after the globalists.
I don't care what they do or what they say.
I love their attacks because I know they're scum and they're not going to break my will.
It's all a psych job, but that's why we've combined last month's specials with this month's specials.
Because I want to hire a bunch of new reporters.
I want to expand in their face.
I want to file lawsuits on them.
I'm going to do it.
I am attacking.
It doesn't mean I'm going to save the world, but my example, with your example, will turn the tide.
We are turning the tide.
Never let them break your will.
Never let them intimidate you.
Of course they're going to call you racist.
They call Trump that.
They're lying scum.
They're Nazi collaborators.
It's an honor to have lying, conniving filth say this about you.
Get past the peer pressure.
Get past the mindless.
Just remember how we got here.
Breaking their will.
Breaking their conditioning.
Letting them know we'll never submit to them.
So, here's the new unification
Special of the 1776 special we were running, the last month special we were running, together it's the BuzzFeed Mega Special.
From John Oliver to BuzzFeed, InfoWars is under an unprecedented global siege on all fronts.
And it is thanks to your support, and thank God we're under siege, we can attack in all directions.
Seriously, we're just devastating the enemy.
Our talking points go global, all the world leaders, we're countering them everywhere.
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This one breaks.
We have more time.
The end of the hour, of course, he's popping in.
We told you Trump was moving with a pardon for Arpaio.
It's symbolic, but it's important.
We told you that first.
That's coming up.
They say by Friday, Trump could announce that.
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I'm going to stop right there.
I just got so much going on and so many guests today and so much to cover.
Now, the scum that have been fomenting race war in America and saying whites are inherently evil and funding that as the new cosmology and having all these TV shows and movies, you know, saying whites, shut up.
The problem with whiteness on MTV is to try to create some actual racist white groups.
We have a right to demonstrate.
We have a right to speak out against them.
Then you have the idiot, anti-file, racist, communist, Soros-funded, Day of the Dead group.
Mainly white people running around screaming, F white people.
I mean, it's just a bunch of meth heads, literally.
Like, glow-in-the-dark, green-skinned.
I mean, they're so white, they're like green-skinned.
Running around, screaming, kill everybody.
And so you have a tragic event like happened last Saturday.
They then take our goodness, saying we're sad, even though we weren't part of it, to project it onto Trump, project it onto you, and to say any conservative or libertarian meeting anywhere should be attacked viciously and is a hate group, and saying we don't want you bringing your pro-Trump or pro-America or pro-Second Amendment rally to our town.
So Cleveland, where we had the RNC, where I got mobbed by everybody, folks absolutely love us in the town.
They have CBS News say, look, Millie Weaver of InfoWars with her flyover country.
Look, she's got blonde hair.
That's evil.
That's bad.
Again, reverse Nazi stuff.
She's coming with her alt-right hate here.
Hillary creates the term alt-right, calls anybody that opposes Hillary alt-right, then attaches white supremacists to alt-right, and then by alchemy then says, oh my gosh, let's go attack this group when they come to town because they're white supremacists.
Well, what you're doing is walking yourself into a lawsuit.
And I've told everybody, you're entering the season of the lawsuit now.
And I'm going to have class action lawsuits, I'm going to get my listeners involved, I'm going to have fundraisers, we're going to depose people, we're going to come after you.
I'm getting vicious lawyers to defend the First Amendment.
Because we've been letting it build up, build up, build up.
I don't know if this is the case, but understand,
Understand, the trash that's putting race war in this country and creating all this division, you're going to get what you want individually very, very soon.
But people shouldn't be intimidated by this.
They called Trump a racist.
They're calling him a Nazi today on MSNBC.
The little desperate Potok from the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The Southern Poverty Law Center funded the Nazis in L.A.
City and the Oklahoma City bombing was run out of there.
They're the ones that need to be indicted.
They're the ones that need to be investigated.
Notice they never sued me for saying that.
Because we got the emails, the eyewitnesses, all of it.
Okay, I mean, we talk about, you know, liberal groups staging Nazi stuff.
Good Lord, it's famous!
So, they're desperate.
Who cares if scum that calls everybody racist keeps saying this?
I get, though, canceling some of the meetups as she just went around the country.
To interview locals, to interview Americans.
InfoWars is so big, she could just go to a park and everybody loves her.
Black, white, Hispanic, old, young.
That's the good news.
She was having little meetups to run into cool people that wanted to show us their business or show us their cows or show us their factory.
Great hit show.
Tens of millions of viewers for Fly Over America.
Just an internet show that we do to show how great America is and bring us together.
So here is a CBS clip piece.
It's an example of how they're targeting.
Even mainline Republican meetings now to bully everyone into going under the cultural left's control where they will then say, okay, we won't call you names and send anti-fob murderers to come after you if you submit and worship us in the racketeering operations that are CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, and the other criminal organizations of known liars committed to lying to the American people and destroying our republic.
Here's the clip.
A lot of attention since its East End offices first opened, but now this building is scheduled to be the target of an alt-right rally scheduled for this Saturday.
So far people have been shocked.
They had no idea that this was taking place.
Attorney and community activist Felicity Williams learned about the planned rally on the internet.
A Facebook page for Flyover America announced Google offices here were included in a list of planned rallies for the weekend.
Her concern?
Was the city prepared after watching what happened this past weekend in Charlottesville?
I hope that they are taking the necessary steps to prepare.
Because again, as I said, I'm pretty sure Charlottesville didn't anticipate
What happened there happening in their city.
Google is actually private property according to the city and so far no permit has been requested.
Police will monitor any protests and take necessary precautions.
Word of the planned rally is just beginning to spread in the area.
I'm concerned.
I mean we live in a place where everyone should have freedom of speech but it's not right.
So just because you have the right to say what you want you should.
I'm French and in France we
We are aware to protest about everything, and when we want, we can protest.
The Flyover America Facebook page is already getting reactions to the idea of coming to Pittsburgh.
Those opposed to the rally are hoping to bring interested parties together to come up with a plan on how to address any issues that may arise.
We want to make sure that whatever action we plan, that we are keeping people safe, but we are still able to exercise our rights and to make a statement against this coming to Pittsburgh.
Now that's pretty mild compared to MSNBC and the scum I was talking about earlier saying Trump's a Hitler, Trump's a Nazi.
That's what I'm talking about, scum.
These are useful idiot folks for the globalists that just buy into because they say fly over country and then, you know, connect it to what happened in Charlottesville that somehow people are coming with their Nazi flags or something there when the Google demonstrations were announced on InfoWars two weeks ago by Mike Cernovich to unify everybody against Internet censorship.
But again, everyone getting into this and panicking about it is exactly what the globalists want.
We need to continue demonstrations against Google.
When I get back to Austin, I'm going to do one at Google.
Oh my gosh, in America, I'm going to go down there and do it because it has to be done.
We have to exercise our free speech.
We have to expose that Google is censoring us in cyberspace, and we have to sue them!
So, I guess they'll call my lawsuit, you know, KKK or something, because we're battling the KKK.
So we're going to skip this break so we have more time.
Of course, he's popping in for five minutes at the start of the next hour to get in just briefly to the whole Arpaio situation and his article on Infowars.com.
But this is information warfare.
This is success.
Millie, what you've gone through, being pepper-sprayed, attacked, is much, much worse than just dis-info in the media.
This is what the left does, is project onto everyone that they're racist.
I mean, what do you expect them to do?
Well, I don't expect them to do anything different than what they're doing.
However, what has alarmed me about what we're seeing with this march on Google in Pittsburgh and all the mainstream media coverage that has been very deceptive as painting this as an alt-right protest,
What's alarming me is that it's the exact same thing I saw leading up to the Charlottesville protest at the Unite the Right rally, and the media coverage, and the spin, and the city planners, and the police.
I mean, a Nazi collaborator runs the left.
I mean, they're gonna do evil stuff.
That's what they do, and they love it.
It alarms people.
They go, ah, we'll say more.
They'll even target you specifically and say you've killed children.
That's what they do.
Exactly, and what they did in Charlottesville was just a test, and now they want to duplicate that and repeat it over and over again across the United States.
They've proven that they were successful in getting away with demonizing, and yes, there were some racist and extreme elements that you don't typically see out there on the right, voicing some pretty bigoted things, and I disagree with it, and most of the Trump supporters out there have
The more you disagree, the more you say you disagree, the more they'll say you said Holly Hitler.
These are lying scum that funded the Arab Spring to kill over a million people.
They know full well they're leading that group in Charlottesville.
They're running it.
They always run it.
It always comes out.
Like Trump said, the attack on the Jewish centers.
He said, that's the left to blame me.
And it turned out it was true, Millie.
Well, I think it is to blame the right.
I mean, and I think that this next march on Google has been hijacked by the deep state.
I have a statement here from the mayor of Pittsburgh, and he even says in his statement that he has been monitoring social media and intelligence reports regarding potential right-wing protests this weekend in Pittsburgh.
So he's talking about being briefed by intelligence.
Now, let me remind you guys, this flyover...
Yeah, and this is why we're...
Exactly, and they want us to react by going out there to stand up for the First Amendment, but essentially they're just going to use it to demonize Trump, and then if they can successfully demonize Trump over the appearance of a divided nation, they will accomplish a win for whoever the next radical leftist progressive is that runs in 2020.
So they're wanting us to win on the streets so that they can then win in the voter booth.
And that's why I did put out a video saying... It's a little more complex in my view than that.
See, they told Trump to stop having rallies.
He wouldn't be president right now.
They said, there's violence at your rallies, they're blaming it on you, they're saying you're a racist, you need to stop the rallies.
And if he would have done that, he would have lost.
I understand we've got to be wise about these things, but we've got to document who does what.
We know what to watch for.
Most of these events, we end up catching them before they even do it.
I don't think it's good to do it in Democrat-controlled cities.
You need to find out if the cops are going to protect you or stand down.
I think you should, on both sides, investigate and look at the angles.
But if we say that, well, oh, they've got the propaganda upper hand.
And so we can't ever go out and demonstrate because they'll say we're a bad person.
They're going to say that in cyberspace and ban us there.
Do we then stop being in cyberspace?
Because yes, they will not say anything about you if you never speak again.
If you get off the internet, and if you get off the streets, and if you just go submit, they will leave you alone.
That is true.
Yeah, I mean, we do have to fight for the First Amendment.
We do have to go out there and voice our concerns, but as far as I'm saying with these particular events, it just, it looks like Deep State has hijacked it, and I'm really worried.
Well, of course, no, Millie, Millie, Millie, Millie, I'm not mad at you, I'm just frustrated.
Of course they've tried to hijack it.
But just because they engage us doesn't mean they've hijacked it.
Then they'll spin it, oh, the right wing's not going to protest anymore because they believe they'll get blamed.
Of course we launched Google protest and they're scared of it because they don't want antitrust lawsuits and they don't want Americans coming together against their violations of free speech and Chinese style net censorship.
You're absolutely right, Millie, that they are hijacking it.
That's why we've got to get more involved than ever and expose what they're doing and everybody should just go out to Google at all times of the day, stand up and do live feeds in front of them talking about the censorship they've done.
They can't stop individuals randomly going and doing things everywhere peacefully.
They're scared of us.
That's why they staged this in Charlotte.
That's why they're going, oh, alt-right.
It's coming to your town.
Even though Cernovich said nine months ago, I'm not alt-right.
Don't give me that name, Hillary.
I said that too.
I said we're the new right.
I'm not even that.
So the reason I'm going wild here is we've already been through all this before.
We've already gone out.
I've already been at callous demonstrations.
I've already clashed with the communists.
I've already had the news say racist Alex Jones was out there attacking innocent people.
But the public knows they're liars, Billy.
And we get stronger because we don't let them break our will.
Do you understand?
Yes, I understand, and I do think the public needs to be made more aware, and we need to literally get on the bullhorn and scream about how Antifa are terrorists, going out, making threats, thinking that they can just show up and cause violence, attack people, and then they can successfully shut down free speech.
Now, we have these democratic cities with these liberal mayors that are going to have their police stand down, and it's going to be the same thing with Charlottesville, where you have elements of the right and the left clashing.
You did a great job.
Gavin did a great job.
You get 50 gold stars here.
What I'm saying is, let's not let them grab victory from the jaws of their defeat.
You, as a woman with just a camera guy, I don't expect you, and I've said, don't go to these things if you think they're dangerous.
Reassess, if you're just going to, hey meetup group, let's go out in front of Google and just meet, knowing 10 guys are going to show up, 10 people, just friendly folks, hey we want free speech.
You are absolutely right, we have to plan this out more now, because they've created a climate of anti-free speech, and that you at a level, at a gut level, know you shouldn't go to Google by yourself with just you and Gavin.
I totally and completely agree with your gut level.
I'm just saying we have to continue to plan even bigger demonstrations at Google now more than ever and be very clear and use the publicity we'll get at these events to point out what really happened and take the narrative back from them.
It's by engaging, but engaging smartly that we do it.
Now tell folks about Flyover Country and how folks can follow us right there on Facebook.
Well, Flyover America was designed to basically go around and give Trump supporters deplorables that have been demonized by the mainstream media an opportunity to tell them their side of the story because of all the media demonization of Trump supporters saying that they're all racist bigots and horrible people.
So that's what we were doing.
We had already had multiple events and, you know, the InfoWars listeners and Trump supporters showed up.
Exactly, and they want to essentially shut down our Fly Over America Tour because they think if they can show up to all of our meet-and-greet events and terrorize people, then they can stop us from getting that message out.
But Millie, Antifa is very slow.
It takes them a week to get going.
They didn't even show up the first night at the thing in Charlottesville.
You're going to be fine.
Probably not at the Google.
You're probably smart to, you know, hold back at that one or just cover it or whatever.
But I'm just saying, overall, you don't have to lead the thing.
You're doing a great job.
Just report on it.
Just break it down.
We love having you on every day.
It's such a great idea you guys had for Flyover American, you and Gavin.
Who had the idea?
Was it you or Gavin?
Um, it was kind of a mutual idea between the both of us.
And by no means am I going to just quit and give up on the First Amendment and the right for peaceful protest.
I'm going to be out there peacefully protesting.
You're raising the alarm that they're stealing your identity.
You're raising the alarm that they're trying to steal our identity and frame us like evil always does.
And I totally agree.
And we've had a discussion about all angles.
I agree with you.
You agree with me.
I'm just really pissed off right now.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Well, InfoWars.com, Dr. Jerry Corsi has been all over the Sheriff Joe story.
I guess it was about a week ago, Dr. Corsi, you were releasing the story how the White House was keeping this information from Trump.
Then you had the story about how they were trying to get the information to Trump.
Now it's gotten a step further.
The mainstream media has picked this up, and it looks like Trump is even considering a pardon.
Dr. Corsi, what do you know?
Well, I think, Owen, you're right.
I mean, the reporting we did brought the attention of the White House to the fact that Sheriff Arpaio had been convicted of this misdemeanor criminal contempt charge.
He had been denied a jury trial.
He'd been charged on the wrong statute, the correct statute.
The statute of limitations had run out.
And so, what we're facing now is that this is really a revenge prosecution that was started by the Obama Department of Justice, really punishing Sheriff Arpaio, both for his enforcing the immigration laws and his investigating Barack Obama's birth certificate.
Tom Perez was behind this prosecution.
He's now the head of the DNC.
He is a La Raza radical lawyer.
Uh, who comes out of Maryland and he had a real grudge on Joe Arpaio really determined to prosecute him.
So, this information now, because of our reporting at InfoWars, has reached the White House, and the most recent reports are that President Trump is planning to go down to Arizona next Tuesday, August 22nd, and that Sheriff Arpaio might be pardoned before that trip occurs, or maybe even on the day of that trip.
But clearly, we have the attention of the White House, and it's now being reported by the mainstream media.
Do you expect President Trump to make a statement somewhere along the lines of this witch hunt against Arpaio and why it happened?
I think so, and I think it's really an egregious case.
You've got a situation here where an order was given by a court to stop certain practices of stopping cars on the highway and investigating the occupants of the car, looking for illegal immigrants, saying that you can't stop the car based on the fact that the driver occupants are Hispanic.
And of course, Sheriff Arpaio always denied that that was the motive behind the car stops.
And in fact, you know, he was trying to enforce the immigration laws so that if there was a car stop for legitimate reason, other than race, and the people in the car were investigated in terms of who they were,
Yes, well then immigration laws could be enforced and the Sheriff Arpaio was determined to do so.
And the Obama administration was trying to back law enforcement off enforcing immigration laws and that's continuing with the Obama holdovers in the Department of Justice that now still want to prosecute Sheriff Arpaio and a judge who seems politically biased against Arpaio and really did not take into consideration the evidence that occurred at the bench trial.
This whole thing to me looks like a witch hunt.
It looks like it's a politically motivated prosecution.
And it's one in which Sheriff Arpaio deserves a pardon.
Because truly, he's 85 years old.
He's had a 40 year history in law enforcement.
He's never had a blemish on his record.
I think this is a real hero of law enforcement that campaigned for President Trump early on in January 2016.
And President Trump I think now needs to acknowledge that Joe Arpaio is being prosecuted unfairly.
Jerry, we're short on time.
Who in the White House was responsible for keeping this from getting to Trump?
Well, I'm not sure, but I mean, I think that part of the problem with General Kelly is he's going to try to keep any news coming from InfoWars or any of the other channels that are really in touch with Donald Trump's base from reaching Donald Trump and insulate him to a prepackaged kind of mainstream media approach to the news.
I don't think it's going to be successful.
I think Donald Trump follows InfoWars.
He's certainly followed the reporting that I've done over the years.
And I think this case in Sheriff Marpaio is a clear indication that this is the case.
And I think Roger Stone would support that.
And thanks to our audience too, we can get these messages to Trump.
We'll be right back.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Now this is a headline, folks.
50% of Americans favor a preemptive strike on North Korea, even though many can't find it on a map.
Boy, if that doesn't encapsulate the ignorance of the general population and the general public of America, I really don't know what does, other than the Kardashian TV show ratings.
I'm now joined by Michael Snyder, who is the author of this article, 50% of Americans favor a preemptive strike on North Korea, even though they can't find it on a map of the world.
Michael, it's funny, I remember a similar situation just a few years ago with Crimea,
When you had all these fake news pundits telling you about Crimea, telling liberals about Crimea, and then the liberals wanted to do something about Crimea, you said, well, where is it on a map?
And they had no idea.
It's funny how that works, isn't it?
It really is, and so Jimmy Kimmel went out on Hollywood Boulevard and held up a map.
First he asked people, should we attack North Korea?
And a lot of them said, oh yeah, let's attack North Korea, even if they don't attack us first.
Oh yeah, yeah, let's attack North Korea, let's bomb North Korea, you know, let's bomb them off the map.
But then he held up a map of the world, a blank map of the world, and said, okay, can you point to North Korea for me?
And some people were pointing to spots in the Middle East, some pointed toward Australia.
Some even pointed up at Canada.
They said, is it up there?
You know, the ignorance of the American people sometimes is just staggering.
Well, it's funny.
You can make these videos.
Like this, the one where they can't find North Korea on a map, but they want to bomb it.
Or you can do videos of people leaving the polls that voted for Obama, and you can read off the list of what McCain actually supports, or what Romney actually supports, and they're like, yeah, I support that too, and they're like, oh, oops, sorry, I wrote the Republican guy.
Sorry about that.
How do we beat this?
Because you have another story that says, if you stand with Trump, please support Team Trump candidates for Congress.
I completely agree.
I think the 2018 midterm elections are the biggest elections since the 2016 presidential elections, and possibly even bigger.
But with such an uninformed electorate, an uninformed public, how do we get people to know who's behind Trump?
How do we get people to know who the right person to elect is?
Well, we've got to educate people.
And so that's why I love what you're doing, Owen, with Omar Navarro out in California.
We're getting behind him trying to unseat Maxine Waters with a pro-Trump candidate.
Similar thing happening up in Wisconsin with Paul Nalen trying to unseat Paul Ryan with a pro-Trump candidate.
So what I would love to see is all of us that are pro-Trump, because we can't just use the Republican label, because we've got Republicans that are pro-Trump, but we've got a lot of Republicans that want to stab Trump in the back.
In fact, there's a big-time RINO about to jump in the race up here in Idaho's 1st Congressional District, where I'm running, and if he gets in, he'll stab Trump in the back at every opportunity.
And he's probably going to be my primary opponent.
And so that's why it's so imperative that we let people know, hey, I'm pro-Trump.
If I get in, if Omar Navarro gets in, if Paul Nalin gets in, we're going to have Trump's back.
We're going to try to shut these investigations down.
We're going to try to protect Trump from impeachment.
Because you know what?
I believe the 2018 midterm elections are going to be the most important midterm elections
In modern American history.
And if the Democrats, of course, if the Democrats get the House and the Senate, they're going to impeach Trump.
They're already saying it.
So it's going to be a done deal.
So it's imperative that we keep Republicans in control.
But even if we maintain the status quo and we still have a whole bunch of establishment Republicans in there, they might impeach Trump anyway.
And because there's a lot of them that are like John McCain, they'll stab Trump in the back at every opportunity.
So what we need to do, we need to educate the public somehow.
We need to get all the pro-Trump candidates working together.
I've been using hashtag Team Trump on Twitter to try to get the word out.
But we need to get all of us, under a single banner, working together, getting the word out across the nation, saying, hey, we're pro-Trump.
We love liberty and freedom.
We're running on a Ron Paul platform.
We believe in the U.S.
We don't want to go to war.
And all these things that set us apart from regular Republicans, we need to get this information out there.
Well, I gotta be honest, if we have fair elections in 2018, I literally have zero worry that Democrats are going to gain the House or Senate.
I mean, literally zero.
I think the Democrats, if anything, might be a completely dead party after the 2020 presidential election, but we'll see what path they choose.
What I'm concerned about, because I agree with you about uniting as Trump supporters and using that momentum to ensure that we have a good Congress for the next Congress, but what I see coming down the pike
Are people attacking you saying you're alt-right?
We're seeing how they're trying to denize the alt-right, something they created to pose against their other creative group, Antifa, and thus try to spark the Civil War.
That's how they're doing this.
And also another thing I'm worried about is fake Trumpers.
I can see them posing fake Trumpers that are really GOP establishment members trying to get in there and to try to sully Trump's regime from a Republican perspective.
How do you avoid them trying to demonize you by labeling you alt-right?
And how can we tell a fake Trumper from a real Trumper?
Well, the left is already attacking me, my wife, even my two-year-old daughter, and they've already been calling us all sorts of names.
Well now, hold on now, Michael.
They're attacking your wife and daughter because they're tolerant and they want to treat everyone fairly, okay?
So, come on.
Oh, it's true.
And I just got an email this morning just saying I was a Nazi, I wasn't even fit to live in this country.
And so that's what they're going to do.
So we can't stop the attacks, but what we can do is we can scream bloody murder and educate people.
So that's what you guys are doing every day with the show.
And that's a big part of the reason I'm running, because we need people to run.
And some will win, some will lose.
We need people literally to run all over the country or else we're going to get bad people into office.
But a big part of running for office is educating people.
Because when you run for office, you get a platform.
And whether you win or you lose, you're going to talk to thousands, if not ultimately millions of people for the bigger campaigns.
And people are going to hear the message.
They're going to get educated.
So part of this is an education process of what we're trying to do, get the truth out.
And now as far as fake Trumpers,
You know, we're just going to have to try to weed them out the best we can, but we know who Omar Navarro is.
We know who Paul Nalin is.
You guys know me because my articles have been on InfoWars.com for the last seven years.
I couldn't run away from what I believe if I tried.
Yeah, well you know, and even whether you like him or not running, you know Ted Nugent, you know a kid rock.
These are just people that you know, I suppose.
Now what actions are you taking to try to unite people that are behind Trump running for Congress?
What steps have you taken to try to help us to know who these people are, know who to vote for?
Yeah, well if you go on Twitter and you go under Team Trump, that's one of the hashtags that we're trying to use to get us all together, to unite us.
And even before I started running, back in May, if you go back and look on the EconomicCollapseBlog.com,
I was urging pro-Trump candidates to run all over the country.
And so I've been hearing some people from across the country that are even running on the local level under a pro-Trump banner.
So I've been actively trying, not just with my websites, but on radio and television all across America, trying to recruit pro-Trump candidates to run.
Because the big problem is we don't have enough of us yet.
Yeah, we got a few.
We got Omar Navarro, Paul Nalen.
But literally, we want to challenge every House seat in the entire country.
You want to flood?
Yeah, we want both.
Not just Democrats, but Republicans, because we've got these rhinos.
They betrayed us over and over again.
They betrayed Trump over and over again.
But the only way we're going to get them out is if we get someone to run.
So the key is the Republican primaries.
You know, a lot of people are talking about November 2018, but for example, my primary is in May 2018.
And across the country, in many areas of the country, less than 10% of the population of a state will vote in a Republican primary.
So if we get
Just the InfoWars audience energized and fired up to vote and get 50, 60, 70% of us to go out and vote.
We can literally take over these primaries, put in InfoWars candidates, pro-Trump candidates, Liberty and Freedom candidates, Ron Paul candidates into these positions.
People don't understand because now the InfoWars audience has gotten so large and so powerful and had a huge impact for Trump.
But these primaries, a lot less people vote.
So your vote could count four or five times as much just because most people aren't voting.
So if people get educated about when the primary is, who the pro-Trump candidate, and you go vote, we could literally start taking over the Republican Party if we just get energized and motivated and galvanized to go vote.
Yeah, what you just covered is actually a very key point because a lot of these candidates that I'm talking to, like yourself, have said that our biggest concerns are not in the actual elections.
Our biggest concerns is the Democrat tactics or my Republican tactics that they might use in the primaries to try to bring people in, to try to rig the delegates.
This is something that we know they do.
This is something they do in the congressional elections as well.
I am hearing that that's a concern from other candidates that I've talked to as well.
So, I guess the answer is to, like you said, be informed, know the dates.
You really need to know these dates.
Know the dates of the primaries, show up, and show up in force, and maybe even, you know, I don't understand.
Have you tried to debate the people that you're running against?
Have you guys ever brought a debate to the front as a topic for discussion?
I'm going to be trying to debate my fellow candidates as much as possible.
Now, the race is very young.
I've only been, I only announced July 4th and so far, you know, the race is just getting started.
So whenever there's a forum, a debate, I'm going to be there to debate the other candidates because we have the strongest message and we're going to win because when you compare the message of the Republican establishment against us, I mean, we win hands down.
Yeah, and you don't want to hear from another establishment Republican telling you that they're going to repeal Obamacare and then not do it.
I mean, you gotta get something.
Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan... I'm sorry, Michael.
Go ahead.
Oh, you're right.
You're right.
We've seen him betray us over and over again with Obamacare.
John McCain, he ran in 2010 on repealing Obamacare.
Then in 2016, he said, oh, I'm leading the fight to repeal Obamacare.
But then he betrayed us.
And then the Republican establishment, they're blocking the wall, they're blocking Trump's tax cuts, they're blocking Trump on immigration.
If Trump is going to be a successful president, the number one factor, the number one determining factor is going to be the composition of Congress.
And so it's absolutely imperative we get him some friends in 2018, because if we don't, what the elite want to do, they want to get Trump out of office.
They want to remove him however they can.
And then you know what they're going to do after they get Trump out of office?
They're going to come after us.
It's just not going to return to normal.
They understand the power that we have, and they're going to come after InfoWars, they're going to come after me.
So we've got to win this battle.
And we can't have these cuckservatives in there that are going to tiptoe on eggshells because they don't want to offend people because of the PC culture that's been existent in DC for so long.
We've smashed the PC culture, now let's smash the establishment!
It is the Alex Jones Show.
We're here with Tommy Robinson, author of Enemy of the State, but he also has a new book out, which I think came out today.
It's already skyrocketing up the charts on Amazon.
Tommy, welcome back.
Hello, Paul.
Thanks for having me.
Good to have you back.
Now, before this unfortunate attack in Hamburg, Germany today, which we don't know the full details of, but it seems to be another Islamic terror attack, there was
Because of this kind of lull, at least in Europe, the terror attacks seemed to stop all of a sudden, at least for a period of three or four weeks.
The terror attacks appeared to stop when Ramadan ended.
Now, Tommy, surely there's no connection, given we know Islam is a religion of peace and that it has nothing to do with terrorism.
So why did the terror attacks in Europe suddenly seem to stop when Ramadan ended, given that there's no connection?
We see this every year.
We've seen it.
What's it called?
The Ramadan Bombathon.
Because you see the figures coming through daily and they excel.
We see most attacks as instructed during the holy or unholy or very violent month of Ramadan.
Another thing that they seem not so keen to be reporting on, Tommy, is we had a mob rampage in Liverpool recently which was, you know, as plain a hate crime as you will ever see.
Numerous people attacked in the street.
We're all supposed to be really concerned about hate crimes in the aftermath of Brexit and in the aftermath of terrorist attacks.
But Tommy, why is the BBC not reporting on this?
What is it about this hate crime that seems to have prompted the left and so much of the mainstream media to ignore it?
And let's have the details as well of this crime.
The details are, young Muslim men, they stopped a Muslim man.
They said to him, what religion are you?
And he said, Muslim.
They said, say the Muslim words.
And he said, there is no prophet but Muhammad.
So they left him.
They walked on.
They stopped the next man.
What religion are you?
I'm Christian.
They violently beat him.
His girlfriend tried to stop him.
These men just hate crimes where there's a group attacking a man.
They're attacking men who are with their partners, with their girlfriends.
If the roles were reversed, if this was a bunch of white people, a bunch of far-right Christians or whoever, rampaging through the streets, asking Muslims if they were Christian, if they said they were Muslims, attacking them viciously, that would be a national outrage as it is.
The BBC hasn't even reported it in their local section.
And these guys, Tommy, they're going to be in jail.
They've got sentences for about 42 weeks.
They're probably going to be out on the streets again within months, and no one will even have heard of this because they're not reporting on it.
Can anyone imagine the outcry if Muslim families, because this is what it is, families, men and women, were stopped walking home and asked, are you Muslim?
And when they say yes, they're all violently beaten.
Could you imagine?
Imagine that it wouldn't just be national outrage, it would be international, it would be worldwide.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer filling in for Alex this segment.
Joined by Michael Snyder.
We discussed hashtag support team Trump on Twitter to make sure that we get the right candidates in Congress in the midterm elections.
I want to change paths here for a second, Michael, and let's talk about some economic news.
You do run the website EconomicCollapseBlog.com.
A lot of the economic markets experts that I've been talking to have been saying not to get so excited over the stock market getting up, saying not to get so excited over all these booms, not to get so excited over all these graphs you see going up, that it's just a bubble, that it's not actually real, it's more based on hype.
What are your thoughts on that?
Yeah, the number one reason why the stock market has been going up is because of global central banks, which have been pumping trillions of dollars into the system.
And not just the Federal Reserve, but for example, the Swiss National Bank, during the months of January, February, March alone, they purchased more than 4 million shares of Apple stock.
So if I buy a couple shares of Apple, you buy some, sell some shares of Apple,
That doesn't matter when you've got the Swiss National Bank, their central bank, buying 4 million shares.
And also the Swiss National Bank owns more publicly traded shares of Facebook now than Mark Zuckerberg does.
It's crazy.
Or you've got the Bank of Japan.
They've been buying up so much shares shamelessly that now they're a top 5 owner in more than 80 large companies over in Japan.
So it's these central banks that have been pumping it up and they can deflate the bubble too.
In fact, in September,
September's the very first time the Federal Reserve is supposed to start rolling back their balance sheet.
Now they say, okay, we've been buying all these stocks and bonds.
Now we're going to start rolling it back.
We're going to start unwinding our balance sheet.
And many believe that is going to have a huge impact
On the financial markets, because the financial markets have become completely disconnected from economic reality.
We're already seeing a recession in the restaurant industry.
Auto sales are way down this year.
You know, there's all kinds of red flags going up in terms of the real economy, but the financial markets have been in this giant bubble primarily because of the central banks.
Also, corporate buybacks.
For years, corporations were buying back tremendous amounts of their
Unprecedented in history, but now corporate buybacks are starting to fall and that's a sign that the market may be starting to turn.
I'm actually seeing the service industry having a boom right now and that seems to be having the biggest boom.
You're saying you're not seeing that?
You're disagreeing with that?
Well, maybe locally, but overall in the entire country, restaurant traffic has fallen over the last couple years.
In fact, you know, restaurant same-source sales are down something like 17 months in a row.
And so the restaurants nationally are actually having a tough time.
Now, down there in Texas, because of the oil and everything, you guys may be seeing some good things.
But as a whole, nationally, yeah, the restaurant industry is really, you know, in a recession.
Same thing with the retail industry.
We're on pace for this year for more retail locations, more retail stores to shut down.
That is more attributed to Amazon, which in the last month, I think, took over like 30% of the market.
Something ridiculous Amazon took over on the retail.
And actually, I don't know.
You're the expert on this, EconomicCollapseBlog.com, but I actually think that in the next six months, and I don't claim to be a market expert, but I actually think that the service industry is going to come back and that it's going to wait to see that uptick.
I think that might be one of the only industries where we see a real uptick that isn't something like this.
And I want to hear your thoughts on this headline.
This broke on
Zero hedge today.
Record number of fund managers say stocks are overvalued as they rush to buy Nasdaq.
And I think that's more what I'm seeing the experts allude to, that they're being overvalued, overhyped.
Oh, you're right.
Price-earnings ratios, for example, the cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio put out by Robert Shiller of Yale University, the only time it's been this high in our history were right before the 1929 crash, right before the dot-com bubble burst, or even higher than we were before the last financial crisis.
Or you look at price-to-sales ratios, because earnings can be manipulated, but you can't manipulate sales, because if you manipulate sales numbers, you go to prison.
So, but the price-to-sales ratios, in terms of stocks, are the highest they've ever been in U.S.
Now, do you think this could be a big issue for Trump in the future, if we actually see these big, hyped stock market records actually collapse and end up being a bad thing for the economy?
How can Trump get ahead of this before they demonize him for that?
Yeah, well, you know, Trump has unfortunately, I believe, been taking credit for the stock market rise.
Oh yeah.
I think he should have been more cautious there, because when it falls, well then they're going to say, you took the credit, you get the blame, and they're going to point the fingers at him.
But it's not going to have really anything to do with Trump, because so much of Trump's agenda
I think?
We've got to shut down the Federal Reserve, like Ron Paul, you know, was saying, you know, back when he was running for president.
I'm running on a Ron Paul platform, and one of the main points on the platform I'm running on, we've got to shut down the Federal Reserve, because until we do, we're going to keep having these booms and busts.
We're going to keep seeing... Michael Snyder, Economic Collapse, CollapseBlog.com.
Empires on the run.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Alright, I've got stacks of news, all kinds of breaking news as well.
Folks, literally here, the crew has a stack of 30 stories about
Leftists, if you want to call it that.
Communists, Antifa, liberals.
You can label people.
It's just all labels.
They're all nut jobs.
They're all crazy.
They're all LARPers.
They're all being programmed by media to do all of this.
Fake news motivated.
And they think they're doing it for good.
They really think that they're going to demonize the white man or demonize this man or demonize that group by getting their fake hoax out there.
And the reason why Alex wants this to be hammered home so much is because with everything we just saw in Charlottesville,
People need to understand who the real enemy is.
I completely disavow white nationalist supremacy or whatever this group marching is.
Just like I disavow Black Lives Matter marches that end up killing people.
It's the same crap.
It's the same labelism.
It's the same identity politics.
It's nonsense.
And it all is explained by what we've seen the response in the anti-American media.
Look no further than CNN, who's now endorsing Antifa, covering Antifa.
Notice that they've ignored Antifa!
Again, this explains it all.
This is how you can see that this is clearly a setup.
People have been ignoring Antifa.
Sure, they'll show you the violence at Berkeley.
They'll report how Milo had to cancel his event.
But there it is, CNN, on August 15th, 2017.
What is Antifa?
So CNN didn't want to tell you who Antifa was when they burned down Berkeley.
CNN didn't want to tell you who Antifa was when they were punching people with bike locks.
CNN didn't want to tell you who Antifa was when they were pointing guns at people.
CNN didn't want to tell you who Antifa was when they disrupt Trump rallies all across the nation, show up with masks and hoods and hide their faces and beat people.
CNN didn't want to tell you who Antifa was then.
They've been doing this for... Antifa's been on the streets doing this for months now, almost a year.
But CNN didn't want to tell you about Antifa then.
Now CNN is reporting who Antifa is.
Now Yahoo News says, as neo-Nazis grow bolder, the Antifa has emerged to fight them.
And it's all in that headline right there.
Everything you need to know about Charlottesville is in that headline right there.
As Neo-Nazis grow bolder, the Antifa has emerged to fight them.
Let's explain this.
Neo-Nazis grow bolder.
There's probably something to that.
You got a bunch of Neo-Nazis marching with torches?
Yeah, that's pretty bold.
That's pretty extreme.
So I think that there might be something to that.
But that's not.
The right.
That's not Trump supporters.
That's fringe loons out there.
And just like the liberals get painted with the fringe, lunatic liberals on the left,
I kind of understand why some liberals are sick of getting labeled that, because now I know what it's like.
They label me alt-right.
Then they say these neo-Nazis are alt-right.
No, I disavow the alt-right.
I have nothing to do with the alt-right.
I've never wanted to be alt-right.
I've never even wanted to be on the right!
That's just where you end up falling if you're rational and have common sense nowadays.
You just end up labeled as a conservative as on the right.
Oh, but then you find out that the Unite the Right rally is organized by a guy who has Obama ties, Occupy Wall Street ties, ties here, ties there, etc, etc.
You have to question that.
It happens right after the neo-Nazi march with torches.
I mean, come on!
Then Antifa shows up and starts beating these people up?
So then, this is where you get to the second part.
The Antifa has emerged to fight them.
So now, what they've done, they've been building this narrative, putting all of Trump supporters into this class of people that they label the alt-right, that they've now shoved neo-Nazis in, fringe radicals in, racists in, all of these crazed people in, and they just say they're alt-right, and that's what elected Trump.
Now they have Antifa, who's been going around the country bullying people, burning things, looting, smashing cars, lighting things on fire, beating people with bike locks, throwing things at police, starting fights, starting riots, goes uncovered.
Then they show up to fight these neo-Nazis that they label alt-right Trump supporters.
Now they cover Antifa and they say they're here to fight them.
Folks, if you don't see how this whole thing has been staged, has been planned from the beginning, you're missing everything!
Of course they want to bring down Trump, but it's not just Trump, it's the whole country!
It's all of it!
Of course they have to bring down Trump.
Trump's pro-America.
Trump wants to make America great again.
You can't have a great America and take it down.
You have to have a divided America.
You have to have a weak America.
You have to have a poor America.
You have to have a mentally ill America.
You have to have a physically ill America.
That's how you take it down.
And they've got it all in place, ready to go.
Hillary Clinton ready to bring down the hammer.
Trump gets in.
America elects Trump.
America comes back.
And so what do they have to do?
They have to bring up Antifa on one end, they have to bring up the alt-right on the other end, get them stirred up, get them stirred up, then have them meet, stir the pot, have the police stand down, funnel each protest group towards one another, and then inside a civil war.
So that's what you got here, folks.
And it's all funded by George Soros.
The same guy that funds Hillary Clinton.
The same guy that funds Obama.
The same people that meet with Aaron Black, Robert Foval, and Bob Kramer, formerly of the DNC, released because they admitted they incite violence at Trump rallies.
No, it's not all staged, though.
It's not all staged.
And this guy who, in my view, is a total patsy, the guy who ran over
Heather Heyer is a total patsy.
Now, he's probably a Nazi, crazy, right-wing lunatic.
Not disagreeing with that.
But have you been noticing how the narrative has been building on this guy?
All of a sudden you've got these teachers coming out from when he was in grade school saying, I knew he was a Nazi when he was 12!
He was a white supremacist when he was 12!
He's been on anti-psychotics since he was 12!
Boy, if that isn't the script for a Patsy, if that isn't the cutout for a Patsy, I don't know what is!
And then, apparently he drives his car down the road, a bunch of Antifa members smash up his car, then he plows it into a crowd of people, and then speeds away.
And by the way, I mean, I gotta give the guy credit for being an absolute right-wing, lunatic, Nazi freak-out.
He had some pretty amazing driving skills, didn't he?
Amazing how this crazed right-winger, this lunatic, fringe, right-wing racist, neo-Nazi, magically drives like a professional driver.
Just floors it, goes back like 60 miles per hour perfectly, and then he's out of the scene in no time.
And then magically somehow the cops have him pulled over as well.
Oh, and also the only police chopper that would have been able to actually see the entire thing from a bird's-eye view.
Yeah, that goes down and two officers die.
We're being set up, folks.
And honestly, it pains me.
It hurts me.
It really hurts me that so much hatred has been cooked up against President Trump that I actually believe, just like members of Antifa,
Just like members in the mainstream media on MSNBC and CNN and all these other people, just like you're seeing how desperate they are.
How desperate the establishment is.
You're seeing the desperation, folks.
You don't think that same desperation would exist in a Virginia Democrat governor that doesn't like Trump?
A Virginia mayor that doesn't like Trump?
A Virginia police force that doesn't like Trump?
You don't think that they would have that same desperation?
You don't think that they would be justifying their actions against this country?
Just like this entire stack of news I have right here of people who fake hate crimes to try to demonize conservatives, to try to demonize white people, because that's who they think is the enemy, that's who they've been taught is the enemy, so they think if they stage an attack, blame that enemy, they're victorious.
If you don't think that same exact thing would happen in police forces, happen in governor's offices, happen in mayor's offices, happen at the top of the Democrat Party, you are sleeping at the wheel.
Because we have all of the evidence, and it's been going on for years.
Speaking of going on for years, let's go to this video because it's really amazing to me.
You had Nancy Pelosi, you had all these Democrat leaders, you had all of these mainstream media organizations.
Trump comes out literally, like within an hour after these crazed attacks, disavows the attacks, disavows all racism, tweets it out, has a press conference.
That he would do this compared to Obama, who completely ignored Black Lives Matter protests that killed police officers.
Completely ignored domestic violence and domestic terrorism.
Trump makes a statement, unprecedented, where Obama does nothing!
And then even after he makes the statement, even after he disavows it, something Obama never did, he still gets called out by Democrats on Twitter saying, why haven't you disavowed?
He still gets called out by people on mainstream television saying, why haven't you disavowed?
Even though he already did!
So Mark Dice went ahead and put over a compilation of Donald Trump who has never disavowed racism in his life.
So here's four minutes of a compilation of Donald Trump never disavowing racism.
He never said to white nationalists explicitly, and if he did, I can't remember off the top of my head, but I don't think he did, say, he never said, I don't want your support.
Don't vote for me.
I don't think he did.
It was there every day.
How do you feel about the recent endorsement from David?
I didn't even know he endorsed me.
David Duke endorsed me?
I disavow.
I totally disavow the Ku Klux Klan.
I totally disavow David Duke.
I've been doing it now for two weeks.
This is, you're probably about the 18th person that's asked me the question.
David Duke is a bad person who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years.
What he didn't do is say that he was not going to accept the support of any of these fringe groups.
I've rejected David Duke.
Rejected David Duke.
I've rejected the KKK, the Ku Klux Klan.
From the time I'm five years old, I rejected them.
Donald Trump refusing to condemn former Ku Klux Klan member David Duke.
What do you see as the biggest problem with the Reform Party?
Well, you've got David Duke just joined.
A bigot, a racist, a problem.
I mean, this is not exactly the people you want to see.
That's from 17 years ago.
If he said on Friday, I disavow, why ask him again on Saturday?
Why not disavow David Duke?
Disavow the KKK?
Yeah, Trump's such a racist.
He has all these African Americans that are willing to stick up for him.
So Trump's a racist, but at the same time, the liberals and democrats are mad at him for hiring people from other countries.
That's such a joke.
No, disavow him.
Why are you so hateful?
The press hates me to say it.
They just don't want to pick it up.
So are you prepared right now to make a clear and unequivocal statement renouncing the support of all white supremacists?
Of course I am.
Some of your supporters in Chicago were acting violently as well, and I have to say the guy who rushed the stage yesterday at Donald Trump voted for you.
Myself, I know it's not...
Oh yeah, and then you had the other person that rushed the Trump stage, Austin Kreitz, who showed up in the WikiLeaks, Democrat emails.
If I have to take responsibility, for everybody who voted for me, it will be a very difficult life.
We're closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Here he is not, not giving up.
We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides.
Why won't you condemn?
It's been going on for a long time in our country.
Here's President Trump not condemning.
Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama.
It's been going on for a long, long time.
It is no place in America.
What is vital now is a swift restoration... I love how every problem that Obama had was Bush's fault.
You know, Obama inherited all of Bush's problems.
Trump gets in, it's all his fault.
Nothing was Obama's fault.
It wasn't Obama that divided the nation.
It's all Trump's fault.
...in our society.
And no child should ever be afraid to go outside and play or be with their parents.
And have a good time.
No child.
He didn't label him.
He didn't put an identity.
He just said child.
I found it notable that he had to read pretty carefully these scripted words and that this was not something that he could speak extemporaneously about, that he could speak from the heart about.
Look at Katie Turd.
We had meaningful dialogue with Mr. Donald Trump and we voiced concerns that were sensitive to the African-American community.
We asked questions and the questions were answered.
We were all satisfied with the answers and we're a unified front right here.
Mainstream media is such scum.
Such scum!
You could be doing an interview with Katy Tur and she could say, do you disavow white racism?
I would say, yes, I completely disavow white racism.
And then the follow-up question would be, well, why haven't you disavowed white racism?
I mean, that's literally these people.
So, now...
You have a former NYPD officer on Tucker Carlson saying free speech is meaningless if people think free speech means you get to punch them in the face.
Dan, what I find so striking about what happened in Charlottesville is there's really no debate about it.
This is not something that the right is saying or the left is saying.
They're both saying it.
The ACLU is saying it.
The marchers of the Confederate flags are saying it.
The police stood by and allowed violence to accelerate.
Why would they do that?
No, the ACLU was okay with the white supremacists.
Yeah, Tucker, it's perplexing, and I think the reason you're seeing this kind of ideological unity on both sides of the aisle is because, let's be honest, free speech is meaningless if some people take free speech to mean, I'm free to punch you in the face as you're speaking.
That's not free speech, okay?
That's just straight-up hardcore criminality and violence.
Why is this phenomenon of the Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the mayor of Baltimore, or give them space to destroy phenomenon happening?
I have no good answer other than let them vent theory?
Is it one of these socio-psycho-babble theories that if you let people go out there, they're going to just get tired of breaking stuff or punching people after a while?
I have no good explanation because there isn't one.
This is pure, unadulterated idiocy.
And one thing on this, Tucker, to be clear about this.
This is not the rank-and-file cops.
I think you and I both know that.
The cops know exactly how to do their job.
This is politicians and police managers beholden to politicians who have made these awful decisions to let them vent or, quote, give them space to destroy, as was said in Baltimore.
But am I wrong to question the political leanings and ideologies of some of these police officers?
Are police officers above propaganda and brainwashing?
You're telling me that some police officer that hates Donald Trump, that has fallen victim to the brainwashing, wouldn't want to allow something this to happen to demonize President Trump?
I don't know.
That's probably a thought crime.
That's probably a thought crime.
We'll be right back.
This memo will bring down the traitors.
McMasters doesn't want you... Deep State doesn't want you to read this memo.
I mean, talk about traitors.
You've got McMaster granting Susan Rice her same level of security clearance.
At the same time, Trump is actively saying, we need to find the leakers.
I'm being surveilled.
Oh no, you're not.
That's a big lie.
How are you going to lie to the people?
No, they wiretapped Trump Tower.
And so at the same time that Trump is saying this to the American people, McMaster is saying, I don't think Susan Rice did anything wrong.
I'm going to allow her to still have her same level of security clearance.
It's insane.
Why are the neocons surrounding Trump?
What do they have on him?
What's happening?
Well again, David admit the memo, as I've said on air without the memo, the Bolsheviks, same globalist operatives, they created a state within a state for years and Russia only controlled Moscow.
And then they got everybody through time to turn in their guns through propaganda, then they slaughtered millions of people.
So they admit that it is a Maoist strategy.
That's what the weatherman taught Obama.
They are all carrying out a Maoist strategy with deep staters and cowards like McMasters and others that Trump picked.
They get approached by deep state, they get scared, and they join with it because they want to play golf and do whatever while we're being carted off to death camps.
And you know, pot-bellied liberals are kicking our brains out and raping our families, literally.
That's what the left talks about, how they're going to rape us, how they're going to murder us, how they're going to have all these little nobodies.
This is their existential dream of power, is to run around desiccating on everybody.
Well, people need to look no further than Venezuela and what happened.
That's the exact same thing that they did there just several years ago.
They got rid of the guns.
Everyone turn in your guns because we want to be a peaceful nation.
And then just about a year or so later, we saw the total collapse there where the government was actually purging people who are eating dogs and giraffes out of the zoo, purging them because they don't have the guns or anything to fight back.
Yeah, it only shows their hand even so more.
When the minute you start telling the truth, they try to slap you down.
The minute they start sharing anything that has a headline that's anti them, they try to ban it.
They are going to be forcing their hand so much that they're showing us, they're exposing us what their actual plans are.
They're trying to ban us, they're trying to shut us down, they're trying to fire people for speaking the truth.
That's only going to mean that more people are going to hear it.
We're not the radicals saying all this.
They're on C-SPAN.
But the Aspen Institute with Wolf Blitzer, Brennan, and Clapper saying a violent overthrow is coming in the next few months.
Don't wait for impeachment.
We're now moving.
And then Al Gore goes on the Late Late Show and says the same thing.
I mean, they are doing it!
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I'm really not even sure where to go right now.
I've got stacks of fake crime hoaxes.
In fact, there's so many of them that Daily Caller did an entire compilation.
2016, the year of the hoax hate crime.
There's, I mean, there's just like five pages of these things.
And that's just from the year 2016, so that's not even the year 2017.
You know who fakes crimes to start larger wars?
The establishment.
The Nazis.
Hitler lights the Reichstag on fire.
United States globalists lie about the Gulf of Tonkin to get us into war.
So this is just old tactics that now just basic street thugs are picking up.
False flags.
It's what happened in Charlottesville this weekend.
And then,
They hype up all of these race issues.
It's all the white man's fault.
The white man is bad.
Okay, fine.
But then you see this story.
And this isn't new.
University of San Francisco to host black-only student orientation.
Like I said, these stories break all the time.
This is from TheCollegeFix.com.
So now at the University of San Francisco, they host a black-only student orientation.
I don't even care, okay?
Have a black-only student orientation.
Doesn't matter to me.
I'm not offended.
I'm not gonna try to go.
I'm not gonna go protest it.
I'll be okay.
I'll be alright.
But if they did this for white people, if I decided to have a white-only student orientation,
Antifa would show up and firebomb me with Ficus balloons?
The mainstream media and Bernie Sanders would tell you I'm a Nazi?
And it's fine!
I don't want to divide on race!
The whole race-baiting division thing is so dead and gone, why are these zombies reviving it?
Racism is a zombie issue.
It was dead, and now it's back to life.
Oh, but if you tuned into MSNBC, you'd think that the whole world was racist.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World order.
It's Alex Jones.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Breaking, breaking, breaking at Yahoo!
As Neo-Nazis grow bolder, the Antifa has emerged to fight them.
That's right.
As the Neo-Nazis return to America, a Nazi named George Soros has funded a bunch of liberal basement dwellers to get out on the street and fight the Nazis.
A total inside job, a total false flag, a total setup.
A total rigged civil war to bring America to its knees.
And the Democrat establishment, the Republican establishment, and the mainstream television media in America is fully compliant.
Because they hate America, too.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, folks.
Owen Troyer filling in here.
I'm gonna tell you what, though.
They've been taught, they've been told that America's bad.
They've been told that America is racist.
They've been told that America is this, is that, warmongers, pigs, everything.
Some of it might be true, some of it might be true in our history.
And America's not perfect.
We got a long way to go, I hope.
The big lie, the big deception, the big ruse is that they got these people to think that there's somewhere else better.
Or they got these people to think that they can make it better, give them more control, take away the control, take away self-government, take away independence, give it to the establishment.
That will be your redemption.
A total lie!
So then you get all these people that buy it, they go out into the streets, they pick their little sides, totally divided, a staged setup, and then they fight and go to civil war in the streets, then they bring in the police state, they take it to the next level, they impeach Trump, they blame Trump, they blame conservatives, they blame patriots, and then they got their needs, they gotta come in and they gotta take down this racist American government.
And we already got the UN set up with the NGOs.
We're bringing racist America down to its knees.
They might even let us still have the title of America.
But it's not going to be run by you.
You're not going to have a Constitution.
You're not going to have a Bill of Rights.
Probably not going to have your own firearm.
But it's because you're racist, you need to be protected from your racism.
Who is Lord?
Lorde says all white people to blame for Charlottesville violence.
Singer Lorde responded to the violence in Charlottesville over the weekend.
Oh, okay.
Lorde, a pop artist.
There was a tweet.
Oh yeah, there's South Park's version of Lorde.
Stan's dead.
No, this is actually hilarious to me.
What do you think?
Is Hollywood more blackmailed, or more ignorant?
Are the people in Hollywood that stupid, or are they that blackmailed?
It's like the same thing.
All of these liberals in Hollywood go on Twitter, spread hate against white people, spread hate against Trump, and they'll tweet things, and it's just like,
Why do you comment on something you literally don't follow?
That's like me walking on to a NASA flight crew meeting and telling them how to do their job.
I don't know astrophysics.
I don't know about the Van Allen radiation belt.
I don't know how to manipulate rocket, you know, combustion, propulsion into space.
Why would I walk in and start acting like I know what's going on?
Why would I walk in and start telling these astronauts how to do their jobs?
Well, I wouldn't, because I'd look like a complete jackass.
But don't let that stop Hollywood from commenting on Twitter about politics.
Lorde says all white people to blame for Charlottesville violence.
So, now, if I go out on the street and I wear a Trump hat, and somebody comes up from behind me and bops me with a bike lock or a baseball bat, can I blame Lorde?
Can I look at Lorde and say, hey Lorde, why did you incite this violence against race people?
Oh, by the way, hey Lorde, you're white.
You're white.
We'll be right back with more.
We got our guest, Raheem Kassam.
No Go, No Go Zones coming to America.
Joining us on Skype, every once in a while the Skype is breaking up, Joy, so if you think I'm interrupting you, it's just to fill dead air.
I want to ask you about one specific artist, and I'm not trying to start a feud here, I just want to get to the bottom of this.
You've got you, who's on one side of the equation here, pro-America, very outspoken, likes Trump, but you're not just all about Trump.
It's about, you like his message, you like the America First policy, you want to see a justice system treating immigrants fairly, where people can't just walk right across the border, you have to go through the process that everybody else went to that pays taxes.
So you're on that side of the fence, which to me is just logical, pro-America.
But you've got artists on the other side of the fence, I'll use Katy Perry.
Katy Perry has admitted she sold her soul to the devil, that's what she says young girls need to do.
She chopped her hair off, maybe that's something she wanted to do, maybe that's something they do because you know how they want to blur the lines of gender.
But I'm just curious, where, I mean there's such this great divide between someone like Katy Perry who says co-exist right after a great terrorist attack against Christians, and then someone like you who just says, well I just want to be pro-America.
How does the divide get created like that?
I think it's, I mean, a lot of media creates that divide, and also it's an artist who's not genuine to herself.
I can say that she doesn't seem like she's been herself for a few years.
You know, she started attacking other celebrities for having, you know, mental health issues and problems, and then she seems to be having those problems.
And like, I don't want to create any sort of attack on any other artist, but when you act like that, when you come out in that such an odd, weird way, to where, you know, you have live therapy sessions online, and it's like, where's your music?
What's happening with your artistry?
Why are you not focused on your feelings on this, that, and the other?
And they're not even really political.
They're just, oh, let's all hug each other and pretend like everything's okay.
That's not the truth.
We do need closed borders.
We need to protect ourselves and our family, and it's very important, and that's
That is common sense.
And a lot of these artists don't have that.
And I don't think that they should be pushing their ideals when they really truly don't know what they're talking about and they don't want to.
They don't have any sort of sense in it.
They just want to say something that's sunshine and rainbows.
And to me, it comes from a lack of genuine knowledge of how everyday Americans are operating.
And I come from a hardworking family, you know, and I feel like my values are conservative values that my parents taught me.
And I always knew these were common sense values and it seems like it's just lacking.
I think that these people come from a place where they're so far removed from what normal people are dealing with that they don't know how to speak in terms that can be even looked at as normal anymore.
They're basically talking out of their butt.
That's what I want to say.
That's how I feel.
So, as long as we keep a smile on our face, we keep going, we keep creating, we keep, you know, saying no, we're not gonna be beaten down, we're gonna keep going, we're gonna win this war, the better we will be.
Watch me!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Our guest is Raheem Kassam.
He's the author of the new book, No Go Zones, How Sharia Law is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You, forwarded by Nigel Farage.
So we're going to talk about his book and the issue of Sharia law in America, but actually,
You were in Charlottesville, and you had a first-hand perspective of the violence that's there.
You said you wanted to start there.
Thank you for joining us today, Rahim.
Pleasure is all mine.
Thank you for having me.
So, tell me.
Yeah, go ahead.
What did you experience in Charlottesville?
Well, you know, we got scrambled there after all the violence stopped, but we did see a lot of the aftermath, which included Antifa and violent leftists walking around the streets with bats, with two-by-fours, presumably attached to placards maybe once upon a time, but they weren't at that point.
We heard horror stories.
I spoke to a guy on the street who told me
Yeah, that's true.
And so, you know, this is what was going on in the aftermath in Charlottesville.
Incredibly sad scenes, actually, to see a town like that, which is obviously very beautiful and historic, have to have thousands of police, you know, very heavily militarized police, deployed onto the streets.
And of course, Governor Terry McAuliffe whisked into the building.
He's a big gun control advocate, but he didn't mind being whisked in by lots of men with guns.
One for them, another for us.
He gave this press conference afterwards and I was sitting in the front row and it was a litany of hatred against conservatives.
Now, of course, I think that there's no justification for the murder on the Saturday there.
And of course, I don't have much truck with me.
But at the same time, I asked Terry McAuliffe five times if he would condemn Antifa as well and the violent leftists, and I didn't even ask him to condemn them in equal terms, just in equal measure.
I just asked him to condemn them, and I basically have to shout this question at him five times, no answer whatsoever.
Rahim Kassam, his new book is No Go Zones, How Sharia Law is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You.
He's also the editor-in-chief of Breitbart, but we're discussing what happened in Charlottesville.
He was there for that.
You know, Rahim, there's this rush to judgment on these things, and you have to be very careful with this stuff.
There's this rush to judgment to immediately demonize this group, immediately demonize that group.
Where I've learned in my young time doing this here, working for InfoWars and Alex Jones, to sometimes wait, be patient, gather all the intel, gather all the evidence, and then take your stance.
And I'm ready to take the stance again.
I didn't want to rush to judgment and just say, oh Antifa's responsible for everything, oh they didn't do anything wrong with the white nationalists.
I did the further research, backed by what you just said, it is clear to me that it was Antifa out there inciting violence.
It was Antifa that was out there being violent, beating people, bringing weapons, hitting cars, and now people are going to say, oh, oh look, he's standing up for the white supremacist!
He's with the alt-right!
No, I'm just pointing out the facts, and that's what you saw on the street.
We live in the bizarro world at the moment where apparently if you point out the facts it means you're taking a position that you're not taking.
I don't think anybody is siding with the person that decided to run people over, I don't think anybody is siding, and I've not heard anybody by the way siding from a Conservative
We're good
Yeah, that's a great point.
There's a premeditated thought that they want to go out there, hit a Trump supporter, hit a car with a bat, be violent.
They have a history of that.
Now, I'm curious though, how close... I'm sorry?
They've done it to me.
I've been hit with a ladder in the face.
I've been hit with placards.
They try and get a rise out of you.
They know if they kick you, they try and trip you up.
They know somebody like me, especially, might turn around and sock it to them.
And at that point, that's when the cameras start flashing.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Yeah, that's true.
And they usually will try to run at that point as well.
They'll scamper away like a cockroach to light.
How close were you to the car accident that was fatal for Heather Heyer?
Well, we actually got there a couple of hours afterwards.
We saw the street when the street was on lockdown when we were there.
Of course, as I said, incredibly sad to see a city in America transfigured into this.
Really, what we're talking about here, by the way, is two groups.
And I think we can say with some certainty
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're not playing Godwin's Law here, we're talking about the Spanish Civil War, where you have the communist group, the Trotskyist group, and that's where Antifa was founded, don't forget.
It was originally supposed to be a Trotskyist combat squad, and on the other side you have people who are quite happy to wear the fascist label.
That's what we're seeing.
It would be nice if somebody, I'm going to point to my TV up here, it would be nice if somebody had an intellectual analysis to bring onto CNN, or even quite frankly onto Fox News, but they
We don't.
We just live in this vacuous Orwellian environment where everything is new and there is no history and we can't learn anything and we have to treat everything like it's some sort of new phenomenon.
It's not.
I think that outside of Lou Dobbs and Sean Hannity, you're completely correct.
I think Tucker Carlson goes down there but he doesn't get as analytical.
He just kind of exposes it with his interviews.
But you know, it's amazing to me, you've dealt with Antifa.
I don't know how much you've dealt with them.
I have to deal with them all the time when I get sent out to rallies or sent out to do interviews with people or sent out to events.
This is the weirdest thing to me.
95% of Antifa is white.
95% of Antifa are white people.
And then maybe 4% are Latino.
And then maybe... I don't even know if I've ever seen a black Antifa member, to be honest.
I don't even see any black people in Antifa.
And then I see that black people...
...are standing up for Confederate monuments now.
Black groups are standing up for Confederate monuments, saying, you're not going to erase American history.
But meanwhile, they sit here and they act like Antifa is fighting the racists, even though they're all white racists against whites!
And they have the audacity, by the way.
My name is Rahim Ghassan, and look at me.
They have the audacity to call me a racist, to call me a bigot, to call me a xenophobe, because I have conservative views.
I mean, it's absolutely outrageous what these people are getting away with.
And there's a reason, by the way, that you don't see Antifa versus conservative debates happening on television.
I don't think so.
It appears to be the complete and utter destruction of what it is America has offered the world and what preceded America as well, quite frankly.
My country, the United Kingdom.
And, you know, this is where we can draw two things together.
You're seeing statues being pulled down.
Of course, they're not pulling down the Lenin statue in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle.
They're only pulling down, you know, the Confederate statues.
Lenin, of course, being responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people, but let's forget about that, right?
And on the other side of it, you look at mass migration, you look at open borders, all of these things that they try and further and pursue, and the funders who help them do this, it takes us into another area, and it's the area of my book that you mentioned at the top of the interview, which is no-go zones.
This is something else that they defend, because it leads to the destruction of Western
I don't know.
Yeah, I know that that's what you said before we came on, how you can actually tie in the two issues with what's going on in America.
And really, it's because they've aligned themselves with radical elements of what I just view as a 19th century
I mean, that's what it is to me.
This is old times.
Nobody treats women like this anymore.
Nobody has ideals like this anymore.
And also, when you talk about how Antifa can't hold their stance in a debate, yeah, it really goes to show how empty they are intellectually, how completely empty they are.
Real quick, we're about to go to a break.
We're going to bring you back up on the other side.
But talk about the relation of your book and what we're seeing with Antifa on the streets.
Well, you know, it's simple and it's complicated at the same time, so I'll be as brief as possible.
You know, these guys, they want to destroy Western civilization as we know it.
Like I said, this is a continuation of the Trotskyist narrative from the 1930s.
Anybody who's ever read a book, you know, read a history book, and believe me, these guys haven't, but our side does.
So there it is.
We'll be right back.
We'll be right back with Haim Kassam.
Here's the book.
They want to take down America, folks.
That's why the left is allying with radical Islam.
It all is to take down Western culture.
We'll be right back.
Yes, not only is the left tactically fascist, not only are they using the tactics of the Nazis, but they also have the ideology of the Nazis.
Let's remember that Nazism and Fascism were both variants of Socialism.
The very word Nazi is putting together National and Socialista.
That's where we get the sound Nazi.
Mussolini was a Marxist.
He was the leader of the Italian Socialist Party.
He was recognized to be on the left.
He saw himself as on the left.
When Mussolini came to power, Lenin sent him a telegram of congratulations.
Because Lenin recognized that Mussolini was a fellow revolutionary of the left.
So, what an incredible sleight of hand in which these leftists, whose political platform reads like it's right out of the Democratic Party platform... And by the way, Dinesh, this is something... You're absolutely right.
This is something that leftist universities say that we're lying about, and a real hot point for them because it's a fact the Nazis were National Socialists.
It's a fact that he modeled himself after the fascistas in Italy.
It's a fact they wore black.
It's a fact they wore masks.
It's a fact they beat up their opposition.
It's a fact that Hitler then turned against Stalin.
They admired each other back and forth because he was seen as a rival politically and a rival militarily.
But they had an alliance for the first year of the war where they divided Poland amongst each other.
So we had the Warsaw Pact.
They hope that's not known, that they are authoritarian and that socialism and fascism
Have to have, you know, different and left-right versions and that it was the American left that backed Hitler early on because he was a vegetarian and a bunch of other issues and he wanted planning of society.
This is incontrovertible that the KKK was founded by the Democratic Party.
It is incontrovertible that the Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act and took, you know, that system away from them and they panicked.
It is incontrovertible
That the power structure got scared of American Christians and American Republicans and Eisenhower and created this whole new strategy to get everybody to go, oh, you're going to be liberal?
You're going to be anti-racist?
We'll take it over and make it extreme, own it, then double-cross you later and make everything race-based again.
Once whites have been taught to bow down as long as you say something's for racial equality.
So they're using our goodness, our bigness, our Christian Western ethos to then bring us down.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
The book is No Go Zones.
The author is Raheem Kassam.
He's also the editor-in-chief of Breitbart London.
And you go through this book, and you'll see well-documented
What has happened in Europe with the infiltration of Muslims coming across the border without any vetting, any checking, any control over the process, just all in the name of tolerance and self-righteousness.
But you read all this and, you know, you do a good job, Rahim, documenting all of this in the book.
It's got the evidence, it's got the proof.
But you know, as someone in America, I sit here and I say, how can this come to the streets of America?
A no goes on in America, not in my country.
What say you?
Well, what are you going to do about it?
I don't know.
I guess I'm going to have you on to explain it to me.
The reason I'm so flippant in an answer like that is that, you know, I've heard that for so long now because I've been writing the book and we've been doing a lot of publicity surrounding it.
And people say to me, oh, you know, that can't happen here.
We've got our guns and we've, you know, we're strong people.
We don't.
And that's all true.
Uh, but unless you're going to, you know, uh, march a militia through the streets of Hamtramck in Michigan, which I suspect probably isn't the most constructive thing you could do.
Uh, well, you know, not, not at this point anyway.
I mean, I don't, I don't suspect that we'll ever get there.
At least I hope you don't.
Um, you know, what are you going to do about it?
Because it's
It's not going to happen in an area that is preternaturally disposed to having conservatives who own guns in it.
It's going to happen in areas like Hamtramck in Michigan, it's happening in Dearborn in Michigan, it's happening in Minnesota, it's happening in some places in New York State as well.
More likely than not, areas that elect Democrats, and it's the Democrats that impose these policies that allow these things to happen.
Those policies are very welfarist policies.
They are sanctuary city type policies.
You know, in Hamtramck, it's a majority Muslim city council now.
It's a 2.1 square mile city.
We're good to go.
Yeah and I was just playing devil's advocate there.
But the truth is you hit it on the head.
It's not that they're just going to be able to walk into your community and set up camp.
No, they have to have the government get behind it.
And they have to use liberal politicians pushing virtue signaling ideas saying, be politically correct, be tolerant.
Oh, these people have been hated by so much.
We have to embrace them.
We have to let them in.
And then it just gets out of control.
And like you said, it ends up with the situations like we've seen in Europe, where there's no go zones.
You literally can't walk across the street if you're a white man, or you will probably get beaten.
But it's amazing to me that people wouldn't understand this even though they can see it.
Because the answer to me is obvious.
You can come to this country, you can immigrate, you can have whatever religion you want.
You have to assimilate.
You have to like American culture.
I'm sorry, if you don't like going to a football game and a bunch of people drinking beer and cheering and hooting and hollering and a bunch of cheerleaders in bikinis, then I'm sorry, you're probably not gonna fit in here!
Well, cheers to that, and just to tie these two things together again, I predict the next monument the left is going to go after is Mount Rushmore.
Not because of the slave-owning Washington and Jefferson stuff, but because Teddy Roosevelt is on that memorial, and he once said that the immigrants should recognize we have one country, one flag, one language, and if you can't integrate and you can't assimilate, then you have to go back.
That man is on Mount Rushmore, and prepare for there to be an onslaught about that.
Yeah, I mean, how dare we have a country that brings anyone in, has a process, and then asks them to appreciate our country and like us because we invited them into our house.
I mean, I don't know about you, Rahim, but when I have guests into my house, I say, yeah, just trash the place.
Just trash the place.
Just do what you want.
Take over my bedroom and you can perform your female genital mutilation.
Yeah, yeah, put, yeah, female genital mutilate my daughter and put a hood over my wife.
Yeah, please.
Right, right.
This is something that we're just not getting at the moment.
And I was surprised to find out when I was asked to write this book by Regnery that there is no other book on this out there.
It's the first of its kind.
Yeah, that's what Nigel said in his foreword.
He was shocked at that.
Yeah, I was there.
So here's the book, folks.
No-Go Zones.
Thank you for sending me the advance copy, Rahim.
No-Go Zones.
Rahim Kassam is the author.
He's also the editor-in-chief of Breitbart London.
Check out the book, folks.
Like he said, well, it can't happen here.
It'll never happen here.
Well, what are you going to do about it?
It happened in Europe.
They did nothing.
The politicians did something.
They let it happen.
Don't let it happen here.
Thank you, Rahim.
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The phone number is 1-800-259-9231.
I want to take calls specifically wondering why Trump hasn't denounced Antifa.
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Alright, as I said, I just put the phones out so we'll start taking your calls.
Just quickly, I'm going to try to do a little news blitz here.
I can't even get to all of this.
Police say liberal student activist threatened herself with rape and Facebook host framed conservatives.
Growing list of post-election hate crimes turn out to be hoaxes.
2016, year of the hoax hate crime.
Yet another hate crime.
These are just headlines I'm just reading here.
Long Island man charged in Nassau community swastika case, another fake hate crime.
Jihadi terror manuals on how to use a car as tool of war for mass murder can be found in just two minutes on Google and Twitter, but yet they block Trump supporters.
Fake hate crimes here, fake hate crimes there.
Israeli teen arrested as Jewish center bomber.
Racist liberal reporter arrested in connection with eight Jewish community center bomb threats blames nasty racist white girl.
Another fake hate crime.
Report, Trump says wave of anti-semitic crimes, sometimes it's the reverse.
Oh, and then he ends up being right.
And in the Times of Israel they published this.
Is Trump owed an apology?
After the JCC bomb threat arrest?
And he was completely correct, even though they tried to demonize him for saying it was the reverse.
Even though you have a stack of news that it would take the average Antifa member 16 years just to finish reading all these stories.
It's so tough for them to read.
That's probably why they don't know what's going on.
Yeah, Trump's owed an apology for a lot of things.
How about all the things they said about his wife?
How about all the things they said about his kids?
How about all the things they said about him?
We're all owed an apology from the fake news media.
It's ridiculous what they get away with.
It's just ridiculous what Hillary Clinton gets away with.
But here's an interesting development.
You know, the DOJ has said they're going to investigate what happened at Charlottesville.
I gotta be honest, I still have no faith in this deal.
I don't think we're ever going to know the absolute truth.
I don't think the police officers are going to cooperate.
I don't think the politicians are going to cooperate.
So I don't expect
Really anything to be done about this.
I don't expect all the members of Antifa that hit the car prior to it running over Heather Heyer.
I don't believe that they'll be held to justice even though they should be held accountable.
So I'm not really sure if anything is going to happen here.
But Justice Department demands 1.3 million IP addresses related to Trump resistance site.
So this is an overall thing that I guess they're looking at everybody who's saying they're part of this Trump resistance.
It's a good place to start, but we'll see if any of that develops.
Hey, by the way, Bernie Sanders, in a recent statement he did in Franklin County,
This was yesterday.
Says that he's going to offer Medicare for all soon.
So Bernie Sanders yesterday said he's going to offer Medicare for all.
Alright, so Bernie Sanders is also just going to produce doctors out of thin air too.
And surgeons.
It's amazing what Bernie Sanders can do with just a wave of his head.
I'm going to bring you all Medicare.
I'm going to bring you all doctors.
I'm going to bring you all surgeons.
We're going to make brain surgeons out of thin air.
We're going to make orthopedic surgeons out of thin air, we're going to have all the surgeons, and then you can have free surgery, free doctors, free health care.
I don't care if we don't have the money we have to pull it from Freddie Ferney-Mac.
I don't care that we don't have enough doctors here anyway.
I don't care that most of America eats themselves sick.
I don't care.
I will get you all, I will get you all the Medicare that I say you get.
And if Trump passes a Medicare bill, he's trying to kill your granny.
Let's go to the phone calls.
Let's start with Lauren in Ohio.
Lauren, why don't you think Trump has addressed Antifa straight head on?
Well, because I think what he's trying for is unity.
To move the people more to right and wrong.
So it doesn't matter what group you're in.
You know how many different groups, if they don't have Antifa, they'll make up another one.
You know how these people roll.
See, I agree with you.
I do agree with your premise here.
But still, why wouldn't he address Atifah when he's addressed all the other groups by name?
Well, I mean, you know, we don't know what information he has access to.
They're lying to him on so many different levels.
I mean, lookit, he's got Mueller in there.
He doesn't even know Jeff Sessions is working for the Clintons and the Bushes.
Jeff Sessions is lying to everybody.
What proof do you have of that statement?
Jeff Sessions is working for the Bushes and the Clintons.
What proof do you have of that statement?
This is just my supposition, but here's my question.
Why haven't they prosecuted Hillary Clinton yet, for the email thing?
It's not like you need an investigation, it's all right out there.
I agree, I agree, and there are movements happening right now.
Now hold on, look, look, look, okay, alright.
Laura, I totally hear your passion, I completely agree with you, but guys, you cannot expect things to happen overnight.
This is so key with people right now.
They want immediate gratification.
They expect things to happen immediately.
You have to understand how these proceedings work.
You're already seeing some of the things being reversed back on Mueller.
You're already hearing calls from Mueller to testify.
You're already hearing about things being looked back into Loretta Lynch.
You're already hearing about things being looked back into Susan Rice.
So these things are happening.
It's happening a lot more slowly than we'd like, yes.
But you have to understand, it takes a long time to build a case.
Now, me and you sit here and we say, we already know the case.
It's already happened.
We have these people.
They're caught red-handed.
Laura Sills be caught in Haiti with having children she's not supposed to have.
Oh, I'm sure that's just a coincidence, you know.
So, I get it.
I understand your frustration.
You just, if you have this, if you can make this same phone call to me in four years, then you're 100% right and we've been completely fooled.
But it hasn't been four years.
It hasn't even been one year.
And maybe they think, and here's what I'll say.
I think that Trump's legal team and Trump thinks that they cannot just reach a plea bargain, but also get someone to cooperate.
They don't want to take down one head and put one person in jail and then not kill the entire body.
So they gotta get somebody that can sing, and they gotta get enough evidence that they can flip that person.
So I don't know what Trump is doing or his legal team is doing, but that's how these things go.
Now, as far as why Trump hasn't addressed Antifa,
I think it's because he was waiting for this exact thing to happen now.
Because everyone else has been ignoring Antifa for this entire time, until now.
Now they're all endorsing Antifa.
Okay, so now Antifa's out there, now they've put Antifa in the mainstream, now they're endorsing Antifa, we'll continue to see Antifa be violent, so yet it'll be another feather in the cap for the conservatives
Who've been calling out Antifa.
Now the overall general public, who's the drive-by media viewers, will see what Antifa really is.
So then that foreground has been laid for Trump to label them the hate group, instead of just coming out and label them it before the mainstream media, fake news, got behind them.
So that's my theory on all that.
Thank you for the call, Laura.
Let's go to Carlos, who's calling in from Montreal.
Carlos, I'm sorry I didn't take your call last week.
Glad to hear from you now.
Thank you very much for taking my call.
President Trump has to be very careful because in Canada we had a comparable number of years where there were people who were agitators who were financed abroad and they were coming to Montreal to promote the partition of Canada.
Now, the Prime Minister at the time was Prime Minister Trudeau, and he held his ground, waited until, in fact, things had gotten to the point that they could be addressed judicially, and then at one point they called out the military because things had gotten out of hand.
They actually killed the acting Premier of the province of Quebec at the time.
You know, and it's interesting you bring that up because that makes me take this a step further here.
I mean, we had three deaths this weekend.
And I'm not saying it's specifically Antifa's fault, but again, Antifa's there.
They're always there.
Go ahead, Carlos, finish your point.
There is a solution that President Trump has to fulfill, and from a historic point of view, this defining moment in American history took place in March, I believe, 2013, and it went unnoticed, but I predict that in future historians will address it as being seminal.
This point was when Senator Ron Wyden,
Who was then interviewing in the, I believe, the Senate Intelligence Committee to James Clapper.
And he asked him point blank, are you in the NSA listening to millions of Americans?
And the answer that Clapper gave was no.
Not intentionally or not unwittingly.
Well yeah, sure.
And then you have the WikiLeaks Vault 7 release that says exactly what the CIA can do and the FBI.
Oh yeah, and oh by the way, I'm pretty sure that Dodge Chargers are notoriously known for being easy to hack.
Yep, Dodge Charger was the car that was used to kill Heather Heyer.
So yeah, great points from Carlos in Montreal.
I just think that Antifa's bad enough, and I wish Trump would address them straight on right now.
I don't understand why he's waiting to attack Antifa, but I guess, you know, I'm one of those people they say, oh, you're just gonna shill to Trump no matter what.
No, that's not the case.
I just call it as I see it.
Let's go to Bill in Kentucky.
Go ahead, Bill.
Yes, sir.
I just wanted to say that I think President Trump has done an excellent job, number one.
And number two, like you said, we need to give this time.
My father, who's 82 years old, said something to me in a conversation recently that makes a lot of sense.
We need to boil this whole situation, all these things that are going on around us, down to a very simple principle.
And the left uses the principle of what he called MID, M-I-D.
Manipulate, intimidate and dominate.
And those things, when you break everything down to the basics, that's where we're at.
That's a very simple way to handle this.
If you can't be manipulated, you can't be intimidated.
If you can't be intimidated, you can't be dominated.
That's a great point, and what we're dealing with right now is all of these people that go out on the streets.
I'm sorry, I feel bad for Heather Heyer.
I'm not saying this as somebody that is, you know, not feeling grief or sad that she's dead, but she was one of the people that was manipulated.
That's what I'm saying!
She got manipulated by fake news!
She thought she was going out there representing a struggle about some fake struggle made up in the fake news media that she was out there representing!
A total lie!
And now she's dead!
That's the manipulation!
Go ahead, Bill.
It's on to Alex because, you know, I see the frustration that he faces on a daily basis.
And like I said, you know, in life, when you boil things down to the basics, it sure helps you deal with it.
It's tough, it's tough to boil things down when our pot is so full, but things can really be boiled down, and it should be boiled down to America first, we're all Americans first, but we can't even do that, because as you identified, people have been so manipulated by propaganda, and then intimidated, told they're a racist, and then dominated by the media with fake news.
Thank you for the call, Bill.
Let's go to Ferris in New York.
Go ahead, Ferris.
You know, I like Carlos in Montreal and I like Bill in Kentucky, but I love Lauren.
She's demonstrating that she's probably a man trapped in a woman's body because she's thinking... Whoa, whoa, there's 87 genders, sir.
Please don't be genderphobic.
Well, I'm not.
I'm just simply explaining that it's women's primary nature is to feel, and the men's primary nature is... Sir, sir, you're trying to teach me biology right now.
That is sexist.
Stop it with your sexist biology, Ferris.
Take a day off.
The quarterback on this, Charlottesville, and thanks for what you do and pass our gratitude on to Alex Jones.
We understand what he goes through to follow his passion.
And it is ours.
We say MAGA and we say America first.
But the quarterback on the Charlottesville thing, of course, is an indigent African-American man named Wes Bellamy.
I'm going to spell for all your Googlers.
Wes Bellamy, vice mayor of Charlottesville, is the man who received the largesse from Soros' lesbians who pay out all of the manipulative people in all these key towns and cities.
You see, that kind of wealth
It's hard to come by for a man like Wes Bellamy.
But he was bought and sold by Soros and simply realized that this is a great opportunity for the police to lead a riot.
See, now you're hitting the nail on the head.
And I said this already.
If you don't think that police officers, or governors, or mayors, or committee men, or whoever it is that hate Trump that are in those roles aren't just as desperate as the rest of them, and won't act just as desperately, and won't pull off fake crimes, won't pull off hoaxes, won't pull off staged events to demonize Trump, to demonize what they think is their enemy, to try to bring down this country, you are a fool!
And I'm not saying you're a fool, Farris, you completely understand.
But that is so key.
That is just, that is literally on point.
Go ahead.
Well, uh, they're all dirty.
Oh, and by the way, I'm sorry to interrupt you again, but you've made another point that needs to be brought up.
How is it, we have politicians like Obama, Nancy Pelosi, they get into office, people of very menial means, not loaded, not totally wealthy, but they have a, and then they get out of office, and they're millionaires!
Where are they getting this money?
How is nobody asking this?
I'm sorry, Ferris.
Finish the segment.
30 seconds.
Well, we are asking the question, and thanks for amplifying it, but the point is that everyone would sell out for the kind of money that Soros is throwing around.
You tell me about the exceptions.
Tell me about yourself.
Tell me about Alex Jones.
Tell me about me.
But it's a very compelling thing.
When this kind of money is dangled in front of you, which is limitless, and the man's pockets are bottomless,
And the politicians need that money!
They need that money!
They... Oh no, give me that Soros money!
I'm Hillary Clinton, give me another quarter of a hundred thousand dollars, Georgie boy!
I'm David Brock, I funnel money back and forth between my super packs and I take a cut every time!
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a dangerous, dangerous time, and Trump warns this new low is dangerous for the whole planet, as we need Russia to deal with North Korea and so much more.
So Alexander, thank you so much for joining us.
Alexander Dugan, geopolitical.ru.
You've got the floor, my friend.
Let's go through who the Globalists are, what their aims are, why they hate the United States and Russia so much, and is there any way to stop them before they trigger World War III?
Hi Alex, I'm really happy to to be broadcasted in the United States because I think that your station and your channel and your heroic struggle is a unique
Unique possibility, unique momentum to say the truth that nobody wants to hear.
And first of all, I think that globalists need an enemy, but not the right enemy, because the right enemy of globalists are they themselves.
Because they are going to destroy humanity, to exchange the humankind by artificial intelligence, by a kind of cyborgs.
And they try to destroy all kind of links of the humanity with its essence.
And that is an essence that is the very, very negative, absolutely negative, satanic plan.
And they need, in order to keep attention elsewhere, they need some enemy.
And they have designated Russia as enemy number one.
It helps them to deplace attention from the real crimes they commit.
And in the case of Trump, that is trying to reaffirm, reassert America, to regain its almost lost
Globalists, they try to control everybody.
They try, they want to divide the people and the countries.
Not because some of countries or regimes are wrong or commit some horrible acts, but because in the agenda of globalists, they should be exposed as such because they serve for their creation of global world government.
This is Jake Tapper from CNN, and I just want to let you know that Alex Jones at Infowars is a fraud.
Yes, I'm Jake Tapper from CNN, and Tweety Bird here, sitting on my shoulder, just told me to tell you that Alex Jones is a liar!
So you can be sure to trust me, Jake Tapper, from CNN, even though my top story is a nothing burger, even according to their own analyst.
But I'm Jake Tapper, and I sound like a nice liberal, and I talk like this, and I have Tweenie Bird on my shoulder, and I told you Alex Jones was a liar, so you should listen to me at CNN Fake News.
Okay, thanks Jake Tapper, thanks for joining us.
Now go back, crawl in your hole.
Folks, Jake Tapper...
Has just tweeted out, the lies told at InfoWars are literally insane, such as the Klan rally is Jewish actors.
Hmm, okay.
I literally have a stack of news about Jewish actors faking hoax crimes.
I'm sorry, Jake Tapper, did you do your research on Richard Spencer?
Do you know who Richard Spencer is?
Did you research that, Jake?
Did your crew, did your people research that?
The crew you rely on?
I doubt it.
Did your crew print out 30 stories about people faking hate crimes to try to blame their enemies, including Jewish people?
Did your crew do that for you, Jake?
No, they didn't, did ya?
They hung you out to dry.
To look like an idiot.
But I'll tell you what, Jake.
I take it back.
Jake, I take it back.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to call you an idiot.
Jake and all the other people out there that attack Alex Jones, they attack me, all the liberals out there, you got big mouths on Twitter, you got big mouths on social media, you got big mouths on your liberal platforms, come on the show!
Do a debate with Alex Jones!
I dare Jake Tapper, fake yapper, to do an interview with Alex Jones.
You know what would happen?
Jake's ta- Jake- Folks!
I can't even believe it!
Jake's Tapper IQ is like that of a- of your pet!
Your pet dog probably has a higher IQ than Jake Tapper.
If you've ever met Jake Tapper, folks, I met Jake Tapper.
I was bullhorning a CNN broadcast from Ferguson, and Jake Tapper is literally the biggest cuck you'll ever see.
Like, he is what you would expect him to be.
He is a total wuss.
He is a total pushover wuss who will read whatever's on a teleprompter and feel bad at whatever story you make up and tell him.
But Jake Tapper says the lies told at Infowars are insane.
So I beg, I beg Jake Tapper to come on with Alex Jones and tell Alex Jones all the lies he's spreading.
I beg it, oh please God!
Please God!
Please, God, let Jake Tapper's balls drop for the first time in his life, at the age of 40-whatever, and have him come on the Alex Jones Show and tell Alex all the lies that Alex has told.
Please, Jake Tapper, show you have a spine, show you have a gut, show you have a brain, show you're not just a voice on Twitter, not just a voice on the fake news CNN.
I dare you to tell Alex Jones, to his face, with a live camera, all the lies he's told.
I would love to see that.
That would be another blessing, just like BuzzFeed.
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Maybe the Jake Tapper Special will have to be next.
They just keep coming after us.
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Folks, BrainForce.
Can we pull up BrainForce?
I think it's got like a 4.6 star review with about 2,500 ratings.
It's a very effective product, very highly rated.
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But unfortunately, I don't even think the highly rated, almost 5,000 reviews, 4.6 star review, amazing, amazing product,
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I don't even think that could help Jake Tapper.
I don't even think a case of... Jake Tapper could jump into an entire pool of our raw Brain Force formula and start eating his way through it and it still wouldn't help him.
And that's why he won't debate Alex Jones because Jake Tapper has an IQ that of a ham sandwich.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
It's honestly beyond Twilight Zone, when Jake Tapper, who works at CNN, literally, the least trusted name in news, the most provable fake news network in the history of the world, CNN, stages bombings.
They pretend their anchors are at bombings.
They stage that in CNN basements.
They pretend they're overseas.
They go on for weeks and months about some Russia narrative that their own anchors admit doesn't exist.
It's literally fake news!
You have Anthony Scaramucci sue them over fake news, they have to fire three reporters!
CNN, the least trusted name in news, the most fake news out there, called out by everyone, even Democrats, even Liberals, and Jake Tapper is gonna call out InfoWars for lies.
See, this is what Jake Tapper would do.
This is how dumb he is.
He would come on the air, and he would start it off by asking Alex Jones about gay frogs.
That's how stupid Jake Tapper is.
They don't even realize that the gay frog meme that they try to use against Alex Jones is actually real.
You know what?
I have a feeling Jake Tapper is going to erase that tweet.
I'm going to call it.
And if he doesn't, and he doesn't debate Alex Jones live, then he's a coward.
He's a total coward.
Let's go to Steve in Virginia.
Go ahead, Steve.
Hey, Owen, you were spot on with your take in Charlottesville.
The only thing you didn't mention is that the Commonwealth of Virginia and the state police are also culpable for the death of a woman because they did not put up concrete roadblocks to stop traffic.
And as far as Antifa, Antifa is just like, you know, with Antifa and George Soros,
It reminds me of the 60s race riots, where the communist Russians funded the Black Panthers, and they wanted to create race riots in the South, so the South deceives from the U.S.
It's just like what Soros does all across the world.
And it's an amazing point you bring up about the traffic thing.
I'm telling you, this thing was so staged, folks, this thing was so staged, it's not even funny.
Just look at the way the road was!
Again, you've got these cars in the road, apparently one of the cars doesn't even have a driver in it, it's just sitting in the middle of the road, and then the road is wide open for this challenger to go ram into these cars, and then the road is wide open for this non-professional driver, supposed to be all hopped up on psychotropic drugs, to speed out backwards perfectly like a professional driver, and then drive away,
Cops magically find him later.
The police helicopter that would have seen the whole thing goes down and those two police officers die.
Sounds legit to me!
Then the biggest joke is these governors.
They call the National Guard, put them on standby.
But the reality is the only way you keep the group separated is National Guard troops with M-16s and bayonets.
That's the only thing they'll ever understand.
Anything less is just a joke.
It really is.
Well, here's the thing.
They're trying to take away our free speech, and anytime you try to organize and have a march, Antifa's going to show up.
Now the mainstream fake news is going to prop them up as heroes, so they're going to be even more empowered now.
You've got another march that's going to happen in Virginia about a Robert E. Lee statue or some Confederate statue, so it's only going to get worse.
It's only going to heat up, and there are, I mean, look, obviously there's fringe right-wingers out there that are crazy enough
that are dumb enough to pick up a torch and march in the name of white nationalism behind Richard Spencer.
Yeah, if you do that, you're a fringe jackass.
Thank you for the call, Steve.
Let's go to Max in Wisconsin.
Go ahead, Max.
How you doing, Owen, today?
I'm a little upset that my country is being launched into civil war and world war, but other than that, I'm great.
Great, great.
Alright, uh, I'm asking, I'm wondering if you know the term mise-en-scène.
It's a French word.
You know that word?
It's from filmmaking, kinda?
Go ahead.
Mise-en-scène is French for setting up the scene.
And that's pretty much what's going on with, uh, all these race-racing.
But I wanna know why you, uh, why, uh, there's a Disney song on an NRA advertisement.
A Disney song on an NRA advertisement?
I don't know about this.
We'll have to look into that when we come back.
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It's crazy all right, folks.
All right, Max.
Max, you've got 30 seconds.
Tell me about the NRA Disney song.
Go ahead, Max.
All right, you know that sweet, sweet, honey, Dana, Dana Loesch, that ad you just have on loop.
You know, I have a good eye, but my ears not as good as Alex.
So, you know, I swear I heard that song from somewhere.
I was listening to that song in the background.
Maybe Nico back there can bring it up.
And then
Cross-reference that, and you know that in the age of YouTube, the algorithms will pick it up right away.
I mean, if I have a five-second, two-second clip, the algorithms are going to pick it up.
But if you search the, on YouTube, the song from Disney... So you think that they used that song... Hold on, I think I see where you're going.
So you think that they used that song so that YouTube would censor the ad?
No, no.
I think that
I'm like Toto with the curtain, you know?
I think that there is, the swamp is very deep.
This stuff is deep-rooted.
A lot of money like that other cow.
I don't think a Disney song being played in the background.
I don't think a Disney song being played in the background of that NRA video necessarily indicates that.
I suppose that's what Max is thinking.
What I think is funny is that you have all of these liberal groups that are funded by Soros attacking Dana Lesh and attacking the NRA.
Dana Lesh isn't perfect, okay?
Nobody is perfect.
I disagree with a lot of things Dana Lesh says on her radio show.
She's not my enemy.
And I agree with her stances on the Second Amendment.
And it's amazing that all these liberal groups, all these Soros-funded groups are attacking Lesh, attacking the NRA, to which I spurred both of them.
I said, why aren't you moving to sue these people that are libelous against you?
So you've got Alex Jones ready to get to litigate.
You've got Diamond and Silk ready to litigate.
Jack Posobiec is about to be in court testifying against Antifa.
It's time to litigate these people.
And we need conservative lawyers and attorneys to step up
And to take this battle into the courts, where Trump is now appointing conservative judges, putting his mark on the court, where the liberal judges have had their mark on the court, putting away people like Sheriff Joe Arpaio for following the law.
Now folks, we're being led into a civil war.
And when I say I feel bad for Heather Meyer because she got tricked into being out on the streets for a struggle that is brought to her by fake news,
This is exactly what I'm talking about.
They've attacked Trump for so long.
They've demonized Trump supporters for so long.
They are the ones that have metastasized this environment.
They are the ones that have been terraforming this environment for a civil war.
Here's some of these clips.
Let's start with MSNBC calling Trump a racist.
The Southern Poverty Law Center website says... The Southern Poverty Law Center.
...there are 917 fascist hate groups across the country.
Are we regressing as a nation that rejects this abhorrent ideology?
Yeah, I think we absolutely are.
I mean, look, I think the important thing to say in all of this, or perhaps one of the important things to say, is the incredible responsibility that Donald Trump has.
You know, this rally that led to the
Trump is more guilty than the guy that drove the car, according to this nut.
We're coming after these people.
This kind of hate will not be tolerated.
It cannot be tolerated in America.
Does it ring true to you?
Do you believe that this administration is going to do something now?
It rings absolutely false to me.
You know, Jeff Sessions is in charge of a Justice Department that recently decided the great problem with diversity in this country is that white people are being supposedly denied admission to colleges based on their skin color.
That, to Jeff Sessions, was apparent.
Oh yeah, as if that doesn't happen because of affirmative action.
So, you know, I think the reality is, let's also remember... That's the reality you...
...of his commission looking at supposed voter fraud, Chris Kobach, the chief vote suppressor for Kansas, Secretary of State of Kansas.
So, no, I think there are many people within DOJ and the Civil Rights Division who are absolutely good people, but the leadership is rotten.
The stink is coming from the top.
Mark Potok, I say good to see you, it is good to see you, although we are often only speaking under these very extraordinarily unfortunate, horrible circumstances, but I thank you so much for your... Yeah, that guy being on air is a horrible, unfortunate circumstance.
That guy opening his mouth and having an opinion is a very unfortunate circumstance.
Let's now move on to...
Donnie Douche on Trump, saying he's a racist.
Now Morning Joe contributor, Donnie Douche.
This is what I'm talking about.
These are the media pundits.
These are the broadcasts.
This is the message that is sending Antifa out on the streets.
This is the message.
These are the reports.
This is the fake news.
These are the people.
All of these people that I'm playing right now, from television news, telling you all of these lies about President Trump, they are the ones that told Heather Heyer to go in the streets and protest racism.
They are the ones that told Heather Heyer to go on the streets and protest Trump.
They are the ones still saying that they will continue the struggle that Heather Heyer died for.
Folks, Heather Heyer died for a fake struggle.
You know the saying, the struggle is real?
The struggle is fake.
The struggle is fake.
And it's sniveling, snot-nosed punks, who justice will only befell them when they die and go to hell, that are responsible for this.
Go on with the clip.
The Nazis are built on the followings of Adolf Hitler, of exterminating Jews.
George Soros was a Nazi, you sniveling punk.
No, no, we don't think Jews should exist on this planet.
We're going to exterminate.
That's what World War II is about.
President Trump has Jews in his family.
Can you not condemn those people?
He did condemn them ten times.
Are you a supporter of that?
Is that what this is?
It is...
So disgusting and repulsive.
No, you're disgusting and repulsive.
When you watched him speak... You literally make my blood boil.
We've seen him speak passionately.
When the first part of it, he was almost reading that text, almost like he didn't want to.
And then when he got animated, was when he got to the many sides part.
The many sides.
You know, Joe has asked me many times on this show, you know, Donnie, you and I have known Trump for years.
He says racist things, but he's not really a racist.
No, he is a racist.
He is a racist.
Can we just say it once and for all?
When you look at his history, when you look at the housing issues, when you look at when he's talked about reverse discrimination against whites, the birther movement, we have a racist as a president.
Because a man that cannot stand up and condemn the Ku Klux Klan and Nazism is a racist.
Yeah, he's only condemned him a hundred thousand times, and here this Donnie douche goes on the air, makes up lies about President Trump, slanders President Trump,
Gets away with it, and then Heather Heyer goes out in the streets and dies for the very lies that Donnie Douche just told you on MSNBC.
Only the devil, only the devil will have justice for you!
Let's now go to ABC, no I'm sorry, let's go to Face the Nation, CBS that says Trump is a racist.
Go ahead.
The president says he wants to find out what happened in Charlottesville and seek for the roots of this.
What's your reaction to that?
My reaction to everyone on this panel, that if you're looking for the roots of why white supremacists... We weren't this upset when the Black Lives Matter protests killed multiple police officers.
We weren't this upset when Steve Feliz got shot.
We weren't this serious when Clayton Carter killed his GOP committeeman neighbor, a Trump hater.
But we're very upset now.
Yeah, very serious.
Yeah, he hasn't condemned any of these people.
He's literally, oh my God, oh my God.
Just shut my mic off.
These people are lower than scum.
I had to have the crew turn my mic off because I can't even handle this.
Let's now go to ABC The Week saying Trump is racist.
And even more so, I think when you take about this, who shares responsibility in this?
Who shares responsibility?
It's not only the man, it's not only the movement, but anybody that points their fingers at Mexicans and Muslims shares responsibility as well.
The President has to share responsibility.
The fact is, is that through that campaign, he blew all kinds of whistles that those of us who grew up in the Jim Crow South, like I did, recognized immediately.
It was just calling out to these white supremacists who then felt empowered by it.
And the president now not calling them out.
You know, he should listen to Nikki Haley, who is now UN ambassador.
She's the person who started bringing down Confederate monuments.
And she did it so graciously in exactly the right tone after the killings at Mother Emanuel Church.
But this is also a really watershed moment for the Justice Department because it's not just that they're categorizing these hate crimes.
Jeff Sessions has gone back
Alright, now meet the press.
Claims Trump is racist.
Roll that one.
So all these people saying Trump's racist?
No, I mean, look, you can't say it's anything other than deliberate.
He has a reputation for not being afraid to call individuals out, whether they're members of the media, politicians that make him upset, fellow world leaders.
So we know he's capable.
You know what this is called?
This will be all over the newspapers.
Sorry, I'm done!
Only one of these two things was actually published.
And it wasn't the one the establishment wanted.
No, it wasn't.
Look at this lovely Lifetime special.
Oh, there's Bill Clinton.
Park Ridge to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Commencing... Oh, there she is, the little CIA operative in college.
Newsweek is charting... It's about her victory after victory, the meteoric rise of the Venerable Queen.
It's inexorable.
It's unstoppable rise.
Nothing could possibly... Destiny!
Nothing could possibly have stopped it.
Oh, and now we get to the really good stuff.
The new war on Hillary.
The misogyny.
Oh, they attacked her but she fought through!
Oh, and there she is, looking noble and defiant.
Noble and defiant!
Merging from her husband's shadow to be a real, convincing and authentic person.
Crawling out of the mouth of hell.
Why have you become Churchill?
Friends with Obama!
She's getting the job done.
She looks like she's about to accomplish something.
There's a lot of foreign payments coming into the foundation.
She just raked in a few more million.
Put a few more dictators in charge.
This morning I tweeted a rainbow hashtag to my gay followers to pander to them.
The same morning as I accepted 50 million from Saudi Arabia.
How's that?
And Barack lets out a hearty chuckle.
And there it is.
Madam President!
It's the moment we've all been waiting for.
It is the inevitable Hillary victory.
There we go.
Oh, now he's going to be the first man.
There we go.
Rapist-in-Chief back in the Oval Office.
Bill Clinton's a rapist!
Bill Clinton's a rapist!
We'll be exiting the building with the greatest piece of merchandise I could ever have hoped for.
So thank you for my whistle.
She's being supported by her nine-person medical team.
Hillary's in great health!
It's like when Pele... You just imagine, sort of, MSNBC host that Hillary's literally sucking her dry.
She's like, she's like, the president elects in great health.
Look at the shot!
And she's gonna spew green, green, green, green... That's the shot!
Look, here's the face.
You get into it, you see, I love you.
After the 360 revolution is complete, and immediately before the ejection of the goo, a photographer manages to catch her head in the forward position.
There we go, and we've got, oh look, and there's her.
There's Webster Hubble, there's Mr. Ed leading through to get a bucket of grain.
And there she is.
There she is, calmly explaining while he looms over her in a cynicism.
Wasn't that great with him prowling behind her like a predator?
He was like a lion, you know, just prowling around, just waiting to strike.
You know, you're a liar.
And you ought to be in prison.
You'd be in jail.
Oh my goodness.
While you talk, I'm going to bow down right now.
She's looking at some little black kid she wants to put in prison.
That's what I meant by my joke.
She's like, look at these super predators.
She's back in her pearls, she's looking presidential, and she's ready to get to work.
And wouldn't it have been wonderful if that glorious, sunny, democratic future had come to pass?
The enemy of justice is lies and slander.
And even though that is the, it's literally, it's the hardest thing that I could possibly do on radio is to sit here and play for you five clips in a row of mainstream television cable news telling you Trump is a racist.
We just played the five clips.
We, dozens of pundits, and this is just a small smattering of it.
But you noticed one thing, didn't you?
You noticed one thing about all these people claiming Trump is a racist.
They didn't provide any evidence.
They didn't provide any clips.
They didn't provide any sound.
They didn't provide any facts.
They didn't provide any evidence.
Just conjecture.
Just accusations.
Yeah, it's really hard to come on air
And know that there is an attempt to bring down America, to start a civil war, know who the liars in the media are, call them out, and then still you have people like Heather Heyer who go out on the streets and have now died for the very lies that are spewed out every day by mainstream news.
And they say that we will continue to struggle for the struggle that Heather died for.
Literally liars on television who provide zero evidence of their claims.
I am sitting here telling you that I believe it's mainstream television news forcing Heather Heyer into the street, then she dies, and then I play the clips proving it!
They tell you Trump's racist all day long, play zero clips.
They tell you Trump has never condemned any of this violence even though he's done it over and over and over and over and over.
So now here's a clip again of mainstream television news trying to demonize President Trump.
Specifically condemn what happened and the people who carried out the act allegedly in Charlottesville on many sides and he had many times many tweets where he could have corrected that where he could have gone further and didn't.
No, I mean, look, you can't say it's anything other than deliberate.
He has a reputation for not being afraid to call individuals out, whether they're members of the media, politicians that make him upset, fellow world leaders.
So we know he's capable of singling folks out.
No, that was you!
That was you that unleashed the demon with your lies and your fake news.
So here's them lying about President Trump, saying he's racist, he's never condemned violence.
Again, I give to you the clip of a compilation of President Trump condemning violence.
He never said to white nationalists explicitly, and if he did, I can't remember off the top of my head, but I don't think he did, say, he never said, I don't want your support.
Don't vote for me.
I don't think he did.
I was there every day.
How do you feel about the recent endorsement from David Duke?
I didn't even know he endorsed me.
David Duke endorsed me?
I disavow.
I totally disavow the Ku Klux Klan.
I totally disavow David Duke.
I've been doing it now for two weeks.
This is, you're probably about the 18th person that's asked me the question.
David Duke is a bad person who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years.
What he didn't do is say that he was not going to accept the support of any of these fringe groups.
I've rejected David Duke.
Rejected David Duke.
I've rejected the KKK, the Ku Klux Klan.
From the time I'm five years old, I rejected them.
Donald Trump refusing to condemn former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke.
What do you see as the biggest problem?
This is 17 years prior.
Well, you've got David Duke just joined.
A bigot, a racist, a problem.
Trump brings David Duke up in an interview to disavow him 17 years ago.
On Friday, I disavow.
Why ask him again on Saturday?
Okay, so we get the point.
Folks, you have to ask yourself, how is it?
That for 20 years, President Trump can disavow this crap.
For the entire time leading up to the presidential election, President Trump can disavow this crap.
Then on the weekend of all the violence, President Trump disavows this crap.
Multiple times on Twitter.
Multiple times in press conference.
Disavows, condemns, all of it.
The whole nine yards.
Calls them all out.
Except for the leftists!
He doesn't touch the leftists!
He leaves the leftists alone!
Quote unquote leftist antifa!
And it doesn't even matter that for years, for interviews, phone calls, everything, across the board, condemning, disavowing, the liars in media still get on television and tell you he's never done it, the liars in television media still go on TV and tell you he's a racist, and then they want to blame Trump when their own minions go out on the streets to protest Trump, who they lied about, and then die, and then they blame Trump!
This is wackier than the Twilight Zone, folks.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Thumbs and teeth.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
He's been coming into the Twilight Zone theme all day today.
Another story from the Twilight Zone.
You may know Legal Latino Heat.
I've interviewed him a couple times.
He's now been arrested.
He's in jail on $50,000 bail.
I don't have all the details.
I'm talking to his people right now.
Legal Latino Heat is an American citizen, he's a Latino, he's a cowboy, he's brave, he's a soldier in the fight for America.
He goes as a troll, an illegal transgender Muslim, he goes as a troll to a march, and get this, the very liberals that want to tell you you're a Islamophobe have him arrested claiming he's a Muslim terrorist.
So now he's in jail as a Muslim terrorist because the left said he was, even though the left says that Islamophobia is a real thing, and he's actually a Latino Trump supporter.
Anyway, let's get back to something that makes sense.
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It's hard to cover this, folks.
It's hard to remain stable and not go off the rocker when you're covering the Civil War for America, and you have outright liars lying about the President of the United States and providing zero evidence, and then you have poor, manipulated, brainwashed fools.
I'm sorry, again, not to sound insensitive, but that was Heather Heyer.
That's why she went out and marched.
That's why she died.
Here's a clip put together by our own Darren McBreen.
Trump versus the mainstream media.
The fact that it took the president two days to come out and clearly denounce racists and white supremacists is shameful.
And I think he finally spoke out.
That is a lie!
That is a lie!
That is a lie!
That is a lie!
Excuse me, go ahead.
We all must be united and condemn all that hate stands for.
There's no place for this kind of violence in America.
Let's come together as one.
The President also said we must remember this truth.
No matter our color, creed, religion, or political party, we are all Americans first.
If you're looking for the roots of why white supremacists and neo-Nazis felt emboldened to march on a college town, you don't have to look very far from the White House.
Even after a few hours to think about it, the best he could do was squeeze in this response before a bill signing.
We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides.
On many sides.
Wait, on many sides?
This was a white nationalist rally.
You have to call that out by name.
Racism is evil.
And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.
They don't want to mention Antifa and how Antifa literally came, trained, militarized, doing war-like maneuvers.
You know, they bring coolers and you think, oh, it's to stay hydrated.
No, it's filled with water balloons, filled with feces, urine, just disgusting things that will pop and explode on people.
And water bottles filled with the same substances.
I don't like being filmed!
Yeah, he just got struck with pepper spray.
By some irrational... We're not a liberal helping him.
We're not all like this.
No, you see, the guy that attacked him is not a liberal.
He's a Marxist.
Every time one of these situations happens, you know, you see the worst of people sometimes.
I think we saw it out of the left.
This egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides.
On many sides.
Many sides?
Mr. President, Mr. President, this is terrorism, not your order at KFC.
After two days of intense public pressure, today the president was finally willing to say that Nazis are bad.
How can you possibly say you condemn this in the strongest possible terms when you don't even name the groups responsible?
Trump has a permanent hard-on for condemnation.
And yet when it came time to condemn white supremacists and Nazis, it was limp ****.
Obama and I both share some responsibility here.
I mean, I embraced alt-right racist.
Obama was black.
We both contributed to the problem in our own way.
You know, the liberal media couldn't control themselves.
They couldn't resist the opportunity to somehow turn this on President Trump.
I was proud of the original statement.
He knows, the president, you have to be measured, you have to be calm, you want to calm the waters, you want to be thoughtful in your initial statement because it's early on and you don't have all the facts and you don't want to speak out of hand.
Then over the weekend, as he learned more facts, he came out today and reiterated what he said in even some more forceful terms.
I was proud of the way he handled that.
The reason why I believe it is quote-unquote liberal or leftist media that is inciting a civil war and trying to start a coup against our president, our elected president Donald Trump.
George Soros is behind a lot of that and Antifa is behind a lot of the violence.
Black Lives Matter were among some of those counter protesters.
Draw a distinction for me if you will.
Well, I think what's important in this moment is white nationalists are actually fighting to take away people's rights.
Black Lives Matter and groups like Black Lives Matter are fighting for equality.
Mr. President, can you explain why you did not condemn those hate groups by name over the weekend?
They've been condemned.
They have been condemned.
Can we ask you some more questions?
This is Donald Trump over the years, something the Destroy Trump media will never show you.
Condemning Duke, white supremacists.
What are your views on the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacists?
I totally disavow the Ku Klux Klan.
I totally disavow David Duke.
I've been doing it now for two weeks.
This is, you're probably about the 18th person that's asked me the question.
I didn't even know he endorsed me.
David Duke endorsed me?
I disavow.
David Duke announced his Senate candidacy
I say red baseball caps mean you're an asshole.
It all just hit me with that clip that Darren McBreen put together.
It all just made sense to me, folks.
President Trump is like the most tolerant, patient man in the history of the world.
If I had all of this media, all of these people on the streets, all these people on social media lying about me,
Committing libel and slander against me, going on television and lying about me, calling me things.
I probably would have gone full dictator and thrown them all in a gulag.
And Trump just lets him do it.
He just lets him do it.
He doesn't even address it.
He just goes on and keeps fighting his battles.
Somehow just ignores it all.
And it all hit me when I was watching that clip from Darren McBreen.
Folks, they're just trying to gaslight him.
That's all they're trying to do.
They really, this is all they're trying to do is to tick him off.
That's all they're trying to do!
They're trying to instigate him!
They're trying to poke him, and poke him, and poke him, and poke him, and poke him, and poke him, and poke him, and poke him!
Until he actually acts against them!
Until he actually moves against them!
And then they'll claim he's a dictator!
Then they'll claim he's a tyrant!
Then they'll claim he's an authoritarian!
Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh!
These people are such scum!
These people are such scum.
They hate this country so much.
They hate America so much.
They hate Trump so much that they're going to sit around all day long and instead of covering news, they're going to gaslight President Trump.
Oh my gosh, what is this?
Pull that article back up.
What was that story?
The reverse gaslighting of President Trump?
This is from the New York Times?
They're admitting their plan.
They're admitting their plan.
That's all this is.
They're all gaslighting him.
They're all teaming up to gaslight him!
And Trump isn't falling for it!
Folks, they're doing the same thing in the streets to Trump supporters.
They're trying to gaslight all of us, and honestly, it works on me.
I'm literally up here fuming, blood boiling, because they want to take our country down.
They're not letting us...
This is like the NBA telling LeBron James that he has to play in concrete shoes.
So then LeBron has to go out there and play in concrete shoes.
Clearly can't compete with the rest of them.
And then they're like, look at LeBron!
He's so slow!
He sucks!
Trying to gaslight him.
That really all just hit me with that clip.
Let's go to Robert in California.
Go ahead, Robert.
President, the president said that he was going to investigate everybody or investigate the issue.
If he investigates it, he's going to find out the same thing that we've known forever, that Antifa and Black Lives Matter
I think you're right.
And I think he's also been waiting for the mainstream media to glorify them.
I think that you're right.
Some people, you know, they don't think that any brinkmanship ever goes on.
But, you know, it's funny because
Look at the mainstream media where you have, for the last 8 months, let's just look at the year 2017.
Let's just look at 2017.
For the last 8 months, how much media coverage have you seen demonizing Antifa outside of a select few Fox News programs?
How many news programs have you seen on mainstream cable television demonizing Black Lives Matter violence outside of a few Fox programs?
How many times have you seen cable television news cover liberal political assassination attempts?
Hodgkinson on Steve Scalise and other members of the Republican Party?
Clayton Carter on his neighbor?
For being a Trump supporter and he's a Trump hater?
You don't even see that on Fox News hardly!
But, what do you know?
A staged event, a completely staged event, that can be used to demonize Trump supporters, they all cover that.
One of them.
All weekend long.
All day long.
And then they tell you that Trump hasn't disavowed it, even though he's already done it multiple times.
And all it is, is an attempt to gaslight us into civil war.
I just pray to God.
I just pray to God that justice befell these people on Earth.
Because they're gonna just ruin the planet Earth before they go to hell.
Go ahead, Robert, finish up your points.
Yeah, I'd like to really see President on Gab.
That's where his honest base is.
Gab was meant for that.
He can be on Twitter and Gab, but at least he's gonna get not censored on Gab.
Yeah, and here's the thing, too.
You can link your Gab to your Twitter.
I said this a while ago.
President Trump could literally change the game overnight.
If he got off Twitter and got on Gab.
Because, all of a sudden, Twitter doesn't control that social media landscape anymore.
All of a sudden, the mainstream news has to cover Gab, because Trump gets on Gab.
That's how that works.
I don't know if Trump has ever thought of that, even knows of Gab, or if that's anything on his radar, but yeah, I made that point too, it's a great point.
Let's squeeze in Rick from Illinois.
Rick, real quick, you got 60 seconds, go ahead.
All right, first of all, can you hear me okay?
Yep, go ahead.
All right, I've got a lot of stuff to cover here real quick.
We're talking about Antifa and BLM and all.
First of all, let's take a look at, hold on, let me get off screen real quick.
All right, Rick in Illinois, are you there?
Yeah, I'm here.
Is that better?
Yeah, that's good.
Okay, yeah, I had you on speaker.
Let me get you off real quick.
I got you.
All right.
First of all, you're talking about Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement.
This is going to take me about five minutes to cover all of this, because I do research like you guys do.
I run my own website like you guys do.
If the BLM and Antifa want to insist, and nobody's touched on this yet, if they want to insist on trying to erase our history, taking down the Civil War heroes or non-heroes, the Civil War statues, they need to take all of their currency out of their pockets and burn it.
Because most every president on all of our currency was a slave owner.
Well, it's all lies.
We'll hold you over for the next segment, Rick.
But it's all based on lies anyway.
I mean, that's the whole point.
I guarantee you, we're going to prove this.
They don't even know who Robert E. Lee is.
You can ask them a question about Robert E. Lee, they won't even know.
Like the fact that President Lincoln actually thought Robert E. Lee was a hero.
Robert E. Lee didn't even want statues, folks.
He didn't even want the statues.
But they don't read history.
They never even read a book.
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So now the Anne Frank Center on Twitter that spouts fake news and lies about Trump all day long wants Trump's Twitter account suspended.
Well, maybe your Twitter account should be suspended.
What type of a person... No, no, no, seriously.
Think about this analogy.
What type of a person tries to agitate you, tries to poke you, tries to get a reaction out of you, just to bother you?
What type of person does that?
A toddler.
An immature, snot-nosed brat.
And that's what
90% of television news is just agitators, little pea-brained snot-nosed brats with a little slingshot just trying to hit you, a little paper bullet, just trying to get a reaction out of you.
And for the most part, Trump has been sloughing it off.
People are pointing out, well, he fired Flynn, he made this move here, so maybe some of the gaslighting is working.
Regardless, it's time for Trump to go on the offense and I'm hoping he's priming for that.
Folks, gotta remind you before we get off air here...
The BuzzFeed Special at InfoWarsTore.com.
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Let's go back out to Rick in Illinois.
Rick, go ahead.
Yeah, you're getting ready to get off air.
So let me make a couple key points real quick and then if I can plug my website, which is just like yours.
I've had it four years and got almost a quarter million hits.
We're good to go.
What's the name of your website?
Conspiracy News.
Now, we actually have a story, too.
No, not conspiracy.
Conspiracy News.
Fear is the greatest conspiracy of all.
Conspiracy News.
Now, we have the story here, guys.
Pull up the story about Robert E. Lee not wanting his statues up.
You guys said you had that story.
You know, I'm a big fan
Of the old western film Magnificent Seven.
It was one of my favorite movies growing up.
Now they did a remake of this movie with Denzel Washington and Chris Pratt and some other big name actors.
I think Ethan Hawke was in it too.
I can't remember all of them.
And I watched it for the first time and it was kind of a let down.
I didn't think that they did very well.
I thought that the first one was much better.
I watched it again last night.
And it actually made me realize how brilliant the brand new Magnificent 7 is and probably why Denzel Washington took the role.
So the Magnificent 7 is a story about a bunch of Lone Rangers, a bunch of gunmen in the Wild Wild West who team up, come together to defeat essentially a tyrant, an authoritarian over this neighborhood.
And in the original it's just a bunch of white guys, it's just a great old western flick.
In the new one, they've put an angle out there.
The leader of the Klan, Denzel Washington, is a black man.
Also in his group of people is a leading Confederate soldier who had confirmed 23 kills.
They work together.
Also in the group is a Native American Indian and an old American who came from Europe who hates Indians.
But they all work together.
They're all on the same team to defeat tyranny, to defeat authoritarianism, to defeat
The foot of someone telling you what to do!
That's what America needs!
We all have to unite!
No matter what our color is, religion is nothing!
Unite and we will stand!
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