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Name: 20170810_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 10, 2017
3100 lines.

The Alex Jones Show covers topics such as globalism, liberal ideologies, North Korea, China, immigration, feminism, technology, and products on InfowarsStore.com. It criticizes globalism, liberal media, and actions taken by countries like China, while promoting a relationship with God for fulfillment in life. Discussed topics include vaccines and autism, voter fraud in California, and the financial challenges of California seceding from the United States."

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The Matrix is everywhere.
It is all around us.
Even now, in this very room.
You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television.
You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your debt.
It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
That you are a slave.
Like everyone else, you were born into bondage.
Born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch.
A prison for your mind.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
We lost Jim Mars last week, we lost Joyce Riley, and now we've lost John DeCamp, who exposed one of the biggest pedophile networks in the world.
Here's the report.
Former Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp passed away recently, leaving behind a heroic legacy of efforts intended on exposing the child sex slave networks operating throughout the United States that led to the highest and most powerful offices in the United States government.
I mean, tell us about the convictions that have happened.
Tell us about Larry King, briefly, and then whatever you can remember.
I have a judgment against Larry King for a million dollars.
The same trial that I was the first one in the whole United States to sue the Catholic Church and some priests was the case I won the million dollar judgment.
But they dismissed the Catholic Church because
They said this is just absurd to accuse these priests of this.
That's right, you were one of the first in the, I mean, how many?
I was the first.
First case in the United States, and I ended up winning a million dollar judgment after trial, and then trial just separately on the damages, and I won a million
That'll actually be $1,200,000 for the kid who was just one of the kids.
But sir, specifically Larry King, the guy that sung the Star Spangled Banner at the Republican National Convention, Republican pimp, he went to jail too.
Oh yeah, yeah.
But then he got out after a couple years.
He still had the cover up going big time in Nebraska.
That's when I wrote the book and just said, you know, same old thing.
People in very high up places from judges to police chiefs to others who are participating in the
Larry King was a very evil person who stole money, was involved in child abuse, satanism, and all these other things.
That's what this book documents.
He was an evil person.
He had a lot of other people connected with him.
He did not act alone.
He was protected and his little time he's going to spend in prison is probably nothing more than a respite.
And I'm sure he's going to be well taken care of when he comes out.
Larry King was merely a functionary of a lot of other people doing a lot of bad things.
The horror De Camp investigated continues unabated to this very day, although local police task forces under the Trump administration have been making arrests regardless of the mainstream media's silence on the issue.
Of course, the very bureaucracy, namely child protective services, continues to be a
According to the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System, there are roughly 415,000 children in foster care.
At least 75% of those children are there simply due to poverty rather than reported abuse.
But it is horror-like what happened to a young girl in Arizona that calls out for something to be done immediately to protect these children and a major overhaul of CPS to be undertaken, beginning in Arizona.
A lawsuit filed in Arizona recounts how a two-year-old victim was taken from her mother, who had not abused her, and placed her into a pornographic pedophile ring that eventually led to the victim nearly being burned to death.
An innocent child, right here in America.
And under Senator John McCain's nose, this dubious foster care system in Arizona rose by 80%, while the rest of the country declined by 22%.
What's more, the foster care system is a revolving door into, in some cases, the abused becoming the abusers, and those abusers becoming yet another statistic of incarceration.
The system is broken.
John Bowne reporting for InfoWords.com.
The system is satanic.
The system is vampiric.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a dangerous, dangerous time, and Trump warns this new low is dangerous for the whole planet, as we need Russia to deal with North Korea and so much more.
So Alexander, thank you so much for joining us.
Alexander Dugan, geopolitical.ru.
You've got the floor, my friend.
Let's go through who the globalists are, what their aims are, why they hate the United States and Russia so much, and is there any way to stop them before they trigger World War III.
Hi Alex, I'm really happy to to be broadcasted in the United States because I think that your station and your channel and your heroic struggle is a unique
Unique possibility, unique momentum to say the truth that nobody wants to hear.
And first of all, I think that globalists need enemy, but not the right enemy, because the right enemy of globalists are they themselves.
Because they are going to destroy humanity, to exchange the humankind by artificial intelligence, by kind of cyborgs.
And they try to destroy all kind of links of the humanity with its essence.
And that is an essence that is the very, very negative, absolutely negative, satanic plan.
And they need, in order to keep attention elsewhere, they need some enemy.
And they have designated Russia as enemy number one.
It helps for them to deplace attention from the real crimes they commit.
And in the case of Trump, that is trying to reaffirm, reassert America, to regain its almost lost
I think?
They try to control everybody.
They try, they want to divide the people and the countries.
Not because some of countries or regimes are wrong or commit some horrible acts, but because in the agenda of globalists, they should be exposed as such, because they serve for their creation of global world government.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
It's Thursday, the 10th day of August 2017.
I was on Coast to Coast AM last night with the great George Norrie, and was unable to go to sleep, basically, after I was on.
I listened to the rest of the show and then laid down on the couch for about an hour, so I'm a little bit out of it today, but we're gonna pound through this because, you know, I could have had Owen Schroeder do a great job and fill in, David Knight's on vacation, but I just wanted to come in because, obviously, these are such incredible times, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
But right now, I want to, before I get into North Korea and China and Russia and the economy and the SWAT team raids on Trump campaign people and just all the rest of it,
And this big story that's on Infowars.com.
It's also on DrudgeReport.com.
Black Sky event.
Feds preparing for widespread power outages across the U.S.
They're preparing for nuclear war.
Trump is not doing the old duck and cover to scare you, which statistically would get you politically in line behind him.
He is not doing that, but he is making preparations.
So it's a very serious situation.
But before I get to that,
I have several hundred news articles in front of me, and each one of them is more insane than the next.
It's like when I was on Coast to Coast AM last night on 600 radio stations, the second biggest radio show in the world, 10 million listeners a night, and George Norrie asked me, he said, what happened with you and Trump?
What goes on behind the scenes?
And I went ahead and just said it, and it was so fantastical.
But this morning I was thinking about it and I was just like, that's not even real.
And we just put this stuff out there and it's like, do people understand we've seized control of the government, at least partially, and are defeating the globalists right now?
They asked, how was Trump introduced to you?
Trump didn't even know who I was.
Patriots in the government heard what I said, looked into what I was documenting, and others were going back to Barry Goldwater.
But I was doing it with a modern megaphone, and they decided to counter the globalists.
It's kind of like six months ago I went, you know, I've not been anti-Israel.
But if Israel doesn't come out against George Soros, who in the WikiLeaks wants to overthrow Israel and supports Islamic Jihad and bombing Jews, then I'm against Israel.
Because Israel is against itself.
And then Israel, I'm not saying I did this, just that it was the timing, Israel came out and said George Soros is an enemy of Israel.
It's like, all we're doing is covering common sense stuff here.
And these labels that we hear out there don't actually fit into the reality of what's going on or how complex things are.
El Cid is the King Arthur of Spain.
DeShane is the King Arthur of, or the archetypal person of France.
Everybody will think, oh that's the Dark Tower, that's Stephen King.
No, that's, Stephen King took the mythos of France and made a character, the gunslinger, who's fighting Satan.
And then turns into a character.
But every culture has its ethos, has its leader, has its warrior, has its priest.
Like Shaka Zulu in South Africa and the Zulus.
He's named Shaka Zulu.
He's a Zulu.
They named the tribe after the strongest, smartest man.
Think about El Cid.
That was the Arab name for him.
When Spain was a Germanic country.
It had six different kingdoms in it.
And then it was overrun by North African Muslims.
And every town they took over, took them 500 years to take most of Spain.
They couldn't take Catalonia, they didn't take the Moors, the mountains.
But they took almost the entire country, and they killed every man above the age of 13.
And the Moors, of course, ran galleys, slave galleys, and they ran slave women, that was what they sold.
And they...
They sold the women all over the world as far east as what is Indonesia today.
They loaded women on ships and trans-shipped them across the Gulf into the Indian Ocean into the South China Sea.
I mean, this is history.
had ships all the way as far out 200 years ago as Hawaii, trying to take Hawaii.
And that's why most of the Pacific is Muslim.
In fact, it wasn't until about 500, 600 years ago that the desperate
Polynesians started breeding their men to be bigger and more warlike just to stave off the Muslims.
And I'm not attacking Muslims, they're attacking me.
You know, we have the term La Reconquista, the Ford Foundation the CIA uses for Mexico, saying, oh, reconquer the Southwest, take it over, whatever.
But the real La Reconquista took 300 years, and it took French Norman
And it took Germanics and it took all these groups to come into Spain and fight town by town to drive the Muslims out.
And I'm not bashing the Muslims, but if you go to North Africa after our government liberated
Libya, who was a progressive, a true progressive, women going to college, not wearing burqas, they now sell women, this is like International Business Times, Associated Press, on slave blocks.
I mean, women are slaves in North Africa.
This is what George Soros wants, and then there's video of Spain, because Italy finally cut off, because it was thousands a day, these 100-foot and 60-foot Zodiac rubber boats that George Soros has spent $2 billion on.
And he gets taxpayer money from the EU.
And they always show you like a little baby.
It's like 90%, I mean I say 90, it's like 100% men.
You see these videos, the actual videos, there's like no women, no children.
But they always do these PR stage deals where they show one woman and one baby out of North Africa.
But you have to understand, they're advertising with these 100 foot boats, these Zodiacs, that pull up and then the military age men get on
And they drive up on the beach in Spain and they go to town.
And some of them are real people fleeing.
The point is, though, they're fleeing a culture that our government destabilized and blew up and destroyed in Tunisia and Libya and Egypt.
Egypt got back control.
And so it's been done by design.
It's a plan.
It's an admitted plan.
And then they flood 10 million.
I kept saying from numbers I'd read, 5 million in the last four years.
The UN came out two months ago and said, no, it is 10 million people, 81% military age men.
Because women in North Africa, ladies and gentlemen, are kept as lower than a donkey.
I mean, women are kept in chains.
Women are used like animals.
Most areas of Africa aren't like that.
I mean, it's a fact.
It's like Nazis killed people and did bad stuff.
Muslims in Africa are like demons.
I mean, let's just admit this.
You look at Western culture, women run my life.
My whole life is red carpets for women.
Women are God.
You go to Muslim countries and women are dirt.
And I will not sit here and play games with this anymore.
I will not sit here and watch these videos in Spain, as they say in Spanish, run, run, and a Zodiac brand new pulls up with nothing but men dumping off.
And then you turn on our news, they'll show the one baby every month or something.
They even staged like a dead baby on the beach.
They got caught doing that.
I mean... Our elites... Skip this break.
I know I said I was not going to do it.
Our elites... So-called elites...
They own factories in China where people work 18 hours a day till their fingers bleed, and they have suicide nets in the hallways, in the stairwells, and on the tops of the buildings, and they force drug people with addictive, high-tech synthetic drugs.
They're completely whacked out of their minds.
And why do I bring that up?
Our liberal elite are allied with China that has a billion, 300 million people, a billion of them living on like a dollar a week, basically.
And our elites would treat us just like that in a second.
They're not bringing in North Africans and they're not bringing in people from the Middle East because they want to make their world a better place.
If we were doing real programs to go there and bring culture and wells and funding and solar power like Gaddafi was doing... I don't want to sit here and say Gaddafi... Gaddafi was an angel compared to our elites.
He lives in a tent with a little 10-foot wall around him and gave 99% of the money from the oil to the people directly in jobs and creation and that's what's so crazy about this.
Is that I don't want to sit there and look down on Africans or Muslims because I feel good because they're satanic cavemen.
But they're coming for me.
The globalists are allied with them, with their AI and their fluoride and their vaccines and their GMO and all this death.
And I watched the video on Infowars.com that Paul Watchman posted.
Because you can go to YouTube, and I mean, there are thousands of videos of boats pulling up, and you don't ever see a woman.
I mean, I've watched hundreds of these, and I've seen, like, one woman.
It's, I mean, turn on the news, it's like a woman and a baby, and it's just some PR op on some nice boat, a nice barge, and, oh, look, we saved this baby out of the water.
Saved the baby out of the water?
Muslim countries are so backward and so barbarous and gang-driven by patriarchal gangs of men who feed on each other.
I mean it is the most anti-liberal evil and then our government goes and blows up secular countries like Syria and blows up Iraq that was secular.
Saddam Hussein was
A CIA officer.
He wasn't just an asset.
He was trained.
It's all declassified.
He was set up.
He wanted swimming pools.
He wanted women in college.
He wanted burqas banned.
He wanted hijabs banned.
He had them banned basically.
And so our government told him to attack Iran and then double-crossed him after he killed 2 million Iranians and lost 700,000 Iraqis.
And then they told him invade Kuwait.
He did it and they set him up.
And then they went and took him out.
There was Playboy magazine in 7-Elevens in Iraq when Saddam was there in 1990.
And there was rock and roll music on the radio.
And by the way, I'm not saying that's a good thing.
I'm saying that's what our government got rid of.
Now you put that in your pipe and you think about that.
You know who Sam Hussein tortured?
It was radical Muslims.
And I'm not defending what he did.
But he had his thumb on them.
60% just like Syria of the same number of the similar number in Libya.
60% of the college graduates were women.
And have you looked at Gaddafi and Saddam?
And if you looked at the Alawite Christian, Crypto-Christian Assad, if you look at their cabinets, it was a third, or in some cases a half, women.
And where are the liberals and the feminists there?
They're blowing those countries up!
See, if you're empowering women, they destroy you.
And if women are empowered in America or Europe, they say you're not empowered, so the state becomes your husband, the state becomes your father, the state becomes your protector.
You see, I'm a woman, I don't need a protector.
I need a protector.
My mother looked out for me.
My father looked out for me.
I looked out for them.
How'd they ever convince you, you don't need somebody standing up for you?
If you don't think your family is there to stand up for you, who else is?
The mafia never did too good in Texas, cause...
You go threatening somebody, you get killed.
People don't talk big talk about it.
They don't run their mouth.
They just kill people.
And I'm not gonna sit here and put up with the globalists, put up with them pissing down our backs with the most barbarous, backward, ignorant, evil people the world has ever seen.
And then having Linda Sarsour trot around in a hijab and run her mouth about how women should convert to Islam and how wearing a hijab is a symbol of feminine strength.
When I looked at the numbers, in Egypt alone, more than 10,000 women have been imprisoned, thousands more executed, stoned to death, murdered by crowds.
In the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, so that Egypt is quasi-secular and acceptive and women don't have to wear hoods over their heads.
Women, by the thousands, died so they would have freedom in Egypt.
Not feminism.
And you hear nothing about it.
Instead, there is the obnoxious abomination of Linda Saussure in our face.
With her mother writing white papers on chopping little girls' genitals off.
And when I first covered this about a year ago, they had articles in mainstream news making jokes going, how do you cut a woman's genitals off, Alex?
Thinking their readers were stupid.
And they had articles saying, Alex is a pervert.
He's criticizing Uma Abedin's mother, who also wrote a book on genital mutilation, how good it is.
And they said, Alex, stop digging in the panty drawer, pervert.
That was in a bunch of, it was like a Soros talking point, that I didn't want women to have their clitorises cut off with loppers at birth.
And then I was the pervert.
And in the BuzzFeeds and in the Daily Beast, the world, they sat there and told their readers that I made it up that women are being mutilated.
Think about the type of scum you've got to be to do something like that.
It's in Spanish.
That's probably the dominant language on the planet today, so let me just play in Spanish for you.
The video and the audio.
Stunned tourists watch migrants invade beach in Spain.
Now remember, these are the ancestors of people that fought a 300-year war that reportedly millions died in.
Because it went on generationally.
To let women not wear hoods over their heads or be sold in the slave galleys, and they're now there watching brand new black Zodiac boats, admittedly paid for by George Soros and the UN, pulling up with military-age men storming the beach like it's Normandy.
And it's all organized, it's all funded, it's all run.
Here it is.
If you're a radio listener, it's a brand new Zodiac pulling up, and what looks like 50 men, 40 men, I don't know, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 60, 61, 62, 63, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 67, 68, 67, 68, 69, 69, 69, 70, 71, 71, 71, 72, 71, 72, 72, 73, 73, 74, 74, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75,
And the Spaniards are sitting there literally watching a replay of what the La Reconquista took 300 years to turn around.
What is it?
It's men.
Come here with the boy.
The group vanished before authorities arrived.
They got picked up by buses.
Now again, it's one thing if starving people from Africa came in or the Middle East, but it's orchestrated.
They go, oh, have open arms, bring it in.
You go to those countries.
And they're gonna walk up in five minutes to you and say, quote, this surpasses the Quran.
If you don't, they're gonna shove a Kalashnikov in your face, and you're gonna be kidnapped, and you're gonna be lucky if you ever see the light of day again.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gonna cut you down.
Sooner or later gonna cut you down.
Here's the big secret.
There are competing programs inside the globalist system, obviously.
But the general decision has been made to make life as ugly and fallen as possible that the general public retreats into fantasy land, into AI, into virtual reality.
And then meanwhile, the globalists admittedly have destabilized the third world, engaged in policies that actually create ballooning populations, then they use that to exploit the populations, flood the West, and they want us morally to not sign onto a piece of paper, but just to metaphysically, say, release the bioweapon, the race-specific bioweapon.
And they've had those for 50 years that are very targeted.
And with the CRISPR gene splicing and gene editing and all of it, they got stuff that'll kill you right down to your family genome.
In South Africa and other people, Israel's developed it.
I mean, that's the countries that admittedly have developed it.
But I mean, if you don't think the United States doesn't have all that, you're living on another planet.
And so that's really where all this is right now.
And so I was against the Iraq War, I was against all these things, because I knew it was in the strategy of tension to stir up the Muslims, to put radicals in.
And I saw in the EU reports about replacing Europe with Muslims and all that, and I thought, that's just too crazy, no one would do that.
And now we're here.
And so I don't want to release the race-specific bioweapon and kill all the Muslims.
Because most of them do happen to be
of the same genetic derivation.
And you could say, oh really?
There's very diverse Muslims.
There's some Anglo Muslims and African Muslims and whatever.
What about half the Muslims are Arabic?
And what's Arabic?
It's a mix of Asian, Anglo, and African.
And all you gotta do is tailor the different bioweapons to the specific
Receptor sites in some of the weapons and many others.
It's a very large discussion area.
And you can kill everybody.
You can kill everybody with an Asian background.
That'd mean Native Americans, Chinese, Japanese.
They're all dead.
You can tailor it to kill Africans.
You can tailor bioweapons to kill Northern Europeans.
That's a different group on average than Central Europeans or Southern Europeans.
And they got it all.
And Dick Cheney wrote in the PNAC documents publicly in 2000 that we should go ahead and legitimize the use of race weapons in discussion with the Middle East.
And he was vetoed at the UN Security Council in closed session on the discussion of using bioweapons to depopulate the Middle East.
Now, that's one end of the cycle.
That he got Soros allied with it to take over Europe and so it's like you don't want to kill everybody, you don't want to commit genocide, you don't want to be Hitler, but people are coming for you like they're Hitler but they've got brown skin.
And they've been put in that position and brainwashed to be that way just like dumbass Nazis
Just like anybody in a prison.
Everybody's put in your group.
You don't want to be a Nazi in prison.
If you're white, though, you better swear allegiance to the Aryan Nations or whatever the group is in that prison, or you're going to get killed.
And if you're not in the Mexican Mafia and part of that racist group, you're going to get killed.
And if you're not part of the black racist group, you're going to be killed, too.
See how that works?
You get put in prison for whatever the case is.
Bank fraud, whatever it is.
And you march in.
You're a black guy.
You march in.
You're 25 years old.
You serve in a three-year prison sentence in, say, Huntsville, Texas.
And you walk in there and they stick you right in an area of nothing but black people.
And why do they do that?
Because if they didn't, you'd get killed in about five minutes.
And then you get in there and it's a whole gang controlling you.
We're going to kill Whitey.
We're all Muslims.
You know, we're going to get together.
It's just a group preying on you.
And those black racist groups are reporting directly to the warden.
And so are the white supremacists.
And so are the Hispanic race groups.
And if you're on the East Coast or West Coast, there'll be four areas.
There'll be an Asian group, too.
And they even have to divide that up sometimes, you know, between the Chinese and, you know, the Vietnamese.
They'll kill each other more than, you know, black guys and white guys will.
Of course, the most group that fights the most is Hispanics and blacks.
That's just a statistical fact.
So, I'm just sitting here going, I'd like to build space stations.
I would like life extension, please.
I'd like to have everybody have swimming pools and get along.
Because I like people that are white, people that are black, people that are brown, people that cook good food, have good music, good doctors.
You know, if I look up the best doctor for surgery and it's a guy from India, I'm going to go to him.
I don't care he's got brown skin.
But see, I then fundamentally am not going to be criticized because I'm white and told out all day how bad I am.
It's not my fault genetically.
That my ancestors went through repeated ice ages, and that if you didn't make future planning, and basic mathematic equations, and didn't build structures for survival, you died.
It's not my fault that I'm constantly trying to build things, and constantly trying to do things, and constantly trying to survive, because I'm constantly under attack, because I'm genetically in a position where I'm not sitting around eating coconuts in the sun.
And fighting off the neighboring people that are coming and taking over.
I'm doing that too.
I just want to build stuff.
And I'm not your enemy.
But if you try to kill me, or if you try to enslave me,
I'm gonna come after you, and I'm here simply trying to lay out the game plan.
I mean, what I'm telling you is not my opinion.
It's not like I just cooked this up in my head or something.
I read the books written by Francis Galton 160 years ago.
I've read Eugenics Quarterly, probably 20, 30 issues of it, and I'll be honest.
I used to stay up until 2-3 in the morning reading this stuff until about 10 years ago and I've got four kids and at a certain point I just kind of like, you know, I've already seen it.
It's the same thing over and over again.
So I'm not as learned as I used to be on things.
I kind of punched out.
I can't handle it anymore.
But you're not going to find anybody else that's written, that's read a thousand history books.
I have.
I don't put on some fancy pants, liberal, affected accent and tell you how smart I am.
I mean, I know what I'm talking about.
And that's why government agencies and foreign governments and everybody listens, because I know what I'm talking about.
And it doesn't mean I've got all the answers.
It just means I don't want to kill you.
I don't want to kill you.
I don't need to dominate and enslave you so that I can feel big and powerful over you.
But at the same time, I'm not going to be killed.
And they're already testing bioweapons on us.
That's known.
That's admitted in the vaccines.
That's admitted in federal law.
They can give you vaccines that kill you under U.S.
Code Title 50 Chapter 32 Subsection 1528 Paragraph B. I mean, it says right there they can not do any secret testing on you unless it's for secret testing or for law enforcement purposes.
I mean, we're already all in this petri dish together.
And I just want to point out that the globalists are attacking everybody.
And they're attacking particularly the smartest people of all of our human family.
And I inherently spiritually know, beyond knowledge, just at a root level, that if I step over people, and if I get off on being smarter than the average person, that that's satanic, and that I will fall completely.
I'm already falling, but I will fall even further, and I don't want to fall.
I'm already high enough to see where we could go.
I want to go up, not down.
I've already hiked up high into the mountains, and I can see the stars from here.
And I'm dreaming about those, just like our ancestors did, and now we already have a foot there.
You cannot transcend this world by trying to put other people down.
But that doesn't mean you then listen to the fake liberal siren song of then you stand down and you roll over and you give up and you hate yourself or you hate others because then the system will leave you alone.
People think that they've got to give into the system.
People think that if they were in Hollywood or if they had 10 million dollars or if they had a facelift or they had that somehow they'd be fulfilled when you are fulfilled!
When you walk outside at night and see the moon or a dragonfly shoot past you or your child
Or your husband, your wife.
I mean, you're already fulfilled.
You're already complete.
It doesn't mean you get a participation trophy.
It means that you already are conscious in a great, vast experiment that is consciousness and life.
And that your innate wiring given to you by the Creator is
Everything in life is not going to just be given to you.
You're given the basics that you need.
But overlaying that, you have to have the challenge.
And that's what this world system is.
It's not that I look at a Zodiac boat pulling up with a bunch of desperate Muslims piling off, and think, oh, look at those people, I'm better than them.
I know they've been weaponized.
They've been brainwashed.
They've been prepared.
They're being brought in.
They're being politically set up.
It's being used as a war.
And so I look and say, I'm so sad we can't figure out a way to reform those countries.
But I sure know I don't want to go blow up Libya and put the bad guys in charge or Iraq or Syria.
I can start there.
I look at the diseased brains.
Of the servile people that the power structure gets who are looking for fame, looking for approval, looking for power, and they're all exactly the same.
They're so hideous that when I look at them, I feel weak myself because I have kinship with them and I know their failure because it's my failure.
Because I'm falling.
But I know I'm falling.
And knowing you're falling... Is it some big mouth preacher that's going out with hookers five times a week and ripping off his flock and acting like he's a glitter bug, got all the answers, like he's God, you go through him to get to God?
I'm not talking about that.
I'm talking about... Real relationship with God.
The timelessness, the mysteries, the archetype of the burning bush, you can't look at God because you start looking and it's so many thoughts, it's so much purity, it's so large, it's so pure, it's so ancient, that you just fall to your knees and are ashamed.
Because God is so loving.
So loving!
That God would put his children and his son through all this pain so that they would have the gift of consciousness and the gift of choice and would commit his children to destruction so that they could be free.
That gift is so transcendent.
When you have a child, you are giving birth to them in a union, and then you're giving them death.
But for God, giving birth to life and free will, and something outside of God, still within God,
It's knowing that a great number of these free will spirits will fall.
But because God loved us so much, He gave up billions and billions and billions and billions of His children so that they could be free.
And the Satanist says, what type of God is this that allows all this to happen?
The devil doesn't give you free will.
God gives you free will.
And you've got a choice in life.
God's giving you that choice.
You want to be a little swollen, arrogant, Kim Jong-un, ruling over your pathetic slaves?
Or do you want to humble yourself and stare into the consciousness of the infinite infinity of absolute, complete, and total victory?
Complete transcendence.
People are jealous of that.
They're hateful of that.
They feel ashamed in God's presence and then hate God when God gave them consciousness and free will and reality to experience all the dimensions so that we could be in great communion.
That's the secret of the universe.
Now Hollywood isn't so cool anymore, is it?
Now who cares if you have crow's feet by your eyes and you're getting old?
Who cares now if somebody flips you off in traffic?
Because you're driving down that road in an incredible machine, looking at the sun in the sky.
And all this majesty and magic, even the ugliness around you, it's incredible.
Just a gift.
God just pouring gifts out on you.
Spoiling you.
Just showing you the love.
Showing you the goodness.
Showing you the purity.
And just there with an open hand.
Hoping the children choose to be with him forever.
Think about how much God loves, as the Bible says, a sparrow of the field, how much he loves you.
And how much God is in sorrow as he is forced to cut you off.
The only fear should be the fear of damnation.
They're saying Trump won because of inherent racism when it was the left that ran the campaign on a race-based system.
Yes, not only is the left tactically fascist, not only are they using the sort of tactics of the Nazis, but they also have the ideology of the Nazis.
Let's remember that Nazism and fascism were both variants of socialism.
The very word Nazi is putting together national and socialista.
That's where we get the sound Nazi.
Mussolini was a Marxist.
He was the leader of the Italian Socialist Party.
He was recognized to be on the left.
He saw himself as on the left.
When Mussolini came to power, Lenin sent him a telegram of congratulations.
Because Lenin recognized that Mussolini was a fellow revolutionary of the left.
So, what an incredible sleight of hand in which these leftists, whose political platform reads like it's right out of the Democratic Party platform... And by the way, Dinesh, this is something... You're absolutely right.
This is something that leftist universities say that we're lying about, and a real hot point for them because it's a fact the Nazis were National Socialists.
It's a fact that he modeled himself after the fascistas in Italy.
It's a fact they wore black.
It's a fact they wore masks.
It's a fact they beat up their opposition.
It's a fact that Hitler then turned against Stalin.
They admired each other back and forth because he was seen as a rival politically and a rival militarily.
But they had an alliance for the first year of the war where they divided Poland amongst each other.
So we had the Warsaw Pact.
They hope that's not known that they are authoritarian and that socialism and fascism have to have different and left-right versions and that it was the American left that backed Hitler early on because he was a vegetarian and a bunch of other issues and he wanted planning of society.
This is incontrovertible that the KKK was founded by the Democratic Party.
It is incontrovertible that the Republicans
...passed the Civil Rights Act and took, you know, that system away from them and they panicked.
It is incontrovertible that the power structure got scared of American Christians and American Republicans and Eisenhower and created this whole new strategy to get everybody to go, oh, you're going to be liberal?
You're going to be anti-racist?
We'll take it over and make it extreme, own it, then double-cross you later and make everything race-based again.
Once whites have been taught to bow down as long as you say something's for racial equality.
So they're using our goodness, our bigness, our Christian Western ethos to then bring us down.
Cyrus Jones from 1810 to 1913 made his great-grandchildren believe you could live to a hundred and three.
A hundred and three.
A hundred and three is forever when you're just a little kid.
So Cyrus Jones.
So, Cyrus Jones, live forever.
Grave digger.
Grave digger.
When you dig my grave.
When you dig my grave.
Make it shallow.
Would you make it shallow?
So I.
All right.
Look at this.
I mean, just look at the insanity.
You say, oh, they're crazy liberals.
They're not liberals.
They're psych warfare operatives trying to confuse you and get you so accustomed to, okay, mothers and fathers are bad, and okay, communist China's good, and America's bad, that you just put up with anything.
They're normalizing your degradation and getting you to accept it.
California governor says U.S.
should emulate communist China.
China regularly promoted a savior of globalism.
Now they say, oh, China will defeat Trump.
With their mobile execution vans and killing Buddhists?
Democratic Governor Jerry Brown, moonbeam of California, suggests the United States should emulate the communist Chinese government.
He'd been praised on a country promoted by the elite as the savior of globalism following the election of President Trump.
Brown, who met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in China following President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord, praised him as a determined man
Who is building roads and high-speed rail.
Yeah, because she'd get all our money.
According to their news reports, I met with the president for almost an hour.
This is a very determined man, Brown said.
They're in an interview with MSNBC's Chuck Todd.
He's building roads and high-speed rail.
And not just in China, but all over the world.
Yes, and getting all the rare earth minerals and getting the Panama Canal and you have prohibitive taxes in the U.S.
shutting us down and then you get your investments in China and it works so well.
But it gets better.
Look at this report by Paul Joseph Watson on Infowars.com.
School board votes to rename schools named after family called Lynch.
That's an Irish name.
There was a famous Lynch case.
Close to our country's founding, where his family killed their own son for something he'd done.
They called it a lynching because it was outside of, it was an extrajudicial killing, extrajudicial killing.
And so now they're renaming colleges, dorms, lynch, scares people.
So they're making words illegal.
And once you make one word off limits, then it can be all words.
School board votes to rename schools named after a family called Lynch.
Yeah, they felt like Lynch Hall and stuff, like, paid for by some Irish contributor.
They just get rid of it.
They're like, ah, the word Lynch scares me.
Talk about mental illness, but it's, again, if they can get away with that, it's anything.
Imagine these servile weirdos that are on these school boards.
They're on another world.
They're in a total cult.
And the media pats him on the head.
Oh, yes, good, yes.
Yes, oh, that's nice.
A school board, but Loretta Lynch, though, she never changed her name.
A school board in Oregon has voted to change the name of two schools after a family called Lynch because it reminds people too much the word lynching, which is offensive.
Yes, really.
And they report it like it's totally normal.
Oh, communist China that kills millions of people a year and puts Buddhists in slave camps and works them to death and sells them.
Oh, that's, oh, that's liberal.
Oh, oh, oh my gosh.
The school's called Lynch.
Is that for somebody that, you know, paid for the school or whatever?
We can't have that.
That guy got termed with a wench trial.
So you can't be named Simpson because of O.J.
Simpson or whatever.
I mean, that's the new system.
You learn in school how to ban certain words.
And that's what you learn.
Not reading, writing, and arithmetic or business.
You just learn how to freak out and be hysterical.
Got a bunch of guests coming up.
Didn't plug anything this hour.
That's fine.
We don't need to.
BuzzFeed wrote a big disinfo piece.
And we brought in record sales.
Thank you, BuzzFeed.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
They call us walking coops and unholy living dead.
They like to lock us up.
Put us in their pretty pens.
I don't want to be in your British hell.
It's no mystery.
They call us walking corpses.
Unholy living dead.
They like to lock us up.
Put us in their pretty pens.
Alright, let me stop singing music here.
We now know what I'm doing.
I'm driving down the highway.
Go live in hell.
Alright, let's get serious.
Why I'm in misery.
A lot of solar, a lot of power.
I've got Gavin McGinnis, always informative, joining us.
We've got Michael Malice, who's the expert on North Korea, has been there, written a best-selling book on it.
John Rappaport, host of the 4th Hour.
Obviously, we've got the North Korean news.
We've got a lot of other, it's just hundreds of articles.
It's all totally insane, by design.
And we're having one of my more
Esoteric broadcast today, because this little beaver was on Coast to Coast AM last night, and I listened to the last couple hours after I was on, and I laid there and rolled around for like an hour and a half, and it's 5 AM, I went down and cooked some eggs, and then I came to work, and I've been here, and then I felt kind of good, and then I crashed right before the show.
That's kind of good, because people say the best broadcast I do is when I am punch drunk.
So I am on 30 minutes sleep.
So people are going to have to put up with that.
So that is just a little heads up.
This is not a new talk show host.
This is not a new person here hosting the transmission.
This is the Tired Alex.
Which, um, comes around here and there.
Usually because of Coast to Coast.
I haven't been on Coast to Coast in a year.
Not because of George Norrie.
We could make a conspiracy.
Why are you on George Norrie?
I just had a lot of stuff come up.
I couldn't go on the few times he wanted me on, but it was great to be on.
What a huge show.
George Norrie is such a sweetheart.
And, uh, I covered a lot of controversial stuff, you know.
George was asking me, why did Trump come on your show?
And I went ahead and told him.
And you know, I've kind of said all this stuff on air, it's just when you're saying it, it sounds wild, but it's true.
Like, the whole globalist operation's against us, they're trying to shut us down, they're coming after us, and the world's waking up, and our listeners are at the tip of the spear, and this is all happening.
This is all really happening.
This is real.
This isn't a simulation.
Notice MTV and CNN, all these failed VR, fake news, culture poison operations.
Time Warner, Super Deluxe are telling you, oh, it's all VR.
None of this is real.
So just don't care about anything.
Just don't care.
Just stand down.
Just put the handcuffs on and get in the white ice cream truck.
And then once you're in the ice cream truck, they tell you, I'm going to torture you and rape you for about two months.
And I'm going to suck your soul out when you beg for your mommy.
And then when I'm done, I'm going to bury you in the backyard.
And metaphysically, that's what BuzzFeed and
And then Time Magazine and Newsweek, they're all... You see, why are they so evil?
Because they committed to evil.
They committed to being rat bastards.
They committed to being traitors, Judas Iscariots.
And so, they accelerated.
It's like... Things don't just sit in stasis in the universe.
There's no vacuum.
It's... You go good, you go bad.
You go high, you go low.
And you see...
I've looked into the enemy, and I don't think anybody wants to go there.
But hey, a lot of you have to see for yourselves.
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This is the Infowar.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, he was the founder of Vice, syndicated radio and TV host.
Gavin McGinnis is with us.
And, you know, I love getting him on once a month.
We really appreciate him coming on.
He's a busy guy.
And I was talking to him, to my producer in the break, and I was like, what do you want to get into today?
Because I don't even pre-talk to him.
I know he's always interesting stuff to cover.
And he said, globalism!
We're being conquered by it.
It's taking over this corporate technocracy in their own words, these billionaires that are tax-exempt, fake liberals, ending our free speech, the Google memos, all of this.
Are we going to put up with this?
You know, that's the thing.
Nishi said a lot of things, but he said, stare into the abyss, be careful you don't become the abyss.
It's kind of like, we know they're doing all this, and so we kind of just become comfortable with it.
Like, oh, okay, well, they're starting forced inoculations.
Or, okay, big companies are tax exempt, but they lobby for me to have higher taxes because they get corporate welfare.
It's like, we need to stop putting up with it.
And there's one guy in government
Who fired all the lobbyists, boosted the stock market, got thousands of companies to come back, and they're just ignoring all that with Newsweek cover saying Trump never did anything.
He's a total failure.
I mean, can you imagine the elite are so delusional, drinking their own Kool-Aid?
That's my hope.
They are so delusional.
We wanted Jeb or Hillary?
That's who most of the donations went to?
I mean, we don't want Jeb, we don't want Hillary.
Yeah, we'll take the crazy reality star that didn't, you know, have to get America.
He doesn't have a hard-on to screw us.
So he's got a hard-on to, you know, get the Globals off our backs.
So Gavin McGinnis...
He's our guest, he's got so many shows on so many platforms I can't even go over it all, but he's compoundmedia.com, he's also working with The Rebel, Twitter at Gavin underscore McInnes, and he joins us now as he tries to represent men!
Not that we're against women or anybody else, just that there's this idea that men are inherently bad.
That's kind of Gavin McGinnis' main forte, but he is a Swiss Army knife of intellectual ideas.
So let's front and center, my maestro.
Well, here's what I understand that politicians
Like Hillary, the DNC.
I understand that they want to incentivize single moms.
They want to shatter the black family so they can make more Americans dependent on them.
I understand that Soros wants to... By the way, Margaret Sanger said that.
They did that.
LBJ adopted it.
It's all public.
I mean, yeah, that's why she's the hero on the cover of Time Magazine.
Sorry, go ahead.
Black families, as you know, in the 40s had less illegitimacy than whites.
When I see a junkie on the street pull a gun, I go, I know what's going on here.
You want to rob me because you want money for heroin.
That's clear.
Soros, it's clear.
I understand their motive.
What I'm obsessed with these days is how eager the populace is
If you're Roman soldiers taking over a town in Brittany and burning it, you get to rape the women, you get the gold.
They're not even getting anything.
They're screwing their own future, but it's VR.
It's imaginary.
They're jumping next to the Roman soldiers and marching with them, saying, let's rape and pillage my town.
And you go, well, that was easy.
I mean, these people were thought policing ourselves.
So the Gestapo, the Secret Service, they don't even have to show up for work to thought police us, because we'll do it.
Like this Google Memo thing.
That, he was fired not just by the CEO, but by his peers, by other people.
And let's talk about that.
CNN, I've got the clips coming up, they then misrepresented and said, he believes women shouldn't be able to wear shoes to come out of the house.
Didn't say any of that.
No, Forbes called it an anti-woman screed.
You had Salon saying it confirms your worst fears.
And they've just taken this fake narrative that he said women don't belong in the workforce and they've exaggerated it.
I don't think any of the media has even read it.
It's only 3,000 words.
And he's just saying, hey, I don't care if you're a man or a woman, I need good people.
There's more guys in the pool and on average there's more engineers.
We need to hire men or women.
I don't care.
It's just there's more men in the pool.
So again, I mean, it's like when I hire people, are they good?
Do they do a good job?
I don't care what's between their legs.
And he was also saying he saw the future and he saw that he was about to get penalized for being male, which is illegal.
And he was saying, hey, company, I want us all to work together.
Women are a huge asset to the workforce.
Sexism is bad.
Equality is good.
However, do we really need to demand every single aspect, every single floor, every single cubicle of this building is 50% male, 50% female?
Do they really need to all, do the coders, which is a very rare skill, do the coders all have to be 50% female?
Because that's forcing women into a role.
It's slavery.
It's forcing them into the Foxconn factory in China.
That's really what it is.
Let's get George Costanza into the NBA.
Let's get some short, fat Jewish guys playing NBA.
I was about to say, I was an okay football player, but by the time I was a sophomore and they put me on varsity in a 5A team in Dallas, and huge black guys and white guys were running me over, I said, I quit.
I have broken ribs.
They're like, well, you did some good tackles.
I'm like, dude, I'm done.
And again, it wasn't like I was mad that most of the guys running over me were black.
It was just, that's the way it was.
Well, that's communism, right?
And affirmative action in schools, too.
Forcing blacks to be at Harvard and giving them bonus scores and then penalizing Asians' test scores.
Did you see the story where the end-end guy poses as a black guy and then he got into medical school?
Yeah, Mindy Kaling's brother.
He's the one who did that, that comedian from the office.
He did it and it worked.
Because they're being discriminatory against Indians.
Indians on average, listen, men are super smart, hardworking, it's like brainiacs.
They're like, gosh, we've got nothing but Indians here in our medical school.
Well, that's who's passing the scores and doing it and doing it.
You know, it's not their fault.
The NBA is black.
The MLB is Hispanic.
That's just the way it is.
And the super mathematicians are Indian and Russian and German and Japanese.
Why do you want to change that?
I don't understand this compulsion, and it ends up putting people in places where they're unhappy.
Like, you make a woman be a coder, or you make a woman be violent.
I mean, Antifa keeps putting these women on the front lines because they brainwashed them.
Oh yeah, when I couldn't get in to see Trump speak, like all these, on January 20th this year, it was always women up front.
And quite frankly, they would hit me and push me, so I went ahead and just ran them over.
Well, we're doing a big free speech rally in Boston in a couple weeks, August 19th.
And I know that the protesters, the most violent ones, are going to be the women on the front lines because they think they're Charlize Theron and they think they can dropkick her.
And they're going to try to hit you in the head with a bike lock.
And it happens all the time, and these women end up getting beat up.
I see it everywhere.
I remember, we just finished a movie, and there's all these female PAs, and you're watching them lift these big sandbags, and these big hundred-pound boxes, and you go... Oh, I had this, I had, like, they were, you're right, it's on video, frontline women ramming and hitting me, with big guys behind them, so I went ahead and just knocked them over, and I had a bunch of big guys with me, and they're like, I'm a woman!
I'm like, you just hit me!
What the hell do you think's going on here, lady?
You're in a man's world now, I'm gonna run you over to go see the President.
And it's the impetus behind all this feminism, making women into men, is making women to shatter the family, and making women more dependent, more, they pay more taxes, let's get them slaves into cubicles like everyone else, and they can all vote Democrat.
And by the way, that's in all the Eugenics memos, they said that.
And I understand that, that motive.
I understand what evil minds do.
I just don't understand why we are so eager to accept it.
Why, I mean, remember at the Women's March, there was that man who put on a hijab?
Like, he just...
And you think, well, how did we get so eager for self-annihilation?
We ought to pull that up.
What do you search?
Like, man puts on hijab.
How is Sorcerer now the leader of women?
And Newsweek and USA says, wear a hijab, be a Muslim.
That's the greatest form of women's empowerment.
It's like they're looking for Western men doing something to women, and then they're just worshipping Islam.
And I'm glad you brought that up because there was a video recently by AJ Plus called The Face of Domestic Terrorism in America is White.
And it was all about how Nazis are going to kill you in your sleep and everyone's Timothy McVeigh and there's no such thing as Muslim terrorism.
It's a tiny fraction.
It's not really a thing.
Pulse nightclub wasn't a thing.
San Bernardino wasn't a thing.
9-11 never happened.
AJ Plus is Al Jazeera.
Al Jazeera is owned by some family that, you know, some billionaire family.
They own basically every painting in the world.
I forget what they're called, but they're over there in Qatar.
And you think all these, all these Arab, all these Arab sheiks have to do is throw a little bit of money at the, at the left coast and say, go make some bullshit propaganda and make sure everyone believes it.
And they go, okay.
And we have all
Well, remember CNN when it came out they were getting a half million dollars per show to put out good news for Saudi Arabia and Qatar and all this?
I mean, this is pay to play.
I can't figure out, is it because they don't have fathers?
Is it because we're the first generation of divorce?
And now we have all these guys who never had a dad around so they have no... And so all the weird feminist women...
I don't care what they're into, whatever.
We talked to this guy, Angry Foreigner.
He's got a YouTube channel and he's in Sweden.
And he said what's going on there is so sick and depraved that the Swedish feminists have castrated their men.
So all their men are little eunuch beta boys.
And these women go, I kind of overdid it.
I want a real man.
So they're taking in refugee boys who are 19, 20, 25, but they pretend they're 14.
And then they're having sex.
With these refugees.
These fat, frumpy, Swedish, feminist hippies.
So they've created this depraved jalopy of culture by getting rid of something and then trying to replace it.
It's like if you fixed your car with duct tape.
It's not going to last.
Now, I want to ask you, we're going to break here in a moment, but separately, I'm seeing leftist media criticizing Trump like he caused North Korea.
He didn't give them the nukes.
He didn't give them the missiles like the Clintons did.
It's Kim Jong-un toddling around, couldn't wipe his own butt, but he's like, you know, this world ruler threatening to nuke everybody.
And in the media, CNN's like, could Congress stop Trump from bombing North Korea?
So now it's Trump's fault, like Trump gave birth to Kim Jong-un.
You know, the left is so in the same way they were so blindly in the tank for Obama, they are so blindly out of the tank for Trump and he can do absolutely no right.
Did you know, like I live in New York City, I talk to these people every day, did you know they're still convinced that he's going to be out within the next few months?
Just like he wasn't going to win the election, let's talk about the fake polls, the hoaxing, where the Trump derangement syndrome goes, the mental illness, the PTSD, what's the next level?
Is there any point where they ever come back to reality except jobs and stock markets?
You know what this is called?
This will be all over the newspapers!
Sorry, I'm done!
Only one of these two things was actually published.
And it wasn't the one the establishment wanted.
No, it wasn't.
Look at this lovely Lifetime special.
Oh, there's Bill Clinton.
Park Ridge to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Commencing... Oh, there she is, the little CIA operative in college.
Newsweek is charting... It's about her victory after victory, the meteoric rise of the inevitable queen!
It's inexorable.
It's unstoppable!
Nothing could possibly... Destiny!
Nothing could possibly have stopped it.
Oh, and now we get to the really good stuff.
The new war on Hillary.
The misogyny.
Oh, they attacked her, but she fought through!
Oh, and there she is, looking noble and defiant.
Noble and defiant!
Merging from her husband's shadow to be a real, convincing and authentic personality.
Crawling out of the mouth of hell!
Why have you become Churchill?
Friends with Obama!
She's getting the job done.
She looks like she's about to accomplish something.
There's a lot of foreign payments coming into the foundation.
She just raked in a few more billion.
Put a few more dictators in charge.
This morning I tweeted a rainbow hashtag to my gay followers to pander to them.
The same morning as I accepted 50 million from Saudi Arabia.
How's that?
And Barack lets out a hearty chuckle.
And there it is.
Madam President!
It's the moment we've all been waiting for.
It is the inevitable Hillary victory.
There we go.
Oh, now he's gonna be the first man.
There we go.
Rapist in Chief back in the Oval Office.
Remindings they're rapists.
Bill Clinton's a rapist!
Bill Clinton's a rapist!
I will be exiting the building with the greatest piece of merchandise I could ever have hoped for, so thank you for my whistle.
From the Infowars.com studio, Alex Jones.
She's being supported by her nine-person medical team.
Hillary's in great health!
It's like when Pele... No, you just imagine, sort of, MSNBC host, and Hillary's literally sucking her dry.
She's like, she's like, the president elects in great health.
Look at the shot!
And she's gonna spew green, green, green, green... That's the shot!
Look, here's the face.
Enjoy it!
You get into it, you see, I love you.
After the 360 revolution is complete, and immediately before the ejection of the goo, a photographer manages to catch her head in the forward position.
There we go, and we've got, oh look, and there's her.
There's Webster Hubble, there's Mr. Ed leading through to get a bucket of grain.
And there she is.
There she is, calmly explaining while he looms over her in a cynicism.
Wasn't that great with him prowling behind her like a predator?
He was like a lion, you know, just prowling around, just waiting to strike.
You know, you're a liar.
And you ought to be in prison.
You'd be in jail.
Oh my goodness.
While you talk, I'm going to bow down right now.
She's looking at some little black kid she wants to put in prison.
That's what I meant by my joke.
She's like, look at these super predators.
She's back in her pearls, she's looking presidential, and she's ready to get to work.
And wouldn't it have been wonderful if that glorious, sunny, democratic future had come to pass?
Gavin McGinnis is our guest.
Infowars.com is our website.
He's going to be with us until about 40 after, then I'm going to get into the latest George Soros attacks on our operation.
I mean, I don't try to put a positive face on this just to do it.
I don't do fake stuff when, oh, we've had a victory, and then I act like we've had a victory.
I mean, I only chortle and run around gleefully when it's a real victory.
You know, like, I don't go to the sex shop and buy blow-up dolls either.
You know, I have a real wife, I have real kids, you know, I'm into real things.
And BuzzFeed, the same folks that put out the fake pee-pee dossier, wrote this huge hit piece and, I mean, it brought in incredible revenue since it came out yesterday.
I just, I should pay Charlie Worzel to write these things.
I mean, it's like, they don't understand, they're so hated
And they're so mentally ill, in my view, that...
Oh, it's coming up.
I'm sorry.
I'll get to it later.
It's just, it's like a 15-page article and it goes, well, yes, there's nothing.
It is California standards.
There's no heavy metals.
It's incredibly clean and it's all standardized and it's blah, blah, blah.
But there's $5 zinc in it and the product's $30 because there's like seven ingredients.
Yeah, there's $5 of zinc in it.
But they go, look, it's $30, but the zinc is $5.
But there's a bunch of other ingredients, ding-dong!
And they know that!
I mean, can you imagine?
I just gotta say, the truth is so big, so deep, so luscious, that I just am in love with it, and I can't even describe how juicy it is.
And then I couldn't imagine a little creeping, like, little, like, weasel creature that, like, sits there and works for weird Nazi collaborators.
You know, George Soros.
I mean, what do you make of the left?
Because, like you said at the break,
They are, Gavin McInnes, they are doubling down, they are tripling down, they are crazy, they believe Trump's about to be gone.
They're nuts!
Don't they get killed Trump next week?
We've already devastated their ass!
I just, I really am perplexed by them.
You know, I had dinner with Ann Coulter recently, and she had these two gay bloggers with her that were previously at Mike, M-I-C, it's one of those Daily Kos, Vox, BuzzFeed type things, and he sat down and he said, hey, I'm sorry I wrote that hit piece on you.
And I said, what was it about again?
And he goes, I don't remember, it was one of five things I wrote that day.
Now, I understand that you don't have honor, and you're not a truthful person, but why choose reporting?
Why choose writing as your vocation when you have no honor?
It's like me choosing football.
If I'm gonna stick a dagger in you, it's gonna be done with passion and hatred.
Why just be a little mercenary like, you know, making crap up?
Why bother?
I don't understand.
It's sort of like being a closeted gay.
Like, why hide in the closet?
Move to New York City, put on some red short shorts, you can dance around at the Gay Pride Parade and party your ass off with a hundred boyfriends.
So, the left has chosen to debate about immigration, to get involved in figures and data they know nothing about, and to ruin people's lives when there's nothing in it for them and it's not really a natural place.
You've hit the key.
They're not in a social compact.
They're not in a social agreement.
They're not in that.
I mean, they are being defrauded, but they simulate that they're in this big victory.
Yeah, like, half of them don't have kids.
And that's, that's, the right is kind of guilty of that, too.
You have the biggest pundits, the ones that are on TV the most, they tend to be divorced or not.
None of the EU leaders have kids.
They're not bashing you don't have kids, but something chemical happens when the net, when the, like, you really get into the species.
You really click.
You access your ancestors.
It's magic when that, but you're like, and they, oh, that's just genetic, ignore it.
No, that's when magic time starts.
Yeah, and it's hard to explain to other people.
I mean, I even have trouble explaining to young men who just got married how different sex is when you're with... I got five times more powerful when I had my first child.
It just... I became Darth Vader.
And you care about the future.
You care about the next generation and the next generation.
And you sit there in church and you feel this cohesion with all the previous generations.
It sort of just connects you.
It's electrical.
Because it is.
Ancestrally, it's electrical.
Genetically, you know, out of mama's womb, man, it's a connection to everybody behind you.
You are completing the circuit.
Look at centenarians.
They discovered these people that live over a hundred.
The Venn diagram tends to show them on islands like Greece and Japan.
They tend to eat a lot of fresh fish.
But one thing that really connects them is they're around their grandchildren, their great-grandchildren.
And they've actually noticed not only does it prevent autism, but there's been cases where autism and dementia are creeping in.
Then these people move in with their grandchildren or near their grandchildren and all of a sudden it starts going away.
Because it's a fulcrum.
It's meant to happen.
It's magic.
It's religious.
It is the species.
And then it's psychic.
The information's being transferred between.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Ecumenical movements took over the churches.
Say what you want about the churches.
You know, you get people out there yelling in your face with bad breath or whatever.
It's annoying.
But, you know, it's basic human culture.
And Christian society is the West.
Open, true freedom.
But Hillary is saying she may become a preacher, and now she says God bless and things.
They understand that when we rediscover God, we're saying we don't worship government.
It's like Trump said, we don't worship government, we worship God.
And all you're doing is setting something up greater above you.
It's those first steps.
And I've never told this story, but Gavin's here and he brought up the epigenetic studies and the things about people getting Alzheimer's because they're not around, they're designed to be transmitting the knowledge to people.
And I, I'm not told some of these stories because it's so personal.
I probably shouldn't, shouldn't cause the media will have a heyday with it, but everybody's experience is real.
My dad's dad was a,
He was like John Wayne or something.
More than John Wayne.
He was like black hair, big blue eyes, and he was like, you know, American, but in part Comanche Indian, whole nine yards.
It was just like, it looked like a movie star you've never seen.
It's like, like I'd go, I was a little kid with him, just women would just like, just like turn.
He was so good looking and he died super young.
He died before he was 60.
And I was there when he died when I was six years old.
And he died a few minutes after they took me out of the room and he grabbed my hand,
And he was a leader in the community and he said, I'm going to be there.
I'm going to be with you.
And it was like a Vulcan mind meld.
He said, he said, he said, I'm giving you this knowledge.
And I didn't know what that meant.
But when, like a couple of days later, when I was at his funeral and there was the coffin there, I knew he wasn't gone.
And it wasn't like some imaginary friend or something.
It was then I was having his memories.
He was there.
It was like a... ...soggy expression.
And when you look at them attacking men and women in our relationships and our grandparents and family, it's satanic.
There is this connection to humans that is magic.
And that's the real culture, Gavin, and they're attacking that.
So you started getting into that, but talk about that.
Well, you know, the way I explain it to atheists is just think of it as nature.
You know, Audrey Hepburn, she was slim, the Breakfast at Tiffany's chick.
She was a skinny little gal because her family grew up in World War II and they were so poor, cut off from the world, they were eating tulips to live.
And her body remembered that.
And when she had kids,
Their DNA still retained that memory and so all the kids became obese because their body wasn't used to having food and it was so excited it thought, oh we're not going to eat tomorrow.
If we got food today let's hold on to this.
We have cell memory.
There's been crazy stories about people talking about organ transplants where they seem to have conjured up different memories.
So it's not
It's absurd to recognize that from one generation to another, there's all kinds of cognitive inheritance.
And you can call it as spiritual as you want.
You can make it as clinical as you want, too.
But the fact is, we're all connected in this lineage that goes back.
We survived the plague.
We survived World War I, World War II, the Civil War.
620,000 men died to get you here.
And then you go, meh, I'm not doing it.
I'm cutting it off.
And then there's this... And then the globalists attack humanity and say we're ugly and say we're bad.
It's so sick.
Everyone... It's not like we're giving out trophies for participation.
That's in like, don't succeed in the real world, be a failure.
No, just being part of survivors is an incredible accomplishment.
Just the genetic
We all have a being here together.
It's such a communal.
We are all those people before us.
It's magic.
It's so wonderful.
That's what I get out of church.
It's just such an honor to be there, and I'm just so grateful.
And you look at Native Indian ceremonies, and most of them seem to be about giving thanks, and I give thanks to the North, thanks to the East, thanks to the West, and it establishes this humanity where you feel connected.
Now, the left has eschewed all that.
Not just Christianity, not just cohesion, but family and everything else.
So just as I'm arguing that we care more because there's more skin in the game, I would argue the converse is also true.
When these people have separated themselves from society, there's some vindictiveness there, where they want to burn it down.
And this is true of even Catholics, like DePaul University wouldn't let me do a talk there because I'm too violent.
Yet they had Razmaya O'Day, who blew up two Israelis.
They had her do a fundraiser on DePaul's campus, the biggest Catholic school.
Exactly, because people attack you, you can't speak.
But people that blow people up, they can.
Because it's about sabotage.
And the Catholic Church is starting to pick it up from the left.
And it's all about how we're evil.
We need to be replaced.
Let's create a vacuum and let something far worse come in and obliterate us.
Well, I'm not handling that.
I'm not taking that sitting down.
The truth is the West is the best.
We're the freest culture in the universe.
Nowhere do gays, minorities, religions have more freedom.
So you can hammer at me all you want, but I'm not getting off of this throne.
The patriarchy is here to stay.
Well, I know, and it's good to say that because they try to make it shameful, so it's good to say it.
It's just the human existence, the human program that has its own faults and its own manifestations that have problems, but the core of it is under attack.
And once you realize that, I'm not afraid to be demonized.
I'm not afraid to be attacked.
I'm not afraid to be killed.
And it's not like I'm some hero.
I am gasping for air.
I'm not worried about me because I'm selfish.
I'm connected to my ancestors in the future.
It's not like I'm being some hero ready to do this.
I want us to succeed.
I am pro-human.
Well, you know, they talk about killing us, and they often say fighting.
I get all these emails, I challenge you to a fight in this gym and that gym, and you think, you can beat me up, you can kill me, but these ideas are irrefutable, and they're invincible.
And eventually, the rest of the world is going to clue in here that sabotage doesn't work, and we need to take pride in the fact that we created the closest thing to perfection the world's ever seen.
You know, it's true that
Western civilization is pro-human, pro-woman, pro-man, pro-child, pro-true progression.
And they call themselves progressives, and they are really a cult of losers that want to run everything.
It's like...
Okay, you like women.
So do I. I don't care that you like women.
It's that you then want to run things and take my guns and tell me I'm bad.
And I'm just sitting here going, what?
I'm not bad.
I'm not out.
I'm sick of hearing how I'm out to get people.
Believe me, if I was out to get people, people have a problem.
I'm not evil.
I'm not an evil person.
And I'm sick of being told I'm evil all day because I'm white and because I'm a man.
And it's not that I hate the other groups.
It's a bunch of corporate groups manipulating all this to make us fight with each other when we all want the same thing, a future and prosperity and free ideas and culture and we want to love each other.
And then we've got all these weird cult members in the middle of it saying they're going to tell us how to talk and what to do and I'm just sick of them, Gavin.
There's two groups in politics, there's two groups in America, there's two groups in the world.
There's people who want to be left alone, and people who won't leave them the fuck alone.
And you know, you're talking about lesbians, they had that couple in upstate New York, who, uh, they demanded they got married at this one Christian house, and the Christian said no, and they were fined $13,000.
3,000 went to the lesbian couple.
10,000 went to the government.
And that should tell you everything you need to know.
You know, my friend Jovi Val was just bottled in the face here in New York for wearing a MAGA hat.
And when he was in the ambulance going to the hospital where they had to stitch up his face, he had to have plastic surgery.
A pro MAGA doctor did it for free, by the way.
And in the ambulance, the ER goes, says to Jovi, as he's bleeding, he says, America was never great.
And you go,
No, America was never perfect, but you pick any point in history where you think it wasn't great, compare it to the rest of the world, and you realize, oh, it was still the most just, the most equitable, and the most free.
So America keeps getting greater.
And it's not about elitism.
It's, I'm sick of hearing...
When I know the history, when England banned slavery, except in Muslim areas, and all, and like, we did it all, I'm just, it's ignorance!
It's like, they act like if you want to have low taxes, you're a Nazi, when we're the ones that kicked the Nazis' ass!
I mean, I'm not a Nazi!
I'm sick of this!
It's frustrating, especially because if you care about, say, black people, you don't want the family shattered with welfare.
If you care about Indians, you don't want them castrated with these homes that they don't own but they're forced to live in.
If you care about women, you don't want them dragged into the cubicle to slave away from running some other man's errands all day.
You want them to have the right to breed, to have a family.
Gavin, you know, tell us, because I know we were talking a few weeks ago about a lot of family stuff and things going on, so we didn't get all that done, but you are one of the most talented, smartest people out there, and I just love all the great work you've done.
Everything you've, you know, touched has been successful.
And so I know you've been doing a lot of things, a lot of big stuff behind the scenes going on.
What can you say about where people find you, what you're doing?
Because I would plug it, I just don't know exactly where you're at or what you're doing right now because you're involved in so many, there's the new Fox News coming out we can't talk about, and there's a lot of other stuff going on.
So what can you tell us?
Because I don't want to get it wrong.
Big announcements coming up at the end of the month.
But here's the big picture.
I'm a freak.
I'm a weirdo.
I say totally offensive things that go against the mainstream.
I was criticizing Obama for eight years.
And because I bust my ass, I still keep making money.
I got kicked out of comedy.
I got kicked out of, you know, the creative arts.
America is about choice.
It's about
It's so liberal.
It's the true liberalism.
And then these people pose as the liberals.
This is the key.
When they're not, they're the authoritarian dirtbags that want, whether it's right-wing guys or leftists or lesbians, just want to run women.
I get them.
Women are amazing.
It's all like cults trying to run things, isn't it?
Instead of just let it be, man.
It's big.
It's America.
It's Marilyn Monroe, 57 Chevys.
Well, if you want to control people, you want to play God, you want to be a communist, you don't like people.
You think they're vile.
You think they need your help.
You want the nanny stamp.
They're bad for the earth.
You think they're rats.
Well, screw that.
We're the closest things to God in the animal world, and I'm not going to feel ashamed of that.
Well, Gavin, you're a true prophet of our age.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We appreciate you.
Thank you.
Thanks for having me.
That's it?
And that's why the devil hates us, because the devil's behind us.
Maybe we can come in live with Silver Stallion Live at the start of the next segment, because you're the one-eyed jack-of-diamonds with the devil close behind.
The devil's always close behind, pushing you to innovate and escape evil.
And it's that innovation that did all this.
Look what we did!
I mean, this is incredible!
We're amazing!
And we're just getting started.
And... The potential is incalculable.
You know what, I'm really exhausted and hadn't had any sleep since I did Coast to Coast AM last night.
I'm not trying to talk like Batman, that's what my voice sounds like now.
I sound like an 80 year old man, don't I?
I wasn't even going to cover this, but I have to because it's illustrative of what we face.
I didn't have a celebration on air yesterday to act like I was having a celebration just to be like the left does.
Oh, Trump's gonna go to jail.
Trump didn't get elected.
You know, all the stuff they do.
They've had BuzzFeed with their PPGate and all their other fake news lower than the Washington Post, lower than CNN.
I mean, lowest of the low.
Creeping around, and we knew this, we've seen more than 10 companies
I am going to skip this network break some more time.
Just this one today.
I have sat there, and I have watched, you know, the warehouse tell me about, yeah, no, the Soros Foundation ordered this, or ABC News ordered this, or NBC ordered this.
I mean, it's 10 plus companies.
We've got a file with 10 people in it, but I know it's more than that, because we missed a few.
Where they buy all our supplements, and they send them to big labs, and they test them, and they don't find any impurities, and they find that we're selling what we say.
And so I talked to some really smart people, and they conferred with what I was concerned about, is that they're fake news people.
And I'm not saying that BuzzFeed's gonna do this.
They just create fake PPGate stuff.
We know, obviously, we want to sell good products.
Plus, we know we're a target.
So we have third-party people tested.
We have lawyers.
We do it all.
So that when the attack came, I started doing supplements myself, you know, four or five years ago.
I've been selling them for 20 years.
We knew the attack was coming.
I mean, why would we sell something bad when we're the main target?
Plus, we want you to, you know, have a good product, so it works well, so you buy it again.
Wow, that's really rocket science!
So they have this guy living in Austin for like three months following me around.
And I mean, I feel weak as a human even looking at this guy.
I mean, I don't... I mean, I have sorrow for the soullessness of this person.
And the whole M.O., you know, formerly a big fat guy that lost his little weight and then...
You know, it does all this stuff.
It's just so sad who they choose, who they pick, who Soros uses.
It hurts me, not the lies they print, but just their failure, the weakness.
It's like a dead horse in the road, run over by a car with its guts everywhere.
It's just like, oh my God, I feel sorry for that horse.
You're hurting me, but not in the way you think.
And then you read this thing, because they know I'm...
Locked in love with lawyers.
Not because I want to be litigious, but we're going to be filing suit on somebody very soon because we have to stand up against Google and all these groups and just the stuff they say.
And he's going to move himself in the column a little bit with this.
This moment, I know it's all funny when you're covering my trial, but when you're being tried, when the private detectives are on you, it's a different subject.
And I don't say that because you're hurting me.
I say that because existentially you must experience what you've done to others.
This article, I was in meetings a week ago, I was in meetings two weeks ago, a month ago, with lawyers, because we could see this a mile away, and I said, and I got former CIA section chiefs on the phone, others, and people are so psychic, dulling at this level, it's not even like you're, it's like you're Martians communicating, you know, telepathically basically, being a little bit sarcastic, but that'll be all the news today.
And I say, what's the number one attack?
And they say, they're going to poison your products.
That's what it is.
Because you don't just think they're gonna let us sit here and fund ourselves and not attack.
I mean, they got balls, man.
They'll bring in 10 million military-age men in Europe to rape every woman they can find.
I mean, they've got commitment!
Because they're losers, beta males.
But they've got this weird hyper-aggression thing because they are losers.
A real alpha male's like, build the palaces, build the space bases, let's go, baby, yeah, yeah, yeah, looks good, you know.
Not a coward.
That's not how they are.
So, for like a year, they got this guy crawling around like a possum crawling out of some dead cow's butt.
You ever seen that?
It's pretty nasty.
Possums will actually do that.
It was like, they brought to me like five a day.
I was so exhausted at five.
I had to do coast to coast.
I was so tired.
And I read this article and I had so much energy.
And I knew when I read this article, I said, you know, August is a really low time for us to bring in money in.
It's usually in the red, but other months are in the black.
But I said, I think we'll make a lot of extra money to fund the operation of this.
And Tim Ferruchet smiled at me and he said, yes, we will.
And we had the biggest day we've had in six months because of this.
God, I love the audience.
Man, you are so awesome.
You are so sexy.
You are so incredible.
I'm guilty that I'm not even bringing you better products.
My children take these products.
I would not give you something that I didn't... I am so metaphysically, absolutely, 100% I'd do to you what I want done to me.
I'm so... It's not God-fearing.
God-fearing is just a colloquial term.
When you're in the presence of justice, you just
Even if you're trying to be the best person you can, you just see how dirty you are.
And when you're staring at God, all these little people like George Soros, who killed thousands of innocent Jews, and other... He's nasty and evil, but I'm not scared of him.
I'm actually sad, because he's already got two feet in hell.
And I just, as the enemy comes after me, I...
It's like, this is such a blessing.
I am getting closer every minute to God.
And they're all cynical.
The spirit of the world is cynical.
Oh, yeah, you're getting close to God.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Oh, you talk to the president, too, right?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, God, he does, don't you?
It's like, this isn't a simulation.
This is real.
And I read this 15-page article, whatever it is, and it's like an endorsement.
It's an endorsement.
They say, okay, he has what he says is in the products and there's no heavy metals.
It's totally clean.
Do you know how hard it is to have a California lab with lawyers that sue people all day that sell products in California?
That's why they passed that prop 15 years ago, where the air has more lead in it.
than what you can sell.
We have products so pure, we passed California standards with Governor Jerry Brown and George Soros.
Oh, we had people in the lab called us.
We already knew this was happening.
They ran spectrometers with electron microscopes over our products.
It's all in the enemy's article.
And found no traces of any metals, any toxicity.
And they say it in the article.
Then they go, oh, but Anthroplex is a zinc product, and the zinc in it would cost $5 a bottle.
He sells it for $30.
They don't tell you there's four other ingredients.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, like $13, $14 a bottle.
He sells it for $30.
That's what I told people.
The average industry is five times markup.
Our average is 110% markup.
Again, in their delusion,
Because we've talked to the best minds out there.
Without even me telling them, they all agreed.
Sabotage of our products and fake testing is the main threat.
And I literally got on my knees last week.
After I met with Tim Boucher and I said, God, if you want us to be funded, it'll happen.
I'm not even worried.
But I said, please let them be delusional and do a real test.
And just what we've done with third parties and just say it's clean because I can see them.
Imagine the enemy and they're such fakes that they can't help it.
Fake polls, fake everything.
Imagine these firms with these globalists.
Imagine them sitting in these other labs and they've got my products.
They're going to come up clean.
Ten companies have already done it.
We've already had like seven companies test our stuff.
They've already had ten companies order our stuff.
They don't know what to do because it's so good because we use the biggest companies out there.
What are they going to do?
What are they going to do when there's nothing in this?
You know what they're going to do, don't you?
And we've got them saying they triple tested with three labs our products and there was the cleanest products ever.
And what's crazy is, I envisioned that a week ago.
I said, they're buying it, they're testing it.
We know our firms have tested it.
I hope they just try to make up something because they don't want to get sued, because the real test will show how good we are, and then we'll have that test showing how good it is when they do something.
I'm not saying BuzzFeed, but somebody else spikes it or does something.
I mean, they might catch a FedEx package going and slip cyanide into it.
I mean, these people are evil.
I mean, God Almighty, they found the Arab Spring.
I mean, they're committed to evil, and these are the scum of the earth.
And you read this article, and it shows how delusional Satanists are, because they believe they're defeating you.
And the whole thing, everyone read it before I did.
They're like, this is incredible.
They say, we sell what we advertise.
It's clean.
It's blah, blah, blah.
But, oh, look.
This product's a zinc product, anthroplex, and it only has $5, and they sell it for $30.
Of zinc.
Like you're a moron and won't read the bottle with all the other ingredients.
And I knew as soon as Tim Fouchier showed me that article at 5, and I read it, I said, we'll have record sales tomorrow, and just like the sun came up today,
We had record sales.
It's like, do you understand?
It's not about the money.
Good God, money's like energy to me just to fund our operation.
The money is that our listeners and people knew that BuzzFeed was such a rotten, whore-infested, anti-human, devil-worshipping cesspool that their attack on me was an endorsement.
That is, that is one of the most, it's transcendent.
I knew they would do that.
And I knew it would be success.
They're sharpening their knives right now for physical attack.
They hate me so much.
Because I'm wicked.
Man, and I have seen all of the spectrum, and I love God, but I'm fallen, and so I know them better than I know themselves, and I just, I am so free now.
It's just incredible.
That their attacks are like honors.
It's like Congressional Medal of Honors, and it's humbling.
When the most vile, servile, weak, bug-eyed worms crawl out of hell to attack me, I am just humbled.
I'm like, God, why have you honored me when you are spectacular beyond my imagination?
Bunch of big guests coming up in the fourth hour, third hour.
Stay with us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
I'm gonna find me a reckless woman.
Raise her blades and dice in her eyes.
And just a touch of sadness in her fingers.
Just a touch of sadness in her fingers.
Women's will.
Thunder and lightning in her thighs.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
And we're gonna rise.
Ride like the one-eyed Jack of Diamonds.
With the devil close behind.
I love the start of that song.
The great, late great Johnny Cash shows.
A new hit off our album Silver Stallion, 1990.
Living on a zen moment.
With a woman.
And the stallion.
And the wind.
And the sun.
And the sun is... Our souls are way older than that sun.
You don't... Before we ever pass this way again... You don't need to give in to the globalists.
We've already arrived.
And we're gonna ride.
And we're gonna ride.
We're gonna ride.
Ride like the one-eyed jack of diamonds with the devil close behind.
We're gonna ride.
Alright, I'm gonna stop.
This is what happens when I'm sleep deprived.
Obama administration knew about North Korea's militarized nukes.
God, I could sit here and read a hundred articles right now.
Just, just look at world government.
Just, did I ever give the phone number out?
And we got a bunch of guests coming up, too.
What do we got?
We got Michael Malice, the expert on North Korea, coming up.
I mean, you know, in the NFL, the guys are six foot seven or, you know, seven feet tall in the NBA.
I mean, they're proving themselves out there.
It's why sports is so honest.
Even though it's a bread and circus diversion, it's still real.
That's why we love it.
It's a contest.
It's the animating contest.
Then we see Kim Jong-un, a hereditary dictator, hardly able to walk, with cartoonic sycophants surrounding him, worshipping him and writing on pads of paper as he toddles around like a demonic undead baby.
And everyone else is super skinny but him.
But see, that's his ego.
That's his satanic dream.
Everyone's starving but me.
And they all worship me.
And there's like videos of him.
He'll go sit at a table and just eat all this food.
Everyone watches him eat with like spit dripping.
And it's like, what the hell, man?
But see, that's the power of communism.
Look at our fat.
I'm not bashing fat people in the political arena.
No, the fat North Korean dictator was starving people around him that run death camps.
And their whole world is built in this weird hermit kingdom around this man.
And then he thinks Dennis Rodman's cool.
Dennis Rodman wasn't cool 20 years ago.
I mean, Carmen Electra might look good on TV 20 years ago, she don't look good in person.
And you sit there, and you look at it, and you stare death in the face, walking around in front of everybody, and you just think, God, every moment you're not Kim Jong-un.
And you think, God, you're not Dennis Rodman.
And you think, God, you're dead.
I wasn't riding Lucifer's ding-dong.
Because that's what this comes down to.
Subservience to suborning your will, giving into death.
The devil tells you, you're empowered by giving to me.
No, you don't.
You suborn your will, your free will, to serve death.
What are they gearing Antifa up?
Why has Soros doubled the amount of money since Trump was elected in January, since he did previously?
What are they gearing up for?
They're calling for violence.
They're calling for Trump's death.
They're calling for it in mainstream news.
They're calling, whether it's Al Gore or whether it's Clapper and Brennan, they're saying something big's about to happen.
It's not impeachment.
We're going to remove him.
We've got to bipartisanly come together for his removal.
Don't do anything when we remove him.
Suddenly Republican leadership is turning against Trump.
As they raise more money than ever raised, as the Democratic Party is being made extinct, they prepare for the killer blow.
And James Leslie Rawls, our expert to break this down, survivalblog.com.
James, this ties into your big lengthy investigative reports, Antifa Part 1 and 2, the Antifa threat spiral.
Break it down for us.
What are the globalists getting ready to do?
Well, Alex, I think it's pretty clear that the Antifa movement is being used as kind of a shock troops for
They're their goal of destabilizing the government.
They want to have a wave of protests and a followed by a wave of domestic terrorism in this country.
They want to destabilize.
They want to try to create a counter
Action by the Trump administration, they're hoping for a Kent State type event, where it would demoralize the American populace, turn the populace against the Trump administration, and part of their overall campaign to get Trump out of office.
And I think that if you look at Antifa, how they were set up,
How they interact between their cells.
It's very similar to what we saw in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the radicalization of the anti-war movement.
And that spun off a number of incredibly radical terrorist groups.
A lot of them were cellular.
There was some interaction between cells and in fact there was some interaction internationally with groups like the PLO and the Red Army Faction in Germany, the Italian Red Brigades and so forth.
I think we're going to see a very similar era here in the United States in the very near future.
Fortune favors the bold.
It's Alex Jones.
When I was young, I was the nicest guy I knew.
I thought I was the chosen one.
Michael Malice is our guest.
He has traveled to North Korea repeatedly.
He's written a best-selling book on the subject and I look at Kim Jong-un and the incredible
Example it is that worshipping government, worshipping communism, worshipping the state is turning your will over to the very worst people in civilization.
And always takes people from successful societies to hellish societies.
And I just can't believe that... I've got an article on Infowars.com by Clifford Cunningham.
California governor, U.S.
should emulate communist China.
I mean, Jerry Brown said that.
They've got mobile execution vans in every city.
They have had tens of millions of forced abortions.
They kill little girls.
They sell their body parts.
They kill Buddhists.
They kill Christians.
But it's okay, because Jerry Brown's liberal.
And I just ask myself, how could South Korea, a quasi-free country compared to the North, be one of the highest gross domestic products in the world?
I mean, my sister is adopted from Korea, an amazing person.
And then you look at the North, and it is an abject hell with this...
Fiction couldn't make up a it-the-clown creature like Kim Jong-un strutting around like a hobbled tyrannosaurus feeding on humanity.
And now he threatens to nuke this country and threatens to nuke that country.
And I've got articles here from CNN.
Could Congress stop Trump from bombing North Korea?
Like Trump gave the missiles, and Trump gave the weapons, and it's not even defending Trump, it's just like, if it rains, it's Trump's fault.
If I slip on a banana peel, it's Trump's fault.
And I see our media like cheerleading nuclear war, because it might make Trump look bad.
It's mental illness.
So we couldn't have a better guest on than Michael Malice, best-selling author.
He's written so many books, I can't get into it all.
Michael Malice on Twitter, MichaelMalice.com.
I always ask, you've been on a couple times, but I've always asked the questions.
You're the expert.
What do you want to tackle first?
Just watching the spectacle, because I've got four children, and I'm just, it's like,
You watch our media, you think Trump ran North Korea.
What do you, as a North Korean expert, take away from this?
You hit the nail on the head, Alex.
Watching the people in the press talk about how, well, Trump said there's a red line and they're basically daring him not to have nuclear war with North Korea is absolutely mind-boggling and terrifying.
Chuck Schumer made a comment, he goes, this kind of wreck, you know, when Trump's responded to Kim Jong-un in similar language,
He said, this reckless rhetoric isn't going to help matters.
It's like, well, non-reckless rhetoric is what got us to this place to begin with.
Chuck Schumer doesn't know what to do about North Korea.
I don't blame him.
We've been appeasing since 1953.
I mean, how long does this go on?
If you don't know what to do, his immediate reaction is to attack the president.
This is not a partisan issue.
If you have a hell on earth, as you correctly said, and they're acquiring nukes and threatening us, what's that have to do with Democrat versus Republican?
I mean, the safety of the citizenry and actually caring about the North Korean people themselves, that shouldn't have anything to do with political parties.
In fact, I can't even believe it.
Where's the instincts?
I mean, I don't even believe this is happening.
Yeah, it's terrifying.
See, they like to say Kim Jong-un is crazy, and he's a very, very equal man.
But what's crazier is how people are tripping over their own feet, desperate to get on TV, to make this as escalated as quickly as possible.
That's why I've tried to de-escalate and point out.
Because it's like, Trump's gonna fail!
He called his bluff!
Oh, there's gonna be nuclear war!
I mean, it's like...
I don't know.
At this point, I have nothing to say.
Finally, in 22 years on air, I have reached, Michael Malin, a point where I don't know what to say anymore.
You gotta get that fidget spinner out, Alex.
It's a viral video.
In all seriousness, North Korea, let's take a deep breath.
During the Cold War, we had hundreds if not thousands of nuclear missiles pointing directly at us and our allies in Europe, right?
And we worked through that and we lived through that.
The fact that... And whether you were Republican or Democrat, you were an American.
Yes, and now that they have nukes, and they've been threatening us for decades.
Two years ago, they released a photo of Kim Jong Un in front of his computer, and behind him on the whiteboard, he was nuking Austin.
My friend called me, they go, are they going to nuke Austin?
I go, what?
I remember that two years ago.
I live here, yeah.
Yeah, and I'm like, relax, you can still go to South By, it's going to be fine.
So now that they've gone from Austin to Guam, you know, people are like, well, we got to nuke them already.
And you know what's even really scary?
Watching a lot of these neoconservatives saying, well, if Kim Jong-un insulted us, we should just go in and bomb that country to stone age.
You're going to call yourself a moral authority and advocate killing 25 million slaves and hostages to show what a tough guy you are?
I was about to ask that last question.
You've been there.
You've written a best-selling book on it.
I hate Kim Jong-un, but the poor people, it's like, what do we do?
You've been there.
I mean, these people are literally on another planet.
What do we do?
I mean, there is no easy answer.
The only thing we can do is put pressure on China, and China has started to buckle, which is a very good sign.
It's easy for North Korea when it's us versus them, when it's the U.S.
imperialists, as they call us, versus them.
But now when you have the international community uniting, including their big brother China, that's a very different dynamic.
And it's a better dynamic, because why is this our problem entirely?
And you're an expert on this.
Let's talk about the North Korean-China relationship.
Why has China been going along with this for 50 years?
China doesn't want a U.S.
ally on their border.
China doesn't want 25 million North Korean refugees crossing the river and living in China when they have nothing to offer.
And China basically doesn't... No one wants a collapsed state on their border that they have to basically deal with the problem.
So, I mean, they have to give them some amount of cover.
But at the same time, China, who's trying to carry themselves as a gentleman on the whole stage, they don't want to defend... Some college kid goes there as a tourist and comes back in a coma.
Yeah, China's the ones with Foxconn suicide nets.
I mean, but China has put pressure on North Korea successfully in the past.
North Korea for decades fought having North and South in the UN because they said this is going to make de-unification.
So let me ask you this.
I mean, are we closer to midnight than ever?
Because most experts I talk to say if there's a nuclear war, it's going to start in North Korea, not the Middle East, not in Ukraine, not on the border of Russia.
I mean, what do you think of the experts you talk to?
Because, I mean, you're all over the place talking to top experts.
I mean, how serious is this?
I got four children.
I want to know.
I think it's your kids are fine.
Your kids are safe.
North Korea, in their literature, constantly talk about the fact we know we can't win.
They say this explicitly.
So they're not... Listen, everyone talks about how he's crazy and suicidal.
He's satanic, like you said.
If he's suicidal, they've been around for 70 years.
That's taken a long time to kill yourself, huh?
I'm gonna play a clip from Fox News.
They talk about the relationship between China and North Korea.
Let's play that clip.
Ladies and gentlemen, the arrogance of the establishment is hiding.
We're having a computer hiccup.
That's the fun part of the train wreck.
Let's play that clip from Fox News with an analyst breaking down the relationship between China and North Korea because we want to ignore all this.
I do too, but this is really happening.
Here we go.
We don't just get TVs from Korea, folks.
We get nuclear missiles.
So can we play the clip now?
Go ahead.
Well, there's very good news, and that's that the U.N.
Security Council voted 15-0 to impose tougher sanctions on North Korea.
The bad news is that they won't make any difference whatsoever.
Because China has mastered the art of giving us just, you know, showing just enough leg to keep us from imposing any kind of economic sanctions on them.
You know, China literally gets away with trade murder because they keep dangling this
Possibility that they'll help us with North Korea.
Now, China, on this 15-0 vote, yeah, that sounds great, but we didn't get the sanctions we wanted.
We wanted tougher sanctions, but for China to come on board, they watered them down.
And there are two reasons for it.
One's the macro reason.
China regards North Korea as a critically valuable ally in peace and war.
The second micro reason, or economic reason,
China's steel industry is a great international weapon.
Whether you consider the prices dumping or not, it's a big plus for China.
Well, China doesn't have the right coal.
It has soft coal.
North Korea, one of the few things it has is high-quality anthracite coal that goes into coking furnaces for Chinese steel.
So, there are all these backstories here that we're not paying attention to.
So, Michael Malice, you've been to North Korea, you've written a book on it.
Is that accurate or what do you say to that?
It's inaccurate.
We could just do the math right now.
China has, what, a billion people?
North Korea has 25 million.
So if China went to some military conflict to call them a critically important ally is simply false.
North Korea is not going to be able to help them one way or another.
I mean, North Korea can't produce automobiles.
Yeah, exactly.
They can't do anything.
They have like a toddling mental patient as their leader.
And the other point is, I mean, sanctions aren't going to work.
He said we wanted stronger sanctions.
Sanctions aren't going to work because the leadership is just going to pass the buck to the citizenry.
The citizenry are going to suffer.
The only way that sanctions work, in a sense, is creating this air of unanimity in the international community against North Korea.
But in terms of functionally, I mean, it's an economic hellhole.
You know what I mean?
So let me ask you this, Michael Malice.
We're going to go to break, come back and answer this question because, again, you're a bestselling author, leading researcher on this.
What do we do then?
Because I've got children, people have got children, this just goes on in the future.
There's this cartoon land that the left makes a joke out of, but it's real people in slave camps.
Where does this go?
With missiles and atomic weapons and the Clintons gave them the weapons and then they're blaming Trump.
That's not even defending Trump!
I'm defending reality.
Why do you blame Trump for what the globalists did?
And it's just like, where does this go?
Why doesn't the guy do a business deal?
Why doesn't he back off?
Why does he want to be a communist dirtbag?
People really need to order the book at infowarestore.com.
Dangerous.com is the website, and I gotta say, that is the best URL ever.
I bet you paid handsomely for it.
I am jealous.
I won't tell you how much I paid for it, but I'm very happy to have acquired Dangerous.com.
I'm gonna keep, I'm gonna, once the book is kind of, the book tour is over, I'm gonna hand it over to the imprint that we set up, Dangerous Books.
That is, that is like the best in this whole media climate.
I couldn't think of a better
Well, I'll give you an email address.
You know, alexatdangerous.com.
Well, since you're gay, the blaze would be pretty good.
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Oh, Glenn Beck's far more of a fag than I am.
Oh, there's no doubt.
Anyway, sorry.
No, I'll leave that to the other big gay.
That'll be in the news.
I'll leave that to the other big gay lord in conservative media.
He called me a threat to the Republic.
He called me Goebbels.
Well, you know, he's the new guy who goes around as the Judas Goat and goes, conservatives are all faking frauds.
I'm one.
I'm sorry.
He crawls around on failed establishment publications, always trying to sabotage everything.
You just see his name in the New York Times.
You're like, what are you doing?
And he thinks it's some kind of victory.
It's like, I am parking my tanks on their lawn.
I'm making this insurgency into the enemy territory.
No, they're laughing at you.
They have neutered you.
He's like, what's the one in Game of Thrones?
He's a gelder.
He's a eunuch.
He's a eunuch.
They've cut it off.
They've chopped it off.
Well the word is actually, and I'm not against this, Glenn Beck actually was a woman that transitioned into a man.
Do you think so?
Actually, I heard he's pregnant.
Really, really?
No, no, I'm serious.
This is breaking.
Every day, the Daily Mail seems to find some new pregnant man, and I just know, give it a couple of days, the next one's going to be Glenn, 56, from Texas.
Let me bring you, let me give you the next news.
It's my baby.
Well, that really would be something.
I'm going to be honest, I've had a relationship with one back for a long time.
What would your celebrity name be?
Alec, Gle, Glelec, Glelec.
Your celebrity couple name is Glalex.
The Glalex Empire attacked Earth from its Mars base.
The little Glenn Beck Alex Jones clone babies.
That would be an ugly baby.
To the extent that it was Glenn's, yeah.
No, no, you're being nice.
I mean, Glenn is a good-looking woman.
What's up with the creepy sweaters, too?
He dresses like an elderly gay antiques dealer!
I can't imagine to have these porcelain glasses and he's looking down his nose at, you know, those nubile young boys in the antique shop or something.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, boy.
Well, you know, that's how they... Good news is that was yesterday.
They said he could never do broadcast because he was too busy always designing the interior.
Look at the offices of The Blaze.
You don't know one of their networks gone to shit.
He spent all the time picking the drapes and forgot to come up with a business model.
That's what they said.
And again, I love it.
Yours is called Dangerous, which is real hard.
Dangerous to tyrants.
The best name ever.
He picked the Blaze.
Did he not get the Freudian slip?
Speaking of the devil, we've got a funder operation.
The book's available at m4store.com, dangerous.com, not at the flaming ember... The Blaze, you know, its end was always prophesied in its name, you know, and it's gonna go down.
It's got so many metaphors.
The blaze, the burns.
Exactly how it started and exactly how it'll end.
It's kind of like naming a shooting star.
Just the Icarus Network.
That's why I chose Infowar.
It goes on forever.
I live!
Gonna get mugged if you go downtown!
We have our guest, Michael Malice, best-selling author.
MichaelMalice.com, dealing with North Korea.
I mean, I just sit here, watching this crazy town go on, and I get our government's not perfect, it's got problems, military industrial complex, okay, I want to sell weapons.
I get all that, but I like watch stuff that looks beyond anything from a hallucination, with a crazy dictator strutting around, threatening to nuke everybody, and then last week, Trump's like, okay, let's negotiate.
I'll nuke you!
I'll blow you up!
And it's like, we already dropped atomic bombs on Japan 70 years, or 65 years ago, whatever it was.
It's like, don't, is there some end to this?
Because I don't want war, but at a spider sense level.
Michael, I just am really concerned.
What, I mean, how dangerous is this?
Anytime you have someone in a country that defies the international law, international law, there's a little bit of danger.
You have to realize that they are interested in self-preservation.
This regime has held on to power at all costs, including the cost of the lives of the citizenry.
So the idea that they're going to go down without a fight, as opposed to using nuclear weapons as a great negotiating tactic and basically make the rest of the world their hostages, is a very different situation.
Elaborate, though, on your main points about North Korea, because you're an expert on it.
I mean, what should we know about the spirit of North Korea?
Well, Alex, you touched on it earlier.
They have something called the monolithic ideological system, by which they mean everyone in the country thinks the same way and thinks in line with the leader.
So they boast about the fact that there's no independent thought in the entire country, that it's the leader, which is a human being, that kid, like you said, who gives the people their political spiritual life,
And that without the leader, basically, no one would exist.
So it's a very dark quasi-religion that they push on their people.
And again, when you're this demigod at the head of a country and you're effectively a billionaire, what would it take for you to quit your job?
It's going to take a lot.
And it's going to take a combination of threats and rewards.
And Kim Jong-un doesn't want to go the way of Gaddafi or Saddam Hussein.
What are the scenarios for war in North Korea?
I mean, if it happens, have you looked at the scenarios?
I mean, they're all nightmarish.
I mean, Seoul has tens of millions of people just south of the border between North and South Korea.
Even if they didn't have nukes, the idea of these huge missiles hitting the city of skyscrapers is a visual nightmare to begin with.
They have the deepest subterranean subway system on Earth, so they've been preparing for nuclear war since the 40s.
The people are trained, you know, constantly what to do in case what they call the U.S.
imperialists invade.
I mean, you have schoolchildren waiting outside in the middle of the night, outside the libraries, looking for American spies.
So they've been preparing for this for decades.
They're taught that we're going to come back and finish the job we started in the Korean War.
A lot of these people are willing to lay down their lives.
It has the fourth biggest army in the world.
So, yeah, maybe some strikes would be very quick, but the retaliation capabilities, we have to make sure we take out everything at once.
And that's a very, very big risk.
How is North Korea not an advertisement against communism and big government?
I think it's the, I mean this is why I wrote my book, because not only is it North Korea, look at Venezuela, what's happening right now.
They took this crown jewel of South America, I visited when I was a kid, Caracas, it was beautiful.
And they turned it into another hell on earth where, you know, people who are from the opposite party are being jailed.
People being shot when they protest.
I mean, we're watching it happen in real time and no one knows what to do about that either.
And there's not enough attention going on there.
So it's the fact that it's happening again, it's very, very scary to me, especially as someone who was born in the Soviet Union.
Let's come back in a few minutes on your experience in the Soviet Union, because that's a good comparison, but I don't understand.
The left kind of celebrates Venezuela or North Korea.
They like get off on it.
It's like an existential power are living vicariously through these orgies of government insanity and wantonness.
And I point out, hey, England has really bad health care.
They come here.
Canada does.
And that's a tame comparison to North Korea.
People, screw you!
It's free in England!
And it's just like...
There's not a real reality-based system, and then spoil brats living in the West, bitch, and say they want to be teleported to North Korea.
So I say, let's move the 10 million Muslim migrants they brought to Europe the last five years to North Korea.
Would they fix North Korea?
We'll come right back with that information.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Here's a surprise.
Communism is a nightmare?
That's like saying, breaking cancer is not fun.
Or braking.
Car wrecks aren't fun.
That's what frustrates me is, when I was going to college, and of course I quit because I was already on talk radio and successful in sales and just, you know, like, oh Jones didn't finish college.
I didn't like Bill Gates or Rush Lumbaugh either.
I'm not knocking you got a college degree.
It's just that I'm sitting there and it's like every, it didn't matter if it was like
Trigonometry, or it didn't matter if it was Texas history they make you go to, it was all like, America's bad, and free market's bad, and Mao Zedong's good, and I'm like, Mao Zedong's good, or Lenin's good?
How do they continue when every socialist or communist experiment turns into a manifest, nightmare, Day of the Dead train wreck?
I mean, look at Venezuela right now, like he said earlier.
As you say, riches in Argentina, riches in Venezuela.
I mean, per capita, 50 years ago, Venezuela was doing better than somebody living in Texas.
And now, it's an abject hellhole.
So, it is culture.
It's politics.
It's policy.
So, talking to Michael Malice, best-selling author, researcher, wrote the book on North Korea.
Find his website, MichaelMalice.com, on Our Loving Leader.
I don't get how it's like the elephant in the room that collectivism doesn't work and is a nightmare and puts the worst people in charge, and it just continues.
And now North Korea, like we said at the start of the interview 30 minutes ago, and then it's Trump's fault.
Forget Trump!
I'm not gonna let them blame Trump, a golf course owner, for a third-generation North Korean dictator that the Clintons gave nuclear weapons to.
I just, it's not about Trump.
It's about sanity.
I am not going to sit here and just let them blame mythical creatures for the nightmare of communism.
I mean, how do they juxtapose this?
When do they understand that it doesn't work?
And I think it's really funny.
It's like Trump has been president for what, seven months?
And it's like, how haven't you solved the North Korean problem yet?
Well, it's been around for 70 years.
I mean, and no one, you know, during the Obama years, no one cared that he was basically kicking the can down the road.
He didn't know what to do.
I don't blame him for not knowing what to do.
It's a very, very tricky situation.
But again, the fact that when people don't know what to do, their first reaction is to go partisan and attack the other party.
That's not helpful.
And it's very telling, I think.
It is.
So you've been there.
Why does the left still salivate about communism?
It's like salivating over colon cancer.
Because I think communism and totalitarianism especially is the only mechanism where you can take an entire country and impose your will.
So it's a delusional dream.
It just hasn't been done right yet.
Hitler didn't do it right.
Kim Jong-il didn't do it right.
But they're going to do it right.
I think people are also uncomfortable with the idea that under freedom, sometimes people are going to make choices you don't like.
And sometimes people are going to make choices that you would consider to be terrible.
And they're not comfortable with that.
They have to have their way everywhere on Earth as much as they can.
I mean, that's just a totalitarian vision of how societies should be, and every society should be.
You've been in North Korea.
Talk about what you witnessed.
Talk about growing up, you know, in the Soviet Union, previously coming to America.
Because I feel guilty when I see Kim Jong Un or a military parade, because I know there's real slaves under that.
Bad things are happening.
But I can't help but laugh at it.
I mean, it's like, it's like Jim Jones to infinity.
Well, Jim Jones was voluntary.
Those people all signed up to go to Jonestown and so on and so forth.
You know, North Korea, they punished the whole family.
Three generations.
The founder of North Korea, the great leader Kim Il-sung, said class enemies must be exterminated in three generations.
You're a dad.
If someone takes your kids and says, hey Alex, put on this clown suit and march down the street, you'd be marching real quick, wouldn't you?
Wow, so where does it go?
In your gut, talk about North Korea.
Talk about your experiences, like you said, growing up in the Soviet Union, which was, I guess, a mild comparison to this, but still.
I mean, I left Russia when we were two.
I have a lot of stories, but Alex, it's nothing, nothing compared to North Korea.
Exactly, talk about that.
We've got time in this segment.
Talk about that.
By the end of the Soviet Union, and this is starting to happen in North Korea, thankfully, everyone knew it was crap.
We have some similarities here.
You're taught one thing in school, and school being a function of the government and the government ideology, and then you open your eyes and look around and you're like, this is not what reality is like.
And it's the same thing in North Korea when they're taught that the world envies us and we're so wealthy.
It's like, yeah, it's great that we're so wealthy, but I don't have food.
It doesn't take much intelligence to realize that there's a disconnect between the reality and the propaganda.
And at the end of the Soviet Union, especially when they had access to the West and Western television, and they were seeing how Americans live, they were like, wait a minute.
Why am I wiping my butt with newspaper, literally?
And I'm looking at this show, and on this show everyone has a maid, and every maid has a fur coat and a car.
So, and what's happening in North Korea now is they're seeing television programs from China and from South Korea, and they're listening to crappy South Korean K-pop, the kids are, and it's like, I want to, you know, why am I going to go to jail for listening to pop music?
It doesn't make sense.
So there's an increasing amount of cynicism toward the government of North Korea, which I think is what brought down the Soviet Union partly, and this is what's going to bring down the regime, that they're realizing that it's not a god at the top, it's just a fat jerk.
Speak about your experience in the Soviet Union, because I want to talk about that, but the paradox of communism and Kim Jong-un and a hereditary dictator
Uh, you know, a force-fed, like, chipmunk toddling around.
We can all laugh at it, but he's got real people under him.
Like you said, he's enslaving, he's killing.
I mean, it's not a joke, even though we all laugh at it and then feel guilty.
I mean, I'm just being honest.
You know, I'm Jewish, my family's Jewish, we left the Soviet Union because that's the other thing that the left doesn't like to ignore.
These totalitarian dictatorships are... North Korea is the most racist country on earth.
They talk about racial purity constantly and if you have refugees who go to China and are perhaps sold into sex slavery or something like that, they're forced to miscarry or to abort because they're not going to mix the Korean blood with the Chinese blood.
David Duke got his master's in Ukraine where I was born.
So this is a dirty little secret of these totalitarian dictatorships.
Progressives like to think, oh, once we run everything, you're not going to have any prejudice or racism.
No, no, no.
The prejudice or racism becomes the law.
I was about to say, they just spew terms instead of actually looking where it's at.
Yeah, I mean, if you look, Stalin had huge populations force them to migrate.
He took after one ethnicity after another.
But they don't like to talk about that.
They only want to talk about Hitler.
So everyone, and I'm sure... And we're not saying Hitler's bad.
It's like there's other... It's not we're saying Hitler's good, Hitler's bad.
There's just other... Mao killed more people than anybody in history.
But let's talk about that then.
That's the point I was going to get to.
Is that we have it so good in the West, we're not perfect, I'm not defending everything, I'm just saying we have it so good that there's like this weird love affair with authoritarianism and communism and you know all the rest of it.
I just don't even understand how the two things even exist when people know this is going on and there's the paradox.
My own children are great people but myself included, I don't know how to fix stuff like my dad did, you know my kids, we get lazy, we get appreciative.
So there's the paradox
I don't think so.
Well Alex, you remember when we were younger, one of the big talking points, or not talking points, actual criticisms about the Soviet Union was the KGB, right?
All your phone calls were listened to, all your letters were opened, people would be spying on you all the time.
But now we have the NSA, which is the same exact phenomenon, even worse, and no one seems to mind.
So, it's just mind-boggling to me how, and this is delivered by conservatives, it's mind-boggling that the people who won the Cold War, the Reagan people, are the same ones who are importing the worst of the Soviet Union to this country.
Well, you know how that works.
First they say, oh, no one's spying on you, it's crazy, when I was covering 20 years ago.
Then everybody's kind of conditioned that it doesn't exist, so once it's all admitted, you go, well, I better not complain, because kooks talk about it.
You know, it's like Atrazine making the frogs be sterile.
We'll just make a joke and then it's okay that most of the amphibians are dying.
It's okay our environment's collapsing because we're going to tax carbon.
It's wild.
So how old were you when you left the Soviet Union?
So you don't remember much about it?
But I mean, I was raised in a Soviet household.
Let's talk about that Google Doc thing that just happened.
When you grow up in a Russian household, you are taught to remember whoever has power over you, be aware of it, and realize they're going to use that power for arbitrary purposes all the time.
So, I was not surprised at all that this Google thing happened, and this is exactly what to expect when you're dealing with people whose vision is, I can't abide any thought other than my own.
And if the people who, I saw people on Twitter, not only were they cheering him, him getting fired, and the kid went to Harvard and MIT, he's no dummy, they also, if they had their druthers, he would never work again.
For what?
It's amazing.
Whereas my ethos was,
We are Ulysses.
We're going to empower humanity.
And I don't want to set America above others, but it's that ideal that we're going to empower.
We're going to go to the stars.
And it's under such attack.
How could the elites attack that idea that my grandmother gave me versus Kim Jong-un?
How could someone reject that?
I don't think they ever had that idea.
I think their vision of what America should be is basically like a European social democracy, where everyone is relying on the government from cradle to grave to some extent, and we're all in this together.
You remember Bernie Sanders was talking about how great it is that there's income equality in Venezuela.
Yeah, if everyone's broke, your income's... Everyone's eaten their dogs and cats, the zoos have been closed for five years, they've eaten the animals.
What about this article on Infowars.com?
It links through to mainstream news.
Governor Brown told the Chinese dictator, President, elected by the Politburo, by the Secretariat, that he wants to model California after China.
I mean, aren't people threatened by a regime that kills tens of thousands of Buddhists?
The left hates Christians.
Okay, just kill all them.
What about Buddhists?
They don't even do anything!
But because they like to do Falun Gong, they kill them!
I mean, what type of... And the left's like, oh God, that's really sexy!
Let's kill Buddhists!
I mean, God, that's really sexy, Alex!
I mean, don't you want to kill people?
And Jerry Brown has been known for decades as a strong, strong environmentalist.
And China's record on the environment is abysmal.
You've got smog in these cities, people can't even breathe.
Coal, dirt, dirty coal, that's what I'm saying.
So, what is the love affair with communism and the left then?
Is it because they haven't experienced it?
I mean, because I just don't get it.
It's like the left's like, we really like cancer.
We really want it.
It's really good.
And we really want cancer right now.
I mean, I don't understand these people.
I think you have a lot of educated people, overly educated, who resent the fact that they're convinced of their own brilliance, and they resent the fact that others aren't persuaded by their crap.
So they think if we can't persuade other people, we're going to force them to listen to what I have to say, because I am smarter and better than other people.
Michael Malice, let me ask you this, best selling author of North Korea.
What is the spirit of North Korea?
Again, I want to take Kim Jong Un out, but then I get it's a bunch of slaves under him, so then I don't.
I mean, it's very... I want to make a decision on it.
I'm normally a decisive guy, but I get where Trump's at.
It's like, what do you do?
He's like threatening... I mean, what is the spirit of North Korea?
When I went to a restaurant there, and they had these cheap plastic placemats with like, pictures of roses on them, you know?
The kind you get in a 99 cent store.
And you look at them, and you're like, this is tacky.
And then you realize, this is these people's attempt to have some measure of beauty, when the best place you can shop is Chinese imports.
This is the best they've got!
But they're trying to be human.
They're trying to have beauty in their lives and humor and humanity in an inhumane situation.
So when you look at them, realize they're not the same as Americans, but they're human beings who love their grandkids and who just want food.
And it's not like they're closet jihadis or anything like that.
They just want that.
Look at South Korea.
It's a strong ally of ours.
I mean, as a man, as a father, I'm going to be honest with you, brother, I want to square up against these people.
I am really angry at them because I can't blame the North Koreans, but I look at the spoiled, rotten people that are pissing on America and embracing radical Islam, all of it.
I don't know what their problem is.
Why are they doing it?
And the disgrace and having no reverence for all of Mao's victims, or Stalin's victims, or Kim Jong-il's victims.
I mean, this is a disservice to the millions of bodies whose names will never be known, who are just thrown in the ashtray.
So what's, I'm asking you, smart guy, what is wrong with them?
Because I'll talk to like a BuzzFeed writer, hey, communism, they'll smile like they get off on like, yeah, you're next.
It's like they're into the evil.
What is it?
I think they have their own barely-disguised faith where they think that they are the evangelicals who are going to proselytize and carpet the world and basically bring on... Exactly!
They're going to be stomping our guts out and raping our wives in the gulag.
Yeah, and they're all on a... You're smart!
That's what it is.
It's like some weird existential death orgy thing.
Yeah, they have their vision of how the world should be and they're going to force it whether you like it or not.
And other people are going to have to pay the prices for their vision.
It's just, you know, as bad as America is, thank God we're here.
We got our problems, but man, I am so sick of America being run down constantly when you just see hell.
I've been to a lot of foreign countries and it's just, a lot of great countries as well.
Well, tell folks about your book.
You've written a lot of books.
You've ghost written a lot of books too.
You're like a prolific writer.
What are the top books folks can read from you?
The most important book is Dear Reader about North Korea because this is the issue where right now, you might remember, Alex, you remember the Iraq War and the ramping up to that very well.
So if people want to be informed on North Korea and not listen to the nonsense that's being put out there in the corporate press, you'll get some understanding, all the understanding you need of how this country really works.
Well, where do you think this ends?
Just gut level, I mean, where is this going?
This is two cars racing at each other at high speed, a game of chicken, and it's going to be who blinks first.
And Trump's not one for blinking, and Kim Jong-un's not one for blinking, so this is uncharted territory.
So we got Mad Max and Toe Cutter.
This is not good.
All right.
Well, Michael Malice, MichaelMalice.com, Twitter, Michael Malice, thank you so much for your time.
Please join us again.
Oh, old Trump's come out today and says they're making tremendous headway.
North Korea statement wasn't tough enough.
We're going to come back from break and play this clip.
Trump's just made another statement.
I just can't see how the West is like obscenely wealthy, obscenely has all these choices, is obscenely good, and then the left is like literally promoting communism and thinks North Korea and China are cute.
It's so absurdist.
I really have trouble at this point even believing this is reality.
I don't understand people.
I hate to use profane terms, but it's the only terms that matter.
They're pissing in the face of prosperity and I just don't understand it.
Because they're spoiled scum.
You've got you, who's on one side of the equation here, pro-America, very outspoken, likes Trump, but you're not just all about Trump.
It's about, you like his message, you like the America First policy, you want to see a justice system treating immigrants fairly, where people can't just walk right across the border, you have to go through the process that everybody else went to that pays taxes.
So you're on that side of the fence, which to me is just logical, pro-America.
But you've got artists on the other side of the fence, I'll use Katy Perry.
Katy Perry has admitted she sold her soul to the devil, that's what she says young girls need to do.
She chopped her hair off, maybe that's something she wanted to do, maybe that's something they do because you know how they want to blur the lines of gender.
But I'm just curious, where, I mean there's such this great divide between someone like Katy Perry who says co-exist right after a great terrorist attack against Christians, and then someone like you who just says, well I just want to be pro-America.
How does the divide get created like that?
I think it's, I mean, a lot of media creates that divide, and also it's an artist who's not genuine to herself.
I can say that she doesn't seem like she's been herself for a few years.
You know, she started attacking other celebrities for having, you know, mental health issues and problems, and then she seems to be having those problems.
And like, I don't want to create any sort of attack on any other artist, but when you act like that, when you come out in that such an odd, weird way, to where, you know, you have live therapy sessions online, and it's like, where's your music?
What's happening with your artistry?
Why are you now focused on your feelings on this, that, and the other?
And they're not even really political, they're just, oh, let's all hug each other and pretend like everything's okay.
That's not the truth.
We do need closed borders.
We need to protect ourselves and our family, and it's very important, and that's,
That is common sense, and a lot of these artists don't have that, and I don't think that they should be pushing their ideals when they really truly don't know what they're talking about, and they don't want to.
They don't have any sort of sense in it.
They just want to say something that's sunshine and rainbows, and to me, it comes from a lack of genuine knowledge of how everyday Americans are operating, and I come from a hard-working family, you know, and I feel like my values are conservative values that my parents taught me.
And I always knew these were common sense values and it seems like it's just lacking.
I think that these people come from a place where they're so far removed from what normal people are dealing with that they don't know how to speak in terms that can be even looked at as normal anymore.
They're just, they're basically talking out of their butt.
That's what I want to say.
That's how I feel.
So, as long as we keep a smile on our face, we keep going, we keep creating, we keep, you know, saying, no, we're not going to be beaten down, we're going to keep going, we're going to win this war, the better we will be.
You know, I don't want to die.
In fact, I love life.
Crank this song up for a minute.
Seasons don't fear the Reaper.
We're gonna be like they are.
It is romantic.
It's amazing.
We don't fly unless our children continue on.
Then we fly.
Through them.
That's the key.
The species must continue or all is failure.
All of it for nothing.
If you don't have that race consciousness of humanity, you don't have a soul.
I meant to take calls today.
I didn't and we've got
John Rappaport, always informative, going to be hosting the fourth hour.
I didn't really plug today, and I don't do this as some victory dance.
It's just because I don't want to be arrogant about it, but God really works in mysterious ways.
I mean, BuzzFeed is such a discredited, evil, anti-human, broken organization that it's a pox upon us all.
It's a sign of our failure.
But we had record sales today and yesterday for this time of year because the piss gate, fake news, George Soros, colostomy bag.
I mean, it's just true.
I don't mean to be insulting.
It's just true.
They came out and put out a screed that is just ridiculous.
And not fiction, though.
I mean, it's true, but very deceptive.
Like, well, Joe's Anthroplex is $30, but the zinc in it costs $5, lab said.
Yeah, that's one of, like, five ingredients.
And it's like, they're so delusional, they don't know.
Like, we tested it, and none of it has any heavy metals, California standards, and blah, blah, blah.
But, we think they may have this product for kids to treat autism, though none of our promotions say that.
It's like the cra- Like, promotions are public!
You know, like, we say it on air, it's public.
They go, we, we, we.
One of the labs we hired strongly suggests that they're saying you can give your kids vitamins and help them.
And they're probably saying this will help for autism, but it won't, so don't take this.
I mean, I never even thought of that!
It's like... The weird hallucinogenic brains of these people... The fever swamps, as they call it.
It hurts me, but not in the way they think they're hurting me.
It's like it hurts me that I want them to be in communion with me in reality, but they weren't.
They aren't.
The report cautions the use of ingredients in children, especially given the lab suspicion.
Oh my gosh, the lab suspicion.
The InfoWars also may be marketing the supplement as a way to treat autism or a substitute for vaccines.
We have the website.
We have the product.
It's 30 years old.
Sold at Whole Foods under another name.
You know that.
Bezos sells this.
And they say child ease.
They think I'm offering it for autism.
Did you think I had Easter bunnies coming out of my little bobo?
I mean, it's like you read this stuff.
It's like they pay people?
You could chain chimpanzees up at typewriters.
And they would come... It's like, look at this first part.
Well, he... Jones, here it is right here.
Yeah, $5.
The zinc's only worth $5 in anthraplex.
It's sold for $39.
But it's got a bunch of other ingredients.
They literally think you're an idiot.
It's like this is our opposition.
It doesn't even make me feel powerful.
It makes me feel pathetic.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
He aligns himself with the truth.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I can't wait.
I want to do one thing.
Let's get in the ring.
Turn this up.
Listen to human spirit.
It's how amazing humans are.
You know, I don't even like to be around my parents because I love them so much.
It hurts me to be around them.
And I know... I know my dad would kill for me.
Just like that.
See, I don't want to be that psychopath.
I want to be the person that does show up.
I want to be the schmuck.
I want to be the guy with a heart.
I want to be the guy that delivers.
You know, the spiritual energy of the enemy is turning up because they know their time is coming to a close.
And I'm going to shut up now because one of my favorite guys I listen to, though I'm usually busy when he's on, I listen to it at night, and I go to his site around 15 years, nomorefakenews.com, and he's been an investigative journalist for 40 years and a filmmaker.
John Rappaport, go ahead and take over, my friend.
Thank you, Alex.
Good to be here.
Well, there's so many stories.
So many stories.
I'm going to go through some of them here.
You know, this very interesting BuzzFeed thing.
We're going to check the products of InfoWars and see what's really there and so on and so forth.
Well, it appears that the ingredients that they've claimed are in them are actually, well, in them.
So, there are millions of you out there listening to the program all over the world.
I have a little suggestion.
Just a little one.
Maybe some of you want to go over there to BuzzFeed and take a gander at the products that they recommend highly.
Just look at them and see what you think.
And go through them and say, oh, look at this one.
I wonder what that's all about.
Track it down.
Take a look.
Investigate a little deeper.
Maybe you'll find something.
Who knows?
Maybe you'll find that the buzzers should be buzzing about themselves.
I don't know.
I have no idea.
Could be nothing at all.
But on the other hand, you never know.
You might find a product or two that interests you that you track it down.
You say, wait a minute.
What about this thing?
What about that thing?
Let's check this out.
Let's see if it's everything it's cracked up to be.
Let's see what it's actually
What's actually in the product?
Have a little fun.
You know?
Once in a while, I think we deserve to have a little bit of fun.
Just a thought.
Just a thought.
But plant the thought.
You never know what seeds will grow.
Well, here's somebody that didn't have a lot of fun.
Actually, she's extremely resilient and heroic.
Her name is Polly Tommy, and she is one of the producers on the fantastic documentary film called Vaxxed, which I'm sure many of you know about.
It's a documentary that was shut down at the Tribeca Film Festival by Robert De Niro,
And then he said, well, people ought to really see the film because it's got some very important information about vaccines in it and so on, blew up into a gigantic story.
The people at Vaxxed, the producers and the crew, have been traveling all around the United States and in other countries on a kind of a big time tour, screening the film,
Having people there to take questions from the audience afterwards.
And so Polly Tomby went to Australia recently to do this with Baxt.
She had some extremely interesting experiences.
Extremely interesting experiences.
Which I'll tell you about in a minute.
What are they gearing Antifa up?
Why has Soros doubled the amount of money since Trump was elected in January, since he did previously?
What are they gearing up for?
They're calling for violence.
They're calling for Trump's death.
They're calling for it in mainstream news.
They're calling, whether it's Al Gore or whether it's Clapper and Brennan, they're saying something big's about to happen.
It's not impeachment.
We're going to remove him.
We've got to bipartisanly come together for his removal.
Don't do anything when we remove him.
Suddenly Republican leadership is turning against Trump.
As they raise more money than ever raised, as the Democratic Party is being made extinct, they prepare for the killer blow.
And James Leslie Rawls, our expert to break this down, survivalblog.com.
James, this ties into your big lengthy investigative reports, Antifa Part 1 and 2, the Antifa threat spiral.
Break it down for us.
What are the globalists getting ready to do?
Well Alex, I think it's pretty clear that the Antifa movement is being used as kind of a shock troops for
They're their goal of destabilizing the government.
They want to have a wave of protests and a followed by a wave of domestic terrorism in this country.
They want to destabilize.
They want to try to create a counter
Action by the Trump administration, they're hoping for a Kent State type event, where it would demoralize the American populace, turn the populace against the Trump administration, and part of their overall campaign to get Trump out of office.
And I think that if you look at Antifa, how they were set up,
How they interact between their cells.
It's very similar to what we saw in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the radicalization of the anti-war movement.
And that spun off a number of incredibly radical terrorist groups.
A lot of them were cellular.
There was some interaction between cells and in fact there was some interaction, internationally, with groups like the PLO and the Red Army Faction in Germany, the Italian Red Brigades and so forth.
I think we're going to see a very similar era here in the United States in the very near future.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, John Rappaport.
Okay, so before the break I was talking about the explosive documentary on vaccines called Vaxxed.
And in case there are people out there who don't know the theme of the film, it focuses on one guy.
Longtime Centers for Disease Control CDC researcher William Thompson, who in 2014 went public on his lawyer's website with a confession that he and his colleagues at the CDC had manipulated and cooked the data in a scientific study on the safety of the MMR vaccine, measles, mumps, rubella vaccine.
They had twisted the data to make it seem
As if there was no increased risk for autism from the vaccine when indeed there was.
This was a mind-blowing scandal because William Thompson has worked at the CDC for over 15 years.
His name appears on many studies.
He's an insider.
He's not somebody coming in there from the outside and that was his confession.
Concealed from
Professionals, doctors, the public, mothers of children, the risk for neurological damage, brain damage, autism, from the MMR vaccine.
That's what the film is about.
So, it's gone worldwide, this documentary.
Polly Tommy, one of the producers,
Was there in Australia recently for a tour.
It was shown in screenings around across the country in different venues.
Lots of media babble about it.
Don't see this film and whatever.
So, of course, people lined up the block to see it right on her way out of the country to go to New Zealand.
Polly is told by Customs and Immigration that her visa is cancelled, she can't come back, and she's banned from Australia.
According to Polly, that's for three years.
You know, you're out.
Cancelling your visa.
And what does the Australian press do about this?
What reason do they give why she's banned?
Well, because she lied, you see, on her visa and said that, well, you know, she was there for other reasons other than business.
Well, I got a hold of the documents, the actual government documents.
This story is going to be coming quite soon to No More Fake News.
And the documents from the government don't say that at all.
In fact, they say, well, she said she was there on business.
But the real reason that they got rid of her was because she is, quote, an anti-vaccine activist from the United States of America.
And she could cause an adversary action among some members of the Australian community.
That's almost word for word.
Which members?
You know, what is this like?
Triggering snowflakes again?
We're into this?
You know?
Could cause an adverse reaction?
What about the adverse reaction from the vaccine?
This is why they got rid of her.
Because they don't want the public to know what's in that film.
Because it's too true, too explosive, too horrendous, and too
Waking up to unhypnotic, to anti-hypnotic, to anti-trance, to informative, to not fake.
That's why the press is going crazy in Australia.
You see all the medical bureaucrats and all the government officials.
This film is highly dangerous and nobody should see it.
It's horrible because it could cause parents to not vaccinate their children and then everybody would die.
You know, whatever.
The usual kind of insanity, right?
All you have to do is go to the Centers for Disease Control website and start looking at what's actually in these vaccines.
Vaccine by vaccine.
All of them on the schedule.
What's this?
That's a neurotoxin, isn't it?
Yes, yes.
So we're injecting aluminum into the... That can't be good.
Into children?
What's this other thing?
There's still mercury in flu vaccine?
Oh my God!
And what's this thing polysorbate 80 or another toxic ingredient?
And then there's all kinds of germs, not just the germs intentionally planted in the vaccines, but indeed other germs that get in there as contaminants to inject it directly into the bodies of babies and children and all of the destruction that follows.
Look it up.
Research it for yourself.
This is a blood boiling reality in our world.
That vaccination, which is promoted by the medical cartel as the highest and the greatest good, is a method for disabling populations all over the world, incurring neurological and brain damage,
Disabling people so that they can't function, think straight, live their lives.
It's destruction.
It's destruction on behalf of top-down control.
Otherwise known as globalism.
And if you really want to start going down the rabbit hole, just start looking at the history of modern pharmaceutical medicine and the promotion of SAME by the Rockefeller clan.
The Rockefeller clan, the arch proponents at a very, very high level of what is called globalism.
Go ahead.
Have fun.
Have fun with it.
All right.
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Get it done.
Pauly Tommy.
The truest documentary that's come out in a long, long, long time.
I wrote about this extensively at No More Fake News in August of 2014 when William Thompson, who still, by the way, works at the Centers for Disease Control, will not talk to the press.
Says he's available to speak to Congress if there's a hearing.
Never happened.
Never happened.
Nobody except Representative Bill Posey in Congress has been lifting a finger to have hearings put this guy under oath and say,
Dr. Thompson, tell us everything you know about the MMR vaccine, its autism risk, and let's talk about all the other vaccines.
Let's talk about all the other ingredients.
As an insider, tell us what you know.
That would be a hearing to put on national television.
That would be a way that all these fake news networks could actually
recover some of their credibility for the public, but it ain't happening.
I mean, as a reporter, let me tell you, when an insider at a prime, evil, fraudulent government agency like the CDC comes out in the open, an insider, a long-term researcher, and says,
Here's what he said.
We sat in a room, I and my colleagues, doing this study on the MMR vaccine.
And we, ready?
We brought in a garbage can.
And we disposed of many sheets of data that would have been incriminating to the accusatory to the MMR vaccine.
We got rid of all that.
So we could conclude that the vaccine showed no increased risk for autism in children.
Polly Tommy, the producer of Vaxxed, happens to be a parent with an autistic child.
She knows.
She knows.
As many, many, many other parents, and especially mothers, know exactly what happened to their children after being vaccinated.
How they turned away from the world, from being happy, open children, full of life.
Neurological damage.
Never the same again.
Never the same again.
And these puppets and these mongers and these disgusting specimens of anti-humanity, medical bureaucrats and government officials and mainstream dupe reporters talking about in Australia, the United States and any country you want to go to.
Get up on their pedestal and say, oh, we know that vaccines are entirely safe and effective and have wiped out diseases and we wouldn't be here if it were not for the... And there's been an outbreak of one measles case.
Yeah, one measles case.
Death for all populations.
One measles case.
Stay with us.
We'll be back after the break at InfoWarp.
An illegal teenage immigrant from Honduras has been charged with killing his mother.
Punez is a so-called dreamer, protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA.
A truck had smashed the family's car on the right side.
That's where Lennox was sitting in his little car seat.
Border officials say Banda is a Mexican national in the country illegally.
He's been deported 15 times in 15 years.
Uvia Lopez has a sordid story that includes a prior deportation and identity fraud in addition to the sexual assault of a friend's teenage daughter.
But I have a simple message today for every gang member and criminal alien.
We will find you, we will arrest you, we will jail you, and we will deport you.
He was deported a whopping eight times.
Suspected in a deadly hit-and-run earlier this week.
He's charged with sex abuse, sodomy, burglary, robbery, assault, and kidnapping.
Court records show he's been deported and returned 20 different times.
The father of two killed in a horrifying crash.
Police say that the driver was a drunk, unlicensed, illegal immigrant.
According to an ICE news release, he is a known gang member and has been previously deported four times.
Tonight, police say an illegal immigrant with a blood alcohol level three times the legal limit slammed into the back of an SUV carrying a family of four.
He had been arrested just hours before this crash.
A woman telling deputies she was sure she was going to die after deputies say this man, Juan Ortega Orozco, broke into her home and crept into her bed.
He's in this country illegally.
He has a rich criminal history of violating the law.
In the past two years, he's been charged with five felonies, including trafficking meth and leading the scene of a crash.
Jermaine Daniels says in a taint from under the Obama administration, federal agents now appear to be rounding up any undocumented person they come in contact with.
Federal agents eating breakfast one minute, arresting restaurant staff the next.
Illegal border crossings are down reportedly 70%.
Arrests inside the country are up 40% and demands for removal up 80% as well.
But, you know, we can't apologize for enforcing the law.
If you break the law, that's a choice that you make, and there are consequences to that.
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Okay, we're back.
John Rappaport here, sitting in for Alex in the fourth hour, in for Wars.
I don't know how many of you heard about this, another fantastic story.
This one has to do with California.
Got a lot to say about California.
But Judicial Watch, a watchdog group that gets documents out of the government, they do a lot more than that.
But that's one thing they're able to do.
Freedom of Information Act requests, Freedom of Information Act lawsuits, they wrangle documents out of the government.
And they've just found out some interesting things about California and...
The so-called vote fraud issue, which of course, the mainstream press, there's no vote fraud in California.
I mean, ridiculous.
This is just a trumped up Trump charge and trying to make it seem as if possibly Trump won the popular vote.
And of course we know he didn't.
And Hillary won the popular vote and therefore she should be president.
Why isn't she president?
Let's get rid of Trump.
And you know, another thread that always somehow
Ends up at the same place the same train station, you know with Hillary standing there alone in the night looking out saying When is the presidential train coming for me?
When am I going to get on the train and take it into the Oval Office?
I'm waiting.
I'm entitled.
I am the president What's wrong with you people?
Okay, so in California, Judicial Watch discovered that 11 counties, at least, have more, I want to get this right now, have more registered voters than voters of, than people of voting age.
Let's put it that way.
At least 11 counties have more registered voters than voters who are eligible to vote.
And they discovered that in LA County, the registered voters are, get this, 144% of the people of voting age.
I mean, in other words, there's way more people who are registered to vote in California than there are people of voting age.
That's a head-scratcher.
You would think that if you, for example, if you were the publisher or the editor of a mainstream news network who's just looking for a good and true story, wouldn't you want to pounce on that one?
Isn't that, doesn't that stink of enormous scandal?
How can this be?
A hundred, let's see, registered voters in L.A.
County, biggest county in California,
144% of all the people in LA County who are of voting age.
Yeah, let's run with that baby.
Okay, run that baby.
Yeah, let's put on a big headline and say, oh, wait a minute.
We can't do that.
That would be incorrect.
That would give some people the idea, for example,
And I hesitate to even mention this, you know, the publisher would say, I mean, does anybody, nobody's recording this, are they?
But you see, if we ran this story, it might suggest to people that somehow immigrants or illegal immigrants are somehow being registered to vote illegally or beyond
Well, I don't even know how they could be registered.
You know, they're not really on the books.
Well, let me tell you how.
In California,
When an illegal immigrant gets a driver's license, and that is just as easy as walking into the Department of Motor Vehicles, by rule, by rule, this is not clandestine.
This is a California policy.
When that happens, unless that illegal immigrant specifically opts out, he or she is registered to vote.
So now we get into the whole question of all of these people who are illegal immigrants in California are registered to vote.
Could somehow all of that number be corralled in a vote fraud spectacle?
Could that actually happen?
Is that possible?
Do we have a history in California of any kind of electronic, for example, vote fraud?
Well, it just so happens that I investigated that.
Yes, indeed.
And I'll tell you all about it after the break.
Stay with us here at InfoBlog.
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News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, John Rappaport.
Welcome back to InfoWars.
We were talking about California and the vote fraud scandal.
Giant story.
Mainstream presses, ah, we can't go with that.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Do not touch that.
Might suggest
Illegal immigrants, votes are being manipulated, that they are not the ones casting them.
I did a study, you know, study means you read documents.
In this case, there was a top to bottom review of voting machines in California that was ordered by the Secretary of State, state government back in, I think it was 2007, 8, right in there, to see what was happening.
Because they had lots of voting machines, and from different companies, right?
And up until that time, they had been assuming that everything was wonderful in elections, and the votes were being counted great, and so on and so forth.
Well, excuse me, it turned out that of the four companies, three of them, the first three, were completely unreliable, and they were decertified.
All the voting machines from those companies.
And then quickly reinstated.
And the fourth company completely axed forever.
That was the review.
That threw into doubt everything about the voting system in California.
So you put that together with what I'm talking about here, and all of a sudden you've got a way to cast all kinds of extra votes in California.
Away by manipulating voting machines, using these many, many, many illegal immigrants who are registered to vote as a kind of cover story, twining them all together and coming out with a gigantic popular vote for whoever you want to.
Hillary Clinton, whoever.
Jerry Brown.
A story that mainstream outlet with all kinds of reporters could get in there and really investigate, but never happened.
I'm telling you about it.
Infowars is telling you about it.
Look into it.
In that review, by the way, that top to bottom review that the government ordered, there was tremendously interesting public commentary at the end.
For example, how do we know that the source code
For the software that's being used in California elections, how do we know that that source code actually belongs to that software?
We see no evidence that anything like that has ever been proven.
Are you kidding?
Several vendors were selling voting machines to the state of California, claiming these machines were manufactured by companies that the state of California had certified as being companies that they use.
But whoops, turned out that some of these machines actually were not made by those companies at all.
Who knows who they were made by and who knows how they counted the votes in California?
California is, let's face it folks, descending into utter madness.
Utter madness.
I'll tell you more about that in a minute.
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Okay, the madness of California.
As Alex was talking about in the last hour, Jerry Brown, oh, the meeting with the President of China, you're doing great things in China, all kinds of high-speed trains and roads, it's just fabulous.
What do we care about the fact that you're killing dissidents, political dissidents, putting them in jail, restricting access to the Internet, free speech is a joke, are you kidding, etc., etc., etc.
Nothing about that.
See, that's now whitewashed in the so-called liberal press.
Oh, we don't talk about that anymore.
Tiananmen Square, nobody knows even what that was.
Who cares about tanks, you know, and students rioting in 1989?
No, no, no, no, never happened.
We don't care about that.
China is fantastic because China is now picking up the sword for globalism.
Yeah, that's the meme these days, folks.
China is picking up the sword for globalism because Trump decided on nationalism.
And of course, we all know how horrible nationalism is.
Oh, yes, of course.
I mean, for example, the idea, the very idea of getting companies to bring back jobs into the U.S.
instead of exporting them to hellholes where people work at slave wages under horrendous environmental conditions, and then exporting those products back into America with no tariffs, no taxes, thereby destroying other companies who sell those products
You think they want these products to sit there at ports while the Chinese have to pay out enormous tariffs
That suddenly level the playing field?
Do you get that?
It's pretty straightforward there, right?
That's why they're picking up the sword.
But Jerry Brown is, oh, what a wonderful meeting.
And what wonderful things China is doing these days.
Oh, yeah, sure.
Jerry, I have a suggestion for you, Governor of California.
Take a trip to China and say, I want to see who's in the prisons.
I mean, I'd just like to take a tour and see how you boys do it here because, you know, I mean, after all, we may want to do that in California eventually.
So if you could just show me the prisons and have a... I've got my own translator here.
We can talk to some of these fellows and women and find out why they're here and what they did.
That would be okay, wouldn't it?
Go ahead.
Try that, Governor Brown.
See what you can do.
By the way,
And Brown acknowledged this, but he doesn't talk about it very much.
If you take in the actual debt of the state of California,
Not just talking about the government shortfall right now, but the what's called the unfunded liabilities in the future.
In other words, what California is committed to paying in pension funds and retirement funds and this funds and these funds and all of that, et cetera, et cetera.
It comes to a tidy
$444 billion, that's half a trillion dollars, that California is underwater on.
So they're talking about, oh, let's put some high speed trains in all over California.
They'll just float in the air or something, whatever.
You know, we'll have the latest people design them and so on.
You know, I don't know, five, six billion dollars with cost overruns that are probably come to 40 or 50 billion.
No problem.
No problem.
Oh, wait a minute, we can't do that because we have no money, because not only don't we have any money,
We have way less than no money.
This is what's happening in California.
Yeah, we want to provide for everybody.
Let's make California a sanctuary state.
We will never mention a ceiling limit on how many immigrants from all over the world we could take in because we are human and humane and so forth, and we're just going to have to deal with it.
So don't ask us how many.
There is no limit.
Millions upon millions upon millions that will automatically receive government benefits, which means more money, more debt, more underwater, more suffering, more pain.
People who are on the margins living in California that want certain jobs will be overwhelmed with immigrants who will come in and do those jobs for less money, et cetera, et cetera.
Crime, terrorism, all, you know.
We don't care about any of that.
Welcome to everybody.
We are California.
Because why?
Because it feels good to say that.
That's why.
Just ask Paul Watson about that.
He is the world's foremost expert and journalist and satirist on the issue of virtue signaling.
He lays that out like nobody else.
California is one gigantic, horrendous virtue signal.
Welcome, everybody.
We are good people.
We are so good people.
We are humble people.
We grovel.
We want to help everybody all the time.
Of course, don't ask us to live.
You know, in certain places in California, and now the celebrities take over.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
We're building bunkers, baby.
Underground, fortresses around the house, security arm detail 24-7.
But we're good people.
You can be sure of that.
We love everybody.
We want you to know, first and foremost, that we love everybody.
Yes, indeed.
That's California.
One gigantic
Sinkhole of virtue signal.
And they, by the way, of course, are leading the way in mandated, enforced police state vaccination for all schoolchildren.
I'm sure you know that.
They now have the law.
The law, the law, the law in California.
I moved to California many, many moons ago.
And when I moved to California,
To Santa Monica, I found a little place, tiny place, you know, just a young kid, two blocks from the beach, 40 bucks a month in a house.
The main street of Santa Monica, which is part of Los Angeles at the time, you had many storefronts and actual kinds of garages, large garages with these doors you could pull up.
You had carpenters, crafts people, machinists making parts for machines, you had architects, small offices of architects, you had a few shops, and so on and so forth.
It was small business capitalism.
That's what it was.
And it was doing okay.
It was a quiet, nice town.
And now, oh, it's all grown up with the mall and the high priced restaurants and the, you know, super duper condo prices and everything.
Yeah, it's just wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
It's all part of the great virtue signal.
We are on the cutting edge of everything in California.
Why do you think that the tech
Billionaires in Silicon Valley are such strong globalists and support Jerry Brown and the whole virtue signal.
Just track down how many of their products are being actually manufactured and parts outside the United States that have to be exported back to the United States in order to sell here.
Just track it down.
Make a list.
What would happen if at the ports they had to pay all kinds of tariffs and taxes in order to get those products in here to sell?
Level playing field.
They would suddenly be in a deep, deep doo-doo.
They do not want that.
That's why they are so completely against the idea of nationalism.
We must have globalism.
Indeed we do.
So that's how that works.
California, they were talking about secession.
A couple of people, oh, we're going to succeed, because now that Trump has won, it's just too horrible to be part of the United States, you know, more virtue signaling.
So we're going to succeed.
We're going to start our own countries.
And then somebody said, yeah, but you see, here's the thing.
Even by seceding, you don't get out of the debt.
So you're going to start off really in the hole.
And where are you going to get the money?
And if you count up all the federal money that's coming to you as part of the state of California, numerous programs, I mean, of all kinds, and you secede, the government's going to say, well, OK, nice knowing you folks.
Of course, you're now
A separate country.
So all that federal money will no longer be coming to you.
Wait a minute.
Hold on.
How can we possibly exist unless we are sucking on the federal teat?
Wait a minute.
You can't do that to us.
Well, of course we can.
You're now a separate country.
You're called, what's the name of your country?
Signals of Virtue?
Something, whatever.
So you're on your own.
You understand what that means?
No, we don't know what it means to be on our own.
We've never been on our own.
We've always received tax breaks and subsidies and we take advantage of loopholes and federal money comes in and so forth and, you know, we can't exist unless we've got all that.
Well, I guess then you don't really know what it means to secede, you see.
Because when you secede and you start your own country,
That means that you're independent.
Do you get it?
Do you get it?
Reminds me of that old Seinfeld thing that was so great at the car rental thing.
Makes a reservation for a car and the car is not there.
He says, you know how to make the reservation.
You just don't know how to hold the reservation.
Well, if you're going to succeed,
As the snowflakes decided they wanted to do.
We'll have our own country.
That means you're independent, you see.
You know how to say you're independent.
You just don't know how to be independent.
And on that note... Quite a scene there in California.
I think we're coming up on a break here.
Indeed we are.
This is John Rappaport sitting in for Alex in the fourth hour here on InfoWars.
And we shall return for our final segment.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a dangerous, dangerous time, and Trump warns this new low is dangerous for the whole planet, as we need Russia to deal with North Korea and so much more.
So Alexander, thank you so much for joining us.
Alexander Dugan, geopolitical.ru.
You've got the floor, my friend.
Let's go through who the globalists are, what their aims are, why they hate the United States and Russia so much, and is there any way to stop them before they trigger World War III?
Hi Alex, I'm really happy to to be broadcasted in the United States because I think that your station and your channel and your heroic struggle is a unique
Unique possibility, unique momentum to say the truth that nobody wants to hear.
And first of all, I think that globalists need enemy, but not the right enemy, because the right enemy of globalists are they themselves.
Because they are going to destroy humanity, to exchange the humankind by artificial intelligence, by kind of cyborgs.
And they try to destroy all kind of links of the humanity with its essence.
And that is an essence that is the very, very negative, absolutely negative, satanic plan.
And they need, in order to keep attention elsewhere, they need some enemy.
And they have designated Russia as enemy number one.
It helps to them to deplace attention from the real crimes they commit.
And in the case of Trump, that is trying to reaffirm, reassert America.
To regain its almost lost popularity and the greatness, restored greatness, they try to intimidate him by completely false accusation and hoaxes of Russian intervention in its elections.
So they are globalists.
They try to control everybody.
They try, they want to divide the people and the countries.
Not because some of countries or regimes are wrong or commit some horrible acts, but because in the agenda of globalists, they should be exposed as such, because they serve for their creation of global world government.
You can run on for a long time, run on for a long time, run on for a long time.
John Rappaport back here for our last segment here in the fourth hour at InfoWars.
Yeah, this thing about independence, you know, it's a little tricky.
You got these folks out there in La La Land where I used to live.
No more.
Called California and they wanted to secede because Trump won or something, whatever it was.
They wanted to get out from under something.
They wanted to go global.
For all I know, maybe they wanted to become some kind of an adjunct with China because Governor Brown, he might be the first president of the independent country of California 2.0, yes.
With headquarters in Burlingame or Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, yes.
We, the high-tech chiefs of the universe, now run a separate country.
Let's see how many billions of dollars you guys actually have at your disposal to start a new country.
Let's just see if you know the meaning of the word independent, as in independent country.
That's a term you should have learned, I don't know, seventh grade.
And you're all, of course, you know, IQs through the roof must be right.
So let's see how you do.
Independently, independent of federal money, tax breaks, subsidies, loopholes, backroom deals, whatever, what have you, whatever, you know, but mainly free of government aid.
Wait a minute, that's not part of what being independent means.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, it is.
Actually, you see, it is part of what being independent actually means.
That you're not sucking up all that federal money anymore.
Yeah, but we need that federal money.
Well, that's a different question.
See, you've got need over here defined by you.
And then you've got independent over here as it actually exists.
And you're saying that you want to be independent, but you have a great need.
You know, it's a little tap dance that you're doing, right?
Talking to the, you know, the big conchos in Silicon Valley who would certainly, you know, want to take over, I guess, an independent country in California after the secession.
You boys just don't have it straight, you see.
You can't have it both ways.
We are strong, fearless, and independent, and we stand for virtue signaling 24-7, and that's our entire policy.
And we have a great need at the same time for, you know, tax money, federal money, federal programs, all kinds of stuff.
Cream off the top of what we need.
No, doesn't work.
Doesn't work that way.
Well, we can't possibly run an independent country unless we're dependent.
Isn't that obvious?
Yeah, it's becoming obvious.
And that, you see, folks, that's where the leading globalist state in the United States, California, is going.
Right down the toilet.
Take a lesson, Governor Brown.
It's been great being with you again.
This is John Rappaport for Alex and InfoWars in the fourth hour.
Thank you very much.
See you next time.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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