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Name: 20170731_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 31, 2017
3370 lines.

Alex Jones discusses a variety of topics such as U.S company profit growth, Russia reducing U.S diplomats, Trump's approval rating, potential HBO show "Confederate", use of stingrays by police departments, Japan's free market ideals, communism and socialism, Venezuela's civil unrest, Brazil's Operation Car Wash, North Korea crisis, tour of U.S Pacific Missile Defense Center, political correctness, globalist control, dangers of technology, spiritual enslavement, Antonio Sabato Jr.'s Congress run, rigged elections, microchipping humans, robotic bankers, facial recognition technology, Google's credit and debit card access, career politicians, Prostate Miracle, ProCoin cryptocurrency, presidential debates, iodine deficiencies, fluoride in water supply, and Z-Shield detoxifier. He also promotes products such as toothpaste, fully cooked bacon, humic and fulvic acid concentrates, purified water, radio advertising for businesses, Oral Care Super Silver Oral Care Package, microchipping humans, Greentech Automotive, Cal Bend Soap Company sales and InfoWars.

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I've been everywhere, man.
I've been everywhere, man.
Across the desert, there, man.
I've breathed the mountain air, man.
I've traveled like I had my share, man.
I've been everywhere.
The world is a dangerous place.
Not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I'm a killer, I've been everywhere, man.
Well, we're going to take you everywhere today here on the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer filling in for Alex, but you will be hearing from Alex today.
We've got a couple of guests, Antonio Sabato Jr., as well as Joy Villa.
But I'm going to hit every headline that I think is important here before we roll on here.
So this is what you can expect from the show today.
companies post profit growth not seen in six years.
From the Wall Street Journal, so there you go, more stock records, more business surging, more confidence highs since Trump has become president.
You didn't really see these headlines under Obama.
Dow hits record high as Wall Street cheers strong earnings season.
Yeah, the Wall Street records continue to reach new highs, whether you think that's good or bad, regardless, it keeps happening.
Seven ways Trump is taking back America's culture from Dr. Susan Barry.
That one's from Breitbart, yes.
We'll highlight those ways, just certain culture wars that Trump is changing that now we don't need to be so politically correct about things like transgenders and abortion.
We can have open conversations and open dialogue about it.
Russia defends slashing U.S.
mission as hope fades of better ties.
So these U.S.
diplomats, Russian diplomats, the relationship is not getting better.
They're being removed from countries.
So clearly as you can see, folks, as the United States stock market is increasing, gas is falling, prices here.
That's bad for Russia.
We've got U.S.
diplomats, Russia diplomats, leaving their countries.
So clearly Trump is a Russian agent and is colluding with Russia.
That only makes sense.
That's only what the logical thinking mind would assume.
And a 39% approval rating.
This is his lowest, I think, yet.
I don't understand this one.
It seems to me like he's getting more popular.
This might be more of an indication of Congress's popularity.
So it'll be interesting to see.
But one way he can get his popularity up, I can't find, oh, here we go, is to actually start investigating some of these crooks like Comey, Clinton, and Lynch.
There's a story from Breitbart House Judiciary asked for new special counsel for Clinton, Comey, and Lynch.
Alex talked yesterday about Representative King from Iowa wanting to open up that investigation.
If President Trump wants to get his popularity up in those polls, that is one guaranteed way to do it, to start investigating Lynch and Comey and Clinton.
I guarantee you that would soar his popularity.
Many Americans are too drugged out to work.
According to these studies you got about six percent of Americans that can't go into work because they're too drugged out or they have some sort of disability.
You can thank that to the chemicals and the food and water and the big farm pushing it down our throats.
This is a funny one.
Hashtag no confederate campaign against HBO slave drama takes off.
So here's the story.
Nobody knew about this.
This is a show that
I think so.
So now HBO is like, hey wait Liberals, we're on the same team.
Don't worry, we're going to make America look bad with this show.
So please, give us a chance.
Put the No Confederate campaign on hold.
You're going to like how bad we make America look with our new special.
Couldn't make it look any worse than Nancy Pelosi does.
She says she believes she will be speaker again and can smell a good midterm election coming up.
These people are so out of touch with reality, it's not even funny.
We're going to hear a report from Alex Jones today on Venezuela.
Venezuela braces for a day of fresh violence in wake of Maduro power grab victory.
So a victory for Maduro and Venezuela, the communist utopia continues to spiral into absolute and total collapse.
WikiLeaks releases thousands of hacked Macron campaign emails.
Wow, well this should be interesting.
I wonder what the internet's going to be doing today.
I wonder if anybody's going to be going through those Macron emails and searching keywords and terms like Soros, I don't know, maybe pizza, something weird like that, a pizza map, I don't know.
We're going to hear a report from Alex Jones on Venezuela when we come back.
More news for you on the other side.
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This is the Info War.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
There are more than 200 large islands in the Pacific Ocean.
But very few of them are as prosperous as the state of Hawaii.
And that's because there's Western culture and Western ideas here.
When you look to the east for stability and free market ideals, you only find one other place.
That has those same values, and that's Japan.
It has the highest gross domestic product in the world per capita for its population.
It has the longest life expectancy of any group in the world.
And they're incredibly honorable, focused, intelligent, dedicated, free-market individuals.
We look at communist China.
We look at communist and socialist Venezuela.
We look at Cuba.
And we see nightmare scourges.
We see countries going from doing pretty good to within a few decades being in nightmare degradation.
It's a fact.
I've been following Venezuela just 40 years ago.
It was the second richest country.
In South America, after Argentina.
And both countries have been imploded by political elites, who didn't want big, rich middle classes, and large, underclasses becoming middle class.
Because they didn't want competition.
With the old saying, as rich as an Argentine, or as Argentinian.
Same thing with Venezuela.
Venezuela, some years, up until the 60s, had higher per capita incomes than people in the US.
But, the people said, you don't have to work anymore.
Communism and Socialism's here.
It's a wonder system.
It's Wonderbomb.
And let's pull down the rich people that have houses on the hills.
Let's get rid of their swimming pools.
Let's let everything free.
Starts with school lunches.
And the state has your kids.
And it produces a nightmare scenario.
Now, after Hugo Chavez died, the country already had big problems.
That's been proven.
Communism can only work with a cult of personality for a little while.
It has descended into madness where the children pray every morning for their school lunch.
First to Jesus, then to their parents.
No foods given.
But then when they pray to Chavez, who's dead, when he was living they did this, then they're given some cereal and milk.
They've nationalized everything.
They put their communist cronies in charge of everything.
And it has descended into hell.
Three years ago,
Three years ago, all of the zoo animals have been eaten.
Before that, all of the domestic pets have disappeared.
Now the pigeons have all disappeared.
This is Venezuela, rich in oil, rich in soil, rich in agriculture, rich in culture.
It was as rich per capita as the United States 50 years ago.
It's culture.
And it isn't that Latin Americans didn't have a free market culture.
It isn't like they didn't want success.
It wasn't like they were stupid either.
They had corrupt elites that got control.
The West, until 500 years ago, was just as corrupt and backward as any African country or any Latin American country.
But the Christian ethos, combining with new free market ideas, dominated.
Took over and created competition.
And you see, modern civilization has come from that.
The idea of better things, the idea of striving, the idea of organizing things around common activities and common choices.
Voting with our dollars, voting with our actions.
And I saw videos today of them assassinating one of the political opposition leaders in Venezuela.
Shooting him during the election today and yesterday.
It's been ongoing for two days.
But a bomb goes off as the motorcade comes by of the communist dictator and then people cheer as it blows up the police.
Notice our communists, Soros types, want to kill police who've done nothing.
Because they want to overthrow our government, overthrow our system.
But there, it's people trying to overthrow the communism.
And whereas I don't like seeing random people being blown up, you see folks bombing Nazis, you see folks bombing communists, you understand the desperateness they're going through, that they don't even have toilet paper in Cuba.
Unless it's in some fancy hotel the Westerners come to in Venezuela, in North Korea.
Because the elites, just like Ceausescu in Romania, want to keep the people down.
It turned out Ceausescu, for his 30-year reign in Eastern Europe, had plenty of power, but he wanted his government center in the middle of the city to have the power after 6 o'clock, when the lights went off, so that only they would see the light of him up there and feel like he was invincible.
What a delusional crazy!
And then I run to people that say, F you.
You don't want us to have our free Obamacare.
Everything's going to be free soon.
When it's the big rich elites that are offshore and corporate executives that are exempt from taxes and have diplomatic immunity, they're the ones pushing this scenario.
Because they're tax exempt.
They want you to get rid of the middle class, steal all the money, transfer it to them, not because they want that money, but because they want to get rid of the ladder up for you into success.
This is what it's really all about.
Ultra-rich using communist and fascist models to consolidate control.
It's crony capitalism.
And now that's understood, and that's why their system's in trouble.
They want prosperity for them, but not prosperity for you.
And that's really the big issue.
What is it about America for all its problems that made the world want to be like it and come there?
And why did the globalists want to hijack it and use it for their control to dominate the planet?
Using our goodwill as a shield, as a disguise, as camouflage for the agenda that they were going to launch.
It's amazing.
How can anybody who I walk up to on the street say, Alex,
They'll walk up and they'll say, you know, how dare you not want me to have free health care?
It's free in England, it's free in Canada, it's free in Cuba.
F you, fascist!
And I go, everybody I know comes here from Canada and the UK and Cuba, they get health care.
Ours isn't perfect, it's become corrupted because corporations have gotten in control of government and made us buy their product through Obamacare.
But, I mean, don't you understand that British health care is horrible?
They don't listen.
They really believe Venezuela's great.
They really believe Cuba's great.
They really believe China's wonderful.
See, if we would just collapse, then it could all be realized.
But it's the West, it's in the way of the dream of communism and the Foxconn suicide nets and forced abortions.
It's because they're liberal at Apple, you know, running Foxconn with the slave stuff.
So, it's okay because they're liberal.
George Soros is a Nazi collaborator and gets ADL awards.
Well, my God, I mean, he's Jewish and a Nazi collaborator, so of course he gets awards from the ADL.
I mean, and then calls everybody else a Nazi who isn't.
You know, that's just how it works in this upside-down, bizarro world.
It's really just a bunch of really wicked, hateful people that feed on the fact that you're asleep and unaware to rule over you, and I just want the con game to stop.
Communism and socialism works wonderfully.
It works for the tyrants that run it, enslaving humanity and turning us into a cash crop, and who enjoy dominating and controlling people, instead of enjoying turning humanity loose.
You see that moon?
Our technology is so advanced now, compared to what it was just 50 years ago, 100 years ago, that
Having colonies on the moon, exploiting its resources, moving the stars, is easier, an easier step in the last 6,000 years of our trials and tribulations, and the trials and tribulations that came before that.
We stand at the precipice, at the edge of the next level.
of human development, but it's up to you to decide if you want to take control of your destiny in your hands and demand that birthright, or if you want the selfish globalists to control you and your family.
As for me and mine, we are moving forward into the future because we believe humanity is beautiful and wonderful and touched by God with a divine mission.
Feel as I feel and see as I see and have research as I have research to understand that.
That we're brothers in arms, we're sisters in arms, we're humans in arms.
No matter what color you are or where you came from, you bleed red blood and you want freedom and you believe in your children, then we're together.
If you stand against that, you're not the devil.
That's an archetype and it exists.
Infowars.com is where the revolution against tyranny starts.
You are where it ends and transcends.
Let's talk about Venezuela as Alex signs off from Hawaii.
He will be back tomorrow.
You may even hear from him live sometime point today and we will hear more from him in the show.
But Venezuela braces for a day of fresh violence in the wake of Maduro power grab victory.
So there's some interesting angles to this.
He claims he had a victory in this election.
The government is claiming they had a huge turnout.
You're hearing different stories from the protesters on the streets.
You're seeing different, uh, the polls that they're taking are indicating different voter turnout.
So who really knows what's going on with that?
What we do know is going on is that communism has filled Venezuela miserably.
That is obvious.
And you have to ask yourself a couple questions here.
You have to ask yourself, well, one, why isn't
The world news stage covering this as much, and I'm glad you have that Nikki Haley tweet up, we'll cover that in a second, but you don't really see too much on the news.
You see the reports, you see the B-roll, and it's just, this is happening in Venezuela!
Yeah, civil war is breaking out in Venezuela.
Communism has failed.
Why isn't anyone interjecting?
Why isn't the UN interjecting?
Ten protesters were killed.
Where are all these international front groups for humanity?
Where are they?
And then Nikki Haley tweets out, who is the US ambassador to the UN by the way,
She's such a great ambassador.
She told Syria that we're going to blame anything that happens in Syria on your leader Assad and then start war with you.
She tweets, Maduro's sham election is another step towards dictatorship.
We won't accept an illegal government.
The Venezuelan people and democracy will prevail.
Okay, so why aren't we interjecting?
We go into the Middle East, we go into Afghanistan, we go into everywhere in the Middle East and we raid there.
We've bombed 18 countries, I think, in the last 20 years, probably illegally.
Nothing for the people in Venezuela.
Nothing about the civil war there that Nikki Haley even says is a result from an illegal government.
And now, thanks to communism, Venezuela has fallen apart and a civil war is going down.
Meanwhile, in Brazil, you have Operation Car Wash going on.
What we need to be doing here, like draining the swamp, we need to make it a legal matter.
And that's why this story, House Judiciary asks for new special counsel for Clinton, Comey, and Lynch, is so big.
Yeah, and Susan Rice, and Brennan, and Clapper, and McCain, all those crooks!
Pelosi, they're all crooks!
We need to drain that swamp.
We'll be right back.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer filling in.
All right, so here in America, we're at a turning point tonight with forces now forming an alliance to try and remove President Trump from office.
It's that serious.
This is not a diversionary tactic.
This stuff is real here.
This coup, this silent coup that is taking place is real.
A soft coup is underway right here in the United States of America in an attempt to overturn November's election results and forcibly remove a duly elected president from office.
Sinister forces quickly aligning in what is becoming now, in my mind, a clear and present danger.
I got to go into the Congress and spend three hours from 930 in the evening to 1230 a.m.
with one of the senior ranking members of Congress.
And he told me, and of course this is what I said on CBN but they cut it out, but I'm going to go public with this because we have to.
He said, there is a plot on Capitol Hill to take the president out.
I said, you mean by impeachment or by indictment?
He said, no, to take him out.
This is an effort to subvert the administration of President Donald Trump.
It is nothing less.
It is an effort by the deep state to roll over a duly elected president and a legitimate government and to break the will of the American people.
I'm not overconfident, I'm not underconfident.
Roger, they're going to pull some stuff.
Obama's in for two months.
And now they're saying they want to unseat the elected president because he's a Russian agent and you've got the CIA in the middle of this.
With Obama saying we've got evidence they were involved.
There's really no way to overstate the unprecedented peril that this country and this world is in right now.
Unprecedented with the CIA involved and electors getting ready to vote against Trump and all this other garbage I'm here to tell you.
Under continuity of government systems, if there really was someone put in by the Russians, then the directives are to move to remove them.
This is the cover they need inside government to pretend they're a bunch of patriots and try to organize enough people out of agencies to make a move against Trump to remove him or even assassinate him.
And it could go a lot of different ways.
They announce the electors aren't going for Trump.
Next time he gets on board his plane, it blows up.
And they'll just say it's a conspiracy theory, we don't know why it blew up, don't ask why it blew up.
That's how brazen they are.
Because they want a riot, they want a civil war, then they can bring in their control because they can't win a peaceful information war.
You have a politicization of the agencies that is resulting in leaks from anonymous, unknown people.
And the intention is to take down a president.
Now, this is very dangerous to America.
It's a threat to our republic.
It constitutes a clear and present danger to our way of life.
Government bureaucrats, particularly within the intelligence community, have launched a soft coup aimed at the Trump administration.
You can read between the lines.
I said, look, I said that's not going to happen.
He said, he said, well really there's nothing we can do to stop it.
I said we are going to stop it because we're going to mobilize the body of Christ to pray.
And the best description of it is by Barry Kesselman in his blog where he said this is a coup d'etat.
He said 14 million citizens in private ballots picked Donald Trump.
20 TV executives have decided to destroy him.
This is no longer a
About Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals, this is about a full-on assault by the left, the Democratic Party, to absolutely carry out a coup d'etat against President Trump.
Breaking developments involving North Korea.
Tonight they have launched an intercontinental ballistic missile and this evening experts now saying that this missile went higher and further than before.
Kim Jong-un claims they are now able to hit the entire United States at any time.
Are we in range?
Is it that simple?
Yeah, we probably are.
And if we're not, we will be in range in a month or two.
It looks like this thing can go about 10,000 kilometers.
That means, from North Korea, they could hit most of the United States.
So they've finally done it.
The world is in shock after yesterday's successful launch of an ICBM by North Korea's dictator, Kim Jong-un.
He had previously threatened that he had missiles that were able to hit the U.S.
mainland, including places like Chicago.
And now NASA as well as Japanese authorities have looked at the trajectory of yesterday's test missile and confirmed it can hit most of the United States and maybe even New York City all the way on the East Coast.
On top of all of this, Kim Jong-un is now threatening to nuke the United States as well as attacking U.S.
Carrier Task Force strike groups that are in the Pacific Ocean.
We're here in Hawaii, which had previously been the closest area of the United States that Kim Jong-un had proven that he could hit.
Now we're about to drive to the other side of the island to show you the United States Pacific Missile Defense Center that has supersonic interceptor missiles able to shoot down not just Kim Jong-un's ICBMs, but also Russia's and China's.
Intruder alert!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
These people are coming for everybody!
We're here at the Pacific Missile Range.
This is the furthest western island, major inhabited island of the Hawaiian chain, Kauai.
And on the western edge of this, we are standing on the furthest western piece of U.S.
Just a few thousand miles away is the island of Japan.
And then, of course, North Korea is just southwest of there.
North Korea now has long-range missiles, reportedly, that can hit areas of Alaska and Hawaii, and that are reportedly trained on the island of Kauai, where we're standing here today.
Incredibly fast interceptor missiles, anti-missile missiles, can be fired from this facility.
At reportedly over Mach 5.
Of course a lot of their speeds are classified.
Some estimations are they have missiles that can go Mach 6, Mach 7.
And then go up and intercept an ICBM or other missile fired from North Korea.
Now of course there's also nuclear weapons clearly stationed here.
And down the road there are missile silos that can fire ICBMs and other systems.
So this is
One of the main missile bases protecting the United States, not just from North Korea, but also from Russia and the big threat, Communist China.
And that's why it makes me so angry to see the Clintons calling Trump a traitor and saying that he somehow has violated our national security, all this made-up crap.
When it's the Clintons in the mid-1990s that transferred via Laurel and Hughes, the entire system
...for long-range ICBMs and help the Communist Chinese get their long march off the ground and into space and then back into re-entry with the MIRV technology.
So from the launch technology, the guidance, to the re-entry devices, to warhead miniaturization, our government, under the Clintons, traitorously transferred that to China, who then gave it to North Korea.
And the Clintons directly gave nuclear reactors that can produce atomic bombs to North Korea as well.
Think about that, ladies and gentlemen.
They could have given them other reactors in the deals, but they couldn't have made the fissile material.
This is the true real-world treason, and there is no statute of limitations on that.
And that's why Attorney General Sessions needs to go after them for the real crimes they've committed.
As a father of four children, as someone who loves my family but also loves being alive and loves living in a free country, it makes me sick
To see this leftover of the communist era, this failure, this little pig-like, goblin-like demon, this little nobody, this man-child with nuclear weapons and missiles to deliver them because of the globalists, because of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Even mainstream media admits they literally are responsible for all of it.
These people are a plague upon our country.
They have sold us out to everyone.
They have sold us out to every authoritarian they could because they have kinship with other authoritarians.
It's their spirit.
They hate America.
They hate bitter clingers.
They hate Christians.
They hate flyover country.
And now our entire nation and the world is in danger of thermal nuclear war because of their evil.
And MSM is somehow blaming Trump for what's happening with Kim Jong-un, a third-generation dictator now threatening to preemptively strike the United States and pushing Trump to move in the next few months.
And I'm betting Trump will move against North Korea because we have no other choice.
Interesting thought process I had here.
Could Trump be posing himself, posturing himself against North Korea to look at the secrets and where they got this nuclear information from?
the Clintons?
A reason to go after the Clintons?
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Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Folks, go to InfoWarsStore.com and take advantage of this special today because it is the last day for the last week of July's specials.
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That includes the Silver Bullet Colloidal Silver, Super Blue Fluoride-Free Toothpaste, and this is the key, a powered toothbrush that has bristles impregnated with silver to keep the bad bacteria off.
I didn't even think about this, that toothbrush that you're putting in your mouth, you're brushing with, bacteria gets on the tips.
Under $35, you get the toothpaste, the colloidal silver, and the electronic toothbrush with the silver impregnated tips to keep the bad bacteria off the end of your bristles.
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That all comes to an end once July is over.
Today's the last day of July, so be sure to take advantage of the last week of July specials.
Now, you may be asking yourself, what in the hell is going on on planet Earth?
Do the people on the mainstream news live in reality?
Do people on the streets even know what's going on?
What is going on?
How is it that the government has complete control over my lives?
They want control of my car.
They want control of my health care.
They want control of my washing machine.
They just want full control.
What is going on?
Well, Alex Jones debates, what is this reality?
Are we living in a matrix?
Here's Alex Jones.
The Federation of American Scientists released a recently declassified document where DARPA was projecting forward in the 1970s, it was declassified in the late 1990s, to where we would leave our bodies, basically, and live through machines that we inhabited or avatars.
Those can be biological androids as well, not just mechanical, but biological or biomechanical.
And they talked about putting people in tanks and using the heat from your bodies to be self-sufficient and to power the virtual reality.
And then the social engineers could end all the war.
And the social engineers could control everything in the whole hive mind.
Now, what we're really talking about here is an attempt by globalists who want to play God
Basically mad scientists who create artificial realities.
If you go to Times Square, you see Madison Avenue and the PR Masters trying to create a false reality with the big TV screens and the lights encompassing you.
Or you can put on the VR for yourself.
But everything Zuckerberg and everything Google and everything Apple have been admittedly doing is about putting you into their artificial realities to then control the stimuli to be able to program your mind the way they want.
And one of their biggest assaults now, through the schools and educational systems, has been taking over religion.
And then denigrating it and saying humans don't have any free will, we're just machines to be programmed.
But they don't really believe that.
They understand that the main religious expressions of spirituality are people's seeking for higher unknowns.
And what would be magic 5,000 years ago is just science today.
So it's the great human potential.
That is just a projection of the attempt at spirituality, grasping the oldness of humanity, the oldness of creation, the oldness of the creator itself.
And so their big assault now is to go from saying there is no such thing as something bigger, to having top billionaires and globalists come out all over the news and say, reality is virtual, something's created it, and it's a slave master.
You see it in Scientific American, you see it in all these other big publications, where they say, oh, NASA and all these scientists and radio telescopes have found our forces hundreds of times stronger than this third dimension, putting it in place, controlling it, and that it's artificial.
Then they say, we're going to create new realities through VR and through human brain interface.
With machines that are going to be greater and bigger and more advanced than this reality.
So they're now waging war on the third dimension.
And on our minds interfacing in the third dimension.
And our higher thoughts going into fourth, fifth and sixth level.
Like you're doing quantum mechanics, which has been proven fact.
And the visions of our minds then put into matter, creating energy, artificial black holes, atomic weapons.
That's a 117-year-old equation.
And they understand they're unlocking all this and don't want the general public to have access to it, so they're creating with the video games and with the simulations and with all the fake culture of celebrity and all your fake friends and all the fake bots.
The artificiality that can slowly suck you into it and out of the real world and out of your real consciousness and awareness to the wider universe and that electrical interdimensional connection from the past, present and future that you're connected to, they want to seal you off and pull you out of that Godhead that you're interfacing with.
So they've gone from there is no religion, there is nothing real, you're not a spiritual creature, to, oh, you are a spiritual creature in our matrix, and you go from the TV sets that you trust in the 50s, to the computer screens, to the Google glasses, to the VR, into the false reality, and you have your fake friends, most of them are bots, most of them are fake avatars, psychologically keeping you helpless, keeping you in their system.
That's in Facebook's own documents.
Came out six months ago in January.
How they want to keep you helpless, how they see you as pathetic, how they want to wall you off into a VR, and then make the VR uglier and uglier and uglier, but only once you're trapped in it, driving you deeper into the VR, believing you're going to find the way out, going down that rabbit hole, a rabbit hole they control, a universe they control, a Google system that you tell your every secret to, that you search information on.
Where you eat, where you're going, where you're looking for schools, what your medical issues are, who you're talking to, you're being read.
Everything's being tracked.
Not just by government, but by the corporations themselves, so they can predict the future, and add stimuli, and then manipulate the future.
And then they tell you, oh, Hawaii's too beautiful.
I had folks who went to me repeatedly while I've been here and said, Alex, it's the Matrix, isn't it?
This isn't real.
Saw double rainbow yesterday morning.
Caught it on tape.
People said, it's not real, Alex.
It's not real, and that's the slogan of Super Deluxe of Time Warner.
It says nothing's real, it's all a simulation, have fun with your buddies, tuck in tonight, don't live in the real world, because it's not real.
They will create a reality for you, and they will program it, and they will teach you, and they will henpeck you, and they will brutalize you, and they will bully you until you submit to what they want.
And so think of computers as great double-edged swords, but the way they're given to us, the Trojan horses,
They're systems of control, and we need to be aware of that with our human consciousness and take control of these systems to empower ourselves, not to be enslaved by it.
The transhumanists came out of the failed eugenics movement that Hitler discredited.
This is admitted.
Aldous Huxley's brother, Julian Huxley, headed up the UN program, UNESCO, and they said, we will change it to transhumanism.
Well, transhumanism now means let the elite program you, and build the new interface, and say you're obsolete.
And all debate is over, they control that debate, they claim.
When in truth, a real transhumanist would say, we're always changing our environment, we're always changing, and have a real debate about what's being done, and move through this for human choice, and decide how we want to become transcendent.
Which is what God has always planned for us.
They are creating the false transcendence.
Everything they do is a counterfeit.
And they know this.
And everything is trying to keep you from their connection to God.
With the priests, the Pharisees, they put in front of you.
That's all that Christ taught.
Is to keep you under their man's intercessor control.
And people that are fallen.
And want to dominate and control you.
And tell you that you need them to find God.
That you need them to have all the answers, that you need to buy into Hollywood, that you need to buy into the rock stars, that you need to buy into the things that they're putting on and they're saying their reality so they can play God so you can be their slave.
Let's walk down here to the beach.
Think about that.
Think about that long and hard.
Think about how fast the change is coming and how it's been pre-programmed, how the movies you saw 30 years ago have now come true.
Again, they're preparing you and then posing as if they're the gods that created it, when all the Zuckerbergs and Schmitz are are people that took control of human technology and development and taxpayer-funded research here in the West.
To build this system for them to basically escape their humanity, which they say they hate,
For them to escape their humanity and become transcendent, we have to die.
And that's what they tell you in Arthur C. Clarke's 2001 Space Odyssey.
We have to deal with ourselves first and then the machines, that final showdown.
And they believe they're preparing themselves for that showdown by merging with it and have already made these decisions and have not involved you and are now conditioning you and preparing you to go along with their system.
The only way they're able to do it, is if you willingly give up your free will, and listen to the Pied Piper, and follow their tune, and consciously sign on to the tyranny.
But it's done by increment, and it's done deceptively, just in fables as the vampire tricks you to invite him into the house.
Now, a big understanding from my perspective on this,
Is that this is a launch pad, a great reality, a real reality, a physical reality, but there is a larger electrochemical spiritual reality that's been documented, projected through us.
Like they call it the Earth suits we're wearing.
And again, the enemy knows that and wants to pull us out of our bodies experiencing God's creation that is real, that is physical, that is transcendent, that is ancient, and is only a stepping stone or training wheels to the larger destiny of our species.
And that destiny the globalists have sold is evil and bad and that must fall and free will must fall for them to use us as stepping stones instead of humanity
Working together in that great test.
It's totally selfish, it's totally evil, but they see this incredibly advanced power.
And they see all the incredible developments that the average person, that the commoners developed through their hopes and their dreams and their vision, and they want to covetously control that.
And destroy free will.
So, let's just spend a minute or two just looking at that beautiful sunset that just went down here at Hanalei Bay.
There's Puff the Magic Dragon.
That's where they wrote the book.
There's his head.
There's his neck going back.
And just think about everything the globalists give you, everything they sell you, hurts your IQ, lowers your IQ, damages your brain, everything they do with the screen time, everything they do with the video games.
And I'm not criticizing people that play five hours of video games a day.
The point is, it is killing us.
People don't go out and talk as much as they did.
All you see is glowing blue screens inside folks' homes.
No one's debating that cell phone radiation isn't giving us brain tumors.
No one's debating that GMO isn't killing us by design.
And it's all done incrementally.
It's all done over time, slowly, just like a Samsung Smart TV in the 25 pages.
When you get it, it has a terms and conditions.
You don't really own it.
And it says, we're watching you and listening to you and selling it to third parties, so watch what you say arrogantly.
Counting on your laziness to not actually read what's in your iPhone, what's in the Droid, what's in the...
Smart meters that we 20 years ago began to warn people because engineers 20 years ago were going public and were in trade publications saying your scientific Atlantic cable boxes, your new smart meters on the side of your house interface wirelessly with everything with code breaking technology and download it and Enron was involved at the time and is selling the data to everybody in the test markets in California.
Now they've gone in more than half the homes and they admit the whole plan.
But people, 20 years ago, couldn't believe Big Brother would do that.
They would have rebelled.
But incrementally, we accepted it.
That's why I was warning 20 years ago, up front, trying to stop it.
But we didn't stop it.
And now I'm going to tell you what's coming next, and where this leads, if we let them have control.
It leads.
...to capturing you in an artificial reality incrementally until you lose your very consciousness and become a spiritual slave.
They traffic in the souls of men.
They traffic in the souls of men.
That's in Revelation.
The image of the beast can be seen all over the world at the same time, projected three-dimensionally, and they all worshiped it.
What is it they will worship?
Because you're going to have to buy into the system and worship the system to be popular in it with a global social score, which China, the UN, and Davos have all announced.
Where if you don't play ball with their system and accept all their cultural mores and everything, you will be shut off and starved and destroyed.
They're gonna take your children, they're gonna force-medicalize you, most of the public's gonna have cancer, you're gonna have to accept it and not say it's the government, there's gonna be brain damage and mental illness exploding, but don't worry, there'll be super high-powered drugs and all sorts of other garbage and fake narcissism and a spirit of evil, a Jezebel spirit.
Of just loving it, and going along with it, and all these fake gods of Hollywood, and all these fake icons they're gonna give you, telling you they're successful because they threw themselves in the open pit of this.
So let's contemplate on that for a moment, and then I'm gonna come back in just a second as that sun sets on the Pacific Ocean, on what's real.
You know, and this is already going on, and it's infiltrated Western medicine now, where you've got heart disease rampant, you know, cancer rampant, mental illness rampant, all these things skyrocketing, and everybody just wants to virtue signal and say, oh, I'm raising awareness, I wore this colored bow on my lapel, I donated money here, and we're not actually addressing the root issue where
For example, my dad is in town this weekend and he's talking about how he's got high blood pressure and all this, and his doctor says, you need to lay off the bacon and eggs.
Doesn't even care to ask him if he drinks cola, high fructose corn syrup, every day.
Which he does!
And so my dad's like, oh, I got this going on.
I'm like, did your doctor tell you to quit drinking soda every day?
Well, no, he didn't mention it.
It's the high fructose corn syrup, folks.
It's the processed foods.
It's the GMOs.
They want to say it's steak and bacon and eggs and just good food that you want to eat.
People have been eating that for centuries!
And you didn't have heart disease skyrocketing.
You didn't have all of these, you know, cancer skyrocketing and all this stuff.
It's the processed foods.
It's the fake chicken.
Literally, if you eat chicken from a fast food restaurant, that chicken was probably rotted and had to be doused in chlorine just so you could eat it.
Oh, but yeah, I'm sure it's steak and eggs that is leading to heart disease.
No, it's the high fructose corn syrup in almost everything that people eat and drink.
And we've got more news on The Matrix, folks, on the other side of this hour.
It's pretty incredible what Alex was just talking about, and then in the news today,
You've got more news talking about Facebook with facial recognition and what Google is doing to track consumer behavior.
It ought to be considered illegal.
We'll be right back with more of the Alex Jones Show.
This is Owen Schroer.
We're back on the other side.
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They use their media to assassinate Real News.
They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler.
They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again.
And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance.
All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia, to smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding, until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness.
And when that happens, they'll use it as an excuse for their outrage.
The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom, is to fight this violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth.
I'm the National Rifle Association of America, and I'm freedom's safest place.
How can you not laugh at an absolute daughter-in-fool like Nancy Pelosi who thinks she's going to, uh, unless, I mean, these things are completely rigged, folks.
They just rig them.
That's how Nancy Pelosi stays in office.
Regardless, folks, please go to InfoWarsTore.com and take advantage of the last week of July specials.
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When does your dentist tell you about, you know, maybe getting silver or iodine into your toothpaste to help you with oral
Oral health.
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That's InfoWarsStore.com.
Take advantage of those specials.
Alright, before we launch into the next hour, I just wanted to cover some news and entertainment.
So, first of all, this is funny to me.
So, Game of Thrones is about to end, apparently.
I don't know.
I don't watch it.
But, the next thing that HBO was planning to launch after Game of Thrones was a show called Confederate.
Now, nobody even knows about this, and this just goes to show you how conservative media is now dominating the talking points.
Conservative media now controls the minds and the hearts of America.
Uh, so then, so Rush Limbaugh talks about this show, Confederate, and he has a dialogue on his show about what's gonna happen.
Now, all of a sudden, in this show, Confederate reaches the mainstream, because, again, conservatives control narrative now.
They control the hearts and minds of America.
And this is the funniest thing.
So the show is supposed to be about modern-day America if the Confederate Army had won.
Of course, you would assume the liberals at HBO were gonna try to find a way to make America look bad in this deal.
That's what I assumed.
But the liberals on social media
Assumed opposite.
I guess they assumed it was going to be racist or whatever.
I don't know.
So the same liberals went on to Twitter and started hashtag no confederate campaign.
So now all the liberal fans of HB are saying don't do this show.
It's going to be racist.
You're going to depict America bad or whatever.
I don't know what they're thinking.
But they don't want anything to do with this show.
You can't show American history.
You can't show it.
They hate American history.
You're racist if you have a Confederate show that depicts slavery.
But then HBO says, whoa, hold on.
Don't worry.
Hold on.
Give us a chance.
Give our writers a chance.
We're going to make America look bad.
We're going to make America look bad in this series, so give it a chance.
And then you have Roseanne.
Roseanne is coming back with a new show.
It's supposed to feature a gender-creative 9-year-old son.
I thought this was going to be a conservative show.
I wouldn't be shocked if that gender-creative 9-year-old son is actually a joke, a parody, on how ridiculous the concept of a 9-year-old being gender-neutral is.
But we'll see.
We know liberals dominate television.
We'll be right back.
More of the Alex Jones Show.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If there's one thing that Trump has done, it's exposed Congress as the complete miserable failure that it is.
These congressmen have a letter next to their name, an R or a D, and we've been led to believe that they represent different things.
They represent different teams, essentially, and they're battling for the future of America.
But you see, what Trump has done is he's exposed the members of Congress for what they are.
Actually, they're all in the same uniform.
They're all on the same team, just posing as enemies.
And so that's what Trump has done.
And do not be confused for one second, folks.
When you see these health care votes go 51-49 every time, that's the Republicans working together and manipulating it.
Believe me, Mitch McConnell had the three women vote no to stop it on purpose, so it could look like the women who care.
And I think that John McCain, I'll try to be easy on McCain the insane, I think he's so brain dead now, I think he's so
Literally just brain dead.
That he didn't even realize that he was supposed to vote yes in the last one and voted no.
So he screwed that up and ended up being 52 instead of 51.
But now you've got Nancy Pelosi who says,
She's a master legislator, she believes she will be speaker again, and she can smell a good midterm election.
Folks, I gotta tell ya, again, if Donald Trump has done anything, which he's done a lot, but he's exposed to most of America how fake Congress is, how fake these politicians like Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Susan Collins, the list goes on and on, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, on and on and on, you know the swamp by now.
He's exposed them as fakes.
He's exposed them as a big fat waste of government taxpayers posing as congressmen.
So, now I'm starting to see this actually manifest itself.
I try to listen to the Washington Journal every morning.
It's a C-SPAN program where they take phone calls.
And every day the level of, not necessarily support for Trump, but disgust with Congress goes up and up and up.
Every day they're just chipping away a new Democrat, a new Republican caller.
Every day.
Congress doesn't do anything.
These representatives lied to us.
Congress lied.
They're not actually coming through with their campaign promises.
Why won't they let Trump do this?
Why won't they let Trump do that?
How come they wanted to be against this and four years ago now they're for it?
It goes on and on and on.
The hearts and minds of America
Are we?
Who are scared you-know-what-less because President Trump is an outsider who got in, not a controlled politician, blowing up the status quo, making new people want to run for politics, so now the swamp is terrified that their livelihood is about to collapse under them.
Here's Dianne Feinstein now, she's hopped back on the bash-Trump-all-day wagon, calling for impeachment.
That'd be great.
Oh, the beginning of the end of his presidency, he would be firing Mueller.
Priebus, recently fired, was the one who appointed Rosenstein, who was the one that appointed Mueller.
Hold on.
So, Priebus, leaker, out.
I think by chain of command then, everybody under him should be out too.
So that would be Rosenstein and Mueller.
Get them out.
Mueller hired a team full of Clinton lawyers.
Oh, but yeah, Feinstein, Trump's the one who should be worried about justice.
We'll see how those tables turn here.
We'll be right back with more of the Alex Jones Show.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
I'm calling it Make Congress Great Again 2018.
And part of that equation will be Antonio Sabato Jr.
We are now joined by Antonio Sabato.
You may recognize him from television or some certain Calvin Klein ads.
Maybe the women recognize those.
And he will be running against a Democrat incumbent, Julia Brownlee, in the 26th District of California.
Antonio, thanks for joining us today.
Hey, thank you for having me, my friend.
Appreciate it.
So one trend that I'm seeing right now in California that I'd like to get your opinion on, you represent this trend, is some energized Republicans kind of raising the ranks here, getting in the eye of the average voter in California, obviously yourself, Omar Navarro is another one we've talked about, but just talk about
Where you see the congressional election in 2018, the midterms, where do you see California going with this?
It's so blue, it's so dominated by Democrats, but I feel like the average person isn't buying the Democrat-Republican thing and they're just looking for a guy or a girl who's just a real person.
Well, my friend, I just got back from Washington, D.C.
I spent a few days in Congress at the White House.
And I've seen a lot of enthusiasm toward me and Omar and trying to change the state back to red.
I think things are changing rapidly.
My campaign, I can speak for myself, my campaign is going really well.
As a matter of fact, go to VoteAntonio.com.
Please go there and join the cause because we can win this.
There's only a few seats available in California right now.
And mine is winnable.
We can get this seat back.
So I'm going to fight my hardest to get it back.
You see, a long time ago, California was a red state.
And I think California is dealing with a lot of issues, a lot of problems, and we've got to take care of them.
This is not about me, the celebrity actor, joining to be in Congress.
This is about our country, the future, and the stability of this nation that is so great and has been so good to me.
Well, see, and you represent a new class of politicians that I kind of like to compare to Trump, where you're saying, I'm putting my life on hold, I'm putting my career on hold, which isn't a career politician, and I'm going to do something for this country because I believe it's necessary.
I believe that this is what the country needs, and I think that I can do something to make the country better.
Of course, once you announced you were running, you pretty much got blacklisted from Hollywood, so it is kind of the same paradigm.
View this as an opportunity to better your country, not better yourself.
Oh, absolutely.
My 30 years of my career as an actor has gone down the tubes.
I put everything on the line because I love my nation.
I mean, look, we voted professional politicians for the last, I don't know how many years, and look where they got us.
We need people who love our nation, love our country, who are not going to work for the lobbyists, for the money, for the interests.
This is about getting together and making laws, working together for the people, not the other way around.
And I feel like we have great laws in the books.
We have the greatest nation in the world.
So we've got to fight for our country.
And that's exactly what I'm doing.
And I'm going to fight against the establishment.
I'm going to fight for common sense.
And I'm going to fight for the greatest nation in the world, which is America.
Well, common sense, unfortunately, isn't so common these days.
But so much of the swamp does reside in California.
They've been there for so long.
The Jerry Browns, the Maxine Waters, the Nancy Pelosi's, the list goes on and on and on.
I'm sure Julia Brownlee is just right up there with them.
And you talk about this new voter energy, you know, I think just the fact that these people have been around so long and they've seen nothing happen in their communities
That these Democrats have been promising.
No regrowth.
No new jobs.
The poor are still there.
It gets worse.
The homelessness.
The poverty.
It only gets worse.
So now you've got this new energy of voters and I think they're looking for fresh faces.
Well, you know, in the old days, there was a Democratic Party and a Republican Party, and to some degree, they stayed for their own causes.
But right now, we're dealing with the Democratic Party that is actually a socialist party, which is actually far, far to the left.
It's a completely different story, where they want to make government so big, and they want to control everything so much.
And at the end of the day, the people get nothing in return.
And that control, that ego that they carry in that party is crazy, and it's destroying this country.
And that's why we elected President Trump to take care of the situation because he's a businessman.
He's ready to take care of this business because America, you got to take care of it as a business.
You have different structure, different things that if they fall, the whole country falls.
And we almost actually lost it for the last eight years.
So now we're trying to get it back.
So I want to add.
To the solution.
I want to be able to go.
And I actually live in my county, by the way.
I mean, my opponent doesn't even live here.
Not that you have to live in the county, but it'd be nice to have a representative who's here talking to the people.
I'm talking to the Sheriff's Department.
I'm talking to the locals.
I'm talking to the Latinos.
I'm talking to the families.
I open businesses in my county.
I actually care about my county.
I actually care about California.
I don't want to fly back to D.C.
and make promises that I'm never going to keep.
Yeah, and what you just said is so key.
It just shows you the mindset of these Democrats.
They're not even thinking about wherever they're representing.
They couldn't care less.
Kamala Harris?
She probably doesn't even know who she represents.
She just wants to go on the hill, cry about Trump all day, virtue signal, and then hopefully she thinks she can get the nod for the 2020 Democrat presidential election.
I think that they may be leaning that way.
But you know, it's amazing to me, like I said.
They know this.
They know these names.
They've heard these people make promises and they haven't delivered at all.
You know, how could an Antonio Sabato Jr.
or an Omar Navarro or any of these people running against the swamp, how could there not be some energy behind you guys?
I mean, are you seeing it manifested in the streets when you go to your local communities?
Not only in my communities, but in the schools and the churches, everywhere that I've been a part of, to be hanging around real normal folks who want to change.
I am.
They want less government.
They want to go back to work.
I mean, the stock market today, look how high it is.
I mean, the country is doing really well.
My county could be a lot better.
And I want to take care of it.
You know, the AB 109, that policy that my opponent fought for, you know, that releases inmates out of prison in a short amount of time, that's causing a lot of home invasions.
The crime is skyrocketing.
Addiction, which is something that I'm very personally attached to.
You know, the heroin addiction that is overwhelming the entire state is crazy.
She's not doing anything about that.
The veterans who have to wait in line for six to 12 months.
It's crazy.
She's not dealing with that.
The agriculture, you know, she opened the ban for importing citrus in my county, which means it got rid of 40 some thousand jobs.
So they're out of work.
She's not doing anything about that.
There's a lot of things that's going on here.
You know, I'm not a professional politician.
I don't have the best words.
I didn't go to the best colleges, this and that.
But there's one thing for certain.
I will fight the hardest for my country, for common sense, for the American people and the families that live in this community.
Because California is a great state, but it's falling apart over the years.
And we've seen it with a governor like, you know, like Jerry Brown.
Look what he's done.
So I don't want my community, my county to fall apart either.
Now, tell me, are you seeing, right now what I'm seeing with the media and with lifelong politicians is a total freakout.
They're freaking out, Trump is an outsider who's got in, and now he's motivated other outsiders like yourself, Kid Rock, Dr. Shiva, the list goes on and on and on.
Are you seeing the same freakout right now from Julia Brownlee who you're running against?
Are you seeing that same freakout that her livelihood is about to end, her career as a politician, a fake?
The politician is about to end.
Are you seeing that freak out yet?
Yeah, and they're very evil.
They're nasty.
They will pull anything out of their hats.
You know, whatever I've done in my career as an actor, bad movies, people that I hung out with, my personal life, which has got nothing to do with what I'm trying to do here.
I'm not trying to be an actor.
I'm trying to be somebody who's going to come into a community and help the community and the families and people who are struggling.
This is the greatest country in the world.
And these Democrats, these socialist people are trying to destroy it with their own hands because they want power.
The ego is overwhelming.
I mean, like I said, I was in Washington, D.C.
and the Republican Party is behind me 100 percent because they need a change.
We need to support our party and we need to make sure that California turns red again.
Even if it means one county as small as Ventura County and then we'll just spread out because we need to help the people.
The people need us.
They don't need any more lies.
I want to get to something.
My worry about this, this is my biggest worry, because I look at you, I look at the others that are running against the swamp, and I just feel like it's sure victory.
It's just my gut instinct, kind of like Trump, it just feels like it's providence, it's God's will, we have to get you guys in, but my biggest concern
And I don't know how much you want to get into this or if you want to at all.
My biggest concern, to be honest with you Antonio, is just rigged elections.
As you said, these people will do anything.
We had actually, in Las Vegas, some hackers were showing how the voting machines that are used in the American elections today can be hacked in a snap.
And they can change the entire election.
Is that something that worries you?
Is that something that's being addressed at all?
You know, I'm just going to keep God close to me.
I'm going to keep praying.
I'm going to keep asking for his guidance.
And at the end of the day, I'm asking the people to go to VoteAntonia.com.
We need your support.
If we raise enough money,
To really win this at the end of the day, we're going to win this big.
We can't win halfway.
We can't win by a small margin.
We got to win big, huge.
We need to show the Democratic Party that the people want their county back.
They want their families secure.
They want the police department to have everything they need to solve crimes and to help people.
We need education.
We need to help the teachers.
We need to help that.
And by getting me into office,
I will go to Washington, D.C.
I will work with the President.
I will work with the Democrats.
And I'll get things done.
Because I'm not doing this for the money.
I'm not doing this for the lobbyists.
I'm not doing it for the personal interest.
I'm doing it for the American people.
United States of America.
Guarantee it.
I will make it happen.
Well, that's great.
And again, people hear that and they're like, oh, another politician saying money, I need money.
No, no, no.
The point is, it's a campaign.
It's about momentum.
It's about fuel.
It's about putting coffers into the pockets of the people that want to represent you, who are going to spend it to better their campaign and get into office, instead of just put it towards some larger agenda with the group of Democrats who just go to Washington, D.C.
and push for a larger agenda.
So, it's very key to recognize who the local politicians who are running in the midterms are, and then getting behind them, getting your momentum behind them, calling into local stations.
You know, call in to the 26th District local radio stations and say, hey, get Antonio Sabato on.
Talk about Antonio.
We don't want Julia Brownlee anymore.
We'll be right back with Antonio Sabato Jr.
Owen Shore filling in on the other side.
on the Alex Jones Show.
Ruthless offshore elites use their corporate liberal media to attack and demonize any Americans or any independent news that dare challenge their lives.
Five companies own over 90% of the media.
And that's why, whether it's comedy shows, award shows, Hollywood, TV entertainment, the news, it doesn't matter.
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And it gets worse.
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Mainstream media is now legitimizing the use of violence against anyone that opposes the globalist takeover, and against anyone who's actually trying to make this nation great again.
They are absolutely intensifying their efforts, screaming homophobe, xenophobe, racist, to make them march, to make them go out on the streets and assault viciously anyone trying to exercise their free speech.
International criminals like George Soros are openly pushing for civil insurrection in America that will lead to civil war.
The beatings, the stabbings, the shootings, the burning cars, the looting of shops, the execution of police officers.
All of this leads to the destabilization, to the martial law that the deep state and the globalists say they need to bring in their final takeover of America.
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Well, Antonio Sabato Jr.
is putting it all on the line for a chance to represent America in Congress, for a chance to get in there and drain the swamp.
Literally put his career on the line for this, folks.
And he's one of a lot of people doing this, and these are the people we need to get in.
Antonio Sabato Jr., thanks for joining us today.
I want to talk about sanctuary cities and what issue that might pose to your constituents.
We had a
Fans submit a video from Santa Ana where there's a sanctuary city that's literally just a tent city.
I've heard about that in San Francisco.
This is basically a huge problem right now for California.
No, it is a huge problem to have any sanctuary cities.
It's unbelievable to me that we're even talking about this.
We're giving more rights for people to come from other countries here who are not here as American citizens.
And we're allowing this to happen.
The crime, the drugs, everything they're bringing in here.
Sanctuary cities should not exist, period.
You know, you should come here, do the legal procedure.
Get inside the United States because you want to speak the language.
You want to get a better future for yourself and for your family.
Do it legally because we have laws that are good in the books, but now they're allowing people to come and do exactly what you're showing right now.
This is incredible to me that we live in this society where this is allowed.
And the Democrats are fighting to have sanctuary cities.
It's crazy to me.
So I will fight against it.
I believe the sanctuary cities should not exist in the United States.
So my only reasoning would be, well, why do Democrats want this so badly?
By the way, that video was submitted by Latino Heat in Santa Ana, California.
Those are illegals, by the way.
That's full of illegals.
That's non-citizens that are getting taxpayer dollars.
So you say, why would the Democrats want to support this?
Well, my reasoning would be they want their vote.
I mean, are you worried about that too?
Again, I know that you say, let's pray about the issue, we believe that we'll have a fair election, but I mean, they want these people to vote!
Not only do they want their vote, I think they want confusion and chaos.
The more chaos there is in this country, the more they can round out people and create this illusion.
Because I can help you.
I'm a Democrat.
I can help you because there's so much fire and confusion and chaos in this department.
I can help you.
So as long as everything is struck in a mess, the Democrats will fight to manipulate people from head to toe.
And that's what they've been trying to do for a long time.
But the American people have seen it.
For the last eight years, probably longer, and they said, enough is enough.
We know what's best for our country.
And that's what they voted in the elected President Trump.
Because they don't want a politician anymore who makes promises.
It creates more chaos from chaos.
And I'm done seeing that.
I'm done seeing my neighborhoods falling apart like what you've just shown on TV.
This is crazy.
We've got to take care of our veterans.
We've got to take care of our people.
And we've got to take care of all these wars that we've been.
You know, we have North Korea.
We have Russia.
We have the Middle East falling apart.
There's a lot of issues.
And also all the issues here are border, drug problems.
You know, we have $20 trillion in debt that we're still trying to fix.
Man, we have so much to do, and we're worried about sanctuary cities?
That's crazy!
Yeah, and it's amazing too how it all comes full circle.
You talk about that.
Okay, so we have these illegitimate wars, and then we want to bring everybody here that we're forcing out of their homes, and somehow the Democrats think that that's a good plan.
But I think to speak on what you're talking about, and I've said this many times, is
We've gone from a nation where people used to come here seeking independence.
People used to come to this country seeking independence.
But because of the Democrats and all the entitlements now, people come here seeking dependence.
They want dependence on the government.
They want the free handout.
That is the value that needs to change.
Definitely has to change.
I mean, the last eight years we had a president who tried so hard to make America normal, just like every other country in the world.
Yeah, bring us down.
Yeah, because he thought in his mind and this, I mean, I can see it now after so long that he wanted America to be like every other country in the world.
So then we won't have as many problems.
That was his opinion.
Look what it turned out.
It doesn't work that way.
We have to lead from the front.
We have to lead in everything because otherwise who will?
You know, so we can't afford to lose America because if America falls apart and we got rid of all our values, our laws,
The second amendment for example, they're trying to take away our guns.
So I tell people all the time when I have this argument, we don't want any guns.
We want to have all these millions of guns taken away from us.
Okay, so if you take all the guns away from all American citizens who have the right to have their pistols and rifles and whatnot,
Then the bad guys will have guns no matter what.
No, no, come on, Antonio.
Every time I step into a building and the sign says no guns allowed, I know that every criminal or a mass murderer that wants to walk in there will put his arms down.
That's just, come on, that's common sense, Antonio.
No, Antonio has common sense and that's why he realizes that those gun laws don't work.
Final 30 seconds, Antonio Sabato Jr.
running in the 26th District of California against Democrat Julia Brownlee.
Final comments from Antonio, putting his whole livelihood on the line for the country.
I want to say thanks to all the voters, all the people that have called in, all the people that have donated to my campaign.
Go to VoteAntonio.com.
You can give as low as $25, as high as $2,700.
We need to win this.
Go to VoteAntonio.com.
Put your money down.
I will back you up.
This is not for me.
This is for our country.
Make Congress great again.
Antonio Sabato, part of that equation.
Owen Troyer, fill in for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back after this.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The news we're about to cover is some of the most powerful, important information I've ever covered.
Elite publications like the Financial Times of London, the New Yorker Magazine, most importantly Atlantic Monthly, have all come out with articles that I'm going to be showing you on screen while our guest is on, saying we need to overthrow President Trump, we need to have new elections and our homeland security, and take all the Republicans that were elected in 2016 and remove them.
They're calling for death, violence.
This is insane.
So I want to ask Colonel Schaefer, former head of the Bin Laden unit, patriot,
With a lot of big connections.
Helped expose Benghazi, you name it.
Works for the London Center for Foreign Policy Research.
Fox contributor.
Where we are currently and how serious the situation is.
Colonel Schaefer, you're more of an expert on this than even I am.
I know that you've worked in some of the most classified areas there are and really had up a lot of things that I'll never see the light of day for this country.
Am I overestimating how serious this is?
No, Alex, thank you for having me on, and no, you're laying that completely correctly.
You're essentially outlining the situation based on their own verbiage.
And of course, then when they get caught in the open daylight, they then try to say, no, no, no, no, we never said that, it's all about you.
Same way the deep state goes about saying the deep state doesn't exist.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
All these things are the same way ISIS goes about radicalizing and recruiting people to become terrorists.
And that is what I'm seeing.
I'm seeing a direct correlation, a direct pathology that is the same between ISIS going about
They put out the message to billions of people.
They know people are going to hack.
It's like advertising.
If you put advertising out to billions of people saying, come eat our hamburgers, they're gonna come.
Well, if you put out advertising to billions saying, kill, kill Republicans, kill Trump, kill Alex Jones, kill, kill, kill, it's gonna happen!
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Thanks to Antonio Sabato Jr.
for joining us and, you know, thank him for putting his career aside to try to make Congress great again.
Folks, please get in touch with your local elections.
Find out who's running for local office, who's running for Congress in your area.
Get in touch with these people.
This is how you can change the world.
This is how you can make America great again.
And we can make Congress great again in 2018.
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Well, we already had Alex Jones talking about the Matrix.
Are we living in a Matrix?
How they want to bring in the total control grid.
Well, they've already got the plans in place, the blueprint laid, and they're slowly implementing it.
And one of the big plans with that, one of the biggest puzzle pieces, is microchipping humans.
And they're going to roll it out as fun and creative and a way of the future.
But we know that that's the mark of the beast.
Here's first a report from NBC last year, followed up by an InfoWars report breaking down the truth about microchipping yourself.
If you have a four-legged family member at home, it's already microchipped.
And if the technology exists to save Fido in an emergency, what about microchipping your child?
Before you say, no way, I would never do that.
Hear one mom's story.
There'll be no negative side effects.
It's the longest two seconds of your life.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't be laughing at this woman.
This is such propaganda.
Yeah, let's not shut down the pedophile rings that are capturing the kids.
Just microchip your kid.
If it'll save my kid, there's no step that's too extreme.
Stephanie's teenage daughter is a special needs child, prone to wander off and trust strangers.
Oh yes, it's her special needs child, and now we've got five billion different special needs, so everybody needs it.
A small chip the size of a grain of
Yeah, if it could prevent the government from losing control of your kid, it worked great!
No, it's loving.
Hmm, there's a mom with some logic.
Very much so.
A well-known technology expert out of Boston tells us microchipping poses little to no health risks and would act... Yeah, neither does smoking.
Without question.
It could save a life, reunite a family, find a missing Alzheimer's patient.
That's how they're gonna roll it out.
Grandpa went missing, your daughter went missing, get the magic microchip.
And guys, this is what we're talking about, the microchip.
I don't know if you can see... It's the size of a grain of rice, what's the big deal?
Very, very small.
And the expert that we spoke with... It's tiny, it's a little guy.
Barcodes were introduced in the late 1950s... Tiny microchip, huge slave factory.
This is way too invasive and too weird and now barcodes are so commonplace that we don't even think about them anymore.
The expert tells us this will happen sooner rather than later.
A woman in Australia is now a combo of Darth Vader and the Terminator.
Thanks to some special implants.
Here's an x-ray of her hands.
I love it!
I'm a liberal trendy!
I can buy my coffee!
...without using a key.
Kind of like the force.
It's so cool!
Look at my pink purple hair with my new hand plant implant.
Problem solved.
Many things start off with the best of intentions, but sometimes intentions turn.
We've survived thousands of years as a species without being microchipped.
Is there any particular need to do it now?
Approximately 50 employees at Three Square Market, a vending machine technology company based in River Falls, Wisconsin.
It's a convenience.
You're just a convenience.
And you're gonna need it to drive your car.
You're gonna need it to buy anything.
Same thing with cars now, folks.
Every car's a smart car.
Starting next month, a voluntary program will offer company employees the chance to get an RFID chip implanted in their hands.
The tiny chips will use NFC near-field communication technology to allow employees to unlock doors, make vending machine purchases, log into computers, and access office tools like photocopiers, all with the way... Yeah, yeah, voluntary until you need it.
What will you say when you brought this idea to them?
Half of them actually within five seconds says yes.
What CNET doesn't tell you is that how long before one of the female employees has a chip implanted resulting in a terminated pregnancy or employees are remotely vaccinated in order to test eugenicist Bill Gates' goals.
But that's called the death panel.
And you're not supposed to have that discussion.
This equation has four factors.
A little bit of multiplication.
So you've got a thing on the left, CO2, that you want to get to zero.
And that's going to be based on the number of people.
The services each person's using on average, the energy on average for each service, and the CO2 being put out per unit of energy.
So let's look at each one of these and see how we can get this down to zero.
Probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero.
Oh, population at zero?
Oh, thanks Bill Gates.
Back from high school algebra.
But let's take a look.
I'll take your implant microchip Bill Gates.
You want to put the population at zero?
Sounds great.
That's headed up to about 9 billion.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
The BBC reports a contraceptive computer chip that can be controlled by remote control has been developed in Massachusetts.
The chip is implanted under a woman's skin releasing a small dose of levonorgestrel, a hormone.
The project has been backed by Bill Gates and will be submitted for pre-clinical testing in the U.S.
next year and possibly go on sale by 2018.
The same technology could be used to administer other drugs.
The innovation comes at a time when governments and organizations around the world have agreed to try to bring family planning to around 120 million more women by 2020.
USA Today reports the company, 3Square Market, is partnering with Swedish company Biohax International
Which already has many chipped employees.
Yeah, Wisconsin.
Follow the lead from Socialist Replacement Migration Dormat of the West suite.
Just another example of how the left will take itself down simply to prove an inevitable inhumane globalist failure.
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.com.
No, I think I see it Bill Gates way.
I think I have to agree with Bill Gates here.
Humans are bad.
Humans are killing Earth.
We need to kill humans.
We need to get the humans down to zero.
There's too many humans.
You heard Bill Gates.
We need to get the population down to zero.
So yeah, I mean, I think Bill Gates' utopia is a great idea.
I mean, let's just all plug ourselves into an iron lung and then let some big, you know, government system suck our thermal energy from us like a battery and we won't be killing the planet anymore.
I mean, that's all humans are.
We're just a cancer to planet Earth, you know.
I mean, so Bill Gates wants to get population to zero and, you know, he'll save the planet.
And then your lineage will just be nothing more than a sack of organs that just sit in a nice little sack and then steals your thermal energy and then that powers the planet.
But you're gonna save the planet, see?
So, take Bill Gates' microchip and then just die.
Because Bill Gates is going to save you.
He's going to get the population down to zero.
I think I see Bill Gates' side of it now.
Let's just all microchip ourselves.
There'll be no side effects either.
It's not like there's going to be any negative side effects.
It's not like cell phones have any negative side effects.
It's not like we're learning now about how cell phones are causing cancer rampantly, brain tumors and everything, and tumors on the leg.
So I'm sure the microchips will be fine.
Just make sure you roll it out in a trendy fashion.
You know, say it's for your safety, say it's cool.
You know, you need one if you want to go ride the ride at Disney World.
And, uh, as the guy said, all the trendies will love it!
Ooh, I can get my coffee with the microchip in my hand?
And then they'll probably have some other gimmicks, too, to try to get you to do it.
There's two things you'll never see me doing.
That's pretending to be a virtual chicken with a virtual reality mask on and getting a microchip implanted in me.
There's two things that will not happen to me.
But we've got some other tech news here that I want to get into.
Let's start with this one from Bloomberg.
Your banker is always in.
Sweden rolls out the robots.
Now this is an interesting thought to me because there's an actual legitimate debate here.
You've got one side where you say, if you want to have any customer service anymore, and you call a hotline, you're only talking to a robot.
And it sucks.
Everybody hates it.
Nobody wants to talk to the machine.
It doesn't work half the time.
It's god-awful.
But then you have another aspect.
When you call government employees, or when you try to reach some government bureaucracy, that maybe they're at lunch, or they close at five, or whatever it is, they're impossible to reach.
So I'm actually kind of on the fence.
I might be willing to replace government workers with robots because they're so pathetic and so unmotivated and lazy and pathetic.
And I hate government workers.
I'm the same.
Like, you call someone on the phone, you try to call your bank and it's a machine.
It's one of the most obnoxious things ever.
But we already have, what, 97% of our currency is digital, so why not just make our bankers digital too?
So that'll be a nice next step too, just total robot bankers, robot everything.
But that's coming out in Sweden now.
There'll be no debate about that.
Saving face.
Facebook wants access without limits.
This story, they're covering this across the newscape today.
And the truth of the matter is, folks,
Facebook has been building and working with facial recognition technology for a long, long, long time.
And now they basically want to go full circle, full usage with the facial recognition technology they've built and with the digital database that they've built.
That's what they really want to start using, is that huge database that they've built with all... Oh, that's right, they've got your face.
Don't worry, folks.
Don't you worry!
We are already living in the movies where it's like idiocracy.
There's all the movies.
The camera, you walk your face by a camera, the camera immediately recognizes your face, and then you're on the grid.
So that's pretty much what Facebook has done.
Oh, and by the way, Snapchat is doing the exact same thing.
You see, Snapchat
Isn't doing too well on the stock market so I think that they may have implemented facial recognition technology and now they're building a database that they might want to sell to people too to try to save themselves from collapsing so you've got that going on but the story basically that they're covering here Facebook has a database they've been stealing your facial
Recognition, technology, your facial data in their database.
You signed the terms and conditions.
You accepted it.
You didn't read it.
You never have.
Nobody does.
How could you?
They're 30 pages long.
But Facebook has that and now they want to go, I guess, and use it.
They want to use this database that they've built now.
They've got everybody's faces on the database.
They've got the geo-tracking and everything down.
So they want to go one step further and actually start to implement this stuff as soon as you take a picture, as soon as you're tagged in the picture, or actually it just tags itself.
I haven't been on Facebook in years.
Maybe that's already going on.
I don't know if someone in the crew is on Facebook.
Hardly anyone here is even on Facebook.
But I think they might even be doing that already.
You just upload a picture and they can immediately tag everybody in the picture.
If that's not a dystopian future, I don't know what is.
Now here's an even more shocking revelation.
This is from the Washington Compost.
Google's new program to track shoppers sparks a federal privacy complaint.
Folks, I couldn't believe this story when I read it.
Is somehow getting data from the purchases you make with your debit card, or your credit card, or your bank card.
So we already know if you're talking, let's say you're sitting at the bar, or you're sitting and getting coffee, or talking about some shoes with your friend, you know that the personalized advertising will pop up shoes immediately.
That's how it goes.
If you're talking about somebody, an old friend, and then you get on Facebook immediately, you'll see that guy's name as an ad friend.
If you're scrolling the web for a new telescope, all of a sudden personal advertising, boom, you get the new telescope.
Google has actually already taken it a step further.
The legal complaint from the Electronic Privacy Information Center
Alleges that Google is newly gaining access to a trove of highly sensitive information, the credit and debit card purchase records of the majority of U.S.
customers, without revealing how they got the information or giving consumers meaningful ways to opt out.
Now, when you download these apps or sign up for these things, you sign most of your rights away and you don't even know it.
But this, I don't know if I've ever heard of any agreement where you agree to give
Any third party access to your purchase record.
So basically what Google is saying is we've got all this data, we've got all of this metadata that we're tracking people's purchase history, we're tracking people's search history, we're trying to figure out what they're going to buy, when they're going to buy it, what they want, create personal advertising so we can get the consumer to buy this product.
But now
To do this, Google has said it obtained access to the credit and debit card records of 70% of US consumers.
So that means, likely, Google is tracking your debit and credit card purchases outside of their own realm.
And they're doing this to see how their marketing campaign is working.
They're doing this to see how effective their personal advertising is working.
They're doing this to see if taking all the metadata,
Pushing it back out in advertising form to reach the consumer is actually working the bottom line when you're making a purchase at the store.
I mean, folks, if this isn't 1984, if this isn't already living in a spy state,
You think that Google is the only person that can access this stuff?
Do you realize?
It's like, this is such huge news, and then there's such big news the next day you don't even cover it.
Do you remember?
I think it was thousands if not hundreds of fake cell phone towers.
Literally fake cell phone towers.
You've got people that can make these backpacks that can steal cell service and then take your data.
Folks, anything you do on a computer is basically hacked now.
It's either hacked by Google or it's hacked by some third party that's put up a fake cell phone tower that takes all the metadata that you're trying to use on Wi-Fi.
I mean, this is crazy!
Okay, Google!
Let's all take microchips and let Google just dictate and know everything we do.
That's what we should do.
That sounds American to me.
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I just had this come into my head right before we came back.
Liberal media, CNN, New York Times, MSNBC, are Bruce Willis in the sixth sense for 90% of the movie.
They don't even know they're dead.
They're walking around thinking they're still alive, talking to people like they're still alive.
They don't even know they're dead yet.
What is it going to be like
When the Jake Tappers of the world realize they're dead, will it be as epic as Bruce Willis at the end of Sixth Sense?
Because that's what these people are.
They are in complete denial they're dead.
They don't know they're dead.
And you can't really tell them they're dead.
They should realize they're dead by their surroundings, but they just can't accept that they're dead.
We're going to have more on that in a second.
But they are dead because you out there have chosen to seek out and find real media.
You out there have put away the fake stream, mainstream news that's been lying to you for centuries and now you've come to, or I guess decades you could say, television hasn't been around that long.
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And you fund this organization, you fund people who just want to get the truth out there, people who actually aren't bought and paid for, journalists or reporters, just independent people who represent you and who have the same thoughts and emotions that you do.
Now, the liberal media is dying, it's starting to become obvious, but just like Bruce Willis and the Sixth Sense, they don't know they're dead.
Here's a clip from Kristen Tate on Fox Business talking about liberal mainstream media being completely irrelevant.
No we're not!
You know, CNN, 93% of their coverage of Trump is negative.
Why would he want to let them control the narrative?
So I think he's got to keep, you know, communicating to the people.
Now here's where I think John Kelly can help.
I think that he can help with some of the infighting and the chaos inside of the White House.
Because, you know, John Kelly, during his 45 years in the military, he became known as a strong and calm leader.
So I think he kind of brings the sense of discipline that the White House needs right now and could maybe help all of the aides and cabinet members get on one page.
But is he going to change Trump?
I doubt it.
Well, anything is better than the total beta Renzo Priebus.
That guy sucked, man.
It's about time he's gone.
But Trump is cleansing his cabinet.
And whether you like Kelly or Scaramucci, to me these are hard men that want to get in there and actually get some stuff done.
Instead of little Renzo Priebus who just wants to leak to the media and make sure that all the Republicans are happy.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Kamala Harris.
You know, do you remember how highly rated the presidential debates were?
If I'm recalling, I believe they were the most highly rated presidential debates ever.
You know, we need to bring that back.
These debates need to start happening.
We can't just have, and I like Trump on Twitter, I'm not saying Trump shouldn't be on Twitter, but we cannot just have politicians going on Twitter and tweeting things out.
It's time for politicians to start doing debates regularly.
It's time for them to put their money where their mouth is on some of these opinions they put out on Twitter.
I'd like to see more of these debates.
The problem is, I guarantee you folks, I guarantee you, the debates will never happen because incumbents will never do it.
Incumbents would never agree to a debate because it does them no advantage.
It does incumbents no advantage, and all these people care about is winning re-election.
That is it.
They don't care about anything about their constituents.
They don't care anything about their districts.
All they care about is maintaining their way of life, and in order to do that, they have to get re-elected.
You see, these career politicians have done nothing!
They've done nothing!
That's why, I'm telling you, you can see it in their eyes, folks.
You can see it in their eyes.
When a Trump walks into the office, when a Scaramucci walks into an office, whenever these people who've made money in the private sector walk into a room with all these lifelong politicians, you can see the fear in their eyes.
You can see the absolute intimidation that they're facing.
They can't compete... Oh my gosh!
A self-made individual?
Somebody who's done something in the private sector?
Somebody who actually has had a life and can survive outside of politics without the taxpayer dollar?
Without the big donors?
Oh my gosh!
We have to stop this!
It's like in the movie A Bug's Life.
It's not about the food, it's about protecting our way of life.
That's why the Republicans and Democrats are teamed up against Trump, folks.
That's why it's Trump versus Washington, D.C.
That's why it's America versus D.C.
These lifelong politicians are doing everything they can to maintain their way of life as a career politician.
A bum!
A bum!
And then you have Kamala Harris.
This is why we need to have debates.
Kamala Harris, an IQ of 5.
Tweets, at a time when immigrants have been taken from families in front of schools and outside courthouses, we must continue to speak out.
It's amazing how Democrats are so... I don't even know the word for it.
I mean, it's just... They don't even know the difference between an immigrant and an illegal immigrant.
They don't even know the difference between a citizen and a non-citizen.
And the truth is, they don't want to address that difference because they don't want America to exist.
You see, they don't believe in a border.
They don't believe in a citizenship.
They don't believe in a sovereign country.
So of course, the five 28-year-old Somalis that just washed up onto the soar and want to rape your children and murder your daughters at the mall, of course, let them in!
There's no borders.
There's no sovereign country.
Those are just immigrants, according to Kamala Harris.
But Kamala Harris will never have a debate.
She'll never get on the podium for a debate.
She'll never let anybody who questions her thoughts or ideas in the public because she would look like a complete fool, a complete jackass.
And that's what these Democrats are.
But that's fine.
Nancy Pelosi says she's a master legislator, and she does that by not showing you the bill so she can pass it.
She admits that.
Dianne Feinstein thinks that it's going to be Trump that gets impeached, that justice is going to befell Trump.
No, it's going to be you, Dianne Feinstein.
I thought you realized that.
That's why you backed off a few months ago.
No, you're back on the Washington, D.C.
You're probably blackmailed.
And then you got Kamala Harris.
She's trying to make her bid for the next Democrat nominee.
By the way,
I was saying about this earlier, how I try to listen to the Washington Journal on C-SPAN every morning.
Not only are more callers coming around to dislike Congress and like Trump, they really want to see these politicians debate, too.
Because they know they're entirely fraudulent.
But they're not going to do it.
You're never going to hear from a Kamala Harris, these people.
Lifelong politicians are the scourge of this country.
If you're a lifelong politician, it's time for you to get out of office.
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I'm Millie Weaver and you're watching Flyover America, an InfoWars original series where we're going to be traveling around the United States talking to Flyover America, the people who feel like they have had their voices ignored by their government, by the mainstream media, and by the people on the coast.
So we're going to be talking to the deplorables, finding out why they actually supported Trump.
So come along with us on this journey as we discover Flyover America.
Throughout our travels, we will be making scheduled stops to talk with those who want to tell their story.
Like us and follow our progress on Facebook at Flyover States of America for meeting locations, updates, and even sneak peeks.
And if you have a story to tell, come tell it!
I'm Millie Weaver and you're watching Fly Over America!
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
You know if we don't watch out, we could all go under and drown.
Yeah, the future depends on us.
So we gotta wake up, gotta shake it up now and... Let's make America great again.
We can come back twice as strong.
You are listening to Joy Villa's latest single, Make America Great Again.
And, I mean, it's unbelievable.
A few months ago, Joy shocked the world when she came out with her Make America Again dress-on.
She supported Trump.
She even came on Infowars.
They warned you, Joy.
They told you it was career suicide.
You can't support Trump.
You can't love America and be in the music industry.
You can't go on Infowars and still survive in the music industry.
It's unbelievable.
Here you are.
I mean, you're just selling thousands of singles, you know, more popular than ever.
So, I mean, I don't know how you did it, Joy.
So you just heard the latest single, Make America Great Again.
Talk about the making of that single.
I just saw the music video.
It looked like you went out on the streets, you shot it with a bunch of Americans.
Tell me about that.
Well, first, Owen, I want to thank you for being on the show.
You guys have always been such an ally in supporting artists like me and for showing the truth.
And it's so important that you guys stay on the air.
Thank you for what you do.
And yeah, it's very important.
So the song came as something that I really wanted to show as a love for America, a love song in support of patriotism.
We're good to go.
Well and it's funny too because, sorry we lost you for a second there Joy, and it's funny too because they want to tell you, they want to try to put you into a box and say okay this is a woman, this is a minority, okay that means she has to feel this way.
But no, you've completely shattered that.
And I wanted to show different Americans in this music video.
I actually shot that footage, all the different faces.
I went up to people and I said, hey, can I shoot you for my music video?
It's called Make America Great Again.
And they were like, yeah, that'll be awesome.
And I wanted to show people that, you know, we all look different, but we all want to make this country better and stronger.
And the only way to do that is to unify under the president and to support what he's doing, not to try to fight back and just cause more segregation.
Which I see so much happening.
And people say, oh, you're black, you should have voted this way.
You're Native American, you should have voted this way.
You're a female, you should have voted this way.
I voted with my heart and with my idea.
Yeah, it's not, you're an American, you should vote for pro-America.
That's the thing.
It's not about color.
It's not about race.
It's not about gender.
It's not about those identity politics.
It's about what is going to be the best for America as a whole.
And that's my message is unity.
And people are taking to it with this video, which I'm really glad.
And the song is selling out like crazy.
No way.
No, no, no.
You like Trump?
You can't sell music.
I know, you can't.
You can't even exist in Hollywood and love Trump.
I tell you, I've gotten so much support from fellow Trump supporters and conservatives and libertarians.
Even people who are not Trump supporters say, thank you for having a unifying message.
Thank you for not being negative.
Thank you for not saying you want to kill the president, which I didn't think to be rebellious.
Yeah, I mean, it's so radical now.
It's so radical now.
We have to thank
An artist.
We have to thank people in Hollywood and the movies.
Hey, thank you for not supporting the assassination of our president.
That's very good.
Thank you for not doing that.
It's sad.
But tell me, when you were shooting the video and you were going to talk to these people, did you mention what the video was for?
Did you ask them about their political beliefs at all?
I didn't.
But I did tell them that the video was for a song called Make America Great Again.
And I had them sign a little release.
And most people were just like, oh, that's great.
And we're having some breakups on Skype.
I had a question for you, Joy, because
You were kind of the first one to really make a big statement from the music industry for Trump.
You were kind of the first one to really get a lot of press coverage as well for your support of Trump, and you did a great publicity stunt.
I think it was brilliant.
You were looking beautiful that night with your Make America Great Again gown.
But what would you say has been the response?
I know that people have kind of talked about this before, but
Would you say the response from fellow artists in the media was kind of like, I can't believe you did that.
What's wrong with you?
Or was it more other artists out there saying, wow, you know, I'm not as brave as you are.
I'm not courageous.
I don't want to show my political beliefs out there, but wow, I support what you're doing.
What was kind of the response there?
Well, I would say that the response was a lot of artists chose to ignore me or not talk to me.
Um, in Hollywood, that's kind of what they do with people who think differently than them.
Yeah, how dare you have a different opinion than a liberal?
For me, it was seeing how there were different conservative artists actually that did secretly email me and kind of come out of the closet to me in secret and say, thank you so much.
Yeah, I was wondering, you know, how many people felt that way or how many people you may have motivated to start considering, you know, maybe publicly supporting Trump or even becoming more politically outspoken.
I think a lot.
I think that there is a tide that's turning, that conservatives are coming out stronger and in support because we have to fight back and hit back all that negative news, the fake news, the total trend to say, oh, it's okay to say, you know, America's going down and I hate everyone and all this negativity.
And people are saying, wait a second, no, I don't see it.
Again, Joy Villa joining us on Skype.
Every once in a while, the Skype is breaking up Joy, so if you think I'm interrupting you, it's just to fill dead air.
I want to ask you about one specific artist, and I'm not trying to start a feud here, I just want to get to the bottom of this.
You've got you, who's on one side of the equation here, pro-America, very outspoken, likes Trump, but you're not just all about Trump.
It's about, you like his message, you like the America First policy, you want to see a justice system treating immigrants fairly, where people can't just walk right across the border, you have to go through the process that everybody else went to that pays taxes.
So you're on that side of the fence, which to me is just logical, pro-America.
But you've got artists on the other side of the fence, I'll use Katy Perry.
Katy Perry has admitted she sold her soul to the devil, that's what she says young girls need to do.
She chopped her hair off, maybe that's something she wanted to do, maybe that's something they do because you know how they want to blur the lines of gender.
But I'm just curious, where, I mean there's such this great divide between someone like Katy Perry who says co-exist right after a great terrorist attack against Christians, and then someone like you who just says, well I just want to be pro-America.
How does the divide get created like that?
I think it's, I mean, a lot of media creates that divide, and also it's an artist who's not genuine to herself.
I can say that she doesn't seem like she's been herself for a few years.
You know, she started attacking other celebrities for having, you know, mental health issues and problems, and then she seems to be having those problems.
And like, I don't want to create any sort of attack on any other artists, but when you act like that, when you come out in that such an odd, weird way to where, you know, you have live therapy sessions online and it's like, where's your music?
What's happening with your artistry?
Why are you now focused on your feelings on this, that, and the other?
And they're not even really political.
They're just, oh, let's all hug each other and pretend like everything's okay.
That's not the truth.
We do need closed borders.
We need to protect ourselves and our family.
And it's very important.
And that's,
That is common sense.
And a lot of these artists don't have that.
And I don't think that they should be pushing their ideals when they really, truly don't know what they're talking about and they don't want to.
They don't have any sort of sense in it.
They just want to say something that's sunshine and rainbows.
And to me, it comes from a lack of genuine knowledge of how everyday Americans are operating.
And I come from a hardworking family, you know, and I feel like my values are conservative values that my parents taught me.
And I always knew these were common sense values and it seems like it's just lacking.
I think that these people come from a place where they're so far removed from what normal people are dealing with that they don't know how to speak in terms that can be even looked at as normal anymore.
They're just, they're basically talking out of their butt.
That's what I want to say.
That's how I feel.
I think that you're probably being polite about it.
But I'm just curious, would you say that your public support for Trump and other people in the music industry, would you say that that has made the tensions worse in the music industry for being political?
Or would you say that's kind of eased it?
You know, it's always a battle to be bold, quite honestly.
I have so many supporters now, so many followers and so many people that are purchasing my art and I'm making a living doing it.
I've been making a living for many years doing what I'm doing.
It's now even just bigger.
I have thousands more fans.
But it's never been easy to make it in the industry.
But it really is hard when you sell your soul and you commit to that lifestyle where I'm not going to have any morals.
I'm going to just say whatever they tell me to say.
To me, that might be a cheap, like,
Quick way to make it, but you're not going to last.
And we see these people just fall apart in front of our very eyes.
You actually make a great point here, because what I noticed is you've got these bands that are about to release a new single, or an artist about to release a new single like Snoop Dogg, and magically right before their new single comes out or their new album comes out, they all of a sudden have a political opinion.
And it's always liberal.
Is that just a coincidence?
And it's something that's not even like a liberal opinion, like, yeah, I think, you know, I think health care is good.
No, it's I want to murder the president.
It's something violent and horrifying.
And they know it's going to get clicks.
It's clickbait.
They know they're going to get attention.
Well, that's just liberal free speech, Joy.
I mean, if you call for a border, you're a racist.
I mean, how dare you call for a border?
But if a liberal calls for the assassination of Trump, I mean, we ought to give him a trophy, mount a statue in their honor.
I mean, we can't do enough of them.
Joy Villa, we'll be right back on the other side.
Well, it doesn't matter if it's the Financial Times of London, whether it's the Washington Post, whether it's the Economist magazine or the Harvard,
They all say globalism is collapsing, people are turning against it.
We're not turning against internationalism or being a citizen of the world if you want to live all over the world or working with other countries or accepting other cultures if you choose to adopt them.
We're not going to be ruled by carbon taxes that bureaucrats and Rothschilds and Rockefellers and Soroses make money from.
It doesn't mean Brexit's perfect.
It doesn't mean Trumpism is perfect.
It means it's about taking the power back to the people, back to the states, back to the government.
And Stefan Molyneux is a businessman, author, researcher, very popular radio TV host.
Really appreciate him joining us for the next 30 minutes.
Stefan Molyneux on Twitter.
Freedomainradio on YouTube.
Hundreds of millions of views, reaching tens of millions of people a week.
Stefan Molyneux, looking at that, I mean, I don't know how to state the level of history we are at right now.
I mean, I cannot overstate that to folks.
We are at such an epic moment.
It will never, ever in human history come down to as important a moment, Alex, and I really want to get this across to your listeners.
If the state wins, if the globalists win, if the communists and the socialists win,
Capitalism has delivered unto them such monitoring and control and video technology that it is entirely possible we will never ever be free again.
It comes down to this.
We have the technology to communicate free and peaceful and voluntary ideas across the world.
They have the technology to control everything we do, to monitor everything we do.
They're talking about bringing in monitoring of the internet in the UK and so on.
If we lose, we may never ever win again.
There won't be some big cycle of history and your great-grandkids will be free.
It comes down to now.
They would use every tool in their arsenal.
They're going to have a breakaway civilization, put us into total squalor, use it to control us, and then use the fruits of the human mind and open society that has given us almost godlike powers to shackle us!
I mean, this is... this is... un...
Unspeakably evil!
What do we do?
What do you do?
You have to stop protesting.
You have to start getting out there.
You have to recognize that this is an emergency.
There is no DEF CON level higher than what we are facing right now.
You need to pull out all the stops, get all the information you can.
You have a global communications network.
You can tap into it anytime.
You can challenge people in your life.
It is down to this, because if we don't solve this peacefully, the kind of weapons that we have if it turns to war might end the entire planet.
Stefan Molyneux, thank you.
Always enlightening, but today was extremely powerful.
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We're listening to Make America Great Again.
And we are joined by Joy Villa who
Is the artist behind that song, and it's been an industry, Hollywood, the music industry, movies, so dominated by liberal culture, so dominated by the left, that it's not just refreshing to have artists like Joy Villa putting out songs like that, it's also the beginning of a new wave.
It's also
The new culture wave that is sweeping over all industries.
It's taking over politics right now.
It'll be tougher to take over the movie industry since China owns it, the Chi-Coms, but maybe the music industry still has a chance.
You got Kid Rock running for Senate, too.
That's an interesting note.
Kid Rock, if you're listening, we'd love to have you on the show.
Kid Rock for Senate.
But, Joy, talk about that culture war that I just mentioned in the music industry.
Is it just beginning, you still think?
Are more people coming in?
Where exactly would you gauge the culture war in the music industry sits right now?
Support, I would have said we're at the towards the end of it or towards a better spot but then Kathy Griffin had that horrible art piece and I said okay we're in the thick of it I think we're
It's important for people to speak up and be bold because I feel like it will get worse.
I mean, they'll get more intense and aggressive before it gets better.
So as long as we keep a smile on our face, we keep going, we keep creating, we keep, you know, saying, no, we're not going to be beaten down.
We're going to keep going.
We're going to win this war.
The better we will be and we will come out victorious.
I truly believe that.
I'm optimistic about this war, but it is a culture war.
I mean, you have microaggressions, you have
The term racist being thrown at people just because they don't agree with what they're saying.
You have misogynistic being thrown at people just because they're men.
I mean, you have so much idiocy in culture right now that I think a lot of young people don't even know what they're supposed to do.
And then you have Infowars and you have other artists like me, Kid Rock, you know, you have people who are standing up for truth.
And I think the young people who are confused on the liberal side are going to start to see, oh, OK, well, those people are smiling and they're happy.
Again, we're joined by Joy Villa, and I'm just curious, how much of that do you have to actually practice what you preach?
How much are you dealing with?
I mean, when you release these singles, when you're trying to get recording studios, whenever you're trying to get gigs or whatever, I mean, how much of that do you deal with?
How much, you know, do you have to push through just to, you know, exist in the music industry?
Absolutely, there's incredible pushback.
I mean, I'm used to, I'm a fighter, you know, my dad is Italian, he's a preacher and, you know, I'm used to fighting back, you know, fake news.
Ever since I was a kid, we never trusted the media.
So I've kind of, you know, always had conservative values and always seen that people are not going to think my way and they're not going to like what I say.
You have to push back a lot against the negativity.
I mean, I do it with a smile.
I try to do it with grace and a stance.
Once you start reaching their level, you've already lost, I feel like.
So for me, it's a day-to-day struggle, but it's not something I do, you know, like, oh God, I'm a victim.
I love it.
I'm in the...
Is it the type of situation, like the news media, where conservative musicians will almost have to create their own industry, if you will?
It's moving towards that.
I mean, look at Milo Yiannopoulos.
He has his... He dropped his book, written his book, publishing deal.
So he's come out and he's still a New York Times bestseller on his own.
So I feel like, I wish there were a music...
Or at least not anti-conservative.
Because you see a lot of anti-conservative.
It's a joke amongst the mixed crowd.
You know, I go to a lot of these parties and they make jokes about the president like it's just, you know, having afternoon tea.
And they joke about his supporters.
I mean, they make fun of us and they love that.
They feel like they have power.
But they really don't if we keep creating and we band together and we show them, no, we have buying power and we are strong in what we do.
That's Joy Villa.
You can find her at joyvilla.com.
Twitter at Joy Villa.
Joy, we've got about 60 seconds left.
What are some final words you want to depart on our audience?
I want to say that, you know, no matter what they try to do, they're going to try to silence us.
They're going to try to say death threats and try to say it's a dangerous world.
They're going to have fake news saying we're failing and we're never going to make it.
That's exactly right.
They told you you couldn't exist in the music industry if you liked Trump.
They told you you couldn't have a conservative culture and be in the music industry.
Joy Villa has shattered that paradigm.
Thank you for joining us, Joy.
Thank you always.
God bless you guys.
There goes Joy.
Check out her latest single, Make America Great Again.
We need to support people that are going into these liberal-dominated industries so that we can take the culture back.
We'll be right back with more of the Alex Jones Show on the other side.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's interesting to me what liberal media and the Democrats are doing right now.
Now this morning, I was listening to the Washington Journal and C-SPAN and a caller calls in, a Democrat caller.
Again, I'm telling you, Democrats, Republicans, they're all anti-establishment now, folks.
Trump has removed the curtain from Congress.
So this caller calls in, he's a Democrat, and he says,
Why aren't you talking about the DNC fraud lawsuit?
Why aren't Bernie Sanders supporters more upset that Hillary Clinton rigged the primaries?
Why aren't Democrats more upset with the fact that Democrats rigged the primaries?
Why isn't Democrat media complaining about this?
And he brings this up and in the middle of his passioned rant, C-SPAN cuts the live feed and goes to an old canned report.
Now, I've always called C-SPAN out when they do this, and normally someone responds and corrects the record saying, oh no, we were just doing that or this or that.
Still haven't responded to this.
I think C-SPAN intentionally cut off a Democrat caller who brought up the DNC fraud lawsuit.
That's incredible.
Now we've got a video.
This is from Fleckus Talks.
You may have seen some of his videos on YouTube.
He does a great job confronting liberal protesters.
But he also does a great job confronting politicians when he sees them.
And when he confronted a local politician in California about the Awan Brothers, well, he didn't really get a response.
Here's that video.
Hey guys, it's Fletcus.
We're here at Politicon 2017.
I just found out that Congressman Brad Sherman is here, someone I've spoken to before.
Congressman Sherman is a big proponent of Impeach Trump.
He really believes in the Trump-Russia collusion.
So I have a couple questions for him regarding this topic.
Big news came out this week that Debbie Wasserman Schultz's IT person, Emram Awan, is arrested trying to flee the country with a bunch of cash on him.
I think that's the real connection to the DNC hacking.
Let's see what he has to say about it and let's find out the truth.
Who am I here with?
Congressman Brad Sherman from America's best-named city, Sherman Oaks.
Very cool.
And we spoke to him once at the impeachment rally, downtown L.A.
Good to see you again.
What do you think about Debbie Washburn assaults IT person?
They just got arrested trying to flee the country.
What's going on with that and how come we haven't really heard about it?
I don't know anything.
Thank you.
It was just a good question.
The A1 Brothers.
Clean the country.
With cash.
Debbie Washington Schultz is IT person.
And like 15 other Democrats.
Me too.
That's why I want to ask someone in charge.
So this is an example of a couple things.
One, first of all, great job by local, small, independent, alternative media.
Just going out on the streets and addressing these politicians.
But then you've got this Democrat, Brad Sherman.
Excuse me, folks.
It's the same thing with like an Adam Schiff.
These are the type of pencil neck, beta male cucks that are in office.
This guy, this Brad Sherman from California is such a tiny cuck.
Excuse me, Mr. Sherman.
I'm just curious, what are your thoughts on the Iwan story?
Wow, I don't really have any questions.
I don't really have any answers on that.
I don't really know anything.
I'm just a good Democrat.
And wait, now I'm remembering.
Oh my gosh, you asked me about that last time and I didn't know.
Oh my gosh, you made me look like an idiot last time.
You did it again.
I can't comment.
I can't comment.
What do you mean you can't comment?
You're a member of the Democrat Party.
You're a representative from the state of California.
You've got this massive story about Russia and Trump and hacking the election and hacking the DNC.
It's so huge, it's all you can talk about.
But if someone brings up an alternative point, if someone brings up an alternative narrative, well all of a sudden you're silent.
All of a sudden, Brad Sherman has nothing to say.
He'll go to the impeach march.
Oh sure, Trump and Russia colluded.
He'll go to the impeach march.
As, again, this is so absurd.
Where is the story here?
You've got Russia pulling diplomats from the US as a response to the exact same thing.
But as soon as Brad Sherman gets asked about the Awan Brothers, he has no comment.
That doesn't exist.
That cannot exist.
Do not ask about the Awan Brothers.
These are not the droids you're looking for.
The Awan Brothers don't exist.
It's just Islamophobia.
There are no Awan Brothers.
It's made up.
It's made up.
It's Islamophobia.
So, that's the type of politician, just a total wuss.
A total pencil-necked, chicken-necked loser.
I just can't believe that these weak beta male cucks are actually politicians.
I mean, did you see them shrivel up?
Hey, what do you think about the Awan brothers?
I can't talk about it.
Yeah, because you know you're a total fraud and that everything you're saying that Trump was doing, the Clintons and the Wasserman Schultz of the world were actually doing with the Awan brothers and Uranium One and everything about that.
But he doesn't want to talk about that.
He knows nothing about that.
And then this morning, C-SPAN is going to cut off a caller who brings up the DNC fraud lawsuit.
See, this is why people are going to unite behind Trump.
Because the people that are against Trump are so weak, the people that are against Trump are so corrupt, that it's uniting people behind Trump.
Even people that may not like Trump, even people that didn't vote for Trump,
The swamp, Congress, the media, is so anti-Trump, so anti-America, so anti-reality, so anti-truth, that it's causing the rest of the world to see them for what they really are, and at least get behind Trump in the sense that
Here's all the scumbags.
Here's all the dirtbags.
Here's all the corrupt people.
Here's all the liars.
Wow, they're all lined up against Trump.
Maybe I should get behind this Trump.
Maybe I should give this Donald Trump a chance.
That's why it's so strange to me.
When you see the new Rasmussen pullout today that has Trump less popular than ever.
By my observations, by the people I'm talking to, Trump support is higher than ever.
So, maybe it's just the strongly approve that is going down, but maybe just general approval is going up.
I don't know.
I found that really strange.
Alright, I want to do a news blitz here.
You know, we've got a video from Mark Dice.
Apparently Chelsea Clinton just embarrassed herself trying to insult the President.
But let's get into some of this news.
I want to get into this because this is so key.
This is what Trump can do to get everyone in America behind him.
I guarantee you, if just one of the people from the Obama administration face justice, whether it be Lynch or Rice or whoever it is or Comey, that will unite people behind Trump.
This is a Breitbart story.
House Judiciary asks for new special counsel for Clinton, Comey, and Lynch.
You might as well include Rice in there.
You can go ahead and include Valerie Jarrett in there, a known communist.
Who, by the way, I'm not even going to get into this.
The news is so crazy.
Rod Rosenstein Thursday asks to appoint a second special counsel to investigate the 2016 elections.
Well, the crimes that these people have committed are pretty obtuse, pretty obvious.
So it shouldn't be too hard.
They've been looking into Trump for over a year now for these Russian ties.
They can't find them.
It would take a special counsel one day to look at Hillary Clinton and John Podesta to find Russian ties.
One day.
Just one day.
One year looking for Trump-Russia ties.
Can't find it.
So it's time for the Justice Department
And this is, I mean really, it should be Jeff Sessions getting behind it, but you wonder if he's not watching his fellow DC bureaucrats back with that deal, not wanting to go after them.
But that's what really needs to happen.
This whole pursuit of justice
This whole pursuit of collusion needs to be flipped around onto the Democrats, and it won't take a year to find it, it'll take one day, and I guarantee you that little swamp rat, Susan Rice, is gonna sing like a canary as soon as she gets actually in front of an open testimony and gets asked some real questions by some real congressmen, like King in Iowa, like Grassley in Iowa, like Rand Paul in Kentucky.
These are the people we need investigating Loretta Lynch, and Susan Rice, and James Comey, and Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama, and Valerie Jarrett, and John Brennan, and James Clapper, and John McCain.
These are the, this is the swamp.
Man, I'm telling you, you just, you think about how corrupt these people are.
You think about all the people that died because of foreign policy.
Thanks to Hillary Clinton and John McCain.
You think about just everything that they've done, yet they want to sit here and complain about Trump.
Alright, we've got breaking news right now.
Apparently, Anthony Scaramucci has been fired.
Trump removes Anthony Scaramucci from Communications Director role.
Boy, that was short-lived, was it not?
So, Scaramucci
Faces up to CNN, gets reporters that reported fake news on Scaramucci fired from CNN, then gets a job as the White House Communications Director, shakes up the House, fires Spicer, brings in Huckabee Sanders, then goes on a tirade against Bannon, goes on a tirade against Priebus, Priebus is ousted, and now Scaramucci!
A short-lived span as the Communications Director is out.
Okay, so White House shakeups continue.
I wonder what this will do for Trump's approval.
Personally, I like Scaramucci because he was a fighter and he wasn't politically correct, but apparently he's already out, so we'll be following that.
I'm sure that David Knight will have more breaking news on that in the third hour of today's show.
The decision to remove Mr. Scaramucci, who had boasted about reporting directly to the President, not Chief of Staff John Kelly, came at Kelly's request.
So this is a General Kelly move.
Makes me scratch my head a little bit.
John Kelly, huh?
John Kelly's in, by the way.
He's been in.
He's not an outsider.
So... Scaramucci's out, and apparently it is General Kelly's, the new, um...
The new head, I forget his position, just appointed, apparently called for Scaramucci to be ousted.
So more developments in the White House every day now, it seems like, shaking that up.
And I'm just so impatient because you can't even get anything done with Congress right now.
This Congress is such an embarrassment, such a joke!
Alright, let me do a news blitz here.
Before we kick it to the fourth hour and David Knight coming up.
Seven ways Trump is taking back America's culture.
This is an interesting story and it's kind of an objective point of view, but it's worth talking about because these are things that have to happen slowly.
These are things that are not going to happen overnight.
Trump announces ban on transgenders in the military.
That's not being politically correct.
That's not catering to the fear that liberals are going to tear you apart because you're anti-trans.
No, that's just using common sense policies to help the military function properly.
So, that's the culture against PC.
Trump reinstates and expands the Mexico City policy.
That's a strong stand against abortion.
He needs to take that a step further.
It's time to stop funding Planned Parenthood.
Number three, Trump signs executive order that he intends to vigorously enforce federal law, robust protections for religious freedom.
Now, he's going to have some trouble with the liberal media saying he wants to ban Muslims.
That's fake news.
It's not a Muslim ban.
It's a travel ban from countries that Barack Obama bombed for eight years.
I mean, how dare we want to keep those people we bombed for eight years out of our country?
It's not like they would want to come here.
Trump signs resolution overturning Obama's Planned Parenthood state funding mandate.
This shouldn't even be a debate!
You know, if you actually look at your paycheck, and then you look at how much you're taxed on your paycheck, and then you look at how much tax you pay when you buy consumer goods, folks, we're actually taxed like 60% of what we make in this country.
And the fact that some of that goes to Planned Parenthood,
That's such a crime.
It's such a sin against humanity.
It's so illegal.
It's just... How did we even get to this point?
Trump's nomination of now-Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
Yeah, a constitutional, conservative judge on the Supreme Court that freaks the liberals out.
That's actually something that can last past Trump's presidency.
If he gets to appoint one or two more, conservatism will dominate the Supreme Court for years to come.
Trump makes key appointments to the Department of Health and Human Services.
We'll see about all of that and how that develops in HHS.
Obviously he has a much different approach than the Obama administration.
Obama versus Trump.
Trump is America first.
Obama was America's last.
Trump vows to defend law enforcement and that you can just see by the speeches he gives.
He doesn't demonize police every day as Barack Obama did.
You remember that?
You may have heard about an imam from Davis, California who said that
Basically, he called for the annihilation of Jews.
Well, he's finally apologized.
He's finally apologized, folks.
So that's nice.
By the way, the liberals ignored that, and the Jewish Defense League also ignored that.
We'll be right back with the Alex Jones Show.
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Well, I think that we're going to be able to judge the firing of Anthony Scaramucci based on his reaction.
If he, and he's very boisterous, if he comes out and is loud and boisterous about his removal, I think that maybe we have a problem.
If he's silent and goes quietly with the wind, perhaps it was a mutual thing, maybe determined even beforehand.
But I'm going to be looking at Scaramucci's reaction because we know he's very boisterous and opinionated, and if this was something he thinks is bad,
Or John Kelly made a mistake.
I think we're going to hear from him.
So it'll be interesting to see how that develops.
But Scaramucci out quickly as communications director.
So a lot of White House shakeups happening pretty much all the time.
All right.
David Knight's coming in for the fourth hour.
I want to do kind of a news blitz here.
Americans are too drugged out to work.
So you've got 6% of Americans that cannot get to work because they are ill or disabled or on drugs.
We don't know exactly what percent represents what.
But you know, I think this is an overall thing with Americans.
This is the Wussification of America.
Okay, people are a bunch of wusses, people are a bunch of lazy bums, it's the fluoride, it's the GMOs, it's the media, and it's the drugs, it's the pharmaceutical drugs that the doctors are pushing.
So it's time to make America great again by making Americans tough again.
This is the land of the free and the home of the brave, not the land of the sheep and the home of the slave like the globalists are pushing.
Psychologists say more and more young people are entitled.
Boy, I wonder why!
Participation trophies since the day they're born.
Liberal media and liberal education that teaches them that everything's good, everything's awesome.
Yes, communism is great.
You can just have free things.
And now psychologists say young people are entitled.
Wouldn't have seen that coming.
Wouldn't have seen a bunch of spoiled entitled brats that follow the Kardashians around.
30-meter asteroid set skimming past Earth in October will test NASA's doomsday planetary defense system.
See, I love this story because...
Liberals obsessed with global warming.
First it was global cooling, then it was global warming.
Al Gore puts out a video, An Inconvenient Truth.
He ends up being 100% wrong, a total fraud, a total phony.
Al Gore, a total idiot.
And they freak out about global warming.
They don't even ever talk about how asteroids could hit planet Earth and just basically end the planet as it is.
But, you know, global warming is the problem, though.
You're driving a car is the problem.
New Jersey governor gets in Cubs fans' face.
You're a big shot, I tell ya.
Chris Christie, this guy can't catch a break.
He's got a bridge.
He's making bad bridge deals.
He's at the beach.
He's renting the beach.
Now he's at a ball game, apparently confronting some fan.
And the fan's actually like, wow, I was shocked.
He seems like a real guy.
Most guys would just, you know, walk away or ignore you.
And Chris Christie actually stood up for himself, made a joke about the guy being drunk.
I don't know about Chris Christie.
Christie Cream.
I don't know.
The more the media attacks him, the more it kind of endears him to me.
But Chris Christie, I guess, being humanized by liberal media.
Boy, four-year-old boy, among 36 shot in Chicago weekend violence.
That's nice.
36 people shot in Chicago over the weekend.
400 homicides this year so far in Chicago.
Most of that black-on-black crime.
Al Sharpton, nowhere to be found.
Jesse Jackson, nowhere to be found.
Black Lives Matter, nowhere to be found.
Okay, here's something disturbing.
Child sex dolls being sold online after being smuggled into Britain.
So you've all heard about sex robots, okay, and the rise in popularity.
Now you have child sex robots.
Let me tell you something.
I don't know about what kind of laws or legislation you can draw up to stop this stuff, but if you're the type of sicko that's going to order a child sex doll, perhaps a ball-peen hammer upside your head is what you need.
But that is disgusting.
What type of a freak orders a child sex doll?
What type of a freak... I mean, I guess if there's a market for it.
This is just... I can't even... I can't even wrap my head around this.
I want to vomit.
Child sex dolls?
They ought to be... They ought to... You know what?
The child sex doll?
They ought to be self-destructive.
As soon as you use this thing, it blows up in your face.
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You know what this country has?
The potential to be the greatest country in the history of the world.
And we already have become that.
America's potential, the inherent potential of America, is to be the leader of the world, and to be the freest country in the world.
To be a shining beacon of liberty, of independence, of capitalism, of free market, of strong people to the rest of the world.
Now, liberals have destroyed that.
Obama was the worst, and his cabinet, and liberal media have been trying to bring this country to its knees, bring this country to heel, for decades now.
And we're finally coming back.
Now, Trump is not perfect, and it's not even possible for Trump to even try to address all the issues in four or eight years of being president.
But if President Trump can continue to put fuel in the jet boosters
Of the rocket ship that is the United States of America, then it only gives America the potential to be great.
Now the rest is up to us.
The rest is up to us in the midterm elections.
The rest is up to us to not be fat and lazy and stupid and to be entitled but to actually go out there and work hard and build a future.
And that's what they're trying to stop right now.
But this is a grind.
I always like to make sports analogies.
Some games are easy.
You can make a bunch of threes and win the game.
Some games are tough.
You get beat.
This is a grind.
The four years under Trump is going to be a grind, folks.
So just stay the path.
Get informed on your local elections.
Inform other people.
Share our links.
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Get the truth out there.
Just overwhelm the system with new media.
Overwhelm the system with the real facts.
The reality of the world we're living in.
The reality of the Obama administration.
The reality of the Trump administration.
Just overwhelm your friends, your family, social media.
Inject truth.
Into the fake reality that's been sold to us for so long.
Now, David Knight's about to take over.
I don't know if he's going to cover this or not, but it was funny when I saw this story.
Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett joins Lyft board.
Now, Lyft is a ride company, a ride share company, much like Uber.
And I immediately saw this and I felt like there was something fishy here.
Now let's remember, Valerie Jarrett is a close friend of Barack Obama.
In fact, so close that she's living in his new million-dollar compound in D.C.
You know, the good liberal Barack Obama, who's against the rich, you know, against the 1%.
The nice liberal who quadrupled his
His worth, probably quintupled it, goes, hangs out with billionaires right after he gets out of office.
But so Valerie Jarrett joins the Lyft board, and as soon as I saw this, I thought, that looks like a sabotage.
So, I don't know, I don't know if I trust Valerie Jarrett at Lyft, because you've got Uber right now.
Uber's entire game plan, Uber's entire profit structure is based on self-driving cars.
If self-driving cars are not the norm, if self-driving cars have not taken over the travel economy by probably 2030, Uber is dead.
Uber's already broke.
Uber's already miserably failing.
They can't even treat their drivers well.
But they need a save.
And if Lyft, a competitor of Uber, just happened to be sabotaged or go down, all of a sudden that might give Uber another chance at life.
Because they are 100% relying on self-driving cars.
That's Uber relying on self-driving cars in order for their business to be profitable.
And by the way, the formerly ousted, I forget his name, the guy who was in charge of Uber who left, is now thinking he's coming back.
So again, it's all just kind of shifty and you gotta keep your eye on these type of things.
This is how politics gets involved in free market industry to try to corrupt it.
That does it for me today.
David Knight.
A fresh horse, a thoroughbred, out of the stable, hosting the third hour.
Scaramucci is out!
Anthony Scaramucci is out.
Why is he out?
David Knight will have more.
Stay tuned.
InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWars.com slash show.
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It is the Alex Jones Show with David Knight.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, July 31st, 2017.
It just keeps churning.
We've now heard that Anthony Scaramucci has been fired as White House Communications Director.
We'll have more information on that as it becomes available.
But remember, it was last week on InfoWars that we had Roger Stone break the story that there was going to be a major shakeup at the White House.
Everybody was looking at Attorney General Sessions and
The tweets that Donald Trump is putting out at the point trying to get him to do some investigations and the people who have really been hacking our election and everybody believed that he was going to be the first one to go and it was Roger Stone who said well actually it's going to be the chief of staff in the White House and he gave us three names and it turned out that all of that happened three days later on Friday so that was on Tuesday on Friday it actually happened and one of the names General Kelly was the one who now
Less than a week later is the White House Chief of Staff.
I want to take a look at a story that was broken by Infowars, Dr. Jerome Corsi, back in April.
And this is a story that was ignored even more so than the mainstream media ignored the story about the Awan brothers and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
That didn't get much traction, but it did get some traction in the free media.
The mainstream media essentially ignored it, but the free media talked about it.
But the free media really hasn't talked about this story.
As a matter of fact, we've had Breitbart push back on this as it's starting to come to a head this weekend.
And that is that Obamacare is really fake subsidies.
Let's talk about how they really got the subsidies.
You know, the metric has now become, it was always sold as the Affordable Health Care Act, but now the metric has become how many people are insured.
And of course, key to that are the subsidies.
And so what they're scoring this is not the affordability, not is it going to get insurance rates down, not is it going to get health care costs down.
Is it going to bring competition?
No, no.
It's all about how many people we can subsidize and control from Washington.
And how did they get these subsidies?
Well, the subsidies were created by theft.
And the mainstream media didn't talk about it when Obama did it, and they're not talking about it when Jerome Corsi exposed this.
And there's a lot of people, the people who had the money stolen from them, investors in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, they were talking about it.
They were talking about it on Twitter.
Hashtag FannieGate.
Jerome Corsi investigated it, broke it down.
I've talked to him at length.
Alex has talked to him at length.
As a matter of fact,
At one point, about a month ago, when Jerome Corsi was here in Austin, he and I broke down this in about an hour-long video.
And we go back, this all began with the TARP bailouts.
That's why when Donald Trump tweeted this weekend and he said, if a new health care bill is not approved quickly, bailouts, and he puts it in uppercase, bailouts for insurance companies and bailouts for members of Congress will end very soon.
He knows precisely what this is about.
And of course we had Health and Human Services Director Price go on NBC's Face the Nation yesterday and he talked about the fact that there is a current court case that's there.
And let me just break down this one hour discussion for you real quickly.
When we had the meltdown and Fannie and Freddie were part of this,
And again, what are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
Essentially, they are government-backed loans.
And so we've had a lot of investors.
My dad, when he was alive, and his portfolio, and he's passed on a long time ago, and so has his portfolio, quite frankly.
So I don't have a dog in this fight.
I'm not one of the investors.
Nobody in my family is.
But people who wanted to invest conservatively.
My dad was never into get-rich-quick schemes.
He was into just, honestly, getting rich.
And that's the way that you do get rich.
He didn't get rich, but that's the way that you provide for your retirement.
He wanted to buy mortgages.
Those are safe.
But even safer are government-backed mortgages.
So he had a lot of people.
Preparing for their retirement, a lot of pension plans that were preparing for retirement that invested in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
They were considered to be very safe investments.
But then we had people who were put in charge of it, who started making bad loans, just like the banks did.
They made tens of millions of dollars in commissions and they bankrupted Fannie and Freddie.
Now when the government took that over,
And turn it into receivership, they became profitable.
And nobody talked about how Fannie and Freddie came back in a few years and became profitable.
When Obama could not get the House to fund the subsidies for Obamacare, he went to the profitable now, profitable Fannie and Freddie, and he just stole the money.
Now, he called it a net asset sweep.
Maybe he could have called it civil asset forfeiture.
That's what they do in the drug war.
They want something, they just come up with a fancy name for it.
Rename the theft.
Call it net asset sweep or civil asset forfeiture.
Doesn't make any difference.
But, you know, when the lawyers steal your money, the government steals your money, they come up with a clever
Name for it, so it's just an outright theft, but it was outright theft They stole from the investors, and they took all the money.
That's why they mean a net asset sweep They swept all the money all the profits that were coming into the Treasury From Fannie and Freddie instead of it going to the rightful investors.
He used it to subsidize insurance policies now the house sued and They went to a judge and the judge says well according to the Constitution the house is supposed to appropriate the money and
And they didn't do that.
So you appropriated it with your five fingers and just stole it.
And you can't do that.
So the court ruled against the Obama administration in favor of the House and said you don't have, legally have, a right for that money that you're using for subsidies.
So promptly the Obama administration's Attorney General Eric Holder
I think?
And here's what he has to say in a follow-up article today.
He says, yeah, we predicted this back in April.
He says, all President Trump must do to repeal Obamacare is to sign an executive order instructing the Solicitor General to withdraw the Obama administration's appeal in federal district court case U.S.
House of Representatives v. Burwell.
And he gives the full legal description.
The point is, he says, that Congress never funded any taxpayer funds to pay the low-income insurance subsidies that are at the heart of making Obamacare work.
If we could in fact say that Obamacare is working.
But that is the key thing.
That's what they want to put out there.
The fact that these people are going to lose their health care coverage is now the metric that is being used by
The Office of Management and Budget and the Congressional Budget Office to score this and to say, we can't mess with this because we're going to have people losing their insurance.
Well, they don't have it.
They're stealing the money to fund this.
And the court has sided with the House of Representatives to say these are fake subsidies.
End the fake subsidies.
It can be done.
And you know, when I looked at this, and I tweeted this out earlier today, somebody said, well, you know, Trump should have done this from the very beginning.
And I said, no, actually, I disagree.
I disagree.
I agree with him taking his time to make this happen.
Because think about what's going to happen now at this point.
If Trump does, with a stroke of a pen, stop these subsidies, which is about 36% of them,
There is going to be hell to pay.
There is going to be a real civil war.
All these people are still patting themselves on the back.
The Republicans and the Democrats and the establishment for having kept Obamacare, which, if Mitt Romney had won, it would have been Romneycare.
We'd already seen it in Massachusetts.
Paul Ryan was his running mate.
He would have made sure that it went through.
He's made sure that it stays there.
And of course, McCain would have done the same thing, too, if he had become president.
So this was something that the establishment wanted for a long time.
It's something they wanted to deliver to the insurance companies.
A massive crony capitalist scheme here that rewards the insurance companies.
Their profits have tripled with this for the group insurance.
They haven't tripled for individual subsidies.
They're pulling out of markets for individual subsidies.
And, interestingly enough, in skinny repeal, what were the two things?
That they were coming at, that they were just trying to repeal only two things.
The individual mandate, why?
Because insurance companies are losing money.
The other thing that they tried to repeal were taxes on medical devices and other medical products.
You don't make health care more affordable by taxing medical devices and other medical products.
And the individual mandates were not making money for the insurance companies, so those were on the table.
But out of spite, John McCain got his moment of glory, his parting moment of glory, where he could stand there and shove this down Donald Trump's throat.
So Donald Trump, I think, wisely waited and said, I'm going to let the GOP have a chance to keep their promises.
I know that Eric Cantor was laughing about the fact that they had
Taking advantage of the anger of the GOP voters and the Tea Party and says, hey, you got that anger, you got to use it.
Knew it wasn't going to happen.
Knew we weren't going to repeal Obamacare.
Boehner said, you're never going to repeal it.
And of course it was Boehner and Cantor who were the number one and number two.
We did repeal Cantor and we did repeal Boehner and we will repeal Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell if we have to as well.
We will get them out.
This is going to happen.
The vast majority of people in America want Obamacare gone.
And if you won't get rid of it, we'll get rid of you.
We'll have some GOP repeal.
And we've got people like John McCain, who, as he's got brain cancer, is perfectly happy to burn down the House, burn down the Senate, burn down the GOP, burn down America for his moment in the spotlight.
And I said on Friday what it reminds me of is like the fourth act of some Wagnerian opera.
You remember the Lord of the Rings, the fourth act, the Gutterdämmerung?
What is called the Twilight of the Gods, and these guys self-immolate, and they burn down Valhalla?
Well, that's what the GOP is doing right now.
They think they're gods.
They think they can decide for us what our health care is going to be.
Well, they're not going to.
They're not going to.
They can burn themselves down, that's fine, but we're not going to keep supporting them.
So we're at the point now where Donald Trump has tried to get them to fulfill their promises to the American people, and their cynicism is quite clearly on display.
At this point, at this point now, since the Congress will not do anything about it,
President Trump is justified to, with the stroke of a pen, keep the promise that the GOP would not keep and get rid of these fake subsidies.
Fake because they're funded on theft.
And that's precisely what needs to happen.
It's going to be a war.
Bring it on.
Let's take on the establishment, and I think, quite frankly, at this point, we see what's happening.
Donald Trump has been fed up with what's going on with both the leakers in his staff and with the people on Capitol Hill, his own party, the GOP.
And he's not part of them.
That's why we voted for Donald Trump.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
So here in America, we're at a turning point tonight with forces now forming an alliance to try and remove President Trump from office.
It's that serious.
This is not a diversionary tactic.
This stuff is real here.
This coup, this silent coup that is taking place is real.
A soft coup is underway right here in the United States of America in an attempt to overturn November's election results and forcibly remove a duly elected president from office.
Sinister forces quickly aligning in what is becoming now, in my mind, a clear and present danger.
I got to go into the Congress and spend three hours from 9.30 in the evening to 12.30 a.m.
with one of the senior ranking members of Congress.
And he told me, and of course this is what I said on CBN but they cut it out, but I'm going to go public with this because we have to.
He said, there is a plot on Capitol Hill to take the president out.
I said, you mean by impeachment or by indictment?
He said, no, to take him out.
This is an effort to subvert the administration of President Donald Trump.
It is nothing less.
It is an effort by the deep state to roll over a duly elected president and a legitimate government and to break the will of the American people.
I'm not overconfident, I'm underconfident.
Roger, they're going to pull some stuff.
Obama's in for two months.
And now they're saying they want to unseat the elected president because he's a Russian agent and you've got the CIA in the middle of this.
With Obama saying, we've got evidence they were involved.
There's really no way to overstate the unprecedented peril that this country and this world is in right now.
Unprecedented with the CIA involved and electors getting ready to vote against Trump and all this other garbage, I'm here to tell you.
Under continuity of government systems, if there really was someone put in by the Russians, then the directives are to move to remove them.
This is the cover they need inside government to pretend they're a bunch of patriots and try to organize enough people out of agencies to make a move against Trump to remove him or even assassinate him.
And it can go a lot of different ways.
They announce the electors aren't going for Trump.
Next time he gets on board his plane, it blows up.
And they'll just say it's a conspiracy theory, we don't know why it blew up, don't ask why it blew up.
That's how brazen they are.
Because they want a riot, they want a civil war, then they can bring in their control because they can't win a peaceful information war.
You have a politicization of the agencies that is resulting in leaks from anonymous, unknown people.
And the intention is to take down a president.
Now this is very dangerous to America.
It's a threat to our republic.
It constitutes a clear and present danger to our way of life.
Government bureaucrats, particularly within the intelligence community, have launched a soft coup aimed at the Trump administration.
You can read between the lines.
I said, look, I said that's not going to happen.
He said, he said, well really there's nothing we can do to stop it.
I said we are going to stop it because we're going to mobilize the body of Christ to pray.
And the best description of it is by Barry Castleman in his blog where he said this is a coup d'etat.
He said 14 million citizens in private ballots picked Donald Trump.
20 TV executives have decided to destroy him.
This is no longer a
About Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals, this is about a full-on assault by the left, the Democratic Party, to absolutely carry out a coup d'etat against President Trump.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and we were just talking about the story that InfoWars broke not three days before it happened, as we did with Roger Stone in the White House.
That was a big break, and we were the first ones there.
We broke this story, and we've been the only ones covering Dr. Jerome Corsi.
We broke the story that Donald Trump has been cryptically tweeting about.
We said we're going to end the bailouts of the insurance companies and the members of Congress.
And as I pointed out to you in the last segment, what he's talking about is the money stolen from Fannie and Freddie that began with the TARP bailouts.
They returned to profitability.
The House would not fund the subsidies for Obamacare.
So Obama just stole the money.
The House Republicans took him to court because the money has to be appropriated by Congress.
You can't just steal money from wherever you can grab it, which is what Obama did.
And the court agreed.
They said, no, the Constitution says that the House needs to appropriate the money.
They didn't, so you don't have a legal right to do these low-income subsidies.
Then Obama appealed, and that appeal is still going.
And the President has the ability, with an executive order, to stop the Justice Department appealing that decision from the lower court.
And that decision, and I would add, the Constitution would then stand
And Obamacare would end.
Because Obamacare is based on a lot of subversions of the Constitution.
The whole idea that the government can mandate us to buy a product from a private company.
The idea that government can run health care from Washington, can tell us what levels of insurance we have to have, and subsidizing the companies that way is absolutely absurd.
And of course we had Kellyanne Conway on CNN asked a clarifying question about this, but of course the mainstream media is not going to talk about the how and the why of what this is all about.
They said, she said, he's going to make this decision this week.
It's a decision that only he can make.
And Secretary Price, when he was on NBC's Face the Nation, says, what I can tell you is that the court has made a decision that those payments were made illegally.
That's what Dr. Corsi's been talking about.
That's working its way through the court system.
He said, our job is to follow the law of the land, not to subvert it as Obama did.
You know, just like the Paris Agreement, climate agreement.
Obama said I can't get the Congress to do it, I can't get the Senate to ratify the treaty, so I'll self-ratify it.
Well, Donald Trump just came in and un-ratified his ratification because it was nothing but an executive order, it had no authority, it wasn't a treaty.
And the same thing is true of Obamacare, so that's something that we need to watch.
I just want to remind you before I get back to the news and move on to what's going on
Crony capitalism and the corrupt Clintons.
We've got another story here that is something that's going to break with Terry McAuliffe.
It's been going for a long time, but it's starting to come back on him, just like the Awan Brothers story is coming back on Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
This is getting close to the end.
We had our July special.
It began 4th of July.
Uh, we have extended them through the month of July, and that is free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com, and that will be ending here with the end of July, and that's today, July 31st.
I don't think this is going to be extended.
We have discounts up to 60%.
At the store on some of our most popular products like Silver Bullet, that is over 60% off.
We also have new whey protein for 25% off at InfoWarsLife.com.
And again, free shipping, store wide.
So take advantage of this.
This is not going to last, I don't think it's going to last past today.
It was going through the end of July.
This is our biggest sale we've ever had.
Massive discounts on a wide variety of products at InfoWarsStore.com.
Last week, we broke the news that the UK has joined France in surrendering to the New World Order and saying we're going to ban cars.
Because, quite frankly, if you ban internal combustion engines, you are banning cars.
And it's a UN agenda.
It was Agenda 21, the agenda for the 21st century.
Then they said, well, we've got UN Agenda 2030.
So they made it a little bit, put a finer point on it.
So we're going to have 2030, where we're going to get
Our ability to control your lives by controlling your energy, but also by controlling your mobility.
That is very key.
We have to understand this is a full-on political and economic and social war on our cultures, on our societies.
It was the UN that said we're going to bring massive numbers of people in here and of course we're going to do it so that we can save Social Security for you.
No, that's not why they're doing it.
That's not what they're doing.
They're trying to reduce the West to the status of a third world country so they can have their way with us just as these globalist elite have had their way with their colonial period, with their neo-colonial period.
Now they're going to bring their colonialism to the West by turning Western nations into third world countries.
And so that's what the massive movement of the population is about.
That's what the climate change agreement is about.
That's what the banning of diesel and gasoline engines is about in France and the UK.
Now they're talking about doing that in 2040.
So they've been delayed a little bit, but they're still on target.
So we're going to talk about how this is coming to America.
And at the center of this, and a great example of the corruption and the crony capitalism, is current Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, a guy who is former head of the DNC, just like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, always with the Clintons, always their campaign manager, and always corrupt.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is the Info War.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
In the last segment, I was talking about the move in Europe to ban all internal combustion engines.
You know, quite frankly, I don't really care so much about the power source for the cars.
I care about being able to control my car, having the freedom and the independence to go where I want and to do it anonymously.
You know, kind of like having cash.
They want to create a cashless society because they want to know everything that you're doing.
And they want to control all of your money.
And they want to have a driverless society because they want to be able to know everywhere that you're going and control it.
And of course, make a lot more money.
It's always about the money.
Don't ever forget to follow the money.
And so when we look at this move by Britain to say, and it's a few years off, 2040, they've had to slip their agenda 2030 from the United Nations.
They've had to slip that a little bit because Donald Trump has kind of put a monkey wrench in all of this.
But that's truly what's behind the war on diesels, quite frankly.
When I first came here to InfoWars, we were working on a story in North Carolina where I left.
They had the EPA hooking people up to diesel tailpipes, trying to increase the regulations.
We had then-director of the EPA, Lisa Jackson.
Did a little show with Congressman Ed Markey, who's now a senator from Massachusetts.
And the two of them, he was feeding her lines, and he actually read one of her lines and they had to pull it back.
Says, well, more people are dying, aren't they, of diesel fine particulate matter than are from cancer, aren't they?
Oh yes, it's very, very dangerous.
And at the time, her EPA, at the time she was saying that, her EPA in North Carolina had a study going on at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.
And they were hooking people up to diesel tailpipes and feeding them more than 70 times what the EPA said was the maximum limit you should have a fine particulate matter.
Can you believe that?
You should believe that.
The group I was working with went to court to try to stop this.
We said this is human experimentation.
You advertise for people who had respiratory and heart issues so that you could create a case for increasing your regulation on something that is already highly regulated.
And you are exposing them to what you say are life-threatening issues.
You've just said more people are dying of this than of cancer.
And you are exposing these people to 70 times what you said is a safe level.
And we couldn't get the government to stop it.
They wouldn't stop it.
They wouldn't put an injunction on this.
Does that tell you something?
Tells you something about the agenda, doesn't it?
And so, as they're talking about this, we had a skeptic on Daily Mail say, how on earth are we going to power 9 million electric cars?
And he talks about how he considered it because it was being heavily subsidized for the buyer in the UK if they would buy an electric car.
And see, that's the issue.
The heavy subsidization.
For both the people who buy it and the people who sell it.
Where's that subsidization coming from?
It's coming from you, the taxpayer.
They want this to happen.
And they want it to happen in the worst way.
See, the electric
Batteries with their limited range, their limited lifetime, and their greater expense.
Suits their purpose very well.
Because it doesn't make it very economical for you to own it.
So you're going to have to rent it.
And you're going to rent it by the mile.
You're not even going to have a lease.
They make a lot more money off of leases than they do selling cars.
And they're going to make a lot more money being taxi companies than they are being automobile manufacturing companies.
That's why Ford got rid of a CEO who would put them in a very profitable situation.
They got rid of him.
Because they wanted to focus more on being a mobility company, renting the stuff, becoming an Uber or a Lyft.
So they want to vertically integrate that, but they want to take away what you have.
And this is what Agenda 21 is about.
It's about keeping you confined in the cities.
It's about turning you into a renter, into a serf, into a slave.
Because you won't own anything.
You won't own your little 200 square foot apartment in the cities that they lock you in.
You'll rent it from them.
You won't own your automobile.
You'll rent it by the mile from them.
And guess what?
You're not going to be able to afford to go very far.
And once they start renting it to you, once they have a monopoly or a duopoly or three companies that are doing this, what do you think is going to happen to the price?
You already know what happens with Uber when they get into
Pricing conditions, peak pricing conditions.
You can see that goes sky-high.
This is a partnership between the government and these crony capitalists.
And so then we have, as the guy points out, you know, how are we going to charge all these cars?
Well, that's not even the issue.
The real issue is, how are you going to provide the electricity?
It's not even the charging stations.
So where's the electricity going to come from?
Electricity is going to be coming.
What we need to point out is that these electric cars are actually coal and oil driven cars.
They may not be driven by gasoline or by diesel, but they will be driven by coal.
Because it's the coal plants that will provide the electricity.
There's no way that you're going to have anywhere near this time frame that you're going to have renewable energy sources like solar,
Or like wind power that are going to work.
They're two variable.
You have to have a perfectly solid state power supply on the grid.
Now they can work in a decentralized situation and I support that.
I support people getting off the grid.
I support people getting solar power and getting off of the grid and powering their own house with batteries.
But you can't and they don't have a solution for storing the energy from solar and from wind to make it usable on the grid.
They simply don't.
That's why some of the car companies are starting to look at hydrogen and other sources.
That's fine.
That's a separate issue from who is going to control it.
But the electric really does fit into
The control grid that the corporations, a few corporations who are connected and the government want for you.
It's all this gee whiz technology.
So we've got a new story that came out this weekend.
Shell CEO, as Drudge put this out, says his next car will be electric.
Says his car will be electric.
Well, you know, he's going to be buying an electric car in September and they said
This is BGR.
Electric vehicles are most certainly the future of the automotive industry, and you need only look at the outlawing of gas-powered vehicles for proof of that.
See, they're going to make it happen by fiat, just like they did Obamacare.
The outlawing.
It's not something where the technology is ready or the demand is there.
99% of the people in France choose not to buy electric cars, even at their heavily subsidized prices.
So it's going to be mandated.
It's going to be done by law, which is what Britain is doing as well.
But they say, if you need any more proof of this, look at the CEO of Royal Dutch Shell, Ben Van Burden.
Burden, I guess.
It is a burden that he's going to be putting on.
He's got some news for you.
He's going to buy an electric vehicle in September.
And guess what?
I've got news for you, too.
It's going to be powered by his oil, because that's what's going to be running the power plants that are supplying the electricity.
Again, one of the individuals I used to work with, his name is Schneer, Dr. Schneer.
He worked for the EPA for 30 years.
He's a scientist and a lawyer.
And he would go to these seminars and he would ask people, well, what do you think is your favorite power supply?
What do you think we ought to be focusing on?
And he says, it's amazing how many people would raise their hand and say, well, my preferred power supply is electricity.
And he tried to explain to them, you do realize that electricity is the end product.
It is not the power supply source.
It's going to be generated by biomass, or by wind, or by solar, or by gas, or by coal, or by oil.
And that's what's going to be powering his electric car.
But let's take a look at the crony capitalism involved here, and the political corruption, and the Clintons, because here they are at the center of this again.
We had a story
That broke last week.
About a car.
One of these quote-unquote self-driving cars.
No, no.
It's not a self-driving car.
It is a... I have a self-driving car.
A car that I drive myself.
That's what automobile means.
They're going to take that away from us.
No, we're going to have remote-control, battery-operated, shiny boxes that we drive around.
That's what they want to put on us because that's where they're going to make their money, that's where the government is going to get their control.
And so they got a car that was a Lexus Hybrid.
And it did a 5,300 or if you depend, depends on whether you want the headline or the body, they've got a differential here.
One of them says 4,300, the other says 5,300.
But it went from Washington, D.C.
to Seattle and then back to Richmond.
And there to meet it was Governor Terry McAuliffe, who said the autonomous technology is coming and we want to be the leader.
Well, he is the leader.
He is the leader.
Let's take a look at this car company that he got involved in.
About five years ago, which is now blowing up again.
There he is!
There he is, leading the way in his little green tech car.
This seems to combine the worst of these little electric cars and a smart car all in one, but it also throws in a big hunk of crony capitalism.
Would you buy a car from this man?
If you're a taxpayer, you already have, okay?
You bought into this big time.
And of course Judicial Watch is pointing out that the media is completely ignoring the scandal of Terry McAuliffe, the governor, the guy who used to be head of the DNC once upon a time before Debbie Wasserman Schultz, also a Clinton crony, became head of the DNC.
He was a guy who was Hillary Clinton's campaign manager in 2008.
He is connected to the Clintons, and the Clintons are connected to this fraudulent company that is now out of business, Greentech.
As I point out, Judicial Watch, I say most mainstream news outlets have ignored this story altogether.
And they keep Terry McAuliffe's name out.
They only put it in there minimally if they put it in at all.
They say one of the major D.C.
newspapers had a very lengthy story about what's going on as this sad saga is starting to unravel.
And they put this.
In the very last sentence, they mentioned Terry McAuliffe.
They said, among former insiders is Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.
He resigned as the firm's chair in December 2012 and said that he had divested his interest.
So there you go.
He doesn't have anything to do with this.
He got out of it years ago.
Not really.
Let's talk about what really happened.
As they point out in Judicial Watch, McAuliffe brokered the deal in which the company got millions in public funds, promising to invest $60 million locally.
And that they would create hundreds of full-time jobs.
Great paying jobs, they told everybody.
That never happened.
Instead, taxpayers got fleeced.
Now the Mississippi State Auditor, Stacey Pickering, is ordering that the money be repaid with interest and with investigative costs.
The exact figure is 6.3 million dollars.
Now when Greentech went bankrupt, it was the fourth largest bankruptcy in history.
Terry McAuliffe said, I only did it for political work.
You know, I really didn't know anything that was going on there.
I know nothing.
But by the way, the company's founder donated a million dollars to Bill Clinton's presidential library.
First connection to the Clintons besides the association with Terry McAuliffe.
In 2013, Judicial Watch put Terry McAuliffe on their most corrupt politicians list.
And while they kept his name out of this, there has been this escalating movement here with Terry McAuliffe.
I want to tell you, they say, well, he's been out of it since 2012.
Let's take a look at a Free Beacon article going back to 2013, because now as the state of Mississippi is trying to pull this back and do an investigation, I think this is going to be investigated.
This is one of the things that Attorney General Sessions needs to take a look at.
Some of the crimes that are connected to the Clinton crime family, the crony capitalism that's there.
Going back to a story, four years ago, back in August of 2013, five things you need to know about Green Tech Automotive, Terry McAuliffe's company that failed to live up to its promises.
Number one, they fell short on job promises multiple times.
First, he was going to do this in Virginia.
In 2009, he was telling Virginians that he was going to bring in 1,500 jobs to the state.
But he didn't tell them that actually, well, no, we decided we were going to do that in Mississippi.
He made some promises to them because he could get more money from them, but he didn't create any jobs.
He projected that Green Tech would churn out 10,000 cars in its first year and employ thousands.
Didn't happen.
Didn't happen.
And at the center of all of this, guess what?
is a visa program.
Now this is not a visa program for tech people.
This is not an H-2B visa program for service workers who come in like they did at Disney World to take American jobs.
No, this is a visa program, an EB-5 visa program that allows foreign nationals to get a visa if they invest $500,000 to a million dollars in a project or business that provides U.S.
So in order to make this happen, Greentech, Terry McAuliffe's company, partnered with Gulf Coast Funds Management.
Now that company had working with them
Anthony Rodham, a close friend of Terry McAuliffe, who also happens to be the brother of Hillary Clinton.
Anthony Rodham ran the company that's offering visas to foreigners if they invest a million dollars in Hillary Clinton's brother's company.
The whole thing was a scam, but they collected $45.5 million from foreign investors.
Another thing you need to know about them.
They were being investigated back in 2013.
They said, well, he left way back in December 2012 immediately.
They were being investigated even under the Obama administration by the SEC.
Thank you
Detection so they can avoid taxes.
That's the corruption that you'll see everywhere.
Where you see the Clintons or you see these green electric car company subsidies.
This is like Solyndra.
This is another one of these scams that needs to be investigated.
Real quickly, I want to play for you a clip that came out of a congressional hearing.
This is something that Trey Gowdy and Congressman Connolly asked some very interesting questions from the Office of National Drug Control Policy.
Let's play what Trey Gowdy said first.
Here's Trey.
Director Baum, in case my mom is watching, I want to be really clear.
I'm not advocating for the legalization of marijuana.
But I am.
I'm very, very clear about that.
Pause that just a second.
Pause that just a second.
You know what?
I'm advocating for the legalization of marijuana, and my mama would be proud of me.
She would not be proud if she saw me using marijuana, and I don't use marijuana.
I advocate for the legalization because it is destroying our society, it's not helping anybody to get off of drug addiction, and the entire thing is a UN agenda, as we're going to expose here in just a moment.
But we need to understand how this is destroying our country.
And I'm going to talk about how it's not only destroyed our rule of law, but now it is going into a new area.
Now it is destroying our right to get bail.
Our right to get bail is now on the line.
But let's hear what he has to say about the drug schedules.
Go on.
It's certainly not treated as a inherently dangerous substance for which there is no medicinal value.
It takes a tractor-trailer full of marijuana to even trigger a mandatory minimum under our drug laws.
So, is there any appetite for researching whether or not it should remain a Schedule 1 drug?
Congressman, the administration doesn't have a position on that, but I'm happy to dialogue with your office.
Let me just briefly say that we strongly support research on medical use of marijuana.
Hold it right there, hold it right there.
We have, half of the states have authorized medical marijuana.
When they authorize medical marijuana, it should be taken out of a Schedule 1 drug, because that says there's absolutely no medical use for it.
We know that is a lie.
Even in Texas, they authorize it for one condition, even though we don't have medical marijuana.
Where did those schedules come from?
They didn't come from the U.S.
They came from the United Nations ten years before Richard Nixon created the War on Drugs and used those schedules.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Hope the mainstream media feels powerful when you know this is all going on and you do everything you can to lie about what this show broadcasts, what we cover.
The blood of those children.
All over the world held in captivity.
UN caught kidnapping thousands out of Haiti alone.
The blood is on your hands.
Leo Zegami, let me ask you this question.
Who is behind this global sudden wave of thousands of thousands of pedophiles per country being caught?
10,000 plus arrests here.
What is causing this massive move against pedophile rings that even MSM admits may bring down the Catholic Church?
Well, it's happening, and it's happening clearly in front of the whole world with George Pell, but it's also an internal conflict.
A few days before George Pell got booted out of the Vatican, we had basically the police breaking inside the palace of the Holy Office, the ex-Inquisition, now known as the Congregation for the Matters of Faith, basically the headquarters of the most holy office in the Vatican.
The police broke in and found
Cardinal Pell is responsible for many decades of secret plan devised by the Vatican to give the less possible money to the victims of pedophilia and manipulate them.
And he was made a member of the C9 group, which is a group of nine cardinals.
And three of these cardinals have been heavily criticized for having protected in the past pedophilia, including Cardinal Pell.
So many people were actually astonished of seeing in February 2014 Cardinal Pell arriving in Rome.
And he didn't really hide in front of the media or, you know, in front of the other people in the Vatican.
He started immediately acting with a lavish lifestyle that, of course, brought a lot of criticism towards Pope Francis, who wants to be this very conservative pope who doesn't spend much money.
So this is the first time in history, Alex, that such a high-ranking officer, let's say, or minister of this Vatican,
This man is put in front of a trial.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I want to get back to this testimony from Trey Gowdy.
He did a great job asking the drug lords, the Office of National Drug Control Policy, asking them, what is the basis for having marijuana scheduled as a Schedule 1 drug?
Saying that it is more dangerous than cocaine or meth.
Pot has never killed anybody.
And it has medical uses.
So it doesn't belong in Schedule 1.
But who put it there?
It was the United Nations that put it there.
They created the schedules.
They put the drugs in the schedules in 1961.
Richard Nixon declared his war on drugs in 1971.
Ten years later, we use the template of the United Nations, just as we do with Agenda 21, just as we are with this climate change stuff.
It's all coming from the United Nations.
They're the ones telling our Washington politicians what to do.
That needs to stop.
It is a war on our freedom.
It is a war on the rule of law.
And it needs to stop.
We're going to tell you more about that real quickly before we get back to the news.
Just want to remind you that this sale that we've had at InfoWars, it began on July 4th, our independence sale.
We extended that through the month of July, and today is July 31st.
It will be ending today.
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Things like Silver Bullet, 66% off.
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So take a look at the store site.
Take advantage of free shipping while it lasts.
And that's just today.
Today is July 31st.
That sale will be ending.
Okay, let's go back to...
I've got another clip here from one of the other congressmen asking the Office of National Drug Control Policy, what is going on?
This is insanity.
This guy is very animated.
Congressman Connolly, here's that clip.
The point being made here in some ways, Mr. Baum, is if you, not you personally, if the government, federal government, on this subject, marijuana and how dangerous it is, has no credibility because of the lack of serious empirical work.
It threatens our whole drug policy's credibility.
And you're seeing this happen in marijuana in the states.
They're making decisions.
Norton talked about eight states, but there are over 25 states that have, in some fashion, including my home state of Virginia, liberalized their laws for medical reasons all the way to recreational reasons.
Okay, let's hold it right there.
What he's saying is we're losing credibility with people because they understand that the war on drugs is based on a lie, and the best example of that is marijuana.
There's other examples, but it is destroying our legal system, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and it is having no effect whatsoever for people's health.
It is not a law enforcement issue.
It is a medical issue.
It's a psychological issue.
It is a spiritual issue.
It is not a law enforcement issue.
And it is not a constitutional issue.
We had a constitutional amendment to have alcohol prohibition.
Where is that constitutional amendment?
Meanwhile, we've got an attorney general who wants to overthrow now the 10th amendment.
And say the states cannot legalize this, that the federal government is going to overthrow that.
After overthrowing the Fourth Amendment, our right against illegal searches, our Fifth and Sixth Amendment, our due process in court, we have an individual that I talked to, and I'm going to cover this tonight on the nightly news, it's now affecting our ability to even get bail.
Let alone a trial.
And I'm going to tell you tonight on the Nightly News, a story about a family.
The couple was retired CIA employees.
They got busted for a hydroponic tomato garden in their house.
And you will not believe how it destroyed their lives.
If it can happen to them, it will happen to you.
Join us tonight, 7 Central, 8 p.m.
Eastern, for the InfoWars Nightly News.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.