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Name: 20170717_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 17, 2017
3350 lines.

This text discusses various topics related to politics, media, and health. It critiques mainstream media for portraying Trump as unpopular and less popular than diseases like leprosy and gonorrhea, arguing that such claims are false and designed to influence weak-minded individuals. The author also criticizes social policies endorsed by the Liberal Youth League in Sweden, including mass immigration, NATO membership, cartoon child pornography, polygamy, and incest. Alex Jones discusses the issue of child sexualization in society, air purification, certain supplements his company offers before discussing recent news such as Hillary Clinton's lack of indictment for money laundering and violating campaign finance rules. He mentions that many items in his store are running low in stock and will be pulled from sales soon, encouraging listeners to take advantage of the current discounts. The text also discusses law enforcement training and use of deadly force, raising concerns around "shoot first" curriculum, the potential dangers of facial recognition technology on police body cameras, and the need for improved communication between police officers and citizens.

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Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones!
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us as we kick off another global transmission on this Monday, the 17th day already of July 2017.
Remember this headline from November 5th, 2016?
Madam President Newsweek printed up hundreds of thousands of Madam Presidents.
You can still buy one for like $3 on eBay.
Hillary Clinton's historic journey to the White House.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, President Trump really has a 65% approval rating.
They claim it's 37% right now.
We also have mobs of youth attacking police for no reason.
That video is coming up today.
It's all key intel.
But first, remembering Dr. Michael Kaufman, who I just learned last night died a month ago, a great patriot who first exposed Jena 21.
Without him,
Right now, we would be up the creek without a paddle, but because of his key seminal work, the sleeping giant is awake.
Basically, back in the early 1990s, I was leading a multi-million dollar research effort on global warming, contacting and working with scientists all over the world.
And it became pretty obvious to me that by 1992 that, well actually in the early 1990s, that man probably wasn't causing global warming.
We have now
Overwhelming evidence that man is not causing global warming.
And that's why I think they're ramping up this hype and scare story that Hurricane Sandy was caused by global warming and so forth.
But nonetheless, at that particular point in time, I was also following what was going on in an organization called the IUC, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
Now, some of you probably know this because you've heard me before, but most of our international treaties are written by the IUCN, the International Unit for the Conservation of Nature.
The Convention on Biological Diversity is one of those.
And at the same time, there was another project called the Wildlands Project, which was basically also coming out of the United Nations.
The Wildlands Project called for setting aside 50% of the United States into wilderness, as you suggested just a few minutes ago.
We're good.
All the language was there.
It was really sanitized.
You couldn't really see it.
It sounded like motherhood and apple pie.
But when the Global Biodiversity Assessment was published, it was actually written by the IUCN and the World Resources Institute.
When that was published by the UN, it was basically referred back to the Wildlands Project and named the authors and so forth in doing that.
I had been in August of 1994 down to the Senate trying to convince them that the Wildlands Project wasn't the heart of the convention or the treaty.
They ignored me because it didn't say anything in the treaty about it.
When the Global Biodiversity Assessment came out a month or two later, it was still in draft form.
We didn't have the actual copy.
That wasn't going to be published until the end of 1994.
But we had a draft copy and in it it specifically said the Wildlands Project.
It was a smoking gun.
I had been doing, actually drawing maps for two years.
I don't know why I was drawing them.
I just really felt compelled by God to do it.
I didn't have any idea why.
It was a lot of work, but nonetheless, I did.
And when that treaty, when the draft of the GPA came out, I sent it down, FedExed it down to the U.S.
Senate, along with a map.
There was actually a couple of us working on it at the time.
And that map was blown up into a 4 by 6 foot poster, taken out of the Senate floor at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
The closure vote was scheduled for 4 o'clock on September 29th.
And it just literally died on the vine.
Mitchell, Senator Mitchell, the majority leader at the time, just took it right off the exciting calendar.
It was never voted on.
But that's how close we came to having this actually passed and ratified by the Senate.
And as you said, very accurately, it's now the marching orders of the U.S.
government and every federal agency through a document called Sustainable America.
Alright folks, we'll be right back.
He was the first to discover all this, and again, we are now winning.
Ruthless offshore elites use their corporate liberal media to attack and demonize any Americans or any independent news that dare challenge their lives.
Five companies own over 90% of the media.
And that's why whether it's comedy shows, award shows, Hollywood, TV entertainment, the news, it doesn't matter.
It's all focused in one anti-American, anti-free market, anti-family, anti-Christian, anti-gun voice.
And it gets worse.
These ruthless social engineers have an iron grip on our educational system and are teaching our children to hate America and that our president is worse than Hitler and needs to be assassinated.
But as America reawakens, these powerful, deep state, rogue government forces are beginning to panic.
They've even got the former president on television and in the news, and traveling to foreign countries, bad-mouthing America, bad-mouthing sovereignty, and calling for resistance to our elected president.
In a last-ditch effort, mainstream media is now legitimizing the use of violence against anyone that opposes the globalist takeover, and against anyone who's actually trying to make this nation great again.
They are absolutely intensifying their efforts, screaming homophobe, xenophobe, racist, to make them march, to make them go out on the streets and assault viciously anyone trying to exercise their free speech.
International criminals like George Soros are openly pushing for civil insurrection in America that will lead to civil war.
The beatings, the stabbings, the shootings, the burning cars, the looting of shops, the execution of police officers.
All of this leads to the destabilization, to the martial law that the deep state and the globalists say they need to bring in their final takeover of America.
We are America, and we are the Infowar.
MycoZX is back in after five plus months sold out.
Talk about next level probiotic.
It's the anti-fungus, anti-yeast.
Latest technology of 4.8 stars.
It's been sold out for months.
Big waiting list.
Limited amount because it's so hard to get the compounds and to have it be California standards.
Nobody's got something this good.
Save 30% off of MycoZX and get the gut health support back when you get it with the Biome Defense 50 billion live in each pill.
MycoZX contains seven of the world's most powerful organic and welcome
Grab the ingredients designed to attack and melt away the membrane of yeast and fungal organisms.
Start fighting back against hidden yeast and fungus with MycoZX and InfoWarsLife.com before it sells out again.
10% off when you choose auto-ship.
It's kind of embarrassing to get family and crew members on that, you know, have irritable bowel and Crohn's-type stuff that didn't exist years ago.
Now it's epidemic.
But I'm getting ready to have a bunch of folks go ahead and come on here and tell you what it did for them.
Because regardless, you can't lose your fun in the operation.
InfoWarsLife.com, InfoWarsStore.com, or AAA2533139.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And we are go!
Another global transmission is airborne.
And we're going stratospheric.
We're going intergalactic.
We're going interstellar.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Monday, the 17th day of July 2017.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
I'm extremely honored to be here with you today.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I've got a lot of guests and a ton of big news breaking, but I was sitting there this morning thinking and I thought, I need to lead the broadcast and have it basically be a thematic discussion to really wake people up on two big issues that intertwine and intersect together.
And if you understand these two intertwined issues, you understand it all.
Presidential daily tracking poll.
Has Rasmussen with the president at 43.
Gallup has him at 47.
If you then take out the 40-something percent that didn't vote in 2016, you can argue that only 36% of the country supports Trump.
And we're seeing baiting going on by Psycho Joe and his fiancee on the morning show trying to bait
The President back into talking about them to make them relevant.
You've got Breitbart coming out and saying that the globalists are panicking.
Morning Joe revives President Bannon's smear as nationalism gains traction in the White House.
That is being reported by the New York Times, the Washington Post.
But we told you two months ago
Patriots, nationalists, conservatives, free marketeers, people that like prosperity, folks that don't want to live in North Korea, just common sense, non-suicidal, non-destructive types, positive types.
Are gonna really like what Trump does.
The first 70 days he went pure hardcore Americana.
He then compromised a little bit.
Believed the Republicans that they would carry out a good agenda if he acquiesced.
They stabbed him in the back.
About two months ago, at about day 100, he made a hardcore libertarian patriot turn even more hardcore than he'd been during the campaign.
He dug his heels in.
They responded as I predicted they would.
Almost nine months after they got caught doing it last time, coming in with fake polls.
Fake polls.
Now how do I know these polls are fake?
Because I've done the research and I talked to the folks that head up the different polling agencies.
In 2016, you couldn't pay for an honest poll on Trump.
It was the first time in modern history that all the major polling companies, including liberal and historically conservative polling companies, would not give you a fair poll because the Democrats were spending so much money paying for fake polls they bought up the market.
And the Republican establishment promised to go along with this lie and did not expose the polling agencies because the Never Trumpers, the Blue Bloods, the Neocons, the RINOs, wanted Trump defeated so badly.
And I came out and I laid out the facts from scientific bots and Google bots and Bloomberg bots, and by bots, that's spiders, crawling data across the web, giving major corporations the heads-up view that Trump was 10 to 20 points, depending on what time he was in the campaign, what period, ahead of Hillary.
That's why they were panicking, saying she was invincible, saying she was going to win.
I guess they must have watched, you know, too many Oprah Winfrey shows about the secret.
That's why they printed up Newsweek by the hundreds of thousands saying, Madam President, and that she had been elected days before.
But they didn't print up that Trump had been elected days before, because they believe their own lie.
They saw, after the RNC in July, Trump with 20 points or more in major scientific internal polls.
The lowest he ever got was 10 points ahead of her.
And I told you that over and over again.
But I said, just like she stole it from Sanders and stole the nomination and then stole many states from Trump, they were going to try to steal
...the electors and make them faithless electors.
They then came out and said that's a hoax by Alex Jones.
Nobody's planning to try to get electors to not seat the president in the Electoral College.
Nancy Pelosi went to Homeland Security and the Justice Department and asked for me to be arrested for death threats, which I hadn't made.
I got that from two different sources.
Folks that question Larry Nichols was one of the sources.
I got another source telling me that.
The next day, Pelosi's daughter goes on Fox and says that I've been having people threaten her that they want me arrested.
When she was running the faithless elector operation.
They tried all these mind games.
They knew that she was behind.
They stole five states.
They tried to steal six.
You've got the heads of six state election agencies coming out saying, no, Homeland Security, the Democrats were breaking in, trying to flip the votes in live time in key battleground states, but they failed.
They failed.
Trump then said that as many as three and a half million illegals voted according to intel he had that was from Pew Research and Mason Dixon University.
New data came out from Harvard a month ago.
The data shows from the sample, 5.7 million, according to the algorithm, with the sample of 10,000 from registered voters that Harvard got, they then indexed it and said that would be 5.7 million people voting in the name of dead people and illegals voting.
And now 48 states are refusing to give over the voter data.
So, people are asking,
We see these polls of Trump at 46, 45, 43.
But you hear Democrats call in saying, every Democrat I know sees their 401k up, sees more business in their restaurant, sees more business in their store, sees their orders up.
Every Democrat that has a job is pro-Trump now because they understand we're trying to bring back prosperity and a system that gives us a prosperous free market economy.
So what happened during the campaign and what's happening now?
Here it is today.
Rasmussen, Daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows him at 43 with 57% disapproving.
Now they do that in the demographics by who they target, who they call, who they get to respond.
But also by oversampling, you can read again in Rasmussen and in the others, they always add, this one it's nine points, in others they add even more.
So what they do is they disparage it, claiming Democrats are a larger percentage of the population, so they add into the equation, artificially, nine points against the President.
Now on average it's about 15 points.
And you look at the different polls they had during the campaign, where they would add 30-plus points in phone polls, they would add 30-plus percent more Democrats to who they took polls from in the demographics, claiming that was, quote, fair.
Well, of course, Hillary was then 20 points ahead in those polls.
That's the arrogance of these people running this crone-like witch
On the whole idea that, well, she's a woman, so we'll be able to force this establishment, Seahag, on the population.
Now continuing...
Globalist panic.
Morning Joe revives President Bannon's smear as nationalism gains traction in the White House.
And it goes over the fact that what we told you months ago is indeed the fact.
Trump is bearing down, digging his heels in on the globalists and they say, you know, if 40% of the public didn't vote, then only 36% actually voted.
So how do you like that?
You're a failure.
You're a minority.
In any broken coalition divided and conquered nation, it's going to end up being the biggest minority that ends up running things.
So see, in a broken coalition strategy, it's a two-way street if the public's awake.
Now let's break down how they really did this and how I knew Trump was going to win from the science.
If you're a TV viewer you can see this.
If you're a radio listener, Infowars.com forward slash show to find the live free feeds.
Please spread those feeds as well.
You are the power and the resistance and the engine of this operation.
Without you we're nothing.
Newsweek special commemorative edition.
Madam President Hillary Clinton's historic journey to the White House.
Printed the week before by the hundreds of thousands.
Now here's CNN asking, how are the polls so wrong?
Then they never give you a reason.
They want to keep you in the dark.
Here's another.
The polls clearly got it wrong.
The autopsy will take months.
And they never gave us the autopsy, did they?
MSNBC skews poll to put Clinton in the lead.
Most see Hillary Clinton victory and a fair count ahead.
National polls, tight race, Clinton hanging on.
2016, polls continue to show tough map for Donald Trump.
Trump versus Clinton.
Could the polls be wrong?
Now let's look at the real facts why they were panicking.
They have high-tech surveillance over Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, NSA, you name it.
And they knew
That the popular mention for Trump had him at 63 to 70 points at his high, 55 at his low.
They knew with the different Bloomberg business terminals that are hooked in to every major corporate operation in the country of any large size and hooked into Thomson Reuters and hooked into all the other big databases.
Let's skip this network break.
This is too important.
They knew.
Thank you, sir.
They're talking to me, folks.
Trump will win election.
Now see that was August 13th.
AppMaker and then it goes into major apps that again are able to interface with samples of millions of users of the apps and then they can go in and track what you're saying and doing on the app with AI computers and the AI computer said Trump's gonna win Gigantor and there are thousands of data points
Per person, every week when you're using these apps.
You add that together with millions of users, you have billions of data points.
You add that into all the other algorithms, you get trillions of data points.
Quadrillions of data points.
It just compounds.
So they knew good and well he was winning, and they tried to steal the election, but six states were waiting and blocked him.
Trump would have won five other states and would have won the popular vote if they didn't have all this garbage going on.
Despite a majority of opinion polls showing 2016 presidential election going to Democrat Hillary Clinton, a smartphone app developer says his data suggests challenger Trump will be the victor.
Based on the stats we see, he looks strong, said Rick Malente.
Let's get him on.
Co-founder of San Diego-based Crazy Raccoons, maker of zip questions and answer app.
His app
Poses questions and poll responses based on the average of 100,000 daily users.
I go with Trump based on what I see.
And he goes into, he was seeing Trump at 60-65%.
Let's continue.
Trump will win the election and it's more popular than Obama in 2008.
AI system finds.
Again, business readers actually want to get the truth occasionally.
I'm just going back, folks.
You understand, they're doing the same thing now, when they tell you, he's plunging in polls.
But see, polls are finite, so they can't just keep dropping, dropping, dropping, dropping, because nobody's going to buy that, you know, 1% or 5% supporting.
So they always want to show it at 50, and then drop it and say, oh look, he's in trouble, and then raise it back up but not report on it, and then drop it again to keep creating the illusion, the simulation in the minds of the sheeple and of weak-minded conservatives to start deserting Trump.
Trump will win the election and is more popular than Obama in 2008.
AI system finds an artificial intelligence system that correctly predicted the last three US presidential elections, which Republican nominee Donald Trump ahead of Democrat rival Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House.
Mog AI was developed, founder of Indian Startup.
It takes 20 million data points and forms public platforms including Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in the US that analyzes the information to create predictions.
And it found a massive win for Obama and a massive win for Trump, and it found that October 28th, 10 days before the election.
I'm going to continue for a few hours here because I've got hundreds of these AI studies if you want them.
Now what did the news say?
This insane cuckoo head, Alex Jones, says Trump's 15 points ahead.
Because if you average the AI stats out from hundreds of firms reporting it, Trump was 10 to 20 points ahead.
What's the average of that?
I don't need a supercomputer to know that.
Hundreds of AIs saying 10 to 20 points ahead.
None of them saying behind.
None of them saying 5 points ahead.
10 to 20 points.
What's in the middle?
15 points ahead.
15 points ahead.
15 points ahead.
But again, they keep hammering you.
He's unpopular.
He's hated.
Better not wear a shirt out in public.
We'll knock you upside the head with a bottle.
Analysis of social media did a better job of predicting Trump win than the polls.
Robot that keeps calling elections correctly has called the U.S.
presidential race unindependent for Donald John Trump.
So that's why I raise all of us at the start of the broadcast today.
They're telling you everywhere that he's unpopular, that he is less popular than leprosy, than gonorrhea, than AIDS, than cancer.
None of it's true.
But super weak-minded losers that actually believe if they buy into trendiness and buy into mainstream media, that believe that they're going to end up being successful, that they're going to end up having a great future, they don't know what to do.
So they get more hysterical.
They get more worthless degrees.
They go into more debt.
They get more trendy.
They fully commit to the cult.
Believing that it's going to somehow deliver to them if they just go to the next level of commitment.
And if they force us onto the globalist plantation and onto that program of total nihilistic idiocy and total anti-free speech, total societal collapse, that somehow then they'll be transported to Valhalla.
What it is is a bunch of betas and cucks and weaklings.
I don't mean physically beta, I mean mentally beta.
Who are afraid of prosperity, afraid of prowess, afraid of competition.
They're attempting in mass to bring that down, believing somehow in a collapse, they will end up being preeminent in a collapse.
The real alpha males that have been trying to fix things and trying to create prosperity are going to absolutely turn into monsters and destroy you.
History shows that.
But again, this has happened before in decadent, tolerant societies.
The strong become passive, the weak become aggressive.
As the Bible says, children will rule over your parents, women will rule over the men.
This happened in other cultures.
And then it blooms
Because of the massively spoiled rotten society and then it collapses and then super hyper road warrior lowest common denominator alpha male physical garbage takes over instead of super alpha that's, you know, spacesuits and jetpacks and cancer cures.
So what happens is, masses of people generally take the restraint of hyper-alpha males that actually want to build big, open, free societies.
They see that as weakness, they pull it down, and then they open the gate for the monsters to come in.
The marauders.
And that leads me to the next big story I'm going to cover when we come back.
Swedish Liberal Party, that's one of the big parties there, wants to legalize necrophilia and child porn.
Infowars.com story.
If you're against necrophilia, that's sex with dead people, you're not a liberal.
Well, just ask Jimmy Savelle, Prince Charles' best friend, it's true.
The Liberal Youth League says it wants to make Sweden a more tolerant society by endorsing, quote, ruthless mass immigration, necrophilia, and even child pornography.
Yes, really.
If you thought you heard it all in terms of Sweden and their Stockholm Syndrome, and the progressive basket case of Europe, the thing again.
During a tweet storm, the youth group made plain its desire to see Sweden adopt the euro, single currency, and join NATO.
But the organization's social policies were real eyebrow raisers.
They want to submit to the establishment.
That's part of it.
If you are against necrophilia, you're not liberal, the group explained.
For those who don't know, necrophilia is having sex with dead people.
How progressive.
The LUF also wants open borders.
Ruthless mass immigration, close quote, and it's calling for legalization of cartoon child pornography, polygamy and incest.
The group has also previously called for the legalization of sex with animals.
And again, this is what the intelligence agencies run by Globalist want.
This is to make the mainline liberal parties that just want to have rape by Muslims of women legal, literally, they're now legalizing it, but only for Muslims.
It's their culture.
They're making cucking, or Stockholm Syndrome, the actual law.
Hence, Stockholm, Sweden.
I mean, that's why the term comes from there.
And so this group's meant to move the Overton window and make the other groups not look extreme, that just want to be able to legalize having sex with your child down to age 10.
When they come to your door...
This is official UN policy under NAMBLA.
You have to let your 10-year-old go with them if your 10-year-old wants to go.
And they literally pull up with the ice cream trucks, with the puppies, and other kids and say, we're going to the mall, we're going to go have fun.
And there's cartoons saying, go with the adults, it's fun, don't listen to your parents.
This is now in Europe.
And then your kid will just go with the pot-bellied pedophile, with the PBP.
People don't want to believe this.
This is the sexualization of children.
They're teaching it in school.
That's why Nickelodeon is teaching kids masturbation.
There's a YouTube video Paul reported on last week where they're on YouTube teaching, you know, six-year-olds how to masturbate.
And you're like, what's the point of this?
It's getting you used to seeing adults sexualizing children.
Because that's their final sacrament as the society collapses, is aborting the kids, keeping them alive, selling their body organs until you finally exsanguinate them, and then have a big celebratory joke about it.
And it's always taught by the most weak-looking
Soul-sucked looking adults.
You watch all these sexualization videos.
I mean, look at the woman teaching the kids.
She looks like something out of a nightmare.
Like you go into a subterranean cave where there's been a race of slaves for 5,000 years.
And, you know, they're just like these pale, flat-faced, um, inbred features.
It's, it's, it's, it's, it's literal hell gates being opened.
Now, when we come back,
We're going to play the number one video over the weekend.
It's got more than 10 million views now.
It's where they took my voice and put it to folk music and they think this hurts us.
This helps us and our traffic is only exploding.
So we're going to play this piece coming up and then later in the week I'm going to re-release it with all the documentation to what Time Warner
Put out!
My friends, we have done it.
With Dr. Group's help, we have developed the ultimate male vitality supplement with eight concentrated super herbs.
This is the answer to the globalist war on male vitality with the estrogen mimickers they've added to the food and the water supply.
And now our test pilot, our Chuck Yeager, Dr. Edward Group, is here to test his greatest invention.
Thank you, Alex.
I will now take two droppers to test this ultimate male vitality formula.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a momentous moment.
Thank you, Dr. Groot.
I will activate my muscles by doing push-ups.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is it.
This is the move.
This is unprecedented.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to see what happens right now.
Oh my God!
What the hell?
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Get out of here!
Shut this down!
This is not safe!
This is not... Hold on!
Settle down!
Get another doctor.
Something's wrong.
Something's wrong with him.
Help him.
Ladies and gentlemen, we did not intend for that to happen.
I take it personally.
Do not have those problems.
Again, these are authorized verbs.
Well known to be safe.
Please, doctor.
Doctor, wait a minute.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're just going to cut to commercial for just a moment.
Cut, cut, cut.
Get everybody out of here.
Super Male Vitality.
It's awesome.
Just not this awesome.
Oh my God!
What the hell?
Ladies and gentlemen, the dramatization you've just seen is just that.
It is satire to illustrate in a satirical way the incredible power of Super Male Vitality.
It will not turn you into Conan the Barbarian, but it will help block some of the estrogen mimickers and reportedly let your glands produce the natural hormones your body needs.
It also does have some other side effects in the human testing that we discovered, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm about to illustrate right now what that is.
Let's see if I can do it again.
It takes some focus.
Up, up, and away!
Securing super male and super female vitality has never been easier.
Because in the month of July, it's 30% off and free shipping.
Get hungry to defeat the globalists and fund the tip of the spear while securing super male vitality at InfoWarsLife.com
We have private labeled it, and it is the exact same product, just the name is different.
Emrix Essentials.
It's on average 20% off.
On top of that, if you sign up for AutoShip, you get an additional 25% off.
Emrix Essentials is all about personal care, hygiene, not getting skin cancer, not getting bit by a bunch of bugs and mosquitoes.
It's all there.
Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com, and you'll find Emrix Essentials.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It is an absolute fact that they are sexualizing our children.
It is an absolute fact that the social engineers admit they're trying to break our will.
And condition us to accept anything and everything, but then we can't say mother or father all over the U.S.
or Europe on an entrance form for your elementary students because someone else might not have a mother or father.
And they've got all these non-binary terms.
They're using our open society.
They're using our kindness.
They're using our incredible Western hospitality, the globalists are.
To turn us against ourselves and destroy every bedrock institution.
That's all coming up and I'm going to get into the latest economic, military news.
Kid Rock getting ready to run for the Senate.
There's just so much to go over.
Hillary caught red-handed.
The big question is, why isn't she being indicted for money laundering and for violating campaign finance rules and espionage?
Big story up on InfoWars.com.
Incredible footage of Al Qaeda and ISIS.
Going in and attacking a Catholic Church, then I dovetail that with the Pope saying he doesn't want to hear about Christian roots.
I've actually pulled up the London Guardian article, where he actually is quoted as saying it.
People don't believe this stuff when I say it, because it sounds crazy.
I know it does.
But he's defending Islamic attacks.
So, that's all coming up.
Before I go any further,
I want to just remind listeners that we're running some of the biggest specials we've ever run for the entire month of July.
But I told you, if some of the items started selling out, that we'd have to pull them from the specials.
Obviously, if you sign up for AutoShip on any item, like the coffee, or the Secret 12, Vitamin B12, or the Knockout, or the BrainForce, or the SuperMill Vitality, or the X2 Survival Shield, we hold it back at whatever level you ordered it at, so that it can ship to you in 15 days, a month, 90 days, 6 months, you can cancel any time, an additional 10% off.
Barring if you sign up for AutoShip, we are about to sell out of Super Mel Vitality, Survival Shield X2, the Gut Health Support Pack, because biome defense is getting low.
We've got plenty of the Myco ZX.
That just came back in.
We've got the DNA Force back in stock, but that's unbelievably starting to run low.
We're going to have to pull by Wednesday.
It's going to be pulled.
The DNA Force, 20% off.
The Secret 12, I'm going to keep it 25% because it just came back in.
The Gut Health Support Pack, we'll still have the MycoZX.
We're not going to have the Biome Defense, 30% off with it.
The X2 won't be 30% off.
The Supermel won't be 30% off.
The BrainForce Plus, now at 20% more in each bottle.
People love this product.
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So all of those will end Wednesday, by the end of the show.
I'm going to add a few other things back onto the sale that we are just now getting back in.
But those items have to because Tim just came to me and said we're running low on all four of those items and quite frankly I don't like selling out.
So now when we get down to like 5% of inventory I just go back to regular price until more comes in.
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Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com, or 888-253-3139.
I just cut liners for five new stations this morning that have picked us up.
And I want to tell our stations, I know over the years I have not serviced you properly.
I've been so busy and so focused.
And working with GCN, nothing against them.
I just, they get busy, I get busy.
They're in Minnesota, I'm in Texas.
And sometimes I haven't cut liners.
I haven't been on your stations as a guest.
I haven't done the things I should do, the other talk show hosts do, because I've been in the trenches.
I apologize for that.
I've hired two people to do affiliate relations, and I've hired two people to help me service the stations.
And so now, in fact, I didn't mean to do this.
I just thought of this.
Will you go ask David for his email?
I know what it is, but I want to double check I'm giving the right one out.
I want to give out to our affiliates these emails where you can send your liners, send your interview requests.
I'll give it at the start of the next segment so that we can service you properly.
Sure, the general email is affiliates at InfoWars.
I was going to give you some of these new guys who are great guys, work at some of the biggest networks in the country, their info.
We got two people now working full time to make sure I do the liners.
If you've got local sponsors that I agree with the product on, I'll voice it for you.
I will come to local affiliates that have been carrying us for at least a year and that have done good in the ratings, which all of them do.
I will come on your local station and do interviews.
I am going to make up for 20 plus years of being so grassroots that I couldn't service our affiliates properly.
I appreciate you.
I apologize for not doing it.
We've gone over 200 affiliates and now that's the missing link.
I think so.
Basically the entire production over.
Myself, because outside of GCN, I'm going to be launching some new radio and TV shows.
I'm going to work with them.
If they want to carry them, that's fine.
I still like GCN.
They're great.
They're in Minnesota.
I need to be able to run things myself here.
I told Ted this about a year ago.
I officially let him know about six months ago that again I'm going to be launching my own network, my own shows.
It's so we can be in full control of it.
I'm still partnering with GCN.
They're great guys.
It's just there's no middleman here now.
Affiliates at Infowars.com.
I want to send out to all the stations care packages of videos, books, water filtration systems.
I just ran into the manager of Barton Springs Saturday.
I was there with my children and the manager came over and said he ordered a ProPure about four years ago and they loved it.
They would take the spring water out and drink it and how great it was.
Then he said that somebody dropped it and broke the filters.
I'm going to deliver today to Barton Springs a free ProPure because that's what it's all about.
So if you want a fun package of t-shirts and books and videos, DVDs, we will send it out to every station out there.
Just tell us what you want, station managers, station owners, and you're going to get it.
I got two people, full time, ready to take care of you.
The stations are really, really responding.
I'm going to change the clock soon, too.
I was pig-headed.
I was very pig-headed.
20 years ago, Ted Anderson said, this is the clock you need.
All the stations carry news.
They come in at 6 after.
And I said, I don't want to carry government propaganda, because all there was was Fox and CBS.
I said, I don't want to carry that.
And he said, OK.
Later, they got USA Radio Network.
That's better.
So we always have that weird clock where I have a five-minute segment, and then three minutes of ads, and I come in at 8 after.
And then we're going to send out to the affiliates in the next few days, new clock, it's the standard radio clock, to make sure you like it, we're going to be going to the standard radio clock for everybody.
We're going to do all that stuff!
So, very, very exciting, very, very pleased to be doing that, and the stations are ecstatic, because
We have at least 50 emails the last year from stations saying, we will carry your show, you must go to the regular clock.
You must go to the regular clock.
You must go to the regular clock.
You must go to the regular clock.
And I don't know why I never did it.
Wow, I want all those stations!
I'm gonna do that!
And now we can produce every day, twice a day,
Three minutes of InfoWars news with the Radio Minutes you hear.
Together, those vignettes, they have original news if the stations choose to carry it or they can carry whatever other news they want.
So, very, very exciting.
We're going to watch David Knight's show on the new clock coming up on
September 20th, I think is the date.
No, no, no.
August 20th.
I'm going from memory here, teleprompter free.
And then we're going to launch new shows in September as well.
So a lot of exciting things coming up.
I'm done basically ranting about that.
It's just that it's not just about taking care of InfoWars and our operations.
It's about also helping our local stations and local affiliates.
So please make donations to local stations.
Please thank them, become a sponsor, support their sponsors and let them know why you're supporting them.
And more importantly,
Spread the word about those local AM and FM stations, because that's where we're reaching the big, giant audiences.
Oh, more good news!
The Federal Election Commission, the Democrats, have called for me to be criminally investigated last week.
Now, the FBI announced that under orders from Obama, they had opened an investigation of Breitbart, Grudge Report, InfoWars.
For being influenced by the Russians.
That is a criminal investigation.
Doesn't mean we're criminals.
It is a criminal investigation.
It's totally made up.
It's like investigating me for being a Martian spy.
Or a spy from, you know, Obama's Uranus.
That said, the Republican-controlled group came out and said this is a witch hunt.
Americans have free speech.
This is asinine.
These websites have been around for decades.
The American people
Elected Trump, not Russia, and basically stop your fear-mongering.
The proper slapdown.
So, that is very exciting.
But know this.
There are dirty tricks.
There is harassment.
There is garbage that goes on behind the scenes to try to shut down our affiliates, to try to get them to not carry us.
That's why it's important to pray for those stations, appreciate them, and know that they're standing up for this country, and that we should stand up with them.
So make that commitment to support our affiliates today, now more than ever.
Because the broadcast is growing, but we need to cover our flanks, not just our main attack force.
I want to get back into the decadence.
I want to get back into how they're trying to brainwash the public, how they're trying to make us hopeless, how they're trying to collapse society, to then bring in total tyranny after the break.
But before I go any further,
I'm gonna put on screen a screenshot from this morning from Super Deluxe that's owned by Time Warner that puts out some comical videos where there's four, no, excuse me, five plus million views of this video.
5.5 million views.
Now, if you go to their other site, there's 3 million downloads.
And if you go to their YouTube, there's another half million views.
So you add that together, that's over 8 million views, and the view counts are usually a day or two behind.
I said Saturday that it had 7 million views, because it did.
A whole new story began that I was lying about that.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've produced films that have been viewed over 100 million times.
Paul Watson has created videos that get seen 35 million times.
They can't stand the fact that our content is number one.
I just showed you one platform, 5.5, that went up Saturday morning.
It'll have 20 million views in a week.
People say it's a hit piece.
No, it's not.
The corporate guys are old and dumb.
And by old, I mean old thinking.
They think this stuff hurts me.
This stuff only helps me.
And so, I know it sends people to hear what I've actually said, what I'm actually doing.
I've been through this so long, I know.
And the people making it, by the way, they know it's helping us.
They're huge fans.
You go to Super Deluxe, it's super liberal and super trendy.
They now have totally woken up.
We can see them coming in.
We can see the demographics off our Google systems that the liberals are now listening and they love it and we're actually waking them up through the celebration of making fun of each other.
CNN could have responded to being attacked by Trump like this, and it would have made them super popular.
I love it.
I've always loved it.
I love being made fun of by my children.
I love being made fun of by my wife.
I love making fun of my friends.
It's good nature.
Now this is some nasty topics they put in there, and I'm going to take it this week, Rob Dewey is, with McBrain, and we're going to add documents and video clips to everything I say.
Everything I say.
I'm going to show you pot-bellied people with green-colored skin screaming, I love Satan, I kill my children, and then howling.
I'm going to show you them keeping babies alive and harvesting their organs.
I'm going to show you everything I say in this video.
But no, this was the number one video this weekend.
With eight plus, probably nine million if you add it all together, and they're a few days behind.
When the counters update, you watch in a few days, it'll be 50 million views total, 20 million on one platform, 15 on another, 10 on another.
I know how these algorithms work.
So imagine, imagine this is bigger than any movie that's out right now, and it's meant to be an attack by the corporates, but only makes us greater.
No weapon formed against us shall prosper.
Here it is, Super Deluxe.
The paradigm of absolute control.
And that's why we're just out here doing simple things, pointing out that we're meant to be in nature and be natural.
And this is where we find the source that God made to transcend the new world order.
And that's why they want to try to keep us out of it.
I've had enough of these people.
They're a bunch of Christian murderous scum.
They're on giant death factories keeping babies alive.
They're selling their body parts.
What more do you need to know about these people?
I go out and face these scum.
They literally crawl out from under rocks.
They have green looking skin.
And they run around screaming, we love Satan, we wanna eat babies.
I have them on video.
We do?
Hillary's in the creepy weird six-step man.
She sleeps in the same room with that creepy weirdo woman whose mother wears her all over her head.
What the hell?
That woman number one is ugly.
Imagine how bad she smells, man.
I'm told her and Obama just stink.
Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur.
Ha ha!
That's me walking on river rocks.
We're near the roof and by a pot then the goblins are hobbling round coming after us.
My spirit gets close to that evil and I feel it go ah!
You're such self-centered crap.
We don't even notice.
And it's self-rising up against us.
Millions of hearted people of the very worst type, and I'm so pissed.
We're gonna stab your daughter at the mall.
Oh, oh, oh.
We're gonna stab your wife, your son.
I was watching Fox News as I worked out this morning.
Wasn't that nice?
Subscribe to Super...
We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side of this quick break.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're gonna get into the more hardcore news straight ahead and explain why they're selling this incredibly decadent nihilistic society and what comes post-nihilist society straight ahead.
The globalists don't know that stuff like that's a sign of our victory.
I'm gonna lay it out short and sweet.
I got so dedicated to fighting the globalists and their program for world government that I stopped working out.
I was a total fitness nut 20 years ago.
About 15 years ago, I just stopped working out.
I gained close to 100 pounds.
I have lost 50, 60 pounds of fat or more.
I've gained 20 pounds of muscle.
I'm stronger than I was when I was 22.
I could bench press close to 400 pounds and squat 600.
It's actually scary.
And it's because I take products that our researchers developed that block the estrogen mimickers that basically feminize men.
We've produced these products with top scientists and researchers like Dr. Group to help you counteract the globalist onslaught and at the same time support InfoWars in our fight to promote human liberty and freedom.
We must keep the Internet free from communistic government restrictions and parameters.
Because it would stop memes and erase heroes.
Don't believe me?
Look at China.
Chinese President Xi Jinping was famously memed with Barack Obama in 2013, when a picture of the two was compared to a picture of Winnie the Pooh and Tigger, too.
This happened again after an awkward handshake with Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was compared to a handshake between Pooh and Eeyore.
Other images, such as Winnie the Pooh in a car, have been memed alongside President Xi in his limo.
But because the meme of President Xi and Winnie the Pooh has gotten so popular, China has now censored it from the Internet.
This is commonplace in Communist China.
As a recently deceased political dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Liu Xiaobo has had his name completely censored from the virtual world.
Try sending his name in a message to a friend, and the message will disappear into cyberspace.
Xiaobo died in Chinese custody, and most people in China have no idea who he is.
Keep the Internet free in America.
Stop net neutrality.
Save meme magic.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
MycoZX is back in after five plus months sold out.
Talk about next level probiotic.
It's the anti-fungus, anti-yeast.
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10% off when you choose auto-ship.
It's kind of embarrassing to get family and crew members on that, you know, have irritable bowel, Crohn's-type stuff that didn't exist years ago, now it's epidemic.
But I'm getting ready to have a bunch of folks go ahead and come on here and tell you what I did for them, because regardless, you can't lose your fun in the operation.
Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com, or AAA2533139.
Hillary's in the creepy, weird, sick stuff, man.
She sleeps in the same room with that creepy, weird woman, whose mother wears a full-over hat.
What the hell?
That woman number one is ugly.
Imagine how bad she smells, man.
I'm told her and Obama just stink.
Man, I can't wait for the full album.
And the word is that the album's being produced.
This is the 21st century.
This is 2017.
This is how the globalists fall.
This is how they go down.
Because they all are such narcissists.
They take themselves so seriously and they're all trying to project this image of power and invincibility.
They can't stand it when they get made fun of.
I get all these calls going, how are you taking this?
I am loving it!
You go look at the comments.
I read hundreds of them on Facebook and on YouTube of the, you know, eight, nine million views.
And it's, I used to hate Alex, I love him now.
And I went and listened to his show, and it actually makes a lot of sense.
Why, why didn't I see this?
And they're putting it out to hurt me!
But I've talked to people at these companies, not at Super Deluxe, but a bunch of them, they're like, oh, we totally know you're on target.
We know you're not some, you know, crazy right-winger.
We know you're a libertarian.
We're all controlled.
We hate it.
Our bosses are so dumb, though, they think stuff like this hurts you, and they let us put it out.
I almost don't want to let folks know the secrets.
But it's just absolutely amazing.
And I can't even keep track of Colbert and The Daily Show.
I mean, I saw last week three or four clips that I didn't even have time to watch all of them where they're attacking me and making fun of me all over entertainment television and misrepresenting what I stand for.
Everybody knows they're liars and they're just coming and finding the truth.
There's very small groups of minority people.
I don't mean minority racially.
But you know, small minorities of liberals that really believe that if you're being made fun of, you're not in the cool kid class.
No, when everyone's talking about you, and you're changing the world, and your listeners just got a rebel president elected, and the economy's coming back, that's called really winning.
And I don't get up here and talk about myself winning to be on a power trip.
I want you to know you're winning.
You've broken with the globalists.
You're not a conservative.
You're not a liberal.
You're a person that just wants common sense and prosperity.
The problem is they've gotten a lot of the so-called left hyped up into a position where they think being nasty, being mean, being hateful.
John Bound did a report we're going to play in the first five minutes of the next hour about proof that liberals commit more crimes than any other group.
This is in major studies.
You can just search engine liberals six times more likely
To not give to charity, nine times more likely to steal.
I tend to always flip that statistic in my head.
Will you guys search engine that for me?
It's like BBC, Toronto, Star.
I mean, they've done Canadian, US, British, German, Australian, Chinese, Russian studies.
And they always find between six, nine, ten times more likely for liberals to say they're giving to charity, but they don't.
Say they're against stealing, but they steal.
Just search engine, conservatives give the biggest tips.
It's a fact.
I've had waiters come over and go, you know, I used to be kind of a big liberal, until I learned liberals don't tip.
They're really stingy people.
Liberals are meaner, cheaper, more willing to steal than conservatives.
And then it links to some of the studies, yeah.
Alright, and again, that's modern terms.
Those aren't liberals.
Those are follower trendies that don't know why they're not successful because they're not trailblazers.
They're not innovators.
That's what we are!
We're not conservative.
We're not liberal.
We're innovators!
We're rugged individuals!
We're fire-breathing!
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Here's John Bowne's powerful report.
Clinton is to lead the Democratic Party in 2018 midterm elections, which pretty much the campaigning force started in the last few weeks.
She has incredible negative numbers.
Her own party hates her.
The Sanders supporters hate her because she stole the nomination from him.
But it gets better.
Nancy Pelosi is to be the co-head.
Affecting California very directly is the Affordable Care Act.
President Bush has come out against that as you know and he has and it is not even a health care bill.
With her along with you can't make this up Elizabeth Warren aka Pocahontas.
46% of Democrats have said that Elizabeth Warren should not run so there's a significant opportunity or so for me defeating Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts is driving a bigger blow at these institutions of power right at the belly of the beast.
I think only
All incredibly unpopular, even in their own party.
And they tried to unseat, obviously, Nancy Pelosi.
They tried to have Hillary put out the past year, but it doesn't happen.
You know what?
Maybe it's good to keep the old guard in, because even though they're super unpopular, if you look at who's coming up next, it's even more frightening.
Linda Sarsour, who has at least three close family members in Israeli prisons for terrorism.
Because this, ladies and gentlemen, is a Palestinian, which means basically a vagabond in the Middle East.
Saudi Arabia won't take him.
Jordan won't take him.
Egypt won't take him.
Syria won't take him.
Sudan won't take him.
Somalia won't take him.
Iran won't take him.
No one will take a Palestinian.
Because any Arab will tell you, or any Muslim will tell you, that Palestinians 24-7 are trying to take over your political process.
And wherever they go, discord terrorism starts.
When we stand up to those who oppress our communities, that Allah accepts from us that as a form of jihad, that we are struggling against tyrants and rulers, not only abroad in the Middle East or in the other side of the world, but here in these United States of America where you have fascists and white supremacists and Islamophobes reigning in the White House.
We're winning the info war.
And imagine if you start a fight with the libertarians, the conservatives, the veterans, 90% of the veterans being patriots.
The police, the military, the patriots, the people with the resources, the middle class, multicultural groups that want freedom.
You're fools.
I've been to your communist rallies.
I've been to your anti-faux rallies.
You guys look like you don't even know how to wipe your butts.
I don't say that meanly.
You look uncared for.
You can tell you were put in a crib.
You were never taken care of.
Most of you were foster children who weren't even given enough milk.
You've got shriveled brains.
You're six times more likely not to give to charity.
Nine times more likely to steal in major surveys.
Hundreds of studies.
I understand you've been told by the corporate media you're gonna get ahead.
If you could pull down the middle class, you'll get some booty.
You'll get some goodies.
You'll get some spoils.
You'll get some loot.
You're not going to get it.
They didn't get it in Venezuela.
They didn't get it in Russia.
They didn't get it in North Korea.
They didn't get it in China.
You don't get it.
Limited free market is what has developed untold wealth.
True free market will take us to the stars and beyond.
They don't want you to know there's unlimited resources in the human mind.
We've already come 95% of the way we need to go to life extension out to a point where we're technically immortal.
We are already there.
We're at the threshold and are facing the globalists.
And once they're out of the way, ladies and gentlemen, it's unlimited what we're about to have.
But of course, they're teaching us all to hate each other and kill each other and act like fools.
And a lot of you aren't gonna win and you're not gonna transcend because you have bought into this either as a globalist or as a minion.
Either selfishly as a globalist or selfishly as a minion.
You're profane.
And you're not meant to pass the gate.
And it's very sad.
Alright, start your engines.
We have got masses of key news and intel straight ahead.
We're going to break down what is going to look like in a post-annihilist society.
Straight ahead on AlexJonesInfoWars.com
We must keep the internet free from communistic government restrictions and parameters.
Because it would stop memes and erase heroes.
Don't believe me?
Look at China.
Chinese President Xi Jinping was famously memed with Barack Obama in 2013 when a picture of the two was compared to a picture of Winnie the Pooh and Tigger too.
This happened again after an awkward handshake with Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was compared to a handshake between Pooh and Eeyore.
Other images, such as Winnie the Pooh in a car, have been memed alongside President Xi in his limo.
But because the meme of President Xi and Winnie the Pooh has gotten so popular, China has now censored it from the internet.
This is commonplace in Communist China, as a recently deceased political dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Liu Xiaobo,
has had his name completely censored from the virtual world.
Try sending his name in a message to a friend, and the message will disappear into cyberspace.
Xiaobo died in Chinese custody, and most people in China have no idea who he is.
Keep the internet free in America.
Stop net neutrality.
Save meme magic.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroeder.
We're selling a product, DNA Force, that is the very best nutraceutical that we can produce.
Dr. Grip, it took years for you to develop DNA Force for us.
It's been something that I've been working on for a long time, Alex, because I think it's very, very important.
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Not a group.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bug, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And you support the broadcast, Infowarslife.com.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I help the blind to see.
I got no friends.
I got no friends that are idiots that believe mainstream media.
Thank God.
So good to be rejected by the rotting, collapsing establishment.
Gavin McGinnis is a trailblazer.
He started Vice News.
It's now been bought by HBO.
He's produced major films.
He, of course, is a cultural analyst who is trying to promote The Return.
Of men and women.
Everybody else can be whatever group they want to be, but men and women are allowed to exist and men can act like men and women can act like women.
And guess what?
That's popular because that's what mammals do.
And so I wanted to get him on for the next 30 minutes, then we'll take your calls after that to give us his take on what he thinks the big central issues are in the world today.
I mean, it's clearly the Republicans that are blocking Trump from getting his health care reform in.
The answer is, remove them and get more people in the Freedom Caucus.
I want to get his take on that.
I've also got the liberals going more and more insane, calling for free speech to be banned.
We have the Federal Elections Commission calling for a criminal investigation of myself, Drudge, and Breitbart.
That got shot down over the weekend.
But they just said that we shouldn't be allowed to have our speech because we're beating them.
And in this story on Infowars.com, Swedish Liberal Youth Party wants to legalize necrophilia and child porn.
They also want to make it legal for Muslims to rape women.
And they also have come out and said they want ruthless mass immigration.
So this is...
Cucking that Gavin McGinnis, I think was one of the guys six, seven years ago, pointed out that this cuckolding is what the left is really all about.
He was the first guy I heard six, seven years ago to define it.
Kind of like the sexual situation where a man wants to see two or three guys with his wife or whatever because that excites him.
But this is beyond that.
It's like a form of humiliation.
And so now they're having anti-racism rallies where then the women get raped en masse by the Muslims.
Again, I don't want to bash the Muslims.
They've announced that
We're weak and here to be conquered and taken over.
And so we'll discuss all this with Gavin McGinnis right now.
Gavin, good to have you on with us.
Thanks for having me.
I always get you on.
We don't do some pre-interview.
We haven't talked since you were on last time.
I threw out a few issues here, but what's front and center for you right now?
Well, all of that is front and center for me.
The war on traditional Western values.
And you know what's happening in Sweden?
I was just talking to that YouTuber, Angry Foreigner.
And he said, the Swedish women, the liberals, the hippies, they've created this masculinity vacuum.
And with no one to have sex with, they're starting to take in these refugees that are called boys, but are really 18.
And these hippie, liberal, feminist women in Sweden are having sex with the teenage boys they take in, in a sick, depraved outcome of smashing traditionalism.
I mean, it's right out of the Bible.
It's Sodom and Gomorrah.
It really is.
We go back into these cycles every time.
Have we hit the bottom of it yet?
I don't know.
I don't know if the left will ever be satiated.
I mean, you look at Iran, right?
After 1979, they got everyone in hijabs, everyone in burqas, they beat you with a cane, and they'll kill you if you're gay, and they're still not satisfied.
They're still giving people fines every day and lashes for daring to not perfectly adhere to Islam, and I think it shows that both Islam
I mean, look what's going on right now.
There was a big talk last week about The Guardian.
They had this article and it said, the best thing you can do for the environment is to stop having babies.
And they show three white kids there.
The only time you don't see diversity in baby pictures.
And then, in the same breath, they're saying, we need more refugees.
Bring in refugees.
We're not replenishing our population.
Now when you juxtapose those two next to each other, what does that say?
It says, let's eradicate ourselves and get replaced.
You're right.
And you know, I was just thinking of a major feminist magazine called Medusa two weeks ago came out and said, if you're white and have a white boyfriend, that's not good because whites are inherently the cause of all problems.
This is white people publishing mainly the magazine.
But if you're having a white baby, abort it.
So it's now a religious sacrament to kill white babies.
I mean, I think we're far from hitting the bottom here.
Yeah, I think you're right.
I mean, look at South Africa.
I was at a bar the other day, and there was wine vendors trying to sell to the bartender, and he goes, no, I don't want any wine from South Africa.
Now, they abolished apartheid a quarter of a century ago.
Right now, they have a new apartheid, where whites can't get up in the world.
They live in these refugee camps, and I'm sorry to make everything racial, but South Africa is a great example of what happens when you decide you're going to declare revenge on a group of people.
This is Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe ran all the white farmers and now they have what, like 5 million times inflation?
Total and utter decay there.
A cheeseburger in Zimbabwe is 14 million of their dollars.
A long-distance call is also in the millions of dollars.
So I keep saying to these liberals who just hate themselves and hate the West, what do you have to replace it?
I understand you want to sabotage us.
I understand the Women's March is in bed with Linda Sarsour because they see her as an effective weapon in eradicating traditionalism.
But what's your plan B?
And you realize they don't have a plan B. They're just like the Black Bloc.
So just like Antifa, they want to burn Western society to the ground, they want to remove all the statues, they want to burn all the books, but they have no plan B!
And you know what happens when you do that?
You create a vacuum, and a worst-case scenario sneaks in, and that's Sharia!
How do you think Trump's doing six months in?
I think he's crushed ISIS, three trillion in the stock market, 60-plus percent reduction in illegals coming across, pulling us out of the carbon taxes.
I mean, other than the Republicans blocking him on tax cuts and Obamacare, I'd give him a 99, basically.
You know, he really is.
I was thinking this morning, he was the Liberals' creation.
He's like the toxic Avenger.
And they say, he's a mutant.
And they keep saying to us, they go, he's not presidential.
And I say, we tried presidential!
We brought you Mitt Romney!
I don't think the guy's ever had a beer.
We brought you Ted Cruz.
I'm not sure he's had sex with anyone but his wife.
Perfect Jesus figures and the media ate them alive.
Alright, so in our lab we created a monster and this beast is just destroying the mainstream media.
I mean, CNN is done now.
And his wife speaks five languages and is like a diplomatic...
What did you think was going to happen, Liberals?
We kept trying to play fair.
You kept cheating.
Alright, we're going to bring out the monsters.
Unleash the Kraken.
And by the way, while he's doing great with all the culture wars, I'm just seeing nothing but jobs and the Dow is up.
I mean, he talked to, there's fun little metrics, like he talked to someone in real estate and they go, I was facing, I was worried about I'd have to get a new career back before 2016.
And now the houses are just flying off the shelves.
The economy is booming.
That's what, that's my biggest issue is, every metric shows, we went from going into a depression, a recession in most areas, to now the engine's turning back on, it's sputtering some, but it's roaring back to life, and they're going, no, no, no, no, take your foot off the accelerator, no, no, no, no, turn it off, and every metric shows that the economy's coming back, and we're crushing radical Islam, and we're bringing in immigrants that, you know, that don't have criminal records, we're doing common sense things, and they're just freaking out.
Well, you know, leaders have a lot of power.
And my ideal scenario is there is no White House, there is no Department of Education, there is no Department of Energy.
It's all privatized.
But you need someone doing something.
And if you look up in Canada, you can see what happens when you have an incompetent leader.
He's giving $10 million to a terrorist, Omar Khadr, whose family lived with Osama bin Laden.
Tell folks about this guy, because he's letting people out of prison that reportedly have killed unarmed medics in the army.
Tell folks about this.
He killed Chris Spears, I think it was a Marine who was trying to save him.
He shot a medic in the eye.
He's lost his vision in that eye.
Yet, when we get there, this terrorist who was throwing bombs at Americans, we pick him up, we air helicopter him to Germany, we fix his eye, then he goes to Abu Ghraib because he's a terrorist, and Canada is so embarrassed that he had an uncomfortable time there.
I don't
And let me ask you this question.
Looking at Canada, Trudeau says stop being America first.
It doesn't mean we want to hurt Canada, or hurt Japan, or hurt Mexico.
If your country isn't for you first, and your interest where you pay taxes, there's no such thing as citizenship.
Globalism is where these multinationals are tax-exempt.
They have their own country, country crony capitalism, and then you pay for everything and you have no rights.
How did they ever sell the idea
That we should ditch America first and that that somehow was bad.
If your country isn't first for you, if you're not first in your life, then who is?
How did we get here?
Remember Trump was in Poland, he was getting attacked for praising symphonies, which apparently is racist, and praising Western society.
And Noah Rothman wrote a great article about this where he said, how did we get here?
We have the left criticizing what is basically Clintonian centrism.
If you listen to a Clinton speech in 94 about illegal immigration, it sounds way stricter
I don't know.
That's right.
This is bullying all free speech into non-existence.
One more segment with Gavin McGinnis.
He of course is joining us live via Skype right now.
We'll be back, but let's go out with the sacrilege that Donald Trump engaged in.
Just as Poland could not be broken, I declare today for the world to hear that the West will never, ever be broken.
Our values will prevail, our people will thrive, and our civilization will triumph.
Meanwhile, the major Islamist groups are openly chanting and saying they're going to bring us down and that's their goal.
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To celebrate our comeback, to celebrate the fact that our republic is coming back from the dead,
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I grew up the country and I hated all this faith in government, but I didn't X anyone.
And I've lost 100% of my liberal friends to the point where if I walk into a room and I'll see someone that, you know, our kids have played together, there's this sort of hush-hush murmuring going on, like I'm up for pedophile charges or something really serious.
And you keep going, why didn't you even call me?
Like, why didn't you contact me and ask me any of this?
It's just accepted that if you like Trump, you're a Nazi, and you've gone off the rails, and we can't be friends anymore.
But you also told me privately that most of your old friends do say, listen, I know you're right, but I got to keep my job.
They know it's a cult.
They're afraid.
That's why they're not talking to you.
Yes, sorry, there's different groups within that.
So there's the group that is totally brainwashed and they go, you're evil, we can't be around you anymore, get lost, Nazi.
And then there's maybe a 30% contingent within that where they go, look, I agree with you, I love America, but I can't be seen with you right now.
It's bad for my career.
And you'd go, I'd understand if I was a Nazi, if I was a racist, if I was a homophobe, you might have a point.
But you're basing all this on rumors from some anonymous blog and you're severing... It's beyond that.
It's bullying.
It's weaponized.
They're saying, we know you didn't do this, we know you're not a witch, but we're going to say you are.
If you don't agree to whatever we say, we're going to shun you, we're going to outcast you, we're going to call you horrible names, we're going to say you're a Russian agent.
Now they've got members of Congress
Like Congressman Quigley, literally, his name's Quigley of Illinois, saying, if you talk to any Russian, you're talking to Putin, and no one's allowed to talk to Russians.
That's a quote from Friday.
Look, if you're the President's son and you hear a rumor that someone has dirt on Hillary, please pursue it.
I want to hear about it.
It's your job as a public figure to pursue something very juicy.
Hillary was looking for dirt from the Russians on Trump.
It's all complete hoax!
Especially Hillary!
Every time we hear there's dirt, it's something huge!
Benghazi was huge!
The emails were huge!
Seth Rich is huge!
Vince Foster's huge!
I want to know, if you have a secret about Hillary, tell me about it.
But one thing I want to get back to what we were saying earlier, look at our radical views that we have.
We like the Western world.
You know, the world everyone is trying to get to.
We also oppose Sharia law.
We had a rally in New York City about a month ago, and there's all these people showing up to protest us.
For opposing Sharia.
And you go, I chose Sharia as a very hyperbolic example of a worst-case scenario, and you don't even accept that.
I choose the West as something I think we could all agree on, and you don't even agree on that.
So they are the radicals.
They've gone so far left that they're like some weird purple-haired feminist from your college days, and they've mainstreamed it, and now you're a freak for having basically the same views as your old man.
We've always been tolerant.
We're the real liberals, and they're trying to make us conform to their new weird, bizarre orthodoxy.
They're like the most crazed street preachers.
And I'm not bashing street preachers in general, but some of the ones that scream at you with bad breath and, you know, do more harm than good, that's how the left is.
It's like crazed street preachers.
And it's just so weird that they don't call you first.
I mean, David Cross, he's a comedian, and we were best friends for a long time.
He did text me, and he goes, hey, were you Zeke Hiling at Deplorable?
And I go, no, dude!
That's a fucking screen—excuse my language—that's a screen grab where I was gesticulating, and someone froze it.
I won't even do it now, or they'll do it again.
But besides him, everyone else just goes, uh-oh, well, he's a Nazi, and they don't even text you.
This is when your kids have been playing together, when you've been on vacation together for years, and they just text you like you've left the Scientology church.
But it shows they were never really their friends.
They were never really your friend.
They were all just trying to social climb in the whole fake liberal corporate monstrosity.
If I found out, if there was a story going on that you murdered someone, I would text you and go, Alex, what's going on here?
Is this true?
I wouldn't just go, oops, there's the murderer.
Now that's murder, a felony, a serious offense.
We're just supporting Trump, liking the West.
Well, notice the left had some real red problems, but it went too far.
They've gone way past McCarthy, and they're the ones that made hundreds of movies and wrote hundreds of books whining about, you know, Red Scare, and now Russia isn't even red.
Gavin McInnes, thank you so much for joining us.
Folks, you can find out more about you at Gavin underscore MCINNES, and also at the Rebel Media.
Look forward to talking to you more soon, my friend.
Great points.
Thanks Alex, thanks for having me.
I just made total sense of everything he said, but again, that's radical, that's evil.
No, they're selling tyranny so they can't have reasonable stuff exist because it discredits the garbage.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm not saying let's put a good face on it.
For this time in the summer, we have the highest ratings we've ever had.
That's the truth.
It isn't me, it's Lionel.
It's all the guests.
It's because we are credible that they don't like it, they want it shut down.
So when they want to censor Alex, they want to censor you.
Lionel, what's really behind this?
Let me explain something to you.
Nobody has any idea of the power of not only you, but your movement, and what this is saying.
Nobody understands that.
Now, another thing too is, let me just also bring up, if you wanted to catch you, because believe it or not,
It would have been better had she done what I suggested.
Let her just ask you to speak.
I would have done something like, Mr. Jones, tell me what it feels like to be the leader of a revolution.
Tell me.
I would have known your catchphrases.
I would have lowered your guards.
I would have brought out.
It's just like hostage negotiation.
You tell somebody, I understand your plight.
I understand they don't respect you.
Then, I would have said, folks, run the camera.
Let it go.
But what she did was, because you knew these answers, because you never said anything that she thought you said.
Because you've merely brought up things which she's never ever thought of before.
Basically, that you have questions and others.
Again, I ask anybody to watch that original trailer, Alec.
It's incongruous.
It doesn't make any sense.
When she asks specifically about Sandy Hook, your answer, if you listen to it, I'm thinking to myself, did Alex not understand this?
No, that's not what you said.
You know, Alex, we live in a world right now where we hate the notion of plagiarism.
And there's an old expression that says, if you steal from one, it's plagiarism.
If you steal from a bunch, it's called research.
But you know what's worse than plagiarism?
What's worse than taking somebody's idea is taking somebody's idea and removing it.
Making it synthetic.
Making it false.
Building a straw man.
So what she did was, you can say, how dare you?
You know, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Megan, I knew you were going to do a hatchet job on me.
I understood that.
But I must have been naive.
I would have thought you and this august organization known as NBC would have had the common decency to let me merely say what I wanted to say.
Do you think Kelly survives?
Because, I don't mean to be mean, but she's aging rapidly, but she's such a cold person, and people don't like her, and her ratings are going down.
This was the nail in the coffin.
This precipitated that which was the inevitable.
She wasn't working.
Nobody at NBC wanted her.
And so now she's gonna get big ratings, but it's like the Death Star blowing up.
That's it, the last hurrah.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
I wondered so aimless, life filled with sin.
I wouldn't let my dear Savior in.
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It's a good thing to see the light.
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There's a false spirit in most of these churches, though, of magical thinking, of Satanism.
It's amazing to watch it.
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But we're going to add some other things on to sale.
For 20-30% off as I promised to do right through the month.
So we're going to have to end that sale in two days on those particular items.
I want to thank you all for your purchases.
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But we try to bring you really game-changing, high-quality products that we personally test and use at very competitive prices to fund our operation.
A true 360 win at every level.
Now, I'd like to give out the toll-free number to take some phone calls ahead of our next guest joining us a little bit into the next hour.
He's the individual, the scientist, the entrepreneur, who started and launched multi, you know, $100 million companies.
He's not another politician or lawyer.
Not knocking all the lawyers, but we don't need 80% of Congress to be lawyers.
We'll be joining us.
Dr. Shiva will be joining us.
Shiva for the U.S.
Senate, who has now broken through on mainstream news, is doing very well in the polls, and has the Democrats in Pocahontas shaking in their boots.
What do you think of Kid Rock running?
He's a libertarian conservative.
He wants free market.
He's a Trumper.
I know he's friends with Jesse James, friend of mine.
Says he's a great guy.
What do you think of him getting ready to run?
I know it has the Democrats
Scared as well.
We will get you up and on the air.
Now, before I go any further, let me get into some of these video clips.
We have Bernstein of Woodward and Bernstein that totally set up Nixon by the deep state because Nixon was trying to turn our economy on.
Busted him for some two-bit burgling idiocy of G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt and a few others who were shut up by the CIA that were surveilling everything they did.
That's all been declassified.
He's coming out saying, Trussia rump collusion.
We are in the midst of a cold civil war in this country.
Oh, when he says that it's big national news.
I told you we were in a civil war during the campaign.
I told you we're going into a hot civil war with Democrats trying to start a real one and calling for violence and hashtag hunt Republicans and all the rest of the garbage.
And then that ties into another clip I'm going to get to with Vanity Fair's Eric Eichenwald
Saying that Fox News is aiding and abetting the Russians.
So now Fox is in bed with the Russians.
This is what I keep telling the Republicans and the Murdoch sons and all of them.
I know you want to be cool with all the New York High Society garbage where all you narcissist mummies go.
With all your facelifts.
All your unhappy families.
All your failure.
They're going to bring everything down.
The globalists do not want any freedom or even fake conservatism out there.
They don't want any opposition.
Because globalism is so unpopular, it can only work if there's no opposition.
And so all these Republicans trying to go along with this fake Republican witch hunt that won't go after Hillary for all of her real Russia and China connections?
You are sticking your own stupid necks in a guillotine, morons.
The Democrats had announced they wanted you to be a failed party and only a regional party and loyal opposition.
They want it all shut down.
And so Trump and the American people, we, together, must defeat the Republican fake rhinos, the neocons, the establishment liberals, Hollywood, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, the multinationals that want to sew up the global economy and don't want prosperity.
It's that simple.
When they told Trump you could never turn the economy back on, he knew he could because they had their foot on our neck.
They want a global slowdown.
They admitted that in 2008.
They admitted that in 2010.
They admitted it in 2015, when Obama went to Africa and said, you can't have a good life.
But I'm gonna have one!
They're institutionalizing poverty!
They're institutionalizing garbage!
I didn't come and set this up to be a loser and be on the sidelines.
I came to sell and promote freedom and free market next to globalism.
I know it would win and it's starting to gain traction because if you spread the word globally, from Greece to Poland to Ukraine to France to Germany to the UK to the United States to Australia to Catalonia and Spain, we're on the march.
The empire is on the run.
We can do it together, ladies and gentlemen, but we've got to have eye of the tiger.
I did a really important segment in the first 30 minutes of the broadcast today where I laid out mainline news after the fact that bots, a bot is just a term for major computer spiders, going out, tracking data, collating it, and putting it through AI algorithms.
Robots, basically.
AI analyzing that Trump was 10 to 20 points ahead the entire general election.
That's how I said he was going to win if we could stop them from stealing it.
And now they're back out with the same fake polls again.
Eight months later, nine months later, they think you're dumb and don't remember it.
So we've got to bring all those articles back.
We've got to expose all that again.
These are the weapon systems.
This will defeat them.
Of course Trump listened to me during the campaign and after, because Trump knows I've got my head screwed on straight.
Bannon, his chief advisor, is basically just an older version of me.
All I'm doing is promoting Americana!
You know, Marilyn Monroe, 57 Chevys, moon launch, low taxes, nice houses, swimming pools, good medicine, free open societies!
But the nihilists want to undermine it.
I'm going to get to that a little bit later.
I keep saying I am, but I haven't got to it yet.
The nihilists want to undermine it, and I'm going to explain the paradigm.
How they're the useful idiots.
How they're the people that want to live in the limelight.
The universal dream.
And if they can't live in the limelight through existential envy, they're going to pull down anybody who's successful.
Instead of getting in to, quote, rush to the wonderment and the magic of the universe and the universalness of empowering everybody who will be empowered.
But there's a double-edged sword.
You've got to crush those that try to stop you from becoming empowered and trying to bring you down because they don't want you to be successful.
Envy, jealousy is the great destroyer.
So, here is Bernstein, the paragon, the mountain of journalistic power!
Perched pathetically, swollen, both in reality and figuratively, there on CNN and MSNBC and all these channels that he goes and pontificates from about, we are now in a civil war.
Russia has brought us into great crisis.
And I told you, the enemy, they say, isn't the liberals, it's not the conservatives, it's not whether you want low taxes or high taxes, it's Russia, the all-powerful evil.
The globalists are the outsiders.
They're the cancer.
They're the poison.
They're the people that came in.
They're the people that are usurping us and saying, we can't have a nation.
We can't have America first.
We can't have families.
We can't keep our tax money.
We've got to be under their control!
We've got to do what they say, because they crave the control!
And now they tell us.
Because we're in a civil war, and Russia's behind it.
But don't worry, they're the guardians.
They'll decide who's good.
They'll decide who's a heretic.
They'll decide who's a witch.
They'll decide who can have a radio show, who can be on TV.
They'll decide!
Just like last week.
I couldn't believe I was reading it with a straight face.
New York Times, Washington Post, straight face.
Warren Buffett.
Carlos Slim.
Jeff Bezos.
Three of the richest men in the world are all in the top five, controlling multi-trillion dollar operations, coming in, looking at you with a straight face and saying, we need Congress to shut down alternative media because it's too popular and we want Google to be ordered Congress to force feed our newspapers because they've all gone bankrupt.
Imagine a restaurant where they make you go to the restaurant, they make you pay for it, and then they feed you basically rotten rats.
They force rotten, furry, stinking rats with maggots coming out of their eyeballs.
I don't
Yes, bouncing back from death only for a brief second as a facsimile of its once living vestige.
Now only of only of other scrofulous creatures.
Let's go ahead and go to Bernstein on Trump-Russia collusion.
Here it is.
The difference between Watergate and now, one of the big differences is that we are in the midst of a cold civil war.
He's a pig nose!
What a stelter!
With CNN being perceived by different sets of viewers as representing different truths, when in fact Fox has changed American politics as perhaps no institution has since its invention in 1996.
Our politics has been changed inalterably by this right-wing counterforce, whatever you want to call it.
So you're the leftist counter force that says we shouldn't use the word mother and father in schools.
You're the counter force saying we've got to pay for everybody's sex change.
You're the counter force that says we've got to bring in unlimited illegals, then fill them full of anti-American hate and bring in unvetted radical Muslims.
You're the folks that don't want tax cuts for the middle class.
You're the people that wanted us to sign on to the TPP and transfer our sovereignty to a secret group and be the only major nation paying carbon taxes.
You wanted us to do all this.
And then you go, oh look, Fox News did change things.
Fox News knew talk radio had a much bigger audience than all of cable news combined.
They knew there was a market.
So they created Fox News to control the conservative movement.
And now there's a civil war in Fox because Hannity and a few other people are true to what they want to do.
Like Tucker Carlson.
There are a few people on there like Lou Dobbs, Judge Napolitano, there's a handful, and they kind of stick them on the back bench.
When they get on the main fox, they have the highest ratings.
You can put Lou Dobbs on every night at 9 o'clock, he'd have as much ratings as Sean Hannity.
And he says we're in a civil war where the global is taking over, trying to overthrow the government and go after us.
That's what's really happening.
Straight talk from Lou Dobbs.
Your gut tells you he's good.
The evidence shows you he's good.
You look at a slimebag like Bernstein, he's a parasite who thinks he's better than you because he's been insecure his whole life.
Now, let's go to the next one.
This is the talking point.
Here's another one.
Here's another one of these.
This is MSNBC, the same talking point.
Fox is the enemy.
Fox is Russian now.
See, everyone's a Russian.
Everyone can't be trusted but the globalists who tell you don't be America first.
Don't be America first.
Don't be America first.
No, no, let the globalists run things, but because we're going to protect you from the Russians.
No, you're the outsiders.
You're the enemy.
Here's this idiot from Vanity Fair.
Alex is a propaganda network.
It functions off of the idea of breaking people up into teams.
So they are aiding and abetting the enemy.
They are aiding and abetting those people we are currently at war at with, the Russians.
In order to play for their team, to make it GOP versus Democrats.
It's not.
It is the United States of America versus people who are a country that is trying to destroy our democracy, break up the Western alliance.
And in the process, Fox News is saying, don't worry about the Russians, don't worry about the people trying to attack democracy.
Let's attack instead.
I've got to come back and play from the beginning.
I mean, this is the new talking point.
We're at war with Russia.
Russian scum!
That's what they're pushing.
A bunch of weird, trendy leftists that want to start a war, hoping they can round up all their opposition, claiming we're foreign agents.
You guys better hope a civil war doesn't start, you chicken necks.
InfoWars is proud to announce the CNN is Fake News contest, an expansion of the already successful CNN is ISIS contest.
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You can also combine a CNN is fake news sign with one of our CNN is ISIS t-shirts available now at Infowarsstore.com.
The intent of the contest is to encourage you, the listener, to realize that you have the power to save civilization from the criminal cabal controlling humanity and his fake news propaganda machine called CNN.
The first thing to do is hammer the point to the public that CNN is fake news, which a CNN producer admitted on camera to James O'Keefe and Project Veritas.
We need to come together and remind the world that CNN simply regurgitates globalist propaganda thought up by multinational think tanks that is then fed to the public to suppress individual thought and run humanity into a ditch.
For more contest rules, visit InfoWars.com forward slash contest.
This is Kit Daniels.
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Look at this Drudge Report headline.
OJ set for freedom.
I'm gonna get into that a little bit next hour.
I'm gonna go to your phone call, see if we have a guest popping in.
He's running against Pocahontas.
But they just reminded me, I'd forgotten this, that Kirk Eichenwalde of Antifair got caught in a tweet he put out with tentacle porn.
I don't know.
Uh, what we see being pushed over in Sweden and things, uh, by the whole liberal youth party that wants to legalize basically cartoons, uh, of children being raped.
But in the tentacle porn, it's like little women, little children and then big demons raping them, murdering them.
It's, it's, it's like Satan porn basically.
Uh, and I don't, I don't subject myself to stuff like that.
I've still never seen the footage of people eating feces.
I've never seen horses having sex with people.
I've, I've, I just refuse to look at it.
But tentacle porn has literally been popping up since I was on MySpace 10 years ago.
But, but just the, you know, the, the, the, the, the, the front page stuff.
Of like, Xenomorphs from Alien, you know, raping a child, or... I mean, it's the most horrible stuff, and it's bombarded all over the internet, and he said, oh, he was having a discussion with his wife and kids, I forgot about this, about whether it was child porn or not.
I mean, now he wants World War III.
He says we're at war with Russia, when he goes on MSNBC, and that everyone, including Fox News, is part of it as Russian agents.
And why is he like some creepy looking dude?
I mean, it's always the same.
What is going on here?
I mean, I guess you watch demons tearing children apart and, you know, raping them.
I don't know if that's what he watches, but that's what tentacle porn genre is.
Maybe he was just researching it with his children.
But just so many of these pundits just keep getting caught up in de Blasio's aid and Weiner and, you know, all the sexting and Lolita Express and Epstein and the Pope's deputy getting busted and, you know, all the rest of it.
It just really shows what's going on in these guys' brains, who are really crazed to control this country.
But before I get to the clip of him, here's Maxine Waters saying, the whole Trump family is just a criminal clan, and then the cover of Time Magazine is, or was it Newsweek, is caught red-handed, and they put a Hitler mustache on
Trump Jr.
on Donnie, here it is.
Thank you Leader Pelosi for organizing all of us today who have taken some action in dealing with Trump.
Family criminal enterprise.
Unveil the criminal activity, the unconstitutional activity of this president and his family.
Think about what Hillary's done.
I have dubbed them the criminal clan.
Alright, let's go out to break with Eichenwalde.
Here's the man that discusses tentacle porn with his children, according to him.
Here he is.
Alex is a propaganda network.
It functions off of the idea of breaking people up into teams.
They are aiding and abetting the enemy.
They are aiding and abetting those people we are currently at war at with, the Russians, in order to play for their team.
Yes, it's not.
It is the United States of America versus people who are a country that is trying to destroy our democracy, break up the Western alliance, and in the process, Fox News is saying, don't worry about the Russians, don't worry about the people trying to attack democracy, let's attack instead the intelligence agencies giving us these conclusions, let's pretend the Democrats are involved, and let's return to
I think what I'm getting out of your head, isn't it?
I'm serious!
He may have a tentacle-borne spore in his brain!
I'm being sarcastic!
He'll be back!
$2,500 prize for anyone who's seen on TV with a CNN Is Fake News sign or t-shirt and has also heard to say CNN Is Fake News InfoWars.com is real.
You can also combine a CNN Is Fake News sign with one of our CNN Is ISIS t-shirts available now at InfoWarsStore.com.
The intent of the contest is to encourage you, the listener,
To realize that you have the power to save civilization from the criminal cabal controlling humanity and his fake news propaganda machine called CNN.
The first thing to do is hammer the point to the public that CNN is fake news, which a CNN producer admitted on camera to James O'Keefe and Project Veritas.
We need to come together and remind the world that CNN simply regurgitates globalist propaganda thought up by multinational think tanks that is then fed to the public to suppress individual thought and run humanity into a ditch.
For more contest rules, visit InfoWars.com forward slash contest.
This is Kit Daniels.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai will be joining us.
He's running against Pocahontas, the fake Indian.
That's coming up.
He'll join us for a few segments and I'll continue with your phone calls.
Right now we got Doug, Joshua, Debbie, Zach, Steven and many, many others.
Let's go to Zach in Florida because he wants to talk about Hillary's pay-to-play.
I'm going to put a report out later this week just showing them.
Hundreds of millions from Saudi Arabia, other countries, the Russians, you name it.
Just showing where she's caught red-handed taking money for policy, but then Trump's son meeting with some Russians about dirt on her is the end of the world and we're at war with Russia.
So, Mr. Ayadurai will be joining us coming up, the real Indian, running against Pocahontas, coming up in the next segment.
But right now, let's go to Zach in Florida.
Zach, you're on the air.
Yes Alex, how you doing?
It's great to be back on and I wanted to just update a little tidbit when it comes to this pay-to-play which is really just this premeditated predatory behavior that's been going on since the 90s.
What I think is a major key here is if we could get Louis Farrakhan into the equation because Louis Farrakhan has been dealing with the Clintons since the 90s.
You could pull up the
Sure, sure.
You can say what you want about Farrakhan, who I've met with and had dinner with and all the rest of it.
He's right about getting people off welfare, getting your own community things.
And he's been quasi for Trump and then not for Trump because his constituents, he wouldn't go for it.
But you're right.
Farrakhan hates the Clintons.
So in 96 they block his $1 billion loan and they run through the White House and they do this type of thing.
Later on during the Obama administration he gets another loan but of course Hillary Clinton wasn't, it wasn't her foundation getting the money so she wasn't going to do this along with her plan.
For folks that don't know, I'm going to do a whole report this week.
That just details, I mean, the Clintons have gotten more than $15 billion from foreign governments in the last 15 years.
It's over a billion a year, and almost all of it is illegal.
I mean, hell, Trudeau in Canada is giving massive money to them.
This is ridiculous.
But again, they get everybody involved in the crime, so then it's too big to prosecute.
You see, they do that on purpose.
So could you imagine, Hillary Clinton's involved in blocking money coming to the U.S.
to create local jobs, but yet she'll take money from a foreign government in order to, you know... Just like they gave 97 million dollars, we covered it yesterday, to the phosphate operations overseas, and then they gave her money in turn.
So she pays to ship the jobs overseas.
And it just shows how brainwashed the left is, because this is supposed to be a pro-minority group.
Ladies and gentlemen, she does not care about minorities.
She is a predator.
This money that was blocked from Libya was going to the African-American community, okay?
So where's the uproar from Black Lives Matter?
Five billion, you know, organic, quote-unquote, dollars coming into the economy?
No, that's blocked.
But, you know, she could do no wrong on the left's eyes.
This just proves that this is a surface-level... No, we have them in the WikiLeaks!
We have them in the WikiLeaks saying, we can't let people get self-sufficient.
We've got to keep them poor, desperate, and in the dark.
During the election, you have a clip from Louis Farrakhan.
After making a mistake, she has blood on her hands.
She's guilty of the murder of Mubarak Gaddafi, whether you look at it from a sovereign country's perspective, or if you look at it for the debacle of our troops in Benghazi, or our ambassador in Benghazi.
Let me make this clear.
The blood is on her hands.
Billions of dollars were traded hands here, and someone's dead.
And look at her track record.
Everywhere you go, she's surrounded by these crazy stories.
And Louis Farrakhan has a clip where he calls her a wicked woman during the campaign against Trump, and pretty much sides with Trump.
Tells his congregation to look into Hillary's dealings, and look into what she did to quote-unquote, my friends.
No, no.
I mean, in person, Louis Farrakhan was pro-Trump.
And then when he had pro-Trump statements, no media would pick it up.
And I've since been invited back to go.
It's not that I don't want to go interview Faircon again.
It's a big interview.
I've just been so slammed.
I haven't been traveling much the last year, but I'll probably get another interview with him soon.
Because they want to do it in person, so it's just hard for me to travel with some of the stuff that's been going on.
As people see, I've had The Globalist after me 24-7.
So I have been kind of hiding out in the rear with the gear.
Thank you, Zach.
We'll be back with Doug, Joshua, Debbie, and others.
But first, The Real Indian, who's running against Pocahontas in the Senate and rising in the polls.
We'll talk to Dr. Shiva.
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Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
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We must keep the internet free from communistic government restrictions and parameters.
Because it would stop memes and erase heroes.
Don't believe me?
Look at China.
Chinese President Xi Jinping was famously memed with Barack Obama in 2013 when a picture of the two was compared to a picture of Winnie the Pooh and Tigger too.
This happened again after an awkward handshake with Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was compared to a handshake between Pooh and Eeyore.
Other images, such as Winnie the Pooh in a car, have been memed alongside President Xi in his limo.
But because the meme of President Xi and Winnie the Pooh has gotten so popular, China has now censored it from the Internet.
This is commonplace in Communist China, as a recently deceased political dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Liu Xiaobo, has had his name completely censored from the virtual world.
Try sending his name in a message to a friend, and the message will disappear into cyberspace.
Xiaobo died in Chinese custody, and most people in China have no idea who he is.
Keep the Internet free in America.
Stop net neutrality.
Save me magic.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're now well into the third hour.
And here's a little snip of our message coming up.
Breaking down exactly why he's running against the fraud that is Elizabeth Warren, aka Pocahontas.
If you do the same and beat Elizabeth Warren, Senator Warren, that would be a double sensation.
Well, I think only a real Indian can defeat
I sent her a DNA test kit for her birthday and I was very sad that she returned it and I tweeted it out and it went viral all over the internet because see the issue of real Indian and fake Indian there's a truth there because here's a woman who actually checked off the box saying that she was a Native American.
I mean this foretells a person who's basically a self-serving elitist is willing to cut in line as she needs is willing to promote politics
So others can cut in line.
I came in as a legal immigrant.
You know, my dad came first.
We had to wait about a year.
So there's essentially disrespect for the law and disrespect for the country.
By the way, folks, I knew who our guest was when I had him on a few months ago, whenever Owen Schroeder recommended we have him on.
I mean, I knew who he was.
I knew he created companies that have produced hundreds of millions of dollars and hired thousands of people.
I knew that they had stuff kind of like email, but he was the first guy to actually package it and name it that when he was in college, or I guess high school.
I mean, he really is a great entrepreneur, the example of what we want.
In Congress, in the Presidency, in the State Houses, that actually understands where the power comes from the people, from working hard, from ideas, from the human mind, not from the elite establishment.
And we've got Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai on with us at the bottom of the hour.
Then I'll go right back to your phone calls.
And I've seen the polls.
He is racing up against her.
He's starting to raise a lot of small donations.
He's getting on Fox News, you name it.
They're starting to demonize him.
They're really, really scared of him.
And the website is shiva4senate.com.
So since you were on a month, month and a half ago, a lot has happened.
You've gotten a lot of traction.
Very, very exciting.
Tell us where the battlefield is right now.
Because it shows we've got to get more good people in Congress, more good people in the House and Senate.
We've got the Democrats and Republican establishment blocking Trump.
We've got the Freedom Caucus doing a great job.
We've got him, via executive power, delivering.
But, you know, we've got to help Trump.
And I know you're wanting to get in there to help make America great again.
So, since we last talked, where is Elizabeth Warren, aka Pocahontas, in our sights?
Thanks Alex, thanks for having me on.
Elizabeth Warren is running for her life in many ways, and the way that it's manifesting itself is that the local media, Alex, the Boston Globe, the Herald, WRKO, even a guy called Howie Carr, and I'll come back to
Exactly, so now that they can't beat us, they're now going to try to run as us.
Exactly, exactly.
So, you know, as I mentioned, I think you mentioned, I have a degree in biological engineering, a PhD from MIT, and what's been fascinating over the last 100 days is I've had to put on my biology hat to understand the biology of the swamp creatures in Massachusetts.
And that biology is fascinating.
What it's revealing is, as you said, is, you know, we had the establishment swamp creatures, which were the RINOs and the Democrats in Massachusetts.
Now what's happening, Alex, is they've created fake Trumpers.
In fact, I'm not even going to mention this guy's name.
I just call him the Dirty Deal.
And he is essentially being put forward as a puppet in Massachusetts so the GOP rhinos and the Democrats will have a weakling against Warren.
And we're destroying him everywhere we go.
And I've seen the photos.
There's fake photos of him with Trump shaking hands.
Exactly and in fact what I did was I literally had one of the leading forensic guys in the world do an analysis of that photo and it's a complete fake.
This guy is literally photoshopped.
I think I may send him the book called Photoshop for Idiots or Photoshop for Dummies.
Probably the former because I don't think he's ready for the dummies one yet.
And he's literally photoshopped a picture and Trump really has three hands in this picture.
But that's what you have going on.
And what's fascinating is that the rhino Democrat media complex within Massachusetts is trying to keep me out.
But they have a problem because we got on Fox, we tweet, you know, we get out there with, you know, great media like you guys who tell the truth.
So I think we're in a literally a bold new American revolution.
And every day Donald Trump stays in office, we win.
We cannot measure Donald Trump's success based on which bill gets passed or not.
What we can measure it on is the fact that people like me, people like Kid Rock, people like Omar Navarro, we're coming out and this movement is explosively growing.
And more importantly, we're able to, you know, expose these fake Trumpers.
And I think that's the next
That's right.
You're there to be part of the debates.
Win, lose, or draw.
You win by participating.
And then we're there exposing them.
We're there building a populist libertarian movement to take over the Republicans.
And we're so close to winning.
Ron Paul and myself and others created the original Tea Party.
It scared the Republicans, so they tried to co-opt it.
Instead, they just brought us in, we pretty much took over, and now there's a civil war inside the Republican Party.
And that's why the Democrats are trying to announce it's all Russian and say it's some outside threat, because it's the only venue where there's a real re-assurgence of Americana and an attempt to have a big tent, bring everybody in, around free market, around prosperity.
They're totally panicking, and exactly.
He's done a great job executively.
They're trying to block him to kill his agenda.
They're trying to kill the economy.
They're trying to raise interest rates, showing how scared they are.
But despite that, people in major polls blame the Republican and Democrat establishment for blocking Trump.
And so, exactly, every day he's in there, defeats them with their political correctness.
It gets better Supreme Court justices, better federal judges.
I've got AP Reuters, Infowars.com.
Border Patrol Union Chief praises miraculous drop in illegal immigration under Trump.
63% now, it was 40-something percent.
We've got Border Patrol energized like never before.
Infowars.com says, Union President, it's not evil to have a border.
Mexico has a border.
China has a border.
Russia has a border.
India has a border.
South Africa has a border.
This is globalism conquering us, saying we can't say America first.
Well, if we don't have a country that's for its people, what are we paying taxes for, Shiva?
Exactly, and the reality is Hollywood elites, when I was out there, have, you know, amazing borders around their home.
You know, so, and these are the same people trying to tell us we should not have borders.
You know, I came here, as I mentioned in that Fox News interview, legally.
I had to wait a year.
My dad came here first.
And self-serving elites like Elizabeth Warren
Who cut in line, you know, checked off that box, as I mentioned, saying that she was a Native American to get into Harvard.
These are the same people who promote these self-serving, elitist policies, saying that we should not have a border.
By the way, Alex, I mentioned, you know, I sent Elizabeth Warren a DNA test kit.
She refused it.
We took it on the internet, went viral.
I actually had my 23andMe DNA test done.
It turns out I'm actually a lot of dot, but I also have a little Native American in me.
It's a little bit, but I got some in me.
So I'm a lot of dot and a little feather, as I like to say.
So you got a real, real Indian running against a fake Indian.
But I think we cannot forget what you've just brought up.
You know, we had the Trump revolution.
The Trump movement needs to expand.
And that expansion is being forestalled by, as you said, I think we both mentioned it, the Civil War.
And that Civil War now is being led by what I call fake Trumpers.
On the front end, that the RINOs and the DEMs are using.
And in Massachusetts, we have this dirty deal guy who's out there.
So we are going to expose him, destroy him, because it's part of getting out the true narrative of what it means to be an American.
As you mentioned, we need people who are creators.
We need people who are soldiers.
We need people who are inventors, innovators.
That's what the founders of this country wanted.
They did not want swamp creature career politicians or dirty deals.
And that's what I'm here for, and I love this country, Alex, and I'm so happy that this movement is growing, and every day it's growing, and I think it's a fantastic opportunity for all of America to see this grow.
And we need to get everyone participating, everyone to support this president, because he's fighting a major war against a deep state.
In Massachusetts, we have a microcosm of that deep state, but I would also argue the belly of the beast of the swamp, because you have the elites here, you have the self-serving elites who come up with all the narratives that goes out to the media.
You have a permanent corporate and governmental bureaucracy, a bunch of boss hogs, whether you're in Massachusetts or Texas or anywhere, you get these entitled boss hogs.
That's why in Texas one town will be free, open, happy, taxes go to the real things, and then you drive into another one, you can feel it going across the county line.
The cops act different, the people look upset.
I mean, it's like North Korea versus the United States.
Political policy is everything when it comes to the culture of the people, and we want to get back to America.
I don't get why the left pushes they want collectivism when all it creates is abject nightmares.
Yeah, I mean, in Massachusetts, one of the interesting conditions, and this is reflected in the national level, is for every 17 skilled job openings, only one person is skilled.
Yes, we need to keep lower taxes.
Any dummy can tell you that.
But the reality is, the establishment Democrats and Republicans have not produced enough skilled jobs.
What they have created is, and Massachusetts is a mecca of this, the educational-industrial complex.
Every parent sends their kids to colleges.
They end up with 50, 60, $100,000 loans.
And those student loans don't even go to the students.
They go right from the government to these large universities where people like Elizabeth Warren can get paid $350,000 for teaching one course.
Students are coming out.
They can't read.
I'm glad you mentioned this because you've got a huge education and started all these companies and I'm not going to go over all the stuff you've done at MIT and everywhere else because it would take 20 minutes and all the things you've invented, but they think I'm bashing
I think?
I'm saying we should have education designed for our high-tech world, and then these leftists get saddled with these fake educations.
They want a desperate liberal world that will exist with their education.
Sorry, they got conned.
And that's the big issue.
They've got to admit, they got conned.
Yeah, they got completely conned.
You know, I was fortunate, Alex, because I've been working, as we've shared since I was 14, when I built that first email system.
I went to MIT and I figured out at MIT after a couple of years that a lot of the professors there were not as smart as they were projecting.
So I kept one foot in, but I was always working full-time, Alex.
So I was able to take what I needed
But I was also able to get those degrees so I can use them as weapons one day because now they can't say that I'm a nobody.
So I did this in a very strategic way, but I have always been working and that's what creates America.
It's people who work every day.
Exactly, exactly.
I was going to college and I was already...
For more than 6,000 years of recorded human history, historians, chroniclers of their time have all agreed on one great thing.
And it's that there are critical times in history where more happens in just a few years to change the future destiny of humanity's trajectory that happened in the previous hundred.
And with all of the advanced technology, with all of the incredible innovations that limited free market civilization has developed, we're seeing an acceleration of that great turning.
We are approaching a mass jump point, tipping point, decision point.
That our species has never even imagined.
Ladies and gentlemen, the equations that gave us atomic weapons and nuclear power were developed by Max Planck in 1900.
That vision was then manifest in 1945, when two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
That's 1900 quantum mechanics in the human mind.
Theoretical, then put into action.
Today, the elites of the globe have been in consensus, from China to Europe to the United States, that they were going to hoard all the advanced technologies and keep them back from the American people, the people of the world.
But President Trump, in his inaugural speech, foreshadowed the fact that we are about to discover the secrets of the universe together.
And that's because many of the secrets have already been discovered.
And many others have been discovered and suppressed.
And that simple, basic fact is why the globalists hate Trump.
It's why they hate me.
It's why they hate you.
Because you innately have the spark of the universe in you.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, each of us has the sea of the universe within our heart, within our soul.
To celebrate our comeback, to celebrate the fact that our republic is coming back from the dead.
I'm going to extend the 4th of July specials throughout the month of July.
Now to be clear, the free shipping will continue.
A lot of these products like X2, Supermail, Lung Cleanse, Selenium and others are very close to selling out.
But when those sell out, I will continue to discount all the other major nutraceuticals and products
Between 20 and 30 percent.
In fact, some of the discounts are as high as 40 percent on some of the Enbridge Essentials, so we're going to continue those as well.
Until they sell out, while supplies last, the lowest discounts are 10 percent.
The highest discounts are 40 percent to celebrate the victories we've had against the Globalist.
That's InfoWarsLife.com, InfoWarsStore.com, or 888-253-3139.
Undoubtedly, this is going to be the most intense
Long lasting sale in the history of Infowars.
Because right now, the quickening, the acceleration of awakening, the spiritual unlocking is white hot.
And I am just honored to be here with you all together.
Because as one caller said, we're not just the tip of the spear.
This audience of patriots of every race, color, and creed who bleed red blood and want to be free are the sword of truth.
And I am humbled to be associated with you all.
Dr. Shiva Iyengar is running against Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Starting the next segment, I'll go directly to your phone calls and a lot of news I haven't gotten to yet.
But first off...
Forty people shot over the weekend in Chicago with some of the most draconian gun laws in the nation.
Why is it that everywhere Democrats are in control of a city, they have epidemic crime, poverty, and collapse?
It's because they're an organized crime system, and the Republicans are part of that criminal system at the top.
But we're coming to the end of the line here where the left says we're in an existential civil war and that Fox News, myself, anybody that wants prosperity or America First is a Russian agent.
Let me see, I'm a Russian agent because I want Trump to turn our coal and oil back on that lowered the prices of exports for Russia and hurt them worse than Obama could have ever done with sanctions.
I don't want to hurt Russia!
Sorry, America First!
Again, none of it is reality-based.
So, Dr. Shiva, why are Democratic Party areas such hellholes?
Bottom line, the entire philosophy of the Democratic Party, and obviously their establishment counterparts in the Republican Party, is to create a party or situation of dependency, Alex.
It's not about what the founders had, that there was supposed to be a direct connection between us and our creator without any intermediaries.
These people want to create dependencies, like, you know, they want to create the opioid epidemic.
That's what they want.
Oh, let's talk about that!
You're a really smart cookie.
Why have they increased multi-hundred times the amount of opiates dumped out, and the very same government that allowed it acts like it's the savior and comes out with stronger drugs to counter the other drugs?
That's like getting rid of opium with heroin at the end of the Civil War.
Yeah, I mean, if you actually look at this whole concept of the opioid model, you remember, if you ever went to your doctor, they'd ask you, what was your level of pain?
Remember, they used to have a scale level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Well, they had something for the low end of it, you know, like Advil, whatever, Tylenol.
And they had stuff for the high end, like morphine.
And then they created a middle end because there was no drug there.
They saw market opportunity.
So a bunch of academics
We're good to go.
Uh, process that they put through, and now we have all this opioid epidemic taking place.
The interesting thing, Alex, is there are solutions to the opioid epidemic.
We found, we came across an amazing doctor who actually was able to detox people in the home, and he was shut down by the local Democrat Attorney General here.
It's a very interesting story.
It's a movie coming out called Hero in America.
Well, please come on the Nightly News with the director and tell us about that.
What's incredible is they demonize us for selling organic shampoo.
They now call shampoo and toothpaste that I sell, and coffee, snake oil.
They say I claim my coffee's good.
I mean, this is now next level.
They claim that when I sell selenium or things, that it's a con game, even though you gotta have selenium to live and all the cancer studies.
But then, exactly half their ads are for opiates and stuff that'll kill you.
Mainstream media is a joke.
Yeah, I mean, starting around the 70s, you had the pharmaceutical companies and the health insurance companies start to dictate health policy in America.
And if you look at from the 70s all the way to, you know, 2000 when RomneyCare, same as Obamacare, was implemented, what we now have is we have the health insurance industrial complex and the pharmaceutical industrial complex.
And that's why they're going from surgery to pills!
Now they say, sorry, we're not going to fix your back with surgery.
We're going to give you a bunch of pills.
So it's knives and drugs medicine.
It's wartime medicine after you get screwed up, and they want you to get screwed up.
It's not about prevention.
I mean, a lot of the stuff I think you're into... Oh, I know.
Everybody I know goes to the doctor over nothing, and they're pushing opiates on them.
Yeah, and if you look at the actual model, when you look at the healthcare model, you go to your doctor, what, in the 70s you paid, what, 15-20 bucks, you got a scratch?
That's what it was.
Now we pay 15-20 bucks as a co-pay, on top of it we're paying all this insurance.
The health insurance companies are essentially dictating medical policy right now.
You've had the wiping out of the local family doctor, your local healer, which was, every village was supposed to have a local healer like my grandmother was, and they've all had to join this corporatized medicine.
We've got to get you in the Senate, because it's the big corporations, the big insurance companies and banks who wrote Obamacare bipartisanly to rip everybody off, to make you buy it, to put big insurance companies in control of medicine.
And you're right.
Big Pharma is now our doctor, and infant mortality is going up, our life expectancy is dropping, and flesh-eating bacteria is spreading, and the opioids are everywhere.
They are killing us.
Yeah, and the bottom line is the immune system of the average person is getting destroyed year over year over year.
And fundamentally, the immune system is what you need necessary to prevent us from cancer and all these diseases.
Listen, Dr. Shiva, you're amazing.
But regardless, let's start talking soon.
I'm about to launch a bunch of new shows.
I would like to seriously have you be part of InfoWars because you're so knowledgeable.
Alright, well thank you so much, sir.
We'll be right back.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Wow, amazing.
That's Dr. Shiva Idore running for Senate against Pocahontas.
Be sure to get behind him.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're selling a product, DNA Force, that is the very best nutraceutical that we can produce.
Dr. Group, it took years for you to develop DNA Force for us.
It's been something that I've been working on for a long time, Alex, because I think it's very, very important.
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InfoWars is proud to announce the CNN is Fake News contest, an expansion of the already successful CNN is ISIS contest.
The contest is simple.
$1,000 prize for anyone who's seen on TV with the CNN is Fake News sign or legible self-made t-shirt.
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You can also combine a CNN is fake news sign with one of our CNN is ISIS t-shirts available now at Infowarsstore.com.
The intent of the contest is to encourage you, the listener, to realize that you have the power to save civilization from the criminal cabal controlling humanity in this fake news propaganda machine called CNN.
The first thing to do is hammer the point to the public that CNN is fake news, which a CNN producer admitted on camera to James O'Keefe and Project Veritas.
We need to come together and remind the world that CNN simply regurgitates globalist propaganda thought up by multinational think tanks that is then fed to the public to suppress individual thought and run humanity into a ditch.
For more contest rules, visit InfoWars.com forward slash contest.
This is Kit Daniels.
They use their media to assassinate Real News.
They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler.
They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again.
And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance.
All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia, to smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding, until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness.
And when that happens, they'll use it as an excuse for their outrage.
The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom is to fight this violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth.
I'm the National Rifle Association of America, and I'm freedom's safest place.
There's a need for a new world order.
But it has different characteristics in different parts of the world.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm going right to your phone calls this second.
And then, Trevor Noah has put a new demonization piece out against us.
And I thought I'd play it, not just because it's about us, Comedy Central, but because it illustrates how pathetic these people are, and how they've got to talk about us to try to keep any viewers.
I mean, because for a month they've been attacking myself and Gwyneth Paltrow because she sells supplements and I sell supplements.
They never point out that Jeff Bezos is the biggest supplement seller in the world with Whole Foods.
They never point out that, again, D Magazine and others that first started this, they show that I sell coffee and they call it snake oils.
And again, they're attacking us selling shampoo now.
I'm not allowed to sell fluoride-free toothpaste that's made by the same manufacturer as Tom's of Maine with iodine and colloidal silver, even though they have known antibacterial health benefits.
But see, I am allowed.
They're not God.
And people know the value, despite what they say and do.
So, we have the new mechanical toothbrush that has embedded colloidal silver in it.
3D action flossing bristle.
Put up with the same folks that have the little disposable ones that we sell that have colloidal silver in them.
And we have that discounted when you get it with our super blue fluoride free
Toothpaste that is now back in stock.
You can also get our 10-to-1 mouthwash that is organic.
Essential oils from Emerson Essentials.
10-to-1 stimulates gums.
It's amazing.
People just love it.
It's real strong though.
More like 20-to-1, I think.
But they say it's 10-to-1.
You can get all those discounted in the Advanced Oral Care Pack or get them by themselves at InfoWarsLife.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
And without you, we can't run this operation.
So you get great products while funding the True Tip of the Spear, free shipping throughout the month of July as well, and a bunch of specials due in Wednesday because we're selling out of Brain Force, X2, Supermail, and other products that should be back in within a month or so.
You can't continue those specials because they are running out.
So take advantage of that today.
And thank you for the support.
Now, let's go to calls.
Let's talk to... Who's been holding the longest here?
Is it Doug?
Is it Joshua?
Is it Debbie?
Is it Steve?
Or... Or is it Mailman?
Joshua's been holding the longest in Georgia.
You're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Alex, I'm just gonna go straight into it.
I worked, I was the Lead System Administrator for a company called CPSI.
That's Computer Systems Programs Incorporated out of Mobile, Alabama.
At the beginning of the year, they were caught orchestrating an attack against their own customers with ransomware with the FBI.
I've been trying to go public since January, mainly with you since March of 2017.
I've contacted all 100 senators, 50 governors, one mayor, 75 plus.
Well, here's the deal.
We don't screen phone calls, but I get, and I'm sure you're credible.
I mean, I don't know that, but I'm sure you are.
And so I'll get these calls where I've got to like vet things, look at it, figure it out.
And I understand I get lots of stuff sent to me and they never can follow it up because we just don't have a big enough operation and so much is happening.
Has there been anything in the news specifically about this company?
No, I've been trying to go public.
Okay, okay.
I'm going to get your name and number right now because I'm not saying you're a fraud, but we're on the radio in Mobile, Alabama.
It's one of our affiliates is there.
And one way people want to get us thrown off radio stations is they'll have somebody call in with an attack on a local business.
Then it'll be misrepresented in the news that I made that attack on a local business that'll be picked up nationally.
Notice they'll show no proof that I said it, but they'll still do it.
I'm not saying that's the case with you, but I'm going to get your name and number, and I'm going to give it to, say, Kit Daniels, and then you can send him some information.
So please get that information from Joshua Scott and give that to Kit Daniels.
But you're talking about domestic terrorism.
I know that a lot of big companies like Google
Have been caught spying on their users, and so has Apple, and so has Amazon.
So, you know, there's no doubt that stuff goes on.
I just don't know about the company you're talking about in particular, Joshua.
And so again, I've got to, I mean, I have guests that come on and say random stuff as well to set me up.
Everybody's seen that.
And then the media says that I've said that.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's talk to Doug in California.
You're on the air.
Good morning.
Good morning again, Alex.
The Christian Lord Jesus must be looking down favorably on me because I've called you twice and I'm on again.
I was just talking about the immigration with guests around a week or so ago, and what I was trying to, the point I was trying to make was that with this new immigration law, we have to make sure that the Congress is going to be criminalizing the non-compliance of ICE holds with
I don't know.
Thank you.
Good afternoon, Alex.
First of all, I wanted to give a
I called and told your screener I wanted to talk about testimonies and first of all what I want to say is I've got a good friend that he was having major sinus and all kinds of problems like that.
He's actually had surgery for polyps and he's just got a lot of problems.
He's done antibiotics and so I gave him half a bottle of the silver bullet I had and
And it was amazing.
Within a day, he said all the green phlegm was gone.
He's breathing a whole lot better.
I told him to get the MycoZx and the biodefense probiotics because he's got issues with the, uh, um, uh, the, uh, what's that stuff called?
Uh, the, uh, Candida, uh, fungus, the fungus.
And so, you know, I told him to get that.
And then I also told him to get the, the untangy tangerine, which would help him a lot with his overall health.
That's from M4's health.com.
It's amazing.
So, you know, I just want to encourage everyone out there, before I get to that, I've heard some testimonies from people on the wrong side of these issues, but support this operation.
This is like Alex says, it's your war bonds, you're putting the word out there, you're supporting what is supporting the truth, and that's what this is all about.
And the reason this is important, Alex, you know this, I've encountered people, the stuff they have said to me, I've gone to veterans and said, you know, I've seen them wearing a veteran's hat and say, hey, aren't you glad we finally got a real American in the White House now that's for our veterans?
And they're telling me, well, I don't like Trump.
And I'm like, why?
Well, because he's getting rid of Obamacare.
Well, I voted for Hillary, you know, because he wants to find out all the personal information for the voting situation, you know, and they're just uninformed about this stuff.
No, what Trump's doing is following federal law.
To make sure illegals and dead people aren't voting, which they've caught them doing.
The globalists came in, they're overthrowing our system.
We're not against immigrants, we're a nation of immigrants.
They're being used as a weapon and until that stops, we've got to get control of this situation.
And that's the bottom line.
God bless you and I appreciate your testimony.
I'm going to say this as a layperson.
From my own research about fungus and candida and mold.
Okay, everybody knows, it's all over the news that it's causing brain tumors.
It's causing, you know, most of the bats to die.
Weird molds are killing turtles.
Fungus is killing fish.
I mean, it's mutating.
It's out of control.
Our environment's changing.
These are the real environmental plagues.
And from my research, and do your own, this is separate from me pitching MycoZx, this is from my research what's happening.
They know that candida fungus molds create
These slime walls in your intestines and then they manipulate the metabolic system of your gut.
That's what natural bacteria are supposed to do.
And then they basically feed on the sugars and other things and then control basically your gut flora and that's why people that have big yeast infections in their guts and other things are known to always want sugar and things.
I mean, you see this on the news.
This is what doctors are saying.
Most of what I'm saying is just known.
And then once it gets control of your gut, you're being colonized, then it gets control of your sinus, and then it starts getting into your blood, and then it gets into your brain, and a lot of the new brain tumors you read about are literal fungus tumors growing in people's brains.
I mean, this is scary stuff.
Now, am I saying MycoZx is going to knock all that out?
It's known to go in with concentrated herbs and knock out the slime wall where it's taking control of your gut in your stomach, in your upper and lower intestines.
Okay, and just like I've got so many friends and family who obviously don't want to come on here, but everybody knows about probiotics and it's just established that good probiotics are changing the world because bad pesticides get in our guts, they knock out the good bacteria, then the bad ones that are immune stay there, they fill up the area, but then the other areas get filled up with yeast, mold, stuff like candida.
And I mean, a lot of people in this office that have been in the military, you name it, for 20 years, had irritable bowel, constantly having problems.
I said, take Biome Defense.
Two months later, no more irritable bowel.
I have another very close friend who they told has Crohn's-like symptoms.
This is before I ever had our Biome Defense.
I said, go to Whole Foods, get one of their better full-spectrum robotics.
And it basically knocked it out for the person.
We don't have the gut flora we need.
So I went out with Groot.
We produced bomb defense.
Very best out there we could do.
And it goes great with the Mico ZX.
But since we mentioned this, I'm going to go to break and come back after this.
Here's Trevor Noah last week.
This is like last Wednesday.
I wasn't going to air it, but now I am.
With some other comedian on there.
Making jokes about myself and Gwyneth Paltrow.
And not saying what I actually sell.
Saying what she sells.
Because she's got some funny names for her stuff.
We've looked at the ingredients.
It's pretty good stuff.
Up against us and what we're doing.
You know, Group has a degree from MIT.
Group has a bunch of degrees.
Because he has one in nutrition and one as a naturopath and one as a chiropractor.
They make fun of that.
Again, it's lying by omission.
It's lying by omission.
He's one of the top developers in the country.
But I get stuff developed by the big companies that make stuff for Whole Foods.
Group makes about half our line, but he's a great guy.
He's highly respected.
It's like our toothpaste is made by the folks that make Tom's of Maine.
We just go get the best made.
Colloidal silver.
My wife had a sinus infection.
Antibiotics weren't knocking it out.
Three days ago, I started dumping colloidal silver down her nose.
You have her lay over the bed, put it in, and it's gone away.
Am I saying it's going to help every time?
No, but silver's known to go after viruses and bacteria.
It's been known by every culture.
It's not debatable.
At the hospitals, they have bandages now with silver because everything else stopped working.
But they don't want you to know that.
I've been promoting silver for 20 years.
You go into a Walgreens now, or a CVS, they've got 20 products with it in it.
Silver gels, you name it.
And it's not even as good as the stuff we sell.
But it works.
So they're demonizing normal behavior.
Is it going to help you every time?
Should you take silver and non-antibiotics?
No, that's your decision.
There's a lot of stuff silver won't knock out.
It's one more weapon against these bugs that are becoming totally immune!
And I hope it keeps working.
It may stop.
I've got children, man!
But they make a joke out of all this.
Let's go to this demonization piece.
Here it is.
It'll probably be a long time before we know the full Russia-Trump story.
One thing is clear.
America is really divided right now.
The big question is, where is this headed?
A civil war or a dance-off?
For more on this deep division, please welcome to the show our newest Daily Show correspondent, Mr. Michael Kosta!
Well, thanks Trevor.
It's great to be here, but just so you know, it's actually doctor.
Let's back up a few seconds with this other comedian on there.
They hold up signs saying cheer at the times they want, see?
All fake, all staged.
Let's continue.
We all agree with you.
Put pressure.
Thanks, Trevor.
It's great to be here, but just so you know, it's actually Dr. Michael Kustin that's... Wait, wait.
You're an actual doctor?
Yeah, yeah.
According to MedicalCertificateOnline.com, I am.
So, that's a... That's a blank.
They don't say who's saying they're a doctor when they're not.
They don't say who's a fraud.
It's like they say, Alex Jones is deeply racist, unalloyed racist, and then don't show the clip.
He just holds up a piece of white paper and says, we're all fakes.
That's why the royalty chose to eat off silver even when they could eat off gold?
Is that why they kept milk in cellars to keep it cold in Old England and France and kept it in silver containers?
And they found milk lasted longer when kept cold and in silver?
Or they thought it was wivetails when the British, 200 years before anybody else discovered vitamin C, and they gave limes to their sailors so they wouldn't get scurvy so they could be 2,000 miles from home and pull up to a Spanish or Dutch ship and defeat them because they were all weak from no vitamin C and the limeys, that's why Brits are called limeys,
The limeys, they put the lime in the water, in the rum, in the grog.
The limeys.
But see, I'm informed.
I know you'd die without vitamin C. But see, to them, this is all a big joke.
Something to make fun of what selenium does.
Or what silver does to your gums.
They don't want you to know.
They think it's all funny that in the old days when they'd travel with milk on wagon trains out west, when they couldn't keep stuff refrigerated, they'd throw silver dollars into the milk and into the buttermilk.
See, they don't want you knowing that.
They want to just make it all a big joke.
Let's continue.
That's a blank.
Now Trevor, as a professional doctor, I'm here to prescribe a cure for America's division.
A spoonful of optimism.
It may seem that Americans are being driven apart, but plenty are coming together.
Take right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
He runs InfoWars.
I was told by a genetic engineer.
About a project they were on in England once, and I never told the story on air because it's so fantastical.
They had, in tanks, people with gills.
They were little babies, and they were in there just gulping, clawing at the sides.
You see a turtle at the zoo, and it wants out, and you feel for it.
They got humanoids crossed with fish and stuff.
I mean... We are screwed, people!
I mean, do you understand that?
Hey, pause it again.
Back it up three seconds.
So just type in MIT, human-animal chimeras are gestating on farms across the United States last year.
I can show you a thousand medical reports or more from major universities going back 30 years with human-animal hybrids and I was told
At a conference in New York by a well-known genetic engineer who'd whistled blue on GMO, who'd been on the show, off record, over drinks, that he and his colleagues had been involved in government projects where they were splicing humans, animals, fish, you name it.
And he said, when you see a pig with a human face, or you see what looks like a pinniped with a human face, that's a seal, or even a fish, it is scary.
I can Google right now and show you mice with human faces, mice with ears growing on them, cockroaches with microchips in them 25 years ago.
But see, they don't care.
You can go search it yourself.
They don't want it discussed.
They're inoculating everyone to accept it as they now roll it out.
The Chinese announced yesterday dogs that are three times more muscular created in test tubes and then given birth to...
And now they're about to start announcing that they've cloned the humans that are superhuman.
That was mainstream news Sunday.
But see, mainstream media can report it.
When I report it decades before, just like NSA spying, it's more kooky.
I had a woman at Barton Springs public outside pool with my kids this weekend.
It's a spring-fed pool.
And I'm out there and she walks over and she goes, Hi, are you Alex Jones?
And she goes, Oh, are the fish going to watch you with little cameras?
And I went, um, no, I mean, I just reported on the appliances watching and listening to people, uh, you know, decades ago from whistleblowers.
I said, it's now confirmed.
I said, isn't it confirmed?
She went, just kept smiling.
And I was like, okay, well, I mean, I, I, are you just trying to just hit on me or something?
And I guess that's kind of what it was.
But even for her, she thought that it would just be cutesy to do that.
It's not cutesy.
You could buy 20 years ago.
In Hong Kong bazaars, this was like CBS News 20 years ago, rhesus monkeys that are part jellyfish and glow blue.
And it's said though that sometimes they, the stinging cells grow too large and then you have to put the monkeys down because it starts burning them.
The stinging cells.
I mean, they were selling jellyfish monkeys 20 years ago.
That's mainstream news, folks.
This isn't a joke.
But we're in this compartmentalized world right next to all this advanced technology, but we can't have a debate about it because the average man is too busy talking about fantasy football, strutting around, acting tough to other men.
There it is, MIT Technology Review.
Oh, they'll tell us about it.
Glowing monkeys inherit jellyfish genes.
Oh, MIT told us eight years ago.
Folks, I'm telling you, I mean, I was reading this stuff on air 15, 16, 17 years ago.
But again, it doesn't matter.
Trevor Noah will edit it out, and I'll go, there's little monkeys that are part jellyfish, and it's painful, and they'll just go, ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, even though their editors know they cut out the clips where I showed you the articles.
Sean Unveil's gene technology to create superhumans with hypermuscular test tube dogs.
They're not test tube dogs.
Scroll down, look at one.
More than a decade ago, China rolled out human milk producing cows.
They're part human.
Okay, let's go ahead now and go back to Trevor Noah, then I'll go to your calls.
Here's the rest of this BS.
Humanoids cross with fish, so mermaids.
You hate mermaids?
Who hates mermaids?
Now, you wouldn't think that guy has much in common with, say... Hit pause.
Back it up ten seconds.
So, you got humans crossed with aquatic life.
And they're gulping, and they're horrified, and they're in cages, just like a turtle, you know, a huge turtle at the zoo.
They got those San Antonio zoos, got like the biggest alligator-stamped turtle I've ever seen in a tank, basically the size of his body.
And it's just like, ooh!
I mean, I feel for it.
But see, he doesn't want you to feel.
Now I'm racist against mermaids, see?
I don't want these creatures living in cages.
I want to have a debate about it.
I want them to have rights.
And so, I'm a bigot!
See how that works?
Let's continue.
It's cross with fish, so mermaids.
You hate mermaids?
Who hates mermaids?
Now, you wouldn't think that guy has much in common with, say, Hollywood Gwyneth Paltrow, the founder of Goop.
That's her website where she markets an alternative brand of wellness that, for some reason, her followers pay actual money for.
I've always been that person.
But Big Pharma, they have drug ads, they have all their other ads on there, where at the end of the drug ad it tells you all the ways it can kill you, the opioids, the Prozac-type drugs, the blood thinners, all the fake statins that literally eat your brain and eat your liver and admit it to be total frauds, and Tylenol that's worse than a bottle of Jack Daniels they now admit, you know, give that to kids, that's okay.
They run all this poison.
Bisexualize your kids, and then they make fun of Gwyneth Paltrow that she dare have her own line of supplements because that might cut in on Jeff Bezos and Whole Foods and Amazon and the 600 million a year to fund the Washington Post trying to kill the recovery of this country.
The word is you don't get to sell products and then fund your own political views.
You watch our big pharma ads and get ready to drop dead because these little guys are funny.
They're the anointed comics on Trevor Noah.
Here it is.
Who has sort of introduced the culture or the media to things that people think are weird.
I usually make my own smoothie with a lot of different moon juice powders.
There's great proteins and adaptogens and things to help with adrenal fatigue.
Oh my gosh, adrenal fatigue.
Oh my gosh, all these herbs and things and eating healthy.
Oh my, it's so easy.
This is whacked out!
This healthy looking woman and she's telling you about, you know, how to take things for your immune system when they admit our immune systems are cratering.
This woman is the enemy!
Let's continue.
Perhaps nothing is more interesting than the TMI topic of vaginal steaming.
She was in a movie about chemtrails too.
Vaginal steaming.
So everybody's always known from the Native Americans, you name it.
Go get in the hot water, steam your body.
You know, they'll tell you, people that have other problems with their bodies, go steam for your skin, for your body.
But oh, oh, this is kooky.
This is kooky.
Again, only mainstream media can be your guru.
Let's go back to it.
Vaginal steaming?
That phrase is both too much information and somehow not enough information.
Well, it's pretty clear to me, frankly.
Okay, but I'm confused.
Why are we talking about Gwyneth Paltrow and Alex Jones?
Because they show us how not divided America is.
You think they have nothing in common, but they do.
On both their websites, they push a lot of the same strange dietary supplements.
The exact same supplements.
They just market them differently.
Take Maca, a supplement that's said to increase sex drive, which I bought but do not need.
On Goop, you can find maca in their Moon Juice Sex Dust.
But on InfoWars, it's Super Male Vitality!
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!
Both sites also recommend alternative remedies like Active Silver, Oolathera Root, and Deboned Salmon Enemas.
Hey, pause!
I wonder why they're so similar, because we go out and research what's known to really work, what's clean sources, and doesn't have side effects, and is seen as FDA, key term, grass certified.
Meaning the government says it's safe and good.
Do you understand?
That's why we sell it, because it's popular, because it works.
And ours is cold pressed and concentrated into a fine oil.
Quite frankly, better than the powder.
We also sell AndroPlex at a lower price, the same as her sex dust.
Why is it so similar?
I didn't even know she sold this.
Because these are the things that WORK!
That's why we sell them.
We want them to WORK!
So you buy them again, DUH!
It gets funnier.
Who do we got coming up?
We got Lord Knight.
I'm gonna call this a little bit with him.
I promise, I'm going to Debbie, I'm going to Mailman, I'm going to Gus, I'm going to Eric, I'm going to Craig.
But I gotta finish this as well.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
Hour number four is straight ahead.
If you simply spread the link and spread the word, nothing can stop you.
You are the human intelligence.
We will override the AI and be victorious because of you.
Stay with us.
Hour number four is only 70 seconds away.
This is the Info War.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Aquaman summons three giant whales!
We must keep the Internet free from communistic government restrictions and parameters.
Because it would stop memes and erase heroes.
Don't believe me?
Look at China.
Chinese President Xi Jinping was famously memed with Barack Obama in 2013, when a picture of the two was compared to a picture of Winnie the Pooh and Tigger too.
This happened again after an awkward handshake with Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was compared to a handshake between Pooh and Eeyore.
Other images, such as Winnie the Pooh in a car, have been memed alongside President Xi in his limo.
But because the meme of President Xi and Winnie the Pooh has gotten so popular, China has now censored it from the internet.
This is commonplace in Communist China, as a recently deceased political dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Liu Xiaobo,
...has had his name completely censored from the virtual world.
Try sending his name in a message to a friend, and the message will disappear into cyberspace.
Xiaobo died in Chinese custody, and most people in China have no idea who he is.
Keep the internet free in America.
Stop net neutrality.
Save meme magic.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroeder.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Another time.
Another time.
In the Age of Wonder.
In the Age of Wonder.
We're about to go back to where we were.
Another time.
We're about to go back to the future.
His life was green and blue.
We can't tell the truth.
You instinctively know it.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
We're into hour number four.
I'm going to coast a little bit with David Knight, who's coming in the next segment.
I'm going to go to your phone calls.
I promise.
But let me finish up with the demonization of Gwyneth Paltrow and yours truly for daring to sell supplements, the very same compounds, because we want to sell the best sellers, you know, that's what works, just recompound and make them better, that Whole Foods sells.
The GNC sells.
I mean, we sell, I know for a fact, coming out this week, the same whey powder that a top company sells it nationwide for, and we're going to sell it for $6 less per container.
Same thing.
Other stuff I'm selling for way less than what, I mean, but again, D Magazine and others said, look, he sells coffee.
They believe that you're so weak-minded that you think it's kooky.
That I, there it is on screen, that I would sell coffee.
Are Gwyneth Paltrow and Alex Jones on the same alt health page?
Again, this is like just attempts to create this synergy because they know putting my name in things gets ratings up.
Which is great!
It's great for us, too.
It's just that, believe me, the failing, dying media has to pick fights with us to get attention.
But in the aggregate, they have a much bigger audience, all of them together, so I play along with them as I'm sucking their audience out of them and waking them up and loving every minute of it.
So let's go back to the demonization piece with some teleprompter reading, guys, that a whole room full of writers put together.
Here it is.
Both sites also recommend alternative remedies like active silver, ulithyraroot, and deboned salmon enemas.
Okay, I made that last one up, but... Back it up again.
Notice they say poison there.
They mix in pretty much subliminally, just like they put a Hitler mustache.
Very lightly on the cover of, was it Time or Newsweek?
I forget.
Donald Trump Jr.
where it says, caught red-handed.
Pull that up for me, please.
Poseidon extreme.
And then it's got ocean flow formula.
Again, none of that's true.
Again, Hitler mustache.
The Russians aren't even communists anymore.
Lie after lie after lie.
Let's continue.
Okay, I made that last one up, but we all know when you lose the bones, you lose the health benefits.
Okay, Michael, so Gwyneth Paltrow puts the same herbs in her green smoothies as Alex Jones puts on his pizza steaks, but I still don't understand what this has to do with a divided America.
Of course not, you don't have a medical degree.
Trevor, do you know what this is?
A horseshoe?
This is a symbol of a political theory named the Horseshoe Theory of Politics.
Now it states the far left and the far right, rather than being at opposite ends of a linear political continuum, in reality closely resemble one another, much like the ends of a horseshoe.
So it's actually a horseshoe.
Gwyneth is here.
Alex is here.
Pretty close.
In fact, the extreme fringes have a ton in common.
Both don't believe in vaccines.
Both think 9-11 was an inside job.
Both like birds.
You know, when you think about it, the movie Birdman, isn't that really just a fancy duck dynasty?
Birdman is nothing like duck dynasties.
The point is, maybe we can all learn from the extremes and focus on what brings us together.
A healthy skepticism of authority and, well,
A powdered drink that gives you boners.
I mean if it'll bring us together in America.
The true political spectrum is tyranny on one end, liberty on the other, and where you want to be in that spectrum.
And a libertarian constitutional republic is about 80% towards basically total anarchy.
But you can't ever have total anarchy because then it always creates back to the first stage.
But you want as most limited government, all based on individual achievement.
That builds men.
Just giving people things creates monsters.
That's a historical fact.
We'll be right back with your phone calls, I promise, right out of the gates.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
They misrepresent it because they hate it, because it will defeat them.
Joining us now is Mark Dice.
I'm sure you know all about him by now.
Just reached over a million subscribers on YouTube.
New videos every day.
He's also an author.
His latest book is The Bilderberg Group, Facts and Fiction.
I don't know how much longer they can cling on to this conspiracy theory about Russia.
I mean, they might drag it on another few months.
It's been seven months now since the election.
You don't know of anyone that's ever been charged for hoping something.
Is that a fair statement?
I don't as I sit here.
Thank you, thank you Mr. Chairman.
You can hope horrible things onto someone.
That's not a threat.
That's not a direction.
I took it as a direction.
As the President of the United States, with me alone saying, I hope this, I took it as, this is what he wants me to do.
I didn't obey that, but that's the way I took it.
You may have taken it as a direction, but that's not what he said.
It's just insane.
Even Chris Matthews has admitted that the whole Russia collusion conspiracy theory has come apart.
The assumption of the critics of the President, of his pursuers you might say, is that somewhere along the line in the last year, the President had something to do with colluding with the Russians.
Something to do with helping hand, encouraging them, feeding their desire to affect the election in some way.
Some role they played, some conversation he had with Michael Flynn, or Paul Manafort, or somewhere.
And yet what came apart this morning was that theory.
Let's not forget, during some of his previous testimony and another time, several months ago, he said that people will occasionally in the Justice Department say that, quote, we don't think there's a crime here, or, you know, they'll give, quote, their opinions to us, but never a directive to actually close a case.
And some of his language was so bizarre.
Captain Courageous.
Oh Lordy.
I mean, golly gee, Mr. Comey.
I just don't see a case here.
The guy needs to go away, crawl back into the hole that he came out of.
His bag's under his eyes so big, I could put my groceries in them.
And if we're going to go off of the intent being one of the primary reasons for indicting someone, President Trump did not intend that hoping was a direct order.
And if he wasn't spelling it out in his words, then what was he doing?
Sending him signals
It's like, if you're the President of the United States, and you see this waste of time, waste of money, waste of resources, waste of energy, waste of everything, of course you want it stopped.
But he's smart enough to know that Comey is a snake, so he was like, well, I hope you end this.
He didn't.
He said, okay, you fire it.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, coming up, what is it?
August 20th, David Nights could be the first guy to kick off the new line of broadcasts we're gonna have here.
And then coming up on September 4th, we're going to kick off with Owen Schroer, Roger Stone, and of course, Mike Cernovich.
That's going to be a very, very powerful transmission every day at 4 o'clock to 3 o'clock Central, 4 o'clock Eastern.
So that's all coming up.
I'm going to go right to your calls for folks who have been holding patiently Debbie, Baste, Mailman, Gus, Eric, and Craig in this segment.
But David, tell folks what you've got coming up.
Well Alex, we talked on Friday about this GOP operative who was going to expose the Clintons and we talked about the suspicious circumstances of his suicide.
Now we've got a Haitian official who's going to testify on Tuesday about the Clinton Foundation in Haiti.
And he committed suicide
And Pocahontas said that was the plan.
That's right.
And Ezekiel Emanuel said that was the plan.
And we told people, it's designed to screw you over by big mega banks.
And the left said, no, no it's not.
It's something free for me.
Just like I'm going to win the Nigerian email.
I'm rich now.
The lottery's real.
They just will not admit they're conned.
And then they want to go get more worthless educations.
And they want to make us their slaves because they're chumps to the globalists.
So how do we protect ourselves from all these chumps?
Well, you know, interestingly, Alex, on Friday when we talked about this, you mentioned the fact that while you got the National Democrats like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren who are trying to push this single-payer system, in California they've been looking at it for a long time.
Jerry Brown, who's now the governor, back in the 90s was campaigning on that, and he just said, you can't solve a problem by making the problem bigger.
Where's the money going to come from?
And finally they hit the wall, like Venezuela or North Korea.
They're about to collapse, and then guess what?
You ain't getting nothing now!
That's right.
Once you wreck everything, you dumb slobs that love the New World Order, you destroyed the golden goosey-woosey.
I mean, again, I hate the globalists, but they're all exempt offshore, and they talk about the public like they're the biggest idiots on Earth.
And when I've been invited to go to the Kissinger Group, or invited to join the globalists, and offered $10 million contracts, all that, people go, oh, you weren't offered that, now look, we're ten times bigger than that.
Just like people go, oh, you didn't have, you know, 7 million views of that video this weekend.
Oh, I'm sorry, it's like 10 billion now.
People just can't understand.
We are for real!
Do you have that through your head?!
We know what we're talking about!
We want you to be prosperous!
We want to turn things around!
We're the good guys!
That's why everybody wants to come to America!
Because we are good guys and we have a conscience, but we can be guilted into going along with globalist garbage because we have such a big conscience.
And the final equation is good people, every race, color and creed that are one race, the red-blooded race, to stop being chumps.
Be nice to people that deserve it, but stop rolling over and being pushed around.
This country was founded on not trusting the government.
This country was founded on having small government.
It was founded on not worshipping royalty.
Why are we worshipping Queen Elizabeth and the rest of her inbred moron family?
That is not America, David!
You know, absolutely, Alex, and when we look at what's going on with the health care situation, Rand Paul said that this is welfare, this is a super fund for the insurance companies, but you can also see what's happening on the Republican side.
We've got Mitch McConnell handing out massive favors to individual senators to buy their votes, and it's the center of the Republican Party that is at war with Trump, that is at war with the agenda that GOP voters have voted for every election.
And by the way, they admitted
Obamacare's meant to get worse and worse, and as it gets worse, the bailouts to the big banks get worse, and your health care gets worse, and then the actuary computers to save it will fully take control of health care now and manage it all, and then unless you're part of the elite, you're not going to get health care anymore.
Welcome to Idiotville!
How many liberals have called or on the street gone, I wish it was like England or Cuba where I get free health care?
Hey Dumbo!
It's horrible health care in those countries, Dumbo.
Let's talk about what's going on in England.
We got that little baby, 11-month-old Charlie Gard, that Trump said, hey, if we can help, we'll help.
We had a hospital, Columbia University, say, we've got an experimental treatment, and yet they won't let this kid go.
Because they want to set the precedent that you don't get the health care?
You are obsolete, little baby!
If they are the single payer, they will have the single decision as to what happens to your health care.
Because we're all in this together as single payer, and you getting too much treatment takes from me!
We have a set some pie, and some nyeh-nyeh-nyeh-nyeh!
They're all these, oh my gosh, let's go to phone calls!
Let's go to Debbie in the great state of New Jersey!
You're on the air, come on down!
Let's get ready to rumble!
Are you there, Debbie?
Yes, I'm sorry.
I just wanted to say that the demons in our government are laughing at us every time anybody talks about the Constitution of the United States of our forefathers because they know full well that we're operating under the Constitution of the Corporation of the United States and we need to encourage Trump
Yes, in 1913 we got the income tax, we got the Federal Reserve, we got the 17th Amendment to bring our senators from the states elected by the legislature.
The House was generally elected, but the Senate was a creature of the states.
That was when the real balance went out, and you're right.
They declare a civil emergency every year with a sergeant of arms, and that's how they ignore everything.
It's important for people to understand what the Constitution is so they understand that we're not under it.
That's why we point out these discrepancies between what they do and what the Constitution says.
Great point, Debbie.
Anything else?
Yeah, also, they're taxing.
They're not explaining the difference between income and wages.
They're taxing our work wages, so you're getting paid for half an hour's work.
That's right.
They're not even supposed to do that under the Constitution.
That's in the Communist Manifesto.
So I'm just saying that if Trump would push more to abolish this criminal entity, that we would gain our sovereignty and learn how to discharge our debts.
Great point, Debbie.
Thank you for holding.
You're awesome.
And you know, that's the big issue here.
Is that true?
Millions of conservatives, libertarians, veterans groups, 501c3s.
I mean, they've been a true terrorist organization.
Caught red-handed.
Their abuses continue.
They're unconstitutional.
Trump needs to go after the Internal Revenue Service.
He needs to do it.
They're already trying to bring him down.
Why not go all the way?
Thank you, Debbie.
Let's take another call here.
Let's talk to Mailman in California, from the great state of California.
Mailman, go ahead.
Hello, can you hear me?
Yes I can, my friend.
Alright, I'm calling for an opportunity for Infowarriors to give a black eye to Bezos through Amazon and his shady dealings.
Yes, they get $1.48 from every taxpayer on every item they ship.
A little special deal for them.
I want to encourage every Infowarrior out there to look up this article by the Wall Street Journal where it all gets explained.
Google, do a search engine on that.
And USPS, Amazon, and Priority or Special Delivery, I think is what the name of the article was.
Just like, guess who made over $10 billion on the Obama phone?
Carlos Slim of Mexico!
$10 billion to his fat little wallet, screwing over taxpayers for free phones!
And then he buys the New York Times and shovels anti-American propaganda down our throat!
That's Carlos Slim, who was in Congress last week asking them to censor the new media because it's costing him money!
What an arrogant piece of garbage!
Go ahead, mailman.
Infowarriors out there, if you guys read this, understand it.
Once you know it, and you know that they're breaking up the law, because there's a law from 2006 that says you treat first-class mail a certain way, and these Amazon packages are taking priority over it, and that's against the law.
It is against the law, absolutely, but it's okay.
Bezos is only worth $89 million.
He only wants your guns, wants your family, wants you sterilized, wants world government, gets CIA money, owns the Washington Post.
He's only sworn to
I'm sorry, he's $85.1 billion today.
Ah, good point, Mr. Mailman.
Can I say something here, Alex?
You know, it illustrates the leverage that these guys have.
Because he's got the Washington Post, and that's big leverage that he got.
And he got it for a song.
This guy who got $20 billion increase in net worth just the first five months of this year bought Washington Post for one quarter of a billion dollars.
And then he got CIA $600 million to basically fund his operation.
And then all of us pay him money on every package.
$1.48 and it's illegal because Bezos is a liberal.
Oh, just like Apple owns the most enslaved factories with suicide nets on the roofs and in the stairwells.
And they force abort because they're all like little liberal trendy nerd guys.
So it's okay, they own slave camps.
Yeah, and they get this kind of leverage from the... But his name's Bezos!
He's liberal!
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, you look at that little bit of money that he used to get... But it's okay, because he's liberal.
But he's liberal and you're not.
He has moral high ground!
Zuckerberg has moral high ground!
That's right.
Zuckerberg helps Muslims round up people that criticize Allah and who are executed, and he helps them get executed.
I like Facebook!
Say, thank you Zuckerberg!
No, that's okay.
You don't want to worship him?
Look at him laughing.
I'm liberal!
I'm sorry.
Okay, thank you mailman.
Let's talk to... Let's talk to Eric.
Eric in Wisconsin, come on down.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Well, I'm in pretty good mood today.
Well, that's always a good thing.
So, um, the other day I was sailing out talking to my wife and it really dawned on me because I study history too.
And you thought about Zuckerberg looks like a vampire?
I'm sorry.
Well he kind of does actually now that you mention it.
Um, well basically they are really taking everything from the ancient gods and redoing it to us.
Yes, everything you read about in mythology, from human-animal crosses to elites, you know, living on armored mountaintops, it's all happening again, yes.
Almost like it happened before.
We just had Micron become Jupiter.
He said, I am the god Jupiter.
I rule.
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, so basically, when I told my wife that, she kind of looked at me cross-eyed.
I said, think about it.
They think that it's their right to meddle in our lives for absolutely no reason.
I just, it's amazing sometimes, and most people don't see it.
Well, you have to understand, with these sociopaths, psychopaths, and others, they love to throw it in your face, and as they get more power, they get more reckless.
They're crying out for help.
Not their psychopathic cerebral cortex, but the overall humanity that's still in them wants to kill them.
And so they, that's why they always lead us to wars and death, and then if nobody will take them out, you know, they usually commit suicide.
Because they just want to kill everybody because they want to kill themselves.
But they sit up there and say, I am the great and powerful Oz!
I am invincible!
But when the little dog pulls back the curtain, well then you see that it's the little man back there who's been scared all along.
And then I have one other thing too because I have been a listener to you the last few years and
I used to tell people, you know, get off the fence, do something.
I actually did, because I am a patriot.
So I started a social media website based on freedom of speech, since everyone wants to seem to take it away from us.
So it's called voiceanything.com.
I basically combined... Yeah, your phone broke up when you said the name of the website.
It broke up when you said the name of the website.
What was it?
That's a great name.
Thank you so much.
I'll check it out.
And again, folks, it's important when you leave Facebook in places or create your own website or have a website you're on, then use Facebook to draw people into the free open web.
It's the fake corporate cable on the internet system that they admit they want to, you know, dominate and control everybody with.
So what you do is you use them to then push to your new platform.
Let me ask you this question, we're going to go to Craig.
We know it's a big pharma wanting to make money, and we know they criticize us showing high quality known supplements that people need, like vitamin mineral mixes and amino acids.
I mean, oh my gosh, how evil.
Higher absorption rate.
Oh, we're selling coal silver, or coffee, or shampoo, how evil.
Fluoride free toothpaste, how kooky.
But, they admit opioid
Prescriptions have gone up 100% the last year, and I was reading in the last five years it's like 300%, and suddenly I know a lot of people who I've been friends with who are just out of my life.
Because they're on opioids and are just, they live and watch TV now and basically take opiates.
I mean, it is just everywhere.
And it's, thank God, the few times I've taken, I'm allergic to them.
You know, I had compound fracture and stuff.
You know, shoot me up with morphine.
I started vomiting everywhere for five hours.
I just don't, I mean, clearly they did it on purpose, but who green-lighted, let's just flood opium everywhere and opioid derivatives?
Maybe it was Petraeus and the CIA when they were in Afghanistan, you know, because that's what basically happened in Afghanistan.
We went there.
You saw the opium production skyrocketing.
It went from 7% in 2001 to 93% of global production by 2015.
That's right.
Record crops every year.
So what are they going to do with that?
Well, they need to get some money for that crop that they're raising.
So it's probably something like the crack cocaine epidemic we saw, Alex.
I wouldn't be surprised if we got some reporter
Who uncovers this at some point in time and finds out that that's exactly what's behind this opioid epidemic.
And then that reporter winds up getting killed, just like we had with Dark Alliance and Gary Webb.
And I love how mainstream media acts like they're exposing all this now, and they're the ones that make the money.
And take Webb.
He was coming on my show in a month when his new book was about to get published and come out, proving all the awards he got were accurate and that there was CIA drug dealing.
And then now they make movies like Sicaro that's based on a composite of true stories.
Now that's been confirmed.
I don't know some of the folks who were actually involved in it, but I'll just leave it at that.
And that was them consolidating three cartels down to one, basically.
And it's admitted that elements of our government bring in the main narcotics.
It happened in Vietnam, but they again act like it's kooky and weird to be learned.
What they do is they take the general public that's not informed and they go, don't be insecure.
Call someone informed a conspiracy theorist and feel good about laughing at knowledge.
And that's what the modern liberalism is.
Any investigation of what they're doing, any contradiction of their official story is immediately pushed out there as a conspiracy theory.
And Gary Webb was initially, when he put out his investigation, it was excellent.
He won awards.
And then the establishment organized a concerted effort to take him down.
The LA Times and others, they had
The CIA was involved, that's been declassified.
Yeah, exactly.
The LA Times editor was CIA.
Which is what they're doing now to Trump.
I call it the elect spionage, you know, because it's basically the spy services as well as the political establishment, the media establishment that are organized to take Trump down.
And they don't care what is true and what isn't true.
They're going to keep repeating these lies because that's a tactic of propaganda to destroy his reputation.
Remember, if they derail it successfully, they haven't derailed it all.
It's their fault.
They're behind it.
We're winning by fighting.
Think how far we've already come.
Globalism is collapsing.
They're in crisis.
We are having devastating victories.
It doesn't mean they may not kill Trump or myself or others.
But together, we're going over the top.
We're winning.
Craig in New Mexico on the opioids.
Give us your take.
Hi Alex.
You know, I'm calling for the people that actually need the opioids that can't get them.
And there's a lot of us out here, and we are being called drug addicts, and we are not.
Well, that's another paradigm.
They let you get on them, and then they try to take them away from you.
Well, the other thing, too, is what they're doing with medical marijuana, that's helpful for some people to get off of the more dangerous prescription opioids.
But they won't let you.
Sorry, go ahead, Collar.
They will not give the opioids to the people that need them.
And also, on the other hand, they won't give surgery.
I need laser surgery, which they have made me unable to get by $15,000 copay.
And all the doctors in my area that give out the opioids have been taken out.
And it's ridiculous for the people... I have a friend of mine's son call me trying to get pills off me.
And I almost lost my friend because I told him because of people like him, people like me that actually need the drugs cannot get them anymore.
You're talking about palliative care?
I am so tired of being called a drug addict!
And nobody addresses the other end of the spectrum.
Those of us who need them.
Well, part of the drug war is that they have come down on doctors who would prescribe painkillers for people who were suffering from cancer.
Hey, my dad was happy to retire from dentistry.
He only does it, he has his license, but just for the family.
Because they would just give people painkillers for wisdom teeth that were pulled out, and then the state police would show up and go through all their records.
And they were pretty good.
Now the feds completely run it.
And my dad says, look, they've just made health care where it's just impossible.
I mean, because they're wrecking it, folks, because they're just, you know, no more eye surgery.
Here's your cane, you know, and no more knee surgery.
Here's your cane.
Thank you, Craig.
Sorry to hear you're having those problems.
Yes, I know.
I've talked to doctors.
There is the hole in.
What they're doing is, doctors that were giving it to real people that needed it are gone.
It's only if you follow the computer and the HMO when it tells you.
It's when you prescribe it separate.
See, it's all computer.
It's all computerized now, folks.
My dad managed over 100 dental offices, believe me, I know.
Centralized control of health care is what it really is.
Yeah, as long as you follow what the computer says, you're covered because the computer said it.
See, the doctors didn't want to only follow what it says.
And it's all actuaries done by bioethicists and algorithms.
Remember the headline last year?
IBM decides when troops get care?
They go, oh, we weren't doing death panels at these VA bases.
It was the computer deciding.
I'm just calling in today to sound the alarm.
You know, the last couple months with the release of the Puerto Rican nationalist guy that was at the front of the Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York, there's been a lot of articles about the island of Puerto Rico.
Now, I'm an American of Hispanic descent living down here in the Sunshine State, and I can tell you just from what I've seen in the last few years, we've been flooded with people from the island of Puerto Rico.
Well, according to a lot of people... Hold on, I'm going to come back to you.
I mean, David's got a whole show prepared, and I apologize, but soon he'll have more air time than he'll ever want.
We're going to come back and finish up with you, because I want to hear this, because, yeah, it's going under, it's bankrupt, just like we are if we don't have this recovery.
And so I want to hear your take on that, because that's the thing.
If Trump isn't successful, I mean, it's going to be a depression.
We'll be back with David Knight.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, set aside the alienation.
Get on with the fascination.
Alright, David Knight's taking over.
I wanted to finish up with Gus, just briefly.
Ladies and gentlemen...
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You have built InfoWars.
You are the InfoWar.
And so take pleasure and satisfaction in knowing... Yes.
We would be in dire straits right now, this country and this world, if we weren't seeing this nationalist awakening globally that isn't perfect, but is instinctive in the right direction and is sending shockwaves across the world.
David, what would you call this time we're in today?
Well, it's really a real crisis, isn't it?
I mean, we've got danger and opportunity right at the same time.
And this could go either way.
That's why it's so important for us to get behind Trump.
And it's important for Trump to get behind his agenda.
We've had an article last week where I was talking about that.
It was actually coming out of the Washington Post.
I said, for the first time, I agree with Washington Post.
He has these massive rallies.
He's incredibly popular.
And if you could pull people together and get them to hammer these establishment Republicans who don't care anything about
That's right, they're never going to compromise.
He's got to rally the troops to remove the establishment Republicans, to remove the Democrats.
They are a cancer.
All they want is their job and you tell them you're not going to have your job if you don't stand with what we voted for.
And I want to go to Gus and then have you take over because in your stack today was Puerto Rico and in your stack was Illinois.
We're not taking pleasure that Puerto Rico's going under.
We're not taking pleasure in Illinois in deep trouble under globalist management.
A lot of great people in that state.
It's coming everywhere.
You think California's bad?
Is infected by this, and when it starts falling, it's gonna be like, it's gonna be like dominoes.
So Gus was bringing up, what's going on in Puerto Rico?
Go ahead, Gus.
Well, yeah, you know, they're being crushed with $122 billion in debt.
And, you know, Puerto Rico historically votes 80 plus percent Democrat.
A lot of people may not know this, but even though they're not a state, Puerto Ricans, when they're born, they're basically citizens and they come and go as they wish without a green card.
The problem is, is that crushing debt has, over the last decade, pushed about almost 20% of the island's population into the United States.
Historically, they go to the Northeast, but over the last 10 years, they flooded into Central Florida and Orlando.
My fear is, is that the Trump train won't go any further than 2020, because all the Puerto Ricans that are running here into Central Florida are going to flip Florida permanently blue.
So I think we all need to write our congressmen and just kind of rid ourselves of the island, because
We're not going to get Republican votes from these guys, and they're anti-Trump pretty much across the board.
Why is it that Cubans that have been under communism go 90% Republican?
Not that the Republicans are perfect, but it's better than pure communism.
Why don't the Puerto Ricans or the Venezuelans or anybody get... Socialism doesn't work!
It's a nightmare!
Well, the problem, the thing with Cubans is now you can look at them two different ways.
You're pre-Mariel boatlift Cuban.
You know, they're very capitalist.
And a lot of them, the reason they vote Republican is because they hate Kennedy for bailing on the Bay of Pigs.
But your post-Mariel Cuban is more likely born and raised under socialism.
And all these young Cubans, they tend to vote Democrat.
So that Cuban stronghold the Republican Party has, it's fading and it's fading fast.
But Puerto Rico is going to be more impactful a lot quicker.
They're pushing for statehood so we can wipe the debt off their books.
No, I understand.
I just don't get how you leave communism or socialism and then you come somewhere else and then try to recreate it.
It's like Californians
Yeah, or New Yorkers.
Yeah, they come here and then they want to do what they did there.
And I'm like, listen, stay there if you want to have state income taxes.
I mean, Texas already has high taxes just compared to California.
They're low.
I mean, I pay so many taxes.
They don't understand why the area that they're coming from is collapsing.
That's the key thing.
They don't understand in New York or
Or Michigan, or in California, why those areas are collapsing.
I've been out before, like hiking, and somebody will just throw a beer can down.
And I'm not some huge environmentalist, but I don't want to see beer cans everywhere.
And I'm like, dude, you need to pick your beer can up.
Oh, somebody else will do it.
And it's like, you know what?
I don't like when I'm in a river, stepping on a beer can or a bottle, cutting my foot open.
I go, pick your beer can up.
And it's the same thing.
I use the allegory of peeing in the pool.
People will do it.
Don't think everybody else is doing it?
Like, it's weird.
I guess when I was like a kid that I'd get up and go to the bathroom at the pool, everybody else was just peeing in it.
And I guess that's really... It's like, I don't get in the fast lane and drive slow.
I get out of the fast lane.
The public's so dumb, especially people with Democrat stickers.
It's usually Democrats, you know, coexist stickers, whatever, that are in the fast lane going under the speed limit.
They don't even know they're obstructionists, David.
Yeah, well, you know, when you look at the situation in terms of taxes, they think somebody else is going to pay for this.
They think somebody, just like your analogy, they think somebody else is going to pick up the can.
Well, they're happy to kick this can down the road because they believe that it's going to be somebody else who's taxed and not them.
And that's the key delusion that they operate under in these areas under Democrat control.
They're always told they're going to get something from government, but it's never going to cost them anything.
That's the core mentality.
And they're throwing cigarette butts and tin cans and baby diapers all over the trail.
And they don't even understand it's messing the trail up for them.
They think they're getting ahead.
And that's the dirtball equation.
And, I mean, I want to start a national movement.
I want $5,000 fines when you're in the fast lane driving below the speed limit.
I mean, I'm not a road rager, but I do when somebody's going 45 in a 60.
I mean, I do drive beside him and I go, that's the fast lane!
I go, fast lane!
You get out of it!
It's the passing lane!
You know, go back to driver safety!
Gus, thank you for the call.
David, take over.
Thanks for letting me take over 42 minutes of transmission.
I know you've got a full plate there, so we really appreciate you.
Sure, yeah.
Nightly News coming up tonight, 7 o'clock as well.
Keep going, David.
And August 21st, new show, in the morning, 8 to 11.
It's going to be an early morning show, so tune in.
We're going to have a lot of breaking news as it happens at sunrise.
This is going to be starting at 0-dark-30 for me and others who are coming in here.
I want to talk about this Haitian official, because I think this is interesting in light of the fact we just had another GOP operative who was found committed suicide.
There's no political killings.
Lincoln died of natural causes.
So did Kennedy.
That's right.
That's right.
Lead poisoning.
In this case that we talked about on Friday, this guy's name was Peter Smith, and he was found with a bag around his head and helium attached to it, and he had written a suicide note saying, no foul play whatsoever, I did this because I've got an expiring life insurance policy of five million dollars.
Now, that right there should tell you that something is wrong.
Jerry Webb wrote one of those letters.
Not before he shot himself twice in the head with a shotgun.
Yeah, no foul play here.
Don't worry about this.
Nobody writes that in a suicide note.
And the very fact that he says, I'm doing this because I want to collect insurance.
Well, you're not going to collect insurance on a suicide.
I don't know who's got a policy that pays on suicides.
But now we have a Haitian official who was supposed to testify on Tuesday talking about the corruption in Haiti.
He has now been found dead by gunshot wound that has been reported, registered as a suicide by the government.
They say this man's name was Eberwine, Klaus Eberwine.
He was a former Haitian government official who is expected to expose the extent of Clinton's foundation corruption and malpractice.
He was going to do it next week.
He was found dead in Miami at the age of 50 with a gunshot wound.
Not long before his death, he acknowledged that his life was in danger because he was going to expose corruption in the Clinton Foundation.
How many times have we heard this before?
We had the DC Madam come on with Alex Jones and saying, and Alex said, you're not thinking about committing suicide.
Absolutely not.
I'm not going to do this.
We had Aaron Schwartz.
He was taking on the NSA and the Intelligence Surveillance Establishment, fighting them over SOPA, CISPA, and ACTA, PIPA, all these different variants that they had come up with.
He had defeated them multiple times.
This guy was a fighter.
He was getting in their face.
He was not somebody who was going to be cowed down by a prosecutor, and yet we were told that after they came against him with trumped-up charges,
That he committed suicide because he's concerned about 30 years in jail.
The wife of the prosecutor who was coming after him, Carmen Ortiz, her husband, because she was getting criticized for all this, said she offered him a deal of only like 30 days to get out of this, not 30 years, if he would just plead guilty to something.
I don't
I'm good.
But then we find out, as he's talking about this, he said in his estimation, he was accused actually of fraud and corruption.
He said, no, it's not me, it's the government, it's the Clintons.
And what he said with that was there was only 0.6% of donations granted by international donors to the Clinton Foundation.
Actually went to Haitians.
He said another 9.6% went to the Haitian government.
The remaining 89.8% or 5.4 billion dollars was funded to non-Haitian organizations.
So there's two ways that the Haitians are getting ripped off in this.
After a natural disaster, people send a lot of money to them, and of course, as we always see, corrupt governments take a big cut of that.
But in this case, it was really more organizations like the Clinton Foundation that didn't turn the money over to them.
They just kept it.
They fundraised off of the earthquake, off of the tragedy, but then didn't do anything with the money.
That's one aspect of it.
The other thing, as we've talked about,
As we've interviewed people from Haiti, talking about what's going on there.
Why are the Clintons so interested in Haiti?
Well, because there's a vast amount of mineral wealth there that's tied up in the land.
And they want to be able to get the access to that mineral wealth, just as we saw the Clintons involved with the sale of 20% of our uranium to the Russians.
They want to get their claws on what is happening in Haiti, even though it is one of the poorest countries in the world.
We just had some friends get back from a
A vacation in the Dominican Republic, which is on the same island, Hispaniola, as Haiti is.
The per capita income in the Dominican Republic is about a quarter of what it is here in the United States.
It's $17,000.
In the U.S.
it's just under $60,000 per capita income.
They said the people there were desperately poor, they were constantly coming after them for money and that sort of thing, but they said they had massive
Border wall and fence to keep the Haitians out.
Because even though the per capita income in Dominican Republic is only about $17,000, in Haiti it's only $769.
So we're the poorest, if not the poorest country in the world, setting on some of the wealthiest reserves of minerals and other things in Haiti.
That's why the Clintons are there.
And as this article from SHTF
Plan.com points out Eberwine was expected to testify, but then he winds up committing suicide shortly before.
Where have we seen this before?
Well, we've seen it all the time from the Clintons, haven't we?
Think about Vince Foster.
Think about all these other people that we have seen, the many Clinton-sides that happen over and over again.
Real quickly, I want to talk about Rand Paul and what he had to say about health care, because I think he is spot-on with what's going on.
He said it's a giant bailout super fund for insurance companies.
And he said this over the weekend, he said, I think the longer the bill is out there, the more conservative Republicans are going to discover that it does not repeal, and the more that everybody's going to discover that it keeps the fundamental flaw of Obamacare.
He said that on Face the Nation yesterday.
He said basically what the Republicans are trying to do is to subsidize the death spiral of Obamacare.
That's precisely what McConnell and the so-called centrist Republicans are doing.
They're the establishment, and there's no difference between these people and the Democrats.
Let's understand that.
He said, it also has nothing to do with repeal.
Rand Paul said, I mean, we promised the voters that for four elections.
Four elections!
When are they going to keep their promise?
He said, I'm not for any more taxpayer money going to an industry that makes $15 billion a year.
They're getting their subsidies.
Where are they getting it?
As we pointed out with Jerome Corsi, they're stealing all of the assets of the now profitable Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac investments.
These are things that people have invested in.
As I said, my father, when he was preparing for his retirement, he's now deceased, but he had invested money into these types of investments, Fannie and Freddie.
There were conservative real estate mortgages that were guaranteed by the government and yet it is the government that came in after Congress would not fund Obamacare, came in and took all the money there.
They did what they called a net asset sweep, took everything out of it.
It's basically what we call theft.
And that's the way they're funding many of these subsidies, that and massive taxes.
I think one of the most interesting things that came out of this over the last couple of days, this was all introduced on Friday, we saw the cruise amendment coming in and then we saw insurers coming out in opposition to the cruise amendment.
Why would they oppose something that would allow them to offer different products?
They don't want competition from even other insurers.
They want to make sure that everybody is forced to buy their Cadillac policies.
And when I say Cadillac policies, I mean having to buy maternity insurance if you're a young single male.
They want everybody to pay for everything.
And then they can justify higher and higher rates.
People who are paying for this, and not getting it from subsidized stolen money,
See that their insurance rates are going up, that they're skyrocketing.
And we have these insurers now who don't want to have any competition.
So what the Cruz Amendment said was if you sell the mandated policies that are in Obamacare, which the insurance policies, the insurance companies put that in there because that's what they wanted everybody to buy.
Guess what?
They don't want you having a choice.
They don't want anybody offering you anything else.
And if we go back and look at this, all of these prohibitions against selling insurance across state lines,
Probably there, because the insurance companies lobbied for it.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
The news we're about to cover is some of the most powerful, important information I've ever covered.
Elite publications like the Financial Times of London, the New Yorker Magazine, most importantly Atlantic Monthly, have all come out with articles that I'm going to be showing you on screen while our guest is on, saying we need to overthrow President Trump, we need to have new elections and our homeland security, and take all the Republicans that were elected in 2016 and remove them.
They're calling for death, violence.
This is insane.
So I want to ask Colonel Schaefer, former head of the Bin Laden unit, patriot,
With a lot of big connections.
Helped expose Benghazi, you name it.
Works for the London Center for Foreign Policy Research.
Fox contributor.
Where we are currently and how serious the situation is.
Colonel Schaefer, you're more of an expert on this than even I am.
I know that you've worked in some of the most classified areas there are and really had up a lot of things that I'll never see the light of day for this country.
Am I overestimating how serious this is?
No, Ali, thank you for having me on.
And no, you're laying that completely correctly.
You're essentially outlining the situation based on their own verbiage.
And of course, then when they get caught in the open daylight, they then try to say, no, no, no, no, we never said that.
It's all about you.
Same way the deep state goes about saying the deep state doesn't exist.
Yes, we are.
Thank you.
They put out the message to billions of people.
They know people are going to hack.
It's like advertising.
If you put advertising out to billions of people saying, come eat our hamburgers, they're gonna come.
Well, if you put out advertising to billions saying, kill, kill Republicans, kill Trump, kill Alex Jones, kill, kill, kill, it's gonna happen.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Before we get back into the news, I just want to remind you of the July specials that we have extended at InfoWarsStore.com.
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Because again, free shipping storewide.
I don't know how much longer that's going to last, but that's part of our July summer special at InfoWarsStore.com.
Thank you so much for your support.
That's what allows us to grow and to extend the shows and the hours that we're going to be on air.
I want to talk a little bit about this
A report that we see about a lady who came here from Australia, a place where they have no guns.
She doesn't like guns in the United States.
She thinks that she can trust the police to keep her safe at all times.
So she called 911 on Saturday night.
Her name was Justine Damon.
She had come to America.
She had married an American here.
And she had been speaking to the police.
She called the police.
She's standing there in her pajamas.
She's talking to the police through the driver's window.
And then somehow, for some reason, the cop that is sitting in the passenger seat pulls out a gun and shoots her dead.
Absolutely amazing.
How many times have we seen people who call the police?
Get shot by the police.
And this is something that happens way too often.
Anybody can make a mistake.
But I have to say, when we are looking at the situation, for example, in New Mexico, we had that shooting, if you remember, a few years ago of a homeless man, and it was all captured on the police body cams.
And it was very disturbing to see how this went down and how they had been working with this guy for quite some time.
They knew that he was not a danger to them.
They shot him dead from a short distance after they had been talking to him for quite some time.
And at the same time we had someone who was there in New Mexico who had been one of the instructors at the State Police Academy and had been teaching
Officers coming in, training officers for decades say, I am not going to teach your shoot first curriculum.
You have changed the way that we interact with the public.
You have told and you're teaching the officers to shoot first.
And this is an experienced police instructor.
He says, I'm not going to be a part of that.
This is the issue, folks, the training that we have here.
This guy who shot this lady dead was a relatively new officer.
I think he had been working for the police for only about two years, so something of a rookie.
But the real issue is the way that they're training them to shoot first issues.
And when I look at this article that was on the Drudge Report about facial recognition coming to police body cameras, do you realize just how dangerous this is?
We've had situations, I remember seeing, artificial intelligence is going to alert police to suspicious behavior.
And they call the SWAT team on a guy that was essentially trying to change his flat tire.
They saw him kind of lurking around and standing around the outside of the vehicle for a while.
Then he bends down, you can't see him on the other side of the car.
So they thought he was stealing the car, that he's getting under the car and stealing it.
But it was flagged by the artificial intelligence.
When the police are told
That there's some kind of crime going that's ongoing that could be a danger to them.
Then they come with their guns drawn and they're ready to shoot.
And they are instructed to do that.
It is a shoot first curriculum.
That's part of really what we saw with Philando Castile.
Absolutely outrageous that this guy who was pulled over for a minor traffic violation, of course the reason the black community is upset about this, he's pulled over 52 times in a short period for minor traffic violations, never had done anything wrong.
He was licensed to carry, he told them I've got a gun on, and they get in this back and forth and he gets shot seven times.
That was the other part of it.
That is what we have to be concerned about.
Black or white, we have to change the way that the police are engaging with all of us.
We have to get control over that.
Join us tonight for the Infowars Nightly News.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
We must keep the internet free from communistic government restrictions and parameters.
Because it would stop memes and erase heroes.
Don't believe me?
Look at China.
Chinese President Xi Jinping was famously memed with Barack Obama in 2013, when a picture of the two was compared to a picture of Winnie the Pooh and Tigger too.
This happened again after an awkward handshake with Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was compared to a handshake between Pooh and Eeyore.
Other images, such as Winnie the Pooh in a car, have been memed alongside President Xi in his limo.
But because the meme of President Xi and Winnie the Pooh has gotten so popular, China has now censored it from the Internet.
This is commonplace in Communist China, as a recently deceased political dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Liu Xiaobo,
...has had his name completely censored from the virtual world.
Try sending his name in a message to a friend, and the message will disappear into cyberspace.
Xiaobo died in Chinese custody, and most people in China have no idea who he is.
Keep the internet free in America.
Stop net neutrality.
Save meme magic.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroyer.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,